I I'M It ? II I' ? S 5 2 5 S- -"I ^ #1 ^\ f>' ji ^ a S § g 3 I it I Is If MJ 4< ^ I k ^ i- Division v ^ ^ C-— - Section I ^ a» 2 THE INS ' rrvTiON OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, Written in Latpe by M.Iohn Caluinc, and tranflaced ito Englif he according ta the aipors lafl edition, By TH HAS NORTON. Uereunto are newly added fnm yTahUs to finde theprincipall matters entrea^ ted of in this ^ookcj conta mg by order of cornmon places the fumme of the whole doSirine taught in ta fame, and alfo the declaration of places of f crip- ture therein expounded, ' Kt LOND ON fPrinkd by the wide we of Icginaldc WolSe. 1 ANNO DOMINI, xj^ V' ^^ ■^ ^l^i^J^'^"-' T.N. the tranflator to the Reader. ^.<-:rw Ood Reader, here is now oft'red you the third time Printed in Enplini,M. Caluincs kl^ Booke of the Inftxtution of Cnniban Religion, a Booke of great labour to the au- ^1/ thor and of eieat profite to the Giurch of God . M. Caluinc hrllt wrote it when "V// he was a yoSng man, a booke of (mall volume, and fince that leafon he hath at Ijff fundry times publilliedu with new encrcafes, ftiU proiefting at cuery edition him W.9^^-. C^fe' felf CO be one of thofe qmfcr,ben*n<,& f.ofucdofmbHntMMch With their wri- til^Vo E.^^v in proHting,and with their profiting do procede m writing At length hnymg m ma- nv i;^ of K woLs tiaucUcd about expoiition of londry bookes o ny nis ot.Ki w"^^ ^ offondrv common places and matters otdodnne, which being hand- led .ic.oiam lo therefore cntred into tli.s purpolc, to enlarge this booke of In- touJ a'n 1* »"eItef^all,bofet,,lc.anaco™oapU^ Ititui.ons anu . j. , ^ ^ |^ ,o ,„j,c of any foch cauie.lie wouU iiotnewly am- SSrbr/ofSZe™3r"es&e.pofi=,o,,sthetv,,th.bt,,^^ pant nii uujvt^ v^. „<: ';„inp Irarnine As ace and weaknefle grew vponhinijlo he haite- Iroufe andtrealune of that <°"f^'-'^^l^'^^illl, „aner enJcd hi! bfe with his wotke, for he „edhislabor,a„daecordmgtoh.^pcruo,noO^ luednotlonsater^SogKata.^ moft eotnmo,, ''^r '^'^'°« '"^'V/'f ,g^ co:5moditie df the church ofChnft.at the fpeaall re- ,r,,.n.tea,,outofLat,,emoEng^^^^^^^^ <,„<« of nrry dere .rendes "^l"''^^ ^2°'l2Lmnc tonnes , the other her htghnefli Primer of the M,.eft,es P""" '»;■ *'=^^f;SS d m;wo^^^ rn the hlufe of i.y fayd fren'd Edw. Whitchurch bokesofcmBmonlraye: perm^ ""Twnt^TtoeanKaousto do a%rh,og to common good^ as euet I ''""'"^ "8'\7;' ^ edition of this boke.I confidfred how the aiithor tlrerofhad of Ctt^elXltr^ot™;*^ lSb;:!;inIn,elw..ot,tta.r^a^ ZL^ (.Ve liherne after thcnaturall maner of my owne toung, to lay that m Engliihe wnicn l freaS ot t mcf mg In Lat.ne,I plarnly percLued how hardly I -S'-f-f-X^t:" conceauLu ,,nttcr of faith and religion, how penUous it was to erre . Foi I duilt not pre- ceptinfuchfewplaces,wherethe great f -^"f^^fl^^ £ ^oodm t n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ themfelues that companno the one with the otUer,thcy mall both piohte in gooa '^•^"^; ' ^ ^ , . , j„ ^1^^ j^_ wuhvndrrftandmgofdiatfpeach,whcrinthcgreateatrpruresofknm^^^^^ in. hercor;! did not o.u ly truft mine owne wit or ab.l.tie,but examined 'r>^^'^J^;^^^^^^^ tencc to feuenccthrouahout the whole boke,with conference & ouevloking ^f'"^^ '"^^'Tl" 1 ;: m; tr^rtro. banV^owed by their ludgcment, I did both fatifhe mine owne confcience^tb. I i^ THE PREFACE. hid done triiely,& their 3p}>rouing of it might be a good warrant to the reader, that nothing fhould herein be dcliucred him but i'ound vnminglcd and vncorrupted dodrinCjCuen in fuch fort as the au- thor himfelfc had firil: fiamcd it . All that I wrote , the giaue learned and vcituous man M . Dauid Whitehed(v/hom I name with honorable rcmembraunce) did arn5gochcr, copr.re with theLatinr, examining cuer)- fentence throughout the whole booke.Belide all thiS,I priuately required many,&: generally all men with whom I euer had any talke of this m3ttcr,thatif they found any thing either not truely tranflatcdjOr not plainly EngliHiedjthey would cnfoirnc me thereof, promiling either to fatiffc them or to amend u. Since v/hich time I hauenot bene aducrtifed by any man of any thing which they would require to be altered. Neither had I my felfe, by rcafon of my profeflion being o- thciwife occupied,any leafure to perufc it. And that is the caufejwhy not only at the fecond time but alfo at this iniprcfiionjyou haue no chaunge at all in the workt-jbut altogether as it was before. In dede I perceaued many men well minded and ftudious of this bookejto require a table for their eafc andfurthtrance.Their honeftdefirel hauefulhlledinthe fecond edition , and haue added thereto a pleiitifuU table , which is alfo here inicrted whici c 1 haue tranflated out of theLatine, wherein the principall matters difcourfed in this booke are nr.mcd by their due titles in order of Alphabete , and vnder euery title is fet forth a brccfe fumme of the whole dodrinc tau2,ht m this booke , concerninge the matter belonginge to that title or common place : and therwith is added the Bookc,Chaptcrjand Scdion or diuilion of the Chapter , where the fame doc- trine is more largely exprclfed and proued . And for the readier finding thereof, I haue caufedthc number of Chapters to be fet vpon euery leafe in the booke, and quoted the Sedions alfo by their due numbers with the vfuall figures of Algorifme. Andnow at this third publifhing, the Widowc of my fayd good difcrete andhoneft frend Al. Wolffe,by vvhofe charge it is now newly Printtdjiath caufed diucrs other Tablcs,which (ince my fecond edinon were gathered by M. Marloratc, to be tranflated and here added for your benefite . Moreoucr,whcreas in the firft edition the euill maner of my fcribbhng hand, the enterlining of my Copie, and fome other caufcs well knowen among workemen of that facultie, made veiy many faultcs to palfe the Printer, I haue in the fecond im- prellion caufed the boke to be compofed by the Printed copic,and corredcd by the written: whcr- by it muft needes be that it was much more truely done then the other was, as I my fclfc doe know aboue three hundred faultcs amended. And now at this lalt Printing,the compofing after a Printed copie bringeth fome eafe,and the diligence vfed about the correftion, hauing bene right faythfully looked vnto, it can not be but much more truely fet forth . This alfo is performed,that the volume being fmallcr , with a letter fayre and legible, it is of more ealie price, that it may be of more com- mon vfc,and(o to more large communicating of fo great a treafure to thofe that defire Chriftian knowledge for inllrudion of their faith,& guiding of their duties. Thus on the Printers beh Jfe and mine, your cafe and commoditie (good rcaders)is prouided for . Now reftcth your owne diligence for your owne profite in ftudying ic. To Ipend many wordcs in commending the worke it felfe,werc needeleile : yet thus much I thinkc I may both not vntrudy and not vainly faye, that though many great learned men haue written bookes of common places of our religion, as Melanchton, Sarccri- us, and other, vvhofe workes are very good and proHtablc to the Church of God : yet by the con- fcnting iudgement of thofe that vndcrlbnd the fame, there is none to be compared to this worke of Caluine,both for his fubrtantiall fufficience of dodrine,the found declaration of truth in articles of our religion,the large and learned confirmation of the fame,and the moft deepe and ftrong confuta- tion of all oldc and new hcrefies : fo that ( the holy Scriptures excepted)this is one of the moll pro- fitable bookes for all ftudentes of Chrilhan diuinitie . Wherein ( good readers ) as I am glad for the glory of God,and for your benefite,that you may haue this profite of my traucU, fo Ibcfcechyou let me haue this vfe of your gentlenefle, that my doinges may be conftiucd to fuch good end as I haue meant them : and that if any tiling miflike you by reafon of hnrdnefle , or any other caufe that may feeme to be my defaultj^ou willnot forthwith condemne the worke, but read it ofter:in which doing you fliall finde (as many haue confefTed to me that they haue found by experience ) that thofe thinges which at the fiiit reading fhall difpleafe you for hardncffe, fiiall be found fo eafic as fo hard matter would fufFer, and for the moft part more eafie than fome other phrafe which flioulde with greaterloofcnefle and fmother Aiding away dcceaue your vndciftanding . I confefTc indeedeitis not finely and pleafauntly written, nor cnrricth with it fuch delitcfull grace of fpeeche as fome great wife men haue beftowed vpon fome fooliflier thinges, yet it containeth found truth fet forth with fay thfull plainnelfc witr.outwrong done to the authors meaning: and fo if you accept and vfe it,yoil iliall not faile to haue great profite tlierbyjond X Jhail Uiinke my labor very well employed. Thomas Korton» John Caluinc to the Reader. . Ttliefrflfettingout of\hlsvvorktybycaKfeldtdnotlokeforthatft(ict}fe,vvfr.chthtL»rdof'hU V7i- meajmabli goodutjfe haih gci'.en, I had (Mmenvfett dom [mall vvorkfi) for the more part lightly ' pajfed It oucr.'But vvhtn I vnderflode that it was recejttid vv:th that fauor of all thegod'y^iivhicli I ncHcr durji hane d( fired, much lejfe hane hoped for . a,s I verily felt m my hart that much mot* vvoi , geuen to me than I bad deftrued, fo I though it fhould bea great vnthank^fuliicffeif 1 jhoaldnot at the teaji nfier my [deader abiltte endeuor taawifwere fo favourable .rffeilions toward me^& which _ of tbemfeliitsproHoksd mydiUgence. ^iidthif I attempted not only in the feiondfettwgfourthofii: but hovv'ofifiiis thuttimethe vvorkehalbben empr!/ittd,fioft it hath ben enrnhcd with femeencreafce . But althoughl did not then repent me of the labor that I had employed: yet 1 netter helde my fife contented till it was dijhofed into that or' der which u now fet Ixforeyoh. Now I truft I hane getten you that which may be allowed iy all your wd''emets,True' ly wilh how great endeuor I haue applied myfelfe to the doing ofthtfferuice to the Churi. h of God, I may brmgfottrthfor an ewdent w:tnej]e, that thlslajl winter, when I thought that the fetter Hiiartane had ftimmoiied me to death how much more the/ickenejfe enforced vpon me,fo much lejje 1 fpartdmyfefe till I mighte leaue thit Bok^eto ouerliue me, which might mak^fome part of thank^ftill recompetife to fo gentle prouol^ng of thi godly. I had rather m dede it bad ben done fi- ner : but It ufone enough :f well enough, ^nd I J hall then thinks that it n come abrode in gvodfeafon , when I [hall perctyue that It bath brought yet more plenttfuU frute than it hath done heretofore to theChunb of God.Thu ii my only de- firc. ^ndtruely fall tU It were With me, if I d.dnot, holding my felfe cotented with the allowance of God alone defptfe the ludgiments rfmen, whether thy bee thefoolifhe andfrowarde ludgements of the vnfk^!fnU,or thezvrongfuU and ma- licious of the vvickjd. For although Godhalh throughly fetteled my mmd to the endeuor both cf enlariling hu Irngdome. and of helping the common profit: and though I am clere tn myne owne confc:ence,and haue himfelfe and the Angels re wit- neffe wuh me, that fins I tcke vpon me the office of ateacber in theChurch , I hauctended ttnone other purpofi but that I J mighte profittbe Church in mayntayningtbe pure doBrine of gedlinejfe : yet I thinke there u no mfin, that hath ben fnanchti at, bitten, and torne in fonder with moe fclaunden than I. When my Epijlle vva/s now tn printing, I vv.u certainly tn^ formed that at ^igfburgh where the ajfemblic of the fiates of the Empire vvof holden, there was n rumor fprede abrode of my reuolting to the Papacie, and the fame was more gredely receiued in the court es of Princes than was mete. Thit for- foothe u their thankjithicjfe who are not ignorant of many Jrialh had of my jiedfaflnejfe, which trialls M they f hake of fo fovvle a fclander;fo they J hould vv.tb all indifferent and gentle iudges baue defended me from it. But the Deuill with his whole route u deceyued if in opprefting me with filthy lies, betbinke that by hii vmujt dealing I Jhalbe either tbemort difcouraged or made the lejfie diligent: bycaufe I trufl that the Lorde cf hu vnmefurable goodnejfe will graunt me that I may wilh euen fiifferance continue inthecourfe of hu holy callng. Whereof I geue to thegodlyredeis aneweprofe in this fttttng fourth ofthuboke. Nowein thistrauaill thii wot my purpofe fo to prepare and furnifh them that bejludtoMofhe» ly Diumitie to the redttg of the worde of Cjod, that they may both batie an eafy entrie into it, ir goefot ward in it with- ' »ut fiombling: for I ibtukethat I baue m all pomtes fo kl'U vp together the fur>:me of religion, and dijpofed thefameinfucht trder, that vvhofoeuer f hall well haue it in minde, it fi hall not be hard for him to deteimineboth what he ought chefth to fike in the Scripture, and to what marke to apply vvhatfoeuer is conteined in it. Therefore, thu as it were a way beirg ones made plaine, if I [hall hereafter fet fourth any expofitions of Scripture, btcaufe I J hall not indt to enter into longdifputations of articles of doBrine, and to wander out into common plates; Iwillalwaykn't them vp fhortly.By this meane the Godly reder fihall be e^'fed of grMt f cine and tedioiipiejje, fo that be come furmjbed iiforehand with the know- ledge of ihtiprefcnt vvorkeas with a necejfary tnfirument. Butbicaftfe ^ ihe ait elite of thu purpofe, doth clerely as in mirrors appeart ttt fo many commentaries cfmine, I had rather to declart in dede what it i!,than to fet it out in word}, farewelfrendly T\eader, and if thou teceyue any frute of nry labors^ heipe me with thy praiert to God our Father* At Gcncua,the firfl day of Au^uft^in the yere. i j jp^ Auguftine in his vij.Epifllc. Iprofejfe myfelfe to he one of the number of them, which write in prof ting, and profit in writings TO TRP urkCT MTnu^v AMn _ ^ -. — < x»A V^ J X ATX X v-» J. i. 1 1 ^jlx^Jl-/ noble Prince, Fraunces the moft Chriftian King the French king his foueraigne Lorde, lohii Caluine vvilhetli peace and ialuation in Chrift. Hen I did firfte fee my handc to this vvorke, I thought no- thing Icflc (moft noble King) than to write any thing that afteiward (houldbc piefentedtoyour maicftie. Only my minde was to tcache certaine introductions whereby they that are touched with fomc zeale of religion m-ght be infttuded to true godlincfll'. And this trauayle I tooke principally for my cotremen the French- men, of whom I vndeiftode very many to hunger and thirft for Chrifte, buti (aw veiy fewe that had rightly receyucd fo much as any litle knowledge of liim. And that this was my meaning, the boke it felfe dedareth, bcyng framed after a fimple and playne maner of teaching. But when I perceyued, that the furious rage ot Ibme wicked men hath fo farre preuailed in your re- alme,that in it there is no roome for ibund dodrine : I thought I fhould do a thing worthe my tra- uayle, all in one woikc both to geue an inftrudion for them, and to declare a coiifeflion to you; whereby ye may Icarne what maner of dodrine that iSjagainlt which thofc furious men buinc m Co great rage,who at this day trouble your realme with fweard and fyer.For I wil not feare to confeflc, that I haue in this workc comprehended in maner the fumme of that felfe fame dodrine, againft which they eric out, that it ought to be puni(hed with prifoiiment, banidiement, condemnation without iudgcmcnt,and with fyer, that it ought to beechaced away by land and fca. I knowe in dede with how haynous informations they haue tilled your mind & eares,to make our caufc moft Jk hatefull vnto you : but this of your demencie ought you to weye, that there (halbe no innocence, '*■ neither in words nor decdes,if it may be enough to accufe. Tiuciy if any, to bring tht fame in ha- tred, fhall alledge that this Dodrine whereof I now go about to yelde accompt vnto you, hath ben long agoe condemned by confente of all degrees, and atteynted by many iudgementes already ge- uen in ludicial courtes; al that he fay th fhall amount to no more but that it hath partly ben violent- ly throwen downe by the banding and power of the aduerfaries thereof, and partly ben traytorou- fly and fraudulently oppreCTtd with their lyes ind futtle praftifcs and Iclaunders. Herein is violence fhewed,that without hearing the caufe bloody fenteccs are pronounced againft it: herein is Fraude, that it is without dcleruing accufed of fcdition and euel doyng. And that none may thinke that wc wrongfully complayne of thefc thinges, you your felfe can bearc vs witnefte, moft noble King, with how lyeng fclaunders it is dayely accufed vnto you : as, that it tendeth to no other ende but to writhe fiom Kyngcs their fccpters oute of their handes,to throwe down all iudges fcates and iudge- mentes, to fubuerteall orders and ciuile goucrnementes , to trouble the peace and quicne of the people, to abolilh all lawcs, to vndo all propnenes and pofleflTions, Hnally to tunie all thinges vp- lide downe. And yet you heare the fmalleft portion. For horrible thinges they Ipreade abroade a- mongthe people : which if they were true, the whole world mighte worthily ludge it with the maintciners thereof, worthy of a thoufande Hers and gallowes.Wbo can now maruell that a com- mon hatred is kindled againft it, where fuche mofte wrongfull accufations are beleued. Loc, this is the caufe that all degrees agree and confpire to the condemning of vs and our dodrine. They that fit to iudge,beying ramlhed with this affedi5 pronounce for fentenccs their freconccyued determi- nations which they brought from home with them,and thinke that they haue wel enough difchar- ged their duties yf they commaundc no man to be drawcn to execution, but fuch as are found gyl- ty eyther by ther ovvne confeffion or by fufficient witneifc. But of what fjult? of that condemned dodrine,Gy they. But by what law condemned? Herein Ihould haue ftand the fuccor of dcfcnfe for them, not to denic the dodrine it felfe, but to maintcine it for true. But here is all liberne ones to | mutter vttcily cut of from vs, '| Wherefore I doe not vniuftlyrequire,moft vidorious king, that it maypleafe you to take into y^'r ownc hand the whole hearing of the caufe which hetherto hath ben troblefomly handled or ' '■" carelcfly tofled without all order of law, more by outragious heatethan iudiciallgrauitie. ) ' ^' yet thinkcjthat I here goe about to make myne owne priuate defenfe,whereby I may pro- ^""^^ '^'?"'-' felfe a fife leturne into my natiuccontice,to which although I beare iuch aftcdion of atuiall lou. 3st)e(-o,-,-,n,gtj-|^p.y(,j^5 j|,g cafenowe is, I notmilcontentedly wantit . But I take vppon me the -oiTimon caufe ofallthe Godly, yea and the caufeofChnfthimfelfe, which at thys y lauingbcjn Ly all meanes torne and tioden downe in your kingdome,lycth as it were in dcipei- te cale,ana that iudedc rather by the tyranny of certaine Pharifees, than by your own knowledge. Bu TO THE FRENCH KING. But how that comcth to pafle, it is not here nedtful to telhtruely it lyeth in preat diftrcflc.For thus tar haue the vngodJy prcuailedjthat the tiucth of Chr;ft if ii be not dcftroied bej ng chaced away & fcattered abrode, yet it lyeih hidden as bunid and \ nregai dcd.as for the lilly pooic Cliurcl ,it is ty- ther wafted with ciuell flaughteis , and fo diyuen awiy with banifl-mentcs or difmaytd with threatens and tenors that n dare not ones open her mouth. And yctftihihty continue with fuch rage andfciccncfle as ihey are wont, il lifting ftiondy agajnft the wall r.lrecy bcndingcndthe ruincwhiche thcmfelueshaue made. Jnthemcanetyrrie no man ftcppcth fourth, to fct himfelfe indefenfe againft fuch furies. And thcy,if there be any fuch, that will moft of all fccmc to fa- lior the truth, fay no more buttliatii vtretccd topaidon tl.eenor and vnfkillfulnefleofigno- rante men. For thus the good natured rr.cn i'orfoothe do fpeakc, calling that error and vnf kilfulnes which they knowc to be the moft certaine trueth of God : calling them ignorant men, whoes wit they fee that Chiift hath not fo di'pifcd but that he hath vouchfaucd lo coirmunicatc to them the myftcries of his heauenly wyfedome . So much arc all a(hamed of the Gofpell . It fliall be your office (moft noble Kmg) not to turne away yourearcs nor your myndc fiom lb iuft a dc- fenfe : fpecialiy when fo great a matter is in qucftion: namely how the glorie of God may be main- teyned fafe in earth, how the trueth of God may kcpe her honor, how Chrift may haue his king- dome prefcrucd whole among vs. 1 his is a matter worthy for ) our eares, worthy for your judge- ment, worthy for your royall throne. For, euen this thought maketh a true King: to acknow- ledge himfelfe in thcgoucrnanceofhis kingdome to be the minifterof God. Neither doth he now vfe a kingdome but a robberiCjWhich reigneth not to this cnde that he may ferue the glorie of God. And he is deceyucd that loketh for a long profpcritie of that kingdome , which is rot ruled by the fcepter of Godjthat is,by his holy worde : foralmuch as the heruenly Oracle can not proue vaync, whereby it is proclaymedj that the people fhalbe fcattered abrode where propheeie fayleth. Ney- Prouer. 29.18. ther ought the cotcmpt in our bafcncfle to withdrawe you from this purpofe.We verily know right well, how poorc and abicd filly men we be, namely in the fight of God miferable finncis, in the light of men moft defpifcd perfonnes, yea and(if y ou wil)certaine excrcmcntes & outcaftes of the worldjorwhatfoeuer viler thing may be named: fo that there remayneth nothing for vs to glorie vpon before God, but his onely mercie whereby we are without any our derfcruing receyued into the hope of eternall faluation:and before men, nothing but our weakencfle , which among them it is taken for a moft great ftiame to confcfle ib much as in countenance . But our dod ine m.uft be auauncedhye aboue all glorie of the worlde, muftftand vnuanc^uiftiableahoue all power: becaufe it is not ourcs,but the dodrine of the liuing God and of his Chnft, whom the Father hath appoin- p j,,_ j , j, ted King to bcare rule euen from fca to fea,and from the riuers euen to the cndes of the earth: and Efai.i 1 .4. fo to bearc nile, that ftnkingthc whole earth with the onely rod of his mouth, he may breakeit Pfal.z.ii. with all the yron and brafcn ftren^tb, with all the golden and filuer glittering thereof, as it were potters veflcls:asthe Prophetes propheeie of the royaltie of his kingdonic. Our aduerfaries in dcde do cr)'e out to the contrary,and fay that we falfly pretend the worde of God, whereof we be moft wicked corrupters. But how this is not only a malicious fclaundcr, but alfo a notable fliame- Icflcncflc, you your felfc by reding our coi-.fefTion, may according to your wifedome ludge. Yet here it is al(o good to fty fomwhat , eythcr to moue you to willingncfle and hcdefulncfte,or at tlic Icaft to prepare you away to the reding of it. Paul,when he willed all prophecy to be framed to the Rom.i 2.*. agreablcneife ot Fayth, hath fet a moft furc rule whereby the expounding of Scripture ought to be tryed. Now if our doftrine be examined by this rule of Fay th, the vidorie is alrcdy in our handes. For, what doth better or more fitly arree with Fay th, than to acknowledge our felues naked of all 'vertuc,that of God we may be clothed ? empty of all good,that of him we may be filled ? the bonde feruantes of finne, that of him wemayc bee made fre ? blindc, that of him we maye bee en- lightened ? lame, that of him we may be made ftreight? fcble, that of him we may be vpholden? to take fiom ourfeluesallmattcr of glorieng, that he alone may be glorious on hie, and in him wc may glone?VVhen wc fay thefe and fuch like thinges,they interrupt vs & cry out,that by this meane is ouerthrowen I wote not what blinde light of nature, fayned preparations, freewill, workcs me- ritorious of eternall faluations, together with their fupereiogations: becaufe they ca not abide that thewhole prayfc and glorie of all gcodncfre,vertue,righeteoufncfle, andwifdomeftiould remayne jfj^.j ,j^ in God. But we rede not that they were blamed that hauedravven to much out of the fountayne of liuing watcr:on the contrary iyde they arc fharply rebuked which haue digged to thimfelues pit- ^ tes, broken pitteSjwhich are not able to holdc water. Againe what is more agreable with Fry thjiha topromyfetothemftluesthat God will be to them a fauorable Father, where Clirift is acknow- ledged to be a brother and procurer of fauor?than afTurcdly to loke for al things ioyfull and profpe- rous at his handjwhoes vnfpeakablc loue toward vs liath preceded fo far,that he haih not fpart d his Rom. 8. j 2, *.iiii. only THE PREFACE only begotten fonncjbut that he gaue him for vs? than to reft in fure loking for faluation & eternal! life,where we thinke vpon Chrifte geuen of the Father, in whome fuche treafures are hidden? Heerc they fteppe in agaynft vs , and crye out that this certainty of affiance is not without arrogance and prefumption.But as nothing of our felues,fo all things ought we to prefume of God; and wc are for none other reafon fpoyled of vayne glory,but that we fhould Icame to glorie in the Lorde.What is there more?Con{ider (moft mighty Prince) all the partes of our caufe, and thinke that we arc worfc than any kinde of wicked men,vniefle you playnly finde that we are in treble and rayled at, bycaufc we put our truft in the liuing God.bycaufe we beleue that this is the cternall iife,to know one trewc I.Tim. 4.10. God,andhim whome he hath fcnt lefus Chril^e.For this hope,fome of vs are bounde in irons,fomc Ioha.17. j . are whippedjfomc are caryed about in mockagejfome are condemned widiout iudgement, fome arc moft cruelly tormented,fome efcapc away by flightrbut all arc diftrefled with troble,ail are moft'ter- ' ribly accurfedjtorne with flaunders,and handled in moft haynous wife.Now loke vpon our aduerfa- ries (I fpeake of the degree of Pieiftcs,at whofe becke & will the other cxercife ennimities agaynft vs) and confider with me a httle while, with what zcale they bee caryed. As for the trewe religion, which IS taught in the ScriptureSjand which ought to be holden certayne among all men,they cafily geue leaue bothe to themlelues and other to be ignorant of it , to neglede and defpifc it : and they thinke that it makcth fmall matter what euery man beleue or not beleue concerning God & Cbrift, lb that he doc with an vnexpreiTed Fayth (as they call it) fubmit his minde to the iudgement of the Churche:neythcr are they much moued,if it happen that the glorie of God be defiled with manifeft blafphcmieSjfo that no man lift vp his finger agaynft the fuprcmacie of the Apoftolike Tea , and aUf> thoritie of our holy mother the Church. Why therforc doe they with fo great crueltie & feirceneflc fight for the Mafl'e,Purgatorie,Pilgremages,and fuch trifles,fo farre forth,that they fay that without moft exprcflcd Faith(as I may fo cal it)of thefc thingSjgodlincffc ca not ftadc,wheras yet they prone not that any of thefe things come out of the worde of God? Why Co, but bycaufe their bellyis their God, their kitchen is their religion: which beynge take away , they thinke that they ftiall not onely be noChriftians,but alfo no me?For though Ibme of the do pletioufly glurt thefelues,& other Tome liue with gnawing of poore cruftes.yet they liue all of one pof,whiche without thefe warning helpes fliould not onely waxc coldc, but alfo throughly frcefe.Therfore how much more euery of them is carefuU for his belly,fo much more carneft warrier he is for their Faith.Finally they all endcuor the- felues to this,to kepe ftil ey ther bothe kingdome fafe,& their belly full:but of pure zeale none of the iheweth any tokcjbe it neuer fo little. Ncyrher yet fo doe diey ceaTe to flaunder our do{ftiine,andby all the colours that they ca,to accufe anddefame it,wherby they may bring it into hatred or fufpicio. They call itnew,and lately forged: they cauill that it is doubtfull,andVncertayne:they demaunde by what miracles it is c5tirmed:thcy afkc whether it be meete that it iTiouldpreuayle agaynft the c5fete of fo many holy Fathers,& the moft aunciet cuftome: they prefle vpon vs to cofes it to be fchifma- ticalljwhiche moueth warre agaynft the Churche,or that the Churche hath lyen dead in many ages in whiche no fuche thing hath been hearde of Lafte of all they faye,that there neede no argumctes, for(fiy they)it may by the frutes be iudged of what fone it is , namely whiche hathe bredde fo huge a heape of (edcs,fo many turmoyles of feditionSjfo great liccntioufncfle of vices.Trewly full eafy it iSjfor them,to triumph vpon a forfakcn caufe before the hght beleuinge and ignorant multitude.But if we might alfo haue our turne likewife allowed vs to (peake, verily this fliarpe heate woulde foone be cooled wherwith they doe fo with full mouth & as licetioufly as vnpuniftiedly foome agaynft vs. Firfte,wherea$ they call it newe,thcy doe great wrong to God , whofe holy worde deferued not to be accufcd of newnefle.To them indeedcl nothinge doubt that it is ncwe , to who/ne Chrifte is Rem.4.2 5. newjand his Gofpell is new.But they whiche kncwe that preachinge of Paulc to be olde , that lefus Chiifte dyed for our finnes,and rofe agayne for our iuftific.ation,fhall finde notliing newe amonge vs. Whereas it hath long lyen hidden vnknowcn, and buried: that is the fault of the vngodlinefle of me. !//€■ n^yvi «*»«i ^'ow fich it is by the bountifulncflc of God rcftored to vs,it ought at leaft by right of full reftitution "^ to receiue agayne the title of auncientie. Out of the fame fountayne of ignorance fpringcth this, that they take it for doubtfull and vnccr- Bfai.i.j. tayne.This verely is it which the Lordc by his Prophet complayneth, that the oxe knewe his owner, and the afle his mayfters ftall,but his people knew not him. But howefoeuer they mocke at the vn- certaint)' of n:if they were dryuen to fealc their owne dodrine with tlieir owne blood, & with lofle , of their life,men might fee how much thy fet by it. But farre other is our afliance, which dieadeth ney ther the terrors of death,nor yet the very iudgement feate of God. Whereas they require miracles of vs , they deale vnrcafonably with vs. Forwcecoynenonewe Gorpell,but holde faft the fclfe fame Gofpell for confirming of the truth wherof all the miracles do fcrue that eucr Chrifte and his Apoftles haue done. But tUs thinge they haue fpeciallaboue vs,that they TOTHEFRENCHEKING. ehcy cancucn to this daye confiimc theyr faiih with continiull miracles , Yea but nther they al- Icadgc miraclcsjwliich may weaken a minde othcrwife well {tablilhtd: they are lb eyther tnHingc and worthy to be laughed at,or vaine and lying. And ycr,ali:liough they were neucr fo moiiltruous, they ought not to haue ben of any valew agaynfte the worde of God : foralmuche as tiic name of God ought both in eucry place and at cuery tyme to be hallowed , whether it be by miracles or by naturall order of thinges . This falfe color myght paradiicnture haue made the better (liew , if the Scripture did not informcvs of the lawfull ende and vfe of miracles. FoijMarke teacheth that the Mar.Kf.jo. (ignes which folowed the preachinge of the Apoftles were fctte forche for the conHrmin^e oiit: Likewife Luke alio fayeth that the Lorde did beare wy tnefle to the word of his grace , when figncs A(ft.i4. j. and wonders were fliowed by the handes of the Apollks. Wherewith wholly agreeth that faying of the ApoWcjthat when the Gofpell was preached/aluation was cofiimcd by this that the Lorde Htb.a.4. did beare witnclfc to it with (ignes,and wondcrSjand diuerfe powers. Butthofc thinges whichc wee hearc to be the feahnges of the Gofpelljfhall we turnc to the dcftroyingc of the credit of the Gof- pell? thofe thinges whiche are appoyntedonely to IbbliOie the truthe, fliallwc applye to confir- minge of lyes? Therefore it is meete that the dodrine,whiche (as the Euangelift lay tth ) goeth be- Ioh.7.1 8. Sl fore miracles, be tirft examined and trycd. If that be alio wed, then it may lawfully take coliimation *"5°* of miracles. But of a true doctrine (?s Chrifte teacheth) this is the marke , if it tendc not to the fe- kinge of the gloiy of men , but of God. Sithe Chrifte affirmeth this to be the proofe of dodrine, miracles are wrongfully cftemed whiche are drawcn to any other ende than to gloritie the name of God alone. And we ought to remember that Satan hath his miracles, which although they be lug- glinge deceites rather than true powers , yet are fuche as may dcccyuc the ignorant and vnf kilfuU. Magitians and enchautcrs haue been alway famous in mir3cles:wonderfull miracles haue nouriilied idolatrie: whiche yet do notprooue to vs , that the fupeiftition of Magicians and idolaters is law- full. And with this battringe rammc in olde tyme the Donatiftes did Hiake the iimplicitie of the co- ition people, for thai they excelled in miracles. 1 herefoie we do nowe make the fame an(wcre to cure aducrHirieSjWhichc Auguiline the made to the Donatiftes: that the Lorde hath made vs ware inl^h. traS.t}. agaynft fuche miracle workers, when he forctolde that there ftiolde come falfc Prophercs , whu he witnlyingt fi^^nes and diuers wonders, fl'ioiildcjii- it were poffible, bringc ihc tied into error. And "^ ^u'^^^'^a' Paulc hath gcucn warninge that the kingdome of Antichrift Ihoulde be with all power , and fignes, jXor.11.14. and lyingc wonders. But thefe miracles (fay they) arc doone not of idols, not of forferers , nor of foifc projhetSjbut of the Saintcs. As though we knew not that tliis is the craft of Sata,to transtigure himleUc into an Angcll of lyght. In olde tyme the itgyptians worfhiped Icremic which was bu- Hiertn.in prtfit. ried amonge them , with facnfices and other diuine honors. Did not they abufe the holy Prophete lertm. of God to idolatry? And yet by fuche woifhippinge of his tombe they obteyned that they thought the healmgeofthe llin^ingeoflcrpentcsto be the iuftrewaide thereof. What fhallweefay: but thai this hath been and cu^r flinll be the mcfte luft vengaunce of God , to fende ftrength of illufion to them t'.i It haue not rcceaued the loue of triuhc , that they may beleeue lyinge ? Therefore wee 3.Then.2.ii« want not mincles, and thofe certaync,ind not fubied to cauillations. As for miracles whiche they bringe foorthc for thcmfclues , they arc mecre illufions of Satan, for as muche as they leade awaye the people from the true worfhippinge of theyr God to vanity. Morcouer, they do flaundcroufly fet the Fathers againft vs (I meane the auncicnt Fathers and the writers ofthc age as yet more vnconupted) as though they had them formaintaineis of their vngodlinclle ; by whofe authoritie if the debate were to be ended, the better part ofthc vidory ( to (peakeeuenmoftmodeftly) would bend to our fide. But whereas many thinges haue bene excel- lently well and wifely written of thofe Fathers, and in fome thinges,that hath happened to them which is wont to happen to men : thefe good naturall children forfootb_, according to the rightncfTc that they haue, both of witte,iudgement,and minde, do worlhip onely their faulres and errors : and thofe tliingcs which are well (poken,they either marke not,or faine as if they knew them not, or do corrupt them : fo as a man may fiy that their care was altogether to gather dung in of the golde of the Fathers . Then they opprcfTe vs with importunate crying out againft vs,as dcfpifcrs and enemies of the Fathers. But we do fo not defpife them, that if it were the matter of my prefcnt purpofe , I could very eafily proue by their confenting voices, the greater part of thefe thinges that wc fay at this day . But we fo reade their writings,that we alway remember, that all thinges arc ours, to ferue i.Cor.j. ai. vs, not to haue dominion ouer vs: and tliat we are Chrifles alone,whom we mult obey in all thinges without excejjtion. Who fo keepeth not this choife, fliall haue nothing ccrtaine in religion : foral- much as thofe holy men were ignoraunt of many thinges, do oftentimes ftriue one with another, yea and fometimes fight withthemfelues . Not without caufe(f3y thcy)weare warned of Salomon, PjQu.iui9. that we pafle not the olde boundes which our Fathers haue fet . But there is all not all one rule in the f ^. j. bounding Pfai.45-»'- ^cattui tripar- t:t.hiji.lib.ii, ^mlircf.de of- fic.Ub.:.Citp.:S. S 'yyidioitri- purtii.hifl.l'b.r. CCp.'O. Tripart.lr.fi. ht'j.ccp.r. ^ugitji.de ope- re moiach.ca.i? Ep'pha.in tpHi, aj H:e/-o.virJit. Concil.F.'uhtrti c,!.p.s6. . A?nb> of.de ^. bra.bb./.cap.p. Gflii/i'ti Pap.in Caitcil.'}{omAn, Chyy-foft.in t.ct, Ephcf. C^itx.Tapi^ de i:o!ifecrat,diJl.i. Celajttu cano, Co> iper.mus.De conftcrat. dfi 2. Cypna' .epijl.i. kl/.i .dt Lapjii, ^Kgn^ lib. ? . dc peccat.mer.cap. vlt. lyloolon.tcdtf. hifi.lib.s.cap r2. purx.h:^ iib.2, tap.14. C)pri.w.ep;fi. i.Uo.i. THE PREFACE bounding of flelieSjaud the obedience of Fayt]i,which ought to be fb framed that i t forget her peo- ple ?.nd the hoiift of her father . If chev hauc fo great delite to vfc nllegoricSjwhy do they not rather expound the ApoitlcSjthan any otheiyo be their Fathers,whofe appointed boundes it is not lawfull tc pluckc vp ? lor fo did Hiciome expound it, whofc wordes they hauc rcgiftrcd among their Ca- nons.But it they wiL hauc the boundes of tfie fame Fathers,whom they meanejto be ftedhdfly kept: why do they,fo oh as they hll:, fo hccntioufly pafle them ? Of the number of the Fathers were they, of wlioni the one fsydj that or.r God eatcdi not,nor drinkcth, and that tliercfore he needeth neither cuppcs nor di(kcs : the other fayd, that the holy thingcs require not golde, and that thofe thinges plcafe not with golde which are not bought with golde . Therfore they pafie the bound, which are in the holy thinges To much delited with golde,fiiuer,]uone, marble, precious frones and filkes, and thinkc that God is not rightly wonIiipped,vnlcire altogether they bee dilfolutely ^tt out with exqui- fite eorgcotilhtiTe; or rattier wuh outragious cxcefle. A Father was he, which fayd, that he thercrbre did n ecly catc flefhe on the day in which other abftained,bicaufe he was a Chriftian. Therefore they pafle the boundes,when diey accurfe the foule that taUeth flelh in Lent. Fathers were they,of wl.om the one layd that a Monke wluch labourcth not with his handes, is iudged as euiU as a violent taker, or (if you will)a robbtr.The other fiydjthat it is not lawful for Monkes to hue of other mens goods, although they be continually buhed in contemplations, in prayers,in ftudie . This bound alio they haue pafledjwhen they placed the idle and bai rell belUes of Monkes in ftcwes and brothclhoufes to be fatted with other mens fuhftaunce . A Father was he,\vhich fayd,that u is a horrible abhomina- tion to fe any image payntcd, ey ther of Chrille or of any Sainte in the temples of Chriftians . Ney- ther was this pronounced by the mouth of one man alone J but alfo decreed by an Eccklufticall Counccll , that that whiche is v/orfiiipped (lioulde not be paynted on walks . They arc farre from holdinge themfclues within thefe boundcs,when they leaue not one corner v/ithout images. An o- ther Father counfe]led,that hauinge doone the dune of naturall kindeneffe toward the dcadc in bu- rying thcm,we fhoulde let them refte. Thefe boundes they breake,vvhen they caft into mena con- tmuall carefulnelle of the dcade. One of the Fadiers was he , whiche teftiHeth that the fubftance of brcade and wyne in the facramente of the Supper fo remayneth and ceafeth not , as m the Lorde Chrift remaineth the fubltance and nature of man ioyned with the fubltance of God. Therefore they pafle meaflircjwhich fayne that after the wordes of the Lorde rehearfed,the fubftance of bread and V yne ceafleth,that it may be tranfubflatiate into his body and blcod.Fathers were th.ey which as they deliuercd to the whole Chuiche but one Sacrament of Thankefgeuing, and as they debar- red from it wicked and hay rouseuill doers: ^o did greuouflycondemneallthofc whiche bcynge • prcfentjdid not communicate of it. Howe farre haue the remoued thofe boundes,when they Hll not oncly ChurchcSjbut alfo priuatc houfes with their mafres,and admittc all men to loke vpon thera,& cuery man fo muche more gladly as he more largely pay eth,howe vncleane and wicked focuer they be:but allure no man to fayth in Chrifle and faythfuU communicatinge of the Sacramentes : yea ra- ther doe bo aftinglyfet out tofale their ownc worke for the grace and mcnre of Chnftc? Fathers were they,of whome the one decrced,that they flioulde be aiitogethcr debarred from the vfe of the holy Supper of Chriftejwhiche holdmg themfclues contented with partaking of the one kinde, ab- ftcyned from the othenand the other Father ftoutely maynteyneth,that lo the Chriif ian people the blood of the Lorde ought nor to be denied , for t!ie confefiion whereof they ate commaunded to flicdde rhcir owne blood.Thefc boundes alfo they haue taken away, when they haue by an inuiola- ble law commaunded the ftlfe Time thing which the one ofthefe Fathers punifhed with exconimu- nication,and the other rcproued with a ft rong reafon. A Father was hee , whiche affirmed it to bee rafhcnes to determine any thinge of a doubtfull matter on the one (ide or the other , without clcerc and euidcnt witneflinges of die Scripture. This bounde they forgot , when they ftabliflicd fo many conftitutions,ro many canons,fo many mayfterly determinations,without any word of God. AFa- ther was he,whiche among other hcrilics reproched Monianus with this, that he was the firfte that had charged men with lawes of Faftinges.This bounde alfo they hauc farre paired,when they com- , maundcd faftinge with mofte ftreat lawes. A Father was hee, whiche denied that mariage ou"ht to be forbidden to miniftcrs of the Churche,and pronounced a mans lyeng widi his o wne^ wyfeto be chaftitie:and Fathers were they , whiche agreed to his authoritic. Beyonde thefe boundes haue they gone,when they feuerely enioyned vnmaricd lifc,to their facrificers. A Father was hee whiche iud- gcd,that onely Chrifte ought to bee hsardCjof whome it is fayd,Hearc him: and that wee ought not CO haue rcgarde,what other men whiche were before vs,hauc layd or donc,but what Chnftc (which IS the (iiftc of all) hathc commaunded. This bounde ncyther doe they appoynte to themfclues,nor ■ doc fufFcr other to haue it appoynted them , when they fct bothe ouer thcmfckies and other any mayftcrs whatfoeuer they U laihei tlian Chrift. A Father was he, which afliniKd that :he*ChurcIie TO THE FRENCHE KING. ought not to fet it felfe before Chrifte , bycaufe hee allway iudgeth trevvly : but the iudges of the »^«^«/? t^ap,!. Chuichcjas meiijare commonly deccaucd.Thcy breakingc through this bounde alio , fticke not to ''"'''''■ Crefcon. artirme that the wliole authentic of the Scnptmc , hangcth vppon the awardcmcnte of the **' Churche. All the F.ithers haue with one heart accurfed,and with one mouth pronounced it abho- minablejthat the holy worde of God ihould be cntangltd with the lubcilties of Sophiftcrs, & braw- luigs of Logitians.Doe they holde themfelucs withui thcfe boundcs, when tiiey goc about nothing elfe in thcu- v/hole hfcjbut with endles ItriueSjand more then Sophiftica]! brabhnges to wrappe and cncombre the limplicitie of the ScripturePfo that if the Fathers were now rayfed to hfc agayne , and fhoulde heare fuche an arte of brawhng,vvhiche thcfe men call Specuiatiue Diuinitie , they woulde beleuc that nothing ItlTe is done than any difputation had of God.But my crlkc fhould fpred it felfe beyond due boundts, if I wouldc reckon vp how boldly thefe men (hake of the yoke of the Fathers, whofe obedient children they would feeme to be.Tiewly both monethcs and yeares woulde be to Lttle for me. And yet they are of fo extreme and defperate fliamelcfnefle ,that they daie blame vs for that we Ihcke not to pafle the auncient boundes. But nowe whereas they call vs to Cuftome,they nothing prcuayle.For we flioiilde be mofte vn- iuftly dealt \vith,if wee fhoulde bee dnuen to yelde to Cuftome . Tre wly if the iudgementcs of men were rightjCuftome Hiould be taken of the good.But it oftentimes happeneth that men doc other- wife: for,that which is feenc to be done of many, by and by obteineth the right of a Cuftome. But the ftatc of menhath fcarfcly at any time bene in fo good cafe, that the better thmges pleafed the greater numbre. Therefore for the mofte.parte of the priuace vices ofmany,hatli bene made a pubhke error,or rather a common confent of vices: which now thefe good men would haue to ftand for a law. Who fo haue eyes,doe fee that not onely one fea of cuels hath ouerflo wed, many poyfb- nous peftilences haue inuadedthe worlde , that all thinges runnc hedlongc to ruine:fo that eyther the matters of men muft be vt cerly difpeired,or we muft lay hand vn:o,or rather vfe violence vppon fo great euels. And remidy is by no other reafon dnuen awny, but bycaufe we haue now longc time accuftomcd vs to euth.But be it that publike error haue place in matters of common weale: yet in ^ap.fi.ex the kingedome of God his onciy truthe is to bee heard rnd regarded , to whiche by no fuccedinge dt conflict. courfe of yearcs,by no cuftome,by no confpired acr:cure. As for their dooble horned argumentc, they doe not driuevs to fo harde a ftraite with it, to compell vs to confeij"e,ti-.at cvth.r the Church iiath lyen dead a certaync timCjOr that we haue con- trouerfie agaynft theO.iurchc.Trewly the .Churche of Chrift hath hued,and lliall liue, fo longe as Chrifte iTiall reigne atthc rr;ht handc of the Fathenby whole hauvle fbc is vpholdcn,by whole luc- cor file is defended, by whofe power fhe kepeth her fafetie. For hee will vndoubtealy perfoime that which he hatlie once piomifed, that he will be prefent with his, eucn vniill the ending of the world. Math. 28.20. Agaynlt itnow wehaue no wane ar all.Forwedoewithoncconfent together with all the people of the faythfulljhonor and worOiip the one God and Chrifte the Lorde , in like forte as he hath rll- way bene woifliippeduf all the godly . But they themftlucs notahttleway erre from the truthe, when thcv acknowledge no Churchc,but whiche they fee with prefent eyc,and goe about to com- paflcitaboiit with thoVe boundes in whiche it is not enJofcd. Vppon thefe poyr.tcs hangith our controuerUc:Firfte that they afnrme that the forme of the Churche is allw.'.y appearing 2nd to bee feetie : then , that they fer t'.ic fame forme in the fee of the Churche of Rome , and in the order of their prelates. Wee on the contrary fide rtffirme , bothe that the Churche may conlifte of no appearingc forme , and that the foime it felfe is not conrcyned in that outwarde flunin;,e ^ %.ij. ft't^vc, ^ THE PREFACE /heWjwhich they foolifhly haue in addmiracion,but hath a farre other marke,name]y the pure prea- chinge of the worde of God,and the right miniftration of Sacramcntes. They are in a rage , vnltflc the Churche may be alwayes poyiited out with a finger.But howc ofte happened it m the people of the lewes to be To deformed , that there appeared no forme at all? What foirne thinke wee to haue j.King.i^.ii. fhinedjwhen Helias bcwayled that he alone was leftrHow long (ince the comming of Chtille hath It lyen hidden without formeJHow fince that time hath it been fo opprefled with warrcs , feiUtions, andhcrcfieSjthatitfhinedoutonno (ide?Ifthcy hadliucdatthat time , vvolde they haue beleucd that there was any Cliurch?Butit was fliyd to Hclias,that there were preferued feuen thoulande me, which had not bowed their knee before Baal.Ney ther ought it to be doubtful to vs but that Chi ill hath alway reigned in earth lince he afccndedinto heauen.But if the godly had then fought any di- Cmitra ^Hxtn- fceinable forme with their eies,fliould they not by and by haue ben dilcouraged? And verily Hilaric *""^' accomptcd it euen allready in his time for a moll great £ault,that beyng occupied with the fooliHic admiration of the dignitie of BiOiopSjthcy marked not a deadly peftilence lurkiime vndcr that vifor. For thus he fayeth:One thing I wainc you, beware of Ainichnihfor you are ill taken with the louc of wallcs:yedo yll worfhip the Churche oi- God m houlcs and buyidinges : vnder them ye doe yll tlirufte in the name of Peace. Isitdoubtfullthatinthofe Antichnfte fliall (itie? Mountayncs and woodsjandlakes,and prifonSjand caucs are fafer for meiFor in thefe the Prophetes when they were eyther abidinge or throwen into themjdid prophecie.But what dothe the worlde at this day honor in his horned BidiopSjbut that it thinkcth them to be holy prelates of rcligion,whome it (ceih to be heads ouer great cities? Away therfore with fuche foliflicertemin e. But rather let vs leaue this to s.Tim.a.i <>. the Loide , forafinuche as he alone knoweth who be his , and fometime alfo takeih away from the fight ot men the outwnrdc knowledge of his Churche. i hat is (I graunt) a horrible vengeance of God vpon the earth.But if die wickcdncfle of men fo deferue , why doe we fceke to wiihitande the iuft vengeance of God? In fuche wife the Lorde hathe in times pafte taken vengeance of the vn- thank ulneHc o: men.For bccaufe they vvolde not receyuc his truthe , and had c]uenched his lighte, he fuftcred thern beyng blinded in fenie,bothe to be mocked with ues full of abliirditie , and to bee , drowned in deepe darkncfle,lb that there was no face of the trew Churche to bee fecne. Yci in the meane time he faucd his,bo:he beyng icattered ijbroade and lyinge hidden, in the midiicft of errors anddarkeneire,from deftrudion.Aiidno maruell: For he can fkiil to faue bothe in the vciy confu- fion of BabyloMjand in the flame of the burning ouen. But whereas thev woulde haue the forme of the Churche to be iudgcd by I wore nor what vayne pompous Ihcwe :how perrillous that is, I will rather poynt vnto tlian declare,left I ihould drawc out my tale into infinite iengthe.The Pope (l^iy they) which holdeth the Apoflolike fee,and the Bilhops that are annoynted & confccrate by him, fo that thty be trimmed with fillets and miters,doe repretcr.t the Churche , and ought to bee taken for the Churche.-and therfore they can not erre. Howe fo? bycaufe they are paftors of the Churche, Fxod.p.4. and coniecrate to the Lorde . And were not Aaron an the other rultrs of Ifracll aUb Paltois? But Aaron and his Ibnnes after that they were made preiftcs,did yet erre when they made the calfe. Af- ter this reafon,why Hiould r.ot the fower hundred Prophets which lyed to Achab,haue reprcfentcd i.King.ii.ii. the Church ? But the Churche was on Micheas (lde,beynge indeede but one man alone , and vnre- gardcd,but out of whoes mouth came tiuthc. Did not the falfe prophets m refemblance beare both the name and iace. of the Churche , when they did witli one vioqleiit allaulte rife vp agaynfte lere- Ier.i8.i8. mie, and with threatninge boafted that it was not poRlbk that the lawc flioulde periOie from the preiifjcounfell from the wife man,the worde from the Pro[ het?Iereniic alone was fcnt againft the whole companie of the Prophcte3,to declare from the Lorde , that it flioulde come to palTe , that Ierem.4.9. the lawe ihould periflie from the prieft , counfell from the wifoman , and the worde h'om the Pro- phet.Did not fuche a gliftering fliew fliine in that Council! whiche the Bi.liops, Scribes, and Phari- lohn.io.i I. fees aflembled,to take aduifts together for the killing of Chnl^? N-jw let them goe and ihcke faft in the outwarde vifor,that they may make Chrift & all the Prophets of God/chifmatikes : and on the other (idemske the miniftcrso^Satan,theinftrumentcs of the holy Gnolle. Iftheyfpeake as they thinke,let them faythfully anfwerc me, in what nation and place they thinke that the Churche rc- mayned fins the time diat by the decree of the Councell at Bafile , Eugcnius was thrufte downe and dcpriued from the eftate of Pope, and Aymee fet in his place. They can not , though they wouldc biuftlor it,denie that the Counccll,for fo muthe as concerneth outwarde folemnities, was lawful!, •and fummoned not onely of one Pope.but of two.Eugenius was there condemned of fchifmc, re- bcllion,andobftmacic,withthewholeflockeofCardinalsandBifliops, whiche hid v/ith him pra- difed the diifolution of the Councell. Yet afterwardc beynge borne vp by the fuiour of Princes, he recoucred his Papacie fafe agayne.That tledion of Aymee , whiche had been orderlie made by the authoritie of a general! and holy Synode , vaniflied away in a fmokc : fauinge thathec himfelfc I was TO THE FRENCHE KING. was appcafed with a Cardinals hatte,as it were a barking doggc with a peece of bread caft \Tito him. Out of the bofome of thcfe herctickes,rebelles, and obftinatcs,are proccded all the Popes , Cardi- nallsjBifhops, Abbots,and Pneftes that haue bene (incc . Here they are taken and can go no funher. For,to whether fide will tl'.ey geue the name of the Church ? WjU they denye that theCouncel was eenerall, which wanted nothing to the outward maieftie : namelvjWhich being folcmnly fummoned by two Bulles,and well framed m the order of all thinges, continued m the fame dignitie to the laft end ? Will they contcflc Eugenius with all his company a fchifmatike, by whom they arc all landi- fied ?Therforc either let them othcrwife define the forme of the Chuich,or they all as many as are of them fiiall be of vs accompted fchifmatikes which wittingly and willingly haue bene ordered of heretikes.Ifithadneuer before bene knowen,that the Church is not bound to outward pompcs, they themfclucs may be lo vs a large proofe,whieh vndcr that glorious title of the Church haue fo long fo proudly bojfted themfclucs, whereas yet they were the deadly pclhlcnccs of the Church . I (jjeake not of their maners,and thole tragicall doinges wherewith their whole hfc fwiuTnetli full: bi- caufethey fay that they be the Pharifees which are to be heard, not to be followed. But if ye will ' fpare fome ofyour leyfure to read our writinges,you Hiali plainly know that ihc very dcftrinc , the dodrinc it fclfe/or the which they fay that they be the Church, is a deadly butcheryc of foulcs, the iirebrande,ruine,and deftrudion of the Church. y Finally, they do iiot vprightly enough,when they doe fpitcfully rehearle how great troubles, vprores,and contentions the preaching of our dodrine hath drawen with it, and what fruites it now beareth in many . For the blame of thefe euiUs is vnworthily layde vpon it, wluch ought rather to haue bene imputed to the malice of Satan. This is as it were a cert.iinc natuiall propcrtie of the worde of God, that whenfoeucr it rifcth vp , Satan is neucr quiet or flecping. 1 lus is the mcft (lire and moft tiuily marke, whereby it is difceined from lying doCtrincs, which doc eafily llicwe forth themfelues when they are receaucd with fauouiable cares of ail nicHjSnd ;;re hcr.rd of the world re- ioycing at them . So in certaine ages pafle,when nil thinges v/cre diov/iicd in dccpe d -rkntfle , the. Lordt ot: this worlde m:;dc a fport and a play in mnner of all mcnj?nd i;iy idle and ..ooke his pleafure Lke a certaine Saidanapalu^ in found peace. For, what lliould he els doe but lau, h and plry bem^; in quiet and peaceable pollcliion of his kingdome ? But when the hght IliiDino from aboue ioincwhat fcatiercd abroad his darknellc, when that fliongman troubled and ailaiiod his kingdome, then he -* began to (hake of his wonted drovvfincI]e,& haliiiy to arme himfelfe. A.id Hrll he liri ed vp the force ot men, whereby he might violently opprefle the tiurh beginning todiine. By which when he no- thing preuailcd, he turned to futile ennappinges . He llirred vp difllntions and difagreemcntes of dodrines by his Catabaptiftes,and other monfti uous leude nien,whercby he might daikcn it and at length vtteily quench it . And now he continueth to allayle it with both engines . For he traucUeth both by the force and power of men to plucke vp that feedc,and with his darnejl (as much as in him lyeth) to choke it, that it may not growe and bearc frute . But all tliis he doth in vaine, if we heare the warning of God, which both hath long before opened hiscraftes vnto vs,that he (houldenot take vs vnware,and hath armed vs with fufficient defences againft ail his engines. But how great ma- licioufneffe is it to lay vpon the woidc of God the hatred either of the feditions,which noughty and rebellious men do ftirre vp,or of the fedes which deceauers do raife againll it ? Yet it is no new ex- ample . Elias was aikcd whether it were not he that troubled Ifraell. Chrilt was efteemed of the lewes a feditious man. The Apoftles were accufed of making a comotion among the people. What other thing doe they whicii at this day doe father vpon vs all the troubles,vprores,and contentions that boyle vp againft vs ? But what is to be anfwercd to fuch, Ehas hath taught vs : namely that it is , .Knjj. » S. not we that fcatter cnors or Ihtre vp vprores:but it is they themfclucs that wrafllc againft the pow- er o!- God.But as that one thing alone is iufficient to beate backc their rantnefle,fo againe wc ought to mectc with the weaknefl'e of other,who oftentimes happen to be moued with fuch otfences,and intheirdifinayingto waucr . But let them, to the end that they may not faint widitlus difmaying and be difcouraged, know that the Apoftles in their time felt by experience the fame thinges that now happen vnto vs . There were vnlearned and vnftedfaft men, which wrefted to their ownede- ftrudionjthofe thinges that Paule had written by the mfpiration of Gcd,as Peter fay th . There were i.Pet. j .i tS. defpifers of God,which when they heard that finne abounded to the ende that grace might more a- boundjbvandby obiedcd. We will then abide in finne,that grace may abound. Whc they heard that the faythfuU are not vnder the lawe,they byandby anfwcred, We will then finne, bicaufe we are not Rom.tf.i.& 1 5. vnder the bwe, but vnder grace . There were that accufed him as an exhorter to euill. There entred priuily many falfe Apoftles to deftroy the Churches which he had builded. Some by enuie and con- rh:Ijp.i.i5. tention,and not purely,yeaand mahcioufly preached the Gofpel,thinkingto adde more afflidion to his bandes . Somewhere the Gofpcll not much profited. Ail fought their ownc, & not the thinges ^.iij. of ^ IKE P R E F A C fi of lefus Chaft.Some went backewardcjdogges to their vomitCjand fwine to their wallowing in the myre. The nioft part did drawe the hbcrtie of the Spinte to the licentioiifncfle of the fleflie .^ Many brethren crept m,by whom there came afterward great daungers to the godly. Among the brethren thcmfclues were many ftrifes raifed vp. What fiiould the Apoftles haue done in this cafe ? Shoulde they not eythcrhauediflembled for a time, or rather altogether haucgeuen ouer and forfaken the Gofpell which they fawe to be the fedeplot oFfo many contentions, the matter of fo many daun- gcrsjthe occadon of fo many offences ? ^ o. But for helpe in fuch diftreflcs this came in their minde, Luke. 2. J 4. that Chnft is the Itone of ftombling and rocke of ofRncc/et vnro the ruine and nfing againe of ma- ny^and for a figne that fhould be fpoken againlh With which affiance they being armed, went for- ward boldlv thi-ough all daungers of vprores and offences . With the fame thought we alfo ought 2.Cor. j.i(?. to be vpholden/orafmuch as Paule teffiheth that this is tiie perpetual] propertie of the Gofpell, to be the fauour of death vnto death to them that pen/he, although it were ordained to this vfe, that it fhould be the fauour of life vnto Iife,and the power of God vnto the faluation of the faithflillrwhich verily we fhoulde alfo feele,if we did not with our vnthankfiilnefTe corrupt this fofiagulara bene- fitcofGod, and turne that to our owncdeftrudion, which ought to haue bene tovstheonely de- fence of our fafetie. But now I returne to y ou,my foucralgne Lorde . Let thofe falfe reportes nothing moue you, by which our aduerfaries trauell to caft you in feare of vs, with f^ty ing that by this new Gofpell (for fo they call it) nothing is hunted for and fought but fitte occafion of ieditions,and vnpunifhcd hber- tie of vices . For our God is not the author of diuifion, but of peace : and the fonne of God is not the minifter of finne,which came to deftroye all the workesoftheDcuill. And we are vnworthily accufedoffuchdefircs,whcreofwcneuergaue any fufpition were it neuer fo fmall . It ishkelythat we forfooth doe pradife the ouerthrowing of kingdomes, cf whom there h?.th neuer bene heard a- ny one feditious worde, whofe life hath euer bene knowen quiet and iiinple, when we liued vnder you: and which now being chafed from home,yetceafl'e not to praye for ail thinges profperoiisto you and your kmgdome . It is likely forfooth that v/c hunt for licentioufiielfe of vices, in whofe bc- hauiors although many thinges may be found f3ulty,yet there is nothing v/orthye of lo great repro- ching : neither haue we with fb ill fuccefle ( by the grace of God ) profited in the Gofpell, but that our hfe may be to thele backbiters an examplar of chaftitic,hberalitie,mercy,temperance, pacience, modeftie,and whatfoeuer other vertue . Vcniy it is by the proofe it felfc euident that we doc vnfai- nediy feare and worlliip GodjForafmuch as we defire that his name be hallowed both by our life and our death,and enuie it iclfe is compelled to beare of fome of vs a witncfle of innocence and ciuilc vprightnefrc,in whom this onely thing was punifhed with death v.'liich ought to haue bene acccmp- ttd for a fingular praife. But if any vnder pretenfe of the Gofpell do ftirre vp tumultes(as hether co it hath not bene found that there haue bene any fuch in your Realmc)if any pretend the libertie of the grace of God to defend the hccntioufneffe of their vices ( of which fort I haue knowen many) there belawes,and penalties of lawes,by which they may according to their dcferuinges be fharply puni- flied ; yet fo that in the meane time the Gofpell of God be not euiU fpoken of for the wickedncifcof natighty men. Thus haue you ( O King) thevenimous vniufticeoftheflaundercrs largely enough declared, that you may not with an eare of too eaiie beleefc\ bende to their reportes. I feare me afio leflc it be too largely fct out, forafmuch as this Preface is in a manner come to the quantitie of a whole booke of defcnce,whereby I entcnded not to make a defence in deede, but onely to molifie your minde aforehand to geue audience to the diiclofing of our caufe : which your mindc, though it be now turned away and eftraunged from vs,yea and enflamed againfl vs, yet we truft that we fliall be able to recouer the fauour thereof, if you (hall once haue without difplcafure and troublous af- fedionrcdouerthisour confeflion, whichwe willtobcinftcde of a defence for vs to your ma- ieflie . But if the whifperinges of the mahcious doe fo pofTtd'e your carcs,that there is no place for accufed men to fpcake for themfclues : and if thofe outragious furies doe Ihll with your wincking at them,exercife crueltie with prifonning,tormcnting,cutting,and burning : we (hall in dede,as ("hecpe appointed to the flaughter, be brou;2,hc to all extremities:yct fo,that in our pacience we flull pcfTeirc our foulcs,and waite tor the ftrong hand of the Lord; which fliall without doubt be prcfent in time, and ftretch forth it fclfe armed,both to deliucr thepoore out of afflidion, and to take vengeance 011 the defpiferSjwhich now triumphe with (b great ailurednefTe. . "* The Lorde, the King of Kinges ftabli(he your throne with righteoufiicfTe, and your feate with equitic, moft noble King. Ac Bafilcj the lirft day of Auguft,in the yearc. 1536. A Table of the cliiefc matters contcincd in this Booke. A. Dams fall Btkt.i. Chap .r. ^/Iti^els. ho.r. ch.14, ^tm»inUng. See Vrrclion. ^Afcetidwg of (thrift into heauen. bo.2. cb.rS. Godhead of Chnft. CoHernment cinde. bf.2, ch 14. bo,4. ch.20. H. Baptifme. Ba'^tifr/ie of hfantcs. B. bo. 4. ch.rf. he. 4, ch.ri. c. Church, bo. 4. ch.r. Compartfon ofiht tmeand fa'feChitrch.bo.4, ch.i. lurif- dil'.on aid dfiipline of the Church, bo, 4. cb.ir. & /2. 'Tower of the Church m touchirig mak^rg Uvvcs. bo. 4. ch.ro. Tower of the Church us touching arti- cles of Faith, bo. 4. ih.g. Theflate of the oldeChurch. bo.4. ib.4. Order and mi~ mfteries of the Church, bo.4. '^h.}. Chrift. The godhead of Chrifi. bo i. ch.14. How the perfon of Chnft u one in tvv» natures, ho. 2. ch.14 • Whereto Chnjl vvMfitit. bo.2.ch.rs. HovvChnjlhath defernedfor vs eternall life. bo.2. ch. 17, How Chrifl if the Mediator, bo. 2 . rh,!2 Chrft theT{edemer. ba 2. ch.iS. Chrifl aTrophet, ^ngandTriefl. bo.2. ch.is- Death of Chrifl. bo. 2. ch.iC. Defcendwg of Chrifl to hell. bo.2.ch.f6. T{cf.irr^c- tion and affention of Chrifl. bo,-:, ch.rf. Chrifiian libcrtit. bo.j. ch.r p. Chriflian mans life. bo.s.ch.6. Ctuilegouernement, bo.4. ch.20. Ctuile lud^ementes. bo.4. ch.^o, Coiifefion and SatiJfuUion popipi.bo.j . ch.4 Confirmation pop] h. bo.4, ch.j p . Co'ifcience. bo.j. ch.r 0. Councels and their dutboritie. ho. 4, ch. ;, Creation of man. bo.r.ch./f, Ctoje, Beartrg of the CroJJe. b^.j.ch.S, D. Death ofChrifl. , le.7. ch 16. Depending of Chrifl tt Hell, bo 2. ch,i6. lieutls. b»,i. ch.14. "Difcipline, See lurifdiHion, E. EleSion.The eternall Ele^'on, bo.j, ch.21. The eternal Eleiiton of God ii flablifhed by vacation, bo. 3. ch.14. EJfi 'ce of god one and per font three, ho.r. ih,/s. F. Faytr. bo,).ch.2, Seelnflificationand power of the Church, Fafting. bo.4. ch.t2. The Forfakutf^ of our felues. bo,},ch.7. FreewiU.bo.i.cb.i J, (b- bo,i, cb.z.^ /, G. Q^d, See/w.i^ir. KjQvvlid^eofGfd. Handes. See Laying on ofHandes. Heretik.es and Sthfmatikes. bo,4,ch.r. Holy gbafl and hit ojjices. bo.j. ch.r. The fecrete workjng of the holy Chofl. bo.j. ch.r, Smne fgainfl the holy Ghofi. bi.j.ch.j. I. Idoli. ho.t.cb,rr,ir Ii. Jefus.NameofItfu4. bo.2.ch.is. Image of God. be. r, ch.r j. To faine an l- mfg! of God, is vnlawfttli. bo.r.cb. it. Indulgences or Pardons, bo.j.ch.s. Intercefion ofSamcies, bo.j,ch.2o. Judgement ciule. bo.4.ch.2o, luriJditHon ir difcipUne ef the Church, bo.4. ch.ir.fir /2. luflification :fFayth. bo.j,ch./r. Begin- ning aid preceding ofluSiification, bo 3. cb.14. In luTl fication what thirges are to be noted. bo.j,cb,rj, K. f^owledgeofGod. be.r.ch.r,^c. That God is knowen naturally of all me. bo.i.b.}. whereto the knowledge of God tendelh, bo.r.ch.;, TImI the kl'owledge of God ii choked ei- ther by the igaoraume or malice of men. ho. I, ch.4, L. Litw, bo.2,ib 7. Lr.vves. bo.4 ch. 2a. The Law : the end^office and vfe therof. bo.:.ch.7.ExpoJitton of the Mcrall law, bo,2.cb t. See power of the Church. Libirtie Chrtfitan. bo.s.ch.tp. Life. Life of a Chriflian man . bo.j .cb. d, tAUditation if the life to come, bo.j ch. p. How prefcnt life U to be vfed.bo.j.ch.io, Loiie of our neighbour. bo.2.ch,t, M. Majfe Popifl.e. he.4,ch,ig, Mttrimeme. bo,4.ch.ia. Mediator ChriFf, bo.2 .ch.t2. Aierites (fwcrkes. bo.j.di.is Mtniilertes of the Church, ho,4ch.j. MonL\ery. bo.4.ch //, Morall law expounded. bo.2.cb,!. N. Neighbour, Loue of Neighbour. bo,2.ch.f, o. offence, bi.j.eh.ip. Orders andminilleries of the C^'wch. bo.4. ch.s. Orders 'Ecclefiallicall of the Pope.bo.4.ih.rp Originallfmnt, bo. 2. ch.r, Othe. bg.2.{h.t. P. TaHorstheir eleHion and ojjice. bo,4.ch.f. Teiiaifice. TruePenaunce. bo.j.ch.j, TopifbPenaunce, bo,4.ch.rf. Tower of the Church at touching articles offayth: bo.4.ch.St Touching making oflawes. bo.4.ch./o, Traytr. bo.j .ch.2 0. T> e leslination of God. bo.j.ch.ir. Triefies. Vnmanedl'fiofPriefles. bo.4, ch./2. Tram fes of the Lavve and the Gospella- greed. bo.j.ch.n, TrouidenceofGod, bo.i,i.h,i6. Turgatory, bo.j,cb.s. T^edeemer Chrifl. bo.2.(h.rg. \igeneration. bo.j.ch.j. T^epeataunce. See Penaunce. T^iprobate do by their owne fault hrirg vf- on themfelues the defiruition to w'y.ch they are predcflin.f.te. ■ bo.j.ch.24, T^efnrreSlion ofChr.fi. bo.7,ch.ig. Laft rcfurreflion of Chrifl. bo.j.ch.if. T^ew.nd, Ofrtw-trd the righteoufnejje of workes iiillga:bered. bo j.ch.iS, 'E.omifb See: The fupremacie of it, and the beginning of theT^omifh Papacie. bo.4, ih.d ir7' s. Sacramentes. ho.4.ch.r4. Sacrament esf.i'felyfo ttamed, bo.4.cb.i f, Satif.i[iionPop:Jh, bo.j.ih.4, Schifmatikes. bo.4.ch,j. Scripture: The authoritie thereof, ho.r. ch.s. That the doSirine cfthefcripture iinecejjaryfor vs. bo.i.ch.}, iinne etgamfi the holy Ghofi. bo.j.ch.j. Sinne originali, bo.i.ch t, Spirite. See the holy Ghoff. Supper of Chrifl. bo,4.ch.i/, T. Teflament, The likenejji eftht olde and tiev V Teflament. bo.2 ch.i 0 . Tradit:onsofmen, bo.4.ch.io, Trmitie. bo.i.ch.ij, V. Vndioii. bo.4.cb ip, VnmarudliftofTriefles. bc.f.ch 12, Vocation. By Vocation the Eternall eleElton ofGodisftdifhed. bo.j,ch.24. Euery man ought diligently to looke vponhit owne Vocation, bo.j.ch./, Vovves, bt,4.th.rj, w. Wicked. How Cod vjith the worket of the wicked. bo. r, ch.i St VVorkes. See tMerites and Wicked. VVorld, The World create, nounfhed, undgoutrntdofQod, b»,t,ii. The end of the fir ft T^hk, "yrhe firftbookc of theinftitution of Ctuiftian ReUgion,vvhich intrcateth of the knowledge of God die Creator. ^r/;f firfl Chd[}tcr. ilThat the knowledge of God,and of our felucs,arc things conioyncd : and how they be hnked the one with the other. tpc iD^olefuminama* nerof aUourU)treDom, U)i)tcl) oncl? ougl^ftobe accopte&truei pcrfertc iuifeDome, confiffct^ in tluopart0,tfjatistofai3 thz bnotolenge of CDod, f of our feluea* But tuljeras tljefc t*DO fenotolctjgcs be tottt) mam bon^^ Uv^tn togetbcr : ^ct to^eti^cr goetb befo;^e o j engenD;^ctl& tfje otf)tr,itis barDtooifcernc.iroj firft no man can loke tpon btmfelf.but ^e mna n^ocs b^ f b^ turne all iiis kn(t» to tt)t bc^jolDing of goD,in lu^om ^t liugtb I is moucBtbecaufc it is plaine i t^ofc gifttf tD^eriuttb toe be enoueo are not of our fclues, ^ea ene tl)Ht tbat toe baue being is notbing els but an effence intbe one (000. i?inall^,b? tbefe gcoti tbings tbat are as bi? D.jopmeale poureo info ts fro bcancn,toe are Ico as it tocre br ccrtcn ftreamcs to ti^t fpnng bead, ^m fo bp our otone noe^ineffe -, better appcaretb t\)nti\\Mtc pltntr of SOD things tbat abi^etb in €ioD.fepeciall^ tbat raifera- blc ruinc, tob^rctnto tbc fall of tlic firtt mm\ batb tijictone t3S,compcllctb tjs to lift tjp our e\?es, not onl^ Icing fobcles auD bunflr^ , to crane from t'orncc tbat to!jtcb toe ladte^but aifo being atoaije=^ nco toitb fearc^o fcarnc fjmntlitt.ifo; as tlKr t5 fouD in inan n c ertain too;liD of all mirciies, ano fince toij l^atit bene fpoileD of tlje Diuine appsrcS^cur (bame full nahc^nefic; tjifclofetb an infinite bc4pc of filtbP latrgraccnicntirs : it mull mtoes be tl)at ctier^ masi br; p^icbeD t6 fenotoleoge in cofcitnce of bis otontjn* bappineffe to maSe bim come at leaft bnto fome bnotolctjge of dDoo. ^o hy> § bnoerttanoing of our otone ignorance, taniti?,beggcrv5toeaUnts,pcrucrrnes, ano corruption, toe Icarnc to reUncto*^ leoge tbat no tober els but in tbe Jlo^D abioetb tbe true ligbt of toifDo«i,founD tjertue, perfetteabounoanceof allgoju fbings,! purity of rigbteoufncs. ano fo bt? our otone euils toe are ffirren to co^ Coer tbe b©d t^in&fi of (Sod : ano toe ca not earneftl^ afpire totoaro bim,bntill toe begin to miaifec our felues. ifojof all men tobat one is tber tbat toolD not toillingl^ reft in bimfelf:?^ ea tobo Dotb not reft,fo long as be fenotoef b not Urn felfe, tbat is to fa^, fo long as be is com tenteD toitb bi^ otone giftcs, anb igno* rantozbnminocfulof bis otone mife* rpf SLljcrfoje ener g ma is br tbe fenoto^ leoge of bimfclfe, not onl^ p^tcfeeo fc;^# toarD to ff he (IDot),but alfo leu as it toer bvtbcbanofoSnDebim. 2 ^gatne it is certainr,tbat man ne^ ncr commctb tjnfo tbe true JtnotolcDge of btmrclfe, tjulcs be baue firft bcbol^e tbe face cf CDors, $ from bcbolDtng tber* of DO oefcenn to lofee into bnnfelfe. i?o? (fucb is tbe pnoe tbat is naturallr pl3* teD in bs) toe altoa^ tbinkc our fe lues ri5!}tco«s,innocent, toife ano bolp, ^n< tiitl^at \^iVo manifcft pjoues toe be cc* uinccD of our bnrigbtf oufnes,fiItbi»tcs, foUr ano bndemics. Witt toe arc not cn'iincea tbereof, if toe Icofec ^pm cur fclucs cnl^,antJ not bpon /(. is tijg onl^ rule totiert^ tW& iu^qemit , come lot bfcm te ts as greatcH: toicheo* ougljttobetri'eD ifoj becaufc toe are! m0:tljenti;attobtri) ctD marueloufif naturally tuc linen to I)ipotrift,tt)eif o;ie Dcretae las fencer c ouler of totfDoni,Cbal a ccrtaine tainc refemblancc of rig!)te^ i 0inke btfc^z tjs as txtmmt foUr.ttm mUuB Dotft aUounJjantii? content ts in \ tfeat teljif b fiiu bear tlje fare of Hrf gt&, tleaD of rigf)f ecufnes in DeeDe. 0nD be^ eaufc ttjere appearetb not^inj among tj0, no;> about tss, tljat i5 not Dcf^lei) v6 muf^ filt!jinc0,ti5crefo;c t^at Mj^d) is p;opo;cjon to tfjc purenes of €00, Hjallbep^oueD to be moftcmiferable toeatineB.feo Ccnceri^ cotb i tcbid^ in 1)0 femetb euen mott perfeit,anrujer in folDbat kB fiUDv pleafetb fcs aff tbougb it tuere moEe pare, fo long as fee bolBe our relue0 toitbin tbe bonnBs of manes t3ndenn£0. JLike as tbc ere t^nt 10 tfeti to fee notfjing but blache, tbinketb tljat to be pure toljite, lobid) ytt 10 but tjar* ; kiO^ tobite,o.; b^oVDn,3^ca,toe mat ^ct mo;e plainly? Difccrn bn our boDilv (tft !)oUi trnicl) tue are blinceo in cofiDering tlje potoers off foule. ifo? if at miDOa^ toeeitber leoitcnotonetjpontbcgroiiD, 0; be^ol35 tbofe t\)in^s tbat rounD about !ic open before our er^s, t^m toe tbinb our feiucs to Imuc a ter^ afTureD i pear ring fo,ue of fisfjtibut toten toe lofte bp to tbc fonncf bebolo it toitb fireD t^es, tbentbat fame fijarpnelTe ttjat toa0of great fo;jce tpon tljc gronnD, is tot?tb fo great bii^Uncs bt?antjbt oafelcD f con* foiiDcDjtbat toe are compellcD to confer tbat tije fame flKirp figbt Mncb toe \m in conliCieringeartblT? tbings, ii)\)mit iomnietb to tljc funne is but mare tuU nes.Cuf fo commctb it to palTc in to^cr* ing our fpiiitsml got! tljlgs. if o;j \xiUlG toe loftc no furtljer tijen tfje eartb,fo log bvjngtocUcontenteD tottb ourcctor.e rig'oteoufneu, totfcuo ana Urcm^tl), toe t>o rajceteii? Matter our fe!ues,anD tUnh t/3 in maner ba!fe go50. ^il^ut if toe once begin to raife Up our t^onqlji bnto CcD ano to toc'i? to^bat a one be is, f boto er* aot is tljc perfecjiojt cf bis rirr!)f eoufnea, totrcDjm f potoer, after tbc'^rule to'ber^ of toeoug'itto be fiamcDttben r ^iiic\) hc'Inc DiD picafe t-s in our ieluee toitb faiiz p^eteiicc ofrigbtecRfnes, Ojall be* 3 ipereof p;ocee^eD tbat trembling f amafcDneSjtoberetoitb tfje fcrtpture in mant? places rccitctb tbat tbe bolt? men toereltrikenand a0oni(beb fooftcaa tbe^ percei[?ueD tbe p^eff ce of C'co. j?o; toben toe fee tbat tfy^^ tobicb in bis ab^ fence Dio fJtann alTurcD ano t?nmoueD,fo fcnc as bcliifclofetbbT0 glo^P, begin fo to quafec f are fo DifmaiD, tbat tljev^ fall coton,rea are ftoalotoeb t)p ano in ma^ ner as f eltrorco toi?tb feare of Deatb;it is to be gatbereD tberbr tbat ma is nc* uer fufficicntl? toacbeu anb intoarbl^ moueu \j)y!th fenotolebgeof bp0 otone faafencs, tMttii be baue copareb bimfelfe to tbe maieSrc of dDoD. ^ut of fuc^ oiiv maving toe baue often epaplesbotbin tbelufigcsauD in tlje ^.^^opbctstfo tbat tUs toas a common failing among Ibe people of (©oDiMe Hal bie becaufe tie 3to;D l^at^ appearcD tnto \is, ^n^ tt^evf fo to tb;ctoemen Dotonc Mtl) fenctolecge of tljetr etor.c follt?,tocafene0,anD fcnclrnes, b^ingetb altoai? bis principal p^jofc from Defcri* binG<^otJs toifeDom,tlrcngtb anfc clcn^ nes. ilntJtbatnotto^t^cntraure. jrc; Ge,iS.i7 toe fie boto ^ braham,t!;e nerer tbatbe came to beljolD tije gio^^ cf CDcd, 1^ HU tcr acfenctolcDgc^ bimrcif to be eartb f tuft. WiKt fee bo to fciias tav-lXi vM abirte to tarv bin wniit^g, te tim toiti) tncci:e= rcD face : To ternOle ts tJjc betcleiug of bim.^n^ Uibat nm^ men to tl;at is but co<4rupti0n anb a toc^n>,toVen et;:i; tbe Cbcrubiiis: fo; tDcrf frare mt^Hc btoe tbcir faccsvXijugn ih^s is it tbat § p^Of ^ pbct Tucl.13. 22. fcxe.2.j '3. tfa,i4. 23. Efa.1.10 God the Creator. ^irit 1 ookc. Irol.o. bt)et tlav ipcafeet^ or: HLiie nmne itjall : Ijoto fo cucr tbe fenctDleogc of a>oD ana bluOt)e,ahtJ tbc majnc 1!) Ul be aCbameD, ' of our fclues, are luvtlj mutual tmottc toben tl)5 iLo^^e of tjallce Ojall raigne, tljattstofa^, toljcn l)Z sifplapetb fj^s bMSl^tne0,-J bnngcti} it nearer to figtit, then in comparifon tbcrcof tbe b^ig^^ teft tljOT of ^»l ^^^1 ^^ i)arUcneD,)i5ut lirtfeeo tojetljer, v^t tl)e ot^cr of rpnljte teacbing reqiurctbtbat firH lue intrcaC ofttjeljnotnleBgcofCDoD, f after rume tjotone to fpeaUe of t^c feuotoleose cf ourfelucs. fT7"/'^ ffcond chapter. V Vhat it is to knovve God,anJ to vvhatende tcndeth the knowledge of him. ^S^eline b^? i^t hnotoleuge of (iDorj,not 7 onlp tbat Unotcleoge, tol)crb^ toe ro- reiae tbat tberc tsj fome C^oD , bat alfo tbat,to)|jerbr toe learnc fo mucb as be* bouctb b3 to hnoto of bT?m, f as is p2o^ fttable fo; ib?5 glo?r , finally fo mucb as is erpebicnt. ifoj, to fpealie p^roperlr, toe ca not fav tbat CDoo is fenoton tober tbcre iii no religion no;: gosJli?nr3. "Bnt beer 3 DO not t?et toucb tbat fpecial feinu offenotolei5getoberebv> tbefc men tbat are in tbemfelues reprobate ano accuri* feo boe conceinc ti^oo tbe ^•'^bemer in €\^ jia tbe mcbiatoi t but 3 fp^a^^ o"!^ of tbat firtt ano fimple maner of bnoto? leOffc, toberetjnto t^etjert? o^uer of na* ture too!D baue Ic^ Us, if Adam ball co^ timzii ii\ ftate of innot encrc* iFo; al* tbong^ no man,(itb mafeiube is in tbis ruinc, can pcrceiuc ©oD to be e^tbcr a fatb:r,o? autbo;^ of faluation, o; in anr toifc fauoarablc>"bnlcs €\^iiV[ come as a xazx\\z to pacify' bim tctoaro fcs : y^zt it IS one tbing to fcele tbat bispotocr fuGaine bs, b^ bi>3 p;oui?3eiK0 goucmc bs,br bis gmb* nes nauk'ilbtjs,'? cnbueVis \»aUhint!es ofblcffings: suuanotbertbingtotm^ bzare f grace of reconciliation offereb bs in Cb;ilt ^bcras tbe rfo^e tbe lo^o firll timpl? appearetb as toell b^ § ma* \^\Vi^ of tbe toozto,as bi' tbe general doc txiviz of tbefcripture,to be the <2:reato?, , an3 tben in tbe face of Cbn^tobetbe rebcmer : Ijcreupon artfe ttoo fortes of fenotoing bim of tobicb tbe fojmer i$ notij to be tntrcatcD of, % tbcn tbe otber flbal o:Derli' fototo in tbe place fit fo<: it if o; altbougb our mine can not coceiue tit ItnotoleDge of Cod, but ^^t it mull geue to bim fome ttinbe of toD;C[)ip,\>et il)all it not be fufPtcicntfimplpto Imoto tbat it is bJ onel? ^t ougbt to be bono* reD anb too;il]bi?peD of all men , tjnleffe toe be alfo perrua:jeD tbat be i^ t\iz foun ta^ne cf all gcjD tbtnges,to tbe enD tbat toclboulD feefec foj notbing els toberc but in bimj mean berefap, not onlr fo^ tbat as be batb once createD i^is too^lD, fo bi? bis infinite potoer be fuficinetb it, b^ bis toifcDom be gouernetb it, bi? bis gcDbnes be pjcfeructb it , anD fpcciallv manfeinsebc rulctb bi> Hb rigbtcour^ nes anb iuDgemft,ruffretb bpbis mer* cr .anD fanegarDctb bt bis bcfenfe : but alfo becaufe tbere can no tober be foiiD an? one bjop eitber of toifeDomc, o; cf lig!)t,o? of rigbteoufneSjO.: of potocr,oj of tip;igbtnes,c;j of Qncere trutb,tobicb flotoetb not from b^m o;t tobere cf be is nottb? caufe:to tbis cnD beril^tbat toe OjiilD learn to lohc fc; f crane all tbcfc tbings at \iVi bao, I toitl) tban?5fgcuing accopt tbf rcceiueD of bim.iro? tbis fe«; ling of f potof rs of goD is to bs a mste fcbolcmafterofgoDlines, out cf tobicb fpnngctb religic:cE^oDlines 3 cala reue rfce of goD to^nep to loue of ^i tobicb is ^Xi, y;ccur^"D Of the knowledge oi Cap. 3. p;ocureD b^ fenotoleDge of bt)5 benefits* if oj mm toill nmcr to^t^ toilUng Of bcDicnce fubmtt tbem feluest fo ©oD, t«ttlUljcii pcrcciue tbat tbet^otuc all ttinastobim, tftattlje^are nouriOjcD brliisfetljerlt?carc, ffeatbct0totljem t!)e autbo^ of all scdU tbings, fo tbaf no^ t\)m is ^0 be fougbt clfelubere tban in btm* f ca tber ^ill "^"^^ ^^^^^ ^^»"' fclurs truel^ anti luitball fbctr bcart tobolclijtobtm, bnU5 fbcr affurcDli? belcac tbat inbim 10 perferte felicity repofcDfojtbcm* 2 SCbcrfojetber'Jo but trifle 16 tiaine fpecnlations, tobicb in entreating of thiB que(tion,Doe mahe it tbeir pnrpofe to Difcu0, tobat tifiiiq, (Sod iu, tobere it ratber bebouetb bs to Unotoe tobat ma^ neronebeijs,ftDbat agroctb \i)itl)])^B nature, ifojtotnbatenoefeructbitto confefi aB €pkurt Dotb?^ tber is a dDoo tobicbtotb onl^ eelite bimfclfe ^juiti) iDlenes, bauing no care of tbe 1do;Id i if inall?,Ujbat p^ofitetb it to bnoto fucb ac^oD Xo lobom toe map baue notbing to bofBut ratber tbe fenotolebgc of bim ougbt to ferae to tl)is eno^firff to frame t]5 to feare anD reuerence : tben tbat b? it gtiiDing f teacbing bs,toe mat? l^arn to craue all goiD tUng^ at f)is bano, ano taaccompttbem recciueDofbr«i. ifo? boto can any tbougbt of dDou enter into t^ minu,but tbat tbou mult tbcrtuitb' al byanoby tbinU, ^ fo;iafmucb as tbou artebis creature,tbcrefo;je tbcu arte of rtgbt fubiert anb bono to bts autljo;jitv, tbat tbou otoeftbim tbv life, tlint tubat foeuer tbou entcrp^ifrtt, tolmtfoeuer tbou Doa,cngbt to be DirectcD to btntflf tbis be trucjtbcn truly it folcU-ctb tbat tbylifc is perueray co^rupteD if it be notframeo to obeyig of bim,fo;iarmucb asbistotU ougbt tobccurlato toliuc by. 0gatn,tbou call not clcrcly fee tMy but tbat tbou muft nezuts knoXxi tijat be is tbe fountain ant> onginali of all gojD tbingsi, tDbertipon (boulD groto botbe a Defire to clcaue tnto bim , f an affureo truft in bim , if mans oton co^ruptnes bin not ojato bis mince from tbe rigbt fearcbing of bim. if o> firft of al,y goDly minbe notb not as by a 0 jeame imagin tobcrfclfeanydDoDatabuenture, but ftebfallly bcbolDctb tbe onelyoneanb true cDoD : anD ootbe not falQy fo^ge of bim tobatfocuer be r felfe lehetb, but is content to beleeueliim to be fucb a one as be Difclofetb bimfclf,ano ootb alluay toitb great oiligence faetoaretbat toytl) p;tefumptuous rafljneii (be paCfe not be* yono bys toill,ant) fo toanber out of tbe toay* 3ntitoben(bc^ fafenotoetbbrui) becaufelba^ bnoerttanoetb tbat bego^ uemctb all tbings, fiiee alTureoly tru^ lletb tbat be is bcr fafekeepcr nm Dcff * oer, anb tberefo;e tobolely comnuttetb ber felfe to bis faitb i HBccaufe (ba bn^ oerltanbctb tbat be is t^t autl;o; of all gcDb tbings, tberfo;e if any tbing Iron* ble ber,o^ if Ibec toanf any tbing,tyanD by ittflietb to bim fo; fucco?, lofting fo; belp at ffis bab. IBecaufe (bee is ptr^ fuabeb tbat be is goio f mercifull, tber;' fo;c toitb affareb cofioence fiietrefietb on bim, f tsoutetb not in all ber euils to Um reoy remeby in bis merciful hinb^ ncs. Becaufe (bee hnotoetb Wn to be ber lo?D f fatber,tberfo;e (bee oetermi- netb tbat be is toojtby tbat (bee (bulb in nl tbings baue rcgaro to Us autbojity, reuerence bis maiedy, procure tbe afi* nanccment of bis glo;:y,t obey bis com? maunocmcnts. 3l5ecaure ll;ee fccf b tbat be is a rigbtcous iutige anD armeb ivitt) bis feuerity to punifb fmners, tberfo^e (bee altoay fettctb his iucgcment feate before ber eyes, ar.b \int\) feare of bym feitl)D;atoett) ano relrrainetb ber felfe from p^oucfeing. bis to^atb. ^et is (liee not fo afraioe \mth tbe feeljng of his iuDgemcnt, tbat fljcc tooulo ccnuey ber felfe from it:^ltbougb there toer a toav C};tn God the Creator. tirltBookc.i to\. open to efmj^e ithvt rat^r C^ar hot^ no lc0 loite !)un>to^ile ^c ejtentietft tenge^ ante trpon tlie bjictieD, tban tobtle ^e w beneficialltot^e goWi? , fo^afmuc^ a« a^t)ttBerltam)rt]^ tt^at itoott) nolelTe belong to ^is gloj^ t\)^t be Ijatb in ff o?e puntll&mrt fo^ tbe toicfeco anD euell Do* erifjti^n tbatbebatb retoaro of eternal life foj tbe rigbteoas . ^;eouer tba Dotbcnot fo;onli[?feareof pnnilftment refraine ber felfe from finning:but be^ caulefta loaetb ano reucrencctbl)i?m as W fvitber, attenDetb on bim t bono^ retb l)tm as bir 3lo.;o,tberfo^eaUbougb tbere Uiere no bell sit all, ret (bee o.jca^ iretb Ins onlt oifpleafure. ijiolu bebolo tobat 15 tl)t puw ano true religion, eue faitb iosneb loitb an earneft feare of (^oD : fo tbat feare ma^ containe in it a iDilling reutrencc, ano u^ato toitf^it a rigbt fo;rmc of ioo^lbipping fncba^is appo?nteBintbelatoe.^rtbtbieiei ist^t mo;e bts^^fuH^ to be notcD,bccaure all ittc gen^rall^ bo toojOjip <^o% but feta bo reuerence bim, tobile ecbe tubere is great popoua jijcto in Ceremonies, but t\)c pureius of b-irt is rare to be fourro. 3 3fcrael^,tbet? tljat iuDge rigbf It?, toil altoa^ boia this foi ccrtainc, tbat tbere is grauen in v mm'ii'^xi of men a certain ficUng of tbe <©o^b?a'5, ^Wi) neuer ca be blcttetJ out.pca tW tbis perfuaSon, ti)at tbere is a 0od, is eiien from tbcir gciieration naturulli? planteointbein, atio Dcepd? rotcD \xiitm\ tiiieir bones, tlie ber'(? obUinacti or ^ UjicJie') is a fub* ftontial li3itn3S,tDbieb iMitbtijcirfuri^ ous ilriuingvet can neucr luin^ t\)tn^<> feluc3 oat oftbc feare of u5 jO.^ltbocgb^ Dingoras ano fucb otb?r bo ieH i Uagb at all tbat batb in ail ages i;enbe!eeue3 coacerniiig religion:alt!)Oui7b DyomG- us bo fcoffe at toe b^auenli? iuDgsmeut: vel tbat 10 but a laughter fro t\)t ta tbe f?;it»arb, becaufeiniuarDlp tbe too.jme ofcutcience gnaiuctbtbem niuclj mo;je f (barplt? tban all bot fearing irons. 3 al^ leage not tbis tbat Cicero faitb, tbat er^ ro;s b^ conttnuace of time groto out of tjfe, anb religion bail^ moje anb moje encreafetb anb luaietb better, jfo^ tbe U)o;lD(as a litle bereaftcr toe tbal bane occafton to fbeto)trauailetb as mncb as in it lietb to f^lte of all ^notjolebge of Cob, anbb\)allmeanes toco^rnpttbe tDo;Q)ipping of ^im,lB{xtti)i8 onlpBI fa^,tbat toben tbe bul barbnesjtubicb ^ tJDicbeb DO befirouQ^ laboj to get to be^ fpife (Don IJDitball, Dotbe lie piningl^ in tbeir barts,^et tbe fame feeling of (Cob, tobicb tbep tooulb niolte of all oefire to baue tjtterli? oeftroreb, Uuetb Cill, ano foirtetime uotb btter it felf:tobcrbr tue gatber tbat it is no fucbeboctrine as is firH to be learneb in fcb^les, but fucb a one to^crcof euert? man is a teacber to bimfelfeucn from bis motbcrs toomb, I focba one as nature fuffretb none to fo;iget,altbougb man? benn al tbeir en^ oeuourc to (baUe it cut of tbeir minbe. i^otD, if all men be bo;n anb bo line to tbis enb,to fenoiu gob, « tbe fenotrlebgc cf tt tubetber tX^t^^ toill oj no,tbep oftetimes fale tbat tobicb tbev are be^ (irons not to hnotue.Me reabe of none tbat eucr bib b;eafee fo?tbe into mo;f , p^efump^ God the Creator. JrirffBookc. 1I-0I..1 p;cfainptaoa£ianii t)nb;iiiileiJ5efpifin0 of ^OD, tbatn Caius Caligula : ^et noit0 moje mtfcrabl^ frcmblcD lobe an^ to.- feen of OoD« tDjatl) appearco.^nD fo a*- gainfte bis ioill he quafeeD fo^ fcare of \)im tubome of toilful purpofe be eniic^ m^tti to tjcfpife. ^n v f^^^ *^^^ ^ *"^ commflnl^ fee to bappen f 0 fucbe as be tans, ifo^tbebolDerDefpiferofdDoM an^ man i«, tbe mo;c te be troubleo at tbe l!)cr^ noifeof tbe falling of a leafe, ;anD lubcnce commctb tbat, but fro tbe rcucngcment of (Sow maieap, tob^cb Dotb fo mud) i mo^ctjebementl^ ffrihe tl)cir confcicnces as tbe? mo;c labo;^ to be,to bioe tbemfelues from tbe p^efrce of tbe %o^u : but Uibctber tbei? toill oj no,tbet?arelTillbolDcn fatttipeo, Sfoz botofoeucr fomettme it fametbtoba*: niflje atoa? fo; a moment,tct it oft re^ turnetb againe, anb luitb netu affanlte Dotb ran bpon tbem:fo ^ tbe reff lubKb tbc^ baue, if tbe? baue an? at all, from tojmentofconfcience, ismucb like to t])t aeepe of r>;unfearbs o;j fratiKc men, lobicb cue tobile tbe? Ueepe do not qui* etl? reft,bccaufe tbe? are at euer? nto-< ment bewtj loitbbojrible anu Djcauful bjeames» SCbcrcfo^e tbe ber? tMtgobl? tbemfelues feme fo; an eraple to p^ouc file atoa? from itintv ^0 in ucoe lohe tbat t\)zrt altua? l?uetb in all mernies about fo; al ti)t ftarting bolw ttjat ma?! minbee fome Uitotwlebge of C5oo. Thc.nif'ChdptcY. Thattlie (am e knowledge is either choked,or cornipted,partly by ignorance,and partly by malice. ongbt to banc Don, \s\xt meafure biin ac^ cTDtHt as cicperiencc teacbetb tbat cDou ■^batbfotucn t\^t fiKDeof religion in all men, fo fcarcel? ma? bf founoetbc bunb;f ib man,tbat bauing it conceiueo in bi« bcart Dotb cberiOj it^ but no man in tobom it ripciictb, fo ftir wit^ t\)dLt an? frute appc^retb i\\ bue Cime.Cber^ fo;c iDbetber it be tbat fome become \im\ intberr oton fuperllitions,o; tbat fomeboeof fet purpofemalidcua?rc^ uolt from©oD,?ct al bo run out of kinb from tbe true Uaotulcrjge of bim. ^0 commetb it to paffe tijat tbcre remai* nttb no true goDlincffe in ti)t luo;lDe. Ii3ut lubcreas 3 faioc tbat fome b? er= ro; fall into fuperllition, 3 meane not tbcreb? as ttougbc tbcir fimplicit?e migl)te cjcfufc tbem from blame, be^ caafe l^z blinDcueffc tbat t\ity> bane, is commcnl?altDa? mingleo botbctovtb p;ouDbanit?e,ano toitbUubbomiicffe. ulanit?e anb tbe fame io?neb Xu?tb puDe appearetb in tbis,tbat tbe? mife^ nble men botbc in t\it fa;liingof dDoD ro notclimbe aboue tbcmdUues as t\m co;bing to tbe p;epc;tion of tbeir olune flcfbl? Dulncffe, anb alfo ncgletfing tbe founbc manner of fearcbing fo; bim,Do curio«a?c fl?c to liaine fpeculaticns. auD To tbe? ccceiuc bimnotft!cb a one as be offretb bimfelfe, but bee imagine b?m fucbe a one as of tbcir olune ralbe pjcfuptio tbci baue fo;geb bim.tiUbicb gulfc being once opcneb, twbat toa? fo* euer t\)tt ftirre Vmx fate, ^z^ muHe noebes altoa? runbcblong into beffruc^ tio.i^o; tobatfQiJUfr aflerhjanj tbe? go about toluarD ? luo;tt)ipping 0; fcruice of cIDob, tbe? can not acconipt it bone to bim,becaurc tbe? tDo;lbip not ^^ixih but ratbertljeDcuifecf tbeir otnne beart, anb tbcir otune c;eame in ffeabe of b?m. SDbvsperuerfcucB DotbPauIecj;* p;ea? toucbe, tobcre be ra?tb, tbat tbe? tuerc maDe folcs toben tbe? coaetcD to be iyife. Be bab befo;c fa?be,tbat tl^t^^ tuerc maDe baine in tbcir imaginati^ ons t but IcatS an? man IboulD tbereb? eycufe ttiem from blame , bee a3betb aim; "furtijc? Ko.r.22 Cap.4. 1 Of t!ic knowledge of 'f.ij.i. ^rtl)cr jt^t tfjev are loo;itl)ili! blmoco, e^es of ttje bjicbco : 03ain,tljat m tljeir becaufe nottotenteu toiti) fobjictie,but ! cutl Doings t^cr p^ouDlv rciorccat tt)c mefumptaouflij tabing tjpo tbcmfelues fdue0,bccaufe tbev perftmce tijHcluts, mo^z tban tbei' ongbt , tbn? loimiU^ ' tbat <3on Dotb not lofec tjpon tbr.CSjf r^ bjiagDarfenetrcbpofljwaVuitljtwin ;fo;e altbougb tbcp bcrompclleatoac* f fi'otDiiii) pjiD0 DO maiJe (bcmfelues ; fenofeleDge Tom j <£?oD, ret t\)tv Doe rob fa)le0. I^bercttpo foIoUietb,^ tijeir foj^ i bim of bis glo^r? i« tD!tbD:alDtng from UlSncs ifif not ci:cufabIc,tDbcrof ^ caufc bint bis poijuer. ifo,: as <©oD (as Paulc 2.Tim.i» isnotcnclv tjain curtofitie,butairoa gretrnesto knolM mo;e tbanismeete fo; tbr,iovneD luitb a falfe confidence. 2 ^ fo J tbis tbat Dauid faitb, fl)at Hit Xmt'xta f inaD me tbtnS in tbcir baits, ^ tberc is no (I!5oD:if irtt i^ is meant on* If of tboic ^ cbofeing tbe Itgbt of nature, Do of purpofc maltc tbcfclucs fenCeleirc, as ts>ce (ball fee again a littel bereaftc r. Caen as t»c fee tbat manr after ^ tber baue ben barDencD Ijoitb bolDneflfe i cu^ Home of finning, do furiouQ^ put from tbcm al tbe remembMce of ^oD,tobtcb tct is b\> bert feeling of nature intoarD iv minilireD bnto tbeir minoes. ^olue Dauicl,to make tbeir maDncs ti^t mo^e DetcHable, bjingetb t\)tm in as tbougb tl)t^ pjecifelr DenieD, tbat tbere is an^ (S>oD : altboagb tbcr tafec not from \)y>m Uii being , but becaufe in tahing from \)im bis iuDgcment anD p;iouiDece,tbcr ^at Um bp iDlc in beaue, i?o; tuberas notbing les agreetb toitb tbe nature of <15oD, tban to tb^oto aluar tbe gouerne^ ment of tbe tuojlD,i Icaue it to fortune, to iuink at tl)e finncs of men,fo as tljc^ ma^ line in licentious outrage bnpuni tDitncCfetb) canot Dent bimfclf,becaufe be continually abioetb lilte bimfelfe :fo is it truelr fa^D, tf)at tbefe men in fai* ning cl5oD to be a DeaD ano bainc im*igc DO Denr ^oD. ^o;^eouer it is to be noteD tbat altbougb tber tD;affle agaitt tbctr o^ne natural feeling, anD do Defire not onlr to fljaUe out CDoD from tbence, but alfo to Deftrot? bint in beauen: ^et t^tir Dull barDncs can ncuer fo far pjeuaile, but t!}at C5oD fometime Djatecttj tbrm bacfee to bis tuDgement feat.315ut fo;ar^ mxicb as tbcv arc not tuitbbolDen luit!) anr fear fro running biolentlp againtt (IDoD:tberfo^eiti5 cerfaine tbattbere raignctb in tbem a b^otilb fo^getfulnes ofd^oD, fo long as tbat blinDo pang of rageDotb fo fo^cibl? carr i^tm. 3 ^0 is tbat bain Defenfe eucrtb:otLnt, tobicbm^anrarc toont to p;etenDcfo; crcufe of tbeir fuperllitton. Sfox tljzv tbinfee,tbat ani? Deuotion to religio fuf^ fifetbjtobatfoeucr it be,tbougb it be ne^ uer fo mm\) contrary to o jDer i trutlie. Wnt ^tr^ confiDer not, tbat true religi* on ougbt to be framcD acco^ing to tbe toil of it tjis iuDge mcnt.l3nt U>^cn tfytyi tjn^;?rltan!) t bis potDcr impcffiblf to be auoiDeO, \)mti) ousr tbcm : be cauTe t\)tv, tnn neitfjer b|? fo^jcc remouc ity \m bv' flight cfrapc it, t!jerfo;c n)t)^ fear it.^o leaft tbci O^iD in al tj;ings feme to Dtfpife fiim, fe'gofc maieHie M ptclTetl) ^psn t^p, t!)er tfc a certain cntloarQ fo;m of rcligio, futf? as it i^:but in tbe mean time tbet? crafc not to Defile tl)cmf£luc0 iuttb al UinD of tifC0,to io^nc outrasious mifcbenes to mifcbeueSjtintil ti)n feaue in all points tiolate ti)c bcl^ laloe of tbe ^o^u, f tsc? ftro^eDfjistubolc riijbtcoufnclTe o.j at Icafte t^es are not fo liolDcnbacfee Untt) t^jLt farneti fearc.of CUoD, but tijat teftfroifo^^fakellttruegoDttoOotofee ; tben I'ioetelv reft m tljeirfinnes, ano tbou l)aft once fo;fa!ten,t!jer is nothing flatter tfjenifclucs anb bat) ratbcr to fe^ left iaitb tl)it bnt a Deteftable ^itJCl , 3t fololDCtb tberfoje, tbat Ujc muft Deter* mine ^itf) Laaantms , tbat tljere is no lalufuUt! allocable religion , but tljat iDbicb is io\?neo isii^ tmtlh 4 2CbcriaalfoafeconDfaultt!)attbei ne^^tfjerbaaeat an^ time an^ confibe* ration of fatiffdctions.iFinall^ iuljeras tijeir afftaunce ougbt to baue bin fallen ncB ill l|ini,tl>cr neglecting bim Do rca in tbf f£i«e6,D.: in crcaturcsi . at lengtb tbep entangle tbemfelue^i luitbfucba beapc of erro,:0,tbat t\)t Darfee mitte of malice toeti) c^jcUz > anD at lati btterlt? qucncb tbofe fparkfi, tbat glimmering^ ly^ IbinetJ to make tijcrn fue tbc gloi^ of Cotj.^et tbat feeD 0il rcmainetb lubicb can b^ no meane be plucfeeo bp bv tf)e rate, to bclcue tbat tberc is a ccrta^ne got!beati:bnt tbe fame feete is fo co;rup teu >, tbat it b;iitgetb fo^tb of it none o^ ' tbcr but bcr^'euil frutes.^ea tberb^ i$ tijat \^\3ic\) 31 trauaile to pjoue mo iua^ ht obHinacie fuppjeffeD. The fifth chapter. €" That the knovvlcclgc of God doth sliiningly appcarc in the making ' of the world and in the continuall jiouernemcnt tliciof. k'.2c AA^ltQmx' becaufe ^z fartbefl tmt of bleC&D life aanoctb-intbeknote leDgc of dDoD:^ lA^t tua^ to feliftte IbalD bcHappcDto none, tbcrfo^eC-ot^balt, n0t onh? plantcD ix\ tUe mn^^ of me i fceoc of religia Uiljtd) Ijjc banc fpokc of, but alfo batO fo DifctofcD bimfclf imtl'e lubolc t))o;kmaCI)ip of ^ luojlD, % tapl^ fc msnifctll^ p.icfentctb bimCclf> i me ean not open tbcir errs fauttljcr mull Bcc^ bcbclD l:im.l^is fitbllance in DeeD mnc9p;ebtfible,ra^ U^'^i^'^ivit maic^ ;t!iefac fttr.iwimtctb all mens reni'es: ; biitl^b^tb in al \M too^Us graiicn ztx* I i%m mar:fe.s of bis.glo;i',$ tbofc fo plain- • I miM'Q Difccrnable,tbattbc epcufe of ■igno;jante iJ5 tr^^f aU>a^? fl*D nu%bc tber . neucr fo gi-olTc t Dull t33ittcD. SCberfcuc g p^opbet I'ijl^tfiilli? crietb out,iVbc is clctbeD iDttliiig^if ns tuitb a garmc t:as iViic SjuiD U^iie t^ai:?, ^ tb^ bf firJt Uega t0cojr»e foiitb to be feen \\\ bifible appa^ : tdylViXz^ f' time. i%z firlt DifpIaicD \^\$^ turn our titB^t appearetb glo;jions bn to bs. 3?n {> fame place alfo ^ famep^o pbct aptlp copareib ^t beauens as tbep ht DifplaieDabiioD, to \^iB ro^al pauilio: be faietb ^ be batb f.'ameD bis parlours in tbe lr>aters,)5 tbe douos are bis cbar* riots,tbat \yz riDctb bppon i^:iz Icings of tbe tuiuDs, tbat tbe tothDs i ligbtnings arc bis f tiiift mcOif ngcrs. ^nb becaufe tbe glo^ie of bis potucr i tutfDomc Dotb- mo;ef«llp Mnt aboue^tberfojccomoti \y> tbe bcauen is calleD bis palace. ^vXi firH of al,lr.bat toav fGeu!?r tboutume t\y^ cvcSjtber is no peccc of tbe teo;jlD be . it neuer fo fnwl>iitbcrin are not feen at Icaif fonte fparklcs of I]is gle^t to Ibine. ^uta5fo;tbismoll large % beutifuU frame>tbou canS nottoitb one bieto perufc tbe toioe copaffe of it, but i tbou multneeDsbc on eucrr fiDc oueriobel' mcD l6 t\^z inftnitie foKc of tbe b;>igbt* nestbcrof. tSElbcrfo^e tbe autbb; of tbe CEpiftlefo ^ Hcbrucs Dotb bcT^ Ixislcal irnfignss? m tbe erratic of tbe ^'OjlD^br t\it ages of tije 1uo;jJd tbe fpeitacle of in^ 1 ^>l^fe^:«jtanoU>lq|?at li?a^.Cceuei: iPfeUiflbietbiiisg, fo?,^ tbefoo^pgrlig ttao ttitbg; K*s.n. ming of tl)e VDo;rlD fcrnctl) ts fo.: a mtr* ro^ U)f)crirt Uic mai? bcfjolo ©oD taljiclj ofljciluire 15 t'miir-blf.ifo^ tDfjiclb caufc tl)c p;opi;et aU^igncit) to t^? fjcauenlv. creaturcsf a language ^ a!i nationa tn^ Der(lanD,fo;j tJjat in t\}t t\)tvc ic a mo.ic eamnt tcllificatio office ^oDljcao, tlja tijat it eugtit to efcape ^ coiiQDcratio of an^ nation hz tlje? neiicr fo Dnl.^U)tcf) t^ing i :apoIlle ucclanns mo;;e plaiiili; fait^ ^ t^cr iiSJ oifdofio tinto mc fo muclj a3\Da0bE!)oucful to bebnotup concern ning cDoD:b0caufc al mc tuirfjout creep 4i6,Do tbjougblr fe tjis inuiCblc tijings 0ue to bis tjcrp potuer i goD^caUjlobicb tber tjnDcrttao br t crcatio of g U}o.:lD. 2 :asfo?bi3lD6DerfulluifcDom,t!;cre are innumerable pzoncs botb in beauc I in cartb tbat toitneffe iU^ meahe not onel^ tbat fecretcr fo;t of tbinges, fo; tl}z nerer marfeing feberof Aftrologie, Phirike,anD ail natural |3bilofopbie fer mt\),hut eucit tbcfe tbings t tb?tifl tbc^ fclucs in figbt of cuert^one, euenofflje ruDcft tjnlcameD ma,fo t nten ca not Of pcntbcirepes biittbc^ mnftnecDs be tuitnciXcs of tbcm.l5uttruel^ tbc^ tbat baue oigetteD^tea o j but tafttn tlje libe rati art^Sjbeing bolptn b^ fbe <\y>ii tbcrof Dop;orcucmufb furtber to lojkc into tbe fccrctjj of CDgds totfeuome. |^et is tbere no nta fo btnD?cD hy> Jarft of^notu leDgc of tbofc art0,but tbat be tb;cugbl? fatbabuDantlp enougb of coning tuo^U^ manttitp in geD5 tuo;lJ6 , to b:ina bim in atjmiration of tbc Ujo^Uman 1t??er^ of. ^$fo? erample: to tbe fearcbing out of tbc mouings of ^ ffarrcs, appcin ting of tbeirplace5,meafuring of tbeir Diaance0,f noting of tbeir properties, tber neoetb art« an eratter Diligence: bpljubicb being tb;ougbl^ perceiueD, as tbc p;ouiDence of (DoD i$ tbe mo;ie manifeillp DifclofeD, fo it is conentent, tbat tfjeminDe rife fomtubat t\)z bier tberbt to bebolo bis glojie. ^ut fo/af" God the Creator. Tird Bookc. mucb as tbc tnfcarneD prcprc, ^ea mn tfje ruDeft fojt of tbem.fuf b as arc fumi fi)cD tuitib tbc cnelp be Ipc of tbeir ct?es, can not be ignorant of tbc crrcliencieof CDocs conniiw; UJc;jliKianrt)ip, lubicb in tUs innnnicrable $ ^(t fo fc ueralli toel o^DczcD ano Difpofcfj barictic t!Otb of tt felf CjclD fo;itb it felf : it is zuincnt tbat tficr is no man 40 tnboni Oct! coetb not tarrvcly cpcn bis Uufn! .likttiirc ir re^ quirt'tb a fUiriilcr fij/^rpntife cf Irit, to \X)tv Uutb fucb cur.hing as Galcn Dotb, tbe fenitting togctbcr,tbc p;opo;tionalI agreement , tbe beauti!;,^ \i^c in J frame of mans bo?)^ : bntbf all mens confclTi* on, tl)c boc>^ of man tot b bttcr in beri? tbetr cf it felf 10 cunning a compacting tog?tf;cr,tbat fc; it ti^t mafecr of it mav too^tbilr be iungcD fcontierfnll. 3 iclnu tbcrfoje certainc cf tbe pbilofo* pbers in oId timt Dib not iuitbout caufc call man a litteUtJo?lD , becaufe be is a rare rep;^efentation of v potuer , gojD^ neire,anD tuifcttom of (l&oo,f ccnteinctb in bim felfe jniracles cnoljo to occupit our minDSjif tue toil be cotent to marfe tbr.^nD fo.: tbis rcafon Paul, after tbat be ban fapti tbat ^ feer? blino men ma^ finoe out goD bt groping fo; bim,bianD b^ faiti) furtber,^ be is not to be fougbt farre ofjbecaufc all men 00 fcelcbnDcu> teDli?Untbin tbemfclues tbc beanenlp grace tDberl^ tl;)t^ be quichncD, X5ut if Uie neeo to go no furtber tba our fclues, to fin^e ! tafee bcl5 cf gcu : tubat parDo fl)al bis fioutbfulncs Defcrue p Uiill not tfoucbfafe to Defer o into bimfelf to finDe OoD;0nl) V fame is f rcafo iDb^ Dauid, U)be be bati lT)o;tl^ fpofec in § abuance? met of 1^ iDODerful name $ bono;^ of goD ^ DO eueri tuber glo;ioufli (binf,b^« fe^ crietb outtMlat is ma i tbou art minD fulofbim:?0gain,Butof Jmoutb cfin^ fants I fucfting babes tbou baft ffabli^ n^eo Hrengtb . i?o; fo be p^onsuncctb i notoncliginttPbolefeinDe of man is a tol.67 In lib.dc vfu. part Aa.17 27.' Pfa^S.f. •««*«a«iii^«««r> mirro? Cap Of the knowledge of mirror of t!je toojfees of ret Ijang on t!;cir moftjcrs bjcttu Aaue t5s0 eloquent enough to p^cadj bi^ glone^fo tfjat tl)cre ncoetft no otber c;iato;ts.^tt) t^ercfoje i)s Doutftl) not to fct tf)tir mont^ in f t3aatDarD,as being Crog^ l^ armeu to fubDuc tberr maoneffe tljat tuoulo aeco^iOtng to tbctr oeutiifl^ pnfip conetto ertinguifl^ tbc name of CDoD. anobereupon rifetb tbat tobtcb Pa^ii allegetb out of Aratus,tbat toe are § of- fpjing of mon reafon, f 30 it toere by infojma* tio of erpericnce, tbe pjopbane ]0octs calles bim ^ fatber of men. 0n!J tmcl^ no man UjiU aCfeatinglg anu Ujillinjjlp l)eia bimCf If to fcrue d^tJ , bat be t?jat izaim ttifttt bt^ fiitberlr Inue, ie; ma* tuaUiijaUuretitaltue f tuo^jlbip^im. 4 sum bere iJ tefclofcis ^^ foul Untbah^ f ulnear of men, toi)i£b tnbile tlje^ baue !i>itbin tbrmfciues a lDO.:Iiboufe glo* rioua^ fiirniC^sD luitbt innumerable liw^te nf otj, anualfoa ffiopIluffeD tuiib tnetiiinable plcntie of riclxs^ano tDbe tbt^ ongbt to burft fbitb into p;jai^ Sag of «jim,cire cotrar^tuife paffeo bp f Do fto^U luiib fo macb t\)z grater p^ioe. SCbep rcelebctp niuera^ inmarucilous tHV'r0(2>o5 ti5o^!ietl) in tljtm : tt)z\! arc ta«gf)t hv erperitnce it felf, botu great Varietie of gifte^tbep porfetTe hW& lu becalitie: tcbetber tber tuill o^ no,tbe? areenfij^fctito&nolD ^ tbefe are^to^ ijf 0 of bis CDoObeabtf vet tbep fupp.zelfe itdofe \mtUn tbcm.irucli? tbcv ne&e not lo go out of tbemrelue0,fo ti?at ti)tv tosD not in p^i^fumptuouCi? tafeing %'0. \ t!;f Ce!uc5tbat tobtcb is geuf fro beaul, ^ bnri' ^itHn i groiio i^ ^i)Uch^ bjigbtlr aeue^b ligbt to tb^ir nm:^^ to fee ©00, not to abufe ti)t lul^ole febe of (iDbbiieab tbat i$ fotoe in mannes nature, ano to employ? it to oppjeCte ti)c name of <©oo. ^oUi octcttable J p^a^ rou.in tbis mab nes,tl)at man finbing p;e<» tcnD a cloke of nature, tobcnn tbei^ac'^ rompt \> mafeer of al tbings, f fo Do con net? dk'D atuap. iTbci' fee tbat crquifite too^kmanC^ip in al tbcir mebers,from tbeir moutb $ tbcir epes cue to § nailes of tbetr toao3,f vet bere alfo tbei! put na ture in place of (l^oD. I3ut fpeciallv J fo ruiiff inottontf,t ^o eircellent potoers^J fo rare g*vfts of § TouIcDo rep^efent a Di uine nature ijBolb not cafilv fuffer it ftirta be bin.'.tjnleUe § C'ptcureans like ^ CDia'jn<:cs Citlopes toc!r bearing tl^C'^ felues bslD t)p6 tbts bie Degree outrage^ m^i maiz toarre atjaintl (^ob. 0o ^ iuboU treafures off beauenlv totfDom fo mete togetljer.to rule a too;im of fiue fete longtaiDiliaU t^2 tatole tniiierfa:' lilieoftbetooaipfae toi-i^tat tl}is vx£^ rogatiuefjf irfi- io agr^ i tiyctc is acer*s taininarninftattbing t\M anftoeretb to all tbe parts of ma, Dotb fo feruc nc* tbing at al to obfc ure tt^t bono; of dDoD,, tbat it ratber Dotb moie glo^ioua^ fet it out. ilet (Bptcure aunftoer me, tobat meting of tinbiuifiblebobies, boilmg tbe meat ano D.:inU in man, botb Difpc? fe part into cxctanits t part into blcoD, 5 bjingctb to paffe ^ tber is in al § mt* bcrsofmanfucb an enoeuo^ing to do tbeir office,euen as if fo manv feuerall fouls DID bitomoabuife rule one boDv» 5: 1i5ut ibaue not noto to do toitb tbat ftie off totne.il ratber fpeafte tnto thh tbattrtii3 gey^n to futtelties tooulD bp ISui earn tit tbisDav tbeeartbbearetb crokejcpnuciancetojitlntiat colo fa^ »ti:n^)n;x:gcroKg fpiritcg, tob.icb Sicfe ugg^grAy^v-tMQjb.tQDeftrottj^tini^ tnojta^ !■*■»— ^11 Ji nil LIU I II .1 ■ »l tWi .^' God the C ttio;talTele of tfje roule,anD alfo to fafee from CDoJ fjiiJ rtgl^t. if o;^ bccaufe tljere are inftrumcntall potoers of tibf foule, b^pjetencetl^crof tl)c^ bmotfie foule to t^ boDr? tbat it can not ronttnue )35 out tbe boDi?, f to itf) pi^atfes of nature tbe^ 00 a0 mucb ^ in tb^ 10, fupp^eOi; tbe name of (^oD. But^poluerisoftbe foule are farre from being cnclofco in tbof e erercifc« tbat fcrue tbe boD^.iro; tDbat pcrtainetl) it to tbe boorifo; a ma to me afure tbe rbic,to aatber ti)t nutm bcr of tbe ffarres, tolcarne tbe great* nrtfe of one,to fenoUi tobat fpace tbe^ be Diftant one from an otbcr , Mtt) tobat fiuiftncffe 0; flotonelTe ^tv go tbeir courfcg,bolD man^ degrees tbcr oecltne tbis tuap 0^ tbat luaf f 31 graunt in Deco tf^t tbere is fome bfc of ^ftrologic:but mp meaning is omlv to Ibelw i in tbis fo Depe fearcbtng out of beauel^ tbings, it i$ not an inltrumrtal meafuring.but tbat (» foule batb ber offices b^ it felf fe uerall fro tbe boot?. 31 baue djelueD one epample,b^ tubtcb it (balbc caft fo;j tbe readers to gatber tbe reft. SEruelptbe manifolo nimblencHe of tbe foule, b^ iDbicb it furueictb botb bcauen % eartb? iovnctb tbiitgs paft tuitb tbingcs to come,!iepctb in memo;ie tbings beaiD long befc JO, f erp^elTEtb ecbtbing to it felf b^ imagination, alfo ti-t ingenious ncs b\? iDbicb it inncntetb tbings incre* Dib!e,f tDbicb is t\)z motber of fo man^ maruclous arts, arc furc tofecns of Di-- uiin nature in man %5cfiDe ti)ntjim in flaping it Dotb not oneli» roll ano turne it felf,but alfo concc^uctb nm\v tbingo p;ofitablc,reafonctb of man^ tbtnga, 1 alfo p;iopbecietb of tbingesi to come. Mlbat fbal toe in tbis cafe faf ,but tbat tbe fignea of immo^talitic tbat are nn? p^inteD in man, can not be blotteb out^ ipiotD tobat reafon ma? be are tbat man (iaibc of Diuine nature, fnotacfenoto^ IcD^c bis Creator; ^ball ine fo?fotb bt rca.or. Firft Booke. TST tubgement ^ is put into ts ^ifcerne be- tloeen rigb I U);ong,f (ball tbere be no iuoge in beaucn: ^all toee cucn in our fiepc baue abiding Uiitb bs fome rem? nant of bnOerftanoinci fljal no (I5oD be luafeing in goucrning tbe too^lti^ &bal iDc be fo compteo p inuentcrs of fo ma* nv artcjs % p^oiitable tbingrs, tbat£t crpcrif cc fufficicntl^tcacbetb, tbat from an other ano not from our felucs, all tbat toe Iraut^is- in ciucrfe tuifc bU UributcD among tsf ils fo; tbat,ti;btcb fome DO bJibblc of tbe fccretinfpiration tbat Qtnttl) liuelines to tbe te ojlD, it is not onelt! Ujcak,but alfo bngool^.SDbe^ lifee toell ^ famous facing ef Vcrgilc. Firftheauen&farth, & flowing felds of fcas, Aen Of the knowledge of ^bp tcgi^TLucrctitis, to^icl) arc ^criucJj fiom tije fame p;tnciple . (^uzn tU^ t:s it, toiinhza ar3:jola3iib©o5,fos^i*uc fsrre ?. ifo^j it tm\& neDes be tl)at be fro \}jhom nature,tbattbereisone(IDoD tobicb fo aitbingsbauc tbeir beainnirg, is of gouernetb a! natures, tbat bis tuil is to \ eternaU continuance, « batb bis begin? baue bs to Me tjnto bim , ourfaitbtoimn0,ofbinifelf. Ii5at noiu if anv man be Dtr.^cf eD to bim,f bim to be tooitbi^? | enquire tl)c eaufe tobercb? be botb buas peD auD calleD tppon of bsibccaufe tber one e leaD to create all tbcfc thims^ f is is notbingmo;ie againU cournience of , notomoi:it5top.:ereruetbnluc(^alfinD reafon tba fo^ t3S to enio^ tbofe erccllft 1 ^ bis onl^ gcoDnes Was it ^ cmkn bim. gifts ^ fauo.j of Diutne iiaturc in tjs, f 1 ^e*f alti:)ougb tbis onlv be v cairfr ,vf t to Dcfpife ^e autljoj tbat fralp Deetb geaetbetntotis. ijiotuas concerning bis poUicr,lititb boUJ notable eramples mil) it fo^ccable Dm^ tss to eoftDer iti tnleCTe perbappes lue ntai? be igno^at, ef botu great a Itregti) it is toitb bispn? Iv itJojD to bpbolD tbis infinite maCTe of bcaucn $ eartbA^ ^is onl^ becbe fome? time to (bahctbe beauen luitb noifecf tijunDers, to burne bp ttl)t tbing toitb iigb^nings, to fet tbe aire onSer iuitb !ig!)tning flames,fomtime to trouble it tojti) Diners fo^ts of tr pefts, % b^janDbifj t\)c rame(E*oD ijobcn be lift in one mc^ meut to mtXije faire luetber:to bolD in J ^ea as if if bangcD in tbe aire, MM ^tl) bts bctgbtb femetl) to t!);eatc con* tinual DcSruftio to tbe caitf),fDmetime in bo;ritlc toi>:c to raif^j it tjp tuitbout^ ragicuiii Uo'micc of U3inDs,f (onittime toappe^fetbelaauesi maUc itcalme oug!)t § fame alni5antlp to fuffice te aU lure t3s to V lout of bini, fo^afmucb as tber is no crcatnrefas \> p^opbr t faitb) bpo ijohid^ i)i^ merer is not pcurcD out 6 21(0 in tijc IccoD fo^t of bts too^ks, 3i mean tbofe tbat ccine to palTc I eCDe tbe o;3tnart coun'c of nnture,tijcr toeUj ap pear no les eiiiDct p;iore of his poU»crs. fm in gouerning tbcfelsltJl^ip of men be fo o^iDerctb \iis p:ouiDf c c, t ii'beras bei0bt? innamerable means gosD anD botmhful to all n^.en,vet b\> mantfett i Daili' tokens be Declarcib bis fauojabic kinOneUe to tl)egoDlr,f bis feueritic to the tetcljeo i cuel Doers, jf o;i not bout^ ful are tbe pnniajmcnts tljat be la^etb bpo bapnous offenresrtifee as be Dotb o# pjnl? (beVu bimfelfa Dcfeooj t renfger of innocencie,tJ}bile b^p^ofperetb f life of g(DD men Ivitb bis bleffmg > belpctb tbeirnecciTiticafnuage^b $ comfo^tctb againe. jro; p;ofe bcreof do feme alt^e^^eirjb.^^ , relieuetb tbeir caiffmt^ tiPS, Pf.i4^.c, God the Creaior. Firrt Booke. I toLo! f iw,i b^ al mtanes p:omoctb fo: tlictr 1 arc iaDged c\)nuttcts fjappcning hv fo? P{a 107. fafftie. ipicrtljci* ougl)t itanrttjingto oefarc tW Perpetual rule of bis iutticc, tl)at. be oftentimes \)cnniitetl) toixlicD men f cucl uocrs fo; a time to reio^ce tnpuniftjeD:! on ttjc otfjer fine fuffcrctlj geoD f innocent to be toCfeD ^it[f man\j aDuerfitics, r^a f to be oppictTc^ tDiti) ti)t malice 1 tiniuft isealtng of tfte gcDlv. y5ut ratber a muxb cotrarv conficcrati^ ougbt to enter into our minosttbat tobe hv manifeft (betu of bis totatb be punt* fljetb one finne,tue C)ul5 ti)crf3;c ti)ii\ii tbat be l)^tcti) al finnes:? iubcn be fuffe rstb mani? finncs to paCTc l3!ipunin)cD, tue fljoulD tbeicupon t};)m\^.c t^t tbere fijilbe an ctber iursgemr t to iubirb t\;e^ arc DifScrreD to be tten puniIbcD.i'.ilic? tunc, are fo man^ tcfiimonics of tbc beaucnl^ p:oni^cncc , ano fpcdallijof bis fatbcrl? lunDncffc, anD tbat tbcrbt is geucn matter of rcio^cing to ^ CDoc^ lV,anD the tuictJcD ant) rcp^ulmte bane tbcir uioutbec lfoppcD.i5nt becanfc the greater part infcctefi luitb tbcir errors arcblinoiiK fo dccre aplnrcof tcl:^l> Ding, tb?rfo;c be crictb cut tbat it its a gift cf rare j fingular tuifcDom e, toifc* IV to lsci> fbcfe bjo;ifeg of dDoD: bi? figbt j U)bcroffl;?^motliinr{ profit tbat otbcr* toife iimt nwH cicrc figbtctJ.anD trul^ ! \iti\i3 nuicb focucr tbc glo.;^? of C?oD Dotb I apparantlr Cbinc before tbf , vet fcarS? tbc bunD^ctb man iB a true bcbol&er of it.lLiJtclnifc bis pol^jcr 'j Uiifcucmc arc toifeboii) great matlcr Qctb it mini* | no mo;MMjtcinDariincirc:U.^berof^ one, Her t>s to confiDcr bts mcrc^, tobile be | l^is pobDcr,Dotb notably appcavc, U)bcn oftentimes refTctb not to aietu bistn^ tbc fierce outragtoufnflTc of tbc tcicl'.eJj tocricD bountifulncfrc tpon mifcrablc • bring in ail mens opinion bnconqucra* finncrsin railing tbcm bcme to bim ble is beaten flat in one moment, thtit toitf) moje tl^'^w fatberlv tcnscrnene, bntil be bai?e fnbuiieo tbcir frotuarD* neffc Ujitb Doing ti^tm gtoDf 7 Kq tliis cnD.tobcrc tl;c 1B;cpbct par>= ticularr rebcarCctbi bc\y €"oD in r afcs paU bop^^^f^ctb roscnlf d tooDcrf ally f befitic all bopCi (uiccx n'tn tlyxt are in mifcric nnn in maucr lo£, Vubctber be Defend tljcm iuanocring in liHlDcrnrlTc from the trilD bcaftcs |at Irngtb lea- Dctb *bc"i:i tnto t'ot \vav agamc, c; mi^ niHictb foiSic to tbc nat^ t bangr^' , 0^ Ddinerctb pnfoncrs oat of ba.mblc to gcons mn nmi b5nrs,o;r b;ingctb men inpcrilicflbip'DMck fafc into tbcba^ uen,c;i feeafctbttctaSf Cf aD of cifcafrs, 0: fcojcbvtb tbc Ciiiti) toitb b^at i D^ic? ncffco: makt-tljitftutfiU Icitb frcrct tDatering of b:s gr^cc, q} atiiaiiucetb t bafcft cf tbc rafftill pccpico; tb.^clrcib OdcntbcnDtlcparcs fiti p btcoxgiee cf Djgmdc ; bv it^cb ryttniplc.? njclrtt f55 ;tb h^ b» tberetb ^ tijofc ttji;;gs iubtcb arrogancit tamcr),tbcir ttrogcH bolbcs rafcojtbcir Iweapons f armour bjoUcn in pitccB,ti)tiY are gtbcs fubDucD, tbcir Dcutfcs oncrtb;otiicn,f tbemrclucs fall )j)it^ tbeir cVunc Uscigbt, i\)z p^cfump^ tuous bolDucfTc , ti^at auauncco it fclf abouctbcbcaucns is tb^otocn to\xmc cacnto tbebottomc point oftbeearib: ftgavnc,tbc loiulr arc liften bp out cf tijc Duff 4 tbc ncc? raifcu fro v tor.gljtl. tiit opp;jc!rcD f amictctJ arc Djalne n cnt of crtrcmctiCrcffr, ircnui ucfpairco aatc are rcftojcD to gmo bcpc> lbs t nar mcD bcsrc atnar tJ)c \iicto;ic fro tl;c av* mctijfrltifrDmanv, tbc fcb'.c frcmtbc Crcng.i^ls foj his iLiictcmc, it felf Cbc- tuetb It fclf manifjfllr ercdknt, fcbile \t Difpofctb cui t\> tl:iviQ in mi fi opo^tu niticf ofcun^ttb i liifcDcm cf § uo?lD be it vsvLcv fo pcarcing, fnDclt out tbc fuba'c in ti;ctruibtiltic, fenaUr oct!f r^ nctb tM tljuigs br moll couciuct o^tcr. s w«:ie^n^atitjtc2eib^^ PC115.7 i.Co.3.15; lAce. 17. P-f ' ^. ^1 fom Demontratto,to fcf di out teffimo^ mc0, to fcruc foj tl)sj glo^tou^^cclam^ tto I p;ofa of goB3 imictttc.fo; b^ tJjcfc f clJ3 t^at toe ^anc toixdacn it appearet!) that toJjic^ tuai? focuer a ma c^ce to mc,t\m ^Yc fo como f rcaor tljat ti^e\? ma\? be eafili? marKeu tuitt) e^e,f poiiv teD out tKitl) t!)c 8ngcr.0no Ijere again is to be noteD, tliat toe arc ca!Iei) to tht UnoUjlcngc of (I53D,not furij as cotentcD Id taiitc fpcmlatio , Dotfj btit fiic about in m bzaincbut fucb us (ftalbe founo 5 frutftiUjif it be rigljtliicoaceiueD f take rote in our barts.ifo;^ t^e Jlo;D is Dccla retJ 0? I)i0 pot»ers,tbc fo?ce tuljerof bc^ f aufe tae fele toitbin 1)s, f 00 cnio^ tbc benefits of tbe,it mutt necos be tfjat toe beintoarol^moucomucti moze Uuel^ \3)itl) fucb a fenotoletjge,tba if toe fl^ulo imagine ©00 to be facb a one,of tobom toe a)oulD baue no feling. ^berbt? toe tJuDerftaUt^attbisistbe rigbtelltoav f fitted o^Der to feke dDoo, not to attrpt to enter oepcl^ ^it\) pjefumptuous mo rinUtic t^;^ougbl^ to DtfciifTe f)is UxWm c^,tobicb iB ratber to be reuerenls too; Ci^ippeD ti^tn fcrnpuloafclv fercbeO:but i'ciiljcr to beboln bim in bis too;jks, b^ lLQl)icl) ^ maUetb bimfelf nere f fami^- liar, I Dotb in a maner communicate iHuircIf tjnto tjs . ^mt^iB ti)t apodle mjani,to!jcn be faro, tijikt CDon is not to be fougbt a Uirt of, fojafmiicb as be toitb Iris matl p;iefent potoer Dtoellctb toit()tneaerv om &f ts. (H^Elbcrfs^e Da- »k1,bautni| before cSfclTc?) bis tjnfpea* feaWe greatne£rp,tobi^ l)t tscfcenoetb to § particular r^crfalof bis too;kJ,p;ote^ Mtti) tm i' fame toil Ojcto fb;tb it felf. d^rfs:^ toe alio ongbt to geue our fel ma'i^itokv^a fearcbiiig out ofdDoa, as m&^ to ^IB our toit fufpenDeo toitb aumiratLon , tbat it ma? t^^ere toitbal fjjiougf^igmoaetjs ^itl) effcrtuallftc^ Uii3.^iiD,as Auguftin teacbeflj in m 0* tber plflce^becaufe toe arc not able to co OF the knowledge oi cemtU^j itbebouetli tjs as ittoere fainting tnoer tbe bnrDen of bis greats nelTe.to lohe i3nto bis too^hs,^ toe mar be rcfrefl)eD ioitl) \ii3 gooncae. 9 SCbffucbatmotoleDgeoiigbtnoton* l^ to ffirre t>s bp to t\)c too;^fl9ipping of (IDoD,but alfo to atoabe tjs,anD ravfc bs to bope of tbe life to come, if 0; tobr toe co0Der tbat fucb eicamples as €>oi) (be^ toctb botb of bis mercifulneffe, f of bis feueriticarc butbegonf notbalf Don: toitbout oouttoe mutttbinfe, ^bere^ inbeootf) but maUc a (beto afojbanD of tbofe tbings,tobereof tbe open bifclo^ CnganDfulDeliucrace is uiflferreobn* to an otber life.i2)n tl^t otbtr fiDe,tob?n toe fee ^ tbe goDli? are bi? t bngotsl^ gre ueo toitb afflictions, tpoubleo toitb im iuries,opp;effeD toitb fclaantif rs, and beiceo toitb tiefpitsfril Dealings ano re^ pjocbes ; contrar^toife i \iyick^n boers DO flo^ifl&jpiofpcr, I obteine quiet initi) bono^^^^ca f tlhit tinpunil^cD: toe mull b^anob^gatbcrtbattbere C^lbe ano^^ tberlife,tobercin is:, lat^ bp in fto;e botb Dttj reueng fo: toictjeDncire, f re^ toaro fo; rigbtuoufnr s. spo;eouer tobe toe note tW tbc faitbful are oftf cbafti fe5 toitb tl}t rotstjesof tbeilojDe, toe mat? motJ ccrta^nel^ Determine tbat mucb U^e tbe bngosl^ (ball efcapebis fcourges. iFo2 teri? toe! is tbat fpoken of Au2;ufline: |f eucr^ Cnucll&ulo noto be pnnifbtD toitb open perne, it tooulD betbougbt tbat notbtng toerc referucD to tbe laij iuogcment: agatnc, ifdDoD Dboulo noto openlp punifb no finne , it tooulD be beleucD tijat tbcre toerc no p^ouioence of Cod. 2Dberfo;e toe mnft confeffe,tbaf in eucrv particular too;He of tt Myxt n}ty! pimimllv t^^Vi^ Vnto,of laljat tjaloiirc tbcp Ijc, ano i-o iDijat ens tiie ousbt to toe^ t!)em , ttiis toe tljcn onl^ attdiu to tuDeraauD ioljcn Inr tjcfceno into our fcUics,f to conSDcr fcr Uil)atm0aue0 CDoisuctl) Q)clDfo.:tl) ta t33 bis ltfe,tD:0:uamc,i poH)f r,ar.^ Wl) tfc totoarD tjs ^is i'isWcoufncffe, got^ neffcf mcrcifuU UintjnclTc.ifo; tbcngt Pfa 92.7 Dauid iuttlt) fcmplainctl), tliattfjetin^ beleuins DO cote in follr, becaufc ttjc^ toer not t^e Dcpe counfDis of (Sod in \}is gouernance of manfeino:\'cttl)at is alfo moll true, \i)Wh be faietb in an otljer Pf,4o,n! place,tbattbefeonoerfuU feifeDomeof CDonintbatbebalfercetsctb tbe bcarea of our bcau.iBut bccaufe tbis point fijal bereafterin place conuenient be mo^e largely cntrcateo, tberfoje a do at t\)iB time palTe it ouer* 1 o IBut \i3itt) botD great bjigbtnes fo* cucrdDoD Dotb in i mirro: of bis toojfes tbclij bi? rcp^cfentation botb bimtelff bis immortal feingtomet^et fucb ii^ our groffe blocfeiCbne(re,tbat tue If anD Dullr amafeo at fo plainc tcftimonies,rn tbat tbe^palTcalDa^ fro bs tuitbout p:ofit 5fo^as toucbing ti)t frame i moff beau tifuU placing of tbet»o;lD,botD man^ a one \B tberc of bs, tbat toben be eitber liftetbbp bis e^es to b^auen, oj caffctb tbem about on t\)c oiucirfc countries of tbceartb^otbuiretfbis minoto remc^ bianco of tbc creafo;;, f Dotb not ratber rett in bcboltiing tbe loo^Ues luitbout bauing regaro of tbc loo^feman.liBut as toucbttig tbofe tbings tbat Daili^ bappcn beSDe t\)e ojucr of naturall courfc,bolu man^ a one is tbere tbat Dotb not moje tbinh tbat men are ratber tuhirlet! a^ bout I roU)llcDb^ blinD bnaDuifeoncIte of fojtune, tban gouernen br p;touiDf ce 1 of OoD.^ut if at an\? time loe be br tbe IguiPing anP Direction of tbefc tbtnges D;iuentatb0 confiDcration ofcDoD (as all men mutt naoes be) vet fo foinc as lue l)mt^it\)out aDuifementccceiucD a feeling of Come CoDbeaDjUje bvantb^ ntueatoavtotbc Dotages ojerrcnious ip.ncntionsof ourflcflje, anD tuptb cur tanitvc luc corrupt tbe pure beritre of CDoD. ^0 barein in DecDe toe Differ one from an otbcr,tbat eucr^ man p^iuafe^^ Iv br bimfclf p.iocuretb fo bimfclf rc-mc peculiar erroj:but in tb^s po^nt fee all arc mcft like togctbcr, tbat tre all, not cnecrceptcD, doc Depart from tbe ons true Cod to monQruous trifles. & lubicb Difeafe not cnli^ common f grofc )xiits are fubitct:but alfo tbc moll erccl lent I tbofe tbat otbertuife are enDucD iDvtb fingulare fbarpncs of t3nD:rftan^ Ding,arccntagleDtiiitb it> i^olD larg?== lt» batb tbe lobole fecte of pbilofopbers betu?ai?eD tbcir olone Dulnes « b cattle ignorance in tbi's bebalfc i ifo;,to paffe ouer all tbe reft, iDbicb are mucb nioje tjnreafonabli? fmlilb, Plato bimfelfc tbe mott religious anD molt fober of al tbc reft, tjainl^ erretb in bis rounDe globe. 0o\3) tobat migbt not cbace fo ff otber, toben tbe cbafe of tbe? Uibofcf^-rf icas to geue ligbt to tbe reft, do tbrfelues fo erre 1 ft umble^llifectoife tubere tpon it.ano iubcn tt)e next Da^ fololjuingtbelung DcmauDcD tbcfan:e qucHiOjbc rcquircD tluo bares rcfpite, anb fo cftf times Dcublmg tbenumbjc ofDaresatlengtbbeaifiJujercb : bofec mm]) r mo;cf ccnfiber it , fo murb tbc barber i matter fecmctb bnto me. i5nt grauntingtljat be did loifclr to fufpenp " bis Ephe.; 12, Ro,l,21 (jod the Great ;or. Aba.2. 18.20. ][oh»4.22 f)iis fcntenccoffoDarhea matter, ^ct ^crthv appearctljjt^at if men ba onel^ tnnc^f)t b^ mti\ve,tl)c^ c a bnolu nothing ccrtainli'jfounDl^, f plapiilp cocerning <;0oD,ljnt onel^ are titD to confufcD p^in tiplcB to tuo;fl&ip an tjultnotoen C&oD. 12 j^oijuc iyc nuiSalfo Ijoloe, tijat all tbcp tJjat mvi^ t\)c pure religion (asalltbcp muftn(^D0 Do tbat arege^ ucn to tbcirotune opinion ) 00 Depart fromtbc onc€>oD , Clje^ toill boaff tbat tl)cir nieantiig is otJjerlotfe : but te'jattbep ni^anc, 0^ tuljat tl^ep per^ fuaDctb^mfelucs maketljnot mmf)to t1)c matter,litb § bol^ <25l)oa- pronoun* cctl)y tljat all tlm are apottates , tbat accozDing to tfte Darfeenes of tbeir olun minDDo t^.:ua5E)cuils in tbe place of dDoD. ifo^ tlji0 rcafon, Paul poinotm* cztlf t\)eit tl)e Epheiians iuere tint^out a dDoDjtiU ti)c\> baD learnrD b^ {» (£5crpcl, tobatitioasto luoitbip tbe trueCDoD. 0nD lue mutt not tl)in\i ti)is to be fpo^ hen of one natio onel^jfojafmucbas be generally affirnictb in an otbcr place, tbat al men looer become baine in tbeir imaginationSjSncc tljat in the creation of tbc tuo:lD,tI;c ^paiciiie of tbe creato? luas DifclofcD bnto tbcm. anu tberfo:e tbc &>cripti!re,to matte placcfoi p true anDonli? <25oD, conDemnetljoffallboD f lieng tubatfoeuer ©oobeaD in olD t^me tuas celebrate among tbe CDentiles^ d leauetb no (Don atall,bat in tbe mount ^ion,ttJberflonlbea tl)t peculiar Unotu leDge of CDoo.&ucl^ among tbc CDen^ tilCB tbc Samaritanes in Cb^iffc^J tit me fcmcD to appjocbe nigbeft to true gooUnelTe: anD ret luebcareit fpolten b^ €^}iitts ottinc moutb, ^ tbepfenc U> nottDbat ti)t^ U)o;ja)ippcD,t:(:ibcrcupo folotoetb , tbat tl^ev iucrc DcccrucD \3atja)?neerro;j.iFinallr altbougb tl)t\} tocrc not all infectcD tuitlj grclle fauts, o;^ fell into open iDolatric& : y^ct iuas tbere no true ano app ■ ouco rclt>gion, FirftBooke. foi.ic. I ti)it toas grounoDcD oneli»t)pon comon rcafon. j^o} albeit tbat tbere locrc a fell), tbat tuere not fo maD a0 tbe com^ mon people tDcrc : y>ettlns Doctrine of Paul rcmainetb certainly truc,tbattbc pnnces of tbis iuo^lD conce^nc not tbc toifDome of ©oD.;^otu if tbe moffejcccl lent banc tuanDicD in DarfecncCTclDbat is to be favD of 1^ bcrp D.icggcs^ Gaber^' fo.ze it is no marucll, if t\)t bol? (Sboff Do refafe as baaarD loojttjippings, all fc;mfiSofiyo:ft)ippingGemrcD bp ttc luil of men: bccaufe in beanenli?miffe^ riejs opinion conccpuco bv iijitt of men, altbougb it Do not altoat b:ci3c a beape of crrc.33 , ret is altoar tbe motbcrof erro;^.;anD tt)QUQl)tl)tv comenotuc^fc of it, veC is this no fmall fault,at nDiicn* ttirc to ti!o:n]ip an t^nbnoUfcn CI;od : of Uibicb fault all tbc? b^^CIjnl^es otunc moutb are p:ononnccD gtlti? , ^ are not taugljt br tie lali^j iobat OcD tbev cugljt to tDo;rfi)ip.anD trucl*^ the beft latuma;« bcrs ^ euer t5)crc,p;rcfer)eD no furtber, tban to far p religto teas grounDcD tjpo COmmo COnfent.^ca $ in Xenophd So- crates pjavfeD tbc aunftucr of Apollo, UJbcrtn be luillcD tbat cur rp msn (bulD txjo^ll^ip CDoDs after r maner of uje coij^ trer^anD tbe cuttome of bis oUme citie. }13iJt botu came mo; tall men br ti^isi polDer,oftbeiroUm autbo;iitie to Deter | mine p tubicb far furmciitetb {' U)o?lDf 01 tubo can fo rctt in tot Decrd's of tbe doers, 0^ cominon o;iDinauces of pco;^ pies, as to receauc iDiib^tit Doutinga C&oD DcIiucrcD bg mans Denife:? C^ucrr man ratber boil ftano to bis otun tuDgc mcnt, tban rclD bimfclf to t\)t toill of anotbcr. ^itfjUjtrfoicitisto toeahc anD feble a bono of OoDlincirc,in \s30Xf fbipping of C5oD to folloto citber a (u^ Some of a citie 0; tbc ronfent of anti;^ qniticntrcmariirtb tbat«jI>oD bimfelf mcft tcCttfic of bimfcIf frsm beaucn. 13 3;n tiainc tl)erfo;c fo manr lampes I. Cor. 2. llion.4. 22. ^.y. ligbtenep , Cap.j. "OTthe knowledge of lleb.iu3 Act.17. &:.27. Act 13. UgDteneoDo fljine in t\)Z eDificeofttjc tDo;lo,to Iftcto fojtl) tlje glojie of § crca to^,ti)ftic|i DO fo eucrp toa^ Difpla^ tijeir bcamciS tjpon t3s,tl)at i^ct of tfjenifelucs tbe? can not b^ing bjs into § rigbt teav\ Oin Deeij tbcv raif^ ^P ccrtaine fparlUes, but fucb as be cbokeD bp before ^ tbe? can fp^eaD afa;joDe an^ full b jtgbtneflp?. s:berfoje t^e ^pollle in tbe fame place luberebecalleD tfje ages of t!ic U)oMo images oftbtngesinuifible, faifbfur^ ti)er,tfjat b^ faitb is percciueD tbat tbe^ tuere framcD b^ tbe tuo;o of cufc is cut atoa^ from bs. ifojtrecan not fo pzctenD igno;ance,but tbat mtn our confcience Dotb Cill conDemne bs of floutbfulnelTe anD bntbanfefulneOc. Bit iB a Defence fo;:fctb rigbt tuojtbi? to be recepcDjif ma toil allege tbat be toan? teD eares to beare tU trutb,foj tijc pub* litbing Icberof J ber^ Dombe creatures baue louD toices:if man (bal fa^ tbat be can not fee tbofc tbin^s icitb biseres, tDbicb t\)c creatures toitbout eres Do IbetD bim:if man (bal la^ foj })iB ercufe ^t febleneUe of bis toit^tobere all crea tures tuitbout reafon do inftruct bim^ Mberfo^e fitb al tbings do (beta bs ti^t rigbtUiaT>,tDeare too^tbil^ put from all ercufe of our luanDering f Crating out of tbe tua^. 115ut botofoeuer it i$ to be imputeD to tbe fault of me, tbat tbet DO bianDbp corrupt tbe feeoc of ^ fenoto^ IcDgeofc^oDjoluen in tbeir minDS bp marueilous feojlimalbip of i5atMre,fo ^ it grouictb not to gtoD f cleane frute: ret it is mod truc,tbat toe are not fuffi cicntlr inllructeD br tbat bare 1 fimple tcllimonic tbat tbe creaturs do beno;a^ \il\> Declare of Cods glo,:ie.i?oj fo (cone astoebauetafeen br tbe befjolDing of t\)t lt)o;lD a fmall tail of tbe (EioDbeaD, toe leaning tbe true Cod do in lleDe of i)im raife "bp D;eams anD fanlies of onr oton b?;iine,i do c5uer bitber f ii^itW from tbe true fountaine tbe p^atlc of rigbtecurncfre,toifeDcme,gcDDncfrcanD poto^er . ^o;couer toe Do fo e^tbcr ob^ fcure,oj br ill efteming tbem, tcp^aue bis Dailr Doinges, tbat toe tabe atoav botbfrom tbem tbeir glcjie, anD from t\)t mt\m W Due p^aife. 14 ^ut altbougb toe xuant naturall Thcyi.Chapitcr. Thatjto attcine to God the Creator,it is ncdcfuU to hauc the Scripture to be o; r j^uide and maiflrelTe^ ^^ SCberfoje God die Creator. tirftBookc. Fol. yi^erfo^e aU&ougb t^at fame bjigiit* netTc, toljicl) botb in fteauen i eartfj f^inctt) in tlje t^tB of all men, uotlj fuf* ftcientl^tafec atoa^ all Defence fro tljc tuickeonelTe of menjeuen fo aK (^od , to to;ap all mankind in one giltines,Dotb fljeto !ji« Diuinc maieUic to al toitbout crceptio as it tucrc po;traiei> out in f)is creatures : t^t is it neceCTar^ tljtit \jox t?a lie alfo an otfter f a better jelpe tljat \mv rig!)tl\? Direct tjs to ttjeberr crea^ to; of J too^lD . 3^!)crfo;e not in bain be bati) aODe^ tbe ligljt of bi^ toojij,^ tber^ bF be niigbt be hnotuen to faluatio.^no tbis p:erogatiue be batb boucbfaueD to gene to bs, lobo it pleafeb hiin mo;e nerelr ano moje familiarly to D:alu tc* gctber to bimfclf. jf oz becaufe be fatue tt)e min^$ of all men to be caries about luitb tuanoering i bnitcDfaff motion, after be baD cbofen tbe 3;ctjuc6 to bis pc* culiar flocft, be compaKeD tbem in as it toere tmtb barres , tbat tbe^ l^ulD not toanDer out in banitie as otber Dio.0nD not toiebout caufe be boloetb bs loitb tbe fame meane in ti)t true bnotuleDge of bimfelf.ifo; otbcrtoife cue tbci IbulD quicblr flDarue aloa^ ^ fame to UanD IfeDfafl in comparifon of otber . jroj as olDc mcn,o;i po^e blinbe, o^ tbe^tubofe ti)c ma^er of tbe tuo;lD i tiic cntlv au epes are ^im figbteu , if ^ou lap a far^c j tboz anD iuDge of all tbings ^ are Doon, boj^c befo2ctbem,tbougb tbe\? pcrcciuc ' but alfo to be tbe reccmer in the pcrfcn tbat tbere is fomcVubat ty attcn tberin, ! of tbat meDtatoj.l5ut becaufe 'i am nor ftt can tbep not reaD tlDO tuojties togc* \ vet come to tbe fall of tbe luo;lD an3 co; tbcnbut being bolpe initl) fj5Ctfacles fct rupticn of nature,Bi ^il omit alfo to cii bcttoene tbem f it , t\)C^ begin to rcaD j treat of tbe rcmcDv tbcrof.2rOcrfo;e let hiHinaUc : fo tbe Scripture gatbering | tbe rcaoers remember tbat J do not vet bp togetber in our min^s § fenoluIcDgc I fpcah of tbe couenant fcbc ris? gcD batb of OoD,U5bicb otberU)ife is but c jfufeD, I aooplcD to btmfelf ib: tl)iimn of A bra Dotbremouc tbe mia^ant) plainly fljcla j ham, t of t{}at fpecia!! part ofDcctnine Us f {je true ©oD.SDbis tbe rfo;e is a ftri# lubcrf bp tijc faitbftUl \Hiuc altoap fcctn gulergift,tbattotbcinai'u(tion0f Us \ peculiarly feucrcD from tbe p;opbane Cburef; ©oD bfetb not onel? Dum tea^ nations: becaufe tbat Doctrine \sas fciV cbers , but alfo opcnetb bis dIukc Wv ^f^ ^'P^" Clni^ibixt 3 fpea^^e botue tec moutbmot onelp publtll>ctb tljat tbcr ie I ougbt to learnc bp tbr Scripture , tl;et fomcQPoD to faelDO.z(bippcD , but alfo I goDU>bicbis y creatojof § teo;^iD,is b? li\iit csrfatnc tbertuitbal pjonouncetb tbat be bimfclf is tbe fame c^oo tebo tee ougbt to teo;)« Ibip:anD Dctb not onelrteacbtbe elette to Icokt bpon C3oD , but alfo p^efentetb bimfclf bnto tbe to be lohcD bponXbts o;iDer batb be bept from tbe beginning totoarD bis Cbircb> beftoe tbefe commo inftructions to geue tbe alfo bis teo;D. tcabicb is tbe rigbter t certainer marfe to bnote bim bi^.^uD it is not to be Dou te^,t\)cfX Adam,Noc,Abraham anD tl)C rett of tbe fatbcrs bv bis belpe attaincD to t familiar UnotelcDge , tebicb maDe tbem as it teere feuerallp Different fro tl)t bnbcleuers. 3 fpeatte not y>tt of tl)c proper Doctrine of faitb>tobcrteitb tbct? teere eu'ligbtncD into tbe bope of eter* nal life.ifo?,tbat tbep migW palTc from Deatb to lifCjtt teas necDfiiil fo; tijcm to fenote C'OD not onlp to be p create;, but alfo ti)t rcDemer: as Doutles tbcf obtai* neo bofb bp tbe teo;D,i?Gj tbat UinDc of fenoteleDgeteberbp teas gcuen tobn* DcrttanD tebo is lljc CDoD bv tebom tl)t teo;lD ioas maDc f is goucrneD , in o;? Der came befo;c tbe otber : ano the teas tbat otber intearo fenoteleDge aDioincD, tebicbc oncl^ quichnctb DeaD foulcs, teberbp CDoD is bnotecn not ont!v to be Cap. 6. Of the knowledge oF" R.0. 10.4 rcrtauic marfecis fcnerall^ DifcerneD from t\)t coimterfait multituDc ef falfe C^orjs.anDtbcii t\)t omr it felfeCball conncnientlv b;ing ts to t!)c rcDeenter. 13tit altl)ou(^ tue allege man^ teUima* nie0 oute of tfjc ncluc %tUAmtnt , anu feme alfo out of t!)e laiuc am tlje p;io< p!?ct0,tul;erin XB eicpjcffe mentis maoe of €{);itl : vet tfje^ i^ll all teno to t\)is cnD,top;ouet^at m tbe Scripture is Dif Jlof CD t)nt3 tjs 0 ^ H) tftc creator of t\}c tPcjlD , antj in tlje Scripture is fctfD?tf?tc{;at toe ou^tt to tljinfjcof f)im,fo pent) ^ toe CbulD not fcke about tfjc bullj to^ an tjncertatne (IDoDbf aD. 2 ll5uttobctt)er(i5ot! toercimotoento tlie fathers b^ 0);^acles anti ^tiions , o? toljetljer \iy> tbe meane anD miniSrati* en of mcnlje tnfo;^mcti tbem of p to!?icl) tlje^l^oultjfrombanD to SjanD ueliuer to tteir pofteritie : tct it is tnooutcDl^ true tfjat in t\}tir htaxts toer engraue n a flcDfalt certatntie of Doctrine , fo as t!jcpmigbt be perfuaDeD f bnDcrlJanD, ttat it tol}icb tlje? IjaD IcarncD came fro Cod. j?o;i (ScD altoaics maDetinDouteD affurance fo^ creDit of bis too;D, ^l)id) far epccDcD all ijnccrtaine opinion . at Icngtbtbat b^ continuallp^occDing of 0O(trine,tbe trutb furuiuing in all ages migljt ftill remaine in tbe too;tlD , }\)c fame £D;racles iJbWh be baD left toitb f fatbers , bis plcafure toas to baue as it toereenrolIeD in publifee tables, ifo; tbis entcnt toas ^ lato publi(l)cD,tobcr^ bnto after toer aCDeD tl)z |3;opbets fc; fFpoSto.js , i?o,: tl)ougb tberc toere nif uf rfc bfcs of tbe lato^as bcrcaftcr (ball better aupearc in place conuenient:anD fueciail? tl)c p:i»cipall purpofc of Mo- fcsanD all tbe p^opbetestoas to teacb t\:it maner of reconciliation bettodne (E^oDf men, fo; tobicb caufealfo Paule c.^^kt\) €\jM § CUD of tbe Kito : ntt as 31 far.cnce again, bcftDc t\)e proper doc (iit\s3tt}) f(B;tbCb2tfttbemeDtatoj,tbe Scripture Dotb bp ccrtaine marfecs anD tokens paint out t\ic one l^ auD true <&oD, in tbattbat be batb crcateDanD Dotbgoucrnct{)ctoo;lD , to tbe cud be IboulD be fcuerallt? tjnotocn auD not rc^ keneD in tl)t falfe number of favncD (13oDs.l!Dberero;je altbougb it bpboactb man earneftli' to beuD bis e^cs to con-^ liDer t\iz too;ifees of (!5oD, fo;afmucb as beisfetas it toere in tbis gorgeous ftage to be a bcbolDcr oftbcm: vtt pun-- cipall^ cugbt be to bcnD bis earcs to tfic toa^D, tbat be ma\? better profit tbcrb^. 0nD tberfo^e it is uc maruell tbat tbc^ tobicb arc bo^nc in DarbcnclTe Do nio^s anD mo^e toare barD in tbcir amafcD Dulneire,bccaufc bcrr fetoc of tbcm do geue tbemfelucs pliable to learn of tbe too?D of dSoD , tobcrebp to Heepc tbem toitbin tbcir bounDes , but ttit^ ratber reioice in t\)nt otone ^mitic,%Us tbe ougbt toe to bolD, ^ to the enD true rcit# gio ina^ llnnc among bs.toe muft take our beginning at tljc bcauelp Doctrine. anD tbat no man can baue an^tad be it neuer fo little of true anD founD Doc^ trine,bnlefte toe baue ben fcbolcr to tl)c fcripture.anD fro bencc grotoetb [' o;i* Qinsili of true bnDcrftaDing, ^ toe reuc^ rentlp emb;xace tobatfocuer it pleafetb goD tberin to tcffifv of bimfclf. jpoj not onlp ^ perferte 1 in all pointes abfolute faitb,but alfo al rigbt fenotoleDge of goD fp: igetb fro obeDicce.anD truelv' in tljis bcbalfcgcD of bis finguler p;cuiDence batb p^cuiDeD fo^ me in 1 fo;^ all ages. 3 if 0; if toe ccnftDer boto fiippcr\? an inclination manncs minD batb to fliDe into fo;jgetfulneire of (H5oD,boto great a rcDincCTe to fall into all ijinD of errors, botoegreata lull to fo^ge oftentimes neto anD countcrfait rcligionSjtoc ma^ tberbi? perceiue botoe ncceffar^ it toas to baue t^t beauenl^ Doctrine fo put in trmcor' faitb anp repentance tobicb | to;iting,tbat it IboulD not eitberperifii — — - ^ i.ri.6.i6 God the Creator. Fir ft Bookc. Pa. 9» & 9^ 97- VCic^.ii bV fo^getfulncsjo; groiu \3ain fai^ crroj, o; be cojruptetJ h^ boloncffc of men, ^ith tl)erfo;jc it is manifca ttiat (Doo l)atl)altDa^ tfcD ttjeljelp ofl)t5 ti3o;D, toUiarD all tijofe toto it plcafen bim at anr tune fruitfully to inlfruct , becaufe Ijc fo;cfato tiwt \)is image emp.untcli in ttje mod beautiful fo;m of tlje too^lD toas not fuffieicntlp effcttuall: ill)ere^ tb;e it bebcuefl) \)S to tiauarlc tl^ia ltrai(jl)t tua^, if icee eameftli? couet to attci?neto tbetrue betjoloing of Coo. ti^c mutt 31 far , come to l)is twojn, iDltierin dDoD ijs toell anD liuclr fet out brbi0too;jheB, loben fjis tuo^fees be luereD not after tljc pcruerfcnrlTe of our otene iuugementx but aecojoing totberuleoftbeetenialltrutb. Jf^ae f toarue from t^at ioo;D,as 31 faTU tvm noU), altI)ougl) tuee run neucr fofall> ret iue (ball neuer attern to tbe mar^ becaufe r courfe of our running is out of tl)c iuar. i?o; tijus ioe mutt tbinfe, tfjat tt>e b^igbtnes of tlje face of falm, U)berc t\)t pjopbct ba- uing p^cacbeD of tbe terrible borcc of (!?0D,ti3bicb in tbuccr, toinDSjU^tM^ep, iDbirlebuinDes nuD ltc;mies, Hjalietb tin eartb, mafertb tbe mountarnes to tremble, anbb,jcabetb tl9t CeD^etrcsr iiithz enDat lattbe goctbfurfbcranD fartb, tW bispjarfcs are fong in tbe fauctuarie, becaufe tbe bnbclcucrs are Deafib^are not all tbe torces of€oD tbat rcfounb in tbe aire.HntJ in lihe ma ner in an otber ^Ualm.aftcr tljat be bno DefcrtbcD ^ terrible luaucs? of tt)c ^ca, be Voiis concIu5etb:tbr ^cSiincnics are fccrrScD, tbe bcatitr of tl)\: temple is bolineffe fo; euer , £uiD out of ttiis meaning atfo p;oceDco r ^%icl} e full to fa^ fonitofjat of t^e autt)o;itie of t!)e Scripture, notor.el^ top;ieparc mens minDss to rciiercnce iUhut alfo to taUe atuat? al Dout ttjcrof. ^ti^, tuljcn it is a matter confcCTcD i it is tl)t luo;iU of (DoD tfjat 15 tftere Ht ftu^tlj , tWc is no man of fo Defpcrate bolones, tjnlclle l)c be to^tc of all cmnmo fcKfc ann m^ tarairujit of man, t^atDarc Derogate tljc crmt of t)im ti)at fpcaftctb it. Wixt becaufe t^ere arie not Daili? £D?af les ge* utn from Ijcaueu, ano tbc oneli? ^crip* turd remain toberin it batb pleafeo tbe i.o^D to p?eferue bis trntb to perpetual memo;ji8 t\)t fame Scripture br none of bcr meancB is of ftil creoit among tbe faitbfulljbut in tbat tfjcr do belt ue tbat it is as teril^ come from beauen as if tfjtv bearo tioe liuelr bo^ce of CPoo to fpeaktbcrin. SCbis matter in tccn is rigbt bjojtbr botb to be largely entrea* teo of ano Diligently) ti»epco, 15ut tbe reaDers (ball parDon me if brrcin 3i ra? tljer regarD tobat tbe pjopo^cion of tbe tuojk lubicb 31 baue begon mat? bearc, tbalJDbattbclargcnelfcof tbe matter requiretbXbere is grotuen bp among t\^t mod part of men a moll burtful er^- ro;, tbat tl)t Scripture batb onel^ fo mucbautbojitieas bt?comm5 confent of tbe Cburcb is gcuen bnto it: as if tbe etcrnall anD inuiolable tmt\) of (SoD DiD reft bpon tbe pleafure of men. iFo^ fo, to ti)t great fco^n of tbe bolv CDbcft, tht"^ ante of bs bjbo can allure bs tbat tbcfe Scriptures came from dSoD : e^ tubo can alTertaine bs tbat tbe? baue co tinueD bnto our age fafe i bnco^trupteD: tobo can perfuaDe bs , ^ tl)is one bcake Dugbt to be rcua*cntlv reccvuei),! tbat otber to be ftril^n out of tbe number of $&cripturc,bnlcrre tbe Cburcb DiD ap- point a certainc rule of al tbefe tl)imsi Sit bangctb tbcrfo;re ( fai? tbc?)bpon~tbe Detcrminatio of ^ Cburcb,botb b3bttbere OjoulDbeno aCTurcDncs of tbe C^ofprlto tbc infibels, toberebu tbev m.igbt be toon to Cb^iC", tntetTe tbe confcnt of tf)c Cbnrcbe Di^D D^iuc tbem bnto it. i^iUDtbe famcmea^ ning a little bcfo;jf be Dotb plainly ccn* erme in tf)i5 racing. Mbf 3 fljal p;aife Contra tbat tobrcb 31 bcleue, anD lco;jne tt)at cpift.fii tobFbtboubelauefi: , tobat tbincbeft damenta ttou mate fo; b^ to iucge o; Doe f bnt lc.ca.iiii. tbat toe fojfafee fucbe menasfirCcall bs to come anD fenoto rertainc trutbfs, after commauuDc tB to bcleene tbrngs bnccrtaine : anctl-attoefollotoe tbcrn tbat require U feiUe to bclaue tbat tobrrbtoearenotvet afcle tofer, tbat being maDc ttrong bp brUtuing , toe mapattaincto bnoerdanoe tbe tbi?ng tbat toe belceuemot men noto,but (feoD bimfelfe intoarol^ flrcngtbening anD gcuingligbtfoDur minDe. SCbefe are tbc bcrt?too;Des of Auguftinc:toberbp cucr^ man map eafel^ gatbcr, tbat tbe bolv man baD not t\)^s meaning, to bag tbe crcDite tbat toe baue to tbc^crrp? turegbpontbc toill anD atoarpment of Mi. Cap, 7. OftIieknowlecl2;e of * tf)c€i)\ixcl)Cy Wionlveto 0)ctoe tl)i% (\xi\)icl) \nc our felacs alfo Doc f oafeH'e to be true) t\ntti)t^b3Utl} arc not ^et lig!]tncDlr^tb ttje ipiritc of CDgd , arc b:oiig()t b? tl)e reucrencc of tljc Ctjurc^ tjnto a luiUingncflTc to be taugl)tc, fo as tbeiuaitfiiiDcin tbctr fj^arts to Icarne tbeifaitbe of Cfj^iftc b^ tbe c^ofpclt: ann tbat t!}n0 b^ tb^B mcanc tbc aiu tbont^c of t|)c Cburcb is an Blntrobuc^ ttcn, tobcicb^ Itje are p^cparcbto be? Ieeuctbe<2?orpcIl. ifo?, as luefee, f)\!& minDcistbattbe aflTurance of tbc0OD^> Ip be Ha^cD bpon a farrc otbcr fountia^ Hon, ^tf)tr\x}iXc 31 iJoe not Den^c but tbat be often pi^efietb tbc spamcbas tor^tl) the tontmt of tbc tobole €tiVitci)y iubc be fffitctb to p:oue tbc f^imc fcrip* ture tob^cb tbc^ rcfufcD » .^r.D from bnicc it f amc,tl)at be fo rep;iocbeD Fau- ftus fo^ tbat be Biti not ^eelDc btjmfelfe to t!je tiittbe of tbc <15ofpelI fo groun^ uer,no; flai? at cucri: fuiaU Coppf ,tbis sscD, fo ffabltibet), foglo^ioufl^ renotjO;* meo, alio from tbc ^trv thm of tbc 0^ poftlcs bp ccrtaine fucreflions pcrpc* tuallrrommcnDcD. 115nt be neuer tra^* uailctb to t^v$ cmt > to tmd)t tbat tbe autljo^Mti'c iubKb toe acknolnleogc t-o be in tl)t Scripture, b^^stgctb bppon the ^ctcrmtualionDaBccraJofnicn . ^ixt onciv ti)i^y. tobpcb maoe raucb fo;^ bpni in tba matter tijat be tJtfputcD of, be hmwt^ ttiS'tht tbc Viniuerfall tuDge# meat of tbe €fiuxti}, tobcrin be baD the auauiitagi: af Ijrs aoucrfarics. |f anpe Atmcfe befire a fuller p^cofc ba^rcof, Icttcbfrn jvtilSistfi f eaQ bijs Bffllje concerning tbe p^ofitte of belQem?^oaiDe luell fo; confcicnces, tbat tbc^benot confruKaUv' carvcD aboute to^tb bniletifail Douting, no; ma\? toa^ manner of perftuaficn mutt be fctcbeb deeper tben from e vtbcr iht reafons, iuogcmcnts,o; tbe ccnicctures of men, eucn from tht (ccretc te!limon\:c of tbe bol'2 ©boHe. ar-rue in CecDc it is^that if ioc tiUeD to tao^kc b.^ iDiv^e of arga^f ments,ma^ir tbings migbt be alicageo tbatmai?eardi7p;oue, if tfjcrc bcan^ (25oD in beaiicn, tbat tijz lLa\j) ;tbc P;o? pbeScs anti tbe (IDorpel came from bim. ^a altbQugb men !earnc& anD of Dcpe ajDgemcntVoDulD ttanDcbp tot!jecon=i trart?e,a«9 ijjculDc cmpIot?e anD Ibclce fo^tbe tbe inf^Ie fu'^icc of tbcir \x)ittcs in tb^^sDifputatton : retif ti)c^ be notfo barDncD as to bi com Defperatli) fijame^ IcITe, tbcp tKoulsc be compellcD to con? felTctbat there are fficnc in tbc^crrp^ ture mamfcU tokens tbat it is <3on tjj^t fpcakctb ibercoi : tobcreb^ it map appsare tbat Un DociKine tberof is from b^'niicniJnD fh^itlv h^tcaft^i toe Qball ; fa:>lbataUtbebQ3l$cs of tbe bo.'p fcrip* ture Doe far re eyceUaHotber U)?,ptinss^ tybaSr " ~~ God the Creator. Firfl ^^ooj^£- i^otH-. toSitfocuertljetibc. ^ea iriSe bjtn5~mout^c of t^'p fe9c ISall hcf faile fo^ e<» t!jctl)er pure ctc0 anu tinco^ruptcD fen* ; utxM grauet^ fomc gajlj mr,ttiat tljc^ fc0, toe (ftall fo^tfjtuttt) finoe tbere tbc ftauc not reaur at ^ao fomc clcarep;iofc i maiefti^ of ©oD, toijicb Oiall fubDue all to allege,tol)en tlje taiirfeeo Do tu^^tfeout barcncffc of gamfaruig>ar«i enforce ts pimill^mcnt murmur againft tfje too^o to obe? bim. But ret ttje^ do mfo^zDcrl^ of cSoDias tbouati Vc^z J3ol^ Cfca0 fan not p;ioccDe but b^ rcuelati cburcb C&albe tbe fcbolerg of tbat in ^ commo multituDe of mtn is fene fucb igno;aee anD dnlnes. %\)t common multituDe 3 on from bcauen . | fpeafec noto of none I cal eacn tbe niaS crcellent of tbcm,t)m Dtbrr tiling but ti^at iubici) eutr^ one of | till fucb time as t\)tx> be graffeD into § tbcfaitbful Dotb bi> experience finDe in Ibo^oftbccburcb. ^jeouer£fay ge* bimrtU^jfauing tbat mttoojDs Do mu:b | wtmi luarning t^at tbeP;iopbets Doc^ U)3nt cf a flill Declaration of it, ^ leaue ■ ttirn IboulD f©me increaDible not onlp bare mant?e tbings tinfpo!ien» becaufe I to ftrangers,but alfo to tbe Vetoes tbat tbere toil be elfetobere againe a conue^ tooulD be at compteo of ibe boulbolDe of r4-»3i iiient place to entreate of tbis matter, iS)nl^ notoe kt tjsbnoto.tbat onlv tbat is tbi' true faitb ^x)Ucl) tbe fpirit of CDoD Dotb feale in our bearts. |^ea ti\>t^ tbis onl^ reafon toil tbe fober rcaDer,f toil# ling to learn,be contenteo. hfty p^mi* fetb> tbat all i^c cbild;en of tbe renueo CDoD,aDDetb tljts reafon: becaufe ^ arm of dDoD Iball not be reucleD to all men, .^0 oft tberfo^e as tbe fmalncs of num* ber of tl)e bcl^ucrs Dotb trouble ts, on tbe otberfiDe let W caU tominDctbat none can compzebenD t\it m^ftcrie« of ©oD,biit tbci' tQ tobom it is gcucn. The "piikChajf iter. That fo fivrreas mannes rea(bn may beare^there are fuflTjcient proues to ftabh^ic the crcdite cf Scripture. toe bane tb^s afltirace, tobtcb 13 botb nmt excellent anDef mo^e fb;eetbanan^ iuDgement of man, in t)ainetbaU t^ autbo;iitt?c of fcripturc ettber be ftrengtbtncD toitbargumets, n ffviblifbeD teitb cSfent of tbe cburcb, o;& confinncD toitb anpc otbrrmeancd of Defence. $q% tmles tbis fouDation be UiiDitt ftill remainetb banging in Dotit. MUW^^i 00 an tb? otber SDetoben erempttng it from tbe common ftate of tb^ngs, toebauc emb^ceD it Deuoutlp, anD ac* ca;0^n3 to tI}etoo,jtb!?nr(rc of it ttbcn tbcretl)i'ngo become t)er?? fttte bclpes, tobT'cb befo^ze toerc but of fmall fo^ce to graffe anD faften tbe affuraunce tfjcreoT in cure mv'nDes . f.ai it is meruailous^Jwtoegreat^abl^^ grotoetb Dca.3a. 12. God the Creator. Firfl Booke, Fol.1 grotoct^ ^derofjfeljen toitti earncft Uu^ D^ toe confioer l}oto ojocrlp f toell fra? mco a tjifpofiticn of tljc Diuinc IcifDom appcarctft tl)erin,t)Otoe Ijtaucnl^ a ddc^ trine in eucrt place of it, ano not^^ng fauouriiTS of eart^lf tte0,l)Oto beautiful an agramentof all t^e partes among t^bemfclacsmnDfutbot^er tbingj^asa* nailtop;^ocurca maiett^ to to;ttings. H&wt nmc perfect l!» arc cur l)art«! roftr* met) tol)en toe confiDcr^l^oto toe are cue tiolentl? car^cD to an admiration of it rattier hi^tl) Dignttie of matter, tftan \j6 grace of too?ue0,iFo; tftisi alfo toas not Bon toitijout t!je fingular p;jouiDence of (Don, tbat t\)t i)ic mrlterics of ttie ^ea* uenl^ feingoom fljoulD foj tt)e nioft part be tittereo buDer a contc ptible bafenes of too^iDs, lea ft if it fjarj ben beautify eo to^tb mo;^c glo;ious fpcacb^tbe toicfecD \ pleafeD tbe bol^ gijofi to ftjeto ^ be toiV ft)ulb cauil 1^ tbe onlt? fo^ce of eloquence j teo not eloquence, tliongb in t\)c reft be Dotb raigne therein J5ut toben t rcugb , tifeD a ruuc 5 grofe ftile.:^ut tobetber a anu in a maner ruoe (implicit^e bctbe , man reao DauidjHfay, % fucb lifee, tobo raife bp a greater reuerence of it felfe banc a ftoeete $ pleafk flotoingfpeecbe, tba ani? Kbctc;icians eloquence, tobat ' 0; Amostbe beartsman. leremy % Za- nmy> toe iuoge, but tbat tbere isa moje chary, tobofe rougber talUe fauo^etb of migbt^e ftrengtlje of trutbc in tbc bolv ! countri? ruDene« : in cuer^ one of tbem fcripturctba tbat it necDctb an^ arte of j Vial appcarc ^ maicftv of tbe bol^ gljoft too;M)3^.^ot tov^tbout caufc tberfo;e tbc 1 tbat ^ fpakc of.^et am Bi not ignorant, of all ti)tit fo^jt: 3 graunt tl}t^ ftjal mar:* ueloufl^ allure,uclite,mouejano raniift tb«. 5i5ut if frc f bem tbou come to tim bol^ reabnig of fcrtplures, toiU tbou 0^ not,it ft)all fo liuelig moue t\}^ affectio^i it Iball fo pearcc t\)v beart,it ftwl fo fct^ tie tovtbin tbn bones, tbat in compari^ fon of tbe efficacy of tbis reeling,al tbat fo;ce of Kbeto;icia0 anD pbilofopber* fijall in maner tanitbc atoar:(o tbat it isc&i^to pcrceiue tbat tbefcriptores, tobicb 00 far crcell all gift0 anD grace0 of manne0 inoullr^, tio in uccoc b;catb out a certaine niuinitie. 2 ^ graijt in ca^e, t fomc of t\)t p jo^ pbets baue an elegant, cleare,tea anD a beautifttU pb^afe of fpeecbe, fo a0 tbe^j eloquence geuetb net place to tbe p^c^ pbane to;j^ter0 : ano br fucb erapU0 it i.Cor, 4. J. ;apcftle mafeetb bis argument,to p?oue tbat tbe faitljC Cf tbc Corinthians toa0 ibat a0 fatan is in mant! tbings a coun^ terfaitcr of OcD.tbat toitb Deceitful re? grounDcD bpen tY)t pctoer of (lDoD,$ not i fembl&cc be migbt tbe better crap into tjpon mans toireDom,fcecaufc bt'0 p;ea? cljing among tbem toas fet fcjtbe not VaiVij ent'lins fpcccbe cf manncs toife-- Dom,but ill plain euiccnce of tbe fpirite anD of poluer. if o«i tbe trutbe is tbcn fet frof from ail couting,trben not l^pbolte bpfO.ncn aiDe0 it felf alone fuftilctb to fuftatn it felfe. yt-ut boto tl)i$ potoer iB p^toperli? alone beloging to ^ fcripture, i^reuvappcarctb, tbat or all tbe toav* tin^Q of mc, be tbc^ neuer fo ciiningl^ gp.rmnjcD^nc one is fo far able to pearfc cur ag^cctio. KeaD Demo! Ihencs 0^ Ci- cerOifcaD i lato, Anftotle, O^an^Otber iimple men0 mince0:ro batb be crafteli? fp^cD ab;oDe \xnti) ruDe f in maner bar? barous ipcscbe, ibofe toichcD crrour0 tobertoitb be DecciucD (illr i«en:i ba^b oft time0 tjfeD DifcotinucD pb;afe0,tbat UnDer fucbetjifo; be mtgbt biDe \)is ntf ccit0. liBut boto lain « tjuclenlr i0 tbat curiou0 couterfaiting,al men tbat baue but mcane bnoerftaDing do plainly i^* 00 fo^ tt}C bol^ fcripture, altbougi) fro-^ toarD mc labo? to bite at man^ tbing0, fit is it full of fucbe fentenccs 00 coulD not be conceiucD bu ma.Hlet al tbc P^o pbefg be lokeo ijpon^ttier (bal not onj^be "' four^p Scholc- mcn anil Cano- niftes. OF the knovvled^eoF fouD among ti^tMt ^c Ijat!) far mtlkn a\ nm rapacit^,m fuel? fo jt t ttcfe are to be tl}ougi)t, to lymt no iuugcment of UU to iKljom t\)tit ssoctnimt^niauc;^, 3 ^f^cr men Ijaue largclr entrcat^D of ttjis apgument,to!jerfo^e at t^is time it fuffifetl) to Coucb but a feto tljtngs, ttjat c^afel^ mafec fo;^ tbe principal fumme of § luliolc matter, IBtmc tbefe pomtcs ttat 31 banc alrcas^e toucbcu, tbetcri>0 antiquitpe of tbe fcripture is of grcate toai&t.jf o.i botofoeuer tbe dDrcfec to^ji tmtell mam I'ableis of tbc Cgiptia nU mixitici^zt tbere remainctb no nionii^ mtnt of an? religicn,but tbat is far in- ferior to tbe age of Mofes . ^nti Mofo DeaifetbnotanelDe€^oD , but fcttetb fo;tb tbc fame tbing tobicbtbc Ifrachts bai) receiueD in long p;joces of time, cc^ ue^eD to tbe bi? tbeir fatbers as it tucre from banD to bao concerning t^c euer^ luif ing <^oD» if o j tubat Dotb be elfe bnt !abo; to f al tbcm bacUe to tbe cotienant maoij feitb Abraham,3f be 'i)ari b;rougbt a tbing ncncr barD of bcfo;:e,be ban ban m cntr? to begin* 5i3ut it muti neeties bz ^ tlje Deliuerance fro bonDage,ti>ber^ in thtv, Uiere oeteineOjtDais a tbing ioci % wmutonlp UnoUjne among tbcm,fo ^ tb,e bcariiig of tbe mention tbereof oiD ta^n)Mt\) faife bp al tbeir minDs.fSt is alfo Ukclp tbat tbei? toeretnfo.imcDof ti>e number of tbe.CCCCveres. iliotu isiHobc eonlisjereo, if Mofes tob^cb bimf^lf b? fo long Dittance of time ioas bi!ib>e ail otber lu^^ters, uo from a be* ginning fo long before bimfelf fete b tljc o^itginal Deliueraceof bis Dortrine:boUj mucbtbe bol? fcripture tben is fac]PonD all otber iD.j?tings in antiqnttie* 4 5Hnles perbap fome lift to beleeue tf)t €gi|?tian0, tl):it ttretcbti)eir auncient? to (ttt tboufano veres before ibe creaf i^ en of tbe kii/;ll>e. Ii5ut fiti^ tbeir tjaine babbling batb ben altoa? Cco;meD mzti of al t\)t p^opbane tp;iters tbernfelues? --~ir tberc is no raufe tub? 3 tbulu fpenu la^* boj in confuting of it» i5ut Jolephusa* gainft Appion,.aUeagetb teCimonies UJo,;tb?to be remcmb;^e3 out of anciet iujitersjtoberbr ma? be gatberet),tbat b? confent ofal natios tbc Doctrine tbat is iiiti)e laljue, batbe bene famous eaen from tbe firfl: ages, altbougbc it toere neitber reu no; truel? fenotoen. ^f^oto, tbat neitber tbere fljoulD remain to tl)e malicious an? caufe of fufpition,no;j to i^e iDicfeeD an? occafton to cauill, dPoD batb fo; botbe tbcfe caungers p^ouiaeo gojti remeuies.Mben Mofes reberfetb tobat lacob atrnoS tb?ee bunt);jeD ?eres before, batJ b? beaueni? infpiratio p^o< nounceD bpon bis olune poiierit?, bote tjotb be fet fojtbe bis otune tribe:'?ea in tbe perfon of Lcui be fpottctb it ijD?tb cternall infamie. Simeon (fa?tb be)anD Leui tl)z beafels of i\nclieDncs.£p? foule come not into tbeir coufcl, nox m? tong into tbeir fccreate, ^Drucl? be migbt baue paffeD ouer tbat blot toitb Qlence, in fo Doing not onivto pleafe bis fatber, but alfo not to Uainc b?mfelfe anD b?s tobole fantil?c turtb parte of the fame (bame.^oip cantliat lu;?ter be fufpec^ teD, tDb?£bbnconiTramcDl? publilbing b? t\)t Oracle of tbe bclv C bol!, tbat t\)s p^incipall aiiceiler of tbe famil? \3)l)m ofbimfclfe oefcciiOeD tuaiJ an abbomt^ nablc Doer, ncitljer p^iuatel? p jouiDeD fa; 'm otwn bono;, lio; refufeo to enter into Difpleafure tuitb all bis otim feinf^^ men, tubome tonDouteQl? tb?s matter grajueD:'2^ben alto be reberfetb ? tuic fteD murmuring of Aaron \)i$ oion b;o* tber,i Mary bis filler : Ibal toe fa? tbat be fpa^e after tbe meaning of tbc flelft, o; ratber ^ be lf;ote in obe?ing tbe co^ mauDcments of ^c bol? gboftf 3|9o;eo:J uer fitb bimfelf Visas bieft in aatbo;it?, tob? Dio be not leaiie at Icaft ? office 9f tl)t f)it p;iefiboDe to bis atone fwtn», but appointetb tbc to tfjz bafett placcf ^ toucb Gc,45>.;. Nu.ij.i* God the Creator. Firrt Booke. Exodus. 34-29- Exo.io i6. EX0.4. 34. toac!) ihrt onlt! a feto t&ings of mani?. I&ttt in t lato it felf a ma ^{ cdjto^er mate Untt) mnn^ arguments tl?at arc able to bjins ful n;ofc to mafec me bc^ leue tbat Mofes UJitbontal quellton c6? metbfrom beauen as nnjangcl of 50D. y j^oto tbefe fo mani? f fo notable mi? qI racleu tbat b^ recomptetb, are enen as Ex,24 18, ^^^^ cftablidjments of tbe latuc tbat be ueliueren , anu t\)c Doctrine tbat be publitbeD . if o?,tbi)8 tbat be toag caried in a clouDe tap into tbe monntaine: tbat tberc euen to tbe fo^tietb oa^ be conti? nueDtoitbout company of men : tbat in tbe t)cr^ publifljing of tbelaluebis nu.is«H, face Did tbtneas it toer befet lintf) f«n^ beames : tbat ligbtnings flatbed round about,tbaf tbundcrs and noifeg tocre beard ecbtuJ)i^i' m tbe av;c:tbat a trom^ pet founded being net bloluen \}}itl} a? n^ moutb of man: tbat tbe rnfrie of tbe tabernacle b? a elcud fet bettjucne luas bept from tbe ligbt of tlit people : that bisautbo^itie luas fo miracuIoiiSv' re* uengcd ty itb t\)c bo;rible dcCtruiiion of ChorcDaclian and Abiron,and al tbat tuif Ucd fartion:tbat ^ rccli Itrifeen initb a rod Did bT? and b^poiuje fo) ^tb arir uer:tbat at Ub pjaicr it tzincu S0m\m from bcauen : Did not CDcd bercmeom? mendbim from beauen as an fandoutcD p^opbetf 3if an^ man obirct againff me tbatSitaltc tbefe tbingcs as confelTed, tubicb arc not out of ccntroucrfic , it is ca^yf to annuer tbiiJ cauiUatton.jrc; fts ing tbat Moles in open alTemblie publi:' (bed all tbefe tbinges , tcbat place trasf tbcr to faine bcfoie tbofe tuitaalrfi tbat bad tbcmfeiucs fccne tbe tbtnges ijcnef 3!t is It^elT? fo^fotb ^ be luculd csntc a^ mong tl)cm , and rcbufeing v_ peoplt of infidel itie, ftubbo^nes, t>4.::3anijfulne£5 and otber (Unnes , issfuxln baue bolted ^ bis doctrine toas eUabliilKd in tbe v^ Dtonc figbt ^it\) fucb miracles, iubicb in Deed tbe^ neuer fatue. fol.i'^.i Nu.20« 10. 6 jf 0^ tbis is alfo toojtbp to be noted, fo oft as be telletb of an^ miracles , be tbf rUiitbal odtouar ioi^nctb fucb tbings as migbt Cirre tbe tcbde people to cr^ out againft bim,if tbere bad ben neuer fo little occafion. tICiberbp appearetb, ^ tbc^ lucre bv no otber mean b^ougbt to agree bnto bim,but becaufe tbcr tocr eucr mo2c tban firfficcntlv conuinred bp tbeir olon tppericnc e.iBiit becaufe § matter toas plamlier l?notDe,tban tbat tf)t pjopbane could ten? tbat miracles tDcredonbp Mofcs-.tbcfatbcroflicng Ex.t.u. batb minittred tbcm an otber cauillatio fateng tbat tbep iuere don bp Magicall artrs j fo;cerie.lBi:t tebat liUelt! p?ofe baue tbet to accnfe bim fo: a fojcercr, Uibfcb fo far abbo^red from fucb fuper^ Hition, tbat Ije commandetb to ftone bim to dcatb.tbat dctb but affe coimccll of fo.:ccrers and fffitbfaicrs i STrulr no fucb dccciuer *ofrti) \)is iuggling cattcs, but tbat be 0udictb to amafe tbe minds of tbe people to get bimfelf a famc.llBut lubatdctljMofesfbp tU^tlyat becrietb ont,tbat bimfclf and bis Igotber Aaron Lcm.2 o. are notbing,but dotb onl? erecute fbofc £xo. ly, tbingcs tbat d^od batb appointed, lit dotb rufficientlr Unpeatoatal blottcs oftbinliingeiiellofljim . j^oluiftbe tbings tbf mfelucs be conCdered, tobat encbauntment could b;ing f 0 paCTc tbat ^anna dail? raining fro b?auc, fijould fuffife to fecdc tbe peoples 1 if am? man fecpttnCcjcmo;jetl)an \)is iult mca^ fure,bT?^tjerT? rotting tbcrof be Hjould be taugbt,tbat (IDod did puriiO) bis toant of beiccf^ilSeiidc tW-, **i-'itb manr great p;oues CDod (uff red \)i^ feruant fc to be tricd,tbat mXn t\it luitl^cd can notbing pjeimilc \xi pjating againft f)im . ir oj bolu oft did fcmetimc tbe people pjoud l^ i impudctlp maUe infurrectios, fom^ timcciucrfcof tf)t confpiring among tbcfclues Uient about to ouertb^oU) t^t j bol^ feruant of « Sarn.ii.ij Sara«i6. DmtjZ, be^ileD tfeir faro: hyitti iUuGo^tsf ^uD UtzK^ tljat foloUjeD platnl-,' laelnet?), tljat b^ tl}(5 mean fits ooctrrnc toaa ita^- bltKjctJ to cotitiue to far cnD of al agcc. 7 spo.:co«eir tu!jcr l)e alTignetl) ip cbicf 0:oucrnmf£ to t^e tribe of luda in y per^ foil of t!je patriarci) lacob^tofjo can Dc^ nv ti;at tijis loas con bi? § fpirit of p;o^ pbicie,fpcda!lr if ^c taer in confiDrra^ tion m tiling it fclf, botjD in coming to palTe it p:onco true ^ 31 maginc Mofes to fjaiie bin tbe firft autboj of t^is p jo^ pWit:v^t from tbe time tbat f)t oiti firft put it in ki^iting, tber paffeD folncr \)w tm Vtrz» tobcrtn tber luas no menti? on of i fcepter in f tribe of JIuda . after 5aul tDa0 confecrate Um,it feemeb ttjat tbe hingDome ll^oulD reft in ti)t tribe of Bcniamin . Wi\)zn Dauid toas annoin^ fJeub? Samuel, iubat reafon appeared tberetub^ t^ecourfe of inJjeritanceof tit feingoome ll^aulD be cbanngcof tobo iDoulD bane lofeeo tijat tber Ojoulo bane come a king ont of p bafe bowfe of a bero man i ^nb tDben tber tnere in tbe fame boufe (enen b;etb.:en,tDbo luoulD banc faiiJtbat tbat bonoj fi&oulD ligbtbpon tbe ^engeft i )15p tobat meane came be to bope to be a luity i M)q can fap tbat tbis annointment lisas goucrneb b^ a* nv art,trauatle o^ poUr ie of man, t not ratber tbat it tuaei a fulfilling of y bea# uenl^ p;top!jiCef lliketoife tbofe tUmis tbat Mofes afb?e fpea(tetb,albcit Darfec* 1^ cocerningtbe 0entilcs to be aJJoptcb into t^e conenat of goD,rang ti^c^ came topaffcalmoft tiuo tboufanu i?cre0 af* ter, bo tbe^ not mafee it plaine tbat ba? fpahe b^ ti)e infpiration of (i5ob.3l ouer^* Atp bis otber tcUinge* afo.;eljanb of ^in^tHy iDbicb bo fo euibentl? fauo; of tbe reuclaticn cf ©ou,t?}at all mcnt^at ijaue tbf ir faunb \siit ran^ plaincli? per<» ceine tf)at it is (!3ob tbat fpca&et^ . %o be tbo;-t, tbat fame one (qhz cf1)i0,i5 a tiers loliing glage,tPbcr ir. goQ euttent^ l^ appearetb. 8 iSat in tht otlje r p;opbet0 tfee fame is^etaUo murl^ mo^c plainly f£?n . 3 toil cbofe out oncl^ a fefe? ej:amples,be^ canfe to gather tbe all togetljer tDcr to great a labo^.^lb^ in tbe time cf Efaic the feinguomof luda tuas in peace, tea tuben t\)CV. thougbt tbat tbe Chaldees bjer to tljem fome ffa^ anb Defence, tbe bio Efaiep:op!)irieof tbe bcltrurtionof tl)t citit anb enle of tbe people.:si5«tab^ mit tbat,i^et tU^ toas no to&en plain Cf nongb of tbe inftinct of (&oo,to tell long before all fucb ti)in^tB a$ nt^Bttimt feemeb falfe , f aftcrtuaru pjoucb true: ret tbofe pjopbifies tl)at be Xitterttt) co^ cerning tbeir beliaerance, lobcnce (bal foe fai? tbat t\)t\! p:oceDeD but fro (DoD^ !^e namtti) dms b^ fobo fijt Chaldecs (boalD be fubbnet!,anb tbe people reffo^ rco to libertie.CberpafffD moje tbana bunb^jeb ^eres fo; ti)t timt tbat tfaie fo p,:opbeceb before tbat Cims foas bo;n: fo.j Cirus foas bo jne in f b«nD.:etb rere o; tber aboate0 after t\)t beatb cf Efaic» i^omancoulbtbe gelTe tbattljerlbulb be anp fucb Cirus,tbat ftoulD bane luar ixtit}) tl}e Babilonians,tbat fl^oulD b^ing fubiertfo mijbfiea sponarcbie bnber \)is bominioa, i make an enb of tbe w ile of tbe people oflfiael.SDotbnot f^is bare telling foitbontanvgarmfljment of foo tbe negligence of tbe ^ntftts it lapburi=* CD a little tobile: t?et fince tbe time tbat tbe goDl^ king lofias foiiD iUit batb llill b^ continual! fuccelTion from age to age bin tjfcD in tbe banbs of men . #evtber DiD lofias bnng it fojtb as an tjnftnotoe o;^ neto tbing , but fucb a tbing as baD bin euer commonly publiCbeD,t tubcrof tberemfb;^ancetpasat ^ time famous. IDbe o;igtnall broke it felf toas appoint teD to be facrcDli? kept in 5 templc,anD a copv Uuitten out tbcreof, to remarne tuitb tbe kcpcrs of tbe kings Keco^Ds. £>ntl^ tl)is baD bappcneD,^ tbe p;ielles baD realTcD to publift tbe latu acco;Ding to tbe olD accuftomeD mancr,anD ^ pco^ pie tbemfclues baD neglertcD tbeir tuon teD reaDing of it.^ea tbcrin maner paf feD no age Vobcrin tbe ftabliftme t tbcr^ of toas not confirmeD i renucD i 2Ebe^ tbat baD Damd in tbeir baDs,knclo ti)c^ not of iVlofesf But to fpcak of tbem al at once,it is mott certaine tbat tbeir U)2i# tinas came to pott eritie none otberiuife but from banD to bar.D (as 3i ma^ tenn it)hv continuall o^Derli? courfc of ^ercs DeliuereD fro tbeir fatbcrs, tobicbbaD partly baro tbe fpeake,f partly labile t remcbrance teas f retire of it,DiD learne of tbe tobicb barD tbt ^ tbei baD fo fpoke 1 o as fo;^ tbat U)bicb tbe^ obiect out of t^z Worn of tbe Machabecsjtominil^ tt)t creDit of fcripture, it is fucb a tbtng as notbing can be DeuifeD mo^e fit to ftabliO^ tbe fame.llButfirlt letts tnipc atB5\? tbe colo J tbat tbep la^ tpon it , f t})cn let as tourn tjpon tbemfclues tbe engine ^ tbe\? raife bp againll iJS.Mbe Antiochus (fa^ tbevi)comuianDeD al tbe bcDkes to be burncD , tubence are come tbefe copies tbat Uie nolo \)mii iDn tl)c otber fiDe 3 afk tt)em,in lubat ftjop tfjiv coulD fo fcone be maoe/JIt is euior t,tbat after tl^t crueltie appeafcD tl)cv iuer im mcDiatl^ ab;oDe again,anD toere \Joitl)f out ccntrouerfie knoluc fo be tl)t fame of al goDl? mr ,tbat bauing bin b^ougbt Ijp tn ti)e Doctrine of tbem DiD familiar l^ knoii) tbem.^ea iuben al tl)t loickeD men being as it tutr cofpireD togetber, DiD infolentlp triumpb toitb repzocbes tpon tiic getoes, ?et ncuer toas tber a^ m? tbat Durft lav ^8 fftf ir cbarge falfc cbanging of tbeir bokes . if o;j tobntfoc^ uertbei? tbink p 3ieU)es reltato to be,'^it €.u mil f-'o).l7. i.Mac.i. 1 2. Mat. 1 S9* Cap.^. Of the knovvlec{g;c of ftil tfte^ tljinU iviofcs to be t!)e autI)oj of itmm t\)m DO tljcfc pjaters cIs, but betDja^t^drotLmemo^e tbanDoggifl^ f rotDarDitclTctobile tlbe^ faia^ fai? tbat tbefe bokes are cbaacD, ant! neto put in tbetr place0,tobofe facrcu antiquit^e t0 appjoueu b^ cofcnt of all biffo^iesf 215ut to fpeno no mo jc labo j tjainl^ tn confu*' ting fucb folifl^ cauillations : let tj0 ra^ tber \)tnhy> confiuer boiue great a care goD ban fo;^ ^ pjeferuation of bts too^D, tDben beroo tbe bope of all me:be faueo it fro tbe outrage of tbe mod cruel tirat as out of a pjefent fire : tbatb0 enDueD tbegoDl^pjieaesf otbcrluitbfo great celiac^, tbat tbc^ llicfeeD not to reoeme tbt0 bofee euen tuitb loflfe of tbeir life if neoe toere,f fo to mm it ouer to poller rit^itbatbc Difapo^nteof narolu fercb offoman^gouernojsf folDiojs. Mbo can but acbnolulecge tbe notable i mU raculu0 Iro^k of goD,^ tbefe facreu mo^ numets tobicbtbe luicfeeD berilp tbou^ gbt to baue bcn^terl^j DearoieD,b^anD b^ came abjoDe again as fuUr rctto^cD, Itbattoitba great Deale mo je bono;j. ifo; branubr folotocD tU traflating of tbe into Greke,to publil^ t\)cm tbjougb out tbe lDo;^lD.0nD not in tbis onl^ ape^ reD tbe miraculous toojfeing,^ goD p;e# ferueo tbe tables of bis couenat fromi blOUDt? p?0Clamati0S0f Antiochus: but alfe t among fo mantfoltj mifcrable af* flirtios of tbe icwcs^tuberiifitb § tobole nation toas fomtime too^n to a fetoe i lrjafteD,ani) laft of al,b;ougbt in maner to btter Deftrurtion, ret tbep remaineo Hill fafe anu txtmt %\)t Hebrue tong la^ not onli' bneCemcbjbut almolt bn^ fenolone. 0nD furel^ bao not ben CDotJS plefure to baue bis religio pjouineu fo?, it batjpeariOjeDaltogetljer. i?o? botee mucb i Icvvcs tbat tuerc fince tbcir re? turn from enle, tner ftoarueD f ri?m tbe naturall bfe of tbeir motber f 6g:>appea* retb by t\)t p,:opbetg,tbat liueDinJage iBbicb is tberfo^e luo;jtbi? to be notes, becaufe by tbis comparifon tl)t antiqui tic of t\)t lalD anb tlje p^iopbctes is tbe mo?e plainly perceyueD. BnD by Uibom batb CDoD p^eferueo foj bs tl)t Dortrine of faluation conteineD in tl)t lain f t^t P^opbetes, to ti)t enD ^ Cb:tft migbt in \)is appointeb time be opely (betucD;? turn by tbe moll cnielly bent enemies of Cb;jift»tbeijetDes,tobo S.Auguftinc botb tberfo;je toojtbily cal tbe fecpers of tbe ILib^arie of cbjiffia cljurdjsbecaufe tbey baue miniftreo bnto bs tbat tbing to reab, toberof tbefelues baue no bfe, 11 ipoto if toe come to f neto teJlamct, Vo boto founb pillers is tbe trutb tberof ^pbolbe5?2Dbe tb;^ee (Hjuagelifts \j)ntt i Wont in bafe f fimple fpacb . ^any p^ouD men bo lotb ^ fimplicitie^becaufe tbey tafee no bab to y cbief poits of boc* trine tberin,toberby it toer eafie to ga^ tber,^tbey entreat ofbeauenlymi(te>' riesabouemannes capacitie* purely tobofoeuer baue but one b^opofboneli fijame toil be afljameb if tbey reDe tbe firll Cbapiter of Luke. .#oto,y fermcs of Cb^ilt,^ fum toberof is lbo;tly cop^i feb by tbefe tl)}iz Cuagelilf s, bo eafily Deliuer tl)eirto;^itings fro all cotempt. llBut Ihon tbunbering fro on Ut^ tbofc tobo be copelletb not to obebifce of faitb f)ztl);o\iitt\) botone tbeir Itubbo^nefle mo.2e migljtili tba any tbuberbolt^oto let come fo^ttb al tbefe (barpnofeb fault finoers f baue a great pleafure to (bake J reuerrce of fcripture out of tbeir oton f otber mens barts, let tbe reab Ihons gofpell: Mil tbey o^ no,tbey tbal tbere fino a tboufaub fentrces ^ may at lead atoaUf tbeir Ouggitbnes, yea tbat may pjint a bo^rible bjanb in tbeir confcie^* as to rettrayn tbeir latogbing . E'be fame is to be tbougbt of Peter f i 'aul, intobofeto?ittings altbougb tbe mo?e part be blinb yet tbe bery beaucnly ma ieltie in tbem bolbetb all me boiib, « as ittoere God the" it U)cre faft tteD tjnto it llBut f fiw one tfjirtg ootli fufftcientl^ aouacc tl)cir Doc^ trine aboue i^ tDo;ilo, ^5 iMathew being befo;^e al Qmm to tbe gain of bis monp baj;^D,Peter I lohnbjougbt tip in tbcir fil^Jcr boat0,al grclTe tnlcrneu men,baii learneD notbing in mens fcbolc t tbe\? mtgbtdeliuerto otber. Paul, notonl^ fro a p^ofelTeD, but alfo fro a cruel anD bloD? encm^ conuerteD to a netu man, \3)it\) roDaine and tnbopcD cbange Dotb (]^0tD,tbat being copelleD bp beauenlt? autf)ontit be notn mainteinctb t uoftri ntyWc^j befo;je be bat) fougbt againff. i^oln Ut tbefe oogges ncn^ tbat tbc bo^ l^ emboli came Doton tpo tf)t ^poftles, 0 J let tbe DifcreDit f btfto^ie: pet ftil tbe truth it felf opelp crietb out,^ tbep tucr taugbtbp tbe boIp^IDboff, tubicb being befb^e timt Defpifeti men among tbe raffeal people, foDetnlp began fo Qlon^ ouQp to entreat of beauenli? miftericg. 12 Cber be pet alfo furtbermo;te manp tjerpgtDtircaromfjtDbp tbe cofent of tbe ' Cburcb fl^oulD not be eftemed toitbout tDeigbt.if 0? it i$ to be accopteD no fmal matter,^ ttnce tbe Scripture toas firlt publi(!)eD tbe toilles of fo mani? agea baue coftatli? agrecD to obep it.^no tbat bot»foeuerS)atan ioitball t\)t tuo;lD batbtrauailenbp marueilou0 means, eitber to oppjelTe it,o^ ouertb^oto it,o;r tjtterlpto blot I ueface it out of mens rememb^ace,i?et euer ffil libeapalme tra,it batb rifcn tp aboue, t remained inutncible* ifo; tbere batb not ligbtlp ben in olD time anp Sophiftcr oj Rheto riciaii tbatbao anp mo2e ercellcnt isyit tba otber, but be batb bentbisfo^cea? gainft tijis Scripture: t?et tbep al baue notbingp^euaileoXbe tobole polocr of f eartb batb armeD it felf to oeftroi? it,i pet al tbeir enterpjifes are banifbeD a^ toap^as in fmofee.l^oin coulD it baue re fiflteD beig fo migbtilp one ccf)c CD aiTai leD,if it bao bao none otber Defence but Creator. Firft Booke. manesf ^ea ratber it is berebp p;ioueD, i it came fro (IDoD bimfelf, f al tbetra=» uaibs of men (f riutng againU it^ pet it batb of ber otun poluer ttil rifen tjp. li5e fiDe ^, 'no one citie alone , no;j one onlp natio batb agreeo to recciue f embrace it:butfofarastbe 1do;Id ertenDetbin lengtb I b;tealJtb,§ fcripture batb ^ttti^ neo ber creott, bp one bolp cofpiracp of Diuerfe natios,tubicb otbertoife incr in notbing agreable one \jo an otber . anD fojafmucb as fucb agreement of minDs fo Diuerfe I Difiigrcing in maner in all tbings els, ougbt mucb to moue ts, be^ caufe it appcaretb,^ tbcfamc is b?ougbt about none otber tuap, but bp tuo^Uing of p beaueli maieffiemo fmal eftimatio grotBctb tJnto it toben toe bcbolD tbier goDlines,^ Do fo agra,3i mean not of tbe al,but onlpof tbofe,l6 tie tbe office of tbe fpirit tubicb is p.20^ mifeDt)s,tofaineneU) ano tjnbearo of reuelations, 0 j to covne a neto feinoe of Doctritte,tDl)crbr toe fl^oulo be leD from tbc recciucD Doctrine of tbe ©ofpcI,but to feale in our minos tbe fclf fame Dot^ trine ^ is comeDeD tnto Ds bv t gofpcl. 2 ^berbpluc plainly tsnDcrffaOjtbat toeougi^trigbt ftuDioua^ to appip tbc reoing f bearing of tbe fcripture, if Uie lift to take am t)fe anD frute of tbe fpi^ fit of goD.a« alfo Peter p^aifctb tbeir Di ligenr^e tt)at are bebefuU to tbe Doctrine of tbe p;opbet0,tDbi£l^ V^t mi^t fame to baue geuen place after the rifing of § ligbt of tbe gofpel€)n tbe otber fiDe if a n\? fpirit leaning tbe toifoom of § too^D of goD Dotb tljmft bnto ti0 an otber doc^ trine,^ ti)t fame fpirit ougbt rigbtfull^ to be fufpecteDoftoanitie filing . ifo? iDbatflDben §)atba tranffo^metbbim* felf into an 0ngcl of ligbt , tubat creDit (ball t{}e bol^gbolt baue among tjSjif it be not feucrall\> hnotucn b^ fomc affu^ reD marfef janD truclp it batb bin plain? l^ pointcD ojit tjnto \i5 bi' the too^D of § lo;iD,but V tbrfe miferable men Do Un(^ linglil> ccuet to erre to tbrir olun Dcftru nion,lvt)ile t\)z\! fefee a fpirit ratbcr fro ibemfcluee tba fro bimliSutfrat? tl^tv) it i» DilbonoMblc, t[)attlit fpirtt of goD, tuijom all tbing^ ougbt to ober ? tljoulD be ftjbiect te p fcripture Jas if tbtc lucre a Difljono,: to tbe bcl^ gljcd to be euer^i tuber cgall anD like to it fclfe , to agree 136 it fclf in al tbing0>f no" tuber to tjari. ^n DeDc if it luer :o be tiisii bv t\)z rule cittjer of mr ,0^ of 0nscls,o; ani ctbers rule tobatfoener, tben it migbt toel be tbougbt, tijatit toercb^ougbt intoo^ beDience 0^ if ^e lift fo to terme it into boDage.515uttobe it is copareD tottb it felf,U»ben it is confiDereD in it felf,tDbo can tberfb;^e fa!?,tbat tber ij ant? to^^ong tion\ii\tcitimnttl)U3it is b;ougbt to triall.Bi graunt,but fucb atriall tobcrr* iuitb it twas bis otune plcafure to baue \)i3 maicttic eflablilbcD. 3it ougbt to co^ tentbsfo fame as be cntretb iinto tjs. X5ut Icaftbnocrbis name tbe fpirit of ^atan (bulD creep in^ be tuil baue bs to fenotD bim b^ ^ image of bimfelf,lPbicb be batb pointeD in njt fcriptures. l^e is t}^e autbo; of tbe ^cripturc0: be cannot be Diuerfe f bnlifer bimfelf. 2Lberefo;e it rnuH ncDes bctbat be conttnuallTi re maine fucb as be batb IbclucD bunfelfe tberin. 2Dbis is no Dilbonoz fento bim, tmleCTe perbap toe count it bonoiablc to f toarue i go out of UinDe from bimfelf. 3 laberastbe^cauilltbattoerettbp on f letter tbat tititfi) , berein tbep fuf^^ fer punifl^met foj Defpifing of tbe fcrip^ ture. if 0^ it is plaint enougb tbat Paul tbere contenDetbagainft tbe falfe ^pof? tle0,tobicb commenDing tbe lato toifb^ outCb?iftDiD callatoap tbe people fro tbe bcnefitc of tbe ncto tellament,tobcr in t\)c 310.2D Dotb coucnant tbat be tuill graue bis lato toitbin tbe botocls of tbe faitbfnl,f ixnitt it in tbeir bearts.Sbe letter tbcrfoje is DeaD,anD fbe I^to of ^ i.o;JDl^iUetb t\)t reaDcrs of it , toben it is frucreD fro tbe grace cf <£b;il^)anD, not tcutijinct, t^z beart,onlv fcunOetb in tbe earrs. '!L5\xt if it be effpttuallf p;in^ tcD in cur beartes br ^'^ bolr sboft,if it p^cfent €V)nii tjnto \3s: tbe is it § too^D of Itfe^contierting foules, g- uing toife? Do)Jic to little ones.? C.Mr i\\t):it fame place tbe apcQiecalletb bis .vfcacbing 2C0.3.8 tbe niiiuftcnc cf f b-il? gholt -^leaning tbtit t\it rolp qhQti Dotb fo ff icK fafie in bin trutb tobicb f?e batb crJu:ffcf. fn tbe Fol.i^. 2.Co,3.f> C«U ^crip^ ICap.i Lu.24. 27 rcr!ptHrc0, ^ tt)Cit onl\? lie puttctb fojtl) I m(pUt0ti) i^B fo;ce,tn^c tlit fcripturc f}atl) l)tr uue rcucrencc f dtgnit^.^no it tJifagrkStl) not l)erelDitl) Ui^iclj i bcfojc faiD,tl)at ti)t Ujo;o it fc If tfi net muct)af fareD t)ntol30, tjnksi it be conftrmeD b^ ti)c tottncs of tbe I50I1' g!)cft.if 0^ toitb a ztrtniii mutual fenot tl)c LojD fjatb (ou? pleD togetljer tl)e alTurance of Us too;0 f of l)i3 fpirit, fo tijat perfect reucrccc to tlje too;D Dotb tl)m fettle in our minDs iDljen tbe ftol^ gljoft (tmeth tpon fcs to make tw tljerin bebolD tbe face of iiS5 futfe;« race notbtng p;reaailetb Id tbe obUinat. 2 Hln certain places arc fet fbjtb mo^e plaineDifcriptions toberin f)i6 natural face i0 a0 in an image repjcfc teD to be fan. if oj in t\)c place tobcre Mofes De^ fcribetb it, it feemetb tbat bis meaning toas ifjo^tl^ to compjebenD al tbat toas latofull fo;^ men to bnDerH^anD of CDoD. SCbe ilo?D(raitb be)t!)e lo^D,a merciful goD,f gracious, pacient t of mucb men c^,anD true , tobicb feepett inerc^jtjnto t^oufauDs toi)icb ta^elt atoai? initimtit anD toicKeD Doinges , before totjom tbe innocent fl^ll not be innocent , \i}\)icf) renD?eft tbe toicfteDneCTe of § fatbers to § cbilD^cni cbilD;jcns cbtlD;en. M^iiyct let bs marke, tbat bis cternitie i being of bimfelf is eicp^efifeD in tl^e ttoifere^ peting of t^at bono;^able name:anD tbat tbe bis bertues are rebearfcD,in \s}\nc^ is DefcribeD bnto bs, not tobat be is in refpect to bimfclf, but tobat a one be is totoarD b0:tbattbisl5noto!cDgc of bim ma? ratber UanD in a liuel? feting tba in an e mptp f fnpcrnatural fpcculaho. 0nD berc toe do bcarc ret itcD tbcfe trr tuts of bis tobicb toe notcD to (bine in {^ bcaucn f eartb,tbat is to rav',clcmcn* cic,bDKntie,mercie,iunice,iuDgenif{it f trutb.ifo^ migl)t i potocr are conte i^ ncD bnDer tbis name tlohim ©od. Mli^ tbefame names of aDDitio do Ujt p >opb?ts fet \)in\ f©;itb tob? tbe? niean full? to paint out bis bolp name. Ili5ut, becaufe 31 tooulo not beapc ^p to man? eraples togetber,at tl^is p;jcfent let one ]0falmefnfficebs,toberin i fum of all bis tertue is fo erattl? recfeneo bp,^ no tbing ca feme to be omittcD. 0nD ?et is notbingtbcr rebearfeD,but ^ tobicb toe ma? bebolD in biscreaturs. ^o plainl? Do toe perceiuc CDoD b? information of erpcrifce,to be fucb as be Peclaretbbim fclf in bis too^D.Jn lercmi tober bep?o nouncctb,tobata one be tooulD baue b0 fenoto bim to be, be fettetb fo^tb a Def# cription not altogitbcr fo ful,but ?et co* mig al to one cffcrt.li^e ^ glo;ietb,faitb be, let bim glo j? in tbis t be bnotoctb me to be ? lo;D tbat do mere?, iulltce,f iuDgemet on t\)t eartb. ^urel? tbefe.3. tbigs ar ber? necetlar? fo;i b0 to bnoto: mere?, in tobicb alone confittctb al our faluation:iuDgement,tobicb is bail? ep ecuteD bpon euil Doers,i more greuous is preparcD for tbem to eternal Dettru* (tion : 31u!Iice,toberb? tbe faitbfull are preferueD anD moll tenDerl? cberi^cD. Mbicb tbingg tobt tbou ball coceiucD, tlje propbec? faitb tbou baft fufficientl? enougb toberof tbou maift glori in goD. ;anD ^et bere are net omitteD eitbcr bis trutbeorb?spotoer, or bis {)ol\!nts or gcDDnes. ifor boto lljulD tbe bnotoleoge ffanD fure \i)l)'iii) is bcre requireD of bis iufticc, mere? anD iuDgement, bnlrs it DiDre^ t}pDnb?s bnmoueable truti)t i 0nD boto ttjoulD toe bclcue tbat be Dotb goucrnc tbe earlb \xiiti-} indict 1 iuDge* mcnt, but bnDerftanDing i)vs pclucr^ 0nD tobcnce commetb bis mere? hut of l)is gajDneflfe i Jf tbcn all iji^ U'a?e« be mere?, iusgement anD indict, in tbem miiH bolincs alfo ncDes be fcne. 3nD to nm2 otijcr enDe is DiretteD tbat Unoto? IcDgc cf Cod tbat is (et fortl; bnto b0 in tbe^cripture0,tba i0 tbat bnotoleDgc alfo tobicb appfaretbemprinteD in bis frraturfs,tl)at is to fa?:tt firft moueti) b0 to tbe feare of C^cD, anD t\icn to put ccnfiocnce in bim, to tbe cnDtoe ma? Irarnefirftto bonor bim tottb perfect F0I.2. Pf.i4f.3 lc.6,24* €M^* 3) Of the knowledge oF imiocecie of life i tjnfairieD obcDience,f t^p to tang altosctticr tpo t)i0 gcoones. 5 )15ut Ijerc 3 mean to gatbf r a fum cf gcncrall nottrtne . anu firft let f !je rea«f Ders notctljat t^c Scripture to tfee enD to mta tjsto i§ true <2?oD,t!Dil) erpjcQf cicduoe I cad atoa^ all ttjc C5dds of tlje tn DaD tl^at tfje name of one ^055 lDa0 cucrv Usljcr fenoteen ano rcnomtti.fm ^vx t^d t\}Ut iro^Hnppf B a great nober cf goo0,ro oft as tl;ei? m fpealfaccoiDtng to ^ proper free cfna* ture,tbe^fimplttfctiip fingular name of goc a£f if tber U^er coteteD id one gou aione. ^m tbts tuas tuifel^ marfeeo bp luftine t!)e ^art\??,tDljieb fo; tfeiis pur* pofe maue a bojlie of tlje 3pcnarc?)ie of CDoo,tDlberb^ manp tcfiimonies i)e Ifee^ toef ii f bat tt^iSy tt^at tber is but one goD, tua0 engrauen in tfjc IjeartB sf aS men. £Df)e fame fbing aifo tjall) Tatullian p;ioue bp tbe common pb^afe of fpeecb. X5ut fojafmucb as al toitbout ercepf ion are b^ tfjeir ctun tjanitic eitfjer ojatol 0} fallen to falfc fo^gcsi Deuifes , anD fo tbeirfcnfesarcbecotuc tiat?ne, tbere# fo;ie all tbat cuer tbc V naturally tnrer* fioiDe of tbc being but cne CcDjauaileD no fui ti)er,faut to maUe tbem inere ufa# ble. j?o^ mm ^ Uufctt of tl)e Do plainly fljetD ^ ttartDering erro; of tbcir mino, ti3ben tbep luitb feme d^oD to affiC ttjf , nm fo Ux tbeir p,:arcr0 bo call bpon Uu certain ©oDs. spojeouer intbvstbat tbet? imagineo (IDoD tobaue mant?na* tures altljougb tf)t^ tbougbt fomclubat icffe abforDli? t!)en tlic ruDc people niD of3jupiter,^ercurie,2I3enu£!,spinerua, ano otberi^et tcere tljc^ not free fro tlje Dcceitcsof^atan,! asljuebauealrca^ D^ fa^o elfeiubere, tobatloeuer toa^es of efcape tbe piklofopbers baue futtell^ inuenteD,tbepfannot purge tbefelues ofrebellton but tbat t\it^ all baueco^^ rupteb tl)z truti) of €?od , ifo^j tfjts rf a^ fon^bacuc after be b^D conDemneD all tools btDDetb to fel^eC^oD tnb^s otDne temple^tbat tbe fa^tbfull (bonlo not &n^ mit bpm to be anr otber tban fucb as be bao oifclofed bim felfe b^ btB tpc^oe. The xi, chapter That it is vnlawfull to attribute vnto God avifibic forme, and that generally they forfakc God,fb many asdo crc(fl to thcmfelues any images. ^ tat as tbe Scripture p;jouiDtng fo;^ ti^c rube anD groffe toit of ma tfetb to fpeafee after t comon maner : fo tube it meanctb to mafecfeuerallt?fenoU)en tbe^true C^oo from tl)t falfc ciDoDs,ii' chiefly comparetb bim U)itb iaols : not tbat it Dotb alloto tbefe inuentions tbat are mo;c futtell^ i finely! tau^l^t hv tbe Pbilofopbcrs, but tbe plainlicr to ttU clofe tbe foliflmes of p tBo?lD,rea ratber tbcir madncCTe in felling Coo fo long as tbet?ileauc euer\? one to tbeir otone imaginations. SLbcrfc^ic tbat ercluCue beftnition lobicb toe rcmmcnl?! beare, tr^ngctb to nougbtall v maner of Cod tbe onelp conuenient tcitnelTe of brm felfe. In tbe meane time fitb tbps biw titti groHenelTe batb pofleiTcD the tnbole h)o;lD,to couet tjifible (bapes ofdDoD, anD fo to foujbcrbr tbe fuperCiti* oas tbougbt to bauc (©oD nere bnto ti^i, 2 ms is cafv to be gatbereo b^ tbs re* fons Vubicb be ioT?nctb to tbe p;obibiti5» ifirft toitb Mofcs. Kemcmber tbat tbc Jlo;obatb fpofeen to tba in tbc tale of Horcb.2Lbou bearuetf a boirr,but tbou fatuca no boo^. %>Wto}c ta^it baoe to tbl? felf, leaft peraOfienturetbou be oc^ ceiaeo,! mafec totl)^ felf anr lifeene0» tc. caac fee b jto openly? <^o^ fcttetb bvs boice agaiaftal ronnterfait a)ape3,tbat toema^knoinetbat tbe^ fo^fakedDoo tobofoeaer do conet to baue feifible fo^? mcs of bim.^f tbe p^opbets onit tiay fbalbe enoug!) tobirb fpeafeetboftean^ mud) bcreof, to tcacb tbat tbe maiefi re of cE5oD is Dcfileo tuitb bncoml^ t frohft) countcrfaiting,luben be being tot?tbout boo^.is liUeneb to a bouil^ matter : bc^ ing inuiable,to a tiublc tmage:beinga fpirit, to a tbing toitbout life;bcinc: tn^ compicbenDble, to a fmal lump of tim;» ber,ltone 0^ goto. Jn libe mane r reafc* netb Pauie: jf o^afmucb as toe are t g?* ncration of (IDoo,toe ougbt net to iA)ink tbat tbc ino of man i too^ man mingleo togctber, « tot?tb fcnojt fbapen boi3ies,anD fucb t^ty} call C?nDs, tobicb if tbe? Ujiilc rscr lae bjcatb, anO mete t\)tm toclD be rectmeo mcnfters. ^berbv again plainlr appcaretH^tfiat it IS a fono cauillattDu tobf rlo tbc bcfe ?3crs of images febe to efcape,tobitb fa? f tbe le vvcs UTcr foibiooen images, be* caufg t^t^ tocr cnclmable to fuperO iti^ on.0s rbougbe f tbing pertaineo to one natio onlv tobicb hv p?arer to Deu.4. filucr o> ftone grauen br site % t\;e ins fae tt^^M rctciueJtcisamajrrt^at man Cap.n, Of the knowledge of iE^.2>M7 rR&,2. man is not able to fuftei?ne fogreate hn^tms.%\)t l)ol^ g^oft appcareu tn^ Der tijc UHencs of a iioue,but fit!) f)z inv meoiatl^ tiantOjcD aUiai?, tuljo ootfj not fee ^ b^ ^ toke of fo ttio^t a cotinuace of a moment tbe fattbful are put m mino tbat tbeT! ougbt to beleue bim to bee an inuifiblc fptrtf,^ boloingtbecontcm tcD \Jo bi0 bertue ano grace, tber tboulD make Urn no outUiarbil^pe.2Dbis,tbat (IDoD appeareD fomtimestn fojm of a ma, toasa fo^fljctoing off rcucling ^ l»aj3 to be rnaoe of bim in €i^;iQ, ^m tbcrCo^e it Uias not latoful fo^ f 31eU»c0 to abufc ^is pretence to erect to tbem^ jff Iuc0 a rep;efcntact6 of t^c dDoDbcab in U)z (bape of ma.^lfo t\)t merct? feate inberinc^D flietoeD fo;itb f p;jerence of bis poUjer ni tl}z time of t!je laljj , teas fo maoe as it migbt tcacb ^ tbe bell be^ bolDing of the gotibcaD i& tbis,tDbe mc0 mirM are carieb bei?onD tbemfelues kit:- aomiratio of it»ifo,j ^ Cberubins \2^iti) their luingcs aretcbeo ab^oue Dib couer it,t{)c beilc eiti bit)c it^^ t\)c place itfelfbcingfetfaire intoarD bib of it fcif fufficictl? kepe it fecrct. X\)trfo}e it iB be rp plaine ^ tbcti be ber? mab ^ go about to bcfenb tbe images of <5oD i of ^ctincts tuitb § oraple of tbefe Cbcru bins, if oj, | pja^ i?tju,tiibat mcnt tijefe litle nnagcs , but to Cjetu tbat images are mst m^tc to rcp^efent p mideries of 0CO:' fo^afmucb as t\)t^ teerc matse fo,itbJi5purpofe,tbatbibing tbe merci? kAtc UJiti) tbeir tuingcs tbe^ ^^l^ not enl^Ut^oeback tbcepesofma, butalfo al H^ hnic» frb tbe bcbslDing of C'OQjf h to tQx:i:t ^yis rad^barDines.ifo; tbis parpoff i^Taeetb it f) tbe p.iop^jcts ntU cxibz't t!)c ^erapbins fi.)cUi£D tbcm in tifio-rlDith tbcir face bncouereD:U)b£ r? tr thcv ii ,Tiiific,l^ fo ar eat ib tbe b.n(\bt^ iiesof ti>i tio;ji' of CDoD that tbe Angels ibf feluei' a. c kept fro Direct bebobing itii tbe frntdjparkstbcrofj fl)ine in i Angels arelDitbb;jatoe fi*6 our tits^SiU tbougl) pet fo manp as rigbtlp iubge,bo acknotsjlebgetbatp Cberubins of tobo toe nolu fpeake,perteincD onelp to tl^e olo maner of introDuction as ittoere of cbilDKnbfebintbetatu. ^ to D;^aU) tbe nolu fo^ an ejraple to our age is m abfuroitie.ifo^ tbat cbilbifl^ age, as 3} map fo term it, is paffct), fo? tbe tobicb fucb rubiments toere appointee. 0nb it is mucb (bame , ^ tbe painim tenters are better erpoiiDers of tbe lalDofCob tbantbe^apiltsare. Bjuuenal rcp;oa cbetb p Vetoes as it lucre in fco;tne tbat tbep bono? tbe tebite douns i ^t bettie of tbe beauej graiit be fpeaketb peruer dp f tuickeblp : i pet be fpeaketb mo?e truelp in fapeng t\)^t t^ep banc among tb^m no image of Cci3,tba tbe papilts bo lubicb p?ate tbat tbep bab a biOble image of d^b. ^nb teb^ras tbat people Ijoitbacertainebote baftinelTe, b?ake out oftentims to feeke tbe tbols,euen as iuaters out of a great frcfi) fp?tng botle out vb biolent fojce : berebp ratbcr let bs learn bote great is tbe incltnatic of our nature to ibolatrp > leaft tb?oUiing bpo tbe Bietucs p blam e of v^ fault iobtcb is common to aljtoe Cepe a beablp flepe bnocr bainc allurcmentes to Qnne. 4 S^o p fame purpofc feructb tH^is fap^ engXbe ibols of tije (Dentils are golo ffili!er,euen tbe bjojks of mens baos. Becaufe tbe p^opbct botb gatber of tbe Suf It (elf, tbat tbep are no (Sous tbat baue a golDen oi filocr image: i be ta^ ketb it fo^confeffeb trutb, tbat it is a foUOj faineb inucntio tsbatfoeuer toe coiireiueofour oton fenfc concerning goD.l^e nametb ratbcr golo i filuer tba clap 0? ftonctbat p beautie o? t\jt p?tce flgoulD not ferue to b?ing a reuerencc to iDoIs* yiSut be cocluDctb gencrallp tbat uotbig is lelTe aUotoablc,tba g0t>s to be mabe of ceao ftuf.^nb in f mean tobile be (tanbctb as mucb bpotbis point>tbat Pf.ii)-.^ mcai God the Creator. Herat ferm.i. fat.S men are carieo atoa^ to t® maD a ra(5? nc0,t»^icbtt)ffclue5 bearing about v6 tbcmbut a bo^roUicD b;ictb,reau^ to Ija nilti atoay at eucrp moment , Tiet Dare gene tfje bono; of dDoo to iDols.^a mull neoescofeffetbatbimrelfis butacrca^ ture of a Xiay>t& cotinuance, f vtt be toil bauc a pece of metal to be couteD goo to tobicb bimfclf gauc § beginning to be a dDoD.ifo;^ tobence came t beginning of iDol5 but fro § toiU of menf Bcr^ iuftlT' Dotb t^t beatben poet geuc tbe tbifi tant: I was fomtimc a fig tree log ,3 block that ferucd for nought: The workman douted what of me were fitteft to be wroughi : A forme to (ic vpon,orelsaPriapGodtobe. At length he thought the better was a God to make of me. i^o^fcotbaneartbl^mi^ matbatb;eai' tbetboutbisoton life in manereuer^ momentjbf bis toojUmanlbip fijal con^ uei? tbe name i bono;i of „^^„. fn he rtA. aboue al nteafure f incop^ebf fible.^nD bcreot is a S^neraU Domnc t^ pet tbis fame monftrous tbing m^ tbereo,^ it tsbapn * l^»^S » manifeftlprepugnetbagainfttbeo^Der "l^^l^^^^.^J^V^J^Slnr. Zlattt of nature , cuftome Ibetoetb to be natu. 3f anp ina take m p lOM ^^^^^^^^^^ Efa..2.8 ' ral to men.Me mult mo;eouer bolD in l^^opbets ^^P^J^f^^^/ °"^^, J^^ ^„^^"^ ct.31.7. : minD, tbatfuperftitiosaretnfcripture . feDimagrs ^^^ ^^, f ^^'ij"?^^^^^^^^^^^^ et.57.io, commonlp rebukeD in tbP^ pb?afe of i6^'^!»'^^^°?^i'"f; ^;; '^f^^^^^^ Ofe >4 fp^cb,tbat tbep are tbe too^!t0 of r..ens ; ^^''^]}\f^^^V^Z^M 4 i banp tobicb toat m autbc^itp of eQD:^it^MlSH?S.toigt^^^ Cap. 11, Of tlie knowledge of tafee fo^ an aflTurcD principle, t^at Una* gesare in tttnt of boitts.jfoz tijc? do in romparifon fct images againtt 0oD as t\mq,s uirertlt? t otrar^ i fucb as neuer ta agree togetbcrXftiS coparifon 31 fa^ 10 maDe in tl^ofe places \x)Utl) 3 ^aue allcgeD.^itb tijere is but one true un 1dI}6 p B!etiics DiD tuo;j(I)ip, it isamilTe ant) faia? Don to fo;^ge tifible Crapes to fo;^ ttje maieffie of (IDoD,becaufc tlje^ Di^ mtniH) f fearc of (3?oq t encreafc erro; in mt,%\)t p;jof0 it fclf luitnciretb t^at this twas no leCfc trucl^ tba tcifel^ fpo^ kcn.llBut Auguftine bauing bo^^roUJcD it of Varro,b;^ingetb itfo^tb as of bis otonemtuD.^nufirffbe anmonifl^ctb, tbat tbc firft erro;^s tubertoitb me toer entangleD concerning C*oD,began not of rep^efent ©od,! me are mtferabl^ tjc^ j images,but as tDitb neto matter aooeD tc^uzn,t\)at tberbt? fefee fo;i fenolMlcuge ! encreafeo bT! tbe. ^econtilv be erpoun* of dDoD.jfinaflp if it toer not true ^iti$ uetb ^ tl^t fearc of (DoD is tberfoje mini a ueceitful f co;jrupt fenotoleDge of <©oD ' %B oj ratber tafeen atoav tberbi^, be^ tbat is IcarncD bv images, § p^opbets caufe bis maiettie ma^ eafil^ in ^ folifli tooulo not fo generally? conQemn it 3t nes i in v fonu i abfuro fogging of ima*- Icaft t\)m mucb 3 tcin of tbcm tube iwe gcs grotu to contempt . Mlbicb feconD fbetci tbat it is >omitie f lieng tbat men tbfg 3! toolD to 0oD toe oiB not bt? p?ofe tjoattrpt to rcp.zefent (!DoD loi^jiages, ' fint!etobefotrue.l!2ilbofoeuertberfo;e toe DO notbing but rcbcarfe too;ib fo^ ; tDilUouettoberigbtlp taugbt,let Um tuo;j) ^ tjjijicb ^ l^^opbets baue taugbt, | els Isjbere learn tba'of images, tubat is 6 itetbereoiubat LaOantms f Eufes ; meete to be l^notuen concerning (Sou* bius bauc iivitten of tbis matter tobicb 1 7 Wi\)CYfon if tbe l^apiUs bane an^ ftick not ;o take it fo;j certain tbat tbep 'Ojame, let tbe no mo;je tfe tbis l^tft to tDcre al mo;ital of luborn images are to ( fat! tbv^t images are lay> mennes bcoks, tobicbbt?man\? teftimonics of $)crip tare are fo opelr? cofuteD. ^nb alfbougb 3i graiit tljcm fo much , ^tt fboulD tbct! not mucb get tbcrbi? fo; Defence of tbeir iuols. Wlhat moffers tt)t^ tb^uU in, in tbe place of (^0D,is Uirl hnotoc.Cbe pic turs t images i^ t\}ti DeDicatc to fatncts, tebat are il^cy^but cvaplcs of ejrtreme riot ? t)nclenncs,lubcrunto if an^ UiolD fafr^on bimfclf, be luere teo^tb^ to be bcate Uiitb Uauesf ^ureli>tl)e b;otbc!=» boufcs,cafbetu bfl riots mo?e cballeli? i fobcrl^ attirc?3,tba tbeir temples fl^eUi images of tbcfc U>bo tbev luolD baue cal leo tiirgins ♦ €um as t3ncomli? arrav geuetbcig to § martirs. %tt tbcm fotv^ fo;}efa(bionti?eiriDolsat leaHto fomc boneft ^cU) of fijamefaHnes, tbat tbet? mai fomtubat mo^e colo^abl^ lie in fai* eng, t tbet^are (> b©!^s of fomc bolines» llBut if it toerc fo,vet tben tuolD tue an- fiMer>\^ tbisig not j ri^bt ^av to ttacb befeen. Jlihetuife Auguftinc: lubifb Uiifbout Douting pjonouncetb tbat it is tjnlatnfull not onely to tuojfljip images but alfo to fet tjp images to cIpod . ^no tet faitb be none otljer tbinQ hut (j fame \3ibicb manp ^ears bcfo;re luas Dec rito hv tbe blibertme coucell, luberof tbiis is tbe j:F;:bi.Cbapiter. Bit isojDeiueD t^^iat no pictures be baD in tbe €burcl) , tbcit § tbing \3)bid) is boncaeo i two;ianppeD be not painteD on tbe lualrs. IBut motf notable is tbat lubicbin nnotiier place Auguftine aUegctb out of Varro,! CQW^ firmetfj it Xd bis oton afFcnt , tbat tlycQ iDbicb fiirff b?ougl)t in tbe images of <15oDs,botb tofee ali3a\? § fi^are of «a?oD, i b.jougbt in erroj/jf Varro alone (l)oulD tav tbis paraDifeivtiirc it OjulD be bnt of fmal autbo^ttie.^et ougbt it of rigbt to mahc tjs adiamcb i a beatben ma gro.^ pinj in Darhenes came to t'jis ligbt, to fee ^ boDil? images are tberfcje tjnmete Ga.3.1. God the Creator. Firf} Booke. ffje fattbfuU people in fjol^ pIacefi,tDl)o (]^oDtPouloi)auetf)ere tnttructeD toitl) far ottjer Doctrine tfjan Vottjcfc trifles. (^OD commaitDeD in t^e Ct)urci)ejg a co^ tnon ooftrine to be fet fo^tb to all men in p;teacljing othis toojd i in I)i0 ftol? mitteries : toljerunto t\)z^ flbetu tfjefel^ ue0 to baue a mino not tier)? ^eotfull, tijat call tfjcir tics about to bcbolD ima Ces.llBut tobo DO tbe papitt $ call la^ i tinlearneD me lubofe tnfUilfulnes ma^ beare to be taugbt onl^ bp images^ fo^ * fotb cue tbofe tobo tbe ilo;D knoUileo* getb fo^ W S^ifciples,to tobo be boucb* fauetb to reuele the beaucnlr toifcDom iDbo be toilletb to be inftructeD \o t1i)t bolfome mifterie0 of bis feingDom, 3i graunt in Dee( a5 t^t matter ItanDetb tbat tbere are at tbt0 Da^ man^ tobicb can not be toitbout fucb booker . ai5ut ^l)tct 31 p;ai? t?ow groluctb tbat Dulnc£p but tbat tbe^ arc DcfrauaeD of tbat doc? trine l^bicb onl^ l»as mjjete to inffrutt tbe toitb V ifo;j it is foj no otber caufe ^ tbe^ iJPbtcb bao § cure of cburcbes gaue ouertbcir office ofteacbing to iDol0,but becaufe tbf fclucs toerc Dum»Paul tefti? fietb ^ €\}n& is in tbe true p;eacbing of tbe CDofpcll painteD cut f in a mancr crucifieD before our et?e0,^c Icbatpur pofe tben to ere it to baue commonly fct bp in cburcbcs fo man^ crcfTcs of toajD, ffoncfilucr i golD, if tbis toer Inel anD faitbfullp bcate into tl)c peoples beaDs, ^ €i)iiU DicD to bcarc our curfc V)p6 tbe croffcto cleanfc our finnes Uutb v ^a* crificc of bis boDt*,! to tualb tbcm atuar Uiitb bis blcDD anD finally to reconcile bstodDoD t\)t fattjerf ^f Usbicb one tbing tbei? migjjt learn moje tban of a tboufanDcroffcsoflDCDDoj Cune. ifo;i parbaps tbe ccuctousDo fet tbeir minDS I tics faftcr bpon tbe goloen anD liluer crotTes tban bpon anti 1do;ids of ^dd. 8 ^ concerning ^ beginning of iDols, tbat is by common confgnt tfyiu^J^t to be true tobicb is la)}itttn in t^^t llBobe of tDifeDom,tbat tbc^ tucre tbe firff au^ tboiis of tbem,\ribicb gaue tbis bono? to i DeaD, fuperlhtioufl^ to tDo;ilbip tbeir memo?^. anD trulf 3! graunt tbat hsis euill cuffome toas tcr^ ancient,! 31 De* nv not tbat it toas tbe fircb;anD tober* toitb tbe rage of men being binDlcD to iDolatrv, DiD nio;e $ mo:e burn tl)tnn, ^ct Doe 35 not graunt tbat tbis iuas tl)t firft original of tbis mifcbief.if o; it ap** pcaretb b^ Mofes ^ images tocrcbfeD before tbat tbis curiofitic in DeDicating tbe images of Dcao mc, tobcrof tbe pjo^ pbane lu;i^ters mafee often mention, tocre come it\^i;c. ^U\)i be tcllctb tbat Rachel baD ftolen ber fatbers jDols, be fpeattctb it as of a comon fault. Mber^ b^ fajc ma)? gatbcr p tbe \x}it cf man iSj as 31 map fo call it,a continual tuc;n)ip of iDols.^f^er tbe general fiuO,tbcrtcas as it tuerc a nclue regeneration of t\}jt Ujo^lD,! ret tber patTcD not manp T?ercs but tbat men acco.:Dina to tbeir oUiue lull faincD t\)cm goDs.^nD it is lifeclv # tbe bol^ patriarcbe ^et liuing,bvs cbil? D;cn Uiere geuen to iDolatrp,fo ^ to bis bitter grcrfc be fato tbe cartb DcfileD Id iDols, tubofe corruptions t^c ilojD baD but late purgcD wit\) fo bor rible iuDgc^ ment.ifo; 1 1 .are i Nachor cuen before tbe birtb of Abraliam loer tuo^lbippcrs of falfe goDs,as lofue tellifietb. feeing tl)t generation cf Sem fo fone ftoarueD, iubatlball toe iuDge of tbe poUcritve of Cham,tobo Uicr alrcaDr curfcD in tbeir fatber i SEbe minD of mc n,as it is M of price anD ralb bclDnes, p.:cfamctb to u maginc CoD accojoing to ber olun com ceit:anD as it is poCrlleD tD^tb Dulncs, ^ca oucrUibclnicD iuitb grofeigno?ace, fo it ccncciuctb tjamti'c anD a fonD fan* taiv in CeaD of (35oD. :9nD tt, tbefe euels is aDDiD a neto mifcbeefc, tbat man at? temptetbto erpres in Irorfeemanfbrp fucb a (gooasbeintoarDly concepuetb* ~ SEbus Cap.ii Exo.5 1.1 Of the knowledge of %f)ustfyt minis bcjcttct!) ttjc ttJoll,anD ttje ^ao b^ingeti) it fo;it!j. SDtjc example of tljc Ifraelites pjouctt) ttjat tb?s loas ^ beginning of iDolatn?, tbat men uo not bclcue tfjat Cod is among t^cm, tinier be (Ijeto biinfclfe carnally pjcfent»^e ijnotD not(fatD t\)?v)^l)at is become of tbis MofesrmaUe bs image,li)be tbou falleft Doton to luoilSip,tbouart alrebv images to be ereiteb ^ aremaDetoep p.:es a li^enes of bim,but alfo anv titles 0; ftones to be bebicateD,^ IbulD ftab to be tDo;l^ippeD.3nD fo> ii^c fame reafon alfo in tbe commaunoemcnt of tbe lain tbis otber po*?nte is abbeD concerning iDojCbipping. i?oi fo foine as tbev baue foageD a bifiblc fo^m foj (Sod, tlm alfo tic tbepotner of goD bnto it.S)o beaftlv foliGb are mtny tljat tber tbev fatte (S^n tober t\)Z'^ coiitcrfait bint, anb tberfo.je muff tbernebes Iwo^lbipit.ijieitberis tbere anv Difference tobetber tber fim^ plv tDoj4ip tl)t iDol,oj CDoD in tbe ibol. SDbijEf isaltua^ ibolatr^e, toben bonojs DuetodDoDare geuentoan iboll.bnber tobatcoloure fo euer it be. 0nD becaufe (!3oD toill not be too^liiippeD fuperffitt« ouflv^tberefo^e tobatfoeuer is geuen to iools,is taUen frombim.ilet tbem tafee bebe berebnto ^ febe fo^ p;retcces to be^ fenD tbe abbominable ibolatrr, lubertiD tbefe man? ages pall, true religio batb ben D^otuneD f ouertbzoUme. 515ut(fa^ tt)c^) tbe images are not tafee fo^ goDS» j]5 eitber toere tt)c lewes tbemfelues fo bnabuifeb to fo.:get tbat it toas (0oD b^ UibofebaotbepbaDben b^jougbt out of Bgipt before tbevmabe tl)c calfe. I^ea iuljm Aaron faiD,tbat tbofe iuer t goDs b V tubom tbev tuer DeliuereD out of t^z lanD of Egipt,tbevbolDlv affrteD, (betu^ ing a plain tofeen of tbeir meantng,tbat tljev loolD ff ill bepe tbat dDoD tbat toas tbeir Dcliuercr, fo ptbe^migbt fa bpm go bcfoje t\)t in ^ calfe. i!> eitber is it to be bcleueb t ti)t bcatbe toer fo grofe as to bcleue, tbat (H)oD loas no otber tbvng but ff ocfes anb ffones. i?o; tbep cbageb tbeir images at tbeir pleafure, but ffill tbev fe^pt tl)t fame CDoDs in tbeir minb: anD tber Incr man^ images of one gob, anb vet tbev un not acco;^Ding to v niul tituDe of images fain tbe manvcSoDS. liBefiDe ^ tbev DiD Dailv confecrate net» betuitcbeb 16 fom fuperffitio. if o;i tbvs f imases>vct did tbev not tbink tbat tt^t^ reafon tbe lo;D batb fo^biDDen not onlv mabe netue <^obs » 3let tbe ejjufes be God the Creator. Firft Booke. tenDeu b^ t iiwlaters of tjisage.Mljen tl)C^ tuere reijuUciJ,t{jc comoii fojt an^ f toereu, t tt)e)[? did not toe^tftip tljat tu (ible tbing , but tbe Deifie tbat DiD in it inuifibl^ DtocU . 3nD tbe^ tbat tocrc of fomelDbat better reUgion,as be callctb iU DID fa^ ^ tber did neitber Ujojlbip i image no? tbe fpirit in it, but hv t f o?^ pojall image tbe)? DiD bebolD tbe fign of tbat tbing tojicb ^ti ougbt to tuojOiip. I^oto tben i M iDolaters,tobetber tbe^ toere of tbe Bletoes, oj of tbe Deuife, i Uu'tb tbeir nUjn banDs t\)ty! frame thzm U^^nifitn^ fb^jiiies to erp:eire tbe a fafbion of dDoD. n. 0nD ^t am 3 not fo fuperHii ioas tbat 3 tbiiitJ no images map be fuffreD at all. But foMfmucb as earning f pain ting are tbe gifts of (I5oD,3 require tfiat ful to too^lbip it fo^ (©00, o; (DoD in it. ^t remainetb tberfo;^e latuf ul tbat onlp tbofe tbings be painteD f grauf UJberof our cics are capabletbut ^ tbe maicftie of (Sod iDbicb is fare aboue tbe fenfe ef our eies,be notabufeD yjo bncomlp Deui fcD {bapcs.^f tbis fojt are partlf bitto^ ries f tbings Done, partly images ano falbios of boDies, toitbout crp^cffing of an^ tbings Done bi tbf .aCbe firft of tbefe baue fome bfc in teaching o^ aDmoni^ flying a ma:but Uibat pzofiit i^ feconb can b;ing faue onlp Dclectacion, 3 fee not. £nD !?et it iB tuiut^tljat eue fucb Uiere almott al tbe images ^ beretofo^e baue ffanD bp in Cburcbs.Mbcrbi? toe map iuDge tbat tf^c'i toere tbere fet bp not bp Difcrete iuDgement o^ cboife, but bp fo* lilb f bnaDutfeu oefirej fpeafe not boto mucb amilTe anD bncomelp t\)t^ toere foj § moft partfa(bioneD,noj boto licr^ fiouOp painters f earners baue in tbis pott (betocD tbeir toatones,tobicb tbing i baue alreop toucbe^.iJDnlp 3 fpcafe to t\)is eno,^ tbougb tbere toer no fault in tbr,pet DO tbep notbing auaile to teacb. 13 li5ut leauing aifo t Difference,!et bs bp tbe toap cofioer, tobetber it be txptf \iitnt in (CbaiHian temples to baue anp images at all, tbat do erpjelTe eptber tbspbatljbepurclpanDlatoruHp bfeo. i tbings oonco; tbe boDtes of men. ifirff ;%eatt tbefe tbings tobicbdSos batb ge- ijien bs fo; bi^ glo^te i foz our oton bt^ Bt&tM not onelpDefileD bp Difo^D^eD sbiifebutalfoturneD to our otoneDe*' tnt(tion.t!I2t(e tbinis it bnlatoful to ba^ ue (0oa fafbioncD out in tiUble fo^m, liecaufebimfelf batb fo^biDDenit, anD Igcaufe it ca not be Done toitbout fome ^efiacement of bis glo;ie.3nD leall tbep tbink tbat it is onlp toe tbat are in tbis opinio, tbep tbat baue ben trauaiicD in tbeir too;fes ibalfinD f al fouD tojiteriei DiD altoap rep^ouei§ fame tbing. 3f tbe it bee not latofutl to ma^.e anp boDil^ image of (goD,mucb leffe I^aI it be lato^ ^ I I ■ ■ A-m if tbe autbo^itp of tbe auncient Cburcb Do anp t\)in% moue bs,let bs remember ^ foj about b.C. pears tagetber, tobile religio pet better flo;i(bcD,f fincere Doc trin toas in fo jce, ^ Cb.:ittia Cburcbes toere bniuerfallp toitbout images. S>o tbep toere tben firft b;^ougbt in fo: tf)0 garnifbmet of Cburcbes,tobe tt^t fince* ritie of miniftratio toas not a litle aU tereD.3 toil not noto Difpute tobat rea^ fon tbet> baD \:^tbt tbat toere p firtt au* tbo;js t^rof,315ut if a man compare age tottb age,be tb^l fee ^ tbep toere mucb ftoarueD fro tbat tjpjigbtnes of tbe tbat toerg toitbout images. Mbat^ do toe tbinfe cpi.45>. InPCiia God the Creator. ijohn.f »i. tt}ore bol? fati)cr0 luolo taue fuff red tbe C^trcf) to be To IO0; );6out i tttng ttiljtcb tfjep iuDgcD profitable 1 gtoD for tbemf 115ut rather becaufe tbe? fatoeitberli^ tie or no profit in it , t mucb Danger to lurk tjnoemetb iUtl)zi did ratfjcr of pur pofe I aDuifeDl^ reicct it , tban b^ i^nof race or negligrce omit it Mbicb tbtng Auguftinc Dotb alfo in ejcprelTe toorDcs teflttfie.^ben tbe? be fet in fucb places (faitb be)bonorablr on t)ie, to be feen of tbemtbatpra? f do facrifice,altbougb tbe^ ioant botb fence ano life, pet toitb tbe terp lifeenelfc tbat tbe^ bane of line Ip members i fenfes , tber fo mone tbe tpeahe minD0,tbat tbet! fceme to line i breatb.fc. ano in an otber place ♦ ifo; tbatl^ape of members Dotb luorlse % in maner enforce tl)us mucb> tbat § minD ' Itmng )s)itifin a boop Dotb tUnh tbat bo ^V to baue fenfe^tobicb be feetb like bn^ to bis oton.anD a litle after,B|mages do more auaile to boto Dolone an bnbapp? fonle,bp ttiis ^ tbe^? baue moutb , epes, eares , i fate , tban to amenD it bi? ti)is tbat tl)ti neitbcr fpeak nor fee nor bare nor goe . %Us truelp feemctb to be tbe caafetub^ lohn iuillcD bsto betoare notoneli? of toorlbiping of images, but alfo of images tbcfelues » HnD ioe baue founD it to mucb in erpcrif ce,^ tbrougb tbe borrible maDncOTe tubicb batb bere* tofore poffeircD tbe iDorlD,to tbe Dettru* ction in maner of all goDltnes , fo fone as images be fet tp in Cbirr bcs,tber is as it tuere a figne fet bp of iDoIatrie,be caufe tbe follp of men can not refraine it felf , but it mult fortbtoitb run on to fuperfiitious ttiortbippings.llBut if tber toere not fo mucb Dager baging tberb^: ret tobcn 31 conSDer for tobat bfe teni^ pies ar oroeineD,me tbinkes it is be r^ ill bcfeming f bolincs tbercf fo receiue ant ofbf r images tban tbefe liuelr anD naturall images , lubicb v ^oro bv bis tporo batb corccrate,3! mean baptifmr, FirftBook-e- iFol. 2 s-. f tbe iLorDs fupper,f otber ceremonies iDbertd our epes ougbt botb more ear^ nefflt? to be occupicD 1 more liuel^ to be moueD> tban tbat t^^cv IboulD neoe an^ otber images frameo bp tbe \s)it of me. ilcetbisistbe incoparable comooitie of imagcs,lDbicb can hv no balue be re^ compenfeDjif toe beleue ti)c papilf es. 14 Stbtnk 31 baD fpoken enougb of tbis tbing alreaDp, but tbat tbe Niccne ^p noDe Dotb as it luere lap banD on me to inforce me to fpeakc more, 31 mean not tbat moft famous ^^noDc lubicb Con? ftantine tbe great affembleD , but tbat tubicbUiasbolDen S 00. scares ago, bp tbecomanoementf autboritie of Irene tbe CmprcITe.iror tbat ^pnoDe DccreeD tbat images IboulD not onelv be baD in €fi)utcl)tB , but alfo toorfbippeD . ifor tobatfoeuer 3| (boulD far, tbe autboritie of tbe ^pnoDe IdouId make a great pre iuoict on tbe otber fiDe.;aitbougb to fap trutb> tbat Dotb not fo tnixcf) moue me, as make it apprare to tbe reaoersboUi far tbeir rage ertenDcD,tbat tuerc more Defirous of images tban became €ini* ttians. ^utfirlllet bs Difpatcb tbrs. Cbep tbat at tbis Dap maintain tbe bfe of images,allegc tbe Decree of tbat Ni* ccnc ^pnoDe for tbeir Defence . ^ut f bere is ertant a bcoke of cofutation bea nng tbe name of Charles § great,Uibifb bp p pbrafe tue map gatbcr to baue ten toriiten at tlje fame time . S^berinare reciteD tbe fcnteces of tbe IBilbop^ tbat Ujcre prefcnt at ^ Counfell, f tbe argu* mcnts loberUiitb tbep contcnDcD. John i\)c iLcgatc of tbe eaft partes fapD : dDoD createD ma after hvs cton image : anD tberupon gatbcreD p toe ougbt to baue images. E:befame man tbougbt tbat i^ mages toere comcnDeD bnto tjs in tl)vs fcntence:fi)cto me tbpface,becaufe itis beautifull. i^n otber to proue ^ images ougbt to be fet bpcn altars, citeD t[)vs tcff imonp:no man ligbtetbacaPellanP JDx puttttb, Of the knovvledcrc ot puttctf) It Ximcv a budjcll an ottjer, to il)ctB tt)attl)e bebolDing of tljcm is p;io^ fttablc fo,i \js,b20UGbt fojtl) a terfe out of tl)c pfalme : the lig!)t of tlj^ counter naunce 10 fealco tpon tiS. ;an otJjer tofec tbigfimilttutie: 0stbc lDatriarct)Ci5l3^ fcD tbc facrificc0 of § <^mti\cB, fo muH CbntJia mentjaue t tntagcs of faintes in0cDc cft!)e images of tl)e(l!5entilc0» S^o tbe fame purpofc i;auc tijci iujitfjcD tlj^'s faringJ 1.d;M) 3! Ijaue loueCf | bcu^ tie of tfjr Ijowf^. ^ut fpcciallv ijiitt'^ is t\)e cirpoation of tfjrs placets toe ^auc {}rarD fo Ijauc toe feen, tljat in f^c beginning tfjatf be ( getljer a rupcrfl«ou5 number ofbainc fenotDleUge of clDoD UaDetb not in ttjings. mut to leauc tbe UjojDu it bafb bare fpeculation, but D^jatuetb toitfj it aliua^ been aara^n bp cofcnt of a I agc0, tbe Uiojl^ipping of Ijim,anD b? tbe tua^ tfjat rdigio is tintl) Talfe errors cc;rup iDC toucbcD l)oU» be is rig!)tl? luo;ilfcip* peD, lubtcb point Ojalbein otber pla^ CCS mnt largely to be fct fo;5tb, ii>olo Bi 03 bat n^tir^itl^ repete,ti)at fo oft as tbe Scripture affirmetb v tbere is but one go3,it If riiictb not fo j tbe bare name of 000, but tDit!jal comaunoet^ tijis, t^at iDb^tfoeuer belongctb to f goofjeao bt not gcue to an^ otbenMljcrbp alfo ap? pearetb U)bat pure religion ootlj oiffer fro fuperttttiort, burebeia,in©refee Cg* nifietbas mucb as true Uiojfbip, bt^ caufe alluap cue tbe blino tWtlncB gro ping in oarUenes baue fouo ^ ti}i& rule ougbt to be boloen, tbat (!Doo be not tn? o;Derl^ Ijjo.jfijippeo. 2Cbe name of rcli* gion altbougb Ctcero trncli? ano tuell a.Dc na ^^ri«ctb fro Relcgcre , to reco,:o, o; ga* tu.dcoiu ^^^^^ ^P ^0 Q^t\)cr : \>et is tbe rcafon tbat be aHigiietb enfojcco ano far fct, tbat goo U)o;(bippcrs oio often reco;^oe ano Diligently tucV'Usbatluas tbe trutb.J ratbcr tijink tbat tljat name is fct as a contrary to toano.^ing libertic, becatifc tbe greater part of y> Ino^lo tnao uifco^ l^tdUetbbolo of fljat Wt^ tbc^ fira m^te luitbal, ano flictb about betl)er i tbetber: but true gooiineCTe, to tbe eno it ma? llano in fteofafte ffate, Ileligit, tbat is to fa^Dctb gatber bp it felf to^ getb^rtoitbinbcr bonocs. ^iht asBI tbinfe fuperllif io to baue ber name berc of,^ not being cotenteo toitb tl)z jnancr ano o^Der p;efcribeo, (be beapetb bp tt> ten f peruerteo.^bcrupon lue gattcr tlM it 10 a bcri? fono colo;^ Ujljicl; tbe fu perltitious Do pzcteno, tubcn lojit':} tn* oifcretefcletDcgeucour fclues leaue to 00 al tbinges.Hno alt'oougb tbtscon* felTio founo in tl;c mou t bcs of all men: tet berein a Ojam?fuIl ignorance be* iDMietb it felf, v^ neitljer tm elcaue to § one <25oo, no; b^ue an? rcgaro ofoj# Of r in ^ tDo;(bippig of bim, as U)e baue alreao? IJietueo. 15ut dDoo, to claim Us oton rigbt bnto bimfelf, cri?tb out ^ be ^ ielous,? tbat be toil be a feuere reur? ger if be be mingleo Vo an? faineo goo» 0no tbe be fettetl) fo^tb ti)c latoful ma^ ner of tuo2(bipping,tobolo manltino in obeoif ce.^c coteincf b botb tbefc points in bis latue , tnben firft be binoctb tl^ faitbfull bnto bimfelf^ be onl? ma? be tbe latumaker : i tben be p^cfcribetb a rule toberb? to be toojAjippcO after Ijis Oi»?n mino.dDf tbe latD,brcaufc t'ge t(cs ano enos tfjerof are man?, 31 toill en^ trcatc in place fit fo; it , ^;5oto 3 onl? toucb tbis point,f tberb? men arc b;io* leo tbat tbe? run not out of tbe iDa?to to;ongtDo;fl^ippings. i^o'cuasj firft fa?o,luemuft bolo in mino, tbat if all tbat cucr p;opcrl? bclongeff) to (Doo» beao, DO not reft in d^oo alone, I)eis fpo?lcoof f)ifii bono;, anoljts \xioMv b;cken . ^noberemuft toe fomUjbat beofull? marfee \3)itl) tuljat futtclttcs fuperftition oecctuetb ♦ jfo; it ootb 3aD.g» not .12 Of the knowledge ot Mct io rcuolt unto ftrang CDous ttjat it rcmet!)tofo?fafeetl)e Ijiett CDoD, o;^ to inm ^itti Dofen into t\)t nuber of otljer eoDsitbut tobilE (l)c grautetb tnto fjim tl)t biett place , fi)c fcttctb rounD about bim a nuber of lefTcr (IDOD0, amcg toljo fl^e Dinioetbbw offices^ ^nt) fo (albeit ctofeeolv t craftilt)tbe glo^ic of tbe goD* beat) is mt in partg , tbat it remainctb not tobole tcitb bim.^o in tbe olD time as toeltbei? of tbe ittoe^as of tbe <&en tilts oiofetbenetb tt)t fatber f iucge of ©000 a greate rout of dDoDs tobicb (l^ulD euert one atco^Qing to biis Degree baueincommotoitb tbe biett d^ob tbe gouernment of tbe bcaucn 1 eartb. ^0 tbe ^aintes tbat in a feUJ ages patt be^ parteD tbis life,are abuaccb to tbe feloto l^ip of (IDoo,to be U)o;tlTjippeD, calleb t? pon,anbbonojeDin ttebeofbim. 0nb tettoitbfucb abbomination tuetbinfe tbat tbe maicflie of ©ob is not fo mucb asDiuioeD, toben inbebe itiietagreat partfupp;ieacD 1 erttnguilbeb , fauing tbat toe reteine lltU a pto^e opinion of Us (up;eme potuermnb in tbe meane timt ceccrueD ^itff entagleb fuf telties toe are fonberli? caricD to biuerfe gobs, 2 i?o^ ^is purpofe alfo Uias inuenteb t\)t Hiftinrtio of Latria I Dulia, as tfit'S term tbem, tbat is tuo^fl^ip f feruice, toberbi? tl)t^ migbt fralr feme to gcue alDa^tbe bono;s of cI?oD to Angels anu beau men.jfoi it is tuihent.y tbe Ujo;^ dnp tobieb V papift0 geue bnto ^ainta bifferetb notbing in neto fro tbe too Qjip of cIDoD» ^oj al althe tuitbout Diuer fitit tbct? tuojUjip bctb CDoD f tbem: fa» uing tbat tnben t^M be cbargeo Initb itjfbe^ luinD atoa^ Mtl) tbis erccptio, tbat tbe^ bcpe llil fo^ Ci^GO t\)t bono; ^ is Due bnto bim tmuclate,becaufe tber leaue tjnfo bim tbe ^xoxmp t ^M call Latria. 15ut fitb tbe qucllio CaDetb t3po tbe matter,! not tbe luo;^D, tubo teoulD ter of al matters mofl Incigbtpf 15ut to let ^ alfo pa(re,?et Voin tbep notbing b? tbi0 Dillinctic>but to pjoue,^ ^t^ geue iDOjlbiptoone ^oo 1 fcraiceto an 0* tber» if 0; Latria in ©rebe figniSetb as mucb as in latin Cultus., I indDnglifl) tDo;jIbip. Dulia, p?operlt (ignifietb fer? uice.^nD i?et fomtime in fcripture tbis Differf ce is cofoimoeD togetber toitbout Diuerfitie. 2i5ut graiit it be a perpctuall Difference, tben mufttoe fearcbiobat botb i too^Ds mar mean. Duha, is fcD uice , Latria is iDojJbip. jpotD no man Doutetb t to ferue,is moje tben to tooj^ (bip. if 0? manr tims a ma coulD baroli? beare to ferue bim lobom be IdouId not tticH to tDO^lbip * &o is it an Dnegall Dealing to gcue to tbe faints ^tobicb is t greater,! to Icauc to goD ^ tobi^ is ig leffer, iBut man^ off aiiciet autbojs baue bfcD tbis Dittinctio.Mbat mabetb tbat matter,if al me do perceiue it to be not onlT? bnfit but altogetber ben? fonb^ 3 j^oto leauing nice futtleties, lefts toei? tbe matter it felf. Mlbe Paul put^ ttt\) tf)t Galathians in remebjace tobat tbe^toerbefoje^tber toerc ligbteneD intbefenoUileDgcofiDoD, befaitbtbat tber gaue Duliam feruice to tbofe tbat of nature tocre no dPoDs . aitbougb be name not Latnam 0; iwo^lbiP) is tber^ fo je tbcir fuperftitio ewufable^l^e botb neuertbeleCTe coDemn tbeir peruerfe fu^ peraition,t»bicb be termetb bv f name Bf Dulia feruice, tba if be bab erp;jeireD tbe name of Latria,tDo;l^ip. ;anD Vnben Cb?ift rcpulfetb tbe aCTaultof ^atale bis bucUlcr,tbat if is iDjitten,tbou Ojalt tno^tbip tl)t ilo^D tbr CDoDjtbc name of Latria luas not b^ougbt in queHio.^a^ ta rcquiretb but an aDo^atioilifeetoife tDben tl)t 0ngcl rep^oue D lohn,becaufc befcllDoton on bisfenors befo;jc f)im, toe ougbt not to tbinfe tbat f ohn teas fo maD tbat be luoulD geue tmto tl)c angel Gal.4,8, Ma,4,io Reu.i5>. .10. permit tbe fo carelefly? to mocb in a mat t^z bono; tbat toas Due onl^ to (IDcD. ^ ^ ■ - ilBut 2$. God the Creator. firrtlioolce ! F0I.27. TBvA becaafe it toas not potTtble, hnt i all too^lftip tljat is io^nen t6 rcligio fa? uo^etb fomto^at as pertaining to ©on, tbcrfo:ebccoulDnotaDo?e ttc angcll, buttljatbemuataHe atua« fometofjat fro tbc gl0?^ of (Sou, ^e reao in 0^00 often,tbat men Ijaue bene bonojeo : but tbat \u^ a cinilc l)ono;,a£f 31 ma^ fo cal it.liBut re ligio batb an otber rirte,tDbicli fo fon as it i8 io^neD \Jo t3Do;a)ip,b?ing^ tt'o toitl) it a p^opbane abufe of tljc bo^" no^ofC&oo . TOe fame ma^ toe fa in Cornelius.l^ebaonotfoOenDerlvpjofi^ teo in goDlincrre,but ^ be bab learneo to ^mc t1)e foaeraignc tDo;jflbip to dDbb a^ lone.SDberfoze \})\it be fell ooton before Petcr> be bio it not oftbi» meaning to toojCbtp bim «t ^ ffebe of CDoD. 0nb ^et ^D Peter earneftl^ foibiu bint to 00 ^ tobicb be bib^^jaiiD tnbi? to i but becaufe meboneuerfonarrotJDl^ put Differtcc bettoenc Hit luojfl^ip of . tion,which cflence coiitemcth in it three perfons. Tl^at toliicb is taugbt in i fcriptures concerning tbeincomp^ebenCblef fpirituad clTcnce of dDoD , ougbt to fuff fife not onelp tcouertb^oto tbe ftoliibe errors of tbe common pccple,but alfo to bvntbimagtncbfbed^oDb^aD to bepon^ rcb out into all tl)c partes of tbe IddjId. aitbougb 05isdll tbat toe bof^,anb all tbat /iJptuousbclBnclTcofmansmmbejro: toe bo not fa. 3i5utbj:tbrs meanebe furrl? brs immesfurable greatneOje I "^ WJii. ought Cap. 13'! Of the knowledge of Qugl)t to mafec bs afravoe tlwt tuc aU Umpt not to meafurc t)tiit lo cur fcnfc: mxo t)r|B fpirttuaU juture fo^biuDettj tjs to imagine ant! tbi"3 cartl;l^ oa flct^I^ cf Ijini. i?o fati)cr batb fome being.Mjerinlje Differet!) fro p fonne. ifo^ to taUe it foj ellence(es fome crpo* fito;s ^ue Bone,as if C^^iC likt a pece of icarc pjtnteb luitlj a (cate brb rep^e* fent ttie fubltance of tbe fatl^er)U)er not onelrfearb but alio an abfarbitie. ifo? fit^ ti^e effence of CDod is fingle o; one anb bnbtui(tblej|)e tijat in btmfeifc con; meafurablenelTe. JFo; tobere ftjer Ijaue teinctfj if all f not hv pecemealc o^ b^ p^rfumeb to abufe certaine tellimo^ nies : t^t C^etpctb a fotole ignorance, entfjeircrro^ it felfe Ibetoett) a tttc* fiable mabneflfe . ^nn t^t Anthropo^ morphits arc a!fo eafilt confuted toJjic?; fjaut tmagineb dDob to confid of a bob^, becaufe oftentimes tfje fcripture afcri^ bet!) bnto !)t?m a mout!) , eares , e^es, Ijanbs,! fate, if 0^ toljat ma ^ea ftjougl^ bebefienberli^lDitteo botb not bnber^ 1 ftanb tI)aCe be in tr^s otune p;io^ pertiebittin(t,f)at() e):p;eireD bimfelfe tDl)ol^ in i)is fomte > it is fo^ gcob caufe fatb,He f)atl)geuenf)isHypoftafis,to be f«n in^ljim . ^l)ertDitlj aptlr agre? et!) ]5 iDliic^ branbb? follotuetl), tl)atl)e is tbe b^igibf nclle of Ibr^ glo;tp . ^urelv bi? tj)e ;apollles h)o;^Ds lue gatticr, tljat tl)ere is a certain proper K ypoftafis in tl^efctlicr,^ l^netf) in tf)t fonnt:U!|icr:f b^ aUo again is ealile perceaueb i Hy^ poftafis of tlje fonne tijaf biftinguiC^c tl) iint fro tl^e fatber . Jtike o;ber is in ttje bolr gboft.iFo;^ toclball btanbb? p;cue bim to be CDob, f ttt fje rauS nebcs be •t^er tl)a f father, ^ct tljts biainctio isi not off etfence, to^icf) it is bnlatuful to mahc manifolD. SD^erfoje if f ^pottles tcfhmon^ be crebiteb, it foUofeetl) ttjat tbere be in CDob fb;a Hypoftafis.JCiis termfeing tbeJlatines^ue erp;e(leb >a& tl)e name of |aerfon,it luere tco mac!) p;ube f lijartoaroneCfe to b^atule about fo clere a matfer,^uf if toe lift too;tbe fo; Heb. God tli€ Creator. FirftBookc- ^01.2^^. f0; tDO^o to trlQatctoe ma? tn\ it fub^ fiffence. ^an^intljefamefenfc ^uc calf eo it fnbitance * 0no tbt name of Id^rfon batb not ben in tfc among tbe ilatinesf onlt?:faut alfottje C3rma£f,pcr.' IjapjS to oetlare a confent,I)aue taugbt t tljcrc are tfjja Profopa, t^at is to fa? perfons in (IJoD.But tbep,tu!jctf)er tlje? be<&reeke0o;tlLattne0 t^t tiifkr one from an ot^r in tfje tDo;D, 00 tcr^ toel agre^ in ti)e fum of tbe matter^ 3 i]^otoboU)foeuertf)ebereti&edbarit at I name of perfon, o;^ fome ouermuci) pjtecife men Do carp tbat tfeev lifec not § too^Dfa^neo bpowife of menrfitb tt)ev can not get of t»( to fap,i$ t!)ere be tb;ce, tDberof euer^ one t5 UiboU? (iDoD 9 no; tet tbatt^er be manv to mifliUe 1juo;D5, toljicb erp^eCTe noneotfjer tbing but^ febic^i5tcttifieD ano appjoucubp tbe ^riptureB^ Bit loer bettcr(fa^ tbei?) to rettraine not onli? our meanings but alfo our tuo;ocs \joit\)in tljc bounoeiS of fe>cripture,tbato ncuife frrangc names tbat ma^ be tbe beginnings of oifagre^ mentanolj^atDling : foDotuetierour felucs toiti) ftrifc about 1do;D0 : fo tljc trutbis^Ioa in contending : fo c\)mtit is b^ofecn b^ oDtouH? bjateling tog*^ tljcr Jf t\)t)} call t a Crag tDo^D, lubicb cm not be t^cloeo in &cripture,a5 it is lo^itten in nubcr of fiUables: tfjen tbe^ binoe bs to a baro laU), Inberb^ is con* DemneD al crpofittou tbat is not pieceD togetbcr, U)itb barcfa^eng togctberofjftronglr gripes tboloc baroUibentl^ep tcFtp0 of ^cripture.l5ut if tbe? meane be tatJcn,^o fQC olo fafbcrs being trou^ t(jat to be ItrangCjtubicb being curious blcDlD ccntcnoing aftaind falfe Doctri* CI? Dcuifco, is CuperSitiouCi? icfenDeD ncs, Uiere copellcD to ajeto tbetr mea tba to tbinK of l)im,fo;afmucb as tobat foeuer toe do of our felues tbinfe of bim, is fajliU), anD to^atfoeuer toe fpeafee is tjnfauo;ie. )i5ut tbere is a certain mea^; fure to be kt^^t, Wic ou^t to learn out of tbc fcripurcs a rule botb to tbintt ano fpeafe,tobcrbi? to eramine al § tljougbts of our mino 1 too;jDs of our mouti^.lieut ^ijliyit toitbaAuoetb bs, but tbat fucb as in fcripturc are to our capacitie ooutful I intangleOjto J ma^ in plainer too^iw crp^effc tbem,bcing ^et fucb tooiOs as borcucrentl^anDfaitbfull'g ferue tbe trutb of tliz Scripture, ano ba bfcb fparclP,mooeftlr, f not tottbout occa^ fion.^f tobicbfo^t tbereare eramples enoto.0nOtobers it Iball b\? p^cofeap* peare tbat tijc Cburcb^of great ncceffi^ tiz \xias enfoaceo to bfe f names of iri nitie,ano perfons,if ant» (ball tben flno fault \xfit\) tbe nctonclTe of too;Ds, (ball be not be iulllr tbougbt to be gra ueb at tbe ligbt of tbe trtiti), 3if tbe tbe names banc not ben tuitb^ bout caufe tnuentcD, tx^e ougbt to tai?e beDe,^ in reieiting tbe toe \it not iuUl^ blameD 0f p^^^^o p;efumptucufne0'e. § \uculD to c^oD tbev' icer burieD in DeeD, fo tbat t\iiz Uit):^ luer agreeD of al men^ tbat tbe ifatber anD ^t ^on, anD tbe bol^ dDboft be one (&oD:anD y>zt tbat tiz fatber is not tbe ^on,no; § bol? gboU tbe ^on,but Dillinct bv certain p?cp;e^ tiz, fzt am 31 not fo p;ecife, tbat 3 ran finoe in mp barte to ftriue foi bare IxjojDS. iFo;j 3 note,tbat tbe olD fatberjs, iubicbotberiBtfe fpafee bervreligioufj-i I)? of fucb mattcrs,DiD not cuert Ujbcre agra one Untb an otber, no; euen? one Id bimfelf. ifo; tobat fo;mes of fpeecb tfeD bp tbe coucels Dotb Hilarie ernifef &boto great tibertie Dotb Auguftmc fometime b;eab fcD^fb^l^oto bnlike arc i^iz cDreefees to ^z Eatinesf But of tbis tjariance one eraple fljal fuff ife fo; tiis time. Ml ben tbe ilatines meant to er* p;eCre tbe tDo;D. Omooulion, tbep cat? leo ii Confubltantial,Declaring tbe fub ffance of tbe fatber % tbe ^on to be one, fo bOng t^z Uio;D fubftance fo; etfence. ^(berupo Hicrom to Damafus itiitli^t is facrileDge to fa^?^ ^ tber are tb;fie fub dances in dSoD: f ^tt aboue a bunD;eD tints pou (bal finD in Kilaric,^ tber are t\iizz fubftaces in gi(bopsofp€a(t^ lanDS God tiic Creator. TiTO Booke. lnnnts,\x>\)om be fougtt f ocljargc t)\tf) ftje fart}tvM fonne,f ftjt l)o!r g!}cff arc an tjmuft fclanntjer. ^urc tbts one , tr};a. 2i:i}iB moceOre of ttebolpmer. f^tng ie fpraftetb not tjctr truel^, t^at oiigfjt to toarnc tg, f tec to net fcjtl,iy tnall p;op!)ane felja3lc0, Oufia, clTcnce : fo fgucrel^ IifecCcnf0;s,notc t\)^ toj^tJ) t0 notl)ing els but Hvpoftafis, tetjicl) 10 ! infamy ttiat refofc to fubfcrtbc f f iuear p;ioucD falfe bf tfje common f accuHo? me9t)fc. Auguftine ismoje moDcHf gf ntil,tubicb altbougb tjcfa?, tljattbe too;it> Hypoftafis,in t^f fcnfe i»ftragc to Ij':^«^ :'carc0,^et fo far is it of ^ Ije ta« feetl) from tbc (E'recfecs tijtir fefual ma/ ncr of rpcahtng, f bat fjc alfo gently bea^ retb teitb tbe llatincs^ baDfoUotocD tbe dD^eeb pb?afc.an0 ttiat tobif b Socra tcs t»;jttetb in ttit fivt bojJ^c of tfje SCri^ partite bifto.jie,tcnDctb f 0 t\)is f no, as tbougb be meant tfjat itbai)b\?t3nffei^ full men be lujoijfullp apIicD Vnto this mafter.l^ca f tbcfame Hilane bimfelf laietb it fo: a great fault to t Ijeretilis fbargejtbatb^tbeir teai^tearDnefff be tiBc copeUeD,to put tbofe tbings in perill of tbe fpeacb of me,tDbicb ougbt to baue bene Uept in tbe religioufnes of minos, plainly confcffing f tbis is to do tbtngs t)nlateful,to fpcafee tbat ongbt not to be fpoken,to attempt tbingjs not lie cnc?t?» ^ littel after, be ercnfetb bimfclf tuit!) rnant? too.^Ds, fo;^ tbat be teas fo bolD to tjtter nete nams.jfo; after be baiD tfcD t\)t natural names i?atber,^on,j bolr gboft,be aOiMJtb t tebatfoeucr is fougljt furtber,is beycno tbe compas of fpeacb, betonD tbe reacbe of fcnfc,! bcfono tbe capacity! of tinoerdanDing.^ntJ in an o- tber place be fai^tb, tbat bappr are (' bi- fljops of Galha, tebicb nci'tbcr bati, no^ recciueD,no^ hnete m^ otbcr cofcQficn, but tbat oloe ano Cmplc one, tebrcb fro tbe time of tbe ^pottles teas rectiucD in al cburcbes.^nD mucb Ube is tbe cp cufe of Auguftinc,t!iat t\)is teo;iie teas te^ung out of neceffitie^bt? reafon of tbe imperfection of mcnncs language in fo great a mat! er:nct to eicpjestbat tebicb is^buttbatitftulo not be tnfpofec bete to fucb teo^DS an tee p^opcunD tbem:fo tbat tic^ DO it not of pn^e, cf frctearc* nesjo: of malicious craft.li5ut let tbrm againc confiDer,l\> bote great neccfriti? tee arctnucn to fpeaUe fo,tbai hv, litle anD litle t^t^ ma^ be enureD te\'tb *l)^t p;^cfitab!c maiuur cf fpeacbe.ilet tfjnn alfo learn to bttearcJcaU tt^ tee muH mete on tbe one Cce tettb tbe A rrians, on tbe otbcr ODe teitb babcilians,tebile ti)ty> be offenteD tbat tee cut of cccaCon from tbcm bctb f 0 canil,tbe^ bjing tbe^ fcluf s in fufpiticn, tbat tbe\) be tbe Dif^ cipleseptbcrof Arrms OJ of Sabdlius. Ariius fa^ tbat €i)^ift is CDoD, but he mutteretb tbat be teas creaf e,anD bao a beginning, l^c fa^tb Cbjiff i^ one teitb tbe fatber,but fecrctli> bctebifperetb in tbe eares of bis Difciples,tbat be teas maDe one as t^t otbcr faitbfull be , al* tbougb hv fingular pjerogatiue . ^a^ once tbat CW^ is confubfl-antial \ctitt) brs fatber,tbe plucU tou of Us Wo} fro t\)t Difcmbler , f vet vou aD notbing to t\)e fcripturc. isabellms fartb, tbat § fe^ ueral names,fafber,fcnne,i| bolr gboff, fignifie notbing in OoD feuerallv Di^ 0tnrt : far t^M t\)£v arc tbjee, « be tetU crv out tbat vou name ti};it C^oDs.^'a^ vUberc is in one cfTcncc ajLCimtieof prrfcns,tlirn (bal tcu in one tec,2D bot!) rav,tebat tbe fcripturc ipcalxctb , I tJcp tbeirtarnebabbltrg . r^ote if anr be bolDcn teitb fo curious fupcrfiitio, tbat tttv can net abine tl;efe names : tet is tbere no ma,f bcucb be teculo neuer fo faine, tbat canccnv but tbat tebcn tee brare of onc,tee mult tnuc rSano an b* nitic of fubftanic : tebcn tee bcare tf tb;eeinonceirei.:e, tbat it is meant cf tl)i pcrfons in § STrinitictEZHbich ti-sr.r iD.t). i*ei:4' ,«^^ap.n. I. Of the knowledge of hihn»i J. bdng tuitfjout frauD c onfeCTcti, lue ftav no longer Upon tuo^Ds, )l?ut 3 bauc log ago foud,an]) tl)at orten,tl)at to^ofccucr 00 cbftinate!? quarcll about tuo^iss, do kcpc toitbin tlje a fccrcte poifon:fo tljat it 10 better totUmglp to pjouofec tljem, ti)a fo; tijeir plcafurc tc fpcafec liarHlr. 6 ^ut leaning oifputation of tuo^D0,BI UiiU noto begin to fpcalse of t^e matier it fclfe. 31 call tbcrfo;^e a pcrfon.a ftd'Q^ dmct in ti)t elTenee of CoD, tofjtelj Ija-' uing relation to tbe otl^er ist oiaingui' ih,£Xi from tl)? ni luitf) tjncommunicable p;op.:ct'^.)li5^ tlje name of fub&ftecc U>e m?anc an ot^cr tljin^ t^an tfje elTence. jl'o; ir§ juojd ba*) iiin;jli? ben goo,f in f nitan? time l^an actrjing; fcaeralip p;cf pi8 to it feifc, loiin !)aB faiD amis t\):it it UJas ^j6 CDuti. ^bsr befo>ti)lD aooetb, V QsXi innutlU iyosi ii;e fame luc;^o, i;e callctlj \is back again to ^ one fingle cO fence. >^utbecai:fe it ronlD not be te^tb goD, but p it mo*! rea in § fatbeT:bere' of arifcc!? t fubfiaenfc,ti3^icb tliougb it bz vJiiMQ to tbc efffce Uat'g sn bnfepa* rable t?not,>:ct iyatl) it a fpeciall marhe, ija'^eibp it ooto siSfer fro st^o of ibc.3- fubaaences, i fa? ^ ertj bauing refatiQ to of b:r, is ii\ p^op^tet v^ aiatnguiajca. KclationiiCboere exp^ztlv. mcntioncD. jfoj tufjcn t^cre 10 (implefijiDcfuiite mention maoe ofdDoo, tins name belo^ gctb no Ics to tr).' fCime ? tS^c te!? ^Ijatl t-oasi to t])c fat:7pr/i5ut 'wlmi Uiz fatber 7 )Bcit before tbat 31 go an^furfber, it i0 ga>B tW Bi p;oite tbe (l^oDbeao of tbe fonne ano of tbe bolv gboft» %^m after toe (bal fa botu tbev Differ one from an otbcr.^reli? toben t\)e Ujo^d of ®od is fpoUen of in tbe fcripture:it toer a ter? great abfuVDitf to imagine it onl^ a fa*^ Ding ^ bani(bingboiee,UJbicb fent into tbe aire,commea) ont of (E>o0 bimfelfe,^ of iBbirfj fc;ite toere tbe £D;acIer.:!t«tcn tott)efatjjer0,anD all tbe |5;opbefie$: tobcn ratber tbe tDo;D i« meant to be f perpetuall toifebome aljioing toiPtb 8je iFatber,from tobenee all tbe aD^acles t p^opbefies p^oreeDeD. jfo^ as Percr te^ ftiftetb,no lea Dio ^ o!d pzopbcts fpeaHe tyitb tbe fpirit of Cb.iil£,tban DiD tbe a* pOities aiiD all Cbet? tbat after tfjem di?o Diitrtbate tbe beaaenl^ Doctrine. yBut becaufe Cb^itl tua^ not vet oprl^ ^eU)^ eD,tDe muft tinberfi-anD tbat tbe Mlo^D toas before all tuo^loes begotten of tbe fatber. anD if tbe fpirit fcuas of p l»o.iD» iubofe inllrumrnt0 iuer tbe p^opbefg, tue Doe tnDQutej^i? gatber tbat be Uja0 true <©aD, Zn^ tW Dot'ge Mofes teacbe plainly tmug,ht in ti)e creation of tbe Ujo;Id, iDben be kttztf) tljc tuo;D as tbe meanc.if 0^ M)^ Dotb be erp^eHi? tell,^ (©oD in creating of all Im tuo;hSj fa^a. JBc tbts Dr«nr,o^ tbat Done : hut that tbe lDiirerd;ablc glo^^ of ©oD ma^ fijining^^ f papi^rc in bis imagcsfnubc futtle nO' ieD an^ babbling mt do c&Ui^ modi out is ccm^reD \joiV$ tbe ioan:,tte itmml \ t]^iBy)^it^ Tiding tbat tl)B name ^lo^D,. ti.con tra.prax cam. mopzet? cfcitbtr ootb oiitcriie [jim fro tbe otijcr. S^birDli^/iiJbatroei'er is p^n^ pz tjntoeucrip of tbcniji^ t3nro5tmaiUi= cable, io; tbat \i)Uti) is gciie to tU fa* tbcr fo; a marUe of Di&"erff£>c£^i not a^ gr£elJuitb,no^ begeuetotbe &nne,;ano i miO tkc not iht DeSnifton of TertuUi- an/o tut it be rigljtii? taJte/iEbat tbcre is in 0053 £( certain DiipoCttion 0^ Diftri* botionjt3?hicbT^t cbaungctbnotbtng ot tbe^nitpoft&ficflcnce. ,Pct.i. in itere ta^en fo^ Ijxs biDcing 0; com- nuTUQement. Xi3ut better erpolito^s are t})B ;4poitle3,tebicb teacb 1^ tlje icojlDcs tuere maoe bi' t\)c fame, anD ^at be fu- ftain^ibtvf ail toitbbis migb^^ tvo^D. Jf 0^ bere lae fee ttjat V.jz Ujo;d iB taiicn foj ibe UiODing 0^ commaunDcmcnt of, ti)t J"cimc,tubicb is bimfi'lfc tbe eternal f eScnciall Mo^jj to tbe fatber. anD to tbe luife anD lober it is not Darfee tbat >>a]QiGQn faystbj U?bcrg. be b;^.gngctb in Ih UiifeDome Heb.!.2. Eccle.24 loh.j.i?^ Iohi.3, Gc,i.3. iDtfeoome bt^otUn of <^oD before all two;lo«,anD bearmri rule in tbe treatih of tlnii33,an(j in all il)t too^hcs of dJoo. if oj to fav tl^at it tooi^ a r crtainr com? maiHiDcment of CDoo, fcruing but fo; a timti toere teryi fcliOj f t)aine:lnfcc;'a0 in ueoe it tuas (Doos picafure at )^ time to fl&cU) fo^tl^ bis fteufafl: 1 eternal pur- pofe,T'?'^ ^nu feme tbing mo;c fc crctc. %o t}l}ii\i cntcnt alio niakctl) ^ faring of Cb;till:^p if atbcr f 3! t)o tcojk rue n to tbi)P tiai'.ifo;^ in faving.UCbat fro tbc beginning of tbc tuo^lD be toas cor.tinu alii! lDo;Uing toptb ^is fatber, be uotbe mo^e openly Declare tbat iobvcb Mofes bab mo^e fl[)o;tl^ toucbcD. tXIle gatbcr tbe tbot tbe meaning of (Dons fpcahing Voais tbiSjtbat tbe iuo;Dbatj bis cfificc in tt)c isoing of tbing£(,anD fo tbcr botb bau a commo teo;jfeing togctber. llBut moH plainly of al Dotb lohn fpeaIie,tDben be (betuetb tbat tbe fame tco^b, lubicb fro t^c beginning toas CJoD iaitl) r.oDj loaa togetbf r tD\?tb ®oD tbe fatbcrtbe caiife of all ttjings-if 0; be botbe geuctb to tbe tuojD a perfect anD abining cffence, anu alfo atfignetb tnto it feme tbing pccu* liar to it felf, ano plainly IbclDet!) bolu CoQ in fpeafeing teas tbe create; cf tl)t iDo^lDXbf rfoje as all renelaticns p:o ceoing from CDcd bo luell beare t name of tbe too;be of Oob,fo oiigbt lue ret to fet in tbe bicfl place t fubflatial U)o;jb, tl)c toe!fp;^ig of al £)oD tbat banc relation God the Creator. _fir{}Eookc. rFoI.30! tol)i«oiitU)aro"foo.jfe,begatobc geucn fento bim after ^ being of bis 1do;U , as fox eramplc , ti)^si tbat be is callcD tbe crcatoj of beatjcn ? cartb : fo Dcfb sod* lincHc Unolv oz abmit nc name t ibulD ngitiftc anr netu tbirtg in bimfclf tn banc cljatmceD fcntc King againtl t\)e trutb tobicb toe DefcD, ibot it ratljcr coSnnetb it ifo; tuberas be bao before ttitiUt^ tbat Cbjift is tfi£ true 3eboiiab>from tobom flotuetb rigb teo«rnes,nolue be p;joncuncctb tijat tbe rijurcb fljall fo berili? fcle tl)t fame,tbat (be mavglo^rioudp tie tbe \)f rpe name it felf. janD fo in t\)t firft place is kt ^t fotmtaine anD caufe of rigl)teoufnes, in tbe otljer tbe effect. 1 o jjioijD ifti)is DO not fatiff^ f 3letDes> tbat ^iebouab is fo ofte pjefenteo m tbe pcrfoiieof an ^igcll, 3 fa notlovtb lobat cauillations tbei? caauv moctig it In 6.7 God the Creator. it outjt is (ain t^at tl^e angci appearco Iu,i3.i5. to tlbe f)oI? fati)er£(:anD tte fame angeU cfialenget^ to btmfelfe t^e name of tt)t eternal (!DoD. Blfan^ take exception ano fai?) ti/ut ^)i» i» rpuuert iH rsfpett of t\)Z perfon t^at l)e repjefentet^ : ^yiB fenot is not tl)tiB IcDfeo. jff o; betni^ a feruaunt ^e tDonlD not fufifer facrtltce to be ofife^ reo to f^im^anD take from (S^oD f)^s Due fiono^. )i5ut t\)t 3ngeU rcfufing to eate b^eaD^commaunoctb ^acri&e to be of^ freo to Ichouah.^no tbf tje p^ourtb tfjat bimfelf inuetc toas ttje fame Ichouah, ano tberefo^e Manoah ano Ijis tu^fe bt? this tobe DID gatbcr,tbat tfjcr bao fane not an onelr ^"S^l ^^^ ^of • ^nD tl)ict came it tbat be faiDitoe (bal Die becaufe loe bauc rane fucb afeenuing toas in (barot)y but tbat be toiliingly abaceb bimfelfe. 0nD tbat § toickcD (bulD not carpe 1^ be is fome maoe dDoD, Ihon goetb furtber I faytb. ^^e is tbc true gcD f t\)z eternal life.aitbougbc it ougbt abounbantly to fatiffy bs,tbat be is callcD ©oD,fpecia^ ly of tbat tuitnetre U)bicb epprrfly affirm mctb tjnto tjs tbat tbere are no mo goDs but one. 2Dbatfame toitnelTe is Paule, tobicb faytb tbus. Bote many foeuer be callcD goDs eitber in beaue or in eartb, to bs tber isi butione dDoD from tubome are al tbings. SSlbt tec beare of y fame moutb,tbat (£»oD teas openly IbeteeD in tht fleCb>tbat d^ob loiith iiis oten blouD purcbafcD t^t cburcb to bimfelfe: tebyc OjulD tee imagin a fecoD dDob tetjycb be btfelf acUnolegetb notfj^nD it is no bout ^ al § gobly teer of iA)z fame meaning. ILiheteife Thomas in protelting bym to be bJjS ^orD anb biiEK!goD,botb profeg ttat 2.Cor.io i.Ti.3.6, i.Ti,i.i7 Ph,2,6 jIoh.5'.20 i.Co.8.^ li.Tim.3. 16. Aa.20. 18. lohn.ao. 28» loh $,\7 Icr.1.3. €ra43.2)- Mat.9.6 Mat-^.4 God tlie Creator. TirHBook tfjat fit IS tfjat onl^ one cIDoD, \i)\)om Ije fjaD altaav too;fl)ippcD. 12 ^oto tf toe clleinc ijis goDfjead bv i \jooz\iS in tl)c Scripture arc 1^ afcnbcD tnto f)im,it (ijall tfScrb? mo^jc cutDcnt^ l^ appcarc.ifo;j tobf Ijc favo ttjatfro tfjc bcginmnsf)etDa0 tJjctljcr tuo;feiiigi6 l)i5 ifatljer tlje Sieves tDljicb toer moft Dull in tmrjcrftanDing: of all bis ctber farcng0,vct tbcn pcrcciucb tbat be tofee Ijpon bini tljt potDcr of (IPcD. 0nD tbCD fo;ic as lohn telletb,tbe^ fougbt p ino;e fo bill bim, becaufe be did not onel^ b jeahe tbe Sabbat, but alfo did cal goD bis ifatbcr,mahing bimfcif egall tuitb dDoD.i^oto Dul (bal fee betbcn, if lue Do not percriue tbat bis goDbcaD is berein plainly aff irmeDf anD truclv to o;jDer § U)o;lD Itiitb p:ouiDcnce « poUier^anD to goucrn al tbings Uiitb tbe antbczitie of bis otxoto in bl?s miracles boto plainltjf clereig Dotb be appeare i 0nD tbougb 31 ce. graunt tbat as loci tbe Piopbc ts as tbe ^poUles D^D egall anD liUe nu'raclcs to tbcfc )^ be DiD : ret tbis great Difference is tbcre, tbat tbcp hv tbcir miniflratio DifpofcD tbe giftes ofCDoD, be (bctucD fo:ib Ins cUinc pofeer . l^c tjfrD fome? time p:aper, to tbe enD to gcue glojv bnto bis fatbcr . ^ut luc fee fo;, ^ mott partbT's otnnc poluer (belvcDtncobs, anD boUi coulD It otbcrluire be but tbat be luas tbe beri? autbo^i of miracles f b^ ijis otun autbojitic gaue pofecr to 0? tbcr to Deale miracles ab;oDe i jro; t\)t dBuangelift Declarctb t ^^ gawt potoer to tlje apoltles to raife bp tbe DeaD , to beale tbe lcp;ious, to caft out Dcuils.f c. anD tbc^ fo bfcD tl)c miniftration tber? of,tbattbepfufficientli[? (belucD 1^ tbrs poluer came not from clfetobcr but fro Cbalte. in tl)c name of Jcfus Cbjtfte (fai?tb l^eter) ivife % ipalfeejt is tbcr* fo;e no maruel if CbJift allcgeD bis mi racles to cofounD f be bnbclcuingnes of tbe 31cU)es:fo;afmucb as tbei? luer fucb as being Done b^ bis otune potoer d^d geue a molf plain teftimon^ of bis goD^ bcD.Bif cislyber tbcn in cDod tbcre is no raUiation,no rigbteoufnts, no life : anD Cb?ift cotcineti) al tbcfc tljinQS in him, (inxl'2 be is tt'crb^ DccIareD to be CDoD. anD no man ca obicct againtt me f fai?, tbat life 1 faluation is poureD into br«n bv tbing at all proper to bimfelf, ifo; onc^Diopbct fai^tbttubofoeucrcal^ letb tjpon tbe name of Blcbonab flball be faueD:antj an otbcr fai?tb, a mod llrong ACk/.^^ totoer is tbc name of 31cbouab : to it tl)t rigl)teous Q)al flie $ be fbalbe faueD,but il name of Cbjift is calleD bpon fo? fal* uat:on : it fololoetb tberfo;je '{> be is 3Ie^ ljouab,-3s foj inuocatio, toe baue an tX' ample of it in Stephen, \3)\im be (api), ilo^DJefu rcceiue m? fpirit.^gain in p tDbole cburcb^as Ananias teftifietb in § fame bobe. llojD(raitbbe)tboultnotoft ^U) great euels tbis man batb Done to tb\? faints tbat call ^pon tl)^ name, ^no tbat it ma^ be mo?c plainly bnterttan* 5eD tbat tbe tobole tuitnes of f gotbeati totb CO jpo jall^ utoel in Cb;ift,tbe 0po' ff le uotb ccnfeffe tbat be b^ougbt no 0* Aa,p.i3 taugbt not onlt? tbat tbofe tbings lubicb tbe ifatber geuetb ts do come tnto bs b^ bts interceffion, but alfo h^ commu* nitie of potoer.be iB tbe autbo? of tbem. Mbicb ftnotoleDge b^ pjactife is toitb^ out Dout mo^^e certaine anD perfect tba an\? iDle fpeculation. if 0; fber ttit goD^ iv minD Dotb bebolD CDoD mott p^cfent, f in maner banDle btm, lobcre it feletb it felf to bcquickneD,ligbteneD, faaeD, iultifieD anD fancttfteD, 14 ^bcrfo je out of tbefame fountains toe muff fetcb our meane of pjouing to confirme tbe goDbeaD of tbe bol^ gboff ♦ tKer^ plain is ^ teffimonie of Mofes in tbe bifto^p of tbe creatio, tbat tbe fpirtt of €>oD iDas bpon t\)e Deptbes , 0? bpon tbe bnfafbioneD beap : becaufe be IbetD* ttl) tbat not onlp tbc beutie of tbe too^lo tbat iB noto to be feen iB p^eferueD b^ tbe potuer of tbe fpirit,but ere tbis beu^ tit toas aDDcD tl)e fpirite teas tben hw fieDinpjeferuingtbat confufeD lumpe of tbings. 0nD tbat fatjing of Hfay can notbecauilleDagainft.^nDnoto Icho- uah anD bps fpirite batb fent me . if 0^ be communicatetb hii^ ti)t bolp dDboff bis cbicf potoer in fcnDing of p^opbets, t^berbp appearetb tbe Diuine maieft^ of tbe bolp (IDboff liBut our beff p^tof, as 31 baue fa^D, fi&all be bv familiarebfe. if o;j ^ tobicb tbe fcriptures impute bn^ to ity is farre from tbe p^opertie of crea tures,anD fucb a tbing as tue our felucs Gc.1.2. tbcrDQrtrine among tbe Corinthiasbut tbehnolDleDgeofbim, i ^bep;ieacbeD do learn bpaffureDocperience ofgoDli I. Cor.2 no otber tbing but HuictulcDge.^lsa^baf, 1 31 p?ai? ton , anD boto gr ^at a tbing is He,9.24 tbiSjtbat tbe name of tbc ^pn onelpis p;teacbeD bnto bs tobo be loilletb to glo rie in tbe fenotolcDge of bimfelf alone? MboDarefai? t be is but a creature, of tobome tbe onl^ bnotoleDgc is our tDbole glo;iic?X5eIiDe tbat,tbe falutatios fet before tbcepittles of Paul,toifli tbe* famebenefites fro t\)t ^on tol^tcbtbev Dofromtbejfatber , toberebrtoeare nes. if 0? be it is tbat being td^ tobere poureD ab?oDe,Dotb fuffain anD geuetb grotoing f life to all tfjin^s in beanen f in eartb.0nD bp tt)is point be is p^oueD to be none of tbe niiber of creatnres>fo; tbat bets not cop;ebenDeD toitbin an^ boitDes:butbp pouring bis liueli? fb^ce into all tbings to b;eatb into tUm Irfe f motion>tbtB is tbe berf Ido;^^ of dDoD* ^o^eotier if regeneration into an inco; ruptibte life be better anD mo;e cycel* lent cf.48»i6. i.Cor.2. 10. i.Cor.i2. io» £xo.4.ii God the Creator. I. Cor. 12 iCo.3.17 ct6.i9 a.Co.6. 16. U.ic ti)X(\ anv p^cfent quicUcningiUjfjat O^all \j}c tutige of f)tm fro to^ofc polurr t^ fame pmetietl) f ^no tijat be is tJ;e autl^o; of rGGcncrati5,nof bra bo^rotxi^ cD,but bp \)is oiyn lozcpjtbc fcripture in man\? places tcacbetb: ani) not oftljat onl^,batalfo of ^ immo^talittcto com. i?inaUp,ss tinto tbe fonne,fo tinto Um alfo arc applT>cD al tljofe offices tftat are moa of all pjoperlv beloging to p ©00^ l^eao.ifo; !)e fcarcljetb tbe oepc fccretcs ofCDoD,toberii)itbnoneofall tfjecrea* turcs is of counfcll. l^e genctb luifoome anu ffeill to fpeakCjlDbcras vtt tfjc iio;^D p;onouncetb to Mofes tbat it i$ onlp bis tDO.:U to DO it &o b« bim tuc come to a partaftinsof(SoD,fotbattoc ma^ fcele bis potoer as it tucre tuo^hing life in tJs.iDur iuftification is bps tuo^b. if ro bim is poU)er,fan£tificati6,trutb,gracc, ano tobat gcoD tbr«3 foeuer mat? be tbougbtof,becaureitistbe bolp CDboll onlp fro tDbo p;^occDetb al kino of gifts, if 0.: tbat fentcnce of Paul i$ rigbt luo; ^ ' tbt» to be noteo.aitbougb tbcr be oiucrs giftes, ano manifolD 1 funD;j? is tbe Di^ ftribution of t\)t, ^tt is tber but one bo/ l^ fpirite : becaufe be makctb brni not onelp t})t o;iiginall oi beginning , but alfo tbe autboj. ^bicb a little after is moic plainly erp^eflTeDintbefc toojos. jdDne f iiit fame fpirite Dittributetb all tlmq^ns be tuil.ifo? if be toer not fom tljing fubfiding in (^ot>>be Uiolo not at^ tribute tjntobim cboife ofmino 1 toill, SDberfoje moll cuioetl? Dotb Paul geue to ^ bol^ gboft Diuine potuer,! fl^eloetb tbatbeisfubltatiall^ reticent in CoD. I) antj tbe fcripture it fclf,tobP it fpea^- ftetb of bim,fo^bearetb not tbe name of (Sod. ifo: Paul berebp gatbcrctb tbat Uie arc § temple of (lDoD,bicaiifc bis fpi^ rite Dtoelletb in 13S : tubicb tbing is not ligotlr to be palTeD oucr . if oj lubcrcas CDoD fo ofcc p:omifctb tbat be toil cbcofe t)s fo; g tcplc to bimfelf,^ p^omife is no Firtl Booke. r o!. 3 ^ Era.6,y. Aa.2s. 2f, otber tuav ftilfiUcD , but bt? bis fpirite DtDcllingintJS. &ureli?,as Auguftmc ^^^^ ^^ ten? toell fa^tbtif toe tocre conumnDcD ^1aximJ to make tnto tbe bolr S^jsft a temple of ^^ ^ ■ timber f (tone , becaufe fucb too^fqip is ^^ ^ ' Due to OoD cnclv it tocrc a cltcrc argu* mcnt tbat be is OoDmcto tberfo^e boln mucb clttrer is tbis, tbat lue ougbt,not to mafee a tcmplcbut our felucs to be a temple foj bim.auD t\)t apcaic bimfclf I calletbtsfomtime tbe temple of (DoD, j fomtimc tbe temple of t\)e holv ebolt, j botb in one meaning . 0nD Peter rcp.zc^ , benDing Ananias fo; tbat be baD l^cD to tbe bolf gboll,fa?D tbat be l\?cD nottnto mc but tjnto dDoD.Piiio tober h{ay b^ing ctb in tl)t 1o:d of bofles fpcahmg. Paul , teacbetb tbat it is tbe boli: gbcft i> fpca^ feetb.^ea tobere comonli? tbe p^opbcts fa^jtbat ti)z tuo^Ds tobicb tbe^ titter arc tl)t too;Desof tbe ilo^D of bofles^Cbaft anD tbe apoUlcs do refer tbe to tbe bolp gboft . ^berbr it fcllotoetb tbat be is h)e true lehouah tbat is tbe cbief auti)c^ of p^opbecies, 0gain tober CDoD coplai? nctb tbat be toas p;ouchcD to tojatb h\> tbe ftubbo^nneflTe of bis people, in ftcQe or tbat tfav fa^tb f W ftolp fpirit toas g^ . . greueD.i.aaofall,:fblafpbcmvagainft jvia 12.-11 tbe bol^ gboft be not fo;geuen in tbv'S jviar 3*^ too;rlo no^ in tbe too;lD to come, tober^ l^^^ as be mar obtain parDon tbat batb blaf* Lu.12.10j pbemcD againft tbe fonne : i)is mint maieftr is bere plainly p;oueD , tl)c of? fence of Dimimlbment toberof is an Un* parDonable crime . 3 do toittinglp f of purpofeomit manp teftimonics^tbe auncicnt to;iters bauc bfeD.SLbei baue tbougbt it a marucilous mate place to allege out of Dauid : ivit^ tbe toojDc of pr.33,15. tbe lIojD t\)€ bcaiicns tocr ftablilljeD, t all? potoer of tbe Uutb t\)t fpirit of bps moutb,to p;ouc tbat tbe toojlD toas no Icftc p too;U of p bolp gboft tba of p fon. i5ut fo.jafmucb as it is commonlp tfcD in p pfalmeg to repetc one tbing ttoife; Ci. ano Cap. 13 i¥fa.ii.4 Of the knovvledo-c of Eph.4.y. Mat.2o. '^B much to fa^ as Ibis too;t>,t!jat reafon is tjer^ Ujcafe, C^erfo?e 3 tfjougljt ga)S> totoucba fctoe fucb ti)r"Sf^ asgoDl^ mtnocfl! mtgljt fcunol^ reft tpcn. i6 jSnii as d^oD Ijatf) mo;e piatnlv Din^ f lofc9 l)irnfelf b? § coming of CI^;ift,fo i0l)calfotn tlK*t!)?a perfons become mo;^e familiarly bnotucn.315ut of al tbe tcftimon^ealst tfjts ont fuffifctsfo^^ tUs p?ercnt.PauI fofenittetij tbefe tfj^ee to5ctl^er,(IDoD,i?a^,f 3l5aptifme, tbat bcrcafoitctbfrotljeotieto tlje otberin ttji^s matter. HBecaufe tbereisbutone faptb,betberb^ft)etoefb t there ishut oneet be remainetb one ano the fame,as tbe 0poff le far tb. 17 0gain,tbere is (betoeo in tht fcrip* tures a certain oiffinrtion of tbe fafber fro tbe iuojo,anD of tbe toojo from tbe fpirit. an Difcuffing Uiberof , boto great religioufneffeano fobjietie toe ougbtto bfe, tbe greatneffe of tbe mrfferr it felf Dotb aomonrffj bs, ano 31 berr tcell lifee tbat faring of Gregory Nazianzene , 3| can not tbm^e bpo tbe one,but branobr 31am compaffco about tuttb t^e bn%ht> neffe of § fbjee: ;ano 3 can not feuerallr oifcerne tbe tb?ec,but 31 am fooeinlt? D?i^ uen bacfec to one . ^(i:ibercfo;jc let it not come in our minocs once to imagin fucb a SCrinitie of perfons as mar boloe our tbou^bt iuttliD?atuen into feueralities, t Dctb not fo^tljlDitb b jing t0 againe to tbebnitte.Cbc names of fatl)cr, fonne, f bolr gboffjDo p^cuea true DiUij;ction, ^ no man (I]oulD fijinfe ^ 11;cm to be bare names i.Cor.i2. 11. Infermo nedc fa4 cro ba| tifino. Firft Booke. Fol. j^T God the Creator. narnc0 of aobition, toljcrb^ (Sod accoj: Dttig to !)i5 iDojfees i0 timtd^ cntitleD: bat ^et it is a uiflNnrtton, not a Diuifio. 2:!)eplacefltt)atlO0^ae alreaDp citet), 00 i^ctD ^ tl)c ^011 6at{) a p^p^etteui^ ftimt fro tbe ifattier, becaufe tbetoojD bao not ben toitb <:DoD,if be bao not ben an otber tbing tban tbe iFatbermeitber baD be bao bis ^om ^Diti) tbe iFatber, but being bidinct from bim.lliketDtfe be botb Dtftinguitb bimfelf from tl)t fa« fber,tDben be faitb, ^ tbere i» an otber lubirbbearetb bimtoitnefiie. ^no foj tbifl purpofe mafeetb tbat tobif b in an o^ tber place is ra?D, ^ ^t ifatber crcateD all ti)ing,s br tbe too^D, tobicb be coulo not,but being after a certain maner nif ftinct from bim. S^ojcoucr tbejf atbcr tatiK not Doton into tbe cartbi but be ^ came out from tl)t ifatberXbe ifatber Oieo not,no;j rofe again,but be tbat teas fent bi bim. j^eitber tiet Din tbis Diftinc tion begin at tbe taking of flelbe: but it is manifeft tbat be toas alfo befo;e, tbe onli? begotten in tbe bofome of tljt Sfaf tber»ifo; tobo can ab^oe to fa^,tbat tbe tbe ^sncntrcD into tbe bofome of tbe i?atbcr,l»benbcDc&cnDd) frombeaue to taUe mabo&e bp5 bi«w ^c iuas tber* fo.je before in ii)z bofome of t\\c fatber, 1 cnio^eo bisJ glo^tc )3)it\) tbe ifatber, 0«fo; tbe Dcftinrtion of tbebol^gboff from tl)t ifatber , Cb;ift fpcaUetl) of it tob^ be faitb,tbat it pjoceoetb from tbe ifatber, 0nD bolu oft ootb be fljeto it to be an otber befioe bimfelf^ as luben l)e pjomtfetb t\)at be toill fcno an otber co* fb;^to^,antJ often in otber places. 18 :i5iittobo:ot» fimilitui3C0 fro mat^ ter0 of me,to erp^eCc tbe foice of tbis Di fiirifti6,Bi knotu not U3j3CtI;er it be erpe^ oicnt.3iUt30eDtbeolD fatbcrsare toont fo to 30 fomtimeibut isoit^al iWc t)o co^ Cclle,^ tpbatfoeiicr tbev ^niv.Q fo:tb bclD, lea ft if Ji b;ing fo?tb an^ tbing tnfttlp, it (boulD geue occafio eitber to t\)t mali^ ciou5 to cauiljo; to tt)t UnfliilfuU to be DcceiueD.^et fucb Dillindio as toe baue marked to be fet out in fcriptures, it is not gcDD to baue left bnfpoben. 0nb ^ is tbis,tbattotbe fatberijE5 geurp begins ning of too^king, tbe foiitaine i fp^ing of all tbings: to tbe feon toifeDome,ccii^ fell,anb tbe ber^ DifpoGtio in tbe Doing oftbing$:totbeboli? d^boft idaOtgneo polDer ano effectuall U)o;iking, ^no aU tbougbeternitiebclog bntotbefatber, f eternitie to 1^ ^on $ to tbe bol? gbott alfo,fo;^afmucb as Ooo coulo neuer ba^ uc ben taitbout l)is taifcQome ? potecr, « in eternitie is not to be fougbt, tobicb tuas fira 0; laft: vet t!;ii3 obfcruation of o;ocr is not bain 0 j fuperfluoiis, Mycvf in tbe ifatber is rcckeneo firft , and tbe of btm tbe ^on,ano after of tbem botb i bolv gbott. ifo; eiicr^ mas mino of it felf enclinetb to tbis>fira to cofioer goo, tben tbe luifeoom rifing oat of bim,anD laff of alltbepotoer teberUatb be put^ fetb tbe decrees of bis purpofe in erccu^ tionjn tobat fo?t tbe ^oh is fa^d to be of tbe if dtl)cr onlr, i f bol^ Cboft botf) of (be ifatber and tbe &on,is (betoeo in man^ placcs,but no febere mo;c j^lain* I? tban in tbe bitj. Cbapitcr to t\)t Ko> maincsjlubere tbcfamc fepirit is tuttb* out difference fomtimc called t^c S>pi' rtt of Cbnlt,and fometimcof bim t^at raifeo bp Cb;ift fro t\)t dead: 1 t\)c,t not toitboutcaufc. if 0? Peter Dotb alfo tz^ Itifietbatittuas tbcS^pirifc of Cb;ift tubertoitb tbe p;opbcts oiD p.:cpbccie, luberas tbe fcripturc fo ofte tcacbetb, i' it toas tbe ^pirttc of Cpod tbe ifatlicr. ip i^oUj t\)iB diltinctio dotb fc :iut Had ' againUtbe finale bnitiec^^'Od , iijat j tbcrb^ lue ma't^ p;touc 1^ tbe ^on is en J ' (Pod luiil) tbe if atl'r. , becaufe be batb cnc ^ pi I it tritijF:;in, and tbattbcbclv ' ^pirue ixi not n tbinij ciacrfe from tbe e.u. ifatber Of the knowledge oF cp .1; irattjcr ano t^e ^on. ifo po^ ftafes.anD tberfoje fo oft as toe do inDe* finitely fpeahc of tbe name of dDoD, toe mean no IcCTe tbe ^on f tbe bol^ (iDboO tban t\)t if atber. li5ut toben tbe ^n is ioyfnen to tbe if atbcr,tbc cometb in a re lation, anD To toe ma&e Dilttnttion be*' ttoeen ^t p^erfons. ^nD becaufe ^ p;Of pjetics in tijt ^^erfons b^^ing an o^cer )s}it\) tbem,fo as tbc beginning anD oji? ginall is in tbe jffatber:fo eft as mentio is mabe of tbe if atber f tbe ^on,o; t^t bolr dDboff togetber, tbe name of Odd is peculiarly geuen to tbe if atber . W^ fi^is meane is retevneD tbe bnitie of tbeelTence, fregaro is baDtot oJDer, tobicb ?et Dotb minifl) notbing of ip gsD^ beaD of tbc ^on « of tbc boir gboft . 0nD toberas toe baue alreaD^ fan tbat tbe ^pofiles DO affirm, tbat tbe ^cn of goD is be, tobomMofcs anD tbe p^opbets DO tcGiU to be Blebouab tbe ilc?D , toe muft of neceffitie altoa^ come to ^ bni^ tit of tbc eCTences. ^ibcrfo^e it is a De^ tellable Sacrilege foj bs to call t ^n a feuerall oto, ^ tbe name of Jiebouab tt;t ^o;d inDefi^ niteli? tafee is applicD to Cb^ife appear re tb br V toJo;Ds of Paul, tober be faitb: s:berfo;e 3 baue tl^^itt pjailcD t ilo;D, becaufe tbat after be baD recevueD tbe aunftoere of Cb;iiff , ^v grace is fuffi^ fer it is to reft in tbat relation tbat be ' dtnt fo; tbcg:be faytb b\ e^nDbr^tbat tbe potoer 1. Cor. 13, 9* God the Creator. Ioel.2.28 potoer of C^iziff mar tJtuel in mc. 3t is certain tftat tlje name ilo^o is tljcre fet fo^ Iehouah,anD t\jzrfoit to rcftraine it to tlje perfon of t^c £pcDiato.i tocrcbe^ r^ fono f cbilDilft , fojfomucb as it is an abfolute fentence tbat coparet^ not tbe father tDttl)tt)eronnc. ^no toeknoU) ttiat after t^eaccuffomeo maner oftbc A£k,i.\6 (25rcefees,tbe^pomc5Do commonly fet tbc too:D Kyrios,ito;D,in ftCDC of leho.' uah. anD,not to fetcft an example farre of, Paul DiD in no otber fenfe p;ar to tl)c ilojDjtban in tijc fame fenfe i l^cter cif fet^ tfjc place of loelhioljofoeuer calletb t)pont1)enameoftf)e ilo:ii fl[)aU be fa-' ueo. y5iit tobere tbr^s name is peculiar* Ip geue to tbe ronne>tiie Itjall fee t there is an ot^cr rcafon tl)crof,\Di)0 toe come to a place fitfo; it, jjioti) it is cnougb to ftaue in min0,tu5je i^aul tjaD abfolutel^ p.:a?e5 to cDoo,I)e b^anub^? bjingetb in tl)e na ue of Cijufi.Cnr fo is t^c tobole <25oo c cbicfe trauell Cball T?et be appl^eb to tbis enb, ^ tbcTi tobicb geue gentle 1 open earcs to tbe iDo^o of 00b, map baue Vobcrupo ttcbfaftlp to rcit tbetr fmt.Bin tbis point if anp toberc at al in tbe fecrcte mpfte^ ries of fcripture,luc ougbt to oifpute fo* berlp,f tDitb great moberatio,f to tahe great bab tbat neitbcr our tbougbt no^ our toung p^ocebe anp f urtbcr tban tbe bounbesof(SobsUio;^t)OocrtenD. ifo; bolD map tbe mino of ma bp bis capa* citie bcfine tbe inmtefurablc clTcncc of Oo^,U)bicb neuer pet coulD ccrtainlp bciermine boto great is tbe boop of tbe fonne,tobicb vet be Dailp fatb tuitb bis cpcs^pea boto map Ibe bp ber otun gui^ bing attain tobifcuOie tbe fubffatueof CDob, t can not reacb to fenotu ber oton fubftance i ^berfo;e Ictbs tuillinglp geuc ouer bnto goo § hnotuleoge of bim felf.ifo,: be onelp, as Hilary faptb, is a Hilajib. conuenicnt luitnc ffe tobimfelf,Ujbicb pri. is not fenotocn but bpbimfelf.^eftal de.Trini geue it oucr bnto bim , if U»e (ball botb tatc. conccaue bim to be fucb as be batb ope* \ neb bimfelf bnto bs,« fball not elftober fearcb to ftnolo of bim,tba bp brs otone U)ot neuer baue in our mino eitber e.iii. to Cap. 13' Of tlie knowledge of to fcarcl)foj (Sou an^ lMt)crc els tijan in bis l)oli? toojDe , o;^ to tljinkc an^ t^ing of btm , but ftauing fjis l»o;ru go^ tng before to guttjc tjjs , o^ to fpeafe an^ ttjing but tbat tobtcb is taken out of tlje fame Ujojte: ^be tJiftiuctton tbatiu in tbc one ©oUbeaD of tbe father, tbe fonne,f tbc bol^ gboff,ai5 it t$ tien? barD to knoU),fo Dotb it bjing mo je bufineffe f tomberance to fome Icittes tlja is tx^ peijient, ilettbem remember tbattbe minoes of me Do enter into a ma^e lobe tbe^ foUoU) tbeir otun curiofitie, anD fo let t\)tm fuffer tbefclues to be ruleo i6 tbebcauenlr oracles, bolofoeuer i^t's mx not attain ^ bcigbt of tbe m^fferv. £Do maUe a regitter of tbe errors. 22 luberlDitbip pureneUe offa^jtb intbrs point of occtrine batb in times paft ben aHailectoere to long ano full of bnp^o^ Stable teuioufnelfe : ano f moft part of beretickes baue fo attempted to ouer* tDbelm ^ glo;^v of ^oD ^ groCfe Doting erro;^s, ^ tt)t^ baue tbougbt it enougb fo^ tbe to (bake f trouble tbe bnfktlfull. 0nD fro a feto men baue fp;tong bp ma^ n^ fecteSjlDberof fome Do teare in fun^ Der f elTence of (^oD, fome do confounD tl)t Diffintticn t^ is bctluen tbe perfons» | turn as t^t fame fpirite in bs , anD alfo 5l5ut if toe bolD fad ^ bobtcb is alreaoi? in tuoiD f If ones is fubflfantiall^ a po;ti* fu€ficienlip IbeUieD br? i fcripture , tbat onof onT^nti altl)ougI) t.^!?r0 be no mentio m,iDc of tbc Spirit, but in ^ Woiit of {' crcatro of f loo^lDf t?ct fjc t0 not tljcrc b;ougI)t in 30 a (ba* DoiUjbut an cCTcntial potoer of goo,tube Mofes (bcto^tb ^ tbe bcrip Unfatbionco lumplDfisrudeineD in bint. SDberfoje ittbPappcareD,^ tbe etcrnall ^pirite tuas altoaics in dDoo, tube b^piJ^rcrucD t fuffcincD § cofufcD matter of beaur 1 eartb,bntil bcautie 1 o^^Dcr tuere aDDCD t)nto it. ^urel^ be coulo not ^et be an imn%z oj rep^jefentation of dDoD ns Scr- uetto D^eamctb.)l5ut in otber pointis be 10 compelletj mo^c openly to oirclofe \)ie toicbcones, in faieng tbatCDob bi? tfiscf ternal purpofe appointing to bimfelfa bifible &on,tiiD b^ tbis mean fbeto bim felf birible.iFo;^ if t^ be true,tber is no 0* tber goDbeati left bnto €^MMt fo fir as be is b^i tbe eternal Decree of dDoo op DeineDbis ^on.^o^eouerbe fo tranf^ fo^metbtbofe imagineo (bapestbatbe tlic\ict\) not to fainenet]) accioentes in dDoD . Hidut tbis of all otber is rnoH ab^ bominable,tbat be cofurcli? mingletb as toel t ^on of goD, as \) bolv' gboft,lD all creatures, if 0^ be plainly affirmetb ^ tber be parts 1 particios in § elTencc of <©oD,of bjbicb eucrg pozcto i$ goD.0nD namely be faitb. i tbe fpirits of § faitb^ ful arc coeternal f confubffantial iuitb dDoO: albeyt in an otber place be affig^ netb t\)c fubfltantial SDettir, not onl)? to ^ faule of ma.but alfo to otber crcaturs. 23 ^ut of tbis finK came fo;^tb an otber like monfter. if 0^ certainc Uub men meatttng to efcape tbe batreo.l (bame of tbe tDicUeoneffe of Seructto,* banc in beeo confcffebjtbat tbert arc tb;j« per* Jons,but aooing a mancr botx):tbat ttit ifatberU)bid;truel^ t p;xop>cl^ is tbe one onel? (5oD,in forming tbe ^n ano tbt bolp gboft,batb pourci l)isi goDbcao into tbcm . ^ca tbci? fo^bcarc not tbis bo^rifalc mancr cfrpeacb> tbattljejfa^ f irft Bookc 1 01.3/5 tber is bp tbis mSrlt' biff ingiulbcD fro ti)c j&on ano tht Wv gboff, tbat be is § onel? eircntiato;^ o: maker of tbe cf* fence, ifirft tbcp p.zctenD tl^is cclo j,ti)at Cb^itt iB ecbtubere callcD tbe ^on of c!Doo:twberof tber gatber, tbattbcre is none of .^er p;operli? (DoJ) but t\)c ira* tber.llButtbcTimark not, tbat ttjougb tbe nance of CDob bee alfo comino to tbe l&on , ret br reafon of p;eeminu*c it is fometime gcucn to tbe ifatbcr onelv, becaufe be is t\)t fountain anb onginal of tbe 2Dcitie,anrj tbat fo; tbis purpofe, to mafec tbe finglebnitie of tbe cllirnce to be tberbr notcb. SDber take erceptio am far : If be be truclp tbe ^on of (DoD,it is incouenif t to baue him rccke* neDtbe&>onofa perfon. 3 aunftoere tbat bctb are tiue : tbat is,tbat be is tbe ^onne of (35oD,bccauf0be is tl)c ^lo;D begottr of t\)c ifatbcr before al luo^los (fo; toe come not ret to fpcaU of (> ^Dc r< fon of tbe ^ebiato;; iretfo; erplica* tions fahe twee ougbt to baue rcgarD of tbe perfon,^ the name of (IDoo finiplr be not tafecn,but fo; tbe ifatbcr onclr. ifo; if Uie mean none to be goo but tbe if atber,liDe plainlr tb;oU) DoUm r ^on front tbe Degree of dDoD » 2:berfo;e fo oft as mention is maDc of tbe goDbeaD, loe muff not abmit a coparifo bettoecn fbe ^on anD ^t if atbcr,as tbougb tbe name of C5oD DiD belong onlr to § if a* tber. ifo;trulrfbe cIDoD tbat appearcD £ra,^.,. to t Taic Ujas tbe true ano onlr c^oD^anD joh. 1 2. ret lohn affirmetb tbat tbcfamc luas '4,, Cl):iff.anDbe^brtbemoutb of Hfhie i:fa.S.i4. tcffifieD,tbatbelboulD bca ffombling Ro9.:3 a6nctotbc3IeU)CS,luastbe onlr €oD: Eray.4). auD ret Paul p;onouncf tb tbat tbcfame 23. teas Cb;iff.^c^crretb out brCfaic, Ro.H-n Bi Uup,anD to me all funks (ball botu is Hcb i. »o tbe onclr C?oD:f ret Paul crpounDctb ^ tbcfame tras Cb;iff. ifo; tbts purpofe rerue the tcllimonics tbat tbe ^ipofflc rccitetbtSSbcu £D Cob baft larcD r fou* C.tii;. Daticr.s Cap, 13* Of tlie knowledcre of 16. Efa.44. •6. .'ier.io.ii. oattorwoffieaufn anD cartb.^gaine,lct al ? angels of (DoD U)o;(bip l)tm,tDl)ifft tbmgs belong to none, but to tt;C oncli? (EJoD.anli ^et 1)0 fattl), ^ tfjer are f p;o* p^e tit!e0 of Ct)ntt,J3n!J t^ijs cauilation is notbing, tbat tbat is geue to Cb;iff, tobicb \$ pjopjc to (DoD: becaufe €\:^iift istbelbining b^igbtncs of bis gIo;ie. if oj becaufe in t^ of tbefe places in fet f name of Blebouab, it follotoitb, tbat it in fo faio in refpect j5 be is 0od of btm? felf ifo^ if be be B!ebouab,it ca not be De nicD ^ be is tbefawie ©oD tbat in an 0^ tber place crietb out bp CfaietB!, 31 am, f faefioe me tbere is no ©00. B.'t is gcob alfo to coliDer tbat fa\?eng of l^ieremie: 2Ebe goos tbat baue not maoc tbe bwue % cartb,let t\ii perilb out of t^z eartb i is bnuer ^zl^tmtn. Mbcras on tbe 0* tbcr fice toe muff neebs confeffe , tbat tliz &on of (^00 is be,tobore goobeao is oftpjoueD in Cfaieb^ ipcreatio of tbe toberintomafeeb^m Different f 3if tbe too.:lD.0no boto can it be tbat tbe crea^ ' biffercnce be in tiit elfence, let tbcm an? p;op?e to tbe if atbcr, of rigbt be ca not be accomptcb tbe Spirit of tbe ^onne: tubicb in confuted bptbc teftimontcof |0aul,tobere be mabctb tbe ^piritc co* mon to Cb^iff f t^t ifatbcr, ^o;eouer if tbe perfon of tbe ifatber betoppeo out of tbe SCrinitf, toberin (ball be oif* fer from tbc^onne ano tbe bslr t\)t tobole cffence . 2Dbe fatber Differetb net from f fonne, bnleffe be baue fome^ tbing proper to bimfclf ^ in not comon to tbe fonne.^bat noto toill tber finoe to^,tobicbgcuetb being to all tbinges, (ballnotbeofbimfelf, but bo^oto bis being of an otber. ifoj tobofoeuer faitb tbat t\iz ^on toas effentiate 0; mane to be of bis ifatber, benietb tbat be is of bimfelf.5l5ut i^z bolr gboff fartb t\iz c6 trarr,namingbim3iebouab» il^otoif toe graunt ^ tbe tobole effence in in t^e fatber onlr,citber it muff be maDe patt able,o; be taken from tbe fonne, anD fo (bal i^t fon be fpoileD of \^in effe ce, ano be a (000 ontlr in name anD title. 2Ebe effence of goD, if toe be beleue tbefe tri# flcrs:belongetb onlr to tbe ifatber, fo;? afmucb as be is onlr C^oOjanD in tbe zU fence maker of tbe ^on.i3nD fo Ibal tbe (SJoDbeaD of tbe^on beanabftrartfro t\^t effence of dDoD, c? a Deriuation of a parte out of tbe tobole. ijlioto muft tber neDes graunt br tbeir otone principle, tbat tbe i^olr gboff in t\)z Spirit cf ibe ifatber onelr.if o;j if be be a Deriuation from tbe ftrtt effence, tobicb is onelr ftoere if be baue not ctmmunicateD tbe fame to § fonne. 5i5ut ^ coulD not be in partjfo; to far tbat be maDc balfa <©oD toeretoickeo . 515efiDe^ br tbrs meane tbei DO fotolr teare in funoer tbe effence of (^oD.Bit remainefb tberfo^ie v^beef^ fence is tobole, t pcrfettlr common to ^ fatber ano ^ fonne . ^nD if tbat be true, tben as toucbing t\iz effence tbere in no Difference of r one of tbe from (^ ctber. af tber far tbat tbe fatber in geuing bis effence,remainetb neuertbeleffetbe on* Ir <25oD,toitb tobom tbe effence abroctb: tben Cbatft Iball be a figuratiue (^oD, anb a in, batb fent me bntoron. 24 3tiscafiebrmanr places to p;oue tbat it in falfe tobicb tber bolbe, tbatfo oft as tber is in fcripture mftion maoe abfolutelr of dPoD , none in meant tber# br but tbe fatber , anD in tbofe pla^ 10. cesi C>od tlic Creator. Fnft Bookc. Mat.ip. 17- I.Tim. 1. i7» ceti tt)at t!)e^ tbemfclucs Do allcgc,t!)e? fotoli? beto jat? tijcir oton luant of con^ fiDeratioHjbetaufe tbci c is alfo fct tbe name of tbc fon . ^berb^ appcaretb, tbat tbe name of goo is ttjerc rclatiucliP taben,f tberfo?e rcftraineD to tl)c ^cvf \ fon of ^ fatbcr. ano tbctr obiefiio tuber 1 tbe^ far,3jf tbefatbcr luere not onli?tbe traeOoDjbc (boulo bimfelf be bi» oton if atber,i8 anflucreD toitb one too^D.it 10 not inconucnient fo; Degree f o;iDer0 fake,tbatbe be peculiarly caUeoCDoD, tDbicb batb not onel^ of bimfelf begot^^ ten \)is toifeoom, but alfo is tbc (IDoti of tbe ^cDiato;j,a0 in place fit fo j iU^ tsuil mo;e largely Declare, i?o.j (itbCb;^ift tDa0 opcI\7 l^txieD in tbc fleQ),bc 10 cal^ leD ^t ^on of (IDoD,not oni?lv in rcfpeft tbat be tDa0 t\)t eternal tuo^to befo;e all iDo;^lO0 begotten of tbe jfatbertbut alfo becaufe be toke tpon bim tbe perfoti f office of ^t ^eDiato; toio^n ts\mto ta , tbe^ confounD tbemfelues. llBut Uibera0 at tbe firft figbt,Cb;jift fc* mctb to put from bimfelf t\;c name of gcD,^ Dotb tbe mo^e confirm our mea^ ning.ifo?fitbiti0tbe fingular title cf (DoD alone,fo;afmucb asbeiDa0 after ti)e comb maner falutcD br tbe name of gojDjin refufing falfe bcno;?, be DiD aD^ monitbtbe^ tbcgiDDne0U>berinberr^ celleDjtuas t^t gmDneffe tbat fbcUicD in flci,be cculD not banc ben auauccD to fucb beigbtb> but ^ goD fijUlD banc DifagrctD tititb bimfelf. Ii5ut tbi0 controuerfie Paul Dotb luel take atoap, teacbingi?betDa0cgall toitb i?atbcris tnbegotte anD tjnfatbionsD. gl UnotM tbat mant! quickenofcn men do goju tuojObipp^rs of tbe fatber,but tljes tbv^ttDo.j(l)ip bi?/n in fpirite anu fruttc: lobertpou folloluetb anotber tUtiz^^ be? caufe Cb.nlt cotbe tjnber a bcao tmutt tbe office of a f eacber, be Dotbc geue tbe name of 0orj to tbe fat!)er,itot to tbe cn^ tznt to oeftro^e brs otone dDcobcaOjbut b? Degrees to lift ts tp tnito it. 2^- )l5ut in tb^s tbct? are Deceiuea,^ tbet? Djeame of certaine l)nDeuiDeD Cngular tbings tuberof ecbebauea part of tbeef* fence. )3i\t b? tbe fcriptures lue teacbe, tbat tbcr is but one effentialli? dDoD, ano tbcrcfo^c tbat tbe elTencc as toell of tbe ^on as of tbe l^ol? gboft is tjnbegottr. l!5ut fo;fomucb as t'Qt fatber is in ojDer laugb at tifis-, tljat toe gatber tbe Dil!in* \ fira,anD batb of bimfclfe begotten bl?5 rtion of pcrfons out of tbe too^Ds of ^0? fes,tDberbe b;ingctb in^oDfpcafetng tbus:llet bs maUe ma after our image. But y>tt tbe goDli? reaDers do fa botoe tjainli' anD fontjlv ^ofes Ibulo b;ing in tbisas a talU of oiuers togetber,if tber to ere not in CDoD mo perfons tban one. jpioto certain is it, tbat t\)t\> tobom tbe jf atber fpaHc tnto, toere t)ncrgatc:but notbingistjncrcatc but (0oDbT?»tirelfe, tea tbe one only CDoD. jjlotoc tberefo.ze iinlcs tbe? graunt tbat y potoer of crea^ ting toas common^anD tic auf bo^it^ of commaunotng common to tbe jfatber, tbe &cn,anD tbe l^c!^ gboa : it Iball fo# loto ^ d^oD DiD not intoarDl? tbns fpcab to bimfelfe, but DirecteD bt?s fpeacbe to otber fo^ien too^Umr .iFinaUt,one place fftalleafil? anftoer ttoo of tbeir obiecti^ ons. f[0} tobereas Cb;ift bimfelfe pjo? nouncctb tbat dDoD is a fptrit,tbistoere notconuenientto be rcCtraineototbe ifatber onlt,as if tl)t WHom bimfelfe toere not of fptrituall nature. 3lf tbcn ti)C name of Spirit Dotbe as tocU agree toitibtbe fon as toitb ^ fatber , 3) gatber tbat tbe fon is alfo comp^cbrac^ t^uDcr toifeDcme, tberefo.ze rigbtfuU? as is a^ boue fa^De, \)tm countco t\^ onginall f fountaine of al tbe dDoDbeao. ^0 dDoD inDefinitel)? fpoHen,is bnbegotten,f tijs fatber alfo in rcfpect of perfon i$ tjnbc gatterf. jSlnD fu)li(l)l? tbev tljinht ^ t\)z\f gatber, ttiatli^ our meaning is mabe a quatemitr,bicaufe falfl? anD cauillouf^ l? ti)t^ afcribe bntc t)s a Deuife of tijcir otone fa jainc, as tbougb toe d^d fap ne, tbat b? Deriuation tbere come tb;eE per^ fo^ out of one effence: tobereas it is Z' ui^ent bv our to;vtings,tbat toe Do not D^ato tbe perfons out of ttje elTence, but alttougb iMt'^!^ be abt'Ding in tbe e0ence toemaheaDiffinction bettoe^netbem. iftbc perfons toere feuereD from tbe effence,tben peraDuenture tbeir rcafon toer l\?kc to betruc.But b^ i| meanc it fijulD be a S^rinit? of goDs,f not of per^ fon0,tobicb one (DoD conteinetb in bim. ^G is tl)eir foo quettion anftocreD,tobe tbcr § elTccc Do mete to mahe bp § 2Cri* nitv, as tbougb toe did imagin ^ tbere Defcenoc tb.zec (©oDs cut of it. 0nD tiy^s erception grotoetb of lube f©li(biteCfe) tobcre iW fatctbat tbcn tbe SUrinitie fboulD God the Creator. l^ouU) be tuitfjout dPoD. ifo j tfjougfje if mete not to make tip tljc Ditttnttton ns a part o^ a member, ^et neitfjer arc tbc perfons tuitljout it, noj out of it 515c* caufe f fatber if be lucre not C'oo, c oulo not be tbe fatber , anu tbe fbnne is none otbertoirctbefonnc, but bccaufe htis (DoD. 2:ac far tberfo;e,tl)at tbe goDb^a^ tj5 abfolutelT? of if felfc. txaberebu toe graunttbat tbe fonne infomucbasbe 15 dDoDjis of bimfelf tuitbout rcfpcrie of bispcrfon, but in fo murbacbcistbe fonne, txie far fbat be itf of tbe fatber.^o bt0 dimcc ij5 tjoitbout beginning, but i beginning of i}iB pcrfon is (SoO brm^ fclf.ano tije true teacbing tu^vterg tbat in olD time baue fpohcit of tbe STrinitr, baue onir applicD tbts najne fo tbe pcr< fons,fo^ fo mucb as it toere not onlp an abfuroe erroj, but alfo a grofe tjngoDlr* ne5 to compjebenu tbe eCfcnce in tbe Di- ftinttion, jfo; tbep tbat tuiU baue tbcfc tl)m to mette,fbecirenee,tbe fonne,ana ^t boir gboff , it is plaine tbat tber uoe Dettror t])t cffence of tbe fonhc anb ^t boir gbott,fo;i elfe tbe partes iorncD fo* getber IdouId fall in fonoer, l»bl?cb is a fault in euerr DilJinrtion.iFinallt? if tbe ifatber t tbt ^onne toere S>inonime0 o; fcucral names fignifvnng one tbing, fotbci?atbcr Oiulo betbe(DoDmaUer, anb notbing fijoulo remaine in tbe &on butaOjaooiu, anu tbe 2Lnnitie (boulo be notbrng els, but tbe io^nuig of one CDcD \}3itl) ttoo creatures. 3 6 Mberas tber obtert, tbat if Cbzitt be p;topcrlr ^on, fo tbat toe baue alreaor an* ftocreD,fbat bccaufe ui fucb places tber isacoparifonmaoe oftbc one|3erron f 0 t[)z otbcr,tbe name of gon is not tber intefinitclr taken, but reft rainco to f be ifatber onclr,irtfomucb as be is tbe be* giiming of tbe goDbcao, not in mafeing of cffcnce as ^ mao men no fonDlr ima* ginebutinrefpcct of oji3?r.3in tbtsmea^ _'_ _ FnllBool^c. ning ts coif nicD fbat facing of Cbitft to tbe ifatber fbis is tijc eternal life , tbat men beleue in tbe one true goD,f B!efus Cb:ifttobomtboubaftfcnt. ifo;ifpca* lung in t\)c |l3crfon of fbc ^eDiafo;^, be feepc tb ti)t Degree t is meane bettoan Cod anD mentanD tet is not bis mate* ffic tbcitr DiminitbcD.ifoj tbougb be a* baceDbinirclf,t'Ctbc left nottoitbKa^ tber bis gloiic tbat toas biDDcn before tbe tooilD.&o tbe :apoflle in fbc fecono Cbapifer fo ^ Hcbrucs, tbougb be cone feCTcfb tbat Cb.Jtft fo^ a fljo^f time toas abaccD benetb v Angels, yet be 0icttcfb not fo affirm toitbaL,^ be is i^ fame ef cr nalgoD ^ founoeD tbe eartb. ^e mud tberfo^e bote, tbat fo oft as Cb jift in ti)c pcrfon of tbe SpcDiaf oj fpeafectb to § fa* tbcr,t3nDertbT'snameof(£^oD is cop;ie;» bcDcD tfft goDbtaD tobicb is br^ alfo.^o tobcn be fa^D to tbe 0polHcs: it is p;ofi* table tbat Bl go bp to t^t fatber , bccaufe r fatber is greater . !^e geuefb not tjnf o bimfelf onelr r feconD Degree of goDbcD to be as f outbrng bis eternal elTcnce in^ feriotto tbe fatber, but bccaufe bauing obtaincD \} bcaucnlr glo^r.bc gafbercfb fogcfbcrtbefav'tbfull to r partafeingof if. ^cfettetbbis fatber intbebr^rbi^^ grce,infomucb as tbe glo;jious pcrfectio of b;iigbtnctlfe ^ appcaretb in f)cnutny Differctbfro tbat meafurc of glcjr tbat teas fan in bim being clofbcD \d flelb. after like mancr in an otber place, Paul fartb: tbat CWit fl^all relDc Dp r Hing* Dome fo(3?oD anD f)vs fatber, tbat Cod mar be all in all . Sbcrc is notbrng mo:eabfurDcfba fo ftiheatoar ctcrnall continuance fro tbe goDbcaD of Cb^ift. 3!f be fball neucr ccaffe f o be fbc fonne of CoD,but Iball altoar remarne tbe fame fbat be toas from tljt beginning , if fol* lotoctbfbaf'bnDer tbe name of tbe fa- tber is compicbcnDeD tl)c one cCTcncc ffjaf is common to tbnn bofb.^nD furc^ Ir fberefoje DrD Clnift DcfcenD bnto tis, rsi^T Ioh.17.3. \oh.16.7 1. Cor, If. 24. I Cap. 13- Of the knowledge of loh 1.1 \iSyt()xt lifting tjs Dp tjitto l)is fattier, &c misbt alfo lift tjs tip bnto Ijimfelf, in a5 mucb as ^e is al one toitb f)is father. 31^ i 3 t\)CYmc ne^t^er labjfuU no; rigbt,fo ejfcluSuel^ to reftrain tbe name of dDoD to tije fattjer, as to take it from tbe fon. if 0 J, 3|ol)n Dotft fo;^ this canfc aff irme t [)t is true €JoD,tt)at no man C&uls tljink tl^at fte reftetl) in a fecono Degree of go5^ IjeaD beneatb fjis fattjer.^no 3 maruell tDbat tbefe framers of neiwe ©oas Doe meane,^ tobile tl)e^ confes €ini^ to be true (^oo,T[!ettfjere tbep fo;tb)3D evcluDe Um from tbe gooIjeaD of Ij^s father, ^s tfjougb tijer coula ant? be a true goo but be tbat is tbe one (lDoD,o; as tbougb tbc CDoDbeaD poureo fro one to an otb^r* be not a certain ncto fo^jgeD imagination. 27 Mberas tinv bwp bp man? pliccs out of ireiieusjtybere be aSfinnetb tljat t\)c ifatber of Cb.aft is tbe onlg i eter.-* nal CDoo of Blfracl:tbat is e^tber Done of a Ib^meful igno;tance, o; of an ei^reme toickeDnes^ifoj tbe? ougbt to baue con^ \ (iDereD, tbat tben tbe bol? ma bad to do ' in Difputation \B>^ti Ujott pb^ati&e me, ' tbatDenieD tbat tbe ifatberof Cb;ille iuas t fame <3oti tbat in olD time fpa^e b? spofes anD tl)t ^iopbets,but tbat be loasBltootenot lubat imagineD tb?ng b^ougbt out of tbe cQ;ruptiQ of § 1jdo;Id» SDberefo^ebe altogetber trauailetbin tbis po?nt,to maUe it plain tbat tber is no otber c&oD p;cacbeD of iw tbe ^crip^ ture but tijt Jfatbcr of Cb;titt, anD tbat it is amis to Dcuifc an otber, i tberfo;ie it IS no maruel if be fo oft concluoe tbat tbcre toas no otber C'oD of Slfraell, but be tbat toas fpohen of bp €\jntt: anD tbe ^pollles.0nD in lifee maner notu^luber as tue are to ttao againll an? otber fo^t of erro;> toe ma? trul? fa? tbat tbegoD tDbic^ HI olDc time appcareD to tlit ifa^ tbcrs,traii none otber but €i)iiQ. ^^ut if an? ma obiert tbat it tuas tbe fatber, our auftoer is in reaomclTc, tbat l»bcn Lib.3, toe Itriue to DcfenD t\)t dDoDbeaD of t^t ronne,toe ercluDe not tbe fatber. 3f tbe reaDers take beDe to t^is purpofe of Ire^ ncus,all tbat contention fljall ceafe.^nD alfo b? ? fiict Cbapter of tbe tbirD boke, t\}^8 tobole Ilrife is e uDeD , tubere tbe goiD man ItanDetb al tpon h)is po?nte, to p;iouc ^ be iDbicb is in fcripture ab« folutel?anD inceftnitcl? calleD mav' bcleue tbe fatber anb tf)t fon ccbc in tbcir names ? perfcs.l^ercbp 31 tbinhe mat! be fuffuirtlr cofuteD tbet^; impuoencrtbatfcUe to begilctbefim* pie yjo couler of Tertullians autbojitpe. 29 anD furel? lubofoeuer Ibal biligent^ [^ compare togetber tbe to.:ttings off olD autbc;s,(bal finDe no otbrr tbing in Ireneus, tba tbat tobicb batb ben taugbt bp otber tbat came after, luftmcisone of tbe auncientcif, anb be in all tbings ootb agree \s)^ bs. ^et let tbem obicct tbat be as tbe reft Do,cal!etb tbe ifatber of Cbjiff tbe onip gob. SEbe fame tbing ootb Hilarieteacb,rea,i fpeafeetb mo^t barDelr,tbat tbe eternit^e is in t\)i if a* tber.)i5ut botb be tbat to tafee atoa^ tbe effence of ©oD from ti)t fonnef ^ittj ret is be altogetber in Defence of tbe fame ifaitl) t!)at toe fclotuc^ct are tbep not albameD to picljc out ccrtaine mangleD frntences toberbp tt)cv UjouId pcrfuaDe tbat Hilarie is a patronc of tbcir crro.:. 2^bere i^t^ b;tng in Ignatius : if f be^ tuil baue tbat to be of an^ autbojiti,lct tbr p;ioue tbat tbe apollles maDe a laUi fo;j lent, f fucb liUe corruptions of rcli' gion. j^iotbing is mo je bnfauo;rc tban tbofe fonD trifles tbat are publilbcD bn^ Der f name of Ignatius. mbcrfo;e tlKiv impuDence is fo muci)lcs tolerable tbat Difguifc tbcmfclucs fcitb fucb bifo^s to Dcceiue.9$o;eouer,tbecofent of tbe an* cientifatbcrs is plainly percc^ueD b^ tbis,tbat at tbe counfell of Nice, Amus ncucrDurttalleDgefo.j biutfelf tbeau* Spirit a potion of tbe lDbole:altbougb tbo;:itr of ani? one allolocD tujitcr.^nb It be a barb feinD of fpeacbe, let is it er^ ' none of tbe Grckes oj Latines ootbe cr* cnfable,becaufe it is not referreb to the j cufe bimfelfe anP fay, tbat be DiCfentctb from FoI.3f;. \ Cap. 14. Of the knovvledsie of 40. t2U i from tijem tfjat toere befo;^e. 3it mnttl) not to be Tpofeen Ijotu Auguftm, tobom tbofe lords DO matt bate, baft) Dtltgr tir f f arfbeo tbe to?^ting« of tbem all, aiiD botuereuerentl^ be Dio emb^cetbem. SDrul? euen in matters of leaft ^xitiqfyt be ^leth to Cbcto ^W copelletb bim to oiO^ent from t\)tm, ^no in tbis matter, if be baite refi mv tbinguoutful 0; Dark in otber,be bioctb it not. But § Doctrine tii^t tbefe men ftriue againff ,be tafectb it as cofelTeD, tbat from J fartbett time of antiquit)? it batb ben tutitbout cotro^ uerfp receiueD. ^nry br one tuojD it ap^ pe aretb t'i^at be luas not ignorant to!)at other ba!) taugbt befoje \}^m, tubere be faiPtb tbat in tbe ifatber is bnit^, in tbe firS botjc of Cbiiainn Dortrin, U)il tl)et» fa •? tbdt be tbcn fo;gate bimfelf:? But in an otber place be purgetb bimfclf from fiicb repjocb?* twbere be calletb t\^ ifa* tber £be beginning of § tubolc goDbeaD, becanfe be is of ncneicoGDering in DeDe fcifel^ tint the name of <^oD i» fpe ceaU l\? afrrtbcD to tbe ifatbcr, becaufe if tbe beginning Ibouloe not be recUeueD at bim,tbe (ingle bniti?e ofdDoD can not be conceiueD.B]? tiiis 3 truft tbe goDl^ rea Der toil perceiue tbat all tbe cauillatios areconfuteD,lDberU)itb ^atan batb be* tberto attempteD tojjeruert o> oarhen tbe pure ttath of Doctrin.if inall? 3i trutt tbat tbe ttJljole fum of Doctrine intbi?s po^nt is fuUp DeclareD, iff reaDers toil temper tl)tm of curioQt^,an5 not mo.je greoil^ tban mete is, feUe fo; cobcrfom anD entangleD oifputations.jlfoj 3 tahe not in baD to pleafe tbem, tbat do oelite in an bntemperatc Defire of fpeeulatio. Cruelp Bi baue omitteD notbing of futi tie purpofe ^ J thought to mafeeagainft mc.But tubile | ttuDt? to eoifi? f djurcb 3 tbougbt it bell, to leaue man^ tb^ngs bntoucbeotobicb botb fmall^ piofiteo, anD tuoulD greue ttft rcaoers lii^tb fu^ perfluoas teDioufnes.ifo;to tobat piir* pofe ioer it to Difpute, loi^etber tt)t ifa* tberDoeallTja^begettef ifo^afmucbas itisfoU^eto fa^ne a continuallacteof begetting, fitb it is tui^mt tbat from cternitie,tbere '^^m ben t^^^ jaerfons inCDoD. The xjiii. ChApiter. That tlie Scripture cuen in the creation of the vvorlclc,ancI ofall things: doth by ccrtame markes put difference betvvcne the true God,aiid famed Gods. A lltbougbe Cfa^ Dotbe too?tl)elv •^pjocb t\)Z *JDo;a)ippers of falfe go re^ pjocb tbe \JDo;a)ippers of falfe goDs txi|?v b floutbruineirc , fo; tbat ttje^^ baue noilearneijbptbe t>er^ founDations of tbe cartb, ano rounD compos of tbe bea* \MtmMi';it\i is tbe true ©oD : ^et fticbe istbcDu'jiestinDgrofenes of our ^it, tW. ica5 tijc i^itbfuH OjoulD fallatoape to ti)c iniienticns of tbe Gcntils, it toas ne;eaarptoiwue dDoD mo^e erp;e(Eel^ ^tiintt^ out bnto tbennjFo^ toberas tbe fakii ? ^ ©oa is t\^ miiiD of tbe toojlD, i^J)ica i^ coji >teD tbe moH tolerable De? rcr:;jar3]i^is fou^ aniou^tlie pbilofo-' pbers,is hvd bain, if bebonetb bs mo^c familiarly to knotn bim,leaft toe altoai toauer in Doutfnlnes, 2Dberfo;c it toas bis pleafure to baue an biff otobo Spofcs batb DcclarcD to be tbe maUer 1 builoer of t^z too^lo. SCbcr is firft fet fo;tb tbe time, ^ bp c6^ tinuall pjocecDing of i?crc6,tbe faitbfuU mttjbt come to tbe firfl; o;iginall of ma^ feinDe,^ of al tbings. csabieb knotoleoge is berp neceSUrv?e, not onlpe to confute tbofe monftrous fables ^ fomtinie toer fp;eD God the Creator. FirfiBook'C, fp^cD in CSgipt aiiD otftcr parteis of tf)e tuo;lD,but alfo, tljat ^ bcginnins otti)t Uio:lD once being fenotcnctbc eternity of <^oB ma^ mo;c clcarel^ fljine fo;tb f rauill^e Ms in aDmiration of it. i^eitbcr ougtjttoetobcan^ttjing moucD \jo^tl) tbat tjngoDlpniocbe, tbat it ita maraell tDbre it came no foncr in tbe minue of <©oD to mafee tbe be aucn an«3 f be cartb? f tobp be fitting iclc, DiD fuffcr fo im^ mefurable a fpace to paflTc atuar^fitb be mougbt baue maoe it manp tboufamjc a5C0 bcfojc:tubera0 tbe tobole continue ante of tbe toojlD tbat noto Djatoetb to an tnii,is not vet come to tin tboufanD ^trc8, ifoncitber toer it profitable fo; tjs to bnoto i^xt tb^ng tDbicb <35oD bimfelfe to p;^oue § moDeftp of our ifaitb,batbeof purpofc toiUeo to be i)i^^tn, ^nn U)eU nih tbat goDIp oloe man fpeake,tDbicb toben a luanton fcl^^ loUi bio in fco^n uemaunD of bim,ltibat ©OB bao bone before t\)z creation of tlje too?lD,anrujercD tbat be builoeo bel fo; curious MtsM t\^is grauc ano fcuere tuarniwgrcp^effe tbe toantonncs tbat tiOiltti) manv rea anb ojtiuetb tban to eucll ano burtfuU fpccnlations . Sfv nail V let ts remember tbat tbefame itu ttiUblc antonnc0, bccaufetbep bencus 1 tBamebmbavne, (ball all to latefdi^ toitbbojribleuelf ruction, botu mud; it bab ben better fo; th^ rcuercntl^ to re^ cetnie tbe ferret counfcis of 0oD,tban to bomite out blafpbemirs, to obfc are tbe beaucntoitbaU. ^inb rigbtlr ^^i^) ^^- gurtine ccmplfline tbat Uvong is Done to e-o^ luben furtber caufe of tbings is fougbt fo;,tban bis onlv UJillXijefamc ma in an ctbcr place Qotb toifclv ^arn tis,tbat it is no IcOe euell to moue que? ttion of immcafurable fpaccs of times fgan of places.jfo; bo to b;xjaD foeuer f circuitieoftbebeauenis, v^ttstbere fomemeafure of it. ^oU) ifonefbouto quarclllcitbCDoD fo; t tbe emptinelTe tDberin notbing is conteineo.is a biiD;eD times mo;e,(ball not all v Gobl^ abbo;re fucb toatonncffef Jnto like maoncs run t\)t^ tbat buCe tbf felues about Oous fit- ting Hill, becaufe at tfjeir appointment be maue not p tDo;lo ijmumerable ages foner. %o fatiffie tbeir oton grttDinetle ofminb,tbevcouettopatre \3)ii:l)tmttbc compafliDoftbe tuo;lD,as tbougb in fo large a titmite of beaur anb eartb,tbev coulD not finbe tbings enougb tbat toitb tbeir inelhmable b^igbtneffe map ouer* lt)bclmeallourfcnfes:as tbougb in fire tboufanD scares (DoDbatb not I^etoeD eramples in continuall confioeration, luberof our mines mav be crercifeD.lLe t bs tberfoje iUiUinglv abise enclofeD Vo- in tbofe bounoes Uibertoitb it pleafeo ©oDto cnuiron bs,ano as it mere to pen bp our minbes tbat tbe^IboulD not firav ab;oab iuitb liberlie of tuan^ D?ing. 2 if o: li^e reafon is it tbat iVJofes De^ claretb, tbat f Uio;k of goo toas net en:: beo in a mfl.ticr.t but m fire bares . ifo; br t'is circuuanciJ Ite arc ii3ttbu;wU)en fre SijjgeD inuentions to v cne onlg (Sod cbat oet{iDcDb»>too;k i.to Gvetim^y ^ tf ^3^rii;r.j,grcaet'3(to be cctnpieb j'>' 2 time of our life iiucficer . f f if . fry; Cap.14- Of the knowledge of ti)Ott3i)oarei?e0,tui)at ioa^ fouer toe' tarn tljcm, are compcUea to lo^e tpon t\)t too :fes of (H5oD,^ct fee toe !)oto fidilc oar beat) is,! if an^ goulp t^ougljtes oo toud) ti0, boto fonc t^e^ patTe atoai?. i^creagainc marines reafon murmn^ rctb as tljougl) fuc!) pjoceDings toere tjifagreing fro tbe potoerof®oD,tn^ till fuel) time as being maDe fubiert to tbc obcoicce of Jfaitb, fl)e learn to Uepe ti)atrcft toberuntotf)e tjaiiotoingof v tiij.Da^ calletl) t)S» llBut in f Deri' o^oer of tUma, is Diligently to be confioereu the fatberli? lone of (©otJtotoarD man^ feiuD,in tt)is:^ be DiD not create ^uam bntilbebaofto^ieotbe tooUo toitb all plenty of gcon tbings.jfo^ if be bat) plaj» ccD bini in tbc eartb tobile it toas vet barrt i emptie,if be bao geuen bim life before ^ tbere ujas an^ ligbt, be fijoulo bane femeti not fo tosll to pjouiDe fo? bis .omouitie. y^ut noto tobcrc be firft DifpofcD f motios of tbe ^un f tbepia* nets fo; tbe t)f e of man, i f arnilbeo tbe eartbjtbe toaters 1 1\)^ aire ^ii^ lining creatures,! b;jougb fo.Jtb aboiioance of fruites to fnffice fo; fcooe, taking tjpon bim tbe care of a Diligent t pzouiDcnt boufebolDer,bc CbetoeD bis marnellous bountie totoarD t)s. 3Sf a man Do mo;e beoefull^ toev in bimfelfe tbofe tbings tbat J DO but fi}o;tlv toufbe, it (ball ap^ prare tbat Mofo toas tbe fure toitnes anD publifber of tbc one cDod § creato;* 3 omit bere tbat tobicb 31 bauealreaD^ DeclarcD, tbat be fpeahetb not tber onl^ of tbe bare eCTcnce of dDoD , but alfo fet^ tctb fojtb Dnto tjs bis eternal toifeoom anD .^pirtte, to t\}t enDc toe IboulD not ujeamc tbat ©oD is an^ otfjer, tba fucb as be toil be knotoen bp t[je image tbat be tiatb tbere erpicCTcD, 3 But before 1 3 begin to fpeafte moje at large of tbe nature of ma,3 muft fav fametobat of angels. )l5ecaufe tbougb Mofcs applying bimfelf to tbc ruDcnes of tbe common people recttetf) in Us hU fiozp of tbe creation no otber tooths of «nb as it lucre oucr^ runningl^} toucb tbe: it tbaUbe alfo our buetie to be content not to Unoto tbofc thimcs that bo not profite bs» 4 JDbat tbe 0ngels,fo;armucb as fbei? are tbe miniftcrs of gon orbc^nco to ep ecute bis coamiaunbenicntes^ are alfo bps creatures, it oitgbt to be certainly? out ofall quefiio.SEo mouc Dcubt of tbe t^me am o;Der p tfjc^ lucre crcateb itiy ibo'.ilo it net ratber be a buf^ tuavtuarD ncflfc t{)a biligenre i Mofcs beclaretb ^ tbe earrb U?ns mabc , anb tbe be^uens trcfe ma'ot , buitb all tbeir armies , to U'bat purpofe tljca is it, curioiiGrto feard;, U'bat ba^ tbe otber more fee rete 1 armrcB of ijcaue bcfiee tbe ffarrcs anb | planets 6rll began to be i ^ut, becaufc 31 Uiill not be (ong,let bs,as in i U)bole boarine of religion, fo bere alforeme^ ber tbat toe ougbt to feeepe one rule of mobettie anb fobrietie, tbat of obfcure tb^ngcs iDc neitber fpeabe^nortbinhe, nor ^ct bcfire to fenoto anp otber thin^ ges tban tbat batb bene taugbt bs bp tht tDorbe of CDob : anb an otber point,tbat in reaoing of Scripture lue continually reft bpon the fcarcbing anb ttub^ing of fucb tbrnges as pertain to cbification, anb not geue our felucs to curiofitie o; aubi? of tbinges bnprofitable ♦ janb be^ caufe it teas cSobs pleafure to inftructc bs,not in tricing que ftions,but in foub Sot)lineire,feare of b^s name, true con* fioence,! unties of bolinelTe : Ictbs reft bponfuc!) iinotDlcbse.Mberfore>if tue iuill be rigbtlp luife, lue muft leaue tbofe banities tbat iole mf baue taugbt toitbout tcarrant of tfje toorbe or tbat fucb mat? ters as tbrs,arc b^ manr more grcbil^ taken bolDecf,anD are more plcafaunt bntotbcm tban fucb tbinges aslpein Dailr bfe . "iSut if it greue bs not to be J fcbolers of Cbrift>let it not greue bs to fcUotoi^ortscr of learning tbat be batb appointee . ^o (ball it fo come to paCe, tt^ht being contenteb tpi!b bis fcbolnig, iDc ftjall not onclr forbcarc but alfo ab^ borre fuperfluous fpeculationr. , from tnbich be'callctb bs atuap, ^o nmi can ben\?, tbat the fame Demfc.uib. tfocuer ma be toas, batb bifputrb mant tbings botb fubtilh^ % \i)itti\v in his Hierarchic of beaucn: but if a ma :rariunc it more nerel\?,bc tball finoc tbat for t w^oft part it is but rnrre babling . 15ut tlje rmeti^ full t3ui*porcofabinineis,not tn nelitt eet b?. s:bcr are nameo armies , bcr aufe | oftentimes tol^ere mention is mace of tbi^t? tso Ifije a garti enuiron t^eir prince, all § Angels in tcoe tbr^ name is geue anD uo at)o;nc f fet fo;jtl) tbc ^cno;jablc tjnto tfje. 0nD ^ ougl)t to fame no mar^ l^eliD cf br^ maiclli> , au^ liKe foulDiers [ utlSfo^ if tljis fjono; be gcue to p;jinccs r^ofCDoDjfo^ ttjis caufe alio t^c^are calleD tb^onrs: ttongb of tbis (aff name 31 Uiill not ccrtainl)j fav > beranfe an Cf tbcr cjcpofiticn Dotb cjtljcr ac ivcl oj bet# ter agree \s)it'i) it IBvt (fpcfeing notbing of tbat name) tbe bclr SbeS often tfetb tljofc otbcr former names to auaunce f Dignitieof V miniftcr\; of angels, if c^ it txiere not reafon ^ tbefc inOrumcnts (boulD be let paffc toifljout bonc^ , bp tobom <25oD totb fpcc iaU\? (betu tbe p;e^ fence of bis maiellie. ^ea fc; ^ reafon tbe? are manv times calleb dDocs , be^ caufeinfbetrminilieri?asin a Ichi'ng glaflDe t})t\> partly' repjefent bnto ts tbc D2.7,io, t\)iy> are altuav attenbing bpon tbe en^ ftgnc of tbcir captain, i are euer fo p^e^* pared f in rcabinellc to Do i^yiB comaun^ Bementes, ^ fo fcone as be botb but bcc* km to t^emM"^ prepare tbcmfcluc s to tBo^b, 0; ratber be at tbeir tjuo;k alrea# br.^wcb an image of tbe tb;one of 0oo to fef out b^s ro^alticpf otbcr p;opbcts bo befcribe , but p;tnctpa!lr DamclJ, tDberebefartbjtbattubfndDobfat bim bolun in \)^s tb.:one of iuDgcmcnt,tbere UffiDe b^ a tboufanD tbourani),anD tcnne tboufanD companies of ten tbcufanocs of Angels, ^m bccaufe (I?ct) ootb b^ tbf marueiloua^ (bciju fojtb ano Declare tbe migbt I ftrengtb of bvs banD , tbcrefo^e il)t\> are namcQ Itrengtbes , becaufc be eicercifctb ano bfctb brs autbo^itie in i iuo^lD bv tbem, tbcrfo;je tber are fome^ time callcD pjincipalitie Jomtime potu*' crs, Ibmetime Dominions . ifinallt? be^ caufe in t^em as it toere Mtctl) tbe glo:' anD gouerno;js, tbat in tbeir office tbep IfanD in tl}t ff ebe of €oD ^ is foueraign feingf iuDge,mucb greater caufe tbcrc is tobr it IboulD be geue to tbe Angels, in tobom § b;tigbtncs cf ^ glo^^v of ©oD nuicb mo^ieabounDantlr fijtnetb* 6 )i5ut tf)t fcripturc Uanbetb moH bp^* onteadjingbstbatjtubicb might moil make to our comfort $ confirmatioi:of fa\>t^ : tl)at is to fcuete,tbat \> 0ngels are tbe Drffributers anD aDnmiifi rnto;js of C'oos bountie totuarD bs. OnD tbcrfc je tbe fcripturc recitctt),thatii}t^ tuatcb fo;i our fafetie:tbci? tafee bpon tbem tbe Defence of bs^tbcr Direct our tuaics^tbep tafec care tbat no burtfull tbrng bet^De bnto bs . %\}t fentences are bniuerfall, tobicb p^jincipalli? pertain tc J.io. z.Kin.ip 3^ Era.37. 3(5. DA.to.13 «t.l2.1 I Ma 18.10 ijanoc0,leaft ttjou cfjauncc to fjit tt))? feet againft a ffonc.jat^mn, 2Dftf angel of (» iLo;iD HanDet!) rouno about tbcm tbat fearc f)im,f Ip Dott) Deliacr ttjr . MTftcr? b^CUoo (fectoetl) tfjat be appomtetfj to bi0 ^ngc!s tfjc Defence of tfjem , foljoni be batb taken in baD to feepe. after tbiJ? o com mauntjetbb^r to b^ rcconctUjo tobcr maiftreffe.^oD pjomifetb to Abraham bisfcruantanangcltobetbe jjiiioe of bis i8urnev\lacob in blcCting of (i£pb;a=« im anu spanaffes p^mti), ibat tbe an* gell of tbe ^o;0 b^ ttrbo be bimfelf baD bcnrjeliueieo from all euell ma^ make ti^tm p^ofper. &o tbe angel lua0 fet to DcfentJ tbe trnf es of tbe people of gfraci anofooftasit pleafcD dDoa to refhuc ifriiel out of tbe baOB of tbeir cntmitSy be raifeu t>p reuegers b^ tbe minitote ijf angelg. ^0 finally (to tt)t enD 5 ncto noetorebearfemant?moe) tbe angelsf miniHrcD to €l)nSif tbcre reatJi? alli^ ftentto bim in all necelTtties, SEbcr b;iougbt tiuing^ to tbe loomen of bis re furrectioanototbe Difciples ofbt^glo^ riouscomming» anofo to fuiail tbcir office oftjefensingts^b^^S figbt againil tht ocutl ano al enemies jf Da t%cttntz t\)t tcngtance of an? gell of tbe ^^crfuns, f tbe angcH of ti;)c Grecians be Qjelxjctb tW^t meant, v tbere arc to UingDomejs anD pjouinces certain angels appofteD' as aoucrno,:^. anD Ujben Clniit fartl) tbat tbe angels of cbilDje DO altuar bcbolD tljt face of i Firll Booke. FoTJaT i?atbcr,be femetbto meane, tbat tbere are certaine angels to tobo tbe prefer* uAtion of tbem is geuen in cbarge.li5at 31 can not tell tobctber lue oaj^t tberbp to gatber,tbat euer^ one batb Ub angel fet ouer bim . %5ut this is to be bolDen f8;i ttrtAintie,tt)eit not one angcll onlp batb care of euer^ one cfbs, but f? tbe? alb^onecofent Do toatcftfo; oar fafe* ttr.iro; it isTpo^cn of al tl)t angds to^ getber, t^ ti)C]> mo;c reijo^ceof one fin* ner couertcD to repentac5,tba of nrntie I npnc iuft tbat baue ItanD fiill in tljeir rigbteoufnes.anD it is faiD of moe an* gels tban one, t tl^^\! coueieo § fcule of ^la^arus info t\)c bofome of ab^abam. anD not)330«t cauicDiD Clijeusfljeiu to bis feruantfomait^ ficr? cbariotc^^ iorre peculiarly appointeo fo^ Urn , )15at one place tbe re is^ feemctl; mojcr plain tban tbe rctt to p,:ouc tbis point. i!o.: toben peter being b;ougbt out of pjifcn fenocUcD at tljc D©; es of {> boufe,. tabcrc tbe b;et!j;f iDcr aCTembleo, tobf tbei coulD not imaginjc: g it luas bc^tbep fato it tuas bisangell.it HiulD feeme | tbis came in tbeir minDb? tljecommo opinion,tbat to euerv^ of tbe faitbfal arc affigneD tbeir angels fo^ gouemo^s. aibeitrrt bere it nu^ be anftueren ^ it mav iDd be, itotlDitbltnoingan? tbing tl)at tfjere appearetb , ^ toe mav tbink it toas anr one angeIl,to tobo OoD baD geuen djarge of peter fo; tiiittim:^ f tct not to be fjis continuall fea:per ; as ti)t comma peopli* do imagintbat tberc areappointcD to eueri? onett?jo a^^gels, as it toerc Diuerfe gbolfes,agaiD angel anD a baD.l!5ut it is nofiuo^tb tcauaile, curiouQpto fearcb fo.: tbattobicI}Dotb not nuicb impo;it bs to Imolu . irojif tbis DO not content a man,p allDegrcES oftbcarmp of beaueoo toatcbfo;^ bis fa I fctie,3 Do not (ct tobat be ca be tbe bet? ter,if be tsnoerminD t tbere is one an? geUpecnliarlrappcintcD to feepebim. ~f[.i}.. ant?: Lu.i;.7. Lu,i6 23 .Ki 16. »7. A.CtjL2.iy[ Gip.J4 Dan 12. 1. 1 hc.4, \6. Of the knovvled2:e of 'Mat.2/5. [Da.7.10. Pf.348. It'jij ti)z^ \x){)icl) reftra^n tjnto one 0n^ ltd tbc rare tijat ingfebabmaKvtrou blefome Do call in Donbtjis to be bolDcn fo; ccrtaintie, t Angels are miniUring ^piritcsjtobofe feruicc Bl baue before aUegeD,tubereare reciteD tboufanDs f legions of jangels : tubere iop i$ geoen bnto tbemtloberc it is faiD tbat tbep bpbolD tbcfaitbfull luitb tbeir banD£f,anDcar^ tbeir feules into reft: tbat tbcr fa tbe face of the i?atbcr, amj fucb libe : tbereare otber places tcbcr^ b^ iB clerelr pjoueD, ^ tbep are in DeeD Spirits of a nature tbat batb fubftace. ifo; tuberas Stephen anD Paul DO fai?,^ tbe lato teas geuen bi? tbe banD of ^n* gels^aiiD Cb;ift fartb> tbat tbe elect af^ ter tbe refurrcctio Ibalbe lifee bnto 2\h gels : tbat tbe Dai? of iuDgementis not fenotoen to tbe berv ^ngeljg-.tbatbe ftjal tben come luitb bis bolt .Angels : boU)^ foeuer tbepbetD.:itbeD, vet muft ^t^ fo bcbnDerftanDeD.i.ibeluifclube Paul cbargetbTimothc, before Cbjift anD bis cbofen 0ngels, to bepe bis com^ mauuDementes, be meanctb not qua* iiticB 0} infpiratios luitbout (ubftance but terr ^pirites.anD ctberloife it fta Detb not togctbf r tbat is tojitten in jbcgpiftletotbe ^ebjues,tbatCbnft IB Aa.7.0 et.Ga 3, 19. Mat. 22. 30.et.24 37.3''Ct. Ct.2,l5. He b.i2. j God Lu.9.2($ 10 become mojeerccHent ffea angete, I. I'lm.;. tt)at tl)C to3;l3eis not maoc fubict to 2»- t^?:toat C!)uft toUc tjpon tjim not t'bcir Heb.1.4 nature but tljc nature of man.^lflue mcane not v bleffeo fpiritcs , to tubom mas tijefe comparifons agree i jHnD tljz autbo;i of tftat epiitle cppoanoetf) l^pm felfc inhere fje placets in tfte binflOome of beauen tlje fotilcs of tfjc fa^tl^full ano tbe bolv angclfl togetber. 0iro tbe fame tint toe baue aire iD)? allegen, tbat tbe angels of c!)ilo;jen DO altua^ befjolo tbe faceof©oi),tbatttjcpDo reio^e at our rafette,tf)at tbe^ marnell at tbemant!* foloc grace of (!5oi3 in tlit Cfjurct) , tl)at tl)es are fubiect to €i)n^^\)t beao , SCo ttje fame purpofc feruct^ tbps.tljat tbep fo oftappeareD to ^ ^olp fatbcrs in tbe fo;me of men,t!jat tfjei? talkcD t6 tbem, tbattljeptoereloogeo toittjtbem. Bno Ct);tia bimfelf fo^ tlje p^incipall p^cmt* nence tbat fje Ijatlj in ti)t perfon of tbe ^eoiato;t is calleo an 0ngell . %\)^b J tbougtjt gtDO to toucb by> t\)t toaf ,to fur^ ntXtt ^ fimple \s)iti^ Defence againU tbofe fcoUfb f reafonle(r3 opinions, tbat ma^ n^ ages agoc ra\?fc9 hyt ^atan do noto ano t\)m fpnng ijp againe» I o jjioto it reftctb, ^ toe fah to mate toitb ^ fuperftttion tobicb is common^ lV'toonttocrttpein,tobere It is fapo: tbat Angels are tbe minifters t Deliue^ rers of all gtoD tbings tjnto tjs . if o;^ b^* anobs man0 reafo falletb to tbiis point, to tbink t tberfo^e ail bono; ougbt to be geuentbem. ^ocometb it to paffe tbat tbofe tbings tobicb belong onel^ to tljat the Creator. t-n-jt bookT Paul bimfelf baD mucb to do toitb kmc iol 43. \3i})it^ fo auaunccD ^ngelts , tbat tfjer? iji maner tooulD baue bnuglit CbMtt bnDcr fubiertion.0nD tberfo^c be Dotb fo carefully? p?effc tbis point in bis CpiCie topColomans,tbat€b;ia isnctonclp Col 1 16 to be p;efcrreD befo;re all 0nge!s , but tijat be is alfo tbe autbo^ of all tbe g©D tbinges tbat tbcf baue to tl)c enD to"e 0joulonotfo;faUebpm anD turnetnfo tbem, tobicb cannot (umdmtli^ belpe tbcmfelues, but are fapne f 0 D;iato out of tbe fame fountatne ^ toeDo . ^urel^ fojafmucb as tbere fijinetb in tbf a ccp tain b^igbtncffe of tbcmaiclfpc of CDoD, tbere is notbing toberunto toe are mo?c cafili? cnclineDjtban \jb a certain aomi* ration to fall Dotone in toojlbippingof tbem,anD to geue tinto tbem all tbmgcs tbat are Due onelp to CDoD.^bicb tbing lohn m tt)t Keuelation confeCTetb to baue cbaunceD to bim(elf,bnt be aDoetb toitbXll)tbat bereceaueD tbrs anftoere. &0E tbi5ii DO it not.jfo; 3 amtb^felloto feruamii^toojKjip CDoD* 1 1 ^ut tbT7S Daunger toe C^ll toell be^ toare of, if toe Do confiDer tobi? to eafe bsm of tbe barDneffc tberof. ffiSbis tber<^ foje mafeetb foj i comfort of our toeak^ neOe, fo ^ toe toant notbing tbat mas auaile our minDes,eitbcr in raifing tbe tjp in ga)3 bope, 0 j confirming tbe in af* furance. %iis one tbing ougljt to be c* nougb i enougb again fo;i ts,^ tbe lo;^D affrrmctb tbat be is our pjotecto;^. IHZut tobile toe fee our felucs bcficgro toitb to ir.iit. man^ t Cap. 14- OFthc knovvlcclgco man^ DansjerSjfo manr fjurtftU tljings, fo manv Uinoes of encm\?c£5 : it mav be (fucb is our loealutcffc anD fmiltte)t^at toe be fometime fiUcD luitb trembling fearc,oj fall fo; Defpar JCbnlelTe § ILojD after tbe pjopo^tion of our capacitic Ho mahebstoconceiuebrs pjerence,^^ tbi^nieanebcnotortcli? p^omifetft tfmt iit toill Ijaue rare of 133 , but alfo tljat be ^atb an innumerable garoe te tobom be tjath geuen in cbarge to trauell fo; our fafetic, f tbat fo long as toe be copalTet) luitb p garrifon « fuppo;toftbfjti'batfo euer oaunger betioetb, toe be \»itl)out all reacb of burtj graunt toe bo amiite tbat after tl^v^ iimple p^omife of ^ p;o^ tection ot€^on alone,toe ftil [o)ke abont fro tobence otber bclpe ma^ come bnto ts . 5i5ut fo;afmucb as it plcafetb tf)t 3Lo;d of b^s infinite clemencie f gentle^ nelTe to be^c tbiis our fault , tbere is no reafon tobp toe (boulD neglca brs fo great benefite* ^n example tberof toe baue in v feruant of t !izcus,tobifb tobe ^ be fato t bill befiegeo toitb tbc arm^ of tbe Syrians, antjv tberc toasnotoa^c^ pen to efcape,toa0 Uriffecn tioton imtii feare,a£5 ifbr^maiUcrf bctoerc ti)m tttf rl^ oeftro^eD.Cben thzeus pja^eo (©otJto open liis feruantes cvts,% b^anti b^ be fato f> bill furmlbcD id bo;fes ano ficrv cbariots, tbat is i» a multttucc of 3ngeli5 to hepe bim i tbe ]Bjopbet lafe. Cncoarageo toitb tbts tifionbegatbc^ xtn tjp bis bart again , i toas able Xvit^j a D jcoclcffc mino to lohe Boton bpo btis encm^ec, toitb figbt of U bom be toas before iix a maner D;iue cut of bis totf . 12 Mbcrfo^e tobatfotuer is faro of tbc mintaen? ofSngelclct bs appUutto tbrs eni),i^ ouerccmming a!l DiCvuC our bope mar be t!)e mo;e tronglr 03=* blitbeoindS'od* ifo^tbefe f«fco;0 are bcrefojc pjouioco ts cfC^oDjtbattoc IftotilD not be maoeafrapu \o mukttutfc ofenemieg^ag tboMgb tber toaVc p;e^ uatte againtt bi^ belp, but (boulo fiie tn to i faring of Elizcus, ^ fl^ere be mo en our Uu tban be againtl bsf. I^cto nmrb tben is it againlt o.:D£r of reafon , t toe (boulD be les atoar fro CDoo br ^^ngclls tobicb are o;uarneD fc; tbrs rurpofejfo teflifie ^ his belp is mo;e p^cfr nt amog bs ^ )15nt tber bo iesD bs atoar in i;eeDe> if tber bo not ffraigbt leat) bs as it toere br t banu to bim,tbat toe mar baue ere bnto,caU bpon, anO publiflj bim fo; cur onelr btlper: if toe confiDer not tbem to be as br^ bancs ^ moue tbemfelues tm to too;ti but br br^ birccticn : if tber oo not bcloe bs taH in tbe one ^cDiato; Cb;iff ) fo tbat toe mar tang tobcUr cf bim , leant all bpon him , be carret) to bim,anD relf in bim. jfo; (bat tobicb is DefcribeD in the biCon of lacob ougbt to 0iehe f be fatteneti in our minoes, boto 0ngelsDefcenD Boton to ^ eartbbnto men, i fro men Do go bp to beanen bp a laUDer, toberupon ItanDetb tbe iLo;D of boftes.Mbcrbr is meant, tbat br r ow Ir intcrceflfimi of €b;ift > it r ommetb to palTe, i tbe minitteries of r i^gels oo comebntobs,asbe bimfelfe affirmetb faring: IBereaftcr re R:all fee r bcauens open anD tbe J^ngcls DefccnDing to tbe fonne of man, loh.i li.SLbcrfojc tf)t fer^ mimt of Abraham being comittcD to i cufloDr cf tbc i^rgell, Dotb not tberfo;e call bpon r ^ngcll tc belp bim , but hoU pen \o tl;at comcnt-ation, be p;arctb to tijt llo;i3, f befecbetb brm to (Ik to brs merer to Abraham. iFo; as dDoD Dotb not tb2Tfo;c uiafee tljc nuniCers cf brs potoer ^ goDnctffjto the cntent to part \)is glc.ir \x>itx) iocnttlo Dotb be not tber? fo;c p;cmile 12 l:iB l;flpe mtbcir miiu? flratwn:fltit U e (boiriD Diii:iDe cur icfi^ Deiuc tc.ixcnc bim i thc.ktt xs tbcrc* fo;c fc;Jafer f f^latot.iiall )abilofcpbie, to fecJ^c ti)ctoav to dD^D bp i^lngcls, ano to b:no; tCi »H fi^-; t?)i0 purpcfe ti^at tber U!ar maljeJDopjiii£;i£_gcnttetntobs: tobicb Ge.28.12 Gc 24,7 Plato in epino* nide et cralilo. God the Creator. Firft Bookc. ;Foi.44; tDt)irf)'fupcraitiouj3 f curious mfljaae fro t^e beginning gon about, % to tljis oa^ DO cotinuc to bjig into our religio. 13 as fo^ fucb tbingss ao tljc Scripture tcacbett) concerning 2r>euil0, tbep ttm in a maneral to tbiB eno,tbattoe ma^ be careful to beUiare afojcbano of tbcir atuaites 1 preparations, « furnifi^ our^ felues ioitb fucb toeapons as are ftrog anD furc enougb to b;iuc atua^ euetbe llongeli enemies, ifojtoberas^atan is calleo § (©00 f prince of tbis U)o;lo, tuberasbcisnameo m ttrong armeo ma,tbe&piritetbatbatbpotDer of tbe a^;e,f a roaring lion: tbefe befcriptios ferue to no otber purpofe : but to mafte tjs moie tearc ann toatcbfull , anb rtuf bier to enter in battaile )cc\ bim.^bicb IS alfo fometinie fet out in erp;effe tooibs.JFoj peter after be bab faib , i tbeSDeuillgoetb about lifec a roaring Jlion,feefeing lobo be ma\» bcuoure,b^^ anbbi? aboetb Ms crbo station, tbat toe llronglT? relift bint bv ifaitb.^nb f>aul after be bab geucn toarning ^ toe to^a? ttle not toitb flecO) 1 btob, but toitb ti)c pUntts of tbe aire,tbe potoers of barh^ nes,i fpirituall toicfecbnclTes, bijan^b^ biobctbbsputonfuri) armour as ma^ ferue foj fo great i bagerous abattaile, ^berfo;eletb0 alfoapplr all to tbis enb,^ being ijoarncbbototbere botb co tinually appiocb bpo bs an enemie, rea an cnemte tbat is in courage molt bar^ D?,in ttrengtb moamigbtie,in policies moftruttle,int)i!igcncc ^celeritie bm toeriable,Ujitbalfo?tsofcngins plem tuoua^furmll&eb,in fliiUoftoar mod reabi>,tii0 fuffer not our felues b^ Ooutb f coUiarDife to be furpiiff D, but on tl)t otberfioelDitbbolbi barD\? minbsfet our fojt to reaft bint: anb (becaufe tl^is tuar is onl^ enbeb b^ beatb) encourage burfelucsto continue ♦ :515ut fpcciallT? fenotoingflur oton toealincttc ano bnf? bilfuUieslctlis call bpo ^ bclp of CgJD f entcrp^ifenotbing but bpon truftof bim,fo;afmucb as it is m bl onlt? to ^Cf uebs policie,ffregtb, courage f armour 14 0n'3tbattocn)ulDbepmo;jeffirreb bp % enfo.iceo fo to do, tbe fcripture tuar netb bs,tbat tbere arc not one 0; ttuo oja fctu enemies but great armies i^ make luar toitb bs; jfo; it is favD, tbat ' jviar 16 ^parie spagbalcne toas beliuercD from > feuen S>cucls, iDbtrlDitb tbe tuas pof* [ fetreD.auD Cbiift faitb tbat it is tbe o^^ ' Dinariecuaomc,tl)at ifafteraoeuelbc i^*''^-^^- once cattout,a man mafee tbe place ope '^'~* again,be b;ingetb feuen fpirites too:rc tba bimfelf,f returnetb into Us pcflrf? (ion,finbing it emptie. |^ea it is faiD t a tobole legion bcftcgeD one man.l^erco^ Xu.8 30 tberfo;ie toe are taugbt , tbat Idc mutt figbt iDitb an infinite multitude of enc^ mies,leaiDefptfing tbe feluncfTccf tbe fee IbcluD be mo;e Oack to enter in ba* taile,ojtbinUing tbat toe baue fome ic? fpite in tbe meane time graunfeo , toe (bulD geue our fclues fo iDelnes.Mbcr as mant? times ^ata or tbe Deuel is na meD in tbe lingular number , tberbi? is meant ^ potoer of toicfecDnes \x)U(h tta Detb againtt tbe bingbome of Suffice, iforastbe Cburcb f tbe fclotollnp of faints baue cbrift to tber beaD,fo § fac^^ tio off) ^Jiickt^ is patteb out bnto bs Vo tbeir prince,)^ batb tbe cbiefe aut!jo;i* tit among ^t, ^fter tobicb mane r tbis is fpoUcn.CDo ^ecurfeb into eternal firr i is pjepareD for § Dcuell f his ;lngcls. i^ ^tn alfo tbis ougbt to Itirre bs bp to a perpetual toartoitb ti)e0ci\tlM ^ be is euer^ tobere calleb tbe enemie of (i?oD I of bs. ifor if toe baue rcgaro of goDS gloricas it is mecte toe IboulD, tbe oug!jt toe \xntt) al our force to benb aur feloes againO; bim,tbat goef b about to ertinguilbit. 3.f toe be affcctioneo to mainteinetbe kingDomeof Cbriff as tijc ougbt, tben mull toe neebs baue an bnappeafable toartoitb bimtbat con^- ^M. fpireth, Mac 2y. *4i. Cap.«4. Mat.J3, 28. Iohn.8. *f4. Of the knovvleds^e of fpirct!) § nun fterof. ag:afn,if anr care of our otun tafet^ do toucl) t£5,tl)f ougljt luctofjaue neither peace ^o;^ truce Id ^im tfeat continually I^ctfj in toait fo;i ^ Dcftructton of it.^ucb a one is ^e Defcri bcD in t!)c.3.Cl)3pter of (Sencli^j toljcre ?)e Icauetb ma atoai from tbe obeDience t!)at !)c DiD otue to 500, tbat Ije both rob- betb CID05 of b^0 Due bono;, 1 tb^otxjetb man bimfelf bcaDlongintoDeltruttion. ^ucl) a one alfo is be fet foztb in tbe €'* uangcUll£f,tuberbe is calleoan enem^^ I is fatoe to fcatf er tare0>to co;rupt tbe face of eternal l:?ft»^an a fum,^ \s)f)vtl) CbnC tcftifietb of f)im, tbat from ^ be^ ginning be tu^ a murtberer, 1 a l^eu tpefinbe b^ erperifce in all bis Qoing0. ifo; be alTailetb t\)t tritO) of (Do^io^ lies, obfcuret^ ti)t lijjbt tD^tb Dartme s, entangletbtbeminoesof men toitb er^ ro;s,raifetbl)pbatreDs,binDlttb^c6ten^! ifnottobe fupp^efifeD UJboI^» tl^ttobe tions I arifes,Dotbaltbingps to tbis enb , but ligbUi touc^eb,! tbat partlt,becaufe feetb of bis oton,tDbe be fpeafeetb Iies,i aDDetb a caufe Uibr^foi^ tbat be ftoDe not ail in thz trutb.i^otu tnben be fat'ctb t be ttoDe not ftil in tbe trutb, be fbeluetb tbat once be bab ben in tbetrutbe. j^no tob? be mafeetb bim tbe fatber of Iping, be tafeetb tf)iG from bim,^ be cannot lai tbat fault to <]DoD,toberof be bimfelfe is caufe to bimfelf. j^ltbougb tbcfe tlmos be but lI)o;tlv,anD not terp plainly fpc? &cn>ret this is enougb fo; tbis purpofe, to Deliuer tbe maiell^e of €oD from all flanber. ^nb tobat mabetb it matter to t}S,to l^notoe mo^e,o;r to an^ otber pur;* pofe concerning oeuelsf ^an^ perbaps DO grub6e,t^at tbe fcriptnre botb not 0? berlt? anb Diftinctlt? in man^e places fet fo;tb tljat ful>? tl)e caufe, maner,time,f fafljio tberof. IBet bccaufe tbefe tbrngs bo notbing pertain to bs, it U)as better [olin.8. to ouertb^otJD tbe bingbom of Cod, anb b^olun men toitb bimfelf in eternal De^ ftruttio. Q^berb)? appearet^,tbat be is of nature ffoUiaro fpiteful,! malitions. i?o; ncbcs muft tbere be great frotnarb nes in tbat lpit,tbat is made to alTail § glo;^ of eucl iras crcateD of goo,let ts rcmr bcr tbattbrs malice tobicb toe alTigne m bis nature, is not b^ creation butb^oep^auation. iro; tutjatfoeuerDanable tbing be batb, be batb gotte to bimfelf bp l)is clun re- uolting f fdl.^X^lbtcJ) tbe fcripture tbe r^ fo;e geuetb tjs Uiarning of, Icatt tbtn* bing tbat be came out fucbe a one from C5oD,tx3e fboulD afcribc tbat to CPoD bim ifeirtDbicb is fartbeft fro bim .jlo; tbvs reafouDotb €\);ift fay tbat fatan fpca^ it luas not befeming fo; ttie bol? gboffe to fceoe curiofit^e lDi?tb tiaine bifto;res iuitboutanp frutc : anD loe fee t it toas tbe lojDs purpofe, to put notbing in b^s bol^ ^;acles, but tbat lubicb Vne (boulD learn to eDification. 2Lberfo;e,leaft toe ourfcluesCbulD tar^ longtjpontbings fopcrtlueus, let los be content fljo^tl? to bnoto tbus mncb concerning tbenature of Deucls, tbat at tbe firll creation tbe^ toer f 0ngcls of (I5od: but by* ftoaruing outof binOjtbev botboeftroia tbffclucs f are become indruments of oeffruiti^ en to otbcr. '^l)tts mucb,bccaufe it Voas p;ofit4ble to be hnotoen,is plainly tau# gbt in ^eter anb Hiuoe. (^oo fpareb not (far tber)l)ts angels tobicb bab finncb, $ not kept tbcir beginning, but bao fc;^ fatten tbeir btoellmg place. ;anD paule n>i:;iing tbe elect angels botb to^tbout Dout fccretli? bp implication fet p rep;o* bate ;angcls in coparifonagainft tbem. 1 17 :as fo; t\it oifco^D anb ftrifc tbat toe i^fa^ is bettocne ^ob ano^atljan, toe muft 2.PC.2.4 lud Kf.\ Tit.5,20, IoKi.5. Ct.3,1. uKin.22 20. .Sai5. 14 CClS. 10 lf.34. 2.Thc.2. 9* Codtli ttwftfo falte if tftat ail toe fjolD ftjis fc; ccrtain,t!)at fie r a do notbiiitu but b^ tfje toiU anofufferance of inakc tbcin afraieo,! fomc^^ time toonno tbe, butneuer ouercome no?opp;ieffetbe.ll5ut tbe toicbeotbei? fuboue f ojato atoap, tl)ct reign tpon tbetr fouls 1 boDies,f abufe tl)e as bonO' flaues to all mifcbenous Doings, asfo; tbefaitbfull, becaufe tbc^arebnquie^ teD of fucb enemies, tberttj;e tber beare tbefe ei:bojtatios. E)o not geue place to tbe Deuel :Cbe Deuel tour enemie goetb about as a rowing ilion falling tobc be mai?Deuonre,tob6 refift ?e being ftrog inifaitbanDfucblthe. l^aul cofcOctb^ c t . bebimfelftoasnot frafromtbis feiiiD \ '^* of ftrife tobe be faietb, tbat foj a reme* | }>*^ ^ DT? to tame pjiDe, tbe^ngeUof^atan ..^^_; toas geucn to bim, b^ tobo be nfigbt be | bumblcD.Cbiserercifctberfo^eiscomig . ^^ mon to al tbe cbilDjen of »| Of the knowicckc ^ Luio.18. LU» 11,21. ouFcaafcpaulefapet^tl^ere uil)opcof; brCt)jift.agatne,tftat6ei)0tt)blinDall partJon,lcaa if fiii^ baue ben entangleo j tjem tljat ^^^^^^^ tlje gofpeUjagam, toi^tb ttiefnarcs of ttje Deucl. Cbcrfo^e ***** *--— ''--•"-*^ in an otber place tfje fame |3aul fa^tb? tbat tbe p;iomife aboue alleageo , is be^ gen in tijvs life, Uiberin toe muft to^*' llIe,anD i$ pcrfoimeD after our to;jatt^ ling entieD : toben be fa^etb ti)t CDofi of peace (bal (bojtli? beat Dotone fatan bm Dcr ^our faitc.SCbis bicto;?^ batb altoa^ fuUr ben in our beu Cbjitt> becaufc tbe prince of f too^lb ban notbing in bim, but in b0 tl}^t are brs members it botb noto parti? appcare,anb (balbe perfiteD toben being bnclotbeb of oure fleibe,b^ tob^cb toe are T»et fubiert to toeafencs, toe (balbe full of tbe potoer of tbe \^ol? gbott. Bin tbt5 maner tobc tbe kingoom of Cbjift is raifco bp f aDuannceb,^a^ tan tottb bis potoer falletb boton, as ^ Ho ja bimfelf fa^tb.BI fato ^atan fal as a ligbtning boton from beauen. ifo^ bp tt)i0 anf torr be confirmetb tbat tobicb I ^poftlesbao rcpo;iteD of tbe potoer of bis pjcacbing. again, tn^be tbe |9^ince tbat be perfo jmetb br^s toojk in ^ llub^ bo^n cbilo^en, anb toojtbel^, fo^ all tbe toicSeb are foe beOfels of to^atb. SDber^ fo^e to tobom (boulo t^^t^ be ratber fub^ iect,tban to tbe minitter of gobs benge^ ancef ifinall^ fbei are faio to be of tbeir fatber tbe beuel> becaufe as t\)t faitbful are berebi! fenoton to be t\)c cbilD?en of d^ob becaufe tbe^ beare bis image: fo tbet! b^ tbe image of ^atan into tobicb tbe? are gone out of feinDe,are p^operli? bifcerneo to be bis cbilo;ten. 19 s place mutt toe cofute tbem tbat fonbl? fa? tbat oeuels are no-? thing els but cuel a^cctios o;^ pert urba* tios of mina,!^ are tbjuft into bsb? our flclb.2Dbat ma? toe tbo^tl? boe,becaufe tber be man? tell imonics of fcripture, 2.Cor.4J 4. Eph»2.j. Ioh.8. 44 i.loh.3.8 pcffcffetb liis otone palace, all tbinas ^ ' an5 tbofe plain enougb bpo this po?nt. be poffeCTctb are in peace, but tobe fliere ; ifirC tobere tbe bncleane (>jirites are callcD angels j^poftataes, tob?cb baue ftoarueb out of kin^efrom tbeir faeg?n« ning,f be bcr? names bo fufficicntl? er^ p;es tbat ti)t^ are not motions 0; affe* (tions of minbes, but ratber in nsztit as tbe? becallcD minbes 0: fpirits enbuea toitb fenfcano bnberftaDing.lliUetoife toberas botb Cb;^ift f Biobn bo compare tbe cbilD^cn of !Like<' toire toben 3tiDeb?ingetb in spicbael? arcl)angcll figbting to?tb tbe 2)euell, Doutles be fettetb againtte tbe goo Sin* gcll an euel f rebellious angell.^bcr* \})it\i agratb tbat tobicb is repoe in tbe cometb a (Ironger, be is tb;ioton out.ic an!3 to ttiis enbe €lm^ in D?tng oucr^ cantc ^atban tob?cb bab t\)t potoer of tjcatb,* triumpbcb bpon all bis armies, tbat tbe? iboulD not burt tbe cburcb,fo; otbcrtoifc tl)r? toouln eucr? moment a bunb^ieu times oellro? it i?oj(confii)e? ring tobat is our toeaUncs,anb tobat is bis furious llrcgtb) boto coulD toe ftao, ?ca ncuer fo little time againft b?s ma* nifolb anb continual a(Iliults,but being fuppojtco b? tbe birto;? of our captains a:berfo;e dDob fuffretb not tbe bcuel to raign ouertbefoutes of tbe faitbful, but onl? Dcliucrctb bim tbe \i)iciitii f bnbe^ kuing to goucrne, tobom 0ob botb not bourbfauc to bane rechneo in b?s flocb. j?o? it is fa?D {> be pcOeCfetb f bis too^lD toitbont controuera,til be be ttfintt cut .Ioh.3.8 bifio3?c loh.u6» God tlic Creator. FiritBoolcc Wont of 3!ob,^ ^atan apprareD UJift tbc^oli? angels before ©CD. But mofi platnofall are tbofe places tijat maUc mcnttooftljepamC^mcnt tDbtc^ t'^e^ begin to tele b^ tbe iuogement of amD lutjr arttbou comebc^ fo;0 ^ time to torment fesf againe, leatt au^ entangleb txi^tb ^ crro;, tobile tbev tbink tbe^ baue none to llaD againft tbem,fl)oulQ toape mo^efiotoe, ano bnp;rouiDeD to refitt. 20 3Jn tbe meane time let it not be trc;* rifcmebntobs, in tbTS fo bcauf ifull a Itagc to taUe a goolt; Deligbt of tb*-^ ma* nifctt % o^ninar^ toojfees of <©oo- jfo;, as 3i banc chctober alrcauv faib,tbcugb t\)is be not t\)t cbcfr,^et is it in o;orr § firft Doctrine of if aitb » to rcmetcr tbat tobaf tudv' fo cuer luc turn our r ves,aU tbat Uje fee are tbe \Ko;>kcsot J?3D, anD V6 gobl^ conCoeration to lurr fo;r li1;at enD gou bio maUe t^tm, 2Lbc r;v?e,tf/at_ 'ii:»e mai? concciue bt? S(^iti) fo mucb as bebouetb bs to Imotoc of ©ob, it is g©D era of all to learne tbebifio;^ of § ere* ation of tbe tDo;lo, boiu it is fi}o;jtl? rc^ bcarfcb hyi S^ofes, ano aftertoarb mo^e largely fet out br> bol^ mcn,fpcciall? bi Bafilc ano Ambrofe. ^ut of it Iwe Iball learne tbat gob bt i poloer of bis toc;D f fpirite, creatcbbeaucmeartbofno' tbtngji tberof bjougbt football Imn^ creatures % tbings toout life,U:'itb mar ucllons o;ji)tr oifpofeb tbe innumerable tarietv cf tbings, to cucr^ ti^l^ be gaue i p;op;e nature, afTigneo tbcir offices, appointcD t^eir places 1 afaipbings, ano i)Jber all tbings are fubiect f 0 coarupti-- on,v^et batb be fo p^cuioeo i> of all fo;tes fometballfccp^cferacD fafe to tbelatt bat?) f tbcrfo^c fome ^ecberiCbctb b^ (cr- Crete meancs,anopourctb nsto t tbm as it tuere a nebo liuelinclTe into ti^tm, f f 0 fome be batb gcue tbe potucr to en* creafc br generation , ^ ri\ tbeir bring tbat tDboIe feinoe Oiolo not nit togetber. ^obatbbemarueiloua? garnifijebtbe beauen anb tbe eartb \!oiti) fo abfoluteli? pafcct plentie,barietie anb beutie of all tbings as polTibl^ migbt be, as it Iricre a large creatio of tbe iBo;lD,let it fuffifc to banc once agarne touebeotbefcfelutbinges b^ tl)c tua^. if o;i it is bcttcr,as 3! banc alreabr toar^ n30 tbe reancrsjfofctcb a fuller tnoer^* fiabing of tbi* matter out of Mofcs anb Dtber, tbat baue fa^tbfuU^ 1 tiligentlv f onurreb t!)c biffo;^ of tbe l»o;lo b^ tujiting to perpetuall memo;t?» at is to no purpofe,to maUc mucb abo in 21 Cap. 14. Of the knov/lcde,ecf in Oil Jutin3,to te')at cnD ttjis conSoera tion 0 1 the lua^kfi of (Dd3 oagbt to tcnO, cj to tD^at mark it ong^it to be aplieo: foiafmurtj 33 in otbcr places alreaD^a great part of tbis qucUioii is Dcclareo,! fo mucb as belogetb to our pjefent pur* pofe mav in fetu too;iDs be cnDeoXrue I^ if toe lucre muioeD to fet out as it is too.2t^^,l)oU) incftimable tuifDome, po^ tDcr,iuttice f goDncflfe of (!DoD appca* rctb in tbe framing of ttje lDo^to,no elo^ quence^no garnitbmcnt of rpeat!)>coulD fuffite ti)t largenclTeof fo great a mat^ tcr.^iio no Bcut it is go3s pleafurc tbat toe fijoulD be continuallt? occupicD in fo t)o\v a nieoitation,tbat tobile toe bcbolo in Us creatures as in lofetng glaffes the infinitiz ricfjeffc of bis toifeDom»iu0ice, bountie ann potoer, toe (boulD not run ouer tbcm as it toere \siiti) a flicng ci?e, n tuitb a tjain toaD jtng lofee as 31 ma^ fo cal( itMit tbat toe fl^alD \x)itf^ confix ueraUon refl^ long tjpon tijem,caft tbem bp aixu Doton earneftip ano faittjfullii in our mines, f oft repeate tbem \Joiti) remcbjance. 3l5ut bKaufetoearenoto bufi?o in tbat feino ^ perteinetb to o;iijer ofteactiing,ieis5mect iJtoeeomit tbofc tlji^gs tbat require long Declamations. 2Lberfo;e,tabe fl^02t,let f reaocrs bnoto ttattbcr.tbcpbauc coce^ueo bpifaitl), tobat tljis mcanetb,tbat (Doo is tbe cre^ atoi of ijcaum aiio C2rtb,if tber firafb* lijto this bniucrfal rnle,^ tbe^ patTe not ouer toitb not confiDcring o;ifojgetfu^ neffe of tbofe tjertnes, tbat dDoD p^^efem tttl) to be fecne in bfs crcatures,tben,)^ tbei? fo learn to appl^ tbemfelues,^ tbei maT> tberctoi>tb be tb^ougbli* moueb in tbeirbearts. SDbefirfteoftbbfetoeboe toben toe confiijerboto cwellet a too^h* mans too:he it toas, to place ano aptlt? fet in fo toel Difpofeo o;Der i multituoe of tbe llarrcs tbat is in beauen,tbat no^ tbing can be beuifctj mo;ie beautiful! to be^lo:to fctaiio fallen fume of tbem in tl;)tii: aaiioings.io ^ tlje^^can not moue, if taotb^rfomcto graunt a fi*»£courfe, but fo tijat in mouing tbei? toanuer not be^on^ tibeir appointeo fpace,ro to tcm per ^ motion of tbem al^ttjat it ma)^ oc^ uitje in meafure the bates i nigbts,mo^ nctbeS) ^eares i feafons of tbe tere,f to bitng tbis inequality of caps tobicb toe oail^ fee to fucbe a tf pereD o(S)oD btmfelf i^atlf IbetoeD m tbe bert o.^Der of creatto,tbat fo;^ mans fahebe createD all tbmges. i?oj it is not toitbout caufe tbat be DeuiDeo tbe making of t^^e too I)T»i5 liberality? al tbat euer is in ^ too^lD is mabe fubiect to \j0.S>ure it is tbat be D^b it not to mocUc bs to^tb an emptre nameof giftXberefo^re toe aiall ncuer lacke an^ tbin5,fo farre as it lljall be a* naileable fo; our p;tcferuaticn.i?inall\? to make an enb, fo oft as toe name gob tbe creator of l^eaucn anb eartb> let tbw come in oure minbe0 toftball, tbat tbe Difpofition ofalltbings tob^'b bebatbc 1 crcate,is in Ws banb f potoer, anb tbat toe arc \)is cbilo^cn tobom be batb ta'ne into brs otone cbargcanb beping to fo* ttcr anb b;ting bp:tbat toe mar icfec fn all gob tbings at bic ^anb,anti airurco- l^truatbatbc torU ncuer futfer ts to lache tbtngs norucf uU fo; cur faf ctr, to tbe cnb oar bopc fi)oulD b^^ng tpon none otber,tbat tobatfoeuer toe befire, oure ^jatersma^ebe birctteo to bint: of tobat tb^ng fo euer toe recciue p;oStte, toe maf acfenotolebgc it to be b^s btm^ 8te,anb confcffc it toitb tbanljs gcuing: tbat being allureb \3y^tl) fo great ftoete^ nesofbrss®bnc0 anb libcralit^e, toe ma^ 0ub^ to loue anb bono; bint \i)tt^' allour^eart. / he.\y.< hApi'-C. V Vhat a one man was created, whcrin there is entreated of the powers of the foule of the image of God,of free will and of the firft integrity of nature. Kj ^to mull toe fpeahe of tbe crcatio Iv tbe naturall enete of man, toe fame INofmS nntonlnbcraufcfie isamoa of ma,not onlf bccaufc be is amog al tbe too;fe3 of (Sob tbe mod noble anb mottercellent crampleof t)psiuftice, toifebom % gcobnes : but alfo becaufc as toe faibe in tbe beginning, toe can not plainly? I perfectly fenoto (©ob,fcnlc6 toe baue v6all a mntuall fenotolctge of cur felues. jaitbougb t ^^^w^ Imotolecgc be of ttoo fo;ts,tbc one, to knoto tobat toe toere crcateb at tl)c f^rU beginning, tbe otber,to fenoto tobat cur clTate faegA to be after t\^t fall of aBam(fo; it to^er but to fmall profit fo; bsto Unoto our crea- tion,tnlcs toe bio alfo in t\ii^ lamenta- ble fal,Unotoe tobat is tfje co;ruption t Defo;mtt^e of oure nature : (ret at tXjis time toe toil be content Wi\i bcfcripti* on of our nature tobe it toas pure. 3nb befo jc toe Dcfccnbe to tbts miferable e? ttate tobcrtnto man is. noto in tb;alb6. It is gcDb to learne tobat a one be toas f reateo at tbe beginning, jro; toe muff tak^ bcbeyWn p;ccifclr bcclaring on^ not to impute tbem to tbe autbo; of m ture.i?o; bngoblincs tbrnt^etb ber felfe to baue fufficicnt Defence in tbrs tclo;, tf it mar W fo^ ber felfe tbat tobvitfoe^- uer fa-att (be batbc, tbe fame brb after a certain maner p;occbe from gob, f Siitf^ feetb not if (be be acrufeb , to quarcl ic v!?ob,f to lar tbe fault tpon bim tobcrcf (be is too;tl)elr accufcD. ^nb tber tbat toolD feme to fpeaUc fomtobat mc;c rr^ utTC ntlr bf tbe maicftr of (!5cD,tet tJce toillinglr fehe to ercufe tbcir oton toic-- fecbnesjbr nature, not confiDcring tl)at tbcrein, tbougb not openlr? tbcr blame ;irit 10 fctb,^ it felf,it mca^ net?) 30 mucb aj^.^oule. :a0,t»bf ^aJo^ mon fpeafeiiiig of Dcatb,fapctb Ibat i\}zn tbe ^^ixitt returnctb to bi^m tbat gaue it.0nuCb;?iftfonmTenDirtgbi0^pinte to \iiii if atbcr,anr) ^fcpben b\'0 Spirit to Cbii^c D^c bot{}c nicajic none Gt!;cr tbing but tijat U)ben t^ foiilc 10 Dcliue- ^t^ from tbc piifan of tbe flelbc, (H?oD 10 ^e pccpctaall Ivepcr of it. 00 fo^^ tijem ^ TOgtnc tbat tbe foul 10 tbcrfo;icfalleb SifpiritCj bccatife it 10 a b;fetb o.^a poio^ 8tcb^tobpcb r^t batb no tVicntt: botb tbc ^iiig itXelf im5,all tbe Scripture Hietu^. $tb:i tb;r, 1)0 to.mtifb grofl? erre.2Uruc iti&b^t tpbile mcti arc faftenetj-to tbe ^5fitj[rmp;-je tbaatb?^ cugW.tobe,, tb.ei! t^a?,QUtl^ca,befraire tl>cv arciellrigeD- ^.om'.tbeiratbjgr.of Iti^bt04bet? arc blin» ' i — J..JJ I . oesj tu^tb Darhnes, fo tbat fbep DO0 not tbinfte tjpon tbp5,tbat Viiz^^ ^\ remain alvue after Deatbe. 0nD ret is not tbat ligbt fo quencfjcD in oarbnelTe, but tbat tbe^ be tQwxiitxy teitl) fome feling of ipt^ mo;^talitl5.S>urell? tbe confciencc \sMvdi Difcerning bettoenegoo embencU, an* ftoeretb tbe iubgemf t of vSob, 10 an bn* DouteD figne of an immo^ztall ^pirite. f^zi boloe coulDc a motion totltbout ef* fence jattainc to come to ti)t iuogement feat of dDoD, atto tb;otD it felfe into fear bv finoing ber otone giltvneffefifo^tbe boc^ is not moueo tu^tb feare of a ^pi* rituallpaine>but tbat fklletb onel^ bp^ oiitbc foule, ^bercbiP it folotoetb tbat tbe foule \)^^ an eCTcnc e.S^o;eouer,tbc berime ImoluleDgc of 0od ootbc p.50ue tljat tbe foule0 Uilivcb afcenoe bp aboue t\)t tao^lD arc imnic^tahfoja baniCbing liueline0 ^erc not aJjleto, attain to t^t tQVitm\t of life, irinalli>,fo^ as mucb a0 fo manv^ crcellent gift0 toberto man0 mvmt is enaueD5t!o cr^ oute tW- ^bere i0 fome Diuine, tbrng engrauen tt,tbere are eucn To manr telrimonies of an im* mo^tall cltence. jiro.j tbat fenfe bobicb i0 in b^utc beafte0,goetb not outof tbe bo* ti^jo; at lead crtenoetb no furtber tban to tbing0 p^cfentl^ fct before it %wt § ntmblcnes of tbe mi<)Ue of man U^bvcb beluctb t\it beau? anD cartb, f fee rcte0 of nature, ann comp;ebent)ing all aged iiibntJerSanbing anb mcmo.2T?e, bige«f Setb eueri? tbing in ojoer, $ gatberctb. tbrngs, to come hyi tbrng0 patte>. Dotbe piainlv? ibelne tbat tbei:e lieib bioben in man a certain? tbiing ftuerall from tbc bct)i?e. W.U roijceiue bp bnQcrttanfiing die iuuiCibie goD ano ^ngcl0,tubicb ^t boDr-xan not 00. Me UnDiu tbing0 tbat be rigbtjiufl, f bonelf, U)bicb arc biube from t\)t boDilp fcfe0.2Dberfo;e it mull naDr0bc tbat tbe ^pirite 10 tbe fcate of tbi?0 taiDerHciDping. ^eaanb oure Cepe i(t felf.bJbirb allonietb;a nian,anti, T»jii'rwj»'j* I I i»miimnam''nm t»ii.j rrt FyfrT»r»J r~f femetb. GodthcCrcaioT ftmetl) to tal^e life atoa^ ttom \)imjis a jCoD tnlelTc it loere fubird: to punifb plamtXHtnc5ofimmo^ta!iti,fo;afmuti^ ment.^nt)t!}tsifl alfo mo;c plainly zr< asitDotbe not onip mimftcrtjntotjs, ipieffcO in tfjeluojw of €!)?iG,U)ljen be ebougl}t0oftbofet^;ing;0tIJatncuerlucriuiDDtt^ bs to fcarc f)\m tofetd) after Donc^ but alfo fo;cUno\x)mfi£« of tljrncpp ' tbat be batb feiUcD tfjc boD? , can th;oto fo;r time to come. Bi toucbe tftefr tbrng« j tbe foule into'oeil fter. j^oto Icfecre tlje tfto^tli', ItJbicl) cuen p;opbancto;»^f?ter0 jautljo^ of t\)z C-piftlc to t^e ^i^rbjufy^ HocrceUcntlf fct oat toit!) mo^ go;ge^' j Dctb isi&iiiguiTb tfjc fattiirs of cur fltfl^ ou£{ garnilftment of tDo;it!5: but to^tb § I from C5otj,tDbicb is tbc onclp iratfjr r of gotJit? rcaucrsa fimplc putting in minn ' fpirite5,bc IdouId not otbcrtuife nio;e oftbcmflwlbe fumcicnt. p.Q\s) iff foul j plainly affirm ^ eCTcnce offcules.^po^e tucre not a certain tbing b^ it felf fcue^ i ouer, if tbe foules rcmarno not alitie rail from tbeboDi?e,tbcfcripturctooulOi being Ddruereo from tbe pjifone of not ttacl) f loe DtiJcil in boafcs of clav> j tbctr boDics, Cb^ilt toouio t)erv fcn9^ tbaf by oestb toe rcinoue cut of t\)c W ; ly baue b^ougbt in tbe foule of i.ajai*ug beniacle of tbe fleCbe, that tee Bo put of ioycir.g in tbe bofome of 0b;abam,ano tbat iv:'\}i^ i0 co;ruptible,tbat finally at |agayne tbe foule of tbc ricb man fubiect ti)c lad uv tise may mcim retoaru e^ to bo^^riblc tojmcntoes. SLbefame tbyng ucry man as be wi^t bcbaueD bimfelfe tsotb paule confirm toben be teacbctl) ^^ ITf'AEookc. ;Fol.48. jMatio. jig. Luk.u.j- Hc.n.p. Lu l5,22, , in fiis boDy e.Jf oe,t{jat it is reckeneo among tl)c errors of tbe ^aDowes tbat tbey oiis not beleue tbat tbere tocre any fpirites ano angels. ; 0lfo a Srong p;«f bereof may be ga^ tbercD of tbys tober it is fayo, tbat man i$ create I ilie to tbe image of (3:oD . fto; i.Cor.j. Aa.23.8 bauc fpoUen fouuly if tbcre tuerc no ' altbougbtbeglo^y ofOoOQoappcnrcin foules about Uiljom be migbt ccecute ^ I t\)c outuiaro lljapc otman , yet is it no office, jj^eitber uioulD tbat coucniently uoubt ^ tbe proper fc ate of t^ image of ffano togctber tubif b be fay tb of (7 eter^ CDoo is in tbe foule . S 00 not Deny tbat nail faluatio of foules, f tiJbere be bio* Detb to clcnfe our foules, ano UJbcre be faitbtbateuellDefircsDo figbt againft tt)c foulCjf twbere tbe autbo;^ of tbe cSpi^ file to the l^eb^ues faitb, ^ the ]p3aao;3 Dotoatcbtbat tbey may yeloeaccompt fo^ our foules,t3nle(fe it toere true tbat fouls IjaD a p;opje cffence. Kq tbefame purpofeferuetb it^ ^aul calletbcDoD fo^ toitixeflTe to bis olon foule,becaufe it coul3 not be calleD in iuDgement before as concerning our outluaro (lape,in af* mucbasyfame Dotb DifJingutfijc f fe^ ucr fcs fro bjute beaHc s,tDc Do alfo tber in mo^e ncrely app;o£b to goD tba tbey; neytber luiil B! mucb ItanD againtt t\)i lubicb tbinU ^ tbis is to be accompteo of ^ image of <2?oD,tbat tobere all otber \u utng creatures Do grouellingtoife be^ bolDe tbe grouno , to man is geuen an bp^igbt face, anD be is commaunDeD to toUe tjpon tbe bcauen , anD to aDuaunce Gc.i,a7 t?ys J Cap.iy Of the knovvled2;c of tig countenance to\Dmc ft)c itartmfo \ toas create in t^e image of 0OD,bcfaufe Gcx.id. tiicit t\)iB remaine certaine,^ t\)t image of C&oD iubici) is feene,apcarctb in tl)f fe oatiuarD fignc5,i5 fpirituaU. ifo; Ofi- ander (tuljome f^is t»;i;tins0 Declare to fjaue ben in ftcUle imaginations fonuly toittv'e) referring t^e (mage of dDoD to* out Difference as tucl to t^e boD^e as to tl)e foule, mingletb Ijeaue anD eartlj to* get^er.iFo^ fje fa^tl),tf)at tbe fatber,tj)e fon, anD tije Ijoli? gboft DiD fettle tljeir i* mage in ma, becaufe tf^ougi) 0Dam t;aD ftano \3)itt)0\xt faUing,i?et l^ulD 0)Uf!t tjaue become man, janDfobT?tl)ciropi:« nion t\)c boDije tftat Ujasappot?nteDfoj C!).uit,tDas but an cpample o; figure of tbat boDel\> fljape \xih^c\) t^jen toas ttyp mcD. HBut \x>i)tYt ll)all fje finDe ^ €i^M is ti)z image of tUe Spirit i 9| graunt in DeDc t\)^t in tbe perfon of tf)e ^cDiato?, fljinct^ t\)t glo;y of t^e tufjole goDbeaD. )igat boU) fliaU tbe eternal too^D be cal^ leD tin linage of tbe ^pirite tol)ome be gocti) before in o.zDer f i?inaUi?,it oaer^ tbioluctl) tbc Ditiinction betloene § fon aiJD tb^ bol^ gboir> if be do bere cal \)im bis image. 9^o;couer 3 toolo fain learn I ef bv^m boU3c Cb;ilt Dotbe rcfemWc tbe I boll? gboft in tbe flcO) tbat be tobe tpon Unxj anD bt! ^bat marKs f features be Dotb eicp fro U^bcnce be l»as taken. S^rtfling, i fai^ toil! all reaoers tbat bauc tbeir foiiD Vutt iuDgc tl)is obicrtio, j?o;i luber tobole man iis calleD mo|tall,vet is not ^ foule tberbi? maoe fubictte to mo jtalitie . ja* gain tuber be is calleD a lining ( rcature - enDueD toitb reafon , it is not tberbv meant tbat tbz boo^ ba^ reafon anD bti Dcrftancmg. (jod the Creator. DerJlanDing.aitbaugft t^trcfozt ft foule is not ttje tobolc man , vet 13 it not in^ conacnicnt, tijat ntarr in refpcct of t^c foulc be calic^i tl)t image of (Dob , albeit ^ bolticftil tbat puntiplc tobicb g] banc before ffablilljco, tbat ^ image ofCDoo cjctenDCtb to tbc ^Wc erccUcncc,luber bv tbc nature of man batfj preeminence among all kintses of lining creat«re0, ^berfo;^c in tbat too;De is notcD tbc in* tegritic tbat man bat) toben be Ujas en^ Duet) tuitb rigbt tmuerffanDing, tube be bau b^B affcdion framcD acco^Dingto rcafon, ano all Im fenfes goucrneu in rigbt o.zDcr,ftDben in excellent gifted be Dio truelp rcfemble fi ercellece of bi?fi creator, 3nD tbougb tbe principall feate oftbe image ofdDoDtDcre in tht minoe and bartjor in tbc foule f potoerstbere^ of,ret \ms tbere no part of man , not fo mucb as tf)t boui^, Uiberin DiD not fomc fparKes tberof appears Ccrtainc it is, tbat alfo in all tbepartes of tbe luorlDc, tbere uo ii)int fome refemblanccs of tbe glort? of C5oD : lubercb^ Inc mai? gatbcr tbat Ixjbcre it is fa^ti, ^ bis image is in man, tbere is in fo facing a certaine fe^ cretc coparifott, tbat auauncetb man a* boue all otber creatures , anu Dotb as it toerefcucr b\?m from tbe comonfozt il^citber is it to be ocnteD,^ tbe Angels tucrc create after tl)t liljeneDTe of CoD, fitb (asCbzilt bimfclfe tcaiftetb) our cbafe perfection (l^all be to become libe tjnto tbem. 513ut not toitbout caufc botb Mofes bt?tt)at peculiar title fetfo^tbi^ grace of CDod totwaro tjs , fpcciallv^ tDbere be comparetb onelij tjifible crea^ turcstoilbman. 4 &tretitfemetb^tbereisnotgeue a full Definition of tbe image of (25oD, t3nlc(re it plainlicr appcrc in lubat qua ^ litics ma crcclletb : i tubcrbp be ougbt to be countcD a glaOe, refembling § glo/^ rp of dDoD.llSut ^ ca be bt? no otber tbing bettcrfenoUien, tba bi? the repairing of hrii hooke. , to\.4'^ .Cor-ij-. I mansf cojrupteD nature . Jfira^ttls boubtlf fie, tbat iiben j?iDam fell fro bis eftatcbe teas bi' tbat Departure cHran^ geDfro(25oD. tlObercforealtbougbtcc graunt {^ tbc image of ^oD toas not al^ together DcfaceD anD hlottev out in him, Vtt tuas it fo co:rupteD,tbat all tbat re^ marnctb,is hut tggl^ Deformitie.2Eber fore tbc beginning of recouert? of fafctie for ts, is in tbat rcHoring tebicb U;c ob*^ tain bv Cb.:i(t, Uifjo is alfo for tbe fame caufecallcDtbe fecouD £Dam,beca«fc be rcfforeo tis tnto true anD perfect in* tegritic. if or altbougb lubcr paul Dotb incomparifonfct^ quicfening fpirite^ Lc Cbritt geuetb to {^ fa^tbfall, againit tbe lining foulc iDbcrin aoam tuas creatcD, be fcttetb fortb § more abounoant mca# fure of grace in § regeneralion:t?ct Dotb be not take atoai? tbps otber prmcipali pointjtbat tbis is t\)c cnD of our regene^ ration, t Cbrift l^oulD neto faction fcs to tbe image of (iDoDXbcreforc in an c* tbcr place be tcaci)ct})y that tbc nctu ma is rencincD accoroing to p image of bim tbatcreateDbim* tsabertoitb agreetb tbriS faring:put on tbe neto man tobicb is create accorDing to Cod . jl^otu it is to be feene, lubat paul Dotb principally? comprcbcnD tnDcr tijv^ rcnuing . jftrft _^ be fpeaketb of fenotolcDge anD after of 24. pure rigbteoufnt OC f bolinetTe. ^ber^ br lue gatber tbat § image of dDoD teas firft of all to be fi^n in ^ ligbt of p minD, in r tjprigbtncfle of bart, i founDncffe of all tbe partes, if or altbougb 3! graunt tbat this is a figuratiuc pb t toe bebolDing§ glor? of image f glo;^ ef OoD^anD tbc iuoman is cxcluf tta from ^ Dcgrijc of l)ono;,itappearetb bp tfje reH of tfjc tej:t tbat tbe fame is to beappIreD onciv tociatlc o^oer of poll? cie.'ilBut tljat tnoer tbc name of image, inherof U5e fpeake, is fomp:ebcnOCD all tijat belongrtb to tbe fpirituall f eter*' nail life,3i tljinfe it be alreaD^ fufifieicnt^ Ip p;DueD.0nD {' fame tbing ootb 3obn ccnfirmc in otb^r Uio;Des : faring ^ tbe ligbt tufjicb teas from tbe beginning in tbe eternall U)o;id of CDod teas tbe ligbt ofmcnifo^Uiberctepurpofe luasto p;iarfe tbcfingular grace of (S^oDjtobcr* bi? man cFccUetl) all ofber lining crea^ tures to fcurr bim fro tljt common fo;it, bccaufebcbatb attaincD no comon life, but iornco tuitb tbe ligbt of bnuerff an^ cing,be tberioitball Ojeluetb bolu be ioas maoe after § iuiage of (IDoo.SLbcr? foje Ut^t tbe im.a5e of 0cD is tl)t bnco;.- rupteD erecllence of tbe nature of man, tobicb IbincD m 0tiam befcjc h^s fal!,i aftertuaro u-a$ fo corrupted anoalmoff oefaceD, ^ nctb^ng remain etb fincetbat ruine,butDifo;D.:eD, mangleo, % filtbilp fpotteD : ^et tbe fame Dotb in fomc part appearc in § eled:,infomucb as H)tyi are regenerate,! Cball cbtain brr fiil b;tgbt ncffein beaue. Wut ^ Uie mat KnoUi on U)I)at partes it confi(letb,it Ojall be g©) tocntreatc of tbe pciuers oftbefoule. iro.n^rpeculetiuet)curfc of Au2;unine i5 not founo,tt!bere be fa^tb tbat^^ fcnle isa glalTe of tbe ETrinitie, becaufetbat t!;erc are in it bnDrraanrjing,tD;ll, anis memon\ jj^eitber is tbeir opinion to be Libdc ru.ic. de ciui, dei.ii. gpp;oueD,UJbicblet tbe inu^gccK^oo in tbe pctucr of ticminicn gcnen Into bim,as if be relen.bleti OcD onlr in this marke,tbat be is appointiD lc;o f pcD fcEJD? of all tbinges, Ir-bcras in t-eoe tbe image of Cod is p;ioperlv to be Icugt't tritbin btm,aHD net iuitbout bvm , anc is a» inlrarD gtoD gift of tbe fcule. $ HBut htfcit 3i go an^ furtber,it is nab full tbat 3 mete icitb tf)t Doting crroj of tbe Manichecs,tDbicb Seructto batb attemptcD to baing in againe tbrs age. tabcr it is fato,tbat (Sod b;eatbeD t])c b^eatb of life into tbe face of man , tbe^ tbougbt ^ tf^t foule DiD conue^ into man tbe fubfiance of CoD,as if lome portion of tbe immeafurablecDoDtoerfome in* to man . i5ut it is eaGe eucn (bo^tlr to (bcto boU) manv groffe $ fotule abfurDt? ties tbrs Dcuilli^c erro; Djatoetb ^itl) it. if 0 J if tbe foule be bp Deriuation part of tbe eCDtnee of Cod, it Ojall foUoUi tbat tl)t nature of Cod is fubiect,not cnlr to ebange f paltions,but alfo to ignorance, enill luteSjlDeaimcCfejanD all UinDcs of tices.^otbing is mo;e inccnltanttban ma, bceaufe contrary motions DotcOle f Diuerar DjuU) bis foule,oftentimes be is blinDe br ignorance, oft be relDetb as fcanquifljcD eue to fmall tentations,anD tue feno\D tbat tbe fcule it felf is tbe Cnls anD receatier of all filtbinelTe, all tubicb tbings tre mull afcribe to ^t nature of Cod, if toe graunt tbat tbe foule is of tbe effence of Cod,o; a fecret infiotoing nf CoDb^aD . ^bo teoulD not abbo^re tbrs monlf reus Deuifef Kxiitiv in DcDe Dotb Paul allege cut of Aratus, tbat luc JAa^/ are tbe ofrp:ing of CoD , but in qualitic f not in fubftance, inafmucb as b? batb garnilbeD bs toitb gocl^i giftes. ^iit in tbe meane time to tearc infunDer ^jt elTenee of tbe creato^as to fav,tbat eue^ rvmanDctb pofTrfTe a part of it, is t© mucb maDneCDr Xbcrfo^e tuc muft cer^^ tainl^ bolDe, tbat § foules alttcugb tbe 3.niage God the Creator. ^Ijiidgc of CDoD be graiie in tl)f,tjDcrc no lelTe creatcD t\)a ri)C Angels tuere. 0no rreatto 10 not a polo.:ing out uf one fub^ fiance into an ot[jcr, bat a beginning of elTcncc maoe of notfjing. ^w^ altljoug^ tlje fpirit of man tame fro (Sod,* in Dc* parting out of § fled) retournet^ to goD, vet 10 not fojtljtoitb to be favo,^^ it Voas tafeen out of bis fubttance » ^nu in tfji^J point alfo of 01iatider,l»bilc l)e glo^ietfj in bis iUuOions, Ijatt) entangleo tjimfelf Initf) an tjngoDl^ crro:, not acfenotolcD^ gingtl)ei:nageof 0OD to bee in man liiitbont bis effentiaU iaftice,as tfjougl) (Donhv t})t incOimable poUier of t)is boll? fpirite coulD not mahe t0 libe iinto bimfelfjUnlelfeCijntt IT^uIo fubCacial? In potD^e ijimfclf into ts. Mitb lubat* focuercolo.j man^ tio go about to Dif? guife t^efe Deccipt0,vet (^al tbci? ncuer fo beguile f c^es of § readers, ^ are in tl)cir rigljt tnittes^but ?? tbe^ tuil eafil^ fiae ^ tWt things fauo^ of § ^anicbas erro^.anD ttibcr ^.l^aul cjTtreatetb of tbc reao;ing, of tbis Image, it mat? bee reaDil\) gatijcreD out of bis tuo^tis, tbat ma teas made of lifee fb^m to glozic ofCtjua, tue are tranffo^meD into fljcfame 3* magc.asbptbe fpirite of©oD,Vubicb fureln fo l»o.:fee{!) in ts,tbat it mafectti Ms of one fubaance toit^ (Doo. ^ 3ittDerebiitfoUptobo;o\BC£if?pfji^ loiopfjcrs a Definitio of tije fouIe,of inbo almoUnone,ewcpt l^lato,bat!) perfectly? affirmeo it to be an immo^ital fubtJace. an ooeo fome otber alfo, t!;at is tbe Sof cratians DO toud) it,bnt fo as none Dotl) pliinl? teacbt^at tootbcr,lu!jicl)bim^ fclfUias not pcrfuaDeD . 15ut tljerfo^e is Plato of tbc better iuDgemr t,becaufe l}c mthintljc foule conliDcrtbc image of CoD.^oa;e otbcr do fo bliiiD tbe po^ togjbertues cftbe foule to tbisp^if^ tirii liookc. , tol.^o. fcnt life, tbat being out of tbe boDi^ tbei? leauc to it notbing . ^oUi l)e baue al- reaDi?taugf)tbpt5e Scripture, tijatit is a boDilelTc fubllance : noUi mull tue ad tbat altbougb p;io?;cIr it is not com^ p2c!)enDeD in place, Kt it is fet in f!jc boDv?,anD Dot!) tfjcr Dtocl as in a Ijoufe, not onli? to miniller life to al tfje partes of tljc boDn,and to mafec tl)t inftrumets tljerof mceteanD fitrii? feruing fo> tljc actions tbat tbe^? are appointcD fb?, but alfotobeare tbe cbicf office in goucr^ ning tlje life of ma,anD ^ notonl^ about tbc nmtits in tbis eartlr life,fcut alfo to (tirbstp to {» feruice ofCDoD.aitbougb tbis latter point in tbis co;ruptio is not plainly perceyueD,ret mm in tbe Voices tbc fclues tber remain empunteD fome leanings tbereof. jfo: U>bence comctb it bat of fbamc,^ me baue fo great care tnbat be rep^jteD of tbf ^^nD tobcncc to metb Ibamejbut of regard of boneCicf ^ISlberof tbc beginning f caafe iSy tbat tbcp bnderftand tbat t[)e\> are natural^ ly bo^n to obferuc iutl:ce,in tu^icb per^ faafion is enclofed tbt fcde of religion. if o: as Vuitfjout all cotroucilie ma iuas made to meoitatio of tbebcauenly life: fo it is certayiT^ tbc tjnotiiledge tbercf luas cngrauen m bis foule. ^no furcly nun IboulD toant tbc p;incrpall tjfe of bis t)nderaanding,if be ftould be ignft» rant of bys otun fclicyti?,tubercf f pcr^^ fcction is tbv^t be be ioyned \x>itl) CDoD, and tbcrfo.:e tt is tbc cbicf arfion of U)t foule to afpiretbcruto.Snd fo 1^ mo^t ^ euery man ffudictb to app;ocbc tmto tecrc anni^s of enemies. )BvA fojafmucl^ as ^ trcublefomnes p^oceoet!) off co^rup^: tion of natare,it tuerc amiCTe to gatl)cr tbcrb|?> ^ t^cre arc ttoo foiiles, becaafe tbe poUiers of t!)e fonle tio not agree tc^ gctber,tn fucf; toel framcD o^ocr as ttje? onsbt. i5at as fo^ mo.:e futtlc uifputa* tionoftbepotuers tijerafelucs, 3 if sue tfjat to tfje^^ilofopbers. ja fimple D^fini tio ftal fuffice tjs fo; eoiScaticn of goo* finelTcJ graunt tfjat t^e ttjings ^ tlje^ tf acf) are true,f not onclig plcafant hut alfo p;oStabicto tc lmolxicn,i iuell ga« tfjereD of t!)f , f 3 fo;^biD not fuc?i as are uefirous to Irarn to llutit] tbcm . 5f irft tljerfo^c Bi acinit ft?at t^er are flue fen* fes,lPt)tcbPla^o better lifecutocallln^ flnjmcntes, iDljcrbf alobiefts^arepou* reD into ccmmcn fcnfc , as Into a place cf receite : fben follctijetb p^antafie, M}ic\i iusget]^ tiiofe t??ingg one from o^ tijcrtfjatcommc fciifebatb ccnceiueo, nejct i& Keafcn, to titbtcb telcngetl) ttje tniueiTa! iuogcmentof tijings: lafl-, \& t tjnticrftaf ing minDAn^iflj lu carried^ It? bent ano quietc tctoing bc^olDctb at tl}ore things tbat Hcnfon is luont to t if;* courfe tjpi?n,f cofiDcr.anD to t^t bnoer* HaDing mincKeafo, i pbanfie,ti»!;ic!) arc f be tbjee pollers of tbc foiilc, f reft twinges be true, D;atIcaU;liiicig tube true,^et becaufe 3 fcarc tl^at tbe? CftaU mo;c entagle ts Unci) cbrcnrcnclletlja furtbcrtsjjtijinijitbelf to cuerpaflc tbe.3!f an^ man lift otbertoife to ^iutoe tbe poluers cf tbc foule,? to cal tbe one tbc potjDcr of ^appetite, febicb altbcugb a be Ijjitbcuf reafo it felf,rct Dotb obe^ rcarcn,if it be b^! otbcr mcanc Dircrteo, I to cal t Gtbcr t\it poluer of tnoeritan* uing,tDbtcb i^ b^ it felf partafeer of rca^ fon,31 am not mucb againfttt, nciCber toil 31 cofutc tbis cpinion,tbat tbere arc tb?a beginnings of ccing,ti)af is to fav, ^cnfe,ti3nl}erfi:antiing,f jappetite.ll5ut letfcsratbcrcbcofc a oiuifion, i^&i\& toitbin tbe capacif ie of all me ,ti)!jicb ca iiDtbcbat)of§|abilofopbcrs. ifo;tbc^ iDbcit ty^t"^ meane to fpeafee moft plaiit^ lV,tH3 Binitsc t foule into Appetite 1 2Hn^ beraaDing:but eitber of tbcfctbei mahc of tU)o fojts. ^KnDerftaDutg, tbe\? faie, \$ fomtimeContemplatiuctubtcb being contttcD toitb cnlr fenotoleoge, batb no mouing cf action, tobicb tbing Cicero tbinhctbtobeerp;cfreo bt tbis tajo^oe lngenium,feit. ^omtimc tI)eT> fa^ it i& pja(ticall,lubicb bi?conce^uing ofgtoD oj eucll Dotb Diuerfel^ monc tbe WaXL ^nD Appetite tbc^ uo r^iwix^t into W,i\-, I ILuH.Milltbc^cal i luben Appetite tobicb tbcT! cal Hormc,obeictb to reafo, f ^ufl-,^ef cal i> tob^ tbc Appetite fba* feingofigrol^cofreafon,runnetboutt9 intepcrance.^0 altcaies tbcp imagine rcafcn to be tbat in man,tDbcreb]? man in fenolnleDge, tbere DO aunftueretbjee ' ma^rigbtlT? gouembimfelf. otber tbat do refl in Appetite, tbat isi to fapjMtil, t\it parts Isberof arc to ccuet tbofe tbings tljat ^ bnDcrftanDing minD I Keafon do lai» befojc it : tbe poVcer of angcr,tobicb catcl) jtb tbofe tbings tbat HcafonanDpbanfie Do miniftcr bnto te.SLbc potDcr of SDefiring, lubicb ta^ kctbbolD of tbofe ibmgs tbat |i3banftc 7 liBut toe arc conttraincD fomtobat to ftoarue fro tbis mancr of teacbing, be^ caufe (i pbilofopbcrs tobicb I^ncto not tbc corruption of mans nature, tobicb came foj punifbmr t of bis fal,Do to^og^ fuUt! confounD tlje ttoo tcrt? Diuerfe fiatcsof man . 31 ct tjs tbe refo;je tbus t\m\i of it,tl)at tbcre arc in i^t foule of riiemi- flocks e anima |lib.3.ca. 49. Dcdu- phci In- tel l.defi- nibus li. ^ ^'^_^>^"^''^>P^gfg»^g^t it.aitbousb tbefe man ttoo parts,tobicb ibal feme at t\^i$ time God tlie Creator. J\\{\ Eooke. time fo; our pjcfent purpofe , tbaf is to far,^nDeraaDing f Mill.anu let it be t\)e office of dintierftanDing, to Difccrne bettoene obiectes , oj tbinges fet before it,a«ecboftbemfiwU fame tuo^tbtto belifeeD o;rmifiifeeo: anb tbe office of Mill to cbcDfc f folloto tbat \aUt\) tHn^ Derttanuing faptb to be gob , i to refufe anb flee tbat lubicb tHInoerCaiiDing fljall bifalloto.Ilct tjs not berc be ffa^be at al luitb t ntce futtelties of Ariftotlc, tbat tbe minbc batf) of it felf no mouing, but tbat it is cboife tobicb mouetb it,tDbicb cboife be calletl) tl)e beCring mnberff a* btng.516ut to § cnb toe be not entangleb reafo gomg befoje bi»i , tnigbt fee tnbat XB to be foUotoeD o? fo^faUe . i?cj uancb caufe tbe ^bilcfopberg baue calleb tbw cireftingparttbcdDuiDcr. Co tl^'^s he batb aDiovneb Mill,to tobicb bclongrtb cboife. mitb tbcfe noble giftes tbe firft ftate of ma ercelleb,fo ^ be not onlr bao cnougb of reafon, tnncrlfanbing, tuifc^^ bomc, I iuDgement,fo; tl)t gouernmrr.t of tbtiS eartbl^ life , tut alfo to clime bp cucn to Cob f to etemall felicitie, SLbe to baue cboife atibcb bnto it , tul}icb migbt tircct tbe 0ppetites,anb ojtser all tbe inftrumentall motions,! fo tbat t\)t Mill migbt be altogctbcr agreableto iDitb fuperfluous queftions,lct tbis fu^ , tlit gouernment of reafon. In tbts inte* fife bs, t ti)C tuinberlf aning is as it iucr gritie , man bab fratoill,tubereb^ if be tbe guiDe i gouernoj of tbe foule, i tbat | tooulo be migbt baue atf arncb ettrnall iDill batb aliwa^es regaru to J appoint* ; life, if o; bere it is out of place to moue ment of QHnberllranbing , f abt'Oetb tbe niogemcnt tberof in ber befire s . ^cco;^ bing toberunto, Arifbtle bimfclfe batb trael^ fav^b, ^ fleeing o} follolntng is in 0ppetttefucbalikctbtng,as in tbebm berftanbing minbe is affirming i ncnv^ ing. i^otu boto ccrtainc § gouernment of bnticrftanbing is to birecttbe Mill: tbat loe Ujill confiber in an otbcr place, l^ere toe meane onlv^ to fbeto t tberc ca be found no poUier in \> foule but ^ ntat? toell be fa^o to belong to J one of tbefe ttDO members . j^nb in fbts fo;t bnuer QlnbcrftaDing toe comp;tc^enD ^enfe, tobicb otber do fo Didinguilb,^ tbe r fav ^enfe iB enclineb to plcafure,fbj tobicb M* o^Dcr Cap.i6. Oftlie knowlc'-'fe of '1' ojtjcr ^t»£i olrtn life ^vhis ofejic a^mit. aiitiX^ztz that ttjat Hate iuas ^ct furl) as sn^as far fjats tijcr rat'O tocil if tfirr 'laD i fvitfifto vO taUc from bint all rjccufcnci* bene no cbaun^c iit ma,lu?)ift) cl-aur^jc i tijcr iivx5 it rcafonableto rcUrainc <^os becaufc tbe^ I?nclu not of,it iis no mar* | to tI)P0 ^jcinf jto niaUc ma fuel) a one as uelltljoiijb tljz'f^ foiifouno IjcauenauD raru) to^ctber . )i]5uf as fo j tbem tuljitb p;jofcirin5 tbc fduri"^ to be tlje Difciples of CbiiU^lo vet ichc tn fftt U)ill in man, tbat batb bene IsH f Db oton fecretc coun^ fell : it is our part onlr to be fo for toife as \)^iti) fob;ierie toe mar . ^an recea* ucb in DcDe to be able if be tooulD,but be baoncttotoill tbat be migbt be able. ifo; of ^is toill (boulD baue follotoeD IteDfaft continuance . ^et is be not er? cufable,tobicb receaueb fo mucb tbat of b^s otone toil! be batb tbougbt l)is oton Delfrucrion.anD tbere toas no neceffitie to compell (250D to geue 1}^% an^ otber tban a meane toil ano a fraile 1i3)ilyt\jat of mans fiill be migbt gatber matter Aug. Gen.h.ii ca 7.8,5. De.cor. rcp.ct, grati.ad valenti- nu.ca.iu fo; bis Otone glo;^, 1 he xyi.ChApfty. That God by his power doth monish and maintaine the worIdl,which himfclfe fcath created,and by his -prouidence doth goucrne all the partes thcrof» [^tllttttoere berp fonoe ano bare to maite 0ou a creature fo; a moment, toljifbootb mt1)inq (met be batb once m3Deaneni)ofbystoc;Ue.0nD in tb^s ftlc,tobicb toe befo;e allegeD,fbattoe Do not bnDerftanD but bt> fartb > tbat tl)e too;lD toas maae b\? tbe too;De of (Sod. ifo; bnlclTe toe paffe fo;toarD cnen bn? pomt p;mcipiiU^ cugbt toe to Differ fro to bis p;ojuDence , toe do not vet rigbtlp tbi?p:opbane men, tbat tbep;efenccof conceauetobattbis meanetb ^ (SoD is t^.epotoj?r of (IDoD map Ibine bntobs no IciTe ii\ t^t cont inuall Hate of tl)e tosjlBjtbanintbcfirft beginning of it. iro; tboug!) t^t minms of tbe berp toic* fee:) ill amlv bcbclDing of tbe beauf anD eartI}arecompclI?Dtorjfe bp bntotbe ere5to;,vet batb fji^tb a certaine pecu^ Itar u'.ancr bf it kite tobcrbr it geuetb tbe crcato; , botofoener toe do feeme to comp;ii)enDit in minoe, anD confelTe it toitb toung. Mben i fer.fe of tbe ncfij batb onre fit befo;c it tbe potoer of are trou'olcD. 31f tbou taUe alr»a^ tbcir bjcatb,tbev tie anu retournto tbcir auft. 0gain if tbon fenu fo:tb tb? ^pirite, tlicv^ arc crcatcD anDtljourenucft tbe face of^tbceartb. |5ca«ltljougbtber agree to tbe fa^cng ofpauljfoattocbauc our being ?arc| mo!ieo,ani3 do line in C3oD, vet are ti)c^ ' farre from tbat earneft faling ofgrace, iDbicb be conimmDctb tnto bstbecatife tbe? taft not of Ooss fpccial care tober fal? alone \)is fatberlv fauo; is hnctocn. 2 EbtittbisDtfferfcemarJ better ap» peare.it is to be Knoluen, t tbe p^oui^ Dcnce of (lI?ot>,fucb as it is taugbt in tl)t fcripture,is in coparifon fet as cotrar^ to fortune f cbaunces tbat bappr br ad^ uenture.ijiotD fo^afmucb as it batb ben conimcnl\? brletieu in ailages,ano tbe* fame opinio is at tbis oat? alfo in a nja* ner in all men, tbat all tljinges bappen 28. iuere (fabIillbeD,f all t potoer tberof bv^ bv fortune, it is ceita^ne, tbat ^ iwbicb tbefpiritcofbismoutb.lBimnDb^beaD ou^bttobanc ben beleueD concerning i>etb.2Lbc3lo^DeloUeD uolun tjpon tbe fens of men. ^no fo t\^t reC t l5C fa^tb furtbcr to tbefame effect, ifo^ altbougb G)2i^ 00 not all reafon fo o^Derlr? vet be* caufc it tuere not liHcl^ to be beleucD v Cod bao care of mens matters, tmlclTc be tuere tl)e mafecr of i loo jlo, no; anp man Doty earncUl^ belcue t goD maDe (1 lPo;lD,"bn!es be be perfuaoeD tljat goD batb alfo care ofbis Uio;l?es : tberefoje ncttottboutcaufe H>auiDDotb br gasD o^Dcr connev bs fro tbe one to tl)c otber» ©enerallv in DeeD bcf b v pbilofopbers DO teacbc,f mens minDs do tmiut tlj&t al parts of tbe Ujo;Id are ^licbned biitb tbe fecret infpiration of 0oD ♦ )Bixt vet tbcv attc^'ne not fo farre as E'auiD bot j btmfclf pjoceDctb i carrictb aU the goB^ I)? tuitb bim, faT?£ i"«g : all ttjir.i^ luarte I pf ntbee, tbat tbou nmveC gene tbent p^ouiDcnce, is bv tbat U^jong opinion notonelp DarkcneD but alfo in utaner burieD.3f a man ligbt amog tbcues, 0? tjDilD beaasjif bv ^ii\^ fcoenlr rifen \)c fuffcr OjiplDiacU on tbe fea,if be be InU m lyitb tbe falof a boufe e^ of a tree :if an otbcr luanD^ing in Dcfert places finD remeDv fo; bis pouertie, if bauing ben toITeD iDitb t'Qe tuaneS; be atteinc to tbe bauen, if miraculouai? be tkapt but a Singer bjeDtb from Deatlj: all t\)t(t c bau* ccB as txiell of p:Dfprritie as of aoucrfi^ tit t\)c reafon of f> tad) Dot!; afcribe to fojtune.lSut iubcfccuf r is taugbt hv § moutb cf Cb;ift,tbatal tbe bears ofbis beaD are nunil ;cD,U}il faUefo.: a cniife furtber Df,anD U\i\x firmeiv beleuc t ^di :m\us are gouerncDbij txw'tt cot'cell of ci^oD. jdito as coccrningtt;irigs it-ilb- 0 icijfc, tbisisiobc tij:?!S^t, tb^t at* foDe inDue rfafon.^ijou aeual it to tO? ,t:;oa^beuerj cue ov tbca^^bauLbiso\i3n ^ <3M. PLi. ,0. ; ( "2p.i6, Of the knowledf^e of Ge.i,3» 10.10.13. 2 Kin.2o p^op;etie naturally pot into it , vet 00 t^cv not put fo;c^ tljcir poUJcr but onl^ fo far,aig t\)t^ be sirertco bi? t!)c p^d'cnt fjao of (DoDXfjep are tJ) jrfo?c notbing r!s but inSrumcnt0,.ki!)erbiP €»oD con* tmuallp pouretb in fo mucb cffcit a£i pleafctb binirf at ^ie iuil botiietb I tour nctl) tbf to tbt0 Dj ^ Doing. Mnocrea* ture iB tbe potsjer mo^^e marueUous o;^ mo;e glo^touiS t!ja oft fun. ifoj befioe t\)atitg,ti\ct\) ligbttotlje luboie Uio^jlo iDitf} W b^igbtne cre,botu great a tbing is tbt0 tbat be cberiUbetb f quicUnctb all lining creatures toitb bist beaten tbat be b;eatbet!)frutefulneie! into § eartb ^ifi) tiis beamed i ^ ?ut of feeos tuarmeo in tl)t bofonxe of tfje grounD, be o^alnet!) a burjDinggrcnencOe,! fulteining v Tame \int\) neto nouridiments Dot!) encreafc f ffrengtben iUtil it rifebp in UaU^esf SEbatbefoeDetb it \}}it\) continual! tja** poure til it grotue to a floure, ano fro a flourc to fruiter 2Dbat tben alfo tuitb ba^ feing it be b^ingetb it to ripencsf ^Dbat ttm liketoife anb bines being tuarneb bi? bim.bo firU bub 1 Ib©te fo^^tb b;jaun* tbes,j after fcuD out a floure,f of a flour bo engenber frute; )But p iLo^D becaufe betDoubclaime ti)z tubole glo^ieofall tbefe t\)i\m to binifelf , mabe t\)e ligbt firftfobe,anb tbe eartb to be furnilbeD iDitb al kinns of berbs f fruits befo;e ^ be createD tbe funne. 0 goDlp man tber^ fo;re toil not mafee, f funne to be eitber a principal 0.: a neceOarie caofe of tbofe tbings UJbicb toere before tbe creatio of tbe runne,buf onlp an inttrume t iubitb ^^obbfetb becaufe it fo pleafetb bint, toberas be migbf leaue it 1 bo al tbings as ealilv b^ bimfclf. Cbc tobe tue reab V tbe funne ttobefiiattoo baies in one begrce at ^t p;sat>er of BJofua, anb t tbe Cjauoto tberof loent faacfe tm Degras fo; e^ecbtas bis fahe, bp tbofe fetu mi^ racks (don batb oedareo^ tbe funne .....,- - bi3tl?notbailrfo rife ano go boU)n bp of nature, ^no ret tbey bo no mo;tebe^ fraub blinbtnUina of nature, btittbatbs to tcmt tbe remebjace of bis fa^berlr fo^ uojtotuarobSjbotb gouern tljt ccurfe tberof.ji^otbing is mo;e naturall tban fp^ing tiJit to come imtnetiiatlr after luinter/omer after fp?iRg,f baruefi in courfe after fomcr.OlBut in ^iB o^berl^ courfe iB plainly fan fo great 1 fo bne^ gal biueriitie,^ it mar ealilr appeare ^ euerr r^re, monetb f bar? is gouerncb br a nelJD i fpecial p;ouiDence of car^. ibis is in oaDe generally? true/o tbat tet our ei?es i fenfes ouerpalTe not tbat bnmarfeci5 lubicb experience plains In fljetuetbitbat fomc motbers baue full ano plentiful b;etts,fome otber almofte u;r?as it pleafetb atan is rellraineD luitb all bis furies,! al bis p;eparation,bpontDbore becfee Dctb bang all tbat eucr is againff our fdfctn. SuD no otber toav but tbrs, ca tljeimmeafurableanD fuperlticious fcares be cojrcrteD c.jappcafcD, tobrcb uje oftentimes conceiuc bn Dagers bap- peningtjnto tjs.^uperaitiouflr fearful jl fan toe bCjif tuber creatures do tb;ea^ ten bs,o;» gcuc bs any raufeof fear, tue be fo afrapD tberof,as if tben baD of tbe fclues ani fo ;ce o; peUier to Dobs barm Dj DiD t)nfo;efeen o;^ bn cbance burt bs, o; as if againtt tbe i)iv:ts tbat tt^e^ Doe, tbere \uere not fufificient belpe in (25oD. ^fojeraple. 2^bc p^opbet fo^fciDDctb Icrc.io. tbe cbilDjen cf C^oD tbat t\)tv tboulD net fearetbeffarresanD fignes of tbe bea' uen,as tbe bnbcleuers are Uiont to Doe, ^e couDemnctb not euern UinD of fear. Wut lube tbe bnbelcuers to geue atoan tf)z gouernmcnt of tbe luo;lD from (£^oD tnto piancts,Do fain tbat tbeir felicity o;, miferne Dotb bang on tbe Decrees atiD fojelbctcings of tbe ftarres, anD not on tbe ijjiil of CDoD, fo commctb it to paffe tbat tbeir feare is iDitbtfjalone aluane from tbat oneln one,lnbome tl^t^^ ougbt to baue regarDeD Imto tbe Ifarres ^ Co^ tntts/(Mpo fo tbercfoje tuill betoare of tbis bnfaitbfu!nrs,let bim feepe altuais in remembrance tbat tber is not in tl)t creatures a taanD^ing potuer,t»o;feing o; irtotiojbut tbat tf)v^ are gouerneD bv tbefecrete counfell of (Sod, fo t notbing can cbance but tbat tobicb is DecreeD bn bim botb tottting f toilling it (o to be. 4 if ird tberfo^e let tbe reaDers learn, t p^iouiDence is calleD tbat,itct toberc^ lintb^SoD iDleln bebolDetb from beane, Ujbat is Done in tbe \ro.:lD, but iDbcrl^ as guiDing tbe Ucrne, be Mtetl) anD o^^ D^etb all tbings tbat ccmir to paffe . &o Dotb it no Icffe belong to bis banDS,tban to bis enes. i?o;^ twben ^b?abam fa^De bnto bis fon.<©oD Ibal p;ouiDe, be ment Ge.22.8. not onls tbat ^oD DiD fo;Unotu tbe fuc^ ces tbcn to come,but tbat be DiD call tbe care of a thing to bim bnhnotone bpon tbe iJDiU of OoDjtubid) is teoitt to b;ing tbings Doutful anD confufeD to a certain cnD. CObcrbr folotoetb tbat pjoniDccc conCttctb in Doing:fo; to mucb foDln Do manr trifle in talking of bare f oaHnotu leDge. SCbeir error is ttot altogetberfo grcffe lobicb gene ^nto CDoD a go^erng^ men^ !Liap.i6. Of the knowledge of i mentUutDilojoercD,! liJitijcut aDutfeu cl^oifs,(as I taue before faiD) tljat is to iav Tucb aiS ItJtjirletl) ano D^i^uctlj about Untb a general motion tf)c frame of ^l)c Uto^lo Untlj al tlje parts ftjerof, but Dot^ not peculiarly? Direct foe Doing of cuer? creature. |^ctij5tl)i0 erro^ not tollcra? ble.ifo; ns tl)cy> teac!),it mat! be(not):^^ HanDingtlnspjouiDfcc tnW tijepcal ljniuerfal)tl)at al creatures mai be mo* ueD b^ cljance, o; man mat? tttrnc Ijim* felf better o? tfjetber bt? fre cboife cf bis toil, ^m fo DO tbe^ part tbe goucrnmet bctluenc 0oD i man,tbat goD bv bis po# U)er infpiretb^into man a motion tober bv be martuo^U acco^Ding to y nature pianteD in bim, f ma ojDeretb bis otun Doings b^ iiis o^june tsoluntar^^e aDuife: 513?ieflT!,tbet? meanc ^ tbe tuo^lD^mens matters,ano me tbemfelucs arc gouer.^ ncD b^ tf)t potutr,but not bv tt)t apcint^ mtnt of CoDJ fpealxe mt of tbe Cptcu? reans (tobicb peUilence t\}t too^lD batb altoat? ben fiUcD toitb)lubicb D^eame of an i2le atsD flouf!)fuU cDoD: anD otberas maD as tber, MjU\) in olDe time imagi* neD tbat c!DoD DiD fo rule aboue tbe miD^ Die region of tlje aire, tbat be left tbings beneatb to if o^jtunc : foj againft fo tixi^ DcntmaDnes tbe Dumcreatures tbem- felucs DO fufficientlt? c rv out. jf oj notoe mt? purpofe is to confute tbat opinion t is in a matter commclt? beleueD,tub!!eb geningto CDoD a certain blinD,i 3 toote r»ot iJDbat bncertaine mcticn,tafeetb fro bim tbe pnncipall tljing, tbat is b^ bvs incomp.jebenfiblc luifDcm Co Direct anD Difpcfe all tbings to tbeir cnD:anD fo tn raime onl\? i not in DcDe it mal^etb goD a ruler of tbe teojlce, becaufe it takefb from Urn t gouernmetcf it, f\o} tobat Ci befccbc t7ou)is it els to gonern,fcut fo tobeouertbetbat arc tJuDcr tbe?, tbat tbou maifi: rule ti)t bv appointcD o.:Der;' ^etDoJi notaltogetbjr reiect t uibl'Cb is fpohen of tbe bniuerfal p^ouiDcnce: fo tbat tbe^ tuil again grannt nie tUs^ tbat tbe too^lD is rulcD ht CoD,not onlp htcmtt be mainteinetb tbe o;jDer of na^ ture \})\)icl) bimfclf batb fet, but alfo be- caufe be batb a peculiare rare cf cuert? one of bis tuo^fes. SEruc it is v all fc;ts of ttjiugs are moueD bv a fecrct inlltnct of nature,as if tbe)? DiD obei? tbe eternal commaunDcment of dDoD, anD tbat tint U)bitb 3f toe graimt tbat tf)c beginning cf motion bclb^tti) to (IDoD,but t al tbings arc tit\)a of tbem klmB o; bt? c\)aunte cari'CD tobetber i inclination cf nature D^iuetb thcin, t\)e nuituaU tucccDing br tourncs of oaf es anD niBbts, of tointer anD fommer, fljalbc tbe too;ke of CDcD, in fo mucb as be apointing to euerv one tbeir Dutics^batb ii^^^ia«rtenlato tbat Aa.17 28. Hebj Pfi4<^,p God tlic Creator. f irft Booke. , 'to\.';4. tljat iSyift\)t^ ll&ulo allua^ fecpe one mc fure in cgal p.:opo?ti6, ass loel ^ Daves ^ come after tl)c ni(jftts, tlje montl)S after niontl)3,f vcrc3 after t?cres. ^ut Ujbcn fointime immoDerate Ijeatess luitb d;\?^ nes DO burn tjp all t\)c graiac^fomettme Ijnfeafonable raincs Doe mar tlje co;ne, toben foDaine Sarnie comntetl) bt! tjailc anD tempeftjsttbat (l)al not be the fcoift of nerall p^ouiDence of (Sod , tbat be ge^ uctb mcute to tbe rauens biiDes tl)at call bpon bim: but \o\)tn (Sod bimfclf tb^catnetb familie to \iviin% creatures, fcarceanD fometime tuitb mo;e plen* tifull portion as be fbinkctb gcoD^iJtis a cbilDiib tbing as 3 farD befojc , to rc^ Grain tl}is to part!CularDoinges,lDber* as Cbiitt fpeaUetb luitbout exception, Mat.io. tbat not afparroU) ofnenerfo fmalla 29. p;ice Dotb fall to tbe grounD toitbout tbebjill of bis fatbcr , ^urelg if tbe Uitm of birDes be rulcD b^ tbe parpofs of goDjtbe muft tue neeDcs confcs \3}it}) t\)t p.:opbet,^ be fo Dloellctb on bie,tbat 'pf;,^ ^ ^'et be bumblctb bimfclf to loUe bpon al tbingstbat cbace in beauen anD eartb. 6 l&nt bec*mfc Icee hnoiu tbat tt)t tDojlD tuas maDe p;incipallv fo^ man^ feinoes falje>tne mulltberfo.:e confiDcr fbrs cnDe in tbe gouernauncc of man. SLbe l^jopbet Jcremie cr^etb out. 31 Here.:o. hnoUj il o;D, tbat tbe toaf of man is not 23. brs oton, ne^tber belongctb it to man ! to Direct b^sotone Iteppes. ^no ^alo* Pro.20. monfartb, i^t llcppes of man areru* 24. leD by> tbe Lo^Dc, anD bolxj (ball a man Difpofe bvs otone Ina^? f ii^oto let ti)Qm fat? tbat man ismoueD bv (SoD acco:^ Ding to tbe inclination of b^s otonc na^^ ture,but tbat ma binsfelf Dotb turn tbat mo'.iing iDbetber it pleafetb bim. lout if j tbat ioeretruclv^ fa\?D, tljcn (boulD man banc tl^c free cboife of brs otrnc tuar cs. peraDuenfure tber toill Deni? tW. , be^ caufe be f a do nofbing feitbcut f poui^ erof toung is oft ilo;D. Jt is a fonD maDncfTc ^ men Uiill tahe \)pon Dotb be not fufficicatl^ Declare tbat be ; tbe to do tbings Initbout (DoD,tx)b!cb ca fcDctb all lining tbings fomettme toitb not fo mud) as fpeak bu^ U)bat be Unll . -. £1113 Cap.i6. Ex,2M3 anu t^e fcripture to txpts moje plain I^ tijat nothing at all is Don in § too;ilD but b^ bis appointment , (ftetwctb tbat tbofc tbings tDbicb f©me moll bapntng b\?cbancc,arc fubicct to bint.ifo; tobat can rou mo;e afcribc to cbauncc, tban Uibcn a b;ofeenbolDc falling fro a tret, Uillctb a loarfaring man pairing b^ it, y5ut tbc lo.:D faitb far otberl3)ire,tt)bicb fonfelTetb ^ l)c batb ocliucreo bi'm into tl)c banu off GaterXiKcljuife,lDbo Dotb not Iraue tbc bapning of lots to J blinu* ms of fo^tunef m^ut tbt ilo^D fuff rctb it not lubicb clarmctb t\)c iuogement of tbcm to bimfclf:foj be faitb tbat it (onv mctb not to palTe bv a mans oU)n poto^ cr ti}at ftonc0 arc catt into tbe lap, ano D;ati3n out again, but tbat tbing Uibicb onl^ migbt be faiti to come of cbance,be ttfli^ti) to come from bimfelf .jf o.: tbe fame purpofc mafeetb tbat failing of ^a lomon. Cbc po;re man ano tbebfurcr mete togctbcr, gou ligbtnctb botb tbcir epcs. j?o; altbougb po;e mc ant) ricb be pro. 1^.33 nitnglcD togetber in t\)t Uio;lo,tDbile e^ ueri one batb bis Itate aflTigncD bim fro C5ot), be aoaionilbctb t ^00 ^Wh gc- utt\) ligbt to all men is not blinD,anD fo be erbo^tetb § po;e to pacience,becaufc tubofoeucr are not cotenteD ^jn'^ti) tbeir oUin aatc,tbe^ fefee to (baHc of tbc bur? Den V <1I?05 Wl) lareD bpo t\)i, &o an 0* fber p^opbct rebiifeetb f bngoDl^ mm, Uibicb afcribc to ti)t uiligfce of men o;^ to fojtunc,^ fomc lie in miferie f fome arifetjptobono^. STocome to pjefer? ment is nritber fro tlje calf no; fro tbc ty ca,noj from tbc foutb,fo; Cob is tbe iiiogcbe niaketb lolue i bemafeetb bie» ISecaufe c3oD ca not put of tbe cfFire of a iu:)ge,t:;ereap3n tbcp:opbctp;cuctb tbat b^ bis ferret purpofc fome are in bono:,! otbcr fomc remain in contr pt. 7 ^no alfo Bi fai? tbat tbc berr particu^ lar fuccellcs are gcnerallv^ iDitncffcs of go^sftngiUar p^ouiDcnce, fpcciall gift of C5oD, but alfo tbat mr Hut not hv oncl^ b;caD,bc^ caufe it is not f» berp full fixDing ^ nou- rifl)ctb,but tt)t fccretc LUCing of CDoD: as on ^ ctbcr fiDc be tb^catnctb tbat be \i3iUb;jra{5tbelfavof .^:raD, ijie^bcr coulDtDcearncHli'p.zav fo; our Da^l^ b^aDj^nlcffc gop did nreue\)gra)DtPttb brs pfio4.5 pt^io/.aj Gc.30.2. Pfalm. 135. Pfa.34. Lib.2,ad bom*ca. 5» fliB fet^crli! Dano.2:t;crfoje ip P;op!)Ctr to pcrfuaDc tijc fattl)ful, tfjat (5oD in fo Ding ti)em,rjot!) fulfil tbe office of a gon father of ijouI^olD, Dotft put tfje in mino tt)at be gcuctfi meat to all flcOj.ifinallp tobcn toe \mt on tl)e one fioe^X^e tm of tlie iLo^D are tpon tfjc rigl)teou0,anD %i& eareiS bent to tfjcir p?aier0:on tfjc 0^ tftcr OueilLfjc ev^e of ttje llojD is tpon p tngoDl^jto oellrop tlje memojtic of tbr out of ttc far^:let tshnoto tljatal crc^ ature0 botlj aboue anu bcneatl),are rea^ Dr to obeDience,tbat Ije ma^ applp tljem to toliat tjfe fo euer be toil,tobcrtpon 10 gatbercD, iW not onl^ bi0 general p?o^ oiDenceremainetbin br0 creatures to continue tbe o;oer of nature,butairo bi bi0marueUou0 councell i0 applicDtoa certaine anD p^opje enoe* 8 aDbcp toljicb toolD b;ing tfj^iS Dcctrin in batre5,Doe r auil tbat tU^ 10 tfje lear? ning tbat tbe ^toi^es teacb of fatum 0; SDcften^ ^x^mh alfo toa0 once lat?D fo? rep^ocbeto Auguftmc, ^0fo?t30,al* tbongb toe be lotb to ITrtuc about too?* Des, t?et toe aloto not tbr0 too?t) fatum, botb becaufe it is one of tbofe tofjofc p;o pb'ine noueltp f.Paul Utn^zily ts to See f becaufe fomc men go about toi?tb tbe otioufnes tberof to b?ing go3)0 trutb in batrei3» 30 fo? § tjcrp opinion of p ^to^ iUr0,it 10 to?ogfuU^ laiu to our cbarge. ifc? toe DO not,a0 tbe ^toiUc0 Do,ima* ginea mcerutt? b^ a certaine perpetual fenot f entangico o?tJer of r aufc0 tobicb 10 cotaineD in nature:but toemabe gou t^t iutjg.c ? gouerno? of al tbinG0,tobicb accDjDingio bi0 toifoome batb euenfro furtbelt enu of ct'*rnitt; DecreeD tobat be toolo tio,ani3 noto bti bi0 pctocr i^{\itti\^ in txttwiim tbat tobicb be batboccresD, Mberbpon toe affirme tbat not onlf r beauen f eartbanu otbcr crcature0tD^ out life,but alfo y^ pi:rpofe0 ano toille0 cfmenarefo gouernctJlv bi0 p?oui^ Pence, tbat tbet? faeoirectlr cariePtotbe God the Creator. Firfl Booke» FniTtbat it appo^mtetft.t^bat tbenVtoil one fai',pctb notbing l^a^i^tn bt? fortune 0; b]? djaunce i ^ anftocre tbat Bafilius magiiuibatbfruelr fa^D tbat fortune 1 cbauncenrc l^eatben mcnnr0U!o?pc0, toitb t^t fiignification tobcrcf tbe minos of tbe goDl\? ougbtc not to be occupico. ifo? if cucr^gffipfnf CC0 be tbebk0ing of ' leD b\! fecret o?Der. ^nP toe cal cbaunce in tbing0 notbing els but tbat tobcrof p reafon anp caufe is bnfenotof n. 31 fa^Pc tbi0 in PaPe^but ii repcntctb me tbat 31 PiP tberc fo name if o?tunc.iro?afnuicb 30 31 fee i> men banc ater^ euel cuUom, l5 tobere i\)f^ ougbt to fav? ihv^^ it pl*^^" fep CDop,tbet? far tbu0 it plefep fi??f unc, irinall\% be Potb commolv in bi0 boUc0 teacb,i5 § too?lP fljulP be tnoADcrli tobir leP about, if ani? tbing toer left Ijnto fo? tune. anP altbouab in an otbcr place be peterminetb ^ all tbing0 are pone part^ Ip b^ tMt free toill of man,anp partly? b\? tbe ^?ouiPence of ^op,rct Pctb be a li- tie after fufficientl\? ftjeto ttat men are fubiett tnto, anP ruleP b^ p?ouii?cnce, tafeing f bi0 fo? a p?inciple)tbat notbyng t0 Of the knowledge of u;oufines: on v otiicr fiuc f o ourrt^:oto tbe p.ioutj, to alfappori^t tl)e futtlctpe of t^e totciJCD, to confounoe ttjeir ucuifcs. ifut boVufocuer t\)C wufcs be fccrctc f tnlnictun to Msi^t muft affaretl^ IjolD tbattlje^arelatDtp in ftiODcn tto^e\^ fetm, an^ tl)crefo;c luc otigbt to crt? out tD^tlj SDauio, (I5oD,tI)ou Ijafte maDc tlj? toonoerfdU iDOJkcs fo manr, tfjat none can count itx om^ to t\)ez thv tljougbtcs totnarD tis. 3 tooulD Declare ano fpcake of tljcm,but tbet? arc mo;je ttjan 3! a^n a* ble to txm^* iro^ altbouab altoarcs in our mircrte« tjoc ougbt to tbinh tipo our finnes, tljat tbe ticr^e puniOjmcnt ma^ moue t)s to repentauncc, vet Doe tue fee boiD €\mit geuetb mo;ic potoer to f fc* cret purpofe of bi?s fatber,tba to puniO^ euer^eone accojoing to bis oeferuing» j?o; of bim f tuas bo;n blinb be fai^tb: neitber batb tbis man finncD, no; \)y>s parcnts,but tbat tbe q\o;^ of be CbetueD in bim.if o;^ bere natural fcfe murmur etb tuben calamity comctb cue before b irtb,a£5 if goD DiD tonmcrcifuUi? fo to punitbc tbe fcl\) innocent, tbat bao not DcfcrueD it, 1113utCb;ift Dotb tcftifij tbat in tUs ioking glas tbe glo;p of b^s fatber Dotb tHinz to our figbt,if tuc banc cUare t^ts to beboloe it "But tue mull bepe moticffv,tbat toe D;iato not <25oD to telD caufe of bis Doing0,but let tjs fo re? uercnce bis fecrct iuDgcments, tbat Ijis tnil be bnf o tis, a moll iiitt caufe of all tbings.^bentbick clouDcjSDocouerig |)cancn,f a Violent tcmpeft arifetb,tben bccaufe botb a beauifomc miHincfTe is taSt befo^je our eie0,i ti)t tbunDcr trou* bletb our cares,f al our fcnfes arcama* feu toitb tcrro;,toc tbinktbat.altbings are confounDcD and tombleo togctbem ^tt al ti)t Uibile tberc rcmainetb in tbe bcauen tbcfame quictneCCe i calmncCfe, tbat luas before* S>o mull tuc tbinh ^ lubilc § troublefomc Hate oftbings in ttuo^lD ta^ctb fro tg abilitie to iuDgc> (Doabr tbe pure ligbt offtts rigb^ouD ncttc f toifeoomc, Dotb in toell framcD oiUiT goucrn i tiif^ofe cucn tbofe tcr^ troublefome motions tbcmfclucs to a rigbteni). Zm tvxd^ ttt^ monffrous is ^ rage of man^ in tbis bebalf, tubicb Dare mo;c tolDl^ cal tbe Ipo^Us of (E>oD to accompt f examine bis fecret mea^ nings,anDtogeue tmaDuifcD fentcnce of tilings bnfenotDcn,tbantbevU)iUDo of tbe DeeDsofmojtallmcn. iPojUibat is mo^e bno^Derli^ tban to bfc fucb mo^ DcftictoloarD our cgals, tbvit toe baD ratberfufpcnD our iuDgcmcnttban to incurrc tbe blame of rafbneffe, i on t\)t otber fiDe p;oiM'(> to triumpb tjpon tbe Darlvt iu^gements of dDoD , tubicb it htf came bs to regaro toitb reuerencc. 2 SCberfo^c no man (ball toell f pjofi* tabli? tDCT> tbepzouiDcnccof (^oD but be tbat confisering fltat be batb to Do toitb bT!Screato;anDtbemalier of ^toojlD, Dotb tipfucbbumilitieasbe ougbtfub* mit bimfcif to feare i reuerence. I^erc^ b\»*it comctb to palTc, tW fo nim\> Dogs at t\)iB Dar DO Icitb bcnimcD b^tingSjOj at IcaS barking aCfailc tbrs Doctrine, bc^* caafe tbc^ totll baue no moje to be lato^ full fo; d^oD , tban tbeir oton rcafon in* fo^mctb tbe.0nD alfo tbcp railc at tis Xo all tijs fpifefulneffc tbat t^cv arc able, fo; ti^^t not tontcnttn l6 t^t commaum Dcmentcs of tbe latu,Uibenn tbe toill of 005 is compKbenDeD. Wit Do furtber rat?,tbat tbe tuo;lo is rulcD b^ bis fecret counfcl0.^stbougb tbetljing ^ toetcacb tocre an inuf ntion of our otim b;avne, anD as tbougb it toerc not true tbat tbe bolT' gboft Dotb eucr? Inberc erp;eirclv (siy> tl)c fame, anD repcatetb it toitb uv numerable fo;mes of fp^cb . 313ut bc# caufe fome (bamc rcffrainetb tbe , ttfat tbtp Dare not bomite out tbcir blafpbc* mics aga^nH tbe bcauen: tbc|» fain tbat tbcp contenD tuitb bs,to tbe cnDtbei? may tbe mo;c frgclp play tbe msD men. )^ut Pf.35.8, Rom.u, 3> Dcu.29. 29. God the Creator, \^ni[hoo\o "Of graunt ttjat tofjatfo^ of tlje txio^lD, baD bonoMbl? entreaUO euer ^appcneti) in t\)t tuo^lD, is goueri: of t^s Iuoj&cb of (!3od , at lengtf) be an^ ncD bt> tbe tncomp^ebcnfible purpcfc of j Dctf):lio,tbcfc be part Qft)vs tnares but (2500 , let tbc anftuere totufjat tm ttje . fjotu little a portion beare fee of b^mf rcripturerdrtbjtbatbiBiuogcmcmsarejacfo^DingtoiDbicb rc^fcn in anotber a Dtxpc bottomlcffe Dcptb.iroj tubercag j place be mafeetb Difference betlccn tlje fpofcfli cr^ctb out tbat tbe luiU of dDoo 1 toifccome ^ reniarnetb initb (Cod, ano is not to be fougbt a far of in § clouDes, tbc mtafure of toifeDome ^ be batb ap^ 0; in (> Deptbeg, becaufe it is familiarly poinii^o fo; men. if 0; after be baD p.2ea^ fct fojtb in § lain: it follotoetb, i bT?B 0^ cbeD cf § fccretcs of nature^be fattb tbat tber biDDen toil is copareD to a bottom^ luifc^omc is fenolwen to dDoD onelr^anD leCfc Dcptb Of § tjubicb Paul alfo fa^tb: is biODen from f> rves of all lining crea^ £D Deptb oft ricbcCTe 1 of tbe tuiireoomc turcs.l^ut b^auDb^ after be fa^ib far S7. anD of tbc fenotuleoge of dDoD : botu tn fearcbablc arc ^^$ iuDgementes , 1 b^s toat!cs pall finDing out f foj tobo batb knoluen tbe minDe of ^ JlojDe , o} tobo batb bene b^scounfellerf 0nDit is in D^eDe true, tbat in tl^t dDofpell i in tbc laU) are containcD m^jfterics tubicb arc tber, ^ It is publilbeD to (> enD it OjoulD be ff arcbcD out , bccaufc it is fa^D tnto ma, bebolD ^ fearcof 0od is UnlDcmc. ifoi tbispurpofemafeetb tf)t facing of A ugurtinc : liocfaufe toe hnotunotall tfjin^s \xiUd'i ©oD Dotb cccerning tjs in moft gojD o^Dcr,^ tberfo;c in onclf cod far aboue f capacitic of our fenfe : but toil toe do acro2Ding to tbe lato,bicuufc fojafmacb as C5od fo; the c6p;jebenDing hy^s pjouiDtce is an "bncbangeable lato. of tbcfe mi?lierics \jit)ic\) I):: batb t3oucb^ s:brrfc:e fitb (DoD Dotb claim t3nto bim fafcD to open b? bi?s toojDe,Do. b ligbtcn fclf tf)£ potoer to rule tbe toojln, to!;icb tl)i minDes of tbem tbat be bi5,toitb tiit is to \js fenfenotoen , let tbis be to l3S a fpiritc oft)nDcrUanDing:notoi5tberin latoof fobrrneffef mozjettt?^ r^iitiU to nobottomleflfeDeptbjbata toa? toberin \ ohco bififoucraign autbo;itic,'tbat brs toe nmft fafc toalfec , anD a canDell to j totll ma^ be to ts \> cnl^ rule cf iailice, guine our ftxte,anD tbc ligbt of life, ano anD ti^e moft iuft raufc cfall tbpnges.J tbe fcbmlc of certain 1 plainly Difcerna* 1 meane not tbatablolutc toill, of tobicb fob.28. 12. Li 83. qucll.ca. ble trutb- 13at bis marueilausojDcr of gouerning ^ too^lD istoojtbcl^calleD a bottomleffc Deptb ♦ becaufe tobile it is biDDen fro bs, toe ougbt rcuercntlp to too;ft)ip it . Kigbt toell batb ^pofcs et* pjefffDtbembotbinfctotoojDcs, Cbe fccrete tbinges ( favtb be) belong to tbe !lo;D our C15oD:bat (' things reuelcD be* long to t)s t to our cbilD^e fo;.eutr.lMc fee boto be biDDctb t3S not oncl? to ffuD^ in mcDitatiott of J lato,but alfo rcuerr t^- t\ie fopbiCcrs do babble , feparating fcr toicfecDauDp^opfianc Dtf(?grement br^ iuttite from bl^s potoer , but | mf*anc ^t p;ouiDence,tobtcb is tbc gourrneffc of all tbinges/rom "ojbicb p.:ccf Dctb no^ tbing but ria;bt:altbcugb i eaufes tber^ of be biDDen from bs. y CSIlbofoeuer (ball be frameDtotbr^ moDcftp , tf)e^ neitbcrfo^ tbe time paff toil murmurcagainft CDoD fo? tbeir aD? ucrfitics , no;i la^ bpon brnr tbe blame It? to loIiet)p tnto t leerctp^oaiDcncc of of toici'to Doingcs, as Agamemnon in CDoD. anD in i bmUt of ^ob is rebearfeD ! Hon cr DrD,faring,35 am not tbc caufe, one title of tbis Dcptb , f it bubletb our I but lupitcr t £Dcffenie : no? ^ct againe minDes . fm after ^ tbe autbo,: of tbat ' as car^cD istoat to DettfnieB,tbe? toill hffll^c in fBrneping t?p f Doton t^e frame b\? Defperation tb;oto tbefelucg into Dc^ \^x firuetion, Cap. 17 Of the knovvledfrc of puiuiUco i^o;^ KU*c9euoas a(tcs,bccaufe tfje^arenotccmtttcD butbitoc nifpo- Utio of CDoDJ graunt mojc:tijat AjtutB ant) murttfcvers aiD ctljcr tiuU aocrs are tljc inermentsofgoiijsi W^onimz, U^^om () IL0.2D Dotf) tfc to ejicute tbofc tuDgemmte tntjicl) ^e tjat^ toitt) !)im;^ feifUetmnmcD.)ii5utgi Dtn^ tijat t^eir eudi Doings ouiJj)t to ^auean^ cwufe tljerbp.iro; tofji'^ fljall t\)t^ c'^tlftv m* tangle CDcD in ttjcfame UitcUeHncffc to tf)em,o; a}all tlje^ couer tbeir noug?)ti* netle tuittjtjifi rigijteoufneffefS^ftei? ca 00 neittjer of botl).3i3ccaiife tiitv fl^culo not be able to ciccufc tJjrfeluea, t^iei? are acculcobptbeir oten coiifcience, j^no becaule tbcp fijnlD not be able to blanie CoD,tbet» fino all tbe euell in tl)f lelucs, ano in bini notl;ing but a latoful tife of tbeir euelncOe.^ut ^e U)o;ifef tb b^ tbf . 0nD U3bf ce Ji p;ai? pou, cometb t i^^inS in a DeaD carrion, tubicb batb bm botb rottcD f DifclofeD bpbcate of tbe funnel aUmcnDo fatbatit is raifco bv tbe bcames of \> fun ♦ ^tt no ma ootb tbcr^ fo;efav,tbattbe funbeames do ttink. ^0 \}ji)m tbere refte tb in an tutl man, tbe matter anD giltinetre of euell, tubat caufe is tbere tcbs it OjoulD be tbougljt ti;at CDcD is an^ ttjing cefileo tcitb it,if bebfetbcirfcruieeat bispleafure. a^ Um^tberfo^ei^ tbisDoggifl) frotoaro^ neOie, lubif b niav in oe^D a far of barSe at ti)t iutticc of cI5oD,but ca not toucb it 6 ai5uttbefecauil!ationso;ratberDo* ting errcjs of pbjentifec men fpal eafi!^ be (bal:cn atcavibv goDl^ anD btir mc;= citation of tbat p^ouioence, tjbicb tbe ruleofgoDlinelfeteacbctb ts , fo (bat tbcrof mar grolo fcnfo ts a goD i moft plcafant fruite.SLberefo^e a Cb?illtan b:uttubcnit ismcd affureulp perfua^ DcD,tbatal tbings come to paffe b? tbe Difpofitisnof (DoD , % ^ notbing bappc^ netbbrrbaunce, Uiill aWjctav lcr.D bis egcgjobim ag to tbe principal! caulc of tbin(5S,f ^zthyd coSoert inferior cau; fcs in t\)nY place* £Dbc be loil net cout tbat t\)i fingular p;ouiDf ce cf goD Do^b Icatcb foj Ub pjcfcruatton, U^bicb p^o- uiDcnccfeil fuffer noticing to bappf,but tbat iDbicb Ibal tonrne to bis goo % fal* nation. 0nDbccaufebebatb toco firti of all toitb men,anD tljen luitb tbe otbcr creatures,be toillaffurebimfelf ^ goDs p^ouiDence Dotb reigne in botb. Ss ton^* cbing mr ,tubctber tbt^ be gcD o; euel, be tuil acbnotulege tbat all tbeir coun^ fels,tjDi(lcs, cnterp;jifcs ano poUicrs arc bnber tbe bano of <©od, fo tbat it is in f mod euiOf t p^omifestoUiilncflfe.Caft tb^ biirDcn tpon tbe ILojD , f \)e fljall nouriflb tbee,i 0?aU not lufi'er t\ic rigbtcous to fall fo; eucr, becaufe i)t caretb fo; ts . i^e tbat Dtociletb in tbe bdp^ of t^c bitit , Iball abiseinf p;otectionoftbe CPoD cfbea# uen.^^etbattoucbetb ^ou, tDUfi}cti) tbe apple of mine eve.Bl toil be tbr rbilDc,a b;afenli}all: 3i totU be enemieto fb^ enemies . ;aitbougb tbe mo?ber fo;get , ber cbilDjen, ^tt luill 38 not forget tbes. 0nD alfo tbis is tbt principal entent in tbcbiilo;ies cf tbe 51Bibel, to teacb tbat tbt i c;d totb ^itb fucb Diligence Uepe tbetoa^es of tbe gainers, tbat tbc^Do not fo mucb as l^umble againft a Gone. Kb^^^'^^t as a litlc before toa baue rigbtftillj? reiecf CD tbeir opinion tobicb DO imagine an tjniuerfall p;ouiDence ofC'CD, fbatffoupctbnot fjxciallv to § care of euer^ creature : xtt p;!r.cipallr it l^albe goiD to refenottlcgc tbcff»me fpccu^.ll care totuarD our rciur s. tSHbcr^ up5 Cb;iJl after bebaoaffiniicD^not tbe fparotjj of leaft talue, Dotb fall to v groiiD Ijoitboat tbe toil of § fatbcr, Dotb bi?anDbv applg it to tbis cnD,t toe fl^ulD Pfa.^f.23 .Pc.;.?. Pfa.pM. Zach,2.8 Efa.a6.2 confiDer Mat. 10.' 29* God the Creator. Firft Bookc. | Fol.j-p. Ex,3.2U I. Kinge. 22.20.2» j i.Kin.i2» lO. cosifiocr tbat Ijotxi much Uic be moje iuo;tI) tija ft^aro^ucSjtoitl) fo nmtl) nicr rare Dot!) CDcD pjouioe fo.i t0,auD fjc rp tcntjctl^tiiatcarcfofarrc ^ toe mat be boloe to truft tfjaC tbe bearcst of onr beau are numb;eD, GcHbat can \x)t tctffje our felues mo;e , if not To mucb us a beare can fall from our bead bat br bts totUf 3 fpeaf^e not onclr of all manhtnoe, bat bccaufc (DoD batf) cbofcn bis Cburcb foj a otoelling boufe fb^ bimf^lfe , it tg no Doubt but t betiotb bt fingular r^am' pics (betD bis rare in gouerning of it 7 Cbe feruant of dDoD being ttrengtb* ncD toitb t!)crc botb , p;omifcs i eram* ple0,tDill iorne Initb ti^cm t))c teffimo* ntes tobicb teacb tbat al men are bnDer CDoDs pofeer^tDlifbcr it be to toin tbcir minoeiS to gots UiiU^oj to retrain tbeir malice ^ it mat bo no burtif o; it is tfjt 3Lo^D|^gcuctl)b6fano;r not onclt toitb tbem tbat tuill bs l»eU,but airo u\ § €f giptians, f as fo; tbc malicioufneffe of our enemies be fenoloctb botu bt uiuers IcaiTs to fubDuc it. if c; fomtime beta^ feetb atoat tbeir tott fro tbem , fo tbat tbet can conceaue no founD o;, fober atj* uict , like as be fent fc^tb ^atan to fell tl)e moutl)cs of al tbe |bjopbets toitb It^ ing to oeceaue acbab.^e matje Kecba* I beam mab bt t toung men^ counfrll, tbat be migbt be fpotleb of bis kingoom bt bis otun follt. #iUit times toben be gra untctb tbem luit, tet be maketb tl)t fo afratb i aflronilbeb, tbattbet can not Uiill no; go about ^ iubicb tbet baue co^ ceaueb . Sometime alfo tuben bebatb fuffereDtbemtogo about ^tubicb lull anD rage bib counfell ti)cm , be botb in couenient time b;cak of tbeir biolenrcs, ano fuif retb t\)tm not to p;ocebe to tbe enb ^ tl}(^ purpcfeb.^o bio be before (> ttmt b;ing to nougbt tl)t counfell of ar^ cbitopbeli ^ fboulo baue ben to a>auii5s beCruction . ^o alfo be taketb care to gouei'ne all bis creatures fo: tbe benefit anb fafctte of tbem f be bis, tea ano to gouern tbe bcuill bimfelf, tobicb as tue Ice Ciura enterp;:ife notbing againd Job Uiitboutbis fufferance f commaunoe* ment . Mt^is knotolebge neceffarilt enfuetb botb a tbankfulncfle of minbe in p;ofpcrous fuccelTe of tljinges , f alfo pacience in abuerlif ie , f an increoible arruremicCTc againa t\)t time to come, ^batfocuer tbcrfo;e fl&all bettbe bnto f)ini p;ofperouCt ano accojoing to f)TS bartcs DeCrcall tbat be toill afcribe bn* to cfoDjtabctbcr l)c fcle § bountt of CDoo bt tfjt miniffert of men,o; bebolpen bt liuelefle creatures , jroj tbus be toill tbinkc in i^is minDe:furelt it 10 p 11o;d tDbicb batb inclineb tbeir mints to me, tobicbbatb iotnen tbem bnto me to be inttrumentcs of bis gcDOncfTc totoaro me.Sln plentt of tbe frutes of tbe eartb, tbus belDilltbink, tbat it is tbe llo:t;e i'oi^it^ bearetb tbc beauen,tbat tbe bea^ uen mat beare ti)e eartb,^ tbe eartb al^ fo mat b^arc bcr frutesjn otbcr tbtngs be tuill hot Doubt tbat it is t onclt blcf^ (ing of tbe llo.jbe .tcbercbt all tbinges p:ofp2r,anD being put in miuDebtfo i;rant caufes be toill not abtbe to be bntbanfefull, 8 3f ant aDuerGtie bappen,be toill bt^ antibt tl)crtin alfo lift bp ^is minbe to (HJob, tobofe banb auailetb mucb to tm^ j p;int in bs a pacience i quiet moocrati* on ofbart. iif3ofepbl;ab JJillcontinueo Ge.4^.8f in reco;Ding tbe falfliooe of bis b;etb;f , becoulD neuerbaue taken a b;otberlt minDctotoarD tbe. HBut bicaufe be boto^ eb bis minb to the 31o;d, be fo;gat t in^ turt,anD inclincD to meckenclfe anb cle^ menct, fo far fo;tb ^ of bis oion acco;D be comfo:teo bis fa;ctb;en anb fatb : Bit is not tou ^ foloe me into CD'gipt,bat bt tbe tuill of dDoD 31 to^is fent before tcu to faue tour lines, ^ou in cdbe tbougbt euill of me, but tbe ILojoeturncD it to gcpn.gjf job bab bao refperttotbe Oab W.tii. Dees, Cap.«7. Of the knowledge oF fojti^ljuicl) t)auebcnfem9lcD to rcnrngc. Ii5ut bf caufc tie Dtti ttcrtottljall acknotp leogc it to be t^c luo>k of (2;c9, be c5foj; )b.i.2i 2. Sam. 6. lo. Pf38.io. armeagteeUtl'cBcniil as all ictcfeeo men to ttiixt ^it\) bs , i rJjat fje fittctfj astuDa.e to ercrdfc our pactcncc . llBat .„^, ._ ,, tftbcmiffojtuncsfmifcr^cjst^Gppjeirc telS bimfclfe ioitb tbi^ molE crc client I bst, tso cbaiic c toitbout tlje tuo^fec of mr, favtng:2Dbe iLojb batb ge«cn,tbe iloju let vs remember § DostraiC of tbe la to: batb taUen atBai^ , tbe 31 o;Des name be tubatfceijer i$ p;5ofperou0 flotuctb from bleffeD : ^o E>aiui), toben ^emei bat> tbe Tcantain of C5od0 blclTtiig , an& tbat i'ph.^. 12 rafkn am tatt if ones at btm , if bt bati Icjies bpon man , be tooulD baue encou^ ragen bis foul5)ier0to reacquite tbein^ iurie.HButbecaufebe bnDerftoiD ^ ^e^ meiDiD it not Icitbout § mouingoftbe iLo;D,be ratber appeafct) tbem.Let bim aJone(faptJbe) foj § 3loji3 batb comaun^ DeD bim to curfe.CiEitbtbe fame fajitilc in an otbcr place Dotb be rcllram tbe in* temperance of fo jroto. BibelD mi? peace (fa^tb be) anu became as Bum, beeaufe tbou £) 3lo;iD,i3iQbeft it. Siftber be moje etfcdnallremcD^againlt tu^^atb f im* paciemetfurelp be batb not a litle p;tofi^ teD tobicb Wh learneb in tbis bebalf to tbinli bpon ^ p;ouiuence of dDoD , t be ma^ allDirg call back W minte to ^^s point Jt i0 t\)c ilojjjes lDill,tberefo^e it mutt be fufFereD,not onel^ beeaufe it i3 not latnfuU to Uriue againlt it, but alfo beeaufe be toilletb notbing but ^ Ivbicb is botb iull f crpcbtent. 3in fum,tbi0 is i enu, ^ being Ui^ongfuUp burt bp me, toe leauinjtbcir malice ( Icbicb tuoulD DO notbing but enforce our fo;rot»,anD tobet our mintjes to reuen6e)lbouJD re^* mebcr to clinibetjp bnto <^oO, i Icarnc to bcleue afTurcDli?, ^ lobatfceuer our t* nem^e batb mifcbeuouG^ bone agat?ntt t33 iDas botbfuffcreo ant) fent hy> (E?c50 Difpoiition . paale, to refrainc b0 from rccopenfing of iniarie0 botb Juifel^ put ts in mint)c,tbattii0are not to Uj.iaftle tuitb flcfb ^ bloaD , but Xd tbe fpirituall cnem^ § tjeutU , tbat Ice ma\? prepare our fclues to If riue v6 bim. 115ut tl^^s is tbe molt pjofttable leHcn fo? tbe appear (ing of all rase0 of b3^itb,tbat dPoD potb 38. Alnos.3. 6. efa. 4f .6 all a5uer&tie0 are b:0 curlTingstan?) let tbat mcft terrible loarniiig make ti0 a? fra^D : BIf T-e toalke Cubbo^nli? aga^rfi me,^ toil aUo toalk ftfbbo;ul^ agninft ^'^' ^^ tcu. in tobicb is rebukeD our nuggill^ neCT^jtobr acco^ctng to i common fenfe of t fielb accompttng al to be but cbance tbat b^ppenetb , of botb fortes toe are nei?tberencourageDb^ tbe benefitcsof CDoD to too^lbip bim , no; pjickeo fo^# toarb toitb bi0 fccurge0 to repentance. i:bis fame is tbe reafon , tobl^ Jeremy iLam.3. anb ^mo0 m fo (barpl\? rebuke t\)t 3etoe0,becanfc tber tbougbt ^ tb«nge0 30 toell gojD a0 caill came to paffe \i)itlif out IP commaunbementof Cod. 2lo tbe fame purpofe feruetb tbat fermon of€f fa^. 3 1' d^oD tbat create ligbt 1 falbion Darkneire,tbat make peace i create tf uill.31 (ScDDomakealltb£fetbmge0. P 0nD ret in tijc meant time a go&lr matoillnottoinkat § inferior caufc0. ^eitber toill bc,bicaufc be tbinketb tbf tbe miniiiers of (Dow gcoDneOe bv ti^bo be batb rcc^aucD benefit,f berfo^c let tl;c palTebnccnfiDereDjas tbougb tl)i^ bao DeferueD no tbank bp tbeir gentleneire: but be i^ill bartilp tbiiik bimfdf bounD tjnto tbf ,anD toill toillinglr confc tfc \)is bonD, anD trauc II a0 be fljall be able anD a0 occaCon flfeall fcrue,to rccompcnce it, jpinallt? in benefites reccaueD be toili reucrence 1 p;arfe(I?oD as tbe principal autbo;,but be toill bene; men a0 tbe minilfer0,f a0tbc trutb is inDCDe be toill bnDerlfanD tbat be is h^ tl)t toil of C»oD bcuD to tbf ,1? tobcfe 1} liQ])t of dDoDe \d^oiiU Dcnce batb once OjineD bpo a goDl? ma: be is noto rclcucD i De!iucrcD not onl? from ? extreme anguifij i fearc tober^ Mtf) be toas bcfo;e opp^efiieD, but alfo from al care » if o j as iuHl? be fearetb fojtuncjfo be Dare bolDl? comit bimfelf to goD.Ebis iB(^ fa?) bis cofo;t, to tn^ DerltanD,tbat tbe bcauenl? fatberootb fo bolD in al tbings toitb ^is potoer, fo ruletb tlit tottb bis avtljontic i counter nance,fo o^D;etb t^tm \s)itl9 Ifis toifcDo, ^notbing befalletb bat b? his apoint^ ment,anD tbat ije is rece?ueD into goDs tuition,anD committcD to ti^t cbarge of angels, I can not be toixi}cii toitb an? burt of toater, no^ fier, no; toeapo,but fo farre as it Iball pleafe Cod tiit goner no; to geue tbe place, if o; fo is it fcng intbepfalme.ifojbc IbalDeliuer tbee fromtbcbunters fnare, anufromtbc noifome pettilencc. ^e toillcoijertbos bnDcr bis toinges , f tbou (bait be fure bnDer bis fetbcrs. l^istrutbCbalbetb? tbiclD anD bucfelcr. SCbou Ibalt not bee afraieD oftbe feare of tbe nigbt , no; of tbe arroto tbat Q^ttl) b? Da?, no; oftbe peffilence ^ toalketb in ? Darftnes, no; oftbe plage ^ Dell;ro?ctb at none Da?. 0nD fro tbence p;oceDetb t bolDneffc of i ^mnts to glo;ie:2Dbe ilo;D is m? bcl per,3l toil not feare tobat fleib ma? do fo me. ICbe 3lo;D is m? p;otcfto;, tob? (bal 31 be afraicDflf tubolc camps ftauD bp againfl: me, if i toalUe in ? miODeft of tbe (baDoto of oeatb, 31 toill net ccaCTe to bope to?ll.^lbcncc;3! p;a? ?ou,bauc tbe? tbis tbat tbeir aCTurcDnes is ncuer (bafecn atoa? fro tbcm^but bereb?,tbat to bere tijc too;lD feemetb in Ibeto to be toitbout o;Dcr tobirlcD about , t\)c^ Imototbat CDod too;hetb eucr? tobcre, tobofe too;fee tl)tv truft (balbe fo; tbeir p;eferuatid.ij^otoif t^cir fafette beafg failcD PCpt.3 pfa.n8-6. ) ^^ i.ThcC2 iCoi5,7 God the Creator. FirllEooke. f^ileDcitbcr bi? tfje ^t\xz\\ oj b^ toicbeD , foeucr altcmtlciw Doe notue ano tljcn j Pra.31. 16 ntcn, in tbat cafe if tbcp lr.cr not ftrfg^ tbencD tuttb rcmcmb^acc ano mectta^ tton of p^ouioenccjttjep inuft ncocs bv anD bi? be DifcouragcD. ^\xi toljcn tbc^ call fo minte, tbat tbc Dciiel f all y> rout office toicfeeD, arc fo cucr? tear bolDcn in b^tfie l^ano of (DoD ajs \iAi\^ a b^iDle, tijaf tbe^ can neitfjer concciue ant? nitf^ cbefeagatnS bs, no^ goc about \i tiubcn tbe^ baue conceiues it,no? iXVm go ne* tjcr fo mucb about it^can Hir one finger to bjmg it to pa0, y^\xi fo farre as be C^il fuffer^^ea fo far a^e be fljall commaunD, t tbat tbe? are not txyX^ boloen fatt bcuo toitb fetters, but alfo corapcilco \iy^i\) b;iDle to do ferutce:bere baue tbei? abu' Dantlp tJibertnitb to cofo^t tbemfclues. i?oatban, be (boulD baue femeD to geue bim to mucb polDcr, as if ii baD ben in ^atans banD to ouertb;olu tbe tieri' pnrpofcs of goD: but toben be mahetb Ood tlje iuDge,t3p* on Ujbofe fufferance al icurneis Do bag: be Dotb tbcrctuitljall (betue tbat ^atan iDbatfoeucr be go about,can attatne no? tbingbutb^(DoDsU5ill. iFo;j tbe fame reafon Dotb II>auiD becaufc fo;j (' fonD;^ cbangcs InbcrUiptli mans life \^ tolTeD, anD as ii loere tobirleD about, be Dotbe flee to tbis factn3rr,faitb tbat %\b times are iw tbe banD of CDoD. ipe migbt banc faiD eitbcr tbe courfe of bis life,oj time in tbe lingular number.li'ut by ^ Iddzd bappen,tbe^ are gouerncD bv (DoD. jro;^ U'breb caufe KaQn anD tbe king of \{' racl^Ujbcn io^ning tbeir poUjcrs to 1^^^ DeftrKction of 31uDa,tbc^ fecmeD as fier? bjanus feiKDlcD to luaft anD confume '§ lano, arc callcD b^ tbe p^iopbct fmofting b;anos,tDbKb ca do notb^ng but b:atb oute a little fmoije. ^0 ioben pbarao toas terrible to al men bi: reafcn of bvs ricbcire,ftrengtbe,anD number of men, be btmfelf \& comparcD to a beatt of i\)z iJcajanD bisarm^c to fifljcs. £Cberfo;e CDoD fartb tbat be iuil tafee tbe captaine anD ^)t arm^ ^i^ bis bcofecano D;alu tbem tcbetber be lift, if niaUv,becaure Bi toill not tar^ long bpon i\i\% popnt, it a man markeit be Iball eafilre foe tbat i\^z e]ctremitt?e of all miferics is tbe ig- norance ef CDoDS p;joniDCHce , aiio tbe cbiefe bletieDnes HauDetb va i\^z knolu^ leDgetberof. 12 Concerning tbe p^ouiDence of <35cD, tbis i \B fa^D tucre encugb)fo;j fo mucb as \& p;iofitable fcotb for tbe perfect lear? ning anD comfort of tbe faitbfull,(for to Sll i\^t baine curiofitre of men,n0tbpng can be fufficient,neitber i^ ii to be top* (bcD tbat i'^ci be fatifficD) Ujer it not fo; certain places,Uiyicb fcsme to meane o> tbcrVuifc tban isabouc oeclareD, ^ ©cD batb not a ftcDfaH f fiablc purpcfe, but cbangeabic accorDing to tbe Difpcftticn of inferior tbings./rim,jn fome places is fpokcn of tbe repentance of C?oD,as ^ \)t repentcD bim of tbe creating ofinan, cf tbe aDuauncing of ^auic to tbe king^ Dom. anD tbat Ije iuiU repent bim of tbe cuel tbat be baD DetcrniincD to ki^ bpo l)is people, fo fone as be perc^iuetb anr conucrfion of thcin.2gain,tbere arc w bearfcD Diucrs rcprls of bis* Decrees, ipt bao DcclarcD bp Jonas to ^ .jj^iniuites, ^ aficr.rl.Darcs once palt iT-i^'iiJe fliulD T^ tTa.7.4, 4- ilimes,be meant to cvp^ta tbat boUife.- j be DcUropeD, but brantibv^ be iuas tur^ eucr tl^z eate of ma be tnftcDfatJ,tubat |ncDU)itb tbeir repcntaunce to a more ^.b. gentle Gc.6.6 .Samu. Iere.28.^ lona .3' 4 Cap, 17. Of the knowled2;e of gentle fcntence.^e baD bi? t^e moutlj of jefa 3J.3.J' Cfa^e pzonoanceD ueatljeto €^tc\)UB, [! JCin,2o tsj^tcl) be teas moueD bp bis tearcs; ano pjavcrs to acfcrre. i^eixtjpon man^ to maUe argument,^ (^oD batb not apoin^ teD mens matters bp eternal uecrcbuf Krcly>tiailp anD bourl^ tsecraetb tbiis o^ tt)at, as euerp mans Deferuings are, o^ as be tbinHetb it equttpe i iuQicz. Con^ ccrning bis repentance, tbis toe ongbt to bolDjtbat tbe fame can no mo^e be in (©oD,tban ignorance, erro2,anD tDeafec;* nes. Sfo; if no man do ioittinglv i lui^ Ungli? tb^otD bimfelfe into t\it cafe tbat be necBe to repent, lue can not fap tbat CDoD Dotb repent, but tue mull alfo fa^, tbat CDoo is ignorant tobat tuil come to pas,o^ tbat be can not auoiDe iU o; tbat be bcaDlong anD fenaDuifeDli? riinetb im to a purpofe,toberof be b^ t bp fo^tbin* hetb btm. 515at tbat is fo farre from tbe mcaniiig of ti)t bol? gboft, tbat in § t)e^ rp mention maUing of repentace,be De- nietb tbat dDoD bao an^ repeting at a!l, becaufe be is not a man tbat ma^ repf t. 3ni) it is to be noteo i^ in tbe fame chap ter t\)t\! arebotI)fo ioineD togctber,tbat tl)e coniparifon Dotb tJeri? toel b;ing ti)t CbeUic of repngnanr^ to agremcnt.i^ps tljanqin^ is SguratiucI^ fpofeen, ^ ©cD repenteDtbat'bc bau maDe &aute hing, bpanobi? aficr it is aDDeD.2Ebe ffrengtb of ^fraeS Ibal not lie, no? lljalbc mciicD ^n^ repenttng.HBecaufe i)tis not a ma tbat be mar repf t. Jn h>\)til) too^ios bis tancbangeabUnelTe isaffirmea plainly? toitbout ani? figure. lEberfoje it is cer^ tain tbat ti)t o>5inance of (Don in Difpc^ 0ng t\)c matters of jnen,is perpetual! f aboue al repentance, amr tbat Ins ccn^ ftance fijah not be Doutful^bis \>cry>an4 ucvtantsljauctcix compcIieDto beare bim IcitnclTc.i^oi Balaam tobetber be \»ou!d 0^ nojcoub net but b;aa out in^ to tyis f«ping:tbat be is not iiUe a man to liemo^asAfotiofmato be cbangeD, ano tbat it is not po ITible tliat be QjoulD not DO tbat be batb fa^D, ano not fuiail tebatfoeuerbebatb fpoUen. 13 Mbat meanetb tben tijis name of Kepentancefeucn in tbefame fojttbat al ^ otbcr pb.jafes of fpeacb tobicb do De fcribeCDoDbntotJS after tbe maner of men.jfo;, becaufe our UieaUncfife Dotb not reacb to Us bieneire,tbat Defcriptio of bim iMbicb 18 taugbt bs, tuas mo^te to be frameD loU) to our capacitie ^ ioe migbt bnDerUao it.^nD tbis is tbe ma^ ner botu to frame it lotD foj tJS,to paint out bifelf not fucb a one as be is in fjim* felfjbut fucb a one as be is perceiueD of tJS.Mberas be bimfelf is v6out all mo^ uing of a troubles minD,be pet tttti&ttl) ^ be is angrp tmtb finners.llifee as tber fo;je tDbe toe beare t cH^oD is angr?!, toe ougbt not to imagine tbat tbere is an? mcuing at all in brwi but ratber to con# fiDer tl).it tins fpcecb is bojrotoet; of our comon fenfe,becaufe^ot^ feearetb a re^ femblance tf cne cbafeD t angrt? fo oft as be ererciretb iusgcmc nttfo ougbt toe to bnoerUanD notbrngcls bT? tl^is too^D Hepentancc but a changing of D^Des, bicaufe men hy> cbanging of tbctr DeDes aretoont to Declare tbat tht^ miflifee tbem,ii5icaufe tben euer? cbange amog me i.3 an ameuDment of t tobicb mifli^ ketif) tl)c, f amendment commetb of re^ pentance:tberfo;e bv tbe name of repen tance is meant tbat,tbaf CDod cbangetb in his toojfes.Jn § meane time ret nei^ tber is ijis piirpofe no;i bis toill turneD, no: bis affection cbangeD,but be folloto:» ttlj on VoUh one continuall courfe tbat W)icU bebaD from eternitie (tj;e{&n,al* lotoeD anD DecrceD , botofceuer tbe alte^ ration faeme foDcin in tlje epcs of men. 14 iJicitber Dotb v tjclr bitto^? Oicto ^ (bans Decrees toere repelleD , toben it ^t\i)ttt) tbat th^ Deffructiontoaspars DoneD to tbe jjiiniuites tobicb baDbca Ioh.3.10. before p;o«ounccD) anp tbat tbe lyfe ' of [ Efa. 3S' i of C5Cd)ta0 U'fis pjdongct- after tear ning geuen t}tm of DcatbeXfjrji ttjat fo CDlfrue it,are tf cciueo in tnDcrUnDing of f^icatnings: Irbtclj alttjougtj tfjc? Do fimpir aff irmc^et b^ tbc fur ccs it l^aU be pcrcriucD tljat tljcp cotaineo a fccret conDition in tbcm.if o; lubp Din goD f eD Bionafi to tbei^iniuites to ttW tljcm a* fozcbano of tbe ruinc of tbrir citv f ts)!)!? DiD be br Cfa? gcucC-jecbia5 U)arntng of Dcatbi? i?oj be migbt \^wt b^ougbt to nougbt botb bim ano tbetn toitljout itn Ding tbcm anv' too;D of tbeir oedruitio. I^e meant tbc rfo;e an otber tbing, tban to mahc tbem bv fojefenotutng of tbcir Dcatb to fee ii comming a Ux of. Cuen tbis be meant not to banc tbem Dellroy? tti:h\xt to \)Ant ^]t\\\ amcnijco tljat t\^t^ Iboulo not be DeftroieD.SLbf rfo^c tbts f lonafiip.zopbefiel} tbat ijiiniuetbul^ fal after.):UDa^e0,tDa3 Don to i^M eno tbat it (boulD net U\l'^\^sii bope of ioger life toafi tiA of from Cjccbias, teas Don fo;^ i\^\s purpofctbat be migbt obtaine lon^ gcr life. jjioU) tobo Cotb not fee tbat goD meantcb^rucbetb?eatmiTgs toatuake tbem to repcntance,lDbomc be maDc a> fraio,to tbc cnoc tbat tbe^ migbt efcape i\^t iuDgcmcnt iubicb ti^t^^ baD DefcrueD bv tbeir CnneBfJf tbat be fo agrecD, tbe nature of tbc tbings tbcmfelucs Dotbe leaD tJ5 to tbu5, to tnoerCanD in i\it Cm pie ti^it^iwiw^ a fecrct empUeD conDiti? on,tPbicb ijsi alfo confirmcD b^ liUc cj^a- God the Creator. Firft Booke. pies. SCljc Jlo>'5 rebufeing iX^t hing ^ibt* mclcf bj fo;^ tbat be baD taUcn atoarc a^ bjabam0 tcifc from b^m, bfctbtbefe liio^Dcs. iBcbolDe tbcu (l)alt Dic,fo; tbe tooman tbat tbou bad taSr, fo; fljc batb a bufbaD. l?ut after be baD cjccufcD \)im fclf,OoD fapD tiius, KtHo^e tbe teifc to ber buf banD,fo.: be iB a p;opbct,i fijall p;ai fo; tbcc tbat tboK maitt line. J f not Unoto t\i.\t tbcu il3alt Die tbc Dcatb, ano al tbat tbou l)all. J^cu fe botu in W fira fentcncc be ijfbcnuntli'c Crifectb \m min5 to b;ing hin\ to be miiiz bccDfuilp bent to maUe ^menDes^anD in tbc otber Bctb plainly Declare tc btm bis tuil.^e^^ ing tbc meaning of otber places is \i\t\ DO not gatbcr cf tbefe tbat tbcre teas a^* n^ tbing luitbD^afen from tbc firtt pur^ pofe cf 0OD, bp t^istW be maDc t'oise i^t tbing Iubicb be baD before p;onoun^ ccD.^o; ©oD Dotb prepare ttit toavcfo; \^iB etemall o;Dinanfe,Uiben in gcuing bjamtng of tbe punill)ment,be mouetb tbofe to rcpentaunce, tobome bis Icill is to fpare, ratber tban tiarietb an^i tbvng in brs teillj no not in bis tDo;De, faa\>ng tljat be Dotbe not crp^ctTe tbe fame tljing in fillables , \xi\iy!.t\^ it iB y>tt eafr to tjn^erflranDe.ifo; tbat facing of 'pfa,!^ C'fare muC neeocs remaine true : SDbe U, llo;oe of boltefi batbe DctermineD, anD tebo (ball be able to bnDoe it i l^is banc i& HretcbeD oute^anD Id^o (ball turne it atca^f The. XV hi, Chapter* That God dothc Co vfe the feruice oFvvicked mcn,and Co Lovvcth their mindcs to put his iudgcmets in execution, that yet ftil himfclf remaineth pure from all fpct, fault,anD iufilr coDcmn biiss miniacrs. sappon ti)is \xms DcuifcD tbe Difiinction betluancSDoing i ^ujtering : bccanfe nrl^erc arifetb a barDe quettion out of ^ otber places, fcbere it is faiD ^ ©od bcluetb anD D;atoetb at bis \xiiU &atan bimfelfe anD all tbe reprobate. i?o; tbe fenfe of tf)t Ccfllje fcaral^ contcinttl) botoe be feo;Uing br ibcm, {T:ouIdc not gatbcr fomc fpot of tbcir faulte, rea in tTi?i common Ino^tung be fra from all manr bauc tbougbt tt)is tcutlinpcfTiblc to be DiCTolueD-tbat botb ^atan &nD al i toicfef D are fo bnoe r tbc banD ar.D pctu^ er of Cod, tbat be Dirccretb tbeir malice bnto tobat cnPe it pleafctb btm, $ bfctb djeir r. ap. Of the knowleds^e of tljcirtuicliea Doings to t^eerccutmgof , trial of Jo'.3,txj'}erof^ata itijeloic^eD ljrsiuU3emet0.0nD tfjcirmotjeiJv tuer j tbeueslucrcmimfterg.^afrmgoetfja* perauuenturc crcufable^tuljomc t? fl^c^JJ of abfurtjitpe pattetb in fcarcjif it tucrc not fotbattlje^ Doc to^ongfaU? UiTjtfj a l\?in3 Defence, goe aboutc to Deliuer tbe iuHice of (Sod ft'o al tinrigbtful blame. 31t feemetl) to tbem 'unrcafonable, tbat xaxci O&oulD b? tbc tDill an^ commaun^ Dement of C5oD be maDc blinDe , ano fo byanDbi? be pimiaieD foj b!?iS blinDnes. S^berfo^e tJ}e^ fefee to fcape b? tbisf Wt tbat tbis is Done b^ tbe fuflferance, but not br tbe toill of (25oD.at be bimfelfe pliinlp pjonoiicing tbat be Dotb iU Dotb rciert tbat WtM fo j tbis tbat men Do nothing but bi? tbe ferret commaunDc? mcnt of : ii i% tbcr fa^3, anD tbat tortbout ejcception : tubo Dare fap tbat men are cari'eD raufclcnp luiti) blinDe motion tubileCDoDUnotu- eti) not of it,anD i\iKti\i fliU )15ut in fpe^ nalleramplesU'illbc mo^c ligbtfome plainnelTc. :i5^ tbe Srtt Cbapiter of Job toe fenola,^ ^ata Dotb no .lelTe appeare before (iI?oD to recetue W commannDe^ ments tban do i\st Angels tnbicb do toillinjlp obc^. 3n d©d it i^ after a Dt^ uerfemaneranDfojaDiuerfe ejiD, but ^etfotbatbeca not go about anrttjing but S^\t\i ^z luil of goD. aitbougb tberc feiite aftcrluarD to be aDDeD a bare fuffe ranee of bim to afflict Vc^z bolv man: ^et becaufc i faicng is true:SCbc i.o;D batb gcuen,tbe iLo^D batij taken alca?, as ii pleafeD CDoo fo iii ii rome to palTcMle gatber tbat (Pod l»as tbe autbo; of tbat .Kin» bout to D^iue i\iz bob ma ^i? Defpcratio tomaDnelTe. SOje^abees cruelly anD toickeDl^ Do inuaDe anD rob \i\& gaiDs p toere none of tbeirs. Slob bnotolcDgetb p be toas bt> CDoD ff ripcD of al bis gcoDs f maDe poje beraufe ii fo pleafeo vSoD. SCberfoie tubatfoeuer me o j ^ata bi«t^ fclf attemiBt,pet CDoD boloetb tbe (feme to tourne al tbeir trauailes to tbe cirecn ting of bis iuDgemets.BJt tuas goDs Uiil tobauetbefalfelung ^cbab Decet?ueD: ^z Dcnel offereD H:& feruice tbereunto: '22.20 be tuas fent lu i^ a certaine comaunDe ment,to be a li^eng fpirit in f moutb of all tbe p^opbetsjf ^z blinking f maD neffe of icbabbe ^ iuogcment of t25oD, tben ^ Deuice of bare fufferance \& tiain. if oj ii Icere a fonD tbing to (aVitbat i\^z iuDge D9tb oneli? fuffcr anD not alfo De^ cree tubat be to^ll baue Done , snD conp mauns i\sz miniilers to put it in crccn/ tion. 3Itloas tbe ^eti;:0purpcre to De^ Uro^Cbudj^ilatei ^,t foulDiersDo follolD (bcir raging lug, anD ret in a fo* Icmn p.ja^er tbe Difciplcs do confelR, ^ all i\st luifkeD xntn did notbing els but iMiSxi\!)Vi:cii\\z\^d.n^ f counfell of CoD baD DetermineD : twtn as ^eter baD be^ fo^e p:eacbeD,^ SxiWi:^ i\^z Vetoes Dio tutvAz^ as ixi an otber place be rebearfetb , tbat \6. 22, Q150D tobicb CbetueD before bp all bvs p tbatbemaHctb tbcm C;iun&etov7tb tbe tbe iCemple be calletb t)iB \ro;k DauiD I fptrit cf D:otoQncire, ciiftct^ tbcm into not murmuring «igainlleCoo,butac*| maDnes,ibarDenetbtbcirbartfi.s:bere fenotoleging bim fc; a rigbteous iuDge, ; tbings alfo nian^ no refer to fuffcranc e, Vctconfeffctbtbari^ curings cf^emei, as if infc?rafeingtberep;jc.batc,befur^ pjof eDeu of ti)z commaunDeme t of goD. I freo tbem to be blinoeD bv fatan.2£ut ^ 2Lbe Loji)(faitbbe)fommanDei3 bin] to curfe. ^e often finoe in tbe bolp bitto^ rr, tbat tobatfoeuer bapnctb, it cometb of tbe ilo;tje,as tbe tirpartiiig cf tbe ten tribCB^tbt oeatb of tbe fonnes of i^clr,i ter^ man^ tbings of lifee fo^te. 2Lbe^ ^ be meanli erercifeo in t\)e fcriptures Do ftt,^ fo; fljo^tnclTes fahc,3i b.nng fo;i tbe of mani teCimcnics but a fctu,bi iu^di) t?ettt appearetb plainly enougb, t^ t^c^ DO trifle ano talUc fonDlr,tbat tb;uft in a bare Sufferance in place of tbep^o? uiD.?nce ofC?o5,as ti;ougbOoD fate in a 1 toittcb toure U*aiting fo; ti)c cbancrs cf i?o;tune, ano fo Im tuDgements fl^culD bang tjpon tbe totll of men. 2 ^oto as concerning fecrct motions,^ fcUiticn is tw fonD,fo;afmucb as i bdp gbcC in plaine U3o:iies erpjcffctb, tbat tbe? are ttrifeen \i}\!ii) blinones j mab* nes b^ tbe iuft inDgcmcnt of (Dob. Bit is fa^b, tbat be barceneo t^t bart of pba- rao, alfo tbat be bio mabe bull 1 ft reng> tt)tn it ^cme bo \x>iti) an tnfauo;)? ca^ uiUatio mock out tbefe pbaafes of fpecb, becaufe irbere in an ctber place it is fa^b,tbat pbarao bib barccn l)^s clone bcart, tbere is bis olrnc icill fct fo; tbe caufe of bts barccning. ^ tbougb fbele tbings bib not tcrp Irel agree togetber, altbougb in Diucrs manners, tbat man li;bile be is moueb in toc;king br Cob, botb alfo U'ozke bin^fclf. ^nb g bo turn bacfee tbcir cbicction againft tbcle!acs. tobicb Salomon fpeaUctb of tbe bart of if 0?, if to barbcnbnefignif^ebutabare afeing, ^ it tsbotocb bctli.»r c; tbctber as pleafctb Cod, ertrncetb furrlr to all manlunbe,anb is as mucb in cffco e,as Suffcrancctbcn tbe t^cr^ motion of ob^ Cmac\i Owl not be p;cperir in pbarao. /pioto boto toeake anb falifl) i^ere it fo if be bab farbttobatioeuer toe concerue to erpoanD,as if pbarao Die cnl^ fiiffer inmmbes,is bytbefccrcteinfpiration | bimUlfetcbebarDcncof £po;eouer,tbe of ©Ob biretteb to hv^ enb^^nb trucl^ if I Scripture ci.ttctb cf all cccafions from be Un not too^ke in t\i)C mines of men, I fucb cauillations.jf c; Cob rartb^B! toil it toer not rigbtlyfatD,tbat be taketb a* [ bcluebrsbeart, Socftbeii-.babttantes toap tl)c lip from tbe true fpea??ers, auD j of tbe lanb cf Canaan ^ofes fartb,tbat toifebomfromageb mt, tbat t^taketb th:v toent ft;tbto battaile, becaufe tbe fbe bart from tbe |D;inces of fbeeartb> ' Lc;bbabij.irDneDtbeirbearts.^bicb tbattbe^mai;toanDer to^er is ncbea^ 1 fametbmgis repefcb bran ctber p}Cf "" pbct. Ex.4.21, lorii.ao »4. j Of the knovvledsie of Cap.18 i " pbet, fating:^ e f urncu tljeir liarf s ftjat J tfje? flboulo fjatc \)^s people. 0gapnc in Efa. 10.6 (^(a^ i)z fa^t^, tljat l)e toiU fcntj tbe Sr^ firians agamft tl)c Deceitful nation^ano iDill commaimD tijem to car? aUja? tfje fpoilc0,(int5 tiiolcntlt? tafec tlje p^a\?, not nicanins tljat !je toil! teacb )iiuktii and obfrinate men to cbep tetllinglp, but tbat be luill bclue tbem to mtnte brs iuD0ement!5,a0 if tbetuio bearebis cc* nuunritmcnts j'jraucn in tl^ctr minos. ?iSib^rb^ appcarctb tbat tljt^ tocr mo* ucD b? tbe certain appointment of goD. 3 graunt ^ OoD Botb oftentimes tcc^fee in tbe rep;^obate bv' ^citbans feruice as a meane, but i?et fo tbat fatan cotbe l)y>!i office b? (SoCiS mouing, anb p;iocabetb fo far aj5 is^geuen bint. Sbc eud fptrite troubleb ^d^ule, bat it is fa^tie tbat it foas of (DoD, tbat toe mai? fenoto tfjat § 2. C0.44 maoncs cf ^aul, came of tbe iufl br ge* ance of goD.Bit tJS alfo faiD,tbat tbe fame ^atan Dotb blinD tbe minbec of ti^t bm faitbfuU : but botne fo,but onl^ becaufe H)t effectual toothing of erro; commetb from goD bimfilf, to maUe tbem bclcue tzeM'9 ^^^^ ^bat rcfufe to obei? tbe trutbe^3fter I ti)e firff mancr of fpeafeing it iBfai^D. Jf ' um P;wpbct QiaU fpealiei?inglt?,31 50& Ro.i.28. bauebeceiucbbim. j^ccozbingtotbeo* tbcr maner of fpcacbe it is favb>tb3t be gcuetb men into a reprobate mino: ano to catt tbem into filtbrc DeQrc£!,bf caufe be is ti)e cbcfe atilbo; of brs olune iutte tjenseance, anb fatan is bat onlr a mi^ nittcr tberof. Wwt becaufe toe niuG cn=i treat of tbis matter agnin in ibc fccona bo'aejtober toe (l^all oifcourfc of free o;^ bona toll of man. | tUnli S baue aires? fi}C'tten in tbe fcriptarc3,plaineli? ano not ooutfuU l^jltt tbem tbat fear not to;iongfull? to nantcr tbe boauenl? 0 jacleg, taUe bebe tobat maner of iuogemc t tbet' taUe bpo tljcnt.iro.: if b? faincD p^etenoing of ig^ no;ance tbe? fcke a p^ife of mobelf ve> tobat ca be imagincb mo?e p:ounlf son f ban to fet one fmall too?De againft t\)c autbo^it? of goD^as i tbinU otbeilsjife, 3 lifee not to baue tljis toucbeD. 213ut if tbe? cpeni? fpeafee euel, tobat p;ieuaile tbe? toitb fpitting againft tlje bcauen i X5ut tbis is no neto eraple cf toviitoaro neSjbecaufe tbcre baue bene in all agc0 \Dit^tn ano tmgo^l? men,tbat ^nt\) ra^ ging moutb barheb againft tbis po?nte of boctrine.liSut tbei Ibal fele tbat tbing in bct^e to be true, tobicb log ago tbe be* I? gboft fpafee b? tbe moutb of Dauio,^ (Don ma? oucrccme tobcn be is iuisgeb. SDauio bctb b? tbe toa? rcbufee ? mab^ nes of men in ti^v.s fo bnb:ibeleD lictti? oufnes,tbat of tbeir otone filtbines tbe? DO not onl? argue againft ClJos, but alfo tahe bpon G)tm potoer to cooemn bim. 3;n ti)t meane time be Ojo;jf l?e abmoni* fljetl), tbat tbe blafpbcmicstobrcb tbe? bomitetp againft tbe beauen, Doe not reacbc tjnto vSoD, but tbat be Diiuing a^ toa? ? clou?.0 of caiulIaliod.Dctb b^igbt l? njrto fo;tb bije r igbteoufnes, anD alfo cur fditb(becaufe being grounbeb bpon tbe tooiD of gou,it is abonc al ? tooilD) Dotb from bcr bic place conteinptuoufl? lokc totonc bpontbefe mifts.jFo^ ftcft, toberetbe? cbiccte, 11)at if notbingbap* pen but brt()ctoil of OQa,tben are tber in btm ttoocontrar?e toiris> becaufe be Decra:tb tbofe tbings fa? feereate pur* pore,tobicb be batb openl? fcubiODen b?- his latoe, ^ is eafel? toipcDatoa?J15ut before 31 anftocrc iti^ toill once a^aine gcue fob.l« 2'. Cod the Creator. TirlTnooke. ;FoJ.64. i,Sa.2.25i pfa. 115, 3 cra.45-7 A mo. aft.4.2S. cph.3.10 gcuc t^e rcaoerjs Uiarntng tijat tlj^0 ca* uillation is tfjjoton out not againtt me, butapintl ip fjolv g^oae,U)!)id} taugi^t ti)c tjot^c iwiin noli ^^)is' confcITion: 21b it pleafeD CDo9,fo it came to paffe. Ml)eii 5e toas fpoilcD b^ tljaues, fjcacfenoto^ IctJgeD in tlje iniur\? ano Ijurt tljat t^r^ cio l)im,tfje iutt fcourgc of C?oD. ^fjat fai?ti) tl)e fcripture in otljer plareg^SCtje fonnes of Ipcli? obc^eD not tbcir fatljer, becaufe it tuas cDot)0 toill to ftiirt^cm. ^Ifo an otbcr ^^opbet rr^ctb outc, that (Sou tufjicb fittetf) in beauen,ootb tobat focuer be iuiU. anu notu Bl baue (belccD plainly enougbs tbat (Don is tbe autboj of all tbofetbings tobrcb fbefeiuugcs tDoulD banc to bappen onln? b^ b?s iDle fuffcrance.i^e teCiSctb tbat be crcatctb Itgbt anD Darkncs, tbat f)t foimetb gcoD ant) cucl,tbat no cutl bappenctb tjubrcb be bimfcif batf) not maccilct ti)tm tell mc,3i befccbe tbcm, tobetber be do )joib lingli? 0), againCe biis h)Hl cxxutc \)^s otunc iuDgcmcnts; i liiSutas ^cfr0 tca== cbetb,tbat be \s)^id:} i$ flatnc be V:)e fab ling of an are bv cbar.cCjts Dcliucrc^ bp cSoD into tbe banD cf tbe Itrtker : fo tl)e UjboleCf)«rcb farctb in 3lu^e,tbati5;e=^ roDcanD IDilate conrpircn tocoetljcfe tbings, tobicb tbc banD 1 purpofe of goo bao DecraD. ^no truel^ if Cb;jitt toere not crucifieD Xd tl)t toil of Oou, Iwbcncc came rcDemptionto tisf ^nu ^ct § luiU of C5oD neitber Durft ftriuc ^itl) it felf, no;isd}ariii;eQ,nc:fainetb tbat bclvil* Ictb not tf^c tbing tljat be luiltbut iuljer it is bnt one 1 fimple in btm , it femetb to t)s manifolD, becaufe acco^uing to § iDeafteneffeofourUjittoe coce^uc not bolD ©CO in Diuerfe maner Ujilletb ano toilletb not one fclftbing. lDaul,after ^ be batb favD,tbat t\)t cxUing of tbe <3tn tiles is a bioDen mifterie,ti3itbin a litlc after faitb furtber.tbat it teas manifctt l^ OjetDeo p manifolD U)ifeDomcof gob: becaufe fo^ § bulncs of our isit i toife^ Dome of CDoD feemetb to ts mnnirolD, 0? (astlje olo interpetoi batb trauCa^ tcD it)Dfman^ fatbios:lbal toe tberfb^e b;:eame tbat tber is an^ tarietie in goo bimfelf,astbougbbe tiiher cbaungetb his purpofcoj Diffnitctb from bimfelf ^ Katber tube toe coceiue notboto <5cD toil baue tbe tljing to be uonc, tobicb be fo;biCDef b fo Do , let bs cal to initio our •cton toeaUeneSjt tbcretottbal ccGDcr ^ tbe ligbt tobcrin be I3toellctb> is not toitbout caufe called Jnacceffiblc be* caufe it is coucreo toitb uar^^nesXber fo;e al goDlf f fob;c men toiil e afilf u^ grce to tl)is fentence cf Sugufi:ine,tbat fomtimc man toitlj groo teill toilletb # tobicb gob VoiWctl) not.0s if a gooD fone toiiletb to baue bus fatber to liuctobom (Dob toill baue to Di^c. ^ga^ne, it met come to paffe, tbat ma ma^ toill v fame tbing ^jaitl) an eihl toil,tobicb C3CD toil^ letb Vo a gcDD toill. 0s if an euill fonne toilletb to baue bis fatbcr to Due, f Oon alfo toilletb i fame./ioto § firC of tbcfe ttoo fonnes toilletb 1^ tobicb l)itb (SDod mm toell be b^ingetb to paffe bu ^^ cuill toills of c* uill men. 115ut a litle before be bab faio, ^ t\)Z angels ^poffataes in tbcir falling atoar^nb all p rep;jobate, inafmucb as concemctb tbemfclues, bio tbat tobicb CDoo tooulo not,but in rcfpett of v om^ nipotencie of (IDoD , tbe? cculo b^ no mcanesfooo , becaufe tobile tbcpbro againft § toil of CDoo,^ toil of (iDoo toas (rnchirid d. Lau- ren, cap. 101. bone Cap.i8_j Of the knovvledsic of Done tjpen t\)tm, ®2lbcrctipon \)t crget^ out : vlDfeat are tfje tuo^Ucs of tbel? conDemneD,if tbe^ ere* mtc ^ \j)W^ CDoD batb Decreeo, beeaufe tbe? obc^ \)iB toilUfo^ it is Done amiCTe to LonfomiD f)is toil f commaunDement tojetber, \3il)iti) it apcaretb bv inmmc^ rable eramplesto Difiierfarre a fmiDer. ifo; tbougbe toben ^bfalon abufcD f)\>s fatbcrs luiues>it toas €>oDS \siiU to pu* nil^S^auiDS aDultrie luitb ^ Difi^ono;: Kt biD be not tberfbje commannDe tbe toichcD fon to commit inceff ,t}nles per* bap ^ou mean it in refpert of SDauiD, as be fpeaUetb of § railings of ^emei. jfoa tiibenbeccnfeiretbtbat^cmei railetb at bim bi? tbe comaunDement of (Don^ be Dotb not tbcrein c ommenD bis ofag^ Dience^asif^froloarD Dogge DiDobcp ti)e comaunDfrnit of (IDoD>but achnotD;» leDging bis tong to be t fcourgc of goD, be pactf tlv fiiffrctb to be co;recteD. 0nD tbis is to be bolDen in minD, tbat toben t is ruleo b? bis lecret P;mi^ Dcncejtobtcb me do tuicfeeDl?,? eietf ion of liijtg 3arobcam is a plaine eraple, in lobid) tbe raOjtiesanD maDiieffc of t\)e people is feuerl? conDemneD,fo;^ ^ t^c\> peruerteD t^e ojDerappointeD b? C?oo, f falfl? fel from t\}c boufe of H>3uiD,anD ?et toe i?notb it Uias bis tuill t be CbulD beannointeD. Mlberupon intbeber? 1»o;ds of ^fee tber appearetb a certain (beto of repugnancie , tbat tobere CDoD complaineD tijat ^ feingDome toas erec- tzn^ii^ottt bis fenotuleDge, lagainft Us iDiH,in an otber place be faitb> tbat begauetbekingoometo Jarobeam in bis rage. !^oU) (bal tbefefaicngs agrae^ tbat Jarobeam rcigneo not b? ^0D,anD # be toas maDe feing b? § fame dDoDfd;* mix tbus,becaufe ncitber coulD f> people fall fro (> boufe of S>auiD , but tbat tf)c^ muaibaUe of tbe ?ofee tobicb <^oDbaD la?De tjpon tliemeitber ?et baD <1Dod i^s libertie taKen atoa? , but ^ be migbt fo punitb § bntbanfefulnrffe of Salomon. WSHc fee t\iCYtton botu <1^D in not toil? ling falfe b?eacb of allcgance , ^ct to an otber enDiuai?toilletb a falling atoa? fro tbeir prince, feberupcn Blarebeam befiDe all bope toasbfbol? annointtng D^iue to be king. ;aftcr ti)i8 maner Dotb t\it bol? biff o;j? fa?,^ tbere toas an ene? m? raifeD bp to fpoile Salomons fonne of part of bis hingoome . 3iet ? reaoers Diligatlp toe? botb tbefe tbings,becanfe it l)aD pleafeD ©oD to baue § people go^ uemeo bnoer § banD ofonehing.SDber* foje Mfm it toas DiuiDeD in ttoo parted it iuas Done agatnU bis toiU.anD ?et ^ Deui&oa toke beginning cf b?s toil.ifo;^ furel?,tuberas § pjopbet botb b? Ujo^ji I ceremon?of annointinac DiD mouc 3a* rofaeamtubebctbogbtofno fucbtbing> to bope of tbekingDome>tb?sUiasnct DoneiaSoutf knotulcDge ox againft tbe tDiU of 2 Kin.iQ God the Creator. ad. Vin- ti)e tDiU cf ©octljct fell fro § poUmtit of SDautajn t\)W mancr it is alfo aftcr^ ioarD further fai'D,v tobcre l\cljafacam pjousli? ticfpifeD J rcqucll f o fbe people, tljis toas cone fav <^o^ f o ccnfirme tijt tDo:D U)l)tc^ l)e tiaD fpofeen b^ § bano of ^\)i\)ii \)is feruaunt . 3loe Ijoto agapft dDoDS luill fbc facreD tinitie is to?ne in funner, i ^et toitb tljc luill of tbe fame ^ot) tenne tribes; oo fo;^ra&e ^alomonis fonne.llet tjs ao an otber lihe cicample, tKXbere tfte people confcnting, y>ta lay>f ing tbcir banos t)nto it,tbe fonnea of a^ bab toerc Qaine $ all bis offp;iing rmtct out.Jebu faro in iseoe frueli?, t notbing of tbe \oot^ts of CDoo toere fallen to ttit grounD,but tbat be bat) Done all tbat be baD fpofeen bp tbe banD of bis feruaunt Clias.^nD ^ct not toniuftl? be rebufeetb tbe Citizens of Samaria , fojtbattbep bat) puttbeir banD0 tnto it.j^re T?e rtgb^ teous, fa^tb be, Blf 31 baue confpireo a^ ga^nftmp 3Lcjce,lDbo l)&th feillefiall tijefef Ji baue befc^e(a£! 3 tbinlj)alreaD^ teclareD plainl^,botD in one felf iDO^ke betb tbe fault of ma Dotb belD;ia^ it felf, ano alfo tbe rigbteoufnelti? of (IDoD glo* riouOi^ appearetb. Hno fo; mouett ^its tbis anftoere of Auguftine C&all altnai? fuffife,lDberastbe fatber DeliuereDtbe fonne,fCbnftt)cliueret)btsbor)^,ano iipiit.4b luijag tjcuuereo m ilo^o: t»b^ in tb^0 oeliuering is ©oD rigbteous,f ma faul* tic i becaufe in i^ fame one tbing tobicb tbe^ DiD ^ caufe teas not one,fo? tobicb tbep Dio it, Bif an^ bemoje cobjeD ioitb tbis tbat ioe note faj, i tbere x& no con# fent of CDoo luitb ma.tubere man b^ ^z tirli Poolce. F^IX cen. rigbteous mouing of ©oD ootb ^ Uibicb is not latofull, let tbe remf bcr ^ lubicb Auguftine faifb in an otber place: ^fio lt}aU not tremble at tWt tuDgemente s, tubere CDod tuozketb euen in ti)z bartes of cuill me tcbatfoeuer be lDti',ano ^et reno^etb to tht acco^cing to tbetr Defers umgsanti trul^ in i falOjoce of 3!uDa0, ^^ it Ojallbeno mo>c latofuil to la^etbe ^^p^^' blameofvtoicUeDDet)etogoD,befaufc J^'"* ^ ''" be binifelf VuiUcu bim to be DeliuereD,* , ""^ ^^" DiD Deliuer bim to Dcatb,tben it (ball be '^;^"'' ^'' to geue atoai? ^ p.jaife of our rc5emptio ); ^l^nti. to 3i«Das.2Lbcrfo;c:p fame waiter Dotb ^^P- ^°' in an otber place truclp tell ts,^ in tbis I eramination goD Dotb not cneiuirctobat me migbt baue Done,02 tubat tbep baue Done,bnt tobat tbeir tuii tuas to Do,tbat purpofe anD tuill ma^ come into t\)c uo tompt.2:bcr ^ ibijiktbisJ:arD,let tbr a little tubtle coiiDer, bolo tolerable tbeir olun toaitDarDneUe i5,iubile ti)ti refufe a tbing U/ilnclTcD br plain teCimon^es of fci'ipture,bccaufe it erceDetb tbeir ca? pacitie,! do finD fault ^ tbofe tbings are tjttereD,ljjbicb goD, tnles be baD fenotu.- en tbem profitable to be fenoluen, toolo neuerbauecomaunDCDtobe taugbt b^ bis p;opbets 1 0poftles,iFor our being tD^f^ ougbt to oe no more but to em^ brace toitb meeketPillingneOe to learn, anD tbst toitbout erception iubatfoeuer is taugbt in t\it bol^ fcriptures . 0s for tbe tbat DO more frotuarDl^ outrage in prating againft it,fitfy iiis euioent tbat I tber babble aga^ntt ©oD , t\)e^ are not 1 Ujortbr of a longer ccnftjtatiom The end of the firft bookc. ^THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE INSTITVTION of Chriftinn Rehgion, which cntreatcth of the knowledge of God the Rcdc- mer in Chrift,which knowledge was firft opened to the fathers in the time of the law,and then to vs in the Go(pell. The firji Chapter^ That by Adams finneand falling away,niankinde became accurfcd, & did de- generate from his firft eftatc: wherin is introated of Qriginall finnc. %C i^ Of theknovvle.^cof- iDt \Mtt}QVit caule fcttti) sfcatiioblencffeof ci:rfemo,tut}ici)ma* tl^e Unstsjlcgc oftjimfclf ifeetb tjs mffermt from bmte braffcs, bene in t!jc do p;ioncrbc fl^oalD be D^oUjncD Xjj our aotJjfalncCr, fo mud) commcnocD to jtiisgfflDfoitJStofenotD,^ 120 are tbcr^ fm cnuucD tcitb rcafcn $ I3ntjer0attng, Gene. 27 manjrojifitbcttjousbt a fljame to be igno;tant of all (l)mge5 ffjat pertain to tbe courfe of mans ltfe,t!)en mucb moae flbameful 10 tl)t not^notuing of our rclucs,tobercb^ it commetb to paflTc, tfjat in tabins coii* fell of anp tfjing nccclfarr, fee be mife^ rablt? BafdeD , ^ta altogctbcr bltnDcD. I3ut Ijotu ttiucb mo;e profitable tl)is Icf* fon 10 , fo mud) moje Ditigcntl^ mutt toe tafec beDe,tbat toe do not Difo;t)erlv tfeit,a5 toe fa fome of tbe ^btlofc^ p^ers baue Done.jfoj tfjcT* in erbo^ting «!an to Itnoto bimfclfe , Do toitball ap^ point tbis to be tbe enD , tobv ^^ Ifeoalo finotobimfclf,tbatbeftculD not bcig* no:ant ofh^s otone Dignttie t ercdlcn^ fie : anD notljing ds Do tfm ^iH biin to bebolDc in bimfiiff ,but t\)nt toberbt? be mai? ftoell tottb tjaine ccnfiDcnre, anD be puffeo tp \33itij p:iDe.But t\)c fenoto? IcDge of our fclues, firtt (I'anDetb in tbM point, tbateonfioering tobat toasgcur t)s in creation, ano boto boiitifuUp d^oD contiauetbbl?B gracious fauo.ztotoarD t0, toe ma^ fenoto boto great baD bene , tbc ercellencie of our nature , if it baD f cntinucD bnco^rnpteo : anD toe ma^ toicball tbinUe tjpon tljis , tbaf tbere is notbing in fes of our otone, but tbat toe tbatinfecping a bo!^ anD bcncltl^'fr, toetboulop?cccDeonfo;itoarD to f> np# pointeD rnD of blcd^D immojf a!itie. But tbefirll Dignitic can net come in our mtnDebutbt'anDb^on p otber noetbe bcau^figbt of cur filtbinclTe anD fljame Dotb tb^utt It fclfcin pjefence, fince toe in tbe pcrion of ^ firft ma are fallen fro our firft cOatejtobereupon grotoetb tbe batreo i lotbing of our rclue5,f true \)Uf militie,! tbere is kinDleD a neto Defire tofcHefo^ Cod 5 in tobom cuer? oftjs ma^ recoucr tbcfe gcoD tbings, tobercof toe are fcuD altogctber tJopDe 1 emptp. 2 ^bis tbing furcl^ tbe trutb of Cod appointetb to be fougbt in examining of our felues, 3 meane, it requiretb fucb a ImctoleDge as mat> botb call bs atoap fro all cofiDf ce of our oton pctoer,f ma^ feingtsDeltitutecfall matter togloip t)po,mat?b<:ingtjfi to fubmilTio. Hlbicb rule it bebouetib t}d to tiepe , if toe toill attainc fo t\)z true mariie botb of rigbt ftnotoleogc anD toell Dctng.ijieitbcr t?et am Bl igno^aunt boto mucb mo;e plea* fant is tbat otber opinion tbat alluretb Ms ratber to cojilioer our goD tbinges, tban to loj^e tjpon our miferable necDt^ ncfle atiD Di(bonoi,tobicb ougbt to ouer^ tobclm Ms Miiti) l^mcifo; tbere is no* baue as gotten b^ bo^rototng all ^ Cod fiatl) beftotoeD tjpo MSy tbat toe ma^ al^ I tbing tb t mans nature mo;te couctetb, toares \)^nr( bpon bim . 2i:ben,tbat toe ' tban to be aroheD 16 flattcr\?:anD f tjere* call to minDc our miferable cttate after I fo;e tobe be bearcti) v giftes tbat are in tbe fal of aDam,tbef0eling toberof ma^ j ftim to be magnifteD,be leanetb to f CDe tbioto DO ton all glo^nng t trult of our : tottb ouermucb ligbtnes or brlef». :tober* fclucsjoucrtobelmts \s)itl) fl^me anD | l)P it is fo mucb leCe to be maruciieD, truel^ bnmble bs . if 0; as CoD at ^ be^^ j tbat Ijerem t^t greatcft p^art of me baue ginning fiGnoncD t)s IrUe bp0 otone i* : perniciouui' errrD. ifo: inb tb"_rtis na^ mage,to tbc enD to ratfet)p our minDcs turalhj plated in all mo^tall mi a mo?e botb to tbeftuD^ of tertuc ano to tbe tbanfcUnDeloueoftbemfclues,tbei>Doe mcT?ttatton oFetrrnall lif^fo iea& tbe fo matt toilUugli? perftoaDe ibemfelues, — jg^j Scconc^ Roolce. To]. 66 God the Rcdemer. tOdt ttjcre 10 nothing in them ttjat tljeg j natural meaning of al men, t ^ tccoo ougbt tDo;tl)il^ to Ijatc. &o \j6out anp I part of toifcDomc coafiftctb in ^ fenotc^ maintenance of other , tUB moft tarn | IcDge of our felucs, v^t in tbe tcr^ ma^ opinion DotI) ccfjc tob-re get creDit,t!}at ncf of fenotoing tljere is muclj oifagrc* man is abonnoantli' fufPicient of i}im^ I ment.jf o^ hv tl}c iuugement off flefl^, felf to maUe I)imfelf Ipue tocll ano blcf^ } a man tbinbetb that l)C ftat!) tljen toell | reolp.lSutiftbcrebedup tbat are com ' fcarcbco bimfelf, tobcn truffing tjpon tft tottjinb mo:e moueffl^, botofoeuer ; Us otun ijnDerllanwng i integritie,f?e f^et? grant fomclDljat to (Dodeaft tbc^ taUctl; boloncfTci ciuouragetb bimfclf WtJ fame arrogantly to take al to tbr^ felue0, ^et tf)e^ fo part it, t tbe p;inci^ pal matter of glo,:ie f cofiocce alluar re mainetbx^ tljcmfehiesi. i]5otoiftf)erd' come talfe,tbat to i)er alluremcts ticktf letb tf)e pnoe t alreaop of it fclf itchtt^) h)it\)in tbebonefi,tbere is nothing tbat ma^mo;^eDelitetbP» 2nbcrfo;easanp fjatb iuitb f)is extolling moll fauo;ablY aDuanceD tfje erccUencie of mans na^ ture,foi)at|) be ben accepteD toitbtbe loci li?feing reto\?cemct in maner of all agcs.But Ujbatrocuerfijcb commfoa* tion tfjerc be of mms erciUencie ttjat tearbetl) ma to reff in !)imfelf,it Dotb no to Doing tbc Duties of tertue % biODing battel to bices , trauailetb ^it^ all bi$ ftuDie tobeno bimfelf to tbat tobicljis coml^ ano boneflt . X5ut be tbat loketb bpo I trietb bimfelf b^ ttje rule of goDS iutrgement.finoetb notbing i> mav raife tjp bis mtnD to goiD affiance, i tbe mo^e mlt)arDlt?tbatbe batb eramincD bim^ fjelf, ^ mm be isDifcourageo, til being altogetber fpoileo of all confiDcnce, be lcauetl)tobimfelf notfjing totoaro tbe lueU ojD^ing of bis life, ^n^ pet tooulo not Qon baue bs to fo;^get y> firfl noble* nctletbatbegaueto ourfatber ^tUam, tobicb ougbt of gojo rtgbtto a\DaUet3s tbingbutoeliteUiitb^ ij?r fluatenes> totbcOnDieofrigbtccarnclTe anugo^* $ itti>ai:vr&Dccc\?uei^> )- it biingctb to * nelTe. ifo;jljuecan not confiocr et'tijcr moft \ri.2f til^D Deffrurt ion al tbem tbat alTcnt tnto it.ipoz to irbatpurpofeauii! leib it to} t)s,ltanDtng bpo al tja^^ne co? fiaence to Deupfe, a point, a^'tempt f go about tbofetbiUi^gtbat Uje tbinktobe fo^ our bebofe, % inour firft begimiing ofentcrp;ifetobefo^fa&rn f ocftitutc of fouaj bnoerSaDing f true ffrengtb, antj pet to go on bolDlp til tue fal Dclun into Dcllruction i )Dut it cannot otbf r our olDn fjrtt eltatco: to tub^t cnD loe arecreatcD,butlDefi)dlLe pjicUeo foj^ lyai*D to auDie tspon immcjtalitie , f fo tjefire tbe UingDoai of goo, li5ut tbat co? fiscration is lofar from putting ts in. roaragc,tbat ratbcr Difcouraging bet, it tb jotBctb t3fi 9o\jDn to bnmUrniffc jrc in groning map alfo Cgb fo; tbe IclTe of (iDcring oncl^ our otunc gtou tbinas,be tbat Dignitie^iout nolu toben t»e fap ^_ (bal not piofit in learning to huolo bim ma ougbt to beljolD notbig in bimfelf ^ fclf,bntawlbecmicDbioletlp atuap in map make biofbclDCDuragc,\»e mean to tbf iDc;ft feiiiD of ignorance. i tbat tbcr is nottjing inl)im tjpo affiace i 3 a:b:r&;e, tebcrp.&in tbis point fh^ teberof be ougbtto be pjou^.tHSilberfo^c i timb of goii Dotb agree tuitb^ common if anp liil to bearelu!}at hno\t?lc5ge ma Cap. Of the knovv!ede;c of oust)c to dauc of tjinuclf, let Ms ttniB w txm it,t}9at firft be coliDcr to tobat cno f)c is crcatcD,f cnoucD Vd gifts ^ are not to be Def?ifeo,b)? lubif b tbougbt be ma^ be e^^reD t)p to tbe mcDitatio of \> bea* ring of (DoD f of tbe life to comeXben let bint lue^ bis oiwt firegtb, o^ ratber neD^ loant of ttrengtb ? b^ perceiuing toberof be ma^ lie in extreme cofufion, a0onet)ttcrlvb;ougbttonougbt. SCbe firff of tbcfe confiDerations ttmctl) to tf)is enti, tbat be iiia? Imoiu tubat is bis Datie:ano the otber,boUj murb be is able to 00 totoarD tl)t perfo;ming of it Mle feill entreat of tbcm botb , as t\)e o;Derofteacbing C^all require. 4 )iBut becaufe it mull neeDs be tbat it toas not a ligbt negligence, but a Dete^ ffable Iflicfeeo art \x)])idj goo fo feueral^ i? punilbectoe muft confioer t\)e tjerp fo^m of tbefame in t^t fai of aDam,tbat Uinoelentbebo^riblebengeance ofgoD tiponallmanfeino . Bit is a cbiloilb opi* niort tbat batb commonly hm rcceiucD, concerning tl)c intemperance of gloto^ nie,as tbougb tl)t fum f beau of all ber* tues conQffcD in tbe forbearing 'of one enl? frute,lt)ben tbere flotoeo on eneri? fine ffo;e of al fo;fs of Deinties ^ tuere to be DefireD,! \sif)cn in ^ bleflDeD frut'e* fulnes of 5 eartbjtber tuas not onl? plei. tiM alfo barietie to mafee fare fo; plea fure.2i:berfo;c toe mutt loljcfurtber,be caufe t fo;biDJ3ing bim fro tl)t tvit off UnotoieDge of goa f euel,tDas tbe triall of obeoience,^ 0Dam in obepcng migbt prouetbatbctDasluillinglt? fubiettto , tbc^goucrnmcntofdDoD. 0ni3 tbe name of tt)c tree it felf (bcluetb,tbat tbat com^ mauntscmenttuasgcue fo;^ none otber eno^tban fo; tbis tbat be cotentco ixnti) bis oUine cftate, 0) ulD not toitbloic^ I ktn lull aouannccbimfelfbier.llBut tbe p^omife toberbr be luasbiDDcn to bope \ fo.i eternal life,fc log as be Dio not eate ! of§Jmomfc,^gmnJborriblctb?ct^ ' ning of Dcatb to (one as be I^lD tan of tl)c tree of fenotolecge of goo f euel,fer^ ucD to p;oue f ejccrcife Ijis faitb.l^crccf it is not barD to gatber,bt to|>at means jaoamp^iouol^eD tbe lujatb of toe receaue tbe dDofpellbi? our cares: cue asb^^ fame toinbotues, U)ben tbe^ Kobe open to ^atan , oeatb ijpaB let in , if 0; jaba tDouIb neucr bauc bene fo boloe , as to bo againll ti^t com^ maunbement of CDob , but foj tbis tbat be Dtb not beteue Us Uio^b. :SDruei^ this tpas tbc bed b^tble fo^ ^t rtgbt Iteptng of all effe£tton0 in gob d;ber > to tbtnbc tbat tbcrc te; notbmg better tban to kepe rigbteoufneflie in obc^mg tbe comaun^ tcmtntts of (0oD,anD tbcn tbat ^ cb^fe cno of bapp^ ti^fe is to be beioueb of b^m . i^c tbercfo^c being carieb atoai? toitb tbc blafpbcmicB of tbe Deuil! , bio (as mucb as in bim lar ) CFttnguiC^ tbc toboleglojpofcE'ob. s Qs tbe fpirituall life of 0tiam iuas, to ab\>De io^neb 1 bounb to bis creato;i, fo bis alienation fro bim toas t\it oeatb of bis foule . ijicitbcr is it marucll if be b^ bis falling atoap , bcttropcb all brs ob3n poftcrifr,tDbicb pcrucrtcD ^ tubolc o;tber of natjire in bcauen ano in cartb* ail tbc creatures do grone,fa^tb Paul, being maDc fubicrt to ce;ruptio agaiuft tbcir UjiU.Bif one OjoulD aflic tbc aufc: no Doubt it is fo; tbat tiitv bcarc part of tbat puniOjmcnt tbat ma Dcfcrucb , fe; tobofc bfe t{jey> toere ac^itcD.&itb tbcn tbc curie tbat goctb tbi.7 g:0. ^urdritisnotDoutfuUr fpofem ibi^t E)auiD confclfttb i! i)c luag bcgottf in tniqiuttc0,anD bn bis motber concca* ucDiiifinne. l^e botb not tbere accufc tbc fuines of b^0 fatber o;i motbcr , but tt)t better to (tt Mb § sa)!)ncirc of dDoO tcUjaro bpHTjbe bcginnctb tbe cofeflfion of bl'S otDn tuichcDiiclTc at b^s bcr^ htf gcttin0.iFc;afmucba0itisi euioct tbat tbat \i)a3 not peculiar to SDauiD alone, itfoUoluctb tbat tbe common cftateof all manUinoe is noteo bnoer bis cpam^ pic . ail toe tbcrfo^e tbat tjcfceno of bn* lol:.i4.4 cieane feDe,arc bcin tnfcctcD >i tbe con* tagion of Cnne , T?ca before tbat toe fa tbe ligbt of tbt5 life , toe be in tb^ ti^t of <;&oD ftltb^ano fpotteD.jfo; tobo conlo geue clean of ^t tncleanneCPef not one: a0 it i0 in tbe bffike of Sob. 6 W&t beare i tbe bncleamteCTe of tbe parentes fo p^fXtt^ into § cbilo^cn, tbat alltoitbout ant eicception at tbeirbe^ ginning are oefileu.lBut of tbi0 Defiling toe (ball not finbe tbe beginning,tjnleffe toe go bp to tbeftrS parent of all b0, to tbc toell l)tii,%^\is it is tbcrcfoje, ^ ^^ Dam toas not onl^ § pjogenito;, but al* fo tbe rcDte of mans nature, t tberefoje in bis co;ruptio toas al manUinb: too;i^ tbelt cojrupteb: tobicbtbe 0pofilc ma^ betb plain bp coparing of bim i €\)nii> i 0s (fattb be) bv one man finne cntreu I into tbc tobole too;l0, f beatb b^ finne, ano fo beatb tocnt ouer all men , fo^af^ mucb as all baue 0nnetJ:fo bp tbc grace of Cbiift , rigbteoufnelfe t life is reffo^ rcD bnto bs J^bat toill tt)t pelagians bercp?atef tbat ;aoams fin toas fp;caD ab^oab bt imitatio^2DbC)bauc toe no Of tber pjofit b!? (i rigbteoufnes of Cb^itt, but tbat be is an erample fet before bs to foUotof Mbo can abiDe fucb robbery cf ©oDs bonojf Jf it be out of queftion tbat Cb; itlcs rigbtcoufncfle is ours bp communication, anbtbcrbt life : it fol? Fof.u in jaba,as tbep be recouereb in €\)nQ: ano tbat finne f bcatb fo crept in b^ ^* bam , as tber arc aboliCbcD bt Cb^itt. Mc too;tbes are plaine, ti^at man^ are mabe rigbtcous b^ f obctifce of Cb?iltj as bt? i bifobebience of ^oam tbei toere mabe nnners:anD tbat tberfo;e bettoen tbcm ttoo is tbrs relation , tbat iabam to;^apjping bs in bis be0ru(tio,bel!rcieD t)S toitb l)im, I Cb;ift to bps grace re* Ho^eo bs to faluatton.Bin fo cleare ligbt of trutb) i tbinke toe neoe not a longer o;^ mo^e labo^ous pzofe. ^o olTo in tbe firtt Cptdle to ttit vCo;intbtans , tobcn be goetb about to Hablilbe tbe gobl^ in t\)t trult of tbe refurre(tion,be Qit\i)eth tbat 1^ life is coucreb in €l)M tbat toas loft in 0bam,be ^ p;onouncetb,tbat toe all are oeab in jaDa,botb alfe tbcrtoitbal plainly teftifie, tbat toe toere infecteo toitb tbe filtb of ftnne . fm Damnation coulD not reacb bnto tbe tbat toere tou* cbeD \x}it^ no giltincfleof iniquitie.^ut it can be no toat plainl^er bnbcrftaDeD tobat be mcanetb, tba bt? relation of tbe otber member of tbe fcntence,toberc be tcacbctbtbatbope of life is reftojeb in Cb;ift. But it is toell enougb hnotoen tbat ^t fame is bone no otber toa^, tba toben b^ maruellous mancr of commu* nicafing,Cb;ift pourctb into ts i fo;ce 1 of b!!S rigbteoufnelTe. iis it is to;^itten ' in an otber place, tbat tbe fpiritc is f)?fe bnto bs/o? rigbteoufncffe faUe. IDbcre^ fo;e toe mny> not otbertoife erpoiiD tbat tobicb is fa^D ^ toe are DcaD in ^Dam, buttbus,^beinftnmng titi not oncli? purcbafemifcbeefe anb ruine to bimfelf, but alfo tl)}t\}i Doton our nature bcblog into libe Deftruction . 0nD tbat not cnl? to t^t corruption of bimfclf , tobicb pcr^ tainetb notbing to bs, but becaufe be in^ fecteD all bis febe \aitl) v fame co;rruptid tobertnto be toas fallen, if o;t otbertoife t facing of IDaulc coulo not ffanb true. i.Cor.i^. 22, Ro.S.io tbat Ep.2.3. loh.T^,6 God the llcdemcr. Second Bookc Fol.68. tiiit ai are b^ nature d)e foms cf fcuiatl), if tlie^ tB2r not alrea^i? accurfc^ in tb^ tDombe.0nD it is Cvifilv' gatljereD, :^ mv f urc 15 t^erc meant not fuel) sis it locic create bp gou,but furi) as it luas co;rup tcD in aoam jfo; it iuere not coueiiiet, tbat a tberfo^e fo co^rupteu Unu rclf,tbatf^ infection palTeo frombnn into al bis offi^^ing* j^no tbe b^aucnl^ iuUgebimfdfCbjift^ uotb alfo plainly enougb p.Jonoimce , ^ all are bo.:n cmll $ co;irnpteD,tubere be tcacbctb,^ tobat? foeuerisbo;nof6e(b>tsfle(l^ anb^at tberfo^e § gate of life is clofeo againll all rtien,tjntill tbci? be gotten again. 7 ipteitber fo^ fb« bnoerftanoing tber* of is ani? curioufe bifputatio neeoeful, lobicb not a little cob^^eb t olo to^iters, Itibetber tbe foule of tbc fon bo p;>oceDe bp berinatio fro § foule of tbe fatber,be caufe in it § infectio p;rinctpalli reltctb* Wit niuft becetent Uiitb tt)is,tbat fucb gifts as it pleafeb tl^z^lom to baue be^ ftotDeo bpo tbe nature of mS,be left tbe ixiitb abam,! tberfo^^e tuben 0bam loft tbe after be bab rcce^ueb tbem, be loll tbem not onel^ from bimfelf, but alfo from bs aliMbo fljalbe carefiil of a con uerauce fro foule to foule,tuben be Ibal beare ^ aca receiueb tbefe ornaments tobicb be loftjuo leffe fo; bs tba fo; bim fclff tbat tbe^ tocrc not geue to one ma alone,butairigneDto tbe tubolc nature of manfSDberfoie it iB not againll rca^ fon, if be being fpoileb, nature be left nafefD « pcDie: if be being infecteb \Ditfy finne,tbe infectio crcpetb into nature. S:berefo;e froii: a rotten rmte arofe bp rotten b;ancbcs>tobicb fent tbeirrot* tennrflTe into tbe otber ttuigges t fp^og out of tbem. iro;fotucre tbyc cbilo^cn cojruptebintbcfatbcr, tbat tbe? alfo toerc infectiue to tbcir cbilO;en: ^ is to fa^jfo luasvbrginaingof corruption, ^ by contimiall flowing from one to an otber, itis fonuepeb from p aunceffcrs into t polleritie.iro; tbe infection batb notbercaufe in t fubftance of tbc fle(^ o; of ^ foulCjbut btcaufe it tuas fo o;oe? ncD of gob, ^^ fucb gifts as bebab geucn lotbcfirftma^maflbulDfcotl) baue tbf, f lofc tbf as iDcl fo; bimfelf as fo; bis. ias fo; t\)i8 tbat tl)t pelagians bo cauil, ^ it is not UUcli?^ tbe cbilo;cn do talje corruption fro goDl? parents, fitb thev ougbt ratber to bee fanctificb b? tbcir clcannclfe,^ is cafilv f ofuteo. if o; tbe? Dcfceno not of tbcir fpirituall regenera tiojbut of tbeir carnal gcneratio.Cber* Con ve fo;e,as auguU ine faitb, tobetber \> tw i^^ ^ beleuer becobemneb as giltie,f tl)t be^ Ccieft leuer quit as innocent, tbe? botb bo be^ get not innocents, butgiltie, b?caufc tbe? beget of § co;rupteb nature, ^otu toberas tbe? bo in maner partake of tbe parents bolineCTe, tbat is tbe fpecial bleflfing of tbe people of C^ob, \3)f)icf) p;o uetb not but tbat tbe firft f bniuerfall curfc of manfeinb toent bcfo;e . 5^0; of nature is giltindTe > f fatmification is of fupentaturaU grace. 8 ^D to ttit enb t tbefe tbings be net fpoken of a tbtng bnccrtain anD bnfeno^ toe,let bs Define £>;iginal fin. 315ut ?et 3 mean not to eramine al § Definitions tbat are mabc b?to;itcrs, but BIfoill b;tng fo;tb one onel?,tDbicb 3 tbink to be moll agrcable tuitb trutb. £D;igiiial Unne tberfo;e feemetb to be tbe inberi# tabl? DcfcenDing peruerfnelfe f co;rup^ tioii of our nature,, poureo ab;oDe into al ? parts of? foule^tobicb firft mabctb bs gilt? cf tbe U);afb of goD> « tben alfo b;igetb fo;tb tbofc u»o;hs in bs,tDbicb tUcfcripture callefb tbe tDo;ftes of tf)e flelb: anD tljat is it p;operl? tbat paul Ga j.19 oftentimes callctb ^inne . HnD tbefe Uio;bs tbat ar?fe out of it^s are aoulte rics,fo;nications,tbefts,batrcDs,mttr«^ tbcrs4)anlvctings,a6er tbefame maner becalletb tbefruitcsoflmne , albe?t Siiiti. tbe? jCap. Of the knovvledoieot- ;.^o,s." tt)ei? arc likrtoife caUctj finncs botl^ co* i nicnl^ in ifjc Scripture , t alfo b]? tlje-' fame ^dul l)nn{cIf.2Dt)crfo;e t^cfe tfco things arc oittinrt li^ to be note D:t!;at is, tW being To in al partes of our nature MjrupteDano pcruerteD, tuearc noto cue n foj fuc^ co;ruption cnel^ fjolDen tuo;tbii^DamneD anDconuittcD before (^oD,to tDt^o is notbing acceptable but riGbteournr5,innocrcie f purencs. Sno ttt is not tljat bons in rcfpcd: of an o* tber^ fault. if oj tober it is faftJ^tbat b^ tbeOnncof^samtoeare maoe fubicct to tbe iuDgement of (IDcD, it is not fo to betaken,a0 if loe innocent ano bnDe<* feruing oiD bcare tbe blame of bi« fault. Ili5ut bicaufe br bis offcnbing i»e are al clotbetttoitbtbecurfe, tberefbze it is favti tbat be batb bouno ts. j|5euertbe^ lelTeifrom bim not tbe punitbmet onl^ came bpo \fSMt alfo f infection Mil* leDfi'ombim,abtBetbinbs, toplobicb tbepuniflbmttijJiuftl^bue. Mbcrfo;e botDfocucriSngullinebotb oftentimes cal it an otbers finne, ( to (fteto f mo;e plainl)?,!? it is conuereu into bs bi? pjos* pagati0n)f et botb be alfo affirm,toitbal ^ it is p?op;e to euer^ one, ^no i? ;apo* ftlebimfelfej:p.ie(relp tuitneflietb, tbat tber(b;e beatb came bpo al me, becaufe i all men baue finneO , i are tp^appeo in original finne,f befitet) Hiitb tbefpottes tberof.janD tberfo?e ^ tjcr? infants tbr* fclncSjtDbile tbe^ facing ioitfj tl)i tbcir otDnoaudtiofrotbcirmotbers Inomb, are bouno not b^ an otbcrs but bi? tbetr otone fault, jfojtbougb tbet? bane not as^etb;iougbt fojtbtbefrutes oftbeir otone intquitie, T?ct tbei? baue tbt fabe tberof enclcfcD \3)itliin tbcm : vea tbeir tobole nature is a certaine feebe of fin: tbercfo;jc it can not be but batefull anb abbominable tu (£"00 . ^KHberuponfoI* loiuetb, tbat it is p^^opcrl^ accompteb fin bcfa;e <^oD:fo j tbcre coulo be no giU" tincffe UJitbout (in.HLbeotberpointis, tbat tbis perucrrcncffc ncucr ctat[ct\) in\3sMt cotinualli? b;iugctb ici^tb nctt) fruits euen tbefame luoj^s of § flctb ^ iDC baue before t!ercribct):like as a bnr^ ning fo;nace blotoctb out fiamc i fpar^ cles,o;asa fp;^ingDotb loitbout ccaf^ fing caft out toatcr . 2Lbcrefo;e tbcv tDbicb baue befirneo £>;iginall fin,to be a lacfeing of ^?igtnall rigbteoufncffe txibtcb ougbt to bane ben in bs>altbougb in becb tbe^ comp;ebeno all^ is in tbe tbing it fclf : t^ttbei? baue not fuU^c* nougberp^efDeo^fojcei efficacie tber# of if 0^ our nature is not onl^ bare ano cmpt^ of g(DDneffe,but alfo it is fo plen^ tcous anb frutefnll of all euels, i it can not be iole. SDbcvtbat baue rarb,tbat it it a concuptfcfce, baue l3feb a U)o;!D not ber^far from § matter, tf tbistuerao* Deb,kibicb is not grannteobi? tbe moff part,^ tobatfoeuer is in maH,eue from tbe bnoerftanbing to t!l)t tDiU,from V^e fouletotbeQefl^, isco^ruptebfUuffeo ful tuitb t^is concupifcence:o?,to cnb it C^oi^tlier, tbat tobole man is of bimfelf notbing els batconcupifcence. 9 tKEberfo^eJ baue faio ^ al i^ parts of § foule are poffcOeb of fin, fitb ;aDa fell atoaie from ^ fouta^n of r^gbteoufnes. if 0^ not onlv i> inferior appetite alurec bim, but luicUcD impietiepoCfcITcDtbc \3ttf cafile of bis mino, i pnoe pearccb to ig innermoti part of bis bart.^o t it is a fonD i froliCj tbing, to reff raine t^z corruption ^ p;of cdcd from tbecc, onl^ to § fcnft al motions as t\)tv call tbr^o; to cal it a ccrtat>n ncuriture,^ alluretb, fiirretb « fi^atoetb to finne onlp t part, tobrcb among tbe is calico ^cfualitie. Wberin^eterilomtaro batb Difclc? feb bis groffe ignorance, tobicb felting f fcarcbingfor tbe place of it, fa^tb t it is in tbcflitllj,a3 ^^aal tuitncffctb, not pjopjcl^ in Oi£D,but bicaufe it mc;c ap pearetb in tbe flctb^as tbougb i?aul Dib meane oncli? a part oi tte foulc^ano not tbe Eph.4. Ro,8.7 Cod tte Rcdcmcr. Second Bookc tljt tu^le nature lD?j^ri) 10 in compare- on fct agatnft fupernatural grarc. anD Paul t^e taJjettj atoar all Doubt : tca^ cljing tfjat co;niptton rrftetb not in one part alone,bat tbat notl;ins is pure ano cleancftom tbe Dcaol^ infection ttjcrof, ifoj entreating of co;mptcD itaturc, be Dotb notonlp conoemne tljc ino^Dinatc motions of appetites tbat appeare, but fpeciaUnc trauailr tb to p;ouc 1^ tf)^ bn* DerltanDing minD is fubiect to blinDned f tbe bart to peruerfnes. ^no tbat fanie tbiro cbapter to ^ ItomaneSjis notbing els but a ocrcrtption 0; £D;igtnaI Qnne. SSbat appcaretb mo;e plainly) b? renu^ ing. if 0; tt)c fpirite iubifb is compareo Ivttb tbe olo man ano tt)Z teOh ootb not onl^fignif^ tbe grace Voiftrb^ tbeinfe*^ ho; 0; renfuall part of tbe foule is ame^ beD,but alfo eontainetb a ful refojmati? on of all ti)t parts. 0nb tberfo;e paule (otb commaunD,not onl^ ti)at our grofe SLbe^DofejongfUll? feketbetoo^eof tnre:but it is mucb material to ftnctoe, Folcf appetites be b;ougbt tonougbt^butalfo i toe our fclue s be renueb in § fpirit of' tobetber it came mto nature from clfe* our mino, as likctotfe in an otber place ; tobere,oj fro tl)t beginning bafb reGcD be biobetb bs to be tranf fojmeD in ncto i in it IBnt it is tninmt tbat tf9t toounb ms of mino. m berbpon folotoetb,tbat ] toas geuen br fin. STberfoae tbcre is no tbe famepart,tobcrin mott of al fijinetb caufe tob^ toe (bulb coplaine but of our tbe erccllencr f noblenes of tbe fou!e,is not onlp toounDeb,biJtalfo fo co;rnpteD t it n«Detb not oul^ to be bcalcD,but in manner to put on a ncto nature.^otoc far fin p:;4rcffetb botb tl)t tjnberftaoing, minbe t tbe bartjtoe toill fa bercaftcr. I^ere 31 onl^ parpofeD (bo^tl^ to toucbe, tbat 5 tobole man from tbe beD to § fote, is fo ouertobelmeo astoitb an ouerfioto tng of toater, tbat no part of btm is free from fin, anu tbat tberfo^e tobatfoeuer p;oceDctb from fcim, is accoumpteD fo; fin,as 13aul fa'^tb,tbat all tbe affections of tbe flellj 0; tijougbts, are enmites a* gainft dDob^no tbcrfo;e Dcatb. i^oto let tfjem go,tbat p;efume to 10 jrafec CDoo actbo; of tbetr fins, becaufc toe faije tbat men are naturally litxfaU. felues: tobicb tbiiift 1^ fcripture hatb bi* Itgentl? noteb. if 0; ecclefiaftes faptb: Ecclc.7 SLbts baue BI founB, tbat gob batb mabe 3» ma rigbteous, but tbe^ baue fcugbt ma n^ inuentios. Jt apearctb t ttit be ffru* ctton of ma is to be impoteb onli to btm felf,fo;afmucb as bailing gotte bp;igbt^ ncs b^ tbe gojbnes of gcD,be bp W oton maonrs isfallcn info f anitp. 11 tKSlefa^tbcrfo;e,tbatmaisco;rup* teo toitbfaultines natural,but fucbe ae p^occBCD not from naairc. ^le benp 1^ it p;ocebeb fro nature, to mabe apperr t W it is ratber a qualiti come fro feme otber tbing tobicb is bappeneb to man, tban a fubltantiall p?op jctp f batb ben pot into bim fro tbe beginning. |^et toe call it natural,tt?at nomantbulDtbinlie 3^). tbat '^?-H _?^5ll5 ^<^"owledge of ^cneit man gcttctb it bi^euckaCom, to be b^ nature abftominable to<3on, tD^cras it boteetb all men bounb hv in^ it Ifealbe alfo not bnaptl^ calleB natural bcritabU DcftenDtng rigbt. 0nD tb« W l^ pwuerfe ano co;irttpteD,05 Auguftm Do not of our otx)n bcaos tyjCbont autbo^ fearctb not in rcfpecte of nature co;rup^ riti* iFo;r,fo;t t\)z fame cauie tbs ^pottle j teD,to cal tbe finned naturall, Inbrcb bo tcacberb , tbat tceare all b^ nature tbe j necefl^ril? raigne in our flcfb tuber tbe cbtlDicn of to;jat??» l^oto touto 50D,tDb3 : grace of dDoD is abfent.^o ijanilbetb a^ al biB mcnca luo^hs bo plcfc, be to;atb toa^ ti)2 f©Ii(b trifcling oeuife of § spa* ful againt v noblcft of a! bis creatures f ! ntcbees, tobicb Uiben tbc^ imagineb an HButbeisratbcr VMjatbfuIt againfttbe euelns£ibauingrubaanccmma,piefm eo;ruptton of b^s \rmiij tba againtt his ' mts> to fofo;tbto^tb be pcglcdetb it tobolcl^, as if it pertaineo notbing bnto bim. ilgaine, be can )pitf fume to tabc natUn^ bpcn bimfclfe, be it neuer fo litt|c,but tbat botb <©oDjs bo^ no; Ibelbc tberbp taiten frcmbrm, anb man bimfclfe be oucrtbjotontoitb ralb lonfioencc. 3:bcrefc tcft potoer.l^otoe nccelfer^ t^iB feconb pot?nt is,euert ma feetbXbe firft,31 f« is boubteo of b^ mo tban it ougbt to be. iFo^'tbrs being fet out of controuerfpe^ it ougbt tben plainly to 0anb fo; tnitb> tbatnotbing i&U be ta^en atoa^rfcom man of bis oton,as tarre n& it bebouettr tbat be be tb^otone ootone from falfe boaffing of b^mfelfciro; if it toere not [ grautiteo to man to glo;T?e in b^mfclfie euen at tbat tinie, toben bi? t^it bountis f ulneUe of but tbat be toas creates after God the Rcdcmcr. Second Booiv< after t image of CDoD, tebcrb^ it (ecret* Iv teacfjctJ), ^ man teas blcffcD, not b^ bi0 o\un gcDD things, but bi? tbc parta-- feing of (ScD.tlClIjat tbcrfoje rcmainctb nolo, but ^ be being nabcD t bellitute ofallglo^ic,DoacknotuleDge (&oD, to tobofc liberalttte l)C coulD not be tbanb^ fuU tDben be flotocD ful of tbc rtcbeffc of l)is gracetanD tbat noio at Icngtb lottb confcfltonofbt0otDnpouerttc beglo;;t^ ficbtm,lDboin§acknotDlegtng of bi5 goD %iftsM biD not glo^tSc^ ;aifo tt is as mucb fo} onr p;ofit,tbat all p^aife of toticbomeanD 0rengtb be taken from t35,a5 it perternetb to tl)t 0lo;tc of goo, tbat tbe^ to^ne our mine \3siti) tbe rob^* beri«of<©oo,^ geuc bntobsan^tbing mo;e,tba tbat lobir^ is true, if o; tubat is cb Done Inbf toe are taugbt to figbt ofonrotonfo;ce, but tbat U)c bcliftrb tp on bte on a ff affe of a rati , ^ it ma^ b^anbb^ b;cake, i toe fat to tJjc groiJD^ aibcitjour fo;ces are tet to mucb com* mf oeo tobe t^ty arc cfipareo to ^ ffaffe of a rabe.if o; it is but fmoh al ^ tjaine mfbauciniagincb i do babble of tbe. ^berfo^e not toitbout caufe is tbis crceltent fentcnce oft rcpctcD bi? jSugu* Cine, tbat free toil is ratber tb^otoen Doton bcDlong, tban (tablidicb bt» tbcm tbat DefenD it.ILbis 31 tbeugbt necDcfuU to fpeah befo;ie^ b^ toai of preface fo; man? mis fafees, tobicb tobe Oit'^ bear ma« potoer oucrtbjoton from i grouD, tbat § potoer of reafon as it Uiere cafting tliz Cbariot u^tuen, toe range tsnraUIi? ano toptbout meafure^ ^at t\)iB t\)ti make no qucHion of,tbct tjcrtues f ijtces are in our olon potoer. i?o; if(fa^ tber) it be in our cboife to oo ti)iB o; tbat,tben is it alfo in oure cboife not to DO. 0o\x) if it be in our cboife not to Do,tbe is it alfo to Do,but of fre cboife toe feme to do tbofe tbingstbat toe do, am 0 fo^beare tbofe tbings tbat tue fo^ beare.SDberfb^e if ioe do an^ goao ti)ing toben l»e lift, toe ma]? liUetoifeleaue it tnoone : if toe do an^ euel,toemat> alfo efcbuc the fame. |^et fome of tbem bane tmrft fo;tb into fo great licentioufnes, tbat tbe? baue bofteo tbat it is in Deeoe goDs gift tbat toe liue,but our oton tbat ~ \i)t hue toel anD bolilp. 0nD tbence co* r^j J , metb tbat facing of Cicero in tbe perfS °^ "^3 of Cotta:becaufe euer^ ma bimfelf get* tttf) tertue to bimfelf,tberfoje neuer a* n^ of § toife men DiD tbanU CDoD fo; it. if o;((aitb be)fc; tjertue toe be p;aifcD,f in tjcrtue toe gIo;f ,ttbicb ^olD not be if it toer v gift of ^oD,f not of our felues^ ^nD a litle after, nis is t iuDgement of all men tbat fortune is^ to be ai&eD of CoDjbut toiftiomc to be tafte of bimfelf. aSbts tberfojc is i fum of i| opinio of all tbe pbilofopbers, ^ tl)c reafon of man« bJiDcrftaDingisfufficientfo;^ rigbt go? uernancc:tbat toill beingfubiect to it,iB tn Dese moueD bi? fenfe to euill tbpnges» 2i6uteuenasitbatb ftsu election, Co tm Seneca. it not be ftoppeD,but t\)^t it follcto rea* fon fo; \)tr guiDe in all tbinges. 4 ;among ^ telefiatticall to.:iters,al^ beit tbere baue bene none ^ DiD not ac* bnotoleDge bctb tbat tljt founDnelTe of reafon in ma batb ben fo;e toounDeD bp finne, $ bis toill erceoingli? entangleD ^itl) peruerfe Delires,tet mant of tbem baue to mvKii aflienteD to § pbilofopbers, tit\xi})i^ \) auncient, as 3 tbtn!%e, Dt>D fo mm^ aDuance tl)t ftrengtb of ma, bpon tbi^s con&Deration leaft if tbepl]^oulD erpjefl^ confed^D W toeafene£,firtt tbei (boulD baue maoe ^ pbilofopbeis , \xiitf^ tobom tbet! tben contenoeD, to laugb at tbem : anD tben leaft i^t^ fboulD geue to tbe fled), \s)\)ic^ of it felf toas Dull to ga)!)nes,a neto occafion of aotbfulneCTe. 2Dberfo;e,becaure tber toolD not teacb an)? tbing tljat toere an abfuroitie in § common iuDgement of me> tbeir ttuDie toas to make § Doctrine off Scripture balf to agree toitb tbe teachings of tl)t pbilofopbers.llBut tbat i^tv principal* Ip regarDeD ^ fccono point not to mafee place fo;0otbfulncs,appearetb bp tbeir otontoo;Ds.Cb;ifoftome batb in oneHom.de plaeetBecaufe CDoD E^tb put botb god f proditi euell tbitigs in our oton potoer, be \j&ii one lude geuen tjs if recDome of election, anD ^e toitbolDetb not tbe bntoilling, but enu chriC in b;mcetb^tbe toilling. jagaine , Dftem Gen. ho. timts be tbat is eucll, if be toil^is tour/ ig Horn! neD into gcaD,! be tbat is om bp flotj^* p. fulneffe falletb anD becommetb euel,be caufe (^oD maDe our nature to bauefr» toill,anD be laietb not neceflTitie bpo t)s, but geuing conuententremeDteSrfuf:< fretballtolpin tbe m^nD of tbe pa/ cient. ;agarn9 ^ bnleflfe toe be bolpen b^ tbe grace of dDoD, toe can neuer Da ani? tbing toel: fo tnleCTe toe b^ing tbat tobicb is our otone,. toe can not obtaine tbefauo; of goD.jSnD be baD faiD befo;e>. tbat it fl^oulD not be al of <&0DiErbelp,but toe mutt alfo facing Comtobat > 0n& ___^ te Gcd tlic Creaior. Firft Booke. pclagiu f b&t5comm5lr a familiar toojd U)it6 1 Mctu oftotjatfojtt5t^cco?rttptionof b^, let t)3 b;ing tbat to^vtb « oures, naturc.3l coulD be caQ^ contenteD luv^t!) cHJoD UJtll fnpplv t^e reU.^QtJcrtovtb a* gratb tbat tobtcb i^ieremic fai?f b, tbat it is oar part to begin.bat goM to make an cnoetourpart to offer tobat twe can, bi0 to fulfill iDbat t33e can not . ^on fee nototbatintt)cfefa^inS!5 ^t^ gaucto man totoartc tbe ftubi? of bertuc, mc;^e tban Voas met e, becaufe tbe\? tftoagbt p tbe^ foulo not otbcrtuife aU^afeetbe Dul ncs tbat tons natarall^ in tJ0,l3Ut if tbci nin p:oiic ^ in it onl? toe finnco. ^itb tubataptbanoclingtbctbaue none tbe famctoe (ball after fee.^urcl^ tbat tf)t facings tobicb fee baae rebcarfeo, are moS falfe,(baU branob^appcare.^oto tbefcioo;w,lBat it in mutb wiaferiall, tbatit be^cbcfuUv fea^eo fcbata man being in all partfi of \)is nature co;rup^ tetj f fpoilcD of bis fupernaturall gifts, is able to Do.Cbei tberfo; tobicb bofteo tbemfelues to betbe tiifciples of Cb;iift, fpabe of tbis mater to mucb Ufee Pbilo>' pbers.ifoj tt)t name olfrec toil fiill re* maineo among tbe llatines, as if man bao ftil abioc in bncojrupteb Catejano tbe dDreciatis toer not aflKimeo to bfe § too;iD mucb mo;e arrogantl^:ifOj tbe^ callet) it Autcxoufion, tijat is to fap, of bcr oton potocr, as if nimrbaD J potocr of bimfelf. I^tcauk tberfo^e aU,eucn to F0I.71 mosraire,i«auoranoD^ttpptan^.3p:«u. «» mu...*... ^';^"-;:7':;;;;7:;;'" •" altbouab tbe (S>recians mojetbaotbcr, ^comonpeople.bacrecemeDtbisp^im $ among ti)zm pjimipalli? Chryfoftom bane patieD meafure in afinauncing tbe potocr of manncstoill, retail tbe oloe Mny>tttB, ercept Auguftme, Doe in t^x^ \ po^nt fo eitber t3art?,o^ toauer,o; fpt^c iioubtfullr,tbat in maner no certaintre ca be gatbereD of tb?ir toJtltingsXber^ foje toe toil not tar^ tpon erarte rechc* ning of euer^e one of tbeir failings, but ciple, i man toas enuoet toitb fre toil, f man^ of tbem tbat tooulD feme e rccl^ lent,canot tcl boto far it ertcntetb:fira let bs fearcb out tfjt fo?ce of tbe too;D it felf, I tben let bs pzocene on b^ t^t Qm pUcityi of f fcripture^to Ojeto tobat man is able (0 uo of ijis oton nature, totoaru gojo 0? eueU^lbat fra teill ts,toberas it is a too^iti commcnlr' foii^ in al mens bcre «ni3 tbere toe toil tcucb out of eue^ tojtf m0S,^et fetoe baue oeonf^;Ht it rp one of tbem fo muO) as tbe plaine be* ! femctb tbat Origen reberfeu tbat tbmg clarationofibc matter Wlfeemeto re. | toberoftbc^toeralagrab,toiif befaiD, quire. little not front bim, toben be tmmi) tw it one after an otber into too.:fe t too?fe, til it came fo far^tbat man toas comon^ l^tbougbte to beco;rupteDonlvinbts fenfuall part,an^ to baue reafon altoge" tber,anD toill fo j tbe moje parte tntop rupteo. Bin tl)t meane time tbis fleto a* bout in all mens moutbes, tbat tbe na^ turall gifts totre co;ruptct) in man,anb tlje fupcrnatural toer tafeen atoap.But to tobat meaning tbattenoeD, fcarcel^ tljcbunojetbman oiueuen aigbtlnbn* Deraao.asfo; mg part,if 31 toolb plain^ is a potoer of reafon f toiljtobcrbf goio is cbofen tobile grace a0iCetb,anD euel toben graesce&iTctb. Bernaic!-,tebile be meanetb to fpcabe mo;e futtlelr, fpea- ketb mo;rc uarhli^tobicb faitb,tbat it is a confent bi? re afcn of tbe liberty of toil tbat can not be loff, 1 tbe iuogcment of reafon tbat can not be anoibcb. anb tpt oefinition of Anfclmus i$ not familiar enougb,tobicb faretb,tbat it is a potoer tofeepebpjigbtnesfo;^itfelf. SEberfojc Fctcr Lombard ano tbc otber fcbolemr, baue ^ Of tlie knov Aed^c of principal, t^at ^^et 3 t^inljc tlje otfjer is not to be neglcrtcD. £Df totjirl^ meaning ^mt rat&cr cmbVaceo Au^^uRmes cefi' nittoiubecaure it boti) luss plainer anu bio not c^dnxto f gmcc of <^5, tutt^out 1 3 trua,3 fijal Ibcto a gcoD rcafon. SLljer lU MiW) tl)s\> faU) tl)at mm tuas not ! tjat^ ben a Dili inctio rccciuerj in fcbolcs futficient fo? it mwut m^ b^ing aj:f0 j tbat rcdtnctb tjp t^^mk^^is of frcDoms> of tbcir olDH fuel) t'ol^s as tbe^ tbougbt i tbe firft from ncccffttie>tfie fee onD from Part. I. etbcr to be bcttcr,oj to ferae fo^ plainer Dcclaratio.ifirftjtbcp agree ^ tbe name of Arbitrmm,tbat i$ ftz cboire,ts rather to be refcrrcti to refon, lubofe part is to Uifcern bettjjenc gojD f cuel tilings: ano ti)c a^icctiue frc^pcrtainetb p;iop;rel^ to W3y \siUdyim^ b$. turneD to eptber of botb. tsaijerfoic 6tb frcDoni p^op^eli be Icnget!) to tuil. X homas favtb t it ^oio ))Uf tod agreitf frc toil be callcD a poto er of clKifing,\Dbicbbeing mirt of imocc Caning i appetite, Dsjtt) mo.:c incline to appetite, ijiolue batie; Urc in tubat t^fgs tbe? teacb tijat t^epotoer of free t»:l co=i fiftetbjtbat is toUVy in rcafon ans tuit. ^ouieremainet^ ttjat W fl)o;t|^cfes Ijoto muf bi tbcp gene to e^tber parte*. . 5: %l}tv are commonly luont to matje Cutjicft to tbbut tfeer ^ f efer ; to Do lueU,o.: tobetber be banc vet fome true rigbteoufnes to tbe fpecial grace of \ potDcr,rJtbougb it be but litle t turaUe, . ,. <©oD>t fpirituallregeneratiott. tiSJbrci) ' tobicb bv it felfe iiiDeoe can uo notbing, Amb. K tbing ti-bite tbe antbo;^ of tf>e bol^e of t bat bp belpe of grace cotb alfc ^lec part. *^^^^ I calling of tbe dentils meanetb td (tie\». fm,tbc tbiro from mifcri.^f tobic!) tbe firtt fo naturally (licHetb faS in man, ^ it can by no mcane be tahen atoay : tbe otber tlDo arc loft b^ fin.2:bis Diftinrti^ onBl toillingl? rcceiue,fauing tbat tbeir necelTit^ is lujongfuUp confcubes tuitb compulfiontbetlDcne Icb^cb ttoo, botue mutt) Difference tbere is, ano botoe ne# ccSfarv tbat Difference is to be cofiDereD ft/all appcare in an otber place. 6 ^f tbis be receiueDjtben l^al it be ont of controucrfji, ^ man batb not free toill tj Do gfl30 \33o;.]x3i tnks be be bolpen b\: graccanD tbat by fpeciall grace, Uibvc^ is geuen to tbe onlv. elect bv regencratis* on. J!o^ ^Doe net paiTcbpontbefe fran^ tike men, Uibicb babble tbat grace is of^ fereD gcueralli? f bu^tboiit Difference. ii5uttbisisuot ^d maDc plaine, tobe* be rer hnctb tjp tlnk fo^ts of SSU ils, tbe ftr-ft £s>enfitiue» 6be feeono Jiatural, tbe tbirs ^piri.tua!,of tebid) be favetb>tbal mauibatb tf?c firft t\m ^ bis oUm libera tt,tbe laft is tbe Iwo;^^ i^iti}t bolp OiJbo^ in ma. ^Ibicb tubctbcr it Ifs true o^ no, Ibalbe cntreateD in place fittefc;> it, foj noli) m J? purpofc is hut G)p^tlp to rcbcrs tfe opinions of otbf r, ano not to confute tbeai. ^itvchv it commctl) to pairc,tbat tS5ljCi\\33?rter3; fpeshe of free toill, tbe? pjincipalU fehc nottobat itisableto no $Q ciuill 0; QutiuarD notngsint U)bat it sjan iw to tbt cbeDifce of ttie lato of go5. mi bicb later poynt^tbiim fot/abctba Mbilc tbe mailer of tbe fente ces goetb UK 2. about to malie tbat plain,be (a^tb tbere p^ftm are ttoo fo,zts of grace neccl^ans! foj tjs, ^^ tjDberbr ^^e ma^ be mat^e nvete to Doe a gflDD UjG;iUe:tbeonetbe^cala tnojfeing grace, tobercbv toe e ifectuallp toill to Doe giDD : the otber a togclbcr toojfeing grace, tobicUfiillotof tb gcoD toill in bel* ping It. 3in tobicb Biuificn tbis Ji miffe* lifee, tbattobilebc wc^ to tbe grace of C-oD an effectual] DcCre of gcoD, be fecreatelp Itietoetb bv's meaning i^at man alreaD^ of b!!« otone natare,after a ceitainc maner, Defiretb gtoD tbougbe fene^ectuaUi'C. ^ IkmArde affirming Hoat gpDt toilt jg in D»'De tftg xvco^kz. ■ ■ "^ of God the Rcdcmcr. ScconcfBookc. , F0I.72 Lib. 2, Diftin. of CPoDitct tins i)c graur.tctf) to ninn, ^ of 1)10 otun motion l)e sscfirgtl) ti)at gcoD tuill. 115at tt)i0 is far from tibc meaning of Auguftine,froni toljom ^Ct Lombard iMOulo feme to (Kiut lio;oUieo t^is tiui* Con, 3in tfje fccono parte of tOc Diuifion, tijt Doubt fulncs of fpcacb cffcuDetl) mc, iofjieJ) battle b^eD a tojong crpoGtion. i?o;i t!)e\? tfjoug!)t tfjat toe Doc ti)erefo;c iDo^fe together luitlj tljc fcr onD grace of dDoD, faecaufc it litth in ourc potoer, tv-. tljcr to ma!te feoiDc tfje firft grace bv rc^ fufing it,o; to confirmc it b^ obcDientIp folotning it. Mbereas tbe nutbo.: of tbc boltc of tbe calling of tbc (]DrnttIc5,DotijC tbus erp^es it,tbat it is free fo^ tbem |5 t)fe tbeiuDgementof reafon, toDeparte from grace,!^ it mav be tuo^tbr retoarD not to fjMt DcparicD, anD tbat tl)c tl^mg Inbic!) coulD not be Done but b^ tbc too; feing togctljcr of tbc bol^ gbclle,mat? be imputeD to tbeir mcrifg, by tobofe imll it toas( potrible to bnue not bene Done. 2Cbefe.2.tbinas 3! baD toil to note U tbc toav?,^ noto,rcaDcr,tbou ma^tt (cc bcto mucb 31 DitTentfrom tbc founDcft fo;t of tbe fcbolemen. ifoj 31 tioe mucb fartber Differ from tb^ later fopbiftcrs, euen lo mucb as tbcybe farfl^cr gon fro ti)c an^ ci?f time. %ut ^tt fomtobatjafter fucb a fo^t as it is/aie pcrc eiue bt> t\)is Diuifi on, a^ter \ai)at maner tl^ty; bauc geucn fratotlto maniroj at leng'bilombarD faitb,r^ toe l}iiuc not free toill tbcrfo^e, becaufc toe are a iihc able citber to Do 0; to tbinfeijoD f eucll , but oncl^ tbat toe arc free from copulfion: tobicb fre? tiomcisuotbmDereD, altbougbtoc be peruerfc anD tbc bonomen of (inne.anD canDonofbingbutftnne. 7 SLberfcjcma fl-aibc faiD to banc fr^ toil after tljis rojt,not bcQufe be batb a free cboifc^ toel of gcoD a$ of 0uel>bbt becaufc be Dotb euclbv WiilU I '40tbi> fompuliion.2Lbat is t;crt?toclfai' Jiuat to tobat purpcie to>^g it to ganu^l^ fo fmall a matter tottb fo p;ouD a titles ^ g£DDl\? libertir fo;f(iitb,if man be not c6 1 pellcD to fcrue finne: fo is be pet a toil* ling feruant ^ bis toil is bolDr fait boiiD toitb tbc fetters of 6nne » Kruelp 3 do abbojrc drilling about too^Des tobcr* toitb J dmt^is bfanli? torarieD:but3I tbinh tbat fucb toojDcs arc toitb great religious carefulnes to be tafee bcDe of, tobicb foiiD of anp abfurDitie, fpeciall^ tober tbe crroj is burtfuU. ipoto feto i p^avrcu, arc tbcre, tobicb toben tbe? beare ^ fra toil is affigncD to ma,Do not b? f bv conceiue,^ be is lo;D botb of bis oton minDf to>il,anDtbatbc is able of bimfcif to tumc bimfelf to tobctber part be toill^But fomc one toill fat:tbts pe^ rill flKiIl be tahe ato^a^jif {1 people be Di* ligentl^ toarncD^of tbe meaning of it. liBut ratber tb^afmucb as ti^t toit of ma is naturallv bent to falfitie, be toill (wf ncrconceaue an'erro; oat of one little too;D,tba a trut}) out of a long tale . £Pf tobicb tbing toe bane a mc;^e certain cp pcricnce in tbistjcrg toc.;D,tbau is lo be toilljco . ifo? emitting t CFpofition off clD tojttcrs ,al ti]t^ in maner tbat came after , tobile ttjC't! fiicke tpon tbenatu<* rail (igniScattonoftbetoo;D,baue hmt car\?cDinto a truft of tbemfelues tbat b^ingctb ibcm to Dcftruction. '8 3li5ut if tbe autbojitic of y fatbcrs do moue bs, t\)e^ Ijam in DcDc continurillp tl)t too^D in tbcir moutb : but tl)tv 00 toitbali Declarcboto mucb tber efleeme t\)t \jfe of. i?irlt of all augumnr,lt:bicb Ilickctb not to call it bono \i^in . iJiU one place be is angr? toitb tl)tm i^ Deuf free toill,butbeDcclaretb bvs cb^fc reafon tobu.tuben be fa^tb onelv, ilct not an? ma be io bclo to dc nr t frceDome of toil, ^ be go about to evf ufe finne.lBut fiirelp in an ctbcr place be confcffctbjp tbe \s)ii of man is not free toitbout f b^lp gbcft, fo^afmucbas it is fubicct to lu&es tbat DO bmDe anD ccnquere it. ;aga^ne, ' tbat Lib.i. c6 tia, Jul. Homi,c3 m loan, ad anart ca.44 |Dc pcr- fea.luft. Hnchir. ad Lau. Cap.30. Ad Bo- nif.ljb.3. cap. 8 lbi.ca.7 Ad Boni li.i.ca.3, Ad Boni Oc ver- bis npo.: fl'r.3. , De (piri tu Sc lite' ra.ca.30, a Co 3.8. Of the knowledge of loh. 1$, < De cor rep. & gfa.ca.13 t^at tDbcn tDtU loas ouercometait^ 6n tul^srtnto tt feUjiiaCnre began to tuantc fraoome.3gaiH,tftat man tjauing ill t)* feD bis fr© UuH,lolI faott) Ijimfclf anu it 0gainc,fr0e toil is become captiue,tbat it can DO nutJjinj tctDait) rigbteoufnes. 023in,t(jat it um not be free, toljieb tbe grace of etb asaintt tbem tbat take it tpon tbem \d* out grace. Wlhv tberfo^jeCfa^tb be)33are tD^ictcbeD men citber be pjouo of fretoil before tbat tl)cv. be maoe free,o^ of tbeir ptDne ff rengtb if tbc^ be alreao^ maoe iVae^ant! the^^ markc not tbat in tbe te* rp name ef frsKluiU, is mention of free^ Dome.But txsbere G}t fpirit of tbe 31 o.zo iSjtbere is freisome. 3If tbcn tl)i^ be tbe bcnumen of anne, tub? do tl^ti^ boCc the of freetoil^if 0; of inborn a man is oner/^ f omc,fo bim be is maDe bono . 15ut if they> be matje fra, ti>b^ Bo tbef boft t^t as of tbeir olun b)o;jUf are tbei> fo fra, ^ t^ toil not be bis boDferuats,tobicb fai?tb : ^itbout mc pc can do notbing^ BefiDe t alfo in an otber place be fee* metb fpo^tingj^ to mocfe at tbe tfc of ^ feo;D,tol3r f)c fa^D, ^ topU toas in DecD free,but not maoc free/ra to rigbteouD nr tsyhut § bonDfenmnt of (inne. Ml^iO) fa^enginancfberplace be repetetb f eicpcunJjetb , tbat man isnot free from rigbtcoufne(re,but b^ cboifc of toil, ano fro:n finnc be is not fra but b^ grace of tbe ^auio^l^e tbat Dotb tcttifie , tbat tbcfreeDomeofmsn ib notbingete but a f reemakinj 0^ manumilTio fro rigbtc^ oufnes, f^metb trimly to mock at tbe iDain name tberof. SDbcrfoie if anp ma toil permit ptjfe of tbistoo^D ixiitb no euel fi^niScatiOjbe ttial not be troubleD bp me fo? fo Doing.3i5ut becaufe 3i tbinh it can not be kept \3i)ithottt §reat perill, f tbat it tbulD tourn to a great benefit to tbecburcbjif it tocreabolifbeo: neitber tod 3 m^ felf bfe it, f 2 tooulD toilb o> tber,if tbei' affe me coiifel,to fo^beare it, 9 3 ma? feeme to baue b^ougbt a great p^eiuDice againll m? felf , tobicb baue cofeireD,^ al tbt ecclefiaftical toj^ers, ercept ^ugudine , baue fpoken fo Dout^ fullT! 0 J Diuera? in ^^8 matter,tbat no certaintiiecanbebaD out of tbeir to?i# tings, if 0? fome toill fo confirue tbps,^ 3 meant tberfo;e to tb;^uff tbtm fro ge* uing an? tjo^ce berein,becaufe tbe? are all againS me.^s fo? me,3 meant it to no otber enD but tbis, 1 3! fimpl? ano in gtDD fa?tb tooulD baue goDl? toitspjo^ uiocD fo?,tobicb if tbe? toa?te bpo tbofe mtns opinion in tb?s pornt , tbe? ftall atoa? toauer Uncertain 3in fucb fojt Do tini fo.iitiine teacb,ma being fpo?lcD of all ftrengtb of freetoii,to M to grace on? I? fomt?me tbe? furnifl^ 0? feme to fuD nifij b?m \ja b?s oton armure.llSut it is not barD to make appeare , tbat in fucb Doubtfulnes of fpeecb, tt^tv nctb?ng5 0? ber? litlceCcming mans Hrengtb^baoe gcucn ? p2a?fc of all gmD tb?ngs to tbe bol? gboff , if 31 bere recite certaine fen^ fences of tbeirs,tobsrb? tbat is pla?nl? raugbt.ifo?tobatmeanetb tbatft?ingli>, p^e of Cyprian, tobicb Auguftine fo oft rc^ Irieftna r3tatttf),tbat toe ougbtfo glo??ofno?!t-oncs5 at^ tenb bpon bis merc^. 0gaine,tbat it is be tobicb geuetb Itrengtb bnto him tbat faintetb, i bnto him ^ batb no ft rengtb, T^. 73 getber tnrneb atua^ from truft titim be encreafetb potDer,euen \> roung men IC.17.J, pri47 lO, £{3.40. 2^. otone potDer,to bauebrs ffrengtb repo feb in <3Dob alone . ipiotu come HI to tbe (imple fetting fo^tb of tbe trutb, in con* (ioering tbe nature of man* 1 o "i^at 31 am bere conCrarneb fo re^ pcate tbat,ujbicb in f beginning of tbis cbaptcr, 3I fpeakebt?U)at of p?eface.0s anr ma is molt uifcourageb f tbaotoen Dotune tuitb confcience of brs otune mi* ferp,nabmeire,nakebncffe anb fljame, fo batb be beft pjofiteo in knotolebge of bifclf.if o;i tber is no uager to be fcareb, led ma tuil take to mucb fro bimfelf, fo tbat be learne, # lobat be tuantetb is to be recoutreb inCDoD, but to bimfelfe be can take notbing moje tbanbrs oUjne rigbt,bc it neuer fo little, but t be Iball belirer bimfelf tuitbbaine confibtnce, I conue^ing J Ijono; cf it fame i^ljc^ to^iiianbcmgafkcD,ix3!)attwafl i UrU tl)im i" tl)c valta of eloquence , anftoe' reo p;onpuciation:anD luljat luas t fJ^^ f onUjtje anfluereD ^^cnounciaf toii:ano to^t toas § t!}irD,!)c anftoereo p^oncu tiation : fo if one afhe mc of fbe rnleB of €l)Mih relision,tt)e firff,^ fcconD>anD tbirD time,! altoai'es ^ IdouId anftoere Ijumilifie. iut be meanetb notljumilt^ fie,tiiljc a man fenotuing fome litle ber^ tut to be in ^imfelf,abUainctt fro pn^c f tjEiv^'*»'eire of minoe,but lutien be trae* It fk^elc'tl^ ^imfclfe to be fncb a one, a« batlj no refuse bat in buniilitie;n« rn an btber place be Declaretb . lief no man (favtb be) flatter binifclf: of bis otun be is a Deuil.SCbat tbing tuberbv be is b!ef^ fcD,bc batb of ©00 cnlv.iFo;^ lobaf baft tbou of tbine oU)ne,bnt finne i SEafee a toat fro tbee finnc,tubicb is tbine oton, fo^ rigbtcoufnctfe i3(6oi!s.0gatne,tDbi? is tbepoffibilitie of nature fs pieftimeD on Htis Uioun&eD , mainieD , troubled, nm Ioft,itneet!ctba true ccnfeirion,anD not a falfc tJ?fence.againe,tDbcn euer^ man fenotuctb t\)ht in bimfelf be is no^ fbi^tg> f of bimfelf be batb no belpe,brs iMcapons in bimfelf are b?ofef,'p toarrcs are cealTctJ.llBut it is neeDfull , ^ all tbe tocapons of tpichcDneffe be broken in funoer, tbiuereo in p^ccs i burnt,tbat tbo'i rcmaine tjnaruieo i bane no belpe in th^ felf.i^olD mucb moje toeafe tbou art in tbr felf/o niucb i mo;c t\)i !locr0 cD^rupteD in man b? finne , f of tbe fu^ pernatural be teas maoe emptt?.#o; in t^s latter part of fupernaturall giffes, tbei* tnoerffano as toell p ligbtof favtb as rigbteoufneffe,U>bicb Ujer fufficienf to V attaining of beauenl? life f eternal feUcitte. 2Dbcrcfoje banilbingbimfclfe from tl)e bi ngoome of (DoD, be teas alfo uep;tiueD of ip fpirituall gifts,toberlDitb bebaDbenefurnifljeD to tbebope ofe^ tcrnall faluation . C2llbcru|:on follotu^ t^)t\^at be is fo banilbeDfrom tbe feing* Oomeof(IDoD,tbat all tbinges tJjuthCf longto tbe bleffeO life of tbe foule , are crtinguilbeo in b^m , tjntill bt grace of regeneration be recouertbem. j©f tbat fojt are faT?tb,tbe loue of ©oD , cbaritie totoaro our neigbbo?s,tbe ttuD^ of boli!^ "■ God the Redemcr. neflCe f r^gotwufnclTc. 01 t^cfc things, >ccond Roolcc. | Foi.74 ; b^aofe €fjnft rcttojetl) t\)tmMto t)0, arc coptcD tbings comming from an o* tfjer to t30,f bcfiDc nature,f ftjerfoze lue gatljcr tl)af tJjcv toere once take atoa^. 0garn foimoncffe of tbct^nDcraaneing minaano tjpjrstJtneffc of bcarC lucre tljen taken atua^ togctfjcr, f tijis uj tl;e corrupt io of natural giftieJ. if oj tftoug!) tijere rcinarne romtM^at leftof tjnticr* ftancing anD iuogemcnt togct&cr toitfj toil,i?ctxa toe not fa^,^ our tnoerllan? &mg 10 fouD I pcrfect,tol)icO is botb fe* bleanoujotoneo inmani? Darfeneffes. 0nD as fo; our totll , tbe perucrfeiicOTe tberof is mo^e tba fuificieutlp fenotoe . ^ii^ tbcrfozc, reafo, tol^crbv a ma Dif* f ernetb bettojen goju f tutl, tobcrbp be ijnUfrllanDctb i iuDgetb, 10 a naturall gtft,it coulD not bealtogctbcr Deftrmeo, bat it toas partly? toeakenecpartly cop ruptc^jfo ^foule rutnc0 tbcrof appeare. 3n t\^i^ fenfe Dotb Biobn far, ^ t\)t Ipgbt (brnetb ret in DarKne0,but tbc tjarfencs comp;jeben5cD itmt : Bin tobicb tooi&s botbtbtrts0 are plainly erp^jcffeUj tbat in tir? pcrucrtcD 1 DcgenD^cD nature of man,tbere Unnc t?et fomc fjparUe0 tbat Ojeto i be 10 a creature bauing reaCon, qftljatbctJifferetbfrobnite beall0, bc^ caufe be is cnbucb Xo bnocrftanDing: f \>tt tbat tbts Itgbt 10 cbofecu toitb great tbiclinclfe of ignorance, v it ca noteffcc tuaUv getabjooc.&o toiU,becaure it is tjnfepa cable from tbc nature of man,pe ri(bei>not,buttes boumi to perueife Dcfires, t\)^t it can couet ao gojD tbing. ^his in uceu 10 a full De&mtio, but vet fucb ac niKtietb to be maDe plav'u twttb mo^c too,jBe5.2Lbcrefo;e,^ tbeo^oer of our tail5 ma|p p^occne acco;iDing to tbat Si1{ DifttnctioB>. toberin toe oem^DcD | foule of man into bnncrffanoing i toil: let 'ca firil cramine t^e fo.:cc of bnocr^ Canting, S>o to roormnc it of perpetual blintjneffe, tbat a man Icaue l3nto it no manerof ffeiUinan)?lunD of tbmgc:;* i0notoncl\?agarnfttbc too^b ofCoo* but alfoagarnGtbe experience of com* mon reafon . i?o.a tofe fee tbat tbere 10 planteD in man a certarnc befirc to fear cb out trutb> totobicbl)e toculD not afpire at a!,but bauing felt fomc fa^ uo;lbcreofbcfo;je, SCbis tberefojeis fome fjgbt of m.in0 bni3eraanDing,tbat be 10 naturally i! till at lengtb it toan> oer anD tjanitljctb atoar, fo in feelung tratb,ituotb beto.jav boto tjnfit it is to fceUe I am trutb.^nb tbe it is fo;e trou bleD to an ctberbanitv'> tbat cftetimeg ttDiCcernttb nottbofe tbings to 1^ tnie j knotolebge,. toberof it toere orpcDient | to faeno it felf,i tbcrfa;e it tomentctb it felf toitb fono curicfiticin fearcbing out tUms Cuperauous f uotbig too jtb: I to tbings mort neceCfarp to beUnotoe , it evtber taUctb not bc^jo;: negligent* l^ D.t felJso turr.cu>> but furelr fcarfc at anrtrnieappUetb berfiubv carncJIIr ^nto tbc.^'f tobicb peruerfcnes, tober^ a0 tbe pjopbane tojiters oo commonlr compla\?ne,it 10 founo, tbat al mc baue entanglcD tbemfclue© Mti) it. ^ber* fo;e Salomon in all W (Il;cclefiaffc0, toben be ban gone ti)iouQ\) al r llticie0> in tobicb men tbink tbemfelue0 tobcc ben? toifc^rc^ be iwonouncftb,tbat tber are a' I tjavnc anu trifcling. 15 ^ctDonotaltrauaiJcsofSEtit/oal toa\' become bcvt5,but tbat it attar^ctb- fomioijat,fpeciallv tobe it beoctb it felf to tbcfe iufcrto: tbingg. ^ea f it ts not Cap i. "DfchcknovvIccl2;c of io biocfeiOjjtjut tljat it tafietlj alfo feme Iitt I? o; ttje t)ier tljiiigs , bolufocuer it mm uegligetl^ a^plv ^^^ feardjing of t{je,but vet not tftat tuitlj UUe po^tv of concfuing. j^o.i toftf it is carrico tpa^ bouettjccompalTc oftbt0 p^efent life, thmiBit pitncipallv conuinceo of [)cr oton U3eaUne0» iEa^crfo?e i toe mar § better faeftoto far acco^sing to tljefie^ gras of !)cr abilif v it pjocefietfj in tut' nottbeotOfenliorjes and figbtrngcstijat aftertuarD arife tobrle fome Dcfireto peruert laiu f r^gbt, tfjc Imfe abfolute goaernmcnts of hinges, tVjat luliara* ^ct^ ab^ooe in ffeco of rig^t, ae t^euts f robber£{,fomc(t»l)icb is a fault mo^e tljan commcn)t^ink t^at to be \imutc, iDbtcbotberbauellablin^Dfo^tull: f on t\)c otbcr fioe Ciffeli? fap , t&at to be lauDable,lDlnc^otlrer baue fo;btDt)cn. rp ti)in(i,it is goS ^ 3 put fojtb a Diffinc | if o; t^efe me Do not tberfb^e bate latos tion,%ct tUs t^>c^foJe be p Difiinctio, ^ bicaufe tbep do not fenoio tbat lates are tijercis one tJnDerOanDing of eartbli? ga3DanDli6lr>buffo;tbat tbep raging tbings, anotber of beauenlv tbinges. \ iDitbbeDDrluCbofigbtagainft mani^ I Cart^lv things Bl cal tbofc t do not con^ Ct me <3on i bts feingcom, true rigbte^ 0ufnes,f tiit blcff^nes of eternall life, but baue al tbcir rcfpert an;) relation to il)isi pjcfent life,f are as it lucre coten* neo ia)it\m § bounos tberof. I^eanenl^ tbings,3!caU§ purefenotoleoge ofgoD, the o^Der of true rigbteoufnelTe,! f mi^ fteries of t beaucnln kingbome.^Df tbe 6rftfo;tare policy, gouernacc of bonf^ bolD,al banDv crafts,! liberall ftiences. £>f tlje feconD fojt are^ bnotoleoge of (iDoD,f goDs tnilji tbc rule to frame our j life acca^Ding to it. Concerning f firff, t\)is toe mull confeUe, becaufe man is a creature bv nature geuen to line in companies togctber be is alfo bv natu? rail inHinction bent to cberifb I to p;e feme tlje fdotofbip of tbcfe companies, tberefo.:e toa fa tbat tbere are in tbe minos of al men tjniuerfall impjelTios cfaccrtavnec^uil boneHie anoo;iDer. i^erebv it commetb to paffc, )! tbere is fouti no man ^ tjnDerftanoetb not, tbat all companies of men ougbt to be feept in ojvjcr lo latucs,! tbat conceiuctb not inbisminD f piind lesof tbefelalus, hereof commcti) tijat fame perpctuall canfentjaftuelofal nations as ofalme t^nto latjies,bicaufe tbe feebs tbcrof are naturally planteb in all men \s)itlmt auirtcacbero^latomafeenflnD 3! tpcg fed reafcn,t fo; tbeir fanfie do abbo;re tbat, M)ii\) in bnDertJanDing of minD tber alloto . SCbe latter fo;it of ftriuing is fucb.tbat it tabetb not atuai? tbat flrft concevuing of equitie.iro; tube men Do Criue among tbemfeluc S:»concern»ng § points of latoes, tbev agra? togetber in a certain fnm of equitie . ^berints p;oueD § tDeaUneUe of mas \xiit, tobicb euen tben lube it feemetb to folloU) tbe rT?gbt toa^jVet baltetb i lfaggeretb,but ftill 1^^$ remavnctb true, tbat tbere is fotoen in all men a ccrtavne febe cf po^ Itttfee D^Der. ^4nD tbat is a large p;jofe, tbat in tbe o jDering of tbis life, no ma is \)OT?De of tbe Itgbt of reafon. 14 ^otD DO folloto i arts, botb t^t libe ralji t^t baDv crafts:in learning tober^^ of,bvcaufc tber is in bs al a certain apt* necre,intbem alfo Dotb appeare f fo<:ce of mans tuit:but albeit, all men be not apt to learn tbem an,ret is tl)is a tofeen certa^nc enougbt of tbe common natn* rail potDer,tbat tbere is almcll no ma founD,tubofe conciet of tuit cctb not in fome art 0; otber l^eto fo^tb it felf.il^et tber baue tber onlv a pctoer 0 j facility to learn,but alfo to Dcu^fe in eucrv art fomcnelDtbing,evtberto amplifie 0} mabeperfetterf tobicbbatb bcnlcar* neo of an otber f left befo;je,tPbtcb tbig as it moueP Plato crronicufly to teacb, -^ ■ tbat God the Rcdemcr. Second Bookc Fol 7^. iM^t fuel) conceamng x& nothing el5, but a ralltno to remembzaunce, fo b? goD rcafon ii ougbt to compel tjs to confeffc, tbat t^e begmning tt^ereof is naturally plantco m tbe tutt of ma»ttefe pointcs t^erfo^e do plainly tcaifie,tt)at tberc is geuen to mm naturatt? an tiniucitaU coceauing ofreafonf ofiinocrftaoing. ^ti is i{ fo an bniucrfall bcncSte , tbat tisercin eaerp man ougbt fo j bimftlfc to acknotolcDge i\^z peculiar grace of goo. SDo tubicb tbankfulncflTc ig crcato: bim fclf Dotb fufficicntlr atoafeets , tube be createtb natural foleSjin tobom be ma^ \zi\i bs to fa tuitb fcbat giftes mans fouleerccUctb)ifttb0 not enDucolottb \s\i ligbt,U)bicb v& fo naturall iw, all mr, tbat t i0 ret altogetber a free gift of bis Uberalitie toUiaro euerv' ma. )15ut § in* uention f o^oerl^ tcacbing of )^z fame arte0,o^ a mo;e inUiarD ano excellent fenoUjlebge of tbem Uibicb t0 proper but to a feUi, is no perfect argument of tbe common conceauing of U)it,t>et becaufc luitbout Difference i\. bappcnetb to tbe goDlpanD bngoDip , it is rigbtfull? rec^ feeneD among naturaUgtftes. •^ ^0 oft tberfoic as toe lisbt tpo ^%^f pbane tu;iters,let tjn be put in minD b^ tbat maruellous ligbt of trutb i Rnnetb in tbem,tbat X\\t ioitof man,bctD mucb foeuer ix bc,peruerteD 1 fallen from tbe firft integritie, is vet Gill cIctbcD 1 gar* UilbeDUjieb excellent gifiTS of(35oD. Bif Uie conCocr tbat X\)z fpirit cf dDoD is tbe o"^r ronnfain of trutl), toatuill neitber refuTe rto.2 Defpife ^ trut^ it f cif, uifjcr^ foeiicf it l^all appeare yixt^t toe toill Di(bofio;idJlv bfc tbe fpirit of dDoD : fo^ tbe giftcs of the bolp gboft can not be fet ^ ligbt bv,lDoitti^ontempt anD rep;iOfb of bimfe!f.an3 tobatf ^ball toe Den? tbat tbetrutb Hjinei^ to i\\t elDe iLatoivcrs, ^i^t\i baue fet foztb tmXt o;fcDer s tcmplefi:^ct Dotlj l^cncut r tJjflcffc fill,mouc,f quicftcn all tfjvngfs tuiflj tfjc tjertue of tl)c fame fpiritc, ano tl)at acco^oing to f(je p;topertic of eucrt feintj iDljitt) \)c fjatft gcucn to it bt? latoe of creation. 3f it ^aue ben ^ iLojos totU tbat toe (lioulD be bolpen bt tbe trauell f fcruice of tbe luicfeeD in natural pbi* lofop!ne,2Dialccti!?e,tbe^atbematicall bnoiul0Cgc0, $ otber : Ictbs tfe iU leatt if U5C neglect p giftesof CDoo toillingli? offrcu in tbe ,ty0 fuffer iuC punit^ntent I fo; our flotbfulneOc. )3at left anr fljolo tt}in!{ a man to be bleffeb , toben bnuer I J element* of tbr^ too.ilo tber is graii^ tcD tnto br»n fo great an abilitie to to> ceaue trutb^ itis alfo tote aooeo tbat al tbifi potoer to bnoerftano , t tl)c biioer/ (tancing ^ foUoluetb tberof , is a bani« Ibing ? tranlito^ie tbi?ng before (Dob, tobcre tbere is not a fteufatt founoatio oftrutb. iroj Auguftincteacbetb moft truclp,tobom(aj8 toe baue faiD)tbc ^a^ fter of Sentences,! tbe otber ^ci^mlmi arc compcllcD to atfcnt tnto, as tl)t frar giftes tocre tafecn fro man after bts fal, fo tbcfe naturall giftcs tobicb rcma\?# ncD tocre cojruptcD . il^ot ^ tlje^ can be oeSleD of tbcmfelues in afmucb a0 tbe^ come from (lDoD,but bccaiife tbct? ceaCfe to be pure to a DeftleD man,tbat be Wd bauenopjatfeoftb?m. \7 itct tbis be t fum:tbat it is fan tbat in all manhtnoc is reafon tobicb t£s ^^o* per to our nature , tobicb malutb bfi to Differ fro b;ute beattes, as b;ute bcaue bo Differ in fenfefro tljings toitbout life. if 01 tobcras tbere be bo;n certain nafu* ral fcDles f iQiot0,t^at Default obfcurctb not tbe gcnerall grnce of CDoo . Il6ut ra* tber hv fucb Cgbt toe are put in minoe, tl)cit tolKit is left bnto our felue« , ougbt inmi?tobe afcrileo to tht hinDneffeof <33oD jccaufe if bcbap not fpareDbg,our rebellion baD D;ato:n toitb it tije tu Urmio of onr tobole nature.lout tobcr^ asfomc DO ercell in fljarpneiTc ofccn^ ceauing,fome otber Do paffe iniuDge* ment, fome baue a quicker ^it to learn tbi0 o; ^ art:in tbi0 barietic goD fcttctb fo?tb bi0 grace bnto bs , ^ no ma Iboulo claime to bimfelf as ijis oton , # tobicb flotoetb fro (©000 mere liberalitie, ^0; boto becommetb one mo;c erccllent tba an otber, but tbat in common nature migbtappeareaboue otber tbe fpeciall grace of (l&oD,tobicb in omitting manp, fa^tb openlp ^ it is bounb to none » 15c* (iDc tbat,(JoD pouretb in lingular motu» on0,acco;Ding to i calling of euer^ m&. £Df tobicb tbing toe mate to man^ tx^ amples in § bmhcs of ^ JjuDges , tobere it is farD,tbat tl)t fptrit of p ilo^oe clab tbem,tobom be calico to rule tf)z people, irinall^, in eucrp noble act tbere is a fpeciall inlh'aaio.15^ tobicb reafon tbe ttrong me foliotoeo ^aul, tobofc barts tl)t ILo^D baD toucbeD. 0nD tobe bis mi^ niff ring in tl)t JiingDome toas p^opbect- CD ofj^amucll fa^D thus: 2Ebe fpirit of tf)t i,o;D fljall aunt bpon tb£e,anD tbou fbalt be an otber man.:^nD tbi0 toa^ co^ tinueD to ti)z tobole courfe of goucrn^ ment:a0 after it is fpoke of jEDauiD, tbat tbe fpiritc of tbe ILojD came bponbvm from tbat Dai? fo^toaro . llBut tl)C fame is fpoUen in an otber place a0 toucbtns particular motions: vca in Homcreme are faiD to crccll in tott,not onl^ as 3iu^ piter batb Dealt to euert ma,butalfoa0 tbe time requireDua'iD crucl^ cyperif ce tcacbetb , tobile man^ times fucl^ men fiano amafcu as tocr moft (barp 1 Deep toitteo, t tbe \3yits of me arc in \> band t toill of (DoD to rule tbcm at cuer^ mo« mcnt : foz tobicb reafo it is faiD,^ be ta^ betb \3)it fro i toife , 1! tljcp mav toaDer out of ^ toar.lieut tct m tl^is Diuerfitie toe fee remaining fome marfees of{u* mage of goD, tobicb Do make Difference '34- I, Sam. 10.6. .Samu. 16.13, bettoeen God the bctfe^n aYm¥n!jti«je f otbcr creafur0» 18 ijioUj is to be DcdareD tD!)at man0 reafon fatl),tDbe it commetb to (> hing^ Dome of €»o9 f to tt)at fpiritual inftgW, tolHclj cooactb d)icf2l^ in tfjjtt tbings: to bnotu it is neuer altogetber toitbout fome fmall flame,o; at Iratt fomc fpar? tie of it:but ?et, tbat Icitb fucb a Ivgbt be comp;tebenoetb not goo.0no feb? fo^ b?caufe mannes quicfeneffe of Vint, as toluaro t\)t bnotoleoge of CJoo, is kut mere oarfenes. i?o; tube tbe bol? gboft talletb men oarfenclfe, be at once fpo?? letb tbem of al abilitie of fpirituall bn^ oeiHanoing. 2:bcrcfti;e be afftrmetb, tbat ? faitbfull tDbicb emb;jace Cb^itt, are bo;in not of blQ30,o;i of tbe toil of tbe ficSj,o;r of ma,but of goo. 3s if be (bulo fa?,flca) is not capable of fo bie toifeoo to concc?«e goo ano tbat tobicb i^ Sobs, bnlelTe it be l?gbtcnco toitb tbe fpirit of goo.^as Cb;iC tcllifieOjtbat tbis toas a fpeciallreuelationoftbeifatber, tbat peter oio fenotobim. 20 3f toe toer pcrfuaoco of tl^is^Wth eugbt to be out of all controuerfie,^ our nature toantetb al tbat,tobicb our bea^ uenl? fatber geuetb to bis elects b?tbe fpirit of regeneration,tben bere toer no matter to nmt bpo. if 0 j tbus fpeafectb ^t faitbfutfpeople in tbe p;opbet:i?o? toitb t^ct is tbe founta?ne of l?fe, i in tb?'ligbt toe Ojal fa l?gbt.i:bc apoftle teHifietb tbcfamc tbing, tobcn be fa?tb tbat no man can cal 31efus tbe lo;0, but in tbe bol? ifciplcs, criett) out,^ no man ca rccetue an\? tbing^tjm Icffe it be ccucn t)tm from abouc.j3nD ^ be meanctb b^ gift a fpccial iUumina^ f io,f not a comon gift of naturt, a[|)jpea^ rctb berebv i^ be compla^'netb tbilt in fo manT? tDojDsasbebao fpohcnto com? menu Cb;itt to W Difcipks!, be pj«uai leo notbing. 3 fee(faitb be)^ tuoiw arc notbing to info;me mens mittos coccr* ning Diuinetbings,bnl5?cre t ^^0 gaue fcnDerffanbingbi^bis fpirit.^ea ^ fil^o? ffs,tobebe rcp^orbi^tbtbe people \uitb torir fo^getfulnes,ret notetb tbis toitb ait,tbat tbct? ran by> no mcancs grotoe toife in ti)t mitteres of (Do^,but b^ tl)t benefit ofgoo jnbineeie0(faitb be)baue fecne tbofc great toluene i tucnDer0,anb tf)Z 3lo;D batb not geuen tba a bart to bnDerffanD,no; eare« to beare,no; e^es to fa.^bat (boulD be erp^effe moje if be calleD bs bloches in eonCQcring tbe tDo;fe6 of CDoUf 2I2Ibereupon tbe ilo^O b^tbe^^opbet p?omifetb fox a great graccjtbatbetoilgcuc tbe afraelitesa bcart,tbattbe?ma^ hnoto bim:figni# fiicng tbcrbr^tbat mans \i3it i& onel^ fo mucb fpirituaU^totfe, as if i0 ligbtneo b^bim.^nistbisCb^itt plainly? confirm mcDtJDitb bis otjjn moutl), tobe be faitb tbat no man can come to bim, but be to tobom it (balbegeuen from tbe fatber. WiljnUiB not be bimfeif 1^ liuelr image of tbe ^atber,in twbo i^t tobole b^igbt^ neffe of bis glo^ie is cr?;c(?ifO bnto bs^ £Cbef efo;e be coulo not better (betu tiibat onr potuer is to bnoUi to our mints. Otthe knowledge of SCberfo^e none come tisj bim. but tbep ^ baue bearD i ben taugbt of tht ifatber» Mlbat maner toap of learning ( l)c&^ ring is tbis;C£ue lube tbe bolv gboft b? maruellousf fingular tcrtucfo^metb tearcstobearc, ftbeminostobnocD 0anD.0nD leaft ^ (bulD fame ftrage,bc allegetb tbe ^jopbecie of Cfai», tubere lubenbep^omifetb^ rcpar^ing of tbe cburcb I? tbet! \o\iicf) Ibalbc gatbercD to^ getber to raluation,(balbe taugbt of tbe ilo^D. BifCDoDtberefbjelbetDetb fome peculiar tbing concerning bis elcrts, it is euebet ^ be fpeafeetb not of tbat feino of learning tljat tuas alfo commo to ti)t tuicfeeD I bngoDli?. Jt remainetb tbere*' fo;je ^ toe mutt t)nDcrftaD it tbus, ti)at t\)t U)3f into § bingDo of goD is open to no ma>bat to bim to tobo tt)t bol^ gboft b\> bis enligbtening Iballmafeea neta mtnD.15ut 3Baul fpeabetb moft plainly of al,U)bicb of purpofe entring into Dif^* courfe of tbis matter, ^fter be b^D con* DemneD al mens tuifeDcm of foUieanD baniticf bttcrli? bjougbt it to nougbt, «t§ laft cocluDetb tijus: f natural man can not perceiue tbcfc tbings ^ are oft Ipirit of goD : tbc\? arc foaliineffe bnto bim,anDbe cannot bnoertJanD tbem, bfcaufe tbev arc fpirituall^ lUDgeb. Mbom botb be call natural eucn b??m ^ ftaietbbpon ttjz ligbi of nature.l^e I faf,c6p;tfbenDetb notbing ini\)t fpiri? tual milterics of goD.caUb? fof is itbyi* taufeb? Cotbfulneffe be neglctfetb itf /|5at?,ratberaltbougbbetDolD traua^le neuer fo mucb.be xa Doitotbing,bccaufe fo;fotb tbe^ arc fpirituallv iuDgcD ♦ Ml bat meanetb i^^bicaufc being bttcD iv biooe fro ^ figbt of ma,tbe? arcopc^ ticD b? tbe onl^ reuelatjo of § fpiritrfo f tbcv arereckcncD fo; fcllv Uiber f fpirit of(15dDgc4Jctbno ligbt^ aiExfo^cbe baD aDuaticco tbofe tbings i (SoD batb p;e# parcD fojrhem tbat lo«c bijn,abcuc tbe capacite of epcg , cjrcs anom.iiDcs. Era,44. '3. i.G)r,2, 14. God the R< Second Book c. | Foi.77 I. CO, I. 20 .15. U.« «» n ccrtnine toile, toficrbv mne am^^^^^^^ l(oh.i4- 16. 18. iaft.1.17 \mto it OjarpnelTc of tjiiucraanomg, toljcrebT! it nta^c pcarce to t!)c recreate places of m bcaucnlr hingDomf jrarrc be fuel) beattlincffc from ts. 21 jannfo^t»l)irf)l)«^reIjctal?etftatoa^ from mcn,in an ottjer place,in a p.:aicr l)c geuet^ it to goD alone. cl5oDi;favtt) l)c) ano tljc fati)cr of glo;r^e,geue to tiou tbe fpirit of tjDifcDom AnD reuelation.jjicUj t^Du bearcft tljat all tuifcDom anr) reuc^ lation is § gift of ©oo.mijat folotnetijf anu H^tt t^e eT?cs of i?our mino.^ure^ l^ if ttjcr njsDc a netoe reuelation^tljen are ttjei biinn of tljemfelues it foloiuctl) after: Wat ^e ma^ fenotoe tubat is tbe bope of ^our calling.! c.Merfoje be co* f effetb, tbat tbe twifcei of men are not ca* pable of fo great tjnDerftaiJins to ttnoiu tbeir oUm calling.Ono let not fome Pe- lagian babble bcre,tbat dDoo ootb rcme? tj^ tbat Dulncs oj t)nCkilfulnc0,tobcn bv> tbe Jjoctrin of bis tcoiD be Directetb mau t)nueraanioing,tobetber \uitl)oiit a gmo be coulo not baac attaineD. iFo;i iDauin Doetb arauc our neue, let no man notoe Doubt to'confcire tbat be is fo mucb able to t)ni5crCat) tl)c m^fterieo of go5,ai5 be is enligljtenctj Uiitb bis grace. \t)c t Q^' nttt) to bimfclf moie tnoerttanoingjis fo mucb tbe moje blint3,fo.i tbat be ootb not acbnotoUOge bis oton? blinones. 22 ^olBremainctbtbetbirDpo\?nt,Gf knowing v ^^^^ 0^^^^^ framing of life, tobicbtoeDorigbtl\?caltbeKnotDleDae of tbe too jUes of rigbtcoufncs.loberetn mannes iait feemetb to be of fomcU.bat mo;jc Cbarpe f(gbt,tban in tt?e otbcr ttoo before, m tbe apoftle teat8etb,toat t dDetiles vnbicb baue no latu,tobilc tbei' DO tbe tDojhes of tbe latoe, are to tbem^ felues in fteDc of a latu,anD do fteto tbe latD tozitten in tbeir barts,tbeir confci^ enccs bearing tbem toitnelTe, ano tbeir tbougbtes accufing tbem U)\)tbin tbem. fclues,0^ crcufingtbem before ? luDge. ment of goo. ^f tbe (i&entiles baue rtgb- teoufnes naturally graue in tbcir nun^ Dcs,furcl^ toe ca not fa\? tbat toe arc ab Ro,2,l^f be coulD not baac attaineD. ^to^nLmmo \ "'•*'''"* ;*^,r;:.„.i,^ baDalatoe,toberintoascomp:cbenDtD , ^°£^;.^J^"''^^^^^^^^^^^ ^an all tbe toifcDcmc tbat mav be DifircD,f notbmg is »"0;,f/,^"^^"°i^^^^^^ ^^cftle 'etnotcontfteDtoitbtbat,berequu-etb ^'^^'^.S^^^^^^^ t%a«e bis e^e0 openeD,tbat be nmt CO. fpea^^^^^^^^^ fiDertbemv(tcric0oftbefamelato.l^.^ SfrffiXSuoS^ tobicb fpeacb tr ucl? be fccretelr fapctb, ; toe^ to ^5^ W°;^^^^^^^ it ttiall mt tbe funne rifctb tjppon tbe cartbe : t\ic lato is P^f ;f ,^" ^'f^* ^^^^ 2beretbetoo;Dcf(^oD»tomcn: \^^^^^^'^^^^^^^ b«ttbei>getnotm«c^tbcrcbr,tnnu^^^^ bimfelf, tbatistberfo^ccalleovfatijcr 1 tmt^^^^^^ of ligbtcs, DO gene ittbcmo; open tbcir 1 ^^°^^!»f,°J.^^^^^^^ Ta^o a little be. cie0,becaufetoberroe«erbe(buetbno : P»^""5J SbtbS OFtlie knowledge of Inpro- ta^ora. Paraph, j in Lib 3, tdcanima tl)t CDenfilcB flboulD pertl3& luitftouf an? tuDgement going bclfo;s?,J)c biaitob?? aD» net!) t!)atti)ctr confctcnce is to tbem in fteao of a Iain, 1 tbcrfo^e is fufficif t foj tbsir iuft Danation. %\)tvfo}t the eaD of § lato natural 10, tbat ma mag bemaDe tncr:ufable.0nD it Ojalbe D^fiiieD not il after tbi5 fo jt, tbat it is a fenoiuIeDge of confciencc, tbat fuffir icntli?e Difccrnctfj bettuene iuft t tjniuff ,to tafec atoa^ fro men ^ p;tttmt of igno^are, tubile tfjeg are p.:oucD giltp bt? tbeir otune teffimo^ n^. ^ach is tbc teDernes of matotoaru l;imrclf,tbat in uoing of mtlsM altoa^ turnetb aUmi' bl?s minor fo mud) as ^e mai' from tbe filing of fin.Bi tobicb re fon it feemetb tfjat Plato toas moueo to tf)in& tbat tber is no fin Done but bv ig* no;ianf e.SEbat in DeDe toere fitli? faio of Ijimjif mens tjipocrif? ^mt fo far in \)U Ding of tjices, ti)at tbe minDe migbt not fenolD it felf gilti before goB.HBut ieben tbe Onner fcking to efcbuef iuDgement empjinteD in l)im,is noln 1 tben D;^aU)n bachc tjnto it,f not futfrcD fo to Uiinbe, but ^ be be compelleD lobetber be \aiU US' no, tomtUmt to open bis c^cs : it is fMv faiD ^ be finnetb onli bi igno;^ace. 23 r hcmiftius faitb mo^e trulp, tobieb teacbetb tbat tnoerOanbing is feloome Dccciueo:tbat it is blinone* toben it go* etb ani? furtber, tbat is^ lube be comctt) DoUmeto tbe fpccial cafe.CBueriiman if it be generally affeeD, Uiill affirine,tbat nianflaugbtcr is euehbut be t cSfpiretb to hill [}is enemicSjCcliberatetb tpo ity as on a gojD tbtng. 2Cbe aDulterer gene^ rall^ tDtt conDemne aonltr^, but in b^s olmie, p;iuateli? be toil flatter bimfelf: SDbts is igno:ace>toben a man coming to tbe fpcnall cafe, fo;gettetb tijt rule ^ te baD lately agraD bpon in t^ general queftion.£Df tobicb tbtng Au^urtm oif^ courfctb ber^fineip in bis cirpofition of tbeflrfttjerteoftbe.fz.pfalme: albeit ti)e fame tbing is not conttnuall ♦ ifo^ fometimetbe Ibamefulnes of tbeeucll DeeDc fo p^eOe: b tbe confcience, tljat not Dcceiuing bimfelf baoer falfe rcff blace Oi a gojD tbing,bat toittinglv f toilling* l^ be riinetb into euel.^ut of tob^cb af? fcdion came tbefe farings:! fee the bct^ ter,and alow it,but 1 folovv the vvorfe, OTberfo;ie,me tbinfe Ariftotle batb te^ r^ aptl^ maDe DiCtinction bettoane 3In^ continence anD Cemperance.^ber in continence raignetb,be fai?tb,tbat tbere b^ reafon of troublcD affection 0? pafl"io hnotolege is taken atoag fro t\)t minD^ ^ it marfectb not § ruel in bis oton arte, tobicb it generaUp feetb in tbe lifee:anD \xi\)m ^ troubled affcdion is colcD,repf ? tace immeDiatl^ foUotoetb-li^ut intfpe^ race is not ertinguifljcD oj b;iofeen bp fe ling of fin,but on i otber 6De obftinatdi ftaoetb Itil in bir coceiueD cbots of euil. 24 i^oto tobcn tbou bearcft iuogcment bniuerfaUis?c nameD in tbe Difference of gfflO f eueljtbinUit not enerp founD ano perfert iuDgcment.jfo; if mens bearte* arc furnitbeD toitb cboife of iuS ano tn. iult,onI^ to tbts enD,tbat tl)ei i^ulD not p^eteno igno;ace,it is not tben neoefuU to fee tbe trutb in euer^ tbing.)i5ut it is enougb t mo;e, tbat tbe^ DnDer&anD fo far tbat tbeji? can not efcape atoate> but being conuirt b^ toitnes of tbeir confci^ ence, tbe^i euen notoe alreaDi?e begin to tremble at tbe iuDgement feate of (DoD, i :anD if toe toill try our reafon b^ § (ato j of <©oD, tobicb is tbe eramplcrof true rigbteoufnes, toe (bal finbe botoe manp toa\?es it is blinbe.SHruel^ it attainetbi not atall to tbofe tbat are § cbefe tbings in tbe Utft table,as of confioece in dDoD, of geuing to b^m tbe p;iaife of ttrengtb anDrigbteoufne(re> of calling tipon b^s name> of tl)z ttixt beeping t^f ^abbette. ^b^ foule euer,bt> naturiaU fenfeDt?D fmcll oute, tbat tl)e ktofuli toojfbip^ ping of CDoo conQSetb in tbefe anD like tbingg i jf 0^ toben p;opbanemen toill too^lbip Med^a apud Ouidiu. ethic. 7. cap»3. (jod the Rcciemer. Second Ecrolcc. Foi,78 i tDO.:t^ipgoD,nltboug;!)t!jcpbc callcaa* luai? a 5uD:cD tims fro tfjcir tjainc tri* fle0,vct tbcp altuap (lioe back tbitfjcr a* ga^nXbcr Dm? in d^eD ^ facrificcc Do pleafe CDoD,t)«les tftcr be aD w^neD a pu rcncdc of minD: tu^crb? tbci? Declare,)? tbc? conccrmc fom\u5jat of tbe fpiritual U)oauiD bnelu tbis tweaftneirc in bim felf,U)bf be p^aieo to baue bnberfiaDing geur bim,to learn ? llojDes comaunoe* mcntcs a rigbt . iro;i \)c fecretl? fa?tb tberin,^ t)i6 oton toit futfifctb bim net, tpbicb Defiretb to bane a ncto geue btm. ano 2.C0, }.i Pf.94. 11, \Gc6.3 prllp.3 ^*t i^apj. Of tlie knowlcdejc of PHi.i.4 Ca.1.5. |De pcc- eat, mer. anB tijnt Ije uot^ not ond? once, but ah raoft ten times,in on« pfali«e,lie repe* ttth tbcfame pjaier.Bi tol}iet) repcting f)0 piiucl^oeclaretl) v6 bolo great neeo ^WD;tucntopjaT?it. anD^tobicljtje P^artt^ fo^ Ijtmfclf alijncpaul comon* Ip tjfetfe to p;jai? fo; tlje Cljurcbes* MU ecafe not (fatti) f;c)to pja^fo;j tou, f to ticSrc that ^e ma^ be fiUeD to tfje bnotu leDgf of uoD in al toifetjome 1 fpirituall tntjerftanomg,^ l>e ma^ toalfe toojtbi* Ipof go3.fc. 15ut fo oft 30 bs mafectb'^ tbing tbe geoD gift of dDoD, let tJ3 remc? ber tbat be Dotb tottbal tcftifie , tbat it Ipctb not in nians potoer . Sno Augu? ftine fo far acljnolulegcD this Default of rcafcntotwDerttanDtbofetbtngs tljat & rcmiC are of <©0D,tbat be tbinftetl) tbe grace of .ca.)\ j iltuminatio fo be no leCTc ncceJfarie foj \ our nunoes, tba (> ligbt of ti)t fun 10 fo; our e^cs 0nB not content toitb tbat,bc auoetl?# co^rectio of tbaf^ fa^eng, tbaf toe lift tjp our citis to f^ tbe li'gbt : but tbe ei^es of our niinu l^e ttiut, tjules tbe i Jlo:Dopen th^m . iano tbe^ripture teacbetb t our minus are not enligbt^ «eD one bat? alone,tbat tbe^ mai> after# Uiaro fes b? tbemfelues : fo;i tbat lubicb Bl euen notoaUeget5 0utofpaul,belon« getbto continual pioreoingsiencrea* Pfui^.ia fing0.0nDtbis Dotb E>auiD crp;jeflp fet out ill tbefe liwiues : Hliti) iii« lobole tirt 3S baue fogbt th^ , ma!«e me not to Itrap fto tbv comauDements^foz tube be ba'o bene reg?neratcD>f baa not Qen^ Derlr pjofiteD itt true C'oMinelTc, pet be tonfcfff tb, tbat foj euer?e momente be naetsetf) centinuall Direction, leaftc be Cbulij fluarue fro tbe fenoUileDgc tober^ tu?tb be is enDucD. SCberefo^e, in an 0* tber place be p;3rc^bt to baue ^e rigbte fpiritt renucD,lDbtc|^ bebaD lofte hi l)i& filt'ac fauttc, becaufe it belongetb to tbe fatne Co to^fao;^e bnta las tbe fame fbmg bcNig loa fo;j a time, twbk'cb bl'»is lelfc gang at the bejiiining, \p if 1.12 26 ^Q)3) 10 tDil to be epamtneD,tDbertn ITanDctb tbe cbeefe liberty of free cboife, foj it batb bene alrcaDi^ fene,tbat cboife Dotb ratber belong to tDiU,tba to bnDer? ttanDing. if irtt,tbat tbi0 tbing tobtjcb i Pbiloropbcr0 baue taugbt,f is receiueD tDitb common confent, tbat 10, tbat alt tbing0 bt naturall inltinctio DeOre tbat tnbidj iB gcDD, ma^ not feeme to belong to tbe tjpngbtnes of man0 tuil : Het \is mark tbat tbe fo;jce of free tDill,i0 not f 0 be conQoercD in fucb appctite,a0 ratber paoceDetb of tl)e inclination of § etTencei tban of tbe aDuifement of tbe bnDcrfta' Ding minDe.iFo;^ euen tbe fcbolemen Do confe0,tbat free toill batb no action, but tuben reafon turnetb it felf to obiertes, tobcrb^ tbei? mean tbat tbe obiect of ap# petite muft be fucb>a0 mav be fubiect fa cboife , t go befo,je Deliberation > tubic^ p^eparetb tbe Uiai? fo;j cbcife. ^nD true* !r>if a man confiDer Ijobat is t naturall Defire of gcoD in man, be. (ball finDe tbat it is common to b?ni Initb beaftes.ifo^ tljtv (tiro Deftre to be toell , f tuben an^ (fteU) of gcDD apperelbtbat mouetb tbeir fcnfe,tbe^ folloto it. 'But man Dotbnei* tbercbojfc bp reafon, tbat be mapfoU loin luitb Dilttxence tbat tbing lobic^is in DaDegojD foj b^m, acco^Ding to^cp cellence of bt?0 tmmo;^tal nature,no^ ta« betb reafon to counfcll, no^ bcnDetb Ua^ mim^hut ii;;t!;ci't reafon,toitbout cou* I felMi&e a bcaff,folloU»etib § inaJr,2fwn | of nature. 2!:bp0 tberefo;e mafeetb no* tijing fo.i tiie freeDome of toill, if a man bp fenfe of nature be carpeD to oefire tbat iDbtcb is gmD: but tbi0 is rcquifite, , tbat be Difcern goi^bv rigbt reafuit,anD toben be batb knctuen ityi^ be tbafe it,f tube be batb cbofe it,# befQl!oii> it.llBut lead anpman tboulo Doubt , tberc is to be notcD a Double fopbifticall argumft. if oj appetite is not bere called 1^ proper niancr Qfuul,but anaturufl inc'.inatiot auD gOiD is callcD not ag ct bertuc ci lufiice. God the Rcdcmcr. iuftice,bat oftftatcysis toe taUms ma 10 mUo;^ in gotJ caf0:iftnaUt?,aUl;ougli a ma Do neuer fo muci) fiefirc to attain f is ga)0,vct 1)0 fololsjetb it not.as tbcr is no man to loliom eternall bittCtmes is not plefaf, ^et is t^tr none ^ afpiret^ t^nfo tt,but bt! ^ moutng of § bolt Sboff . Wi})trfozefit^ tbe natural DeCrc tn mi to be toeU^ maketb notbtng to pout tl)c freDomcof tuiI,no mo:e tban in metals anD ffone0,botbe tt}t affection inclining to tbe perfection of tbeir fubfface: letbs confiDer in otbcr tbingi3,lDbetbcr tKHill be fo infccteD anb co;rupteD in al part£f, tbat it engeno;jttb notbing but eiicll: o^ iDbetber it bepetb ttill an^e parcetl bn* burt, from tob^ce bo groto gcoo beCreis. 27 Cbf !? tbat boe attribute to tf)t (irft grace cf CDoD, ^ toe toil cffectualli? feme on tbe otber Ooe to fa^ fccretelp,^ tbere is in tbe foul a potoer of it felf to afpire to gcoD^but it is fo toea&e,tbat ii cannot grotoe to a peifecte affcctifcn,o? raife bp an^ cnbeuo.:.anD tbere is no Doutetbat tbe fcbolemen baac commo!^ rmbjaceo tbiBopinion,o? tobicb toaa bo^otoeb b^ Ongen anu certain of tbe do toj^ters: fotobicb do \3[>itb u eb»fe part of tbcir foule tenb bnto gajD. i^otoe,tbe conclufion tbat is aDioi^neD after, pecla^^ retb all tbis matter cuiDcntli^Bl am De^ UteDffa^ be)toitb tbt latoe,acco;Ding to tbe intoarbe man.ll5ut B| fee an otber lato in m? members,figbting againft § lato of mj? minD.^bo batb fucb a ttri? uing in bimfelf, but be tbat being rrgc^ ncrate h^ tbt fpirite of Odd, car^'ctl) tbe leanings of bis flcfl^e about toftb bi:m; Cberfo^e Auguftme, tobereas once be baD tbougbtjtbat tbat baD ben fpofern of ti)c nature of man,reuoUcD bis erpoQti* on as falfe^nD il agreing togetber.^nD tru!?, if toe aloto tbis, tbat me toitbout grace baue fome motios to gcoD, tboagb tbtv b^ but fmal,tobat fl^all toe anftocr to ^t ^pottle tobicb faitb,^ toe are not fuff icicnt fo mucb as to tbin& anr ^oDm ©Hlbat Ojal toe anftocr to tbe iUJ^D tbat p;ionouncctb b? ^ofes,tbat euerf inue^ tion of mans beart is onl? euel.^ber^ fo;e,fitb tbet baue ffumbleD br falfe ta* king of one place, tbcre is no caufe tobi? toe fijoulD Ua^efcpon tbeir iuDgement. JLetratbertbis faving of Cb;ifte p;e^ uaile. l^e tbat oof b fin,is tbe feruant of fin. ^le arc all finncrs b? nature^tber*- fo;e toe be all bolocn bnber tbe rcfec of fin. ^oto if tobole man be fubiect to tbt Dominion of fin,tben mult it necDcs be, tbat tbe toill it felfe \i)bicb is tbccbeefe feat tberof, be boiiD fall Id moll (Ircigbt boos. if 0; otfjcrtoife ibt facing of paul Fol.75^. Ro 7 22. Ad Bo. nif.Ii.i, |cAp JO Et 111. Retraa. ■.C0.3.S' Ge.8, 21. tooulD foh.g.M Phi, 2. 13 Of the knowledge of tooulo not ftam together, i^it it is gou Mnt\) U10 jfectl) toil in tisfjif ani toil uiu go before tl)t grace of tl^e \)Q\n gtjofic. ^f toa^ therefore toitljall tijat man^ !)aue trifelingl^ fpoken concerning p;jcpara# tion.ifo^ alttjougb fomtime t\)t faithM 2)0 p^ai' to banc tijcir Ijart fojmco to tbc obedience of tbclato, asEDauioootbin inanT?e placefitpct it is to be noteu, tbat tumt\)at deure of pjaring io from goo. Vi^Utl) tat mav galber of bl?i5 too^oes, fo^ tube be loifl&ctb to bane a dene bart created \s}it\)in bimjureli be tattctb not on bimfelfe tbe beginning of creation* Xberefoie let ratber tbis failing of Au- guftinebaue place i3}itf)los: Ctod toill p;jcnent t\) againU <^od) and fois not fubiert,nDj can be fubicct to tljt laU»e of 0od.^ flefbe fo peruerfe,tba( tuitb all ber affection Iba continually? Wctb en* mitp againll (£»oD i tbatlba: can nota^ gree Uii;tbtf)erigbtcoi3fnc« of t\^t latne of cl3o!)^ jf iiiallp, ily&t fnee ca b;iiitg fo;}tb notbins but matter cf ocatbe t jj5o^e^ graunt tJjat in tbe nxiture cf man is no? tbing but fiefl^ and ^atljier anr gcod out of it \t tboiicanile.>iettt (fbei? fare) i}^ wnmt of flethbelongetb onl? to tbe fern ^ Sa.^ll,and not tbe bier part of t\iz fonle* [ 5Sut tb'Jt i|! fufficicntl^ confuted b^ tijc li3Q;.dejsofCb;?tf:-.an?i oftb? ^")caie.3it is tbe IrO.jds argument, ti>at man mull bebo^inc agame,becaufebc!Sfl£ll). i^e jommaanDctbnot to be bc;ne aga^ne acrojQjngfo fbc bp.?3i\ liBnt in minoebe fcB not uCciiie ag«i>ir,if a parte of it be a^ ri^ettdcD>but lijibanit le all reuued. ^no tbat dotbe tbe comparifon, fef in botfje place0,confirme. jfo; t\^t fptrit is fo co^ pared againft i:i^z ficlb^tbat tbere iss'left no meane tbing bftU^ene tbemXbere^ fo^e tobatfoener is not fpiritual in ma> in after tbe fame reafon called fletb concupifcences of erro^ be biddetb bs to be i*enetued in l^be fpi* rite of ourc minde: rou fee be dotbe not place bnlaUifull and eaeUluftesonel^- in ^t fenfitiue partc^but alfo in t\^t bef r^e niutDe,and tberfoje requiretb^a re* netoing of it. ^no truelv? a little befoae be \)^'y painted oute Cucbe an BJmage of mannes nature, as did (betu tbat tbere vuas no parte tnberinUje lucre not co;' ruptea f peruertcd, fo; trb.Tas be to;?'- tetb t!)at al uationsdo lualUe in 6)eba^ nitv of tbeir mindc^rc darkencuin bu' derUanding, c0tanged f com t\^z l^fe of god,br reafon of tbe igno^iace tbat is in tbevK, and tbeblindnclTcof tbeir beartr iHpK4, itts no doiibtc'tbat t\^is is f^joticn of all '17. tbem luoliam tqe L)c^^ba■tb not reformed I to. Ciod the Rcdcmcr. Second Hooke. to ti)t tp^tg!)f nefi botJj of t)i£ toift Dome « iufticeito^icb w alfo maDc mo^e p!am bp i copartfon b^attDbr acto\^ncD,tnb?r be puttctb § fa^tbfwll m nunbt, r tbcp baue not fo learneD €i)xi1t, iFo; of tbefe tD0.;D3 t»e gatbcr,tbat ^ grace of Cb;tll tstbeonl^remeD^lMbcrb^ toebeDdi^ uereofrom ^ b!inD«c(Te,t tbc cuils tbat cnfue tbcrof . jfo^ fo bao Cfav alfo p^o^ pbecieD of ^ bmgoomc of Cb?ift , tobm be p:onnfeD ^ tbe ilo;iD (boulo be an e^ uerlaHing ligbt to b^i? Cbarcb^lubf l?ct uarknelTc couercD v ca^^b » f a mtfli tbc peoples, ^berais beteftifictb, tbat tbe Ugbt of 0oD Gjall arife onli? in i cburcb, truel^ toitbout i^ €i)txrdj be leauetb no* tbins but DnrlmcOe i blinDnclTe. 31 ^ill not rebearfe particularly fucb tb^nges as are Uj<:itten euer^ tober, fpcctall^ in ^)c pfabnefi i in tbe |d boD^toijile it alreab^ fodretb en? clofcotoitbinit, tbecaufe t matter of oifeafe,altbougb § paine be not i?et te* beEiirt,ca not be caUeo bealtbr: no mm cm tbe foule be reclienco fouo, tobile it f toarmetb ful of fucb oifeaft o of brce^, albeit i fimilituoe ootb not agree in all points, ifoj in tbe boo^ be it neuerfo mucb oifeafeD,tbcr rematnetb a quicfe;^ nes of UfCjbut tbe foule being ojotoneo in tbi0 gulf of De0ru(tion, is notonel^ troublcB \s)it\) tjiccSjbut alfo altogetber tJoiteofaUgcDOmlTe. 3 SDbefame qucHio in a maner tobicb batb ben before fpoileD,not» rifetbtjp a ga\?nof neto.ifo? inal agestbcre baue ben fome,lDbicb b^ guroing of nature baue ben bent to tjertue in al tbeir life, janD 3 regaro it iiot, tbougfjman^aip* pingsmaybfig nofeo in tbeir maners: tetbrtbebcr^ftuoie ofboneftie ti)t^ baue CfjclDCD a p?ofe,^ tbere toas fome purenes in tbeir nature, tobat retoaro fucb bertues baue before (Soii,altbougb toe tuil mo;te ftUlp Declare tobe t»c (bal fpcabeof tbe merited of toojfes, vtt toe mutt fotobat fpeake in tbis place: fo far as is necefi&trf fo? making plain of tb^s p;ierent argument. S^befe eicaples tber^ fo^e feme to put bs in minb, ^ toe Wo not t\)in^ mas nature altogetber co;^upt fo; f b? bcrinftrurtion fome men baue notomlpepcelleo in fome noble actes, but alfo in tbe tobole conrfeof tbeir life baue bebaueo tbcfelucs moff boneHl^e. 15ut b«ere toe mult tbintte,boto in t^is co;rruptto of nature tbere is fome place fo J § grace of gob,nof to clenfe if , but in tDarolp to rettraine it if o? if tbe ILojOe tooulD fuffer ti^t minues of al men as it tocre toitb lofe ratnes to run toilolf in* to all fo^ts of lultes, tottbout oout tbere toolD be no man, but be toolD in plaine erperience mafee bs beleue,tbat al tbofe euels tobertoitb paule conbemnetb all R0.3. 10. nature,are moll trueli faio of bim, jifo? tobatfCanft tbou ercmpt tb^ felf out of f number of tbem, tobofe fete are ftoift to fljeo blouD, tbeir banoesDefileo to^b robberies f mafiaugbters,tbcir t\);otcs like bnto open fepulcb^es, tbeir tonges BcceitfulU tbeir lippes benimous, tbeir too^feesbnpjofitable, toickeo, rotten, oeabl^,tobofe minti is )u6out CDoD,tobofe intoaros are peruerfeneffe, tobofe epes are bent to entrappings, tbeir barts lift t}poefpiteou0i?to triumpb ouer otber, anb all t\)e partes of tbem appl)?eD to in^ finite mikiitfts ♦ Blf eucri? foule be fub^ iert to all fucb mongers, as tf)t japofHe bolol^ p;ououncetb) truelp toe fee tobat tooulo come to pafTe, if tbe ilo^D tooulD fuffer tbe lull of man to toanber after f^'is oton inclination. SDbere is no maD beaH tbat is fo beablong carpeb atoai?, tbere is no Hreame be it neuer fo f toifl f Srong, toberof tbe onerflototngisfo biolent. ne llo^o bealetb tbere Oifea^ fes in \ii6 elect by tbis meane tbat toe toill bpanobi? fet fojtb 3n fome be onl? reHrainetb tbem toitb putting a bridle in tbeir moutb , onelr tbat tbe^ b;eafee not ont,fo far as be fo^efeetb to be erpe^ Dientfo^p^eferuing of t^z bniuerCttie of tbings.i^crebt fome are bolben in bi? (bame,romc h^ feare of latoes,tbat tbei? burn not fo;ttb into mani? fortes of filtbi neire,botobeit tber^bo &;i a great part not btoe tbeir tnclenneflP^.^om bicaufe tber tbtnU tbat an boneft traoe of life is g05D,bo after a certainefo^tafpireto^ toaro it ^ome rife bp aboue t comon (Oi-Ut bi? tbeir maieffi? tbe^ map feeepe otber God the Redemer. Second Booke. F0I.81 Aug.1i.4 contra lulianu otljrr in tftetr Dutic.&o ©oD b^ IjiB p^o* piDcnc0 bnntktii the pcrucrfencire of nature,tl)at it bjcabc not fo;Mb intono^ ing:but be cicanfetb it nottoitbiii. 4 Bat ^et tbc Dout 15 not DilTcIiieo.if 0; eitl)cr toe mull raafee Camillus Ufec tn^ to Catiline, 0} t\S in Camillus toe fljall baue an ci;ample tbat nature,tf tt be fra^ meo bp Diiigrcc is not altogetber tuitb* out gmDncCfc, i graiit in tieoe tbat tljofe g(DDli? giftes tobicb ixjere tn Camillus botb tBcr tbc giftcs of CDoD t feme too^j^ tb? to be commenDen,if tbep be iuepeD b^ tbcmfelues , but boto (ball tbepbe p;oue0 of naturall gtoDnes in \)imi mutt toe not return to tbe mino,« frame our argument in tl)vs fojtf 3if a natural ma ercellcD in fucb tjpjigbtnccre of maners, tlitn nature is bnoouteoli^ not tuitbout poU»er totoarD tbe (f uD^ of tertue. J&ut tobat if the minDc tcere peruerfc anb croi%ED,f folloluing anitbing ratber tba tpjigbt tfraigbtnetfc^ 0nD tbat it tuas fucb tbere is no t>out,if rca graunt tbat be U)a0 a naturall ma..^otu tobat polo* er of mans nature to gtoDnctTe toill ^ou rcbcarfelmtome in tbis bebalf,ifin tt)t greatcU fljeto of pureneCTc it be founu tbat be is allna^ rarT?cD to corruption: SC'berfoje,leaftt?ecommenD a manfo;i tjertue,\ubofe\3ice«oeceaue i?ou tjnber t)ertucsimagc,Donot fo geuctjntotbe toil of man polncr to belire gcoDnelTe^fo long as It rema^netb fall in bcr otone pcruerfcncffe. 0lbcit tbis is a moll fure anb eaftc Colution oftb^s qucHion, tbat tbefe are not comon giftes of nature,but fpeciall graces of goQ,tDbicb be Diueraii ano to a certain mcafure nealetb among men tbat are otberbotft tingooli? . ifoj Vobicb rcafon toe fcare not tn common fpaecb to call one man IjpcI natureD,anD an otber of euill nature, « i?et toe ceafle not to inclube tbem botb tmoer tbe tmt^ uerfall 0ate of mans co;tmption,but toe fl^etotobat fpeciall grace ©ob batb be* ff otoeb bpon tbe one, tubicb be batb not ticurijfafeD to gcue to tbe otber , toben bvs plcafurc toas to mafee ^aiil ferng, be fgjmcb l)y>m as a neto man: ano tbat is tbe rcafon tobr P^a^o alluoing to tbe fable of Homere,fattb i fe^nges fonncs are createD notable b^ fomc lingular marfee,becaufc ©oD pjouioing fo} man^ binbcfurnitbtb tbe fc toitb a p;iincipall nature tobom bcappcintctb to bcare go/* uernment : ano out of tljis llo;ebcufe came al tbe great raptaines tbat are re<» nomcb in bittor^cs.SLbc fame is alfo to be tbougbt of p;^iuate mcn.:)15ut becaufe as euerf ma batb moff crccUcD , fo bl's ambitio batb mollmoucobim fo^toarb (toitb tobicb fpot al t)rrtues are begleo, fo ^ tt)tv lefe all fauo;t bcfojc c^oo) it is tobeaccomptcD notbing tDo;tb, tobat foeuer femetb pja^fe toojtb^ in tjngob* l^ men,befioe tbat tbe cbeefe part of tjp# rigbfncHe fa^letb^tober tbcre is no llu* b^ to abuance p qIo^v of Cob, tobicb all tbcT? toant U)b6 be batb not regenerate toitb his fpirit.^citber is it tjatnlr fpo;' l^eninC^fafjtbat tjpon Cb?ill rcftctb tbe fpirit of ^ fmrc of dDob, toberb^' toe are fangbt,|f fo man)? as are ttrange fro oo of neceffitie goDf is net \> acuill of ncccflfifv mlU iDbat ca tbep anfii^er^ Sft^ fo is gcjuncirc fenit Untb ^l^otss Dint nitSe,ihtis no moje of ncceGitietbat be be Cod tbcn tbat be be gcoo, 0? ^ br tures is free : anb pet bi* mean cf finne, be alfo fii^eretb a ccrtainc biolence,but cf tcifl f not cf nature , i^ eucn tijercbv alfo be fijolo not be Dep;tueo of freedom, fo;r r ^^icJ) is tuiUing is fr^. 0nD a lit/ uill is bi! b^s fai fo eltranseO from par^ / tie after,lt!ill being cbangeo in it felf in^ faffing of gfflDncire, ^ be can 00 notbrng to teojfe , b\» 3 it'ote not tobat corrupt Lib.dc perfes neceCTitie is after a certain maner toil? ling.;afterit)arD be favtb, t ^^^e are p^ef? feo Detune Id a T?ofee, but ret noneotber but of a certain tuilling booagctberfojc bt? reafcn of our boncage luc are mife- rable^bt? reafo of our luU toe are iamu* fable,bicaure toil tobc it Iras fra:,maDe it felf IP bono feruant of fin.^t lengtb be t6clubetb,tbat tbe foule is fo after a cer;- tain maruellous anb euill maner boloe - botb I .!. tl)t rcaDcrs DO pcrcc\?ue tbat 3! b;ing no netu tljinq^ lDi)icb log ago augudinc b jongfjt fo;^tb out of t^c confent of all goDl^ men, ano almoS a tboufa^ ^cars aficr tuas hcpt ttiU in 2ponUc0 Cloiftcrs . llBut Horn* barD tubcn be coulD not Di0ingui(^ ne^ ceffitie from rompulfio, gauc matter to apcrnitiouserro;. 6 iDn t^e otbcrfiDc it is goo to colioer tjDbat maner remci^ie is t of tfje grace of goD,UJberbi? tbe co;jruptio of nature is amenoeD i ^ealcD, if o;t tubercas the lo;i^inbelpingt3S, gcuetbtJS^lDbicb Uie toant tu'of Voe ftall hnoto tnbat bis too;^kiBinbs,ittoiU ftrc^gbttoa^ap* peare on tfjc otbcr fiDe lubat is our nc* l)incff:.Mi)cn tbe ilpoiJle fa^'tt) to tbe pbiUppias,tbat betrutteti) i5 be Uibtcfj began a gcoD \do;]x in tbe, tuill perform it tjnto tbs oa^ of 5!crus Cb;iit: it is no Doat, tbatbr t\)t begtinning of a goO \x)o;k, be meanetb tlje \jerr begumtng of conucrQon, tobitb is in toill. SlSber^ fo;c <©oo beginnetb a gcDU lDo;jhin tjs b\? Cirring t>p in our fjarts tbe louejOC:* fire anD enDcuo; of rrgl^tcoufnes, o^(ro fp:alie mo^ep^opcrlr) in boimng, fra-^ ming ano Directing our barts to rigbte^- oufnes: be CcnDctb it in eoSrming tjs to pjrfcacrance. 0nt)tljatno mdiilboulo cauailtS;at goa is bcgon br § Io.iD,tobr \xn\l bepng of it fcif tueafee is bolpntbe bolk^Oijjft in an otbcr place Dcclarctb \})^:it \Mil is able to do being Icf^ \3nt0 it felfe. 3 toill gene rou(fartb l)e) a neto bart. 31 toll put a nt\3) fpirit in p miDDes of^ou.ano3JtuiItakea\uav trje fion^ l)4rt from \?our flefl),? ^ toil geue tou a bart of fietft.ano 'i toil put mr fpint in ti)c miDs of vou,anD I toil malte y>ovi to toalfte in mr commauuDemcnts.tl^bo fijall far tbat tbe Uicaljneirc of manncs toill isCrcngtbcneDtoitftljelp, tober* bv^ it mar cfFcduallv afpire to r thov^t of tbat ^ is g(DD,toljen it mull be lubole I tranffojmeD anD renueQf Bif tbcr be anr foftncCTc in a ftone,tobicb br fome belp berng maDe tcnDer toill ab\?De to be fao^ toeD euerr toav>tben toil 31 graunt tbat tbe bart of man is pliable to obcp tbat tobrcb is rt!gl)t,fo tbat tbat to-bicb in it is tjnpcrfcct, be CupplicD br tbe grace of (!?0D . llSut if be meant to ll)cto br tbis ftmilituDe, tbat no gaj^neCTc coulo euer be tojougbt out of our bart t3nle(Vc it be maDe tb^ougblr ncto: let ts not part be ttoeen bim f tjs , tbat toljicb be cbfllcn* getb to bimfelf alone»Bif tbcrfo;je a ffone betranffojmeD intoflcQ), toben (Dod tournetbtstoDcfire of tbat M)icl) is rt>gbt:tben is all th^^t tobicb toas of cur oton toill taUcn atoar > t tbat tobicb co^ met!) in place tberof is al of goD3 Tap # toil is taken atoar^nct in tbat it is toil, brcaufe in tbe ccnuerCon of man, tbat tobiri)toasof tbcfirft nature abntieii) tobole : alfo 3! fa\> ^ it is ere ateb nt\JOy not tbat toill tben bcginnetb to be, but tbat it be tourneD from an cuel \xfH in* to a gcDD. anD tbis 3! affirm to be to-bclp Donebr ^of^bicaufc toe are not able fo mucb as to tbinhe, as tbefame ^pofllc toinieffctb,tbcrfo;e in an otbcr place be favtb, tbat (S^oDDotb not onlr beipcur toeaU toil,o: ameno our peruerfe toil, but t be toojfectb in ts to luill. tSUlber* upon is eafilr gatbcrcD ^ tobicb 31 Hivi) bjfo;e,tbat iubatfoeuer gmD is in to.ill, it is tbe too:^: of onclr grace. 3;n tobicb fenfc in an otb:r place be fa^tb* ^ it is on V too;Uetb all in all. /jieitber Dotb be tbcre cntreate of y> tniuerfal gcuem jmcnt, butgcuctbbntoOoD allonetbe piavfc of all g©D tbi noes tbat tbt* fa^^f b^ 2.Co.8<5 ! Phi 2. 13 i 2. CO. 12. 6 il.lj (uU Cap .3. r li.Co.S.e Of the knowledge of full ^aue.^nD in fareug^aitrul^ fte ma feetb (DoD ^ autljo;^ of fpiritual Ufceur from tfje beginning to tlje cno. tmbtdj felffamctljing l)C IjatJ faugW befoje in othtr tiio;Ds,fa^cng ^ tbcfaitljfuU arc of (DoD in CI) ?ift,^i)cr be plainly ma feetb mentis of J neto crcation,toberin ^ txjbicb tDa0 of comon nature befo;^e id DettroieD. i?Dj tbcr is to be bnoerlfan* Deo a coparifon between jaoa f Cb^ilf, tebtcb in an otber place be mo;e pla^n* i^ erp.J2(rctb>t»ber be tecbetb t to^are tl)e U)o;&e of dDoD created in Cb^ift to goDlDo^fees tubicbbebatbp^epareb^ i}t fljulD loalft in tbem.jFo; be goetb a* bout bi? tbifi reafo to p?oue,tbat our fal uation is of free gift , b\?caufe § begins- ning of al g(DDne0,ii5 at tbe feconD crea? tio,lDbicb t»e obte^n in Cbjift. llBut if tber toer an^ potner of our feluetf, toer it neuer fo fmal toe (bolD alfo baue fom po;ti6 of mcrite.HBut be to p^oue tjs al^ togetber notbing toojtb, reafonetb tbat toe baue ueferueb notbing b^caufe toe are create in cb^ift to gmo U)o;fes \s)\jicf) CDoD batb p^epareDJn tobirb tcojos be fignifitetb aga^^ne tbat all partem cf gcoD oVen nature, tourncD atoat? from gojD, is conuerteD by tbe oncl^ potoer of tbe IojD:faut fo tbat being p;rcpareD bcfojc, it batb alfo ber olnne part in being, as Auguftinc teacbetb,tbat grace goetb be fo;e eucri? gtDD too^b, but fo, tbat toill botb accompanie itanDnotleaDe it,as a tuaiting maibe after iU ano not a fo;^ goer. Mlbicb tbtg being not euel fpotir b]P tbeboir man , Peter Lombard OOtb bifo^Derl^ ^^itt to tl^iB purpofe.SBut ^ afftrm,tbat aftoell in tbe t]]o;D0 of tbe |3;opbet iDbicb 3i baue allegcD, as in § otber places, tbefe tUio tbings be plain/ l^ fignifieD,^ tbe lo^b botb botb correct our corrupted toiU oj ratber oeftrop it^ anb alfo of bimfelf puttetb in place tber of a goD Uiil.ln as mucb as it is p^eue^ teo b^ grace,in tbat refpect 31 geue t?ou leaue to call it a loapting ma^b:but fo; tbat being refojmeo,it is t^c \s}o^k of p lo:D,tbis is bj;jongfuU^ geuen to ma i be Dotb tuitb Uiill comming after, obe^ grace going before. 2Dberefo;e it is not iDel t»;itten ofCb^^ifottome, t};^^.^ ie?? tber grace toitbout toill, no; tuil leout grace can tco^Ue anp ^ijig: as ifgrace D^D not tDOi!?c beri? toil it felf, as cuen AdBo- nif. cpi. 6. too;fes,cue fro tbe fird motion, are pjo p;e to (©00 onel^. if oj tbis reafon, tbe ; noto toee baue fane bp paul. jjievtber pjopbet after be bao fato in § pfalme | toas it 0uguftines purpofe, tobe bccal i toe are tbe too^femaHbip of CPoo, tbat leo mas \s)H v toaiting mapo of grace, tbcre Iboulo be no partition,aDOetb br^ to aCTigne bnto her a certain fccoo oflfice anobi?.Me maoc not our felues. 2:bat ! in Doing a gcoD too;U, but b^caufe tl)^s be fpeafeetb tber of regeneration,tobicb | onelp toas bis entent,to confute i Mc^ is § beginning of fpirituall life, appear bco oodrine of pelagius^tobicb o^D fet rctbb\?tbeteno;of ^ tert, tobere itbn^ | p principal caufc of faluation in mans anob^ after follotoetb,^ toe are bis peo i oeferuingttberfoae be ftoDe oneli? bpon Serm.dc muent. S.crucis plc f tbe flock of bis paftures. ^e fee noto,boto be not coteteo fimpl^ to baue geuen to goD tbe p;avfe of our faluatio, ootb erp^cflt txclun • tjs from al feloto^ (bip toitb bim,as if be toolo far,# tbere reftetb no pece, be it neuer fo litle, fo; man to glo;ie in, bicaufe it is al of gob. 7 But rher toil be fome peraOuenture tbat toill graunt, tbat toill being of ber tbis point,tbat grace \iias before al oe^ fcruing , tobicb toas fufftcient fo; ti)C matter ^ be tbe bao in bao,not meoling in t meane time toitb f otber queftio, concerning ^ perpetual effect of grace, tobicb t?^ in an otber place be ejccellct^ [y toel baoletb.if o; fomtimes toben be faitb,tbat § ilo;o ootb p;eucnt tbe bn^ totlling t bt ma^ toill, $ follotoetb ti)t toillins God the is)i\\im th^it \)t taill not int)ain,lje ma^ fectb IJ^in altogether ^ toljolc autljoj of tf)Z go^ \aoil\,2li\}titiy!Si fcutcncfs tou^ cl)mg tt)y£f mattcr,arc to plaitic to nceDc an^ longarguinnctpon t^cm.spc(fa\?tl) l^e) DO labo.j to fino in our toil fomtbing t^at is our olone i not of CDoD, but ftotu it mav be founo a fenotu not.0nD in \)is firftbofeeagainft Pelagius f Cclcftius, Ujljer bctotf) erpoiiD ^ fat?ing of C^jift, C^uer^ one tbat batft bcaru of m^ fatber commetfjto mt,\)c rai?t!j : fr^tnill is fo l)olpen,n0t onl^ tfjat it nia^ hnoU) tolbat i» to be oone,but alfo ma? do it luben it ^atb bnotoen it . anD fo tu!)cn clDoD tea^ cl)ctl),not hn tf)t letter of ^ lain, but b^ tlje grace oftt)c fpirit,be fo teacbet{),tl)at be tbat batb learncDjDotb not onl? fee it tnbnotDtng, but alfo DeCtre it in Uitl^ Iing,anD perform it in Doing. 8 i^nD beeaufc toe arc no\r» in banD V6 tbe cbttfe point tuberupon § matter ba^ getl),lct t)0 00 fo^itsarD f p;joue tlit fum tberof to § reaDers onl^? ^x^it\) a fctii anD tiit moft plain teftimon^es of tbe fcrip? ture.anD tben,Ieaft ant? man (boulD ac^^ cufetjs of tozongfal tJD;jefting tbe fcrip^ ture, let ts fbeto t tbe trutb tobicb loe affirme being tafee oat of tbe fcripture, tuantetb not tbe teltimont? of 1A)y!$ bolt? man,31 mcane AuguRine. ^o; 3 tbinfe it not e)qpeDicnt,tbat all tbe tbpngesbe rebearfcD tbat mat? be b^cugbt cut of tbefcripturc0 , fo; ronfirmaticn of our meaning,fo tbat by^ molt cbofentbat Iball be bjougbt fo;tb, tht toat? mat? be pjepareDtotmDerftanDall tbe reft tbat are berc i tbere commonlt? reD . i3ittD a^ gain,3I tbini? it Iball not be tnfitli? Done, if 31 openli? Hacto tbat BE agree tucll Untb tbat ma Uibom toojf bil? tl)t confent of goDit? men Dotb mucb efieme.^urel? it is euiDentbf plain t certain p;cDfe,tbat tbe beginning of goDncffe is front no lobcre els but onlt> from oceDctb no gajoneffe till it be refo;jmeD : anD tbat after rc^ fo:mation,fomucbas it is gcoDjisof CioDanDnctoft)0. 9 anD fo reaD toe tt)t p^a^ers of bolp men miVit to tbat effeg as , We ?Lc;:3 ilTnt incline \ ^^^*y*3* Ezc.ii,i5> uRc8.;S iT.p.i: 0'f the knovvledeie oT s__ incline our ^jari to bim(fat(1) ^alomS) i ftimon^e cuiDcnt enoug!) of bi« Braces , tbattoematfecpeftVJ5wniaiiDementj5« tottiafeefi)cmnot to be cnuiouflv'fup l^e Ojetnettj i frotoarmieffc of oi:r tjart, \xi\)K\) naturallt rctovcetft to rebcU a^ gainft t^elaU) of dDou if it be notbolueD. ^nn i fame tbtns is in f pfalm: ilo;iD incline mp barf to tb^ tefiimontC0.iFo? f be romparifon of contrarietie is alluar to be noteD , tobicb is bet tocne tfjc per- tierfe motion of tbe bart Ijuberebp itis careen to cbffinacie,anD fbis correction tobcrcbr it i$ leD to obedience . Witjm E^auio fitiing bimftlf ^^ a time toitb^ 0F4t tlit siretf ing grace , p^a^etb €ou to create a netu bart Vuttbin bim,to renuc a ngbt ^pitite Uutbin Im tcUJcls : Dotb be notacfenotulccge tbatall tbe partes of b\?« bart are full of tmcleanndTc , anD brs fpirit ti);itbrn Icitb croUcD peruerfe neCfe f antj in calling i clcanneffetDbicb be p;at?etb fo;,tbe creature of goo, totb be not attribute it toboll^ to (DoD^ 115ut itan\> ma tafte epception f fa^ , tbat tl)c ^errpjarerisatofeenofa gotli? iboli? affection : our anftoerc is reau^ , tbat tljougb SDaaiD lucre h^ tbat t^me Com;* U)bat come to amenDmcnt , ret ootb be JliU compare bis firft ftate luitb ^ fo;^ rotofuU fall tbat be bat) felt 2Eberefo?e talking bpo bim t perfon of a ma eff ran* gcD fro <2'ot),be foj goD caufe p;jaietb to bauegeuen brm all tbefe tbi'ngs ^ CDoo gcuctb to brs i^lcct in regeneration. 0nD fo being li&e a DcaD ma,be \X)i(i)t^ bim felf to be creatcD of nelv, tbat ofv bonD^ aaue of ^atan,be mar be maoe tbe in:« ftrumcnt of ti^e bolr g^oft. S^aruellous auD monllrous furelr is tbe lull of our pnoc.cDoD requiretb notbing mo;e ear* neair,tban tbatloe (boulo moft religi* ouQr feepe bis ^abbat,tbat is in refiing fro our oton toojbcs, but of Ds notbrng is mo.:e barolr obterneD , tban biooing our olun tro^fecs farctoell , to geuebue place to t\)t tjuo;fecs of dDoo . 3;f fluggilb* negebinocreo noi,Cb;^ift batb geue W pjefiPctJ. 3i am (fartb be) tbe C!IIine,rou be tbe b^ancbcs : spr fatber is a bufbano*' lioh.ic man. ^s tl)e b^ancb can not beare frute of it relfjtjnleffe it abrtie in tbe bine, no mo;c can tou, tjnleUe rou abioe in me. if oj ipitbout mc rou can do notbrng.^f tee bcare frute none otberlDife tban a b;uincb buuoetb being plucfeeD evt of tbe grouno f tDitbout moitture:\])e neDe no mo?e to fefee tubat i& t\)t aptneflie of our nature to gcDDnelTe.^nb t^^sisa plaine concluGon : Mitbout me re can bo no;: tbing.i^e ootb not far ^ toe are to loeah to be fufficient foj our fclues: but in bringing bs to notbing,be mln^ttlj all opinion of potoer be it neucr fo little.^If ioe being grateo in Cb.nffj beare frute liUe a tjinctubicb taktti) ber cfftcacic of liuelineffe botb fro \> moiHure of r crtb, antjfrom tbeoeto of bcauen, f from t^t cberillbing of tbe funne: 3 fa notbing re;' marne foj bs in Doing a g©D too^ke , if tue feepe tobole for (iDoD t tubitb is hvs. SCbatfbnee futtle Deuife is allegeoin taine, ^ tbcre is a iixict alreaor enclo? feu tDttbin r brancb j f a certain pofecr to bring fortb frute,i tbat tberfor e it ta? Itetb not all from tbe eartborfrbmtbe firft ra)te,becaufc it bringetb fomtobat of ber oiun. if or Cb;ill ootb meane no* tl/ing els,but tba' Uie are a arr Ciclje t notbing tocrtb,Ujben toe be feuereD fro brm,becaufcbrcur fclues being fepa^ rate, toe }:a«e no potoer to do toeltas al* fo in an otber place be faitb. C'oerr tra l(f mr fiitber batb not plateD,(baU be ra* ttii \jp. tiKllberfore f ^poftlc afcribetb al 1^ Ijjbole bnto bim in (> place alreabr al^ legcb. Jt is ©oD(rartb be)t!)dt iuorbetb in bs b itb to tuill i to per forme . Ebe firft part of a g©D toorU is Unll : t^t fe« conb is a ftrong enoeuor in Doing it:i^)t autbor of botb is 0od . 2:bcrcforc toe ftealc it fro goo,if toe taUe to our felues Mat! J. »3- Phi.2, 13. anr 1 Cor. 12. 6. Pfa.8^11 pfioo.ip an? t^ing e^tljcr in tDtll ox in effcttual too;jUing.3fitlDere fa^D ttjat goDDotb belp our toeatie lDiI,tbcn fomic^at toer left fo;t b£{. "^ut tutjcii it is fai-D tijat l)t maketb toil,notD all tl)e gtoD tbat is in itjis fee oat of bs. 0ntJ b^aufe tlje gojtJ iinU 13 vet aiU opp^cfteD Vjd t»eiig!)t of our flefli) i? it can not rife tjp.^e faio fur tfter,tbat to oucrcome t^z tiarones of ^ ijattel,tber is miniif rcti tjnto Ms ftcofatl nt\k of cnDcuo^ cue to tbc efifccte. Sfox otberlD^feit coulD not ftanu together In^icf) l)c teaclbctl) in an otber plate, ^ it is C^oD alone tfjat fa^ingetlj to effect al tf)ing£( in all, toljercin Utee Ibaue before tangbt t ^be tubole courfc of fpirituall life 15 comp;jc{;enoeis.i?o;i iDbicJ) reafo, E)auiD, after be ban p;ta?eD to baue t^c toai^es of tbe i^o;^^ openen tnto bim, ^ be migbt loalfee in bis trutb^ bvanobp aDoetb : tianitetboumi^b^arttoffeare t^V name . |n tnbicb tJ3o>oes be figni' fietb>tbat euen tbep ^ are tod niinieD, arcfubiecttofomanp loitbojatuingeB of minDe>tbat tbe? eafil? tianifb o; fall alca? if tbei! be not If abliH^eo to coft an tie.jf o.i tul^icb reafon in an otber place, after be bao p^ia^co to bauc bis fteppcs DirectcD to feepctbe tDo,:o of <^o\i,\)t w quirctb alfo to baue ftrcgtb geucn bim to figbt.llct not an\) iniquitie (faifb be) beare ruleouer me.Efter tbis fojt tber^ fo^c botb tl)C lo^o botb begin i cno g©D 1do;Ij in bj3:tbat it ma^al be bis iuo;^, ^ toil coari'uetba looc of tbat tobirb is rigbt,tbat it is cncUneo to fj ocCrc tber^ of,tbat it is If irreo tjp i moucD to cnbc^ uoj of following it. 0nD tben tbat oure f J)oife,Derire,anD enDeuo; faint not,but 00 p:occDe eaen to tbe effect : lad of all tbat man goetftfo;Uiaro eonlfantlp in t.^cni,anD continuctb to tbe cno. 10 Zn^ be mouetb tl)z tnill, not in futb fo;t as batb in mani? ages beiitaugbt i bclcues: ^ it is afterioaro in our cboJfe citbcr to obey o; lintbCanotbemotio, GodthcRedcmer. Second Booke. Fol 84» but toitb mtgbtili If rfgtbning it.Sber fo;e tbat muS be rciecteo UJbicb ^Ini^ foftomc fo oft repetctb : tobom be D;a^ toetb being toilling. tlClbercb^ be fe* crctl^ tcacbctb v '^on ootb onlv rcacbe out bis banc, to foe ifUietoillbcbol^ pen bp b^s a^De. ££lc graunt tbat fucb t»as tbe aatc of ma \j)\)ilt be I'et If oDc, tbat be migbt botoc to ciptbcr part.ll5ut Ut^ be batb taugbt b^ bis example boti) miferable is free toil, bnlrlTe C5oD botb toill ano can in bs : tobat fball become of bSjtf be geuc bs bis grace accozuing to tbat fmall p;iopo;rtiD^)l3ut ratbcr toe toobfcurci extenuate it toittj our bns tbanljcfulncffe. iFo;j (> Spolf Ic Dctb not teacb?) tbat tbe grace of agaou toill is offrcD bs if toe Do accept it, but tbat be toll pcrfb:m it in bs : tobicbis notbing els but t tbe ilojD h\> l}is fpiritDotb Di^ rect,boto f gouern our bart,f rcpgnetlj in it as in bis oton poflTcffton. il^cptber .^ botb be p^jomrfe b^ (Sjccbiell,^ be toill ^' geue to tfjz elect a neto fpirit oncli> fo? tins enb, tbat tht^ nuv. be able to toalk inbiscommaunbements, buttsjmal?e tbcm toalfe inbab.i^eitber ca Cijiittss fayeng, (euern one t batb beam of m^ fatber conictb to me)be otbertoife taljc, tban to tml) tbat ti)t grace of goa is tf* fectual of it felfras Auguftmc alfo affir mctb. 'Cailbieb grace, goDboucbcfauetb Lib.de not to geue to at ml generally i)3itl)out 'prco'cft. regan^,as f faieng(as 3i tbinh)of ilDcca, ifand. is comonly fpolJe among v people, tbat it D?ni?ctb notbing to bim i^ootbtobat lietb in bim. £l)e arc in dado to be taugbt tbat goos gajbneffc is laieo open fo? all men toitbout ej-Tcptton tbat feebe fo? it.ll5ut fo;a0mucb as- tbey onelpfccgrn to fake fo at, \al)M\)C beauenlp grace batb bicatbcD bp3n>not fomucb as tbis little pccc ouibt to b« plucUiO atoap from bis p?ayfc. S^rulv tbis is y p?cro# ^atiixt of y elect, ^ being regenerate by f fpirtt of goo, tbey are moueo i gouer^^ ILiiii. ncD loh.icj. Cap^ Aug, dc Acrbis. I !o.^.'44 kIo1i.3.S' ncD b? l^is gu!?Dmg. SLbercfojc Augu* ftinc Dott tDO?t!)iI^ as iDCll mocU ttie, ^ da^me an^ part of toiUing tfjcm to t^e^ fclue0,as !;c Dotti repjeljcD otbcr U)l)icb tj^ink ti)at tljat 10 generalli? gcucn to al men,ts3!)icf) is tf)e fpcctall tcttimonie of free electton.i^ature,(faitf)l)e) but not grace, is common to all^mcn.Callmg it a b;icfelc futtcltie of tuittilie gla(rc,tbat gliff f rctf) liiitl) mere tjamtie, tobere it is generally crtcnDeo toalltubicb^oo gcnctlj onclT? to tubom it pleafcf b bim. linn in an otbcr place , l^otoe camcft ti?ou f b^ bcleuing, ircare tbou, Icaft U)bile tbou takes bpon tbee ^ tbou baft f£ua f iufttoai?, tbouperitb out of tbe iuH Ipapj camc(faieft tbou)bi freeloil. B( came bp mine oton tuiljlnbr ftoeUeft tbouf txjilt tbou bearc tbat this alfo is ge uen tW'^tavt eucn bim ^ callctb: 0o man commetb to me tnlcffe mp fatber ti;aU) bim.^no it is toitbout cotroueiv fie gatberco out of Jlbons toojDs, ^ the barts of tbe gotjlp are fo effectuallp go^ ucrneo bp goos tco.:feing, ^ tbep foUolo luitb an tjncbangeable affcctio.i^c tbat is bcgoftc of (IDoD(faitb be) can not fin, becaufe tbe feeoe of goo abioetb in bim. ifo;^ to® fa tbat tht mcane motion tobicb tbe ^opbillers imagine, tobicb toee at our Ipbertic map eptbcr obcp 0^ refufe,is opf Ip epcluneD, tebcr an cftrc* tuall conltancie to cotinue is affirmeb. 1 1 ^f continuance tbcr (I}uId no mo;e Dout baue ben maUt but tbat it Iboulo banc ben taken fo.; tbe free gift of (©00, Of the knowledge of Hlbeptbereintbeperre ttoo maner of ioapcs. ifo; bpfiDe tbps that tht^ tench t^xt our tbankfuIneOTe tolvaro tbe fira grace anD our latofuU bfe tberof,arc re^* toaroeo tuitb the latter gifts: tbep aooe alfo, ^ nolB grace alone Dotb not too^k in bs, hixtthAt it is onelp a tDo:ljer to^ getber loptb bs . iaDf tbe fira tfj^s lue ougbt to beleue,tbattbe ILo^ tobile be Dailp enricbetb ano beapetb his fcruats loitb netD gpftjiE of bps grace, bpcaufe be Ip&ctb aijib fauo^etb tht iuojfe tobicb be hath begijn in tbem, finoetb in thzm fomtobat tnberupon to beftoto greater graces, 0nb bereto feme tbofe fapengs: Xo bpm tbat batb tl)albe geuen. again: j£)b»30)3) feruant, bpcaufe tbou Ijatt ben faptbfull in feto ^in^s^i topl fet tba 0^ uer manp.)II5ut bcre ttoo tbings are to be take bcoe of,tbat neitber ii)t latufuU bfe of tbe firft grace be faib to be retoar DeD \32ith p later graces,no^ it be fo cop^ ten a retoaroing,^ it cealTe to be recke^^ ncD p free grace of (©00, Bi G raunt tber^ fo;e,tbat this bleffing of goo is to be lo^ keo fo; of tbe faitbfull, ^ bo^ »«ucb tbe better tbep baue bfeotbe firii graces, tbep (balbe encreafeb Initb fo mucb the greater.lBut 3 fap, tbat this tjfe alfo is of tbe lio;D,ano tbat tbis retoaroing is of bis free goo luil.ano tbep bfe no les to;jcngfuUp tban bnbappil^ tbat olb Di^ finitticn of too;ifeing anb togetber too; king grace. Auguftinc bfeb tbefame in oebc, but belaping it iaith a fit oifini;: tion,5 dDoD in togetber toojking \33iti\ Mat, 25 2U Luk.jo bnleffe the moll IwpckeD erro; bao gro bs Dotb cnD,tbat tobicb in too^king be luen in fo;ce, tbat it is biftributeti ac^ echoing to tbe Defert of men, aseuerp man batb (bctoeo btmfelf not bntbank full to tbe firll grace. 515ut fo^afmucbas tbps crro; batb groluen bpo tbat point, tbattbeptbougbtittoba irt our bano torefafeo; recepue tbe grace of CDoo offreo, tbat cppntcnbe^ng bjpuena? Uiap,tbis otb^r Dotb alfo fall of it felf. beginnetb, f ^ it is Hill tbefame grace but cbangetb namc,acco;oing to tbe tit<; uerfe maner of etfcct.iailberupon follow toetb,^ be botb not part it bettoeen gob anD bs>as if tbere lucre a mutuall mc^ ting togetber bp tbe motion of botb, but onelp notetb tbe multiplication of gracefCo tabicb purpofe belogctb tbat tobicb in an otbcr place be tcacbetb, ■ tgatl Phi. a. 13. i,co.i;.io God the tftatman^giftsofdDoiJ Do go bcfojc the gcDD toill of man, among tbe tDf)?c!) tljz fflf fame iBonc.^fterctjpon folotoet!)> tbat be Uauctfj not bing # it ma^? daimc to it felfe. 223f)icl) tbtng |3aule alfo batb namely crp^effcD: jf oj tobe be bao fai?D tbat it is goD tobir b tuojhctb in t0,botb to toill ano to perfo^mc, iic b^anob^? aDi= Detb,tbat be Dstbc tbem botb of b^is m^ tuiUtoeclaring b^ tbis iDom^ tbat it is bis fra gfflDneg.^beraB tbci are luont to fa^e, tbat after tue baue once geucn place to tbc firft grace,oure olune enoe- uo;5DonotD U>o^feetogetberU)?tb tbe grace tbat folotoctb.SDo tbis 3 anftoer: If tben meane tbat toe, after toe baue bene once b^ tbe potoer of tbe ilo;D b;o^ ken to tbe obeDicnce of risbtcoufneu. Do of our otone accojD go fo;toarD,anD arc incltneD to foloto tbe toojking of grace, 31 fpeafee notbing againtte it if oj it is mod certain, tbat tber is fucb a reDines of obeying, tober tbe grace of CDoD re? g^ netb. liSut tobencecometb tbat,but fro tbis,tbat ^ fpirit of TolS) " bo;ei toitb bimTfo tbe entcnt to make btmrtlfc partner of tbe Iabo;,but ratber br tbiB co;irection be geuetb atoar all ^ p^aife of tbe labo; to grace onlyc. ^tis not 3i (faretb be) tbat baue labo;cD,but tbc grace of©oD tbat teas tortbme. )i3ut tbc DoutfuIneCDc of tbe fpeacbe De* ce^mn tbem : but fpeciallr tbe ill tran* nation tobercin t^t fo^ce of ti)t (Sr^eUe article toas left out.ifoj if it be tranfla* teD toe^D fo;^ too;iD, be Dotb not far* tbat gracetoasatoo;fecr togetber id bvni, but tbat tbe grace tbat toas to^tb brm, toas tbe too;^fcer of all. anD t\)t fame tbing Dotb Auguftmc teacb, not oarUlr tbougb lbo;tlr,tober be tbus fartb:2:be gaiD toll of ma goetb befo;ie manp gifts Df0oD,but not before all. ^utof tbem tobicb it goetb befo;c,it fclf is one, tbcn folotoetb bis rearcn:becaufe it is to;jT!t' fen:^is merer batb p;cuenteD mc:anD bis merer Ibal foloto me. 3itp;euf ntetb man not toilling,to make brm toiUanD it folotoetb bim toilling,tbat be toil not in bainc. Mrtb tobome Bernard agre^ etb bringing in tl)t€\iuvait fpeaUrng tbusiSDjatoe me in a maner bntoilling tbat tboa marett make me toilluig : 5?atoe,,mc Iring Ooutbfull, tbat tbou mare^makemerun. 1 ; ijjotoe let bs bcare Auguftine fpca^ king in bis oton too;iDs, Icalt ti^t pela» gians of our agctbat is to far,tbc fopbi^ aers of 5orbon,lbulD as tbcr ar« toont, lar to our ebarge tbat all iniquitre is a? gainft bSjtoberein tber fO'Otoc tbeir fa* tber l-clagiusjbr tobom Icngago^u* guttine toas D;ali n fo tnen is fo mucbkinoleD b^ tbe Ijolv gbolljtbat ti)e^ tl).erefoje are able* bieaufe tbe^i fo toil: t\)C^ tberfo;ie tuill, b£caure(!3oD t»o;iitetbtbattl)epfotoil. if 0? if in fo great tDeaJineffe, in luljicb t?et bebouetb tbe potoer tobemaoepcr feet, fo^ rep;^effing of pjiDe, tbeir otune iDil ti>erteft bntotl)f,i^ br f belp of goD f bep ma^ if tbc? toill,ano cDoD uotb not too^U int^Ho luil: tbe among fo manv tcmptattenisUnl lljoulD neeUisfal DoUm fo} Vueafene 0^1 tl)ci'fo;,c coulD not tontU ntte.Cberfb^e is fuctoj geue to § iueafe nc0 of mans l»ir,tbat it (bulD be moueD luitbout ftjjaruinnf ^^fcuering b^tbe grace of go?j,f tbecfoie C&oula not fat?nt bolD toeab foeuer it be.Cben be entrea tctb mo^e largely l;oto our berts Do of neceSttie follolu tbemouirigof goo tbc^ loo.iljetb afftfcio in tUMm betS^tb,.^ tbello;i!)Dotb DMumentn o^Dtoitb tbeir otone toils, but in fucb as be f)im' felfi^batb lu^jougbt. ^Stato baue Uie tbat tbingteaiOeo bv ^ugiilrincsmoatlje, tobicfi \M pjrnripalli? ncfm to obtaine> tbatgrace is iwt ml^g olfereo by> d^oato bercceiueoo^ rcfufeij atcucrFeinans ft-e elettiojjut alfo tbat grace is (^ feme t^at fojmetb=tbe elcctioit anti toil in tbe fe?art : fo tljut cuer? goiD toojhe tbat fo<^ lotoetb after, ys t\)c fmte ann effect tber of; f tbat it I3/.UC na otber toill obei^ing 8it-;3ut ^ fame tobicb it batbe maDe.iro^ tbefe are alCcbis too^as out of an otber pjace> tbat riOthtng bait grace raaUetbe^ ticrt?geD5too;Uginbs. 14 HSiit toijereas be fa^etb in an otber place># toil is not tahen atoai br grace, hut fro an euel toill turneD into a gcob, anti bolpen toben it iB gobrbe meanetb onelp tbat man is not fobjatoen, tbat toitl^jut ani? motion oflyart be is carieo as bv an outtoarbe impul6on> but tbat i}c is intoarol^ f 0 atfecteD,tbat from bis bert? bart be obeietb»Cbat grace is fpe^ f iallp ano freel^e geuen to tbe electe, be to^l?tetb tbm bnto Bomface.-^eUnoto tbat grace is not geuen to al men,anb to tbent to tobome it is Qmtn,it is not ge» mn acco^zbing to tbe merits of too;iks, m^ accenting f 0 t\)c meritcs of toil,but of free fauo;:anD to tbem to tobom it is not geuen, toe fenoto tbat it is by> f iuft iuogement of CDob tbat it is not geuen. 0no in ^ fame (KpiUle be Urongl^ figb^ tctb againtt tbat opinion,^ t\}t grace fol* lotoing is geuen to v beferuings of ml, becaufe in not refufing t\)c iirll grace, tbei (betoeo tbemfelucs too;tbTJ?o; be toill bauef^elagiits graunt , t grace is neccfiart fo? bs fo? euer^ of our Doings, I is not geuen in recompence to tooths, tl)at it mat be grace in Deoe. HBut ^ mat ter can not be cop^cbenbeo in a ^o^ter fumme,tban out of tbe 8»ebaptec of b?s b©he to Valentine of coemption anb grace, tober firfi; be tsacbetb tbat mans toill obtevnetb Hot grace b^ libertie,but libertt?c bt grace: anD tbat bv tbe fame gmce bv affection of oelitc p?inteD in b^m,it is frauie&tocontinuanceUbat it is &rcngtbeneD toitb inninciblc fo?ce: tbat ^Wt grace gouernetb , it ncucr fellctb atoa^ : toben grace fo^falic tb ,. it bi?anDbg tumbletb Datone. STbaC b^ tbt f rti merer sf (jDoq it botb is coucrtcD to gcQD,« being toucrtcD ab^Detb in it,tbat tbe Direction of mans to^U to gtcD, an?i fteDfaHneffe after Directioti, bagetb bp^ on tbe ciictp toill of <]>oD,t not bpon ani? mcriteofbvs otone . i^nb f&lu man is left fucb-a fro; toiljif toe lift fo to. cal it-^ EpiT. 10^ £pif.io6 EpiC 107 God the Redemer. Second tfesle. aiWtoJttrtfjofm another place, tljat in Cod but b\? grace, anobie "grace 10 a^ canneittcr be tumeD to d^oo^no; abioc , ble all tijat it is able, J hciiii. chapter. Howe God vvorkcth in the hearts of men. F0U6 1 2C 10 ftiffuient!^ pjoueb, a» 31 tl)infte, ' *tbat ma is fo fjolDcn captiue Ui\?tb ttje pbe of finnc,tbat of bis otun nature be i can ncitbcr afpire bi? ocCre,no^ trauail | bv enDcuo; f 0 gajDncCTe, beliue tbat, tue banc reberfeb a Diainction betUienc c5^ pulfionanDnecelTitv, toberbvutmigbt appearetbat \iil)tn befinnetbofnecef^ litMet neuertbeles befinnetb toillins^ l^.HBut fojaftnucb as tobtlcbe is fubiect in bondage to t\)t Dcuclf, be feemttl) ra^ tber to be IcD bp t)9t ocuels UHl,tban \)is oU)ne,if rettetbnotoe to bebeclareoof lubat ro<:f arebotb feinDes of liJo;ikpng» 0nD t\)m is tbJs qiieftion to be aCToileO, tobctber in euell too^Ucs tbere be anre tbing to be aftributcb to €cD:in ^l)\^d} tbe fcripture tbctoetb ^0<*t tbere is bfeo fome U)o;fu'ngof Us, in one place 0ii» gulline comparetb ntans Voil to a bo^fe lubteb is rcatit? to be rulco bp tbc luil of l)\is riDer : ano ©00 ano tl)e SDeucll be comparetb to vims, 3fgoD(rtii'tb be)fit bpo it,be li!?c a fobcr anb zmm riticr, goucrnctl) it temperatlt,fpurretb it fo;;; loaro if it be to Cotwcplucketb it bacfec ifitbctoquicke, rettrainctb tbe loan^ tonnefli? ano UulDncffe of it, tamctb tbc (tubbo^nnriTcDfif, auD guioetbit info tbe rigbt ttjate. )15ut if Ibc Hr>cuen bawe poffcnreb^itjbe like a folitbe ano Uianton riDer,bioIcittli? carr^etb it tb^ougb pla# cesuibcre no tnav is^ D;^iuetb it into oi- ebe0,rollctb it ootone ttepc p!aces,fpur* retb it foiUiaroe to ffubbo^nncffe anD feafcencffe.t^bicb fimilituDe tuc trill fo;tbvs.time bfe jcontenteo tovtb, fitbe tbei:c comtnefb not a better in place, ^bere it \s fa\?De tbat tbc toill of a na^ ti-rall man is fubieac to tbe rule of tbe S>euelI,tobe ftirreb b? bim, it is not meant t 'jerfa^ tbat man as it tocre Ilri^ uingagaina it, ar.D rcliCtittg is rcniprl^ leo to obct,a3 \r>e compel boticCaucs a^ gainC tbdr lcil,b^ rcaffi of being tbetr llo^es,to 00 oure commaunocmcntcs: but tbat being beVoitcbco \3yvtii tbcbe^ aits of ^atan,it of ncceiTitve velbetb it felfc obeoient to euerve leaoing of t)pn, ifo^tobometbe ilojo l30ocbfaucti) not toruleto^fi) bis fpiritr, tbcmbiPiufte s.Ccr. iuDganent be fenbctb atua^e to be mo* 4 4. ueo of ^atban. MbereSoK tbe apoftle fatetb,tbat ti}t c^oD of tb^s loojlo batb blinocD tbe minus of tbe tjnbelcuers oj* Daineo to beffruction, tbat tbe^ Ibouloe not fee tbe ligbt of tbe gpfpcll.^nb in an otberplace:2i:batbetoc?Mnntbc bif* 'Ep.j. obebicntcbilb?en. SDbc blinoing of tbe ti»icfeeD,anb al t\)t toicfeeobcocs tbat fo.- lotD tbcrctipon,are calico tbe ixjo;hes of fatan,of tubitb "^tt tbe caufeis not to be fougbtelstobere,tban intTjetoilof ma, oute of tDbicb arifetb tbe r©te of euell, Uiberein rettetb t^c foundation of tbc feingbome of ^atan,lDbicb is tin. 2 i5nt far ctljer i^ tlyt o;rber of gow; tra^ tng in fucb ttjin^cs. ^no tbat tbc famc^ f|ob, ma^appcaremo?eccrtainlve tntoljs. let tbc burt Own to tbe bol^ nta ^ob br g Cbal5e£S,bc an epample.SDbc Cbatoas* UillcD bis beromcn, $ li^e r nncmies in ti?ar,b.:ouc atjoar bis catfcll fo; booties, jjiolu is tbiir toicfecn oeoe platnlr fcne, anD in tbat l!3:;Uc ^atban is not iocll, from iubomc tbe ^l^itlo;^ fa^tb, tbat all tbis Pi^i p;ccctie.)i5ut Job bimfclf bijD ac bnojjlcbge tbe tuo^he of tbe tloju.in it, tubome be faitb to baue tafecn atoa^ frS bim tbofe tbings, j toer tahen atear b^ tbe 'Cap.4> Of the knowledge of tH)t SalOttS. ^otu can ty e refer f kit fame too^K to (SJoD as autl)o,2,to &atan as autljo^f to man as autijoj of it, but t^at \jDc miift either txcuH ^atan bt» p compant? of (lI5o:),o; report 0OD to be tlfe autljojof cuclf Cllen?cam^ : if firff ixie^ lokc tjpon tf)Q cnu, iob^ it toast Done, i tben fbc maner (loU). 2E!je purpofe off ilo^O is br f alamitie to erercife tfje pa^ tfjerein appearetb tfjc iuftir e of cl3oD to be tD\7t!)out fanltc,ani) alfo tbc tutcfeeD^ ne0 of ^atban ano man, bctoja^etlb it fclfetotbcirrcpjocbe. 3 SDbe olD U);i?ters in i^is po\?nt alfo, are fometime to p^ecifcli? afraiD limply to conftffc tbetrutb, becaufe tbe^ feare Icaft tlje^ ll^oulo fo open a tuinuotue to toicheDnelTe, to fpcafee irreuerent!i?cof timtc oU)iB feraant: E^be M>cuc\ goctb I tbe tco^fees of dDoD.Mbicb fobjtette a» about to Dj^ne brm to cefpetre. %i)z 1 3 embrace, fo 31 tbinlj it notbinjtiange^ CbalDcts againlt rpgbt anu latu, feeitc rou3,if Vu^ Smpli? bolDe tobat t\)t kripf gaine of ^ iabicb is an otbcr mas.^ucb turc teacbetb. Auguftme bimfelfe fom* DiuerCtie in purpofes mahetb great Dif fcrence in ti)t toojfee.^nti in tbe mancr of Doing tbere is no leUe Diucrfitie.Cbe SlG^D leauetb bis feruant to ^ata to be affli£teb:anD t])z Cbalo^s, tubo be Dt?D cbofe fo; miniff ers to txtmtc iU be tiio leaue i beltuer to bim to be D;^ae to it ^atban tni^tb U^ ten|?mous 0tnges, p;ickcD fo^tnaro t\)t minDs of tbe C^al DeciS bJbicbotberluife toere peruerfeof tbemfelucs to do tbat mifcbtef: tfjt^ fus viouUv runnc to Do to;^ong f to binDe f Defile all tbeir members toitbtoicfeeD DoingXberfo^e it is p^operl^ faiD^tbat ^ata DotI) U5o;!j in f reprobate: in tobo be e^ercpretb bis kingDo, tbat is to fat?, t\)t feingoome of toickeoneffejt is alfa favD, tbat 005 too.j^etb in tbem after bis njaner,beraufc fatan bimfelf, fojaf^ t^kijcasbc is tbe inttrumenteof b?s tc;w)tlj, aeco.2Ding to bis biDDtng f com* ImaunDement turnetb bimfelfe betber f jtbctber, tocxcmtt bis intt itttQtmznts, '3 fpcalie not beere of c:^Dst)niuerfaU moHing,toberb^ as al creatures are fu* ItriincD, fo ft'om tbcnce tbep tahe tbeir rffcctiiallpotocrcf Doing an^ tbrng. BJ fpcabe onl\? of tbat fpeciall Doing,U)bicb appearetb in euer^c fpeciallactc. Me fee tbi^refo^c G^&t it is no abfurDit^,tbat one felfc acte be afcribcD to (S5oD,to ^a* tan>anD to man: but tbe Diuerat^ in tbe enoe ana maimer of Doing, caufetb tbat time toas not free from tbat fuperffiti* on, as tBberebefarctb, tbat baroening anD blinDing.pcrtainc not to tl)t toojfee of d^oD, but tobl'S fo.zefenotnleDge.But tbe pb.jafes of fcripture aUoto not tbcfe futtelties , tobicb pb^iafes do plainly fl^elu tbat tbere is tberin fometubatels of (IDoD,befiDcs blps fc;jcUnolulcDge.0nD Augufiine b^mfclfe in \)^s fe.bosljea' gajgnff lulianus, goetb earncftip about ixiitl) a long p;^occffe , to pjoue t finnes arc not onelp of tbe pcrmiffion o; fuffe^ ranee of dDoD^but alfo of bT!s potoer.tbat fo fo^jmer fins migJjt be punifbeD.Jlil^e* iD^fe, ^ tobicb thiv b;ing fcjtb cmiceri* n^ng permiCnion,is to tueak to ffanD.lt is oftentimes fa!?b ^ dDoD blinDetbanD baroenetb § reprobate, tbat be turnetb, boljDetb,anD monctl) tbeir bartes, as 38 baue elftobere taugbt mo^e at large. llBctoflDbat mancr tbat is, it isneucr e)cp;ie(rcD,if iMc flee to fra f0;^efenotolege 0? fufferancc . Cberefoze toe anftoere tbat it is Done after ttoomancrs. jfo^ firft,tobereas toben brs ligbt is tafeen atoa^ , tbere remarncf b notbing but DarknclTe f blinDnc!Ic:toberas tob?bl?« fpirite is taken atoaf , owbartes toare barb i become (toncs:tobcras toljenftis Direction ceaffetb,tbet? arc to>afteDinta crofecDnelTe, it is toell far^s tbat be Dsstl^ bltnD,barDen f boto tbem fia to5ia:;r h^ taketftatoay t|}epQmcr to fg^> o))ti r n& --DQ jLib.de prxdcft. ct gra. God tfic Rctlemer, ccond Rookc. Do rigbtl^Xlje ttcmnt nianntr tDljtrtj rommcttjncarcto tbe p^opcrt^c of ttc tno^UfS, is tijat fo; ttje erecuting of dps iuDgemtnts bp ^atan § miniltcr of \)is to^atlj, Ije botl) ^ppo^nf rt^ t^tir purpo* fe0 to \iitfnt ent) tt pleafctf) f)tm,anD fitr retb tip tbetr lDtllc0, ano Uren^tljcnttl) ti)tittnticuo^0, ^0 toben ^otcs rcljer* fetb t^at king ^ef)on did not geue paf^ fage to tbe people^becaufc d^oD bat) !)ap tenet) bt0 rptrtt,anD maoe his beart ob^ fttnate,!)e b^anob\? aDto\>nctb tf)c eno of his purpofe : tbat be migfjtc (fapettj bO geue btm into our banD0. Cberfo;^ be^ caufe it tDa0 dJoos tutl to baue b^m oe^ ftropcD,p mahtngofbis bartobffinafc, tDAS goO0 p;:eparat(on to bt0 Deffructto. 4 0fter tt)e firff maner tbi5 fcmetb to reciting tf)t fame bitto^v, fattb,tl;at be tumeo tbeir bcar(s,tbat tbei ftulo bate bis people.^otr ran von not far,^ tbei> llumbleo being left toitbout tbe confcll of 000. if 0^ if tbet? be barorneD ano tur neD, tben tt)t^ arc of purpofe bcVocD to tbat fclfc tbing. S^o;coner, fo ofte as it pleafeD bim to punifl) tljt tranfgrc(ro;s of tbe pcoplc,botue DiD be peifo;mf brs lt)o;U in tbe rep;obatef fo as a nia niai? fee,tbat § effertualncs of U)o;fet?ng toajs in bim,ano fbcr* onlr fiu frruiee as mi# nittcrs.Mberfo^e fomtKnc be tb;eate* neo tbat be toonlo call tbem cnfe tot^tb bis tobi(llc,fonietime tbat tber Cbouloe be libe a net fo^ bnn to entangle tbem, ano fomtime like a mallet> to ^riUe tbe -- ^-, ifraelitfs. li5utfpenanT'betbcnDecla* befpoken.t^ctafeetfiatua^tbclipfrom reDbolu be is not iole in tbenutubm be the fpeahers of trutberKinD tafeetb atuap ; calico ^ennacberib an aFe,tiibvcb teas reafon from tbe Cloers. IBetabetbtbe bartatoai? from tbem tbat arc fet ouer tbe people , be mabetb tbee to iuanoer tuber no \sav is. again,iLojD tobP baft tbou maoe tjs mao,f baror neo our bart tbat tue QjoulDc not fe are tbaf 2i5rcaufe tbep iuogc ratbcr of tubat fo;it (Doo ma^ Uetb men bp fo;ifatJing tbem, tban boio be perfo^mctb bis tuojfee in tbem.l5ut tbere are otber tcffimonies tbat go for^^ tbenas are tbef e of i^ barocning of pba rao. 31 toilbarocn tbe bart of pbarao,^ be Do not beare you, t let tbe people go. jaftertoarD be fapetbjtbat be batb maoc botb DirecteD ano Djiue n bp his bano to cut. Auguftine in one place Dotb net a# miffe apo^nt it after this fo;t:tbat inaf* mucb as ttjei? 0n,it is their otone: tnaf^ muf b as in finning thev do this o; tbat, it ts of the poUier of Ooo tbst ceutDeo tbe Darknes as pleafctb bim. ^ ijioto tbat tbe minitter^ of &atan is bfeD to p;icke fo^tuaroe tbe reprobate, fo oft as the 31o,:d bf bis p^cuioencc ap* potntctb the to tbis o^ to tbat, ma^ fuf? ficientli? be p;oueD,tbougbc it toere but b Y one place onelf. jro; it is oftentimes fafD in fe>amuel, tbat the cue! fpinte of F0I.87. Pfa. 105. 3f, ct.7.18 EZC.12.»J ct.17.20 Ic.50.23. fcfa.io, 1$ DcpTcc! fandoru beaut> f baroenco his bart. Did be b^r* tbe Lobeleaelie0, DlButtftcrc isalUiai? great Difference in one felfame tco^fee, btmm ^ tuljicl) § lojD uot^;, f ^ ti)I)icb ^ata $ f> luickeD go about, t^e maUetlj tbeeuelinttrumetstbatOe l)atl)t3ntscr \)iB l)an,anD mav turnc totjctter |>c UU, to feme his tuaice. ae?,inarmucl) as tfjei? are cuell, do bung fojtb in effect t tDtcfeeDnetfctbattbei? i)i{ut concc\?ucD Uiartje tbin55,tDC flball tbtnfte tbat tht^ arc fo farretjnDer tbe toil of man,but if tue ibiU s^uc crcDit to fo man^ telltmo nits, tubicl) af out tbat tbc ilo;D cctbe in tbcfe tbings alfo rule tbe barts of me, tbc\)l!)aU compel! tstor^clDcourtoilt fubtccf e to tl)c fpcciall mouing of dSoD. ^12tbo DID procure tl)z gco twilles of tbe £^ j, Cgiptiaiis to tbc ifraclitcjei to IcnD tbe * * ! all tljeir raoft p^ectotis ietoelles i 2Lbe^ b^ co^jruptneCTcof nature. %l)t reftc of fucbtbingsasfcrue fo; to Dcttuer t^z i tuonlo neuer bauefomtD in tbcir baits maif tJie of r^oD from 0aunDer, % to cut | to banc fo Done of tbeir otune accojDe. of all njifttim fro tbe tetcUeD,arealrea^ jacrfojet'ocirbearts lucre mo^cfub^ Dr fetfojt!)intbe Cbapter concerning iecttotbclo;jD,tlj«nruleob^tbffclue0. |F)^ouiDente. jfo? in tUs place mv pur* ] anti traelp if Jacsb baD not ben pcrfua^ pcfe 1330 oncl^ to n?cti3 botu ^ata rcig^ j DcD tbat dDoD put into men, Diners affc* nctb in tbe reprobate man,anD J^otogcD ctions as plcafetb bl^nt , be tooulD not teo^ljetb in tbem botb. ' bauc fa^D of b^s fonne gofcpb tubom be 6 a^iougb toe banc bcfojetoucbeD,pet tbougbttobe fome beatben Cg^ptian: is it not pla\?nl^ DeclarcD tobat libertic (!15oD graunt vou to finoe merc^c befoje i • ^^' tbps man.asalfo tl)c tobolc €hi\rc]) to* ^"^^ fetfctb in tbe li3falm,tbat toben it plea* ' fea 'sIDoo to \jxut mttcv bpo it,be mtkCf '^^° neD (' bartes of ^p crucll nations, again, ,^S* toben ^aulc fo toareD on fire Vo anger, ['^^' ^ be pzepareD bim to toarre,tbc caufe is ' e]cp.:eireD,fo^ tbat § fpirit of ®oD did en 11.6. ma \)&ti) in tbofe Doings,tobicb arc mi Cbcr iuti; noj faulty of tbemfclucs,f bc^ long ratber to tlje boDil'j? tban tbc fpiri* tual life.^ome in fucb tbigs baue graii tcD bim free election,ratbcr,as J ^in\i^ biraufc tbe? tooulD not Itr^ne about a matter of no great impo.jtame, tban ^ tbc? min'seD certainli? to pjoue f fame j foice bim.MboturncD atoa? abfolons a Sam. 17 tbing T^ tbc? graut.06 fo; me, altbougb mpnoc fro embracing the counfcU of ja* .10. 3 confelfc tbat tbc? tobicb do bob tbat cbitopb^btobicb toas toont to be bolDcn i tbc? bauc no potocr to rigbteoufnes,Do as an iJD.:aclc i Mbo inclincD Kcbabc? lof 2, 9 bolD tbe t')ingtbat is p:indpallt ncccCTa ' am to be perftoaDCD i3)iti) § ?ong mens | r? to faluatio n:?ct S 00 tbinU tbat th^s \ aDuifef SSlbo maDc tl)c nations tbat bc^ | point alfo is not to be ncglcctcd.tbat toe foie tocre great,to be afra?Daf i> com* Lcu.26 mav hnoto tbat it i& of tbc fpcctal grace ; m?ng cf 3;fracll f 2^ruc!? § barlot ila' ;^<5, of tbe ^o?D, fo off 36 it fommctij in our ', bab confctTcD \^ it toas Done b? ©on. a* pc»28,6 minD to cbufe tbat tobicb is fo;i our p:o* \ gapnc, tobc 'b;cto no^sn ? bartes of 30 '3. fit,fo oft as our toil cnclinctb tbcrunto, racU ^it\} DjeaD anD fearfulnclTCjbut be again fo oft as our toiff minDcfcbuctb tbat in tbc lato tbi:atcncD ^ tictooulD tut "oil^icl) els tooiD bauc burt bs.anD ^ , geuc tt)tni a fearfull bart/ foKc of CDoDs pjoutDfcc ertcnDCib thus \ 7 l?orne man toi'l tahc rrceptionanD f ir^not otili to ma'te ? fucceCfes of tbtgs . fa?,tbattbcrcareCnguIareramplfs, to to come to pa3,as be fl)al fo;tfee to be er* : tbe rule tobercf all tbinges Dniuerfall? peDic;it,but alfo to maUe ? toilles of me ougbtnct to be rcDuccD. But ^ (ahtl)nt to teno tberbnto. STrucli if toe conftoer b? tbtfe iB fuffic icntl? pjcueD t ^Wb in oar 1siittefti)t a^miniaraticn of put; 1 31 afirirme , t <^oD fo oft as be meaneti^ i to pro. 20, 12. pro. 21. 1 God the Redemcr, to p;f jjarct!je tuat fo^ ^is p^ouiuriicc, eticn in outtoaro tt)inzs Dotf) bolue anD turne t^e tuiUcs of men, anD tljat tljciv dboifB is not fo fra, but t^at 005s toill faearcttj rule ouertfje freeoome ttjercof. SD^attiSv niinoc fiangct!) ratbrr tpcn v Jtccoiid [ioo!.'e. if it be eiKgmtli? iokeo tjpon Dotlj fijeio, tijat not onip t\}t gtcD tcits of mc luijui) be of ciiell makctb gojo, anu fc being mate bp bimfclfe Dotb direct to got) 5o^ Li.de i gratia &• .libcro arb ad ings, anu to ttcrnall life, hut alfo tbcfe i Valetin. cap.2o \joi\ks tbaf p;crcructbc creature of tbc mouing of (Cod, ttan tpon tl)c freDcme ! tuo;lD,arc fo in tbe p^cr of ©oo, tl)at of tbincotDncboife,tbi0Daili ocpericcc be mahctbtbeintofccinrlincDtobetber tijal compel tbec to tbinfee tubetber tbou ' be lrilI,anD iDben be Unll, eitbrr to Dae ixfilt o; no : tbat t5,fo;^ tIjat in tbtngis of, bcnrfiicfi,o;i to epecute puniajment0,bi' no perpleritr tbr iuDgemf t ano iait oft a iubgement moSc fecrctc in 8KDe,but failetb tl)a, in tbtngs not baro tc be Don tbv courage faint etb : againe in tbvngs moll obfcure,bt?anDb^ p;cfent acuifc is offreD t\}^ : in tbings greatc anD perils lou0,tbou baft a courage oucrcouiming all Dimcult^c.;SaD fo do J erpounD tbat Uibicb &>alDmon fa^etb : SLbat tbeearc mnn beare,tbat tbe eie ma^ rce,tbc lo;D Ujojfectb bctbc. ifo^r 3 take it \^ be fpca^! betb not of tbc creation,but of tbe fpeci^ all grace of yCng tbem ♦ jSnD toben be tu^-^tetb tl;at (i lio.:u bolDetb in bps bao ano bcluetb uibetber be luil ti)€ bart of ti)t king as itc flremes of u?ater£f:truli tJUDer tbc erample of one fpeciall fc^t, be comp^clK'Detb tbc tuyole generality, if o; if ti}C Ujil of an^ man be free frojtt fubiection, tW p;rebcminfcc principal- ly bclongctb to tbc Uul of a hing, lubl'cb bfetb ac it tocr afeingDom tpon \> tuils Of otbcr:bi3t if tbe tcil of tbe king be ru* IcD lui'tb tbe banD of 0cD, no mo;e Gjal ourc U)il be epcmpttD from ti)t fame e- ttatctilpon tbici po^nte tbcrc is a nota* ble fating of Au^uftme. s:i;c fcripture ttft fame mcft rigbttcii^. 8 i^ere let tbc reaDcrs rcmcmbcr,tbat ^c potcer of manncs Uiill is not to be toepcDb^tbefuccclieef tbings, trb^cb fome tnfiiilful men are tncjDcrlt? ti5ot to Doe. if o; t\)C}^ fame to tbcmfelues to p;oue triinlr anD \Biitil^ tbat mas luil is in bonDage,becanfe cucn t UtU iipo? narcbecs lh\nt not all things fiotciiug af# ter tbcir otone Defire. I5ut tb?6 potjucr iubcrof fee fpeake,is to be confioereo l6 in man>f not be meafureD b^ outtoarDe fucccs.if c; in tt)e Difputation of free Veil tl)^s i)5 not ft}t queHion, tebetbcr man ma^ fo? outfearo impeDimcts,perfo;m anD put in execution all tbofe things ^ bebatb purpofeD in minDe:but iobetber be banc in cucr^ tbing botb a free electt on of iuDgcmcnt, anD a free affection of feil,tDbicb botb if man baue, tben Atti^ Ims Regulus, encIcfcD in tbc narotones of a tun fet ful of (barp p^ickes, (ball no les baue free tuill tban Auguftus Ccfar, gouerning a great c parte of ^t li»o;lDe luttb tbc bccfee of b^^ countenance. 7' h.y, chapter, A confutation of the obic^ions that arc vvithout,to be broughtc for defence of Free will. J % migbf e feeme ti^i^t toe baue fa^be tcnD certain reafons to aCfeile our mea* ' enougb alrcDp,conceming t bonbage ning, if irft,tbe^ beapc bp togetber Di-- of mans toil, if tbe^ t toitb falfe opinio uers abfurDities,tDberbi tbCT? mai b;ig cf liberty, labo; to tb;otu it Dotone bcD^ ; it inbatreD, as a tbing abbo;ring from long. Dip not on tbe contrary parte p^e^ common reafoniaftertparo ^t^^ fet bpo Cap.f Of the knovvlcdsic of Scr.8. CSOK m it toitb tcftimomes of ^:riptarc.5163t(i tbcfe enjines W ll&al bcatc back in o^f Derjf (,fai?tbc?)&inne be ofneceilitic, then ceHctb it to befinne:if it be tjolun? tarie,t'acnma^ it bee auoi?Det). SDbcfe toerealfotbetueaponsof pelagiua to affcii?lc Auguftine , tuitl) tubofc name Ipe toill not T?et baue tbc oppjeffeD, till toe fjauc fatifficD tl^em^ concerning tbe matter it felfj Den^ctberefbjetbat fin ougbt tbc leffe to be imputeo,b^caufe it is neceffane. 31 Deni?e againe tbat t\)is cotb folloln UrtjicI) tbe^ concluD, tbat it ma? be auopoeD, btjcaufe it is tolunta^* rie» iFoj if an? man tuiU fiifpute toitfj <©oD , ano fafee to efcapc fro ^isf iuoge^ mmt b? tl)i0 pjetenccbicaufe be couio none otbertoife oo: goo batb ^ anftuere fin,a3 \iie baue before reberfeo.a^^be (t^ com part of tbeir argument is fault i?e, bicaufe from bolimtar?, it ttrcigbtlua? Icapctb to free : but toe baue before p^Of ue9,tbat it is toluntaril? Don ^))it^ ?et is not fubicrt to free election. 2 2nt)e? furtber rap:tbat if botfj tjertnes I tjices p.ioceoe not of free cboife of toil, it is not reafonable tbat eitber punilb* ment Ibulo be laio tipon ma,o; retoaro^ geuen to Um, %\)is argumct,altbougfe it be Ariftotels, ?et 31 graunt is in fomr places tifeO b? Chryfol^ome I Hierom. ^ut tbat it toasa common argument \3)^th t\)t pelagians, Hierome bimfelfe b^oetb not , t alfo rcbearfetl) it in tbcir oton too;tDs,31f tbe grace of (Sod toojfee in bsttben it^not to j ttjat laboj, (fell be reaD? \o\}icl) toe in an ofber place baue , crotoncD. ^f punil^mentes 31 anftoere, fpofee of,^ it is not of creatio, but of tbe i tbat tbe? are iuftl? lapb \jpon tjs from corruption of naure,^ mm being maae , tobom tf)t giltynelTe of Cnnepjocecetb. bonoaaues to Qn, can toill notbing but 1 if oj tobat matter maUctb it , tobetber cuel.i?o;r tobence commetb t\)is toant ! finne be bone b? free oj bono iubgmcnt. of potoer,tobicb tbc \x\iciith toola gJau^f | l? pjetf5,butbpon tbis , ^ ^am of bis oton acco;^D maoe bimfelf fubiect to tbe ' tyrannic of ? 2Deuel:? i^ercupo tberfo^e grcto tbe cojruptio,toitb {> bow tober^ oftoearcbolDenfallt^eb, fo; tbat tbe firlt man fcl from bis creato;,3if al mm be iuttl? boloen gilt^c of tbis falling a^ toai,let tbcm not tbinfee tbemfelues cp cufcb b? neccffit?, in tobicb it fclfe tbe? baue a mott euibent caufe of tbeir bam^ nation. 0nb tbis 31 baue aboue plainel? fet fo^tb, anD 31 baue geuen an eraple in t^t oeuell bimfelf, toberb? it m?gbt ap^ peare,tbat be tobtcb neceOarili finnetbi botb neucrtbelcs toillingli Q[n:as again in tbe elect j^ngels>toberas tbeir toil ca not becline from gcDb,rct it ceafletb not to be a toil, ^^bicb fame tbing Bernard alfo aptl? teacbetb;tbat toe arc tberfo;te J mo^e mifcrablc, bicaufe our neceffit? is bolutar?:tobicb vet bolbetb bs fo fub tert bnto tt,tbat toe be tbe bonoQaues of fo it be bone b? tjoluntar? lijft: fpeciall? fitb man is bercb? p;oueD afinner,fo; tbat be is tmoer ? bonbage of finf 0s to tbe rctoaroes of rigbteoufneffe : a great abfuroitie fo;fa>tl) it is, if toe confdTe i tbe? bang ratber bpon (©oos bountiful* ncffejfban tjpon our oton Deferu?nges« l^oto oft finbe toe tb?s tbtng repetco in Auguftine: tbat (IDoD crotonctb not our beferuings.but bis oton giftes:anD tbat tbe? are calleo retoarbes, not as bne to I ourDef^ruings^butrucbas ar^ rcnD;^eD I to ? graces alreab? beHotoeb Dpon \iSi I ^?fel? in Dene t\m note tb?« ? i noto tber remainetb no place fo;tbcferntngs, if tbe? come not out of ? fountain of free toilhbut tobere tbe? recfeen tbat tobicb toe fa? fo far Differing from trutb , tbc? arc mucb DeceiHeD.iFo.2 AuguRmc dou* , tetb not, commonl? to teacb fo;^ necelISs« r? , tbat tobicb ^tig tbinke fo tinlatoful to confeffe , as tobere betaptb : ^bat be t&e merites of an?nnen tobatfocuer tbe? In epifl: ad eteci- Iphon & aiacon.L c^ In P£3i. In.pr.li. GoHtheRed cmer Epift.p Dever bis Apo ftol. ferj 4.7. ,Cor. 4.7. tljcp oe f t»t)cii tje f ommctb, not tu Due rctjjarD,but iDitfj free grace, tl)cn l)e a- lone being fra, 1 t'jat maheti) fra from fin ftnoetb ulKnen Qnncrs . Zm^^c, 3f ttjitOiallbcrcnO^cD to tt)it ^ is Due to ti)oc, tbouart to be punifijcD : lu'oatis Done tbenf (I5oD batb not gcucn t\jk puf nifl&ment tobicb is Due, but geuetb tbee grace \}3\)u^ is not Due. 3if tt)on toilt be cCrangeD fro grace , bcall cf tbp Defers uin^s.aga^niCbou art notbpng bi? tbr felfc.§3>inne£f are tUntMt Defcruinges are CDoDsc^punidimrt is Due to tbe^: anD lube retoarD c6mctb>be (ball rroton brs otun giftes,! nottb^Deferuingss.^nDin tbe fame meaning in an other place, fjc tcacbctb ^ grace is not of Defcru^ng, but Deferuing of grace.Sn') a little after be concluDrtb,tbat (Don icifb bl's giftcs goctb befo;je all Deferuing£f,^ out of tljt fame be mav gatl^er br^s oUme Defers uingcSjt Dot?) geue altogctb^r frajlr,bi* caafe befinD^tb notbpng tobereuponto beconcl Poolce. j K)l.o« no place fo^ Deferuings.liBut as p boun tifulneffef liberaliticof OoD is mani? folDf , f impoffiblc to be fpc nt out, tbofe graces lobicb be faeftoUietb on bs , be* caufebe mafeetb tl)i cur0,be retuaroetb as if tber toerc our oton bcrtues. 3 ^o^eoucr ti)t^ b;ing fo;tb t ^Ucf) map feme to be talje out of Chrifoftom: 3if tbrs be not tbe potocr of our ioill , to cbajfcgGjD 0; euiUbcn tbep tbat are par tafeers of tbe fame nature, mnft crtber all be euill,02 all ht gmD.anD not farr? fro tbat is be, Uibatfccuer be tnas, tbat tujote p bajfec£)f tbe calling of tbe dDcn* tiles, lubicb is carpeD about fcnDer tbe name of Ambrofe, lube be mafectb tbrs argumft,tbatnomalbclD euer Depart fro tl)c fartbjbnleffe y> grace of (5oD Dio leaue bnto bs tbe llateof mutabilitie: Mjtrnn it is maruell , tbat fo ercellcnt men fcl beGDe tbtfclues. ifo? botu cbau* ctt\) it came not in Chnloftomes minD, tbat it is CDoDs election ^ fo mafeetb Dif-- Horn. 2, in Gen. Lib. 2, cap.4 faue. lioyt fcj^jat ncDe is it to mafee a lo^ , ferente betlcen mefSs fo j bs. Ice fcarc ger regiiler,lpben fuc b fentences are cf* [ not to graunt t\)»t tobicb pa«l ^ great I .Cor. 4 ten founD in bps U);iting5f )15at p 0po^ ftle (ball vet better Deliuer tl)cm from tbi?s erroj, if tbepbearc from tcbat be» ginning be conuepetb tbe glojpe of tbe faintes:tabom be batb cbofen, tbem be l)atb calleD: tobom be batb calleD,tbe be batb iuftifieD : Uibom be batb iuflificD, it}i be batb glo;pficD.tI2IlbT? tben,as luit/ nelTctb n apoftle , are p fartbfull crotD* neD i becaufe bp p JLo^Drs merc^ t not bp tbeir otun cnDcuo: tbei are botb cbo* fen anD callcD 1 iu(fificD.0tea|' tberfoje tDttb tbt« bain feare, tbat tbere Ojal no ma;^e be anp Deferuings,if fraloill (bal not (f aD.fo; it is moft fiulilb to be frai- CD atoap f to flee from tbat to \s>\)iti) tbe fmpturecalletbbs. 3f(faptbbc)tbou baft receaueD all tbinges , lob!? gloip^ft tbou, as if fbou baDDeflt net receaueD tbemfSDbou fccft ^ fo; t^t fame caufc be tafectb all tbings from fraboill,to leauc earnctfneCe aCFirmctb,tbat all togetber are perucrfc f geue to toickcDnelTe, but \3iit'i) bim Ujc aDiopne tbis,t^at bp goDs mcrcp it cometb to patTe tbat all abpDe not in peraerfenefTe. Cbcrfo;e tnbcraii naturally tne arc all (icfe of one Difcafe, tbcp onlp re couer bealtb bpon tobom it batb pleafeD mcrci? of 0oD going before tbem,Ujbicb noin fyi^ foj? taken tbemfBs if § iLo:D baD nota ber^ gcDD reafo of bvs Doctrine,tDbicfj offretb it felf reaDilp to be founD of tbem ^ reue* rentlv fcke it , but boto mucb Doctrine, ejimtation f rebuking do teojke cf tbe felacs to V cbangmg cf tbe minD,l[Daule Dcclaretb,tuben be Ui;itetb,tbat ncitber be tbat platetb iB an^ tbrng,nc^ be tbat teateretb,but tbe Hojo ^ geuetb ^t en* creafeonl^ effectually tco;feetb.^o fee fee tbat ^ofcs feuerelr llablifbetb t^t commaiiDcments oftbe lato, % tbe ^;o^ pbets DO Cljarplp cal tpon fbem,i tb;ea? ten ti)t tranfgre(ro;s,ti>berea0 tber vtt confcffe,^ men do tben onlr teare toife, tuben a tart is geuen tbem to tnocr? ffanDjtbat it is tbe proper tocjk of Cod to circumcife i^t bartes, anD in CeDe of ftoap bartes to geue bartes cf flcfije, to lu^jite bt?s lalD in t bofcells of men : ft? nallp in renuing of foulcs to make tbat b^s Doctrine may be cffectuall. 5- tMberfojetben fcrue epbo^tations^^ ifc^ tbis purpcfe: if tbep be Dcfpifeo of § UiickeD loitb an obCinate bart,tbei (bal be fo;^ a UiitneOe bnto tbem txiben ti)zv Ojall come to tU iuDgement feate of tbe §Lo;D,vca « euen noto alrcDp tbe^? teate I arike tbcir confcience: fo; bctDfoeucr tbe mod fiotuarD ma langbetb tbem to fco;n,Ft ran be not Difpjcuc tbcm:15ut ^ou tcilt far,tDbat mat fiU^ miferable me Do,if § foftnclTe of bart , tobicb tras neceCParilr requireD to cbcDiencc IcDej* nieD bimf i^ar ratber,li:bl? Dotb be ep cufe bimfelfjtLben be ca impute f> barD;» neffe of bart to none but to bimfclfe? nerfo^eftuickep tbat arc toillingl^ — reaoy .C0.3 7 God the Redenier. reaop to mock tl)c out if tt)ep irigfjt^arc tij.jolijcn oo\»nc toitb tf)e fo.;ce of tOcm ioijstfjcr tljet? Irtl o: no. 15ut t(j£ cl)icfc pjofit totnarD tijc faitfjful 10 to be confi- DereDan tofjo as § loit la3o;iUetb al tbin gcs fap !ji0 rpirit,fo be Icaucti) not tl)c in ttrumftsoftjistuo^D, ttsfetbttjc fame not tuitl)out effect . ?lct tJ)t3 tftercfoje llanD totjicb is true,tf)at al t()e ftrcngtlj of§ go5l? rcftetl) in § grace of (l!5oD,ar? co^Ding to tbat fapeng of tlje ^zop\)et:^ U)il geue tt^t a ncto bcart tbat tbcr mav lualk in tlje. i5ut t^ou toilt Cap : ZMf)n aretbei noto aDmoni(I)cD of tteir Duetp anD not ratfjcr left to tt}z Direct io of tbc t}ol^ gboll^tolji? are t^e^ niouet) Uiitb ex bo;itation, fitt) tfje^ can malic no moje baft tba tbe ftirring fo^luarD of tbe bo* Ip gboC luoiUetb^ t3ub\? are tbet? r baftt^ fcD if at anv trme tbc^ be gene out of § Ujai'^fitb tbcp fcl bvv ncceOlirie toeafee neffc of tbe flcfb^iD man,Uibatart tbou to tpoint a latw fo.2 goDf 3|f it be bisf plea fure,tl)at lue be p;2pareD bv ejcbojtatio tarecetiuetbc ftifiame grace, t»bcitt? is tUtJougbt t tl)-: erbo^^tation is obeicD, lubat baft tbou in tbis o;iOcrto bitco;^ carp atf^f erbo;tati6s 1 rcbuliings CtD notbing cIs p:ofit 16 tbe goDlp^bat to re p;r3uc tbcm of fiinnc, tbc^ toer ami fc;t tbattbingonl^'iobe compteD not alto? gctberbup;oatable.j^o\D,fo2afmucbas bi' {' bol]? gboft Ujo;rInng inUiarDlt? tb:^ mucb auavlc to enflamc \> Dcfire of ga)D nesjto Ojahc of 0ug0i(bneirr,to tafee a^ iDa^ tbe pleafurc ano \jeniinot10 fUjcct:^ ncfte of UjickeDncOe, 1 on tbe otbcr fioc to engender a batrcD f irljfomnes tber? of:lui)o uare cauill tf)^t tbc^ arc fuper^* fluousf 3f an? ma require a plainer an^ f U3ere,let bini tahe tbis: CDod tuo^Uetb af.er tico fo.:ts in bis clecr.tntuarDli? by> bis fpirit,outiurtrDlp br bis toojD : 15? ^is rpirit,b? cnligbtcning tbeir minoS;, b? framing tbcir^carts to tbe loue anD Ijcping g; iiifti:c, be maUftb tbe a ncU) jccond Book'e. Fol7<^ 2. Cor.i creature.l3? bis U)o,iD,bc ftirretb tbcm to Defire,to fcfec i attcine ? fame renu* ing. 15? tbcm botb be fijcluctb fo;tli tbe cfFs-'ctudl Uio^iHing of bis ban, acco Do of purpcfc, tbat U)b?n tbe? can net oppjclTc tjs Untb Ujctgbt, tbe? ma? ?et tuitb number. 15ut as in bat? tcls,tDbcn it commet!) to bauD f^roUcs, tbe tueaUer multituDc boto mucb pon:p anD Ibelu focuer it batb, is Ujitb a feline ftripSjDircomfitcD 1 put to fiigbt.-fo Ib*^! it be tier? caf? fo;. ts to ouertb;otjj tbe Untb al tbeir rout if oj,bicaufe ? places ^ tbe? abufc aga?nft ts, tube tbe? arc once DiuiDcD into tbeir ojDcrs, do mete t)po a felD fpecial points, toe Iball toitb one anftoere fatiff? man? of tbe .Sbcr? fb;e it fl)al not be nsxDful to tarr? tpon Diffoluing euer? one of tbem particular I?. Ebcir cbicf fo;ce tbe? fct in tbe c6? n{aunDemcnts,tobicbtbc?tbink to be fo tempcrcD to our ftrengtbes, ^ tobat* focuer is pjoucDto be requircD b? tbe one,it ncf rffaril? follotrrfb ^ it ma? be ^•y. pccfo;? Cap .J. I. Thc.3. Of the knovvleH<2;e of t\)z^ run t\);ouQl) eucrv of tlje comaun* Bcmentg , mn b^ tbcm do mcafure fot p;iopo?ti5 of our ffrrgtft.ifo? (fai? tbcv) ertljerd^oomocfeetlj t« totjenljecbar^ Qctb tJiS liiitb ljol?ncire,goDUnerre, obc* Dtence, cballitie, louc, ano mekmelTc: ano lx)l)e^efo;biDtictftt)S bncleannw, tDolatrie,t3ntbaffnc(re,tu.:at^,rcfaberp, p;iiDe, I fucb liUem Ije rcquirctij oneli? thcfc tt}ing0 ^ are in our potoer. ijioto, lue mat? tiiuioe into tb^« fojf 00 in ma? ncr al ttjc commaunDcments tbat tbcp Ijcape toget!)e'r ^omc require our firft conucrfion to (iDoD, fome fpeahe limplf of tbc fecping of tbe lati3:fome c omaunn 1)5 to continue in tfte grace of goD,tfmt tee !?anc recerueb. ifirll let bs fpeak of t^cmallingeneraliie, anbttic ocfcenb tofbefpcciaU fojts. SDocirtcnbttjeps^ tuer of man to tl^e commattbementd of t\)c IaUi,bat^ in beeb log ago bego to be common, i batb fome (^tD:but it pmc ticii from moll rubc icnojace off lato, if 0: ti)t'^ t!)at tbinfe it a bainoug offccc, if it be faT?o tl;at tfje feeping of ^ lato is impoGiblcno red fo;fcit!) bpo tl)is mod firongargumcntjttjat els tbe lain luac geuen in Vatne.^oj t\)t^ fpcaU in fuel) fcjt as if Paul l;aD no Uiberc fpofeen of il)c la\u.iFo;,3 befcclj tl)i, toljat meane t^efe fai]eng0,tl[iat tbe latu toas fef bp^ caufe of tranfgrelTions : SCljat b^ {> latu is t\)t fenotDlegc of (inne:2:tjat tljc latu mafeetl) finne:3Df)at § laU) entreb, tbat finne m^gbt abounb : luas it meant tbat tbe llata tjoas to be limitsb to our ftrengtbcs, leaft it CboulD be geuen in baine^o: ratljer ^ it teas fet far aboue bs to couince our tueabenesfSCruclv b^ tljefame mans De6nition>t enb t fulfil? ling of il lalD is Cl^aritie. Wut trljen be to^OjctbtbcminDs of tbe SLljcCraloni^ ans to be filleo t6 cljaritie, Ije bott fuf^ ficientl? conftire,tbat t^t lalu founbetlj in bur eares voout profit, tnlcs gob in? (pire ^ tD^clcOan i^erof in ourfjorts. 7 SDrtilg if tljc fcripture DiD tcat\)e no^ tbing els, but tljat tbe laU) is a rule of life iabereunto toe ougbt to frame our enbeuojs, 3 tuoulo alfo toitbout bela^ agrtx to tbcir opinion : but iii^ereas it ootb Diligently i plavnlr Declare bnfo bs ttie manifolo bfe of? lat»: itis coue^ nient ratberto confioer brtbaf inter? pietation,tDbat t\)t laUj mar bo in ma. ^0^ fo mucfj as concernetft t^ia pt(et caufe : it teacl)etl) t^t fo fone as it f^ati) apointeB tobat toe oug^t to bo,t potoer toobet>comett)of t^egtobnes of gob, f tljerfojc mouetl) bs to pjai^er, toberb^ toe mat? require to Ijaue it geuen bsjf tl)eretoereonli?tl)ecommaunbemet f no p:omtft,tbf toere our ttrengt^ to be fri?ebtot)et^ertl3eptoere fufficient to anftoere t^e comm^iHtbement.bnt fitb tijer are p;omifes ioineb toit^al,toi)id) cr^ outjt^at not onel^ our arbe,but alfo al our tobole potoer confiltett) in p ^elp of CDobs grace,tl)ev bo tettifie enouglj $ mo;e ^ toee are altogetfjer bnfit, mucb moje infufificientto bepe f lato. tsai^er fojc let t\;)iB p;topo;ition cf our ftregtties toitb tfte comaunbements ett),anu commaunD tobat be t)Ul 8 2Dbat fl^all mo^e plainly be feene in rebear0ng tbe t\)^x fojtes of command Dementjf tobtcb lu'c toucber» befo?e.2Cbc llo:D oftentimes commaundetb botb in tl)t lato anu in tbe p;jopbet2f,tbat toe be couerteDtnto bim.515ut on ^ otber fibe, Hit p jopbet anftoeretb ? Conucrt me, Jlo;iD , 1 31 fljall be connerteD : fo^ after ^ tbou Dtouelf conucrt mt,^ repeteb.f c. ^e commauntictb tsto circumcifetbc tincircamcifeb fUinnecfourbart : ano bp S^fcs be ueclaretb tbat tl)is circnm^ p ^°^ X ciQon is bone b? bis oton banb, l^e ecbe fc.z-3<^ 26 ^jjpj. ceqniretb netonclCe of bart,but in an otber place be tcttifictb tbat it is gc^ ui b? bimfelf.SSbat tobicb <^ob p;omt# fctb (fa^tb AugulVinc)toeb0 not b? free toill 01 nature, but be biinfclf botb it b? grace anb tbis is tbe fame note tbat be bimfcirrebearretb in § fift place among tbe rules of ficonius.tbat toe tocl maijc Difference bcttoen tbe lato i tl)t p?omi? fes,o.i bettoene tljc commaunbcmentcs f grace, iffioto let t\)i go, tljat gatber b? tbecomaunbcmcnts tobetber mabea? ble to DO an? tbing totoarb obcDiences ttfacbfo^t ^ ii)C'$ Dcilro? tbe grace of ©00 , b? tobicb tbe commaunbementes tbemfelues arc fulfilleb. %^c commau^ Dements of tbe feconb fo>t are fimple, b? tobicb toe are biobcn to bono? (?oD, IoC,2. 12 fcr.31,18. Dc.io.i5 Lib.de, Do. chri fti.3. to feme i cleaue tnto W toill , to bepe \)i3 commaunDemcnts to fblloto bis dcc^ trinc.)13ut tbcr are innumerable places tbat DO teftiiic i^ it is bis gift tobatfoeuer rigbteoufncCc, bolinelTe , goDlineffe , 0; purif ie ma? be bao . £)ftbetbirDfo?t toas tbat crbo^tation of Paul f learna* bas to ? faitbfuU,tobicb is rebearfeD b? i.ufee, ^ tbe? fboulD abvuc in t^t grace of (DoD.liBut fro tobcnce tbat ftrengtb of conftanc?e is to be baD,tbc fame panle teacbetb m an otber place.E^bat remain netb,ra?tb be, b,;ctb;cn be ?e llrong tb.:ougb the JlojD . 3;n an otber place be fojbiDDctb bs,^ toe do not greue ? fpirit of goDjtobcrtoitb toe arc fcalco bp bnto tbe Da? of our rebcmption.lBut be caufe tl)t tbing ^ be tbcrc requiretb,coulD not be perfo^meD b? men , tberefoje be toi* iiittl)it^to tbcS^beCtolonians,fr5 (E>od, namel?, # be tooulo rechcn tbe too;tb? of bis bol? calling,! fulfill al tbe purpofc of i)yfs gcDOneflTe, f tbe too^he of fa?tb in tticm, Hihetoife in ibe feconb Cpiftle to t\)t €onntl)iia\s , entreating of almes, be oftentimes commenbctb tf;eir gccD f gobl? toill: ?et a lit le after, be tban&r tb CDoD t F-Jt it in tl)z bart of 2Ei?us,to tafee bpon bim to geue erbo?tation.3f Kitus coalD not fo macb as bfe tl)v office of bis moutb to crbo?t otber, but onl? fo farrc as (Do^ Ditj put it tnto btm, boto fl[}oulD otber i)am bene toilling to to , tnUSc CDoo bimfelf baD DireaeD tbeir bartes/ 9 2Sbc crafcier fo^t of tbe do cauill at all tbefe teHimonies: becaufc tber is no impeDiment, but ^ toe ma? io?ne our oton ftrengtbcs,f goD to belp our toealj enDcuo;s.2Sbe? facing alfo places out of t))C p?opbets,tober ? rffiett of our con* uerfion fcmctb to be parteD in balfe be^ ttoene Ooo t bs. 2Durn ?c to me,anD J toill turn to ?ou.Mbat maner of belpe tl)t iLoiOe b?ingetb bs , toe bane aboue ©ctoeD",? it is not nebeful bcre to repete it . Cbts one tb?ng 3i toonlD bane graii* £i^.iii. ten cp.4.30 The. 12, 2. Cor.a' II. Cap. mai? bntierffao tbat ^ep are toojtbil? crcIuDcD from fbefe tl)in^iti}at are trne to {> true tuo,: fljippers of (IDoD.0ga^e,bi?caufc be fe^ feetb b)?3l meaner to itn ^P § faitbfuU to cal Upon bis grace, it l^al not be into aenient,if be attempt tbefame tbing al fo b^ p;jomiffc0,U»bicb Uje baue IbelueD 1^ be batbooneto great p^oSt \s)it^ torn maunDcmf ts totoarD tbe.Being cnfo^^ meDoftbclDniofC5oD>b^ biscomamv oementSjtoe are put in niuiti of our mi rer^e,lDbtcb oo ^itl)aU our bcart fo far Diffent from tl)t fame,anlJ toe be tbere ? Uiitbal p;icIiCD fojtoart) to cal tipon bis fptrit,\jDbcrbr ice mar be Diretteo into tl)t rigbttuar.llBut bi?caufeour ilugifl^^ ncffc is not fufficientli? OjarpneD \jb ch mauocmcnts,tbcre are aooeo paomifes tobicb tuitb a certain ftoatnes ma^ al* lure bs to tbc louc of tb? . ^no tW tVjC mo;c DcCirc tbat \uc baue of rrgbteouf^ nclTe, toe map be ^ mo^e ferur t to fehe tf)e fauo; of (2>^n . 3io bottj in tbefe re* ; qucae5,('^f ton lBil:Jjf pou [^I beare,) , tbe ilo^D neptber geuetb bs potuerto luil I no J to beare, m\n pet mockctb tJS not fo; our toant of poloer, 11 Sbe tl)tro fo.jt of tbctr argumentigr, batb alfo great affinitte luitb § ttoo to;, mer . f^{>> t^t^ b^mg fo;tb tbe pLiccs Ujberin ©oa repjocbctij \> tntbankfuU people, ano faitb tbat tbep tbemfclues onip U)ere ti)e caufe tl)at Vqc^ recepueD not of bis tenDcr louc all binoes of gmo tbings.iDf iDbtcb re;t are tbefe places, ^inaleck f p Cbananiae are bcfo;c pou XDlDbofeftoearetJrouMfdU^bicaufc ^ i pe ijJolD not obep tbcio^D:becaufe 3 caU ^"^^H ^3 leo f pe anflDercD not, Bi tinll oo to i\iiB I^»". 32. U; boofe as 3i ep:) to ^ilo.agarn, tUs na* ^^^^ 3* tion \)C[t\i not bcarD tbe bopce of p lio;D tbcir CDoi3,no; b^tb recepueo oifcipUnc, tberfo:2 it is caff atoap from tbc Ho^d. ^japncjbicaufc pe bane barocncD pour beart t UjoIo not obep tbe !lo^o,al tbefe euels arc bapp:;ncD Ijnto poii.l^otu(fap tbepJcoulD fucb rep:ocbcs bee lapeD a* gaintt tbe \xA^\i\^ migbt reDilp anftoer^ 0s fo.i t)s toe loueo p;cfperitie,f feared aDuerfitie . llSut tobcras fo;i to obtepne t\it one I auotti v otber, toe obereo not tbelLo;>D, no;ibearferneo tobis bopcc: tbis toas t\it caufe tbereof, fo; ^ it toas not at our liberty fo to do, bpcaufe toe toer fubiect to tbe Dominio of fin. Clam* Iptberefo^earc tbefe euelskioto our cbarge, \xi\iid) it toas not in our pctocr toauopD.lBut Icuing t^t p.:etence of ne ccffitictoberin tbep baue but a toeaUe f ficijlp Defence, 3 affe of tbem tobetber tbcp ca purge tbrfelues of all fault, if 0; if l^ty> be foiio giltp of anp fault^tbc tt^t 31o.:d Dotb not ijSout caufe repjocb tbe, ^itcametopaHe bp tbei r per ucrfnes, hi^t tX^t'^ felt not tbe fi*uife of bis cleme titX^t t\it anftocre tbcrefo.:e, tobctbrr I tljcp can ^tn'^y tbat tbeir frotoaro toil! j toas tbe caufe of tbeirffubbo?nncjre.3f j tbcv finD p fpjing beD of tbe eucU toitb? , , in tbemfiiues, tobp gape t^^t^j^ to finoe I out fojein caufe0,tbat tbep migW feme not to banc ben autbo^s of tbctr otone DcCruction i )3utif it be true tbat bp f beir oton fault f none otbers , finners areboibnepipucD of{> benefits of goD, are cbaffifcD \3^it\) puniftmefs, tben is tbere great reafon tobp tbcp Ibolo beare tbefe repjocbes at V^t moutb of (Sod : ^ if tber go obUinatlp fo;toarD in tbeir faults, tbep map learne in tbeir mife^ riesratbrrto accufe anD abbo^e tbeir oUmetoictonelTe tban to blame f acbnolBlctjge ttjcfame toitft earned cofcJfio iDbifb tljc lo;^D refieaD fje to tuillinglp i \uitb a cljcrcful car^ neftaffc£tionofm^?nD aODittcD I)imrdf to CDoD, anD ]?ct Ijc Dotb not boll ttmfelf to be tljeaut^o; of ^i0 oirn inclination, \xi]iid) ht confcffetb in ^ fame i0falm to be f gift of gouXbcrfo;c toe mul! bolo in m^n?} tbe aDmonition of pauI,Uiber fetb in cbroingt'oe, if oj U)t)ifbp«rpofe jbcbiODetbtbefartbfull to luc^ketbeir pj^j ^ , it appcarctt;br^^olcmnep^arcr of JtDa olcnefaluation iuitb feare anotrem^ nielljlD^tct) is in J nint!) Cbaptf r, t!jat | bling, b^caufe it is tbe ilojti tbat too;* tbofe cbr^ings of tbe pb^op^etsj Mjiclj \ kcti) both tbe torlling ann perfo;tming» Pu.78. i Pr5;8. areaUcDgcD DiDauarleUnt!)t{)c gDtilp. £^f tfcc firft tfc tea fee an cicaple in tl;e 3lct3)es, to tobo Bieremie is comaiitjeD to Declare tbe caufe of tbeir mf fcric0, Ivbcras ^tt it ftoulD not baue fallen Of tbertoife tban t lo;t) baB fo^fa^OXbon Icr.7.27J (bait fpeahe bnto tbcm al tbefe too;Ds,i tl)t^ fljal not beare tbe^ : tbou (bait call tbem,i tbep ftjall not anftoerc tb^Xe tebat eno tbe D^J) tber fing to beafe mti tbat bevng enen lotb itntoilling,ret tbet? (bulD bnberfianD tbat it teas true tbat tlje^ bearu, tbat it toer tovcfecb fa* crilege if tl)t^ tjjoalo lap tspon CDcD tbe blame of tbeir euels tebicb retteo in tbcfelaes. JB^ tbefe feto folntionstbou niaiell eafil? bclruer ti)^ fc!f fro p infiU nite bcape of teftimonie0,tobicb, fo; to crecf an image of fr© toiU,tJ)e enemies oftbegraceof^ouaretoont to gatber togctber^ajstoelontoftlje commaunoe mcts as out of tbe pjoteUatifis againft t\)t p^ofelTo^is of tbe lato Jt is repiodje* full? fpokcn,in tljc pfalmc concerning ti}t JJctoes: 0 frotoarb generation tbat baue not maoe tbeir beart fireigbt^lfo in an otber pfalme,tbe p^opbet erbo? tetb t^t me of bis age,not to barbe tbeir barts>anb tbat bicaufe al tbe fault of ob (tinacic rematn^tb in t peruerfencs of men. But it is fonDlr gatbereD tberof,^ t\)t bart is pliable to eitber (iDe, tht p;^e paring toberof is ontr of goD.SDbe ^?o pbet ia^tl) : 3 banc enclineo mp beart, to bcpe tbr commaunt>emcnts:brcaufc Pfiip.i Bin Debe be affignetb tbem effices, to be borng,tbat lljer (^ow^o not geue tbcm* felues to fluggi^ne^e of tbe fle(b:but in tbat be comaunoetb tbem to bane feare anu carefulncffe, be fo bumbletb t\)em, tbat tbet? mar remember tbattbefame tbing tobicb t\)t^ are commattbeb to bo, is tbe p;rop;e too^b of d&ob, toberein be plarnlp e);pjeflfetb , tiiat^c fartbfull too^fee, pafifiuelr, as 3 mar fo call it^ infomucbas potoer is mrniftreo tbem from beanen,tbat tber (bulb cleame no^ tbingatalltotbemfelues. tianberefoje toben peter e)ibo;tetb bs tbat toe fibula abbepotoerinfaitb) be^grauntetbnot bnto bsafecoDcffice^asiftoeOjulDSo anr tbing fcuerallr br cur felues , bat onelr be atoafeetb t^t flotbfulnes of tbe flefb,tobertoitbcomonlr faitb it felf is cbofeeo. Cotbefame purpofeferuetb^ fareng of paul:€j;tinguilbnot r fpirif, fo? flotbfulnes botb oftentimes crepe b? pontbefaitbfull, tf it benotco^redcb. 515ut if anr ma cocluDc tbcrupo, tbat it is in tbeir oton cborfe to cbcrilb i§ ligbt berng offreb tbem, W ignorance (bal* be eafilr confuteD: brcaufetbe fclPTame Diligence tbat paul rcquiretb, comctb onlr from CDoD.ifo? toe are alfo often^ times comaunDeD to purge our felues from al filtbtnes:tobcras tbebolr gboft botb clarme to bimfelf alone tbe office of making bolrifinallr tbat br toar of graunting,tberan,te tbing is conuereD to bs tbat p;operlr b?longetb to (lDoD,is Z.pCt.l.f. Thci^ plarn 2. C0.7. GodtheRccknier. Second P^)oke. •lohn.j plain bt f6c U>o;w of JfjonibJl^cfccucr is of 0oD,fauctIj bmifcIfXlje nouacerfii of fratDil taUe tJclDc of tijus fcnnng,a5 if toe tuerc faucD partipe b^ ttje poUicr of (35oD,partIp br our otone: a0 ftjctigt) tuc i)aD not from Jeauen the tjcr? fame fafe fecpmg,U)fe£rof ttic apoftlcmahett) me* tion.ifo; bJbicb caufe,CbJift alfo p?ar* ct^ f)W fatber to faue t)s from euel,f Uie ftnolD tbat tbe gobli!, tobile tljep twar a* gaintt fatan,Do get tbc bi(to;p b^ no o* tbrr anno; ano U)eapon5,but b^ tt)c ar? mo; I tueapons of goD. 2:berfo;e toben if an^ obfttnate man Veil fa^,tbat \Cdiii biolf tl^ to;eff CD tbofe too;D£f, tbat tbci^ migbt be D;atun to tbe gofpcUaltboiigb bifi bolDneffc fo to fa^ (ball not be \J3iti)* out tmptcti?,ret iiB tbcre fufftcient raat^ ter bcfioe fbe autbont^ of tbc SpoCle to conuince bim toitball . fm if ^cfcs fpakc of tbc commaunDcmentes onehj, tbc be puffcD bp tbe people luitfj a molt Ijaine confidence, if o; tobat Cjciilo tben? rl0 baue oone, bnt tb;otDcn ti)zm (dues Doton bcaDlonsi if ti^t"^ bao taH jn bpon tbcm t\)t heping of tbe laVue b^ tbe^?; peter commaunDeo b5,to purif^e oure otone ftrcngtbe^ a tbing mt baroe fo; foulea in tbc cbcDtcnc e of trutbe: be bp (bt? t\)t l^ol? gbofte.) irinaUisbotoe all mcnne0 0rengtbe are of no fo;ce in tbe fpirttuall battelMobn b;ieClr tbeloetb, tuben be fai>etb,tbat t^ti^ ^\)V^ are hc^ gotten of dDoDjcannot finnc,becaufe ti^ feeDe of CDoo abiDetb in tbem,0nb in an otber place>be rent);etb a reafon tob^e: fo; tbat our faitbe is ^t 'bicto;re tbat o^ uercommetb tbc iDo;lDe. tbcntf QEber is f ben ttat fo reanv ca6^ anDbp a^Detb n$ bp toave of co;rection, ncs to fecpe t\it latoc, tiibcrc tl)crc is no acces bnto iU\iut b^ a bcDlong fall to dcj' ftruction;: (a couenant of mercv, tobicb be bab publil^rD tccetber tMitb t ffreigbt requiring of tbe lalue. jfo; in a fetue berfes befo;e, be bab taugbt t our jDc. 30.^ bartiBi mud be circumcifeo br ^ band of gob,tbat toe mai loue bim.2:bcrfo;e be Foi.j;3 12 ^et fbere is allegeo a tefiimonr out i pUceo ^ eafinc£!,tobcrof be areigbttost? of tbe lato of ^ofce, tobtcb fcmctb to be ■ after fpeaketb,not in t\)t ttrcgtb of ma. mucb againff our faluatton.iFc; afi er {1 publitbing of tbe lato,be p;otcfietb bnto t\)t people in tiifs maner.Cbe ccmami* Dement tbat ^ ccmmauno tbi£ tbts Dai, i5 not bio from tbee, ncitber far ofr^t is not in beauen,but baroe bi? tbee, it is in ti)^ moutb ano in tb^ bart,tboa fljulbcft Do it, lILruelr if tbijs be taken to be fpo^ ben of t\)t barecommauttDementr0, HI graiit thvs be of no fmal toaigbt to tty^s p;efent matter, if 0; tbougb it toere ea^ rp to motke it out toitb fat!ing,tbat berc is fpoken not of tbe eafines % reaoines of obfcruation,but of knotolegc:reteue fo, peraDucture it toolD alfo leaue fome Dout.)iaut tbe ;apo(lle tobicb is no Dout^ ful ej:pofito;,tafeetb atoa^ all Dout from b5, tobijcbaffirmetb tbat ^ofesbeere fpafee of tbe Doctrine of tbe gofpell. ^iit but in tbc bclp I fucco; of tbe bol? gboft tobtcb perfo;metb i)is too;ke migbtel? in our toeakncs. albeit tbe place is net fimplt)e to be bnoertfanDcD of tf^t coni" maanDcmcntSjbut ratber of tbc p;0mi* fes of tbc gofpell, tobtcb are fo far from ftablilbiiig a potoer in Ms to obtavm rigbtcourne0,i^ tbe^bttcrlr? oucrtb;Dto it, Paul conaoering tbat fame,p;ouetb bi? tbis tcaimonre,tbat faltiation is of^^ frcD Ms in (> gorprU,not bnDcr tbat baro anD impcmblcfcnDiticn,tobrrU)itb the lato Dcaletb vo bSjtbat is,th^t tbcv onl^ (bal attain it, \3)Wel) baue full fillco all tbe commauncemcntg, but bncer a c o-- Dition tbat is caf^, reaD^, auD plaine to come bnto. 2rbcrcfo;ctbis teffimon^c maUctbnotbmgto tbalcnge frccDom to tbe toiU of man. ^.b. SLbcre Cap, J. Of the knowledge of ;orc.5.i4 13 Qere are alfo ccrtaine otljer places toont to be obiecteD,tt»l)erebi? is Hjelt'CD tljat dDjD fomtime,ti)itbD:atBing § fuc^ co;j of ms grace, trietb mr, ano toaitetb to fe; to uiijat enfi tbe? iuiU appl^e tbeir eni3ci!0^5,as is tW place in £)f^.3l Uiil gtje to m^ place till tfjer put it inthm bart,f fekc mi fatejt toer a fonD tUn^ (far tbep)if tb2 ^oits ![ljalD coffoer U?!)e* tber Jifrael tuoulD feUebis face,t}nleir? t!;eir mimB icere pliable,^ tbev' migl)t after tbeir oton?^ 'mil indinz tbcmfeUies to tbe one U^z 0^ t!)c ctber. ^s t^ougbc this ioer not a tbing commonly bftD 16 cSoD intl^e p,:opbct3,tomiit?e a fijelu as if be Oio Sf fpife 1 call alua^ bvs people, till tde? baue amenbeo tbeir life. y6ut \3)lnt tutU f be aiJuerfaries gatber oat of fucb tb^eatuings i IU\)c\> meanc to ga* tber, tbat tbe people being fo^faUen of (I5cD,ma^ purpofe tbeir olnn faluation: all tt;c f -riptare Cball cr^ out againU t})c in fo 03ing.3f tl)ci confcs tbat ti)c grace of ^oD is ntctfSiiVt to conuerfion,\it)b)?e Eriae tbep iDitb ^isi^ut t\)t^ fo graunt it ncceSari?,i5 uij tbe^ toillbaue ma?!S potuer p^eferucD bnto btm.^^olD p^oue tl)d>l> tW i tXixV^ not bv i^^^ piace,no.i a* n-,? liUe to it if 0? it \% one tt\im,j to be* par.'e aGag from man,t to loUe UJbat be Uii! 50 being geuen ouer ano left to bim felfe, 5 an otber tiding to belpc bi^s \itt\t Hrengtb after t\}z meafure of bis tuealj.' ncs. ^tJbat tben (toil fome man fav)bo tbcfe maners of fpcahing nicane^l an* ftuer tbat t\ic>o are as niucb in effect, as if €'00 bas fa^oe : ifoiaftnucb as J p.:c^ uaile notbing iuitb t^t tlubboin people b\?abnioinibing,stbo,itir«g 1 rebuking, Si luii U5it!j^:atpe \xv^ itXXt a Vo'jileianD fit M I fmf er t\^tm 10 be afflictcD:! toil fee if at icngtb,aJicclc:ng miferirs^tbe^ toil begin to remember me, to fcUe m^ face.SCbe lojos going far atoa*^,6gnifi^ tt\i i\^ taking atoa? of p;op:jcr^;bi3 lo* Ijina Wm me toii bo/ignifictb ^ be fee* ping filence,f as it toer bioing bimfelf, Dotb t^i a time erercife thtxa 16 oiuers afflictions.liSotb tbefe tbings be botb to biible t)3 tbe mo;e.i?o^ toe S^ouls foner be DnlleD tba ameni)eb,toitb ^ fcourges of aDuerfiti>, bnles be cib frame bs to ^ tracfablenes br bis fpirite. j]5cto tober^ as tlje lo^o being ofFenDeb,? in a maner toerieD toitb onrcblrinate ^iixhbzxntsi) XiQt\i not foj a time leaue bs (p is bi> ta^ ^ing atoai bis too^o in \siW\) be is toot to geue bs a certen p^efence of bimfelf) f Botb nu^t a p jofe tobat toe tooulo no in bis abfence, it is falfli? gatbereb bere of g tber is mt Hre gtb of fretoil tbat be ll)oulD bebolDeanD tr^?, fo^afmucb as be Dotbe it to no otbcr enoe,but to D^iue bs to acfenotole25ge o?jr oton being notbig. 14 SLbe? b:tng alfo fo^ tbeir Defence ^ continual maner of fpeafeing,tbat is tj^ feb botbe in t\it fcriotures i in t\it talke of me. if o.i gojb too.j!?s are calleo ours, ^itis no leffe fa^a tbat toe bo tbe tbing tbat is bol^ f pleaSng to tl7e fame reafon ougbt to be affigneb bnto bs. if 0 J it toer againft reafon tbat it fljulo be faio tbat toe bo tbofe tbings, to tbe Doing toberof befg bnable of our Oton motion, toe are moueo bi: goD like Cones. SLberefo^e tbougbe toe geue tbe cbefe part to tbe grace of CDoD, ^et tbefe maners of fpea^ingoo fbetoe ^ our tn^ Deuo^ batb alfo ^ct a feconD part.^f tbat tbing onlr toere itill enfo;ce^,tbat gtob I too;kes are callcD ours, 3 tociilD obiect againe, tbat tbe bieaoe is calleD oures, tobieb toe p;a^ to baue geuen bs cf gob. CKHbat toill t:^ev get bp tbe title of pof=^ Mat^. fefrion,buttl)at b^ iXyz bcunttfulnes anD free aixtt of ©oD t\it fame tbing becom* metb ours, tobJcb otbertoife is not Due Unto bsf 2:berfoje eitber \ti ibem laugb at tbe fame abfuroitpe in tbello^bes P^a^er^ Godth p;a\>0r,o^ ict them not rechc tljis to be laugljeD at, tJjat go3D tuc^UB arc callfO ours, in lubirt) toe bauc no p;op;ctic, but bp tbc lib(jraUitc of OoD. liout t'ois IS fomtul^at ftronger, tbat tljc fcripture oftetimes atfirmctb tl}at toe oar fclues DO tooifljip goD, obcr tt)c latoCjt applic gtDD too^Ks.^itt) tbcfc are § Duties p.20 pcrl^ be Icngtng to ttjc mino 3 toil:IjOto coulD it a^m t[)at ttjcfc tOings are botlj refcrreD to t\)c bol\j gbott, $ alfo attribu teD to tJSjtnlcffe tijcr toer a certain c6^ municating of our euDcuo; ^itl) t\)c po toer of goD^£)ut of tfjcfc fnares toe fbal eafilv tjntoinD our relucs,if toe to«el con fiDcr tljc mancr boto f fpirit of tbe IcjD toojUetb in tbe Wy> ones . %^c ^miO tuDetoberctoitb tbc^ enuiouflp p^rtfe tsAii fro tbe purpofc,fo? tobo is fo fonD toffjinfetbattbemouing of manDiffe* retbnotbing fro tbccaftingofa ftonet? ii^ertber Dotb anp fud) tbing folloto of our Doctrine.Mc recfeen among tf)t na turall potoers of man, to aUoto anD re^ fufc,to toilanD not toil, to enDcuo; 1 to reail,tbat is,to allcto tjanitie ano to re fufe pcrfc£t ga5Dneirc,to toil cucl auD to be ijutoilling to ga3D,to cnDcuo,: our fcl* ut& to toicUcDnclTe ano to refill rigbte^ oufcncOTcX'Slbat Dotb tbe ^o;d bereinf Jf It be brs torll to tjfe tbat peruerfe^ ncs as an inftrtunct of bis to;atb,b2 Di^ rectctb ano appointetb it to tobat cnD be toil,!? ftc bv an cuil baD ma? nccixtcYjis ga)5 Uio^iic . ^ball toe f ben compare a toicUeD ma tlj^t fo fcructb tbe poUicr of (^oD, toben be iabo^ctb onlp to obeti bts otone luft,to a ftonetbat being tb^oton bti tbe tiolcce of an otbcr, iB caricD nei* tber \3iitf) mouing no^ fenfe,noj toill of W oton i Mt fee boto mucb Difference tber is. i5ut tobat Dotb be in gmD tbings of tobicb in our principal quettionf tobe be crectetb brs kingDomc in tbem,be b? bis fpirit reftrainetb mannes toil,tbat it be not carT?eD tp anP Detone \})vt^ e RecUmcr. Second Dookc, toanDering liilicJe^ accojDing to tbe iiv clinaticn of naturc:anD tW it mate be bent to bolinctfe, anD rigbtcoufncrrc, be botoetb, framttb, falljionetb anD Direr*' tetb it to tbe rule of \m rigbtecufneffe: anD tbat it (boulD not llomblc 0; fall,be Dotb llablin^c auD conErmc it toytb t\yc Crcngtb of bis fpirit. jro; tobicb reafcn Augufhncfav'ctb : SDbou toilt fartnfo me : thm toe arc to;cugbte,anD too;hf not. ^e& tbou botbe too;!icli anb arte tojougbte,anD tbou too2lscfl todl tobcn tbou art tojougbt of tbat )i)l;itl) is goD. 2Dbefpirite ofCDootbat too.iketb tbee, bclpetbtbem tbat too,:bc, ano c^ciitt^ bimfclfe tl^c name of a bclper, fo; tbat tbou alfo too;kctt fomtobat.^n tbe firfi part be teacbctb, tbat mans too;t;ing is not taUen atoav b? i mouing of tbe bdy gboft, becaufe toill is of nature , lobicb iB ruleD to afpire to gtoDneffciJat tobcr be b^anDbp aDDetb , tbat b\? tbe name of bclpe ma? be gatbcreD , t\)At\joc alfo 00 toojfe fomtobat,toe ougbt not fo to take ity as itl)t DiD gcue an? tbing fcnerall? to t)S:but brcaufc be tooulo not cberiOjc OotbfulneCfe in ts,be fo m^ttljcti) ? too; king of - l^erefa? appearctb , i^ tbe grace of ©oD (as ? toc;o is taken tobf toe fpcak of regeneration) is ? rule of? fpirit, to Direct auD gouerne the toill of man.^anD it can not gouern it.tnlcffc it correct if, refo^me it,anD renue it(fr6 tubence fce fa? t tbe beginning of regeneration is, tbat ^ tobicb liS ours migbt be Dellrc?^ eD) anD bnleffe it mouc it,air it,D;iue it fo;toarD,car?e it anD bolDe it, ^bere* upon toe do truel? fa?,^ all tbe Doingcs f pjocffiDe from it,are toboll? ttjc end? t»o;keoftbe fame grace, ^intbemeane t?me toe Dcn?e not tbat it is ter? true Fol,i^- tbat Cap.v ' Of the knowledge of Oc 4.7. L. t^at Auguftineteadjctlj, ^ tuill ts not DcHroiC'j fa^ 5race,bu^ ra&r rcpatreB. if 0; botb tticfc tilings tjo aa5 tjcrp luel toget^eritljat mcn3 tuil be faiD to be re fto.2C9,txjben tbe fdultincffe anD pcracr feneffe tl}crof being rcfo^meo, it is tiv rectes^totije true rule of iuffice, f alfo tfjat a nelu toil be fai?D to be createo in man, fojasmucljas it is fo Defileo f coj ruptcOjtbat it n^uetb btterl)? to put on a netD nature, ipolu is tber no caufe to tbe contrarie, but ttjat toe ma^ Inell be Jaiisto9otbefa»netbin3 tbattl^c fpirit of goD Dotij in t)s^ltbougb our oton toil 00 of it felf gcue tjstotoarQit notf)ing at al,tbat mat? be feuercD fro fjts grace. 0n!j tberfo^e toe mull feepe ^ in mino, ij)!)tcb toe banc cls,tober alleged out of Augurtme, tbat fome DO in tia^ne tra* my>it to gnD in t toil of man fome gcno tijmg ^ IS p;^operl^ ber oton.iFo,j tobat focucr mijcture men ftuDie to b;ing fro ttje fti engtb of free toill to tbe grace of 50D,it is notbing but a corrupting of it, 30 if a man tooia Dcla^ toine toitboirtg anu bitter toatcr. 15ut altbougb tobat^ focuer gojti is in t\)z toil of man,it pro? ceaettj fro f mere inftintt of J boli gboft, tct bicaufe it is naturally planteD in tjs to toil,it is not toitboirt caufe faio tbat toe DO tbofe tbings toberof ©OD cbalcn^- getb t\)Z p^aifeto bimfelf.ifirft,bicaufc it is ours tobatfoeucr b? bts goDnes be too^fettb in t)s,ro )5 toe bnDerttanD it to be not of our felues : anD tben becaufe ^ minD is ours,tbe toil is ours,!' euDeuo j is ours,tobicb are b^ bt Diretteo to goD. 16 a^bofe otbcr tellimonies befiDc tbefe tbat tbev fcrape togetber bc^rc * tbere, Ujal not mucb trouble euen mean \s}its, tbatbauetoel concciueD onli^tbe folu^ ticns aboue fa^D. 2Lbep allege tbat (ap ing out of CDeneQs. SCbme appetite tti&l be UnDer tbee, and tbou ibalt beare rule ouer It. (iKIbicb tiie^ eppcuoe of (in,as if tbelLo^DDiDp^omife to Caine,tbat tbe foue of Sn flbulo net get tbe tpper bano inbis minD,if be tooulD labo? in fubDu^ ing of if .1i5ut toe fa^ tbat it better agre* et\) \s)ith tbe o.:oer off ttxty tbat tliis be t^^en to be fpoUe of ^bel.ifoj tber goDs purpofc toas to rep;ioue tbe toicheDnes of tbe enui> tbat Caine baD ccncciueD a^ gainft bis b.:otl)er. j^nD tbat be Dotb.it. \})a\>ts. ^nr,tbat in baine be imagineD mifcbefe to epcell l)is b^otber in dDoDs figbt, befo;te tobome no bono; is geuen but bnto rigbteoufnesttbe otber,tbatbe toas to mucb bntbanfefull fo; ti)z bene^ fit of dDoD tobicb be baD alreabre rcct^« ueD, tobicb coulD not abiDe bi« b;otber, altbougb be baD bim fubtccte tnDer l^is autbo;itie.^nt led toe Q)olD feme tber^ fo;e to embrace tljis crpofition, becaufe J otbcr is aga^nU bs: let bs aDmit tbat ©oD fpafee of fin.Bif it be fOjtben ©oD ei* tberpjomifetbo; comaunDetb ^tobicb be tber DeclaretbJf be comaiiDetb,tben baue toe alreD^ fljetoeD tbat tberb^ fol* lotoetb no prmfc of tbe potoer of ma. if be p;omifetb,tobere iss § fulfilling of tbe p;omife,fa; Cain became fubiett to fin, ouer tobicb be C&oulD baue baD Domini** om 2Dbc? toil fav,^ m ^t p;omife toas incluDeD a fecrete conDition,as if it baD bene farD,^ be fboulD baue tt^t bicto;^e if be tooulD 0riue fo; it, 3l5ut tobo toill receaue tbefe crofeeDcompaffesf iFo;tf tb^s Dominion be meant of finne , tben no man can oout ^ it is fpofeen b^ toai? of commaunDcment,tobcrein is not De ^ termincD \s)l^at toe are able to Do , but tobat toe ougbt to Do>t?ea tbougb it be a* boue our petoer . Albeit botb tbe matter it felf anD tbe o;Der of (JDrammer do re* quire,tbattf}erebeacompariron maDe of Cain ? ;abf II , bicaufe ti)t ekjcr b;o^ tber (boulD not bane ben fet bebinD tbe t>onger,bnle(ll^ |e baD become too;fe b? bis otone totcbeD Doing. 1 7 %btv ^fe alfo t\)e tettimonp of § jS* pofllCj tobicb fa^>tbat it is not of bt^ ~ Ml God the Redcmcr, bccohd IjooKc. FSaFtoiUitlj, no; of Ijim t1;at runnctf)," meant tf)at tljerc is feme unl anD icntc bat of d5otJ tf)At fjatf) mcre^. Mtjereb^ ! running, faecaufc bt favD, t!jat is u::t cf t^et? gather tbdt ttjcre isfomcUiljat in Ijimt^t \xiiMf) no; ef ^tm tijat run<= mans toill anD 0nDeuo;,Uj!)icb cf it fr If nctb, ti^olD not gcuc me Iciiue to reafcn ttousb it be twcafee,bdng bdpen bf tbe ! after i fame fafl&ion,t!}at luf tjauc cone merciof 0OD, is not tuit^ont p;ofpcrous : fome gcD iuo;Hc0, became paul fa^t^, fuceelTe. 315ut if ti)tv tJiD fobcrlte tocp j ^ toe bauc not attatneD tbe gtoDncffc cf tobat matter Paul t^ere entreatctb of, ' CDod bp ^ gojo feojUs ttjat toe ijauc Don. t!je^ toolD not fo tjnaDuifeDiv abufe tfjts ' 3f ttjc^ fee a fault in tljisf argument, let fentence J fenotoe tbat t^e? mat b;ing , ttein open tbeir erefi,anD tljcr? l^al per* fo;tt)c ^xic^m anD l^ierome fo: main=' ttiw tljat tl)cir oton is not toitbout tljc tainers of t~bis erpofitio: anD 3 coulD on lifec Deccite. i?o; tbat is a furc rcafon ^ toi.a7 cpift. ad ttjeotberfioefetauguftineagainff tte. i5ut tobat tbet Ijaue tl)oug0t,it mafeetl) no mater to fe0,if toe fenoto tobat paul meantX^erc ftc teacbetb tl)at faluatio is p;epareD onlt fo; tljem, to toljom tje Io;d tjoucljfauetb to graunt !)i0 merc^c: anD tbat ruin f Deffructioni0p;epareD fo; all t^ofe tlwt be Ijatb not cbofen. l^e IjaD tjnDer the erample of pijarao Dccla reD tl^t Hate of tbe rep;obate, i IjaD alfo confirmeD tl;e allureDnes of fre election bt tbe tellimcn)? of ^ofe0, 3! toill tiaue merct tpon tobome 31 toil baue merct. ij5oto be cocluDctb, t\)at it is not of tjim tbat toilletb,o; bpm ttiat runnctb but of (Sod tbat batb merer e. Bif it be tbu0 t3n=^ DcrttauDeDjtbat toil o; enDcuo; are not fufPicient, becaule tbet are to toeaU fo; fo great a toeigbt* ^ tobtfb Paul fa^tb, baD not bene aptlt fpoUen. 2:berfo;e a* toap toitb ti)C(t futtclttes,to fare: jt is not of bim tbat totlletb no; of b'^m tbat ronnetb,tberfo;etberis fome teil,tbcr is fome running jfo; paules meaning is mo;c fimplt t\)m: it is not toil,tt is not runnmg,tbat get Ms t^t toat to fal? nation, berein is onli? tbe mercp cf goD. ,ri(;u3.4 i?o commaunDcments tocrc gcuen bim,tobicb if be obferueD, be fboulD againe be p;eferueD br tbem: tbat befo;e man toas fet life anD Deatb, gcDD anD euehtbat tobatfoeuer be toolD, 5oulD Hpif.io7j ad vital. Co.3 9 Ec.1j.14 v-s Of the knowledge of djoulD be gcncn \)im. Wt it,tljat iiia re^ ct^utti fro 1)10 rrcatio pofeer to obteiin 0gt!jer-ifeoj oeatfj. fSltatifontbco* iljcr fiDc lue anfojcre i^ l)e loa itf ^Driic^ I?? m? mino is not,to fpcatt againft ^a l3mon, \v\)itl) affinnctb tijat ma at tfje bcainning tjoais crc:jtc tjp;tg!)t,f \)z fo;* geo tjnto fjimfclf man^ inmntioB. 115ut b^caijfc aian in Hb iriungjoU as it tucr by n)ipl3.KtU boti) tiimfclf f al f?ts Qm tl)in$S:,it foUotDctl) irot byanDbf,!? al ^ is gcueu to f)is firll: creation bclongctb [0 Ijis nature be'png cojruptcD an^ oegc neratc.snbf tfo^e 31 anfUiere, net to tl)t 0 !?:r,biit alfo to (Scclcfiafticus binifclf \u!)atfocuer be be. 3if t!jou nicanc to im li riict ma,to fcfec tuitbtn bimfclf polocr to atte^nt faluntion , tb^ autbontie is n:it of fo great fo;ce loitb b3 , ^ it ma? be ail? p;jeiaDice,be it iieaer fo fma!,a^ (fainU tbe bnoouteo U)o;5 of0oD. 315ut if tOou onlii fta-iv to reltrayne the niiV lice of p fieib/ajbici) in laieng tbe blame of ber otDit euels I3p5 (25oD,t)retb to fcUc a ba)?ne Defence fo; it felf, an:) tberfo^c tl)m anfluereft 1A)at tp.u^nes tuas g leautngs cf bis fojme r gco tljiiTos, fo;j? afmucb as it is fafU,^ be tuas left balfc aliue. 5?o? tuber is tfjat balfe life^tnleis fome portion botb of rigbt rcafon f tnil remainea ^ irirH, if I tuouloc notgeue place to tbeir allego^ye, 31 bcfeecbe rou, lubat xm'm tbcv Dcfif o; tber i$ no Dout tbat it Uias Dcuifeo b? § fatbersbeSDc tbe natural fenfe of tbe ilojtjs too^nes. iaUcgones ougbt to goc no furtber tban tl)t^ baue tl}t rule of fcripture going be* fa^e tbemtfo far is it of, tbat t\)t'2 be b? tbcmfelues fufficient to grounD an? oo* ctrines. 0n5 tbere toante not r eafons, toberbi? gi can,if 3i liffjouertb^otoetbrs Dcuife, fo,z tbeluo^o of dDoo Icauetb not to ma balf a life, but teacbetb tf^f^v^ ^tf terlp iJcaD,fo;irom.ift as cocernetb falef^ feD lyfe.^no paul iiben be fpeaketb of our reDemption,Dotb not fay t toe toere bealeD,toben toe toere balf Deao f balfe aliue, but i> toe toere rai^feo ijp agayne \s)\m toe toere DeatJ.Bj^e caUetlj not tpo f bem tbat are balfe aliue to receaue tbe ligbt of CbJill.but tbcm t Qcpj? ano are buryeD.^ntJ in lilit maner fpeaUetb tljc M kt ;> Ep»i.j acn bnto mea,tobcrebr it mai? appeare iio^u bimfelf^tobf be fartbi l^ tbe brarc 10 •o. tbat bi mfelfetoas caufe of bis o ton Di# ftruction, 31 toiUinglp agree tinto it:fo ^ agar^ie tbou agree; in tUs toitb im^tW I^^ to bi? bis otone fault be is fpopleD of t^'jfc ornaments, tobcri6 dDoD Ijii^ clo^ ti^tn bun at § bcginningtanti tbat fo toe confclfe togcttjer, t\).\t noto be mo;jc ne^ o:tb a pbtfician tljan a oefenDsr, 19 l^ct tbe^ baue notbing oftner in tbeir moiitb tban tl)z parable of €lni(t of tbe toapfaring man, tobom tbeeucs la\?o a* b iojse balfc uea^ in tbe toap. 31 knoto ^ is come tobcn t^t ueaB ll^ll r^fe againe atbrsbotce. tSlitbtobatfacetoonlDc tl)t^ fet th^s ligbt alluSon agaynll fo mani? plain fentenccs^ iSut let thvs ab lego;j? baue tlje fozce of a certaine ttfii^ mont>, ^tt tobat (nail tbe? toeing out of XfS tbcrbp f span is balf aliue: fberefoie be batb fomtobat left lafe J graunt : be batb a \3)it capable of bncer(tanDing,al^ tbougb it pearce not to tl)e beaucnl? anti fpiritual toifcDome: be battj fom iunge^ meat of boncai?:be batb fome feeling of Ioh.;.2j. it is common alrnall toitb all tozytcrs, ^c goDbcti>botobeittbat be attain not § t\):d tbe calamity of maMino is rep;efe* ! true knotolcgeof goD.HDut to tobat pur# teD bno:r tbe figure of tbat toayfliring | pofe come all tbefc tbyngsfSLruely tbep man. 2Cb:rbpon do our aouerfarics ga^ b.iing not to palTe ^ tbe fame faying cf tber an argument,^ man is net fo mai* meD \i}itl) tl)c robbci-y of fin ant) n^t^ac^ uel)bat tbat be Uepetb tltll remaining y , Angufline be tal^en from ts, tobicb is alfo appJoucD by common confent of t\)z ^cbto'cs > tbat after manner fall tbe ::^i Qod the Redemer, fafuaticn s;.iiiget^, are tah.ni aioa^ fio Ijim,ano V^wt t}i^ natural gtf cs nrcroj* ruptco t Dci'ilec.ilct a;erfo;e tbis trutije rcmainc triitt)l)j3t3nDouteD,lu^ic!) ca be ll/aftcn bp no cnginc0,ttiat tt)c miiioc of mail 15 fo ettraiigcD from t\)t rigljtcouf' ne0 of dDoDjttjat it conceiurt!),couf tctf;, anD entcrp^tfetij all UjicUcDnc0>crohel}> Second Booke. ncs>!tlt{;inc3, tnclcnncfi anD mifc !;iifc: Vc^dA bis bcart is fo tb;ongbli?e fcbeo tn porfouoffin, tbat it can b;rrt)c outnc? tiling butcojruptc ftinfee.ieatif atant? time tbei? no fetter ani %ci^nts in fi)ctD, vet GiU tbc mintc rcmainetb atoai?e to^iappeD in bipocrifp ani3 Deceitful cro- lJeDncs,anD tbc bart entanglcD \!:iiti wv toarD pcruerfcncis. The^vi.Chdptcr. That man being Ioft,muft fekc for redemption in Clirift. c M al nrankinDe batb periH^eD in tbe ts fo^ f)is cbilD^en.UBcfice tbaf f ^ere is pcrfone of ilDam, tbaterccUenceanD nobilit^e of bcginniitg lubi?cb Inc bnuc fpoHcn cf,\uoulo fu litlc profit b0,tbat it tuolo ratber torn to our greater (bame, til goD appearc tlic rcDemer in tbe per^ fen of bvs onlrc begotten fonne, tubrcb aclmolDleDgetb not me DeiilcDanDco;* ruptcD tuttb fin,to bcbisi 1do;&. SDbcr^ fo;e fitb tue are fain from life into Deatb alltbatbnoiuleDge of (Soo tbe creator tDbcrof iue baue entreateo, tuer bnp^o^ Stable, bnles tberefcloU)eD alfo fapttje, fettingfojtbe CoD a fatbcr tntobsin €b;tia.Ii:rue!t tUs Uias t\)t natural c^ Der tljat tbc frame of tbe teo^lD (boulDe be a fcbole tjnto bs to learne gcDlinclFe, from iubence migbte be maDc a palliige fo^ \)s to eternall life anD pcrfecte feJici' t^:but fince oure falling auiavstobetber foeuer iue tourne our eve0,t3pti!arD auD DotonetoarD, ti)c curlTe of CDoD Gill p;e? fentetb it felfe^nto oureCgcte, \3}l)i(^ tobilettpoOeCctbanD entD;appetb im nocent creatures b v cur fault,mufl: na^ Des oucrtDbelme our otcne foules t»t?tb Defperation.iI=o; altbougb <25oDs tuill is tl)at bi^B fatberli? fauoz totoaroe ts Doe nil man^ tua^es appeare:vet bp bebol* Ding of tbc Ujo^^ID toe ca not gatber tbat be is our ifatber toben oure confcience intoarDl^ p^icUctb bs,anD Ojctoctb tbat tbere is in finnc iuft caufe of fo^faUing, m ts bc-tjfj fioutl)fulneae anD bnttenbc ^ fulnclTe : fccfaufc lotbc cure minDes^ss tl)C)^ be tlinDeD,Do not fa tbe trutb,anD alfo as all oure fenfes be perucrfe , tec maliciouflv DcfrauD dDcD of bts glo;:te. 2Dberfo;e toe mutt come to tbat faring of paule:becaufe in tf)t toifocm ofgcD, tbe toojlD feneto not (l?oD b^ toifcccme, it pleafcD dDoD br tbe fcliibnes of p?ca> cbing to faue tbem tbat beleeoe* SLbe toifcDome of €?oD be callctb tijis bcnct?^ rable ftage of bcaucn anD eaitb, furnv^ (l^eD toitb innumerable mirajlcs,bi be* bolDing tobercof, toe ougbte toifelre to baue knotone Cod. 'But becaufe toe fo ill pjoSteD tberin, be c$(\kt\) bs bacfee to tht fidti) of Cbjill, tobicb fo; tbat it fce^ metb folifl&jtbc bnbelcucrs Do Difcaine. ^berfo^e, altbougb tbe p^eacbing of p croffe DO not agra toitb manstoit, ret ougbt toe bumbi\? to embrace it, if toe Deftrc to return to CDoD,our crcato; anD mafeer, tbat be map begin againc to be oure fatber. SCruelv fmcc tbc fall of tbe firfl:man,no hnctolcDge of € cD auaileD to faluation toitbcut tbc (peDiato^.jpo; €t}n(t fpeabctb net of bis oton age cnli but comp;cbf Dctb al ages, tobe be faitb tbat ti)is is t\)t eternal life, to ttnoto t\)c fatber tbe one true goD, anD bini tobom be batb fentjcfus Cbnft. 2nD fo mucb tbcfotolcr istbeir Ougg\fl)nc(re,tobrcb to^r^IDoDfl^oulDnot accompto;recfeen' tatjctponttcmtofette open beauento Til Ioh.17/ Q'dp.6 I loh.4. 21 £ph42,12 Of the knowledge of Ijis cpracctu&o tljcfcripturc crbetuljcre teacije'I) to be t\)t onl^ gate ^crbv luc enter into falnatto. 115ut ifanijlDiU rc^ tJra\?n tijat fa^ng ot CbjiS onelv^ to § publittjins of tbe gofpclljlue tjaue in re? DtnciTe tDberioitf) to confute hm* ifo^ tl)t3 batb ben a common (mtcnct in all ages anD among all nations,t^at toitb- out reconciliation tbcu tbat arc cnttra^ geD from CDou ano pjonounccD accurf co f the cbtlQjen of tu^tbj can not pleafe (000, ano bere ma^ be alfo allegeo tbat Irbicb Cb.Jill anftuereD totbe tnoman of ^amaria:^c Uio^fl^ip tobat ^c knoU» not,but Ujetuojfl^ip (^ tobicb toe fenoto: bicaufc tl^e faliiation i& from 1^ Bietoes, Sn \iji\5it^ toojDs be botb coDemnctb of feif mcrciftill to tbe olD peopl^no: euer Dio put tUni in an^ bope of grace Mt^^ out tbe mc!Jiato;j» 31 omit to fpeafec of ^ facrificrs of the latoe, toberin t^c faitb* f(i!J toe; openlv ano plainly ta«gbt,tbat fahiat ton is no tobcre els to be fougbt, but in tbc cleanfing tobtcb toas pcrfo;^ mcis bf Cb:ttt alone, ^nel^ tljis 3 fat*, tbat tbc bleSfeD ana bapppe ffateof tbe Cburc!)br.tb ben altoa^ grounDCD tpon tbcperfoaof Cb2i0e. jpo; tboagbe©cD comp^cbentJCD all t\)t iCTue of ^bjabam in U& ccuenant, ^tt sotb paule toifcli? rcaron,tbatCb:ift is p;cp:rlptbat fcoe in tobom al nations toere to be blelTeD, fo^iafmucb as toe linoto tbat not al ^2^ toer rec'af neo bvs feDe tbat toer begot , .,.. J ten of b^maccojDing to ffcfa. ifo J (to falUjoD al tbc religions of tbe d^enti les, fpcak notbing of ifmaell f otber ) boto t alfo alTtgnctb a reafon tob)?/oi tbat g Heoemer toas pjomifefi bnoer tbe lato to tbe only? cbofen people.Mbcrupon it, foUotoctb, tbat no toojtbip eucr plcafeo CDoD, but tbat tobicb bao refpecttnto came it to paC's tbat of tbe ttoo fonts of 3ifaac,t!)ut is Cfau and Blaccb,b,ictb;ert Ga.3.15. bo;ine at one br;tb, tobile tbc^ toer pef tcgetbcr in tbeir motbcrs toombe , tbc one toa3 cbofen,tbc otbcr refufeo i |3ea Cbjift.iFo;^ \3)Ucl) caufe alfo paul affir | boto came it to paOe tbat tbe elDcr toas mctb tbat al tbe natios of tbe cntiks toere toitbout goi},ant) Doioeof tbe bope sflife. i^ototoberasSlobnfeacbetb, ^ l^fe toas from t^t beginning tn Cb^iflr, anotbat all tbe too^lo fell from it, toe muftneoesretourneto tbefame foum taim Cbziff ,ano tbercfo;ic €lin^in fo muc!)e as b? is t^c rcconcilerjaffirmetb bimfelf to be tbe life.anD truelp tf)z in^ beritance of beaucn belongctb to none, but to tbe M^^m of (IDoD,)i5ut it is not reiectc^},! tbev^ongcronel^tohe place? 0ntJ boto alfu came it to yaffe, tbat t\)c greater part Qjoln be fo^fabcnf 3t appea retb tb^refo^e v tl)e ^^^t cf ab^aba toas p;iincipalli? recfeencb in one perfon,ano tbat § p^omifeD faluatio did neuer (tao fure fill it tame to €f)xi^ , tobofe office is to gatber togetbcr i tbings tbat toer fcattereb abroad. Cberfo^e § fMt aDop^ tion of tbc cbofen Dio bang tpon ^ grace of t'0t spcDiato^j. xmhiti) altbougb it be mete tbat Vjc^ be accopteo in ti)e place t i not in fo plain too;M)s erp^eflfeb b^ ^0 Degree of cbilD;^en, tbat are not grafteD i fes,^etitfuffiftentlpapearetb^ ittoaj into tbe boDx? of tbe onlpe begotten fon. 0nD 3obn plainli tcttifietb,^ tbei tobicb bclaue in Ijis name, are maDe tf)t cbil^ D;en of goo.)15ut becanfe it is not Direct^ Ip mv purpofc pet toDifconrfe of faitbe in Cb;ift,tbcrfo;jc it Iball fo,: ttivs time be fufficict to bauc tourbeo it br J toar. 2 anotberfo^e c0oo neuer (be tocD Unx comonlv i?notoen to all f^c goDlp , if oj before tbat tber toas anp bing create *» mong^ people,i^anna ^ motber of ^a^ j Sa. 2 id mud entreating cf tbe felicifie of tbe goDlp , enen tben fa^D t^ns in ber fong: c^oD n[)al geue ttrengtb to l)^s feing,an& (bal cralt tbe bo?n of bps annopnteD.in tobicb too;Dr5flje nieaoetb tbat CDW) (ball pf:2.i2 Ioh.5'.23, uKin. 11. et 12,24, i.Kin.ii, i.Kin.if i.Kin-ii. 34. God the Rcckmcr. Pra.78. U)aU b!cJre !)V3 C{)urcI).tX30crU)it() alfo agrat() i))t iiD^acIe t&at is "o^iVm a liflc after aniovncDXbc p^ieU tufjo 3 i^cill appoint fljal Iwalk before miitc annoii^ tco.j^iciftifr is it to be Douteo, but ^ tbe tnill of tfje bcaucnl^ father toas to Ijaue tljc liucl^ image of Clj^ifi to be fdenc in S^auiD I \m pofteritie. 2Dl)erfo;e mea? ning to crbo-it p goDl^ to § feare of €*oD, fte biDDetb tberii to hide v fonne.^fjer tuitb t'gis fai'ing of tbe gofpcl alfo agrc? ctb: ^e tl)at I)ono;jctb not i\it fonnc, bo^ nojctb not v fiitbcr. E^berfo^c altbougb b^ falling atoa^ often tribes tbe king* Dome DecvircD : v^et iX beboaetJ Vc^z coue? nant to ftanD , \iMt\^ dDoD fjoo maDe in SDauiD f bis fucccITojstas alfo befaiD bi? tbe "p^opbets: 3 toill not altogetber i\xi of tbe fttngbom, fo.: 'Dam^ mv feruants fabe,f foj Jerufalems faUe, tobo Bi baue cbofen: but tbcre (ball remain one tribe to X\^-^ fonnc. Mberc tbe fame tbing is repeated ^ fcconD ano tbirb time , Bit is alfo erpjeiTw atJDeD.gl tutU afflirt ip fecoe of DauiQ,bat not foj eucr.tSSitbina li* tie fpacc of time after,it is faiD.i?o; £Da \x\^ ^!^1^ feruauntes fafee 0oD batb geue a ligbt in Blcrufale, to rarfe bp a fonne anb to Uepe Jerufalem in fafetie. i^otu iDben t Catcgreto fotuaro DeUruction, it Ujas fari) agavnc: ©oD Ixjolo not feat* ter Bluba fo j DauiD \m feruantcs faUe, bccaufe be bao fpoUe n tbat be luolD geue a ligbt to \),\\\\ 1 \i\^ fonnes fo^ cuer.jri^ nallv' Vm is tbe fum,tbat al ofljcr being paffcu ouGr,onlv S^aaiD toas cbofm.bp^ on U)bom tbe gojD pleafure of 0oD IboiD reft, as yx\, an otber place ix is fa^'D : l^e batb refureu tbe tabernacle ef $&i(o, ano tbe tabernacle ofMepb J I be m\) not cbofen X\^z tribe of epb;{asm,but be batb cbofen tbe tribe of JiuDa,tbe mount ^i* on tDbicb be \im loueo . ^e batb cbofen brs fcruaunt DauiD to fecDe Biarob brs people, anD Ifraell bps inbcritance, 2:0 cgtKJuDg , it plcafcD Cod fo to faue bvs Second Booke. pol.v? PfiiS. 2J.26 Cburcbji? fafetie ano p^eferuation tber^ of (boulD bang bpon tbat one beD>l tber^ fo;>e2DauiOcrpefbout. 2:^beilo;iDetbc Pf.zo.K ttrcngtb of bis peoplc,tbc Cregtl) of tbe faluations of bis Cbiift . ^hd brauDbp be abuetb a p;airr:^aue tb? people anD blcETe X\!m inbcritaunce: meaning tbat tbe Hate of tbe Cbtircb \^ Icilb fcnfcpa^ rable l^not iopneb to tbe goucrnment of Cb.nlt. anD \\\ ^A)t fame meaning in an otber place : i.o;o faue \iZ^XtX X\it feing beare bs in XX^z Dap tbat toe (ball cal bp^ onbpm. Bin tDbicbU)o:Des be plainly Xt^^tX\i, tbat § fartbfuU cid bpon none otber confioencc flee to tbe belpe of tbat tbe fa^tbfull are called bacfee bnto ^\)v&^ i tbe? ma? bope i ^z^ Iball be faucD b? Vqz bano of dDoo. Sbe fame rcfpect batb tbe otber p.:arcr , tobcre all tbe C\)\x(C(i callctb bpon X\)z mere? of dDoD . ilet ib? banb be bpon X\iz ma of tb? rigbt banD, bpon tbe fonne of man,tobom tbau ball p:eferuco(o; appointeb) to ^'^ fr If, jro; tbougb?autbo;oftbe pfalme bctoa?^ lctbtbefcatteringab;caD of tbe tobolc peoplCjvet be p;a?ctb fo^ tbeir reCitutb on in X\iz beao alone. ^lbere,toben i\)Z people toas leD atoa? into enle,tl3e laiiD toatteOjf all tbingesto mans. feeding Deftro?co , Bierem? lamentetb i^t oaer# tbioto of? Cburcb ? be Dotb p;incipall? complain tbat b? Dcftrurtton of? hing? Dome all bope toas t\xX of from X\^z fattb* full . Cb;illvWb be) tbe fpirite of Qiir moutbtstafifninour fmncs,to toyom toe fa?D,3n tb? IbaDoto toe (ball line a - mong ibe nations. l^ereb? noui it fuffi^ i,v:\\i\S! ap;jearct(?,-}> becaafc CoD ca net be merctfai to manUinD iDout tbe 9i^-> Diato; , tberefc^c Jf.lr ; , Pf.SDlS Lam. 4 20, S>'i^ t3 Cap .6. T)FcRcknovvlcoo;e of /\bac.3. 1&.7.^ E^Mv3 •/ to ui^om tt«c^ mig'ijt Direct tlirir fai'tlj. 3 i^oU), tuyere ccmfe^t ts p;omifcD in afflKtien^JCciaU'^ \j;f)cre§ Dciiueraiice omo Cfjurcb ifi ucfcribeD, tl'er t\)t haw net' of affiance ano l)ope is auanccD in Ct};ift alone. Cod tumt outtotfecfa* uina of t)is people \^ I)f « spcffiab, faptfj vlba'aic.anD fo oft as i piopl)ct0 mahe mention of tljc reao;ting of tl}c C^urcl), t^ev call bactJ flje people to tlje p;ompfe maJic to 2r>autti,conccrning tlje eucrla^ ftinoc continuance of ('bingDome. 0nD no inaruell iro^ ot^ertoife t^er batJ ben no alTurance of § ccucnant . ifo; Uftjiclj parpofs fcructl) tbat notable anffcoere of ^•fa^. iFo^ fcbcn f)t fain t^at tfje tnbe^ Icuinafetng m^ ^c^^^^^ ^t^at luljicl? I;e bai Dcclareo to bi^n of t%t raifing cf the fipge cf 3erufaicm f cf p^cfuit fafe^ tte,a0 it tr«ere foseinlr^be yaffeo oner to speiTias, llDr!;cii3 a tiirgin (Ijal conceaue f buntj fo;tb a fonne,meamng indirect/ lrtb3tt!)ougbt!;elung antj Vj^B people b I? ti;eir fi oUsarDneCc rcfufeo t p^cmife GifrcD t3nto tbr,as; tbogfj tbep DiD cf puD pofebcnD tbemfelucs to uifcreDitetbe tnitlj of dDotSjifct tbe couenant l^olD not bebotDc, but ^ tbe reoemcr tbolD come at bis appovnteD time . ifinallv it tuas tbe care of all t^t p:^opbetis,to § enD tlje^ niigbt fijeto tbat (©oD IcoulD fee mcrcii' fulaltnar to fet cut t l^ingoome of 2Da^ uiD,U)berupon bangeD t\)t reoempticn $ euerialling faluation.^o €far fa^tb: Bi U)tllmafec a ccucnant tiitbl'otTjtbe favtbftill mercies of SDauiu. 5iBebolDe3 baue geuen bim foj a tuitncITe tnto na^ tion^rtbiit i0, becaufe ^ fai^tbfuU tuben tbeir ftate is at ^ tro^Ccculo not otber* luife baue an^ bcpe, but b^ tbe meaner cf bim being IritnciTe, t ktmnt 3 tf)t 11 ojb is)il be a Coo to tbe ,f m)? Ter uant SDnuiD fo? a fljepebearo. Sr.D 3i tuil mahe a couenant of peace ^Ditl) tbe.^lfo in m otbcr place,after be bab enfrcatcD cf tbe imrei:ib!e renuing,be fai^tb : ^p feruant2Dauib0]<'Jbe tbeir Uing, f tber Ibalbe one OjcpeberD ouer all, anD 3 tcil mafee an euerialling couenant of peace Uiitb tinm, 3 gatber bcre t tbere a fcto places out of manv , becaufe 3 onel^ meane to baue p reabcrs put in minue, ^ tlit bope of all tbe goolp ^at^ altoa^ bene repcfcD no tuber tl$ but iii €f)M, ^m al tf)t oJber p?opbet0 alfo fpeafee a# greably bereunto,aj5 it is fe^b in £)feB. s:be tUl^^m cf Saba t tbe cbilo^en cf ^fracl (balbe gatbcreb tcgetber , 5 (ball appoint to ftjcfelues one beb. Mbicb be aftertcarb mo^e plainly? erpounbetb. %\)t djilo;en cf irraeB fl^al return,anD fball fefee fo? ti)t llo^b tbeir Cod i S^a- uiD tbeir feing. XinD spicfj® fpeal^ing of f return of p people ej:p;cfli? faitb.2Lbe feing Ibal go before Ujzm, f ti)t Jlo?D in tbeir beb. ^0 2nio0 meaning to p?a^fe ti)t renuingcf (' people, fartb: 3 tuill in ^ Da^ rai?fe bp ^ tabernacle of S)auiD ^ isi fallen Dofen,? 3 ^H bebge bp § gaps, f raife tp tbe place0 oue rtb?oUien,eucn becaufe t ^^^^ tiit onlp CanbarD offals uation , to bane t\)t rovdl glc?? to rpfe tjp aga^ne en bl?e in § Heche of E>auiD, tDbicb IS fulfillf D in Cb.iitt . 2Lbcrefo;e ^acbarr,a0 bt0 age tone nerer to p ap^* pearing of Cb^iCjfo totl) be n:o?e plains l^ cr^ out: be glaD Ibcu caugbter cf ^i? on,reiorfetbcuDiiiigb'crcf3ernfalcm. 7 ^ )i5ebolD tbp lung ccmct!;,rtgi)tecu0 anD ^^^'>'>* faueD.Mbicb agratb \xiitii tbe place of tbe pfalm before aU,cgcD.Sbe lio^D tl)t drengtbcff faUi3lion0 of br^anncin^ Ofcj.n. Ofc.3.j Amos. 9. tebjlLojD faue b0. ^ibcre faluaticn is DeriucD fro tbe bcD to t\^t Icbdc boDr . ' " TJt God the Red cnicr. Mat. 21. 9- Ioh,i4.i. Co.nj 4 ^tujasCtoDstniltotaetljcjciDes fo inftracteti Uiitb tijcfc p^opfjccies,^ to faUe fo; tbeir Dclintrace, tfjc^ OjulD bcnD tlKir e^0S Dirc£tl\? to COitft. ^nD t!)oug{) tfjcr buO (IbamefuU^ fiuarucD, tct coulD not tbs rcmeb^rance of tbat ge ncrall p^imiplt be aboliI^cl>,tbat CDoD b^ tl)c baao of Ct^iff > as be ban p^omt?^ feD to 2>auio,U»oulD be tbe oeliuercr of bwC()urcb,f fo tbe couenant CboulDbe of bis etunc free graut tjob^reb^goo baD aoopteb bifi djofen : i^ereb^ it came to pas, t this fong fouoeo in t\)t inoutb of tbe cbilDjcn toben Cb.iitt a little before brs ucatb entree into ISierufalr,lio(ian^ na to § fon of 2)auiD. if oj it appearetb tbat it luas comonl^ ftnoijuen f fpoken of, ano acco,jDing to common bfe tbat tbet! ron0,tbat tbe onl^ plebge of goDs mercie rema\?neD tjnto t\)t, in tl)t com^ ming of tbe HeDemcr. if o^ tbis caufe Cb^iftbimfrlfe, to make bis nifciples plainly f perfcctii beleue in gou bitJDetb tl^tm to beleue on bimtelf.iBeleue te in ©oD, (fatjtb be) tben bcleucalfo in me. if o; tbougb (to fpeaU p;operli?)faitb cli metb bp fro €\iM to Voc fatbcr, vtt be mcanctb ^tbefam^fartb, albeptitrett tjpon ©oD,Dotb bp litle f litle banilb a* \i)uy>M\ts be become a mcane to bolD it in aCTureD ttcDfaflineire.)©tbcrtD\]re^ ma\?effieof(IDoD is to bl^efo; mo^tall mcn,tDbicb crepe bpon tbe grouno like l»o;mcs,to attevne bnto it, ^bcrfo;e Si alloto tbat common faieng,)^ goo is ^ obicct of ffiitb,bnt in fiicb fo=:t tfjat it ne^ octb correction. 15i?caiire €\rfnft is not in tjarnecallcD tbe inuiOble^mage of goD.iiut bv t\}is title luc are put in mfD> tbat if toe fino not (Sod in Cbnff,faIon tio2i can not be Uncioc bnf o bs. ifo; al- tbon^bamos tbe Jctcesjtbc Scribes $ pbarifecs bao sijrIieneD Imttj falfc in^^ ucntions,f tDbicb v ]i3;opbcts \m fpo^ hen coccrning tbe KeDcmcr:tct Cb^ift tolicit fo;i n t?iina cDfciTcD as rcccrncD ;^ccond Boolcc. poTJF byf common cbkntyt{)at tbcr toas none otbei* remcDie in befpcrcD cafe, anb no otber meane of ucluering tbe Cburcb, but bi? geuing tbe ^eDiato;i. SJn bao ^ toas not commonly hnolnen among f people as it cugbtto baue ben,lDbicb l^^aul tcacbctb,tbat Cb^iS is tljt cno of tbe laU). lout botu true t affurebitis, botb plainly appcarc bi? tbe laVo anb t[)c P;topbrts.3 fpeahe not vetof fartb,br^ caufc tl;ere fljalbe els tuber a mo;c c6^ nenient place fo;i it.Onli? let tl)c reoers bolti tUs as faft aabUajrb,tl)at tlje fim Degree of goDlineffe be, to acUnotolebge goD to be afatber bnto bs,to DcfcnD,gc« uernc anb cberiOj bs,til be gatbcr bs to getbcr into tbe eucrlaSing inbcritance of bps bingDometanb ^ berebio it plain* Ir appearetb U^bicb ii^e farb t\ic notu> tbat t\)t fjnoltJlcbge of 0ot) tubicb b>in getb faUiation , fiantjetb not Unibont Cbnlt,anD t\)iit tberfo;e fro t\;)t begin? ning be batb ten fct fo^tb bnto al iiy: c^ lcct,tbat t\)tv fbulD loUebpcn bim, nnD tbat in Um iiilD rell all tbeir affiance. ^cco:Ding to tbis meaning Sy)}itetl) 5re neuSjtbaCtbcfatber \}j\)K[)is bnuteni- rablcis in bis fonne mcafurcb, becanfc b^batbappUcD bimfelftotbe mcafiire of oar capacitie, leaft b^ (boulD D;ol»ne ourminDslPitb tt)t 'onmcafurablencs ofbiu glo.:ie. WibMl) tbing v pb;entV'Iie men not cofiDering, Do tDjell a p^oSta? ble fentcncc to a tovefeeD fantaOe, as tbougbt tbcre tuere in e tbat bJtb not Ujz ton, ne^^ tbcr batb b: tfjc fatber . if o: tbougb in olD t^me maiir ^yi^ bed ^ tbcv t330D fo i^ y. ^^be Rom. ic 4. .loh. 2 Cap .7. :-!cb.-8^ Ofthc knovvIed2;c of bep0rfuaDCDtl?atl)ctoa0tbm* fatter. veDttciroUjnctgiio;ance . ^3 atttjis E^crfojebecaufetftc^ fencto not t tcD uar? J Eurfe0, alttjougt) t&e^ report Im tr?att5CI)?iff,tlbcbnotolc0rofgorjtDa0 fullmout^, tfjattbc crcato; offjcaucn but Ua^ne among tljem: tuljcrb^ alfo it t taxti) is ti)cii C^od, ^et do f bc^ tl)^utt came to palTctbat at Icngtb fallmg into 1 an ioole in place of tfjc true CDoUjtobile grolTe f filtbr fuperflitioniSjtbet? beto;a<' 1 tber fi»arue from €iM* Theyii.Chdpitrr- Tliat the law was gcuenrnot to hold ftil the people in it,but to nou- rish the hopeof (aluation in Chrift vntill his comming ^^ t\iis ccntinuall paoreffe tbat toa iiSim rebearfcD,ma^ be gatbercD, f>_ tbe ilato toa0 aDDeo aboute foure b«n^ m^ pcreis after tbeoeatb of ;ab^3bam, not fc^ il^is entet to leaocatoat? tbecbo^ fen people from CbjiH : but ratfjcr to feepetbeir mints in cicpcttation t?ntiU bi0 coming to fet?nole a tic(ireofbim,f to coftmie tbe in lolung fo? Y^ix^i tbep CliulD not tnare faint Uiitb log tarriace. J mranc b^ ms tuo.:i> Jlato, not onel^ is that place fo Diligently? toe^etj, tobcr C'ODccmmauncetb ^ofes to maUe all ttjings perterning to tbe tabernacle,ac^ co;t!ing to f patcrne i baD ben l^etueo l^im in tbe mount, ifo; if tbcrc bao not ben fome fpiritual tbmg appointed tbat tbevftulotensbnto, tbeSieUies ftoulo no Iclfe bauc fonol^ fpcnt tljeir labo; in t\itm-,t\ih tbeCentiles Dio in tbeir tri* fles.pjopbane men tbat neuer earneff^ _ . - , _ IpappIpeotbefiuDieofgoolineffe, can tbe ten ccmmaunDements, UJbicb p?e^ not Uiitbout lotbfcm tecioufneCTe abioe ft ribe a rule boto to line goolilp n rigb teouar,butalfPtbe fo;rmeof religio oe^ liuereD bt? ti^z baD of ^orcs.i?o;j ^ofes \ms not maDe a latcgeucr to abolilb f blcffing p^omrfeD to f feinreD ofab;a^ bnm:but ratbcr toe fee bolo cuer^ tPber \)t puttetb tbe Jt\3it5 \x\ rcmeb;ance of tbat free ccue nant maDe luitb tbeir U* tbcrs iDbofebeirestbe^Ujere, as if be baD ben fet to renue ^ fame. SEbat icas mott plainly fetfo;tb b^ f ceremonies, jfoj twbat tuer mo,:e tiaine t fonD,tban to bcare fo man\? fono;^^ faftjions of bfa gestf tbep not onlpmaruell tobi? but ratber to rarfe bp tbeir minos fat of cattel ^to reconcile tbemfclues to ! bier.^bicb war alfo plainlf appeare goD tberb^^To flee to § fp^inUling of toa tero? blcDDto toafli aluar tbeir filtbi:- ensfjf inallr,al ^ feruice of goD appoint teD in I latjo (if it be coficereD bf ii felf, $ Do not coteinc fifeaDolocs anD figures tubicb tbe trntb a}oulD aunftoere bnto) (Ijalbe but a ben? motltC'rie.Miberefoje nottyitiiout'acaufcbotb in ^tepbens fermon,f in tbe €ptme to a^t l^ebjues b?bisnaturc:fo.:asbe is fpirituall, fo be is DeliteD toitb no otber feojfbipping but fpiritual. SEbis do tbe fa^engs off p.jopbetsteltifie, lobcrin tber rebube tbe %t\x)ts of fluggifbnes, fo; tbat t^t^^ tbongbt tbat anv facrifltces lucre of anp tjaluc Uj goD.Bis tbat biraufe tfjcir pur? pcfe is to Derogate anr tbinc from t\)t latP^ill^O)butacco;Ding as tbci loer trae eppcCi Ac. Ex. 2J. God the Redemer. CFpoCto;js Of p lato/o tijep toolo bt? tfjis mcanc Ijaue mens cf fs Dircaeo to tljc marfec from tutjictj tbe common people (IrapetJ.iiiotD bp ti)t grace offreD to tbe Bletoes it is certainly gatfjereo, tbat tbe Ex.io.e peter ootbber^ apti? turne ^ fap* intf^ of ^fes,tober be teacbetbi tl)t faU neffc of grace, tl)c tail tcbcrof p Bletucs bao tafeen bnDer tbe lato, tuas gcucn in Cb;iift :^c are(raitb be)a cbofen feinreb, a bingli p:icaboBe.i?o; to tbis enb ten^- oetb t turning of \; tDo;rocg,to (bctc tbat fber to U)bo Cbiitt appeared bp tbe goD pclljbaue obtaineb mo^etban tbeirfa* tbers,brcaufetbq?are all cnbueD botb l6 p2ieaip f binglp bono;,tbat trutting bpon tbcir mebiato:,tbcr map frcclp be boloc to come fo;tb into p figbt of CoD. 2 3n5berebp tbe toap it is to be noteb, tbat tbe kingDome tobicb at lengtb toast eretfeo in tbe boufc of Dauib, is part of tbe lalD,anD conteincD bnbcr tbe mini^ ftcrp of tpofes. mbernpon folloluetb, tbat as toell in all § hinreo off ^Leuits as in f pofferitie of 2Damo, Cb;ria tuas fet befo;e tt)c epes of tbe oloe people as in a Double lokmgglacrc. jro^^as 3i fapo oecond bookc. i^oi ^y Ez. S3- euen noto, fbcp coulo not otbcrlnrfc be bcfo2e Con eitberfeinges o^ pncQcs, \i)l)i^ tucr botb tbe bonoQaues of (tnnc ■ anu of Deatb f DcfilcD bp tbcir olon coi^ j ruption . ^crcbp appearetb ^ tbat fap^ | ing of paule is mott truc,rbat J Bleturs Ga 3 14 t)?rebolDcnas bnoer tt)e harping of a fcb£Dlcmaaer,til p feoe came fo^ tubofe fafee tbe p:omife teas geucn . jifoh htf caufc Cbiiff ^xias not ret familiarlr fenotDen,tbcp tuere lifec bntocbilD;cn, tubofc toeafenclTe coulo not pet beare a ful knotDlcbge of beaucnlp tbinas.lSnt botn l^tyi tucr bp ceremonies as it tocr leD bp t\^t bano to Cb?ift, is before fpo^ feen,anrj mar be better bnoerffaoeo bp manp teaimonies of (» p^opbcts . jfo;? altbougbittuas commaunoeo tbcm,to come Daplp 1:6 neto facrtficcs to appeafe OoD, pet Crapp<:omifctb tbat all tbeir finnes (ball be clenfcD luitb one onlp fa crifiice. tSIlberetDitb Daniell agreablp fj^ " faptbXbe p^iett es appomteo of p tribe ^'^' of HeuijOiD enter into tbe fanttuarp:but of tbe onelp pjiett it teas once fapD,tbat ki"^ an otbe be toas cbofen of (£>oti to be a p:ieC fo; euer,acco2tiing to tbe o^Der of Selcbtfcbecb. ^t tbat timt tbe annopn^ ' ting tuitb ople ioas bifiblc:but Daniell P^" °''+ fap bps bifion p^ononncetb ^ tljere Iball be an ctber maner of annointing . 3no, becaufe j tcill not tarp tpcn manp tx> amplc5,tbeautb02 of t\it 6piaieto tbe IBeb^ues eucn fro tbe (iii.cbaptcr fo ^t n.Dotblargclpf plainlp enougb tbetue, tbat tbe ceremonpes are notbing toojtb i anB baine till toe come to CTbnll . 3s ' concerning ti^t tm comaunoementes: Ro.10.4 ^ leffon of paule is libetDife to be kept inminDc,tbatCb;ift is tiit eno of tbe latD bnto faluatio, to enerp one i\^t htf letietb: HnD an other leflbn, tbat Cb;iff ! is tbe fpirite tbat quicfenetb t}^t letter ^ ^o 3 ^ tubicb of it felfe Qape tb. if 02 in t^t firtt oftbrfc tlDo, bemeanetb ^ rigbteoufnes isbamlp taugbt bp commaunbements, .415.iii. tntili Of the knowledge of tjitttll Cl)?ift DO geue it bofb b^ free imputation f bv tbe fpiritc of regcncra? fton . ^bercfojc fjc iDo^tljelr callctb Cb^ift tbc fulfilling o;^ enu of tbe latue. HBetaufe it fl&oulD notbing p^ofiite t35 to bnotD tubat (I>oD rcqutrctb of fcs , t)n? lrffebcDiofucco^b0 fainting f oppjefi' fcD tjnDcr tbc^ofee anD intolerable burs' Den. BJn an otber place be teacbetb tbat tbc latD toajfif maDc fo^ tranfgreffions, ^ i0to b^tng men to bumilitie being p^o^ ucD giity cftbcir otun Damnation. ^nD bccaufc tl)is is tbetrue i oneln p^epara? t ion to fehe €iiM^ tobatfoeuerbe tea^ cbctb in niutrs too^oes, do all berp tuel agree togetbcr.But bicaufc be tbcn teas in cotention Id pcruerst tcacber0,Ujbicb fat^neD ^ toe do Dcferuc rigbteoufneffc by> tbeWUea of tbclato,to cofute tbeir crro;,betoa0 compelleD fomet^meto fpeabe p^ecifel^ of tbe bare lato, tobicb vet otbertoife i& clotbeD ijyit^ tbe couc^ nantoffreeaDoption. 3 i3ut noto it is gcDD to fenoto,botobc^ ing tm^l}t b|? t\)t mojall latoe , toe are maDe moje inercufable, ^ our oton gil# tineCTe ma^ moue b5 to craueparDon. 31f it be true tbat toe be taugbtperfectio of rigbteoufncffe in ^ lato,tben tais alfo foUctoctb, t tbe abfolute feeepingtbcrof is perfect rigbteoufnelTe befojc CoD, ^ is, tobcrbp a man ma\? be DamcD t ac# compteD rigbtcous befo;jetbebeauenl^ I tbjone of iuogmcnt. M berfo^e £l5ofes, ^X3o.i9j ^^»jpj^ i^jj ^^^ publtl^cD t\)t latojDcubtcD not to pjoteft before beauen auD eartb, tbat be baD fet before ifraell lifeano Dcatb, gcDD I euill. j^uD toe ma^ notDc^ ni?c,but tbat tbe retoarD of eternall fal* uationbelongctbto tbe bp^igbt obeDi* encc of tbc lato, as tbe llo^Dc batb p;o^ niifcD it . 0ga\?ne, ^et it is goD to mv mine, tobetljcr toe perform tbat obcDi* f ncc, tjpon Dcfart tobcrccf toe ma^ con* ceaue a truft of ^ rctoaro . i?o; to tobat eternal life fet in beping of tbe lato,ljn^ IcflTe toe furtber fenotoe tobetber toe mar b^ tbat toai? attain to eternal life^ 5i5ut bcrein tbc toeafencffe of tbc latoe Dotb Ibcto it felf.i?oj becaufe ^ beeping of tbc lato is founD in none of Ds all,toe arc crcluDcD from tfje p;tomife5of Ipfe, anD DO fall into eurfe onlrBi do not noto tell tobat Dotb tome to patTe , but tobat neDes muft fo come to paffe.jf oj tobcr^^ as f Doctrine of tbe lato is far aboue tbe potoer of man,be ma^ in dcdc a far of, lobeat§p^omifes,but t?et not gatber an? frute of tbeXbcrfoje tbis one tbing remat?nctb, 1? bv^ tbe gajDncCTe oftbem be mav' § better toe^ brs oton miferipe, tobile be conftDeretb,tbat al bope of M> nation being rut of,Dcatb Dotb certainl? bang oucr bim.£Dn § otbcr fiDe do pjeffe bs terrible penall latoes,tobicb Do bolDc entanglcD i fall; bounD notonlr a fetoe of bs,but euert? one toitbout deception: t^t\> p^reCfe bs, 31 fai!, anD do purfue bs toitb bnappeafcable rigo^ , fo tbat toe mar fee moft p;ei'ent Dcatb in tbe lato. 4 2Lberfo;e if toe lobe onel\j tjpon t\)t lato, toe can Do notbing but be Difccu^ ragcD , be confounDeD f Dcfpeire , fo^tiU mucb as b? it toe arc all DamncD f cur^ fcD, f bept farre of from tht bUffeDnelTe tbat be offretb to tbem # too^^Gjip bim» UMlt tbou fav tben,2Dotb tt)z J.o;Dcfo mocb tsf if 0^ boto fmall\? Dotb it Differ from mocbing, to Hjetoe fojtb a ijo^t of felicitie, to allure « erbojt men bnto it) jtop^otefttbatit is la*gDe open fo^ bs. Mm in § mtane feafon tht entr? Unto I it is fojclofcD ar«D impoCTtljle ic be come tof 3 anftocrc: altbougb (' p^omifes of p lato,infottmcb as tljtv arc conDitionall, DO bang tpon ^ perfect obrDicnce of tbe lato, toljicb can no tobcre be founD , v^t are tbep not geue in bain. i?o;t tobe toe bane IcarncD tbat t\)i^ n?all'e i^ovDcanD of no effect c tjnio bs,tjnlfiTe ^oD tnu fmall purpofe is it, to fee tbc retoarD of' b?acet3S lo Us fra; goDnrffe toitijout . regarD " " God the regarDof our tuo^^cg, f tmlcOTclueDo embzacc b^ faitb i^tioimt gcjonrirc gc^ not t!)cir cffi^tfualneiXc, t?ca \xim tbcir conmtion amu^rcis. jro; tijcit lie Dotb fo fral? geue all tbingts i^nto ts, tijat rje aoDetb tbi« alfo to tbc bcape of bis bouti fulncs,tbat not ref aliiig our balC f ul obe x^im-, % remttting fo mucb as it tuatctb 0? ful perfo;tmace,be fo mafectb tjs to en iop fbe fruite of tbe pjomtfcs of j^ latu, as if toe our fclues bao ful&Uco J coDi^ tto.lBut 113C toil at tbiis p;ef e t p^occD no furtbcr in tbis matter.bicaufe it Ibalbe mojc largely to be entreatco of, toben tocfballfpcabeof^ iuttificatio of faitb. <; tEbcreas toe faio i it is impolTible to feepe tbe lato,^ is in feto too;jDs to be bofb erpounbeo ano pjoueD, if o^ it is toont among tbe people comonl^tobe accomptcD an opinion of great abfuroi^ tie,fo farre tbat l^ierome Douteo not to pjonounce itaccurfeu.^bat Bierome tbougbt,31 bo notbing ffai? bpon : as fo;^ bSjletbs fcarcbtobat is trutb» atoill not bere mafec long circumdanccs of Di uerfe fo.ites of polTibilities. 3 call i> ixtif pomble,tobicb botb neuer batb ben,^ al fo \& binuereD bp f o joinace i Decree of full perfection of loue,to loue<©oD \d all bis bart,lc all biiJ mv?nu,\i^ albis foule, \s\it\^ all bis potoer : agavnr,tbat tbere batb ben none tbat batb not ben troir^f bleb \xMt\i concupifccnce. ^bo can fa^ na^;}i fee in doed tobat maner bdr men fjalifl) fupcrftiCio 3otb imagine bnto bs, euen fucbtobofc purcnelTetbcbeaucn^ l^ angels oo fcarcel^ counteraa?le:but agat?nft botb tbe fcripture anD pjofe of erpericnce. 3| fay alfo, tbat tbere fljal none bcreafter be, ^Iball come to tbe S<:Cond Booke. Fol loo Rcdcmcr. mark of true perfecttion, bnlelTc be be loDfeb from tbe burocn of bis boti\>. j{o; tbispopnt tbere arc open tcftunonies : of Scripture, ^alomo fa^b,tbereis not ' a r^gbteous man bpo tl;e eartb tbat fin nctb~not.anoS)ani2niri):c»erii liuing j man fball not be iuftificD in t\:it^ fi^\)t ' Job in manv places affirmctb tbe fame. i )Bixt Paul moit plavnili^ of al:^ i\)t fleaj luftetb againft f fpir it, anc tbe fpirit a^ • ga^nft the flcfij.anb b^ no otber reafon be pjouetb tbat al ^ are bnber tbe U\x)j are fubiect to tbe curfe. 315ut b^caufe it is tontten,tl)at curfeo are all tber tbat bo not abv^De in all t\^t comaunDcmf ts tberof:meaning, o; ratber taUing it as a t\iin^ confelTcD, tbat no nran ca abv'Dc in tbe.iinb tobatfoeuer iB fo^^cfpoUc b^ t\^t ^criptures,tbat mutt be bolccn fo;i perpetuallrea % V[ttt^i\xit.Wiit\\ fucb futtcltie Dib tbe p^clagians trouble 0u* guftine,fai?eng tbat tbere is tojog bone to dDoD, to faT? tbat be botb commauno mo;je tban t\)t faitbfull are able bp bvs grace to perfo;me.0uguttine,to aucioe tbeir cauillation confcCTeD, tbat t ilozb m\?gbt in D0Db,if be tooulD, abuaunce a mo;tall man to t\^t purenes of ;angels: buttbatbcneitber batb bone foatanp ti?me,no;^ toill ocbi^caufe be batb otber toifeaffirmeo in tbe Scriptures, ^nb ti;at DO 5 alfo not bcnie.:)i5nt 51 abDe fur tbcr,tbat it is inconuenir t to oifputc cf bis potoer agaimttbi^ftrutb. ^no tljat tberfo^etbis fentenceis not fubiect to cauillations if a man IftoulD fa^, tbat ^ tbing is impolTible to be , tobcreof tbe fcripturcs do p;jonounce tbat it fljal not be» :)15ut if tbep oifpute of i toojD : tobe tbe Difciplf s afl^eo tf)t ilojD, tobo ma^ be faueD,be anftocrcD:toT'tb me in becD it i$ impomble,but toitb <1I>0D al tbings arc polTible . ^Ifo auguttine 16 a mod arong reafon ftiffl^ Defenbetb, tbat in tbis fiea) toe neuer relD to dDoD ti)t Due loue tbat toe Otoe bim. jLoue(fa^tbbe) iKin.2 46. i PDoo. ' Ga.3. 10 Dcu 27. 26. Libdc I natura e: gratia. Mat. 10 Lib.dc. fpiritu et litera. Cap.7. Of the knowledge of Ro.8.3. fo follotoct^ bnotDlcDge, f no man can perfextlr ^out (!DoD,but i)c ttat Ijatb firft fuUi)feniJti)cnt)is ga)Cncffe.mc,tDt)ile toe toanDer in tt)is too;lD,fee b^ a gUlTc f in n Darfee fpeacb:it follotoetlj ttjere? fo;e,tbat our loue w fenperfctfXet tl)i0 tbcrefo;ie rcma^nc out of controuerfie, tbat in tbut flefl^ it is impoatble to fttl^ fill tl)t Iato,if toe bctjolo tfje toeafeneflfe of our otonc nature>anO it fl&al ^et alfo in an otJjer place be p^oueo b^ paul. 6 il5ut t\)at ti)t tobole matter ma? be mc;^c plaiinlv fet fo cal £po;all. ipoto, as far re ass Bi iJnoerftaD, it is conte^ncD in tfjcfct^jee parts. 2Dbe fira iSy tbat tolj^le it Ojctoetb to euerp man tl}c rtgl^teoufncnc of C5oD> tbat is tbc rigbteoufneffc \3}\^id^ onelv is accep table to goDjit atjmoni(b,ccrtifie,p?cue G^Ur^tea anD conoemne euer^ man of t)is otone bnr^gbteoufnelTe.if oj fo is it ncDefulltbat manblpnueoano Djonbe h}it\) lone of bimfelf, be D^ruen botb to tbe knotoleuge anu tbe confeflfion of Us oton tocaUenelTeanD ^ncleanne0"e:fo;* afmucb as if bis tan^tiebee not tu^f Dcnf Iv ccuincen, be ftoelletb to^tb mao I affiance of bvs otone ftrengtb, ano can j neuer be b;iougbt to tbinb of tbe fclen* j Derncs tbcrof, fo long as be meafuretb , it bv tbc p;ropo.:tion of bis ctone toill. j llBut fo fone as be beginnetb to compare bis flrrengtb to t\)t bartincs of tbc lato, | tber be fin^ctb matter to abate l)is ton* j rage.i?o^ botofoeuer be bcfo;ie concet* ; ueD a great opinio of it,rct b^anob^ be fclctb it to pant tjnber fo grcbefeetb bim felf to be an infinite fpace Diltant front bolinelTe : aga^ne, tbat be flotoetb full of infinite t^ces, tobereof before be fe* meDcleane.jFo^ I euels of lutt are bio* Den in fo Depe i crokeD poD to tbe Dcttruction of tbe finncr, make t0 fal Doiwnc toitb Dcfpairc, 0? to becaufc of it felfc it can Doe notbing; but DifcouragcD minDs to tumble Qotun bcD accufCjConDemneanDDettro^e. ;anDas long JnoaDerbe rfp;iobate arc amafcD Auguftine tDji>tettj,if tbc fpu'tt Of grace after tbat mancr , but tbat is h^ rcafon beabfent, tbe Utue is p;cfent Uiptb t}£t, of tbeir obCinnct,but tuitb tbe d}il^;?n 'onlu to tbis eno, to accufc bs auD bil tw. j of gob, tber bcbouctb to be an otbtr enD ano vet Uiben tbis i» raiD,ncitber is tbe . of inttruction. Bl graunt,tbe apoftle te^ lato Ditbono;eD tbcrb^,no^ art^ tbing ta , ftifictb j? toe are al conoemneo b^ iuDgc ken from tbeerccUencc tbero^SDruclu, ! ment of tbe lato,tbat euer^ moutb ma^ if our toil toer tobol^ framcD 1 Difpofeb , be ftoppeD,i tbat all tbe tooilD map iic^ to t\)t obeDirnce of t\)t lato,tben plainli j come bounb bnto CDoD-.but vet tijt fame m onlt? knotoleogc of it toerc fufficient \ 0poftlc in an otber place teacbetb, tbat to faluatiun.liaut fo;wrmucb ns our flcdj | CDoD batb concluoeD all bnocr bnbelefc. Ip t co^rupte nature figbtetb a£f an enc^ m^ toitb tt)c fpirituall lato of o far is it of tbcrcfo;e i tbcfe fapings Iboulo be to t\)t ctlbono^ of tbe lato, tbat t\^t'Q mucb auaile to ti^t mo^c glorious comnicnoations of goDs boun^ tp. if 0; trucl^ it bcrebp appcaretb tbat toearebinoereDb^ our otone toickeo? ncsanD peruerfcnes, tljat toeenio\? not t\9Z blelTcDnes of life fct openly ab^oDe fo^j b0 b^ tbe lato.^berbi? t\iz grace of cH5oD tbat bclpctb t3s toitbout tbe fucco^ of tbe lato, is maDe fo miicb ti^t ftoeter, anb tbe mercpmojc louel^tbatgeuetb it bnto bs, toberb\? toe learne tbat be is neucr toearieb toitb often Doing bs gmD anp beaping neto gifts bpon bs. not to DcHrop all, qi to fuffer all to pea* xii}:iMt tbat \)Z migbt baue mcrci of al, tbat leaning tbe foUfbc opinion of tbcir otone ffrengtb,tbei? im^^t bnoerttano, tbat tbep ffanD anD are bpbolDen b^ tbe onlp bano of goD: tbat tbet> being nafecD anD emptt?,mai? fla; to bis mercr,i^ tbci ma^ reft tbeinfclues tobolv bpo itj biDe tbcmfclues tobolr in it, take boloe of it alone in fl^cDc of rigbteoufncs anD rne^ rites, tobicb isi laiD open in Cb^ift fo;^ al men,tobofoeucr tbep be tbat tortb true faitbe DO cefire anD lokc fo; it. jro.z (Dod in tbecommaunDementsof tbe lato ap* pearetb but a retoaroer of pr rfea rigb^ teoufnes, toberof toe all are DeHitute,! on tbe otber (iDe a rigo;»ous iuDge of e? uell DOings li3ut in Cb;iftc bis face tbi^ nctb fal of grace anD lenitr,euc totoaro tbe tojetcbcD anD bntoo;jtbr Qnnrrs. 9 )dDf p;ofiting,to crane tbe grace of bis belp, Augurtine r};cakctb oft, as tob? be to;i!?tetbto HilanerSEbe ]Lnto comman Detb tbat enoeuonng to Doe tbe tbrngs commanDcD,f being toearico tortb our tocabnes bnDcr ^t lato,toe lljulD learn to affee tbe bflpe of grace. 0gaineto A- felius. WMt pyjStc of tbe latoe is to con- uince man of \:m otone toeakneffe, anD ^X compel c il^'. Of t!ie knowIedsTe of ,ti.et 2;r2* itia. 'In pCyo 'npf'3» Serm. 27 compel bim to crauc t?}c pfiifike of grace ixini is in C!)^i(i;. i^gatne to innocent of Kcme SEbciatJ) commannDet!),! grace imniQittii tircngtlj to Do.agatn to Va- lentine, bccaufe be toateo iDo;.Ds lub!^rl6 Diffinrtl^ auD plainly to erp^es bift meaning of it, tubicb pet be rigbtlpe conceiucD : but t\)\s firft office of p lato is not t5le euen in § reprobate alfo. jf 0; tbougb tbep go not t\)ii3 far fo;tuarD 16 tbe ctjilD^f of €co,i^ after t\)z tb;otuing DoU)n cf tbeir fle?!)? tbe^^ be renueD ?.nD florid) ngain in tbe intoaro man, but a? mafca toitb tbe firH terror do lieM in Defperationt^et it feructb to fl^eti) fo^tb t\)t equitp of goes iuDgentent,tbat tbeir confctenccsbetclTeD \3)itli fucb loaded. i?o^tbep euer iuillinglr? Dcfircto mafee (biftagainft tbe iuDgemet of goDjj5oto iDbiletbe fame is not ret opcneD, tbe^ Kt fo aHoniflijeD \xiit\) ti)t tefiimonie of t\)c latu anD tbeir confcience to beto.iap in tbemfelucs tobat tbei baue oeferueD. 1 o %i)t feconD office of tbe lato, is tbat thtt^Ucl) are toucbeD to^b no care of tbat iBbicb is iuft anD rigbt, bnlcs tbe^ be compelleD, tobcn i^t^ beare tl)t ttxi rible pcnall o^iDinances tberein, map be reftraineD at Icaft Untb feare ef punilb* ment. )15ut tbcp are reIlraineD,not be* caufe tbeir intDarDeminDe is moueD 0^ affccteD UjitbaU,but bccaufe being as it luere b;^iDeleD,tbe\? toptbbolD tbeir bao from outtoarDe Ujo^fee,anD Doc fecepe in tbeir perucrfcnes Uiptbin tbcm, tubpcb otberlnife tbe V luoulD baue outragiouf* Ip poureD out.2Dbcrbp tbei become tru^ Ip neitber t\)z better, mi t\iz mo?e rigb^ teous befo,ie dDoD. if 0^ altbougbe being letteD eitbcr bp feare o;^ bp l^amc, tbep DariJ not put tbat in p:actife U>bicbtbep \)imz concciueD in tbeir minD,i!0.i open* Ip biotoe ab^cDe t);iz rages sf :^tir lull: pet baue t^t^ not a beart frameD to t\jz feare anD obeoiracc of (IDot»,rca J vnmt tbat tbep bois badi i!j*'int6li!C;e!,ro xnvit\i tbe Crouglpcr Uiirbin tbcp are feinoicD, tbep burnctbrp boil?, rcasp to Doe anp tbing,t to b.:eake fo^t'oe ang tubetber,if tbij2 tcrfo^ of tfjc laU) oiD not flai t^txn. 0nD not ^ onlp,but alfo tbep moft fpite^ fuUp bate t\)t Idtu, anD do Dctcff goo t\it latoe.«;aUer, fo t\^aX if tbcp coul^, tljep toolD berp faine tokt bim ato3p,txibom tbev can not abiDc,neptl)er toben be c6* niauuDetb rtgbtfuU tbings,no; lobcnbe reuengetb bim bpon tbe Dcfpifers of bis maiedic.BJn fome in DcDe moje Darfelp, anD in fome mo;je plainip, but in all gc* nerallp tbat are not regenerate, is tbps fttling, tbat tbep are D^^atone to V^t fol# loUiing of (> laU) notbp toillingfubmif^ C6,but rcQgJng % agatntt tbeir toils,on li I.Tim. 1, 9. Ga.3.24. GodtheRedtmcr. Second Cooi-.e, l^ b)? tjtolfce of fcare.llBut tljis roffra^' iteD f enfo^ccD rtgljteoufncire is ncceOa tit fo; f.l)C publifee comon Hate of men, tfjc quiet iDljcrof is Ijercui p;ouiDcD fo;, Vxjb^U o;Dcr is tahe ^ al tl)itigr3 be not confounoeD luitbtjpjo^e, tobvcbiwoulD come to pajDfejif al things tuerc lalufuU fo; at mt.^ea it is not Unprofitable for tbe cbilDje of (©oD to be cirerc ifeo luitl) ti)is ^cboling , fo long as t\)ty^ before tbeir calling bet?ngi>etDettitute of tbc fpirit of fanctiScation, are Hill loanton \Ditl) m foll^ of V flefl^. if o; M)i tb?S are oratoen bacb,tbougb it be but from outUjaro liffntionfncB, b? tbe terror of goDs t)cngcance, altbougb for tbat tbc i? are not t^ct tameo in m^no, tbet go for t prcfent tpme but a little fortoaro, v^t ttjc)} partlr grola in t3re to bearc § toke of Cbriftjfo tbat toben tbep are c^Uleo, tbei? be not altogether rutic t ratu to cif ciplinr,as toa tbing tnknotoen. %\}\s office tbe ;apofile feemetb properly to baue toucbcD, tobr be faitb tl^at t\it lato ioas not fet for tbe rt^gbteous man, but for tbe bnrigbteous f oifobeoicnt, t»ic# UeD f finncrs, cuell Doers ano propbane men, flayers of tljcir parfts, f murtbt'^ rers,fornifatoric,foDomites, robbers of cbtlDren,licrs,i periureo men,f lubat^ \ focucr els is againft ToiiD Doctrine, ifor \ be fa\:tb tbat it is a If a\? to tbe loiio out* j raging luCcs of tbc fie(bj tbaf elfe UjoIo ftra^abrooetu^tboutmeafure. , | 1 1 )15ut to botb mat? t^^ applieo 1a)W^ \ be faiPtb in an otbcr place, tbat tbe latre U)astotbe3ieU)es a ^cbolemailfer to Cbriftifor tbere arc ttoo fortes of men, iubom Uiitb ber fdjoling fi)c leaoetb b^ tbe bano to €i)M,%\)t one fort,of iubo tue fira fpaUcbecaufe tW are to ful of affiacecf tbeiroiun firengtbor rigbte^ oufnes,are not mate to recciue,g grace of Cbrifl^, bnleffe tbe\? be firft empiicD, tberfor.c tbe latoe bringetb tbem ooiune tobumilitgbg Unotuleoge of tbefelues. tbat fo tbci? mn^ be prepared to ssc&rc v tubtcb before t^t^ tbougbt t^c^ luanteD not, s:be otber fart JiceDc a b;iDle,to be bolDf n back, leatt (btp fo geue loafe tbe reines to tbe toantonnes of tbrir flcfbj ^ tbc^) fal of altogetbcrfrom all ftuD^ of riglitioufncs. ifor U^bcr i fpirit of Cod Dotb notT?et gone rn,tbcr fomtimc luOs DO fo boilcfbat it is in great perill Icafi tbci? tbroto Dolunc tbe foule tbat is fub* iect to tbem into tbe forgctfulnes i DeD pifing of goD:anD fo tnolD it come to pas if OoD DiD not 16 tbis rcmcD^e prouiDc for if.IEbcrfore tbofe tobom be batb ap? popntcD to tbe inberitancc of brs hing^ Dome,if b2 Doe not branobr regenerate tbem, be feepetb tbe bv v toorhes of tbe laUi bnocr feare , bntill tl)t time of bvs tjtlitation, not f cbafte t pure fcare fucb as ougbt to be in cbilDren,but ^et a pro^ fitablefcare,for t\)istl)at tbep mat?ac^ corDing to tbeir capacitie be taugbt bp introDuction to true goDlincITe. ^f tb^s loe baue fo manr prours,^ it neeDetb no erample.ifor lobofocuer baue an^ time continueD in not Unotoing of CDoD, tuill confeffetbattbrs bappeneD bntotbem, tbattbc^Ujere bolDcn bp tbebriolc of tbc lata in fome feare anD obeDience of dDoD/cntil J time i> being regenerate bp bis fpirit,tbeT! bcga bartili? to loue bim, J 2 %\)c tbirD \jfe,t»bicb is alfo p prin* cipall bfe,! more nerclv loUctb bnto tije proper cnD of § lato,concernetb v faitb^ fulljin Inbofcbartes alreaor luicibanD reignctb tbc fpirit ofdl^oD.iFor altbougb tbct? baue tbc laUituritten i grauen in tbtir bartes h^ ^ fmgcr of (I?oD , tbat is to fa^, be fo affccioncD f minDcD br tbe Direction of tbe fyiritct tber Defire too? be^ CDcDj^et co tbev Gil ttuo iuaies pro^ fit in i lato. ifor it is to t^c a tjcrr gcD meane, toberb^ tbc^ nui» Da^lp better f more alTureDlg learn tubat is tbc toill of § llorDtDbttbtbevafpirebntOjf mat? faecofirmeD in g tnPerffanDing tbcrof> Sis Cap J* Of the knowledge of 00 if a feruant be aireanv bent iuttb al IP affectio of bi0 l^art, topleafe f)w lo^u: l»ct batbjbe ncDe DiUgrtlp fo fcarcb out t mark ttie fafl&ions of bis iLo;jD,tbat be may! frame f appl? bimfelf tjnto tbcm. 3nu let none of b3 erempt bimfelfc fro t[)is neoe. i?o;j no ma batb betberto at? te^neD to fo great tjJifeDom,faut tbat be mai?b^Da^lF inftructio oftbelatuget neU) p:oat in pjoceo^ng to tbe purer bnotolcDge of goDs tuil.SDbe bicaufe Ice neoe not onli? t)octrinc,but alfo erbo^ta^ tibitlns otber profit (bal (> feruat of goD take bp tbe lato,to be bt? tbe often meoi tation tberof (tirreo tjp to obeDicnce, to be ftrengtbeneD in it, to be bolDen back fro ti)t aipperr loav of o€fenDing. ifo; a»T0r t\)is maner,muff ^ boli ones ii;iue fo^toaro tbemfelties, tobicb toitb boto great cberefulnes fo euer tbep trauaple togoD'ajaroacco^iDing totbefpirit, ^et tbe^ are aliuat? ioDen luitb tbe auggil^ ncffe of tbe fietfte, tbat tber p^oceoc not luitbfucbfuU reDpelTe astbe^ougbt» Co tbis flelb iB § lato geuen as a tobip, tbat like a flotn anD bul acTe, it ma^ be p;jifkeD fo^lnarD to toojke. ^ca to t^e fpiritual man,bicaufe be is not ntt M patcbeo of tbe bnroen of (? fleflj,it tbalbe a continual pjick ^ fuffcretb bim not to ttano fttll. e , be openly fai^D to t\)e necple:iLat? pour baits tipon all tbe tuo^bcs ^ gl ijo ttftiUt to t?ou t\)is tjap, tbat vt nia^ commit tbem to pour cbilb;en, ^ pe map tear?) fl)tm to keepe, to bo, f to fulfill all tl)t tbingcs tbat are tunffen in tbe Volume of tbps lato, be? caufetbep are not bainlp commaunbeo pou, but ^ euerp one Iboulb liue in tbf : but if no man ca benp tbat tbere appea? retb in it an abfolutc pafeme of rtgbte^ flufneiTe , tben eptber toe muff baue no ruje at all to li uc inftlp anD bp^igbflP^o? els it is not latofull fo; bs to Depart fro it.if oj tbere are not manp but one rule oflifetobicb is perpetuallano cannot be botoetj. SDberefo^e, tobereas SDauiD maketb the life of a rigbteous ma conti* nuallpbufieo in tbe meuitafion of tbe lato, let bs not refer ^ to one age onelp. becaufe Cod the Redemer. Second Booke. bicauf0 it is mod mete fo;j all agra f o J nio of (' Uio^lD: f let t)5 not tbcrcfo;c be fratcD alDaiso^ 6^ fro being inllrurtcD bt it,bicaufc it appointetfj a muri) nmc eract bolineffc tban toe lljall perfojme, UJbilc tue flbal currf abont t(;e pcrfon of our boDv. if oj notoe it txtcutcttj net a« gainll 1)0 1? office of a r^goious eratf er i toil net be fatifSeo, buttoitb bis fuU tafttperfo;meo : but in tbis perfection toberunto it epbojtctb ^sM l^etoetb bs a mark, totuarD tobtcb in all our life to enDeuo;,i5 no leCfc profitable foj ts, tba agreablc Id our Dutie Jn tobtcb en* oeuo; if hie fa^le not,it is tucll.if o; all tlji0 life is a race, ^ fpacc toberof being run out, ^t 3lo;D toijll graant bs to at# tct?netotbatmarlj, totoarD Ijubicbour enDcuo;5 do traua^le a farreof. 14 /tiotn tberefo^c, totjeras f> lalu batb totuaro i faitbful a potuer to epbo;t,not fucb a potoer as ma^ bino tbeir cofcie^ ces toitb curfc, butfucb asinttb often calling on,mar fljaSe of augginjnclTe 1 ptncb imperfection to stoakeit : many> toben tbe^ mcane to erpjcDTctbts Dcliue ranee from tbe curfe tbcrof, do fai? tbat tbe latu is abrogate to tht fa^tbfuU. (3 fpealrret of tbe latii moMl) net tbat it botb no moje comaunD tbe tbat tubicb is rigbt,but onl^ ^ it be no moje tnto tt)tm tbat Ijubicb it tnas before, tbat is, tbat It DO no mo;c,bi? mafeing afra^^D f confounDingtbctr confciences,Damne f Deff ror tbcm. 0nD trucl^ fucb an ab;o? gation of tbe laU)c,paule Dotbc plainly teacbc : ano alfo tbat t\)t llD;rD b^mfclfe fpaUe of it:appearctb bv tbis,^ be toolD notbaueconfutcD tbat opinion tbat be (bulD DtHolue tfjt lalJD,tmles it baD bene commonly rccciueD among tbe Sletoes. HDut fo^afmucb as it coulo not rife cauf^ leflv anD lu^tbout ani? colo j, it is UMv tbat it greVo tpon falfc tinbertlaDing of bis Doctrin, as in a maner al erro;s are iDoiit to take occafion of trutb,but le^tt lue fljoulD alfo Ihnnblc at ^ fame (lone, let bs Diligently make Diffinction,tDbat is abrogate in \> lato,f lubat rcmainetb pet in force.^ber the Io:d pjoteCctb i be came not to Dcllro^ § lalD,but to ful* ftl it:anD tbat til beauen f eartb paCTe a^- tDa^,no one iotc of tijc lalu tbulD pas a* lua^jbut tbatal fljulD be ful6lleD,bc fuf ficicntl^ couftrmr tb tbat b^ bis coming notbing (boulo be taken atuat? from tbe Due keping of ip lato.^nD fo? gtoD caufe: fitb be came radjer fo; tl)is cnD,to bealc offences. Mberefojc tbe Doctrine of tbe lato remainctb for al Cbri(f,inuio!able, tobrcb *Jt? teacbtngjaDmonitbinrcjrebU" king anD correcting, ma^ frame 1 pre-- pare bs to eucrp goD tuorke. jf ^ for tbofe tb^ngcs ^ paule fpca* ketb of V turfz , it is cuiDent t tbei! be* long not to tbe bcrr inaruction,but one* l^ to 1^ force of binDing ti)t ccnfcicnce. ifor f lato not onel^ teacbetb ,but alfo vd autboritie requiretb ^ tiibicb it com? maunDctb, 3f it be not performeD , rra ifDutiebe flackeD in anv part, it bet:? Detb ber tbunDerbolt of curfe . i?or tb^s caufe tbe SpoCle fattfj^tbat all tbe^ tbat are of tfje tuorkes of ^ lain, are fubiecte to t curfe,bccaufe it is icrittrntCurfeo is etjer^ one, t fulfiUetb not all. ;anD U fa^tb,i^ tft^V be bnDcr tbe toorkcs of tbe lato ^ CO not fet rigbtcoufnefTe in (> for* gcuencCTe of (inncs,b\? lubicb tue are lo* fcD fro t^c rigor of tbe lain, i^c teacbetb tberfore tbat Ifc mutt be lofcD from tbe bcnDes oft lato , bnlelTe tue iDiil mife* rabl^ perifbtnDer tbe. t5vt from Uibat bonDcsf tbe bouDcs of tbat rigorous i fl^arp cFacting,tbat rclcafctb notbing of tbe ertrcmitic of tbe latJD, % fuffrctb not anr offence bnpunifbeD.irro ti)v^ curfe (i fa? ) t Ct)?itt mi^t reDeme bs , be U)as maDe a curfe for t)S.i?cr it is \3)nt te.CurfeD is euert? one f bagetb tjpon § tree Jn tbe cbapter fcUotuing in DeDe be fa^tb, tbat ^^M \ijas mape fubiette Fol.103.. .Gal.3.10 Dc.7,26 Gal. 3. 12 ct5-,4. to Cap. 7 lDc.21.23. Of t!ie knovvlcdore of C0I.2. J/ rLuk, 16. i5» to t^e laltse, to reticle tbcm tijat tuerc Ijnijcr t^c lauje: bat al in one meaning, fo^ ffc bv^anobi? a?)Dctb,tl)at bv aooption iDe migbt rcceiactbe ngbtof c^ilojm, mint \B tbatf tbat Ine D^oulo not be op^^ p.iCircD tDitb psrpctuall boiiDage, tbat (boulDboIo our cQukitntc fall ItraincJi toitl) angailije of oeatbe. Bin tbe mcane tiint tbi'salUiati rcmainctb bnO^hen, tbAt tbcr 10 notbingtDttbtJ^atoen of tl^t autfjonti? of tbe latDe,but tbat it ougbte ftill to be rccciueti of Ms tortb tbe fame rcuercnce anu obebiene e. i5 iiDf cerenionicis it is otbertDire,tDbtcb tuere abjogate not in tffectty but in Mtt onli»,anD tbi3,tbat (D)^iftt hy> brs com* ming batb mabe an cnoe of tbem,i)otbe fo notfjing biminifl) tbcir boltnc0,tbat it ratbcr fcttttb tbcm fo^tb, $ mab ctb tbc glorious, fm ac tbe^ (l)ulDbau£ gcuen but a batnc tbrtu to tbe olDc people, bn* Ics tbf polucrof tbe beatb 1 refurrecti^ on of Cb^iil bab bene (betueb tbcrin, fo if tbcv bab not e eafeD, toe cctilDc not at tbifi!v)ai?oirfcrne to tubat purpofe tbei! txjijr o^bainebXberfo^e ^0aul,to p;oue tbr;t tbe keping of tbem notu is not onl^? faperfic40ufi,butairo bnrtful,tcacbetb ^ tl)ey! tDcr lI)aboU)e.'5 toberof toe banc tfyz boD^ in Cb.iift.lSlcfeetbcrfo^c boU) in tf)t abolitftingof tbcnr,tbe trutb fijinetb better tban if tlft^ m ftill a far of, ano as it tuere tuptb a bcile fpzco before, (belli a figure of €\:}^iii tbat batb alrca* nv plaineli? appearcD.^nb tbcrefoje tbe telle of tbe temple at tbe oeatb of CbJift toas to;jue inttoo paces anb fel Dotonc: btf anfe noUi t!je true am erp^cs image of tbe beaurnlv n,©o things U?a3 come 1 to ligbte, lubicb before b^b bene but bn^ pvi fcfJl'^ bcgon luitb darUe raoc Dangb- tcr5,a0tbe autbo; of tije epiUle to tbe IXtjiics faftbiperebnto feruetb v (^"^^ ing of Cbnlt, tbat tbe latx3 ano tfje pjo^^ pbctfi locrc bntot»}e timt of ibon, anb tbat from tbat time fo^marb, ibeKing' bo of fjoD began to be io^fuUp pjeacbeb: not meaning tbat tht bolp fatbers leer toitbouttbep.ieacbing tbat containctb tbe bope of fa!uatio,anb of eternall life, but beraufe a far Df,anb bnoer tbabcUis onl? tbet? bio bcboloc tbat Uibieb toe at tljijg oar fee in tbe ful ligbf . y^i\t U)b? it beboueb tbat tbecburcb of dDob (feouloc cltmbbp bier from tbofefirft inttrutti- 'j^j^ , j cnSjSobntbe^aptia oeclarctbifoj tljsit ^t lati) is geiien hy> ^oks, hut grate f trutbe began b^ 3efu0 €t)iiilt, if o;^ al* tbougb tbe purging of Unnts U)er true* l^ p^omifeD in tbe elo facrifice5,anb tbe ^rhe of tbe coucnant teas a fure plebge of tbe fatberlf fauo; of ©cDiTjet all tbi0 bab ben but a ftabotD,if it bab not bene groubeo bpon tl)t grace ofCb;ift,tober* ini0 founb,perfe(t,(atD eternal llcbfeil^ ntsXtt tfiis tben remaine fure,tbat al tbougb t^t ceremonial bfagcs of v latue baueceafeb tobcobferueb, ret bi? t enb of tbem it 15 tbe better Knoiune botoe great tuas tbe p;io8t of tbe before €li;v Qcs comming, tobicb in tahing atua^c th^, tjfe of tbem batb f ealeb tbe fo^e ano elfect of tbrm \x)'^th bis beatb. 17 ^cmtobat mo>e barb is tbe point j pmiit notetb. 0nb be batb renucb vou tcgctber tDttb bim, ^i)\)tn re toere beau bv finned, and \} tncircumcifion of ^our ficQ)?, fo;geuing ^ou all ^our offences, I blotfingoutc tbe banbto^f ting tbat re* I maineb in tbe ber rees againft b0,lcl)irb I l!?a0 contrary bnto bs, anb be batb tafee j it atoar^fviSening it to tf)t cro04c. if oj i be fametb to ftrctcb t\)c aboliOjing of p ; lato fomrtubat furtber thicVo toe bane ' notbing to Doe toitb tbe Decrees tbereof. if o;t ti)tv erre ^ erpounb it of tl)e latoe mo;al!, tobofc bnappeafrable rigo^ ra^ tber tt)cn bottrine tbcrcof t\}t^ tbinbe to be tafee stoa^.^ome mo jc bepelt? tuai^ ing ti}e t»o<:b0 of ^i3aiile,oo efpi?e tbat it is p.ioperlp fpohcn of tbe lato ceremoni^ alUanbbo(bgt»tbattbg5 tooj^o Dectec„ botti Col,2.12. God the Rcdcm cr. ScconcIBcoko. (VoLiCY uot!) mo;c tl)h once fo GgniSc in |)aul. :ph.2.i4 iro^ ^0 :^ eplxfwns f)C faitt)t!)U6:l^)eis our pcace,tJ}at maUctl) botfj to be onc,^ mabcti) \jot?Dc J lalu of coniaunocnu' te confining in tljc Decrees, tfjat Ijc m^gbt maKc tloo in tjimiclf into ons; neto ma. 3t is no Dout tiint be fprafeetb tbere of § ceremonies, fo^fjccalletb itt^epaitt^ tion tDbcrlcitlj tbe Jelces tuer feuerco from tbc (Sent iles:U)!)crcf0;c 3! graunt tfjat tbofe fira eppoGto^iS arc rigfjtfuUt? repjoueD b? tljcfc : but tet me ttjinUs ^ tbefc DO not fuflficientl? lueil fct fQ^t)) § minD of tfje ^poClc. fm 3 ll?^e not at all,tobauett)crctloo places compareD tojjetber in all points, lube Us purpofc ^Jtas to a^uert^fe tbc Cpbcfias of tfjtir aooption into tbc fdotoftjip of ^rracl,l)e teacbetb tfjat f Hop is tahe atuai?,tobcrs! bv tbc^tJOf r befo;c time kept afunDcr, tl)at U)as in ceremonies, iro; § tracers of toaajings i facrifices, tDijcrluttb tl)c Blctnes tuere maDe bolp tjnto tbe ilo^D, DO feuer tij'e fro tbc C^entils. llBut in t\)c (Eptftle to tl^e Cololltans, tebo fe^tb not ^ be toucbctl) a bier miltcrie i 3!n D^Dc § point of J Difputatio tt;cr,is of ^ofai^ call obferuations tcljcreunto tljc falfc ^poltles DiD labo;^ to D;^ue tte ftamrnt. 2Eterfo;e f ^oltle ootb Ujo;* tljilv call t!?e ceremonies banDto^ttings aga^nll tbofc ^ obferue tbe : fo^afmncb as b^ tbem tbet DiD openli? feale to tbeir oton Damnation f tjncleanncffc. ianu it binDcretl) not-, tljat tbep Inere alfo par^ takers cf tbe fame grace luitlj ts . if o,j tlj^s tbet? obteincD in €\iMi not in tl)t ceremonpes,tobifb tbcre § j^poOle Dot(j feuer from Cl^^ill,bccaufc being at ti)$it time lifeD, t\)t^ DiD obfcure tfjc glo;^ of €\)^ift. STbus learne toe, ^ ttje ccremo* ni?es,if tljer be confiDcreD bv thtklmSy are toell i fetl^ calUD banDto^itingcs a# gninft tbc faluation of men,becaufe tl)cv Uicrc as folcmne inCrumcntes tljat te* ftificD tfjeir being bcuuo . mf>en ^c falfe^poaiestoent about tobtnDetbe Clj^^iCian €i)urc\) to tl)em agarn-jl^aul DiD not toitbout caufe aDmonifb tl)e Co? loiTians, h^a fetcbing ti)z figniScation of llje fiirtber of,to Wmt point tl)tv fljoulD fall bacfeeagavne, if tbep fuffercD them felues in fucb io^t to be roKcD bv tbcm. ifo? tberctoitball teas tbc benefitc of vDb;ifi tuicffcD atoat? from tbcm, in as mud) as i^e bailing once pcrfo;mcD tbe eternall clenfing, Ijatb t;tu*rlt abolid^cD tbofe oavl? obferuation:?,to^icb toer on* llJofi'o^cetofcaUfinnes, but couIddo nothing to tl;e patting atuat? of ttjcm. —^ 4cb.7Ct 9.ct,io. ; Hep, If. Cap. 8 Of the knowledge of The.yiii.Ch.ipfer, An cxpofition of the Morall lavvc* H€rc 31 t^infee it (lial not be from tbe parpofe, to enterlace t!je ten com? maunDcmcnfB of tfje laiD lo^tb a fto;jt e^pcfition of ttjem,becaufe tbcrb^ botbe tbat (I)aU better appeare lob^cb Hi baue toucbeo, tbat tbc fame heping of tbem totjicb ^oJ) batb once appointcD,rcmai' netb \?et in fo;^ce: anti tben aifo tue (^all pane bcliDes tbat a p;j(Dfe of ttje fcconDe povnt,tt)at ^ 3ietucs did not onl^ learnc b? It tubat toas tbe true fojce of goDl?? ne0, but alfo bp t!)c terro; of tbe iuDge- mct,fitb tbcv faU) tbcmfeluesbnable to Uecpe % tbei? loere compelleD tobetber tbc^ tuoulDc o> no,fo be D^atoen to tbe 9j^eoiato;.j!>olii in tbe fetting fo^tb tbe fum of tbcfe tbtngs tbat arc requireb in tbe true UnotulcDge of c0oD,Uie baue al rcaD? taugljt, tbat ti3c cannot tmtf^ixt bun acco^Bing to bis grcatnes, but tbat bt!anDbi? btfi maieft\> pjefentctb it felfe bnto b0 , to binoe bs to t\iz booztbrp of bim.Sin tbeUnoUileDge of our fclues toe baue fet tbis fo^ tbe cbcfe pof nt,tbat bc^ ing boioe of t^t opinion of oure otenc ftrengtb,anD cleane llrippeD of p trufte of our otonerigbteoufnesSjanD on tbe o* tber ftDe DifcouragcD anb beaten Dolun tuitb confcience of our otone ncDinelTe, toe (bulD Icame perfert bumilit^ anb a* bafement of oure fcluesXbe ilo^D fet* tt^ fo;tb botb tbefc povnUs in \iv.^ lato, toijere firft cbalcnging to bimfclfe Due potoer to gouern,bc caUetb bs to tbe re* uerencc of bis Diaine maicllB « apovnu tcro out bnto bs tobcrin it ^anoe^ anD conaCetb:anD tben publifbing a rule of bps rigbteoufncs,(agamae tbe r^gbtc* oufnes Uibcreof our nature as it \& per? ueiTc txm crohcDjDotb altoa^ ttriue^nb be nctbe tbe perfrr ib toberof cur potoer as of It k\^\r IS torak i fcble to Dog®D, itctb a great toav beloto) bs rep^ouetb b0 botb of toeafenes f bnrigbteoufnes. £po;ieouer i> itoaro iato tobicb toe baue before ra\?D to be grane i as it toere im p^inteD in ibarts of al men,Dotb after a certain maner enfo^m bs of tbe fame tbigs ^ are to be IcrneD of f ttoo tables, if o; our confciece Dotbe not fuffer bs to Qeepe a perpetuall fleepe toitbout fee^ Ung, but tbat it intoarbl^ is a \iiitnts t abmontCbcr of tbofc tbings i toe otoe to C5oD,t la^etb befo;rebs tbe Difference of gcDD anD tmW, % fo accufetb bs toben toe ftoarue from our Dueti?c. 15ut man being to^appeD in fucbebarknesof er^ r0;sasbcis> ffearfc euen QcnDerl^ta^ ft etb b\: tW lato cf nature, tobat tooj* Ibip pleafetb c toe arc not too;^ tbrtofcauc place among br'E' crcato?0, mucb lefic to be recl^cncD amons br« cbilDjcn . ELbe feconD is, in confioering our drengtb, to learne tbat it is not on^ Ir inlufficicnt to fulfill tbc lato,but alfo btterlr noneatallipereupen fcllotoetb ^^l gPittrutt of our oton grengtb, « a .Second Booke. Foi.ir/ j care t fearfulncffe of minb. ifo; conki ence can not beare tbe bumen of iniqui tit, butti)at branbbr tbc iuDgcmcnt of CDcD is pKfent befo;c it : anb tbc iuDge? ment of C^oD ca not be felt, but t: it Qri- betb into b0 a D;easfuU bo;ro; 0 j Dcatb. 0nD lifeetoifc being conUrarncD toitb p;ouc0 cf ber oton toeafeneCTc.it can not cbfflfe but branbbr fall into Defpcirc of bcrotonftrcngtb.l5otbtbcfcaffedion0 Docngenbcr bumilitie f abatement of courage. ^0 at Ifgtb it cometb to palTc, tbat man mabe afraptie ^aitl) falingcf cternall Deatb,tobicb be fectb to bang 0^ ucr brm br t^ bcfcruing of br0 otone tmrigbtcoufncffcturnctb bimfcif to tbe onlr merer of (©cD, a0 to r cnlr baucn of faluation:tl)at feeling tljat it is not iw \iis potoer to par tbat be eiatti) bnto tt)t latojUefpetrtng in bimfelf, be mar tafee b;ctb agarnc anb begin to craue « Icohe fo; be Ipe from clfaibcre. 4 2i5ut tbe !lc;^ not ccntcnteb to b?.«e p;ocureD a rcuerence of brs rigbtcouf* ncCTcba'balfoaDJjeb p;omife0| tb;eat* ning«,to ^l our bart0 Ivitb Icue of bim, anD toiib baticb of toicUcDnrflTc . ifo;, bccaufe our minb i0 to bliuD , to be mo^ ucD \i2itl} tbc oiilr brautr cf gocneflTc, it plcafcD tbe mo ft mcrcifull fatber of bT0 tenner feinDneCTf, to allure b0 16 ftoort^ nclTe cf rctoarbs,to loue f long fc; f)im, \^t p;onouncctb tberfo:e,tbat \i)itl) ly.m are retoaroes larDe bp fo; tertue , anD tbat be tbal not fpenD br0 labo; u\ tain, tobofoeucr be bc,tbat (ball cber b t0 co^ mauncement0 : l^e p;oclaimetb on tbc ctbcr(iDe,tbatbe not cnelr abbo;rctb tnrigbtcoufnrlTc , but alfo tbat it (ball not efcape tnpunifljeD fo; f i)t toill be a rcucnger of r contnnpt of bri5 maicllr. ^nD to eri)o;t t0brallmeane0,be p;o? mifetb £0 tocll tbc blelling0 of tbis p;c^ fcnt lrfe,a0 atfo cternall blelTeDneffc, to tbcirobcDicnceilfeape br0commaun* Dcmcnt0:anDto § tranfgrcflfo;0tbercf, £D.i be jCap.8. OC 20, ,LC.26,4 I SDe.2g.,. OFthe knovvlede;c of Ijotdjcatnett) botD p^efcnt mifervesf tbereinis DeclareD tbat not^rng is to ftjepuniajmentof eternall umtf). i?o;t : \m mo;^e acceptable t^an obestence, the fame p,jomifc(t)? i Dotb tbcfc tfjings Iwbicf) is fo niucf) t()e mo;c Diligently to W liiic in t^em):anD alfo § ti).2eatnmg ^ anftoeret!) it ( tlje foulc ^ i\mt% ^z fame lijaU 5t?e ) Do v^out Dout belong to i\)z imniojtalitie oj Deatb i is to come, ant! I^all ncuer be en9etj.0lbcit,to^ere^ focuer is mentioneo tfje gojD toill o,j lu>att}ofDc of CDoD , tut)erebi» ix commettj to paffe, i t^e commaunoementes tf t^e latue bane but fmall place among tl^e luo^i^est^at are commonlt! calleo goo tuo^fees, toiiiile i innumerable rate of mens Uto;^&es occupict^ almoli all ttje roflme, ^utto^at otljer t^r"S meant ^ofestban to rellrain fucb licenfioaf» neffe,ioi)en after tf)e publiflbing of tlje lato ^e fpake tljus to fbe people : CDeue Ibeeoe, ano tjeare all tljetljings i Bf co:n* maunD tl'ee, ^ it mai^ be iuel to t^ce ano f 0 tljt? c^ilD;en after ttjee fo j euer , toben tljou l^alt DO tJjat to^iclj is goD ano pleafaunt before tJ;^ (Sod . Mljat 2 commaunD tijce,tbat cnel^ Do: aDDe net bnto it,no? Dimtnill) it.^no befoje,lt)f)e be IjaD p;otcfieD, ^ tbps teas fj^sf teife^ Dome f tnDerffanDing before ct?)er na^ tions i fje IjaD receaucD iuDgementeSj rigt^teoufncffe,f ceremon\?es of ^ ilo^D, Ije fai!D furtljcr, feepe tberefoje tlj^ felfe anD t\)i foule carefulli',^ tljou forget not tbe teojDcs tel)if I) tljine epes Ijanc fan, anD tljataf no time tbe^ fall out of (i^r bart. ifo?,becaufc CDoo Dio fo^jefe^ tfjat Dc.i2. 8. Dc.12.8. are fet fo: f mo:c DeteUation of bnrig!j=^ tl)e Sifracktes teoulD not reft , but fljat . teoufneCfclcaft tlje (inner, DelitcD teitlj ttje f teeete flatterings of tices,fljolD fo:* gettljattlje iuDgement of t latemaUer i3p:epareDfo:l)im, <; ^otete!)crast^ello:Dgcm'ngarule of perfect rigl)tcoHfnc(re,!5atf) applreD all tlbe partes tljereof to^^s oten teil!, after tliet!l)aD receaueo tljelatoe,tbep teelD beiiDe it traucll in b;inging fo:t^ nete rigljtcoufneffe if tiije^ tecrenctfe* uerclr ~^olDen bacfee : trjerefoje Ijc p;c# nouncetl) tl;at tjerein i^ confaineD tbe perfection of rigftfeoafne(re,tel)icIj IfeolD bauebene t^e firongett ttayc to tfolDs tbem Dc,4. 11. 6'odtheRcd emer. becond Booke. i'ol.io6 ti)m back,anD wt tm DiD ccaffe frotn clmmtion fo:btD to commit foinicatB"' f bat bolDnsCfe fo mncb fo^bmt m.mit , fo luI,o^ to Qealc : in (bis cafe 3 graunt iDbatofiJS^'luearcnjrclrcopjcbcnDcD ; tbat if a man tfo oncliucnceruc in bis Lib,4 de ciui. Dci 112.de bo no con- iugali CO tra aduer Lcgis & proph. tuifbin tbefame cl^argcrfo^ it is no oout tbat tbatcontinuetb Hill \>Amh\> \> lojD batb cbalengeb to tiis l^alu tbc abfclutc Dottrins of ri?gbtcoufnctre , v^t toe not cotciif eD tberUiitb, bo monff rttouap tra uai^Ie Id fogging f coi?ning of nelo gojtj \s)0}ks one ijpon an otber, jfo^ tl)c bea^* ling of tbis faulty bettremeD^ialbe, if this tbousbt (ball be ftcDfa(!Ii? fettleo in bs, tbat tbe lato is gcuen bs fro goD to tc^icb bs a perfect rvgbtconfnes: tbat tbereinistaugbt no ri?0bteoufne£5,bat tbc fame ^ is ci:amineD,bp g appointeo rul2ofgoD0txnH:tbattberfo;e neln fo^f mts of tuo^fesare bat?nl^ attempteo to \jyin tbc fauo^ of gon, lubofe true 1do.j^ (b?p (ranDetb in onl^ obebience:bat ra^ ti) :r tbat fucb fittti^ of gob loo.:fees as toanbcretb out of tbe llaUj of goo, is m intolerable Defiling of goes r^gbteouf^ ncs I of tbc true rigbtcourncffe.Augu^ ftinealfo (^i\!tb rnoH trucl^ , \2)liic^ ca(# Ictb tbc obcDience j? is Done to (IDcb,foni trmctbemotbcr ano Ueper, fomctimc tbe oziginall of all bertucs» 6 ^atiubcntucbaueejjpoiidcb flalu of tbe lo;tb,f ben mo;ie fitli> itoitbmo^e piofiC (ball tbat be confirmcD tobicb 3 l)mt before fpohen 0 f t\)t office i m of tbe latu.llSut before tbat 31 begin to oif:* cuflte cucrp feue rail commauDemcnt bp it fclf, it l^lbc gmb nobo to geue facb lelTonsasferueto tbc tjniuerfalfenoUj* lebge tbcreof. jf irU let bs bolD fo; Diter mincDjtbat t^t life of man is intlrutf eb in tliz lat!),not onelp to outtoaro tone^ ftl')bntalfoto intuaro f fpiritual rigb^ teoufnes. ^bifbtbingtobcrasnoma canDcn^,l?ettbere befcto tbat rigbtelp mark tt.2Ebat coimt}) to paiTe,b\?faure tbc^lo&cnotbpontbc latuma^cr, b^ tcbofe nature tbc nature off latualfo ongbtjo bcjgcieb.jf anr bing bo bi p;o mino a lull to commit fo^nicati6,to Cn, ojtoftcale, f bonotcomitan^ oftbefe tUt\QS in bccD, be is out of tljt compa(rc of tbis p;jobibitio.;anb tbe rcafon isM tbatjbicaufc J fo^Iigbtofa mortal latu^ mahcrjcoulonotcrteo but tocuttoarD c^uilitie : bis comaunbemcnts are not b;ohcn,bnt tobcn t\)t outfearb offences are comitteb. I^ut C?ob (tobofc cvt nof tljing cfcapetb,f tobicb regaroetb not fo mudj§outU)arD(beU) as tbccleamtes of § bartjbnoer tl)t fojbiODing of fojni* cation,manaaugbter ano tbeft, fo^bio^ betb,lu(f,lu;atb, batrcD, coueting of an otbcr mans guile,! tobatfoeucr is lt>he to tbcfc. iFo; infomucb as be is afpiri; tuall latomaljcr, be fpea&ctb no IclTc to tf)z foule tU to tbc boD^n llBut tl)z man^ (laugbter of tbe foule , are tD^atb 1 ba* treb:tbe tbeft of tbc foulc,is cutl Dcfire anb couetoufncs ; t\}t fo.:nication of tbc foulCjis lua.)15at mans iatus airo(lD^U fomc man fapjbaue rcgaro ta ententes anb \x)ils,ii not to fucctUcs of fo^tuncj graunt, but ret tf)t^ arc fucb tntenti^s f toils,as bane outtoarblv bjolicn out. SCbet: tucii tuitb "'Xtljat mtit iuzc\> out* toarb act batb ben bone, but tbcp fcarrb not tbe fecrct tbougbfcs. SDbcrfo^c tbc j? arc fatifgcD liibcn a man oncly hiitb' bolbetb l)is banbs from ofifenbing, ^n tbc otbcr (ibcbicaufc tl)t "^tmcnlv lato is mabe fo; our minbs, tberfo^e tt)c w ftrai?nt of minbcs is principally ncbe^ ful to tbe feeping tbcreof. i5ut t^t com^ mon fo;t of mcn,cuen lobe tber migbt'e l^ DilTemble tbcir contempt of § latD,bo fram their e^es,tbeir fctct^cir banbs, f al ^ parts of tbcir boD^ to fome obfer uaticn of the Latxjc, in the mcane t^mc tbcp bolD tbcir bartmott far of from all obedience, anb tbtnlitljemfclucs tuell bifcbargcb, if tbn? feepe clofc from men ^4. tm iCap .8. "DFtlie knovvleao-c of-"^ Ro.7.: M iMat.j. toat Vuijulj ttjci? DO III ttjc Cgbt of <25ot). S^fjc? btare it (av^i SC^ou Hjalt not Uil: 2Dbou lliilt not comit auultme* SDIjou flbait not ttcalettljei u^ati; not out tljeir rincro to Mxtiic^ iovnt not tijctr botiica tuit'o fjarlots: tf)cv la^ not t??rir feanDcs tpon otfjcr mens 335^. ^11 ttjis w UjcII fn?tbcrto.'315ut in t^cir lu^ole Ijarts ttjcr b^catf) out murDc«,tl)CV bo^Ic in luU, fc^cp caC tljeir c^cs afiuc at all mcnncs 0flDOiS,t Deuour t^c toitl) coacting.iFioto tuaretb tfjat tubicl) toas tlje clbtcf pornt . of tbc lato. ^bcnce, 31 PJ-^r I?o") f o»^* 41 tnctb fogrotreDuIne£5, butt^atlcauing {t [atJDniafecr,t!}er ratbcr nieafurc ml)* tcoufnc lie far t^cir otonc luitf agavnlt tfjefc Dott) Paul migbtili' err out,amr^ niing tljat t!je Into is fpirituahto^crb? 0? mf anetb, f it noi oncl^ DcniaunD?tb an obcDicncc'of tbc foulc,mvnU i VuiU, butalfo rcqniretb an ^inselihe purc^ nr(rt%trbiai bauing all tbe filtftinclTc of t^t ficfij clrane tuipcD atoap, maiefa^ uo;inotbin0but of tbe fpirit. 7 ^mjetoefari^tbifiis tbe meaning of tbe lato.toc tbjuH not in a neto crpo fiCion of cur oton,but toe fclloto €l)na fot beC eppcfito? of tbe latu. if 0; toben ppb tber fome Defpeirc of tnDcrllanDing it SLberfore.if it be poirible,toe muC tafee fome fucb toan,tbat ma^ bp rigbt f per feet patb leaDc ts to t^t toil of <2?oD, toe muff 31 fa\? fcarcb boto far our ejJpoGtio matjecrccc tbebounDcs of tbe too^Ds, tbat it mav appeare tbat it is not an aD Dition of mens glofes fenitto tbe too;D of g:D,but ratber tbat ti)z pure i natu^ ral meaning of tbe latogeuer is faitbful l^ renD?eD.Cruel V in a maner in all y> commatjoements it is fo manifeff,tbat tbercare figuratiue fpeacbes,mcaning more in erpjelTing part , tbatbemav toortb^l^ beclaugbeD at tbat torll re^ ff rat>ne t\)t meaning of tbe llato to tbe narroto* GodthcRcdcmcr. Second Booke. Jol 107 narrotoncffe of tibe toojus.Blt is cuiDcnt t\)zrto}tyt\iat fobcr erpoCition tiotb paffe bc^ono tijc toojDe3:but bote far,tbat rc^ maTjnctb barD to iuDgcbnlelTc tbcre be fomc mcafurc appointcD: iuberefo^c 3 tbinUc tbis to be tbc beft mcaf are, tbat if it beDiredeo to ^ cntcnt of ^ comaun^ 0emcnt,tbat is, tbat in tutr^ commaii* nement be toeT?ctJ, tub? it tons geue b0. 0s fo; c)cample:(I!;Her? comaunucment is zither b? lua? of biDDing,o: of fojbio* tiin^: tbc trutb of botb foitc5 (bal fo;jtb^ toitb be founo,if toe confiocr t\)t entent 0^ § eno tberof. ^s tbe cno of tbe fift co' maunoement is, tbat bono: is to be gc^ urn to tbe to tobom 2 W; fet | rigfjteoufnefle teilt tfjou call it , i^ f^ou fojtt) f3j an craniplc in cticrr hinoe of off f nee V VDlncO luafi mofi iuicfeco ano abJjominaljlcnt § ^caring tetjcrcof our tjerffcnfcsmigt^tbemoueD Id IjQ^ro?, ttjcrbT! to cmp;nit in our miuDB a mo;e bainous Dctcfting of cucrp fo.zt of (inne. Sbv« manv times oereauctb b£t in btjcr ins of bifC5,V if tbci be an^ tbing fccret, luemahcfbcmfPrticrmalL SDbcfebe* ccitca tbe llojD Dotb tiifclofe, tube beac^ ciiffomctb t)5 to refer al tbc tobole mul- titijoe of birec to tbefe pzinripall bcaD0, Uibicb DobcG of al fijclOjboUj mucb eutf I'V imnt is abbominablc*. ^fo^ eram^ pic , lp;iatb f batreo arc not tbougbt fo bavnous euilo, tobcn tbc^ arc calico b^ tbcir oiun namc5,but tube tbe^are foj? biocen tjs bn^icr (' name of mantlaugb/ tcr,tuc better t)nDcrttanD botu abbomi* nablc tbep arc before dDoD, b^ tubofe tuo;iD tbei? arc fct in § begra of fo bo^^ rible an offence : anD tue moueo br hy^s iuDgmcnt, bo acaillome our ftlues bet^ tcrto U)c? (' bainoufnellc of tbofc faults tbat befo;rc famcb but ligbt bnto tjs. 11 Gbirtilv is to be confiDcreb , tcbat mcanctb p biuzDingof p lalu of (Doo into ttuo tables, tubercof all tuife men tuill iuogc ^ tber is fomtime mention maue not bnfitlv from t\)t purpofe, no^ tuitb? out caufe. ^nb tue baue a caufe rcaot', tbat Dotb not fuffer bs to remain in bout of tbrs matter, ire; Ceo fo oiuibeo brs latu into tiuo partr0,in tubicb is tanttu neb il)c tubole rigbteoufneffc , ^ be batb alTigneD tl}t fird to p Duties of religion tbat 00 peculiarly pcrtein to y toojOjip ping of bis goDbeb, tbc otber to p Duties of cbaritic Icbicb belong bnto mniXl;c 6ra foui;bation cf rigbteoufneCfe is tbc tuo.2tbip of (Soo: tubicb being once ouer tb;olDen,al ti)e otber members of rigb^ tcoufneffe arc to;nc in fanber i DilTol* ueb,litjc to ^ partes of a beufc bnio^jnteb anb fallen Dotune, if o? tubat mancr of tjejfett not men \i)itl) robbcrt? f ertout^ ons,if in tbe meane tirm by toic^eo fa* crilege tbou fpoyleft <^cDs maicftye of b\?s glojy i tbat tbou Dcfileti not tby bo^ by loitb fo;nication,if tuitb tby blafpbe^ myes tbou pjopbanely abiifc tbe facrcD name of CDoo i tbat tbou murtbcred no ma if tbou trauel to beUroy i ertinguiflb tbe memory of (2!'0Df Mberfb?e rigbtc* oufnetTc is tjainly boafteb of tuitbout re^ ligion,f mafectb no better l^etu,tba if a manglcD boby luitb t\tt bcD cut ofjOjold be b;ougbt fo jtb fo; a beautifull figbt. ;anb religion is not onelytbe p;incipall part of rigbteoufneffCj but alfo tbe bery foule luberluitb it bjeatbetb % is quicH^' neo.ifo; men feepe not equitie i louea^ mongtbemfclues tuitbout tbe feareof (Cob.SDberfoje tue fay,fbat tit tuo;flbip of CDob is tl)t beginning i founbation of rtgbreoufneCre,becanfc luben it is talten atuay,all tbc equitie,continence,i tern* perance tbat men tjfc among fbemfel* ucSyis bainc % tiifling befo;e (25oD. Mle fay alfo tbat it is the fp;tngbeb f liucly b;eatb of rigbteoufneffcbccaufe bereby me bo learnc to liue among tbemfelucs temperately? tuitbout burt boingone to an otber, iftbey rcuerence CDob as t\)^ iubge of rigbt $ tu;ong.Mberefo;e in tbe fivft table be inftruaetb tis to goDlincOc anb tbe proper tnities of reU;* gi5,U)bcrtuitb bis maielly is to be t&o;i= fbippco: in tbc otljer be p;efciibctb botu fo; ^ fcares fafee of bys name,tue ougbt to bcbauc our felues in the fellotul^ip of men. janbf0;fbysreafononrllo;be (as tbe Cnangi liftes rebearfe it) hin in a fumme gati)gr tbe ivbalc latu into ttuo p;incipali pcyntes, tl)c one ^ tue C&oulo louc CDob tuitb aU our bart,tuUb all our foule, lUitb ail our firengtij : tbe otber ^ tue louc our nciixbbo; as our felues. %\)ns tbou fxft botu of ^c ttuo partes tube rin be conclubetb tbe tubole latue, be Mat.22, 37. Luk,io \jodtncr\caemcr. occona DOOKC. i roi 10;$ be Diretfet^tlje one totoaru (l]5oi),anoa^ pointcti) tl)z otbcr toluaroe men. 12 )!5utaltf)oagf)t^clD!)olclaUjbecoit< te^ncD in tiuo p^incipall points, ret to tbe enD to take atoa^ all pretence of cp* cufCjit pleafeo our goD,to Bcclarc in t\)z tencommaunDements mo.2e Iargcli?i plainly al tbinss tfjat belong botb to tbe bono;j,fearc i loue of bimfelf , i alfo to tbaUbaritie,tDbtcb be comaunDctb ts to bcarc to men fo;^ bis faUe » ^nU tbp ftuopisnotillfpenttoUnoto tbc Diui* (tonof tbe commaunoements , fo tbat tboa remember tbat it is fucb a matter iDberein cuer^man ougbt to baue brs iutjgcmcnt fr0e,fo^ tobicb lue ougbt not contentiouflr toftriuctnitbbim , tbat tl)iM\) otberUiife. 115ut toe mutt naDs toncbtbi0point>leatttbe reaoersfbulo eitber fco^ne o; maruell at ti)t Diaifion ^ Ivelbal W, ai neto t lately Deuifeo. nat f latju is oiuioeD into ten tooths, bicaufe it is oft appzoueo by> tbe autjjo^ ritie of goD bimfcif, it is out of contro* uerne>U)berfo;e tbere is no oout of ti)c mjbcr,but of ^ maner of DiuioingXbei^ tbat foD^uiDe tbc, tWti)t^ gcuctb.iee (ommaunDements to tbe 6rtt table , f put otberbg. into § feconD, do Vuipeout of the number tbe commaunt^ement concerning Bimages, o; atleattetbe^ bpuc it t)nDer tbc firft:Uiberas luitbout 0out it is feneraliy let bp tbcLojo fo; a c6maunoenient,f tbetcntb commaun* Dement of not coueting tl)c tbingesof bi6 ncvgbbo ur, t^c\? do fonDly teare iw . to ttoo.lSefiDc tfjat it fijall fapnDb? be Dane to tjuDerttauD, tbat fucb maner I cf Dtjui^inj t»as bnUnolxien in tljt piu rerage. iaDtber Do recbenas tDccDo,' fotoer feueraU commaunDementcs in tbc ftrtt table, but in place of tbe firft tbei' fet tbe pjom^fc luitbout tbe com^ mw»mDemcnt. 0sfo;mc, bvcaufctn* IcCTe 3i be conainceD b^ eut>Dent reafon, 3 take tbc ten ltio;Des in ^ofes fo; ten commaunDements, me tbinbes Bl fi^ fo manp dcu^dcd in Der)? fit o;Dcr. SCber* fo;e, leauing to tbem tbeir opinion, 31 lull folloto tbat tDbicb 3i bett allotD,tbat is, tbat tbefame lubicb tbefe later ro;t make tbc firft commaunoement, tt^ll be in (tcDc of a preface to p lubole laUj> anD tbcn (ball folloU) tbe commaunDe^ mentcs,fotx)cr of tbe firft table, anD ftp of tlje feconD,in fucb o;Der as tbe^ (bah be rebearfcD . Auguflmc alfo to Boni« j^^j^ ^ face agreetb toitb bs , lubicb in rcbcar^ Lie* vcr fing thzm bepetb tbis o;Der : tbat CDoD '-J A onelr be ferueD toitb obeDience of reli«! gion,tbat no iDole be toojtbippcD, tbat tbe name of tf)c 3lo;De be not fallen in barne,lu!)c bcbaD before fenerall^ fpo feen of tb^ IbaDoluiU) commaunoemcnt of tbe Sabbat. 3n an otber place in Doeo tbat firft Diuifion pleafetb bim, but fo; tofclenDer acaufe, tbatis,bKaufe in tbe number of t\)iei , if ^t firftc table confiff oftb;oe commaunDemcntcs, tbc mi?fteri?e of tbetrinitiemo;e pla^nl^ appearctb. Albert in tl)t fame place be fficfeetbnof toccnfclTc tbat otbcrtupfc ' be ratber IvUctf) our Dpuifion . HScaoc ! tbefctbeautbo; of tbe tnperfectt tDo;k \ Ijpon ^atbcto is of our ftoe. Bioff pbus, bnDouteDlv^acco;Dingtotbecommo con fent of bps tpme,affignetb to ei'fber ta^^ ble Sue commaunDcmentes.CSilbtcb is bottj ajavnft reafon, bi?caufe it confoii^ j Detb tbe Diftinction of religion f cbm tiCi anD alfo is confuteD bp tbe autbo;i tie of tbe i.c;Dc bimfelfe,tubicb in £pa^ i^ tbelo rccUcnetb tbe commaiiDementof ^^^* '^* bono;ing our parents,in ti)t number of tl)z feconD table, ji^olu let Ijs beare goD bimfcif, fpcaaing ii\ Ijis otone iuo;D0, The firfi CommaHTtdnnent. 1 am the Lord thy God, which hauc brought thcc out ofthc iad of t gipt,out! of the houfc ofbodagc. Thou shalt hauc no ftrangc Gods before my face, £D^iiH^ ^®3Ibetber Of the knowledge of V^on.26. Ierc.31.33i Mat, 22. 32. ^ apart of ibrtt fomaunoemet, 0,: rcau it fcucrallp, it i$ inneSctent to niejo tW rcu CO not ucnp me i it tth DetttndxDcofa p;cfarc totlje tobole lalu. jr rft m iiiafeins of latea 10 ^cuc to be tabc,^ tfjer be not a)o;tli? after ab;o^ gate b^ contempt. SDhc rfojc goo firtt of al phonier tl),tfjat tbe mateftic of § lato t^at l^e ftall ma!^e , ma^ ucuer at ani? time come in contempt.i?o;r ttabliOjing to{)erof!jet)fefbtb;a maners cf arj!;u^ mrnt0.if irft Ijc c^alf get^ to fjtmfc If po^ Iwer f ricljt of Domtmo,lDberb^be mai? ccnftrarne ^is cbofen people, ttjot tbe^ muft of neceffitie ober l)im:tl)en Ije fet* tetl) fo;it!) a p;jomife of grace h)itl) ftuat nctTctljerof to allure tbf to Cucie of ijc? Itneerc.SLfjirtl^be rec^etl^ tfje benefit ttjfit l)c Dpu fo; i\)t to repicue ^ B^ctoes ofVintljanUfulnefijiftljev Do notUiitbo^ beDiencc anftuerc Yjis feinoneffctiUntJer ti)t name of Jefjouabtbe lo.:D,i0 meant bis aut!)o;itici laiuful Dominion. ^nD if al tbtngs be of bim f Do abioe in \)ini, it 10 rigfjt tf^at al tbinges be refcrreD to l;im,as Paul fa^tb. SLbercfo^e iue are 16 tbiB too?D alone fafficientlp b^oogbt ijr.Der § tohe of goDs maieffie, b^caufe it \tjcre montf ruou0 fo> be to feebe to iDitbD^atu our felues fro bnDer bis go^ uernement, outof lubo toe can not be. 14 after tbat be batb (l)cU)eD tbat it is be tbat batb potcer to c6mannD,to tobo obeDisncc is Due,lctt be Ujoulo fccmeto D^itu bp onlv net effiticbe alfo alluretb toitb ftDrcteneffc in pronouncing, tbat be is ti)c goD of § cburcb-if 0; tber is biD Dcuintbrs fpeacba mutuall relation, iDbicb is contetncD in v p:omire:3i tail be to tbr a (!?0D,anD tbcT*CqaIbe to me a people. Mbentpcn Cb;ittp:ouetb tl;at :ab?ai)am, jraac « Biacob baue immo;-; tal Iifc,b^ tbis tbat gcB te Ctfieo tbat be esfbcir(Doo.^berefo2c itisacmudj ineffcrt,asifbeflboDlD fap t\$as: jljaue &.14. 2, Lc.1^,2. Mal.1.6, cbofen ^u to be my> people , not onln to D8 ^on gfloD in tbis p;^erent life,but alfo to gcuc ^ou tbe blcflfeDneire off lt?fc to come.iDUt to tobat eno tbis tcDetb, it is noteo in Diuerfc places in § JLatoe.jfoj lDbentbello;jDDotbtoucbfaueto Dcale tbus mercifully \s}iti) bs,to call ts into i companie of bis people, be cbcfetb fe» (fa^lb ^ofcs) ^ toe CbulD be a peculiar , people bnto bifelf,a bolp people,i (bulD '^^'j^iS. feepcbis c5maunDements.i?ro Urbencc alfo commetb tbis erbo;tation : I5e re l)ol?,fo; 3 am bcli? . ipoto o«t of tbefe ttoo is Der^ueD tbat p^otcffatio tbat is intbep;ropbet : X^efonbono^tetb tbe fatber,f tbe feruat bono;^etb \)is ilo;^D. 3f ^ be a i.ojD,\jDbcrc is m^ fearer Jf 3 be a fatber, Uibcre is mv louef i< ^oto follotjoetb tiit rebearfall 0 f bis benefitc, \i)\}ic\) ougbttobeoffomucb mo;e fo;tce to moue tis,as § fault of i3n* tbankfulnes is mo;e beteftable euen a^ mong men.^c then DiD put Sifrael in re meb^anceofa benefit lately Done, but fucb a one as foj tht miraculous greats ncs tbcrof being toojtbr to be baD in re mcmb;ancefo? euer, C^ulD rcmaine in fojce Uiitb tbeir pofteritte.^ojcouer it ismottagreable fo;tbis pjcfentmat* ter. ifoj tljc ito<:D feemet'j to fa^ tbat tber Uiere Del^uereD out of miferable bonoage fo; tbis purpofe, ^ ti)tv fljoulD \3yi^ obeDience ano reaDines of feruice bono: bim.r autboj of tbeir Dcliueracei ^e tfetb alfo, ((0 tbe ene to bolD bs fall in ^ truetao;d)ipping of bim alone) to fft outbimfclf Id certaine titles,lJDbeD br be maljef b bis facrcD maielf ie to be Differently fenotae fro al iDoles f fo^geD goDS.jfo;, as3l favD before, fucb is our rcDr inclinatio to banitte,iorneD to^tb ralT) bolDnes,^ fo fone as goD is nameD, our minD ca not tafec bcDc to it felf, but ^ it branDbv fallctb ataai? to feme tarn irtuention. 3:berefoje,lubentbeJlo^ meanetb to baling a remeDrefo; tbis mifcbief, God the Reckracr. Second Boolcc. Amo.1.2 Aba. 2 PC 80. 2. &.9p.i. 16. mifcftefc, ^jc (ttttti) out ftts cton goDljco \3)itt) f ertain titles, antj fo uott) comp feare ano lucjl^^p brfi maicttie,f 0 embrace tbc communis eating of al bis gaio tbingSjeucr? tober to feeUe ro;^ bis belpe, to rebnotolebge « atiuaunce tuitb confeffion of p.ia?fe tbe magnifocnce of b^s iua tbat all fop gcD €"050 are to be Dnuen foxce atoa?, anb tbi\t tbe i»o;i(bip is not to he to,inc ; in foobcr, l\)bi?cb be aIon& daimetb to i bimfelfe. jfo;t it is not Ulpful to t^ht a* \ baD> Co iiatue be mo;tc opcnL? Dcclaretb tDbat ioav an? tbing firm r,:'0 g!o;i', be it rx^ ucr 10 litlc, but tJjat all tbings ]^ belong tobim,mai? Ujljclt rcmainetoitb bi?m. SDbe parcel of rcntccc tbat folotoetl)(bc* fojc mi far e(encreafctb tt^e bainoufncs: foj ^ (©oD is p^ioitokeD to ialouf*?e, fo oft as toe tij^uft our otun inuentios in \)is place^as if an bncbatt tooman b? b^in^ gtng in an aDultcrer openli? befi);e bcr buf banDs cpc s, (boulD tbe mo^e bcr Ijis niinDe.s:bcrefci;e tobf n (DoD teftificD ^ Voitb bis pjefent potoer ano grace be lo^ kcD bpon ^t people tbat be bab cbofen, tbe mo^e to fra^^ tfjem from ti)t tuitfecb act of falling from bim, b? Qmttt) tbem toarning tt)At tbcr can be no nelu goDs b;ou;v(jt in,uut tbat be is Icitncffe t be* bolDtr of tbeir facrileDae.ifo;^ tijis bolD? nes is encrcfcD toptb nmcb toickeDues, tbat man tbinhcttj tljat in bis ticings a^ toa? be can begile t])t t^ts of ©oD. £Dji tbc otber CdcOod crictb out tbat tobat foeucr toe purpofe, tobatfocuer toe goc about, tobatfoeuer toe p;actife,it cometb in bis fig'ot Jlct tberfo^c our confcienee be cleans taen from tbe motte recreate tbougbts of ftoaruingffom bim, if tot toill baue our religion to pleafe t ^o^b. ifo; b? requiretb to baue tbe glo;t?^ of 1 bis ^^oQbcD tobole anDbnco^ruptcD,not onelp in outtoaro confdTion, but alfo in | f)is cvcsy tobpcb 00 bcbolDe ^z moft Cc* Crete corners of bcarts» 7'he fcconri con m4undemtnt» Thou slalt not make to thee anic ^rauen image, noranyc fimihtudeof thofe tilings that are in hcauen abouc, or in ihe earth ben-eath, or in the wa- ters vndcr the carthe. Tliou shait not worship them,nor fcrue thcm« 17 Zsi in (be Crlf comanDement \)t p;o? noiiccD i^ be iss tbc one goD beliDe tobom tberarcnootbers gous to be DeailcD 0^ De.4.7 Cod til tD^at maner of<5oD l^c tfi, f toitfj Uiljat JjinDc of tuo^fl^ip ijc 10 f 0 be !)ono.:cD : >$ Ijjc mar not p;cfume to fojgc an\> car? nal f bing fo; l^ini. SD^c enD tfjerefo;ic of ttii5 comaunccment 10 ttat be UjiII not banc p latMfuI lBoja)ip of bim,to be p;o pbancrj 16 fuperftitioiis tjfascs.^ber^ fo^e in fummcbe callcrb % D;iatoctb tw aluap frc f carnall obefcruatio3,U)bicb our fcDltd) mint) is loont to inuent,Vi}b^ it conceiuctb 8 SLbepcnallo^oinancctbatfoIotDefb ougbt nota litleto anail to IboKc of our goutbfulncs. j?o; be tb^eatnctb:SDbat 0 Reckmcr. Second Bcokc. : be is tbe ilo;D our neration,in tbcm tbat bate bt?« name,! (b:\wctb mcrcv? t)nto tboufantis to tbtm tbat louc bim aiio hecpe liis commaun* Dcmcnts.Sbtfi is as muc b in cffectcas if be n)otilD banc fa^u^tbat it is be ondi? tjpon Inborn luc ougbt to ftirkc. 3nn to b^ingtstbcreUnto, bcfpeaUetbof h^s potocr, 1^ tjotb not tcitbout puniflbmcnt fuffer it fclf to be contenmco 0? Diniim^ CbeD. ^ecrc is in oetoc fct tbe n<».me tl, tDbicb figniSetb CDou.iSut Uccaufe it is DeriucD of ftrcgtb, to erp,2cs tbe fenfc {> faettcr,3i m not Ric^ fo to traflate it, 0; to put it into J text, %Mi be callctb bim felf ialous ^ ca abibc no fcUotuXbirDly be aff irmctb i be tuill be a reucngcr of bvs maiettv i glo^t? if ant uo tranffc rrc it to creatures qi f 0 grauf images, ann tbat not tuitb a {bo.:t 0; acn^cr rcur gc, butfucbas (ball cptcno totbccbilo^cn ano cbilb^ens cbilejcn, f cbilojens cbil- Djcns cbilD;jf n, tbat is, fucb as Ojall be fcUoUjcrs of tbcir fatbers bngoDlinciTc: as alfo be lljelnctb a perpetuall merci? anDbountifulnclTc bnto long continu* ancc of poUcritie, to tijofe tbat louc bim f feepe Mis latu. It i& a common mancr toitb<25oatotakebponbfm t^^^t pcrfon of a bufbanD totoaro bs. jfo; ^ joniunc? tiontobertwitbbebinDctb bimfelfbnto \iSy\xi\itn\)z reccauetb bs into tbcbo^ fomcofb^sCburcbjis like bnto accr? tain bolp tocDlocfe, ^ mutt fianu b v mu* tuallfaptJjfulnrcrc. jas be Dotbe all tbe Duties of a faitbfull 1 true bufbanOjfo a^ gainc be rcquirctb of bs fucb louc % d)a'^ ttitiz as ougbt to be in toeDlocb,tbat toe T^elDc not our foolcs to fatan,to luII,anD to filtb^ Dcfircs of tbe fleflj, to be ocfileo by tbc.^berupon be tbat rcbufectlj tbe apoltafie of tbe Sletucs, complannetb tbat tber ciD tb;oto atnav tliSifiitity ano tpere Dcfilcb to aDuUerics.g:^bcrfo?e,gs ^apX Of the knowledge of tie bufbantijtfje mo.:e fjoli? ano t\)ait i \)c ^imfclf i0,tlic mo;t is ie feinDlcD to anger if be fee bis Xxmcs uiinD mdmt i'lerc.3 to a Grange loucr : fo tbe iLojOc ^ bafl) |Ofe,2. tuet)DeDtJ5t)ntof)imfdf in truti;, tefti^ fietbi^Ijefjatljamoftferuftlp burning ialoufie,fo oft as neglecting f purenes of bis bol? rnariage,tDe are DeftleEi tcitb toicUco luff e0, but fpeeiaU? tben tDben toe tranfferre to an^ otber, oz do infrd itt mv2 fupcrffition tbe iJDo;jllbip of b!?s nanie^tobic^ ougbt to be moff tjncojrup tiD: if ojafmucbas bt? this mean tee Do notoncl'g b^eaU tbe favtb geur in U«e0^ Ioclj,but alfoto Defile tbe teri? tueODing be3,toitb bringing into it aDulterers. ip 31n tbe tbetening is to be fan Uibat be meanetb b? tbis,iribcri be fa^itb, tbat be tuilltiritc ^t iniquitie of tbe ifa^ tbcrs tpo tbe cbtlD.:en/ bnf 0 t^t tbiro i fourtb generati6.ifo;,befiDetbat it Ca^ Dctb not iDitb f equitie of goDs iuUict, to puntff tbe innocent fo; an otbers of:* f cnce.(E)oD bimfelf alio fa^tb, ^ be toill not make tbe fonne to bearc tbe toic l?eD neltc of tl)c fatber. mnt this fente ce is mo<>e tban once repeteD, of p;olonging tbe punia)ment of tbe finnes of tbe aun« tetters tpon tbe generations to come. Nu.14 8 jFo; fo Dotb spofes oftentimes fpcati tn to bim:^loiD,5lo;^D,^ renDjell ip iniqui* t V of tbe fat bers to tbe Mnty tnto t^c tbirD anD fourtb gencratton.liketupfe 3eremr:2Lboutbat OjelDcftmercrein tboiffaiiDs,tbat renD^ieft tbe iniqititp of tbefatbers into tbe bofomc of tbe cbil* D^en after tbem.S^anr,Mnle tbcv tra* uaile mucb in loOng t\)is knot , t'ointjc tbat it is to be tjaDerffartDcD onl^ of tt^ po.:al puni(bments,lDbicb if tbf cbil9;f fuffer fo^ t\)t parents fAu!t5?,it is no ab^ furDiti,fojarmuch as tbe^ are oftflimes laiD bpon tm fo j tbeir faluation, tcbicb Erai.39.7 i^ t" DcDe true.if oj €fai orclareD to C'* lecbias, tbat Us fcnncs fijuia be fpoileD of tbe ^insBom,ano caricD into erile foz i^ze.ig. 23 tbe Un tbat be bao coaimitteo.SCbe bou^* | fcs of pbarao f 0bimelecb teer plageD j^c 12.17 foi, offenDingab^abam.lSut tuben tbat &,2o. 3, is allegcD fo.: affoiling of tfjis queffion, it is ratber a Ibift tban a true erpotitio, ifoj bere t in liUe places be tb^etnetb a mo?e greuous reuengc tban tbat it mai be limited layitiiin t\)c bouns of tbis p;e^ rent life.^t is tberfoje t^us to be taken: tbat t\)t iiiQ curfe of tbe ILo^d, Wb not onl^ bpon tbe beo of (> InickeD man U^ felf,but alfo tjpo bis iwbole familr:U be tl)t curfe once lietb bpon tbem, lubat is els to be lofeeD foj, but tbat § fatber htf ing Deffitnte of 1^ fpirit of goD,liue molt UjtcheDlv,! tbe fonne liheluifc fo;faken of § %QZti fo; § fatbers faalt,Do folloUie § famctoa^ of Dettruction : anD finally, t\)t t\)iUics cbilD, f tbe r bilD of J cbilDes cbilDe,tbe curfcD feDe of DeteUable mat Do fall be&long after tbem;? 20 if irft let bs fee,tKbetber fucb reur ge bebnfcmelv fo; ^ tuftice of C^od. 3f all § nature of man be Damnable^toe bnoUi i Dettruction is p;f pareD fo; tbem, to tiobom tbe Jlo;D tjourbfafctb not to com^ municate bis grace. j^euertbelclTe tbe^ Do peritb hy> their otun tjnrigbteoufnes, anD not b^ bnrigbteoas batreD of (15oD, i]5ettber is tber left mv caufe to quarel, lub??tbepbenotbolpenbr t^c grace of ©oD to faluation as otberare.'Siaaberas tberfo;e tU^ punifljment is la^Dc tjpon toicUcD men anD cuiU Doers fo; tbeir offences, ^^ tbeir b^fes be Dep;iueDof tbe grace of CDaD Durmg man^ genera* tions-.tobo can accufe CDoD fo; tUs moff iu^ reuengc i IBut ti)c 3lo;De on t\)t 0^ tbcr fiBc p;onoiincctb tbat tbe punilb^ ment of tbe fatfjers Oinne djall not paffe oiierlanto V fonne. j^otetobattstbere cntrcafeD of . atben the SifraelitesbaD ,Ez,i8.2o ben long 1 continually be jceD )i}it\) ma* nr calaniitie£i,tbc?? bega to tjfcfo; a p;o uerbe,^ tbeir fatbcrs bao eaten a fotoer grape ? tobereloitb tbe cbtl9;ens itttt Uiece God the Redemer* Second Bool^ Gc. 17,7. pro.20.7 tpcrc kt en ctgc : tcbfrbp tfjcf meant, ti)at their fattjers Ijao comitteo finnrc, taljerof ttfT) being ctljcrteifc riglite cus an!) not seferuing it, tin fuffer tbepu=^ nt(f)mcnt, ratber b^ tf)c tnappcafrable \D;at\)!ulncs of iixU iuDgcmcnt of CDob, not fo? tbe Cns of otber,but fo: tbeir otune irdquit^, 21 £)n tbe otber fine is off re b a p;omire of enlarging tbe mercve cf ©ou into a tboufanD generations,U)bic^p;omife is alfo often founo in tbe fc ript»res,anb is fct in fi)e folemne tcucnat of ^ Cburcb: 31 toil be thv <^otJ, anD cf tbi? feebe after ttfk, 2«L' bicb thing Salomon bauing re^ fpcct bnto, to;ir'tctb that the cbiio^en of the rigbfeous Ibalbc blcfeo after tbep;^ Deatb,not oneli? bv reafon cf bciv birn^^ gtng bp,tohieb alio not a little auailetb tfjerebnto, but alfo foj that bit firing p;o# Tttifeb in tf)t couenant, that the grace of <^i^ (trail reft eteruallv in the bcuies of 22 the gctjly. Itieercbpon grotoetb great cc^ that the airffing of the cnc,am) tbcblcl> ring of the ottjrr rcuciinaetb tnto potlc ^ riti?, much mo^ie Cjall it ligbtc ano reft Upf !i tbe be^bs cf tije beers tfjemfelues. ^■ijt it mahetb notbnig a^nitift bs, tbat the ifTue of tbe t3id:cb man^e times c6^ mtt'i) to gtDD p;iofr, anb the vHue of tlit faithful! auaruetb cut of feinDctbec aufe tbc IslumaUcr mcnt nctb^re to ftablifl^ fnehc a perpctuall rule as (bculDc Dere* gate bis fre elrrticn if oj it fu^ifetb fo; tbc comfort of tbe rightcous,anb fcj the terro;j of tbe finner, that i^e penalt^c is not baine o; of no effettc, although it bo not altuai take plac^j.ifoj as the tempo* rail punilbments that are lat?be bpon a febue UiicfecD men,are tcCimonies of p bu^atb of dDob againtl finnes, anb of the iuDgemcnt tbat Cball one Da^e be geuen bpon all finners, although mant? etc ape bnpuniajeb mm to the enb of their life: fo Uihen gob geuetb one eramplc of ti)is faleCtngto C^etoe mcrcp an5 bountiful* nes to ti)e fonne (o^ tbe fatbers fake, be geuetb a pjojfe of bis e cndant anb per# petual fauo; to tbnn tlj^t tcoitbip bim: ano tuben be once purfaetb the tuicfeet^ nes of tbe father in tin fcne, he (bcluetb tobat iubgrment is p;cparei) fo; all the rep^batc fo; their olun offr ces. U^UO) aCTurebnen he bab in this placcp.nnc ipal l^ re fpect bnto, flno b? v toap he comr n betb tinto bs the largcnes of bis mcYcv, lubicb he ertenbetb bnto a tbciifanb ge* nerations,U)beras be alligncD but o«l^ fourc generations to bcngcance. The-iiicoiyitnuunch'nicut, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy Cod in vainc SEbe enb of this comaunbcmenf is-, that bis )x^iVi is to baue the maieftre of fo.ite to tbc faitbfull, great terro; to the I bis name to be bol^c amor.c bs. SLbcre* tjtricUeb. ifc; if eucn after bcntb,tbere^ 1 fojc the fumme (ball bc.tbattneboc net memb^inccbotbe of rigbteoufnesanb oefile it lurtbfontemptuot?nr anD irre* tot:bcDnes be cf fo great fo;ce \siii^ goD uerentlg bang it.illgllitb ^^tM^ p;?obibi* tion Cap^ ■ Of the knowledge of tmt\)t commaunccmenf l)an^Woy^ \ «eb in tlje ccmniaunDementjac f tijing oerlp togctfjer tijat tue tafee ftnut f catt lu^erin tlje pcrucr0 abufc of gcD0 name gooiil^to rcucrcnce it» iljcrcfoje tue ismoIlDctelfablc, tfcattljerbrtx^cma? ou Tf)t fo to o?oer our fclucis botlje in oar mimt$ anD our tongSjtijat toe ne^tber tlnnkt no; fpeafec anp t(}ing of goo Ijtm^ betljc better altogetljer franco atrarc from al Defiling tt)ercf,i5ut tljat Ijcreus commaunucmcnt gcuen of tbe tuo;fi)^p felfc 0} \)i$ m^fteriea, but reucrentl^ $ of 0c3,ano of tfec rcucrece of ^ts name. lx>itb macf) fob;ict^:tl)at in fearing \)iB too;keis,toe concciue nothing butljono^ rable totoaroe fjim, %Wt tl)ict tl}vm^ 3ira^,itbcboued)t3S not negligentlij to marfee,tbat toljatfoeucr cur minoe con? aiiittl) of bim,to!)atfDcucr our tong W terctb, it ma^ fauo j of %is excellence, i ma? agree toT>tb tlje \)q\^ i^iafyntB of bis nametano finallp mai? feme to aduancc j)is magnificenceXbat toe oo not ralft^ tg o> DiCo^oerl^ abufa bps bolT?ctoo.:Dc an^ reuerenn miseries eitbcr to ambi? tion 0 J to couctoufneS} oj to ourc otone trifeling6:but tbat ass tbe^ bear t\)c Dig^ niti? of bis name empjinteo in fbem, fo t^z^ ma^ U^pc t\)cit beno; ano eUtma? tion among tjs. 3laiIofaU,tbattoeDoe not carpeagainftjOj fpeafeecuell of b'^s too;ks,a3 tb^fe to^etcbeo men are toot to babble repjocbefull\? againtle i^mn: but tbat tobatfceuer toe rebearfe^cne b^bim, toerepo^teit toitb too^oes of p.jaifc of bis toifetiome, rigbteoufnes i gcDDnes.a^bat is to fanttifg the name of goD.^Qlbere otbertotfe is oone,it i$ oe* ftias \x}itl^ tjaine an^ pcruerfe abufe,be^ caufe it is ijiolcntl^ carieo fro tbe rigbt tjfe tobere imto onl^ it toas appo^ntco: ano tbougbtbere be no otbcr burt ccns, tcC it is fpoileo of b^'3 t)igniti^c, ano b\? litle anD litlebtoujbt to contcpt. .ipioto, if tlierc be fo mucbe cur II in tb^s ratbc reaoinesf to Ufe tl)t man of 0oD cate of feafon, mucb mo;e mifcbt'fe is in ^^i^, if it be emplo'f eo to euel t3f!?s>as tb,c-q Do tW maUe it to fcrue tl:)C fuperftitios of i^ ecrovnanc!,cruel c)cecrations,t)nlato^' ful coniurations,! otber toicUeo enrbat? ments.llBut ftoeariag is cbeaii? mitio= ani3 not of tbc trutbe i equity? tl)a,t is to be feept among men, appearetb br tbat tbat be aftcrtoaroe in tljt fccoiiDe table conoemnctb pcriur^e ana falfe iaitmSy toberbt burt is Done to t\it felotol^ip of men:but it toere in tjaine to repete it n> gaine,if tbi!S commaunDeinent entreat teD of tbe Dut^e of cbaritv^c^^nD alfo tbe DiuiSon of tbe litoe it felfe requiretbit, becaufc as it is (a^D,goD ciD not in tjain appoint ttoo tables fi'^ 1^i$ lato, toberb? is ga^bcreD ^ in t'nvs commaiiDemctbe cbalcngetb Uz oton rigbt to Vm\k\k,% Dcfenoetb ttje bcl^nes of br-s name, anD teacbetb not tobat men otoe to men. 23 if irfi: is to be lerncD tobat is an otb. 3ll' is a taUing of #00 to toitnes, to com firm tOetrtitb ot tbat tobtcb toe fpeake. ifojibofecuriTcD fpeacbcstbat contain manifcS repiocbes againfieOeD, are tntoojtb? to be recheneD among otbes, KbM fticb taking to toitnes,toben it is rigbtl\? DonCjis a feinDe of too^fl^rppinS of vIDoD, is IbetocD in tiuers places of § rcripture.03 tobcn (Efap pjopbefietb of tijt calling cf tbe affirians 1 Cgiptians into felotofliip of tbe couenant \3iit\) 3f* raell.I0:bcv fiSall fpeaUc(fattb be)in ^c tong of Cbanaan,anD fijall Ctoear in ti)z name of tbc iLo?Dc. £:bat is to Cai:e,in ftoering b^ i^t name of i^t 3lo;De,tbei? flball pelD a (oufcffion of bis religion.^> gain tobcu be TpeaKetb of (j erilargcmet of bis feingDom,bc faitbrtofcofocucr Cbal blf He bimfelfe, fl)all blellfe in tiit <&oD of tbc faitbfulltano be tbat (ball ftocarc in t\it lanDe,(baU ftoeare in t\}z true dDoD. l^ierem^ faitb.Slf tbci? Sftal tcacb t pco^ pic to ftocarc in mt> nautcag tbci bans tauglite Efa.ip.iS Ier.5.7. Sop.1.5. God the Rcdcmcr. Second Dooke. Le.ip.i2. loCn/.i^ taugljt tl)c to f iBcare bp i5nal,tbci? fi?a!* be btt^loctJ tp m f> mmcs of mp fjoufc. 0nB fo.i gc35 canfe it 10 feiD, tijat iubcit toe call l3pon tftc name off lo;iD fo \mU necrejtoe do Iritnee our reU'oio totuarn t)im.ifo^ fo iDc confeffe ^ ^e is tlje cter^ nal f Dndjagcable trutl)> tj'oij ioe cal ti^ pon,not onlT? as a molt fub0antt&l Voiti> mftc of trut^ aboue al ot()er,but alfo ns ti^eonclp Defence ttjereof, Ixjbicl) is able to b^tngfo;»tb IjiDDcn tbings into ligbt, anDtfien as tbcUnotoer of barter, jfo^ Inhere teffimonies of men do faile,t!)er lueflafo (I?oD fcj ioitncire, fpcciall^ tDbere anr tiling ijs to be p;oucD # lietl) fecret in fonfctence* ifo; is3bic(j caafe tbe JLo;d is bitterly angri? iuitb tbem tijat ftoeare b^ firSge gcDs anb l)t iuD* getb ^ maner of f tecaring to be a mani fell of man\?fctt falling from^^B alle^ cace:£Df)v fons fjaue fojfafecn me, 1 Do ftoeare b^ tbe m tJjat are no goD0. 0nD Ije Detlaret^ tlie^atnoufnellie oftbts of* fence b^ tlj^catening of punid^ment : 3i toiU Deffrot? tijcm tftat fUjeare b^tlje name of tbe i.o;tD,f fiyearc b^ S^eUfta. 24 ^oUj lube toe tjniJerCtatJtljat it is p iLo?D5 Uriitbat tl;cr be in oar otljes a luo^fl^ip of Us name: fo muth trjc mo;c Diligent beoc is to be tulic, ^ in ftebe of iDo;fliipping tbei? Do not contemn DiO[)o^ '^ho;,contempt,o; abaccmct of it ifo? it is no fmal Difl^ono?,luben pcriuri is to* mittcD in f lucaring bp bimjliii{jerfD;e it is calteD in p laU) p;jofanatio.ifo^ tobat is left f 0 >' Io;d lul;cn ftc is fpoileD of bis trutb^be (ball tbm ccafe to be CDoD.lSnt truel^ !)c is fpoileD thereof, toben be is mabe an affirmcr 1 app?oner of falftojD tI(lIl)erfo;e, \x3\)e Jofua minDcD to D^iuc acban to confelTe tlje trutb,bc fat?D: a^t? fon,geue glo;^^? to tbe lo:D of 3frael,mea ning tberb^,^ t^e llo.jD is greuouflp Di? C&ono;eD if a man f Ujeare falfl^ b^ l)im. 3nD no maruell.if oj iuc do as mncb as inbsliety n a manerjto ttain fjis bolt? j name luitb a lie.SnD tljat tbis maner of fpeacb toas bfcD among ^ JcUies^fo oft as anp Iras calleD to tafecan otb»appsa^ rctb bv tbe lifee p^otcaatiDn,p' tbe i^ba* rifocs bfe ii\ tbe gofpcl of ic-bn. SCo tlj^s beDcfnlnss tijc fo.zmr s of othcs i are t* fcD in tbe fcripturcs Do in^tud \is:K^l)c 3Lo;D liuctb. 2Ibc !-o;d do tl;e(e tbings tjnto me, anD aoDe tfjcfe tb^ngs. SSbc 3l0;D be tBifitcs bpon mv foale. Mbicb Dec p^aue, tbat tec can not call OoD fo.j Uiitnes of our facings, but tbat toe alfo toitb brin to t latofull bfe tljerof, t m^n it to tb^nges not neceftarr.^nD tbere can no otber mttnitii be pjetenDeb, but to^er it is to ff rue either religion 0; cbaritte, to!)erein at tl)is Dan "ten do to mudj li* centioua^ ofTenD, t fo mucb {' mo;e in* tolerably, fo; i bp tcv^ cuCome it fyxti) cealTeD to be reckeneD foj an^ offence at aU,tol)iclj ^et before tl)t iuDgcinrt featc of '.IDoD is not Hcnscrl^ toetieD.if 0; mc^ rr tobcr liont regarD,tbe name of OcD is D^filcD in triflirig taiiies, anD it is not ' tbogljt tbat t\}vv. Do euil,beiaufe bg long fuffreb I t)npumlbcD faoiDncffctbcr are come to reft as it toere in potfelTion of fo great toicfeeDncffc.5i5ut t^t ccmmau" Dement of tbe JId^d rcmainetfj in fojce, tbe penalticab^Dctb in (trengtl;, f flball oneDar baue bis effect, toljerby tbcre is a certaine fpeciall rcuenvje pjoclaimeD. againft tbr t^t bfc \)is name in batne.i %>l)i3 comaunDement is alfotranfgref^ fcD in an oti)er po^nt, tbat in our otlns iroiTili I0.9. 24. 'z.Kin.d '2. Cor. J, i 24. iiiZ el !0 20. Ma .^. lam.5. Ex.22. 11 'Ioh.7. id Of the knowledge of \ue put tt)t fjol^ fcraants of is gos^ •): j to tl}P. jjicitticr isf it Ir itljotit ait fc, ti}attI)e3loiol)at!) geucn fpeciallconp manit^emcnt '0 fUicarc bi' I}ts name,! bv fpcdal p^cljibition fo.:bi00f ,tt5at Ine Ojnlo not be IjcarD fujers bt an? Cragc go^3. HnD ti)C Hpoftlc cuioenllv tcfti* fictb tbcfamt, toben be U5;itetb ^ men in ftocring do call t3po a bier tba tbem« le{u00,i ti)Jit ©GO iDbicb bab none grca« ter tl)an bis oUme gioiic to ftocare bv^ D^DftuearebT?bimfelf. 26 2Lbc0nabaptia5notcoteteDtD?tb tbis moDcration of fUiearing, bo betett all otbes luitbout erception,bt?caure tbc p^iDbibition of Cbjill is gcnerall: 31 fai? bntore^toearenotatall, butlct^our talb be Ka rca,f na?,nap.Mbatfoeuer is mojc tba tbtJ5,i5 of eucll.lBut b^ tbis inc.ne, tbcv botoitl^outconfiDeraticn Ctoblc againft Cb;i(i:*iib^lc ^tv mafee bini a!jucrfaric to bis fatbcr , « as if be baD comeboton from beauen to repeale bi3 faM}crs bccra». Sfox tbe eternal goD Dotb in tbc lato not onelp permit Huea^ ringasatbiiiglatofull, tobicb toerc e^ nougb : bat alfo in ntctHitit cctb com* maunb it.lBut iltinft atfirmetb tbat be is al one toitb bis fatber:iJ be b^inaetb no otber tbig,but tbat U»birb bps father commaunoetb bi n, tb<]t bis ccctrineis not of bimfelf.f c.^bat tben^toiU tt)tv mafee ©00 c ontrari? to binifclfe, Icbpcb flwil aftcrtoarb foibio ana cononnn tbc fame tbing in mens bcbauiro:s, tDb?»cb bebatb before alotueo bv commanDmg itf Bat bccaufe tberc is fomc bifficult^? in tbc toojbes of Cb;tllc, let bs a little •^cttbcm. UBiitbcerein toe (ball nruer *attaine tbc trntJ),bnles \»e bfb our eics bnto tbc cmcnt of CIniif, anu tafec bebe biito tbc purpofe ^ betber goctb about. vpi» pnrpjfc is not e^tber to releale oj rcgrainc tlic lalD,but to rcotice it to tbe true f natural tntJcrCabing^tPbifb bao ben ber? mucb oepjauet b? tbe falie glo fes of tbe ^rribrs anb l^barifersXb.s if tecbclo in n:inbe,Ujf (balnottbinbe tbat €^jn(i bio tjtterlp rcntemne of bes, but onclp tfiofe otbcs lib eb be trafgres tbe rule oftljc lalD.SLfcerbi itapearctb, tbat tbe people at tbat time nin forbear no manner cf fluearing butperinrics, tubcreas tl)t laiue botlie not onli? fojbio pcriurifs, but alfo al ible i fuperfluous otbcs. 2i:belLo;tDtbeifo:c tbe moftfure «|^ ,. erpofito; of tbe laUj,^otb abmomlft tl)h tbat it is not onl? eucl to fo^ftoearcbut alfo to flceare. 115at botoe to ftoearef in bainc. ISutasfoj tbofe otb^'Stbatare commenbeD in ^ laU) , be leauctb tbem fafe ano at Itbert?. 2Lbe^ feme to figbt fomlubat mt^t llror ^l^ Ixjbe tbct? tafee earned bclbc of tbDs iDO?b at alUbobtcb ?et is not rcferreb to tbe tcoj:) ^toear, but to § fo;mee cf ftoec:rtng tbat are af^ ter rebearfcD, if o> t\}is toas alfo part cf tl)tiY erro^, ^ iobcn tbcF ^i^ liueare b^ beauen f eartb, tbry tbcngbt i^jsit tht^ bi3 not toucb v name ofdDob.SCberefo^e afcer § pjincii^^a! Itinti cf cffenc eagaintt tbfjs comaunbemcnt^tbe ILojb uctb alfo tilt of from t^tm all btlbiftrs,tbattbei» fljoulD not ^inke ^ t\)ct baue efcapeb,if not fpeafeing cf tbe name of ©ob tbe? call beauen anb c artb to iDttncjB. if 0? bcre br v toa? it is alfo to be noteiJ,tbat altbcgb Hjc name of ©06 be not erpjef* fcD, Tct me bv inbirect formes to ftuear b\)b?m,as iflbe?fuie of tbc one onl^ Cod. I5ut \iJbcn toe me anc onlr,to p;o^ cure f reuitc to our fa^iingcs by> tbe bolv name of ©00, altbougb tbc fame be in* Diretth^ Done , vet in all fucb trifling otbcs b\'0 maicft^ is offcnoeD . Cb^ift taUctb fro tbvs liccntioufncffc , all p^co tcnfc of crcufc>in tbis tbat be fo^biooctb to ftocar atall . anD James tenDctb to J fame purpofc, reciting \} fame too?ti0 of CbJift tobicb S! bauc befo.:c allegcD, biranfc t\):it fame raib bolDncCTc batb al* toai^ ben in (1 too jlD,tobicb is a pjopban mtfufc of n name of 000. if 0^ if vc refer tljis moztJ at a!l,to ^ fubGance, as if \xif cut anp erccption it tocr altogctbcrtjri^ j latofall to ftoear: tobcrfoie fcructb t!)at crpofition Mntl) is aooco aftcrtoaro: I /ie^tbcr b^ iicaum no;t br eartb. f cf ' tctbcrbv it fufficiftlvappciTtb i^tbofe I caiulUtions are met toitball , b^ tobicb {> 35etocs tbogbt tbeir fault to be eycufeo. 27 Sbcrfojc it ca not noto be ooutfull to founo iuDgcmcnts,v tbc Lo;D in tljat place Bio onel^ rep^ouc thofe otbcs tlwt toere fojbiDDcn bv tbc la to. jro.2 be bim fclfe tobicb Ibctoeo m bl's Ivfe an cvam^ plaroftbc perfection ^ be taugbt, Di^D not tticU to f\Dear tobcn or cafion requii* rcD. M^ bis oifciples, tobo (toe Doubt not) DID obev tljeir maiftcr in al tbings, foUotorD y fame erample: tobo Dare fa? )^ Paul toolD baue ftoo:ne,if ftoearing bao ben tttcrl v fo;biDDf f but ^xjbe mat.= tf r fo required , be ftoarc toitljout any fticUing at it,vea fomttmf aODing an cp ccration, ISuttbis qucHio is not vtt av Dc9,bicau(efomc DotbinU ^ onlv publiUc Second Hoolce. Foi. ■ t , otbes arc erccpteD out of tbts p^otnbiti* on,as tbofc otbcs ^ toe Uik^- tobc v ina< giftratc Dctb offer tbcni to ts t require tbf of bs.::inD fucb as p:inccs bfc to tal>c in (fabliHivng of leagues, 0: tbc people tobcn tbci^ ftocarc allrgcance to tbc\v p;ince,oj (» folDier tobcn be is put to an otbc foj bis true fcruicc in {> toar,f fucb liUc. anDtotbvsfo,:ttbc\?aDiovnc, ar.D He.6j ! t])^i\ men,tbc publil^e i folcmn orb toas | baD in great rcucrcncc , but comujoii | otbc;3 tbat torrc tfualli^ fpohcn toitljout i confiocration , toe re crtber notbtng o.z tcrv litlc rcgarDcD.bieaufc tl)ti tbougbt tbat in tbcfc tbci? bao not to do toicb tbc maicdv ofCDoD at all . 1.3ut i^et it toere 1 to mucb Dangerous to coocmne p;iuatc ; otbcs, tbat are ut neceffarv cafes fcber^- lV,bolilv,anD reuercntlv fallen , tobicb are mainteincD botb b^ reafon anD cv-- amplcs.iro; if it be latofuU fo; piinatc men in a toeiglitv anD earncft matter to apprale to OoD as iuDgc bettoene tbf, mucb mo;e is it latofuil to call bim to toitneffe . put tbc cafe ; tb? b;otber toill accufc tba of falfc b?eacb of faptb, tbou enoeuo;eft to purge tljt fclf acco;* Ding to tl)c Dutie of fl)aritie, ano be b? no m canes toill fuffer bun fclf to be fa* tifflct). ^f tbv gcoD name come in pcrtll bv byg obftinate malicJOMfnctTc, tbou ^ (bait .r Si± en. 21. 4,&:.26 v Puth.3. Oi^tVic knovv]e'ic;c of •.Kir o' UjaU DUiCcout offf uce appralc to f iugc^ mcnt of Co^J, ttiat it Icill plcc^fe h\>n\ in trme to mahe tfjtnc umoccrie ftnclucn. ijotD if tbe lueigljt of tijc too;ucs be co^ fiijercD,it 15 a kit mattrr to call l)t?m to tuitncffc . ^\)Citim a fa not Urfjr in tt)i?5 cafe iJDC Qjoulo affirmc , t ti)c cat* ling l5i:n to tuifncflfe tfitjn!atDfuU. ^no U)carcnot loout many* cramp!:*; tbcr* of. ifo; tt)ougf) ttje otbe of ab;ial)a anD Bifaac Untb ilbimclccl) be fatiD not to [cruefozourpurpofe , becaufe it iuas ^^3''-)*j| niaDe in tbc name of a publilte copan^, 1 net Kacob ? ilaban toere p;iuatc men, ir^jcb UablifljeD n couc nant \3iiiti) mu^ tuail otbe bettoenc tbtfclucfi. Wm^ lua5 a p^inatc man,\ubi£b bv' tbe fatnc mean ccnfirmeD br^^ p^omife cf mariage to Kutb.^bDtas teas a pjiuatr mn,a iuflc man % fearing 0oD,tiibicb affirmcD tn* to eitas bi? otbitbc tbing t be meant to pcrfluabe bim.2Lberfb;c 3 'jauc no bet's ter ruli', but p otbcc be fo tempercD, ^ ^ tbet be not bnaouifeD , tbat ttjer be not common \citbout regarn,tbattbe^be nctbfcD of raging lull, nc;r trifling, but tbaf tfjer ferue tuff necelTitie, as U^bere tbe ic.jcs glo^Mf? iB to be ma!ntaineD,c? ti)c cDifiration of our b^otber furtbercD, to )33i)icii eno tbe comntaunDcment of tfyt laU) tenoetb. J he huYth commduvdcvtrnt. Remember that thou kecpe holy the Sabbat day.SiX dayes shale thou work and do all thy workcs . l?ut on the fc- ueth day is the Sabbat of chc Lord thy God. In It thou shalt do no work 3(c. 38 SDbe euD of lijiB comaunbrmcnt is, ^ loe bring DfuD to sar oUn affccticrs * tDo;fec5,!^oulD be buftct) i\\ mcDitatio of tbe feirtgoomeof C?oo , % to tbe fame mcoitation flioulD be crercifcD , bp fucb meanc0 as be batb c jcaineD . 51But be^ canfc tbis comaunDemcnt batb a pecoli? ar f feucrall confioeration fro tbe reft, tbcrfa^e if niuft baue aUo a fcncrai ma* ncrof erpofiito. S^bc olD Inciters \3fe to callitaCbabotoifl) comaunoement, foj i it conteinctb tbe cutlraro obfcruatio of tbetar, tobicb by ^g coming of Cb;ift tnas tJifee atoai? tuiib tbe otbcr figures, ^berin 31 graiit tbei far trulv,but tbr i toucb but balfe § matter. Mberfo^e iuc mull fetcb i\it erpolition of it fartber of. 0nD(as Bi tbinU)Bi baue marheu i tbere are t^^.is:- caufes to be ccnfiUereD , tuber^ upon tbis comaiioement confiffetb.if o^ firll § beauf Ir latomaher meant tnoer t\iz reft of V feuentb bar, to fet out in fi* gure to § people of Blfraell t\it fpiritufiU reft, tuberbr { fartbfull ougbt to ceafle fromtbeiro\i3ntoo;to,^ tber mvgbt fuffer (boo to teojk in tbe.&econoariir, bis toil toas to baue one appointeb bar^ inberein tber Iboulo meete togetberto bearc § lato f execute tbe ceremonies, 0^ at left beftcto it peculiarly to tY^t me^ Bitation of brs too^fecs: tbat br fucbcal? ling to rcmr'b^ante, tber migbtbe crm cifcD to goDlincffe. jEbirllr^be tbougbt goD to baue a bar of t*eft graiiteb to fer^ uantes . aub fucb as liueb bnbcr tin go^ ucrnment of otbcr, tcberin tber migbt baue feme ceaifing from tbeir labo?. 29 ISutU-earemanrUiarestaugbt,^ tbe fame fljatjotuing of r ipiritnall reft, Iras t\it pjiiuipall point in tbe Sabbat. SiQl tbe ito;3 requireo tbe feeping cf no cmnmauiiDement in a mancr mo;e fe^ r '"•'3«22 uerelr,tban tbtsiluben bis meaning is in tbep;ophctstc Dcrlare ^ all religioni^^'^-^i iz oucrtbjcluen, tben be ccm.p!ariietb ii ^^^3-38 brs fe)abbafs arc pollute b , tc6*cD , net bept, not fancti^eo : as tbougl) rpace cfferuicc being cmittcD, tbere ren!ar* neo no mo;c toberm be nagbt be bcno* reo Ji^c Dib fet fojtb tbe oUeruing tbcrof Uiitb brc p^ai fcs. if o; lubicb caufc tbe fartbrul DID amcng otljcr j£:jaf les n.ar? uedcuflreftemetbereuefmgofr ^ab; bat jf 0,2 in jjliebemiab tbi:s (pake § lie? uites m a folcmne couoct.tto,£rtou baft ftjclucb re.17.12 &.27. Ex. ^1.13. &.35.2; Nchc.p 4- God the Redemer Second BooL-c. hoi.iH £z 20.12 Heb3 llj^uj^D to 0 jr fatt)Ci'0 tbv f)oIi Sabbat, f bcJS- geiicn t'jc t^c comniaunocments an'3 tbs cgremonicf3,3nr) tbc lato bt? tbc banD of Q^ofes.^ou fee bolu it is baD in fin^alar eaimaticu among al the conv maunocmftjfof f lalD.ai tobicb tbine^s OQfeructofetfojtb tbe Dignptieof tbc m^fteric,\»bicbtsbcr? tDCll eppjeffcD b^ a^ofes antj C^ccbicl.SDbus pou bauc i«(Ii;)coDi«. ^aetbat^cfecpe m^&abi^ bat oa\',bicaufe it is a toke bettoeen me I \?3u in ^our generatios: tbat rou ma^ bno\» tbat Jl am t'je Ho.jd tbat fanctifie ^oa kcpe mv Sabbat, fo; it is bol^ t3n=^ to voii. ilct ti)c cbilo?cn of ifracl kepe tbc Sabbat i celebrate it in tbcir gene ration3,it is an cucrlafting coucnat fae«« ttoc£n me ano t\)z cbil'3:cn of Jfrael, i a perpctiiall to'aen. ^et C'^ccbicd fpca/ \actl3 moic at largc.lidat tbe fam tbcrof commetb to tbis effcrt,tbat it is foj a to krn tub^^rebi' Siri'acl (lb juID Unoln tbat C^oo islbcir fanctiaer.Sirour fanrtiSra^ tioa be tU mo^tiSteng of our oton Ujtll, tbcn aupf arctb a rnoH apt relation of f outuiari Qgne tot'tb •? iaUjara th^T.g it felfe : tore mullc altogctbcr reftevtbat 0jt) mav^ tuo.jUe in b3:Ujc mull Depart from our otone lo^IUtoe maffe rcCgne tp our bart.Uje mull bandit) all lulls of tbe flcS). Jf i?nallr,tue mull ceaffe from all tbe Doings of our oUm \jiity tbat U)£e ma^baue s2>on UjojUing in l3s,tbat \i3e inairellc ii\\)^m^ as tbe;^poftle alfo teacbctb. 30 Z^s perpetual ceaffing leas rcp;e fenteti to tbc Jctoes, b^ § Ucping of one oa^ among fcuen : lobicb tjar* to mahe it be obfcrueD Xoiti^ greater bcuotion,^ ilo;o comauDGD tBitbbisotonccram;' pleiFo^ it auailctb not a litlc to llir tp mans enDeKo;^, tbat be ma^ knoU) tbat be tmntii) to f fololuing of bis creato;» BtfaagmttU fcarcbfc; a fecret fignifica tion ii^tbc number of fcuc: jfojafniurb as tbat number is in § fcripture { man ber of perfection,it tuas not loout caufc cbofen to ttgnifie eucrlaOing continue ance. taberetoitb tbis alfo agretb tbat 2pofes in t\)c ta^ tbat be cedareD tbat y llo^D DiD reft from bis luo;??s, makctb an enD of Defcr^bing tbe fucceopng of i)a\?es an!j nigbts . %\)ci't map be alfo bjougbt an otber p;obablc note of § nu^ bcr,tbat tbe Io;d tbcrbr meant to OjcUj tbat tbc fe>abbat flioulD neuer be perfctt Ip emjeOjtil it came to tbe lall tiav.iro.J in it iDC begpn our blcffcD rett,in it Ujc DO Darlp p^oceDc in pzof.ting mo;c anD moje.lDut bicaufe \i3c bane llil a conti^ nual toarrc Uiitb tbe flc(b>it (bal not be enDeDt3ntiU>fa\?engof Cfarbe fulfil' ECa.66. IcD coiuerniiig Vi]c contiatiing of neto 23. Spajac 16 netJt) ^asnc, cf .^vibbat U)itb j S>abbat,euen tben inben sc>3 Ibal be all i.Co.i;. in al. 31t map fame tbci fo;e tljat 1^ lo^D ;8. i \)atii bv tl)z tJii. Da\? fet fojtb to brs peo^ pic tbc perfccti5 to co?ne of br^ Sabbat at tbc lafi cap, i our tebolc Ivtz mpgbt fat? continuall mcoitction of t Sabbat, afpire to tbis perfection. 51 3f auT? man miHifee tbis obferua^;oa of tiit ndbzt as a matter to cmous , 'i am not agatnll W^n , but tbat be ma^ mo;e (in jIj? tii^t it:tbat tbc U3.:D c.:De»? ncD one ccitapn Dap, lubcrin bis people migbt tinDer tbc fcboling of tbe laUi be crercifeD to t\)2 cotinuall mecitation of t^fpiritaal reft: anD tbat be atTigncD p feucntb Dap,eitber bicaufe betbougbt it Cufficient, 0^ tbat bp fetting fo;tb ^ likenelTe ofI)is oton ci:amplc,be mvgbt tbc better moue tbe people to hepc it:o;t at lealt to put tlje in mpnD>tbat i ^ab^ bat tcnDcD tu uo otber eno , but i ti)cv OjoalD become like tntotbcir creator, f c; it ma'uctb fmal matter: fo tbat tbe miaerie remarne tobicb is ttjerin pjin f ip^xllV fetb fo.:tb,' concerning tbe pcrpc tual fcH of our Uroilis.CaconfiDeratio tyfeereof tbc ]i);opbctes DiD notu f tbcn call back tbc 5letucs« tbat tbcp ttjoulXi p.\^ net jCap.8. !E^5S. Ofzhc knovvlc.iti;c of not tt)UiU tljcuiff lues DiftljargeD bv u\r nalltahinaoftl)cirrcfic. ircfioe v }iirc^ ccsalrr.iDv allrgcD, voii Ijniic tl;us in efd V : ^f tijcu tunic aUiar tl)V fffltc fro () Sabbat, t^ ttm co not tlivnc clnn Ipil in niv bolv Dar,f fl)nlt cal r ^abfaat dc Dicate % boll' of r glo^ioi's? lLo>D,f fiwlt do;iac bin» Uibylc tbou DcDlt not tijrnc oiune ijuavf s, anD fcUett not tbinc olun lull to fpcabe tl)c Uio.:U, ttjen flialt tljou be DclitcD in tljc llo;^D,f c, )3ut it ie no Dotit, f> bv tbc comniing of our llo^oc f b;ia:,fo mud) as tua^ ceremonial bcre nt,U:a5 ab;on:ate.i?oi be is tlje trutbe, j bv liibofe p:f fence all figures no tjanitl) i a luav: be is tbc bobv at figl)t Icfjercof p Ro ^. 4i i5)anoU)cs are left. l)c 3 faT?,istf)c true fulfilling oftbc&abbat, lue being bu-- ri'CDUntbbim bi?^aptifme, aregraf? fcD into tbe fclotufljip of Ijis teatlj,tbaf uie bemg maOe partahers of tbc refur? rcction, tue mav' UialUe in neUmeflfc of lifc.SLberfoK in an otljer place tbe 0po ' ftlc U3;itctb,tbat tbe Sabbat tuas a Cba Dom of a tbing to come : i tbat tbe true bcDi? tbat is to fav, t\)t perfect fubftace of trut^ is in CbnC, tobicbin t^efamc place ^eljatbtuei DeclareD. TZW is not cotcvneD in one Dav , but in tbe lubole courfc of our lifc,\)ntil ^ lue being titter l^ Dcao to our felues,be fillet) Id y> life of goDXbcrfo;e fuperttitious obferuing of Da^cs ougbt to be far fro Cb?iftias. 32 i3ut fo;af;nucb as tbe ftiio later cnu fes ougbt not to boc rccl^eneti among \> olD fl)av)olues,but bo belog a liUe to al agesifmce tbc Sabbat is abrogate , ret tbis batb fill place tiutb bs,v U^c fljoulo mete at apointcD bares to tlx bearing of tl)c iDo;D,to tbe b;ealung of \> mifti- call b;jeaD,i to puulrl^c p;tavcr : 1 ttjah tbat to feruants f laborers be graunteD t^cir reft from tbcir labo,:, jf ijs out of bout tl;at in commaunbing of tbc ^ab- bat§ lo;D bab care of botb tbcfe fljin&fs. ESbeftrftoftbnnbatb fufririent teiti^ ■Col.i. 16 :0:.i7. monie bt? tbe onclr ^fe of tbe jewrs to pzouc it,%D\)t reconb,£!5ores fpaUe of in Dcuterononue in tljefc U!o;bs:tbat tbr man feruant f tbr maioc feruant mav reft as Ivcl as tbou : remr ber tbat tbou tbv fclf DiDeft ferue im €gipt. 0gapn in CroDus: tbat tbi^STe f fbv Mt mape reft, anb tbt fon of tbv bonolyoma mar tahcbicatb. Cilbocan oenre tbat botfj tbefe tbinges 00 feruc fc; bs as loell as fo; tbe 3ieU)esf ilpetinges at tbe Cburci;, are commauDcD Ms br tbc luo;D of dJoo anb tbencceffitic of tbem is fufficient^ Ir hnolue in tt)t bcrp erpcricnce of life, Clnlclte tber bee certainly' appointeo 1 bane tbeir oioinarie J>ares>bobi) ca tbe^ be feeptr^l tbinges b^ tbe fentence of(i J^poftlearetobe Done comely lind^ Der among tjs.iSut fo far is it of,^^ com linefteanDojDcrcan bcbept lurtbout t\)is policie anb moberation, tbat tbcre is at bano p^efent trouble anb ruvnc of t\)c Cburcb, if it be biflblueb.illiotu if ^ fame nececritic be among bs,'fo^ relefe lubereoftbeJlojDe appointeo tbe ^b^ bat to tbc 3!eti»cs: let no man far ttjat it bclongetb nctljingbnto bs/ if b: our moff p;icuibent 1 tcnbcrfafbcr, Iwrllcb no Ifffc to pjcuibc fo; our neccffitie tl)h fo;: tbe JcUjcs. llSut tbou turltfarj^br bo tne not ratbcrcarlr n»ete togetber, tbat tbe Difference of bares mar be ta^' hen aUiar f 31 tuoulb to <©ob tbat tuere grauntecanD truclr fpiritual lutfeoom j liias a tbing luc^tbr to banc bailr a pece of tbc tinnc^cdt out fo; it; l^ut- if it can net be (ibtcincD of tljc tveal;enes of ma nr to bane barlr metingsy $ tbc rule of cbaritte Dotb not fuffer tjsto erart nto;c oftbfU)brftoulD tdenotcber Jobber tt>!;if b toe fit InicD tpo bs bi f toil of gob 33 31 am ccinpelleb bere to be fomlubat ion^jbrcaufe at tbis oar nianr bnqiiiet V^icits to raife trouble, toncerntng t\)c ^onbar.^Lbercrrrouttbat tbe Cb.2i» 'ftian people are nourrfteb tn3.ctoii^^ nes, De.j.14. Ex.2;. 12 \ Cor, 14 40 ' ~' God the ne(re,becaufe tW fe^P^ fome obfcruatt* on of oa^ejs.^ut ^ anfiJDcre, t toe bepc ttiofe Dai?cs toitijout an^ Bietoiftneffc, becaafcluctiotntbiisbcbalfe far Differ from § 3l.etDC0:iFo;i toe kcpc if not \}}it\) ttreigftt religion as a ccrcmonr,toberin tDc ttjink a fpiritual m^fter^ to befigu^ reD, but \ne retain it as a necelTari? re^* meOT? to i kcping of o;toer in tbe cbnrct Col 2.16. jiBut Paul tcacbetb t in feeping thereof tbe^ are not to be iuogeo €^?AO:iasM* caufe it is a (baooto of a t\}m to come. 2Dberfo^e be f eareo ^ be bab labo^eb in Ga.4.10. tjaine among tt\t (E»alatbtans , becaufe tl3^^ BiD ttil obferuc oaies.anu to i Ho* Ro»H- J. maines be affirmetb t it is fuperaition if an^ man do mafte Difference bettoen Dai> anD Dai^.But U)bo,fauing tbefe mab men onlT? Dotb not fer ,of tobat obferuing tbeapottlemeanctbf ifo^fbe^baDno regarototb^spolitifaUenD ann tbeoj* Dcr of tbe Cburcb.but tuberas tbev kept tt^i Qil as CbaDotoes of fptritual tinngs, tbet DiD euen fo mutb Darken tbe g!o2^ of Cb^iftanD ti^t ligbt of tbe dDcfpell. Cbet! DiD not tb:rfo^e ceaffe fro banD^ lJDO^bes,befat:fetbe\?U)ere tbings t\)at DiD call tbcm aloa^ fro boll? ftubics anD «teDitations,but fo; a certain religion, t in ceaffing fro tooikc tbci DiD Djcame tbat t\iz^ ftill kept tbeir m^fferi^es of olDe time Deliuere^ tbcm.Xbe 0poftle, 31 fav, inuerctb againfl- tbis Difo^DereD Difference of Daires, anD not aga^ntt tbe latofuUcboifeofoaKStbaf feruetb foi tl)^ quictneffe ofCl);iitttan fellofeftip, fo; in i> Cburcbes tbat be bimfclf did 0;^ Dfiine,tbe Sabbat teas kept to tbis tfe. „ iro;beappointctbtbc Cojintbtans tbe I Lo.i6. 2 j-g^g Dafjtuberin ti)t'^ ffjoulD gatber ti)e coUertion to relecuetbe b;etb;en at 3!e^ rafale, 31f tbev fcare faperllirion: tbere teas mo;e Daunger tbcreof intbcfeaC i Daies of ^ 3cb3es,tban in tbe ^onfaics ' tbat tbe CbjilKans noU) banir.ifo;,foas teas eppeDientfo; tbe ouertb^oUjing of Redcmcr. Second Bookc. faperaition7tbe Dare ^ f^c JetoesTe^ iFoi i< ligioufl^ obferueD is taken atoap : anD, fo as toas necelTari? fo; kcping of comli^ neire,o;Der,f quiet in f Cburcb,an otbcr Da^ Ijoas appointcD fo; tbe fame bfe. 34 albeit p olD fatbers bauc not Initb* out rcafon of tbeir cboife,pnt in place of tbe Sabbat Da^ t\)Z Dap t toe call ^on^ ba^ifo; toberas in i refurrettio of tbe ilo;D iB tbe enD anD fulfilling of 1^ rett, iDberof ^ olDe Sabbat toasa (baDotoe: tbe Cb;iUtans are hy> tbeber^ fame Da^ tbat maDe an enD of IbaDotoes , put in minD t t^ty^ tboulD no longer Cick bnto t\)t (baDotoilbe ceremoni?. Il5ut ret 3! bo notforcttbpon tbe number of feuen, ^ 3 tooulD binDe tbe Cburcb to tijt bcn^ Dagetberof. ^eT>tber toill Bi conDemnc tbofe Ctjurcbes, tbat baue otber folcmn Da?es fo; tbeir meetings, fo tbat tbev be tritbout fuperftitton, tobicb tball be, if tbet? be or\\^ applfcD to ti)t obferuation of Difciplinei tod appointtD c;Dcr. iiet tbe fum bereof be tbis^, as tbe trutb toas gcucn to tbe Vetoes bnDcr a figure,fo is itDeliuercD bs toitljout anp fbatotocs at all. i?irC tbat in all otir life long toe (bculD be in mcDitation of a contir.uall feabbat 0; reft fro our cton uio;!^es, t tbe llo;D ma^ too;k in bs h^ bv^ Tpint: tben tl)at cu^ri? man p;iuatcli? fo oft as bebatblerfure,lbDUlD Diligently er^^ cife bimfclf in gcDl^ calling to tnim ti)z tuo;kes of (]DoD,anDalfo ^ toeaU iboulD kepc tbe latoful o;Der of tbe €m(i) «P* poimteD,fo; tbe bearing of tbe too;De, fo; tbeminiffration i>7tbo mframenres anD fb; publike rv'^i'er- tljtrolp tbat toe IboulD not bngentlp opp;e(re tbem v be tjuDerbs. 0nD fo do tbe trifling of tbe falfc ^;opbefs baniflj atoap tbat in tbe ages pad baue infetteD tbe people toitb a~3;c\uifl> opinion , tbat fo mucb as toas feremoniall in ^v^ commaunoement 13 taken atoa^rtobicb ti)tt^n tbeir tong call tbe appointing of tbe feoentt) Pav^ but p.iit Cap.8. Ot the knowledge ot hut t^at fo mucl) aiJ is niojall remar^ net^jtoljid) is t\)t feeeping of one Da^ in tbc U)cUc.X3ut ^ is nettling tlB in effect, ti)an fo; repjoclj to t!jc 5eUJC0 f o change tlje Da^,i to kepe fiiU (' fame ^olineire.in ttjeir minoe . if o j tljcre Ml mna^netft toitl) l3£i ttje UUe agnifieation of m^Hc^ n? in tlje Daie0 a0 tua0 among § Vetoes, anD truclv lue foe tuljat gtoD ttcr Ijaue oone bp fuel) Doctrine.ifoj tbe^? ^ cleaue tot^eir conttitutions , do br tbefc as mueb CFCcDe t\)c Vetoes in grolTe f car* nail fupcraition of Sabbat : fo tbat tbe rcbabinges tbat are reo in (Efa^ , no no Ef ) . »3 ^ lelTe My> feme fo j tbent at tbefe Daises, I. '3. ttjan foj tbofc tbat tbe p^opfjet rep^o* ueD in bis time.iBut tl^\>B generall Doc^ trine is p;incipaUi? to be fecpt,tbat leaft religion ftoulD fall atoa^ oj iDaj:e faint among t)0, bol^ matings are to be Dili^ gently hept,anotbofe cuttparn belpes aretobetfedtbatare p;^ofltable fo^ to nouYiQi tbe ljDo;(bipping of dDoo* J he fifth Commaundement. Honor thy father Sx. thy mothcr,that thou mayelT: hue long vpon the land which the Lorde thy God shall geuc thcc 39 Xbeenti of tbt!i5 comaunucmentis, i becaufet!)eilo;^Dc Delitctb intbe t^iu feruation of bi's ojoer, tberfo^e be UuU letb tbat tbofe Degrees of preeminence tDbitl) be l;atb o^oeineD be not b;johf ,tbe fumme tberfo^e dial be i> Ine rcuerence tbofe tobomtbelLo^Dbatb fet ouertjs, tbat tue^elDe to tbem bonor,obeDience, t tbanUfulmCTe . "©Hberupon follotuetb tbat it is fo;biDDcn b0,to tuitbD^alt) anr %ngfrom tbeir Digniti^;, e^tbcr b^ c6^ temptjo; obffinacie,o;r tntljanUfulnes. if o; fo Dotb § iuojD ^ono; in § ^crip^ turefignifie 1)er\? largely : as toben fbe I apoffic fat!tb, tbat v fibers febicb rnle ,1 im.ij| toelagiunjtbi' of Double bcno;,be mca? nctb not oneii? ^ reuerence is Due tnto t}^zm^ but alfo fttcb rccompencc as tbeir ttiimllerij Dcfeructb. 0nD becaufc tbrs comaunbemcnt of fubie(tion,Dotb moft of all Dtfagrcc Initb tbe peruerfcncffe of mans nature,lDbieb as it ftuclletb tuit^ grabincfTc of climbing bre? fo it barol^ abt!Dctb to be bjougbt lotre: tberfoje be batb fet tbat hinDc of fupericjitic fo; cp ample, tubicb bv nature in mod amia^ ble f lealt enuious:bicaufc be migbt tbe eafil^er maken i reclainie our minDcs totbetfeoffubmiflion, 2Dberfo;ctbc iLoiD Dotb bp litle t Utle traine tis to all latoful fubicrtion bi? tbat tobicb i& mott caQe to beare, fo^afmncb as ^t rule of all is alike . if o; to tobom be geaetb a* ni? preeminence ,be Dotb comunicatebis otxin name ioitb tbe,fo far as is neceSa^ r]?c to preferue tfje famcpjesminence: SLbe name of ifatber, t^e^ are nionllcr0 1 not men, t\)at b;eaije t?)c autijontie of parcnte^ toitfj tjifljono^ o; (tubbo;ncire.2Dl)erefo;ietI)e Jlo^DcommaunDcD altfte Difobcoictto f beir parente0,to be fla\?ne,a0 men bn^ tuo^tb^ to enio^ tbe benefit of ligbWbat uonotrcUnotjuleDge b^ tobofc meanes tbc^ came into it. ano bi^manpaboi^ tionsof tbe latu it appearetb to be true tint toe bane noted, tbat tbere are tf);ec parts off bono; i be bere fpcahetb of, Ex.21. Keacrence,£)bei)ience,f »aftfulne0. Lc.20.9. Xbefirttoftbefe tbeJlo^deelfafaUl^eD Lc.10.9, tubebccommaunoetbbl^mtobe feilleb Pro.io. tbat curfetb bi0 ifatber 0; }^i$ ^ofber, 10. fo;j tbcrc be pani?(betb tl)c cotempt ano Dil^ono; of tbemXbe fcconb be confirm Dc.2i. la metb tube be appointetb tbe puniftmrt I of Deatb fo J tbe DifobeDicnt f rebellious Matij,4_ cbilo^e. Co t tbiro belonaetb i^ fa^cng of Cb.:itt in tbe fifcene of ^atbeto,tbat Eph. J 1 it i0 tbe commaunBement of <3on tbat toe bo gajtj to our parcnts.Bnu fo oft as C0I.3 20 53aul maljetb mention ofacommaun^ Dentent beeppounoetb tbat t\)min obt* Bicnce 10 requireo. 37 SCbere 10 annepeD a p^om^ fe fo;^ a commenDation,t3)bicb 5otb 1^ ratber put t30 in minD,boUi acceptable bnto goo 10 tbe fubmiffion tbat 10 bere commaun? Deo.ifo; l[9aul bfctb tbe fame p;icfj to llir op our Dulnc0 Mjm be faitb: ^ tbis is tbe firtt commaunDcment toitb p;o^ mife,if o,j tl)c p.:omife tbat tocnt before in tl)z firft &blc,toas not fpcctal f p;o perlp belonging to one ccmniaiioemf t, but erf coco to J to^ole lato. jpotu tbi?0 ia t\)us to betaljen : d>c !lo;D fpahe to tbe3jfraelite0 peculiarly of p lab iubicb be bab p^omrfeo tbcm foj tbeir inbc* ritance . gif tbcn tbe poffclTion of lano toasa plebgeof ^000 bountifulneflTc: let b0 not maruel if it pleafeo goo to be Clare bis fauo; h^ geuinglengtboflifc. "b^ tubicb a ma migbt long enio^ l^ishz nefit.SCbc meaning tberf?; is tbus.l^o^ no; t^^ fatber t tber motber,^ bi? a log fpace of lifetljou maitt enio^ ^ pofTeCrio of ^ lanb tl)cit fbalbe bnto tljk fo; a tcfti monic of m^ fatber. l!5ut fitb al i cartb is blefleo to tbe favtbfuljlnebo not Uic; tbilp rccl^cn tbis p^efent life amog tbe bleHings of go3.s:bcrfo;e t\)is p^omife botb liketoifc belog bnto b0,fo;romucfi as tt)t continuance of tbi0 life is a p;ofe of goDs gcDD tuil. Slo^ it ne^tber is p;o^ mifeo to bs , no; tuas p;om^feD to tbe 3jetties,astbougbt it conteineo bleffeO'' nelle in it felf, but bicanre it is locnt to be to f goDli? a tofte of gobs tenbcr loue. 2Eberefo;e if it cljaiice tbat an obebient cbilbe to bis parentes be tafecn out of tUs life bcfo;e \}is ripe age,lJDbicb is of* tttimts reen,Tetbotb goo no les coftatl^ continue in tbe pcrfo;mance ofbi0p;o mrfe,tban if be (bulo retoarb \)un id a ljunti;etb ^cres of lanu, to tobo be p;o^ mifeb but one^cre. ai cofilfcfb in tbis, tbat toe (boulb confibcr tbat long life is fo far p;omifeD bs, as it is tl)t blelTing of (©objf tbat it is bt?s bleffing fo farre as it is a p;ofe of Us fauo;,tobicb be br beatbbotbmucbmo;e plentifully ani^ perfectly? toitnelTe anu ifecto in cffcjt to btsfcruantes. 38 s©o;eouer, tube tbe 3Lo;bp;omifcfb () bleffingof tbtsp;efentlifetotbe clnb tj;cn i &ono; tbcir parents toitlj (tic]) re uerence as t\)t^ ougbt,be botb ^iti)(il fe cretlv far, tbatmoftaCTureDcurfe ban^ getb ouer tl)t aubbo;ne anb otfobebient cbilD;en. anotbat tbefame (boulbnot toant erecution:be p;onoucetb t^m b^ bis lato fubiert to i iubgcmf t of bcatb, anb commauuetb tbem to be put to txt^^ cution: anb iftbe^efcape tbat iubge^ ment, bcbimfelftaljetb bengeancecn fl)ebroncnieaneo;otbcr. i?o;toefe^ boto great a number of ^ fo;t of mf are 0arne in battailes anb in fraies,f fome p.iiU> otber Cap.8, Of the know ledge of ott)erto;imentcD in ftraiigc tjnaccafto^ mcD fadionjfi i tbcy all in a mancr arc j a p;ofe ^ tijis ttjjeatning 10 not Ua^ne* | )5txt if an^ cfcape to olD age,fi.tf) in ti)is life be^ng Dep;iueD of J blcITing of goD, ttje^Do noticing but mifmibl^ languiO) f arc rcferucD fo; greater pannes Ijcre^ after, tbc^ arc farrc from being parta^ fterfl of tbe bleffing p;jomifeD to tijc goD Iv cbilD^f . ^"t ti)is is alfo bi? t^c tuai? to be noteD,t^at tpc arc not commaun* DeD to obet tljem but in tlje 3lo;o. 0no tbat is cutocntbi? fljc founoatio befc;rc Iaf;cD:fo; tbe^ fit on b^c tn ^ place \i»bcr tnto tbc ilojo batb aouaunccD tljem,bp (ommumcating loi^tb ti)tm a po;^tion of {)is bone^2Lberefo;c tbefubmiffion tbat is bfeo totuaru tbcnt,oag!5t to be a fteppc tolDaro tbe bonojing of tbat fouc rapgne fatber, tElberfo;c,if tbci? mo«e t» to tranfgreffe tbc latD,tben arc tbc^ lBo;itbilif! not to be accompteu parents, but ff rangers tbatlabo; totuitbi3;alDC tisfrom obeoiencc to tbc trucifatbcr. 0nJ) fo iB to be tbongbt of p;inccs,lo?Ds f all fo^ts of fuperio;s.if 0; it is ttiame* full anD agarntt conuenience of rcafon, tljat tbeir preeminence (bonlo p;teua^lc to p;eircDotDn bis bigbnes, ntbe tbeirs as it bagctj[)lDbolt?bp5it,fo ougbtonlp to gu^oc bs tjnto iU The ftxt Commaundrment, Thou shalt not kill 39 SCbeenuoftbiscommaunbemffis, tbat fo;afmucb as goD batb bounti f cge tber al manbino \Siit:ti a certain bnitic, tbat euerp man cugbt to regarb tbe [dip fetie of al men,as a tbing geuen bim in cbarge. 3n fumme tbcrcof,al biolencc f i»?6g, tea f all f^arme toing, ltibrrebt> our nc^gbbours boDtc mat? be bnrt, is fb;biDUcnt3s.0nDtberforeUjearc com maunueb, if tbere be an^ polner of fuc? m in our trauarlc to ocfenD tbc life of our nergbbours,tbat toe faittfullr tm plo^ tbcfame ^ U)c pjociire tbofc tbings tbat mat mafee fo^ tbetr quiet, tbat toe toatcb to bcpc tbcmfromburt,! if tbeg be in ant Danger,tl)at toe geuc tbe our belping bano^f thou conUoer tbat it is (Dob tbc laUimahcr tbat fo fattb* tben tbinft toitbal i bts meaning is bt tbrs rule alfo to gouerne tbt foule , ifoj it tacrc a fcni) tljing to tbinfe, i be tobieb efpietb t^t tbougbtes of tbe bart, 1 p;in cipallt rc&etb bpon tbe, fiioulb inttruct notbing but t\^t bobte to true rtgbteouf^ neffcXberfoje tbemanflaugbtcrof tbc bart is alfo fo;ibiijDfcn in tbts lato, i an iiitoarb affection to p?eferuc our hi^f tbers lifcts bcrc geuen in commaunbc mentAcbanbinbeeob^ingetb fb^tb 1A)Z manflaugbter,but tbc mino concet^ uetb tt,tDbcn it is infcctcD Uittb \s>idX\i % batrcD. Hoke tobetber tbou canff ba angrt t6 tbt biotber tottbout burning in bcGre to do bini burtc. 3f tbou can ft not be angrp toitb btm, tben ranft tbou not bate bim,fo;wfmucb as batreu is no tbing but an olD rojtco anger, aitbougb tbouoil&mblei go about touuno out tbt fclf bt tavne circuftanccs;tct tobcr anger oj batrcb iSy tber i& anafSectio to burt Biftbou tuiltfiillballt out tottb fljiftesto ocfcno it, it is alreabt p?o^ nounccD bt tbc moutb of tbc bolt gt)oft, tbatbeisamanQater tbatbatetb bts bjotber in bis bart Jt is p^onounceo bt Jjyjat < 11 tbe moutb of t\^z Ho^ue €\i%i% i\ssit\it '^' is giltt of iuogemct t\}ut is ansrt tottb bis b;i-tbcr:tbat be i^ gi^'t of tbecoum fcl tljat fattb Uacba : tbat be is giltt of l^cUfier,tbat fartb to bim finle, 40 T'ht^ fcripturc notctb tU^o points of equitictjpon iubirb tfjis coniaunoemet is grouticbibtcj^nie ma is bOib t tmagc ofCoUanD our ciune fief!?, tubcrcfo^c bnleffc tuc luill oefiiic tbc iniaije of goD, toee mnlfc banc care to tburbc man none otberUjife, tban as a facreo tbing: I tjnletrc toe totll P»t of all naturalnes of GodtheRedcmcr. Qf m§,tDe mviSt t^erifb ¥n\ ns our oltin fleflj. Mat mannrr of crfjo^tation ttjat 10 tctt\)c^ from t^e rcoemption i grace of C^;ift, fljalbe entrcfet of in an otber place. CDoD tDiUco fijefe tUio tbings na^ turall^ to be conOocreD in man,^ mig^t perfuaoe tj5 to tbe pjeferuation of \)m, tbat toe IftulD botb reucrencc tf)e image of dDoD emp^inteti in btm, anD emb;mce our otone flefl&. ^e fjatfj not tberfo^c ef# capeD tbe crime of maaaugljter, ttjat tie liatf) kept bimfelf from VsmnQ of bluD. af tbou comit ani? tljing in ueoe, if tbou goe aboatc an^ tljing totitb entieuo?, if tbou conceiue anp tbiug in Dcfire i pur^ pofe tbat id againff § fafct^ of an ot^er, Vinto bim:anD Once t^at bv tbe curSTc of fin l)e iB tiiucn tte mo?e to t\}W necclTi' t^jtbe 3llitbc man toas creates in tbis effate, not tc liuea folitarige life, but to bfe a belper iorneo bis angular grace batb eremptcD fro it\ let euerv man lofeeteell tobat isi geucn tjnto bim.mirginit^BI graunt,is a fccr* tuenottobc DefpifeD: but &tb itis to Tome DenieD, anD to fome graunteb but foj a time,let tbem tbat arc troublcD i^ incontinence,! Ifriuing toitb it, cannot get t\i^z bpper banD,rero;t to tbe belp of mariagctbat fo tbci' mar kepecbaQitp in tbe Degree of tbcir tjocation.ifo; tl;er tbat can not conceiue tbis to^o jD, if tbep Do not fucco; tbeir otone intcmpc ranre toitb ^z remcDv tbat iB offreo % graum tcD tbem, tbe? ftriue againftit\) batne ralbboloncs. Htb^ 3lo;D affirmetb tbat continence is a fin* p.t'. guler Foil 17' & 14 I Cat?, 8. Mat.ip« OFthe knowled2;c of !2. Cor. "2,7 gular gift of (!Dou, f of fljat fo^t tfjat are not gcucn gencraIIp,no;j bniucrfaUi? to tlje tobolc boor o^ l& cburcb, but to a fclti members tfjerof.jfoj firft f)e faT?tb,tbat tbere is a ccrtainc hinDc of men, ^ bane gclDeDtbemfclues fo; tbc Uingoome of bcauen, tbat is, i tbe? nitgbt tbe mo;je lofelp * freeli? app!? tbcmfelucs to § af»i faires of tbe beanenl?? Uingoom, 3i5ut,^ no man fl^ulo tbinU tbat fucb gelDing 10 in tbe poUjer of man, be (belueD a little befo;e,^ al men arc not able to receiuc, but i^^v^ to tDbom ^ is peculiarly gcuen from b^auen, tobertpon be concliiDetb: i^e tlat can tafec it,let bim take it.lSut paule^et affirmetb itmo;^eplainl^e, tuber be tontetb i encri ma batbbtsp^o per gift of goO,onc tbiis,* an otbcr tbus. i,Cor.7. (ingle eCate. if Itrengtbc faile brm to tame bis lalt,lct bim Icarnc ^ tbe ILo^D batb nolo lav^eD Upon bim a ncccHitt? to marri».2Ebis tbe;apolHelbetoetb tnben be comma unt)ctbtl)at toauoiofo;mica!!|2.5c. c is refiHeD.SLbcrfoje if tbep tbat be incon^ tinent Do neglect to belp tbeir infirmity bi! tbis meane,tbe? finne euen m, ^\&^ Vc^v^ obc^ not i\iz commauntcment of | 43 ^bcras toe are b^ open oeclaratic * apoUle. il^eitber let bim flatter bimfclf aomonilbcDjtbat \i \^ not in euert? mas potoer to bepe cbaftitvj in fingle life, al* tboagb tuitb (tut)^ % trauail be cnDeuo; neuer fo mucbc tnto it,f tbat it is a pc^ caliar grace, tMbicb intemperate 1 DiSTolute lutt.i?o; ^m^ (be boneHv of mariage DO couer i\)t iiltbincfife of incontinence, l?et t ougbt not fo;tbtiiitb to be a p;ouo cation tberof. M bcrfo;c let not maricD folkes tbinhe, tbat al tbings arc laUifiil tjnto tbcOT, but let cner\? bufbanD baue \x& otuntpjfe foberlt> % libetgife y tuifs Her Am. lib. dcphil ber ^jufbantJ^^nD fo uof n^, let t^cm com } mitnot!)ingfcnbcfcming tlje Ijoncft^e i I temperance of mariagc. ifCjfo oagtit marriage matjc in tie Io;i3 to be rcftrat j ncD to meafure anD moocUie, met to ouerfloUieintoeacr^hvnD of crtreme j \mtim(nts.%^is tuanConcs ^mb^ofc ; rep^cueDt^afaretigtjen? fo;:e in DeeD, j bntnottnfitfo^it, lubcn becallcutbc , bufbanD,§ aououterer of bis otoit toife, ; tobicb in bfe of tyeslock batlj no care of ftamefaftneffc o; boncaie. llaC of all, ; Ietb5 confiDer tobat latocmabcr uctb ^ berec5Demnc fo;mcati6,euebelJDbicb ' fttb of bii5 oton rigbt be ougbt to pcU'cffs ^ t3£t tobolv^requiretb purenes oft foule, fpirtt f boDie. 2Dberfo;je tube be fo;tbiDiJ octb to commit fojnication, bealfo fo^ bioDetbtDrtb tiianton attire of bobpc, ' \x)it^ bntleanl^ gf tturc0, f tJD\?tb filtbP talk to la^ luaitc to trap an otbers cba^ Citie.iFo; f fa^eng is not tnitbout goO reafon,U)bicb 0rcbelausf fpake to a T?og manabouemeafure Uiantonl^ luein* telTj clotbeD, tbat it maoe no matter in tobat part be tocr fittbtlr bncbaff :if toe banc rcgaro tnto (DoD tbat abbo;retb al fiUbineffe in tubatfoeuer part citber of our foule o^boDre it appearctb. ^nbto put tb« out of Dout,remeber ^ tbe %o}^ bcre comenoetb cbaGitie, 3if § ILo;!) re* quire cbaftit^ of t)0, tben be coucmnetb all tbat euer is againft it, SDbercfo^e if tbou couet to Ibeloe obebience, ne^tbcr let t^)^ minbe burn inluarblt! \Xiit^ euel lu(t,no; let tbinc s^ts run Uiantonli? in to corrupt atfectios, noj let tli'^ bob^ be trimmer bp fo; allurement, no; let t\)^ tonge 113 ptb filtb^ talbe entice tbr minb to lifee tbougbt0, no; let t\)^ gluttonous beUi> enSame tbe^ luitb intemperance. i?o; all tbefe bices are as it tcere cer;« taine blots, tobertott!) tt^t pureneffe of cbfiffit^isbefpottco, t . 7 he cidht i omniaundemcrit. Thou shalt not ftealc. God the Redemer. Second l;ooke._ "^nz enbc of tbis commaun^scnicsit Foliiy. iSjbccaufc OoiJ abbo^reti; tnriGbtcciu' nc0, tbat cucr^ man mar baue bis oirn renDjcb bnto bim. SLbc fum tbcrefo;e fiwlbf , tbat txjc are fcjbiotjc to gape fo; Dtbcr mens gotis,! tbat tbf n:o;e toe are commaunorD cur rr man to emplci Us faitbful tranaile to p;eferue to ecbe ma bis otDiie gcDDcs. ii o; tbus tpc eugbt to tbinbc,tbat\Dbat euerr nian poffcftctb, is notbappcnttj ijnto bim br cbaunce of fo;t«nr, butb^ tbc oiCributionof tl;c foueraigne iLo;;) of al tbings,f tbcrfo;e no m?.ns gcoQes can be gotten from \)ixn br euel meanes,bnt tbat bj;cng be cone to tbe BifpoOtion of C^oD.:il5ut of tbcftes tbere be man^ hinbcs : one ffanbctb in biolence,toben tbe goos of an otber are b\?anrmancrcffe;ce i robbing liccn* tioufnelTcbereneD.SLbe otber Unto con* aaetb in malicious Dcceate, liabere tbei? are guilfuU^ conue^eb atua\?. ^n otber fo;t tbere is i^ ftabctb tn a mo;e bioben futteltie,U)bentberare tD;(Dngfr6 tbe Dinner br colo; of lalu. an otber fo;t in fiatterr, luber tbev are fucbeo atoa^ b? p;etenfe of gift.ll6ut,leaft toe QjoulD t^ r? t© long l3pon reciting of all t> fcueral feinbes of tbeft,let bsbnoto, i> alt craft? mcanes toberb? tbe poffclTions i moni? of our neigbbo;s are conuereb bnto bs, toben ^t'^ once go bt? crokeo feaics fro fincerenes of bart,to a belire to beguUe, o; b? an? meane fo bo burt,are to be ac* comptcDfo; tbcftes. aitbougbbv pica* I bing J lato, tbc? mar p?cuaile, ret (Sod i Dctb not otbertoifc tocr ^t. fm be fa^ ctb tbc long captious futtclties, tobere* toitb t^it guileful man beginnctb to en^ tangle t^t funplcr minoe , till at lengtb be D;ato bint into brs nettes . Ipc feetb t\it barb % bngentle latocs , toberctoitb \ mifibtier opp;e(retb % tb?otoetb boton t\iz toeaber. l^e feetb tbeallurementcs, tobertoitbas \t baitebboibes,? craftier tabetb fbg bntoare. ail tobicb tbinges are Cap, 8, Of the knowledge of are Ijiouen from ttjc iutigcmtrit cnnan, « come not in \)iB UnoUvlcDije. iinD tt)i5 maner cf 1020115 i3 not oiil g in mcnt^y in u-«rrf ,0; in IaD0, but in eucrr mas rv^l% ircj toe Defrauu our nctialjbcur of Bis gcDDSjif lD0 Deni?e bim tbofc Due^ tics,tubic!)UiearebcuDto do fo;b^m. if anv iDle fatfoj 0,: bailt? Uo tieuour bis matters fubffance, f is not beocfulto § tare of bis ti9n% if be e\?tber do tu^ong^ full^ fpo^Ie,o;j DO riotouOv toalle ig fub fiance committeD bntobim, if a feruat Do mocfee \)y>s matter, if be Difclofc b^ fecrets b? ani? meanes,if be betray hv^ life anD bis gtoDstagainc if tbe ilo^D do f rucU^ opp;f ttc bis boufljolD, tttt^ are before C-oD gilti? of tbeft . if o;^ be botb toitboloetb anD tmc^tth an otljer mas gcDDS^tobicb perfo^metbnot tbat \xi\)icl) b^ tbe ottice of br^ calling be olJDetb to otber. 46 Me (tal tberfO;ie rigbtlp obcp tbia comaunDement, if being cotenteD toitb our olun ettate, Voe feke to get no gatne but bonctt anD latufuU if Uiee couet not to Icare ricb toitb VD;rong,no? go about to fpoile our neigbbour of bis gcoDs tbat ourotDnfubttanccmai? encreare,iftBe tabo;^ not to beape tjp crucU rvcbcs anD toujng out of otber meits bl(DD,tf loe do not immeafurabJ^ fcrapc togetber cue- r^ U)a^,b^ rigbt 1 bi tu;ong,tbat eitbcr our coaefoufnes ma^befillcD, o;joure pjoDigalit^e fatiffieD. yioixt on tbe otber ti3e,lcttbisbe our perpetuall martie,to aiDc^aUmenfaitbfulIiib^coanfeU, anD beipe to feepe tbeir ctune fo farrc as toe maptbut if toe banc to Do toitb falfeanD Deccitfuli men,!et t)s ratber be reaDp ta TpelD bp feme of our oUm, tban to ttriue toitb tbeni.SinD not tbat onl vJjut let bs comniuntcateto tbeir neceJTitrcs, anD toiitj our Co;e rcleue fljeir neDe, tobom toe fee to be oppjeflTeo to^tb b«n) 1 po;ie ettate. j^ingU^lct cucr^ man loUe boto mucbbetsb^DutybouuD bato otbec, % let bim faitI)fuU^ pa^ it.iFoj tbis reaf5 let tbe people baue in bcnc^ all tbcfe^ are fet ouer t*bcm , let t!)em patientltje bear tbeir goucrnmet,obe^ tbeir latoes f commauuDemfts, rcfafenctbing tbat tl)t^ mai? beare,ttil bcping (DcD fauon« rable bitto tbem. againe,lct tl:em tafee^ care of tbeir people , p^cferue common peace,Defcni> tbe govettra in tbe enety. anD fo o butt>eliuer it pure f finccre to tbe pei> pic of ©0D5I let tbcm inftrurt tbem not onl\? 106 lcarning,but alfo \intb ci:ample of lifie: finally, let tbe fo be ouer tbe, as goaD (bepeberDcs be ouer tbe ttjepc, ilet tbe people liHetoife rcceaue tbe fo^tbe melTeugers 1 apoff Ics of goD,geue tbcm tbat bono; toberof ^ b^eft matter batb boucbfafeD tbem,f minitter Imto tbem fucbtbingesasarc neceffar^ fo; ttftv^ lifcXzt parents take on tlit to feDe,rule anD teacb tbeir cbilo^en , as comitteD ta tbe of CDoD, f greue not, no; tiwn atoa^ tbeir minoes fro tl^tm toitb c rnelt^,but ratber cberilftf embrace tbe toitb fuc^ lenitie anD tenDernctte , as becommetl^ tbeir perfon . after tobicb maner, toe banc alrcao^ fa?D, tbat cbilD;en otoe to tbeir parents tbeir obcDience.llet ^eng men rcaerence oloe age^euen as § llo;^ toiUcD tbat age to be bono;able.3let olD me alfo gooern tiit^ toeafenelTe of voutti toitb tbeir totfcDorae anD ei;pericnee> toberin tbev cicceU voimg menynot ra* ting tbcm toitb rougb anD louDe b;ato* linges,^ but temper mg fcncritie toitb miloncffe f gentlenelTc. i,et feruantes fljeto tbemftlucs Diligent f ferotteabte to obep : an&tbat not to tl^ ei?e, but fro tbe bart, as fcruing (Sod brmfclfe. anD let matters Qjcto tbcmfelnea notteff^e am barp to plcaie » no; opp;ege tbem^ toitfe God the RcJcincr. 5'ccond liook-c. [IroJ.iiy toiH)lcMmiSfi>flrpncfi,not rcp;ofI)ful.' tljat as in tljc coniiuduOEmcnts l3ttL;c, iTtfc them, but ratber ncUnoU^lcnotc i^ Jji^ Ijatb fojbiODc crudtv,t3nfljallitv uno thf r arc tbeir bictlj?cn anD tljar fcljkru) rcurtcurnc^ro in t^jis be ri?llrainctb fal> fmmMntcsbniJcr tbebcauirnlv^o:Di?, fiiocc. tClbcrcftbcrc are ttwo partes as tobom the v ciigbt nuitiiallv to Iouc,ariO \x^.t baurKfitcD brltojc.iroj citbcr toe of^ acntlv to tntreatt.aftcr tbio mannc r,5 fciic tbc gcoD mwxc of eur ntigbbo^s br Ex.23. Le.ip. K", favjiet eucrv man confiDcr Inbat in bvs ^carec anD place be oluctb to bvs neigb* bo'js,anD let \)m ^av v be oluctb. ^^o:c ouer our minDc ougljt alluarcs to Ijauc refpcrte to tbe laiuniahcr, tbat tue nwt bnoUj tbat tbis latu ic ma^e as U'cl fo; our minocs,as fo^ our banus, tbat nir n ibouln ttutjve to tiefcno anu furtbcr tbc commodities ano p;ofitDf otber. Thc.h\fr,mm4Hncleryifnt. Thou shalt not be a Iving vvitncs a- gainfl thy neighbor. 47 SDbe cnb of tbis commaimbcmcnt is,^ be caufe©oD tubvcb is trutb,abbO-J •retb lvinct,Vye ongbt to obferuc trutb \xs outncceiffuUcouIer. SDbc fumtbcrfo2C (balbCjtbat toe ncitber burf e an^ mans name citbrr twitb flaunoers 0 j falfe re^ po;ites,no,2 InuDcr bim in bl'S aojoes bv l^ina: finaUT,tbat lue off cno no man br UiU to fpeatjc curl,c: to be buffc t tovtb Uibifb p:obibitii.nis io^neo a comaun- ocment,tbat fo far asUie mav, ^ttm^ plo^ our faitbful cnDcuoj fo; cucrr ma iti affinning tbc trutb.to DcfentJ y> fafc- t^ botbe of bis name f gcDoes.Jt fcmetlj 'tfet tbe i:ojD purpofcD to cvpounue tbc meaning of bis commaunucmcnt in tbc t\)i^ ario ttocntv Cbapter of eroous in tbcfe tuoiW :^!)ou fi^alt not tfc (> bovcc df l\nn(j,no; fijalt ioi?n tbv baD to fpeaUc faircttitncrrcfo^tbclDicUcD. againc, Slbflu (bait flee Iving. Tilfo in anotber place be botb not onl\} cal bs atoav from \vin% iM\iia po^ntc,t!iat \»c be no accu^ f^ii3,b; fe^ifpcrers in tbc pcople,butaI* fetbatno manbccciuc bisbjotber, fo; Ibe'f e;biot^itb tljcm botb in ftucral com mhtmttnichfg.f^ruly it is no bout ^but malicioufncs 1 frctuarD mmu to bacltc^ bite,o: in Iring ai^ fomcf imc in cucU fpcaUing iuc binbcr tlxir cominobitics. Cbere is no Difference lobctber in tbvs pUccbelJnDcrCanDeiJ folcmne anDiu:* ticial tcftimonv, 0; commcn tcflrimonv tbat is bfetJ m p;iuate talfccs . if 0; luc muft aUua^ bauc rccourfc to tbis p;in? ciptc, tbat of all tbe gencrall tuners of ticw,onc fpeciall ro;tc \& fct fo; an cr- ample, tobert3nto tbc reft mai^ be refer* rcD,anD tbat tbat is cbefelr cbore,\nbcr' in ^t filtbincs of tbc fault i& moft appa rant, aibcit,it ixjcr conucnient to cvtf D ' it mo;cgcncrallr. to aanbcrs anb fmi^ Iter bacfebitings, Inberluitb our "crgb^ bo;s arc iD;ongfullrsr^aeb,fo: tbat faltboDe of toitneffing tubrrb is fcfcD in iuDiciall courtcs,is ncucr lurtbout per- iurve.i5ut perturics in fcmucb as tbev DOC pjopbaive % befilc tbc njom of Cod, are aircaov fuffic ientlv met ®tl)al in v^ tbirD contmaunDcmcnt. t!tlbeffo;c tbe rigbtbfcoftbis coimnatmbement is, v our toct in affirming tbe tnitb, bo feme botb tbe gcDD n?.me 1 p;ofit of our ncigb- bo;s.Sbc equity tljcrof is mo;e tba nia lufcftifo; if a gojB name be moic p;C' cioustban an^c trcafurcs, tebatftJeud- tbe^ be:tben is it no k s buit to a ma to be fpcilcD of tbe atDbucs of bis name tbi'ii ofbisatDDcs. anDinbercuiiwbvsfub:^ ftance^ fomctime falfe uutneltc botb as mucb as biolence of banDs.OiiD t^t iris marKcUous iuvtb bbU)t negligent carc^ Icfnesmen Co commcnh? cfSrnD iirtbis povnt,fo tbat tbcr arc foiuiu ^crt! fell) f; are not notaWv fitbc of tbis Difcnfe:\Bs* are fo mucb Dciitcu vuitb a ccrtcn poifo? neb Clucctncsbotb in^earciHng out, anP - - -J v.ai>.6 ^'±A Dcio.i? Of tlie knovvlcds^e of |De. 6.,', ,&:.ii. 13. in a mancr cvpieffc an tntagc of tjoti in 1)10 Ufc.snijcrcfo^c toijcn bl9ofc5 meant tobnnjttjcfumtljerofinto tfjc ininDS of r;ic 3i^raclitc5,!)c favD : anQ noUi Jf' racl,tu!)at Dot?) tl)c llc;^ ti)T? goD afb of tijajjbut tl)at tljon fcarc tije iojDc, anD ly nUi in 1)13 iua\?csdcii: !)im ano feme bin in all tl)\? b'iri> « iw all ri)v foule-, f Ucpcl)is comniaunDcmcntfs / anoljc ccirctjnot.ftillto fing tbcfamc fong a* cravnc Unto tl)e,fo oft as bcpurpofcD to [\)t\x) tl)c cnD of tl)e laUjc. 'tEbe Dortdnc of tl)c laui bati) fuel) rcfpcrt hereunto, )) it iovnett) ma, o;t as t^afcs in an otbcr place tcrmctb it, maUctb man to fticU fan to bifi CI>QU in l)o{incfre of life jjiotu maimuemcnf5,to folott» tl)e bp.:tn;f)inf£f of tbc \xw of tl)e ilo^n : ftnall^^ to purc^ nc3 of confcifncc,finccre faitb ano lone. ttn)crb\? is conSriiicD tbat erpofition of tl)c laUi,lu!)icb irarcbctb fo; anD finDcrb cat in tin rommaunocmerits tbcrcof all tbc Ductics of go:»lincs i louc. fm tbc\! tijat fQloU) oncl^ tbe d;vi ano bare pjin* ciples, a0 if it taugbt bat tbe one balf of OoDs U)ill,linoUj not tl)c cntiz tberof,a0 tbc>apoaicujitnefl"ctb. sz 15ut l»beras in rebeiTing tbe fummc of tbe laU), Cb;ift $ tbe apoftle do fouv time leauc out tbe firft table: mam;' nrc DecciucD tbcrein,Uibile tbei'tuolD faine D:a\uc tbcir 1do:ds to botb tbe Suibles* Cb^ift in Sl^afhctB calletb t\)t cbiefe Mat ;. 13 tbe perfection of tbat bolmea conlidctb in tbe tU)o pjmcipalt points alreaop re^ I pointes of tbe lain, a^rrcv^ Iju&gement, Mat. 21 ^.Tinxt, berfcD. SDbat inc louc i> lo;D c5ouu)i-.b^ al our bart^ilourfoule,t al our ftrcgtb, i our ncv^gbboure as our felucs. xlnb 1> firtt m DccD IS tbat our foule boe in all partes filleD toitl) tbe louc ofgoD;i?roni tbat bvmDhv. of it fcif floUicfb fo;tb tbo louc of our ncigbbour. cUbicb tbing tbe apofllc (beiuetb ipben be Uvutctb, tbat I'bc CUD of tbe laU) is ILoue out of a pure ionffience,ane a faitb not favneb. I^ou fee boU),as it toerc in tbe beb is let cow* fcicnte anb fiiitl) bnfaiticD,tbat is to fa^ in oncUio;D true (IDoDlincffc , anD tbat from tb^ncc is cbaritpc DcriucD. £Sber* fo:e be is DccciucDjiubofocucr tbinhctb tbat in tbe latu arc taugbt onli? certain ruDimcates auD ftiH Jlntromirtions of rigbtcoufnes, UiberUTttb mr became to be taugbte tbcir fti (Ic fcbmlmg, but not vet Dirertcb ta tbe true markc of ga« U)o:Hcs:UJbcreas bcyono tliat (mtcnce I of s^ofes,anD tb^s of paulcpou can Dc* ftrc notbmg as Unmting of tl)c bpglietl perfection, jroi boHi far, J p.zar vou,VjiI bepiocttoc,tl)at\juiU not bccontcnteb Vuitb tt)i3 mftitution > txibcrcbi^ man is inftriutci) to tbe fcarc of goD,to fpiritu^ all mo:flnppuig,to obeying of tbe com* hepiiig tnberof toe eiu ter into life : be anftocrcD tbcfc tbinges onlvti^bcu (iKilt not kilXbou flwlt not comitatjuoutrp. Sbou Cbalt not ttcale* S^bou (bait bearc no falfe toitncffe.ipo* no.: tbv father I tb^ motbcr . loue t])f .. ncigbbo.: as tl)^ fclf . fm tbe obci'ing of ^^^^^'^ j tbe firft table conftttcb in mantr aft eg* tbcr in f> affection of v barf, oj in cere* nionvcs:tbc affect ion of § bart appeareir not>t asfo; tl)c ceremonies^ bipocrrtc* DiD continuallv bfc. 15ut tbe too;liC0 of cbaritie are fucb>as bv tbtmtocmav Declare a pafectc ngbteoufneflfc . lidnt tbvs comctb ecb toberc fooftinvP^Jo* I pbets, tlMttt muft mxDcs befamiliAr to arcaPcr but meaulg cgcrcifcD in tbg» fm f God the Redcmcr. Second Booke. t*ol. i.a jfo; m a maner allua? iuben tfjet? ev* l)oit to repentance , t\)c^ learn out tl)c firft fable, anuoneli? call tpon ifartb, 3IiiDgement,^ercr,f (!!;quttic.anD tljus in tfje laUi is onlp p?efcribcD tjnto ts an obfcruafion of rigfjt f cqiiitic , ieberem ice be crercifeD to tetttQc our goDli' fcare of bim,if tfjere be anp m ts. tbci' 00 not ouernip tlje feare of C5or>,but ^4 H^erc tbcrfojc let ts ttirbe faa,tl;nt tbei' require tbe earneC p^iof tbcrof b^ tljcn our life l^al be bctt framcD to acus tbe toftcn0 of it. SDbrs is tcell fenotoen, | luill 1 fbc rule of brs laUi,Uibcn it mi tbat U}{)en tber fpeafee of tbe feeepinn: of, be cucri? feav ntoft pjoStnblc to our b;e tbe IatD,tl)Cf 00 fo;i ^ nioa part reft bpo tbe fccono tablcbicaufe ttjcrin tbe finot? of rigbteoufneffc i tpzigbtnclTe is moff openlrfeen. Jtis neeDclcffctorebearfe tbe places, bccaufe euer? man toillof ^imfelf eafil?' marbe tljat tobiclj BI (^^V* ^3 15ut tbou Iwilt far, is it ^en mo>e tb.:cn.l5iit ill t\)c UiJjolc la to tber is not rcD one ailablc ^ appointct!) to man an^ rule cf fucb tbings ns be tljal to c: katic tjnoone to ig comoDttie of bvs oton ficrt). 0no furdp fttb men are fo bojn of fucb tiifpofii jon naturally, t t\)c^ be tQ mm\) eari'et! alUjc^long to tbe loucoftbem. auailable to tbe perfection of rigbtcouf^ | felacs, 1 botu niucb focuer tbe^ fall fro neffe ,to liue innocently among men, j tbetrutij, v^tfiill tbc^ krpe tbat fetfc tba tuitb true goDlineflc to bono: oD ano of lAug.li.j de doc- trin.Clii' cap.23. fiDetbat,fo;:irmucb as tbcilo:uetuell fenotoetbj ^ no benefite can come fro bs Imto btm,ti)bicb tbing be Dotb alfo telh* Pf,i6.i tie bi? ^ p^opbct : tberfo^e bs requiretb not oar Duties to bimrelf,but Dotb eicer^ cifebs in gmtj toojks totuaro cur ncigb^ Eph. i-y. bo?.2Cberfo:e not luitboutcaufe {» 0po? fi Ic fettctb i tobole perfection of p bol^ ones in cbaritte.0nD not inconuenient* Col 3.14 l\)inanotberplaccbe calletb tt)z fame tbe fulfilling of tbe laiutaDDing ^ be batb pcrfo^mcD tbe latw ^ louctb bis neigb^ Ro. 13. 8 boj.again. Ebat all tbe lato is comp;je^ benueD in one ino^D. ^oue t}j^ neiglibo? Ga.c. >4.' as tbr felfe . Jpoj be tcatljet^ no otber I tbing but tfjt fame \x)l)iti) €l)M Dotb ^]a..7»i2 iDbcn be fa^tbtMbatfoeuer vt toil tbat mc DC to ?ou,Do re r fame to tbem.ifo^ tbis is r laU) f tbe p^opbets . Bit is cer* tainc, ti)at in § lain anD tbe l^jopbets, ifart?7*anD all t be longetb to tbe true cur neigbbo; is y> ^t\iint{, of tbe c6mai5 Demrnfes,anD 1^ be Ituctb bell ano moff bolilr, tbat ( fo nere as mat? be ) liuctt) anD trauclletb leaH fo^ bimfclfc , % tbat nomanliuetbtDo;fe f mc;je tuicfecDl? tban be t H^ttlj anD trauellctb fo,: brni felf,anD onlp tbinUetb tpon f feUetb fo: tbinges of bis oton. :3nD tbe lLo:De, tbe mo:eto ci:p:eire \joitl) botu great ear^ neftneiTetoeougbtto be leD to tbe lone of our neigbbo:s, appointeD it to be me^ furcD br tlic loue of our felues as br a rule,becaufe bebaD no otber mo:c bebe^ ment 0: llronger affection to mcafure it br ^iHD ^2 tout of p mancr of fpealmig is Diligently to be tocreo . if 0: be Dotb not,as certaine fopbittersbane ffflliflblt? D:ramcD , geue tbe firft Degree to § lowc of our fcluf s, anD tlje feconD to cbaritir, but rather tbat affection of louc tobicb Ine DO all naturally D:at0 to our felues, HJojOnp cf cS^oD , boloetb tbe p:incipall ; be c^cuttl^ aluar fcnto ctber , iDbcrupon plarcanD ^ loue is benctb it in a lotecr ' t\jc Si\3oftk fa^tb , t t^ntit fefeetb not iJegrffibut tht ito^Des meaning is, I1?at bcr oU>n « Hnp tbeir reafcn is not to be I £i,u"" cl^emeo .Co. 13.^ Cap. 8. Ofthcl pa* rable of tfjc Sanuntane,^ tuDcr § name LuL'. 10, ofNeighbor,eucrt?niaisc6tainetJfaetje 3-5 ncuer fo (tragc tnto Msi tfjcr is no caufe lub^ U)C fljolo rcfirain tbe comaunOmr t of loue loin i boos of our oU)n fr c Dtftips « acquaintace0.3 uen^ not ^ tbe nercr t^ ani man is tjnfo ts tbe mo;e familiarly j l^e is to be bolpen )oo our enDeuo;s to oo bim gmtJ.iFo^ fo § o^Der of bumanitie re quirctb,)j fo mani mo Duties of frcDOjip iv.ctx fijolD comunicate tcgctbcr,as fbep are boun^ togetber \d ttreigfjter boD£f of ljinrcD,familtaritie oj ncigbbo;ba)D,f t y^out an? offrce of goD,bi? Uiljofc p;oai* Dece toe arc in a maner Djiuc tbcrunto. 2l5ut 3 Cap 1 2l ma&inDe \Jomt err eptio, 10 to be embjateD lu one affcrtio of cba# rif ie:f ^ in ^is bebalf is no Differfce of barbarous oj (!5rccian, of too;tbpo^ bn too;tbi,of freD o.: foc:bicaufcfbci?are to be cofiocreD in goDf not mtbt'fcluc0:fro bcminDfulloftbeiniun'c of tb^ €itif firing of reuengmmt, f louing our ene- mie0,tobicb in § olD time botb toer geue to § 3ctoc0,f at ^ fame time toere com* mcli? gcuen to &l Cb^ifttas, baue maDc connfeLs tobicb it is in our libertie to o« be^,oj not obe^.;ano ^ ncceflparr? obe^fg of tbf ,tbci baue poUtD ouer to sponbes, tobicb toer tbogbt but in tins one point fp^fotbmo^erigbteoustba fimple cb?i* tiia«,p tbei? toiilingl^ bouD tbffelues to bcpe t\)c coficels.ano tber renoer a rea*' Ton tobr tbei? receaue tbf not fo; latoes, fo; ^ tbe^ feme t© burDcnous f bean^j fpefiaU)?fo; Cb^iitians \S aretjnoer t])t lato of grace.&o tare tbci p;efume to re pel (' eternal lato of goD toucbing tfjt \o* uing of our neigbbo;^ Js tbere anp fucb Differfce in an? leaf of ^ lato ? f are not tberinratberecbtobere fciio comauDCi^ ments t ^^ ntoC feuerclp require of bs to loue our enemies^ i?o; tobat manct of fat?ing is tbat,tobcr tocarecomauDeD to feDe our encm^ tobe be is bugrp i to f fet into tbc rigl)t toar bi0 oxen o; aires Craving out of p toai,o; to eafe tbf Wot ti)t\> faint ijnDer thtir burDen:'^bal toe DO goD to his beaHes fo; l)is fake iDOut an^ gosD toil to bimfclf;^! bat^ is net § too;D of (' loiD cuerlafling:lleaue tjfge* ancc to me, « B< toiU icquite iti ^bicb airo is fpofef mo;e plainly! at large in an otber place, ^efee not tjengeacc,ncitbcr Pro. 25. 21 £x» 23,4 t^c.3?»3J tobicb cofiDcratio tobf toe turn atoap,it is no maruel if toe be entaaltD \xt mani crro;s ^b^rfo;cif toe toil kept {' true trab oi louig,toe mull not turn our cics bnto ma,^ figbt of tobom toolD ofrcr en fo;ce ts to bate tlja to lot!c,but tjnto goD tobicb comauDetl) ^tbc Icue tobicb toe offer bim , be poureo ab^oao among all mcn:tbat tbis be a perpetual fouoation, ^ tobatfoeuer tbe man be , vet be ougbt to be laueD becaufc (]5oD is loueD. >-6 Mlberfo;e it toas a moUpcffilftei^ tber igno^ace 0; malice, i> tbc fcbolmen oftberecomauDemcnts,toucbiug not De jens.CDitber let tbem blot tbcfe tbrnges oat of tbe lato,o; let tbem acltnotoleDge tbat tbJ 1c;d toas a latomalier,f not Iv" iugl^ favnc tbat be toas a tcuctli geuer. S7 ^ni tobat 3 p;a? vo« meane tbefe tbinges t tber baue p^rfumcD to mocfec XJ3al in tbeir tnfaucrj? glofc^licne tour cnemvcs,Do gmD to tbf t Wt rou,p;a? ^^^J ^^ fo; tbe i perff cute rou,tlcirc tbf ^ cui fe <- ^ ' ^. vou.i? y^t mai? be p cbilD^e of V;cur fatter ^^^^^ ' tobicb is in beaue.Mbo c& not bere rca cordis, fo to Chrifollom, tbat br fc neccCfari? a cauft it plainly appcarci^) ^ tber are no crbojtatics but comauDcmcnts^^bat Mat.; 4<5 God the Rcdemcr. t!>econd Booke. l*ol.i22 Libde do(Stri. Chriftia, cap,3o Ro.53.^ remainctb mo^e U3lje toe be blotteo out of ^ nuber of j^ dnlo jcn of (Sou ^ but bp tbeir opiniomonlp SponU^ Mbc J cbil D:cn of tOc bcauenli? fatbcr, tfjc^ oncli? ftalbc bolD to cal bpon got) tbcir fatbcr: toljat Ojall tbe Cburcb do tu tbc mcane feafoitf it (ftal bi lilte rigbt be ffutatua^ to V <©entilc0 1 publicans.ifoj €li^iit faitb : 3if \?c be frenol? to tour frcnocs, tobatfauoj lofee ^ou foj tberebr^ifo not tbe Ocntilcs auD |OubIicaiTS tbe famef 113at toe (balbe in gtoD cafe fo^fotb? if ^ title of Cbjiftians be left bnto tj0,f t\)c inheritance of tbe feingoo of beauen ta# feenatoa)? from tjs.;anD no letTe ffrong 13 jauguttinesarsument.Mbcn (faitb bc)tbe i.0^5) fo;jbiooetb to ccmit fo;nira tioixM no IcCfe fo;^biDDetb to toucbe tbe toife of tbine enemictba of tbp frenD. ^bcn be fo^btouetb tbefte, bcgeuetb leaue to Itcale notbing at al, etf bcr fro t\)v freD oj fro tbine encmrctSnt tbefe ttoc.not to tteale,! not to romnut fo^ni catio,paul bitngetb toiibin ^ comralTc of tbe rule of loue,rfa f teacbctl3 ^ tl::^ arecontcpncu tjnijcr t'Qiacinvimauuncf mtnU SCbcuOjaliloue tiji? n?rai)boar UB tb? fclf.^i)crfo;e, c^tbcr li^Til innll baue ben a falfe ejcpotito; of? iato,c^ it neceCtoril^ follotoetb bercbp,^ oia* tntf mica ougbt alfo to be louco^ cuen b^ c6* maunoementjlibe as our frcnn^Xber Jo^z tbcp DO truel\? beto.ja^ tbemfelucs |to be t^t cbilD^cn of ^atan,^ do fo lice ^ 'tioufl^fbaUcoftbe common voUe of § xbilDjcn of goD. 3|t is to be DoutcD,tobc? Cap f tbet? are to toe^gbti? a burocn fb^ ; cb.:ittians.as tbougb tber coulo be Deui ' feo anv tlm mo;te toeigbtt,tba to lone goD bp al our bart, )i all our foule,toitb al our (trpgtb.BKn copartfon of tbiff lato ant^ tbing ma^ be coptc D cafv, tobctbcr it be to loue our enemte,o; to lai? atoai> allDcfire of rcucnge out of our minD.SJn DeeDe all twinges arc br^ % barb to our toeabneire,cucn i Icaft title of ig lato. Bit is y> iLo?D in tobom toe bfe ftrengtb. ilet brnt gcae tol)at be commaiiDetbj i commaunD tobat betoiU.Cb;ittia mm to be buDcr ti)t lato of grace, is not tn* b iiDelebli? to toantjcr toitbout lato, but to be graffDD in €\)nQj bp tobofc grace thti! are free fi 6 tbe curfe of tbe lato , i b^ tobofc fpirit tbc^ hauc a lato \x)iitte tntbeirbarts. £Cbij5 grace ^aulebm pjopcrlt? calleD a !ato,aUuDing to f lato of goo,againIl tobicbbe Dibfct it in cbf parifon.lButtbcfe me do in yt name of § lato,Difpute tjpo a matter of notbino;. f 8 ^f like fo;rf it is,!^ tbei? callcD m^nU atl finnc, botb fccret tngcDlinestljaf is agarntttl)e6rft table, i alfo tbe Direct trnnfgrefTing oi^tbc lalt cor^^unocmft jf 0 J tl)r2 ^^^'^e ^i ^^'"^ » -^^ ^* ^^ ^ ^^' fire toitbout aDuire5 ufTrnt , tobicb re* actb not Icnn; in toe bart. HBut 'i far,^ it can not coine at all into tbe bart, but br toant of tbofe tbings ^ a\x rcqutrcD in tbe !ato» tHIe fb;ibiD to banc Ilraiige goDs.^iai}? h minD tbafeen toitb tbe cn« ginc3 of Difti i:ft,lahctb about tls tober: tobe it is toucbcD tort b a foDcn DcOre to tber tbcij banc punp(b?D tbT?^ Doctrine Ircmouebcrbleft'eDnesfomcotbertoat: to^tbmo^egrolTcDnlnes o;^ (bameler* tobfce come tljefcmotios^altbougb tber nefft.iroj tber arc none of tbe olo to;i;« ters tbat do nctpjonounce as of a tbing ccrtainc,tbat tbefe are mere commaun Dements. 0nDtbateuen in CDrcgo^ies age it toas not DcuteD cf,appearetb bp bis oton a»firmr.ti5,fo;j be Xuout contro uerOe takctb tbem foi comaunDemr ts. ^nD boto foliO)!^ DO tber? rcafonfXbcp quickly? taanrfljatoat, but of tbis, tbat tber is fome tb^ng in (^ foulc empt^, to recei?uc fucb tcntationsf0nD,to tbe cnD not to D^ato out tbis argument to grca^ tcr If gtb>tbtr is a ccmauDemcnt gcuen to loue C^oD \3)^ii) all our bart, to^tb all our minDcto^^b al our foule : if tbcn all tbe pctoers of our foule be not bent to Si.y. tbe '^tiTe'knovvIecfgc of Lib, 2 de, ;1\U\ CO-' UP. Do- I cat>,5. Mit.;.ip 't1)ctoueoffiDD,Vcct)auc alrcaor ocpar^ tct! from tl)c cbcDicncc of rljc lato. U'|^ taufc tljc enemies tljat do tfjf ri" a*«'Vif agninftljrsfctngtjome , auD t"ffj^"pt Ijts cccrcrfi,i3o p;cue tbat Cod ftatO not !)i5 tb^one luel ftablifijeo in our confer encc.^^ fo; ttje laft comniautsemf t toee tiaiie alreaDv fljetocD tfjat it pjoperl^ be lonsetbbcrcunto . ^atb am^ueCreof miD p?!f feeo Ds^ toe arc alrcaDt giltr of f cucting,! f bcrlxJitljal are mace tranO grc{ro?0 of p lato.llBtcaufe tlje lo^D Dotfj fo^bio ts,not oulr to purpofc i p;actife anr tbing tbat mat be to an otberg lolTe, but alfo to be pjicfeeu f f bnel toitl) coae^ tins it.But tbe curfe of goDOotbaltoa^ bang oucr tbe tranfgrcflwn of tbe lato, tl£tecanottbcrfo?cp:oue euentbetie^ rp Icalt ocfircsfree from iubgemcntof Deatb.SntDciengoflinnfS (fa^tbAu* guftme) let Ms not bjtng falfe balances to luc\! tobaf toe lift anu ^cU) loe lift at cur ofon pleafure,faieng,tbis is bcur,f tijis tJ3ligbtl!3utlcti3S b;ting gowba^ lance out"cf tbe bolt fcrtpture,a« out of tbclc;ii3strefojie,tlet\5S tberein toer lubat 10 benvrratbcr let Mb not tocT?,but rcfenolnltogc tbings alreaDi? toeiebbp tbe lcjD.15ut tobat faietb tbe fcripturef Sruclv ujbe paul faitb ^ tbe rctoarti of finnc ts Deatb,be fi)et3ittb tbat be ttncto net tbisftinliingmftincticn. ^itbtue are to mncb cnclincD to brpscrifie, tbts cberiftjinet tberof ougbt not to baue ben aUDeD to flatter our fictbfd confcifres. f 9 3i tcolD to gol),tbei tiolb ccfiber tobat ^ faieng of cb;ift meanctb:V)c tbat traf grcffetb one of p Icaft cf tbcfe ccmmaiV ijcmft5,f teacbct!) men fo,Q;albecomp* teu none intbcftingscm of beauen to not tbei' of ^ fo;t, \\)i)zn tbe^ Dare fo cy^ tenuatc tbe tranfgrcffion of tbe la\i>, as if it toere not tuojtb^ of Deatbfbut tber ougbt to baue con{iDereD,not oia^ tobnt i0 commaiiDcD, but iDbat beta tbatco^ matioetbibicaufe i)is autbo:ittc is Dtmi niftjeo in cuer^ f rafgreCTicn , boUj litle focuer it be,of § laU) ^ be Ijatb geuen in comaunDementJe it a fmal matter yjb tbem,^ goDs maicftie be oCEcDeo in an^ tbig;fSpo;jeoner if goD batt) oeclareD \)is toil in tbe lato,tobat foeuer i$ cotrarp to § lato Difpleafetb bim.tiiaail tbe^ ima gine § to?atb of goD to be fo DifarmeD,^ punifljment of Deatb ftjal not fo^tbtoitb folloto t3pon tbem^ ^.uD be bimfelf batb pjonouceD it plainlt,if tbei toolD ratbcr finbe intbeir barts to bcare brfS t)ovce, tba to trouble tbe clere ttutl} toitb tbeir tjnrauo;tie futtelties of argument.Cbe foule(faitbbe)i^ ftnnetljjtbe fame n^all Die.^gaiii, tobicb 3i cuen noto allegeD, SLbcrctoarDcffinneisteatb. llButal^ beit tbe^ graijt it lo be a finne, bicaufe t^ei? can not Dent? it»t^t ti}ty> ftab ftiffe in tbis,^ it is nn DeaDli? ftnne.^ut ^t\) tbet> baue betbeitc to mucb bc^nc toitb fbeirotonmatsncclct tbe vctatlcngtb learne fo toax? toiler. llBuf if tbet conti nue in DotagCjtoe toil biD tbe fare toel: ( let tbe cbilD;en of goo learn tbr^jtbat al finnc is t^e^iDlTi bvcaufe it is a rebel? lio againft ^ Mcil of gcD,tebicb of necef? litie p^ouobctb bis toaatb»bicaufc it is a \ b;eacb of tbe lalo ,t)pon tobicb ^ iuDge^ mmt of £CD i0 p^ciicunceD Ivitbout ejr* teption: 9^t\)c fimts of tbe bol^ ones arc tieniaU o; parocnable, not of tbeir otone uature,but bvcaufc tbcv obtetne parDon It tbe nierctc of (II?oo. The ».v. chapiter. That Chrift, altlioiigli he was knovven to the Tcv%'ts vnder the lavv,yet was deliueredoncly by the Ciofr ell. ^caure it pleafcD goD in tbe olD tin\c Ices to Declare bimfclfe a iFatbcr , ano nottiaynlp by erpiationg i facrifi^ I not in tja^rieblDjO concecrate a cbofen people Hz« 18.20 Rom.6 Mai 4.2 l.Pc.l. 12 loll. J, 46 Mat. 13. 16 Lulc.io, Ioh,S«5"6 Ioh,i.<8 " " God the people YofjimfelfeT^ciTfljen toitboat Doubt be Vu:i0 biioUJcn m tin famci* mage, toljerin Ijc noto appearct^ to ts tuitb full b jiGbtneire. SDfjcrcfoje SDala^ cljie, after tbat be bao biouen tlje Bletucs to tafec beue to tbe latD of ^ores,anD to continue in ffuu^ tbcrcof (bccaufe after \)is Deatb ttjcre fljoulo come a certainm* terruption of tl)e office of tbe piopbets) DiofojtbUjitb Declare ^ tbcrel^ouloa^ rifca fonnc cf rigbteoufncffe.Bin toljicf) lDo;ocsbcteact)ctl),tbattbe lain auat^ Ictb to tf)\s purpofe to Ijoloe tfje goDlp in cjcpectation of €^}i^ to come : but y>tt tbattbcre toas mucb mo^e ligbt to be fiopeo fo? , tDbcn Ije fl&oulD be come in Deoc. if 0 J t\)is reafon Dotb peter fat?, tijat t\)t p;jDpl)ct!3 Diu malte rcarcl),anD DiUsentlT? enquire of tbe f^luation tbat is noU) opcneu bn t^e CDofpell : anD tlmt it ti)a0 reucleu tjnto tbem,^ tljer? I^ulD mimaer,not to tbemfelue0,no; to tbeir otcn age bat tnto Us, ttjofe tbrngs tbat arc ueclareD bii? tlje d^ofpell . #ot tljat tbeir Doctrine teas tjnpjofitable to tbc people in olDc timc^ 0 j notbi?ng auaileD tbemfelneB: but bccaufe tbe^ enio^eD nottbe trcafure tobicf) €5oD fcnttnto 1J8 b^ tbeir banD.if 0 j at tbis Dai? f grace tobercoftbe^tc(hficD,is familiarly frt before our ty>as . ^nD tubcrcas tt)tv DiD but a litle Cp of it, tbere us offcrcD tjnto tjflamojc plcntifull cnioting tbercof. aCberefojc Cbnft bimfclfctobicb affirm mctb tbat be baD tuitncCTe bo^ne bim br Q5o'c3, ret eptolletb 1^ meafure of grace ibbcrbi^ IDC cpcelltbe Vetoes, ifo: fpca* hing to J Difciple5,be fa^D : ^iSleffeD are § e^c0 tbat foe ^ tubicb vc fee , f blcCTcD are 1^ cares tbat bearc t tobicb rebeare. if 0; manp binges f pjopbcts bane iui^ fl^eD it^ anD bauc not obtaineD it SCb^is is no fmall commcnsation of tbe reuc* ling of tl)e CJofpdl -, tbat CDoD p^efcrrcD tsbefo^zc tbe bolnfatbcrs tbat erccllco in rare goDlmclTe, tsaitbtobicbfentfce Redemcr. Second Bookc. iFol 12^ tbatotber place^!fagr«tb not,tobere"it i6farD,tbat abjabam fatD tbe fia^ef CbJitt) % reiorccu. if oi tbougb tbe Ggbt ofatbingfarreoiftant toas fomclnbat Darbe, nt be toanteD notbing to ^ alTu? race of gmD bopc. SnD tbence came tbat io\j U)bicb accopanicD tbe bolv p Jopbet, cnen to bis Deatb.SJnD t faring of BJobn l!5aptia, j>o man batb fcne (DoD at anr time,tbc onlr begotten tbat is in ^t bo? fome of r fatber,batb DcclareD bim tnto tjSjDotb not crcluDc tbe goDlr tobicb baD bene DeaD befo;re, fro tbe fellotolbip of tbe tjnDerftanDing f ligbt tbat (bmctb in tift pcrfon of Cb?ift.'il5nt coparing tbcir effate tuitb ours, be teacbctb tbat tbofe mrfteries , tobicb tber falu but oarlilr tnDer (baDotoes, arc manifcll tc bs: as tbe autbo;^ of tbe epiaic to tbe Ipcbjaes Heb.i. k Dotb toel fct out, faring ^ t\it fct bctlucne tticni » it a jj5otD 3 takt § eofpf U fo^ i tlttt uif^ clofincof ^ m^itiv^ ofCl;:ie.3i graunt trucl«, ^ in ttat rcfpt ct ^ ^Daulc callcfij § gofp^a, ^ Doctrine of fai'tI),aU tl)t p;o* mifcB ^ U)c l)crc 1 tljcrc finDc in ^ latu, coccrning v fr^ fo^geucnrCTe ef finncs, lofjcrbt! dDoft rcconciletlj mc to binifcif, arc accomptco partes tbcrof. if 0; be cof paretbfa^tbagatnSl tbcfe terrors tuber \s)it\) i cofctencc IboulD be troubtco anD bercDjif faluation loerc to be fougbt bp lr>o;'te0.tQ;beriipon foUotoctb, 1^ in ta^ btiig i§ name of § (Sofpcll largely, tbere arc fontanel) tjnoer it all (> tcttimonres ^ CD09 in olD time gaue to ^ fatberg, of i^s merc\» 1 fatberl^ fauo^. Ii3ut in tbc mo^e ere rllent figniScatton of it,3 fav it is applies to tbc publifoing of ^t grace geuen in €^ii(t, 0nD ^ meaning is not onel^ receiaeD b? conioii l3fe,but alfo ba gctb tipon tbe antbojitic of Cb^ifl « tbe 0poSlc0 » Mberupon tfy^s is p^opcrlt! afcribeo bnto f^im, tbat be p;ieacbeD the gofpel of tbe Uingoome.jano sparUe ma* kttl) \))}B preface in tbr^ maner . JLbe beginning of § Oofpell of Jcfus Cb;5ift. ;anD tber is no neoe to gatber places to p>oue a tbing fuff icictl^ knclue. Cb;^ift tbcrfojc b'^ bis coming bat b mace clerc i life I immo;tfalitie b^ tl)t gofpcll. 5i5t? tubicb 1uo;ds paul menctb,not ^ t!;e fa# tbers lucr D;otuneD in oarfenes of Detb, tntiltbefonneofCDoD DiD putonfleOb: but claiming tbis p^erogatiue cf bono^ to IP gofpel,bc tcacbetb ti^i^^ nelu ano bntooteD kino of mcGage,tjubcrbv^ CDoo perfo;meD tbofc tbings ^ b^ bao p^omi* feOjf tbetrutb of bis pjomtfes G:oulo be fulfiUeo in J perfon of tbe fonne.jfo; al# tbougb t\)t faitofull bane altear fcfiO b^ erperifce, ^ fame faving of paule to be true, ^ in €hntt arc all § pjomifcs ^ea 1 0mr, becaufc tbci? Uic r fealcD in ti)tir bartes:^ef bicaufe be batb acccplttbeU al partes of our faluation in bts flcOjjtber fo;re t fclf liuel? Dcliucring of J tbinges rigbtfuU^ obtained a nciu % Cngular ti^ tic of p^aifc.tk^bcruponcommetb j? fav ing of Cbjiff: li^ercafter re l^ll fee tbe beaucns open,$ tlyc angels of vDod afcen^ cing t DcfcenDing tp6 tbe fonnc of ma. i?o? tbougb be fame to baue relation bnto tbe laODf r (betuctJ in a bificn to tbc patriarcb lacob : ret be fettetl; out G)c ercclUncic of bts comming b? t^^B mar!{e,tbatbecpeneD tf)t gate ofbea^ ucn to all men , ^ tbc entrp tbercf ma^ be ftuiTD familiarly open to all men. 3 115ut vet lr.e muft tafec htiit of 1^ Uf uilitb imagination of Scructtus, tobicb toben be goetb about,o; at Icaft fainctb 1^ be goetb about to ertoll i greatnes of r grace of Cb^iU, tittcrli? abolitftetb t\st p;omifes,as if tber toer enr^eo togetber toitb ^ latu. ^e la^ctb fo; biw,^ hy> tbc faptb of J gofpell, tbere is bjougbt Unto bs tbeaccopliflbment of all i p^omifes: as tbougb tbere lucre no Difference be^ tfcjcne tjs I Cb;itt . 3! bio in ocDc eum noto Declare ^ Cbjift leftnotbing bnper fojmcD of tbe icbole fum of our faluati* on: but it is toaongfullt? gatbcrcD tljcvf bpon, t toe Do alreaDv eniote tbe bcne^ fttes purcbafcD bv him , as tbougb tbat faring of paul tocr falfe,i^ our faluati* on is f)i^ in bope. 31 graunt in dcdc, tbat toe, br beleuing in €l)ntiy do alfo palTe fro Deafb f 0 life:15ut in r meanc feafon toe muft bolD ^y^s faring of Sobn , tbat altbougb toe bnoto toe be tbe cbilD^e of CDou^r et it batb not as ret appearcD,till \ toe (bal be like tnto bim:tbat is,till toe SiaU fee bim fucb as be is. S^berfo^c al* tbougb Cb^ift o^cr bnto bs in bis gofpel p^cfent fulnelTe of fpiritual gcoD tbings: ret ti)z f nioring tbercf Irctb (till bio tn* Der r beping of bope,til being tjnclotbcD of r corruptible fiellj, toe be traffigureo into r glo;i of bim i' gpctb before bs.Jn tht mean time the bolr gboft faiDDetb bs toreftt?pontbe p;cmircs,tobofe autbo^ ritte lolij GodthcRcdcmcr. ritic ougbt twitlj t30 to put f o Gleet alR Second iBookc Fol 124 I. Tim,4] 8. 2.Tim.i a C0.7. barbingB of ^ filtlj^ oogge.ifoj as paul loitneffe^(),gotjline0,l)atb a p^om^fe as tuel of tOc life to corneas of tbe life p^e fent.iFo^Uj!)t?c[j rcafon be boftetf) tbat tje is an 0poftlc of Ctj^itt, accojuins to tOe pjomifc of life tbat is in f)im.^nn in m otijer place fje puttetfj ts in m\?nD,^ toe baue tlje fame p^om^fes, tobicb in olo time toer gcuen to ttjc bol^ men.ifi naU^jlje fcttetl) t\)is fo? tf)e fumme of fc licitie^tfjat toe are fealeu tjp \x)itl) § Ijo* l^ fpirit of p;omtre,but tet toe do no Of tfertoife enio^ Cfj^ift, but fo far as toe embrace fjimclotbeo 16 bl?s p;iomife6. ^bcrbt? it cometb to pas, # be in Dceo Dtoelletb in our barts,f t^ct toe toanuer in iourncp abiotic fro bpni: bpcaufe toe toalb b? faitb f not b^ figbt. ;^nD tbcfc ttoo ti)inQ;s do not il agree togetber:tbat toe poffedc in Cb^ilt al tbat perteinetb to tit perfection of tbe beauenlr Ivfe : f ret tbat faitb is a bcboloing of gmo tbfgs tbat are not feene.idDnl^ tbere is a Differ renceto be notcD in tbe nature 0; quali tie of tbe p;omifes:bicaufe tbe dDofpcU Ifcctoetb ^it^ ber finger ^ tbing,tobicb t\)e llato DiD Ibaooto tinker figures* 4 0nD bereb^ alfo is tbetr crro;^ cmuf ce5,to!jtcb DO ncu^r otbertoife copare i lato toitb ? gorpel,bat as tbcp compare ^ meritcs of too;fes toitb titt fm impu tation of rtgbfcoijfjics.^ltbougb in DccD tbts coparifon of contraries be not to be rcietfcD:brcaufe pauUotb oftentimes tnoerffaD h^ § name of tbe Iato,a rule to liuc rigbtf ouOp tobcrc in goD rcqui^* retb of t)s ^ tobicb is brs>nct geuing ijs anv bopc of life,t)nles toe in all polts Of be^ itif on ^ otijcr fi?)c aDDing a courfe : if toe DO nc uer fo litle ftoarue fro it : ^ tstijfwcbylaccsasbe ti(putctt)j ^toe D&fml^ plcafe goD, ? arc b^ parDon rcc UencD rigb* eons, bpcaiife ? obfcruation of f lato,tobcrunto f retoaro is p;omii» ktijis no tobere founD.ZiLbercfo^ic paul Dotbfiltl)? mafee ? risbtcoufnes of tbe lato f of I gofpcljcontrarie f one to tl)e Ro.1.16 of ber. HBut f gofpel W not fo fucccDein place of ^ tobole lato,tbat it (bulD b;jing nn\> Diuerfe meane of faluation,butra/ tber to confirme f p^oue to be of fo;rce, tobatfoeuer ti)c lato baD p^omifeD, f to io^netbeboD^to ^ CbaDotos.ifoj toben t\)M faitb,tbat tbe lato t i^t y:^;o^cts toere bntil Jobn: bcmaketb not ti)t fa* tbers fubiect to tbe curfe, tobicb tbe boD feruantcs of tbe lato can not efcape;but ratberonel? tbat tber toere inttrutteD toitb certain ruDiments,fo as tljcr ffar eD a great toap bcnctb tbe bc^gbtb of tl)t Dortrine of r gofpclXberfo^e |i)aul calling tbe gofpel r potocr of goD,to fal^ uatio to eucrp bclcuer,branDbr aDDetb, tbat it batb toitnes of tbe lato $ t\)z pjo pbetes.lBut in t\)c cnD of tbe fame Qpif ftle, altbougbbe (beto tbattbet^tleof p;rarfeof 3ef«s CbjiCt is r reuclatto of tbemrlleriefeeptfecret in euerlalhng trmestret be Dotb qualify tbat farcng, toitb aDDing an erpo(iti6,teacbing tbat be is openlr fl)etoea br tbe \x)MnQS of tbe l^^opbets. ^bercupon toe gatber, tbat tobf toe are to cntreate of t tobole latojtbe gofpel Diffcretb fro tbe lato on^ \V in rcfpect of tbe plnine Difclofing tber of.llut y>tt foj tbe incfiimablc fiotoing ao;jc of grace, tobicb htl) ben lafCD ope fo^ tjs in €^;i(t,it is not toitbout mi't fa^D, tbat at bis comming tbe beauclp feingDomeofgoD toaserccteoin eartb. S i^oto bettoaen tlit latoe f tbe gofpcll came Jobn, tobicb baD an office 1! toas meane anD of no affinitie to tbem botb. 5fo.:tbouab tobenbe caller Cb;ria tfyt lamb of goD,ano tbe facrifice of § cleans fing of finnes,be fljetoeD fo;itb tbe fume of t\)c gofpellr^et b^caufe be DiD not t%^ p,:cffcl> fame incomparable ftrengtb f gloAtc \si\)itl) at IcgCi) appeareD in i)is re furrc£tic,tberfoje cbnft faitb? t be toas not egall to f :apoflles» jro;^ fo do tbofe ^.ii9. too^^DS of the kiiovvled2;e of U«ojDg of t)Ui nif ane:tbat tijougfte Iol)n epcell among tijc fens cf U)omen,vct fit t^at is Icaft in tlje Jjingoome of ^cauf, is greater tban i)c.1B^caii(c he Dotb not ttier comenD f!?c pcrfons of mcn,but aff ter l)t IjaD pjeferrcD ^o\)n before all t^t p;topfjete0,!)e aouaucctb tbe p;eacbing of tbe CDofpel to tbe tjicff Degree : tol^cb p;^eacbing tue fee in an otber place Cgnt geo b? tbe hingoom of beanen . IBut tubereas Hlobn bimfelfe botb aunftuere tW be is but a bo^ce,aje! tbougb be toer inferior to i p;opbet0,be botb not tbat fo; faineo bumilitie5 rat{e>but meanetb to teacbe tbat i^ p^op;e office of tbe (Em^ baflfabour Uias not committeb to bl?m, but tbat be onli? erecutetb § office of an apparito;:afi! it tuas fo^e fpohen bv ^a^ lacbie: )i6ebolD, 3! feno Clras tljs^p^Q^ pbet,befo;c tbat tbe great anb terrible ba^ of tbe llo^o do come.^no truelp be Dionotbingels intljz iubole courfe of biiJ minifterie, but enbcuo^ to get Dif^ ciplej5 to Cb; itt:a£falfo Cfap p^ouetb: tbattbi0tDasenn3t?ncDbim from goD. 0nb in this fenfe Cb^itt is c allcD a can^ Dell burning anD Ibrning, b^caufe tbe b;^ oabe bai?e baD not y^tt appeared. 0nD yftt ti)is is no let,but tbat be ma^ be rec kencD among tbe pnbli(ber5 of tf)c go^ fpeljibe a0 be Dfeo tbefame ^aptifme, Isbicb lDa0 aftertoarb oeliuereb to tht 0peftle0.)115ut tbat iubicb be bega^tnas not fulfilleb but b? tbe ^po(ilts,)jo free p^ocebing,aftertbatCb;iftlDa£( tahen bp from tiem into i^t beauenl^ glo^ie. xMaI.4.^. Ioh.;.3J. The X. chapiter. Of the likcnefTe of the old and new Tcftament. ^^^ ^t tbingg afo^sfa^D it ma^ notu \ bout: tberfo;^e toe (bal rigbtfull^ apoint appeare eui?bentl^ tbat all tbe men iwbom fro tbe beginning of tbe loo^lD I gob aoopteb into § eftate of bis people, toerelDitb tbefame lato, anb \^'^th tbe bonb of tbe fame Doctrine , \syWh note remainetb tn fo^ce among bs.bounD in couenanf to b!?m. llBut b^caufe it is of no fmall importance tbat this po^nt be luelleftablrfbeD. JtoillaBio^ne tjnto it fo; an aODition, fxtht tbe fatbers tuer partaHers of al one inberitace luitb bs, anbbopeDfo;allone faluation bi? tbe grace of al one ^eDtator,boto far tbeir eftate tiffereb from ours in tbis fclolc' (bip.But altbougb ^t teaimonic« tbat toe baue gatbereo out of tht Eato 1 ^t P;opbet0 foj p?ofe tbereof, bo mabe it pla^ne tbat tbere toas neuer an\» otbcr rule of religion % goDlrncffe in tbe pec^ pleof (IDob:t!et b^caufe in to;iters tber are oftentimes manv tbings fpoKen of tbe bifferrence of tbe oloc anb neto %ti ftamet,tbacmavmabe tbe reabertfcat is not of berp fbarp iupgcment to be in one peculiar place fo^ ^z better t moje epatt bifcnffing of tbis matter:^ea anb tbat tbing alfo,tobicb otbertotfe IboulD baue bene beri profitable for b0,i0 noto mane necelTarie bi? tbat monffruous lo? fel ^eraettu0, % br Dvuerfeotber mab men of tbe fett of^nabaptilfe0,tobicb baue no otber opinion of tbe people of 3ifrael, tba 30 of a berb cf ftoine:tobicb ^t^ fonblp fa^ne to baue ben fatteo bp bi? tbe 11 orb bere in tbi0 eartb,toitbout an^ bope of bcauf nl^ immortal^tie. Cberfore tbat toe ma^ feepe atoau tbi0 pcltilrr.t error from (0oDl^ m^nbes, alfo to pluc^e out of thtm all boute0 \s}h'^ii^ are toont bianbb^ to arpfe bpon bearing mention of tbe bnuerfitie be^ ttoeen tije oloe anb neto 2Cefiament:let b5 bp tbe toa^ loUe, tobat t^it^^ baue in fbem lifee, ana tobat tnlt>fee one to tbe otbcr : tobat couenant tbe ilorbmabe to^tb ftjc 3Ifracl?tc0 in tbe oloe t^me before tbe comming of Cbriff, % tobat couenant be batb noto mabe to^tb t)0 fince God the Redcmcr. Second Bookc, finccCgjiffftatfjbenopenli? JfecfecD. ! 3 SCfjerfo^c in fctting out of tljts pcmt, 2 anD botb tfjcfc points ma\? be maDe i bccaufe it moCe fpeciall^c belonaetti to plainc twitb cnc U)o;«). Me cournat of ; n)iB p;tcfent matter, « foj ^ tber mafec all t!|e fatbcre fo oifferetb notbing from i ts mode contrcuerfr about iU ^c ^i\l outB in fubttancf,! in tbe mater it felf, i employ t^e mo^c earnett tratiaile : but mt it i^ altcgitbcr one 1 tbe felfe fame: tct fo,^ if tberc feat tct an^ ibing of tbe but tl)t mmitlration is Diuers, 315nt be^ cppUcaticu of t])C otbcr, it mar be bv & caufe offo great Ojojtnes no mantoere | toat? fupplieo,o^ in ccnucnient plate be able to attain a certain bnuerftanoing, ] aODco. s:rulv tbe apoSlc tahctb ata^a^ iue muft nebes pjoeeoc on \i)it\) a loger ; al bout of tbcm al,k!bcn l)t fu^tb,r <25co betlaration, if toe meane to profit am?e tbe fatber long before bi tbe p;opbct0 ia tbing at all. 315ut in Cbeloing botue tbc^ ; tbe bol^ fcripturce pjomifeD tljc gofpcl, are liUe,o;^ ratber al one,it Ojalbe fupcr^ , Iwbvcb be aftf r\juarD publiajcD acco;C:ig fluouB to Difcourfe again of neto bpo all to tbe time appointco» ^gaiuc,tbat tbe tbe fpeciall particulars tbat baue alrca^ | rigbteoufncs of faitbe Iwbtcb ie- taugbt op ben oeclarebmnD it Ibalbe out of fca^ bp tbe gofpel it felfc, batb ^itnr 6 cf tbe fon to mingle tbofe tbings togitber tbat Into 1 tl)e p^opbets.jto? tbe gofpcl 5ctb FoUa; Ro.1.2, R0.3.21, remain pet to be fpofeen in otbcr places. i^ere tue mutle cbeefelp reft bpon t\);k pjincipall points : ifirft, tbat toe bolo, tbat carnall toeltb ano felicitp toas not t^ marbe apointeb to tbe Vetoes to af* pire Unto, but tbat tbep toer bp aboptio cboff bnto ti)t bope of immo^talitp:ano tbat tbe ttut^ of tbis aboption toas cer* tainlp affureo tjnto tbem botb bp jS)?a* cles,ano bp tbe lato, anb bp tbe p^opbe not bolDc tbe barts of men in tbe iop of tbps p^efcnt life, but littetb tbem tp to tit bope of immo^talitp:Ootb not fatten tbem to eartblp bclites , but pjeacbing to tbem a bope lapD bp in bcauen, ootbc in a msner tranfpojt tbem tbitber.ifo; tbus be Ocfinetb in an otber placc.^mcc tbat pe beleueb tbe gofpel, pe arc fcalcD bp \xntf) § bolp fpirit of p;omir0, tobicb is tbe earneft of our inberitance,fo; n)z fies.^ecoDarilp,tbat t^jC couenat tober^ reoemption of Hot poffcCTion purcbafcD. bp t^tv toere topneo to tbei^ojoe, toas | againe,toe bane bearo cf pour faitb m bpbolDennot bp anpmeritesoftfjeirs, but bp tbe onlp mercp of goo tbat calleo tbem. ^birolp,tbat tbep botbe bao ano Hnetoe €iiM t^t meoiato;, bp tobomc tbep tboulo botb be iopnco to C5ob,f en- €\);iit aef«,ano of pour cbaritp totoaro tbe bolp ones, fo; tbe bopes faUe tbat is laio bp fo; pou in bcue , toberof pe baue bearo bp tbe true fpeacbe of tbe gcrpcll. ^gainett^e l)atb calleo bs bp tbe gorpcl iFph.1.13. ;CoI,1.4 iop bis p^omifes. ^f tobicb popnt0,bc^ to t\)t partaking of tbe glo;p of our lojo caufe tbe fccono pcraoucture is not pet 31efus €lni(it. I2:lberefo;e it is caUeo, fufficietli Unoton,it (bal in place apom botb t\^ too;o of Hiluation, f tbe poU-er teo fo; it be oeclareo at large, ifo; toe of dDoo to faue tbe faitbful, ano tlje King IbaU confirme bp manp t clere tefiimo^ oom of beauen. ijictoc if tbe ooctrine of nies of ^ p;opbets,^ it toas of bis otone i t^t gofpcll be fpiritual, ano openetb tbe mere gcoones f teoer fauo;,tobatroeuer entrp to tbe polTcmon of an incojrupti* goo tbe iLo;o at anp time oio f p;omi^ ble life,lct bs not tbinU i tbep to totom feo to tbe people of 51' rael. EEbe tbiro al^ it toas pjomifeo ano oeclarco,oto pa(& fo batb alreaop bao bcre ano tbcre fome ouer ano neglect tbe care of tbcir toulc, plaine oedarations of it, 1 toe baue not left tbe firft altogetber bntoucbco> ano lie ouUp lifee beaftes in fcfeing plea^ furesof tbe boop. i^eitber letanp man ^.\). bcre i.The.2.! .4. I O.p.io Of the knowledge of 110.3.19 !loh.8,5(5 )!cb.J3.8 lulcc. 1 •54. 5c.7: \)tn cauiU t^t t^e p^onufcs tuljKti are fcaleu in tt)C lalu 1 tlje p?opbetsconccr mnjjttje oofpcI,tDrr o^octneo foz § ncto pcoplc.if o; VDittjin a litlc after ^ toliici) be fpaheof t^e gofpcl p^omtfeD in i lato fic ac??crt), ttjatall tbe things ^ t^c laUie coiUeiiictfj, are \3}it\)iiVit Doubt pjoperl^ tirerteo to tijem tbat are tnoer f latoe. 3i graunt in DcDe it is in an otljer argu^ mcnt. i5iit !)c tuas not fo fo?getful,tljat lube be baD once fdiD tbat all t\)t tbingg tubtcb tbe lalD contetnetb belong to tbe Sjctoeg, be tin not remember lobat in a fcioe tjerfes before be bau affirmeD of § fiofpel pjomifeD in t{)t latu. tSIberfoje tbe ^pottle tbetoetbrnoC plainly, i^tht doe S^eftament tb^fel^ tenoeD to § life to come,U)ben be faitb,tbat tjnijcr it are conteineD tbe p^omifcfi of tbc gofpfU. 4 )1B? tbe fame reafon foloU)rtb,botb ^ it ItoDe t3pon tfjz fr© merci^ of dlJoD, ano alfo lua5 fofirmcD bp (? mean of Cb^itt. ifo;tbeberpe p^earijingof tbe gofpell p;onoucetb no otber tbtng, but tbat Qn^ ncrs are iuftifien bp tbe falberlt? bintie* nrlTe of C5cD,U)itbout tbeir oVune Defer* uingtano tije tobole fum tberof is fulfill leD in Cb^tilt. Mlbo tben Dare mahe tbe Jviues toitboutCbjifl^jlDitb tobom lue bcare ^ tl)t couenant of tl)e gofpell luas niaoe, toberof Cb^ift is t\)c onelp foiioa tionfCS^bo Dare mahe tlftm ttraungers from tbe benefit of fra faluatio, to tobo toe beare tbat tbe Doctrine of tbe rigbte* oufneg of faitbe ijuas miniCreD ^ 5i5ut t toe Difpufe not long of an euioenf mat- ter : fee bane a notable fcntcwe of tbe ilo;o. jab;abam reiovfeatbatbe mrgbt fee m\? Dav,bc Hito it aii?. toas g!tobicb mcnetb bere to baue tbis 1, Cor. 10 taUcn God thi U'^n alDa^ from tl)e~Cb"nttians, tint t})tf tI)tnJx tW foev? evctl tfjc 31eU)C0 b^ tlbe p;crogatiuc of iSaptifme. j^ici^tljer w tljAt \xA)icl} Dpnaobp after foUotjocti), fubicrt to tbts cauiUation: tbat tlm nva catetlit famefpirituallmcatc tfjattwe eate, t D;onb tbc fame fpiritual D;inb, tobtd^beerpounoetbtobc Cb^tlt. 6 SSooucrtbJoto tbisfcntfccofpani, tfjer obicrt ^ tobicb Ct):ia fai^t^ : ^our fatbers Di?D eate spanna in ^cVcilDci** ncire,f arc Dcaoibc tbat catctb mp flcrtj, IXjal not Die fo;^ eucr. ©Sbicb tiuo places arc tjcr^ cufilp maDe to agree tccjetbcr. 2Dbc lo?o,brcaufc be tben talUeD to bca* rerstbatfougbtonelptobc fiileDtoitb fcoDc of tbeir bcUp,but carcD not fo; tbc mcate of tbe foule, tempcrcD bt?fi talfee fomtobat to tl^tir capacite:bnt fpeciallp beframctbtbe comparifonofa^annat of bpj5 boD^ acco^tiinjj to tijeir fcnfc . STbep requtrco ^ be,to get bimfelf fome crcDitjtooulD app^ouc \)is poioer tu^tb Doing fome fueb miracle, as ^ofes DiD in t U)iloerne0,tx)ben be obtcinzxi ^m na fro l^caucn.llBut in flpanna tl)c^ con cerucDnotbingbuttbc remcoieofcar^ nal bnnger, toberetuitb tbc people Iras tben \)ej;eD:but tber pearcco not to tbat bierm^ltericUjbicblBaul batb refpect t}nto:cb;iittberfo;e,to (beto boto mucb greater a benefit tljep ougbt to lofee fo; at bis bano, tban i^ tobicb tljty^ rcpo^tco tbat ^ofes oio bcffoto tpo tbeir fatbers frametb tb is comparifcn: Sfittoerea great miracle in t?cur opinion,anD too;- t\)^ to be rememb:eD,i? tljc 3Lo;o bi ^o^ fcs miniltrcD foijc from bcauen to bT?s people to fnffeinc tbem fo; a fmal time, tbat tbei? fljalo not periflje foj bunger in tl)t toilDcrnesrgatbcr bcrebi boto mucb mo^e epccllent is tbe meat, tbat genet'o immo.:talit|?.Me fee tobp t\it Lozo paf fcD ouer i tbing Uibicb teas principal! in S^anna,anD fpafee onel^ of tbe bafcll profit of it : cue becaufetbe|ctoesasit Redtmcr. Second Tool. :c._ toer of purpofe to rcp^ocbe bim,tiii3 call q^fcs in bis tctbe,t»bicb fucco;ea v nt* ctiTit^ of tbc people >i remeOp of Cl3an^ na ; be anfUjcreD tbat be i& t\)z minitter cf a mucb bicr grace.in coparifon bJbtr^ of,U)e carnal fcQmgcf tbe people,\ubicb alone tbcp fo nuicbe eflenict),ougbtc of rigbt to be noting reQiaroeo.^utpaul bccaufe be kncir- tbat tb,c Lo;:5 toljc be rainco £^anna from beaucn,Dit net tn* Ip poure it ootenc fo; tbe fcDing of tbnr bellr, but alCo m Uiitribute it fo; a fpi* ritual mpfteric,to bea ftgure of p fpiri* tual quicUning tbat is bau in Cb;itt,ciD not neglecte tbat part ^ toas moll too;^ tbi of confioeratio. txaberfo;e it certain It! f ikxtl"^ follotectb, i tlit fame p^omi* fes of eternal t beaur Iv lifc,tubicb nclu tbeLo;Dt)oucbfafctbto graiit ijutots, lucre not onlr ccmmunicatcD iTito tl)c Vetoes, but alfo fcalcD Uiitb bert-fpiri^ tuall ^acramentes . £Df tufjicb matter AuguRinc Difputctt largely agatnlc FaullustfjeSpanicbe^. 7 i5ut if tbe rcabcrs bau ratfjcr to banc teHimonpcfi allegeD ^nto tbe out of tbe lalD I tbc p>;opbets, iDbcrebp tl)t^ mav perceane ^ ti)t fpirituall couenantluas comon alfo to § fatbers, as toe bcarc bp illnitt f ti)t apoaies: 31 ^H alfo folloUi tbat oefire,! fo mucb tbe mo;c totlling* Ip, bccaufe bp t nteanc tbc aouerfartiS Cball be mo;e furelp conuinccD , fo tbat tbei fijal baue aftci luarD no toap fo mU Ip. anD 3 toill begin at tbat p.:©f,tobicb altbougb 3 hnoto tbat tbe anabaptittes p.:iDe toil tbinU tjcrp fonD ans in a ma^ ncr to be laugbeD at , pet fball mucb a* uailc toitb fucb reaoers as arc toilling to Icarne ano baue tbeir founD toit.ano 31 tal.-e if as a principle confeffeo,!^ tberc is fucb c^ctual fo;ce of life in tbe too;o ofC?oD,tbattobom foencr(S?ot> toucb' fauetb to bee partal^crs tbrrof, it qitick^ netib tbeir foules.ifo; tbis faping of pe ter batb altoap bene of fo;ce ,^itiB fee Fol iia inco.:rup* Of tlie knowledge of jC^pjo ( {i.j>e.i.23. inco,iritptible fee:jcUi!)ic^ abmtl) fo.j euer,a$ l)e alfo gatijercD oat of § iJ)o;U£s of to tbeir foulen. I15ut fouler, bnlelte tbe^ be io^neo f 0 (Dod b^ rigbteoufnes, remain effrangeD fro Mi'fn in Deatb. "^nX on >^ 0* tber (iD0,let ^ iot^ning be p^^efent^it fl^l bjing eucrlaffing faluation \si^ it 9 ^eitoe tbat, be did not onel^ teffifie \ be toa0 to tbem tbeir ©oD, bnt be alfo piomifeD tbat be tooulD be fo altoa^ : to tbe eno ^ tbeir bope not contenteD \xsi^ pjefcnt benefites, fljoulD be crtenDeD to eternitie.i^nD mant fapinges do (beto, ^ tbe fpeafting in tbe future time ment fo xnnt^ as lubere tbe fa^tbfull noton^ It! in p.:efcnt euills,but alfo t^i \!citti\nt to come, DO comfort tbemfelues Xsix^ tbi0,tbat Ct:D toil neuer faile tbc»i?oto 80 concerning tbe fcconD part of tbe p;o* mife> be ret mo^e plainly alfareD ^zm, of tbe bleffing of dgob to faep;olongett t)nto Gc 17.7 God tlie Redemer» iccond Booke, £x.2o,6 Ex.3.<$. Mat.22. Luke. 20 32. Deu33.3 tjnto tf)c bcfoiiD tl)c bounijs of ti}is life, in fating:3l iviil be tljc C^oo of 'i?our feDe after pou. ifojif be niinocD to Declare bi« gfflU lull toiuarD tbcm being DeciD,in noiixQ Qmn fo tbeir poftcriti,mucb mo;e tuoulD \)is fauoj not fai!e totuaro t\)ttw (clues. ifo^idDoDisnotliUc tjntomen, tobicb Doe tberefo^e carve ti)zir loueto tbeir frcnDs cbtlDjc,bicanre tl)tn poto^ er i3 iitterrupteD hv Dfatbc,ro tbat tl)ep can not emplot tbeir fi'ttini^ Doings tpo tbem to tDbom tbev ^io beare gcDD tuil, 515ut (IDoD,lubofe bctitifulncs is not bin? DereD bv Dcatb>tahctb not alcav ftom ^ t)ert DeaD § frutc of bis mercv,tobif b fo,: tbeir faUes be pouretb oute into a tbon^ fano generations. SDberfo^e tbe Lo;^Des tDil Inasbpa notable p;ofetofetfo^tb t)nto tljem tbegreatncs 1 Sotuing plen? tv of bis giDDnes, tobicb tl)c^ HjulD feeic after Deatbe, inben b^ DefcribcD it to be fucb as (boulD floine ouer into all tbep;^ pofferifv. ^nD tbe trutb of tbis pjcnjife t^t %oM DiD f ben feale,anD as it iucre bjongbt fo;tb tbe ful6Uing of it, tebf be named bimfelf tbe ^oti of 0ii:a!jant,JS:= faac,anD Jacob, long after tlieir ccatije. ifo^jtobatf baD it net ben a foo naming if tt)z\f baD bttcrlr pcriGjeo^iFoj tbe baa it ben all one,as if be baD iavD S am tbe Cuangelifts rcbcrfctbnt Xviti) tbis cue argmnent tbe ^aoDuces tyer fo Dnaen to a ftreigbt,tbat tbcy couiD not Denv ^ ^ofes DiD teftifre tl)c rcfurrection of tbeDcaDe, fo^tbattbc^ baDlearneDbp ^ores,tbatall tbe ^aintcs toere in Ins banD.Mbertjpon it luas eafv to gatbcr, tbat tbcv are not DellrorcD h^ iDcatbe, tobomcbetbatistte iucge cf l^feanD beat!) baD recciueD into bvs fauegarce, cuttoDv,anD protection. ' o ^oto (U)br cb is tbe p;iincipal pop nt tDberetjpon tbis controuerfve bangetb) let bs lobe, tubetbcr t\n faitbfuU tbcm^ felues bane not ben fo inHructeD of t^t toUi*7 n !iojo,tbattbei? pcrcciucp ? tt)t\> ujoiuo banc a better life elstobere, « fo ncglcc' ting t\)is life, baD an t\>t to ify^ otber. irirft tbe ftatc of life tbat li;as enioincD tb?m bT!si\\z moutb to curfe bim,l»bom bv tbe great benefit of goD be baD receiueD fafe from tbegcncraUfiouD. 11 ;abrabam \\\ Dcce mai be one alone to be comparcD tuitb a b«nD:eD tboiifaD, if luecoiiliDf r Ijis faitb, lubicb is fet fo;tb bnto ts for tbe betl rule of belceuing, of tobcfe feinreD Uic muft be accompteD, ^ \ot mav be tbe cbilDre of goD.i5ut tubat niore abfurpit^ is tbcr, tban Ebraira to be ;e.4.8 Ge»6.i2 Ge.p. Cap.io Of the knowledge of be tbe fi.tt)cr of all tbe faifljfnll, f not to polfijs fo muci) as tbe fmalleS co.zncr a* mong tbem i but 1)0 can not be tbJotonc ooion out of t\)C number, no not fro tljc molS Ijono.jable ncgrir, bat ^ tlje loboie cfjiJrcb »r.u(t be Deffrc^eo. jj^oto as toa# c'om ^^^ cx}?mmcts of Ijts life: Mben i)c tuas firft caUcD b? t{)ecomauDemcnt of CDoo, be iuas placfeeD aXxmv. from bis f cutrp^bis parents f Jjis frent)S,tn tobo men t'm^c to be tijc c?)eefe ftuetcncs of lir? f^ucn as if €>oD of Detcrmineo pur^ pofc ment to fpotle l)im of al § plefurcs of li?^»&3 foneas be came into Ujt lanD tjJbere betoas commaunseD to tJir- linij, be toas n;m out again fro tbence iDitb famine. Mbat a fc Itcitv is tl)is,to otoel in tbat lanB,tobcrin a ma mutt fo ofte be bungric, ^ca Die fo; famine if be run not atoav i 0ni3 tbertoitbal be teas b.:ougbt to ^ necelTit^ tuitb 2ibmclc(^y tbat be mutt neocs reDeme bis Ufetoitb t\)c loffe of bis lDife,tubi!e man? reares lon3be toao^cD bnccrtainl^ betberano tbetber,!je toas compcUcD bf tt}c contif nual bialDlings of bis feruats to put a^ loa^ bis ncp'actD,tT)bom be loueo as Us olun fon. (H^bicb Departing liout Doubt be DID no otberUJifc tafee, tban if be bao fufTcreo ^ cutting of one of bis limmes. a litle aftc^r, be baro ^ be teas carieD a* x tljat be liuetb a bleCfeD life, Ujbrc b fo; a bioocn. jjioto toben be came to olD age, be fatD t'ot tijitiQ tubicb is v «^ca tnplc^ fantanb bitter tbat age batb,bimfelf pu ni^tiy hiitl) bauing no cbilo^e ,til befioe all bope be begatc ifmael, Uibofc birtbc ^et be pa^eD Dere fo.:,lDben be iuas t»e^ ricD tuitb tbe b;auiing of ^ra,as if be in msiuteiiiing tbe trubbo^nes of br« bonoluoman, kicr bimf elfe tbe caufe of j t\)t trouble of bis boaflbolb. at lengtb 3* ' faac b)as bo;n, but iritlj tbis ccnbition, tbat bis firil begotten 'iUmtl muff e as fo;fdben be cruellt?c caff outc of Dmjes. Wbcn on.lv Blfaac tuas left, in tubom § bjerieD age of § filli gcsD ma migbt rett, iDitbin a litle after be toas comaunbeo to Uil bim. 2i£ibat can manstoit Deuife mo;c miff rable,tba v fatber to be maDe tbe butcber of bis olBn fow Sf Jfaac baD DieD of ani> Gchncs, tx)bo luolD not baue j tbougbt tbe doe man moft milerable,^ I bao a fonne gcucn bim in mocfeage, fo; | tobom bis grj^efe of teat of cbilti^e rijulo be DoublcDf Jf be baD ben flain b^ feme ffragcr,tbe tjnbappincs of § tbing toolo baue mucb encreafeD bis miferte. HSut tUs paiTctb all eramplcs of miferi?e, to baue bim Haineluitb bis fatbers otone bauD. if inaUT!,be tuas tn all tbe tobole courfe of b^s Ipfc fo telfeo ano t>eFCD,as if a mm laoulD in a table painte out an epaple of a mifcrable life, be touto SnDe none mo;e fittc,tban ti)^s of ab;abam» 2inn let no man obtcctc tbat be toas not altogetber t^nbappv^fo; tbat be at Irgtb pzofperoun? efcapeo from fo man^ ano fo great tcmpeHs. i?o;tDceannotfa^ Ljc,»a, 12 toa? captiue b? bis enemies. C^llbetber foeuer be tnent,bc founD ncig'3bo;s out^ ragconQv barbarous,lDbifb^'^'culDe not fuffcr bim fo mucbe as to DjinUe Ijoater out oftbctwtls tl)id biaifclf baD DiggeD toitb great lubo; jf o; {)z UjcId not baue f eoemeD ti)c tjfc cf tbem at tl^z bauDe of feing dDerar, if be bao not firff bene fo^* long fpace togetber painefull? toearetb outc of infinite troubles , but bpm tbat Un,^tboat fali!!g of cu cls,qutctlB enioY^ ctbp;erentgQ)Dtbings» 12 Bifaac ^ toas lede trcubleD y£ eucls, t?et fcarce cuer totte anv tafte of rtuecte* nelTe. \^t alfo felt tbe fam»\)erations,^ Doe not fuffcr a man to be blctTco in tbe eartb. Gc,35.3) Ge.2&i, Ge.28, f. GC2p.20 Cod the Rcdcmer. Second Booke. rattl). j[?anirnerl;afe£i!)rm out oftI)c lanD of Canaan:fte Ijao f)is Uufc tiiolcnt I^ plucbeD atna\? fiom bis bofcme: bvs ncigI)bours oft troublco timpano b^ al mcanc0 opp^ffeD b^m, fo tljat lie tuac fame to If riuc fo;j !)is lDater,at l)mr\t in bis oton boure,be fuffrcD mucb trouble* fomnes bt» bis cbilf ?cs ixirues, be Urns greueo to Difagretnientes of bis fons, f coulo not rcmet)^ ip fo jjreata mifcbief, but b^ § banifbmrtof bi!m l»bo bebaD bleffeD.515at as fo; Jacob, be is notbing els but a notable erainpk of extreme in fclicitic. l^epaCTeDbrs cbvlocbai) moft bnquietl^ at borne, among tbetb.2eat^ ningcs f terrours of bis eloett b;otber, to )3Jlncl) at lengtb be Ipas compelleD to geue place, Mbenbe lx>as fleo from bis parents ano t^is mtvm countres, belioe t it toas a greuous tbing to l^ne in banitbment, be iuas notbing mo;e hinDelp 0; gcntli? recev'ueo of bis tincle iUbanJCbcn it fufficcb not tW be bad ferueD fcuen \!trt a bai*rj anD cruel fer? uice,but tbat alfo be mutt bebi' guile Dc frauQeo of bis tu\?fe. ifo^ an otber 'u)i?.' ties faUe be tuas t);T?ucn into neii) fer* utce,iuber be toas al tbc nai? frieo \Ditli beat of {' fuujf al tbe nigbt la^ U'.afeing f painco UJitb fi'sC $ coliie, as btmielfe c5plarneD.mbilebc b^ tbe fpace of rr. reres fuffreo fo barn alife,bc teas Daili t)ej:eD tuitb ncVue iiiiurics of bis fatber in laU)c, ^eitber teas be quiet in brs otun boure,fcing it DeuiDcD 1 in a man^ nerfcattcreD ab;oDe lui^lb tbcbatrcD, b;a\uling f enui: of bis toiues.ecibe be toas ccmmaun^eD to rettirne into brs country be lD3S ccmpellcD totoatcban aDuaiJtage to take bis io?np, mucb lil^e a 0)4mefiil runing aiuap: anD ^ct coulD be not fo efcapc tbe tiuiutt Deling of tjis fatber in laloe, but inas fainc to fuffer bisrepjocbrsf rebufees in tbemiDsof bis i02ni>.^b^ fell be into a mucb moje cruel Diflres> if o;t U)ben be came neare tobisb;iotbcr, bebaDfoman^ Deatbcs befc;c bts cies,as migfjt be p;epaceD bi? a cruel man f a bent eiicmr.^o ioas be about meafureto;menteD, t as it Icere D;iatoen in fiibcr ^itl) terrible feares,fo log as be lokcD fc; Ub b;otbcr'5 coming. ^IQbcn be cauit once in hisi ua\)U be fell boteu as balfc Deay at bis fete, tntiU be fonObimmo;>cfciuo;:ablc tbanbe Dura baue bopeo. isc&ce tbat,at ijis firtt en* trv into tbe l5D,be loH Kacbel bis Dere^ l^ belouejD \uife. aficrlcarDe be bearoe tDo;D ^ tl}t fon toblcb be I;aD b]> ber,anD U)b6 tberfoje be loucD abooe v reH .tons to;nc toitb li'ilD beads :biP inbofc Deatb botu great greefe be concei^ucD, be biw? felf DcclareD in ti^is^ t after log tocping be obttinatl^ tt oppeD bp al toaics iDbtr* bv comfo^it migbt come to bim, leauing bimfclfe notbing, but to go Dotun to bis fonne toarling into t\)c grauc . ^n tbe meane time boto great caufes of grafe, toapling 1 toeri'nefre Irere tbe rauiH)* ment i Dcflouring of br*' oaugbter,f tl;e bolonclTe of brs fonnes in rcuengingit, tobicb net onel? maDe bim tc be nbbo;< reD in Hgbt of all tbe inbabitantcs of tW countrev' , but alfo p^onireD brm molf p;iefent perill cfttter orftrnaionf S:be foUoteeD tbat bo;rible outragicus offence of Huben bis firtt begotte fonne, tobtcb toas fucb as tber cculo not cbancc a mo^e grccuous . 5fo; tiibcras tbe dj^^ ling cf a mans luifc is rccUcncD among (be bVcC ill fojtuncstfebat is tcbc faiiD of it,U)bcn tbat UnclicDnclTe is commit* teDbv a njarsotun fcmie:?£2.littin a U* tie fcubile after,bts bcufc is fpctteo luiflj an otber tnnaturall aouItcr\?: fo tbat fo man^ fljames mtgbt tocll b^eafee a barf, tl;at otbcrlurfe tocrr moft conftat anD tnatle to be banquidjcD luitb cala* mitits. 0crc befi3;e tbe cnD cf \)is life, tobilebefougbtto p;ioutDe fucccjro^v faminecf bimfelf I otber,be toa^ fxii't\i toitb tiDings of a netu mifro;tyiie,t3r;Der boi.nH Ge.3j.16, Gc37.3f Ge.34.2. Ge.3^.12 Ctaniuig Gc3S.i8 Of the knovvleds^e of ftanDingttjat another of l)is fonsUias fecpt in pjifonjfo? reccucrinj of ^^'i^ni be Ions copcUcD to Icaue to f reft liBen^ iamiii bus onlt? ocarling. M&o ca ttjiU, ^infurijaljeape ofmi?rc!)eitc0 lj3i)aD an^ one niomct gene !jim fafclr? to tahe b:cat!) im^no tbcrcfo:c tje Ijii'elf f bcft iDttnf fi of t)imfelf,afftrmeD to pfjarao, ^biiStja^eatoerc ll&oitfcucUtpontbc carttijioiD trueli \)t t\)At tjcdarctft tbat be IjatI) paffcD !)i)5 l\^fc b^ continual nu' ferte0,t!cniet() tbat be ftlt tbat p.jofpcri tie tubitb tbe i.ojD baD p;cnufcD br«t. %\)CYfo;t ci?tber Jacob ti^o tjnUtnDd^ f tjntbanUfuU^ Uicv tbe grace of goD,o; be truel^ pjofeffeo tbat be bai) ben mife rable tpon tbe cartbJf bis affirmation lucre true,tbcn it foIloii;ctb,tbat be bao not bis bope faff neo t3po eartljli? tbfgs. 13 31f tbcfe boir fatbcrs M-xr) fo^(as fcn DcuteDli? tbe^ tiiD)a Weffco life at ^ bao of goD,truel^ tbei bofll fijougljt f fatJD it to be an otber mancr of blcfTeones^tban i^t bletreDneCrc of eartblv Ipfe. I^IW^ tUwQ t\)t japoftlc alfo Dotb (beto ercel in cartb , tjnles tbc^ bao ioSeD fo^ \> fnh suing of tbem clfetobere . aiSut tbi?s be cbefel^ cnfo,2cctb,anD not toftboutgoo rearoH,tbat tbe^ calico tUs life a io^nri from bonic, cuenas Spofes repo^tetb. p ifoj if tb?!' toer ftrangers ano fo^iners ^^"^7*9 in t\)t lanDc of Cbanaan, tobere is tl}t ilojDs p^omifc tubcrb^ tbe? tucr matie bcireg of itriac fbeluetb plainly tberfoje tbat tht fioiXiB p^omife, concerning tbe poflTcffton tbcrcf, baD a furtbcr refpecte. 5I£lberfo;je t:i)e'(! purcbafcD not one fojte in tl)t lano of Cbanaan, but fo;^ burtall, tuberb^ tbrv' tcUifieD, tW tbe^? O^D not bope t!)at tl)ep fijoulDe victim tbe frutc of ti)t p^omtfe till after Deatb. 0nD tbat 10 tbe caufe tub? 3iGcob fo mucb eftcmcD Gc 47. to be burpcQ tljcre, i"i}<;t becopelleD f)y>6 sp.Sc. 30 fonne lofepb to pjonufc it bim , anu to Ge.50.25 ftucare to perfc^jme it: ano tobl? Jofepb totlleo bis bcne0 , certaine agc0 after, loben tl)z^ tuere long before fallen into polDDer,to be remoued tbetber. •4 i?inallp,it appearetb plainly, f in alltbetrauelfi oftbrs life tbci? baoal^ lentil tDel:ab?abam(faitb be)oUJClt b^ | toa^? fct before tbem ^ blcCfeOnelTeof tbe faitb in tf)t lao of p^omife as in a ffrag i life to come, ifoz to lubat purpofe fl)olD lancotoelling in tents tuitb Bifaac 1 31a \ Jacob baue fo mucb ocfireD, ano tuitb fo cob partners toitb bvm of tbe fame in* ; great Danger fougbt tf)t preeminence of beritance.if or tbe^ lohco fo;j a citie fet | tbe firff begotten, tubicb fljoulo procure bpon a gmo founoation, tbe maker 1 bil ' f)im notbing but banitbment,? in a ma^ oer iobcrof is (lDoo,au tbefc are oeao in ner to be caff of fro being b^0 cbilo: but faitbe, not rcceiuing tht ^inq^ p.:om^^ fco, but lokirig at tbem a far of, ano be? Icuing f confcffing tbat tbcv trcr geff0 } fi rangers tjpon t\)t lao. ^iberb^ tbet? Of dare tbat tS)cv fougbt fo,: acountrep. ano if tlizi^ bao ben moueo \yiit\) oefire of tbat lano fr5 lobence t])t^ came,tbe^ ba^ poloer to rcturnc.llBut tbcv fougbte for a bettcr,th''.t is § beausnl^ country. ^Ibcrcfojc Ooo isnot aOjameotobe cal'eD tbeir -SoJ^jforafmucbc a0 be batbe p;epiirco tbem w cit^.fm tlM bao ben Ouller ii^fl:iiblori*i3,to folotu promtfes fo ejmigttlr>^?Jberof tberapgereonobope no gooo at all,bnleffe be bao refpect to a bi^cr bleffing f ^no be Oeclareo, tbat be bao tbis meaning b^ tiit luorOes lubicb be fpakc among bis laft breatbingeu: lloroe, J iDiU lojfee foj tb^ faluation. cSIbatfaluatiocoulobebaue lobeofor, ^^•49- toben be fato ^ be lai? reaO)? to geue t)p :^^- tbe gboff, bnleffc be bao fenc in oeatbl begmiitng of a nclu life i XSat tobat oif* putc loe of i' boll' ones t cbilore of goo, UJbf eur be Ims not Voout a taff of fucb t3nDerffanDiiig,twbicb otbertuife toas e<» ncmre to p trutb.ifoj U)bat meant 215a* laa tPbe be faio:!l et mi> foul oie i> ocatb Nu.23.10 of' pr39.i> God the Redemer. Second Booke. toKissn. 0f tftengtJteous,an5 let m^ lad times be likcWiOt^zirsi but tbat be meant tbefametbins tbat ^auio aftcrluarD tJttcreD, ^ tbe t»eatb of tfje fe>aintc0 is p^jecious in ^s figbt of tbe ^o;D,but t\)t Dcatb of tbc toicUcD is ber^ cuill^ if tbe furtbeft bouno ano enbtuercinoeatb, tbcre coulD in it be noteo no Difference betioene t^t rigbteous f Dnrigbteous, tbeT» Differ one from ^t otber b^ tbe nu ucratie of tbc ettatcs , tbat after Deattj (ball befall to tbembotb. K XMt arc not i!et come bet?onb S^ofes: Mbicb (as tbefe men fa^)baD no otber office,but to perftoaDe t^t carnal people totDo;(bip<^oD bt! tbc frutefulnelTeof t^t grouno I plenty of all tb\?nges. ano ^et (bnlelTe a ma Inill flee t\)Z ligbt tbat toillinglp offretb it felfjtbcre i& alreab)? a plain Declaration of tbe fpiritual coue^ nant. W>i\t if Ine come Dolune to ^ ^;of pbcts, tbcre iJJitb matt full b^igbtneCfc botb ^t life euerlatting f tbc feingDomc of Cbjift Do tttcrtbemfelues. anDfirff of al H)aniD,tubicb as be iuas before tbc otber in time, fo acco;^Dtng to § o^Dcr of (H^oDs Didribntion.be CbetueD § beanen^ l^m^rr^estn (baootDCsmojeDarblt! tban t\)t rett, tet \s)it\) tobat plainnelfe anDccrtainticDirettetb be all bv^ far^ ingstotbatenDf l^otobecffamcDtbc eartbl^ Dtoelling , tbis fentence tellifi^ ctb : 3 am berc a fo jrciner f ttraunger, as all m^ fatbcrs lucre . anD § beaucns are tbc \MO'M of tb;g bancs . Slbe^ (ball perilb, but tbou abiDctt: t\)t^ (ball toar olD lihe a garment , anD tbou (bait cbange t^tm as appareUjbut tbou remained ti^t felfe famcanD thv T?eares l^ll not faile : tbe fonnes of tbt? fcruauntes Cbal DiJDel,anD tb^poderiticflballbc dablilbeD before tbet.Bif tlje goDlp cealTe not foj ^t Deca^ of beauen f eartb to be dablifl^D bcfb;ie tbc llo^D, it follotuetb t tbeir faluation is iopncD toitb tbc etemitie of (DoD.HBut tbat bope can not danD at all, tjnlccre it red tjpon tbe pjomife tbat is fet f o;tb in (£fa^:2Dbe bcauens (fai?tb i iLo;iD;(ball Era.jr.<5, "baniCb atoa^ liftc fmoke, tbe eartb l^all be iDsjnc out lifee a garment , f tbc itif babitantes of it (ball peri(^e Iv^t tbefe tbynges.llButmt! faluation (ball be fo^ euer,f m^ rigbteoufneffclban not faile: tobereeuerladingneirc is geue to rigb* teoufnclTc anD faluation , not in refpect tbat tbe^ remainc \\)itl) OoD, but in re^ fpcct tbat tbe^ arc felt of men. 16 jjicitber ma^ fee otberto^rc tafee tl)ofe tbinges, t^ be commonlt! fpeafeetb of ip p;iofperous fucceCfe of tbc fartbfuH) but to app!t?c tbcm to ^t open fijetuing of tbe beauenl^ 6lo;i!?.as tbefe faringsi 2i:be !Lo;iD hepctb i^t foules of tbe rigb* tcous,be fl^all Deliuer tbcm fro tbe banD oftbeOnncr. iligbt is arifcn to ^rigb^ teous,anDiope to ttic tp.jigbtinbart. SDbe rigbteoufneiTc of tbc goDl^ man a^ brDctb fo.: tutryl)vs ijoim (ball be eral* tcD in glo;ir> tbe Defire of tbe finner (ftal periCb.^gain:but § rigbteous (ball con* feffe tintd thv nanie , tbe tpjigbt (ball Dtoell tuitb tbr countenance.^gainttbc P^^- H© rigbteous fl)all be in ctcrnall rcmem* '^^ b;ance.^gain:tbe lo;D(^alreDeme tbe (ouies pr.^7.10 pfa.112. 7.9- K.t. .ap 10 Of the knovvlecigc of foulea ut^^c leruants. j?o; tljc JId;d cf:» farmgcs Do toitncITe,! UiiU bcliolDc ttjc tf times Icauctf) fjts feruaf es to t^e lull | face of (I^oD in rtg^tcoufnelTc : 3 toil! be of tl)c tuidjeD,not oneir to fac t)C):eD,but fat irficD tDitb tlm coutenance. agafii. 31 P^-73-^7' alfo to be to?ne in peeces t oeftrei^eD: fje fufferetbtbecojD to I^e lansuiOjiugm oarbncffo 1 filtb,tjubilc tfje xtiicfecD Do m a maner fljute amone tbe Carres. 0nD be Dotb not fo cbere tbe \siit^ tbe b?tgbt^ ncllfc of bt?sf countenance , ^ tbe^ enio«e long cotmuing glaDnclTe.tmberfo^re mi be alfo bJDetb not , tbat if t fa^tbfull fa^ (ten tbeir t^ts bpon tbe p;tefcnt ftate of tbing0, tl)er (ball be ftril^en toitb a fo jc temptation,as tbougb tbere tocre no fa* UC2 0; reluarD of innocence t6 dDoD.^o mucbDotbUiicheoneCre fo^ t»"oftpart pjofper f floaitb , U)bile tbe company of tbe goDlt? is opp;ieffcD 16 Qjame , pouer^ tk^ contempt, 1 all feinDcs of croOTes. 3it luanteD but litle(favtb be) tbat m^ f©te flippcD not,anD my> (teps fell not abjoaD iDbilc tbe fortune of feoles grauetb me, f tDbile 3 fe tbe p;}ofperitie of ip totcfeeD, at lengtb after rebearfal of it be conclu^ Detb : 31 bent m^ tbougbt, if 31 coulD bn^ DeraanD tbcfe tbtngs.i3ut it is a tojmet to mp fpirit,till 31 enter into tl^t fanrtu* ar^ of tbe ^o^D^ anD bnoerdanD ttie laff enDoftbem. 17 ^ct bs tberfo;ic learnc , ^ef b? this confelTionofBDauiD,^ tbebol^fatbers bnber ^ olDe teltament luere not igno^* rant,botjo fcloome 0; neuer dDoD Dotb in tbi?« Vdo;iId perfo;me to br» feruauntes tbofe tbingcs ^ be p;omiretb t\)i , anD ^ tberfo;e tbe^ Dio lift bp tbeir minbes to <©oDs fanctuarp,tPbcrein tbe^ baD tbat la^D bp in lto;e,U)bicb appearetb not in tbe (baDolDeoftbr£ip;efent life. SCbat toasjtbe laft iuDgement of CDoD , lubicb tDben tbet coulD not fee loitb eres, tbci> Inere cotcnt to bnDerftaD b^ faitb.Cru* fiing bpon tnbicb affiance, lubatfoeuer bappeneD in tbe Ujo^Id , tet tbcp DouteD not a time UjouId once comc,\ybe i^ p;o* mifes of CDoD CbolD be fiilfilleD. 0b tbefe as a greene ;©liue train tl^z boufccf pf^'7.ij tt)t iLo^D.0gain.s:be rigbteous Ibal flo^ p^sa. 10 ri(b as a SDate tra,i (bal fp;«D in b;an^ c})cs like V CeDer of 3libanu0,being pla^ teD in t^t boufe of tbe iLo?De, tbcr l^all fio^iflje in y palaces of our (Cod: E^be^ pC^i.iy (ball M bcarefrute,tbe\? (bal be fat anD greene in tbeir olDe age. ^benbebaD fai?D a litle befo;te : iioto Deepe are t\rg tbougbts,£D ^o;(De, tDbile tbe toicbeDDo flo^ilb i tbey buD out li&c an berbe,tbat tbey may perilb foj euer. Mbcr is tbat fay^elbeto auD beauty off faytbful,but tDben t\)t face of tbys tuojlD (balbe tur? neD intoarD by Difclofing of y bingDome of (SoDj? Uttttbe tbey turncD tbeir eyes to tbat eternitie, tbey DefpifeD y baroneCe enDuring but a moment of p;efent mi* feryes anD bolDly burff fojtb into tbefe lDo;iDes : %^ou 6alt not fuffer foj euer pC^^. 23. § rigbteous to Dye, but tbott (bait tb^olD Dolone tl)c toicItcD beDlong into y pit of DeHruction.Mbere is in ti)is tuo^lD ti)c pttof eternallDeHructton ^ may ftxial^ lolo bp ttit tDtc&eD i ;among lobofe feli:« citte5,tbys is alfo recfeeneD in anotber place,^ tbey clofe bp tbe enD of tbeir life inamoment,tDitbout longlaguitbing. bere is ^ fo great (f eDfaftnefife of tbe I. , boly ones, tobom H>aaiDb^nifelfe ecbe tubere complainetb,not onely to be (ba^ ken tDitb trouble, but alfo to be opp^f^ feD, anD btterly b^ofeen in paces i if oj!" fffitb) be DiD fet before bts eies,not lubat tbe altering courfe of y toojlD bearetb, tobicb is buyable anD mo;^e bnlleDfaft tban tbe ebbing anD flotoing of tyoes, but iubat y llojDe toill Do,toben be (ball one Day fit fo; tbe ctcmal fetling of bea* uen I eartb . ^s in an otber place be ep cellctly toel Defcribetb it. 2Ebe fojlifl) Do (tay bpo tbeir toealtbme(re,f are p;touD bicaufe of tbeir great ricbes.anD yet no man PC49.7. God the Rcdcmer. Second Boolv'c. tol.ijo ipr.30.6' man tliougt) \)t flo?tlft in ncucr fo great tignitie,can rcDcme \m b;otl)cr from nzAt\)ym ma ca pa^ to goD t P^ice of bis rafome,but tobereas tlje^ fee ^ botlj tljc toifc DO oic,f 1^ tfje toicfeeo alfo f fmlcs DO period fleauctljctr ricbeiefto llran^ ger3,^ct t^e^ tbinfe ^ tbcir fioufes (ball abioefo^j eucr,itbeirDtoclling£5 totbe enD of age0,f tfiti aDuauce ttjetr names tpon t eartbjbut ma Oial not cotinue in Ijono;: ^eOjalbe lifee to ^ beaOs ^ D^e. %^i$ imaginatio of theirs is crtrcmett foUr,tol)icb ^et t\)m poftcritie Doe gre Dil^ foUotD. SCbe? fljalbe placcD l^be a flocfee in bcl,« oeatb flbal baue rule ouer ti)m.m\)m tbe ligbtarifett),v t)p;tgbt C&al Ijaue Dominio ouer tbem,t beautie of tbe Il^al peri(b,ben is tbcir DUiclIing boufe.jfirft tbis laugbing to fcojne of i& fa)liQ&,fo;itbattbe^reft ontbe flipper^ ano rolling goD tbingcs of tbe Iwojloe, Dotb Oieto t tbe loife maft fafee a farre otber felicitic.llBat tljer \)t mo^e euiDct^ l^Difclofetbr miffcrieof § refurrectio. cies,tobc t^ti arc gatbereo togctt)er,Do laft ^ Ujo^Ids age. again, tljcr DiD fo^Ci' fa § eternal f neuer enDing Deffrurtion of § tngoDlr^tobtcl) tcer as in aD^came bapp^ fo;r one Da\? . ^bcrcupon came tbcfc facings: 2Dbe remembrance of § rigbtcousfballbeinblelTins, but tl)t nameflf § luicfeeD fl)al rot.p^ecious is tbe Deafb off ^aincts in tbc figbt of tbe ILo;d, but tt}t Deatb of tbe loickcD,moft eueL j^lgain in Samuel. %f)z lo^D fl^all kepe tbe fate oftbcljolr,anD y> toicbcD ftal be put to filcce in Darbnes. ^bicb DO Declare t tbe\! tucl l^ncto , tbat boto* foeuer t\)t bol? loer Diucra^ carrieD a^ bout,^et Gity!} laft enD is l\)fe i falua* tton:f tbat § p;ofperitie of t})c tu^cfeeD is a pleafant luar, tobcrbi? tber? bi? litle f litlc, ai^Defo^luarointo tbe gulfe of DeatbXberfo.je tht\> calleo tbc Deatb of rucb,tbat Deffruction of v tmcircumct* feD, as of i\it from tobo tbc bopc of tbe rcfurredionluascut atoar. Mlbcrfeje S)auiD coulD not Deu^fc a mo;e gre pro.io 7 pC.\\6, & 30.22. i.Sa.2.9. Ez.28.10 &.3.. pf.0(;.26 tobcre after tbc Dcftrurtion anD ejrtin? ! uons curfe tban tir^s: 3let tbcm be blot^ guifbment of tbe, be crectetb tbc feing^ !teD out of tbc bojfec of lt»fe, ano not be Dome of tbc ^IDodI^. i?or lobat rifmg of ^ li3;^itten li)i?tb t\)t r^igbtcous. ligbt (I p:a^ rou)a)all toe call tWMt ip But abouc al otber, notable is tbat tbc rcuelung of tbc nclo l^fc iubrcft fo^ lolJDctbtbe enD of fbi^s p^efent l^fe. 18 if ro tbcncc D)?d fpnng tip ^ confiDe faring ofdBob:31ftnoto tbat m^rcDcmer iob.15? 2; liuctb,f in tl)z laft Da\? 31 ftial rife again out of tbc cartbjftnms flcO) 3 (ball fee ration,Uibicb f faitbful oftetimes tjfcD dDoD m^ fauio;: 2Dbis bopc islaf cD fcp fo;i a comfojt of tbcir miferies i reme* in m^ bofome.^omc ^ baue a mino to Dr of patience: 31t is but a moment in § | mafee a fbeto of tbcir iarp \3)ity Do ca^ llo^Ds Difpleafurc, ano life in l)is mcri> niU tbat tl^is is not to be bnocrftanDCD cie.\^ot«Diotbei? Determine afflictions i of tbe laft refurrection, but of tt)z firft toent)inamoment,tbatluere in affIic*':Da\? tbat Job loUeD to bauedDoD more tion in a maner al tbcir life log^ tobcrc | gentle to bim,U)bicb altbougb toe graut D^D t\it\> efp^e fo long an cnourrng of. tt)cm in part,ret Ibnl toe enforce tbe to goDs feinDcneSjtobcrof tbet? fcarcclr felt confclTe iDbetbcr tht^ toil oj no, 1 3ob anr litle taftf^ftbc^baDfticfecDfafttj^coulD not banc cometof largcnelTc of pon tbe eartb,tbcr coulD bane founD no bopc,if be bao rcftcD Us tbougbt tjpon t fucb tbing,but bicaufe tbc^ lobcD tjpon eartb.s:bcrfo^c toe muft nceDS cofeffe, beauc,tbct? acbnotolcDgcD ^ it is but a tbat be UfteD t3p bis c'^ts to tbc tmmo;* momrtof timc,tobiletbc=lLo;De)ccrcife talvtie to come, tob^cb fatoe tbat bps bis bol? ones b^ § croffcbut t bi^ «ier^ ' rcDcmcr tooulD be p.zefentto^tb h'sniy ~~~ k't^* tucn Cap. 10 lob. 13. 15 T5I^ ; knowledge of^ turn l^ing in ^is graue.ifo ; to ttje tftat 1 out mo;e f mo;e,f Difplaieo ^cr b^tgbt^ tl)inkonelroftl)rJ5P^^rfntJi^^^^»^*^ ''****' ''*'" *:u-*.^^^«.^n^. t^eir Wtcrmoft ucfpcratio: toW ticn? Dc«tl) coulDe not cut of 3iob0 ftope. I^ca tftougli f)e fell me(faiD lje)neucrtl)clf « 31 tDilfiilll;opeinferm.;anDlftno trifier Wt carpc agarnft mc f fa?, t^at tbefe Uirr tl)e farngs hat of a fetD,tt»l)crbr is not p^oucD t^vith Doctrine iras among Ibe JctDCiS.if 0^ 3 tuil byanobr anf leer bim,tbat tbcfe fell) did not in tfjcfe far^ ingcfi bttcran? fecrct toifcDomluIjcr^ unto cnli? certain erccUcnt Uiittes luer fcuerall? I p^iuatel? fufifreD to atteine, battbatastbentDcrcb^tbe Ijol^gljoff apointeD teacljerg cf tbc people, fo tlM openly publilfteD tljofe mrfteriefiofgoD tbat luer to be tiniuc rfallt! leanicD,anD ougbt to be tbe principles cf tl)c tmon religion among tfcc people. 2Lberefo;e tuben toa beare tfjc publi'fee cjacles cf tbe bolg gbott, lubcrrinijc fpakc of tbc fpirituatlUfe 10 clerelr f plainly mtbe Cburcb of tbe Jcli-'CSjittucrea point cf bntollcrable ttubfao;nrs , to fcnb tbem akvi? onlr to tbe fie^l? couenat,t»ber* in is mention maoe of notbrng, but earfbano earfblr tweltbrnelTe. 20 Bif B! come Doton to tbe latter p^Of^ pbetes, tbere U'e mat? fralr toalfe as in our otun fielD.jf 0; if it luer not barb fo^ b0 to geat t\)t bpperbab in E>antD,Biob, I ^amuel,bere it (ball bemucb mo^e eaf^.ifoj (I5ob Iiept tbis biltributio anb o^oerinDifpofingtbe coucnauntofbtiB merci,tbat botu ntucb t^t nerer it tme on in pjoccffe of t^me to tbe full perfo^? mancc tberof,toitb fo mucb greater en? creaccmcnts of reuelatio be Di?b bat? bi? ba? mojc bjigbtlr Ibeto it.^bcrfojeat tbe beginning toben H^t firft p^omife of faluation toas maoe bnto ^bam, tbere gUttereD out but as it toere fmal fpar^ blf s of it ;aftcr bauig more abbeb bnto it a greater largcnes of ligbt bega to be nes fartber ab;(ob, till at lengtb all t\)t clouors toer D jiuen atnap, t Cbz I reiorce ^ Dtoell in tljc tjutt, becaule tl^t DealD of tbe green ficlD is tbr t^ealij, f tbcn Gialt pluck totone tbe lanu of tbe Ciants into ruii;e. Co nx^ ycop!e,aiter iiito tii^ tents:ajt!t t\)^ rito^ts tpon tW, bice tW a litlc tobile,lill mr Dirplcfiire paCTe auer.ifcj bcbclD,tbc IlojU llKill go out of bis place,to bitite tl^t ivM^itit of tbe JjUiellcr l3pon tliz cartb againUt liim, anu tbe eartb ibal R5cU) fojtii ber blcuu, ana fiiC'Xi no longer bi^e bcr Qaine. 22 albeit a man Ojoulo no fon5!v, tbat tooulugoe about to D;ato all to fucba rule.iro;tberebcfeme places^ luitb* out ani? coiicring tso 0,)c\3 tbe immojta^ iitit to comcA^ is p;jcparcD foi tbe faitb- full intbefeinguomc of CDoD,of M)W) foit tec bane redteis fome,? of l^fecfo.zt are :be msft part of tbe rea , fpcciallr fbefe tlwo,tbe one in (Sfa^.as ncto bea^- ufnannaneUjeartbtoJncb SI make to fianb before mc,fo II}aIl ^our febc ffaD, 3 tbere Ojalbe mcnctb of monctb,l ^ab b at of ^abbatiall flcO) Uial com to l»o.j* flKp before mt face/aytb r ^o;D. l^nti SLCond Bookc. foJ i^.-. tbcp flball go out i f^ tbe Deao carUafi s , of tbe mr ^ banc oflfcnDeD againltmc, \^ i tbcir U)0.:m fijal net ore,? tbetr fire lljal ' not be quencbeb.c:'.: otber of Daniell. Danja Bin ^ time fljall rife tp ^icbacll (^ great prince, V I^anbctb fo? tbe fonnes of bps people,! tbere (ball come a time of!3i^ UrcSjfucb as luas not fmce nations firft began to br,i tb?n ll)al all Ib^ people be fauco, tbat Oial be fcunD U3;jittcn in tl)v broke. 0nb of tbofe i^ fiecp in tbe Dull cf tbe eartl;,tbere (bal atoakc fomc to eter nallife, i fomc to cucrlaCmg Ojame. 23 ^oU) as fo;^ pjouing tbe otber ttoo pointes : tljat tbe fatbers bab CTlj^ilt foj pledge of tbeir couenant, ano t Hjer re^ pcfeD in bi»i all t\)tir affiance of blef* fing, i toiil not traucll tbcrin at all, be^ caufc tbei bauc fcotb Iclle cotrouerCe anb mojcplainnelTe. Iletbs tberfojcbolblr Determine tbis,trljicb bp noenginsof (•bcbeniUmai? be rcmcucD, ^tbeolcc £:cltament oj couenant ^JoWl) tbe Io;d mabe tritb bis people 3frael,tras not li^ miten Untljintbe copalTc of ertblr tbm* ges, but alfo ccntcineu {' pjomife of tbe fpiritual 1 eterrall life : tbeerpcctation tr>berof muff neces banc ben imp^inteo in all tbeir minbcc t truclr cofentcb to tbe couenant. lij'iit let ts i^nt faralvar tins mab f pcmittoi!S opinio, 1? crtber C3cD£irjfetfe:tbin bi'^ picmife to m Jctoes nctbing e!s,o; t tftc SiCtncs fogbt nctbing els but filling of tbeir belli', be* lites cf tbe fien3,flo;ifbing tuealtb , out^ toarb pot»er,frutefuUieirc of cbilD;f> f tubatfoeueranaturall man eftcmctb, ifo^attljisDap €\)M p;omiretbnoo, tber kingocmc of b:auc to bis,but tuber Mat. 8. 1 tber ll)all rett tuitb ab;aba,3.faac, f Ja^ cob. 2nD peter affM-^tcD,^ tbe Bietoes of bis time toerc bcircs of tbe grace of p Aa.3.: 9 gofpell, fo: i' tber tocre ^e cbilb^tn of tbe p;opbcts,ccpjebenDeb in i couenant iDbicb tbe lo;tD bab in tbe olo time maDe luitb bys people, ano,^ tbe fame CboulD i^tti. not ^Ca£^ I I Of the knowledge of Mnt.27 Aa,^s> not be iJuitneilcD toiti) Ico^us oitcli', tlje ilo;D alfo npp^flwcD it tv dcdc . ire: in tljt tjcrv moment r tc rofc agat^nc, Ije tjoucbfauci! to IjaK: mani cf t!ie bolp mc to rtfc again in company ^it^ i'im,anti inaDc tljcm to be fftnc in i Cttic : fc ac^ uing an affureD toUen, ^ iuljatfocucr fjc ciD ano fufftrcD fo? tf;e purcljaSng of e^ tcrnall faluation , pertainctb no leGe to t^e fartbfuU cf § olDe tc(ramcnt,t^an to 8 ts. ifo; as peter tcCifiet^ , ttjc^ lucre alfo cnuueD "oiiV^ \> fame fptrit of fai^tl), iufjcrcb^lwe arc regenerate intol^c. 0Q\xh \xilien \3)t Ijcare t' tbe fame fpirit udjic^ is in \}b a certainc fpardc cf inv mojtalitic , Ipljcrupon it is alfo in an 0* t'jer place caUco:S:be carncG of our inf ljerttaunce,t)iD liUctoife h^kU in fbcm, IjOto Dare \dc tahc fro tijc v inl;critance of life fMI)creb^ it is fo mucb ti)t moic marucll, ^ in tl)z olD time § &aDOuce0 fcl to fucb groHencCTc of crro?,^ tl;c\? oe? The x; nt?cD botb t refurrertion f alfo tbe fub^ fiance of fouIes,botb tobic^ potntcfi tljc^ fa\y fealeo tuitb fo clerc telhmonies of fcripture. janDnolctTe tobejnaraclteD at>cue at tHB ua^'jtuere t\)t foUv of all i nation in lohing fo.j p eartblr feingDome cf Cb;itt,if § fcriptures Ijao not log bc^ fojc DcclarsD,^ tbe^ IfcoulD baut tbat pn* ni(I)!nf t fcj refufing tbc gofpell, jfoj fo it b£i)Dueo,bv' tbe iull iuDgcmc t of (2>oti, to Urihe tbcfe minDes SdHI) bltnOnei!]e> iDbicb in refufing tbe ligbt of fjcauc ho ing offercD tbc > cio U:ilfal!^ t;ing tbcm felucs into barfenes.SDbcrfojc tbcr rcao f continually turn oucr ^cfes,bat tljn are ff oppeo \u a be ile fct betteenc tbem anD bvm , tbat tbet can not fee tbc ligbt ^ (iimetl^ in b'Js countenance. anD fo (bal it remain cou:re9 anobiDUcn fro tbcm, till be be turnco to €lni(t > from tubom nolo tiic^ trauell to leac ano baato f}inx atuai? fo mmi) as in tl}zm li?ctb. 2.Co.3- 14. chapter. Ofthc dilTercncc of one Teftament from the other, l^at tbcnf toilt tbou far: (bal tbcr one anb all one fcuntration cf iljz fame p?omifcs,Cb?ift. iiioUi tbc ferlr tuffcj rcnceiSjtbataltljougb cucn intbeclDe be no ciffcrcncc left bcticcnetbs clbcSCeltament anotbc nctof.ano to iDbatpurpofc fcruc all tbofe places of i t?mcalfo,tbeiLo;ucs unll tras to iv Scripture, Icbcre tbe^ areccmparcb; rcctctbe minbcs cf bis people , anbto one againll tbc otbcr , as tbingcs molr ; tauctbcm ratfebbp to tbc bcaucnlt? in? contrary f ii do tuillinglp alto\ije tbofe | beritancc : t^tjtbat tbct? migbt be tf)t Differences tbat arc rcbcrfcD in § fcrip^" , better ucuriOjcD in bopc tbcrcf,bc gauc turetbutfotbattbepnotbingbinDertye'jittobefenc oj ratbcr fo be taficDof, tjnitie alreaDii ffabh(l)cD as it (ball be jt^nDcrcartblrbcncfitcs : 5l5uf ncluba* plain to ffe,\i)ben toe fijall banc cntrc a^^ uing reuclcD tbe grace of f life to come, I tcD of tbcm in o;jDer. SLbofe Differences br trc Ccrpel,be mo;c clcreli? anD plains are (as farrc as cucr 3 cculD marlte 0 j j l\? Dircttctb our minbs tbc ftrcigbt tuav jean remember) cbicfit fotuer in num are all fucb as ratbcr belong to tbe mancr of mir.ifi ration, tbantotbcfubftanceoftbcm . ^nDb? tbrsmcanctbcr Iball notbing binder, but tbat tbe p;omifc2! of bctb t\}i oloc anD ncU) CciJamcnt ma? rcmameall feriojmancrcf ercrcifmg Uibicb bctj* fcD )]}itb tt)e B,fracUtcs.£i:bct tbat marls net tbvs purpofc of (DoD , do not tbinfee tbat tbe olD people dimbcD an? bier tba to tbc gcDD tbings p^cmifeD to tbc boD^, 2Lbcv lo often bcare tl)e lanD of Cbana* an namcD^ tbc erccllcnt,o^ ratbcr om I? rctoarp to; t\)t fceepcrg of (gopg lato. SDbev God the Kcdcmcr. "^cond Booke. Fol i;2. Gal.4.' SCljc^ fteare tl^at goo tinctncth notbing mo;efcucixIpto tbctrafgreflTo^^ oftlje fame latDjtfjan tljat tfity> fijal be D.2tucn out of tl)c poilcirion of t^e fame lao, ano ffattcreDab;oDe intoftrangc rceton5. £Dt)e^ fee tbat irr a maner to tbts effect comoalUbcbleflringsf curfcstbat are p,:onomiceD b^ ^ofes. l^crebi? tijc^ Do bnDouteDli? Determine, tbat tbc ^t\})C3 not fo^ tbeir oton fahes, but fo: otijers, Ujere feacreo fro otber nationsctbat i$, t\)2it t\}c cbarcb of ebnll m^)t baue an image, mtobofe outumroe fo^me (be migbt ftt tramples offpiritualltbtngs. 15ut fitb tbc &criptarc Dotb fomctt?m« (betu,^ goD bimfcif Directep al tl)c cattf) l\? benefits tljat be did fo^ tbem to ti)^s cnD,tbat fo be mpgbt Icaoe tbcm br tbe lianD to tl)c bopc of beauenii benefits. Bif Ipas to mufb tnfbilfuIneCTe^Bi taill not fap bIocIiitt)nes,not to r onfioertbrs 02^ Derof Difpofition. 2:be itTue o^pomt of curcontrouerfie iDtbis fo^t ofments tbts,tbat t[)z^ tcacb tbat tbe pofleffia of % lanD of ilbanaan tuasto tbcjfrae^ lites tbeir cbiefc « lali blcfreones, f tbat to ts a&cr p rending of Cb;jiff, it Dotb but fi3'.u*atiucl? lujnifp tbe beancnli? in^ beritacc. ^ixtiit otber fiue tx>c affinnc, ^ tbei? DID in tbc eartbl!? poCfclTio inbicb ttit\> enioi?cD, as in a ImUing glalTe be* bolo f inbcritance to come, tobicb tbc^ bclcueD to be p;cpareD fo2 ti)c in beaur,, 2 Sbat tbal better appeare bp tbe 5mi lituDc 1! patU t)reD to-tbe Oalatb<«6.lr)e coniparetb tl)c nation of tbe SeUics to an beire Ujitbin age, tsbicb bc?ng not VAt.iiW to gouerne bimfelf, foloiuitb v \ guptjin^j of tbe tuto; 0; fcbolcnuiaer, to ii3!)ofe cii^'j^i^ be is conimitteD. 0nD | loi)cra5 be applietb i' GmilitnDe. to tbe I ceremonies, tbat nstbing binD^tetb but I tbat it may! alfo tier^' m^ fcrne to.tfxr* \ ?m'po^. li^befamc inberttamctimsa^' ';>:inte9 fo; tberiT,-^^ \^as apoiteo fo.z ts: S)ut facb as tjet fo^^Usat oi' age.lber Vuer not of capacitie to enter bpo 1 bfc.SSbe* fame cburcb teas amSg tfiemtbut tuber of tl)e age tuas ^et bnt cbilDiH). SDber* foje t\)C L02D bept tbcm tiiDcr tbis fco» ling,tbat be gaue tbem not tbc fpiritiial piomifes fo na!teD anD openIr,but as it Iticr ni.iooiucD icitb cartblr p^om^'fes. 2::berfb;te,tiJber be calleD iab;aba, ^Uv ac,? 3;acob,f tbeir pofteritie Vinto bopc of immo;taIitie, t)C p;omrfeD. tbcm the laD of Cbanaan to be tbcir inbcritance: not to Determine tbcir bopes Upon it,. but tbat ill bebolDiug of it,Cbep (bulo cp crcifc I confirm c tbcmfcUies in i bopc of tbat true inberitancc,tbat DiD not ret appcare.^nD tbat tbcp migbtnot be De* cct?ucD,tbcr teas gcuen tbcm a bier p;y) mifc to tcftifiv tbat tbat lanD luas not tt)el)icithem^tt ofvSoD.^oab^abam p tuas not fulfcrcD to flic floutfjfuH in tbe '>*'*'' p;omj?fcreccrucDoftbc lanD, butbrs minD tuas Vn a greater p^omrfc rarfcD tjp t3nto tbc ilo^D.if o;j 0b;abam bearD ibisfapD bnto bint: J am tl)i^ p^otecto;, ttl)\! retoarD crccDing great. il)ere tpc fee,tbat ^b^abam batb tbc cnD of bis. it- trjaro feffo jtb in t\)t JL02D,tbatbe^n^.C not ac?ompt bpon a tranfito^io ?aiD Cip peri retoarD in § clemetscf tbis too; Id, but ratbertbin^e it to be fucbc as can not tuitber atu*^^. fiftertoaro be arsio^^ nctb tbe pjcmife of tbe lanD to no otbcr intcr.t,buttbatitf^ulDbca toljcn cfp ga)D twill of goD,i a figure of t\)t bi*auen Ir inbcritance. anD tbat tbe bolr men baD tbis mcaning,tbeit otnn fapings Do Declare, &o SDauiD rifob tiptuaro from 'pf.7y^6, temporal blelfing?, to tbc fame btgbcft (Sc.84.3. I latt:blciring. £ppbart (fartbbcj^mp flcQ) faint fo^ Dcfirc of tbec. C5oD is m|? po;cion fo; r,urr Sgainc. 2Dbc lo^D is p 'pf.106.5 part of m^ inberitaunccjf: of:mi? cuppe: t\}m art be ^ faucil m^ne bcr^tagc fo?- me.again.3i lune cricD bnto tb«,o Io:d ?^M^' ^ 3 baue faiD.^^tou art mr,bo?c,mi? poi tion^iylanp of tbc Uuing.Ijruel^ tbct K.itij. t\]iit \i-0}}.3 Of the knowledge of tbal Dare To IpcaU, Do laitijont ccut p;£> fcs tljat toptb lijcir Ijopc thcr cUmbe a* bouctljr too;lt5,5 nl tijc ctcdD tijings Ijerc p;cfent.)iDut ttjc \d}Q^\)ttB coc oftc nt f^ crib? t[)isi blcirct»nc0 cf y uiojlD to come, \3nDcr tije figure t^at thtv l)ac recc^ucD of ttjE 5llo.to. ano fo are tl)i fc mvings to be tjnDeraanoeD. S^tat ti)e ©oul^? l^aU poffcflc ttje lano br infjerttnncr, anu tbc iuicHco fljal be tsefirovcD out of it.E^ljat ^icrufalf m tl)all abcuno iDitftal ktntie of ricljc0,f ^ion oucrSoto tuitl? plent^e of al tt)tag5iU luljicl) tue re2,canot p;?c# peril? be fpcUen of tlje lanD cf our tuaifa j ring o^ t^e eartljlve ^terufalem, but of ; the true country of tbe fattbfuI,ano ttjat l)cauenlf tit'ct u^bcrein f be ^o^D Ijatbe fommauni3cdbleirmg,ant! lifefo? euer. 3 2Lbis 1:3 tl)t reafon tuljr it wf rcD tijat j tl)c bclT? men in time cf tbe olDc SCcffa? mcnt,ciD eftcme t!!}e mortal life auD tlje blcITiugs t^erof mo?e tija is nolo mate to coc. ifo; altl)cugb tber fenetu tuell i^ tbei? l^oulo not reft in it,ns in ttje tm of tijeir race, ^et tu!)e t!)e^ raUcO to minu, U5j)at marfecc of fcis grace t!)c llo?t) l;ao pojntcD tbcrctKjto ere rcifc t!)cm acco;* Ding to tlje fmall rate of t^eir tr oernes, t\m felt a greater fl33efenrs of it,t?ji5n if tl)e\? bao conCDcrcD it hy> it felfe.lcutas tlje ^o;De in teftif^inn: \)vb goD toil! tc# toarD tbc faitbfuUbp p^efr t goDD tl)ingB, DiD as in a Qjacclu cpp^e^s tbe fpirituall felicitv,bp fucb figures ano figRcs:ro on tbc otbrr Wit be did in co:po;all patncs fljeU) cpamplcfi of bis iuDgcmct agatnft tbc reprobate. 2i:berfo;c,as ^ benefites of dDoD tocrc to be fene tn ertfjli tbtngs, (0 lucre atfo \)is punifljmentes. Ml bile tbe tnf feilfui oce not toct' tljis conipari* fon 0 J agreement, as 3 mat?e call it, be- ano notD as if i;^ U^^n aU)ap tye affects on of tjts olD angrines^be punil^ct!) bot^ muc!) mo;c gcntlp ano fellionicr, vea, f fc^ ttje fame caufc tlM oo almofic ima^ ginc feucrall Cccs cf t&c cbc ano neto tcfiament;lybif^} tiy: ^pmicms Dx^ in Dacoe.^ut lue C^all eafclv fce Del^ticreD from fucfj ocutej5, if use lav cur minocs to confiaer t\)i^ ojoerli? DirpcQtio of goD tljat J tjaue fpcUcn cf, Icljofe tcill luas fo? tlje time to rignifi? auD fct foitlje in figure botl) tlje grace of ttje eternal feli^ tity> to ccme,bv temporal bene rites,anJ) t^e greuoufncs of tbe fpirituall Dcatfje, b^ cc^po;al paines.tSlijerbt Ije Dcliue^ reD Ibis SE^cftament to tlje ^fraelites, as vet afler a certain maner folocD tjp, 4 ^n ot^ier Difference of tbe olo $ netu telfamcnt is faiD to be in tljefigures:fo; ^ tlje oloe teftament DiD ftieU) onlv an i^ mage in abfcnce of (» trut^jl a C}aDoU3e in ficDc cf tbe boD^.liBut tbe ncin tefta^ mrnt geuctb v t^i^tl) p,:erent, f tlje fouD boor it felf.^nD tljis Difference is uictio ncD comonlr tobcrfoeuer g netoe teCa* ment is in comparifon fet againftc tbc olDibut it iB mo;e largely intreteD of in t!)C €piftle to f Ije i^eb;ues,tb3 anv Uier els.SDljere tfje 0poClc Difputetlj againft tl3?m,lr»bicb tljougbt i tije cbferuations of spofes lato migbt not be take atuar* but t tbf V n^ulo alfo D;^al^) h)ii\) tljem t ruinc of al religion.S^o confute tljis er- YO}, \)t tjfctl) tbat lii)\)it\) baD ben fo?fpo=^ fecn bv tbc p^opbet concerning f p?icff bo")e of Ctj^ift. jro? toberas tber i$ gene bim an eternal p.jicliboDe,it is certaine tl;dt ^ pjicftboDc is ta\\t aU)av,U)berin neto fuccelTojs iuer Dailj; put in,one af« tcr anotbcr. ^But be p.:ouctb tbat tbc in^ ftitution of tbis nelu p^ieUbcDc is to be t\»enc tbe puniftjments i tijc reluarcs, ! p>eferreo, becaufe it is (iablilbcD \jo an tbevmarucllatro niucbc alteration in goD,tbat in olD time Uias fo (oDcnlv rea Dp to tafec tengeace on cucrp offence cf ma \i}ini ?^riiL'J Wbjc punilbrnfts. otbc^e afcer abDetb fiJrtbcr,tbat in tbe fame cbage of (» p;icn!)ODe,i0 alfo cotei* neD tl)c cbange of tbo SZ^cftamc ntj^no H it toas neccCan?e fo to be,bg p^suctb by PCno.4 Heb-7.11 tJbyis God the Rcdcmcr. Iji5 rcafon: fo; tl)att);t lueafencsof (fjc lato toa5 (uMmt it coalD Ijclp nothing (0 perfection. ''£^cn ftc p;occDctl) ut rje# daring: iuijat tuas t\)at tocafenclfe , cue tbis,r it\):ir3 crrtarne outfenrB rigljtc* oufncfTc of tftc flcic , Uifjicl? coulo not mal^c ttje obfcriicrB of tljcm perfcft,af^ co;Ding to ronfcicnr c: tijat bp far rigcc0 of bf aftc5,it coulD nc^djcr "mvp^ atea^ finncs, noj purcijafe true bclrnes.iic conduoct^ tijerefo.jetijatt^erc Icasin ita njnDolu of gtoo tfjings to come, but not tljc liuelr image of tbc tt)itizs tl)cm fclucs:anDtl)attbcrcfo;jcit baono o^ tber offtcc,but to be as an introDucticn into a better bopc, tobicb is i>cIrucreD in ti)e (Dofpdl. iBere ifi to be fane, in lubat point tl)c cciserant of ttje lata is comparcD Icitb tbe coucnat of § gofpel: f tbe minitterie of vlb;itr tuitb ^ mini^ llerie of £pcfe0. jfc; if tb^ compar^^fon concerneti t\)z fubftace of p;omrfes,t?)e iucrtbcregitatDi^erenee betluantbe ttDo S^eiJamcnts : but fitbjtbepornt of oar cafe IraDctb tsan otber tuat? , toee ntufttenoto tbi^s eno, to finiie cut tbc trutb. net U3 tben fctfo^tb bcre tbe tc^ uenat tobirb be batb UabhfljctJ to be e* ternal,! neuer to perfG). STb? accoplitq mtnt tbcrcof, lubcrebi? it atrernetb to beftablifljeD ano continuing in fo.:cc, is €t)nft, Mlbric facb e(tablia)mcnt U)a0 in eqjc£tation,tbe 2lo.:D Dio bp £f)o tts apoint ceremonie3,to be as it tucre folcmne figncss of t?»ccon!!nnaticn. i^otD tbis came tbcrc in qtic0ton,U)bej tijer tbe ccremomcs t[)v.t wtr c^ncvncn in t\)e latD,ougbt to geuc place to clniQ c; no. ^Ifbougb tocfe ceremonies Ircre in teto cncl^ acc^^Dents o;, Vierel? anti? tio{i5anotbing£0 a:!:ov^ncD, o; (as tbe people call tbcm) acccCfarie tijtngcsto tbe coucnat,i?ctbicaufc tbe? toer mftra mcntesi o^ mcanes to tfje aDminifira- tion tberof, ti)cy! bearc tbe name of tbe couenant it felf, uSt\)z liUe 10 toot to be ^> Seco]id Eooke. pol.i> attributeD to otber ^ramftsXbrrr^ {b;ie in rume.^clD lEeftamrt is in tcis place calleo tbe folemne fourme of con^ firmiitg t\)t couenant,c6teineo in cerc^ m0iiic3 % facriSccs. STbc^poClc faitb, ti)at bcraufe in it is notbing perfect, t'*'^ leQc,Uic paCTe furtber, tbcrfo^e it brbc^ ueD t tber (boulD be Difcof inucD j aL\:o» gate, t place m?gbt be ge uen to Cl}n% ~tl)t aKurer 1 mcDiatorcf a better teU?.^ mcnt, bp tobom eternall fancti&cation is once purcbacco to tbe ?!ect,f tbe tranf grdlions blcttcD out tbat rrmavneo \3n Dert lato.^^,if ^cuUIie itbctttr,tl)as: %Ut i olD ICeaamcnt of tbe Io;d toas tbat, tubicb teas Dcliuereo tojappeo tp in tU flwDotuitt f effectuall obferuatio uf ceremonies: ano ttjat tberfo.zc it t»as but fo; a tvme,bicaufe it o^D but (as it toere) Ijangin fufpenccbntill it mtgbt aa\? tppo a niojc CccfaC f fubaantiall confirmation: f tbat tben onelf ittoas maoe ne\u 1 eternall, after tbat it teas confecrate ano etfablrCbcQ b^ tbe blcDD of Cb?iil. Mbcreupon s:c0amf t of C05 afometb bis trutb: b)> tobtcb it fcecommetb nctu anD cter- nalljtebcn it is fcalcD It-t tb b'^s blab. 5- \^0rcbrappearctbin\iibat fenfe tije ap'oSie i^v'^i tbat in tbe fcbj^ling rflbf 'G^i^-'i^ . la^jD,f Vetoes Uterb;:oucbtV.ntof!;;i(r, ^^^ bcfo:e He toac ft]eltcD in § acCbe.iluu be corifclFetb, tijat tt}tv ^^rc i cltmcn ana beires of €od, but ret fucb ? as fc; tbeir^ong age lucre to be Ijcpt tn^rr t\)t cuiloDr of a fcbdcmaiacr . ifo; it bebonctb, t ere tbe fonne of rig!jtcri:f.' ncHe tuas ret rrfcn,tbcr GjolId ncilber be fo great b.:igbtncirc of reuclatic.no; fogreatetiepe (i§bt cf fenberCanttng. 2:icrefo?e gou fo gaue tbf in mraftirc r ligbt of bis li?0JD,i? tlM fa\xi it as ret faroftParblr.Xbbc refo^c^gaukv?^ liyan.ii. Ofthe knowfccfge of lljc tcrme af t?onsage,tol;iclj ff)2 3Lo;tis Vcill tpas to ijmt to be crci'rireD \intt) f liemns ot tijt;^ ^o.:?lo, t U>\?t!j outlxjaro Bbfcruation$,3g ri?tc$ of uidruttion fo; f5tlD;f ,^ntil €\ni(t Sbulo ^iitrr ahmtt \ fepU?!io It beijcoxo ^ tbcIiiio^IeDge of f faitljifnl pcopfe IfeullJ groU^ to full age. S^tjis DiSuiictiOj^CbMtt tjimfelf meant of,UU)cri i)c fa^, tijat tfjc telu $ tbc p^ro' I pb:t0 lu:re \)nUU ^otjix > anD tfjat from i tI)niccfo;t!) tbe HtnsDom of goD is p.:ca< ^ 'cbcD.^SiilbatDiDtbelaliJf tbep;^opbcts fei,ji>i3 Qpen tQ,inm^tl)tittin\cicm ti)iS)tf)c^ gauc aifaC of § totfoom tqbpcb in time to. f o«nc,l]^ulo be plainly? tiifclorcD,f tljti fl):tcct3 it before as it tocr ttoincfeling* Iv fljining a far of.neut lufjen it came to pas ^ €t)^itjt mi^ht be po^nteD to turll; tbc fingf r,tben U)aj5 tbe lungisom of goD , fct opr.4f o^;Ui bwu arc lai.Dc ab^DUc tbc ,«^Qt f.ii trcai ure5 cf all tolfctioii^ I bnoerean? Diii3,lj?!}crbp toe ntfnin,?ne|i in a man* Iter, into tl)t fecret clofetj^qf beauen, ^ 2im it mahctb. not againft t3«,^ tber $mi fcarceli? ani'c mt b? foun^e intbe C.b;,'fttan cbnrrbA' in cic jcll3»Te^ qf tntb ma? be rqparcD toitb 4b;abam, o^.tbat ibc pjopbetserr clleD in fucb fo^^e of fpi rit, tbat eue at tbis D-aT ttitv li^btcn tbc ^bole tjpo;lD toitball.if o; our queSion gJ5 not bcrctobat'graiieC t\)c Io;D batb be tat j?«u bpon a fctoe,bat li;!>if oi&?nsrp >?ir{?ofittonb2breDin ttkulm'i bfspeo^ gfe:fucbeas is oeclarcD irj tbc \^^o^hts tbirelucs,tob?cb Uier enbueo v^ prculh ai^noUilcoge abouc tbs raft, if c;^ earn tt^irp;cacbt4igiaD3rb « enclofcc.inft? >^Kres>as of fbingsa farre of Q3o.icoucc ^iprj) mj\rucUpu^ lmoU)UjDg0Lfocuprap^ •^earcDiiUbern abouc ctbcr, petfo^as {'mu(b asj ?b!r tocr o.uncn of nccc XTiti to fubmit tttiM iot\;f coinmajj c|>i!tii(l^,in* 'Itnrion.Df tb2^3copt^,ti)si' ttnclucfi al* ,fo toer re:fene3 ni tbe no'uer o f cbiIo^cn» : jfinall^jtbcre neuer cba^inccoanj^ Cucb Mat.15, Luke. lo Ier.3K3i clcarc (igbt to an^ at tbat time^but t^^t it DID intome pat?t fauo^ of tbe DarUnes of tbe time.tl^ilberbponCb^ift fatD,ma np Uinga f pjopbefo ^jauc DefircD to fc i tbings^ ^e fee,! baue not feene tbcm, i to bcare p tbingis ^^ re be arc,? banc not beraD tbcm.SDberefoic bkCfco arc tour eves, bccaufc tbcp f^, j yiQut cares bc^f f aufe tbet beare.0nD trali? it toas mete i' tbe p^cfciKC of €^M fljuli baue tbiJf CjrccUcnci?c of pjcrogattuG, tbAtfrom it (bnlD arife tb^ clcrc reucling cf {' bcaue Ip mi?ficrie0. 3nu fo; tbis purpcfc alfo mafictb tbat, tobicb toe enrn noto aUc* gcD out of tbe firacpiftic of ^cter:tbat , pcr^ia, it toas opcncD to tbem,)j tl)cv^ trauailc toa0 profitable, p^incipallt? foj our age, 7 ijioto 3 come to tl)e tbirb oiffiercncc^ \xi^^c\) is talm\ out of icrcmt>c, tobofe too^Ofii are tbcfe.l^ebclD ti)c tti^cs Ibvill comcCaptbtljc 3lo^D,anD ^toil mafeca neto couenant ^iti) ^c boufe of Blfracl, ano tbe boufe cf ^juoa, not afco^ping to tbc couenant tbat 5 niaoe ijcltb fcur fa* tl]fe\'SM the Da^ tobcrin J fsljc tbem b? tl)t bant) to leap tbcqj out of tbc lanoe cf €gtpt,tbc couenant 1^ tbc^ nm^ie tot?Di^ altbougbe ^ rulcD oner tl)em.ai3ut tbr$ Cbalbe ti)t couenant tbat ^ totj malic \6 tbc boufc of ^ifraclBi toil, put mj? lato in tbcir botocls, f 3 toiU to;ite it in tbcR bearts,2nD 3b \}}iil be mcrcifull to tbcrr ;im.qmtie. UnD no man (ball tcnd)c bns ncig][;bo>,an?i'nQn!an b^fi b;otber. ifo;^ tbe? fijal al U5?oto mc,from Sjc Icaft bn. to tl}c mafi.ilDf tobrcb toor:>cfi tbe ^po^ tile tolic occaaon to maUc tUs compari foil bctjLpene tbc Utoe 1 tl}t gofpcll,tbat bPcallcD tbe la^ a fit£ra|,i tl)z gpfpel a. fjiif ituall ooitrincubc laVii,be fai'&,toa6. fafbioncb oute in SCablcs of ftonc, tbe CDprpcll ln.;^ttenin.bcar^fi,tbat tbc lato totifl tbe p:eacbing s^f Dcatbe,tbe gofpell tbe p;,cacbing of i^fc : tljc Lito tbe p.iea* cbing.of Daomation,tbe,0ofpcl tbe p;,ea. xbing cf r^ gbtconfncGi?: tbat tbc lato is -J r iTr^J>i.| ...I, :-r...j^.Jn.A'u.j. inape i.Cor.:.5 GodtheRedtrrjcr. Second Ecokc manz \3cioc,i? tbc gofpcl abiDcttj. ^itfjc | it DcUacretf) from curfc ,f reSojct!? into V iSpotttfS purpofc taae but to Declare fauoj 'duitij CoD.SLtjcclD is tfje miniftc t(je meaning of tbcp^opbct, it dmii be fufficiet tijat Uietocr tbc loo: 05 of cnc of tl)em,to attain t\jt meaning of tbcm XV of Danination,bf caufe it conoemnct^ aU2DaniSf^:iDjcn of tnrigljtcoufnes. s:bc neU) r0 tlje minitcn' of rigbtf o«f? botb j^lbett,tbcre is fome tjnlihcUncCre nes,becaafc it rear let^ t^ mcrci ef gcD bcttoeen tbcm. ifo; f apoaic fpealictb . bt? tobiclj toe arc mate riigJjteouiJ. %i}i mo;e coioufl^ of tbe latu tban tfjc |i);^Oi pbet Dotb: t tbat not in fimplc rcfpcrt, of f Iato,but bvcaufc tber iucr ccrtainc natigbt^ men, bauing a U3;cng ?cale to laft mutrfit\i is to be rr fcrren to f ccrr^ monies. ISicaufe tl)c olD tcHamcnt ba^ nn image of tbtngs abfcnt, it bcijoucD p it lIjulD in time nttdyi f tjaniflje atmv: tbc la\t),lDbieb tvo tu^tb perucrfe louc \ hi\t tljt gofpell, bccaufe it geuetb v ^f "c of tbc ceremonies obfaire f bjigbtnclTe \ b6Dv in ocBe, kcpctb ftil a firm t perpe^ of tbegofpel.l^c Difputetb of tbc nature tual fteofalfncs Jeremy m nae callctb of tbe la\D,accc;jDing to tfjeir erro; anD cttcn tf)t mo?aU lator s,a tweahe f frailc fo3li(t) affij£tionXbcrfo;c it fl)albc gosD ' coucnanl:but tbat is fo; an otber re fcn> to note y peculiarly in pan!, Ii5ut bottj ! becaufc b^ tl)e foncin falling atoa^ of [i of tbcm,bicaufc tbei' 00 bv comparifcn tnt^ankfulpcflple,ittuasbvanobvb;0' fct tbc clDc anD tbe neUic tcftamcnt,tbJ bcn,but fc;afmu fleo to v fucro,: of tbe gofprll, auD ^ tbere:oje it Usas a peculiar frute of tbe nelu tellament,tbat beQce the common lain of {' olt) teOrament,tbei luer eremp^ teu fro tbcfe euills. £po;eouer,lue Isill Den? ^ tht\> luer fo en^ucc toitb v fpjrit of freD 3me i airiircDncire,i5 tht^ Dt?b not in fomc part fceic botb fcare i bondage by tht lain, iro.j botofoeucr tht^ cnioy=s CD ^ p^erogatiue tobicbtbey baB obtay^ neb by grace of y gofpcll, yet tuere ti)t'i fubiect to y fame bonDcs i baroens of obferuaticn, i? tbe common people tuer. ^ith tberfojc tlyc^ tccre copeHcD to thz carefull feceping of tbcfc cercmcnycs, Miitl) luer y fii|n?s of a fcba3lJng,mucb like tinto boaQage, f tbe banblo^itings Uiberby t^z^i confrlTcD tbemfelues gilty of linnc,Di9 not Jiifcbarge them from be^ ing bOHD : it may rigbfuUy be faiD,tbat inccmpai'ifon of tjs tbey tocr^nDer tbe tedameut cf fcoacage i fearc, tobile tue Ijauc refpcct to that common oiDer of Dt* Uribution thit the i,o;b then iJfeD \i)ith tbe people of ifvaell, lo SLbe tb^ce laft comparifons # fee baue rccttci5,virc of i^ laU> anb y gofpelL Mberfc;je in thtm by y name of (> oloc Cedament is meant tbe llatt) , anb by tht name of y netu JDeftamct is meant tf)c d^ofpel. SEbe firflfc ftretcbeo furtbcr, fo.: it comp^gbenDctb t?nbcr it tbep^o^ mifee GodthcRcdcmcr, SccondBookeT mifr^ alfo t^at U)cre p«bIiC^cD before () Lib.3.ad latD. Il5utiuf)eras Auguftmcuenictft ^ Boni.ca. tljei ougftt f 0 be reclicncD tnccr f name 4. of tbe olDe tctfamcnt, tijcrin be tboucbt tcr^ tDcll,! meant cuen tbe fame tbing tbat tue bo noU) teacb, fb; be bab regaro to tbofe farings of l^teremt? anb pauf, toberetbeolbtefl^ament 10 feuerebfro tbc tDo^b of mercpe ano grace.Snb tbr» alfo be beri? aptit abtornetb in tbe fame place,tbat tbe cbilb^^en of p;onufe rcgc^ nerateof(I5oD, lDbtcbbl?faitbtDO^&ing tb;^ougb loue, baue obet?eD tt)t comaun^ Dements, bo from ti)t beginning of tbe tDo;lD belong to tt)t netDc 2De(tament, ano tbat in bope not of tittblh eartblp, anb tempo;all,but fptrttnaU,beauenlp, anb etcmall gob tbtngs, p^inr ipallp bc^ leuing in t\)t mebiato;, b^ Ujbome t\)e^ boubteb not tbat tf^t fptrtt Ijuas not mt^ niffreb bnto ti)tmy botb to boe gcoD, ano to bane paroo fo oft as ^t^ finncb. i?o; tt)e fame tbing it is tbat Bl minoeb to af? firme,tbat al tbc faints \s)\}om tbe fcrip^ ture reberfctb to baue ben from tbc be^ gmning of § Ido.:Id cbofen hv gob,toere partabers of tbe fclf fame bleffing \oit^ bsbntoctprnallfaluafion. Kl)V2 Difffe^ rente tber'efoje is betlcene our DiuiCon ano Auguftincsrtbat ours (acco^bing to tbat favHua of Cb tber place be tbus fpeaUetb to § people: be^olbe fbebtauen anb eartbe,anball tbat is in it,arc tbe 3lo?b tbr <2?obs. !^e cteaucb onl^ to tbr fatbcrs,beloueb tbc, to cbnfc tWr febe after tbem euen rour felues ootc of all nations.SEbercfo^e be boutfbfaueo to graiit tbe fenolulcbge of brs name to tbat people onlr, as if tbet> onlr cf all men belcngcb tnto bim : be laib bps cDuenant as it tocr in tbcir bc^ fom: to tbem be openly flBCtocD ti)t pje^* fence of bis gcbbcD: tbem be bono^co id all^p^f rogatiucs. l£ut (to emit tbc reft toLl}>S Dc.31.8. Dc 10.14 .,-^--^„„ -. ofbisbenefitrSjifpcaUctbattabicbon^ bution cf tbe too^oe tbat luent befo;c: , l^ bcre is to cur purpofe) be bouD tbem ano Auguftinc botb onlp feucrf toeab^ |to bim fav tbe communicating cf brs ncs of tbc lato from tbc ttrcngtbc of tbe 1 iuo^D, tbat be mizU be calico t counreb gofpcU.ano bcre alfo is to be noteb con^^ I tbeir CDod. 3in tt)c mean feafbn be U:ffe* ccrning tiit bol^ fatbers, tbat t\)t^ fo li* rcb otbcr nations to tual&e in fcanitve, ucD bnDer tbe oloe tcHament, ttjat tber j as tbougb tbc!? bao net anr cntcrcourte, flav.t^ not tberc, but alUiar afpireb to , o;^ anr tbing to do U;itb binnncitbci' m tbe nctuc^ea anb embjaccu tbc afiureb l be to bcipe tbcir befiructicn,gcue tbem partaking tbereof.ifoj tl}e Spoftle con^ , tbat ttbicb teas onlt? tbc rcnuOiMmme Dcmnetb tbem of bliiionea * accurfeOi* , iv tbc p^cacbing of bis luo^b. S^bcrfo^e ncs, tobicb being cotentcD toitb p;cfent jjiraell teas tben t)^z Locoes fonne tbat Was Aa.14. i6. ^ap.ii Of the knowledge oF Gal. 4. 4 Eph.2. Gal.^.i;. PC2.8. pr72.8. phi.2.p. toas 1^10 Dcrlins, otljcr tocre Crangerc. Blfraell toas knoUicn to \)inh ano recc^^ mn into Ijis ctjarge anu p?otection:Dtl)cr loere left to t^cir otunc Darhite6:3irrael toa0 fanctifieD Ib^ CDoD : otfjer lucre p;ro*' pljane : ilfraell toas Ijom^tn tortb tfje p^cfenc c of (!15oD,otl)er tocr cpclutJeD fro commtng nie tnto bm, 315ut toljen tfte fulncffeof time ioas come, appo^nteD fo; tfte rellonng of all men,anD i fame reconciler of CDoD anu mentoas Dcl^ue* rcD in DaDe, tljt partition toas plucbco DoUine,Ujt)icb bao fo longljoloen § mer# c^ of dDoo enclofeD tu^t^in tt)e bounoe0 of jfraell, ano peace tJDa0 p^eacljeD to tbem tljat tuer farre of, etien a0 to tljem tbat ijuere neare ai)iotnet),tt)at being to getljer reconcileo to dDoD, t\)c^ mpgljte grolD info one people. M!)erfoje,noti)e tbere is no refpecte of (Dreehc 0? letoe, circucilion 0? t)ncircficifion,but cijnllc i0aU in all, to tnl)ometl)e nation0are geuen foj \)^s 0nberitance,anu tbe enD0 of tbe eartb fo; br^ pcculiare pofTeffion, tbat tniuerrallre luitljout Difference be migbte baue Dominion from feato fca. ano fromtbc riuer« totbeWtermofte enDe0 of tbe luo^lo. 12 2Dbcrfo;je t\)t calling of tbe (^cntilts in a notable tohen, tubereb^ is clearelp fl)ctDeD tbeepcellencp of tbe netoe teffa* nient aboue ^t olo. Bit bao in DeDe bene before teftificD b^ manp, f moif plaine c;aclc0 of tbe P;opbet0,but fo a0 p per* fo;mance tberof U)a0 ail Differreo bnto tbekingDomeof2pcirta0. ^nbCb;iilfe bimfclf DiD notp^occDe bnto it at J firft beginning of bi0 p^eacbing, but Diflfer;» rcD it fo long tintill tbat all tbe part0 of our reoemption being perfo^mco, f tbe time of biii abacementcntieD, bercccp«= ueo of bis fatljer a name t^jaf is aboue all namcs,bvf0;c tobom all hnee0 fl^ulo botoe. jro-J ^W\) tank luben t\)^s ton* uznicttu of titne \i)as not ^et fulfilled t be fa^D to tbe looman ofCbanaan, tbat be toa0 not fent but to tbe loft tbepe of ^ Mat. 1;. boufc of ifraell.janD be fuffereo not b^0 24, jSpoftlee at tbe firft fencing to pa0 tbefe | bonti0.(lDo not i?e(liitb l)t)into tbe toa^ Mat.io,f of tlic CDcntiles , flc;^ enter into ^ cities of tbe ^amaritanr 0, but ratber &oe te to f be loft Ibeepe of tbe boufe of Bifraell. 3i5utboUifoeuer it toa0 befo;e tjttcreo b\? fo man^ tefiimonie0, ^ct tuben § ^ poftle0 tuere firfte to begin it,it feemeD fo netue ano ftrange a tbing bnto tbem, tbat t^z's tDere afraiDe of it, 30 of fome monfter.3Druel^ ben? fearefull^e t not tjoitbout fticUing at it, t^va firft d^d fet t)pon it. jano no marael, fo? it feemeb a* gainft reafon,tbat ^t JLo jD Inbicb b^ fo man^age0bao cbofen out 5|fraell from all otber nation0,(boulD noto bnto tbat cboife, a0 it toere fooenl^ cbanging br?0 purpofe.BIt lpa0 in Deoe fpoUen of afo;^0 bt! pjopbeCe0 : but tl)tv coulD not gene fo great bcDe to tl)e pjopbcfie0, 30 to be notbing moucD toitb tbe netone0of tbe tbing tbat ti)t^ fatoe.iSnD tbefe craples tobieb tbe llojD bad (betoeb of f calling of tbe (£5entile0,tbat fl^ulo one bat? come to paffe, tner not fuff icicnt to mouc tbe. if 0? bcfiioc tbi0, tbat be bao calleD ber^ feto, be Dio after a certaine manner en* graffe tbem into tl)z bouftioloe of ^bja^ bam, to aDDe tbem bnto Us people as parcel of tbemibut b^ f bis generall cal* ling tl}c (IDentilc0,tDcre not onl^e maoe I egall t])itb tbe HielDe0,but alfa it appea« reD tbat thtv came into tbe place of tbe ! 3!ctiie0,tbat toerc become DeaD.^nD \>tt \ all tbefe ftranger0 tobome (!5oD bab be# fo;e tbat time b^ougbte into tbe boDp of , tbe cburcb^luere neuer maoe egall tuitb tbe 31etDe0. 0nDtberfb;cnottDtifbouta caufc Dotb panic fo ertol tb\?0 m^fterie , biODcn from agc0 anb generations, and Col.ui^. iDbicb be alfo fa^tb to be marucUous to ' tbe bert?flngel0. I »3 Bin tbcfciiii. o;^.b.p(^nt0,31 tbinfee,3l baue toell ano faitbfullpc fet fo?tbe tbe tubole God the Kc3emer. >€Con a'BooT e. tjobolcDifftrenceoft^ olDi neiu 2De* Ifamcnt, fomucbasirufficctbtof am* pie o^uer of teacfjing. ^ut brcaufc ma^ n^ rcpo jt tt)is tarictie in soucrnins \> cfturd),tl)WDiuerfcmancr intcacbins, fo great alteration of iiHigcB i ceremo^ mc5,tobca great abfuroitiettftc^ are alfo to be anfluercD befoje ^ lue paffe fo^tb to otber tbinge0.0nD tbat ma^ be Done (So;^tl^,bicaufe f obicfliofi are not fo ftrong tbat tbe^ neeb a curious cofu^ tatiojt bangetb not togetbcr (fa^ tbci) tbat gob tubicb botb aliuar ftebfaftl^ a? gr^ to bimfelfjOjoulD fufffer fo great an alterati6,a5 afte rtuaro to bifaioUi tbat fame tbing,tjDbicb be bab before botb c6 maunbeo i comenoeo. 3 anflcere, tbat goo ougbt not tberfo je to be copteb mu^ table,fo;i tbat be applicb Diuers fo;ime0 to btuerfe ages, as b^ fen^^ ^o be erpe? Dient fo? euerp one»3if tbc buf banoman apoint to bis boufljolD onefo;it ofbufi^ nes in tointer,! an otber in f6mcr,(bal toe tbcrfo;e accufc bim of inconttancic, oUtjinktbatbeftoaruetbfrctbe rT?gbt rule of bufbanonc tnbicb agratb tiJitb tbc cotinual o;b,ic of natures jiifeeiuife ifaifatberof aboulbolb boe inltruct, rulet o?berb^scbilojenof one fojtin cbilobobe,of an otber in routb f of an o^ tber in mans ftate^toe can not tbcrfo^e fa^ tbat be is fickle,? fo.:fafectb bis otxm purpofe. ©ab^ tbcrcfo^e ooc vue cbarge gob toitb rep^ocbe of inconftanct?, foj ^ be batb feuereb tl)t biuerfiti of times lu fit f agreable marUes i %\)t laft Qmiii^^ tubeougbt full? to fatiff\? bs. ^aul ma* betb tbc Jlctocs like bnto cbilb;^cn, anb Cb;iftianstoi?ongme. Q«tlbatbifo;iber is tber intbis gouemment of Coo,^ be bclD tb^ in tbeir cbilbiOj leir6s,liJbicb ac cobbing to tbe capacity of tbeir age,U Decrtt,tobcrbpon bangeo al t\)t falua^ f ion of men»115ut t^t moll mercifuU fa^ tber appo)?nteD tbat tobicb (bulD be bett fo; bs.if o; toberas our oton iniquities baD,as it toere, catte a douDe bettoeene lyim f bs, ano btterlp epcluDeo bs from tlic htngDom of beauen, no ma coulD be f interpreter fo; retto^ing of our peace, but be tbat coulD attaine bnto goD. 115ut tobo coulDe bane siitainzn tnto ij^mi coalDe ans of tbe fonnes of ^Damf 315ut al tbei? DiD tottb tbeir fatber (bunne t\)z figbt of ©oD fo; feare.CoulD an?c of tbe ^ngelsfbut tbep alfo ba!) neDc of a beaD, bT?toborc knitting togctbcr t\)t^ migbt perfettIt?anD bnfeucrabli? cleaue bnto (!DoD. ^bat tben:? Jt toas pa^ all bo?e, bnlcffe tl)e ber^ maied^c of Cod tooulD DefcenDbntoi3S,fo; toe coul D net afcenD bnto if . ^0 it beboueD fbaf the fonne of (03D(boulD become fo; bs Jmmanu^ ell.tbat is,(10oD \}}itt) bs: ano tbat in tbis fo;t,tbatb^ mutuall io^ning , We goD^ beD ano t^t nature of man migbt groto into one togetbcr. i©tbertot?fe nct?tber coulD tbe nerenelfe be nere enougb? no; t\)c alliaunce ftrong cnougb fb; ts to bope br>tbat CDod Dtoelletb ^itli bs.^o great toas tbe Difagrement betto^n our filtbinclTe, anD tt)t mod pure cleannelie of to;,Dotb erp;eai? recite tbat be is man» ^ne ^eDi3to;(faptl5 be)of (^oD i man, tbe man Blefus €i)n(t . l^e migbt baue fa^D, d&oD ; o; at tbe leall be miaht bane iTft' /I Hc.4.15'. God the Redemer. loh.io, '7. left ttje name of ^an as tucl as of CDoD. Butfaicaufc t\)t bolv t& tbc^ DO tbcrbt' UicaUcii ano oucrUiioUi, \jo\)ic\) cannot Cano but retting tjpon tljys foimuuion . H^cUnc tljat it tuas to bcl}opcD, FtljeKeDcaicrfl^onloe bct^e fonnc of ^b jaljam % SDauiD, tobtcb C5oD hao p;omifcD in tbc latu i t^t p;topbcr0. tiZabcitp V 0oDlp minors Qo gatbcr tUt^ ctljcr frutc, i^ facing hv t\)c Mm conrfc o{l)iB pcDigrec b^cugbt to E>auiD«^* bjal)n, tbcv^Doymoje certainly fenolo t tl)W is the fame €[)ntt t toas fpoken cf i)v fo man? ojaclcs . ^ut t^is tobici) Bl cue noUi DccIarcD^is p;incipallr to be boIDcn in mtntij^tbccomon nature be _ ttuen him $ tjs is a plcbge cf our fcfloto fliall be ttrikcn \joith v (janD of 0oD fo; tbc tDo;lD fallen in rume,t to fucco;; mc being lott.S^bcrcfo^e bnDer v latuctbe image of bim teas fet fo;tb in facrifi.^ ces,to mahe tbe fai^tbftiU to bopc ^ ©oD tDoulD bemercifull to tbcm,lDben after fatiffadion maoe fo; finnc,bc Q}oulD be reconciled. IBut iuberas in all agc0,eac tuben i latD tpas not i>et publiQjco, tbc fpeuiato; toas neuer p;omifeD iuttbout blouD : Vot gatber tbat be tuas appopn? tebbt?tbc eternall counfell of Coo to purge tbefiltbineUe of men, fo; tbat tbe fijeoing of blouD is a toiten of erpiation. 2:be lB;opbct0 fo p;eacbeD of bvm,tbat tbe? p^omifco ^ be (boulo be ^t recon* cilcr of CDoo ano men . SCbat one fpeci^ all? notable telf imon? of Cfa? ttjal fuf^ fife MS fo; all, tobere be fo;etelletb- 1 be (|jtp Id tht fonnc of boO: th^^t Ik clotbeo \3Jitb our fleCbtJanquii^co oeatf) i iiiine tl)t finncs of tbe people, tbat ? cbaSife? mcnt of peace Iboulo be bpon hv^^ : ano togctber, t tbc t5ic?o;r f^ «^i0bt be ours i tbat be fljoulo be a p;iea ^ ll^oulo offer I tbc Criumpb cursttbat be offrco Mp fo; fdcriSce t\)t fh fb tbat be reccauco cf bs, tijat bauing maoe fatiffatfion be m^gbt toipe atua? our giltincffc ano appeafe the iutt tu;a'b of bisf fatbcr, 4 i^e ^ Ib-^ll be Diligently bs^ocfull in conlioering ttjefe twinges as he cugbt, ioill eaC!? ncglccte tbofc tuanojingfpe* culationstbatrauiCbbnto the Ijgbtfp rites ano oefirous of noueltie: of kibicb fo;t i$,thnt €hM Hjoulo hane ben ma, altbougb tber bao ben no ncoe of rem c* 0? to reoeme mankintjc. 3 graunt ^ in tbe fir (I Decree of creation, ano in i ttntt of nature t!nco;ruptco ,bc teas fet as bcao ouer Angels ano men . ifo; lubicb caufc |Baul callctb bim ? firtt begotten of all creatures. )l5ut litb all § fcripture cr?ctb out i ht Uias clot^eo luitb flcflj, tbatbcmigbtbc tbc rcOemcr: it is tea miicb rafl) pjcfumption to imagine an? otber caufc o; eno.SEo tobatcno Cb;ift urns p;onufco from (> beginning , it is Ircll cncugb Knolucn : cucn to rcfto;c tjp bimfelfc fo; facrifice : tbat of brs Uioun:;es (boulo come btaltb to otber: anO that, htcuuk all h^ue fira?cO i ben fcattereo ab;oao l?ke Hjaepe, tbcrf0;c it pleafco C3oo to punifi) bim , ? be migbt beare tbe imquitics of al.^itb tue bcare V €hnU is p;cperl? appointeO b? CDco tobelpe tD;ctcbcD finners,lDbofocuer pafSclh be?onD tbcfe bounOcs,bc Dotb to im:i:b follotue fojUfljc curiofitie . ^otti VubcnbWifclfUtasonce come, beaffir^* mcD tb?s to be tbe caufc of brs coming, to appeafe c!I?oo,ano gatber bs bp from occitb into lifeXbc fame tbing tio the apottlcs teUifie of bim. ^o Mn befo;e tbat be tcacbctb tbat i ixj;oo Uias maoe flcfl)e>oeclarctb of tbe fallirig aUia? of man.l5ut be bimfcltc is to be bcaro be^ fo;eall,tubcn be fpcafectb thus of hv^ cU>ne office : ^o C5do Icuco tbc luc;lo, tbat be gaue his cncl? bcgotfcn fcnriC,^ fcbofoeucr beleuctb en \)^m (boulh not pcritthbut baue cucrlaHing life. Sgatn: the bourc is come tbat y ^mo flral brarc —^ "^ tbe loh.i.p. loh,i.i4. loh.^»i6. Ioh.ii.3j Mat.iS Mat.p. hCor.j-, 19. R0.S.3. Tit.2.11, God the Red emer Second Boolce. Fol.i^g. tfjc )imi ^^t fo" of^o3it t!)c? v^ {)earc ; fpcaktcf) of tfjc enD \d^^ ^c tokc flcO),^ it Ojal Iiue.3I am fije ref«rre(tion ? life: \ \)c mi^^t be a (aaincz anD fatiffactio to be tljat bcleuctb in mc, altfjoug'i be be ! uo atua^? finnc.:after tfje fame fo.:tDotb DcaD,fijal liac. againe.UCfje fon of man ^acbarie p:onouncc, t be fa»ie acco;^ c3mmctbtofauctbattDbt?fb luasloft. ! D^ngtotbe piomvfe geuen toti)eifa^ agai^ne. aSbe tDi}oleneDenot apinflt^ ' tber0,to jreuc Irsbt totbem tbat fate in tion J ftoulD neuermaUe an enD, if =j| | tbcfljaDotu ofDcattj. Utt ts remember tbat all tbcfe tljingcs are fpoken of t!je fonne of , be ftjoulD be fpo^leD of all tf)e bo* nojable tf tleSjtobertoitb tljz fcripttire Dotb fet b\?m out ^noalfo^ faring of Paul IbulD pzoue t)aine,tbattbat1i3bicb toas impoCTible to \> lato, CDod batb fent \)is oton fonne, tbat in l^keneffe of tbe fleflfjcoffinncbefljoulD fatiffic fo^ts. j^ei'tber tnill this Mrs tbat be teacbeth in an otljer place, tbat in tbiiS glaffe ap^ appeareD tbe gajoncflTe of dDoDanD l)is infinitie gcoDneffc taluarD men, lubcn Cbnft toa0 geuen to bee tbe HeDemer» if^nallr, tbe Scripture euer^ tobere tber place tettiSetl), ^all tbetreafures ofknolnlcDge anD uivfeDome arebr^* D£n,anD befiDe tubom be glojifietb tbat be hnotuetb notbing. S Bif ani? man take erccption f fav,tbat none of all tbefe tbmges p;cuetbe con- trarie,buttbat ti)c fame Cbuft tbat re^ DemeD men being Damneo, m^gbt alfo in putting, on tbeir flefl) teftifie his louc f otoaro tbem,being p^efcruco auD f^fe. 2Dbe aunftuerc is (bo;t,tbat fozafmucb as tbe bolp gboft p;ono!!ncetb,tbat by p eternall Decree of goD tbefe tluo tbingrs toer iorneD tcgetber,tbatCb?ilf QjouId be our reDemer,anDaIfo partaker of ail oiTC nature tDitb *0Sf tberefoje it is not latuful fo.z tjs to fearcb an^ furtbrr.jfoi lobofoeucr is tickleD vd DcOre to knoiu an\? mo;e,be being not contenteD trdtb tbe tjncbangeable o;^Dinace of goD, Dotb (bci» alio tbat be is not contenteD toitb Col. 2.3. i.cor.2.2. affignetb no otber enD, tub? tbe fonne t\)z fame Cb?ift i^fcoas geuen ts to be § Lu,24. 16. iloh.io '7. |oh«3.i4 loh. 12 27.^,28 Of ©oD Uioulo title bpon bim our fleflj, anD alfo recepire t{)]!S commaunDcmc t of bis jfatber, but to bee maDc a facri^ flee to appeafe l)is fatbr r toUjarD bs.^o it is \3)^^ttm , anD fo it beboueD tbat Cbnft fbouh fu0fer,anD repentance be p;eacbcD in brs name . 2Cberefo^e mp fatbcr louctb me,bicaufe J geue m^ life to^ tbe Ujepe, tbis commaunoemcnt be gaue me. ^s spofes ItftcDbp tbe fcrprt in tbe Dcfert, fo mull tbe fonne of man be liftcD bp. Sin an otber place, iratbcr, fane me fro tbis boure. 3i5ut 31 am tber? (on come cucn to tbvs boure . iratbcr glo;ific tb^ ^onnc. habere be plainly p;icc of our reDemption.llBut Paul not onli rebcarfetb to tobat enD be UiarJ f f t, but alio climbing to tbe bye myUeric of tbe pjeDclIination, be bery filly rcp^ef fetb all luantcnncffc anD itcbing De^ Cre of mannes iDit.SDb: fatbe r cbofc bs inCbnH befo^ie tbecreatio of y too;jlD, to make bs bys foiines by anoption ac? co;Dynv3 to tbe purpofeof bys trill : anD be accepfeD bs in bys beloueD fonne,in lubome tuae bane reDemption by bys blouD. Uruelybcre is not tbe fall of :a* Dam fet before as tbcugb it Uicre fo;^ moft ill tyme,but is IIjelucD Ujbat CoD DetcrmyncD before all agcs^tobenbys ^.9. toil Eph.4-J Ofthe knowledge of £ph3,i6 jj.Tim.i. !'5. Tit.3.9 >jaia \staB to ^elpc t!)e mifcrie of man* feintJ Jf § fiDucrfaric obica againcjtbat mB purpofe of C3CD dv^d !)ang tspou tl^c fal of man Wcl) Ijc Din fo^efa;; it is c^ noug^ I moje foj me, to fai?, ttiat Vot^ Vo louheo boloncjs b;5eaU rG;itb to faine tljcmanetuc Cb^itt, luljofoeucr fuflfer tbcin feluc0 to fcarcbc fo; mo;e,o^ fjopc to fenotpe mo;c of Cb^itt ttjatt CDou Ijatl) fo;^e apointco tbem br W fecrct De f r^.anrj foi gmo caufe urt» i^anl, after be bao fo dc ifcourfeb of tbe p;iopcr office of £initt,^i(ii to t\)t Cpbcfians tbe fpt^ lit of t3iiBcrltai3tng, te cop;ebcnb l»bat tfi tbe lengtb,beistb,b;^eDt!),f beptb,cue tt)c iGut of Cb.itft tbat furmountetb all bnoU)leiJge,cue as if of purpofe be toolD fct barren about our m^ni3S,tbat \x>\)m menf ten is muu of CbjiC? tbc? (boulD not, be it ncuer fo litle, ftoarue fro tl)t grace of reconcilation. Mtberf0;je,fitbe tUs is a faitbful faring (as |3aul teHu fictb)pCi)nftiscome tofaue finners, a no glaijlr rell in tbe fame» anu iobcr as in an otber place tl)t fame 0pottle teacbetb,^ tbe grace lubicb isnoU) DiD cIcfcD br tbe CDofpell, tras geuen bs in €hM before { times of § lMo;il3 : 3i tic^ f ermine tbat 2 ougbt condatl^ ro abiDc tberin to tl)t eni5,0gatn(l tbis moDeftic ^fianber carjpetb tjniuCli? Uibicb Wl) aga^ne inti)is t^mc bnbappil^lIirreD tW quell ion before Iv^gbtl^ mouet) hv a felD.l^e accufctb tbcm of pjefumptio tbat iai, tbat t\^c fonne of goD fljulD not baueappeareu in tbe fleQ),if ^oam bab not fallen,bi?caufe tbis inucntton is co^ futeo b^ no teftimonie of ^cripture.^ tbougb Paul npn not b^iDle frotuarD cu riofitictoben after be bab fpolicn of re^ Demptio purcbace'o b^ Cb;iff,be bianb^ b^^ commaunDctb to auopbe Mitti qut^ ftions. S^be maoncCTc cf fome did burJl out fo farre, tba( tubiie tl)t^ bifo^ber^ Il?couetcDto fecme ^itt>(>, tber moueb t\)fs fjueilion lubctber tbe fonne of gcp mT?gbtbaue taUen tppon brni tbena* tureofan ^lle* SEbis monfiruoufnes Uibicb al tbe goBl\? bo ino^tbilt abbo?re as Dct0lfable,let ^CanDcr confute teitb tbtspjctencc tbat it is neuer e):pKfi"^* ll? confuteb in ti}c Scripture. 0s tbougb tuben Paul accoptetb notbing pjecious o;^ ti5o;tbt? to be fenoti^e, but diiid cruf diitti,\}t Dotbtberfojc abmit an 00c to be t\)t autbc^ of faluati5Xberfojc be ^ in an otber place repo jtetb? tbat Cb?ift bi? tbe etcrnall counfell of bts iratber teas D;^De\^neb to be a beab to gatber all tbinges tcgctber: toillnencrtbe mo?e acfenotjDlcDge an otber tbat batb no of* fice of reDeming appo pnteb br Jn. 6 XButasfo^ ^pnmiplt tbatbeb?ag=' getb of,it is ber^ trifling.l^etJJolD baue iUtl)at man teas createb after j> image of gob,bicaufe be toas faCbioneb after ^ patcrne cf cb^ift to comctbat be migbt refemble bim, tubom tbe fatber bab al? reabT?becreeDto clotbc tovtbour flcfl). Mberupon be gatbcretb, tbat if 0oam bab neuer fallen from bis firH f tnro;^ rupteo original Hate, ret €l)nft Uioulo baae bene man. I^cto trtf ing tbis ts 1 to jraeb,aU men tW bane founb iuDge ment,bo eafilr perce^ue of tbemfelues. 3!ntf)emeane trmefirttbe Ibinfectb t be batb fane tobat tnas § image of gob, tbatfo;jfotb t\)B glojieof d^oborb not cneir (brne i\\ tbofe ercellente g^ftes tcberetuiib be luas garnrCbeb, but alfo tbat CDoD bi'mfelfe eCTentialli? Dtuelt in bim. llBut as fo.: me, altbougb 31 graunt tijat 0Dam bro bearc t^t image of goo, iniomucb as be teas io^neb to (Poo, (tobicb is tijc true anobr eft perfertion of oigniticlret 3! (&Vy tbat tbe lifeeneffe of CDoo isiio tiibere els to be fougbt,but in tbofe marines oferccllencie tobere^ to^tb be bao garniftbeo 0oam aboue 0? tber liuing creaturs.0nD ^ €f^M teas tben § image of goo, all men 00 graunt tpitb one confent, ano tberfo;ie t tot)af ^ foeucr 22. Ge,i.27 C0L3.10 God thcKedemer. Second Bcoke. Fol foeucr erccllcncie loajJ grauen in^na^ it p^occDcD from tl)^5, ^ hy> tbc onli? be* gotten fonne \)i app^ocfjcD to p glojp of l)is creatoj. S^fjf rfojc ma toas createD after p image of image oWmit.^o} tbev coulD notcontinna'lp enioV' tbe p;efent bebo^ cing of €^oD,t)nlcffe tbe? tuer UUc biai. 0n5 ]^aul tcacbctb,^ men are no ct^cr* tDife renueD after tbe image of sue ben par* tafeer of § nature of a[ngels,befaiife t^z image of ccntrarp^ecaufe tbongb tbe fcnne of CDod bad ncuer put on firfbj neucrtbclcffe bctb in ti}c bodp and in ^.iit t^e Cap. 12 T)^ tlicTcnovvletTgeof ICol.i.iT. Co!os,i. \i. Co1.i.i(5. tljc foulc of mail ll)o»lD?)aue lIjtncD t\)i image of OoMa ^ b?»Sl)^ tifatticjsf tuber of it altua? appcarcD, Ujat Cd^iiS is \itf rtl^ tl)e Ijcao, ano Ihitl) t!)C foueraign fa* p^emkit in aU.anB fc i^ tm ftt Itrt) fut* tcltic affopleD, Xvijkli Ofiandcn lloUJCtf) ab;oaD,tf)at§ 0nLXc!0njoulD Ijauclac^ licBftietjeaD, tnlcfife it tjaQ bene purpo* fro b? CDcD to tlotbc I)rs foimc Id tlttth vea tijoufff) tbtrc ^a^ bene no fault of ja* Dam.if oj be fotb tea raf^l^ fnatcb bslue of tfwt tubiiH no man in Ijis rig^t loittc tut I graut,tl)at CbnH batb no fup^icmi* etc ouer EngeliS,^ tbep (bonlD baue btm foi tbcir {j^nce, but infotnwb as be is man , But if is caClp gatbcrcD bi? tbe too JDS of Paul, ^ inafmucb as bets t\)z eternal too^D of berun? to be batb toucbtaueD to rereaue \)^s Cbureb,but onlp of fav-t!;fulnf s fcetii:cn ma anD tuife: fo; t})i$ caufe be teacbetb, tbatdDoDpjoncunccD^ man ano lutfe (ball be one fie(b>tbat no man Q^oulD at^ tempt to b;eake tbat infclubie kntt bp Diuo;tce. gf Ofiander lotbe tbis Hmpliei" tit, let bpm blame €ln\u , fo? t b*-' leaD not bps S>ifciples furtber f c a mpfterp, in mo;rc futteltie erpounDing tbe Taping ofbisfotbcr. ificptber tctDctbpaule maintaine l)is crro;,tDbicb after be baD fapDtbaf toe are fleflje of tbe flefb^of Cb;iiff,bpanDbpaDDetb,tbat tbps is a great mpaerp,fijj Ijis purpcfe teas not to tell in ti'bat meaning SDsm r^^'afee tt,butbttDer tbe figure ano (iuuiituDc of warriage,to fct fo;tbtbc bolg cou? Ge.1.13. Eph3 30 ~ God the RcJemcr. Second gookc~Fol 140 pUng togcttjcr, ^ mahet^ bs one toptb i moje to (l^afee t)p anr mojc of^ fo;tof * C^na.^anD fo DO tl)c Vuo;o5 founD.X5^^ cl)afft,b^caurc the tanitto cf ttcm all is caufc tu^ii fje gcuetl) toarning tbatlje I fone founo out bi? tijis Ojoit confutatio. rpcaUetJ) tljis of Cbjift « b^s cljurcb, be I IBut tbr^ fob;ietic (ball abounoauntli? Dotl) as it \uer b^ lua^ of correction, fc? i fuffice to fecoe founolp tbc tb.zilo;en of ncrtbefpirituall io^Jning of Cb.Jift ana ' Co manr meancs tottb fo great Dilp* anDflrongteHimonics. iJtremapnetb'genceanD fimplicitie Declareoa tting tbercfo;ctobe fane, boUi be being clc/ not obfcurc of it fclfetubo tuculD bane tbcD U)itb oitr flelbtbatb fuISllcD tbe of^ | tbougbt anp men to be fo Iftamelcire as ftce of ^cDiato;. 3Dbe tmi\i of b?s bn* to p?cfume ret to rp;ieD mfU fs to tar* maine nature batb in tbc olo t^ie ben i feen it^anD ret lue baue otber tcffimo* tmpugneD botb bp tbe Mamchccs 1 tbe j mie£5 at banDcif Vuc IpfteD to bcapc tp Marcionites: of U>bom, ^z Marcionites mo^c of tbe» 05 i« tbat faring of Paul: favneo a (Cboft in ftcDe of tbe boDp of tbat dDoD fcnt M& fon mane of luoman. Gal 4.4 Cbrtlf J t tbe Manichees D;teamcD tbat be baD a beauc Ip flefl). 5i6ut botb man\? anD ftrongtcftimontrs of t\it fcripture DO ttanoe agai?nft tbem botb . fm tbe bleCningt0p;ompfeD ne^tber tnabea* ncnlp faDc,no; in t\iz coilterfaite R}ape of man, but in tbe fec&c of ab^abam Gc.17.2.1 and. 12. 1 8 and. 2(5.4 PCi.4f.7. R0.9.;. Mac.i..; Roai.'.3, anD Jacob. :^et:tber is § eternal tb;one p;omifcD to a man maDc of ap.2e,b at to lA}t ^onnc of iDauio anD to Ibc ff ute of bistoomb* SEbcrefo;e being DelpuereD in tbe ficQ)?, be is calleD V^t fon of 2!>a^ uiD anD ab;abam:not bicaufe be is on* lpbo;ne of tbe tuonib oftfec Qlirgin, 1 create in tbeap^e,bat bvcaufe(as l^aul erpounoetb xi) be is ace o:Ding to ^ f!c3) maDe of tbe fecDe of ^a.\x\Xi : as in an 0* tbcr place tbe ^'^nSilc tcacbetb, tbat be DcfcenDcD of § Jclucs. if 0; u^bif b caufe t\it io;De bimrclic not contenteD iritb tbe bare name of man, oatb oftcntunrs call bl^mf elfe tbe ja>onnc jf man, iuc.v , anD innumerable otber p!accs,U)bcrc' bp appearetb tbat be toas fubiett to btt ger>tbirft,colD,anD otber infirmities of our nature, y&vit out of manp tbcfe are t\iM^ to be cbofen, ^ inap moa auaile to eDific our minces in true confiDcnce. as,tPbcre it is fapD,tbat be cane not fo Hc.a.i6 ! greate Ijcno; to tbe angels, as to talte tbcir nature tpon bim:but teUe cur na* ture,tbat i\\ flel!j2 1 blouD be migbt, bp Deatb,Dearov bpm, tbat baD tbe poUier of Deatb.againe,tbat bp Itxxztti of t?;at communicatrngtoecarc recI^encD bvs b:etbrcn.agarne,tbat be ougbt to baue ben maDe Ipbe tnto bis b^etbjcn, tbat be migbt be ivMt a mcrciftiU anD f^itb full intcrceffisj:^ toe baue not a Bifljop tljvit tim not be copatirnt of our tn&'rra ties. a;iD fuel; lil^.e. aiia fo; p fame par pofc rci'uf tb p Ujbicl) Uie toticbcn a Utlc befi?;e,i^ it beboucDtbat p finncs of tbe U)o;luC CbculD be cieanfeDiriourflfJI)^ Heh.i.i;. IT! ^^3 1 Ro.8.; I Of the knovvkdgc of tDtjict) paai plauUt affirmctb.3iii3 true I l^,lx)t)atfocuer ti)C father m^ gtucn to i d)na,it DOi'l) t\)crfo:.z belong: to tjs, bp ' caufe be is tbe b^tJ, ft'o ^'-Kf ^^ P ^^^^Ic j bour being Hnit togetbcr, groluctb into nature of m5» iFo;tu!)atmeanct^tt)i5 tW in Cbape Ijz teas founi as man,but t foja t^me tbc glo;^ of brs places t^attbet'b;ipngfoatl[j nctucginjtc after tbat fee abacco \)x^nf to f onSrme t^eir erro.:,tbev bo to bnapt felfc, Xoliitl^ cculo net IrcU agree to b« Iv to?cC tf)cm, I t\}tv notbing p;euailc fpok? of ani'jbnt of a ma fiauing ficClj i bvtbfir trifling fDttcltics, tobent^e^ foulc.S^amcbifcs framtb Cbntf aboop go about to lDrp2 aiuap tbofc t^i?nges otav^c-, brfaufeCb.iiO" is calico tbe fe^ tftat BI baae allcgcD fo^ oar part . ^ar* ' conn aoam, t;eaucnlt of Ijeauen . y3i\t cicn imaginetb tbat'Cbnft bio pntona'neT;tl)cr in tbat place botb tljt ^poftlc fantaflicaU bcop infteoe ofatrucbo^'bnnginabeau(li?e(rcnceoftbcDr,but 5)?; brcaafe in fome places it is fa^D, ^ a fpiritaal fo;ce to^icb being poureo a* bs Ujas mafit after tl)C lifecncffe of ma, b^ioat) hv Ct;?iiJ,totb quicbtn ts J^oId, iPlu.2,7« ano tbat be toas foan^Je in (l)a)-^e as a man.i5nt fo be nothing lijcietb tubat is panics purpofc in tbat place, iro;tr^ meaning is not to tcaclj iuljat maner of bo^T! Cbjift tofec bpon bi5ii,but f ^Ije r as Ijc migbt Ijaue C^etneb fo;tb bis gob* IjcD, Ijemabenoneotber (betoofby?m* fclfcbut as of an abicct t tnregarbeo man. i?o^ to crbojt bs b^ t)is eraplc to fubmi(rion,be Gjetuetl), tl;at fo^afmuclj as be ixias got!,be mijbt banc bvanBb^ , fetb fo;tb bis glo;ve to bee f^ne to tbe too;lD:but ret tbat be gaue ouer fomc of l;is ob3n rigbt,ano of bis otun acco^b abaceo bimfeif, bicaufc ^c Dio put en § image of a feruat $ contenteb Vcill) tbat bumilitie,fuffrcli bis goUbcD tobeljtb^ cen Uiitb tbcbci?lc of tbeflcCjc.liJe bctb not bcre teacb tobat Cb;ift teas , but boijD be bebaurubinifelfc.nnD alfo bv v Uibole p^occs of § tcpt it is ealili' gatbe=' reb.,tbat Cb.:itl toas abaceo in kt true as Ui^ l)aucalrcao^ fcene , peter anb Paul DO fcuer tbc fame from bis flclb. iBiit rather tljat Doctrine Ujt)iib is recen rcD among tbc true teacb^rsjcoceming t?)c f Icfl) of CbiU, is tocrt^ ludl pjoueD bi? tbat place . fm if Cl^iift bab not all one nature ofboDttritf) ts,ittt3erea \jerp baine argument, tbat Paul fertlj fuc^ bebemccie follotoetb: ti)at if djitCfc be rrfen agarne, tocefljali alforrfea^ gavnc:anD if lue 00 not r^fe, tben tbat Cb;ift alfo is not rrfen. 15^? to^at cauil lations foeuer eptber tfte tloe ^anij? cbecs oj tbeir netn bifciples go about to cfcape, bei? fbal not UiinD tbemfclucs a? atoap. Jt is a foUile l^ift,^ tl)ei? fonDlr far,tbat Cb.:ift is callcD tbe fon of m.a, infomurb as be is pjoniifeD of mr. jm it is plat?ne, tbat after tbe l^eb;jue pb;jafc,berr ma in DceD is cailcD the fon of man.ano Cb;ilt iuytbout Doat Ucpt tbe pb;afe of bis olun tog^^tfo it ougbt to 16. Hcb.2. 14. T5odthcRcdcmcT. "^cond Booke, Of fira bca^ttttn.'^m rartl3ateoiJ4tc (bulD ^auc bzn bojn cf auam araitat p bcginiuRg,'£' 'at mW ht ttc iiiU. beget ten airiDs b^etbien.jft.: ttjc title of fira bCiiottcii,is net rcfcrreD to age ,bul to t Dcgrttcfbono^, f trccllfnce ef polncr. i,lnn nio;ic ccloj catb tbat tebiclj t^ei ba blctbat CiJ^ifi tohc to \^m ma, ano not ^wQCiB, bccaufr ^e ree riucD manUtntie into fduc;^ jro?,to (it onte mo;G largely ti50bcnourc tub\;cbCi?oo tourljfaucD to geue tjs, be compareD llje angels iDV'tb t30,b3bicb ifcr in tbw bcbalf fct bebinB fcs. ano iCt tcfltnicn? of cpcfcs be liid toetcUjtiibcre be fa^ctb tlwt tbc fe^oc cf tl}e tuoman tl}all bjeahc tbe ^crpentcs anD (net to 60 far cf ) tbc place cf tbe.8. yfnlrtie, Vjbtcbtt'C apofllcs applvcto Cb;ift>ll)albJ fuffirientinougbttobat is nsan mt ^cu art miKJefal of bun,o^ v' fon of ma tbat tliou tJifitcIi Umm tbis figure 15 crp^clTcD tbc true mauDoueof Cb;ift. f 0; tbcugb be tocre net imnic- Dfattt? begotten of a mortal! fatbcr, tct bis race came from aoam. iro; els tbat place f oulD not Can^ \obicb iue banc al- rea^^ allegcD, tbat Chjift is mace pan taUer of flcUie ano blouD,tbat be migbtc gatber to bim vonge cbilo;f n to t[}c fer^ uiccof Cotjjn Uimb i^o^tJS it is pUin^ l^ Dctcrminco, tljat Cb.nS is nuiQe fel* loiu anb partal^cr of al one nature toitb Mb. In taibirb meaning alfo be farett,p botb tbc autJjo;^ of bclines^ano tbe^ tbat arc umoc bolr, are all of cne. foi it ifi p.:oueo br tbt pioces cf tbe tert,tbat tbc faiut is rd'crrcoto tbc felclPlIjFP ^^^' ture:bccaure be bvanub^ an:5ctb. STber^ fcit be is not afaanieo to cal tbcm bje^ tb jcn iFoj if be baD faiD befo;e,tbat tbc faitbfitil are of dDou in fo great bignitv, tobatcaufelbotilcetbcre be tobeaflja^ mebf i5ut licaufe Cb^ift of bi^s infinite grace octb iorne bimfelf to tf)t bafc ano Dnnoble, tbcrefi);re it is rai?oe, tbat be is nctaOjameo. 115ut intaine tbcr cbicct, tbat bv tbF)5 meane tbe loicUeD Qjall be* come tbe b.:ctb;en of ilb^il^'.bccaufc \uc bnotoe tbat tbe cbilb?en of dDorj arc not bo : ne of flefb an:) bLuio, bnt of tbe l^olr- gboft br faitb 2:bv^rfc;e onlv' ficfbe ma* betb not a b jotbcrl\? iorning. ^ut al^ tijouab tt)c apoltle gauc tbts bono: to t faiib^full onelv,to be of oi:c ^i':\) Cb^uC? f et it foUotuetl) not,but tbat tbe UJicUeo ma? be bozn? oftbc fame o;innall. Es tobcn toe far t ^bnll ^-^ "^^oe m.in, to mahcljs t\it rcnnescf CcDitbis fai?^ ing cyicnoctb not to all menne, becaufc frtitb u tbe mean ipbicbjpijitnaljiicraf Fol>4» R0.8. 2p He?,! 5, beatJ,it O/all iJtterlg eno tbe cotroucrfr. I f^oi oYd^ Cb;i» w not tbcre fpohcn cf, but all manktntc. 5i3ccaufctbc l)iao.:^ \uas to be gotte br Cb^ta fo; fcs^bc gc> nerailp p;or.ouncetb tbat t\)c poCcritre of tbe tocmsn O^ulD get t!;e fcppcrbanBc cf tji'e Dcuell.^i'.bertipon fclDluetl),tl;at CbJift ii^wcD of mafeinOjbecanfe it tras n^oijs purpofc f bcr to raifs tp Cue, tobo tcfpakclntcUJttb S^b bope, tbatftc fi)oulD not faint to^tb fo^oU). 3 jLbevuonoles toicfeeolv ttan fcliGj^ Ir entangle luitb allegciiestbcfe teQi^ monies tobcre €t)iii^ is zaVa tin f^JJe of ilb:atam,anD m frute of ibe tooirb of DauiD. ^^i if tbe name cf ^'ftie im ben fpclif n m an alle^ouctral? paule luoulD not banc left it tntolDc, Irber be plainl? ano Uuttbout figure afiinucti;, tbat tber arc not v.ianv lonncs of ^b;a* bam reoemers,but one CbJift. i^f IV^J? fo;t it is tbat tbev allesge: tbat be is n^ otbertoife calleD tbc foi.e of Dauio, tut becaufc be Uias p;omifeD,i at Icnntb u\ bis Due time oeUuereO . if oj after ti;at ^aul bab once namcD bini tbc fcraic cf CDovj : in tbat be br^usb^ aODctb? ^ticy^ Ding f 0 tbe flc^c^bcji^jel^mcanctj^^ Gz.ys Ca.3.1 l\0,1.}). Oip« P.«3 FCi32.n; Oftlie knowlede;c of nature. anifo in § ir. Cfjaptcr callhig ! o;5er,tt)f Uinreos are re cfeneD b^ ^ fcDc ijim tijc bicffco CDoo, be fapcb fcucrail? | of tljc man,nnD ret tbc err cUmcr of tbe bcri?)c,t at acco;mng to tbe flea? be Ocf* 1 hiiiDe of man abcue \Doma pjouctb not CC.102D of § 3!etDe£S.i(i3ouj if be toerc not i tl)c contrary, but tl^iat in generation tl^e trael\? bcfiotten of tbe fcDe of S>Aui^,to | feoc of tuoman mull mete, ;anD tbis fc^ \B\rat purpofc (lialbe tl)i3 larinu;,tbat l)C lution crtenDetb to al tl)c CDencalcgies. 13 Qc frate of ijis iDoinbf 'cMbat m?a? iictb tbTS pjomyfc;? iDtit of tbi? Iopnc0 g}aU be DefcciiB, tbat ajall ab^De in tbp £>fieiitinie£; tcben tbe fcriptiire rccke* nctb tp a Ctenealog^v it nametb § men oncl^tfljal \ue tbcrfc;^e fa^^tbat tbe tuo' ieate.iSolt) in tbe gcnealo^ic of do ^opI^iitiraUpmscfe. jlv^ tbougb be oo not rebcrfe ^ parents of S^ari? but of ^o fcpb> rctbicaufebt fpc-aUetbofa tbing furftcientlg fenoUien abjoDe among tbe p?op!e,bc recfecnetb it encugb to ttic\3) tbat 3cfepb came of tbe feae of H>auia, Wi)zn ittoas toeU UnolBen tbat ^ar^ tiajj of t!)c fame toU.Bat liuUe mo;c }^;.ei£tt)^ tbem in teacbing tbat faluatio biougbt bv^ Cbuff ita c ommo to all ma* Utuo ib^faulcCbiitt tbe autbo;i of faU Uution p;toccoetb tmix ^Dam tbe com? men parent of all J ^v,\unt in DaD,tbat br rbc C^enealogie it ca none otberluife be gatbereo tbat €\)nfi to? the fonne of £>aiUD, but infouiueb as f^c tuaa be^ gotten of tbe Qitrgia iS'Ut^ ncto igpar- {ionitcs ta colojtbeir crro; bo to pjouD l\', in tb^s, tbat to \mm tbat cbift toke bis bosip of notbing, tbcp affirme t'gatUiemcn are feDclcfle,ano fo tbe^ O' ucrtbioiD tbe p;inciplcfi of natiircHPut brcanfc tbat i5 no tjaclhca df Dininitie, anD tbe reafomi tbat tbe? bJ^ng, arc fc ft-:hl0, i%xt tht^ mai? ben? caSlp be con* f-itcD : tberefo^e i toil I not toacbe tbofc t'iin^sthat belong toBbilofopb^eanb ^'>l3iaHe,an6 toill bolQc me contented to Voipc ataa? tbofc tbings t\)it tbev aHege ont of fcrtpturc:tJ}at «f , tbat ;^aron ano JotaDub tcUc iniueis of (> tiibe of 3[ebu* : u^ynw^ fo tbe Difference of iiDiibrs bab tbcn hm confaantJcOjif tpoman baOem g:no;ing feeoe in l^cr. ^ut it is toell e^ U«olue,tbat toomeu are comp;jebenbeb bnDer tlji name of men. ^no after tbrs fo^te it is fav^, tbat luomcn b jing fo^tb to tbei?; bufbanoes, becaufe tbe name of tbe boutbclDe alioap remainetb \3iit\y tbe males* ij^otoeas tbvs isgraunteo to tbe ewellencie of tbe male Uino, tbat t t\)i\02m are couteo noble o; tjnneble, acfo;Ding to tbe eltateoftbeirfatbers: fo alfo in (> ttate of bonbage tlit it[i\t foU lotoetb § \x)0!nb,acfo^9ing to tbe iutjge« ment of tbe €iui\t laUj^ers. ©tUbereb^ toe mar gatbcr, tbat tbe iffue is cngcn' bjco of tbe fcDc of the tooman . ;ani) it batb of long time bene receaueu in c om^ mon bfe of al nations, tbat tbe motbers arccalleo Gcnitnccs, tbat i0,cngenije* itvs. ^Clbcrtoitbgccs lato alfo agrectb> tobicb els djoulB toaongfullt? fo;biD tf)z marriage of tbe bncle \s)it\) b^JS fitters D^ugbter,bicai:fe tbcre toere no confan* guinitte bcttoen tlitm : anu alfo it toere iatoftiU fo^ a man to marr h^s fitter bf t\iz mstberg fit!?,ro ^ Jlje toere begotten of an otbcr fatbcr.liSut ns gigraunt tbat tbere is a pjiltiae potocr afcribeD f o too* man, fo lio J anftoere ^ ^t fame tbpng is intiffeixntlr fpokcn of tbem tbat is of men. ianb ^bnft bunfelfc is not fa^D q^ to be maoe b? tbe tooman, but of § too^ man . 15ut foms cf tbcir company ttja* him of «' J ibame do f© lctoi5lt'an?,tobe^ tber toe toil fat? ^ €^nft teas engcD jeo of (r mcaruall feoe of § birgin,fo^ 3 toil lifectoiff aft^eof tbe tobetbcr be blD not nougbe tuiotoeuitbat as tGiitbing emit [ congele in j blouq gf bis motber^tobub tbet? 4^4. Mat.i.j. Ro,;.i2. 47. Ro.8.3. God the Rcckmcr. Second Bookc, t\)ct flbalbe f 6ff raincMo r cKfr 0, SZ\]W rcmcn tnatt of mftt, i be be ten? »«a« fo;e it is m^c ^t^mn cf £^atljctecs| iDOut fault f corruption. 525HttcrrfI}i!^ U)o;D5,tba{ bicaufe Ct^tH tuas fcegottc , Difijlr ttcy trifle tn reafoning tf)us: 'if of 5parr>bc toau r ngmDjcoef Ijer fee^c: j CbjiC be fre fVo all fpet, t toas b^ f fc^ a0 a like cn^ciio^ing is nieant totcu it crc t b3o;kinc oftbe bo!v ebofl begotten 10 fai^bctbat 3S32>j luas begotten of l\n* ' cf tfec fcoe of ^arr, tbcn is not tlje \rc^ bab.iict^er totb ^Mbetu be re uefcrilc ' wans feocbut enli i \im fcDe brclenc, tbe Clirgin as a (onouitc pipe tb^ougbc ' ifo; bac t.o not maks Cb;itt free fro all Ijjbvcb C^^iflre paffcD : but be fcue rctb fp0t,foj tbts eaufc,^ be is onli cngf o;eu t^is maruellous ntancr cf generation |ofbi»motber\coutccpulation of man, from t\)c common maner , foj ^ bv ber ' but becaufe be is fandificc b^ tbc bolre €^^iit toas begottr of f fa oc of DaniD. I gbcft,^ tbc generation mi^iit be pure f if 0; euen in ^ fame fo;^e,fbat Blfaac teas ; bnco^^rupteb, fucb as (biilo iiaut bene be begotte of ^tbraba , Salomon of SDauiD . fo;ie v. fal cf aoa. ^Ttno this alVuav i emai anD 3ofepb of Jacob, liketnifeit is faio, ncD Cetsfattlr Determined tortb b?,^ fo tbat Cb^ift baas begotte of bio motbcr. | oft as tbe fcripturc puttetb bs in minu ^Ql tbc Cuangelifi: fo framctb tbe c^* : cf tbc denes of Cb^ii^jtt is ment cf \ks Der of brs fpcacbe,anu irillmgto pioiic ! true nature of man^jocetbecaufc ii trcr tbat Cb.2ift tmxt Qt^mi^M contenteO fiiperfluotifl tc far i^ OcD is cleane. auo ^\^ tbis one rcafenjtt'at be teas begot tbc fanrti&ation ^ be fp^afeftb of in tbc ten of ^arv\ iESTtbi^rbv it foUoUjetb,tbat : iz.of 3iobn, cciiin banc no place in t' HvV be tofec it fo; a matter confxlTeD, i ^a* , ture cf goD. i^eitljcr arc tbcir fatncD.y. rr boas of fein to Jofepbc | feetes of ;ai;a, altbougb tber came no in- 4 IDbe abfuroities Uiberetuitb tbc^ ■ fcction to Cb?ill:beca«rc tbe gaicraticn tooulD cbarge bs,are Cuffeo ftdl of cbii' j cf ma is not bnclene o:^ \)itiQi\s of it feJf bi(^ cauiliationsXbe^ tbint: it a ibame ■ but accioetal bv \iis falling.lEberfo;e it ano mfl)onoa to CLb.n Wbe (bculo bauc I is no n;aruel,if Cb?iff> bt? U)bom t\)t v- taken bis original of meir.becaufe fo be | Gate of innoceci tuas to be rel!ojcD,tuer coQlo not be ei^empt from tbebniuerfal ercmpt from common corruption. ^nD latD tbat enclofetb all ^z offpring of 0^ Dam, luvtbout exception, bnoerfinnc. ^ut tbc compar iron tbat tue reaDc in paule,Dotb cafeli?airoiU tbis Dout:tbat as bi? one man came finne,anD b\? linne Deatb,fo br tbc rigbtfoufnes of one ma grace batb abounocD. JilsiilberelDVtb alfo agreellj an otber comparifon of b?s: tbc firft jSDam of eartbe, cartbl^ anD nato* XiAy^ fecouD of bcaucn,beaucnlt\ SLber? fo;e in an otber place,tbe fame apoftlc, tobcre be tcacbctb tbat Cbriil U^as fent in tbf likencs of Cnful flelbe to fatirfj? (1 tobcrras alfo tber? ^n\^ tbisbpo be fo anabfuroitv,},^ if t tuo;D ofgoD Dio pat on fled), tbe baas it enclofcD ni a narolu prifo of an ertbl? bcDi: tbis is hwt mere U)aiU?arDnes:bicaurc aitbeucb tbe iwfi- nitc ctTeceof v tuora DiDgre\u tcgctbcr into one pcrfcn \^ tfjc nature of market DO lucftun no encloi^ng of it. i?or § fon of goD DefceccD manicUcuO^ fro beaue, fo as "^tt be left not bf auen, it k^as bvs tuil to be manfcloufii bo;n in f birgiiie lBcmbe,to be ccnucrfant in eartb,f !>'.? bpon tlje crcfle, ret i^M be altua^ fiUeu latoc, Dotl; fo crprea^ fcuer bim from p / tbe U!c;lD cucn as at tbs Icgimung. The.xuii,ChAptirr, How the two natures of the Mediator do make one pcr(bn» j]iOtD Of the knowledge of t\)cm fcuccall^, ^nD tfjis conioi>ning of fj ^1x1 tDftcr it ii3 far Cjtbat C5^ ^coao hjas maDc flcCi): tl}at i$ not fo to be \3nDcria:.i5\DcD,as tbowsl) it lucre tttfecr tmiK-i isitc flci^, o> cojtfufel? minglcD luitJ) flcHjibnt bictiufc be cbofe l}m a tif pleof t!)j HHirgins Iwcmb totJtod in:bc tb.it Uias tbc fonjie of (II5o5,bcc«imc alfo I tbc (on of man,not br confufion of fub^ frnuiur, butbr bnitie of perfon . iro^j j U>e fc affinne tbe ga<5bca9 io^ncD ano jtratcDto t^e mmboDe, tW ev^JJ^rof i tt/cm banc tbeir tu'^oic p^Dpcttie rcnmi I nriio,aiiO r^ of ibem botb 10 niaDc one I Cb;ift.5!f ant? tbing in al tuojlulp tbigs j mav be founo liUcto fo great a miJJcrie j ti)z iimtUtuDc of man 15 moa ftt,\i3bom I lue fee to conlift of ttuo fubfl:afe0,U»ber I of i>et ne^tber 10 fo niingleu tuitb otber, bnt tb-U e^tber Ucpetb ttjc p^opertic of bx3 olmt natare. jfo} netber is ^ fonle tl)e boQ^jHoj the botf^ tbe foule.MXber foiebabtbattbv'ngma^ bee fciierall^ fpokm Df tbc foulc, \o])ic^ can no Icai? aam toitb tbe booptanD lihctjjife of tbe hoi^tbat tbinjmat! be favD,tiibicb can h^ m mesne agr© ty^tb tl^t foule : ann ti)at ma^ be faro cf v tubole ma, tobicb ran be but bitfit!-^ tafeen ncitber of tbc foule noi of tbc bot)\? feuerall^. Stiaal^ ll?5tbe pjopjcties of tbe foule are fome^* time attributed to itic bon^i anD tbepjo pcrtirs of tbc hoti^ fomtime to f foule: anD ^et be tbat confiactb of tbcm is but one man,? not rmn\f, li5ut furb fojmc 0 Ioh,8. 58 tbc ttDO natures tbat are in Cb;^tft,tbei? bo iDitb fucb relicttotifncs erpjeflfe, tbat fometime t'oc^ 00 put tbem in common togetber: tubicb figure is among t\)t do autbo;j£jfalleD, communicating of p^o^^ pcrtics. 2 SDbcfe tbings lucre but toeabc, tn^ Ics mani? pbiafes of Scripture, i fucbe as be cc\)t tuber reaDp to SnD,t)iD pjouc t^at natbing bereof batb ben oeuifcD bp man, ELbat fame tbing U3b^?cb Cbnffc fpaUe of bimfclfcfaring: before tbat 0^ b;abam toas,3i am: teas far bifacreing from bis manbooe. ipeitber am 3 igno^ rant Inptb tebat cauiliafion tbe crroni? ousfpiritesbo bcpjaue tbis place: fo? ti^z^ fa^ t\)iit biJ teas t efo^^e all ao,es,be^ caufc be teas alreaDte fo^cfenctecn tl^e ]KeDemer,as tecll in ^ counfel of tbe fa# tber,as in tbe mincer of tbe gobli?. 215ut teberas be openli^ Did ingutlbctb tbe Da^ of bi's manifeSatton fro ^is eternaU ef^ fenfe, antj of purpcfc p:onouncefb Unto b^mfclfe an auiboutic b? anti^^uitic tebcrcinbe ercelletb abcue ;ab; .bam, be botb bnuoufctcDl^ cbalenge to brni* fclfe tbat \3yl)ichis p^ioperto tht CDod^ beao. Mfjcreas paule affirmetb tbat ba is the fira begotten of all crea? tures, \ril)icif teas before all tbrnges, anb bt? tebom all tbrnges hepe ^t^;, be^ng : anb tebereas be brn'-rclfe re* po^tctb tbat be teas in glo^r ^itf) tbe :Ioh, 17.;. Col,r/i;^ of fpeocbe ooe tignif^? botb tW tbere is fatbcr before tfje creation of tbe teo^lo. cue perfon in man compounceo of tteo natures fxnit togctber,anD tbat tijcr are tujaC'iuers natures teb)?cb co mal« tl)z tune pi?rfon. ^nb fo ho tbe &>crpptures ant! tbat be teo;hetb togetbcr \Joitl) t\)e fatber : tbrfe th^ngts bo notbpng moje agree tet'b tbe nature of men . ^t is tberefc^e certarHc , tbat thjtfe and fpcaUc of ilij^iiit : fcmctime tfjcp gcue ! fucb lv!jc are peculiarly afcribcD to Ijato }:}im t^ck t\)hus'S n}at Qucjii a::g Idrl^ tc be refcrrea fo bts manboDe,anD fomtime tbcfc tbings tbat r.o peculiarlv bilcn^ fcbi^seotj-oeau, unD fcmetinic i1);.1e tbutgjp ti^cd Doe comp;cbenD botbc r>atureg^ an^Docagrcsteitb ne^tber of tl)eC?o?bcab. )]5t»t tebereas be is cal^ JqI, - ,- leD tbc feruant of tbc fatbcr: anD tober^ ^ Tj j. as it is fnpb, tbat be gretee in age, teifDotrje > ano fauo; tettb CDob anb met tint f)i£ ffiekeib not bt?s otene glo;tcr Cj&t ba knotoctb not tbt laft bav : tbat 1)0 God the Reckmer, 5'ccond booKC. jtoi.HJ loh.S.fo Mat. 13, 2. ' loh.14 io,8z.6 35. Lu.34. 39. Ads.ao. 28. f}is onl^ maijoDc. i?o.: in rrfpcct tijat ^c 10 scdo, nei'ttjcr ran ticencrcafc in anpc tbing,anD be toojkctf) all tljtngs fo; bis otwne fafte,ncrtbcr 10 an^ tbpng IjiODen from UniM tsotfjc all tbings at co;M)tn0 &.j.ai be CpcaUetb not of bimfelfc: tljat be Dotb , to bis dDoobeau no^ to bis niaiibotcbut not bis otun iDil:b)ber it is favD,tbat \)t i botbe togctberifbat be batbe rcr eiucD of lIoKi.sp toas fnic f fcltttbisjobol^ b?longct!j to ! bis fatbcr potucr tc fo;0iue fins,to raife tp bjbom be fcil, to gcuc ngbtcoufnes, bolinrs anD faluation, to be maDe ioDge oucr tbc quicbe ano tbe DeaD,to be bono rcj) cuen as tbe fatber istfinallp, tbat be is f allsD ti)t Ivsbt of tbc teo^lDctbc groD to tbe free cboife of bvs olpn tjDiU,anl) f a i fljcpbearrj, tbe on!? Do.ie, tlje true \iint. neitbcr be fcne no;j felt.^niD ^et be Ootb not fcncralipafcribe tbefe i^m^s to bis nature of man onlr,but tafeetb ttjem tp^^ on binifelf, as if tijc? oiD agree toitb tbc perfon of tbe 2^eDiato?.115ut tl)t commu i,CoI.2.(5' nicating of pzop.zeties is in tbis,!^ Paul fa^tb fi)?it €i)D DiD by b^s otonc blouDc purcbafe tJnto btm a cburd):ano § ^e^D of glo^pe crucifico. 3gaine,ti5bcre3tObn i.Ioh^i.r, .Ioh»3. Ioh,3.i3 fai'etbjtbattbe mm of l^fe toas felte. SCrulp CDoD neitbcr batb blouD, no^ fuf-' feretb>no? can be toucbcD tuitb banoes. IBut bcraufe be lobpcb Voas botbe ber? CDoD anD man, Cb;iiffe being crucificD, DiD (bcD bis blouD fo? t)s: tbofe tbpngs ^ tocrc Done in bis nature of ma, are bm p;ioperI?,anD ret not toitbout refon, gc-- ue to l)is dDoDbcD.H liUe eraplc is,teber 3!obn tcHtWij tbat (DoD gauc fjrs foule fo.j bs:tberfo;^c tbere alfo tbc p.zopcrtyc of tbe manboDe is communicate lortb tbe otber naturcHgainctubcn Cb^iUc fa^D being v(^t conuerfant in eartl)itl)at no man batbe afccnoen into beaucn,but tbefonncofman tbat toas inbeauen: fruel\? acco;Dtng to bis manboDe,anD in tf)t fleilj tbat be baD put on , be toas not fben in beaue :but becaufc bimfrlf Uias botb dDoD anD man,bi reafon of tbc tni? t^e of botbe natures, be gauc to t\)c one tbat^UJbrcb belongcD to tbe otbcr. 3 ^ut moft plainly? of all Do ti)t(c pla? ces fct fojtb tbe true fiibCacc of Cb;iU, febrcb DO compeicbeno botb natures to- getbcrtof tobT?cb fo;t tbcr arc berp ma* UT? in tbe gofpcl of bim. fm t tobrcb is fberrcD,is fingularlr belonging neitbcr Ioh.4o.j loh 25.1 1. Cor. 15, Stc} fucb PcJerogatiucs baD tVjt fcnne of (^oD,tr)ben be ions IbetDCD in tfjc aelbc: iDiJt'cb ^Uljoij^l) be eniopcD \3}it\) bis fa* tbcr before tbc ItojlD Uiais n.aDc, ^et be baD t^zm not in ti)c fame maner, 0; tbe fame refpect,! Uib^cb coulo not be gcue to fuc!) a man as toas notbing but man. in tl)e fame meaning ougbt ijoe to tahe tbat tobicb is in paul:tbat €linn after tl)C iuDgcmcnt cuDcD, (ball ydoc bp tbe KingDom toCPoD anD tbe fatbcr:cuc tbe KingDome of tbc fon of but in tUs, tbat it ftgnifietb tbe meane &cgr£s: bctlyene goB anD tjs. jf o > tobicb purpofcmafectb tbat facing of paule: one <©oD, of tobom are all tbingsj i one iLo^Cbp tobome are all tbings^euen be to tobom tbe Doniitucn fo j a time is co? mitteo bt? tbe fat?)cr, tntill b^s Denine makttv be to befecne face to face, if ro Uibo fo far is it of t ani? tbing (ball tie? ca^,b^ pclDing bp f Dominion to l)i3 fa* tbcr, ^ be (ball become fo mucb J mo;^c glorious. if 0 J tbf Hbal cII?oD alfo ceafe to be tbe beaD of Cb.2i(Je,becaufe Cb?i(tes goobeo fl^al tben Qiint of it felf, luberas t>et it is cuacrcD toitb a certain beile. 4 3nD tbis obferuc-.tion (bal Do no fmal feruice to afroilc manv! Douts,if tbe rea* Ders DO titiv appl^e it.if o; it is maruel^ lous boti) mucb tbe t3nfkilfuU,pea fome not ttterlp bnlearneD, are cob^eD to^tb fucbe fojmcs of fpeacbe, tobicf) tbep fee fpokcn bi Cbuftitubict Do Incl agre mi tbcr U)itb iiis ©cDbeD no; \3)ith \iiB ma* boDc:becaufe tbc^ confiDer not tbat t\)ii Doe agree luptb bis pcrfon,tuberin be is fljelueo botb CDoD t man,anD tortb p of^ f^,bolu toel all tbings bang tcget!]er^tf tbe^ banc a fober crpofito?,to eramut fo great milterics Id fucb Dcaout reuerccc as tbci oug.bt to Ic.^ut tbcr is notbing ' Ano-.cn- ^ tbefe farious ffratifecfpirits trouble chin ad not.2Lbe^ catchc bo'.De of tbofe tbings x» ^gu^ ^a arc fpofeen of bis maboDcto take aluap \,s. bis goDbeD:i likctoife of tbofe tbings i arc fpoken of bis goDbeaD to take aia^ bis maboDe: anD of tbofe tbings ^ are fo iorntl^ fpoken of botlje natures, ^ tbe? feucrallv' agree lDi?tb neitbcr, to ta^ea^ toa^ boti;. XBut tubnt is ^ cIs but to fap, tbat Cb^ift is not ma,becaufe be is goD: anD i be is not (I5oD,becaufe be is man: anD tbat be is neitbcr man no> CDoD,be^ caufe b^ i^ botb man anD goDf ^e tber? fo;e DO Determine tbat Cb?iffe, as be i$ botb goD aUD man,ccnfilTing of botlj na* tures l)niteD,tbougb not confounDeD, is LU.33.& our 3lo;D I tbe true fon of gcD, euen ac* 44. cojDing to bis manbo^ctbougbe not b? ■ reafcn of bis manboDe.ifo; tl)c erro; of Ncflorius iis to be D;iuen far atuai? fro t)s, tobicb Uibe be luent about ratber to D;^atD in fonDer,iban to Dittinguilbe t\iz nature,DiD hi tW mean imagine a Dou* ble Cb.nff. ^'beras iue fee ^ tbe fcrip* turc crictb out tcitb Ioud toice agavntt ity Usber botb the name of tbe fon of god is geucn to bim tbat tuas bo;n of (> cair ^iny% tbe 5Ilirgin ber felf is calleD p mo* tber of ourlloiD. W. e mutt alfo betoarc off maDnes of tutichcs, leaflc Ujljile toe go about to (bct» tbe tjnit^ of tbe perf 0, toeDeftror eitber nature, ifo^ toe bauc aireaD^ allegeD fo man^te(fimonies,f j ftjerc are euer^ tobere fo man^ otber to , be allcgeD,liiber bis goDbeD in Diftingui j (bcD fro l)iB maboD, as mai flop § mou* , tbes turn of (1 moff contentious. 0nD a j litlc bereafter J toil aoioi^nc fomc tcilif j monies,to cofute better ^faineD Dcuife, butattbisp^efent, one place fl)allcom th bs.Cb^Mft tooalD not bauc calleD \^is loh.2.ip» ftcc of ^eDiatoa.anD it is altoar cafi? to boD^ a Cemple,t)nles tbe (^oPbcaD d\?d DUUncrlp God the RcScmer^ Neltoiius toafl \oo^tl}ilt coDcmncD in ^ ^inoiJeatC!;pbcfus,fo alfo teas tuti? chcs aftcrtoarD coDCJiinct) in i Nineties ofConftantinoplc f C!jalccDoit,fo;jaf* mut\) as it is no mo^c lalufuU to cofouH tijc tU)o natures m Cb;iftjtlMn it is to D;uiiu t^em in fonuer, 5-^ IBut in our age alfo tfjcrctnt^rrfcn tjp no lelTc pcftilcnt a monttcr, Machacl Scructtus, totjic^DiDtftjuft tnplaccof tbe fon of gou a faineu tiding maoe of § elTence of goD,of fpiritc, fleC&c anD tf)^« elements tincrcate^anD firft Ije ntnitti) tm Ctj^itt is br mv otber luai^ tS)c fon of onli? begottc lonnc IV tbc fonne of CDoD. fm ,f abbe tbe fameofmanl^rnoc. ^ith fromaftbeir firft beginning botb Angels 1 men tuer f reatco,toitb tbts conoition,^ goo tbulD be common fatbcr to tbem botb^if § fa!? tng of l^aul be truc,tbat Cb;itl tuas al^ tDai? tbe beao $ tbe firlle begotten of all creatures, to baue tbe firtt Degree in al: 31 tbinft 31 bo rigbtli? gatber tbat be toas alfo tbe fonne of dDoD before tbe crea^ tion of tbe t»o;jlD ♦ 6 But if bis filiatio(if 31 ma^ fo terme it)begafiac0betDasmanifetteD in tbe flefb,it fljal folloto, tbat be toaa alfo fon in rcfpect of bis nature of man.^eruct* tus anB otbcr fucb frentifee men,tDoalo baue it,tbat €\)^iit tx»bf cb appearcn in t\)z fle(b>is tbe Ton of (1I?od, bpcaufe out of tbe fielb be coulo not be calleo bv tbat name, ilioto let tbem anflocrc me tube tberbebe tbe fonne acco;D^ng to botb natures ano in rcfpctt of botb ♦ ^0 in DeDe tbct! p.:ate, but paule teacbctb far otbertoifc.^egraunt in Deoc,^ Cbnft tbe name of b!?s fonnes to bs, tbat are regenerate into a neto life : hut ^ name of tbe true ano onl\? begotten fonne, be gcaetb to €hn^ onlt?. ^i^otu can be be § onel^ fonne in fo great a number of bje tb?en, but becaufe be pofiTcffetb tbat b^ nature^tobicb tue baue receiueD bi gift^ 0nb tl)'^& bono;^ toe crtenD to t\}t tobole pcrfon of tbe ^eniatoj, tbat be be trul^ anD pjop;clg tbe fonne of CDoD, tobrcb toas alfo bo^n of tbe birgin, anu offereo bimfelfe fo;^ facrifice to b!'S fatbcr tjpon tl)z croire:but in refpect of bis (IDobbeaO, as HBaule teacbetb, tuben be fa^tbs tbat be toas feuercb out to p;jeacb the gofpel of (lI5ob,tiJbicb be bao before pjomifeo of i b^s fonne,lDbicb boas bs^ctten of § febe of HDauiD acco;ttiing to tbe fielb, anb nto clarebtbe fonne of cIDdd in potuer. llBut tDb?>toben be nametb bim oittinctlp thz fonne of SDauiD acco^iDing fo tf)z flete (boulD be fcucraU^ faf, tbat be toas be* clarcD ^ fonne of ©oD, bnleffe be meant toflbeto tbattb\?smD bang bpon fome otbertbing,tban bpon tbebernflet&ef if oj in tf)c fame fcnfe in an otber place be fai?tb,tbat be fuffcreo b^ ^ toeafenelTe of tbe ficlbj auD rofe again b^ tbe poloer of tbe fpirit, cuen fo in tbis place be ma« feetb a Difference of botb natures. SCru^ l^ t\)tv muff neoes graunt, i as be batb tbat of bis motber fo^ tobicb be is calleo tbe fonne of SDauiD, fo be batb t of bps fatber fo; b3bicb be is callcD ti)t fonne of c^oDtanD tbe fame is an otbcr tbing anD feuerall from ti)c nature of man . %f)t Scripture geuetb bim tiuo names, caU ling b^m bere anD tbere fometimes tbe fonne of !? tbis mark be ma^ be DifccrneD ft"om ^ be is callcD t\)C fonne of <0oD in refpect allott)cr.ifo;t(lgoDtioucbrauetbtogeue of tbe (goDbeaP anD eternall cfiTence, becaufe Ro.p. 2. God the Red cm«r. Second Boolrc. Fol.]4j Ro.8.32, Luk 1.32 i.Ioh.M Mic.5'.2 btuvid: it is no l^ffcmsele )1 it be rrfer* rctJ to tbc nature nf iiDoc , ]^ Ijc in calleD tbc fonnc of (©oD, tfjan to tije nature of matiy^ bcisctiUga tlje fonne of vpan. jagiiine, in tt)c fa ;nc place ^ 3 f)auc alle* geD,10aulc Dot!) mcanc ^ t)C tDbklj tuas acco^Ding to tfjcflcfl^ begottrof t^^ feDe of SDauiD, toas no otfjerloife Declared § fonne of (15oD in potor r,t^an Ije teacbetb in an otber placc>^ CbJtft lubicl) acco;^* Ding to tbc f leO) DcfccDeD of tfjc 3;cUjc0, tg^SoD bleffeD fo;^ euer. jjioto if in botb places tbe Difltnrtion of tlje Double na? ture be toucJ)CD,bp lobat rigbt tciU ttjep fap, ^ Ijc tD{)icl) acco?Ding to tlje fleC^ is tbe fcnnc of ma,t6 not alfo tbe fonne of (DoD,in refpcrt oftlje nature of dDoDf 7 2Df)epDo in DeeDe oifozDerl^ enforce foi tbe mainteintince of tlicir erro;i, tfjr place M)tit it is fa«D, ^ CDoD fpareo not br^ otune fonne : aciD Auljcre tlje ^ngell commaunDco , ^ tbe tcri? ffnnc \it tljat Ojoulo be bo^nc of tl^c birtxincOjgols be calleatbefcnneoffijc b^eH. 5ii5ot,lea(l tbevi fljoulD glo^p in fo acUlc an obicffi* on,lett{)e?ntee|? luit^ bs a little, boUj arongli? th^ r?afon. if 0 j if it be rigbt«= Iv concluDeiJ, ^ from bvs conception !je began to be tbe fonne of ©oa^bicaiife Ije tbatis conceaueD is calleD t^e fonnc of ©oD, tben (l^ill it felloUi , ^ be began to be the Wio^-a at ^is manifeaiiig in foe fleU), bccanfe Bioijn fartl;, ^ l)c b.jingctf) tij? tpDinges oftfj? Mo;ii3 of life, tnbic^ I)i3l)a!i5£rbatie Ijan^leD. ltil»etuifc tljat, toljicb is reaD in f? |9 jop^jet, t^ou Betb* lismin tbf lanb of 3uDa,3rta little one in tlioufanbs of 3KiDa : £DHt of tljce (ball be bcf^ne to me « gaioc to rtrle m^' peo^ pic 3ifracll;an9 Ijig comming fojtb from ttjc Ijtginning, from tbc traces of eter Cfj Jitt: tu!)cras bT> our Doctrine, Cb^ift batl^ maDc XiS tlje fonnes of (25oD )ob Urn, b^ rigbt of bjotberl^ coio^ning, bicaufe be 10 the onlp begotten fonnc of (Sod in tb? flcll) \3)liiii^ be tcohc of bs . ;anD Au# guftine Dotb toifclT? aDmonilft b0 ^ tljiis i0a bzigbt glaffe, lobcrin to bebolDe t\)t maruellous 1 fingular fauo; of goD,tbat be attaincD bono; in rcfpectetbatbci0 man Uibicb be roulD not Deferuc. JCber^ fojcCb^itllliJas aDo;ncD tuitb terser? cellcncie,euen accojDing to ti)c flcQ) fro tl)t toomb of bi0 motber>to be tbe fonne of (DcD> |3ct is tbcrc not in tbe tjnitic of pcrfontobe faincD fucba nurture, a0 map tatie aUiaT? tbat tutjicb is pjoper to tbe(il?oDf)eaD. ifo^ it is no mo;ie abfur^ Ditie,tbat tbe eternall iuo;iD of (II>oD anD Cbiiftjbf reafonoftbettoo naturc0 t^ niteD into one perfon, be Diuerfc toapes callcD ttie fonnc of dDoD, tiizntijat f)c be acfo:!;ing to Diucrfe refpectc0, calleD fometimc the fonne of CDcD , anD fome* time tbe fonnc of ma.j^nD no mo;jc Dotlj tl)at Dttjer canitlation of Seructcus acco^ ber bs, tbat before ^ Cb;ift appeared in tbe UettiM is no lobere callcD tbe fonnc ofCDoD,buttJnDer a figure , bccaufe aU rbougbtbc DcCcribing of bim, thm toa0 fomct»l)at Darh: nt Mjtras it is alrea* Dwclcrelr p^oucD tbat i)e \sas no otber# toi^fe eternall ©oD, but becaufc be toas the Wlom begotten of tljc eternall fa^ fber,anD tfjat ti\\:S name Dotb no otber^ Inifc belong to tbe perfon of tfje spcDia* toz tobicb be batf) tafeen tjpon bim , but becaufc be is CDoD openli? fljetueo in tf)e fle(ft: anD tbat C3oD v f^i^^jcr baD not bm calleD fatber fro tbe beginning , if ti&cre baD not tben bene a mutuall relalion to tbe fonncbr iobom all feinrcD 0; fatl;cr^ nittc. V>otD idi !b;v be compcllcD to er^ I b®De is recfeencD in bcauen f in cartlj: pounD hxji , if tfjet? tuill te content to ' bereb^ it is cafieto gafber, tljnt eucn in foUoVo fuc^ iitp.ne r of re afontngf j?oj 3 ■ tbe time of tbe latu f tbe p;iop!)f t0 , \)e b"uf p;otc!?eD,#tucBonotagr£E tuitb l!)a0^ fonne of Cl5oD,befo;c)/tbi0 name Ncllorius, iDbtc^ imagincD a Double i Utag commonly feno^^^enintlieC^urcb* . ~ SC.t, 3iBut T: ^*P_i*1 L c.a.7. Of tiic k-novvlcd^ of )lbut intjct? ariuc onell' aboittkc cntlv U5e:9, Salome tifrourfing cf § inSnitc t}igl)«cfirc of (DoD^ffirmet^ as tocll fjr?)^ foimc as f}tmfcirc to b: mc 6p mlUt ^£^"r €T5;iIi to be i> fonnc of C-oD, but in ttjis rcfpect t^ be Iras maoc man. BcfiDc tbat, all J olDcft tenters irittj one aicnttj 1 confent bane openly tefiiS> cB tbc fame : fo i^t tbcir fljamclefneGc w no icffc toejtfjt to bt tmntn tban to be abbo;rcD,t»t)id) bare obtett Irmeus anD i'crtulliaii agamfi ts, botfjto^id) J30 cofrffc i^ tb? fcnnc of dDoD tuas tnut* 6ble tubif b afcericaro appearco bifible. 8 But altbcua!) Scructtus batb beapcD bp!)o;rtb!c mcnCrow nmttSyVbhU^ pcrabuenturctbeottjcr tooultjc notaf^ IcU): ret if re p^rflTc tt?em baru, ve Ojall pcrccaue tutall thtv t W not acftnoto^ leDge €finit to be tbe fonnc cf (^00 but in ^ flc^, DO graunt it ondp in tfy^e rc^ fpeft,'bat fjr Ura5 ccnceaucD in § toomb of tbe tSJirgtncb^ tbc fjof? (E^fjott , Ir^e astbe £^antr[jfles in olictvmcbtbf©«' lil^lp aff irme, t^at man fjati; fjtJ5 foulc (asttUjerc)bptJeriua(ion from Oob, bccaufet(je)?rcab ^d^b bjeaiJjcb into aoam tbe b^ct& of Irfc.if 0; ^tv tafec ro fafibolceof § namcof fonne, tftat tfjet Icauc no Difference betUiene i natures, but babble DifojDerir,tbat CbnH being »wn, is tbc fonnc of (^oD,becaufe aeco^ mng to biec nature of man, be is begot* ten of eob . ^0 tijc eternall begetting ofloifebom,tbats>abmon fpeaKctbof, IS bcCropecanu tbcre is no acconipt mabe off (Sonbcb in ^ g^eoiato; , 0; a pbanfaac?5 g^ott is tUuvt in place of tbc manbfflb. 3St toere in ocoe profitable to confute i groOfcr occeiteg of Scruettus, tuberetettt) be batf) beluttctieo btmieite anb fome otl^er , fo tbc enu t tijt goblv reaoers abmonifljcD b^ tlm eratnplc, ma^ bolbe tbemfclucs luitljin fbecom* paCeof fobcrneCre anb mooefip : lauing tbatBltbinhe it 6}oulo be fuprrfiuons, bicaufe 3 laue alreabv Bono it in a bofee bv it (die, Si:ijefummc of tbem cbmetii to tbts effect, tljat tbc fonnc of ©ob teas afojmeinmtnoc from t\)t bcjinmng, ans euen tl;en be teas befo;e appotntexj to be man tbat fljculbebe tbe cfTtntiaU image cf Cob. S!nb be bctb acfenotolcge no ot^cr Wioxti cf dDoo, but in cattearb f^cte . E:brs be f i?rounbctb to be t^e begetting of fjvm, tb:':ttl)cre teas begot? teiun€>cDfrcm tbe beginning a teill to beget a fonnc , tetjtcb tiUo in acte cxf tenbcb to tlit mtwe it Ictf . Sn $ mranc t^me be confounbetb tbc Opiate \}3ith tbe ^o;jo,fc? ^ in tbe clouo i in tl)C pittcr of ficr. i}5cUi iKJtD Cjamef jll^ f)c fomtime oifagrcfij toitb !)imfelfv', it toere to tccious to re^ Iberfe.Bt' tbis fbojt rcdtall tbcreao.TS ^ bauc tl)eir foiiae lint mav gatf)cr,ti?at U»itt) tbe ruttle ctrciiltdnces of ttiis tm cleane Dog tbe bope of faluation is ttter I^ crtinguifibeD. ifo? iftfje flcO^etoerc tbc goDbcat) it felf,it fboulo ceatTe to be tl)t te.nple tberof. jano none can be our reDemer,butbe ^begotten ofttefeeoe of abjabam ano E>auiD,i0 acco^Bing to tbe flcfl) truclr maoe ma.3nD be lu<:og^ fuUv ffanoctb tpcn tbe \doz^ of 3£cbn, tbat tbe tuo J?) teas mabe fUt^c , fo^ as tijci? rcQa tht crro: of Ncftorius,fo tbei nothing ftirtber tbis U)ic??eD inucntion, Ujbcreoftuticl.es ujoiS aatbo;, fo;af* mucb as tbe onclv purpof? of tbe Cuam geliftlra^to Dcfctvotbetjmtie of per* Tom! in tbe tu;c natures. Thr xyXhaptr-, That vvc may knovv,to what end Clirift was (ent oFhis Father, and what he brought v$: three thinj^s are pnncr^a ly to be con- fideredin him, hi$ Prophetiuli office^ his kingdomc, and his Prieflhode. ^Vguflinc faitb rf gbtl^, i> a!fboug!> j arr affcnamct) among tbe Vu^ifiS.hvii tbe l^eretifees Do biaggc of p name c0lDl^aaotonogrcaip:oftt, lubcritis of Cb;ift> ^et tbe^ bane not afl one fcii Dation toitb 1^ goDlf ,but tbat it remai netb onelv p;op;re ts tbe cburcb. if o; if notljnoujen tubat t^t of tbefc titles ca tzinzt\) in ii^WiZ baue feiD bcfo;e,bolu, tbougb goD fenDing |a;opbetes b^con^ tbefe tbings be Df ligentl p confiOcreD, | tinuall conrfe one after an otber did ne tijat bclog to Cbnlt.Cb jift (bal be foiiD uer leaue \r^s people Deffitnte of p;ogta among tl)em onlp in name, % not int)e^ rp Dao. ^0 at tbis oav tbc papiftcs,aU tbougb tbe name of tbe fonne of goo, re^ Demer of ^tuoilo^fcuD in tbeir moutb: ^ct bicaufe being cotenteo toitb tainc p;ctcnce of tbe name, tbei? fpovlebi?m bleD04trine,anDfucbas teas fufficiciit to faluation: tbat tet tbe minoes of tbe gool^ baD altaar tbps perfiBafion, tbat fu4l l^gbt of tjnDerttaoDrng toas to be bopeD fo; cnlv at tbe comming of £^ti* fxa^ : rea ariD tbe opinion Ibercof U^as CoUi, »9 ofbispoittcranD Dignitic : tbrs failing I come>eMeu to tbe ^amarrtancs, tobo of Paul maf be \r?cll fpoHcn of tbe,tbat I ^et n^uer bnetoe tbe true relpgton , as tbe? baue not tbe beci0Xberefc;e>tbat apjjeretb bp t\iz faring of t}:iz toomam favtb map finbe fotmD matter of falua? U)i)cn S^cffias commctb> be fball teacb tion in Cbnft: and fo reft i\\ bim, tb\'s , bs all tbingcs. 2nD ^t Jctocs bau r.ct principle is to be lIabirfl[)c^,tbat b;it of^ \ rafbi? gatbereo tbis Vjpon p;icfnmpti6s fee tobicb is couunttteis to bim b^bi's in tbeir minosibut a0 tbe? tocr taogbt iratber,canaCetb of tb.zce pans. jf o; be bp affarcD o jadcs>rc tht"^ brttnea. .^ic^ is gcuen botb a piopbet,s i^iug, ano a table anicug tUc otber is t\\?X faving cf ^;2iefi.aibrif ,it bcrc but fmal p:onte Cfare:i5el)olD>3! bauematc bim a \i)tt^ to l:nctoc tbole names.ujptbout Uiioto^ nes to pcoplf 5,ai b^^'i^e gcucn brm to be IcJgc of tbc cna t tjfecf tbcm. jfo; tbep a criivoc ann ^^cholematO'cr tn oco:^?**?: s« loh. ffa 'Au.iJ. cucu ICap.ij*. iileb.ii. Of the knowledge of ;i in74 9 • Dan.p. fa Si.U twtw as m an ottjer place tjc b^i^ wUcD ftim 1^ angel tt interpreter of tt;e great counfcliifter tljjs mancr f ^poftle c6/ mrnoing tl)c perfeorio of v tiectrine of f gofpcljafter ^ be baQ fart),!1jat goD in t olDetrmefpafectottJC ipat^crsb? tl^e P;op!)ctf0 cinerfit!, ano imoer man^^* folo egttrc0, aODctt) ^ latt of al be fpahe tjiito tjfi b^ !ji0 beloueD fonne. 16ut bf ^ caufe it tuaxj tbe comon office of § ]?^o# pbef fs to )^v^t § Cljurcb in fufpcncc, i to t)pbold it tjntill tbc coming of § ^e^ Diafo:,tbcrfo;c tee reaoe f m tbetr feat tcriug ab^oDc, tbe fattljfull complameo tbat tb^p tuere Dcp;ineD of tbaC o;Dina ric bcnefite, failing : tua fee net our to^ Iien6:tbere is not a p;topbet among ts: tber is no mo^an^ ^ batb fenotoleoge. Ii5ut toben Cb;ift teas nolo not far of, tbere toas a time appornteb to SDanicll to feal0 tp tbe ttfion % tbe pjopbet,not onclp tbat tbe p;opbcct?, \xi\iit\i is tberc fpofeeii ofjftjulD be (tablilbcD in aCureo crcDit,batairotbat tbe faitbfnU l^oulD learnc Vo^fb contenteo mrnD to toant tbe l^jcpbrtes fo; a trme, bvcanfc tbe fulneCfeano clofingtpofal reuelati5s teas at bantjc. 2 ii^olD it ts to be noted, tbat ^ title of Cb^ia f AniToyntcd) belongetbto tibffe tb;eB offices, ifoj tue fenoto ^ in ^ time of tbe laiij as U?cl { p^opbcts as p^iio^ Ht^ $ feings toere annointeD iuitb boli? orlc»if 02 tolncb caufe i renomeD name ofiSpefiias toasgcucnto tbep^jomifcD SPeoiato; . 115ut t\^\x^ke in teo ^ con^ feirc(as i baue alfo ceclarcD in an otber place,) tbat be tuas calleij spellias b? peculierconfioeraticn t refpcaof br^ feingDome: pcttbeannointings m re* fpcct off office of p;opbct |ofl^;iiea, baue tbeir place , ano are net to be ncg* lectfOofts. !£)ftbcnr(loftbefetiPois crp^cfTe met io maoc in Cfaie, in tbefe Ujo^ds:? fpiriteoftbclojD^eboua tpo mcXberfo;: t\^t iio;D batbnr.nointcD mutW^ 3 tfcoulo p^f acbs to tbt mcKe., (bulo b;ting bealtb to tbe rotrite in bart, fijulD Declare Del^uerancc to capfiues, fijoulo pubitO) tbe )perc of gQ3D tovll. f c. XMt fee tl>at he Ijuas anno^meD Uiigtb § fpirit,tD be t\it publifber ano twif nes of tbe grace of t^^z fatber, ar.D tbat not af^ ter t\it comcrt maner : fo; be is ieuereD fro otber teacbers, i> baD tbe Uttc office. £nD bcre againc is tc be nctcD> iXiHi be toke not tbe annomtmg fcj bimfelfe a* lcnf,tbat be migbterecute tbe ofitcecf teacbing,but foj bis tcbclc bcDp,tbat in bis continuall p^eacbtng cf tbe gcipeil, tbefeertucof ii^z fpirite fljoulpe iornc iuilbal.ll5nt in i%t meane time tbts re^ matnetb certain , tbat bi? ttis pcrfeaio cf Doctrine tobycb bcbatb bjongbt, an enDc is maDc of all p;jopbccies : lo t^>at tbep CO Dimtnifi) bis autijo?itie, tbat be ing not contente \^ i\:iz gofjjell. Do patcb ani? fo;jain tbing tjnto it.jrc; tbat ticice tubicb tbunD;ieD frombeaacn, faring: ttjii& \B v^ bcloucD fon,beare bim: batb auannceo bim bv lingular p;tutlrgc a^ boue tiit Degre of all otber. 2:;bcn,tbrs Of ntmente is pcnreD ab;joaDe from Vsz be aD bnto all tbe members : as it Iras fo^dptfeen If 3ioell:vm;r cbilD^cn fbail picpbecic, anD ronr Daugbters Gjall fee tifions.f c. iSottcbcrepaul fartbjtbat U j ^ be \x!>A& gf nen tis Unto tovfeocme : anD in an otber place, tbat in bim are b^De al tbe trcafures of fenotDlr Dge i tjnDer^ l!anDini3: tits batb (omcUibat an otber meaning : tbaf i^^tii^t cut of bim tbere isnotbing profitable tobnclre, f tbat tbei? Uitiicb bv fartb perceaue tobat be is, banc comprebenDcD tbe U?bole in^ finttniiTe of icauenlr goD tbinges.iro; lubrcb caufe le torvtetb in an otber place: ji ^nm ttyit^ it pjcctous to ImoU) nctbuig^tut r^u'us Cb:ift5 brmcriici^ fieDiUibicb IS mofie true, breauie it i$ net Itilrf ul tc pane bcvcnD tbe drnplici' tic of tbe golpelUino !>crrt nto rrnPet^ Mat 3. 17 Iod.2«28 i.Cor.i. o* V:it I. Cor, 2, God the Rcdcmer. Second Book e. fo! 147 L\il<. 1.33 Pr.8:?.35 £6.9.8, (> Diotnitie of a p:oj)^etg office in C!?;ift, tl)ai\J)Z migtjt hnoto ]5 in tbe frwn of rtjjj Doctrine toinci) t^c l^atf) tauglj- ,cii*e cotei* neo all po^ntcs of perfect toifcDoiuc. 3 j]5oto com i to t)^0 bingOom»of toljifb it toere tj^jinc to fpeake , if (17^ re aPcrft toer not firC tuarnec, i! tfte nature ttjer of is rpiritualI.iFc;tberb|» isgat^jereD, botf) to iDbat purpofe it feructfj,! lol^.it it auailcto tjs, i tije totjolc fo; cc t cter^ nitie t!)ercof,anD a!fo § eternitie t»l)ic!j in 2DamcI! tl?e angeU tjoffj attribute to tbc perfon of Cb;rft:anDagaine Vqc fm« gell in tube Dotb tDo^tbil^ applp to tftc faloation of tl)t people. liSnt tfjat is alfo Double o;i of ttno fo;te0,fo; tbc one bclo^ getb to tbetiibole boD^ of tbeCburcb, i otber is proper to euerp member , SEo tfje firft isf to be referred i Ujbicb is faio in f be l^fa'me : 3 baue once ftoo;jne fct? mt^bol^ncCetoSDaaiD^Sl Imll notlt'e, to feoc (ball abroe fo;j eucr , b^s ff ate (ball be as tbe funne in mr 0g;bt,it (ball be (tabliOjco as tbe mone foj euer, an^ a faT!tbfaU hJitnelTe in beauen. j^citber is it boubtrull, bnt tbat dDoD totb tbcre p;romife, ]^ be U)i!l be br tbe bano of bis fonne an eternal gouernrr anu Defender of bvsCburcb. ifoj 1^ true performance of tbis pjopbecic csn be fbuno no toberc els but in €^}iit: fo^afmucbas immebi^' atel^ after tbe bcatb of Salomon, tbe greater part of tbe bignitic of tb: l^ing* Dome fell atoap, f \ms to tbe ciRjonoi oftbeboufeof2>amD connepeo ouerto a Parnate man , anD aftc rtparD bp title anb litle tuas Dintininjeo, till at Icngtb it rame to btter Deca^ toitb beaupanD (bamcfull Dedruftion.^nD § famemeai» ning batb tbat ewlamatio of €fap:U)bo (ball fl)rU) fo;jtb fivs generation^if 0; be fo p;onounf ctb t CM^ djall remain a^ Uuc after noiti):, ^ be iovnctb brm loitb to members. Sbcrefo;e,fo oft as toe bearetbatCbiift is armcD tuitb efer^ nail polpcr> let t)s remember tbat (be euerlaffing countenance of tbe Cburcb IS bpboloen br tb^s fuppo^t, to remain Hill fofcamog tbe troublcfome toDTings, iubcrU»itb it iscotinuallt? bereD, ano a? mcng tbe greuous f terrible motions tbat tbzeatcn innumerable Dcfltruttios. ^0 lobcniDauiD fco^netb t^t bolDnelTe of brs enemies,tbat go about to b^eal^e tbe pohc of CDoD ano of Cb;i(t, f faptb, tbat tbe binges % peoples rageD in bain, becaufebe tbat Dluelletb in beauen is tttonq, enougb to bicafte ti)cir biolcnt aflTaultcs : be aCTuretb tbe goclp of tbe contmuall p^eferuation of tbe Cburcb, ano encouragetb tbcm to bopc toell fo oft as it bapprnctb to be opp:c(rcD. &o I in an otber place, Icbcn be fat?tb, in the L^ perfon of C5oo : (it on m^ rigbt banD,till y^^^-3^ 31 mabe tbinc enempcs tbv fotcffoile: be tuarnetb tjs,tbat bolw man^ % fl rong enemt?es focuer do ccnfpireto bcCcge tbe Cburcb* V^t tbcp bane not Crcngtb enougb to p^euaile againft ^ bncbangc^ able Decree of CDoD,U>bcrebv be batb ap* popnteo bvs fcnnc an etrrnall IRing: Ujbcrupon itfoHotuetb^tbat it is impor* fibletbattfKDeoill luitb all tbe p?e?a^ ration of Mic V^}D;>!D, map be able atan^ time fo beffro? tht Cburcb , labitb is grounocD bpon v etcrnol feat of Cbriff. j]5ot»fo p banD of Cbriftjlet bim lojbe for tbe full frute of tbl?s grace in tbe toorlD to conte. %Mt 4 SCbut Pfa.iio. loh.'.S. Cap.i^ Of the knowledge of- Luk.17* 23. 4 TOat,a5toel)aucfarD,tf)cfo;ccano pjofite of tf)c liingoomc of €fj;tift,ca not otfeertuifc be perceauco bn t)3 , but tobf toe bnotD it to be fpirituaU,appcarcttj fufficicntl^ fboujjfj it lucre but bi? tWt tbat tobile toe mutt liue in toarfare ton* oertbefroffe,uunng tbe UJboUcourfe of our lifc,our ettate w ban) ant mife? rabu:ljubat thm (boulD tt p;o6te t)0 to be gatbereo togetbcr bnocr tbe bomini* on of a bcauenl^ king,tjnlctre toe toere certaine to enioije ti)t f rute tberof out of tbe ttate of tbrs cartbl? lifef ;anb tbcrc* fo^e it t« to be fenotoen , i tobatfoencr fclititie is pjomifeo ts in Cbntt>tt con* fiaetbnottn outtoarb commobtties, i^ toe OboulD leabea merrp anb quiet life, fIo^t(be tntoraltb,be aflfurcD from all barmeis, anb floto full of tbofe belitefuU tbingeg ^ t\^t f Iclb is toont to oeCre, but tbat it toboU^ bclongetb to tbe bcaucn* ll5 l^fe. HBut as in tbe too;lD ti)t p^ofpe^^ rous f oefircb ttate of p people i$ partly niaintcinebbrplcnttc of g©b tbinges anb peace at bome,anD partly br ttrong fojccablc Defences, tobercbt? it ma^ be fafc againtt outtoarb t)iclcncc:fo Cb;ift alfo Dotb cnricb bt?s tottb all tbrngs ne * ceUarr? to cternall falaafion of foules, 1 fo;tifictb tbem \})it\) ftrengtb,b\? tobicb tbe^ mat> ttao inaincible againtt all af beranf^ tbe bingcom of gob is toin \i$ it ttjall not f ome i6 obferuation. if 0; it is libelf ^ becaufe %t pjofefTeb ^ be toas § fame bing,bnber tobom tbe foueraigne bleCTing of gob toa0 to be bopeo fo;>tbe? in fco;n reqaireb bint to (beto fo;tb br^ fignei^.liBut be,brcaufe tbe^(tobo otber* toife are to mucb bent to i eartb)(boulb not fcDlilbli? rett topon too^tlolp pompes, bintttif tbf to enter into tbeir oton con^ fcience0,becaufe tbe bingbom of Oob is rtgbteonfne5,peace ano io^t in tbe bol? j^oft . I^ereb^toe areb;afirtaugbf, ^Q^. „ tobat t^t feingbome of Cb?itt auat'Utb t)0.ifo; bitaufc it is not cartWp 0; flett^^ lr,rubietf to coKuptiOybut fpintuall: be liftetb b0 t)p eoen to eternall l^fe, t toe ma? pat ietli? paffe ouer tb^s Ivfe in mi* ferte£{,buger,colbe,contempt,rcpjocbe« f ottier grr ue0,contentcb \3)i^ ttf^s one tb\?ng,tbat our bing toill neuer leaue ts Dettitute^but fucco; ts in our neceD fities,till bauing enbeb our toar,toe be calleb to triumpbe. if 0; fucb is bis ma* ner of reigning , to communicate toitb tos all ^ bebatb receaueo of brs fatber. ijiototoberas be armetb anb furnifl)ctb ts \xtit\) potoer, and garnilbetb ts toitb bcautie anb magniSceitce , cnrtcbetb t)s toitb tocaltb: bereb? is minittteo tmto jtismottplentifull matter to glo^^top^ faultes of fpirituall enemies. Mbcrb? | on,anD alfo bolbe courage to figbt toitb toe gatbcr, ^ be rcignctb mojefo; bs . out feare againtt tbe beuill, finne, anb tba foj bimfelf,anD ^ botb \iii^in i )siia) \ beatb. if inallr, tbat clotbcb iDitf) brs out: tbat being furniOjcb, fo far as auD all tonges confeflfe t^t it is to tfje glo^ie of (DoD tbe if atber. if 0^ eucn in tbe fame toojDesalfobefcttetb out in tbebing^ DomeofCbnft anojoer nctclTarpfb; our p;efcat toeabneffe.&opaul gatbe^ retb r^btlr* tbat bi? tobo are all tbings anD tocby^pm, (aigtbpaqt^ibfrfigon XC.iiii^ ^ ifTa.33.22 Of the kiiovvled^e oF Pra.1.9 is rrgljtl^ gattjcrcD tijat be is tbc fHfe fame goo^to^id; b\? tl)z uioutb of Cfai? affirmcD Ijtmfelf to betljc biiiganD t^e IdUjmaHcrof tfjc c^urcfjifo; tt)ongf)ljc Do eucr^ iubcrc cal al tt(c potecr tfjat ^e featlj, tljebenefitf cnu eiftcof tljcifa* tber,vet Ijc mcanrtb notb^ng els, but p t^c reigbtnctb br pofcocr of goo: b^caufc be batb tberfo;c put on tl)t perfcnagf of tbc flpeoiato^tbat Defccnbing from tbe bofomc « incomp;ebenlible glo?^ of tbe fatbcr,be mrsbt app^ccbnpetjnto ts. ;?»no fo mncb me^e rrsbtfuU it ia , tbat \s3t be Uatb al cofent p;^cparcD to obef, I tbat loitb great cbcrefulncs toe Dtretf our obeotences to W rommaunoemet* ipo? 86 be tc^netbtbe office© of feing f pafto,j totoarD tbcm ti)^t toilltng!^ relt) tljemrclucs obcDienttfo on tbe otbcr fioe toe beare ^ be bearetb an \>^on fcepter, to b^jeahe 1 b^cofe all ti)z obttinate l^ftc potters \)eirels : toe^ btare alfo tbat be (ballbe^tbeiuDge ofnation^r, tocouer tbe eartb \3a^V) DeaD co^pfe?, f to ouer^' tboto tbe befgtb tbat (ranoetb againtl^ bim.^'f tobicb tbtng tbcre arc tome ex* amples fen at tbis Dar:but ^ full p;ofc tbereof (ball bee at t\)t laft iuDgenicnt, tobicb mar alfo p;iop^elr be aceempteu tbe laft act of bps bingDomc. 6 Conccrnt?ng bis p^ie(tboDe,tbu0 it is b;efelr to be bol!)en,tbat tbe end ano t)fe of it 15, tbat he IbulD be a ^roiatoj pure from all fpot, tbat Ojoulo br bis bo linelTe reconcile fcs todDou.HBut licaufe tbe iuft curfe poffrfTctij tJjc entrie , ano C&oD accfl^tfing to bis cfficc of iuti.n^ is bent aga^nft tjs , it is neccflfarve tl^nt fomc erpiation ba tfcJ3, tl^at he bc'gi:6out Dout t^is toil toas to eUablilb tbat p;inctpall point,tobicb be feneto to be ^ cibcfe io^nt toberupon our faluation banged* Sf^h as it is faro, tbere tjs no toar open fo; \)g 0; fo; our patera to (Doo> tinles our filtbincfifc being purged, i pnettesdo fanctifte tjs 1 olterne grace fo; bs , fro tobicb tbe bncleanneflie of our torched doings « finnes dotb debarre ts. ^0 do toe fec,^ toe mufi beginne at tbe deatb DfCb;itt, tbat tbe efficacie andp;ofite of bis p;iellbooe mar ^^nie tnto bs» £)f tbrs it follotoetb tbat be is an ctcr^ nail interccffo;,br tobofe meditatio toe obternc fauo;, tobereupon agarne ari* fetb not onclr affiance top;ar»^but alfo qutctnclTc to godlr confciences, tobrlc tljer raff Ir if ane tjpon t^e fatbcrlr ten* scrr*clfe of CDod, and are certarnlr per? ftoaded i it pleafcf b bim tobatfoeuer is DcdicdtcD fo hvnx b j? tf)c 2^ediato;.^ut tobereas in tbe t^mt of tbe lato,(^od c5 nnunded facridccs cf braffes to be offie' red to bim:tbcre toas an otber f a neto o;dcr in Cb;iit,tbat one fijuld be botb tbe facrificed boft,t tbe i0;ieft: brcaufe pr.uo.4. latoful fo; r p;ieft to enter into t fane tberc nertl)er could be found anr otber tuarie toitbout blflpd, tbat tbeiar^bfull mcete fatiffaflion fo; finnes, no; anr ~ toas Aa»4.i2 GodtlicRcdtincr. tuastobltljrcTo great fjono^ to offer tp to (2DoD lji0 unit? bS0Ott0n fcunc. j^oijjc €.hM bcarctf) § pcrfon of a p;ieft, not onl^ bi? ctrninl mean of rcccnciiiation to inafec ttic j?atbcr fauo;ablc t mcrci* ful tnto l)£(>but alfo to b^tn^ ^0 info tbc felctoflbip of fo great snljono;. i?o;toe tbat are DcfilcD in our fclueB, vtt being maoe ^ntHcs in bim Doe offer tp oure relue0,anD all ours to CDoD,anli bo frelp enter into ti)t beauenli? fanctuarie, tbat al tbe faerifue of p^a^er ano p^aife tbat (omeffomts, mare be acceptable anD ftoete fmeUing in tbe Cgbtof (^oD. ^nn , , tbuB far Dotb tbat faring of Cb;i(te cp Joh.17.1j' jgj^j,, fQ, (ijp^j f^jjpg 31 fanrtif^ nxv fclf: bccaafe^bauing br^ bolincs pcr.reD bpo J^ Ro.i,^. Mat. 1,2 econdBookc. VdiM9''\ Ij^mfeife tofi^Y fatficr, tJc tbat otbrr^ ' iDitc Do t^imt btfo?e bim,Do plcafeiji-^ aspurt' I clrane,reaaiiDbo!v. ^jcribm i9 fcrprtb (ijc ennovnliiig cf tbe fenttu* ar^jlubcvof mf tiun ia vnatic in Daniel, if oj tbe ccinparifen cf contrarictr i^ to be nctcD LctU3encti)i0 snnorni-tr<5,auD tbat fl>aDoU)ifljc annovnting tbat if;im Uia5 in bfcau if tbe 0ngcl fboulDc bauc fa?D,tbat tbe fljaDctoefi being Djiuen a-- Uiar,tbcrc tbulD be a clcarc |3;ic0boDc in tbe perCone of Cb;iffe« i^nD fo mucbe mo^e Deteffablc is tbeir inuctio, IrbTcb not contentcD iuitb t facnecc of Cb;itt^ baue p^efumeD to tb;uft in tbemfelurs to kill b^m : tobpcb is Dail\? enterpjifeo among tbe pa^QsMcrt tbe spaffc is t6,inafmucb as be batb otfcreo ts loitb ' redtnieD a facrifice of Cb;itt. Thc.xyiXhdptrr. How Chrift hath fulfilled the office of Rcdcmcr,to purchacc faluati- onfor v$. Wherein ij intreated of his Dcathe,and Rcfurreciion,aiid his afccnding into heaueu« \\\ lijisA tuebaue betberfo fa^Dcof ■^cb^ittjts to be DirccteD to iA^is mark, tbat being DamncD,DeaDe,f lott in oure felueSjloc mar fake fo;^ rtgbteoufnes, DeIiuerance,l^fc,anD faluation ix\ brwi: as toe be taugbt bi? tbat notable favnng of peter,tbat tbere is none olber name tnDer bcauen geuen to me Irberin tbei muft be faucD. ^c^tber luas V:\t name ofB;efusg£ucnbl?m bnaDuifeDlr, o;at cbimnceable aDuenture,o; b^ tbe vuil of men. lut b;tougbtefrom bcauen bv> tbe jangcljtbe publidjcr d* CDods Drcrc:,anD tovtb a reafon alfo alTigneD : bccaufe be toas ic'4tt to faue tbe people from t\^tn finnes. Jn lubicb Uto;iD£ tbat is to be no? tcD,U«brcb U)ebaac toucbcD in an otber plDce,tbat tbe office of reDemer tnas ap' popntcD brni)tbat be il^oulD be our faui* 0; : but in tbe mcanc time our reDenip«= tion (boulD be but tnperfe(te,t)nleire be Q]OulD b^ continuall p^occDings conuer bs fojloarD to t tjttermott mark of fal^ Dan.p. 24. uaf ion.STberfo^cfo fcne as toe ftoaruc neucr fo little from bim,oure faluation b? \iit\t f little tjanil^etb atoap,tob?£b toboli' rettetb ix\ br»«: fo t all ^bc^ ^i^ fullp fpcile tbemfelucj3 of all gracctbat reft not in bimjanD tbatabmonition of Bernard is too.jtbi! to be reljearftD, tbat t ulr.31, tbe name of |efus x% not onel? ligbt,but j Bcr.m* alfo mcate,tea,anD o^lc alfo,tortbcutc ca.fer.jf. iubicb all tbe meat of tbe fculc is D;r,f tbat a is alfo falt,toitbout tl)c fr ftfcning tobcrof,all tbat is ret bcfo;c ts is bnfa^ uoj^.irinallv,^ it ib bon? in § nwut)^c, meloD? in tbe earc,ano ioffijlncs in tbe beart,anD alfo nu^Dicine, anD tbat tobat focucr IS fpoltcn in Difputation is bnfa^ uo^pe, but tubcrc tbv^ name (oiaiDctb. ^ut bare it bebouctb to toci? Diligent* Ip, botoc faluation is purcbaCtD b^ b!?m fo;^ bsttbat toe mai? not onelt be pcrfua DeD tbat be is t^c autbo; of it, but alfo emb;acin0 fucb tbings as are fufficient to tbt ftcbfaft bpbolDing of oure failbc, 'Cap.^l Of the knowledge of toema^refnfcallfuffjttingsaBf mi^t D^atne tjs atoa^e better o} ttjetljer.iFo j fitb no m in can mktm into Ijrmfclf, « ear.icai? ccnfiocr totjat Ije w,but fdins CDoD angrv f bent againft liimM ^att)e neoe carefully to fehe a meane ano Uia^ to appcnfe bun, tubtcboemamioetbra^ ttffaction : tb^reis no common aflureO' ncs rcqutrcD, btcanfc tf)C tu^atb f curfe of (S^oo Uetb alDa^t)pon finner$,ttl tbe^ be lofe from tbetr giUine0:tDl)o,as b^ is a ^(gbteous tuose, fufferetb not bts latu tob£;b;oltettlD]?tboutpunin^ment, but is reao^ arnieo to reuenge it 2 HBut before toe go an? furCber,it is to be feene bi? tbe loap, botue it agreetb to^ getber>tbat (&oD tvbtcb p^euenteo bs l6 bis merci)e,l0a0 onre ennemi? bmill be tsas rcconcileo to Ms b? Cb^itte. ifo; boU) couto be baue gcuen Ms in b?s one« 1^ begotten fonne a fin^uler pleogc cf b^s loue, bnleile be bao alrcaore befo;e tiist enib^aceo bs \Ditl) ])is free fauouref laicaufc tbcrfo^c btre arifctb fomc fec^ ming of contrariet^c, 3 toill firtt bnooe tbis¬.SCbe l^oI^gboUe commonire fpeahetb after tb^s manerintbefcrip^ tured, tbat dDoo load maoe ennem^e to ratjtiltbc^ toere refto;eD into fauo; b^ tiit oeatb of Cb;i(t:tbat tt^ei^ toer accur^ fei^tilltbeir tntquttve Uias purgeo bi? CoLi 2u' titf facri8cc:tbattber lucre feucreofro dDoD, till tbe^ toere reccioeo irtto a f on<^ io^nin^b? bis boo^e. ^ucbe manner of pb^afes are applied to oar capaciti?,tbat tie mav t^z better bnoerffano boU) nii^ ferable anD \D^ttc\)tD oisn effatc iSy bts ing out of Cb;itt. ^; if it tocr not fpo^ ben in erp^effe tDo;Qs, tbat the U);atb f 45cngeacc of uereo tbee from tbat perill: trul? be toill be moueo tortb>l in fome part feele boto mncb be otoetb to f mer« creof (IDoo» :ii5ut if be bcare on tbe otber fioe tbat tobicb tbe l^cripture teacbetb, tbat be tuas b)? fin eltrangeo from CDoo tbc beire of to;atb,fubiecte to tbe eurffe of eternall oeatb, erduDeo from at bope of faluation, a Granger from al bleCTing of (lDoD,tbe bonoflaue of ^atan,capttne tnoer tbc i?ofee of fin, iFinaUr,o^oaineo bnto f alreao\? entangleo toitbbo;rible oeftruction,tbat in t\)is cafe Cb^iCte be? cameanintfrccffoito entreat fo;bim, tbat €^nfi toke tpon bim ano fuffereo tbepunifljmenttobicb bp ^wftiuoge^ mientofvir^oD Dio bang oner all finners, tbat be batb pnrgco tottb bis bluo tbofe euels tbat maoe tbcm batcfuU toCoo, tbatbrtbiserpiatiois fufftcient fatif# faction and facrifice maoe to goo tbe fa< tbcr,tbat b^ tbis interrcCto^ bis to;jatbc toas appcareD:tbattovtbin tbis founoa? ttonrcQetb tbe peace bettoenegooano men:tbat bpon tbrs bonoe is conteineo bis gcDOtDtU totoaro tbcm : (ball not be be fo mucb tbe mo^e moueo toitb tbefe, as it is mo;e liuel? rep;refenteo,outc of boUic great mifert) be batb bene deliue^ reo :^ Siu a fumme : becaufe ooreminoe can neitber Defiroua? enottgbtabe bolo of l>?fe in tbe mcrc^ of (lI>oD,noj recehte it to vtb fncb tbanfefulnes as toe eugbte, but toben it is befb;e Sriben 1 tb;otone ootoneto^tb tbe feare of tbe to;atbe of (jDoo,ano D;tcaDe of eternall oeatbe, tat are fo taugbte b? bolrc Scripture, tbat toitboutCb;ift toe ma? fee dDoo in ma* ner to;atbfuH? bent agatnll t)8,ano bis bano ormeo to our >ettru2 mai? embrace f)is goZJ loiiW I fat&cr^ l^ binDn?0 m otljcrtot)cr,but in cbjift, 3 aiiDaltboagl^ttjicbcfpofecaccojOinG to tbc tocdUngflfe of our capacitiCit>et is it not faiav fa?D.iFo; mc,tobere^be tea. Toh 4\^ Ro.5.10, be mbueb br mare t fret loiiing of be, to reccue bs into fauo?.)lBut fitb tber is a pcrpetuall i tnappcafcable brfagra* mcnt bettoeen rigbteoufncs i iniquitie, fo long ns tocrema^nc finnrrjs, be can not receiuetw tobol^Xbcrfo^ctbat ta^ bins atoa^ aU matter of ni fagrecmcnt, be nugbt tobol^ reconcile tos t nto bitn> i be botb b\? ci:piation fet fo :tb in § Dcatb of cb;ift,tafee atoav tobatfoeuer euil 10 in ts,^ toe,tobicb befo jc toer bncleanc fbetb tbe bcr? fame ^ toe bo. Weloue £^3^^ of©oD(fa^tbbe) iiJinc6p;eben(ibleanb j^ ^^-^ Vmcbangeable. ifo; be began not to loue i b«, fince tbe time tbat toe toere recon* cilebtflbimbi? tbe bloub ofl)i?0 fonne. ^ut befo;e tbe mafetng of tte too;lo be loueb tjs,eul before ^ toe toer ani tbing at all, ^ toe migbt alfo be bi« cbilb jen \h bis onli? begotten fonne . E:^crcfo;e toberastoearerccomilcDbi? tbe beatb of Cb?iU> it is not fo to be tafee as ttogb U«p;frc^,„otoeappea.n^co^ iloh.4- 29 anb boi? in bis figbt. Slberfojc ©ob tbc fatber botb toiti) bis loue p;rcuent % goe before our rcconciliaticn in Cb;it5t:^ca, becaufe ^ firfi ioucb ts, tbcrfo^e be af^ tertoaitj tjottjrwociletss tntobimfelf. 15ut ttcaufc.bntttl C^;i(t ^ ^is oeatbe come to fuccoii bs, tber remainetb toic^ fecones in bs,tobicb oefcructb <^odb in* bianation, f isaccurfeb anb bamncb in bis figbt:t^erefojc toe arc not fuUi! ans firmelt? io^neb to (©ob,tintill CbjiC^e Dl io^nc bs.SLberfo^e if toe toiUff"" our felHC0tobaueCj>oDmabc toclpleafcbt fduo;able bnto to.toe mult fatten oure to bim,tbat be migbt noto begm to loue bstobombcljatcD bcfo;c:but toe are rcconcileb to bim tb^it tiXx^n Icuea t0, to tobom toe toere enemies bt? reafon of finnc.anb tobetbrr tbis be true 0^ no tbat 3 fa^let tbc japcCIe bcai c toitnrs. I^c botb comment (fa\>tb be) IJis ioue to* toarb b0,bcf aufc tobi tne tocrc ^tt wv ner0,Cb?iC ^i^'^ ^^l "^^^^^ tbeifc;e cab a loue to b5,cucn tben tobe toe torr tx\R'' mie0 to bini>anD to;ougbt toicUcbnclTe. 2i:beifo;e after a maruelloug « biuine mane r be loueb bs , euen tben tobcn be batcD ^s.if 0; Ije bateo bs in ^ toe toere ^^ ^fucb Ro.5.8. \Ci\K}± Of tlie knowledge of iKo.j.ip. Ga.4.4. Mat. 10 18. Ro.4,3; loii,i.29. Rom.3. Rom J fucijas Ije ftati not maoe t)5,anD btcaufe onr teicIiCD. ii^iTc Ijao on cucr^ tint Uia^ £eD aUiap i)i5 ujo.jke, f)C fenclo ijoiu in tiiti'v rnc of t30, faofo eo fjate t!)at lolncb iDc our fclu03 tiao maDc anD to louc f Ijat toljiclj l)C (jaD maoc. Mcfe b^ t ^o^os of Auguiliiic. S ^'iii tuber it is DcmauD0!),botD cbntt bato ooneatoat? our Uns,% tal\m aVua^ tbe CnfebcttoeentsigoUjf purcbafeo fucb rigbteoufnes as m)?gbt mafte brm fduo^ible f tjoeiuii'ning tolDaro ts : it map be generallp anftocrcD, ^ be batb b^ougbt it to pafTc b^ tbc tobolc conrfc of bis cbemcncc^bici) is p^joueD br v tcdimon^ of 'paul^s bp one mans of? fence manp tocrc maoe finncrs, fo kv. one mans obcDiece Uie are maue rigbte ! ons.^no in anotber place be eytf Detb ip caufc of § paruon ^ DcUueVetb ts from V cnrfe of tbe !Latue,to t\)e tobole life of cbnitr aV'ing::Mbe tbc fuInelTc oftime toas come, dto fent bl?s fon maue of a tsjoma, fubiect to tbe laUj,to rcocme tbr tbat tuer tinocr i lalu: 0nD fo affirmed tbaf in l)i$ tjcrv baptifme loas falfiUeO one part of rtgbteotifnes,^ be obcDient^ Ir Qio tbe comaunDement of bis fatber. ^inaUi?,from tbe time tbat be tol^e bpo ^im tbe perfon of a feraant,be began to par tbe ranfom to rci5cme bs: But i^t fcriptnre to fet oat t\}t maner of our fal nation mo;e certain I r,Dotb afcribe tbis as peculiar f p.jopcrl^ belonging to tl)t beatb of Cb;ift.i^c bimfclf p;onounccD tbat be gaue brs life to be a rcocmption foj niant!c,jDaulc teacbetb tbat be oreD foi oure rmnes. 3obn tbc ^ptitt c rrcb out tijat Cb^iffe came to tabe alTja\? tbe finncs of tbe UjojId, becaafc be ttms tbe latnbc cf (Ek)0. 3n an otber place paule fart-, tbat toe are iattifieD f riielt? b^ ti)$ r£Oenr;tion tbat is in Cb^ift,bccaufe be is fct fcitbe tbc reconciler in b!?s otone blouoc. againe,tbat toe are iuQ ificD in I byjs blouD.ano rcconcitcD b^ i^j oeatbe. ^mn.^c tbat knz\u not fin.toas maoe >.Cor, j. finne foj tjs, tbat toe migbt be tb e rigb«^ 21. teoufnelTe of dDoo in bpm J toill not re* cite all ti)t teiJimonies, becaufc tbc nc# ber of tbem tooulD be infinite, an3 ma^ ni? of tbem muft be bercafter allegeb in thm o^tier. aSberfo^c in tbe fumme of beleefe,tobicb f bci? call t apoftles Creoe itisbert? ojDcrlv palTeb immetiiatel\?e from ttte birtb of Cb^itt to bis oeatb ano refurretfion, toberin conGftctb tbe fum of perfect faluation.^n?) ^ct is not § reft of bis obcDience ercluDet),tobicb be per? formed in bis^ life:as pauI comp^^eben^ phi»i,7 Dctb it tobolt! from tbe beginning to tbe ent),in facing ^ be abaceo bu'elfj tahing tjpon bini tijc foimc of a fcrnant, f toas obeDient to bis fatbrr to t eatb , euen to tbe oeatb of tbecroffe . ;2n&truelp cuen in ^t fame Dcatb bis toilling fubmiffio batb t\)$ lira degree , becauTe ^ facrifice, tmlelTe it baD bene toillingl^ offrcD, bao notbing pjofitcb totoara rigbteoofneffe. 2:bercfoie,tobcr!* (» 1.0:1) leHifis:!?, that 1oh.io.ij be ganc his foul foj bis fbepejbc erp^fli j atiDctb tbis^o m^ tatjetb it atoai fro mi | felf.afcojDing to tl)t \}}\)i(ii meaning^C* E&fj./* fap fj^'b, tliii- be bc^Dj l)is peace Ipixe a ! lambe before tbe fl&erer.Snb tbe Woz^ Joh.t8.4 of tbe ^cfpell rebearfetb , tbat be toent ! fo2tb ano met tbc LclDiers , ano before Mat. 17, Pilate be left oefenDing of bimfelfe,anO »'» emt (till to pelDe binTlclf to iubgment tobcp:onounceDbponbim . l>nt tbat not toitbout fome firife: foj botb be baD taken our infirmities bpon f)y^m i it be^ boneb t bis obeoicncc to bis fatber (bclD be tljis toav trieb.^no ti)is toas no flen* Der flbeto of bis incoparablc loue totoaro tjs,totojaftletoitbbo;rible feare,ani> in i miDoeft of tbofe cruel to;ments,to cad atoap al care of bimfelf,]^ be migbt pjoui3e fo; bs.Sno tbis is to be beleueiJ ^ tbere coulo no facrificc be tocll offerco to i,^,'i. (ubmit ano tobolv i'ctoct)i«tfcl^f to hfs fattjer0 tDill.ifc;^ p:®fc \cl)erecf,tbt :3* pottle ootl) fitlv allege rtjat tpniirioni? of Hc.io.c. ^ftc #faImE:in tfte bohe of tlje lato it is to;ptten of me, tljat 3 mav DO tOv teiU, €) (Doo. 3 toii,an5 tt)^ lalw is in ^ mijs* pc^o.o. *Jf tt of m^ bart. Sf ii fat^:!lo 3 come. 3i3ut bicaufe trembling conrcietu**Cn9 no reft but in facriftre f tDaQjing,Vt»l)cr' bp 6nnes are clenfeD : tberefo^e foj goD f aufc Ine are DirerteD tljetbcr,anD in tl)e ^eatlj of Cb:iUe is appopnteo foj \iSi tbe mater of life. jSoto fojafmnclj as bt our otone giltincff^jcurfeioais Hat tnto tjs, before ttc fjcaucnlr iuogejnent fcnte of cSoD,tberfo;c nrU of all is rccitcD boUie l)t toas cooemne D faefijje ]l^once pilate pjcuDent of iiur^: f bat Uie lliOulD fenoiu rbat tbe punil^ment tu^crt^Jito tue lucr fubietfg^tDas iuftlt> lateu fcpon tJs.Me coulo not efcapc tbc o^eacsful iuugcmc t fif (IDoD:Cf)?iff,to bcltuer tjs from it,ruf ; ^^aopf)et:tbnt be rcpareu tbat \3)l)vc^ be fereo Ijimfelfe to be conoenmeo before a bao not talten aluav. ^nb fo toe dial be* mortal! man,tea,4 toichcD anti beatbm j bolo t^e perfon of a finne r anti etici soer man. /fC2 tlje name of tljc ^^cfioent is i rcp^eicnteD in Cb^il?e:anD bp tb^c open 21 feenfi tec t)nDerttai5,t!jat fee tiu bear ibe pcrfcu of a gtltr nian,f of an euU ccer. ! ^ncberre are tUJO tl;ingstcbenoteu, ECay^^ tobifb botb locr afojefpet^cn b^ tlje p;:o pOcfics of tbe p2op!5Cifi,t bo bum a Cm gulcr comfort f ccn0rniattoii of faitfje. jfoj tcben toe ^rare ^ Ctintttuas feut from tbe »ut»ges feat to bcat^,f toas ban geb amog tbcucs.toc ftaue ttjcfulf liing of t^t p^op^tfv tubtcb is alleged bp t\)Z €uangelift. ^e teas accompteD among t\)t iDicbetj.^nD Usbp fofcuc to tafee tp* on btm tbe ftenc of a finner,not of a ma rig^eous oj innecentjbecaure be fuffe* rcD Bcatt) not foj canfe cf tnnoe cnci,bpt fo; Cn.£>n tbe otfjer aoe/abcn tec bcvtr (bat be tuas acquiteo bt p fame nicutlje tebtrbp be teas ronbemncD, fo.j ]:^il\te tuas ccmpeUeD cpenlp mo;c tban cnce, to bear'e tdttnfs of l^rs innocencp : let ^ come in cur minoe, \x)f)id) is in (> ctber Mar.15, 18. Vf.69.^ erpjefieonptonlt to pjorure crebite to tbe biuo:p,but tbat tue n?ulo learn tl^at tob?cl) efa^ teacbetl),tbat thdt cljaftife* ment of onr peace teas tpon bim,f tbat br bis ftrtpes toe leer? bealeD ^0; to tati atua V our bar.iition,cuerp femoe cf be atb ftifpireb notYo; btm to iulfcr, but to fatiffiic onr rcbe.nipttcn, one rpeciv'jl! htnse of Dcatl) Itjas to be cborcn,k berm botb Ojatcing atoar onre tamnattcn to no caufe cf consemnation in bim.SZ^is bhnfelfj'f taktt^g our gtltnics tjpon bini is our acqiiitall, tbat tl;f ^iltincs Uibrcb felfe,be nrtgbtijeliuer ts fri3 tijcni botb. tmtt ts fubiect to punifijnif t, is rejno^ 3if be bati bene mmt^ercD bp tbeues, 0^ ! ueb t>pdn tJ)e bease of tbe fonnc of <25oo. baD ben ragingti^ ^^in in a romof len of ' jf 0; tbViS retting cf t\)t one againft tbe tbe common peoplenn mdj a D?atb tber I otbfr,U3r upgbt pjincipalli'to bolo faft, ttfttit !)?uteten no apparace of latitfacri^ | leaft toe tremble anb be care full all our on. 15uf u^bm betoas b,:cu3i)t to be ar* Ivfe long^s tijcngbe tl^e iutt tjcngeance of i£oD DID bang ouer Ijs, totjpcb tlje fen | of ilate,ffo j^i^ ,g bp tibe fdlemn fentence cf tbc^ >eGDent ^3^ ' toas rccfencD in tbe noter of toicUeD Dc? ^ ' ers:buf pet not fo, but tbat be \\)aB bv p famcaiDge at tbe fame time p;oncufeD rigWouSjtotjen be atfirmcb r ^^ f^^'^^b raim^b.bc '0; c tbeiuogrineiit fcat,tobcn betoasaccuftpf pKSc&toptijtottneiV :es aganVtJ bpm, k Ujas bp tbe mcatb of ^e iuagecouoemneo to oie: bp tijefe to^ . Cap.K^J "Ofthckno V vlcdgc of |2,Cor,5:. Ro.5.a Xlje croiTetoas dcctirfeo.no- onlr'bt' o^ puuo*aQfm?>i»but alfo bv Decrcoftlic la'jj of ?oi). 2!;*jcrfc?c \Dlit€l)M voas lif ^rijt) ) to tl)? frcCe> t)C niaoc Inmftl 0 j'ubiect to tijc cfjrfe.^nn fo it bcboucD to be zoiKy^ toben tijc r urfc Uias rcnioucD from b5 to bim, to? migiit be Dcliucreo fi'om al £urf?,ii fo; car Cnnce luas p^e« pare?) fo; ts, d;j ratljr r nb alreatjv reft bpon bs. ^Ujtcb tl)ing loaa alfo b^ (ba^ Doto erpieflfcD in tbe iato.iro? tbe faerie fice ano fatiffacto;^ oblations tbat toer offercDfbi 6u0,li3ere calleD Ashemoth: Wi^kh Ujojue pjoper^^ fignifietb fin it fclr.}£i \x)ijid) fisuratiuc cb^ge of name t!)e li^ol? gboft meant to (bclUjtbat tbc^ tjucre liUe bnto clefing plaiCeris to bjatu out to tbcmfelue0,i beare tbe curfe cue : to fwnt«. 515ut tbat fame tDbi?cb to«fi ft* guratiue!^ rcp^efentc!) in tbe facrifices of ^ofc£>i5 in DeDe DeliucreD in Cb.:itt tbeoitginaUpateme of all tbefigures. 5^bcrfoie, be to pcrfojme a perfect ex- piation > gaue bi^ otone fouletobean aslianie,tbat isa fatiffafto;\? obUtian as tbe l^jopbet calletb ity bpoii tbe \33i)^ci) our gltbi punifbrnct migbt heca(!-,auD lo crafe to be im jjutea to bs. S^be iapo> ftlc tcftiftctb tbe faihe t^ng nmt plain Iv^tuber be tccbetb, tbat be Ujbuijkueto no fin, tuas b? b^s fatbcr maae fin fo; ts.tbww. U)c mpgbt be maue p rigbteouf^ uciiorvlDoD tnbim, jfo; tbe fon of tiT^oD U^tivj mog clcanc from al fault, aib jjet pttt \3pan Ijtm tbe rcpi ocbe ana Ibamc of oar iniquities, t on tbe otber &De coije^ reo t3s iHitb bis clemtes. ^t femetb tbat be^ meant tl^ fanie,tDben be fpcafectb of Un,ttiatGn teas coDemne^ in \)^c tle^. 4f ci tbe fatber DeHiwo tbe met of fin, toljen tbe curfc tl):reof teas remoueD tj layeD bpun (> ficaj of €(j;ta. St is tberc- fc^e ccdarci) by tfeis fa^ingttbat Cbntt tsjas in bis oeatbe offeree Up to b?s fa* tk>cr fo^ a ratiffa£Jo:iPt faerifK:e,tbat tb? U)boU fatiCfadion fo; Snue being enosD bi bts facrifice>U)e migbt crafe to d^eao tlyc Vi):atb of goti.j|5oUj is itplain,UJbat p fati.g of tbe I0?oj>bct meanetb> ^ tbe iuiqciitici; of bs al ii^cre laiotjpon bim, tbat is> i be cnteoinj to loipealuar ttit fittbines of our iniquitieSjVnas bimfelffe as it tDcr fav lua^ of entercbagcD impu* t:,'*^>"* tatiMouercb tuitb tl;f. £)f tbis,§ croflpe i^^*^ *^vi iMberbnto be teas faftneD toas a toUen, ^^'^^ astbe apoille teaifictb.NlbJiff (faitb be) reoemebtjs from § curfe off laip^ tube be toas mabc a curlTe fo; bs. j?o;i it is UJiittf : £\ccurfcb is euer^ one ^ bagctb on tbe tree : tbat § blelTing of ^b^abam migbt in ClxJift come to tbe Gentiles, ano tbe fame bao peter refpccte bnto, iDber be teacbctb ^ CDb^ift bio bear cnr fins bpon -p tree.li5icaufc hy ^ bcrp tofee i.Pct»2. of § curfe toe bo mo^e plainly? learn tbat 24 V:^i; burtben Vubertu toe toer opp^r ileD, I toas laib bpo feim. !^nD pet it is net fa ta I be bn:)erftaDeb,^ be tohe bpon bim Cuc^ { a curfe,tobertoitb be bimtelf toos oucr* lanen,but ratber ^ m tailing it tpo bim be bio treau botone, b jeak t oettrcp tbe tobole fc^ce of it. Hnb fo faitb coceiuetb acqu^Ul in tbe con^emiuitio of€biiff>4f blcffing in fi'^s being accurfefi.l2:ibere* fo;e ^aal uotb not to ptfjcat a caufe bo^ no:ablv repa;t tbe triumjrf; ^ €l^}ift ob; teinc&to bimfelfa on tbe croffc, as if tbo croffc tobicb te^is ful of lbame,bab bene turncti intoa cbariot of triupbc. jro^be Col.2,ip. faptb> ^ t\)t banbto^iting tobicb toas n* gainU bSjtoas fatlneb to tl>e crcflfe, anft tbe ^^incelp potoers toer fpoilcD i let> aponii!. ^mb m niarnei : becaufefas tbe stber apoaic^teOi6etb)Cb2itt cflfreD bp bimfclfc bp ^z eternal fpir^t.^nbtber* Hcb.^. tjpon p;,oceDeb 1^ turning ef ]& nature of 17 tbings. I3v:t ^ tbefe tbigs mai take fteb' fan r«Dte, ano betb^ouali^ fettlcc in our barts, let t)s altoap tbinke bpo» bis fa* crifire ana toafijiBg. ^c > toe coulee not certainelig bcl»ue tbat Cb;ilh^ toajj^^tbe I raurtfomcji'ebgmptionj.aoo (^Jrtiidction^, bnleCt God the Reto f leasfiTe aioai? our filtfei'ncflrc. 7 3t foIotD2tl| ia tbc CreDe, i^ l)c teas DcatianDburicD. ^t;ere agapnett is to be ftttic, bo^ be OfD cuer? U)bf r put bunfdfc in our ftca5,t3 pai? tbc p;ice of our rcDcmption. SE>:a-:b bti8 bs bounbe •^ tmoer bts I'obc Cti;ift in our Gcabe oia relD bimfelf uito t\)c poU)cr of ocatb, to Dcliucr tjs from it. 3Dbps r 0polHe mea nctb tobcr be to^^tetb, tfjiit be t jllco of Df atb fo; al men.if o; be bp o^ir. j b:oa^ gbt to pas ^ toe fl^oulb not oicozi^ujbicb 15 all one) bp bi« ocatbe be bis raceme lifif fo; bs. 3i5ut in tbis be Differco from ! t)s,tbat be gaue bimfdfe to Deatbc as it tuere to be Deuoureo, not tbat be Rjoulb be fiualolueb bp to^b tbc golfes of iU but ratbcr tbat be OjoulD tojaloto bp it, of tubicb toe fbonlo baue bmep^efcntl^' fi»alo'a)eb:tbat be gaucbimfelf to Deatl; to b: fubtJuei, not tbat be Ibouloe be op* pjeflcD toptb tbe potuer tberesf, but ra«^ tbcr tbat be fijouloe ouertbjotoc Deatljc tubicb app;ocbcb tiere bs,i?ea, f babaU rcbp beaten bs oolun, i triumpbeo bp* on bs. jf inaUr,tbat bv? bcatb be mvgl)te beffrov bim ttjat btib r poiuer of bcatb, tbat is tlK t\mtil: ano rnigbt Driiuer ttjc ^^ b? tbe fiwrc of bcatb lucre all t^^i life k)i^ fubiect to bononge. S^bifi te tt'e firtf f»;i|tc ttfit bis Dcatbe ciD l);png ts. i3n otijer is,p b^ cntcrpartenmg of bim fclfe taitbbs, be mcnp;ofitabIe ano frafelclTe. SLinxio^i in ^ bCcitb X buriaU cf tij^ill, tbere is ofif^ret bs a bouble bens^te to be eniorcb, tbat is belrntraare from Deatb,tobfrcunto toe toer beconi: bob, anD ti)t mo;tifring of our fleCb. 8 ^ut it is not meetc to cucrpatTe Jrps going Doton to tbe belle »,tobcrcin is no fmal importance to tbe cffetf of rebcmp tion. iFo; altbougb it appearetb br? tbe lu;itinges of tbe cto iratbers,tbat tbat parte tobicb is read in tbe Creoc , toas not tn oloe time fo mucb bfeb in tbe Cbure bcs : ^et in entreating of tbe fum cf our boctrme, it is neecffarpe tbat it bacc a pfaec allotoeo it , as a tbing tbat conteinetbatjerp pjdfitable ano not to be ijefpiftb mpftet^ of a rtgbt tocigbf^e matter.i^ni) tberareatfo (cme of tbe olo tojiters tbat 5o not leant it out .Mber* i»g lye mi'.r^ ^ciTc, tbat it teas a tcrtmxc tjgme aUDcD^f did not p;efentlp but litle anb !ittc grotoe in bfe in tbe Cburcbes. 515uttbis certainly if? out of qucHicn, tbat it p;oceoeb of tbe comon iuDgcmet of fill t\it gochj : ifc;afmucb as tbere is none oftji: f^^ics tljat Dofb not in hvs to:iting3iKafec mention Df<^}iitcs go* j ivKs ooton to tbe b^Ils, altbougb after tii» u^rfc mancr of crHoOticnlZut hv tobo, mf ocrs, J) tber fliufo no mo je br i eafter o; a£ to'iMt tpmc it toas firtt abbeb, ma* tofc tbeer otone toojfes, i fedletb our do , tvcd^liae (o tbe purpofe. ^nt ratber in ma, y^ it fl)oulo no mo;c iiue ano bcare tge Crese itiv is to be taften b«^ce tn^- Col.3.3. irnte.iino co iU\m purpofe pcncincti) bps bt|t>>iii^^ luc be partabers tbereof, ujoto aUp b^ bur PiO to Qn. if oj tobe tt»e ^0^^U tcadKfb J? toe are tratfeo mto to, tbtit toe ti)crdn ccriaint\? baue a full ano iitallpatntes perfect fumme of oar fagtbi toberiHtO norbing m&p b^ tb;aft> but tbat tobicbe is taken cut of tbe uioic ^p.l<$« Of the knov moftc pure iaom of^oti. i^olu if any tail not fa;j pjecifefuriofiticaomif it in to ig Creoe, r^ t fl)t^ll it ftrc^gbt Uia? be maoe to appeare plainli?,tl)at it is of fo great impo^taunce to tbe fiimme of our rcocmption,tfrat if it be left out, Vm is loll a great part of tbc fruitc of § ueatb ofCfjntt. S^berearcagainefometftat tbinlijtbat tber i0 no nctn tbing fpofecn in ti)iB arttcle,but tbat in otbcr tDo;jbes tbefame tbing is rcpetcD tob^cbluas rpoferbefojc of bis buriaI:fo;5afBu«b as t\)e feojD Infernum,i^cljis in tbcfcrip* ture oftaiiimes tfcD fo;: tl)e graue . 3 graiit tbat to be true \s)\)ici) tbcj? allege of tbe fignification cf tbe tomjo,^ bcl is oftentimes tahe fa} tbe graue:buf tbere areagaintt tbcir opinion tU5o reafons, by tubicb 3 am cafilg pcrfuaoeo to D^f* knt fro tbe.if 0 J Uibat an iDlenes toere it,tul>cna tbing not barb to fenociHaD, batb^inceben fct out in plaine anueafy tuo;i:s,afterUjari5 luitb oarfeer implica tion of U)o,it>s,ra(ber to point totoare it tl^m to ?jcclare it . if o j Uiben ttoo ma* H-rrs of f^afe^ng f erp^ett^ one tbrng b2 iovneb to^tttfcr.it bebouctb tbat t\)t later be an erp fition of § fo jmcr. llBut ti3.)at an evpciitton Inere tlm,ifamm fljulD fap tbus:tll2llbcreas it is farb tbat tliM lt>as burictJ,tbcrbT? is meant ^ be toent DolDn to ^el.a jam,it is not lihe^ \V tbat Tucb a fuperfiuoKs tjain repttici^ on fculb bane crept into Vm abzigemet iDbcr in tbe cbcfe pointu of our faitf)are fnmnfarili? notcD in as feUi Xhisms as tBa«!{poCaibl^. ana 31 bout not t fo manv ac (bat baue Comtobat ciUgeiUli ioeveo tbe mater it felf, toil cafill^ aare ^ inc. 9 &0me erfJcunD it otbf rtLMfe,artt fa^, tbat Cbiie tucntuota>n to vb^ foul^e of tbe fatijjri: tbatuteb in4ti:txt of v la«), to carp tbem tiDings,tbat ttft' rj^5$mpCi» on itJfiS perfdjme?), aiiu to Dcttiiojt %tn out bf tbe pjifctt ii)beritt tbcp Syfx k^^ gnc^gfe^ianototbc p^oifc bert of tbeyno vlcdgc of to^ogfulli? b;jaU) tett imomes ont of tbe i3fa!i:ie,tbat ?)c b:afee iht b^jafen gcites PC 10.16 auD iron barresHgain 0(,t of ^acbari, Zac^.n,^ that be reuemcsj tbem tbat toer bouno, t out of tbe pitts tebcrein Ives no toater. )13ut toberas ^ 13ralm fpeal^etb uf tbew Deliuerances tbat in far countrcfsare caft taptiat info bcnos,! ^acbarp com paretb 1 2i5abiluntcal o«ertb?oU),lDber^ in ti)e people teas opp;eireo,to a 0;i» pit 0; bottomlccrcbeptb, ano tbere luvtball tcatWh tbat ti)C faluation of tt)t tobole cburcb is as it toere a comming out of ti)£ oepe beis. 3l txiote not boto it is come to palfe, tliat tbc^ ^)i\i'^cl) came after, tbougbt tbat tbere tuas a certaine plac^ tnoer t}:it eartl) toberunto tUti banc fai* ncD tbe name of Lunbus . liBut tb^s fa* ble,altbougb tbep tecre great autbo.:iS, « at tUs Dat? man? 50 earneftl? Defend it fo; a trutb:is t-^ P.'^t\:)ina els hut a "a^ ble.if o;i to enclofe tf;s fosles of seat me ; as m a prif5,ts faer? tlMtfy, 0nD fctat neetje iMas it that C^iif^^s fonie fboulo go bolun tbetijcr to fet thzm nt aOvrCie^ 31t)o inoeeac UuUingli^ ccri:^!ir;, that Cb?ia^njineDtotbcm b^ fbepo'rj-rof bvsfpirite,tbattbev migbt 'dw^ tt^at tijt grace Aubicb tbei? bais cneiv; faJtec of bV bopc,k)as tben Odiaerca to t teoil^' ^rtMo t\)^s purpofe mar i place of pe^ i.Pct,3. ter be njobablv applyeb,l»bcr be fa^tbj ip^ tbat Cbult came i pjeacbeo to i fpirits tbat tocr in a Dungeon o^ p;iifon,as it is comonlv tranfiateo. ifo^ tbetjert? p^oi« ceffe of tbe tert leaDetb bs totljpf, f tbe fartb?ua \obicb toere be ab b^ft^Je mt time,tDcrc partaUers of tbs? fame grate tbat tDCtoere : becaufe be bot^ t^reb? amplific tbe fo^ce ofCb^ilEes Deatb,foj tbat it pcarccD cuen to tbe teaO,5jDbP!t tbegoblpfouleseniopeu tbe p^efctfi^t ettfjat tlQtatto U»bi^b tlbe^ baftcarefl* l^ loUeD fo,i:on tbeotber fistJ itbi^md^e l^iainfp appear* ee tbe rep;obat« ^ tbey toers cyclapeD ft-om all faluation .^Mut . jDijeras ECa.sys, luoeras peter in bps facing niahrtt) no oiftinctton bcttuene tl)em,ttjat is not fo to be taUcn,as tbount) be niinglcD (03c* tbertbcgo^l^ 1 tingool'^iuitboutDifftv rente: but onclp be meant f 0 tcatl) tbat generaUv^ tbcp faotb baD one common feeling of tbcDeatb cf ^b?itt. « o ilBiit cocerning CbJiftes going tsotun to tbe belsJ,befiDe tbe coQteration cf tbe CreDe,tue mull fefte fo; a mo.jc certain e):porition,anu tceaffurerslt? baue fucb a one out of tbe looj^e of Vubere be t»;i* tctb : &At €i)ik U-as bearD ofbis oUm 'hcI^.c/ if eare : fonie tranOate it Kcuercnce 0; ^ietie,but boU) tufitl^bof b tbe matter a fdf,} ttiz fcer\? maner of fpeaUing p:o* uetb. €^iiit tberfo;e p;aving Vo tcarcs anomigbtrervcjis bearD of bvs otone feare : not to be free from Deatbjbut not to be f tuallolucD bp of Deatb as a finner : bccaufc in ^ place be baD our perfon bp^ rotoes of oeatb. 2Lberfo;e it is no mar^ on b\?m.3nD trueln? tbcre can be imagi* uell if it be favD ^ be toent Dotone to tbe ncD no mo;c D;eaDfull bottomlcs Dcptb tban fo; a man to fcclc bimfelf fo.:faUcn % enttrageD from CDoD,t not to be bearo tube be callcfb bpon bim , tnt as if CDoD bimfclf baDcoufpircD to bis Deltructioa. (Sue tbetber toe fff ? Cb;itt toas tb;oto en Dotonc, fo far tbat bp cnfo;cemcnt of DiftrcCfe be toas compellcD to err out: £i^t CI^oD^spi? (DoDjtobi! baft tbou fo;fa* feen me i ifo; tobereas fome toolD baue ^els,Gtb be fuffercD i Deatb toberteitb (SoDinbrsto;atb ftrifeetb toicljeDDo* crs . anD tbeir crception is ber^ fonDe, ^ea % to be fco;ncD , tobicb far ? tbat b^ tbps erpofition tbe o;Der is peruerteD, bccaufc it toere an abfuroitie to fct tbat after brs buriaU tobicb tocntbefo;eit. ifo^ after t fctting fo;tb of tbofc tbings tbat Cb;ia fuffcreD in tl)e figbt of men, in bcr\?gQ)Do:DcrfDllotoctb tbat inuifi^ , . .1 ■ \ blc i incop:tbcn&blc iuDgement tobicb I to tbe opinion of otber , tba as be felt m ) Mat. 2.7. It taUc,tbat be fo fpafec ratber acco;Eing U^- ;H.i. bimfelf: Cap.i6 VideC) iH.hb.ii ic rectd ideadie ;ia. Lib.4 dc rnn, ib.a.v;": Lib.3. Of tlie knovvlcagc of btmiclf : i> IS m no cafe p.2obabIc,fc;af^ mufb as it is cuioct,!^ thi5 fa vino: p:o(c^ Deo out of V tjcr^ atiguiii) of v bottome of tjrs (jart.^ct Do U)C net nican tijcrbv?, ^ got) txjas at ani time Ijis cnnni c: an^ arp Id lnm,i?o.i Ijoir. couId f;e be angn? 16 f)is beloucD fon,tjpo luijoni biiS uiinD rcaeD;iD? t;oli) coulo cb;ift b^ ^is inter ccfTto appcfe bis fat tiers lu;attj toluarD ctber.baiung bim batfuilr bentagainft bifclf;13iit tt'ts is our niening: r be fuf^- freo V grcjioufnrs of gcDs rigo;, fo; ^ l)e being (Trihf 1 tojmftcD u5 (' baD of goD, Dio fale al V tokens cf goD tul;f Ijc is an^ grv f punifl)etb.l^njcrup6 Hilaneargu ctb tlm,"^ b^ tfjis going Dotun i3)z banc obtaincD ttis,i' Deatlj is Dain.^nQ in 0^ t(]cr places Ue agreetO lo our argumet, as Uiljer be faittj:2Cbe croffc,DetIj,i fjels, are our lifei'igatn ii\ an otljer placertfje fon of goD is in J Ijels.but man is carieo tjp to l)euen,i5ut tul;v do B1 allege t!;c te thmoni of a p;iuate ma,tDf)en v apottlc affirmct!) (' fame, rcfjearfing tljt:s fOe? a fruit cf t)i8 t3i(to;jt,j! tfjei tuer Deltuereo l»f)irf) luer b^ fear of DeatI; al tfjeir life long fubiert to boDage. Jt beboueD t^er^ fo;e,^ l)c IIjolD oucrcom t fear, ^ natu^ rall^Dotfj cotinuallr to,2metf opp^jeflfe al mortal men:Uj!jicO coulD not be Done fjarDli? enforce tI;iscauilIatio la faving, 1^ 'i afcribe to [> fon of (don Dcfperation, U^bicI) is cotrarv to fa^tb, irirff t\)cv Do but maliciiioflv' »'o«J^ cctroucrfp of cb;i* ttts fear f trebling,ti3!)icb J CuageliCs 00 fo plainly repo.:t.ifoi a litle before f f! tiim of his Dett) ap;ocbeD,be Uuis trcu bleD in fpirit,i palTionetb yjo ljcauines,f at bis berr nigetircg Id it,f)c began mo;e tjcljcmftl^? fo treble fo;i fear. Jf tfjey far j \)t DID but coiiterfait:^ iz fo foul a fijift ©iHamufttberfo.jeas Ambrofe fruel^^ tecfjetbjbolDiv cofcffe (' fo^rolufulncs of C(jn0,t3nles tue be aHjanieD of tiis r ros. 0nD trulv if ^is foulciiaD not ben parta her of pain,^e f^aD bene owlv a rcDemer fo.; boDis.llSut it beboueD 0 ic fi)ulD toja Ille^to raife tip tl)i t UU' tljjoUien DoUm. 0nD l)is fjeauflT? glon is notljingappei* reD tfterb«,^ euen Ijerein gla;iDuflv (fti^ netb \)is gffiDnes,lDl)icl) is neuer fuffiri^ f tl^ pjaifeD,^ be refufcD not to take our | ioeaUneires bpo bi. Jfrfi ipJjr cets alfo ^ c5fo;t of our aguiCbes « fo;iroUJS,Ui^ic& g apoaie fettctl^ before tjs:^ tl)is ^eDia to J DiD fecle cur infiirnuties , i' fje mig^t bei^ nio;iC earncfflv brt to fucco;; tjs in miferp.2D!)c^ fa\?:ti^at ^ tbing lu&icb is euill of it felfjis ijniuo^tbilv afrribeD to |"cb.4- Cf);iff .0s tbougf) tfjei' tccre tuifr r tban P> but bv f^gt}ting 16 it.itBo^couer,t!>it bis f fpirit of goD,tDl)icb iornetb tbefe ttoo , fear leas no comon fear 0,2 coceueD bpo J tfjmges togctber, tbat €i)M ^^ns in all , a Qf Der caufe,ll)al bianDbv mo;e plainly appeare ^0 b^ Irgbting banD to banD Vo tbepoiDeroftbcDeuil,U;itb i bo;jro; of DctbAu tbc pains of tl)c bells it came to paffe^tbat be botb baD f* faicto^r of tbem, anD triumpbeD ouer tl)cm,tbat Uie noU) in Detb fl)otD no mo;e fear tbcfc tbmgs, lubicb our prince baJb ftoallotocD tip. 12 l^cre fome le'jJuD mcn,altbogb tiilear ncD, \»ct ratbcr moucD bv malice ti;a bi? igno2ace,crp out 1^ i do a bainous tu^og to CDb:ift, bicaufc it U)fls againft coucni cncie of reaf6;{5 be C&olD be fearful fo; p tbings temptcD as tee are, f vet tbat be luas iDOut finne.STberefo^c tbcrc is no caufc^tbelneaknrflTe of Cb^iff I^;OulD make t)s afrai:De,U5berunto be iwas not bv \jiolence 0; neceiritiecppelleD,l ut h^ mere loue of ts , 1 \iv merc^ luas leD to fubmit bimfclf iJnDtLibatfociier be of bis otnn Uiil fuffeixD fo; be^timinilbetb no tbtg of bis pcUicr. J^iit in tbis one poit arc ibefe backbiters Dree iucD ^ tbei^ do not percev^ue in €\)^id: nn infirmitie cleane » free from al fault f rpot^bicaufe be kept bintfclfe h^itliin ^ bcuDs of obe** alimtio of bis foulc.;anD tbe tl)cv mo;c Dicnte. ipo; tubereas tber ca be fcfiD no moDe* GodtheRcdcmcr. Second Boolx'C. Fol.i';4. Mat. 26. moocratio in our co jrupt naturc,lu'jcr al our affections Do\)5troublcfomct3io* Ifcc CFccDc al mcafure,tl;c^ Do tuzog to mcafurc (> foimc of goD by> ^ ftantjaro, 'But tuijcn ma Uias in his tinco,:riiptcD ftaf c,.tl)cn tljerc tuas a tnoDcration ija^ ui3 foxct in al Ijis affccti6s,to rcftratne e]cccCfc.^t)0ibi?,t)c mi>sbt IdcI be ^ be toas liljc bnto \J0 in fo.:rolD,tj;cai3 antj fcarfulnes.f ret ^ bt ttjis mark be Diffc reo fro tis^Bcing fo confutcD tbei Icape to an otljcr cauiltation, ^ tbotigb tljiitt fcarcD ticatb,ret be fearetj not tbc corfc f iujatb of goD fro lubicb be fenetu bim^ felfc f 0 be fafc» i5ut let p goolp reaDers tuer botu bonoiable tbis is fo; cbnUi^ be tuas moie tenoer 1 mo;e fe^irful tba \> moll part off bcri rafcal fo;it of men. S^jcues } otber end ooers Do obllinafe Ir ball to Dcatb^man^Da Vuptb bauiie courage Dcfpifc iti fomc otber Do mtlDlr fuffcr if. But Inbat conllancr 02 Uoute courage toer it,fo.j f fon of goD to be a* llonilI)cD, ano in a mancr llriUcn DeaD toitb fear of itfjf oj cue fi twbicb amog ^ comon fo;t migbt be accomptcD miracu lou0,is repo^teo of bi,^ fo; tcbeinccv of grief, bcrr Dtops of bltnD did fal fro \)^& face, jjieitber did be tbis to maUc a (beVu to V e^es of otber, but Uiben in a fccret corner tobitl)cr be luas goneout of f to pan^jbegroncDbnto bl^s fatber.. i^nD tbis pixttctt) it out of al Dout.tbat it t»a0 neDcful p be fijulD baue iansels to come Dotun fro beaucto rcleue bim tjoitban bniiJonteD mancr of c omfo:ting. Uotu Riamful afcDernc0,a3 31 niiD,lbulD tbis baue ben,to be fo far to;nienteD fo: fear of common Deatb,a0 to melt inbloDDr flueat;! not fo be able fo be cofo;teD but bi Sgbt of agclsrUibatzDotb not ^ p:aicr tb;icc rcpcteD,(ifatbcr if it be polTible, let tbis cup.Dcpart frc me) pioc cDig fro nniiicreDiblcbittcnicsof bart, fljeui ^ cb;ifi:baDamo;ecruel I barber battel tban \J3itbcommo Deatb: c beginning of it:luberb\? mar be gatbc rcD>botD grcuQus 1 terrible tojmcts be fuffereD,U)bf be Unc\i3 bimfelf to llaD to be arratncD fo; our caufe befo; p i"^5e met feat of goD.iSut altbougb fo; a mo=' met of time,r Diuine poloer ofvfpirit DiD biDe it fclfjto gene place to r U)caft' nes of p flclb^ref mull U)e Unotj),tbat \> teptatio hv. feling of fo;roiju i fear tuas fucb as teas not agavnill fa^tb . xlnD fo U)as ^ fulftllcD tubicb is in ^ fermon of pcter,.t' be coulD not be bolDen of p fo;^ roiues of Deatb^bicaufc lubt be felt bim fclf as it tuer fojfaUen of goD vet be Dtvj notbing at all ftuaruefro f truU of bis gcDDnss. cabicb i^ pJoueD bi ^ bis nota bic calling bpo goD, tube fo; cytre mitic of pain be cr^eD ont,mv C^oD, my> OoD, t»br baft tbou fo.jfaUen mef J^o; tbougb bcUias aboue meafure grcucD , vet iy: cealTetb not to cal bi i)iB goD, of tubo be crictb out V be luas fo;falif. 35o:coucr bcrb? is cofateo as iuel f erro; of Apol linaris.as tbeirs ^ tucr callcD Monothcii tcs.Apollinari5faineDrcb;ifti)aDauc' ternall fpirit in ftcDc of a foulc, fo i!' be toas onclr but balf a man.as tbougb be coulD clenfc our fins anv otber iLuar,biit bi oberigbis fatl)er.X5ut luber i3 v affec tio 0; tuil of cbcDif cc but i r foulrljubifb foulc of bis twc knolD luas troublcD fo; tbis purpofcto D.:iiie atuar fear,f b;ig peace 1 quictnes to our foul.;:ig>ain, fo; cofufion of [' iVloiiothclucs, Uie fc \)Q\x\ noloc be U)rlleD not t tbing acco;Ding a.9. to Ac>,2 24^ 47- MP_ 16 foil. 12. '7. .rct.1.3. Ro. 4.25- to t)w nature of £^anl30Dr,tuljicb Ijc tuil le^ acco;^Diiig to ^(s nature of (2DoD^c9. 3 omit to fpcahe Ootu tje siis fubDuc tbc afo^craiD fcarc Ua-tt) a contrarv aSfcc^ tion.ifp; l)erctn is a plain Sjcto cf rctra rietv.iFat^er Dcliucr nic fro tJjis tjoure, 115ut eue ftcrfo^e 31 (ante into tl}is Ijourc ifatbrr glo^ifi mt namcSin tuljicf) pcr^^ pUritie ^ci tuas tbcr no fuc^ outrage in iim as is fenc in t)s, eue t^n lolje tue mod of at enoeuo; to fubDue our felues^ 13 il^otu folotoet!) to refurrcction fro tI)CDei5ti,l»itf)out tobicb al tljat toe tiaue !)Vti}erto, li'erc but tjnperfect. j?o; fitb tbcre apperetb in 1^ cros Deatb,? burial of Clj;ift nothing but Uieafenetre: faitl^ muff paCTc bctono all tl)orc tbings/^at it may> be fnrntfbeD l6 ful fire gtb.Xber fc >r altbougb tDuc baue in ,l)i:s oeatfja ful accomp!ifi]ment of faluatio, bicaufe hv it Loib \5e are reconftlco to go!>,anD bis iutte iuDgcmcnt is fatilfJco,anD tfje I curfc taften atoap , % tbe penaltic f«llt? I paieD:iPCt lue arc faio to be regenerate j into a lining bope,not bv bis ucatb, but I I br bis riang again, fm as be in riitng j I againe rofe bp tbe tanquiflicr of Deatb, fo tbe ticio.nc of our faitb rcnfiaetb in I tbe bcr^ rcfurrectio: but botu tbrs is,it j IB better ej^pjctfcb in v tco^csof |eaul. | Sio} be raitb,!^ Cb^ift oiet> fo p^cfcnce of i.G>r.i3, Phi.3,10. l.Pc,l. 2» i.Cor^ij. 17- Ro.8.34 C0I.3.;. -- — ~ Godthc of goB.if urtfjermoie as tue fjmthtfo^t DecIareD, tfjattpon tfje partihing of his croffe tjagetb § mo?ti6catio of oarflcH): fo 10 it to be tjnD0rttaDeD,t^at bv bis rc^ furrcction lueobtaman otfjcr comotitic tDljtcb anftoeretb t?jat nio^tificatto./ro; (faitb tbe 0polHe)to0 are tfitrfo}c graP' feo info f likentftc of bt^s Deatbjtbat bc# wg partafeers of brs refurrectton , toe mav toalft in netoneffe of lifeXbcrfo^e in an otbrr placetas be gafbcrcf b a" ^^»*^ gumentoftbt5# toearebeaofogetber \3iitl) €l)nft 5 to p;ioue tbat toe oagbt to mo fo; t\::it l}z Iran noto lavD atoar tbat bafc ano bnuoble cttate of mo;taU lrfc,anD tbe fljame of tbe croae:i'et bp b^s aften* oingbp into beaucn cncl^,bc true Ii? be* Ioh,i5,; Redemcr. Second Bookc. ; Fol 147 gan bis fetngbome. taibicb tbeSpolHe • W3)ttii tobcre be trarbetb , tbnt Cnifl Hpli.4. afcenbebtofulftUalltbings.Mbere in 10. feming of repugnamie be 0)etoetb tbat tbcrc is a gonlp agrecmf t:bccaufe be fo Departed fro bs, ^ ret l)iB p^efr ce migbt be mo^e profitable to bs,tobi£b bao ben penneD in a bafe looging of t\)z flf (be, tobile be toas ccnuerfant in cartb. ;anD tberfo;ie 3Iobn, after tbat be bab rebear^ Ioh,7.''7 feD tbat notable calling^Jfanrtbirft let ' *^ bim come to me.tcl^TanDbp fa^tb^tbat tbe bolp gboff toas not ret gcuen to ti}t fartbfulljbicaufe Jf fus toas not ret glo* rificD.^bicbtbe llojD bmifcif filfoDiD tettiUt to tbe Difr iples, faring : 3;t is cr^ peDient fo: rou tbat 3 go atoar . i?o; if j DO not go atoar^ r ^^F S^o^ ibaU not comc.)15ut be geuetb tbe a cofo^t fo? bis co:poja!l abfencr,tbatbe toitl not leaue tbf as parentlEire,bnt toil! come againe to tbem after a ccrtaine maner^in DcrDe inuifible, but ret nto.je to be DcfireD,be* canfetber tocre tben taugbt br ino^e affureberpcrtence , tbat ti}c aufbo;if ve \siWh be cnioretb, f tbe poUcr tobir^ be bfetbj is fuffident for tbt fartbfuH) not oneir to make ti^t liue blc (re5lr> but alfo to ore bappilr . 3nb trueir toe fee boto mucb greater abunbance of bis fpi* rite be tben pourcD out,boto mucb more rorallr be tben auanccD brs kingcome, boto mutb greater potoer be tben (beto# eD,botb in bclping brs, I in oucrtb;oto^ ing brs emmres.3!5eing tberfoie taken Ijp into beaof , be toke atoar § p^jefence of brs boor out of our figbtmot to ccafilj tobeprefenttoitb ibcfartbfull tbat ret toanbrcD in r earfb,but V» mo>e picfent potoer to gouerne botb beauen t eartb. liSut ratbcr tbe fame tbat be bab promts feD, 1^ be tooulD be toitb bs to tljc eno cf r too;lD,be pcrfc?n»cD br tbis bis nktn^ Ding,br tobicb as brs boDr Vonr. Ufteo tjp aboue all beaucns,ro bis potoer f ef^ fectnall toojking toaspourebifprepa^ tB'iiL b;cao Cap.i^ rra£^u jin aian. MatsS. iO &.9. Mar. i6, Hd), 1.3. ab;oao beronD all tbe bcunts Df Ijcaucn ( carflj.lSut tttfi 3 l;aD rather to Declare in Au juflines too^Dcfi tban mine otcn, Cljjtft (fat?tb be) toas to go bt? Dcatb to fbe rigbt bano of tbe fatbcr, fro tubcnce be is come to taoge tbe qiiicU 1 tbe DcaD: ano tbat libetotfe in bonili? p;cfcnce ac^ co;Dtii0 to tbe founo Doctrme anD rule of fa^b . j^o} tn fpirif uall p^cfence toitb tbe,bc ^as to come after \)^$ afcenfion. anD in an otbcr place mo^c largely ano pIainlv?:ac£o;Ding to an bnfpeakeable t UnuiOble grace is tbat fulfilleo tobicb be bao fpoUen: bebolD,3 am luitb ^cu all ^ Da-{?cs,euf to t\)t eiiD of { iDo^lD.iSut ac co^Ding to J fleflj lubicb tbe lr>o;De tos^At toponbrnt, acco^Dingto tbat^betuas bo.in of tbe t)irgtn,acco;oing to ^ tbat be teas talxc of { Vetoes, ^ be luas faftneb on tbe tra,^ be \i)C[S tahcn bctun fro ti^t cro0,i^ be teas te^apeb in linnf clotbf 0, V^ be toas laio in tbe graae>tbat be teas openli? fljctoeb in bis rtfing againttbT^ tua0 fulSlles. I^e (ball not altcat baue me tuitb ^on.^br fo • becaufe be icau conuerfant acco;Di?ng to tbe p^cfr net of brs bob\? fo^t^ oa^cB luitb W tifciplee, t tbei? being in Us compani?,fcing bim, not following bint:,bc afcenueD into bea urn ano is not bere, fo; be fittetb tbere, at t^t rtgbt banb of \^s fatbcr : ano 10 Ijcre , fo > be is not gone aluare in p^e*: fence of maiittv,£rberfo?cacco?btng to tbepjefcnceof bi^s mateIl^c,tDe altuar baue Cb;itt:acco^tJing to tbe p^efcnce of br0 flclbjit tuas truelr fa^D to brs Difci* plestbut me ^e Ibalnot altcai baue.i?o^ tbe €\)urtl) bab Wn a feto ta^e0 acco;; D^ng to tbe p;efence of bT!0 tteft)e ? but note (be boloetb b^ni br fa^tbj but fcctb bi)mnotteitbci'e0. 1 J tRaberfo;e,it bvanbbr folloteetb,^ be 10 Otten Doten at tbe rigbt baD of bp0 fa* tber ; tebicb is fpoUen bi? teap of fimilii^ tuocfahc of pjince0 ^ banc tbeir titters bi?,to tebo n)t^ comit tbeir office to rule Of the knovv!ede;e of f goucrn in tbeir (leoe.&o it is faio^ttjat Cbjitt,in tebo tf)t fatber teil be eraltcD « reign b^ b^0 banOjteas receauecto fit at \)i0 rigbt bac: as if it bao bene fa^D,^ be tea0 inuefi^eci in tbe Dominion of bea utn f eartb,iolenmI^ entreo bpon p pof* (zfSion of tbe gouernnient comitteD bn* to br^»t tbat be not onelv entreD bpon it,butalfocontinuetb in it till be come Doten to iuogment. i?o; fo Dotb tbe ;i^po* filecrpounbit,tebenberaitbtbus:2Lbe'Epj, , ^^ fatber batb fet Um atbrs rigbt banD, a* p\^^ \ * ^ boue all pjincipalitie t poteer,t ttrrgtb \CorK I Dominion,! euerp name ^ 10 namcD i^' * not onl^ in tbr0 teo^lD,but in tbe teo;lD / Ah 4 to come.f c !^e batb put all fbings bnDer ] ] '^* bi0 feete,! batb gcuen bim to be beao of iAc.a 50 tl}t Cburcb aboue all tbinges.^ote ]poa '^ 'J '' fee to tebat purpofe belcngetb t fitting, i i0, tbat all creature0 botb bcauenlr f eartblT?mat> toitbaDmiratiolofcebp^ on br0 ttt^iefire, be gouemeo teitb i)TS banD.bebolD bl?0 co6tenance,f be fubiect tobt0pottJer.:anDtbcapoftle0 meane Heb.i«7. notbing cl0,teben ti^t^ fo oft rebcarfe it-, but to tcacbj tbat all tbingcs are left to br0 tetll.2Lbcrfo?e tl)t^ tbinfe not rigbt' l^, tebitb tbink tbat blefieDneffe is onlv meant b^ it,^nD it fo^cetb not, f in tbe iatte0,^teuen tefiifietb tbat be fate l)im ftanDing, becaufe toe fpeahe not bere of tbe gefiure of br0 boDr^but of tbe maie^ fire of br0 Donunton:fo tbat to ^ttte is notbing el0,but to be cbeefe tuDge in t})t beauenlr iuDgement feate. 16 thereupon Dotb faitb gatber manifclD frutetiroj it learnetb, t tlit llo;D bp bis afceuDing into beauen , batb openeD tfic cntrT? of i beaucnlp ljingDome,tobi£b be fi);?e bao bene fioppeD bp bp iaDam.ifo^ teben be entreD into it in cur fletb as in our name, tbcrupon folloteetb t ^bicb tbe 0pofile fa^tb? tbat toe do alrcabp in bim after a ctvtsiin maner fit in beauen. ifo; \^ tec DO not \ai^) barcbopelofeefb; Eph,2.^ beaue,but alreor in cur beo tee pcflTeire it.^o^e* Aa.7.^6 2)&5>»II Ro.S. 34 God the Kcdcmcr. ii^oimtr faitb perce\»uetb tt>at fje fit tttii \^ b^s ifatber to our great benefit, ^o; bv is eatrca into a fanctuarp not maoe \d ba3s:,i tber appearetl) befo:c v face of tbe fatber a continual aouocate f interceiro;i fo^ t)tf :be fo turnetb tbe jfa^ tberseiestobisriGbtcoufnea ^ betur^ nstb tbem atoa^ from our rins.^c fo re conctletb b«J m^nD to t39,tbat b^ f)is m tcrceffion be meparetfj tjs a toa? i paf* fagc to his tb;one,fi!ling it tuitb grace « mercifulnc0,U)bicb otberijo^fe tuoulo baue ben ful of bojro.: to tojetcbeD fin^ ner qutcfeen t)5 toa fpirituall Ipfcjiwrtif^ lu^fb hv^ fpirit,! garnilb bis cburcb tuitb tbe Di?i» uerfc gifts of bis grace, pjefcrue it fafc agavnft all burtcs b^ bl?s protection re^ ftra^ne toitb ti)t Crengtb of bis band i raging enemies of bis cros i of our fal^ uatio:finall^,bolD al pot»cr botbin bea^ ucn I in ertb>til be baue ouertb;roUjn al bv*encm^es> tub^cb are alfooureae<» mic£f,f maoe pcrfed tbe bi'lorng tpof biS cburcb. ilno t\}'';^5 is tbe true (fate of b^ hingDom:tbis is t^z pottier tbat Ub fatber batb geuen bim,trll be make an enu of tbe laft act, tobcn be connnetb to tuDge t^ qaJcUeauD tbe DraD. 17 Cij jift Dotb in Da^o bere (belu to tiit tbat be bi^s,plainc pjoues of bispotoer p^efent among tbeni:but bicaufe tnocr t\)c bafeneSlc of fletljbis UingDome cotb in a niaucr l^c biotienin eartb,tbcrfc:e i fo.j gojB caafc is Ui'di called to tbih ^po Aa.i.u, ^ ti&ble p;cfcncc,tobicb 'oe Wd openly fljetu at § laC oay.iro; be fbal in \3iablc fomt coine Dctunefro bcaucn,cue fucb PCmo. Second Dooke. asbetoasreenfogdt)p:ibc(Iiall appe ,M' (Fol 1^6. Mat. 3,41 30. are to all me toitb bnfpeafeeablcmape aic of bis bingoo, tnitb biigbt glifferlg of immo^talitie, lut?tb infinitie polucr of goDbcao,Uutba garoe of Angela. ifr5 tbencetberfoje toe are biODc to lohe fo;^ bim to com our reoemer at ^ oa^, U)be be (l)al feuer tbe lambs from tl)c gotes, ']VJat,ar. tbe cbofen from tbe foafaheo:! tber Ibal'^,^ be none ofal,eitber tbe quicbco^v tea!) j tbat fl)al efcape bis iiiDgcment. fo: fro ', xhcf 4 tbe furtbcft co;iners of-tbe tiJo;lD fljal be ,5^ bearo tbe founo of tbe trompet luben> luitb all tball be calico to bis iucgemct featc,botb t\)t^ tbat (ball be fount) aliue at tbat oar, ano tbtr tobom ocatb batl) before tahen out of tbe company of tbe quicfe.^ome tberc be tbat in tbrs place erpouno the tyojsjs of tbe quick anu tbe Daco ctbcrtcrft: 1 toe fee tbat fome of § olD toaiters or^ fticfee in oouttjpon tbe conltruction of tbis article . 5i5ut as tbe afbaefa^D meaning \b plarn ano cafp to perceiue:fo ootb it better agree toitb tbe CreDc \J)M is cwilJct i it toas ^niti accc;oi?ngto the capaci^tie of tbe com^ mon people.ano berctoitb notbing Diia greetbtbattobicbHpoflleamrmetb,i5 He.9.27. It is apointco. to al men once to oic.iFo; altbougbtber tobvcb Iballrematne in mc,Jtal life at t^t latte inogemcnt, tbal not D^e after a naturall mancr t o;Der: ret ^ cbange tobicb tber tbal ruffcr,br* caufc it tbal be IrHe a oeatb, isnottm p^operlr calleD Dcatb. at is in dccd cer^ tarn,tbat not al fbal fiepe,but all fijalbc c!)angeD.mbat meanetb t^^n one mo< mcnt tbeir mortal life (ball pcriOj t be ftoalotoeo bp, ano be tttcrlr tranffo?- meo into a ncto naturc.SSbis pcrifljing. of tbe flctb no ma ca t)cnr to be a DCfitb; ^ ret in tbe meanc trme it rcma^mtl)- tr«c,tbat t\)e qniclJ i tbe Deau fbal Uc fu mcucD to r iuQgcnicntjbicaafc tijcoeatr; tbat are in cb;ift tbal firft rife^ano tbcn i Thef..j tbcrtbatfbalrcmarne ibeUuiiig^lbal u5. mM4. toitb .Cor 5^. ^>*>' Cap.i6 I Aa.io. R0.J.33. Ioh.5»23 \xiiti) tiicm be foDcnlv taken t)p into tlje av;e to mate tbe lloice. anotruelvit is l^kclv tijat tt>is article Urns tafec out of t^c fermon of pcter,tjjftict) lluhe re? cttet!j,anD out of tfje foUinnc p^cttHof ttonofpauUo STtniot^c. 18 l^^f rcupo mktl) a Cnjjulcr comfort, Mitn \ot t)cavc ti)at i)t is tui!ge,\i}t)t(b t)at^ alreDv apotnteo ts partcncrs lott^ iim in tuDgmgifo far i$ it of, ^ ^e iu^Il go tp into f iuogenipt feat to conoemne tfi.jpo; t)oU) O^oulD tbe moamcrcifull prince De0ro^ l)^s olune peoples tiotue fl)ulotbc&cati fcattcrab^oDc bisoljone mfber£!^botu d^ulD tbe patrone coDcmn i)is oton clientesfif oj if J 0po0le Dare crie out,v Wit t\)n^ is interccflb; fo;^ \is,tt)tv ca none romc fo;tb tbat can con ocmnc t0:tt is muO) mo;te trut,f (^}itt bifclf being our intc rccflro?,lrtU notcfi* Dcmnc tt)c iDbom be batlj recciueo into bis cbarge % tmtib.^t is truelt no fmal affurcones,^ lue fljalbcfc;ougbt before no otber iucgrmt t feat, but of our oton reDenicr,fr6 lubo our faluation is to be lofecD fo;r:mo;ieouf r t ^t tcbicb noto b^ i gofpcl pjomifetb eternal blcCcDneffc, (&al tf)c bi fitting in iuDgcnict pcrfc;rme his p;omife. SDberfo^c to t^is enu p fa* tber batb bono;teD ^ fon, in gening bT!m aliuDgcmcnt, tbatfsbc battj p.JouiDcD fo? tbc confciencec of tbr t be biJEt,trem^ bling fo; fcare of tbe iuogcnte t l^itber* toBlbauefollotDCD tbeo^ncrcftbeapo files CrcDe,bicaufcUJberca3 it fljo^tl^ in feu» too^oes conterndb 5 cbiefe arti cles of our rcocmption,it ma^ feme tjs (b}aCab(e,U)berintDC Dot)ifiinctl^anD feuerallr fee fbofe tbings ^ are in cbnft toojtbi?c to be tabrnbeoebnto.3! call it tbc apoltlcs CrcDe,not carefully regar Ding tobo luer (> autbo; of itjt is true* Ir bp great cofeiit off olD U);iters afcri bcD to t ^pottles, e^tber brcaufetbet tbougbt t it teas hv common trauaple toitttr f fet hy § apogleg,o; foj ^ tbr? Of the knowledge of tudgeo f tbis ab;itgcmmt being faitb/ ftiU^ gatbcretj cut of ttit uoctrinc, Del]?* uereD b^ tbe banbs of tbe apofiles.loas tpo^tbi to be cofinneD U)itb fucb a title. ;3nD ^ take it fo; no Doubt,tbat lubence fo cucr it p^occDcD at i firft it batb tut from tbc firft beginning of tbe cburcb, I fro::i tfyt t)erp tipme of § japoftles,bcn bfcD a0 a publibe confcltton, t rece^urD bt! confent of all mcn.i^nD it is l^Uelr i it teas not pjiuatelT? tojittr b? an^ one nia,tb;armucb as it is euiDent tbat cue from tbe fartbe^ age it batb alVoar con tinneD offacre!) antbo;itie anD crcDit a$ mog al tbe goot^.^ut tbat tbing Wei) is onelp to be carcD fo;, loe baue tubol^ out of ccntrouerfp,tbat ^ Irbole bifto;? of our faitb is (bo;tl^ $ luell in Difiincte ojoer r^bf arfcD in it,anD tbat tbcr is no tbing contevmeb in it tbat is net fealeo tjoitij fcuD tclltmonics of tbe fcripture. Wi^ici) being unDerfianDcD, it is to no purpofec^tbcrcuriouQr toDout, c;ito (trrue \s3ito ani? man,ii bo Iwer tbe au^ tbo^ cf it: bnlss perbap it be not inougb fu^iomemantobeatTureD cf tbe trutb of tbe bolt gbott,but it be do airo bnceri^ ftaD tit\)tr bt feljcfc mcutb it iuas fpo* Uen,o; bp tobofc bano it luas ibc^itten. 19 TBut tb:afmucb as lue do fee,tbat tbe tDbole fumme of our faluation,? all ti)t parts tbercf,arec6p;cbcnDeo in cb^ift? tec mutt beluare,tbat toe to not Djalu atcav fro bim an^ part tbcrof be it nc* uer ic Utlc.Bif luc feefee fo; faIuatien,tDe j^o. arc tai'gbt bt» (' ben? name of 3;efus, i it is in bi.Sif toe febe fo; nn^ otber gifts cf {) fpirit,tbct? are to be fcunD in \)i3 a=^ nointing.Bif tpefebe fo; l!rfgtb,itis in bis Dominio:if Itie fete fo; clenne5,it is in bis coceptto:tf tue feke fo; teDcr kinty nes,it (betoetb it felf in bi^s birtb,t>bcr^ b^ beUias maDe in al tbings li»Uc Vnto bs,^ bJ mrgbt learn to fo;oUj \Jo bs: if toe feltc fo; rebeptio, it is in bis pa(ri5: if toe feke fc; abfolotio,it is in bis c5De nation: Ac.4,12. i.Cor»i, Hcb.i2. »7. Ci.y3 Aft.3-'o nation:if toe febc fo; rclcafc rf t curfc, it 10 in biscroCfe: if toe fcbe fo; fatiffa^ ction,it 10 in t)i0 facrificc;if toe ftkc fo; cUnfing,it 10 in bis blue: if toe fekc fo; rec5ciliatifin, it 10 in his going ooton to 1 t\)z ^el0:if toe febe fo; mo;tiacation of f fiea),iti0 in bi0 burial: if toe fcbefo; . netone0 of life,itiit in bi0«furre(tion: ; iftoefekefo^ immojtalifrcjitisintbe | fame : if toe feUe fo; ti)$ inbcritace of § , feingDom of beauf, it is in bis entrance into beane :if toe feUe fo^ Defenccfo;^ af | rureone0/o; plenty ano tto^e of al gcoo ^ tttng0,it is in br« feingoomjif toe febe God the Redcraer. iecond iWkc. fo; a D;eDlc5 lofeing fb; i i«ogement,it Tol.v>7. isint potoer geue to bim to iuDge. f{i* nallT!,fitb 1^ treafurc0 of alt fo;t0 ef gmD tbing0 arc in bini,Ut t)S Djato tbcnce ,t fro no tober els, ear til toe be ful \jSaU. i^oj ttcv tobwb bf ing ^ot contet tovtb bim alcncare carieD bitbf r ano tbitbcr info oiuer0 bcprc, altbongbr tbet? bane principal rrgarb to bim,ref f «f t« lbi« tber are out of J hgbt toar, i^ tbc\? turn anp parte of tbeir Unotoleuge to an^ o* tber toberc. jaibeit fucb^iftrutt cannot crepe in, tobere tbc abounDanrc of b?0 goDO gifted bad once bene toel bnotone« The.xipii.Chdpter, That it is trucly and properly raide,that Chriflc hathe dcfcrucd Gods fauor and faluatioii for vs. Trt^ViS qucftion isalfo tobeafTovlco ^ fo; an aoDition. ifo; tbere arc feme futtle men after a to;cg mancr,tobtcb altbougbe tbci? confefic tbat toe cbtaine faluation bi Cb^iif^ret cannct abioe to beare tbe name of Dcferuing, b^ tobicb tbei? tbink tbc grace of ©05 to be olfcu* re'o:anD fo tbc ^ teill baue db^ifie to be onlp tbc inflrument 0; minifier, not fe autbo;,guiD^; p;ince of life, as ^eter callcti) b^m.lin oeetse ifi cortfea'c,ti)at if a man toill fct Cb;ilt fimplr $ b\? brm felfe againll ^ iuugemcnt of (SoD,tyen tbere Iball be no roumv foz ocfcrutng: becaufe tb-rc cannot be founoc in \mn J. I , am?too;rbinc0ttatmaiDctcruetbefa^ Ac-^' "°^ of CDoD : %i\ty as Augulhnc mctte pred. lac ^^^^ to;^ctb,tbc mofl: clcrc Ivgtjte of p;eDellmatton ano grace ta our iauic; bimfelfCjtbe man Cb;ift itivs-, iubrcb batb obtcincD fo to be, br tbc nature of man,tobicb 10 in bim, U)\^tbout an^ u* feruings of too;b0 0; of faitb C>«ng be^ fo;e.3i befecbc rou let me be ut^iujert D, toberb^ tbat fame ^an DeCci uc9 to be taken \jp b^ tbc ©aio;De tbat 10 coctcr? nal toitb ti^t fatber into one pcrfon,anD fotobetbconelg begotten fonof »S)oD» torum. ILcftberfo^eapearein our bean Jtjcr^ fountaine of grace, from tobcmc acco;* Ding to tbe mcafure cf euer^ one, iX fio" toetb ab?oaD into all bi0 membcrs.lSp tbat grace cuer^ one from i beginning of bi0 faitb is maoe a cb?iftia,b^ tobifb tbat fame ma from bis beginning toas maoe Cb^itte.againe in anotbcr place: tijere is no plainer erample of p;cDcCi natien,tban i fl^cDiato; bl^mfclfe.iro; be tljat maoe of tbe fcoe of jEDauio a ma rigbteoustbat neucrfijoulobetjnrigb' Dcloro tcous, VDoutanrurferuing of bis toiU 'pcrfeue- going befo;c, eucn tbe fame be Dotbc of l^^. Cap tnrisbtcous make tbc rigbtcou0, ff)at|^|j^ are tbe mcmbcr0 of f beaojanc fo fo;t^; as tbere folotoetb. SEbcrfoje toben toe fpcak of CbJiHes Dcferutng, toe Do not ia^ tbat in bim is tbe beginning of £c* feruing, but toe climbe t)p to tb^ o;Dt^ nance of (Sod, tobicb is tbe ftrftecuufe tbcreof;becaufcCoD of bie ctonc mere gffiDtoilMppointcD bim ^cDiato;,to pur.bafc falucititn fo; bs.^no fo is tije Dcif ruin.^ of C?);itt tnfitlp fct againfie P mercx; cf goD.^. 0; it is a cornon rule, i> things o;!:;a? one bnDer anotbcr ut not Duasra&.;anD tbercfc;c it may tocU UX uauo .Of>.'7 Of the kr!OwIcc?2;e of HatiD togetljer, ttjat mm^ iuttification fis fre b^ thz mttt merct of (iDoo, t t()at tl)cr alfo ti)c Defcrumaof Cli^ffe eame feet jacne, lubicb w containcc^ tinker tbc mrrc^of goD. )!3ut agatnff our to^^kes arc aptip fef,a5 oirett Ji confrari, botb § fi'c fijuo; of goo, f t!)e obcDtrcr of cb^tt jivbcr of tbem in tbetr Degre,ifo^d)ii(t (oulo not Defcrue an^ tbing^but bt* tf)t gmo plefurc of goD.i but btcaufe be toas apeinteo to tbis purpore,toitb bts facrt^ fice to appeafe tbie t»;^atb of goo,f to^tb bis obeoience to put aloa^ our offices, fimWi in a rum:bicaufe tbc beferumg orCbitft bangctb bpon tbe oneli? grace of c©o;j,UH)^cb apoy?nteD bstbi^ meanc of faluation,fbercfo^8 as \at\l tbe fame Dcfcruing, as tbat grace, is Utl^ ktti a* gainil all tbe too3 to of men, 2 Sbi's DtKinction is gatbereo out of \M^^, !(?, majit^ places of tbcfcripture. f tobofocucr belcnetb^im, llial mt pcviQ), milt fe boto tt)t loue of ©oi3 boIDctb tbe firft place, as tbe foue* raignc caufc oi o/iginal: aos^tben fblo=» toctb faitb in €liHftefs t})c fecont^e Oi nerer caufe.lf an^ «ja take erceptiort i (^ip,tbat€b^itt is bu( tbe fo;jmal caufc, be Dotb mo^e Diin-iniiO) bis poluer, tban tIjclDoztJs ma^ bearc.^To; if Idc obtein rigiKcoufncs b^ faitb tljat reltet!) bpon bii^, tbcn i$^^ti)c matter of our faluatio tobc foiigbt mbim, tebicb isin msn^e Col,!. Jo k. Cor.j. 1^ ^urpofe ferue all tbofe facings : be is ^ fatiffacrion fo^ ourc finncs. ^gaine: it pleafco gob bp bim to rccocilcal tbings tabiinfelfe,appeafing bi mfelfe tb;jougb tbe blouo of tbc croffc bi bint.f c.0gain. <25oD loas in cb.:itt,reconciling § tuo^lb to bimfelfe, not imputing to men t\)t^} fmncs.0gaine:be accepted tjs in bis be^ |Eph 2.i<5; loueo fonne.3gaine.2Dbatt)emigbtre« 'jbph.iitf. concilc tbem botb to (!3oD into one man b^ tbecroCTe.Cbe reafon of tbis m^tte^ rtc is to be fetcbeb out of t^t firii cbap* tcr to t\)t C!;pbefians, tober paul, after ^)iit be bab tAi\^t tbat toe toere cbofcn in CbJifi,aDDeti) tbereto^baU,tbat toe baueobteineDfauo;inbim. ^otoe bio ©00 begin to emb.jace UnHj his fauo;, tbem tobome be loue?) bero;e§mafetng of tbe too;iD,but be^aufc be Wterca bis loue toben be toae reccncileb bp § biuu of Cl).:ift.if o;t Stb <£>od is tht fountaine of all rigbteoufnelTe, it mntt netbes be, ^ ma fo long as be is a Qnner, baue gob f)VS enemie ano bvs iuDge.Mlbercfoje tbe beginning of b^s loue is rigbteonf^ neffCrfucbeas vi ocfcribeo b^ paul.^e maoe bim tbat bad done no 6nne, to be finne foj ^iSythsit toe migbt be tijt rigb* teoufnes of goD in bim.iFo;j be menetb^ tbat toe baac obtainco free rigbteouO nes br tbc far riftce of Cb.iifi^e, tbat tee IbulD picafe €oD, tob^ft) b? natare 4re ttjc (iHlJ.if n of UJiatb,a.nD b^ fin effr^m geo from lygin, ^uttW Dillinctton is i.Cor.j 21. r^i.^jQ places plainlrp^j^ueD.ijiot tbat toe firft ' alfo mtant fo oft as tht grace of Chiitt i\%'^ loucj) bim,but be fIrft loue o ^s ano feat his foil to be tbe apper«jKng' foj our fins. |n tbefc too;'Dcs is clcrelv fi^£tocD,tbat ^oa,to tbeenD tbat notbinglboulo \3f ^m\^l)is loue (otoarD bs,appo?nte&bs ^ a mean to be reccnctlco in Cb?ift. ^nn ^ttns loo JO apcafmg,ts of great toatgbt: bicaure^(©oD after a certain brtfpealjca able nftincr,eucn tbc (unKtiimthHt be IcucD bSjtoas alfo angr^ toitb tos,\jntil i}c toas rcc<>ncileD tn cbuC. :ano to tbi^ is tovne&Mtfjc loue of <©oD. Mbertjp* on foKotof tb, tbat be geuetb t)s of" b?s ciimc tbat \}}hi(h be batb purcbaftmfb; otbcf toifc it tooulD not agrc toitb bim, tbat tUis pjaife is gcuen bim feucralli? from bi's fatber, ^t it is bis grace ono p;^0£o&i>ofb ft'om bim. 3 liBut it is true li^ an^^ ucrfwitr gatbe** reb bt! mmvc places of the Scripture, ^ €hH(t bp-b^scbeDience batb purcb^l* feu tjsfauoj^ toi.ti?,!jji« tatter, jro; tbis 3 talte' '■■Wlw^H'T*'" Ro.j.n Ro.j. ip. i.Toh 1. J Luk«22« 20 Ioh«i»2p. CodthcRedctncr. "Second Eoo- e. tahc fo J a tljfg confelTctJ,^ if cl);i(T Ijntt fatifScD fo; cur fiuB, iii}t l?atb fuffcreD t!jc ptmitlmicntcue tonto tjs,if bp l;i5 c^ benicncc Ijc fjattjappcacco coD,finallr,if be being tiq\)tcci\sMth liiffcrcD fo;: tlie t)nncjf)tcous:tf;cn is faliiation pure Ua* rcD fc; tsbt Ot6 rt0l)teournc0:tubtcb t0 as mwf I) in effect as to Dcferitc it. ^nt, as Paul luitnrflctt : iocarc rreoncileD ano fjauc rrcctucD rcconcilation bp \)iii 0catli.li5ut rcconcilation liatf) no placer, but tuber tljcr Iwr t ofiicncc be fo;e.2I^bcr fb^c tfjJ meaning 10,^ Boo,to tufeom tx)c toer fateful bi rcafon of finncts bv tbc Deatf) of bis Ton appcafeo, fo ^ be nii^bt be fauo;able tinto tj0.)anD tbe c ompart» fon of contraries t follotectb a Utle af* ter,i0 Dvligcntir to be nctc D : as bp tbc tranfgreffion of enc man , man \? tocre maDefinnerc : fo alfo b^ f obeDvcnce of one^anv are maue rigbtconc. jpo; t\}c meaning is tljustas bv tbc Sunc of iaoa toe tocr cftrangcD from goD i o;iicineii to Dcltruction, fo b\! ti)t obedience of CbnftlDffiare rccc^ucDinto fauo;as rigbteous. ano tbe future time of tbat terb Dctb not cxdtxnt p;tefent rigbtcouf:' ncs,as appcarctb bi tbe p;toccs of f tejt: foj be baofaipbcfojCjtbat tbc free g^ft Ixias of man^ 0nne0 t)nto tuC ideation. 4 HButlubcn toe favjtbaf grace i0 pur cbdfeDt}0b\> tbe Dcfcruingof Cb;iQe, iDe meane tb^0) tbat toe are clenfcD b^ f)i6 bloaHj anD tbat bT70 tieatb Vuas a fa^ tiffaaion fo; our Utmts,\$^s bluo clen^ fetb b0 from fin. SLbis bluD 10 it tbat is IfteD fo; rcmilKon of fin. 31f tbrs be tbc cffecte of bis blond (l)eD,tl)at Qns be not imputeo bnto badt folptoetb tbat turtb tbat p;tictt^t iuDgement of qcd is fatif fieD. io tobicb purpofc fcruetb tbc fa^^ ing of ^obn tlje Baptiftibcbolo tbe la be of aoD, tbat taUetO atuai? tbe fin of tbc tooilD. if 0; be fettetb ia i6sr;rifo cb;ttl «gain(le al tbc facrificcs uttc IaU)e,to teacb^iubim ot^el^ loa0 fulfillcD tbat tBbicb tbofe figures IbetoeD. ^v.n toe feno\D,l«batspofc0 ecbe tober faitb: int" quitr (balbe elf fcD,fin Ibalbe put aU?a^ « fo;gcuen. if inall^e,toc arc feeri? toell taugU in ^ olD figures, tobat is § fozce I effect of tbe Dcatb of Cb;ift. flnn ilj^s po)?nt fbf 0poCle fettetb out in tbc t\i^ die to [1 lpcb;uc0,berv fitlf facing tijis principle, tbat renuCfio is not Ui;ougbt toitbout fijcmng of bluu.taibcrt)pon fje gatberetb, t!)atrb;itt fo; tbc abolilbitig of fin,app£areD cnce fo; al bv bis facti^ ficc. ^gainc:^ be t«a0 off rco top to tahc atoav tbc finnes cf maute. ^iiD be bad faiD befo;e,tbat net bt tbc bUtO of gotes 0; of calues, but Ir brs otonc blouDe be once cntreo into tbe bclr place, finding eternal reDcmption.i^otu tobcn bctbus reafonetb: if tbcblouo of a calfe do fanc" tific,acco;oin0to i clcanncffe of § ficH?-, tljat mud) mo;e confcienccs are clcnfcD bt? tbc blou8 of Cb;ift fro Deac trc:itcs: it eafilpappearetb ^ ti)t grace of Cb;itl is to mucb Oiminilbeo,tnle0e toe graiit bnto Ijis facrifice tbe potoer of clcnfing, appeafing,f fatiff^ing. ^as a little after be aODetb : tbis is tbe ^e&iato; of tS)z neto teffament,tbat tljcn tobicb are cal/ leD>mat? receaue tbe p;omife of cternall inberitauncc, b^ meane of Dcafb fo; tf}t reDemptio of finneo going befo;e,toljicb remained bntjcr tbc lato.liSut fpcciallp it is conucnient to toep t relation ^i)iti panic Dcff ribctb , tbat be became curfc fo; V)0. jc. i?o; it tocre fnpcrfiuous, t?ea anoanabfuroitie,fbatCb;ift IboulD be cbargcD fcitb curfe,but fo; tins cntcnt, tbat be paring tbat tobicb otbcr t>tD Otoe, (boulo purcbafe rigbtcoufneirc fo; tbcm, ;9iro tbc tcftimonve of€fave is plain tbat tbectaflifcmcnt of our peace toas lai^De bpon^ Cb;iS » ano tljat toe obtaincDbealtb bt bvs flripcfl. ifo; if <£b;ift bao not fatiff^cD fc; cur Cnnes, it coulD net banc ben raiD,tbatbe appcaffU goD by tuUing tpcnbim tbc pain tobei'^ \5nt0 Ga.3. tt Cap.iS Of the I, nowletff*€£)f ;KQ.>a4' k P&i»iS jfcCof,di ao i f tjnto toe focrc fubicfte . Wi\}tKc\siii) a« greet!) t})(it to!)!c^ follatoetf) in ttjc (amt VlcWC;fojtS;efiiine>fifmp people 2J)viue ftriljcn him.ilet t)0 alfb recite tte ey>o^ fitio cf petcr,lDl)ici) fijal Icaue nothing ooutfuUtlbat be did beare our enne,t)?6 tjie tree, ifo.: tjefartb, tijat tbe bprtfjeii of Danmation from \s}f)id) toe toereoc^^ liuereD, toas larD tjpon Cb^ift. ^ anD t^e ^pottlec do plainly p;onodrc, t^at \)t paveD tlje pjice of ranfomcto re^ Deine ts from ttje giltinea of Deatfj.UBe* ing iiiff iSeD b^ bi0 grace, tb:oiigb § re^ Demption tobic^ is in C!i.:tlf , tobo C3oD batb fet to be tbe p^jopiciatojie bi favtb tobid) is in bis blouo.paul comenDetb tliz grace of dDoD in tbis point, b^aufe be batbgcuen tbepjice ofreDemptto in tbe Deatb of Cb;^iftM tlym be biaoetb bs tcfiee^ntobisbtouD, tbatbaui?ngob* tei^neo rigbtcouf nes,toe mav Uao bolD* l^ befo^je tbe iuDgcmcnt of CDoD. j^nD to tbe fame effect is tbat fa^'ing of It^ctcr: tbat toe are rcDcmeo, not br golDe ano filuer, but bi> tbe precious blouD of tbe tjnfpotccD Hambe.ifojtbecomparifon alfo toonlD not agree, bnlrffc ^^ti) tbat p;ife fatiffaftio baD ben maDe fo; fins: fo^ tobicb reafon paul favtb : ^ toe are 'pAjeciouO^ botigbt . 5Ufo t ofber fav* ing of bis tooultx not tfao togetber: tber is one speDiato; tbat gai je bimfelf to be a ceDcmpticn,bnleffe tbe pain bao bene :aft tjpoubim tobrcb toe baD Deferueo* SDberfoje i fame japonic Definetb, tbat tbe reoemption in tbe blouD of€t)M is^ tbe fbjgcneneffe of finncstas if be fbulD bane faiD,tbat toe are iuftifieD o; acqui ttJi bcfb,zt (KoDjbefauCetbat blouDe an* ftDeretb!ti.j fatiffortion foj tjs Mbere^ toitb alfo agr^tb tbe otber place, tbat § bawitoji?ttng tobicb toao againftebs, toas canccUcD bpon § crcO^.iFojtberin IS menrtljs paiment o? reccmpece tbat acquitctb bs fro giltincsXbere is alfo , greattocigbt ixitmt \nom of mnki Gal,2.2i. LciS.j. Aa:3.3g Ga.4.4 If 113 2 be luaifieD h^ § too;fefi of ^ lato, tbe €^m^ DicD fo^i notbing.if o;i berebi toe gatbcr, ^ toe muft fctcb fro Cb^ittc ^ tobicb tlic lato toojo geue,if an^ man can fuiai it:o;(tobicb is al onc)tbat toe oWeiubitbe grace ofCb; ill tbat,tobicb goD pjomifcD to our toojfts in tbe lato, toben be favotbe tbat Doti) tbefe tijings, fi^l line in il}i, Mbicb be no Ics plains Ip cofirmetb in \)iB fermon maDe at 0n? tiocbcaffirming ^ bi belcuing in cbntt toeareiuftifteD from all tbafetbings, fro toi)icb toe conlD not be iuSifieD in ^ latoof ^ofcs. jfojiftbet»epingof tbe lato be rigbtcoufne5,tobo can Deni tbat Cljnfl DeferueD fauo; fo^ ts, toben ta^ king i burDen bpo btm, be fo rcconcileD bstodDoD^asiftoeour felues baD&ept ^lato, %o^tamzpurpD(t kruethtW tobicb be aftertoarD \3i)}itzt))to § CDala* tbians,CDoD fent bis fonne fubiect to tbe lato»f bs migbt reDeme tbofe tbat tocr bnDer § lato. if 0; to tobat enu ferneD ^ fubmiffion of b^s, but ^ be purcbafeD to tJsrigbteoufnelTe, taking bpon l)^mto make gaoD i tobicb toe toere not able to paffl^ereofcometbtbat imputation of rig^eotirnelTe Vpout toojkes , tobercof l^aul fpeakctb^becaufe ^ rigbteouOieffe Rom. 4. isreekeneb tobs M)ich toas founo in €f)M onl^.anD trul? fb;ji no stber caufe is i fleflb of Cbjiff calleD our meate,but blcaufe toe fino in bim (> fubftace of life. HnD tbat potoer pjoceDetb fro notb]?ng els,but becaufe § fonne of goD toas cru* ioh.5.ff, clfieD, to be f police of our rigbteoufnes. I as Paul raitb>tbat be gauc bpbimfelfa Eph.j..2< facriSee of ftocte fauo^^iinD in an otber I place : be D^elrfo; our Cnnes, be rofe ^ Ro^.2c. gain fo;j our iuttificatton . hereupon is gafbereD, tbat not onli? ialuatio is gear ttf bp €bHii , bitt alfo tbat fo? bps fake bt^^fatber iarnoto fano^able t)nto bs. if o;^ tberc is no Dont tbat tbat is ptrttat iv falfilleo in btm , tobtcb^ but onelv to f^ctee ttje effecte cnfuing tbcrcof,tljat it migl)te be fo; an cramplc to bs. anD no noteliS a cbtiDc is bo;n to I30. againe: ottjer tljing 10 meante ^^J;^\^^l'^'^ Hcio^ce tbou DauGbter of ^icntbebolDe fpobe in an otber place, tb^^^^^^^ tDv miD ^ foi Luk,24, 25. £ to it is to be fencbotxi tt;ofegcDDti;lorstoccme ;< im^o ts, iufjrcb i fatbcr ^Ijatlje giucn to bis cnelr ' braottenfcn,notfo;btg Cap.i* II0.8.29. i JR0.1M7, ! ^ iGal.3.16. Of the mancr how to receiuc Mv fpirit.^cco jDing Uiljcrtinto |3aulc alfo Tpcahing of clcnfmgi iuffificatioit, ta^t\) ^ lue arc niaDc partaticrs of tl)t botbc tntbc name of'MuB (L\ni%^ in tl)z fpirit of our goD. jHnallv tl)W is tbc fum,tt)at ti)c I)cl? fpirit is [7 bonD Mycv toitl) COnft effertaalli? binDcttj tjs tin* to bpm.if oj p;jofc liibcrof alfo do ferae all ttjrd tDc biiue taiigbt in tbe lali boUe before tbi'SjConcerning bis anointing, 2 But tbat tbis,being a matter fpccial^ I^ tuoitb^ to be Unoujne, mav be maue mo.:c f ertainlT? euiocnt, Uic muft bolDe tbrs in minDctbat Cb^ift came furnt^ fo: tbc faluation of manfeini), is t3np.:o? fitablcf notbinsauailctb fo; tjs.SEbcr to :c tb.^t be marc cntcrpartcn Vortb ts tbofc tbigs tbat be batb recemeo of bis iratbcr,it bebouetb v be become oures, aiiD bU^cl in tjs.^nD fo.i tbat caufe be is callcD our beaD,ano tljc firft begotten a^ mong manr bjetb.Jcn: anD on ttit otbcr fioe it is faiDe, tbat \joe are graffeo into bim4 uto put on bT?m. iFo;^ (as J baue bcfo.je fa^De) all t):}at euer be poCrctTctb belongetb notbing to t3S,\)ntil \«c grotu togctbcrinto one toitbbv^n. liSut al* tbougbtt be true tbat Uie obtainetbvs br faitl)e:i!ct foMfmucb as Vuc fa: )} not j a)eD luitb tbc bol\? fpirit after a certain all luvtbout Difference do embrace tliis | peculiar manncr,to tbe enD t be mpgbt entcrpartening of Cb;ii(f ,lobicb is offc^ feuer ts from tbe tuo^lo, anD gatber Ms reo bv tbe gofpel, tbcrcfo;jc \3er\? reafon [ togetber into tl;e b Jpc of an etcrnall in^ tmljttl) t)3 to climb \)p bier, and to cn^ | bcritance. iro; tbi^s caufe be is callcD ^ quire of tbe fecret effectual Usoaking of i fpirit of fanctificarioujbecaufe be Dotbe ti)c fpiritjbi tubicb it is b.zougbt to pas, | not onhj quichcn anD nourillic i3S tii\?tb tijat \ue mio^ Cb.nfte anD all brs gcDD | tbat gcncrall polucr lubicb apearetb as toiiigs. J banc befo.jc entreateD of (be c--' incl in mankiuD, as in all otber Iv^uing ternall 0oDbcdD auD etfence of tbc fpi^ ritcat tbis pzcfcnt let \3S be content Ui tbis one fpeciall article>tbat vl^bufre fo i.loh.^.7: came in C:ulatcr * l;3loiiD,ti)attbe a>pi? rit rtiulD tettifv of bim, lead ti)c faluati on tbat be batbpiuTbafcD, HboulD flip a> tuave from ^s. jrD;j as tbcrc are allegeD tb:ee tuitneCTcs m beucn, the fatber,tbe lu3.jD,t tbe fpirtt,(o aix ib^^re alfo tb:ce in cartbe, Uiater, b!otiD,3nD tbe fpirite. 0nD not Ijuitljout caufe is tbc teft imon^ of 1^ fpirit ttoife repcteD,^jubicb >iJe ffcle to beengrauc in our bartcs in UcDe of a fcale: Wbcrbv commetb to paltctbatit fealetb tb ; luat^ing f facrifice of cb;ift. !i,Fet.i,2 xiUw Vubicii meaning peter alfo faitb, tbat tbc faitbfull are cbofen infamtifi^ catinn of tbc fpiritcl)nto ofaeDienceanD fpnnltting of tl)e b'ouDc of Cb,Jilte.i5^ lubpcb iuazDes be Mkti) t>3,tbat to tbc cntcnttbelI)CQOingof tbat bolPblouDC (lioulD not become tJoi^DCjOnr foules are creatures, but alfo is in %s tbe rcte anD j fcDe of beauenl^ life.£:berfo;ctbe [no^ \ pbct5Dop;jincipall!? comenD tbclung;^ Dom of Cb;iite bv tbis title of p^croga^ 1 tiue,tbat tben ajulD fiojill) mo^e plenti j ful abunDance uf tbe fpirit.^nD notable j aboue al tbc reft is tbat place of Joehin j^^ tbat Da^ J ^ill pourc of m^' fpirit tjpon , all flcO). jfo; tboiigb tbe p^opbet tbere | feme to rcfiram tbe giftes of tbe fpirit j to t^c office of piopl)erving,T'et tnDer a figure bcmcanctb,^^ goD bp tbe enligljt ning of bvs fpirite loill mahe tbofe b^iS fcbolcrs Ivbicb befoje lucre Vinflulful f lioiDc of al b^auenlv Doctrine, ^otu foj as mucb as OoD ti}c fatbcr Dotb fo;^ bV^J fonnes fa^ve gcue Ms bis holv fpirit,anD vetbatbleftU)i?tbbimtbelJubolcfulnes tbereof, to tbe enDe tbat be fl)oulDc be a minilter anD Diftributrr of \)is libera? lit?:bcisfometimecalleD tbe fpirit of tbc fatber, anD fomctimc tbc fpirite of 2,28. tkfep iuitb it bi V fecretc Unuenng of (' [ tbe ton. Pc arc not(uiVtb paule)in tbt aefl). Ro.8.9. Ro.S.n. The 2;racc of Clirift» !'} irci L'oole' tol.i6o Ioh.7. £ph.4.; i.Cor.i)- 4^ Ro.;.;. fli;aj,l)ut intbc fpirit,fo.i ^ fpirit of goD DUidlctb in roii» 15ut ifanvtjaucnot V fpirit of ci);ift,I)c 10 not ^is. anu !)crc upon t)c puttct^ l3S tn Ijope of ftill ixnu^ ing,fo.: ttjat Ije totjicb ra^fcD tip Clnitt fro tbc DcaD, lljal quicUcn ourc moztall boaics bicaufc of t)i$ fpirit DUicHing in bs.jpo; it is no abfuroitic, tbat to ip fa^ tbcrbcafmbcD t}jc p,:a)ifeoft)i«otonc gifts,tMbcrof be is the autbor^ )Kt that tbc fame be afcribeD to cbiitf ,16 tubonic t\)c gifts of § fpirit arc lcft,tbnt be nrav gcuc tbeni to tbofe tbat be bisXberfo,:e be calletball tbcm tbat tbirft, to come to brni to Djint^e. 0nD paul teacbetb tl):it i fpirit is DittributeD to cuerp one, nrco;tiinG to tbc mcafurc of tbe gpft of cb;ift,3nD it is to be Unoluen,tbat be is f alteo tbe fpirit of Cb lift^not onir in re fpett t tbe cternall Uio:d of goti is tuitb the fame fpirit io vncD Iwitb tljc fatbcr, butalfoaccoping to bis perfonofi|)e^' Diato; , bicaufc if be b boll? fpiritjtubcr it entreatetb of begins ning * Uibole retto:ing of our faluatio, Jrirft be is calleo the fpirit of aooption, becaufe be is a U)itnes bnto bs of § fre ' gc3t) tuil of Cod, Ittbertintb <^o^ tbc fa^ tber biitbc emb;accD bs in bvs beloucD onclv begotten fonne,tbat be migbte be a fatbcr bnto \)S,anD botb encourage bs to p:are bolDlv,vea a no Dotbe mini ft er bs U)o;Des to crv luvtbout feare Aliba, 'Ga.4.6. fatbcr : bv tbe fame reafon be is calD:o | tbc earneft plcbgcanD fcalc of oure in«^ "2. Cor.i. beritace, bccniifc be fo geuctb life from 21 bcauen to bs tiianD:ing in tbc Uio^loe, auD being l^Uc to beat) men, t ^^ i"»^? be alTurcb tbat our foule is in fafegarD tnbertbefaitbfullljepvngcfc^oii : fo: tobl^cb caufe be is alfo ralleb Irfc, bv reafon of rigbtcoufncs.^nDfo;afmucb j^q g as b\i bps fecreate Catering be malictb bs frutrfull to b2ingfo:tb tbe buDiJcs of rigbteoufnc(rc,bc is oftentimes calico U3ater,as in Cfav:nll re tbat tbirfl com to the Uiaters.0gainc: J tuill poure out mv fpirjt bpon tbc tbirft\%f floufies bp^ on tbe D^r lanb : U)berU?itb agratb tbat faring of Cb^ift, tobicb 3 bib eucn nolo allegcrjf anvtbirft letbim come to me, albeit fomttme be is fo callcD,bv reafo of bis potuer fo purge ano clcaufc,n6 in Cjecbiell tobere tbe ilD:bc paomifctb ^2,^6,2^ cleane Uuitcrs twbertuitb be Uiill luafbe bis people from filtbincfTe . Hno fo^af^ mucb as be refto;etb ano no^ifbctb into liucli? quiclincfTe , tbcm tpon tubom be fM\ batb pourcc the liquo? of br^s graccbe is 2c. tberfo;e calico b? tbc name of orle 1 an opntment.^gaine becaufe in continual Luk,^i6 Iv fctbing ou} anb burning bp tbe \iices ofourluftcbe fettetb our barts on fire luitb the [one of Oon ano ^eale of goDl\?^ Ioh.4.14 neffcbe is alfo fo; tbis effccte buo.Ubilr calletjfirc.irinallv be is Dcfcribeb bnto Aa.i.ai. bsasafoiitaincfrcmtubcnce Do floU) bnto bs all beauenlr ricbelTe;, 0; the bano of Cod , Uibcreinitb be bfetb hvs potoer : beeaufe bt> t\je b?catb of hvs poUier bee fo b;eatbetb biuine Ivfe into bs ,^ Uie are not nolu (f irreb bv our fclues , but rulcb by br^ fttrring ano mouing 10. Era,44.2 Ioh.7. 17 3. [Cap.i« Of the mancr how to rcceiue Eph.4. R0.8. 29 ;Ga.3.27. lEph.5-.30 loh.. 1.13, mouingifo^tftljercbc an\? gcoD tljtngs in tJ3,tt)ci be tbe frutcs of bis grace:but our o\»n gifts toitbout bijn,be Darbncs ofminu f pcruerfnes of bart.SDbispcit is fct out plainly' enoagb? tbat till our minus be bent tjpo (' irM Sboft, Cb?ift l^etb in a mancr pDlcb^canfe toe colD* l^ cfpT'e bim tD^tbout btm, K^ea f far a* toav from b^ni. ^vit toe fenoto tbat be p;iofitetb none otber but tbe tobofe beat) be is,f tbe firft begotten amog h^tth^t-, ano tbem tobicb baue put on bim.Cbis conio\?nins onelt? mafeetb tbat,as cor er^ nipng bs, b^ is come not bnp;joatablr toitt) tbe name of fauio^. ^no fo re^ ceiue Cb^Jitte fa\? f^iitb^^ tolp ctljcrtopfc fijoulo remains fubiccteto tl)zu otone inSnelit^e.ilifec tobere bnto is ti)at an^ ftotr of CbjiatOelbc an^ blouD bafb not reuclcs it to tb^ > but mp fatbcr Mj^d) is in beau:n» 2i:befc tljings 3 uoe notoc but iljo.itl g touc\)y. fcccaufe ^ ^lue alrea^ Bv? entrratcD af tbem at larQ;e.0nD l^hc alfo is tbat facing of |Daule, tbat tljt C-^ ■pbefians tocre fealeP bp toitb jf bSfl't? fpt* Joh.3. 24. & 4. rit of pjomife.ifo^ paulelbctoctb ^ be ' , is an intoarD teacber,lv tobofe too<:Uig .Hph-n tijz pjomife of faluatio perfctb info our minbs, tobicb ctbertoife (bulD but beat tbe aire 0; our cares. ?li!:ctoifctobe be faptbjtbat t\)z 2Dbclialonians toere cbo^ 2 Theri3 fen of got) in ti)c fanai^ication of tbe fpt^ rit,f bcleuing of tbe trutbtbi tobicb iop ning of tijcm togetber,be b<^efely aDmo* nilftetb tbat faitb it felf p;oceeDetb from notbing t^lB but from iiit bolpe fpirite: tobicb tbing3!obn kttttl) out mo;e plai# lt?,fat?ing: toe fenotoe tbat tbere abioctb in bs of tbe fpirit tobt?cb be batb geuen bs.^gaine.XBt? tbis toe Unotoe tbat toe ioh.i4. btocl in bini, f be in bs,becaufe be W^ ,7 gcue bs of bis fpirite . 2Dberfc;e €t);iil ^* pjomifco to bis Diftiplcs \f fpirit of trutb tobicb tbe too;lo ca liOt receaue , t i^^^ migbtbeableto rcccanc tbcbeauenlg toif£)cmc.;^nQbca!TiGnetbto tbe fame fpirite tbis proper office , to ^ut tbem in minD of ibofetijings ^ be han taugbttbe by> moutb. Jdccaulc m biiine fooulo t\)t ligbt Qjeto it felf ti; tljc b{ini3,bnleirctbe fame fpirit of bnDeraasiug (bculo open tbe epes of ibcir minotfo as a man ma? rigbtl^ call p bol\? fpirit, p Hc^ by tobicb t\)t treafures of tbe beauenlt? feingbcme are openeo bnto bs: ano map cal bis en^ ligbtning , tbt epefigbt of our minoe to f0C.S:berro;je Dotb ^.?Baul fo mucb c6^ menu tf)t minifterp of v fpirit : becaufc 2- Cor.3. tcacbcrs (boulo crv toitbout profiting, ^» bnleffe €^nft bimfelf tbe intoaro mat* ftcr fboulD D;ato tbe \iiitl) bis fpirit tbat are gcuen f;im bv b^s fatber. Cberfo^e as toe baue fa^^o, tijat perfecte faluation is founo in ti)c perfon of Cb;iia : fo tbat toe mar be mauc partal^ers tbcre of, be Dotb bapttfe bs in ti)e Mv fpirite } fire, ligbtning bs into tbe fartb of bl?s <^oULu^,y6 pel, f fo ncto begetting bs,tbat toe mat? be neto creatures : ano purging bs fro bnbolp Sltbinelfe, botb Dedicate bs to be boli> temples to The The grace of Chrift. Third Eooke. OfFaythjWhcrtn both is fct the definition of it, and the properties that it ]iath,arc deciared. D tat all tfjefe t^mts Cball be eafie to t3nDerffanD,tDt)cn tfjere is (feetocD a plapncoeftnittcn of fa^ti) , ttat tfte rca< Dcrs mav bnoto ttic fozce t nature tfjrr* of. I5ut firtt it is conucntcnt to rail to minoe again ttjefe ttjrngs tbat Ijaucbcn alrcdU^ rpohen,^ fitb CDoD ootb appoint t)B b^ ln?0 Litoe to&at lue ougW to do , if toe fal in nm point tbcrof,f be fame ter^ ribleiutigententof etcrnall Dcatb tbat be p^onoiicetb ootb rett tjpon tjs.again, tbatfo^afmufb as it is not onelibaro but altogetber aboue oar ftrengtb f be^ ^onu all our potoer to fulfill tbc latDe,if tDC onclt bebolD our felues,f \s)tv tobat eftateiB iDojtbre foj our Deferuinges, tber is no gosu bopc left, but lue l^e caft atoat from })iai all tber tbat are aoopteo bt! CDoo to be bis cbilD^n^o enter t)pon tbe poffeffionoftbebcauenl^bingDom, fo;armucb as it is certain tbaf not euc' r? opinion no;»^et euer^ perfUiafion is fnfficicnt to bjrng to paffe fo great a tbinig. klnu toitb fo mutirtbc mo^ rare ano ftud^ muft toe Icone about fo;^, ano f?arcb out t naturall p^operfie of fattb, b*2 l)o\xj mucb tbc mo;c burtfult at tb^s t>a^ is tbe erro;j of man^ in tb^s bebalf. j?o;j a great part of tbc tDo;jU)e,bearing |tbcna>ncoffdigtib> contcauetb no brer Fol.i6i, i.Tim,6. 6, tbvng, but a cerfaine common alTent to tbebiftoitcoffbcC5ofpcll. ^ca toben tbc? tifpute of fa^tb in tbe fcijojles , in barely calling (Don tbe obieete of fai?tbj tbc? DO notbrng but (as toe banc fa^D in- an otbcr place) b? t)aine fpcculatton ratberD;aU)bJ;^ctcbcD foules out of tbc rigbt UJar? tljan Dircttc tbcm to tbe true marbe. ifoj lobereas Coo Dtoellctb in a ligbt tbat none can attaine to, it bcbo^ uetb of neccCfitic tbat Cb^ift become meane bettoenc t)s anD it . jlo^ Vcbicf) caufe be calletb btmfelfe tbc Ugbt of tbe too?lD: anD in an otbcr place tbc uaat», tbe S^rutb, f tbc llifc ,brcaufc no man jloh.s. 12 cometbto tbe fatber (lobicb istbefoun* .loh h.6 tame) of life,bui bi? bim: bccaufc be on? iLuk.io. Ipbnovpctb tbc fatber, anD b? bim tbc 12. fa^tbful talubom it pleaCctb bim to Dif* f lofc bim.arco :Dtng to tljis rcaf6,paul affirmer^jtbatbcaccomytetb notbrng ewellent to be hnotocn, but Clj;iift:ano in tbc riE.cbapteroftbeactcs be fartb> tbat be p;eacbeD fa^tb in Cbntt. fc.anD inanotberplaccbcbjmgetb in Cb;ift fpcahing after tbt«ntaner,3tuilKenDe tbte among tbcCDentiles,tbat tbe^ ma^ p receaue fo jgeueneffe of finne s,anD po;? tion among bol^ ones, br i fa?tb tobicb is in me.anD ^aul ttHiMijy f' tbc glo* r^of^oD is in bi^J perlbn bifible bnto 13S : 0? ( UJbtcb is all one in eflfccr) tbat tbeenligbtningofpfenolDlcgc ofc^oDs gla^rc itiinctl} in bis face . ^ is true in DeDc tbat faitb batb refpect cnl? to ^ one ©oD,but tljTS alfo is to be aDDeD, tbat it arknoiDlcDgctf) bim teb^m be batb fcnt, mm Jcfus C!):i(t3!BicauCeCDoabimf^lf fljoulDbauelrcnfccrete 1 biDDen farre from l3g,t)nlcCC § b;rgbtncffc of Cb;ift DiD caft bis bcamcs bpon tjs. i?o; tt)ts cntcntt fatber left air tbatbebaD^it!) i,Cor 2. Aa.20. ' 2.Cor.4* %,u bt?s Ap.2, Lib.ii.de Ciuit. Dci»ca.ii Of the rr.aner how to recciue uPeti ^ts cnlv ycgottc fciij men bv fihtmmi* rutins of gffij) tfjaig^ xo ijvni to crp^cITc tfjs true imaQt of tjw g!o;iP.ifci; as itis fa^o, ^ toe maft be d;aU«cn bp 1^ fpirit, ^ tue iiiar be ttirreD to fehe Cb?ift,fo a* game toe ougbt to be aDmont(^e!) , tbat t\3c inmdhlz fatber is m tober cIs to be fcugbt but in tUs image.^f tobicb mat ter Auguflmcfpcalietb ejaellentlg toel, tobifb entreating of tbe mark tbat faitb (boulD (bffltcatjfa^tb i toe mutt iinotoe tobetber toe mnft go f tobtcb toap : ano tl;en branbb^ after be gatbcretb t tbe fafcatoa^agarnl! all errors is ^€tf)&t is bctb <25oD f ma. fm it is dDoo to tobo Uuj go, ano man bp tobcm toe go : ano botb tbcfe are founO no tobcre but in ^b^ia.ijieitber Dotb IBauI tobr be fpea^ fectb of fartb in dDoo, meane to oner* tb^oto tt)at\x)\)it^ be fo oft repeatetbof faitb ^ batb ber tobolc tta^ bpon Cb^ift. HnQ laeter Ootl; moft fitlp iorne tijem botb togctbcr, faying tbat by brm toe bcleueinOoB. ' a 2Dberfo;c tbfe «utll,cotn as nmnme* rable otber,is to be imputed to ^ fcbcle^ mcn)\3a\)U}) baue biDDen €bnit as it toerctoitbabeiIeO;atoen bcfo;ie l)im, to tbe bebolDingof tobom tnlcflfe toe be iJirectly bent,toe (Ijal altoar toanDer in many bncertain maj cs.lBut bcfibe tbis ^ toitb tbeir Darhe Definition t^tv bo Dc^ face ano in a maner b^ing to nougbt t^t tobole fo^ce of faytb, ti)cis baue fo?gcD a beuifeofbncrp^effeDfaytbjtoitb mic^ name tlje^ garnidjing tbeir mc0 grcffe i^nojaunce DO toitb great burt Dcreaue tbe filly people,Ka(co fay truly $ plains ly 05 y tljinQ is in DeDe ) tl}is Daiifc botb not only bury but bf terly Defiroc y true fai?tb . 3is t\)^s to belf ue,to bnberaano notbiiig, fo tbat Voou obcDicntlv fubmit tby fcnfs to tbe Cburcb^jl aytb GanDetb r.ot m ignciance but in unotolcDge,anD tdat not onciy of Coi) , but of tbe toill of gcDifo^miibcrpotoc obtain fi^luatio 10.1 0 by tt)is tbat toe eytber are rcaDy to ntif hme fo; true tobatfocuer i Cburcb ap? pointetb)0; ^ toe bo commit to it all tbe office of fearrbing f fenotuing,but tobe toeacltn6toleDge(S)oDto be a merciful! fatber to \)s by tbe reconciliation mabe byCb^ill^^anDtbat Cb;ifi^ is geuen Ms bnto rigbteoufneHe, fanctification, anb life.UBy tbifi bnotolegej fay,nctby fub? mitting of our fenfe^toe attain an entry into § KingDome of beauen. if o; toben tbe japofile faytb, tbat \int\) tbe bart tor Rq, belcue to rigbteonfneffe,! iuit^ y meut^ confefiion is maoe to faluation^be (^eto etb tbat it is not enougb>if a men bncp p^efleblybeleue^tobicb be bnDerftan* Detb not,no;i feketb to icarno: but be re^ quiretban cf:p;eircD acknotolcDging of dDoDs gobnelfe, in tobicb confifictb our rigbteoufneffe. 3 3n DeDe 31 Deny not(fucb is y tgncjare tobcrtoitb toe arc copatfrD)^ tberc noto I be I be reafter tbalbe many tbingc to?a* I ptn % '^is^ntn fro b0> til bauing put of tbe burbcncfoarflefl^ toe come ncrer toy p;efcnce of not in rcucrence of tbe €^urc\). ^nn toe fee ii^W a ma$e tbcy banc framcD iaitif tbis tbetr biDOen tmpUcaticn , tbat any tbyng tobatfoeucr it be toitbout cny cboife, fo tbat it betb^utl in tnDcr title of ttic Cburcb 5 is graDily receauebof tbe igno;raunt as it toere an oracle , ye fometimealfomoU^ mon&rous errors. Mbicb tnabuifeD ligbtneiTe cf beleefe, to^jcreas it is a molt certaine Dotonfali to mine, is yet ercufcD by tbem,fo; ^ it bclcuetb notbing Determtnatcly, but Via tt)is The eracc of Chrift. Third Bookc. FoUi^a introrjuctioSjljoUjtfjei Dio fttcfe euen in thcfmaUeapomt£f,tjoto tfjci? J^anging at § mout!) of tbeir maiftcr did not i>ct inucf) pjoceue, rca U)l)f at t^c tuomans info jmation ti)t^ ran to tljc grauc, tijc tt)is coDition aoiorncD: 3if tijc faitb of F cburcb bcfucb . &o do tbe^ fapne , tljat truth is goloen in erro;, I^^t in blino* ncs,trucknolDl0Dgc in i^Tno;ianrc.l5ut bicaufc tuc Ujil not tar^ log in cofuting mzm, Uie 00 oncl^ loarnc tbc rcaocrs 1 refurrertio of tltm maiftcr toas Ir^c a to coparc tljcir Doctrine toitfj our«. ifo; ! ojcamc tjntotl^.&itjj tft^ft Dio before tbc t)f r^ plaimws of § trutb it felfe iuil beare toitnes of tbcir faitb>tDC mai? not of it fdf minitter a confutation rcaD^ c fap ^ tbei? toerc tjtterl^ tottbont fa^tb: nougb.if 0^ tbis is not ^ quc&io among ' but ratbcr,if tbcr bao not ban pcrfU'a* tbcni,iDbct!)cr fa^tb be ret to^appeo Id j Dcd tbat il\:)iitt Owlo rrfc agarn^l care man^ remnants of ignorance, but tbc^ ■ of bim tooulD baue pcriOjcD in tbrifoj Definitiueir far? tbat tbei bclcuc a rigbt, ! it teas not fupcrftition tbat oiD D?ato ^ lubifb ttano autafcD in tbcir igno^acc, | Ujomcn to embalm \Ditb fpiccs c ojps ^ca ano do flatter tbemfclues tberein, of a DcaD man of toba tber toas no bopc fotljat tbcp DO agree to tbe autbo;itief \ of l^fe : but altbcugb tbct! bcleueD Iras iuDgcmcntc of tht cburcbc, concerning Ujo;O0 U)bora tbei feneto to be a fpeafecr tbingcstmfenolw. 00 tbougb tbe fcrip^' ; of trutbr\?et tiic grofites tbat (tillpofTcr^ ture Dto not eueri? lobcre teacbe, ttat fcD tbeir minDs fo tD::appcD tbeir fa^tb to^b fartb IS io^tttn fenolDlcDge. in Darhncflfe, tbat tijt^ Uiere in a ma;* 4 liPut toe DO graunt.tbat fo log as toe \ ner amafcD at it.iEiaberupon it is fa^Dj toanDerfrombomrintbrstuo^lD, our tbattbe^tbcnattljelaft bcleueD teben fartb is not fullv e!t;p;c(reo>not onli? t^* tbci? beo h\? tr^all of tbe tbing it felf pjo caufe mani? tbingsare ret biDDcn from ; ueo i trutb of tbe too.>Ds of CbMil:not Hphj.ij tis,b«t brcaufc being copaffeD iDitb ma i*r miaes of errojs,iue atte^ne not all tbings.jFo? tbe bigbcft UiifcDom of tbe mott perfect is tbis,to pjofitc mojc anD p;oceDc on further fo.iluaro loitb gen* til Uiaiingnt fltolearn. SDbcrfojjD paul evbo.ztctb \> faitbfulU if bpon.anr tbrng tber Differ one from an otber,- to abr^c fo; rcuclation . SnD truclr erpcricnce teacbetb,tljattil toe be tsnclotbeo of our flcfb> toe atttr»ctcrU»ato IcCTc tba toer tcbe toiflljcD, anD Darlr in reaDing toe ligbt bp5 manr DarU places tobicb do co uiiuc tjs of ignojauncc. 0nD teitb this b;iD!e goD bclDetb t)s in mooeftie^afTig* ning to euerr one a mcafuce of faitb> V euen t tcrr bed teacb^r insr bsireaor tbat tber tbcn began to beleue, butbr canfc tbe feeoe of brbbcn far tb tobicbe toas as it toere DcaD in tbeir bartSjtbe rcceruing liuelrnctTc, Dro fp;ing \jp . SCbcr toas tljerftj^ie a true faitb in tbf j batantne);:p^cDf^rtb, brcaufrtbcr reucrc tlr cmb^saceD tber bcltueD f b- came fro beaue br r e*"acc of brs fatbcr to gatbcr biiJ Difctplcs to beauc. ^iiD toe nttDenot tofaUe anr mo;c famrliar pjofcbercof tban thiSytm in alltbtngs altoar fcnbclcfc is minglcD tortb faitb. <; Wic mil's alio cdlV^ an t3ncr?;elTcD ^ fartbjtobifb ret in DecD isHCtbt<^ but to [cari^c'anD notable crampics of tbis j ay;cparation offartbXbcCuagtUas \)ns>:?KireD faitb, toe ma^imarU m tbe i do rcbrarfc ^ mmir bcleucclrbicb onir DifciplesofCb^itt, bcfo:ettjat£berbaD|b:iagraaitt)cDtoaDmirati br ginning of faitfi« ^0 tbc courtier ^ belcaeo Cf);ifl^e0 p;o mife, concerning tbe bcaiing of bts fen, U^ben be came bome , 30 tbe Cuangc^ Ua tefiifictbt beleueD again: bicaufe be rcccrueD as an ojacic tbat tobl'cbe be bearo of tbe moutb of Cb;itt , anD tbea fubmitt'eD br»rff Ife to bis autbo;itic to rcce^ue l;rs Doctrine, albeit it 10 to be fenotuenjtbat be toas fo trartable t rca* D? to learn,tbat ?et in tbe firft place tbe too^D of beleuig Ijgnifietb a particular belcfe:anD in tbe feconb place maftetb bim of tbe number of tbebifciplesjtbat p;ofeflicD to be fcbolers of Cb;ift.;a like eramplcDotbiobn fetfo^tbintbe^a^ maritanes, Uibicb fo beleueD 1^ Ujomas repo^tjtbat tbei ran carneai? to diiifiy ttijicb pet tube tber baD be aro bim,faiD tbu0:noto ioe beleuc not bpcanfe of tb^ repo;t,but U)e baue bearD bun, anD Uje feiiciu tbatbei0tbefauio; of§li3o;lD. itjertbi! appearctb tbat tbep iobicb are not let initructcD in t\)t firft introDuc^ tion0>ro tbat tt)e^ be D^fpofeD to obeD^ enccarecalleD faitbftill in DceD, notp;o perlpjbut in ti)is refpe(t,tbat goD of bi0 tenDer l^inDneffe towtbfauetb to graunt fo great bcno: to tbat goDlp aflfedi6,but tbisiuillmgnflTcto learne, tuitbaDe^ fire to p^oceue furtber, Diflfieretb far fro tbat groffe igno^ancctoberein t^er ivc Dultbat are content luitb i t3ncrp;eacD f^ritby fucb as p papiftes banc imagp* ncD.if 0; if Paul feucreli ccDf nctb tbrm tobicb altuai) learning, tjet neucr ccmc totbeUnolBleoge of trutbbotuemucb moje greuous rep^ocbe do mi Deferue, rofpurpofg (hiDieto bnctue notbing. <5:. mna tbcrefc;ie is § trucknotulecge ^iJ^^L?ziy5*i^'!lHl5iHl"^ be is Hph.4. 39. Ro. 10.4 offcreD of bis fatbtr, tbati0toiai?,clc^ tbeD 16 bis gofpel.jf 0; as be is appopn* teD to be f marbe of our faitfjjfo tee can not goe tbe rrgbt toar to br»n, but bv t gofpel gorng befo;e to gu^De tj0 . anD trticlv tijcr are opcncD to t;0 2 treafures of grace, tDbPcbbevngtbuttjp, Cb;ift n^oulD litle p^oftte ^0.^0 paui iopnetb faitb an ttnleparable companion to Doc> trinctobcr be faitt^: pe baue not fo lear ncD Cb^i^)fo; r^ baue ben taugbt lubat is tbe ttutb in Cb?ift»^et do 3i not fo re ft rapne faitb to tbe gofpel, but ^ Bi con* felTe tbskt tbere batb ben fo mucb taugbt b^ ^oie0 1 tbe p^opbetes, a0 fufififeD to tbe eDtfication of faitl),but bicaufe tbere batb ben Delt^nereD in tbe gofpel a fuller opening of fa?tb>tberefo;e it is l0o;tb i It? calleD of )9aul, tbe Doctrine of fa^tb. ifo^tobicbcanfe alfo be fa^tb inano^ tber place>tbat bp tbe comming of faitb, tbt latD 10 taken ali)ai?,meaning bi tbis tDo;De faitb,tbe netoe 1 linaccuftomeD maner of teacbing, labcrb? tbnfi ftnce be appeareD our (bcbolemafter , batb mo^e platn!^ fet foat^ tbe mercie of bi0 fatber,f mo;e certarnlt; teftifieD of our faluation» 0lbert it V^sd be g mo^e eafp anD mo;e conueniente o;D;r, if loe Def^ cenD bv Degrees from i^ generalitie to f fpeciattie«if irft lue muft be put in mio { tbat t^rre is a general relation of fartb to 1^ 1oo;d> anD ^ faith ca no mo;e be fe^ uereD fro tbe tso^D, tba tbe funbeames from tbe (wine from tobome tbet p^o^ ceDe.SD jerfc;e in €faie goD crietb out: . I^earemei^ourfouleftjallliue. ^nD^ E%Jo« tbefame is tbe fountarne of faitb,31obn (beUietb in tbefe U)o;D0: tbefe tbigs are .lohj U);ittcn ^ re map bcleue . anD ip |0;ft* pbct meaning to ertw^t ti)e people to Pdf.ifo belefe,fattb:tbi0 Dap if pe (bal beare bis S. tjopce. anD to beare is commonlp take fo;^ to beleue. ^o^couer, (H^oD Dotb not toitbout caufe in Cfaie fet t\)is mark of Difference bettoan tbe CnplDjen of tbe 0.13 cburcb The grace of Chrill. Third Bookc. j Vol €Wch anD ffraungew, tljat Ije tDill in* i percciueD far f)i^ tr)o;D.0nD ^ foanijaf t5 arart tl;em all, ^ ti)tv ma)? be taught of ■ hereof is a fo.:e conceaucD pcrftoafion of *^^. btm.jfo: if it tccrca bcnefitc tniucrfal to aU,tB!)? il)oulD Oe Dirert Ijis Uiojds to afctof^Wcrtuitfjagreetljtbis ttjat tl)t Cit.^notcltffcs DO comonip tjfe p Uiojtjce ifaT?tl)fuil , anD £[)irctplc0 , as fcuerall too^DCju erpjcffing one tfjinrtjanD fpeci^ alli? ILuhc tjeii? off in tfje ^actrs of tfje 0* Clcs.^f a anD l)c firctcljcD tbat name c^ ucn to a tooman in tlje iic.cljapter of tt)c 0rte0.Mi)crfo,:e if fai?t!j do fUjarue ne? ucr fo litle from tl)is markcto ivUtl) it ougbttobe Dtr^ctli) IcucUcD, it Iscpetf) not ^cr oton naturcbut becommctlj an Uncertain ligbtneffc of bcleef anD tuan* Djing erro; of minDe. S^be fame Ico^oe is ttic foanDation tjjberioitb fatti) is bp# bolDenanD fuffaineo , from Uibtcb if it ftoariie,it faUetb Dotun.STberefo^e tafee atoa^ttje MtojD,anD tfjen tbere fljal rc^ maine no favtb»^^e do not berc DLfpute V tmtl) of (IDoD.£Df p affurcDnefTc tobcr of fo long 35 tl)V minD l^al Difpute Uiitb itfclf,tbctDo;iD (ball be butof DoubtfuII f Ujcafee f reDit,f ca ratbcr no creDite at all. 15ut alfo it fumfctb not to bcleue t^ CDoD is a true fpeafter,t»birb f a ncitber nccciuc noi lie,t3n!eirc tbou furtljcr boln tf)vsfoi tonDonbteolv DcternuneD, tbat tobatfociier p^occcetb from bim , is tbe facrcDanD inuiolable trutb. 7 113ut bccaufc not at eucrp toojDe of CDoD mans bart is raifcD bp to faitb,tue mutt pctfurtber fearcb U)battbis faptb in tl)t U3o;5 batb p^opcrlf rcfpcct bnto. 3(t Inas tbe facing of dDoD to aDa : tbon (bait Dpc tbc Deatb. It tuas tbe facing of CDoD to Caine : tt)e blouD of tbr b:otbcr crpetb to me out of tbe eartb. ^et tbefc arc fncb fapingsas of tt)cmfelues ra Do notbingbut fljafec favt^,fomufb IcCfc tobetl^er tl)t minitterv of man be nccef# j are tbeti able to Uablifb faitb.^c Dent? fart? to fotoc tbe luo jd of Ci^cD tbat fl^pf b not in tbe mcanc fcafcn tbat it is J office ma« be conceaueD tberb?,lubicb queilio toeluillelftoljere cntreateof: tut fee fa^ ^ tl)c luo^De it felfcboluroeuer it he ronueT?eD to \is , is like a mirroj tubcn fartbmapbcbolDCDoD. ^betber Mat f^^tb TmDetb in tbe iDOiD of tbe JLoiD to leane i reiJ tpon. ?I2:iben our confcicnce bcboloetb onelt? inoigna it b^ brs one onl\> polDer,^et be Dotb al^ ' tion i t3engeaace,boUj can it but trem^ tca^ fbcU) bimfclf b^ b^s Ujo^d to tbofc, ! ble i quaUe foj fcarcf^nb boU) QjoulD it IjDbo bis tuU is to DjaU) bnto bimttuber bpon IBaul oefinetb faitb to be an obeDi* encctbat is gcuen to v CDofpell. Hom.i, anD in an otber place be pjaifetb v ©be= but fiee (!I>oD,on»bom it is afra^D. )5ut fa\?tb ougbt to fche (lDoD,f not to flee fro bim.Blt is plaine tberfozc, tW twe banc not t?et a full Definition of favtb,bicatjfe Dience of fai?tb in tbe pbilippians. ifo? it is not to be accopteb fo; faitb to knoU) tbis is not tbe onl\? purpofe in ^ tinDcr>« I v toill of (I?oo>of tubat fo;t focucr it be. ftanjing of fa^tb,^ Uie hnoto tbat tbere is a ©09, but tliis alfo, t?ea tbis cbaflr, tbatlu5t)nDerttanD )3o\)at iDtUbe bea* retb to\uarD bs . i?oj it not fo mucb be* bouetb t)3 to knoU)tobat be is in bimfclf, but \Mbat a one be Unil be to tj« . ^q)3) tbcrfo;e toe arc come to tbis point, tljat fartbisafenotolcpge of p toilt of C&od, mnt U)bat if in § place of toill, tubercof manp times § meffagc is fojrotuful anD tbe Declaration DzeaDfull, tuc put kinD* ncffe 0,: mcrct?;2i:ruelt? fo toe ftjal come nerer to {> nature of fa^tb. ifoj toe arc tbcn allurcD to fckc dfoD, after tbat toe baue IcanteD tbat faluation is la?De l)p intto;etoitbbtmfb^t)s. ^bicljtbing ^.iii. ts Ge.2. 17. Cap.a. Of the mancrhovv to rccciuc i.f.4o.ii. 15 confirmeD tmto ti«,te!)en \jt Declare:^ tljat fjc fjatbrarc t lone of I30. JOjerfojc fl)ercneDctija p;i«mifc ofgracclD'oerbi? ^e mar tcftifie j^ \}c iB our mercifuli fa^^ tfter, ffl;^ 1? ot^crujtfc be can net app;otij tinto ijim, anD tpon t^ alone tftc i)avt of man «ia?fafcli? reft, if o;t ttir0 rcafcn fonimonlt? in t))e ^falmts Ihefc ttoo tt^pnges ^crc t! f SErutlj Do cicauc toge^ tl)cr,becaufc neitljer OjoulD it ant? tljuiQ p?ogtc t5 to knoiD ttjat (i5cD is frue^tn* IcITc fje oio mercifiiUi^ alUirc 130 tnto fj^m : neither lixrc it in our poUier to embrace Ijts merctitnUffe be tiiD tuitb bt'0 clone montb offer it . | baue rcpo:? teDtbptrutbanotbvfaluaticn. 3 banc nctbiBfientb^gffiDneffe anb tb^trutb. SDbtgobnelTettbtJtratbbcpcme. 3;n an otbf r placf . SCbr ntcrr^ to t^jt bea< ucn0,tbt trutb euen to tbc x loube^ . ja* gatnc. iutbetuares oftbellojceare mcrc^ anD trutb, totbcmtbat ftepe brs couenant. jagatne.i^ts merc^ t0mui:i« pUebtpon t}0, $ tbe trutb of tbe %oz^ a* btbetb fb; euer.HgatnJ totil 0ng tc tb^ name bpon tb^ mere ^ anb trutbJl omit tbat iMbicb is in tbc p;opbet5 to ^ fame mcaning,tbat CDob 10 mercifuU t fa^tb* fullinbT?«P^omire3.irojl«e Cbailrafli* 1? Determine tbat (Doo ismercifull bm to f)Sf bnlede bimfelf 00 tcdi^e of bim« felf anD p;^euent t0 Uiitb bt0 cailins^ktt bt^ U)il (boulD be DoutfuU 1 tn^notoen. 115ut toe bauealreab^ fene) tbat Cb^ia 10 tl)e cnel^ pleDge of bt0 (one r> tuitbout l»bom on rueri? (toe apprare tbe tokens of batreD 1 lu^atb . ^oto fojafmucb a« tbebnoiDlebge of (DOD0 gcDbneOe fl^ll not mutb p^euaile , tnleffe be mahe t0 to reft in it,tberfcK fucb an bnDerftan* Ding 10 to be lani(beD a0 is mingleD toitb Doming, ?Dotb not founDip agree in it fclfcbut as it U)ere,DiCputetb tuitb it felfe . But nian0 Iwit, a0 it i0 blinbe anD DarfeeneD,i0 farre fro attaining nuD tUmbtngbpto perceaue H)t ber^ l»ill of [)eit^ man appjocbctb to dDo&.But if ttjci Dio iDcy tljat facing of paulitoitb tbe brart is bcIeucD to rrgbteoufncffctbep luolo ceaCfe to faine tbat fame olD qualitie.Sif toe bab but tbi^ one reafon^tt (boulo be fufficicnt to enotbis contention: tbat the ber^ fame afkntisa Bi baue alreaot) toucbeD> ano toill againe mo^e largely repete)is ratber of tbe bart tban of tbe bj3^e,ratber of affection tban of bnrjer ltanoing.ifoj tobicb faufe it is calico § obcDicnce of fai^tbitobicb is fucb a5 ti)e lo;{D pi;ef0rretb no hint) of obebtrnce a* boue itranb tbat UJo;tbil^,fo^fmucb as notbing is mo je pjeciousto b^mtban bistrutb, tobrcb as Jiobn tbe iSapttite iDitneffctb* tl)t beleucrs bo as it Icere fubfcribe anD fcale bnto. ^iti^i tbe mat* ter is not DoutfuU,\i}e bo incite U:o;Dc beterminatcl? fa^>^ tbe? fpcabe fonolp lobcn tbrp fat? tbat fai?tb is fotmebbp aDJ)ingof(DoDliP affection bnto aCTent: iDtjeras affcnt it fcSf,at Icatt fucb aOcnt as is DectareD in f fcriptures,con(iltetb of goDlj! affection.Bat ?et tberc is an 0* tber plainer argument tl^t offeretb it felf to be allegeo. iFo? toberas faitb em b)acctbcb;iftasbeisoffcreb bs of tbe jratber : ano Cb;i(t is otfereb not one* l? foj ngbteoufneire,fo;geuenesof Cns t peace, but alfo foj fancttftcatton,anD a fbutaineofiiuinglDater: \uitboutbout no man can cuer truel^ knots bimjlm:* Icffcbe bo tber Uiitbal recciue tbe fanc^ tiQcation of tbe fpiritc. ^}y if an? man befiretobaue it mo;gptotnlgf>^ofecn. Third Bookc. f Fol 164 1 ifaitb coaffetb in v ftnoiulege of cb;itt. ;anD €\inii ca not be ttnoU)en,but U)itb fandification of brs fpirif erfbercfo^c it fcUotDctb, tbat fa\?tb can b? no mcanc be feuereb from (Dobl? affect ion. 9 tsabereas tbcv are Inont to la? tb?5 agavntt bs,tbat paul favtb: 3f a man baue all faitb^fo tbat be remoue moun^ taints:iff)z baue not cbaritie, be is no«» tbing:U)bcrbv tbei trolD Dcfo;imc faitb, in fpoiling it of Cbaritie, tbe? confiDrr not tobat tbe ^poftlr in tl):it place niea^ nctb b? fatb. iro; toben in tbe Cbaptrr nert befoje it,be bab fpokr of? b?uerre gifts of tbe bol? gbott, amog tbe lubicb be bab recl;eneb tbe biucrfe feinbs ofla* guagcs,poU)er anb p^opbtcic, % bab ep bo.2teD tbe Cojintbias to fbUotue ? bett of tbefe giftcsjtbat is to fa?,fucb giftcs tobereb? mo;e p;cfit ano ccmmooitic m?gbtecometo tbctobole boo? of tbe Cburcb: be ff reigbt toa? fa?D furtber,^ betDolD (belD tbem ?eta mo;ie ercellrt tsja?. Cbatall fucb gifts^otu cmllent foeuer tbe? be of tbemfelue»>?et are no tbing to be eftcmeb, bnlcffe tbe? feme cbaritie»if 0; tbe? locrc geuen to ? eD?# fping of tbe chuvcfiyt bnlrlTe tbe? be ap» plicbtbcrcunto, tbe?lcDfe tbcir grace. ifo;tp;ofeof tbis particularl? rcbear* fetb tbf ,rcpeting ? felfe fame gifts t be bab fpoUf ofbcfo je, but in otber nams. :^n^))t bfctb tbciuoioes potoersano faitb »fo^ all one tbing, tbat is fo; tbe potuf r to DO miracles, ^itbc tberefo;c tbis,tol)etber ?c cal it potocr oj faitb>uB a particular gift of goD,tDl)icb euer? bn gool? man ma? bctb b«Jue anb abu(e,as tbe g?ft of tongcs, as p;:opljccie « otber gifts of grace:it is no maruel if it be it^ uereD fro cbaritie. ^nt all tbe erro; of tbcfe men ttabetb in tiaSy i tobere tbis tjoo;bfaitb,bAtbbiuerfe (igntScations, tbe? not cofiaering tbe biuertitie of tbe tbing QgnificQ, Difpute as tbougb it taere taken fo; one tbing in al plates a ^M like. i.Cor.i2. 10. WtE e maner 13! UU.K^t place of Blames \r)\)uh tfje^ al lege fo^ maintainace of tlje fairsc rn'o?, tbalbe elss tobcr DifcuiTeD.liSat airfjougl) foj tcac[)ingc0 raUe,tDJjen txse mcnne to Q)t\» iD^at mancr of fenoiuicose cf got) t^erc 10 in tlje toicljeo, toe graurit tljat tbcrc are Diuerfc fortes cf fattljtiiet toe acbnctJDleDge 1 fpeaUe of but one fa^ti) of tlje goDlr, afi ttc Scripture tcaeljefl). ^ani? in dabd uo bclenc tl)at there is a ©cD,tl}c^ tlnnhe tljat ttie l>iSo;itc cf t!^e gofpcl I otljcr parts of t^e fcriyturc are true (as comonl^ toe are toot to iuHQt) of fuel) tl)inges, as e^tber arc repo^teo berng tone long ago,o; fuelj as toe cur felues baueben pjcfentatanefane. SLbcre be alfo fome tbat go furtber, fc^ botb tber beleue tbe too^D of dDoD to be a moli allureti c?acle,anti tbet do not al together Defprfe l)is eommaunucmets, anD tljc^ fcmtobat after a fo^t are mo* mXi top tb brs tb.ieatninges ano p^cmt^ res3t is in DacD teffifieb tbat fucb baue fa\:tb : but tbat is fpol^en out b^ abufe, b^caufetl^cj; tjoe net to^tb open bncres* linelTe U%\)t agarna tbc too^uc of ©oD, oj refufc 0? oefppfe it : but ratber p;e^ tenb a certain (betoe of obecience. 1 o iiBut tbis image o;^ Ibanoto of fa^tb, as it is of no talue, fo is it not too;fbv of tbe name of fai^tb-iTro tl)c touD trutb tobereof boto far it Differretb, altbougb it ftalbebereaftermo;je largeli^ entrea teD,\!et tber is no eaufe to tbc cotrarie, tobl? it fl)OulD not noto be toucbeb bi § toa^Jt is faiD j! ^imS S^agus bcleueb tob^cb T?et toitbin a litle after beto^av* eo bis otone bnbeliefe . ;anD toberas it is fat!D tbat be bcleuetj,toe bo not bncer Cano it as fome Do,tbat be favnco a be* lefe toben be bab none in bis barte : but toe ratber tbik t being ouercome toitb i maieftie of (> gofpel,be bao a e crtaine faitb fuf b as it toas i fo acfenotoleDgeb cb;ift to be (> auf bo: of life f faluatio,^ be toillinglg p^ofeaeo bimfe^to be one how to receiue , of b^0fter| fame maner itisiaiu in luk- 8.; tbe^gofpeloflluUejtbat tbcr beleue fo; &,j^, a t^me,tn tobc t\)C fccDe of tbe too^jB is c\)skz^ bp befcie it bjing fo;tb frutc,o; before it fane anp ra)teat al,it b^anbbv toitberetb atoat? anb pcrifljctb: toe bout not tbat fucb Delitcb vd a certain tail of i[)t toojij so greopl? recc^ue it,f begin to fele tf)t Diuine fc^ce of it : fo far tbat ^it^ uec eT>tful counterfa^ting of fa\?tb, tber? beguile not onl^ otber mens e^es, but alfo tbeir oton minbs.jf oj tben per ftoabe tbemfelues, tbat tbat reuerence \xMci) tbei> (betoe to t\)t too^Dof tb fo gileful bipocrif^, tbat it oft Dcccvuetb bimfelf.ll5ut Itt tbem tliat glo^^ in fucb (baDotocs of fa\?tb tnDer aaD,tbat tber^* in tbev are no better tba tbc bcuel, )l^ut tbat fira fo^t of men arc far too?fe tba tbe bcuell, tobicb do renflefl? be arc anD bnberllano tbofe tbtngs fo^ knotolcDge tobereof tbe Wtutl oc tremble. 0nD tbe otber are in tbvjs point egall \x)\>tt) t^c HDcuell, ^ tbc feling fucb as it i$ tober* to\?tb tbet? are toucbeo, tuvnzt^ onl^ to tcrroj ano Difcouragcment » 1 1 31 ftnoto tbat fome tbint; it barD,tbat toe aCTinc faitb to tbc rr'^^^cbate, tober* as paulaffirmetb fat?tb to be tbefrufc of clection,tobicb Dout is ^tttnUl^ Difol ucD:fo^ tbougb none receiue ti)t ligbt of faitb,noj Do truel^ fele ^ cffettuRl too;* feing of § gofpel,but tbei i are fo;c oabei ncD to faluatio: t?et eicperience Ojetoetb t tbc reprobate are fomett?mc moucD Ia.2»i9 Thef.1. Hcbfi The grace otChnftT Thira Eoola- IF0V165, notljing Differ from tljt clectc.tEul^crc^ fojc it is no abfarDitictbat ttjc iSpoUlc afcribcll} to ti)cm v tad of t!)c ftcaucnlr gifts^tbat C^^ift afcribct^ to tl)e a faitb ^S^ll^SSJSSl ;;;fen;S;i;^i)i^.racc,butl,emahcti,^ on toiti) tbc cUmm of goi),fcut bccaufc tbeT? fff mc to baue as tocll as tbcr, tbe fame bcgining of faitb, •bnocr a clofec of bipocrift- ^ni\ K tJcnv not,^ gou Dotb fo far gcuc ligbt t^nto tbcir mines, ^ tbcr conDcmnetbem anD mabctbcmincr cufable, conucretbbinifelfe into t\)m minbes fo farfo;tb,as brs gmuncs mav be tattct) ^out tbe fpirit of atjcpticn.3if mt^ obicct,tbat tbcn tbcr rcmainetb no* tbing mo^e to tbc faitbfiiH, tebcrebr to pjouc ccrtainclv thm acoption : 31 an* rVDcrtbattbougb tijercbea great Iifec* ncffc ano affinitie bcttxjcne m elect of Cod, anb tbem f bat arc enoueo tov^tb a falling faitb fo.: a time, rcttbcrc liuctb in tbc elect onelr V affi^cf ^^^^^«^^ t^'^"^ fpeafectb of,tbat tbev cr^ ia5 full moutb, Abba,iFatber. Cberfo^easCiJobbotbc regenerate onel^ tbe eletfe \Joy>^ into;' rnptible feDc fo? cuer,fo tbat tbc fecc of life plantcD in tbcir bearts ncucr peri* (betbtfo founcli Dotb be feale in tbem t? artefiimon^tobicb begeuctbtobrsc^ lect,^ tbc^ ncuer come to t founo cffcft I fruition tberof. i?oj be ootb not tber^ fojc n)ct» bimfelf meraful tnto tbem, foj tbat be bauing truelr ocliuercD tbc from ocatbe, totbe receiue tbem to bvs fauegarsicbut cnelv^ be oifdofctb to tbe a p^efent mercT!. ^«t be t;oucbfaiu-tb to I graunt to t onlT? clett tbe liuclv i ffltt cf i ftivtb, fo ^ tm contmueto v enc.&o is , tbe obiertton vniffeerct),tf ^oo tc trudv aietobiJ! Graced tbe fame remaTnetb perpetuaUT> ftabUfbcCfo; tbat tber is no caufeto tbe contrary, but \^ (S^obma^Ji enligbtcnfome tuitb a pjcfent fechng ! of bvs5 grace, tobicb aftcrtoars Unv\ OjetbaUiav. , , J 0lfo,tbougb faf tb be a isnotolege of | (hetbtfo founuli Dotb be feale tn tbem v '^ ^mo,imw) \'»v"^;';; ; ;„ afrurrti ble ano furc. i5ut tbis toitbfiaoet'o not, but tbat tbe otber infericj too;jfeing of tbe fpirit mav banc !)ts courfc, cue in (» repjobatejn § meane feafon tbe faitb* full are taugbt,carefuUr ano bumbli to craminc tbemiclues,lcaft in ttecc of af furcDnes of faitb^uo crepe in careles c6# fiDcnce of tbc f lel^.)l5e{toe tbat,t rtp:o* bate DOC ncuer conceiuc but a confufeD faling of graccfo tbat tbcr rattjer tafee bolo of tbe Hjaooto, tba of tbe fcijo bcDi, becaufc t bolv fpirit botb p.:operli feale perfUjaficn of (^ trutb tbcrcf: ret it is no maruell t tbefcling of CDoDs loue m te< pojall tbings botbtJaniO) atuap : iKbicb altbogb it bane an affinitie \u fartb,vet ootb it mucb either fro favnb.31 grant,tbc Uiill of CDob is tncbangeablcf t\)t trutt) fbcrofoctbalteap (tctfaltl!? agreed it felf, but 3 bcnr t tbe reprobate bo p;o. ccuefofarasto attain tnto 1? fccrct re* uclation, tobicb v ^^^¥^^^ f^rtb to b?j long tc t elect onlt? . ^crfojc ^ bcnv t tbct CO eitber conceaue m toill of Coo as it is tncbanacablcoj bo Itebfamy tbe rcmilTion of finncs m tbc elect onli, i «*> u i« ;v V'"Vh ih^'rof 'if c aufc tbev i fotbattbCPappli?itbT? fpcciall faitb lo ^^^'^'^^^^P^.^'^l^^^^T^ fhHr taffS vet It is truelv favD,t'Hat btoe in afeeUng t tanifljetb atoa^.H .Ite b rep;o^^^^^^^^ asatr^tbatisnotplateODapccnoitag SeXauf^^^^^^^^ ofrccoiuiliation^altbougbw^^ ^X* LI: , it b^tngct!) fo;it!) not oneli? bloflomcs f IcaucSjbuf atfo frutc. i?tna!li?)a5 bt? p faUoftbefirftman, tbcgjmagcofC^oD mig^t baue ben blotteD out of bis minD $ fo«I,fo it is no maruci if be mar ItSbt^ II? ouertuafl) fome, ano tb.:ougbIi: fflaHe otber foinc toitb tbe fenololcDge of Us I cofpel.S^bis! is in tbe meanc time to be : bolocn foj trutb^ tbatboUi fmal i tucak j fo suer faitb be in ti^t clecte^^et bicaufc it [s to ttem a fare plcogc of tbe fpiritc I of <£5oi3,ano a fcafe of tbctr aDopiion,tbe I punt tberof can heoer be blotteo out of ; tbcir beartcjflf: as foj the rep;obate,fbat ! tfit^ are cuerfp;eb tuitb fucb a Ugbt,as I aftertuaru cosnetb to naugbt, ^itty ?et tbc fpiritc is not Deceiptfu!!, bccaufc be gciictb i«ot life to § feeoe tbat !jc cattetb in tbeir bart0> to mahe it abioe altoavs inco?rupttbIe,a£i be Dotb in tbe elette. 3 go vtt rurtbcr,fo; tub^ras it is euiDcnt b)? teacbing of tbe fcriptarc,f bp bailee experience, tbat tbe rci>;jobate are fom* timetoucbeDU)itb tbe feeling ofaulc,a gooi^ affection to loue€>oo>bB 'mbome be feneto bimfctf to be fatbcrip banblcD. i tbcrfoje \ija0 oditeo toi?tba certaine ftaatenr » of bis gcotincs. 115ut as tbe perfuaDion of t\)c fatljierl'g loue of goo is not fait roteD in tbe rep;io bate,fo Dae tbcp not fouDlp loue brm a* gain a0 bts cbilD;^en> but are IcD tottb a certain affectio like bireDferuats. Sf.o% to dbjitt onli toa« tbat fpjrit of loue gc ur,ta tbis cnjj,tijat ^ fljula poure it in^ to bia members, ano trul^ tbat faring of lOanle eytcnoetb no fwctber^but to ^ clecte ondpXbc loue of (&00 is poured ab;tooe intaouc barts bi? t^e boly fpirit Oftlic mancr how to receiue tbat is geuen bB,euen g fame loue tbat eng?n9;cti) tbe fame confioence of cal lingtjpon bim,tobicb 31 baue b?fc;jc ton cbeo. ks on t\}c contrary fibe Iwe fe goo to be marudouflr angrr tu^tb \)is OnU D^en,lubome ^et be cealfc^ b not to loue: not tbat in bimfelf bcbatctb tbem, but bicaufe bis ti3tl is to make tbem afraio \S3itt) tbe fading of bis U3jatb,but to tbe intent to abate tbeir p^oe of Selbe, to Cbafee of tber;^ ojotolineffeiano to moue tbem to repentance. ;^nD tberfo;e all at one time tbe^ conceiue bint to be botbe angrp toitb tbem 0^ luttb tbeir finnes, f alfo merciful fcato tbem:becaufe tbe^ not feineol^ ooe pjai?e toappeafcbis lDjatb>to Uiboe t?et t})t^ flee tov^b quiet alTureo trutt.l^crcbi it ai.earctb tbat it is not true f fome Do couterfait a HetD of faitb, U)bicb ^et oo lacke i truefattb, bat tobile tbe? are carieo t»itb a fobein tJiolcnt motion of -Zele,tbei Oecetue tbe feluesUiitbfalfe opinion, ^no it is no Dout tijat auggilbnes fo poffelTetb tbem tbat t^ti 00 not toel eramine tbctr bart as ttitv ougbt to baue Done. St is liltel^ tbat tbci' lucre fucb to tubome(a0 3obn lob. 2. 24 toitncfijetb)<£b^ift oio not ccmn.it bim fclfeiDben ?et tii2\! faeleneo in bim: be* canfe be UneUj tbem al^? Imetoe tobat toas in manjf man^dto not fall from tbe common faitl) ( Jl cal it ccmmQn>bt« caufe tbe faitbe tbat laltetb but a time, batbsgreat liljencsf aifinit? tuitbtbe Ituel? I contimungfaitb)Cb;ilt tooulo not baue fa^oe to W SDifciples: jif re a^ bioe inm? tuo;D,tben are i?e trucl? ra| Dirciples>anD re^allbnoU) tbe trutbtr anD fl)c trutbe lliall raafec ^ou free.jfoj be fpeabetb to tbem tbat bao emb;:aceo bis Doctrine, an5 crbo^tetb tbem fo tbe encreafe of faitb?> tbat tbe? fliouloe not bv tbeir oUmaoutbfulneire quencbetbe Itgbt tbat isgeuen tbem. nerfb;^eootbl3aulafftrm$, ^ tsdth peculiarl^e belongetb to tbe e Ucte> ^tf slariniE^ Ioh.8.3. Tat.L^ Taco.2 i.Tim,!, Mat.S,: thev haue not takf liuclr rajtc.iliUc as to!)en S|3atI)cUj faitt) p ^;^;^^^^^^^ mt mr fatljcr Ijatb not plantco, Ojal be rotco tp. Bin etbcr tl)cr is a crolTcr htnn of lring,tljat arc not aQ)amco to mocUc both (©CD an5 men. James inuerctb ^ gainft tbat btntJ of mcn,p ^it^ Deccipt^ fullp^etcnfeto \i3icbcDlT? abufeW'o*^ ^citbcr tBolo paul require off' cbill!;e of SOD a faitl) tjnfaincD, but rcfpctf tbat ttianruoepjefuptuoun^ cbalengebnto tbemfeluestbat tobie!) tbe? baucnot, ano toitb bain colo;teb Deceit to beguile otbcr 0^ fomttme tb? felucs. «ercfo;e be coparctb a gmo tonfcicncc te a cbcft toberein faitb is feept, bicaufe man^ m iiclic of tbc palfrtb-Jougbtbe tiles :ano €[)iia bimCelf crictb out ^ be founb not in jrrael fo great faitb as tbc Centurio b?ougbt.ll5nt it in lil«l^ tbat tbe Cf tu« rion toas eameair bent to m bcalmg of bis bouobtcr, tbc care toberof or cnpi* CD all bis minoe: v^t bccaufc bcmg tcn^ tenteo tuitb tbe onlv^ affc nt f anftoer of Cb;ift,bc requireo notCb^i^cs bootl^ p^efence, tbcrfo;c in rcfpctt of tb^s "i"* cumftance bis faitb teas fo mucb com:* meDc^.anoa Utlebcrc bffo:e\i3e baue (bctoeo, tbat paulc talictb faitb fo^ tbe i^ ^^^ ^ ^ gifte of tMo;Kinfc miracles, iDbicbgifte ' -I ljJbcreinfattbisRepr,oicameii:mi!f »» »"-•-» *"V""v '^'ai^rffTnicratcbPi' *®- fallinc^fromgcDconfcicnce «)^«^ f^<^^ i ^,''^^.?^"f^"'^^f 'irba^^^^^^^^^^ rcbibptujeckoftbeirfaitb. &'"^*^£^°^' ^^CS .3 mLua alfo remtbert ^cutrul ag ! I^;,^^"-" S^^^ i.Tim.3, i.Tim,4 2 Tim. I. i6.ac.3.8 Titj. 13, &:.2.2. Col 2,3 nificatio of § loojjtj faitb. ifo: oftettms faitb Cgnifietb i founb ooctruie of rcli^ ' gion,as in f place ^ toe note allegcrj, t in § fame Cpittlc tober |0aul Uj;itetb: SDeacons to bolo fall v mifteric of faitb ina pure confcifcc.again,lDbcr be pub litbco tbcfdUing atisat of certain from ^ faitb. jlDutontbcctberCrsebcfaitbr i Cimctbc tsjas nourifCbeubptoitbtbe faitb fi^ tbc tGdriwt tobcrbr tocare in aructco in fa^tb.ifo j tobere be to;it£tt) t fav^tb Ibalbc abolilbeo,it is out of que. 0ion,tbat it is meant b? tbc muuaer|e of tbe cburcb,tobicb at tbis time ts pjcfii^ fable fo; onr tor nSnes. Jn tl)efc formes cffpacbftanoctb a p;opo;tionall rcla^ tion.)i5ut toben tbe name of fa^tb is \)n^ p;op?rlt rem«uct),to (i(jnifie a fa^^P^j'* Cimctbc toas nourmoeo isp wug lu^ r^*^ ^ V :r;;.;7^f;,«Hi ^Oiouln toojbs offaitb.againe tobcre be faitb ^ | femon,o; a Ivnng tttlc ^f ff «]; J ^^^^ mopbanebaniticiJ t oppoCtions faia^ femeto be as barD a ^sura ^e a^^^^^^ nS fciices,arc tt)e caufc tbat man^ 1 as trbf tbc fcare of ©ob ^^^ ^l^^^J'^' Se^art from^^^^^ in an otber i rupt 1 to.iogfull maner of ^^^^^ W^g SbrcSrcp%batetoucbigfait[j. as toben it is oftentimes fapo in r^o^ ^Si^lTtlm^^ faring: ' bito;r,tbat tbefo^rein nf»°f^^^J"^ SeTbemt S '^f'J^TcrXm^^^^ faitb.lBifounonesbemeanetbnotbmg I ?«'5">2%P^«ff ^^'Jf '"Lr tls but purenes of Dortrinctobicb is ca ^-^-.-^^f-^cncSnosanotbc Cod fil^ cojruptcb $ bjougbt out of Umb b^ § ligbtncs ct me.€uf bccaufe in t^n&^ tobom faitb poffefTctb, arc biobc all tbc trcafures of toifcbom anb Unoluleuge: tberefo^c faitb is Voojtbil^ ci:tenbeD to fignifp tt)t iDbclc rum of beauenl^ occ^ trinc>from lubicb it can not bz feucreo. fearcDtbefaineo^oDS anbtbc Cod of ii,irat U; U)bif b is as mucb^ as to mmgic bcaumanDcnrtb togctber. iSut note our quettion is,tabat is i: fattb Uibicb mabrib tbe cbilojen of (25oD biffercnt fr:mtbcbnbeleucrs,tt'iul)«b Recall bpen Oob b^ tbe name of our fatber, b? Uibicb toe paffe fro ocatb to life , ano b? -^ — bu)cueii) C^K Of the mancr how to receiue 1 ftaD bi? faitljisarc y>ct abfet fro tjs f arc ^iDDe fro oar (is?)t. j^nD bcretJpo lue De tcrmtn,^ t^e f^notulegc of fattfj Hacetl) rattjer in ccrtentt tta tn cop;:el^cnDing. i>- "tu e further cal tf,a furc i CeDfatJ imolDlefise, to cirpjcflfe rtjercbi? a mo;je fcuD conftacn^ of perfnafio. i?oj as faiti) is nc?: cciitcnCcD 16 a notitful f rcUUing opimon,ro is it alfo not contcnteD Uutl) a DarUe $ entangled bnDcrftanDing:bat rtqtiircib a full « flreo aflrurez)m0,fucl)e as men arc U)ot to i}auc of tbingpg foiiD bi ocpcrirnce anD pjoiiei5.i?o^ bnbelcfc Uicluti) fo faftcano ts fo Depc r©tcD in our barts,i toe arc fo bent tnito it, tljat ceo of t^at tobicl) it cccciuetlj not,tt bn^ ti)is tubicb all men coufcffc Ui^t!) tljen Scrftancctl) mo.:e b^ § berv affurcDnes I moutb to be tructfjat goo V5 fcitOful,no of perr'jaSon,tI>a if it oio Id mas olrnc ■ man is toitljout great contention per* capaciti^ tli;cugl)l|' pereeiuc m\v thyinq, \ fuaoeo in Ijis teart. ^peciali^ toljcn it ' familiar to ma. 2^)^rfo;? c ?3aulc invif) comctb to tlje p^ofe, tl>?n toe iuattcring f ph 3.18 tzv^ \aciy Icber becallct^ it to compjc^ ' of al me Bifclofetb tbc fault ttjat before bf D y^bat IS tbe lengtlj, b2eWI},Dcpt!j, 1 j luas biODcn.^nD mt toitbouf caufc tbe Colt. 28 l>jigbt,f to knotoe § loue of Cb.zift tbat fcripture Uiitb fo notable titles of com* far furmcutetb fenottileoge.iFo;^ tjis me mcnuation mainteinctb tbe auttjo^itvc ning Uias to Um fr,tbat ^ tbins tcbicb of tbc tuo^De of ciDoD,but enDeuo:etb to our mir^b rone eiuetb bt! faitbe,is cneri? Gcuc rcmcDi fo^ tbc afo^efaiD tifeafe,^ yyar iafinite, 1 th^t tU^ kino of Unotii^ ! gofi ma^ obtein f 0 be fuili bcleueD of bs leDgc !s for bier tban all bnDerffaeing. in bis p^omifesXljc toojos of t])e lo;Mj 51i5ut vet becaufc tf}c lc;ja batb nifclofcb (fai^tb SDauio) arc pure tuo^Dcs, as tl)t ^*m\ltt\) in bs.2Cf)c fo?cc f nature tber of ^ ti)lk 3i baue ^oM 1 plaf ti beclarcD. 14 00^ lit tjs aguin go tlmn%i) all § part?fi of it, euen frcm tbe beginning, tDbJeb being Diiigentli? erannneri,(a5 B! fbin^) tbcr ibal remain notbig uoutful. ^iSlijcn in DeSning faitlje tec call it a isnoUjlebgctee mcane not tberbt? a co- pnijenDing, fucb as men bfc to \)mt of tlxfe tbings t are fubiette to mans bn^ oerlJanctng. i?o; it us fo far aboue it^^ mans Mt mutt go bei?onb,f furmount ! it iclfe to come bnto it, ^ca ant) tebe it is come bntc it, ret Dotb it not attcin t tobicb it fecletb, but tobilc it is perfua* ^uloh.3.3 to his ^ainctes tl)e fecrete of brs toill \XiUc-:} te^s hiDoen from ages ano gene^ rations,tberfc;jc bp goo reafon fait!) is in fcripture fomtime raUeD an acUnote lebgir.g : and 3iot)n calletb it a certaine UnotDleDgc^teberc be tcailictb,tbat tbc faitbfull Boe certainty bnotec tbat tbe^ arc tiit cbib^e of (iI5cD. £tRD bnoouteoly? tbc^Unoto itairureblv:but ratbcr bibc ing conftrmeD b^ perfteaSon of (DoJJS ti utb,tbvin bp being info^mco b^ natu*' rail Dcmonaration. ^nb ttifsJ^alfo tbc teo^Ds of paufe bo Declare,ravnttg tbat UJbile tue Dluel in t\^t bcDi, tee arc tea^ bcring abjoue frc tbe lo^o, bcraufe toe tealU b? faitb 1 net bp Oabttteberfcr be fiieteetb ^ ttjofe tbigs tebicb tec bn^er^ filucr trieD in a fo^nacc of eartbe,finco fcuen timcs,%aine.Cbc teo^bc of tfjc !lo;D fineD.is a (bielo to al tbat truft in bint. Enb Salomon confirming ^ fame, f in a maner in tbc fame teo;jDs, faitb: GDucr^ teo<^b of 0ob is pnrc.llBut 0tb § tebole.ii^.pfalme, entreatetl) onl^ in a maner bpon tbc (amtyit teerc fuperflu^ ous to allege ant? mo places^ ^Truel^ fo oft as gob botb fo commenb b^s teojoe bnto bs, be Dotb tberein b^ tit tear re? p;iocbc MS teit^ ourbnbeleuingncs: be* caufe i commenDaticn trnoetb to no o< tbcr cJiD,biir to rote bp al pci'ucrfc bou* lings out of our ijartsM^tv be alfo ma ni? \s}}^icif fo (onceiut i mcrcp of gob, i t^z^ tafec Utle comfort tftcrof.ifo; tbc^ Pro.3o.j be ThcsraccofChrift. ^ hire! Book- e- be cucn t^crtuitfjal pincJjco tottf) a mu ferablc c arefulnr0,U)ljilj tljti Dout tobc tliier l)c toill be mcrcifull to tijcm c: no, birauf?tl)cr cnclofc toitbin t© naroloe " bounD0 ti)t)}tr^ fame mcrcifulnrffe, of Icljicb tfiH tbinfe tbf fclues moft affurcD Ir ptrftiaDeD.ifo; tl^uii t\}c^ tbinbtDitb tbcmrei(ie0,^ bts mercttB in oeoe great f plentifiiU ponreD out bpon nian^, otf fring it felf # reao^ fo; al men:but tbat it 10 not certain to^etber it Wl tvten^ t)nto tbem o^ no,o; ratbcr tlib£tf)cr tl)ci dial attein bnto it o; no. SLbiiEc tbougbt iDben it fo fta^etb in ^ mtD race, is but a balf. 2Cberfo;e it Dotb not fo cofirm f fptrttctoitb aflureb quietne0,a0 itootb troble it \Dit\) tnquiet ooulfuln(0. 1i5ut tber tj5 afar otbcr fcUng of full a(rurcD=» ne0,U7bicb in tbe fcriptures 10 altaai af dgneo to faitb) eur fucb a one as plainli fcfting befo;e \)B i gcobnca of goo, Dot^j j dereli? put it out of Dout.;SnD t can not be,but tbat toe mull neDe0 trueli fele t p;oue in our felue0 i fljDctene0 tberof« anb tberfo^e i !>tPtlI, anooure faluattcn. tHUbicb is fc tnie,tbat mani times tbis too;o ipaitb,is bfcD fo; ner* tber beatb,no; lifc,no;^ngcls,no; p;in^ cipalitic0,no; potorrs, nc; tbings p;c* lcnte,no; tbings to cctne fl?albe able to feperate ts from tbe loue cf gob.txabcr \jb be eftib;acetb ts in Cb;ift Jelu.anb in like mancr p fame ^yx^tic tbtnfeetb V tbe ctes of p/ur mino are b\> no otber mcane toe>. iigbtneb,^nles toe fee tobat is § bo^e of eternal cnberitace to toliicb toe ^4 c caUcb.^nb ecbe tober bts ccm5 T0L167 r*iamr of teatbing is fucb,tbat be tecla retb t no ctbcrtoife toe oo net tod com p;ebcnb ^ gmbnes of gobjbnlcflTc toe ga tber of it tbe fi^uitt of great agurebncs. ~ iTmit Hcl). J»3^ Ro-8.3?» Eph.i.iS Cap.2, Of the mancr how to rcceiue v7 But(ftim man tuil Div)tbe faitljfnl CO finoc Up expzriinct a far ot^er ti)tng toitfjm t!}cinfclues,U3^clrmtcco?«Jin5 tbJ grace of CDoo totoaro t^cm, arc net onelp tcmpteo Uiit^ tsnquictncs, toW oftentimes cbauncctb tjiito tlje,but alfo are fomttme fl^abc toittj matt gcauous terrors : fo^great is t^c taeljiemenc^e of ffptatjonsto tO^ctoooton tbeir minos: iul)icbtl)tngremct&n0t fuff icietlp lucl to agree tuitb tijat affurceneg of faitbc^ Clijerfo;^ tbts Dout mull be anftoerefi, if toe lutil baue our afojefaio Doctrine to ffano.iSut trnelv>tol)cn toe teaclje i faiti) ougbt to be certainc t affurcUrtoe Doe not imagine fucb a certaintr as is 3 fro. faio in mr oucrtbiotrc,3 am caft oat ^fy^ j,^ at|)2 G3?)i: of tbv cies.aifo in an Qtbcr plore be iyi(\mUth U)itb bimfclfin care* fvA i jnifcrable pcrpleritr>vca f quarc* letb of tbe tierp nature of dDoD, faring: ^ajb 0OD foigottcn to ba»e mcrcr^UiiU be caft of fo^ cuer i ^nD vet baroer is ^ tpbicb folotoetb: H&ut ibatie TarDC^Ca nit i£f miniJ:cbarges are eft rigbt banD of tbe bieft,i?o;,as in Defpaice be conoe p^ , netb bimfclfe to Deftr«(tion,f not oncl^ '^'^' cofcf etb bimfelf to be tcfTeo to Doutin^ but as if be U)er bSqmtbeD in batteU,b( leauetb notbing tobimfelf>bicaufegoo batb fo^faUen bim, t batb tumcD to Dc« ftroi? bim^ (> fame banD i Ujss tuont to toticbcD icitb no Douting>noi fucb an af ; be bis bclpcr. Hibcrefo;.c not Vp^tbouf ' furcDncs as uei afaileo t^itb uo careful^ \ caufe be cpbo;tetb Ots icul to ceturn to ^ *'"^-"- ncsibut ratbcr Iwe fa^^tbat tbe faitbful , bcr quiv'tnc0> bifaafe te baD fouo br ep i bauc a perpetual t^rif^ Uiitb fbeir oton '. periencc,tbat be toas tcCcD amog trou^ Diaruafalneo.^o far be toe fco fctling ' blefomc toaues.ano vet(tobicb is mar ueUcus)in all tbefe affaults,faitb tjpbol Dct!) tl)t barfs of ibc GoDlr,anD is truelp like bnto a S>ate trqt,. to CGOeuo^ i rife tptoacD againft all burtbfs,boto great better K)cr bc:as E)auiD tobe be migbt feme to be btterl^ ouertobelmcD,ret in rebuking bimfelf,ceafetb not to rife bp tyrefettctb fo;tbc sio ejrample of faitbe : to (I15oD.:anD truli be tljat ftnkirat toit^ mo^c plain,o;^ mo;e notable tba in S>a ■ bis oton toeafeneSrCefojtetb to faiib in uiD,fpeciallr ^a man bebolD tbe tobole bis troubJies, is alreaD^ in a mancr tof cotinuaUourfe of bis life.i^uf ret boto ! queC3j.^»bicbmaibegatbcrcDbitbis Pf.27J4 be toas not altoai? cf quiet minDCKbiff If , fentence t otber litic:1I2Ilait fo;^ v ^o;.^> be ftrong, be Iball ftrengtbfn tbp bart; toait fo; tbe 3Lo;d, ^ereipaecbetbbinu fclf of fearfulnes,,! in yepetiug^ fame ttoice, cofciTctb Ijimfelf to be fomtimes fubtect to ma»r troublefome motions, ans in tlft nim\e time be cotb not onlB become Difplcafeo toitb bimfiilf in.tbefp faultSjUut f rneftlr e nDeuo;ietb to amr D ment. S^rulr if toe toilmo;enerelT?b^ gosj) eraminatio r$pare btm Ip^Bcbaj, t?3cr fljalbe fouo great Difference. Cfa^ E^ 7-} toa^Xeat to b;ing rcmcDr to | caafull gregfjg oS tbeA«icfepD Utan. tbypocvi- Cggj tbeir confcienccs in fucb a pc^fiblequi^ ttnc([c^as mar be interruptcD ^xt-^tl) no troubles at alUl^et tm tbe otber fioe toe favjtbat in tobat fo^t fo cuer V^ti be af* flictcDjtbcr DO neuer fall f Depart from ^ afiiireD conaDencc )si\ii^tUil)^m cS ceiucD of tbe mercre of (S>oDXbe fcrip^ Dcclar etbbr innumerable complaints*, of \xjiiicli at tbis tune it fiialbe fuf icil t: to cbufe out a feto. ^$lbe be rep.:?;Ocbetb bis oton foule toitb troublefome moti# ons,tobat isit els,buttb4f be is angrr toitb bi3,otone tjnbelcuisjgneffcf C51lbr trcmblcft tt)ou mr fcale ((a^tt^ bc)ano tobr act tj^ou Di.lquieteD toin n^ i truft aigoD linotrulr v f^me ijifcouragsmet ^as a plain tclie of Dearu(tipn,euen na if be tbougbt bimfclfe to be f ojfafeai of ^oD. iino in an ctber place toe reaDe a Sargei:cQ»ft(?ioatbci:qf,.\jQbcrbefavtb; fs3.:^e ThcsraccofChrifl. rfiirdT3cx>]';e fpafee tjnto ftrm in tbefe Uio;Df s: 113c in . tljer filUD f peirclTcD tottb faitb^ercUp fafcgar0c f be qutet:fcare not.ec. ttut I on pjoccDc tl^ofe batcLs,toI)en ^ Dtffruff tubat DID acbas^ ^ it teas before faiD, ^bisbart teas moucD asp trees of tbc Ujcdd are fljafec tuitl) tbc fe^'tiD, tbctigb be bcaroe tbc p^oniifc ret be ccaircti not I to quabe fo; fcarc. ITbis tbcrfo;c is ti)t p;oper rctcarD i piwifbmft of tjnbclefc fo to tremble fo^ fcarc, ths^tin trptatio be tumetb bimfclfc aUjar fro Cotjtbat Dotb not open to bimfelf § gate bi faitb. ContratDife tbe fattbful tobo tljt iDci^^b tpburtben of temptations mafectbto ltonp:>f tna mancr opp^etTetb* tKi ron< fulnrs tl)At abiDctb in tbc remnants of tbe flctb^rifctb t^p to nUail the faitb i^ is intoanrfi? cocttueD. )l5ut if in a faitbfcrf minDc affurcDHCS be mixtn ^^t\) Douf< fuUics, come toe itot tben AitDap to tbts pornt, ^ faitb ftanbetbnot in a certain I f Icre feuoUrlcgcbut in a Darke ( Dout? fullv! cntaglcD bnotuleogcof Cods toil to'ujarD \iCiS^o,mt fo.f^o;. tbougbe tuc be Dincra^ D^alon lit fona: v tbougfjts, i l?ft nrekJC nottbcrfojc bianobi feucrco fro faitb : tbougb Vue be ijeteD iuitb tolV i-ol.i6S ftantlvn?fet)p, altljougb nottoi?tbout trouble anD baroincs.anD b^caufc tber fenotD tficiv otpnc toeahnt!re,tbc^ p^v toi^ tbe ^;opbct:2::afee not tbe U)o;Dc of trutb atea? fro mt? moutb f oniinual Ip. )!5p tubicb Uio;jD5 tDC are taugbt, ^ fometpme t!)2p bccommc DamuiC, as tbougb tbcirffii?tbiuerc bttcrl^ oacr» fb^otoen, ^tt tl)c^ farnt not, noj turne tbeir bacHc0,bat p:ocj?Dc in tbeir battel, I tuitb Placet DO enco^agc tbeir floufb^ fobiecrclctt bi? fiiuojing tbefcUtcs tb:r t!?alD jrolD to ijnrenOblc DulncCTe ♦ J8 if o; ^ bnocraaoing tbcrof,it is nkr> full to rctnnje to tbat Diuipion of { flclb f tbc rpirit,Uibereof Ujc miDe mention in an otber place , tob^cb Dctb in tif\!5 bebalfe molf clcrelV apper?. SDbc goDli? bart tbcrfa^c fclctb a Diuifion in it fclf, tobicb is partly Deli?fcD Vo ftuctencs b? acbnotulcDging of tbe g©Dncs of Cl?oD,f parti? jjreacD \sjitl) bittcrncs bt furling of bis otone miferp,partlt! reltetb^pon tbe p;omife of tbc gorpel,t partly trcm blctb b? reafon of tbe tellimoni? of l^^s otpn U)icfee5nes:partlp reio^fctb Uiitb concciuin^ of life, f partly qualtctb fo;^ fearc ofDcatbe.Mbicb Variation com^ metb feu imperfcctio of faitb»fo.iafmucb as to: mmr be i fo gccD cafe in ^ courfc ottlyis p^efcnt life, as being bcaleo fro al Difcafe of Diftruftralnes,to be altogi^ ling bp anB Doton of DiffruUfiilnes, ret arc toe not tbcrfo^c D^otoncD in p bct^ fomlcffeDcptb tbcrcf: an^ tbougb toe be (fjakr, vet toe be not tb;u C ooton oat of our placciFo; tbis is altoap tbc cnD of tbis battdl , tbat ft^l^tb Dctb at Icrgtlj toitb to.:attling oucrcome t^ofc barD, troubles, tobcrctottb toben fijc is fo be* firgcD, fbe femetb to be in Danger. 19 ^tt tl)is be p fam of alU&o fone as a* np D?op of faitb , be it ncuer fo fmall, is \mm'2n into cur bartes,toe bpanDbt? be^ c^i to bebolD tl)t face of goD milD f pica- fant,i loaing totoarD "bstpet f fame toe fee fro a far of,i far Diftant fro tSjbut y£ I fo fare figbtj 1? toe Itnoto toe are not De« ccaueD. if ro ^mct fo^toaro, boto macb toe p;icftte ( as toe oagbt continuallr to pjoSt) as it toere bp pjoceDing furtl)er, toe come tinto fo macb tl)t nerer,f tbcD fo.ze certaincrbcbDloing of bira,f br bc^ rp cotinaance be is maoc mo^c familicr bnto bs. ^0 toe fa, ^ tl)t mino enligbt^ ncD Vo tbc hnotolcgc of goD,!S firtt bolDe to^appcD in macb igno;ance , tobicb bp Utlt I litlc is toipcD atoap.^et t^c fame minD is not fo binDcrcD bp being igno* rantof fom tbing3,o: bp Darfcl^ feing ^ Hit cniopetb a clerc knotolcDge of <1^0DS toil totoarD ber, tobicb is § firll « pjinci pal point in Uitli ifo; aFif a ma being (but t)p in pnfon, baue bemcs of tbe fan fibining Cap.2« >.Cor.i3. Of the mancr how to rcceiuc 1. Cor,3 »8. totngm, Clrclcng at anarrotDtoim DoU),oj a0 it toer but &a!f glimmering, {)c toautetb in oeeu t\)t fra beljolDing of tilt funnc,i?0tbefeetbt»it!)!ji£;c^csan tmsoiitet) bjigbtnes tbcrcof,i receiuctb tbc tjfe of it;fo tnc bring bouo U»^t!) tbe fetters of an rartblr bow > botufocuer to© ba on et\)t f^oe (jaDotDeoUj^tb mucb barbenclR, ^et toe arc fufficient^ I^ cnligbteneu t)nto perfect alTareDnes, bp tliz Irg^te of Cod, ertcnD^ngbrs bcamcBoflpgbtt)pont)0, tbougb it bi^ bnt a litle, to l^etu fojtb bvs mere?, 20 But tiefcpointcs tbe apoftle bcr^ tod teacbetb in uiucrfe place^.if o; tobr be faitbjtbat toe bnoto t}nperfcrti^, ano p;opb£ci? tnperfertlV) anD fee b^ a car^ fpcatiing as bv a glalTe>befl)etoetb boto fclcnucr a litle poition of tbe true goD^ I\? toifcoom is ^tam tis in tOi?s p;efent Itf^- if oj tbougb tbofe toojw do not ex^ p;ieav (bctotbatourfai'tbis tnpcrfctt fo long as toe grone DnDer tbt« burtb^e of tbe flel3i)e,but tbat it bapnetbAmto ts bv car oton imperfection, tbat toe bauc necDe to be continual!)? crercifeD in Irar ning : ^zt be fccretelp Dcclaretb tbat tbtU tbv^ng tobicb is infinite,can not be (omp^ebenDeo bn ourfmallcapacv^ie, ano narroto compa(te« ^0 t\)^s paul rcpo^tetb of tbe to!)ole cburcb,biit tnto euerp oneof t}0, bis otonr DulneOie is a binoeraitce anb (tap tbiit be c anot come fo nere as toere to be toiO^eo. But boto fure a»D tmoeceiueable a tad of it felfe, turn a fmal o^xip of faitb Dotb mabe ts feelctbe fame ;apottl; fljetoetb in an O' tbcr place, tobere be affirmetb, tbat bp tbe gofpell toe bcf^lo tbe glo;p of CoUt toi?tb\)ncoucrcDface,. bautng notjeiU bcttocne tjs f it,, fo cffertuall? tbat toe be traffo;mei) info tbe fame ixna^t, 3ki focb entangletjicnts of ignojancc tbere mutt tKiits be to;appei> togjtber botbe mucb Dautuig f fearful trembling, fpe» ciaUv,fo^a£aiucb as our bcart,b^ a ccr< taine natural inffinrt of it felf, is tiitli^ neD to tjnbeleuingnes.Befibe tbaf,tber be temptations \s3l)ict) botbe innnite in number, anu Diucrs in binoe, bo often* times toitlrgrcate foDcineticlcnccaff faile t)s.But fperiall? our otone confct^ enceopp;efleotottb tbe beaut? burtben of finnes l^ing tjpon ityHotiit fometime lament ano grone toptb it felfe,f fome^ time accufetb it felf: fomtime fecretel? munnuretb,! fometime is openli trou^ bleo> ^betber t^rfo^t aouerfities Doe (^to an apparance oft to^atbe of goDr 0; tbe confcience Dotb finDe in it fclfe a# n^ pjfflfe oj matter of bis to^atb, from tljence tnbelefe Dotb tahe toeapos ano engins to tanquiflb faptb tottbaUtobtd^ are altoat? DtredeD to tbrs enD , tbat toe tbinfeing (DcD, to be our aDucrfar^ anO batcfulli^bentagaintt bs, (boalDe botb not bope fo; an^ belpe at brs banir , ano alCb be afia^Dccfbumasof our DeaD^ l^ enem^e» 21 SCobearetbefeaffaultcs/aptbDotf^ arme anD fo:tific bcr ftif irit b tbe too;i3 of ODoD.anD toben fucb a temptation aC* fa^letbjtbat (^on is car enemi?, becaufe be is llbarp againtt tis: fattb in tbe otber (iDeanftoerctb , tbat euen toben be pn^ niCbetb be is alfo mcrcifull, becaufe l)r>» c^attifement cometb ratber of loue tba of to;atb. Mben fartb is ttriben totti) tbrstboug!)ttW C^ooisa reuengerof tnimiiticSjU^avntt tW ttrolse be fettet^ brs pardon reab^ fo; all offences, fo oft as^tbeOnnerrefo^tetb to tl)t meccifub neCTe of § ilo;D. &o a goDti? minoe boto« foeucr it be in maruellous to^fe tolTeD aitij tjercix,^et at lengtl) rifetb t)p aboue all Dangers,anD ncucr fntf rctb tbe con^ iDence of Cods merct^e to be pluctseo a^ toa? from it: But ratber tobatfoeuer contentions 00 trouble anD toearp iU in t})t enD tbe? tume to tbe alfureDnelfe of tbps con6Dence . j^no bereof ttiis is a p^ofe^tbat i ^ii; ones,tobentbe?tbinft tbemfelurs Thc^aceof Chrift. Third Eooke. , ^ol.lov tt)f fclnL'0 mod of all pzcfTeD Voitb ip t)cn^ gpance of goD,tct ccjl" tbf Do maUe tbctr coplatnt0 to ^ fame dDoD: anD U)t)r it fc« mrtU ][! f Ijei' (ftal not be fiearD at al, cue t\)m ncuertfcelcB t!}cp fall tpo btm.5?o; to to!)at purpofe \Dtrc it, to mafte t^tn moane to ttm fro tufjom tbei' Ijopco fo;i no comfo;tftru!i' tljet? tooulD neucr finD in t^cir barts to call tjpon Ijpm , ijrilclTe t&ep bclcucD t there toere fome ftelpe at l)i« banD pjcparcD fo; tbcm. §>o p Difci* pies in tofjo Cf);itt blametb tfjeir fmal ponSjOotbforcccaue ti)e fojccof tbcm, ; tbat it citbcr btterli' Djiuctb tbcin bad:, 0^ at Ictt fo b^tfth.itij tbf ir biolcnce tbat tbei tti not pearcc tbf m to Danger cf life. 2Lbcrfo;e toben faitb is 05aVxn,it is lihc asifaflrong fcnlDicr tritbtbrtiolent CrcibccfaoartebcfopellcD to rrmoue bis fmte, i gene greuD a litIe:anD toben faT'f b it felfc is luounDeD, tbat i« lifee as ifbiBtucblcrbrfcmeCrcf^cbc in fome part bjohcn,but pet fo tbat it is net ftri^ bcntb;ioiigb. iro; alluat v goDlv miiiDc ncffcoffaptb,c6plaineD in Dene t tbep | toill attaine to rife tbus bre as to fan periQ)cD,but f et tbei? c allcD to b?m fc j belpe . 0nD Inben be rebubetb t\)tm fc^ tbeirfmalfa\?tb,t'ctbeDotb not rcicctc tcitb SDauiD.Bif 3. tualhc in tbe nuDScC of tbe n)aDoU) of Deatbi J tiill fear none euilUbccaufe tbou art Uiitb nic.^t is in pr.23.4. t'jefro {»nuberoflii5,inabctb tbemof DcDeterritleto tcalhe intbccarijncirc lob.u.i. tbe nuber of tbe bnbeleuers,but llirretb tbem to OjaUe of ^ fault. Slbcrefo^c Ire affirme againe t tohicb tuc baue aboue fpcfeen, i> tbe rtote of fa\?tb is neuer p!uc feeooutofa goQlp bart,but Cicbetbfo fail ilk t bottom, ^ bo'»i5ro£ucr it be Iba^ fecn t fcine to beno tbis tuap o} ^ toat, tbe Ugbt tberecf 10 fo n?'if r quencbcD 0; cbcUcD \)p,but tbat it Iretb at left hiocen tjuDcr fome embers : ano bi? t\)^s toUen is plainly (bclceQ, tbat v toc;D tubicb is an tjncojrnptible fcoe , bjvngetb fo;tb frute liUc to it frlfe, tbe fpjing tubereof Dotb ncacr toitbcr t tjttcrlp pcriQj. ifoj Ijibercas tbi^s is {» ejrtremell matter of Defpctrc to § boll? ones,to fele arc 0 jcing to ^ conftDfration cf p^efcnt tbings, t\)t ban of ^00 bent to tbeir Deltructiont y>tt Job affirmetb ^ hps bopc Ibal pjoceDc fo far>tbattbougbCDoD Dofeill btm,tctbc U>illncttberfo;ecea(retotruftin bim. 2Dbis is 1^ trutt) tbcrfo;e:CInbelefe reig^ netb not tbttbin tbe barts of ^ gcDl^,but onttDarDlpatTailcfb tbemmeptber Dctb ftjeoeaDlp tooiio tbe iDitb ber toeapons, bat onelp troubletb tbem , 0^ fo burtetb fb^tbat ret ttfc Ujonna is- corcable.iro^ Eph.6. 18' fa^tb,as ^aul teacbcl1),feructb bs fo;i a I QjielO:tbat being bolDenbpagainfttora of oeatb J ano it can not be but tbat tbe fattbfiiUbcU) mucb fircngtb fccurr ttcp baue,muft be baue CDoD pjefent tcitb tbem,anD p;ioui? Ding fo; tbeir fafctie, i fear is our rccm tDitbaffureDntlTc. jfo; ( as Auguftmc fai^tb) bcto great engins fccucr ^ ceuill raifetb bp agcinll ts , fo lor.g as be pof* felTetb not p place of ^ bart,Uflierc faftb DtDcll£tb,bc is rail cut off taj^es ^nn fo if toe mat? tu^gc ^V i^)^ fuffcne,tbe faitbfull notoneir cfrapefafe fro curr^ battell,ro tbat branDbi» receauing n rOj courage tbr p are renDp to ccine agaviic into i tm : but alfo ^ is fulfclhD Vi'tiitb Jobn fav'tb in brs caucnjcail CpiCle: %f)xs is i birtojt' tl;at onerccmnicib tte tocjlCene pour fattb. if o;j be afTirmefb tbat it 0)all notonlr "om the ticto;»p in one ox feto battels, 0^ againft fome one a(rault,but alfo tbat it ftjall get ti)t oucr* bano of tbe tobole too;rlD, altbcugb it be a tboufanD times aCapleo. 22 SCbere is an otber feinDc of frare anD trembling, but fucb a one as bp it ti)t aU furcDneffe of faitb is fo notbingatall utmtnilbfD tbat tbercbp it is tbemeje founPlggabUtbeD , SLbat is, toben tbe ^.L " faptbfull iloiij4; \Cap.2. Of the mancr how to rccc'me 1\0.T1,20 faitt)fuU citt)tt in t^inliuig ^ llje txmu pIcsDfCDcDstjengcaiiccagaintt^ Ujic* fecDarc (ietDcD fo; IclTons fo: tbcmto learn b?,Do carefully bcb^are ^ tl)ci Ijap* pen not to p jouofec C'oDis txj.jatlj againft tljcmfclucs toit!) tbe fatnc offences : o; reco;iDing loitij tbf fcluec tijeir olon mU fcrp, DO learne to tjang altogctljer topon tf)e iLo;o, Uiitftout tuljoni tjje^ fa tbem fcluefi to fae mo;c ficfele f foner Ijani* Cor.i c ^^^"3 f^W anr Watt of tuinoe. ifo; Uibcn i ti?c apolllc in fcfting fojtt) tlje fcourgeg lijf)crluif I) f be ilo;rD in olD time bao pu/ ni(^tD V people of 3ifrael,puttetl)v €op iwtlmm in fcare tbat tljci? entangle not tbemreI«c0Untt)Ufee tnHs be Dctljnot tl)erb\? abate tljeir r.ffiance,but onlv l^a* lictb atoa^ tf)e oulneCfe of tljs fletSc b^ ivl)id} fnttJ) in toont mo;e to be opp;jcf'' feo m firenstljneo. ano tubr be tafeetb occafion of ^ |etocs fall to (x\)c%t bint ^ Haoctb, to fa!tc bcor ^ be fal not,bc Dotb not tl)erebt> bio b0 to Icaucr, as tbougb tuc ia?r not fpllp aGTurcD of cur Ueofaa* nca'cbut or.lv Oe taJtctl; aUiap arrogant p^efumptiGHf raaietrufiing to mucb in our otun ftrengtb, t after tbc tb^uft. ingoutoftbcJetDeSjtbc Cenfiles be ing reccaucD info tbrir p!ace,(boi!lD not tCD mucb outragiouflp triumph agavnC tljem.aibeit be fpealictb tbere not cnelr totbe favtbrull,but alfc in tbe fame fav^ ingc ojnp^cbcnDetb ttic bipocritcft ^ glo* rveo ond^ in outiuarD fljcly . jfo; net* tbcr Dotb be aomonil^ euerp man parti? cularlvi,but making a copariron fcettoen tbc It)xits I tl)$ (IDentilefi,afrer i^ be bat) fijctoct) t tfte 3"toe0 in tfcis t tber toere rcicctcD , DiD fuffer iuit pumtbmcnt fo; tbeir tinbelcfc f tJntbanhfulncfTe be alfo tvlmttt tl)z (Dcatiks ^ ttjcv Cboulo not, l)r being p;ou»3 f ertolling fbemfelucB, lofe tbe grace of arsoption lately tonncp CO tnto Ibem. liSut as in tbat aenerall rciccting of tbe 3Jetees, tberc remaineo ret fomc^toere not fallen fro tbe couc* nant of auoption , fo out of tbc CDentUcs tberc migbtarifcfome, Ir^Ucl) luttbouc true faitbjfljoulb be puffeo bp oni^ \Xiitt) f(Dlifi) confibence of § fle(^ , ano fo abufc dhotis louing binoneffe to tbcir otJ^n He* (tru(tion.i5ut altbounb T0« tafee this as fpofeen to tbc clctt t fa^tbfull,pet tberc.- upon lUal follotD no inconuenicnce.if o; it is one tbing to bclDe DoU^ne t{)c ral^e p:efijption tobicb cut of tbe remnantcs oftbeflcGbecrcpetb fcmtimc eueniiUoj tl)e bol^ ones, tbat Mtl) tjainecofiDcnce it toape not outragiouOp tnanton : anb anctber tbing to Cribe tbc confcicncc toitb fear, tbat it reft not \i3ith full affu* rebncfle in tbc merer of CDoD. ^3 2Lbcn,tuben be teacbctb,^ toitb fear pi^j ^ ,2 f trembling bjc (boulo IwojUe our oton faluation,be requirclb notbvng els,but tbat iue ftjoulo accuCome Ms Uiitb mucb abafing of cur felucs, reuerentlij to lofee bp bnto tbe migbtinelTe of dDoD . jfo? I trueltnotbingbotbfo mucb atuatifts I to catt all our con6oence ano aHuraunce of mino tpo tt}z ILo;D,«£5 tolb ^ Didrult of cur (elues ano care/uine^ conceiueo be Unotolebge in ccnfcicncc of our ol»ne to^etcbctJUcCTc . ^no accojuing to tbys meaning is ^ fating in tbe 5B;cpbet to be tuKcn ; S,ii tbc multitube of tbr goji^ nf nc 3 ttjii enter into tbi? temple: I toil ^.i^o^Ujip in fearc. ^bcre bccoml^ con^ io^netb tbc boioneflfe of favtb i Icanctb tipcn (!5cDs merer iuith a reuerent fear, ^bicb U)c mufi ncbes fi£lc fo eft as co; ming iiilo § dgbt of C^oos maicl!ic, tue pcrceauc hv v glorious b^igbtnes tbe r? of,boto great is our otunfiltbineire,;2nD Salomon faitb trneltiluber \)t p^oncu^ cctb tbe man blcffcD , t ccntinuallp ma^ tct^ bl?« oton barf afra^o, fo; h\> barDc;* ning tberof men fall beolong into euili» llBut fucb feare be menctb as mar nsahc ts mo;e bebefull, not fucb U^bcrebp toe l^oulDbc troublcbtbttcrlrfall: euen fucbafearcaslDbcnv mino confcuneo tit pra.^'.g. pr. 28.141 Thc^accof Chrift. Ok,y$, Third Boolcc. . Fol. I70 in It fclfctjotl) recoucr it fcif agarn in p To oft as Idc IoUc tinto cljitft Vue finoc goti,trj{)cn ticfpcr;irtg it fdf,it rcuiuctfj in \)im full matter to Ijope iselUbut b^^ b^ trutt in b^m. 2Lbcrefb^c tberc is no ; caufe toe are altoais bntoojtbt? of tbcfe caiife to tbe contrary, but tbat the faitb^ ' gojo tbings tbat arc offcreD tjs in clniH, ful ntai? at one t\>me botb be in feare, i tl^c? luofo baue tjs ta tsauer $ ftagaer alfocniop mod affureo comfojt, in rc^ in beboloing our otone tjntoojtbinrtTe. fpcct V fometime tl)t)] turne tbeir ms ^.nefl^,tbei place cofcicnce fo betlueeii to bcbob tbeir oton banitie,t fometime bope ano feare, tbatit alteretb from p ti)^^ catt tbat tbougbt of tbeir mino tjpo I one to v otber,br cntercbageablc tiims t\)t trutb of OoD.jiiDUt botn (tuilt fome ma fa^}(btill feare i fa\?tb Dlcelbotlj in one minb^reuen tbns, as contrarilt? I3n* fenfible mtlneffe ant) carefuUncfTe. j^} tobcras tt)e tDicI^eo trauaple to procure to tbemfelues a toant of greefe, tbat no feare of gob migljt trouble tbem,t?ettbe f courfes : i tbe^ fo compare fai?tb anb bope tog£tber,tbat lp[)cn tbc one fp^in^ gctb tip tbe otbec i0 p^rfeb boton, tobe tbe one arifetb tbe otber agaim fallctb. &>o m^ii l?ata f«tb tbat tbofe open en g^nea iubcretoitb befeze trme l)e teas toot to betlro^ f be aCTurcbncs of fa^tb. iuDgement of goo fo p^cffctb tbem,tbat bo noto notbing p^euailc,be cnaeuojctb tht'^ ca not attern ^ tob?cb tbei* ocfire. ^0 tberi« notbing to toitbUanb, but ^ gob mai? cjperc^fc tbem fbt bi'is to bu^ mMtitytW in figbtiug baliantl^, tbe^ mat? reftratn tbefelues bnber ^ bjiole of moucttie . 0niD b? tfit p;joc£flre of tbe text it apperetb^tbat tbis toas tl)c entct off i^poaic^toberc be alTtgnctb^ caufe of feare f trembling to be tbe gcD plea? furc of goD,tobereb^ be geueli) to tbem tbat be bi5,botb to toil toel,i tjaliantli? to go tbiougb ^itl) it.:acco;Ding to this mening ougbt toe to taUe tbat Taping of tbe l>^;opb£t : SDbe cb^lb;ren of Hjfraell fiwl feare goi> f bis gcoonestbicaufe net onelt'jgoalincllc mg,cn^?M{)^u\iemc of tbere is alTurcb faluatton:but iftbou re turne to tbi? fclf,tber is affureb baarna* tion.2Dberfo2e of neccffitie Diftruft anb gcDb bope mutt h^ cntercbageablc ccar? fes reigne in tl)v minbe:^ ibcugb toe ougbf to imagine cb.utt ttaoing a far of, I not ratber Dtoelling toit^tn bs. fro;: tbcrfo^e toe loke fo^ faluatio at bis bao, not bicaufe be appcretb a far of bnto bs, but bpcaufe be h^t^ graffeb bs into brs faobp,! fo mafectb bs partakers net on!i of^lbJJsgojb tbings,butalfo of bunfeif. 2DbcriO.;e I tbus turne tbis tbeir argu* met agaili tbefelues: j,f tbou cofiber hjv fclf,tber is a certain Danation. iirut br^= caufe cb;jift tov>tb al l)i3 go?) tljigs isbp toa\' of tomunicating fo geue bnto t^c^, ^ a! bis ibinges arc mabc tbiae, i tbau art mane a mtber of bi«i vca t al^one Vu bi:bis rigbteoufnes. b^otoaetbtI}l^finS:f bus falurtticn tahetb atoav tbfbamna^ uon:be bp bis too;itbines commetb be* tuwentbeef go5,? tbibntoo;ttbinescom not in § iigbt of goo. liBjieflf, tbis is tlyz trutbe :. toe ougbti ne\:tber to Ccpirafo f4i Cb;ia Cag3 Ro.8.10. Of the maner how to rccci ae CO; lit from Vjs, no; Ms from tjvm, but UJttlj botb tjanD0 to t)olD faa tliat ftloto fl)ip U}l)crbp l)t l)atf) coupltD bimfelf fen to \)s,^o tfje jSpoflle tcacbttl) feg ; SCbe boor? m DaD(fa?tl)t)c)i3 utat) bp rrafon of fm:but tbe fpirit of ci^^ift tl)dt DtoeU letb in roujis life fo; rtgljCeoufneg . ^f echoing to tfjcfe mens trifling ueuife be (l)ulD baue fapDjClj^ift in DffD tattj life Id binifelfe : but ^cu as ^ou be Iinner0, rcmaine fubicct to teatb t Damnation. W>ut t}e Uiitl) far Dtt)ertuire.if 0; be tea^ rbetJj tbat § camnation^ toftrcb toe tie* feme of our felues , is nuaUotoco tp b^ tbe faluation of Cb;i(^) ant) to p;oue lU bcfefetb^famereafon tbat 3 baucah leget!,bifaufc cbnCt is not icout tjis,buf DUjelletb toitbin ts, $ cleauetb tmto ts not onelp iD^tb tJuDiuioable fenot of fe^ loUifJjip,but tuitb a certain marucUcusi ccmunion oailp mc;e 1 mc;e grcluetb hiit\) \}s into one boD\),til be be mat)e aU togetbcrone to^tbtis. 0nD pet |Denr not,as 31 baue fai?D a litle befo^e,^ fom* timetbcre bappcn certafne interrupt tion0 of faptt), a0 tbe U)eafene0 tbereof is among b^olent foDepn motion0 bo* IncD bitbcr 0; tlnthcr, ko in tbe tbicfee miftc of temptations tlje ligbt tbcrof is f bobeD, but tubatfoeucr bapnetb.it ccaf fetb not from enocuo; to feebe dDoD . 2$- ^nd no Otbertotfe DOtb Bernarde argue,tGben be purpofcipentreatetb of tbi0 'jucCion in bis ^ i^omcl^ in ^ ^e* DicatJo of i^ temple. jdL)ftcntime0 (^ fav) bi' ^ benefite of (IDoD fiuDping tpon tbe fculc, me tbmlse ^ Sno it in tloo tbmgs as it U:erccontiarv3fJi bebclti p fcuie it felf, as it is in it felf 1 of it fclf,! can fav notbing mo;e truelv of it,t{jan tbat itistjttcrip b;ou btto nougbt. mm n&D Bi noU) to recben tp particularlr al V mifcries of tb^ roule,l)oU» it 10 loaben xo fiafl,couereD,lMitb Darfenes, entanij* IcD U'itlj Deceitful cnticement0,ttcbmg •untbjurfg,fubicct to palTics, tilth Vo iU lufios,altoat enclineD to cuel,bent to al feiniJ0 oftjice, fiinallv fulof fl)ame f con fufio^ipoU) if al ^ feerv rigbteoufnes of it being lobeD tjpo b^ ^ ligbt of trutb be fciiD lifee a clotb ffatneo to^tb floures, tbe U)bat fijal t tjnrigbteoufncfTefi tbcr^ of be accompteDf iif f ligbt tbat is in ts tc tailjne0,i}oto great Cjal t tert Darfe^ mGe be^^bat tbcn^ txjitbout Dout ma 10 maoetmto feanitte: ma 10 baougbt to nougbttma is notbing . 15ut boiu tbe is be Wterli nctbing,tu')o goD Dotb magni fV^l^oU) tbf is be notljing,toUjarD t»^o goDs beart is kti 315 jetb;en,let tjs take bart aga^n, SLbougb toe be notbrng in our oujn bart0,peraDuenture tfeer ma? fomelubat of 120 l^e btutien in tbe barte of goo.£D fatber of mercic0,£D fatber of a^e miferable , boiue Doett tbou fct tl)^ bart toU'aro tsf jfo; tbr bart is irbere tbp trefure is, IBuf boto be tec tipd tw fure,if U)ebe notbing^jaination0 are fo before tboe as if tbe? toer nct,tbev fl)aM be reputfO a0 notf?ing,Cue before tbet, not Uiitbin tbee : fu in t\)t iuDgemcnt of tbv trutb,but not in the afTert ion of tbv pitieXbou calleft tbufe tbings tbat are not,a0tbougb tbcptrerXbcrfo;c botb tbe^ are not, bvcaufctbou callea tbofe tbing0 i! are not,i alfo tbev are bicaule tbcu callell tbe.jfo; tbcugb tbf i are not in refpect of tbncluc0, ret 16 t{)ec tbep are,acco;Dingtotbat faing of pa«l,not of {> Uio;lJs of riijbteoufius, hut of btm tbat cailetb.^nD tbe be faitb,F ^bis cou? plingtcgctber cf botb ccnOueratics is nmrnellous. STruclv tbofe tbings t' arc fenit togetber,oo not tbe one Defirov tlje otber. mbicb alfo in tbe ronclution be mc;e plainly Dedarctb in fbcfetoD;C0. iPoUi if Uiiib botb tbefc iDuDcrattCit toe Diligently loke \)po our felue0 U^bat Ine be,pca in ^ one confiDf ration IjcU) tne be notbing, 1 in p otber bolu muc b tea be magnifieD,3ll tbink our glo^^ing i«^ metb to be tfpereD,bnt peraourntureit Mat. 6. 15 Ro.5>.i2. is moit emreafeo.CracI? it is perfect Iv? tlabliQ)eo,t^at toe glo;pe not in oar fclucfi but til ^ "tox'i, if luc fl)mfe thuBi iffjc ftatb DctcrmincD to faue \3S, toe fljall bpanobp be wUucreD: noto in t\)^3 toe ma^^ ta^ic coaragc.lBuf let fas climb fap into a bier toatcb totoer anD fcHc fu; The grace of' Clirfft. Third Bookc. Fol J7«. bolD of ttifi t^ougfjt , ^ tfjc 11o;dc fanocr tobofe potoer toe line,abi;;o;irett) all ini* qaitie, tobofc tengeancc tbc^ (ball not cfcape, tbnt in liuincjtoicljeDl^ to pjo* uohe bis to;uit^ againft tbemfelues?. 27 3i5ut ^ toticb 3iobn rart(),tbaf feare US not in cbari{ie,but perfect cfjarif ie c a^ Itctb out fearcberaufe feare contetnet!) tbe €\tit of (IDoD,feefee fo; tbe SCemple, , , f«bc fo; tbe ^l^oiife , fahe foj p ^ponfe. j puni(^ment,iiifagratb not to tfjis 1} toe Ij joh 4. ! 3 baue not foigotten, but 3 fap it )o}it!ti fav fm tbe toiri^cD fear not coD in ttjis Pro. 1.7 PCioo.u' Pro 10 J feare f reuertiue,toe 31 far be,but in tUt bart of goD.^c be>but b^ bis allotoing as too.2tb^,not b^ oar oton too^tbineflfe. 26 j^otojtbe feare of p ilo^D , tobereof comonlp in eucrr place, toitucs if? bo;n to all 1^ boll? onefi,i tobitb is in fom pla* ce5 calleD p beginning of toifeoom, anD in fome places toifenom it f2lf,altbougft it be but one,rct it p;^oceDetl) fro a Dou* ble t>r.DerftaDing.iFo;i (35oo batb in bpni felf p reucrence botb of a fatbcr ant) of a Mal.1.7.'; ^o;3).2]:berfo;rc l)c ^ toil trulp too^Ojip ftim, toill enoeuc; to ftjeto bimfclf botb an obedient fonne i a fecuiceable feruat tnto bim ♦ 2Dbe obedience # is geuen to tiiin as to a fat^tjtbe HoiU br bis p;o» p()et calletb boncj : t^ feruice t is Done to bim as to a lojD>bc calletb feare JLbc fonne (faptb be; bonojctb ^ fatber 1 tlje Ceruant p llo;D.5f 3 be a fatber ,tobcr is mr bono;i f 3f 51 be a llo;D,toberc is mp feare f But botofoeuer be puttctb Diffc* rcnce bettoen thCyt^^on faft boto be con* fouDctb tbf botb together . 3:berfb;ie let p fciire of p lo.^D be tinto tjs a reuerencc, mmglcD 16 ttiat fame bono; i fear jpiei^ tber is it anp maruell , if one minDere^ ceauc botb tbefe ajffcrttons.iFo: be t (^ aocretb vdbtatfclfe tobat a fatber CDoD is fanto b3,batb raufe inougb > altbougb tbcre tocreno-belsat alUtobi' be tboulD DicaD f}is Difplefare mo jc greupunp tba anp D0atb.li3utalfo(fucb is tbe toanton* HcCTc of our flefl) to run to liceatioufnes of finning ) torellrainc tbe ictme bp all mwnes,toe ougbt tbertoitball to taUe hhX 28 refpect t tbcp D:eD to incnrre bis Difple furc,tf tbep migbt Do it toitbout punil^ ment: but becaufetbep fenoto bl-m to be armeD toitb potoer to reuenge: tljerfo;^^ tbep tt)ahe fo; fearr at tbe bearing of bis to?atb.^nD alfo tbep fo fear brs to;atb, bccaufe tbep tbink 1^ it bagctli ouer tbe, fo;^tbeplofec euerp moment tobcn it (ball fall bpon tbeir beDs.as fo; ^ faitb*' full: tt)ep(as is abcue fapD)botb fear bis Difpleafure mo?e tba punilbment, i are not troubled toitb fe«r of pttnilbmcnt as if it DiDbang ouer tbeir nccltes,but tbep are made tbe mc;ic toarc not to pjocnrc it.^o faptb § apoftle,toben be fpeafeetb Hph.f 6 fo tbcfaitbftjll : i5epc not dcccineo: ft: C0I2.6 ^is cometb i to^atb of god bpon p cbil* D.ien oftinbelefctl^e tb^eatnetl) not tbat gods to^tb toill come bpon tbe,but put^ tetb tbe in mind to tbinU t)pon tbis,tbat P tozatb of god is p;jepared fo;^.fucb toir^ feed doinges as be bad recittd, tbat tbep tbemfelues (bould not be toiUing alfo to p;oae it.aibeit it fclocme bapnctb t tbe rcp;cbate be atoafcened toitb onelp and bare tb.:eatnings,but ratbf r bring alre^ dp grcCTe 1 fanCcnliblp dnll Vd tbeir otoa b^rdneCre, fo oft as C^d tlrudKtb from beauen tbei baroen tljemfelues tooblti> narie,but tobcn tbei arc once ftrifeea 16 bis band, tbcn tobctbcttbcp toiU o^no,, tt)ep be enfoucd to feareXbis fear tbei conionlp calta ferui:e fearctand in com* parifcn fet it fo; coiitrarp to free naturcd i toiUing fear tobifb becometb cbtlo;e» f^omeotberdofuttellp tb^alt ina.mid^ piii. Die oFtE cmaner how to receiiie Die fe[i«oe,becaufc ttjat fame fc ruilc ana ] tion ts inaBe not onclf of eternall faiua^ fonarainct) affection fomtimc fo fubtu etb mens nunoe0 , ttjat t'i)t'^ come totU Ungli? fo tfje feare of Cod. 2S ^olDtoctjnDerttanD, ^ intftegojD twill of dDoD, tDljereunto fa\?tb is fai?D to tjaue refycdc , ttje poffeCTion of fatuation anD etcrnall life is cbfaincD. ifoj if toe ra toant no gsD t^ing tol)ile CDoo is fa« uo^jable fento tu, it abunDanf I^ fuffifetlj \)3 to V aCUreonefft of faluation , toben bebimfclfcDot!) alTrnx ts of bl's^lcuc. ilct bim Iljeto br^ farc(fat?fb § pjopbet) and toe fi}al be fafe.Mlbcrupcn p fcrip' tion,butaIfo of anrscoD tfjingin te.tpc be altoa^ callcD bacUeto tbe lottc of goD. i?o; tobicb raufc a;>ainD favfb> tljat tbe gouncHc cf eoD tobc it is kit in a goD^ Ip b*Jrt» is ftoeter f nio;e to be tefircD tban life it fclf. jlfinallp,if all tbrngs els DofiOtDfcntct30 acfc^Ding tcourotonc toifijing, anD toe be fcncertaine cf dDcDs loue t} IjatreD , our felicitic diall be at* furfet?, f tij?rfb?e mifrrable. 115ut if tbe fauo;iablc face cf (IDoD Co (bme tnfo ts, cuen our tert mifcr vcc Cjall be blcffeD, tecaufctbei? are turne D to belpcs of cur tures Determine tbis to be tbe fismmc i faluatisn. :a6^''aul,tobenbfbeflpeDtip Pia 63.^ of our faluation, ^ ^od pattnig atoare all enmities , W^ reccaucD ts into fa* Ro.8.3^ a rebf arfal of all aDuerrities,^ ct be 0lo^ rpcib tbat be tons not bp tbem feuereD uo;. 'm[)Cx]3^ tber C^eiii, ^ tobcn (Dod , fro f be loue cf ©oD: anD in brs p;wpers is reconcileo tuto ts? , tbere rrmarnctb ' be altoap bcainnctb at § fauo^ of c^oD, no prrill.bat ^ all tbrngc0 l^all p^ofper j fro tobence fiotoetb al p;cfperifie.3Lilje toeltoit!3t3 itbeifc^cfartljjteingta* Itoife HDauiD fcttctb tbe onelp fauojof fern bou» off Icac cf got>, batb pjcmifcs \ ©oD againU all tl)c terrors tbat trouble of 1^ p;efent life f of tbe life to come,anD I ts . 3f ( fa^tbbc) ^ (ftall toalfee in tbe perriur.friireJJncircoraH gJsD tbr?ig£*s: bu- tbat fame facb as ma^ be gatbcreD out of tbe toojD of maintrnance of. bim fax br^J inberitaunce. tbis p?efmt life. llBut t cbcef affurecncs 29 ^e imU tl)t fcuDaticn cf faitb to offaitbrcdctbincrpecrationcfp life to j be tbe free pjomife of (IDoD,bicaufefartb come,tobicb is fet out of Dcut bv i toojo of ©oD, )15uttobatfoeucr mifer^es 1 ca* lamitiesbetpDetnto tbem tobom (!DoD louctb>tbei> cm not tooife tbe contrart?, but tbat bis gtoo teill is perfect felicitie. Jbbcrcfojc \siiim toe did meane to er* pjelTc tl}^ fimime of bleffcDneCPejtoe na^ mcD V fauo;j of (IDcD,out of tobici fp?tng DO floto tnto ts all binDS of gcnD tbings. anD t[)is toe ma^ ccmonlp note tb;ougb out 1^ fcriptures,tbat totjcn foeuer meii- pjopjrlf Cap etb tpo it.jfo.j tbogb fa^tb DO beleue C'OD to be true in all tbinges, tobctbcr be comaunD cj fo;biDjtobetber be p^omifc 0; tb; eaten,? elfo obeoicntli? recciuetb bis comaunDements, 1 betoa* retb of tbinges ^ be p;obibitetb, * IM^ regarD to bis tbmntt reft \jpon free piomife, toe Do not am^ but tbat v faitbful Do euer^toav emb^ice * rece^* uc § too;jD of goDjkut tee appoint p p;o mife of merci> to be ^ proper marUe of fattb.Cl;uen a0 i faitbfull ougbt it\ DtxD to acUnotolcoge goD to be { iuDg: i pa* mfl)?r oftoic&eDDoinge0,anD ^ettbe? p^opcrlv'lj^iuc regorDtjnto bis nurcr' fallUinDiKs: fb;^afmucb as be isoefcri* beototfjetobiJConSoereD lucbacneas 13 louinj f nirrcifiU,far fi om lu atb, of mucbg3)Onei$,gcntlcU.to all, pouring fo^tb bi0 merc^ vipon all bt^too.;feeg. Thesiraccof OirilliT Hc.11.7. Third Bookc. Fol 172, 30 ^citfterWbo 31 regaro IP barkings of Pyghms, 0: fucb otber ooggc0,toben tbct finDe fault tor tb tbis reftrarnt, a5 tbougb in DcniDing fa rtb> it Ci^o tafee bolo but of one pcce tbcrcof.J graut(a0 3!baucalreaDi?farD) ti)at tbcgenerall obiect of fviitb ( as tbep terme it) is tbe trutb of goo,tobetber be tb.zeaten 0;^ put tjs in bope of fauo^.clSlbcrfo^je tbe apo* ftle afcribctb tbis to faitb,tbat j^oe fea reo § beftruction of tbe too;!D, loben it teas not pet feenjf tbe fearc cf a puni* l^cmcut C[)o;tlv to comCjtoas tbe toof Do iopnc tnto tbe aenerall name, in ttebe of a Difference tbitnurijcfijat feruetb tl)C faptbfull from tbe t3nbcleuing.irinallp,tb: malp tions baue notbing to finb fault toifball Ro.io.S.i PM m dap. 2. OFchc mancr how to receiuc Pra5>.'». Pfa. 10 9. 43- R04.21. 2 Tim.i. 18. in t^is fiotrrin?, but tttv ttiuU to;appe t)p ^ule to^tf) ts in 'tbe fanie blame, teljic!) calkti) tije ©cfpf U p;op;el^ t^e too;DcoffaT'tI), 31 115ut Ijcrcupon sga^ne toe gather ^ lt)(nc[) luc baue before Dcciareti,^ fattbe Dott) no Icfle n(ieD tt)e tuo;D tban t Trute Dott nao tt)e Itu^ l^ roite of tt;^ tree, b^^ caufenoneotber (asSDautDtrftifirtti) ca truH tn tbe lo:d,buttbct ^ ^nolo t^in namOlBut tUs &noU)lcDg£ u( not arco;i Ding to euctt mans tmaginatio, but fo far a3 got) Ijlmfclf t£s toitnts of bt« oton goQDnes.Ml^icb tbe fame ^}op\}ct con firmettj in an ottjer place,fa^ng:tfet fel uatto is acco^Ding to tbv tDo;o. iSgatn. JbauetrutteDintljp U)o;dc, faueme. ^Iber is to be notcD i relation of fait^ to Hk Ico;d, ? tijcn boUi faluation foUo* loctlj.;ani3 tiet in ttje meane time \x>t do not tvciuJit ti)t potoer of 000, toit^ bc^ ^iDing toljerofjtsnlcs faitb futtcrne it fcif,it can ncurr gcue tnto goD Itte tiuc Ijono^. paiiirametttorrbcarfe acrr# taincfclenocr ano common tfeing of ^* b^aliam, tbat be belt uro t ^on Uiljic^ bao p^iomireo f)im f bleCfeo rencjloas a«^ ble to pcf fo;me it Sgatnc in an ctbcr place, fpcaking of bimfelftj fencto totio J {)auc bcleueo,! 3f am Cure iJ lie is able to Uepe tbat lubicb 3 baue left )})it\) bim tmtil tbat oar. y^ut if a man iue^ toitb bimfelf botD mani Doutings of J potoe r of CDoD DO oftentimes crepe into mans m inD,f)e Qjal tcel perceiue ^ tbei \xtM 00 bigbli eltemc it as it is Ujo^tbrjljaue not a little p^ofiteb in faitb. C^e al Inil confeUe ^ (Soo is able to r>o lobatfoeuer be VDil,bat toben euen tfje leaft tempta tion tlj;otDett tjs DcUm ls)it\) fcare,i a» mafetbts toit j l}o;ronre^tberbrappca ret:) plainlt,^ tietjiminiflip eftimatio of gt OS potocr, ti»^f tDep?cfcrrc abcne It tljofe tbings,tbat ^ata tb^eatnet^ a^ gaine goos p;omtrcsJCbis is f reafon ^bgC!;fa)g meaning to p;inte intotbe iKJrts of tbe people ^ afTaretiHcs cflal* nation, Dotlj fo bcno^ablf cntrcate of ^ infinite potocr of go?.31' itmttl) oft tijat fo fone as be batfj begon to fpeak cf tbe bope of parDon f fcc6ciliation,be fciano^ b^ turnetb to an otber tbing i to»iD^etb about in log f fuperfluous ; irciifiaccs, rebear^ng botu maruclounv tbe iic^Ke gouernetb tlje frame of bcaue i cartb t tbe lubole o;ter of nature ; ret is ttcre nothing t feruett) nctfittlp fo; tbe cir« cuftance of t^e matter tt^t be fpealtetb of.iFojtmles tbe potuer efgoDtoberb? be IS able to 00 al t\$iQS be p: efentli? fet before our e^es, our eares Ijotll t^arol? t^eare tbe too;o,oj toil not eftemc it fo muc& as it is loo;jtb. SiBcfiae ^, bere is aeclareo t)is e^ectuall poU;er , b^caufe goDlvnes(astuef)aue alreaOT?(betoeD in an otbcr place) octt atoap applt tbe potuer of tbat all tbe pjomifcs of goD are in bim > tea ano a* men ILbe reafon tuberof is reaur to be ttjetoeo.iFo^ if gob p;omife ant tbing, be tberin iiiz\iitti^ U^ gob toill : fo tbat Ro.i. I)? J. CatA 2Q, faitb,fo; It toas necefiarr, t! 0,^ (bculD tber is " Womife of bts.^ L"b fh it a oner ome mant offences, f (b« migbt mont of ^«*i«"t^"^,';^^^^^^ fo camcClr enoeuourc to attainc tbat, m "^^^''^^^'^t^^^^ tubicb tDttt;oate bope of cartblt P?o6te great f ccntmuall *^f "^/ °JSOCS iLu^ toasfulofgreat troubles an^ Dangers. ralitrbeapcbbpcntWotb rbrto^^ SIS toe mat r^t fat tbat tbe bcli ^Datri. tbt fclues m fo «^"J JJ^^ «^°„^^ er;"°^^ OTaacLsaUugUbcr.6outfaitbe, ! ^^^^'^^'^f'^f^^^^^^ becaufe be being bt tbe fame £^;acle of , no; achno\^lege ^^[^^flfl^f^ f^^. roDabmonifi)eoVtbebono.^traIferreb bn^ to fbe tonger lonnc , tet ccaffco not to t t\)tv acknotolebge it, «5f ? ^ not tortb bemojc fcuourablt bent to bis tirft be gotten fon Cfau. 2:ru£lt tbefc craplcs boe te£cbe,ttat oftentimes errcurs are mingleo ^^tij faitlj: but ^it fo t faitbe if it be a trne faitl) :,batb alUiat tbe bp^ per bano.if 0; as tbe perticulcr erro; of Kebccca tio not mafee toi5c tbe effccrc cf tbcblciring, fo neitbcr oio it mahc bBiDbgrfditbvrbicb generallt raignco tbf felues confioer bis gajunes, tbcrfo;e tbct can not tbcibt be better taugbt of bis mcrct tban b^ute bcafts> tobicb ac? co;sing to t\)t merurc of tbeir ellate,no rccciue t fame frute cf goosliberalitt, f ret tljct perceiue it r.ct.ipieitber Dotb it ani mc;c mahe againft bs.tbat mani timcfi in refuCnj t P^omifes apotnteb fo; tbr,tbet bo bt ^occation procure to 1 C3p,2 Of the mancr how to lecciue tScmfcUifS tU greater licngeacc. /fcj ^ iuas £arvcD,U)|?tcl) if ^c liao net f;au fam mifesoot f on!i>apere,li)!)lt{jcrfen«c tljetrauatleano erpciues cf fo long a fjuo f-utb irttb \3fi,rrt r fiJ^f^ f nafaral i ioiirnc^, to \j:o:(]&ip. pet \xic fec,Ujl)cn Mat.3.17 p;jopcrti of *I)cni i$ ncuer crtinguiflieo br our Mnhclctt oi tnt^ahfuInes.SDftcr fo;e iJDibcn tbc Io;d bi bw p^iomifcs Dotb p^onofee ma not onlt? to rcceiue,but al^ Co to tbinft bposi tbefrutcs of bis bouti^ fu!ne0, be Dotb tbcrMbal Declare tinto bim biJ6 iDiie.^lbereljpon loe mull re^ turn to tbis popnt, ^ ener^ p^omtfe is a telfif^ing ofgooslouetotoarobs. But ' it is out of queflion, f m man is loucD of cII5oo but in CbbilUp pbilip epami'neD br^ , botoe he be^ toMpeD bis igno:ance of tbe mci?tatonotone goo, neptber bit) Cornelius tobc be ban once embja* ceo tbe Jctoilly religion fpenoc fo mucb time,toit!)out bei^ng acquaintebtoitb tbe firll groujiD^ of true Doartne.:^ fo; ^aaritan,iL baD bcit to fonD an abfnrbi^ tp fo; C!!»^eu3 toben be taugbte b\?m of fmal tbtngs,to baue laio nstbing of tbe principal povnte.2Dbere&;e altiicugbe tbere toere amcng *\j^m a bark fenoto=* lege of Cl'aill. v.ct it is not lihclp t tlier toas no Unotofeoge becaufe tbei tin ^fe tbemfeUie6 ii'* tlK facrifices of t^t lato, tobicb mud baue bene oifcerneD bp tl)t \3crj) enb,of tbcm tint is Cb;ittc,from tbe falfe facrtftcc^ of tbeC^entilcs, 33 HSiit tins bare t outtoaro Declaratt* on of tbc toone of ^o'5, ougbte to baue largelp fnfficeo to nuke it be beleeuee, ifourotonebiinsttifg f ftubbernrs cia not toitbClauD it. Bat our maidc^batbe I'utlj an iitcUnation to banitp, tbat it ca neuer clrafie fad tr»to ti)t trutb of gob,. anD batbc iucbe a pulnelTer tbat it iB aU toa\7 blinae, f can not 1© tbe ligbt tber* of. 2Lbcicfo;e tijcre is notbing auailea* •jI^ i5one bp tbe too jS)e, toptbont tbe tti' MoiWim of **je bol^ gboUe. Mab^reb? alfj vippcaretti,tbat faittii> farrc abont I manner. 2,Tim 1. 14. Ga.3.2 J hcgraccof Chrirt, "Third tookr. '• Cor»s» Ji. mans bnccrfJaDing. j^cirtjcr Ojal it be HjouId man b? fure cf ttjc toi'fl of C3o!)f fufficicnt ti)at tf)c minD be IrgUncD v6 ' ^n^ if ttjc trutb ef goD be tncertainc a* ttie (ptrtt of (DoD, tonUs ti)c bart be alfo ' mcitg tifi, tii tbofc ti)ir\^ tW tec p^e* GrcngtbncD t ftalli^eo Hj bis poiwcr. fcntlvbcboltjc toitb our cicboio QjouiD Cwlbcmn tfje fcbolcmen do altcgctber ' it be alTtircD nm ffrnfaft aniog ts ttcrc errc,b3bicb m cofeDering of faitt),Do on*- tubcre tbe llo^fi pjomtfetb fccljc ttnng It? take bolD of a bare anD (imple aGfcnt as neitber t\;t fatb, noj tuittc compjC' br knotoleogc , Icaurng out tbe confix ; bcuDctb. 115ut bercin niannrs fljarpnca ociice f aflfureoncs of tbe bwrt. Jlbcre* ' of bntjcrfianoing is fo ouertbjcten ano foic faitb 15 botb toaics a Cngular gift failctb,tbat tbe firU ncgrccs of picfiting of (25oD,botb tbat 1^ minD of ma is clean in droDs ffbtDlc, is to fo^abe brs olunc feD to tatt tbe trutb of goD, ano t\)at bis \i}it fm br it,as br a tcile catt before beart is ftablifbcD tberin. iro; tbe boll? i tjs, toe are binnjcb tbat toe ran not at* gbolf not onlp is tbe beginner of fa^tb, | teine t^t mrfferies of Cod, tobieb arc but alfo br Degrees enc rcafctb it, bntiU not Dtfclofeo but to little cnes.if 0; net* bt? it be b;jtng Ms to tbe bcaucnlr feing* \ tber Dotb firlbc anD blouD Dtfclcfc , no; Do. SCbat gcDD tbing(faitb ll>aul)tobicb natural ma perceauc tbsfe tbings t are U-as committeD to tbr beping, hcpc in ' of tbe fpirite,but ratbcr to bim tbe Icar* tbebolf CbofttobKb Dtoelletb in ts. | mngofC>cDisfc3lia]nc{re,bccuufcttis IBut bota Paul faitb tbat tbe bolr gboa isgeuenbptbc bcar\?ng of fa^tb > toce mai? eafil i? DpColuc it. 3if tbere baD ben but one onelv grfte of t})c bol^ ©boff, tben it baD ben an abfurDitie fcj bim to cal t\)e bolt? gboft i effect of faitb,tDbirb is t\}t autljo; anD e aufc of fattf) . 3l5nt toben be maltetb repo;te of tbe giftrs tebereuutb CI^cd garnifbctbbis cburcb, auDb^ encreafinges offa^tb b;ingetb it to perfection, it is no marucl if be af- cribe tbofe tbinges to fa\?tb tobicb ma.- feetl) ts fit to receiue tbe. ^i)is is recbe ncD a moffc ftrange conclafion,U'ben it is faiDjtbat no man but be to tobome it is gencii,c5 belcue in €\)ntt. tout tbat is partly, becaufc tbcf Doc not confiDer botoe fecrcte anD bie tbe beauenli? tuif^ Dome 10,0; botue great manncs cufnes is in concciuing tbe mvCerics of CDcD: fpiritualli' to be iuDgeD. 2Lberfc;c bcrc in tbe belpc cf tbe bol^ gbotl is mczGd* ri?,o; ratbcr bercin fits fo;ce cnlr reig* net b. Cbere is no ma tbst Unoturtb tbe minD of OoD,D2 i}Sitl) bene bis ccufellcr: but t boli^ fpirtf fcarcbctb out al tiding?, euen tbe oepe fccrcls cf C^oc, bv lubcm it is b;oi!gbt to paffe, tbat fee bnoto tbe minD of eb;iil. ii^o man (faptb be) can come to me ,tjn!etrem^ fatber tbat fent mcc jafc bvnt<€uf rr or;e tberfo^c tbat batl) bcarD anD learncD of mr fatber,c5^ metb . i^ot ttat an^ man batb fecne tbe f .tbcr,but be i\)c^tisknt of CoD , Gum as tberfo;c toe ca not come bnto CTbiifi but being D;aUJcn bf tbe fpirit of Coo: fo teben toe be D;atoen,toe are liftcDt p in toif auD minD aboue our oton tuDcr;; ffanDing . fm tbe foule cnli^btncD br bim,tahetb as it tocre a neto ftarpncffc 1^1.1.7 ^r Mat. 11.1' (Mat.ip, i'r 14. i.cor.2. 10. I Ioh,6.4- anD p.irtlv becaufc tbev Mxt net tinto I of tinDcrllanDing, tobcrtoitb it map be tbat affurcD anD CccniS conftautncfTe I bolDe braucnlv n-.^nei rcs,toitb fc^igbt* of beart, tbat is to fare, t!;e cbccfe parte ncffc tobcrof it toas bcfcje DaftlcD in tt offaitbe. felf.janDfomansbnDcrCanDing recea? 34 )i5utir(r.5 Paul p;CuCl;ctb)no man uingb;iiabtncrrebf tbeligbtoftbe bcl^ is toitnes cf tbe toil cf man,lut tbe fpi^ | gboft, coib ncuer till tben truelr begin rjtc ofman ^ is toitbmjrm?tbcnbotP |to taCc of tbofe tbinges tbat belong to Cap.^'T" Of the mancr bow to rccciuc "^'"■■'■" , to t^c fetnaoomc of gotJ htins Wo}c ah \ tojet^er t)nfauo;i.e anp luitljijat iusgc* |,B..24. ' mcnt of tatt to te^^e aOar oft&r . SPl^cr^^ S7» ^.4j f3;.-2 lu'.en ti?;itt Di9 no^ablp fet out tn* to f Uio of his Oifctplc^ tfes mpCericB of ^isfehiafO0me,.T>etl)eiiotbr!.ig p^eua?^ U3,t)i;til !je cpcnetj ttjcir f? nfes ^ tbe? . migfjiDnDeraaDttbcrcriptarcs.^bm Wi^i^? ^;apomc$.ti?0refataagWb^ I)wgo5l? mouthy^zt tlfC fpiritc of tmtb mull be (ent tJiitP t!)f ,to pourc into tbcir minw ^ fime tMKtrine lobt^cfttbe^ baDbearo toiti) tbeir earc$. stbe tooio of dJoo i^e Uki' tjiTto tbe funne tbat C^ncttj tinto al tb^tti to lubom it 13 pieacbca^ but to no pjoat amonjc blinu nfm.l!3nt tuc are al (n tDi$ bcbalf blino bi? nature ,tberfo^c it can not pearce into our mino but bp tbc inluarD matter t\): bol? gbo5, ma* ^iinz bi bi3 cnligbtiiing an cnf rp fo; it. ;^ 3ii an otber place^lDbf toe bao to en treatc of tije co>raptton of nature, tuce ^iau2 mp^c largeli? (belnco boto tinfitte »ien ar^ tobdeue.^wbicrfoie I toiif not tftcrp^^^ reai^ra.Uj itb. repeating (> fame againev 3let tbi?s be fu^fictent tbat tbe t ^.4 fpiritoffaitb, i$ called cf]i>aulfa^ it »i*: ' fclfc>V3bJcbii& fpirite geaeitj b0,but not th^ff^ U)bicb Uie banc naturallp.SCbcrfoje be |5;a^ctb tbat got> fulfil in tbc CbclTale* »ian3 ai bisf ga)i3 pleafurc anD tbe tpoj.U af faitb in.potocr.^berui calling faitb fclje tDc.jfeeof goD, anD gcutug it tbattt? tic fo^ajiamc of a^JlJiiiDn^ ano calling a bB figur? of appofitiongoog gcD&pica Uici^i, b^ Dcnvet^ tbat it i$ ofmanncs alune motioii;anD notcont?ntco tbere* fel?tb> be aqoctblaJ:tbcr, tbat it i^aM* cUra.ticjn of goDOes potrcrriyi^tuig to ■tb? Co;ii\tbianj»> tobcr b? faitb, ^ faitb bang^tb not bpon tl)t tDifcaomof men,, ,but isg^{3untje3bpon i^z psjlucr of tbe ji^Dl^ gbott. i^e fpcafictb in DcDe of out* [uoatDe miraclsis: butUicaufctbjjrepio? t^z arebtee at t\)^ beboloing of tb.e^ Ibccompjcbcnpgtb ajfioi t inUjarDlealc^ y-sU, tobcrof be maketb mention m an otber place. :^nu C0oo,tbemo;eglo^iouai> to fetfe foxtbe bi?fi liberalitfe in fo nobie a giftc>tJoucbfiiurtbnot to graunt it to al bniuerfalli? to^tbotit Difference, but bp fingularep;tuileDgegeuctb it to Inborn be loiir. ftoz pi(Dtc lubcrofjtue baue al^^ leageD tcftimouies before. jdl>f IxJbrt Augulimc being a faitbfull c);pofito;> crietb out, tbat it luoulD plcafe tf^t ^a? uio.:^ to f eacb bim, ann V3kt tbe tjer^ be* leuing it fetf, is of gift ano npt of Defer* uing. Jllo man(favtb bp)comrtb to me, tmles in]3 fatber o^aio bimj « to libora iti0geuenofmi' ifatbtr.^t ief maruel«^ lous^ tUjo Doe beare,tbe one Defpifetb^ tbe otbcr afccnDetb bp JtLct bim ^ ocfpi^ (ttlhim^utc it to bimfclf : let brm ^ slU ccnDctb,not arrogajitl^ aHignc it to bim felf. 3n an otb^r place . W.\j^iB geuen to one $ not to an otber i ^t greuctbmc not to fa^ it,tbis is i^t Deptb of 1^ croffc. £!at of 3 toote not \«bat Deptb of thp iuDgcments of (5o9 tebJcb t»e ma^ not fcarcb>pioceDctb all tfjat toe can.^bat 3J can,3 r« : tobcrbr i can, 5 fee not,fa* uing tbat I feetbus farre,tbat it tscf dDoD.Bot tobp btm,anD notbimf Itbat ts mucb to me. ^t is a bottomles Deptb>. it is tbe ticpti) of tbe croCTe . 3: mat? crpe out "iuitii toonnering , but not f^eto ^ in Difpatinglfinallp tbe fummc commetb, to tbis,tbat €b,iiQ tobm be cnligbtnetl^ b0 bnto faptb bp tl;r potocr of bi0 (pirit, Dotbtbertoiti}airgraffe ba into bT?0bo^ nvy that toe may be maoe part^erje! of: all goo tbingefl; 36- ilioto-rema^etb^ fbat tobicbtbe- n^nD batb rcceaueD,mai? be furtber co^- VLZ^tn into § bart.ico^ t too^Dc of CDoo is not tb^ougblt? rcceaueo bp faj?tb ^tf it ftoim in § top of tbe b^ainc,but tobrn it batb taken rastc in {' bortTJoie of t^c bart, tba^itmaybeaitiiijiincibU Defence tCK beare ^r^ repulfc sH. tb^* ^ngittes, of tempMomr l^toj it it be true-jbat ... .•Ull !-.l.-.'.' . H »4ji -^ J' «^4>>iA«i'A i hc^raceofChnfl, TMrd Dool e. ,i-ol. Eph.uij. tt)t true tjnDcrftanDing of tljc minDf is tii cnligljtning tberof,tbcn m fucf) con firpnatton of tt)c beart, f)is poiucr mucb niojecuiDcntlT'apprarett), cucn bpfo muct) as tl)c Diftruflfulncs of tt)t fjeart is greater tban tftc blinoncs of tbe Init: anoa5 it is tjarDcrto ftauetbcmrnuc furntfljcD tDT'tt) alTurcDnetrc, ttjan ttjc toitte to beinttructefi turtbttjincking. 2i:f)crfo;e tfte Spirit perfo;mctf) tbcof ficc of a feale, to feale Ijp in our beartcs tfjofc fainepjomifes,^ aCTurance Uiljcr of it firft empnnteD in our toittes,ano fcruetb fox an carneft to confirme and llablitb tbcm. S>itf) re beleueD (fartfj t trnnblc anD tljc mounfainet iJ^M ka'/e into tijc fjeart of tbe ^ca.aifo tl;i*> /-lott flDste quietntlTe is (pcben of in an c^ tber place : 3 lar Dotone anD Ecpte, and rofcagame, becaufe t%e ilo;DE \jati) Iw ftaincD me. Bit is not meante tbereb^ ttjat SDauio tuas altoat toittj one tnci^ UurbcD coci fc frameD to a merr t])cn^ fulneffe : but in refpctfe tljat be taCeo t\)e grace of Cod, accosting to btc p;cf portion offaitbe, tbcrcfo^cbe g!o;retb tbat be In^f bout feare Dcfpifetb all tbat eucr migbte tii(c{tiittthe prarccf bps minDc. £^bercfo;etbe Scripture mea» ning to erbP;t bs to fattb,btoDetb t>sto Puj.<5. 2,Cor.i. ^poftlc) re are fealco bp tuitb tbe bolp be qaict.31!. Cfav it is fa\?D:in bope anD ^Ca v Spirit of p bp facbc it)o^?>De5 : tl)at is,tbat ifa=' n^ Juan U)iII iuna^^ bp tbe p;iefeiit ffatc of tb W>tjE»bome Cwb batetf>,a; l»bom 0oD loitftbi ije latKmretb ki Xtaino, anD froubiCtb bimfetfc to no p?ofite fo; hv^ patnei3::r(tb al t|)tngs bappen altUe,botb to tbe rigljtcoiis ai>i) tbe tuictieD,tQ bini tbat offcietb^crifrce'5, anD bpmtbat oflferptb none. ^i)erct)fppon fololoetl;, tbat €>oDbotbenot a\\km liJttncCTc \m iouctotbem to U)bom« be malictball tbingps bappcnpiofperouflpe, no; Dotbe aituares titter tbe batreo totbemlwbo be punifi)£tl). 0nD tbat be Dot^je to com bemne tbe tjaniiic of nianncfi U)it,fitbe it is fo Dull m t?5tng0 molle neebcful to 3r9| '4e knatcen. ^0 be im Uj^v'tten a little bero;^e,tbat it cannot l;e oifcerneD tobat ibefoulcof a man uifferetb from tbc fctile of a bet^HjbecauCc it fcmctb to Die in \i\jiz maimer Jf a«f man Unl gatber tbcrcpf, tbat tl)c opinion tbat toe bsliie of tbe immo;italitvc of iqulcs, aanoetb tjppoiKonicciare: ma? b^not too^tbii? Spe compteD a mat) man i £ice tm\} tbca io tbetp rigJjte WUcs^ ir-bicb gatber $l)at t{))i?i:e ij&no certAiut^e of (iDoODes grace, b^eeufe t»ec4n concciue none b.]? tbe CarnaU bebojovng of p;tefente ebingsr: 39 y^iitttrcv altebge^bat it is-n paynt of ra^e p^efamption, to tahc uppon t5 antinooutebfenotyi^Dge of CDobs teiil. Bi U^oulo in Dsjje graunt it l^ntc tbem,. if toe Dto take fo miKi) bpon fc0,tbat to*e tooulo make tbe ijiconiii^cbenfibfe fc^ mte purpafc of df'Cis fubirrt to tbe ficm Jjcrnvflje of oar toit. iSut toijen toe fim^ pip fap toirb V^ml, tbat toe Ijaue recei^ im nottbe^pirite of tbig ipo^loc, fant againfi tt^buttbep mult flaunoerouO? Caeafee againft the Spirit of it 10 affurcD i Wut ti^cv fape> # tbi3 aifo is not yjcmt great p^efumptu 0«fne0, tbat toe Dare fo glo^t of j^ &pi# ritof Cbittt.tigllbo toolD tbinUe t tbeir Oulnce toere fo great, ^ toolD be comp^ tcD maittcrs of tbc too i^ol^ gboil abioing m b0:tbei» fo;jge a neto bopc \:6oui: anv fucb feling*. But perabritmetbep toil anftocr^tbat tbei? 9oe wt Uen^e tbat toe ougbt to be , cnou CD toifbit>. but tbat it is a pornt of mooeftp anD bumilitpenot to acknoto* leoge it.,^b3l menetb be tljen,tobe be biDDetUtbeCo^inflijians to, tritol)etlicr ,Gci;.i3, tber? Ji;» »!-■ J -' .1 i'ni.iu 1'— rn-t-i JT ■— I. U.HM no. im hMM.jtLjm.tii**ui , j. i.loh.3« 34 tray.34. The grace of Chrifl:. Hiird PooaC. Io!i.!4. «7. Ro.8.38 nm be in tbe favttj, to pjcuc tbcfclucs tDl)et!3cr tf}ct l)aue C\)iittM}o bnlclTc amanooachnotulcrige to be Dtuclling in l)im,l)e is a rcpiobatcf but br ^ fpirit ttjat goD bat!) scue« t«j(fattb 3iol)n)^^c ImolD tbat be abioctb in t0. auDluhat DO \Dt tls but cal tbe p:onufcs of cb;tll inDout , Uibcn \vt torll be tountct) tbe fcruaunts of dJou luitbout bis §)pi<*itc, tobicb be batb opcr.lp DeclarcD , tbat be iDoulD poare out bpon al bistlSefiDe ^, lue DO to;ons to tbe bol^ gboft , lobFtt) DO fcperate from brnt fa^tb tbat is brs peculiar toojbe.^itbtbefe aretbtfirff If (Tons of gotilp rclrgion , it is a tcfecn of nitfcrablc bUnDncCTe , to bauc CbJt- ftians notcD of arrogacir, tbat Dare glo* Tie of tbe picfcnccof tbe l^ol^ <3ljo(t, iDittjout tubvcb Glojplng CbJiftianitie it felfe D8tb not HanD. )ieut tijt^^ Declare br tbeir craplc bote trucl\? Cb:ift faici, tbatbiS ^pirite is tjnhnotocn to tbe UiozlDc , ano is onelt? fenotuen of t^em Uiitl) Ui^ome be ab^uetb . 40 0nD faicaufe t{)t\> tril mot gs about to oucrtbjoto tbe Uetifafinctre of faT?tb luiti) Digging onlti cf one mine,tbtv af^ failc it alTo otberteife.j? 0; tbci fap,tbat altbongbaccojDingto our p^cfcntftate of rigbtcoufncs,toe ma^ gatbcr a iuDgc meat of tbe grace of goD,^ct tbe Unoto^ IcDge of pcrfeueraee to tbe enD, abioetb in fufpence.a gmDli confiDence of falua* tion fojfffltb is leftbnto bs, if Uxc iuDge bp mo^all conicrture, tbat foy a p:efcnt moment toe be in fauoi, anD tobat fl^al become of bs to mo:o\ye,tue ca not tel. Cbe^poftle teacbefb farreotbertoife, J am furclp perfuaDcD (fai^ctl) Ijc) tbat ncitbn'angct0,iio; poli3er5,no.: p^inci^ pa!rtics;neitber oeatb,no; life,nc^tbcr pj;cfenttl)ings, noj tbings to conir^Ojal fcuerbsfcomtbe louc tobereUiitt) tht Jttejfic emb^acetb bs in Cbiiac. C; cp feeftcto cfcape \s)it\) a trifling folutii t, ^.zatingtbat tbe apottlebap tfjat hi fp:^ tou 13, pC.f.J5. ciall rcuclatton.©ut tber are boloeu to barD,to Cippc aluar fo.jf 0; tfterc be en* treatctbof tljofe goD tbings tbat com^ mcnlp come b^ faitb to t^t faitbful, not tbofetbatbe Ijimfelfe fpeciall^ fetUtb. X5ut tbe fame paule in anotberptece ^ q^^^^^^ puttetb bs in fear luitb mention of our ' * toeaknelTc anD tjr.lteDfallncire: let bim tbat aaircetb (favtb be) betcarclbat be fall not. ^t is true,but not fucbe a feare UJberbT! \i3e tljoulD be ouertb^zotun, but tDbereb? tuc mat! iearne to bumble our fclucs tinDcr tbe migbtr banDe of 0cD, as peter erpciinDctb it. SDben botoe aj= gavnft ojDcr auD trutb is it to limitc x> affureDnesof faitb to a mcmft of time, tobofc p;oprrtie is to paffe bc^onDe tbe fpaces of tb^s life,anD ertcno furtljer to i'mmojtalitic to comc.&itb tberfo^e tbe fa^tbfull DO impute it to tbe vmcc cf '>SoD,tbat being lisI)tneD \ajtb bis fpirit tbep 00 b^fartb cnio^e t\)t bebclorng of tbebcaucnlv life : fo farre is fucb g!o^ rising from pKfumptucufnetTe, tbat if an? man be afijameD to confeffc it , be ootb tberein mo;e bcto^a? br^ ertreme bntljanfefulnetre , in tnUinoli? brbing ©oDs gQ)Dnc(re,tban Ijt DotI) Declare \)is moDeOie 0: fubmiffton. 4ir iBecaufe it femcD tbat t!)e nature of faitb foulD not otbcrlDifc better 0; nio;e plainly be ce:lareD tba br tbe fubftancc of tbe pjom iff bponlDbiclJ ic reftetbas t)pon ber p:oper founDaticn , fo tbat if tbe p;omifc be tahen atuai', fartb b?^. anDbpfallctt)Dotx)n 0: ratbertianilW aU)at? : tfjerefo^e tue tmhe our Definiti* on from tbence , tobicb ref barietbnot tVom tbat Definition , oj ratber Defc rip^ tion of tbe apofllc,tbatbe appli'etbta brs bifcourfe) tcbere fte fa^t^ tbat fai^tb IS a rubttaunce of tbrnges, to be bopcD fo;,anDaccrtatntieoftb?nges ttjat are. not fecne. jf 0: b^ tbvs too^D Hypolhfis' f nbJiaunce (fc; t^at terme Ije t)lctl) ) be meanctb as it toere, an bpboloing Car iuber* Hcb. i\X <2ap.»* OF the mancr how to receiuc Da 17. reftet^. 4n^ ii !je ajoulD fa\ic tfjat faitl) l)im,canot be truJt fenoton,but p ttmuft tbcrtoitt)al t)el)emf ntl)[' tuour affcttton: acerta^nc ano aSureo poffetTion of ano tuijofe affection it once mouetf), it tl)3fe thtngcfi ^ are ^jjomifeQ tjs of gou, btterlv rauiCbctl) 1 car^ctlj bim bepono culeffe a man batJ ratljcr to tafec hvpo- bimfcU^.&erfoze it is no marucl,if in^ iiifis fo J affiaijce, tubi'b 31 miaibe not, ' to a perucrfe anD crofeeo beart neuer en albeit | foUotue tbat tobicb is mo^e c6* tretb t!}iB affecrion,b^ tobicb being con moni V receiueD. againc,f 0 Cgnifie tbat uevei) tjp into tbe tjcrr beauen, loe are mn to tbe laft oav Vo\)tn tbe bobr0 (bal fufiTcreD to come to tbe molte fecretelre ht opcnei3,tbc^ are brer tba tbofe f bigs tbat map be prrcciuetj U)itb our fcnfrB, 0; fan \]uitb cur cie0,o? bantieleO totffc our banDes,an!J tbat t^t fam? are no 0? tb^ripife potTctreo b^? t30,butifluego bcponoe tbe capacitie of our o\»ne U)it, aniTj hmtis oar tiiDerftanQing aboue all tbtnge0 ibat are ii\ tbe too;!D, pea ar.u irlimbc aboue our fclues, be batb tbcre- foie auoco tbat tf)is aCurcnncc of podcf Ijoniscftbingcstbatlne inbcpe, an?) tbcrib^e are not ffen if 02 plaiue appear ;Po»8.'24 raunceias pauliontetb) isnot b^^^pe, neitbcrbcpe lue fo^tbcfetbirtgestbat toe fee^no teten be calletb it a certain tit c? p;>ffife ( 0? as Aus;uftinc batb oft /Uig.ho; traGattD it) a coiuctiD of tbingsnct p?e \m. ioh, fentc: foj in dDreitc it is fc lenchoos, be 7,.5). faiib afmucb ae if be Dpo fare, tbat it is 1 Dc pec- an euitiente (betoing of tbingcs not ap* luimcrit I pcaring, a feeing of tbi^ngcs not feen, a 6c remi{.j pla^nnes of oarbe ttiime, a pjefcnce of i^b.ca 31 1 tbings abfcnt, an open (bcU?tng of bio* Den tbings. ifcj tbe mpfi erics of 5 gojo? ncs,but tbat it mufi neocs betbcrtoitb toljolv binoleo to loue goD againc^'ifo; tbat flotoing plenty of ftoetenes tobicb goD batb kttp bp in {lo;c fo;^ tbf ^fcare biODcn treafares of ODoD,anD tbe mofte facreo pjiure places of bis feingoome, tobicb map not be oefiieo toitb tbe em trance of an tjncleane beart. ifc; tbat . . « tiJbicb tbe fcboicmen tencb,tbattbaritp •j-**^ ^^n. is befoje faitb anu bopi%?0 a mere mao* ^ J.** ^^* nes.if 0? it is faitb onlp tbat fira engen f *^P^"* n^zti) cbaritie in fcs . i^oto mucb mo^e Scr»i.in mmv ootb Bernard imtl) : 31 bcleuc A""""" (faptbbcjtbattbeteiTrn'cnrccfconfci*^^^^*^^^ ence tobicb pauh calletb tbeglo;pof ^ . t\ic goolv, confiftetb m tb:ee tbings.jlo? ^•^-^^•*' 6rlf of all it is ncccffarpe to beleue tbat '^' tbou canlt not baue fojgeuenes of (ins, but bp t])e parson of €»o\}:tbrn tbat tijou canlt baue no proD toojhe at all, tnleCfe be alfo gcuc it:laft of all tbat tbou canft bp no too:!^es Dcfcrue ctcrnall life, tn^ leffe It alfo be grucn fralp . ^1 litle after be aoDctb tbat tbefe tbingcs fuffife not, butjtbat tbere is a certain beginning of faptb, bccaufe in belcuing tbat finned can not be fb:grarn but of CDoD, toe ougbt alfo tc bclrue tbat tbep are not fo;jgeuents,tiilfi!fo toe be perftoaDcD bp tbe tefiimonp of tl)c bolp gboft, tbat faluation is lapse bp in fto;e fo j bs: be* caufeOcDfo^gcuctb Cnnrs bebimfelfc geuetb mentes,anD be bimftlfealfo ge« uetb retoaroes, tbat toe map not ftape flill in tbis bcginning.Bnt tbefe ano o^ tber tbtnges (ball be to tot;entreatetj of in places fit fbj tbem . /Soto letlt ctUds fuffife to bnototobat faptb is* J 4a i|5oto toberfoeuer tbpslinelp t^U (ball be, it can not be poGTible bat tbat it batb tottb it tbe bope of eternal! tatna;' ttoni The eracc of Cbrift. Third Bookc. ; )ro\,\77 Ro.8. tton as an tinotutDablc companion : o^ ratber tljat it cngcnDiCtJ) o; bjingctlj it fo;tf) out of it fcif, \3)Wh bope being ta^ hcnaU)av,botDElor.ucntiv « 0lo;tioun^ foeucr tue talfte of faT!tf)>T'et toe arc to* uicteD to banc no fai?tb at all, fc: if favtb (30 10 about fapD)be an aCfurcD pcrftoa:* fion of (I&oos trutb, tbat it r a not I^e tn* to b0 no> Deccauc ts, no: bccom to^oe, tbrn tbcp v ijiue coccauco tb\?s afli*rcD^ neCTctriuirno tbcrtoitball lojfec fo^a tvmc to come ^ Ooo fball pcrfojmc b^s p;omifc6, tubtcb in tbcir pcrftoaCon ta not be but true: fo ^ b^eeflisbope is no* tbing cl0,but a loHing foj tbofe tbrngf « tMbicb faitb batb belcueo to be truly p:o. mtfeD of CDoD. ^o faT!tb belcuetb ^ C^oU is true,bope loftetb fo;j tbc performance of b\?0 trutb in conucnient time. ifaT?tb bjcleuetb ^ be 10 our fatber, bope ImUetb forbnntoOj:U)btmfelfc fucb a one to- bJaro b0 . ifai)tb belcuetb tljat eternall Iifei0gcucnb0, bopctol^etb tbat it be one Day reuelcD. ira\!tb is tbc founoatio tubcrupon bopc redctb , bope no^ifljctb anu futtatnetb fa^tb. iroj a0 no man cS loj^e for anr tbttig at ©000 bann.but be tbat batb firftbdcueD bi0 p:omife0:ro againe tbc tocafencGe of our faytb ntuft tuitb pacicnt bope ano evpectation be fu^ QaincD ana cberiOjco, tbat it fall not as fainting fc; toearincCTe if oi tobicb rea^ fon Paul Dotb tocll place our falxiation 24 in bopc.if 01 bope,\ubtlc it in filence Im* feetb fo; § Lo >i),rcllrainctb fa\nb tbat it fal not bcDlong toitb tco mucb baft:bopc ftrcngtbnctb faytb,tbat it toauer not in €>o^3 p J : mife, no; b cijin to Doubt of tbc trutb of tljenr.bope refrcfijctb faytb tbat it toare not toearytbopc ftrctcbctb farcb tatljc tjttcrmoft bono , tbat it faint net U\tl)z niiD fparfc no: in tb: ^crFbcgin' ntnj. if inailTibope b)? continuall rcuu* injanu rcIlo:inn[,it tn.rtictlj.it nolu ano tbcn to rife tp fr cttier tban it felf to cjn< tiniifWncjCj^lgu^olyj^anv toaycs tijt Pr.4;.4 belpe0 of bope arc ncccOary to t ftrr gtb ning of fat'tbjlljaU better appcar^if toe conQDcr iuitb boln many (o:te0 of temp tation0tbcparc affailcD i flbaUcn, tbat baue embiaccD tbc twojo of ©oD. ifirft tbc 1102DC m Difperrtng bys p:omife0 Dotb oftcntimc0 bolDc our niinocs Ion? gcr ill fufpcncc tban toe tooulD toilbe: bcrc it is tbe office of bope to pecfbjme, tbat tobicb tbc p;opbct commaunbctb, 'Hcb.2.3i'. tbat tbougb bvs pjomifes do tary , x^t toe fboulo toaite nill fo; tbcm . ^ome* time bcTuffrctb t0 net one ly to faint, butalfofametbto be brel^ cifplcafeb: bcrc it i0 mucb mo?^nccc0ari? to bane bope to belpe fa0 , tbat according to tbc faying of anotbcr p?opbct,toc may ftil lojhe fo;i tbe ^o;De tbat batb bibbcn bV0 f '^« ^'7; face from Jacob. Cbcr rife bpalfofcoi*! _ ners (a0 peter faytb) tbatafUe: tobcrc 2.PC.3.4I is by0 p;romife o} br0 commmg ^ fo;af^ mucb a0 Gncc tbe fatbcrs Ocpt, all tbin* gc0 fo continue fro tbe beginning of tbc creatioa. |^ca tt)c flcOj ano tbc too;lD to tobifper tbc fame tbing in our cares, l^ere mnft fiiyfb ffay tortb fufFcrnnce of bopc be bolDcn fall iimin bcbolDuig of cternitie tb.=it it may accompt a tb^u^* fano ycarcs lyfee as one bay. 43 i?oitbys conioyniug t aliancc tb^ ^cripiure fcmetime confounocti) tbe names of faitb nnb bope.iro? tubcn pc^ tcrtcacbctbtbat toe arc by tbe potocr of (^00 p^cfcrucD tbzougb faitb^bnto tbe Difclcfmnc of fxUuation,bc geuetb tbat tu. to faytb inbicb bio mo;e fitly agree toitb l;ope,ant) not toitboutcaufc ,.fo,:afmutb as toe baue aire aby taugbt , tbat bopc is notbin.5 els but y no2tajmcutf ffrciict!) offavtl). Sometimes tbcy are iovv.fQ togctber : as m tbc fame epiftlc. Orit yi3ur faytb ano bc^e 0:oulo be in OoD. j 15ut panic to tbc pbiUppians out of faitb Dcriuctb crpc^atiDn,bicaufcin pa? ciently boping , to ? bolce our ocfires \n furpciKCxtill altbcugb be fpeabe bnp;open? , ^et meanetb tbe fame tbtng m tbefe Uio^Desttnc ialbt in tbe fpirit tb;ougb fa^tb foj bopc of rigb# teoufnelTe, turn bccaufe tue ctiib^actng tbe tefttmon^ of p gofpel concernuig bts fra loMe,Do lofte fo; t fl'nte tobcn CDoo (ball openlr (bcU) ^ Uibtcb is notu bibur tnoer tope . 0nD noUi it ie plaine boto fCDlllblp Peter Lombard latCtbtUJO fou* battens of bope, tbat is tbe grace of goD, I tf^t oeferutng of U)o;l{0. I^ope ra baue no otbcr marbc to be Dirccteb bnto but faitb:anD toe baue alreao^ beclareo tbat fai?tb batb one onel^ marU tbe merer of C?oD,to tobicb it ougbt to loUc(as 31 map fo fpeafeejlPitb botb et?es.l!^ut it is gaiD tobeareU)bataUuelrreafcn be b;ing; ctb. ^f ilaptb be) tbou Oarcit uope lo; a* np tbinglJDttbout oeferutngs, tbat (ball not be Uio;tbr to be c alleb bopc,but p;je* fumption. Mlbo (gentle reaDer)U)il not tDo;tbtlp abbo^re fucb bealles,tbat fap, it is a rafb ano p^efumptuoius Deor, if a man baue conftoence t ^^^ ^ true of brs too;o. ifo; tober § ILoi^D Unlletb bs to IfsUe fo^ ail tbinges at bps gobnelTe, tber far it is p;efumption to leane ano reft tpon it. 0 matter meete fo; fucb fcbolers as be found in tbe mao fcbole of aitbr babblers, ^ut as fo; bs,tDben tDefee^tiueare commaunbeo bptbeo^ raclesof^Dobtoconceiue a bcp^of fab nation, let t» glablrp;efume fomucb bpon \)^s trutb,as trufting tpon bis on; Iv mercr,ca(ting atoar tbe confiDence of lDo;bes,to be boloe to bope toel^e toil not Deceaue tbat fapD: be it bnto i;ou ac^ co;bingtorourfai?tt). Thr third Ch^fttir- That wc are regenerate by fayth. V Vherin is entreated of Rcpentauncc, ^Etcit toe baue alrtnv partip tau{^l)t botD favtb potTciTctb Cb;iff , i boto bp itlDC cniop brs benefites : neuertbe* lefTe tbis Uicre vet Darfee,bnleffe tue bio alfo mahe Declaration of tbe effects tbat tue faie tberbp, jfjot \x}itl)oi\t caufc it is faro, tbat tbe fumme of tbe Cofpcll M* betb in Repentance ano in fo;gcuencire of fins. SCbcrfo^c leauingout tbefe tluo pcintes, lubatfoeuer tue (ball faj^e of faptb) (ball be but a bungrp ano bnpcr? fcrf,\?ca anb in mancr bnp;ofitabIc Dif? putatiou of faptb . jl^otn fo;afmucb as Cb;iH: botb gcue botb tjnto ti£f, i toe ob> taine botb bv fd^Uj , tOat is to fap , fcotb nctonelTc of life anD free rcconciliatioil, reafon ano o;ocr of teaching YC(\mxtl), tbat in tbis place 3i bcginnc to fpcaf^e of botb. £Dur nert palTage from iFa^tb ftjal bctoKepentance, becaufe tuben tbrs articltjgtocjlp^cea^ (bal tlje bet* ter appeare boto man is tnttifieb b v om Iv favtb ano mere paroon, ano ret boto reall bolineffe of Iife(as Bt map fo eal it) is not feuereo from fm imputation of rigbteoufnclTe. iJ>otD,it cugbt to be out of queSicn, tbat Hepentance botb not onelr immeoiatlr follotu faitb > but aU fo fp;ing out of it . i?o; tobcras paroon ano fo;gcucncire is tberefo;c ctfreo br t\)t p;eacbing of tbe cSofpell, tbat tbe finner being oeliuereo from tljc tr;an* nr of ^atan,from ttjc robe of (inne,ano from miferablebonoage of bices, mare palTe into tl)c hingoome of Ooo , truclr no man can cnib;ace tljc grace of t^c dDofpell, but be muff returne from ^t crro;s of brs fojmcr life into tbe ngbt toar,ano applr all brs ttuor to tbe me* ottation of rrpentance.0s fo; tbem tl^at tbinfe t repentance ootb ratbcr go be* I fo;e fattb tban floUi o; fp;ing fo;tb of it. Mat-p, pp. as Thcsraccof Chrilt. 1 hird Bookc. tol.i78 Ma. 3. 2. Mat.4.7 Aa.2o 21. Era.40.: as a fruit out of a tree,tf)£i ncuprlmclu tijc fo;cc tljci'tof, ano arc nioucD Vo^tl) to iDeake an argument to tftinfjc fo. 2 CI).ntt(fav tljcv) i Jotjn in tijcir pjca cbingcs Do firft crl)ojt tbc people to re* pentance,anD tben tljei? afcertoaro Hit? tbat ^ bingoomc of bcauen i£5 at Ijanue. &ucb commaunoemcnt to p;eac!)e,tt}e ^apoftles rcf ciueo fuel) o;i);e, Paul foU loU»eo,as^uberepo;tctb. 15ut tot)i?le tlje^ fupci ilitiotifli? IticUc tjpon 1 101?* ning together of fiUables , tlje? marfee not in toljat meaning tbe tuo^Des bang togctbcr. jroj toben ^ ilo^o Cb;ift ano Biobn DO pi^cacbc in tUB maner : He? pentc t»e,fo;^ tbe bingoome of beauen is comcneereatbanDe, Dotbepnotfetcbe tbe caufc of repentance fro toer^ grace anD p^om^fe of faluation . 2Lberefo;e tbeir Uio;ds are as mucb in effecte as tf tbe^ baD raT?D : brcaufe tbe ferngbomc of bcauen is come ncere at bano, tbere^ IcDgc of grace.arto tbis \s tbe fear at p beginning, lobvcft foj"^ accompt amog tjcrtues, bi?cauf0 tfjep fee tbat it is nere to true f iuil obeoicnce. liSut our que* ftion is not bcre boto Diuernr cbjift D;ra Ujetb bs bnto bim,oi p:cparetb bs to § cnDeuo;» of goDUaeCTeionel^ tb^s 3t fa^, tfjat tbcre can be no bpiigbtnclTe founD lubere reign etb not tbat Spirit lobicb cbiift receiueD to communicate ^ fame to b^« meb;es. SSben acco<:Ding to tbat facing of tbe pfalme: 2Glitb tb« is mer cifulnes,tbat tbou nu^d be fcareD.j^o man fljall eucr reuerentlr feare (SoD, but be tbat truftetb tbat €^oD is merc4<» ful bnto bimmo ma toil toillingl^ pjc pare bimf elf to tbe bcping oftbelato, but b J tbat is is perfluaDeo tbat bis fer* uiccs pleafc bim:to!)icb tenDcrncCTc in parDoning ano bearing toitb faultes.is a figne of fatberl^ fauo;i. ^bicb is aU foOjetoeD b\?tbat erboitationof iDfee, Tf. 130.4 Ofc. 6,7 fo;e repente T?e . i?o; ^atbeto, toben | Come,let bs returne to tbe ilojoe, br be batb (b^toeo tbat Slobn fo pjeacbeo, fa^tb tbat in b\?m toas fuUfillco tbe p;^o pbec^e of Cfaie, concerning tbe bovce crying in ^toilDernes.p;epare \> ^av of tbe lo^D,mafte (treigbt tbe patbes of ourCDoD.'^utintj pipbete tbatbo^ce is comnuiiDcD to begin at comfort aiiD glao tiouigs.pct tobcn toe refer t\:)t be gmning of repentance to fa\?tb> to« do notojeamea certavnc meane fpaceof ti?me,U)berin it bjingetbit out:but toe meane to djeto tbat a man can not car? neftlp appl^J bimfelf to repentance, Mn^ Icffc be knoto bimfelf to be of goD. 115ut no man is truel^ perftoaoeo tbat be is caufe be batb plucUeo bs,f be toil bcalc bs:be batb ftrifecn bs, ano be toill cure bs bicaufe tbe bope of parDon is bfco as a pncUe to maUe tbem not to Ipe oul in tbeir Onnes. 15ut tbeir Doting erro; is toitbout all coloure of reafon,tobicb to begin at rcpentace,Do appoint ccrtaine oaTies to tbeir netoc conuertes, During tbe tobicb tbev muft rrercpfe tbrfelues in penance t toben tbofe Daics are once paa,tbei a^mtt tbem to v r ommunron of tbe grace of tbe ©ofpell. 3 fpf^^l^f of mauTiof V anabaptittes fpeciallr tbofe tbat maruelouap rciorce to be compteo fpiritu«l,ano tbeir companions tbe 3ic of ©00, but be tbat batb ftrft recerueo I fuites,anD fucbe otberDjeggcs. &ucb bv's grace . 15ut thcfc tbinges fijall be moje plainly DifcuffeD in ^ pjoceffe fol^ lotoig.paraDufturetbis DeceT?HCD tbf» tbat manr are firft b^ terroursofcom fciencc tamcD, 0,: frameo to obeDience, before tbat tberb-ue tbJougblr oifgc* fteD,t?ca bcfojetbei banc tafteD t l^noto \ — frutes fozfotbtbefpirittfgioDines b;iin getbfoitb , to Determine repentance toitbincopaffcofafcto Dares, tobeba cbJiftian man ougbt to ertcnD in conti* nuance tbiougbout bis tobole l^ifc. 3 I3ut ccrtaine learneD men,euen log bgfo;etbefe times, meaning to fpcabe z.ij. fimplt Cap .3. Of tlic maner how to rccciue fiinplig t Unccrel? of repentance, accoj* Ding to ttje trntl) of fcripture^ijauc faiD tljat It (onMctij of tluo'partcs,mojttfi# cation, anti btutfiicatton, mo;^tiftcatton tl^e^ erpouno to be n fo^rclre cf ^ foule f feare concetrucD oftI)eacknoU)lcgms of finne,anD of tbe feeling of tI)eiuDge# mcntof dPoD.ifo; lubcna man 10 once bjougfjt into true itnoUJlcDge of finne, tljeii betrueir bcginnetib to tatennD ab bo;rc finne : tbtn be bartil^ iniQiUctb bimfelfcconftOetl} bimfclfc to be mife^ rabIeani)loffe,anD tuifOjet!) brmfclfe to be an otbcr man. ifurtber, luben be IB toucbeb tuttb fome feling of tbe iuo^ gement of goD(fo; tbe one tmmetJiatlp folloloetb tjpon tbe otbcr) tben be l^etb ttrtben t ouertb;otoen , tl>en be trem* bUtb,bumbleD anD caft Doiunc, tbcn be b^ fome martte,tbci baue calleD tm one llepentance of tbe latwe, b\? tobicb tljt finner UjounOeit to^tb ? fearing iron of (tnne,f tuo;ne aUiaip tuptb feare of tbe iD^atb of goD,tticfeetb fatt in tbat trou? ble $ ca net \JoinD btmfetf out of tt.E^be otbcr Hepentace tht^ cal of tbe gofpeil, bp iubicb tbe finner is in Deeoe greuou* fll^tjepeo ^i^ bimfclf,but be rpfctb bp bigb^ ano tabetb bolD of cb^itt, y falue of bi0 fo;^e,t be comfort of brs feare, tbe bauen of bis miferie.dDf tbe repentance , of tbe lain tbep puttbofe ei;aples:Cain, |*^^^-4 »2 ^aul, ano 3iubas. ©Elbofe repentance luben tbe fcripture rcb^arfctb bnto bs, it meanetb tljat tbe? acfenotuieogpng tbe grecuoufnelTe of tbeir finne,U)crc a* frapeo of tbe lu^atb of (lDoD,but in tbin^* bing bpon (B5od onl? as a rcucnger ano IS bifcom-ageoanD befpciretb. 2Lbis is i iuDge,tbcT> fapnteb at tbat feling.SCbcr ti)t trft part of repentance, Uibicb tbcr j fo^e tbeir repentaunce luas notbing els banc ccmmonli? calicD Ccntriticn. tSit* i buta certa^ne entrie of beU,Uibereinto uifecatrcn ti)c^ erpcuno tn let tl)t ccm* ! tl)tv be^ng entreD in tb|?s pefent li?fe fo;t tbat grolDctb offaptb,U«ben n man ! began alreaoi? to fuCfer puni(bment,fro oucrtb.jolceniortbccnfcienceofanne, | tbe face of tbe iD^atb of goos ma^eCie. ano Uritjcn toi>tb feare of Oou, loferng ' 2Lbe repentance of t\)e CDofpell, tue fee afrericarD trnto tbe goj&iies cf (IDoi),bn^ \ in all tbem, tbat being galleo \DVt^ tbe to tbe merer, fauo;^ m faluation tbat ts fpurre of finne in tbemfelueSjbut rcco^ tb;ougb Cbnlf jtaifrtb bp bimfelfe, ta;' fo;teD ano refrefijcD toitb confiDence of hctl) b?eatb again,recoueretb courage, ' tbe merct? of CDob, are turneo bnto tht anb returnetb ai9i it kierc from Dcatb to ilojoe . C^ccbias toasfiril^enlnrtb life, ^no tbefe bJo^Des, if tbep baue a feare, luben be rece^ueo tbe meOage of rigbt eicpofittOjDo aptli enougb crp^eiTe , Deatb:but be p;taieD lDeeping,anb lolteb t^t nature of repentace. )lBut l»bcr tbei? ^ bnto t\)t gconefle of (CoD,be tohe again t^^t tSliuification foHbe cbcrcfulncs, gtotj ccnfibenee tjnto br?m. SLbejjiini^ tubicb t nnnb receiuetb being b;jougbt uitcs toere troubleo lu^tb tbe bP^^rible into quietnclTe from trcuMe ano feare, fb.:eatning of oeffruction. i6ut tt)kv tlof I. Kin. 15V IVIa.27. 4. tberin | agree not Untb tbe: fo;afmucb it ratbcr ftgnifictb a Dcfire to lp«e bolt?' It ano goDlr,ljubicb grotDctb of regene^ tion,as if it toere fa^b, tbat man b^etb to bimfelfjto begin to Ipue to atban rcbubeo b^ni,! ____ btjo 4.Ki.2o. filRIras 38 Ioh,3.j. 2. Kin. 2, i.ICin o* 12. Aa.2,36 Ac.ao.21 DID cad btmrclfe Dotiine befo but tbertuttb^Il be aUo loiHeo fo;i paroo. ^ucfj tuas tbe repentance cf tljem tbat attbsp^cacbmg of peter tuerc p^ichcD intbcirbartibutfruftingtpon ^ gco« ncffc of CDoO,tbcv fai'D furtbermo;^e:13c men 0; b;etb;cn,UjI)at fl)all lue D05? jana fi^b tuas tbe repentance of l^cter bi'm# feIf,tBt)icb tuept in Deoe bitterlr,butbc cealTeD net tc bope toell. f aitbou!?) all tl):fe tbfnops be true,^ct tl)e beri> name of repentance ( fo far as BI can learne b)? tfjc fcriptures)i5 otfjer* toife to be tafeen. ^q% tobere tW coni^ p^ebenD fai?tb bnocr rep?ntance,itDtfa^ gratblDttbtbat tobicb paule fartbin tbe jacres, tbat be tefftfieo to tbe Bleioea ano CDenttles repentance bnto d^o anD faptb in 5lcfu5 Cb;ift.^bere be recfee^ netb repentance I fa^tb as fUio Diucrfc t\mi2,tB , ^bat tbenf '€m true repen* tance ffano l6out fattb^'ijio.But tbcugb tbe^ ca not be feuereD , y>tt tbe^ mull be DiQingutlbeD . 00 fat)tb is not toitlKint bopcano retfat?tb ano bope are Diuerfe tbings: fo repentance % fa^tb altbongb tber banj togetbf r toitb one perpetuall bont),pet t\)zyi ratber UjouId be coiorncD tban confounticD. and truelp 31 ani not ignojant,tbat bnoer tbe name of rcpcn* tance is conip;ebf ueo f tntjole turning tnf 0 ©00, tobcrof fartb is not tbe leaft part : but in tubat meaning it \& fo com* pzebf DeDjfljall mod eafili? appeare tube tbe fb:ce ano nature tbereof (ball be r^t* clareo. JCbe name of repentance in \f)t* b:ue ia ocriueD of conuerting 0; return ning,in (3rehc ofcbaunging of § mino 0; purpofc, tbat t\iz tbmg it felf Dotb not illagrrc toitbeitbertcriuations, luber^ of tbe fu.Time is , tbat lue Departing fro our felues fljoulD turnetjnto OoD , anD pattmg of our olDe minDe^ (boulD put in a neli). Cdberfb^c in mr iuDgcnicnt,rc^ pentanccma^not tbus amiflfe be Dcfi^* nep: tbat it is a true turning of our life The grace of Girilt. Third Booke. Fol 17^, Mat.3.2. i.Sa.7. Unto (DoD, pjoceDing from a pare f ear* neft fear of ©oD, lobicb confiiftetb in tbe mo^tifi'ingoftbefleQje anD of tbeolDc man, ano in t\^z quichning of tbe fpirit. 3in tbis fcnfc arc to be take all tbe p;ea* cbingcs lubcrin eitber tbe P;topbets in Ob: time,o; tbe i^poftlesaftertuaro ep bo;teDtbemenoftbeirtrme to repen? tance. iro.: tbi's onl? tbing tber trauel* leD to pcrfVuaDe , tbat confomiDeD \^it{j tbeir oUm finncs,anD p;icbcD toitb fear of tb: ^lo;os iuDgemcnt, tbcv CjolD fall DoUincanobebuniblcD before b^n^ja^ gainft iubom tbet bao offenDeD, % \syitii true amenoment returne into bis rigbt toat?. 2Dberfo:e tbcfe U)o;Dcfl,to be tur^- ncDo;r returne bnto tbe iLo?De,tore* pent, 0.2 DO pniance^re among tbcm tj^ feD tuitbout ciffcrence in all one Danifi^ cation. 0nD tberfo;e alfo t\^t bolr bittc^ xy> far-b 5 i men repent after tbe ilo.:D, tubcn tbc^ tbat UucD tjuantonlr in tbeir otonc luftes, not rcgarcing bpm, Do be? gin to follolB bis U)o;De,anD arc reaDrc at tbeir captaines ccmmaunDement to go tobefber be calletb tbem. janD Blobn anD paulc bfeD tbcfe tocjDcs , to b<:ing Lulc.3,8. fo.:tb frutcs U>o;tI)r of repentancc^o; to ^ ^^^'3- leaDfucb a life as mat? rep^refent anDl-A'^'^.a^. » teaifte fucb an amenDment in all tber; Doinges. 6 )l6ut before toe go anrfurtbfr,itfbal be profitable tbat luc do nw^e plainly fet out at large tbe Definition 1^ ire banc maDc. ^bereintbtre be cbfff4'fb;ce pointcsto be confiDcrcD. jfirft Uiben toe callit a turning of lire bnto (2?0D, Ujc re* quire a tranffourming,not cnlv in znU toarD too:bes , bat alfo in tbe fouleit fclfe, tobtcbtoben it batb put of ber olD^ neffctbenbegtnnctbfo bzing foitbtbej frutcs of \Do;tus agreeable to ber rcnu* | ing.berin be bjill iudge tbe iBOilo in tqi\itit, ^nd in ma* nv otbcr places , fometimc it oeclaretb b V t'ct puttifbmentes already ertended, tbat CDod is a tucge, tbat tinners (bould tbinhc tuitb tbemfclucs,^ tcc^fc tl)inss Ijang ouer tbem if tbep 00 not repent in tvmr» l^ou baucanerample tberecf in tberrir.of (Srcdt^s. 3il?ut becaufc f tur;» ning beginnetb at tbe abbo;iring and batred of Cinne,tterfc;e tlje japoCic ma* feetb fojrotofulnelTe , fucb as is acco;* ding to dDod, t\it caufe cf rcpcntauncf . ;and be calletb fojrotL'fnlncire accosting to 0od, Uiben toe arenotouelpafrapD cfpunid)ment,but do bate andabbo^re (innc it felf,fc;afmucb as tuc tnder&ad tbat it difpleafetb CDod.^ud no marrell. iFojtnlcffetDC be Cbarpli?pjicbed,tbe fiottfulneCTeofour flcfl)C couloc net be corrected , pea p;icliingefi tponloe not fuffife foj tbe dulneffc and aotbfulntffc tberof, liiilcffc (^od in ttretr bing out l)is roddes (Ijould pearce mozt deeplp.Cbis is alfo an cbllinacie tubicb muH be bea^ ten dotrne as it lucre \vitt) batells. SSbcrcfoje tbe peruerfenclic cf our na* ture enfojcetbdDod to t\)c feucritie tbat be tfetb in tb^eatning , becaufe be fljold it\ tainc call ts alluringlp toitb feirc fpcecb Usbile toe Ipe a flttpe.31 recite not tbetettimonies t ccmmcnlp cffer tbcm felues Ierc.4.3. Aa,i7 The grace of Chrill. Third Booke. Fo\ a8o,, Ro.8.4. fclues to be tomx %^z fcare of 0oo is 1 b3't«v3,^ t:)et» mi^ rigbtl? be compter va an otbcr mancr alfo ^ bcavnning of ncoj j. 0^0 \x\xt\t as Uic arc naturally rcpcntancc.iFoj rtjoag!) mans life luer | turn?:! aiuip fro goti,ro l^nlclTe tbc fo^fa abfalutclp furnefljcD UJitb al pointer of kinj of our fclurs 00 go before, Uie t^x\, 1jertuc0,if it be not appUcD to t!je tnoj^ j ncuer go totoaro ^ tubicb is rigbtXber fi)ippin3 of go3, ii mai^ m Dtie") be pia^^- fo:c tuc arc fo oft commautieD to put of fcD oi'tb^ iuo^lo, but ill bcaucn it (Ijalbc i\\t oloc man, to fo:fakc tljc UjojId ann mere abbominati6,fo;afmucb as \ cbicf fledi.to bio our lufts faretoel,! to be rc^^ part ofour rigbtuoufncsis to gcucC^oo nueo in p fpirit of our minD.£po:coucr bis Due rigbt t bono;,Uibcrof be is loic^ tbc bcrp name of mortification ootb put fecDli robbcD,U)be toe beo not our felues bs in mino bolD baro it is to fo,:gct our to rclD bs fubiect to bl?5 gouernement. \ former nature: brcaufe Ujc tbercbr ga? 8 2DbirDlt,it remainetb ^ Uie Declare tber y> toe are not otbcrtopfe frameD to to!)at \% meant bp tbis tbat toe fap^tbat (' feare of goo, no; do learnc tbc p;iinci* Ucpentacc conOttctb v\ ttoo parts,tbat pies of goDlincs,but tobcn toe are bpo* is to fap,mo:tifi>ing of tbe flcOj,! quicfe | lentlp flaine toitb tbe too^D of p fpirite, ning of p fpirit. SDbe prophets do plain f fo biougbt to nougbt : euen as tbougb Ip erpjcffc it,altbougb fomtobat fimplp bi ^ po? to DO perucrap,learn to do tocl,feke iuo j tocr tberof our olD ma it crucifieD,t Vciz gemcnt belpe p oppjcITcD.^f.iro; tobcn boDp of fin Dictb^f tbe co;ruptio of our tbep cal men atoap from toickcDncffc, ' former nature map liue no morc.Slf toe tbcp require § Deatb of tbe tobole flcib, | be partakers of bis rcfurre(tio,bi it toe tobicb is ttuffcb ful of toickcDnes 1 perl are raifeo bp into a nctones of lifctbat uerfnes. Bit \% iw^ DecD an bneafp t barD ' map agre^ \x^ p riubteoufucs of ©cD. Jn tbmg to put of our felues,« to Depart fro our natural Difpofition.i^eitbcr ca ii be tbougbt tbat p flcfl) \% tb?ougblpDeaD, bnlcs a 1 1^ toe baue of our fclucs be abo UfijcD.lSut forafmucb as al § affedio of tljc fleet) \^ encmp agimd goD> tbe firtt twKrn to tbc obeping of bislatojis p fo; faking of our otone nature. ;aftcrtoarD tbep cyprcOTc tbc renutng bp ^ frutcs t^ folloto tijcrcof^as rigbtecnfnrs, iuDge* mcnt % mercp.if 0; it toerc not inougb to DO t.'jofc Ductics rigbt'ijbnles p minD ii felf aiiD i\^t l)artc banc ftrft put on i\^t affection of rpgbteoufnes, iu3gcment i Ro. 6.6 one too;D Ji rrpcuD rcpr tare to be regc;; neratiojtolncb batb no otbcr mark Sss^^z runto it is Dirc(tcD,but (» image of €^oD \x^'m\^ toas bi aoas offr ce fotoliDcfaccD j I in a mancr btterli blottcD out,map be j renucD in bs. ^o tbe ^pottle Xt^t\\^', 2.Cor.3 to!}c be faitb^but toe rep;cff ting p glo,:i 18., of goD iD bncouercD faccarc traffOimcD i into f fame image,oat ef glo;p into glo ; rp,as bp tbc fpint of \ lo:D.iagainc.l5e Epli.4. ^e renucD \\\ \ fpirit of pour minD « put 2^. on tbc neto ma,to!iicb vi creatcD acco;« j Ding to goD in rigbtcourncffe f bdV^cs 1 of trucbciJgainc in nnotbcr placeiput^ Col, 3 k mercp.SSbat v& Done \x^\iz\\ tbc fpirit of ting on tbe neto man, tobicb ts rcnucD goD batb fo fokcD \x{ neto tbougbts i af^ after tbc knotoleoge % image of b^m i> fcctioiui,ourfoulesfirft toaibeo 16 bgs createDbim.IIDbcrcfo;ebi! tbis rcgcnc^ -Z.iiii. ration ^P-3- ,. Otthe mancr (low to recciuc I. Cor. 7, 12. 2»Cor.4. 4» ration \x)z be bt? i bcucgtc ef Cf);ift rc# ao;eD intot\)t rigfttcourneffe cf gocfro tuljif 1^ tiic tucrc fallrn hv ^.oam. after I U)f)ut) niancr it plcafctljl' 3ro;D tuboU^ to refto;cal tljofe Ujtjo ^c atioptctb into 1^ inljcritauce of iife.ilno tl)is rcaojing is f uiaUcD not in cnc mcmf t, c; in one Dar,o; one ftrcbut b^ conttnuall, tea t fotntinics floto p;occt)in(p:t god tai^eti) atua^ tbc c ojrupticnB of tljc fiefl) in bi? elcft,cleanfctt)tbemfrom fatbrnrffci t confecratettj tbcm foj temples to bpm^ felf,renuin0 al tbeir rcnre0 to trtte4)urc nc5,tijat ttic^ ma? erercife tbnnfcluc0 al tbcir life in repentance,! fenoto tbat tliiB toarre IMb no enoe but in oeatb» janD fo mucl) v> greater is tbe IflouneCTc cfttjatfiltb^railcrt apoflata btaphy- lus,tol)icb fffllitbl? fattb tbat ji cofcufiD tbe aate of tijis pjcfent life teitb t bra* itcalr 0lo;t>tobcn 3 crpouno b? paule tbe image of goo to bebolincffeanbtrue rigbtccnfncs.^^s tljcugb tob? an^ tljirig tsi;efineD,t)c OjiilD not fecbe tbe tobcle fulncs $ perfection of it.fino vet tee Dr^ nr not place fo,: encreafes : but 3 fa? v bctDcne;reanvman appjccbctb to (be IiItenctTe of 0oD, fo mucb tbe image of CDcD fbvnetb in bim JTbat tbe faitbfuU mat! atta^ne bcrcunto , Coo aCTignetb f bem tbe race of repentance toberein to runnc all tbeir life long, lo S^bc cb:lo;cn of goo tberfo;e are fo Dcliuereo bp rcgcneratio from tbe ben;* oage of ftn,nct tbat baiting nolo obttv* ncD ^ ful poffcITio of libertie tbcr IbulD feele no mc;e trouble bv tbe ir CeO?, but ^ tbev fboulD baue remaining a c ontinu ai matter of ftrifr,lDbcrUiitb tbev ma? be e]cercifeD,t not onlp be e);crcifeo,but alfo ma? better learn tbeir oten Wci\* nes.^ano intbis peital tu?iters of foijo tuDgement agree tcgetber, tbat tber re ^ mainetb in man regenerate a feting of euel,fro tebence ccntinuall? fp^ingtc^ fire^tbataUure^^rbtm to tn. %bcv confeffe alfo t tbe bol? ones arc UiU ib boloen cntanglcDtertb i> bifeafe of lu* fting,tbat tbe? cannot teitbflanb but i^ fometimc tbe? are ticblcD f ft?;rcD cp tber to lull o; couetsufnes, o; to amb?' tio o;t to otber tiicts, i^eitbcr is it neeo* ful to lato; mucb in fearcbing tebat t^t olD te^iters baue tbougbt berein,fo^af;» mucb as onl? Auguftme ma? be fuf^iti ent fo^ it^ tubicb batb faitbfull? i \3)^tb great Diligence gatbereo al tbeir iuQge ments.2Lberfo;c let ttit reaoers gatber out of bim/ucb certaintie as tbe? l?)all b^Ore to learn of ? opinio of antiquitie. 15ut tber ma? fame to be tbis bitferf ce betteeen bim t ts,tbat be tube be graii* tctij ? t^c fa?tbful fo long as tl;e? otoel in mc^tall bob? are fobolben bounb \jb luds, ^ tbe? cannot but luft,?et barctb not cal ^ bifeafe fin:but being cotent to crp^effe it b? ? name of teeafencCTe , be teacbetb tbat tbcn onl? it beccmetb fin, teben eitber iuD;rU o; ccnfcnt is aODeb to conceit o; receiuing,!^ iSj tebe« teill ?clDctb to ? firll befire.but luc accompt tbe ber? fame f :; Cn, # man is i'?cfeleD l6 an? belire at al againft ^ lato of gob: ?ea tee affirme ^ tbe tcr? corruption ^ cngeoictb fucb Dcfirs in ts, is fm.MIe teacb tberfo^e tbat tbere is altea? fin in tbe bol? ones,tntil tbt'^ be tmclotbeo of t!)2 mortal bcQi,bicaufe tber rcmainetb intbcir aefl)tbat peruerfnfs of tufting tbat figbtetb againfttp^igbtneirc. :anD ?et be Dofb not altea? fo;bcare to bfe ? na lie cf finne,as teben be fa?tb : 2Lbis laaul calletb b? tbe name of 0nnc,from tobence fp;ing all finne bnto a fltlbcl? toncupifcence.SLbis^fmucb as pertc?* netb to ti)t bol? ones, lofetb tbt kingbo in eartb,anb pcr?lbetb in beauen . 15? tebicb teo^Dcs be confe(rctb,i' tbe fattb* full are gilt? of finne,infomutb as tbe? are fubiert to tbe lu(!csof tbe Ceflje. n 'But tb?s titiB ra?i),tbat <&0D pur* Qttl;^ b?g €burcb from alt fmnr, tbat be p;omi^ Libroac^ Bonifa 4 Lib i»5(. J, contra lulianu Scrm.6, dc verbis Apoft. Eph.f,26 Ihegraceof (Jb'ilt, Third Poohc, r]FoUv;t Ro.6,6, Ro.7.(5. p;ioni!rctl) tijat grace of ucliurrancc bp ISaptirmct fal&lletf) it in brs clectuc refer ratbcr to tbc giltiiieffc of Qn,tto to tl)C terv matter of Qnne. C?od trucit perfo?mcti) tbifi? bp rcgirnerattng tbcm ttjat be ftiSjtbat in tbcm tbc hingDom of finnc is abolirtjeo (fo; tht l^olr^ Cyclic mtniftrctb tbem ttren5tb,U)!]erbT? tljtv get tbe tjpperbanbe,anb are conqucro.iB in § battel) but it ccafctb onl^^ to raign, ano not fo to bUicl in ttje. SEbcrfo^c toe fo fa^jtbat tbe olD nian is cruciScb, ano tbc latoc of Cn abolifljeD in tbc c btlDJtn of goD,tbat v^t tbcre rcniaine fc mc Ica^ utngis.not to bane comimo in tbem,but to bumble tbcm bp fenoUIcDge in cen* fcicnce of tbcirtucaKnca jJlnD toecofcs tbat tbc fame arc net imputccas if tl)ci luere notrbut Uie affirmctbat tbisccm metb to pafiTe bp tl)t merer of go«5) tfcat tbc bolpe one« arc beliuercb from tbV0 gtltinelTe, iDbicb otfjcrtuifc fljnlo iultlp be rccbmeo finners, t giltp befo;c goo. janD tbis fentence it Ibal net be baro fo; \iB to coi;6rme,fo;afmucbc as tbere arc tnittt tcdimonies of tbc fcripturc tp* en tbeir matter, jfo^tubat toculD tuc banc mo.je plain, tban tbat tcbub l^aul crietb out to tbc Itcmainjj cbap.z.ifirtt botSj toe baue in an otber place rijctocb, t Augudine p^ouctb bt ftrottg reafons, tbat paul tbere fpeafeetb in tbe pcrfonc of a ma regenerate. 3 fpeaU notoftbi^, ^ be bfetb tbcfe too;?3cs,Cuil ano ^in, U:itb al ci:r barf,tj ttb al cur foul, ivitb al L'ur potocr£i.^;iib all t\;t parts of cur foul cugbt fo tc be occupicD toptb v ^^t of t;oD,it 10 tcvtnic^tiiat mv fatiffp not tbc connnauirmcnt t conceiuc in tbeir beart anp OeHre, be it neucr fo little, e; fuffcr anv fucb tbci^bt at al to enter m to tbeir min5, as map toitbOMto tbcm from tbe loue of CoO mte banitpc.ifo; tobat^arc not tbe fc tbe potocre of p loul fo be affeacD toitb foDatne motic-ns,to compjebcnb toitb toit,to conceiuc )a)it\) minbcf ILber fo;re,toben tbcfe Do open a toap fo; bain o; corrupt tbougbts to en ter into tbe, bo tbep not Rjeto tbat tbcp are euen lo mucb toto of i loue of gou^ ^bcrfo;c,tobo fo cofcfTctb not tbat all i luftes of p fletb are (ins,f tbat § fame tiifeafc of luaing,tobicb tbei cal a fcoig is i tocirp;ing of fin,bc mnft ncfies oc- np t tbe tranfgrccrion of tbe lato is fin. if anp man tbinfec it an abfuroitp, 12 ^ all tbc DcarcjB tobcrtoitb man ic natu rallp moucD in affect icn,arc toniurrfaU Ip conbemneb, toberas tbcp be ^ut into man bp(©oD tbeautbo; of nature.Mc anftoer,^ toe do not ccnDcmnc tbcfe De fires tbat goD batb fo engrauen into tl)C minD of man at t\ie firft crsaticn,^ tbcp cannot be rotcD out toitbout Dcftrcping tbe bcrp nature of man,but onlp outran giou0 f bnb;iDeleD motion tijat figbta* gainfttbco;oinanceofgoD.liButnotoc, fitb bp rcalon of p peruerfncjs of nature tbat tbcp tobicb toill fpcaijc againfi: b3, all bcr potocrs are infetfcD i co;rupteD map net canilagainft tbofe tocjDs, but tW in al bcr Doings appcrctb a ccntinu tobo can Dcnp,tbat a llriuing againff f> al Dtfo;Der t intcniperanfe,bccaurc tbc lato of goD is eurlftobo ca Dcnp a toitb* Drfires cannot be feucreD from fucb in* ftanbing of BJuttice to be fin i ipinallp, j temperance: tbcrfD;c toe fap v tbcp arc tobo toll not graunt tb^ttbcrisafault, i co:rupt.JiD;(if pouUtJctobaucp tobcle tober is a fpiritaal miferpflSut al tbcfe fum in fetoer too;Ds) toe tcacli tbat all tbings arc repojteD of V^xs Difcafc bp ! tbc Dcfircs of men arc cud : anD tee ac ^aulc. j^tg;anc,toc banc an afTurcD cc^ | ctifc tbcm to be gilt re cf I'm, not in tl'at monlf ration bp tbc !ato, bp tobicb tljis I tlj^t tbcp are natural, but fc; ti)it tbcp toboic qucfticn map enfilp be DircufTcD. | arc ino;Dinatc;anD toe cal tbcni im^U jro;iucareco;nmaunDeD to loue God i nate,bicaufeno pure o; wnclcane tbt»5 ^.D, can Oip.3. 1 Of tiie mancr how to recciuc \Ad Eo- nifa. can come out of a cc;trupt f tnclenc v.a* ture.:7mD Augulbnctjoiije not (o muci) tjar^ from thiB DOitrincac 1)2 apcarctl) m fl):U)e, tr.l)ilc I;c romcU>?jat to niuci) fcarct!) tijc cnur t(jat tbo Pelagians labo rcD to bung ijim into, be fomtimc fop bearctb to tfe tbc naaic cf finivct inljcr b? iDjptetb that § laUi of fin ftil rcniat* ning in tlje bolv on?s,§ onl^ giUines is Ul\t aXmiM plainli Ojeluctb ^ be uotb not To mucb Dilagree fro our meaning. 1^ tMt toil allege fomc otber fentr c cs, Ujfjercb^ fljall better appe are iobat be tboagbt.in tbe fecont) boUe a^ainft lu? lian:SC'5is latju of fin is botb relcafeo bi tbefpiritual regeneration, i abiDetb in I mojtalflefld : rclcafeo berein,bicauf0 tbe giltncs is taken loa^ in ^t ^acra* ment tobcrebr (be fattbfuU are regene^ rate:anD it abiDctb,bicaurc it 1^3o;^.etb tbe Dcfires agaiflc tobicb t^s^ faitbmll oo figbt. 33ain.Sberfo;e tbe laU) of fmne (UJbicb teas alfo in tbe members of fo great an apofilejis relefcD in baptifme but not enoeu.jagain.S^be laUi of finne (of luljicb Vtt remaining tl)z giltincffe, is in baptifme oifcbargsD) Ambrofe cal leD loickeones: bicaufe it is totc^eones fo; tbt flclb to lull againtt tbe fpirit.a- gain ^inisoeo inrcfpectof ^ giltines toberin it belo \)s, f cum being oeaD,tt ftil reb£llctl3 til it be !)?aleotiiitb pcrfc^ ctio of buriall.anD ret plainer in t])c,^, boUe. 0s tbe blinones of bart is botbc a (in,tDbcrebr man belcuctb not in €>oD: ano alfo a punill)inent of fin, \uberbv a p.zooD bart is cbaftifcD toitb tuo;jtbi co; rection : an^ tbe canfe of fin Uibcn an? tbing is comittcD bv i erro; of a blinoe barttfo tbe lufi cf flcftj againtt tubicb a gcDt) fpiritc lulTctb,is botbc fin,becaurc tbcr IS in it DircbeDience againQ- tbe go* iizcoMzntctl) b^ Defection, c.:inman, luben be is bo;mc bv infect icn.^^cre is* out an-j? DoutfuU fpcacb be calletb it fin, becaufe taben erro: Iras cnte cuer* tbjoli)n,ano ttjt ttatl) cenSrmeD,be Ics feareo flanDcrous repozts^s in tbe.4^ ^omcly tjpon ilobn, lOiKre ooutlctfe be rpeaUetbacco;9ing to tbe true mentng of bis minD.be faitb:|f ii^ tbe Eefi) tbon _Ro. 6,id ferue tl)z lalue of un,^oe tbat \})W^ tljt apofile btnifclf faitb, let not fin reigne in four mo:tal boDi? to obet? t\)t Defires tberof.l^e fattb not,!.ct it not be,but let it not reigne. ^3 long as tbou liuefr,fin muft ncues be i;i tbf members: at leaft let reign be talien from it, Jlet not tbat be Done lu^icb it commannuetb. SLbe^ lac^i.ij. tbat Defend t\)at lull is no fin, are tocnt to obiect Ibat Hnnng ofJEames: ltafi,af^ tcr ^ it batb cocciueD b jingetb fo;tb fin . liSut tbis ii ?arilf confutco. jFo; bnles \DC tbink ^ be fpi^aketl) of onii il teo^ks 0 J actual finiiCSjCU Jl loil it fel f,fljal not be acconipteD lin. 15ut UJbere be calletb mifcbeuous BcDes anD toicUeb offences tiit offp^ings of fin,anD gcucfb ^nio tbe tbe name ofun, it Dotb not bpnobp fo^ loto tbereof, but tbat to lufi> is an euell tbin:5,ani) uanmable bcfo;e goo. 14 Certaiac ^Inabaptifis in tbis age, Druife 3 toat not iobat frantifee intern* pcranrc in S?De cf fpiritual regenerati» on,faring ■§ tbe cbilD;en of goo rcfio;e|) into i itatt crinnoceHCV,noto ougbt no moje to be carefull fcj b;iocUg of f> luft of the flefl): f tbe fpirit is to be folotoeo fo^ tbeir guiD,l)nOer fcobofe guiolg tbc^ neuer go out af tbe toat>. Jt teer tncrejjt ble ^ maits minoe coulo fail to fo great maDnes,bnles tbci did openii t p^ouDli babble au;occ t\)is DcctrtncXri^l^ it is mottruous.)l3«t it is mate 1^ fucb ftjulo uernmcnt cf tbe nunDe:anD alfo tbe pu< ! fuffer tbe punilbntent of fucbc blarpbCi^ niflinicnt of fin, becaufe it io gcaen fo;^ | mcus fcolonelTe, tbat fo bauc perfuaCeD recopence to tb5 Dcfcruings of t\i$ Difo* j tbeir minoe to turnc t^c trutbe of d^oo bePientianp tgc caufe of fin in ma, tube into a lie, ^bal all j cboife of boncfir t Diiboneftr I "ihceraceotChrifh "Tniicl Eoo\ gofprll gcuen bs Dotb p>eacbc,of tobo tec tbere bcarc no fucb tbing. SDbat fpirit is no patrone of manaaugbtcr,U)^jojccom,o;onUcnncs, pnt)ccontcntion> coucteo«rn?0f guile: but t])t auibo; of loue, cbaftitie, fob^ie? ticmobeff i?,peace,tcmperancc i trutl). Bit IS not a gioop fpirit t runnetb bcab- long toitbout conCseratio tbo;oto rigbt % to;ong,but is ful of totfcoome ano bn ttanDing,!,^ Difccrnctb rigbtlp bcttoeen iutt f bniutt. Bit Hirretb not bnto Diflb^ lute f bnbjiDelcb liccniiorifnc0,but ma hctb Difference betteanc latofull i bn* latoful, anD tcacbcf b to fecpc meafure f temperance : but tobv Jwtoe labojanp longer in confuting tbis beaUlp ragcf SDo Cb^iftians tbc fpirit of tht ILoin is notatroubl^omc fvutarpjlcbicb ritber tbem fcl es bane b;oagbte fo;tbc in a b;reame,o; banc reccineo being fb;gcD ofotbcr: buttb^v reucrcnt'.^rceltctbc hnotolegc of bini at ^ fcriptures, tobcr tbefc ttoo tbings be taugbt of bim : firft ^ be is gtuen bs tjnto fanciificatio, tbat iz mi^bt b^ing bs into t)c cbcoicnce of gb3s triH,being purged from tnclni:s rnb^.Jihngs, tobicb cbcDiciCCcan net ann'D,biilc(rc lufis be tamcc t fubbucD, lr berbnto tbefc men toclD geue tl}c b;l* 'Ac at Itbcrtp. ^cconol^toe are tangbt tbat toe arc fo c Icnfsb bp bis fanttiftca^ tion,^ tec arc ftill befeegcD toitb manr bicc0 f mucb tocacknes, fo long as ice arc cnclofcb in tbe burtben of cur b:m: tobcrbr it comctb to pas, ^ being far Di* Mt fro pcrfe(tion,toc baue nebe altoa\) to encrcafe fomtobat, i being entagleo in bicc0,toe baue nebe oailp to to^aftle ID tbcm.^bcrbpon alfo folotoctb,tbat fbaUing of Uoutb t carclcfncs, toe mutt toatcb toitb bcDcful minbcs, tbat toe be not compalTcb tjntoare toitb tbc fnarcs ofourflcOj. ^nlfCre peraoucnture toe mnlttt\)dt toe banc p;oce:»cD furti^cr, tban tbe apoftle, tobicb ret toas tocrj;* z.Cor.p CD of tbe angel of ^atan,^ bisCrcngtb ^f. migbt be mabc perfect toitb ojeaUnca*: i^o./.^, ano tobicb bio bnfaincbli? repjefent in bis fleiT) tbat ccuifion of tbefleOj anb cf tbc fpirite. 1^ 13uttobcrcastl)c2?oaieinbefcri* bing of repentance recfecnctb feuen er* i.Cor./. tbcrcaufc0o;cffcctcso^ partes tbcrof, u. be botb 1 0^ ^ ^«^^r C®^ ^ ^"^^ • ^"^ ^^^^^ tber be , enbeuo,j c} carcfulneffe, crcn* fing,mbignation,fcare,befire,5cale,pu* nidimcnt. ij^eitbcr ougbt it to feme ani? abfuroitic, ^ Bl bare not certain!? Dctcr^ mine tobetticr ti)C]! ougbt to be compteD caufes o;^ eefetfcs. JFc? botb mai* be ocfr ^ DCD in Dirputatio.Cber mav be alfo c.\h leo affections iovncD toitb rcpctancnbut becaufcleauing out tbcfcquefuons,toc mar bnbcrftaD tobaf Paul menetb,toc iljalbe content initio a limple bcclaratio of tbem.^'e fartb tbeifo;c, t oftbebca^ uines tobicb is acco.:bing to gob, ail^etb cucfuluciTe.iFo; be t is toucbeb toi. b an cameCfcIingof bifplcafurc bccaufcbe batb Cnneo againft bis gcb»is tb:rtoitb allftirrco t^pto Diligence % bcDefulnelTc to CsPO' I ^_. Of the mancr how to receiue to UJinoe tiimfclf clereli;' out of i^ fnares of tl)e 2DeucH,to f afec better bcDe of bt0 fnareSjto fall nomo;c from tfjc gouer* nance of t^ j bcl^ g!>oft>iiot to be oppjcf* feD \JQ fccuriti^.ij5c)ct is erc«fing,lMbub ill ti^is place Qgnifietb not tbe Defence, tubcrb^ a Cnncr to efcape tlit iuugemf t of gou,citfecr botb cen^e tl}at be batb of^ fenoeo, o; D^minit^jetbtbe barnoufnes of bts fault, but 5 puruation tobicb ffan Dctb ratber in crauing of parocn,tbat in Defence of bis caufe.lL^heas tbe cbtU);e i arc not reprobate toben thc^ acfenouj leoge anD confeffe tbep? faultes, Do ^et tfeentreating.anD t it ma^ taht place, tbe^p^otcftbr al meanes tbat tbei? ca, tbat tbe>? banc not call atoap tt)t reue* rcncc ^ tbe^ oUieto tbei?^ parcntcs.jFii* nallr tbei fo ercufc t!)em,as tbcp go not about to Tpiouc tbcmfeluffi rigbtcous i iDitb tu2 be ftinolco UJbe lue be fpurreD fo;lDarD0>Dtbere p^iclung tbcugbtes, to'oatbaue 3 isoftebetber baD 3 tb^cUm m? felf bcDlong, if tbe mercp of goo oiD not bclpe me i 2Ebe laft of all is puniflb* ment,fo^ tbc mo;e rigo;iou3 tbat luc be to our feUiefi,? tbc ttraitlier t^at tue er^ amine our oton finnes,fo mucb § mo;e iMC ougbt to trull tbat goo is fauo^able f merciful bnto bs.^nD trucl\? it is not pciTiblc,but tbat tbe foule being driven ; toitbbo;jro;i of tbe iuDgenientof ©oD, I muft necDCjS Do fome execution in § pn# nilbing of it fclfe.2Drucl^ tbe goDlu Doe fcle Uibat punilbiitents are fljamc,con* I fuSon,mourning,lotbing of tbemfelues I « otber affections i fp^jing^ut of earncft ' achnotDlegmg of Gnnes. 115ut lett)s re^ j meber t ihcrt is a meafurc to be Kept,^ fojroto DO not ftoallolue fc0 bp , becaufc innocent, but onlp f tbe? ma? obte?nc j nothing mo;c reaDil? bappcnetb to fear parDon. Cben foUotuetbinoignation, | full confcienccstl^n falling to Defpcire» tobereb? tbe finner fnttttl) inlnarDl? anD alfo b? ^ crafi^e mcane tobofoeuer luitbbimfelf^quarrelJctbUntbbimfelf, fatan finoetij oucrtb^oUsen toitb DaeaD is angr? teitb bimfclfe, U»ben be reco^* ] of (II5oD,be mo;e i moje D^otonetb ti)em Detb bis oU n peruerfnes f bisoUm bn^ ■ in tbe gulfc of fo^rolre, t ^^^V map ne^ tbanUfalnelffi to CDoD. 15? tbe name of I uer rife t)p again.Crucl? i feare ca not feare,bc meanctb v trembling t w llri^ ! be tea great tobicb enDctb U;itb bumili/ ken into our minoes [o oft as toe tbinhc botb VDbat toe baue DefcrucD,! boto bo^ rible is tbe feueritic of CDoDg tuiatb a* gainft finners. jf o; tue mntt ncDes ti}e bebereDln a maruellous tjiiquietncs, Icbicb botb inHructctb bs to bumilit?> « nxaMf^ bs mo;ie toarc againll ? time to come. jfioUj if out of fear, Do fpnnc^ f carefulneSjbobcrof I)e bao fpokr befoie> tbe toe fee )s)itl) tobat linking tbcv bag togetber. Jt fcemetb to me tbat bebatbe DfcD tbis Ujo^dc SDcSre fo;i Diligence in our DHet?,anD rcD? cbercfalncs to obep tDberetjuto tbc ailjnolijle^giiigofoart otoneVauircs ougljt cbcfclre to p.iouolie bs, anDt!)crcbntoal;o belongetb jeale, lubicb be iomctii immeoiateli nei:t bn ticy f Departctb not from bope of parDo. )i5ut altDa?(as t\)t ilpolile teacbetb/tbe tinner muft beVoare^tbat tubtle be moue bimfclf to ^t lotbing of binifclfe, be De* fpeire not,oppjcireD U)ttb tm great fear, fo; fo Do lue flee aloa? from ^oD tobtcb calletb bs to bini b? repentance* tuipon tDbicb point tbis IcfiTon of Bernard ts \it* rip profitable : ^o^rotx) fa^finnesisne^ celfar?,if it be not continualLHi counfell ?ou fomtimc to return pour fault from greuoufi f painfull remf b^ance of ?our olun Uia?C{5,i to climbc bp to tbe ptaine grouno of cbcreful remfbjancc of bene^ fitets of d^D. iietbs mingle boni^bottb li)o;mt]3oD, ^ ti)t trbolefom bittemelTc ma? bring t;s i)ca\tl) , toben it tbait be tjjt. jf o; a figniaetb a feructties.tober D^onlic tcmpereP yso ftoaetneg.;anD if ?e , tbitifee t !ie grace of CFrH^. Third Booke. Ioel.2.13. Iaco.4.8 tbi nfec of pour fcluts in l)iumUti,tt)inh alfo of tbc iio;n in g: uiicfic. 16 ^olD it ma^ be alfo pcrccrucDtobat be ti)c friitcs of rcpentancceucn p r.iic« ties of goDlinca tolcarD goD,ana of dja* ritr toUjaro mm, ano I1)cr\ritbal a bo* lines t purencfi in all our lifc.ifinallr, tbc moK crnelilvtbat ani man erami- ncti) bis life bt! tic rule of gooa iaU), fo mucb tbe furcr tokr^ai be Ojcluctb of ffi3 repentanceXbercfo^e tbe l^olp gboftc oftentimes; icbenbe crbo^tetb bs to re* pentance,calletb 1)s fomctime to all tbe commaiiDemcnts of tbe lalcfometime to tbc Dueticfi of tbe feconD taWc.Elbeit in otbcr places after j' be hatt) ronof neo bHclennes in tbe tjcrt? fbuntaine of tbe beartc, be nefccuDctb afterluaro to out^ toarDteftimomefitbatoo fet outetrue repentance:of \ubicb tbing J teil bereaf tcr fet bcfj^e tbe tui^crs ciesa table in tbe Defcriptio of a €b;ittian life. J Ijuill not gatber tcftimonics oat ti t\)c p^Of pbet0,lubcri]i tbep partli fci3;n at tbe ir f»)llicjs,tbat goc about to appearc goB \jb ceremonies,! do fljctoe 1? ti)tv be mere mocfecrics,anO partli^ Doe tcacbe 1^ out* iudro bp;igbtncs of life is not tbe p?in* cipall parte of rcpentance,brcaufe (E5oD lohetbbpontbebart: lubofoeueriseue mcanlv' crcrcifeD in tbc fcripturc, fljall perceiue of bimfeife toitboutau^ otbcr mans putting in minoe, tbat luben U)e [)auc to Do Iritb goD-,U}c labo^ in taine, bnles \jot begin at tbc inluarD affection of tbe bart.anD ^ place of Siocl Ojall not a little bclpe to tbe bnDerdaDing of tbe reft,lBbere be favtbtSI^care rour barts, anD not tiour garmenfs.01fo botb tbofc points arc cjcp^cffeD in tbefe Ujo^dcs of 'iamts : ^e IdicIjcd Doers,cleanfe i?our banDs:pe Double me, purge tour barts. Mlber in oeDe tber is an aDDition ioy* ncD to tbe firtt ;;art,but after is HjcloeD tbe tjcrp fountaine anD beginning tbat tbei? muft U?ipe atoaye tbcir fecrctc 61^ toUiJii tbincs,tbaf tber mav be an altar fet Dp te-gsD m \f Mtvv bart.lBcfiDe tbis,tbcre arc alfo certai?ne outUiaroe erercifes iDbicb iDctjfc p^iuatcl^as remcDies to bumble our fclucs,o; ro tame our flc(b> anD publifeeip fo; ttjt Declaration of re* pcntance.ariD tbe» p;crcEDCfrom f pw moment of tobicbpAulefpcal^etb, foj tbefe arc tbe properties of an afflicteD minDjto be in lotbfomnes, mourning* Ucping, to flic go^gcoufnes * all trim* miRg,t to fojfafee al Delites.SLben be ^ fcletb boU) great an euil is tbc rcbellio of tbe flf Ibjfchetb al remcDics to b;iiDlc it.9^^o;eouer,beT^ tucil betbinhcthbrm boto greuous a rbing it is to baue t ffen» DCD tbe iufttce of goD, cannot reft tonfiU be baue in Ins otun bumilitr gcuc glo;i to goD»fe»iicb erercifes tbc olDc tt>?vtcrs DO oftrtimes reberrc,\uben tbci' ipeaKc of tbe frutcs of rcpentaimcr.iBut albeit tbc^ DOC not place ti)t lubole fo;ce of re^ pentance in tbcm, ?et tbe reaDers Ojall parDon me,if 3 fpcahe Uibat J tbinfe: it remetb me tbat tbev HaD to mucb tjpon tbem»anD if an^ ma toil tuiCel^ toer it 3 trufte be toil agre tcitb me,tbat tbcf baue ttuo tDa^es gon bcv'onD mcafure. ifo; tuben tbe^ fo mucbe enfo^jccD, anD toitb immcfurable commenDations aD- uanccD ^ boDilr Difcipline, tbis in Deccc tberobtaincD, tbat the people DiD tbc mo;re earncair embrace it, tut tbc^ in a maner DarUneD tbat tobicb ougbte to baue ben of mucb greater importance. ^cconDlr^in geuing pumlbmcntsthcv toer fomtDbat mo;e rigo;ous tba eccle* fiaftical milDcncs mav biMr,as toe (bal baue occafio to fl)eto in an otbcr place. 17 )i5ut bicaufe manr toben tbep bear toeping,fafting f afl)cs fpohen of,botbe often in otbcr placcs,i fpccialli in Joel, tber mcafure tbe cbeefe parte of rcpen* tnnce bv fatting anD tocping: tbercfo;c tbcir erro; is to be taken atoate. Hbat tobicb is tbcre fpofeen of tbe turmng of tbc Capj. Of the mancr how to receiuc Mat.9.1; tbe tul)oUfiart to^ lo?D,of cutting tbeir l)art0 1 not tfteir garments, is p;operlt? beIonginn:to repentance : but toeping 1 falling are not iopnco as cotinual o; nc ceflTarp cffeds tberof,but arc fpoke of in refpect of a fpecial circuftance. Bicaufe be bat) p^opbefieo,^ t^jer baugeo ouer v BietDesa mod greuous De(iructto,t()er; fo^e be counfelietb tbem to pzeuent tl)c to jafo or goD,notonip in repcnting,but alio in tittering tokens of tbeir fo^^otoe. iroi as a man ftaDing to be arraincD,ti* fctb bumblp to abace bimfclf toitl) an Hf uergroton beam, tmcobeo bear f blacU apparcl,to mouc t^e iuoge to piti?c:ro it b?boueD tfjem \ii^m tbcp ftooeaccufcD before tbe iii^gcment feat of goo, in pi* tcous arra^ to befecbe bim not to crtcD bi« rigoi.But altbougb allies ano facfe' clotl) Dio peraoucnturc moie fiti? agree toitb tt)Qi'c tunes. ^et it is certain, tbat toeping $ falling 0)iiln be to a tjcrt? f 0^ uenient gojD tfe among tjs, fo ofr as tbe llnjo fcmetb to tb;eatcii tos anv' plague 0; calamity. iFo: twben be maftetb an? banger to appeare,bc ootbe after a cer? tain maner geue toai ning v? be is pitf parcD 0; armeD to reuengeXbcrfo^e § p^opbet bio loeUtoljcn be erbojteo bi»B countrimen to Uieping 1 ''afting,tbat is to tbe fozo\uful maner of accufeo men, tobofc offrces be faiDa litle befoie,toer bao in cramination CBue as tbe pallojs of tbe cburci) fljuio not 00 ill at tbts oa^, if tofjentbe^ fean^ ruine banging ouer t!)e necks of tbeir peojjic, tbc\? toolo cr^ out tpon tbem to make bade to fading f toeping: fo tbat ttjey? tuolo tuitb grea- ter I mo jc intodro care ixni} Diligence, altua^ enfoicc v tol)icb is tiic principal po^nt,^ ititv mud cut tbeir barts t not tbeir garmrts iSt is out of Dout,tbat fa* ding is not alloaii' iovneo toitb repcn* tance, but is apovnteo peculiarly? fo; tU mes of miferable plao^ues: ano tberfoie iinh:itt ioynetb it m\) Utailins,U)ftf be acquitetb tljc 0podles from neeuc tftcr^ of, Until tbe time f being fpovlcD of ti\>s p:efence,tl}cp OjulD be to^mentcDto\>tb grefe.afpeakeofrolemnefading. ifc; tbe p^iuate life of tbe goDli),ougbt to be tempcreD Uiitb boned fparing f fob;ic^ tp, tbat in ti:)t tcbolc courfc tbcrof,tber mat) appeare a ceitain kino of fading. But becaufe all tbis matter d)aU be to be DtrclareD againe in tbe place Utbere toe (ball entreatc of tbe Difcipline of tbe Cburcb,tbcrfo;c 'i do nolo tbe moje ae^ Dcrli toucb it But tbis one tbing 3 toil aDDe bere hv tbe toav : toben t\)e name of repentace is applieD to tbis outtoaro p;ofi^irion,tben it is tinpjoperlt? turnco fro tbe naturall meaning tobicb 3 baue aboue fette fo;tbe of tt. jf 0; it is not To | mucb a turning tnto goD, as a confeCTi^ | on of fiiult,toitb a befecbing of (DoD not | to cbarge ti)cm toitb tbe paine anD gil^ ' tineffc.^o to do penance in allocs f fack Mat.n. clotb>is notbing els, tban to ttter aoif' ai» pleaieones toben goD is angrfi \3)y>t\i Us fo: grcuous odences.^and tbts is a pub^ Lu. 10,13 liUeUinoeofconfcCTion , tobcrebptoel cononungourfelues before tbe angels | I tbe too.:lD,Do p^cumt tbe iuDgemet of goo. jfo; ]l>aul reUuaing tbctr floutbful 1. Conn ncs ^ tmxi^ bear iv tbeir oton faults, 3. faitbe : jf lue dvd iuoge our felues, toe (Ijulo not ije iuojeo of goD.But it is not almav ncccdtirp to make men opelp of counfell i toitnelTcs of our repentance: but to confes p^iuatelp to goD, is a part Of* true rcgmtamict tobicb cannot beo^ mittcD, if oj tbere is notbing mojc tjnj» refonable tfja to loke to baue goD to par Done Us tt)c firmes, in toljicb toe flatter our relues,anD do biDe tbem bi bipocri^ fV,lead be fboulo b^mg tbem to Ipgbtc. ^m tt bebouetb Us,not oneli? to confes tbofe finnes tobicb toe Datl]? commit, butmo^e greeuous odences ougbte to D;ato us furtber,! to cal again into our remembrance tUn^s ^(eeme long ago burtcD. PauiD gcuetl) t)0 b? bw cwplc. if o; bcingioutbco Uiitb fljamc of tbtf neU)l\» contitteu fault, be eramtnetb biutfclf eur to tbe time tube be tDa0 in bis motbcrs tuomb,i confer< fctb tbat euen tben be toaa corruptee i infettcD tDi?tb tbc fiUbrites of tbe flctb. ano tbiB be ootb not to Dimini0i ^ ba^^ noufncs of bis fault, as; many bioe tbe« relues in {' muUituoe , t fake to efcape puniOjment b^ lujapp^ng otbcr iwitb tbem. Il5ut D..uiD ootb farrc otberU)ifc \ubicb toitb (imple plainnea enfozcecb l)i0 fault m fa\?ing,^ being corrupt fro bis fira infancy, beb^tb notceadeDto beap euils bpon euils. ^Uo in an otber place be lifeetuife fo eraminetb bispaf? fcD life i be crauctb f> merci? of goo fo^ V Qns of bis poutb. ^no truelp tbf onlv (bal Uje p;one our D^joiufincs to be (ba* UcnaU)ai?fr6\)S,ifgroning bnoer our buroen i beU)ailing our euels, tnc afUe relief of go9.3it is mo;coucrto be notco t tbe repetace Uibicb ^e are coniaiiDcD cotiniiaUi to appli»)Oifferetb fro § repe =- tacc, ^ liftetb tjp as it U)cr,fr6 Dcatb tbf ^ citbcr baue filtbil^ fallen, oz toitb tn b^ioleo Ucetioufncs bauetb^ouien fo;tb tbemfclHcs t j fin, oj after a certain ma ner of rebellious rcuolting, bauefljaUf of § ^okc of goD. i?o; IP fcripture often* tiine5,ti)bcn it erbo^tetb to repentance, meanctb tberb^ as it tuere a pallage o; rtfing again from oeatb t)nto life : ano toben it reberfetb tbat tbe people bio pe nance,it meanetb tbat tbe^ vucr turneo from tbeir ioolatrt f otber grofe offen^ CCS. ^no in like maner y>au[ tb;etnctb mourning bnto finnrrs,^ baue not Don penance fo; tbeir \Dantonnes,fo;!nicati on,ano bncbaftit^e. 2Lbis Difference is to be Diligently! markeD,lea(t Uibtle U)e beare ^ fetu are calleD to penace,a mG;e tban careles affureones Hjulo crepe bp? ont)5,astbougbctbemo;tif?ing of tbe fletbeDiono moae belong bnto bs, tbe hoi. » 84* care toberof, tbe corrupt Dettres tbat al tear ticble bs,« tbe bices tbat common Iv buDDe bp in ts,Do not fuffer bs to re* Irafe. Cberfbje tbe fpeciall repentance Vubicb is requircD but of fome, iMbom ^ Deuel batb biolentl^ carieD atoar from tbefcareof goD,t faft bounD \d Damna* ble fnares,tabctb not atoar tbc o?Din(V r^ repentance, tobicb tbe cojruptnes of nature compclletb bs to applr tb;iOugb' out all tbe tobolc courfe of our life. 19 jj5 oU) if tbat be true, tubicb is mott euiDentlp certain,tbat all tbe fum of tbc gofpell is contamcD m tbcfe tino pnn- cipal povnts. Ucpentancc t fo;gcunics of finnes:Do toe not ftt,i* tbc 1lo;D Dotb tberfo;c freclv iultific tbem tbat be bis, tbat be ma^ alfo bp tbc fanctifitation of bis fpirit redone tbem into true rigbte? oufnctTe i Wn t 3n5cll fcntbefoie tbe face of Cb;itt to piepare bis toaics, p>cacbcD : Hepent ^e, fo; tbe feingDome ofbcauen is come ncrc at banD. Jn cal^ ling tbem to repentance, be DiD put tbe in mtnD toacbnotolege tbemfclucs fin-- ners,t nil tbat toas tbcirs,to be Damna ble before tbc ^o;oc,tbat tbep migbt toitb all tbeir bartes to Defire t\)t mo^ti* ffing of tbeir flcOj anD a neto regenera- tion in tbe fpirtt. Hin telling tbem of tbe UingDomeof dDoD, be calleD tbf to favtb. jpo;brtbeUingDome of©cD tobicb be taugbt to be at banD,be meant fo^geue? neffe of finnes,faluation anD Itfe, anD al tbat ener \»e get in Cb^ift » mberfo^e in tbe otbcr euangcliftes it is lu^itten. Jobncame pzeacbrng tbc ^aptifme of Hepcntaunce bnto fojgcucncsoffins. ano tobat is tbat cls,but tbat tbei bruig op;effcD anD tcericD Uirtl) tbe burtbe of finnes, fljoulD turneto tbcLojDc, ano conccpuegffiDbopeof fojgeuenclTe anD faluationf&o Cbnft alfo bega bfsp.zca cbings: 2Lbe bingDome of C>oD is come nere at banD : repete pe f beleuc tbc go^ fpelifirft be Dcclaretb tbat tbc treafurs 0? Mat.ii.?c Mat.3 2. Mar. I.. LU3.3. iKQ.i.3P' iJL u,4,.iS» Of the m^ncr hov f)e requtretb repentance, a.no lalleofai confiDence in ttje p^oinifes Qf^oo.SDljer foze Iti )tn tit meant briefii? to comp^e^ f)tm t\)c Id!)oIc fumnie of tl)e (IDofpcl,l)e faT?D,l)e mail fuffcr ano rife againe fro tOe i)caD,ano tijat repentance anp fo;cje ncncffcoffmnes mufice bcp;eacbcD in bis name. 2Dbe ^oftlcsalfo p^eticbeo tbe lauie after fjis refurrcttion, tbat Ijc toasf raifeD tjp bv <5oD,to gcue to Jfracl repentance antJto^eucneffe of (innes. Hepentaunce iB p^eacbeD in tbe name pf CbniJyUjbe men do bcare b^ tbc Doc- trine or tbe gofpcli ^ ai thm tboiigbt0, tbeir affc(tions,ano ti)cn enoeup^s are £o;rnpt and fanltr^ano tbat tberfo^c it ij ncccffar^ tbat tbei' be boinc again if tf)e\? InpU enter intoil)t iivngoome of C'OD. J?o;geucnf0 of fmnes is p^eacbcu UU)cn mm are taugitit ^ cbaift is maoe to tbcm redemption, rigtjteoufncs, fab nation ano lil^:in Vubofe name tbciare tJ:«l^ arcompteD rigbteotis ano lnnp(;et VI t^e ftgbt of goD, to'oprcas botbe t|^ fe graces are rcceiucD b^p faitbe, as J baue in an otber place DscKireon^et becaufc y gcDDnes^of goD t»ber!)r finncs are fo;gi^ uen,ig tbe p;&ajfe oUii^ttc of ftiitbrtbere- fo^e it Cball be gaju tW it be Diligently 0|Uingt5i!l)eo fi'om rcpcolmice. 2 o ^jictaj asibe Ijal rca o? fin , itj^icb is tl?B beginmng of repentare,, openetb ts ttje fiirft enf rp tnto Cb^iaapbicb fl)etu=' EtI) bimfclfc to none but to mtfprabic f *^j affUrteD finners,Jpl)ijcb grcae,labo;,are loDen,are bangr^,antJ tb'.rlrr,anD pine ajjoa^ U)i^b fo;^ptD f mirer^:fp mull lue enoeuo? toVuaro repentace, tb.:pugtjout ^li our life applt' itjanc folotne it to the snocjif Vue \i>tll abide in Cl);iil. jrp,lbnt l)iB mere? ougbt to be to men a caufe to re^ A£t. 3.26 pent tbem.S>o(raitl) be)iut)gemcDtanD Sc.jo*- rigbteoufncs, bicaufe faluation is come nereatbano.againe.SCbereRjaUcome Efa 5^ 1. to ^on a HeDemer,anD to tbem tbat in &.59, 20 Jacob repent from tbeir finncs.^gaine. &,^;.6. ^eue tbe llojD tpbile bt mai? be founo: call tjpon bini tuljilebe is ncre. ilet tfie toickeD leaue b!?s lua? aaD tbe toickeb* ncffe cfbT?s tbougbtes, ano be turneD to tbc i.oj3,i be ftiall baue mere? onbim> again.'Curne re ano repcnt,tbat rour ^^^ 2.38 finnes ma? be bone aU)a?v t^ll)ere ?et ^ is to be notcD,tbat tb?s ccnbiticn is not • fo annerco as tbougb. nur repentaunce tnerc a foimoation to ticferue paroon^ but ratlier(bccaufe t\)c II o.jo batb Defers j mincD to baue mere? tpcn men to tb?s , eno tbat tbc? fi)oulD repent) bcteacbetl)| mcntobctbcr tbe? fljall trauell if ttre? | Ml obtaine grace. SCbcrfo^e fo long as i lueflball DIuci in tbc p^ifon of our boo?, J Uj0 mua continiiall? tu;ja(lle leitb tbe | Dices of our corrupt flcf^ , ?ea toitb our otonc natural! fcule. Pbtofartb in cer^ W cum a tainp!aces,tbattbe!tfeofaPbHofopber lil^i turn is a mecitation of oeatb , but tuc ma? in Pbae moje tra!? fa^rtbat tbe life of a Cb^idi* done an ma is a perpettinli SuD? ano erercife multis of mo^tif?!ng tbe flcf^ , till it being tit* difputat. terl^aatne,fbc fpirit of C^oD get tbe 00* minionin tjs.SHbcrfc^e 3 fbifi?? tbatlj^ batbmucb p;jofiteo,f batb learneo muc^ to miliifee bimMf : not tbat be fboulDc lliclj fall in tbat mire ano go np furtber but ratber tbat be fboulo baft, ano long^, totoaro C>oo,tbat being graffeo intotbsi oeatb ano life of Cb;jifi", be fi)oulD ftuo? Dpona.cDntin«.aU repentance : as truelg "ibe? ca not otber\»tfeOo,tbat baite a nat turall bajreo of finne : fo; no man euer batco tjinn0,tjntcire be toer^ Qr(| in loue, l4)itj[rrigt?tj;Qufne5,t^?a occrrinc,ag it w ^t-MJ.1. ■.'.:,;•: Ac.ii.i8 Tim.2 2f. The grace of Chril}. Third Booke. fol,-.l ^ bs toilletb tbe con* ucrfion of all mpn,t oircctetb brs crbo;^* fations generally to all men: but tbe ef^ fectuall \»o^Uing tberof bangctb tpo tbs Eph. 2,x fpiritc of rcgeneration.l5ecaurc it tucix mo;e ease to create ts men,tban of our otonc pofejcr to put on a better narlure. 2Dbcrcfo;c ia § Uvbole couri'e of regene^ ration tee are not toitbout caiu'e callro, tbe tDozfe of ©CD creatco to go33 tucjfts, i lobicb be batl) pjeparcD tbat toe ftouloe toalU intbcm. ^ijomfosujr ^ i.o.:ocs toillts toDcliucr from l3catb>tbi;^^be qaicUnetb toitb tbe fpirit of rcgeneratt* on: not ^ repentance is pjoper It v caufe of falaation,but bicanfe it is slreor fj^en ^ it is ^aieparable fro fa^tb? I tcmi tbe merc^ of ilDoti : fitb ( as (2;rav teltift^tb) tbere is a rcDemcr come to btm , anb to tbofe i in Biacob arc returned) fro tbeir toicfeconeCrcZtb^s truel^ (lanoetb (teo* fa(tl\? DctermineD i teberefoeucr liaetb ti5efeareofC5oD,tbcre t^t fpiritebatb lojougbt \3nto f faluation of ma; SLfjer^ foic iu Gfai', toben t^c fattbfall coplain % lament tbat ti^c^ are foKafeen of CDoD, tbcv reclten tli'^s as a tc'^cn of being re/ ) probates, t tbeir bartcs turrc I^aroeur o He, 6.6.| jj^ (Sod. SDbe ^poCle alfo meaning to epdube apoSataes fro bope of faluation, appointetb tbis reafon, tlat it is impof* fible fb; tbem to be renuco bnto rcpen» EHiy.^p 20 Efay.^a. »7 tance: becaufe C^oD ia renuing ti}i iu!;5 be Uiil not ii^uz perifl),lbcluetb a tcfecn of bis fatberlpfauo;,? in a maner D^aio etb tbem tnto bim Suoitlj v bcames of bis cbercful i mcrp coantenance:on p ot^cr fioe tuttb baroening tl)tm , be tbuno;jetb againll tbe rep.:obate,tDbcfc toicbebnes isbnparoonablc. XlJCii)icl) ftinbc of ben^ geance tbe apottle tb;eatnetb to toilfull apoaatacs,lu!)icb toben tt)ev Depart fro tbe fa|?tb of tbe clDofpeU,Do mafee a fco;n of(0cD,rep;ocbfuUv Defpife i)i$ QtzcCy anD Defile f treao bnber fate tije blouD of Cb;ift, rca,as mucb as in tbf is tbep crucifie b^m againe. jf o; lie Dctb not(a5 fomc fonol^ rigo;ous men tuoulD banc it) cut of bope of paroon from all toilfull finnes:but teacbetb tbat apoftafieisbUi' Uiojtbr of all crcufe:fo tbat it is no mar^ uell ^ CDoD Dotb punttbc a contempt of bimfclfc fo full of facrilegc, toitb VJnap* peafeablc rigo:. if o; be favtb ^ it is im* poiTiblc,? tbe\? tmc^ bane once ben rn^ Irgb^criCO , iiaut tatlcD o; tl;c branenlg Qtvr,baue bene mace partaUers of v bo^ iv gbofl'jbaue taHeD uttli? got tco;be of CD0O,f tbepolDcrs of ip toc^JD to come,if t\):\^ fali.fbculD be rr nacD to rcpe tance, crucifying again of ncto, anb mahing a fcojne of p fonne of ^pofilc agra luitl] l?L8 maiftcr, toOicb nftirmetl) i^ all finnc f blafpbcm^ (ftall be fc;gcnc,ei;itpt tijc Cnne agamft ti)c !)ol^ g\ion,\t\}u\) is not fo;i0e«en ncitljer in te U)o;!De , no; in fljc tDojlo to come. Jt is certain ( 3 far) tijat ^ 0po(tlc tuas contented fcuitO t^is crception,tjnle{rc toe toil mahe bpm an aoucrfan' to i^ grace of Cbnff.^Ijere* upon foUotoctt , t parcon in DenreD to no fpecialcfffte0,bat onli? to onctoljicb p;cceDing cf a dcfprratc ragccan not be afcribeo to \x}t&Unc([ey^ openly Chetoctb njat a man 10 pcfTerTeD cf tbe cecill. 22 Wut to DifcufTe tbps , it lebouetb to enquire tobat istijat fame fo bojrible offence,tbatfl)aU l)(ii\ti\o fo^ceuenerre. t0bera3 Auguftinc in one place Dcfi* nctbitanobftinateCimflTc eurn tnto DC atb,toitb Defpeire of paroon^at Dotb net totll agree toitb tbe t)ei*r tocj^es of Cb.Jta ^ it OhUI not be fo2aei:cn in tbis toc^lD. if 0; eitbcr ^ is fpofer in t)atn,o; it map bfcomittcD in tbJsUfe . l^ntif A ugu (lines Definition tetrne,tbcn is :t not c6mitteD,l)nlcire it cotiiiue; cutn tn to Deatb. Mbcras fom ctber fa^,tbat be Cnnctb againft p bolv S^cll,!^ enuictb v grace bcCotoeo tjpon m b; ctber : 31 fee not fro tobence t is fetcbfO. Wut kt b0 j b;ing a true u^naibjivUch being once pjouf D Xo fure teCimon^e^, (ball caOlp bU it felf ouerf l«oto al v rc&J far tber^r fo;c,tbat tbep fin againiT tbe bolp gbofi, tobid) of fct parpofe rcaa y trutb of goo toitb b;igbtnes tobcrof tbcp are fo tiafc# led, tbat tbey ca not pjetenD ignorance: tobicb tbep do onlp to tbrs f no to refift. i?oj Cb^ilt meaning to tx^cdn jS \xi\)iti) be bao faiD,immeDiatlt? aocetb: i[5etbat fpeaUetb a too;D againll {> fcnneof ma, it ttjalbc fo^jgcucn binr.but be ^ blafpbe* metbagaintt i bolr £»:off,a)al not befoj geuen. ano S5atbeto,fo; tbefalafpbcmv againtt tJ;ebolp fpir«t, puttetlj tbe fpirit ofblafpbemp.)iBut boto cS a ma fpcaU a rcp^ocb againft ttje fcnnc, but tr is alio fpoken againtt t\)c bol v gbctt^H^bci tbat (tuble tntoare againtt tbe trutb of goD, not bnotoing it, tobicb do igno:antlt) fpeaUe euill of Cb^ift , bauing ret tbvs minD,^ tbcp toonlD not ertinguitt)efbc ttutl) of (£^oD Difclofrb fento the , 07 once toitb cne too;De cffcno bim,tobom tbej? bao bnotoen to be § Hcjoef annointcD: tbcfe men On againtt tbe fatber anD tbe fonne.feo tberc are manp at tbrs oav, t DomottbatcfnU^ Dcteft tf)e Dcrtrineef i gofpcl,tobicb ift^^ DW fenoto it to be tt)c Doctrine of tbe gcfpel,tbet tooulD be rcaDi? to toc;fl}ip toitb al tbeir bart.HBut tbf p tobcfe confciencc is tbuinttti, tbat iti0 tl)t too;D of goD tobicb tl)t^ fo;fake % figbt againtt, 1 tft cealTe not to figbt againtt it,tbcp are fato f 0 blafpbemc ti)t bcl^ gbott:fo;afmncb ac tbe]p to;aftlea* gainft tbeenligbtning tbat is tlje too;^ of tbe bol^ gbctt.^ucb toer mani? cf tbe B;etoe0,tobicb toben t\)t^ could not refiff tbe fpiriec tbat fpafee bt? ^f eucn,tet civ Deuo;cD to refift . 31t is no Dout but tbat mani? of tbem toer car^eD tnto it t}it\) jcaleof(Mato,butitappearctbtbattber toerfomeotber ^ cf malicious toicJ^cd? neffe Did rage againtt (©oD bimfeli*e,tbat is to far,againtt ^ Doctrine, tobicb tbev toer not ignc;ant to be of C?oD.Snd fucb toer tbofe l^barifees, againtt tobom tljz tlo^d in«et?etb,tobicb to onertb;oto t^c potoer of tbe bclv sbcft , Dcf«imeD brtn toitb 'be name of ilBaljebub %Us tbcr foie is tbe fpirite of blafpbemt?e toben mansboldnetre of fct purpofe, leapctb fo;tb to rep^ccb cf tbe name of dDoD. t^Jlbicb Paul fignitiictb toben be fa^tb? tljat bee cbtaincd iitcrcte , becaufc ba baD igno;antly ccmnittted tbofc tbings tb;Dugb tnbclafe , fc; tobicbe otber^ toV'fe be baD bette bntoo;tbr ot OoDs fa^ uo; . 3if igno;aunre ictncd Voitl) tnbe^ lafe toas tbe raufc tb.t br obtfuncd par* dcn,tbcruponfonotoctb)tbat tberc is no place Ac.6. IQt. Mat.9. 34 &.I3. 1^4. i,Tim.i, .Ioh.i. Thcsraceof Chrift. Third Booke. FcITis u pldccto; p.iroon, Uj'j^rebnaUjlco^eis itD^felucafi'om ^ farictiScatio of p tjolp iopncD to tjabclcfe. 5')jl,f)ci le troD^ b.i^er foitc § luo;D of 23 iSiit if t:')on mnr&c it tDcl,tbou (bait 30D 1 p potuers of p luo;lD to come.and pcrccpue f Jjat tOe apofflc fpealjctb not 1 p mo;c to crpirfTs ^ aDuifO parpofc of of one 0^ otijcr particular fall, but sf § ; \uic'i{cDnc3,in an otljcr place aftcrloarD t)niucrfaU Departing tofjcrbp tlje rep;o | be a:}dctb tbis U?oj^ bp name, Milful* Hc.10.16 bate DOC fo^falte falaafion.am it is no Iv.if 0.: l»bf be raitlj,tbat tljcr is left no inaruel,^ tbcp tobS Jobn in bis canoni facriSrc fo; tbf tbat On tuilUnslr after calCpiaic affirmetbnctto baue ben of, fenotoleDgcof (> trutb reccpueD, be Dotb tt)z elertjfrom tobom tl^e^ Incnt out,Do ^ not Denv,tbat tl) : in is a continual facri felc goD t}nappeafable. jf 02 be Dirertetb fice to purge j> iniquities of (> bolr ones his fpeacbe againtt tbem,^ imagineD i (^xi'oicl) be erp,:cnp criet b out almott in tbcv oiigbt returne to tb^ cb:iftian reli gion, nltbougb tbep baD once Departed tbc iDbole e-piaie, tuljcr be Declaretb § pncftbooe of Cbe? ^ offet | to befecbing tbe lops mercp:^ is caWp purpofe catt aUw? bi^ toboic Doct rij:^ | anf uiereD. j?o; be Dotlj not fap, ii parDo Cbcrfo»e § Decevt i-i in tb?fc luoiDs of is oenieo tijem if tijcp tutnc to the lo^D: falling 1 rumtng )15tcaufc )) j;>ou.»tian3 crpoimo falling to boe if a man bc^ng tvagbt bp tbe la'oj aJ t ^^i^* t ^5^ 0"3bt not to ttcalc 0 j to com nit fo;nicati6,ab ftcinetl) not fro Healing 0^ fornication. But c5'rar\?^a)ife 3 affirm:, p tbcr is a fccrctcopariion of contraries, iuberin ougbt to b: repctcD al tbing5 cotrarp to t Uiliicb luas fpo:jr,ro ^ l;er is erpielTeD notanp particular fault, but rbe Uibole turning auwp fro goD,anD(as 3 map fa cai it) tbc apJllafic of tbc iubolc man. He. 6.4. 2j^titoic U)[)c be Unt\hti)ti lubicb l-^uc faUe afcer ^ tbeibauc omeben enliglite nc3,anD bauc tatlcD tbe baucnlp gift, 11 ben nuiiz partiikers of y bolp ©bolt, 5 alfo tatteD tl)t gmo tDo;Dc of dDoD $ tin po jjcrs of rbc tpo;lD to come: it is to be t)n^r^anDcD of t:}em,tbat \jjl)ich aDui.- fcD \)ngoolines ijiiuc cboUeatbc ligbt of p bolp i'pirit,bauc fpit out again p ta^ of tbcljeauea.p gificbaueciittraungcD bit be btterlp Dcnictb,tbat tbci can rife t3nto rcpentance,bp£aufc tbep arc bp p iuft iuDgem^t of goD ttrikcn luitb ctcr<^ nal blin^enetTc fo; tbcir bntbaUfulnes^. janD it maUe:b notbing to t\jc contrarp tl)at aftertoarD be applietb to tbis pur* pofc t}t eraple orcl;fau,lt»!)icb in baiiw attcmptcD Ujitb bolulpng i toeppng to recoucr bis rigbt of tbe firtfe bcgottr.i. anD no mo.:c Dotb tbat tf);eatmng of p pp^jopbct. Wbcn tbep crpe,3i toill iwt bcarc.ifoj in fueb pb.iafes of fpeacbe is m:am neitbcrtbc true conuerfion, no; caUing bpo goD,but p carefnhics of tbe iiiiclieD tabertuitb being bouD,tbei are compcUcD in crtrcmitic to loUe tnto ^ labicbb:&jc tbe? carclcflpc neglect eD, tljat t^crc iJtno gm:) tbing fo.: tbem but in p lo>D3 b:lpc. 15ut tbis tbep Do not fo mu:bcallt)pon,a3tbei? mourne tbat it is ta-ieafro tb:ni,SDberefo;2 tbc 13;0' pbetmcanetbnot'oiag elsbpcrping, 1 aa.tj. tl)e rcip-.3. [i, Kin.2gi Of the mancr fim'V to recciue ■29. tbe japoftie notfjing el^ b^ SJieEptng, bat 1? uojriblc toniicnt inliicl) bp Defpc* ration frc It^ll; nno Viercti) tl)c lutchcD. | £:ti2 it is> SiDD to »iarhcbiUscntlv:foj cIs Coo Ilboulo Difagra Itr^b ftinifclfe, lr!jir J; crictb bt tbe p^opbet fbat be toil be inercsfull fo fcne as t be (inner tar^ nftb.^no as 3 baue alrebv faiD,it ts ccr tainc tbat rbe m^nD of man is not tur* ncD to btt;fr,but b^ jjods grace p;cutn t jiig it.jSlfc bis pjomifc ccr.cr rr.ing cal Iir»g bpon bin:,lDin ncucr Dcceiuc.liSut ttatbliiiD tc;mer,t toljerctoitb itc re* probate arc uiuerflti Djatucn, tobf tbe^ fsc tbat t\)c\i niuft nats feefee gcD, tbat f bcv ma\? finue remcov fo; tbeir eucls, anu nt DO flee from bis p^cfence, is tn* p;opcrIv calleD connerftcn ano p^^arcr. 2,' li5ut a quettion is mouet, luDere us itjB apcaie Dcnietb tbat goo is appcafeD luitij fa^neD repentane e,bclr» Hclib ob* te^ncDparDonanD turneo aU)ar rP"* niOjmcnt p;cnounceD tjpon bim,U: fjcm ret It apperetb bp (be reft of tbe e citrfe cf tljiB life to bane ben only ftrifee ama fcD leitJ) foDein fear. IBe BiD in mt put on fackclotb, fcattcred'alftes tr en bim, la? Upon tbe grounc, ano (as it is teCu> fieo ofijim) Ije tuns IjubleU bcfo;e<£icti: butitU'as not incugt; to cutbrsgar^ me ts Uifjen \)is bart remaineD tJjiifjc 1 fteoUen \u malice.|9ct toe fee bcU) goD is turneD to merer. 3i anfUjcr r fo (ome times Ijipofrites are fpareb fc; a time, but ret fo tbat cuer tbe uvatb cfCoD lictb Uppon tbem, e tbat is cone not fo mmb fo; tber; fabes, as fo; ccmen er* ample. ifo; tuJ)creas acbab bars bis pu^- niftmient mitigate bnto l)tm,tuijat p;c^ fit got be tberebr,but tbat be OjcUlD not fclc it a line in eartbf 2:berfo;e (> eurfe of goD,altbcugbt a toer bibsen, r^t bao a faft abioing place in bis l}oufe,cnD !)e (Jimfclf Ujentintoeternall befiruciion. ,Ge 27.18] s:bis fame is to be fcene in Gfau. ifo; tbougb be bao a rrputfe, yet a tempo;a! blcfttng U)as graanteD brm at bis uic^ ping.iDOt brcaiite tfje fpirituul! iubcrt* tace,br t\)c o;acIe of IDoD coulo net reft but/tuill) one cf tbe b;etb;?j lute BSaccb Uias cbofea 1 Cfau refufeD,r putting a^ tuar ciD ercluse tbe mercie of CoD;tbis comfo;tiDas left bint as to a bcafteir man,tbat be Ojoulo ba fat tcrttJ tbe fat ef t^e carib anD tljz belue cf be. uf.^no tbisisittbatgifarbeucn notu, t\)atit ougljt to be referred fo tbe eramplc of otber, tbattueEfi30ulDlfarnetbemo;e cberefuri to appir cur mints anD ence^ uo;s to repentance,bvcaufe it is not to be Douteo tbat tobe Uk are Jruclr f lyar tilr turncD, CcD ir il be rc?5r tc fo;geue tis,lDbofe mercifiilnes crtenDetlj it fclf euen to tlje \)nU)o;tbr » fo (cng as tber ftjeiu anr grief at all.^no tberelitttball ice bcalfo ta»gl)t, botuc terrible iuDge^ mn;tisp;epareafo; all t^ccbffrnate, Uibici; nolD mafee it a fpo;t \3iit\i no les C^melcs face tban r;on bart to Defpife anb fct ncugbtbi ti)t (b;etnins6 cf goD. ^fter t\)i3 mancr be oftctimcs reacbeD cui bis banD to t^e cbilD;en of ^frae!,to relcue tbeir mrferies , altljcugb tbcir crvcs lucre counterfart,ani) tljeir bart Double am falfcas (jimfelf in r pf^lm complaruetfjj ti}&.t fijer bgannbr rctour neD to tbeir nature,! fo minDco U3itt) fo frentilr gentle Dealing to b;ing tijem to earnelfc conuer(icn,o; to make tbem tn f FcuCablc.l^et in nleafing punilftmr ts fo; a trn^fjlJS! Bot^ net Llmo binifelf to a perpctuall laUJc tberbr^but rather ri^ fetb fomctims mo;c rigo;ouflr againft brpccrites, ano Doubletb tljeir paines, tbat tbercbr mar appcare botue mucb farning bifpleatetb bim.2i5ut(as 3 b^uc farb) i)c (belDctb (ome eramplcs cf Ijrs reDmeCretogeueparbon, brUibu^tbe goDlr mar be cnco;ageb to amenocmf t of life^nD tljcir p;iDe mar be tbe mo;c grcucuar ccnbcnineb, tl^at ftufabo;nlr feicb againft tbe p;tcfe. / hi- 9C7Z.5$ Thefirft is out of Gi-egoryj and IS rci hear(ed. Lib.4. The grace of Chrift. Ihird Booke. -Fol iSr, Tl- ■ [onr-h Chapter » That all that the Sophiflers babble in their fchoolcs of Penance, is far from the pur^iielfe of the Gofpcll . V Vhercis entreated of Confcffi- on and Satiffa6>ion. JsJ^lD I fom to Difcuffc tbofc tbings, lutjicf) tf)c ^cfjojlc ^opbiftcrsbauc faugbt of repentance. ZXlt}ub Si toil run ouer in as feloc U)o;de5 as map be , bc^' caufe 31 mina not to go tb^ougb all,lfaa tbis ba)f?e,U)bicb 31 labo; to D:aU) into a sitVoift' ^^'^ abiiD^inent, fliolo gro\u to a bugc 14/cao. 1' srcatnrlTe . anD 1^ S)opbi(ier6 baue en* Fhe fc- 1 ^^"Slc^o it in fo man^ Volumes , being a coiid out "^'if t^^ otbcrloirc not tjerp baro , tbat a of Amb) ^"'^^ ^'^'^ barair ftnoebotu to get Dut,if 'ct refer. I ^^ °"^*^ ^'^^^ ^"f° ^'^'^i^ fi.:cgges. ifirttjin lilhcetii ^'^^'""5i'»tbci> (bcU) tbat tbep neuer Qp^!^ I tnDcrftcDDe lobat repentance luas. if o> dift 3' de^'^^P^^^^'^^o^^^o^ff^^'^i" firings of tbe penit''t i' ^'^'^ ^-ii'f rs, lubic^ t)o notbing at all ep Paeni priore, The.iii out of Augud refet. ca.d:a.c. Paeni, port. rhe.4 out of Ambr. refcrC, Dill. ». paeui c.vera. Paeai, p^clTc tbe nature of repcntaunce,a3 t:i)at to rcpeiit iB to toeepc fo; finnes paflfeu, ano not to commit fins to bs inapt fo,:. 0gaf ne, tbat it is to lament ruills paf^ fcD, f nottoconnnit agai?nc otbcrnule' to be lamePitcv). ^gar^nejtbat it is a uVf fainc fo;ro1JofiiIl rcncngc, punifljmg in bimfelf tbat U>bicb be is ro;p to banc c6? mittcD, 0gaine,tbat it is a fo;roluc of b.irf,ano bittcrneffe of foule,fo; {> cuils tbat a man batb committeD,o; to tobicb be batb confcntco. i5ut,to graimt tbefc tliincscs \s}dl (a^n of tbc fatJjers ( U;bicb a contentroifc man migbt eafilv inougb oenv)T?2tf'):?iDercnot fpoljen totl)\:3 entcnt to Dcfcrtbc repentance, but onhj to erbo.:t tbe to lubom tticy^ tojotc , tbat tbc'},'n)oulQnotfwillagatne intcp Time clfenr cs,out of tu'jicb tl)d bao ben Djalu en )i6iitiftDeUfttotiirncaI!rucbtitlr;3 ofcom-.nmDatbiiinto DcSnttioiis, tbcj; , otbcr mav c^Uo be .nioijaeo fc tban tbefc Dcfinitions.iro; tbep fiiclt fo earne aip in cuttuarD ercr^* cifes, ^ a ma can gatber notbrng cIs out of infinite tolumes,but tbat repentance is a oifciplrne anD rigojoufncffe tbat fer# uetb parti)? to tame tbc flefb, t partiv to cbaftife ana pnnitb Ucts: but tbct? hepc maniellous filenceof tbe intoaro renu^ ing of § mint) t Djaiuctb loitb it co;rec* tion of life. S^bcre is in DeDc mucb talb among tb?m of Contrition % attriticn, thcv torment foulcs \3yitt} mani? Doutes, ano Do tb;u(f into tbeai mucb trouble 1 carefulncflfe: but tube tljer feme to bauc tb;ougblv? UiounticD p bartes,tbet bcalc tbebitterncrretuitba ligbt fp;incl5ting I of ccremonrcs. anD U)bc tl)c^l)aue tbus I ib.4. curioufli? OeHncD rcpentcice,tber Deuios Scn.>6. it into contrition ofbart,confcrrionof cap.i dc mentis I fatilTatticn cf U)Ocj!?r,nc nio<:e P^cm. logi:aIij? eban tbev DefinrU it , altbougb diflin 1 c t'm^ tosID feme to bauc tuaGcD all tbnr pc- fee i.r age in framing frlljgifm es.lEut if a ma pcn:!en- toil goe al'cnt to p>ouc bp tbc Ccftnition ta (tDi)irb hio of argume t is cf ro,:cean;cig , llogiciai'iS)p a man ma^ lDa:pe fc; f)\'s ! fmnrspaffeDjf commit no mD:e tobci tiicpt fc ?, ^ be mar bctouilc \)X3 euilfs ; paffcD, f comnul no mo.ic to be beU?ai?j' < JcD, anD tbat be map punilTj bimfeif fo; | tbat tubicb be ti^as ro;vto bnnc comit*! tcD.^f caltijougb be do net ccnfiCTc UiitO | bis moutb:boi Uii! tijcv masutain tbnr j Dcuifion ; jFo; if that true pcn^^ent n:a DO not fonferrcjthen rcpcntisnce n^u v te >i3itliout cofifeiucn.Ifiit if tljCV anfirjerg \5 tbis Dinifson is rrferrcD to repriifanrc m rcfpect j it is a facramct^; is meant ria.iii." ' "of tbc f '~ of the rT'ancr how to rtceTc oftbcUitjotc pcritaicn ofrcpcntauiicc, j Cap. 4 Vc!}?cli tftev comp^cfcciiD net {n Jl^cir Dc finihcns tfjrn islbcrf no caiifc to blame mc, but let tbf m lav^e tlic fault in tljcm fclucs tbat malie not r. r^urcr t plainer ocfinition , 3 truclT^ ( accojc^jng to m^ grorrcnrCTc) twfjcn anr tinng is ttfputcD of.Do refer a! ttjings to § tjerv Definitio, uif)icl} is tl)e ttap f grounD of tljc U!l)olc Difputatron.lSut acmit ^ tc be tljcir ina* flcrlific lirenee.^cUj let tjs partiriilar* Iv confiDcr all {' partes in o:ner. ^ber* as j, Do ncgltgcnll^ Icape ouer as trifles tiiofc tijingcs i> tbcp \!oii\s great grauitic tf coiitenance do publift) fo; mvfte r^cs, 5 DC not tnteittinglr , ncr'tber inerc ix \3i:;: p painfull fo.i uic to confute all tbat ttci?t!)in!xctbcmrcluc0to tjauc Deepel^ % futtell? DifputeD, but J iroulD tbink it againll r cnfcience to teeart tbe rcaDcrs fettb fucb triCcs toitbout an^ pjofitt. J£^r«d^ it \& eafv to knoti) br tbe qiieCi^ ors U'l'icb tbc^i mcuc % tcffc , anD tubrr/ t itb tbe^ miferabl^ enconjber tbemfel^ r.2j3, tbat tbcr p;atc of tbtnges ibat tbc^ kuotu nct.asfa: eramplc: lobctbcr tbe repentance of our fin pleafetb CoD,tiJbe cbfttnartc enDuretb in ctbcr. agaync: tr^betber (i puniibments larn tpon man br CDoD, Do auaile to fatifffiction. 0gain: tobctber repentance mav be oftentimes reiterate foj DeaDlv finnes : trbere tbe\? fotolp f UncheDl^ De6ne,tbat penance \si Darlf Done but t^i beniall finnes. Like^ Irnfe tbe\i bcrp mucb torment tbtfelues toitij a grclTc crro > fo^geucneffe of finires . iFo;j toberastbep require tb;cctbir.gs to ti? pentance , contrittcn of bart , rci.feCicn cf moutb,anD fatiffacrion of tuc;ifr.e:.t'- sv DoctberclDitball teacb X\ysX tbofc i\^i^ tbvngcsarenccifiari? to tbe obteir.mg offozgeuenctTe of finnes. "icAA if itbe* bcuebstoImoUjanvtbrngatall in all our religion , tbi-s truelr bebouetb ts molt of all, 3 meanc f 0 tJiiDerffanD anD bnotu iDell bi? lubat meane, U-itb tubat lato , tpcn tobat conDition , tLutb U bat eafincffc 0; barDneffe tbe fo^gcueneiTc of finnes \b obtaineD. Jftbrs fenobclegc ItanD not plaine anD certaine,tbe confci* ence ca baue no reft at all,no peace \s:,\^\i 0OD, no confiDcncc oj afiureDnerfe , but continually' trtblctb^luaucrctb^is trou^ bleD , is to^menteD , \& bercD, bo^riblf DicaDetb,batctb,anD flatb tbcfie DO biiiDc it, tben notljing vi mo^c mife^- rable,notbing in mojc lamentable cafe tban lueXbev malic contrition X\it firC part of obtaining parDcn, % tbef require tbat to be a Due ccntriticiT, tbat is tc fa v perfect anD full : but m tbe mcanc time Wit"^ Do not Detei*mine taben a ma mar be aCTarcD , tbat be balb to i\)z full mea^ furc pr rfettlt^ perfo;mcD tbrs contrite on. 2rrnclp31graunt,tbat eueryman ougbt Diligt tit snD earncfilv to enforce bimfclfe, toitb bittcrlt' fcctptngfo; br^ finnes, to lubcttc b^mfelfc ^VxZ^z anD mojetoalcthing anD batreD of tbcm. ifojtbr« is a fo^rolDC not to be repent teD,tbatb;eECetb rej:entancc t^nfofaU uation. 13ut icbrn tbcr is fucb 2 bitter? ncfi"eof fojroVu requireD as map pacpc;^* tionalli^ anrtDcrc tbe greatncfi'e of tbe fault, auD fucb as mar in balance rcun? terpaifc Untbtbctruftof parDon,bere tbe pure confcienccs arc marucllcufit? toimenteD anD troublcD , tcben tfccr fee tbefeluescbangeDfcitbaDue coiitrition offins,f Donotfj attatnc tbemeafure of ' The grace of Uuift. of tb.it ouj?,tljat tlje-fcm Vctcrntinc t6 carclcs of gotuj tD;att) oo feUe no rcnic* tljemrcluc5,tbdt tljcT! ftauc ducI^ perfo > Df foj tljcir cutis . ifo; fucb Do not la^ mcD fo mucl) as tbci Ducl^ cugfjt.^f tbri fa\» tlii'it \3j: mull Do as niuclj as lutein t33,ti)cn come luc ail to tt}c fame popnt ^ iDc Ujcre at bcfo:e: foj ^otn Dare anp ma aCTurc Iiimfclf tijat l)c batb cmplo\?^ eoa!l Ijisfozccto betoa^lc brs finncsf &o iDben t^c confcienccs tjauvng long Uj.:aaicD Uiitb tbemfclues ano log ben crcrcifcD iuttl) battaplcs, do at Ir ncjttjc find no Ijcaucn to reft in.t'ct fomcio'jat ta cale tbcmfclues, tbep cafo;cc tbem» fclucs to a ro;rolric,anD Ujjing out tca« rc£f to maUc perfect tbeir contrition. 3 But if tbe^ far tijat J; Qauocr tljem: ilct tl>cm come fo;tb ano fl)etu anp one man,ttMt bp furb uottrtjie of contrition bitl) not epti):r ben Di\?uen to Dcfpeirc, 0 > batb not ret fo.j b^s Defence a router^ fainting cf fozrotoc infteDeoftrucfo;- roto,ag;(iaa t\)c iuDgemet of (Soo. uUe i)aut alio our felucs fa^D in one place, bour,noj arc loDe,notboleDinin:s: lubilc f one ro>t affirmctbat ccnixfficn is comaun* DcD br tbe fpcciAll commannDcment cf goD,t tbe otber fo^t ntnic it i fore, tbat it is comir.aunDcD onclr br tbc Ccclc^ t' fo^gcucnes of Ons neucr cometb \ii* fiafticall con&ttutions.But in ttts cm- out rcpentanccbicaufe none but tbc af^ tcntion batb api^earcD r notable r^anie flicteD anD luounQcD toitb ccnfcience of I UfnclEc of tbe Diuine0,tbat baue co; rup finn?s,can fincerclr call tpon tbc nicr^ I t:D ant) biclcntl? U\:allcD as manr pla m of vi?0D;but toe banc tberetuitbal fur j ces of Scripture , as tber allcDgcD fc;j tber farD tbat,rcpentancc is not : caufc tbcir purpofc. 0nD tuben tber fato tbat of tbcfojgcueacsof fimics. 3? fo;tbofe tber coulD not fo obtcrne t ^W) tber Mat.ii, iS. La.4.18 torments of foulcs \jo\)ic'o tbci far muiJ be pcrfo;meD of Dutr, tuec banc taUe tbe alDar: Uic b^iuc taug*)t tbe finner not to lokc Upon br3 olune contrition no; bis I olun teares, bu': to faff en botb brs cics : tpon tbe onclr merer of goD. ^e banc cnelr put brm in mmbe tlwt C^iid cal I li") tbe laboiing anD loDcn Irbc be tras ; fent to publiOj gla^ tioings to tt}c pa);e, to beale tbe contrite m bcart, to p;eacb rtmnT.ontoctiptiucs, to Dclruer p;ifc> ners, t to ccmfoit torm tbat mournc. jifoj uubicb tboulo be crclaDeD botb tbc V>!).irifcs , tbat filieD Vurtb tfceir olunc ri5')teoufr»e3.')o notacUnoiilccgc tbcir requircD, tber Vubr^b twclo be tbougbt m::e Mtk tba tbc reac, efcapeo aluar tuitb tbi5 finft, tbat f onfeCTicn came fra t\)z il .iUJc of OoD, in rcfprcte cf rb: fuO-- Haumc cf it, bnt ufteriyarDc reccrucD from cf tbe laVuc ]i?ofitiue.Curn as ti)c fcDlinjcii foitc ai:tong t\]c lati trerc Coc J.irci tbat <^!tarons came from tbe laU) of Oooiicaufe it is favo: aDam Irbci c art tbouf ilnD lilxcUnfc C)rceptipns,bi^ caufc au-imatrnfujcrrtj as it tircrcbr \3}a? of crception: faring: tbe toife tbat tbJu gauett uf "4c.but f boti) citations ano erccptvcns rcceruea fo;me gcnen tbeai brtbeCvmle Lalue. )^i tetfc? liUJii: poucrtic, i alfo tljc Dcfpiicrs tbat i fee br iJubit arguments tber p^oue^tbiB ien.3.$-, Mat 8.4 Cap. 4 i{ U.5.T4 ora c maner how to receiuc i He. 7. 1 1 conftUicn, crtljcr fo;inctJ c^t3ftfo;mfO to be i? fommaunncuicnt of CT oO. SCljc I liD jD (fcv tbcr)ff nt ttjc Icr;icus ntrn tc ttjc pncacfi.U-ut ti{;f.t;^f nt be tl-em ' to cofcffioiif Milfjo cucr DcaiD it fpobf, )^ tl)c ilcuitifal p;icff£S \tcrappcintco to beare confcffionsf Etjcrfo^je tlici? Cee to :aUrgo;ic£f, f fap:it luas r omaunDcD bp tbe laUie of ^ofr s, tbat tbc in^ieCcs OjulD Difccrne bctUiecn lcp;cfie t Icpj:^ fir:finnf 10 a fpiritual Icpiicfic: fbcrfo;e ii IS tbc ]B;ic(tefi office to p^onouce t)p6 itj^efpje t\)i[t 3i anftoerctt)em, 31 affee this br tbc Icar. 31' tbis place ntaUc tl)e iuiges of ttjcfpiritimll IepjoCe,tobr bo tbc^bMUic totbem tbcI^nolDleDgeof lutti rail ants HtH^ lep^oficf %\m fo;* (©ttj is not to mocfec tDvtl) tl)e ^crip^ tiirc5.2:t)c lab) gciietl) to tbc lleuitical ^ncttctittjz fenol^lccgc of 8.ep?ofie, tbcrcfo^c kt b0 tdie ttbpon t0. ^tnne is a fpirituall lepiofic, tt)crcfo?e let ts be alfo cramincrs of finne. ^oSi) Hi fin* rU)crc:filbtbc ^^;icftl)ct!e isremcucb, it is ncccflaric tljat tbc lalue be remo^ ueD alfojai p;ieftl)0C5 are remcucD,to €l)}i(t, anb fulfilleb ano enbeb in l)im, tbeifo^c to bim onlr al tlje rigbt 1 bono; of |D;:icftbobe is alforemoucD. 3!ftbcv loue fo Ijoel to folloto allegories, let tbe fet Cb^itt before tbe fo;j v oncli? P;ie(f , f beape Ijpon bis iuDgement fcate i free iurifoictictt of all tbinges : tbis toe can cafilT? be fontentc f 0 fiffer. $po;coucr tbeir allego;iie is beri? bnfif, x' fettctb among tbe ceremonies tbat lati) tobicb is mcarlv poUtilje.Mbt: tbe Die cbrift fence tbe leprous men to tbe pnttitsi SEbat tbe y^mftss Ojulo not cauill i.';at be bio breaUe tbe laUi tbat c cntmaii^eD tbe man bealcb of tbe lep;:fre,to be fi?e* tocb befo.zc (' \dmtt anu puraeo ix>vti) offering of I'acrifice : itcrefo;^e i)t cem^ mannbcD tht:- Icpjous nten beiitg cleans ftD,tobotbat \3)\)i^cl}c belongeb to tbc latoc. dPoegaytb be) anb fbelDc rourc feU;c0to tic IDiieft , anb offer tbc gtft c tl)iit fl^cfv'S batb commaunbeb h\ ^ lain tbat it f!)Diiib be fo; a toitnes tsnfo tbe. ^nb trulv this miracles fbulD ban : ben a loitacfTefcnfotbem, fo; tbep baa ^.:o nounceb tlnui Icp : oas,i noln tbci' p;o? nounce tbem bealeb. Hre tbcf net tobe ^ tber tbep icill 0; no copellco to become tuitnefTes of Cb;ilfes miracles^ Cf)nfi leauetb to tbem hvs miracle to bee eva* mineb, tbep can not tm^c it 'But b^^ caufc tbc^ flill Dailr fcu^tb it, tbf refivc tbis Uio;U is fo; a Uiitnes bnto tbe. ^0 . , in an otber place:tbis gcfpel fbalbc p;ea * ^'^' cbcb in al tbe too;lD, fo; a toitnes to all ,"^' nations. 0ga\'ne:refbalbeleo bcfo;e'y hinges anb gouernours , fo; a VDitnefTc / '^ to tbem,tbat is : tbat in tbe iubgement j^^* of (Sorj tbev ma^ be mo;e llronglp con* uinceb. JBixt if tber bab ratbcr foUclD I Chrifoaomc : bc alfo tmim f €\ni(t \y°"^'\"' btb tbis fo; tbe 3ieii}es fafee,i'bea)oulbr^ ^"""^ notbe accompfeb a b;eaher ef tbe lato. "^ ^"^' Albeit in lo clearc a matter ^ a in a(ba* mcD to allege tbc Uitneffe of an? man: luberas 6 rij^g to tm Ciff »plc£ : r.nti it is uiuf ii mo;i^ IiUcIp ^• tiC f t(jat ttr miracle migfjt be hu^dc \) nio^e f uiDrnt iDitbont rufpition of fi-auD,anD Ijis potDir apprarc ffjc greater, i^ \i3itl> outan^ touching, luptlj !)is oiilf tuo;oe t)i raiffBtpDcabmen. #o; tijcfs 3; ev^^ pouKtJ it: tfi3t tbe ^o;D,to tal?c atuai al lu?ongfi!l opinion from tt)cil,cU)06,Un! leo t(jcm to roll aluav tljr Hcne, to fete t^c llinfee, to bcljolDeatlUreD tcfecns of Deatf),to fa bv^m rifing Ur ttjconclp po^ Uicr of ij't's Uio!;ai Ccntiics toil l\)cv get tl?crbi^s:!;r;t fl;e Io;D pue ct hcie* tis ^poQlcs potocr to lofc. But botue tic. "Hieb mo;c fitlr ano nio;jc banDfoincIv migbf tbefc tlnnCiS be applieo bv Uiare of allego;5I?, to fa^ tt)at hv t(ji0 figne tbc iLo;D meant to inni-uetc br* iiutbfull, to lofe tbeni tbat he im raifeb Ijp : (bat iSjtbattber Qjoulb notcal into rem ens » b;ancc tbofc Cnnes tbat be ba« fo;got; ten:tl)attbcp ftoolb not ronticnmtbem fo; Qnners tobomebe bao afquiteD:tbat tbev (I}oulD not r£p;jocb men h)iti) tbcfe tbings tbat tje ban fo;geuen : tbat tbcv flionloe not be rigorous to pnniflie, anb ligbtlr olifenoeD, tubere \)c is mercifull, anb eafelr entreated to fpare i SSruelp notbing ougljt to nioue I'S mo,:efo rea^ oineffe to fo^geue , tban m rvample of tf)c iubge tijat tb;eatnctb tbat be iuil be Unappeafeablc to tfjem tbat be t© rigo. roiiiu ano bngentle. j;5o1ijc let tfjcm goc ano boaft of tbeir allegories. 6 )l3nt notD tbep iopnc n:o>e nerc f^ao Uiitb b0,U»oen tl)t\> frgbt(as tbei tbnilO U)itb open feuteces. S:i)ep tbat came to ^ol)nB I5apr ifme, niz eonfes t^civ Cns, ano aiames UJilktb teat toccciifcCc cur finne one to anct^er..^o maruel if tbep tbat tuorj be i5aptifeo m eonfes tbeir ftnnes,t"o;j it leas farb before tijat 3iol)n preacber tbe 115apfifme,iiDf repentance tBaptifeD inluatcrbnto repeiUance. MabomfljOulDbetben bane iBapttfeb, but tbem t\M h^h ronfeCTeb tbcmfclncs (iimcrfifi5a,itifme is a tofecn of 1^: fo;* geucnes of fmnesranD Vubo (bulD be ab* mitten to tbts toltcn but Onnerc,f tbe? tbatadtnoUjlebgc tbr feiues to be fiab^ Cbcrfore tbe^ confelTeD tbeir finncs, p tber migbt be baptifcQ. ano not Vurtb* Guta caureootbe 3;amfsbio ti£5 tcnfefle one to an otber. )i5ut if tbev Oto marUc U'ljat foloU'ctb nevt after,tbep tuolo bn oeraano,tbat tbrsalfo mahctb litlcfoi tbem.Confi ffc(favti>bc)onc to anctbei vcur Onnes,? prav one for an otber.iBc lo^netb togetber mutual fonfe(rion,ano mutnall p;a)?er. S,f toe muft confelTc to prtfiJcs onle^jf ben muft Ine prate for ll>rteftesonelr. ^ea,Uibat t ifit migbt folloU) of tbe tuoros ofjiames tbat on'iv pricfts migbt eonfcffeffor tofje be toil* Ictb tbat lt)c tboulo eonfcPTe one fo ano*' tber, be fpeakctb cnelp to tbem i^ mar !|)eare tbcccnfeifions cf otbenbis Uioro is in (Dreche alltlous, mutually, enters cbangeablv,br turnes,or Cif tbei fo liUe beft to terme it) by> \joav of reciprocati* on one to an ctber.But fo entercbange* ablr none can C9nfcire,btit t\)ci tbat are mete to bear e^iifcCTicnc.SCIbicb prcrc^ gcitiue fitb fbcp boncbfauc to graunt on l^ to prirftSjlue do alfo put ouer tbe of ficeofcofclTingfo tbem onlp.Eber fere afeai Untb fucb trifelings,f let ts take ^^'-3 2j § bert^ meaning of tbe Tipoftle lubicb is ^^'3-9* Omple ano piauie ; tbat is,^ lue fl)oulo lav onr lueaknefTe one in an otbers be.- fome to receiue mutnall coiifcl, mutual compartion,ani) miituall comfort one of an ntber:tfjen tljat tue be naturally? pri- V'-pt to tijctoeaUncffcscf onr bretbrcn, (goalee prav«^ fo.i ttjem to tbe lioroc. ^aX m\)2 j ( ap.4- 1 OFtlie niancr how to lecciue Gaijfaa^ MJ)I? Do tft^V tbf allege 3anicsagamU~ deception, tljat in t\)is colimiiunt)>mf t I * tj3,toS)icl) DO foeanicmi require tl)cco# arccontcineDonelv^crmapb^ccitcB,! Ro,3.9. ft(Iionoft!)cm£rcvof(Dot>:'butRDman fa^ tbat it belcngctf; not to fucfteacnc 'can confcfTc CDoDs mcrci,bn!es be Ijaae i as is eitijer mate c;. female orJv.&incc firft confcCfeD Ijis olun mifcrp.|«ea,toc j tljat time,a mo;e grcCTr bcDinnics bat!) ratbcr p^onciicc Inm af r orfcD tbat ootl) bplDjaieo it fclfe in tbcir fcbcUcrs,tbat not before 0oo, before bis Angels, be* ran not eirpounD \ubat is mcnt 13i? bVJ^ foje tbe Cburcb» vea ano befo;ie al men 1 olone p^jieft.Mbatfoeuer all v popes confeiTc bin^rclf a ftnner. ifo; tbe llojD batb concluDeo all t3nDcr fmncs tbat all mcutl-jes migbt be ftoppeo, ano all flefl) ba.nbletj befoe graunt in beoe to be be*^ rr but fiicb as Uieare able to p.:cuf in olDe time to baue ben at liber* t^, S^ruelv eifcn tbcir oUinc cb.joniclcs Dcclarctbat tljere tuas no c ertainc lalu o: conititt'tioii of it befo;e tbe times of jThiswas Innocent tbe tbirD. ^urel^ if tt^;^ bau tJie.iSf b^D a mD>c auncimt laU)e,tbei? toouloe II ope» f iitbcr baue tafecn bolo tbf re f,tl;a ba«e ben coteiircD luitl) (>Dccioeofpcounfel Bflatcrane, t fo autJetbnnfcluesto bt laugbeD at,eucn cf cbtlozf . Jn otber tl)uia;s tbc^ llicUe not to coi'nefojgcD uecrcts, \xi\icl) ti)c^ facber bpon § moft auncient counfels, tbat tbep mai? tuitb \):rp reucrente of antiquityejDafcll t\)c f res cf tbe fimjjle.Jn tU'S poiijiX, it cam i: 'I in tbeir mmoe tu tb^uCe in fucbe a tAic patU.SLberfoje hy> tbeir oUm U)it* ncs,t{)tre are not ?et piiETi^o 3oc,'jicares tiKC Innocent tbc tbiro lai?D tbat fnare tpoti men, anD cbargeD tbem tu^tb ne* cclTitiHJ cf conf£trton.l5at,to fpeafee nc^ tl)ui3 of tbc time : tije uerpe barbarouf* neffe of tbc Xvoinca minin):tb tbe cre^ Ditt of tbat laUic^ jf o; tDbcre tbcfc g93!) fatbers conunaunocD cucri? one of botb liinbes„malc anD female^, once cacrre rearc to confefTe all i)is Uns to Ij^s otpn Bjjgttypicafant men doc mcril^e tal^c bircD babblers do p;jate,tue bolce botbc tbat Cb;iQ: U)a3 neucr ^ autbo : cf tbis latue,tbatcompcllctb men to rccfeen bp tbcir finnes,anti alCo tbat tbere paffcD a tbcafanD ano tluo bunojcD f errs from tbe refarrcctio of Cb;ittjbefo;e tbat a# ni fucb latu luas maDe.Hn^ fc,tbat tbis tiranni? loas tbrn firft b;»cugbt in, Uibf als^oDlincsant) learning being Deftrci^ e?, tbc tifo;s of paflo^s bab Sjoxiht utc cboifctvihen all licentisufnestjpon tbf. iH3c;coucr, t\)tc arc cuibrt teflimcnies botb iii bptto^ics % otbcr anncient UvM tcrs, tubi^b t:afb l^ tbis coafclTion tuas a politihc Difcipline reoeno bp tbe bi« ^ps-, not a lato maoc bp Cb^Jift 03 l>i?s japofHes.ik toil allege but one cut of ma np, \Dbicb (balue a piaine pjoife tbcrcf. Sozoniinus repoitetb tbat tbir von^itix tion of 15i(bop3 U>as biligentlj; kept in all tl)t CIQlctt Cbu;*c'ac5,bnt Ipccially? at Itome.Mbcrbi be iljctoctt; tbat it teas no bnincrfail o;i5iaance of al cburcbe^, 13at be I'ai'tb tbat tbere Uias one of tbc lj3;ici!es pr culiarli? appoj?ntcD to fcruc fo^ tUs oiYicc. CZEberb ji be Dotb (uSici* entij' confute ^ \\Jbif b tbefe mr bo falfli fai of t' {jeies geuen fo;^^ tbis bfcbniucr^ falli to V Usbolco^Der Qfp^telHjoDe.iro^ a toas no: tbe conio office of al pntSs, bat tbc fperialoaetp of fomc one i> tuaft cbofcntbcretjnto bv t^e lopfljop. S^bc fame is be>li)bo at tbis Dap in al catbc*' * D;al cbaicbes tbcp cal penitcntiarie,^ epaminer of facb bainoas offcnceSjanU fucb taberof ^ panilbmf t pcrtcinctb to gfflO example. S^ben be faitb^immcDiat Ip dftcc^tbat tbJg toas alTo tbc mancr at Con* Tripart hift.hb.5^ rlicsrsceof Ciirift. "Tmrd EcoTc.' FFoliS) ;^ Ho. 2. in Pfa.25-. ^onrrantmcplctil a certain tucina faU lung t^ n)c came to confcdujn/ojns fciiJ) fo to l)auc colo JCD tJnDcr tbat pjctcnre ti)e t)n!:on; ft copanr tl}at ftje t(cD Untlj a ccrtaii; D:acon.i?o.; this mcy Kea.v rius a man notable m tjclincffc anu Icar ntng ISiH^op of tljat cliurcb? tofec alua^ tbatcuuomc ofcofeCring. ^>rc,!)cre let tbefc acres lift top tbtir earesjf anricii lar confcCing Uieretbc lalu of goD,li3lD tjurft NcOariu^ rci ellc ano Dcfirope iU W i\ tijcr accufc fo? an fir rctibc f fcljif* matifee Neaariusa tjolv manofCcD, alloUico br tbc confenting Voices of all tt)e clD fattersf 5i5ut bv. tl)c fame fentf cc tbcv muft contjemne tljc cljurcb of Con* ftantincple,tn lubicl) Sozomcjuis affir? met!) t fl)c maner of cofcffing \iias net cnlj let flip fo; a trme,but alfo circoti- nueo euentillteitbin tinieofljismri b;ancc,|?ea let tl^em contcmnc of apo' Uafp notcncl\? tijc cbmcb of Confi^r.^ tinoplCjbut alfo al { falltb-rcbc \B\iidj iMucnrglccteDtljatlal'j, liJbic!) (if ffje'i^ fat? true) t s inu ielable ano ccmmauDeD to all cbiKians. 8 2E!)isab:cgutio Chrifoflomc/a'fjic!) teas alfo }i3i(ljop of^Ioftat-ncplejDntl) tn fo man? places euioentli tcQifie,tv}at it is marucll tbat tbcfe Dare mutter to tljccontrarie.H^clirsvlljbe) tl)^ (nines tbat t^ou maYfl" ccc tJjem aUja^,if ttcu de Laza TO, lolu feruannts, Bi Doe not compel tbc to tra. An Difclofe t\)v (innes to men,rebcarfe ano ,mco$ totter ttj? conlcienccbefo;cC?oD.&bcto |Hom.4 tbr tooimos to ^ iioato tbe bett furgeon, I af Uc falue of l)in\ febctuc to tim ttjat toil rep;Dcl)C tta luittjnotljtng.butlX'aj molT gently; \)cidc t^ff .iSffaineXd net man, leaft be rep;ocbe tbec, t^i neither 13 It to be confeileD 10 tbr filclu feruat, tbat mai totter it ab joDe,but fo J llojD. ; SCO tbc 3io;o Ojetoo tbT? tocunDs, tofjic^ I batb care of ttccjttat is botb gentle ano a ^5>l)inticn.iafteia'artJC Ijc bamgetb in I d&cD fpeaUing tljus. i compel tUz not to come into tbc "uos of a ftage, ano call man? tDitncCTes, tell tl)v linnc to me a* lone p;iuatclr, ^ I mav be ale tbii fo?c ^qall UjC fat ^ Chnfollome tlD fo I'aHj-' ll»,tDt)en be U) >ctc t^is i ottjc r lilie tbm^ ger, t t)c bJOulD oeliucr mens confcien* ces fro ttjefe bonues toD^JereU)itb tbeT be bonoe bi? tlje lal^ ot^Dota not fo.liSut be Dare not require tbat as of ncceCfitie, toljicb tje botb ncttonceraao to be cotn* maunocb bv tbe tojc^cc of C5ot>. 9 Wut ^ tfte matter mat? be mane tf)e plainer f eaficr,ftrft toe ^ili fatUS^fnll? re-)errc,U)bat UmD of cofelTion is taugbt bv tbc toojDc of C5o5: ant) tbtn tuc toiU alfo Declare tbeir innentions,but not al (fo: toDbo cculD D:alw tiiv Tuclj an infintt fe.:i i ) but cjil? t^cfc , U)?)erin tljcp com? pacbeiiD y> fum of tbcir fecretc cofcffion. Scrmonc ic poem Ccn.et confelT, Ho.j.de incom- prclicn, Oci na- tura, con be aftjameD to tell to an? man § finnes ttjattboubaactone, tcUtbem Dailtin li^erc^iamlotbtorefjcarfc bote oft ttic tl)v foulc.3 DO not faVjCcnfctfe tbem to I dIdc trjnflatc; !;atb gcuc in tranflation tlvt' fello'oj feruaunt, tbat mar rep.:o£l)c ; tbrs toojD €:onfetre in aece of Pja^fc: tbec : tcU tljem to C?oD tbat tafeet!) care of tt)em» ConfciTc tbt? finnrs topcn t!)\? beD,tljat tijere tJ)?: ccnfcience ma]?Daili? recognife Ijereuels ^gain.lBut noto it is not nccclTar^) to confcOTc Uiben \i)itf ucitzs be p;e:cnt : let tl)t cvamination of t(;r finncs be Done \mt\) thv tbci'Ldjf : let tbis iuDgcment beteitbcnt toitncs: let oal^ ©oD f^ tljee confcffing. 0gain. BI DO not leaD tfja into a (tage of t\)^ tcb tubicb (' groffeft tonlearneo men comon* Ir hnoto : faumg tbat it is gcoD to Ijaue tfeeir p^efuptuoufncffe bctou.zarco , ^ Do gcueaUiar p tobicl) to«s U*.;itten of tl;c p;arfcscfOoD,totbeir oUm tvjanicall commaunDcnrent. 2lo p;oue ^ ccnfcai» onaua^letf) fo cljecre tbc mtnDcs tljft! t\);uit in tfjat place of tl)c pfalme : 3n tljc fcorcc of reiotiCng ano cci;fclIion, 15ut if fuel? change ma\?rcruC) then toe ~ SaTl To P.4- Of the n^aner how to recciue Cbal toe toljat tuc lilr,p;ioucD t^ tttjat j \Dc lift. 15at fcrng t!jc^ arc fo bcc cme j bcr tl}dt bi? ^ iuG trngcace of dDoD tbcp tos ben caff iiitoarepjobatcinpnDc, tbat fbctr piefumption (IjulD be ^ mo;jc Det:rtablf .But ifluc luil retl in (> fim* pic ooctrineof tOc fcripturCjtjucl^l not be in Danger of anv^ fuel) De:ei>tcs to fac^ 0aile 13S. jro; tberin i.5 aupcftcD one o>i' Bcr of confeding, tljat fo^aOnucIjas it is ti)c lo^De t fojgenctbjo^gettetbif put* tctf) aUiat? fins tbcrefoie lue fljulD ron=< fcflTc our fins to btm foj to cbtaine par fivs gaiDncfTcanD Dierc^. 'o l^e tbat beartcl't^ anti before dDoD ( I i.Jeh i'9 ftall embrace tbpc c onfcITion, Mltn Dfluteoit? baue botlj a tong reaDp to com fcITe, fo oft as it fljalbc ncDcfullfo; ^rm to publifft tlje merer of goo before men> anD not ontr to ttbifpcr § fccret of brs beart to one man , anD once anD in b\:s eare:but oft anD opcnlv> anD in tbe bea# ring ofall tt)t lno;lD ftmpir to rebearfe botb bis otonc (iKimc, anD tbc niagnifi^ emit f glo;»r of Cod. Sfter tbrs mancr tubcn DauiD tuas rcbnfecD of i]5atban, be tuas p^ackcD toitb tbe (ling of confci I Don,!):' is H): pbtficion, tberfo;e let ts | cnce,anD confcCTcD bis finnc before botb . fl)cUj our Difcafcs tjnto brm. 3t is be j^ I Cod anD man. 3 baue(rai;tl) bejfinncD ; is grcucD f cffrocD, tberfo^e let \3S febe ; to tbe ILo^dc, i^ is to far, notu 31 allege peace at bis banD. IBc is tbe Imolwer of notbing fo^ mr crcufe , itjfeno fbifics, j b^^arts,ariD p;tuic to al tbaiigbtSjtber* but ^ all men ma\? iioc c me a finner, f j fo^e let \3S malic baffe to pourc cutcur ' tbat tl)e fame tbingUUncb 3i U'olD baue bartcs before Dim. j? inallv it is be ti)at , baD fecrccc from {> Ls^D, mar be a!fo o- I talleii) l:nncrs,tbsrcfc.je let ts not Dc* pen to men.HEberfoje a luilling confcf^ tape to come to bim. 3i baue (favnb SDa* ' fion before mr allDar fclottetb v Tecrct \p\ uiDjmaDe m v ar*ne Unoluen \)nto tbne, confelTion tbat is maDc to clDoD> fo oft as anD I;aue not IjiDoen mn tnrvgbteouf* it is pjofitisble fc^ p glo.it» of CDoD oz fo? neffr.aj bane favD^ 5i 'ojil cofelTc againft tbe O^imbling ofour fclues.jroj tl^is rea fon § iLoiD in olae time o^seincDiin tbe people of Jfracll,^ tl)t pjicft fl;oulD firff fpeafeetbeUfD;iDes, f tbe people facing after bim HjonlD openli? confeffe tbe^; iniquiiic in ti)c Cburcb.iFoj be fo;efalu ^ tbis bclp leas nereflarr fo? tbem tbat eucrp ma migbt be p better b^ougbt to a iuft rei:aoU5lccging of bimfelfe. 0nD mate ic is t Vuitb tbe confcffion of our olonc miitv^ toe (botjlo among our fcl* ue.o,anD bcro;»e all tbe Iro^lDcglo^iSc tijcgQjtjneffc anD merer of ourCoD. 1 i jan:) it is conueninit i> tbi^ feinDe of confciTion be borb o.:Dinarr in r cburcb> f alfo crfr;io;D:riarLlj? tfeo in fpcciall maner,iat bappenat anv time t^c pro^ pic to begiltv of iUir gcncrail fault . iOf 2.ba.i2.>3 Lcu.i(^» me mr bnngbteounrcs to tlK lo;D,anti tbou baae fo;geuen tlyc ttnct^cDncITe of mr beart. §>ucb is tbe otber confeflfion of SDauiD. i^aue merer tip5mc ^ goD, aeco^Ding to tbv great mcrrie.^uD fucb is tt)e confcffjon of E>unicl:lue baue fin^ neo,llo.:De Ire baue Done peruerar^toc baue committeD iniqmtics,? biue bene rebellious in ftuanuug from tbreom* maunDemcnts. ilnD fiicbarc otbercorK- fcffions tbat are comrnonlr f^d^^ in tt)t ^cripturesjtbe re^earfal Uiberof tuolo almofte fill a great bjlume. Jf tue eon* feffe our finne£(favto JSoijnjtbc llo;D is faitbfuU tQ fj;gcue ijs cure finner. £Do U)'7om il:DulD luc confcCr^ cuen to bun; tbat is,if luc f,ui uxosn )mt,l) a troublcD anD tiumlleo bat t before fMh if barter tbrs feconD l^uiDe t»e baue au cramplc :Ir accuftng auD conDenming our felucs \in that folcmne cciifcffion lubicb all tbe bcra^br«l^Pjja^ctohem:quiteD br [people \3fcubr tbe mean :s aiiD guiding of Nc.i,7« 7 hc2;ra(jofC!irifr Of in al bolp alTembles toe mafec our appiTvince in ti)z Cijbt of OoD eno tbc^ngds : tcbat ctfjcr beginning mat tbcr be of our pIcaDing,but our rc^ fenoUilcging of bnUjo^tbinc£^)15ut tbat (fome man icill fa^e) is Done bi? eucr\> p;aper.iro; fa ofc as iojj p^ai? fo; paroo tue tberebr confcffe our fins. J graunt. l^ut if i?ou ccnODer botue great is oure carelcfnefre,o;D;o\Dfincffe, c; auggiUj.- nc(re,roa U)il graunt me tbat it fl^ouloc be a p^oatabL- o^oinance, if b^ fome fo# lemnebfeof confcffion, tOe Ctjejiftian common people Ojouloc beerercifeD to fumbling tbemfelues, i?o; tbougfje tfje ceremony tbat tljc 3Lo?Dccommaun?eo tbe BifraelieSjlDas parcel of tbe nurture of tbe lalDc, let in fome mr^nner italfo belongetfj to \>s, ano truel^ lye fee tbat fbistfeisintocl o^Dereo cburcbes p;o^ I'hirci Fooice jio;* ? fitabl'f obicrRi:o,t!jat rucrig ^oi^^^ilT^ mtnifter (fecujo uhtatk a fD;.m of coii;! feffion in tbe name of bimfti^* Ci'^^ tf al tbe people, Vtj^erin be accufetb a I of kit bebncffc, t craucib parDon of tije !Id;o. i?inallp,li}itb ibis Uer tbe gate to p.^ai* cr is opcncD as tocll p;jiuatcls tc eucrp man,as bniuerfalli? to all mm. 12 ^o>eoucrtf)efcripturealloU3etf).tj. foimes cf p;iuate cofeffion, one tJjat is maoe fo; our otone faUe, iD^crecf tbat faring of James is fpolien, ^ ir.c Cfeould pamc.^. confeffe oure Qnncs one to anotfjer, fcj ^^ his meaning is,tbat oifclcfing our tuic keoneffes one to anotber, lue (^ulo one bclp anotber luvtb inutuall ccunfcl aiiD comfort, ac Otber fo?nic,tbat is to be tfeo fo; our netgbbo;^0 faUe, to appeafe Ij^m antj reconcile btm t^nto tg, if be bane in any? tbing bene cffcuDeD bi? l^s. j^otD in tlje&rtt binoe of confcffion,al^ tiougl) James in tb^s batb affigneo no man b^ name , into tobofe bolome luc ff)ulD bnlooe our felues,leuetb bs a free cboifcto confeffe to bim tbat lljall feme m^teft tinto bs of all ti)t Gothc of t^$ cburcb:tet lue ougbt pjicipallr to cbufe tbe H^alf o;6,beca«fe tbet arc fo> J moC part in coparifon of tbe otber to be iuD* geD mateft. 3 fap tbat t\)ci are mcetelt in comparifon of tbe rett, becaufe ttjc llo;^D appoj'ntctl) tbcm bg tbe berr caU Mat.!<5. ling of tbeir mimfferi,at irbofe moutb 19. ^toe ffjoulD be inttructeb to fuboue 1 co;* I rect our finnc0,t alio map receiue com^ jMat iS fo.:t br fruit of paroon.irc; as tljeoffue loh.^aj of mutuall aomcniamientf rep^ouing is comitteD to all me, pet it is fpeciallp cnio^neo to v minifters.^o lobe as toe all ougbt to ccfo;t f cofirme one anotber in confioence of (Il?oiJS mercT!:!?et Uie fee tbat tbe mmiffers, to affure our ccnfci^ ences of tbe fo;geueneff: of finnes, arc o^Deineo as it tuer toitncffcs ariD plcD? gcs tberof,in fo mucbe tbat tbcp be faiD to fo;geuc (innes,anD Icfe foules.iZglbc tbcu Cap_^ Of tlie mancr how to receiuc t\i 3u fjcarca t()is to b: afcribco tjnto tbr roiii'tc tbat It U3 fo; tbi' p^ofitc. 2i:t)crc^ foje lot euerr one of tije faifoful rcmem b:t t\M ^0 bs !)r3 D-it^jiflKb? pjiuate^ In fo bcrea aiiD troubled U:tl} tbc fcling of ff:inC)E!,t?}at {)c cannot toinD oat l)V^f kite iviVcout bclpe of an otijcr, not fo neglect t[}c rcnicoi'C tliiit tbc llo^o batb olfrcD I)im: tbat 10/0; bis rclicfc to tofc p;iuate canfeffion to bis otrne ]Ba(lo;j: an!) fo; bis co;nfo;t to craue tbcpr*uatc b^lpe of bim,Uibofe Ducti? it is botb pnb liqaclptp but fo far as tbci? fball tbinkc it beboiiefull fo; tbem, tbat ti)c^ man receiuc founoe fruitc of conifo;tc» jfaitb*uU|aafto;s ongbte notonri^to leaue tbis liberty to ttic cburr bcs,but al fo to imiiitcine iu an& Uoutlp UanD in Defence of it>if tbep iuill baue tirannpc abfent from tbcirmimGeri>,anD fuper^ Uitionfromtbe people, 13 J©ftbeotbcrfo;tofconfcailonCi;tff .^Jatf.a3; fpcaketb in ^atbeUje.jf tboii offer tbn gift at tbeaUar,ani) tljzvc renie:nb;elt tbat tbn b;otber batb an? tbtng ogamft tbitr leaue tbr gifte ttjere, ano goc, aiiD firC be reconciles to tl)'2 b;otber, j tli^n lonie ant) cffcr tl}-2 gifc. jfo; fo clyinty!z tbat btitb bene appairc^ by our fault, is to be repaireo br adjnotwleoging anD aminQ paroonc of tbe offence tbat Inc baue comuuttco» 5Iln&er tbrs Uinbe is ccnteiaeDtbcircoafcffian tljat baue Gn^ neo ?u^7n to tbe offcnling of tj':e tobole Cijcircb. j:3X il Ci)ii^ niaUe tb fo great a inattiY or tb»J piiuate cffence of one man, to fo;'jiij from bolv m^ff erics all the ttiit bciuc fmncD againffc fbcir b;o^ tbctsttl thtv be \33iti) iutt amcnus recfij' ciliX^ : bolJD nuicb greater rcafon is it^i^ be tl)iit hiAt}) offiUDeD tl)t: Cbnrcb l»t?tb ann eut'l erample, Ifyoulbc rccouer tbc fauo; oftbe Cburcbe tuptb achnototo ging bis faults ^0 Inas tl)t Cojintbian '2. Cor.2. receiueo again to tbc communion, tube d. be batrnclbeb bimfelfe obeoient to co;* I rection. aifo tbis fo;m of cofeffion luas bfcD in tbe olD Cburcb^as Cypnan ma* j }^ctli mcntion.Sben ooe periance(fart& | be) in Due time, ano tfym tbei? come to [ confcttion, ano bn li^'ng on cf tbe babs ; of tbe liBidjop am tb: Clergie, thtv rc^ ceiue leaue to ccm: to tl)i communion. I 0nv otber oiDcr 0; fc;me of confelTing, i t\)t fcriyturc b:terin Hnolnctb not, ano j itisnot our Ducfp to binoe confcienccs | Uiitb ncU) boti'^ts, fe')am €\)nti molle 1 n)arplnefo;bio^ctbti;3to b;tng in boa^ ! oage. 3in tljs meane time i Do Co mu cbe | not fpe.ifee ajainU it,tbat i^ Qiepe (b«lo pjcfenttbemfciaesto tbcir tbepbearo, toben tbep meane to be partabers of tbc boln ^ixp^zi'yth^t 31 toolD nioft glao In baue it cuern tobcre obferueo^ if 0; botb ti^tv tbat baue an eacomb;^D con^ fcicnjce,nmnfromtbencc receiue Cngu In* p;oat,anD tlitv tbat are to be a^mo^^ mil^DjDoe bn tbat meane prepare place foi aDmoniC)ment,but fo altuai tl^t ti^ rannn anD Tuperlhtion be atoan. 14311 tbefe tb;ee kinDs of ronfeirion,tbe patuer at ti)c feenes batbe place,tbat is> ! citljer toben t!)tj tobolc Cburcb Ivith io^ | Icm^ie reljnstulcging of tbcir faults era uetlipavDon: 0; UjJjeii a piiuatc man,)^ ' b^ ann notable fault batb b;eD ronmioii offence,Dotb Declare bns repentance: 0; lw!Kabe tbat fo;tbc fencjuietnes of brs cofcience, Dotb ncpg b'.lp^ of t mini to, Difcfofeitj 7 he grace of ChrifFT I hirdBooicc. ,tol 15: Mat.ig. jloh. 20. »3^ Mat. p.2 Dirdorc:})T;ii? Vucaf^ncITe tonto l)im.l5ut tijjr ar Dpucrfc tuai^cs of tal^mg atuav oficnccbicaufc altbougl; tbercbp aifo ip pra:c of tonfc^nrc is p;jouvi3cD fo:,tci tb2 piincipall cnoeis, tbaC batrcD fi)ulD be t^iUcn atDaip,ano mens minces Unit together toitt) a bono of pcacc.llBut this Ufe tbat 3i bane fpohen of,is not to be oe fpifeD^bat toe ma? tbc mo?c toillinglr confeCte our fmnrs. ifo; lube tbc Icbcle cburcJ) fiaoctb as it mere befo;c tbc uiD gcKKntfwt of CoD^tonfeCTctb it fclf git tici batb one onclp refuge tjnto i> mcr^ c? of (2>od: it 15 no fclenccr 0;: iigbt can fo;t to banc tbcrc p^tcfcnt Cb^iftes cm^ batTaDonr, bauing comntaunoement of reconcili^t!on,of tobo it ma? bcare ab? falufion p:onc!JceD tjnto it.l^ere y p;o^ fitablenes of? fecies is tcoztbel? come* DeD,tobcn tbis embaCfage is pcrfo;meD rigbtl? anD tu itb fucb o;Der ano religi* oufnes as befemctb it.llilielDirc U)bcn be 1^ bao in a mancr cftrangco bimfclfe from tbc cburcbc,rece?actb parcon anD is retto^cD into b;otberl? iT.itie: bciuc great a benefit is it tbat be t^nDerftan- Dcf b bimfclfc to be fo;gcucn hy> ti)cm,to iDbom Cb.itfi" batb fa^c: to UjI;6 fo euer y>t fo^geue lins in eartb.tbcr llbalbe fs^* < geuen inbcauen.ilnD cf no lefTc cffcttn* alnclTcf p;ofiteis p^iaate abroluttcn, Wat it is aflico b? tbcm tbat b^^uc ncDe of fpccial remcDv to rclcue tlieir lucvik? nes iro; it bappcnetlj cftcntimes,t:iat be lubub b^retb tbc general p^icmifcs tliat &:c DirctfcD to tbc U)i)o!e rongrcga- tion of tb: faitbfull, rcmainetb nciic;? tl)Q\ct[c in fome Doute, anb batb tiiM an brtqiiicr mino, as tbougb be bao not ret obteineo paroonc; ano tbe fame man,if be banc oifdofco to bis pcrfone tbc fc^ Crete fo;e of bis minDe, ano bcaretb pc^ culiar!? oirccteD to ijimfelfc tbat facing of tbe c!5ofpcI,2Db? finnes are fo;gcucn tl)icy be of gojD bope ) ftabl?(betb bi?s min^e bnto arrurconciTcjanD is Dcliue^ rcD front tbat trembling tDberctoitb be luas b!:fo:c to:mcntcD, li3ut icbcn \ot facatic cf tbiJ ^e?:s, toe mutt taUc bcDe tbat \xic D;camc not of a certain potocr feucrcD from t\)c p;eacbing of ? gofpcl. Jn an otber p!acc lue Ibal bauc occafion mo^e fi.ll? to DecKiix tb»'s mater again, tobcrt luc (nail entreat of tbc goucrnr* mrtof tbeCburcb: anB Ibcrfljalfecfce i> al t\)z polMcr to bintic f to lofc, lubicb cr cf tbc licrcs , tuber icitb be mar lofc f binDca finner-.bicaufe tbe tDc^D of Cb?iil is net in tainc, Vubatfo* cur r re bincc.f c iibout tbis potucr tbc? lloutl?figbt among tbemfducs. §)omc fa? that tbcrc is hat cne fee? in fnb^ dance, tbat is tl;e pclL-cr to fcinDe anD lojfcanD as fo; fenotclcDge, tbat it is in DecDc requifite fo; a goD bfe, but tbat it is onl? as an acccCTcir? anD is nctdlcn* tiall?iDrncDtDitb tbc otbcr . ^omco* tbcr,l'i:aufc thtv fa\u tbis to be (0 mucb an bnb;iDelcD lic0ncc,baue rccfeencD bp ttoo tc^tSy Dif crction, ano pobuer . £?- tbcr agavne , tebot tbc? faU) t\it IctoDe boloncCfe of ld;icttcs to be rettra?neD b? Com n is vtriuf. [fcxus. <"fc fumattis 'nitateet jfideca- jtho. (tisadc« jcrcc of !pope in- jnoccfiti- jus^tri t};c 'counrd of Lare 'rainc «?<: [is recite, Li4.Sej) tcn.i4c Sen ten. difti.iy. Cap. 2. , Cap .4 iEray.43 .Of the mancr how to rcceiue bi? thiB liicDehtticn, fjaut fc^acD sttjcr Uev^Sjtljat 10 to tarjantijo jitg of aifccr^ ning hiUcl) thcv ronb life in gcuirig uc lermtnatc fcntca:e:an3 pofo^r, lubicli tbei> fl^iilD p^acttfc tti erccuting of tbeir fentcncc; ant) ifjat liDoUUs^ge fianccti) bp as a comMUi' . )15iit tb^i? Dare net fimpl? erpomiDe tbv'sbvmLing ano lo- fiiig to b? to fc.zseue ano put ateav fine, brraufc tl}tv b?arc ttc II0.2D crt'tng out mtI;epjopbct:gt is 3,f noneotbcr but 3 : it 10 3,it is 3 tbat put aloai? tljv fins. b{j'sna irtuanuid^clwue fojgeanftu kc^tBy tort!) teiiicb tijcv fav tbe trcfure cf tiic cliJircb is locbcD tap. ^ib^^rc ke^f s toe {^a!t bcrcafter tr*? in place fit fo^ it t6 ,4jioto 'i \X)iU in feto too;^D0 anftocr to tutiy one of tb^fe pariicularlve.liBut atthri5 pzcfcnt 3 fpcaScnot,bp tobat rigbt oj tobat to;jong tber bino i fouirs oft!?!? faitbfnll ^iti}ti)t^} latoe0,fo:af* muci) a0 toe toil cofiDer tbat tobf place ff ruetb.ffiut tobcre tijti cbargc men Xo a lato of rtcHening bp all tbe^; finne^: iD Sfrael , but tbtT Ta^ it i3 tbe p; ic^ tobere tbe^ far tbat fin is not fo;geuen lies office to {uoncnncc tobo bcbouno 0% -asrcD, antj to Declare tobofc fins are fo:geuen 0; retc^ncD : an?j ttjat be Dotb tJeclarc it,cptber bv confcffion toben be abfoluetban^ rctcineo fmnfs,o? b^ fen tcncc toben be e^conmumicateo anu re cci'uetb ?:0avnc to partafeing of tbe ^a^ cramentcsjf inall^, toben t\)cy> t3nDer* ItanDe tbat tbci' L'flj not ret outoftbrs Dout, but tbat it Cill map be obiccteD a=« gatna tbem, tbat oftentimes tbeir p;ic iJ-es 150 b^nce anD lajfc men bntoo;tbr, MM) are not iberefc^e bouno 0; ImfeD in beauen: tben (tobicb istf)tit lade re fuge) tbe^aunftocretbat tbegeuingof tbe het?e0, mull be con0rueD tuitb a li» mitation, tbat is to far,tbatd)nft batb pjam^fcD, tbat befo^je bps iuDgement feat,fucb fcnCcnce of tbe p.2iea (ball be allotoeD as Ijatl) ben iulll? p^onounceD, aeco^Ding as tbe Deferuings of bim t\)at is bono 02 lofeo,DiD require, cpo^eoucr, tbe^ fare,tbat tbcfe feepes are geucn b^ €lnitl to ai p;ieaes,anD arcoeliuercD to tbem bf tbeir IBiajops^at m time of tbeir p>Dmoting to li);ieaboDe: but tbe j free tfe of tbem , reitiainefb cnl? to^tb ' fuc^ as Doe emcifc ecclefiaaicall oflfi^ ; ces : anD V^rd tbe eycomniunicatc 1 fuO I penDcD jtVteGs baue in DcDe t^e bcres, but ruffv anD bouuDe bp. anD tbep tbat fap t^isfe tbings ma^ tocU fememoDett c,m fober in comparifo of § reU, tobicb bat bpon fonDition,if tbcr bean intent conce^ueD to confcffc it:tober tbe? bab^ ble tbat tbcre reniainetb no entrp into ^0araDife,if occafion of cofeCfing be ncg* letteD : tbrs in no toife to be fuffereo. spuft all finms be recfceneD bp i IBixt SDauiD (tobo as 3 tf)inbe) baD toelt tta^ DpcDbpon tbe co.ifcffion of brs finnes, Ff.19.13. t'etcri?eD out : tobo (ball bnoerdano bis crro2S^iLo;D clcanfc mc from m^ ferret P^a 38.;. 0nnes.ii*aD in anotbcr place, ^^int inU qixitic^ \)mc paflfcD aboue m^ beaD , auD liiie a toeigbt^ burDcn b*iue toareD bea^ u^ abcue m^ ftrengtb.2Lnili?,be bnDcr^ ftoDe boto great toas tbe bottcmlclTo Deptb of our iinncB : boto man^ toer tbe fortes of our mifcbeuous Doinges , boto mant beaDes ti)^s monflfer ^^^n^^a Di?B beare,anD boto long a tavle (be D^cto af=' ter ber . SDberfo^c be toent not about to recUen bp a regider of tbem, but out of tbe Deptb of euils,be cr^eD bnto ^ JLo^D: 3! am ouertobelmeD, 31 am bur^eD anD cboScDjtbe gates of bell baue compaffeD mejet tbt? bano D>ato me out,tobicb am D:ntoneD in t^t great pit, anD am fain* ting anD reaDt? to D^e. Mlbo noto mat? tbinli tpon the numb;ing of bislinnes, toben be fectb tbat jSDauia can make na number of br«!^ 1 7 mutt) tbis butcber^ ,tbe foulcs tbat baue bene toucbeD toitb an^ feeling of goD,bane ben mo^ cruelly tjepeD, ifirft tber l^hcsraceof Chrid. Third Bookc. tljev calleD tfjcmfclueis to accompti tl)m ti)t's DeuiDcD finnc0 info armes , info botDC0,into b;aunc!)cs, i into tluiggcs, act o^Ding to tfjcfc mens rulcs:ti;en f[)e\? Ujc^cd tlje qualitics,qnantitie0,ano civf cumffauccfi. 0nD fo p matter toent a lU tie foiloarD. ai5ut Uiljen tljei' tjao p^oce? tjeD a litle furtfjer,tben iuas on cf ^e fitoe ffe^c, f on tc^t fioc fca,no lmucn,no fafe roaoe: tbe mo t!)at tfjcp l)aD paOeo oucr, tlje greater fjeape altoap Dio tb^uft it feif into tfjeir Qgbt, ^ea t^ep rofc tp as i)y>t moantaine3,anD tbere appeareD no ^opcnot fo macb as after long compaf^ fings anr Inai? to efcape,anD fo tljev did ftictjc fatt bettoene ttjc facrifice anD ttje ftone, f at laa icas founo no otber iCTuc but Defpcration. Cfjen tbcfe cruell but? cbers,tocafe^ iuouuDes ^ ttjemfclues ^aDmaDe,larD ccrtainc gentle platters, t^at cucrp man OjoulD Do as muci) as be coulD.But netD cares again rofe tjp,pea neiu to;ments did flea § fiilx' foules,"as to tUniit : 31 baue not emplo)?eD tt?me Cf nouab,3baue not enDeuo^eD mp felfc Mth fucb Diligence as Ji ougbt , 3 Ijaue paffcD oucr man^ tbmges b)? negligence i tbefojgetfulnes^ commetb b\? negli^ gencc 18 not emifable.ILben iDcre tbcre miniftreD otber platters to afftoage fucb pamcs,as Kepcnttbee of tbp negligece: if it be not altogetber careleffe it fljalbc parDoneD. i5«t all tbefe tbinges can not clofe top tbe UjounD,anD are not fo mucb cafcment of p euils, as poifons couereD \i}iit) Ijonv , ^ tbe V l^ulD net toitb fljeir bitterncfTc offenD {> ftrft taft , but enter into tbe botoels before ^ tbe^ be percea? ueo, 2:iKrefo;etbis terrible facing al* \»ai falletl) t3pon tbe i founoetb in tbcir care3:ConfeircaUtl)p finncs . inD tbvs bojro; can not be appeafeo but bpalTu^ rcD comfort. Ij^crc kt v reaoers cottDcr, Ijoiw pcCTible it is to b^ing into accompt all () Doings of a iobole rcre, f to gatbcr tOjsetljer ujbat finnes tije^ bane Done e^ uerr? Daf : fo;afmucbas erperience p;o^ uctl) fo cuerr man,fbat lobe at euening bcnball rechen tp tl)c faultcs but of one Dav, bis memo;t?e is confounDcD tbere? tniib, fo great a multifuDe anD Diuerfi^ tic p.iefentctb it felfe.jf o; J fpealje nob) of groCTe anD blocfeit^e b^pocrites tbaf tbinh ti)tv baue Done rt?ficientli?,if tbev baue noteD t});k ox fotocr of tbe greatett finnes : but BI fpeaU of tbe true lDo;ja)ip# pers of CDoD , kibicb loljen fbcr fee tl)cnx feluesopp^cffeD tuitb tbe cramination tbat tbe^ baue maDc , to acDe alfo tb!?s failing of 3Iobn:3if our ctxjn bart Doac* cufetJSjCDoDis greater tban ourbart: anD fo t^t^ quaUe foj fear at tbe figbt of tbatiutjge, lobofe bnofelcDsc farrc fur? mountetb our buDerttanDing, iS I5ut Irbcras a great part of § Ujs;ilD rettcD ^cm bpon fucb flatteries, Uiber^ toitb fo DeaDlp a porfon toas tcmpercD, tbrs came not fo to palTc , becaufe tbcr beleueD tbat dJoD toas fatiffieD , o;^ be^ caufetbeptbemfelues toere full\? fatif* fieD : but tbat tbe :^ncfeer catt as it toere in tlit miDDe fca, (l)oulD rett a litle from failing, o^ as a toai'faring man tocarv anD fainting , (boulD li?c Dotone in tbe toa\? . 31 labour not mucb in p;iouing tbis . iroj euerp man ma^ be toitncffe to bimfelfe, 3 toill in a fbD;f fum fbeto, tobat manor joflato tbis toas Jrirtt Hm? pl^ it is impoffible , anD tbcrfo;e it can DO notbing but D?ttrot?,Damne,f onfciiD, anD catt in ruinc anD Dcfperaticn . :3nD f ben toben it batb IcD finners from tl:t true feeling of ffjcir ftnnes,it mahctb tbcm bvpocrites anD igno^ante of C?oD anD tbemfelaes . ifo^ \iil)Ht t\je\> are tobcll^ bufieD in rechening top of tbcir finnes, in t\)c meane time tl)^^ fo;gette tbe fecretc fincfeeof bices , tbcir biDDen 3iniquitiejef,anD intocrD filtbincffe , bv' hnolDlcoge toberof tl)t^ f^oulD cbafii? baue toc\?cD tb:ir miferve . 15ut tbrs^ luas a moft certaiiiC rule of confeCficn, 20 Fol.iy; TBm.i. to tc: ai e-4 U 1 S.13 ipr?p.34 Of tnc mancr how to receiue to iUhi'ioo/lrgc ano rcr;f:g^ir tl;C bottoni* tljem tijat. if 0; tber is no ct^it ft'^^a.vjce irfifc dcpti) of our tviil to be fo great as nc ffe of fumf^,tl)an alluap tiatb ten. ^t piifTd'ij or?r tnDci franstng . Eftcr tl?rs is not rcau t^at all tJjc^ tiaue rcnfcCtD rule locftc tfjat tfjc pjiblicans confcffi? tijcir Onncs in tlje care of fomc l^r^tdj on U^os mace Ao;o be iiiciciful to mc a ; tljat luc rcao to bauc obtaiiu^D fo.:sc«c# I'lnncr: as; if fjc Q]ca!fc Tap : all foat cucr j ncfife of finnes at Chnflcs ^ano . 2inn S am,3 am altogtl^f r a finne r , t ^ can tviilv-,tl)t^ cculo not ccnfeiTc, teijcr tt}cr :jDtatr«ij5Ctcitl)ttnttec;ej;p:cfl'clcitf); lucre ncitljcr an»^ p,nrGes ccnfcCTojs, leiing ti)t arcatnclTe cf mp Cnncs : let I no;r anp c onfcHing at all. 0nD in inanv ttc loltonilcUc iscptf) cfti)i mere?? filial* ' ages after ti)i?0ccnfe(riGn tuas fciifjcare JcliJtptljebotfonilcire Dcptt; ofmr(in.}Of,atl»f;icIj time finnes Ujcrc fo^gccrn £ut tl)cn tljo« tuil? far, Icbat f are not j Is^eut this ccnDition.3i5at t toe mar "ot all Dur fumes to be eonftlTcD f is no con* nctc to Difputc Icgrr about tl)is,as about fvfr^on acceptable to CDoD,but tbat tafcub a DoutfuU matter, tbe icojoc of CDco is IS luni Dp in tbrfe ttoo 1uo;dcs , 3 am a plarncjlubicb abiinctf) fo;j cuer:MJ be m r^r.ncrf j>o,butratbertuc multenDc* foeuer tbe finncr repentetb,Bl toiiiKo lic^ourfelucsasmufb as in ts l^ctb, (nic;e remember all ij«s iniquities. I^c topoureoutourf}aitbefo;je t^e !lc;5e, aiitj not onelr in one incite confeHc our fclciC5 finnerf , M alfo rrulv' ar»5 barti? Iv £c!:noli3lcge ci!r felues to be a'^!j:an9 I U itSj a!i cur tf}oug?5t recr;5e,botD great i ans tiiucrfe is cur filtb of finnes,not en* j l^ tl;at Ice be tnclcane, tut Icfjat , bolD j great, f in bote man^ partes is our tn*" I clcaiinrec: i\Qt onlv tijat lue be Detters, i but \xiiti} bcU? great mtcs luc be IcDen, I ann botD inanr toi^es cbargeD: net on* IftbatUie belrount5eD,bnt alfo luitb bcUj man? anD Deatrli? ftrcbes tceba iBcunceD. Mlitb tbis relmoUUeUging li)ben t\}t (inner batb tu^olp poured gut bmifclfc before (Do?j,[et bim earne0lp aiiD Cnrerel^ t'^ijifee , tbat ret tbere re* matut moe finnes , anD tbat tiit fecrete corners of their euiUs are fo Deepe , tbat ti)er can not be tb^cugfci^ DifclcfeD.£nD b3 crrctb cut Isjitb SDauiD : lube bnDer* llanDetb bi's erro>s i Lo;bc cleanfc me from m\> biooen finnes . jvoto luberc tbt V fiiJiraie> tbat lames ai e not fc^ge^ utn but tuitb an intent of confiiruia firmlrconceaucD,ano ttii\t tfjc gate o"f ^^uaoifeislbut againft tramtliktrit^^ lecrst^occauon cffteo Vuljcn be mar be ccnfencD, CgoD fo2bfD f lue Gjoula araiit tW' Dare atbe nnr tbing to tbrs teojD, fcintjetb not fins, but t\ic merer of (Dod. ipo;i tobereas tbcr far ? ft/at iaDgcment can not be gcnen btit lubcn tbe caafe is beaitjjtoebaucafcluticn tn rcasincfTe, tbat tbcr Doe pjefumpf uotulr tafee tbat bpo tbenifcluectobic^ banc mate tbem fclues iuDgr s . j^no it is a umruel!, tbat tber Do fo bolDlre frdme to tbemfclufs ftitb p;incipks,ES no man in bis rigbt \i)it icil gi aunt. SCbcr bealt tbat il}c of? fice of Bii^Ding anD ilcsfing is tcmmit* tcD fo tbcm,as tbougb it lucre a certain iurifbicicn iorncD Iritb iiriqutfiticn. S^o^eouer tbeir Irbole tccrine crretb out,tbat this autbo,:itie Iras tnftnoteen tofbeJ3poIlies./5ertber Dotb it bclcng to tbe p;iLil , but to brn« \>^^f)icl) Deutetb abfoluticn , to fenclu certainlr tobclber tlje finner be lofeD c^ no : fo^afmmbas be tbat bcarctb can neuer l^ncUie tr-^e* tbcr tbcrechrning be iua anD perfectc. ^0 CjoulD tber be no abfclutio hut fucb asisreCratncD to tis li'tJ;Dcs ifjatis to be iuogeD . ^c;c£uer tbc iDbcle c;* Dcrof lofing Cantetbcf fartb Si^D re« pcntauncc, itjbicb tli c ittrpe^ arc biD* Dcn fro tbe iinclilcrgc cf man, U-be fen* tencc muC be gtacn tij--cn an ctber ma. at Thceraceof Chrirt. Tl ird Rooke. FoUk Jit ^olioujcii) tb?rfa:c,fiat tl}c affurance of j^^nrjinnan^liDimgia not fubiect to tbe iuDgemcnt cf an carthlv tuDgc : b|'i> caufc t!)c m^iii&cr of tbc Ujo^dc, iDbcn be Dot!) b'i?£ office, can not gcuc abr.'u* , tion but f on^ictcnallp : but ibat t\)is ts , fpoticnfo; t\)c ininr-j (n]^c. t^Ubcfcfins i re foziene.f c.tbat tl^c"^ tljo.jla not Dout i tbattJjc parson toljpcb is p;omt?rctJb? i tbc commaunisemcnt ano ujo^b cf goD, ; (tialbc rsf ifi. o in b:aucn. 19 2^?)crfo,2e it is no manieI,tfUiccon^ bcntnc f Drfirc to banc bttcrl)? taken a« 1 toav tbis iliurtciilar c oafclTion, a tbing fo pcttiient* fo nunv toa^esburtfulto ' tlit ctjarcb? : but if it lucrs a tbing bv^ it j fclfc iiiDiffiTcnt, ^ct fo:armucb ac it is 1 to no oic na; •.>;33t,ani3 batb gear caufs | to fav fo mat' toicUcDncEfcSjfacrilcsfS 1 ; crrour5,U)I}o toill ncttbinfee 1^ it oug^it i to be pjcfftlp aboIifijeD.^SLbei Qo in Dceo j rcf Um *op iom^j gas!) urcs , luMcb tbc^ j bsalt tjyon as bcri^ p:ofitablr, but tbefc j eitl)cr fiilfc o: of no balae at al.i2)nc on* l^tb:ucornmeno to^tl) aGnuUarp;c* rojatiuctbat Sjamc is a great punisiv meat cf bi!n tbatconft(rctb,U)bcrcb\? § finn:r botb is fo; tpmc to cOiitc inaDc ludrer>-f pjeui'tetb v punrlbnirt of goD i:\ p:iniil):n5 bimfclf. i^s tbougb lucDio net riumblc a m isi iD^cb (Ijamcfaftnes j rrtoiigi?,Uibcn Vncc call bi^mto tbatbpc! iu:30einciit fcatof bcaucnj mcanc to § bearing of '3>o3. 'St is fc jiotb bcrp to ell pjontco, if fo) Ujamc of one mks hnctu 1:D3C U)e cciTj to r'n,t be not au)anieti to baucgc^ tuitjjcfTi? of onr euil confcifxc. ;.iltl>'3iJ5b g ^f ri fame is aifo moll falfc, 10; It 15 to \3c Utn )5 bv notbinggrolDctb greater conSDenceo;» lircutiotjfncIVe to 6;i,tt)a luben r;i?ji b-iuino: nia-jc ccafcf^ fion to ai!);ift» vbii.U f tS:p in.^^ tevpe ;rtV tbeir moutt-? s far J 3iD it not. ;a!io u I Ciil--- ilje? are iju.'jr: all !bc vearc long § bnlDcr to Uii: buc al tbf red cf tbe vearc I {^i^ariag CJjCiruci'Jcs bcloc V)pon ccrucf* Oon, tbcv ncucr figb bnto goo, tbcr nc* ; utc rcturnc to tb?fclues,bjt beape Tins ; \jpoa anneSjtil tl)ei bo;nit bp alat onre \ as tbcp tbink ana toben tbci baue once ; t jinitcD ibem Sj^^tl^cv tbtnketbcfclues | Dif cbargeb of tbeir burar , ans tbat t\)t'Q baue taken alnai> from C?oDtbcia5r;C* nient tbat tl)?]} banc ge^cn to v P^it% an5 tbat ti^t^a baueb^oagbt arcc , IpUc as tf be lucre takciib^tbencrkeant; Dialnen toy^p fonrbnletri; pera^nenture it be tbe tcrv [ Pii)rSii5,ti:at bfe ioffuUv' to f elite t'Qt^ 1 fellies UiiJb mutuaU rcbearfals of tbeir • boinges , as ft \u:re toPtb mcrr talcsf | 3 U)pl not 3eftic mucb paper ^Ditlj h'lon* Grnoas abbominations M^creof atiri? cular ccnfclfion fajaruetl) full . uDn:lv tliis jl fa?, if ibat bclr man bif 'vzt m< totfclv, tbat fo; one rumo;ofcb:nif,> tio toke alua^ cofi^io oat of f;'ii> tbnrcb, tea, out of tbe remcb;arc of:?i$flofke: tbni Uic be tberebp put in miaDe U)i?at is na:-3full to b: nonz at ti^M ^avc t^pon inajiitie U)b2;cD3mes, aoiUteries, in- ccScsaiiiibatu-jcrics. 20 ^aiier tbe confcHioncrs allege kz thin purpcfe tbe potser of tbe l;e?eo,an5 tjo tbcrupcn fct ^ ^tufs i p;o; ^ cf tbrir kinoocHi?,aG tbe p;cuerb? ic ma\? be afi>c3 a(raine,tDbetber the bolp gboft niav crre.2:bi3 t\)t^ t«il net be glab to fpeake erp;car, altgbongb tbci crofecti^ ip bttcr tbe fame bi> tbrir ccftrine.^t is njtttQ^t to be gatbcrcDjtbat no ^ncQs baue poirer of tbe kn^s U^btcb to rcm^ monlt? totibout ccna')£ration !cfe tbofe tbings ^ tbelo:D IdoId baue to be fcctiD, f binb tboie tbings tbat tbe ^o:o com^ maunbcDtobelffifcD. 21 ^lbera0 1 bci fe tbefelucs c ouinr cd bp mott cicre experiments tbat t[)cv bo uJitbout cboife la3fc j bino tljc tuo^itb^ i bnUiojtbr,tbe\?^furpe apoUtcr \joout luioluiebge.anb altbouab tljei bare not bcni' tbathnolulECgeis reqtiifitiefoza Qf" the mancr how to rcceiue gojb bfCj^et tbef h)ntt tbat tbe ^er^ po lucr is geut to euil Difpofers of it, :But tbis is tbe polDer,lubatfoeuer tbou bin* Deft o; IcDfeft in eartb,f!)al be bounb c;, Imfeb in beauen. C^ber tbe p^cmvfe cf Cb^ift muft I ve, oj tbep tbat banc tbis poluer bo Uiell b^b and lefe.^e^tber mar tbcr ballr anb far,tbat tbe faring of Cb^ift islimiteb acco^bingto thtUd feruing|! cf bim,tbat is bounb o; l©feD. ^no lue alfo confc{re,tbat none can bee bounb o; lofebjbut tW t are tuo;jtbr to be bounb o; Icofeb. Jdut t\}t mctTengcra of tbe gofpell anb tbe Cburrbe baue tbe tuo;b,br iDbicb tber meafurc t\)is tpo j tbine(re,in ii)is tuo;jb t\}e mclTangers cf t\)t W tbcu meant bJbcn tfje^ DefincD tbe bepesto bctbe autbontie of oifcemmg, f potuer of erecntingranD tbat ftnobjIeDge is ao^ iot»neD fo; a counfellcr, anD lifte a coun* feller feruetb fo; a gmD bfe : bnooutcDit? cuen tbcp DeCreo to rcigne at tbeir oton tDiU, Ucentiouav^ toitbout CDoD ano bp0 Uio;De» 22 31f ani> ma tabe ercep*ion anD fai?e, t tbe latDfull miuifters of Cbnft l^albe no leffe Doutfull in tbcir office , becaufc tbeabfolutiontbatbangetb tpon fartb Jball aftuar rcmaine Doutfall: anD tben tbat finners (ball baue eitber none o; a colDc comfort, bccaufe tbe miniCer bim fclf iDbicb is no competent iuDgeof tbnr fa?tb, can not be affurcD of tbeir abfclu^ tioj:: toe bauc anftnere tbcruuto in rea^ Dincffe. if o; tbe^ far tbat ns finnes are fo^Scuen bp tbe pjicft, bat fucb tobercf bimfclf batbbcrc tbe bcarcruo bp tbeir opinion, tbe fo;gcucnerre bangetb bpon ti)t iuDgemcnt of tbe pjiefrj ano if be Do notUiifel^Difcerne iubobe toojtbrccf parDon,tbe Aubolc Doing is bopDc anD of no effect, irinalli^ § potuer lubcrof tbcr fpcabcis a iurifoicttcn aDtof neDto era* mina(ion,lDbcrunto parDon i abfolutio 10 rearatin^D 3n tbrs point is foum no furc grouiiD , but ratber it is a batfom* Icffc Depfb . i?o? iBbere tbe ccnfr men is itot fouiiD,^ bope of partjon is alfo lame, artD tbcn tbe p^irtt bimfdft mafl- ncDcs ftiche in fufpeme tobilc be can ncttcll, U?bctbertbeOnner do fartbfullp recbtn iC grace of ChnflT I'hird Bookc. J ol tjp all bi5 eaill DeDes . if inall? (fucb is tbe ignorance ano ruDenelfe of pnettes) tbe mod part arc no fitter to Do tljvs of* fice , tban a fljeomaber is to plctu t^e grounD,anD ^ rett in a maner all ougbt teo;tbi!v to fufpecte tbemfclues . l^ctc^ upon tbcrfo;e rifetb t\)t perplcritic ano Doutfulneffe of p popes abfclution, be* f aufe tbev Unll baue it grounbcD bpon tt)e perfon of § p^rctt , f net onclr tbat, but alfo bpon bnotulcge,^ be mat? iuDge onli? of tbingcfi mfo,jmeD,eram!nrD anD p;oueD. i}5oto if a ma (bclo l(>\c of tbefc gojD Docto;s,tobctber a Qnner be recon* cilcD to ©OD, iDben fome fins are fczgc* ur: 3! fa not tubat tl)tv. bauc to anftocr, but t tbep (b«ill be compcUcD to confclTe tbat al is bnp^ofitablc, ^ tbe p:ictt p<:o^ ncuncctb of tbe fo^gcucnr He of tl^ofe finncs tbat be batb bearo rebearfcD , fo long as p ctber Onncs arc not DcliucrcD fi-6 couDcmnation.^Dn tbe beba!f ol'btni tbat confetfetb boto burtfill carcfi Incfic bolDetb biiB ccnfcience bounD,appcarftb bcrcbp, ^ iDbcn Ijc rtGtth tpon {» p;ic^ Qcs Difcret!on,a5 tbcp call it, be can Dc* termine notbing certainly bf tbe iuojD of (25oD . ILbc Doctrine tbat toe tcat\) is free f clcrcfro all tbefe abfurDitirs.i o; fbcabfolution is ccnDitionall ,ttat ttc finncr fijolD trnft tbat (S5oD is mercii ull Mnto f}im, fo tbat be (inccrclp faiic tije clcanfing ef bps Cnncs in tbe fanijlcc of CbnU ,anD obcp tfje pracc offrcD bim. ^0 be tm not crre ,'U)bif b arcc:Ding to t\)t office of a p;eacber,p;oclnimctb tbat tobicbisgcucnbra^in inftructicns \jy> tbe t33o;De of CDoD. 0nD tbe finncr map embrace a furc ? cicrc abfolution,tul;cn tbat fimple ccnDition is anncrcD of tljt embracing J grace of CDbjilf, accc;i-iiig to tfjat gcncrall Doctrine of tbe maiCcr bimfrirc: I5t it Done to tbce acco;Ding to t!)V faptb . ^biib batb bate UjickcDip DcfpifcD in tbe papacie. 23 l^oto foUfblr tbcp confounDc f b^c ttinges 151i3.iii. Mat.p Cap. era c mancr bow to rcceiuc t^ngs p tije fcripture Uadjctl) of f poto tv of ttcTcs, 3 feauc pjomifcD tbat || toill fpcab in an ct^c r place, f tljcrc Owlbc a mo^e tonucnient place fo; it , tetjen 3i come to entrcatc of § goucrnmcnt of ttje Cburcb.lBut let tljt rcatjc rs rcmcmfar r ^tf)ofett}ingsare iB^cngfullp tt^efteo to auricular f fccrctc ccnfcfficn, tulncf) are fpofecnb\?Cf);ifl: partly oftljfp;fa* ctjingof HcfpeUjf partlv' of erconiuni* caCicn.t:€"tl)crfcK U)bcn tUv cbtcct tbat f' potucr of lofing is gciic to [^ iipolllp0, U)bicl» p;:if ftf0 mar tfc in fojgeuing r:nurs achuctelegcD tjnto ttjf, it i» f lain 1^ ttitv Itifte a falfc t fonue principle : be* caufc f abfolutton ^ feructlj fet)tij,i6 ntf tbing clfi but a Ujitneffc of paroon taken out of § free pjomifc of {bt'gcfptl.Bs fo2 tl)sotberconfcfrion,|^bangetl) tjpontbe Difctplinc of ^ Cburcb, it pertainctb no* tbing to fccrct Ms , but ratbcr to cram» plc,i^ comon cfffnce of J Cburcb mat be tahf aU)at>. 112ut tiljcras tbrp icrape tcf ro?,tb?u0ing in a c ermTcrite in Cece cf uoanne.llf lit ttbcrasthci patcbtnto it, ^ be i« abfolueb in tbe tact of Ibc cburcb i ban alrcDv obtainf B parDo fcefo;e gcb: tbeFCoincoiiUenientlf D;alu to tbcpe* culiar bfc of cucr^ particular man,tbat iDbicb toe banc alreB^ fapfi to be apcm# tro fo; comon r)ifcipline,Ujbcr i^ offeHcc of a bainouf; f noto;:iou0 faut 15 to be ta« ben atoap.Hrut bpantbt? after, tber tc* piauei corrupt mcDcratio,aDB!ngjin o* tber mancr of foigcumg,U)itb an cniov^ ingof penaltie anb fatiffaction, U^berin tbei p^cfumpf ucuOf claim to f bcir ctcn facrifices a polucr to part tljat in balfcis U:bicb<^ct)tatb in all places p^omifeD ts lubole togetbcr.irc; tobcn be fimpl? require tb repentance t faitb,tbrJ5 parti* tioncj erccption is a terp robberpof ^ob iFe;j it is in effect as mucb as if tfje P?iell taking t)p6 bim ip perfon of a SUri^ bune, 0;oui(i become intcrccflca to €oD, anbtuoulDnot fufifer Cob ofbt^smere gctber bcref tbertcCimonvcs,top?eue | libcraluie to recraue btni into fauo?. ^ It fuffiletb not to cofeffc fins e^tber to (Dob onlp 0; to lap men, bnlctle a piefi; be V bearer of tbMbeir trauc I tberin is but leutje,anb fncb as tber mav be al^a* ^batb iven p^offratc before STribunes feates, anb tbere batb bene punifbcb. 2 4. a^^tnbole fum commetb totbvs i point, ^ Uti)cv tuil mafec ©ob J autbo;i meb of, if 0? Uijen tbc auncient fatbers of tbrs coimterfatt rcnfefiiion,tbercin is counfell fmncrs to stjnburbcn ibflclues to tb^ir oU)n p^afio;, it ca not be eppcu^' 5fD of particular rebearfall tcbicbtben tuas not in t)fe. 2Sbcn, Lombard 1 fucb like (fucbioastbcirfjnillrr betlir.gcs) feme of fet purpofe to baue geuen tbcfcl* ucs to faincD bobcs,bp pretence tuberef tbei? migbt oc cetac f fimple.SCbei bo in bebe truelv confcH'e, i becatife abfolutio altuav accompanietb repentance,tbere;» foje tbere pi^operlp remarnrtb no bonb toben a ma is to!!cbcO Uiitb repentance, altbougb be baue not ^et confttl'eb , ano tberfoic tbat tbcn t^^ p;iefi botb not fo mucb fo;igcue Qns as pronounce f u* Clare tbe fojgeuen. Albeit in ^ iaom of bcclaringtbcynily b;ing in a groffe er* Lib." 4. Sent.diai tbsir falfijoib con6emneD,as J baue p;o^ 10 c 4.0 ueb thtm falff forgers in tbe feto places ;Non (ufs tbat tlitv. allege . 5iEut fitb it is euioent Hdt. dc tbat ir is a lato mabc bv men, 3 fat? t if 'pent ca. isbotbtTjannicilU mabe iniuriouflp nicd.ra againlKSob, toljo binomg mens con* d: dift.c. fcie.ices to brs Ujojdc , tuiU baue tbcm 'nullus. im from tbe bcnsage of mf . /^cU) tnb^'cadc diH fo;^ tbe obtaining of paroon, tbere is a neceHitie p^rfci ibeb of tbat tbing Ijubirb tijc ILojD UjouId to be frff ,3 fa^? tbat tW is a facrilrge not to be fuffreb , becaufc tbere is notbingmG;e p;ioperlt belong^ ing to CDuDjtban to fc^^eue ftns , tober# in tonMtil) Caluacicn fo;^ t0.!^o;eoner SbaaefljeUied^tbidtv^annT? ^asfirtl b^ougbtintuben ytoo^lD tuas oppjcf'^ feb T^c 2;racc of CHrift. Third Bookc. Fol 19^,, feo tott!i flltbi? barbaroufnc«.3 haae al' fo taiigljt t()at if is a peftilente latoe, ^ ci?(fter tli:oU»et!) DoVonctjeaDlongmto Defpcration ti)c pa):c foiilcs m U)J)o:n* focucr abiDctl) a fwr oWsn : oj vwfiere tt)?re rcopstb cai clcfneffc^jctitet?) ttje toittj Ma^nt flatteries, aao fo nialictb tfje.n DullcrXaft of al S Ijauc Declareo, ^ tnJjatfocuer mitigations ttjcT? biing, ten :c to no ot^cr entj, but to enraiiglc, Darljen an^ ocp;ra^ pure Doctrine f bioe \).a303lineircB luitb Decc^tfuU colois. 2^- Cbe tbirac place inUcpHacctbep alTigne to fatiffactio,t3)l)crcof all t c^er tbep babble mav be oucrt!)^?iti??r can tbcp cenp t tbcp gtuctbis to fatiffi:rticns^Uj;oiigbtbcp fap tW tbc fame bee bfcD as bclpcs bp luap of mcanes. ifcj li>b?r as tbe fcrip* ture faitbjbp tbc name of tbnft,it nira nctb tbat toe b2ing notljing, toe allege nctbtng of our oton,but rcil bpo Vjc on Ip comenDation of Cb;itt . as paule, tobcrc be affirmetb tbat o!3 berng cirplcafeo, mare be ma DC fauo;ab!e i t^n^eakJi. l^c Dotb net far: v?cD toas once reronciseo tmto vou b^i Cb-iiltc, nou^c fche V'ou ctbcr meaniJtbut bemafectb bim a perpetuail aouof ate,allr.ar to reftoje t)£ tp bis in tcrccfTion into t\)c fauo; of bis fatber:a perpetuaU p;opitiaticn , bv iDbicb cur iiixs ma^ be cleanfeD aluaf .jf o; tbri^ is ioh.i. 35 eucr true tbat tbe otber 3iObn fafD:115e^ bclo,tbe lambc of Ooijjbeiijolo bim tbat ta^eti) atoai? ti)t Hnnes of tbe Uio;lD.l^e tahctb tbf atoar (f ^ V^^J h^) bimfrif, ano none otber,tbat is to far : fo^afmucb as be alone is ti)t ilambe of C?oi),bc alfo a* Icne is tbe oblation fcj fins, be alone p propitiation faeririce,be alone tbe fatif» faaion.jfo;tobereastbc rigbtanDpo* tuer to fo;gcuc bclongetb pjoperl^ to 1^ fatber^in t^c rcfpect tbat be is Dittingui fbcb from tbe fen, as toee baue alreabv faene:Cbjiaiflberefet in an ctber ttf grfie,tbat taking bpon bimfelf tbe paine Duegntots, bebatb tafeenaUjavcur giltineCTe before t\)t iuogement cf (2cD , ^berupon foUoUietb, tbat toe (^'all r;o otbertcifebe partaberscf§ fattifaetio maoe bf Cb;ilf ,tnletre t^t fame bcnoj remain lobole tuttb bim,tDbicb tbei? no tu^ongfuUptaUeto tbemfelues tbat go about to appeafeCDou iuitb tbcir otont rccompencingrs » 27 ^no b^re it is gco^ to conCoer ttuo t9ing3:tbat Cb;ilf imv baue bis twe bo no; kept tnto bim Vobole ano tnmini? fljeo:f tbat tl)t cofcirnees being alTureD of ttje fo;^geucnes of un,mav baue peace Initbgco, €fa^ fa^, ^ tbe fatbcr batb £rai.j3.4 la^cb tbe iniquities of us all tjpon bis fon,^ tuetbulD be bealeo bv bis ftripes. ^bicbtbing ^dttcr reberfing in otber 1. Pct/2 luo;Ds faitb:tbatCb;ift biD in bis boDr 24 bearc our fins tpon tbe tree.paul \x>2if jRo. 83. tetb tbat fiin luas tbat tbei (bolo be cleafec in bim, anb Thec;raccof Chrift. 1 nirti ^.ooi^e, 2. Cor. J. 20, Col.i.ao aitD t^tstbatttjcparc clcanfcDbr oure oU»nc tyo;^p:bctti3cnc tljts tijat C!)<:ift IB t^^p^ocuring of merer, ano this that GO0 mua be maDc merciful b^ li o;Hs. )it5ut if toe fpcaUc of pacifying tbc con? fcieacc: ^):)at pactficaticn Qjall tbrs be foi a numncceonff icncc, to Ijcarc tbat J)iB fmneg are reoemeD b^ fatiffactiosf e^bcn (^all be certainir I^nolu tt}e me^ furcof bpfi fatiffattioiif E:berefo;ebc (ball altoat Dout tobetber be baue C?oD merciful 0; no,bc njal altoav be bereo, ano altoap quafee to; fcarc. i?c: tbci' i> reft tjpon Ugbt pct^ fatilfactioiiB, bo to rontcmptuouOr eftcinc tbe iuDgement of CoD,anD DO little confiocr boUi great is tl)c greuoufnefTc of CH>as toeftjal be* dare in an otbcr place. i5ut altbougtic toe graiit tbem to rcbcme fomc (xnncs toitb iuft fatiffaction:tet tobat toil tbct DO toben t\]ti arc opp;efreb toitb Co ma^ np finnc5,foj fatiCfaaion tobercf a bun^ b;eb liues altbougb tbct? toere tobclelp applictj tberbntcj cannot fufficc;' If efibc tbat,all tbe places tobcrin tbc fo;igeuc^ nes of (inneg is affirmer),bo not belong to ronglingfi,but to tt)t alrcacv rcgcnc xatt cbilo^cn ofCDob, f tbem tbat baue ben longnonflbeD in tbe bofomcof tbc cburcb. SLbat Cmbaffagc tobicb p^aulc fo bono;abl\? ertolletbvj befacbe \?ou in § name of goD,bc tc recocileb tjnto gob, is not birecteb to ftrSgers , but to tbem >^ bab bene alrcabp regenerate. 113ut be, biooing fatiffactios faretocl, ft oetb tbe to tbe crc£( of cb^ift. ^0 tobf be to^itetb to tbe Cotoffians, tbat one front tbc etber , fauing tbat tuev mafee tngoJjlincffc t bnclcnnelTc of bart^abc* nial 6n.l!5uf toc(as tbc fcripturc v rule Ko,6. 2. I of rigbt ano tojong teacbctb bs)iso p;o» i noucc,tbattbc rctoaru of fmisocatb, f Ezc.iS tbat tbe foulc tbat finnetb is too;tbr of 20, tjeatb. i3ut tbat tbe Urn of tbe faitofull arc bental,not fo^ t tber bo net bcfcruc Dcatb, but bicaufc b? tbc merer of Cod Ro.8,i tbcre is no conbcnmaticn to tbem ^ are in Cb;jift 3eruB,becaufe tbci are not im puteb, bccaufc tber are taUen atoar br parbon. 38 bnoto boto bniuftlr tbcf Da? Der t^is our Dcctrine.iro; tber rar,tbat it is tbc fetcibes Grange concluOon^co f erning ttjc cqualittc of ana. 2i5ut tbcr (ball cafilr be conuinccD br tbcir otonc nioutb. iro5 J bcmauno of tbe,tobetbcr among tbc Vcrr fame fins tl>«t tl)cn rb'- fes to be ocbl^ t\}t^ be not acknctolcgc one to be greater tban anotberjt botbe not tbcrfo^c immetiatir folotoe, ^ fms are egal,bicaufe tbei are altogctber dcd Ir.^bc tbc fcripturc befinitiuclpfaitb f tbe rctoarc of l:n is ocatb, tbat p obc Dience of tbe lato is tbc toar of hfe,anD ^ tbc trafgrcCTion of § lato is oeatb^tbci canot efcapc tbis fcntence.Habat cnb of fatiffring tbcn toiU tbci 6nb in fo great a bcape of finsf 3tf tbe fatiffaction of one oar,betbcfatiffamcnofcneCn, tobilc Pr.24. tbcr arc about tbat one fatiffacf i6,tbcr to;flptbemfcluc0 in many (ins,fitb t^c 215i3.b. ~ iuUca li i oip*^4 "Of the mancr how to receiue i:C53.i7. iutteltmanpnCTct^ nc oncda^lx;i)erui te fdUctb not manr tinns. j|>oU>c ioben ttjf ? fijall prepare t^e m fclu:5 to maUc fatiiYattioii fo> tbefe fumes, t()C)? fijall bcape tjp great nuinlieri?,!'*^ rat I}cr m> numerable. S^tje ttje l)ope of ratiff^ins being cutte of, Uiljat do tl)ci' tla^ Dpcnf boU) oarc ttep tt il tbinUc of fatiifynng.^ 29 i£f)ci go about to imnD out tbn'elues bat (as tl)t p^ouerbe is) tt)c tuater fiill f Icuetb ijpon tbcXbei' fojge a DiQinc^i* on of fuultjf penalt^.S^bci confes r tljc fault is fo^gcuen bt? p mercp of goD,but ^ Uil)in t\)C fault is fo;gcucn,t penalty remaiactb Vubicb u rigbteoufncs of gco requiretljto be paiD,f tbat fatif factions Do p^jopcrlt bdong to tbe relccUc of tbe pcnaU^.dDcaO goD,li3Jiat a fUippig ligbt* ncs is f bis i noM) tbei? confes tbat v fo;^ geuencs of tbc fault lietb frcli? open fo^ mcn,luljif b fomtiaie tbei? teacb men to Defcrue Uiitb p:aicrs i tocpings,anD al otbcr hia&s of picparatios. ^i\t vet itil al tl)xt is tdui^y, bs m tbe fcripture ten ccrning tbc foopbet,tobere i» Io^d fartb: 3if tbe rigbteous tourne aluap from ijis rigbteoufnes J toiUiot remeber al \m^ rigbti^oufnelTcs Jf y inicUeU Depart fro bis loickeDnes,^ U)it not rcnieaibcr all bis iiiiquif ies. m beras be faitb tyat be UJiUiiot rcmcml er tbeir rigi^teoufnt^s, tbis is afrnucb to fav, i bs Unll bane no regaraof tlje in retpect to reiuaroc tbe. gjerefoje notto remciuber luis, is as mucb as noc to lal tbem to punttbmenf. 2I^I)e iame tbing is called in an otber E{a 44, placc,tofaG:itbcbintJbisbacU>tolDipe 22, i it atoai? lilic a douD, to D;oU)n it in tbe bottome of tbe fca, not to impute it $ to Mic 7.1^ bi Jc it. 15^ rucb manners of fpeacbe tbe j bal»? g!)Jii Dotb plainly erpKS i)is mca* t)ra,32.ia ning bnto bs,if twe UjoId apli? bnto bim Uiilling cares to Iearn» ^Drulp if goD 00 punifl)? fmsjbe iin^imtctt) tbcin:if be ta* betb bcngeace,be rememfa;jetbtbcm: if be call tbem to iuDgement, be botbe nk bioc tbem.'if beeramine tbem,bc botbc not catt tbsm bcbiuD bis b.:cK:tf be lofee bpon tbf ,bc batb not uiipco tbctn aiuat liK^ a tlouoe: if be fift tbem,b2 baib not caft tbem into tbe botom of tbe lea.^no 'pfp.i^ in tb\'s maaer oorb Au^ultm erpoijo it in plaine Ino^oesjf (?iD baue couercD (ins,tben be U»olo not [olit fcpcn tbcmtif be luolD not loUc l3po tbf, tben ije Vuoo not mark tbf: if be moiD not marU ton tbcn be inolo net puriitb tbeui : ije Uiolo not knoU) tbf ,bi? bao ra:;:jci- parbon tbe. HM^V tbcrfe;e opj be fav ti;at fine leer coucreD,;' tbei (bul3 not be feuc:iili)a{ ioas mijat bi? tbis tbat Coo Dio la ixnSj but tbat be Dio puniQ) tbemf Bu: let Ms bear alfo out of an o.;ber place of § p^Of pbet,bpO)i tDbat conottionr; ti)C Ic;d fo; geuetb fi.is.iSf(fa2tb be))?Qur fins be as Efa,i.ig fcarlet,tbei (Ijalbe maoe tobi^'e as fnoin; I tftber be reo li^crimoiiw, tbe^tl)albe | as tooll. ant) in Jeremp ine reao tbusr lcic.;.2o in tbat oa? tbe iniquity of ^acob Qinlbe \ rouj^t fo;,f tbal not be fo(ino:tbe fin of JuDab>anD it ll)al not ue.H^icaufe | Uiil bcfauoiablc to i remnants tbat ^ Ibal pjcferue. GKilt tbou b^icfip bnoerttanO VoljuC is tbe meaning of tbsfe Uio^oes. | 1 1 Wlz^ on tbe otbcr fiae tu>)at is meantt ; [olj.,^, b^ tbefe fpecbcs: tbat tbe lozD ootbbtni> ,^ top iniquities in a fachc, Dorbe gatber ofe.13.1a tbem into a buiioelU ano lave tbem bp, ) aiiD ootb graue tbem Untb au iron pout tel in an jaoamant ftone.jf tqeg ag»afp "' "" (as ki7»». L pC,2.24 E^53'5 I Ro. 3.24 i.Cor.i, tph.1.7 Col. 1.14 i.Tira.a. 6. (as it is oiitof Doiit) ^ tocnjjc i^ct Ilialbe gcucn fo;i rcrompcnce,t!)c xt isalfc net to be DouteOjbut tb.at b^^ centra! ir fentc crfi ti)c JL0;Dc affirmetb,tbat l;t ttaxitf tctl) al retopcncuifi of Dcngr £rrc.^)erc 3 mull bcifcb tbc rcaocrs not to bcarfec to my> glofcsjbutonit? ttjat tber toil hiU frr tbe too;D of dDoD to tAlsie feme place. 30 S55bat J p;a^ ^ou, baD cb;tft cone fo; \)0,tf toe Q)culD ItiU be compcUcD to fufftr paT?nc foj Uwsa ifo; toben toe fai? tbat be did bcare al cur fins m bis boDv \)pon § ttttjUtc nuiine notbmg els iijcr* bi but tbat be ftiffcrco all tbc pavne f punilbmfttbat toas DactoourfiiTnes. jaiiD tbc fame batb Cfar nio;c liuclp De (lareD luber be raitb:t cballtcenier.t(o; co?recticn)of our peace toas \3p0n btm. U:lf^u(luo;rc(tion of our peace but tbc papn Due to Olnsfi tobtcb toe SioulD baue faffjcD befoje ^ toe cculD be rec6* eileo to goD,t)nles tbat be bao eiitrcD in to our ftcDc^2io,tbou fictt plainclr»tbat tb;iit fuffi CD ^ pains of fins to Dcliuer tbciu tljat be bis fro tljem. £xnD fo oft as l^aul maUctb mention of tbe rcDemtt5 perfc^meo bt cb;iil)be tfctb to cal it in <^cci\e Apolutrolin, toberebv be mca* netb notonli? reDfptio,a3 it is cornonlr td!ien,but^\jcrT>pnce f fatiffaciou of rcDcmpviou.after tobicb maner be to;i tctbj ^ cb;ift gaue binirelf Antilutron, a p;i€e of ranlom fo; bs. U^bat p;opiti* ation is tberc toitb tbc iLo?D (faitb '^^' guihnjbut facrificef i^nD tolpt facrificc t0 tbcre, but tijat tobicb is cffrcD foj lis iniDcatbof Cbnft^But tbat tobidj is apovntcD in tbe lato of S^ofr s, fo? cicn? (tng tbc offi^nces of fins, lamillretb bs a 111 ong battctra.iro; tbe Ic;d Dcth not tber apomt tbis 0; tbat manrr cf fatiffp ingjbui: rcquiretb t tobck rccopcncc in facrifices.^beras tet in otbcr things, 1 be Dotb niott Diligently t lu ir.oJl cract j o;Der U t out uU tbc cercmcnies oi" c r^ji | ation.ii/Oto c.mmctb U to pa(fc,tbJ:tJJC ! 1 i.c grace of Uuitt, _ ThirdBookc lK)i.V9' connnaunoetb to recompence faults c6* nuttcD,toitb no too;bs at al,but rcqui retb onlp facrificts fo; fatiffacttcn : but beraufc bis toil is (0 to Declare, i tbcre is cnir one tinDr of fatiffaCJicii,toberbi btfc ii-.rgcnient is apcfeD i if 0? tbe facri^ feces tbat tbc JfracIitesciDttcn offer, toerc not toc^cD bt tbe too;lu: of inen, but toft eltecmcD b^ tbeir trutb,tbat is to fav.bf V o»ilV racrifcce of CbJiCl^ut tobat maner of rctopnicc J 1Ld;d recci* uctb of ti«,iiDra batti toen? toel cj^jjcffeo ^ I frto too;CB.£:beu (bait (faitu be)take ^^^-'4 atoar iniquity, £D Cod. !lo,bcre is fo;* geucncs of finne«.;anD toe djal pap tbce calues of cur lips:1io,bcre is fatiifacti* on. Bi hnoto t ^t^ tjo vet futtellr fijp a- toar> tobr tbcr ntabe DiCinctio bettocn euerlatling paine, f tf po;al painslfut tobcn tber teacb t tf pojall paine is anp uino of punilbmf t f goD tafectb as tod of i& boDii as of V fcule,e):cept onlv cucr* lafiingoeatbjtbis retraining of it Dotb title bclp tbem.if 0; i places ^ toe t^ue aboue recitcD,:io eppjefli? meanc tbtSi^ CDoo rectauctb b« into fauo; toitb tb^s contition, t in parDontng tbc fault, be parconetb all tbc paine tobatfeeuertoc l)aD tbcrbt DcfcrucD . flnD fo oft as H>a* uiD 0; tbc otber p;opbets do traue par^ Don of finnes , tbei? do alfo tberctoitball p;ap to be rcleafeD of r pain. ^ea,t tc- rp faling of CoDs iuDgment Dotb D;iuc tbe tbcrunto.2gatn,toben tbcp p;emifc mercp at § 11o;ds baD,tbep Do m maner altoar of purpofe p;eacb of r p^incs ano t fo;3eucne(re tberof. Cruel^ toben tbe ilQ;D inejecbiellp;oncucetb^betoill Eze.3^. maheanenD of tbc erile in D15abi!on, la..^-: anD tbat fo; bis otonc fafee , net fo; tbe ictocfi fahe, be Dctb fufficientli? a)cto i botb arc of free gift, if inallp^if toe be Dc liuereD bp Cb;ifi»fr6 giltines of fault, ^ paines t come tberof muH ncDes cealTc. 31 yL5\xt fo;afmucb as tbcp Do alfo arme tbcuifelucs ID tcflimonicgoffcripturc, ~Tct .3 Up. 4 Of tfie rnancr how to rccciue Dan,4. V4. *i i let t)S fee loljat rnancr of argumcntrfi nation/uatOc laDgcmcnt ofAanitcmit tbofc be t i\i^V allege a)aitiD(fat t^jer) ' ibc mktfj not fo crucUvtas to be angri: .Sa,a2. being rebuhcD bv i^arljan {> p^opbet of j no.: piinitljetb to Dcltrore, no? fenoctl) Dolun bi^ ligbteniniT to UiU ILbcrfo^e it is not p2operlp piuulbment oj be geacc, but correction ann aJjmomftjmcnt.SLbe one is tljc Doing of a iuDgc, tl)c otbcr of a fatber. iFo: p iuDgc tube be puniflijetb an euil Doer,be batb rcgaro to tbe ofifr ce f puniOjctb tbc berp fault: tubcn tbe fa# tbcr fomlnbat rigo^jouSi? co^rcttetb bis cbttoc, be Dotbe it not to be reuengcD on bim,o; to punifl) bi> bat ratber to teacb bim i mafee Ijim iuarcr in timz to com. Chr) Tortome in a certain place bfctb a fimiiituDe fonitobat Differing fro tifv^y but ret it comctb to tbe fame point.2Lbc fonne (fai?tb be) is beaten, i tbeferuant alfo is beatentbut tbe one is punidicD as a bonDferuant,bicaufe be batb offenDcD, anD tbe otber is cbafiifcD as a freeman anD as a fonne, neDing co;!reaton . STo tbe one bis co^retfionferuetb fcj p^mfc anD amenDnient,to ig ctber foj a fcourge anD puuilbment. 32 3l5iit ^ toe mar Ijaof ^)^ ivWt ma(;» ter fiio? it t in a rcaD^ fum , let tl)\'fi be tfit firft of ttuo Diftinttics. ©^bcrfoener puniGjment is to rcuenge,tbcr l^etoctb it felfe § curfc 1 tn^alb cf C^cD, tobicb be aliua^toitbbolDerb from ^e fartbfuIL ContrariVuife cbaftift^ment botb is blef^ 3. aDal r rr ? manfiaugb^cr, receiueD par^ Don of bis ftnne, anD vet Ik teas after* ioaroe puniHjeD bi? tbe Deatb of bis fon tbat be baD gotten bi tbat aDultric.Mlc are taught to reDeme twitb fatiiTattions fucb pauKS as toe r to be ertenDcD after fojgcuenes of § fault, jro; SDaniel aDui^ feD ii^abar baDncjer to rcDetne bT?s (ins i-ro i6.6 toitb almerrc.an^ §>alomon tuntetb 1? &. o, 12. f'^'^ J^qnirte f goDlrneffe, iniquitizs are 1 ! 6.4 8. fo^S^uetiiinD in an otber place, ^ loitb i_,j^j,^^7 cbarinr tbe multituDe of finnes is coue , reD. 2!23bicb fentcnte peter alfo confirm I metb.^gaine in itu'ae tbe lo;De faitb of I tbc tooma v teas a finner,)^ manp fins are fe;geucn ber^bicaufe fbe batb IcueD mucb.lpolxjc periierap anD tn;>ongfuIIp tbcp euer tocp tbe Doings of goD. l!5ut if tbep baD marlJeo(as tbci tbufo not baue ouerpaffcD it)tbat tbere are tVuo IiiaDs of go9s iuDgemcnt,tber lnolD baue fan ii!tbisrcbutJrngofi2>auio,a far otber man^r of puni'ljmft, tba fucb as migbt bffi tbou ibt to tenDe to reucngcment. 1l5utbT'caufe it not alitlebebouetbbs all to tnoeriJaD toberunto tljt cbafiifc^ mf ts fjauc rcfpcrtjVDbci ^itl) goD co:rec tetti \33 fo;j our fins,anD botw mucb tbep Differ from f!jofe epamplcs Ujbcrl«i?ti) l^epur(utti)t^ toicHeD f reprobate Vu tnuignatton:tbcrfo;e 3 tbink it tbaU be not befioe tbe piirpofe to comp:ebcnD if Hjc jtlp in a Xam. jf or ttjt nrnv of pUin teacbing, let \3S cal § one UinD of iuDgc^ mcnt, t\i2 tu3gcniet of Heuenae, the a tber of CbaCifement.Oit is to be bnaer^ ItanDeD,tbat goD fo punitbctb bis amc^ micis Id tbc iuDgement of reiieitgc, f be bfrtb bis tujatb ag*$infi: tbem,confoun^ Dctbtbem,Deffrovetbtbem,fbringcti) tbem to nongbt. iLberfore lefts ta&e f to be pioperJp tbe tengcar e of goD>U)bf J^IggliJ^iJiSJgA^g^t^ ijis inptg* ' Heb" 12.2 vi^unirai I luiuj cijauuvinenc ooco i» uiei* p ^ ting of (lEJoD,f bearetb a teftimonp of bis ' J^u',"j lone, as § fcripture teacbetb.2i:bis Differ rence is commonly euerp iwberefufFici* cntlr fVpreflcD in tbe tcorD of (2?oD. jfoj tobatfoeuer afflictions tbe lutcfeeD fuf:« fer in tbis p;cfcnt life, tberin is painteD out bnto bs as it tuere a certain cntr? of bell, from tobcnce tbep Do alreaDt? f® a far of tbeir eternal Damnation:anD tbcp are fo far from being amenDCD o;f aUing anr pjofite tbcrebp, tbat ratber b^ lucb beginnings tbci?arep?epareD to p mod cruell bdl tbat at lengtb abiDctb fo; tbe, Pfi 18. 18 JlBttttbclLomcbatttflng cbaMetbli^s rf.ij9.17 (eraants Ic.10.13 Pra.6,2. £{a.i2j Hat».3.2. Mic. 7.9 1 he grace ofChrift. Ihird Bookc. fcruaunte, but f)c Dottje not put tljcm to &eatf). Cljcrfu^e t^ep ccnfeffe tljat to be beaten tuitl; \)is roD, toas gcoo fo; tijcnt into true inaruction. 515uta0 t»e reaoc cuerp totjer tbat v bol^ ones fuffer fuclj punilljmcntfi XDitt) quiet minDe,fo tber hauc altoare p^i^en to efcapc tf)t ftrlf e ainue of rcourge». €l}at!titc me Lo;ue (favtt) jierempe) but in tb^ iuBgement, not in tl>y tujatl),lcaft tl^ou Deltroi me. |!>oure out tbi' tujatb topon tbe nations tbat baue not ^nolon tboe^ano bpon tbe Uingtjomg tb-it bauc not calico bpon tb^ natne. jano DauiD fa^tb: ilojb rebufee me not in tbv tojatb* no;j co;rcrt me in tbine anger» iano it maUetb notijing fo tbe f «ntrari[?, tbat oftcntimcB it is faio, tbat tljc 11050 is angrie Ho tbcm tbat be bts,U)ben be puni(l)etb tbeir Uns.^ in 6fav: S toil cofcs to tbee £D lojo,biraufc tbou baft ben angri \i)itl) me:tbi iD;atb is turneD,f tbou baft comfo^jtco me. :a' gain.abarucXbou tbat baft ben angri ibalt remember mcrcp. ^no ^tcba: 31 toill bear tfjc tu^atlj of ttje lo;D,becaufe SbauefinneDagainftbtm. ^berebc puttctb fcs in miuDe tbat not cnlr tbe i? ^ are iuftly pmiifl[)eD, nctbing p^cuailc \jb murmuritig againft bpm, but alfo ^ tbefaitbful bane a fiiiagemcnt of tbcr.: fo;oUj,in cofiocring tljc purpcfc of gco. if oi after tbe fame manner it is faro that be Dotb Defile bis olune inbcritacc, iubicb \?et (as Uie I%noiue)bc Uiill ncucr oefile.But ^ is fpotjcn net in refpecte of f purpcfe 0; menigof goo f punifbctfj, but of t\it^c))zmcnt fktUngcf fo^otue, lobicb tbc^ fclc ^ fuffer an\? of bis fcuc<^ rit^e lubatfoeucr it be. llSutbe not onli? pncktth bis faitbful \jb no fmall rigo^ but fomtimes fo tuouDetb tbem,^ tbcr tiiinlic tbefclues not far fro t\}t oanatio of bel.^o fte teftiaetb i^ tbfi bauc Defer*' ueD bis to;atb,t fo it bcbonetb tbat t^ci ft)ulD lotb tbemfelucs in tbcir euils,ano be toucbcD tuitb tbe greater care to ap^ Foii^p peafe C?oD, anD carefulfr wafee battc to craue parDon.)25ut euen in § t3en? f gatber a barDneire;o; becaufe tl)er mnr mur anD lucfee againft bim, tDomabc an \3p;o;e againft tbcir iuDge,tbat furt* ous foDcine rage aftoniet^ tbcm tortb maDnclTc ^ op. 4 In ferm pc pae- i ic.etco; tcir. . OFtlie rnancrhov maDne^TfuroiTiSut tin fiithtU bcmg aamoiuflbcD b j i)is cu;rcctiO(i,b?an9b? Dcfccno to coitliocr tbrir finnc5,f being , ftriltcii \x)itii Djeao anu tiozrox,tt)d fix \ in bable luife to p^y to tjim fo j parDo, tjrtles tbc lo^o 5iD aftuagct J)?ff fo.iolcs toocriDitI) tije pozc foalcs to jmrt tJjcm feJucs, fi)cv ^olo faint a bao^eD times euen ta fmai tokens cf his UJ^M[tb. i 33 ^^tn let tt)t3 be tbs fccontt Dillincf i^ on,tbat U)b^n tbe reprobate arc ttrilien teitb tbc fcours£0 of goD, t\)t^ Do alresp aticr a certainc umnncr begin to fuffer patnc0bt' Us iac^cmcnt,! tljougb tbei (ball not efcape tnpanidiet), fc; ^ tbe^ baue not taUr n \3c2c to fucb toUena of ^ \u:ati) of go3,pct tbeu arc not puniftjcD tu this entj, to nuhetijc com lo a bctier mniD,but on!p tbat,to tbeir great Ijurt, tbcj' {i)ulo pjoue goo to be a iusje f re> ucngcr. ®utd>ilDj2n are beaten luptij roD5;,iT0t tbat tl;c>' HiulD tberbv be puni^ ^)t'i ofgoD fo; tljeir fianes^but tbat tfjei 11) ilD tlm'bv pzofit to amcaDmft.lLber fo;e tae take it tbat tbe? ratber b«ne re fpect tc tbe time to conic tba to tbe time pait.SDbis 3 bao ratber ci;p;ei5 in Cdn- ioltoincs Uio;Des, tban in mine otune. if oi tbis (fa^tb be(Ooi3 sotge iar paine upon tj£!,not punillnng onr inmcB pall, bat £o;jrecttnG "oe againS tune to come. SnD 10 faretb Augullme : ZZ^ut 'ojln-cb tooa iuffreft-, y> foi 'w\)id) ti)ou idAittt& is a meoicme to tba^ano no prii-t,a cba miamnt 1 no Damnation. lk»ut not a* \xii): tbe fcjarge,if qou luilt aot be put aiDa? from tbe intieatacc/jf. ii'^.olu ve b:etb;en toat al tbis mifery of niaf?int>, lubea 5 U)o.ilo g;onetb, ie a mcoscjonal fo;jlu,i not a penal i^nteacc. icilbefe fcntrncec i baae tgerfo;c t!)?ijal)i-gQi^ to allcosc,tbat g m»:acr of fpccbe tliat Jj banc abouc Uijittrn^ IboulD not feme to an\? man netoe s bnufeo ano berebnto feme all tbe coplaints ful of inDignati<= en, iPberm tbe lojD oftentinics Dotlj ep V to rcceiue pcHulate or tbe tnMnbncis'cf tbe people j fo.j tbne of tbc | beo^ber is no bbele place. Iii5i:t bicanfc ' tbe ID^opbets are ful of fucb favings, it fijalbc fufficient to bawe b;ieflr {betorO tbat <3oti Botbe punitbe bis cburcbe, fo; none ctber intent, but tbat it fijoulD be tampD t ameno.2Dberfo;ie Uiben be opD call ^aule out of tbe &ingt!Dm,be pimt^ (bc9 bimto reurngcment:©2Ibf betobc '»^a.jj.23 from Da uiD bis vongfon, beco;re?tco ^^'^^ *^' \)im to ameni3ement.j3fco>s?ing to t\jvs '^ meaning i^iUo be ta!tenti;bKb^Bflule * ^^'^•" faitb,tybc 'xoc arc iao^eb cf (> Lo jDjtee B^* are co;red eD iJ id; tu- iD nst be ttincn \3j , thiii tuo;l5. S^bat ictxiben fee ^ be tbe I cbilD;ie of gijt) »^re affUctcD Id tbe bao of ■ oujT bear Ip fatber,tt)is is no pain U»ber* ; feitb fee fb^ilo be confciiDeD,but onclp a ' cbattit'cmentfebcrfeitb feclbulDbetn* ftructebjntobicbpornt Auo; is plain- LJt».de Ip on ourc G^e. jFo; be teacbetb tbat tbe pcccato pains feberii3 mt are alihe cbaltifcD br '^^"to, j goD,are ciMcrap to tc confiOjcDibicaufe ^^ ''^*^''^- I to § bslr ones tbev are battels f ei;erci< "-^^-33 1 fcs after tbc fo irrciicnes of tbeir fins, to ^^'34' i§ rcpzcbatetljcparc Vocnt fojgeuenes, | ! pains of feic keones, ^n febicb pl«cc be I rt-berr:tbbcfec paints feere laj^Dbpon D.nii3 ? etber goDli' men, ano faitbe ^ tbe fa^ne tenorb to t^is enoe, tbat tbeir goslincs il]3li3 bi?facb bumtlirig of tbf, be eprcUeo ana p?oacD jano toberc C* hra,4o.2 far I'ai^ftb, t'mt tbe ^etoiilje people ban I tijeir inlqaitic fc!:geii"fH tb^mi, bicaufc ' tbc^ bao receiatt) ful cbathfemcntat^ 1 3lo;rtfs b^no : tbis p;3i:ctbnot tbat t\^c parDQtt of fins bangetb-tDcn tbe ful pai? ' mrnt cf tijc paine: bnt it is tnefffcteas jmncbas if be baBiai^c : ISicaufc ^e jbauealrcD:? fnffi'ebpaines inougb,ano ib^ tbc greuaufnirflre t muitituD: tbcrof, j bans ben n 3 113 i? pin;; afea? n yt?) ^cng mcurnina i he 2;Mce of Chilli. i hncTlWi: mourning % fo,:rot», t'jcno^c it ts iiciu tinic tijat rttci[?uing tfjc tidinjcx^ otkdi mcrc^j^oar tjarts Ojouto rctorcc t fa:lc mc to be rcur falljcr. j? o; ttjcrc gco Did tatjfi \3p0n t)T|m t*oc parfoit of a ifattjcr, tubic!) rtpentctb ftimeucn ofi)Vfii«l^"f feucrttp,tu^cn ^c teas ccnipcUeD tliarp [^ to correct Ijis fonnc. 34 Mitt) t'ocfe tl)ougt)t5 tt is ntccfla* ri?r!)attijcfaitljfulbc furniUjcD intiiv f.pc.4.17 tcrncITc of afflictiotf. Jt is time ttjat tbe Icr,2^.2p iuogemcnt began at tbc tjoufc of (^ loiD, in iDbicb !)J6 name is callcn t jo.tiSEUjat tljalD t!jc £l)i'.o.2f of SOD Ba,tf tljcf Di5 be Icue t\)t feueritic of cr>oD tbat tljcv fe^le to be bic t)cngcancc;ifo; be t\)at bcyng driUcn inittj (> banD of iDiatbrour ^eres arc cofumeo as ^ iuo^^e ^ is paCfeD out of a ujoutt.'. £n pC.94. J2 tbe otbi;r u: e S>auiD faitb tl)iis of his fa ' tbcrl? cbaHifeinf t5,to tcacb )' tlic faitb" fal arc ratbcr bolpen tba opjiJcHco tbcr | prsS 17. b^:lBL'fi'cD is tbe mait U'L'Ciu tbow baft j cojrecteo 0 lo:D,t bait imtriKtco in tbr ato,to gcue b»u quiet from cuii Ocri ;s, wbileapitte is Digged fo2 tl)t ftnner, ■ Zruelv it is a b^rsc temptation,U)bcn goD iparuijtbe \:nbelcue»s,t Vuinhing at tbeir f«ulti5,fc^irtb mo:e rigorous a gauill tbem v be b:fi.2Cberfo;^£ be gane ti)tiv> a uiufc orcemfoit,tbcaD«(OriiCb* tnnit of § lal»,\rili?i bp tijci^ H^nli) lent, tbat It tJ5 Done to p;oaiDC fo; tbrir falija I tion ljD!]f n IJ5CV arc calle?) asaia into {> Uiav, anc tbe IfuUco Jirc calico bcolcg in?o ibrtr errois>U''borc cnXiz is tbe pif» , ilriD it is no Difference lubctber (1 pnir.e ' be cucrLv5ing>oi Diaigfo: a tiRie. /rc? . 30 'iucli ^ar, famine, pe&ilcncc 1 ficlj^ I ncs,as tbe iuDgement of cicmill Deatb arc U)t curCTcs of OJoD , lubcn tbet' arc lapD tjpcn men to t\)is cn5,to be inCrii? mcjitcs of tbe tv^ts Vu^atb anD benge* anccagainfttbc repjcbate. 3; i^oUi (as 3 tbinkt) all men Do pcr^- ceauelubmmtotcnDeD ^ cbaCifement of tiie ilo;D tipon S^aniD : cuen to bean infirurtion tbat Cod is grcucuHv Dif* plcafeD Uiitb manOaugbtcr i aDultry a? gainll iybtcb be bao QjebocD fo great an inDignatio in bvs bcioucD f faitbfiil fer* uant: tbat S^auiD fijoulD be tangbt to be no nioic fo bolD to Do v li^e bcDe : t not to be a pain Uibcrbf be (bclD maUe a cer tain rccompencc ro OoD. *mD fo is to be iuDgcD cf p otber hir.D cf cor.'f(tio,tobf r bi? tbe tc;D pitnifl)eo bis people to a fo;c pcllilfce, fo; DaniDs DifobeDif ce teber^ into l)t 1.115S fallen i;: nf;b;ing § people. jf 0; be DID in Dcoc frftiv fo;geuc to Da* uiD tbe giltineffe of bis fin , but becaufc it pcrtaiiicD bctb to tbe pubUbe erample cfall ages , « alfo to tbe bulling of ^a* ui^,^ fucban bainous offence a}olD not rcmainc bnpunm)eD, tbercfo;e be moft fijarpli^ cbafiifeD bim toitb brs rcDDe. ?I2iIbicb niarh alfo Uie oiigbt to banc be? fo;e our e^es in tbe Viniucrfall courfc of malsinDe. jfo; tuberas after parDon ob* Uim^y toe CO all ret fuffer tb? Jr.iferic 0 tbAt tocre luVD tpen our firft parent fo; pai:ne of 6n; toe pcrceauc our felues hv (ufb t0i^2»^t. 2. 5am. 4.15. Cap .4 f^om. 2. re pro. jiiid, ad (Scargiriu Of the mancr how to recejuc fucb e);erc^f0£i to be aomoiuUjeti, fjotoc greuoua? dDoD 10 D\?fplcafeDtoi?tl)tl)c traittgrcirioii of Ijv^s llatDC : tfjat: beT?ng tbjo 03011 Dotunc f t)«mblcD \mtl) feno\u IeDa;e in confcicnce of our olyne mtfcra blc eUatCjtoee \na^ tl)c moic feruent!? arpirc to (rue bIcffcBnes.liDut be tbal be moft foiiO) that ajad tbinfectbat tbe ca* laautic5 of tb^s piefeat [^fe are la)?eo t)pan b0 foj tbe gtltines of fin. ^no tbat 31 tiink luas tbe meaning of Chrifofto? m,* iDbcn be \s)}otc tbus.Jf dDou Do tbcr fo;e la? painea bpon t)s, tbat be (IjoulD cat tjs,p£rceiiitng in ends to rcpcntace, tbcnUv.;en repentance is oncen)e'U3e9, the paine fljaibe fupcrauous.ilDberfoie, as ')c fenotDctb it to be erpeoiciit fo;j c^ utiy mans nature , fo be b^nolctb one niftu mo^t roagblf J ana an otbcr tov^tb nio:e lout?ng tenoerneffe ♦ S^bere fo^ Uilicr be minDetb to teacb tW be is not miuicfurable in taking puniO^mentes, be rep^of bctb to tbe baro barter i cblli nate people tbat being Criken ret tl)t^ make not an enoe of finn^'ng . in tljvs meaning be copla^netb, tbat €pb;aim crampl00,in tobicb tW migbt bauc ht^ boloenliee foagcurncDTe of fiimea.^t 10 reo tbat tbeBublieane i^^cnt oot of tte temple iuttiSeDXbcr fcIoU)cD no pain, peter obtcineD paioone of bis offence, l)is teares ijuc reaD (fartb Ambrofc)bi0 tatiffaction toe reaue not. ^nn t\it man ' ficke of tbe palfe^bearo it fpoken to bim: Hife t^^ finnes arc fo^gcucn tba. 2Dbere toas no paine Iain tjpon bl?m. 01 tbe abfolutions tbat are reberfeo in tbe fcripture^arefet out as geue frclp. ^ut of tbis great number of eraples, a rule fljoulD ratbcr baue ben gatberco tba of tl)at ouelr crample tbat ccnteinetb in it a ccrtaine fpeciall matter. 36 SDaniell in bi0 eicbo;tation luberin be coufelletb .^abucb^onc^er to reoeme br0 fmnes \3)it\) rigbtecufncllie:^nt) brs iniquities Mtf) pitting of tbe pmt'Ajv^ meaning toas not to far,tbat rigbteouf^ neffeanD merc^arc fatiffacto^^^appefe* mente0 of (!Doti, t rebemption of paines (fo^ CDoD fo^biD tbat tbere tocre euer a* ni' redemption fauing cnelv tbe blouD of Cb;ift) but to referre tUs tco.:D J^u tieming ratber to men tban to Cod , as Lu.iS, 141. Lu.22.41 Mat. ^,2 Da. 4 24 loas as a cake fcozcbeD on tbe one fiDe, anD raiD on tbeotber,bicaufe ti)c mxtc \ if be i)a^ fa^D : ^ Iting, tbou ball tjfcD f ions DID not pearce into tbeir minDes, ' an bnrigbteous f tjiolent gouernment, tbat tl)c peojjle bauingtbei?;r t3tces,bo?* j tbou baa opp;eCrcD § bumble , tbou ball IcD out, migbt be maoc mttt to rece^ue | fpo^IeD tifc pco^e , tbou baft baroli? anD parDon. SCral^ be tbat fo fpcaketb,(be!' | bniuftlp banDleD tbv people: fo> tbu bn^ ^ctli, tlj^t fo fone as a man batb rcpen , iuft eractions, fo; tb\? tjiolence, anD op* tea, be toilbpanDfa^ bccom appeafable: ' p^cfTion, nolo rmDcr to tbe merc^ anD anD tbat b^ oure ftifnefTc be is enfoiceu '; rigbteoufnes.iLikeicire S^alomo faitbj to ^ rigo; in cbaffifiing of faultes,U»bicb \ tijat toitb cbaritie tbe multituDe of fins (bulo bauc ben p>euente3 \xtitt) loilling is couereD : not before (H^oD, but among amenDimnt.^ct fo.:afmucb« as toe all ' men tbcmfeUies. jfoj tl)i\s is (be tobolc areoffucbebarDneircanDruDene:re,a0 tjrrfe: l^atreD raifetb top contentions: toniuerfall^ ncDetb cbaftifemcnt : it fce^ but cbaritie coueretb all iniquities, 3ln meo giaa to bim being a matt toifc jr a^ tobicb berfe,as bis maner ts,be Dotb b^ tber, to ercrcife all toitboute cutis tbat jjroto of batrcDs , toiCb But it is manicllotts tob\?e tbri> fo cait tbe frutcs of cbaritie: in tb^s meaning tbeir cpesbpoutbe onel^ cyjplc of S)a tbci? tbat batctogetber Doone bite,bark uio> ano are not moueD \i}it)3. fo mange at> rgp^oclje anD rayle a^ an otber . ana ^ turue I.pe.48. Pro. 1 5. 6 Thcirraceof Chrift. Third Bookc. TFoT 201 He 13,1^, Mat, 23. turac all tftinges to tfjc too;ft , fnit tticp tfjatlouc together, DO DilTemblc man^ t6!ngc0 among tbcmfclucSjCo iumcU at many t^m-^efJ, f parDon man^ tl)u^ts one to tbe otijer : not iljat tbe one ailoto;' et^ t{)e others faulted, but bcaretO tott^ tbem^^bclpctljtbp Untfj aomonifljing, ratbcr tban gaUetb tbe \Diti) repjocljtng tbcm . j^n:) it is not to be DoubteD tbat peter allegctO this place in tfje fame fcnfe, bnlcffc iue luill accufc btm of dc» p^auing 1 to;ongfulli? tu^cftingi^ fcrip turc.liSut tDberas be teacbctb t finne is purgeD Ijottb merctfulnelTe i Itberalitte, beDotb not nieane tbat rccompencets tberioitb mane fo; fin bcfo;jc t^c face of tbe 3lo;tD,fo tbat (boh being appcafeD b? fucb fatiffaction, Dotb relcafe ti)t pai?ne ^ otberto^fe be tooulD banc lai?De bpon tbem.but after tbeaccuHomeD maner of t\)z fcripture be oeclaretb tifnt tber (ball finDe bim mercif ull bnto t\)cm,tM lea^ uing ti^cir fo;jmer bices f iniquif ies, bo , turnc to ijim bi? goDlincffc 1 trutb: as if bea)3ulDfar ^ tbe to;afb ofC!5oDDotb cealTcanD b^s iuDgment rcll, toben toe ccaffefro our euill Doings. j|ieitber Dofb be tbsr uefcribe t\)t caufe of parDon,but ratber t^ maner of true conuerfion.as man^ times § p;iopbets do Declare tbat bspocrites Do in baine pefier (DoD toitb fo^gcD ceremonies bfages in ffebe of repentance,toberas it is bpngbtnclTeof life \3)itfy tbe Duties of cbaritic t Delitetb bT?m.a5airo tbe autbo;j of tbe C-piaie to tbe l^eb^aes cementing libernlitie anb gcntlenelTe, teacbetb tbat fucb facrifices pleafe soD.0nD tobenCb^ift,taiiting tbe Pbarifees ^ geuing bcDe oncl? to clean* fingofDi(bes,«tbe? neglcrtcD tbe dean- neffr of v bart^conwunDcD ff^tm to gene almefix; ^ nil migbt be cleancibe did not tJ^ci'b'^ cj:bo;t tbem to make fatiffacttcn: bat oni\? tea(i)tt\) tobat maner of clean* ncs piefetb goD. £»f tobicb femD of fpacb iBe^aue entreateD in an ctbcr place. 37 astoucbing tbe place of lLuhe,no Lu»7.36. man tbat batb ^nit^ fomiDe iuDgcmcnt reaD tbe parable tbat tbe ilo^D DiD tbere rcrite,*vDill mafee tjs an^ controucrfie tbcrupon . SDbe pbarifee tbougbt fjjith bimfclf,tbat tbe ilo^D Di?D not fenoto tbe tooman,tobi:b be baD fo eafilp receaucD into brs p;cfence . if 0^ be tbougbt tbat Cbnfttooulonot banc receaueD ber, if be baD Unotuen bcr fucb a finner as Ojc toas . ^nD tfjcrbp be gatbereo t Cl)M toas not a p^opbet ^ migbt in fucb fo;f be DeceaueD.STbe ILo;D,to fijcln tbat (be toas no (inner to tobom ber funics toer alreaD^ fo;geuen,DiD put out tbrs para^ ble.S^bere toere tluo octters to one ere? Ditoj tjpon bfurr;tbe one ougbt ftftr,tbe otber cugbf fine bunD^eD, botb baD tbeir Dets fo:geuen tbem . Mbetber otoetb mo;c tbank i tl)t |3barif« anftoereD,be to tobom moti is fo^geuen. 2Dbe Jlo^De replieD: learn berebp tbat tbis toonians fins are fo;gcuen ber becaufc (^e batb loueD murf)» i!n tobicb too^Des (as ^ou ra)l)e maUctb ber loue not tbe caufe,but t])z p.zofeof IP fo;geacncs of berfinnes. if 0^ t'ot^ are DcriueD bpon a fimilituDe of tbatDetter,to tobo fiuebnnD^cD toas fo^gcucn, to tobom be DiD not fat!C tbat tberfo;e it toas fo;3cuen,becanfc be baD loueD mucb:but tberfo^e loucD mucb be* caufe it toas fo^geuen . ^nD bcreunto mufttbatOimilituDe be applrcD in tbrs fo^t.SLbou tbiiiucft tbrs ujoman to be a finner: but tbou oiigbteft to hnotoe tfjat (be is none fucb,fo:afmucb as b?r finncs be fo;geuenber. 0nD tbat bcr fumes be fo^geuen ber,ber loue ougbt to p;oue bn to tbeejtoberb? (be renD;etb tbankc foj bis bencfitc : 3t is an argument gatbe^ reD of tbe foilotoing cffe(r,toberebi? ant? tbin^isp^oucDbrfi'gncs enfuing. 215^ tobat meanc (^e cbtaineD fo;geucnrs of finnes, tbe Jlo^De openly tcltiSetb.Cbr fa^ib,favtb bc,batb faueD ti)«.2:bcrfo,;c toeobtainc fc^gcueneCfe bi? fa^tb : l^i? €€A> (baritie Cap^; Of rf^c manci- hew to rccciuc iHo.2 in i Ho lo.in Gcn» fcnclie. ad Laur Mat 6,13 diaritie uir gf ue ttiakcf, aiiD ttHifiz tfte boutiiifuUiefic of tl)f i.o;D. 36 as fo; tl}cfe tbingcB tljaf arc com^ titonl^ fouiiD tii tlje bokes cf olDe Uiji* ttts concerning fatiffaction, ttet? little nioue mc. 5 fe in dcdc ^ manip of t^jf (JJ Icill fprak pIainl^)iH a manr ral Ir^ofe bffilics rcmain,tauc titber tvvcn in tliie point, o; fpofecn t© crabbcoli^ f ^artJlp: but ^ Uiill not grant t thtv tucr fo ruoe anD tnfhilfuU as to tjane to;ittcn tbofe ttjinge^int^atfcnfc^ t^c nctu ^atif<= facionarics Do rcab t^tm. Chnfoftomc in one place tojifetlj tfeus : lofjcr mcrc^ J3 required, eramination cp^ffctbtiebcr mere? tiS afUcD , iuDgcmcnt is not rigo* rou0: tuftcrc mmr w craucD,t&er is no place fo; pa^ne : tobere is merer, tfjere is no inquifition.^a^ere t£5 nicrc^e,tbe anftoerciBparDoncD* tmW) ibcjDes botDfocuer t^er be \x)^t1lt\iyXtt t^ti can ncuf r be maDe to agree toitb i ^cbtole* mens Doctrines . 3ln § faoke cf Ccclefia* l!icaU Doctrine0,lu!)i{l) 13 fatbereo tpon AuguHincjis rcD t^us:^atiffad !0 of re* pentancc i6,to cut of § caufcs cf Dnneg, anD not to grannt an entrp to t^rir fug* geaions. ttlberb^appcarctb ^ t\)c tec* trine cf fatiffaction ^ toas faiD to be gc^" nen in recompence fo;rinne0 comittcD, i»as turn in ttjofc t^mts laugbeD to fcojne: fo^fmucf) as tbct? rcf?r all fatif* faction to be a beocfulnes in ablf awning fro Uns in time to com3 \s3il not allege t MM) p fame Chnfoftom fa^tb, ^ Ije requiretb of tg no mo;e, but ^ tec OjclD confcCPe cur fins t)n(o bim ti itb tcares: fitb fucO fentciiccs are manp timcg fcuD in bis Vejiting£5 1 ottiers . /^U2;ufl]ne in bcDe in fomc places calletb f> ioo;iics of mcrctjremcDie0 to obtain fo^geiienelTc of finsibut becanfc no man ftculD Cum* bleat ^ litlctuojD,l^c bimfclfpjcuf tetb it in an otl)cr place. 'SLljt ScOj of Cb^ift (faitlj be) t true f onl^ facrificc fo; fins, not onli? tbcfe fmnes ^ are luboUp puta^ luap in baptifme, but alio tbric t aacr* iuarD creepe in b^ tueakncHc: fci; kljicb tbc toticlc cburcb cr^ietlj out at tljis Da??: iFojgcue tjs our trcfpaCfes.janD f Ijei are fc;£euen bvti)&t finguiar facrifFce. ^9 Stber i^aue fo; :J;c mcft part callcD fatiffa(tion,nota reconipcnce to be rcn? D;eD to(IDeD,but an open Declaration tuberebp tlje^ t baD bene ercomuntcate to^en ttjet tooulD be rcceancD againefo tlje comumon,DiD afccrtain v Cbnrrij of tljcir repentanre. jfo; tberc toerc enio^^ neD bnto i^i loljcn tbei? DiD repent cer* tain faltinges i otW tbingcs,tiberebr tlje\'nugbt perfluaDe ttten^tbcplwerc trul^ « Ijartilp tocrt of ttjei ; fo;mer life o; rattier blct cut ^ remc b;ance cf tljeir fo;mcr Doings:anD fc tl;p^ toere fat»D to mabe fatiffecticn not to OoD, but to ti)e Cburcb. ^bicl) is alio crp;effcD of Au* gufline in tt'i fe *a!0;D5 ill hxS 1^^ nchindi- on to Laurence: JaDu* cf tljat aucicnt tlif ffome g confcliions i fat iffacions f are attliis Dap tfcD , tcfee tbetr beginning. s:rulp terp tiperous bv;ttes,bT? Irljiib is b;Dag^t to paCTe , ^ f tjerc rcmavnetl) not fo mncb es a C^aDolue cf tljat better fo;mt.^ fenoiD i' tbe do U^;ircrs do foni* tune fpeake fcmefebat ljarDlp,anD as 3) fapD curn nciu,3; do not Denre tt^t per* aDuentKrc tljer errcD bcrein. 515ut t^cfe tljingrs tbattecre befp;inchUD UJitba fcinc fpcts,tx»bcn tljep are once tisnDleo iuitfjtljefc mens tntoafbcD l;anDes,are altoget;jcr DcfilcD . Sinn if toe mull con^ tenD iuitl) aiitl3o;itp of olD tu;iters:gcD gtD,to!)at olD U3;itf rs do ttep tl);uC tn# to \iSi ja gffiD part of tljcfe teljertc itb Pe# tcr Lombard (ijctr Champion batb bot^' cbeD bp lji3 patcbtD fentfces,isgatbereD out cf tbe bnrauo;t Dotages cf certatne ^cnfees p are carpeD abcut tnDcrtbe name of Ambrofc,Hicromc, Auguftme anD Chrifoftome. ^s about tbis p;eTcnt quell icn be taUctb in a maner all cut of AuguRincs bofecof rcperitauncctobicb Cap. 6^ and is re* hear led in the Dccretes cap.in ac tionibus de pac- nit.dift.i 1$ Ihc.zraccof Chrift. Third Bookc ■ Fol. IS f(Dimv botctco Of 0(DD J baD bv. font i tofjo ai tuoulD eafcof tbattcDtoafncffT fcrapcr togcfocr 3t bcaretft in d^d tbe |iFo;tomcitfl^uID notbetjfitlabo:fo, name of Auguftm, butfucbabchca£f If ^cttcrpplauQbleto btmnv to their no ma being bat meanly If arnca,tDolD great fi^ame tfjofc things mt hti fjaue toucbfafc to acunotrleoge fo; bis. 15ut bcrctofoK bottco tpfj af mpOcrif0,but tofjercas 3 do not fo narrotol^ craminc bpcaufc m^ purport ts to uadje frufc tbeir fomc5,!ct tfje reaDerg paroon mc, ' faUp,tbcrfo^c Bi paflfc t l?em cuer. The y.Chdptn-, Of the fupplj'ingcs vvliich they addc to fhtifFaaion,as pardons & purgatory. 1 Qtmtoftbis Doctrine Of fatiffartios tbem,^ this monller Do(b Dailpmoie'f jt .^^o^o^ »n^"'S^«cc5o; parDons. m0;eioiti)grevnerliccnciournc5 cucr. if o; tbcp far ^ tbat iDbtfb oure potoer rimne tfje Ujo:Id, t grora into outraae, toantctb to W3!;c fatiifaction, is fup. anD ^ tbcrc is no eno , ncla Icao Darlv plieD bv tbcfc parDons. anD tbev rnnne b.:ougJ)t j neto monp gotten.^et toith fofarrc fo;tb into maDr.cflfc , tbat tbc^ liit rcucrencetbc^ recc^aeD,tbevtt)02.' Define tbcm to be m eiaributio of tbe , m??t;3 % boriGbt parDona, anD fucb as iH?' u ^ or €r.ia anD of tbe martirs, ' among tbe rettc falw fontlubat fartber, to^tcb tb: pope Dcalrtb ab.:oD^ bv bvs , vet tbaug^t tbem to be Occiv Deceptcs bu.ie5 )i3utaIti)ougb tbcv baue mo;e : iuJjcrbi mtn migbt bebeguilcD 1:6 fomc n«D Oi i^eliebojus to purge tljeir fren* , p jcfite. at \i lengt!; Snc e tbe too:lD fuf. fcreD it fclf'to be fcmetubat U)ircr,par.' Dons ajare colD,f fav title t title become frofen,tiU tbev ^otterlv t3ani(b aluav. 2 3i5ut fb:afmu(b as manv v fee tbe fil- tbv gamiiigcs, tbeocf evte0,tbefts anD robbcrics,U)berUiitb i parDoners \)aue beretofo;? tnocfeeD anD beguileo l30,vet feenottbebcrv fountavne of bngoDlv- nes from tobence tlnv fp;iing: it is gaiD to fljeto not onciv of tubat fo2t pamons be,but alfa tubat tbev be, tube tbcv are U)ipcD from at fpottes.Cbcv cat v trca* fureoftbe cburcb^tbc meritcs ofcbuff « of tbe bolv ilpoaic0 1 O^artircs. 2:be p.JicipaI culf oDv of tbis barn (as 3< baue alrcaDv toiJcbcD) tfjcv fame to bcDclv* uereo to tbe Bidjop cf Heme , tfcat be (IwulD baue fbe DiCribution of fo great gu^'teSjtoat be niigbt botb gcue tljim bv bimfcifcanD alfo graunt iurifoic!ion to otbcr io gcue tbr.ti3ei-cnpon pAoreoe fto tl)c ]d:ipc fonicti^ue plcnarie parDons, fom parsons fo: certavne vcre s:fro tbe CarDinalfi,parDos fc; a bunD;eD Daics: 202 tgijebjainc, tban argumentes toaun* fUiere tbcm,fo tbat it is not mucb Uio^- tbv tbe trauavle to ttanD bpon cofuting facb trinii\% errors , tobicb arc alreDv fljake ioitb manv battclrammes, i of tbefelues grotu into DecaicD age^i bcnD totoaro falling: vet bicaufe a Ojo^t cofu^ tation of tbf Ojalbe profitable fo; fom ^ be igno;ant,3l ^iil not altogetber omit it^ fo; tbis tbat parDons bane folog fianD fafe, J baue ben fo longe tinpuni- fbcDjbauing hm bfeD \» fo outragious f furious licentioufnes: tbis mav ferue to ttad) bs in botu Darfec a nigbt of tr^ ro;3,men in certain ages paft baue ben D;oimncD.i^bei faio tbefclues to be ope? Iv * bncolo;eDlv fco;neD of ^ pope i tiis ISuIbearers, gainefull markets to bee maDe of V faluatio of tbeir fouls,v p;ice of faluation to be baUieD at afcU) pens, f notbing fct cut to be ff elv geuen,^ bv tbis colour tbev be U}ipeD cf offrings to be filtbilv fptt bpo b;otbels,batDDs f bh bettings:^ tbe greatcabloli3crsab;oDe J ,^ ^^.,^..»^^»^.,^^, of parpons are tbe gre,Ioh»i.7 2. Cor.5-. "OFtK c maiiCT how to receiue i.Cor.i, Aa.2o, 28. fie 10.14 Re.7.14. Epifl.si. cribttljtm) t^e profaning of tftebloiD of Cb^ill.^atfjas morfecrr, toleatJaloa^ tl)c Cb^riffian people from t&e grace of goUjfi'om tfje l^fe tljat is in C!j?ift, f (0 turnetfjem fro,§ true toa^ of faluatto. i?oj fjctu coulD t' blcDD of c!)jill be mo^e filtbil? p^op^aneo , Vm\ ^jjVjm it 10 oe^ nieo to fuffice to t^e remilTiS of finnei*, to reronc ilintion f fattf faction, tjnleffe tijc Uiante t'jercof as being toitljereo i tuaftcfi,n}oulo be otfjerto^fe fupplieD f pjofiteD^^tjc latu « al § p;opbet0(faitb ]^}crcr)l^care teitnes of C^;ilf, tl;at b^ Inm fo^geuenes of fin is to be receiucD: parDons geue remiCfion of fins by pe ter,]^aul,anD tfje ^arfr;s.SEI^e btoD of Cb;ifi (faijtb Mn) clanfetb t3s fro fin: IDarDons to mafee tbe blco of S^artr^s tbc loathing atoay of fins.Cb;ift (faifb |aauI)tjDl)ieft bnetD not finne,toas m^t finne fo; t)s, tljat is, t^e fatiffaction of fittjttjat U)c mi?gbt be maoe tbc rigbf e^ ciifnetrc of CPo5 in \jiim paroons no fet tlje fatiffactio of fins in tfce blosD of spar tt?;s.pa«l crieD out anfi tefiificD to tbe Co;int!)ians,tfjat only dlj^itt leas cru ciScD anD nicD fo; tijem:tbeparD6s p;jo ncuce tijat pant anD otber DieD fo; l^s, Sinanotfjerplacebefaytljtfjat €f)nfie purctjeafcD tbe Cburct) lo^tb tts blmD: tbeparccns appoint an ot^er p^ice of purdjace in tljc bltnD of ^artr;s . 2Dbe apclllc faitb,tbat €l)M Uiitb one obia tion maDe perfcd foj euer tijf tbat luer fanctificDitOe parsons crrc out to t^c co trar^auD fap,tijatfanctificatio ismaDe perfectebytbesparty;s, luljicbotbcr^ twife tuer not fumcient Jobn faitlj tljat all tlje ^ainffcs luafi/^D t^cv; goiuncs in tbe bl©^ of tbe 5tambc: tbe parcons teacbc men to l»a(]^ tbeir gotuns in tbe bloDof^ainctrs. 3 l-coii5.ia)opofl$omc,to;ttctbnota^ bli? tocl to tljc palefiincs ana ^nfi tbcfc .Sacrileges. tbe reoemption , fo; beare tbcir cuftallco argum.*n^s. iieaft ] tbe reconciliation ,fo; tt)c fatiffattion of tbe blouD of p ^artp.is I^duIo be fbeo m ! the Cburcbi but foi tbe eoifping f p;cfit bain^tbcrfoK let it be emolorco to f c6* | of fbe Cburcb . 0s in an otyer place bee mon bencat of § Cijurcb. |s it fof Uias it j fa vf b,tbat be futf retb all tbmges fo : ano botb m 31 fnppl^ in mp boop tbat barrcnf frutelc(rc.3stbogbtDben : fuffercft oftbem tbat are net tbt mcm^ it is bp tl> tr triumpbes encourageo to a j bers of Cb?ia, tbe (amc toanteD in tbe jclous DeSre ro ftgl^t. fuffcriiigs of Cb;ift. l^ut tri}i?ri!nio fbe 4 13ut botD malicicuflp tro ti)cv to;eft I fuffcrings of cb2 ancfilcs tahcn fo; tijc ^(it place of IDatjl tobere be fapf b, tbat ' Cijurcb of C^;^^l bb tf nr>,be erpcim?. tb be fiippl^etb in bvs boop tt>ofe t?;piig>^s in anotbcr pl.icciubcrr be favtb.-C!? : .11 tbattoanteDortbcfuftcnass of€bii(ti. is to me tbe gate tntopou; bKniiupc CCiii. :ire frac iiT lohn.5{ Gp^Z Of the maner how to recciuc f^o.^.TJ are tf)t lb*pe of^Ift^ift boag!)t )})itl) l)V« blouDtacbnotDleDging i?our pjice,li3biclj 10 not gcncn of im,but p^car tjco b|? me. Cben be aooetb. ^ be batb gcucn br^s route, fo ougbt Ice to geuc our foules fb; our bjetbjen,to eoifie pracc, t te cofirm fa^b. SLbefeare Auguftmcstoo^oes, ^ But dDoD fo^bio, ^ paule fljoulDc baue ^^* '^'* tbougbt tbat an^s tbing toatcD tn ^ fufPe* rtng0 of Cb;tll^ as coeermng ali fulneflTe of rtgbteouftic(te,faluatton t Ufe;o^tbat be meant to aooe an^ tbtngtbercunto, Uib^cb To platnip f bono;ablt p^eacbetbt ^ tbe abunsance of grace toasfo largely poureD out bp €f)iitt, t tt far furmoun* ten all tbe fo^jc c of finne. Br it oncli? all t\)t fatntes baue bene faueo , anb not bv tbe merttc of tbetr olon Itfe o^ Deatb, as letter eFpjefli' teftifico : fo tbat be (bolD be aauberou0 agai^nff d^oD and €1)^9 tbat ll^oulo repofe V^c tDCt;tbtneire of a^ n? faint an^ tubcre els tban m tbe cne^ 1^ merer of <25od. I&ut lubr bo 3 tarr^ , bereupon an^ longer , as bpon a matter l?et Dou'full, Ctb t^t bert? bctu;iarmg of fucb monHrouB errors is a fufficient confutation of tbemf J j^otD (to paCTc ouer fucb abbomtnati* ons) Utbo taugbt tbe pope to tnclofe in ileao I partcbmenttbe crace of 3iefii0 Cb;tl!, trbicb tbe llo^o tuilleo to ba Di* ftributcD bp ^ toojD of ^ dDofpellf SDrue^ It? eitber j* CDofpel of (2?ob mutt be falfc, oj tbeir parDons falfe, i?o;j,tbat Cb^itt is otfrcJ) tj0 in t\)e gofpcll>iuttb al abnn;' bancs of btaucnl^ bcncfite0,U)itb all l)is mcrite0,lDitb all bi0 rigbteoufnc0,tuife Dome, anb gracc,li3itbout anr crrcptio, ^aul iBitneffetb tubcre be faitb,tbat tbe too;t)e of reconciliation tras beliuerco to tbe minifter0,toberbr tbe? migbt bfe tbTii fo?me of mcffagcas it tocr Cbjitt geuing erbojtation br tbem: toe befeecb l?ou, be re fo reconcileo to C&ob^l^e batb mabe brm ^ bneto no finne,f o be mabe Cnne fo; b0, tbat toe migbt be mabe tbe 2, Cor,i. rigbteoufneffc of CDob in brm . ;anD ibr fartbfull bnoto of to^t balue is tbat cc* mon partafecrs of Cb;Mtt,tobtcb ( as tbe fame japottle Ujitneffctb) is otfrcb bs fo be eniofcb in tbe (^ofpel^Contrahlcife tbe parDons do facing out of p Co;ebcufc of t'Qt popca certain pittance of grace, « fatten it to ileaD,partcbmct, vea anD to a certain? place,anD feuer it from ti)t tDo;tD of dDoD.lf a ma OjoulD atbe tobfce tli^s shaft toUt beginning: it femetb to bauep;oceDeDbereof,^ luben in t^mt patt penitents loere cbargeb Uiitb mo;e rigorous fatirfaction0 tba all coulD bear, tbet tubitb felt tbcmfelues aboue mca^ fure opp^ettcD ix^itf) penance eniorneo tbem,requircDoftbeCburcb a releafe. Cbe mitigation ^ toas grauteb to fucb, tuas calico an inDutgcnce o; )^arDon. But tobe tbcp turneb ^atiffactions fro tl)z Cburcb to dDcDjt fat?D tbat tber tucr recompcnccf tobcr'trnien map rcoeme tWtluts fro ti)t tuDgement of goD,tbcn tbci? tbcrti'ifbal ciD alfo Djato tbefe Bin^ Diligences o; |i;>arDons to le p;opitiato^ rrc remeD^eSjto Deliuer bs froiii Defer* ueD panilbmcnts . 0s fo; tbefe blafpbe^ merstbaf tuc baue reciteD,tber baue fb;gep tbeui fo tt^ameleQr^tbat tber can bauenocolo;atalL 6 ij^otu let tbem no mo;e trouble bs Uiitb tbeir purgation,becaufe it iB toitb t}i^s are alreaD^ b;o&en,bcU)eD Dotxine, anD ouertb;otDcn from tbeber? founba^ tionsif o; 31 do not agree to fome men,^ tbinUe l(tt to Dittemble in this potnt, i malte no mention at all of p^urgato^pe, tobf rupon (as tbet? far) great contenti# ens DO anfe,but fmall eoiflcation is got^ tcn^SCruclr, 31 mp fclf IdouId alfo tbinb fucb trifles toojtbrcto be negligently palTeD oaer,if tbei DiD not accompt tbem earnett matters. But fo;afmu(b as pur« gatc;r ts builDcD of manr blafpbemes, anD is DarlrbpbolDcn }3)it^ netoe blaf* pbemeg,anD raifctb bp manr anb grec* uous Dc.l$.2l "" The grace of Ch hilt. uoufi ofFciic00,truelp it is not to be toin heD at%i)is peraou:nturc mi^^t after a fojt baue ben DiffemblcD fo; a tpme,i? ittuas inuciiteDbf curious ano boloe ratbnjffc Vuitfjout tbc U)o;D of goD:tbat men belcucD of it bp, 3 luote not Uj^at rcuclations, farnco bp tbc craft of ^a» tanitbat fo.; tbc confirmation of it, ccr* taine places of S>criptti re Uierc foniJl]? to^^eftcD.jaibeitiP lo;D gcuetb not Icaue tomans pj^efumptuoufncs fotobzeabe into tbe fecret places of bis iuogemcts, f batb feuereli fozbiODe men to enquire fo} trutb at Deao men , ncglctting bl?s tLio;iOe,anD permittctb not bis tooiD to be fo tjnreuerentli? oefilco ., Ii5ut let bs graunt,tbat al tbofe tbings migbt fo; a tobilc baue ben bom toitb, as tbings of no great impo^tacc. i5ut tuben § clean* ling of finnes is fougbt tls Inbcre tban in t\)Q blonu of Cb;itt,Uiben fatiffaction is geuen atoap to anp otbcr tbing, tben it is mod peri>llous not to fpeake of it 2Dbcrcfo.:e Idc mufte crp out not onelt \3)itli iJcbemcnt ttretcbing of our bcicc, but alfo of our tb^otc i Gdcs: tbat jDur^ Sato;ie is tbc Damnable bcuicc of ^a* tan , tbat it makrtb t3orr5C tbc crcfTc of Cb;iff,i$ it laicib an intollcrablc fclaun ber bpo tbc mcrct of goD,tbat it fcblctb ano oucrtb^otDctb our faitb-ifo; U»bat els is purgato^ie among tbem,but tbe fatiffaction tbat tbe foulcs of men bepar ten DO pjavc after ttjcir Df atb i ^o tbat onertb;otDing j> opinion of fatiffaction, purgato;ie is immcDtatl^ ouertb;2olDe bp tbc berp rotes . Ol6ut if in our fc:* met Dpfcourfe it is mo;e tban eupDent tbat tbe blouD of Cb;t(t is tbc onelp fa<> tilfaction , p;opiciato;p facrifice anD deanitng fo; tbc finnes of tbe faptbful: tDbatremapnctbbut tbat ^urgato;ie isamerc anb bo;rible blafpbcmpea* gainft cb;ift:? J paffc oucr tbc rcAberics of (^oD tDberelBitb tt is bailp DefenDCD, tbe offences tbat it bjcoetb in religion. Third Bookc. anD otber tbingcs innumerable, tobicb Fo) ^04, tDix fee to baue come out of ttft fame fpangofbngoDlincffe. 7 ^ut it is gcD3 to to;ing oaf of tbcir banocs fucb places as tbcp baue falfclp f tozongfiilp tafeen out of tbc fcripture. ?Kllben(rap tbcp)tbe ilo;D affirmetb # ^, tbc fin agapnft tbe bolp gboft IbulD not Mx.^, bee fozgeucn in tbps 1jdo;ID, no; in tbe 28 Mat.2i» Ujo;Io to come,tberebp \)c fljetoctb tbat tbcre is a fo;geuencs of fome finnes in tbe too;lD to come.l5ut tubo fectb net ^ tbc ilo;D tbcrc fpeahetb of tbe fault of fin^i^oUi if it be fo, iubat is ^ to tbcir purgato;ie,fo;afmucb as bp tbcir opp^ nion tbe peine is tbcre fuffcrcD of tbofe finnes, tobereof tbcp Dcnpnot tbc fault to befo;geucn in tbps p;cfcnt lifcflBut tbat tbcp mape no mo;e carpcagainft t)s,tbep (bal l^aut pet a plapncr folutio. Mbcn tbe JLo;De mcantc to cut of all bopc of parDo from fo bapnous luicUco^ ncs,be tbougbt it not enougb to fap tbat it QjoulD neuer be fD;gcuen,but (1 mo;e to amplifie tt,bc bfeo a Diuifion, Uil;cf * in be comp;ebenDeD botb tbe iubgcmf t tbat cuerp mannes confcicnce felctb in tt)is life, t tbe laft iuDgementc tbat ftal be opf ip p;onounceD at tbe refurrectio; as tbougb t)t CljoulD baue fapD : bctuarr pe of malicious rcbclli6,as of moC p;e* fent Danati6,i?o; be tbat of fetpurpofe (ball enbcuo; to quencb tbe ligbt of tl)f bolp^bofi-,fijal not obtepnc parbonmcp tber in tbi5 life tobicb in gcuen to fin^ ncrs fo; tbcir conucrOoji,no; in tbe lall Dap Inbf tbciafaf s (balbe fcucrcD bp tbe jangcl of goDfro tbc goates, % tbe Ming* Dom of bcaucn fijalbc clcanfcD from all offences . Sbbcn tbep b;ing fo;t|) tbat parable out of Cpatbetoe : agree toptb tbpne aDucrfaricleaftc l^c Del-purr f bee to tbe iuDgc, anD tbe iuDgp.totbe ^ar^ geant, ano tbe ^argfArit to tbe pjk!fbn> fro Ujbcncc tbou fljalt not get s)ut,\mtil tboubaftpapDtbe ttternifrlt fartbing> €€,ii\i. sf Lu,i3..: ,Mat.;.ic Cap-4 Phil. 2.x OFthe maner how to recenje 3f in t\)is place § iucgc do fignifie goD, t tlje aDucrfarie plcntiffe tfje S)cuil,tbe ^argeant p ^jigcU ttje p^ffon l^urga* to;ic,Bi toil glaolprflo tjnte tIjcm.JEut if ii be euioent to al men, ^ cft^ift mcnt t^crs to Qjeti) info tjotn mant'tiaungerfi « mifc&eue0 tftep caft t^emfelues, tftat l^aQ ratlber obffinatfivparfue tbe eptre mitie of § latu, tijan Dcale acco;jt5ing to equitic ano gcoD rigtjt, to tbe enDe to cp bo;tbi£t»ircipIestbe mo;e earneftli) to agreement iDitbequitiettoljerc tbenj p^ap^wi fijaUpurgato^icbcfounoe^ 8 Cbes fetcb an argument of § faring cfl|i)auI,Uil)erbeaffirmetb ^tbe fences of tbings in beauen,eartb ano bcl,rball botuc to CbJift.if o;j tbct? take it as con fefleOjtbat bell ran not tbere be meant£ of tbofe t are aoiuDgeD to eternal Dam* nation.2i:bercfo;e it rematnetb tbat it mixft be j> foules l^ing in pe t?ne in ^ur gato;ie.2Lbe^ di?d not realo bcr^ euil, if tbe ^oftle Di?D br feneling meane t true C^oDlrtoo^Ojipping.liBut fitbebe teacbctb onclf ,tbat tbcre is a Dominion geuen to Cb^iClnberebr all creatures are to be fubDucD, lufjaf p^Jfflfc is tbere to tbe c6trar^,but tbat tee map by> bcis tJuDerCano tbe SDeuils, tbatfballka bjougbt before tbe iuDgement of CDoo, to acUnotolcDge bim tbcir iuDgc Uiitb feare i treblings %ikt as Paul bimfelf erpounDetb fot fame p;»opbecie in ano^ tber place,ai (fa^tb be)16al be biougbt before tbe iuDgement feate of Cbjitt. iFo; it is \3)}itti: fo trul? as 3 liue,eue* n? fence 11^1 boto to me.i c.HBut iue ma^ not fo erpounoe tbat \ja\)icf) is in tlic re^^ Rcu, J.15 uclation : 3 baue bearoe all creatures, botbc tbefe tbinges tbat are in beauen, anD tbofe tbat are bpon ti)t eartbe,anD tbofe tbat arc bnber tbe eartb , f tbofe tbat are in t^t &e« , anb all tbofe tbat are in tbem, 3 baue bcaro (^cm all fa? tobrmtbat Ottetb to tbe Stb^onc ano to tbeilambe, 515lemngano bt..io;,ano Ro ■ i3»io glojv^no poluer,fo; cuer 1 euer. SLbat jl DO in oaD eaMv grau' ,bu: u-ijat crea turcs Do t\)ti t^inU to be :ocrc rd)eai TeD^, iFo; it is moft certain tbat tgcr are con' tcpneo creatures botb UJirijout reufctt f luitbout fciue.^bcibv isaftirmeo no* tbing els, but tbat all tbe partes of tbe too;lD,from t(;e br^ft tcp of | \)paucr.Sy to tbe berr miistJle point cf tbe eartb,Do in tbeir maner Declare tbe gio;i of cbeir creator, ^s fo; tbat Vebicb tbe? allege out of tbe l9iiJc;ie cf t^e ^acbabecs, 3 toill not boufbefaue to enfVuere itjcaft 3 (boulo feemeto reckon tbat lro;fec in tbe numb;e of tbe bo'.i^ bofees. 2i5ut Au* guftinc receraeD it fo; CanonicalliSut firft,of tobat fure cre&it bio be recevue itfSDbe 3ctocscr faitbfull,ttat baD bicD foj tbeir coiitric anD religion. Subuec Doing tsas in ceeo not toitbout fuperHition ano p;jepo0e* rou0 jele,but t^ep arc mo^c tban folcs, tfjat b^alD a facrificc of tbe iatu fo farre as tjnto ts:fe;afmucft as toe bnoln tbat tilings bo cclTe bt? the coming of Clj;ift, tbattbentoereinWc. 9 llSuttbci? bane an inuincible bul< Uiarfe in ^aul, tobicb can not fo eafelt be battercb.Jf ani? man (faitb be)bti^lD bpo this foiiijatiOjgolb, (liner, precious ftone«,timbcr,bev,(tubbIe,tbc lojti (bal CbeU) euer? mans too^be tobat it ii;:bi* caufc it tbalbe reueleo in fter,anD ^ fier fl&al trpe euerp mans tDo;ife toljat it is. 3Ifani?man3luo;feeDo burnc, it I^all fufftr lolTe , but be OmW be fafc, but as tb?ougbe tbe ficr. WXhat fier (fai? thcf) can tbat be,buttf)e Ser of purgatojicf bi tol)ic|) ths fiUbines of fin arc cleanfeD atuavjtbat tnema^ enter pure into tijt kingbomc of OoDf 316ut tbe moftc part of tbe oloe to;ifers tbougbt it to be ano* tber fier, tbat is to far, trouble, o; tht crotre,bi \nbicb tbe ilo;jD trietb tbe tbat be l)is,tbat ^c^ Ojulo not rctt in the tl thints of p fleO); anD th^X is mucb moje probable, tban in fair.i ng purgato^ic. jaibcit ^ bo neitbcr agre Ujitb tbefe nte, bicaufc J tbiiicnc "i banc attainec a ccr* taine ano mucb i^U'incr bnberHancir.g of tbat plac0.ll5ut Ocfo;e V^sit "i Wte r it, Bi toolD batictbem aafluer nie,ti3?;ifh?r t^;e ^apoHles i all tbe v.ir.ts nm5 tjaue gone tbzougb t:m fire tf i9urgoD, can not bcarc i> tri'all of the bolp gboft , hvX^t"^ bi?anDbv fall a* to::v anD pcrifte. irinallr,if foanD (4:ucb'e,bicaufe lifte toeDD,ber5anD ftub* bltNtbtr^re burneD toitb fire anDDe* iti-n^tD : but tbe^ are not Defiroi?eD 0; D.iiuen atoar but bp t fpinte off Jlo;D: ;t fcllctoetb tbat tie bolv gboft i^ p fire tob^rtoitb toep fljall be pjoueo , tobofe p; r3^e lOanle , acco^Ding to ^e common tife of tl)c Scripture , callctb tbe Dap of t^cJ^'Vi»> §m it is calleotbepap of tbe CCtj. llb;D, J-^T" OFthc mancr how to receiue 3lo;D,tol)f foener be Dotft mv toai G^etD bis pjcfcnct to men. Wutt^en^^sfact pnmipali^ diinttih Ujfjen bis trntb H^i* neti) tjpon t0. ^Dtoe bauc toe p^oucD, tbat^aulc meanett) nootberScr, but tbc triali of tbe Wv g'ooJtc. But botoe are tbcp faueD bp tb4t fier, tbat fuffer loae of tbeir )a)o;^sei 2Lbat Ojaa not be barD to l3rtQerftaD,tf toe cfiliDcr of to!iat bmo of mf be fpeHctb. jro,J be toucbetb toofe builders of t cburcbi tbat keeping toe true fouoation,ooe buila oifagreing m itter tpon it,tbat is to fa?,tbcT» t not ftoaruing from tfjc cbefc ano ncf f (far^ articles of faitb,Uo crrc in poi?ntes tbat be rmnUer ano les pcrtlious, mingling tbeir oton oeuifes toitb ? toojD of dDoo. ^ucbe J fa^e, muft fuffer loffc of tb?ir too^kc, bauing tbcir Denife^ ocftro^eo. ^ut tbemfclues are raneD> but as bt? i^ fier : tbat is to fa\?e,not tbat tbeir igno* ranee anDerro; is alotoable before tbe JLo;iD,but bicaufe tbei? are clenfeD from it b? tbe grace ano potoer of t^t l^olpe SboftXberfo;e tobofoeuer baue oefileo tbe goloen firneneire of goDs too^o toitb tbis oog of pnrgato^^Vjtbe^ muft naoes fuefer lolTe of tbeir toojfee* 1 o But tl)t^ toil fa?,it batb ben an an* citiit tofage of tbe cbarcb.lBaule anftoe* reo tbis obiection toben be comp;eben? Oetb bis oton time in t fentence,toberc be fattfj, tbat all ti)z^ muft fuffer los of tbeir too^fe,i5 in tbe building of J cbnrcb 00 lav anp tbing b|jon i founoation ^ a* greetb nzt toitb it. s:berfo;e toben § ao uerfartcs obictt againft me t\3nt it batb ben Weo aboue a ^.ano CCC.teres,to baue p^arers maoe &; tbe oeao:3l af^e tijem againejtp tobat too^o of CDoo,b? tobat iicuelation, bv tobat erample it toas Done.if oi bare t^e^ ooc not onelt? toant tcftimomee; of fcriptiire, botalfo al t\)t eraples of boli' men tbat tber arc rco,ooajctoe no rucbtbing.€>f f mour* ^^iHm^*^^ of funerals tbere arc fonu times founo man^ f long tales : but of p^a^crs i?ou can not f® onetitle.But of tl)t greater toetgbt tbat ti)t matter i0,§ mo;e tt oug!; toere^atbameo to oo notbing for tbe oeao,as tbougb ^t^ toere titter* 1? oeftropeoi^ereupon came tbat tl ao« ntfeo oiligece: bicaufe if tbet> toer Goto in losing to tbettmerals, in baketinos ano offerings, tbt? tbougbte tbat t\)tii baoputt^tbemfelttts tn oaungerof a greui The grace of Clirift, gFcate rcp;orl)c. 0ni) ^ iofjic!) fiVa p:c^ ccDcDfi-omatD:ongfull fsUotuing ofv ^eat^cns (rf.plclras fo muUiplicc bp often nctD encrcafce, ttjat noio it is tbc principal IjclriifS of papittrie, to !)elpc tlic DcaD in DiarcIIc. 25ut tl)£ ff ripturc miniCrettanotbcr mucb better f per* fe(tcreomfo;t,tDljcn itteftifief^, tljat tbe oeaD are bUCTeo tbat nit in tbe 1o;d. :anB it aDOetb a reafon : bf caufc from t^fcefo^tb tbctrett fro tbetr labo^.^anD tDC ougW net fo muf !) te ocrlp to fololu our clone affcdion of lone , to fet tp a to;ogful maner of p;attng in i cttircb. %rut\v\)t tbattjatb but ineane torfc* uome, Dotb fojnc perceruc tftat all tbat is reo hereof in tbe oloe \Dntcre , U)a0 Done to beare tuitb tbe common tjfage, ano tbe ignorance of tfje people . Cbcp tbemfeluc0 alfo, B! graunt, Uiere carieD atoat into crro^ : euenasf tnaouffe^ ligbtneOieofbclefeis U^ontto rob mh tDtt0 of iucgement . ^ixt in tbe mesne tpme tljc tjer^ rcting of tfte tiotb fbcto, boU) Doutingl^ tbc^ commcnDep;a:er0 fo; tbe oeaD.Auguftin in his boke of c6^ fcirions,rcpojtett) tljat Monica brs mo* tbcr oio carnclr Defire, tl)at Ojc m^gbt be rcmemb;c0 in celebrating tlje miCc rie0 at tbe aiter.iin olo luiues requeff, U)brcb tbe ^orncneuereramineDbf tbc rule of tbc S>cripture,but accojDing to bis affection of nature,tx»oulD baueit allotDcD of otbcr.afs fo; tbe bobe tbat be maoe of care fo; tbe oeaD.conteinetb fo manv Doutings, tbat of rigbte it ougbtc Uj^tb tbc colDncffe tberof to quencbe tbc beat Of a fcoliflj jcale : if anp man ocOre to bea p;o(to; fc; oeao men,trult! tuitb coiDe ItUelvboi^eB it Uiit b;ing tbem cat of care tbat Ujcrcbcfojc carefull, ifo; Vj^B is one piilcr of it,tbat tbvs coing is not to be ocipilebjbicaufe it is a cuUom grotonc mlJictijat tbetcace tbculD be ^;a^ct) fo;. But tbor.cb 3! graunt to tbe eloc U);rterfi of tbe Cburcb? tbatitisa Tiiird Eooke, FoLaooi cbaritable %rc to bclpc tbe DeaD; ret toe muC ftil! bcloe one rule lubifb can not Mctiut : tbat it is not latcfull ft); ts in ourc p;arer5 to tie anrc t!)ing of ourc otrnc, but our reqaeftcs mull be mane fubicrt to tbe Ujo;o of CDoO:bicaufc it is in htfi Ir il to appoint tobat be toill baue to be afteo. f^o\s) toberafl i tobolc fabj ano tbe fiofpcl do not fo mucb as in one (illable geue liberty to p;avftj; § DeaD, it is a p;opbane abufe cf tbc inuocation of goD to attempt moje tban be comau* Dctb ^is.lBnt tl}at oure aouerfarics map not boC t tl)cv baue ti)e ancient cburcb companion of tbeir erro;: J fai' tbere i« great Difference betlu^sne tbcm ano it. IL\)tv tJfcD a mcmo;iall of i& DeaD , lead tbcrfboulo feme to baue catt alnaveall care of tbf :but tiatv did tberiuitball con* feffe ^ tbe^ DouteD of tbeir ftate. 0s fo; ^urgato;r,tber fo aff irmcD notbtns* t tber bclD it fo; a t\)in% tjncertain.SLbefc men require to baue i^tubifb tbev bane D;eameD of purgato;r> to be bolDcn xtf cut queCion fo; an article cf faitbXbei OenDerlv anD onel? to peCle it ligbtlr o^ uer,DiD in (> communion oft' bol^ ^up' per commenD tbeir DeaD to goD:tbefe do continuuUr call tpon tbe care cf tbc DcaD,anD Iritb itiipo^tunate p;aiftng it, DO mafee it to be p;cfcrrcO auoneall Du^ tifulUio;ttcB of cbaritie. ^ea t it tocre not barD fo; Ds to b;ing fo;tb fom tcfti* monies of § oId U.i;iters, ^ do manifeft^ l^ouci-tb;olucaUtbofe p;apers ftj;tbc DcaDjtobicbtbcnU'cretrcD. ^sttivsot Augultmc, tobcn be teacbetb ^ all uien lojkc fo; tbe refurrection of i flcft), anD tbe etcrnall glo;^ % tbat cuert' ma tbcn receauctbtbe rcil tbat foUotoetb after Dcatl), if be be \i?o;tbrc toben be Dttf b. 0nD tbercfo;c be tefiiflctb y tbat all tht goDl? DO immcDiatlie at cr oeatb euiOi e tbe blelTeD reft as tod as tbe P;opbets, apofiles,anDa3artr;s. 3.f tbeir eltate befucb^tobat i^adyou ,ajaU our p;arers ' Horn, ii can,iij i Cap«s;. Of the mancr how to veceiue ftaue no t)oncQ: colotirc toercufrtbcm. Mq i let paCfe tijofc mott mt^*j brings pm^^ attaile f^em:?! patTe oner f gro ; dna fellings tijat tljc^ ijaiie t)fcD, toljtle fcr fuperftitions,to!)eicU:i(tljtbiJt? banc I tljctoc^lousasiii lucl) groffc fenfclcffe be^itc()eo t^c mmDe^i of tijt fimple: i ig:io.:anrc. jfc; boti^e^ foouJtJc ncticr tDl)idj v'ct are fo innumerable, anc the j maUe an cnDcan^ a!fo t1;c rcat-srs i^al ntoff part fo monftruouB, tbat tfjc^ ran Uiitbout anve retjcarfall of ttjem, !)aue l)crc fufftcient,tDl)cr\)pqn t^cp mai Ca« bliUje tbeirconf(icncc0* Thefixte Cl\iptrr, Of the life of a Chriflian man: and firft by vvhatarguraentcs the Scrip- ture cxhortcth vs thcrvnto tttC^ bane alreau? fa^D, ^ tbe mark ^^ toberbntfl regeneration tenoetb, is tbat in tl)t life of tbe faitbfuU tbere (boulo apcre anagrement i confent be^ ttuene tbe rigbteoufncs of ©oD i tbc^^ obeoiencetanb ^ fo tbei? fbulo c onfirme tbe aaoptton, tubcrbi? tt)cv are recciueD to be f ^ilD^cn.llBut altbougb bis Ial» co teine in it felf tbat netones,U)berbi t\)t image of CDoD is rcftoieo in b£5, y^et bc^ caufe oure culnclTe batbe nG;0e botbe of manr p;if feing0 fo^toaroe ano bolpes, tberfo2c it fiball be pjefitable to gatbcr cute of Diners places of t\)t fcripturc an B^Der of framing of life , ^ t?je^^ baae a befirons minD of amenDmft,ma^ not Uiaoer out of tbe toav in tbcir inDeuo be guibeo to a rigbt mar^e offrnming bis life, an«3 lbo;tlp toap« po^nt out a certaine bniuerfall ru!c,b^ tobicb be mat> toell trie tobat be bis du* ties. 2Ebere lljall pcraouaiturc at Tome otberfeafon be a St time to make be* clamatiosyo; ji luill leaue tbat to otber> UJbicb 3l mp felfe am not matt to oce, 3 CO naturally Icue Ibo^tncffe, anb per* abuenture if 31 loonlDe fpeakemo^eat large,it loolo not frame ludl tuirb me. ^no if a longer n^aner of teacbing U«er nener fo mutbc plealing, ret 3 tooulDe fkarce banc miube to ^ it in p;a)fe. But tbe couf fe of tbrs p;cfent tuo^k re^ quiYzt^ to fenitte tp a fimple Doctrine initb as great l^o^jtnelTe as 31 tna\>t.^s tbe pljilofopbcrs baue tbeir certaine enbcs of rigbt anb boneSp, from tobicb f be? beriae particnlare Duties, anb all t^z company cf bertues : fo tbe ^crip^ ture is net iuptboot bsr o;Dcr intbi'S mater: but fcebcloetb a mcft gajol? Ujel o;o;s3 Difpofiiifon, anb mucb mojeeer* tain2 tbaii ali ^t pbiloropbcrs cjccrs. 'SLf}isis oneiv tbe sitfercnce, t\^ t^e^ (ag tbcj? lucre bainglo.uo:is men) baue oiligcati^ ^ The grace of Chrift. 1 h\rd EookcT Biligentlv entscuojcD to attcin an zx^ui ■. tDirheoncCe i filtfjinclTc of t^c teozlac. fitc plainnclTc of o^Djc, to Hjcti) fo;tl) f reaD? aptncffcof t^eir tuit.But t!)c fpi* rii of goDjbimufe Ije f augtt lurtljout cn^ rioug aafatation,tatfj not fo cicartli no; cotinuall? kept an o;Dci1p traDe:lDtjici) T?etU)l)cnl)cfomctimelJfetf), Kie Dotbe fufficntlg Declare, ttjatit is not to be neglected of t0. 2 SLbis inftruction tbat t^e Scripture teacbettjjtobcrof iDC notuc fpcafecftan* '■ Dctb cbcfclp tpon ttoo parts. Ki)t firtt , | tbat tbere be poureD i b^ougbt into our | minos a louc of rigbtcoufncc, to tobic^ otbertoifctocare ofnaturcnotbingin^ I f UncD. 2Cbc fcconDjtbat tberc be a rule [ kt out tjnto b0, tfjat mai?e not fufft r bs if vuc (Ui!C our filuefl leaue all our life long; to toalloto in tbcm I!ilf S^o^coaer it alfo aDnionifljetb b0, ifyat to tbe tixot toe ma^ be r«cUencD among tbe people of (Sod, ine muK DtBCll in tlje \)qI'2 citre Jerufalem. QSlbicb as be batb baloteeD to bimfclfc, fo is it bnldtofull tbat it be bnbolil^ p;cfaneD br tbe isnclcanncs of tl)c inbabitats. i?rom bencecame tbcfe facings, tbat tbc^Iballbnue a place in tbc tabernacle of goD tbat bjalkc iurtb* out fpot, anD ftuDv to folotoe rigbteouf* nes.f c. 115icaufe it iB not mate tbat tbe fanctuar^e teberon be DlDclletb,fi)oulD be lifee a (table fuUof fiitbineCTe. 3 anD t better to aUjake t5C,it Qjetuetb i^ol,207 Ipfa.ij-.'.i to go out of t\)t tua^ in foloUnng rigljtc tbat goo tlje fatbcr,as be batb iorncD bs oufnefle.3,n commcDation of iigbteouP neffe it batb botbe beri? man? anD bery gcDD reafons:of tDbicb iue baue bere bc^ fo;c in Diuers places fpobc of fome, anD otber fome toe (bal in t\)iB place b^iefip tou^t* ^t tobatfounDation ma^ it bet* ter begin, tban lub^n it puttctb bs in minD tbat loe muQ be bol?,bicaufe our go23 is boln i if o; Uibc toe tsjcr fcattercD to bimfelf in bis vii;b;itt/o li^^tb p^inteD an imaje fo;j bs in b?m,after lubtcb l}e tuoulD baue bs to be fafiiioneD.ijloU' let tbem finD me a better o;D;e among trjz |3bilofopbers,tbat tbmUe tbat tbe ^bi- lofopbr concerning maners, is in tbem onli' o;D;el^ frarneD. SLbe? toben tbe? foil eFccllcntl? t»cl txb^t bs to bertue b;ing nctbtng els but tbat toeCjcuID ab;cDc like ftra^ing ll)cpe,i DifperfcD a : liue agreabl? to nature.lBut tbc ^crip? b;oDe in tbc maje of tbe toojloe, be ga^ (ure bjingetb ber erbo^tation from tbe tbereD bs togetber againe,to iopn bs in one flocUe Uj?tb bimfelr'.Hilbf U5e bear mftion maDe of our iovning toitb Cod, let bs reinemb^ie tbat bolinclTc mull be ! t^t bono tberof. jpot tbat bp tbt merite of bolines toe come into commcn \3}.^t\) bim : (tobereas ratbcr toe mute ftrfte cleue bnto bim^tbat being enDucD tiitt) true toelfp;ing, toben it not onel? tea< cbetb bs to refer our life to goD i autbc; of it,to tobom it IB bono: but alio toben fte batb taugbt^ toe are ftoarueD oute of kino from t!)e true original anD Hate ofcur creation, (be immcDtatlv ahmiby tbat ilb^ifr b? tobome toe come agamc into fauo J \s^itb CDoD,is fet before bs fo, bis bolinc», toe mai? foloto tobetber be I an erample^tbat toe (boulD repjeffe tbe calletb) but bccaufeit gretli? pertetnetb to bie! Qlo;j?,tbst be baue no fcllotolbvp toitb toickcDues anD biielcnnes.:ii:ber^ fo.ze alio It teacbetb, tb:it tljiis is tbe cnD of our calling.tobicb toe ougbt altoai to baue refpcct bntc,if toe tell anftocrgoD {> calletb bs. ifo; to to.bat purpofe teas it,tbat toe (boulD be D;atoen out of tbc fo;me tbere&f in our life, tmyat ma? a ma require mojc effectual tban tbis c;;e tbing^ ^eatobatma? a man require ino;c tban tbis onel? tijing i j-o.: if tbc iLo;D batb bv aDoption maDe bs cbtlD^c \Ditb tbis conDition,tbat our life UioulD refemblc Cb;ift t^t beuD cf our acopti* on; if toe Doe not gene anD auotoe cure uiuee \9^^:Zl jMali,^. Of the mancr how to rccciue Eph.;.i. !. Ioh>3.i tph,i; Heb,io i.Cor.6 i.cor.5. loh. i5»3. tph,5» Col.> i.cor.3, 2.cor.6 i.Thef,j, fclucBto rigbteoufnefff^toe do not onlp X^ moft loickco h^eacl) of allegiance De^ part frcm oar crcato;, but alfo Iwe foj* fluearc Um to be our fauto;^Xben tbc ftripf ure takctt) matter of evlio^tation out of al tlje bwicfitefiofbilofopt)crs,tDbicb in co^nmcnua* tiou af bcrtne. Doc ncH?r climbe abouc tbe naturall Dignify of man. 4 ^iiD !}erc iy a f^t place to fpeaUe bn- to tljein,tfjat bauin^ noibing but tbc tU tlz ano bADge or Ctjjiil, vet toolD be na^ mcD Cb;iaias.)i5at toitij tubat face Do ti?ev bottc 0; bis bolp name : Ctbc none tec^ip^mio^^ftiptoitbCb^ift, but tl^t^ tl)^t l)nuc reccpueb a true fenotu^ leoge of bim out of tbc Ujo;d of t\)t gcfo pelf Wvtt tbe ;apoftle fartb,tbat all tbep baue not rigbtlV'I^'Jrnco €b;tlfe, t are nottaugbttbattbev muft caffalDapi^ olDe man \3o\)itf) is cojruptcD acco^Ding to tbc DeCre of erro^, 1 baue net put on Cb^ift.2Dberfo>e it is p;oucD tbat tl)ev falflr^pca anD bjjengfuUp pjctenbt tbe knotulcDgc of Cljnft,altbcngbtbep can ctoquentlp i rounDlp talS of tbe gofpel. fm it is not a Doctrine of tonge, but of life : anD is not concetucD as otber lear^ nings be,tMitb onelp bnDeraaDing anD memo;jpe, but is tbcn onclp receiucD tuben it poffcJTctb tbe tobole foule, anD ftnDctbafeatci place to bolDe ititxt^t moil intD.irD affection of •§ bart.SDbere* fo ;e citber let tbem ceatTcto tl)t flaiioer cf C'OD, to boaft of i^fcDbicb ftjep arc not, 01 let tbe Ibclu tij^'fel ucs not tintoo^tbp fcbolcrstb; €f)M tljm malfcr» tide baue gcuen tbe firlt place to i Doctrine Mi\}mn oar religion iscontaincD,be? caufc our faluation bcgtnnctb at it : but tbe fame m«a be pourcD into our bart, ano paffe into our maners, f tranffo<:m bs into ity t\)iit it be not bufrutcfull bn^ to bs ;! jf ^ labilofopbcrs do iulflp cbafc agaiiitt tbem,anD Do Uiitb (bamefull rco p;ocbe D^iue tbem from tbeir company, ^ pjofeffing an art tbat ougbt to be tf^t fcbajIeiUrtilcrs of life , Do turue it into a ^opbiGica'J babbling : tottb boto mucb better reafon finll loe DeteU tbcfe tri^ aing ^opbiSters , tbat are contentcD to role tbe €»orpcllbpon ^t toppe of tbcp^ foi?nges,tbc cffcttuaU loo;hing toberof cjfgbt to pearce into § inncrniolf afifttti* ons of tbe bart, to reft in tbc foule , anD to altci' the Uibole man a fwDuD tpmr s m?;c , tban tbc colDc erbo^tations of pbilofopbcrs^ ^ i^et DO 3 not require , ^ the niancrs of a €l)}iiiian man tauo;:. of notbpng but tf)z abfolutc (S^ofpcll : tubirbc ne^ Epli»4» uertbclcffe Ro, 12,1. ncucrt^cljs bot?j turr to be tuitfecD, ano tocitiulIcnt)cuo;t35toUjarDit, ifiutjl Cioc not fo fcucicli' require a gofpcilrUc perfect ton, tljat Ji UiolD not acknoLulcge t)im fc; a C^ittian iJ batl) not ^tt atiti ncD tnto it. jfo; fo tftulo vil mr be cvtia^ DcD from tfjc ct)urc^,fitb tf)cr is no man founD tl^at IB not bp a great fpace Diftat from it, anD manr Ijaue tjcttjerto but a litie luai? p;occDcD toiuarBe it,U)ljo pet fl^ulD be DniuHl^ cal! aioai.^bat tbe^ let tbat be fet fo; t^ic marisc before oiirc cir5,to lutift) alone al our inoruo; mat be DirfcteD.ILct t^at bcapo^nteD y golc fo: )3S to run ano trauail t;nto.if o; it in not Idtuful fo; tl)ec fo to maUc paitition U)it|> Coo, to take bp5 t\)(t part of tJjefe tljings t^at are commauDcD tljm in Ij^ tt)o;D,anD to le auc parte at ttjtne oUme c^oiTe.jpo; firl! of al be eueri? Vo^trco* menoctt) integrity as ttie ci^efe part of tDo;(^ipping i}im : b^ tDljvcb iuo^Dc Ijt meanctb a pare (tinplicit? of minD tl;at ts iDttbout all Deceitful coio; i fatntng: againft tuljic^ a Double bart is fct as c6 trarptas if it CjulD be faiDjttiat § bcgtii^ ning of lining i3p;igl)tli? is fpirituall, 4ul)cn t^f iniwarD affection of tOe mir.D 18 U3\?tl)out faming ccpicatc to (Don to obferue boUneKc t rigbtuoufncITc. i5uf bicaufc no man in tljts crtt;l)? p;i(on of 1 hcgrateofChrift. Ih'nd Bookc. tlje hQHv iKitl) fo great ttrengtb to baftc Uutl) fucljc fi-elbncire of running, a^ Ije pcrfctf Iv ouctbt to Do,anD tbe greater no b;c are fo fcblc, tijat \Jtiitii tf aggering f ' l}altmg,^ea anD c reping tjpon tbe grciio tl)cpauaunce but fiolol^ fb;\uarDc : let tjs euer^ one goe aeco;oing to tbe mea;* furc of bis title pclDer, ano pjocaDe on our iourne^ begon. 0o man fljal goc fo t)ntoiBartilp,but be tial eucrv oat gr tie fome grouo,tbOHgl) it be but litle.»er fo;e let ts not ceafe to trauaile fo,^ toe map ccntinuallv p^ocecDe fometobat in tf)t toav of ti^e iLo;D.anD let tJB not Def? peir tJpon tte ncnDernclTe of our going fo;UjarD,fo? botofocuertbc fucccffc an^ fircre not ourc Dcfire, v^t iue baue not loa our labo; toljen tljis Dap paOetb vc* ftcrDape: fo tbat luitt) pure fimplir itvc tee loke t)nto ourc marfee, ano long ta iuaro tbe eno of our courfe,nct rotl)lng# I? flattering our felues,no; tf Dcrli bea^ ring U)ptt)oure oUmc emlles,but Uirtb continuall enneuo; trauatling to t^^s, tbat toe map Uil become better tfja our fducs,til toe attein to gtottncJTc it fclfc : totjtf b in DCDe tof (eke fr; anD foloto al oare Ipft- long : but toe Cwll tljen onlpc atteine it tobtn beino; l^nclotbeD of tbe tocahnclTc of tbc fieOj, toe Gialhc rccep- ueD into tbc fnl fclotoOjip tljercf. Fol,2C}l j The renc-ith Chapter. The fumme ofa Chriflian life : where is entreated of the forfalcing of our felues. ^illbeit tl)at tfjelatocoftljcllojD Ojippingof bim-lpecretponisgafbercD ^^^ baucamoHaptlptoelDirpofeDo^* ; occafion to ertio?te men, tbat tbep Doe Der to fi ame a mannes life,Yet it icmeo not applpc tbem felues to tbe fal^ion of goDD to t^t l)eauenlp fcbcU^mafter to in* ; tbrs too;lDe, but be tranffo^mcD in rc^ arua men pet MX}:^ a mo;c tract traDe , nietomg of tbeir minDct^at tber mape to t!)e fame rule tbat Ijc IjaD fct fo;tl) in ; p;ouc toliat t\ic toill of 0oD in, if^ntoe bis latoe.0nD tbe beginning of ^ traDe, \t\iisi\Bdi gre ate tbing, ttiat toe be confc is t^jris : tbat it is tbe Duetp of n;c faitlj^ | crate anD oeDicate to goD: tljat toe ftulD full to pelD lljeir bcDies to goD a huing^ ! from tbencefo;tt) tljiuUe, fpeake, ima^ bolp anD acceptable ivsxmz tnto bini; ! cine,o; Do notljing but to bi« glo;i.iro; anp tbat tberein llanDctl; t\)t tme too;^ tbat tt)ing tt?at ig confecrate, can not be '_ " applpep fl2i± Ro.13.8. 0»4.22. Of tlie mancr how to rcceiuc applied to M)o\t tJfeS;, luptbout grcaf l«;oug oaaetfnto bv»n ♦ 3f ^^ ^^ "o^ our olcncbut tt)e Zom^y it appearctl) totjat erro; is to \)z auotDCD,?ins U)li0r# unto all tl)0 Doings of our J^fc are to be DircctCi). tKIle are not oar oton: tbcrfo^c let neither our oton re afon no; our cton t»i?ll beare rule in oure counfcls anD Doinges, Wit arc not our clune : tberc* foze let bs not maHc tU^ tfje en^e fc j b« to tenoe bnto,f 0 feUc tbat tobicb mat! be erpeoient foj ijg acco^Ding to tbe fiefiie, MIe are not our okm: tbcrfo^e fo mud) as toe martlet bs foaget onr felue^ anu ail tUm^si tbat are our oton» ^n t\)c 0? tber fiDe,tue are goDs : tberefoje let bs Mitt aau ore to bim.^g are goosttber Cb^iltian pbilofcpbtc biboetb her to gcue place,anD to velo anu be fubiett to fbe bol? gtjoff : fo tbat ma noto mai? not Ga.i.ao liuc btmfelfe, bat beare €\)nd:t Ituing ann reigning in biim 2 l^erebpon fcHoluctb alfo tbrs ctber popnt, tbat lue ferine not t\)t things t^at be our ol»ne,but tbofe tbings tbat be ac co;:t!ing to tbe luil of t\)t 31 o,:tJ, anD tbat mafee to tbx aDuanccment of \)is glo;jt?» SDbis is alfo a p^oife of great p;o8ting, tbat tn a manner fo^jctttng our fclucs, anD altogctber Icuing t\)e regard of our felaes,b3e trauaile to emplo\» our lIuD^ to (^oD anD his commannDemcfs. iroj tuben tl)c fcripturs biDDetb bs to leaue p.:iuate regaro of oar felucs, it Dotb not foic U t ^is imVv'OM anD toil gouerne al onl^ race out of our minDes § couctouf:» our Doings. S*iH e arc goDs: tberefojc let j nes of baaing^tbe gre:3v felting fo; poto* all tbe partem of oar l^fe tenbe totoarDe er anD fauo; of men: but alfo rcotetb out Um as rbctr onlv latoful cnDe.^Db boto mucb !)atb be y;ctiteD,tbat bauing lear* neD ^ bimfelf is not bis oton, batb taUt from bimfelf tbe rule anD gouernmcnt of btmiclf to geue ttto goD, jfo; as tbis is tbe moll 0:rong too;king peftilence to DeHro^ mtiht tbe? obe? tbemfelues: fo it IS tfje onl? bauen of fafetie,neitber to fenoto no; toill amg tbing b? bimfelf, but onel? to fclloloc (5oD gopng befo;e b^m.Het tbts tberefo;c be tl)t firft flep, tbat man Depart from bimfelfe, tbat be ma^ appl? ail tf)t fb;cc of bis \3)it to tbe obeying of tbe i.i;D.iiDbci?mg 31 cal not onel^ibat tobicb ftannetij in obcDience of tbe too;D,buttbat toberbr tbe minbe of man,tjoiDe from bis otone fenfualiti? of fleflj,benDetb it felf tobol? to tbe toil of (Sods fpirit» ;©f tbis tranffo;mation (tobitbpatile callctb renetoingof tbe minD?) toberas it is ft)t firft entrv into life, al t^t ^bilofopbers tocr ignc;am. if 0; ti)e^ mabe onl? Keafon tbe gouer^ neffe of ma: tbci? tijinkt Iba onlp ougbt to be barb: firtaU?>to ber onl? ttii^ gene ambition anD all DeSre of too;lDl?glo* r?,anDotber mo;cfecrete peffilences, SCrnelt? a Cb;tftian man muft be fo fa* IbioneD anD DifpafcD, to tbinfee tb;ougb out all h'ss life, tljat bs batb to Doe toifb I CoDjn tbi?s fo;t,as be flialeramineaU I bis Doings bp 0oDs toill anD iuDgment: | fo be (ball reuerentli? Direct t3nto bim all f eameftl? bent Diligence of bis minDe. jfo; be tbat batb IcarncD to lojfee Upon CDoD in all tbinges tbat be batb to Do, iB tbertoitball tarneD atoa? from all bain thouQUts.^his is tbat fo;rakingof our felues, to.bicbCb;ift cuen fro tbeir firft beginning of inSruction fo earncftlv gaue tncbarge to li^s Difciples : tobicbe toben it once batb gotten pofleflion tn ^ bart Icauctb no place at all,firft ne^tber fo; p;iDc^o; DifDainfulneffe, no; batne glo;iotis boailtng , tben nettber fo; co^ uetife , no; filtb? lutt, no; riotoufneffe, no; Daintincffe, no; fo; otber euils tbat arc engenD;eo of tbe lone of our felues, Contr&rptoifctoberefoeuer itreignetb not , tberc eptber moft filtbrc ^icss Doe ajiDaffigne tbe rule of maners.^ut t^t I range toitbout l^mc^ 0; if there be an^ fpiLC Ti)C2raceof Chrift. Third Bookc Tit.M2. fptce of tcrtu?, It is cojrnpteo iDitlj per* aerfe DeCrc of glo;^.ifo; l^clu mca ma if tbou rating t tnlcde ijt haut fo;raUen bimfelfe accoi^Dtnc: to § comawnucmcnt of rb^ llo?D,U)ill of Us olun fra toil tjfe goDDnes among men.iro; al t]jc^ i Ijaut not ben pocreffco toit^j tbis ftlins,if t^ei? {)aue follotocd t}crtae,tl)c^ bauc conf it at t\}c leatt fo; p;arfe5 falu. ^nD aU tlje ptjilofop^crs ^ cuer moft of al affirmeo tijat Dcrtuc toas to be DefireD fo; it felfs nihe,toer puffco bp toitb fo great p.:iDe, i it apeareo tbat tbet! oe&reo bertue fo; no otbsr tbing,buttbat tbe^ mtgbt baue matter to be p;ouD bpon.But OoD is fo notbing at al Delitco,neitber \33it\) tbofe gapers fo; tbe peoples b;eatb) no; toiti? tbefe ftoelUng beaftes,tbat be p;onoon^ cet^ t tbep banc alreao^ rcxcaoeD tbcr; retoaro in tbe too;lo , f maftetb barlotn f Haablicanes nerer to ti)t btngoome of beauen,tban tbem«0nD ^et toe bane not tb;ougblr oeclareD toitb boto man^ nno boto great Hops ma is binD;eD fro tbat tobtcb is rigbt,fo long as be batb not fo;^ faHen bimfelf.ifo; it toastrud^ faio in tpme pad, tbattbere isa too;lD of btccs biooe in ^f foule of ma. 0nD tbou canft find no otbsr remeDies,bat denying tbi? felfe, ano leaning fcgaro of tb^ felfe, to beno tbi? mino to feehc tbofe tbings tbat tbe ILo;b requiretb of tb^ , anb to feebe t\)e tberfo;e onl)? bicanfe tbsi pleafe bim. 3 Bin anotber place tbe fame )9anl ootb mo;e pUinlt,aItbogb lbo;tlT>,go tb;oagb all tiic partes of a toell o;o;eD life, far^ ing : tbe grace of (Doo tbat b;ingetb faU nation bnto all men, batb appeareo anb teacbetb bs,tbat toe (boulo Den^ all bn> goblincSi^f too;lDli^ lu(tes,anD tbat toe flpnUrltisf fober minoeo , rigbteouQt % godli? in tb^s p;efent too;lD lai^tng fo; tbt bleflitD bopc anb glorious appearing oftbemigbti?^a fubbutng anb renouncing ber bedres , to gene our felues to§ not to afptre as tue ou3f)t to tije \)tn* utniv g;U);v : ?ea ano i^e ttachc^ i iat matt trauell a0 men bring from \iomt in tbts tx)o;lD, tijat ttis beaucntv mbeh^ tance be not loft o; fall aUM^ from to. 4 /^oto tn tbefe loo;De5 toe percetae, ^ tbe fb;rafcmg of our felues ^tb parti? refpcrt to men,anD partititca c^eefl? to oD toe (te in otber men, fo to reuerence anD effame tbofe giftc s,tbat toe alfo bono; tbofe mm in tobom tbe? bs. ifo; it toere a great IcuDneffefc; to, to take from tbem tbat bono; , tbat CDoD batb toucbfafeD to geue tbem . 2b fo; tbeir faultes,toe are tsuQljt to toink at tbem,not to cberiOie tbem toitb fiat^ tering, but tbat toe IboulD not b? reafon of tbofe faaltes triumpb aga?ntt tbem to 1. Cor.4. l.cor.13. 4- Thceraccof Chrif}. Third Boolcc Fol. 1 1 o to tof)om tx)r ong^ to beare goto UitU 1 bono;.&o Cjal it come to paCTe , ^ Iritb tDl)at ma foeuer toe iHiue to do^toe OmI betjaue oar (clues not onl? temperatl^ anD moDcftly but alfo gcnti)? ano freno* lie. 00 a man l^all ncuer come ant? o# tbertuaptotrue mekenede, but if be {)aueabearteeuBueD \s)vtb abacingof btmfclf, anD renerencing of otber. f i^^otobolnbarotsitjfo^tba&toDotbr Dutt in feeding; tbe p;ofite of tb^ nepgb^ bo;^SCbou Sialt berein iabo; in tia^ne, bnlelTe tbou Depart from regarD of tbf felfe,! in a maner put of tl)^ felfe. ifo; botjD caff tbou pcrfo;me tbefe tbtgs tbat paul tracbetb to be Hit U)o;hjs of cbari ti?,bnle5 tbou fo^fa^ tb^ felfe, to geue tbp felfe tDbol? to otberfCbaritie(faitb lit)ist pac^tnt i gentle, not p;ouDe, not DtrDainfuU,enuietb not^ftuelletb not,fe^ kttli not ber ofeune, in not angrt.f c Hif tbi« one tbing be requireD,tbat Uie fehe not i tbings tbat are our oVon^toe (ball DO no fmaibioleace to nature, tDbicbfo benDetb ts to tbe onle? loac of our frl# iie0,tbat it Dotb not ea0l? fufli^r \is neg ligentlt to paCTe ouer our felucjs anD our oU)n tbing0,to toatcb fo; otber mennr0 comoDittc0,'ge to Depart toitb our otun rigbt te refiigne it to anotber * 115ut tbe fcrtpture^to leaDe lot tbetber as it toere by i biD,U)arncf b tJ5 f tobatfoeuer gra ctous giftK toe obteine of tbe Io;d, tbvi are c5mitteD bnto bs bpon tbi0 conDi^ tton,tbat l^ti (bulD be bettetueD to i to mon benefit of ^ cburcb: f tbot tberfo;e tbe true tufe of all goD0 graces is a libe^ ral I boontifnl communicating of tbem to otber.SSbcre can be no certa^ rnle> no;mo;efB;ceable(]:bo;tatid coulDbe oeHtfeD fb} tbe heping of tbe fame,tban bDbtn iDe be taugbt tbat all i gaD gifts tl^t loe bane,are Qiings of (S>gd Drliue^ reD,committeD to onr trnH tpo tbis cb» Dition,tbat tbei? fiiulD be DtfpofeD to tbe bengfit of our neigbbo;g. H^ut tbe fcrip^ ture goetb ?et furtber, luben it compa^ reti) tbem to tbe potoers tubertoitbtbe memb;e0ofmasboDt areenDueD.^^f^o member batbb!?0 potoer fo;bFmfelfe, no; appl^etb it to t)vs p^iuate bfe : but pouretb it ab^oDe into tbe otber mem^^ b;e«oftbefameboDV) 1 tabetb no p;{0^ fit tbcreof, but fucbe as p;oceDetb from tl)z common commoDi?tie of tbe tubele boDp. ^0 tubatfoeucr a C^oDl^ man is able to DO , be ougbt to het able to Do it fo;b?0 b.:etb;cn, in p;ontDing none 0^ tbertoife p;iuatelr fo; bimfelfe , but fo tbat bis minDc bee bent to tl)e common eDification of tbe Cburcb. ^et tbis tber fo;e be our o;Der fo;^ ttinoeneiTe anD Do^ ing goD: tbat lubatfoeuer <£^oD batb be^ ffolneD t}pon D0,toberb^ loe map belpe our ne^bo;, toe are tbe ^af lies tber of, anD bounD to renber accompt of tbe Difpofing of it. 0nD tbat ttiz onlp n?gbt Di^fpofing is tbat tob^cb iM theD b? tbe rule of lone . &o (ball it come to paflTe, tbat toe (ball allxiat not onel^ iovne tbe tranapll fo; otber menncs commoDitte luitb tbe care of oure otone p;ofite, bnt alTo fet it befo;e tbe care of our otone. ;3nD tbat toe (bulD not bappf to be igno rannt tbat t\jisistJ9^ true latu of Difpo' ting alltbegrftes tbatboet recerueof <^0D , be batb in tbe olDe t^mt fet tbe fame lato mtn in tbe fmalleQ giftes of bis liberaliti?. jf 0; be comaiiDeD i firll frnttes of co;ne to be eflfereD bnto bim, bi iDbicb tbe people migbt tcVtift tljtit it teas bnlatDful fo; tbe to take an? frute off gcDDs i toere not fird confecrate to bim.Bif tbe gifts of goD be fo ondi? tXittt fanctifieD bnto bs,tDben U)e bone loitb our baD Deoicatc t be to ^ autbo; tberof, it is euiDent tbat it is an bntrue abufe I tbcreof tbat Dotb not fano; of f«cb DeDi* cation, ^ut it (ball be baipne fo; tbee to ' go about to enricbe tbe ]Lo;D tsitb com^ municating to bim of tbi? tbings.SLber fo;f fitbe tbT Irberalitie cannot eitenD E3C0.22. i6 g^g).^. tnto .Corjj. GaU ^*io Era»58.7 bnto ]iimt OB ttje p joptjetc fa0lj» tl^ou muft tjfe It totjoarD lijps famcts t^at are in tattij, Cfjcrcfo^c almclfe are compa reD to ^ol5 oblati65,tbat tljc^ mai? noto beco;refpoiiDGnt totbcfooftfecilato. <5 liSutjtbflt toe (IjulD net be toerp toittj Doing 6a}D(lt)^id^ ot^ertntfc mutt ntste com qaicftip to paflPe)^ otfjer t^tng mutt beaDio?neDtDt)^ct§ apoftlefpcakctU ofytw ctwriti?e is patient anD not me* ueD to anger. Xbe lo;De commaunDctf) to DO gcDD to all t)niuerfaUr>of toljom a grcate part arc mott iJnU)o;tb?> if tbep be confioercD bv tbeir otune Deferiring. iSutbereffcripture belpetbtoitbalje rp goDD mcane, tob^n it teacbctb t ^^ mutt not bane refpect tobat me Deferue of tbemrc(ue0>but ^ tbe image of goD is to be (onHD^cD in al men, to tubicb toee Otoe al bono; anD loue.]I5ut tbe fame is mott Diligently to be marbeD in tbe of § boufbolD of fai?tb > infomiicb a0 it ie in tbem renueD f retto;eD br tbe fpirit of CbJiftXbcrfo^etDbatfofucr matbcu ligbf bpon,^ ncoctb tb^ bclpe/^Qu l^att no caufe to luttbDjato tb? felf fro Doing bim gojD. jif tbou fa? t^tisn ttranger: but t\^e Io;d batb geucn bim a marfee,^ ougbt to be familiar Unto tba»bt! f rca» fon i be fo;tiDDetb ti)k to Dcfpifc tbine oUmefleftJftbeufa^tbat be is bale t nougbtUio;tbe: buttbci^ojDclbelPCtb Um to be fucb a one, to tubome be batb toucbefancD to gene t\)t bcaute of bis i* mage. 3f tbou fa? tbat tbou otoeft bpm notbing fo; an? tbing i be batb Done foj tl^eaibm ^'D batb fet bim as it toere in bis place^in refpect of U)bom,tbou bno^ toeft fo man? t fo great benefits toberr u^ be batb bounD t^e^ tnto b?m.Bif tbou fa? tbat be is t}nlDo;tb? tbat tbou^ul* Deft labo; an? tb?ng at all fo; bis fafet : but tbe image of CDoD toberb? be ie cfi* menDeD to tba,is lDo;tb« ^ tbou (bouU Deft geuetb?felf anD all tbat tbou baft bnto it But if be baue not nel? Defer- Of the mancr how to rccciuc acD no gfflD at tb? b*nD, but alfo p;«mo' 7i beDtbfiet)Bitbtt);cnas f eutll Dotnges: cue t^is is no tuft eatife h)b? tbou OniU ^eft reaOc bctb to loue bt:n anD to Do fo; bim tbe Dutifull U)o;kes of loue. £:bou toilt ra?,be batb farre otbertoife Defers ncD of me.l5ut tebatbatb tbe Io^d Defer ueD^^bitb tobe be comaunDctb tb^ to fo;geue al tuber in be batb offrDcD tbee, trnel? be toilletb tbe fame to bee impu' teD to bimfelfc.SCruel?, tbis is § onel? loa? to come to tbat tobieb in btterl? a^ gainft f nature of man, mucb mo;e ts it barD fo; man. 31 meane to loue tt)c § bate bs,to recompence euiltoitb Do?ng ga)D,to reDer bleflings fo; rep;ocbes: if toe remeber i toe muft not cSnoer tbe malice of me, but lolte tipon i image of goD in tbe, h}l)id) Defacing t blottig out tbeir faults,Dotb toitb tbe beaut? f Dig* nitic of it felfe allure ts to emb;ace it 7 32:b8rfo;c tbis J^o;tificati6 1^1 tbe onl? ta^ place in bs,U)be toe perfo;me tl)t Duetics of cbaritie.iBut it is not be ^ pcrfi3;mcf b tbem,?Unl? Dctli al ? du* tifdltt}o;kcs of cboritie, altbougbbe leanc none cf tbem tnDone, but be tbat Dotb tbem Ufa fincere afterfion of Isue. iFo; it ma? bappen, # a man ma? full? pcrfc;mc to all men al ^ be oluetb, fo* mucb as (oncemetb outtoatD Daeties:9 ?ct be nra? be far from tbe tmeperfb;* mingofit ifo;?Duma?fa fometbat luoulD feeme bcr? libcrall,l»bicb ?ct do geuf ncrbig but ettber l6 p;iDe of lo)be, o; \i}it^ cbo;Uames of tuo;Des tbev bp' b;atBe tt.0nD toe be come to fucbtD;ct f bebncs in tbis tnbapp? lDo;lD,tbal al' moff no almrfte are gcuen of an? men, o; at leaft of ^ moft part of men, l^out rep;ocbing. Mbicb peruerfnes ftjoulD not baue ben tolerable among tbe ber? beatben.if o; of cb;iftians is fometobat mo;e requircD tban to fljeUie a cbcreful neOe in countenance , anD make tbctr Doings lonel? 1:6 gcntlencs oftDo;Des, Strft .Mat.<5. 24. lubole boD? laboietb>oz to tbinft it fpeciall? bounbe to § otber mcbcrsjbecaufe it batb D:atD^ en mo^e bclpc bnto iu tban it batb reco^ prnceD. ^o^ it is tbcugbt ^ tbc common entertaining of Duties bctliienc mc bcrs of oneboD?, batb no fra; UinD of gifc,but ratbcr tbat it is a paiment of tbat tobiclj bcin^Dueb? tbe laUi of nature it tuerc monftrous to Den?e.0nD bv trt?s reafon it Cftall folloiDe, tbat be ma? not tbinUe btmfclfe oifcb irgcD tiiat batb perfoinieD one HinT)e of Duticas it is commonl? b« feD, tii^t Iwben a ricb man batb gcuen a^ n? tbing of b?s olone , be leauctb otljer cbargcs to otber men, as not belonging to bim. But ratber euer? ma Obi^l tbin& V:}ixs Initb bimfelf, tbat be iB altogctber better to bis neigbbo;s,anD tbat be mu(t Determine none otber enD of bfingb?* liberalitie, but Iwben abilitie fa?letb, tubicb botn large foeuer it be > mud be mcafureo b? tbe rule of cbaritic. 8 :^oUj let b5 moje full? Declare tbe p:incipallpart0ffo;fahing our felucs, tubicb itte fa?D to banc refpccte to C?oD. ^e baue fa?D mucb of it alrcD?,ta)bicb if Ujcrefu])erfluou0to rebearfe againer it l^ad be fufficient to entreat of it fo far as it frametb bs to quietnclTe of minoe mo fuff^rance jf irath>erfo2e in faching t\)$ confmoDitie o} quietmSz of tbis p;j fent life,tbe fcripture calletb t?s bercnn* to, tbat reCgning Vs anD our tbinges to tbe ilo^Dcstoill, toe IboulD ?clDe linto b?m ? affections of our bart to be tameD anD fubDucD. %o coixtt loealtb anD bo« no;s,to compaffe autbo?itic, fo beape bp ricbes,to gatber togetbcr al fucbfol? l?es as feme fo; ro?altie anD ponTp,o«r luftc i$ outra3ious,anD our gr«D?ne!rc infinite. £Dn tbe otber CDe,ofpouertie, ignobilitic, ano bafe cltate, tue bauea manieUous feare i maruellcus batreo, tbat moue tjs lo traucll b? aJ mcancs to efcbue tbe .lBcreb?a man ma? f(ear?e tbcir lifctbat frame tbe?;: life after tbeiroUmeDeuifc: to atfame tbofc tbinges tbat tbeir affection of am* bition O.J couetoufnclTe requtrcf b i anD on t\)c otber fioe, to efcapc pcucrtie auD bafcncs. %\)zrfo^t tbe gobl? mult Uepc tbi^s tua?,^ tbe? be not cntangleD baitb fucb fnarcs.iFirli let tbcm not eilbf r De 0re,o; bope fc;,o; tbinli bpon an? otber meane of p:ofpcring, i^m b? i^ blclTmg cf tbe llojD'.ano tbcrefc;e let ti)t faftl? anD bolDl? reft tbcmfclues bpon i^ifo; botxifocHcr tbe ScHj tbinU it fcif fiifFtct^ mt of ber felf,iDbc Ojc citbcr iraue!letb b?ber otone Diligence, o; cnDruo;e^b toitb ber otun lluD?,o; is bolpen b? tbe fauo; cf mf,to ? attaining ofbcnoj ano to2aitb:?et it is certaine , tbat all tl)dc tbings arc notbing , % tbat lue iball no^ tbing pjeuaile toitb tuit o; tiauell, bat infomucbas^ JLojD O):]!! p;ofper botb. )15ut on tbe otber fioe im oi'^^lt? blcOTmg ftnDrtb a tua? tb.iougb al ftops,to maUc all tbinges ptoccDc toitl) bs fo a io?fnlI anD luc!4?e enD . £3bcn boUifoeuer tuc ma?moftofall obtaine an?glo:?eo; tDcalth toitl'out it ( as lue Da?l? fee tbe \i)ickeDto gette bcapcs of great bonc;s ana ricbes) ?et fo;wfmufb as tbe? bpon Uiljom reOctb i curfe,Do ftclenoparccU DE>.tii/ ~ cf rcapr oFtfi le n^ancr hov. to receme or ifchf iticUJc tan obtain nottjing Uiiti> outtiv0Ucrringtbat fljall notturnctjs to euilt. 0nD it is net at aU to be ccue# tcD,tftat maUetl) men mo;c mifsrablc, 9 SCfjercfo;ciffcDebclcH0 ttjat allttie meancofp;ofperoufi fuccedc $ fuel) as is to be U)t0)cD,con00etl) m § onl^ blef" (ing of (^oD , U)t)ic^ bctns abfent , all hinDcfi of nuferrc anfi calanutie muft tjappen tnto tj0: tbr« rcma^nctb alfo,p toe DO not grffiDtli? cnDeuo; to lucaltb f bone^jsCaDingtjpon our cton fincncSPe oftDtt o; Diligence, no; leaning to i fat uoi of men, no^ truHtng tjpon a Ija^ne tmaginiiticn of bcrttieibuti? tccalba^ im^t tnto t\)t ilo;9e, to be leaD bv 1)IB guiDtng to twbaf reeuer lotte bt &atb pjo^ utoeD. ^0 ftrG it fljall com to paire,tbat toe tl)al not t3iolentlT? nifl^ to § catering of ricbcs i inuaoing of bono?0,b]? to;og, bt gaile, f enill craftie meaner , oj er# tojtion luitb coing inturv tc cur ncigfe* bo?0,but fi^ll oneli? follotue tbofe S(0}f tunt0 p mav' not leati tjs from innocen* tie. jf o; t»bo mat i)opt fo.: tlje Ijelpc of CDoOfi blcffing among frauDes, txto^tU one,mis otber futtlc meaner cf U)iffeeti:« nr ffe : jFo; a0 (2?ot!S ble JTtng foUoUietf) no man but bi?m f tbinketlj purelt'janD Botb rigtjtlp, fo it callctb bacbe all tbem of lubo it 10 3efir25,ffo crofeeo t^iog^t0, anD corrupt Doings. %l)m,\s)e iknli be b;iiDeleD t toe burnt not iuitf) immefii* rable Defirc of grotjoing riclj, nc; ambi^ tiouflv gape fo,: \)Qt\o}s.Sfo; U)itb toljat face mai? a man trtill to be bclpen cf ©oD, to obtainc tfjofe tOimgs tbat be Dc^ Vital) sgarnil br^ i^o^tj f jf o.j Cod fc?? bio tbat CDoD fijoulD geuc the htlp of 1»f0 UcCTingtotbat W^lMc be curfetb 'oiitb br« oU)n mo:*th» Laft of aU,ir it fucccDe not acco^tiing to our luillj anD bcpc,vet toe tball be ret r.irneD fro irnpr qtnetnelfe anD fufferance,not nn!r c6* (iftiKg in t\)xs beralfe ; Ijut alfo it mutt e):tenDetoaU cbaunces tol^ereunto our p;efent life is fubiect.ST-berfo^c no man batb rigbtlv foifaUe fet mfelf,but be batft f!3 rerigneo bimfelfe t}p tobcllp to tbe lie ;d, i' be fuffretb ail tbe partes cf brs life to begcuerncD b^ bv^ tcill.l^ctijat is fo frames in minDe,tobai:rccuer l;ap* pen,toill nzv^xr tbinhe birrf^lfe mife^ rable, no; toiil \x> enuioufncfTcagaiuft Cod ccplaine of bvs jfc^tujie.ii^cto r.c^ cc (Tarp tbtiJ fitftction i? flji^n brrcbi; ap* peare,if l-;u coltDcr to JjoVo nuw^i? cljati' cesto^ebefubiecte. E^Hueifc fein^csof Difeafcs do trouble ts, fomtime t vtiki< Icnce The grace of Chrilt. Third Boolce. Folan lence cruelli msnctf),fometimc toe are 1 in ixtamtt b3rrc:iii?n'oo,but ratber toill turn? bim* tune, toitb tobome tbe^ compteo it f©* rcife to bis tbougI)t:^ct tbe grace of tbe lifl) to be angr)?, b^caufe Oje toas blinD lo;t> tbat otocllctb m m^ fecufe,toil not Pf 79.13. leaue it Defolate» ^^ if toben bis co;ne is blalTcD 0; bitte,oj cofumc^ Vo ftoVts 0), beate uoton toitb baile,bc (ec famine at banoe,retb8 toill not oefpeire, no.: fpcak batefull^ of gorj.but toil remaine in tbis coaocncctKHe are i>et in ^ lo»^s p;iotcction,? fljcpc b^ougbt tp in Us pa ano tjnaDuifcD, tbat blinbrip toounJJcD botbtbe Deferuingt tnocfcruing. iFo;i contrar\?to vfe tbis is iAit rule of goolv* ncirc,ti;at tbe ond p b^nti &f OoD is tbe iuoge anD gouerntffc of faotb S^o^tuncSt am tbat it runnetlj not fo^toaroc \aitl) bnaOurfcD fouein rage,but \xiiti) mc&c o;iDerlvnuftice uealctb among tjs borb ftares;bc tberfo;e toil fino tjs fcoe mv gotj tbinges ano euilt, '7 hey Hi, chapter. Of the bearing of the croflc^vvhich is a part of the foi faking of our felucs. Mat,i5, 24 2 cat a gobl^ mrni5e muff ^et clijmbe Ijp bier,cue to tbat tobcrunto (l)^^ callctb \)i^ Difciples,tbat enerp one take t5{) b^s crorre.ifo^ al tobome tbe llo^oe batb cbofen anD toucbefaueo to tccciixz into l)i3 compnn^e,mua prepare tbem* felues toa baro, traua^lfomc, ano ^nf quiet iif^, ano full of man? ano oiuerfe UinDs of incomooities. ^0 it is tb^ toil of tbe beauealrfatber^to cycrcifc tbcm in fucbe ron b jcugbt into § fame glojic. ^0; fo faitb fo^ce, ret are to mucbe alTu rcb of tbe tr |Daul biuiffif,!^ tubcn Uie learne § com otun firengtb I ccftacr,bnleB bv. i trial municating of bis affiitf ions, toe do al^ fo cocctue t\)t pctoer cf bis refurrectio: « toben toe arc fa(l)ioneu lifee bnto \)is Dcatb>toe are fo p;epareD to tbe feloto^ ftiip of bis glonous riang againe.^oto mucb mar tl)i3 auaile to aftoage al tbe painfulnes of § crcffe,tbat tbe mo;e toe are afflitteb hiitl) aouerCtieSjfo mucb v moje furelr is cur felotolbip 16 Cb;itt csnfirmcb^br co mmunicatmg toberof, our futferings arc not onelr maoe blef# feo bnto bs>but alfo bo mucb belp bs to tbe fartberanee of our faluation . 2 3l3ifiDe tbat,our lojbe bab not nab to take bpo btm to bc;are r croirc,bnt to te ftifr I p:cuc bis obcbiece to bis fatber: but toe fc; oiucrfe caufes, banc neeb to Icab our life bnber a cotinual cres.if irft as toe be naturallr bent to attribute a II fbings to our fiefi)^ brilcs our toeakncs be l^etoeb Is as it toer befo;e cur tics, toe bo eafili eScme our crton Srenctb a^ feoue buc meafurcf cent not ^ U^batfo* euer bappMt toil citinnc t)nb;ofec t bn oucrcomeagafUalbarb affaults.taibcr bi toe are carricb into a foliO) f bain co fibencc of flcfb,$ tben truSing Iberupo, toe gubbo.:nclr toape p?oub agaifi: goo of ^ cros,be bnng tljcm into a moje in^ toarbc knotolcDgc of tbemft lues. %lit fioutbfulnes crept into E'aRiD : ^ far in mr rett,3i (ball ncuer be maneo.llo;j5r, tbou baft l!ablin?cb in t\)i gob meafurc a ftrengtb to mr biljtbcu lyintiz^ atoar tbr face,^' toas Criken.if o;j be coft JTctb tbatlDfiuggrfiinesin p^olpcrrtie trs fenfes toenjullcb,tljat not regaroing i grace of gor?,bpon frW) be fbeulD banc bangeb,bc leanco bnto bimfclfe, to p?o? mife bimfelf perpetual continuance. fSf fbrscbaunceD fo fcgreatea p^cpbet: to-ticb cf bs cugbt not to be fearful,tbat toe mar be bebful^2!^berfc?e toberas in p;Gfpcritie tbei flatter tbemfeluss \s>it\3 optiiio of a greater co0acie $ patience, tobe ther are cncebumbleb toicb abuer fttic ibcr learne tijat tbeir former cpj^ nion toas lut brpccrifvc. SLbc faft^* ful(31 far)being aBn^onilbeb br fucb ejc* amples cf tbeir biftafes,bo t^erbr p^o^ fit to bumilitr, tbat being bnciotbcb of r to;ongful confiocnce of tbe flel^,f ber mar rcfojt to r grace of gosj.^nb ii}\)tn t\)tv are ojice tcme to brs grace , ti)^^ fa:ie ^ p^efence of gobs ftrcgtb tobcrin is abf uDatlr fufficicnt fucco; fo; tbem« 3 ^«b pr.3o.7» Ro,;.3. Theg-taceof- Clinft. Tn niru 3 0nDfbt«tfiitt^t5[3aulteac6ctfj,^ bptroubltsswengfitU^cD patience, b^ patience p?tt.fc.iro;^ lutjereas ©cd tjatS of bis pjoniifes, tbattljt Ijope ina^e be ftrengfbeneD tbcrcbf . 4 2:tc5l02Di)atbalfoanotberrnlJCof pjomiieB tbc faitbful, ^ be uj^ll be p;e«= ■ afflicing bis^to tr^c tbeir paticnce,anD fcnt \iJitb tbem in troubles, tbct? falc ? fame to be true,Uiben tbei ftaD patient inaruct t3iJ to obcoience.ipiot t tbe^ can Wc anr cbcoif ce toloarb bini, otber tch l^,being bpboloen bt? bis baD,tobicb bi? ! tbe fame tbat be geuctb tbnn : but fo it tbc^; oton firengtb tbet tocrc notable to Do.patif ce tberfoje b;^ingetb a p;ofc bp erperience to {> bol^ ones, tbat dDoD toben neec requiretb, toiU in becb per^ fo;me § bclpc t be batb pjomiCeo. 0nD tbcrb^ alfo tbeir bopei5f6firmeD:fo;af mucb as it toer to mucb tjntb^kfulnes not to lofte foj in t^me to come, ^ fame trutt) of goo tbat tbei? baD alrcDv hv tx* perience p;oncD to be cotlant nnB fure. Mc fee notu bolD man? gcD5 tbings Do come bnto bs in one knot bv tbe crcffe. ifo;oucrtb;olDing ^ opinio ^ tuc falQt? p;cfume of our otwne ftrengtb,f oifclo? fingjour bipoerific f oelitetb bs, it (ba* fectbatoat)^ burtfull conSQcnc e of tbe f!e(b,l tracbctb bs being fo bumllcD, to \ctt bpo gcD onI^,bt tobicb it cometb to paffc,^ tuc ncitber be opptcfTeo no.: f«il DoUnv^nD after tiirto;ie fololuetb bope, infomrcb as tbc ilojo in performing fr WoM be batb p?omtfcD,0abli(bf tb tbe crebite of bvs ttutl^t fo; t^ime to come. %vtx\v altbougb tber tL'er no mo rcafos but tbefe, it npcretb boto mucb tl)t ercr cife of tbc cros is nccclTar? foj bs. jfo; it is a matter of no fmal impo;tancc,to baue tl)c biinb louc of tb^ fclfe tuipcD a^ luai,v^ tbou maiff tnel tuio to tbtneolnn lueaUnes.'Eo fcle tbineoton toeaftncs, i tbou ma^ed learn to Diaruii t\)V itlfi to bilJrua tl^is felf: tbat tbou marett re^ mone tbi cofioencc fro tbi fclf tntc got): to reft U)ifb r onfiociue of bart ^po goo, tbat being bpboloenb^ bisbelpc, tijou mafeftcontini'c tnoucrronic top lull CUD ; to dano fad bp bis grace,tbat tbou mapctttijDerftanDe tbat be is true in \)is pjomifcs: to fenoto bi? p;a)fc § trutb plefetb bim br open etamplcs to nm¥t appjODCQ b^ \Ditnctres,anbto fct fo;ft)e tbe graces ^ be batb beDoluetJ tjpon bV's bolr ones, tbat tber IfeDtilb not lieiolcl!? biD iDtnfbe.jantt tberefojc in bjingmg fo;tb into open Ibeto tbc ftrcngtbof fuf ferancc i fonftancri li3bf rloitb be Wl) furnill)eD b\?s fcriraunts, it is fatb tbat be trictb tber? patience, ^nn from l)c ce came tbefc facings : tbat Co9 trmptcs aboD. EDruclt? if all tljinges fijoulD f ioU) bnto tbem after tbeir oton minn, tbe^ tuoulo not Knolu trbat it tuer to foUoU) C?oD. anb Senf « rdjearlrtb V i^^ ^as an olbc p;cuerb, Mr tbc? crbojteo ann ma to fuffier ab^ k, ucrufieSjfoUDtc gooXr tobicbtbe^be* I dareb' Gen, 11. 1. Pe.'.7. De vitj bcata.ca O.p.8 Of tlie mancr hovv to receiue clareD,tI)at iijzn onI\? mm truly* cntreo bnner tlje ro&c of C5oD,to0cn Ijs t^io^JJ t)is bau3 i back to goDs co;rcctio. jjioto if it be moll rigbtcou5,j^ tuc Cbula ITijelD our fclacs in alt tijtngs obedient to tbe tj^aaenl^fatbcr, thm toe ougbtnetto r0furc,t!iat be Mo bf al meanes accu* I Home t5 to i?clDe obeDicnce bnto brtti» f But T?ct lue perceiue bolu neceCTari? I tW obcDtcnce is fo^ bs,tjnlc» toe oo al^ I fa con6ocr,botu toanton ear flcHjc is to '©:iiieor tbe tokcof (©oD, fofonc as it tjiitf) b?n but a litis Uibilc Daintcl? anD tea^erl^ ban!3lc^.2::^e fame bappcnctb t)ato it,tbat cbauncetb to ftubbo.^n Im^ fes.lTj bicb if tbe^ be a feto Daics pap^co ioli^li^t^e? cannot afteriojarD fb; fearcc I nes be tamrD,neitJ)er oo Unolu tljeir ri? j Dcr,to tyljofc gouri*nm?t tbe^ fcmtobat i bcto;c obciPCD. anD tbi3 is continual in Us tbat iioDcomplatnctb to fjaue ben in ti)t pcjple of Jfrael, tljat being tocll fed « courr^D tottb fatncs, toe Itick againti Ijim that feD f nouiiC^eu ts.ZCbe libera lit? of gou (b bo;n ti?antonnc£s.^0,tl)vit toe l^ulD not graiu fierce tuitb tinmefarable aboun^ nance of ricbcs,tl}at to? njoiilo not iDay p^ouDjbeing lifieo bp Uiitb !jono^,tbat toe ifyjlD not become infolct^ being puf' fe3 t3p luitbotljergsD gifts, eitbcr off? ro-JlejboopjOj fo; tune,tbe to>D bimfclfe as be f j;rfet^ it to be eppeoientjUieuen- terb itjiinii Untb the rejn5&? of tbe cros fHbouc.1) f b^iotefb ti)e Scrccnesi of our ftca)>i ttjat ^uers Uwics,fo mucf)a3 is bealtbf Jl foj cuerv man, if o; all arc not alikeftciie of al mu Dircafe0 o^oo alike nct»e of baro yeUng. =anJ) tOerbpon ijs to be fenc botu fom are ercrcirea tjoitb one iiin^ of cro0,i fome toitb an otber.l3ut tubcras tht beaucnii pbtftcian baolet(j fome mo^e gentlv, f purgctb fom Icit^ Gwrper remesics, Inbcn be meanetb to piouiDc fo J t b^ltb of al:|3et be leauctb none fre o;t3ntoucI)CD,bicaHfe bctjnoto tt\) al toitbout erception to be bifeafea. 6 2po^eoucr,tbe molt merciful father neeoetb not onl^ to p;euent our toeaH* nc£{, but man? times to correct our pafrcc^ tetbbs toitb abueruties,^ toe fljulj not be bamncD to?tb this too;lD. %f}trft3^z toe oug!)t cuen in tbe ber? (Ijarpneffe of tribuUtioiisto acisnctolcge ^feiiiones f goj^ncs of our fatber totoaro bs,fc;ar mucb as c.ien tt)cn be ceafetb not to fur tb^r our f^ilaaiion. fm b^J botbafflicte, not to D^Uro? o^ feil l3s>but ratbcr to De liaer bs from ? banation of t^z too^lD. SCbat tbougbt Gjal leaD bs to ^t\S3hub § fcripture tt^btti) in an otber placet^? Pro.»3, Ton, refule not ij lo^us co^rectio, no^ be tocri tobe tbou t^alt be rebukeo of bim. ifo^ tobom \} lo:^ louctb, be co^rertetb, anD embjacetb bim as a fatber botb t)is cbilDe. tWdzn toe knoto Us ro5 to be § roD ofa fatber, iii it not our bat? ratber to Ojetoe our felucs obebicnt cbilo^en^ toiUing to leame,tba toitb oMfinac? to^ 00 like Dcfperate me,, tbat are baroeneD ^mtl} cutl Doingsf ILbe tox^ loCetb bs, bn ! e6 be cal bs bacfee b? co;rectior» tob^ toe are fallen atoa? from bim: fo tbat § auttjoi of tue (Spittle to tbci^eb;etoes Hc.ii. rigbtl? fa?tb tbat toe arc baU-ar^s, anb not cbilD.^n> if toe be our oCco^rcction. u. 2Cbcc^ u. T lie grace ^crcfo;e toe arc mott froluarD,if toe ca not fnffcr bim tobcn !jc Dcclaretb ijifj gfflD toitl t tbe cars tb^t {'e Ijati) fo; cur Jaludtion Splits tlje Scripture tf acbctb to be tbc Difference bcttoecn tbc tonbr* Icucrs ano ibe fattljful,tbat tbe tnbclc*^ ncrs as tbe bcnoOaucfi of a roteo auD barDencDtorefeeoncffe, are mauetbe too;fc auD mo?c obft^natc toitb tobtp* ping: tbe fartbful, lil« cbilo^cn l;auing an bonett fraQom of nature,oo tbereb^ profit to repentance, /^otoe muft tbou cbrofe of tobetbcr number tbou toilt be. 15ut bifaufc Bi bauc fpoUen of tbts mat tcr in an otber place, 3i am contente to toncbc it bjicfl? t fo toil maljc an enoc. 7 spo;couer it is a angular c6fo2t,tobt toe fuflfer perfccutionfo; rigbteournes. fm tben toe ougbt to tbin!:,boto great an bono;f 00 boucl/fauctb to graut \3s ^ be fo garntibctb b5 \js^tt) tbe peculiare I marbeofbtsioulDiourfl.Bl mcane mt tbei fuffer perfecutio foj rigbteoufiie£f. net on!^ tbat differ fo; ocfpacc of f gc? rpcl!,but alfo tbat are tronblco f j; an? Defence of rigbteoufnes.eobctber tber fo;e in matnteimngtbctrutb ofOooa* gainG ^ lies of fata,oj in taking in baD t Defence of groD men ano innocents af gainft J tojongs of t toicUcD,toe be D;i uen to run into tbe Difpleafure t batrcD of tbe too;lD,toberbi our life o; goocs^oj cSimation mai come in Dagcr:lct it not be greuous o; lotbfonie tinto bs to em^ ploi our feUics foj goD,o; lettjs not tbih our felues miferablc in tbofetbings in tobici) be batb ^ntly bis oton month p;o Mat.^.iOj nou»ucDtJsblciCeD.^,3citertii inDaDcif it be conftDercD in it fclfe,:s mircrable: Uljetoifc baniCbmcnt, contemptuous c ftitt%p:ircnmriit,fo2mc:jrinalIi,Dcatb is tbe Dttrrmofte cf ail caiamitics.i5ut toben tii: fano; of or.r ^OD b^Jtbetbtjp^ or. Vs, tbere to n*:..c cf ail tijeft tbtngfi> but it tu- nctb to oi*. ivli.'.'>^'» 'vrbcrfo;c UtbSiMtbertciomcJit c:.^.;; fbeJcCu oFChrHK 'Unird Booke._|Hii.: monr !^r)cs.Mle arc put to ci* \ toas not aenocrii? ttrifjcn. Bif al faones toe baue nctbing to do \ii tbat fion^ pbi Iofop!)p,tobtcb our maifter f ^o^b batb contiemneb not oneli' b^ bis too?De,but alfo h^ bt!S crample.ifo? be mcurneD i \r>cpt botb at bis otonc ann otbcr mens aDuerSties. acbe too.jlD(faitb be)(bal re iopcc,butt?ou (ball mourn i toepe.^nb becaufe no man (boulo fin\)e fault tber^ to^tb,b? bis op? piorlamation, be W^ tires in all tbings,but toe arc not niaoe fo^otoful : toe labo;j,but toe are not left beftitutettoe fuffcr perfecution: but toe arc not fo^fafecn in it : toe are tb^otone Doton,but toe peri^ notf^ou fc boto to bear v cros pacientlv,is not to bealtogi tberattonilbeof \Mit\)oixt all feeling of (o^o\Xi.2is i ^toikcs in olD time bio fo^ liiblF oefcribc a baliat barteD ma, to be fucb a one as putting of al nature of ma toas alike moucD in p^ofperit^ f in m^ ucrfitvjin fo^otofuU f topfull ttate, pea fucbc a one as like a ftone toas mouca \xiit\) notbing.^inu tobat bauetbei p:cli teo toitb tbis bictoifeomfiFo^fotb tbcv baue paintcD out fucb an image of toi f« Dome as neucr toas found, i neuer csn barcafter be among men: llSut ratber tobile tbc\> couctcD to baue to ejcact and pmirea^patience>tbg2 baue tofee atoay be miQi5jcD,boto fball toe liUe tbis,tbat be confcdetb l)^s fsulc to be fad cuen to tbe deatb i lo %U3 3 tbougbt gcad to fpeaU to tW eniiyto cal CDosb mindcs from defpair: tf)nt tbei CiDub not tberfo^c altogctbcr fo,jfab?tbetlrut5t?cof patience, becaufe tbe^ cannot put of tbe natural affection of fowtoe: tobitb mufit nedes bappen to tl)cm, tbat mahc of patience a ftnfcles duinefte, f ef a baliant f conttant man^ a ftock. ifo; tbe fcripture geuctb to tbe t,dv ones t\ic pjaife of patience, \3jhcn t\i^i arc fo troabled iD baidnes of aduer fities,tli3t pet tbcp be not ouercom no;j tb^oton doton Vo it:i33\)i tbcp be fo p;jic* tied t6 bpttcrnes, p tbep be alfo dclited toitb fpirituall iop; toben tbep be fc di* ftretTed toptb gr^efe, f vet tbep receiue courage agoine, being cbered toptb tbe conifo;t Ih.aij^. comf6;t of (Doo.^et in tht meane time tffat repugnancrc abiDett 0tl( in tbtn ^rts,tbat natanil fenfe tk^tt^ t D;e^ Dctt)ti)oreti)tnsi! t^iat it bnoUictttobc agatntt tt:but f aflfetfiS of goDltness tra< uailetl) ruf tt);eugb al ttofc otfftcQlttcit to i oht^ittQ of goD0 totlfiCbt^ repHgnS c? ^ lUi;o crp;(tPefi tob^ be farb tbitf to peter: ^be tboa \x>att fong tbou btbft gird Gif felfr, anb otoff loalbe iDbetber tbon tDotilDe&:^ut lobcn tbou art elo, an oCber (bat gtroe tf^ee f Icab tbee tobe* tber tboa ^alt not be toiUing. ji^ritbcr 15 it li^dr, tbat peter, tPben tbc ti?me cdmt ttat be nrnftt gIo;if^ CDoo hv bP0 Deatl),ti7a0 un^n tntoillinglr^nnD rc^ fftfing tnto it C!fe bis martF;bome fijotilD bauc but rmall p;atff. 15ut bolt)' focuer be DiD loitbsreatcbcrcfalnesof bart obe^ t^e o;btnanf e of Oob, tet be* eaufe be bao not put of i nature ef mS, be Uias Doubly? (trattteD loitb tloo ro;t0 of toilles. jf o; tnbcn be did bp bimfelfe ronfibcr tbc blouDi beatb tf^t be fi)ouIo futfcr,being ttriken U)itb bo;ro;j tbcre* of,be UioulD glaDl^ baue cfrapcD it. £Dn § otber (ids \j)\icn it tamt in bi^ nunoe ttatbe loa0 calleo tnto it b^ tbe com^ niaunbeount of r;oD,tbcn conquering f treDingbotun fear,be glaoli,^ea t cbere fall? toke it t)po biniXbtB tberfo^e toe muG snDcuo; if toe Itiil be tbe bifciples of Cb;il(, t our min^s be intoarbl? fiU leb 1^ fo great a reuerence i obPDience to goo,af mat tame t fuboue to br0 o;« bin^ al contrart> afifections.^o ijal it come to pacre,^ totlb tobatfocuer binbe of crotTe toe be tereo, euen in tl)t grea* f eff angaiOjes of minb,toe tb»l conQat* If bcpe patience. ifo^aDuerntictd^ll baae tbeir Cdarpnef, tobertoitb toe (bal be bittentfo toben toe are atflitteD toitb ncUne0,toe (^l botb grone f be Difquie^ ttn f befire bealtbtfo being p;efleD toitb pouertpe, toe (ball be p;iclteb toitb tbe ttinofi of carefalne0 1 ro;oto:ro (bal toe The grace of Chrift. riiird Bookc bTafiften \xiit\j grcfc of fljame, c ontf pt anD iniurftfb (ball toe relDe Due tc ares to nature at tbc buriall of ourftenbes: but tbi5 altoai (balbe i concUifion.HBut § lo;D toillcD fo.s:berfb;c let Ms folloto bis toil.l^ea eucn in tbe mibft of i p;ic feings of fo;oto,in tbe miDbcft of mour* ning % teares, thit tbougbt mua nttuB come bettoff ne, to encline our bcart to taHe cberefullv tbe tcr? (amc tbing5,bi reafon toberof it is fo moucb. 1 1 HBut fb;armutb as toe baue taben § cbafe caufe of bearing tbc erode, out of tift confiDeration of tbc toil of moff iuft o; Der.iroj tobr^Doe not our innumerable I Datlr offences Dcferue to be cbaffifeD mo;c (barpli.f toitb nio;e greueus co;^ re(tion,tban fucb as tbe merciful kinD> nes of goD lai?etb Mpb Msi^s it not moff great eqaittgytbat onre flelbe be tameb anD Fol.ai) s «• ■S V 'Of the mancr how to rccciuc ano a£( it toere maoe acquainted 16 tlje JpoUc,^ Hl5 DO not toantonl^ grotn toilD ]; atcc^5ing to ^er nature i ^s not 1^ rigb* ^ teoufnes ano trutb of ©oo tooUb^.tljat ^ toe fl&oulD tafee patne fo? it^i5ut if tW ^ apprarc an tmoouteo rigljteourneffc in ^ ^ure a^i(tion5,toe rannot toittwiut tn^ r2 rig()tcoufne« eitfjcr murmureo^to^' V ^^^ againft it Wit beare not noto tbat ^ "^folD fong;: ^e muft geueplace,bicaafe V * * toe fo muft of ncceffit^, but toe Ijeare a ft \\ ^ U«elr leffcn f ful of cfficttualnclTe: Wt M^ >Hhft obeisbtcaufe if is tjnlatofuU to rcf ' . (ii^ toe mull futferpatientltjbccanfe ^ irnpattence is a ftubbojncs againft tbe § ngbteouf nes of CDoD. l^ut no to,bccaafe ^ fbat tbiriQ onl^ iiei too;tt)V to be loaro of V > :c l)s,tobicb toe bnoto to be our fafeti ano ^ beneStc,tf)e gaU) f^tber ootbe tb?fi toa^ ^ atfo coinfojt \>s, tobe be affirmctb fbat ^ ^en in cbies tbat be amiaetb tut to^tb / he nwthf Chapter, Of the meditation of the hfe to come. tbe croffe,be pjonttsetb fo; oure fafef^e. 115utif it becertaine tbat troubles ar^ bealtbfuU fo; b£<,tobi (boulo toe net re^ cetue ttitm toitba tban&fuU « toel plea^ feD minbef Cberfo^e in pacienti? fuffe^ ring tbem, toe do not fo;tceabIf pclDe to ntcetatrii but quietly agrac to our otono benegt.SCbefe tbougbts(| ra^)Do maite tbatboto inucb our minDesarr greueo in tl)t erode tottb naturall feling of bit« terneCfe, fo mucb tbe? be cl^eareo toi^tb fpirif uall glaonefTe. ?30bcrbpon alfo fo^ lotoetb tbankes gcning, tobicb rannot be toitbout iop. l!5ut if tbe p?aife of i^t iLo;DanDtbanite£!geuing p;ocsDetbof notbing but of a eberefui i to)?fulbtart> anD tber is notbing tbat ougbt to inters rupte tb$ fante p;av(ing of (DoD ano tbanUes gening in ^sihstrthv apearetl boto neceOarp it is tbat t\)t bittemes of tbecrosbe tepereo toitbfpirttualltot. 1^ 2> ,v: I ^^mtSlf tx>^ tobatfoeuer binoe of trou* 1 ^ *^ bit toe be Di(lrctreD,toe mult altoai lobe to tbt?s enD,to bfe our felneo to tlit contempt of tbio p^efent life, ano tber* ^p be ftirreo to tbe meoitatien of t^z ^:]4¥tetocome. #o;,berauft d^D knoto^ etb toel boto mucb toe be bi? nature en^ cltneo to tl9t beattlie loue otGjiM too;lD, ^^ \iiBtii a mefte fit mcane to D;»toe bo tacite,anD^to (babe of our auggitbueCTe, tbat toe O^oulD not Sicbe to faff in tbat loue. SDbere if none of bo tfmt beiiretb not to fftme toafpire ano enDeuo;aU t^eir life long to beaurlf tmmo;taUt¥. v^ i^*^ ^^ At-e a^ameD to enrcel b;nte bea« L^ ftcfi in notbing : tobofe ftate (bouloe be g notbing inferic; to onres, tmlelTe tbere '^ remaine to bo a bope of eternit^e after ;^^^ Beatb.HSutif^ourwttiinetbf Deuifef, SttDieo f Doings of euen? man,ton (bal - ^ finoe notbing tberein but eartb-i^etro' I bpongrotoctb tbat rtnaefne«e,tbat oar y minoe being Darcleo toigtb baine sttg» I ring of ricbeffe,potoer ano bono;9,ts fo DuIleD tbat it cannot fee for.^ur bart al fo being pofTelTeD \o^tf) couetonfnede* ambition ano luff, is fo toe^cD Doton^i^ it cannot rife top bier. iFtnallv, all onrf foule cntagleo toi?tb enticements of tbe fletb^feebetb ber fettcit? in eartbc. SDbe llo;De,to remeDT Giis rutl, ootbe to^tb cQntinaall examples of miferies^eacbe tbis of tbe banitye of ti^is p;cfent li'fe. 2Lberfo;e i tiitv (bulD not p;omtfe tbr# felues in tbis life a fonnb i tjfiitt peace, be fitffretb tbi to be man? times oifqnti' eteo t troubled cttber tottb toattts, 0; t>p;o;s>o; robberies, 0; otber iniuries. Cbat tbe? fl^alD not tottb to mucb gre^ Dines>gape fo; fraile % trgfito;? Yi(^tSy 0; reff in tbe ricbcs tbat t\icv atreD? pof fes,fomtime tottb bantOjmft, fomttme toitb barenneir^of tbe eartb, fentettmt tottb fircfomttme b? otber meanes ^ b^ingetbtbe to pouert?ego; at leaff bol^ oetb tbem in meafure> SDbat tbe? fltnte not The grace of Cfirrfl. 1 hn-d Btwkc. not tottf) to muct eare tahe plcafure tn ti}e bcm&ss of martagc,^c tist^tr ma* iuti)tf)ltobatereDiottb tbc ft-otoarO' itt0 of t^etr tDtuejBi,o; plocbtD ^i tatcn U)itt) a clbito;r,o; puniOjctlj t^cm U)itf) Uiant of t(rue.)iSat if m all tbcfe tttngs 1)0 tenoerlt bearet^ toitb tbem,^et leatt tljti Oiulo etttcr floel tuttt) foltll^ gIo;r> o;t tmmeforabli? reto^ce \xiitii tatne co« ffoetue, beooetb b? o^reafef f Dansert fet befb;e tbctr ete0,boU) tjnlhible < t)a niHbina be al tbe goO0 ttat be fubtect to mo;taltttf .Cbt onlr tbcrfo;e toe rtgbt l^ profit tn tbe DifnpUne of f rro0 Uiben iDC Icame tbat tt)i0 life, Itiben it is toiv ltD;eD in it felf iB Isnquiet, troubiefome I innumerable toaies miferabMnb in no point fuU^ blriTcD:! tbat al tbofc tijat are reebeneo tbe gaiDtbings tbcrof are t)nrertainf, fickle, baincano co;rupteD tottb man^ eails mireo tuitb the. Znn bereupon toe do oeterrainctbat bcre is notbpiigtob0erougbto;!;iopeDfo;, but Griff :ano tbat tsljen lue tbtnke of our croU)ne,tbr U)e mult lift bp our e^e0 to beauf .^o; t\)\xs toee mult beleuo. Cbat onr mine is miicr truelp ra^feo to ti)t oeilre anb meditation of ^ life td come, bnlefle it baue finteconce^ueo acon^ tempt of tbis piefcnt life. 3 ifo; bettoeene tbefe tluo tbere is no mennc,p eartb mult eitber become bile in our ngbt,o; bolD bs bounbe Isitb im teperate loae of it. SCberfo^e if lue banc an^ care of etemitr, li^e mutt Dtltgf tip enoeuo; to lofe our fclues fr5 tbefe fet' ters;. ^oto bicaufe t^is p;rfet life batb manp flattering plefures tobertuitb to allure \3S, a great (be toe of plefantnes, graee>f rto^tene5,tDberetz7itb to belite bs : it ismucbe beboucfuU fo; bs te be natjUf tben calleo aUmr, tbat tue be not betoitcbeb toptb fucb allnrements.if o; ^bat,) p;at? i^ou,t0oulbe be bene if Inc dib bftre eniop a continuall concourfe of cap tbingf anP felicity, Wj toe can^ ]Fol.aid H not iJJttb continuall fparrcB of enil« be fufficientl? atoabeo to confioer tbe mi* ferr tbereof:* i^ot onelp tbe Iwrneb boe Unotoe,but alfo tbe commk people baue no pjouerbc mo;e common tban tbY»> tbat mannefi life is like « fmoke o} tba* Doto: f bicaufe tbet fats it to be a tbing berp p;ofitabic to be bnolune,tbev baue fet it out Uiitb mant! notable fentencetf J 3!5nt tbere is Rotbins tbat toe do eitber ^ mo;e ncgligentli! confiber,o; Us rtmif ,^ ber. ^»a tot goe aboute all tbing0,a0 ^ tbongbtoetoolbframctoourfduesan It^ immo;t«liti in eartb.3lf tbef be a coips 3 carteD to burial, o^ if toe toalke among 3 graues, tben becaHfe tbere i» an iatoge ^^ af oeatb befo;e our t^ts, 3 graut u»e Dd" *Nj maruellouai' tod bifcctifc Ir&e pbilofor Z^ pberj bpon ^ banitic of tb^s life.aibcit toe DO not ^ c8tinuallF,fo; manr times all tbefe tbpnges DO notbtng moue ba. But tobr it bappenetb, our ^bitofopbtfe laitetb but a tobile,tobicb fo fene a« tor p turneourbacke5,baniaietbatoaMnD J leauctbnoftep at all efremcmb;ance|5 bebiuDe it: finally it paflietb atoara0« _ clapping of banbes bpon a Itage at any h pleafat 0gbt. anb toe fo;getting not on/ :- I? Detb, but alfo f toe be fubicct to Detb^ ^ ^ 80 tbCQb toe IjaD neucr bearo ant? repo; t ^ tberof,fall to a carelclfe affurebncffe cT. »jr- eartblpimmojtalitie.3fanrmaint^ - meane time tel bs off p;ouerbe,i^ mm' ^'^ is a creature of a Daieg continuance, tor ;^ graont it in DeDe: but fo beDeleOp,^ dih 5>^ tbetbougbtofcuerlalting continuance ^ reaetbinourmmo.^botberfo;ccn>vp - oenr, ^ it i« a great p;oat to bs all, not, J^» '^ oneli? to be aomonilljeD in toojues, but J, by all i examples of cj^jeiience i mar T be to be conuinceD of § miferabic cltate : ^ of ertbli? life: fo;afmuf b as cur tobe U-c ^ are couinceD, toe fcarreli? cealle to Eao T^ amafeDl6peruerfef fa)li(b aomiratio 4 of it,aBtbottgb it coterneD ibttermott f cnD of gcD tbingg.But if it be neccffary ^ tbat - -T^ fe ^ r 5 r^ '^:5 I &^ "Of the mancr how to rccciuc tbat dDoD inff rurt ts, it is oure mietie likctuifc on our bef)Alfcs,to tjeariien to bim toben fjc callctlj anD aluafcetlj oar uulacffe, f bat Defp^Qng tljc Ujo^ID, tua ma^ Uittb all our bcartsenoeuo; to tbe mcoitation of tbe life to come. 3 HBut let ttje fa^tbftil acruftome tbem felues to fucb a ocfptfing of p;terent life, as ma? neither engenDer a batreo tbcr of,no; anp tjntbanUfutnes totoarD goD. i?o; tbis Ufe,bo\uroguer it is ful of tnfi^ nit mtferies, iB vtt Ura^rtbili? recbeneo amog tbe not fclcnoer blcfTings of goD. ncrfb^eifloe actsnotDleoge no bene' fite of s into ti)t ligbt of it, tbat begrauntetbbsfbe Dfe of it,tbat be geuetb^sall neceHarB fucco^ fo;tbe p;creraationofit ^anDtbisisamucbe greater reafon, if toe confiDer ^ toe are in it after a certain maner pjepareD to ^ glo^l? of tbe beauenl? kingDom.^oj fotbe IL92D batb o^DeineD ^ tbe^ tobicb in time to come Ibalbe crotoneo in bea^ apn,matt ftgbt certain battels ineartb. religton,ree tbcrin bnt tnbapp? anD mu ferable i tiiti^ did not fa bolxie i ma? tarne te goD to t^e goDl?, tobiell is of it felfe nettber blcfiTcD no^ to be ht* fireD, and fo tlje^ enDeD tbeir iuDgment toitb Defperation. !let tb?s tberefo;e be tbe markc of tbe fa?tbfuU in iuDging of mo;tall life, tbat tobcn ^)ti^ bnoerSanD it to be of it felfe notbing but miferre^ tbe? ma? refo;t toboll? tbe mo;e freCb* 1? f reaoil? to ttit eternall life to come. Mlben toe come to tb?s comparifon> tben tbis p;efent life ma? not onel? ftee lafel? neglctteD , bnt alfo ttterl? Delpt^ feo anD lotbeD in compariTon of f otber. if 0; ifbeauen be our countre?, tobat it ti?e eartb els bnt a place of banitbment^ ' af Xrnelr it is no maruel,if na* rural feafe in bs co quafee fcj fear tobe tocbearc cf '^biObluingof ts.^uttbrs is in no toife tolcrablc,tbat tbcr be net in a (iLb^iff ian mans b;cll tbe ligbt of goDlmes,!^ Iboulo toitb greater ccmfojt ouercome anb fuppjeffe tbat feare,bcto great fo eucr it be.i?c; if toe ccnCber ^ tbisbnlIenfatr,fdultr,co. 3 graunt, f tberfc^c 3i affirm, tbat toe cugbt to Ic'ue to tbe immo^tali' tic to corned tobi^r toe mar attain a tteD fad ftafe )? no tober nppearetb in tnxtfj. 5^6? Paul botb tciT toel ttac\}ytl>nt tbe 2 Cor.y.i faithful ougbt to go cberefullp to Dcatb: notbecaufe tbe^ toclo be bnclo(beo,fciit bccaufe tbe? beftre fo be nctolt clctbctJ. i&ball bjute bcaaes , ^e a f tbe lifclctTc creatures,euen GocJies i ttonesjhnoto* ing fbcir pjefent banitie , be carncaii' bent to loHingfc? the latt bap of tbe re* furrection,tl)at tbe? mai> toitb tljt cbtl- nym of cIDcbbe Dcliucreo from banitic, anb Ojall toe tbat are cnoueo toitb tbc ligbtoftoit,anoaboue \3}it enligbtneb toitb tbe fpirit of tinfpeabcablc fU;iJtcncCc of bps dainties, iubcn be fljal aduance tY-i to p fellotulbip of bis bic ellate:finallp \xil)tn be (bal toucbfafe to cnterparten ins (c> licitic xb tbe. Wut tbefe Uticked cues \^ baue fio;i(l)ed in p eartb)te (ball tb;cii} into ertremc fl[}ame,bt fijal r bangc tbcir telites into tc^mentSj-tbrir lijugl tng 1 mp;tb into toeping % gnelljing of teetb, befljalldifquict tbeir peace la terrible tc;mct of cofcience,bc fijal pui.ill) tbeir dainfinede )3o bnqucncbabte fire, f (bal put tbcp; beadcsin fKbicc^tcn toibcfe gcDlp men,U.ii)cfe pacieiice tbep bai^e Of bufed. j?G;tH's iBngbtcci*fiU(r»'(as li^aul tt ttifieib) to ^cm ulcafetop mi* frrable { tv tbcm p are tniudlp aflJic*' ted,ani) 10 render fiffUction to p Ufiefecd ^ do aff;ict tbegc&lp,\i;bf r» tbe Ilc;d Je^ fus (brute rcucaled from beaucn 2Ibrs truelp is our ci:elp comfo;t , l5;bicb if it be tafecn alcap,tDe muH ef ncccITitp ei* tber dcrpcire, 0; Cattcrirglp delite our felucs teitb § tau: comfc!;ts of p,tDo;lo to our otun celrrud ton. jro; euen i pio* pbet confclfctb t l?rc ^eetc UaggcD,lBlje betarpedt(Dlcngt3pcn confiDering tbc p;efent p;ofpcritie oftbclyiilicd: and tbat be could not otbeiliifi (lac acdfaa £ra.2j.i8 Re.7.J7J I. Tlicf » bat Pa73 The grace of Clirift. Third Pook'C F0U218 ibut to^^ l)Z cntiCD intatljc^^antuarie of triumpljetft in ttjc barts ortoc ravttjruU <2?oD,f bcnnca ijis epcsto t'ociatJcnoc ijponttjeDeuiljflcClj^finncan:^ tljetoic* of tfjc gorjly f tbc to'cUso Co ccncluoe j !?cD,tDl)cn mr sits arc turncD to fetw po in one loo;D,ti)^ ouclg § croSfc of ctaift I tocr of tfte refurrcction. 'J'hc x,Ch.it't^'\ How we ought to vfc this prcfcnt lifc,& the helpcs thereof ^l^racbintraDattiosv fcripturccotb (totrrf) is a Uertpcriloiwtlj'ng) ft?c? alfolxjcli tnfojmctjs tol)at is tbe mDputamaijterbciiDctjponconfdcm ri3f)tt3feoffartIilvbcncfitciJ:\x)bic!)i0a' ccfi.tljan tbofe \Dljcrc'a)vtb tljc^tesrc t^ingnot to be ncglcetco in framing an 1 bounoc b^ tbcVoojcc of CDoD. ;3n3 t^:v o;d;c of life . f 0; if Xvz muft liucUie ' cppouriDc ncceCTiticto abftcinc from al mutt alfo h(t tbe nscclTarp bclps of life: nci?ttjcr can ti3s cfrijac car tljofc tbingji tl)3t fceaie rattjcr to feruc fo; oelitc tba foi nccclTitij.iiDbercfojc toe mua Ucpe a meafure,tbat toe map ijfc tbcm toit!) a pure confcicncc, e^tbcr fo;neceffitie oj fo; oeligbt. 2:bat meafurc tbcllo.jD appoinfetb bp bis tuo;«)2, toben be tea^ cbJtb tbat tbis life is to t])i tl)sit be bis, a £Cf tatne iourncr tb;ougb a ftraunge coun* rep,bi? Wjith tbcv trauail totuaro tbJktngDomsofbeaucn. if tbe mufte tiiinics lobicb a man map \)z tiitbout. anD fo bp tbeir opinion, a man mpgbt fcarcclptaUe anp mo;c foDc tban b;eaD anQ luatcr . 0nD fome be pet mo;e (c* uerc:as it is reu of Crate? tbc Tiicbanc, tbat DpD tbiotoc bis go^s into tbc ^ea, bpcaafc if tbep lucre not oearov!ec,bc tbougbt tbat be Ojoulobe t>cftropcDbi» tbf .^:panp at tbis :ia\:e , tubile tber fckc. a pitt?nce,U)bcrebp Voz intemperance of tbc fleCbe in fcfc ofoattuarDe tbinges map be crcnfcD, f tobplc tbep go about but p.iiTg tbjougb tbJ cartb.boutlcs \ue to prepare a toap fo; tbc flcS) raging in oagbt fo farre to bfc tbe gtoD tbinges of tl)z eartbe, as tbcp map ratber fartber tban bino.^c our ioumepe . Sbsrefo^e Paul Dotb not t3np;jontablp counfell tjs fo to bf? tbis tuoilD, as tbpuab toe tfco itnot:ano tobpe poircITions toitb fucbc a mmbe as tbcp tfc to be foloe.Biit bi^ caufe tbis place is flipperp, anb lo Qope on botb rncfi,tbat it quicUcli maUctb bs tofai,lctt)s laboj to fafte our fote tber, tobcretoemapftanijfafdp. Jfojtberc baae ben fomci^ otbertoifc tocre gcoo 1 bcJlp men, tobtcb tobtn tbep fato' intern pcranceanrj riotcoiitpnuallp tor^nje toitb bnb;toclcD lua,\)nles it be fljarpe Ip rcftrapneb, anb toere oefiious to tox recte fo great a mifcbief, tbcp coul&fino none otber toap, bat futfrec man to bfe tlic benefitrs of p cartb, fo far as necef* fitie requires. "KMis toas in Dcto a goc« Ip counrei!, but tbcp tocrtoieii£rcJro£ toantonnslTe, oot^'se tbat asatbing" confelTcb, tobicb 31 tJo not graimt tljeniy tijat tbis Ubcrtic is not to be rcftraineo toitb an p limitation of meafurc, but tbat it is to be left to eucrpmans con* fcicncc to l3f:j as mucb as be fatb to b? latofnU fo? bim.E^ruelp 31 confrffctbat confciences n:ptber ougbt ncj canin tbps pointe be bounoc bp cextapne ano pjccU'c formes of lato3.15iit fo;afmacb: as tt)s fcriptnre tc^c^ttl) general rdes of tbc latofulltfe,toemuli fareipmro? fare t\)Z tife accojuing to tbcfc rules . 2 !iet tbis be a principle : tbat tbe ^ff of (Sods gvftf s ftoai'uctbnct out of tbe toap, toben it is rcferrco to tbat enbe, toberunto tbeautboj bimfcif batb crca- teo anO appointcD tbr fo; t)s/ojafmucb as be batb creatco tbcm fo; cure gab f not fo; our burtc , SIbcrefbzc no man can Hepc a rigbt?r to. :p,tba be tbat ^mI Cap.io 04. or die mancrliovv to receiue biiigeiulp lOKC Unto t^«5 cnoe. /^a\» if luecoiifiD^eto Mnt enor t;e VM crca* tcD tQcatciS, tDe fl^l 6nD tt)dt 1)2 meant to mabc p;ournoii not oncl^' (o), ncceflt ttebutairofo^Ddtteano^ifafurc. ^e in apparel,beli&cncccfrittc be apotnteD an otbcr enr>e,tobifb is coml^nco f bo^ nefiiejn ljerbc0, trcsi, ans frutfcs,be^ fiDe Diit^rfe profitable tjfcg,tbcre is alfo a p!eafantnf» of 6gbt,snD ftcatneOe of fmell.if oi if tbis tuere not truc,§ p;o* pbet Uioulo not recfecn among ttjc bcne^ fif00 of 0OD tbat tuine ma^etb g!atj tbc bart of man,f tbat orlc mafectb his face to (^i'ne:tbe ^rripture tooulD not ecbe^ mcr,toict fc^t^ bis Iiberalttr,rcbeaitc ^ be batlj gcucn all fntb tbvngs to men. £nD tbc toori? natual'. qnaUtifs of tbings na fuffidintlr Ibctur, to lubat enb anD botB f^rre toe mar tfe tbem. feball m !o;o bane fct in Qciirr^ fo 5?eat a beau tie, ns p^cfentetb it felfe toonrere0: W fit baue geuen fo great a f toatneffie of fauo; ns natiiralli? flotuetb into our fmelling:jft;all it be tJnlatofuU eitber for oure^es to talie f bfe of ^ beautie, 0; fo; our fmelling to feele ^ ftoeef nrs of fauojf tobatf l^atbbe not fo maue uiflfe rente of ccloures, tbat be ^&tl) mabe fomc mo;e acceptable tba otber^ tobat; !^atb be not geuen to golDe anofilncr, to ino;tcanb marble, afpccpUgrace tobercbv) tc^c^ migbt he mabe mere p;e cious tban ot^cr mtUlts 0; aone£!fif i^ nail^batbbenot mase manp tbrnges commentabic Ijnto tstovtboutnecef;' far^ tfe^ 3 ^bciforcatL'a^toitbtbattnnatural l^bilofoz^bie, \i)i)^tfi in grauntingUs of tbs creatures no Uc but fo; necetTit^, not on! .^ Dotb niggarolp bereue tjs of f l:Mui\ tjfc cfgoDs iiibcralitte , but alfo CA mt tabe place.tnleg it firlf baue fpoi leo man of all bic feufes ano mabe bim a I iocfec. il5ut on ^ ctber fine toe muOe ^nolcggnjiigcnce paoniDc a da^ fo; J I lull of ^ ac(!?,to!}tCi3 if it bz not brojiigbt intoo;Der, oucrflcluctb toitbonrmea^ fure:rtnt) it batbCac 3 bfiue favb) bcfen^ bers of it Vi:;bicb linDcr pre fence of aUc;» IweD libertic do grafit bnto it al tbin£S. irirfttbcr is one b;iDle put inip mcutb of it,iftbis be betcrmvncD,^ al tbingrs are createo fo; ts to n^is enDe,tbat toe Qjoulb bnotoe tbe auttc; of tbem , anb geue bim tbanfes fo; bis tenber hinfincs totoaro ts. ^ber istbr f^nfetrgcuing, if tbon f 0 glutoncuG V fill tbt f^lfc \x)itl) beintie meates 0; \iiith icine,^ tbou e? tber be mabe fenOclTejO; fcnSt to bo tbe tnticB of goDlincCTc nnb cf tbi? callings MbereistrebnotolebgingofcSoo, if tb^ flcl^ bv togreat abounoaunce bo^* ling in filtb? luff, botb^ ber tmclcan* neCe infect tbtmino, tbat tbou canffe not fecan^ tbir.g i is rigbt 0; boneffe^ 31napparell, tobere is tbankftilneSPrto goOjif toitb cofflp go;gioufneffe tbereof toe botbe fal in aDmirati5 of cur fclues anobifbarnectber^ Blftovtbtbe trim^ nelTe ano cleanlineffe of it, toe prepare our felues to tncbaff itie^ tm ber is tt)t rehnotolebging of (0ci),if our mino bee fipcD tjpcn fiit ga^neCTe of cur appsrell^ ifo; mant fo geue all tbeir fenfes (0 bo bilv belites,tbattl)emtnbc lt?etb ouer^ tobelmeo . ^anrc arc fo celtteb toitt) marble,golbe,anb paintinges,tbat tbep become as it toere men mabeef mar^ fale, tbat tbcy baas it toereturneb in^ to metalcs, anD bel^hc tnto painteD B|/ mages. s:be fmell off feitcben,o; ftoeet R0.13 14 nelTe of fauours fo bulletb feme, ^ fber can fmell notbirg tbat is fpiritualjano ti]e fame is aho to be f«ne in tbereftc. SDberefo;e it is certatne i berebv tbe li* cencioufnes cf abuHng is fomctob^t re firai?neD, anb tt^nt rule cf |t)aul confirm mcD,tbat toe be nut careful of tbe flefli, fo; t}3c luSes tbereof, fo ix^^id;^ if toee graunttomucb, tbeubo^lcoutaboue meafureanPtcmper^ 4 pnt The grace of Chrifl:. Third Bookc. f ol 2;p 4 llBnttb^rcisno furcr no; rcaopcr Ina^ tijan tfeit U»t)tcb is maDe tjs b^ tl;e I Cor.7»3 coiif cmpt cff ijis p^efent If ff , $ tfjc mc^ ' citation of beaiirls immo.italitie . ifo; ttjerupon foUoU? ttDO rultsitljt mtytljat tl):y> \j}Wl) tife tf)is loo;lD,tl)oulD hx fo miiiDeD as tijougb tb^^ tjfeD it not, tijcp ^ marrp iuiues as tbougb tljc^ u^D not marr^ :tf)e^ ^ bi?ea( it mutt be fubicct to tbrs latue, to beare tjcrvlitlelnith tbci\i otone affections, bat contrariUiife (til cal tpon tbf felues tuitb continual! V bent mine to cut of al (l3ei» of fuperfluous plentp,mucb mo;e to rettraine riotous erccffe, i to tafee Di* li^entbcDc, tbat tb?p Doc not ofbelpes make to tbemfelucs binoerances. f ILbcotber rule l^albe,tbattbe? tbat fwue but fmall ano CcnDer rtcbrs , map learne to lacke pacie ntlp , tbat tbep bet notcarefullpmoueD luitb immeafura^ bleoefireof tbeni : Ipbicb patience tbep tbat bepe,baue not a litie p;ofitcD in tlyt Hoboes fctKDle: as be i batt not at leatt fometobat p;iofitetj intbpsbcbalfe,ran fcarcelp baue anp tbig tuberbp to p;cue bimfclf tbefcbo!erof<£i)}ift. ^o;^ beQDc tbps tbat ti)c mott part of otbcr Wes Do accompany t])c Defire of earfblp tbings, be tbat bcarefb poucrfie impacientlp, Dotb fo; i moft part bctu^av f_ contra^ rp Difeafe in abunoancej meane bere^ bptbatbcUJbicbeVoill be attjamebofa pcDjc coate,lDil be pzout) of a cottlr ccat; be tl)at luiU not be content ioitb a bun^ grpe fuppcr,toill be DifquicteD luitb ncf fire of a Daintier,anD UjouId alfo intern* pcratelp abufc tbofe Dainties if ba baD tt)cmil)t tbat barDlp anD bnquictlt? ^ta* retb a p;iuate anD bafe ettate, luill not abftainefrompjiDe if be cliinbe to bo* no;s. 2:berefo;c,let all tbem tbat baue an tnfainec ^cale of goDlineire,enDeuo; to learne bp tbe 0pofl:les erample.to be full anD bungrp,to baue tto;c anD fufifer luant. STf'fC Scripture batb cd(o a tbiro rule, tobcrebp it tcmperetb tbe bfe of cartblptijingfSjOf tebicb Uie baucfaocnpture Decroetb tbat all tavtt)i]^ tbpnges are fo geuen tjs bp p bcutifulnelTe of (Ii5oD,anD appointeD fc: our commoDitie,tbat t1)ev map br as tbings DeliuercD tjs to feepe, tobcrcoftDemuft one DappelDeanac^ compt. ^emutttbcrefo;efo Difpofe tbem,tbat tl)^s faping map continuallp founD in our eares, peloean accompt of t\)^ bailplDikeXbcrtuitball let tUs aU fo come in our minD? iDb nt is i^ afUet{) fucb an accopt, euen be t batb fo mucb commenDeo abffinencf, fob;ictie, bo^ nett fparing, anD moDettie, f abbo;rf tb riotous fumptuoufne(&, p;uDe, ottenta^ tion anD t^nitie, tubicb allotoetb no o* tber Difpofing of goDes , but fucb as is iopneD toitb cbaritie:tubtcb batb alrebv ijoitb bps oton moutb conDrneD al tbofe DcUtcful tbings ^ Do U)itbD;aUi a mans minDgfrom cbattitie anD clganmfle, o; C'Ciii. DO pliil.4. 12 "Cap.ii. Of themancr hovv to receiirc DO cull 1)^0 \iiit luiCl) DarUncflfe. 6 iLaft of all, ti)\!5 is to be notcD , f bat tljc i.o^D biDDct^ cucrv cnc of tis in all tftc Doings of f)vs l^fe , to bauc an e^e to I)I?£j call^ng.^o; be hnotectl) toii!) bclu great tjnquietncflc nrans tint bo^lctb, toitb 1)0 iM fhipping ligbtncfic it is car^? eD betbci* ano tlje tftr r , Ijoto grao^e l)^B ambition is to ^iDe oiucrfe tii^n%cs at once.2Cftcrfe?c j^ all tbi^nge s fljculD not be confounDcD Vuitl) cur fell^ t radjnes, be batb appo^nteD to euer^ man bis Du^ tvcs in feucrall kiuDcs of Ipfe.^nD tbat no manrafi)l^ run bei>onDc l)is bonces, bcbatbnameo all fucb feinDcs cflrfe, tJocations.SDberefojc euert? mans fcue^ rail feinoe of life is \)nto bt?ni as it tocre bis llaDing appointee bim b^ goD,!^ tbe^ H}oulDe not ail tber;^ lrf« tncertainl? UianDer about . 0nD tbr^ ciuiCon is to ncceflarT!,tbat all our oomgo are nieafu reo tberbp in brsf figbt, ano oftenttjmcs ccntrari?e to jf iti^jgcment of mane rea* fon ano pbilofopbt?c. SDbere is no dcdc acrompteo mo;e noble,euen among tbe pbilofopbcr0,t!;ari fo; a man to Df liucr bvs touutrer from tr^auKt? : but b^ tijc toorecof Cods iuDgemcnt tbe piivntc man is openly r onoemneD tbat larctb banD\)pon a tr;jant. il5ut 3 toill iizt tari? tjpon rebearOng of eramples, it is fuffif ient if Uie fenolo tbat t\)C callvm cf tbe JLojD is in euer^ tbing (7 beginning t foiiDation of tuell Dcing;to Vi^f^it\) ^e i Dotb not Direct bimfclf, Hjal neucr aape a rigbt tuaip in bis Doings. I9e nm^ per* aDucntnrc fomctime do fonictt'bat lee* ming iDc^tbt of pjapff Jbut tobatfocuer ^ be in f be figbt of men, before ^ tb;cnc of ©oD it fljalfae rcieetcD:mo;coucr tbcr (balbenoconuenient agramcnt in tbe partes of bis life. 2Lbcrfo;jc our life fljal tbcn be bell frameo , tobcn it (balbc Di^' recteD to tbis marUe : foj tben, no man carieD tuitb l)is otun ratelTe tuill at^ tempt mo;etban bis calling mar bear, beraufebcfenotoetbtbat it is not laU-* full to paCTc bevonD bis bonces. \$t tbat Cjalbe a man of bafc ellatc, (bal conten* tcDlv liue a paiunte lifeJeaH be Q^oulDe fo;jrahc tbe Degree tuber in CoD batbpla*" ceD bim.^gaine,tbis Ibalbe no fmal re^ leefe to cares, labo;s, greefes, anc otber burDens,tDbcn a ma ftal fencto ^ in all tbefe tbings goD is bis guiDe.SLbe moje iDiUinglt tbe magiffrate toill cFecutc l)XS officeitbe boulbolDcr totll bino \)im fclfc to \)is Dutie:euert! ml in bis UinDe of life Uiill beare and pam^ tb;ougb tbe I DirfcntmoDitics,rarf?,?'eDicufncfre,anD j anguiiljcs tbcrof:icben tlicp arc perfua* , Dec tbat euf rp mans burcen is laiD tp* ' on l)im bv CoD.^erenpo alfo Ibal grotu I fingular tcjnfc;jt , fo;afmucb as tbere (balbe no luo^ltj? fo filtbv and trie (if it be fucb a one as ll;ou obcp t\)\> calling in it)butitII)inetbanD is moll p;ccious in tbe fi$bt of Cod* Thexi.Chdpt^r. Of the lunification of Fay th,ancl fiifl of the definition of the name & of the th} ng, Cb,2ift ts geuen ts br f goDnes of CDoD, I conceauco f poffcffeD of ts br faitb^br partaking of tobo loe receiue principal* I Cbinfec 31 baue alreacre fafftcientlp DeclareDbcfoje,botu tber remaynetb fo J me being accurfeo br ^ lato one onlr belpc to retoner faluatio : againe,U)bat i I? ttoo graces: tbe firft i> being reconct* faitb is,i \Mbat benefits of goo it betloto j leo to dDoD br %is innocencre,toe mare efb t)pon mfi , % lobat frutcs it hiin^ttti nolo in ftece of a iuDge baue a merciful fo;tb in brm.llbe fum of al toas tbrg>^ \ fatber in bcaucmtbe feconc, tbat being fanctifieD fan^iScD hi l)is fpirit,luc ma^ gene oar felues to innoccci? i purcncs cf life, ils fo^ rcgcncrati6,UJtjicO is ^ fecoD grace, lu: fjaue alrcaD^ fpahe of it as muc') as fcmcD to be fufficif t. Cljc mancr of iu* ftiQcation Inas tberfo^c lc(rctoucbcU,bi caufc it fcriicD lucl fo; our purpcfe.ftrlt to tjnocrtfaD both tJoUi § faitt) bi Irljico alone iijcrccerue freely? gcuenrfg^tc* oufnclTe bp t\)t mcrct? of (2^oD,i5 not iDlc from gojD \»o;fecs:$ alfo tobatbe ^ genu iDo^Ues of ttjc bolp ones> tjljeriipo part of tbis qucftion cntrcatetb. 2:bcrefo;c tfje? are firll to be tb;rougblt? otfcuSTeD, t fo Di fiiilTeD tljat toe mufte rcmemb.:c tbat tbtfi IS tbe cbcfc fta^c of tjpbolDing religion,^ toe mar be tbc mo;e careful an^ bcDcfuU about it . if o: bnlcITe tbou 6ra fenoUj,in lubat tlatc t\)ti'u art tuitb (!5oD, I iDbat 1^5 iubgemcnt is of tba: as tijou baa no groimDe to Ifabliaje tbr faluation,fo baft tbou alfo none to raifc tbp rcaerent feare totoaroc €^ii, l^ut tbc ncccffitie of tbis UnoMcDije n)al bet tcrappcarc b? i;notx)lcD{je it fclfe. 2 )3\xt tbat lye ttumblc not at v firlf e entrv,(U)btcb Ujc fljoulo do if luc fijoulD enter Difputation of a tbing VUttnotDf) lettosfirfte Declare bubat is ment b^ tbcfe fpccbes.cpan to bciuttificD b:fo.ie goD^to be iuaiSco b\? faitb oi bi \so;ks, i^c is fai'Dc to be infftfiL'D afo^c 0oD,^ is p^onounceobp tbc iuDgemcntof geo botb iuit f arccptcD fo; bis oton rigbte* oufnes faUe, if oa as VoieliCDnelTc is ab* bomj^nablc bcfo;e(IDoD^ foa finner can not finD fauo; in bis c\>c3y in rcfpeae ^ be is a finner, o; fatoig as be is accop^ tetx fucb a onc> 2^i)erefo;e tnberfoeucr Cnnc is^tbcrc alfo appearetb tbc tu^atb anD bciigeancc of ^o& . i^c is iuftiSeo tbiU is not accompteo in place of a fin«» ncr but of a iufl man, i bp reafon tber;» of be ftanDetb fall facfo^jc tbe iuDgcmct feate of (IDoD tuben all Unncrs fall, ^s if an innocent bcb^ougbt to be araineP The grace of Chnft. Third Booke. fol 220. bcfo;c 1' featc of a rigbtcous iaDgc,bb^ iuDgemeut is gcu? acco;Ding to bis m* nocencr,bc is fai?D to be mttiffcD before tb2 iuDgc: fo be is iiiaificD before dUoD tf}at bcinrj erenipt out cf tbcnumbje of Qnncrc batl) goD a iDitnetTc f affirmer of bis rigbicoafnes. SSbcrfo^re after tbc fame mancr a man fijalbc faiD to be iui» Hifti^D b^ Uio;Us,in tobcfe Ipfe tbcrc is fouaD fucb cleanneffe % bolincs,ajs ma^ Defcructbctettimonp of rigbtcoufnrs befojc tbe tb:onc cf C?oD': o; be ^ Uiitb tbc bpngbtnclTe of bis toc^Us is able to anfUicrc ano fatiffic ©oQs iuDgement. Contrary tjuife be fball be fa^D to be in^ fiificD bi faitb tbat being ercluDcD from tbc rvgbtcoufncnrc of luojUes , totb bp fa^tb taUe bolDc of tbe ngbteoiifnc CTe of Cb^iG: tuberluitb ^'be be is clotbcD, be appearetb in tbc Ogbt of CDoD , not as a fmncr, but as rrgbtcous. S>otoc(im* plr erpouno tuttiffcation to bean accep tati3n,t;bercbr (DoD recc^uing tjs into fauc; tattctbts fo; rigbteous. ^no toe fap tbat tbefami coaaUctb in fojgeuc* ncffcoffmncs, auD imputation of tbc rigbteoufncffc of Cb^ifi". 3 i'o; confirmation bereof tbcrc are man^ j euiDfttcilimonies of fcripture» irirll it can not be DenpcD, tbat tbis is tbc p.ioper ano mofte bfeo figntfication of tbe loo^De.But hicaufc it is to log to gatbcr all tbc places and compare tbe togetber,it (balbe eneugb to put 5 rea^ Dcrs in minDe of tbcm, fb; tber man of tbcmfclues eafcl^ mark tbf .i5ut 3; toil b;ing fo;tb fome, tober tbis luftificatifi tbat toe fpcake of is erp;eacli» entrea» tcD ofbr name.irira luber llubc faitb M^^/.i; tbat tbc people lubcntbci? bad bearoel Cb;ittDiD iuaific goD.ano U)bcrcb.:ift Lu.7,37= p^onouncetb tbat loifcDom is iufiificD b^ ber ^ilD;f :bc Dctb not mcane tbcr, tbat tber do geue n'gbtcoufneffcUibicb alvuai? remarnctb pcrfcctc Ujytb^cD, altbougb aU t ioo;lD goabouttatahc it <2;€.iiii. atoa^ ^^p-"' ' U.lC^.lf. |T.King. oHL aeiDanerhow to recetue 21, Gal.3.8. Ro.3.a($. Ro,8.33 auiai? fro tjimaie; in ttjys place alfo to mabctlje Dotfrincoffaluatio rigntcons tDljtcf) Ijatb eucr ^ of it felfc» But botlj t\)tk fpcctjcs are as mucb in cffcd,as to gcue to goo ano bis Doctrine tt)c p^afe ^ tbe^ Deferue. ^gain toften tb?ill rep;o cbetbtfjep^bariffs,!^ tftcp iuftificttif^ relue0,^c Dotb not incane t^at t^e^ ob^ tc^ne rigfjtcoufncsi b^ tucU Doing, but Do bainc glo^iouH^ fcbe to; tbe fame of rigbteoufncfle,iDbcrcof in dkd tbep be \3onne.nzv tbat arc fUilfulI of tbe l^c* b;uc tonge do better tjnoerffanD i> fenfe of t\)is pb;afe : in tofjicb tonge tbr-pare notonf Ir calleD toicfecD Dcer0, tbat are jjiltr in tfecir ccnfcienrc of anp teicfecD DDing,bat alfo tl)n tbat come in Danger of iuDgemcnt of ccnDcmnaticn ♦ jfc: iDbcn if arfabc lartu ibat fee anD ^alo mon H^ll be Ir icUcD Dcrr£r,(l3e Dctb not tt'Crin ackncluicDge mv{^ offcnccfeut co platnctb tljat Oje f.nD ber Ton (ball c put to (bamc,to be numbjcD among tbe re^ tizobu^c aiiD cr>D3a;ncD.15i5t bi^ tl)e p;c* ccO'e cr tbc tcrt it takin appearetb, tbat thtfamt \\)om in!latine alfo, cm nat otbertoifcbs taljen but b\> luai? of rcia? tion,f not to O^nifie ani? qualitie. Mint as concerning tbc matter tbat tree are noto in baD Ujitb:U)bcr panl faftb tbat t^t fcripture Dio fo^fee, ^ goD iuffifietb tbe gentiles bf faitb, tubat mar a man t)nD?rliaD tl;erbr,but tbat gcD Dotb im* pute rigbteonfnesbp faitb^*%rt^n,tDbe be lartb goD iutunttl) f be luicfeeD man tbat iB of tbe faitb of Cb;rilI,lDbat mea ning can be tbtTcof, but b^ tbc bencfite offaitbtoDcliucrtbem from tbc Dam? nation iDticb tbctr luicferDnrtfc Defers usm ano tet be fpcaUetb n\m plainly in tbe cocluf.on, tobe be crtcO out tbu0. Mlbo (ball accufe gcDs elect? 3|t is Coo tbat iuaifijtbjtubo'Ojal conDcmucflt is ClvAn tbat DicD, vca tbat rofe agarn, f nolDc mabetb interccffion fo; bs. 3t is asmucbincffecteasifbe ttjoulDc far. Mbo (ball accufe tbcm tobom OcD ac* qu ictetb; tuljo (bal coiiDcmne t\)i *a)bofc patrone Cb^ilt is anD DefenDetb tbcm:; %o iuUifie tbercfo^c is notbing c!0,tliti to acquitc bim t\}at toas accufeD,fr6 fil# tbincifc as allowing bis innocccp.&itb tbcrfo;c OoD Dotb iuftific bs b^ tbe in# tcrceCTion of CbiiftjbcDotb acquite bs, not bT> aUoU»ancc of our clone mnocen? ci?, but bt? imputation of rigbteoufncs, tbat txjc ma^ be coptcD fo^ rigbteous in Cb;itt iDbirbc are not rigbteous in our felacs. ^0 in tbe xiiu Cbapter of tbc ;actes,in paulcs fermon:b\» bim is fo;* gcuenes of fiins p; eacbeo bnto rou,anD euert? one tbat bcleuetb in bim is iuQU fieo from al tbofetbings, fro tobtcb row coulD not be iultificD in tbe latu of ^0^ fes.^ou fee p after fojgeucnes of fins, iu(tinc4tic!T is aoDcD in place of an er^ pofition.|?ou fee plainclr tbat it is tal^i fo; abfolation, tcu fee tbat it is tafte a* luar from tbe too;Ues of tbc latoc.l^ou fee tbat it is tbc mere bcntficial gifte of €t)}iG, ^ou fee tbat it IS rccerucD bp fa^tb.jf inallT? l?cu fee tbat tberc is a fa* tiffaction fpofeen of tobcrc lye fa^tb tbat toe are iuftiSeD fi"5 fins bv €b;itte.^o tobe it is fa^D tbat t\)t |?ublicane came iuflificD out of tbe temple, tuoe can not far tl^at be cbtcrneb rigbf eournclTc br anr Dcferuing of tooafes. %ins tberfo;e is farD t after parDon of bis fins obtei* neD,betoascompteD fo; rigbtecusbe* fo;e C^oD.l^e toas tbercfo;c rigbteous. not br nppjouinge of too;Ites , but br goDs free abfoluticn. t2Rbcrcfc;e Am- brofefaribberrtoell , tbat callebtbe ccnfeOionoffinncs a lalufull iuaiftca^ tion. 4 515ut f 0 leauc ttriuing about r to: jD: 3if toe lofeebpon tbe tbmg it felfc as it is DcfcribcD bnto bs, tbcr (bal remainc no mo;e Dout.jf 0; truelr Paul Dotb er* p;e(re iuftiScatio br tbe name of accept tation,tobt^ be faitb(Cpbej.a.t3.)toearc appoint Aa 13.38 Lu« is.ia fn Ffal. 118. Ho,): Rb.5.24. Ro»4.6 2 Cor.;. Ro.;.i9 Thcjrraccof Chnrt. 1 inrvi liooke, figl)froi:rnf3,t»bcrbr5aitljougil5 his tinl \miij not to DcGroi frc ricl)tcoi:rnc3,ret \)t ftatf) lE?appcc it Vein fuel) a miff, as Bartinrtb godli? miners, antJbrrccnetlj tiitm of t\jz carncft faltng of fee gi-acc of C»};iiCc:tl)crf foK crc 3 paffe further te otljcr lt>ing0, it is too;tlj tije labo; to confute t!)is tioling erro;. j?ir{^, ti)vs fpeculation is but of mare anD bungr^ ci:rioCtpc. lf)c Dotb in CccDC tjc ape tcge< ttei mant? tcftimonics of ^-cripturcto p;oii£ that €t)uftc is one Uiitb tjs, ano U-c one Uj Innt,lDbirl) netctb no pjmfe: but bccaiifc be Uepetlj net tbvs IcnDe of t3nittc,be fnaretb bifelf. li3ut toe tobici) bo!cct?) t[)at ^Dam U)as faajioncD after tbc S.^ mage of (3?oti,bccaufe euen before p fall €b;itt boas o;t;etneti tbc paternc cf tbe nature of man. llSut becatife 3 lnoulJic be fbo;tc, 31 buill tarn? bpan tbc matter tbat 'i banc p;efcntlv in banD. l^e fai^tb '§ m are one boitb ilbnft.^c graunt. But toe bcnr t tbc fubSJance of Cb^ift is minglcu Icrtb cures, spc^gcut r b;c fai? tbat tbis principle t ^^'M i« ^e^' teonfncs to V)S,becaufe be is ^.n etcrnall eoD, tbc fountain cf rigbtccufncs, ano tbe t5f rp ftlfe rigbteoufncffe cf autD a blcffcu man,to fcbom (2:01) ac* comptetb 0; imputetb rigl)?eoufnes 16? out teo;ks,as it iB tD;T?ttrn:blc(IeD are tbeT^tebofe iniquities are fo:ge«en.fc. SIruelv l)c tbcre ootb entreat not cf one partof iuHification, but of all iuOigca* tion tiibolcl^.^HD be teHifietb tbat SDa* mn in t place mat?etb a Dcr-nif ion of iu«= lIification,U)ben be p^cnouncetb t fbn? are UcffeD to tobome is geuen free fo;< gcocnelTc cf finnes. tlQlbeibr appearetb tbat tbrfii rigbteoufnes U-'berof be fpea^ fectb, is in comparifon fimplv fet as c6^ trar^ to giltincs.llSut fo; tbts purpofe, tbat is tbe beft place tuber be teacbetb, tbattb??sistbc fumme of tbcmellage of tbe gofpelljtbat toeCjonlo be reccnci* IcD to C?oD : bccaufe it iB l)is tuill to re^ ceiue bs into fauo; tb;cugb Cb.JilJe, in not imputing finnes bnf 0 bs.!let § rea Ders Diligently loc^afl tbeti-bclc p;c? ceCTe of § tcrt. iro; bpanDbr aftcr,U;bcr be atjuctb bv' tuaioferpcCtion,i' Cb:iQ; tubicb teas tnitbout fin, teas mabc fin fo; t)s,to cxp;t6 tbc manner of reccnci^ li3tion,tJouti:ire be menetb noticing els bi? tbe teo;0 reconciling, but iuHif i?ing. ano tbat tebicb be farctb in anotbcr place, tbat tec crc maDe rigbteouisbt^ tbc obcDicnce of Cb J itt» e^ulD not ffsrtO togitber,bnleire tee be accompteb rigb^ teons bcfo;c ©0D,in Ijim, anD te^tbout our fclues. toi^ 2^1 ee.tj. tbat Csp.n. Cftiie niancr how to leceiue tljat is purcIjafeD fa.2 i)s b^ ttjc obccir cc atiD facriiiic of Ci):il!, but fainet!) tbat k>c are fu (tcntiaU^ rigljteous in cDoD, 03 aiell bp fnbitancc as b^ q«atit\> poa* rctj info tjs. jFo.j tf)is istlje rcafon Vutj? bt fo Cttrncfilp nfimmthy tiiat not cnir CbnC-.but alio ti}efat?)cr ano ibc ^nlf gfjott 50 J)l»:U in ts.Mil^icIjaltljaugbe 3^ graunte fo botriir, tct | fave tljatbc tjD;ongfuap lo^effetb it if o^ be (^wlo fjauc eonfiDcreo tbe mancr of oluclling, tijati*, tbat ttit father ant) tbc iBoIt?e gljoffcare in Cbaft>ano a? tbc falucffc of tbc (Doabcati Dtucllctlj in brin,fo doc iu2 pofTfCTe iri!?c4e 0oD in binu Ktitvc^ foiz aU that be fai^tb fcuerallr of tbc fa^ tber anB tbe t^oli ijboa,tcnc»et!j to no o* tber enDc but f o i3;aU»c tbc fimple from Cbjij^.anD tbcn ?)c tbJufirtb in a mir^ tare 0 ' rubttancciS,toberbi gtJd pouring binifelf int(i fcs,octl> mafec 135 a0 it tocr a part? of bimicUT.ifo.i be recken^tb it almoae a matter of nottjvng, t^at it is iDJougbt by? tbe poUi^r of § t^ol^ gboll, tbat 1x50 groto into one \Diti) cb?ill,anD t^^is our beao f Uie bis members^tin* les bis t3crir fubUance be minglcD toitb t)0. Ii5utiutbefdt?)erftbel^oltgb0ife (as 3 baue favoc)be Dotbe mo;.e opcnl? bcU»^ai?e lubat be tbinUetb^ eiicn tbrs, t lue be iuttifieD not b\? tbe miclp grace of tbc meDtatoj,anD tbat rigbteourncfft tsnotampIt»o^ perfectly offereD tjs in bis perfon,but tbat ioe arc maoc parta* bcrs of tbe rigbteoufncffc of aoD,\»bcn Oou is f CTcntiallp mane one tDvtb ts. ^ 5f bJ DID fa? no nujie,b«t ^ Cnili in iuHifinngtJS, is br rlTential coio^ning , maDe oureis: «aD t^at not onlv l)t is our . beaOjin tbat :\c tj man,bat a!fo tljat tbc fubaacc Of tht Diuiii^ n^itare is poureD intobs. \^)e ai-^uioluifijlcfrcburtfeeo? bimfcifc Daiuterc, aiiD pcraijucnturc fo great a coate titio^ GjoulD not baue ben rnifcD fo; tbrs Dcuuiig erro;. )i5ut (itb tbrsbeginnmgislgiea cuttle, tbat Ui caftmg cut of blacbc e^.no tbickc tloapc Untti) i;er many? tai[cs,tDC miiit Uftcs carncftl\? refift,tnleirc Ice toil teitttng Ipano iDiliinr^li? fuffer tbat rigbtcoiif^' ncCTc to be tafeen from ts , lubif b Dntig b;jinffctb \:s confiDc ncc to Glo^^e cf faU nation, ijcz in all tbrs Difccurfe, tbc name of rigbteoufncITejanD tbrs Vno^De iullifr'ing,cvtcnD to ttuo partes: tbat to be iuftificD is not onelp to be reconc ilcD toCDoDlxitbfreeparDon, butalfo to be inaDe rigbtcons, tbat rigbtcoufnclTc is not a fr^ imputation but a bolines anD bp^igbtnelTc, Miicijt tbc fubftance of anD enlrgtte* iieD Iwptb tbe bcatc ^ 2Dbcre is notb.t?ng mo:erit fc; tbrs purpoCe^tbantbis fimi li^aD^.2Dbe ftinne toitb i)is beat geuctfj life anD frutefulneffe to tbc eartbj ^V^ brs bcamcs be gcaetb ligbt an^ hn^U neffe. i^are is a naturall auD tnfcpa^ rable conio^ning: ^ct rcafgnfj3.^biDDet[> I, Com. 30. R0.4.J. T l:C irracc of ChrifT. 1 nivci Rcol--e, . foi. tO£onuei> to tt)conc tijat \x\i\ic\) \s pc^ C(;.uftc (tofjrri) is tl)e rigbtcouliicflTc of jCHltfr to tl)cctl)er. Jlihcabfcrtitic w in CDooanD (DoD fjimfclfc) t)c crccllcD in ttjis fofafionof ttDc fo:t£!(cfgraccs,t[)at Oliander ttj^Mifretb in. i?o fcripture,bc co^ruptetb as manf pla^ ces as be allcgctb.Mbcr |Daul fai?tb ^ fa^tb is accomptcD fo; r^gbtecufnes to brmtbatteojUetbnot, biitbclcuetbin bim tbat iuCiSctb t'oc UjicItcD man, be CFpcuDctb it to make rigbtecus. ^itb i^ke raOjcncffe, be ocp;auetlj all tlie fourtb Cbaptcr to t\)t l\OHiatnes,t tticf ftctbnotiuitb liUe falfe coloure to cor- rupt r place iDbicb 31 euea notwe alleD* gco. be fpea^etb fimpl^c of giltbines ano acqtuting,anD i meaning of tbcapofcle biingctb \3po a comparuig of cfi'rarics. SDbcrfo^ Ofiander is founo to fonoe a bab*jlcr,as incll in tbat reafon as inaU Icgmgtbe tcftimoni\^5 of Scripture, ano 150 mo;c rigl)tl\» ootbe be fpcafee of tbe name of rigbteoufnclTc, in faring ^ faitbcUjas accom^Jteotoab^abam fo; rtgbteonfneCe , after tbat embracing Gngularebertues, tobereb^) appearctb tljat of tUio iJDbolc places be barb lD;6g fullv maoe oneco;rnpt place, if 0; tbe rigbteouinc5 tbat is tbcre menrionco, pertainetb not to tbe ttbclc courle of brs calling : but ratbcr tbe i^ol? gbofl c teftififtb, tbatalttougbc tbe Uertucecf ab;abani toercfingularlv cr£eUft,ano tbat toptb long continuance be at Ifgtb baa encreafeo tbeni: ^ct he oio no otljer toav plcafc OoD,but b^ tbrctbat be re? ceiueo b? jfa^tbe tbe grace offercD in tbe pjom^fe . tSHbercbpon follctuctb> tbat in Biufttfication tbcre is no place fo; Ju?©;Ucfi,a6 )^^u[c ber^ to ell aflfir> nietb» 7 as fo; tliis tbat Ofiander obicctttb, ^ tbe poUicr of iu(f ifving is not in fai>tb of it felf,but in refpett tbat it receauctb Cb;ift, 3 Ujillingb graunt it . ifo; if fattb Dio iulhfie of it felf,o;bT? inUtaro fo;ce,as tbet call it,anB as it is altuar e fttble I bnperfea, coalc not U)o;k iuCi^ fication but in part,fo f^calo tbe iuHifi^ cation be maiinectbat tbouloe gcue bs but a peece of faluation. $?s fo; bs,U}e t^ magine no fucb tbing , but in p;oper fpcaking do fare,tbat ^oD oncli? iuGifi* ttl):dnn tOen toe geuc i fame to Clj;ifi, becaufebeluasgenen bs tnto rigbte^ oufnefTcf faitb luc copare as it tuer to a btlTcH.ifo; cpcept toe came emptp lo opt moutb of our foiilc to crauc i grace of Cb;iff,toc can net be able to rcceaue Cb;ift.t(IIlbcrupon toe gatber tbat toe 00 nottakc from Cbiift i potoer of iu* ftifpin-jjtobcn toe tcacb tbat be is 6rft rcceaueobi? faitb, befo;e ^ bis rigbte^ oufnelTc be rec eaueo. 13at vet ^ doc net aomit^crcDiiCD figures of tljis ^opbi* aer,tobenbc faitb tbat faitb is €t)}iQ', as if an cartben pot tocr a treafnre, be* caufe golD is biODen in it, jro; i reafon is not t?nlikc, but tbat fartb altbougb It Cap. 15. Of the mancr how to receiue it b0b\? it fclf of no lDo;tbmc5o;pitc0, ,mmt])c Sfm^^ «"5 ti}e ipolf g'loffe, mai? iuftiSc tjs in hmzm ^^n%ns a | But be ta)Ufjl|> trmi-iphel) in tbat enc pot full of mone\? maUctb a man rgcb. SD-^^ritj; ^ 3 fa? tbat fa'^tb/uj'jicb is on* Ig tbc inltrumsnt to rec epue ritshtsouU m3)i3 tnfttli' mtnglco l6 cb;iiif ,tiiijicb t»t^2materrailcaufc an^botb atitOo^ anu mintfter of fa great a bmsfit. jjiolu is tljis tjoate alfo evHolucD. i^olue tljvs tDojo j?a^b oagbt to bcc bJiDcrSanDCD iuben \33t entreate of iuMcattoii. 8 3iJi tbe receguiug of Cbiift l)c goctb furtbcr : f jj be fa^tb, tbat ti)e iirtoarDs toojDe is recef ueD b? tbc miniftratiou of tbe outlDaroe taojt),tbercbi? to Q^alu t)£5 from tbc pjicilboDe of €l)}iiit i t])c perfon of tbc speoiatoj to bis outtoarbs goDbto.aBfo;^ bs,toe ocuioe not cl);ifi, bat toe fa? tbat be is tbe fame etcrnall tooiO of CDob^tjpi'.pcb reconciling bs to (DaD in b?s fleaj,3:auebs ricibtesufnss: ana toe confelTc tbat otbcrtoife be coulo not baue fnlfiUebtbe office of ^ebia^ to;,ari9 purcbaceb bs ri(5btcoufncire,bn ler^. Aa.2o 2$. tuo;D of i^icremtjtui^crc be p^cmifctb tbat tljD ilo;^ dieboua l^albc our rigbtu oafitelT:, bat out of tbat be fljall gatber notinng, but tbat dt;ill lobicb is rigb^ teoiirncfle,ts<©oD openi? HjelDCD in tljt fletb.Jrt anotber place toe baue rebear^ fcD out of 'Battles fermon,tbat ©ob pur cbafcD to bi mfclfc tl)t cburcbe ^JO'nti) brs blou3),if ani man gatber tI)erbpon,tbat tbe bloub tobertoitb Cnnes toerpurgeo toas Dtuinc, ano of tbc nature of Ut Ofiander tblUUetb, tbat toitb tt)V& fo d)f IDtlljc a rauillation be batb gotten al tb^ngs,bs ftoelletb,be leapetb fe? ior, f ttutet!) man? leaucs full toitb bigge toojcs: tobcn yet tber c is a plain f rea/ D? fulution fo; it in facing ^ tht too^be of Ichouab tn D2tie tobcn be is matjc tljz iffuc of SDauio (balbe § rigbteoufncflfe of tbc goDl?: but Cfa? teacbetb in tobat Efa. j}.n. feiife,fa?ing:^? iu^ fcruant (bal toitb leflTc be bab ben eternall ©oD. ISat tbis , fenotolcge of Inmfelf iuttJS? man^.^wet ts Ofiandcrs uoftrinctobcreas €^n(i \ bs note ^ tbefatbcr fpcaftctbitbat be gc* IS botb goD ano man,tbat be toas mnoe ; mt\) to p fonne tl)c office of iuftif?ing: rigbtcoufneffe to bg , in refpettc of b?5 ' be aoaetfj a caufc,fo; tbat be is iuMno nature of Ioh,io. Ihe^raceofClinll, Third Booicc. Ire ti.uQ iiRDt'fi come Dclcnc to tliUtif tt)tfo}ct cf tjic DcatfjanD refurreaion. 9 3if be obietf tfeat tfjiiB 10 a Uio; I? of fitif) crcelicnc^e, ti^cit it is aboue tije nature of man,f tbcrfo.j0 ca net be afcribro bat to H)t nature cf CI5oD,tbe firC 3 graunt: but in i fecono JS fap t^at be is tonUiifc^ ly recciueo. iro; altfjcugb ii:b;ilt coulo neitber clenfc our foulrs Vuitb \)is blud, no^ appeafe br0 fatbcr Uj brs faciific c, no; acqutte b0 from gtUincf^no; oo tbe office otpnctty bnUlTe Ijc bao ben true fl^oulu b;eatbe t-is rw' ccftf* ; rigbtcous iPitij Ijiin: fo? bv f;v3 u;jinion ' tbvs rigljtcourncs i& .'S uell tot bim*" | iclfSyHsVoc graoncs cz {}c!fr,:t% o: pure* btcft Degree: t!iat Cb;ific being maue [neffeofcipoo. 3jlutl!notruca9nTucbla» onrB,map mahc lis partdUers of ^ gifts j bo; in torpino; aluaT' ttjt ititimonks ^ tohf rUirtb be is cnDueo:iCbcrefo;e Ujc Do not bcboib bim a farre of out of cure felucs,^ rigv)tcoufnc« nmv be iaiputeo t);ifo tj3, bat bicaufe lue baue put on bi, i are graffco into \)is boD^ : finallVjbc* caafebe batbe boucbfauco to maUc bs be b;iiigetb>UJbicbbc t?:cniiruU^ h$ic. Iletb irom t'az bcauenii? iif:? to tb?6 pjc^ fent llate. 2Dbzojisb ^'nift (fa^ctb \^i> ' ter)are gcucutsstbe p:;^cica0f moilc ^ great pjomifes,tbat tue Ujoulo be maD0 ] partaUcrs of tbc nattir? of goD:E0 tboa one iD^tb tjimy tberfo;e loe glo^t t Ujc i glje toe tuerc notoc fficbc as tbc gofpcU ; baae a fc!ob)Q)ip of rtgbtecufnes tn^tb | p^omifctb tbat toe (IjaU be at tbc lade \ bim. ^0 is Oiiandcrs aatiDcrouB cauib i commin-j of C(?nil: vra Biobn tc iietb ts lation conf jtcD,U)berc lyz fajjtb tbat toe ! tbat toe (ball tl^cn fa dDo^j asbe is, be- ' Pc.1,4. Joh.3.1. copt faitb rigbteoufncire,as tboiigb toe fpoileo Cbiifi of bisrigb^tob?ntoc fai i> toe come bp faitljempt? to bf.to gene rourii to bis grace, ^ l)c onl\? m.\^ 61 tjs. 015ut Ofiandcr rcfuCng tbrs fpirituail couiopning>enfo;retb a grofe mingling *i^)ptb the faiti>full,anD tberefo;? be oiu* OUflp callctb all tljcai Zuini;lians,tbat fubfcribe not to bp fantafticall erro;> fonceriiingeCTcntiall rigbteonfnes : be* caafc tbe^ Doe not tbiaUe tbat vE!j;ifr is fubttantjali^ eaten in tbe iLo;Des fup* per. ki3 fox mcyi co-npt it a great glo;i' to be lo rep^ocbco of a pjiouoe nian,anD g€ucn to bts oto^n errors. £Ubeit be tou* t\}^^[) not nie pnd\?>but alio otbcr to;g;» ters tocll Unotone io tbc too;lo,toljome be ougbt to baue moDeClli? renprencee. 3t mouetb nic iiotbing, tobicb njcDolc not ViKtb mine otonc piiuate uuitci ano caufe toe Hj^lbc liUetjnte bira.^neli? 3 j tbougljtc gcDD to gcuc a fmalltaSetoi tbJ^rcaDcrs,)? 5 00 cf purpofepalTe oner tbefe triac3:not ftj tbat it is baro to co^ fute tbein,but becaufe HI toil not bcteDi ous ii^ a fupcrauoas too^ke. H 315ut in tbe fcconcc popntc liirfeet^ mo to be ^a< fauoji' to foonD anD goDlp reaDers.)i3ut tijis ii an iiitoUertsbl-: toichcDncire>t3n=» 1 &erp;ete{ife of DouLlc rig^coufneiTe, j to enfeblc tbe earn cttaffurance cf falua | tionr.int) to carve \i5 aboae tbc clouDcs, | tlj^t to? (Ijulo not cmbMf e bv faitb>tbe fo mncb tb« »io;je fcicereiv 3 bable tljis grace of propitiation, anD rail Upon goD caufe beuig fra froni si corrupt aiferti* tovtb qiact uiinDcs. OhanJci fco;ixetb ojv tfili)era3 tberfo^c be fo impo;cuniU< tben^tljat tcarbc rtjdt tbvs toa;D iutii^ Ip rcquucrb cirentiaU rigbteoufncllc, fgiag is a latotcnne; becaufe, toe mutt anD tbe cffeiiti«ll otoeiiing of vitb;ia in be rigljicous in DccDe.^nD be abbo^retb l3s,it tenoetb to tbis cno, firtt tbat dDoD 1 notbj^ng mo;c , tban to fav,tbat toe be n)olDtoitb4groflfcmirt.ufcpourebitn> 'iuftifrtP by ^rcc inipatatiott ll6ut,ir . "Wd ThesTaceofChrift. rfiircTBooke. i Fol.22^ Ro.4.7. pfaji^w OoD DO not iuQitv t)B b^ ncquitmg ano partjoning, Vu!:at mcai-icth ttiat faring '►Co f.i2| cf panl,©oD tocifi in Cf};ift rccociling ti)t U)o;lD to Ijinirelfc, not imputing to mm t!)eir fins. 5f o;,ljim tbtit tiaa cor.c no Cnnc,!)c made fmne fo> 13S, tbat Idc migtjt be tbe rrgbtcoufncflTe of CoD m ft im.i?irfte 3 torn tlju0 nincl),tbat tber be iuDgcD rrgbtcoiw tt)at boc rcconcilcD t J goD. iLbc maner bolo is DeclarcD,fo2 tftat CDoD iuftifirtl) bp fo;gcuing : as in anotljcr plice iudification is fct as con* trari? to accufation , toljicb comparing of tfjcm as cotrarics, Dotb clcrelf fljelo tfjat it is a p!);afe bo;rotecD fro he tfe of tbc latu. Sno tljcrc is no man bcrng ^ but mcandp p;actpfeo in tjjc tl^eb;iic tongc ,if be ^me a fobcr b;atnc, tbat is ignojauntc tkat tljis pbiafc came from tl)cnce,anD Vubf rcnnto it tenoetb , sno lubat it mcanetl). ijioloe toticre ^aulc fa^tl) tbat E)auiD Dcfcrf bcD ttje rigfttc- oufncDTc toitijout U)o;H,in ti)cfc loo;Ds. 515leneOarctl)ei?lubofc fins arcfojge^ uen. tlctOfianderaunftorre mclnljf? tbcr tf)!S bee a ful ccrinition o.i but fjalf a me^Krucl^ p^ul b;ingetl) not in tbc P^opbctc fo; a lDitncfi"c , as tfeouglj be taugbt i'o:it fo^^cucncITc of uns is but a part of rigbteoufnesjo; a tbing tbat iov netb luifb otber to tbc iuCif^mgofma I3ut be irtcluDct:) lubole rigbtcoafneirc in frti; fo;gcucnfS, p;oncuucing ^ man bleflio, Vubore fins are couereo, to tobo (i5oDbvi^[;e fj;gcuen iniquities, and to tuljomebc imputctij no traufoircirions: ipe Dotb meafurc ana iuDge fucb a mas reliciti? tbcrebv, Iccaufe be is ULt t\]vs iya^ rigVcoas in DuOcbut b^imputa* ^jon» OfiaaJcr tafectb crrcption, anD f^ritb, tl;attl)V3,tbatv grace oriutlifgingis net feuereD fromregc^ ncration , altbcugbc tbei? be fcuerall tbings.):5utbeiau(e it is mo;e tban luf ficicntlv knotone bp erperience,? tbc; c «biDe altoai>cs ii\ tbe rigbteous, fomc rcmnantrs of fin, it nmfi ncoes be tbat tl)ev be far ctbertuifc iuftifieD tba tbcp be rcfo;meD into netonclTe of Ipfe. iro; t^i5 later popnt of refo;mation, Cod fo beginnetb m bisciectc, ano tb;eugboiit tbclD'oo'tecourfc of tbcirlife,bplitlcf h(Ie,anD fometime ColDip p;oceDctb in ityt^ tber be alloap befo:e \)iB feat in Danger of tbe iuDgementofocatb. liSut b^ iuftifieilj tbem,not bp part mcal,but fo tbat tbep mav frcclr,as clotbcD toptb tbc purcnco cf Cb;ift> appere m benue . jfo: no pc;tion of rigbtccufncffe cculQe appeafc our confcicnccs, till tbcp be fa? tifficD ^ OcD is fuUp plcafcD Vo ts , be* caufc toe be rigbteous in bis figbt toitb^ out cjccepticn. CQbrriiponfcllclnetb, ^ tbeDoarine of lufiificatton ismifiur? ncD,pca ouertumcD fro tbc berp fciiDa' tion,tDben Doubting is catt into mens minDcs,U)bcn p affiance of faluation is fl^aften,U)bcn tbe free 1 D;ieaDUffc inuo^ cation is binOjcD , pea teben quiet anD tranquilitic \X)itl) fpiiituall tope is not ttablifijcD. C<:ibcrupon panic gatberttb an argument bp contrai-peSitp p;joue,^ tije inberitance is not bp p latu. ifo: bp tbis mcanc faptb fljoulD be maDe UciDe, tubicb if It baue rcfpect to tDo;Ucs, is o# uertb;olycn,bccaufc none cf ^ moft bo? Ip Qjal tbcrein finse tube nipon to trufi. ; i:::bis Difference of lufiifping j regent? rating(Ujbif b tiuo tbings Oliandcr con* fcunning togctbcr,rallctb ttoo fo;Ccs of rigbtcoufneOeyis berp UjcI erp.:efi"cD bp paul;fo.> fpekmg of bis reall rigbtcouf? ms in ^criCy 0; of ti}C \)p;igbtnes Uibcr^ Vuitbbcluas enDueD(U)bicb Ofiamlcr nametb effential rigbteoufnes)bc lomf^ tdblp crpetb out:tD;etcb tbat J am:Vubo fijallDcliuermefromtbe boDpe oftbvs Dcatb^ 15ut aping to tbe rigbteoufne tfe tobub Galj.ig Of the mancr how to lecciue p.o 7,24' \x}\iit\) IS c;rount)0t) tjpan t^e cnlT'mcr JRo.y.3. cv or goD t5c cslo^ioaflv trr?jmpl)ctb caer Ijotiblife,?)c£t1;,rep;oci;f0,!ntfier,ftoo;rj, ano a?l a^uerfiitt. Wi\)o n?nl accufc tfje tizttts cf d?oi> tebom &e tufiifictljf jfoj 3 am fureii perfuaOi^u,tf)at mthin^ t^al feucr tJ0 from \)]ib lout in Ct);iftc. i^t plarnelT? publi(^ctf} , tfjatlje featbtlje rigiteonfncirclD!)icb alone full\?f«fifi' ccf^ toTaluation before dDoD, fo tftat t^e ii}:etc!;CDljon»agcU)J)K^ tiefenotoing niav not be in foKfjil toil! fcaue mere 1? : tjpon li''^Cii( J u«tl lyaixc utcrcv\0nu ^ct ' tbe intcrctCion cr^ofcc U^bicf) gou Dip ' puttofilcnc^ laydjihic Taping, tenDcO I not to f «irs tnD tiyX 0 ? GiulD fparc none, , but Oc fbulD acquitc altcjctbtr, taking ' atua^ tt):ir con5emnati5 altfjOKgl) tt>s;^ I luere gilti? of offgnccitnD toe doc fat' ^ I thtr^ to'oicb toer loUe Ijauc tbcr; finnes I burtcD, ano fo are iu0tS6O bcfb;c oneslD\»tba Duble rpgbtecufncffe as; it toere toitb a furrcD garment, vet be is compellcD to confelTe^tbat toitbout fOeigeueneflfe of finnes tbev neuerplea:' feD ©oD. 3(f tbat bee true, tben at leafte let f)im graunt,tbat ^c^ iubicb are not rigbteous in DeeD, are accomptco r^gb' teousacco?Dpng totbeappo^nteD p^o* portion of imputation , as ttjev wtl it Batbatu far (ball a Onner ertenD tbv's fr«e acceptation tbat ib put in place of rigbteoufnes:rfl)all be meafure it bv tbc pounD 0,: b V tbe ounce i %rut\^ be (&aU bang Doutful anD loaucring to tUs &De ano tbat fiDe, becaufc be ma? not take \)nto \nm fo mucb rigbteonfnec as diSiU be ncccffarv to ffablil^ c onftDeiue Jt is bappp tbat be t U)ol2 binD goD to a lato, is net itiDgc of tbis caufe. Ti&ut this fbnl ftanD lleDfaa,tbat tbou maiett be iiit^if fieD in tbv faptngs,anDOHercome lubcn t^u art iuDgtD. l^ut boU) great p;efup tion is It to couDemne tbc cbeefe iaDge 15ut Vo'^s is a maruclious maner of iu* ftifping,tbat tbe^ bring couereDtDvtlj tbe rigJ3*eoufnes of Cb;iff,UanD not in feare of tbe tuDgement tiibict) tbev baue DeferueD, anD {»ben tl)t\i toojtbilv '3n* Dcmne tbemfelucs are acromptcD rigb^ teous Uiitbout tbcmff lues. 12 ydut tie reaDers are to be tnarneD, tbat tbev taKc gcD3 baBe fo t\)e m^fterp lubtcb be b.:aggctb tbat be Uiill not biDe from t^an, if 0?. after tbat be batb long anD largely traucllcD to p;cue tbat toe Donotobtatne fauo^j Ixntl) C?oD b^tbe onelv imputation of tl)^ rigbteoufneCfe efCb^ift, becaufc tbrs HjculD be impor=» fible fooD. ^t Dotb note binoe tip bps rope maDc of ttuo rigbtecufiTcCfe^, bQt l)e pLiinlv tafeetb a^dja? tbe office of tuftif ping from Cbitftes nature of ml* boDe» Jdut it is gcoD to (ct botsj be Difa^ grcetb.3lt is fa^D in tbc fame place, tbaf Cbiift toas maDe bnto toifDome,tobic|i belongftb to none bul to tbc eternal! too;D.«:bcrfosanftoer ItsnottoiieDome. 3 anftoere,tbat t^e onelc * . Hsi^.Vt,*' f>r ^;tv-'.-ja..»4.'. The grace of Chrift. Third Bookc | Fol.i2s. , onl^begottcfonneofOoti iuasinocDc l)is eternal lijiftome,but m paulg Uui^ tmge0 i name i$ gcuen bim in Diuerfc U)ife,becaufc al tbs trcfurcs of iuif com ffenoti)leDgearcIaT?o\3p mbnn-SCbat tberfo^e tubicb be bau toitb bts fatber ,be bifclofcD bnto t0 : anb fo ^ tuhicb Paul fai?fb is not rcfcrreb l3nto tb^ cffenc c of t\)c fonnc of <25oti, but to our cfc, anb is ri0bt!r appl^cb^to CbnC^cs nature of manboDc: becaufe altbousb be fbincoa ligbt m Darftneae,befc?e t be tii^ put on fleie , ^et it toasa biooen ligbt till tbe fame €\)M came fo;tb in tbe nature of ma,tbe Cbiiung funnc of rigbteoufnes, \xiW\) tberfo;e calletb bimfclf tbe ligbt of tbe tpo;lo.aifo it is ftoliOjlv obiectco of bim,tbat ^ pctwer of iuffifving is far aboue botb angels t men:fo;armucb as tl)i3 bangctb net bpon tbe Ujo;itbine0 of an\> creature, but t)pon tbe o^uinance of (^oD-Bif 3ngc{0 Uiill tahe t)pon tbem to fatiffie fo. But tb'^0 finjularlV'bcIongeDto €^nfi being ma,tol)icb toas maije Cub* iect to t'm lato,to reDcme tjH fro f curfc of tbe lain, aifo be cotb aaiiDcrouflt ca* uilljtbat tbe^ tubicbuen^ tbat Cbtoebo notbi?anbb^ take atm^ tbat bono; fro U)boleCb;t(l aabeloas openb Ibetueb di^oD in tt)t flefbe> but U)e oneb mahe a oiftinrtion boUi tl;e rigbteoufncffe of »^D is coue^^ cbbnto t)0,^ ipema^ eniop it.Bin tobicb popnt Ofwndcr batb to folul^ erreD. ^c^tbcr DO toe seat tbat t tubicb Jgo^ penl^ geucn bs in Cb;itt>Pbc coulD not bimfelfebaue fatiCfic'o ti)c office committcD bnto bim. ifo^tbougbbwjjane in an ctber place ifiF.i. (m 3hil.2,i3, Ioh.17. ^9* Eray.)9 »7. Cap.n. Ro,3, 2J, R0.5JP WH he inaner how to receiue i^hil.3.8, Ro.io/ fa^D tftat all tlje ucfcruingfS of €1}M btmfelfDop^occficfrom t\)c mere gcDD tDill of (I5oD,tct t\)at inafeEti) nctljmg to tljat fantaflirall t^ing,lDl)errlintl) Ofi? andcr beluitcbetlj bcttj bis otun 1 fimple mens ei?i0.^o; iubo tuoulD fufScr a ma to gather tbi?« conclufion , tfjat fcccaufe dDoD i$ t%t fountaine an^ beginning of our rigbtcoafneir[?,tberfo;c toe bf eE'ei^ tiallv ngbteou0, ann § elTence of dDoDS rial;tf oufnclTe DlDcllctl; in tj0f 3n reDc# mingtijc Cburcb(fartb Cfar) (&oD tiit) put on brs rigbtcoufnerre as a barnclfe, but Dio be fo to fpo\>lc Cb^iff of br^ ar^ mure Mnci) be bau geuen bim^o rnahe bim to be no perfect rebemer i 15ut tbe ir^jopbet nif ant nctbing cte but ^ ©00 bo^rotocb notbing out of bimfelfe, no; Uias bolpen bv anr atbe to reBemebs. ^ibifbtbing^jBaul b^eeflvcicpKfleti in otber too;Dg,faring t b^gauc tjs falua* tion to ^ tSetoing of bis rigbtcoufneCTe. m\t tbi5 Dotb not ouertb^olo t tubicb be tccljetb in an otber place,^ ice are rigb^ teouB b? § obcDtf ee of one ma. if inaU^ tubofoeucr tu;apetb t)p a Double rigbtc* oufiies , t pcoit foules ma^ not reft in t\it mere only merc^ of CDoD, bebotb in a mocHery croton mill fpaHc fo fo; none otWrcoufe tocc^'atf)Ci',tl)att!}elT)o;H5 totjic!) ftti Third Botilce I F0I.225 iHit to couince tfjc Bielncs, tru!!ing tp5 tljcir oton lijo;k0,tl}at tijcp Dio fajliO)!? pjefume to clai^mc rigljteoufncc to t\)tf fclnc5,atb tijc onl^ fpirit of C{);ifl Dotb gcncitt)0 , ano notanp cnDcuo.j b\> our otunc motion of nature. 115uttbcp io not marfte tijat in tlje companfon of ti)Z rigbtcoufnss of tbelatnc 1 tijc rigt}'- tcoufncs of tbc gofpc UUjbictj Paul biin Qttl) in in an otijcr place, all too^Us are C!:dnDcD \3iitt) toJjat title fo nier t(jci be auojncD . ifo^ Ijc teacf?etb tbat t\)vs is tf)crigIjtcoufne5ofHaUj, tbat be t^ulD obtevnc faluafion tljat bat!) pcrfo;meD tbat tobicb the latu commaunDetb : anu tbat tbiB is tbe rigbteoufncffe of faitb,if Uic bclcuc tbaf cb;itt Drco « in tikn a* agam.£^o;coucr toe Ibal bcrafter fljeto in place fit fo: it,ti)at fanaification anD rigbteoufnccrcarcfcuerall tcnefitc0 of eb;ia.ecllbcrupon fololcetb tbat f ter^ fpiriuall U)o;Uefi come not into tbe ac? compt,tubcn tbe potoer of iuffifieng is afcribcD to faptb. anD luberc Pcuil Qc* nictb(as ^ mi notu allegcD)tbat ab;a* bambaDant?tbing tubcrupon toglone before dDoD, bpcaufc be bjasnotmauc ri^tcous bi Vuo.:lJs:tbis ougbt not to be rcO-raineD to t\)c literal 1 outtearD hmo ofbcrtucs, o> to tbe cnoeuour of free bjil.But altbougb tbe life of tbe pjatri^ arfcf) ab^abam Uiere fpirit uall ano in manner jaii5eliije,rct be ban not fuffi* cicnt Dcferuingc0 of iDo;ke to purcbace bim rigbteonlJiielTe before dDoa. i> %i)^ fcbolemen teacb a litle mo;e groa^'jtbat mingle tbeir preparations: but tbefe do lelfe infcfl the fiaiplc i tn^ rifeilful U-utb co;5rupt D0£trin,^nucr pre- icnce cjf fpirit i grace biMng tbe mercie ;pi.<^oi lubicb oncl^ is able to appeafc trembling confciences . 3i5iit tnc cofelTc toitb Paul tbat tbe Doers cf tbe latu are uiftifico b2fo.:c goDibui bicaufc toe arc al far fro t\)z hz^in^ oft:jclato,berupo Hcb.u.6 moft of al bane auaHeD to rigbtcoufnes, DO notbing belpe t)3 brcaufe toec lacUe tbem. 0s for tbe common papittes or ^bolemen,tberarein tbis point Dou* blr Dece^ucD:botb bicaufe tbe^ cal faitb an aCTureDncs of confcif cc in lofeing for retoarD at tbe banoe of (DoD for Defer* uings.f alfofai?caufe tber crpounDtbe grace cf goo not to be a free imputation of rigbteoufnes, but tbe boli? o^ctt bcl-' ping to tbe cnDeuBur of boIincffe.SLbe^ reaQe in tbe ^poftlc tbat be tobicb com mctb to goo,mua firft faeleue tbat tber is a goD,i tb:n tbat be is a renDrer of re toarD to tbem tbat fche bim. 513ut tbe^ marbe not,tobat is tbe manner of fa* Uing.ano tbat tbcv are Decei?ueD in tbe name of grace,is plailr proucD bi tbeir , oton toritings. ifor ILcmbarD eppoun* ,^c"t. Li Detb,tbatiufl:tficGtion brcbritt is gcuc maift.r, fcs ttoo toaics. if ira (faitb be)tbc Deatb Cap.a. of Cbrili Dotb initi^t ts, tobe b^ it cba ritie iff (lirrtD tip in oure beartf s , b^ tobicb toe arc maDe rigbtcoai&'.§)ec5Dl^ tbat b.^ tt)t fame Deatb fin is DedroteD, toberb)? &atan belD ts captiue, fo tbat ncto be batb net tobereb? to conDeninc bs.^ou fee boto be cofiocretb tbe grac^ of OoD principally in tuftification, to bee fo farre as tocc arc DirecteD to gaiD toorkes bp tljo grace of tbe bol? (Dbotl. \^t tooulD forfotb baue folotocD tbe opi nion of Augudme but be folotoctb bim a far of,f goetb far out of tbe toay from rigbtli? folotoing bim-.b^aufe if Augu? ftnie baue fpohen any tbing plainly'^bc Darhenetb it,tf tber beanytt>ingin Au ^uihne not bery bnpure, be corruptetb It. 2Cbc fcbolemen bane ftill ftrayeD from toorfc to toorfc, till toitb beDlong fal at lengtb tlKP be rollcD Doton mto a pelagia errour.anD j? tery fentencc cf Auguiliiie, cratleattcbis manner of fpcaUfg is not altogctber to be i*£ceiucD. Jror tbougb be frnc^ularly toell tafeetb jrjr.ij. from Cap.u, "ora c mancr how to receiue from manaUp;arfc of rigfjteoufnelTc, f afftgnctf) it \i)l)olv to t\)t grace cf (joo, Vtt fje referreflj grace to fanctilication, iD^erbrlneare rennet) into netuenefte ofl^feb^t^eftol^gtoff. i6 ^ut tbe fcrtpture:,U)i)en it fpeahetl^ of the righteouimfft of fnitf^yltatetf) t)0 f 0 a farre otber cno, ttjaf ts to fa^, t\)&t turnmgatoar from ttie loktng tpo our otcn tDo;^,tpe O^oulo onel^ lobe tnto fte merc^ of CDoD i perfcrtionof cbJift. iFo; it teac&et^ tbi« o;Dere of iuttific a* tion,t!iatfirftgoDtJouc|iefaueft toem^ fa^ace man being a 0nner Mb his mere i free gmonej, cofiDering nothing in lifm but miferic tuljcreb? te ma^ be moaeu to mtrcr,fo?afmnc^ as be feetb ^im al* together nabeD « toitse of gcob too^fees, fetcbingfrom btmfelfetbe caufe to Do bim gcDD: tben,tbat be moaetb tbe fin* ncrbimfclf toitbfeling of bi0 gottDnes, tobicb befpeiring tppo bis otDn too;fes caftetball t\it fummeofbrsfalnation tjpon gobs merc^.SLbis is t^ feeling of faitbjb? \x)\)ic[) feling tbe Cnner c5metb into potTeffion of bis faluatio, tobcn be acfenotolebgetbb^ tbe boctrine of the gofpel tbat be is rcccncileb to gob: ^ ob^ f cining fo;geuencflc of fins b^ meanes of tbe rrgbteoufncffe of Cb;ift,be is ii\f ffifieb:anbaItbougb be be regenerate b^ t^t fpjirite of (£5oD,be tbinfecfb bppo continuall rigbteoufncCTe la^ebbpfo; Urn not in tbe goo Uio^bs to \x^Wht be applietb bimfelfe but in tbe cncl^ ris^^ tcoufnelTc of c b^ifi.Mben tbefe tbings (ball be eaer? one particularly iucrcD, tbe^ fi&all geue a perfecte beclarrito of our fentcnce.^liieit tber inv^ht be bef^ tcr Difpofco in an ctbcr o^ocr tban ti)t^ are fet foijtb. 3i5ut it mabetb litle mat«= ter,fo tbat tt)c^ bang tcgctbcr in fucbe fo;t tbat iBc map baue tbe iul;ole mat* ter truci^ Declarcb ano furcl^ p^cneb. 17 ^crc is it gojD to remember ti)c re I latio tl)at toe baue before im to be be^' ttueen faitb ano tbe bofpcl: b^aufc ttis fapb fo^ tbis caufc tbat faptb iufiifictb, foi that it rccc)?u?tb ano emb^acctb tbe rigbtcoofncs ofFcrcD in tbegofpel.;ano toberas it is faio to be offreo b? tbe go? fpel,tbcreb^ all confioeration of too^fes iserclubeo. ^bicbe tbing |daul becla- retb man^ timts els tobere, but molf e pla\>nli? in ttoo places. Sfoh to ti)t Ko^ manes comparing t\)t lalne anD tl)t go* fpd togetbcr,be fa^tb,tbe r^^teoofnes tbat is bt tbe lato is tbus,^e man tbat botb tbefe tbings (ball Itue in tbf. y^ut tbe rigbteoufnes tbat is ef fa^tbe cffe* retb faluatio, if tboubelenein !bv! bart I confeffe tuitb tbr moutb i le?^ ^efiis, ano tbat tbe fatber batbra^feb bimbp from tbe t)eab.^ee i?ou not boto be ma-- ktt^ this tbe Difference of tbe latoe ano f gofpelUbat tht lato geuefb rigbteouf^^ nctfe to tDo;thes,anb tbe dSJofpel geuetb fra rrgbteoufneCfc tuitbcute belpe of toojfesfjt is a notable placc,anb ^ mar bel^uer bsoutof manvbaro coutes, if iuebnbcrttaD tbat tbe fame rigbtr ouf* nes tbat is geue ts bp tbe gofpel is fra from all ronoitions of tbe lator.SLtis is tf)t reafonjtubr be cotb mc^c tban once loifh greate feeming of contrarictie fct t p;omire b? luap of oppofition againll tbe latoe, as if tbe inbcritancc be cf tbe lats^tben is it not of tbe p;^omife:anD al tbe rettc in tbe fame dbapter to t fame eflftct.JCrulv 1^ lato it felfebatbalfc ber p;jomi(cs.2Cberfo;e tber mull nabs be in tbe p^omifes of § gofpell,romc tbing bifPcrct f biuerfe fro tht p;omt?fcs of f lato,t3nlc(re toe toil confcffe tbat tht to parifon is tjerp fcunb.31Bat tobat biuer* fitie (ball t\)is be, bnletfe it be tbat thtv arc frelr gcuen,* tjpbolDcn bt? tbe onlr merc^ of goD,tobcra5 tbe p;omifcs of t lato bang tjpon ^t conbition of tooths, ^entber let m^ man bere carp againil me ano fa?e, tbat in tbis place t\)t rigb teoufnes is reiedcb tobicb men of tbi;ir otone Ro.io.j Gal.3.18. Ra8.2. T le iirace oFCIinll Third Boolce. f ol 227 Ro,4A ovun roiccanD frecUjill feculDc coin peU , rp meainn3 of ffie luo^Dcs ttjat fje tfetti 000 to receanc : fojafmucl) aat \?aule in tijat place ferae topzoue t^e fame. U)it^3ut crcep:ion teacnctb tijat t:;c lato | tGi;)cras lit aoiopnetf) luitbin a litle af* in commaunDuig pwittctb notljitig: bt* j tcr,tl)at tI)crfo;c toe obtamc tl)c m\)tru caufetbcre 15 none not only oft^ccom* taunceby fa^tb as accojoing to grace, mon multitaae, butatro of J pcrfccreff, ' bereupon be gatbcrctb t tbe inberitaee ti){it fulnllctb it Horn tjnnoutcDlii is tbe 1 is of free gifte,bccaure it is rcceaueo by cb«fe poynt of tbe lato: U^ben tl^c fpirit j faT'tb:ano boto cometb tbat,but becaufe of (Sou framrfb ts tntc itjtcbr isit not faytb loout any bcipe of tDOjfes leanetlj « to Vs a caufe of rigbtcoufnelTe , but fo; | tDboUy tpon tbe mercy of CDoD:? ano in '^ ' tbe fame mcaning,\Ditbouf cout betea^ cbetb in anotber place, 0 tbe rigbtcouf* neUe of (DoD Uias openly (^ebjeo toitb^ out tbe laU) , altbougb it baue tuitnette bo;ne of it by y lalu anD tbe li3;opbets: becaufe crduDing tbe lato,be faytb tbat it is not bolpcn by tr»o;fec0,anD tbat toe obtaine it not by toothing but come empty tbat toe may receaue it, 1 9 By tbis time tbe reaijer perceiuetb )Joit\i\x)l)atcqmtiztl)t fopbiftersuoeat tbis Day rauill at our Dotf rine,toben toe fay ^ ma is iuflificJ) by faiti} only.Cbey Dare not D; ny 1^ ma 10 iuUifieO Dy faitb, becaufe it is fo often founo in feripture: butbecviufctbys toc;5,u)nely,is neuer are not requireo to tbe ri-ibteoufnctfc of j crp;effco,tI)ey ca not abiDe to baue fucb faytbUSy tbis relation it apper^tb tl)at I an aODitisn maoe. is it fo i Wat tobat tbcy tobtcbarciuttiftc^byfa^'tbareia' i toill tbcy anftocre to tbcfe toojiscsof ftifieo befioe § ocferumg of too;ftcs,yca paalctobere be affirmctb tbat ligbtf * ^^ . ^ oufnelTc is not of faitb weptit be freely geucnfi^oto ca fra gift agree to too.:Ksf anD \syit\i tobat cauUlations toill tbcy mock out, i tobicb be (aytl) in an otber place,^ tbe rigbf eoufnes of CDod is ma^ tbat ecen in tbe boly ones it is t>nper* fette, anD tberefo;e of it felfe oefcruetb no rctoaro. 18 5Cbe feconD place is ttiys. 31t is ma* nifett ^ no man is iuftifiieD by tbe latoe befo;jc (©oDibecaufe t\it rigbtecus man flball line by faytb . But y lato is not of faitb:but | man i Dotbtbefe tbings (!)al hue in t}9i, l^oto coulD tbys argument ftanD otbertotfe togetber,bnleCre toe a^ gree tpon tbis point, ^ toojfts come not into 1^ accompt of faytb -> but are Wterly to be feucrcD fro it i 2Ebe laiD(faitb be) Dilferetbfrom faytb. Mlby fo^ Becaufe too;ttes are requireo to § rigbteoufneCTe tbcref.iDbcrfo^e it follotoctb ^ too^Ues \i^out tbrDeferuingof too;hes, becaufe faytb receauetb f rigbteoufncffc tobicb tbe gofpcl geuctb.ano y gofpel Differctb fro tbe lato in tbis poynt,tbat tt binDetb not rigbteoufncCTe to too;Us,but fcttctb it in tbe only mercy of ©ooXiKe bere* unto is ^ tobicb be afifirmetb to t\^t Ko^ manes,tbat ab^aba baD nstbing to glo^ ry t}pon,b(caufe faytb toas imputeD to bym tjnto rigbfeoufnclTe , i be aDDetb a con9rmation,becaufe tbcn tbcr is place fo; li^t rigbtcoufnclTe of faytb,tobe tbcr are no toazHs to tobicb a retoarD is Due. I caber be too;hes(faitb bc)Due retoarD is rcnD^eo feme tbcm: tbat tobicb is gc* ucntofaytb is freely gaien.jfg^tbcVie* nifemyajetocDintbegofpell:'ifrigbte^ n oufnelTe be manifettly (bctocD in y gof* * ' '* peljfurcly tbcrtn is coteineo nota tc;ne 0; balf rigbtcoufnetTc but full f perfect. 2Dberfo;etbelatobatbno place tberin. ano tbci aanD Upo not oncly a falfc \y\xi alfoafcDli^etbif^ about tbys erclufiue too;Dc,£Dncly, E>otb not be perfectly u nougb gcue al thirds to only faittj, i ta« ftsfbal tbings fro too;bS3?aiKbat3| p;av you.meanc thefe fayinges : tbat rigbte^ 2^]^Mt oufneUe Of the mancr Iiow to recciuc •ufneflf Ujas wanifcftli? cTclircttoitS f, Ro,3.ai. Ga.3.10 II0.3.20, Ga.3.2u out § latD : ttjat man ts tufftfitcd freely anD iDtt^ont i lt)o;kc0 of tbe taUi:1|^crc tljc^ ^aue a tptttte (!)tfc to cfcape vuttfj^ alUtD^ic^ altbog^ ti)e^ dcutfco it not a* niong tt^emfcluc^ but bo;olt?cO it of ^^ rigcne f certain of tbc do iontcrs, t?ct it iB tjcr^ fojUltjXljer P^ate ^ tbc cere* inoniall too^fe^s of tfte lato,not (» mo;al, areercIuDeDXberp;}ofitfo Uiittjconti* nual b^alDling,!^ tbrr fenoto not i tjerp firft rulfs of llogihe.SDo H)ti tlnnU tljat tfje apoftlc in)teD icljen fee allcgcD tbcfc places to pjcue brs faring^ SLbe man ^ fcen of, toben t^e poloer of tattif^ing is taUcn atoai? from tbe ialo. 20 liSut if ant! man marueU toljv tfje 0pollle tfeD fncb an aooition,not bcmg content Icitb oncl^namtnf of lDo;bc0: tbe rcafon is rcaot? to be (IjslDrB fo^ it. if o;,altf)ougI) too;fecs be fo brclp cff«* mcD,t!et the? banc tt)c tjalucbp § ailoto* ancc of (©ot{,ratber ttjan br tbev; ctone lDO;t^ne0.ifo;j iutc ca beaft bnto ©oD of an^ rigbteoufncj of tDo;kc«,but tbat iDbicbc be bntb aUotocD^ Mbo Dare claimean^rclraroaBOuetnto tbf,but fucbaj5bebatbp;onnfeo^ SCbc^ bauc Ibal DO tbef0 tbinjX0 (bal !in£ in tbrrano, tbcrfo;e tfyis cf tbe boutifuInclTc of goD, CurfcDitf eucr? one^fuimietbnotall|i!tbc?arecomptco luo^tbt? botb of tbe ti)ings i arc tD;ittcn in tbe tjolom of tbe , name t rcU)aro of rigbteoufneOe : ano lato.ianlcfle tbet? be maD,tbf r teill net j tht^ be of balue onl^ fo> tbis caufctobe far ^ life tuas p;omifco to tbe fteper» of ti)t purpofe of bim t Dotb tbem is br tbe to (betu bis obcDience to (I?oD. Mlbere* fo;e tbe iipoGlc in an otber place, to Ga3.i7 p;toue ^ £b;aba coulD not beiuCifieo br l3J0jbcs,allf getb i tbe latce loas gcucn 43ortares after tbe couenant maoe. ^nlearneb men luoulD laugb at fucb an argoment,becaure tbcrc migbt be rigb^ tcous lijo;l;cs bcfoje tbe publitbing of tbe lato.ll5ut becaufe be fenelu tbat tbcr t3ja£; no fi:fb Dal uc in luo;iljcs but b^ tbe tcftimcnv f toiirbfauir.g of (IDoD, tbere» fo:e be tahetb it as a tbtng cofeaco tbit ccrcmcmcs,o; ciirfe tb^eatneo onclr to tbe b?cafecrs of tljc.Bif tbefe places be to be tnocrffanDcD cf tbe mo;al lato, it is no Dout ^ tbe mo;all tuo;rhs alfo are er* cluDcD fro tbe potocr of iuftif ging. 2Lo tbe fame purpofe fcrue tbefc argumctcs t be tfctbibecaufc tbe bnoblcoge of fin toas br tl)t laUj,tberfoje rigbteournes is not bi? tbe laoj. IBecaufc t\)t latu trcjb* etb tDjatb,tbcrfo;ie itlDo;feetb net rigb^ tecnfnes.319ecaufc tb^ laUj ca net mafee confcienctsffurrtjtberfoje alfc it th not gcue rigbteonfnelTc » iBccaufe fattb is ! before tbe late tbcr bao no potoer toiu^ imputet tjuto rigbtcoufnc (Te, tbrrefc^e fiifie. W. e tr.oei Car.D tcbr be namclr rigbtcoufncOe is not a reioans of tuc;^ft, I erp^effctb tbe Ujojfee of tbe latoe, Icbcn be mcar.etb to tahe atrare tutiiScation from anr tio;thcs:bccaufe contrcucrfie mar be mcuco of tSjofe f none otber.^l* bcitfcmetimcber^;ccptetb all luojUcs Ititbout anr aDtiticn,as tebcn be faitb, f br tbe tcCimcnr of E^aaio blclTcDnes is alTtgncc to tbat ma, to tobo tbe ILo;d tmputctb rtgbteoufncs toitbout Uio:bs. SSlcrfo^c tbe r can toitb no cautllaticns b^mg to paUcbnt ttiat tee fljall get tbis generall erclufiuc^nelr.ano tber uoe in tiame tgfee tbat trrGrng futteltre, tbat but is gcucn bring not DueHScraufe tee arc iufiifieo br fartb,tl)crfo;c gloating is cut of. 38f tbcrc bao bene a late jeuen tbat migbtgeuc lifctbm rigbtcournctTe teere truelr bp tbe latee : but C?od batb f[)ut Ijp al bncer Qn i> tbe pjomife migljt be gcucn to tbe beleuers.iict tbem ncte fonolr far if tber iJare, i tbefe tbrnges are fpcUen of ccrcmcnics f not cf man* ncrc:but tcrr cbite;cn te^elD bide cut fo great Qjamclefncs.SLbcrfoje let fcs bolD tbis fo; certain,^ tbe tebolc late is fpo? Ro, 4.6. Ga. ;.5 Ro/4.4. t!jat toe are tuttifieo b^ tW onel^ faitt) luIjidjUjojHctbbg lone, fotbat r)?3t) tcoafnej mjft ftaDt)p5 louche graiit The grace of Chrift. Third Boolce. f o) jJ? aooHIe teacbctb tbat msn 10 enemie to C5o5tiUbc ba rcHo^eo intofauo^eb^ Cfjiift. Mlbo tbcrcfo;e p lo;o rcce^uctb Er59.7 in DeeD toit ; paul.i^ no ott}cr faitl) iufti into iopnin^ tuttb bim,bim be is faio to fictb,but tbatiDbicbw efififctuaUi? lnoj^ iuftifij: b^caufe be can ncitber rccc^ue kin^ luitb cbaritieibut tbat faitb taKctb i bim into fauo;i no; iorne bim toitb bim not bcr potuf r of iuftif ^ ing fro ^ eSftc^ fclf,but be mutte of a Onncr ma!ic brm tualncs of cbaritie,|Pea it Dotb br no 0^ rigbteous.ano toe furtbcr far, v ^^^^ ^ tber nieane iiiOifp, but bicaufe it b^in^ j Done bv^ tbe foigeucncs of fmncs.ifoj if getbbs into tbc commnnicating of tbe tbep U){)6 ^lo;o batb rcconcileo to bim^ rigbtcoufncfTc of CbJift. ^I^)r tls nl tbat felfc be iuooceo b^ tbcir tiio;jlj£;,tbei (bal lD')icbtbcapoaiefoeamcmyy;eiretb,;befounDaiU fmncrg ino^ttj, toborct fljulo fal to nougbt. %o bim f loojHetb , nxuft be fra 1 cleane from fin.Sit is tctf (faitb be) t retoarD is not retUcneb ac^ tain tbrrfoic tbat tbci tubo goo emb;a^ co2Ding to grate , but accoioing to ntU ' tttii^ are no otbcrUiifc niaoe rigbteoiw, Wixt to bim tbat too;feetb not,but bele* , but bicaufe tbci are cle anfcD b)? bauing uctbin bim ^ iuttifietb tbe bnrigbteoujs tbe fpotc0of tbeir finnes toppen atoa^ bis faitb is imputeobnto rigbteoufncs* • bp fo.:gcncnetrc,tbat fucbc a rvgbtcouf* CoulD be fpcafee mo^c euibentlp tba in ^ neffe ma^e in one tuojue ba calico tbe fo favingftbat tbere is no rigbteoufnes | fo;geueneap of finnes. of faitb but tobcr ttjcre arc no too jhs to 22 iSotb tbefe arc moffe clcrelt to be tobicb an^ retoaro is ijac;anD tbat onlp | feene b^ tbefe tooi.Jbs of Paul tobicb 31 tbenfartb is impatcD bn"o rigbteouf- bwealrcaorallcgcb:C5obU)asincb;ia Ko j-.d. nes, tobcn r^abtroufncficisgeuenb^ grace tbat is not Due . 21 ^oto let bscraminebcto true tbat is,U)bicb is fa^o in tbe ocSnition, tbat tbe rigbteoufneffe of faitb is tbc lecon* ciliatio toitb Co^itobtcb confit^t^tbbpc tbc oncli? fo^gcuencs cf fins, ^©e muft alloa)' returne to tbis principle tbat tbe to^atbe of CDoo rcttetb bpon all men fo log as tbep cotinue to be (inners.Xbat batbe Gfap erct llentlr toell fctte out in tbefe too^Ds: £Lbe baD of tbe lozo is not (bo^teneD, ^ be is not able to faue : no^ b?s care bulleo, ^ be cannot bcare : but rour iniquities banemaDebifagremrt bettoficn ^on ano ^our C^b, ano ^oure (innes baue biooen bis face fro ^ou tbat be bcaretb ¥0u not. Me bear tbat Un is tbe beuifion bettoeen mm anb gob, ano § turning atoa^ of gobs face fro tbe fiiv ner:.(licitber can it otbertoife be.jfo; it reconciling tbe too;lo to bim felfe , not imputing tbeir finnes to n:a, 1 be batb left toitb bs tbe too;D of reconciliation, iln^ tben be aooetb tbe fum of brs me f* fagc,^ bim tobicb fencto no fin be maoe Un fo; bs,^ toe migbt be maoe § rpgb* tjoufncs of goD in bim.V^ere be nametb rigliteoufnctfc ano reconciliatien toitt** out Difference, tbat toeemapepcrceue tbat tbe one is mutnallH conterntb bn* Dcr tbc otbcr. 0nDbetcacbetbt!)ema* ner to atteine tbis rigbteoufneffe to ba toben our Cnne s are not imputeD bnto bs.^Maberefoie ocut tbou not beraafter boto gob Dotb iuttifp bs, tobe tbou bea* reft tbat \}t Dotb reconcile bs to bimfclf bi not imputing fins.J&o to § Homanes bep;ouetbbrtbe tefiimon? ofBDauiD, tbatrigbteoufnetTetsimputeb to man toitbout too^bes , brcaufePauibp;(M nouncetb tbe man blclTeD tobofe iniqui 2. Cor,3 I, Cor.3, 21. Ro,4.6 is oifagrcing fro f)^s rigbtcoufneOe to ! tics are fo;geuen, tobofe fins are coue* baue ong felotoftip 16 fin. t2Ilberfo;e j ' rcD.to tobo t to^b batb not imputeb bis StS^M\i» offences. TOp.ii. Lu.r.77. A^x3,38' Dcciuit. dci.ca.a/ Scr.23, in cdnt. Sei«m.22 Ofthcmanct 1)0 tlier meanct^ rt$bteournc0.Hn& fid) l^e afiftrmcf ^ etie fame to ftmn in ^ fo^^ CeacncB of Ciu(,ti;er is no eaiife toi^p be fi)UlD ct^er&)tre Define it. Uerfo^e ^a clKirp ttjc fatljcr of Sicljn (' 115aptille fin* gctt) ^ t|je {tmU(lct>ae cf falualion con* fiftct^ in tl)CffsxQtumts oftir\B.Wkit\) rule \dm\c fototuing in hps Sermon \Xi\)ict) i)c maoetc tbc 2iv.tm\)ians ccm cerning tbe fum of faiu&tton, a0 ]LnKe rejiojtetb it, concluceD in t^^is mancr: br bim fo^geuencrre of fins is p;eacbi^o fento ton , f euf rv cm tbat bel? ucfcb in btm is iuaifieo from all tbefe tbtnges, fro iDbrfb re couId not be iufiifieo in § lalBof^ofes* SDbeapoaiefofenittctb V fojgcucnrs ef fins i6 rigbteoufnrs, tbat be Ibeixietb t ^tici? be botb alt one. Mlberupo be rigbtfulli? rcafonetb tl)at tbe rigbfeourneire is tmlv geuen tnto tJSjtobicb tue obtcrne bt^louingfeino ms of COD. S^txtl)tv ougbt itto fame a | ftraung brufcD fpcacb,tbat t\)t faitbful ' are rigbteous before goD, not bi tco;fes, | but br free acceptaticn : fitb botb it is fo oftfounD in tbc fciiptnrCjf tbc oloe au*«| tbo;s a!fo Da fomtime fo fpeab.il'oj Au guitin faitb t^us in one place:2Lbe rigb Ifcafncs of tbc faintts in tbis too;lD fia ; ixt^s ratbcr in fc^gencneff^e of finsjtbait in perfettion of ijcrtues. ^berctoitb agra tbe notable fcKtrnces ot Ecrnardc iPot to finne is tbe rigbtccufnescf goD: but tbe rigbtcoufnrs of man,is tf>c mer fifuIlfeinUnelTcofdJoD. ^e ban before affirmeo tbat Cb^ift is to bs rigbteouf* neflfe in abfolntien , ano tbcrefo^c t!?at tbcv onl^ are rigbtecas tbat baue obter nco parccn bp merer. | 23 i^^ereupon alfo folctrefb tbis,tbat br tbe onir meant of cbnffs rigbteoufncs, Uic obtcpne fo be luttifieD bcfojc (SoD. ^bicb is afmucb in t^a as if it Irere faiD,tbat man is not rigbtcous in bim^ fe!f,butbicaufe^ rigbteoufncs of cb;ift low to receiue Is b^ imoutatio entcrpartenco tt tiiii, tob-cbtbing isUJo;tbr tobcbruefuUr marbeo.iro;j ^^ trifling errourbanifijcti a\s)ay> to ia^ ^ man i^ tl;crfo^c iufiificu br fa!tb,bicaufc faitb tabetb part of tbe fpint cf dDoo br Vcbicb be is maae rigb' teou«,lEbi£b is focotrarr to^ Doctrrne aboue taugbt,i5 tber can neucr be mace to agre togetber. ifg; it is no Dcat t be is lioiD of bis oU;n rigbteoufncs tbat is faugbt to fafee rigbteoufncs )3)itt) bim* fclfe,ais tbe japoftle aifirmetb mode plainly tobcn be lc;itetb tl^r^ be tubicb knctu no fir. Inas made fo^ bs a p^opi* tiatoue facritice to cleanfeatuar fin, f tDe,migbt be maoe t\)t rigbteoufncs of gob in Utn. pan fee i our rigbteoufncs is not in bs but in cMttff tbat it belon getb to t33 onl)? b^ tbis tit le,brcaufe toe be partaUers of €f)}iftj bicaufc toe pof* fcOe al bis ricbefi'e \x)i^ bim.0nD it ma Hetb notbing to tbe contrarr,tbat in an otbcr place be teacbetb,tbat fin toas c5« iremncD of (in in { flclb of Cb;ift» t tbe rigbteoufncs of tbe latu migbt be fulfil* IcD in ts : lobcre be meanetb i«o otbcr fulfe!linjj,but Itjat Itbicb toe obtcine br imputation. JFo; tbe Io;d €b;ifl Dotb in fucb foit cotnunicatebis rigbteoufnclle Xo bs,ti}at after a certapne marucUoos waner,be pctojetb f f^^cr tbercof into t}s,fomucbas perteinetb to t iungemet of goD.BIt apperetb tbat be ciD no otber^ iDtfe meancbr f otbcr fcntence tobi Mbat is it els to fet our rigbteoufncs in V obeQiccc of Cb;iin,bnt to affirme # bcrcbr cnli ii»c are accoptcD rigbtcous, bicaufe f obcDicnce of cbjift is tmputcD tnto bs as if it toer cur otonf 2Lberfo>e mc tbilis ^ Ambrofc batb crccllctli tori fijctecD bolo tbcre is an craniple cf tbis rigbteoufncs in t blcSingcf Jacob, jfo^ as ^acob bauing not of bmifclf Dcferueo tbe p^aminence of t ^trft begotten fon, bio 2.Cor,j, Rofip lac ct vif ca bcaU. The grace o ftiD timfcif m tbc apparrl cf Ijis b^otbeF I being clott)CDfcLntl) tis b?cttci0 cote ^ ^ fauo^eo of a moft f toetc fme I,l;c r rcpt ' into ^ fauc; of fjifi fatbcr,f recciucD the 1 bleOTing to tjis ofcjn comooit^ tjntcr t^c ! perfcn of an ctbcr:fo tee lo he tiMc tn ' ocrtbep^ciouB parenesof cbtltonr ' f loer b;ot!)f r,# toe mai get a tctttmoni of rigttcournea in ttit figbt of goD: SLlje tuojDSof Ambrofearettjeft: ^tjerafi IK^ac fmelt tfje fano; of t^e garmented, [ Thf,xii.Chdt)tcr. That,to the end vvc may be fully perfuacfed of the free iuftification,vve iriud lift Yp our mindcj to the iudgcmcnt feat of God» f Chrif>« Tni'rd Boolbut ttc brgljtneu of faitl) Wclj meritcilj fojgeiirncc of finncCjOucrll^a* tolPttbtbecrro^ofteeDefii. SanDtrtiel^ fo it ifi.i?o;,ttot Ire ma^ appcre bcfc;c tbe face of <©oD t?nto falaation, it is nt* ceOar^ fo; tJS,to fmcU itoc tclT' to itb bts oDour,anD to baue enre faultea couercD ano burteo totitl) tjts perfcttton« FoLi-; A ^.tbougt it apperetb b^ moft euiof t -^^teftimoniejjtbat al tfjcfc tbingeare true, \ti toe (ball not clearclr pcrcciuc bo toe neccCTar^ tbr^ be, bnttll toe !)auc fettc befo;e oure epes ttofe tbtngs tljat ongbt to be tbe grounD0 of al i%is Ctrpu- tatien. jrirft tberfo;c let ts remember ttjts, tbat toe purpofe not to fpeafee cf p rigbteoufne 0 of a too?lDlt tudtcial court but of ibc brauenlp iuDgcmf t feat: Va^ki toe OjulD not mcafure bt our oton fmal po;ttcn, bvtobat\jp;tgbtneseftoo;hs 0CD5 iuugcmcnt man bf fatif0cD ISut it is maruellous to fee to^tb totj.it raflj# nc0 ano bcloncB it 10 commontr Dcba^ teo.l^ea anu it 10 to be fcene botoenone Do mc?c bolDl^ o; toptb fuller moutbcs (as tbe facing i0)p.:ate of tbcrigbteour- nc0 of too jU0,tban tbc^ tbat are e^er monHruouHi? (irUe of open outtoaroc able to be founb in ma. 3t 10 in t»eoeca» ft? antJ reaBp fo; eucrv man in ^ctolcs te talbe tainli? bpon tbc toojtbinrffc of too;fec0 to iuflifr men. l^vX tobcn tbcv come into tbc 0sW of b^ tobiife to;atb f eartb is fljaftf ,bi tobofe toifcDomc tbe teife are tabcn in tbciu Difcarf5,o J be rcaop to burft 16 in toaro futtcUVibi tobofe purcncs al ttmgs are bice0.Si:bat cometb to pas bicaufe t^iz^^ p;oucD bnpure,tobofe rigbteoufncs tl^t \!^ii\\3i not tpon tbe rigbtcoufnes cf goD, ^ngc I0 are notable to bcar,tobifl) ma** toi;:rofiftbenbaDncurr fo litlc f^ling, j lictb tbe innocent not innocent, tol]ofc tbci toolo neuer mabc fo greata mocbe , Dcngcance tebe it is once binclcD pcar# rp of it. ianD trull' it is cut of mcafure \ cefb to tbe bottom of bcl.if bc(i far)fit ligbt!? regarDCDjtobc it 10 not acknoto^' , to e ramine mens Doings, tobo (ball ap* IcaeD to be fucb I fo pcrfea tbatnotbing ! peare atfurco bcfo;e bis ib2onc i ©iibo be iputeD bnto it, but eucri? toa^ tobole [fijall Dtoell toitb a Dcuouringficrffartb f abfclute, auD DcfielD toitb no tnclem tbe ?i^;opbet.^l)o (fcall abiDe toitb cc? ncg,facb 40 neuer toa0 1 ncuer (l?all be I tinual burningsf ^^ toalUetl) in rigb^- EC33-4. teoulncs C»p«12. Of tlie iTiancr hovv to receiuc Iob.4.!7 lob If. If. pc.a7. 26 teoufnc«,f fpekctlj trutf?.f c.Eut let fuc^j a one com fo^tbito^atCoeuer Ife be.But ^ anfujcr ma&ef (?,^ none comettj fojt!i» jf j^ t bis terrible ta^inQ fouuetb to § co^ trarT?:Io;rD tftljou mark tntquttie0:lo;D, tuto r^al abioc itf truelr all mull neDe0 imnieDiaiU pcri(^,as it is \3y^^tti in an otljer place:^ball man be tuftt6eD,tf be be copareD \xiitl) goo,02 fl^al be be purer tba t)i6 mafeerf liScbclD tbci f ferae bim are not faitbful,f be batb foanb perucrf nes in bis angels.t^oUj mucb mo^e fljal tbet tbat Dtocll in boufcs of c lav, f tbat banc an crtbl^ founDation,be confumeb toptii motbesftbc)? lljalbe cut Doton fro tbe ^o^ning to tbe(ll;ntning.:)iBcbolD Of mongbr^ faints tbe r is none faitbful,f i beuens are not tknc in bis figbt:boto mucb mo;e is ma abbominablei t)np;o fitable,tobicl) bztnketb iniquity? as toa* ter:? Ji graiit in Deoe ^ in tlit bohe of ^ob 13 mcntio xnant of rigbteoufncs tbat is bier tban tbe feeping of ^ latu. anu it is gojB to tinberttao tbis oiftindioibicaufe altbDusjb a ma oio fatiffp ^ laUi, ^et be coulo not fo ftano to f trtall of ^ rigbte* oumes tbat parretb all f enfes.Cberfo^e altbougb Hob be clcare in bps otDn con* fcience,T!ct be is amafeo anb not able to fpc3fee,becaufe be fatb tbat b?rp angc* Ittte bolpnes cannot appeafe (I)oD, if be tratflr toep tbeir UJo;ikes. HSut 3 tber> fo;e loill at tbT?s time oucrpas t rrsb* tcoufnes iobrcb 31 baue fpofeen of, bi* taufe it is incomp;ebenCble: but oneir tbBS 3 far, tbat if our life be eramineb b? tiit rule of ttje ion'ttcn lalDr,tDe are mo;e tban fenflelTc, if fo man^c cmiks toberctjDitb i iloju batb VoiUcD ts to be aUiafeeD,oo not to^mft Ms Usitb bo;riVle fcare,f amSg otber t^ general cu rfe. Curfeb is eucrione ^ botb not abiuc in al tbe tbings ^ are \joz^tti in t\\'^ bofee. iFinaU?,al tbis oifcourfe dialiic but bn^ fauoiv I colo,l)nlc0 eucrr \m telo bim fclfe^gilt||c^e^o;e tbe beaocnl? i«6ge,i tuillra jflp tbioiu bolo.i « abace bimfelf hcin^ careful bote be mav be acquiteD. 2 2Co t!)ifif,to t'm Bi ftiVt tre IbnlD baue lifrcD bp oar ercs,to icarn ratbcr to trf * ble fo J fearc,! ban t)ainclr to reioi?ce3t is in Dcce eafp,fo long as tbe ccmparifo ertcnoetb no furtber tt;an men,fo; tutf ri? man to tbinbe bimfcife to bane fom^ tobat Uibicb otber ougbt not to btfpife. But inbe iDC rife bp to banc rcfped: in^ to goD,tben foocl^ 1^ Mnht falletb to f grounb,! cometb to naugbt. j3n^ in tbe ■ fame cafe altogitber is our foul i refpctt of goD,as mas bot^^ is in refpeit cf v be^ nr.ifoj p Cgbt of ^ eie,fo long as it coti nuetb in befcing tbings ^ lie nere bnto ityXiotii IbeU) of U)bat per Ong fo;ice it iSy but if it be once oiredeD bp to i fun^ tbe being oafeleD 1 DulleD Voiti) tbe to great b^igbtncs tbereof,it fceletb no les feble^ nes of it felf in bebolDing of J fun,tba it perce^ueD itrcgtb in bebolbing inferio; tljin^. 2Lbcrfo^ let bs not Deceiue our felues VJD bain confioence, altbougb toe copt our felues e^tber egall o;j fnperio; to otb:r me :but ^ is notbing to <©oD,bp tubofe iDtl tbis Unotjulegc is to be trieb. But if our toiloncs cannot be tameb 16 tbefe aDmonitions,be boil anftoer to bs as be faiD to y ^barifees: tou be tbep ^ iuttifi? l?our felues before membut tbat Lu»id.i;. Uibicb is bie to men, is abbominable to goo. ijiotn go ifyi^ tuai? i p;ouDlp boll of tbi rigbtoufnes amog m^,lolbile gob fro !)euen abbo;rctb itMut iubat fai f fer* uatsof goD ^ arc trulp inltructeo m his fpiritf (Enter not into iubgement )so tb? 'Pf.43.a rcruatfbecaufe euerv lining ma d^l not be inHi&c^ it\ tl)v fiigbt. ^n otber fa^tb, altbougb in fomlobat Diuers meaning, ^m canot be rigbteous tuitb goD,if be lob. 9X lull coteuD Uiitb bim > be (bal not be able to anfujer one fo; a tboufanu. i^re t»e noU) piailiberc \ofiat is § rigbtcoufnes of^DD^ue fucb as ca be fatifScb tuitb no iPo;bsof mr)to tPbo iKbe it eyaminett^ bs Tlxg.raceofC^hrH't/ 1 hu d Jk)oke. V0U3 ».Cor.4 AdBo- Difalib. 1)0 Of a tijoufano offcncrs,\Dc rdnot par , fb^fU care gloitc altcgt tfer r, lea^Fifl ge our fclucs cf one. &u£lj a rigljteouf* t Ir^ongfuUp take tjpcn mc iljat trljub ib ncfi !)aD tbat fanie d}ofen inftrumr nt or | r tt mtnc cteti,Bi Icfc f.lfe ttut )^luff m <5oD Paul concciucDjVnbr t)f p^cfclIeD, cffrcD mciant) mo;c plainU in an otljcr tbat be Uneto fttmfrlf gilti? in notbmg, place Ije faitb:©2lf)^ ftuli f tic cljui cf: be but tfcat t)C inafi not tfjcrcbi? iuCtfieD. careful of merits, Utftie Ij batb a fura » 3 ano not onl^ fucb craple^ are in tbe , fafcr tocv to glojr tpcn tbe purpofc of bolt feriptures, but alfo all aoDlp mi* goD:&o tter ic no caufe k^bl? then fcnU ter0 Do fljeto t tbe? toer alW of i^vs Deft af he,bT ttbat nicritic Vdc bopc fc? mtnu.&o Auguftmc faitb.ai tbc goDl^ ! gojD tbmB5,fpeciallic tobe tbcu bcarett tbat grone t)nt)er tbis burocn of eo;jrup in tbc p;opbet,3 \r il to it^not foj tc«r O.l Super cat. fcr* i5. Inpfal. qui habi tat {crm« In cat. fcrmo. 13! tibleflefij^intbis tDeafencffe ofli?ff, baue tbi» onlr bope t toe baue one me* oiatoi JtefuB ebnft § rigbteouc, % be is i appeatcmtt fo? our fins. C^ bat faf tb %ti^f tbis be tbeir onlr bopcluber is v eonficenceof UJo^Usf ifo; toben becal* letb it onlr,bc leauetb none ctber. ^m Bernard faitb ^uD in D«tj txjbcr iB fafe f tteDfaft reft f affuretines fo^ J tucaU, but in tbc toouDs of tbc ^uio^f ano fo^ mufb tbc furer jl otocU tt^rtin as be is migbtier to faue. %^\)t tocjlo ragetb,p boD)? buroenetbjt iJcucl lietb in toaite. 31 fal not,bicaufe B! am bu^lDeO bpo tbc furc rotfec.Bi baue (tnncu a greuous lin> mt confcience is troableD^ but it fball net be cuertroublcD, bieaufe ^ fljall re- member tbe Vcounos of tbc 2.c.2De.xlnD bereupon afterluarD be r5cluDctb.£Lber fo;e m^ mcritic is tbe lio^tB taking of mere f ,3 am net bf terlt! tritbout merit fo long as be is net tuttbcut merercs, 15ut if tbc mercies of § Ic;jd be man^', tbcn 3 alfo baue as mani merits. &bal i fingmine otnn rigbtecufncffeefllo^tJ 3i toill remf ber onlp tbr rigbtecufnes. ifo; tbat is alfo mi rigbtcoafnes,fo? be is maoc bnto me rigbtecufnes of Cod, jajaincinan otber place. STbis is tbc tebole merite of ma,if be put bis tobolc bope tnbmi ^ fauctb tobole man.ilibc- toife Inbere receiuing. peace to bimfelf, be leauetb t Clo;V! to goD.S^o tbec (faitb be) let glo;te remain e bnmin^Qjeo : it fahcs, but fo: mme otone faUc faitb tbc ilo^D.Jt fuffifctb fo; merite,to hncto t merites fuffife net. 5!5nt as it fuft'ifcttj fo; meritc net to p;efume of merits, fo fo be ic6out merits fufficetb to iuDgmr t. ©aberas be freely Wetb tbrs too 2tJ ^e* rites fo; goo too;Ues,toe muft tbereiu beare toitb tbe cuftomc. ^ut in tbe eno b^s purpofe toas to mabe brpocrites a- fra^Dc, t toilDlt range toitb iicencic«f=' nelle of finning againft i grace of ©cD. as aftertoaro be crpouoctb bitnfclf,fai? tngtl^apptc is tbc Cburcb tbat nc^tbcr toatctb merits \»itboMtp;efupticn,nc; p;tfumptiontoitb0ut merites. 3t batb mberupon to p;efume,but not merites. jt batb merites ,but to Defcruc not to piefumc.Js not tbe tjcri not p;efuming a ucferuing; 2:bcrfo;e it p;cfumetb fo mucb tbe mo;e fcoIlil\?, bccaufc it p;cfu' metb notjbamng large matter to glo;^ bpcn,cuen \> man^ mercies of tbe lo;o. 4 SIbis is § trutb.STbc e rercifeD com (ciences perceauc tbis to be p onlp fane* tuarr cf fafett,toberin tber mat: fafelp reft tbf fclues tobe tber baue to co toitb tbeiuDgmentcf gcD-ifo; if t Cats tbiit fcmco moft b;igbt in tbe nigbt feafo, Do Icfe tbeir b;igbtnes toitb ligbt of i fun, tobat tbink toe Ibal become enen of tbe rarcftinnocenc^c of man,toben it (ball be copareD toitb i pareneCc of goD^irc; tbat (balbe a moll (cuere eraminatum, tbat (ball pearcc into tbe moltebiODen Ezc. 3<$. 21.&.32. (ball be toel toitb me,if Ji baue peaces tbougbtes oftbcbart,! (as jaaulfaptb) (ball .1 Cor Of the maner how to^cciue 12^ 4 f (ba\ reuele tl)c fecrctes of Darbnes, ano cifcloie () ijioot' ttiin^cB of § ^art,tti!)ic& l^a! ccmp.l tljc UiHung i tJittuilling co kun t to Utcr al tt^in^s tljat nctuc arc fallen out of remembjance.2Dl)e SDcuil our accufer toiU pjeffe t)0,U)l)icb i0 p^i* ute to all tf)c iJDtc^cD tecDB tbat be batb mouet} t}0 to Do.IDber tlie outtoaro po^ poii3 Ojclues of go)^ iDo^Us toljicb noto on!t are cftemeD^ttjal nothing: p;ogt tjs. €):ilp tlje purencB of Unlllbalbc requi* re^.^aijerfo^c tbc btporrifr, notoncl^ to ;erb^ euerp ma knotoiugtjimfelf gil* tr before goD Uf Cretb to boftc btmfdfe bcfo;? men, butalfo tubcretoiib cuer^ ma Decetuctbbimfelf before goD(as toe be al enclinsD to ftrot^e ano flattcre our felae5)ibal falDotonconfounDeD, boto^ foeuer it notoe be p^ouue )oo mo}t tban tJAontien boloncs . SDbep tbaC beno not tbcir loiit to huh a tigbt,ma^ in Deeo fo^ a Ojj.jt time ftocteli i pleafiautli? frame a rigl'tcoufncs to tljcjnfclues, but it is fu cb a rigbtf oufncs a£t ll^all be b^anob^ rallv (ticket!) faft in )is al.2Eo euert ma (faitb Salomon) bis oton toa^ ts rigbt in t)is aton ercs a jain.ai tbe tcaics of man feme dcane m f)i3 oton tvXaJ^nt \ji}\j&ti B(0 be acquitco by? tl^is bliutiiies^ jj^o J3at (as be fnrtbcr fattb in f fame place) § lo;jo toepctb § barts,^ is to fa^, tobik' ma fiatteretb bimfelf b^ refonof i outtoaro tJifoj of rigbtf cufncs tbat be bearetb in rsfcmblancc,in § mcne time tbe lojjj toi?tb brs balance craminctb t biDDen bnclennes cf tbe bartXbcrfo^c fitb toe fo notbing profit \^it\i fucb flat* teric0, lettjsnot toilMp mocheoure felues to onr otone Dettructio.lBut tbat toe mai? trv our felues rigbtli,toe muft necelTarilp call back cur confctcnce to (> iuDgmcnt fcatof god^ifc; ire uo altoge^ tber neoe l)is liqlit to oifc lofc § fecret fol* Dings of our pcruerfnede, tobicb ctber* toifc lie to Deeply biDOe.iro; tbf ,f ncuer till tbP,toe ftjal clerelp ptrctiut tobat is meant berebp:^ ma bcinc rottcnn?GJ5f a too;mie ,abi)ominable 5- tainc tobteb Pro. 21. a &.15.2. (bafeen atoa? fro tbe at t\)c iuugemtt of ' u^imhetb toicljeDnes as toater,i0 far fro 0oo:lik£ as great ricbes bcapeD tip in a fi;eame do banifb atoa^' fro men toben tbei aluake.lBut tlni ^ l^al earneCli as it toere in § fijbt of c^oo,enquireof tbe tnie rule of rigbteoufncs,ll^l certainly fino tbat al tbc toozbs of men,if t\)t^ be iuogeo bi tbeir oton tooitbiues,are no* tbing but Dealings ano filtbines: tbat ^ being iuftiftcD bcfo;e CDoD . if oj tofco Ibolo make j$ clean fi is coceaueo of t)m cleane fesc^ not oae ma.Cbcn Cball toe alfo fino ^ b^ eypericncctobirb Job fatD of bimfelftjf 3 toil go about to Hjeto m^ felf innocet,mine oton moutb (baUcom Dene mc:if 3 toil Hjcto mv felf rigbtesus it toil p;oue me toickeD.j^ o; tbat ts not tobicb among tbe common people is ac* i meant of one age onel^, but of all ages, tomptcD rigbteoufneflfe, is before va>oo | tobicbp p^opbet in olo thm coplaineDof mere totckeDnes:tbat tbat tobicb is iuD get) purttr,(s tmclennes: tbat tobicb is recbenco glo^\?,is but (l^me» ifrom tbts beboloing of tbeperfertt' en of (!^o,let it net greue t)s to DefcenD to lake tjpon our felues to|?tbout flatten rt 0 J blinD affection of loae.i?oa it is no marucl if toe be al fo blio in tbis bebalf fo;iafmncb as none of te Dotb betoare of ^ peftilent tenDcrncs totoaro bimJelfe, tob^(as t fcriptare criefb out) imtu* Slfrael,^ al toft atlra^ like fljepc,^ euc* rt?oneturneD afiDe to bis otone toa^. iFo^betbere c5pjebenoefb ullthzm^ta tobom |> grace of rcoeption (bolD come. i!no f rigoioufnes of tbis eraminatiott ougbt to p;3ceDe fo far,til( it fuboue tSy fo ^ toe be fulli> tb;otoen ooton tottbal, « bi? ^ me ane prepare ts to reteane t^ grace of Cb;lit.iro; be is deceaueo tbat tbinketb bimfelf able to recetue tbe en* losing ofbi^s grace » tntill be baue firft tb;jotoen lob i^a6 Iobi4»4 lob. 9. 20 I. Vc^.S' The grace ofChrift. 1 bird Bookc. PC1S.2S. Zepha.3, 11. t^zolune Dotone al tjatotintfl uf minDc. %\)is 10 a fenotune faringittjat bod ccn* fbunDctb t\)i p;ouD,anD gcuetij grace to tf)e fumble. 6 iiButlDbattJDarwftlicretoljubleour (tlutsMt i toe being altogetber neeO)? anD emptv,(bulD gcue place to i nicrcv of dDoDf jfo; 3 DO not call it ^mblenes? if toctljink ^ toe ^laue anp tbing rcmat ningtoitbtjs. ;anD bitberto tbe^bauc taugbt^ tJcrr burtfull bipocrifu,^ banc io^neD tWt ttoo tbings togetbcr,^ toe tnufftbinkebiibl^ of onrfelueB before got),! tbat toe mull make fome accopte of our oton rigbteoufnec.ifo; if toe co" fc5 to goD cotrarp to our oton tbinfeing, toe 00 Uiic&ebli) li^ ^^^^^ bim:but toe ca nottbinke as toe ougbt? but ^ bpnob)? al i femetb glo;ious in t!J,nuift be trc^ DenfenDer fote.SDbcrfo^c tube tbou bea rett in ^c p;opbct,^ tbere is pjeparco faluation fb;t 1^ bumble people, t abate* mentfo;tbcepefl[oftbetoickcD: ifirtt tbinfe,^ tber is no entr? open to faluati on,tjntil tbou baue lain atoap all p^iae, f taken to t^jm perfect bumblenc£5:tben, t tbe fame bumblenes is not a certaine mooeft^ toberbt? tbou geucft oucr to (1 lo?o a bear bjeotb of tbine oton rigbt, as tbc^ are callcu bumble befoje men ^ DO neitbcr p^efumptuouap aDuance tbe ff lues, no^ rep;ocbfulli? triumpbe ouer otbcr,altbougb tbci 0anD bpon fome t* llimation of tbctr oton ercellecetbnt an tnfaineD fubmidion of a minD tb;oton Dolun Uiitb f cling of bis otune mifer^ 1 nebtncs. ifo; it is fo ecbtober Defcribeb in t\)z to8;D of goD.tiObcn f llo;D faitb tbus in ^epbanias : Bl toill take atoa^ out of tbeebim t outragiouQi reio^fetb, f Bi toill Icaue in § miDs of tbee p afflict tcD ma,f tbe po;ic man,f tbci ftal truft in t lojDiDotbbe nottbcre plainly fljeto tobo be bumblef euen t^ti t lie afflictcD toitb fenotolcge of tbcf r clone poucrtp. ^n g otbcr gpc be calletb i PiouD, out- 1 Fol.a3>. Eray.57. rsgtous rciopccrs,bicaufe me toeing in p;orperiti,are toontto reioi?cc toitbcut meafure, ffiut to v ^«°^*^^ ^^° ^^ P"^' pofetb to faue,be leauetfe notbmgbut to trutt in i !lc;o» SnD Uketoiic it ^ faiD in efai:mibom (feal 3 lokc tnto,but ro ^\ tbat Dtoelletb on bic, ano in tbe bolt? place,! U.itb tbe contrite « bumble fpirit^to quicken tbe fpirit of tbe buble, f tbebartoftbecotrite. Klbcntboufo oftc bearcft tbe name of contrition, tn* DerffanD tbercbg t^t toounD oft beart, tbat fufferetb not a man tb^oUjn oolune on tbe grounD,to rife again.^iitb Uizi) contrition ongbt tbr bart to be tuouDeo, if tboutoilt acco;Ding to tl)efaiingof (IDoD,bc aDuaunceD toitb t^c bumble.Jf tbat be not Done, tbon O^lt be b;ougbtc lotoc to^tb ^ migbti?e banD of (SoD,to tbi? fldamc ano oifgracement 7 amj our bett ^cbolemallcr tbtnfeing it not enougb to fl^eto it out in too;Ds, batbalfofetonttnto ts in a parable? image of truebumilit^e as in a painteo tablc.ifo; beb;ingetbfo;tb a^ublican tbat ftanoing a far of, not oaring to lift tjp W eres to beauen,toitb mucb knoc king bis b;eft,p;aittb in n)iB toife:lc;D be mercifull to me a finner. 3let Ms not tbinke tbefe to be tokens of faincD mo* Deap,tbat be Dare not lokc tp to beaue , mi, to come nerer,i5 toitb knocking bis b^eft be confelfetb bimfclf a finner: but let tjs knoto tbat i\)tv iJC teftimonics of intoaro affedion.iaPn f> otber fiDc be let* tetb tbe labarifee, tobicb tbanketb toefljal mucr fufftcictlibauetruft in bim,tnles toctotterlr Dittrutt of eur felues, toe n&allneucr fuffictentlr ratfe tjp our courages in bl'm> tnles tbei? be filrtt tb^Jotone Dotone in our felues. ^le fl)al neuer fufficicntli? baue confclatton in bim,\;nlcs toe be firft Dcfolate in our i felues. SCljcrfoje toe be tbe mete to taUz bolo of I obtein p fauo: of goD,cafting a toaT?al trull of our felucs,but truftpng tjpon ^ oulv aCTureDnes of by?s gcoones, toben(as Au2;.raitb)fozGctini.( our oton DffcruigGjtoe emb^a?e ip gifta of cb;ilt» Bicaufeif be fougbt OeCeruings in ts, toe (bulD not come tobl?s gifts. Gabcr* toitb Bernard ber^ toel acco;ijetb,c6pa* ring p^ouD men to tnfaitbful feruants, tbat arrogantlre claime m^ tbtng be it neuer fo litle to tbar otone ocferuings: b?C4ufe tl)cy! Do tojongfuU? feepe to t\)i felues tbe pMife of grace paffiag bp tbf » as if a toal vuolo far f it b^ingctb fo^ttj ^imbiame Vohi^^ it receiue tb tb^ougb a toin9i-jto.l3nt nst to tail! longer bcre bpottjlct bs take a Qjo^t but a general f fure rule, ^ be is p^icparcD to tafee jmrt of tbe frutes of goDsmercre,tbat bitbe; btterli' emptieo b?mfclfe,31 toil notla^ of ci7gbteoufne(Ce>tobrcb in none at a(I> but of tbe bain f tomo^ image of rigb^ teoiifnefTe.iBccaure euer? man To muctj binDcretb bvs receiaing of tbe libera^i* tg of (DoD as be re^ctb inbrnifcife*.- .. Dc ver- bis apoft cap. 8, Serm.13. in Cant, 7% ii^fY^ ;i^'»':^1"H That there are two things to he rearkcd in free iuftification. ^ ^i^^Jberearealtoapttoetbingsto ^^ be p jiiic'pai:? lajheo bnto : tbat is tofaii?e,tbat ibere iuav'creinaiae to V^^ ^oe ^?pg glo;^ bnmiHrfl?cD, auD as it toere tobolcl^e auD p^rfccfl^ mat?n# tainicD y ana to oure conferences ^m bntroubleo quretnclTe anD caline tEan* quilitre before bvs in Dgcmcnter Ier.9.»3 T hep-ace iMt iki tjo'o) oft I t)otD cnrncaip y fcrip tare txWtttl) t5,to geuc end? to goD a confcffion of p;taife, iubcn Uic cntrcatc ofriG!}tccufncirc.anDt!)eapofilctcCi^ fictb,^ tt)iB tojais ttje lo^tjs p;incipal pur pofe of gcuing t)j8 rigftteoufnes in cbjitt ttjat t)C mj^\)t Ojetu fjis otonc rigWeouf^ iics.^nD tubat a Ojcluing t^ HjulD be,lje Dec laretf) immcDiatli aftcr-.tbat is,ifl)e alone be knotnen to be rtgbteou0,f tbat iuftiftes tjtm tijat is of § favtij of Jlefus ct);tft.2St)ou f^ft tbat tbe rtghteonrncfl of goD is not fufficicntl^ fct otit,lDnIe0e be alone be accompteD rigbfj^ous, i Dse communicate f grace of rigbfeoufncs, to tb^ tVocreruc it not. 115^ tbis menne be tBil banc eucri? moutb to be ftoppco, f tbe UJbole too;lD to be mace fu-Jicct to bim.^o; iubilc man batb an^ tbing to fpeake in \)i*i oton Defence, fo long tbcr is fomtDbat tahen atoav fro tijt glo;r^e of ^00.^0 in C^cbiel be teacbetb boto mucb toe glo;ifv \)is name b? rcfenotu* Icging of our oton iDicheonea.f'ou Qml rcmeber(raitb b^) tbe lua^es t all tbc U)ickeD Doings tjberetuitb i?e banc ben DefileD.iinD ^c (bi^U be DifpleafeD \33it\) vour felues in vour oiun figbt, in al tbe euils t ^t baue committeD. ^nD >?c (bal hnoU} tbat i am tbe !lo;D,\Dben B! Q)all Do giDD to vou fo^ mi^ne otune names fafee,! notacco;^Ding to \?our mofi U«ic# bcD oflfcnces^f tbefe tbings be coteincD in ^ true ftnololcge of ©0D,tbat tue be* ing b;(DreD toitb bnolulegc of our otone tniquitv>(bulD con0Der tbat be Dotb goD to fcs,U)bcras toe be bnU)o;tbi? tbcrcof: t»bl? tbcn Doe toe to ourc great burt at* tempt to Scale atoa^ from tbe lo;D an? parcel be it neuer fo fmall, of tbe p;aife of bis free gcDDncOTe i ilibetoife 35crem? tobe be crietb out. Let not tbc toifc ma glo;v in bis toifDOjO; p ricft man in bis ricbes,o; \> ftrong man in bis ffrcngtb, but let bim ^ clo;ictb,glo;r in {» i:o;D: Dotb be not tbere Declare>tbat fomtobat ofchrift. r^^"'^-^^iii' is DiminiCbcD from taugbt f Dai tU i^o^t)? gaue bs fal* aa^;o^,to fet out tbe glo^ij of bis name, aftertuarte as it toere repettng ^ fame tbi«g be atJDctb : ve are faueo b? grace ann b^ § gift of CDon^notbi tDo^tt0,tbat none fboulo glo;^* atiD Uibe |9eter tth letl) tbat toe arc catlett tinto bope of fal^ uatio tbat toe Cb'vtlD Declare tbc potoeri; of bim ^ batb calleD tg out of oarUnes ill to \)is marueloa0 ltgbt,tD?tbout Dout his meaning is fo to ma^e i onl? pja^^ fcB of c&oD to founae in tbe cares of tbe faptbful, tbat tbci> f^ouio to^tb oepe fi* lence opp^etTe all arrogancie of p OeOje, 31ii a fumme,man can not tuitboat rob^ beri?ofCDoD cbalengc tobpmfelfe anp one crum of rigbteoufnes:bi?caufc euen fo inucb is plucUcD anu tahen atua^ fro tbe gloj^ of goDs rigbfcoufncffe. 3 ijiolD if toe af he bv' tobat meane t^t confcience ma? be quitca before ©oD, toe fl^Ul 6no no otber meane but if free rigbteoufnclTe ba geuen tjsb? tbc gift of CDoD. iietts altoa? tbinfee ^-jon t'ois Pro2o,^ facing of S>alomon: ^bo Oiall far, 3 bau? cleanfeo mt? bartc , Jammaoe cleane from m^ Mnt{%mtl^ tbcre is no man tbat (ball not be ouertobelmeo isi^t^ in&nitt filtbines, 2Dberfo;e let c^ uen tbe perfected man oifcenD into br^ ©tone confctcnce>and call bp« Doings to accompfttobat enD fl&all be bauef S>ball beftotttel^ rett as tbougbe all tbmgs toere in ga»D oioer bettocne Um t gcD: an»xtballbe not ratberbetjerco \x)i^ti) terrible to^mentes, toben be flbaU fale mater of Damnation abiDinginbimfelf if be be iuUgcD acco^Dtng to Ijis \x)o;kst 2Dbe confcicnccif it lofee t)p5 goD, miiQ^ of neccffit^ citber bane aflfitreD pzace t6 bis iuogemcnt,o^ be befcegcD toptb tbe terror of bill. £Lberefo^e toe p;oSt no^ tbinginDirputingof rigbteoofnes^ Dn* Ics toe ftablilbe fucb a rtgbteoufnes,VD tf)z (teDfaftnes tobcrof our foule mai be ttai?eD in ^z iuDgement of goD. Wi^tn our foal flbalt baue toberb^ it ma? botb toitbout feare appeare befo;ie t\)z face of 0oD>anD receiue bis tuDgement isnfba^ hen, tben anD not tilt tbcn let bs bnoto ^at toe bane founD an bnfaiiteD rtgbte^ oufncs.STberfoje not toitbout caufc tbe ^pottle Uranoeth^To mutbe bppon tbts pount, to^ tobofe toojDs 3 baD ratber erp?es it tban \oith mine oton,3if(faitb be) ti^t p;omife of inberttance be of thz latojlaitb is maDc bosDe,tbe p^omife is maDeabolitbcD, l^e firCt inferretb tbat faiti) is DifanulleD anD maDc botD> if tbe p^omife of rigbteoufnelTe baue refpecte to tbe Deferuings of our too;fecs,o; Doe bangbpontbeUeepingoftbelato. i?o; focoulDneucr an^mS affureDlt?reftin it : becaufe it coulD neuer come to palTe tbat an? ma mtgbt aCfareol? Determine toitb bimfelf tbat be baD fatifficD t lato as in DCDe neuer an? man Dotb b? tooj^ Ucsfull? fatiffic it, mi)mf,i toe (bolD not neeoe to fafee far fo? tettimonies to pjouc it ,cuer? man ma? be a toitneffc to bimfelf tbat toil toitf; a rigbt c?c be* bolDebimfelfe. anDbercb? appearetb* inboto DepeanD Darbe corners b?pocri' fie burtetb ^ minoes of men,tobtle tbe^ fo carelea?beare toitb tbemfelucs,tbat tbe? (lichenotto fet tbe?; otone flatten r?esagainft tbeiuDgement of Coo, as tbougb t^tv tooulD binoe to a ffa? of bis iuDiciall p^eceDing,but the foitbfui tbat Doefincerel? eramine tbemfelues, are griasueD anD to^menteD toitb a far otber mancr of carcfuIneCBj. S^bcrfo.je tbcre (bolo fo enter into all miuDs a Donttng, anD at lengtba ber? Dcfpeire tobere ecb man fo; himfelfe (boulD make accompt> \Dith boto great a burtben of Dette be is Uti ouerp;c{reD,anD btto far be is from tbe conDition toberetottb be is cbarge&« jLoe»boto fa?tb is fa? tb?s meane alrcD? , , erpjcffefe R0.4.14 The srace of Chrift. Third Boolcc i F0I.2S erpjcffcD I eitingutfl&cD.if oi to luaucr, to t)aiT>to be car^eo tp f ooton, to ttick fall in Douting,to be boloen in fufpcnce, to llagger,f at length to Defpeire,i5 not to trad: but to ttregt^en tb^ mino toitb conftantcertaintic ano perfect affurcD^ ne(re,anD to baue Ui^erupon to reft ano fatten tbrfojte. 4 !^e aoioinetb alfo an otber tbing,tbat i5,tbat tbe pjomife tbal tberbf be maDc of no effect 1 tjopoe. ifo? if the fulfilling tberof DO bang tjpo our Deferuing,U)ben (ball Uje come tbus far as to uefcruc tbe boiitifljlnes of goDf^lfo tbifi fecoD popnt bagctb tjpon tbe fo?mer:fo;^ tbe pjomifc fljal not be fulfilleb but to tbcm ^ beleuc itXberfo;te if fai?tb befallcn,tber fljall remain no fo;ce of ^ pjomife. SDberfojc tht inbcritacc is of faitb, tbat it mai? be accojDing to grace,to llablifb v pjomife. if 0; it is abunoatlv luel ttabli^eo tube it rettetb tpon tbe onclf mcrct? of > man ougbt to fpeabe fearfuUi? of tbat of tobicb be ca not Dout.Bcrnard alfo faitb: Cbe Difciples of Cb?ttt fa^,^bo ca be In dcdi faueD i IBut be anftoercD:tbis is tmpor<« cat. teph fiblc toitb men, but it is not impoffible Scrmo. 5 toitb tbt0cautIIattontBto be rememb;cDtn tbc P;cpt)et£?, tl)Sit U»ben t\)t^ fpeafec of tbe Utr.gnome of fl^nii, tl^et? fet out tttz outt2?arD bUfTingB of dDoDas figtirrsof tte iptritual gcDD t^tnge0. Mljrreupon €[)M is calleD bctb § &tng of peaceano our peace, becaufe l)t appeafctb all ttje troutlcfeme motions of confcienre. ^f Ipe fafec br tubat meawe Ije botb iU Uie mult nknti come to tbe l^acri^ce br tul^icb ©00 is appeareo,ifo? be (^all ne^ ucr cealTc to tremble fo; feare tfeat I^U notbetfrmtnetbat paf^ (iue,bjin3inc nctbing of onr ctone to t)^ rgictering oh be fauo j^of Coo , but rcccaiUtigcf C|j;ia i tol/tc^ iue toant 7 hexiuuCh.ipter» .. VVhatis the beginning of luftification, and the continuall proce- djn2;cs thereof. .. yf^aftljc matter mar be n^aDc mo;e ' cb^nolinotolcgcof(35ob,arebjotoneb plain,lct bs fearcbjtobat mav be ite in ibolatr^: 0; being ciUicb into p^qfcf^ rigbtcoufnssofmanin J tofjoleccurie fionbrfacraments,bcnring(IDoDtoitb of bis life: anb let Ms mafeefotocr be* i bncleanneffecflifctoliiomtbciucnfrire grces tbciof. jFo;^ mc citber being enbu^ I Xp mcutb^ t^ey are Cn;ittes no fui tber ; . tl)an The grace of Chrift. Third Book Gen.8*2i. Pra.84. 1I&.14.2 Gen,5,3, tban in name 0; tljc? be ^p3cr:ts,lDt)jcb|aiDouIoaffirmetbat tijerc isnooiffc. coacr p toicUeonca of rtjcir ferts, toitfj ' rcncc factUi^xn tl)c iulticctempcrancc f tJapjioeccitfuU colo;5:o;betngrcgcne^;cquitieof FicusanD Traianus, aiiDtfje rate b^ the fpint of (Sou, tlm cnoeaoj ragc,intemperace,anocrueltie of Cali. t^enifelues to true l;oUncrre.fe>pcfiaUr gula,o; Ncro,o; Domitiantbcttoffn t\)t iDben t&c^ are to be mogeo bp tbetr na* ! mtt)^ luacs of Tiberius, anD in m bc^ turall gifte«,fro ^ croUin of tbeir bcao balfc tbe continence of Vcfpafian : anD to tbe fole of tbeir fotctfjer Ojal not be (tbat tuc mar not tarr? \)pon fome fpc^ fouo one fparcle of goones, bales parab ciall bcrtues 0; Micts) bettoan tbe ob^ uenture tue tDiU accufc tfit fcripture of feruing i tbe Dcfpifing of rigbt 1 latocB. falOjeOjtobe it fettetb out all tbe fons of ^0^ tbcr 10 fo great Difference of rigbt aDatoitb tbefe title0,tbaf thtv be of fro anD tojog.tbat it appearctb earn in hz toarD anD ftubbo^me bearf ^ al tbe tma* ; DeaD imigc tbcrof.jf o; \x)W tbing (ftal gination of tbetr beart is enill fro tbeir ; tber remain tod o;jDercD in tbe too^lo, infancr,tbattbeirtbongbte0 beba^nej iftoeconfouDtbefetogetbcr^ s:bcrfo;tc tbat tbc^ bane not tbe fcare of (l5oD be* ; fucb a Diflfercnce bettoan boneft % \m* tm tbeir e^cs,tbat none of tbem DnDcr , bonett Doinges, m iio^D batb not onl^ ^^nMl) oj feketb goD b;efelp ^ m^ be engrauen in the minocs of al men, but net!)ybv tobPb tooiD arc tinoeraanbeD alfo Dotb oft cofirme it toitb tbe Difpen* al tbofe too:!t3 tobicb Paul rcbearfetb, , fation of bis p^ouiDf ce.jfc: toe fa boto fo;mcati5,t)ncleanne5, tmcbattitie,rio^ beertenoetb mani^ blcmngGof tbiu pje toumeffe,too:lbipping of pDol5,toilcbe* fent life to tbem tbat among men do fo >ke iFcl.2^. craftes,enmitie0, conttntion$y emula* ti63,anger0,Diir?nQons,ierte3, enuies, ma!taaagbter5,anD to'oatroeuer filtbp^ nciTeanDabbominatio ma^ be D?uireD. ms fo;fot(r is tbe too:tbine0,toitb co loto terf ue.i^ot bpcaufe tljcit outtonrD image of bertue Dcferaetl? fo mucb as § lca?^e bcncStc of bis : bat fo it plcafctb btm to Declare b^ pjinfe Ijoto luucl) true rigbteoufnts pleafetb bim, tobrn be fuf fioencctobercoftbcpmuUe bep:o{icD.| fcrefbeuenouttoarb anD fivn/Drrgb Bat If anp a:non3 t^i erccll toitb fucb boncftpeofnuners as ma? baue fome tb^to ofboliiicsamog men: petbicanfe tot ftitoto t ©oD regaroctb not tbe out- toaro g!ittcFing,toe muft fearcb i bcr? foutapneof too^lis if toe toil bane tbem toaua^le an? tbing to rigbtcoufneffe. ^emalle(iira?) tb:ougbl? lake into tiienty fro \s)liAt affeaton of beart t!jefe too;fes p^oceDciSut altbougb bere lietb open a maft large ficlbe to Difcourfe in, ?ct bicaufc tbe matter mar be DcclareD in ben? fetoc too;Dcs, 3 toili folloto af- ntucb as 3 msr a b^cfcncs in tcacbing. 2 JFirftjiocnv not tbat tobatfocuerep ccllent gifts appeare in tbe bnbelcuers, ^t^ are tbu gifts of 43od. jjicptber do 3 ^-^JJJFJJ^Q"^ common iuDgeuientjgiat tcoarncITcnotto betoitbout retoarDe, ^bercap^a fo!!otortb tbat tol}icbc toe euf n noto ronft ffcD, tbat tbcfc bertucs, fucbe as tbev bff , o} ratber imases of tjertues, are tbe gi?ftc3 of ©cD , fo^af* mucb as fbcrcis notbing in anvtovfe p^a^fe too;tbrjtubicb p;oceDctb net fro brm. 3 HSut ncucrtbelfs if is true tobicb Au gudine tozitctb , tbat all t^e'g tbat are Ifraungers fro ttit true religio of § one gDD,botofocuer ^ci be accopteD too^tb? ofaomiration fo; opinion of bcrtur,are notonlr too:tb? of no retoarDe,but nv tber are tooitb? of punitbment, biu%tik tf^t^ DO toitJ) Defiling of tbeir bcart.bc^ fpot tbe pure g^D tbinges of (©oD. iro? tpougbtbeg be tbe ingruments of goo. Lib.iii!. cotra lu- ununi. Cap.i4 .Ioh.j. 12 to p;tcferue tt)t felol^tp of men \x>it\) m ftice,contwcncc,tcmperanccofminDe, t)altantnc0,f U3tfeDom:i?ct tbe^ no tier? euetir execute tfjefe ga}0 ljuo;k6 of goD: bicaufet^e^ are rettra^neo from euiU Domg,not bt'fincere loue of goDned^but eitber b? onelp ambition, o j br loue of tbemfelues, o? b? fom otber crokcD af* fection. ^beras tberfo^e tbcpare co;^ rapt b^ tbe ters bncleanne0 of bart as b? tbeir bcginning,tbet? are no mo;e to be recbcncD among tertue0, tbantbofe bices,UJbicb are toot to ntctiw b? rea* fon of ncrenes t likenerrecf bertue.ifi^ nail? Vo^tn toe rcmemb;e,tbat tbe enD of tbat \j)l)ia) is rigbt, eaer is tbat cmk tbcrefojc tbei? bauenotrefpecttotbe marfetobicbtbe toifebomofdSoDappotntctb: altbougb tbe tbing ^ tbep Do,rame go5 in Doing, Vtt b? a to;ongfuU enbe it is fin.^c co^ tluntt^ tberfo^e t al i Fabricii,Sapioes, anD Catocsjin al tbofe ercellent acte« of tbeirs: ?etfinneointbifibebalfe,tbat tobereas tbep lacbeb t\)e l^gbt of faptb, tbeu D?D not applp tbem to t^t enbc to tobrcbtbep ougbtto baue appl^eo tbe: anb tbat fo; tl)sit eanfe, true rrgbteouf^ neflpetoas not in tbem : fo^armucba^ butie0 are not toeieo b? tbe Doing5,but b)?tbeenbe0. 4 ^o;eonerifitbetrnetobpcb3Iobn faitbjtbat tbere is no life toitbput p fon ofiIDob:tobofobauenopart in Cb;ill, tobat maner of me fo tixtrthei be,tobat foeuer t^tis bo o? go about,?et tbei? run fo^toarbetoifb tbeir tobole courfeinto beftrurtion ano tbe iubgemcnt of etcr;? Librcad nail Deatb.after tbi0 reafon,i0 tbat faio " . of Auguftinc. £Dur religion Difcemetb m rigbteous fro tbe bnrigbtc ou0, not br lato of too^feeo: but bp m berp lato of faitb,toitbout tobicb,tbofe tbat feme gmp too^kg are turneb into fin0.Mfaer Of the maner how to rcceiuc Boni^c, in cap.f fo^c tbe fame Auguihn faiib ber? luri Prcf in in anotber place,tobe lit comparetb tbe pialmo. enoeuo^offucbmento running out of tl)c toap. ipo;^ botoe mucb fairer a man r^netb out of tbe toap, fomucbfurtber be is fro tbe niarke,f tberfo^e is mabe fo mutfj mo;e miferable. Mberfb;e be affttmetb tbat it is better to bait in t^e toap,tban to run out of tbe toap.if inal« 1? it iB certain tbat t^t^ tin euel trs0, fo;afmncb a0 toitbout ^c communica^ ting of Cb^tfl tber is m Canctificatton. Cbevma?tberfo:ebearefaire fruite0 f beautiful to t^c epe^^a anb fliiget in ta(t,but in no toife gcob fruiter. I^erebp toe eafil? perceiue tbat tobatfoeucr ma tbinbetb^purpofetb^o^ botb, before tbat be be rcconctleb to CDoo bp fattb)i0 ac^ curfecano not onli? of no balue to rigb^ teoufne0,but of certain beferuingto Da natton> 0nb tobt bi?fpute toe bereof as of a boutfnl tbinjg^^fitb it is alreabp p;o' ueDbrtbetottneflieoftbeapoftle, tbat it is tmpolTtble tbat ani^ ma map pleafe dDob toitbout faptbf s llBut tber (ball ^etappeare a plainer p;ofe,if tbe grace of goo be incoparifo, Diredli? fet againU ttit naturall fiatc of nta.ifoj tbe Scripture crietb out eueri? tober,^ goo finbetb notbmg in ma tober \^^"*S'*S' hf be mat be p^uo!seo to do go)D to bi) but toitbbi£!oU}n fret goiDnelTep; eul^ tetb bim.if o; tob^^t ca a Deo ma Do to at tetne lifc^But tobcn be ligbtnetb b0 lob t^t bnotoleoge of btmfelfe,be is fapD to raife bs fro Deatbi t to ma&e b0 a neto creature, ifo^toe fee tbat oftentimes, fpeciallt of § apoltle^f Qcatmts ofgoD 10 fet fo;tb bnto Ms hitW title, (S?oD(faitb be) tobicb is ricb in merct^fo; tbe great loue tobertoitb be loueD b0,eufn toben toe toere DeaD bt fmne0, batb maoe b0 altue togetber in Cb;tfic. tc« Bin an 0^ tber place, toberebnoertbt figure of ab^abam be entreatetb of tbe general! calling of tbe faitbful,be faitb:it is ^oD He.11.6 tbat Eph»2,4 lob. 43 Ro,i!.3j. Fph 2 lO i.Tim.i. 9 Titus.3 4 tbat gciictb life to y Deau, f calletf) tf)ofe tbings tl)af are not,aB tbougij t^ci tuer. 31f tuc be not!jing,to!)at ( 31 bcfiic!) t?oa) ca tue 00/ X^litrto}tt\)t ilo^o ffrongltj beatetb OoUintbis arro3ancp,m tbe bt* ff o.j^ of 3iob,tn tbcfe toojnaiUibo pjcur* tetb mc,anD 31 (&al renocr it bim:'fo; all t^nq^s are mine.^bicb fentcnce Paul erpouQiitG applictb it to t\)iSi'§ Uie ff)oIo not tbinijc f\i)c bjing ant! tbl?ng to tbe JloiU but mere fl^antc of ueDf ncffe ano etti.jtincffc.SClbcrfo^e in § place abotie ci.cb, to pione v \ws arc coine into tbe bopc cf faluatio bv bis grace alone , not b^ tuo:ks,be allegetb V ^^ <^^^ bis crca^ tnrc0 bccaufc tuc are nsUj hcQOttcn in €iiii^ Biefufi, to § goiD toojfes tobicb be batb p:cparco ^ tuc fl)ol9 toalU in tl)cm:^ as if be ba9 fapD:lubicb of bs mavboail t be batb tuitb bis rigbteoufnes p>oao» IvCD cS5oD, fitb our firft pokier to Co gmo p^oceoctb out of gcneraticnfjf 0,: as toe are mabc b^ nature, oi'le dyali foncr be to^fflng out of a lionc,tban a gojD too,:k out cf bs.SDruelv it is'ioontJcrful if ma being conoemncD of fo great a(I.?ame, care ^ct fa^ ^ tber rcmainctb an^ tbing t6 brm.lLbcrcfo^e Ictbs conf?ire toitb tbis ncble inftrum.ent of mercies ofC^oDjtobicbDofocarefullii traurll in p;ouing of tbis tbing as tbougb it toerc Doutfull 0; DarUe. ISut btcaufc our cn^ uioufneorc is fucb,asbnlcae it be moft ftraigbtlptb^uft out of place, it neuer veloetb to ©00 i> tobicb is bis, jl am co* pelleD to tarr^ fomtobat tbe longer bp* on it , ^et fo^afmucb as ^ Scripture is cleere cnougb in tbis matter , 31 toill in figbting ratberbfe§ too;Ds tbercftbcn mine oton. Cfa^, tobcn be batb Defcri- beD tbe tniuerfall Deftrutticn of man.- kinDe,Dotb immcDiaf Ip after, ber? fitl^ aDicine tbe o^ocr of refto;iitg.2Dbe Io;d batb ffl^ne,! it fameo euill in bvs crts. Hii5 be fato , |5 tbcre is no man : ano be martJcllcD ^ tber is none ^ offrctb bim felf, % be batb fet faluation in bvs oton armci batb ftrengtbneD bimft Ifie toitb brs oton rigbteoufnelTe. Mber are our rigbtcoufneires if it betruetobicbe tbt |3;opbet fa^tb: tbat tbere is no ma tbat belpctb V ^o?b in recoocring bis falua^ tionf ^0 an otber p;opbet,toberebtt b;iingetb in § Jlo^D, DifcourCng off rc;^ ^f. conciling of finncrs to bimrelf,favtb : 31 ' '^ toill efpoufe tbot to me fo; cncr,in rigb' teourncfre,iuDgcment,grace,imerct>,3l toil fat? to ber 1* batb not obtainco mer^ cv,tbou ballobtaineD merc^.if fucb co^ uenantjtobicb it is certain to be tbt firtt conio^ning ^ toe baue to (115cD,(tanDPtb bpon V inerct of (!5oD,tber is left no fou^ Dationofour oton rigbteoufnes. ^nD 3 Efay. S9' CDdr^.iii. toculD V 31M4. OFth Ro S.6. Col. 1.2 i.ioh.io Ofc 14 1^' I. Cor, 6, 11. .Fe.1.2. i \DoulDriEiinc Icarnc of tljofc mm tofjicf) faint t ma metetb goD 16 fomc rigiytc^ onl'iif s of U)o;i'ac5,lol)ctt)cr t\M tfjtnU ^ (i)cr is anr rigOtcoafncs at all,but tljat iDbtct) 13 acceptable to goD.3if it be man* IK tic to tljin^ fOjtobat acceptable tbrng to C?cD CA p;cceDe fro Ijis encniie6,teho !jclJctjcllvabl}o;retbteittaU tt5ep;t Do# mgs:2Lbat al toc^SI favjaretbc teaulp ? p;cfctTe!3 enemies of our goD , tbe trutb it fdfc tefiifietl), till being iuaifiet},tce are reccaueD into frcnoiljip.Bif iul^iSfa; ticn be ^ beginning of loue, tufcfct rusli^ tecufncfi cf Icojits fljal go befc;c it^ ho 3;o!?n,to turn atoa^ ^ peHilent arrcgac e notl) Diligentlv put ts in minis I'cUj tue m not firH loue t)i.;ano § felf fame ttjig f lo^D tjao log befo.zc taugbt bv tiiis p.20^ pl):t:3i toil Icuc tbem,fart!) be,\}3 a fre lcne,bicaufc mine anger is tiirnco.Cer tain' p bift loue is not p;ouokcD bp tec:* fecB if it tatlj of bis otcn 2cco;o encltneo It felf tntc fcs.lSut f> ruue tomcn fojt cf me tbinfe itto be nctbig cls,but t no ma ftatb DeferucD^ Cb.zift ftjoiilfi perfojme our rcsf ption: ytt ^ to ^ mtring into {> poffedio of reofptio, toe be fecipe bt? cur oton too^fts.l^ca hut botofceacr toe be rcDemcD of cl);tiff ,rct til toe be bt? t t^l' ling of i] father graffeu into ^ comunion of |)ini,toe arc botb Ijeircs cf uarbnes i Detb I tbe enemies of goD.jfo^ paul tea cbetf) ^ toe are not c lent eo f toafljco fro our UncleannclTcs bp ^ blcun of Cb^itf? tntili § bolr gboft too;Uetb t cleanfing in tjs.M^tJtrl) fame tbing peter minnig to teacb,oeclaretlj i> tbe fanrtifring cf § fpirite auailetb tjnto obccicnce snD tbe fp^infeling of ^ blouD of Cb.jia^f iue be b^ V fptrit rp:inkleD Vc (' bleut of cb.:ia tjnto clcanfing,lct \}s not tbinU r before fucb toatering toe be ant? ctber tban a finner is ruit^jout Cij^ittXet t\:jic tbcr^ fo;c remainc certain , ^ tbe becinning of our faUiation is as it tocre a ccrtaine refurrecticn from oeatb to life : bee aufc e mancr how to recciuc toben fo; Cb;iKes fake it is ^cutn to t?s to belcue in bim,t^en toe firft becin to pafTe from oeatij into life. 7 i^nDcr tijis fo;t are cop^ebenJJc D t'jet M)iti) baue m 1* biuiOcn abcuc fet bene notcD fe^ \!kto\Mi t Ibiro fo;t of me.jf 0^ tbe fcnclrannes cf confcicnce p;curtb t botb of the arc not vet regenerate bv tijc fpirit cf ©00. 0nD agarn,toljetas tbe re is no regeneration in tbtS tbrs p;cuetb tlje toent cffaitb. HI Ijerlv appeal etl; ^ tbep are not ret reccncilcD to Cod, ko;> tetiuflifieoinbisfigbt : fo;afmiirij as tbefe ccdD ti)ings are not attaincD to but b*? fa^tfj. Mbat ea finncrs being cflra^ gcDfrom (S5oD b;ing fojttj, but t^ tobic b is at cnrfeD in iiis iuDgmrnt^Mitb tljis fffilillj LscIfnefTe in OcDc, kotb all toieheD mt arepi:ffeDt)p,f fpeciallv bipoerites: bfcaufc bctofoerer tbcv Imotoe t l^ev; tobcle bartrtoarmctbfull of filtbineife, vetift^e^tccan? too;jlies ttjatbauea (^eto cf gajDnefTf ,tbep (IjinH tljcm toe^* tbr V, C'oo fJ^culD net cclpife iY/, i^'cre> cf grctoetb tit^t pernittous erroj , ^ be? ing p,:cueD gilti? of a toiciieo 5 mifcba:* uous mince, xtt t!]ef ran net be£>;iucn toconfefie tbemfelues torDeofrigbte? cufncCTc : but eucn toben tljct? achncto^ leoge tbemfelues tnrigbteous , bccaufe tbep can not oenve it , tet tbev arro* gantlrelaime feme rigbteoufncffe fcn^ totbcm. 2SbrstJanitie tbeJLojDeer^ cellentlr toell ronfutetb br tbe p^o^ pbet : Sfke (fa^tb bee) tbe p?ieftes,f«p* ing, if a man earrr fanttiaeo tlttticin tbe bemme of bis garmr t $ puttetb to it b^rcao 0; ctber meate,fi)al it be factificD^ 2Lbe pjicficsanftoereD no. 0nD ^pagge fa^DJf aDefilcD ma in foule tcucb an^ cf tbcfe tbingcs , a}all it not be cefikof Sufce p^ietts anftoereD:it (Iwlbe cefileD. i^agge fato: fo is il)is people bcfo,:e m?? faee,fai?tb i Io;d: anD fo (ball tbe toc>he cf tbeir banoes , 1 all tbinges tbat tbc^ offer to mcg^aUbg Defcleo. jj toouloe to Till id Boclce Fo\ ■y.'C E(a.i.i3. ''^ The grace ofTThriff to<35o5t^att!)ifl faring miglite cpttjcr obfenim!50ffl)elalD,Hc!jmmngUjhcr get fill creoit \3}it^ \3S,o: iDcll be fctilcD of ^ceacr? Ui?)er tcac^ct!) to be tl)c ta* iit flur rcmeb jance. jFo; tibcr is no ma, ' faincD fcare of Us ncinie.^ti^ea tijat is tipugl) be be otIjcrUjpfe in b\?stol)ole taken atuai^ADljatrocucr things are of- life neucr fo Ija^nous a \}}ic^cii ooer, ^^ | fcreo bim are not onl^ trifles,buc ftim WA abio: to be pcrfuai)eD,tbat lubicb ^ jlo.2!)e{)jre plainly pionouncetb. 2^0e naugbtied man,fo fon$ as be ^tb per* fo' p^a^cr of bp;igbt men plcafetb bim. SDbcrefo^etoe bolD ^ out of oont,tDbicb ongbt to be molt comonli bnotoen to bim,tbat is cue n but mean* I^ ererrifeo in v fcriptures, ^ eur tbofe Vuo;rbes tbat glitter mod glonouavin men not ^ct trucl? fanrttfieo, are fo far fro rigbteoafnes in tljt Ggbt of tbe lo^o, tbattbei beiuDgeb Hnnes.HnD tberfoic ti)ei> b«xuc fai'U mcftc truelp tbat baue taugbt tbat fauo; \3)it}) CDo9 is not p:o? cureD to anr perfon bv? tooiifes: bur con^ trariluife tljat too;hs do tbe pleafc,anD ncuer til tbcjtoben tbe perfon batb fira foanoe grace in tbe figbte of (0od. Sinn ^i» omt is religiouflu to be feeptc, to tobicb tljt Scripture leaoctb ts b^ tbc ll^ano.^^ofes tojitetb tbat tbc Jlo;De bao refpect to abe! i to bis tooibes. S>e von ,^^c»-4-4, notboU) be DeclarctbtbatgoDis fauoia j ble to tbe men , befo;e tbat be biitb re* ( [ rp^tf to tbeir tDo;hSf ^bcrfc jc ^ clean (ing of tbc belJS lubicb come from XfB,mn^ be lo- uingiv rece^iieD of gooibifanfe tbis far* ing of Jrrcmp is altoaf in fo.3fe,tbat v \DOil\B of fb;mcr rigbteoufne0, 30 f ^^opbet faitb.Mitb tobS alfo 3a? me0 agreetb:l^e ^ offcncetbCfaitb be}in z.18,34 one,i0 maDe giltr of all. i|5oto fitb tbi0 mo;^tal life is neuer pure 0; tjopD from (in,tobat foeuer rigbtcoufnes toe fi)u!D purcbace,being from time to time toitb finne0 follotoing cojrupteD, oppKffeo j loCitlboulD not come into tbe figbtof oD on t\)t otbcr fiDcDiD toitbttaD it, to acquite b0 from tune to time toitb co tinuaU fo^geueneOeof finne0. Mbere^ foje tbi0 flanoetb altoar certarn tobicb toe faroe at tbe beginning , tbat if toe am. 2. 10 be Ro.4.13. Hab.2.4 Ro»4.7 Tlic srace of Chrift, inird Booke, be UieicD b^ our oUin loo;il)ine0,febat \ l^aul alfo taftett atoa^ a! Dout,tobf fo; focuer U)c purpofc c; go about, ret toe j cofirming of ^ ftntetice, bf tafectb tbpfi Vd al our trauailcs,? eitDcuo;s arc too? bcrfc of J3I>aui0.5i5UffcD arc tbcf tebofc tbp of ocatb I Dcftruflio. tapo tbcfc ttoo j iiuquiticc arc fo;rgcuf .iBuf it 10 ccrtai, point0 iuc muff ftrongli? ttao faff: tbat ! f Dauiti fpt bctb not of ^ U)kbcD,but of tbcre toa0 ncucr ani? Vuo^bc of a CDoDl^ ; p faitbful,fucb as fahtifclfc tnastbccaufc inan,lubicb if it Iwcrc cranuneD b^ tbe j be fpaUe out of ^ fcling of bi0 oton cofci fcucrc iuogcntf nt of gon,U)a0 not Dam^ c nrcXbcrfo;e tbis blcrrcunc0 toe muff nablc.agamcif tbcrcbc an\?fufbff)C^ j notbauconccitt oure life, but boloe it tocD,{tobifbi0notpoiribIcfo.: inan)ret I tb;ougboutalourhfp.iLaft of a! be tefli being cojruptco f ucfilco toi^tbpflns, jfictb^tbecmbaaagcfocfraingtbcfrfe tobfrtoitb it is ccitarutbattbc cocr of | rcfociljatio Vd goo is not publi?fl)cDfo; it is loDcn,tt loftt!) tbc grace. 0nD t\]ie \ one 0; ttoo oar^jbut is perpetual in tbe is tbe f befc point of our oifputatio.jlf oj about tbc beginning of iudtfiratifi tbcr iv no ffrifc bcttoccn ts anD ttc fcunDcr fo;t of ^cbolemcn, but tbatafinner being freely or {iiJcrcD from Diinination obtcuictb rigbtcournr?!,! tb.it fai t\)t fo^ geuene0 of fins: fauing t[;at tbci;? bnDcr ^ tro;Dof Juffifica(ionf6p;ebeno f> rtf nctoing tobrrio toe are netol^ fojmcD h^ tbe fpirit of goDljnto tbe obcDirccof tbe latori tl?ci tlnis Dcfcribc p rigbtcouf nes of a ma regccneratc, tbat mvi being once recaciicD to goD bi f faitb of cb:ie, is b^ gccD too;!is iuDgcU rrgbteouc bt^ fo>c goo,5 by tbeir bcfcruirtnc. is accep* tc^.iSut (» loiD r5traritoire p.2oncufetb ^ be miputcu to abjabam faitb fo; rigb teoafnf0, no; at tbc tymctoben be pet fertico JdoIsj, but tobcn be ban alrcncy many ycrcs crccHeo in bolints of lyfe. ILberfo;e ab;aba ban long too^OjippcD goDfi-om a pure beai't,$ baD pcrfc^mcD ti)t obctiicnce of tbe laU) Xvlnclj may be p0rfo;mc5 of a mo^al man,yet bcbatb rigbtcoufnes rcpofcb in faitb. tlcilberbp^- on toe gatbcr,acco;:DiKg to tbc argumef of pa^Ie,^ it toasnot of too;fee0.5liUc* toifc to!jf it is faiD in tbc p^opbet. %\)t rigbteo\is ma ffjal liue by faitb,it 10 not fpoUe of toicfecD f p;opbanc mcn,tob6 p lo;D iuCifictb by couerting tbem to tbe faitb,bat f> fpeacb is bireetcD to y faitb* fuIl,itotbem 10 p;omifcD life by faitb. f burrb. SDbcifo;c ^ faitbfull banc tut to J! cno of tbeir life no otberrighteoufne0 tba 1^ \vi}ic^. is tijcr fct fc;tb iro-J ebnC cuerlaftingly remamstb y me&iato;to rcccncile tbs fatbcr to bs,f tbc cffcdual nes of bi0 ocatb is cuerlafiuig : namely toafbing,fatiffaction, erpiation, finally perfect obeoienrctobertoitb all cur inv quitits are coucrcD.jBcitbcr DotbBatrl to tbe Cpbecians fay, tbat toe baue tbc beginning of faUiatton out of grace, but tbat toe are fauco by graccnot of too;; fee0,tbat no man fijoultj g!o;y. 12 ibeffarting boles tobicb tbc fcbojl^ men DO bere feUe to jfcapc byjbo not tc* liucr tbr-ll^bcy fay tbat gat) toojfes are not by tntoarb too;t'cincCe in tbf fclues of fo great balue, ^ tbcy be fufiicicnt to purcbafc rigbtcoufnes : buttbis?!^ t!;cy be offo great baUie, is of grace acrcjj* ting tbc. 2Dben,bcf anfc tbcy be D;iue to confcffc 1? tbc rigbtcoufnes of toc;l^s is in tl)iB life altoay bnpcrfca,tbci graunt tbat toe, fo long as toe liue, bo ncDc toip geucncs of ftnncs,toi:.':rcby tbe toant of too;hs may be fupp!icD:but,tbat tt)t ntf faultcs tobicb arc comitteo, arc recom* pcnceD toitb too;hcs of fupererogation. jf o; 3 anftocre, tbat y accepting grace as tbey call it, is none otber tba bV'S free geoBneffe tobertoitby fatber emb;acetb bs in Cb;iff7toben be clotbetb bs lu tbe tnnocencye of €\)}i!& , anb accomptctb ©©.t). tbe I L^iPM> I ciiiSj. tijefanisourcjj, tfjat b? tfebcneficiall mcanc thereof be map tafec t)c fo2 bolr» purcanD innocent. fo^,ti)c rigbtcouP nc3 of 'Z\)niit (U3i)icb as it onl^ in per^* fcctcfo en"? can abios tfjc figbt of vlDoD) muft be ict in our Gca9e,ano be p^cfen* teD at tbc barrc as a fureti?. i^erctPitb lue being fi:rnifl&e5,Do obtaincfonttnu* ail fo;gf ucnrs of finnes in fai>t!i.Miti) tbc pumips l)ZKzot our ftitbrneffes ano tjnclenncflTcJS of tmpcifcrtions being co* uereD arc not iniputcD: but arc bioocn, as if tiiOti luerc btirieo, )> tbep niaf not tome into tbe iuDgcincnt of CoD,\)ntill t05 bsurc come, tob^n tf)c doc man be* in^fiaincanu tttcrl? DeftropeDinbs, rbc gcDOne0 otQon ttjall rtccinii ts into blcCTcD peace l»rtb § nelu ^oam, tuber UtlJ5loJfrfi3;tbe Darof tbello^oe, in l^^mh receiuing bnco^rupt boDies, U)c ft^aUjberemcucointo tbe glo;pc oftbe bi'auen!v bingBome. 13 B^ftbcfc things be true, feerilvno U!o:Us oifcar^canof tb:nifelue£f make ts acceptable ana plcaQng to ©oisntep f ^er can tbc tuo jKc5 tbemfclues ptcafe, \>ut in refpccte tbat man being couereo toptb tbe rigfjteoufnes of (i:b;ifte,plea* fett) CDoD, f obteinetb fojgcucnes of brs fin0.i?o; ©oD bath not p.:omireo tbe re* toarbe of eternalllifc to fomecertaine tDo:lt6,but onl^ p;onoucctb 1! be lubicfj tsotbc tbcfc tl)mQr5,G?aU liuc:fctting tSjC notable curfc againftaU tbcm tijat con^ tinnt not in all tijnigs.^IClbcrbi? tbe oe^ uict of rigbteoufr.cs in parte is largely coiKutcD, Qtbe no etber rigbteoufnes is aomittea into bcaue ,bi!t a twljolc obfcr* uin^ of tbe latoc.^r.B no \ijr)ii foiiDcr is tbat tubiditbet arc Uiont tobabl^le of fnppl^mgof rcccmpancc b^ luojbesof ^upercrcgatio. fm \xi\)Miii^o tber net fttl rctume to tbc fame place fro iiibec e tbep arc alreati Ojut out:tbat be tebicb fcepctb tbe iaU) iji part, is bp too;tes fo farrerisbtcQusfg:bat lubicb no man of Of the mancr how to receiue foune iaogemcnt toil graant tbem,tbei DO to (Jjamclefi)? tafee fo: confi^Ceo. 0o oft tbe 3lo;D teHifictb tbatbeacUnciD^ legetb no rignteoufnes et lDo^ft0,bnt in tbe perfect obfcruing of bi3 laU).G!ill;at obttinacp is it,ti3at Vac iDtm Ujc are De Miitc of tbat Dbferuing, leaff toe fl^ulD feemc fpoilcD of alglo:p, t^dt isytc bane altogetbcr geu?n place to goo,tJO boaltc eur felues of 31 test not Icbat fmall pa^ ces of a fci.n toojUs, anD go about bv fa* tiffartions to reDeemc tbat tobpcb toan* tctb. ^atiffactions baue alreao^ befo;e bene fufficicntlp ouertb;ot»en,tbat toe ougbt not nolo To mucb as to b;eame of tbcm.ilDnelT' t\)is 3 far,tbat tljei? tobicb fo plai? tbe foIes,Do not toe? botoc ntta Cable a tliin% fin is before CDobrfoi tru^ I? tbc? fboulo tjnoerllano )5 tbc tobole rigbtcoufncisi of men being la?D l)pon a beape, is not fufficicnt to makerecom^ pence foj one fin, ifc; toe fes tl)At man toasbvoneoffcnceiietatl atoa\»anoa^ banBonco of C5oo, tbat be tljerctortball loll all mean to recoaer faluatioXber* fo,:e tbe patocr of fe>atirfdftion is taften atoa?,tobcrtoitb tbc? flatter tbc felacF, bnt furel? fijall ncuer fatirf?eCo^,to j tobo notbing is plefant 0? acceptable ^ ! pioccDctb from fo enemies, ^nb \)is e» \ mmies arc all t^c^tQ febom be purpo^ i fetb to impnte fins.2Lb:refo:e our fins I muft be coucreo ano fo23euen,bcfo.:c i : tbelLo;t!{)auerefpettc toan?too;Heof ' ours. Mbcrfcponfolotottb tbat tbe fo;i' ; gcucnes of fiitiies is of fr* grace tobicb ■ tbe? DO toicfec5l?blafpbcme^ tb;«ft in i an? fatiffarions. ^{for, tl)?rfcic,after I ? eramplccf ^ iapoHlcfojgetting tbofe I tbings ^arcbebinDb»,anDbafiiu5fo;* I toaro to t\)c(c tbings tbat are before tjs, run in our racccnueuoiing to ? p;ice of ^c bis calling.! c.l3ut boto octb t\)c bQ* tting of rbc too^bs of fupererogation a=» grec toititbat rule tobicb is taugbt tJSf, til^t tobffl toe twue bone all tb?n6s ttat Ccn.3,17 Phi.3 43. Lnk,i7' JO, The grace of Chrm. Tiiird Eookc. tbat are coi«maunDco bs,\De tIjoulD Tap i p?clIeD, ttjat ftc tin t\)is If aC ftc fijouSDc I. Co, 6.1 t^jat U)carc tinp^iiitallc feruantcc^no t^attoflctjauc uonc roj mo;ctt}3n lue otigW^S^o far? before C^oOjis net to fain o; to licbut to Determine Vd tbp fclfe, ti)at Uifjict) tf}ou art aCTurcD cf.s:bc Io;d tt)crtfo;cfominaimt!cclj Ds trnfainctli: to ttnuU f coSocr UhtJj our fclucs,^ toe 60 net an^ fns beneficial ccinges to bi^ but to rrocrD Dae feruice.:5no liJo;t!>iIi. if o; toe arc feruatcs c nDcttcD m fo nia^ nn fcriiicc5, as tuce arc not able to niU cbarge,altriou3b al our tbougbtr ano al our members , teere turneDintoDuti*= full dg:ds of tbc lalD, 0nD tbcrfo;e tljat tobicb be favtl^^bcn ve banc Done all t'mQSi tbat are commaunDeD vou.f c. is as niucb in cffcct,a5 if tbe rtgbf eoufnfs of one man U)cr mo;e tban al tbe rigb^ teoufntffeof men. l^otn tbercfo>e mai? toe(ofU)bomtbcr is none t^ is not moft far Diftant from tbis marlO be fo bolce VolJj^J* be anoCfencctotbc tueaUe. ifo;falfc ano Deceitful! U)o;ifec men Dto boattc tbcm feluf0 toitb tbis alluring flicto of iiberalitie, tobcrebr tfitv niigbte botbe procure fauourtotbeirpoifenous Dor* trines,anD raife bp batreD to tljt gofpel fo tbat paulc toas D^iuen of nee cffitvc eitbrrtob;trgtbc Doctrine of Cbuperero* gatton foHbe Lo^D.iSutiftljistrcrbv rigbtrcquirtDof a loifc ciitribnterof tbe (Scfpcl, tben 3 fa? f be did f Vuljicb U)as bvs Dutvf to Do. if inall ? altbcugb tbcre appeareno fncb » I'et tlm faring of Chriiollomc is altuap true , tb.U all our tbings are in tbe fame cafe luberin aretbep;oper potrcfTicns ofbonDmcn* lubicb it is certain bv tbe laUi to be due to tbcir L8;q. ^iiD Xb;iQ; batb ^tteres as to boft tbat Uiebaue aoDf D a beapc to V ful mcfuref /^eitJjcr is tbcr an? caufe tobn an? man ma? taUc erfcption anD S ? famein §;jarable. ifo; be afkcD luljat fa?,tbat notbing Uiitbilancetb but tl^at ! tijaixht Iwc tuill gcue to a bonoferuaunt biu enoeuo; ma? p:oceDe be?DnDe ne^ \ \o\:)cn bauing bene all tbe Da? trauclleD iLu!c,i7. '7, eeflar? Duties, lubicbc infomebebalfe ceaCTctb tbofe tbat be fro ncceHar?. jfoz tbis \De mull altcgetbcr boloe, tl)at luc can imagin notbing tbat auailetb eitber to tbe \Da:lI)ip oi tbe buc of goD,tobicb Vd foD^i labors be ret urnctb lomc to bs in t cuening.l5utit IS pcffiblctbat bee batb labo;cD luitb greater Diligence tba lue ^urft bane rcquircD.irc it fo : ?ct be batb Done notbing but t tnbifb b? bis c^ is not comp^cbenoco bnoer tbe lata of , Gate of bonoagc be ougbt : fo; be \i'\!tk gorj.Jf it be a part of tbe lata, let ts not boaftofboluntar?liberalit?,U;bereluc are bound to nccellitre. «f flno fo; tbis purpofc tbat glo;?ing of |3aule is out of fcafon allcgcD. Ebata^ mong tbs Co;intbias be oiD of bis olnn tail ?clDe of bis rigbt,tab?cb ctbertaifc be migbt l)auz bfeDif be baD taolD, anD tl)at^tbMl)t emplopeobpon tbcm not onl? fo mucbe as be ougbt uf Duet?,buf alfobatbegeucn tbcm bis fi'se trauaile be?onD tbe bounos of Dueties.lBut tbe? (bulD bane marheD tbe reafon tberccp bis tabole abilitie is ours. 3S fpeaUe not of Icbat fc;t tbcir Supererogations are tabicb tbcfe men taill loaft eftoCoD: fc; tbe? be trifiers , fucb as be ncitber l)atb at an? time comaunoeD , no; Dotb app;oue tbcm,no; taill allota tl)i taben accompt (ball be to be nuiDe befo;e bim. 3^n tfj^s fignification oncl? tee taill graunt tbat tbe? are tao;kfs cf ^u^ prrerogation,namel? of tabub it is fpc? ken in tbe p;opbet; tabo batb requireD tbefe tb?nges at ?our bauDes f But let tbcm remember tabat is in anotber place Cap.i4. Of til e mancr how to receiuc pra.55-.2 place alfo fpofeen of t^fe tlm^'M'mYf fi>}t not ^e Uie^ i?our fiiucr ano not in \)}ea\>i ^c fpent) in lnboj,f not in being fatifScD. it is in dcDe not t^n? fjaro fo.: tl^efe iDle iXabbims to oifpute tsnoer y fljajjoto in a foft cbatrtbut lofjen tfjr fo? ueraig;ic iuDge (^al Gt in t)?s iuogemtt featjfuctj toinDt? Decrees fi)all of necefifi* tt? tjaniCbe atoai3e.2D!)is,tbis tuas to be fougbt tubat affiace of defence iwe mar b.iing to bis iuBgement fcatcnot tjobat toe map tal&c of in ftboles an5 corners. 16 in tbrs bebalfc tbcre are cbcfelr ttoo petliiences to be D^iuen out of cur m»n« Drsttiiat toe put no affiance in the ligb^ teoufncs of too;ns.;anD tbat toe afcnbe no part of alo}v to tljt. 2Dbe fcrtptures Co cuerp tober tb,;u{l \3S from at maner of afftance, \a^m tbcr tcacbe tfiat cure rping mua aifo ncccnarilp tJcpart;ifo^ tobo ca geue tbc p.:aife of rpsbteoufnes to tbefc too;tts,tbe affiance tobcrof trf ^ bletb uef02c t\)t fig!jt of Ocn^iMz nuift tberfajc come fe Iji^ebcr €fat! calletb bs, tbat aUtbe fetl; of Jfraci ina^ be p^a^- fcD anti g!o;:i7 in (lDoD:bccai5fe it is moft tnit \B):ii^ti} \)e fai'tb ii} anotber place, ^ toe are t^e pfanting cf tbc glo;j5 of got):' £>ur mint!Ctberfo;e Cjal tbe be rigbtlp purgco,toben it Qjal nci?tber in anr be# balf reft Upon tbe conaoence of too;ifes, no J rcio^ce in tbe glo^p of tbe.315ut t\)i8 erm encouragctb foliS) men to tbe puf fiii^ bp of tbrs falfe anal^ing affiance, t\)^ttijiv altoav fettc t\)t caufc of tbep^i falaation in too;t?c3. 17 llSut tfujc [ot\t totbr fetoerfeinDcs of caufesjtobicb tbc pinlofopbcrs teacb rv^btcoufncrfes to Hin^t in tbc figbt of | tis to conS^er in tf^e effect cf tbina5,toe oo fo loucD tbc too^lDc tbat be gauc bis onelp begotten fen,^ cuerp one tobicb belcuetb in bim map not peritJje, but map baue eucrla* fting life, jj^otoetbe finall caufe tbe^^ poftlc tettifietb to be botbc t\)t flietoing oftl)e rigbteoufnelleof goa,$ tbc pjaifc of bisgonnes: tober be reberfetbalfo p otber tb.2ee in cfp«2circ toozoes. ifo^ be fapctb tbus to tbe Komaines : all bauc Ro.3»23 finneo mn do necDe tiit glo^pe of (S>on: \mt tbep ar iuHifleD frelp bp Us grace, l^eere tbou baft tbc beaD anD firlt foun^ taine ; namclp tbat (goo emb;taceD bs toptb The2;raccofChrift. I'hird Book-c tl^e reorption Ui^tcb is in Cf);iQ Jjefas. i^^ere tt)ou Ijade aa it loere ttie matter to^ereof rtg^teoufnelTe is maoc fo; bs tlb;oagt) fait^ tn W bluD.^^crc is Qit\j)e et> tl)e tnftrumcntal canfe,tu^£reb^ tbe rigbteooTneB of Cb^ttt ue applteo to t}0. Had of all be to^nctb t\)t enDe,tDben be fa^tbjtnto tbe (betotng of bis rigbteoaf nes ^ be ma^ be rigbteous,f tbc rigbte oufmaber of btm ^ \s of § faitb of cb;ilt. ;ano(to toucb b? § lt>u? t t^is rtgbteouf ne0 Itaoetbof reconnltation) be (ettctf) 0i;p;eai? b^ name , i^ €li}ift luafi geoen to \)s fo; rccof iliatio.&o tn p firft cbap. alio to § (iDpb^rias be tcacbetb i5 toe are rcceiueD of goo into fauo; b)? mere mer fy;tbat i fame is Uj;ougbt br tbe inters cellion of Cbnft:ref eiuco,br faitb:al to tbis enii)tbat tbe glo;p of tbe goDnes of (DoD ma^ fuU^ (tiint, Mbr U)e fee tbat all 1^ parts of our faluation are fo toitb^ out b£s, tubat caufe is tbere t ^t tbonlD hotoe eitber baue affiance o;glojve in Voo;!;sfi^eitber can euen | moft nt)o;n enemies of the grace of dDoD moueani? controuerfp toitb tis about tbe efficient o; finall caufe^bnlelTe tbe^ toil deni tbe tobole Scripture. Bin t^c ^ateriall ano if o;mall caufe tbe^ call a falfe coloure, as tbougb our too;ks baue a balfe place toitb faitb i tl^t rigbteoufnes of Cb;ift. But t\^is alfo tber tcacb> tbe Scripture erring out againd t^tm, tobl?cb (tmplp atftrmetb botbe tbat €^}itt is to bs fo; rigbteoufnes anD life, ano tbat tbrs be^ neSte of rigbteoufncHe is poUefleo br onel^ faitb. iS But toberas tbe boir men bo often^ timts ftrettgtben t comfort tbemfelues tot!tb remembrance of tbetr oton inno^ cencr ano bp;igbtncs, ano fomtime al^ fo forbear not to report of it tottb p;^aire tbat is none ttoo toa^es : e^tbcr tbat in comparing tbeir gjoo caufe to^ tbe e^ uill caufe of tbe toicfecD, tl)t^ concerue tberebp aOurec truft of bictojpe, not fo mucbe fb; commencing of tbev; otone rigbteoufncs,as fo; tbe iufie ano Defer' ueD cooemning of tbep; aDuerfartes:02 tbat euen toitbout comparifon of otber, tobile tbe^ reco;D tbcfelucs before gou, tbe purenelfe of tbe^; otone confcience b;ingetbto tbem botbe fome comfb;t i affiance.£)f tbe firft of tbefe ttoo toats, toe Ibal fee bcreaftcr: noto let bs b;efe' l^ Declare of tbe latter, botoc it agratb \xii^t^ tbat tobicb toe baue aboue favo,!^ in tbc iuDgement of dDoD toe mufte reft bpon noaffi^ce of too;ks,anD glo;p bp^ on no opinion of tbemXbis is tbe agre ment tbat tbc bolie oncs,tobcn it coccr* netb tbe founotng i ftablilbing of tbcv; faluation, do toi?tbout refpect of too^bs bene tbeir tits to v onl^ gcoDnes of goo. ^nD tbei? DO not onl^ benD tbemfelues to it afo;e all tbings as to t beginning of bleffcDnes, but Bo reft tberin as in (» ftilfillingofit ;a confcience fofounDcD, raifeD ano ffablilbeD, is alfo ftabliPlbcD to?tb confioeration of too;kf : nameli?, fofarreas t^et «« tbe toitnelTings of <&oD Dtoelling « raigning in bs. ^t>tbe tberfb;e tbis affiace of too;kes batb not place,t)nlcs tbou banc firft caft i tobole affiance of tbT»minDe tpon tbemerc^e of CDoDiit ougbt not to feme contrary to tbattoberebponitbangetb* ^berfo;e toben toe ercluoe t affiance of too;bes, toe meane onelp tbw t^^ a Cb;iftian minDc ma)? notbotoeto tl)t meriteof too;ks as to tbe fucco; of faluation, but (bulD tb;ougblT? reft in tbe free p;omire of r^gbteoufnelTe.But toe fo;biD it not to bnDerp;op ano ftrengtben tbis faitb toitb t^t fignes of tbe goo toill of (C'OD totoarD it felf. i?o;ifalltbega)Dgiftes tobicb goD batb beftotoeo bpon bs, tobe t^t^ be reco:DeD in remc b;ance, are to bsafteracertainc manner as ittoere bemes of i face of goD>br tobicb toe are enligbteniDfobebolDe tbat foueraigne ligbt Foi.a35 Of the mancr how to rccciuc tigfjt of goDiiefl : mucti mo^z is \> grace of gmD tD3ikefl,tDl)icI) fijetuef^ tW tl)Z Spirit of aooption IS gcucn t)0» 19 ?lX2lf)ent!)erfo;etI;cl)ol?one3tJobT? t mocciic^ of confcicnrc conSrmetljctr ttitoc ano gntbtr mat ttr of mo^Cng, tfje^ DO nctfjing but call to imnD b^ tbc frates of tbep; calling, i tim are auop- te3 oftfjc lo^o, into tbe place of cbilDjr. sn )is t:7errfo.2C t?)gt is taught br ^alo? mon,t^at in tbe fearc of t^e Io;:j 10 fteo* , Jvin^ao f^^ alTurconesunu tfji$ tbat foniettme tl)c boLf onc0 tjfe tbis p.ioteIIation> to f ifltcitt tbat tbcu mat be bwra of tbc lto;iD,tbat tiit^ bauc lualkeo befo;je bis face in bpjigljtncs nnn UmplicitT' baue no place in latiing tbc foundation of tta* bhil)in5 of confciencetbut are tbf oncli? ovbalue,if tbc\? be taUcn of t\it enfuing ciTcrt: bccaafc botbtbat fear ia no tober Uibrcb tnat?llablt(l&e a full aflareones, antj tbe bdp ones are pnu^ in tbcir c5^ fcirce of fucb an bp^i^jtnes, toberloitb are ^et niingleo man? remnants of tbc fl2lb. ^ut fo.jafmucb as of tbe frutes of regeneration tbep gatber an argument of tbe Wv gbott oboelling in tbem,tbci botberb^notaenoerlj? ftrengtben tbe* felae0 to loSt fo^ tbe bdpe of 0oD in all tbeir neccffities , tubcn tbcv b^ crperi* ence finbe bpm tbcv;j fat ber in fo great a matter. ;anD eucn tbps alfo H)t\> can not 00, bnleffc thc^ hum firll concciuco tbc gcDbnelTe of dJso, fealco ly^tb no 0^ tberaflfureDnfCre, tb^nof tbe p;omtfe. ifo; if tben begin to tuc)? it b\> gcoo luo^ kea, notbrng Qjvill be mo;e bncertaine no: mo.ic tjDeafte:fo;nrmucb as if too;* bca be confiocrcD b^ tbem fcluea, tbep (ball no IclTc bp tbeir iinpcrfcftion Hjeto pzioreof tbctojatbeof^ob, tban tbcp Doe U)',?tb bolDfaeacr bnpcrfcct purenes teiTift) bis gcD toill. jFuiallv tbtv Do fo fct o?jt tbe benefits of '35oo,'JMt pettbei furnc not atoa^ from tbc fraefauo; of ^r>=i3.'« in tobicb Paul tgftifietb tbat tber is tbe lengtb, b;ea5tb, ^zpt\) anb bctgbt of tbcmms if be lljoulo far,tobetber foe^ uer tbe fenfes of tbe goblv bo turn tbem feluesjboto bic foeuer tiit\> climbe,boto farrc ano toioc foeuer tbe^ cirtenD tbcm t?et tbe^ ougbt not to goc out of tbc loue of CbJitt.but boloe tbemfelues tobolel^ in tl)c mcoitation tbereof,becaufc it co* p^ebenbetb all kinas of meafures in it. anb tb?rcfo;c be fa^etb tbat it ejccelletb nnb furmountetb aboue all Unotolebge: anb tbat tobcii toe acknotolebge botoe mucb €\)n^ h^^ loaeb bs, toe are ful* filleo into all t\)z fulneCTe of (©od. as in anotber placctoben be glo;ietb tbat all Ro»8 37- t\)z (©Obit are banqnilbers in battel,be ' bpnbbv abbet[) a reafon^bicaufe of |)tm tbat (oucD bs. ^e fet noto tbat tbcre is not in tbe 20 bolt ones {> affiance of too^hes, tobicb citber geuetb ant f bing to ti^t merit of tlizm (foiafmucb as tht^ regaroe tbem none otbertoifc tban as | gif^es of cJob, toberbt t\jc^ refenotolcge bts gfflbneffe none otbertoifc tban as figncs oftbetJ calling,toberbttl)etmat tbtnfec bpon tbeir election ) oj tobicbe toitbb^atoetb not ant tbing fro tbe free rigb'^eof^fneffe tobicb toe obtaine in €\)ntt , fo^afmucb as it bangetb bpon it , anb llanbetb not toitbout it. 2Dbe fame tbing Dotb Augu# ftinc in fetoc toojoes, but bert toell fct out tobcr be tontctb. 3! bo not fat to tl)t ilo;jb,'3efpife not t too;fe« of mt banbs, 02 1 baue fougbt tbe lLo:be tottb mt banbes f baue not bene beceaueb. ^ut, 91 boe not commenb tbc too;^kes of mt banbes:f0i 5! feare,lea(t toben tbou baft ta>UeD bpon tbem, tbou l^lt 0nbe moe finnes tban merites.£)nelt tbts 3 fat, tbis 31 afbctbis j befire, befpife not tbe too;rbes of tbt banoes,bebolo in me fbt toojbe,not mine . i?o; if tbou bebolbeft mine,tboubamneftme:tf tbou bebol^ Dcfttbinctboucrotoneame. ifo^alfo tobatfoeuer gcob too;fes 3 baue,tbei arc of Ro» 8,30 oftfta.l^efettetl) ttDocaufg0, tobT'be Dare not boaft of f)t0 tDo;bes to Qon^bv^ caufc if be baaeani?goD too?b3,bc feetb tberin notbing of ijts o\»n:feconDlv,bp* emit i fame 10 alfo ouettubdmeb tDttb multitude of fitiB. tESlbereupon conietb topa0tl)attbcconfcienccfclctb tl)crbt? mojc feare i Difma^ing tlja alTurcDncs. £Cbercfo;e be toolo baue €00 no otbcr^ tDife to lobe on \)is \dc\1 Dotngcs, tban tbatrebnotDlebfiing in tl}cmtbc grace of bi5 calling, bemarmafee aitenoof tbe tDo;fec tcbicb be batb bcgon» 21 iiButfurtbermoictDbcrastbefcrtp? tare Ojctoetb tbat tbe gmo too^Ucs off faitbfuU,are caufcB lubr H)t itojo Dotb goo to tbcm,tbat is fo to be bnocrftan* oeD,tbat tbat lobicb toe baue before fct map ttanbe tnQ)afecn,tbat tbe €ffc£t cf our faluation conCllctb in § loue of goo tbe fatbcr: tbe Cpater, in tbe obcDicncc of tbe ^onue:tbc 3nftrunict,in tbe cm ligbtning oi Cbe boU gboft,tbat is to fap, in fartb:tbat tbe cnD is tbe glo^n of tbe fo great UinonciTc of gou. %\)ctt tbing« ioptbftanDe nat,bat tbat tbe llo;t} ma? embrace foD;l^es as inferior caufcs. 1)3ixt Uibcnce commctb tbatf i^amcli?, iiibom tbe Ilc;t)e of bV'S mcrci? batb ap* pointe!) to tbe tnlKritace of eternal life, tfjcin iBitb bis o^oinari? Difpinff-tioabe Dojtb bp goo too^kes b^ing into tbe por<« tc&on tberof.S^bat \X}\iii\) goctb before ih.9JDcr of Difpcnfation, tjc callctb tbe caafc of tbat lobicb ifolotoctb.^fter tbis njaner be fonUinic Deriuetb eternal life fro too.:'ics:not fo; ^ it is to be aftribcD to tbem:but becaufe lubom be batb cbo^ fen,tbcm be botb iu(lif?,tbat be mat at lenjitbglojirre tbcm,be makctb b firacc The grace of Chrifl. rhinl Boo-;, i'o ^goetb bcfo;eUJbif b is a fiep t6luarD\^ ! tobicbfollotuetb, after a certain niar.er tt)t caHfc of it.^ut fo ofte as be batb cc^ caCon f 0 alTigne tbe true caufe, be bio-- Dctb tfi not ficc to luo;lje,but bclcetb bs in tbe onclp tbinking tpon tl)c merci of Cod. i?o; Icbat maner of tbing is tt^vs iDbirb be tcatmii br tbe apoQle. JLbc relcarBeof fm is Dcatb: tbe grace of tbe Lo?D,is life euerlatting i WihV botb be not fet rigbtcoufneirc in comparifon a* gaintte finnt, as be fcttctb life agatntte Deatb i ^bp Dotb be not maUe ngbte^ oufnes i caufe of life, as be mahetb fin tljt caufe of Deatb^ilo; fo fbulo tbe com^ parifon of contraries baue Itano luel to getbcr, tubicb is mucbc broken bptbps turning, iout tbe apoCdc meant bv tbis comparifon to crp^clTc tb^t lobicb Uias trutb, tbat Deatb is Due to § Defcruings of men : tlwt life is repofcD in tbe ontl^ merer of ©oo.irinallv in tbcfc mancrs of fpeaUing is ratber erpjcJTeD tbe o;Die tban tbe caufe : becaufe Cod in bcaptna graces tipon graces, takctb carfe cf tb^ firC to aODc t\)z fecoD tbat be mar Itauc notbintr bnDonc to tbe enricbtng of b^s feruauntsiauD be fo continually erten^ Detf; bis liberality, f> ret be luculDbauc tsaltuar toloUc bnto tbe free election Ro^. lubiclj is founiain anD tcginning of it. i?o;altbcugbbelonetb tiit gifts Vcbicb be Dailr genetbjinfoauicb as tbcr fp^Fg out of tbat fountainc;ret it is oure part to bolD, fatt tbat free acceptation, tobicb alone is able to bpboIDe cure fonles : as fo; f ucbe giftes of br^ ^pi rite as be af> terVuaroc geuetb ts,fo to aciornc tbrm to tbe firft caufe, tbat tbep minilbeno* tbing of it. I f,4- ^ f .. T'r:.\rX halter, jXiiat t]io(e tilings that arc commonly bofted concerning the meritj of works, do iQUcrtlivovv as vvcl the praifeof God in gcumg of rightcourncs,asalfo the aOured- QcH^joffaluation. k.i£DU>eU)ebaue Declare D fbattDbtcft tbat becaufe if rigfitcoufnec be bpbolDc ^^ is tbe cbeefe pornt in tbrs matter; Vd tDo;bs,it muft nebes bribi fal tiomi — bcfo;ie Of the mancr how to receiue befo^elBefigbtof (25od; it 10 conte^neD in t\)t onl^ mercie of 'etf)<^otii 2 ifirttoffbenameofmerite31muft naD0 fat tbi0 afo;^c bao,tbat tobofocucr fird appli^eb it to tuo;Ke0 of mencom? pareD to tbe iuogement of (DoD , be opo berg it p;iouitjefo;^ tbe pureneaof faitb. flSruelp 3 ooe b^ m^ gcoD Iwill abftaine from ftriaeB about tuo;Dfl,but J tootoe toiflb tl)at tb?0 fob^ictr bao altoai? bene bfeo autoag €b;iitian lD U)bcrcto,31 befeecbc ?ou,tDa0 it nceocfall to baoe tbe name of S^itz b;ougbt in,\Bbr tbepnce of gmo Uio;U0 migbtc be fitl^c erp;ie(reDbp an otber name to^tbout offences But bote mucb offence tbat Ido^d contcinetb in ity is e# uioent toitb tbe great burtc of § too^lo. &urclt!?a0iti0 mnft pjouD it caco no* tbing but oarfeen tt)t grace of CDod, ano fill men tuttb frotoaiij p^ioe. %\)t oloe lD;^ter0 of tt)t Cburcb^ 3 graunt, baue commonly bfed it, and Bi Uioulo to CDoD tber? baD not iuitb tbe abuftng of one It* tie U)o;iJ geucn to poffcritte matter of erro^ll^ctobcit tbeitbemfclues alfo no in manp places teftifpe, boUi in no cafe tbei ment to geuc ani p.jeiuDiceagainft tbe trutb. ifo; tbus fa^ Auguftmcin one place,iLct sperites of men bere boltt p^ pj^. tbeir peace, lubrcb baue perilbeo bt 2i^ deft SSc" tiam:anr) let tbe grace of (Don reign, b? ^^ * 31eru0 Cbjift.again,2i:be fainctes geue |j^* ^j notbing fo tbeir otone 3perit0:tbet ^^^ ss geue all to none but to tbr mercve, ^ * (&oo.3ln an otber place, ^iben man fe^ etb # tobatfoeuer gmu be batb » be batb it not from btmfclf,but from bV0 ©OD, be f^etb tbat all tbat tobtcb t0 p^aifeD in btm,i0 not of b\^0 oton spcrites , but of t\)C mere? of <3oij . ^ou fee botu tafei?ng from mm fbc potner of Doing toell ,btt alfo tb?otDctb DoUm tbe Dignitie of ^e* rite. inDChri{oftomefartb.^urtBo;^# Ho 33. be0 if tbcrc be antjlubicb folloto tbe free in Gcn.3 railing of cSoD, are repayment anD Det: but tbe giftefi cf oD are grace i boun* tifulneCTe anD tbe greatnelfe of liberall geuing. But, leaning tbe name, let tj0 ratbcr kobe bpon tbe tbing . 3 baue be* relp before alleogeD a fentence out of Bernard, 00 it fuffifctb to sperite,not to pjefume of speritesi fo to toant 2pc* rites fuffifctbto iuDgment. But b^ aD^ Ding fojtb tuitb an crpclition,bc fuff icfif cntlp mitiQAtttf) tt)t baroineffc of tbe tuojDctobcre be fa^tb: ^berefb^ecare tboutobaue^crites: toben tboubaft tbem, fenoU) tbat tfjt^ are geuen : bope fb; frute,tbe merer of C&oD: anD fo tbon baft efcapc D all Danger of ponert^e, tm* tbanbfulnclfe anD p^efumption. J^app? istbeCburcb tobicb ne^tber toantetb ^erites toitbout p;efumpt!on,no^ p;^e* "" fumption / Ezcyi.y The grace of (thrift. Lu.17.10 fumption iDttfiout ^erttes.ano a little befo;e be ^D targel? l^eteeD, t)oU) goD« 1^ a mr antng fje tfcD . if 0; of £$eritet (fatt^ ^)tDb; Hiolo tbe Ctiurcl^ be care^ fitlUtDbtcl^batb a ffeDfalterarU) furer caufe to glo;? of ( pnrpofe of (Doo^ (0oo tannotoen¥l»mfelf,i)etDa 00 i tobub tie Wh p;otmreo . if tberc be no raafe tob? tbon C^toett af k,b? tol^t ^erto maf tue bope (b; 00O tbtnss i fpeciallv 0tb tbou beareff it rai?D. /^otfb^ ^ur rake0,bitfo; m? fake: it fuffifetbto ^erite, to fctioto i ^crites faflfife not 3 Mbat all oar tuo^l^ oeferue, § fcrtp^ tare thc\Dttii tobe it (w^yi tber ca not abioe tbe fi^ of C^oo, betaufe tbe^ are ftiU of bncleanneae:tben, lobattbe per« feet obferntng of ^ latD(tf an? fucb coulD be fodd)(bal oeferue.tDben it teacbetb ^ toe l^lD tbtnb our felues bnp;ofitab!e feruants tobcn toe baae Done al tbtngs i are commaunoeo barbicaufe toe Qiatl baue Qtixtn notbing frttl? to tbe lrO;D, but onlr bane perfo;meD onr oue fcrni^ (e8,to tubicb tbere is no tbank to be ge<* oe.liSut tbofe soo tDo;bjs tobtcb be bim felf batb gene b0, tbe llo;D botb calletb ours,f teftifietb ^ tf)tis are not onip ac^ ceptable to bim. bat alfo tbat tbe? (ball baue retoar^Jt is our tnitte againe fb; our part^to be encourages toitb fo great a p;omife,« to gatber bp our bart0,tbat toe be not tocrpeo toitb toell Doing,! to rflD true tbanfefulnecto fo great bonn* tifulnc0of(lI>oD. BftisbnDouteotbatit is tiit grace of Ooa toatroeuer tber ie in toojUefi ^ Dcfcruetb p;avfe : tbat tbere is not one D;oppc,tubicli toe ougbt pjo* perl? to afcribe to our fcluco . SCbv« if toe DO trucl? f carnefti? acbnotolebge, tbere tjanitbetbatoa? notoni? allaffi' ante but alfo opinion of Sl^erite. iisai (91 fa?)Do not part p p;at!fc of gcD too jkefl (as i (bpbitter0 oojbcttocnedJoD i ma: bat toe refcrue it toboIc,pcrfc(r « tjnmii nilbep to tbe lo^o.^nl? t[)is toe aDo biDe tbe bafenr CTe of v e0ate of a Libertine , i boall bimfirife to be a freeman bo;ne : it be not too;tbvc to be b;tougbt back into bi0 former bonDage^ ^0; tbi0 is i rigbt bfc of enio^ing a be# nefitcif toe neitber claim to our fclues mo;e tb5 10 geuen,no; Do DcfrauD ^ an^ tbo; of tbe benefit of bt0 p;taife : but ra^ tber Do fo bcbaue our rclue0 , tbat tbat tobicb be batb genen from bimfelf to b0, ma? fame after a certain mane r to re? maine toitb btm.3if tbt0 moDeratton be to be kept totoaro men^letall men loke ano conQDcr tobat maner ofmoDerati* 'on is Due to OoD^ ^ \i^\^,i. 4 31Hnoto A libcr- I ... jtinCjtj lie that is Ifice by nianu- miflion, jnot by birth. viip.lf. iccl.i<5. !eb 13. 6. ■iSU' Of the mancr hovvto recciuc 4 ai MrvDiu toat ttjc fopbiftcrs Co abufe certain places-, to p;joueti)crbv tfjat tlje n.'imc of iSpertttotuaro cDcD is foimo in t.i2fcripturcs . £3!jei? allcsc a fentf rtcc out orecclcfiafticus, £i^cr (^all make place to encri? ma,accojijing to tijc ^c^ fit of !)ig( Uio;I{CS.0nD out;.cf tije CpiOIc to tin ^)tb;iiitSy iFo;gct not Doing gmD } conuiiunicating.fc;} tuitb fucb (acrifo CCS men i^crit of ODpD. ^0 foj nvt rigljt in refilting t\)t autS)o;iti5 of €cdefialti# cu0,dB DC ncto reiCAfc, it.|?'f 1 3 ticnr ttiat tJ)cp faitfefuUv altegetbattol)idj Ccclc^ fiaHtcus, iytjatftjcucr to^nter iia tuerc, tjatt) lunttf.iroi t <5rci;e copi' is tijus: •sra^K '\iKtH,'Aficbv7\ sstoihVu tqttov txA-jo^ make piace to ettcrT'mcrct>,f cucri? ma tl33U finne accojdins to tjis tuo-jKs.^no tftat t\)iB is-i trnrtcct,tol)icf) is co;irupo; to p^ouoke bis Iibera\itie tolvni^ ^si^ct kimnU be of bis tcnocr feiiOiifipfe Dotb ntrt craminc tbcbr cj;treniiticofIaU»,be taKct&tbcm •as if tbcptoercmoftpure, ani^tberfo^c tbougbtoitbout merit0,bc reiw^rsetb tbem luitb infinit benefitcs botb of tbis p;cfcnt life f of tin life to come . if 0^ 3 Efa^jd. DO not alloiac tbe Dilltnction fet bp men etljerteifc leameD ano goDl|» : tbat gfloD iuojfees Dtferuc tbe graces ^ are gcucn t)s in tbis life, f tl)at eternall life ie the refearD of favtbalonc.ifo; v Lo^DDotb commonly altoat fet in beauen tbe re** toaro of labors t t\)i erctone of battrll. ^gain to gcue it fo to p merit of li;o:b6: tbttt it be taken alrar from grace, f1?at tbc ILo^De beapetb ts iDitb graces bpon Sraces,t5 apiafi t\}t tcftrine of ^ fcrip* ture. ifo; tbcirgb Ciintt faytb tbat fo l)im tbat batbiiball be gcuen, t tbat t\)e fa^tbful f gcpD frruant tDbieb batb tbeto CO bimfclf faptbfiill iti fetr tbTngSjfball be fet outr man?:pct be alfo rbetoetb in an otber place,tbaf tbe encreafcs of tbe fa^tbfull arc t^c gtftcs cf brs free gcD^ ncffe.^ll te v ^irtt i^^V^ W ^o"»s to tbe iuatfrs: anD vtti^nt ba«e no mon^, come t b^t milk i bon^ toitboot monp I Ipitboutan^ercbange. Mbatfoeuer tberefc^c iB note gcuen to tbe fartbfull fo; bclp cf faiiiation,Tca f tit CTf DncCTtit (clfcyis t!;e mere libcralitte cf C-'oc: ^ et botbin t[)iB f in tbofe be tcOiCietb tbat be batb conSDcration of tuojks: bicaufc totcfiiSctbegn^atnclTe of brclcueto* toarD bs,be bcurbfauctb to graunt ttic\) bono; not cnelp to bs,but alfo to i gifts iDbicbbctatbgeuenbs. > -it tbefe tbings baD in i ages paC ben banDlcD t DifpcfcD in fticb tJjDerastbei? Diigbt to baue bene, tbcr bab neuer ari* fen fo mc:nv troubles $ Diflfcntics. p>aul fartb tbat tn ^ bailDing of Cb;iftia Dot:? '1.00^3." trme,U;c muft kcpe ftill i> fonnoation \u tubicb be baD lavD amog § Co;intbias, befiDe U^btcb no ctber ca be latD : anD 1^ P fame fcuDatio tsSicfus Cb.:i(l.t!l£ibat n^ancr of fciiDi^ion baue toe in Cb;ifi^ is it,tbat be leas 10 bs tbc bcgiiming of faluaticn: f bat tbc fulSlltng tberof ttjolD foUciii of ioijr TelucsfanD batb fej hut en/ Ip oppncD tbc teat, bp U'bub toe fljoulD 6ofo;toarD ofourotonfLrcgtlx .^ot fo: ' '' but i.Cor.i. 30- EpKi.4 Col,24, &.ao. lohn.io "~~ The grace oF hat as l)z faio a litle bcfo;e , toijcn Xxtt acfeuotoleDge \3mil)s is geurn to ts fo} rigOteeufneffcipo man t^erfo^e is Uiel founDco in C^;ift,biit be tbat batb fall rigbtcoufncff in bti« i fo;afmucb as tbe :apo(tle faitb not ^ be toas fent to bclpe \js to obtctne rigbtcoiifnc(Ie,but tbat be biuifelfe mpgbt be our I'igbtcoufacffc. ^amcli?,tbat luc arc cbofen in bim fro ctcrnitie befojc i making of § too;Io, b\: no Defcruin-^ of our0, but ace ojoing to V purpofe of tbe gtoo pleafurc of goD: tijat br bis Death toe arc rcocmeo from oanatio of Deatb,f oeiiucreo fro Deftruc tion:tbat in bim toe are atioptcD of tbe bcaucnl^ fatbcr into ri)ilo;cn i bsirc£5: tbat b\? bis Wcdd tpc arc rcconctlcD to § faijer:^ being gcuen to Um to be Uept, Ujc arc ockuercu fro peril of peritbing anQ of being lode: t\)at beiU3 fo cngraf* fco in bim,k>e are alreab^ after a cer^ tain man^ r partaUers of efcrnall Irfc, being entreo into tbe feingbo of (iDou b? bopc:an5 t?et moje : tbat baui«S obte^* nco fucb partaHing of bim, botufocuer tjjc be pet ffflles in our feluc5,be is twife po foj ts befo;^e gojj: botocfoeucr ipe be anncr^tjbe is rigbteoufnss fo; b£(:boVu^ (oeuer Idc be bndeane, be is cleanncDfe fo; b0:botocfocuer toce bee tDcaU,boUj* Coeucr bnarmcD t Iving open in oaun^ ger of fatan,pctours is i poVoer lubicb is gc4icn fjim in beauf t cartb, toberbp b?; mav trcaoe DoUm ^atan fo; bs, anb b;cafee tbe gates of bclstboMoeuer luc (til can; about Untb bs ^ bootiof ocatb, tzt b/5 isJ^fc fo; t^:b;icQD tbat alibis cbings are ours,ano lue in bim baue al .t5jinges,tn our felues notbing:b]JO tbis I .^,i;<)l .: f9i» Wtion,S fai'» it bebouctb tbat luec {;,.r<^.J|M^bavloe9) iftp^Utiii encreafe into a c.tniT- .'•; iiolv j|9ftiple to tbo ?lo;De. »'^»: ^ i^^ tb5 tuDiio b<^tb a long time ben t hafbwtojfetaugbt . if o; tbcrc baue ben 1 founD out ^ tuotc noJ boljat mo;aU gmo \ohsA ^o;foj,bg tobicb mcnmaybemaPcac^ Chrift. It^irci BooVc Fol.:. ceptablc to goo bcfo;c ^ tbcp be graffeo in cb;i(l.as tbougb tbe fcripture l^etb, tuben it faitb, tba^t tbep are al in Dcatb, Uibicb baue not pofTciTeD tbe fon^f t!)ct R0.14/.; be in oeatb,bo\u Qjoulo tbci? b;ing fo jtb i matter of Irfcf 2ls tbougb it tuere of no j mo;c fc;cc,tbat tobatfoeucr is Done Vb* \ out faitb,is ftn: as tbougb tbcre map be gojD frutcs ef an cuell .tree . Wut tobat b.mc tbcfc molt pcftilcntc ^opbifters left to cb;ift Ujberin be map fbetu fo;tb bis potoer^Ebei fap f be batb DcrcrucD fo;\)s pftrftgrace,namclpp occafioof Dcfcrupng : tljat it is nolu our part not to failc tbe occaSon offrcD.^) ocfperatc (bamelefncs cf bngotlincs. ^ bo toolD baue tbougtjt t men pjofelTing p name of cb;iff,uurllre fo itrippcbtm. na^cD of bis polDer,ii in maner trcai) bim fcwJjer fcDtcf i^bijs tefiinjcnp is aht tober fpo? Ucttof iim.f altbci acc^iufiifteotbAt be ! Icucinbin-irtbcfefcUolucstcacbe, tbat | tbere cciiimetb from bim no otber bene j fit but tH^y"^ ttit teap is opene D to mc^ rp manio iuitifv bimfeUMSat 3 taouia j to dDooibep tattcD tobat tbcfc fapinges ; meaneitbat all tbep banc life ^ctt imc \ j^j,^^^ Mat. 2S \ tbe fonne.ofi^'oi): tbat tobofaencr belc* joh.5; i 2 uetb,is alreaop palTcD from ueatbinto j^^^ j,^^| life:tbat lue are luaiSeD bp bps grace, , j^^^^^ i tljat iDC migbt be maoe bcircs 0? etcr* * nal lifertbat ^ faitbfull baue cbJift abp^ hph.2.6 J Ding in tb?,bp tobom tbci clcauc fatt to j j goD:^ tbep UJbicb are partaltcr0ofb\?^'coi.i lifcuo at \o bim in beaucnlp places : ^ } tbci are trarplantcD into p bingcomeof goo,f l)aue obteinco faluatio,! inniimc rable otber fucb.if 0; tbci do not Declare tbattl)crcomctbbp tbefaptb ofCLbJift notbing but the potocr to obtepn rigbCe oufncso;faluation , but tbat tbep are butb geucn to bs. 2:bcrefo;c fo fcnc as tbou art bp faptb cngraffcD into cb;ifi'» tbou art aUcaov maDe tlje ^onne cf C>oD,tbe beire of beauen , partaticr cf ngbtcoufnctrc>pofrciro; oftifc,anD(tbat ■r^'T a. If lib.fi. Of the mancr how to receiuc" Inpfal. tpiftioj tbcr; lies map be better conruteD(tboa bade not obter^neo tbe fit AbtUtie to it* ferut^btit rurnat { aeferutnss of cb^itt: fo; tiitis Are rommunuateD to tbac. 7 f^o ^ S9o;bonual fcboles.i^ inotbers ofal ei'ro;tf,bauc tabr fro bf ^ tufitfira* tt9 cf faitb iDbtcb vi tbe fume of all gob^ ItiirsXbf r sraut berilf in too;D, tbat ma t5 tuttifiefi b¥ fo;mgo fattb:but tbt0 tbcr aftcrtoarocppounbjbtcaufegosD U)o;k0baue of faitb tbt^ f tbc)?auaile to rigbtcoufnef ; f tbet fame in a maner to name faitb in mocb9ge,Cti| toitbout great enaiourne0 it coulD not be palfeb oner in aience/eing it it fo oft repeteo of tbe fcripture . ano not ^et contenteb, tbet DO in tbe p;aife of gob tD0;itf p;U ntlp aeale from oilef9:fo)tb outofa (tone. :ano tbei; benv not in bfto i tbe p;tnctpatl canfe of tbe is in grace : btit tbev affirmed tberebtis not ntlntth kk toa,bi? tobtcb ii^al fi^erit. ano tbiB not onIi?fbe later ^opbtttersbo teacbe, but alfo tbetr Py thagoras^Lobard: tob^ tf rou compare )A tbefe mtn, too ma? fat to be founb toitteb t fober « 9|t toaji truel? a point ofmaruellous blinbnes, tbat hiben tbet bab Auguftmc fo oft in tbetr montb,tbet fata not 16 botu great carefnlnei tbat man p;oatbeo tbat no peeceoftbe glo;tofg(Db li}o;kitoertt neuer fo litle, (bnlb be tBumn to men. ^erc befo;e toben tee entreateo of free tutl,tDe vttittn certatne telhmontes of bistotbispurpofe, oftobicb fo;ttbere are oftetims fofib mant like in bu to;i tingf : as tube be fo;bibbetb bs tbat lue QwlDnotDberbcaofoormcrifes, hf^ canfe eue tbci alfo ar t gifts of goO:anb tobe be ixj^ittil) ^ all our merit is onlt of grace t ts not gotten bt our lufftcf cnce,but is al maoe bt grace.(c.3;t ia no marutl ^ Lombard tons blinbot § tigbt of i fcripture, in tobicbe it apperctb i? be teas not fo loell p;a(tireo . ^ct no' tbtngcoulobetocfireb mo;e plaint a« gatna bi f lH£i bifciple5,tban t^At U)o;b oft apoaU.ifo^tDbe be fb:biooetbcb;i (tians al glo;tins, be aoiotnetb a rea^ r6 tobr if i^ not lalrful to glo;t:bic8Ufe toe are tbe baOttuo;k of goo, createb to al goD tuo;hs, ^ U)e (bulb tealk in tbe. f»it^ tberfo;e tber c5metb out of bs no gcDD tbtng , but tnfomucb as toe be re* generate:! our regenerattS ts tobole of gob \twt erceptid:tber ts no rigbt tob? toe Cbulb claime to our felues one ounce tn gort) ti»o;k0.iFinaUt teber as t|)et c5 tinuallt call tpon gcoo boeikes, in tbe meane ttme tbet fo inttrutt confcif ces, tbat tbet neuer bare baue affiance tbat t^ baue 2.Cor.4, 8. ixjai bearing a'jont tuitb ts in our bo5i? tbe moittf i'ing of Biefus Cb;iC,^ tbe life of Jlcfnismai? be tiianifcftlp li)clDCD in t)6, ^ if U)c be Deao Vi3 bittiitoc (bal alfo line together toitb bim : if tue fuffer ijo bim,\i3e fiwl alfo reign togctbcr vb bt»»: tbat Iwe be fo faflnoncD like to l)iB fiiffe^ rincjs,til lue attain to tbe lihencs of bis refurrccfion : iroiafmucb as tl)c fatber batbpieocftinatetbefe to bcfaC^icneD like tbe image of bis fonnctobo in bim be batb cbofc n, {y be mar be tbe firft be* gotten among all Ijis b;rctb;en:anD tber? fo;e t ncitber Deatb?no;i pjcfent tfnngs. no; tbinc^s to comcfbal feuer bs fro t\)t of (©oDtbe luitb bii5 tobole bart bjeatbcD lone of ©od uibicb is in €{)nit : but ra? out tbe glo^p of bis fatber : be gauc bps tber all tbings Owl turne to tjs to g03D i foule foj bis b;ptb;cn : be bo^b ojd g®^ I to faluation.iLo,lDc to not iuftifie a ma f toiajcD gfflO to bis cncmies.Jf tber be | bi? luojlis befu:e CDot): but Uje fap v all neDc of camfo;t,tbefc toil bjing maitieb tbep )' are of CDoD ,are regenerate antj lous comfort , ^ toe be in affiicf ion, but matie a neto creature, f tber mar patTc toe arc not maue careft;l;tl)at toe laboi, i out of tbe kingDomc ef fin into tbe king* but toe are not fo^takh toe are b^ongbt j Dome of rigbtcouCnes, 1 tbat br tbrste^ Ioto,buttoearenotfcnfcuDcD: Xat sre;ftimonvetl)er make tbeir calling cer* f b^atoen Doton,but toe do not perils al* 1 tain,f are luDgeD as trees br tbe frutes. Thcx'.i.Ch.ifter- A confutation of the flaunclcrs,whcrby the Pnpirtcs go about to bring this dod; inc. 2. Tim 2 |Phi,3.io Ro.y,2i; 2.Pct.l.< t ▼ r Bttb tH9 cm toojD niai the fljame* W lefiiclTe of certain bngoDlr men be confutco tobicb fluuotr bs toitb tay>in^ tW toe Dcitror gas?) tooiljes,sf Do D;ato mcnatoarfiom tbefullotoing of tbem, ^brn toe far f tber are not iuftiScD br Un);kcs,no; to Defcrue faluation:am)4* gain,^ toe make to eafie a toar to rigb^ tcoufneSjtoben toe ttatl) tbat it lietb in tbe free foigeuenes of fins, f tbat toe Do bv rm entifcment allure men to finne, uijjicb are of tbeir oton toil to mucb en* TlincD tberto alreaDr.SCbefc flaiiDers(3I lar)are toitb tint one toojo fufficicatlr tonfutcD: ret^j toill b;eeflr anftoerc to tbemi)otbXber allege ^ br § iugifica^ ; tion of fartb,gtDD too?ks are DcftrorcD. =Sleaue\3nfpflkcti,tobatmancr of mm : be tbefe 5 clous loners of gaiD too;jItffi tobicb DO fo backbite te.llet tbf bane li* ' cenct as frcir to raile as tlic^ do licmtU ; cuQr infect ^ tobole too.:lD toitb tbe fib j tUntu of tbeir life.SCber fain tbat tber i be graueD, tbat toben far tb is fo glo;!;" trufir aDuanceD,too.>ks are D:iu?n Doton out of tbeir place, ^bat if tbei be me;c ratfeD top,t ftabliajco i if 02 ntitber do toe D^eme of a fartbtjoroe of g
rettoe Hi, frt ■era e mancr how to recciue j.G>r.i. 30. fet tofttSfation in fnf^mi in Uio;!ic0. jia ivijat rrafon toe 00c fo,UJC bauc in ri aotuciTc eafilp to Dcclare,if tec Do but i ciirn to Ciiiitt bnf 0 U>1)5 our faitt) i£ Dt^ ' rcircct fro toljo it rccciuctb Ijcr tobolc I C;re«3it).Ull)V'tl)crfojcarUie iuSificD I b^ fdtit^ f bccaufe bv fattl) ti>e tatic !]old ! cf tijc rigl)tcoufne0BfCij;ift,bi? tobicO [ alunc tot arc recocilcDto goD.lBut tot's I tboii cand net take tolDe of, but t tbou ' mud aire tbertoitball take bolo of fanc^ j rificatton. ftox be toa^gcucn toDB , fc; t t:jbiCOurneCre,t0ircDontr, fanaifieatio, and rebem{)ttonXberfo>e C^;itt iuUi* iictl) none tubom be Dotb not alfo fanctt' fi?.i?o;tbcre benefited are ccupUotc* gctbcr toitl) a fpiritual ano t^nfeparable fcnotjtbat Inborn l)c enligbtenetb tottb bus \]»CeDome,tbcm be reocntetb : &bo be reocmrtb,be iutttfietb: Isbem be iu« fiiaetb,bc fanctifictb )15ut fo;afmucb a« our quell ion is onl\> of rigbtcotsfncst anu rite, as | iball aftf rtoaro mc;e plainly Declare:naintlr»becai2fe tbc? bnoUj not tbv£! p^inciple,^ (Don is no le (Te UbcraU irbcnbcaffignctb reii'sro to U Imkc to retoarD^o^ let out to br;e cj fc!l tttciv labors to bi»i>tbe? litlc p;euailc:fc: <£^oD Unl be freely U}o;(^tp« peo,fraIr toueo:be(ii fa?)aUoU)etbthat tuo;fi}ipper, t»btcb toben all bope of re^ ceining retoaro is tut cf,vft eeaHetb not to tDo^tbip Um, £po;^eouer if nten be to be p;icbeD fo^toarb, no ma r a put (bar^ per fpurstjuto t^i , tban tbcfe p arc tn- Camtifgingjlet bs ttat tpon tbcfe. Me 1 ken of tbeeuD of our reoemjiticn t cal inai? put ciffcre nee betteene tbem, \>tt \ lingjfucb as ti;c tPO^D cf <&oo fpurretb Cljutt containetb tt}i botb bnfeparabli in binifdf. Milt tbou tberfo;e oltatne rigbteoufnctfe in Cb;iff f SIbcu mull firft poffcffc Cb;ift ; anD tbcu cnna net polTeire bint , but ^ tbou mnCt be msDc partaker of bia fanctifirationibicaufc be ca not be to;ne in peccee. ^it^ tberfo;e tbe 11o;d botb graunt tc tbcfe beneGtc£i to be enio^eD none otbertoife tba tn ge^ uing bimfelf,bc geu?fb tbem botb toge^ tber,tbc one neuer loout § otber.^o ap? pearetb bolu true it is, t ^e are tuHifii^ eo not )ooQut tuo;k0,f vet not bi tco^Us: becaufein f partaking ofCbjift,Ujbcr? \i\i tee are iuai&ecia no Ictfc containcD fanctificatton tban rigbteourneCfe. 2 2nbatairoi£!mo2falfe,i^tljemtnDe0 of men arc teitbD^ateen from tbc afFcc* tion of toe U oeing , tobni toe take from tbem tbe opinion cf (Meriting, l^erc bv tbc toai p rcaoers mutt be toanico,tbat tbe^fcltl^lDreafonfro rctoarbto ^e* men toitball,toben it teocbctb,^ it is to totct^co bntbankfulncfs^not mutuality to Icue btm againe , te!]icb fivCt Icueo be: tbat bv ^ b'ouD crCb;ttt our confciences arc cle^nftn from Drab too;!jfi, to feme tbe lining goD:tbat it iis a bainou0 foeri* lege. tf being cncecUnfeD,toe Defile cur felue.6 teitb r.cto filtbincCiC, t p^opbanc tVi^t bolr blouD : tbat toe are Dcliucreb from tbc banDs cf our encmie0>tbat toe mn^ toiibout fiare ferue bim in bolincs % rigbteouUu^ before bim all tbt Dates of our life : tbat toe arc mabe fr^ from 0n, tl}at tee mat> toitb a free fpirite fol^ loto rigttroufnciTc: tbat our olo man is cruei^cD, tbat toe mav rife againe into nctone ITc cf life: againe t if toe be teab toitb Cb^td ( as becommetb brs niem^ bers ) toe mult feeke tbofc t^jingcs tbat are tibouci mull in tbe too^jlo be toads' faring men from bome^^ toe ma? long, totoarp bcaucn tobcre is cur freafure; tbat rit.2.11 The gra<:c oFOirift. t^t f grace of got) batli appcrcu to ttjic of eitrourdgemciit0,crfjo;tatton« « rtf Thud Boolcc. Fol 24 f cnD, ttjatfojfafeingal fcngoolpnc^ aatj U)o;loli> ueCr»,tue mav hue foberlp,ljo* lilp,! goDia^ in tlras U)o;lo, loking foi tfte blelleo l)ope f appearing of *glo;re of tbc great got) i fauioztttjercfoje ^ Uje arc itot appctiitea y toe flioulo ftirrc top Ui^atb to our fclue0, but tbat toe ma^e obtcinc faluation bt cbiift: tbat toe arc Their.; tfje temples of tbe bolp gboft, totjiebc in 9. not latoful to be t)efilcB:tbat toe arc not i.Cbr 3. Barknefl,biit ligbt in f lojD,tobicI> mutt us. toalbe a0 d)ilD;e of Itgbt, ^ toe are not Eph.2.21 caUcDto \>nclen)U3,but to bottnes : b^f &.;.8« caufe tbt0 10 tbc toil of (DoD, our fanttt^ ficati3n,tijattoeabfteinefro bnlatoful i,C fojtoarb to cbaritie totcb ani mo^eliuelv^ argumet tba f of j;3bn,tbat Ro.d.18. toe (liulD mutually loue Mieanotber as. goo batb loutD \)5 i tbat berein bi0 chiU Ioh.13.10 B;en tjo Differ from tl)c cbilo;cn of tbc j iSDeucll,tbe cbilu^tn of Irgbtc from tbe Ioh.2.11 c!;t!D;e of DarkncSfbicatife tber abioe in ! loucf ^gain Xo tbat argument of pauI, . Cor.^ ' tbat toe if toe clcauc to Ct^Me, are tbe i7.&.j2 I members of one boD^jti^btcb it is mat 12. I to be bolpcn one of anotber \x}iti^ muto' |al Duetieisf Can toe be mo:e (trongeli? f p;ouo'aeD to bcUne 0, tba tobr toe beare 1. loh.3 3 again of ^cbn tbat al tbei tbat batte ttiift } bopctjo ranaifptberelue0,bicaufe tbeir I CDoo i0bolpc i 0gai?nc of tbc moutb of 2 Cor 7.1 pauhtbat bauing tbe piomi?fc of aoop^ tion,toc (I)3UlD cl^nnfc our felucs from aUtl)e ocfUing aftbeClefl)eanofpiritc:r tba toljen toe beare Cbiitt kttm foitb btmrcif foj an cramplcbnto t)0 tbat toe fboulo foloto bi5 ftcppcs. 3 anb tbefc fcto toings J bane fet fo;tt) to; a tad e. jfc; ifi Cboulo inteii?) to go tt;oiigb all,3i QjouU bt ri^mctt to malie a langtMlmnc^aCbe apofllcgarealful bu!ung0, tobercb^ tbep mav enftruc? § man of mciition of merit, lout ra* tber tbei fctcbe tbrir cbicfc crbo;tatio0 from tbi0 tW oure faluation Oanoetb bpon tbe onlpmerc^ of C^oD t tponno merit of ours 30 \^uU affcr ^ be batb Ro.i2.i. in an tobclc epiaic bifcourfcD tbat tber is no hope of life foj b0 but in tbe r^gb^ teourneffe of Cb;i((f toben be commetb boton to mo:iail crbo;f ation0 , be befe? djctbtbembi' tbatmerc^ of goo \j}}9icl) bebatbtooucbefaueo to crtcaocto t0. 0nb truflv^ tbi0 one caufe ongbt to bane ben fafficient,tbat goo ma^ be glojificO j. , ^ . in t)0. llBut if an^ be not fo tJcbemcntlT! *^^*-J*'^ mdweo toitb tbc glo;i? of go3,rft tbe re* mrb;aceofbi0 benefitcf ongbt tobaue ben moft futftcient, to ftir tip furb men to 00 tocLl^cttbcfe men tobicbtJo per to falCp tav i toebaue notbing tobercb\? toe mat er^ojt me to gob toa^h5,bicaufc toe go not tbc fame ^ ^ toap to too;fe.a0 tbougb goo tocr mucb jr, ''','^ bcUtco 1:6 facb ob^oicnccs, tobicb r^o> " ' * tettctb tbat be louctb a cbeitai gcurr, % ft);biDDetbant tbiagtobc gcuen as it ^ , tocr of beaui«e0 0; of nccemtr.i^eitbcr p ^''^■ DO 3 fpeafe t\iis foi tbat 3 tJo crtbcr rc^^ 1 fufe 0; Dcipif? tbat binb of ertc;tation, tobicb tbe Scripture oftentimes tfetb* | tl)at it mat> leaue no meane bnattf ptf 0 . euen? toav to fiir tjp our mmoj. if o? it : rcbcarfctb tbe retoart) \^is}j^ (Soo toill j render ta cueii'C num accoiDing to br« • too,:fe0.11£ut 3( Deii? tbat that is tbc cjilt j tbing^veaojtbe cbtcfamog man^anD \ tben i grafit not tbat toe ougbt to tak^ beginning tbcreat . S^.jeouer 3 dffir=^ ! me tbat it maUetb notbing to t fctting ' bpof fucbe mcritc0, astbcfe men bolle cf,a5toc Iball bcrcaiter fe.iLafteofall 3 fay tbat is to no profitable Isfe, toitis An, ap.i7.i_ Of tlieiiiaiwr how tw^receiiie iria 130, U)W ooartne t^sue fir ft taken placr,tt)at !u>eare iufiiSeo bptlje onel? msrritc of j c1j;ia,U)!)icij is comucD b^ faittj but bij- I no mrntcs of our too;U0, btcaufenonc ' ca be at to tbc enr«:uo; ot\joUncB,M\\\s& I iA^Ujicbtbtngairo^]D;opbct t)tr^U>el I iiantddb} txibe be tbns fpcabctb to got): i ^itf) Cljfl) IS mtrcp tbat tbou matft be fearcD.^o^ be (betoetb tfjat tbere is no U)o;a)ipptns of goD,but \s\)i bis mercp is acUnoU3leDgeb,bp5 tobtcb alone it is botb fouoeo t OabUn^eD.Mbttb is tcr? iuo;tb^ to b0noteD,tbat lue ma^ bnoUj not onlt tbat f beglntns of too^tbtpping toe fa?: tbat it is of fo great balut,tbat if ra tDitbnogoDbof oursbe recompenfeb, i tbat tberefo;^ it Iboulo neuer be ohtc^* ncbjtjnletTe it toere freclv gcnen.spoje* ouer tbat it is to tjs in Deeb freelp geuen bnt not fo to €l)M tcbicb botigbt it oe^ relr^namel^toitb bis otoncmoabol^ bla}D,biQDe Wdic^ tber toas no p^ice of t)aIueenougbt tbat mtgbt be pat>ebto tbe iubgcmcnt of dDoD, Mben mm are molt boh? blo5 is not I^u ffr o/e s^stl^i ftnne.irunbenno^e kue learn tiyatout gitbtneSe is fur be, as is nener toaf^ o atoai? but toitb tbe foiitain of tbts mod pure Wcdd . i^^cgbt twt tbe^ tbat beare tbefe tbingSjto conccpuc a greater bo;- ro; cf finnctijan if it toere (aio tbat it is la)ipt^ atoar \i>it\i tbc fp.«ncfeling of gojo \siO}Usi ^nD if tbci \}aut an^ tbmg of (i&oOjboto ta tbei but d;cd being once cleanfeOito toaUoUie tbemfelurs again in tbe mire,as mucb as in tbem lietb to trouble 1 infect ^t purenefTc of tbis fc>u tainef il baue toatbeo mt fiste(faitb tbe faitbfuU foule in ^alomon)boto (ball J againe befile tbem»|^oto is it m^itatii tobetber fo;t bo botb moje abace f foj^ Cant, j-.j gcuen0'eofQnnes,anb Domo;e mafee bile tbe bignitie of rigbteoutocs. SDbej babble tbat gob is appeafrb toitb tljetr oton trifling fatiffa(tion0,tbatis,tbcir bong:t^e affirme tbat tbe gt?Uines of Snneis mo^egreuoustban canbepttr^ geb toitb fo ligbt trt6es:tbat tbe birplea fure of CDoo is mo;c beauv tban cm be relcafcD tottb tbefe fatif fact: ens of no balue,f tbat tberfoje ibis is t p^crcga^ tiue of tbe cnlt! blob of cb^iff.ilLber fa? t rigbteoufnes(if it fatle at anv timc)is refto;eD ano rcpa^jeb bv fattffatto;? too;&s:toetbink it mo;e p;ecioik5tb«^it tbat it ca be matcbeo Vo ani? rrcSpfct of too;fes,i tbat tberfo^e fcj tbc rciio;ii.Chapte)\ The agreement of die promifcs of the Law and the Gofpell , tbe flaunberers, tbat tl^t^^ can no mo;e cbarge bs as enemties of gob too;kes. ifo; iuffification is tafeen aloai? from ga)btoo;^Hcs, nottbatno goibtoo^Ues » ^JoDto let bsalfo go tb:oagb tbc otbcr arjumentes teberetoitl: ^atanb^tbc ^cnlciojf ofblpsgarbe- goetb about c?tbtr to oucrtb.Jotoc o;^ to batter tbe iuUification of fartb. 2Cbis 1 IboulD bee bone , ojtbat tbofetobwbc 3( f b^gn^c togbatjcajreaog to^ong from ^ bg bone (boulDe bee bcntcb to bee goD> ' " " but The ^racc of ChnfK liiird Lc.okc, hoiz^y. Dc.7 12. Ic7.3. Dcu,ii. 26, btittt)attDe fl^dulD net put atg'tancc m tbem,notgIo;p in t^cm, not afcribe faluation to t^m, ifo^ tbr« is roir a(ftan£jr,tbi£ is cur glo^v^antj tijc cnel? autljo; of our faluation,tI;atCl)?ifte tlje Csnnc of (^09 to ourciei,mit] tor Ukctuiic are in \)im tljc fsnnctf of gcD,an5 ^ircs oftije fieaucnlT? feingcome, hciiiQ raUco bv t!)e srnDncf of 0oo,no( bv our olone liJo;tl)incire, into J ^opc of eternal blcf* feones.But becaufc tfjev to beOoe cbefc aflaile b0,as Ujc Ijaue fa^Dc U3\:tb otber engtnc^jgo to,let i}6 go fo;\x)arD in bca^ ting atoa? tbefc alfo. if trftc tbet? ccwe backs to tbe pi^omtfrtf of tbe Iab),ti}bicb tbe iLo;o Dio fet fo;tbto t{>e hcpcrs cf () IaU},aniitbep af b lobetbcr loc toil baue tijem to be bttcrlt? boib oj cffc(tuat,)i5e» canfe it tuerc an abfurbit^j f to be fco;* neb,to fa^ tbat tbei? are boiDe,tbei^ faUe it foj confefleD tbat ti)c^ arc of fomc ef? Udmlmik, ^erebpontb$r reafon tbat boeare not iuQifieb br oncl^ faitb. jfo; tboilattb ? iLo;D: ano it nj be^ ping of tbe laUi,(bulD allure ts to tbtn^r al tfjings la\wftil,an5 to fofFer cur luft, as it toerc t\}c Saves bring b;ol:rn,anD tiJitb Icfc rcines to run at f iot:but v fpi ritual libertt,tobicb nm c omfo^te anu j raire bpa oifmaT'eD * outrtb2cli?n ccn* ff iencejfnetetng it to be frc fio tbe curs anfi damnation toberbuitbtlje laU) l;ciD it Doton bob i faff ticD.SCbis tdiucrace Ire tbe fubiectiBn of i labt5,t spanumiO fic:i(a5 3 mai cal (t)Uie obtein toben bi fait b toe fabe bolb 0f f iitf re ^ of (If oD t n CbJifi, twlierbD toe are certifieb « afi'u^ reo of tbe fozgeuing of Ons,toitb tbe fe* ling tobercf tl;e lato bio p;itb t bite ^is. 2 113^ tbis reafon eucn tbe pjomifes i^ toere otfercb bs in tbe lato, fljcalD be al bnelftttual anb bcib, bnlcs tbe souncs of gco b\? tbe fiofpell m bclpe. iFo;,tbis conbiticn tbat toe bepe tbe tobolc !ato, bpon tobicb tbe p;iomifes bang,} lubcr b^ alone tbn? arc to be perfojmeD,(ball nener be fulftlleu. Sno tbe llo;D fo [}cU petb,nct bv leuing part of rtglte oufnes in our too;bes, f fupptring part lii^ bis merciful beanna toit!) bs, but toben be fet tttb oneli? €[)M fb;^ tbe fulfilling of rigbteoufneffe. i?o; tbe ^poftle, toben 1 be bao befo;e faio tbat be anu otber Jt* ! toes beleueb in Jcfus Cb;ift:bnotoing M''^' 2. tfmt man is not iuftilteb bv tbe too;fec5 of t!i)t lato,awjetb a rcfon: not tbat tUv tboulD be bolpen to ftilnes of rigbtepuf;' ncs br tbe faitb of cb?ift>but bt it lb«lD ^^ toli)>,l.7. Of the mancr hov,v to rcceiue ro9.n I r.jf.io be iuUiaet), not b^ tbe tDo;Us of (> latsi. 3if tl)C faittjftil rc;iiouc from tftc !a\u in to faitb,^ tfjcp map in faitljt fiiw? rigiV tcoiiUizB lojtiic^ toes fo^ to be abfcnt fro ti)s laUj : trwel }? tbep foifafee toe riQtjtCf onfneai of § laiuXbcrfo^c nota let fttm tb.tt Ufl-j«mplifn tbc reU5arDinp;6 lu^itb are fato to be prepared fo^ tbe feec per of tlje laU), fo p Ijz tljereUjitnall r onfioer ^ it conmietO to pa0 bp our pcriierfncffe, tijat lue fete no frute tbcrof til toe baoc ob;'eineo an otfjcr rigbttoufneis of fattb. &o S>a(U5,lube be macs mention of p rcinaroinj tobicb tht ILo^ij batb p^epa- reo fs; bisfcruants, bpanobt Defccbctb to tbe refenoUjleging of fmnc?, Uiberby tbat fame retoaroing is inaoe boio.^at* i fo in tbe.i9.13falm,be glonouflr fcttetb , fo;tb tbe bencates of tbc latr, bat be by anobt? crietb out:GEbo (ball bnocrftaD his faul?c0^lio^o clenfe me from ni^ fe* Crete faults.SDbis place aifogitbcraijrg etl) tuitb tbe place bafa^c, tober Uibc be bao faiJj tbat.al tije U)ai?esoftbeiLo;De are Qotnts i tr utbe to ti)tm tbat feare bim,be aDSctb:ifo; thi names false Ic:d tbou (ba!t be n jercifull to mi? peruerfe* ! neujfo^ it ijEfmucb. jfeoougbttoealfoto ;' rehnotelf g?,t!)at tbf re is in oeoe p gojo Uui of Coo fit fc;tb bnto ts in ti)e late, if i»e imubt oeferue it b? teojkes , but tbat t\)t law.t ncuer commetb to bsbp tbe Dcfcruing 5f luc,:tics. 3 l^otetbeji^aretbepgeumfbattbev ibonlo toamOje ateai? teitbout frute i 5 baue eucnnote alrca jp p;oteftc8 tbat p fame is not m^ meaningj fiv tofrii^^ ^ tbtitjttcr not tbeir fffertualneis (otearo tSjfo long as tbe? baue rcfpect to p jhc* rit oru»o:lic2, f tbat tbcrfo^e if ti)tt be confiD^ci) in ibcnifelues, tbev be after a ccrtam mancr aboh?Ijco. ^fti)^ apoaie teacbf tJi tbat tbis noble pionulf :3i baue geuca pju ccnmiaunDemcntej, teb^Cb UJbo fo riKil uo/oalt Uuc in tbf, is of no f baluc^if tes^Baim Ca in ir, 9 Ojall neuer a tubit mo;»e pjcfit tba if it bau not ben geucn at al: bccnufe it bclogetb not eue to t^t moft botp fcruantB of goD, lobicb are al f4r from tlic fuiauing of tbc late, but arc copaflTeD about \joith man? traf:* grcCTions. ^txt tube ti)c p^omifcs ortbe gofpel are put in place of tbf, tebicb Doe offer fra fc^geuenes of fiin5,H}c^ b^ing to paffe ^ not cnlt toe our f clues be ac f eptable to goD.but tijat oor teojks alio baue tbcir tbaktano not tiii& onl v tbat p lo;o ar ceptctb tbf: bur a!fc ertcnnctb to tbem p blrllings lobicb toer bi ccuenat Uiic to tin Ueping of tbe latoe. 'i graunt tberfo;re ^ tbofe tbings iDbicb tl)t ^o;o Ijatl) p;omifeD in bps lato to § foiotecrs of rigbteoufnes t bolines>ar0 viixith to tf)t U)o;b0 of tbc fdiebful:but in this xh t>;ing, tbe caufe is alteap to be c60D;eD tbat p;xocurctb grace to teo/fees. jjiotee caufes Uje fee ^ tbere be t\iiiz, s;be Qrft isi^tii^t OoD turning aloap liis ^^\)t fro tbe Ujo;!js of bis feruant3,ltbicbalteap Oeferue ratber rep^ocbc tban p;xaife>em baacetb tbi'm in Cb>ift,anD bp tbe cnlp meane of faitb rcccncilctb tbem to bim felf teitbout p meane cf too^fes.XCbc fe* conb, ^ of bis fatberl^^ fetnones 1 tenoer mercifalnes, be liftetb fcp UJo^Ues to fo great bono >, not teepyig tbe teo^tbiiies of tbem, t\iat be acccmptetb tbt cf fomc tialue. 2:be t^ixn-XW be recciuetbtbe berp fame U5o;fes Untb parDon, net inu putiitg tbe imperfection, boljerteitb tbei altcing nefllco,(bottiD ctberUJife bera« tijer recUeneoamog fins tton bcrtues. anDberebpajjpearetb bclM niucb tbc ^opbiiicrs baue bene oecciueD, tobpcb tbougbt 1^ t\fZi bao gaiiep efcapcDal ab^ furcities Ujbe tbep faio f. Voo>ksbo not of tbcir otene intearo godnes auaile to Dcferue faluation^but bp tbefo;nie of p fouenant,bef aufe tbe %Qm batb of bps liberalitpc fe mucb cftemeo tbe.llPut in p mene time tbep ccfioereo iU)t,boio fiic tbofe teo;lid bobtclr tbep u»oula baue to THcgr^gcof Chtift, "TnJscf Bv)okcr"Tfola4<5, Aft.io. 34- be mcnto^icui?,u)f r frorii tl)c conDit$on of ttic p;cm!fcs,t)nic5 tl)er !3jjnt befo;c botl) iuftificattati grcuntjeD tpcn cnlv fdittj,^ ttje fo nation be tbat Dotb rigbtcoufncs 10 ecccptablc to bim, ano bcreuppontbfp gather tbat tobtcbfa* nietb to be bnDoutct),tbat if ma Dotb tv rigbt cnoruours ffftb^mfclff f^ttc: of goOjtt is not tbe beneficial gift of goD a? lone tbat bf cbtcinctb falruuictret tbat gcD Dotb fo of bi« mcrct belp a finncr,f be is bp UJo;fec3 botoec (0 c^crcv. But ton ca in no \Dife m^ifee t^jc fcxipturr s agree to^.cibcr, bnles ipou notca bouMc at cepUng of ma Uittb ©c5. if 0? fucb as nia in bi? naturc^cti fiviuctb notbing in bini tub:r^P be mav be enclineo tc mcr cip,but onl\? mifcr\>. 5f tberfo;c it be ce r tain tbat man b naUeo i wti^ of al gcDb< nes,t en tbe otber GXit ful duffieD ano lo oen Ujitb all kin5s cf cii£ls,Vuben Cod firU rerciuetb tbcm:fo; tobat qualiti,3 p;ap ^oti, (bal toe fnv tbat be is teoitbi? of tbe be^utn'.f callings ^.toat tberfo^c \a\tl) tl)t bainc imagining of mcrite0, \yi)er CDo^ fo euiof tig fettctb cut buB frc nicrcifulacs. iro.i,tlMttubieb in § fame place is favo b-^ tbe fccice of tbc ;angell to Co;neUu0,tbat t)i3 p;aver£ 1 almes b^ib afcenDcD into tiiz figbt of CDob,is fa^ tbefc mm molt leuDli vj jettcD,tbat ma b^ enoeuo; of gaiD ti^o^beff is p;eparcB to recciue tbc grace of goD, ifo; it :ruft ncDcc be 1^ t£o;ncliu5 loas alrcabp rn? Ugbtcneo toirt) tbe fp^ritc of toifoomc, fitb be Vuas enTJuco toitb true toifDom, tiamelp loitb tbe feare of CDoD : tbat be VoaB fanmfifD \x> tbe fame fpirit,fitb be loac a folotoer of rigbtcoufncs,tobicb 1 tl)t apofilc tecbetb tc be a mcft certain kjalj-.j . frutc tbc re of.au tbole tbmgft tberefo;e j lubicb are faioe to bane pleafcD €>oc m bin?, be bao or bis grace, fo far X5 it of )^ be cio bi bis oUm enceuc; prepare bmi fclf to rrctiue it.HLrulitber cannot one filial le of tbe fcrtpture be b;ougbt fo;tb V agratb nottoitbtbis DC(trin,v^ tbcr is none ctljcr caufe fo; gco to accept man Wito btm,but bicaufe be ftxtb f-tat man (bcnlD be cuerv toa^ lca^,u be be left to himfelferbut becnu(c be tuil not bane bi loft,bc bfctb bi» otonc merer in ocUuc» ting bini. ij^otu Mie fee bote tbis accrp? tmg batb not regaro to § righteoufnclTe of man,but 10 a mere token of tbe gojD* nee of ©oD totoaro nie being miferable I mod bn\»o;tbr of fo great a bcnefite. S 515ut after tbat tbe llo:D batb b^ougbt manoutoftbcbottomlcOJc ucptb ofttt firuflion,ant) fcnercD bim to bimfelf bp grace of adoption: bicaufe be iiat\) nc Uie begotten bim % neUjlv fo^mro b^ni into a neU) iife,be nolo cmb;acetb bim, as « neU) creature tuitb tbe gifts of hvs fpi* riteXbis is tbat accepting toberof |3e# ter mahetb mention,bv Vubicb tbefaitb^ fall are after tljeir bscationallureb of CDoD etien in refpectalfo of tDo;ke0 : fo: tbe ]Io;d ca not bnt loue ano hilTe tijofe gojb tbinges Uibicb be \Bo;betb in tbcm bp bi0 fpirit.But tbis is altoap to be re* membjcDjtbat tbcr are none otberiuife acceptable to C3od in rcfpect of tuo;hc0, but m afmucb as fo; tbeir caufc ano fo; tbeir falie0,tobatfoener gojD U)o;be0 be batb gruen tbem in encreafmg of bis li.- beralitie,be alfo boucbfauetb to accept, ifo; tubcnce bane tbcp gcoo top^Us, but b:cattfe t\)e ilo;:)e,a0 bee batbcbofen tbem fo; bcCTete bnto bon9;,fo tsil gar^ nifli tbem tuitb true goplinesj^bcrby alio I?. Of the maiicr hovv to rcceiuc atfoars tbc^ accompfet) gcDU, astiytvi j iDcrc notbing loaiiting in tf)ent,but biJ^ taufc § Since fdt&er tcnDerU grnuntetb paroon to thofc Deformities ano fpotB ^ cltiTuc to tf)niif ^unmmrii\>yf)^ fignifi' r ft!) notfjing i!i tljis pUxteMt that to goo I fjts cf)ili);jc arc acceptable ano louclp in I l»!)oui be ftctb tbe martts ano features cf i)is olune face, if cj tse banc in an o^ tfycr place tattgbte tbat regeneration 10 a repairing of tbc image of ©oq in ti3» jfomnmtlj as tbcrfo;eiijjibsrfoener tbc ! Jlo;?) UibolDetb bis otonc face, be botbe j Uvj.:t!ji!v lonetb it,anD batb it in bono;: I it is not tDout caufc raiDe,tbat Vgt Hit of I tbc fairbfiJll being frarneD to bolincs f 1 rigy.eoafncs pleafetb bim, but be caufc i t}jc go?»lt! being clatbeo Id mortal fictb> au ret finnersjf t\)civ goD too;Ues arc tuill is bt> tbisJ )33i\v to fecpe in f^tir nu^ ti tl}tm that arc aUmittcS into tht tent* munion of tbc couenant : ^ct neucrtbc* les tbe coacnarit it felf bctb mate at tbe beginning free, anb perprcuallr rfuiai* nctb fucb.after tbi« maner laDam febe be gloiief b f> tberc toas reno^ets to bim reluart) of tbe clcannclTe of b^s banos, 1?et omittct^ not tbat fountain tubicbi i)mt fpoken cf, tbat be luas b^aton out of tbe tpombe, bccaufeC5ob loucij \)^m: tcbere be fo fettetb oute t\)z ^mum^c of bis caufc, tbat be abatetb notbing from tbe free inercpe tobicb goetb before all gifts,tuberof it is t^c beginning, 6 0nij berc b^ t\jt toap it (balbe p?of!fa^ ble to toucl) )s3i)at tbefe fo;mes of fpea* feing CO Differ fro ^ p;omifes of tbc lato. 3 cal pjomifcs of 1? laU),not tbofe tnbicb a.Samu, 22,1. . t but begoitf fauo^ing of tbe faultines of \ arc tcl) tober commonly ty;itten in tlx .Pe.7 ,« Kill. tOcflcfljtbe cannijt be fairo^able neitbcr j to tijofe nc; to tbefe, bnlrs be moje tm^ I b;ace tbetit in €\)n(i tban in tbefelucs. Uifter tl)rs niancr are tWc places to be tahcn, ti)i)tcbteaifv thut (IDoD is kinn % niercifull to tfjt folloiucrs of rigbteouf* ncs. m(t8 faro to tbe 3fraelites,2i:be ilojDe tl)^! (S>on Uepetb couc naunt, ano bolies of Sl^fec: (fo^afmucb as in tbem alfo are foab mani? pjomifes of tbe gof^ pelybut tbofe Uibicb paoprrlp belsng to tl)C miniHer^ of ^ laUi.li>ucb pjumifes, bp tubat name foeucr rou tin to ral f bf> bo Declare ^ tberc is reU?arD rcOf l3pon conbttion,if tbcn do ^ lubicb is mum Deotbee. ieutuibenitisfarD,tbat rbc mmvtoinm tbat loue bim, ano feeepc i ilo^D kcpctlj tbc couenant of mercre to b?s commaunbcmcntrs.to a tbouf grace of etcrnall life, to ti)is end tbat be QjclD be loueD,fcareo,t bono;cD of bistfo U»bat ,8 maltcouenantsofbismcrcp, v?lo;D | focuerp>cmifcs tberc arc ofbrsmcrc^ aUcicifeon ti^tii: bebalfe rcquiretb of j intbcfcriptures,tbeparcfig1?truU^Di* bic5 feruats bpngbtncs f bolinrs of life, ! rectcD to tbis cnD, 5 tbat tec (boul^c rt^ vmiixmcs f\)ji^ notbcmatjcamoc* j ucrenccanDlxJ02(bip tbc autbo; off be uerr,ann \S no man fUidling li bain re 1 bcncfitcs . ^ oft tbcrfo;c as toe bcart ioriisigbrrearoa tbcrof tlpfcblrsbr^ j tbat be^ ootb goiD to tbem tbat hope oauiroulc,\iv.ikmgintbcmcanetime 1 bvs laU»e, let bs remember tbat tbt I tiiipcrueifnesof bts^c^^^ [cbilD;enj)fJI?oimc_tbcrc Jgntficb bt m tk; E&.33,i4 gracc^ t^e otiti isliM onsbt to be continual in tf)e:t^t toe arc fo; t^ caufe aooptco, i Uie flbould |)ono; tint fo; our jfatbcr. SCterfo;e leaft tor dboulo DiOierite our feltte0 from tte rtglite of aooption, \jot muS altDd? enDctio; to ttts, toberDnto oure calling Cenoett.'^ut let ts agaiiie kepe tb(0 in mino,^ ttie accompltflbmrt of ttie mere? of goo tangrti) not tepon ( U)o;b0 of i faitbfuhbut tbat betberfb;e fuldlletb tbe p^omife of falnation to ttr tobtcb anttoer to tbetr calltg in tp;igbt ncf of ltfe:bccaufe in tbem be achnoto^ ttb tbf naturall tokens of brs cbtiojen tobicb sre ntleo t6 bts fpirit tmto goo. I^ereunto let ^ be refi^rrco,tDbicb is in f .(ti.pfalme fpo^n of tbe ^itc^ens of tbe cburcb)ila;o tobo (ball Dtoell in tbv SLabemadcf tobo Ibal reft in tbi bol? tiUiK-iit innocent in bnnK0> t of a dene bart.ic. jSgain in Cfa^^^bo lUl btuel fDitbbeuouringSre:^ ^e^BotbrigbtC' onlhef , be tbat fpeketb rigbt tbings.tc. if o; tbere i§ not oefcribeo ^ Uap tobcr^ tijfon tbe faitbftiU map ffai;0 befb^re tbe lo;D,bnt tbe maner Isberlvitb tbe meO; mercifol fiatbcr b;ingetb tbcm into i)i8 felolDflnp, f tberin befenbetb f ft reng^ tbenetbtbe. ifo;,btcaufebeabbo)retb fin,be louetb rigbtr oufnes:tabo be tot' netb to bimrelfe,tbem be clenfetb tvitb bis fpirit,]^ be mat nxa^t tbe of like fa» Qjian to btmfelf < bis kinf$bo.£i:berfo:e if tbe qneffion be of ^ ^vQ canfe toberbi i entrt ib maoe open to t bolt ones in- to tbe kingbom ofgoD, frolobence tbet baue tbat tbet nw^ 0ani> fait anb abioe in it,lDebaue tbis anfioer rebi.becauft tbello;obtbts mere? botbebatbonce abopteb tbem,ano perpetnallr befroetb tbem. Ti&ut if tbe qiteftion be of tbe ma^ ner^ tben toe mnS come boton to rege^ neratton anb tbe trutt§ tbcreof, tobtcb arc rebearfcb in tbatldfalme. 7 15iittberefemetbtobemucbRto;e barbnef in tbefc places>tobicb bo botbe Dc.a4.13 plalio6 , of Chrifl. rhirci "Bootee. |FoLa47> garnitbeg«btoo;kestoftb tbe title of riabtcoufnes,* aJfirme tbat man is in* CiicD bt tbcm. ^t tH)t fira fo;t tbcr be ber? mani place s,tober tbe cbferuings oftbecommannbements are callebin^ miiratienso; rigbteoufneffes.jJT'f tbco^ tber ro;tc, tbat is an ei»mple tobicb iB m Sj^fes.Sbis (ball be oure rigbtecuf* Dcu.<5,:')- nes, if toe Uccpc all tbef e commannbc' ments.j^no if tboi}^ake crccption I fa? i^itiBn )»;oniire of tbe lato,tobtcb being knit to a condition impoffible, p;cuetb notbmg.Xber be otber of tobicb to" ^ a not make tbe fame an(toeras tbts.;ano tbattbalbetotboefo; VFgbteonfnrsfac fo;e tbe lo;b,to rcocliuf r to i p«ac ma ^ * bis plebgc.f c.3gain,tbat tobicb i' ^;o* fl9tt faitb^tbat tbe ^ele in reuf ging tt}e Ojame of Jfracl, toas (mputeb to li3bi' nasfo; rigbteoufnes.s:berfo;e i l^ba rif&s of our time tbinhe tbat bere tbe? baue a large matter to trtiipb bpS.jf 0; }a)\Kn toe faipjtbat toben tbe rigbteoaf* nes of faitb in fct bp,tbe luCification of too^ksgcuetb place, b? tbe fame rtgbt t\st^ make tbis argument.Jf rigbteouf* nes be of tooik0,tbe is it falfe f toe are iuftifieb fav fattb onlt» ICbongb 3 ftraut ^ tbe comaiioements of tbe lato are cal^ leD rigbteoufnettes, it is no maruel fo; tbet are fo in beto, l^otobett toe mui!e toarne tbercaocrs tbat i Orccias baue notfittlttranOateo tbe l^eb;nc too;De Hucmi,Dikaiomata,rigbteoufneircsfo; comaunof ments. :t5ut fo; tbe toD;D , 3 toilltnglt releafe mr quarel. if 0; nev> tber 00 toe ocnr tbis to tbe lato of ©oD, tbat it conteinetb pcrfett riflbteoufnes. i?o; altbougb, b^caufe toe are betto;s ofaltbetbtngestbat itcommaunietb, tberefo;e cnen toben tot baue perfb;« meo full obebience tbereof, toe are bn^- profitable feruaittf :tet bicanfe tbe lo^b batb boQcbfaneo to graiit it t\)t bono; of rigbteoufneife, toe take not atoa^ tbdt tobtcb be batb gene. 2Dberfo;e toe toil Imgit j--^p;i7;f Of the mancf how to receiuc -uk,i,6. Ck 4. 4 Pl.i -06 3- Ituc^lv f onfcs t^at t\)c ful obcDicnccof § tatic is Yi\^tcouU\ttXc, ttjat tljc ftcping of cuer^ contmaunDcment, is a part cf ri?T|itooufnc0, if fo be ftjnt i^ UiJjolc fum of rioWeQuftteflfc tucre tjas in f l)c otI?er parts aIf!>.)l5HC U>0 Dcnr ttjat tlicre iad* itvlujierean^fuff) fo^meof ng!)tcouf< nfffc. j3nD tbcrcfoje tuc tnfec aU?at> tbe rt!3^eeoufnes of tl)e laU)e,notfoj tljat it is maim CO anD tjnpcrfcct of it fclfc, but foi n?at bv ff fon of ibe lucattmo of our fl2iO[}7it IS no fa»!)ere fenc.l!5nt tbc fcrtp* tare not oncl^ calletb fimplv tbccem* maunD£»Mrtscftb2lto;D,ri$btecufncr^ fcs : but it (ilfo gicuetb tins name to tbe iuojljcs of tbe bolT? ones, as tebcn it re^ po^tctbtbat-zacbaricf bi's lyoifctoal* fecD in tbe risbtcoufneircs of tbc ^ojtJ: trucli? toben it fo fpeahctb, it tueyetb \Bo^hi3 ratbcr hy* tf)c nature of tbt latu, tbairbp tl^dr oiunc proper citate.l^ofcj^ bra berr againc is ^ to benotcu, lobicb 'i eucn no\t> fav-Djtbat of tbe negligence of tbe ©reftotrtwaato? iis not a laU) to be maDe.liSut fo^afmuel) as li Uixz UjoId alter notbing m tbereceiucDtr^nHatia 3 tuil a!fo not ttriue about it iro.j CDoD bat^comniauDcD tbcfe tbings tbatarc in tbe latuto inig^ifij^ rigbtcoufnesibut tbi^ rtrtbtccnfrtri^lue perform not in fte ping the tobolc la\B:fo; bt> cucrptranf^ gretJion it is bjttkcn. £3lberas tberfo^e t lalo DoCb nofbr»5 but PKffribe rigb' tcouO^csaf Vui; baue rcfpca to it, all tbe feueral comanocments tbercf are rigb- teoufnes : if tue baue rcfperte of men of tobom tl)evarcDon,tbc^ dg iwt obtetnc tbe pjaifc of rigljtfoufnes bp one tos^ik being trcfpa*Tcrs in ntanp, ant> b? tbat fame toojtte tobicb is c ner partlv^ faal^ t? b? reajon of impcrfstfion. 8 Biit no'oj H come f o tbe fcconb tiinb, in I'Jbicb ifli cbetfc barDncs,|i3aiTl b"atb !i3tbing ni02c ttrong to p;ouf tb^rigb^ tecufnrs of ftntb^tban ^ tobicb is U);it> ten of ab2abam,tbat i)is faitb teas im* puteD to bini fo: rigl)teoufne(re. ^itbc tberfoje it is faioc t^at tbe arte Done b^ pbineeSrtoas imputco to fy^m fo; rigb* teoufnestlubat paulaffirnictb of faitb, tlis fame mai toealfo cocluoc of tuo;hs, ^bcrbpon our auuerrarics,as tbongb tljtv tab toon tbe tii£to;r^e>betermine ^ toe are in ocDe not iu0ifieD iBOut faitb, but tbat toe are alfo not tudifieD bp it alone, and tbat toG;>ks accomplilbeour rigbfeoufnes. 2I>berfo;jebere 3 befecbe tbcgoul|», tbat if tbev Unote tl)at f true rule of rigbteoufncCTe is to be taken out cf tbe fcriptur^ onel^, tbc\! toill religi* ouflf I carneftli? toep Vcith me,botoe^ fcripture ma^ toitbout cauillations be rigbtit? mabc to agree )jDit^ it felf. if o;* afmufbaspaulchnsto ibatf iufti.%a* tion of faitb i3\! refuge fo^ tbe tbat are bc&itute of tbeir otone rigbteoufnesjbe Dotb halblr f ocluoc ^ al t^t^ i> are iufti fieD bi t^itb jare c jfclutteo frc tt)e rigbte^ oufnes of toojkes.But fitbit is certain V tbe iultificatio of faitb is comoivfo al § faitbful be ootb tbcrof V]d like botcned concluT}e.^ no ma is iufriSed bi tooths, but ratber contraritoifc tbat mi arc iu* ftitteo ^s)itl)out anii^belp of topi^bs. yBat it is one tbittg to Difpute of tobat t)alf le toojitsarebv tbeinfrlufs, anban otbcr tbing tobat accompre is to be maaeof tbem after tbe ftablifting of tbe rigbte^ oufnelTe of taitbe.Sf toe (ball frt a piict bpon toojtjcs, ac cobbing to tber^ toc^« tbintflPe^toc fartbat ti)cv are fcntoo^tbi to tome into tbe Qgbt o£©o&: anu tber^ fo?e tbat tttan batb no toojHts tobetjeef be ma^ glo;i? befo;^ <2^D: tben,tbat be* ing fpoileb of cU belpc of too;kcs be is iuftifie&bp onclr faitb.#oto to^ Define rigbteoufnfs^^ tinis^i^ a tinner beii^f e* ceiueb into j contuniou of Cb<}i(t,is bi? \ii$ grace reconcileo to gob,toben being clenfco toitb bps bluu be obteinetb fQ;« geuettes of imnes,anD being clotbcb ^ bis rigbtcou(ncl[e, as tottb bigs otonc, Jt Tlie grace ofChiift. riiird Booke Ije ftanDctt) affurcB bcf9;ic t\)c \)tautiv Ii? iuogcmcnt feat. Soften tt?c fo;gcuc* nts of fmt$ 15 fet befo;e,t^e &oXi loc;ths UifHcl) fclolD \}iuc notD an otter fcalua* tion thm after tUir oUjh ocfcruing: b^^ caufe tobatfocMcr is in tijem bnpcrfcct, 10 cou?reD Uiitb tbc pr rfcaion of c^;ia: VD'ijatfocucr fpotst o; fiUbines tber is^it is votpco atoa? to^tb bin clrnes, tbat it map not com into t\)C cwniinattoniaf p iuDgcittcnt of (i5obXbcrefo;e tobt t\)c Qiitincs of all trcfpaCfcfi is blottcD out, lubcrcbi? men arc binb^cb tbat tbop ca b;ing fco^tb notbing acceptable to goD, anD U)ben tbe faulte of impcrfeaion is buricD,U)bicb is U)ont alfo to oe3le am \s)o^ktB : tfjegiSbU)o;^Ue0tBl?icbett)e faptbfuUoo, are compteo rpijbtcoas, o;(V0bvcbe is all one) arc impiiteof^; rvsjbtcoufneUe. 9 ^oUi if anp man obiert tl)is agatnft oufncs. ^oluifitbecertamtbatitp^o cepctb from tbe rigbtcoufneffe of faitb, ^ iuoihes \aWh are otbcrluifc lanpure, bnclcnnc,ani5 bat balf too^ks, not Ujoj- tbp of tbeQgbtcf (DoD,mncblcircofbiii loucarc imputeo to rigbtcoufne«, iob^ DOC tbcp \i)itii bcafling cf tbe rigbtroiif' ncsi3f\iio;kc0 bcUrop tbe iufftficaticn offaitbe, tobncut if tbis iufiification Ujf re not, tbepibonlo in twine boft of ^ riabteoufnc^:' UXii tbf V n^a^^^ s bipers birtb:'i?o; tberto tcnD tbe faviiJgJ of ttje tjngoolp men. E^bev can not Dcnp j^ tb^ inftification offaitbe is tbe beginning, foitnDatioH,faufe,mattMM fubltancc of tije rigbteoufnes of Ujoiks: pet tbe? co* ciuDe V maiiis^notiiifiigcD b? f<^itl^>be( caufg gcDD ?jDo.iSes alfoareaccoptco fo> rig^tcoufac3.2^berfo2c let \55 paffetlJJ^rc follicj anD confcdc as p trutb iByt if tb? rigbteoufncs of lno^ks of tt)bat fo:t fcc# me to atTulc tbe rpgbteoufnes of faptb, uer it be arcomptcD,bangetI? bpon p iu* Dc. a/. lob. 4/8 firHBI tDtU afUe to^etber a man be c5p< teo rigbtcous foj one o; tUio Ijolp too;? ^esibcing in t\)z rcfts of {» Icojfes of bis life a trcfpalTcr of p lato.aSDbis is mo;e t\)nn m abfuroitiC; S^ben 31 toill afbe if be be compteo rigbtsous fo; manp go!) iDojftgjif be be in anp part founo giltp, Kf)is alfo be Hjall not be fo boloe to af^^ firmc,lDbi' p penal ojoinaucc of (^ latue crictb out againlte it, an^ pioclaimet!) all t\)cm accprfcD \i3bicb baue not faifib IcD ail tbe coni;naimocmcnts of p latuc to ti>z btiermoijte. ^o^tonpc 31 tbiil goe furtber, anu afkc tobct&cr tb:rc be anp too^ikt^atDcfeructbtobeaccufcDofno bnclcnneJIco.: impcrfeaion. ^nb botoe coulD tbcr be anp fucb befo;c tbofe epes to tobom cucn tbe Dcrp ftarrcs are not dene cnoiigbmo; tbe 0ngcls rig'otepus enougb^^o Q)all be be copcUcD to grant tbat tbere;is no goo taou; luljicl) is not fo DeftleD iuitO tranrgrcffions abiopneo toitb itjf toiti) tbe cc;riiikn€S of it fclf, fiification of faptb^itis bp tbis not cnlp noHjing miniHj^b but alfo ccrii!rmcJ! namelp lubcrbp tbe fircngtb tberof ap« pcarctl) mo;e migbtp .. J^ettbcr p^t let tsttfink ^ iuo^hesarefo comenbeD af- ter fret iDlti6cation,tbat tijei alfo after* UiarD come into tbe place of iuftifping a man^o^bopart ^ office bctlrenctfjcm ano faptb. jFc;j bnlrlTcp iufiirication re* maine alloap Iwbcle ^be bpcieanncfle of iDo^hes (l)allbcbnccuer^D.^HO it is no abfurcitie, tbat a man^;;st fo iuCifiep bp faptb p not pnlp ht bimfglf is rigbtcous butalfQbistopiHes f^r.f o^kmnsHi^ teous abouetljcir iao;tbii«i5,^ftpr tbis manertoe toill graunt intoo^iesnot onelp a rigbte oufneffc in partjr/i(as our; aauerfarics ti)cmk\u^^, v»oulije.l|?w) biit alfo ^itiii allolceb of (igob] as if it tocr a perfect anb ful rtgbtcpuf(t$s.)i5ut if Uie remeinber^Upani )vbat founpatioM it is bpbolDen,ail tl)t biff icwltic (ball be DiCTolueD * i?o; tbenanb not till tUen it F0L245 tbat it cannot banc tb^ bono; of rig^^e^ ijeg^inaetb^to be. an acp cptable too^ke: -.i-^i . - - - •' - -^^ ■ 05 oo jCap.i^. / Ofthc miner how to rcceiue ^lo.5 7. VD!)encc cotiietl^ paroon. Imt bicanfe goo bcboloett) bott t}0 ano all our tttngs in €finQ:i £CI}erefo;e as Uie,tDben Idc are graffeD into Cti;iff,t)0 thtrtoit appears VffzWoM befo;e (^oD, b^raufe onr U)^^ keDneffes are conercD lo^tb bT!i$ inno' cence,ro our U)o;l;e0 are anD be taken fo; rigf)tcou£(>btcAnre Inbatroeuer faul^ tintSt ie otberloire in tlitm, being bn^ rieo in tbe cleanneflTe of Cbu(f,it is not imputeD. ^otuema? rigbtfullp faF, tbat b^ onl^ fa^tb not tnVg toe bnt alfo ourU)o;fee5areiulHfieD. i^oluiftbps rigbteoufncs of too;b« of tobat fojt fo/ euer it be, bangetbbpon fartbanofree tuaification, and is maoe of it: it ougbt to be inclubeo tinber tt,anb to be fet bn^ ber itasttit cflFectebnber tl)t caufe tbcr of,aa 3 map to call it : fo far is it of tbat it ougbt to be raifeD bp eitbcr to Dcffrot 0; oarfeen ic.&o ^Baul, to D;iuc men to confcffe tbat oure bUflfebnette conttHetb of tbe mercp ef (l5oD,not ef U)o;iIw,cbef«' l^ enfo;cctb tbat faring of 2)aniD,blef* feoare fbc? tobofe inititdties are fo;# geue,f tobofe fins are couereb. ISleflTeo is be to iDbom tbe )Io;d batb not tmpu^ tcb finnejf anr man bo fbiutt into ti)c contrary innumerable fapingcs luber^ in btelTeDnelte feemetb to ba gcuen to too;fe5:as are tbefe:ll5lcircb is tbe man tDbicb fearetb tbe !(.o;b> tobicb batb pi' tp on tbe po;c tobicb batbc not toalbeb in tljc councel of tbe U)icfeeD,ttfbicl) bea* retb temptation: blelftb arc tbcp tobicb bepe iuDgement,tbe bnbefilco,tbf po;e in ^pintCyttft mabe,tbe mcrcifall.f c. tbe? Ojal not malte but tbat C^albe true Vb^icbpaule r«i?tbe. iTo; becanfe tbofe tbinisf tbat are tbcre comenaeo are ne# uer fo in man.tbat be is tbcrfo;e alloto^ eir of ©o!3,tt foUeluetb f man is altDa? mifcrablcbnlcffe be be oeliucreo from mtferg h^ fo;seuenes of finnes. iFo> as mucbagtb;rfo;e^Utbc kinbcsof blef* m » . I »»i I » I febneflielDbtcbarc ei^tollen in tbe nfrtp# ture0,bo fall bolone toio,fo tbatntg re^ ceiuctb fruteof none of tbr> till be baue obteincD bleifebnes bp fo;geueneire of fin0,tobicb map aftcrtoarb maheplacs fo; tbem:it fololoetb tbat tbis is not on# Ip tbe biea i tfyi cborfejbut alfo t^e onl? bleirebne5:bnles pcrabtieture pou tbill baue tbat it be locakneb of tbofe tobpcb confine in it alone, jp^oto tbere is murbe les reafon tnbP tbe calling of men rigb' teous (boulo trouble bs, tobicb is nm* montpgeaen to tbe faitbfnU. igraunt berilp tbat tijt^ are called rtgbteoud of tbe bolines of life:but fo;mfmucb as tbci ratber enbeuo; to tbe fololoing of rigb^ teoufneOTe , tban bo fulfill rigbteoufnelTe it felfe, it is mate that tbps rigbteoufi' nelTe fucb as it is, gene place to tbe tu# Ihfication of faptbifrom \Dfienct it batb tW^\^icf)itis. 11 Hdut tbep far tbat ioe ^ue ret mo;e buOneDDetoitb Blames, namelF Uibicbe **"'»*-*^ toitb open bopce ftgbtetb agarnff ts. if 0; be teacbetb botb tbat ab;aba toas tntlifieb bp loo^kes, anb alfo tbat al Vos are iudHii^ bp tDo;!ys,not bp faptb on* Ip. ^bat tbenf toill tbep b;atD ^anle to 6gbt toitb lames^BJf tbei bolo ilamci fo; a mtniSer of Cb;i(1^4)is faping mutt be fo fatten tbat it btfagr« not from Cb;i(( fpeabing bp tbe moutb of )aanl. Xbe bolp gboll affirmetb bp tbe moutb of paule, tbat ab;abam obtained rigt^* teoufneflDt bp faptb,not bp iDoahes: ano toe alfo 00 teacb tbat all are infhfieb bp faptb tuitbout tbe tBo;fces of tlit Ul»e. nt famebolp gboS ttAd)tth bp lames tbat botb :ab;abams rigbteoufncOfe and oursconfi((etboftoo;kes,not ofonelp faptb . 3t is certaine tbat tbe bolp gboft figbtetb not ijniti) bimfelf. Mlbat agrees mtnt Cbal tber be t^erfo;e of tbefe ttnof Jt is enongb fo; tbe aduerfarpes,if tbep pUtcbe tp tbe rigbteoufnelTe of faptb tobicb tPsUwtdbane to be fattned toitb moft The 2race of ChriH:. rnird Boolce F0I.240 mofl heep rotesibut to rcnuer to c onfct* tnccs tljcit qi\ictncSyt\)ci fiaue no great cateiWilierb^ tierilp pou mav fa ^ t\)ti gnaUi 1^ iiiftification offat?t!j, but in tbc meanc time do apo^nt to marU of rig^^ teoufneffe tjobere confciences map tt^i?. d)crfo;c let t\)i triumph a£S tljcr litt>fo ^ tbe? map boatt of no otbcr tirtojp ti)§ t^atttjepfjauetaftenatoap all certain^ tie of rt3l)teoufnc(re.0nti tins Ui;tetc^eo t)i(to^P tt^ep l^all obtatne, tober ^ lig^t of trutt) being quencbeD,tt)c ILo^o fliall futfer tbem to ouerfp^eaD ^ DaitnefTe of lpe0 . I5ut tuberfoeuer § trutfj of (35oo Qjall 0anD,tbep fi)aU notbtng p^euaile* Bl oenpetberfo?e ^ thz facing of JIametf tobtcb t^ ittU continually fjoltie t)p a< gains t)0 a0 it toer^ 1^ (^ielo of jacbtUe^, Dotb an? tbirtg at al mahe fo: tbf .2D!)at tl^ps map be maoe plain, firft toe muft loilteat tbe mark ^ tbe 0poaie fl[)CDtett) at :anQ tl^tn toe mail note tobcre t&cp be oeccaucD . llSccaufc tbere tocre tl)m manp (tobtcbmiftljecf istoonttbbe co* tinuaU in t^e Ct)urcb)tot)icb openlp bc^ to^apeo tljeir inSDelitictn neglecting f iomitttng all j; proper toojfes of p faptb* full, f pet ceadeo not to boaft of f falfe name of faptlj : Barnes Dotb bere moche tbeffflliQje bolones of fact) men.2ubere^ ning in tftefe too^DB. cmtjat p^cfttetb rt mp bietbKn,3f anp man fap t bee bat^ faptb,anD batb no too^feefi^ ^e Dotb not fap, if anp baue faptlj toit^out toojfees, but if anp man boaft. Spo;e plainlp alfo Ije fpeftetb a litle after, tuljer be in moc^ kerpc makctb it too:fe tban tbe ntuils knotcleogeUaft of alljtoben be calletb it Deao.lBut bp J Definition pou map fnfi» ficientlp pcrccaue tobat l)e meanetf). Ctiou beleueft (faptb be)tbat tfjere 10 a OoD.Cruelp if notbing be containcD in tbP0 faitb but to beleue f tber is a d^oD, it is noto no mantel if it do not iuQifte. 0nD toben tbi0 10 taken from it , let b0 nottbinbe ^ anp tbing i6 abateD fro tbe Cbjiftwn faptb, tbe nature tobereofi0 farre Dtbertoife.ifo;j after tobat maner Dotb true faptb iuftifie b0 , but tobeti it coiopnctb t)3 toitb €\intt,f being maDc one )j)i^ bim,toe map cniop tt)t parta* bingof bP0 rigbtcoufncffe . Bit Dotb not tberefoje iuftific bs bp tbi0 tbat it r on* ceauetb a bnotoleoge of § being of ©oD, but bp tbps tbat it rettetb bpon tbe atTu* reDncife of tbe mercp of dUoD. e baue not pet Uttc tbe marfee 12 bnlelTetoe examine alfo tbe otber De^^ ceite in tbe too;oc,fo;afmucb as 3|amc0 fettetb part of iuftification in too;jbcs. fo^e it is not bt0 purpoi'e in anp point to ] ^f pou toill make Jlame0 agreeing botb Dimintibe ttie font of trttcfaptb? but to 1 (betoe bo to fonolp tbofe trtfle0DpD cba^ lenge fo moeb tb^ bain itnage of it,^ be^ ing contenteD beretoitb tl)t^ careleflp ran Diflblutelp ab;oaD into al lif entiouf> nelTe of Wts, 2Dbi0 grounD being con^ ceaueD,it (balbe ea0e to perceaue tober our aDuer(arpe0 00 miiie, i?o; tbep fall into ttoo Decette0 in t too^D, tt)t one in tbe name of faitb,tbe otber in § too^D of taftifping«^bera0f ^pottle nametb faptb a baine opinion far Diltant fro tbe trutb of faptb > it 10 fpofeen bp toape of graottng, tobicb i0 no Derogation to tbe matter : tobtcb be (betoetbattbebegin^ toitb tbe reft of tfit fcripfnre0,anD \ait\i bimfelfie,poa mutt of neceClttie take tljt too;rD of iullifping in anotber fignifica" tion tban it is taken in paul.if 0: paul faptb ^ toe are iuftifieD , toben § renic^ ] bjaunccof our bnrigbteoufnclTe being blQtteDont,toe are accopteD rigbteou0. 31f 3Iame0 baD meant of ^ taking,be baD to;jongfullpallegeD 1^ out of !3^ofc0 , ^-^ bjababeleueo^oD.fc. ifojbetbu0fra^ metb it togetber : Sbjabam bp too;ke0 obtaineDrigbteonfne0 , becaufe be ttic* keD not at tbe commauDcment of C3oD, to offer bp bp0 fonne.^nD fo p fcripture toa0 fulftUeP tobicb faptbj, ^ be beleucD 331.1. ©OD, c Kip.>7'l Of the maner how to rccciuc <3?oo, t It VBa0 imputcD to Inm fo; rigb* tcoiifncfi. gf it be an afafurDitie tfjat tfjc cffccte ts befool e bis cauff,ettijcr spofcs Dotb in ^ place fain^ tcffifie , tbat fart& tuaB ttnputcD to ab;(aba fo; rigbteour^ ncsio;. b^ tiefcrueo not rigbteourne0 b^ tl)c obcDicnce Ivbtcb be fldetueb in otkf ring ^) Ifaac.ab^a^a loas inHifieb bp bts fattb,l»ben 3.rmael teas not ^et con^ cniicu, tubic^c toon nolo grotoen pade cl}t!Dba)D befo;te t^ Bifaac tuasbo;n.^otD tbcrfo^c nm toe far,^ ^e got to Ijimfelf rtoibteonrneire b^ obeoience toltcb fol« iotucD log aftertoarb^ ^]t^rfo;e eitber ^amts bio to^ongftiUirmiaumctbe o;^ tser (tDbici^ it 10 a Uiicfecbnes to tMnKc) 0; i)c meant not to fa^ ^ tjetoas iuttifi^ e0,a0 t^oug^ ^e beferncD to be ^ccomp« tcD rigbteou0.l^oto tbenfS:raei^ it $p^ pearetb ^ be fpeafeetb of tbe Declaration ef rigbteoufneflfe f not t\)t imputation: as if be bao fa^b.Mtje fo are rigbtecus l\?truefaptb,tbe^bo p;oue tljeirrigb* tcoufne0 loitb obeoience f goD tuo^fes, not t6 a bare f imagelifee bifo; of faitb. 3;n a fumme, be Difputetb not b^ tofjat mean U)c are taffificij,but fje requiret^ ! of § faitbfuU a ippjfeing rigbteournefife. ano as Paul afifirmetb i mm bciu&u fico i^out tftebclp of ipo^kes: fo James bctbberefuffer tbem tcbe acccmpteo righteous toljicb U)at gcoD Uio;l?s{. ^^j conCoering of tbifi enb , ll&all oeliuer bs. out of all Dout.iFo; cur acucrfarics are bereb^ cbeeflp Deceaueo,ttjat tf)c^ think tbatjamefi oefinefti the maner of iufti* fping, iDbereaa be trauellctb about no* tbiug els but to oucrtb;oUje tttn per* ucrs carelefnclTcUjbicbDiotwinlr ^^C' tcnoefavtb to cFcufc tJjeir ocfpifmgof gojtj \jooihcB. S:Oerro.ie info bolu manp toarc0 focuer tbei? tu;eC tbe tuo^ioes of 3ame5,tbet OjaJ Uj^ing out netting but ttoofentcncefi;tbat a taine boDtlclTe fljcUi of frt^tb Dotb not iuflifie, anb tbat a fartbful man not contenfeb toit^ fuclj an imaginatiue ftcUj^cotb declare bl's rigbtCDurneffc bf goo U)o??iC5, 13 jas foj tbat lubicb tbe^ allege oftt af l^aul ti)t fame meaning^tbat t\)t Doera of tbe latoe, not tbe bearer5,arc iuUifi^ eo, it notbing belpctb tbcm. Bi Intll not efcapc atonic \jiit]) tbe foltjtioncf Am; brofc, tbat tbat is tberefo;e fpoUen be^ caufe tbe fulglling of tbe latpris fa^^tg in Cb;iff. ifo; 3 f« tbat itis but a m«re (farting bcle,tpbicbe notbrngnabetb tDbcre ti)crt is a b^obe tDavcpcnXber tbej^podle tb^otoetb Dotone tbe ieU^efr from fcDlif^e con0bence,lDbicbe boaHeb tbemfelurs of tlje onel^ knotsleoge of ti)c latoj M)m in the meanc tv'me tbef toere tlje grrateft Defpifers of it. %^tr^ fp;e tbat tbeD (boulD not ftano fo mutb in tbeir oUni conceit fo^ tlje bare hnoto* lebge of tbe latu be iuarnetb tbem,tbat if rigbtcoufneorc be fougbt out of^ latu. ncttbrknotclcbge but t\)t cbferuing of it is requircD.^le tcrfli? make no bout of tb?s tbat tljc rigljteczjfiTtire off laU) ffanbctb in bo^Ues,: noj tct of tbW al? fojtfjattfje.rifibtecufmfTc ccnfiffetb in tbe ipoiittrineirc amj inci'if f $ orisuj^bg; ^tititiBnpi>V(iv}mtiL4int Iceare in* flifieob? U!o;lte»',t)!:le^!ttj]er b^fng fo^tbfome man tbat Ijnti) fulSllcDtbe JatD.^nD tbat Paul infant none otber itjoifCjtfje bftngtngtcgL'tfjerof tbe tcjrter l^allbe a fuffjcicnttcSin^cnrc , jSfter tbat be bab gencralli? conDcmnca tbe (^entiles anb tbe Jetwes of tjnrigbte^ oufnffre,tbcnbc ccfccncetfj totbeparti* cular (bctoing of it , anb fa^tb tbat ti^e^ tobici) finncD bi>iti)out tbe latue, Doe pe* riOje iritbont t\)t laiue : tubitbe is fpo* ben of tbe <^t utiles i but tbep tobicbc baue finncD in tbe laboe, are tnDgeob^ tlje lati): tubicb pcrtainetb to i Seines. i^otD becawfc tbet? tpincbiug attl^cp^" Dirne trtTpnfftnges, p;oubl^ glo;^eD of ^ onlp lalD : bcabiopnetb ^ M;it^ moff fitll? agreep^tbat tbe laluc ioas not tt?er? fb;e Ro,2,i3 The grace oFChrift. Third Bookc Fol.if o ) to}c inaDe,f bat men dr.il^ be maoc rigd of luojhs.as fb^ t^ttt teftimontes ^ ujc tcoufi bi ciiU fjcaring of tfje tjoic e tljerof: , ^aue t)crc allcgcD, tl)ci Ojal not mucb ac but tbcn t uotta ttie Uiften «)ci obeicD: | tomb;c ts if tbc^ be tjnDc raaUcD ace o; as if be fl&ulD rai':S>clicfi; tbou rigbtcouf tjing to tbf ir compa£i,o^ (as tbcr conu ties in tbjC latuf allege not tbe bearing of i monli cal it)tf)eir circiiaance.ilioto tbe itjtubieb of it felf is of fmal impo^tacc: but b^ing U)o.:&0,bi? tobicb tbou ma^tt Declare ^ tbe laU) luas not fet fo; tboD in t}aine.€)f tbefe tpo^bs bit aufe tbei toer al ntditate, it foUotDcu tbat tbe)? toere IfpotleD of glo^ving of ^ lato»iCberfo?e Uie mud of tbe meaning of )3aul ratber frame a contrary argumentXbc rigb^ tcoufncs of tbe laU) confiftetb in § per? fection of too;fefl, i|)&ma can beaft tbat be batb bp loo^Us fatiifieo f latu.STber^ fo;e tber is no rigbteoufnes bi tbe iato. 14 ^oU) tbet? allege alfo tbefe places, luberin tlic faitbful do bolDii offer tbeir rigbteoufnctTe to tbe iuogement of goD I to be eramineD,f require tbat fentence I be gcuen of tbem acco;iDing to it » £)f Pfal 7'^ tobicb fo;t are tbefe: ilnDge me £D lojo acco^Ding to mp rigbtcoufnes, f acco;^ Ding to m^ innocrce, tobicb are in me. Pfa.iz.'- 2gain,beare m^ rigbteoufnes, ^goD. SIbou ball p;ouro mt beart,f baflt tjifi? teD it in tbe nigbt.f tber toas no toicbcD Pf.i8.a«. nes fouD in me.againc.Cbe lo;iDe lliall renD;e to me acco;Bing to m^ r^gbtc* oufne s,t be fljall recompencc me acco; Ding to tbe cleannesof m^banDes.JSi?'' caufc 3 bane kept tbe toates of ip lo;D,i baue notlupcucDlp Dep^irteo from m^ goD,0nD BI f^al be DnfpotteD « tt^i kept Pfa.25.i. mcfrommi?tniqiutie. ^gavne. JuDge 1 me,i.oiDe, b^caufe J I)auc toalUcD in m^nc innocencej baue not fit \xiit\) l?^ ing men,BI toil not enter in \i)ith tijtm tbat DO toickcD tbings.SDettret not my foule toitb t^c tngoDly,mp life yit mm •of blouDiin tobofe baosare iniquitits: fame is Donble.jf o;j ncitber tooulD tbep baue tbem to be tobcly eramnieD, tbat tijci OjulD be eitbcr coDemneD 0^ acquii^ teD accozDing to tbe continual courfe of tbeir tobolc lifc:but tl)ei bjing into iuD gementa fpeciall caufetoba DcbateD. ilieitber Do tbei claimeto tbf felues rigb teoufncs in refpecte of tbe perfection of goo,but bi coparifon of naugbt^ 1 toic^ beD mcn.ifirft tobe i iuttifving of ma is entreateD of, it is not onlv' rcqui reD ^ be baue a gojD caufe in fomc particu* lar matter,but a certain perpetual agrc meitt of rigbteoufnes in bis tobole life. 3!5ut t^e bol^ onesjtoben tbei cal bpon tbe iuDgementof goD to app;oue tbeir innocencie,Do not offer tbemfelnes fre^ from al giltincs « in euery bcbalf fault les: but beril^ tobcn tljt^ baue faCneo tbeir afftace of faluatton in bis gcoDnes onlp,i?et trufiing tbat be is tl)c reufger of § pmt afflirteD againff rigbt f cqoi'^ t\i t^ei commenD to bim tbe caufe tober in {' innocents are opp;te(reD, X5ut tobe t\ic^ fet tbeir aDuerfaries toitb tbem be fo;e tbe iuDgemcnt feat of goD,tbei boft not of fuel) an innocence as Cbal anftoer to tbe purenes of Cod if it be feucrcli? fcarcbeD , but b^cAufein cciwpar^ifon of tbe malt'cc, obftinacte^ futtellfanD to^cfeeDneCTe of tbeir aouerfar^tstbc^ Unotoc tbat tbeir plapnnetfc, riPgbte* oufneCTe, OmpUcitie, anDdeanneCTe is bnotoen anD pleafinge to <£»od : tbev feare not to call t)ppon brm to bs tuDge bettoeen tbemfeiues anD tbem.^o tobe l^auiD fa^D to ^aulc: tbe %o^n renDer FtoboferigfjebaD is mirt) toitb gifts, )i3ut , tocuer^man acco;iOing to bisrygbte^ "3! baue toalKeD innocetli?. 3 baue abouc ' oufncffe ano trutb : be meant not tbat rpoU? of tbe afifiace tobicb t\)z boU ones tJje i.o;D ftjulD craminc bvbimfclf t re DO fame fimplp to take to tf^cmfclucs toarp eucrpman acco^Ding to his Defer JSii.V. utnns-, 'StP«l Cap.17 2..cor.i,i: utiigdjbut oe toiic t\)C llo;^9e to Uittnes botD great Ijis innocence toas in compa n(on of thttoickcnncSz of &ml j^nti Paul li)imfeire,tDben be boffet^ 16 t^uc gloating ^ tie ^atb a goo \i)itt\c(Stoftb> Ccicnce ^ jc tjat^ traua^IeD x^ fimpltci Of the maner how to rece'iue . it be but balfe t t)nperfecte> is a Hep to^ | Uiaro immo;tdlttie» 115ut txjfjcncc com* metb tl^at but btcaufe tobom tbf llo;De batb tatiCit into tbat cou^nat ofgrace^be foarcbetb not tbetr too^bs accosting to tbcir Dcfcraing0,but feiffctb tbcm tuitb 1 cor.4.4 tie f tjp;igbtne« in tbe cbarcbe of <25oD, fatberl^ binDne«f Mbcrcbp toe do not meanctb not ^ be Haoetb tpo fucb gloo ! onl^ bnoerffano tbat tobicb t^jt rcbo(e« rptng befo;e <&oa bnt being copcUeo l6 men do teacb^tbat too;&0 baue tbeir ba* tl)c fclaiiDew of tbe toicbcD^e Deft Detb lae of § acceptig grace, ifo; tbrp rnenn, f)is faitbful f boneft Dealing, tobr4) be j ^ too;ke0 tobicb are otbertoife infufft^ feneto to be pleaUng to f mercifnl kinb* I rient to purcbace rigbteoufnea bp f co^ ne0 of goD,aga^nlt all tmll fpeabing of neaunt of tbe Iato,are bi t accepting of men tobatfoeuer it be^ifo; toe fee tobat goD an attceo to tbe equalitie. ^at Bi far be fa^tb in anotber place f be knotoetb tbat t^ being DefiteD botb toitb otber no euiU br bimfelfe, but tbat be i« not trefpaffings anD toitb tbeir oton fpotF, tbrrbi tuff ifieDmameli bicanfe be bneto are of no otber balue at all , tban in fo tbat tbe iuDgemf t of ©od far furmoun* , mucb a0 § Io;d tenDcrl^ graiitetb paroo tctb t bleareicD figbt of mrl^ctofoeuf r to botb:^ is to fa^,geaetb free rigbteouf tberfo;c tbe goDli Do Defr D tbeir innocr * nc5 to ma.i^eitber are bere tbofe p;ap* cr againft tbe bipocriCe of tbe bngoDl^, er« of tbe apoffle fcafonabl^ tb^uffe in bi tbe toitncCTing t iuDgement of OoD: place,tobcr be toiflbctb fo great perfcc* ret tobe tbei baue to Do toitb goD alone, , tion to t\)c fa^tbfuU, tbat tlit^ mat? ba Pfal.J3o tbei alcrp out toptb one moutb: Jftbou ;.&. 143 ' warfte iniquitee,lo;D, loiD tobo Qjall a* ia, j biDe it:C-ntre not into iuDgement \S)iti) ;rra.3<5.4' i^V feruatftB:bic«afe euert? one tbat Ip* mil) (ball not be iuffifieD m tbp figbt: t Diffrufting tbeir oton too;bs, tbci glao* IV fing. Ebp gojDneg is better tba Ipfe. )) SLberarealfo otber places not bm libe to tbefe befo;e,in tobicb a ma ma? Pro 20 7 ^^^ tarrp.&alomo laitb,tbat be tobicbe toalhetb in bis bpjigbtneffe, is rvgbte* ou»^gain.2Dbat in tbe patb of rrgbte^ oufncs IS l^fe, i ttjat in tt)t fame is not Deatb.after tobicb nraner Cjecbielre* po^tetb tbat be (bail ivue life tbat Dotb iuDgemcnt anD rrgbteoufnes. il^one of tbele Do toe eitbcr oen^ o;^ Darfeen.)i5ut let tber come fc;tb one of tbe (be of ^Da to fucb an bp;igbtncs. 3if tber be none, eitber tbei? muff perilb at i figbt of goD, o; fla to tbefanauarp of mtrmS^i ;&.i2.i3 fz.iS.p* &.33.15 t'p.14. .Thef.3 '3- faultiest bnblameable in f Da^ of tbe lo;D SLbefe toc^Ds in oeeo t Celeffines DiD in oloe time turmo^le, to atfirme a perfectio of rigbteoufnetfe in tbrs l?fc. Ii5ut,tobicb toe tbink to be (uQiiitt',\3)s aunftoer b^efdr? after Augufl:in,tbat al tbe CDoolt ougbt in Deeo to enoeuo; to^ toaro tbts marfee, ^ tl)V2 mat one Dap appeare fpotles i fanltles befo;e f face of (DoD,but bicaufe tbe beff « mcfi ercel lent maner of tbis life is notbing but a going fo;(toarD,toefl}al tbe f not til tbe atttiiu to ibifi marfe,tobc being bnclo* tbeDoftbis fielb offinneto lo;^De.^et toill ^ not Uifteli^ ffriue toitb bim tobicb toil gcuc \} ttth of perfection to tbe boli one0,fo ^ be alfo limit tl)t fame toitb tbe too;Ds of Au^ guftin bimfelfe . twilbcn (faitb be)toa I toil cal tbe bcrtne of ti;c bolr ones, per^ i^O'3» «• fc(t:to tl)e fame perfection alfo bclogetb 7 Lib.aa ^er DO toe in tbe mcane time Denp but I tbe acbnotoleDgtng of imperfeaio botb 1? to V faitbftil tbeir bp;tgbrneg, tfaouffh iin triitb aiiD in busniUtie. / he The grace oFChrifTT Thud Bobkc. ; Fo^ ?;i. The\')ui.Chdpt(Y. That of the rcwardjthc ri^htcoufncflcofworkcsis ill gathered. 1 i.Gjr.j, lO. Ro.2.6. loh.j.ip Mat. 2^. 34- Pr(^ n. »3- 1 Mat.f.12 Cor3 8 Ro. J.6. ! &.8.30. i Phua.i2. J\r ^i» let t)S pnlTc oucr f 0 t^ofc fa^?^ Vinges to^ic!) affirmed CDoD IniU renocr to eucrv man acco^tiing to ftrs^ ti)o;Ucs: of iuljicb fo;t arc tbefc. €ucr^. man Ojall bearc alua^ ^ U)fticl) tie W^ Done in f bDUv,crtl)cr gmo 0; cuill.aU receaue rcluarDe ncco^ Ding to bis laboj.tj£lbere it is far^tbat j tt) accompUtfj our faluation b^ tbcfe Dcgr»^3 ofln^mcrcrti^ben tbofc VDliom be batb rbofen be r alletlj to bim: tbofe luboin be batb calleD, \)t iuftiffetb: tbofc iubom be batb iuftifico , be glo;i>« etb.illti)ougb tijerfoze be Do bv bis only mercv rrccaue tbcm t ^^ W mto Ivff > ret becaufe be b;ingetb ^)t into tbe pof^ fcftion tbercof b^ § ^^^ ^H^^ \i50,jkcs, tbat be ma^ folfitl bi3 too;k i\\ tljem bt* focb ojtsur as be Wh (\^m\\ttXi',\.t is no marueUif itbcfa^O tfaaC t^cv be crolxj^ neb accojDing to tfteir too5hs,b^ tul^icfj loitbout Doubt tf)er are pjeparcD to re* reaue tbe rrolune ofimmoitalitie.^ea ioh.5,27 anD after tljis maner it is fitlr fn^D tbat tbep iDo^Ue tbcir otun faluation, tu^en in applying t^emfelues to gmD two;ftes> tber p^jattifetbtfelues totuarD ctcrnall lifcmamelx? as in anotbcr p arc taUcn into V fellotuflnp of Cb.nftjbv i fenoto* leDge'of ^ dDofpell, % tbe tnligbtcning of tbcbolv gbott , ctcrnnll life if begon in tbf . .^oln (' fame giBD \vqi^ liJbifb goD batb begon in tbcm , mult alft be mabe perfect \3ntill t\)t Da\> of tl)e tt)?De ^cf". iluD it is umDc pcrfcct,Uibc rcfembling j tbebcaucnlr fatbcrin nnbteoWncRc f I bolincs,tber pjcuctbemfcincs to be bis ; cbtlD;?n not fiDarueD out of f-'inte. ^ i 2 S^bcrcis no caufc brbr^cgjolo of tbe ' twine of retDarDgatbcr anargtnnentVi , our tuojfes are t ra"fe of fafaatio.irirft I let tl}is be DetermincD in our barts,tbiTt ' P Uingcomc of beauen is not a rcluarDo ! of fcruantcs,but ancnbcritance of cbil* ! D:cn,t)birb t^^"^ onclv fijall eniovi tbat i areaDoptcDofjLo^Dto bcferscl)»lD?f: anD for: but fje t^erluttball aDtot?netb tbat it inufi be polTeCreD t^ rig!jt of infjerttacc. ^0 pawie biooct^ fcru^nte0,\ul;ifb Doc tt}cii' Dutu faitbfulip,to jjope fo^ retoaro Qft\)c ILo^De : but be apDrtb) of inbert^ tmtcWic tk boU) t})t^ to as it tu^r b^ crp^rde ttio^oes p^oneo tbat lue impute not ctcrnall blenebnefTe to lco^fte0,but to tlje aoopfton of ©oD. ^b^ tberefojc DO tbei! tbertoitbal togctber mafee mem tion of too^fees; S^bts quc(lion djall be maDe plaine toitb one e]rauiple of fcrip^ ture.)i5efi)je § birfbof IfaactbereUjas p;omtfeti to Bb;aba a febe in tobicb all tbc mtiam of tbc eartb (bolD be bleflfeti: ano a muUipl^tng of bt?J3 f^oe, tkihitht fljolD matcb tbe ftarrec of tbe fkr? t tbe fanoes of tbe fea, f otber liUe. 3ii man^ tcare5 afterluarD,0b^abam,as be luaa comaunbeD bg § jD;acle,p^epareD btm* felfe to offer bjp bis forine; in facriftce, mbe ^e ^ perfo;meD t!;is obcbicnr e, be rcceaueu ap^omifc. SI bauc fUjo^ne bv m^ felf (fa^tb tbe llo^,D)btcaufe tbou baa Done tbvs tb^ng , f baa notipareb tbine oUin/aneli? begotten fonne^^i toill bleffc il)0t f ttraltipl,v,tbp/ebeas f ffarB of tbe rUp, f tfy;^ (mm of § fea : tb^ f ede Iball poffeUe t\)c gates of tbeir enemic0, anD all tijt nations of tbe eartb fball bee bleffco in tbv febe , bccaufe tbou bait 0* bet>e5 m^ boi^ce.oeibat bearc tucjl^tb abiabam bt? l)is obeDienoe Dcferueb tbe blefiinctbe p^zomifB iDbcrcof be ban re# ceiueo before ^ tbc coinaunbement Uias gcucm i^ere tcriip tee baue it teitbouC circumftances Qjc^web, ^ tbc Horn re^ toarbctb tbc fcuo jbs of tbe fa^tbful luitb tbofcbenefitg tubicb bebab alrcab^ qc^ ucn ti}cm before t!;at tt)c Ujo;tJcs toerc tbougbt of, bauing ret no caufc lubi? be l^lOBo gcDDtott>cbatbisolDnmrrcT'. 3 ^et tiotb tbc llc^Dc not bcccaue 0; mork b5,toben be feitb tbat be renb^c tb fb^ rctoarbjC to Ico^kes tbc fanrt' tbpng iDbicb be bao befoic toc^fea freely gcuc. ^o^jbecaufc be toill banc \)b to be crcr* f ifcD iDitb g©D lDo;fecs, to tbinfee \;pon t^c beUuerp 0; entori»S ( as SI mai^e fo call it ) of tbcfc tbinges )£\>At\)s be batb p^omtfco, anD to rnnne tb:ougb tbcm to tbc alcdcB bopc fct before ts in b?a* ucn, tbe frute of tbe p^omifcs is alfo rigbtl^affigncD to tbcm, to tbe ripcncs toberof tbcr do not b;ing be. SLbc not In* Dcrp^oppcD it)itb anv icoafefje. ^^berc# Initbacco^Dttb 1^ faring of petcr> ttjat tbe g^)Dl^ are feept by> tljt pctuer cf C15od, tb;ougbfartb;bntotbe falnatton tubicb is rcaD^ to be manifcftli? tbelwcD at tbc tinicappovntcD fo; it, Wibm be? fa^tb tbat tbep labo; fo; it , be fignifietb ^ ti)t fa\?tbfuU muft runnc all 1^ timcof tbeir lifc,tbattbcp mar attain to it. ilBut left toe IjijDulD tbink tbat tbe reU«arD iubicb tbe llo;D p;omifctb ts,t6 not rcDu^cD to the meafurc of mcritc^ be did put fo;tb a parable, in hjbicb be maDc bimtiife a boua}oloer,lDbtcbfent all tbcm tbat be mettcto tbe trimming of bisbine^arD, feme at tbe firff boure of tlje Dave,fome at tbc feconb, fomc at tbt tbtrD,rea anD feme alfo at tbe n. :9t rucning be papDc to cucrg one cgall loaves. 2Dbe eypofitionofU)bieb parable, tbat fame oloe Col.1,4. i.Pc.!.;. iV!a,2i a The grace of Chrifl. Third Booke. Foisv''. Li.i.a,3 oltj tDntcrtxj!)atfoeaer!)ctDa0,tD!)afc iif,fi8t[jc^are l»ot,t^e^ ftiffclp cnfo;ce . bok0 is carrieD ab.joDc t)nDer t^c name tlje reUiarD of t»o,j!i5,li)e m.i^ turnc a* { of Ambrofe of t^c callig Of tf)c geutilcs, gaintt tl)om fbat HiPiit^ of peter, tljaf !)atl) b^cfcl^ f trul^ frt out.3l Uiil tfc ra ctcrnall \vfe is tlje reluaru of fat>tfj» tljer t)ij5 VBOiOcs tban mute oiune.SDbe 4 2E3>erfo:e Ie( 1)3 not tbiaft,tbat 1^ bo lo;D(faitb be)b^ tl)c rule of ttjis compa* ' l^ gboft cotb Vo fucb pjomife fct fo>tb § rifon,bat?) ftablil^cD § Diuci-fit^ of ma^ , too^tbincs of our loo^fecMS if tbep oc- nifolo calling, belonging to one grace: ferueD facb retoaro.jf o;r tbe Scripture UJber toitbont Dcut tbe^ lubicbe be^ng leauctb notbing to t3s, tuberof toe ma\? let in into tt)c t3inei>arD at tbe n.boure, | be aDuaunceo in tbe figbt of OoD . liBut aremaocegaltDitbtbe^ b^o lD;ougbt|ratbcr it lobolpc enoeuojetb to bcate tbetubole Da^>Do rep;cfcnttbc eltateof , Doton ourarrogacCjto biibleb£(,to tbJOto f bcm,lubome fo of cui- bo!!?. iiDtbcrto?fe as eUraiiging I tbat tbei finu toitb bim tbe bleffenncire i frwn (I?oD is eternal oeatb, fo toben ma ; \iiU^ tbei fee not in ^ toD;lD.£:bi6 blcf I i0 r5e?uco of goa into fauo;,tbat be ma? : khms be calletb>rctoarD,toages,recom ' eaic? tbe cj>nu3iunicating of b?m ano | pcnce,not tot?tng tbe mcritcof too;li3, be uu&e one to?tb b?nT>bc is remoi^a but ugnifring tbat it it> a rccumpcnfia^ j fioni ficatbtolifettobicbisaonebrtbe Itb tbeir traubtes,fuff rmgcfi, fclaitoer0. 1 bcneScial mcaite qfapopt ion. onl?. j^na ' tc> Mberefo^j? ttot!)ing tottbttmgctity 3a.uil* \0[m5.1 _ OFtl le mancr how to receiuc 110,8.30 butt^at h)t ma\? after ^ crample of tUc fcrtpturc ,ral eternal life a rcluarDing, bicaufc in it t\)t lo^D rcceiuctb his from laOo^ into rc(l,fro afflictio mto p;ofpc* rous f l)appi? (fate,fr6 fo^rotu into glaD lies, fro poiiertic into flotDing tucaltlj, from fl)ame intoglo.jie,j cl}h^ctl) altljc tuyils \3}l)itl) tlm ftauc fuffrcD fo; grc^ ter gcDD tf)ing0.S>o it fljall alfo be no itif conuenienccjif iue tbink bolincs of life to be x vuar,iwt U)bicb openetb an cntri> into tbc glo;r of ^ beauenly lungOo,buf tuberbv tbe elcrt arc Ico of tbeir goD iii^ to tbe Difclofing of it: fo^afmucb as t\)if^ is l)is gcDD tuil, to alo^iifi? tbem tubo be batb factifteb. liDnlvi let us not imagine a wuillatio of mcrite 1 reUiarD, tob^r* in p ^opbiffers bo fonoly tliclv fall, be^ caufc tbei conliDer net tbi0 cnbc iubicb tue fet fo;tb. y^ixt botDc tno^bjel^ is it lobe ^ lojb calletb bs to one enb, foj bs to loke to anotber^ j^otbing is mo;c eui bctjtba tbat rcboarb i$ p^omifeo to gmb tuo;Us,to relcue t toeabnes of our fldb \^ fome cofo;t,not to puffe bp our mtDs ^itl) glo^t?* Mbofoeuer t!jercfo.te botb tberebt? gatbcr tbc mtritt of too^lis, 0^ Dotb f one balace tucp tDo;lj yjo reioarb, be erretb far fro tbe rigbt mark of job. f tlSHberfojctobPtbefcripturefa^tbp ^.Ti 4-8 goDtbeiutliubgc Ui^^lloneba^reno^e '^"S at^ I to bis a crotun of rigbteoufnes,3( bo not Valcnt. onl^takcerceptionluitb Auguftine, $ i.\z gra.& Cap. So iobo fbulD be bcig a iu(t itibgc, hb.arb. ! rcnber a crotcnc, ifbebao not being a merciful fatber geuen graces anb boiue fljulb tber be rigbtcoufnes, Unlcs grace luct before tubif b iufiifietb tbe bnrigb* t?ous^U>Uj iljulQ t\)dcrmt tbinges be renbjcb, bnles tbefc bnbue tbings tocr firac gcucnf 13iit alfo 3 abbe anotbcr tbing. l)o\xi (bulD be impute rigbteonf* ncs to our too?k3,bnles ijis tcnbje mer cifulncs bib bioe tbc bnrigbteoufneffc tbat i«j in tf;f :" ^)o1jd l!jonH) be iubgc tbc U3o:tbT>of rctoarcbnlcs be nir) bv div mcafurablcbDuf ifiilncs tiiit ali^ar tljat tobifb IS U'oKb^ of pumilmient:' ji-o^ be is toot to cal cternatl Ufc,gracc:bif aufe it tsrcnOKD to tbe fra gvftesofCdo:) tDbcn it is rcpatreb to UjojUs. Wnt tbc fcripturc botb furtber lifiblc tS4 tbere^ iuitbal raifc bs bp,iro.: bcfitic tbis that it fo^biDDctb bs to glo:i? in ino >Urs,bw caufrtbci arc f free gifts of goD,it tberc iDitbal tcarbe^b tbat tbci arc alluav ncf filcD iuitb fome D^cggcs , tbat tbcv can not fatiffv gDD,if tbci be crnmincD bp § rule of bis iuDgcmcnt:but lead our cou rage (bulb faint^it teacbctb fi t^ei plcafe bi onli parDon.l^utaltbougb AuguHjn fpeakctb foinbat otijcrtuife tba luce do: \)ct tbat be ootb not fo bifagree in f mat tcr,(ball appearc br bis Uio.zbes in brs tbiro bokc to )i5ontfacc.^(lIlber tuben be bab comparcb tfeo men togctber, ^ one of a life cue miraculoufl?? boli' 1 perfect, tbeotbcr bonellin babe % of bnco;rupt mancrs,but not fo pcrfccte but ^ mucb toatetb in bim:at the laft be conclubctb tl)UB,(^iicn tbis man lubicb in mnncrs fcemetb mucb infcrioj,bv rcafon of tbe true faitb in ©00 tubcrof be liuetb f ac^ tombing to tebicb be accitfctb biinfelf in al bis offences.tn al liis gcob irtc^Hs p;ai fctb gobjgeutng to bimfclf tbit (barney to bim tbc glo,ip,f taking from bimfclf botb tfjc parbon of Qns,f tbc louc of U)el boingcSjlobcn be is to be Dcliucrco out of tbis lifcbc paffetb into tl)c feIolufl)ip of fb;iQ",^2ilberfo;e,but bicaufc of faitb^ C^bicb altbougb it fauc no ma tjoitbcut too;kes(fo;i it is it, Vobicb iuo;jketb bt? louc not a reprobate faitb)rct bp it alfo fiiisarc rcleafcD, bicaufc tbe rigbtcous ma liuttf) of faitb: but toitbout it tutn tbe fame iubicb fame gmo iuo^kcs arc turncQ into finncs.l)rre bcrilt be botb plainly confes ^ iubicb Uic fo mucbtra* uail to p;ouc, tbat tbe rigbtcoufnclTc of gcDD \j}o:J\3 bagctb bercupoK, tbat tbei? are b^ parbcn allotoeb of to Do tajcI,to become ricf? in goD tuo;li0,to la^ tip in tto;e fo; tbfftlacs a gcoD foii* Oation ajninll t};)t time to come, )5 1}^^^ mai? obtcin eternal life. j?o; o;a3ijU)o;< fees arc compareti to t\)t ricbefTc, in^^ Ujc ma\? cniov in the blcdcDncs of ctcr^ nal life. 3 anfluer,)? Uie njal newer com to tUe true ijnDerftattng of tfjcm, fenlcs Ujc turn our e^es to tfte marU lubcrbn^ to tbcbolv sbolt Dtrectetb Ins luo.jtis. 3f it be true icbtrb Ct);iQ fa^tl;, t\)nt oure nunDe abinetlyt^crc lutjcr our trcaftire i$,^$ tl)c c^'tlD<2en of tbe luo jlD arc iuot to be earne&li bent to ^ acttinc^ of tl;0fc tl)mg5^lyi;icb feme fo j [) Delites of tljis p;efcnt life : fo tbe fait^fuU muft IcUe, fitb tljtv banc Icarnco tijat ti)iB life ll)al bv^ansbi! tjanitl) alwav l?kc a U;camr, y^ tbe\? feno tbofc t\)in^s U)!ncb tbq? tuolD cnioi',tbctber tuber tbf i Hjall bane per* fccte life. U^ c muS tbcrfo^c to as tbe^ ooetubicb purpofe to remoueuito anv place,tDber t\)cv bauc cbofe to vtQ tljcir lubolelifc, S^lKi'fcnD tbeir gmDcsbe? fo>Cr anD Dec not mifcontenteDlv' luant tbcm fo: a time: becaufe tber tbin^ tbf a lues fo miirb mo;e bappi?, botu mucb mo.ie gc3DC5 tl)c^ baue U)bcre tl)t^ RwU tarrp long. Jf toe brlructbatbeauen is our countri,!t bebouctb 'uc ratber to fr D atua^p 0i:r rict^effes tljetbertban to Itcpc tbcm bcre tuber lue mutt lofe tlje tuptb foDcine remouing. lout f)olue (ball Ive fcnD tbem tbetberfjf toe communicate to tbc n:ceiritic3 of tbc po;e: to irbomc tubatfoeucr i0geuen,t')c !L02D accomp^ ttti) It geuefi to bimfelf ^iSlbcrbpon co- mcitj ^ notable M;iom»fc,l9c t^at geuetl) Fola)3. to tfje p3;c, lenDetb fo; gain to tbc lojD. 3gam;bc tljat liberally fotuctb,fi)aU li* beralli? re ape.ifo; tbofe tljinge arc Deli ucrcB into tbc bano of tijc ^ojd to Itepe, tDbicb are beff otueD tapon our b;ett) jcn b\] § Dutv of rijaritr .V^c,as [)t is a faitlj* full feepcr of tl)at tubicb is DeliucrcD to I bun, tinll one Dai' rcao;:c it toitb plcn* tiful gain.arc tbcn our Dutiful ooings, of fo great baluc \uitb CDoD,tbat tf)tv be as ricbcs laiDc bp in Uo^t fo.i tjs xn brs banDef .CClbo fi)aU fearc fo to fai7,tubcn tbc Scripture Dctbc fo ofte anD plainly tuitncffc it flout if anr man iu:i; Iciipe from tbe mere gooDncCTe ofOoD to tbe tuo^tbines cf boo^Us, be flvilbc notbing l)ol{jebv tljcfe tciiimonics to tbe Cabli- a)tngcfbi5errD;. jrou'ou cang-;tber notbing rigbtl^ t'ocrcf but tbe mere m^ clination of (Sods tcDernes totuarD tic: fo.jafmucbe as fo encourage bs to toell Doing,altbougbc tbe fermces tubicb tuc DO to bim are not tuo^tbr of fo ni"f 0 as \)is onlv lofeing tipon tbem,rct Ijc fuffc- retb none of tbem to be loft. 7 tont tber mo.:e enforce tbc tuo;Des of tbe 0po(Mc, tubicb tubcn be comfo;^ mi) tbc STbcffalonians in troublcs^tea* cbetb tbat ti)t fame are fent to tbem, t tbevma^bc accomptcD tuo^jtbrof tbe feingDom of (IDoD, Co; tul;icf) tbcr fuffer. ifo.;(favtb l)e)it is rigbtcous tuvtb goD, to renD;e trouble to tbem tijat trouble rou : but to von, reft iuitb bs tubcn tijc io;D 3cfus n>albc OjctueD from beaue. 15uf tlje auf bo; of tbe Cpiftlc to tbe l^e* b;u^ favtb,C>oD is not bnrigbfeous, ^ be ftioulD forget i>cur too;K, f tbat louc tubicb rou banc fl^ctucD in bis namcfo; tbat rou bauc miniftrcD to tbe faintes. %e tl)c firff place 3^ anftuer, tbat tbere is no tDo;tbinc6 of merite fpoUf of: t ut becaufe CDoD tl)t fatber tuilletb tbat tue lu'^om be batb cbofci = fo be bt? cbilt>2f , tbulD be maDc liUe to Cbntt his firft be gotten fon:a« it bebcucD^JeftulD fittt .Cor.5>. 6, 2 Thcf.\ Lu.24. 26 t5El Ad, 4. 22. Of the mancr how to rcceiuc Ga5.i7. i«.Cor«4 fuffcr,f tljen enter into tije gbjv apoin ten fij; l)im : fo inuHe toe alfo bp man^ tribulation0 enter into t^e hingaam of bcauen.3Dbcrfo.:e toben toe ftiifer tribu lations fo; tbe name of Cfjiiff, tbcr are as it tDcre certain marks p;inteD bpon ts,tobere,iBitb ©09 bfetb to marftetlje fi^epc of bis flok. after t^is maner tber? fo?c lue are accoptcD tuo;tbr? of § hing- Dom of $oD>biraufe toe bear in our boot ti)t marfes of oar ILoio f maifter \x)])icf) arctbefignescftbefbitobut to confirm tbe bope of tbe kinguome of gotJ:asif bebatj faio.^s itagrtttb iintb t'oc iuU iuogemcnt of goD,tc taiie tsfgc* ante of \?our enemies fo^ ^ beraticns ^ tbet baue Done to rout fo agiatl) it alfo fa giue to t?ou relefc 1 rett fro fccratios. SCbc of ber place, tobicft teacbetb t it fo becommetb tbe rigbteoufnes of goo not to fo;get ^ obeaiences of tbem f be Us, tbat it Declaretb it to be in a maner lin* rigbtconsif be D^oal? fojgct tbrm,^atb tl}is meanitr5:0oD to quidje our (louttj fulne5,batb giuen bs atfuranre tbat tl}t laho} O^al not be in bain tobicb U)e Cjal take fo? bis glon^ ilct bs altoar fcmc^ b^r tbat ibis p;omife^s all otber QyM b3ingtis ito p^oSt, bnles ? free couenat of mcrcf toent befo.2e,lBbereltppoh tbe tobole alTurconcs of our faluatio GjiUo reSI:.l!5ut (landing bpon tbat covenant, t»e ougbtamireoiv to trutt.tber Ojal at^ fo not loarit relt>ar9 of tbe Ubcraliti^ of <15(S3 to our luQjl^es bct»foeu*r tbe? be ttntoonbl?. KfiB apomcto confirm tjs in tbat erpcttation, atf jrinetb tl'at ro tbat 5 rc«> moue mDuntaines oute of tbcir place, but {)mz not cbarit?e,3l am notbing.^* gaine. jjiotoe tbcre rnr.sinc fjopcfattb I ^vitVy but tbe v-.rcatcfl nniot^z --W^ iB cbaritr.agafn.aboue ai iljin^s bane cl)arit?,Ujbccb is tbe bono of perfectio. ^^ tl)t fira ttoo places- our ^ijariicis a^rmc tbat toe arc rat^ct iuiliOr^l*? cbaritv tl}h br faitb,namclvbr il)^ diC^ fcr bertue as tbei fa^Xut t'm tz:i^ ar* gument is eaSl? toip:&aU,^av- ii ■■> ^ «»e baue in anotbrr place alrcaoiacf si; vv*", ^ tbofc t\)in^s tobicb are fpcsjcn m ibe fira place pertein notbing to tnic fattb. SLbe otber place toe alfo erpcui: 0; true (aitf), tban \iihici) be fartb tW Cbarif^ is gretermot ^ it is mo;c mcricoaious, but bicaufc it is mojefruteriilljbicattfs it crtenDetb furtbcr, becaufc it fcruetrj mojbtcaufe it remainefb altoai? I fcjce, tobereas t^t fcfe of f^itb ccntinuctb but fo.2 atimejf iDf feauc regarsse to ercel^ Icncc, tbe louc of ^.*5 fijoiilD too^tbilt? baue tbe cbefe place j)f5ubicb^Saul bere fpekctb not.^oj be cnfo>cetb tbts tbing 0nli,ti)at to§ CbulD to; to muUal cbanti eoifg one anotbcr m t'Qc l^^o, but let Vis; imagine tbat cbaritp Dotbe eucr^ toa? erccU faitb : v^t toijat monnr ci feon^e iaDaement,K3,o,i of fouijD b?a4j3e,totU gather ttigreqft^ajtit Mk xno^z iuttift^ jIn pfal. 1. Cor.ij* jColo,4. 1'4. Theg-raceof Chrift. Tnird Bookc, &c power of itiHifi'inG \33\)k\y: fa^tlj t)at{j,conriUctt)not int\)c tyo;jtbines of i too;ft.s£)ur iiiftification ttanDctl) tjpo tf)C onli mercv of goD i tbc Dcfcruing of cb;^iit,Uji)icl) iuilifeation ictjcn faitb ta ftct!) boiD of,it is faio to luQiftc. jpol» if ^ou afhc our aDucrfarica in toi)at fcnfc tbci affjgnc iudifiration to t^ritictljet toil anfujcr tljat bicaaCc it is a Duticful Doing acceptable to g:t33,ti)crfo;e b)? tbc Dcfcruingtberof risbteoufncje is impu* teD to t0 bv tijc acc?ptaticn of tbc gosO^ ncfi of goD^crc V'ou fee boU) tnel fljc ar gurnet p;oceDctb.^iiC fay tbat faitb iu^ ft ifietb not bicaufe bi? tbc ujo^tbines of it frlfc It sefeructli rig'gtcouines to jjs, but bicauU it is m \ri?d'm\-(isebcrc tbc (umnie of rigbtcoufnES Ufir?Detb)ooaf? Srme tljat toe arc uitliftLii bv tbc lenc^ fit of cbaritie bicauft it et-cUctb afcouc fai?tb:eucnasif a matoolij "cafentbat afeing ii fitter to axakc a il>jue tban is a Cbaietnafear , b^caufc be is a« iiViimte toat mo;e cj:ceUcnt, S^tjis oiuii'argii'' ment is a xsimx etapic ib^t at tiyi-^o^f bonicall fc!)olcs oonov fomucijastaKc toitb tbc \3tt0rmoU pa. ts of tbf a ii^pes \Ji'43X ti)Z iaUi^catiott yf i'ai^'o is . lout if an^ to^an^lcr oo v.tt carpc anoafkc, tobv'e in fo fmatl iiifance cf place toe taUiJ tbe name of fattbc iii panic fo Di? ucf flu : 3 bauc a tocigbtv caufe of t\iyo ejpoiition. j?oi(;:f;ti)cfc giftcstobicb l^iiic rcbCi iitv) arc afcer a certain ma^- ncr bnoer fuitbe ano bopv^becaufc tbcv ' pzctsin to tbe Unoiulegc of CD'c^ be con;* ! ano faitbXberfo^c toben il name faitb anD bopf ,3, comp^ebcnD al tbcfc tbings togetber, jano fo remaine tbcfe tbiee, ^'Opc>ifaitb,Cbariti:tbat is to fai,bcto great tiiuer&tp of gifts fo eucr tbcr be, tber arcal referrcDto tbefe.aniog tbcfe t!)c cbcfe iscbaritr.tc. £D«t of tbe tbiro place tbe)p gatbcr. If €bariti?e be tbe bonDcof prrifctinn, tbcn it is alfo ttjC bonoe of rigbteoufnclTc, tobtcb is no^ tbtng t\B but pcrftcrion.i?irft,to fpeahe notbuigboive paulctbcrc callctbpcr* ff cticiCtobcn tbe members of i> cburctje toell kite in o;Der Doe cleauc togetber, anrj to graunte tl)iit toe arc bi> cbaritre maoe ptrfertc bcfo;e (Doo: v^t tobat neto tbing b^ing tber fojtb:' i?o,i Jl toiil altoap on tbc contrail fiuc taUe erccp^ tionifavt(}at to'c neuer coine totbi?s perfection,bn!effe toe fulfill all i^ partes of cbaritie,an9 tberupon 3i toill gatber, tbatntbaUmenarcmoft far from tbc mmuiiig of cbariti?,tberfo;e all bope of perTcction is cut of from tbent. 9 3i toill not go tb;angb all tbe tcftimo^ mz5 tobtcb at tbis bavc {> fcDlitl) ^o;bo? nites raOjlsfnatcb out ofj fcriptures, as i^t\] firtt com to banD:$ do tb;oto tbe agamii ts. ji c; fomc of tbe are fo too;? tb^ t=3 be laugbei>at,tl}at J mv fclfe alfo can not rebcarfetbcm,t)nltffc 3i.^o«iOf toc:ibilv be comptcD fonDe.£Lberfo;c 31 toiil maUc an cnt!,toben Si fijal bauc ce* clareD \> fa\?ing of Cb;iS,U)bertoUb tbci niaruelloudf plcafc tbcmff ii5^-iro.J,to t\)c latoi?er tobicb afUcD l^im tobat toas necclTar^ to faluation , be anltoercD : if tbou toilt enter into life, l^.eepc tbc com? maunDenients. cClbat tooulD toc mo;e (fa^ tbcv) tebcn toe are comaunDeD b^ "FouTi^ )h\ .emnctbtbemallb^toaijof rcrapitula? , ,.^^ ,.,.,,, t^ontn^crtb^nan^vOffaitijibope: as tbe autbo: of grace bimfelfc to gcttlje i-: ')c n)3ulD f«v botb p;opndP,i tongs,! j bingcome of ©oD b\? p Ucping of p com* tl)t grace i imotolege of iiittrpietatiQ^i maunDcmentes . ias tbougb fo;fojtb it tcnistotbismarlie, toleaDetsto tbe J tocre not certain, tbatCb;ifttempercD KnotoiegecfOot.^notoefenotoeCDoa I bysanftoerei; to tbem toitb tobom bcc in i^ life none otbcrtoife but bu bopc | fato tbat^bc W^ to Do> l^ctt a pocto; of Mat. 19, i7. Cr9j8. Of the mancr how to receiue . ti)t latu afketl) of t!)c mcanc to obtc^ne !jlc(rcDnc5,f not tljaC onlVjbut UntbUO;> ing of iutwt tbing men wa^ atteine bit* to It. l5ott) tl)e per foil of f)?m ^ fpafec i t!)c qucftio it felf leD tbe ii-oio fo to aun flDcrcXfje latBtcr being filleD Vait^ § perfuflfion of tljc rialjtcoufnc^of § latii, Vaa3 blinu in confiocncc of luo;IiC3. ^* gahic,f)c foug!)te notljing els but ^':\)iit tocr () Ui0^fi0 of rigbtcoufncc, bi tobteb f.iluation is sottr.SCbcrfb^e be in iuo;;; tl^il^ fcnt to tl)c latDCin tubic b tberc 10 , a perfect mirrojc of rtgbteoufnes.tSIe ' alfo DO luitb a louDe Xio^ce pronounce ^ t'nc conuiiaunDement£5 mutt be kept, if life be fougbt in Uio^fees. ^m t\)i3 Doc trme in neceOUri? to be knolucn of cb.:i^ Ciins. jfo; botu fl)ulD tbc^ fia to cb.nft iftiic^DionotacUnotuleDge f tbe^arc fallcnfrom tbe twai? of life into tbc beD* lowq noiunfiil i3f oeatlK But boUi (^ouId ti)C)> tnoerftaD boUi far tbe^i l)am ftra* ieo from tbc tua\? of life, tin!e0 tbe\? ftrtt Vinocrttanoe lubaf is tbat ijjap of l\|fc-f iro; tben tbe*^ are taught tijat tbe fanc^ tnarpe to recouer raluatron,i5 in dniQ^ mbentbepfeebotjue greate Difference tbere is betlocen tbcir life anD tbe rigb' tcourneffe of <5od tubicb ts conteineo in tbe feeping of tbe Utoe. E:be fumme 10 fbis, \} if faluation be fougbt in liio;ks, lue mutt Heepe tbe commaunDementes fa^ tobicb tue are inttrurteD to perfcete rigbteoufnetre.:But toe mutt not fticht fatt bacrejtjnlefTc toe toil! faint in oure mtDDe fourfe : fo; none of Vis is able to hepetbc commaun?jf ments. ^itb tber^ tb;c toe arc ercUiDeD from tbe rigbte* oufncs of tbe lato, toe muff of neceffitv rero;»ttoanofbcrbclpei namely' to tbe faiib of vIi:!):ttt.mb?rcfo;c as bare ttjt lltijt! ralletb bacUe tbc Dotto: of tbe lato tobom bckneto toftoel tovtlj tjain ron^ finance of toojks, to tbe lato tobcrb? Ije m?.^ learnc ^ be is a fnmcr fubiett to § D^cgpfiii iuD^cnient of eternal teatb^fe in otber places,ipout making mention of tbe lato, be comfo;tetb otber tbat are alrcD^ bnmblcD toi?tb fucbknotolcDge, \xiitlj piomife of grace, ns,Come to me ; al VB i5 labo: 1 are lose, 1 3i ^il rcfrefl^ 1 roujf ^c l^al fiiiDc rett foj ^our fonles. 10 «at tbe latte tobcn tbe^ arc toearie [ \3)it\) to;etting tbe fcripture,tbe^ fal to futtleties i fopbifttcal argnmctsXbei cauill tjpo this^^ faitb is in fome places calleD a toojH, 1 tbernpon tbc^ gatber ^ toe DO to;ogfullt? fet faitb as cotrart? to j too;kcs. 0s tbougb fo^fotb faitb in tit is an obcvnng of tbe Ml of (SoD, Dotb Xb bir oton Deferuig p^iocurc bnto tjs rigb^ j teoufnesjf not ratber becaufe bi emb;a ting ti}^ mercv' of CDoD, it fealetb in our barts,i^ rigbtcoufnes of Cbjitt offrcD to ts of it in t> p^eacbing of J gofpellXbe reaDers fljal parDon me if 3 do not tar^ Upon cofuting of furb follies,fo^ tbci tbe felucs )xiQut ani afi'aultofotber,are fuf^ ficientl^ ouertb^otoen toitl) tbeir otone feblcneffc.)i3ut J toill bv v toar confute oneobiedio tobicb ri?metbto bane fome ttjeto of reafon ,lcatt it n)oulDc trouble fome ^ are not fo toeU pMttifeD . ^itb ronton reafon tea:\)d]) ^ of contraries is all one rule , f all particular fins are imputcD to ts fo; rigbtcoufnclTe , t\it^ fap it is meete tbat to al particular gcoD toojks be gcucn ti)t p2^i(c of rigbtconf* ncfTe.rCbei Do not Httiffie me tobidj an* ftoere,^ tbe Damnation of men proper* Iv pioceDctb from onlt? tnbelcef, not fro particular Gns.jfi Do in DeDc agree to tbr , ij tnbclfefe is tbcfofitaine f rtote of all euils. if 0; it is t\)c firtt Departing from (!DoD,affer tobicb Doe follotoe tbe partis cular f refpalTings agatnff tbe lato.lL5ut tobereas tbcv feemc to fet one fclf fantc reafon of groD anD eutll too^ks in toei?* ing of rigbtcottfne fi 0; tnrigbtcoufttcs, tberin J am compclleDto Difat^rce from fbem. jfo? tbc rigbteoMfneUe of mojfees is t^g pgrfettc obePicitee ^f ^t^^l^Jgg* Mat '.39 loh.6.29 lam.a.io' 2Dl)erfo^e tijou canftc not be rigttccufi bH ti)OiS0,\jnlclIe tftou Do foUoVu it as a Hrmt)te line in tbe lubole continnall courfc of tfti? life, if ro it fo fcneafi tbou baft auarucDjtboa art fain into tnriglj^ teoufnes. i^erebi? apearetb tbat riaWc* oufncffe commetl) not of one, o; a fetoc VDOjb0, but of an tmftoaroing i tntoe* rico obferuing of tbe toU of (5oD.3i5ut ^ rule of iuDgingtnrigbtcoufncs is moft contrari?:if o; be t batb committeo fo;j^ nication,o? batb ftolen, is bv' one offf ce gilti? of ocatb, becaufc be batb offirnDcD againft tbc inaieft^a of ODoD. 2Lbcrfo;e The grace of Chrift^ Lucian, a godies Inian, 1 l.ini Hooke tbcfc our futtle arguer» do ftumblcfo^ t tbc^ marfe not t^ia faring of imnts, tbatbetobicb finnctb in one, isinaoc giltv of alljbecanfc be tbat batb fo;biDi)f to bill, batbalfofo;bit)Dentoficalc.fc. s:bcrfo;e it ougbt to feme no abfuroitp iKbcn tBe fap t i»^*tb isi tbc ixitt retoaro of eucrp Qn, becaufe tbet are euer^ one tuojtbr of tbciutt oifpleaftH-cf tjengc* ante of C?cD. 3i3ut tbou UjaW reafon fo* miW, if on tbc cotrarr ficc tbou gatber tbat b V one gmo luo;kc man ma\! tt tt* concilco to ci5oD,tiJbi£b toitb manr Cms Defeructbbisft»;atb. Thf.xiy.Ch/ipirer, OfChriftianhbcrtic. XT ^ID toe muft entreat of Cb^iftian tilr C0;rnpt tbc bcft tbingg. if o^fome -^^libcrtr ; tbc Declaration toberof be muft not omit, tobofepurpofeifitoto* p^ebenD in an abjiogemcnt tbefumof tbe Doctrine of ^ gofpel.ifo; it 10 a tbing p;incipalli> neceffar^e, anD toitbout tbe ftnotolcge tobcreof confcience Dare in a maner enterp^ife notbing toitbout Dou men b^ p;etf ce of tbis liberti?, fbabc of al obeDicnte of CoD,f b;eaUe fo?tb into antmbaioelcD licencioufnes : anD tome men DifDaine it, tbinhing tbat b^ it all moDcration, e;D;e t cboife of tbings is tafeen atoa^.^bat lIioulD toe bere do, being copaffeD in fucb naroto ftreigbtB^ ting,tber ftumble « ftart back in mani? j ^bal toe biD Cb;iftian liberty faretoel tl)im, tbc? altoa? ftagger f tremble: | anD fo cut of all fit cccaUon fo; fucb pea^ but fpeciall? it is an appcnDat of iuftifi* rile:' )113ut,as toe bauc farD,t3nleire tbat cation,! auailetb not a litle to tbe tnoer be faft bolDcn, ncitber toe tbc\? ma^baucCDcD mtrcifuUjtobat tber Oiall anf tocrcanD bpcn \x^W affiiincc t\m ttjali iranDt if tbctbecaliecto bt0 iuDgement, tbcre 10 not to be rccJiencD tobat tbe la^uc re* quiretb,but onelv €miiit ntufi be fette, fojtbc foj rigbteoufneCfc, tobicb paflctb nil perfection of tbc latoc. B GipDn.tbi0 pornt bangcto almoff all tbc argmnentof tbcCSpiftic to tbc <^a* 1.1 latbiat.0.5ro;^,tbat tbep be fonDe erpofiv to;0 tobicb teacb tbat f>a«lc tbcre con^* tenoetb onli? fc;j tbchbcrt^jcof ceremo^ nic0,mar be pjoueD bv. t\jc places cf tbe argumcntc0. jdDf tobicb I'o^teare tbcfe. 2tbat €i}}iilt toa0 maDe a curfe fo? t5, tbat be migbt rcDemc tj0 from tljc curfe of tbc lato.0gaine.S>tanD fatt in tbc li* Gal.3. 13 bert^ tobertoitb Cbott &. ^ fra,anD be net again cntangleD toitb § 1 \?ofee of bonDage. 115ebolD,3 paule fa^, I if ne be circnmcifeD,Cb?itt Ifeal notbing profit i?ou.anD be tobicb 10 circumcifeB | i0 Df ttoj of tbc tobole lato?. €\izifit ifi ! maoe iDle to ^on tobofoeuer \>t be ^ arc ' i iuttificD b\? tbe latoe:^e are fallen atoai from grace. vSHberin trul^ is ccntaineD fome biertbingtban cbc liberty of cere** monie0.31 graunt in DcDc ^ panl tbcre entreatctb of ceremonic0,bccaufc be co tenoetb toitb tbe falfe:apoftle0, tobicb toent about to b;ing again into J Cb;i ttiancburcbetbe clDe l^aDotoes of latoe tobicb toercaboIit^cD b^tbe comming of Cb;itt. iDut fo? tbe Difcutting of tbi0 i qucttion, tberc totre bier places to be DifputeD,in tobicb tbe tobole contrcnr p | f^ ftoDe.i?ira,becaufe br tbofe Scteilbe ! (baDotoc0 p b?igbtne0 cf tljc gofpcl toas j DarljcneD, be fl)ctoetbtbat toe bauc in Cijuft a full gcuing in DeeDc of all tbofe tbigs tobicb toer QjaDotoeD hi J ceremo nics of S^ofe0. &ccoDli,bccaufe tbefe De ceiuer0 (tlleD (r people )oo a mott naugb^ tT opinion, namelr tbat tbi0 obcDirncc auaileD to Dcfcrue ^ fauo; of CDoD:l^ere be ttanDetb mucb tpon tbis po^nt, tbat tbe faitbfull ttjoulD not tbinljc tbat tbe^ tmb^ ant? toojlis of tbc lato, mucb les bv tbofe litlc p;inciple0, obtein rigbtc* oufnf0 before Cod. ^ud tbertoittjall be teacbetb, tbat tbev arc b^ tbeCrcffecf Gal 4.3^ €bM fr^ from tbe Damnation of tbc lato, tobicb otbertopfc bangetb ouer all men, tbat tbet IqouId toitb full alTurcD^ ne ffc rctt in Cb;ttt alouc^bicb place . "' p;opirlt' Pcu.^.5". The grace of Chrift, i hird 13tX)]at t!)cv n^oulD not be bouno luttb anp religion in tbingc5 not net cffar^. 4 2Cbcf«onDpart,U)buljt)5gct!jtjpon tl)At foiuicr part, t5 ^ confciencrfl obe^ ^ laUjjHOt as (opcIlcD b? tbc nccefTitis of f lato : but bcinj free fro tbe pohc of tbc latB it fcif, of t^cir olun acco^D tbc^ obc^ tbc tuil of goo.^ro;, bic.iufc tlizi a* bi9c in perpetual terro;6,fo log as tbc^ be iinocr tbc oomtnton of tije lavu, tije^ fl[)al neucr be lottb cbcrful rea^me^t fra meo to tbe obeoicncc of OoD,bnlc5 tt)ti firttbaue ti)is Ubertic geuen tbem. 15? an eyamptc loe Hjall botb mo;rc bfjtefl^ ano mo;eplatnel? perceiue vubat tbtfc tbinga meane.DDbc cdma{ioenient of {> laU) u(, tbat Uie loue our (lI>oi3 to^tb all our bart,toitb al our foule,t3Jitb all our ffrcngtbc0.2Cbat tbi5 ma? be Donc,oar fonle mud fird be nuDe t)0)9Dt of otber fdnfe I tboug^t, cur bart moE be clean* feb of al DeOf C0 al our (trengtbes mud be gatbcreD tjp i D.:>a\uc togetber to tbw onli? purpafe. SDbc^ lt>b?rbe banc gone moft far before otber in tbe lua^ of tbe lojD,arc ret tjcr^ far fro tbis mark, jf o^ tl)ougb tbei lone gob id tbeir mino^anb )sb fincere afftctio of bart,t?tt t\)c^ bane ftil a great part of tbcir t)nxt ano foule poffclIcD U>itb tbe beltrcs of tt}c fic(b,bp bJbicb tbrp arc o^aljune bache anb ffaib fro going fo;lDarD h)it^ bafti? courfe to ©oD,2Dbev Do m ocoe trauailc fo;luarD tuitb great enBcuoj: but tbe flcQj partly? fcbletb tbeir aregtbs,t partly? bjatoetb tbem to it frlf. ^bat oial tbep bei*e bo, loben t^cs fclc ^ tbet bo notbing ies tba perfo;im tt)z latuf Ebei? tuiUtbc? couet^ tbci f nDeao:,but notbmg \d fucb perfc«^ aion 35 ougbt to be3f tbe? loHc tjpon i^ latD, tl)ei>rcet^Vtubatrocuer U)o^e tbe? attfpto CPob Dotb ncucrtbclefi acept ^ fCBB tubirb is in it Sio;,i laU) requiring perfect loue,conbf nctb all im perfect ion,t5nlf« tbe rigo;^ of it be mittigafeo. £uberfo;eb^s U)o;bes Ibulo fal to noijgbt tobicb be Icolo baue to feme partly gcoD : ano be Qjall finbe ^ it is a tranrgrcffian of tbe laU), eucn in tU^ bicaufc it is bnperfect. f ilo,boU) ad our too;h» are fufciect to tbe carfc of tbe lalu, if tbcp be mcfurcb b^prulccftbelatu.XButboUiUjulDtbe bnbappp foulec cberefuUv appli? tbcm^ felucs to too;fee, fo; bubitb tb?i' migbt not truff f tiic-^ eoulo get any tbing but curfe^£>n ^ otbcr QDe if being brliucreo from tbis fcuereerading of tbe lalu, o^ ratber fro i tubole rigo; of tbe lato^tbet bearc ^ tfjtv be calleo of dDoD toitb fa# tberl\? gentlenecrcttbc? toill mcrily ano Id great cbtrefulncfTe anftoere bis c al? ling f folloUi \)i^ guiDing.Jna fum,tbci Uibicb arc bounb to tbe yfokc of tbe lato, are libe to bonDreruante5,to tobom are appo\?nteb bf tbeir lo^D« mttMn tafl^es oTt3)Ojfe0 fo;^ eucn? Da\'.s:befe feruants tbinke tbat tbei? baue Done notbing,noj bare come into tbefigbt of tbeir lojDcs, bhleffe tbc^ baue perfojmeo tbe full tafUc of tbeir Uiojks.lBut cbilb^r ,t»bicb are mo;re libcrallf f moje frccnianlibc banblcD of tbcir fatbers,llicb not to p;c* fcnt to tbein tbeir begon f balf bnpct feet iuoMicfi, fca,? tbcfcbaumg fonie fault, trufling ^ tbe? iDill accept tbcir obeoi* encc itoillingncs of minD,altbogb tbe? baue not eractlr Done fomucb as tbeir ga)d toil toas to Do.&ucb mud toe be as ma? baue fure affiace , ^ our obebicnces ftjalbe allotoco of onr moft binb father, boto litle foeuer i boto rube i tnperfcct foeuer tbe? be. asalfobeatruretbto t)5 b? ? ^^opbet:^ toill fpare tbe (fa?tb bc}a0 ? fatber is toont to fpare b?g fo" t\)at Mal.3 17. Of the mancr how to rcceiuc &parc,i0 kt m to beare U)it})al,o^ Qtu Ip to tDinb at fault0,fojafniuc|i as lie al^ fo mafeetfj meniion of fcruice. ^no tftis affiance is not a litle neceffar^fo^tjs, l2)ytt)out iD^tcf) ID^ fl)all go about atl f binges in Uai?n0.ipojC»oD accomptetb bimfelf to be iDojOjippeO'lDitb no ti3o;fe ofoursbnttDbicbcis truelp Doncoft)S fij; tbe too;jfl&ipping of bim. Oi5ut botoc can tbvit bee Done among tbefe terrojs, tofjere it is DoutcD tobetber <©oi) be of* fenoeD o; Uio^(bippcD toitb our loio^hti 6 oo, as tbev tbat are aline from tbe Oeao , ano tbeir mejnbersjtoeapons of rigbteouHf neffes to dDoO: anD tobereas tbey mi^lit on tbeotber aoe obiect tbat tbet? Doe ret carp toitb tbem tijc fleft full of luftes,! tbat (tn otoeltetb in tbem,be aoiopnetb tbat comf3;t bi? tbe liberti? of tbe laUie, as if be Iboulo fai?. SEbougb tbe^ Do not ^ct tb^ouglp felc finDeftrorcDjanD tbat rigbteoufnelTe vet liiietb not in tbem, T?et tbcre is no caufe U)b?c tbey? fljouloe feare anD be DifcouragcD,astbougb tl)n baDcSoD alU)a)? Difpleafeo Voit^tbem fo; tliz remnants of Qnne,fo;afmucia5 tbcv are b^ grace maoc fre from p l«to, tbat tbeir too^l^es fijoulD not be cwmi^ neD bp tbe nile of tbelatoe.Os fo^ tf)em t'3^Q^^vt^t^ttm^ finne, becaufe toe are not tJUDcr t^c latue, lette them hnoljoe tbat tbis liberty perteinetbno^ tbing to t\)cmyt\)z enoe Ijoberof i« to cn^ courage to g(DD* 7 SLbetbirD part is, tbat toe be bound toitb no confciencc befo^je dDoD of out^ tuarD tbings tobrcb are b? tbemfelues tnDiflferent,but tbat toe mai inDifiPeret^ l^ fomtime bfe tbem, f fometime leaue tbem bnufeD.j^no t^ic ItnoUilcge of tbi^s liberty alfo is tjert? neceffarp fb; tjs: (oi it it dialbe abfent, tbere (balbe no quiet to our confcienccs, no enD of fuperHiti* ons. ^ani> at tbiis Dap do tbink \3s fonD to moue Difputation aboute tbe free ea« ting of fle(b,about tbe free t)fe of Daises, ano garments, anD fucb otber fmall trt* fies as tbep in DeDe tbtn^ tt)em:but tber is mo:c meigbt in tljmx tban is com* monli> tbougbt . if o; iDben confciences bnue once call tliemfelues into J fnare, t\)t^ enter into a long ana comberfome luapfromUibencetbei? can aftertoarD finbe no eafic Uia^ to get out . ^fa man begin to Doubt iubetbcr be mav occnprt linnen in fl^eete0,flberte0,baDhercbiefe0 anD napkins, nertber teill be be out of j Doubt tobetber be ma^ bfe bempe , anD { attbelaltbe iDillalfo tiall in Doubt of matters,fo; beluill Uiei? loitb bpmfelfe U)betber be can not fuppe tuitbout nap« ^ins, tobetber be ma^e not be U)ttbout banDbercbiefes.3if ant! man tbink Dain^ tit meate to be tmlalDfull , at length be 0)all not lottb quietneflfe before tbe lo;9 cate cptber b^otonbjcaD o; common meateSjtDben be remcmb;etb t be ma^ Xct futJainebrs boD^e Initb bafer foDe. if be Doubt of pleafant \x>vne afrcrtoarD be toil! not D^inbe Deao totue ivitb goD peace of confcicnce,laft of all be toil not hz fo boloe to toucb f toceter and cleaner liiater tban otber.if inall? at tl^t lengtb lielDtUcometo tt)r£( po^nt, to tbinke it tmlatofuU (as tbe common facing is)to trcaDc tjpon a gratp Iging a croffe. jf o^ bere Ro. 14 >4- Thcgraceof Chrift. bere is begon no ligfjf tt rife, but tbis is in quellton^lDbetberdDoD tDtUbaueta to tjfetl^fe ox tbofe tbinge0,U»bofe toill otf gbt to gutDc al our counhls i liotng0. l^ercbp fome mnft naoe s be carpeD \^ Befpcration into a confufc Deuourtng pit : fome mutt Defpifing C3oD,i catting atxiar hvs feare, make ttjc felue6 a toai? tbjougb Dcttruction tubcn tbcp baue no rcaov toapiro; U)bofocucr arc entang* leo iDitb fuf b Doubting, UJbicb Uia^ foe? uer tber turnc tbcmfelues,tbei? fee eixc* rr tBbcre p>efcnt offence of confcience. 8 Bl fenotD(faptbPauI)^ notbrng is co* mon''meaning bi? common,tnbolp)but tubofo tbinhctb anr tbing comon.to bim it is common. Jn lobif b tuozUcs be ma* fitti) all outluarD tbings fubiecte to our libcrtp, pjnui?5CD altoare ^ our miims baue f> alTurancc of tbat Iibertie let je goD.lSut if dni fiipcrttitioiis opinio catt intot)3 anr ooiit, t;?ofe Ibincs Uibtcb of tbeir oto'i nature tocr c!cnt,3rc Defileb Third ncH-)kc Fol.: are notpcrfinaDeb ^ tbci? are geucn to tbemfeUies^boto fbolD tbr^tbanfec OcD as j} gcuer of tbem^ £bus in a fum ii'C rec,tubercto tbis Iibertie tenbetb,namc» Ir ^ toe ftoulb tjfc § gifts of CDoD to (vcl) tjfe as be batb geuen tbf tinto ts, Uiitbr* out anp fcruplc of confciencc,lt.itboiit a* ny> trouble of minD-.bv tobifb confiocnre our foulesmap botb b^iue peace \3}it{) bim f acbnotoleoge bis libera'itic to^ toarD ts. jf o; bercare compjcbenocD al ceremcnres t are at Itbcrtie to be cb* ferueb, ^ oar confcie nces Q)oi!!i3 not tee bouno feitb anp neccffitie to t:ecpe tbr, but fljoulDc rem; niter t\]jiTt\jv tjfeof tb^m is b^ d'oDs benefit fubicct to t^cm felues Unto cDification, 9 li5ut it is bilia entl?* to be nc^ectbat Cb.jtttia libertiC is m all fi partcn cf it a fptritual tting, ^ ii ijclc nrenrtii; iv^cvf of confittctb in a;jprrtring f:arfull cud* ences bcfc^^e Cos, if CYii]iTt!;ce be Xtu qructcu o: careful fo^ v ro.JvCurnrlTe cf tobs.2;jaberefo2?bea5betb:iblea"cD iB Gn£?,oi if tbcp be rer.fuje U'-betncr oir be^iuDgetbnotMmicifin t to'jicbbe allotoetb.E^ut b? ^ iuogctb if Ije cate,is conofneo, bicaufe be catetb notof faitb. anD ^ lubicb is not of faitt),is finnr. ^# mcng ficb narroU) ttrattejj , UjIjo fj nc* ucrtbelcs id cardr a\> tjeutuiing on a'l tbings HjelD tbf feUics bolbcr,tJo tbf i not afmucb turnc ti)f felues aUoaT' fro ©on^ IBiit tbei Uibicb are tb;ogbl^ pearceo l6 fome fear of goD.UilK tbei tbf felues alfo are cop^HeD ta do mani? things agdtnft tbeir c5fcience,are oifcourageo t oe fall Doton to fear, jail i^ are fucb,5o rccetue none of v gifts of gotj icitb tijsttfgeuing br tobicb abouc laanl ^et tef:ifietb tiiat tljcr all are faftiffcn to our bfe 3 means tbe tbanHfgcuinii ^ pzoceoetb fro a bart ^ art?noU)leogctb § libcralitie f gcoDncs of vSoD in bis giftesjf o:,manT' of tbem in DeDc DO tjnberttab ^ tbofraretlKbe* ncfifes of 0OD U)btcb V-vv bfe , an5 tbep p^jyfg (got) in 'lis tmz^es: but fitb tbe^ itn jcrfcd: luojtts % oe;tl^D loitb v ^iii'fs of our fleilje do pleafc CDoD, oj tf ther be troubleD ahaat | \3fe ofinDifTrrr.it t'm* g^-3 ?K:iberfc:c t^epDoeUvioagfullv cr* pcu'j it, lubicb ci'-bcr do mafte it a ctohc fo.i tbeir oVun Defires,^ tbc^ may abufc ^ gifts of g^o to tbeir oton lutt,oi luUcb DO tbinh^tbere is no Iibertie but tl^at tobicb is tJfcD bcfo;^e men, t tberfo:c in tling it baue no rcgaro of p Uieaftc Ue^- tb^enjn § ftittMinDe,mf Do at tbis Dap mucb offenD. SLbere is almctt no nuin \ja)nct) mai? b? bis abilitic of Irealtb ta fu.nptuous, iDb'cb Dclitctb not in ercef^ Guegoigcoufncire, m furiiiture cfban^ UctB^iix appfrcli of boDp , in builDing rf boufes,tobiib batb net a \x-ii to cvccl! o? tber in al UiiiD of ftatclincs:tobicb Dctb not manic lloufiT? flatter l;tmfelf tn bV's finenrtre,£lnD al tbcfe tbings arc Dcfen^ DCD l^nocr i> p:etence ef cbjitia Iibertie. ilSbci (ay V tbcv arcjbiiigi^ur^ifiv:irciit; "fell if disruuit, jCiip.tp. jrit.t.25 j- A mo J, 6 ;P!,i 4. or th€ matter 3 graiicio p a ma inoiffermtliUc tfcf . ^ But Ujbcn ttie^ are fo greoili? couctcD, 1 \}i\)cn tber art p;ouoIi? boatteo , tDl)cn | tber arc toaCfuU? fpr nt, it istcvtain ^ ttoTc tl)tns0 UiM ottjerUitfe lurr of f^r ff luc0 lalufiilUre bv ttjcfe faultc0 Dcfi^ IcoXbitf faring of l^aiU Dotb tcr^ luel put Biifcrf ncc bcttocnc tbiti^^cs inoiflfc/ rcnt:^l ttjingfl arc ricanc to J clrnc:but to t^e Dc^cD anD tnbcleutn-0,notbins ts (Icancibicaufe tbcir mtno < cCfctcnce 10 DcaicD.iFoj iDbv arc accurfiu f rid) mr ♦ tl)£'^ tobif b bane tbf ir coM, lobicb arc fatifficD U5 mcatclubirb do nclu laugb? Uibtcb flcpc in bcos of |uc;tV)ti)bicb ioin land to lanD, tubofc fcanhcta banc lutr, bar?,taber,i Uiiacf Jaicrilp botb Juoji', I OcIo,f rttbc5,arc tbc god creatures of GOD,pcrmittcbt?ca f apo^ntco Ur t p?o* uiOf ncc of (Sob fo; men to tfc. ^eitbcr is it an\? tDber fo^biDDe to Iaufib,o;i to be fatiffieb luitb mcat,o; to iotne nclu pof< feffions fo tbcir oton olDc pofl"e(rion£5,c; of tbcir aiifcacrs, 0; to be belitcb Unib muCcal inelGDrio; fo D^inU fotncXb^ is tttic in cijscce . llcut toljcn tbcp banc picnf? of fbing0,to IraHclu ii\ Dclitc0,to glut tbcmfclucsjto nia^c tbe n* Xxit anD niinb D.:onIi \ritb p;cfcnt ^lettfurcB ant) alluai to aapc fo; ncU),tbcfe boings are 1 moft far fro p latefuU bfc of tbc gifts of ©oD.2rberfo;c let tbcm tabc aU'-a^ im* mrfurab!c Orfire,lct tbe taUe nteaT? im> mrfurablc tuaaing,!et tbem fabe atoai banitic f arrogance,^ tber n'^^V tcrb a pure cofticnce purrlr? bfc f gifts of gco. Mbcnf mmDtbaIbcf*aiiieD totbiufo^ b;ietie,tbcr fbalbauea n\U off falnfi.l bfc.£Dn I otbcr fiDc let tljis ir.cbcraticn be Wanting, eucn bafe 1 conicn bciitcs are tcmiicb.ifo.: ibis is tiul^ fait:,t!;ut oftentimes m fi xcfi' g courfc (Icib,'jU:cl^ Ictb a purple bart,f fomtanc tnbcr dlli ^ purple.tretb fimple bmrilitic. Jlet c^ iryrrnianinbrs tcgrec fo liueevller ;;j>cl\jo;ii;eun!F,o;^ntifuUv,i/ lt;tv how to rccclue allrcmember ^ tbci? are fee of Coo to liucnot to be riotous, % kt Hem tbirib, tbat tbts is tbe late cf Cb;ifiisn liber*' tie,if tber baue learnea u itb paul to be contentct toitb tbofc f brnfes tobiib tbcr p;erentl\: baue : if tbe^ can f bill botb to be biiblc anb to ercell : if tbcr be taugbt in all places anb in all t\i\nzs to be botb full anb bnngr^c, to baue plenty anoto fuffcr leant. I o J^cre alfo mant men bo erre ,bieaufe as tbogb tbeir libe rtr? (boulb not be fcCto I fafe bnledfe it bab men tuitnetfce to it, tbei' Doe bnoifrretclp t tnbcifeltbfc it, ll^V iDbteb bnfeafonablc bfing tbep ma« ny> times offeno -^ toeab b;etb;en. ^ou ma^ for at t\;is Da? fome, iDbtf b tbtr.be tbat tbeT>; liberty can not Canb, tnlelTe tbet take pcCTctfto of it Iv eating of fie (b on fabai?. 3 blsnte net t tbcp eate : but tbis falfe opintcn muO be D;iucn out cf tber;i minbs. if c; tbcr cugU to tbinfe ^ hv tbcr? libertve tl;cv obtainc no nelrc tbing in i Cnbt cf men tut bcfc;e gcD,! tbat it Bmi^ttf} as tcrl in abCainirg as intftng. gf tbcvU nter I! ab^ it mabctb no matter before CcD,U)tcibfr ttei eat firrt) c J cgges/iAibetber ibct? tuear rcD 0: fclac^ garmcnter,)^ is enoiigbUbe cciu fciencc is not free ^0 Ivbif b tbe benefit of fucb liberti' U'as Due.SL.berfo;c alttcgb tbep DO afieriiarDabCain all tbcir Irfe long from Ceds* ^tart alVoaf but cne rolo;,t!f t tbef are no leffc free.^ea tber^ fo;e biuii.Ie t\}cv are Utc.tlici Do iaiil) a free eS'ciiiif e abffain. i5ut tbei do moft burtfullp cffcnD biraufe tljei notbing re# garsc tbe lueakncHc of tbep; b;etb;en, Vubii'b li^c ougbt fo to beare U itb , tbat tuc ratlilr commit notbmg U itb cffe nee cf tbem.llDUt fomctime aUo it bebouetb t' nur liberty be fct k;tl) before me.;SlnD tbu? 31 gn.ut.liStJt tbcr is a mefure mcft l;cv;)efnllp to be liept,tbat fee cal! not a# U^ap tbe care of tbe loeahe of Ubcm tbe llo^D bdtb fo earnctllr geii Ve cbargc, n 3 Will Thceraceof Chril}. Ro.14,1 n I UJi! m tbis place tJjcrrfoyc fpcabc fomcUj!)4t of offences , in to^at Diffr* renc c tf)e^ are to be tafef ,U)f}ic!) ar to be atioideo,! tubtcb to be neglect eD: tuber^ tjpon tDce marc afrertuarDe oetermtne U)I)at place ttjer is tox our Ubertie ainog 1 men i like U)cl tbat common oemSon, ' iDbicb teacbctb tbat tbcre is of offences I 0;iC fo jt geuen,an otber take :fo^afmncb as it boti) bdti) a pUim tCilimOiiic of p fcripture , t Do:b not tnSrlp eppjeffe 1 1 \obteb it meanetb. 31f tban do anr tbtng ' bptjnfeafonable ligb'ncs,02 luatonncs, , ojraOjnes^not in o^Der>not in fit place, ' to'jerbp § msnozaiit i toeaUearebocb i offenDco,tbat fame map be calleo an of fence gcueii bp tba : bicaufe it tame to ' pas b? tbp fault tbat fucbe offence Uws ftirreD bp.a:i3 it is altoap calleD an of^ fence gear in anpt{iina;,ii ^aiilt inberof (0 ne fro \] ^oerof tbc tbioij it felf. jit is calleD an offrcetiUc tobr a tbmg tobicb isotijrrtLUienot cucUi? Done no: o'U of I ti ncis b)' cm! ':i3ji02bf fonie iDiojfuU [ m liiiaafa^j of miw'i Oialu? to cccafia of offence, fm in tkps caU w^as not cf^ fence acaen,but rb:fe kun -^/ji rcnffnt^ crs 00 \:D3ittca.ifc take cot\ Gliir.'icbut firft kino of oSf 'ce noac ar? off* ^c^ bui V U):a!J:but t^jis fccona kin!) ioiine ua* turs t l^bartfaical fcoinefull braes are offenoco^eciberfo^e l»c Ojal cal ^ cne, i offence of ti^e iDeak.tbe otljcr of {> pba rifees;* U'e fball fo temper v tjfe of our libertie,tbat it ougbt tajjeue place to. f tgnoMnce of tbe Vueak b;etbien, but in no tDife to tbt rigo^oufncs of p p'otint fes.ifc«,U)bat is to be pctoco to lucako ncs,puml fticlDetb intjcri mani place*?. IBcare (faitb bc)tbc toeake in faitb. a- gain.ilct ts not bcreaftcr iuDge one a^ notberrbnt tljis ratber,let tber not be la j ie 3 befo:e our biotbcr anp offr ce 0; oc^ ' cafio of faltiiij:! manp otbcr lapii/gs to t fame cntent,.lobicb a.e mo;e fit to be I rePinp place it frlf, tb' to be t?cr rrber r I lire! iWk? jf-oLs^S i.Cor.8. i.Cor.io 3; Ga.j.13. feDf fL?)e fum is,^ Voe Uibicb ai c ttionQ faulo bear lu tbe tDeakncflfes ofourbjc tt)2en,t not pleafc our fclucs,but ruerp ene of bs pleafe bis nepgbbo.j bnto gao U} ecifping.Jn an otber place.l5ut fe ^ rour libertie be not in anp U>ife an of^^ fnicc to tbf t arc Ujeak.iacain,C-atc te al tbingcs tbat are foloe in tbe f^ables, afUing noquefrio foj confcience:of vour Blun cofciencc(3S far)not an otbcr mas. if inallp be re fucb , tbat pe geur no of* fcuccnepttjcr to tbe Vetoes, no;i te tbe clI>rekes,no; to § cburcb of Ooo. aifo in an otber place,pe arc callc8>b;etb;f an to libertie:onelv gcue not pour libertie to be an occafion to ti)c fic(l),but bp cba* ririe feme re one anotbcr. Sbuc it is. iiDur Ipbertic vi not gcuen toioaro our cDcak neigi)bo;js,Uioorc feruaiits cbari*^ tie maketb t)s m al roinasibut ratber,^ bauing peace Mb goo in our mmocs uie map alto liue peaceablp amcng me. ^s fo; t^jeofff'reofp PbarifRS,l)o\i) mnrb It is to be regaroeo , toee learnc bp thz ^n^^ of tbe ^Lo.j'jjtDbercbf bcbiiDet!) tbf to be lctfi?':i^c,bicaufc tf;er arc blfD, I rjuvtics oft- b!; riO . STbe oifc ipf cs \)a^ ^uarnr^ 'jpn,, tW V,t p'laafe^s tuerc '.\'at.ij, off uOcDlL'it^bi? facings, be aunflrc^j'^. xa Mt tber 'aici e to be ns vic(teb,f tbe ciff^YiiJTitT cf ti:em not to fcc careo foij. 12 i3at pet Ciitijc matter bagetb ocuf fuUbiilca Uje knotu ti-bo are fo be ta'inr fiiiiDcakc,} tebofc; piwrifecsttobicb Difference being taken alcap, 3! fa not among offences tvbat tjfc at al of liber? ticremaimetbr lobicb mvQ.^t neuer boe tjfeD \i$out great Df.figcr.iDUt it famctb^ to me t 'Paul hatl) mott plainlp Decla* re:ibotb bp Doctrine i bp eraplcs, bct»e far eac libcrtte is eitbcr to be tcmp^t^ 0; to beDcfcnoeD tbougb lei tb offences. iM.i)i be tcke ICimotb? into bis copanp be ctrcumcifcD bim.but be roula not be b;ougbt to ciroiciCc S^itus. ^erctrere DiucrrcDcirgg,! noc baungeofpurpofe Cal,i.3. i Op.ip. ! Ccr.p. I9.&.22, Of tlic manev how to recciue C'a!.2.4 0; of uijiiDc: namely in c^'Kamcifimg Kimoti&iy tDbentjc Inasfr^ from ail mrn,t;c tnanc btntfclfe a feruaunt to ai mcn:am) t)c lca5 maDc to ti)t lieUies^aa a 3ieU),t()at ht mtg^t li'tn t^e 3i^^?i3«vO t'otm that \j3sr tjiiDcr ttie laluf;, as if Ije Ijuiifclf \xstt tnDcr t^u lab, ^ i)t mv^t \xmnc tfjcm tofjicft i»er tmocr tftc lato: ui tljtngjs to al men,t^at l)c migl^te faue ri!anp,as fee Uj^itctb in an ot^er place. 2:,l}iis Ujc Ijaue a rigbt moueratisn of It bertie,if it mai? be tnciffcrf tl^ reffrar* neD Vo fom p^ofit.^lfjat Ijc feao refpect ijttto tube fee ftoutl^ refufeo to circum* cifc %itusy{)t feimfcif tettigetfe,tc;itig tljus.iaut ncrtfeer tuas Si^us, tofepcfe toac Uiitfe mc>aUfeougfe fee \Joas a (Dre* cian,compdleD to be ttrcflcireo, bicaufe of t falfebjetfejf trfeicfe tuer come in hv rfec Uiap, tDfcif b feaD pnuilt crept in to efpie our liberti U)feitfe toe baue t cfe^id iiefu?,tfeat ti;)ci migfet b;iingt30 into bo Dagf, to lufeo iKC gane not place b^i fub^ iectto fo mucfeas fo: a time, ^ tfectrutfe of 1> gofpel migfet cotinue Id ron.SCfeer i0 alfo a time icfee tue mutt of ncceffitie Defeno our libertp,if § fame be in tocab cofciences enoaiigcreD b^ f bniulf erac tings of falfe apoClcs.Cliae muC in eue r^ tfeig ttuDp to p;iefcruc cfeariti?,t feaue regaro to tlit eDifping of our neigfebo?» ai tfemgs(faitfe fee)ar lauiful foj me,but not al t!)ings arc erpeuic t:al tfeings are latufHl fo^ mc,but not al tfeings no tnu f^Mtt no ma fdfee t tufeicfe isljis oiun, but j3 )XiWh is an otfeerc. S^feere is no* tfeig noU) plainer bi tfeis rule, tfea f toe mutt bfe our libeitr^if it ma^ turne to tfee cDiftig of our neigfeko:: but if it bee not fo erpcDict fo: our ncigfebc;,tfec Ire muafo;beareif. S: tere be fom tofeicfe coiitcrfait f luifco of panl in fb;bearig of libcrtp,tDfeiic tferi uo notfeing les tfea apph § fame to § unties of tfearitie^jf o j lo tfeat tfeei mat p:ouice fo j tfeeir clone quietneg,tfeciVuiC)aI mentio of libcrtie to be burieo,U)feeras it is no les betcue fnl fe; our neigfebo^g,fonitimc to tfe li^ bcrtte fo; tfeeir benefit ano eciftcaticn, tfean in fit place to redraine it foj tfeeir conscDitie. I^ut it is tfec part of a goclp man to tfeintj,|? free pcluer in cultnarb tferngs is tfecito^e gniUeD feim,tf:at fee ma^ be tfee frar to al Duties of cJwritir, 13 Hint tnfeatfccuer 3i feaue fpcfeen cfa^ uotcing of cffcnces, my mcanrng is ^ it be retcrrcr) to meane ano inDiflfcrcnt tofgs.iro;,tfecfc tfefgs ^ arc neceflaiT fo be Donr,ar not to be left fcncene fc: fear of ant offenre./rc; as our libertie is to befubmittcDto cfean?fie>focfearrtieit felf Uiielr ife oi'gfet to be bnber f> pure* ncs of faitfe. ^crilr fef re alfo cugfet to be feao rrgarD of cfearitie, but fo far as to f altars,^ is,j5 fo; our neigfebo;s fafee Uic offenD not goD.IEfeeir intcperace is not to be allotoeD^tofeiefe 00 notfeing but yjo troublcfcm turmoiling,i Ufeicfe feaD ra tfecr ralljlp to rr D al tfeings,tfea Icifure* l^ to rip tfee./|5citfeer vet arc tfeet to be fearfeeneo to,tofeicfe Uifec tfeci be leaDcrs of men into a tljonfao fo; ts of tngobl\!« neSj^ct bo fiiine ^ t\)a, muC befeaue tfee felucs fo ^ tl)ti be none cffence to tfeeir neigfebo;s.3s tfeougfe t\)ti to not in tfee meane eoif^ y confcieces of tfeeir ncigfe* bo;s to cuil,fpeciallt! tofeeras ti)ci fiitk fad tn tfee fame mire toitfeout anp feope of getting out.^no tfee pleaffit men fo;* fotfe,lDfeetfecr tfeeir neigfebo; be to be in ffrnctcD til Doctrine 0; eraple of Ufe,fa^ i fee mad be feo \d milfe,lDfecm t\)€i fil yjo mod euil 1 poifonous oprnios. ^ml rcpo;(ctfe f fee feD ^ Co;itfeias lo D;in* l^tng of milbe: but if popifl) ^aCTe feaD tfee ben among tfeem,lcolD fee feaue facn 6ceD to gene tfee tfee D;inkofmilk.^ut milb is not pcifon. Sfeerefo;c tfee^ Ire in facing tfeat tl)ti fecDc tfee tufeo tnDer a (feeloe of flattring allarementes tfee? cruelly? It^U. ^ut,graunting tfeat facfe Diffcmbling is fo; a time to be allotPCD, feotn '. i.Co.3.2 The grace fjotD long vet ^ilU^^tc^^t^^m t\)iU D^cn Ujiti) niilfefiro; if ttjci nsucr qtoXm bigger, t tl)c\? map attlje leaH be able to beare fomc ligfjt meatc, it 10 certain t^ttl)cp tuerc ncncr bjougbt bp \s)itf) milli.ES^cre arc tiuo rcafonsf tbat mouc mc U)bv' 31 U3 not notn mo.:e (barplr co* tcnD tuitb tbcm : fira,bec;iufe tbctr fol* lies arc feared^ l\)o,:tt)\^ to b: confntcD, mi) tbep \avMlV feme filtbi? in § Oigbt of all men tbat bans tbetr founo \Dit:fe^ coaul\?> bicaufe 33 banc fuffictcntlp Done it iw peculicir bco Acs,3i tuil not nob) 00 a tlimz alrea^p DOiic.£)nel\? let ^ reaoerg remeaibcr t^is , ^ toitlj lubatfoeuer off fciicc:-^ r.itan anti tbe U)3;lD go about to turnc baaUiap front tbe oiOinanccs of | OiD,o; to flape bsfromfjilob3tng tl)at tij'nc!)bs apointctI),pet lue mii^ ncucr^ tbJlcCfe go earncaip foiloavrjiauu tl)tti, tf),\t tulMtfocuer Dangers Jiaitj ta jon iU pet is it not at our libertte to fiuarac one bearc bieDtbfro p comnwiiDemcnt of tbe fame 0oi3,ncitl)er is it latofal b\> ant> pretence to attempt anv t\)ifi^Qbut tbat bJbicb be gcuetbbs Icaac. 14 jjiobj tberfo.:c (itb faptbfull confct^ cnce.6 baaing rccciueb fucb p;erogatiac ef Ubertie as toe bauc abouc fetfo;tb banc bp tbe bcnefite of Cbiill obtapneo tuvs ^ tbep be not cntangleb toitb anp fuares of obferuations in tbofe tbpnges in Wmti tbe ILo^D loillcb \^ tbcp fi)oulD be at liberacilDc conclubc'tbat tbep are crcmptfrom al potoer of mcn.jfo.J it is \jnmitte, tbat either ilb^itt fijonloe lofg tbe tljanUe of bis fo great libcralittc, 0^ confcienccs tijeir p;oStc. j^citber ougijt i«c to tl)tnk it a Cigbt matter,lybicb ii^c fee to baue coll Chjtft fo bare : aamclp VD'ntlj be b:ilueD not tuitb gcJo 0; filucr, Fee 1,18 \}nt toetb bis otun bloub: fo ^ Paul llic? hetb not to fare, tbat bis beatb is maoe boiDe,if Isjc pclD our foulcs into (uhicc^ GaLj-.i. tion to men. jfOi be traucllctb about no^ 5c.4. tbingelsin cfxtain cl)apters of § cpiaic orChri(T]^ Third Hooke. to t\ic Calatbimi3,bnt to fljeto v^ Clnift iB onrlmcD o.i ratbcr DcdroicD to bs,bn< lelTe our confcienccs CanD faU in tbcvj liberticUibicb berilptbep baue lolic if tijep map at tyc U)iU of mci» be fnarcb tuitl) tbe bonors of lalues ? o^Dinances. 15ut as it is a tbing molt b)o.:tl)p to bae Unobjcn,fo it ncoetb a longer % plapncr bedaration.if 0? fo ftone as anp Uio;b is fpoUcn of tbe ab;ogating of tbe o.jDinan^ CCS of mcn,bpanobp great troubles are raifeb bp partlp bp feDitious nien,part^ Ip bp flaun^ercrs, as tfjougb tbe libclc obeDiencc of men ly rre at once tafecii a* Ump an:) ouerH):o\ucn. 1 f S^berfo^c ^ none of bs map Gamble at tT:iis tlone,firtt let bs confintr, ^ tber arc tltjo fo.itcs of goucnimcnt in man: tbe one fpintual Uibcrbp tbe confcir ncc t.3 frameD to goDlmcff^ f to tbe loo;(Ijip of Ooti: tbe otber c iuill,tuberbp man is trapneo to tbe Jjnties of bumanitie anb ciuilitie iubicbcarc to be hept among men, 2Dbep are c ommonlp bp not bnSt names caUea t'oe ^piritnall 1 E^cmpo^ ral iurifoiction,toberbp isfigmScD,tbat tbe firtt of tbcfe tbjo fo:mes of gcuern? m:ntpertainetb to tbe life of tbe foule, i tl)C latter is occupicD in tbe tlmws cf tbis pjefent lifemot onlp in fiisDing ans clotbing, but in fctting :fo:tb of lathes luberbp a ma map fpeuD bis life among men boUlp,bonei!lp,f fcberlp,iFo;,tbat firft liino bntb place in p inluaro mine, t'ois latter lunoe o;Derc(b onlp tbe out* UiarD bcbauioe map call t\)t Spiritual fiingDome:tIje ctijer,^ €v^ uilchmgDomc. Iri5ut tbcfe tluo, as toe bauc DruioeD tijc , mufr be ei^rr of tbe altoap feucrallp cofiocrcD bp tbcfclucs: auD Uj^cn tbe one is in confiDc ring, Ujc muH tuitbo;aly $ turnaUjai our minos fro tlit tbinUing bpon p otber. ^n tber arc in nu as it Uier tUio Uio^lDs,\ubicb botb Diuerfc Kings 1 Diucrfclatocs n^ap goucrne. li5p tbis putting of Difference J-O! \ ? to i;V'tc Ibf ir fins but i> llxr be iva'^x^rn j accufcD to t!)C iut'crcnirj'.t fcfcfe tfC cf, tfjatfamcfffiftng is ralltDCci'.fcur.cc, j?o^ it is a certain mranc bclUrri Cca aiiD iit£n,bica«rc it frfrctb nctnia;: to jRom. n.! uci! fc^T [atufnl a^aarcablcto y lrc;iti cf no?), f en tbc o'J;cr ficc iDbtci; cngbt net io fiaur place amcricj {' goUv,£Df tyc Ci< uuc fjoucrnmnil tbcrc djalbc f Is ivVjcr place to fpCttU.0lfo of tijf Ccdcfiailscall iulu^c 3 ontit to rpraUc at iljiB tvmcM' cmk a ttmc fall entreating of it fi^albc fit foj tl}c fourtb boafec , \ybcrc lue fijall fpcaltc cUljt potof r of tt)c Cijurc b. HBut cf this Dirccurfcfct Ibis be tl)t ccnclnfi^ cn.Sbe qucftton bcing(a3 3 bauc fart)) of it felf not tcrv OarU o.j entaglcD,cotb fo; tbrs cai;fcacfombrrnjanr>bfcaufc tbei 50 not futtc'li' enotjgb put Diiferfcc bcttucntbc outinaru cciut as tt*ei cal it-, (J tbc court of confcicnce.f^c^ccncr ttts cncrcafctb the iiifiim\tiC)t\}iit {Mui tea* cbJtb ^ tl)C 35agiftratc o«3bt to be obci* cD,not oncl'^ fo; fear cf puninjirscnt,br iuBgcmcnt of 0C'S.0 f'mplc t.:nclu IctRC migfjt remain as cnclcn:ti \riVo,\n nia.S^berfPjc tbts fclmg ivbirb pjc fen? telb iiian to ttjc iii^Gnicnt cf Ci^ct?, is as it toerc a Uccpcr icvncD to nia, to marU ano cfprc allbrs fceretc0, tbat nctbi-ng umy> remain buritu in ?arl^.ncs.^i|;cr* tipcn alfo ccmnietb tbat olDc |9;ci*crbj Confcicnce isa tbcufaD luitnclTcs.ianD fojfbcfame reafcn peter batb fettbc craminaticn of a goD ccfcicnce fo? quit ttvx^c cf ntinUjtoben being perflvateD of fbc grace of Cb?iC, Ice coelutlbout fear p^cfcnt cur fclues bcfcje Octi 0nD tbc autbo? of tbf (Jptflle to {> ^eb^ur s, feltctb fo bauc no mo^c confcicnce of fin , in If CDC of to be ccliucrro o;r acqtii* fctj tbat finnc mav no nio^c accufe ts. i6 SLberfo^e as iuGji:e0 bat'c refpcct to men,fo cenfcicncc is refcrrcD to (Soejfo ^ a Bfflt) ccnfciciKC is notbms ds hut p intparD purcncrfe of tbe bnrt. ^n tobifb fenfc |i)ai;l ir.;itctb t ebaritie is tbe fisl^ (iilinct cf (' laU) cut cf a pure confcicnce f faiU) not faincD.SfterlcarD alfc in tbe famccbapterbc (belrctb l;cto mudjif Dilferctb from l3nticrfiant)rng,faving tbat fonte bat) fufiTrcD fi)ipU)?acfe fro tbe faitl),bicaufc tbei baD fojfahcn giDD €0* fcieme.iFc? in tbefc \DO?i)fi he fignifictb I Pet 5 31 fTc.10,2, 2.Ti.i $•, tbcrb^ fartj (Scire) to !inoln,lDberupon it is a liuclp affection to tuo^O^ip (3?cD,i alfo IS oermeti tbc name of .Science: | a fincerernDcuo; to liucbolitranttgoD^ lilr. T!k omctimemt)^Diecrtcnoct^alfo fjatistOWcIfinf^mpcrntlv^ritmUiCn^ Ac 24.16 fo mcn,a3 iit IluKc luf)cr t!jenime]Daul net!) m t\)is ^ Ijegeuctb an cnill txa^lt ' p:oteftct!) tb^t Ijc cnocuo^co bimfelt'to to tl)c fa;c'yjen,but alfo batb bi5 confci^ toalUe vu a ga:) confcicncc toUjaro goD encc bouD \uitb giltincs before qod. Ja anu mcn.lDiit t\)is toas tberefojc fa^D, tbmg.s ^ are of tbf fclncs mean?, tbere bicaufc tl3C frutc5 of gcoD conff icncc no 15 anotber cofiDcratio. jfo^ ^c ougbt to floljo I come cucn to men. ISut in fpea^ ebdcin fro tbc if tb-i b;ctj ani? offence, Uim p.2opi?rlT>,it bat!) refpcct to goo on? buttbc cofcircc ftil bring free.^o Paul Ip,a0 31 bauealreao^ faio. l9ercbT? it eo^ fpealjctb of fleO} confccratc to jcols. Jf mctb to pas t' tbc laloc w fats to binoe an^rfaitb bc)n(0HC anr Qoubt,toiubt it tbe £onfctence,i.wbicbe fimplp binoetb a not fo;r confciencc rahe:Bi fa^ fo,: confer ma iwont rcfpect of mcn,o; tjoitbout ba^ ence,nct tbtnc but v otbers.;?^ fa^tbfall ning an.? coafiorration of tbeni. ^^0 fo; nia ifculQ nn,tub!cb being firtt \uarncD e^aniplc.OoD commauiDetb not onl^ to ll}ulo nenertfjelctle e ate fucb flf fl). ISnt tjcpe tbe niiiYi cbaH 1 pure from al luff, bou^foc iicr in refpcct or Us b:Dtber,it is but alfo f3;biODetb al mancr of filtbinoo; nccciTari fc: bim to abftcine 30 it is p:c ofluo:osf ollt^^}arDU)antonnesll>bat^fc^rbeD cf(i>oD, I'Ct becealTetb not to fcuer it be. ^o tl)c kepinsxe of rbr^ lata feepe llil ^ libertie of confciencc.ISbrc m^ cofciecs is fubiect altbougb tber li^ U>c kx boiue tbis laloe binoing tbe out- ueD not one ma in J liib;lD,^o be v ^^' ^'^^'^ luo;k,lcauctb y cofcifce bnbcuD, \ Of prayer, which is the chife excrcife of f uth,& whereby vvc daily leccvuc the benefits of God. i.Ccr. s. 10! i Qif tb'rfe tbinges tbat bane ben \iii tberto fpo^i^^,tue plainli perceius boto Kcoy I \jo\?De xwh is of al goD tbig^, I boU) be Uiatetb al belpcs of rUnation. ?2ilberfo;e if befeUe fc; rclefcs lobere? fa\) be mav fn:f 0; bi£5 neuines, be mnde goe out of biiifelfc i get tbcm els tober. ii:!){5 iy aftertoarD oeciarcD tnto ts, i> tbe ilo;oe ootb of bis olun free toill ano lib:r.illi'c gciie bmifclf to ts in €^i\i\, i!^ tubome be Lffretb bs i\\ lIcDe of ourc mifcrv ail friicitic, i\\ (leDe of our neeD VD:^Jtbirieire,in Uib^^'nc be opcnctb to 1)5 tbe beaii:r.l^treafur£s:tbato:?r luljole ffUtbfiioiilD bebolDebis beloticDicnne, V-)\l t3p3:i bv?in ot:re iuljcl: e ri?cctation Ejonlj bap.g , in ly^m oure wijole bope fuoul'j thcae fcifi; ano rcG. EbJS berilv 13 ibefet-ieteanobiwjen pijilcfopbr") Uibif b cannot be lujoiig cut toitb liogi- calargL?ments:b'»t tb-^v learnc it Inbcfc cicc 60D batb open^D tijat t\:i^ mav fee Uggt in bp iggbte. lignr finccVo.:e_arc taugbt hfUiVo to acknolulcDge i> ^i\)dX foeaer u?i*baue nao of,tebaifocucr U^a tetb in ViSj tbe fame is m Cos f tn our loiD gcftJS a:b;i{r,namflv xw Uibom tbe lo.;D toiUcD tbe inbole fulncs of bis lar*^ ges tQ rciVbat from tbcncc tue fi)ulB al n;tilu as out of a moff plr tiful foutain: notuitremaT^nctb ^ tec fekcinbirtif 16 pjaiers craucorbpni t\ii\X Si^^Aii] ire batie lerneD to be iw tjim/Dtberiuife to fenovo goD to be tbe lo.:u anD gcue r of all go:j ibing?, tubV'Cb alliu*c(b ts to p:a^ to bim: I not to gc to bim j p:av to bim: fijcttb fo lictbing p;cfit l^r,tbat it CjitlD be all one as if a nfan foculD urgkctea trcaiarertjelcrDbrnibtu't'cO % DiggcD in iije ctrcfiD. ilbcrcto.jc tbe :?:pcUlc, to i\im t\)t\i tiue favtb wmv^t bcV'Dle fro caiii:ig bpo e,oo,b;itb fct tbis o^ccr-.tbat as of cbe goip:l fp;ingctb vartb, fo b? it ofrb.utcjarcframeo to call tspontbe name of ooD.iano tbis is tijc fame tbing Uibictlbe bauji Ivtie befc;e ra\?s , tl3a£ ' " "'i3l:vuit. the \ C'HJ.ZO •Co. 8. 26, oHE IS fflansr lio v v to receiuc t0e ipirifc of awipficn,tDlik Ij fcaicflj iu our Ijarts t&e tuifnesof tJje gofp£l,raiv fct[) ijp our (pivits tljat t^c|? Dare fteiue fo?t|) tl)cir Defirs to goD,ftir tp tjnfpea» !jcablcgroning,icrs Vu?!tb confioencc abba,iratt)cr.3ttsmeet tlbcrefo^ctI;at ! t^is lafte point , b^^caufe it luas before ' but oniv fpofeen of b^ t\)t toai? ano as it \aert Itgbtl? toucbco , Cboulo noti3 bee riio;0 largely cntreatcD of» 2 ^'Ctjistbcrfo^ctoe get b\>t[je benefit cf psa^cr, tijat loe attetne to tbofe tv/^ tijeiTcs lsjl)icl) arc laico tp fo; fcs tuitb {' I;caurnli?f<^tbcr. ifo^ tberc is a certain comnumicating of men \Xiitl) fiotJ,tiibcr by! tlycv. entring into tije fanduar^e of i;:aucn,?)o in bis otunc p^efence call to bim,touct}ing bis p,:omifes: H tijerame tbingtubicb tfjcibeleucD ijimaffirmig cnlv in too;De not to be t}ain,tbev' niav tpijcn nccD fo requiretb finijc in erpcri* enceXberfo;c Ujc (o^ ^ tbcr is notbing fet fo jtb to tjs to be loUeo fo; at tbe bao of tbe lo;o,l»bicb tocc are nol alfo com=* maunoeo to crauc Vniib p;iafers:fo true is it f ty> p.:aier ar Diggeo tip tbe treafu resfjtobicb our faitb batb Icfeeo bpo be* ing {bclncD to it b^ tbe gcfpel of I lojD» ^qSx) boto neccDTari 1 botu mani luaics p;otitablc tl)ii^ erercifc of p^aier is,it ca bv no toopcs be fufficientlve Declarco. CliiDoutcDli? it is not \cout caufe t ^be bcancnlp fatber tjaiftetb, tbat tbe cnl^ fo^trcCrc of fiiluatiS is i\\ tl)C calling fcpo bi'3 namc,nainelv' totjerbt? Ite c?,l to bs tbep.jeff nee botb of b\^s pjouisrnce, br inbifbbctDatcbetb totaUceare of our nialtcrs:^ of bi5poU)cr,bt>U5bicbbc fnf f einctb bs bcrng iDcafee f in a nianer fapr.tingif of bvs gCJtiicSjbv trbvcb be rec e\:uctb bs ii\ u fauc; bep ng mifera^ bl|> loocn luiti) : us:finaUr U3berb\? toe cal bim al lub olr , to gf ue bin^feife p?e^ rent to \3S . l^^rebv grciucib fmgulare reft J q;.:ietncs to our ccnfcienccs. jro^ U-ljcnfeebaue oiaiofcDto^lojDtbg nc ceffitic t»bicb oiCtreffeD ts, toe largely refttbougb it tocr but in tUs onli?.tbat none of our euels is bt?i5tJen from bi?m, Uibo toe are perfuaoeo botb to be mofie toeiltoillingtotoarD t0,anD moftable topjouiDetoelfb^bo. 3 3i5ut{toil fomc man fa^e)t5to not be hnoto tofitbout an^to put in mine of if, botb in to bat part toe be Dt£trcire05anD tobat is crpeoicnt fo? ^s:fo tbat it ma^ feme after a certain maner fuperfiuous i> be (l}u!o be trcubieo is cur pjaicrs,aj5 tbougb be toinkeD 0; aept,bntil be toer atoafeeo to our tjo^ef liSnt tbt's tobicb fo reafOjmarij not to tobat eno t ito.JDc batb inaructeo tbe,tbat te bi^ to pjat?: fo;j bcojoe^neo it notfomucb fo; bras oton caufe as ratlier fo; ours, ^e to^l* letb in 5KD,as rigbt it is,tbat bis Due be renD;eo to bim,tobe tbei atfenotoleoge to com fro bim tobatfceuer mf require, 0; 00 pcrceiue to make fo; tbeir p;o6t, « 00 teffift! tbe fame tortb tot (binges. mit (? p;ofit alfo of tbis facrtfice tobcr* \mt\i be is too;fl[jippeo,commetb to Vs. SEberfo;c boto mucb mo;e bololi § bol^ fatbers glo;iounrtalfeeD bctbtotbcm^ felues I otber of tbe benefites of (2:oD,fc mucb f> mo;c (barplp tbei tocre p;tcUeD fo;toarD to p;av.2Lbe cnlr craple of €* lias fljal be enougb fo; bs,tobicb berng furc off cciifel of goo.after 1? be net raUj l\? bao p;omifeO ra^ne to acbab,t:ct bu^ (ilt^ p;aretb bettoeen iiiB Uncs, f fen^ oetb \)is feruaut feuen tims to efpie it: not fc; t be orb brfcrcoit tbe ^;mIc of goOjbut bicaufe be fenctoe t it toas brs tiuetie,leall l}iB faitb fl}ulD toare D;oto? f^ t fiuggta),to la^ bp bis Dclircs Wtb goo.^berfo;e altbcugb totbilc toe Ire ff nfieCfe t fo oul tljat toe percc^nie not our otone mifcries, be toaketb 1 toat? cbetb fo; Ms a fometimc alfo belpetfe t3s t3nDcfrreD,ret it mucb bebouetb b0,tbat be be ccntinualli? called topon of bs,tbat our bart ma^ be cnflameo toitb earnett anu 1. Kin. 18. 42. The grace of Chnll, Tiurci i'ooke. , Fox..^^i » ?Ci4;..^ ano fevtttt Dcfire to fcfec,toue,anJj toe;* (I)tp lji,U}^ilc ^e ncrudcmc our (dues; fiieuertnccclTit? to tlic to Ijirn as to cur fi)otc ancl}o;.0game,ttat no Dc&re $ no txjt(I)cat all raai? enter into our minoe, tobercf Ujc (boulo be afljamcD to mafec tjim tDitnc0,\jjl)ilc trc learnc to p^cfent cur luiftcs, tea, antj to pourc out ourc UjJjoIc bart bcfo;e Us t^ca. iZ:ben,tt}at , toe mat! beframeo to recciuc al Ijis be- nefitcs UDitbtruc tbanhfulncs of nunt;, t!ea,f toitl) outtoaro tfjanUe s geuuig,of tobicb toe arc put in mmD b? our p^ai* er t tijep come totjs fro Ijis tjaD. £po;e* oner, i> tel)c tue baue obteincD f tobteb iocDefireD, being pcrluaDCD vteljatb anftucreo to ourc p^a^ers, Uic mat iJ^ tfterbv t mo^c ferucntlt caricD to tlnn\x tjpon tbia UmDncs, % ttericaU embrace trntb greater plefure tbofc tbigs Uibic^ toe acUnoUileDgc to Ijaue ben obtetiicD bv p.:aier. Lafi of all,tf)at bcrv tjfc anD erperiencemat acco^Ding to (? meafure DfourtoeaUneffcatTurc our minoescf bis p;oiiicence,\i3bentocl3nDcr(fanD ^ be not onelp p^onufctb tbat be toiil wcf uer failc toSjanO t be Dotb cf bis cton ac co;o open \3S tbe entrt to cal Inm in tlie ijert potnt of nece(riti,butaiio butb bis bani altoat ftrctcbctj cut to belpc tbcni tbatbe biiJ^ano tbat be Dotb not fcbc tbe \}}iti) too^fis, bat Defencetb tbeni lu^tb p^efcnt bclp.jpoj tbefe caufes tbe moft Uinoc fatbcr,altb:ugb be neuer flepetb, 0} is augaifl), tcf oftentimes niahetb a UjetD as tbougb be Oept i tocr faiggitb, ^ fo be mat erercifc tos,Uibieb arc otber \Mi(c Qoutbful I flnggifb to conic to bim to afUe of binijto require in to our oVun great benefit. 2rberfo.:e il)t\> do to folilb !L',lnbitb to cal atoav tbe uiinDs of men from p.:aier,babble tbat tbe p;ouiDence orgoD,tobicb mafeetb fo^ tbe fafckeping of all tbings,is in baine tocaricD lu our callings tjpon bim: Mberas tbe lio^Dc contraritoifc not in tjainetcaifteo ttwt PC34>»^ fje is nic to all tljcmtljat call tjppon bis name u\ trutb. SnD of none otber fojte iz \> tobu'b otber dc tnfiinglt fattV it is fuperfiuous toafl: tl^ofe tbings icbicb t , 3Lo;D is of bis otone toil rcaD? ta geiic: ] tobcras cuen i^ tcr^ fame tbuigs tobicb f loto to bs frh bis oton fro l;bcraUtt,be toill bauc ts acfeROtoi£g0 to be grawtcb to our p^avcrs. 'ciibicb tljmg i> notable fentencc of ^ pfalm botb terafv,tober;j \mtl) maiit liUe facings do acco^D.Sbe ctes of tbe lo;o are tpontbe rigbteous, f bis eares tnto tbeir pzatcrs. CClbicb fating fo fcttctf) outc tbe p^ou cencc of goD bent of bis otone acco;D to p;ouiOe fo; tbe fafctt of tbe goDli,i^ tct be omit* tetb not tbe crercife of faitbe, toberebt acutbfulnes is toipcD fro tbe minus ot mc.I^t)c etes of go& tberfo;c do toafee, ^ be mat fncco; tbe neccffitt oft blino: but be toll again on our bebalucs yeare oure gronings, tljat be mat tl)z better p;ouc bis loue totoarD bs. ^no foiiotbe ^ oi-e true, tbat tbe toatcbman of a^fraell ' ^••2».4 Oepetb not, no; fiomb;ctb, auD tet tbat be (ittetb fiiU as baumg fo;gottcn tis toben ba fecib ^s Dull ano Dum. 4 j;ioto,to frame p;aier rigbtit I tocl, lettbtsbetbc firft rule, tbat toe be no ctbcrtoife fi amcD m uiinD t l)eart,tban becomctb tbcm tbat enter mto talke to (5cD. liu[j ijoic c out of tOe tcpc Dept!), f outoftljc miDDefi; of tl)c tatuffi of aeatbO^ii^Bi far ^ al flraiigcanDfo- rein cares mail be n:mt atoaf^tisbcrVD t^e miiTDc It fclfe tuano^ing fjitljcr nnD tWjer 10 caricD about,i being Djalune oiitof !jeaucn,isp;ell^?j Dolunc totljc earttjj mean bv tbis ^ it mull be lifteD tjp aboue it fc!f, ^ it mat? not b;ing into ig figbt of gc3 an\? of t!)ofc tbings Vubif b our blinD i fctiiili reafon i^ toot to ima- gine,nc; mai? boio it felf boimD liutbtu tOc conrpas oflnv olune *canitv>but rife t)p to purcncfTe ti5a;:tb?? fo; (^oo. 5 )i5oit) tbcfc tbings are fpeciallg Ico; '- tb!?to be notcc, tbat tubofoeuer pjepa? ret*jbimfc!f to p:ar, fi]«lS3 tberto appli? all bi'j fcnfcsant! eni3?ao:3,anD net (as mm arc toontjbc niucrOi D;aUin iDitb ^anDcring tboiigJjtcs: bcraufe tl)CTtis nothing mo;c contrari to t\); reucrcnce of goo, tl?a fticb ligbtncs UJijicb is a U)it nes cf to tuanton ticentieufncs.an^ lofc froai al feare, 3n Uibici) tbing tuc mull fo mucb mo;? ernelllt labo;,a£J lue fim it mo;e baro, fo; no man can be fo hmt to pjai?, but tbat bel^^H ff^le nian^ bi^ t/pugbtesto creepe bpon bim, cirarr to far Diflant from (3o5,tnlcs tber lift tp tb?ir frnfcs on ?;ic.S0 alfo it is fuiD in § IQfalme. SCotb© bauc 3 liftcts fcpm^ | foule.^nD tbefcripf urc cftf times tjfetfj Pfla^.i. tbis m.m?r of fpeacbe,to lift bp p?ai?er; tbat tbe? tD?>icb oefjre to be baro of go5, li}uli3 not at Qii in tbdr tjjeg^. Jlct tbis be § fum: tbat bolu mucb mo;e liberal* Ip CJoooealetb feitb t}s,ge«tl? alluring t3s to !)n!oDe our cares into Us bcfome, fo murb lefTs ercnfable are tuc teles bis fo erccllcnt? incomparable benefite bo luitb t!5 ouertoei^ all otbcr tbings, ano niiiSi) t}3 tjnto it (2if,v tuc mar earned^ I? applij our enceao^s i fenfes^ to p;ai?: tobicb cannot be Den tjnies our miuD bi UronglP Vujaaiing Xmil) § binocrances DO rife bp abcuc t\)t M otber pcrntU»e banc fetfoKb? t ^^ sfhe no mc^e tban goD gcuetb leuc.iro.J tbcugb bcbiJJUetb bs to poure ont our barts,i'ct t)t Dotb in pra.(^2, 5^ Differently^ geuc Isfe reines to foliib ano froluarD alfcctions : ano tebf be p^omi;* fetb tb.it Ijc luil Do cKf o^Dmg to tt)c trill of tbe Qo^lv.i)^ p;oceDctb not to fo tfcer bearing voitb t\)cnh tljat be fulnnitfetb bimfrlf lo tbcir \inl Sut in botljc tbefc poiiits imn no commonly \niK\) offcnD. b^jcfec of,c.: b^ fomebolting o.j fluaruig | jfoj no-: 05?elt? tbc nvoll part of mr p;e^ eo l>tnDertbccourfc of bis pmr^r. m\t \ fuijieiuoutaiamclDitboutreucrfccto bcrelct t)s cal to mm5 jjolu great an te j fyealv to goD fo; tbcir fdies, (? fi)amelef* iat;tbinesifcis,U«b:ngoDrcceinftbbs I li' lO pKfcnt to bis tbjcnctDbatfjcuer bnto familiar taVat Id bin!>to abufe Ijis lJ!?eD tliem in tfjeir D;camc : but alfo fa fo great gcncleneslteitb mingling boli' I profane tbtngs toa,ttli$Y,X\i'f)Ci\ 1' rcur^ recc of I>tm boloetb not our miaous fiifl boaD bnfo btmtbiit as if iue tai^:eo Xv^.h (oiirc mtm «ia,l»e do in tbe jr.t:35cil c.f our pMier,fo;fahing b??«jl?pc lyctl}er f tbttbcr.Het 'os tberfo^c Ijno^lu \} none co rigbtl^ I iuci pjepare tJ/fducs to p^ai^ great fjliiljiies 0; fenilcs Dalnes poffcC* i'jtb, tinmA} tbc^t^are t{>;ull into (» bca^ ring of goD,e-i5cn aJ tbeir moG ftltbr De> nrcb',U'(bincrtbc\' UiolD greatli be aflja* mcD to nulit mc p:ii?|>.f^om pjopbc^nc mr ihmt !3ug')c?j to fco;n,vca ? DcteHeD tbis boloncs, r^t ti)c bice it felf batb al^ lucip reigneti. Bn& berebp it cam to pas er,biit tbjtv lBt?om p njaieJJv* of goD per I f ambitius mr baae cbo»e Juintcf to be ff tl/, tbat tbcfcontc ta it bncomb^cD cfi tbcir patrcn:couetous m?,ri^crcnrt?:tbe rartbl? cares f affections, i'f j« ^ iomtt ' &rriroi{S oflcarningjjapoUoanD a^iner^ b-^tbeecremoni?ofltffingl>pDr baaDs,! ua : toarrto^s, ^ars, an^ijcSjerous tbat men, l^ult^rctijcaiber t^:j, tbeg bts [ t^^y^mp^ UU gg. at tb.^ ^ap (as ^ 1 h€pAte o^Chrift^ Tnird gockc' l-o^ fcrcti) not l)is scutlcncllc to be fc ir.cc m nf gUgcntlp aapma f o ^^f ^f^^^^^ UcD,b«tfIuuramito Ijiairclfcinsrisbt,! l>jciirr.tcarr.unDS cccupicO cb I'Jp^r; 1.I0I1. »4 m.^lictlj cur p;ri^ci-3 Tulicftc (0 f)vs au- t!!}o:itic,t rtlJraLJtciIj tl^cn? v.^ ab;tolc, 1 ing cf H;o!)r.. ii:?ns is our r.fTuKC.tljdt if but ralijcr tljat tiic lotting cure cU5ne GDuibfttliKuc auD aiigginjncffc, fijoulo aciiiz aici) liclpc cf tl}c Spirit, f'.ctt^cr ^ ing CT tkz^ii. ^m^ v. uui uuuu.,..;u. u , Dctoc paui«cn be bispcib \J3 to p2^i jxx toe af ke anv tl)i^ accojian^ to lis tiill, in ^piritc,tl).crcfo;c rcafc totm^.i^ ^^ | '-6 be bearctl) bs. liut fo^afutucb ss cur cv to toaUcruincs : ir.r aning i^ tec inQinct , bilitif 0 are Uv Uo being fiifficia to per of tbc £:>pirit fo bfctb tuJ fo;cc tc frame 1 fc:rac To cu ratpcvfefti0n.U)c mad icUe 1 iiv,u p;apcr5,tbat it notyiaj lymtveii} a rcracyi? to bclpcfcs. r.s Ice or^bte to ci naiUctbcur cls^nc cnccuc: : becants bcnn Ibc ^;^J^ cfour ir.inB to gcD To tijc j ©od Hull in ti^is beljaUc p.icuc oolue Ci^ airccfioneftbJbartc cngbt airoto foi^ fcii-uaUprartI)inouctbcuroartc5. Wcc to i> fame en:;0. i5at botl) do fiavc | 6 5lct alfj r.ii ot^er laa: Lt , v^ i . p.a V^ farbcneatI)it,rraratfaenjofa!nt|fai!e, ingtecultoav^ felc oarcUjne U^ant,i , oj be rarricu a cotrari^ Uiar.acrefa;c 1 1':)^ carnclil^ tbtuUvns boU, Ujc fta D GCD,tc fuccctux 11)15 a-raUncs, in cure tn nc^^c of t!]3fc tbpngr, r U^c af.:c , ^c pjaiers gructb § fmrit to be our fcl)olc. tornc Voitb oar p?avcr an carnca vca maiaer,to inltriKte Ds fcbat is rvg!)t,t ! fcraeat affcctio to cbtain.iFo;.Tnan^ 00 to aoucnie o:a' affectieiu^. i?o; bveaufc I mm foi "^^^"C"^ ^^^^^ ^'^ ^^'^ P^^^f ^^ R0.8 36. iBClmolijnotUJbatlrecgbtto pzai'cs | aftcraprfrvibcDfo:me,a0t!)Ouspt9C? Usecabt, vfpiritf5m:tbtociirfucco-,i i rc:i^j:3aicrta 0.t4* maUctbin'erccfrionf;!.: t33,luitb tafpea Hcabic groningc,nct v it in Ucxt) eptljer p:aictb c: sronct:),bKt airrct'ot^p in t;3 ana^tan{:e,!3cfir£f,aiit! fis^-incjc, tobictj tbc areng;tb of nattux lucre not able in tafii to goD:ialtbou6l[) tlie-i^ cortfciic f> tbis is a neccCTary rcmc* t)^ fvj tbcir cutis , bicaufc it is to tbc^-; DcCrndicn to be teitbont p belp of CDoo Vobtcb tm craue:i'rt it apcaretb l^ tbci' 00 tbl'S Dut^c fo;> cuaomcfo jafmiicb ac to cof cinc'.an^ not Untbont caufc Paul : in t\)c mean timt t^m "f'^^f ^ ^ o^^> callctb tbcm Imfpcafeeable grontngiJ, $ conotluc\' lubattbetafke.i^bcgrnc. lubicb fo V f'litbfnl fcnis fo^tb bv tl)C gnt ; rail anD conf ufc filing tn Date of tbcr. Dins cf tne ^piritc, bicaufc tbrr lobicb ! mtc^itr: leaoctb tbcni bcrcunto : but t are tritelj? tm'ciit^ in PMPcrr, are not I c^tb not Sir tbc as it tocre tn a p.cant ignoiante tljat mv be (0 bi^locn in per. \ cafe to afUe rcleefc of tbcir n^P^ /5c^ plcrit^lyitbbltitnccarcs,^ tbri?fcarce^| Uibat tbinUe tuc to '•^f^f';^^^^^ ^""°^ ipgntjelJJbatis p^oStable fo? tbemto! mo;iCDetcrrablctoGOt)tba tbi^»atnmg> rp?ak::rratubiletbrraoabD::tto Wter ; ijbcnamaafJtctb fo^^cucnc^coi-fi s, aainnTcrins U)o:D3 mv Oick f^ift cnco i in tbc meanc time «^i«'";^.^^\"^"^^^."^;^^ bjcD. CiUbercup :n it fclctyetb,tbat m \ !)C i0 not a finner,c; net tanUrng V)pon gift of p:av>w rigbtlp,i3 a finsular gift J tbv0 tbat be 13 a finnc r:cuen t^^^^^^^^ l^bcfc tbings are not fpo'ic to this pur. Ooo bmifclf ts plauili? »"ocfecbf iDUt of pofctbattoe fauo;iingour otunficutb^ fucb pcrucrfcneffe ( as 31 baue m^c) fulncffcflboulo geucouer th^ r barge of ! manbtnt)e ts full , tbat fo; niaiiersjafte iCap.2o» Of the maner Iiovv to receiue , tljct? nmn^ times afkc nian^ tilings of i goD,lDi)icl) tl}titcvtainlv i«tisc ^ U)i% I oat^is libcralittcoo come to tOcm fro torn : otber tofjcr, o.i tliat tl)cv bauc tfjr I alrca^^ remaining Uritb t^f . S^bc fault 1 0f fome otljcr feemetf) to be ligljtcr i ret j not toll crablctfjactfjci \jaUd) liauconli i concci?ucD this pnnciplc ttjat luc muff I facrifice to gotJ lottl) p.2«rers, do mum^ ■ bic tp p;a\?ers ta^tfjcut ant? mufmg of ' mino Xipon t!)cm.li5ut (tc gotiI\?c muUc ; ^.jincipaUi'takcijciJC, tbatt!)cp ncucr i:o;nc into tl)C Qgl)t of (SoD to afhe anp tl)i!X,but bicaiifc ti)ci no botb boilc Mtl) ; mntft alfcctioapf bare, tf Bo tljcrtoitb^ ! jslDcfire to obtcincit of bim. |^ca i alfo ! tbougb in thofc tbingcs totjirb toe affec oitl^ to tl)c glo^p of dDoB, Iwc fecme not ' at ti)c fu'ff ltgl)t to p^jouiDc fo; our oUin I ncccffitie, v^ thz fame cng'ot to be af* fectj taitJj »io Icffe fcruciitnps ano \xtl)Z' me:im :£ of oe'd'.'c, 00, totjen toe p^a^c tbat bis name be balol»eo,ljoe mua(as '^ mag fo rpeal^e) fcrticntl^ feungcr auD tbi'iff fo; t^jUt baliotuiiig. 7 y ani? man obiect,tbat luc are not al* ^i3a? ojiMcn^r&itb lilic neccffitic to p;ai, 3 grapt § fame in oce.9:i tbiss Difference isp;o8tablretaugbt ^js of|ajnes,^s an^man bcaui? among ^ou ^ llctljim jjj^^e . ^Slbofo 15 mcr^, let bl?m fing. i^fjerfoje euen coimmon.fcliiin; ttdcljHlj WitW becaufe lueare to noatbfaI,tbcr fo;e as tljc matter requirctb ^c are tljt mo;e fl^rplv? p^ickeo fo;iu.iroe of viDon to p;ai eraeffIi.0nD tbis DaiiiD calictb tbc Qtte timc,beraiife Cas be tcacbc'b in ?!fe^n? otbc^ placcjj) boluc mmljz mo;c ii?arDli> troubles, DifcomoDitiC5> fcaresf, QLOtber Uijir»5 of tcm^attOits; oo pits ^b, ipmue'jefriKr accede ic open foj Ids, as tbough ©oD DiD call t?3 t3nto Xnm. liSut V'ct no Ics tru$ istbat Um^ of paule, )\iAiB tbat tau muCt p;a^^ at all tirnts^huwtt fjotafoeuer tbings p;^ofperou{ii iloUi ac- co^Din^tQour bartig peQre, ano matt$j', of mirtb Dotb copalTe Ms on eucr^ fioe, t?et tbere is no ^inuteof time luberin our neeoe Dotb not crbo:t tjs to p;at. 3f a man baue abounoancc of iuine anD iDbrat: vet fitb be canot eiiio^ one mo.:^ fell of b.:eaD but bi? tl)c continuall grace of (1501), Icbole Cellers o; liSarnesfuU be no let U)bp be (bculo not crane Daili? b;eaD. jjiotue if toe call to minDe Ijotoe manj,' Dangers do cuerp moment bang ouer t50, tbe tierp fcare it fclfe teacbe ts tbat toe baue no time free from pjai?er. i5ut this lac mar better perceiue in fpi ritualltbinga. jro;,li}ben Cbal fo manr nnnes,ti3berof Itjc hnoti) our felues gib t^jfuffcr t)0 to fit Sill toitbout carc,anD not in buble loife craue parDon botb of tl)z fault I tin paincf M. ben do tentati* ons graunt tts trtice,fo i' iwe neoe not to \)xit bnto I)clpe^^o;eouer tbe DeSre of t\)t lungDomc % glojr of goD ougbt fo to pluck bs to :.t fe!fe,not br fits but ccnti* nuallr, \^ It fi^oulD alujar ^J^ ^t time fo.: bs.C;)erfo;e noJ iBitbout caufc toe arc fo oft commauDe^ to p^jar- continnallr.3 DO not ret fpeaU of perfeucrace in p;ai* cr,toberof mention Hjalbc maoebereaf:* ter:but tobcn ti)t fcripture toarnetb bs t) toe ougbt fo p.:ar continuaUr>it accu* ktlj oar fiotbftilneS'Cjbecaufc toe Do not perceauc boto necclfcirrc tbvs care i Di^ iit]cnce is foj bs.iBr tbrs rule all bvpo^ criiis ii crafiinelfe of Irins to OoD is oe^ barrcD,i'eaD.:iuc5i far atoar fro p^icr. C5oD p.zomifetb v be toill be ndere to all tb?n! ^call i3pon bim in trutb,f be p^Oi^ iiouucetb tlyxt tljcv Ibal fince bim tobicb Ut^t bim toitb tbeir tobcle bart . Il5ut tbcp afpire not tbetber tobicb pleafe tbe fehics in tbeir oton filtbines.Stberfo^e arigbtp.:arer requiretb repentaunce. i! pure too;rbip pers of goD.acrfo^e tobofoeuer p;rcpa retb bifelf to pjar, let bim be lotbf ull to bimfelf in bis oton ej?il3,anD (tobicb ca not be Don toitbout repentance) let bim put on tlje parfo anD mtnD of a begger. 8 l^eretnto let tbe tbirDc rule be lop^ neD,tbat tobofoeuer p;efentetb btmfclf before goD to paat,Q)ulD fo;ifaUe al tbin^ king ofbiB oton glo;r> put of al opinion of too;tbines, anD finally geue ouer all trull of bimfelfcgcuing in tbe abacing of bimfelf tbe glo^r tobolv to ©oD:leaft iftocta^e an? tljing be it ncucr fo little to our leluec, toe do 16 our btonc i^)cU Img fall atoar ttb bis face.^'f tbi« fub* miffio tobub tb^otoctb Doton al t^tiQ\)ty toG baue often cramples in r feruantes Oi"goD;among tobom tbe bolicr \} euerr one ifi,fo mucb tbc ino^e be is tb;iotofn Douni toben be ccmmetb into tijc figl^t of tbe iio^D.^o Daniel ,tobom tbe Io;d bimfelf ccmmcnneo toitb fo great a ti^ tic cf p^aife,favoc: «I;?Uc pourc not owre p;avcrs bcfc^jc tbcc in oure rigJ}tcoufj nellf0,b«t in tbi great mercica lOrar te Ki;D,!lO(jD be Ricrc iful to Ms. i^car t0,} De ttjcfe tijings )^ toe afh, foj tbinc cton fahe:b:caufe tbr name is calico tpcn 0? ucr ti}e people, anD suer tbr bolr place, ^citbcr Dotbe be br a croUcD 6gnrc(a5 men fomtimc fpcalicj mingle bimfc Ifc toitb tbc miiltttuoe as one of 1' people, but ratber fcucrallr confcllctb bis oton giltines f bublr Cectb to tbe f G(t«arr of fo;gcucne5,as be t^>:^t(i^ faitb:Cabf '^ confcCfeo mr fins, 1 ttfc Uns of mr peo? plcSnD tbis bumblcnc0 2DamD alfo fct tctb cut toitb bis cton cramplc,tobc l^e faitb: C:;nter not into iuDgemcnt \Xi tbv fcruaunt, bicaufc in tbr figbt cuerr one tbat liuctb>lQall not be iuttificD.|n fucb mancr CBfar p;aretb: i.oc,tbou art an* grr bicaufc toe baue fmncD : tbc too;lD IS founocD in tbr toarcfl, tberefo.ie toe Ojalbe faueD: ano toe baue ben fillcD Id bnclcnncs,! all V)nrigbteoufnctrc£,a6 a Dc6lcD clotb : anD toe baue all toitbercD atoar as a leafe, ano our iniquities Doc fcattcr abiJODc as ibe toinD:anD tbcre is none tbat calletb bpon tbr name, ^ rai^ fetb bp bimfclfe to taUc bolD of tbcc: be? caufe tbou batte biD tbr f^ee fro bs, ano baft maoe bs to pine atoar in tbe banD of our toicUcDncs. j;>ototberfo;e 0 Io;d, tbou art our fatber,toe arc cUi,tbou art o»r fai^ioner, anD toe arc tbe too^he of tbr bP.D.lSe notangrr j3) tc;D,neitbcr rcmtbje toicUcDncs fo;^ cuer.l^cbolDc, lokc bpon b0,toe are all tbr peoplejio, botoc tvi.aoj. Dan 9,1$ Pi:i43,2.: •7, (Bf the mancr how to receiue ?- boU) ttjer iJanoc ^poii no afif iancc at a!, but tjpon tt)is onlp, tljat tljmfetng Upon t^is tlyii tt)ev be ©oDOes, tber ocfpaire not tbat be toil bauc fare of tbcm.iiiHc' U)ifc leremr: Jf our iniquities anfUJcr againa b3,Doc tljon foa tf3^ names fafee. ^o to^D.il^ot acco^oing to tt)c rigbteouf* neffes of our fatbers doc tuc pcwre oute pjatf rfi in tb^ figbt»anD afke merer be* fo je tbi? face €> !Lo;>De oar ©oD : but be^ canfe ti^m art merciful >baue merti bpo bs^bieaufc toebaue finneo befcac tbce» 9 ifinallF^ tbe beginning mn atfo the PKparing of p;wping rig!;tl?, ib eraufg of parbone>U)itbdn bumble ant)pLunc con&ffion oTfaulte. io;^neifocr is it ta be bopco^tbciteucn tin bnlieU man mai cbtainc ant> tbing of (Dou, bntill be be Cr«Ii? rcf ocilco to bimmeitb^r is it pof? fiibte tbat goumap be fimo^ablc taan]', but tt^mx toborn b^ paraonctb. WX'otw. fij^e it i&no marucl if tbc fiiitb-Hbaid tbts be? open to tbcm Cckies-tb^ Do^e to p^^. tober tber a''feg releafe 0 paints, {> tber alio pjar to taiietbcir fins fu^^cucmbicaafe it tocrc an abfur^ Xiitx^ to toill rbat ttic cFcct be taUr atoa? tob^tc tber aafe afcio?tb» i?02 toe mut'e | betoarc ibat Coo be faucjsblc t)nt£ bs, bcfo^ij tbat b€ tedie bi? fauo^i toitb or:t* UiarD fignes jbiiaiuc liotbe b^ bimieuif toil Ucpe tbis o.ji5-r>anb it (bo:i!D little pzqgt bs to i)aut bun bcnenciahbnlctTe our ccJifcience filing bim apraf£b,l^Hl0 tb?ougbIr n^^^v ^ni Icuelr bnto bs» ^bicb toe are alfo tati^t br r anftoer of Cb;ille. jfo^j tobcn be bao oecrab ta beaietbc nxm Tick of tbe palfCTfbe fati). ni firwie* arc fo^rgcuen tbee:lifting bp Mat,p our minBs tberbr to )5 la^Ucl) is cbafelr tabc toi(bci5, tbat ©o^ firfle receiue bJ into fauoi,anD tben Gjetoc f3;tb r fr«te bf t^couciltatian in bclpingbs. But be* lU>e tbat fpenall confeCfion of pjcfente giltines,tobcrbr t\)t faitbful make fup* plication to obteine paroonof cuerr Cpe ciaU fault f paine,?bat general pjiffar t, tobKb pzocurctb^ &iuo; to pmrers, ts neHer to be omitteo^becaalie tinles tber be gcqunneb. tipgoa :> c torn rcr> of " €0D^ Ioh.1.9, aKin,34 »Joh,3. loh p. 21. OoDjt^c)? Hjal iu*>tcr ofctcrnc ani? tljing of oD be comp^cbm Deto fattljjtn t\)t mcane time not mluf Ding fcare: bv^aufc not onip bis maie^ Itic D jiiictb tJiS to reiieiT cc, but alfo our oVon tonUjojtbincie bolDetb ts in fearc forgetting all p gQ>3fpur totbe bol\? ones to call bpon CDoa,lubcn being DiarelTeD tx)itb tbeir otim neceiritt,tbei are bcrcD Initb moft great bnquif tars, larealmodo^fmapcD in tbsmfelucs, t?H fa^tb eome in fit time to tbeir fur* f 0.^ b^raufe in fuct> DittrerTes tbe goD* ne3 of 000 fo Ojinetb to tbcm,r!)iit ti^e^ DO in DffiD grone bepng tocarpeo to^tb i»eigbtofp.2efent cupls, tbe^ arc alfo m perne ano greucD \i3itb fcare of grea tei%Yct being fo topbolDen b^ tt,tbei bottj reteueanocomfo^ittbe baronesofbea^ rtng tbem^nD Do fejpc fo;j efcapc f Deli^ uerance.S^bcrfoze tbe p;rai?0r of a goDli? mm mutt arife out of botb affections,* muCtalfocontein anD ftjeUj botb name* Iv to grone fo;r p^efcnt emls , anD to be carefuUvafraiD of nete^, anD ret tbere» iDitfjali tQQc2 toCDeD-, not Doiiting tijat be is rea?>p to reacbe bis b^lping banD. ifo: er,tbe pjarer of faptb.i^gainc tob^ <25oD fo oft affirmctb p be tuill gene ta euerp one accoiDing to brs fartb.be fig* nifietb t ^e obtaine nctbing tuitbout fartb. irinallr it is favtb tbat ofctatnetb Ujiiatfocuer is grau' ej brp;^irer.SDbps is meant b^ f notable failing of |9anlr, Rom 10. tobicb tbcfartiflje mm Do tafec no beeDc 43 tinto. IpOiU (ball an^ man call tpo hi^ti^^ in t»bom be batb not bdcueDf y^ut tuba H>.\ll bcleuc^nlcOTe be bauf bearDflSut faptb commcfb of bearing , anD beariiig oftbsU»o;3of(H>3!5. ifo;,conutving bf Degrees tbe beginning t)f p^fifer from fattbjbe plainly affsrmttb tbat ,t j?a;:^j£gbjje^Qt. ' bi'^^ tSt^55^t!?,^l5l^M?l-!^'^: 1 Thcsraceof Clirift f onaocnce of minoc t <^oo i« fauozablc Third Bookc Foi.26^ I bfciret& goD tsjiU to f ()cm, tljct? tljinlse tijat U)? fpea^e a moff great abfurDttic. Witt it t\]t^f}aXimv\)k oftruep;iarcr, tbe^ tooulD truelp ^noerttanD ^ CPoD c a not be rigbtl? caUeD tjpoti iottbout tbat ftc?)faftfaUngof<©oO)3gcDDtciill. ^i^ nomancantucll pcrccaue tlje fo;tceof fa^tb,but be tobicb bi? experience f cetetb it in bi's bart: tobat mar? a ma profit b^ Difputing toitfj fucb mf tobicb M opcn^ I? fllsU),^ tbe^ neuer bau anv tbing bat a bain imaginationfif oj of U)bat fozce, f boti) ncceffar^e is ^ aCTureuncs Iwbicb toe require , in rijdefl^ learneo b^ inuo* cation. WBW) tubo fo fetb not, be be^ lD;ta?ctb 1! be batb a bcr\? oul cofcicncc. itct bs tberef3;ie , leauing tljis ftince of blint)e men, tttcfee faft in tbat faring of pAuU t <25oa ca not be calleo tpon of a nv otber, but tbem ^ bnoto b\?s mcrcpe bp tbe gofpcI,anD are furclt? perftisabeo tl)at it 10 reaoi? fo;t t^c.if o: tubat mancr of fainng Ojoulo ti^yis bef ^ Ho^b, 3 am tjcril^ in Dout tobetber tboa loilt beare mc:but biraufe J am uiftrcfTcD \j^ care* fulncs, J fla to tbet,^ tbou mapcfl: bclpe me if 3i be luo jtbrc 2Cb\?s tuas not tbe toonteo maner of all § bol^ oncs,tobof«J Ht-i ic ' P'a\!cr0 toe rcab in tbe ftripturc8..^1ici'* '^^ ^* tbcrbatbtI)ebolT?gbotttbu0 taugbt t)0 bi? tbe japoftlc tobicb biooetb bs to go to tbe beaucnli> tb,:one toitb conft:f ce,tbat toe map obtame grace: ano tobcn in an otbcr pLice be tcacbetti ^ too banc bolo/ nes I acccCfc inconfiDence bv tbe fa^tb o?vIb.jift.2«i;ic mull tberfo^e boloe fall \3i\tii botb banb3 tfjis affureOnelTe to ob* tain tobat toeafH(atb botb § ilo^D toitb bi's oton bo\?cc fo comauncetb t0 , f all tbe bol"p ones teacb it br tbeir crample) if iue toil r^nv toitb frutc jf 0:^ tbat on* ll' ^^:aicr is plcfing to goD,tobicb fp^ing-- ctb out of fad) a p:f fiiption of fartb (a0 3 mar fo call it) ano 10 grouoeo tpon a |D:eDrcrrc crrtatntic of favtb. l^c mygbt Ep 3.12. baue ben content toitb tbe bare name of ., fa^tbibutbc notonlraoueb conftQcnce, but alfo furnitbcD J fame toitb libertve oi bolDncffCjbr fbi^: marbe to put Differ rcncc bcttocnc bs f t3nbcleuers,tobicbe DO in oebc alfo pjar to gob a0 toe Do,but atabucnture. i?oj tobicbe reafontlje totjolc Cburcb p;aietb in tbe pfalm:llct l^w^-33 tbr merer be topen b0,afi toe put our truft in tbee Cbe fame conbitton i0 alfo fpoUen of in an otber place br t p;iopbeti 'in tobat car 3 fljall err, tbrs 3 bnoto t (2?oij is toitb me.again : Jn § mo;ming 3toillDircctemrfcirctotbfe, « Bl toill pfa/6.x toatcb.iFoj of tbcfc too?D0 toe gatber,^ Pfa.j-.i;. p:arer0 arc in tjarne call into tbe aire, tnlcffe bopebe abiorncb, from tobtnce as out of a toatct)tourc toe mar quictlr toaite foj tbe ilo;^D. ^Ijertoitb agreetb tbe ojbcr of paul0 erbo^tation.ifoj be^ foje tbat be mouc tbe faitbful to p;ar in 'Enhc.6. fpirit at al time0 toitb toaltcfalnc0 ano , ^ oiligencc^tbc firtt of all biobetb tl)em to tahe r fl)if lb of fartb, tbe bdmct of faU uation,t tbe ftoo;joe of tbe fptnt, tobicb i$ tl)c toojo of <2?oU. ijioto let J reaDcr0 bcre call to rememb;ance,tbat tobicb 3 banc befoze farb,tbat fartb 10 not cuer<= tbiotoen tober it 10 iorneo l5 achnoto* Uoging of our miferr,netmiclTc,anb fiU tbuicffc.jpD.i toitb boto bcanr tocigbt fo cuer of euili ooingcs t\)Z fartbfnil fele tbcmfcluc0 to be aiicrloben 0? grcueD,f tbat tbcr be not onelr boioc of al f binge tobicb mar procure f^uo; toitb CPoo but alfo tbat tber be burbenco isith manr offences tobicbe mare too;jtbilrf ntakc bim b^eufull to tbem: ret tbrr Cf ITe not to p?cfcnt tbemfcluc3,neitber ootb lbi0 feltng mafee tbem fo afraib but tbat f bei mil rcfo;t to bim,foiafmucb a0 tljere i0 no otber toar to come to bim,ifo3,p;ai^ cr toa0 not o;b:nnco,tobfrbr toe fljculo arrogantlr aanaunce our felue0 before (35ob,o; cttcme at great baluc ani tljing of our oton, bat tuberfar conftlTing cur ^11 i. giltinciTr, |Cip.20 X emnxpkytav ing. 1i:9calc my> foulc,bifraire 31 baae Utif iicD asaniU tijeej graut in DeOc tbat in fiicb fapings fljouiD be tcmlv p;ict:ings I brjlcilc C?cD Diti Ijelp : but tt;e nioH gcD I father of ijis incomparallc teiiDer feino* I nrffc batb bxouQU tcmtHv in fit feafcu, Volterbv apeaCmg ail trouble,arru3agtng al farc3,tDiping atoat? fearcs,be migl)t gentli? allure bs to bl^ni,t?ea anD tat?ing atoai' all soutes (mucb mo;c all (ko^s) be mtgbt maUe bs an eafie l»ai?. 13 i2nD firft toben be comaimDctl; buto p^ai!,be Dotb b^ tbe Ijer^? fame e 5ma«n^ Dcmct accufeb0 of toicKeo obftinact'jbn Irs IDC obey bi. #otbtng coulD be mo^c pjecifel^ ccmauoeD, tba t fe^btcb 10 in v pfa!m:€al bpon me in & t)a\? of trouble. 2Biit fojafmucb as among al tbe outtcs of goDUnc0,§ fcripturc comenoetb none mo^c ofteutS neoc not to tarp loger bp? on tf)i$ point. jarUe(fartb our matter) f re ffjal receiuc : Unocb,it f^al be cpeneD to rou.^^otcbeit bere is alfo Voiti) tbe r 0^ mauDemf t to^ncD a p^cmife as it 10 ne* ccffarp. fm tbogb al men ronfcOre t^ tt}t f omaunoement ougljt to be obcrcD, ret tbe moft part IdoIo flee fro goD tuben be callctb, bnle0 be pacmifeD tbat be tuolD be eafv to be entreatcD,rea t tuclD cffer bimrelf.aCbefc f too tbings being 0abli* ftit^jit is certain i5 iujjofocuer mabc ce^ h^ts t])iit tbeicome net Hraigbt to goo, arcnotonelrrebeUiou0 1 bifobcDicnt, but alfo arc p;5oucD giUr of infiDcIitr,bi? faufctbctH)irrruatbep.iomirc0.Uibicb is fo mucb moje to be notcD,bifaufc hV' pocritcs buber tbe c o!o^ of bumilitr ano moDeftr boc a0 Irdl pjouDli? Defpifc tije commausement of (igos,a0 DifcrcDit \jis cljeef part of bis luojl^ipifo;^ after f be i)atb refufeb racrtfice0, in tubtcb at t{?at t^me all boUneSe feemeo tc (fam;>be be- claretb t tb^0 10 tbe cbeefe tbing f moff p^eciou0 to bvm j about all ctber, to be callcD bpon in tbe cap of nece , 3:berc=^ fo^e tcbere be rcquiretb ljt0 oton ? « em couragetb bs to cberefulnes of obcring, tbcre are none fo ga^e colo J0 of tscuting tbatmaiercufeb0.Mbcrfo;c bote ma^ nv tcliimonie0 are comcnir foiib in tbe fcripture0 toberb^ Uie arc comaiitjeD to call Upon (Sod, fo man^ UanDartJcs sre fet bp befo;»e our cie0 to put affiance in< to b0 Jt ixjcre ratbnes to ruflje into t\}c figbt of CDcD , \)nlcfi'c be Dib p^eutnt b0 \xiitl) calling b0.2Lberfo;e be cpenetb t50 tl)t tua^ iuitb &rs otim bo^ce facing : 3 tDill far to tbem:^c are mr people: ano tber fball far to me, tbcn art cur 0oD. ^{e fee boiu be p^tmtttl) tfjein r luo>^ n)ip bim, I luilletb tbe to follolo Ijim , « tberefo,2e it is not to be feareb tbat tt^ys I^olBnotfaeaberrftDetemelcDrtoljitb be tunetb. ^prciallr let tbr0 notalle ti^. tie of dDoD come in our nunbe,tiiberup* on if loe (far) toe (ball eaOIr pntTe ouer all ff op0. 2Dbou CDob tbat I^earelf p^ar-- er,euentotbeel}^alaUflen)ccme, Sfo} U>bati0mo;ie louclr 0; mo; e alluring, tban tbat (Ecb be garniOjcD \Kitl> tlAs ti. tic tobicb mai afcertain b0 tbat notbing 10 mo;e p;oper to br0 nature , tban to graunttbe bcCrc of Ijuble futcrs:' i^cre? br tl)t p;jopbet gatberetb tbat tl)t gate Itanbctb open not onclr to a feU),but to all men: becaufe be fpeaUetl; euen to all in t\jy:s faring: Call bpcn me in tl)c bar of trouble : Bl iuill beliuer tbee,anD ttjou (bait glo^ifre me. ;acco.:brng totbr0 rule E^auio laretb fc^ timfelfc tbat a pjomife U?a0 geuen brni (bat be marc obtain tubat l)e afiittb: STbcu iLo>D tail reucaleb into il)c earecftbr feruaunt: tl)erefo;e tbr fcrtiant batb fcunb in br0 bart Zacl].i3, 9' pfa.55-.3. Hso.is. 2.Sa. 7, 27. >9 The srace ot* ClirifL TijirdBooke Fol.265 [)zart to p^av. ^fjcreupon \dc gatl)cr tbat fje tuaa fcarfuU, fauing tn fo mucf) a0 tftef jomrfe bao cncourageo brnt. ^0 in an otbcr pli^f e be arm? t!j btmfcif toitb tbis general oortdne. li^e toil do § UUI of tbem tbat fcare bim. ^ea f tbis tDC mav note in tbr ^^falmesjtbat as it toer b;eaUine bis courfe ef p^areng be palTctboucrfometime totbc polncrof (SoDjfoiiitimc to bis gcoDneSjfometiine to tbc trntb of bis p.:omifes. Jt migbte fcinc tbat ^auio bv bnfcafonable tb^u^ ttig in of tberefentenccs,maDc niaglcD p;ia)pers:but tbe faitbful bnoU) b\> tfe f crpericnce,tbat feruentncs faintctb tin less tbci pat neto nouritbmcnts bnto it, I tbci'cfo^e in piavincc tbat mcDitaticn botb of tbc nature of ©oD,t of bts toojtj i$ not fupcrfluous.anD fo bi? tbe eraple of2Dami5,letit not grciiebstotbjatte in UkI^ tbi 510.0 as mai^ refreOj fainting bearts taitb nctu liucl? ftrengtb* 14 0nD it is iMonoerfull tbat toitbfo great fUiectnes of pjomifes toe arc ty>f tb?r but colMv 0} almoft not at all mo* ueij,f a great part of men toanujing a< boutbucompacrcsbao ratber leauing tbe fountainc of lining toaters,tG Digge | fo;tbcmfelucst5;\»pittcs,* tbantoem- b jacc tljc iPbcralitie of (25oD freely oifc^ rcu tbcm . an inuincible toure is tbc Pro.iS.x name of tbc lo>o(faitb &alomon)to it ^ I rigbtcous ma fbal fla,anD be Ibalbc fa? Iloel.2.32 1 ueD,0rtU 3od,aftcr tbat be bat» piopbc? cieooftbatbp;irible ucffrurtion tobi'tb toasat bailee, aQBcDtbrs notable fen* te{ue.(2llbofocuer callctb iJpon i name of tbc II o;D,fl)a!be fafc: tobicb fentencc toe Unotoe to pertc^nc p;joperl^ to t\)c courfe of tbc C'ofpcl.^carcelr cucr^bu B.2Ctb man is moucD f 0 go fo^toaroc to mete gD3, ^^cbimfelfc rr^etb bp era?: r 24' ft S)all call bpon mt,m^ 3i toill bcarc T'ou,^a before tbat re crpe 31 toil aum ftotrerou. SInO tbisf fauic bono: aifo in anotber place be licticberauetb to gene Pf.d; in common to tbc tobole cb«rcbc,as it bclongctb to all tl}C memb;:cs of cb?tlt, Wc batb cr?cD to me, 3! toil bcarc bim, i am m trouble tottb btm, tbat 3i Jnarc DcliMcr bim. jT^citbrr y^ct (as 3 bauc al* rcaoi? faio^is it mr purpofc tc rctUc tp al tbcplaccs but to cbttfc out tbc cbcfc, bv tobicb toe ma? ta!^c a taft boto feino ' \\> goD allurctb bs tnto bim,t toitb boto ftrcigbt boDs our tintljaUfulncs (b bouD, toben amcng fo Ibarpc p;ichingcs oure OuggiCbncfTc ail mafectb Dclav: 5Slber^ fo;c let tbrfc farcngcs altoa^c founu in our cares: STbc lozce is to all tbcm tbat pf^ cal bpon btm,^ call t)pon bini in trutb: v. alfo tbefc fa^cngs tobicb toe banc allca 1 gcOoutofefaroanD 5ocl, bvtobrcbej i 0:5013 fiffirmctb t be is bcccfull to bcarc | p>a?crs,?ca antj is tclitcD as tottb a fa criScc of ftoeet fauourc, toben toe caHc our cares Upon brm. SCbvs ftngulare frute toe rcceiueoftbep;omifcsof gon, toben toe make our p?arcrs not nonb* tinglnanu fcrcfull? buttruCingfcpoa bis too;D,tobofe maicftic tooulo otbcr* toifc mafec bs afraioctoc Dare call tpo bim b? tbe name of ipatbcr, fo;jafmutb as be boucbefauctb to put tbrs mottc ftoeet name into oure moutbcs . ^trt^ mainetb ^ toebauing fucb aUurcmcnts fl)ulo Unoto tbat toe bauctbcrbi matter I cnouab to obtc\;nc our p?a?crs , foMf* mucb as our piavers (fano Upo no mc-- rite of our oton^but al tbcir too;tmncs f bope of obtcining ar grouocJ) bpo tl^c pjomifes ofgoo,i bang Upon ibemifo 1' it ncDctb none otl;cr bnticrp,:opptnc, no J lohctb bptoaroc bl'tbcr 0;^ tbctber. SEbercfo^ctocmuac octcrmin incur nui\D?s,tbat altbougb toe crccll not in like boltnes as isi pniifco iw tbe bol? fa.- tbcrs,p;opbttcs auD 0pcftlfs, vctb^ caufe tbccommaunncmc nt of p^aicr is common to \)S, anu faftb is alfo ccm^ men, if toe reft t-pcn tbc too:t5c of Cots, iw tbjsjigtniie^ arc^lotocstoi^ tt)f . 100 Glp.2c Of the maner how to recciue jf o;,500(a« toe tjane befo;c tftetocD)p;o ntrfing ^ i)t toil be gciitle t mcrciftil to ailjgeaetbcaafeof bopetoaU,euentt)e nioft mifcrable t t^ti (&al obtcin tobat tliti afhc.anD tbcrfo^e tbe general fo^ mesaretabenoteo,from tobtcbnoma (as tbev fat?)fr6 tbc firft to tbe laft is n ciaDcD:onlg let tbcre be pjefent a pure* nc5ofbrart,miflifemgofonr klftsM miiutr tbe gooln from al Doubt,tban to be armed tot?tb tbt?< tboug^t, i^ no (lop ongbt to Gar tbetoi)i?le tbe^ obe^tbe commaunoement of got),Uilncb p;ono£i ectb ^ notbtng is mo^e pteaQng to b?m tba obebtenccl^ere aga^ne tbat tobtcb 31 fa? before mo^e clerclr appearetb, t a D^eole0 fptrtt to p;a? agrietb toell ^ feare,reucrence t carefulneB:i tbat it is militiyt faitb let not our bipocrif^ bnbo I no abfurottie to fa? tbat (j5ob raifetb bp Itl? Abutc i name of goo \d bcceitftil wl tbe Quertb;otoe. jaf ter tbis maner tbofe Ungbpon itii mofte goo fatber toil not fo;mcs of fpeacbc agra toell togetber pfa. 119. put back tbe,tobom be not anlr erbo; reeb to com to bi,but alfo mouctb t\)em biali means t be ta.^trupon cometb t maner of p;aping of 2C>auiD tobicb 31 2 Sa.7.2;| baue enen notoe rcbcrfeD.ilo tbou baft p^omirei).lLo;b,fo tbp feruanttfo; tbr^J caufe tbi feruat at tbis bap gatbercD cou rage,t bab foiiD tobat p;arer be migbt mafec bcfo;e tb^./j^oto tberfo;e £) lo^o goD^bouartgoD, rtbrtoojDeslballbe true.2Dbou baft fpoben to tb? feruat of t^efe bencatsjbegin tberefo;e,f bo tbe. ^ alfo in an otber place, perfojme to tbp feruat acco^big to tbp too^b.ano al tbeaifraclits togctbcr,fo oft as tbi armc tbcmfclues t6 rememb;ace oftbecoue nant,Do fufficicntl?beclare?5 toe (bulb notp;apfearfulli?,toberasf lo^bfoap^ poitetb^^nb bercin m foloto y craplcs of p fatbcrs,fpcciallpofijiacob,tobicbaf^ , ter ^ be bao confeffeb ^ be toas bntoo;j* I t\i^ of fo mant? mmits tobicb be bao re ttiuzn at tbe bao of goD,rct be faitb f be is cnco;tagcb to require greater ttiinQS, bicaufe gob batb p^omifeb f be toolb bo t^e.Wut tobatfoeuer colons ^ tnbcle^ ucrs 00 p;jetenb, \iiU tbi flee not to goD fo oft as neccHite p;c(retb tbf ,toben tt)^ febc not i)i no; craue i)is bclpe, tbei? bo as mucb oefrauD brm of l;is tuc bonoj asiftbcimabetotbefduesneto gobs, » ibols:fo? bi tbis meane tl)ti Den? f be w to tbcni Y autbo; cf al gcbtbings.^n m otber (tpg tber is notbiutt ftrcaer to Cc32.io« Ic.42.a. 2.Ki.ao» io. Pf.ioo. 40. tobtcb in feming arc cotrarvJcrcnt? i Ier.42.^. ISDaniel fa?^ tbeitb^oto bcton p;a?ersjDan.9. before dDob. 3n anotber place 3ierem?e faitbXet our p;aier fal boton in § Ogbt of(Dob,tbatbe ma? baue mere? on tbe remnat of bis people.^n tbe otber fioe, tbe faittiful are oftentims faio to lift bp p;a?er. ^0 fpf afeetb Cjccbias, requi* ring tbe |0;opbet to make intercelHon fo; bt.J^nb ^auiD befiretb tbat his pm er ma? afcenb as incenfe. jf 0; altbougb tf)t being perftoabeb of tbe fatberii loue of 000, cberefull? comit tbrfelncsinto liis fa?tbfull keping,f bout not to craue tbe belpe tobicb befreel? p;omifetb:?ct botb not an iole carelefnes lift tbem bp, as tbougb tbe? bab cafteatoa? (bame, j but tbe? afceno fobptoaroe b? Degrees of p;omifes,tbat tbe? ftil rcmaine fjum I ble fuppliants in tbe abacrment of tbc;* fclucs.t^cre are queCios cbiectco mo^e ' tban one. iro;itbe Scripture repo;tetb tbat tbe i,o;De graunteb certa?nc oe^ fires tobicbe ?et b;alje fo.:tb of a m?nDe not quiet no; toell frameo.QHeril? fo; a iuttc caufe : 3ioatbam bao anotoeb t^e inbabitantes of^icbcm,to tbeoel^rac tion tobicb aftcrtoarbe came bpon ^it butC>oDfeinDcleD to?tb ferucntncCTcof anger anb bengcance foHotoing bis tvtf cracion, feemetbtoalotoeill tempered biolent patfions.^ucb bcate alfo caricb ^amfon toben be fa?D:&trengtben me ^ 0OD, tbat 31 ma?e tabe bengeance of lu.9420 ludAag tbe LU.9.SS ^Cic(y^ _ _ tlic grace of ChrifT tbe ijncircucifcli.:^ o: t&ougfj ti)eYt Ujcr fomc pace of gcDD jde niingleo Voitl) it: y^tt a ftot,? tt)erfo;c faulti? grcDinclTc of tcngcance ciD bcarc rule tljerchi. Cod grauteD it cue to bnbeleuers t^cv^ p.:aicr0 are not Dcnieij:! tbcn ^ mo^c to p;if fee fo;li'artJ tjis true toojOjipprrs to p^ai tuten tljr i (it t pjofane tiailingesfomtime fcant not tljctr effect. I^et tijer is nccaufe U)U ^ faitbfui IbculD riuarne fro i lalc Ia\H) bpon tbf bp goo,o; QjoId tm)! § bnbdc^ uf rs,as tljogb tbei baD gotten fom great gain,l3!icn tl:e? bane obiaineD tbcirce^ fire.aficr ttjis mar.er foe bane fafD;t?;af tbc lo;D luas botocD l6 tbe repcntace of acbab,!' be migbt i^eUi bp t):i\!S craplc bolo eafr be is to entreat tolui^ro bvs e* lect,U)be true turning is b;jo«gbt to ap? peafe bim. s:bcrfo;e in ? p^alm be tla= nif tb t\}c JctDCS,^ tbei? bainng h'£ erpe- ricnce p^oueb Inm fo cafv to grant tbcir p^aieriJ, vet icin a lir.c af:er returning ,Trv >9' F&.ic^ to tbc ftnbbD;nnclte cf tbcir nature. matje plain inbi'b tbe fcripture tcacbetb ' MiUt'i) alio plainlp apearetb b? tbe bt namely ^ be fuccojetb ^ nuferable,bea# t Hom cf thcjubges: namrlF tUt fc cJi retb § grcnings of tbe tobicb being tn* ! as t\)d fecpt^altbougb tbcir teares trer iutilf troubleD to c rauc bis belpe : tbat I DeceitfuU,i?et tbep tner DcUuereD out cf tberfozebe erecutetbbvs iuogements, tbc bantjs of tbcir enemies. ^stOerfcje iDben tl]t coplaints of v p£0;je rpfe top to | tbe 3lc:De inDJffcrcntlp b;pngctb fojtb bim^altbogb tbei be tjnlDojtb? to obtain ibrsfunnctopon tbc gcoD f tbecuillifo anp tbing be it neucr lo litlc. ^o; boUj ! octb be aifo not Defpife tbeir inecpings. oft batb be talitn tengeancc of tbe cruel tte6,robb2ries,\3iolence,filtbT' luffs anD ctbcr boickeo Doings of § tngoDlr.fubDu ing tbcr.: bolDncs i ragcanDalfo cuer/ tbioVuini tljeirtv^annous poU5er,tc(li< 0e5 p bebclpetb tbe tjnU)o;tbilp oppzcf* feD.tDbieb v^t DiD btt § air iuitbpjaving to m tnireiten goDbeDf 0nD one pfalm Ujbcferaufe is dgtf const tiitv;' niik* rics tno;tb^ of belp.Bn tbc meanctime be no mojc bearetb tbefc to falnation, tban berem minidretb fffise to ti)c be? fptrersofbrsg©DneCre» ^Tbe qucl!ion fccmetb to be fomtnbat barDcr of i^b.:a* bain anD &amucll:of lubom tbe one be? ing tuarratcD br no too,:o of C^oD,piar piuinlr te:icl)cti) ^ tbe p;aiers luant not cD fo.: tiic ^cDomites:tbe otber againft cffcctjtDbicb vet DO not pearce into bea* | a manifell fojbiDOing p^ja^es fo: S>aul. urn bp h\vt\)Jtoi be gatbcrctb togetbcr \ llifeetovfc is it of JcremV) U)bicb pjav? tbofc pjaicrs U)f}ub ncccflTity lD;iingetb ! eDtbat tl)c vEiiie migbt not be Dcftro^* no kffe out of tbc tonbclcuers , tban out c^, f^o^ tbougb tlitvi requettestner Dc> of? goDlv bp p ijcrp fcling of nature: to nvcD, vet it fa:metb barD to tafee fa^tb U5l}icb vet he p;jcutti) h^ (' effcd: i^ goo is from thcm,15ut thv^ fdution Q]all(as 3 C^uojablc Jsit ijceaufc i]t Dotb X55 fucb trull ratifSe fcber reaDcrs:tbat tf)tv be- ,Ge.i8,i3. ! i»Sam.ii. ,Ier.3!.;6- lllL.Ut. ir.g i CjP^'Oi O^ the iraner how to rcceiuc Li.deci.! Dei. 22. j cap, I. Pra.7.7 mainariKtcD \xnt\) t^c gcncrall p;tinci* plC5,luI}crbv CDoD f omauuxjetl) tijctu to be nicrciful cncn alfo to tbc lMiluo;tlj^r Uicre not altogether luitljc lit fnrttjj al* tt/OualjtnafyedaU cafe t\)cv^ opinion jjeccaucD tlje. -Auguftinetu^iictb ^ifc Iv in a ccrtainc placc.l^ctD (farttl)e)Do tl}c Ijolv ones p;ai?c br favtb , to afhc of Cdo contrary? to tfjat Uiljiclj ^c fjati) cc* f laQf ©wn Uicaufe t\)tv p?at acfo;Ding to \)-2B U)iII:not tljat IjiDOcn t bncljangc^ able tDi!,l)ut tl)c toil tofntb !)e i^ifpiretft into tbciii,tl)at be may? Ijcarc tbcm after an other maner : as be toifelr mabetb DitferenccXljis is toel fa^Oibicaufe af^ ter brs incomp^ebenfiblc counCell be fq tempcretbtbe futccffcs tift\)inQCS,t^t tbe pjatiers of tbe bol^ ones be not tjoio tobicb arc to^appeo botb toitb fattb ano errojtogetber.j^e^tbcrretougbt tb^s mo:etoauaiIctobe an example to fol^ lotojtban it crc ufctb tbc bolr ones t^sm rclurs,tobom g| oen^ not to baue paffeD meafurc . Mbcrfoje tobercappearctb no certainc ptomire , toe mutt afbe of (S^oD tottb a conDitton aDtoT?neo . %o tobicb purpofe feructb t fating of E>a^ uio. Matcb to tbe iuognnent tobicb tbou bad commaunt^eo : btranfe b^ tdf ietl) tbat be toas toarranteo b^ a fpcciat ojaric to affee a tcmpo^all benefits i6 SLbrsalfo it is p^jofttablc to note, tbat tbofe tbinges tobicb 31 baue rpohtn of tbe fotoer rules of rigbt p.jat?er,are not fo cwttli? reqnirec toitb ertrcme ri» QOh tbat (IDou reftjfetb tbe p^arcrs in tobicb be fljall not finoe cvtber perfectc fa\?tb o; perfcfie rcpentaunce togetber toitb a fcruentnelfe of $ealc ano tocU o;trjereo requeftes . trntfumc favD tbat altbougbpjavcrbca familiar talUc of tbc gool^ toitb <^oD, t'ct toe mufi liape a rcuerence auQ moocttt?, tbat toe gcuc not ItDfc rcincs to all requeftes tobatfo^ eucr tbe J? be , « tbat toe Defire no mo;e tbanCgoDgeuetblcaue: ano tbcn, leaft tbe maiefif of (Doj) H&oulo groto in con* tempt toiti)ts , tbat toe muft lifte our minors tptoaro to a pure ano tn^efilcD too;(bipping of bim. STbr^J no ma batb eaer perfo^meo toitb fucb purenelTeas it ougbt to be.i?o? (to fpcafe nctbfng of tbe cfimon ro?t)boto manr complaintes of SDautn to fauo^ of tntemperancemot tbat be meant of purpcfc to quarel \3iitli CDoD,oj carpc againft bis tutsgementcs: but bicaufe be fainting foz tocaKneCfe, founo no otber better comfcjt, tban to caft bvsfo^rotocs into bts bcfcme.^ I CDcti bearetb tsiti) our cbiloitbe l^eecb anD parocnetb c«r igno^aunccfo oft as ani: tb^ng tnaowfcDl^ efcapetb ts : as trul^toitbouttbrs tcnOcrbearinfi,tber (boulD be no liberty of p^a^ing. Ii3ut al« tbongb ^auttis min^ toas to fubmitte bimfelf toboll^ to t\}t totll of d^oD , $ be p^n\>tt toitb no lefiOe pacience tbi DcCrc to obtaine: y>tt tbere a rife tea botlc t^tit fometimes troublous affr crions, tobicb are mucb oifagrsing from tbe firit rule tbat toe baue fet. j^eciallt toe mai per^ cetncbt tbe concluSon of tbe sp.pfalm, toitb boto great tebemence of fo^rctoe tbat bolt ma toas cartco ateap, tbat be coulD net heepe meafurc, Ceaeie(fattb be) from me, till 3 go atoat anc be not. 2 man tooulD fav t be Itbe a Cefperate man oefiretb notbing els hut t tbe ban of CDco ce6(rir:g,bc migbt rottc in bis e* uills.l^e fattb it not fo; tbat be toitb an auotoi^r mince runnctb into fucb cut^ rage, c: (as tbe reprobate are feonte) tooulo baue d^oo to Dcparte frcm btm: but onlv be complainetb ^ tbc Ir^atb cf tt if tf)e Ijol^ onts do betoaile, 5l5ut it is noniarael f bat gof^ parDonrf 5i correct tt)Htli\tSy% bp f fa^ r ome to tht^ tfjis Default iDfjicb Dotlj oftcntims ercr* felues agaiiijOoD parDonetb ttcm. feo cifc tbc ttjat be bis toitb l^arpc inttTuc* tl)t^ offenD alfo in tbc fccono rule , br^ tions^ if be IjdouId of purpofc que ncbe caufe tbci are oftctims D;jiurn to toja* tbcir faitb. m$ is a moS barac tcnUv ftle iDitb tbcir otoue colDcneffe, f tbeir tion, \x)\)m tbc favfbfull are c onipclleD nceo % mifsrie ootb not Ibarplp enougb to cri?: l^otoe longc Uiilt tbou be angrp p?ike tbe to p;nr earncftlp. anD often* tJpon {> p;aier of tbp fcruaiitf as tbougb 'o\ -.^8 tims it bappcnctb tbat tbeir minDes do flippeati9e,i inmancr toanDeratoa^ intotjanit^.2Dberefo;ein ti)\!S bebalfe alfo tbere is neet} of parbon , leafte our fatnt,o,i tnperfctjO^ b;oUe anD toanDr*: ring piaiera baue a Deniall. SDbi5(5oD biitb naturally plantcD intl)t mince of men,tbat pja^^ers are not perfecte but lij miuDs iiftcD t3piDarD.^ereupo ranuj p cercmonie of lifting tjp of banDs, as loe banc before faiD, tyb\?cbc batbben tjfeD in al ages i nations, as Kt it is in b;e.Tl5ut bolD mani a one is tber,U)btib tobe be Uffctb ijc bis bantjs, Dotb not in bis otun confcience fInDe binifelfcDuU bicaufe bis bcart reftctb tjpo tbe grouof 0» toucbing t\}c afijinj of fojgeucnes of fins,altbougb none of i§ faitbful do ouer parte it,i?ct tbe^ tobicb ^re trnli? ererct* feo in p:ai?crs Do fele ^ tbcp b;ing fcar^ celi 5 tfto part of tb^t facrifice,of lubicb pCi.j;.i9 S>auiD fpeaftetb.ian acceptable facrifire to goD is a troublcD fpirit:a bjoUe t bum bIcb?artiii)CI>oD tbooUiilt notDcfpife. ^0 tber is altuar coble parDon to be af^ licD,botb bicaufe tbeifenoU) tbcmfelues giUy in confcirnces of man^faultesAo faimg iDbercQf tbei? are not pet fo ton* cbeD>tgat tl)ti niiaifee tbf ff lues fo mucb as tl)zi ougbt : j alfo )?, fo mucb as it is geuentbcmtop^oSte repentance t in tbc feareof0oD, tbep being tb;Joli«eu D2U)n toitb ii\il fozrotD foj tbeir offen- feif, (boulopMi^ctacrcapc tbatpumfb'- mcnt of t^e iciD^c . Cljcfclp tbc fcble^ nclTc 01 imperfection of faptb co.:rup* tetb bs papers of tbcfaitbfcill , tJnlcffe tbe berp p;aicrs maoegoD mo;e angip, ^0 tuben Jeremi faitbXbe lo;ce batb (but out mp p;aT?er,it is no Dout ti?at be luas Ojafer luitb a biolcnt pang of trou* blc.3lnnumerablc fucb erampfes arc co monlp founD in tbc fc riptures bi tobicb apcarctb tbat tbe faitb of tbe bolpones Ujas ofif tims nungicD anD toUcDluitb Doutinges,tbat in beleumg anD boping tbep betD^apcD retfomc bnfaitbfulncs: but bpcaufe tbep come not fo farrc as it is to be tuiCbeo tbep ougbt to enDeuo;je fo mucb V tt^c;c tbat tbeir faults being amenDcD,tbep map Dailp come ncrer to tbe perfecte rule ofp;aping, anD in tbe mean time to fde m boU) great a Deptb of cutis t\}c^ bfc D^iotcncD, lubicb eucn in tbc berp remeDics do get to tbefelues netD Difeafestfptbc tbere is no p^aper, U?bicb tbclo;jD Dotb not Ijoo^tbiip lotbe, bnleCTebc luinhcattbc fpottcs lubcre* U'itb tbep are al bcfp^inhleDj rebearfe nottbcfcfbingca totbpsenDc tbat tbe faitbfull d^oulD can lefip parDon tbem^ felues anp tbing , but tbat in Ibarpelp cbattifing tbemfclucs tbep (b^ulD tra^ uaple to otic rcome tbofe Uoppes, anD al tbougb ^atan labo; to Hoppc bp all tbe boapeSjt'^at be map kepc tbcm fro p?ap ing.pct njtJi'rtbelcfTc tbep n)ulD b?cakc tb;ougb)bctng certviinlp prrfuaDectbat altbougbtbcp bee not bncomb;eD of all biuDcrarcs,pct tbeir enDeuo^s Do pleafe C?oo,anD tbeir p;aper0 arcallotucD of bim/o tbat tbei trauaile anD benD t\)c^ fcljjfstbctbcrlnarD , Iwbetbcr tbep Da nocbpaniibpattepne. Lam. 3 8; tl)z tenosc mcrcp cf goD DiD belpe ttcm. 1 17 115 ui foj;armucb njs tbercignoman llC,iuj. '" Uw;tbP '^ap»50' Of the mancf how to receiut p,Ti j,^ 'l.Ioh»2.5 Hc.4.!6 iho.14, 13 5c i5 24. luDJtijV'Cto p?£frnf \jmkWe to €oii, ano to fcmc into ftis 0gbt:tl)e beaucnl^ fdt!)rr titrnfetr to Ddriter fca botlj from Cjamc a fcsre Inljid) fiicnlo i)auttlnOf ix.cn DotDii al our courage 0,tati) gcncn to t)s Ijis fon 3!f f«s Cb^ift our llojD,to be an acuocate ans Spf Dialog \siit\) Ijinx (0} Xc^M tobofe leasing \xst ma^ bol9? l^ fcmc to Ijim, truitmg t!jat tofjcn lue bawc r«fO an interceCTo^^notlnng fl)albe Denies 12s Iwbicb toe afic in bts name, as nothing can be DcnieD l)vm of tijc fa* tSier.^tiD berctmto mmt all be refcrreD febatfocuer Uic bane bercfofo;ie taugbt cccsriung faitf),btcanfe as tlje pjoniife fCitctb cut bnto \is€^;i(t fojourspc^ Diato;,fo bnle0'e our b ope of obteintng a&X! ^pen btm, it tafeetb from it fclfe | benefit ofpjaring.ifo^fofone as f ter^ riblc maieftie of CDob commetb in oure min5,it is inipcCTible but tbat toe tbulD tremble fo;t fearcj anD tbe acknotulee* gingofour otone bnluo^tbinestboulD baiue bs far atea^jtil cb^itt come mean between bs i bim,ti3bicb mav^ cbaiigc 1^ tbione of bjeabful glo.it? into tbe tb?one of grace : as alfotbc apcttleteacbetb ^ toe ma^ be boloe to appeare toitbal con eoence \x)\)it^ (ball obtepne merci?e anb finb grace in belpe comming in Qt fea^ fon.anD as tbere is a latoe let tbat toee (boulD call bpon ©oD lifee as tbere i$ a p;omile geuen tbat tl}^^ (ball be beam \s)Wf) call bpon bim:fo are toe peculiar Ir commaunoco to call bpon bim in tbe name of Cb;i(J,aniJ toe bane a p^omife fet fojtb, tbat toe (ball obteine f tobicb toe (ball afhe in btJ^name. l:3etberto (faitljc be) re baue not affecD anv tbing in mt! name:af^c f T?e (ball recepne^n f l)at Tja^ ^c tb.il afti in inav, name, anb totjatfoeucr re af ij,3l toil tfo,tbat t\)t fa^ tlj^r ma? be glo,:i6eD in {' fon. !^erebi? it is plaine toitljoutcontrouerfie,^ tbei \v^c\3 cal bpon (Sob in an^ otljer name tba of Cb;?i(^Do ttubbo^nlp b:eafte bis cammacinoemcatiM regarofjis tot! as netbing, anD tbat t\)t^ lyaut no pjomife tO0btcT?nean?tbinge. fto; (aspaule fa^fb) all t^c p^cmrfes of <15od are in Cb;i(fe,rea anD ^:men,tbat is to Ui^e, tbe? are confirmeD ano fulfilUD, 18 ?inn fbe circumCance of time is t>ili* gentl? to be markeb,tober Cb.2il^ com? mauDetb Us cifciples to M to intcrcef? fion to hv^ after f> be is gone bp into beaucn.^n § bour(faitb be)tc (bal atfee in m? name.Jt is certain f tmn from tbe begining none toer bcarb ■§ p^aieo, butbrmeaneoft^eoiatoj. i^o}t\)^s reafon § lo:b babojbcineD in t^^e latoe, ^ tbe p;tteft a lone entring into tbe fariC- tuan?,(bulo beare bpon bvs fboulbcrs § names of tbe tribes of ^fracll, $ as ma? n^pOTous (Jones before b?sb.:eattc: but V)t people (boulD (tano a far of in y po^cbe,t from tbence (boulb iornetbeir p^aierstoitb tbepncft.^caanotbe fa« crifice auailcD bercto, tbat tht p^arers (boulD be maDc fure 1 of fojcc. Eberc^ fo,;ep (baDotoidjceremcnv office latoe taugbt tbat toe are all (bttt out from t\)t face cf (!DoD,f tbat tbercfo;e toe ncebe a ^eoiato;j, tobi'cb ma? appeare in our name,nnD ma? beare bs bpon bis fboul Dcrs,anD bolD bs fad bcuD to bis b;ieaflr, tl)it toe ma? be beai D in bis perfon:tbe tbatb? fpjinUlingofblcDDour p;a?ers are cleanrcD,tobicb(as toe baue alrea? b? faiD)are neuer bojD of filttjinrs. ^UD toe Tee tbat tbe bol? ones,toben tbe? be Creo to obte?nean? tbinge , grounoeb tbeir bope bpon facrti:ces,b?caufe tbe? Uneto tbcm to be tbe (labUa)ings of all requettes.iletbim remanb^c tb? cffe# ring (faitb 3>auiD)anD mafee tb? burnt f ffring fat l^ereupon is gatbercD (bat >. bt« name, but bscaufetbis grace, as it iBattlnsnav mo;c clojious, foDcfcr-- uctl; mo;c commenuaticn bJiti) Ijs. ^no in tlyis fame frnfc tje ba^ faiD a li* tlebcfoie. l^ctbcrterebatic notafUcD . an\? t^mg in mn name : nolu afke./^ict an otlicr,a0 tf}c incmlj^cs ef cne boovc: tl}attl)ci! tjnDcrfioDenotinngaf alloft I fottjeiparcalforcfcrreDtotbe tmtKof poC-lc uiri'l^ctb mttion:but tijofe be fucb [i.TLa.!. a0 l}angc vpon i^ one cnl^ intcrcclTton: fo far {0 it of, i^ tinv minilbe ant tbtng cf it. iro J 4J0 tli^T? ipjing out of tljc alfe? j ctio of lour, U-bcrU itbU)e embrace cne Hcb.io. 20 o^iccof ibc £i)i:aiato; (tulicreasaiUbc gletoes tocrc inftruaeDin i pnncipks) but bccaufctbr\? baDSc nst tct clcarclr Kno\un tijat CiyM bi bi^safccntjing in* tQ beauen UjculD be a furer patron of v tburcb tijabc toas before. 2:ijercfc;e to comfo;t tbeir grcfe of ijis abfence h^tt^ fome fpcciall frute,be claimetb to Ijim* lelf tbe office of an aDuocale, t teacbctb tbat tbep baue bitbcrfo \ratco tbc ctjecfc benef[te,\i5l)icb it Cjalbc grauntcD tbeni to enio\?, U)i)en being ar;Dco hy> bis n:e# Diatiori, tbev (ijall nioje ff el^ call tpcn tbf ^r: aec. ^itt,c tbcrefo^c tbe^ alfc are mace in tbc name of iuDcTcmct,anD Q;)tDiatoi'.re of rebcmption,but y faitb* terror ifinaUvifitbe tbe ifatbcr batbc full arc Sjacbiatourcs of intcrctllicn.as markctj bun fo; c-:ir beao ano gniSjtber tbougbe Cb;ifie bauing pcrfoi-.rmcD a tobicb DO i anr toifc f Uiarue c; go au^ai SpcDiation fo; a timcbatb geucn to bis ti'b bim,Do labo;,as mmh as in tljtm \u feruauntes tbat ctcrnall S^eCiato;fi)lp etb to race out anD Diffigure tbe marfee Ir bicb fijall neucr Die. Jru' I courtcouat? tobicbCi>oDbatb imp;inteD. ^oCb:ia fo;rQ3tbctberbanDle bun tbat cuttca* is fet to be tl3c onlv q3eDiato;,b\> tobcfc tear fo little a po;tion cf bonoure from intcrccirio tbe ifatbcr ma? be mabe to ttm.^ut t'oc Scripture fa?tb far ctbcr^ l3Sfauo;ableanDraf?e to becntreatcD. \infc,lcitbtbcfimplici:i?Uibeiof afiCD^ i^oto be it in ?meanc time vbol? ones i? man ougbte to be C3i;fentcD,leautnfT bane tbeir interceCios left to tbe ,tober^ tbcfc Decciuers. ifo^ toberc Jbcn faitb, ^- ion- b? tbe? DO mutuaU? comenD tbefafct? tbatifan?Doeanne,toebaueanaDnc* oneofanotbcrtodJoD, oftobicbtbca* cate toitb tbe fatl)er,Cb;iaMu6^to }1%X bc{ Of the mancr how to rcceiue Ije meaite tijat ftc luas once in olD time ^coiato;s,t|)cn neitljer I^onlo paules a patronc fo^ tj0, a no not ratfjcr afftg? oUina reafon ft ano fatt,tn toijict) be ^au netfcito t>im an eucrlafting intcvcefiif •. faio. i?DjtI)ereisone(©oD,cne£pcDia^ Eph.4.3. ] J.Toh 1.2 iRo.8.32. on i l^oUje fai?e toe to tlji0,t!jat ^aule alfo afftrmctf), tfjat !)c fittetl) at {> rig&t feanoe of ©oD tljc if attjcr , anD mafeetb intcrccO^ion fo? ts i 0no isj^en in an o* tl;er place tjccailctl? Wv, tijc onel^ ^tf matoure of (^00 ano men : meanettj \)z notofp^aicrs, of tobtclj l)e Ijao a little 'befo.is msDe mentions ifo; toljcnfje j ^ao before (li^De tfjat intercelTion muff \ be maDefo;^ all men : fo.: p;cDfe of tbat ! facing, be bp ano b^ aDOttb, tbat of all ' niennc tbere i^ one C53D ano one ^z* Diato;. ^nxi none otbeilcife Dotbe Au- 1, cotra. gulhne ccpounoe it,UiIjen be faitb tbi^^: CbuHrian men Doc mntuatli' comment Vmw fclucjg in tijcir p;avcrs. ii5ut be ; fo; tDbome none maUclb intcrcclTion, but befo^ all, be is tbc Qm\t ano true ^zmiii. ^aulc tbc ^poaic, tbouflbe be toere a principal mem|2iic tinDer tbe bsaOf (i?ct becaufe be tUi)0 a membje of to; of CDoD anb mcn,tbc man Cb;jiftj in tobom tyealfo arc one if tue feepe tbc t)# nitp of faitb in tye bonD of peace.S^gain in anctbcr place. )^\At if tbou fche fo; a p;ieC,be iB aboue tbc beauens,tubcre be maUetb interccffio fo; tbe^, tobicb in taxt^ DieD fo;j tbc.^etDo Inc not b^emc tbat be fallctb botun at § fatbers fences, anbin bumble iuife entrcatetb fo^bs: buttoctinberffanbe ieitb tbcBpoftle, tbat be fo appearetb before tbc face of (0OD, i tb^ bertue of bis bcatb auailctb to be a pcrpetuall interccifion foj bs : vet fo tbat being cntreD into tbc fandu*^ nrv of bcai!en,l}nto ih^ cnbe of tbc ages cftbetuojlDe be alone rarvctb to Coo t\it piaierfi of tbe people abioing a Uxxz ofintbepo;cbc. 00 tout bing tbe ^«mtcs,t»bicb bc^ |In pfal. I32.&.1CP 21 ing Dcatj ix\. t^t flelb, 00 hue in Cb.:tfte, if toe gaie anv^ pja^er at al to tbem, let I tJieboov'eofCijiiacaiTijUneiutbattbc | bs not o;eame ^5 tbev tbcmfclurs bauc grcateJI ano troett p^ieft of tbe Cburcb cntreo,not b v a figure, into tbe intoaro I places of t^c bailcto tbc boly of boli? p!a I cc'S,bat bp crp;effe ano ficofafte trutbc i into tiyi inncrmoite p!accs of bca«cn,to a boluuffc not flbaootoiO) but eternall) Kq.ij 30 comcntjctb bimfelfe alfo to tbe pliers of tbe faitbful.^cttbcr ootb be mahe b^ I fclf a spcoiato; faettocnc tbe people ano I (3>oD,but pjavetb f all t\yt membjcs of I t\sz boop of CbaiS Jljoub mutually p;ai i fo; \imx becaufe tlje members are care* * J. ar.i3» fuji (jj^0 fj^ anotfjerratiD if one menib^c '?* futfer^tbe ctbcr fuffer "mim tt.ano tbat fo tbc mutuallpjaiers one fo^anotbcr ofal tbc mcbjcs ret trauai!tng \\\ crtb, mx^ afccno to m beao tobicb io gon be^- "oac into bcaucn,in tobomc i^appeafe* , mcnt ioi our fins, if c; if iDaule tocre a ^eoiato;, tbe otber apoltles ilmiD alfo be ^et'iato;s : auD if tfierc tocrcman^ 0:>\ 4.3, anT» otbcr toayof afl^ing, tban Cti^ifte tobicb onelp is fi)t toa^ s j ^ tbcir p;ai* crs be acceptable to Ooo in anre ctbcr namc.Qerfo; fitb tbe fcripture callctb j t3i3 bacl^e from al to €^i\ii onlr:fitb tbe beauenlp fatbcrs toill it to gatbcr togc^ tberatiin bvm : ittoasa point cffo muf be Oulncs,3i toil not fa? maoncs,ro to Of fire to make fo; our {zWt an cntri b^ tbem> i toe Iboul?: Lc leo atoap from bim,\»out tobom euen tbci tbemfelues banc no cntrpopcn, )!3«t,fbat t^x^ batb ben bfuaUv bone in certainc ages paH-, nn5 1 it XB at tbiai oar oonc toberfoeuc r papiOrt rcignctbytobo ca ocnv^ SIbcir merites are fro iiim to t\iX{zt\)i\x^ in, to obtrine tb^ ga>0 totU of '^00 : auo fo; tb?moSc parte, Cb;ift being palTeo 0* Her>(i5ooisp;a^eOio fc-^ tljcinwrnes, 3«s:nottbi5.^ bcfaccbe ro" tccomicva^ todttatbem^rofficc of ^ onl\? ix^Qxi_ ictrioHi rhcsraceof^Chritt, Third Iwokc. tc>i»i/' tcffion, tol)i(b toe Ijaue afftrnicD to be** longto ilijuft aloncfa3din2,tu'i)at 0n^ gel oj xDcuill cucr rcurUD to am man aiif one fiUaWe cf tfjw tbeir tntcrcemo toljiflj tljcfe men fdinc^ji oj in tte fcnp Jftljevanftocrtljat tlje common p;ai'* crs Ujf)ict) tbcv matjc in C^urcbts, arc enDeo Vtitft ttjis concluficn aDioynet, 2:t);roi!g!) Ctjiitt our Io;D:t1)ii5 is a trife lingft)ifte: bccaufc tijc interccCrtcnof ) tureisnotftinsofit. ?£a!)atistreafon kt^att^ ^«oJf^ ^' rllnt^^^^^^^ tl)crefo;e of iauenting; iU 2Cruclv,U»l;e tbe tott of man fo fe^tt) fc; it fclfe fuc^ co;s,UJl)erU)itb toe arc not fojtificD br tlic tooiO of C3ao, it plainly? faeto;ai?ctb 1)13 otonc Diaruafulncjs. |f toeappcalc toaltbeir tonfcicnccsp arecclrtcnuj tte intcrceffion of ^ainti5,toe fljall fine tbat tte fame c ommctb from nc ot^er groijt),but bicaufe t\:)ci are grcueo toitb carcfulncffe, as tbcugb Cb;ift toe re m tbifi bebalfe eitber to toeafee o; to rigo^ rou0.Bt» tobicb ooutfulnee firC t^ci bif bono; CbJifti anb reb bF" of tbe ti?t[c of onli? S^cDiatoj, tobicb as it is geuen bim of tbe iFatbcr fo? a fingular pzero* gatiucfo ougbt not a!fo to be couacc a^ toat to an^ otber.anb in ttiis berv M* ing tber earfecn tbe glo;ji' of b^s birtb, tbei ma^ toiD bis cro0,finalli tobat fo cner be Mtb none o; fuffrcb tbei fpoile f Dcfraub of tbcbue p;^avfc tbercof : fo? all tenb to tbis enbc tliat be ma^e be in Deco f be accompteb tbe onlt speDiato;^. anTJ tbcrtoitb tbev taHc atoa\? tbe gmo^ ' neffe of OD0,tobicb gaue bimfelfc to be tbcir fatber. if oj be is not tbeir fatber, bnlcrte tbef acUnoU»leDgc Cb;ifie to be minalcD toitb tbt pja^erg ano mci itcs of bcabc men, tban if it toerc tttcrl^ o* | mittcb anb enl^ bcab men tocre in our ir.outbe. asame,in all tbcii llctanicj, ^imnes, ano p;cfc5 tober no bono? is left tngcucn to beabc ^aintce,tbcrc is nomeiitionofCb;iCc. 22 I5ut tbcir fcliilj bnlnecpzcfecbcbfo far,tbat bere U'c banc tbe nature of fu* pcrftitio ej:p;eirct>, tobub tobcn it batb once (bafeen of tbe b?iiile, is tooutto mahc no enb of running attra^.ifo; af? ter tbat men once begon to ImUe to tbe intercetricn of faintes, b^ litle anb litle tbere toas geuen to euer^? one bis fpeci^ all Doing,tbat accojbingto tbe oiuerGtv ef buQne0,fomtime one f femctime an otber Ojoulb be calleb bpcn to be inters ceffor. tben tbcT? get to tbemfelucs cue* r\? one bT!S peculiar ^aint , into tobofc fav'tbtbcrcommitteb tbemfelucs as it Ujer to tbe feeping of fafegarnrng goes. aniJ not onl\? (tobertoitbtbc p?opbettn ^^^ ^ ^^ f olbtimerepjocbcD JfraelljOoDstocr t^ -^ fctbpaccojbingtotbeniibcr ofCiticf;, ♦ ' ^ but cucn to tbe number of perfons.X3ut fitb i ^aintes refer tbeir ocOrcs to t[)t fcr.2.iS. Lib.c!c Ifa. ct a- nima. "amm (otoara tbem.tba tobub «« aaan?ero«Qv of tt,em,teb.ch am^. t b:rc ta« notbi^g be mo« femoe oucn I wtb to tbt an? otbcr jwi^r, t^^ oer.asibcrcfojetbc &crip;mc o«retb b?tbc?p:ave fo, tj« "-Xh^ttat ■« oneir bim fi us, fcnBctb to to bim, ano uinjwomc ot Oou : front tobicbt that is ttaS u" nSc (fai-tb Ambrofc) . mott farre Dittant ^l<^^'^J^mto is onr mautb.bV! tobicb toe fpcaK to tbe , tbem.tbat «'f t o. w Vmtb pjiuate af. ifarbcr : cure cpc, br tobicb toe fee tbJ fccticn mojt partialis bent to b^ oton j atbenour ri^tbano.b? tob.cbtoc oP i-o'ftW"'-^^ ',^"f ^^''^tS frrbsto ibe Jratbtr, otbcrtoifetbanb? ^ not from bojnblc f«"''5C,tn ta sng tobole interccmon nritbcr toe no,aU notoV.po.1 tbem "»» =? Wpcrs but as tbe faints banc ans tbing toitb ©oD. ' piinnikiU rulers of tbcr? (aluatiom 5P.20* Of the mancr how to recejue ^K.«,i. tl)2i tj)anDcr out of tf)cit true llaDing,^ i0,t :eU3o;iOof(25o!J. Ifpratjc notof tlje I groTcr monrrraoufncs of tnaosliricifc, '\\}l)eni\a\tt)QUis^tim be abljomtnable to Co^,'ilnc!:cl0>i men, t'mv arc not r^t : ar^a-nei3 no,: Iceri^ of ii)sm , &c^ fah ' ling 3Qlim bcfo;e(' image oi picture of J 5i3^Vljara,Ca([)cnuc, anD fucb otf)cr,Do : VAilhh f 'ater nofter, £Dur fuCbcr. 2Dbl'S i niiiDncB tlje |^a(lotf)e^ ttirnc fro tbenfclues (> blame of fo l}av'= ■ noj5 an Dffeiice,vct b^ luljat coiojlinU ! t^ef Dcfent) tbis ^ ^o^ oj ^cDarD are ' p.jiiicD tnto to Ifflhc action tpon i fjcljje j tbeir fcruauts fron; ijrauf :? t^jat tJje bc^ 1 1^ Strgin 10 p:aieti 'mto,iD mvimmnn I \)tv (onto t)o tfjat ti)l)tfl) tbcv alttc.^n § I clog timQ it tpas fo,:biD2cu in tl)z coua^ j te! atCartijage, t^at attbe aUer no tif I rcct pjat?er Ojoula be matje to ^aintcs. ' ^int) it iB Idfcli? tbat tuljcn t!je Ijoli men I coaiDncf attogetberfupp^cife tijc fo^ce I of tint nau^tp cuScme, t'ct tfie? aooeo I at lead this r^Hraint tl}at tOe publtke I p jaters OjulD not be co;rruptcD xit tt)is I fs^iiiei^ainte peter p:a^ fo^tjs. 515ut 1 botoe much fartJjer tjat'o tbcir sscuilliSI) ' impo^tunati' rageD, Mnt\) Hith not to gene aUsav? to Dcaa men f tijijiicije pjo* p;ielp bel5gcticn!i' to ©oD anu Cf)^ift. 23 i?ut lu!?eras t!)e^ trauaile to b^ing to piis tbat ftjcJ) intercclTion niai? fssme ts be grofiDeo tJpon f autbcjil j? of fcrip nitterp to fe to cur rafetp,fo Icbom i jEfa.iQ. cbarge isgeuen to !%cpct3j5iHalloareiii. leases, to go about ts to aDmonill) anu III counfcll ts, to luat(:!;e fo j bs, all toljicl) pr34'^» ttjingsaregcuetitoSngels, hut not to tbem. ^3tus to^iongfcilli? tlm ^^ap tp BeaD Ijtl^ mm la SngcMperetb large l^ bp fo mani' JJitiera offices, tu!}crb\' ^ fcriptureputtetb Dif^rccebctleen fom f otberfome, ^0 man Dare execute tije office of an aDuocate before an eartbli! ii;5ge,t3nles \)t be aOtriitteD,fro kJbtnce tijca baue luo^mes fo great hbertfc, to t't)}uQ. tjnto goD tbofe fd} patrcs to lubo it is not reD tl^at tbe o^ic e is eniornctjf CDOD0 VdiI tuas to ap»3Dint tbe angcla to lo!jc tsnto our fafet|>, tebcrfojc tbep doc bcti)f,equftf]o5ia!Ietnl{c«,f tbe cburd) i0 a Itagc to tr}em,irf]cr{n tljep teancer at f> Duicrfc f manifoio teifoom of goo. Ml'^afo conucp aU^are to ctbcr i M)itl) is peculiar to ti)tr fcail)] tfccr ccnfcuo f perneit § o^ucr fet bp tn fotiD ^ a (tmple fcntcnce (bulD fo be U);elleD becaufc ^ lo;D p.:onouncctb oniD t^at t)e toll not ipare tljc offf ncc0 of t^c people, altbougb tbeibao fene li^ofcsto be tbeir pacron>o; Samuel ^to to|)ofep;^3ter5 f)e baD (^etocB ti nfclfe fo tenoer. WOjUf) fenfe iB mod cUrel? gatbereo onte of a place of ejecbieU^fifaitb i llo;b)tbefe tb;c men toerc in tbe citi»,iiioe,J66anicI I ^ob,tbe^ fi)all not beliuer tbeir fons f Daugbters in tbeir risbteoufneCfe : but tbeT> Cball oeliuer onlp tbeir oton fouUc. Mbere it is no bout tbat be meante if Itoo of tbem Iboulo bappen to reuiue a^ gaincfo; f tbirb toas tijm aliue,name 1^ E)atuel,tobo(as it in hnotoen)Dio in tbe Cira flouring of bus t^outb Ibetoe an inconiparabie erample of gooline(re:tet t0 tben Icaue tbcm tobom tbe fcripture plainel^ (betoetb to baue enbeo tber^ tourfc.SDbfrfo>c paul,tobe be fpcabetb of £r>auiD,terbctb not tbat be botb toitb p;arers bclpe f)is pofferitte, but onel^ tbat be ferueD i^is otone time, 24 STbct^ anftocre againe:fljal toe tben tatjc from tbem all p;arer of cbariftie, tobicb in t^c tobole courfe of tbeir life b;etbeD notbtng but cbariti? t mercpe^ CHeril?, as^ toill not curioua^fearcbe tobat tbe^ do, oj tobat tbe^ mufc Upon: fo it is not likel^jtbat tbei are carico a^ bout betber ano tbetber toitb oiueris; f particular requell0:but ratber tbat tbei bo \j)it]) a Ha^eo i tinmoucD toill, long fo^ tOe kingoom of goD,tobicb ttanoetb HO ics in tbe ceHru^ton of tbe toicfeeD> tban in tbe faluatio of tbcgoul^ 3if tbis FoLa/i, be true,it is no boute tlj&t tbeir cbaritt? 15 conteincD in tbe comunion of tbe bo* D^ of Cb;ift?f fFtenoefb no furtbcr,tba tbe nature of tbat comunion bearetb. I5ut noto tbougb i graut ^ tbei p;av in tbifi manner, fc; bs rtt tbei? oc not tber f0;e Depart fro tbeir otone quictnes, to bcDiuerOr D;aton into eartbl? cares,i mucbletTc mutt toe tberefo^e b^anDbi? call tpo tbcm.^eitbcr Dotbit tbcrb^ fo* loto tbat tbep muft fo Doe, becaufe men tobicb Hut in eartb mai comcnb one an otber in tbeir p;arers . if 0; tbis Doing feruetb fo; nourifljing of cbantr amog tbem,toben tbe^ do as tt toerc part ano mutually tahe tpon tbem tbeir ncccffi* ties among tbffclues. anotbistbepDo br tbe comaunDemcnt of tbe iLo^D, anD are not toitboute a p;omife,tobicb ttoo tbings baue altoa^ tbe cbafe place in p^avcr.ailfucbcconfioerationsarefar from tbe DeaD, tobo toben tbe Io;d batb '^^^'' 9. conuetcD from our copan^jbe batb lefte to tjs no entercbange of Doings \» tbem no; to tbem toitb ts,fo far as toe marc gatber b^ coiertures.lBut if anpma al- lege, tbat it is impoffible but tbat tber muft Uepc (> fame cbariti totoarD b0,as I tber be iorneD in one faitb toitb t3S;yet tobo batb reuealcD tbat tber baue fo log cares to reacb our tjorces^ anD fo pear* Una, tics to toatcb our neceffitiesf SSbci p;ate in tbeir QjaDOtos 31 Ujot not tobat of tbe b:igbtneffe of tbe countenance of goD eptenDing bis bcames bpon tbem, in tobicb as in a mirro; tber mar froni on bie beljclo r matters of me beneatb. liBut to affirme ^, fpcciallr tortb fucbc bolDnes as tber Dare, tobat is it elfe but to go about bv tbe D;onhen D;eames of our otone b?aine,toitbout bis too;De to pearce f b;eaUe into tbe biDDcn iuDge-- ments of goD,anD to UuM tbe fcripture tjuDcr fete,tobicb fo oftc pjoncuncetb t tbe toifDom of tbe fleflj is an enemi to r toifDom of goD,tobicb toboll? conDtnctb tbe and. 6 j! ap 20, Of the mancr how to recciue ^ t33mtv 8f our rtattira! Unf, toljicb lui^ Istl) dl our rcfo to be tlj.:olun DoUjn,ano ^} culv tuil of goo to be iokco tsnto of t0. pzomtfeD t \)c toil be fciuo;ablc $ bcncfi ttal to tfji fo;j ab;jabafi,3faar£(,iBiaccb5 raftcs.l^olu little \> l)clv ones Dio otbcr? \x)'ml) t\)tv bxiixQ to ocffD tfjts tljcir lie, t>.e?? mode iiotujl?tilp UvieS.llSnt Biacob S^je otber feftiiiior.ics of fc ripturc tutfc leanc fcpon y nteritefi of tbcir jf a^ t{}er,p common facing of tl;C Cbiirc b in t^c p^opbet teliiSctb,s:bcu art our fa^ (Tav tbc^) pjaietb ^ bis name i p name tbcr,f ab;aba l^ncU) ts nrt,ano3;frael ^f^-^^x^ if (a 4.1. cf l?is ;jratbcr0 0b;.al)am 1 Sfaac be cal^ IcD bpon ouer bi5potterit>'» jl^irft let \3s (& Uibat fo2m of calling tpon tl^iB is n? mog ti^e BifracUts. jf o.j tbe?? cai not t)p6 tljcir iratber6,to belp tbcmrbut tbei bc^- fecbe (SoQ to rcmf ber his feruatnits ?;? b.3aba,3raac « ^acob.Cberfo^e tijeir nx ample niahetb notbig fo,; them v fpealt to ^ faint0 tbrfclues, IBut becaufe tbcfe blocks (fucb is tbeir Dulnes) nctbcr hiv Dcraao tubat it is to cal tpon tbe name of Jacob, no? lubP it i£5 to be callcD Dpo: it is no marucll if in tbc t3crt fcjm alfo tbep fo cbilDiflilf ftubic. SD!)is nianer of fpec^c is notfclD5 fouD in ^ fcrtptures. if o.i Cfav faitb t tljt name of tbc me is calleD bpon ouer tl}t tcomcn, iy'jr t\)er! baue t\)i as tljeii' bufbaDS tnDcr tobofe cbarge i Defence ti)ci liue.s:bcrfoje tl^t failing tjpon of § name of^b.jabam bp-- on ^ 3^fraelites,ftaQetb intbis tobe tbci conuep tbcir pebegre from bim, ano Do Uiitb lolemnc memo^i^c bono; bim fo.j tJjeir autba;* a parent, j.^eitber Ootb 33^ cob tbis bicaufe f)tis careful fo; tbc en* Urging of t\)t renoms of t)is name; but fczafmucb as be Unelu 1^ tS}c iDboie blef^ feoncij of bis poftcriti) confifteD in J in^^ Ijtiitamc of tbc couenat tnbicb gaD Im nuns tuitb bim: be iBiOjctb tbat \33Uth be fcctb fljoulDc be t'oe cbccfe of nil Qm tiiui^j to tbem,tbat tbe? be accoptcb in ?;t3 iUiirto. j?o;,tb^t 13 noti)ingtIs but to f onuep to tbem tl)z fucceffion of § cc* ueaant. m^z^ attaine to'^cn t\)z^ b;ing I'aflj rcii:tb;aucc into tbcir p;aicrs,l)oe not flii) to the u'dnuUimvs of DeaD nu : but 00 put tbe iD>D in mirns of l)W ccuc^ U^as ignoiat of bs.SDbcu lo;D art our fa tber I our resemer. ^no Inben tbep fav tbus,tbev at) tberUntball Hcturn olojD fo; tb? feruafs fahest^et tljinUing tpon no intercr(rion,buf bcnbing tbeir mino to tbe benefit of tbe couenant. But noUi fitb iBc baue § lo;?j Blcfus, in tobofe baD tbe etcrnaU couenat of merci? is not on* It matie but alfo conSrmeo to t3s:U)bofe nameHiOulo tne ratbcr bfe in our p>ai^ crsfSnb bicaufe tbefc gco matters toil baue p |3af riarcbcs to te bp tbefe too;=» DCS maD? interceCTc^s J toolD far bnoto of tbe tobv in fo great a rout 0b;aba ? fatbcr of tbe cburcb batb no place at all among tbe. ^i\t of tobat finlj tbe^ fetcb tbeir atiuocates,it is not tnfenoton.let tbe nnf toer me,botoe fit it is {^ ;?,b;aba, tobo goD picferrcD aboue all of ber, ano tobo be anr.aceo to ip bieU Degree of bo^ no;,fl)ulD be ncglecteb 1 fupp^eircD.ae* rilv tobe it toas euiDent ^ fucb tjfc toas tjnltnoton to {' olD t\mc\jy tbev tbougbt gcoD fo; fMq. of (x nctoncs, to fpeak no* tbing or tbe olo fatbcrs, as tbougb ^ Di« uerQtt' of names ermfeD tbcneto i fo;^ gcD mancr. 115ut tobcras fomc obiect ^ goo is p;aieD t3nto,fo baue mcrcion tbc people fo;H>autD5 fQl^e,tt Dofb fi) notbfg at al ntahe fo; Defence of tbeir erro;, ^ it is a nicU ftrong p;ofe fo; \f ccnfutati on tberof. jfo; if toe confiser tobat pcr^- fon 2:)auiD^DiD bc fcr^ ui^-e of tbcir UjageD tong,baiir not bene allMmeo to allege it to p;oue tbc inter? f eiTion of § DeaD. as tbougb DauiD met anr tbing els, tban to fljeiDe tbc frutc v (ball come of tbcmercifulnes anD (;nv tkmi![c of Cod Vubenbe fi)albc bearoc. 3no ii\ tbis fein?5e lue mull learn, ^ tbe crperience off grace of CoD,as IdcU fo^ tearD our felues as otber , i$ no Ccnoer bclp to confirm p creDit of bis p;onitfcs. J leaue burebrarfcD man? place s,Uiber IDMn^ (ctttti) befo;e bimfclfj benefits 11 pr.3,..5. of acD fo^ matter oreonfioence, bicaufe cugl3t to ea;o'pto.lE5ut be teacbetb tobat tl^c rea&ers of? l^falmes (Ijall comonl? is tbe conttnuall ftrrgtb of gool? 1 pure p juier, to erbo;t bs liUeUure to p;a?e. if oz IDC CO niggarDl? coCrue ? rccines # gentlencs of goo in bearing tbl^tonles iucbe b? fucb erpenfccs cofirmeo into a mo;e fure affiance of bis piomires,tn iDbtcb be p^mifetf) tbat i)w ear fijalbe enclineo not to cnc,o^ ttuo,no;^ pet to a fcUi,bat to all tbat call tjpon b?s name, ano fo mu£b le5 eiicufablc is tbis folifb^ ncSjbecaufe tl)t\! feme as it Uicrc of fct purpofe to Defpife fo man?,aDmonitios of fcripturc. DauiD luas ofte dcliuercD bitbe poiuer of C?oD. wlos it ^ be ibul9 D^ilu ^ pcUier to bimfclf,tbvit U)e fbnlD be DcUucreo bv bis belpf 4^e Uimfelf af- firmetb farrcotberluife.SSbe rigbteous lolic fo.2 me,f il tbou rf Der to meiigain, S^be rigbteous fiiail fa ano tbei fijal re« io?cc,i ti'aitin tbc iio.jD, i5cboloc,tbis po.ze ma Ut^ crieo to goD, 1 be batb an^ f UiercD bim. Sberc be in ti}c pfalmes man? fucb platers, in tubicb to crane i finDtbe luitbout felnng.SI^bis felffame tbia bao Biacob before taugbt bi bis oUm eraplc : | ambnU}o;jtb? of all tbp mer? cicSjH cf ? trutb tDbich fbou batt perfo;? mcD to tb? feruant. 5 ^ ni? tiattc baue p^ffes oacr tUs Bio^Dan , f ncU) 5 come ro;tb iu tujo banDs.i^eallegetbm dcdc ? p:omife,but not alone:but Ije alfc io?* nctb tbc effect,^ be n?ai tbe motal me ,\ubicb ar Iwer? of tbeir Hi bcraUt?,02 \wbofe abilit? is toafreoibut be is to be toe?eD b? bis oton nature.as DauiD toifei? Dotb tuber be faitb:lCboii bait rcDcmcD mc,o goD,^ fpcat^clc trutb. after ^ be batb geucn to OaD v p,:a?rcs of bis faluaticn, be aDOetb t be is a true fpraker : bicaufe VjnlefTc be toere comi? nualli liHe bimfelf,t jcr roulD not be ga? tbereD of bis benefits a fufficietl? Irrog rcafon of tififiacc 1 calliii?.\3pc \}un ^nt tDben \pc bnolo ti;at fo ofc us be beHctb Ge,32.x:J i}t; pr.31.6. ,C?.p 50, Of the inancr how to receiuc tj0, fjed^^fectb mcxdin^lc anap^ofe of iisgajDn?s!,toe neeD not to fcarc tijat oar l)Oije l^all be put to f&ame o? Difa* point t£f, 27 ^letttnsbcf^cfammc. tsstbcreas t.^ fcripture fdtctb out ttjijs tjnto l^s fo;i tJjccljcfcpBmtcm tt)s fco^tbrppingof vDoD/ss refufing all facriSccs ^e rcqiu ntl) of fc0 tijis fluttc of goBl^nelTc) p^a* ft: is not lu^tbont manifedc facrilcgc DircdeD to ot^cr . Wbercfo^c also it is fa^D in tbe pfalmjf toe ftrctcb fourtlj our Ijmnts to a Grange <^oD, fljall not <©oD require ti)efc ti)ingcs f ^gavne, toljcrcas CDod iuill not be calleD tjpon, but of if aitb, f eppjea^ tommaimoetb p^iai'ers to bee frameo acco^u^ns to tbe rule of [)^s t»o;jDe:finaUi? tubereas faitb founDes) ijpon tbcU}o}De,tstbemotber ofr^gbtp;ja^er:fofonea0 toe ftoarue from tbe Uio;De,our p^aper muft neeos faccoirupteb.Butit isalrcb^ (Ijetoee, tbatiftbetobole Scripture bee fougbt, tIjMt bono;^ is tbercin cbalcngcD to ^on one!?, as toucbing tbe office of inter* ceirion> toee baue alfo (betoeo tbat it is peculiar to Cb.:iff, auD tbat tbere is no pjaicr acceptable to goD,but tobicb tW meo^ato^ballolDctb . ^nDtbougbtbc faitbfall bo one fo^ an otbcr offerc pia^ ers ofgoD fo: tbeir b;etb;en, toe baue fijctocD tbat tbis abatetb iiotbtng from tlyt onlp intcrceftion of Cbjittcibccaufe tbcv altogctber (tanoing tjpon it, bo co* mcno bctljs tbemfelucs f orbcr to toitbout tobicb in tl)e papacietbc^be^ leucibai" tbere is no pjaicr. ^o^eouer it is certain tbat tbis fuperHition batb groton of tiiCrulffulnes:eitber becaufe tl)c^ toer not content ^itl) Cb;tift to be tbeir intercc(fo^o;i baue altcgetber rob bcD btint of tb?s p;a?fe.anti tl^^s latter po^ntiseafilyp^oueu b? tberjfl^ame^ lefaeffetbicaufe tbei baue no otber (Jro* ger argument to p;jou0 ^ toe baue neoc ef tbe interceffion of faintcs,f ban toben tbe? obicct tbat toe are t)ntoo;tb? of fa* miliar acceCTe to CDoD . ^tbicb Win Deoe grannt to be moff true:bat tberup* on toe gaf ber tbat tbei leauc notbing to Cbjiftjtobicb efteme bis intercellio no^ tbing too^tb, tjnleffe tbere be abio?ne5 (l]5eo;ge,l^ippolite,o; fucb otber tiio;5. 28 iSut altbougb p^a?er p;cperl? fig* nidetb onel? toiO^es anb petitions: ?et tbere is fo great affinitie bettoene peti* f ion anb tbanbefge«ing,tbat tbe? ma?c befiitl? comp;eben&eb botb bnber one name . ifo^jtbefpeciall fc;itestobtcbe Paul rcbearfctbjfal bnbcr tbe firH part of tb?« &iuifiion.Mitb afning anu era* oing toe poure fo;tb our oeCres before cD luOen t)c i3 acijno\jD!f2co p au* tijcfc tlno partes togctf;cr,faruig ; Call 1 1^ al tfjofc tljings arc fo to be rcrr lueu at tjpon mt iiitlje Dap of nccclTit^'eti luill 1 bb f;5D,^ Uiepclo contmnall t^anfea fo; DcUner tI)it>anJ»ti)ou ajalt glo^ific mc SLbe rcriptnrc net i\\ \im\ comaunDctlj fc3 to tofc uoti). jf 0; Inc banc Uv^"^ in an otijer p!acc i> our ncotncs is lo great, f tiK erpcricnccit fdf crictlj cut i tuc arc oiicucrp lii^c piiirbcD i pjrlTcD toit'o fo manv t fo great DiHrcCcs, tfjat all fjaue caufc f nougb luljp tfjep Cjoulo botlj fi-^l) to goD,? is! buble Uiif^'.cal tp5 bini.ipoj tl)oo^) tijei be free fro aiuerrities^pct tbe giUinec of tbcir tDicheo Doings, f tbcr; innumerable affiiults cf tenta^ios cuu?;t to pucke fojUvira tbe moft b^lpto afUe r^meJ>?.li5ut i.t tbe facrJScc cf p:a'i?fci tbanSfgeiiinatbercabe no intcrinptio tbf :ar.D t t\)tx is no otber rigbt irar fo tjs to tfe \)is brnefits,tDbicb flolu f p;o' rcDefrcm his liberalitiio tioofbcr cnD, but ^ Vdc tljolD 'be continually^ bufirD in confeCfing bis p^aifcf getting cftbalis. i?o; ^ai^l,\uben fcc tcflifictb t tbci? arc 'i.Tim.4 fanctififD br y tuo;D i p;arcr,Dotlj t!;er» $. bjitball fignific f tbe t? arc not boli? anb Mctony clcanc to Vs \tcut ^ lcc;!D f p^iTcr, tm mia. DcrftaDing by tbe \uo2D,favtb bt? figure, 'pf, ^04 2nbcrfo:cSDauio fat'tb beri? loeUVrben bauing rcfciueD p liberabtv of § lo;D,be DccUrctb t t!',crc is gcucn bim into brs moutb a nclD fongrtiberbv tcrili? be fig ni!tc:b l^ it '.s a malicious filcnce, if UfC tnitJjout bainous an,fo:afiiujcb as tbbr)fo; all j our tbingesca be in p;ofpcritie butb\? tbctbingsiUjcbatbbcftotocDVtscnmcf pr^^l 31 toil take ^ cup cf faluotions, f iiiil cal '^g, tpoii § name c f (7 lo;D. iTtnD ^ fam\ lato | ^ Cburcb follotoctb in nvi otber ^Ui^.lm: pf ^ &aue our ©oD.tbat toe n\ay> ccnfctTe to tbi' name f g!o;i? in tljv ^^iv^t.^q^im, ^^lebatb l-Bheo bnto tbe pMVcr of tbe fo? liCar^, f be ^:itlj notDcfpifeD tbeir pjar* crcKirfS ibalbc ton? tc n to tbe genera-: tion 1^ fi'/uU foHeU) , $ tbe people crcatcD gjal 13 jarfc tb^' t c;jrj ^ (bcf mar t)ccla bis bleirmg:toe mug contimialli^comit our UliKS I all our tbings to bvm.SCbf , tobatfoeucr toe parpofcfpCitk, n Do,let bs purpofe, f peak,! iso bnDer biij^ban?) f toil!,ltnaU?l3nDertbcbope cfbis bdp. 7. if oJjaU arc p.jonoaceD accurfcD of ©oD. tobicbocuifeo^ Determine anv purpo/^ fcst;ion»truil of tbcmfc hjcs 0.: of ani c* ti)£rytol)ic?) toilboiit bts toill,t toithout cdlttEigUpS bi^'.tJO eHtcrp;ife 0? attf pt to begin an\>tt)ig. s^nDUiljeras toe bane I bis name in bim 5 bis pjavf? in l^ieru* gi.^er^^tvrngg alrcpp CapD,)! be is oucl:^ J falcm l^g^ fp pfr ^g y f^y-ibfJiUVcfcc c[:c .!o4i 10 sS Cap.2o Of tlic manci' how to recciue CDoD to Qoe fo; t)i'fi names fake : axj tfjcr p^iofcffc tfjemfclucs tnt»o^tl)i to obtein ah)? tbins in tt}ci?z olun natnc , fo tijci? binoe tljtttlucs to gcuc tbaUjf ,ants ttjc^ p^omifc ^ tbts ©a!bc to t\}t tbc rr^^t tfe of i facatifulnc0 cf goD p t(?ct (balbc pub !Ofe '4 -^ U'fijcrsofit.^o^fec; fpcabmocftbcre* ' ' "* -1 Df ption to com cf (' cburcbjfattlj : Kakc I atcar iniqmtii £D goD,f lift bp gctJiano Uje tuill pay tlje calucs of lips . 0nD tbc benefits of OoD DO not onli' r laim to tbr fellies tbe p;a\?rc cf tbe tong, but alfc Do naturaIIi:p:ocurc louc . 3 banc loucD (f^svtb S>aiub)bicaufc§ lo^D batb bcaro {' boicc of m^ p^apr. again in an otbcr place,rebcar0ng tbe bclps tobicb be IjaD feltjbe fartb:3 txiill louc tbec aD goo my> ftrengtb. ^titifet Ojal tbe p;a^fes cucr plcafc CDoctDbicb (ball not flctuc cut of tbrsfioafnesoflcue. ^caanbalfouc mutt bolD fall tUs faying of paul, tbat all p;arcr0 arc lu;rcngfuii ano faulty to tobicb i)3 not aOicineD geuing cf tljanl^s. fiO} tl)ns be faytb, in all player t bcfa^ cbing lu tbsn!!fgcuing,let your pet itios I bs Imolucn U)itb goo. jfo;,Ctb trftincs, ter)ioufnes,impacifcc,bittcrncsofgraf, f fear oo mouc many in playing to mur murcbc comauoctb tbat our affccions be fo tcmpcrcD, f tbe faytbfuU ere tbey bauc obtaincb ^ tubicb tbey Dc(tre,lbolD ncucrtbclclte cbecrcfully bleCe itb fo great continuing as niai bc,at cucry timc,in eucri plate^ in all matters anD buCncCTes, tbe p;ay? crs of all mc fboulD be ItftcD t?p to (2?od, tobicb may botb ic9\\t fo; all tbinges at bys banD,anD yclDc to bim tbe p;ayfc of all tl9yngcs,as be cffrctb bs continuall matter to p?ayfe ano pjay. 29 31f ut tfeys cotinual Diligence of psay* ingjaltbogb if fpccifilly concern ti^e pjo* per I p^iiuate pjaycrs of cucry man,yct fcmtobatalfo pcrtcinctb to tt^t publibe p;aters of y cburcb.515ut tbofe ca neitbcr be continual,no? ougbt otbtrtoifc to be Done tba acco^Ding to f politibc cjDcr ^ ibal by ccmcn confcnt be agrecD bpon a* mongallj grauttbc fame in Dctjc. Sm tbcrfc^e certain bcurcs arc fct f appcin tcD,as iuDiffcrcnt toitb goo,fo neccOary fo;i t\)t tfes of mcn,tbat tbe comoDity of al men may be p;cuiDCD foj,f al tbmgs (acco^Ding to tbe faying of |t^au{e)n'iay be comlily f ojDcrly Done in tbe cburcb. )15ut tl}is maUctb notbing to tlit contra* rye but tbat cucry Cburcb cugbt botb from time to time to 0ir bp it felf to cf* ten bff of pjaiers,anD tobcn it is aomc* nill5CD by any greater ncccffitye , to tee ferucnt toitb mcjc earncfi; enDcuo;. fis fo J pcrfct' crancc tobicb batb a great af* finitic toitb tontinuaU Diligence , fbcre (ball be a ftttc place to fpeake of it about tbe end. 0o\o tbcfemaUe notbing fo^ tbe mucb babbling tobicb Cb;ifi toiHcD tbat toe fboulo be fo.:biuDcn.if o; be fo; * biDDctb not to continue long nc; oft,no; Hj mucb affi ction m p;aycrs , but i^ toe IbolD not trull tbat toe may tojingany tbing out of CDoo yby Dullyngbys cares loiitl) mucb babbling talk,as if be tocre to be perftoaeep after tbe mancr of mc . '3. ifcj .Cor.j/ ^0 Mat.5.7 The <:race of Chrift. t^i DO not confiDcr t\)at tljtv. Ibauc to tio i ttitf) goD,Do no Ics mabc a popous fljcto ' in t()eir pliers tl)a in a triup[).iro^,tf)C ' not like to ot^cr me,toit^oat Doiit rcic^ I fco at Ijimfclf tn tbc cics: of mcn,ns if be ' tuolD bp p;aicr fckc to get a fame of bo line0>)ercupo rame ^ mucb babbling, tobicb at tb\?s Dap tpon a l\?fec caufe is tJfeD in tbe papacictubile fom to \)ain? lt> fpend tbe time in oft repeting i^ fame p:aier0,totl)er fom Dee (et out tbem' feloes amoij tli^ people luitb a loa beape of luo;D0.^itb this batrbling cbiloiHilv mocttetb goD,it is no marucl ^ it is fo^ biODcn out of tbe ebui ctj, to tl^e cnD tbat notbing OjiilD tber be t)feD but carnelt $ p^occDing fro (> bottoraeof tbe bart.€)f a nerc UinD i Ithe totbi$ corruption is tber anstber, tubicb cb;ift coDf netlj vu tbi0:name!i f btpcerites fo; boHlg fabe Do felie to baiie mani» toitncCrcs,anD do \ ratber occupi? tbe mai-fect place to p;ai? I inrtba ttjcir pjaiers fi)ulD icat ^ p,:aife of ]^Ujo>lD.315ut tof^eras toe !>ane alreDi (ftetoeD ^ this is tbe mark ^ pjaicr C&o* tctb at^tbat our nnnDes nia*^^ be carpeD Dptoaro to goD,botb to rofetfio of p;^atre « to craufgof beLoeifijcrb^ Inc map tjiis^ DCtCtaD V tOc ct2fe Duties tbcref do fido in § min^ j tbe barf^o^i ratber i p>atcr it fclf is p:opcrl\> an a\?c(tion of tbe in* iDiirD biirt,U>bicb is pourco fourtb f Ia» icD ope before dDsu t fearcbcr of l;art0. iVht.5.(S sai^?rfo::c(a0 it is aIreD*p faio)§ tj:rd\t* lv> fctjclijmaiitcr, lube be «unDeD to fet oat tbe bcQ rule of p;aieng : c omauoeD t0 to go into our cbaber,! tbcr tbe tint b?iz ^ Jt to p^ap to our fatfccr tiibub is in fccret-,ii our fatber tobicb ifi in feact map bi^are ts* if oi tobe be batb D.^alxi tbeatijaifro § ctaplJ cfbipocrifs^lDbitb Uiitb imbiriouaboftig Ojelu of piairrs foug^)itl)j faco; ofmcn^be tbertJoitbaU^ aosctbtobatis bcttcr,namclp to entrc' f hird Pooke i-oi.174; into our c babcr,* tljirt to pjap toe cc:e bcig Qjnt.in tDbicb U3Cap in otber places : but be tbe? iDCtb t pjaier is a certain fecret tbing> tobieb botb is cbefelp placeD in § foule, anD ttqiiiretb tl)c quiet tberof far frfi al trebles of cares .pot toitbout caufe tber fo;e tbe lo;D bimfclfe alfo, tobe be iDau DifpofcD to applp bimfelf mo;e rarnctt? Ip to p.:aier,c6ueieD bimfelf into fom fo litaric place far from tbe troublefcm c6 panp of mc:but to teaeb t)s bp bis erara pie t tbefe belps are not to be Dcfppfco, bptobicb our minDc being to Cippjpof it fel f is mo;e bet to earneft applifgof p;aier.)!5ut in tbe meanc time cuen as beinpmiDDeftDf^ multituDc of men, abfteineo net fro p.:aviiig,tf occaGon at anp time to ferueD : fo fi)oulD Uie m all places Itibcre nao Ojall be, lift tp pure baDs.ifinallp tbus it is to be bclDe tbat Ir bofoeuer refufeib to p^ape in tbe bo!p adcmbUe of tbe goDlpe, be knoteetb nat iubat it is te p;ap aparte, o; in fclitari* ncs AJ at bome.again,tbat be tlat neg* lc2retbtop:apalonecj p;iaatlp, boUj Diliaentlp Cceucr be baiit piiblibe atTcm blieSjDotbtbermobe birt imin p;uiers: becaufc be gcr.eiO mo;c to p oFinicn of me tlja to tbe fecret tuDgcuiit cf co^J-St" p meane time t tbccctiiDn p;aicrs cfp cburcb (boulMvot grolu into ccntempt,. goDinolDetime gcirniQjeD tbecrUntb gkricus tiflcs,fp:ciallp iDber.be calleD I tbe temple tbe boufc efpjaicr. iro;, bp tbi^ «apina; be botb taugbt f tbefe part of ti}t \BO.:fl}ipptug of fjpm is j Dutie of p;aicr:anD (Sjat to tbe enDc tbat p feitb^ till thuiD tuitb cne rcnfci'.t cgercifc the ^^ i,Tiin.2. Ids.?, Pra.^>.2, OF the maiiev how to receiue itUits in ir,tije tuhtplc tons fct top as a fttin^aro fc.: t5r.ICf?ere toag alia atJDeo a notable p;om|?fc : HDljcrc abi'tietU foj t&a,£L> goD^p^aife in ^icn: ? to ttee ttjc toto QjalbcpaiD.liBi iufjictj i»o;50 ig p:o pbct tclittl) Ms, t tb^ p;aicr0 of § ctjurcb are ncncr tjopoc : bccaufc 1 1020 altoap miniGrctl) to brs people mater to Cng bpon )Xiitt) io^e. iBut altf/ouiil) tbe ll)a*' placcjlcauc it to tijc ijlcuus 0; ttjc > crercife tbe mtr.Dc boli tr^\z,Sls fc; f grofncs,lct Ms \x)tiitl) \ am qUdc it iutcntiue in tbinUing tpcn iyinc a coiwmau^jcmst to cat bpo v l^i^\ C^jo : tot>if be as it is Oippcr^ anD rol* in Spirit ftn^tbtojnjcKt Difference ofi Ung,eaGit UacUetb * is otueray i?.;aton, _ • - ----- "bnlcOe' !oh '♦4.^3 Ac 7. 2 J iVJat.ij.S tnlelTc it be ffa?eD toif b Diucrfc IjclpcB. ^ozcouer fa)bcra0 f gl^^^P of 5o^ o"Sbt after a certaine mancr to (bine in al tbc partes of our boDv>it fpectalli? bcbouetfj ^ tbe tons be appl^eo t auotoeb to tb?3 fcruice botb in finging aniD in fpeaking;, tul)ic!) 10 pjopcrlv crcateD to a)e\» fa;tb f oifplay tlje pja^fe of (DoD.Bat ^ cbaf bfc of tb2 toungis in publtKc pja^ers, tobicb are maijc in v affcmbl? of ^ goo The jiracc of Oirifl. _ Third Eocke. Fo\ tuberfociier be^to j t6 maliaoas t lo^ i ming railc at § maner bjbicb tben btga to be at Cartbage, t tbc b^mnra at t^e a?far fbolo bt pioncucco out cf tbe bobc of pfdlmcs,ci'tber before tbc cblation, o: tobcn tl)at tobicb ban ben oJTreD icas DiftribatcD to tbe people.l^im JI ar*nrc« rcD at t^c ccmaCioement of mr b;etb;c, ana trul^ if fong be tempcrea to v gra* uttic tD?5icI) bccometi;! y> p.:crence of goD ?7T,, lt:UiI)icb ttn:i to tb^s cn^^v ^s nwi ^^11 ^ angcil3,it trotb p;ocurctb btgnitp ano tuitb one co non boicc, i as it tDcr loitb on: mou:b t3gct!)cr glonfg€*oo,\Dbojn toe IDO jfbi? toitb one fpirit f one fait^i ano t openly, tbat all men mutaaUp, t* uer\? one of bis b;otbcr,mai? reef tuc tbc confelTion of faitb.to tbe crample^ber^; of tbe^ map be botb allnreo anD ftirreD. 32 ;as fo; p b:c of Qiginj in C^^urebes (tbat 3 map toucb tbis alfo bp tbe tuap) it is certain ^ it 10 not oitip im^ mixtv^ ent : but t it ^ajas alfs in bfe among tbc .9 cap.7, Hop. jro: in tbe §ra pUitcb: tziciitt^ i tD3 0)310 Sng toitb ^^y^cc f bart : in tbe otbcr be commjnDetb fpirituall fon^cs, U)bcrl»itb tbe g^^lp do mntuallp eaifpc tbemfelu^s.^ct tbat it tuas not mincYf fa'U Auguftinc tefttttetb, tubicb vt^^oi^ tetb )? in § t^^mt of Ambrofe tbe cbttrcb ofspillain firfc bega to a:tg,UJben tobile lullina tbe motb:r of Valcntmian (Vnch \v ragea again 2 p true faptb,tbe people mjiebfcDUiatcbinges tl^n tbep luere toontian') \^ afteriaaro J otber Iseltern <^ jiircbe^ fjloiue^, Jr ri be ba^ a Ittlc bc^ f jie faib f l')is maaer c.iinc fi-o tbe C^a^ ftern.eCr.ircb.*s . ii)':te'lctb alfo in b?s r:coii5 boj'te of ll;tratations t it\Dn Mis tiAU re:et'ic3 ii i!frica.aD.ie Hi*^ lane (fagCj ;i'?)a ralcr Dio in eucrg place tbis mo^era'ion tberc is no t>out tbat it is a moa boip anD p;o5tab!c ojDinance. a^ on tbe otbcr ^i'iz bjbat fongcs foeuer arc f;amcD onip to raicEtneffe ano Drlitc of tbe cares , tbcp botb become not tbc maicftpe of tbc Cburcb ano can not but bpclp Difpl^afe (IDoD. 33 Cell Ijcrbp it alfo plainlpanpcarctb^ comanpMpersaretoOc fpoUcn notitt (£»i-eke among Hatin men,no;t in Hatin among if iTncbmen 0,: ©aglifb nen {0$ it b.itb bcrctofo;e ben ccb UJber como;^ Iv B0ii:)biit in t peoples motbcr toan^r, \yOicb comarJp map be bnDcrftosnc o/p lijboleatrembl.? : fonfmncb as itot:c^bt t^bc oonc to tin eoifping of tbc iwbolc cbarcbitubicb receaue no fruce atat cf a ro;m^ not bnacrftaacj. 15uttbcp tobicb sl?tT).ui. bauc Cap.20, Of the mancr how to tccciue I'.^ai.ij. l)auc no regard nritbcr of fbarit^ no; of bunwnil v>U)OlD at kad imt ten feme* luJjat mcucD Xo the autlmitV cf P^w^j iD^ofe Ui0?5cfi arc ncttjing DoutfuU , rif tfjou blcgrfavtb ljc)in fptrtt,tjcto fljal !?e ^ filkttj t pi^f*^ C"^'^" ijnlfarncJ) ma f.n* ruicr Arn^n to tt« bif 0ng,att3 tc KnoU? rtljnotiwJjattftonfavcftf ifo? ttjouin ccDc geueft ttmU?s,but v otoer U3 not c^ DificD.eevijo tljerfo^c ca fuff Iftcntif iuo Dcv at tf)e t3!ibnJ3clcD lirc ntioufncg of f papigc0,tol;tfb r ^pofilc fo op?nlp cip tng out againll itj feare not to roarc out in a Uragc tcng ivM babbling platers, in ti^bul) t%c]! tbffelurs fomtimc tnDCD Gant) not cnc f{Uable,no; teclD fcauc o^ tber folfe5 to \jntjeraa8 itflBut Paul tc^ ti)til) ^ ixic ouQbt fo be ctbcrtoifc. i^oto tl)cn^J toil p;ar(fa!?ti) l;c)tintb fpirit,3 ioill p?a\> alfo toitb minDiJ Voill fmg Vo fpirtt,i Unl Qng alfo toit^ mtnstfignia.* ing bi? tijc name of fpirite , tbe fingular gift of tongs, tobicl) man^ being cntsucu Vuitb abufcD it,l»t)en fjjev fcuf rcD it fro ti)c niinoe,^ is fro fcnDcittanDing. )i5ut tbis toe mntt altogctbcr tbinfe,^ it is bi no mcne po(r;bIc,ncit()cr in publifee no;t in paiuate pjarer, but ^ tl)c tcng toitt'^ out t^ tart m«a bielv Difplcafe CDoD. £pc;coaer toe mufl tbinU tbat f minbe ougW to be feinblcti toitlj ferucntneGt of f boug^t)^ it wai? far furmcut all tl;af (j f ong mai? ejip^cCe Id btterace . iPinall^ ^ tbe fong is not ncceCarv at al fo,: p.n* tiatc p.2a\icr,buf fo far as the iutoaro fc^ Una eii'lier is not able to fuMe to cnkin tilclt (clf,o; i ticftemcnce cf cnUinoliiig ijiolentl^ carrctl) tlje too^U of tlje tong iLutbit. iFojt^ougbt)crrg©o p;arcrs fomtime be toitljouttjorccrct it oftcn^ tlincs bctructb , ^ toljcn tl;c affection of tv^ uiinoe is fcrucnt, botlj v tong b;fa# hcilj foitl) tnto Ijovf c, f tte otfter niem< bcrs mlo gettartng toitbout crcelfiue (tcto. a)rrciipon came tIjC niuttering of 1 ^^anrtjr.anti fuel) a liUe tbing all tbc ^oly ones altoap fcle in t^ffelues,to6m tbt^ bnrft out into bjolie f bnpcrftct tcic rs. 0s fo; ttie gcffures of tijc fcoDi^c \i)l^icl}c are tocntc to be tfcD in p?atcr (as fenee* ling i tnrouering of tbe ^caD ) tbe? are crerc ifes hv tobicbe toe enocno; to r^fe bp to a greater reuerc ncing ofOoa. 34 ^oto toe mud learnc not onel^ a nio;f certain rule,but alfo (' t)cr\> fojme cf p;aving:namel^ tljc fame, to^jicb tljc beaucnlp fatter l;atl)tangl)t ts b\> b^s belcueb fcnne:toterin toe mai acfencto ln?sl3nmefurableg£Dbne(Ie f feininedc. jR=o; bcfioe ti)is te toarnett f ertojtett bs to felje Ijini in all o«r neccHitre (as c!jilD;cn are toont to dee to tbeir fathers bcfence , fo oft as tlje^ be troublcD toatt ani Di0reire)bicaufe Vjt fato tl:at toe bio not fufficientlv pcrceaue f bi^,toto Ccn? tcr onr pouerfr toas, tobat totrc irMt tobeaffecD,? totattecre fc; cur p;cfit: be pjouitcb alfo fc? ttrs cur ignorance, i totat our capacity toanteD,be fuppUco I furniajeo of trs oton.^o; te batb p;c fcribeb tots a fc;me totcrin be Ijsttas inatablcfet out totatfceuer toe mav Defire of brwi , totatfoeuer auailctb fo; our p;c6te5 ano tobatfoeuer is necefia^ r^toaffec . ^ftoilyicbtYS gentlfiictr^ toe receiuc a great frute of ccnirc;t tbat toetnbrrHanbttat toe afhe noincon^ uenient tijvngt» no t^rXccming o; bnfittc tbri^jSnallr notbrngttat is not aerep^ table to ttm J fi*tc toe affcc in a nianer after tts otone mcutt . XM l;cn Plato fatoe rlc foUve cf men in malsrng re^ qaeffes to clDoD,tol)iete being graonteo it man\? fvmes befell mucbe to fter; otone burt : be p;onounccD tbat ttf s is tbebeft mancr of p;a^ing fafeen out of tte olDe pc£f e, lling Jupiter gene tnto bsttcbcfttbnigcsbctb toben toe afhe ftcra,! toben toe boe not afHetbem,but commaunn euil tbings to be atoav frcm \js cuen toben toe afhe tbem.^nb teri* 1)2 tbcbeafben man is toifc in tbrs,tbat be Mat«6.5> Luk.12.2 Alcib. 2, vel dc voi. The ^racc of Chrifl. Third Booke- foi 270 fje tutjgcfb l)otD perillous it in to afU of | maoc onr factification.^tit onr cies(^as Ro 8.<5, tbc lo;D tbatiubicbour otun DcCrc mo^ uctb tjsranD tOerctoitbal be betcjarctb our tiibapp^^ cafctbat toe can not once open our moutbcsbrfojccSoD toitbout oanger,t)nle(rctbcfpiritDo inttruct t3s to a rtgbfe rule of p:aving . ^nD in fo mucb greater eftiniatio tl)v& p:tutlcge is lDo;tbP to be ban of b£f, fitb tbc onelp begotten ^on of gou minillretb \i)om into our moutb tubicb map Deliuer our minoc from all Douting, 3)- Klyis tDbetber iiou call it fo jme o) rule of p;jai?ing is maoe of fi>: petition, iro j,tbe caufc tobpj agre not to them ^ Ditiioe it into fcucn partes, is tbis ^ b\? puttig in tbis aDuerfatiue Uio;D (But) . ! it femctb tbat t\)t Cuangclift meant to Auga.m ^^^^^ tbcfc tlDo peces togetber, as if be \ A\' i ^'^^ faiotfuffer tjsnot to be oppjcffcD \d ad Lau. j ^^0*3(5 jj.jf ^jjjijjj. jj^^ipg Quj-e ujcakiies, \ f Deliuer t)3,tbat toe famt net. Oc do tonters aU'o tbink,on onr liDe,fo p noto th^t \}3^itli is in £patt)cto atioeD in t fe^ uentb placets b\? toa^^ of Declaration to be iorneo to (' firt petiti6.1I5ut alt^ougb t tobolc pjavcr is fiicb ^ in curr^ part of it regaro is fpcciall^ to bee baD of t\ic gloj^ of goD,T?ct tbc tbJflJ firC petitions are pcculiarl'j? appointeo to goDs glo;i?, tobicb alone toe ougbt in tbcm to loiie tinto VDOut anr refpect (astbeT?fav?c)of our otone profit, SSbe otfr r fb;cc bauc careof'u3,aji?jare pjopjclp aUtgnen to aflic tbofe tbings tbat arc fa; our profit. Ss to!)>: toe p2av V ^l)^ ^'«^^^- cf '^oD be t)aiotocti:bicaufcgoO toil p;oue tobdbcr be be loucD 1 bonojco of tjs freely 0.: fo; bope of reUiarD toe mult tbcn f binU no? tbing of cj;ir cton c5moiDitic:but bis glo r\> imiCcc be fct befoje tis, tobicb alone to2 mult bcbolD toitb fireo cicg:t;ur) no ctbectoife ougbt toe to be uiintseD in tbe otbrr p^aicrfiof tbiS fo 2E. £ntj cur tbis turuetbtaour great profit, tbat tobf it aip.u5. ChrifoC aut.opc. I c imperr. Fxo.3: Ro.p.3 it is fa vD) mult toinhc f after a (crtain maner be blinD at fucb p?oSt,fo as tbep mav not once lofee at ititbat if al bcp^ of ourp;iuatcbencfitctoercutof, pet toe (l)oulo not cealTe to toiO) f p;a? fo; tbi? fanctificaticn t otbcr tbings tobicb pcr^^ teine to tbe glo;:T' of gen. i3s it is fcnc in tbe craplcs of i^fes f |i}aul, to tobo it ^^ toasnotgrcuousfoturnc atoai? tber;,^^* mines anD eves from tbcmfclucs, ano ' toitlj tebcment f cnflamcD ?clc to to:Q) tbcir oton DeCructio tbat tbougb it toer Id tbeir cton lofle tbci? jnigbt auaunce t\)Z glo J V antj feing^oine of «oD, iDn tilt otber flOe toben toe piar tl):it our i?ail? bjcaD be geuen bs : al bougb toe toill)e tb^t \3)ic\)t is fo; our oton fomnioQ:tie^ Ktbcrealfo toe ougbt cbeiVivUo f^lic tti2 glo;^ of OoD, fo tbat toe tooulo not afUc it tnlcffc it migbt t;rne to bis glo* rie. iiioto let ts come to tbc OccUruig oftbep?aKritffli^. «^JOur father vvh.ich art in Heniic. 36 ' if irG in tbc *^err cntri? toe mc^tc \x^it}9 tbis ^\}id} toe fapu bt ro;c tba? e\ pjav'cr ougbt ncric otbcito.trc to be cffc rcD Qt ^ to goo tba in r name Ci" c';nJ?, a? it ca in none otbcr name be maae ac^ ceptublc tutc bim . jro;finfctocccall biKi fatbeistruclv toe allege fo: l^s tho nanieof cbral. i?o; bvtobat bolDnrffe miabt anv^ man call cSoD, ifatbeif tobo fl)uloburafo;tb mtofo great rafijnrs, to taltc tobimfclfe \> bono; of tbe fon of gor?,\inles toe toer aoopf cD tbe cbtio;c of grace in ClyA^i Cobicb being tbe true &on,is cieue of bim to ts to be our b;o^ ' tbentbat t ^^^f^ ^^ ^''^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ "^ ^°'^ ^-'^ ture,raaibi f benef.tcfacoptio bcmaoc i.Ioh.3.1 aurs>iftoeco Vd furcfavtbembjacefo Pfa27,x, greatc bcatirulncs.Ss Slobn faiib>^ pc^ h%^3, tocrc Is geuen to fbf tobicb belene in i 16 name of tbe onlp begotten fcnnc of goi3» 2. Tmi.i tbat tbet alfo mav be niaiic tbc fbilD;cn 13^ i3 factificD OS toe p;iii if ^^aifo liUctoifc i of OooXberfo;e be botb callcDbimfcig ^ . T^ £B.^,uu, but •n.^.20! Of tl»ert4ancrf-iOvv to recciuc Math.7 11. Hfa49.i)' 2. Co. 1.3 our f4tI?er,auD Veil be fo calico of b0,bp ti)io ftuctncB of name oeliaedng bs fro al matmttAiti) tbcr can no tofccr be fouo anv greater affcctio of lone ttjan in a fa tucr.iDtjerfopc be coclo br no furer era p.c teilifi; bis bnmcafurafclc Dere loue toiuaro »3J5,t^a bi? tbis § toe arc maoe {> (cnsofCDoD. Ii5ut bisiouc isfomncbe greater i mo^c erccUent toUjaro b3 tba al louc of our parcnte, as be paflfctb all men in goDncCTe ? merc^,tbat if all U)z fatbcro tbat are in tbe cartb>bautn3 (^ ben ofal filing of fatberli>natura!nes, U1OI0 fo^faUc tbcir cbilD;cn,rct be toill ncuerfailet30,brcaarcbc cannot Dent? bimielit.^o; toe banc bi^ p^onipfc, Jf ^Gu being euell cangcttegcao giftesto ^our cbilD^cn,boii! mucb nio;c ca four fatber tobicb 12 in beauenf ^gain in tbc ^^3pbet:Can a motber fo;gct ber cbil^ Ei^cnfS^bougb Ibe fo;get tbf ^t'ct | \jiii\l notfo^jcCtbee* 3f tocbcbts cbilD^en: tbcn as a cblcD cannot gene bimfelf in* to tlje tuition of a ftrangerano fozein ma bales b'coplain eitber sf tbc cruel- tic 0^ pcucrtic of bis fatber: [0 toe caip notrcUefucco^s from els toberc tban from bit" alonctnies toe rep;ocbcbim toitb poucrtt? f toat of abihtico; Mti) crueltpo,; io ertrcmcrigojoufncITc. 37 ipicitbcr let bs allege t toe are too; tbil^ maoe fearcful tottb confcicnce of (xns,\})\)icif ma^ make a fatber be be nc ucr.o merciful I feinocDailv to be bit* plcafeo. Joj if among men fbe ton can \jD no better aouocate pleao ^is caufe to tjis fatber,! fai no better meane get 5 re couer bis fauo; being lo(J,tba if be bint^ felf bublp f lotolr? acfenotolcDgtng bis fault,5o bcfccb liis fatbers mei cp ( fo; tbe f fatberli botocls cannot bi^Je fbcm* fellies but muft be moueb at (ucb P^ai^ ers) tobat Cbal ^ fatber of mercicj5 to,% tbe goD ofal comfcjtf Cbal not be ratber bear f teares f grcnings of bis cbilDjen entreating fc; tbcfclur0(rpectaUv Ctbe i)t iiotb cal f eyljo;: bs to do Co) tba m^ otbi r interccfficns tobstfocaer tlje^ be: to tl)c (ntm toberof tbct do fo fearfuU^g fla,not tDout fomc (beto of Defpeire,bi^ caufe tbci DiCruH cf | UinDcnes t mer* tifuincfft of tbcir fatber. ^i}i& cuerflc* \siinQ plentv of fatbcrlv binDnes be Dc« paintctb « fettetb out bnto bs in ^ para ble,tobcr tiit fatber louinglp cmb^cetb tbe fen tl)at baD cUrargtD bimfcU from bf,i! baD riotouQp toaffcD br« fubfface, tl)at baD f uer^ toat? greucnfl^ offenDcD againtt bim:anD be tartctb not til be Do \})it}) toojDs crauc parDcn, but be bim^ fclf p^eucntetb btm.^notoctb bim a far of turnfg, cf bis oton toil gcctb to raete bini,comfo;?ctb bitn,i recciuctb btm in fo fauo j.i?o;,fctting out in a ma tl^iB ep aplc of fo great gentlenc^, be minDct to teacbbs boto mucb mo;e plettfuUbinD^ nes toe ougbt to lose foj at bi^ banoe, tobo is not onlp a fatber, but alfo j> beft ans moll merciful cf al fatber0,l)otofo* cucr toe be bnfeinD,rf bellies, ? ncugb^ t^ cbilD;en:fo ^ vet toe caft our fciucs bpon \)is mercp.fiuD f be m^gbt make it to be mo^e alTurcDli? beleucD, tbat be is fucb a fatber to t0,tf toe be cb^iHias: be toillcD not onlp to be callcD jfatbcr, bat alfo b^ crpjcffe name. £Dur fatber: as if toe mrgbt tt)i\B talbe to^tb biJU. jD fatber tobicb bafi fo grcatc natnrall kinDneflc tctoarD th^ cbi:D;cn,ro great cafincite to parDon,tec tbr cbilo^Jcn cal to tba? ano pja^ to tt^c^, being affurcD f fuUp perfuaocD,^ tbon bearcIE no otbcr affection to bs tban fatbcrlr>bctofccucr tocbebntoo^tbroffuclja j^atber.iEut Uecaufe tbe fmall capacities of cur hart ccncetuenot fo greatebnmeaTura'jlc^ ncffe of fauo;,not cnclv Cb^iil^ is to bs a plcDge ano carneft of our aooption, but alfo be gcuetb bs tbe fpirit fo; toit^ nettc cf tbc fame aDoption , tb;ongb tobom toe ma^ \3i^tf) a free anb lotoDc boice crre abba, j?ati'cr. ^0 ofte tber^ Lu. i;.2G fo;i Ga.4.(J. -3 Tlie grace of Chiil^ Tmrd I;ookc, Icow^r fojeasanpDcla^a?altDitt]aanDt0,lct tIjcbcCCo tl)cm, anD bcpc (be left of ts rcmcmb;c to afli of i)im> tiwt cojrc^ tl)Cin.^oU3f bcit Uic ougljte fciti; a cci ^ £t irg our fcarfulnctre, 5)0 toil fet bcfo?c ! tainc angular a^rcttcn to bear a fpf ctal Mat a3 9 ^5 tbat ^pnite of cojagiaufrifffe to be ourgniDctopjarbolDlp. 38 ^U jrras U'c arc not fo taiigtt tijat cucrv one OjoulD nnicrall^ call bim bis olun fatl)cr,but rattjcr tl)at buc Qjulo all in wmmon togttbcr call iiim i©ur jfa* tbcr:tt)?rb^ tuc arc put in nunociboUie tncUnatiantotbCin of tbc boiil!]6l0c cf faitb, Ujbontc tbc apoCle batb in eucri? tbing prciiliarlv ccmmtbcD brto ts.jn a fummc.Sllour p^aicrc cv.^]t to be 10 iHaDc, tut tbcr banc rcfpctt to tfjat CO' numiti^ Mnc\} car i.e;o jjattj fiabl.focD in \)i3 tttngiDomc ano bis botifc. pal(^. 10 great affertio of b^Gtbcrlp louc cugbt to 39 fct ibis lyitbdantctb uot,but tl[jaC be amo3 tis,U)bict) are auoc'atfier bi one fame rigbt of merct! f Uberalitr^f cbiU b;eri of fucba jratber. ^oj tue all banc cnacomon fatber, from Utbcm conictb iuljatrocuer gcoo tbing ma? bcticc bnto tj5:tijerf ougbt to be notbing feucrall a* mog b?,ti3bicb tue arc not rcci 16 great cbercfulncfi of mine to comunicate one to an otber fo mucb as ncctjc rcquiretb. Vc-e tr.a^ fpcciallp p^ar Ijotb fo; our IcI^ ucfi 5 fo; ccrtainc oiber: fo ttat vet cur minse Depart not from bauinj < n riC to fbiscommunitie, no; once flrarucfro itM'^t appli al tbigfi 'cnto it.jfo; tboueb tbct be Qngnlarlr fpolie n in ro;mc, ret bicaule tbcr arc circctcD to marUe, tbc^ ceafe not tc be ccmmon.:ai tbts mav be caCilP triDcrflcnc hv a liUc craple. 2Dbc jj^clu if U)c be fo Dcftroucas luccuglit comaunijcment of gob is genrral,to rc^" to be,to reacbc our bao anD belpe one to an otber, tberc is notbing tebercin tuc ma^^ mc;e p;ofitc oar b;eib;cn, tban to commenD tbcn! to tbc care f p;ouiDfce of tbe moff gojD fatber, U)bo being tcell pleafeD 1 fauc;ing,notbing at al can be Vuante?). 0nD berilv ccmi tbis fame bue Fphi 2 J Ovoetoourcfatber.ifo;asbe ytrnelr t leaf tin ncDe ef all po;r: anD vet tbc v 0^ ber tbis ccmaunocmcnt.U bicb to tbrs cnDc DO bilp tbcir pouertv tobon c tbep imoUi c; fee to be in neDe,altbougb tbc v p^i.creoucrmanv tobcmc tbevffftobc pjcfifcD iDitb no les ncccffitr: eitber be^ caufc tbci canot knoto al,o; be not able to bclpal.^fter tbis mancr tbc\? alfo Do bartilr louetb anr fatber of bouaiclDe, \ not agama f> toil of ©ot>,tobicb batiing Dwtb alfo cmb;ace bis tobcle boudjolDe, rcgarD bnto,v tbinliing tjpon tbis com^ toitb loac i goD toill: liUctoifc t loue f mo fclctot^ip of •§ cburcb, Do maUe fucb affcrtiontoebeareto tbis beauenlvfa^ particular p;arerfi,bv'tobicbtbev do \6 tber,toe muft ll?ctoc toU^aro ]}is people, a comon minD in particular too;Ds, co* bis bouOjolD i bis inbcntace, tobicb be menD to goDtbcmfclucs 0; otbcr,tobore batb (0 bono;eD,tb3t be batbc calles it (1 fulnes of bis onlv begotten ^on, ilct a cb;iOian man tberfoie frame l)is p;aia ers br tbis rulctbat tbep be common^t ma? comp;ebenD all tbem tbat be b;e^ tijjcn in Ct);jft toitb bim: anD not onl^ tljofc toboni be p;efentl? fcetb J Unoto^ etb to be fucl))but al men tbat hue bpon eartbtof tobom,to*iat gcD batb Dcterm^ neceHitr OoD toilkD to be niD;e nercl? hnoton to tbem.l^otobcit all tbings at c not Irlicin p;arerjanD in beCotoing of gojDS ifo;,p libcralitr of gcuing cannot be tJfcD but tc ri^arDc tbc tobofe nccD toe baue pcrcciucD: but \ri p;?.rf rs toe map belp euen tbem ^ ai c mod ftrange, anD moft bnfenotoen to tas , c p botoe great a fpacc of grouD fo ener tbcv be Diftat fro ncD,it is out of oar ijaotolegc: fauing f tsXljis is Don bp tbe general fo;me of it is no leg goolc t^^j^ natural to toit^e p;a^cr,tobcrcin all tbe cbilD;cnofCgoD ' spsp.U. arc Cap.2o, OFthe mancr how to recciue i.Tim«2. 8. •Ac.;?. 49 arecontcineij,among tubom^ tbenalfo are.i^ecrcto \vt inai? applrc t^at lufJicb Paul cjcijo^tetb tbc faitfjfal of Ijis time, tbat tf)cr lift \)p cucri? Iwljci' pure IjauDs tuittjout arifcibicauft* IdIjc !)c luarnctl) tl)cm 1^ (Irifc (l^uftctlj t^t gatcagainfte p;aici£!,?)etDilIctl) tfjf tu^tl] cnc minoe to lai? tl)cir petitions in como tcjit^cr, 40 3t is anoeD t'}at f}c is in Ijca^uen. esiberc\3pcn it i^ not btMn3b\? to be p* tOercD i^ ()!? is botino fall enclofcD f com* paHcD Untl) t{)c circle of fjeauen,as luif '0 in certaine barres. $^i Salomon alfo confcfct!) t -^^ beauen c? beauais can^ ncs: coteiri bini-0nD be binifcif fai'tb bi? |i i' 4'5'i» tb2 liljcp-^ict,^ bcauen is bis fcate,? tbc eartb \^iQ fotsitole. ^tilbcrcbi' Ijerel^ be liijniSrtb 1! be is net lirniteo in «np cer? taim £oaft,but is fp^cD ab;oDc tb;ougb« out all tbtnss.But becaufe onrc mince (fud) is § grofncs cf it) c culD not oCbcr^ iBiseccijreiueb^s VJ^pcalKible gle:^ it is usnifieiD to ^s bi § beauen,tba Uibic b tbcrc cati notbing come tsnoer oar fujbt mo;cample 0^ fuller of inaicftp.^itbe tberfo;ie tuberfoeucr our fenfes comp<>e bena anv t\yin%y tbere ^^2 W to fallen it:^i) is ret cut ofal ^Utz-, ^ luben lus U^il fel^e bim,li3e lI)ouli3 be raifcD ^p a*' boae allfmfe botb of boD^ anD foule.a* flai^ac bv tbis manner of Cpcaliingi be is iifted tjp abonc nl cbace of corruption 1 cbar«g5e:finalli? it isilgniriet? f \)t cop;e=i bcnbetbi contcnictblbe tobole bJDQur atrtaoce in bt'nj^bg Ifibof^J p^ouitif ce f potuer toe bnoerffanu bea^ \m\ ant) cartbe to be gouerneD.llet tbwt be tbe ram,tbat tinbc r (> name cf fatber is fet befo;e tjs i\iiit Coc tobicb batb in bis o^ajne iaiage appeared to feg, f bat b^ '^ mai' be callcD bpcn toptb alfnreD faitb> anD tbat tijc familiar name of fatber \b not onlp applieb to iJabliCbatfiince,but alfo auailctb to bolD fafi cure minbes ^ tbev be not b;jalDn to tiontftill 0; faineo gous>but (boulB from iiyt onl^ begotten Ion cUmbc bp to tbe cnelr fatber of ^n^* gels ano of tbe €l:urcbc:tben,)^ bicaufe bis feate iii placco in beauen,toe arc b^ t\iz goucrnace of tbe UjojId put iw min?5 tlc^At net toitbout caufc toe come to bint tobicbUJitbp;efeijtcarecometb of U^ olon? toill to mete tjs. CSHl^o fo come to Ctjc (laitb fbe ^poftle) tbc\? muS Srfte faeleue tbat tbcrc is a dDoD ;tben,tbat be is a rcvuaruer to al tbem tbat fehe bint* jSotbe tbcfc tbiags ^b.JiU affirmetb to Heb.n d be p^iopcr to bis fatber, ^ our tm):^ mai? be l!u'j?eo in^ixn : tbcn,tbat toe mav? be certainly? peituaDco tbat be is not carc# les of our fafcti'tbtcanfe be fcoucbfauetb tnm to tJS to zKizix^t Us p;onjDcnce. iEQlitb SsfQui) intro3ucti6s Paul p;epa* retbts to p;iav' ri«^btii\iroj befoiie f be bii3Deti> our petitios to be opencis befi3;ie goi!,be fa^tbtbus:}15e ^e carefiU fo^ no* 'phil4,^' tijJn^,tbeilo;:iD is at h^\x:i. ^2!lberb^ ap^ p:arctb tbat t\iZ'^ DoutfuHt? ^ ^-ttb per^ picvitv tdfe t^cir pM^f rs in tbeir mio, Fia,33,isi VDliic!) bane not t\)\& toel fetlcD in ^tmy ^ tbe cpe of C'oais bpontbe rigbteoos* 4v SbC firtt petition is, I hat the name of God beMaliovvedjtoenctDetoberof t? io\meD ^xsiVi) oure great (!jame» ^oi tobat is mo;je fbamefiil, t^^^n i tbe glo^ n^ cf goD fijalD be parti j.' b^ cur tntbah* fuUies,psrtli bp our maliticufne6,Darlj nc5:ano(f3 mucbas in it hetb) b^ cure b&li?netteaji?j furious Uub'^o^nefTe, W terlvblottT&out^ SDbaugbc aH tbe toic> Hco touut5 Uucfetbem Cciucjs toirb tbeir The grace of Chrift, Tnircl I.ookr, toi,.^/ vc^Zm: iDilfulnes M effatrilegc, t?ctti)Cf)olif>^ ful a"uti)o;itt?e Uiitb tis3,anD ttjat no fuc» ncffc of tfee name of ^D glo^iouOp Hn* | ccCc Ojal binDcr ttje blclTing tobicft goD net!). 011D not tortt)out catifc the p;o^ i ocfcruct^ in v Vi:l)oIc r ourfc of r Goacr* jijetbcrictb out.^B tin? n3mc,£D c;oO)fo ning of [7 Uio.:lD. ^gam, § petition alfo 13 tijp p;aifc into al foe enoss of ? eartb. | tenoctb to tUs purpofe,^ a! tngoulinrs i?o.j ttJljcrfocucr hiimc ofgoDieUno^ 1 lutjicljccfiilctbtislicUnanicinavbefic Mycnyit canot be but tt-at bis ftrr&tbcs, pot»cr,g©Dnc(re,UnfeDomc,r^gbtfour# ncs,nierc?,anD trutb mutt fbcioc fo;itb tbcmrelucB,tob!cl) mar D^aUie ha into ttrorcD $ taken alt?ar;ttat Uibatiocucr lijtnc^ DO Dartun t ttminiUj tbts faiifti* fvinc, astocliaaunDcrg asniecUingB, niav be cjiucn atDa^,nnU tobc gcD fub# aDmirationof btm, anoffirre tjsl^pto j DuctballfaciiUgc5,bisglo^rinartbcr pablin)bisp,:aife.§)itbtberefo;etbcbo ' " hV mo;e nnD mc^c (bine ab^ooe. 42 %^c feccnu petition is,tbat T lie kmgc'om of God inay come : Utjicl) al- tbcugb It f ontctn no hclue tbing, ifi v^t finn is,^ toe tuiftj tbe bonoj to be geucn (0 gotJ,lDbicb be is tooztb^ to banc, tbat men neucr fpeait 0 j tbinh of bim l6out mod; bie reuerrnce:\uberun(o is contra rr (7 t)nbo!^ abcOng^tDbicb l)atb alvnap ben to copimon in tbe U>oDcrmtbisp;arcr,Diiccp?iJimcij»>t'? iuc^Us cmp';jinteD mailies of bis gloVr, gin attberelues,tbat ib to fap, tbat tber Ujbicb mare tuojtbilr D.2aUie oute of all be cleanfeD from all corruptions U bicl) tongs a cofcCTion of bis p;airc.^c a)al it trouble tbe quiet ftatc of tii^ feingocme come to paJe )S tbs fcripturc tball baue ' of (g^oD,anD mfea tbe i:urcncgetbciecf. [ "~~ — — — -- ^^^^, <.ap, 20. Of the mancr how to rcceiue |5otDbicaufetf)etuo^D ofgoatsl^feca bingli? fceptcr,toc arc bcrc comaunDeo to p;a^ ti)at b0 toil fubBtic ^ mtnDs atiD Ijarr^i of al men to tuilling obcDicnce of it.Mbtcb is Donc,Uil)e v» tbc iscYtt in* (lintt oftjifi fpirtt Jjcttfretti § ciftctual fo bicaufe tbe mitters o; men arc neuer in \o go)*) f aufctbat filtoines being SMfec^i alD.ip anD c!:anfc3 , fall pureneGe Clc^iJIjctf; an?) i3 in !iael? fcKe. li5at tbe f«Unc-re of it is oifferreu balo tbe late coming of Cb.nJ, iDben laaiilc teac'jcf b tbat ^oD t^Albe al in aU.an^ fo tbis pjaicr ought to toitbo^a\» ts from all tbcco^jruptios of tbe teo;jlD,tJD:)itb do fe«cr tjs fro goD, tbat bis ItingDo iljoulD net aonHi in fes, ano alfo to lunDle our enucaoj to nm' tir'v tbe fleni,an,^ll\» to intlruct bs to tl)c bearing of ?be crolT^: fojaftnucb as (3oix \iiil\ in tbti iuifc baue bt^ l«!i;iDa fp^e& ab,io^:. jl^ctber oa$bt tuc to tT!?c it mif catenteDb th^t tbe autUjar!^ man be oe^" ;tlroucn,fo ("bat tl?e iaUj:zrDc miii be re^ uacD,irf ,J '(Hi is tb^nattire of t;)e htns, mn. cf gQi),tDbcn \m Ubimt oar teloes to tbe rigbteoufnciretberofrto mafec bs partafeers of bis glo^pe. %iUs is Done U)bcn b^igbtl]? fetting fo^tbe bis ligbt f trutb luitb alboa^ nctu enfreafcSjtubcr b^ tf)t Darfencffe anD lies of ^atan ano bis feingDom,mav banitb atuai', be Dc^ ffroveD,anD peritl]e, be DefenDctb t^tm tbat hci}iSy\i}it\i tbe be Ipc of bis spirit Dircctetb tf)tm to bpiigbtncs, f (t reng? tbenctbtbem to continuance: but oucr* tbioujctb tbe toickcD cofpiracics of bis enemies,(%a!trtb abzoDc tbeir trcafons anu ^f^ctittSy p;entntttt) tbcir malice, anu beatetb Dotone tbeir llubbo;neffc, till at lengtbe be Hill ^ntithiH^ ^"t^ tin ^pititc of bis moutbe,anD Detro^e allbnjo^lineiT^jiiMit::) tbe b^igbtneCTeof b^s comming. 41 ESbe tbi rD petition is, That the will of God be done m earth as it j$ in hcaue. WLbidj a-.tbog-i it bagetb bpcn Us Uing Dorncf ca not be Cciitreb frcm it,is not tft \imo aDDeD feuerallr, fo^ oar grofc* ttjITe, ^^l)kf) Dot?) not eaftlp o^ branDb^ conce.inc ^j)'u-: ir is thd goo reigne in tht fe33^l3.2t Owl tbcrrojcbcno abfuroi* t\? i^ tUsi be taiien bv tisav of pliinr r cp p^fEtio: t-i^t go^ %\\ 'il)cn b? funs in tbe tpojlD tub-n al tbingsi fijal fubmit t\^tm fduestobistuiU ♦ jJiOii) bcre is net meant of i}:3 iarzt iuiH , luberb^ be go* tienict') al tbin^s anD Dtrcftetb tbem to tijnr enD. jf oj tbogb fatan anD men are troublefoml^ carieo againG bim,\'2t be ca b^ bl^s mcomp^ebenfible counfcl not orslp turn afiDe, t^cv^ tnolent motions, but alfo D^inetbcm into ox^cx ^ l;c ma^ DO bi t'otm tbat tubicb be })ntl) pnrpofcD. liBiit berc is fjjoken of an otbrr tail! of CDo'3,nar.icl^ t)^At \!}\}tnvato anrajeretb toitUna obeDiencctanD tbcrfo^zetbc l)tn^ ue;i is bp n.ime compfjr^t) li»^?t') tlje eart.'K becaufe tbe ^ujels as it i? fa?oc t;it^>e pfaIiu?,Dolr!Ulingl^obcp0oD, pfajo^^ a:iD an Dtli^entli? bznt to doc b?3 conu '20^ _uw^r^*n^\.2tSi^c^)-:r&^c^£_naiixP 1 Th€e;raccofCIirifl. Third Eooke 0CO to toin)c tbat a0 in heam nothing is Done but bv tt>c bccUc of OoD, f ttjc ^w gdsarc quictlp framtD toaIItjp;igf)f» nc^tfo tljc fartt),all fiubbo;nnt0 1 pcr» ncifeneffe being qucnc!3CD,nia\? be fub^ left to furfj (j«uernmcnt. 0nD toben lue require tl)i5,\ue renounce the Defircs of our oUin geibe: btcaufc Uj})ofoeuer Dotij not religne t rdo bis atf^rtiens to ©oD, be tjotb as mucb as in bim lictb fet bim felfagainft [)im, fo:afmucb acnotbing cometb out of t5 but faulti.jano lue are again bi? tbi« p;aier frameo in f fo^fa* bing of our felues,)^ C5oD mav gonerne \is after \)i8 toil : anD not tbat onl^Mt ^ i)z ma^ alfo create in \jb nelu minoes tfnclDbi?art0, our olo being bjougbtto nougbt,tbat lue mar ff Ic in oure felues none otber motion of Defire,tba a mere confent \Dit\) his tuil: fummarilr,^ toe map toil notbing of our frluea^bi^t tbat bis fepirit map gouerne our beart£,bp U)l)omcinUjarDlpteacbingt30 Iw map learne to loue tbofe tbings ^ plefe bim, f to bate tbofe tbing0 tbat oifplefe bim, OUbcrupon tbis alfo fololuetb,^ ^\)aU foeiier affections Sgbt againfJ bis toil!, be map maHetbcm Xiuin anD toiDe. iLo bere be tbe 6re tt)}c cbcfe point0 of tbis pjaier, in afiung Uib:reof tuc ougbte to bauetbe onlp gIo;p of Odd befo;je cure epes,kaningtberefpf(t of our f clues,! bauing no rcgarnc to anp cf oure otunc pjofitc, Vubicbaltbcugb it come bs:reof lar^elp tjnto I35, pet toe oiigbt not bare to foche it. Wat albeit all tbcfe tbinos?, tboagbe l»e neither ttjinbc of tl)eui,nc j toiftj tbem,no;i afke tbem, muft ne ucr* tbeles com to pas in lijtir sue tiirie, ^ct toe muft toiC^c tbem t require tbc i^n:) tbis to DO is no fmal pzofite fo j our Cra^ uaiie,^ toe mat fo teftifp 1 p:ofiire our (eli\(S to be if ienwnts t cbib^f of ncf, as macb as in ts licfb enDcuo^tr.a 1 be* mgtrulp 9fatbcrDifDainctij net to iTceiue alfo oure boDpe tntcbps faitbfuU fauegai Of f feeping,to ercrcu'c cur ifaitbc in tbcfe fmall tbin?s,tobcn toe Icfee fc; al tbings ^ I is banDP,eucn tc a cnmi of b;raD anD a ^jop cf Venter. iFo; tobcras it i0 ccmc to patTe 3 tootc not bote bp cur inc.uilpf,^toebemc> ueo ToTaTi'. Cor A'. ^ C;ip.2o, Of the mancr how to recciue uet) I tei'cD iDitf) greater care of J fict!) ; t!}at U*e J^oulQ be content tutfl) J quc n^ tbP.n of tOc foul: iiidn^ l»!)icb Bare truft j tit\? lubicl; ourljc3u?nIr jrailjer tcuclj* to 0^0 foi iJjcir foul, arc v^t careful fcj fauetl) to gciic to l^anD C}culD noi ftae tfjei ficCje, arc ^t in Doute Vnbat tljc\? | fo; gain b^tJiiLiluful craft? meanrsjii iiial iMt>f U)!)frteiti) tbei (Iialbc clofljes): tfje meane time tus niuE learne tfcat it I if ii?rv gauc list p}et\?of U)in?,lulieaf, f o^ejlc va^.2c?)2iiB t'm^ tremble to), fear, #0 miifO nio^c Dec toe eileme tbe (&a=» DolD of t^is lik \33\}ii\} UiUtth but a mo^ ^icnt,tban tOateiicrlaSing immc<:tali* tr. i^wt lutjo fo trnllia to goD {)aue cnrc (arr altja J? tf)af csrefulnes fo^j tljz p;,oni* Qon of ilje flc(&,l50 alfo b^aniibi louc fo.: C;iluatiuu 3 eucrlaCing life at bisbano, tD!]i:b arec^reatev tl)incisSt is tbcrfo^e m Uiull crercife of iraitbe, to bope fo; tbafe tbings of goD.lubicbQtberiuife Do fo mucljc Wli^ ^.s in care: am \Dt baiie not fir.all? pjofitco, toben tue bane put of tF)is tjubcieuingncffc tDb^b ftic&ctb I Utt luitljin tl)C boiics altnotj of al men» i .'ils fo z tb.it \s)Wi} fome c«3 bcre teacbof ' tr^iiCubSatial bjcaD>it feiiietb but fmal l^ to agree to^f b tht meaning of Cb^ifti I'ca but if tue bio not eucn in tbis fraile Wq. gcue to 300 tbc office of a nojifging I i?a.tJjcr;Qiir piaver fi)0ab be bnperfect. I l>,>c^aitc: tiMt iti^mi mate tbal § cbii* \mm of r^oi3>lvbi£b ougbt to befpiritual, ^l.an.oi Qnl^ caS tbcir mino. to eartbli cacej5> but alfo U)>ap CDo&tberern toptb tb^iu.a^ i^^ygb bis blcITtag i fatbcrl^ fauc; Mb not ajfs apeare intbc (qlle^ uanc oj as tbiu^be it bcre ^^.itien in^aini gcislinesbA^t^ p.wmt^ ksf not puis cf tbe Itft to come, but alio Xm^4 tHjjis p^efcnt Jif^. ISat altbotigbi fa;* CCi^enjTs cf (ms icef niucbc greater ^a^ lue tbaa tbjJ fuftcjiaiice^ of tbe boJ)?,'t?et C^jia batb fet tbc iofcrioi tljtng intbe firil placc>tq;f i^ivtent tJhlift tw bp b? De^ ^m to f otber eojopctiticn^J ivbif baoe »vVi3p:.s:ive belong to ibe beauenli^e Ivfe, 'avl):ruvb2:bai rega.ru ta our grofeiiicjs, jgf^are.coaidun.Qeoto.fiflt Jilwr bjcap, ,1 re ^ "J^-'i.J.. »,uj^m.)Mr.a.Jr.- iai maJ3e£)ure£^b? title of gifte, bccaufc \ ne^tbcr our Diligence,no; our trauaile, noi our banDess (as it is fa^D in ^oles) Do bi? tbemfelues get bsan^ tbing, tn^ leflfe tbc blelTing of 0oD be pjefent: i?ea tbe plent? of bjeao fbulD notb^ng at all pzoSt t)0,bnle(rc it lucre bi> (Sod turncD ' into nourilbment. Tinu tbecfoie tb^s li^ ^^' bcralitf ef c^oa is no IclTc necelTar? fo; j tbc ricbe tban fo; tbe p(d;0 : becaufe ba^ uing tbev; ccllcrs anti tbcp; barns full, j tbe? ft)o«lo vet faint fo; b;in£(re f emp^ ; tinfire,bnleffe tbe^ oiD It? bis grace en** ioptbeir b;caD.li;bc ixm 2:bisbat?,o; Cueri' Da\? as it is in tl)c otber Cuangc lift,anD alfo the aolectiue H>ailv>tio b;i<» Die Urn to mucb grecines cf frail tbigs W'itr'mii'o toe are Uiont to burne out of meafurc, t Vuberunto are io^neo otber eui!s,fitb if toe banc plentiful abunbace toe DO glojiouQi? pourc it oiit tjpca plc^* fure,Delites,b9alling>asD otber feinDcs of riotous erceffc. SLberfo;c toe a re cc* maundeo to afke cnl'V' fo mucbe as is c« nougb fc; our ncceffit^^ anD as it toere fiouiOai^iO Dav,toitb t^M affiai:-rc tbat tobcn our bcaur nl'^ iratber batb fee ^s tbis oav', be toill alfo not faile bs tsm^ i:otoXbcrfo;c boto great plf tp of tblgs foeucr D&floto bnto bs,, tea tobcn ourc barnes be SuffcD anD our allti3 ful,vet, toe OEigbt altoii^to afitc our nail^ b;eD:, bicc\u{c toe mult certainlv belaaci-aU, fuMlsncc is no£bing,biit infemucbas ^■ ^Lo;D Do^ bipourino^ out oUM blcffing^ I9 conf inunt enci:c^e im\it it frutcfnl: anD jj tt? tJcr^Tame ftibitacc tbar is in cm' bci'tDjis^not our oton,but inf^muii) as be Dotb^ euei:^ bouw geue ^s a po;.- tion ani^gi'aunt? tjs a tjieaf it. ^Clns-. tobc:ras.fe pHqeof mri;Qttegitbai:oi^ ftiJer 2^.30 »M-H]MlpiJ«..iJ.IH'.J>'IM',»l.Jl>JJIJ.lUuaL-l .^iXMJJJ.">t^ The grace of Chrifl. Third Books 001.83.' fu^^i^tMnobcpcrfuaDCDitfjc Io;d tc* I ftiSctl) ^ ly: liatij OjcUjcd a fingular ertV Ma,4,4J P^^J tbcrcof foj all agc0, toljcn be feo tjts * people icitb spanna in tl^c U)ilDcrncs,to tcacbts tiwtma Iiuctlj not in b^cao on lF,OiJt ratOcr in f» too;D ?* commctb ont of Ijismoutfj. Wi'ocxb^ in DeclareD,]^ it is bi3 potucr alone b? tobic<) our lif2 1 ftrcngtljcs are fullcineD,3ltt)ougl) ^jc Do minitter it tjnto l3s tnuer boDili? inttru mcnts.^s be ifi toont alfo to tcacb Vis hi tbc contrary ci:aplr,tebrn be fo oft as be UjiI,b;eaUctb ^ ftrcngtbano (aebeca!^ kll) it}tbc ftaffcof b;caD,^ men eating ina^ pine Iwitl) bujcr, t D.ilHiliing mai? be D^ieD t)p ID tbif It.ioiit lubofo not be* ing contenteD Id Dailp b;eaD, but U^ttb V)nb;i5rlc0 grcDinc0 are coping fo} eno ies do jc, 0;, iobofo being ful luitb tbcir abofiDance,! careles bi rcafo of ^ beape of tbeir ricbci;,Do ncncrtbcle^s fueto goo iuitb ti}i$ p;aicr,tbci do notbing els but moctie bim^cj.f 6ra fo;t of lucb men afbc ^ tuljtcb tl)ct'u3clD not ofafcMie,rca ^ Uii)tcb tbci molt of al ab!:o;re,^ is, to bauc onclv oaili? b^ao, anD fc mui.y as intbcmlpctb tbcp mlTcmblinglp liv^t frmn goD tbc affectio of tbcir couctf oiiO nes,U»i)0ra5 true p^aiers ougbt to poure out befojc bim tbc Dcr^ lobolc minu it fclfe, an9 UJbatfoeuer invuarolv l^ctb biotien. But tbe otbcrfo;t ooe afUc tbat UJl)icbtbe\'la)tie not fo^ at bis banDe, namelv ^ vobiib t\)tv tbinii i tbci? baue tBitb tbcfclues. 3;n tbis tbat it is calleo sS)urestbe bountifulnes of (Dod (as iue baue favDc) fo mucbe mo.je appearctb? tobicb maHetb \^ sures i> is bv no rigbt Due to \}s.^it tbat erpofitio is not to be reiectcD iubicb 3 i)tiJc alfo toucbeD,tbat fa^ our b:caD is mcnttbat tobicb ib ear* neo Ujitb rigbtfull an^ barmles trauail, ano not gotten la^tlj :jictits ano erto^ f ios: bsraufc tgat t-j altoaf otber mens tDbl'cb Uie get to our i'elues tcitb ani? ill Doing, ^berenstpg p;as tbatjt_be ge^ hQL2 ucn ts,tbcrcbi? is GgniiteD tbat it is tbc onclr anD itx gift of C5oD,from tubence foeucr it come to bs, tea lubcn it fljall mclle of ail fceme to be gotten b^ oure ciunc poUicrcanD trauailcjano cnrneD toptb our otune banDcs: foMfmurbc as it cfiuictb to paCTe fa'^ bis oncl^ blciling, tbat our l«bo;s p^ofper tocll. 4>* J^OtD fololDCtbjForgcuc vs-our dcts. in U)bicb petition anD f ncrt folloUJtng* €i)M batb b;efelv conteincD tubatfoe^ uer niakatb fo; tbe b*aucnlp life : as in tbefe tU)o parts abouc (U^Dctb r^ fpirita* all cpuenant Iubicb Coo batb maoe fo^ tbe faluatien of bis cburcb* 3 toil ir^itc mp latucs in tbcir bearts,anD 3i toil be mercifull to tbcir iniquity, IBere <^rA^ bcainnetbat tbc fo^geucncstaf 5ns:af* ter tbis, be toill b^ianDbv aoio^n tbe fc^ conD grafe,tbat,ro tljci? oa not beicclj Ins imtc^Mtno appcalc to l)is iu:)gcmcf.^g fo t!)at tbc\? aliua^ rcmatne fitbicet to the iuDvjcment of €^oD. Bit is in Dceo to bic VDjOjeDj^ca ano to be carncilli? cn^cuc^ r^Djtljat toa Ijautng perfo^meD alltbe parts of cure rmtit mar truclv reiorce boli^z Cca tbat Uie are clcane from all fpot : but fo^afmucb as it pleafetb CDpD bT> litlc ano Ittlc to niaUe againe l;is 3* ma;je in \3j3,tbat tber altua^ remainctb tome infctfion in our dcflje^tije rcmcop m$f)t not tabaue ben oefpifco Jf cbntt; bi? tbe autbo^itie ge«en to l)im of bis fa tber,fcmm4undctb fes tb^oiigbout tfjc lj??jrjlcxourreofour Irfc, to flee torra- uim ofparoan of auregUiaes:\r.!)o(^l b^e able, to fuffer tljcfc iicspe niaiCerjs,. \i>tiicbgoeab5ute tuitb tbts iniagtncD gbqft of pcrfcac innocence? to DafcUtbc tns of i Qinple» to maUt tbeni ts truft tbat t\m mat? be maoc fre fro all faultf ieibicb,J^ Jlobn toitiu'^etb, is nptbtng tlsMt toimhcdDm a lier.an^ toitbal one Ujo;hetbefe IcuD men bi cancilling Qne article do tearc in fmiour, i bv tw mcanctJoUjeaHenfrom tbc ber? foun>= aation tbe.tpboiecoucnant of goD, tuber «j toe toe C^toe&tbat ourfaluatio is figtcineoifo as ti5£\> be not cnli? rpbberj? 4f OpDj.berauCc tbe^ feu^r tljofe fbings; fo ceniopn?D, but alCb UjtcUeQ « tru.cllj. ^~.-r.« >.~'Jgog^.'.'.LM'>'l"''-*-'.A^.l>. 1 ^'i'-J'. bccaufe tl)e •? oaertei'chn pcje foules ^ i:cfpaii : snD traitor? to tlrcmfcJiics anD otber, tbat be liUc tijem , btcaufe tbep b^ing tbemfdacs into a Goutbfalncs ci^ recti? contrary to v merer cf 15of .13ut, toberas Tonic obicde>ti?at in luifijing v fomnitng cf tbe itingtcm of goD, U^e no alfo af fee tbe puttir.c^, aU?av cf finncitbat 13 to cbilDilbe, becaufc in tbe firft tabic of tbis p^a^er is fef fojib tnto bs molf c bic perfcftion, but in tbis parte is fette fojtbeouretocatjeneile. ^o fbefe ttoo! t-)ings DO fitl? agra to2ctber,tbat in af ^ ! piring tctoaro tbe marli toe Defpifc not | tfiz re neD^es \3}\nthc our ncceffit^e re* ; quiretb. irinaUr iy c p^nv tbat tec map j be fo^gcucn as toe our feSuf s do fo;gcue our DiJttcrs, tbat is, a?, toe do fo^igeuc i j parbon ail of tobomrocuer toe bauc ben i in mv tb!?n3 cffer*oeD , et?tbcr tniuftlp | bauDleD m ^a^De,oj repaoebfuUp tJfeD in\ top^D. ^t tbat it Ipctb in bs toparocn tl^t quints of tbe fault $ cffencr, tobicb pertarnetb to ©oD alcncibut tljis is our fo;geuing,of our otone toiliingnclTe to la^aiDat'oat ofourmtnDe tojatbrba*^ Eeua; ttt come into fsuo^agapne toitb our file* mpes,aaD to Deferuc toellcftbem toitb all feinDe of frcnDlp Doingcs, siiD to \iiin tbcm bnto bs: toe do b^ tbf s p^T?e,r be«» ftf cb<2^D»J tbat be Do not fojgeue be. j?fl;i. toe require t be grauntto tj? tbe fame fo;jcgenenes tobii^'b toe graunt to littec. liSut tbis i$ tc: g;av8 tb«it be; graunt it; ^ iwt tfi!$gi>.l}^tcgel^c g;r£unt:it to tbetiu, ' • mm The sracc of Clirift. fhiriiOookc Fol.asi. Moofo t^crfo^r be fuct, tuOat doc ttjc^ obtainc b? tfjeir p^apcr but a mo;ic gree? U0U5 tuDgmentf ilatt of al it is to be no« tcDjtbat tbis coDition tbat be fcjgeue tjs as toe fo;geue our octtcra, is not tbere^ fo;e aDocD fo; t ^^ Dcferuc bis fo^geue lalD, U)bicb ertber our otmie IniU ootb Mat.4.1 miniffer tjuto bfi,o; 1^ ceuill Qirretb tjp, ,&.3. arctentations : anb alfo tbofe tbrngw iDbicb of tbcir oU»n nature are not cuil, l^ct br tbc craft cf J ucuil are mabe tcn^ tations, tuben tber arc fo fct before our nelTc b^ § fo;geucnes lubicb toe graunt crc5,tbat b\? tbc occafion of tbem toe be tootber, asifpcaufe offo;gci^eneffeto bs toer tbcre erpjeffeDibut bp tbis toojb partly tilt lo;iD0 toil toas to conifb.zt the toeaHnes of our fa^tb* fo.: beaboeb tbr^ as a figne toberb^ toe mat? be affurcD t be batb as furcl^ grautco to bs fougeue? nes of our finnc5,as toe fureli? fenoto in oarconfcieiue^toe baue grauntcDtbe fame to otber,if our minb be t)o\?bc ano tleanreo of all batreb^enupcf reucnge^ menf ,anD partly bi? tbis as it tocre bp a marfe>be toipetb tbc out of tbc nuiber of b^s cloilojcn ^ tbcv mav not be boloc to call bpon h^m m tbcir fatber,tobicb bc< tng bciJlong baftp to reuengc ,. f barbilp entreateb to parDon,bo tjfe ftifl^ cotinu* tng tnmititSjf no cberiQ^in tbemfelues tbe fame oirplefure totoaro otber tobicb tbep p;ta^e to be turned fro tbemfelues. ^bicb is alfo in iluUe ejcp.icfl? fpoUcn intbctoo;M3SofCbjiff. 46 Cbc fiit petition(as toe bauc fa^i>) anftocrctbtt>§pjoinifc of engrautng ^ latoofCDoD in our bartes. Idutbecanfe toe 00 not tottbout continual toarfare t barD % great llriuings obev to Coo, toe Doberep^ja^to be furnifljcD toitb fucb to capons f DefenbcD toitb fucb fucco:,^ toe mai be able to get v bicto;^:toberbp toe arctoarncD^ toe ftano in neoe not anl=s of tbe grace of J fpirit, tobicb ma^ foften,boto>i uirctf our barts tatbe obe* Dienr e of goD,but alfo of bis-belp, tober* b? be ma^ niafte bs bnmncibte aga^nH Uotb all tl)c tra^terous entrapptngs and tsiolent confiictes of |&ajtan.^ut noto of tentatiastbcr ar^ mm^ i Diucrs fo;rtcs. if o;^,JJDtb t perucrfc tbougbts of minfic p.iOROfai«g;t»to.trefpaglng agavntt tbe I.Th,^.; b^atoen atoai? 0; Do f toaruc from CDob, ^HD tbcfg tentations arc e\?tber on tbe rigbt I;aD 0: on tbe Icft.iDn v rigbt bao, as rtcbes,potocr,bonQ;s, tobicb comon? l\? DO toitb tbcir glittring f fljeto of gmo fo Dafcll ti)t figbt of mcn,anD catcb tbem toitb ^ baitcD boUe of tbcir flattcrings, ^ being entrappcD toitb fucb Dcccitcs,oj D:onUe toitb fucb ftoffitnc(re,tbct mat'c foigct tbcir (©oD.j©n tbc left baD,as po? uertt,rep;ocbes,Defpifinges>troublcs,f fucb otber:tbat tbe^? being graneb toitb tbe bitf ernes f barbnes tbercofmavbe tjtterl^ DifcourageD,caft atoa^ faitb ano bope , f finally be altogctber eft rangeb from (55oD . 2Do tbcfe tentations of botb fo;tes,tobicb figbt toitb bs eitber being feinBlcD in bs br our oton luff, oj being fet sgainff bs bi? tbe craft of ^atan,toc p:ap to our beauenl^ fatber ^ be fuffcr tjsnot to relo. i5ut ratber ^ be bpbolDe bs $ raiCe bs tp toitb bis baD,tbat being ftrong b^ brs ftrcngtb , toe mat? ftanD fall againft al tbe affaults of tbe malici^ ous enemi?rtobatfoeuer tbougbts be put into our minD:tbcn,tbat tobatfocucr is fet bcfo;e bs on eitber fiDe,toe mai turn. it to gojD , tbaf toe neither be puffcD bp toitb piofpcritie , noi tb;otocn Dotone toitb aDuerfitie.i^citbcr pet do toe bcrc require v ^^ niat? feele no tentations at all,toitb tobicb toe baue great nabe to be ttirrcD bp,p;tckcD,f pincbeD,leatt bp tcamacb reft toe gro to Dull. iFojnotiit tain DiD Daaio toiftjf 0 be temptcDtanD not toitbout caufc tbe ilojo Dailp temp* tetb bps elect ,cbaftiftna tbem bf fljamc poucrtpe , trouble , ano otber feinDcs of crcTTciSut <1?0D tcmpfctb after one maWPf.^^. 2. ^3'i^ neC Cap.ao Ge.22.1, Ocu.8.2, Of the iTiancr how to teceiuc i: Cor.io! J Per P pf 40,14 tier,i falciu after anotbcr:^atan,to nt^ ffrc't^?)antnc,confounD> f tlj^joiu tiotjune f)colona:bi!t ©otijt^at bv p.:oiung ttjem tijat be i)vs be ma^ bauca triaU of tbeir bnfatncDnei?, f bi? occrr tStig tbem may confirme tbcr^ Hrengtb to mojtiffe, purge bv fircf fearc tbetr fleHje, lubic b ijnlcife ttUu re in tbrs toife reCfraincD, U>ou[o U^arc luanton nnu Icouiu totlDlv cutraixf abcue meafurcspc^ccucrj^a* tan aUatlctb irien tnarnicD $ tnrcaDi'e, tbat be mar oppjeffe tbe tnluarc i ^oD encn lurt!> tempting tuojljctb tbe effect, ti;at tbe? Icbic^ be brs marc paeiemli? beare tofjatfoeuer ^e fenoctb fepon tbe. Bv tbe name of tbe Cuill, Uibctber ire ijnDertlanD tbe SDeuill 0; Qn, it maketi) Ittletnatter. ^atan tn&eoebimfelfetB the enemfc tbat If etb in U?aite fo;j our !ife:but \X)itl) fin be is armeo to oettrofe ts.STfjf s tberefo;c it^ our requeft, ^ toe ma\? notbeoucrecmco^ ouertDbelmcD iuitb anf tcntation0,but mai bf § pcto? er of tbe 3to;De HanD ftrong. agatnC all ecntrarr poteers Uibertoitb Ute arc af* farleD:U)bieb iSjnot to relcc ts fcanqui^ n5CD to tenfation0, tbat being rec raueb into brs feecping ano cbarge, anb being fafebf brsp;otectientpe mare enbure bnoucrccmc ouer ljnne,ccatb,tbe gates ofbcU,anbtbeU)bole feingDcmc of tbe SDeuill: iuljicbtstobeDeliuereD from euill. habere it i$ alfo to be Diligently marheo, tbat it is aboueour Crengtb to mateo ioitljtfjeDcuiH fo great a Uiarri^ 0^, anD to bearc br^ fo;re anti Inolenre. ©tfjcrUiife tue (coalo tut tainit? oj as it toere in mocfeage af be tljat lubicb tue ban alreaDf in our felucs. ^urclf* tbe? tobicb prepare tbcm to fucb a battel! toitb truCt of tbenifelucFj'joc not fuffici? entlf bnoerf^ann toitlrboto fieree anb iuell armctj an encmf tbf ? baue to boe. jjioti) boe mv to be DeliuercD from Ijpe polyer,as out of tbe moutb of a mab anD in peeces \X)it[i b^a t©tb ano paUife,anb fluallotDCD \X)it\) bf s tb^ote, fcnIcCfe tije $.o;b so Dcliuer t$ out of tbe micbell of Deatb : ret tbevtiutball !?noU'V"g tbrs tbat if tbe llo^Dcfi-all Uanb bp ts , anb 6gbt fo.i t5 luben tuearc oiJertb,?cVurn, toe fbail in \)xs firenrub tbcto Srengf b. II ct otber trull as tbev lid tc f bfir olrn abilitiirs ar.b flrenatbes of free tciU, lubicb fbev tbinhc t^at tber baue of tbe fclues: but let it fuffifc ts tbat toe CanD anb arc Crong bf tbe onelr Crcngtb of $ to fit' t^\! Iu(le0,i fo leao tjs into tentatien bf bvsiubgement tobtcbcis rigbtecusin lam. 1.13, raging llipn,tobcras toe fi)olb be to;inc I bcDc but ret oftetimes fccref :fo?afmutb as -J ; The erace of Clirift. Third Booke Fol.ai-a. as tlje caufc of it is often f)tD from men, lufjjcl) iB \>et certaincli? hnotoen \xi\iti) bim.^ hereupon 10 gatljereD timt this 10 no tnfit mancr of fpeafeing, if toe be perfuaoeo ^ be oott) notiu^tboiit caufc fo oft tt);?aten,tl)at lubtn ti)c reprobate '7.5 rcao^ obte)[?neo % fl&all furcl? be geuen bflbpcaufctbc^arep;rom^fco of CDoD, InHcb f a not Dcccpue. 0ntJ tUB aareetb 16 ti;c inaner of p;iarer \i)W^ U)e baue bcrc before rri;carfeD. Do it 3Lo;iOe fo^ tb^ namea fafte , not fo: cure fafecs oj Ojalbe ftriftf luitl) blmones ano barDe* j our rtc;1)tcournc3:tobcrb^ t\)t Wv oiks nmg of bart, tbefe fl)aU be furc tofecnst | cc nofonlv^ erpieffe p cnoe of tbcir p tuvfe nia^ aflic of to tent) to tbe common eoifvingof i\)c 1 C^oD,fct fo;tb in tbis fo:me,f as it iuer ^f^ „ ^ cburcb,ano to tbeencreafc of § cammu*' ! a rule of p^a^ing taugbt bi v beft fcbolc * ' * nion of tbe faicbfuU. jfo.: tbcre Dotb not : mafter ClmCioborn tbe lo?De batb fet euerv' mvin p;a\? to baue anv tbing p;i^ j ouer tis to be our teacbcr, « tobo alone uatlp gcuen, but all in comon togetbcr ' be batb tuillcD to be barkncD ijnto.if 0; 00 p.:a^ fo; iiDur bjeao, foj fo^geuencs I be botb altoat batb ben bis eternal inif of uns,tbat lue mai? not be IcD into ten* | Dom,f being maDc ma is geuen to men tation>tbat toe mar be DcliuereD from j tl;0 angel of great coufcl.anD tbis p^ai euilXberc is furtbcrmo^c aDio^neD a , er is in all pcintes fo fuil^ perfect, tbat caufc Ujbr lue baue botb fo greate bolD> ! Vubatfccucr fo;ievne 0; (trauge tbing is nes to af ke,f fo great truft to obtepne: | aDDcQ \3i\)itl) can not be refcrrcD to it,it \i)Uc^ altbougb it be not in § latinc co* is Dngoijlp f bntno.itbr to bK allolucD |ucs,vetitagrectb mo,:c fitlv intbrs of goD.jfoj in tbis fum be batb fet fonb See Au- place tba ^ it ll^oulD feme too^tb^ to be tobat is mete foj bim, tubat is plefinge guf hne. omittcDjuamel^ t bis is tbe kingnom,! to bim,iDbat is neccdar? foj ts, finalli? Of prai tbe polBcr ano tbe glo;^ foj cuerXbr^ tubat be iuill grant, iXlbcrefo;^c lubofo er to Pfc>. is tbe perfeac ^ quiet reft of our foulc. ' Dare go furtber, j taafUe anv tbvng of ba» Jf 0; if our p^aiers tiier to be comenoeo goo bcfioe tbefe, firflc t'(}tv toil! aooe of to goo b'^ tlKiv otone tooitbincffe, tobo tbcir oton to § toifoo of goo (tobicb can Cjoulo be fo bolDc , as once to open bvs not be Done toout maD blafpbf mrj^ben moutb befo.:c Wmi ^otoe bolofoeuer tbc^ b^Jb not tbemfelucs tnocr § \x'i\ of toe be moil miferab!e,botofoeuer mod goD,bat ocfpifjug it do toitb grecinrlTe Untoo^ttn^ cfal men, botofoeifer bci?oe ; toac;e furtber: finally t?;ei?a]all neuer of all cDmmejioatton:ret toe Ibalneucr 1 obtcine anp tbingc, f3;afmucb as tbev Mi^nt catifetop;ar>j neuer bcDcaitute • p.:ar loout faitb.i^tnD tbcre is no Doiit ^ 1 cf f oafiDcnce : fouifmucbas our fatbcr i al fucb p:.'.icrs arc maDc toitbout fa^tb in perfc- I can not baue bis Uingt!5,potocr,i glc;^ ' bicai:fc b?re luautctb ti^c too;oc of go3, |cuuouc: j tahcn atoap from bl'm. ^t tl)z eace is \ tpcn tobicb tinles faitb be groi5nDeD,it J ai3.DcDj^ni?n,tobcrf bi^ is crpjeETeD cur! can in no.tori'e l^ano, ISut tbe\? tobicb I fcrucntncs of ncB'^ tc obctcgne tbofc] fo^raHin.jtbc nuv^-ners rule, Do folloto ' ! tbin'j;:s f toe baue aHJCDof goD,anv3 our! tbrir oUt.c Defircs, arc iiotonli' toilb^ j ijQpc iacofirme^ 5^ai fucb tbtiiti-sarc al! Qnt ttjc too^tiofCcD, lut^UMc mufb Dc fue;a» Of the nianer how to rccciuc a? tl^e^ be able tuitb tbeir tobole cnoe^ uo^,ar^ againft itkiicrfo}c SDertullia no IsSc Mv tf)an truif? bati^ caUeo t^is a latofuU p;arcr, fecrctels fignifving t all otber are IntDlelTc anD tjnlaMuU. 49 ^e tuelD not baue ttiefe tbmgcjs ro tzkrn as tf)ougb loe lucre fo bouolDttb U)is fo^mt of plater , t^at toe ma? not cbage a U}o;i>o^ a fiUakIe.ifo;tl)er are tct)t tuber reo manp p^aicr^; in f fcrtp^ tures far Differing from t^is in U)oaD0, vet ^nttt b? f fame fpirit,« \siWl) are attbi5Ca|>p;ofitabIe tofccctjfeU ofts. S^an^ ar cotinuallr put into i moutbs oftbefailbfulb^tbefame fpirit^tobicb in Uljeneire ofteojoc eo not fo mucbe agree.SDbis onel^ is oar meaning in fo f racbis,tbat no ma fljolo fefee, lofee fo^, o^affeeanr otber tbing ataUtbantbat tDbicb is fuuimarils romp^ebenDen in ms p;arer, f tobicbtbougb it moft Dif^ ferinU;o;ii5 ret Differctb not in fenfc. ilike as it is certainetbat all ^ p;aicr0 iubicb are fo«o in t^t fcripturs,! tebif b to come out of goolp bartcs,are applieo to tbiSjfo terilp none can anr tober be foiiDjtobicb map matcb,nuicb leffe pa?, tbeperfectncITeoftbisp^aier, l^ercis notbing left out, tbat miJgbt be tbougbt tpon to tbe pjaifes of goD, notbing tbat ougbt to ccme into tf)c minoe of ma fo; Us oton profits,! ti)t fame fo fuUr tbat allbope isU)o;tbilp taken atoarfrom all men to attempt to mahe m\> better. in a fummclet tjs rememb;c tbat tbis is tbe Doctrine oftbctutfcDomcfCDoD, lubicb batb tauq!t)t lubat be luilleo, anb iDilleD lubat teas n^DfulL ^o ButaltbousbtDcbaueabonefatD, tbat Uie ouabt aliDap to b;jeatb bptoarD luitb mines lifteD i p tc CDcD,* p^ap tjof cat ccfttrtngc : vet i ejalmucb as fucb is our lDeaUnes,as ncDctb to befepbolDcn \uitb manp belps:rucb is our Dulnes^s ncDctb to be p^icUeD fc;\uar5 \riit^ ma=? nr fpuffegutiggQiD^cuerp one of Ms appoint to bimfelfe p^mateli? ccrtainie bourejs tDbicb tnat not pa? atoa^ loout p^ater,anD tobicb mat! baue tbe Vubole affections of our mino tb^ougblT' t^ufieD to tf)t pnrpofe: as, iDbcn Uie n?fc in tbe moaning, before ]^ toe goe to our Dapcs tDojbe, tobcnUiefitDotDneto raeate, toben iJDe baue ben fcD bp tbe bleSTinge of CoDjtDbcn tue take ts to reft. i£)nlp let t\)vs not be a fupertticions obferuig of bonres, bt> tobicb> as paring a tafbe to clDoD, toe mar tbintte our felues Dif^^ cbargeD fi9; tbe otber boures:but a trai^^ ning of our lDea&em(re,t£ibcrbr it mar fo be erercifeo i from time to time Itir^ rcD ijp.^peciallr toe ougbt carefullr to lobe tbat fo oft as eitber our felues are in DiffretTe, o; toe fee otber to bee in Dif I HrelTe toitb anr barbncs of aDuerfitie, toerunftreigbttoartobrm, nottorfb j fete but tobitb bartsttbcn, tbat toe fuf^ I fer not anr p;ofpcritie of our otone o^ otber menSjto paCc but f^nt toe teftifie tbat toe ac¬olcDgc it to be bis toitb pjaife I tbanfeefgeuing.ipinallrjtbis is Diligcntlr to be e'dferuco in all p;aier,^ toe go not about to binDe goD to certain circumlIrances,no; to appoint to brni* tobat be (ball do, at tobat time,in tobat place, ano in tobat maner : as br tbr» p^arer toe are taugbt to nia^e to brnt no latoe,no;r to appoint to bim anr com Dition,but to leaue to bis toil tbat tbofe tbinges tobicb be toill do, be mar do in tobat maner, at tobat trme, « in tobat place it pleafetbbrtw. ^berefo^ecre toe make anr p;arer fo; our fclues,toe firff p;ar tbat bis toill be Done : tobere toeDoalreaDrfubmit ourtotllto i)xs: ^it\) tobtcb toben it is refiraincD as t6 a b;tDlr put bpo it,it mar not p;cfume to b;ing goD into rule,but make bim tbe iuDge ano gouerno; of all ber ccfires, ^1 Sit toe Do toitb mtnDsframeD to tbis obeDiencefiiffier our femes to be ruleo tortb tbe lateesof <^onts |9;ouiDence, toe toe (ftallcafil^ learn to thtime in p;a?< er,ano luitti longing Defircs pat icntlp to \3)aitc fo.: t()e jllo;D:bcing alTurcD tljat alt{)ougl) be apcarc not, y>tt be is alloa^ pjefent uiitb t)0,f Uiil toben be fetb bis t^mc Declare boto not Dcaffe cares bee gauc to tbc p;ater0,U)bicbe in t^e epes of men f eemeo to be Dcfpifen jSno tbis • Ojalbc a moft pjefent comfort , tbat toe faint not anD fall Dotonc bp Defpcire > if at ani? ti?me ©oo do not anftoere at our firtt requeffcs. IliUe as t\)t^ are toontc to Do,tobicb tobile tbei? are caricD toitb tbcir foDainc beate,Do fo call tjpon 0oD, tt)^ if be come not to ttjem at tber; firft b;iuntcs % b;ing tbem pjefent belp,tbe^ b^anobp imagine ft^m to be angrp ano batefalli? bent aga^nd tftem, t caftT?ng atoa^ all bope of obtaining do ceafTe to cal ii]^on bim.liSat ratber Deferring our bope toitb a toel tempereDcitenneflieof minD,lct 13S goe fojtoarD in t pcrfeue^ ranee \j}iiu\) is fo mucb comenDco to tos in tbe ftriptures. if o; m ^ ^falms toe map oftentimes fije boto E>auiD t otber feitbful men,tobe tfic^^ feme in a maner toerpeD toitb pjaping,tiD beate t ap^je, bicaufe tljep tbieto atoap ti^i toojoes to (DoD i^ bearo tbe not,f y^t tbct ccaffc not from pjaping : bicaufe ti)t too^Dc of (^n bafb not bis fol autbo^it? maintain neDftmleffe^ crc&tte tberof be fet aboue all fucccfl^es of tbings. ^^eottec let )os not tempt d&dO i p;ouobe t^i agat>nft tis being tocrpeo toitb our impo;:tuna« (ie,to!Hcb mant Ufe to Do^tobicb lio no^ tbiwfi ktf iuDent toitb CDoD lipon a cer^ tain ronDition>f iiinD bpnt to tbe latoc0 of tbei^: coucnanting as tbougl) be tocre fcniatnt to tbeBDcfires: tobicbif ^ ooe not p jcfcntl^ obep , tbep oifbainc , tbc^ cbafc,t!>cp carpe againttbim,tbep nuir* mm'^,tbrp turmeple.ECbercfojcto fuc^ •ftentinics in brs furo;i bc^ being: angrp gr4«tetljtb^t>tobicb to otljer in tiis mrr* gge be boitig^f^iojabte ftcnpeft. an tp The grace of Clirift. Third Bookc. Fol 2^^ ample bereofaretbe cbilD;en of BifraeI,>Nuin ii fo; tobom it baD bene better not to baue 18. bene beam of tbe llo;D,tban )a)it^ fleQ^c to eate t)p brs to;atb. f 2 iSut if i?etat lengtb after long lofeing foj itjour fenfe do not pcrceiue tobat toe baue p^cuailcD Vo p;aving , j fceletb no frutetberofiTiet our faitb Qjall affure to of ^jtobicb ca not be perceiucD bp fenfe, namely 1^ toe baue obtaineo tbat tobicb toas erpeDient fo: tjs, fo^afmucb as tbe lo;jD Dotb fo oft f fo certainly tahe bpo bi ^ l>e toil baue care of our grcues.after ^ tbep baue ben once la^D in bps bofome. ^iD (b t)t toil make \is to poCTeffeabun^ Dance in pouertie,comfo;t in affliction, ifo; botofoeuer all otber tbings Do faile tfi,tet (i5oD toill neuer failc ts , tobicb fuffretb tbe toaiting « pacicnce of tbem tbat be bis to be DilappointeD. ^c alone fball fuffife bs in tteoe of al tbingesifo;^ afmucb as be contatnetb in bimfclfcall giDDtbinges,tobicbl)e(ball one Day Dif^ clofc bnto bs at p Day of iuDgment tobe be (bal plainly ftjeto fb:tb l)is bingDom. liSeOiDe ti)i5 altbougb <^oD graunt to bs, ^tiK Dotb not altoape anfmerc accoi^ Ding to y erp^effe fo;me of onr requeH, but bolDing bs after onttoarD Ccming in fufpenfe,rct br a meane bnknotocn be fljetoetb tbat our p^aicrs toer not bain. 2Dbis is meant by tbc too^Ds of B;obn.8if , j^i^ toe bnoto, )' be beorctb bs, tobe toe afue ,* ' * any tbing of bym , toe fenoto t fee baac ^' tbc petitions tobicb toe afkc of bym. SDbis kmtti} a tocalt fuperfluoufnes of too;DS : but it is a fingularCy p^ofitabte Declaration , namely tbat C^oD cur tobe be Dotb tyot foloto our Defires,is yet gen tie I fauo^able to our players, tbat tbe bope \s>\iicl) rcttctb bpon bys too;D may ncuer Difapoint bs.But \x)it\j tbis pact* cnce ti)e fartbful do fo far nttt to be fu^ UatncDjtbat tbcy Hjolo not longftaD bn^ IcHc tbcy oiD fiay bpon it.jfo; tbe ilo;D Dotb by not light trials p^ouetbe tbat be ^Ji>.iii. bys. fT'ap.21, .t,Sa.ii.<5 Ofthemancf Ip8, f not tcnscrli' Dotf) erercifetbcm:' but oftentimes D;iuctti t[)fm into tfte grcatcft extremities,! tul^r tl)ei are Bjt* «en tljetfjer Ijc fuffrct!) tlje long to dkyit faff in tfte m^ jc , ere 6c geuc tIEjcm an^ taffofljvs fUxJetneCrcf anD,a0 l^na fat?tt>5t)c aa^etb,? quicfenetb : ftcleaoet^ DotDn to § htlSA hiimttii bacfe againr. tI^l;atcoulDti)e^f)^reDobnr be tifcon^ ragcD^ I tiall beolong into befpeire ; bnf how to rcceiuc lelTe toben tbet are in biftrelTe ano be^ folate,! alreab? balfe beab,tbi« tbougbt Dio raife tbr bp, tbat <£>o^ botb lobe bp^ on tbem,anb t tbere fball be at band an enb of tbcir euil0^ ^ut botofocuer tbe^ ffano faff tpoit tbe afTurebnefile of tbat bope>tbet ceaffe not in tlit mtant tvnie to p;a^ : bicaafe if tbere be not in p;a^^ f r a fieofaff nefl^ of continnance^Utg no« tbthgp^enaile Uiitb plating. The xxuChnpter. Of the cternall Ele£lion whcrby God hath predeftinatc ibmc to falua- tioDj and other (bme to deftru^ion» R t^f hoto tDberas Vs^ couenant of life i0 not egall^ p^eacbeo to at men,anb tuitb tbr to tobom ^ v& p;eacbeo it ootb not eitber egalli) o; cotinuallr finb libe place : in f bid binerfttte t\it toonberous beptb of tbc ittbgment of dDob apearetb. fm neitbcr i0 it anp bout but t\^i t^^x.^ ciuerfftic alfo feruetbtbefreecboifeof (©050 eternall (^Uction.Bif it be cuibent ^iti& U);ouGbt bi» tiiit toill of (Dob tbat faluation \& freely offreb to fome, ano o^ tber fome arc uebarreb from coming to itiJjere bpanbbt? arife great i barb que* ffion0tDbicb cannot otberluife bebif^ cuireb,tba if tbe gobl^ minbes banc tbat certainly ffablilbcb iubicb t\^t^ ongbt to bolb concerning Q&lection i p;eDcffina^ tionXbi0 is (as nian? VMit) a com^ berfome qucffion : bicaufc tbe^tbinfee notbing to be IdTc realbnable tban of tbe common muititube of men fome to bee fo^eo^baineb to faluation,otbcr fome to beff ruction. )15utboto tbc? to;jongfallp encomber tbcmfclue0,(baU afterloarbe be euibent b? tbe framijtg of tbe matter togetber.^effbe i in {> berr fame bar^^ nc0 tubtcb makctb men afra^o, ntA m^ ly? tbe p;o6tablcnc(rc of tW Doctrine but alfo t^e moff flueete frute (^etoetb fo^tb it fclfc. Wit ff)all neuer be clarelp per^ fijDabco as \xst ougbt to be , t^at our fal* uation flotoetb out of tbc fountaine of tbe fra mere? of (^b,till \j\ii cternall c* lection bcbnotoen to b0,tDbtcbe b? t\m coparifen b;igbtli? fettetb fi);tb r grace of dDob, i be botb not toitbottt bie^rence abopt all into i^t bope of faluation , but geuctb to fome i tubicb be bcnpetb to o? tber.\^otDmucbtl^eigno;annce cftbrs p;^inciple tiimtnilbetb of t^t glo^re of dDob , bolD mucb it ioitbb^atoetb from true bumiliticit 10 plainc to fa » iBut Paul bcnpetb tbat ^ iobicb w fo neceGa» rt to be ftnolDeu,i0 pcffible to be fenolc^ en,bnleffe€ob leauing aitogctber § re^ fpett of tDo;fee0 DO cbaifc tbcm tobom be batb betermincb ^xt}:^ bintfelfc.Jn Vii'^s trmc(fa?tb \)t)t\it rcmnantes tuere fa* acb accosting to free election » %t b? dDracctben not of lDo;be0 : fo^fmncb a0 dDrace (boulb tbcn not be (Drace . Bif of ^ojfee0,tben not of dDrace: fo^af* mucb as buo;^^ (boulb nolo not be luo^b. If U)e muff be b;ougbt bacbc to tbc bc; ginningof Election, tbat it ma?cba certarnc tbat faluation commetb tob0 fromnootbertoberc tban fro tbe mere liberalitic of dDomtbc? inbicb Uiill baue tbT70 principle quencbcb,bocniggarb' I? fo mucb a0 in tbem lT?etb barften tbat tobicbe ougbt glonouOranb toitb full montb to baue bene publifbeo , anb tbe^pluckcbp tbcbcr?r®tc of bumi* Mtiz ♦ paulytDberctbcfaluationoftbe Roaif. remnant The ^racc of Quill. TliirdBookc. iFol 284,1 rcmnat of efee people ig aCcribeotofra , tuilkatictosonno^tctetialikljithjUli election, clerf t^ tcttifictti ttjat onlt i^tn not fcarcb $ turne ouer. Binto tbts bolD' it 10 hnolur ^ cjoo Doflj ti l)i0 mere scdD ' ncs 1 i.npo:tunatie fo^afmucli as Id« plcAuire fauc tuljo be toil, f not renocr | c cjnonip foe man\> to run bcolong, anD rctDarDfcbicbcannctbeconc. SLbcg jamongtbofcfomc^areotbcrtDtfe not Ui':iicb ll)ut tbe gates, tbat none ma\? be j cujl men:berit is fit occafion to toarne loll) to come to tbc tailing of tl)Vi^ Doc^ tbcm lubat is in t\)is bcbalf p cue mea^ trine, 00 no lelle toicng to men tban to gooibicaitfc ncitber fljall an\? otber tUs fofficc tobiibic fesastuc ougbttobee, ncitber lljall li3C otbcrto^fe fa(e fro our bart botoe mncb to: are bouno to (DoD. i]ieitbcr \?et is tber an^ otber tuber tbc bpboloing Car of fpuD affiace,a5 chnU bimfelfc teacbetb,lubicb to Deltuere ts fro al feare,f to make bsV)naanquil^a^ bU among fo nianr oagcrs, ambuOjes, «Dcaolpbatcl5,p;om?retb tbat lr)bat=? foener be batb rer e^ueo of f^is fatber to ftepcfijalhe fafe. ^cEbcrof toegatbcr ^ ti)ti fijall toitb continuall trembling be miferablctobofoeuer tbci be t feaotoe not tbcmrclnes to be t\it p;jop^c polfcflio of goD:i tbcrfo^c ^ tbe? to terp tU p;o» uioe botb fo; tbitcliies $ fb^ al tbe faitb fuH.tubicb in being blino at tbcfetb^ee p^ofttesiobtcb tjpe baue toucbeo^tooulo uiii^tbe tobole fouoation of our (alua^ tion to be quite talxcn from among ts. spojeoucr bcreb? tbc rijurcbappearctb tontotjs, tubicb otberUirfe (as Bernard rigbttp tcacbetb)U)erc not polTible to be fo(JD,no; to be kno\uen amog creaturs: bicaufebotb\i)aie0 in meruailous tuife it lietb biooe ioitbiin f faofome cf blcCPco |D?coeflination, 1 tuitbin t}^z ^affe of miferable Danatto. Ii5ut ere ^ enter in^ to f matter if felfe,irauff before bano in tlDo fo^its fpeahe to tliio.fo^ts of mr , SL\):*ttf)t entreating of pjeoeaaiation, taberas of it felf it 15 ComUjbat comber fome,ietinaDctjer)?iioutful vea f cage* roas,^ ctirioufnes of men is ti^t c&utc: tobtcb ca b? iw Hops lie ccttraincD front. U)ani)ang into fOibiDOing compares, I^Umbing tag an bgg ♦ ^btcb it it maiy. fure of tbeir Dutp.if ira tberfo;e let tbe rememb?e,tbat luben tber enquire bpo |3;eDeainaticiv,tbci pearce into tbc fc^ cretclofefs of {' toifco of goDttober into if ani? ma do carclefl? f tololt? b;caUe in,be fbaU botb not atteine UjberelDitb to fatiffie bis curioufacs,anD be (bal en* ter into a ma^e Ijoberof be Hiall 6nDe no ioaT! to get out again. i?o; ncitber is it mete ^ man (boulo frcelv fcarcbe tbofe tilings tebicb goD batb tuiUjjD to be bio^^ Den in btrnfclfcanD to turne ouer from UervctcrnitieipbfigbtcflDirDOjtobicb be UiillcD to be bono^cD 1 not to be con<= cei|ueD,tbat bi it alfo be mcugbt be mer uailous tjnto tjs . %hok fecretes of bis loii tobicbbebatb DctcrmincD to be ope neDtntots, be batb orfcIofeD in h^s lDo;tc:anO be batb DctermincD,fo farre as be fo;raUj to pcrtaine to bs anb to be p;ofttablefo^ts. 2 JUJ^t are come (faitb Augunin)info ; the Uja\? of iraitb, kt ts a cDfaftl? liolo it^t bjingetb into tl)c Jaings cbamb;e, | in iubicb al ti)c treafures of bnololeogc i ano ItifcDomeare bi^oen. #o:,t lLo;D jerm.irii bimfclf cb;^ift oiD not enuie bis erccUct .lohn.jy. anD mcft cbofen Difciples,U)bin be faio, 5 banc man^ tbings to be fa^D to you, but ye ca not beare tbe nolo. Me inaH iDaliicluc mjuttepjofit, toe muHe en^ sreafcjtbat our beartes mail be able to conccruetbofc tbings liibitbnoUietoe ca not ccncciue. 3(f tbe hvi Da\i finoe \)S p;cfiting,tbcre U)c (ial karne \^ tobicb i bcre U)e coulD. net. 3f tbt5 tbuugbt be of | fo;cc feitb ts , tbat tbc too;De of tbc, Lo^Difi tl)C oi\\\] Ujap,!? ma? leaoe tjs ta. fearcljj \i3catfogucr is laluefuU to^., jljfi.iigy learnco- "Cap.ai, 27» Of the mancr how to rccdue fcameD of i}tm:tl)at it 10 tbe onli? Itgijc, lolKtl) mat> geue t)s ligbt to fee U^tiatfo euer toe ongi)^ to fee of buti:it (bal calt^ ()? Ijolo bacb anD rettrai?ne D0 from all ra(^nc5.ifo; Uie (^alknoU) ttiat fo fone a£( toe be gone out of tl)t bounces of tbe tuo;D,U)e run out of tbe tDa?,f tn oar^ neflTe, tn tnbtcb race l»c mult neoe0 of:« tehtim0 ffra^^atp,! Cuble.^irff tberc^ fo^e let tU» be before our e^eB , tbat to fouetanp otber bnoluleuge of |d^eoei« tl^tnation tt^an t^at Ijobtcb ts fet fo;tb br tbe fxiozn of goo,ui a point of no les mao neUe t^ if a man baue a tPtU to go b? anbnpalfable tuar,o; to fa in Darftne0» #eii?ber let t» be alliames, f 0 be igno^ rant of fomlubat tn it toberetn tbere 10 fome Icarneo igno^ance.HBut ratber let tjs luiUtngU abftctnefrom tbc fercbing of f fenoUiIcDgctoberof tbe ercelTiue co ueting t0 botl) falifl) antj pcrtllou0,^ra anODeaMr:i5utiftbe toantonntlTe of ^it p;ouolte ^0, it Ojalbe profitable a^ toap to fet tbt0 agaift it,toberb^ it ma^ be beaten backe,i a0 to mucb of bonep 10 not goD,fo f fearcbing of glo;ie ootb not turnc bnto glo^i to tbc curiou0.iFo; tbere 10 no gcoD caufc Ipbp toe (boulo be fraveD atoa? from f bat bolmie0,tobtcb ran Do notbtng but tb?otoe b0 ootone beaolong into mine. 3 »cre be otber \3)\)icf) tobe tbei baue a toiil f 0 remeo^ tbis euiU,i!0 comaunb all mention of la^eDeittnation to be in a maner bi3ricQ,at tbc !caft tbev teat be men to flee fro citcrv' mancr of qucftio^ ntngtbcrof 30 froma rocUe . aubougb tbemoDrrattonoftycfc men bebcrcin toortJ)iI-i? Ca be p?aifcD, tbat tber iucge tbat mi2;cric0 (boolo be taficD of toitb fucb fobnettc: -^et l-icaufc tbev Dcfcf nu to mucb bjneatb i meanc,tbc\? litlep^c uaile \})itl) ^ ir.it of ma, tobtcb Cttb not lisbtcli?tui7critfclfc to be rcararneo. £:?jcref.7c,tbat in t[)is bebalfc alfo toe mev lit^t a rigbt cnDc,iDe muG* return to tbe U)o;d of tbe llo^oe, in tobicb toe bauea fure rule of tjnoerffanDing.ifo^, § rcrtpturei0 tbe fcbole of ^ bol^ gboH, in tobicb aB notbing is left out tobicb 10 botb neceflarte f profitable to be i^no^ toen, fo notbing i0taugbt bnt^ tobtcb t0 bcboueful to learn. Mbatfoeaer tber fore 10 bttereD in t fcripture cocerning prebeltination> toe multebetoare tbat toe Debar not ^ faitbful fro it,lealte toe (bulo feme eitber enutouUr to oefranoe tbem of tbe benefite of tbeircDoD, or to blame f accufe tf)c bol? gboit tobo batb publilbeD tbofe tbfg0>tobicb it is in an? to^fe portable to bee fuppreOieDXet b0 (Bi fap) geue leaue to a Cbriftian man, to open })iB mino ano biB eare0 to al tbe ravtnge0 of (Dob \i)t)vtf) are biretteo to bim,fo tbat it be Done toitb tbi0 temper ranee,tbat fo fone a0 tbe HorD batb tlof fcD bi0bol>? moutb,be mau alfo forclofe tobimfelfcal tbetoa^ to enquire fur^ tber.^bt0 (balbe t\it belt bono of fobrie tie,if not onlv in learning toe altoa^ fol loto tbe iioro going before b0? but alfo toben be maftctb an enoe of teacbinge, toe ceaffc to toil to lcarne.i|> eitber is ^ Danger tobicb tl)t\! feare at fo gre^t im* portaunce, tbat toe cugbt tbcrcfore to turne atoai? our minns fro tbe £Dracle0 of ©oD. Jiotable is t\)t facing of ^alo^ mcn,tbat tbe glorie of <©od is to cocele a tooro» llBut fitb botb goblinccre « com^ mon reafon tcacbetb tbat tbi0 is not ge nerall\? meant of cuer^ tbing,toe mult fekca Difrcrenccjleall brutifl) ignorace 0)u1d pleafe b0 bnocrcolor of mo::eQie I fobriclieXbat tJifferencc is in fctoe toorD0 plainly fet cut b? ^tiks:%o tbc lorn our goD(f^itb bc)belcg fiis fccret0: |pg ^^ ^o but to V3S auo to ourc rbrlorcn be batb DifclofeD tbcfe tbings.ifor tuc fee botoe be cSmeDctb to tbe people 1^ Ilubie of i Doctrine of tbc latocondr bi? reafon of tbe Decree of (DoD , bi^cuufc it pleafeo (3?oD to publilbe it : anP botoebe toitb Pro, 25.3 bolDctb The grace of Gnift, Tnird Eookc, boloetb tlie people M)it\nn tbofc bbunw, confutctb ti)tm, li5ut tDe,bifaufc inani? bp ttjis onlvrcfon,buaufc it ib not laUi^ ; t Diucrs abfuroiticss arc tb;ull into tijifi full fo; mo;taU mtn to tfj^uC tijc fclucs ! placcbaD ratbcr to rcfcruc eacrr one to Ca.ic.vf- qucad.x Debono perceuc cap. 14. tntotbcrecrete0Ofof tubicb tbere is almoft none tutjtcb tbe?, 0; fucb as tbei? be,co leue tintoucbeD ib blarpbcm^.:a frotoaro iDit toill no leCTe p;ouolB outrage lobe be bcaretb ^ in J effenceof (BJod tbcr are.ig.perfonsjtban if be beare t Sot> fo^fato U)bat Ojulo be^ come of man luben be creatcD tiim. S^t* tbcr lull tbe^ abftein fro laagbing, tobe tbet? Ojal bnoerttab i tbcr is title mo;e tban fine tbonfanb i^eres paffeo Unct tbe creation of tbe too;lo, foj tbct? toilarhc iDb^ tbe potucr of (^od teas To long ioel ( a llaepe, iptnallp tbcre can be notbing bjougbt lb;Mb,UJbitb tbe? toil not fcoflft at. ifo; tbe rettratning of tbefe facrile* ge0,mua U)e bolo our peace of tbe goD' beb of tbe fon,ano of tbe bolr gbofle i 0; muft lue pa5 oucr in filence tbe crcatio of tbeU)o;lDf^ea but tbe trutt) of goo is botb in tbts bebalf f euer? tober migb^ titr tban tl)i^t it ncEOe to fearc tbe euill fpeabtngoftbe tuicluQ : as Auguftinc aroiigl^ maintainetb in\)i3 tcozbe of § goDof pcrfcuerance. iro; toe fee t ^^ falfe japoftles coulo uot b\? ocfamtng i aaunotring tbe true Doctrine of paule, make bi to be albimeo of it.HSut teber* uS tbc|? la? p tb ts tobcle Difputation is pcrilloue alio fo; goDi? minDe0,becaufe It maijcrb aganilt cito^tatios, bjcaufe It fiiaUetb faitOcbiraufc it trcublctb tbe barttt fclf: ti)i3 is tain, Augulbnc Gict iittii not to cenfcs ^ foj tbefe caufts be toas tonnt to be blameD,fo;j tbat be D?D to frel? VrSacb lB;eDettinati5,but,asbe yac in reoineffe tobertoitbal^bc largely be toipcD atoa? in place fit fo; it. ^nlu tbts 3 ocfire generally to obtctn of tbcm ^ tbofc tbings tobub v lo^b batb laiD bp in fccretjtoe ma? not fercbcttbefe tljigs tobicb be batbe b;ougbt openl? abjcoe, toe ma? not neglect: leaft eitber on tbe one part toe be conofneD of bain curios (tt?,o; on ? otber part,cf bntbabfulnes, ifo;, tbis alfo is ter? toel faio of Augu ftinc,tbat toe ma? fafel? folloto ? fcrip ture,tobicb as toitb a motberlp pace go etfi ftoupingl?,leaft it ftulo fo;fafe our tueaKnes* i5uttobofoarefotoarcf fo fearful tbaf tbe? tooulo baue \dmttti' nation to be burieD, leaft it CjuId trofalc tocabe foules:toitb tobat colo;,3; bcfccb ?on,toil tbe? couer tbeir arrcgfice,tobe tbe? inDirectl? accufe dDoD of foliOj biv aDuifctines,as tbougb be fo^ato not tbe Danger, tobicb tlitv tbinUe tbf fclucs to baue toifeli met toitbf CSabofoeuer tbcr fojetrauailctbtob^ing tbe Doctrine of ^;reDeftination into miQiking.bc open I? faitbe euill of (DoD : astbougbe fcme^ tobat baD bnabuifcDli' aippcD from bim tobicb IS burtfuU to tbe Cbnrcb. S p ait are not creatco to lihc tf fiate : buttofome, eternall life, ano to I fome,etcrna! Damnation is fo^eapom^ 1 teD.ibcrcfo^c as cucr^i man is creatco ' to tbe one o; otber enoc/o i»0 fa^e tbat ! be 15 p.^eocttijiate eitber to life o.: to I i5catb.i5ut tbi3.p;eoe(lination goo batb ; not oniT? tcftifieo in eucrt> feuerall per* y2n,but barb fbclueo an crainpic tbcrof i intbc tobclc itTue of ;ab;abAm, to^rb? I migbte plaineiTappearctbat^it lietbtn I bis MX \xMt (ball be tbe eUate of e»en? nation. tiSilben tbe^icft oiuioco tbe na^ tion^ano feuer«D tbefbilo;en of aoani tiis parte toas tbe people of ^fraell, t\iz ^o;oc cfbis inberitance. 2Dbe ftpecati^ an is befo^ tbe ere« of alt men : in t\ie ^serCon of ab;j^bam as in a ^i-^t ttocb? urn iJteopte is pecuiiarlp cbcfen,al otber lieing rcfiifect: but t,\it tmtz appearetb I $»ot,fauing tbat ^orejEf,to cut of alocca^ 1 Cion of g!o:\?ing from psUeritijteajcbetb tbat tbc^ erccll onelp bp t\yt tx^ loue of <2j5qo.4!oa \yt airignetb tbisto be (? cauCe 9f tbeir oeltHCf a^e,fo> tljat (S5oo loueo ;0:4«.37 tboifatber*, rnmcborctbeirfeoe after tbrm. ^0^ plainly in; auctbcr cbapter: l^ij toas pJeofeO wi pou to cbcfe roiunot fcicaurcvmpaffco otber nations in nst- ber>but bicaufebe toueotou.Sub^famc J[>?;.vQ..i4 aomonition iistofte r^cteo \h ^m, "Bt* bQlo>ro tbe !io.:o ^s C'ob bclongcfb ^t beaur,tbteartb,ano tiub^itfocne c tW^'i arc in it uno be batbe pleafio \iin\ felfs oncly in \'0ur j!aiber3,sr.o b«tbe toano 'j I tijeavaiiD.bA.r>o^ ebefrii vcu tbeir fetba. •De^a^j. I^i^aiocuianqtbev place laimificAtioci pn47.^ • -v.-arrrij-.-s.- ~^- 15 commaunoco tbem,bf caiifctbev arc cbofen to be a pcculiare people. Tnird Booke. Pf.K;.«. H44.4 l.sa.20. 22. Pr.(^;,f. E(ai4.i i)is people f tfjc ffjepe of l^i?3 pafturw. ne iiegatiuc tsnot rupcrauon0,tD|)tc^ is aDDcD to eticluDc td,^ tbet ma\; bnoto tljaC of al tfte gaD things tobertoitt) t\^i crccI^goD is notonlt tljc autt)o?,but fttf c^cotcaufctfteroffro ljtt"felf>brc«ufc tber Voas nothing in tfjem toojtb^ of fo great bono j.jaifo be UiMetb tfjcm to be I conCentcD teitb tbe mare goo pleafurc I ofgoDjtn tbefctoo^w.Sbcfcbcof 0b;a bam are bis fcruauntes tbe cbtlb;en of B2acob,bis cle£te» anB after tbat be batb rebtarfcb tbe ccntinuall benefitg of goD ad fruitcc of tbe e Iection,at legtb be co^ clabetbjtbat be Dealt fo Uberallt biraufe be rememb;eD brs couenant . Wiitl) iDbicb boftrineagratbf fogofflDbole cburcb.SDbr rigbtbano anD t\)t ligbt of t^^ countenance gaue tbe lanoe to our ^atber^bicaufe tbou toaft pleafeotn tbem.ll5ut it is to be noteb, tbat lubere mention is maoe of tbe lanbe^tt is a bi^ fible Sgne of tbe feeret feuering Uiberin tbe aooption is contctneD. %t) ttje fame tbanbfuIticlTeE^auib in an otber place e^oUetb tbepeople,fa^ing. )i5lcrreD is f nation toboes goo tbe lo}0 i0,f people lobicbbebatbcbofen fo;an tnberitace to bimfelfe« ^no Samuel encouragetb tbem to god bope, faring . Ue ILo;iDe U>iU not fo^fabe T?ou,fo^ his oton great names fahc , bicaufe it pleafco btm to create vm ^o} a people to bimfelf.lltbe tptfe loDauiD toben bT7S faitb is adaileo, armetb bimfelf to figbt,faring.lI5leffei) 15 be Vobome tbou baflte cbofen, be (ball bboel in tb? courtes. )15ut fo^afmucb a^ tt)t election bibDcn in <^ob, U)as QMi^ (beD as toel bt t^t Srft oeltuerace as b^ tbcfeconb,anD otber meane benegtsun Cfar t\)c U)o;d of electing is traffcrreo to tbt3.<^ob M baue mcrcv^ en 3Jacob,f be fbatl ^etcbofe outc of |,rrael: bccaufe be Ggnifping tbe time to come,fa^etb ^ tbe gatbertng togetber of the remnante of tbe people tPbicb be fgmeP to bane fCQli^^ fo;faUen,(balbe a figneof tbe liable an© tteofeCe cle(tion,tubicbonce femieoto baue ben fallen atoa^. ^bcn alfo it is faio in anotber place,? baue cbofe tbee, \m.4U ano baue not caHe tljee atan? : be fcttctb U. out t\)e continuall courfc of tbe notable [ liberality of bis fatbcrlp goo ljDai.;anD | tetmo;e plainly tbe ^ngel faitt) in za |Za.3.i3. cbarr, nonfl&ing tbe in tbe Cburcb be fljeUjco tbat be rctaineb among W cbilD^en.31f* maell baD at tbe beginning obtaineD e* gall Degree toitbb^s b;otber Jfaac , bi- caufe tbe fpirituall couenant baD bene nolclTefealeDinbim b^^Cgne ofCir^ ciiciaon.\^e is cut of: auD t.yn.enir: at tbe laft an innumerable mottituDc i al^ moft arraell. Jn gifaac toas tbe fcoc cal* IcD: tbe fame calling enoureo in 35acob. a like ewmple(35oD OjelxieD in re icaing ^aul: tubicb tbing is alfo glo^iouflr fet fo;tb in tbe pralme.l^c batbputbacke pf^.^g tbe tribe of 3Iofepb,anD p tribe of C-pbJa^ 6^, im be batb not cbofen > but be batb cbo^ fen tbe tribe of JuDain Mbicb tbe bol^ bittoiijDiuerfc times repeatetb,tbattbc iDouDcrfull fccrete of tbe grace mar tbe better apeare in this cbange.3fmael,C* fau,f fucb otber 3 graunt)fell from tbe aDoption br tbcir otune fault anD gilti* nelTe: bicaufe tbere Uias a conDition aD^ iorneD, tbat t\jt\> OjoulD fa^tbfullp bepe tbe couenant of C&oD,UJbicb tber falfelr bjafee.lBut tbrs toas ret a fingalar be* nefite of (lDoD,tbat be boucbfaueo to p^t* ferre tbem abouc tht otber (gentiles: ^^^.47.20 as I-T l^p.si. Of the maner how to recciue Pfa.47. 80 it is fato in t\)t IDfaitme.^e t)atl) not fo tjoneto otijer nations , no; batl) opc^ nco l)is iuDgcmcnts f 0 ^tm, ISut bere 3 !):juc not toitboat caufc fa^D t^at tbcr be f *a30 D -gr^es to be noteD:becaufe nolo mfDecWssTgoftOe lufjolc nation goD fij2Ujp3 t'oat !)c is in Ijisotonc mere li^ beraiitie bounti to no latwcs : bat t)z i:3 fra:,fo tbat egall po;jtion of grace is not to be rcqutreu at bis bantJ: tbe tJnequa* litic iJDijereof (betoctb tbat itistruci^ of fr^ gifte.lEberefo;^c ^alacbie ampli jftetb tbetjntbanfefulncfTeof ^fracl, be=» ; caufe tbe^ being not onl^ cbsfcn out of i al rtianbint(,but alfo feacreo out of a bo I i\> boufe to be a peculiar people, Do bn* ' faitbfuUi? ann tuicfeeDly^ oefprfe (Sod fo beneficial a fatber. Mas not efau tbe M9li.2. b^otber of HIacobf (faitb be) f ret Jacob 31 loueD,bnt Cfau 3 bateo. jfn CDcD ta^ feetb it fo; confcircD,tbat toben eitbcr of tbeni l»as bojne of a bol^ fatbcr, f fnc^ ccCTo; of tbe couenantjfinall^ a bjauncb of tbe bolt rcotemotjD tl^z cbtlD^en of 3a^ whUseremojctban commonly bonDe> tubicbetDeretaben into tbatoignitie. X5ut toben, C&fau tbe fir ft begotten be^ tng ref ufeD,tbeir fatber tobtcb toas b^ nature inferior tuas mabe i^c bei?;e,be p^QuetbtbemDobtel^ tntbanhfuU,anD tompla tnetb tbat ^^^ \x)ttz mt bolDeit toitbtbat Double bonDc* 7 aitbougb it be air e&t fuflft'cietttl^ 0* laDent, ^ goo botfebi? bis fccrete coiifett frel^ cbnfe tobo be t»iU,rciefliiig otber^ vet bis: fire elertion is betberto but balfc SfeK^UjeD^til; toe com to al particniar per-- |ons>.to t3f?bome ©oD nst oncl^ offeretb (aluation, but tb a0ignetb it, ^tbe m* tetntr of tbe cffcfte tberof is not in (nU ipcuTc o;.DoutAil._f 0; tbeCe are accopteD I in f>^i.ip fcDcti^bcrof pa«i mafectb twi tim. .f 0; etftboagb tl)e a^ptiatoaii! left in tbe bano of 2H3Mba>t?et bieawfe mani of bis p rz^f ton oute of tbe place of :3palacbte tobicb Bl eucn notue allebgeD: tbat tobere (©oD toitbmakingacouenantof eternal life calletb ant people to bimfclfe, tbere is in part a fpeciall maner of election, fbat be ootbnot cbcofc al! effectually toitb co^ mon grace. Mbereas it is fat&» 31 bane loueD iacobjtbis pertainetb to § tobolc iffuc of tbe l^atriarcb, tobicb ^ p^opbet tber fettetb in coparifon againft tbe po:» fteritt of Cfau.f et tbis toitbftaoetb not but tbat in tbe perfon of one ma toas fet fo;tb to b^an eraple of § election \j)\iith can not Hip atoat but muft come to tbe marfee tbat it tenDctb to. SDbefe f^anlje totb not bainlt note to be (alleo remt^ nants: bicaufe erperienee f eacbetb tbat of a great maltituDe mant flibe anD ba^ ni(batoav,fo tbat oftentimes tbere re»' matnetb but a fmat po;tion * HBut tobt tbe general election of a people is not a^ toat fici^ ti!i couenantetbrbe ootb not bp anfibt? gwi^ to tbf "» ^^ ^^ifit of regeni^ ratton^bt tbe potoer toberof tbetmate continue in tbe couenant to tbe enD.Hiat tbe outtoarb cbanging toitbcnt tbe in:' toarDc eflfectuatneffe «f grace, tobicbe niigbt be of fb^ce to bol^ tbem in , is a tertaiiie meane tljti^bettoenetbefoj:' fehing of tobohj manfeinfijanb tbe elec^ tion of a fmaJ number oftbe goDl\?Xf>e tgliolje pee^i6of|ftag!t toas callcb tbe jubccitawtti The grace of ChriTt. Ihird Books inheritance Of CDoo,ofli3l)omc vet tljcre \uer man^ ftrangerg. Wut bccaufe goD {}aD not fo; nott)tng maOc roucnante vo ttitm tbat !)e iDOUlD be tl)cir father ano rcoemcr,!)e ratl)tr fjattje rcfpwe to l)t?B otone free fauo^, t\3iin to tlje tjnfaitbftill falling atoap of many :fo^ tof)oc alfo bis trutb U)a0 not aboliOjeD: btcaufe U»ber lie rcfcracD any reninant,it appearco t iis calling tua0 toitboutc repentance, jfpo.: ixA)traB goo DiD from time to time (bufet^nto bimfelf a Ct^urcb rattier out oftbe ci^ilD^en of 0b;abam, t^n out of ti)t p;opbane nation5,t)e l)ab regaroe to f)ts couenat, U)btc^ being b;o{ten of tbe tubolemultituoe be reffraineo to a fcto t\)at it fl[)oulD not btterly fall atuay. j?i< mUhtl)C common aooption of t\)e fecoe of ab^^a toas a certain ttltble image of a greater bencfite, toljic^ CI^oD batljc touc^faueo to graunt to feto out of ma^ nye. nin is t\)t reafon \i)\j^ i^aule fo Diligently puttetl) Difference bettocene tlje cbilD;en of 0b;al)am acco^tcing to y fieQ)e,anD f)y5 fpirituall cl)tlD;en to^ic^ toere calico after tbe cpample of ^faac. i^ot tijat it tDa0 a taine ano tnfrutcful tbing (imply to be tlje cbilD of ab^a^am (tobicl) migi^t not be faiD toitbout Di^o no; of tbe co«cnant)but bccaufc tfjc bn* cbangcablc counfell of CDoD, toljerby be l)atl)p;e5cftinatcU}l)omel)eltJOulD, is byitfelfe cffectuall oncly to tbis later fo^t tjnto raluation.513ut3 toarn tbe rcf Der« tbat tbey b;ing not a fo^cccceiucD iuDgement on citbcr aoctill it appeare by tbe places of fcripture b;ougbt fo;tb The.xxii A confirmation of this do£^rinc,by ^11 tbefe tbings lubicb toe baue fet ^^ are not Iwitboute controucrCye a* mong many, fpecially tbe frte election of tbe iFaitbfull : iubicb yet can not be tucakeneo. if o; tt)c common route Doe tbmkecbatC&oD, as be fo^efeetbtbate^ tofiat is to be tbougb^e. Cbat tbcrcfo^e txrtjitb tbe Scripture clearely (belcetlri toe (i.v tbat Coo by eternal « bnc!jages= able counfcl ijath ones apoynteo tDljom in time to come be Ivolo taUe to faluatt^ on^anD on tbe ctber 6De U^'bom be trclD conoemne to De firuction.SLbis counfell as toucbing tbe elect ,1jdc fay to be grcii* Deo bpon bisfree mercyc toitbouteany refpecte of tbe too^tbineffe of man : but Uibome be appointetb to Damnation, to tbem by bis iugement ^U(^ is in DcDe iuQ ano irrep;ebenQble,but alfo incom p^ebf fible,tbc entry of life is fojclofcD. ^oluc in tbe elect tue fet bocation,to be ^t teStmony of (Election : ano tben iw llification to be an otbcr (igne cf tbe mamfett D^etuing of it,till tbey come to glo;y toberin is tbe fulfilling of it. i5ut as by bocation anD election goo mabetb bis elecre: fo by fljutting oute tbe rcp^o? bate eitber from tbe knotoleDge of bys name, o; from tbe fanctification of bys ^pirite, be Dotbe as it ioerebytbefc marines opentubat iuDgement abioetb foj tbtm.j toill bare palfe ouer manyc faineoinucntions, iobicb folil^e men banc fojgeD to ouertb^oto }9;eDeaina=^ tion. ipoj tbey necDc no Confutation, tobicb fo fone as t]}ci are b;ougbt fo;tb, DO largely beUj.jaytbeir otone falfnes. J toil tary only tjpo tbofe, toljicb eitber are ii\ controuerfy among y learneD,ou tobicb may b;ing any barcineflfe to tbe fnnple,c;j tobicb bngoDlines toitb faire feming Ojeto pjetcnoctb^to fcoffe at tbe rigbtcoufnelTc of lubat tertiic^ Ujill tljev fa^ t\)at \ be DfferueD to be in tbe tcr^ Inob mabe tbe beb of ^ngeU5,tbe onlp begotten Ton of ©Ob, tbe inuige anb glo;t of tbe jfa^ tber,tbe ligbt,rigbitcurnes,i faiuation of tbe iDo;Ioe i %l)is tbing Au^uftinc U'ifclt noteDjtbat in tbe teri? beo of tbe cburcb 10 a njofi clearc mirror of free v lertion, leaft it l^oulo trouble bs in tbe mt ber0:an3 tbat be toas not b^ rigbte^ mai? be oarUcncb toitb tbe autbo^itf of ouQ? liuing maoe tiic fon of (!Do!j, but iV mcii. But f omc oti)er,nritber erercifeo I be Ijao fo great bono; fr?U Qznm \)imit in tbe Scripture, no; Ujo^tlji'cof anre \ t)aicc,boe raile at tbis Dcitrinc Uj grea:* ter malicicufntfTe, tbaiitbat tbsirfrc^ loaroe p;iDe ougbte to be fuffereb, liae- caufc Ooo cbufing Tome after bfs oVnnc UJil,lcauctb Dtber fomc,tbep pick a qua rd againll bim.55ut if tbe tbing it fclfc be lirtutun fo.z true,U)bat fliall tl)c^ p^' uAile U)itb b;aUiling againft goCf ^2le t£:iCi)c notbntg but tbat tubici; in app;o.- ucD b\? crperienccjtbatit luas aluiaiiat libcrt)? fo; CDob td bcColue bis grace to bubome be Icil, j; luil not enquire lubcr bt? tbe poiteritv of ;ab;abam ercelk o o^ tber, butbvtbc'boiicbraiung, U)btfcof tbrreisfounonocanre cIs tuberetban iii C?cD.}ict tbcHi aiiflucre iubp tbcy be men ratbcr tba oren o; nft'cs. cabcn it tuas iii tbe banoe of Cod to mal^t tbcm Dogs, he faOjioneD tbem after bis oU)ne image. uSlin tbe? gcuc lccuietob;ute beaftra to quarel luitb Coo fo; tbcir c * ftwUc,actboi?gb tbe Difference lucre bn? riibtrnuirf iCruIi' it is no nio;e riiibte? C(ii3,t;at tbrv (iru'iD caicp {> p:crogatiuc I MMli U)c\! bauc cbtc!:if D b*» no -Defer; I uiiiff.tljA fo; rjoD biuciwi' t'j Dele ab;oDc I bis bcnc&t;sacco;5ing to tbe meafure ' 3l''Jl^ii£ii|0gcniet.^f tb«i? Wtip'oacr De cor- rcpt.et grat.ad valent, Cap.i^. De bono perfeue. Cap.vlt De vcr. apoft, reimo.S. be mi5')t aftcrtuarb rijafee otber parta Ucrjs of bis gifts .^^jxre if rmt? man afhe tob^ otbcr luer r.ot tbe fame^ be toas> o; \}3l)\> all tue are fo farrc DiEant from bim,\iibval U)e be co;rKpt,anb be pure? nes:fucb a ma fl)al betij;aT? not onl\? bi3 1 maonesjbut tbervuitbal alto i)is tbamc^ ! Icfnes. li5ut if tbev go fo;lDarb to laboj to take fi 5 Cod t\}z free pofcuer to cbufc ano refufcjlettbem alfo taUc abjai tbat tDbicbiiJgeuento €\nittc. jj^oluc it id] U}o;ti) tbe tiwuiiH to conlicer lubat tl)^ ' fcriptiue p;onoucctbor£uerione.]^aul Eph.1,4 biTtly, tubcn Ije ti:iit\)ctii tbat toe iBere 1 cbofcn m (i:b;iU, taia^tb alcai al refped j of our Oiun li}o;tbine3.iro; it is al one, as U In bab faiD;bicuufe in ^ \i)bole febe cfasanubeb^aucnip fattjer fcimbno? t;)ing tDo;tbi? of biscleaion, bcturKeD bis eies bnto Ijis CJuiile, to cbufc as it luer nif biTS out of bis boD^ tl)i lubo be I InolD taU2 into tbe fcli;b)a5ip of Ufe.!let i ti-An rcafcntbcn be of fo;cc among tbe I faitbfnU, tljat Uie loertbcrfo;c aDopteb I i:iCb;ift iiUo t'm beaueiav inberitace, becasfc in our fclucs tue lyerc notable to recctue fo great cyccUence. ?I2:ibicbe 'Coli, j2 alfo be toucbctb in an otber place, ti)ben ii.z^%f b3;t£tlj tbe CoUolT.4ins to «cuing of lEcpicc of Clirifl-. f Inrcj f-ookc of tl)anUes,fo; tf^ia ^ ti)z^ lucre bf (Sod ; uTo^ocsljc oticrtb^otoct!) iubat fo encr maoe fit to be partafecrs of llje cttatc of | uiensc of tbeir election men do imagm tbc bolr. 3if clertio gee before ti)i3 grace ! in tbcmfclnec. jrc: be alCo tectctb tbat of sjoDjtbat toe be maoe fit to cfatcine § 1 Uifjatfocurr tijingc CDoti geuctbto\KarD 5lD;ieoftbc life to come: tubatnjalgoD | fpirittiallifcttjcfilcVue cut of tijis rnc bimfclfc noU) finoc in be , tubercbv be mai' be mcucu to elect b0f ^p meaning PI tbal ^et be mo:e openly erp.uCrcD b^ an ^P"- '"^1 otbcr fapeng of b?5. ^e batb cbofcn bs (faitb be) ere t\)z fimoacions of § tuojlD loerc la^co, accoiOing to tbc gcnD plea* fure of bis \i3iU,tbat tne m^gbt be bolr, ano bnfpotteCauDbnrepjouable in brs figbte: bJbcre b^ icttetb tbat gmo plea^ fure of CDoD againft all our Deferuings UJbatfocucr tbc^ be. 2 SCbat tbe p;ofe mar be moje drog, it is Ujc;tb tbc Ifibo; to note al J partes oftijat place,\r»bicb being couplcD togc^ tberDoleauenoboute. ^bfrc bena* mctt) f elect, it is no bout {' ^t fpcaUetb to § faitbfuU, as be alfo b^'anobi? after^ toaro affirnictb. ^berefo>e tber Do io to folDle a glofe abufe i' name, iobicbe fajzen it to [) age luberein ^ gofpel Vons 8ra publia?eD»^2ibcr be taitl) tbat tbcp toere elect before tbc beginning of tbc teo;lD,betaijetb atoap al refpect of too; tbineJIf.i^ojtobat reafon of Difference is tbcic bettoeen tbem tobicb ret toerc notjf tbcfetobicb aftertoaro fijoulD in iaoani be cgalf ^cto if tbcv be clcctc in i^iidiit folotoctb ^ not onlp euert? ma is feaereo ujitbout bimfelf,but alfo one of tbeni fro an otber,fo;afmucbe as toe fe tbat not a! are tl)C mf bers of Cb;ift. ^bat tobicb is aDDeD,tbaf rbcp toere e^ ieit,tbattbct migbt bcl;clv,platnl^ c6^ futctbtljeerro; tobicbDeriuctb clccfio from fo;fenotolege,fo;afmucb as 'p)aul fountaine, becaufe Ccb batbe cbcfcn tobome be toouloe , anb ere tbev toerc bo.jr.e l]e baD fe«crallt» laiD \)p fo; tkcm ti;c grace tobtcbe bcijoucbfaueb togcue tb:in. 3 ^mt tobcrfceuer i^)is plefnre of goDl\' bauc it of election t tlm be bolvM tbat tbc^J come to it b\? mci^ne of too;Us. jjieirtjer is tbeircauillation bere anv tb\!ng too;tb,to tobub tbev comon- \yi flee, ^ tbe ilo;De Dotb not rcnoer tlje grace of election to ani? too;kcs going befo;e,but ^ct grauntetb it to too;hs,to come, ifo; tobcn it iB favD ^ tbc favtb' full toere cbofen,tbat tt)cy! mtgbt be bo^ Ivitbertoitball is fignificD ii tbc bolines crictl} out againa ity% favtb tbat tobat* | \33{)idJ toas to come in tbem tofee begim foeuer bcrtue appearetb in men, it is \> ning at elcction.janD boto (bal tbrs fat?^ effect of clectio, ijioto if a bier caufe be tng agree togetber,^ rtcfe tbings tobicb fougbt, |k>aulanftoeretb,tbatCDoDbatb I are Deriueo from eleaion gaue caufe :op;eDefiinate,vea,anDtbatacco;Ding |to elections SDbe fame tb^ng tobicbe to ibegagi^pleafureof big toit.lntoljic^ ^cfa^Dlje fgmet^ aftertoaro to tofirmc I2 mi3;c tol.2Sif be ba^ not pjeuenteD tbcm Ipitb bis mercic. ii^iUv ! as this faT>eiig of paul is alfo to be bn* j Deraai5e:^bo trXtt gaw tobim, anD iball recei?ue rr compencey^o; be mea* netb to DjelDc tt)i\t tbe gcoDneCfe of (CoD I fn p^euentetb mm > tbat it finDetb ne^ f tbing in tbem nritber patt npji to come, I U'berbp be mar Ue Uwnne tty b,c fajiiou* rabletotbein> [4 jlotu to tbe Homamcs, t»l)cr be ffct^ cbetb tbis quettion furtbf r of, anD folo- Vjjetb it moit largel^^be oenietb tbat al tbc^are3(fracHtc5,Ujbicbca!:eillueD qf Kfraghbecaiife altbougbc bv r;gbt of i««i beritaiui>tbcrU»erc alible JTcD, vet tbe Cuccediou Did liiot rgallp paH'e to tbf all. SLbe beginning of tbi,^ Difpntation.p^o* ccDcD of tbe p;UDe anD Deceitful glo;r.fing of tbe SelDiOje people , 4ro;^ tobcntbep clainieo to tbenifeHies tbe name of tbe ^Cburcbubci VyolD baue tbe cceDitof tbe ^ofpeU to b:;ns i?pon tbeir \uiU: as tbe iDapiag nt tbig Dag tomilD glaplp t»i^ ;ii^^,»oi.i ^0,9.6 ti)is faineD colour tbr' ^ tl)emkli[cs im to tbe place of OcD. ii'auIcaUoougb be graunt tbat tbcoflpjmg of i^b^sbam i$ bolf b v refon of t\)c rouenant, vet affirm metb V tbe moG parr of tbew arc Cran*^ gers in it : ano ^ not onelv becaufc tbev fUjarue oute of hinoe, fo tbat of iatT36}ll cbilDjcn tl)tv become baftarDei^>but bc*^ caufc tbe fpeciall election of dDoDlfan* Detb aboue anD reignctb in § bteft top, tpbicb alone mafeetb ti)t aDoption tberof fure. 3jf tbeir olpnc goDlineCfe Uablill^o fomc in tbe bope of fatuation, anD tbevj otone falling atoave atone DifljeriteD 0* tber fome : paule berelv flgoulDe botbe fDnDlvanDtjmonuenientlv lifte bptbc rcaDers euen to tl)t fecret election,^ol» if tbe U)tll of ©oD(tbc caufe ttiberof nci^^ tbcr appearetb no^ is to bt fougbt toitb* out bimfclfc) mafeetbtbeonefo^t Difffeis ring from tbe otbcr,(btbat not all tbe cbi!0;tn of ifracJI be true ilfraelites, it is twin^lp faineD tbat euerv mans ellatc batbbcginning in bimfelf.Si^beiibe fur^ tber foUolDctb tbe matter bnDer t\)z ep ample of Blaccb anD €f3u. ifoj tjjbcri tf;evboib luere tt)t fonnes of iab;;abam> bctb together enclofeD in one motberjt iDombe, it toas a monllerlike cbaunge tbatt^)cbonoiof firtt bi?;jtbtoa0 rema^ ueD to 3Jacob,bv tobicb cbangc l^aul af* ftrmetbtbattb^r teas teOifieD tbe dec* tion of tbe one 1 tbe rep^batian ef tb^ otber . Ivbc o;iginaIl anD cauCe of it is^ enquireD.tirfncb V tcacbers of fo;e!jnoto IcDge U)ill bane ttybe fct aut in tt)€ ter^ tai& f l«ees of men.^o: tbvs is an cafv^ iTjojt toav u»ttb tbem,.tbat 1^ be cborfetb tljt luojtbv liJf brs grace : anD in tbe pccfon. of (Sfau, be refufetb tli^m tobo be faic* fetbtobc tjniuojtbv. 2^bu0 tbevlav^ bolDlv.^ut tobat favtb paub tube tbcv tjoerenot vet bo;xne,anD baD not Dong a* nv goao Q> tuiUy. tbat 4Cco;iDittg to tkai^ atitb^ pucpofe of Ctkiftrotgbt abyoe: not of RoiS*ii. LHAIlVLi-Kl IJ •gnssLM. ti^fvmmn Ro,9.ii The srace of Chrifl-. of lx)o;{^0,but of b^n t callcrft it is fa^D. SbJjs elDer fl)al fcrue ffjc T?onger:as it is iD^ittcn. Bicicob 3 bmie loueo, butCfau 3 banc batcDjf fojcfenolDleDgc Incre of an^ fo.jcc in t\)\B Difference of § bjetb;r, tl)cn bsril^ mention tocve tnfitli? maoc of tbetimc. Mt ts graunt i> Jacob U^as cborcn,becaure ^e bao too.jtbincffc gotte bi>too:kes to come : to iDbat purpofe fljoulD paul fa^ ^ be loas not ^et bo^nt? 0nD tbis nolo (boulD be tjnaDuifcDtr aD^ DeD tliat be bat^ ^ct Done no gcoDtbicaufe t^j^s ibalbe a reao? anftuer^tbat notbing is biBOcn fro (&oD, f tbat fo p goDlineffe of 51acob iDas |>;erent before b?m . Blf tx^oiUs DO tDin grace , tbcp fijoulDe fbcn U)o;tbil^ bane ba^ ^ir pjice 6efo^c ^ Blacpb luaa bojnt as if be bao ben grolu? entofulIagcButi^apoaie goctbfa;^ ijJarD ixi biiDoing tb^ Unof , % teadjetb tbat J aDoption of j5acob loas not maDe of U)o;Ue0,btit of tbe calling of C'OO. Jn ti)djhc0,be cnterlacetb not tbctpmc tu come o: Ximz jmtt,f tben be Directli? fct? HVi) toe aga^na J callTtie^of OoD, mea? ningbp ftablilftingof t^z one crpjefl^e to oucrtb;ob) tbe otbertasif be baD faio ^itistobcco;ifiDereD \;53bat batb pica* feo OoDjrtot u>bat mm baac bj^n jbt of tMi fdn^g. !latt of al it 10 certain ^ bv § ;t»ojD3 of (Election f purpore,all amfes tobat^ocUE^rmenarc Ijoont tofaipnecls Vdberc tban in t\)z ftcret coufcll of CDoD, are quite rcmcucD from tbis matter. V 2^1)v1t co!d.; Wti tbe^r b?tng to DarUf tbefe tbintxSjlobotn election affigncfom jplacc to lUcrzUes eptber paH oj to comef liftj? tbi^ic Wtcri^ ttj rttocft cjjt^ tolncb itbe ilpaiilc afftrmctb, tbat § Difference of tbe b;ctb>cn ban^etb n3t tJpon am? jcontt^crfjti^nof tbajlrirsrbnt tjprmfbc irtet^e calling of (2?ot>:brcaitfeit tnasiiut bettoenettjenitDbcn tfjei? tocrc not ^t lidjtte. j^cttbrr ba?j tic bene igno:ant of ;tbi(>tbnr fiittlltpiif irbaD baD^ni?rotjD' 'ncdirvitiljut becaufc be tjer^lutlltnetu Third Bookc Fol.2S9~ tbat CDoD ran fo;5cfee no gmDncffe in ma, but tbat tubicb be batb firff Determineo bp t\it benefite of bT?s election to geue b\?m : be flectb not to tbat bno jDerl^ o%f ocr,to fct goD U)o jhcs befoze tbe caufe of tbffcluc0.s:hi?0 baue toe br § tuo;D5 of tbe apoftte tbat Vc^t Giluationof tbe fa^tfjfull is founDcD bpon t\it luil of tbe onel^ election of (SooianD tbat tbe fame fauo> is not gotten b^ tiio jfes, but com* metb of free calling. WXt baue alfo as ilt toere an image of ^ tbing fetbcfoje ts> (5fau f Blacob are bjetfjjen, iffuing botb Qfone tbe fame parentes,enclofeD pet botb in one tDombe,not pet bjougbt out into i\it tuo:lD.3in tbem all tbpnges are cgaH,T?et of tbem ^z iuogement of (IDoD is Dtuerfe. iFo; be taUet?) § one,anD fo^* faketb tbe otber.SCberluas notbing but t\iz onlp ftrft bp^tb, bp rigbt ioberof tbe one ercelleo ^z otfjer. ll5ut tbts alfo be^ ix\^ paffeD ouer , ^ tbing is geucn to tbe ponger tubicb is r^mizx^ to tbe cloer.^ca f i\\ otber alDs (SoD^fcmeib altuap as of fet purpofe to baue DefpifcD firftbirtb, tactttof from § ficll) all matter of glo;i* tng. Kefufmg 5il"maell,bc caff bi^f minD to jjfaac . IDIucfting bacUc ^anafTc, be mo.ic bono;eD (25pb;atnr. ^ 3^ anv ma itttcrrupt me tuitb fating i toe mutl not bp tbcfe inferior j Dnall beneStes Determine of § fumme of tbe life to come ,^ be tubicb batb berte ao* uaunceo to^ bono; of Srff bf.:tb, (?)OulD tbcrfb^e be reckneD to be aooptcD into § inbcritance of beaucn: (fo.: tbcr be fomc Vubicb fpare notpanl btmrclf, as tbogb in alleging tbcfe tcffimonpes be IjaD to;effeD n fcripvure to a ttrange fenfe,) Janfujereasibaue Done bcre before, ^ ttje ^pottle neit!)cr OippeD bp tnaDui* feDnc(re,no; vuilfullp abufcD J tcllimo^ nizB of p ^rriptiire.lSnt be falD(U)bkb tbcp can no! abicc u conflDer)tbat (Sod mirtDeDbpan eartblp (fgitc to Declare tbe fpiritaall election of J'acob,U)bicb 0* ^'sD.A, tbertDife Cap, 22. Of the maner how to rccciue tt)crU)ifc Wiis {jiDocn in \m iuaccc ffiblc to ttje leffer peoplt^lufjict) paul in an o^ tiionc . ifoj tjnlcITc Inc refer tl)c firft , tber place fait^) to baueben fo^cbnoUicn 'Ro5>. br;t^ grautcD to btm tnto tl;e lvo;lD to f omcit fljoulD be a tain f fono fo^m of bIcITing Ibbcrcbp be obtainco notb^ng but nianifolDe uu^ertc$,^tfcon10t)tttes, grocffull bflni(bmcnt,am) manp bitter^ ncffc of fo;rotu f care^Xbcrfo^c Uiben pauI fato toitbouf doutmg,tbat CDoD bt? oiitU)arDbIcirin0fettifieDtbe bleCfpng, Uibtcb be bao in b?s bmgbom p;^cparcD fpirituall anb neuer Dccaijingfo^ bt* fcruant : be Doufeb not fo^ p^mfc of fbiei fpirituall blcOingjto fetcb an argument from tbc outtuaro bleffing . %ty^s alfo Uicmua remember tbattotbelanbof Canaan toas abio^ncb tbe plebgeof tbe beauenli? Dioelling : fo p it ougbt not at alltobeoonteotbat 3!acob UiaBgraffcD U)itb tbe angels into tbe boo^' of Cbjiff tbatbemigbtbc partaher of tbc fame lifc.BIacob tbcrfo;ie is cbofen,tobe €fau i0rcie£teD: anDbT?tbe ^B^eoeftination of OoD is niaoc Different from bvtti fro tubo bcDrtfercDnotin an^? Dcferuings. i;.; 3Ef pou afhe a caufe,f be apottle renD;etb / tbv5,bica«fc it is faro to ^ofc6 , 3 Ml banc mercp bpon tubo 31 toil banc mer* cp : anD 3i Ml bour bfafc to grant mer- ere to U)bom focuer B! toil! Dour bfafc (tj graunt merer. 3nb lubat,3 befab rou, meanelb tbrs^2Ilcrilr,tlje llo^o bimfelf moa plainlr p;jonoimcctb tt^at mc bntic in tbemfelues no caufc UJbr l-e fi)oalD Do goDtotbem, butbc fetcbetb tfjecaufe from brs otwn merer onlrtanD Iberfo^c tbat tbe fal nation of br^^ is brs olone tuo^lie. C^Ubcn (?oD fetttth f br faluati* on in bimfelfe alone , tubv U5ilt tbou De^ fcenototbrfclfef miitn bcappointctb to tb£E brs merer a!one,\»br iuilt tbcn runnc to tbinc oton Dererainas;'2(iaben be b^lDctb tbr tbougbt toboIlT' in br» mcreifnlncITe alonc^ubr toiU tbou turn part to tbe bcbolDrng cf tbrne olune tpo^befl^s:berfojctoc mutt ncDes eome Ro.Il.2. 23* j.Pc.ij. to (25oD:not in fneb fojt as tbcfe me ima# gine,to fo;jehnoiu out of an iclc iuafeb* ^ totoer tl)c t^rngf ^5 tbat be luo^betb not: but in fueb fenfe as it is ofte reo » i?o; trueir toben peter fartb in ILuhe, tbat €b;tift teas br tbe t}etermineD counfell ^^ ^ ,^ ano fojchnotoIeDge of <2>oD appornteD to Deatb)be botb not b^rt^ €^oD as a la^ &er on but tbe a utbo; of ourfaluation. ^0 tfic fame ^tttr alfo,lDbere be fartb ^ tbe fartbfuU to tobom be ia)Mc toere cbofenacco^bing to ti^e fo;ebnoU(leDgc of <©oo , pjoperlr eirp^eiretb tbat fccrete p^eoelhnation luberbr^^D batb mar< btn fo;^ br^ ebilb^en Uibom be Isouloe. j^no Uit IJDo^be purpofctubicbe be ior^ netb foj a biuerfe toojoe, eirp^rdfing all one tbrng, fo;rafmucb as it Dotb euerre Ixibere fignifie a HeDfafi Determination as tber comonlr call it,t)nDouteDlr tea* cbetb tbat (don tobe be is autbo;^ of our faluation goetb not out of brmfelfe. Jn tobicb fenfe be fartb in t\)t fame Cbap* ter,tbatCb;ilItoas§ !labc fo^chnoto? en befo;te tbe creation of tbe li3o;lD.ifo;j iubat is mo}t fonoe oj trifling , tban to far tbat CDoD fro on brc bio ttab ItDferng lubenee faluation CbolD com to maltinOf Cberfoje in paul tbe fo;cfenotDen peo* pleisafmucbasafmall portion ming^ leD U>itb tbe multitube tobieb falfir p;e^ tenDctbtbenameof(0ob. 3n anotber place aire |Daule to beate Dotone tber^ boaftingiubicb being but couereD tnitb 2.Ti.2.i^ a bifo?, Do take tpon tbefelues tbe cbaf p;>eeminencc among tbe gcDlr before tbc U)o;rlD,faitb ^ <5oD fenotretb tubo be brs. iFinallr br tbat faring |Daul poin? tctl) bnto bs ttDO fortes of people : tbe one, of tbc Ir-bole Uinreo of ab^abam: tbeotbcr,feucrallr ebofen out of it, ano lubicb being laroe bp bnoer ti)t eres of C5oo is biDDen from tf)t ftgbt ofmt.^m It is no Doubt tbat be tcohe tbrs out of ^ofejs The srace oF Chrift. Third Bookc F0I.290 ^rc5, U)!)icl) affirmetb tbat (DoD luill | befo jc tbat f)c gaue to tbem tjis onl^ be be mcrcif«n folubom bciuil (altljougb igottcn fonXbepaffec tobetfjcr it luere be tbcre fpaUe of tije elect people,\ubocs | b\? naturei^ea ratbcr,tbem tobifb tuer eff ate in oatUwrn fcming toas egaDns (traiigera be maoe bisf olun bi D^atuing if be Ojoult) bane favb, tbat in tljt como , tbcm to bim.SLbcre is a greater clearer aDcption is incbiDeo \j3iti) Um a fpecial ! ncffe in tbe \3}om of cbnU.tban can b^ grace totuaro fome, as it toerc a mm , lifting be coucreo tuitb an\? Darknes. t)ol? treafure:f tbat tfjt common coue^ 'j^o man(raitb be) can come to me, \snf naunttut?tf)l!anoctl) not but tbat tlje Icirem^iratbcro;alDbri".)i5ntU)fjoro Io.d.44, fame fmalt ntimb;e mai? be crempte in bath bearo ano learneD of m^ fatber,be begra:i f)c luilling to make bimfelfc § ' comet!) to me. 3if all generally toitbout free bifpofer anu ruler of this t!}ing,p.2e Difference fbculo boto tbeir fenec before cifcl^DenictbtbcitbetDil be mercifuU€b;itt,tbe tbe election luere eotmwon: to one ratber tban to an ofber foj aut? 0* \ but notoe in tbe fetoncs of tbebele«er« tber reafen , but fo;j tbat it fo pleafetfj appearetb a manifctt oiucrfjtie. SEbcr* bimtbicaufc tobcn mcrcie commetb to | fo^ after tbat €\)ntt bao affirmeb tbat bim tbat feufeitb it , tbouglje ijt in oebe tbe Difciples tobieb tuer gcue bim, tuer fuffer not a Denial,^ct be evtbcr pjeucn tbe prculiar poCclTion of goi3 tbe fatber, totb 0,: parte!? gcttetb^to bifclfe ? fauoi tuitbrn a litle after be abDeC),3 pja? not Ioh.17, Ui'oerof goD clatmetlito Ijifef tbe p^aife. ' fo^ ti)t luo;lD>but fo^itbofe tibom tbcu 7 ^olu let t\}c foucraignc dMtQ^ anD ' ball geucn mc, bicaufe tbt^ are tbrne» maitter pjonouncc of tbt tubolc mater. I tSalberbi' is pjouco tbat t toijolc Xvq^Id ^ben be fato fo great l)arDnc0 in \)is \ belogetlj not to § creator of it, fauing ^ bcarerg,*^ be 3pD in amaner tt*aff!i\?£« graceecliueretba feUiefro§ Ui^atbof too;b0 tDitbout fruite among tbe mul^ ! goD,aiiD from etcrnall oeatb lubicbe o^ tituDc:to remeDtc ttiis Dflfenee,l)c crictb 1 tbectuife t^oulo baue peri£beD : but tbe out, W!)af foeucr m\? father geuetb n:c, j \juo.:lD it felfis left in bi0 oUnvbeeruf* it Iftal come to me. i=o; tbijs us the Uull j tion to l»bicb it icas appointco. 3^n the loh.13.18 of mi? ifather, that lubatfocucr m^ fa* meane time alt!)oug!)e cb^ift put bim* felfe meane bcttDan,v^et be claimeth to bimfelfc the poluer of chofing in comon iwitb the ifatber. BI fpeafec not(faitb be) of aU:3lUnoU) tobome gl !)aue cbofenjf ant! man atUe from tubencs be bath cho fen tbe,be anftocretb in anotlier pJare. £»ut of of the luojIQjtobicb !je ercluDeth out of bt?s p.ia?er5 tuben be comenoctb hVsH^ifcvples to l)ns j?ather. JIbis is to bee bolneii, t!)at VDl)eti be afftrmeth that be UnoUjcth \x>l)om lit bath cbofen, there iftlignifieo fome fpeciailfoztein loh.5. 37 ^I'^^'^^fft Qcu^n me, 31 thai not lofc anp " * ' thing of it, jjiote ^ the beginning is ta^ hen at the fathers gifte, thatluema^e beoeliuercD into the fait!jfulll\cpi4tgi befece of <0);iflt .IBere fome man perao* ucntiK*e toil fume a circle aboutCi ano toll take e):ception,Jii\?i4tg that tl)ci on^ l^ are occomptcD in tiyc pjop;e poffeffio of the ifatber, tohoes ^elDing hath ben holtuiterie b? i?aith. Wut €lnitt ftan* Deth onlg hpon tbat point,that although tb^ fallings atoa^ of greate multitubcs lol: 1.1^ :$J* iro Chakc tbe^tohole too.zlo,^et t!)c ccun^ the gensrall kind of men : tbcnjtbatthe fell of (Sou II)albc Hebfaffe ai-.ollanDc faffer tha tht beaueos thcmfelucs, that hiftcltction mapneucr faple. xZljtv are (arv> fcO'hau&bm.tb2 elect oft!jrfather> fame fperiall fo^t is mabe to ot6fer not b^ the qualvtie of their otoiie tertues, but b? th5 beauenliic Decree . XMljtnf upon follotoeth ^ mani? cgccll b^ their "'rtLlJi" HJi|i.*J 'Ug-i.^ Jl' y ilCiil^.ll. oton p^ 22- Of the mancr how to recciue Ni.,0. •23. iRetraa, Lib.i.ca. Epift ad Six. .106 otone fo;ce 0^ Diligence, tnbcn Cf),:itte maUctl) bimfclfc tl}c autOo^ of election. iro; Ujb^ m anotber place be rechenctb 3iuDd0 aniog V elcctc, tub^^raa be tDa0 a Deml,tbi6 is referred onl^ to f o&icc of j^poftid^iptlubicb altbouQb it be a clear m^;roleogetb in b?i3 oUin pcrfonOrct it eontepnetb not in it fclfe tbc bopc of eternal falnatto.3ufia0 tber fo;e,Usbcn beD^D tinfait^allp bearcp office of an Hpoftle, mygbte boj Uio;fe tban tbc Deuill:but of tbofe tobo Cbntt batb oncegraflfeo info bis boDie,be \s)U fufitr none to peritl&: bicaufe in p^efer^ uing tbcir faluation be toil perfo:me t tubicb be batb pjomifeu, tbat i0, be )s)U ttrctcbe f 0 jtf) tl)t potoer of goo libicbc is greater tban al. if 0 j toberas be faitJ) in anotber place, j?atber, of tbofe tobo tbou bafte geucn me, abaue lottnone but tbe fon of peroition: altbougt) it bee an abufiue fpccbe b^ figure, ^ct it batb no Doubtefiil mcnningXbe fumme i0, tbatOoDmahetbtbcmbificbilD^en br free aooption U)bome be luil baue to be bis cbilD;cn,anB tbat tbe intuara raufe tbereof i0 in bimfclfc:bicaufe be iscon^ tent toitb bis oton fecret goiO pleafure. 8 liSut Ambrofe,Origcnc,f Hicrome tbougbt tbat CDoD Diftributetb bw grace amog men,a5 be fo^feetb tbat euerp ma toll tjfe it U)cl:|Pcann3 Auguftintoas ones in tbe fame opinio. 15ut tobcn be bao better p;ofiteD in UnotoleDgc of tbe fcripture,be not onlr rcuohcD it as cui-^ Dentin falfe,butairo ftrongel^ confuteo it:reaf after brs retioking of it, in re* p;ouing tbe pelagians fo; tbat tbei con tinueointbefameerro:, faietb: ^bo can not meruail t'ocd tbe ^pottle fencto not tbis moft futtle fcnfe^if 0; tobcn be baDfetouta tbingtobe toonojeo at of tbofe b;rtb5cn,tob!lc tbe^ tocrc not pet bo;nc,'j aftcrtoaro obierteDa qucCioa* gainft bimfelfe,faing:tobat tbr:'3;s tber tniuHice toitb goD^ iperetoas tit place fo; bim to anftoere,tbac goo fo^fato v merited of tbe botb:T?ct be faitb not tbis but flectb to f iutJgemcnts f mercic cf goD.anti in an otber place, toben be baD tabtatoai? all merited before election. Ij^erc (faitb t)c) i0confuterj tbcir 'earne reafoiiing tobicb Defeno t\)e fo;eknoto<^ IcDgeofCDoDagainfttbe grace of goD,f tberfo^e far tbat toe are cbofen befo;ie p making of tbe too^lo,bccaufe goo fo;e bneto ^ toe toolo be go)D,not t be bim^ felfe tooulo mahe t)0 goD.l^e faietb not tbt0> \iiWhc faitb. ^e baue not cbofen me,but 31 baue cbof e vom. if 0; if be bao tberfo^e cbofen tj0,becaufe be fo^ebncto ^ toe toolD be gtob: be (bulD tibertoitbal alfobauefo;knotoen tbat toie tooulo cbofe bim : ano fo fo;tt) us folotoetb to tbat cffett.ilet^ tefiitnonie of Auguft. be of fo^ce among tbem tbat toilling^ Ir rcff in tbe autbo;itie of tbe fatber^. IBotoebeit itlugultinc fuffcrctb not bim felfe to be fcuereo from tl)Z rett:faut bp cleare tettimonies fbetoetb tbat tl)i9 ni fagrement is falfe toitb p malice tober of tbe pelagians burocneo bini.if oj in tbe rir»Cbapiter of bis bobe of tbe p;e oellinafionof^aincts, beallegetb out of 0mbjofe,Cb;ill calletb tobo be batb mercie on.jagaine, 3f be bao toillcD,or tbetnoeuoutbemigbtebaue maoe^e^ uoute.3l6ut goo calletb tobom be tjoucb* fauetb.t tobom be toill be mabetb rcli? gious. BfBllitteo foHnittetogetbera tobolc Volume out of 0ugu(!in,3} coulo reaoilp fljeto to tbe reaocrs tbat s neoc no otber too;Ds but bis: but ^ toill not loaoe tbem toitb feoioufneffe. ^Hit goe to,letts imagine tijattbc^ fpeafeenot at al:but let Ijs gene bcoe to tbe mater it fclfe. 0 baroe qnclticii toas moueo, tobetbcr (Doo crODe rvgbteouDr in tins tbat be tjDucbefaueo to gratmt bis grace buffo fome : £Df tobicbe queftion paul mpgbtebaue l3ncomb;icol;pmfelf toitb Horn, in I0.8, cne De pre, fanft.ca. i9 The 2;race 1 iiird Booke. T-o\ 2-?. Ex 33.*;. one \ximm if ht ?jaDDe alleascD tl)t rc^ fpectc of tDQ).iUe3 , tlilljre tbcrcfo^c Dotb i)c it not, but ratljer continuctb on aoifcourfclubicbab^Dctl) in tljz fame tjaroncffc;? Mbyjbut bccaufc b^ oiigljt nof^ ifo.jtbc bol^ SboU l»btcb rpahe b? brs moutb,bati not tbcDifcafc of fo^dct? fulneirc.SDbcrfo^c toitijout an\? circiim=» ttatices bcanftoerctb tbat <35or) tbcrfo^e fauojctb brs elect ,bccaufe be toil!: tbcD fo;c batb mcvc\! , becaufc be luill Jfo? tb\>s liD^aclc of ©00,31 toiU baue merer e tjpon toboni Si luiil banc merc\? , anD 31 toill (iKlo nicrc^ to txiboni 3J UuU Hjcto mcrcv, is afmucbin e^ccte as it it bats bene fat?D, \] ©on is moueo to mcrcti bp no otbcr reafon but bccaufe be luil baue mcrc\?. Sbcrfoje tb?s faring cf Augu^ ftinerema^^net^true,tbat tbc grace of ©03 Dotb not anue,men fit to be cbof en, butmahctbtbem. ,9 jlicitbcr DO toe ant! tbing paffc tipcn ^ futtcltpe of Thomas, ^ tbc fojcbno^^ jng of DcfcruingSjiB not in tieue f> caufe of p jetjcaination on tf}c bebalf of (' actc of bym ^ ootb pjcoeftinatc , but on our bebalfe it map after a ccvUnn maner be j fo caUcD,tbat is,accojDing to § particu* j lar Inciting of ^zeoettination: as tuben I it is fa^D tbat Oao p^eDefitnatctb 8lo;jt» I to man b^^ Dcfcruingcs , bccaufe be batb I isccretD to gcue to bl^m grace bp iBbicbc j be nia\? Oeferae glo;ip.ifo;r fitb v i-o;ne I \y}i\\ in election baue ts to loke \3nt0 no- j tbrng but Ijia mere ga)Dnetre,if anp ma j fija! coutt bcrcto ftc anp mo;e, it fljalbe ! a iu;ongfnll gratsineflTcBif ^c lufteD to I ftriuetnfuttcltp>laetriantenotlJUbere' i tbcrp!acca!rcat)t'DeclareB,anobianDbi Ami 5ro- ofChrilK iietb election bnfo life, 9 is as it bjcre a tcaiting maiD after iti tbat grace 13 pjc ceftinate to tbf , to tobom tbe pclTcCrion of glo;i? batb bene long ago apcinteDibt* caufe it plcafetb tbe ILo^o to b.j^'ng b^s cbilD argumf t fcpon tbcir o«Dn b? aD, tbat fartb is tber? foje not general, bicaufe election is fpc^ cidl.if o; b^ tbe o;rDerl^ bagi"S togctber of caufcs f effedes, it is eadlr gatbcrcD tbat iubcr paul Mtl) ^ toe are ful of all fpiritual bletring,as (^oD batb cbofen ts lefcze tbe creation of tbe luoDotI)erU)itbal tettifie tbe tjnmouable fteDfattneffc ofeleaicn. n j^oUj let ts fpeaUe of tbe reprobate, tubome tbe ^pottle io^netbtbcre to? getber.jro; as Jacob, bauing yict toitb goaD iDo^bes Defcruco nctbing is taUcn into grace : fo Gfau , being ret DcfileD Uiitb no iDickcD Doing , is batcD.gf iue turneour e^es to U)o;lje0,toe do tD;og to tbe apottle a0 tbougb be fato not t\)t fametbingtubicbioeclerelp fa. 3iti3 p;oueD tbat be fatue it not, fo;afmutb a0 be erp^eUs enfo;rcctb tbi0 point,tbat iDben tber baD not ^et Done anf gcoD 02 euell, tbe one teas cbofcn,anD tbe 0* tber refufcDjto p^onetbat t\)t fnnoation of tbe p^cDeainaCion of (25oD is not in tuojkc0. j^garne lubcn be moueo tbe obicaion, lubetbcrCDoD beebnrigbte* ousjbeallegctb not tbat tobscb bao ben tbe mod certain f plaine Defence of bis rigbtcoisfnede, namclvtbat C^oD rcDu^ ccDto CBfauaccojDingtobrs cuc!nc0: but be luas content U:*vtb anof ber folu? tion,tbat tl)c rcp;cbatc arc fiirrcD top to tbps enDc> Vocitthe glo^ieofCDoDniai? R0.9. p. Imotoe i}is feoi^ccibut t\)t^ fcllo^eU not a 1 hez fet fo;tb bp t\}tm. i.a(l of all be ao tfrangcr, becaufe tbep fenolnenottbc toice of ftranger0. t f cr cflTiaciTi turmcflctlj . TinD maniac in ceeD, as t!)oug1) tS?e? luoulD D.2iue aU?ar tl;c ma^ lice from (SeD,Do fogrannt clcrti6,tl)at rtjcr Dcn^ fijat anv mats rep;obafc:but ?I}jP do to ignojantlt? t c!)il5i0^cl^: fozf afn:uf f) as dcrtion it felf coulD not ttao iMiUffc it tocre fct contrary to rcp.:oba* tion:CoD is fapD to fcucr tfjem tuljom fje aDoptctb tnto falitattDn : it CjoulD be mo;e tijan folifl)l\> fa^D tljat otbcrDco citljcv bt? ctjaunce 0^ b^ tbeir otunc tuf Dcuo^obtcinctbat tjuljicfjonlp election geuctb to a feto. 2Dl)ercfo;ic Uiljom CDoD paCTctO ouer> be reic ctetft : anb fo;j none Dtbrr caufe, but fo;^ tijat fje toil erclube tbcm fro tbe inbcritance,tubifb be botb pjeocftinate to bis cbilu;re. j^citber is § Uia^UiarcnclTc of men tolerable , iftt fuffre not it fclfeto be b;iDc!eD \xiiti) ^ too;D of OoDjtubcr tbe inccmpjeljcnfi? bic f oiirel of (DoD is entreated of,lDbicb t\)c angels tfjemfcrucs do lDo;G)ip.I5nt toe \)mt alreaD^ bearb tbat baroening is no Ictfe in t\3t banbe ano tuill of goD li5ut if tbep cc{![t not to U)?angle,!et ttie 1 fobjieticofjfaitbbecontentcDitd tlus I aDmonitio of ^aiif,^ tbrr is no caufe to 'R0.9. quarcl id goD,if be luillfg en § one f^^De j to (i)z\x^ l}iB Ujjatb anD to make bis pc^ tuer fenotoe do \})it\) Dummc futfer^ce, $Iemtiel?earelD tbetPcCTeJs ofUi;rit!,] p,:cparcD to DcCruction : anD en tbe c^^ tberfiDcf)e nmtit !inoii3en tfje ric^eHc of bis g!o;^folDarD tlje iJelTeJs of mc^- ficUibicbbebatb prepares toglo;ic. Ilet ttje KcDcrs inarfee, fjolue paule to cutte of Of cafion from tebifpcrings anD backbitingcs : geuet!) tbe c biefe rule to tbe \xmtl) anD potuer of dDoDibicaufe it istjniulltbat tfjofcDcpe iuDgcmcntcs Vu^icb ftoaUolu tjp all our rcnfcs,n}ou(D bemaDcfubiedto our Determination, jDur aDuerfaries aunf tcer is tieri? trif? ling,tbat goD Dott) nottjttcrl^ reietf tbe iubom be fuffrcf b in lenitie,but abinctb 16 a m^^uD banging in fufpence toiuarD tbem, if peraouenturctbep ma^ rcpft. as tbougbe paul getietb to <&oD a patr# ' ence,to lobe fo; tbcir tuming,tuljom f}e . faietbtobemaDeto Deff ruction, fioh I AugufiinfaitbrigbtlvlubcrlKfrpoun Lib.^.cQ \ Detl) tbis place, lufterc pctoer is iorneD to fufferance,goD nctl) not furerjbuf go tbanmerde.j^evtbcr Dotf) ^l^aule (as uernc Uiitb lis polnrr. SLbcr furtljcrc tbefe men Do tbat 3i baue fpohen of) bu? (ay> alfo tbat it is not fo;^ notbtug favD lilT? labo; to txtufc ©od iuitb a lieng Dc tba t ttje tjclTels of ir^jatb are p;}epareD fcnce:bnt onlr? be tcacbetJj tbat it is not to Dearuftion:but,tf;at goD batb p;epa^ laUjfull foj tbe tbtng fo^mcD to quarcll iuitb bim tbatfo>meD it, jj5otD tobo fo DonotaDmit^ anpare rcicctcDofgoD, botu U)il tl)ti Uncombje tbemfcluf s fro tbat fapenj of Cb;ift.Cl;uerr tree tubicb tra lul Op.;. reD ^ teHels of mercictbrcaufe br t])is meane be afcnbetb t cbalf gcttj y p;aife of faluation to CDoD,but tJjc blame of De^ ttruction be caactb tpcn t^cm lubicb b^ tbcir otcn tuil do b^ing it tjpon tbe my> fatbcr batb not p!anteD,Q)albe pluc^ klucs^liBut altbcugb '^ ctraat to tbem ^ hcD \jp fap t\)c rotefSLbe? platnlt? bearc ; paul bv v oruerfe mancr of fpeafeiug tbat all tber arc aciuDgcD anDauotucD DiDfcftcn tbe roteabncffe of tbe firftc to Dcttruaio^lDb^ ibe bcancnlv^ jpatber : part of tbe fcntenre,Vt it is r.ot mete to batb not toiicbfautD to plantc asbol^ i alTigne tbe preparing unto Dcftrurtion trees in bis groi'iD. 3.f t'ocp Dfnic tbis to j to anv^ ctbrr tbina tba to tbe fccrct cou^ beaSgnc i:rrcj?;cbatiDn,tbc is tberno^ 1 cclofgoDiUibicbatsois affinncD a litle ijjmgjj tjrrcj It mai; be p^cueD to tbe. I before in tbe retrc of (bg tcyt. Klyat goD nimn TKcg;raceof Chrift, Third Bookc. Lib 1, de predcft. fanc,ca,2 This is take out of Au- guftine Lib.j»de Ge. con, manich. Cap.3. CirrcD tip pfearao : SLtjc,^ fjc ijaronctb tobo t)c luil.^^bcrtjpon folotoct!),^ tbc l)tODcn connff! of 50D is f> rnufcof Oaru^ ning.£Dl)t£5 at tf)£ leS Si get iDSjid) Aug. (ait\)i tfjat iufjcn goD of iyclac0 mafectO fl)cpe,!)c Dot!) U)i- b a mig'oticr grace re* fo.:m t!}ci«, ^ t!}rir barcncs ma^ be ta* nicntf tberfo;c OcD fo; tSjiis caafc 5ctl) not coucrt (- cbfiinatcbifaiifc t;c t;ct!)c not l^cU) fo jtl) in ti)? p mig?}ticr grace, tcljifl) be luatctl; not if be iuolD O^cU) it fojtbe. 2 S^befc (Pipings in mnc (I>oulD be fuf;^ ficient fo; § goolig t fob?c,i tbcm tcbieb renubcr f bcmfelucs to be mc.215ut fo;* afmucb as tbefe fecnnnous Dogs Bo call t^p net onlp one ro;tt of tenomc a?,ainll; goDjlue toil 30 p matter fljall ferucan* n»cr to cuerr one particularly. if oUl!)e men do Diucrs Uia^^es quarel \Ditt) goD, as tbongb tbep batJ Um fuhitftt to tbeir accufations. iFirft tberfo^e tbef arfe,b^ toOat rigbt tbe llojD is angr^ yjo bis crc atures,of tubo \}t lijatl} not ben fiirfi- p;o^ uofeeQ bp ani? offence: fo^ to coDeinne to Dellruction U)bce be t3Jil,agrcctb ratbcr \Jo t\iz tuilfulncs of a t\?;iant,tban v lalo ful fentcce of a iunge.2Lberfo;c tl)cy> fa^ ^ tbcrc is caufe Uibr J^^en fl)ulD cbarge goD,if br bis bare luil.lDOut tbcir oUme Dcfrruing, tljcyf be p;jcDcGinatc to etcr* nal ueatbc.Sffucb tbougbtcs coe atan\? time cojne into f nrtntJC of tbc got>lv,to b^He tbeir Violent ananlts,tbei fijalbe fufficientip armcD Ud tJiis nlfbougb tbei baD no mo^cif tbei? ccuOccr botu great tuicfeeoncs it is, euen fo mucb as to en* quire of tbc caufcs of tbc tui! cf goD:fitf/ of al tljin^s ^ arc,it is tbe caufe,f tuo;^ tbiI]?ro oagbte to be. ifoj if itbaacani' caufe, tbcn fomU3bat muO: go befc;c it, tobereto it muffc be as it luerc bounijc: tDbicb it is iJnlatofuU once to imagine. Sfchtljt tuill of OoD is fo (' bigbeft rule cf rigbteoufneffe,^ labatfoeuer be tril^ lctb»eue fo; tbis tD^ luilletf) it,it cugf)t Fol»93. to be taken fo; rigbttous. tSIlfjf n tbcr^ fo;e it is af kefijtob^ tbe Io;D 5iD it: it is to be ariuercO,bifa!jre be toillcD it,y2ut if tbou go furtijcr in aftimg tob? be toil IcD itjtbou afUcil feme greater anc bi"r tbmgtban tbe \X)i\ of goDttubicb t?xnfit be foui'.D. i.et tberefc^e tbe rarancffe cf man rcttrain it felf, $ not fche t Uj'jicb is notdeaH pcrabuf ture it niai not fino t iubtcb is. lUitl) t\)iBb2ii^lt d fap)be fcalbc tuel iDitbbolDen tobofoeuer be be tbat iuill Difputc of tbe fecrctcs cWcn Uiitb rcuerence. ^s fo; t'ot boloncs of p U)icIict),UJbicb 0;eaD notoprli? to fpeah j cuil cf c3ctJ:again(!c it tbe J^o;D V6 bvs | oUme rigbteonfnetrc,Uutboiit anr cure j Defence fljal fufificientli bcfcnn bimfclf, j tnben iue fi)all tafee al (btfting fro tbeir ! confciences, ano bolb tbem faC: conuin* | ceD,anD conoemn tbem.^eitberoo toe I \!tttt);uUc in tbefaineDDeuifecfabfo* j lute poUJcr, UJbicljas it is p;opbane, fo j ti3o;tbilre ougbte to be a!>bo;rcDof\;S. i Me fain not CDoD lalDles,tDbo is a latsj j tobimfelfc:faicaufc(as Plato raitb)men ] fianoe in noctseof lalues, U^bo arc trou^- ' bled ^itl) tjnlabuful lu^s.-bnt tbe Unl cf CDofi is not cnli? pure from all faHlt,but alfo is t'QC l)icG: rule of perfection, v^a f tbe Inlu of ail lalces.iSut U)e Dcnv tljat be is fubtect to relo acccmpt.tSc Dcnr alfo tbat lue are mate iuoges, \xi\)id;e teciD pronounce of tljis caufc after oiir oujne lenfc. tlSUberfo^e if life attfptfur- vr.r\.6. i tbcr tban Uie latofulir mare, lettc 'iliat j tb^eatning of tbe l?fa!me b.2ing tsin \ fcare,tbat t?cc Umlouerccme fo ofte as be is iutjgcD of an^ mo;fall rnan. i ] 3 &o canls^oD in Ut'^iivx filencr,put Ins ' i enemies to filcnce. ii5tit,tbat Ivc mare [ not fuffer tljetn frc Ir to fco;nc Ois In Iv I name, be DeUucrctb to Ms oute of bf s loo;D tnepons againtt tbem. (iItU)crro;e ■• if anp man aflaile bs tinib fucb tooanjf^: ; tobP Ci^cD batb from tbc beginning pyc^ ■ i petlinatc feme tobeatb,U?btel) U'be ty-ri; ,i3i).^3'l tefie not, coulDe tict v^t Defcruc tfjc iut!ijcmnU of Df atO, 'iKC in HcaDs of an* f lun' inav' againc en our fi5c affe of tij^) lyljv^t (!)Ci' tljinhc i^ OoD oluetl; to man, if .-j^ 'oil iciuac bim b? fjis oirn nature. 5ii fuel) foi^t ass b)c be ai coirapterj toitl) flunf '/cj? f cin not but be bntcfull to goD: an'j tfjat not bi? tirannous crucltrc, but h'c i*VsiCt bp;i3bt rrafon of iuflice. 3? aU tt-ci^ luiiOnitiiciloj!) tjott) pjcDcCinatc to oeaf[)>nrc bp tbe eH^ate of nature fub* icct to i tu!igcmet of oeatb: of tobat tn? iiifiint a jiiinll tbcfclucsj bcfecbc ro«? nia? tlicp complain f Let all tl;c fonnes cf asam comc:Lct tbe llriue f oifpute Icitl) tbeir crcatoj, fo; tbat bv bi0 ctcr* nail p;9iuocnre tbe^ Urcre bcfo?e tbcr; gciirration conDcncDto cuerlatting mi* jcrrc. Wi {jat fijall tfjcT? be able once to urattcr againft tbi5 Dcfcncc,lDben c t3niufic,Uibicb Dotb fo crucll)? mocUe bi3 crcattsrcs. 31 sraunt in taoe j^ al tbecbilo;cn of aoam fell b^ J luill of go9 ito ^ miferv of (!a(e tofjcrin tbc^ be noto bouD: anD tliis isit^^ faie at p beginning, ^ at lengtlj tue nmft altoai? returne to tbe oetcrnnnation of f totU ofd&oD, tijecaufc tobereof is tjiUBcn in bimfelf.iSut it folotoetb not b^anub^ t <3on isfubicrt to tfjis aaunucr. i?o? toe toill ^it\) Paul anf tuer tbe in tbis ma/ ncr,£D man,U)bat art tbou ^ ccntcnueft )ji)it]) (DoDf Dotb tbe tbing fozmtn fa^ to bim ^ fo.zmeD it.^clbi baft tbou fo.:meb me fo i i^atbc not tbe potter poluer to make of tbe fame U'lpe one beffell to bo* no tunes confr flCj as it is liioO: txiiCyf Cod is tbe autbs; of it, xct i\)cv. 00 not bj?aiK^b^ toipe atoai i Qiltv nes, tobicb being engranen in tbeir co* fcicn-f CO from time toitb ofte recourfe^ i32c(cutctb ii fclfc to tbeir cxts. 4 Hzi^ins tbc>>ctcept anD fa?:tocrtbey not bcfo:c p:rDtUinat^ bv tt}c o^oinace Of '300 to t'oc fam? ccuruption tobicb is ii2lu aUcgoD fo toojlDf ^f it p;op;cli> pcrtein f o § na# ture of Ci>on to bo iuogcmcnt, tbe be na* turaili louctb rigbteoufnes,? abbojretb t3nrigbtccufnfs.C2Hberfo;e tf;c Bpoftle Hid t]ot,a0 tbougbc be tocre ouertaben, loiic about fo; bolts to bioc bl:but C&eto eo tbat tbe reafcn of tbie rigbtcoufncffe o^OoD is bisrtba tbat it eitber \b to be mcafurcD bi? tl;e mcfure of ma, oa ma^ be comp;xbenDeD b^ tbe fclenoer tapa^ citv'C of tbe toit of man. SDbc jSpoftle in DsDe canfcCetb tbat tbe^ iafacb ijf ptbe iixt\}t ii«?semsstig<^(^aD» tobcceto^itii I Tf^mmimm^Bmi Thc2;raceofChrifl, Third I'ookcr' t"Oi,a;;i ft) J minDC3 of men fliiulo be fUmllotoee, if tl)ci cntjeuo,:cD to pcarce into it.HSnt be tcacbctljalfo botu baunoiis tD^ongtt igjto binDc tbc 'ojo.jkes of goD to fnclj a Pro 21, X i.Tim.f 22- mcD fl)ica rule ofrigfjteoufnr^. ^5)? tbtrerc^c isan^? qucfiicn moncD of tjn- riabtcDufncCfc , ti-.ticrc riri;l3tcoufncCc clcnrelr appearcll'r /4cit!)cr let bs be u^ laU),tl)atforoneasUJC bnDerftaD not (7 , fliamet?, after tbe crnmplc of panic, fc rcafon of tl3cm,\uc mai? be bolo to Difa^ loto tljem.St is a knotuen favnng of ,^a lonion(tol)icl) \?ct fetu Do rigl'tlv t^nuer? ftanu.)2Sbc great crcato: of al renD;ct(j rctcaro to t^e fole, % rcujaroc to tranf* grcCTo^g. f(Oi becrV'Cttjout tonterning tbe greatncs of dDcOtin tobofc Uull it is to puniC) ffflles i fraffirc{ro;0,altt)ougb be DO not tioucbefaueto lettbem banc bi0 ^pirit.0nD monftrouB is tbe maD? neffc of men,lx)l)e tbc^ fo couet to HiaUc tbat lubicb is tjnnicafurable, fubiect to i fmal mcafurc of tbeir reaf5.£Lbe Sn? gclstobicb Hod Iril in tbcir tpjicbtncs, paulcaUctb elect. Jf tbicr CcDfaftneac toas grounocD tspcn tt)t gcD pleafure of(II5oD,tbefalIiiige aUm^ of tbcctber pjoueti) V tbeii b3erfo^ralien:£)flobicb t^ingtbcre can no otbcr caofe bee allc- geo tban reprobation, l»!;icb isbiDDen in tbe fcrete cGunfcU cf C'od. f (Do tcjlct tber nolu be pjefent fome ^amcbee,o; Celcftine,a fclaunoercr of tbe p.: oiuD ence cf (Sod: J fav toitb paul tbat tbere ougbt no rcafcn to be rf D;jeD tberofibtcaufe U;itb tbe greatnes of it, it far furmountetb our tnocrCanDing. ^M niaruel^o.: tobat abfurDiti^ is iu GHIoulD be l)i\ue t\jc potuer of 0oD fo li^ miteD, tbat it matj be able to ltio;he no mo?e tban bis miiiDc is able to coceiue^ 31 fai? tuitb Auguftinetbat t^cr arc cre^ atcD of tbe llozD, tobo l)t \B0ut Douting fo;ckncU) t tbe? fijulD go into Deftructi* onianD tftat it luas fo Don, bicaufc be fo iuilleD:but tDbp be U)illeD, it is not our parte toafkea reafon of it, iubo cannot comp;ebenD it : neitber is it mcctc ^ tbe Icilof goD (IjulD come Doinn into cotrc^ iisrf? among ts, of ^!3bicl) fo oft as me^ tib is maDcbnDcr tijc numc of it is mf to C op tbe montbcB of tte toicUcD, ano from tunc to time fo ofteas tbe? lljrauc bclD to barlie ao;aina it, to rcpetc ti)is, te^bc be re mifcrable mrn,tljat la^ an acctJuUion to gcDs cbargce Do tbe rfo^c lap it to bis cbarge bicaufe be «5ctbc not temper tbe greatneffe of tjis U)Cjlics to vour Dt!lurs:as tbougb tbci tcere tbcr^ fo;e lu^ongful, bicaufc tbct' are biDDen front flefl). s:bct}nmerurabUnes of tbe iuugcnu'ts of goD is fai? clere erperif ces ' knottien t3nto row. 'ft imolu i> tbcp are Pi S^- callcD the Depc bottomUGc Deptb.j^oto \ , cffeeoftbe narrolnc capacities of vourl ' U)it,tjubetbcrtbet?ccmp;ebenD i> M)ic\) (Sod batb DccrccD Ujttb bimfclfe.^bat goo Dotb it rcu tberfc;je U)itb niaD fear* cbing to plunge v^ur fclues into v bof* tomfeirc Deptb,U)bicb reafon it kit tea* cbetb tou t it ^albe to tonr oeaructiof im\)v are vc not at tl}c leaft reCraincD luitb fome fcare of 1^ UJbicb bctb tt)e bi^ flor? of Jiob f tl)e bojUes of {> pjopbetes DO repoit of ^ incop^cbcnfible toifcom, f terrible poiucr of OoD . 3if tt)^ minDc be bnquieteD , let it not greue tbee to j embrace § counfellof AuguRine.Sbou bemja man Icofeeftfoj an anfluereaCj m? banD:ano 3 aU'o am a maXberfo^a let \33 bcarc t)T?ni tbat faitb:i2) ma,Uibat ^^-^^ art tbouf li5etter is a faitbful ignorance ^«^^- ^V^ tban raH) Unotulegc^e? he meritsttbon ^"m. 20 l^alt finDc notbing but pame. £> Deptb. peter Denretb : tljc tbecfe belcurtb : ^ Dcptb . ^celieff tbcu a reafon i Hi twill tremble at tbe Deptb . Keafon tIjcu,Sl tuill IronDer : Difpute tbou , 3 feiil be* leuc, 3 (is Deptb , but 3 reacb not the bottomc.paule reffeD^bicaufc be founD tuonDering.l^c callctb f' iuDgements of j CDoD t3nfearci?able : anP art tbcu ccnic 1 to ' L.?;.'.24 Of tfie maner how to receiue to fcarcb tbcm.l^c faidj tijattjis Uiaics arc impoffible to be traccD out : i ooett tJ)ou trace tfjf ^ ^itl) p^oceDing furtfjer to ; Hrcil nctbing p;ofit:iro? neither tue Ojal fattffie tljctr toantcn cnrioufnelTe, ncit?)cr Dot?) tijc !02B ncDc nnr otijcr nc^ fcnr?,t!5a U'fjic!) !;C Oatb tfcD bp !jis fpi=' ritjlT^IjtcI) rpaJjc bp tfjc nioutlj of paul: an3 Uic fo;gct to fpca'ac Vuel!,Uil3en iise fCA0"c fo fpealjc Untb^DoD. 6 s:f)cir otbcr obiection alfo srifetl) out of bngonlmcs, tubicb t^ct imtX) not fi tircftl^ to foe acctifmoic cf (IDoD as to t\)t txzvS\w% of tl)c finiter, ^)oti3beit tte fmncr lu'otc?) is conDcmncs) of ©oo can not be iuilQcn Ivitljcut ctfijcno.: of t^e iuDge.Etius tbcrcfo^c p:op!}anc tcr.gs Do barkc ngaind gotjfaiingiteljr n)ulS) (!Do!) impute tljofc tbtngs fa; fin to men, VDt)crcofbcbatbbT? \)is pjcDcttination : latcDncccRiticfepon menf ifo.:,tD!)at | I)isDccrff£!fi3utfofl)ouiot!?eT' to it in i tavnc^fitb tbcv ra not Do it at ai, Ojer^ I fo;c tbcv arc not rigbtfulli punifi)cD fo,; t'oofc t!;in!5S,ti)!}crof tbe cijicfe raufe is in goDs pjcDcITination.Berc 3 luill ab? fteiue fro |5 Dcfcnrc,U)!)crcunto ^ (2;cc!c^ Ca(lifalU)2itcr3Do commonly flDe,na^ mclr ^ tbe fo?ctuictelet?gc cf goD luitfj^ t>aoetb not but tbat ma may beaccop^ tcD tbe finncr: bicaufc (DoD fo^fatfj t\)z j cuils of man,not bis olimc. jFo: fo tbe I cauillation Inolo not ftav' bci*e,bfit \i\i\\ \ ratber pjes bs fiirtbcr toitb faring tbot goo migbi if bebaO loolD.baue p:ouiccD i remcDi foa tbofe euils tnbitb be fojfato: j anb tbat Otb bf batf) net fo do.^ be batb j of Determinate purpofe creatco men to | tbat eno tbat be fl)?ilo fo bebane bimfclf i m cartbtanD if bi tbe p:3uioenf c of goD, | nian toas creatcbtotbio fon'5ition,tbat be tlvjlo Do al tbofc tbtngc tbat be Dotf): tbcn be ia not to be WauiCD fo: i> tubirb he can not a«oioc> anD tobicb b' enters Pii^ bstbcJmU of (Sob. Cberfoielet bs fee boU) t\)XQ Unot ougbt to be tcel lo* feD.^irH of all tW ougbte to be bolDcn certain among al men lubicb Salomon faitb, tW ytb tbeir Dcdruction mat glonfv bis name. 3f any man anfluer, tfjat fbcr is no ne^ ceJTity laiDtjpcn tbem by i\it pjouiofce of CDoDjbut ratber tbat be crcateD tbem in nicb effate bicaufc be fo^cfatue tbeyj pcruerfrrt-g to come: be ncitber faitb no* rbing at al,no;: altcgrtccr.Sbc olD to;i# fersare iDont in DeDe fomctimcs to tfe Vi^'^B folution:bat as it lucre Doutingly. 316ut tbe fcbnslrne rcff t)pon it,as tbcugb notbing coulD be obiecteDagainU it. 3n DcDc S U)ill Unllingly graunt,tbat fo;c^ fenotsjIeDgc alone b:tngctb no necetlitic to creatures,altbougb all men Do not fo agrct: fo: tbcr be fomc i boil bane it al* fo to be y caufe of tfjings. 15«t it femctb tc me 1^ Vallp,3 ma otbcrtoifc notmncb p^acttfcD in b3ly to^itinges , fatue botb mo;c Deeply f n!o;e U)ircly,titbicb i^clu CD I? tbis coiifcntion is ftipcrfiaous : bi* caufe botb life i Deatb are ratber tbe Do^ ingcs of (3?oDs Unl tm of bis fo^cfenoto* Icgejf a:rctberrunfotbeDifftnrtionof toil anD permi(rion,bp tobicb tbcg toifl bane it graiitcD t tbe toicfeeD Doe perifb. CDcD onclp permitting, but not toilling it. llSuttobr (boulDetocfaptbatfjcpcr^ mitttt^it, but bicaufc be fo toilletb. i^otocbeit it is not lil:clp,tl)at man bp bimfelfcbt! tljc cnlp pcrmtfTion of goD, toitbout ani? bis o;Dinance,b;ougbt DC^ fl-ruftion to bimfclfc: as tbougbgoDap^ pointcDnot of tobat conDition be to-oulD banc tbe cbecfe of bis :» i atnrcs to be, 3 tbcrfo;je toill not Dout to ccnfcs, Cmplr \s)itl) Au§uftine,tbat tbc toill of Cos rs a neceffitrc of tbings, anojbat tobe?t br " toiltetb, Cap. 23. DeGen. ad liter* Iib.6« ca. Of the mancr how to rcceiue \3)illtt\)yit muft of nrfcffiti^ com to pas: as tfjofc Ibings fljal trucii come to palTs iDbicb i)c tjztl) fa;cfffinc.i^oto if fo^ ep ci!fcoftbcnifcluc0anD of tijc ^ngoDlVr eit>)ti' i\jt ?i)clagian0, o^ spanicljafi, o> :^nabnptme0,o^ epicureans (fo;j lDt?tf) tbcfc foUrr fcctefi tue baue to no in tfjis qiietttc:i)l^all obicrt againtt tjs ncccffi- tj? \s)f]tY\iiith tbcv be bounu b^ tbe p;^e* Dcaiii^.tion of (^0: tljcv b;jmg notbiiijo; fit to tljepurpofc. jfo<^ ifp:eoeftination be not&ina eis but a oifpenfation of tbe rigWcoHfncfi of gotf, \ui)icJ) is biDOcn in DcDfjbut pet tDit()out faulte: fojarmncb as it is certaine tfjat tbe\> tocce not tin-- tooitbp to be pjc^cftinat to tljat eftaCe, it is alfo as certain Cbat tl)e Dcftruction is molf e rigbtcous \xi\)ic\) tOcr enter in- to b)? pjijDeftinatio. ^o.:fouer t^eirtje^ ttrtiction Co bangcttj tpon tbc p.:eDcCi? nation of goo, tbat botlj cnixk ann mat? tcr t\)ci'otis founoc in tijeinfclues.. jpoz tljefirttmanfdl, bicaufc t\)tJiom fo iuDgcD it to be erpeDicnt:tu^r be fo iuD;« geD,i3 tjnknoiune to bs: \?et iscertaine t\}:\t i)z fo iuogcD fo; no ott>er rcfonr but f Mfttiirc^e-fatoe tl'at tberjbt! tbe gloji^e f Qi; I}i5> name (Iwlo be ioo^tbilr fet fojtb. f W^tn tbou I)careft mention of tfjc glo? V? cf (Soo^tberetl^inHcof bis rig^teouf- irMt i?o; it mutt be rigbtcoiis tbat Dc^ ijcrnetb p;mfe. a>an tbcrfoie faUetb,tbc p;ouiosnfe of CDoDfo ojQcining it : but ^e I'allrtfr bi> fjii^otone fault. Kbc %.o;h bafralitle before paonpiiceD,tbat all tbe tijingsliHjicbbc bao maae toereberpe gojo. ^ben« tl)crcfo;c commctf? tbat perijcrfencirc to man,to fal atea^fi-oni bid icb cuncfrom ijimfclfci^berfo^e b? Iji^olune enilws be coji-upteo the natare^ \xi]}icfy Ijcboo rccfiucD \>un of tbe iLo;.>>ano b^ bis^l be D:clu m\x)i}Qi£ po^tvitic tuit^ bi«i tnft)OsittrutftciK ?S2^refa;clcttjisriV 1 ' ji . jj 11. tber bebolo an cmtnt caufe of Damna^ tion in t!jc co^rupfcD nature of mam i{ino,U»l)!f!) is nearer fo ts, tfjan fcarcb fo;j a biuuen anD ttterly incomp^cbem Cble caufe thereof in tbe p^eccftinatioii I of (DoD. jpieit^er let it greue tjs, fo fsrrc ! to fubmit our tint to t^e Ijnmeafurable | U)ifeBomc of el learncD: tbe coucting of fettotoleD0e,ts afeinDc of matineife, | 9 feomc man perljap^ tui! fav, t^at % bane not i?et b;ougbt cnoug!) to fubDue tbat lyiclteo ercufe. llBut 3 terili? cofes t\3atit ca ncuer be b;ougbt to paffe, but tljat tjngoDlincs toil altuai? gruOge anD murmurs againU it: tt^t 3 tbinh tbat 3. baue fpolie lo mucbc asniigbt fuffifc to tafee aljja)' not oncl^ all reaJbn,bMt alfb a! colour of gainfat>ing> SDlie rep;obate UjouId betbougbt ercufable in finning, bicaafe tlitv cannot efcape tl;e neciiTit^ of fmm'ng: fpeciallp fitb fujb ueccffitii« is call t^pon tbcm bv ^ o;Dinace of gp^. i3ut tue Denv ^^fJt tijcv are tfjerb^ toefl I e!ccufeD,bicaj)fe tljt o;5t nance of goD,bi Uil^cb tl)ep coplain {f tbcr arc Deftinatc I foDearucfton,f;atbc bi^s rigfjtcoufacfirc, tjnjvnoluen in Disoc to l33,but ^ct mofie certaine. SliSllbcrupon toe concluDc,tfcat tt}^^ bear no euilt Uibicb is not laio tip5 tfjcm b\! tl)t moll rigbteous luDgement of goD»H^br,iD8 teacb tbat t\)t^ Doouer^ tbtuarttv»,U)bicb to feehe mt rbe begt^^ ningof ti)eir oamnation^Doc bent tbeir epes to tbe fecwt clofetSDf ^ counfeU of CDofi,? UnnU^ttfjc co;rupfio of nature, fr5.lD?)ence tbeir damnation fpjingeffj. ;ani)tbiB tvitbttaOetfi tbat tbep cannot impute it to^dDorj^f^; tbat be toitneiretb of bus oUMi.creatioRv|f o; altban^^ man iajrcateb^ tJjc ctccnall p^oijiDeiice of (^00^ ta tbat calanut^^ lubcrunto be i^-. fubiccta : ^it tbP matter tbereof bee tobe J ij'-j-jju lyxytJ^jBujiu... fj TheCTaccofChrift. Mt of Ijimfclfcnot Of (DoD: fo^afmucb «6 t)e is bp no otljer meanc fo lofte, but b\>caurc be \»ent out of bmoc from tbc pure creation of ©oo into a coiniptc f tnpure pcrucrfcndTc. ,o j^o\i»taouerfarie«ofgoDspjci>e^ Oinntion do fclaoer it alfo toitb a fbirD abfuroitic. ^o;i tobcn ioc impute it to notbingeUs but t name of pcrfon, itagnifictb notaman,buttbofetl)ing5 tDbicb being f«n toitb e?e« in man are toont to picture e^tber fauoj, grace, f Dignitico; batreo, contempt, t Ojame: a0,ricbc(rs,\Dealtb,poU)er,nobiUtie,of* ece, contrie,crceUenc\? of bcautt! I fucb otber ; on tbc otber fine poucrt^cnsoe, bafcnelTe, \)ileneffe)Contcmpt,ana fucb _ ThYrd Bookg botoitcommetb to paire,tbat of tujo bc tUicne tobom no Deferuing puttetb ani Diffcrf ce. Ood in bis electing paffetb o^ tier tbs one,anD tahetb tbe etber J en ^ otber ftoe uoc alUe tbcm, tobetber tbei? tliuxk tbatin bim t i^ takcn,tber is ani? tbing tbat ma^ mafee tbe mince of eoD to etuUne foluaru b«ni. Jtttitx cunfcffe as tber neDes mull) i^ tbere is notbmg, it OjalfoUoU) tbat (!DoD loUetb not tjpon man,bHt from bis oton gotjnes fetcbctb a caufc tobv to do gojo to bim. iiaberas tbcrfo;e dDoD cbofetl) one man,ref ufing an otber, tbis commetb not of refpett of mannc, but of bis merer alone, Uibicb ougbt to baue liberty to (feeU) fo;tb ano fetter it felf U)bcre ano toben it pleafetb bim.ifo; toe baue in an otljcr place alfo (belueo,tbat tbere toere not fro tbe be^ ginning man^ calico noble, o; tnrft> o; bono^able, tbat ©oo migbt bumble t\)t pjioe of fleOje: fo far is it of,tbat bl^s fa* uo; Ujas bouno to perfons. 1 1 ' ^mberfo^e man^ oo faiat t totcfeeo^ 1^ accufe ©00 of partiall bnrigbteouf* neircfo; tbat be ootb not in bis ^S^coe. ftination feepe one felf courfe totoaro al men.3if(fai tbev)bcfino al giltr^lct bmi fol.296 Au!;acl 'Bom li.i cap. 7. i.Cor.i. 6 Ac.X.54 Ro,2.io Gal.3. 28 Iam.2.5' C0.32,- Eph.($ 9. Uareneire,\)iieneue,conicnipi,imuiutu "»'^»'^''^»«^^''7^:'-":-;7/-:" ;;^,,. ; , ^ otber. S)ol3eter ano ¥^auloo teacbe^ i^saU^lpumajalufbcfinotUebn^^^^^^^^ tbe lo;oe is not an accepter of perfons/i bini toitbbolo| rigoj of bj^^^^^^^^ b^caufe be puttetb not Difference be. fromaU,115utfotbcT!Dealetoitbbun,as ttocne tbe Blctn f tbe cSrecian,to refufe § one,f embrace tbe otber fo; onel^' re^ i if e^tber mere? toere fo;biODC4i bm^^o; tuben be toeulo baue merer be become p one,f embrace IPC oxgei lu^uutivic^ , uiuvu m^ «.<.«w m-*. V*.i,.«i«h^ foect of nation.0o Blames fefctb v fame ' pelicD altogctbcr to geue oucr bis itiDg r,:.J: "«!.,,."^^^ !mcnt.mhat is it tbat tbcv requires i luo^oes toben be minoetb to affirme,^ goo in bis iuogemct notbing regaroetb ricbenre.HBut H^aul in anotber place fpe^ Uetb tbns of ©oD,tbat in iuogig be Ijatb no fonCoeration of freoom 0^ bonoage. tlffilberfo^c tbere fl^lbe no contrariet^e if bjc (ball (av. tbat goo acco;Ding to tbe toil of bis gcDO plcafure tuitbout anv oe^ feruing cbofcf b to bis fonnes tobome be tMill,reiecting ano rcfuQng otber. D15ut tbe matter ma.^ tbus be openeo, ^ men mar be mo;e full^ fatiffieoXbe? afbe mcnt.^bat is it tbat tbev requires if all be gilt^',)^ all maij togetber fuffer all one pain, ^e graiit tbe giltmcJTe to be common,but toe favtbat tbe merc^eof ;SoD belpetb fome.llet it bdpe all, fa^e tbev'. ^nt toe anftoere,tbat it is rigbt== full tbat be fljclo alfo in puniOjing (bcto tjimfelf a ric^tful iuDge» &\)t tbe? fuf* fer not tbis^tobat do tm els but e^tber go about to fpo^le ©oD of blis potoer, to tiaue mere?,o J at leaC to graunt it Vmi tjpon tbis conoitionjtbat be btterl? geue — ' oucr ip-23^j Oftiie mnncr how to recci^ue__ piC.io6 le pred oacFSisioDgcment . mbcrcfoic tbcfe facings of Auguftm Do tcrp iucli agree tojetbcr.^itf) in tl)t firll man § tul)olc m^.lTc of mantiinoc fell into conDcmsia^ tton,t()efc \)c(rcl5 tijat are maDe of it to 03n3;,nrc nottbe telTcljs of ibcir oljonc r!gO-coufiir(re,bnt of tfje mem of goD: I {nl)?ra0 otfjcr are matse to cifi)ono;, i> fame is not to be imputcD to tnrigbt^ ,^^ fuIncfTeliuttoiuDgcntcntjc. SLbat to ^\ tbofc iDboni be rcfufctb, C5oD reno^^etb j\ * one peinc:to tbofe icbom be calletb, be gr uctb t)nDefcruetJ grace : tbat t\)t^ are DcIiucrcDfrom all accufation,aftcr tbc ni.incr of a creDitcj, in tjobofe potocr it IS) to fo jgcue to tbe one, $ aflte of tbe o* tljcrXbercfaiic t\)e lo;^tJc alfo ma^ geiic grace to lubo be Imlrbicaufe be ij? mer^: cifulltauD gene it not to aH.bV'ca.tifc be is a iafie t«cge,l^ nia^e b^ geninge to fQmc,i? ijo^cb tbe^ tjo noM3cfcrue,^iD bis free grace:anD b^ not gcuing to all. Declare iobatall Defcrue. ^o;^ Ii3bcre30 Paul tD;itetb tbat (3od cnclofcti albm DrrCnne,tbat be mi^gbte baue merc^e \){}Q aUt i? tberetoitbaltobeaDfieD ^ be is \icttoi to no ma; b^^caufc no ma firlle gaue to bb^ be mat! require liUe of bim 21 %[}ig alfotbei oftr fa^,to oucrtb;oUi p;cDclliuation,tbat fcubtlc it ftannetb, all carefulliicffc ano encrao; of toel Do^ ina fallefb alpa^e. jfoj tubo (fa vetbcr) iljall brare ^ citber life o,i Dcatbe iB cer^ tatnl^ appointeu fo; bim b^ tbe eternal urcrc of €t)D, bnt tbat it. M)i\\ b^antbr come into bic minoc tbat it maUctb no matter boto be bebaue bimfelfe,fit!) tbe p;jeueainatiottof CDcu rati b^ t)is \oo;rh be notbing binDereo o;^ furtberco i ^ (ball all mnt DttTclntelr tbAolve fo^tbe tt)trcluc0, anD after a Df fpcratc maner run belong tcbetbcrtbetr lull Cjall ra* rv tbcm.gno tjerilptbef ftt? nof altogi:^ tficr faiapc, fo> tbcre be man^efiuinc,. tbts p:etcnce alfo Doe mocke cut all aD< moni(l)mcnte0 anD rebu!?ings, fat'ing: (25oD fenoluetb \aW be batb once Deters* mincD to Do tuitb bs : if be hfiiic Decreed our faluation,be tuiil b;ing tjs to it at J timz appointeD: if beb^^tiepjeDt Cinate our Deatb,tr>e ISoulo Crauaile in tjatn to the contrar?.)i5ut the fcripture,teben it teacbctbipit^boto mwcb greater reur«« rente anu rehgioufncCTe toe ougbte to tbinUe of fo great a m^ffert'? ^t\) botbe inftrud tht goDlg to a far otber fenfe, f toel confute tbefc mcnncs outrage, if o; it Dotbe not fpcaltc of pjeDeftinatien to tl)is enDe, tbat Ure ftjuio be encourages to boloneffe,f tuitb UnlatofuU raf^neflfe attempt to fearcb v tJnattaineD fee retejs of €oD:baf ratbcr ^ being bumbleD anD abafcD tecg)ouloe learne to tremble aJ bT?0 iuDgcmeut, t reuercntlt? to lokelip to br^ merc^.& tbrs marhe § faitbful Mi Icuell tbemfelucs Ssfo; tbat filtb^ groning of ftwrne,it is tocll confliteD of i^ul.SDbe'i' (til? tbat tbet? go carcleO^ fo^toarD indices : bicaufe if tbe^be of tbe number office clect,tbeir ^icea (ball notbvng binDer t\)2m-Muttthcv Ilial at lettgrb be b;ougbt to life.lISut ^Baul tel^ Ittt) i5 iBc be eiecteD to tb^s enD,tbat tuj fl)Oul^lea^ a bolv f faultltffe life. 3f tbc marljc tW. ejection is Diretf cD tnto be bolincflfe of ltfe,itot!g1)t mo^ to aluafee anb fttrre U5 tp clja^refuUirto pjractire tbat boUnc^, tban to fcrue foja clofeiiig of aotbfulnec.^fo; boU) greatly Dot^efe tbiJt^ei&Dlfr^r tbc one fidm tbe otbento ceaffc from UjcU D6ing,bersHf? electioit fiimfetfrt& f3!uattojt:anD tbat tbe ap> pointed cnD ofelcctionistbaf tuelbolc appl'}? our fellies to tbe enDcuoj of gortj Domgs. ;atoap tberefojetoitbrucb fa^ criktje0,U)bicb do u»;cnsfull^ milium t!)c U)bolco^&ef of dectton; S^ticrtbe^ ftretcbctber^blarpbemre^ furtber, tobf tbifjf^tttbatbe iubicb wrcp^iobateof Eph.1.4. ujbicbiDiti>rucbflltb^ blafpbcmicdiJc ^^^^^_^ttrinofp;ct;ggin{iti6gygmi)y ^ t^aittpfe jj^s laUo; if bg'goe abotat to l.>g yiU* ■ J^ ■)"■ '^' I'j^yv J' ru f- The eracc of Chrift. Third Bookc F0L297 tomakebtmfcIfallotDable tobtmtDttf) innocencpe ano boneff^ of li^fe: tfjercin tbcparc takcnl6amoft(ftamcle5l)?c. #o;,tDi)cnce coulD fucb enoeuo; come but of elettton^ifo^ lobofoeuer be of tbe number of § rcpjobate, as t^e^ are tef^ fclis maiie to otQ)ono^,ro tbc^ ccaCTe not Ijpttb conttnuall tDtckeo ootnses to p;ro^ uoke tht lD;atb of C^oo aga^ntt tbcm reluc0) f b^ cutocnt tokens to con6rmc tbe iuDgement of CDoo U^btcb t5 alreaD]^ p^onounceobpon tbcm :ro far btz tl^V from ttriuing iuitb b^m in Ijapnc. 13 But otbcr DO maltctoua? and tbame^ fulli? Oaunber t^'ss bortrine , as tbougb it DID ou0rtb.}otD al epbo^tattons to goo^ l^ liuing.iFo^ tobicb matter in olo tim^ Augjuftine toas buroencb \siit\i a great malice . Mbicb be iuipeo aloati ^vtl^ bps bojke of Co^reption i CDrace ^nttt to Valentine,tbc reabing lubcreof IxjiU appeafe all goolii anD tractable meni^et 3 luill toucb a feUj tb?nges,tobicb(aB 3! trttft)Cball fatifSe tbcm tbat be boneft i not contentious. Mebaue alreab^ fan botJD open $ louoe a p.;cacbcr of tbe free election paule toas : luas l^t tberefo;e coloe in aDmouiCbing ano cpbo^ting^ be faptb . ijio man can come to me,but loIi.-s.C' i)t tolDbom it is geue of m^fatber. 3Let pjeacbing tberefo;c banc ^b courfe, U)bicb mar b;ing men to fai?tb > ( toitb continuall profiting boloe tbemfaHin perfeuerancc.i^eitber ^et let tbe tmoto IcDgc of pjeoeftinatio be binbcreo, tbat tbe^ tubicb ober mat? not be p;joub as of tbeir olun,but ma^ glo;^ in tbe Jlo^be. Cwiftnot fo? notbrngfaptb. ^tSbofo Mat,t3 batb cares of bearing , let brni bearc. 2bberfo;e luben toe erbooDcreatcDtoga)Dtoo?Ues \DWi)c be batb p;cpareD ^ toe HioulD toalk in t\)i. ^animanl'^jtbei \] are cuenbut mean* It? cpercifeD in panl, l^all \Ditl}OL\t long DftUration eaftlp perceauc boto fitip be m^ihctb tl}dc tbi?nges to agree, tobicbe tbei? faine toDifagrae. but airo be tbat mo;e tnorr^ fJanuctb mar be tbe too^fe i tube r^as if be t)iD beare ano conceaue it,bi? brm al* fo ntani? fl^oulDe learne i j^nD toe totU not fare tbat tobicbc, as tljZ S>cripture toitnc(Tetb,toe latofullp migbtbaue fpo hen. iro? tocfeare fo;ra)tb Icaft \xilitn toe fpcabp,bc be offenDco y^ can not con* ceaiicfttbuttoefearc not leaft tobilc toe bolD our peace, be tbat can conceaue trutb be DeceaueD toitb falfl:oD. ©Elbicb fcntence i)e at tbe laft fljo;tIre fenifting tp,mo;e plainly alfo cofirmetb.t^Ibcr*' fo?e if tbe ilpottles, ano tbep tobicb fol* lotoeo tbcm,tbeuocto?s of tbe€burcbe, Din botb,namclp bottj goniili? p^t^clit of tbceternallclcttion cfCDoD,anb bolbc tbe faitbfuU in atoebnucr tbe Difcipline of goQlj) Ipfc: tobvbotbefe our aDucrfa.- rves being confutcD toitb tnuinritlclji* olence of trutb,tbinhe t tbep Cap tod in fai'tnft tbat ^ tobicbe is fpchen of p^jene* Cination is not to be p^cacbcD to p peo^ pie altboujsb it be true . ^ea it mutt in anrtoi?rebep;cacbcu,tbat be tobi'cbc batb eares to beare mavc beare . 3l3ut tobo batb earcs if be bnue not receaueo tbem from mn tbat p?omifetb tijaf bff toidgeuethcnw iBDruelp Utbrmtbat receauetb net, refute it : fo tbat v^t Ije tobicb receauetb it,6o taht « t^inlstoe D^intte f Ii«e.i?o; as goDlinclTe is to be p;eactei?,(bat inUiarolr boU netb beart0,intuaroli> mouetb bearts f D^atDCtb tbc toitb tbcirtoiLs iobicbbc bimfclf batb mane in t\)t, l!5ut ^ irbicb be bvanobg as)Dctb ougbt in no Unfc to be omitteD,^ bicaufe toe I^noU) not tobo belangctb 0; not belongetb to tbe nimi^ bcr of tbe pjeoeltinatc, toa ougbt fo to be affcctionco tbat toe tooulo all men to be faucD. ^0 (ball it come to paflTe, tbat tobomefocucr toee ftnQc, toct (ball tra* uavilc to maUe bi?ni partaUcr of peace. IBut our peace (bal reft Up6 tbccbiloje of peace. SLbcrefojefo; our parte, toe muft appU bolfom f (barpe rebuking to al me li&c a meeicinci^ tbei periaj,no2 oefirot otber,but it (ball be v too;Uc of goD to mafee it p;ofitable to tbe tobo be batb fo^eUnotocn ano pjeoedinatc. The xxiiri, Ch^ip:''--; That Elertion is ftaWished by the calling of God : but tliat the reprobate do bring vpo themfelues the mft deftrutftion vvhcr- vnto t!iey arc appointed. 'g tatjtbat the ma- tcr map mo?e plain ll?appcare,toa mufle entreate botb of tbe calling of tbe elect, ano off blin* tJing auD baroening of tbe toickeD. iDf tbe firttc of tbefe 31 baue alrcatj? fpoken fomtobat,tobcn 3 cofuteD ^dt crrour, tobifb tbmU tbat the gcncralnes of tbe pjomifeseptenDctb egallpto allman^ UtnD. )!5attbi3 elcctio tobicf) otbertoife goi) batb b?i30cn \})itl) bvmfclfe be Dotb not toitbout cboife at lengtb oifclofe bp his caUing,tobicb a man mav tberefo^e Rom.8. ^^^i (ijj, teftifijiag of it.i?ci,tob5 be batb I29 . fo^cHno i3cn,thcm be batb alfo fo;ie ap# pointcD to be fallnoncu like tbe image of bi)3 ronne;tobcm be batb fo;cappcin* tet),tbf be b^tb alfo calico : tobo be batb calleJ3,tl)em be batb alfoiuSificD/^ in tiwv: to couxc be map glo^iac IhtXllht tljc ilo.iD batb bv cktiing alxtciz^ anop* tcii bis into tbc nunsb-rr cf bis cbilD.icn: Itt toe fii' boto tbcv enter not into pof* fflTior* of fo great a bencHte, but tobcn ton? be caU?D:on tbc otbcr docboto be* in-jcaUcO tb^i' 2c liOly fiuo\? a certainc comiuiicating of bi^ elcnio. j?G;tol,icb reafon Paul calletb tbe fepirite,tobtcb n^, tbeT?recerue,botbtbefpiritof aooptio,! *" > ano tbe feale,anD carneft of tbe inbe^j ritance to comemamcli bvcaufe it octb Epb.iS toitb tbc tettimonic tberof Cablillj anD feale to tbcir bearts tbe aCTurctincs of ^ aooption to come, iroj tbougb tbc p;ca^ cbmgoftbcCi>ofpell fp^inge out cftbc fountarnc of election: ret bycaufc it ts alfo couunon to the rep;obate tberfo:c it coulo not bi it fclf be a fure p;cfe tber ' of .i;3ut goD effectually? teacbetlj bi5 clrct tbat be ma? buns tbemto faitb: as toe ! baue befo;e allcgco out of the toojcs of ! Cbutte.^bcfo i& of vDDD,be ano none I otbcrfctbtbe jiatbcr. agarnc, ji baue : (bctoeo tbi' name to the men tobo ttcu baft geneii me: ^clbcrcas be fartb in a 1 not'oer place. -T^o me ca come to nic,\}u* ! . . IctTcmriratbcrD^atoebrm. tilincbcp " " place AuguRmc toifcl? tocicib, to-bcfc too;53 are tbcfe.Jfias trutb faitb)cucri I , ^_ one (} batb learneo, c6metb:tobofbcucr | ^ '* ^ i csmmctb not, ccrtainlp neitber batb be lcj:rncD '^t Dctb not tbercfo;ie fclotoc t betobicbcaccmcairoconnncih, tnhf . ICapTHTI ._ .W.'dc Grat: _hrirti. Gt.Pci t Celefl jPepre- c'dlfac i Of the inaner how to receiuc t)c Ijauc bott) toilico t oonc it315ut euf n? one ^ Ijatf) IcarncD of tbe fatbcr,not onli can tomcMttilio tommc%\xi^cn notD tijere is p; dent botfjtbe p.JoSt of com* ming,f tfjcaffctfio of toilling, f t effect of Doing. jSIfo in amtl)er place ino>e plninlp.CuIbat is tljis cte.Cucrt? one ^ i)attj i;carD of ^ fafl?cr,f l)atl) IcarncD,co mctlj to mcbut tftcre 15 none f Imntl) t Icarncti) of tijc father 1 c ometl) not to mcfjf 0; if cucri? one to^icl) batlj ^carD of tf}c father t leameD, commetl):tr(iel? f iicrp one fbatcommctb not , fjatb not l;raru of tf)e ifat^er, nd; learneD: fo; if \)c !jaD tjearD 1 Iearneu,fte IdouId conic. A^ljis fcljolc is farre fro tfjc fenfcs off &c%m toljiclj fcUole tijc fatljcr is ^carD f tcacbctb, tbafmenmai? come tot^e fon.anD a litleaftcr.SEljis grace toljiclj is fecretip gcuen to tlje fjcartcs of men IS rccepueD of no t)arD tjearte : foj it is ttjcrefo^c geuen,tbat tbc fjarDneCTe of § tjeartmapfirftbetabenaluap. Mfjen tt5crefo;eti)c father is t)carD toitl)in,bc elerteo.iBut tofjen toe come once to elcc tiew, tberetbeonelpmercp ofdDooap^ pearetb on eucri? fine . ^.nu Ijcrctbat facing of Paul ttuclv Ijatb p!ace. it is not of bim tbat tri!Ic!l),nc; of bi?m tbat rannctb, bixt of Cod tbat \)ntl) mcrct?. ^e^tbcr y>ct tbat fame fc as tbei^ cctn^ monl?? tal?e iU ^W^ p^irte is Uetoeene tbe grace of <§od, ant) tbc trilling t run ning of man. jrojtber crpctuiD iUiljiit ti)t Deft re anD enceuo; of man bau? in OaD no fo^ce of tbemfclufSjfcnlclTr tbet? bep;ofpcrcDbi> tbc grace of ^00 : bat toben tbep are bolpen b^b^s blcITing, tben tl)ti^ aff trmc j5 tbcf baue alfo tbcir partes in obterning faluation. ^fcofc cauiUaf ion 3 baD ratbcr confute tovtb Auguflines too;5Dcs tban mine oton:3if tbe ^poffle meant notbing t\B but tt)at it is not of bim only tbat toJlctb 0; rii* netbjtjnleffe ttje llojtje be tbcre p^efent mcrcifull: toe ma? contratitoife turnc it againtt tbem ant) fai' tbat it is not cf onelp mercpjtjnles fber be pjefent toil Ro.5!.i5 Euchir. ad Laur, Cap.31. t^itti) atoar tbe 0onp beart,i geuetb a ling ano runnirg. Wtxt if tbis be opem fleOiie beart. ifo; fo be makctb tbe m Iv toicfeet>,lct Is not tout tlat tte ape* DKnofp^ompfe ano teOete of merer, file geuetb all to tbe mcrcp of tbe Jlo;t, tobicbbe batb p;^epareDtogIo.:p.eS!bp;anDleauelbnctbingtocur toils c;cn^ tbercfo^cDotbbenot teacball,tbattber t)euo;s.2Eo tbis effect fpeafeetb tbat bc== mar come to €l)nQMt bicaufc al tobo Iv man. 0nt) 3E fet net a firatoe bp tbat be teacbetb, bv merci? be tracbctb:tob6 nice futteltre, tbat fber far tbat tf^aul be Dotb not teacb,br iuDgement be Dotb tooulD notbaue fo farb t?nlefi^e tber ^aD not teacbe^brcaufe be batb merer tp* benfomeentieuojanofcme toillinis pon tobom be toill,anD baroenetb tobo f:o} be oio not conficere tobat toas in be imii.s:berefo^e C-od alTignetb tbem man : but toten be fatoe tbat feme tto to? cbilD^en to bimfelfe,anD appointctb m^^\t parte cf faluaticn to tbe entie^ mmrcuefatbertotbem, tobom be batb uo^ of men,be Cmplr conuemneti tbeir cbofm. ^o}\)v calling be b^ingefb tfft erro; in tljt firfi part cf tbe feiitence, t into bis boufebolDcanotjnitetbbimfelf in tbe feconoe be cbalcnacD tbe toljole l,!ul^^^ *"^^ ^^ °"^ fogctber. ' fumme cf faluatio to tbe merer cf got). )i5uttoben Calling is iovneo foeifc^k^notobatotbertbingijotbc ia;opbets inp ^r o \,yi.7u "**,V<7' ^^'^^[i^.i u 2 sL^o.i^Duer cue cerr narureaircano S 't^ r^^^^"^'^^*^'^^°^^"^«H^ <2^slling Dctb clcaielr reaicn^j), aimftoc^^ it,tofcicb conGCetb not in tl^e cm Ir p.Jea* Ioh.a4.3 s.IoIin J 24. l^ pieacbing of tlje tDo;jD, butalfo in tije cnliuljtiung of tbe ^pirir»Co tufto ©oD offf ctb f)i>s l»o;it)e, 10 fl[)ctoeD ts in tbc p^opbct: 31 ain founo of ttjcm ^ fougbt me not : 31 banc openly apeareu to tfjem tijat DID not af5tc fo;^ tnc . Co a people UV^icf) batb not c alleD tjpon mp name 31 fjaue fari>>lloe J am pjcfcnt. anD Icaft tbe 3ieU)es (boulD tbinl^ ^ tij^s Uinoncs bclongcD onclj? to tl;c (Gentiles , be ootb alfo put tbem m rcmcmbjauncc from tu'ocnce be tm'xt t\)tiv fatbcr j^b^^abam, tuben be boucbfaucD to io^ne h^m to bi;iifelfe,namcIi?fro mere iDoIatrt?e, in iDbicbe be tuas DjoUineD Uiitb all bps. mm be firrt Hjinctb luitb V:}t ligbt of bpjJtXio;jDc to men not Dcfcruing it , t)cc fberin .IjeUJctb an eraple plain cnougb of brs free goDneffe. Bere tberefo^e t^t bnmcfarable ^tDOncffc of (2>oD IbcUiefb fo;jtb it felf,but not Unto faluation to al: bicaufe foj f> reprobate tbere abi?Dcrba mo;jc grcuong iuD5cmcnt,fo^ ^ tbcp re* fufe tbe tcftimon^e of tbc \y)Ui of CDoD. 'anD cffettuall fo;cc of b\?3 Spirit. 2:bcrcfo;c tbrs inUiaroc calling is a plccge of faluation , \i)hi(lie cm not oeceaue V10. ifo; \3i}\)ich purpofe maUetb tbat failing of 31obn.2Dberbi tue knot) ^ Ine are bis cbilo;en,br p Spirit iDbifb b? batb geuen tjs. 0nD leaft flefl) (^oulD glo;ve,tbat it did at tbe leaft an*- ftDcrc to bi'n toben becalleD ano of bps oton U)ill oaYeD bimfelf, be affirmctb ^ it batb no earc^tc beare, no eves to fee, but tDbicb be batb maoc : anD ^ be ma* kctl) tbcm,not acco^Dtng to cuerp mans tbanHfu!nefre,butq|f02Ding to lji$ otnn election, ^ftubicb tbung I'ou baue a no* table eraplc in lluke,Uiber botb Blclues anD CDf tiles in common togetber bearo tbe p;eacbing of l^aule anD )13arnabas. ^Ibcras tbei? tuere at t time al taugbt toitb one felf fame luo^D, it is fa^D tbat tiit^ bcleueD tnbicb iuerc o^oaincD to c* The grace of Chrift. Third Bookc. Vo\ 299* uerlafting life . mith tobat face marc Uje Denpe tbat t})e Calling is fra, in iDbicb cucn to tl}c tierp laft parte electi* onrcignetbaloncf 3 iButbereUicmuftbetDarcofttDoer*' r0;>s:bifaurc mani? »^aUc ma a lDo;fecr togctber \3)itl) C3oD, t be bv \)vs confcnt map malte tbe election to be cf fo;ce : fo br tbcir opinion,tbe toil of ma is abouc the counfcll of (SoD.as tbougb i &crip* ture DiD teacb, tbat it is ontiv %tu2n tjs ^ toe map beleuc , f not ratber fa^tb it felf.ilDtber fome,altbougb tbet? to not fo toeaUcn tbe grace off boli? gbofti^ct be* ing leD bp 31 toote not tobat rcafon, Ua, election tpon faptb as tbougb it toerc Doutfull , vea f bncffectuall bntill it be confirmeD b\? faitbjt is ii\ Deoe certain ^ it is confirm eD,as totoaro t3s: anD toe baue alreaop OictoeD ^ tbe fecrctc coun* fcl of (DoD beginnctb to Qiinc out,tobicb toas bcfo;ic biDDcn : fo tbat bp fbis too.jD poutjnDeriOianD notbing cis,tban tbat it is appjoueD tobicb toas tinJinotoen,aKD is as it tocrefcalcDtoitb a fcalc.But it isfalflp fapD, tbat election is tbcn f not till tl)m effectuall , ^l)tn toe baue em/ b;taceD tbe OofpclI,anD tbat tberof it ta* liitf) liuelr? ffrcngtb.^^He muft in DeeDe from tbence fetcb p certaintie of it.liSc-^ caufe if toe attempt to reacb bnto tlie c- ternall ojoinancc of 0oD,tbat Dcpe bot-- tomlcffe Dcptb toill ftoalloto bs l)p.l5ut toben cDod batb openeD it Wto ts , toe muft climbe bp bierjeaft tbe effect Hiclo D;otone p caufe . ifo; tobat greater ab< furoitie o> l^mefull \3niii(ticc is tbcre, tban )? toben tl)c fcripture teac\ytt\) tl)C[t toearcenligbtncD as Cod Ijatb cbcfni ts , our epes fboulDe be fo DafelcD U-itb tbps ligbt, tbat tbep ItjolD refufe to IcI;? tjpon election i |^ct in tbe meane tr^ne 31 Denpe not,tbat to tbe enD toe mape be certain of our faluation, toe muit begin at tl)c too;D,anD tbat our afifiance ougbt tbertoitb to be content eD, tbat toe map AOe.13, m^iit cail ' Cap«24 OMe mancr how to rccciue lDe,3oi4 call tpon CDco b^ tljz name of iFatficr. J=Oi fome quite contrarr to rtgfet o^oer, that t^c^ mar bf certifies cf the counfcl of C^cD ( tubicljc is ncrc tinto t3S,in our moutij anD in our Ijart) coc r ouet to 610 abouc t^e clcuDc0.2Clj?rcfo;je tijat rafij- nclTe is to be rcSrainro tL'itlj fobjiCiVC of favtbjtbat it mar fuflfife ts t^t ©oD in ^rsouttuarD li)o;De is a UJitncOc of l)rs biCDcn grace fo f tbe con^uitc pvpc out of tobict) tbere flctuetb tester larger Ir fo; t}0 to D;ink,Do not binder but tbat tbe fp;ingbcD mar baue brs b»c bono;. 4 S^bcrfoK fifi tbci Do to^ogfullr tebiclj bang tbc ftrengtb of election tppon tbc fnrtb of tbc 0^ moje Bangcrouar attonitlj tbe fartbfuU, tban tobcn Difquieting tbe \xtitfi tout of tbcir ele(tion,be Dotb alfo moue tbc m \i)\tl) a peruer(e oefiire to febe it out of tbe teat. I cal it r^ebingoutof tbe teare, tebtn a te;ctcbcd man enterp^ifetb to b^eab in# to tbe bibben fecrete^ of tbc teif oomc of CDoD,anD to pr arcc eur to tbc brcft cter* nitie to bnccrdanD tobat is Determined of bimfclf at tbc iuogement feat of tbere ismoft rareira* nr man to be founD,tebofe minDc is net fometrmc ftrithe n teitb tbr^ t\)ouqiit, ^^brnce baft tbou falcation, but of tbc (Slcftionof (2?DD i anb of election te^bat reuelation baCc tbou f tebicb tbougbt, if it l)aue oiic c tafeen place in anr man, crtbcr perpett.'allr ticretb ttt mifera* ble manne teitb terrible to;mcntc£, 0; tjtterlr Difmarctb bv*w.2:ru{r 35 toculD baue no furcr argument ttan tbrs pp perienee to p;cuc,bote te^cngfullr f«f(J men imagine of ^;{eDc0ination. frc^ tbcniinDc can ba^tnfcctcD teitb no cti^ ro; mc;c peftilent, tban tlvit tebidje pluchctb Dotenc anD tb^uflctb ttccon* fcience from bcr peace anD quicfnctTe totoarDeCDoD . SLbcrcfo^e if tee fearc 0)ipte;acb, tee muH Diligcntlr bcteare of tbrs rockc, tebicbc is nencr ftricfeen tpcn teitbout Dc0ruction. jtlnD tbtugb tit Difputing of pjcDcfimaticn te tfttf meD libe a Dangerctis rea,r(t in pafling tb^ougb it tbere 10 fouiiD a fafc anD qui* et rcaanDpleafaunt failing, tnlcffc a manDoteilfullrcGuettobc in Danger. ^0; as t\)cis Doe D^ctene tbe mfcluc c in ti)c oeaDlr bottomlrftr Deptb , tebirbe to be certtgeD of tbcr^ Clecticn Do enquire oftbcfecrete counfcll of oD teitbout brs teojDc : fo tber tebicbc doc rigfjtlr anD o;Derlr fcartbe it in fucb fo;tr as it is contarneD in t^t teo;D, rrceaue tbcr^ of a fingular fruite of comfo;te . Iiet tbrs tberefo;e be our toarc to fearcb it^ tbat tee bcginne at tbe calling of CDoD, anD enDcin tbe fame, ipotebcit tbrs teitbdanDctb not , but tbat tbc fartt)* full mar tbinUe tbat tijc benefits te-bicb tberbarlrreceaueattbebanD of(25cD, DocDcfcenDe from tbat fecrete aDopti^ on : astbcr far in Cfar^SCboubaCe Done ma;iiell5,tbrtbot>gtte6 arcclDe, true , anD fartbfuU : fo^afmucb as br tbat aDcption as br a toben,tbe lic;Dcs terll is to confirm fo mucb feg is late full to ECuaj. " "" ' The grace of ChrilK tobetat'otocn"ofW07ounfcI.t5utlfaae flnDtbatt!jct)ttfrmofl[cmarfeofite)tf Third Bookc. ?o\.30o» anr man l^oulo tijink tijis a tocahe te thmon^^lct ticoitfioerljeUj mucfj bottj clcarentfi % ccrta^ntie it b^^ngctb t3«. if tefticb tl)ins Bemardc fpeabetti fitli. if oj after tt)at i)e bau fpobcn of t^e re* p?obate,f)e faitljtSCbc purpofc of goD ttS oetljjttje (cnfence of peace ftancctlj tjpo tbem t^t fearct)im,bott) coucring tijcir euite,anD retoaroing tbcir 500 tbtngs: foa5totbe after a mariallong maner not onl^ gmt) fbinges, but alfo euill,Bo too^be togctber bnto gojD.^Qlbo tbal ac eufctbe elect of CDoDfSt fufficetbnieto al rigbtcoufneSjto baue bun alone mcr cifnljto U»boni alone 3 baue finncD. M ^ be batb oecreeo not to impute to me, is fo as if it neuer baD ben. anu a Utle after:iD place of true rcft,antj to tobicb not t)nb)o;tbil^ 3! mai? ^tnc tbe name I of a beDcbainber,tn tobicbe CDoo is fene inotastroubleoVDtu^tb, notastoitb^ boloen \S)itl) care.but bis toill is p joae5 x>ttt) no furtberXberfb;e tobo goD batb tabcn to bis cbilo;cn,it is not farb tbat be batb cbofcn tbem in tbemfelues, but in bis Cbntt: bi^caufe be coalo not loue tbem but in bim,no; geue tbem tbe bo' no; of tbe inbcritance of b^sbinsoom, tjnlcire tbcrbaofiraebcnmatjeparta? kers of bim.3if UJtbe cbofen in bim>toe Ibal not fino in our felucs tbe certaintie of our elcaion:n8,no; i^ct in goo tbe fa» tber,if tec imagine bim naHco toitbout tbe ^onne.CbJift tberefo;eis tbe nnr* rourcin lubome tee botb mnfi^,« \r.cut oece^tc ma^ brijolo eur clcctio jfo} fitb it is be into tobofeboo^ tbe fatber batb , appointco to graffe al tbem tobom from j eternie be batb toilleo tobe bis, tbat be } map tabe fb; bis cbilo;« fo man^? as be 1 rebnoiulcDgetb among bis members: toe baue a )a)\tncs plain f fure cnouab, tbat toe are to^itten intbcbobeof l^fe> Ep.».-f. Ma,3i7. t«in«iiDunuii»juut.u;,wm..4.*w«v. if toccommunicatetoitbCb^ifte. ^no 7Z "Sripl^^^^^^^ » pW, tbat furecomumon of bimfclfe be gaue ^ S fisbt iotb not mabe afra^oe. but t0,tebcn bv tbe p?cacbtng of tbe gcfpc , ^imcth- Dotb not (tirre bp bnquiet c\u be teftifieB tbat be toas gcucn to bs of - rt S^,b^^^^^^^^^ '^''^' tortb all brsgcDD 110.83.. mbe^fc0 bSt quietetb tbem . Bere tbinges tftoulD be oures. ^e arc far^e Sp LS tbtngs:! to bebolo brm into ^^|!'^«'^,^^^,'"t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ;^^''^ ^^• m^Wf kfflbeoiket ivuetb.S5oofttstbrst>o(trine repetro, • rStoef^^f^fatbcrlpbiiit^nes's^eifatber SoSerrcttctt^^ftoefebc leuctb iiibrm.isfarocto baue paffca SmZ m immo^talitie of tbe , from oeatb into l^fe 3.n ^^^^^ Sen rS calletl^brmrclfc tbe b;fao of luc,tobic^ K nS fS^^ ^^ alone tobo fo eatet^,be fliall not ore 0; cturr rsborbcfomataincofUfe^nt)autbo;>e(Sra^ offaluation,an5beireoftbcbingDometberlbaiber^^^^^^^^ of i^^aueii./^ototobereto feruetb elcc tber m pUcc of brs '}^^Y^ %T,l' t^tbatbeu^aooutco oftbc bea. bebatbbenreccmeobTjfavjb.iftoc^^^^^^^^ rniifa her into p oegra of cbilo;ten, uct anp nio>c tlja to be acropteo amog , immo^talitic i t)Dtoefoeuer in febingj raav?cUmbeabcue Cb^iCc. ^ tftvsuor. St^it^iXueit, vettboulbaitl our^ttem^ft marbe_:bcto mi^^^ i ap«24 Oi the inancr how to recciuc Vot tianc nIrcaDv cbfcincn in ^im, ano iutjiclj mav kt fcuo in fjim aloncT^^o* i oacr Otl^ tie is tt)t eternal toifcDoni,t!)e 'tncljaflcable tratl),? faftfcmcOcmifcU ! cf tlje iFattjcnit is not to H fcarcD Icatt tbattoftrcfccljc DcclarctI) tobs tnljrs luo;Dc,fliiilD tarr an^ tting be it neucr (0 Iitle fi'om tbat toil off ifat^cr toljif^ Uiccfffee: but ratijcr be fa^ttfuUr ope* nctb it bnto ts,fii£b as it tuas from tbc bcginnms, anD eucr (ftalbe. 2Lbe p;ae^ , ti(c of tbts Doctrine ougbt alfo to hes in \);c in players, ifoj tbougb tbc faitl) of elfction Dotb enrouragc tjs to rail bpon CoD: i-et tube n tue mafee ourp^arcrs, it toer \;no;Djclt! Done to tb^tift it info | tbc p^rfcnce of goo,o; to concnant luitb i tfjts f cncitio.io;t), if | be cI(tcD,bearc , nte: fo;afmucb as be tuilletb bs to be eo* tent knlb bis p;omifcs, i no tubcrc els to fcUeiubctbcrbc iDtllbe cntreAtable ' to \7S o; no.Sbisloifcome (bal odiuer \;£5 from manr fnarcs,if tee fc=»nf lull to ! applv tbat to a rigbt bfc tebu b batb ben ' rrgbtlp iD^ittf :but let bs not bnoifcre^ | tclF D;aU)e Ijetl^cr ano tbct^er ^ teijirti ougbt to bane ben reftrai?neD . 6 IDbcre is alfo fo? ftabliOjing of our affiance anotbcr (far of elcction,)Dbub toe baue favb to be iof nco toitb our ral ling.ifo;,tobo Cbjift taKetb being en* ligbtneo tottb t' Hnotolcogeof btsname into t^e bofomeof bis c1)urcbe, tbr be is faro to recerue into Ins fartb ano pjo* tcction ;anD tobom foener Ije reccruetb, tberarcfa^Oto be commi?ttcD to brm cf tbe fatbcr,anD Ddinereo to bis trufl-, tbat tber niav be feept into eternal life, ^bat meane toef Cb^ift crictb cut Id a louDt berccjtbat fo nicnr as tl)C fn* tber toillctb to be faueo, be batbDeliue* rco tbcni into bis pjctccticn, 2i:i^erfc;e if toe liUtoUnotoc tobetberOob baue care of pure fafctie, letfcs fcfec tobetber bcjiatb rommitteo bs to€tj?i(I,tobom l)c l^atb mabe t^t onel^ ^auiour of all bis. jf>oto if toe bout tobetljrr toe be re cerueD of ctjjift into bis faitb t beping, be pjeuentetb our couting,to!)cn be bc^- luntarilv offeretb btfdf to be our fijepc^ bearD,f p^onouncetb tbat toee fljalbe in tbc number of bis (bcpe if toe bcarc bis bopce.liet bs tberefo;e cmb^ce cb^ifr» being liberally fct open fo; bs,anb com* ming to mete bs: be (bal number bs ai iii$ flocke,anD l^all hcpe bsemlofed \x>ithin t)\s folD. OlBut tbere entretb into bs a carefulncs of our (fate to ccm .jf o; aspaulteacbctb t|)attbet> arerallcD, tobicbtobere before cboftn: fo Cfj^ifte Ibetoetb tbat manr are e aUeD,bat fetoe are cbcfen.f^ea ano alfo p>aul btmfelfe in anctber place DiII)o;tctb fcs fro care^ fulnjq(re:llet bim tbat fiabctb(fartb be) lofee ^ be fall not. 0ga in. Brt tljcu graf^ feo into § people of (DoCf li5e not p;ouD, but fearc: fo; ©cD is able to cut tljez of againe tbat be ma^ graffe otl?er*#inal^ iv toe are fuffiricntli? tau^bt b\i erpcri? ence it fdfctbat calling ano fa^tljare of fmall batne tnles tbere be abiof neb continuance tobicb bappcnetb not to al men.lSut Cb;ill batb Dcliuciec bs fro tbiscare:fo; berili tbefe p;omifcs baue refpcft to tbe tymc to come. M tbat mv ifatber geuctfj me fljal come to me:anD bim tl)at Qml come to me,^ toil not catt Ijim out of Do;es. £gaine. SCb^s is tbe toil cf bim tbat fent me,tbe fa.bcr>tbat 3 lofc notbing of all tbtngs,tbat be bat& geuen me,tutmarrarfe tbembp a^ garnc in tbe latt bat?. againe. ^^ rtepe bearc mv bo^ce anb tbep foloto me : 3 knoto tbem,f I geue tbem eternal lif^, (f tbcr fl^al not periO) fo; ewer, ncptb^r fbal an^ man tafec tbem cut of mv bab. 2:bc ifatber tobicb gaue t^emto me, is greater tba al:i no man can take tbc cut of tbe banoe of mp^atber. jjioto tobcn bep;onoijcetb.Cu:iv tifs tobicb ttirifatfeer batt notpUn'eD,fbaU bg plucheb Ioh.10.3 Ro.8.30. iVJat.22. •4. j.Cor.io. 12, Ro.ii.ao & 4o» lohn.io. •7. Ma i;.i3i pluchco tp hi tH)t rote \)c Cgnifictt) en p contrary Qoc.tl^at tb?r f a ncucr bf pluc feeofrom faiaation,tJui)tcb bauc rcotc in <3qd. Wi[)cr^tl) agreett) t{}at facing of 3io^n,if tljer tjao ben ofbSjtbcp bat) not I lohn 2 ' at all goitc out from Vis.ii^crcuppon alfo ,ly * |cortmictf)t[)atnoblcglo;i?ingcfiaaulc Ro 8 38. againtt ilifc t Deatb, p?cfent tbings f Cbings to come : l»bicbglo;ring matte neocs be grounoeD bpon ti)c gift of coti^ nuante . j^cttber is it ant? Doute tbat be Dircctctb tbtjj facing to all tbe faitbfull. in anotber place tbc fame Paul fattb. I^e tbat batb be gen in rou a gojD l»o;fe, fljal enb it encn ijnttl the Dat? of €b.:ift. ^iS alfo 2>auiD,liJbcn bis faitbe faintco, IcaiwD V>p5 tbis aai;2Lbou fijalt not fo;j^ faUc tbe Uio;fec of tbp banbcs. 0nD no\» ncitbcr is tbis Dciicful,tJjat Cb;irr >rbe be pjapctb fc; al tljc faitbful, afUetlj tbc famctbtng fo^tbc fcilyicb be afUetb fo^ petcr,tb<^t tbarfaitb i^^av' ncucr taint, Mbcrcbt? toe gatbcr, -^t tbep arc cut cf Danger of falling auja^jbicaiife p fon of (Soj», r.JUing Ix catafi; continuance fc; tbeir goDlincSjfuifieD no bcniai.^Gbat \Dolo t'onO- banc ts to Icrn berebr, but ^ iijc (ooalD trua J? U)c fljall perpetualv' be fate,bicaufc Vue arc once mabe bisf 7 15ut It Dail^ bappcnctb,^ tbci? VJbicb femeD to be Cb;ittc5, Co againe rcuoltc fro2n bint ano faU.f^ea ano in tbe berime fame place iDbere be a^irmetb 1^ ncn^ t)a^ perilbcD of tbem tubicb Ui:rc gcutn bim of tbe ifalber, ret be crccptetij tljz fon of pcroition. Wat is true in otebr, but tt)is is cdio as certain,tbat fucbc tio neaercieaiietoCb^itle t)it\j tbataffi^ ancc of bartjtoitb u>bicb S fape tbat tbc aCfurcDncs cf our ekaicn is ftaliifljcb. \oK\6, 12 20i)ep u>f t oat from t30(fartb 5cbn)but tbct Ujcre not of b3 jro; if tbep bab ben i.lo.a. li, of \)s,tbc?i bau fill taricD \in^Ms,fit\!f tbcr DO 3i Deav ti)at tbci banc Ithe fijncs ofadling as tbe elect banc; but 3 Do not graunttbat tbcr baue tbat fure ttabUfl^ ' ment of cicttio fobict? S bit^ tbc faiH:^^ j to fctcbc out of tbe \x>cxu cf tbc roriricii. , • SClbcrfQje let not fucb eramplcs n.cuc tiC but tbat tne quietlr red Upon t p^c* mife of tbc iLo;D,U)bcrcbc p;onoucctb» tbat al tber arc gcucn to bim of tbc j? a^ tbcr,uibitb rccciue bim ic6 f ruefaitb,of tobom Qtb be is tbe ir l?epcr anD paCo:, none fball pcariajc. £)f Jubas toe (ball fpcaUe bercaftcr.paule Dotb not coiifel |q|^ » ^ ^^ cbjiftiansfromaflureDnes aUogctber, '^ g* „ * but from carelctfc anD lofe affuriDnctrc cf tbc fictbe,tijbicb D^aiuctb ^ it pabc, p2efumptien,anD Difoainc of otb:r,anD qucncbctb l)amiUtrc anti the reuerenc e of(I!>oD, anDb?ingctt) fo^getfulncflcof grace rccciucD. if 0; be fpea^4Ctb to tbe cH5cntilrs, iubcmc be tcacbctb,tbat tbe^ .cugbt not pjcuDlf « l'ngc4Ttli to rcpijccb tbe Vetoes fb^ tbis, tbat tbe Jictocste^ ingDifbcritcD,tbcTtricre fette intbeir Ccce.iFcare alfo be rcquirctb>notU)bcr IxJttb tbcv l^oulD be DifmaicD f aagger, but \3}\ncl) framing bs to tbe bumble re ccitiina cf tbc grace of iU)bertx)vt{) our barts arc fealeo bp agaiaH ti}t Dav of tbe lo^io. |n a funi,fitb bipi3crite0 boaffc of goDlincs astoellas ^ truetoo^njippersofCDoD, h)n^ pionoucetb ^ at lengtb tbei? l^al be can out of tbe place tubicb tbe^ to;og fullT? potTctCetas it is faiD in tbe pralm> 3lo;o,\)3bo tbalotoell in ftp tabernacles SCbe innocent in banb^, ano tbe man of a pure beart, 0gajnc in an otber place. %^is is tbe generation of tlii tbat feUe <25oD,of tbemtbat feke § f^ce of tbe goD of Jlacob. ano fo cotb tbc fpiritc crbo;te tbe faitbfuU to fufferance,^ tbcr taUe it not greuoufl^ tbat tbejfratlits be min^ glcD tuitb tiiem in tbe Cburcbe : fo^ at lengtbe tbcir btfo; (balbe pluc^eo from tbem^i tbei l^Ibe caa out Iwitb fijamc. 9 SDbc fame reafon is of ti)e erception cucu notoallegeDjtoberc €\)nit fanetb tbat none periOjcD but tbe fon of perbi* timh$t is in Dcoe an t3np;op.2e fpeacbe, but tet not Barli.if o; be toas not accop* tec among tbc Ojcpr cf €bnffc,fo; ^ be loasoiic in aeocbut Uicnure be kept tit place of oncr.;ano tobec inm otberptece tbc Lo;iO aflfirmetb tljat be teas cbofen Ep.i.'3» Pfa.Jj.!, Pia.12.2.. tn tocre bisfsfftcs. 3f be fijiDcan^e not (lotocD uiitb a iijcaatng garnu't, !je toil j tuitb tbe a?ofi!cfi^ tbat is fpokc oni? in not fkffer bini U»itb Us Vinrleanhnc* to 5\iU)ono; t\}s rclcnuiit?c of ib ftaU.fl^bia V^xt of tbe parable, 3 grant, is tobe bn^ ccritauDc of tbcm tutic b ^ntcr into tbe v2:t?.yrcbc hv tht p;ofctTion.of faitbc,but arc sioC clot;;eQ tyi?tl; tbc famtifoatio of iii)nii. ^nf}} oil])ono^0, anoasit luere h.mm crbi3 cbiirc^ip lo,iD luU not fuf ft-rfojeucr;but^a9tbgtrMbi?icgLUi^to Io.i7.a«.i Io.'in.i3., reipctt of tbe inir.igcrr.2LtDc{ucst ij5,be b^ib cbofen bim to tbe of* flee of an ^kpomc.215ut toben befpeltctlj of cbofing to faluattcn, befi^jiuctb bvm far aioap fro tbc numb;e of ^t cbofen, faving:if{jeaUe notof^:| Imo'fis toboe lioli n iH %i}am cboSe-n.Sita matiDoc in botb pla^ [ | ^ . ^_.^.^, mn. 1 Tht grace o 'fn^a bookc. iFoi»i-»2. Hom.3S E2.»3-9- Phi.4.> Pf.69.29 0bal mifcrabl^ entangle Ijimfelfe : if be make oi(ftrtce,nott)ing is nio;c plaine. 2Lberfo;c Grc2,or)' tcactjctb tJcrvilU pcftilcntU toben Ije faitjj tijat toe fenob) onl^oor calling, but are tmertaincof our clextioiv.lubcrbr be monetb al men to fcarc ( trembluiGttang alfo tbis rea fon,brfaufeUJCbnetoctobat toe be to Da^^ut tofjat toe fljalbc toe fenoto not. W>nt in t place be fuffuicntli? ceclarctb boto be ftumblcD at tbis bloUe. ^0 j,br * caufe be bangeD election topon tbe mcri* tea of too jfes,be baD mater rnoueb ano rao;c to DiCcouragc tbe minocs of men: but be colD not ftrcngtbf tbf , tobicb oiB not remoue tlje ff om tbe fclucs to § affi* ante of f ^w^ncs of goo. thereof f faitb? ful banc fom taft of tbat tobicb tuc bauc twtcrinincD at tbe beginning: f p;cOcftt nation,if it be rigbtli tbougbt^po,b;in getb not a t^aUing ef fartb,but ratbcr ip beftllrcngtbningofit. 0nOrct3iDenr not,^ tbe boll! (Sboft frametbbrstamc tt tbe f male meafure of ourc fe nfe . Sfi toben be faitbjn i fecrct of mt people tbci ll)al not be^ in tt]c rotolc of mt? fer uantg tbci: a:al not be tontf .^s tbougl) (DoD opo begin to to;ite in tbe baJsc of Ufe,tbem tobom be recfenctb in § nfibje of bifi : tobercaa ^ct toe bnoto,euen b^ tbe toitnes of Cb;iff,tbat tbe names of tbe cbilD;cn of ©od arc from tbe begins ning to;ittcn in tbe bofee of life.But m tbcretoo;os is onlr erpjcffeo § caftmg atoai of tbem tobicb fcmeu tbe cbefc a* mong § cle^ras it is faic in tbe ^falm. Jlet tbcmbeblottcDouteoftbebmlteof lifcano let tljem not be to;ittcn to^tb tbe rigbteous. 10 n&at tbe elect arc neitbcr immetiat' l^ from tbe toombe,no2 all i\t one time, bi calling gatbcreo togctber into ^ flock of Cbnfte, but as it plcafctb anv gffitincB naturallr V^^^^^ ^" ^^^^ butbccaufetbecreofCDoDtoatcbetb, « bis banc is ftrctcbcn cut to tbeir falua^ tion. i^o^tlKftbat t^eame tbat from tbcirbcrtnatinitre tbere is plantcD in tbeir beartes 3 toote not tobat fatje of elctficn^bi tbe tcrtue tobcrof tbciaral' toa^' enclineo to goolines « to tbe feare of (S>oD,tbet botb arc not bolpe to p^one it \3V tbe autbojiti of fcripf nrc,f nlfo are ccnfuteo b^ crpcrience it felf.SDbci? ooe iniJeDeb;ingfo;t!ja fetoe cpamplesto p:oue ^ tbe elect ear before tbeir eraigbt ningjtoere not Wterli? ftrangersfro rc< li5io:tbat ^a\\l in bis being a pi)a ifee linCDtmrep^oueable, ^ Cc^nelius \Xia» bt almcs « p?aiers accepteD of goo, anD fucb otbcr.SdDf ^aul,toc graiit to tbf : of atarc left inblinmies cf loolatrre, toerc ceC* rous follotocrs of bolincffc ano bonefi p. |3ca t tbe Scripture in mo?e places tba one, openly cr^etb out a. arnft tbem. jro2,tbc Gate tobicb l^anl tefcribetb of tge Cpbefians before tber^ regencrati* on , Ojetoctb not one graiaoftbtlfe^e. fci Fhi.3.^ p.:?. ^Cap.24- Of the rtianer how to receiue Hph.j 8. !».Co.6,9 Ko.6 19. ft vucrc(faitt) be) Dcaoc toitb 8efaulf5 f fmsMniJicb ?c tU3lkco arcojDinijto httimc oHt)is tDD;lD, accojoing to tlje prince of t!)caT;^c,U)l)icf) notiu tucjUctfj til tljcobOinatc cbilD.ic:am:nfl luOo tuc al alfo lucr fomctime conuerfant in tfje Iu(f f 55 of our flcO)?, Doing tbofc tfjingcif tbat ItltcD our flcO) f minD.aitD tuc Ujcr b^ tifiturc tiic ct)iIo.Jcn of lujatbc, as 0^ tbcr^alfo tucrc^gain. Hememb;^c tbat t'e tojr fomtune U)itI)out t)opc,f lackeD (Doo in tU li3o;lo.i3gaf iie.l^e lucr fom? timt ti&vt\mte:hut note r^ arc ligfetin t?3e !c:i3:tealUc ais t^c cl3il5).:cn of Itgbt. But pararjucnturctbc^ toil baue tbcfc «jingc0 to be r^fcrveu to tbe igtto^jame cf [' true gon, tobcretoitb tbc^ Dcn^ not tlhit tbe elect arc bolDP before tbat tbc^ be caKco.i^lbeit tbis lucre a Cbamcle fife eauilling^fitb be tbcrcof conclaaetb,tbat t\)t:'^ ougbt noto no moic citber ts lie 0; to Scalci^ct lobat toil tbci anftoer to Of tbcr placcsras is tbat place to ^ Cojin^ tfiinns, tobere tobcn be baD pjonoiicca tbat ncitl}cr U)bo.:c;nongcrfl, uo3| u;av t">«>DiD thm buDDc in tl?e!n,tobicb bcuvj matiifololi DcSleo in a! tbe^; life, as it tocne tottb ocfperatc toidJCDncffc, toalotoct) in t\)c moft abbominahle anb acfurfcDQ.uie of all/ 3f betooulDbaue fpofecn after tbgirogtnioti, fjefl&oulDe .rc.4.3. lof 2.1. 2.Kin,2«, 16, fwue l^ctocD boto nuicb tbev ^^rr bctio to tbe bcnntifulneCTc of ©cD , by tobiclj tbep bab ben p^eferueD fro flibing into fo great fiUbines. ^a peter alfo i^Qln bane cxHoitt^ bis to tbanUfaln^lTe fcj § perpctaallT^De of cUction. 13vtt be con^ trarvtoife put tcfb tbem in minbe tbat tbe tiim \sa^ futfifcD to make an cnb of tbe luftes of tbe (©entiles. WHW if toe come to cramples i tobat buD of rigbtc^ oufneffe toas tbcrc in Habab tbe barlot before faitb ^ in ^anaire,tobr l^ierufa* I?m toas Dippeb an^ in a mancr b;oto* neb in tbe bloatj of tbe IL^opbetsnn tbe . , 2:bcfc,tobicb among Ub lafte gafpings \'~^^*^^ began to tbniac of repentance i 0toa^0 ' ^* tbcrfo^c ^itt) tbefe arguments, tobicb^ fill^ cnriotjs men do rafl)l^ Deuife to tbe felues toitbout§ fcripfure.lBnt let tbat abpDc cti'tAin toitb ts,tobicb t\)t fcrip^ tare batb) tbat all banc Itra^eD like kit (bcepceucrv! one batb ftoarneD into bis oton toav>tbat is,pcrDitton.£Dut of tbrs gulf:of perDition,tobomtbcilo;jD batb £f^ -. ^ DetermineD once to pluclj fo;jtb tbem be * Dcfcrrctb till Ijis fit time : onel^ be p^e* a-ruerb tb?m,fbat tljtv fall not bnto bn? pardonable llafpbem^. 12 03 tbe iloio b^) tbe eftiectuatneire of brs calling totoaro i elect, makctb pcr> fccte tbe faluatton, tobcrunto be bao bt? ctcrnall counfell appointcD tbem : fo be batbbi:S iu^gcmentes aga^nlt tbe re? piobate,tobc!bv' becreciitctb bV'scomi* fell of tbcm . tliSIbom tberefbje be batb creatcD tnto tbe O^imc of l\?fc , anb be- reruct ion of Dtatb, tbattbep l^onlo be in/ Urumentcs of bvs to;atb,anD cram* plcsofbrs feueritic: from tbcm, tbat tbet? mavtmnc to tber;j eno, fometi^mc be taketb atoa\? tt)t potoer to bcarc brs too;De,anD fomctime bp t\)t p;cacbing of iC^, be mo.ie blinbctb anb amafctb tbem.iiDf tfrciirll maner, toberas tbcre be innumerable eicamples, let ts cbofe oitt oiie mo;tt^cigye:aiib notable than alt tt)t reft. Mere paffcu aluap about four t^oufaiiD rerc0 afo;e<£fj;ittr, in tul-icft Ijc fjio from all ttje (Dcntilcis tbc l!gl)t of ^10 fjmltt) bringing Doctrine.Sif ani' ma aunftccrc ttiat be tbf rcfo;je niaoc tbem not to eniov fo great a bencfitc bccaufe be iutigeo tbemt)ntMo,itb?e,tbet! tubtcb come after fljal not be p joueD ant nio;je toc^tbpe.i^f lubicb tbirtg,bcfioe tbe er*= /VJal4.i.!P^ftcnce, ^alacbie is a fubffantcall ' toitncffe, tobicbc rep;jouing tnfiDelitpe mingleDtoitb crolTc blarpbemtcs, vet Dcclaretb tbat t^ere Cball come a rcDCu^ mer. Wltt^} tberfo;re is be ratbcr geuen to tbcfe tban to tt^ofe i if)t fl^all trouble bimfclfe in \3aine,tbat ial be^re fearcb fo; a caufc bier tban tt)c fccreat ano bn* frarcbablc counfeU of C5oD. ij^eitber is it to be fearcD leail an^ fcbotcr cf'^op pbirte> l^ulo frelv gnato at tbe rigbte* oufnrtre of iSoo iDbile trr anftoierc no* tbing in Ocfcnic of it jTo; lisben tec fap tbat none pcnfl)et)nDcreruirig,anD tbat it is of tbe ti'cz bcur.tifulncae of<^cD, p fomc be oeliuereD, t^jcrc is largely c* nougb fato fo; tbe fctting fo;jtbe of bis g!o;r,fo tbat it nccctb not our diifting. nc fcHcraign iubgc tbcrfo^e maUetb atDai?e fo: bisp^coetlination, tuben U'bome be batbe once rcic£teD,tbem be ingoepjiucD of tl)C ccmmuniratingcf brs Iigbtc,be leauetb in blinonefle, £)f tl)z otber manner tbere are bctbe Daili? eramples,anDaIfo man^e contcineo in tbe $>cripturf0. £Dne felfc ramep;iea? cbing is commonly mace to a bunD<:cD, tioent? receiue it Vritb reeve obecience ef faitbe; tbe reft bee eitbcr fet naugbte bt it,o; fco;ne it,o.: bitfe it cut,o; abbo; tt.Jf an^ man aunfluer tbat tbis oiucr^ fitT'p;oceDcthcf tbeir malice anDper* uerfenr(re,bc fl^all not ret fatif fp ts:Li^ caufe tbe otbers tuit alfo fboafo be pof^ fcffcD \s)itl} tl)c fame malice,bnles CDob DID c.menbe it tottb bi^ gscncs. SEber* fo;e ice (ball mil be cnccmb;eD,\3nlc(re I The grace of Chrifl. liiird Book's it ol,:o^. toe cal to mint!C tbat tobicb ^^aul (aitb. i,Cor.4 7* Ac 13,^ 8: .2.ca»;o! Hom,f(e cor.ueir tZllio mai-ctb tbee to Biffcrf ^lbereb\' be fmnifictb tbat fomr creel ctbcr feme not bi tbeir o\une Ucrtue, but fav tbe on* ly grace of (DoD. 13 ?SGlbrtberfo;c tctb be in craunffrtg ' grace to tbcfe paffe cucr tbefef jd^f tljcfc ! iuuhc fl)c\jjetb a caufe. HBecaufe tljtv ^-^ ojceinco ts life. £Df {befe,U)bat Hjal tec tbinU.bnt bicaufe tbci are tbe DclTcIs of tujatb Ijnto oiCiono;f^bercfo^e let it not grecue 135 ts faf e toitb Aui;uf}inc. ^oD(faitb be)migbt turn tbe lud ci t|)e jpe Ccn} enill into ga)D,bicaufebe is slmi:7J>{re. y jirtr. I IBc migbt in DcDe. ^Ib^ tberfcjc ootbe f|i be it natf bicaufe be toclD not. tCli}^ be tooulDnotjisin buntclf. iro: Uicouobt to be no mo?c tcirc tbsn luc ougbt ro he. 0nD tbat is mucb bctter.tban to fijtfr 16 Chr)Tortomc,anO fa^e tbat be D.:aiuf tb bim ^ is tuiding 1 rcacbetb bis banse, I ^ tbe Difference mar not feme to Sano !p in tbe iuDgement of goD, but in tbeonip tutl of man, Krulv it fo llanDctb net in tbe p;op:emoticncfmnii,*bateticn tbe goulp,? tl)c\? tbat feare ©oD baue naoc of a Gngular inUinc of tbe rspi.itc.Hiv Dia tbe purple feller fearco goo, ant) ret it bcbouco ^ ber beart Cjulo be opcncD, tbat fije migbt barfeen to tbe Dcctrnic of IDauIjf p.:olftt in it.SEbts is not fpcljf cf one tuoman alone, but tbat \ye ioiilDe hnoUj tbat tbe profiting of euerr ma in goDlmcSjis tbe fecrete tuo^ii cf tbe &pi rit. SDbis terilr can net be b;ouGbte tn quefiion,^ tbe Ir^o fcnticfb bis U:o;d to manijtebcfe blintnes be Ujil baue tc be mo.:eenro;ccD. jfc^jto Uibatpurpofe botb be biD 10 nianf commauntenients to be carreD to |Dbarao f tuas it bccaufe be bopcD t Uulb often rcpetcb mcHagcs be VuoulD be appeafeDf/l^cbiit befe^f be began,be fo;jelmcU3 f fojefclD tbe en'e. (IDo(faiD be tc£^cfes)ano Declare tc bim mv teill : but 3 lr»ill barccn bts beart, tbat be obe^ not.^o XxAx be Cirrctb t!p Cfccbicl, Ac.i beart of tbis people,f mafee brauvtbfir earc0, 1 oucrplaiftcrtbcr^ c»c5: lead perabucnture tbcr mare fee icitb tbcir cres,t berc toitb tbeir eares auD bnoeraanD toitb tljcir bart,tbat be^ arc botoet! to obebicnce, ctber fomc co# tinuc barueneo: in fercbtng it toe mutt nebes go to tbat Uibicb Paul batb noteo Ro,9.i7 out of ^ofcfi,namelr tbat gob batb rai* fcb tbem bp from t\)z begining, tbat be migbt fijclD bis name in r tobolc cartb. ^bcra0tberfo;e tbe reprobate bo not inij turneD,tbcr mar be bealeo. liSebolD cbcr t\}z tuo;D of €cD opencb bnto tbt^ Ioh,i2 29 Ma i3.nj be Dtrcrtetb VM boicc to il)cmy but tbat tbcr mar ^arc mo;e ccaf,be ligbtetba li3bte,but t'oat tbcr mar be mane mo;e bimoc : be Ibctoctb fo^tbe Doctrine, but tbat tbcr mare be ma^c mo:ei3uU: be larctb to tbem a remeaDre,but not tbat tbcr marc be bcalco. fmo ^obn allea* ging tbts p;opbrfrc, afftrmetb th^ tbe jclDCB conloe net belcuc tbe rjortrinc of, Cbnftjbif aufe tbis curie of goo lar bpo tbem.i^eltbcr can tbis aUo be in cotrO' ucrfr, ttit Uibom C?oD toill not baue to be cnli3btcncD,to tbem be Deliuerci) bis Doctrine U3;appcD bp in DarU fpecbcs,!^ tbcr mar notbing pjoSte tberbr>but to be tb:uft into greater Dulnes.Cb.Jift al* fo tcaifietb, t be ootbtberfo;c erpouna onlp to r 3poftlf s {> parables, in tobtcb tbat l^all be toel imputco fo tbe malice $ perucrfencs of tbcir bcart,fo tbat Vaii be tbervoall abbeb, ^ tbcr arc tberefo?e geuen into tbis peruerfenes,bicaufe br f rtgbteouSjbut rctbnfearcbable iubge ment of dDoo tbcr are raifeb bp to fctte fo;tb bis glo;r ^rf b tbcir bamnation. iiinctuifc luben it is faibc of tbe fens of i^elr, tbat tbcr barhneb not to bolfome i.Sa-i.aj. toarnings.bicaufe tt)t Io;d toilleb to Uil tbem : iii& not oenieD tbat tbe ftnbbo;^' ncs p^ocencb of tbcir olcn naugbtines: but It istbcretoitbal toucbco tubr tber lucre left in(fubbo;nes,Ujben U)t lo^b mi,jbt baue foftenca tbeir barts,name« Ir bicaufc brs bnrbangcable Decree baD once appomtcD tbem to oeftruction. 2lo r fame purpcfe fcructb t faring of Hbo, loh. 12.38 be bat) fpot?en to tbe multitiiDcberaufc I m^cn be baD DOiic fo greate frgnes, no ta tiicm it luas geucn to knoto tbe mr> 1 man beleucD inbtm: tbat p UiijlD of C^* ft cries of tbe hingoomc of C^oo,but to r ' far migbt be fulfil(cD,!o;D>i;c batb be* common people net fo. mi)&t meanctb leucD our bearing i iro;^ tbougbe be Doc tbe ]io;D(U}i!t tbou l'\i)in tcacbing tbe, ' not cvcufc r (!ifnerU?D from blame,rct of U^boiii be pjouiDctb tim be mar not be is content iDitb tbat rcafon> tbat t\}e be iP.^jcnJanDcD i Ccnacer lobence is grace of goD is bnfauo^r to mcn,til! tbe roe f.iul- e, aMtj tbou Uultc ce.ife to afde. \ bolr gboft b;ing taCe. anD €\)nQ aile* ifoj in tbe Ujo;dc botii great DarfenelTe ^ ging tbe p^ropbefrc of <£far, Su^erlball fo£uerjto be>rct tbcr is alti'arligbt all be taug cn5r. Ioh.(S.4j i.Cor.i. »3. enD bat to p;onc tf)at tijc BJctucs arc rtf ptobate ano ttragcrs fro ti)Q chmttfM' fiittfe tijcp arc twapt to Icarn: j tjc bjin^ get!) no otijcr caufc tfjcrccf but fo; ttat tbe pjomi'fc of goD Dot!) not pcrtcincto t!)f. ©Slbtc!) tl)ing ti)?0 fa^engof^Daol conftrmetb,tbat cbJtfi tubicb to i ^cIdb is au offcnccf to J grtiles fo!t(bne0,is totlja caUcD tIjc fircncjtb f txnfcoom of oo. ifo;tPbenbebat|)tolDclDbatf6' monip bapptnct^ fo oft aa tbc gofpel is p,:facbcD,nanic!i ^ foin it maUrtb mo;e ob(Knat,f of fomc it is tjcrpirc5,^c faitb tbat it is bao in p;ice of tbe onl^ Xvljitl) are callcD.BcbaD in DcDalitle bcfo;ie namcD tbr brlcucrg, bnt be meant not to fake atoa? t Due Degree fro i gsacc of goD tobicbgoctb bcfoie faitb>b«t ratbtr be atOcD tbis fee 6d faieng b^ \uar of co^ rertion, tbat tbcp \S)W^ bao cntb;af ed tbe ©ofpeKbolD a^cm tbc p;strc of tJrctr faitb to tbc calling of go2:iaG alfa a Iitic after be teacbctb font tlm are cbcfcn of (DoD. W^^tn tbetjngobl^ beare tbcfc tbinos,tbei? crv out tbat gon Uiitb ino;^ binate poluer abufctb bis pm;c crcatu* res fo;i a fpo^te to bis cruel tie, JBut Uic tabicb fenoU) tbat all men are fo manv toaies cnDagereo to ti)€ iuDscmf t featc of d^iSb, tbat being afbcD of a tbcafauD tbings tbei ca not fatiffie in one,tjo con^ felTc tbat tl)z rcp;obatc fuffer notbrng lubicb agratb not toitb tbe mode iudc tubgement of CDoD. Mlberas toe bo not flerel^ attaine tfyt rcafon tbereof,Iett)s not be Difccntcnt f o be ignorant of fom? lubaf ,tx3ber tbe toifbomc of (IJoD liftetb tjp it fclfe into fo great bcigbt. i> But fo;afmncb as tbcr arc a felo pla cts of fcripture toontc to be obicctcD,in tobicb €>on fcmco to ben^ tbat it is Don b?? bis o;Dinance,tbat tbc tuickcD Do pe ri{|^,butb]?tbis^ Ijc crying out againft it,tbc\? toilfuilv b;ing Dcatb tjpon tbem fcluesaet bs by b^ecfcls Declaring tbefe places, (bctp tbat tbcr mcfec notbing a? The grace of Chrift. Ihird Book e, 1: 01,304 gaine the feiUcncc abouc fef. SDbere is b jongbt fo;tb a place of ejecbiell, ti)^^ OoD tuillnottbebeatbcfafinner, hut ratber tbat be tna^e be tnmeD anD liuc. 3f tbf i toil ejtcnb tbts f 0 al mankinbe: tobi? Dotbe be not kiouc nianv to repen* tance, tobofe minbcs arc mo.:c pliable to obcDicnrc, tban tl}drs tobicb at br^ DailpallurcmentfstoayebarDcrtbar' Dcr^SKlitb^ i^iniuitesi ^6Domits(as €i)na toitnc(Ittb)(> p;eacbing of ^ gcf* pel t miracles toolD bauc b2ougbt fo.2tb mo.:c frute tban in Jur^jl^otoc cometb it to pas tberfo;:c,if CDoD toil all to be fa ueriy tbat be opencth not tbc gate cf re* pe tance to tbofc mifcrablc men tHualD baue bene mo;0 reaD^ f 0 rcceiuc graces t^erebptocfee ^ tbe place isbioleutlv to;e&rD,iftbetoillofC?oo,tobcrecftbc ]!:i;opbct maftetb metion,be fetagaintt Us eternall counfctl,to.bcrbr- be batb fc^ uercD V elect fVomtbe reprobate. Jj^otoe iftocfekefoj ^tmc naturall meani^ng of tbe ]9;opbct : br« paqjofc is to bj^ng bope cf parDon to § penitent . SnD thi^s is ti)t fum, ^ it is not to be Douteo but f C?oo is rraoi to fo^geue fo fomeas § fiii^ ner turnctb . 2:bercfo;c be toilletb not l)is Dcatlj,infomud) as be toilletb bis re^ pentance.iBut e>:pcricnce teatbctb V be fo toilletb tbem to repent tobom be ge^ nerall^ caUctb to Ijv^h^ vet be toucbetb not all tbeir bartes.f et ts it tberfo^c to be favD t ftc Dealetb Deceitfully bicaufc altbougb § outtoarD bo^cc tc but make tbem tJnercufriblc tobicb bcare ano ooc net obep it , rtt it is tnielp ar ccmptcD tbe tcamionv cf t grace of goD,bi tobicb teCimonpebcreccnciUtbmen to bim^^ fclf.SLbcre foze let bs bclDc tbrs fo; tbc meaning of tbe p;^opbet,tbat § Dcatb of a fumcr plcafctb not OoD : tbat tbc goDli? nmrc bauc affiance, tbat fo fconc as tbc\? ftall be toucbcD toitb repent tancc, tbcr is parDon reab^ fo; tbe toitb C0D:anD t^t totcbcD maig feclc tbat tbeir Tault tz.34,11 Ma. 13,33 XX'>-24. "^the mancr how to receiue 1. Tim.2 '4. Dcu.4.7 fauCifi DoubIcD,ljicaufc tfjcianftoer not to Co srf at rncrcpfull Umonc0 J gentle* nc3 of (^oD.SSlje mcrci? of goD tljerefo^e luill allua? mete rcpcntace,but to tob5 rcpenf ace 10 gcuf ,bot[) al tl)t pjopbets, ? apoai£0,f ejecbtel bimfclf DO plain* lptea£{]c.§iecon9li' tbcreis allegcDa place of pauI,tD^ere be faitb tbat ©oD iDillct!) all men to be faueo, tobicbal* t!)ougb it bauc a Dtuerfe meaning from tbc otber,ret in fomtbing tbe^ agrc to^ getber J anftDer,fira tbat b^ § reft of § tcrte it is mnu plaine boto be toilletb. i?oj Paul coupletb togctber, ^ be toil^ Icib tbem to be faued^ano to come to tbe ncHnolDleoging of tbe fruetb . 3f tbev Uiil bauctbisto be DctermtneD bi§ cter nail counfcl of l 3i toil ftjeto merer Ex-33. 19 to tobom a toil (betoc merer, ^c ^ cbu^ j fetb out tbem tobom be toil baue mcrci on,Dotb not ^mtitto al.lBut fitb it clcrc Ir appcarctb t in tbat place is fpofec not ofall particular men, but of Degrees of men,toc toil malKc no longer Difputing about it. i^otobeit it is alfo to be notcD, ^ Paul Dotb not affirm tobat (DoD Dotb altoar f cucrr tobere i in all men : but Icauetb it to brn^ at brJ5 Hbertr at legt& to mahe feings f magiff rates partakers of tbe beauenlr Doctrincaltbogb tr rea# fon of tbcir blinDnefte tbcr Do noto rage againft it.SCber feme to pjelTctJS more ftronglr ^Hb obiecting tbe place ot^e* tcr,tijat C3oD ^Milltt^ none to pcrift),but rcceauctb all to repentance . 15ut r t)n^ Doing of tbrs knot Dotb branDbr offer it fclf in tbc feconD toorD,bicaufe tbe toill to receaue cm not be ijnDerftaDeD to be anr otber tljan ^ tobicb is euerr tobere taugbt.SSruclr r turning is in tbe banD 1^^..^ 26 of ©oD: tobctljcr be toil tunic all or no, { *^ * let bimfclf be ariseD,tobcn be promifctb ^ be toill gene to a certarnc fcto men a flcll)lr bart,leauing to otber fonic a fto* nrebart.Jt is true in D0eDe,tbat bnlclfe bctoerc reaDr to receaue ^tm tobicb 2ach 1 1' call tponbrsntcrcr,tbrs faring ftjonlD * '^ be falfe, SCurnc to me, anD i toil turnc torou. 3i5ut3! far tbat nc^nc of almor? tali men Dotb com: to CDod bat be tbat " is t,Ti.2.2f Icr.3i.l8. "t^c eracc of Chrift. is p;eucntef) of (&od.anD ifrtpentamct lucre in tbe txiiU of man,paule toouloe notfar,9if peraouenture fje geueffjcm rcpcntanncc.^m tjnleCTc tbe fame CDoD tnf}u;f) tL)itt)U)o;:De crtojfctfj all men to repcntance,Dio toittj ferrcte mouing of to fpirit b;tng tl)c ctjofcn to it:3lerrmp iDoolD not far, 2Lunie mc,3Lo;D, ano 31 (Ibalbc tnrneD : fo; tob^n tijou ftaft f nr^ neDmc,3ljanerepenteD. 16 115ut (tfjou toilt fap) if it be ro,fliere ftalbe fmal trutb in tf)c p;omifcs of tbe gofpcljtobtcb toben tber tettifie of (1 toil of GOb,afPirm tbat be mitti) (bat tofeir b i£f againtt bis inuiolable Decra.^ot fo. if 0 J botofocucr f be pjomifcs of faluatio be tmuerfalljKttbe^ notbrng bifagree toitb tbc pKOcffination of f> rep;jobate, fo ^ m Direct our mines to tbe effect of tbe.tiiaae Unotn tbat tben f not till tben tbe p^omifes are effectual to ts,tDbe toe receauc tbe b^ faitb,on i otber fioe tobe faitb is mane t)oit)e,tbe p;iomife is tber^ toitbal aboliiibcD. Bif tbis be § nature of tbMet bs tben fa tobetber tbefe tbings Difagree togetberttbat it is faiD tbat goo batb fro eternitv^ ojnaineo tobom be toil emb;tace toitb loue, 1 tpon to^bo be totU eiferdfeto?atb : ant) tbat be pjomifetb faluation to all toitljout DiflfereccCru? ll? 3i fa\? tbat tbc? agree ter? toelL fm in fo piomiQng be meanetb notbing els tba t bvs mere? is fct open fo;j al tobicb DO couet % craue ititobicl) tbing none do but tbc? tobom be batb enligbtneb.ano t\)i be enltgbtnctb , tobo be batb pjcDe^- ttinatc to faluation. Ki)c\> (3 fa?) baue tbc trutb of ? p^emifes fure i bnflfeuen, fo as it ca not be faio t tbcr is an? Difa* greemr t bettoen tbe eternall election of cbicbens, but tbou toolbeft notf maUetb notbfg fo; tbe. 3 graiit ^ €f)n(t tberc fpeafeetb not onl? in H)e perfon of ma> but alfo rcpios cbetb tbe ^ in al ages tbc? Ijmt refufco bis grace.HBut toe muft Define ^ toill of goD tobicb is enf retcD of.jf 0? ncitber is it tjnfenotoen,boto Diligentli (Sod enbc^ uo;eD to feepe (till i people,i ^it^ boto great ttifhes t\)ti^ euen fro ? firlf to tljt laft being geuen to tbeir toaDer?ng De^ fires refufeD to bcgatbrrcD togettenfcut it follotoetb not tbcrof tbat tbe coufcl of gob toas mabe tjoioe b? ^ malice of me. SDbe? anftoer j fa? tbat notbing lelTe a? greetb id tl)c nature of gob tba to baue a Double toil in bim . Mbicb 3 graunt to , tbe, fo tbattbei fiti? erpouD it.ii5ut tob? F/.^j.?. i DO tbc? not cofiDcr fo mani teOimonics, tober gob putting bpon trim tijc affccti^ ons of ma DefcenDettj beneatb \m oton maiett?f }^c fa?tb t ^t Ijatb toitb UrcV cbeb out amies calteo tbe rebellious peo ple,fbat be batb earl? i late trauclleb to b;?ng tbem bathe to b?m . Jf tbc? toill appl? all tbefe tb?ngs to «25oD,f not ccn^ fiber tl)t figure , tbere (ball arife man? fupcrfluoys contentions,toljicb tbis cne folution b;ingetb to agrament,tbat tbc tbc? toiDerffab ^tber is no Dieferece of' p^opert? of ma is figuratiuel? applpcD fomerg,fo^fa?tb be p;efct:anD tbat tbe toeob. l^otobcit tbe folution tobtcbr : ^€1,1. "toe i!J:U f:p!i3.xj |.\!a.f tDC Ijaue b;oug!)t in ajiotljcr plarc large ly fuffifcttjjtijatalttjogi) H}c tuill cf (DpD bcafi to owrfenfe manifolD : vet !)c Dot!) not in bimfclf DiucrQv Unll t{H3 i tbat,. bet a«o;cing to ^is iuiftomci ipfc(f^ ijj DuisrHv ntonifolD (as pav,l (&M\)it)lie anjafcti) cur fcnffc, til! it fljnlbc gcurn ts tc iiiioU) tbatbc nwrfc UouUi tciHetl) ^^ iuljif f?e notu femctlj to be againft O^s \s)imcvnl(o modi uutlKauiHation0, tfjat CtbgoD is tijc fattjer of aU,it ictjn* rigl)teeufi H)at ftctftclo bi{^rit ant t^t fcatfenct before Uiitt) Ij^s oti^n fiinlt he* fcrucu tbr« puninjment. as tl)oug!) tijc Iiberalitic of oD botiD fjimfclf to one people, to be tl)c fa* tbcr tt)crof:anD twljp alfo out of tbe fame people fjepif Ken a rmall number aa it lucre a aoure.llBuf tbeir otjtnc luft of e* uill fpeafeing ^)inD;etb tftcfe railerg tljat tbc\?confiuernott[)at CDco fo bjingetb fo.itf) fjvs funnc to Qjine tpcn tht g©D i euill,tt)at tbc tnljerifance i5 laro bp fo? a feU),to to^jom it fljall one Da^ be fapD, . Come^ebleffeDofm^ ^att)er,poffeire tbc bingDomc. u,Kf)t^ obiecte alfo tljat cIDoD fjatetb none of tftofe tbings tbat ^c fjattimaoe * ^Malt^ougt^lgraunt ^f^hc maner.hovv to rccciuc tf)em,^et tbrs remapurtb fafc fcjbici]e 31 teacbjtbat tfce repjobatc are batefull to C50D,f tbattjcrp rigbtfullr,bieaufe tbcv being DeRitutc of bts fpiritc can hmo, fo;tlj nothing but rat fe cfairfe. Sfeev fav fttrtber,^ tber is no Difference cf tlje 3cu?c f ti)c tpon alhnamelv bicaufe ^t tDilltbatt^e faluaticn of all ttemtbat are faueo be afc ribeo to hts mcrc^ , al* tl)ougb t\)is bcnefite be not common to all. j^otD Ujljen manv ttj^ngsare alle* gcD on botb partes , let tbrs be our con* clua6,to tremble \3)itl) paul at fo great Deptb)f if tuanton tonges Smlbe bu&e, ttat Uie benot aOjameo of tbts tr^ crp ingoute, £>mannctD!)at art ttcuttat Urimtt luif Ij (CoOfif o; Auguftine true* Iv affirmetl) t tl)tv no perucrOp toticb meafure tte rigbteoufncs of (0oD br tbe meafure of tbc rigbteoufncrre of man. Ro.ii 24 Ro.ii, 22 OfthcIaftRcfurrc^lion. Ro,9,2o Dc pre, ctgrati. Cap,2. Ti.i.io olj.j.24 p.2.»9 ^ iltbougb Cb^itt tlje fonne of rtgbtc* oufnesjbaning ouercom Deatl), ftji* ning bp f fje gofpel,geuetb ts tbe ligbt of life(as Paul Ujitneiretb)lr)l)erbi? alfo it is faro tbat bv beleuing tue Ijaue pacrea from beatb into lrfe,bcing nolu not fo;^ rcncrs anD dragers, but Citizens tuitlj tl)c fainfes,anr) of tbc bouOjclDe of <2?ob, tnljicb batb mabe ts to fit \j)iil) tbe cne^ Iv begotten fonne bimfelfe in beauenlp pLiceSjtbat notbing map be U'anting to perfect feliatit: yet leatt it tftolp be gre^ uons Ijnto ts to be erercifeo tmDcr tbpfi baroe tuarfare , as tbougb toe baono fraitc of tbe t)icto;ve tobicb o6. Ro.S/zS Hcb, ii.i 2..Cor,j" Col.3.3 Tit.2.12, 2 ' '■' Thejyae^oFG^rlfT? man otbcrplare. y'iJDJ? arc Cf a V^^f?Alt 1 Wc^ tt^femingis far from \)s.tl£lt)er I. Pet 1.8 to^m l)t ,Uj!jictr is oiir lifcHjcil appchvt, tt^m dial tj9c alfo apycarc 16 !)im in glo ri?.2Di)i^ ti)cxfo;c is our contiitian, tljat lob liulg fobcrli? f gooUl^in tbis iJJO^lD, tDc lafec fo> tfee blcffcD fcopc^i ip coming of tbc gIo;v of tbe great goD,f of our fa- uiour 3icfuB u^b^itt.l^cre Idc nceo a Cm gular patipce,t!jat toe be not tocaricn « cit(;cr turn backe our courfco j fo^fafec cur ftamug.SCberfo^e totjatfoeucr bafO bcnbctbcrto fet out coccniing our falua tion,rcqmrcfb minss ItftcD top to i)taf uen,tl)af toe mav lout cb^itt toljom toe bauc not ffien4 facleuing mbmx ma^ re io^fe toitt) Dnfpcakcable 1 gloncus ioy^ fulnedjtill toe rcce^ue tbc enoe of oure faitb,as peter tciletb t)0. after tob^b maner^paul faitb ^ tbe faitb 1 cbaritic of tbe go3U bati; refpcct to f bope tobtcb is laieo tp in beauc.^ben toe tbus vb our ties faUcncD Upon Cb^ift tio bag of bcauf ,1 notbfg ^ boloctb tbr in eartb^ from Cturicng tstotbe p;omi?feD blcO f!):c onlv It batb fountl^ p^atcD in tbe (5brpcl!itobfcbificn«rc3 tea continual meDtmticm of tbe bleCTcD refurrectioa 2 i£)ftberoueraigneenoofgQ3ntbing0, t pbilofopbcrg bane in olo time curious C^uifputeD, lalfo 0riueu amog tbem^^ fclu?5:^et ncmc ercept plato, acfencto* IcogcD t\jt fcucraignc got) of man to be f)iB coiorning Vu goo.liSut tobat mancr of coioining t toa8,be colD not perceauc fo mucb as toitb ant fmal taCf no mar ueljlitb be bao neucr Icameo of tbe bdi boD tbcrof.SLO tjs tbe onli f perfect fcU citie is knotor tut in tbis cartblr ^'^V* faring:but, facbasDail?'mo;e «mo;c enhioletb our l^mts toitb tcftrc of iU til ^ ful cniovning mai fatiffv bsXbcr fo;c 31 faiD t none recciuc frutc of f bc^ mftts of mi^Mit tbep ^ lift? tp tbcir mims to tbe refurrectioif 0; Paul fef^ ^ '^'•-•' tetb tjp tbis marU to {> fcvitbfuU,totoarD tobicl) be f^itb ^ be cnueuo^etbrt fo;^gct tctii all tbtgs til be c6 to it.ano fo nuirb tljc mojc cbcrfuUi ougbt toe to trapaill feDnes:tbirn is tbat trul? fulfiUcD.^ur totoaro it,Ieaa if tbis tocjlD to^tb bolo bcart is tobere our trcafure is . \^m* t)S, toe fuffcr grcucus punifbmcnt fo; upon c5mttb tbat faitb is fo rare in tbe our CotbrulncifE.^ilbercof in an otbrr too;lD,bicaufcnotbiugis mcjebarDto, place be marUctbKattbfuU toitb tb^s our Diiltics tban tb;cugb innumtTsble marh ^ ti^eir cSucrfation is in beaucn, acps to cltmbe bp aboue tbe toitb cnue* ' fro tobcnfe alfo tbci lofee fo; tbeir faui^ ua:ing fo2toar&to tbe p;icc of oar bca* our.SnD 1! tbcir courages QiolD not fait uculvcalifng. Sopgreatbcapjofmi^ in tbis race,be ioinetb al crcaturccco^ frrtes toijere \i)iti) toe be almott ouer^ pamcns vb tbt.if ojrbicaufe cueri tober tob:hncD,arc aUDrD tbe moffeincrs of ton ar feen ucfo^mcs rmncsjK faitb tW al gosjl]? men ,tobertoitb our ampficitie is tbings in be^uf « in eartb m c hdc rc»r railcD at,tob^ tiolutaril^ fb,:fatting tbe to tbe renwirtt. if 0? iJtb ilan bi bis fuU aUurcnumtjjof p;efeut aotrtlnngs, toe ' biffoUrca tbe pcrfe£teo?D;c of nature to ■ fixmc to folototbe bicarcmus bi^r fro tbe creatjjrc, mir bondage is pcinrul 1 1 H'jfis ittoere £r,ahng Osaocto. JfinaUt greuou6> tobcrnnto tbei? arc fubicct bv | 1 aboue « benetbts^bcfcKtsanobebmD, reafon of tbe liivcf ma,nctre^ tbat tbci' itSjVjiolcnttfotationsbcfcgel'S, totfecarecnoucD to^tb anp felicfiejbat m 'ruaeinkig of tbe fo;ce tobercof core: tbat tbcr nnturall? coust tbe perfectc couvagcs ajoulo be far to tocaije> tnlcs; tftatt fio tobicb tbe? are fallen.Ebcre betstg tmcub^eu of eartblp tbiugrs tberl fiue pad faf tb tbat tbci groHe,?.no ore Ktocte Jdit bounne to tbe bg>. .-t iTap^ or the mancr how to rccciuc to tDt)o»i aix geucn tt)£ t\xQ frutes of § ^ fpirit,ma^ be atljameD to pine aluar in , flur co^iuption, ano not at tbc Icafte to j loloto tljc DeaD tlementc0,U)tiicb bcare pc^ne of anot^ers Un.^nJ) tbemo^^eto p;icb ts fo;toart,fte taM\) ttje lalt com mingofcij^iae ourrroemption. ^tis true in dcd t al tf)e parts of our reof p* ticnarealrcaDsfulfiUeo : butbi?caufe ct?:ift tjat^ once ben offeree fo^ finncs, ^e dial be feen agatne loittiQut Qn t}nto raluation. With ^W mifertes foeuer U'e bepjcCDeOjIettb^s reoemption fu* QmK tJiSi cum tinttl p pcrfo^mace of it* 3 2:be ter^ WtQht of § tljig it felf fl&al tu!;ctoprenteuo^e , iFo;^ ne^tljercotft ^l^aul iBout caufe affirme 1 1 tobole go? fpcl (0 bo^D f Deceitfnl tnlede i oeao do rife agatne : bicaufe our ffate Qjculo be nio.:c miferable tba § fiatc of al nir,na' nidD&tbtoelicng opento§ hAtrsnts t rcpjocbw of mani,arc euer^ ^;oure in Dangcr,tea i are as fl^epe appof teo to f Ca»gbtcr:f tberfojef antbojitie tberof aioulo falatDasnotonl? in one part, but alfo in f tubole fu lubicb botb cur a^ Dcption f § effect of our faluatio cotct^ nettj.ano fo let tg be bcDefuU^ bent to tbij5 moll earnett tbing of al,t^ no conti>» nuance of trme maijmabctjs toer^e. if 0? tubicb purpofe 31 baue DiffcrreD to tbiB place t tobicb i baD bjiefel^ to ctip trcatc of itjUrat tbe reabcrs mar learn, tobf tbep baoe rece^ucD Cb;ift tl^z au^ tbo; of tbeir faluation,to rife bp bier, ? mar ftnobo ^ be is cb)tbcD l^ bcaucnl^ imiiiojtalitie f glo^ic,^ tl)c lutole bobi mar be maDe li?bc falbioneo to i bcao: as alfo tbe bolp gboft cftcntitr.es kttttf) fojtb in biis perfo an eraple of tbe rcfur^ rection.3iti0atbingbaro tobrbelcueo ^ bobics U»be tbc^ baue been confiimcD iDitb rottcnncffe^Qjalat tbcirappcintcD tpme r^fs bp agatne. Sberefo^e Uibcr manpcoftbe^bilofopbcrsbcue affirm meproulcs to be immo;tal: f refurrcc? ttooftb0flea)batbbcn allotDCDofreUK toberein altl^gb tbere tuas no ercufe, ftt toe arc tberb^ put in minnt,t it is to baro a tbing to D^atn mans fenfes to beleueitXbat faitb ma^jouercomcfo greatc a ftoppe,)^ fcripturc mt?nittretb tlDO belps:^ one is in ^ lilicnes of cbjift ^ otber is tbe almigbtincs of gob. j|5otu fooStastbe refurrection istbougbtof, let tbe image of Cb^il^e come into our mincesttDbicb in § nature ^ be tofee of bs,fo rane out f race of mortal life,tbat notD bauing obteineb immortality, be is to t)s a plebge of v refurrection to co. ifo; in § miferics tober \3o toe are befc gcb, toe car\^e about b^s mojtifieng in our fle(b)^ bis life ma^ be opeli (bclueb tn bs«0nb toe mar "ot feuer bt fro bs, neitber ca toe poirible,but t be muff be fojne in fiiber. tsaberupo comrtb ^ ar^ gurnet of Paul. 3f § beaD bo not rt^fc a^ gain,tbe neitber is cb;iff rifen again,bi caufe beril^ be taUetb t principle fo; co fcireD,tbat cb;ift toas not maoe fubicct toDeatb, norobter«eDbictor^ ofDcatb bt rifing again,p;iuateli fo; bi felf:but, tbat ^ toas begonnc in tbe beaD \ji^Uth muff neeDs be ful6lleo in all f mebres, accojDing to tbe Degree i orbrcof coer^ one.if oj it tocr not rigbt t tljn G^ulD in al pouits be mabe egall Vd bi.Bit is farD in tbe pfal. 2Lbou (bait not fuffere tbr mehc one to fee corruption. :aitbcugb a portio of tbis truff perteine to bs accor Ding f 0 tbe meafurc of gif^, vet H)t full cffecte batb not appearcD but in ^hnH, tobicb being free fro al retting batb re* ceiueD again bis bobi tobole.jp oto leaff ti)c fclotofljip of bleficD refurrection t6 cbrtff(bulDbeDoutfultobs,^ toema? be contenteD toitb tbis pleDge,)aaul cp prefix affirmetb i^ be tberfoje Ctfetb in beauf ,f fbal come at f laft Bat a iuDgr, t be mat mabe our bafe anD btle boD^ litjc fafljioneD to bis gloric-iis boDie. In anotber place alfo be tcacbeib t §ob rai^ 2.Cor. 4 i,Cor.i;« «3- fCD Pfa,i5 K. Epc.3.21. The grace of Chrift. Third Booke. i.Cof.15. i3. feo not tjp f)id fon fro Detf) to § tnttnt to Qit\sx a to^e of f)t0 ^oloenbut to ffretcb out tbc fame effectual fb;icc of tljc fpirit totoaro tjs tobicb are faithful: tobom be tberefo^e callctb life,tof)ile be liuetb in t)£5,bicaufe be tuas geue to tbis tnn tbat be (boull) make altuc ^ lobicb is mortal in b0.Bl knit bp in a b^eefe ab^iogment tbofe tbtnges h}\)\d) migbt botb be mo;c Jargel^ baoleai are too;tb^ to be moje go^geouQ^ fet out: 1 ^et ^ truft t^jat tiit goDl? reaoers fljal in felu Uio^ues finoe matter enoiigb lobicb mai fuffife to ebi* fie tbeir faitb.Cbntt tberfo;jc is rifen a* gain,^ be miabtbauetjs copanions of ^ life to com.l^e \yas raifco bp of § fatber inromucb as be toas tbe beD of ip cburcb fro tubicb b^ botb in no toife fuffer bT?nt felf to be pluchebaloai?.^e teas mrfco bpb^tbepotoeroftbcfpirite, to^cbis como to bs bnto tl)t office of quicfening. if inallg be Inas ra^eo bp, tbat be (boio be refurrection i life . But as \s)t baue fa^D 1^ in tbis mirro;,tber is to be a liuc l\> image of tbe rerarre(tio,fo let it be to be a fure fubllace to tta^ our mine, fo ^ t?ct toe be not lotbful o;i tocri? of log ta< r^ingtbicanfe it is not our part to mea* Cure t\)t fcafons of times b^ our toil,but pacientlv to rett,till goD at bis oUmc fit time repaire bis feingDome.2^0 \3i\)idit purpofc fcruetb tbat erbsUatio of ^Daul. 2Dbe firft frutcs is Cb?itt * tbcntbc^ ^ are Dotb be not alfo p^oue bimfelfe to tbe pnefies t to tobole Bierufalcm ^ be is rtfcn bp aliue again. 00 fo; tbe ^it^ neffes bjbicb be cbofe, pjopbane me teil fcarfel^graiittbcmtobc fufficient. Bj anfluer tbat altbogb in tbefc bcglnings tl)c tucafencs tbcrof teas contemptible, \?et al tbis \x}as gouerncb bp tbe toooer^ full pjouiocnce of goo:tbat parti? ^ louc ofCbntl t ^ele of goDlincs,i partli t\^cir otim barbnes of bel«f Iboulo carp tbem in baa to tbe fepulcb^^e tubicb bao latclr bene bifmapco fo;i fear, tbat tbcp migbt not on!p be leing toitncffcs of tbe tbing, but alfo (bolD beare of § angels ^ tobicb tbep falD \jo tbeir epe^.l^oU) (bal tue fu^ fpcrt tbeir crebitctobo tl;ongbt it to be a fcible Uibicb tl)ti bab bearb of § toemen, til ti)t'^ Ujcr b^ougbt to tbe pjefent figbt of tljc tbing tt fetff-as foj al tbe people i tbc ruler bimfclf,aftcr tbat tbci i)aii ben largely c onuinceD,it is no maruell if as toeltbefigbtofCbntt as otbcrfigne0,i'^^^^-27 tuas not grauntctj tbem. 2Lbc fcpulcb^e ^s.zS.n. toas fealeb bp, tbe toatcbmen twatcbcD it.tlit ttjiro Dap tbc booi teas not founo. £Dbc foloiers co^rupteo \xt monp fcattc^ reb a rumoj ^ bps Difciplcs baD llollen bim alriai.^s tbogb tbcp bab baD potucr to gatbcr a baD togetbcr 0; bac arnturc, oj tijcr p;ia(tifcb men to cnterpnic aiip fucb feat. 3;f tbc foloicrs bao not coi^rage enougb to D;tue tlj? a\i)ap,U)bv Dio tbei not purfue tbem,tbat v6 tbe belpe cf tbe people tbcp migbt baue taken fomc cf i tbemr^Dilatc tbcrfoje toitb bis ring tru^ j Ip fcalcD tbe rcfHrrection of Cbjill * ano ! t\jt luatcbmrn tubicb toerc fct at tbc fe*| pulcb^e botb m their boloing tbeir peace | f in tbeir Iping, toerc maoe publil^ers of tbc fame refurrection Jn tbe meane Lu.a^.c tpme t\)t bopce of angcHs founbeb . l)c j 15 rifcn,be is not bcre . %\)t beaucnlp tli^.iii. glillcrir!- Cap.2f. OftK e maner how to recciuc I. Cor, t J-, 6, Ihon.i^, Aa7.;y Fhi.3.20, not men but angcLs.jaftcrtenru, if tbtr mrapneD anv Dcutir;g, tjim of* tcr tt}a once, « alfo felt brs fete anD tips tjanDCfl, f tljcir l)ai'Dnc0 cf bcleuing not alitlcpiofitcD to tfjc fimigttcning of our favtlj.i^c oifputcD amcng tf)cm of v mpttcricfl of tbc hingOomc of c^oD, f at tbc lalf in tbcir figbtcs bctjclDing bvm, be afcmDf D into bcauen.Snb not onelp ti)is figbt toa0 (IjetDCD to igriapofilcs, but alfo be toas fccnc at once of mo tl;an fiue bimo;jco bjctbjcn . i^olu luljcn be fcnt § bolr gboff, be tbeUieo a furc p^rof not onlpoflife,but alfo oftbe foucraign poU)er:a£s l)e baD fatiD bcfo2e,Bit is p^oft* table fo;i vo« ^ 3 gc: etbertnife tbe IBoIi? gboft (bal not com.315ut notu |l^aul Vuas Duertbjoiuen b^ tbe Uiaf 0 not b^ V^^t ftreng!b of a Deab raa,but be felt bt tobo be perfeeutefi to banc moft b^e potocr. SCo fetencn be apeareD fo; an otber cnD, namely i> vd affurecnes cf life be mtgbt cucrcomc ^ fear of bcatb.Co bifcreCiitc fo man^ autbettkc tDttnede^^ts not on^ l^ a popnt of Diaru0fulncire, but alfo of frokjarD ano furious ftubbo;nncffc. 4 SCbistobicb toe bauefapD,^ in p^O/' uing ^ refurrectio our fenfes muft be hi rctteD to tbe inftnit potocr of goD, paul b;afl^ teacbetb, ^ tue mai? mafee (faftb be) our tile boDi libe falbtcneD to \ bobi of bis b;igbtnes,accoji)ing to tbe too;k? ing of bis potoer,bT! tobicb be maic fub* Due al tbings to bimfclf. ©2lberfo;^e no^ tbingis mo;e bnmate tl;a berc to bane refpect tobat mainaturalli be Don,tober an incftimable miracle is fet b£fo;c bs, tobicb toitb ^ grcatnes tbcrcf ftoalloU)* etb bp cur fenfes. ^ct paule bp fctting fo2tb an eraniplc of nature , rep;ouetb tbeir Dulnr s UJbicb titni tbe refurrectio. SLbou ffflle''faitb be)^b3bicb tbou fotoeft is not quicJtneoljnlcs it 6rftbve.tr. l^e faptb tbat in feeo is fa n a fo;me of ip itf furrc(ti6,bicaufe out of rottenncs grcio etb co;n.i^eitbcr Ujer it fo bare a tbing to bclcue,tf toe toerc as b«DfuU as toe ougbt to be to f miracles iobicb ^^ogb* out all tbe ccaUcs oftbe tDo;(b Dcccffer tbf felucs to our eics.^ut let bs reme m ber i> none is txu\^ perfluaocti oftbe re* furrectio to com, but be tobicb bring ra« uilbcDinto aDmiration,gcucJb to tbe poUierofgol>lnsglo;jV.€railifteDbpV6 'f^;^^ ,p tbrs aff'-ance,crrctb outjJEbl? brao Ibal liue,mj? carfeas fi]al rife acainc.BteaUe pe, f p;arfe,re Dteellcrs oftbe Diift. gn 'pf^^^g 21 DefpeireD cafe be liftctb bp bimfelfc to (^oD tbe autbo; of lrfe,tn Uibofe baD are tbe enDs of Deatb,as it is fapD in p pfal. Job alfo being liker to a carrion tban to j . aman.trufiingbpontbepotDerof C-cu ^ ^*^* ^ fticfectb not as tbougb be toerc tubole f founc to lift tp bimfelf to tbat oar far* ing, 3 Ijnolu tbat m^ reDemer Ivuetb: % in tbe laft rmi be (bal rife bpon x\}t Ouft (namely to fljeto fo^tb bis poluer tbere* in) 1 31 fbal againe be copaffcD Uiitb mi? ffein,t in mp flcfb 3 ftjal fa fome DO futtellp to;eft tbefc places,as tbougb tbe\' ougbt not to be tnrerfiSD oftbe re* furretrion,vct tber ftre ngtbni i fcubicbe tbep couet to oucrtb^otuibiccufe t\it be? Ip men in tbeir cuills fabe comfo;t fro no teberc els, tban fi cm tbe likcnclTe of tbcrefurrection . ^bicb better appea* retb bp Vat place of Cjecbiel Jfo; ttben tbeB^eloes beleucDnot tbe p;omife of tbcr; rcti rne, anDobiecteD tbat it Ipas no wait iTibeli? tbat a tDai:e (boulDe bee maDe open foj tbem , tban tbat Deao men (boulDe come out of tbep? graue: tberetoasabillcntbetDcD to tbe pao* pbete, a fielDe full of d; ve bones : tbofe tbe llo^De ccmmaunDcD to tal^e again flefbe anD finetoes . afiflirtro, reft at t\)C appearing ofChiitte lu\!tbtb2 Sngehj of bis po^ tocr>in a flame of 6cr.l5«t tbat is to be boloenUJbicbbcaDoetb b^an^y after/ toaro,^ be Ujal eome i; be mai be glo;i* fieoinbis^ints^flwmaDe tuonoer^ ftiUinalltbemtbatbaue beleucD, bi?^ caufe tbe gofpell batb ben be IciicD, 5* ^ut altbougb y minos of men cugbt to baue ben continualliocenpicD in t^is ftuDp : ^t as tbougb tbep IdouId of fet piirpofeDcftrc^ all remembrance of tbc re(iuTcctiim>tbev bane calletj r>eatb tbc tttcrmoft 5o«u5 of all tUn^ts ano tbe Jcttriiction of ma.if o; tcrily Salomon fpeaUetb of tbe ecmmon an& reccrucs oppnifln^ iDbcn b^ i^'^tb tbat a Irninge Oogge is better tJ?aaa tieaB Hl^cn. iiiiD in anofbcr piac e. ®2Lijo fmoUjetb iobe^ tiicv J! fauie of a ma gcetb t3pluarD,an& tbefoulc ofabeaCt go oolDrtUiarD? I13ut in ail ages tb?5 b;u-.i^c CcnficfTc crrj<5 batb btn ccmmcn in tbe l3o;lo,f ca anD batbb;ofecn into t^^ &Aml) it fc!fe,fo, tjoasalUiai? in \);e among tbc bolv if a tbers,ani) (Dod toillco tbe fame waner to remaine amog ^ ©entils, tbat an Jp mage of p refurrection fet befojelbem migbt aluafee tbcir Djotofines. Il5iit aU tbougb tbae ceremony tcatcD bis tfe of pjofitig ret it is profitable forts if tue toifelt? niarb p cnoe of ifjbicaufe it is no fclenocr confutation of tmbelefe, \^ alto^ gctber profcffco tbat irbicb no ma bele- ucD.But &ata batb not onii aaontUjeD 5 fenfes of mcn,ro tbat tbeibauc burieo ^i^itl) tl)$ boDif s tbe rrmeiAibracc of tbe refnrrection, but alfo batb p;act^eD to cor^rupt tUs part of ticctrinc Vo tsioerfe fapneD inucntions,^ at If ngtb it migbt tjttcrli? oicj paflTe oucr boUj in paules time S>atan bcga to pincbe at it: but in a Ittle after tbcre fcllotDcD tbc ^iUena.' rics,U)bicb limitco tbc rcignc of cbritt to a tboufanD vearcs. SEbeir error is fo cbtlDi(b,tbat it ncoetb not or is not tror tbr of ant? confutation, ^eittjcr Dotb ? Iflcucteti&mafec on tbcir UDc.b? lubicb it js certain tl):it thcv coloreo tbeir tif ror: fbralmucb as in tbe place teber be mencionctbtb!: number cf a tboufano, ^t cntreatctb not of tb? eternal blclIetJ^ nefi'ecftbc cburcbjbwt onel^oftbc cr=j uers tioi?IJles lobicb liJere ta fcmetpo^ tbe CbarcbcUjb^Ic it vet trauapleo in eartb.lSut tbcU-vijolc Scripture crt>ctt> gut ptbcjclljall be noenDe cftbeblcr^ fcDncff? of elcftc, nc; of t^t ptm^Jhc Re, 20, U)c, ^i^u££3 baog grerunL^D to frcfrflft? nientoftfac regr^Bbritg « ji^clue of ail | ■ " ] " ^ 'ii^l.n\f, tbings ^t^ ^ oFcK e maner how vo receiue t^nsi3lvf}tct)botf) are biDorn from o«r fig^t 1 00 far pajB j capaatic of our info, cittjcr toe muft fcfctjc t\)t atzite out of tte fcrtaine o;aclffi of goo, o; tec muft Wtcrii caft it atoatSLbci toljub acrigue to tbc cljitojf of goD a ttjoufano rears to snm l^e mtjcritawcc of {> life to come, DO not niarfe tjotu great a oitfeonoj t&e? DO botU to Cf);iffeanD t;i0 bingoo. jfo? If ttjet! lljall not be clottjeD tuitO immoj talitte, tl;en ne^tfecr is C^^ift bimfelf, to iD^ofc glo;? t^ep Ojalbc netolr faftio neo, rccc^ueo tntottje intmo^tall glo? rv^ftbeirbldTeoncire ll^U baue an? ^nDc:tt)cn tbc bingoome of cbnft tpon tt^e fteofafinc(& toberof it aanoetb,en^ Duretl) but foj a tipme. i?rnaUi? e^ber tbet arc moft tjnffeilful of al matters co* cerninggoDjO; tbc? go about Id crokco maUtiournes to ouertb^otoe ti^t lobole grace of goo i potoer of Cbiift,^ fulfil? luig iDbcrof is no otbcrtoifc pcrfect,bat iDben fin being blotteo out t oeatb f lual loiueo tjp,cternal life is full^ rcdojco. 15ut bcr^ blino men ma? fet boU) fono Ip tbei plar tbe fa)les,U)bicb feare tbat tber Q)ulD afcribe to (2^oo to great cruel tk it tbe reprobate be cooemneo to euer lading peinesc.n^ lo;o fo;rotb D^al Oo lD;ong,if be oenr bis Kingoom to tbem tobicb baue bi tbeir bntbakfulne^ maoe tbffelnes t)ntDo;tbF of it.ll5ut(rartbet) tbeir Itnnes enoure but fo; a time . 3 graiit:but § niaieftie,^ca i tbc r^gbte^ oufnes of goo,U)bicb tbei baue offenoeo b^finning,iseternall 1KEo;tbili?t|)er<' fo^e tbe remeb;anee of tniquitie o^efb not'.bnt fo tbe peine erceoetb t meafure of tbe fault:Xb?f( is a blafpbem^ not to be fuffreO,tobe t^t mate0ie of goo is fo litle fet bUjiDbe tbe oefpiCng tbcreof is eftemeo at no greater Wue tba f be oe^ ttruttion of one foule. 'But let ts leaue tbf fe triflcsr,leaft cotrari to t tobicb toe baue before faio,U)e ma^ feme to iuOge tbeir Dotages lDo;tbr of confutation. 6 HBefioe tbefe,tbcr baue ben ttuo otber Doting erro;s b;ougbt in br me peruer fil? curious. SLbe one ro;tc tbougbt, as tbougb § tobolema Dieo,?^ tbe fouls Ojal rife again xb tiic bootes JDbe otber fo^? afmucb as tbei graijt ^ tbe fouls be imf mortal rpirttjSjfaf t tbei (balbc clotijco toitb neUi boDies:\uberfc^ ^ci oeni? tb$ refurrcctto of tbe ficfl}. i©f tbc ftrft fc.:t, bicaufe ^ l)auc toucbeo foiubat in fpca^ hig of p erratic of ma, it fijalbe enougb fo; me to luarne tbe readers agai, bo\u beattli an erro; it is to matte of a fpirit fatbioneo after tl)c image of goo,a bant flying blaa trbicb ootb notbtg butquicU t])t boci in tijis fraile life:t to bjing ti}e tepie of tbe boli gboft to notbfgiiPinaUt to fpoiie ^ part of bs Ijoberin oininenes cbefeli (btnetb i marks of immo;talitie appearc to fpcile it{3 fav)of tbis gift:fo ^ tbe eftatc of tbc boo^ fibulo be better t mo;c cxc^llit tba tbe eCatc of tbe foule. SLbe fcripturc tea^ctbfar otbertosife, tobicb coparetb tbe booi to a cotagc,cut of U)bicb it faitb t ^^ remoue ^x:\)c tee oie,bicaufe it cftemetb bs bv tbat part iDbicb mafectb bs oifffering from b^ute beaftes, ^o peter being npe to oeatb, faitb tbat tl)t timt is come,tobe be muS lat atoap liis tent, iano paul fpeafeing of tbe faitbful,after t be bao fa!D:2^bat tobe our eartblp boufe (balbe Dilfolueo, tber is a biloing fo; bs in btaue, aoior^ netb ttiat toe are tuaifaring fro tht lo;o fo long as txie abioc in tbe boDT?,but ooe Oefire p p;efence of goo in tt}c abfcfe of tbebooi.if p fouls 00 not onerliue§ bo oieSjtubat iff it ^ batb goopaefcnttobe it is feuereo fro p boDi;f}15ut tbe ^poftle taketb aluai? al Ooutig,tube be teacbetb tbat Uice are iorneo in felotolbip to tbe ^pirites of tbe rvgbteous. ^^ tubicbe li}o;os be (bcUietb) tbat todo are iorneo in felotol^ip to tbe bol? fatbcrs, tcbrcb cucn being oeao oo bepe p fame gcolt'^ neffe tPt?tb ^s/o tbat itee cannot be tbe members 2,Co,5-,i. Hc.i2.»3 Luk.23. 44» The grace of Chrifl, Third Bcokc. «.Pc.2.a9 Mat.f,8. 6c. 26^ loh.ii. mebcrs of C[);jill tnlcs Ifc grolc togc^ tOcr iuttb tbem.tmnlra alfo t\)t foulss be ing tjncIotbcD of i? bcDic0, t>iD bcpc ftiU tbeir fubllancc,nnO t^^rr able to rcctiut bleflfcD gIo;v,Ct);tft toolD not bauc fato to tl^e t\ji£tc^%,l)is oa^c tbou l^alt be \:d mc in paraDife^i^aning fo clcnr tc&imo nic?, let t)0 not oouCifter v crample of c\);iit tohf \yc arc Dring,to comcno cur fouls to goD^j after y eraplc of ^tcpbr to co.uit tbr to clinti to ftcpe,U)l)icIj not 53ntoo;tl5i{rc iscalleD a faitljfull fljep* l[)ero anD bil&op of tbem. Sic enquire of t^civ mean ftatc, is ncitftcr latoful no;> eirpcDirnt. ^anv &o muclj ccmbcr tbf^ fclucs iurtb Difputing U^feat place tbc^ kcpe, « trfcetbcr t!)cp Do notu cnio^ tbe brauf l^ glo;\? 0.2 no. 3i5nt it is foUi? anu ral^nes.to fearct) Dcpclier cf tnfenolrn tl)ing0, tijan C^oD Dctb geuc \)s leace to l9io\y.l^bcn tbeftnpture,!)atb fe^jD t €inifl is p^elent Vd tl;tf t receiucti) t\)t into paraDife ^ tbe^ ina^ cniop ccfo^tc, on § ctber ttDc r tt?e ioultB of t^e rep;o^ bate DO fu(fcrfu(bpfit^;j5ast&c^f]aue DcfcrucDiit goetb no fui ttjer. ©a^at te^ rbcr c J maittcr Cl)al jxUjc open to ts ^ tDljicb ©oD batb tjiODciif £Df i^ placctbe quefiio is no IcsfonD 1 'i:ain:fc;afiuucb as tue bnolu ^ tber is not 0 fame Dime ^ fion of tbe foule tebub i£ cf tbc boore. ^IQUeras § blclTcD gatfccrig in^ctticr cf bolv fpiritfi is calico i> bofcmc tf iib >a? tia,it is enough f^s; tjs afrer tijis ioaifa? ring tu be rcceiucD of [' comcn fatfjcr of tbc faitbful,r ftc »"t?^ f cmtinicate Xd tjs ^ frute of bis faitft. 5n tfjc incanc time m § fcripture cucrt> tegcr liDD.tb bjs to bagtipon i erpcctatton of cb;jine0 c6? mtng,f Defcrrctb tljc crotun of glojv til tOcnilct te be com cnt l^ttlj tljf fc bonos appot?ntcD tis of ©oD, v^ thi ft ales of tbc gooiT?ban;ng cnDcO tt)e Lho} of tbe^; toar:are,Do go info a blclTcD reft, tuber itttbbappriorfulncstbcDicDile fo; tbc enio^ing of t^t p^omilco glo^rejano ^ fo all tbings arebolDen in fufpcnfe till €\>M tbe rcDemer appcare. 9ls fo; tfee i^epiitbate, it is no Dout tfjat tber bauc tbe fame eftatc Uibicb Juce affignetb to tbe HDeuete, to be bolcen bcunoc tortb cbainc0,til tbcv be Djaton to tbe punil^ mcntUiberunto tlje^ arc conDcmnco, 7 ipJoleffemcnflrucucis tbcr;erro;j, tobicb imagine tfeat foulcs ftjall not re^ ce:ne tbe fame boDics lubcrctiitb tbe? arc note cl3tbeD,but Ojal baue neU> and otber boDies.^nD tbe reafon of tbe 2pa' nicbecs tuas \ittv tnfelin0,tbat is,tbat it IS not mate f flcG) lubicb is tinclene 0)ulD rife againe. 0s tbougb tbcre^tDcr notnclcnneCTc of foules,tobicb ret tbct Dcbari'cD not fro tbe bopeof eucrlafting lifejt teas tbcrefo^c all one, as if tbci? fbulD fa^ that tbat lubicb is infccteo Vo tbefiltbeoffinnecannot be clcnfcDbr goD.ifo; I note puffc ouer tbat Dotage, tbat ficOjc U?as not naturally! tncleane, brcaufe it toas create cf tbe E^cuill. ^wlv 'i fijcUT tbat tDl;af fQcuer is noiuc in \36 t?n\»c;tbr of bcauen, it biuDcretb net tbe rcfurrectiou.jautj firlr,tobcrca3 Paul biDDct!) tbe faitl/ull to cine tbcni fclucs from all Defiling of tb: flcft) auD of tbcfpirit,tbcrupon folotuctb t iusgt^ ment Uibic.^ be in nno(bcr place p:cncu cctbjtbat eucr\? man Qjal receiue b\? t-ia yoDr ciibcr go3D 0.2 euill.tabcrluitb a* greetb ttjat tibicb be lu;ttctb to tbe Co^ rmf bians.Cbat tbe life of Jr ftis Cbna mai? be openlii fljetocD in onrc mo^tatl flcC). if oj U^bicb rcfcn m ancibrr ))\iU6 be Dotl5 no leffepjaf tbat C^oD pKfcruc tbe botjies liibolcunto tl;cDar cf Cbzitt fbau tbe feulcs anD ^piritcs. i\nD no maruel,fcccaufe it isiere a mcllc greatc abfurDitrc tbat tbe boDics lubicbc CDoD batb DCDicatc to be temples to bimfelfe, fl)OulD fall atuar into rottenneCTc lut^tb^ oatbopecfrifiugagaincttlbatfa^tcc to tbis, tbat tl)t^ are alfo tbe members of Cbnfie^ttJat CDoD commaunpetball ^^X t^e 2. Co. 7 i I ?.Co,>,> '2.Cor.^ ! 10. .The/ > 23. .Cor, 6. I*" ' I I ;i.Ti,2.J. ; lifE :^. I "OftMC mancr how to receiue ik.(2ot,i» o tiK partes of t\)tm to be fcincttficD to Im kmiHit tit U)illetb \)is name to be p^aifeD teitb tongc0,pure \)mnts to be ItftcD tjp to fjim, facrificcfi to be offreDf ^bat niaoncffe is it tljerfo;c tbat tbat parte to lubicb tbc beauenl^ im^t batf> DoucbTaucD to (traunte fo great bono^i CjulD be b;ougbt from a mortal man in to Duffc,iDitbontam? bope of rcftonngf itikcUjtfc toben paule cybo^tetb bjs to differ p S.o.2D,a5 l»el in boot as in foul, becaufc botbc belong to C5ob, \)erel^ be 1 fuffretb not tfjat tobicb be cbalengetb to ' <2>oo OS bolp, to be aoiuugeD to etcrnall j lotteanes.i^eitbcr is (ber a plainer be? I termination of tbe ^cripturefc: anpe ! tUmy tban foa tbe riCng againc of tljis ^ ncQ}UJbicbU)e bcarc.SLbiiS corruptible i'i.C^s^^ (riijtl)]?jul)muft put on bncot!)c bouts ful fpsac'oe pcraDuentare mougbtbaae i; j ficucn occaSon to tbcir caaillation.But I I noto tobcn popntiiig toitb ins finger to ;.1^«4.». tbe bo&ir0 tobcrtoitb toe are c!ctbeD,be j , p^oMuff to to tbr bnco^ruptici, be plain t . j Ip cniHj(]b Denictb ani? ncto booieoto be maDc. ^'ca be coulo not (fa^nb Icrtulh- an) fpeakc nio;e plainli?, fcnlcffe be baD (;. 5jcloeabi3oU3nefuin.inbiabanoe.2nD (': a}ci? can bp no can illation cfcape from f! tbia,^ toberc in anotber place be faptl), tbatCbha t^albe tbc iuDgc of ^ lDo;tD, M ?• 4 ^ js' *^ ^^^^'^^^^ ^^^ teftimGBipe of (2;fave> 3 ^^- * lme>(faitI>tbeIoDm be fpeftetb,Gwl^ Ic fubitit to^rctlo an accopr of tbeic life U)l?ttt CO uloc nor^ree, if 4ttlD( barsics .anUDbc biou3^;t befois tbe iuDgement {eat. i;ij3Uj in tbe too^ sf E>aiii5l tbcr sP'i:iM MiiQ oct>tf ulneiFs.aiir) maav cf tJrem^ hcvpcjr.tbe tart!) aSauGc, (bat ai»ai«, , ^ _ cbes ano to cucrlalrHig ccntcmpte:fifbc be fetcbftb not nelue matter oute of tbe fourc elements to mat^e mf,but c&Utt^ OeaD men oute of ttetr granes.^nD t^s ber^ plain reafon teacbetb»i?o; if moj? talitpe tobicb toke beginning at tbe fall of ma^je acciDentahtbentbe repairing, tobicb Cbuft b;ougbt,pertainetb to tbc fameboDi?e tobicb began tabe mo; tall. jSnD truelVjtoberas § atbenians laugb^ ea toben ]iaul affirmcD tbc rcfurrcttio, tbcrbpon toe map gatbcr tobat maner of refurretfion be paeacbctcano t fame taugbing not fmaUt?aua:tetb to ftreng* tbf our faitb. 2Cbe im^\% of Cb;ia alfo is too^tbp to be noteD. ir rare not tbem tobicb Utl tbe boDp, t can not til^ foul: but fear bim tobicb ^vn tb^cto botb tbc foule f tt)z boDp into itc feell 8f f!re.:^oj tijcr is no caufe to fcare,t?nles t^c bc&p toljtcb toe noto baare,be fubiecte to pu? mft)mcnt. 2nD no IcCfe plain is anotber faving of tbe fame <£!?2ilta2^be t>oar r o< mc?b>ti>b^ alf tbe i? Hyat arc ic ^ graues, fij;il bearc tbe boicc of tbe ftnof OoD,.f (bal come fc;tb : tbcp i^ banc Done gcDb,. into tbc refurrcftion of life : but ttjtv ^ baue Done eailt, int(i tbc rcfurrcction of loDgement* &ball toe fa^ f foulcs reft in i\)c graacs,tlwt tbcp Iring tl)$re mai bear Cb^ilf f ano not ratber,tbat at brs connnatiDemcnt ttit bouts ^all return into tbc liuclincffc tobicb tl^c^ hab IcUi ^o^tomvy if tof fljal bane neto booics gcuen t3, tobcr is tbe UUc faCjioning of t\)c bead ttlft members f €)^itt rofc a* gain:: toas it ^j>it\i fo;gtng to btmfelf a ncto bosiii^o'out as be babfaiD before. 2>?ftrop tbisttmpiCjan!:^ in tijm Dapcs ,lhjQ,2.i^l 'i toiM builD it tjp,be tchc again (rfamc baop tobpcb be baa befoje boyi mortal, i^fli be baci not mucbc p^oStco ^j, if a n^toc hoDpe Ueing put in placc>tb J olDe bcD^ baiibiuic Dc^arspsD tobicb toa^a of^ fc^a bpft.:: a. feacriSccoE fatuCfiirtfl^Te *■ •»«*« ♦t>Kt»4>-tt*P'jK>1t^y#< Mj-; The grace of Chrift. Tmxd Booke. ^i^oLS^ I. Cor. 1 J. m^ toliicU tbe japottlt p;cact)ct1).2L^t 1 a)OulD it profit to applv our fet, banw toe rife again.btcaufe cb^ift ^;5tb riPfcn j e^f s> « to«g8 ^"^o .f*5^ ^^ ^^5^ ^^.^^rH »a. Ma.i7.5'a CadicUti (men clo- [thcd in 1 whitc,as j were a j mog the ; Romay- ncs they j that wer Ifutersfor r newly leatcd linto oi- tece. againifo: nothing is Ics pzobablc tban tbat our flcO) in lubicb Uic bcare about ti)e mo;itifvingof Cb;ta,fljulo beDcpji uco of toe rcfttrrccriS of vtbnft. ^bicb tehlpappcarcD b^ a notable cramplc, tobf attbc riling agaiuc of cb^ift^man^ boBicc of tbe feaiats came out oft sra^ UC5. jfo; it ca not be DcnicD ^ tljis tDa0 a fo;ft)ciDtng,o; ratber an earneft of i? laH refurrcGio \»btcb twc bcpe fo j: fucb as U)as before in Cnccb f boloU)it0to Dcrcvne tbcfimple.£:bc tbcretJemcrfr6beaup,Uibtcbloalmaue 1 filing (pints tuitl) \»bcm 'i noVo ciljw* our t3ilc bcti liftc faajionco to t bo^V ot te,bzing fo;itb a faineo inuf ticn of tbeir bt^^- br.gbtncs.lino if tbM be true, p ^e olun b;ainc, f at t^c refurrcition tberc muft b^ manr amitttons enter into tDC fbalbc a certain of netoe faoties. mm hm^cm of gcG,no rcafcn fuffretij to dc^ reaion mouetb tbem to tbmk fo,butbi^. bar tbc boores fro ^^^^^ cntn?.ii)bicb goo caufeitfcmetbrotbfincreciblc^aca. botbcrcrcifctbtsnoertbc ftanMroofp ^ riwi cefumeu Id lo long rottonnes CbulD ! c rolTcf bonojctb toitb tbc pjarTc or^ic^ ,2^ rcturnc into bis aiicict ttatcf 2Lberfo;» j to;i^.2:berfo;e of tbis "tatter tbcraroie , I onlrtnbrlcfc istbcmotbcroftbificpi* I among tbe famts no Douting,but^ti)ci? nion.li5ut tjs on tbe otbcr Ooe i fpint of bopeo to be copanion5 of Cb;ift»tobicnc eoD ecbc tobere m v fcriwture erbo:tctb ' rcmouetb into bis oton perfon al t\)c a.^ Aa.H, Ro.S.n, to bope fo;j tbe refurrcttion of our flcfb. ^o.i tf)iB reafon baptifmcCas Paul \i)it ncffetb)is to tjs a feal of tbe refurrettio to come:ano liftcUjiic tbe bolT? fuppcr al lurctb bs to t truft tberof,U)ben toe re^ cciue lo our moutij v fig.ies of fpiriiual grace.ano truli? tbe lobcU crbo^tation of Paul, ^ Uic gcue our members to be toeapons tjnto i cbroience of rigbteouf nes,ajulo be colQc tjnies i> toerc ioT'neo \i)bicb be aDoctbaftertDaro.^e 1^ batbc raiTeO top Cbjift fro tbe DeaD, (bil quit' ben alfo pur mojtall boDicsJfoj>^?W flidionstobcreUntb Uic arep^oucD, to teacb l^ tbcv bnng life, ^ca f bnocr tl;c la'm be erercifeD tt;c bolf fatbcrs in tbrs fa^tb iBitb an outUiarD ceremony . iroj to tobat purpofc ferucD tbc bfage of be? r^ing as toe baue alrcaop (be toco , but tbat tber (boulD bnoto i> tbcre is a ncto iT^fc p^epareD fo; tbe boD^cs f are larDc tjpf l^/crcunto alfo tenocD tbc fpices anD otbcr Cgncs of immo;talitv,toberV^ it!) tinDertbclatoc tbc tjarlmetre of fa^tb toas bolpen eucn as it toas bv tbc facr:;* ficcs. ^cvtbcr toas tbat maner bicttc Tv ,<^p.2f. ■ .Gen.23. b\> fuperftitio,fc;armud) as tuc fee ttjat ; tbc fpirit Dottj no its DiUgcatli rebearfe ' buriatet ja tbe cbcfe miftcrica of faitb. Mj.2o.i6 rjiio ci) Jill commcnDctf) tbat tuo;fe as a fpcciall lwj;b,truli? foj none otljcr rea* fon but bicaufe it lift ctlj tjp our tits fro beljololff of tbe graue tobirf) coiiruptc^ f DcCroictb all, to tbc figW of tlje rene^ toing.fipo^couer tbc fo Diligent obfcr? uing of tbc ceremony toijitb i« pja^fcD in tf)cfatbcr0,futficicntl^ p^ouetb tfjat it toaa to tfjeni a rare i piecious l)clpe of faittj.jro^ neitbcr toolo ab^aba bauc focarefuUi? p;ioutDeD fo;Mbcburt?inge place of t)i3 Ujife,\)nlcfre tijere ban ben fet before bis eves a religion ana a p?o fit bier tban tbe too;^lD,namelt>tbaf gar niOjinge tbe oeaD booy of bsis tuife taitl) tbe ugncs of tbe rcfurrertion be niigbtt (onftrme botb bis o\i)n faitb f tbe faitb si bis boufcbolD.i^uf a clearer p;ofe of tbistbingappcarctbia tbe example of ^acobjUibicb to teIli6etobis polteritie tbdt tbe t}ope of tbe piom^iiet) laD toas Wit tmn bi Deatb falle out of bis mtnD> commaunDet) b?s bones to bis car^'eo tbctber. J befetb rou,if be tuas to be do* tbcountbancU)cboDve, fljoulobenct ftaac geucna fonoe comaunDcmcntcon ccrmng oiitt tbnt O^nilD beb^ougbtto no tbingf oabcrefoje if tbe autbo.^tie of tbe Scripture be of anpcfoKetoitb tjs, tbcrc can be requsreo of no Doctrine tu tber a mo;ie clere oj moje certai pjofc,. iFo2 tbis eurn tbilD^en UnOcrttanBc bi? tbe ^am if Kcfurrcction>f raifing tip ijgain, jTo> neitber can toccalittbe rc^ fuftcction of ^ tt)bic]}is^noU) firttcrca=^ tco>neitbcr (ftylD tbat faring of Cb.aiflc ifanD Uft, Mbatfocuer tbefatbcrbatb geucn mc.it Owll not perils, but 3 tuill raifc it bp m tbe kC Dape.2:o tbe fame purpofe f tciietb tbe Uflo;De of |a>lKpt«g> ^Ijicf? pcrtcinetb onclp to tbeboD^es. cCTbn'ljpo a!Co burv^irig places turr cat* Of tlie maner hovvtoreceiue remainerbi 31 fpe^e fonitobat off ma^ i.Cor, C7cnv47. 3^- C'K<^.33. ner of tbe refurrcctio. 31 ^fe tbis iuo^O, bicanfe paui calling it a m\?aeri,erbo; tm t)s to fobnct^,! b^ioelctb ? liberty to oifpute lihe pbilofopbers frelp i fut=^ tlelrofif» jlFir0et»cinuttbolDe,asUie bauc faiti, t tue fljall rife againe in tbe fame flell) tobicb toebearcas toucbing tbe fubftanccbut tubcn tbe qnaliti fbal; beotber. ^s toben tbt famcflc^eof Cbiifte tobicb bao bene offrcD fo^ faerie fice,Uias raifct) tp again, ret it ercelleu in otbcr qualities, as if it baD ben alto^ getber an otber flcf^.mbicb tbfg l^aul Dcclaretljbr familiar eramples.i^o; as tf^ere i& al one fubttancc of tbt fleflj of a ma,$ of a beaa,but not al one qnalitre: as al (tars bauc lihe mare r,but not lihe bjigbtnes:fo be teacbctb ^ tbogb tue fl^t feepc ttil r fubfiace of our boDp,rct tbcr fljalbe a cbange, ^ tbe Uate cf it mar be mud^mojc crcellentXbe loci tberfo;je tbat \ue mar be raifeo \ip again,£^al net peril!) no> tjanifl^ aipar: but puttrng of CO jruptton,it Cbal pu' on tjnco;niption. ^ut fo^afmucb as ©oo batb all tte ele^ mcnts rcaor at bvs b^cUe ,no baronelTe G)al bimzv biinihnt ^ be mai cemaun& botb tbe eartb I tuatcrs f frre, to renoer ^ tobicb femctb to be cofnmco br tbem. labitb alfo Cfar tefti^etb , tbougb not Ef,2&. tuitbout a egure,^tDbrre bt fartb r3i5e^ bolD>tbc tLojD I^U go fo.:tb of bis place, tbat be mai liiiit tbe iniquitr of r eartb: anb tbe eartb l^nll Difcouer ber blouD, ^ ftjall no mojc bifc bcr neao.liSut tber is to be noteD auiftiercncc bettoen fl)f tbat bauc ben oeao long before,! tofe tobora tbat car ft)all fintjc aliuc. jf o; toe fl&aH not all Oeepe(as |9aul faitb)butU)c I^al all be cbangcti:tbatistolar,ttMlnot ^** be of neceffitr tbat tberc be a biftanee cf time bctUjene ceatb 1 1^ Ueginning of tbe feconj) life : becaufc inamement of time yt ii3 tire tbJincUling of an e^c tbt 1$. ih •Cor i^i. IcD Qvipgter]3,^tcytna Places, folp it! founocc^tl:? tmrnget l^all pg^r. loh.n. Mat. 25-. 3>- raifc Up tbc Dcao Uncorruptible, f toit?) a foDcin cbangc to faftion again tl)c lif uing into tbc fame slojre. ^c in an 0* ttjcr place, be comfo^tetb tbe faitijfull iDljicb mutt cic:bicaafc ttjc^ tu!)icb tljal tijcn rcmaine aliuc, (^all not goc bcfo;c tt)t DcaD luljtobereb? tbe? fljoulDc be bttcrlr Dc* 0rct!CD:TCt by> tbe marucllous counlcU of C^cD tbcre toas fcunD a mcane Gate, tbat cut ot life tbe? migbtliue in Deatb. S^o me^c abfurDit^eougbt it to fcme,if tbc refurrecticnbappen to tbc toichcD, tobicb D;iatoetb tbf againfte tl)tir toils to tbe iuDgemcntfcat of Cb?ia,to!bcn;e ncto tl^zv refufc to beare fo; tbcir mai* tier t tracber. iro; it tocr a fmall paine to be cofunico atoar toitb Dcatb, if tbe? tocr not, to fuffcr pumtbrncnt fo; tbcir obdmr.cie, b;ougbtc bcfo;e tbc iuDgr, tobofcUcngcancc tbcv l)aue toitbcute cnDc anD meifure pjouchcD againtie tbcm fclucs. 15ut altbougbc toe mufie bclDc tbat tobicb toe bauc favD,t tobicb tbat notable ccnfciiiiin cf paulc bcfo;c ifelirccntcindb, tbatbelaibetbfc; tbe |Aa.24 rcfurrcction cf tbertgbtccust toitbcD: ''^ net tbc fcripture octciuncs leltetb fo;tb election togctber toitb tbe beaucnli glo* rp to tl)c cncl\? cbilD;en of Cod : bicaufe Cb;ilf p;op;clr came not to tbe DcCru* crion,but to H)t faluation or tbe to'o;lD. s:bcrefo;e m tbe CrccDc tbere is maoc mcntujn of tijc bleCcD life end?. 10 3li5ut fo^afmnebc as tbg p;opbefr of Dcatb ;o{:.3..4 Dcatb fba!lotDCD tp b^ i)icto.jp,aial tl)t aWQ not til tfjrii be fulflllca:lct ^s alliJat t'.'ic i» iniiiDc tbe eternal fcliciti7C, tbe e:i5 of tl>e refiHTcction:of eije crccllenc^ Ujberof, if all tfjings iDcr (^fxn iubtclj il.lji).3.2* Of the n:ancr how to receiue ncfi toitl) big elf rtc,Yra>i toil fff «c btm fclf to f:\)cm to be emovcD^n2(tD!;!cb is better)tyiiaftcra certain mancrgroto into one luitb tbemtlet ts remember ^ tjn5cr tbis benefit is contcincD al Uinlic tbctogs ofaien luer able to fpcake, T>et I of felicitue. SnOtoben tue t^,m^ miicbe jOe.i5,a. .pf^A^-, fcarcclv t\ic fmallca parcel tberof OkiIo \3Z erij;^cireD.if o; botofoeuer toe trueli? j bearc tbat tbe UingDoin of '©cD (ball be i ftuffeD full tnitb b:igt)tncire, iop, fclici' ' tv,aaD jjloi^e: ^ct tbofc tbings tbat arc ' fpohcn of, are molte far remoueu from onr fcnfe, anD remain as it tjjer tojap* pc5 in sark fpeacbes, bntill ^ Dai? f ottie tobe be bJmfel?(l)al Q£i\t tobs bis glo^i to be fcn>:face to face. Side feno\i3 (fa vtb Soljit) tbat toe are tbe cbil9;cn of (Sod, tMit it batb not tct appcareo^But luben U2C r^albe like to bim, t\)cn tee (ball fee Ijim fixbe a*? be i5.Ccaberfci;e the P;o« pbets,bicai»ie tbev coulDe by no tuoiDes crPcJcCTe tlje fpiritiwll blcfifecnrlTe in it felf,5io ina nioner grofli? po^trai it out 'otiaer Uoolliitbings. But fo^afmucb^^as ebc fcructn^fl of oefire muH tDi?tb fomc tall of tbat flucetcnrs be feinDleD in bs,, ' U t tiscbefelp continue in tbis tboiigbt, tbat if ©CO bot as a certaine fountaine )tf^icb cannot be 0.2atDttDap,contein in ^;nit^;c fiilnss of al goo tbingg, notbiij is bcfonDc bim to be coueteo of tbem ^ len&toUjar&tl)« foueraign ga)0,anD ti)z tul perfectio o*' fcliciti:a5 tjoe are tiiugbt in nianv pUccs. abiabam,3 am tb? re^- toaro erceoing great, Mitb tobieb far* iwz acco;.:jf tb DaiiiixSDbe 2,o;De ic my p3>tioii,tbe lot batbc bcr? luel falkn to ■^h,i7,P- :^Vc i.4 mc.agajn in anotber place,! fi^lbe H I tifne&teitbtbpcoiirenancc. iButlDctcr I luoacuncctb tbat tbe faitbful are caller i to tins caDjtbat ti^ci may be maoe par* tafeerc of tlje nature of^on, ^lotoe fo^ buauLcbefball be gla;ifieD.in all bvs Inints, f Ojaibc aiaue U)onz>erfull i&itbc tb.ul>.uitbcicueik 3;ftbciU);fil»ilUn pjofiteD in tlm meoitaf ion, Icttc Ms re imctDlcgc tbat Ine \?f tlJav bcnctbcaf § \ bottom of tbe rotes,if tbe cencctuing cf I our mince be comparcD tsitb tht Ijigb^ | neffe of tbis mvflery.^alberfo^e in tbis j bcbalfe toe muHc bepe fob;ietrc,lcal!c | toitb botoe mucb greater bolonc fTe toe i (ball fiie bp on bic,brtng buminisfull of ; our oiDne fmall meafure,fo vniitl) moje tbe bjigbtnrCTe cf tbe b?a«en!r gIo;jt C' uertobelme tjs. Me fttle alfo botoe tbe bnmefurable greQir5c(re to hnotoe mo;e tban is latofulrticfelcf b t0: frcm tobf ce botb trifling anD burtfuU queflions Doe fp;ing from time to time jtriCing 3 call tljofe of to'jicb tbcr can no p;ioflte be ga** tbereD.ls5ut tl)iB feccnD ijinDe is too;^fe, bicaufetbep tobtcb gcae tbcmfelties to tbem,Do entangle tbemfelucs toitb per* nitioHs fpeculatioRS, anDtberfcje i cat tbcm burtfull. SCbat tobicb tbe ^crip^ tures Doe teacbe, ougljte to be out of all toutc toitb bs : namely tbat as ®oD Di* uerflp Diffributing bis gifts to \> faints in tbis toooD Gjal ncDe nothfg of all this fo great anD incoparablc plenty?: but (halbe hUe to the angclSjtohofe not eating is a fign cf the cternallbleCTcDneire. HButJam f teere that in the terv fight there Ojalbe fo great plcafantncfle>fo greatc ftpgtc-- neffc in the onlv hnotolcDgc toithout a^ n\? hre,that this felicity (hall farrc paffe nil the hclpes tehcrcU'ith ii^c bcnoUie bolpcn.ilet Xis imagine our fclwes to be fet ui the moa luelthr to&d of § too;!D, auD Ujhere \De Qiall teante no plcafure: vet fcljo is there inljcmc Vjis ficbr.effes Doe not romctimc hinDer anD not fuffcr to tife the bcnefitfs of €oD^ teho is tfjcr Uihofe courfe his olune inttmpcrauncc Doth not ofte baeake in funDerr CCHhere? tjpon foloiocth that a clcare emoinng,t pure from all faulfe,aUhoughe thi re be no bfe of corruptible lifejs the pc rfecti* on of fclicitt?. ^omego further,anD afit tehether D^offc anD other corruptions in mctals,be not far from reilo;ing anD arc contrari? to it, tXilhich tljogh in Tern refpert 3 graunt them,ret 3 l^ke tu^tl) Paul foi the repairing of thefe faultes p iL'hifh tcUc their beginning at fmne,to* j Uiaro tDhithe repairing thcv grone anD are in trauell.^ct thc\' prorcDc further, anD afbe tohat better eCate is p;epareD fo; ma,fith the blcffing cf ttlue Ojal then be at an eno . %\)^s knot is alfo eafie to be lajfeD.Mhereas the Scripture foho^ no;abl^ letteth out that hinD cf bleUing, that i$ refcrreD to the cncreafes tDhere^ toith goD continually D;al»etb fortoarD the orDer of nature to her marbe: but in the perfection it is knotoen ^ ther is an other maner.ll5ut fith t t)nlDare are ea? fil^ taken \jb allurements, anD then the majeD?al)cieth the in cccplTer,f at Irgth ixjheneucrvcmansDeuifcs plcafe him* felf there is no cnD of ariuing:therefo;e let thrs be a (hort tr a v fo; ts,to be c on- tentcD Uuth the glaCfe « Darke fpach tn* till toe Ojal fee face to face.if o; fcto cf a great multituDe care tohich toate thep go to heauembut al Do before their time couet to knoto tohat is Done ttere . M being commonly? fiughifte % Goto to cn^ ter into battels,Do alreaDr paint out to themfelues itnagineP jrijnnphes^__ 8.23 12 Ma 8.15. Of the mancr how to rcceiuc E&430.. 12 ^olue bpcaufe no Defcriptioncan matcbetbcgreuoufnelTe of tfje tenge* ance of (iDoD bpon t\)t reprobate, tbcir to;mentC£5 ano petne« arc figurcu to tw br boDvI^ tbinss,namel^ bp uarfeenc0, lDepmg,gnafaiing of tertb,tnquencbea* blefier, anDtoo?me cnolefl^gnatDing tfje barCe. j^o; b^ fucb maner of fpeacb iti5 ccita^ne tbat tbe l^olij meant to trouble all oure fenfcB \DttbI)o;ro^: as teben it is far& tbat tberc i« p;rcparcD from etcrnitic a Dcpc ^el, tbat tbe nou^ rin)mciUefitbereof arc ficr ano mucb U3aj3: tbat tbe b!attcoftbello;jbe,a3a Itrcam of baimttonc, botb fet it on ficr, jas b^ fucb tUmt^ U»e mutt be bolpen afteia ccrtaine mancr to concc^ue tbe miCcrablc ftatc of tbe to^ckefi , fo toee ougljt cbtcfeli) to faUcn our tbougbt tpo thM batue to^ctcbea a tbinge it is to bee cCtrangcO from tbe fclntefljip of CDoD: f not tbat onl^, but alfo to fcle tbe maic* Gic of cS^oD fnbcnt aga^nftctbec, tbat tbou f anG not ereBpe but befatte ttrap* net! cf It . fm fifiyt brsD^fplcafure is \vM a molt ticlcr.tficr, Icitb tcucbing lr!l}crcoraU tbtnges arc DcuoureD anD t'tonllclurD tp. SL!icn> al! creatures fo fcructb bvm to erccutc \)i5 iutjgcmcnt, tbat tbeg to U)I>5 tbe Ilo;D Ibal fo l^eto Us Uj.:atb,(baU fcle tbe Ijeauen, eartb, fca,aao bcafta,as it tocr \Joii^ cruel in^ l^ignation cnfiamco againtte tbem,anD armeato tbcir aettrudiai.^berefo^re it is m fmal tbing t^t t^ apoffle p;o' /.Thej. nouncetb, luben be fartb tbat t\)t bnbe* 9- Icuing (bal fuflPer eternal punillbmet b? o^ing from tbe fact of tbe llo;b, f from tbe gloji? of bis potocr.^ni) fo oft as tbe p^opbets 00 call ts in feare toitb bosi* l^ figurcs,altbougb tbei fpeafec notbing ercelTiuelv fc;j our Dulnes,tet t^t^ aUDe fDjcflbetoings of tlje iutsgcmet to ceme> in tbe funne anb t\)t mone,? t\)t tobole frame of tbe t»ojlD.^2lbcrcfo;e tbe bn^ bapp\> confcie'ncesBo finse no reft from being t»ereD anD toJTcD tu^tb a terrible tDbirletoinijc, frsni feeling tbemrelucs to be to;ne in paces b? ©oD:, being an^ gcrlp bent againC t\)em, fro being per* feo ano launccD iait^ Dca&lr ttings, fro trembling at ^t It gbtm'ng of (Sob, ano being b;jofeD luitb tbe tuatgbte of b^s banoe, (0 tbat it is mucbe mo;e eafe to enter into all bottomlcIFe beptbes^ ano tseuDuring pits, tl)an to IJanoe one mo* mcnt in tbofe terrors. ^23 bat anbbotoe great tben is tbis, to be p^effeD loitb i^ uerlatting nnD neucr ccaCng ficge of biin^£>f \3)\)it\) tbtng fbcrcpfalme co** tcintt\)a notable fentcce: Ibat altbougb lcitbon!i?e Ogbtc be frattcrabaobeall mo;tall mm anb batng tbcm to ncugbt, ret bi?s txiozfbippers,bito mucbc mo^e fcarfull tbcp arc in tbe tuojlD , fo mucb niooD applying bimfelf to our capacitie acco^Ding to bis toonDerful ]3 jouiDence, batb appointcD a meane tDl)crbp lue being far Difiantc fro \iy>m migbt come tnto brnt.Mber? fo;c ttic o;Der of teacbing requirctb tl^at nolD toe cntreatc of tbe Cburcb>i of tbe gouernment, o;ocr0, t potuer of it, anD toen of tbe Sacraments, t laftlv alfo of ciaile oaDcr:anD tbertuitbal tbat toe cal atoai? tbe goDli? reaDers from tbofe co;^ ruptioiw tobcrctoitft Satan in tbe pa^ pane batb Depjauto all tbings tbat (Don baD appoynteD fo; our faluation. 3 toill begin at fb^ cburcb^into tobofc bofo gou U):l baae \)ii cbilD.ien to be gatbcreD to- gerbcr,not onelt tbat tbc)? fl)oulD bv bcr bclpe f mtmHerje be nourifijcD tobiic t jeg are infantes f ^oung cbilD;en, but Of the outward meanes to Saluation. Fourth Boolcc Fol.3».9' Mat alfo be ruleD bp bcr motberlp care till tl)z^ groto ta nper age,f at Icngtb come to tbe marU of jfa^jtb.ifo; it is not lato^ full tbat tbofe tbpngcs be feucreD tobicb Cj5od batb conioi'neD,tbat to tobom be is afatber,tbeCburcbebeairo tbei?;^ mo* tber: anD tbat notonelptJUDer tbe lato, but alfo fince tbe comming of oi> be carr^eo toitb biolcnt rage to tbe fame entcnt : ^ct it can net bee crtmguifl^eD , no> tbc blouDeofCb;iftbe mabc barren, but tl)at it luill b;^ng fo;tb fome fruitc. anb fo 10 botb tbe fecrete (Election of (S?oD , anb bVJ5 inluarDe callvng to bee confibercD : bicaufe be alone Unclrctb lubo be br0 » ano belbctb tbcm cnclo* feb bnof r a fcale a0 |aaule tcrmctb it: faping tbat tbep bcare bi0 tohcn0 tobcr* b\? tbe^ ma^ be fcueraU^ bnotaen from tbe rep;obate. iBut bccaufe a fmall anb conitcmptible number Ipctb bib bnbrr a buge muItituDe,anb a fclwe grainc0 of tobeate are eouereo tuitb a beapc of cbatfie,to Cob onelv is to beleftetbe bnotolebge of brs Cburcb , tbe foun* Datwn lubereof is bps frcretc (Electi- on . 15ut it t0 not fufficient to con* ceaue in tbougbt anb mf nbc tl)c uiul^ tituu of tbe C!;le(te,bnleirctoetbinbe bppon fucbe an bnit^e of tbe Cburcb into tubicbe toe be truelpe perftoa^ Deo tbat tocc ourc felues bee engraft fcb . i?o; bnlctTe tocc bee bnoer our bcabeCbiia \ittittti tcgetber tD^tball tbe reatt of bi?0 member0, tbcrcabr* taunce to come . 3t 10 tberefo^e cal^ leb Catbolic&e 0^ tj^ntuerfall y becaufe Vuttcan not finbe ttoo c; tb;oc Cbur? cbe0 but tbat Cb;iC mutJc ba to;ne in funbcr, tobicbecanne not bee tone. i5ut all tbe Clecte of <£;cDare foKnit fogctberin d)M, tbat as tbepbang tppon one beabe , fo ti)tv mapr groUje togetber us it tocre into one boD^f, cleaning togetber toptb fucbe a com? patting of tofntes a0 tbe member0 of one felfc boc^e : bepng truclp mabe one , U)bicbe \3)itl) one ^Bopc . if aptb. Cbaritie , ^vtii one fclfe ^pirite of ®ob boe Itut togetber , bei'ng callcb not onel^ into one enbcrttaunce ofe* ternall Ipfe , but affo into one parta* kpngofoneCobanDCb;^t(i . Mlber> fo;c altbougbe tf}e fo;rotDfull bcfola^ tton tbat on ecbe fibe p;efentetb it felfe in (igbt, rri?etb out tbat tbereijs notbpnglefteoftbe Cburcb ^ ret let b0 bnotoe tbat Cb^iftes bcatb 10 fruite* full anb tbat <3^oD maruellouGp as it lucre in fecrete corners pjefeructb bi'0 Cburcb . 00 it toa0 farb to Clia«, 3 bane kept to mt! felfe feuen tbcufanb men t\i&t baue not bolueb tbev; knee befo;e Ball. 3 ^albeit tbrs article of tbc Creebc botb in fome refpcct belong to tbe out« tuarbeCburcbe, tbatcueri?c oneofbs Hjoulb bolD bimff If in bjotberlt' confent tDttb all tbe cbilb^en of (2^ob, fijclb i^elo bnto t\)t cburcb tbat autbontre tobicbe it beferuetb) finalise (boulb fo bebaue brin felfeasalbepe of tbc flocfee . ^m tbercfo;e is abiopneb tbe communion of^ain(te0. tiUbicbeparccll, altbougb commonlpe tbe olbe li);ttcr0 boe leaue it out, pet is net to be neglect cb : bcf caufe it terptocll erp;ccretbtbc qua* litieoftbeCburcbc :a0 if it ^aJi been faveb tbat tbc ^aindes are gatberco betb fo^ be no bope of tbc enberi- 1 togetber into tbe ftloVutbippc of Cb^ift Uiptb •J i.Kin,ip, 18. To Saluation, Fourth Book< I Uij^tljt^ps condition, tbat lubatrocuer \mo;efu(fer!)^0fa^tl)fullto be plucUeD Aa4.3» Eph^.4 benefited ©od bcttotwctb tpon ftjein tljev fljoulD fonttmial!^ commnnica- tc htm one to an otljcr. Qsi^bercbv! ^et t[)z Di?ucrfific of graces is notta» ken atjua^, as tuchnoioc t^attbcg^f^ tc5 of tbe \^ol\? CDboft are D^iucrarc D^aributcD : ne^tber 10 tbc o;Derc of c^uile Gouerncment D^HurbcD, bi? tob^cbc it is latoefull fo^ cucr^ man piiuateipe to enio^ebvs oUinc pofrcf* aons , a0 it is ncceffartc , tbat fo; pjcfcruacicn of peace amonge men, tbe^ lI}oulDe bane among tbcm felucs peculiar ano Dcu\>DeD pjopcrtfes of tb^ngcs ♦ )i5ut tbere is a communi' tic affinneo , fucbe as lltike Dcfcri? bctb, tbat oftbcmultituoeof tbcbcle^ uers tbcre tuas one bcartc anp one ^oule : ano paule, ittben b^ erbo;^ tetb t};^t Cpbefians to, be one boDTje, one ^ptrtte, as tint's be calleD in one bope. if 0; it is not poCTible , if tbcr be truclv perftoaucij tbat <^on is tf)c common i?atber, anu Cb^^ifttbcconv monbcaue to tbemall, buttl>atb?ing conio\?neD among tbemfclaes Initb b;ro tberl? lone , tht^^ fljouloe continual^' l^ communicate tbofe tbi?ngcs tbat tbe? t)iiuc. ii^otue it mncb bcbouctb ts to bnolDc txjbat p;of^tetbcreupon re* ttirnetb t)nto bs. i?o; tue beleue tbc Cburcbc to this cntjc, tbat toe ma^ bee ccrtai?nlv pcrfijuaoco tbat tuc arc tbc [ members of it. if 0; b\? ti)is meane>our I faluation rcftctb bpon fure ano founo I dates , tbat it , altbougbe the tobole frame of tbetoo^lDc be Ibaken , canne not fomc to ruinc anD fall ooVune. :i?i?;ft it Cannctb Icttb Oaos (tlcCxi< DJi > ncv'thcr cannc it Viar\>e oj fa^le but Can5c tcgct!]cr to^tb ii^s etcr? nail ]i^;c«iuencc . Sben , it is afccr a ccrtaimc manner iotneo tortl) tbc CtcDraanclTs: ofCljua, U)bicbc Uiill no Fol.3»4 from bpm, tban bt?3 otone members to be rente ano to^ncinpcces. 515efiDe tbat, Ujee arc affureD tbat tructb tball altuare ab^De luptb bs , fo longe as Ujar are bolocn in tbc bofomc of tbc Cburcbe . ilafte of all tbat toeeffflc tbat tbcfc p?om\?fes belong to bs,tberc fball be faluation in S>ron, CDobttmll fo; euer abv'Oe in i^ierufalem , tljat it marc not at ant?ti?mebe moucD. ^0 mu'cb can tbc partaUinge of tbc Cburcb Doe,tbatit bolDctb ts in tbc felolulbip of CDoD, 0!fo in tbc tjcrp too^Dc Com* nmnion is mucb cofo;tc:becaufe lubilc it rcma^nctb certai?nc , tbat Inbat fo# euer tbc Jlo^oe gcuctb to bv^ ano oure members, belongetbtotjs, cure bope is h\i all tbeir gmo tb^ngcs confirm meo. 515utinfucbfojteto embrace tbc \3nrtic of tbc Cburcb, it is not neeDfuU (as toe baue alreaop fa^cD) to fee tbc Cburcbe it fclfe toftb oure eves,o; felc it to^tb our bannes : but ratbcr b^ tbis tbat it confitletb in ifartb,tBe arc an* mon^fljeD tbat toee ougbt no le CTe to tbrnke it to bee, toben it paffrtb oure DnocrlfanDing,tban if it opcnlv appea* rcD . i^et?tber is oure ^artb tberefo,:c tbe too jfe , bccaufe it concc^uetb it bn? knotoen : fo; afmucbe as toee arc not bcrcin commaunocD to Difccrne tbc re* p;obate from tbe elcctc (tobtcbc istt)t office of CDoD onclr 1 ano not oures) I but to Dctcrmvnc aCTurcDlv in oure I minijes,tbat al tbe^ tbat bt tbc mcrci* full kinbncs of dDoo ti)c fatber tb;ougb tbc effectual too:king of tbc bol^ gbofl-, are come into tbc partakmg of cb;ilf^ arc feuf reo into tbe peculiarc r^gbte anD p;op;e pclTf fficn of Cb;ifte: f tbat, fo; afmucbas toe be in tbe number of tbcfc, toe arc partakers of fo greatc a grace . 4 iDutfitbc it is noto our purpofc to en HH.il. treatc loel. 2.32 Abel. 17. Pfa. 4^ 6. Cap.i. Vlat,22. \o. Hr37 3»- loel.2.32 Of the outward meanes PCio<$,4 '^^ph.4.n trcate of tt)t tjifiblc rt)urit),lct fe0 learn eucn Ui? ttjis one title of iSpottcr, tjotoe mudj tl;e bnotulcogc thereof is p;ofita* ble,i?ca nercffarv fo; ts : fc; afnuicb as tijcre 10 no otljcr entrteinto lifctnlcs l^e concernetos in fter inombc, t)n# lelTc Gic b^ing t5 fourtO, t)nlcs Qjc fcDe ts iDitlj Ijer bjeatlcs, finally tjnles fljc feepe t)5 tnDer Ijer cuftotJi^ ano goueD naunccbntill fncbct^meagbeyng tn^ clotl;eD of mo^tall flelibc tue Qjal be like bnto angels, jfo} ourc iBcafeenesTuf- ferctbbsnot to be Difmiffeo fro fcljole, tilltuetjaue been fcfjolars tb^ougbout t^c tobole courfe of our Itfe.BefiDetbat out of ber bofome tbere is no fo^gcue^ neCTeoffinnes, ano no faluation to be bopco foj,as )3)^tnmtf) Cfar and Joel, luitb tobome agreetb C^jecbiii lubcn be Declaretbtbattbei?(ball not bee in m number of dDoDDcs people tubom be put tctbabiaiPfrom tbe bcauenlr Ipfe, as on tbe contrarr?e Itbe tbci? are fafCD to iDjite tbcir names among tbe citejcns of l^ierufalcm, tbat turnc tbem felues to tbe folotoing of true goDlrneffe. af^ ter tDbfcbc manner iti$ alfofareb in an otber pfalm:Kemanbcr me 3Lo;d, in the goD iuill of tl)\i people: tiiatc me in tbr faluation tbat 3 ma\?e fee tbe bc^ nefitcs of tt)\! elett,tbat 31 may be mer^ rv in t\)c mini) of tbi? people, f 3 maye reioyfc toytb tbv enberitaunce . Sn tDbicbe toffi^Des tbe fatbcrly fauoure of goD,anD tbepeculiare teftimcnieoftbe fpiritual life is rearaineo to bis florlje, fo tbat ti)t Departing frcm tbe (burcb is albiay Damnable. $• HButletbs p;ofebe to p;icfef ute tbat tobicb properly belongetb to thAs place. IDaule to.2itctb tbat Cb^tft, t be mygbt fulfill all tbnigcs, gauc fome apoftUs, (omc ^;jopbctcs,fcme £-uangcli0s, « fome l^^afto^s ano teacbers,to tbe reffo ring of tbe boly ones, into tbe toc;ihe of myntffcric,tnto tbe cBification of ibe boDy of Cb^ifi;:tjntiU Ire al come into t? ):tnitic of ifaitb, ano of tbe acfenotrlct^ ing of tbe fonne of CoD,bnto a perfects man,anb to tbemeafurc of tbe full gro^ iwcn age of Cb^JitJ. 2I^cfceboU)ceoD, Uibicbe teas able to iiulit tbem tbat be bis perfcctc in a momeiitcyct tcill net banc tbem groUJc into manly age but by tloe bringing tip of tbe Cburcb. 22IIc fee tbe meane crpKffcD , fo; tbat tnto tbe |i)afto?s is enioyneD tbe p;eacbing of tbe beauenly Doctrine. ^ e f© boluc all,not one crcepteo, are b^ougbt into one rule,tbat tbey Iboulo Uiitb myloe Spirit anD billing to leame,yelDe t\)t' felues to f teacbers appoyntcD fo; tbat tJfe.anD by tbys markeCfayc baD long befojc fet out tbe kingDome of Cb^ifte tcberc be fayetb: ^y ^pirite tobttb ifi tntbee, anD tbe luojDes tbat ii bauc putteintbymoutb tball ncucr Depart, neitbcr outof tby moutb, no; out of tbe mcutbeof tbyfecDeano tby cbylD;cns cbylD;en . Mlbcreupon fclotoetb tbat tbey arc ttJo;tbye to peryfbe toytb fa* myne anD pyning bunger , lubofoeuer tbey be tbat refufe tbe fpirituall meatc of tbe foule reacbeD bnto tbem of ©oD by tf)t banDes of t\}t Cbnrcbe . CDoD Doetb b;eatb faytb into bs,but by y in# ftrumente of bis (IDofpel,as |aaule faitb tbat ^aytb is by bearing, as alfo toytb CSoD remaynetb bys poVuer to faucbut (as tbe fame paul toytneiTetb) be tJttc^ retb am Difplaictb tbe fame in tljt p;ea cbinge of tbe C^ofpell . i?o; tbys rea? fnn in doc tyme be Inyllco tbat tbere (boulD bee mabe bolye affcmfalies to tin fanttuarye,tbat Doctrine \jtterf d by tit moutb of tbe p;icC ft)oulD nouriOj ti)t content of j^aiii), anb to no otber enoe tbofeglo;ious tytles baue refpctt,U'ber tbe ii^emplc is callcD tbe rclte of a ber^e gcD^ tricill it p;jouctb our obeDiccc,U)ber toe bcarc bi0 miniftcrs fpcaking euen a0 it toere bimfelfe. £>n tbe otbcr 0oe it alfo p;ombctb fo^ our tocahnts , tobrle after tbe manner of men be baD ratfjer fpeah bnto \30 bt? interpreters to allure t)0 bnto bim,tba toitb tfjiiDjingbjiuc bs atoap fro brm. anb trul^ bote cypcbif t tbis familiar manner of tearbiitg is fo; t)iT,all tbe goDly do feel b^ tbc fe,tbat Cod Diuelletbnct in temples maDc tuitb banftcs.ie. 15e* caufe ohcly Cod Dotb by bis too;j^ lane? tifie to bymfelft temples to the laUifuU bfciUiD if U>c raiWy attempt-any tbmg Uiitbcut bys conunauiiDem«it,bii\jit:by to an euill beginning Do tUauencUi cc^ uifcs b-y lubicb the emll is fp;eD ab;oaD tuitbont meafure. i^et ?er>;es,U-.ben by the counfcll of tbc £^agieians Ik burncD bp o;pluchcD Dotonc nil ft)t temples of Crcece,bnDifcretely fayD, that the goDs to tubom all tbynges ought to befrcc^ ly cpen luerc enclofcD luitbin inallcs anD tyles . as though it tuerc net in the potpcr of Cod , to the entciifr be mygbt be nere bs , after a certaine ma^ ner to DefccnDctintobs, anD yet ncy* tber to cbaunge place , no; to fallen bs fo eartl ly meanes : but rather by cer* taync cbariottcsto carryebs bp to bys beauenly glo;y,Uibicb luitb tljc inmica? furablc greatnclTe thereof fillctb all thinges,yca ano in height furmountctb thebeauens. 6 jSoU) fowfmucb asfat this time tbcrc bath bene great ftrifc about tbc effectu* alneffcof the minittcryc , lobyle fomc eycefTiucly amplifyc the Dignity tbcrof: anD fomc other affirmc that that luhicb is To Saiuation. PourtliBookc. lEo^^i^i 15 piopcrlT? bclonsing f o tl)C Ijolr c^oft is\u:onsfulli?5euenaU3a^ to mojtall man,if toe tijinhc tbat ntiniftcrs i tea* cbcrjs 00 pcarcc to tbc minw auD l)arts> toamcnDas luelltljc blinDnclfe of tl)c mtiioc0 as tl)c baroncirc of bartcs: it is mete tbat toe gcuc a crgbt netcrmina^ tionoftljiscontrouerCe. autljat ti^tv. content) on botb parts Ml cafilr be ac* co;dcu bT! crp^ffll' noting tljc places tuber tbc autbo? oj pjeacbing ior^ ning bis fpirit luitb it pjomifctb ffuitc tbcfof: O.J againc, loben feucrtng b^nt^ fclfc from outtoarDc bclpcs be cbalcn^ gctb to btmfelfc alone as UjcI tbe begin* ntngs of faitb as tbe tubolc courfc tber^ of. 3lt toas tbc office of tbe fecoD eiias . (as SBalacbic loitneffetb) to enligbten Mal.4.^. tbe min^Sj*^"^ to t"'*"'^ tbebarts of fa* tljers to tbc cbilo^cn^no bnbelcacrs to tbe tu^fcDoni of tbcrrv^gbteous. CbJiftc p^ononncctb tbat bcfenuctb tbe 0po^ lleles, tbat tbev^ (boulo bjingc fruite of tl)ctr iabo?.li5ut U)bat tbat fruit is pes- ter Ojojtl^ tjefinctb, facing tbat tiwe be li.Pe.1.23 regenerate >JD incorruptible fct)e. anb " ' 'tberefo:c paulglo^^ctbtbatbebptbc gofpel begate tbc Countb^'i*) -in'J tbat ti)c^ iwre tl)c fealc of \m apoaielbip: kCo,9.2. ^eji-tbat be toas net a literal nuaiaer, fucb as oiD^nelv beatc t\jC cares to!?tb founb of tiovce, but tbat tbere toas ge^ ucn bim an effcctualncfTe of ^piritc, 1^ 1 l\i3 Dcctrinc fl)oulD not be Ampjofitable. Jntobicbe mcantngcalfo in anotbcr place be faitb,tbat bis Cofpcll luas not tti \ua;De onlr,but m potoc r; \9e affir* uictbaltQ tbat tbc Oalatbians br bea- ring rcccvnieD to fpiric of favtb. irinal* Sh.if.i<5. a,Cor.3. 5. nCor.2. 4. C}al.3»2. ^^^ '^^■•3 9 i^'iTimanr places be ntaUetb bvmfelfc not onclv a tDo;hf r toge tbcr UJitb goD, but alfo aHiauetb bimfclfe tbe office of Qcuingcfaluation. SDruelv be nciicr b:ougbt fojtb al tbefc tbings to tbts en^ ttnttoaeuc bnto bvmfclfc anp tbvng WYC it'ncHcr fo litlc fcuerall? fra goo: as in m otber place be (bfo^cl^ Deda retb,fa\?ing:our labour Ujas not bnp?o fitable in tbc Lojo, acco;H)ing to bic Pp^ tjjcr migbtil!? Uiojhing in mcJ^gain in an otber placcbe tbat Iwas migbtiein peter toluarD tbe circumcifion, l»as alfo migbtie in me toluarD ^p CDentiles. iSutbotobcleauctb notbing feuerallyj to tbe m^nitters, appearetb br otber plac»,as:bctbatplantetb is notbing, 9 be tbat toaterctb is notbrng.but ©ob tbatacuctb tbc encreafe.0gain:3i bauc labowrcD mo;jc tban all : not % but tbc aracc of goD^ Uias Imfb me. ianDtrue^ f^ Uie mulf boloe fatte tbofc favinges, tobcregouafcribcDto bimfclfc tbecn^ ligbtcniiiq of tbc minm % tl)c renetuing of tljebarlcteacbetb tbat it i^a robbe* rie of goD if man tabc bpo binifelf anr partctjfertberoftbem. 3n tbemcanc t\>me if anr man offcrc brn^fclfc to tbc minittcrs tobom CDooojoe^^nctb, U>il< lina to learne,bc Oial fenoVo b\? (' ff ute,|? tbis maner of tcacbing not in feain pica', fco rnpturefpeal?ctb of tbe cburcb after ttuo lvi;itcs.®omtime tobcn it namctb tbe tW^^hit mcanetb V cburcbc \ubvcb i&m mxD befo:e c!5aD, into Ivbicb none are recevucD but tbc\? tbat arc botbb? grace of aDoption tbe cbrlf icn of CSOD, % bv fanotfeation of tbe ^pirite r true member of Cb;Jift'^. ^"0 ^bcn truclv it comp:ebeHtictb not cnelr tb^^bol^ o»cs tl)at dUkU in eartb, but alfo al tbe elcit tbat bauc ben fms tbe beginning of tbe luD:l0.15ut oftentim&bnocr tbc namo. of tbc Cbnrcbe it Ogmfictt) tbc bniucr^ fall nuiltitutJC of men fcattereo ab;ot& i.TH.3'^ Cap.u Of the outvvardc meancs tntSctoiWc, tofjicl) p;off (Tc tbat tijef too;fl)ip one goD j ctjjift, bi? llSapttfme enter into tjis jf aitfj,br partafcing of J fuppertettiftetbeirtonitie in trueDoc^ trine tcbariti?, Ijaucan agrrmentini^ U)o;D of tbc iLo;D,anO fo^ tbc p^eacfjmg tberofDokcpct^e nunt0crte o;{DemeD l)tB onet? ei?r0 Doe fet totjo be botl) bo^ 1? iD^tboat fa^ning^ano lubo tuell con^ f mue eucn to tbe enoe , tob^cbc is tbe tJf rv d)ifc point of faUmtion.^et en (be otberCDc,fo;afmucbeaj; bee fo;eralDe It to be fome beaic erpeoient, t^at It'te ^joulD knoUje Iwbo tuere to be accoiR|. bvCbiift.aintbtscburcbtberebemtng ,teobT:Scb?lb;^cn,bel3atbin tbi5 parte leD man? bipocrites iubict) baue nottjfg ! applieb bimfelfe to cur capncttie. ana of Cb;ia but tbe name ano oattoarceibecaufetbecertainttcofifaitbioasnot fteU)e:tbere be man? ambicious,coac* necea4rie,be batb put in place tberof a tou0,enmou0,euel fpeakcr^jfomcof tn certarne tubgcmcntof cbaritic:U)bere<» cIeanelife:tobicbbefuffreDfo;atimc, brtoecftoulD atfenc\rlct^ fo; mcm^ citber bccaufe tbe? can not b? latufull , bjes of tbc €Wc\) tbofc tbat botb Miitl) o;Der of iuDgement beccnuinccb, o; be confelfion of jfaitb, anb icitb erample caufctbereisnotalloa^inWetbatfc^ of life ano Inptb partaking of ^acra* utritU of Difcipline ttjat ougbtc to be. mentcs, oo p;cfcCe tbe fame dDoD ano Xberefo^e as tue mufte n&^s beleue t tbc cbnrcb tobicb is inuifible to tjSjis to be fecn Uiitb tbe eiea of gob onlp: fo are toe commaunoeD to regarb tbis cburcb lobicb is calleD a cburcbc in refpeae of mcn,anDtoUepett;e communion of it. 8 S^bcrefo^e fo mucb ^ btboueo bs to fenoUie it, tbe ilo;De batb fet it out b? a.Tj.2.ip certain marbes anb as it t»ere fignes tnto t}0. %his is in oeeb tbc Cngulare p^erogatiueof CDoD bimfdfe, tfifenotoe lobobebi0> as toe baue alrcaDpallea" €l)}itit Uiitb bs. 35ut as fo^ tbc knoU)* Icogeof tbe boDpetbcreofboUie mucb mo^e tbat be hnetu it to be neccCari fo.: onrefalaation,lDT?tbfo mucb tbe mcjc certarne marbcs be batb fettc it out. 9 iloe bereupon grcVcctb anb artfctb bnto bs, a face of tijc Cburcb bifib Ic to oure eres . if oj luberc foeucr toe fee tbe too;t)e of cboD to be purelr p^cac^cD anb bearbe,anb tbe ^acramcntcs to be m^niftreo accoaoing to tbc mfiituticn of Cb^iHe, tberc it is in no toiefe to be 20 jHora. m; 'loan. d). geo out ofpaul.:anDtruel?^ tbe raflbcDouteb tbat tbereis fome Cburcbe of nelTe of meune Ojoulb not crepe fo far, \ Oob : fojafmucb as brs p?omvfc canne it is p;oaroeb,b? tbe ben? fucceffe of | not oecc^ne.Mber foeucr ttooojfb;© Mau8.. tbings Da?lp putting bs in mino, bclee ' are gatbereo togctber in mp name,tber far bis fecrete iubgemcnts Do fwrmout J am in tbe mibs of tbem.^ut tbat toe our bnDerffaDing . i^o; eucn tbe? tbat ma?e euioentl? tnoeiftanb t^t fumme feEmeomoftbefperatcanDaccomptcD oftb?s matter, tote mutte p;eccDcb? btterlypattebope, areb?b?sga)Dncffe tbefeas it toere begras : t\)at is to calico bacbe into tbe toapianD tbe? tbat ra?e, tbat tbe bniucrfallCburcbe is a fecmcD to ttauD fatt in comparifonof o^ mult?tuDe gatbereo togctber out of all tber,Do oftcntims fall: IDberfo^c acco;^ nations tobat foeucr tbe? bctobicb be* Ding to § fecrete pjcoeaiiiation of CDoo ing funbercD anb (eucrall? fcattcrcD b? as Augurtine faitb^tbcr be man? fljepe Dittaces of placcs,?ct Doetb agree in one toittjout ,ano man? toolues toitbin, \ trutb of goDl? DoariHcano is bounD to^ iFo; be hnotoetb rtcm,t batb tbe mar* getber toitb tbe faonoe of one felfc rel?* feeb t bncto neitbcr bim no^ tbe felues. gion:;anb tbat fo bnber tbis are comp^e H5Mt of tbofe i openl? beare bis baPgc, I bcnbcD all particulare €hm(iits \Dliic^ are To Valuation. Fourth Bookc are in al totDnes ano ftrctts acro;Ding to tl)t o;bcr of mens ncc cfritr,fo ttjat t* nrr\? one of tijcm marc rigfjtfuUi? Ijauc tf)c name i autbo^^tt^ of a ct}iirci}e : 0nD tbat all particular men tobicf) bf p;ofef* (ton of goDltncffe are rrckrnrD amcnge fuel) Cburcbf 0,altfjou0i) tlje^ be m DcDe ff rangers from tbc diurcb,t>et noe after a ccrtainc maner btlcnjt tnto it,till b^ publifec iuogemf t tber be banil^eo out of it.i^otoebeit tbcrc is a fcmeUJbat tu aers maner in iunging of p;tuate men anD of Ctjurcbcs. if c; it ma^ fall in er^ pertence, tljat fucb me as toe Ojal tfjinh not to be altogcttjer U'o; tliy> of tbe com* pan^ of tlje coDir, ^ct U)c mult tifc liUe b;etb;en,ano accompt tbem anions tbe /aitbfuH )fo; tfje common cenfent cf tbe cburcbjtoberbi? t\)ti are fuffereo f fco;n tDttball in tbe boor of Cb;^tlle. v^SSe o^e not br our tcttimonv aliotec furtje to be I mcmb?cs of tbc Cljurcbe: but toe leaue tbem tbc place t!)at tljet? baue amog tbc people Oi CDoo, till it be br o;UerIv ri&bt of latoc taken atoar from tbem.lSut of tbe tjcrr multituDc toe mvfi otbertoifc t[)in^c : tebic^ if it Wl) ano Ijonojetb § mmiiJers of tbe SZHojo, ano tbe acmi^ niilration of ^acraments,tt Deferuetb twitbout JJout to be eftcmcD antj iuXiQC^ a cburcbtbcraufc it is certain tbat tbofc tbings are not tuitbout frute. &o tue no alfo p jcfcruc to tbe bniucrfall Cburcbe bcr t)mtie,tPbicb oiueli(b fpirites banc altoav trauailcD to tut in f ooer: ncitber DO iDe DcfrauD of tfceir autbo;itrc tbofc latjDfull alTembltes lubict) are DifpofeD acco;Ding to tbe QtnelTe of places, lo mt bane fct fo; (ignes to Difcenic tbe Cburcbe bt? tbe p2eacbing cf tbe Foi.517. butlc fare tbat no tobcre it is receiucD, ano batb a ftareo feat, but tbat it b;in* gctb fo;tbe tbe cffecualndfe tbcrcof. Mbere tbe p;eacbing of tbe ©ofpcil is reuerentir bearD, anD tbe Sacraments arc not ncgIeaeD,boUi fo cuer it bc,tber fo;i tbat time appearetb a not Deceitful, 5 not Dontful face of tbe cbnrcb,U)berof no man mar bnpunttbcD citbcr Dcfpfe tbe autbo;itr,o; rcfufetbeacmonitios, D^ refill: tbe counfrls,o; mocfee at r eoj^ rettionsmmd) Ics to Depart from it,anD to b^cabe in fonocr tbe tnitrc Oi it.ifo; tbe lo tbcrc is notbing f fatan niouc j-noeuo^ctb,tbaii to take atuai' ^^D abo* htb tbc one of tbcrc,o; botbrfometime ^ I Uiben.tbcfjq niarUe0arc racca ano blot- I tcD out>bc inav tafec atpap tbc true auD I natural Dillmction of tbeCburfb:fomc< Nmc tbat tuben tbci? arc b:oug|)t m co^ tempt,ba mav tuvtb open falling atoai? pjucti bsfroni tbc Cburcb.iipi^ i)is craft It IS bxougbt about,tbat in certain agea fiaftj tbc pure p^ieacbing of (> Uio:d batb l3!ani8)co atoap: anp noine be uotb toitb ^xsTfiU inipo;.tunacv trauailc to. oucr;- ^jpintbiJ niiiiittcri:,lvibif b v^t Cimitc ?}atbc fo ffablifljieD in tbc Cburebc.tbat ltwbetv,it is.ta{?en.ntoaiie,tbc cDification :^,tbc C-bwcbc pcarilbctb. liput noUjc, lK*t»e Daungercus, i?ca boiue DcaDlpc a. mnptafionis it iuben it Doth but conie ^Qtnenunnc to Depart fwrnlbat com? ^i*pgation,Uiberetn arc frcnc^tbc figiicff :?n^tokei^ br tubicb tbc 11,0:0 tbougbt bt3 Cbucfb fufffcicntlv Dercribcfif CCljt fo boUjc greatc li&pc 10 to be ta^m on botb^ficcs. iFo;,tbat \\\c Hjulti not be De^- ceiiicn bnoer tbc title of tbeCb»ilcbke^ uer? cojigr^gation tbat pjctenDctb tfjc rmnicoftbeCburcb>muft be erajHinco I bp 0 mancr of triaU^sbr a toucblTone. ^f it baue in tbc tuojDc f ^acramcnttf, tbc o:pf r appointeo br tbclLo;p,it linl! not Decciuc \3^ let tjp bolDlp yiecl^ )^\t emby ougbt to be no ground of Difagrec* mcntamoiig Cb;iftiau5: 3it is in DacDe a p;inciptUl pornte,.tbat tot agree in aU. tbvncgg. )^utffl;.afi,m«cbc Oig tbc^^c PI ^h3*^9*i __ To 6a!uation. Fourth BoO'^^*_ Utel cloHD of igno;aucc:ct?tt)cr Ujc mutt j Icaiic no Cburdjc at al,o;tucmiiftpcir ' owi a being Dccc^iicD in fiicl; tbmgcs as , inavbc tinknoUicnlDrt^ont \)toIattng ! i\)c funimc of UcUgton, « lu^tbout loffc , -of faluatioit li5iit i mcanc not Ijcrc to Defence anr crro;s be tfjcv ncucr fo [iu lc,fo a0 3B tuoulo ti)Vi\U tljat thcv flJuID j be ebcrilljeD lurtb flatterpng ano lum* king at tljcm : but J fa^c tbtit U)C ougbt not rafblp foj eucrv Ivgbte oilTcntion fo^falie tbcCtjurcIjc, in tul^cbcat leaft tbat x>ottrine is rctevneo fofeanuijn^ cojriiptcD, luberein ftanoetb tbefafc tit of CoDlrne(re,anD tlje bfe of ^acra? nie^tec 15 heptc as it toas inCitute b^ tbe ll-o.:&c. 3.n ttjc ineanc t^me if iuec pnocuom-e to ameno tbat Ui!>irb Difplea fetb ts, Uic no ttjcrcin accojoing to our out??, and brreiHito belongetb tbat faiv ing ofpauI:3tfanf tbing bettrrbere* ueleo to i}m tl;at fittetb, lette tbefirHc bolDc bis peace. 5;abcrebt it is euioent, tbat all members Df tbe cburcb are cue* r\? one cbargeo Uritb enDeuo; to publiUc cbiftcation,afco;mng to tbe meafurc of bis giace,fo tbat it bee Done come!i{\? « accojDing to o;Der:tbat ic, tbat toe nci?* tbcr DO fo;fahc tbe communion of tbe cbwrcbyMo; abioing in ity do trouble tbe peace anD luell oaD:cd Difciplinc tbcrof. 13 But in bearing Untb tl:)c imperfccti* on of life, our gentle tenDcrnerrc cugbt to go mucb furtber. jr 0; berem is a be^ r^ Uipperv carmclTc to fall, anD barrcin Wt\) no fiuall Deuifes Dcti) ^atban lai> Ijoait fo; b5. jro; tbere baue ben alii^ai? fome,lubicb 6llcD luitb falfe pcrfuafion fccinc to bauc p;ofiteD aboue tbe rett. &cme tber be i offcnD mo;c br an bn- Difcrete jelc of rigbteoufne5,tba bv tbat matvDc p?iDe ifo; luben tbcr f« among tbnn to luboni tU gofprl is p:eacbtD, (> frutc of Ufe not agreablv anfluering to ■ tbcDoctrin tberof,tbcv bvanDbv iuDge 1^ tbcr is no cburcb. M is in Da'Dc a moftc iuft Difpleafme, f fucb a one iobcrunto m tbis moftc miferable age of v Uio;lD, luegeue to mucb ocrafio. .0citber ma^ tue ercufe o::rc accurfcD floutbfiilncffc;, lubicb tbe Lo;d \uill not fuffer bnpuni* fljebjas eucn alrcDr be bcginnctb ^V'tb grcciious fcourges to cbaftifc it. tQoc fbcrfo;c to bs^tobieb Vuitb fo DitTolute iu centioufncffc of UJicbcD Doings,mafec ii lueahe confcieners be fajciiDcD bv reafo ofbs.lSutmtbrsagatnc tbep tsffenoc lobom J bauefpoUen of, bicaufc tbcr ca not meafurc tbeir bci tbere is no Cburcb iuljcrc tbcrc is net founo purenelTe anD \jp;igbtncire of lifcfoj batrcD of finncs tbcv Depart from tbe laUifull Cburcbe» Vubvlc tbcv tbiiiUe tbattbci? ftuaruc fi-6 acompanvcofloicUcDmen. JCber al^ lege tbat the Cburcbc of Cb-2ift is hc\\\ 15ut tbat tbe\? mate alfo DnDcrftantc tbat it is minglcD of goD anD cuill men* let tbem beare tbrs parable out of tbe moutb of Cb<:ift,Uibcrin it is compareD to a net,in tobicb fiftcs of all hinbes arc gatbercDtogetbcr: ano arc notcbofen outtilltbcpbelarbc ab;oaD tjppontbe of pcrfectc bolincs,as tbougb tbcf tuerc I n)o.:e.liet tbcm Ijearc tbat it is lifte W. ali'cDg marc certain aicr^ fyixitcs, Def- pifcD tbe company of all me n,in tubom tl)ev faU) remaining anf tbing of y na* tun of man.«>ucbin olD time lucre tl)c Catbari,anD tbc\3 tbat lucre as mao as fbcr,§ S^onatifts. ^ucb at tbis Dav arc to a co;n ficto, Irbtcb being foiucn luitb (Mat.>3. am graincis b^ tbe enncmies franoe '47. fcattercD luitb tares, of bubicbc it is not Ma 13,3: clcnfeD bntil § crop be b:cug!jt into tf)c bamc flcD^e. jf inallr let tbe bcare ^ it ti5 UUc bnto a flc.tc > lcl)crein tbe teb^itc is Cap.i. I Of the outvvardc mcanes 18 fo gat^eren togctljcr,^ it lictij Umt i ann it ti}crcfo;e tbcre dill rematne a tjnocrtije cbaffe, till being clcanfeot6 Cl)urcf)c,becaufc tfje miniHerre of tbc fan anD fiue it be at lengtb laiD bp in f j Idojoc ana of t[)t Sacraments is tfjere grainer.3tftlo;Dp;onouncc^t4}nrcbj notrcfufeD, tobooare tafeeatoatetbe fljil cue to tbc m^ of iuDgemf t be f rou* name of tbe Cbnrcb from tbem ttjat ca bleD luitl) tbis eutl,to be buroeneo tottb ! not be cbargeD WiU) tbe fentbe parte of minnltng of euil men:tbei? Do in ba^ne fe^e fb; a cburcb rp;i&IeD Ijoitb no fpot »4 i!5ut tbe^ cr? out tbat it is an intol lerable tbtng,tbat tbe peftilence of bp^ as fo raungetb ab^ooe. Mbat if § fa^« ing of tbe apottle bo bcre alfo anftoere tbf:amcgtbc Coztntbians notonlpa fcU) bao gone oaf of tbe tDar,but tbein* tbcfe faiites i s:bc^ tW to^tb fo grcate p;iecifene0"e scale fo crucll? againff tbe Cburcbes of tbis p;jefent time: tobaf (3 P2ai? ^ou)tooalDe thc^^ banc bone to the ^alatbians,tobif b trerc almoUe btter fo;fafeers of tbe (Sofpell among Urfjom xcttiit fame^pofflefounb cburcbes. If %f)d obicct alfo,bcU) tbat Paul gre fx^cion ban in a mancr polTeffcD § tobole uouO^e rebnfeetb tl)s Co^rintbiams fo; iiXor.i. \M. &.3.3 boop: 2^bere luas not onl^ one hinb of Uiiybut mant'mcitbcr U)cr tbci ligbt of; fences,but certain bojriblc outragious tot>ngs:tt loaa not onel^ corruption of n;ancr0,but alfo of Doctrine, ^bat in tbi?ficafc faitbtbe bol^iapoftlctbatis to fav, tiift inftrument of tbe bol^ gboll, b^ tobofe tclf imonie t\je €f)mcht ftan* Detb anD faUctb^E>otb be require a Diui Con from tbem^ SDotb be banillje tbem out of tbe bingDom of Cb;ift^2Doetb be Itrifeetbcm toitb tbe crtreemett tbon^ Dcrbolt of curfef l^e not onl^ Doetb none of al tbcfe tbings: but be botb scbnoto^ leogctb ? rcpoitetb it a cJ)urcb of Cb^itf anD fclclnQjip of ^aintcs. 3lf tbere re? maine a cburcb among tbe Cojintbias, tobcre ccntentionr:,fertc0,anD cnnious partakings Doe b;oile:U)bcre quarcls f b?atDlings be int) anD tDill not tuitfjout cboife aDmit botb iBojtbi? anD bntDojtbf c togetbcrto tbat bolp baahet.But foaafmucb as tbe pa^ tto^fl DO not altuap fo Diligently toatcb, vea anD fometpmc are mo je tenDer in bearing ts>itb men tijan tbe^ ougbt to bee, 0^ are binoercD fo tfjat thtv can not bfe tbat fcueritfe tbat t\j£^ twoulDe : it commttl) to paffe tbat cucn tbc^ tbat are openly euill,are not atoapc tbjufie out of tbe corapan^c of tbe bolp ones, nvs Bl graunt to be a fiiulte : nevtber toill 3! Diminifbe it,fitbc paule Dotb fofljarplrc rebuke it in t\ft Co;intbi# ans . 113ut altl^ougb ti}t CWcl^t bee; flack in ber Duttettt tb^l not be tberfo;e immcDiatli? To Saluation. Fourth Boolce lrol.3i5>. immcDiatl^ in tl)t poluer of tucv^ pji* uate man,to ta^t tpon btmfelf {? tuDge mtt to fcuer Um, 3 do in dcdc not cent tijat it ia tf)e Doing of a goDii man to to^ D;atD !)imfclf from al pjiuatc company of euil mc ,to cntagle bimfelf in nc \viU ling familiarity lb tt)cm. 15ut it is one t^ing to fle t^e compani? of ruill mcn,f an ot!)cr t^ing fo; featrcD of t!)cm,to fo; fafte tfjc Communion of § Cburcft. jiiBut iDbcrcas tbet? tfjinfee it facrilcge to be partakers of tfje Jlojoes b;caD \jb tljem, tbet? are therein muc^e mo;^e rigorous tl^n l^aule is if o; iol^ere tje ertjo^tetb tjs to a bolrc anD pure partaking,!ie re- qnirett) not t\)at one (l)oulD eramme an ottier, o; cuer^ man (' Uitjole Ctjnrefte, but tbat tbev fl)oulD ecfjc one p;ouc !)im felf.Bif it U)erc Unlawful to comunicate tDitban tntuo;tbt! man,tljr truli? Paul toolD bio \is to lohc circumfpcctl^ tube* tbcrtberetocrean\:e inmultituoe, bp lobofe UncIennelTe Uie mtgbt be De6leD. i^ob) tobcn bcrcquirctb onl^ of cueri? man tbc p^mte of ti^cmfelucs, be fljelB^ etb tbat it notbing b«rtetbt30 if anr \m Ujojtbr tjo tb;iuft tbrm fclues? in among t35. xlno notbmg dfc is mcantc br tl}is tubicb befapetb aftertoarD. l^e tbat ea* tttti tnUJO^tbilpe, eatetb anD Djinkctb iuDgcmcnt to bimfelf. Ipe Dotb not fap, to otber,bntto bimfelf.inD rigbtfullp. iFo; it flugbt not to ftaD in tbe cboife of eucrv particular man, tobo be to be re^ ceiueo,f tobo to be rciettco.SCbe bnolu** lecgc b^ereof bclongetb to tbe tubde Cburcbe, tobicbfenoluleDgc can not be baD tuitbout latoful ojDer,as becreafter fljall be fanDe mo.ie at !arg:e.2i:bercfo;je it (boulD be tnrigbtuou0,tbat anveii^i? uate man (botilD be bc61cd Uiitb tbe fcn^ too^tbineCTe of an otbcr,iii)bcme be nep»= tbcr can, no; ougbt to Ueepe bacUe from connning to it, i6 2i5ut altbougb hv tf)is bnDifcretc ^ele I ofrigbtuoufnctre tbis temptation Dotbe | fomctimealfo enter into goiD men: ret t\)is toe C&al finDe tbat tw mucb p^ecifc-- nrlTe grotoctb ratber of p;iiDe, DifDaim fulncffe, sno falfe opinion of bclrncITe, tban of true boltncffe t true jcalctber* of.SLbcrefo^e tbcv tbat are bolDcr tban otbcr,anD as it toerc CanDcrDe bearer* to mafee anr Departing from p cburcb> fo;jtbemoftepartDocitbpon no otbcr caKfe,but inDcfpiting of ail men to boH tbemfelues to be better tban ctberf il^berfo^e Auguflinefaitb toel i toife* ll?: ^ben goDl\?e o;jDer j mane r of Cc* clefiadical Difcipline cugbt p,:!ncipnUp -cap to baue rcgarD bntotbe t'lntf of ^p?rit ' in tbe bono of peace : tobub tbe iapoflle conimaunDeD to be Uept bv bear n^ one toitb an otbcnanD tobicb txig not kept, tbe mcDicme of rcuenge is p.ioucD to be not onelr fuperfluous, but alfo pcrnici^ ous,anD thcrfoje noto to be nc mecicin at all:tbofc euil cbilD^en, tobicb net fc; batreD of otber mens tniqnities.but fo; affection of tbcir otone contcntions^Doe greeDilv labo; eitbcr tobdelv to D;ato, o; at lean to Diuice tbe toeahf commcn peoples entanglcDlnrtb tbe boding of tbcir name, ftoeUuig tovrtj p^ioe, maD \})^t\) ltubbo;nfc,traitercu£ bjitb f.an* Ders, troublefome toilb fcDttions, Uaft tbe\? fljoulD fame to toant tbe ligbte of trutbe,Do p;etenD a (baDotu of rigorous feuerit^e : anD tbofe tbings tbat are in tbe bolr Scriptures commsiiDeD to It Done Uiitb a gentler kino of bealingjfa- uing tbe finceritt of louc, ano feeping § bnitp of peace, to co;re(ic tbe faultcs of b;:etb;en, tber abufe it to Sacrilege of \ ffbifme,! to occafion of cuttuig of. Hzut to goDlt anD Qmet "^^'^ be geuetb tVjxs counfcU, tbattber mercifully co;recte tbattobtcbtber can, f tbat tobtcbttct- can not pacicntlp beare, anD grcnc anD mourne toitb U)ue,t3ntiUC^cD eitbcr ^f menDe anD co;recte tljcm,c; at tbe bar* ucfl rote top tbe tares, anD fanne oute Contra par ID lib. car Cin.i, Of the outward meanes "M-^- tijc djciffc.lLct tbe goDli^ trauailc to foy^ tifp tijemfclucs loitlj tijcfc armors, left tolnlc tlicp feme to t!)em ftluro ttrong am couragious rme^cvs of rig{)ttiouf^ nclTc, t()PiP Depart from tf)z kingdom of hcauzn, lubtc!) is the on!^ Utngoomc of rigliiJionfncs.iFo; fitf) it is €ods IdiI to ijouc tljc coimmmion of bis Cl)urc!)c to bcfecpt in tlji0 outtoarD fcIotuQ^ipttjc ^ fo: batrcD of caill men Dotfee b?cahc tbc tcScof tfjat fclo(l)ip,entret{) into a U)a^ Vobercbi? is a flippcr^c falling from th^ communion of ^aints.iict tijem tijink tbat in a great multituoc tljer be man^ trulT? bolp anr> innocent befojc tbc t\!cs 0ftb3lojt),U3bomtbe^ntnot.llettbcm ti)inkctbat eucn of tiitm that bcoiTea^ fcD,tbere be man\? tbat do not pleafc o; flatter tbem fclues in tbcir faultes,but being noloe anD t'gcn aVuaUencD toptb earncft fear of (DoD Do afpire to a greaj" ter Vtpjiubtncarc. iLct tbem tbtnlie tbat luDgcmcnt ougbte not to begcuenofa man by one DecDe:fo:afmucb as tbe bo* liell Doc fomctime fall atna^ lu a molt grcetiousfalU ilettbcm tbinUetbatto gatl)rr a Cburcb tbcr lictb mo;cUJcigbt botb in tbe miniC^er^ of tbc Uio;dc, f in tbe partaking of tbc bol^ mifteries,tba tbat al tbat fo;icc (feolD t?anift) aloar b^ ^ fault of fomc toickcD men . Hail of all let tbem confiDcr, tbat in iuogtng tbcCbmcb,tbe iuDgcment of CDod is of greater Dalue tban tbe iuogcmcnt of man. 17 i^bcre alfo tbeii' p;ctcnDe f bat tbe Cburcb is not toitbout caufc callcD !^o^ IVjit is metf to toci toitb tobat boltncs it ercelletb : Icaft if toe luill aDmittc no Cburcb <3ut fucb a one as is in al points pcrfect,Ujc lea fie no Cburcb at a(l:3;t is txm in DcDc tobicb ^?aiil (avtl},^ in fmctbing bcr toMklcs,anD \xnpinq, atoa\? bcr fpots.Mberbpon fo« lotoctb tbat ber bylines is not pet full^ finin)cD.2Dbcrfo"^;Dpbets pjopbeO ^°^^ 3- '7 IL^ tberc fijalbc a bolp l^!criifalc,tb;ougb ' tobicb Ilrangcrs lljal not paffetanD abos £^2y.3^.s l^ temple toberinto tjnrleane men Ojal ' not cnterilet t)s not fo take it,as if tber tocrenofpotte in tbc members of tbe cburcbibut fcj ^ \iiit\) tbrir tobolc enoc^ uo^ tbc^ afpire to bolines anD foiiD pare neCTe, b^ the goDneCTe of dDoD clcnnelTc is afcribcD to tbe, tobicb tbey banc not ret fullr obteineD.^no altbougb often^ times tberc be but rare tokens of fucbe fanctification among men: \?ct toe mull Determine tbat tbcrc batb ben no time fince the creation of tbe toc^lD, toberin tbe llo:D batb not baD his Cbnrcbe, anD I ', tbat tberc dial alfo be no time to tbe \)tf ! r? cnDc of ibc too2lD,tobcrin be tbal not j banc it . jFo; albeit iunncDiatlp from § beginning tbc tobolc kinDe of men is corrupt anD DcfilcD by the fiu of ^Dam: pet oufc of tbis, as it toere apolluteo malTc, bat loeuer mancr mc tbei? tDerc,?ct bicaufc t\m conabcrcb,^ goo bao left biB tDo;oe tottb tbem, ano o;oeinco Ceremonies toberebp be ioas tber luo;anppeo, in tbe miooeft of tbe alTemblp of g toicbeo tbe^ bdo top pure banoes Unto iiim . SCrueli? if tbe^ bao tbougbt tbat tbep oio gatbcr an? infec* tion tbcrbi?,tbcr tuolo ratbcr baueoieo a buno;ieo times tba bauc fuffreo tbcm^ (dues to be oiaVot tbereunto.Subcrfojc notbing toitb belo tbcm fro Departing, but oeOrc to tbe kepingcf bnit^.^ut if tbe p^opbcts tbousbt it againtt confci^ ence, to cftrangc tbcm fcUics from tbe Cburcb.fo; mani ano great U»icheo 00^ ings,notof onco; tmo men^but in ma^ ner of tlje tobole people : tbe toe U\ic to mucbe bpon bs, if toe oarc bpanobp oe^ part from ti)c Communion of 1^ cburcb, tobere not all menncs mancrs 00 fatif* f?e eitbcr cure iuogementc, vca 0^ tbe Cb.nftian p^ofcffion. »5> j^otojtobat maner too;lo toas tbcre in 1^ time of Cb;ia « tbe apoftlesf ano t?et ^ oefperat bngoolmes of tbe pbari^ feg,ano t oiffoUitc licencioufncffe of li^ uing,tobtfb tfyt ccb tober raigneD,coalo not binoer,but i tbcp bfco i fame cere^ monies toitb tbe people, $ allemblco )9d tbe rett into one tcuiplr to ^ publiUecj: erciffs of religion. tCi\jcrof r/.me v^but bicaufc tbet bneto t tbe fei;itotbip of c^ nil men oio not oeBU tbnir, tobicb ^ a pure cofciencc oio commimicatc at tbe fame ceremonies. Jf an'? man be little moueo toitb i |a;opbct0 1 apofilcs, let bim X'tt obei v autbo;iti of cb^ift.SCbcr fo;e Cyprian toel faif ctbougb tbcre be fene tares 0; bnclentseffcls in i^ cburcb Ttt tbcre i$ no cauft tobv toe fljoulo ce* part fro the cburcb> toe mufl onl? labo; p toe mat? ^^ tobctitcitoe mufl bfe otU* gence f cnoeuo.: afmucb as ti.c mar P toe mav be a gohc oj (iluer bcffel. Ii5nt to b;cahe ti)c earlben tJclTelSjis tbe onli? too;fee of tbe il o;o, to totem alfo iB ge* uen an iron roooe. 0no let no man cba* lenge to bimfelf ^ tobicb is pjoperlp be* longing to f fcnne onl^tto be able alone to fan V fl(D;c,f cleanfe tbe cbaffe , t fr^ uereall tbe tares bp mans iuogement. HCbis is a p:ouo obffinacp,f a p;efump^ tion full of facrilege, tobicbe a peruerfe furo; takctb to it felfe.t cSDberefo^e let botb tbrfc tbings remaine certainlv fip co.if irft tt)at be batb no ercufe t of bVJ5 otoac toiU fojfaUetb tbe outtoaro com^ munion of ^ Cburcb, tober tbe too;D of ©00 is p jcacbeo f tbe facramentcs mu niHrco : tbsn t tbe faultes of a fctoe 0; of mant? are no binocraccbut ^ toe mai tbcrin rigbtli' p;ofclTe our faitb bp f> ctr remonies mftitutcbi? ©00 : becaufea gooli? cofciencc is not burt b? ^ bntoo;* tbincs of anv otticr eitbcr pallo; 0; p;i* uatc ma, ano tbe mr ftcrrcs are to a bo* lt?anoi3pngbtman neucrtbelclTc pure ano tobolefome bicaufc ttjcv are toge- tber banoleo of bncleanc nun. Cbcirp;ecifenes f otfoainfuInelTe Lib.3. 20 p;oceDctb T?ct furtber : ticaufc tbe? ac^ fenotolcge no cburcb but fucb a one as is , pure I C^.h Of the outward meanes •..1.133. I >fi!.3 purcfroalfpofsbctbe^ ncuerfofmal: 1 ^ea ttje^ are angr^ Uiitb gm^ tcacbers, 1 fo; tm in cy^o.iting ttje fattljful to goc fo:UiarD,tl)£ptcacl)c tljcm allttjcirli^fc \on(i to grtnc t3n!)er tfjc burDr of t3iccs, ftoflictntopartion. if o;^ tljc^ p?atc ^ b^ tYjis mcane men be I0D from perfect ticn J graiit in uacijtbat in earned: cal* ling tjpjn pcrtVetio iuc ougbt not floto^ I^ 0; f olDclp to trauailc, mucb le« to be iDic : but to fill our minues Uiitb confi* Der/cefbereofiDbtletoee bc\?«^t inoure fourfe,5I faT?,ittsaDeucli(l) iniiention. SLbcrfo^c in ^ Crcae tbe fojgeuencs of (ins is aptli? io^neo uert after t cburcb. jro;^ none Do atteine lt,but ontl^ tbe^ ii arccitcjens f of tbe boufeboloe oftbe cburcb^as it is reu in v p^opbct.2nber* »4 fb;jctbebilQingof tbe beaucnlt? IBieru? fiilcm ougbt to go befojclobcrin after^ vuaro tbis mcrtifulncs of goD mat baue place ^ tobofoeuer come tjnto it , tbeir iniquities mav be taben aJwav. 3i fa^^ it ougbf firft to be biloeo, not foj v tber ran be anf cburcb Uiitbout f be fcageue^ neCTe of fmncs,but bicaufc ttc lojD batb not p jomifeD bis merc^ but in tbe com* municn of §>aints.SCberfo.ie ^ firft en^ trie lo;^ ts into tbe tburcb anu UingOom of ano in compaflions.^kli fee boto b? bis mercij (> llo;u reconciletb ^s to bimfelfe. 0iiD fo in anotbcr pl/-e, tcbcn be fo^efatietb tbtit § people a^albc gatbcrentogctber again, Uibo be bao fcattcreo abjow in Us to^atb,be fa^tb, 3 toil cleanfetbem Ic.33.8. from all toicUconelfe tuberetortb tbep baue finncD againft me.^berefo;c bp tbe figne of tDalTjing toe enter into the felotulbip of tbe Cburcbc: tobereb^ toe ma^ be taugbt,tbat tbcre is no entr^ 0? pen foj l9s into the boufi)olD of but b^ tbe fame be alfo p^efeructb 1 mainteinetb t)S ftil in it.if o;t to tobat purporelwerc it,to baue fucbe a paroon graunteD bs, as (boulue ferue fo; no tfcf 515ut cucrve one of tbe goDli? is a toitncs to bimfclf ^ tbe merci of fo.jg8ne »,Cor, 20. A(ft.2 20 o. fo^seuc finnes tljat toer fro bngoDlinec conuertco to tbc fartb of Cfj^ft: but ra^ tfter tlM tbev f6olo continually crccute t5p3 office among tfjc fat?tf)full.Ml)ic!) tftpngpaulcteacl)ctfi,Uil)cnf)ctu5itetIj ^tbecmbaffagc of reconciliation luas left ixjitb tt)z niiniff ers of tbe Cfjurcbc, luberbp H)n G)olD oftctimss in Cb;ittes name ep^o^t tl)c people to reconcile tbe felues to CDoD.SStjerfo^re in tbe comuni* on of &ainte0,bv tbe miniff erpe of tbe Ctjard) it felf,Gn3 arc cotinuall^ fo;ge^ ucn t)s,Uj;}cn tbc p^icftes 0.: li5i(bop£f, to tobom tf)at office is comitteD,oo loitb tbe p;oaufes of tbe dDofpcl conSrm goD^ l^ confcicnces in bopc of paroon anD fo;^ gcucncs : ano tbat as 'mil publi^clt? as p^!tat*!p,acco;Dmg as nccrtTifre requi* retb.i^o.1 tljcrebc bcrr tmn^Mkl) fb; tfjeir \u2a!:n:5 to neoe a fingular atone mrnt,0no paul rcpo;jtetb tbat not onlv incomonp.:cacbing,but alfo inboufc0 be baa UfsiUcn tbe fartb va Cbjitf> % fc^ ueraliv n5m:ni(i)CD cacn? one of § Doc* trine of faluatien. SDbcrefoje luebauc bere ti)^(t tbings to be ncteD:^irff,tbat Untb bo^JD great bolines foeucr tbe cbil^ Die of goo DO ercel,i?et t\)cv be aliuai in tbis cttate,fo logas tijti Dluel in a mo^^ tall bour>tbat tDoot fojgcuencsof fins tbei ca notdano bcfD;tc©oQ.fe>cronDlp, ^ tlm benefit is fo p;»oper to p Cburcb, tbat toj ca not otb^rluife enio^ it,but if liueabiDc in § comunion tbcrof. Cbiro^ l\!,tbat it is Diflrributeo bnto bs bi?tbc miniGers f pallors, einber br p?ccbing of t'3e gofpcl,o; b^ minittring of tbe fa^ cramentesjano ^ in tbis bebalfe p^inci^ palli? appearetbtbe potucr of tbe hcvxs^ tDbicb tbe ilojo batb geue to m felloto* (fiip of tbe fartb?ull.^berfo^c let euer^ oneofts tbtnUe tbiiJ to be bis Dut^e, no tobcrc ci5to khc fb;gcucnc5 of finnes, tba tobere tbe iLo;o batb fet it, £>t pub* ni'&z rcconciiiatto lubicb bclogetbto Dif* tipline Uic (ball fpcak in place ftt fo; ii. To Saluation, Fourth Bookc ^ 23 15ut fo.:armucb as tbofe frattbe ipi< rites ^ HI bane fpo^en of,oo goe about to pluck atoat fro tbe Cburcb ^is onl^ an« cbo;eoffaluation,confcicnce£( are tbe mo;eftrongli?tobe confirmeD aga^nft a fo peffilent opinion. Kfjt ij^ouatians in olDc tunic troubleo 5 Cburcb VDtbps tioctrinc:but net mucb bnliUe to tbe j]5o uatianfi our age alfo batb man^c of t[)c ^nabaptiffcs tubicb fall to tt)t fame Do* tages.ipo; tl)ci fain ^ t^t people of ©cD are in 5i5aptifm regenerate into a pure ant) ^ngelliUc life, ^ is co;irupteD tuptb nofiUbincrreoftbeflcC&. i5ut if anr ma offcnD after l!5apttfme,tbei? leaue bnto bim notbing but f bnappcafeablc iuDg^ mentofCJco . 115;ecfl^ tbcv granntno bopecfparocn to a finner fallen nfter grace receaucb : bicaufe tt)cv acbnotD* leDge no otber fo^gcuaies of fins bat ^ tDberb^tae be 6rft regenerate. 115ut al^ tbougb tbcre be no l^e nio;eclecrl? con^ futeD b^ tbe fcripture : v^t bicaufe tbcfc men ffn»3cfome tcbom tbep mav'e De^ ceane (as alfo in oloe t^ine Nouatus baD manpfoUolDcrs) lefts fljo^tlre l^ctue boto mat) tljtv be f 0 tbeir otjone 1 otbcrs Deffruction. ifirft,toberasbrtbecem* maiiaement of tbe HojD tbebcli ones Co Dail\7 repeat tbis pjarer: fojgeue ts our nets: truelr tbe^ do confelTe tbcmfclues Detters»i}5citber do fber crane it in bain bicaufctbe iLo^D batb altDai? appovntcD no otber tbing to be afkcD,tt)an t ^yi^^ be bimfelf U)ou!D geue. pea teberasbe batb ttdtifitn tfjat the tcbofe p^a^er fijal be bcarD of bi?s fatter, vet be baib alfo fealeotbrsabfolution toitb a peculiar pjomife. tObat ini!ltoemo;e i Kljt ILo;d requiretb of tbe bol^ ones al tbeir life long a confcffion of fins , tea 9 tbat ccntinuall,anD paomifctb parDo.t^bat bolcncffc is it , ei^tber to ejpcmptetbem from finncjo: if tbepbauc ftumblet;,tjt? terfr to crckiDc tbcm from graces i^cln UJbo botb ^0 iDill 135 to fb;tgeu£ feuratie S).i. tymcs' Ca iEd-- Of the outward mcancs t^nicfi feucn tinies^not to our b.2ctb;cnf 2Co tcljat cr»D oiD he r ort-iniaunD it , but tfjat Iwc ftjouioe fellolre!)t'£ clcmencic. ^^e fo^geuftl) tbcrefojc , not once c; ttuiTe: but as often a^ being ttricben ootone tuitbtbe ad^nolcIcDging ofQns t^tV fig^c iJnfo ftri". 24 I5ut tbat(U)c ma^ begin in a mancr at ^ tjeri fteaoling doutes of J Cburcb) tbe^Satrtarcbes inerc circumcifeD , be* ingnllureDintopartal^ing of tbc couc^ nantebauingl)nDoubteD(^ bv^ tbep^fa^: tberc Diligence bene taugbt rigbtecuD nefie ano innocencictubcntber confpi> reDtoinurtertbeirb^0tber:tbrs toas a mifcbeeuousactctobe abbo^reb euen oftbcmoftoefperatc tbaucs ♦ 0t tbe oc.33.18 lajj being meekencD toitb tlje nmiitu ons of BiuDaSjtbep folbc brm : tbrs teas alfo an intoUerable bainocfncGe . ^i* Ge.13 28 mcQnanDlcuituitb Icicfecb reucnge, I anQ fucb as tpas alfo ccnbf neo hv tbev;^ I oU)nc fatbcrs iubgemrnt,tirc9 crueltvc ^c34.2; aga^nfttbe ^icbemites. Kuben Icilb inoft bncleane luffe oefileD brs fatberc Gc.3j.22 beb. 3ntia5 tubcn be iuculDe gcucbim I felfc to fornication agarnft tbe latec of Gc.38,16 naturc,toent into b^« fonncs tDife.^nb t?etfofarrearc tbet! from being fcuipeo I out of tbe cbofen people, tbat tber be ra^ I tber raifeb bp to be bcatec of it . aiBut ->.Sa.ii,4 lubatbiD^Dauibf liJbebe Irafiagoncrj* &.iy. no; of iuttice, toitb boto great Ivicfeeo- neCTe orb be b^? fl;eDing of innccr t bicub open tbe toa^ to b^s fclinb luft. l^e teas alreabi? regenerate , 1 among tljt rcgc* nerategarnifbeb toitb notable p;jatfcs of tbe llo;b:neucrtbelc(re be ccir.mittrD tbat b^^rnouB cfTtnc e,U3t;icb is bo;ribIe euen among tbe Ccntiles : ano ret ba obtaincb parboniln5(tbatUie mar tiot tarrr bppon final? cvamplcjj ) bcto ma^ nr pjomifcs tbe re arc in tbe llalueanD tbe l|i> jopbctes of ©ous merer toirarbe tt^t 3fraclitcfi,fo eft it is p;oaeD tbat tbe f ^o;dc OjetDCtb bimfclfc apt^cafcabic to tbe offrees of btie people, if 0; lobat 5cib spofeg p^cmife to come to paffc , Ij^ben t\ic people being fallen into £pcIlaGc (ball returnc tnto tbe ilo^cc i l?e HiaU bjingtbee bacfte out cf captiuitie ,anD 0j«l baue merer on tbee,ano fl:al gatber tiitz togetber out of tbe peoples to Vubcm tbcu baft bencDifperfeDjf tbcu be fcat^ tcreo euen to tbe bobbers of tbe beauen, 3 twill from tbence agarne gatber tbee togetber. 2^ 16ut 31 feill not begin a rcnfall tbat fbolD neucr be enbeD.jfo? tbe p^opbets arc fiill cf fucb prcmifes, tobif b bcc ret offer merer to tbe people ccuercD U»rtb infinittoicUebboingp.Mbat offence is tbere mo;e bainnus tba rcbeliion i tc} it is callea a biuo;ce betiuen Cob ano tbe Cbureb . ^ut t^is is ouerccme br tbe gcDbncs of CDoo.QSilbat ma is tber (faitb be br 3!cremr ) t i^^is ^ifc geue fo^tb ber bobr in comon to adulterers, ran a^ brbeto reiurncin fauo^luitbber:? but Ujitb tbr fornications aU tbe trares are pc!luteb,€) 5ota,t!}e eartb bafbbrn fih IcDUiitbtbrfittbrlcufS . llcutretuir.e bnto me,f i fcill receaue tbee.Heturnc tbcu turns atoar»it it ill not titrn attar mr face fro tire: ticaufe BI am bdr? ann am net angrr for euer. 0nb trulr be ca be nootberiuife mmceb , Mjicl)t affir? mctbtbatbcti'illetb net tbe Dcatbcfa finncr,but ratber tbat tt (boulo be ccn^ ucrteb § line.SLberferc tubrn Salomon DID ccDirate tbe temple , bf appointeb it alfo to tbis t)fe,tl;at i prarerji; nmce fo; obtaining parDcn of fins ftjolo be bearD from tbence. Bif (far D l)t)tbr fcnnes (bal finnc (for tbere 10 no man tijat finnetb not ) ano tbou being angrre fi^ilt Deli* uer tbem to tbeir enemies, f tber 0?aH repciit in tbeir bart,f being turneb fljal entreate tW in tbeir captiuitie,rarinc> tDc baue 0nneD,toe baue Done te?iilieDlr ano ftjall prare tolrarD t^^c lanb U bi^ b tbcu ban geucn to tbeir fatbers, anc to^ Deu.30. rer.i.> and, 12. 8zc,;8. 2:. iaogemcntes, if tbci? (ball Defile tbat be btj5, f not to tbeir fii'uation, if ^ m^ rigbtecufnelTes , anD not feepe m^ mercifulnes of Cod in parDoning Sins ■ commaun3emrnts,31 toil tifit tbeir ini tubicb in tf^t olo telf amet toas continue j quities toitb a roD>anD tbeir fins U)it^ all\? reabr fo; tl)t boU oncs,be note faiD ' arippes:but mi» merer 3 teill not take to be ttterl^ taken alwa^^HSut if toe bc^ ' atoat fro bim. ifinall)' b^ ^ terv o;Der leue tl)^ Scriptures tobicb erp;cai' err of tbe creDe toe be taugbt,tbat tberc re^ out,tbat in €fiM onlv tbe grace t kino mainetb in tbe cburcb of €b;itt continu neffeoftbeLo^Dfullt>appeareD, ^ tbe all parDonoffins:fo.2 tbat tobci^ cburcb plentiCulnes of merci' toas poureD out, is as it toerc ItabliQ)CD,tct fo;gcucnes I tbat tbe reconciliation ofCDoD anD men of finncs is abiorneb. Mat* 26. ^^ faifiucD:lct t)s not Dout tbat tbere 28 Some tbat be fomctobat torfer, 39_ i flotoetb tato \}S a mo^c bountiful mtr> Uiben tbei? fa tbe Doarine of ^omtm |2,The.2, (jfjjii^f g of f {jg beauenlr fatber,tba tbat to be cofuteo \j)itf) fo great plarnnefi' of it 15 cut of 0; a)o;tneD.anD bcrcof tbere fcrip!ure,makc not eucrv finne bnpar- toantnot Cicaniplcs peter tobicbcbab Donablc,but toilful tranrgrcfl"ir.gcf tbe bcaro tbat be fiiulD be Dcnieo bcfo;c tbe lato,into tobicb a man toittingl^ t toil angels of gcD yj confcflTeo not t\}c name linglti falletb. jl^oto tbe? tbat fare fo,Dtt of Cb^ia bi?fo;e mcn,DcnieD bim ti)ncc tioucbfafc to grauiit paroon to no finne, inoncni5bt,anDtbatnottoitbout ere? buttobera mabatberreDbrigno;ace. cration:rea be toas not put atoar from ' Bnt tobereas tbe llo^D in tbe lato com Icul IJaraon. SLber tbat Iruco lao^Dinatclr ! maiiDetb one ro;t of facrifices to be of« I among tlic SLbcffalonians are fo cbafii^- ferco fo; clcanfing of tbe toilful fins of I fcD,tbat ret tbcr be gcntlr calleD to rcpe ; t\)c faitljfull,anD otber to reDeme tbeir 2. Cor 12 tance.Cur Simo tbe sPttgician bini* ; ignojanccs:bcto great IctoDenesl^il it 4 ! 2t. fclf is not cad in Qefpcration, but be is i be to graunt nc clcanfing to toilful 6nf ratber couuu-jcd to bopc tocl, tobt ^t^\ 'i far ?^ tber is nothing plainer>tba tbat tcr counfeltetb bim to 6^g to p;arcrg> [ tbe onely ^crifice of Cbzirt auaylcth CaEi-_ Of the outward m canes to fo;geuc p toilful fins of tfje Ijoli ones: fojafmucft as tt)c 3lo;o ^atb teCifieo {> fame \)V carnal Sacrifices as bi figncs, agarnc tobo can ejccufc JDauio bp igno ranee, tobom ttiseurDentto bauebcn fo toci inttructeo in tbe la to f H)ii> E>a^ uiD not fenotojboto great toas tbe fault of auultcr^ t manflausl>ter,tobicb Da^:^ 1? punilbeD tbe fame in otberf2DiD b^cs* tenuate tbofe otbcr fins as tbougb tbev toercfmalintbe figbtofdDob.ifo^tbei feneto tbat tlit bolt? ones m offentime s ftagger b^ inficclttie tbat fuperfluous otbes DO fomtimes fall from tl)tm, tbat tlit^ noto anu t\)m arc cbafeo tnto an* ger,^ea tbat tber bjcakc out cuen into manifelt railinges, anD bcfiDc tbefe be troubled Id otbcr cuils tobicbtbeiloab tber flaugbtcr feme to tl}c patrtarcbes j not fclenDerlr abbo.jrctb:bnt tbe^ fo cal a latofull tbing^ ^aDtbe Co^intbians j leo tbcm,to put a Diffcrfcc bcttoeen tbe fo il profited tbat f be^ tbougbt ^ toaton ; anb publit^e crimes tbat Voitl) great of» nes,bncleannes,tobo;MJome,batreDes f fence came to ^ bnotelcDgc of § cburcb. contentions pleafeb dDoD i H^ro peter Wnt tobereas t\)t'^ m fo barol? parco being fo Diligently abmonilbeD not to tbem tbat bao comittcD an^ tbing too;* bnoto boto great a matter it toas to fb^ tbi? of eccleliaatcall cojrc(tion,tbev did ftoearebismaiftcr^ 2Eberefc;e let tjs 'not tljistbeifu^cbicaufette^ tbougbt^ not toitb our oton cnuioufneCe ffop bp fucb D&ulD barDlr baue parDon toifb tl)t tbe toaragaintt tbe merer of (DoD tbat ' llojD:but b? tbis feue ritie tljc^ meant fo gentlt? btteretb it felfe. (tomahe otberafraytD tbat tbep fijoalD 29 SLruel? Si am not igno^^at tbat tbe ; not ral^ly runnc into toicfeeb Doingcs, DlDetonterscrpounDeD tbofe fins tbat ibp tbe Defcruing tobereof tbe^ mrsbt areDarl?fo;geuentotbefaitbfaI,tobe IbecttrangcD from t\)t communiDn of t\}e ligbt offences ^ crepe in h^ toeaUe^ | tbe Cburcb: botobc^^t trulv tbe too^D of nes cf ttjt fleCb: t tbat tbe^ tl)oua,U tbat I tbe Jlo;De,tobicb berein ou^ht tc be f '^c tht folemne repentance tobicb toas tbe | onel^ rule Unto tJs,apporriterb a grea^ requireD fo^ barnous mif DcDes migbt j ter moDeration^iFo? it teacbctf) tbat tbe no mo^e be iterate tba )iBaptim. M bicb rigo; of Difcipline is fo far to be c>:ten=^ faring is not fo f o be tafeen, as tbougb DeD,tbat be tbat ougbt cl^cklv to be p;o tber tooulD eitber tbaoto tf)i Doton beD^ long into Defperation tbat after fbeir fira repentance baD fallen again, o; tp u^DeD fc; bae not ftoallotoeo tp tovtb beuineOt: as toe^ tiaue before DctlaieD mo;e at large. ThciiXha^ter. A comparifonofthefalfe church with the true churchc. Q f botoe great talue y> miniff erv of | rp minifterp it felfe is far fmall erro;js i' too;D I Sacraments cugbt to be feitb t)s,anD botoc far tbe reuerencc of i^ oug{)t to p^oceDc, tbat it be tjnto tsa not fo co;rupteD,but tbat it mar be elte mcD latofull. spo;couer, toe baue (be* toeD tbat tbs errors i oi;gbt fo to be par perpetual tcUen toberbr to Difceme tbe i DcneD>are tbofe tobcrebr t\it p^tncipall Cburcbe, it batb ben alrraDr DetlarcD. EDbat IS to fa^,tobercfoener tbat mini* ftcrr abrDcttj tobole ano tJuco^rupteD, tber f fdultf g Q% Difeafes cf maners are not impcou:icnt,but tbat it mar beare Doctrine of religion is not burt, toberbr tbcfe cbefe points of religicn t ougbt to be agreablr bolDe amog ttje faitbfui are not DcarcieD,!? in t}^t ^acramf ts tbofe tbat DO notabolidjno; empaire tljc lato tbe name of a cburcb.StbeUjtbat tbe te ' ful inftitution of bim j^ ojDeineD tbem. ______ " ~ ^B^t To Saluation, i.Ti.3>i^, But fa frone h ivm ^ ^JJo'dcn into tl)e c!}cefe tbtocr of rcligioir > fo fcone ast^e fummcofncccrrar^ toitrtne ispcrucr^ teD, f tl)c tfc of tv)c facramcntcs fallcti)! truclv tl)c tjcSruction of tl)c Cturcl) fol^ loU»ctI):UUe as a mans life is at antnti, Id!)c brs tb^otc is tljjuft tl).20Ug^ o? tis l)af t DcaDl\! tobuBcD. ^no tbis is Claris p ^ oueD br tbe too^ns of ^aulc^Ujbm be tc^cbctb tbat tbe foutmtion of i Cburcb is laiiD bpon tl)c tjoctrine of tbc ^potties f 3^;opbctes,Cb?iabimfelfc being tbe beat) tomr ttoncaf tbe fouuation of tbe Cburcb be tbc Doctrine of tbc pjopbets ano apottlts,b^ Uibicb tbc fartbfuU arc comaunocD to rcpofe tbcir falnation in onl^Cbiia-tbcn ta!tc atoa^ ^ Doctrine, f bolt) tlball'tbe builotng ftano an\! loiv gcrf SCbcrefo jc tbe Cburcb mixft neeDcs I fallDoton,tiJbcrtbat fummc of religion fallctb tobicb is onlv able to tjpbolDc it. I againe, if tbc true Cburcb be m piUcr anD aar of tbc tr«tb,it is certa^ne, tbat tber is no Cburcb)tobcr Iving f falOjcoD bauetifurpcD tbe Dominion. 2 titbit is in fucb cafe tnDcr tbepa* ptftniclMe mai^tinDcrO-anD boto mucb of tbc Cburcb is tberc remaining . 3!n ftcDc of tbc miniaer^ of tbc toojD,tbcrc reignetb apcruerfe goucrnmrt f maDc Fourth Booke. toe (boulD brent anglcD Icitb iDciatrie, ,Fol.3'i3. bngoDlincffe, ignorance of (2?oD, f otbcr ftinDcs of cutlls:but ratbcr tobcrebv Ujc (bouUj befatt bblDen in tbc fcarc of (S)oD aiiD obeDicnce of trntb^SLbei Do in DcDc glonouaf fct outtbcir Cburcb tnto tjs, ^ tber fl)olD feme to be no ofber Cfjnrcb in tbc UjojlD : ano aftcrtuarD^s tbougb tbc bictoji? tDcr gotten, tbcT! Decree t all be^cbifmaticfecs tbat Dare ljDitbD;atoc tbcfclucs from t obeoicnce of t Cburcb tbat tbei? paint out:anD tbat all be bere^ tibes tbat Dare once mutter againft tbe Doctrine tberof.^utbvtxJbat p;ofes Doe tbep confirm ^ tber l)auc & true cburcb^ %t^ti allege out of tbc annctcnt Cb^oni^' cles,tobat in olD time tsjas in ^talp , in if rance,in ^painc. 3:bc^ fav tbattbci? fetcb tbcir beginning fro tbcfe boli? men ^ iDitb founD Doctrine founocD i ratfcD tjp Cburcbes, t ftabliftjeD tbe fame Doc^ trincanD eDifvnng of tbt Cburcb ^itb tbcir blouD.anD tbat fo tbe Cburcb batb bene among tbe fo confecrate botb toitb fpirituall giftcs, anD tuitb tbc blouDc of ^artt)2s,f p;jeferu^a luitb ronfinuall fuccciion of JBilbops,^ it might not fall atoa^.2Dbct rebearfe boto mucb Irenes us,Tertullian,Oagcn,AugulHne,anD0^ tber elf cmcD tbis ftJcceffion . 25ut boUj of ires minglcDtogetber, tobicbe partly i triflingtbefc tbingcs be,f boto tbcv bee qucncbctb f partly cDofectb V purc ligbt. ! but Dcr? mocber^cs, 3 ^i» "^^ff f ^^^"^ ^uto tbc place of tbc iLo;jDes Supper is \ Mm eafili' to tanDcrttanD ^ totllbe con^ entreD a mod filtb\? facrilegeitbe fojme tent n litlc to toei? tbc toitb mc.ia.rtic p of ioo;a)ipping (Sod is Defo^mcD toitb Bil^oulDalfocvbo^ttbffflucs carncmi> a manifolo i intollcrablebcap of fuper. to tahe baeD hereunto, if 5 did truft t^jat ftitions : tbe Doctrine, toitbout U>bicbc Cb;tiftiamtic ca not ffanD,is altogetbcr bur^cD I Djiuen out: tbc publike affem# bl\?es are tl)t fcboles of ioolatrpe i tn^ goDlincife. Wcrefo^e tbcre is no ^erill Icalt in Departing fr6 a Damnable parfa* feing of fo man^? mifcb«fcs,\»e be plucl? eD fro tbe Cburcb of Cb.2ift.2Dbe c5mu< nicn of ttjc Cl)urtb tMS not o.JiJaiiYeD t6 tbr^ CttD,f It flboulD beabon»'iPbcfel)V BimitTbtanrtbing p:ctiailc UJitbtbcm bi' tcacbing.^ut fojafmucb as tbci,lca^ uing all regaro of trutb,Doe bcnDc tbcm fclues to tbvs tivslv purpofc , bp all tbe toapes t fhcp can,to oefenD tbci?; oione caufe,5 toil onl^ fpeafee a fetoe tbipngcs tolicrebv cjcDD men anD tbofei^louetbe trntb,maitoinDtbcmfelues out of tbcir futtlMauillations^irit atafkc of tbcni tobytbepponota Ugge£tfriUc,t tobicbe tbe? banc rceeaucDof tbcir fatbcrfi from banD to banD. 3 ^berfojctbeKomanifteBattbtfibar Do allege nothing t\s but tbat, tobicl; it appcaretb ^ t^e Vetoes in olDe t^me aU legeD toticn toe? tuere b? tbe p;opbet0 of tbe llo;D rep;oneD of blinDnefiPe, tm goDlineffc f iDolatr?,^c;tbcr glo;iouO IpboafteD of t^e temple, ccremon?e0, i p;ieftba)De0,b? tobieb tbingeis,b? great reafon a« tbe? tbinU,tbet mcafureo tbe Cburtb.^o in ftebe of tbe Cburcb, tbe? (bell) certaine outlvarD Difo^s, t oUtn* tixnts are far fro f C^urcb anD toitbout tobicb tbe C^ureb ma? bcr? tod ftanD. SLberfoje toe nebeto confute tbe to?tb no otber argumcnt,tba ^ tobertoiti) Jc» remic foug'ot agsinft tbe fcolifl) p^effip/ tuoufncffe of^ Btetoes: tbatisr^tbal tbe? ftjoulDnot boaft ir l?ing too;D0,ra?ing. We tcmpbpf tbeilojDe,ibc ttmplt of f^ello;D,iti6 tbe temple of tbciLo;De. ^o;aIinucb as tbe tojDc Dotb no toberc acbnotolcgc an? tbtng fo; bi0,btit tofecr brs toojD is bearD t reuerr tl? ctfcrKeD. ^0 toljc tbe glo;? ot'Cco oiD fit betteen tbe Cbcrubs in f ^antf !:ar?;anD be baD p;o«nfcD t\ji Ibat i? fbctilo be br« t^cD« faft fcatc:?ct tobcn ? p;icftc5 once cc;^ ruptcD tbe too;il}ipping of bim biiti) per uerrefuperftiti60,bc remcucD clTtobcr, « left tbe place ttout an? bolinec. jf tbe fame temple tofhcbcfemeD tobeboltl? appc?nteDto tbe perpctnalt otDclhngof (ioDjmigbt be fo^faUe of biDe toitb tbem tbat bane oncl? tbt tide tl^eto of tbe Cburcb» jJ^nD tbi0 i0ita^ boat tobicb Paul cotenDetlj in tljc Cpi* ftle to tl}c Komanes, fro tlic ir.Cbapter to tbe pg.if oz tbi0 did fo^e trouble \sica^ cQnfciencc0,tbat tbe ^etoe0 M)i tbei fe* meD to be the people of goD,DiD not onl? refufe tUc Doctrine of tbe (]Dorpel,but al< fo perfecnte it.Eberfo^e after f be batb fetouttlie Doctrine, be remouctb tbV0 Dout,f Den?etl) tl;at tbofe 3letoe0 being cnemrcfioftbe trutb are tbe €b«rtbc^ botoibei:er tbe? toanteD netbing t\}ut Cf tl)erto?fe migbt be requireD to tl)t out toaro fb^me of t^eCl)urc!j.j9nD tbcrfo^e be Dcniefl it,bicaufe tbf ? cmb;aceD not €f)}iS, 115ut fomtobat moK tvpitdv in tbe Cpiftle to tbe (!?«latbians: tobcrcin coparing Efmacl Xo ifaac, be fattb tbat man? bolD place in tbe ci)arcb,to tebcm tbe cnberitance belongctb not , btcaofc tbe? are not begotten of ? freemotber. ^ro tofcencealfo be Defceoetb to tbe co^ parifon of ttoo 5erufalem0.5if*iraufc us tbe Idto toas geuen in tljt mcunt ^ina, but l^c dDt'fpell came tut of 31eruraleni. ^0 man? bring feruilel? bo;ne anD b.tougbtt>p,Dotoiti]out oouttng boafte tbemfelue0 to be tbe cbilo;^ cf (goD ano Ez.io.4 Ga.4. S2 Gcn.2i of Ko,9.6 of tbe cburrij,vea tfter picutjclv uefpirc t!}c nataraU r biltJjtn«f g(«,tobt ttjcim feluts be but baft.trDcs.iiDn f other Goe allo,\ul)cn luc beared it tras once pio* non ceo from beaur n.Caft cnt tbe bono tooman i ber fon,!et b5, flanbing bpon V^xs inutclatetccrce, boloclr befprfe tbctrtjnfaoo^ie fcoafttnges. ipo; if tbcv be p;ouDe bp rcafonof ouftoarD p^ofef* llon,5fmacl toas alfo cirr ucifcD: if tbe? contcnDc br antiqnitie,bc teas tbe 6r(l begotten,! tct toe fee p be 15 put atva?, 3f tbe caufc be Dcmaiioeo, pauIaCig* netb it,fo; t none are accomptcD cbil* D;en,buf f bep ^ are begotten oft pur.c f latwfull feoe of ooctrincaeco^bing to tbis rcafon goo Dcmctb ^ be is boun?) to toic^co p:icftes bi ti)is ^ be coucnateo toitb tbcir fatbcr Leui f be Ibulo be h's ^ngcl o; imcrp;cter: pea bcfurnetba* (^ntnlt tbcmfclucs tbetr falfc boding, tobretDift tl)ei teere tocnt to rpfe bp a* gainSf ib p;opbetfii, tbat tbe oignitie of pnciti)otjelca5 to be bao in finguUre cHimation. £Cb?0 be iDtUinglp aoniit' tetiiy f loitb tlit fame cooition be Dcba^ tetb \i6 tbf , bpcaufe be is reacp to kepc bis couenant,but lobe tbep bo not mu^ tualli? perfo;me tbeir part to bim, tbep Deferue to be rcicctcD.iioe tobat fuccef* i(onauarIctb,bnle{, tbertoitbal beaifo iopncban imitation t eucnl^tontinu? im f ourfc:euen to t\)is effect tbat § fuc^ ceffo j3,fo Tone as tbci be pjoueo to banc ftuaru^ from tbeir o;tgtnal,be Dep;t' ucD of al b8no;.einlc3 parbaps btcauic CaipfjaiS face cD5D mann goDip iSifljops; (pea tber Voas euen from ^aron to bim a continual tnb;okrn courfe offucccf^ fion)tberfo?c tbat fame mifcbenous aU feniblp toas ijeojtfjp § name of p cburb: li&uttbiB Vuere not tolerable euen in cartblp i)omtnton0,iJ tbe tirannv of Ca* hgula,Ncro,Hcliogabalusf fucb otbcr, 0)uU be called a true ftate of common l»caI>fo; t tbet fucceoco i X5;utc$,§^ci<= uation. '_ fourth Booke. F0I.324 pion£,f Camilleti. 15uf fpectallp iujtbe' gouernement of tbe cburcb tbere iis Jio« tbing mo;e fonoctban leaning tj^boc trine to fct tbe fucccfliton in tbe pcrfonis orsipibntneirbtropo tbebol? ooctours tobo tbei falQi t\i;\i(t in bnto bs,mcane ani ti^ina, lcs,tba to p;ap ^ p;cc!felp a0 it tecre bt rigbt of inbcritancc cburcbes be tber ijuber btlbopiS are fccelTiuelv pla ceo one after anotb cr. HSut tobcrcao it U>as tbcn cut orc6trcuerfie,tbat fro tbe berp beginning to ^ age notbing luas tbaungco in bc(trine,tbep allegeD tbat lobirbnugbtrutfifcto mahean rnoof al neU) crrour0,tbat is, ^ bp tbcfe U)a0 tbat Doctrine oppugncD, )j)bicb bab ben euen from tbe ^poQlrs conttantlp anD Vd one agrcing confcnt ret eineD.JLbere is tberfo^e no caufc,bQbp tliti (bulD anp longer go fo jtoaro to ittaim bp p^ctcn Ding a faife colour bnDcr tbe name of p cburcb^tobicb toe do reacrentlp cltcme as becommctb ts:but tuben tbcp come to tbe Definitio of it, not onlp Ujaterfas tbe common fating is) cUtiuttf) bnto tbf ,but tl}ci Cibe fall in tljciv olcn mire Ipcaafe tbcp put afhnfcingbarlotein place nf tbe bolp fpoufe of Cb^iC. Eba* tbifi putting in of a cbageltng tbulDinot DcceiuebSjbcfioe otber aomonitto5,lct \is rcme b;e tbicalfo of Augufline. jfoi jAd Vin! fpeafeing of tbe cburc^,bc faitb. Kt is it ccn. Epi- i> isfomtpmcbarUneb, 1 coucrcD Uiitb U0.48. mull ituDe of offences as toitbacioubc; fomctpmc caulmm 0 of tpme appear retb quiet ano free : (ometpmc is bv> Den anD troutleDtortbtoaucoftribu*^ lationtf anD temptations, \dt b;ingctb fo^tb erSplcs, tbat cftrntimcs tbe Cron gelt pillers ei^bcr bnliantlv fuffrcD ba* nilbment fo; tije fa^tb. c; tocrc biObm in tbe tobolclBo;lD. '; 4 jnl^ljenunertbc KomanifffSDo bcfebs,! mafecafrapDc tbci2no;a«nt \)iit\i tbe name oTtbc Cburcb, tDberca0 tijcg be tbe Dcablp enemies of Cb;itlc. ' ^^.iiti. g^re^ t:ap.2. of tlic outvvarcJe meanes lhjt.37 111,10.14. 8p.2«ao. Ih.8.47. SCt)frfo;Fn!tf}Cuel3 tf)cr p;etf nD § tern ple,^ p.?»cftOo5e t ^ ctbcrfiifb cutlcarD f te« of tl)f fimplc b^ DafcIcD, ougbt nc* tl)ins to monc ti0 to gniiit ttjat tijcr is a cftuicb toljer ^ Ivoio of 50D 9otb not ap* peare.i-o;^ tfjis is tljc perpetual marfec tobcrtuiti) go5 Ijatb JiiarheD t^jem that Ije \}is . \^0 tbat is of ttje frutb (fa^tl? tjc)ljearrt^ m^boiccilgatn, ^amt^at g(DD ftepeljearo,! J- fenolue mr fl)cpe,f am fenotoen of tbe. ^v (Ibepe fteare mp boif e,t 3 ftRoto ttjem 1 tbe^ follotu me. ano a litle before tje bao faro, tftat tlje fljepe folloto tbcir fljcpcljearD, brcaufc tt)(V tmotD t)iis ^o^ce : but tbcp follolo notai(raanger,but run a\»ar fro hint, btcaufctber bnoUj notf bovce of Qraii' gers. ^tJt?arctuet'Qercfo;e tuilfuU^ mao in (uBging tbc c^rcbc , lubercas Cb^itt tatt) marfecD it toitlj an ttntciiti' ful figne,tul)icb toberfoeucr it is fecn ca not Dcjciuc, but t it certainly fljctoctft tbe Ctjurcb to be tb?rc : but Inhere it is nottbcre rcma^nctl) nctbing iljat can gene a true fignificaticn of tlje cfjurctj^ :^o J Paul reOearfrtf} ^ tbecljurfI>tDas buplDco,not tpo tbe iti&gcmentof me, not tjpon p?ieftt)ODes,bnt bpon t!)c Doc* trine of tbe apoaies t p;opt)etes. But ratber Jcrufale is to be fcticraUr feno* toen from l!5abilo,f tbecburcbof cb.zift from tbe rorifpiracpof ^atan,br ti^bat fiifftrcrtce tubertoitb €\j^i(t batb mabc tbem Different one from tt\t otber. l^e t\)iit is of goo (faitb be)bearetb p todjos of d&oD . ^c tberefo;re beare not yb^f faufei?earenotofCDcD. Bin a fmnme, fo;afmucb as t\)t cburr be is tbe liing^ borne of Cb^iftc? % be reignetb not but bp' bis iDojDe : can it be noUi ctjutfull to f.anr mvuvlint^ tljofc be^ tuo^bes of !p ing, bg ipbicb Cb^ttrs fcingODnicits favneb to be i6out bvs ^eeptcr^i^isto! ra?Ujitboutbisi)oit»\ioytK ' ■ f But noU) tobcreas tbe^ accufe tjs of Math. ^cbifme ano berefie , b^caufe Ujc bottj p.zeacb a contrary Doctrtns to tbf ,1 obcv not tbeir talDs,$ taue our ailemblies to p?aicrs,to liSaptifme, to § miniHTatio cf tbe ^upper,« otber bolp Dcings,fcuc rall^ fro tbf : it is in Deeo a fecrv it^is act cufatiojbut fucb us nebetb not a long o^ labourfome bcffcnce. JLbcy are tallco beretifees f ^ibifinati!trs, tobicb ma* bing a DiuiOon^oo b;^eake in funber tbe ccmunion of tbe c^tircb. ^nn tbts cents* raunionisbclDcn togetbcr toptb true bonD5,tbat ts to fap, t agremet of true Doctrine,! b^otberly? (^aritie. Mbere^ tjpo Acigulhn puttetii tbis Difference be 'j- t ttuan bereti^s f fcbifmatifees , t bere* n' ^"^ tilits in Off D DO U)ttb falfe Doctrines co;^ "i.cuang nipt tbe purencs ofi?attb,but^S ^cbif* * ' matiftes foaitimceuen te^erc tbere is like feitbjDo bicak f bonb of feloicfbip* IBut tbis is alfo to be net jb,i^ tbis coiop ning of cbaritiefo bangetU ^po tbe fcm^ tie of faitb^tbat faitb ougbt to be tbe be^ ginning tberofjtbe rnD,f finallv the oiu ly> ruIe.3Lrt Ds tbs*fo;e remember th^t To oft as tbe tjnitie off ebnrcb is comcn DeD tjnto ijs tbis is requireo,tbat tobile our mines agree in cb^ilf jCur UjiIs alfo mav be ioi'hcD togetbcr tuptlj mutuatl tuel tinning in €t)nfi' 2Lbcrfo;e paul tube be erbojtetb Uss to i' toel tDilUng, takcth fo; bis fcuoation tbat f ber is one <^oD, one ^a^tb, f one li5aptifme^.^ea tuber foeuer be tcacbctb tjs to be of one minD,f of one toill, be bpanDbp ntteth inCb.:tff,o; acco^oing to Cb^^iff : mea^ ntng 1^ it is n factious compan^e of tbe toicKcD, ano not agremcnt of tbe faitb* ful,tDbicb is tDOut tbe tDo b;afi':!)C5cfa trs, bat one boDi? rrrcuccD bpon a fall rote: 0ntj lubcH man^ fir? nines cc flcto fro onefoutaincaltljougl) ^ nubK Tttmc to be fcattcreo ab;oDe b\? largcnrc of oner flolaing plct^i^ct § tnitic ab rDetV) in § o;iginalXaUc aluai a bcamc of ^ fune f r5 f boD^',^ ^"if i^ «^^ ^«^f f "° Difnfio. 315;mUc a b;auf b fro i1)c tree tbc tjobc bza6cb ca not fp;ing. Cut of § ttreamc frStbc fpiing beD>bftng c«t of it tjictb tp.^o alfo § cburrb being otierfpjeb Hi tbe list)t of tbc lojn^is txtmn oucr tbe febole Uio;lD:i!Ct tbtr i«bnt one ligbt f is fpjeD cucrv tuber. ifSotbingcoulo be faiD mo>c fiti? to crp;iDre ^ tntiiuiDable bnitting togetbcr,U)bicb al t mf b;cs of cb;ilt baue one Vd anotbcr.m c fee boto ' be continually callctb ts bach to § tjerv beD.?i2lberuponbcpjcnouncetb f* bere# ficfi « fcliifmcs DO arife berccf, tbat mc DO not returne to tbc o^tQinal oftrutbi no} DO ff fte tbe beao , noj Uepe tlje Boc* trine cf tbe beaucnl^ maifter, i^cto let tbem goe $ crtc tbat fee be beretibes ^ banc ueparteD from tbdrcburcb: fitbe tber batb ben no caufe cf our eftrangfg from tbem but tbis onc,that tbe\? can in no bjife abibctbc pure p;ofcKltng of tbc trutb: but 5 tell not{}DlDe t\)ey> banc TiTyaluation. __Fourth J3oo; toitb tobom po t)g, ttcxvts i iSaa^nc, lubo bare cal tbat tbc Cburcb \i'itbout anr erccption , tebcre tbe fe»o;oc of tbe ILcjb is openlp i frclt? troDcnbnijerfjB'ef tubetc tbc mini tle^ r^ tbcrof,t{}e rbetfe (incln, rea tiiz bery foule cf tbe Cburcb is bcftrotcb. 8 m\>At t[)tiM fome ma farrtuac tfjcr tberfo;je no parcel! of a Cburcbc rcmai?* ning among ^ 3teU)f s after t t\)tv fell a* luar to ibolatrrf 2:bc anftocrc is eafic. ifirC 3 far t in tbe bcrp falling airare fbere toer certain Degrees, jfcj l»e teilt notra\? tbat tber toas al one fidl of JJuca anb JfraelUt fucbc t^mt as tbct botb era ftoarttePfrotbc pure tuG^JbtFPtr.g ■vr Ofthcoutwa-dc mcanes Of Cod. IJHIjcn Bjcroboam firfte iimDc falnc5,agauift 1' open p.:o^iibttio cf gou, ntrt eio ocoicate an ijnIatDfuU place fo; U)o;Ii3nipinc^{;c tJi3 not tfttrl^ cozrapt rrltsion.ilbff SeUjcs biD firftDcfilc tl;f^ fciucfl toiti) UjkUco « fupcraif teus ma* ncrs,bcfojc r^ fOc^ Uuongfulli? cbanccD ^ c.:9cr in p outtoarD fo;in of religion. ^0} altfjoiigOe tjnoer Hecbabcani t^f ^ ftaD alreaur gotten tbe man^ie pcracrfe tcrcnionies, vet bccaufe tbcrc taricD at Jerufalcm botb ttie Doartne of ffjc Ialt>, 9tI)cp nno partli?c (tobrn tbe^ mindcD to b( fomeUtbat better tban be) tfjei foIoUjcD tbe craniplc or^Icroboam: but tbcip al euert? one Uiere \xiicaCii i i* colaters Kn 31rto;p tbere iuernoU} anD (ben XiiutiB ri}angcj, labile fome fetngs pcraertro tOe U)c;Q^tpptng of goo tuitb falfeanbfojgeDfupcrftiticiwt, fomc o* tbi?r rcftojeo religicn t toa5 becareb: tnti! tbe ter^ p;ien6 fl)f mreluefs Dcfi- leD tbe temple cf (Do3 UJi?tb p^opfcanc i abbominable tfa^cs. 9 #oto let tbt papiII-3 if tbep c 3,bot« mucb fo euer tl)t^ ertenaatj tbeir oton faults, Dent tbat among tbem tbe tkntt of religion is as co^rnpt ano orftleo as it U)ere in tfie btngbom of 5ifrarl tnber Bl^roboam.But tl^ep baui; a groff^T iDo< Utriec:anD in Doctitic tber are not one D^op purer : bnlelTf pcraDuenturecucn in It alfo tJ^ei be moje bnpnre.ers,facra* ment0,t ccrenicnicsitbcn tbat trtatfo^ car r bono^, potoer i i«rifbi toere com^ pelleD to no fupcrJtitiotfStDo^ltipping, pea tfjcp toUc in banb to Do no.^bing but tbat Uibicb toas o^Dcineo br <25oD. )!Eut among tbefe men, 3 mcane f papillcs tubat litic tbing is tbere f if o tjfc ant cer wncnies but fucb as totr tnttttute bt goD. fmo^if tbep toil ncDcs baue an rirample altcgetber lU$e> let ts tahe it out of i^ feingDom of 3fraeLj3ftfr tbe o;!Dinance of Jeroboam circumet05 rcmaincD,tbe l^acrtlSccs toerg offrrcp, tbe i.Kin.u. To Valuation, Fourth Bookc, tt}C laVu toad accoDipteo ^oIrc,tt)C fame CI^oD iDos caiicD tpcn, Ui^me tdc? bao rfcciueD of tbcir^atOcrsrUut fb; § fo; ncDcfuil fo; tJ)cm to Depart from p ccn* (cut of tboft afff mblicfi, Vuljicl) toaimo* tbingcUbiitateicfecD rofpiraci^nsaift gcOanDfojbtDDcn fo;mcfi cf \wo;n)i> rCPco.JitliljcniancrifanT'ir.^aritnote loi|i6. r,Ti3.i;. ptn0)CDoD etfnloluco anD contsrnnitD al tbat Ujos tOtrc Don.^bcto mc one ^>;o pijct,o^ ani o«e goBlp man ^ once Jyo;- n^tppcD o; Sacrificed in Bctbcll. if o; tbs? bnettj tbat tbcr could not do tt,but fome Sdcrtlrge. ^e banc tbmtbti^ muct)c,tbattbccommQmon of^ d^urc^ ousfjt net fo farre to be of fo;c0 toitb § SODi^,tbat if it Hbulo Degenerate to p;o« pljanc I filtbv tfajesjtbet! QjoulD fo^tlj* Uiitb ofnecerTitv foIoUir it, lo HBut about t^otijerpoi>nt toe com tf 0 ^et itioK earntUlp. ifo; if (> cburcb be fo con&oeret) to be fucbiiubofeiuD^e^ mcnt U»e ougtjt to reuerencc,ltbofe au* tbojitp to resarDjlubofc nioticfi to obei loitb tot;orct!jaatrment0 to be moues, toljore cominiion in al tbing0 toe ougbt rdigiouH^ to obfcrnc ; tljen toe can not graunt t^ctn a ebarcb. 15ut ^ toe mull of neccflit^ be bound to fubiection $ obe dicntc \3uto if. ^et toe toiU toillinglpe jjrauate tI?cmtBat tobicbtbei0;opbet6 grauntfOto tfjejctoes i JfraeSitcsof tbcir timt : toben tbings tocre tbcre in 00 g©D,t!ea o; in better ffate . )13ut toe fee boto ecb tobcre tbc^ en? cut, ^ tbep> affembliiiS arc babolp, to toJjirb it is no mo?e latofwl to cofent, tba it is to denp CDod.anD trnlp if tbofe toerc cburrbcs, it fwlotoetij tiytvfo; z^in 3frad l:)f lia0, Spicbcas f facb otber:in3iurr,Cfai,3c* r«m\',£>rie and otber of tbat fo;t,toboe tbcl^;opbet0,p;iette0 $ people of tbat time bnted and deteUcd too;fc tba any tjncircutncifed nicii,tocrc Grangers fro t'je cbiircbe cf (Bod. 3f tbofe tocre cbur* cbeSjtbcn tbc Cbnrcb toas net t\)c piller of trutb>bttt t!je Ua^ of Ivingmottbc fa bernacle of tbe lining (£>oD, bnt by> tbe receptacle of idoIUg. gP^erefo^c it toas IcDgc (> attemb!ic0 at tbf fe tavca betnQ defiled toitb idclatrve, fuptrSitton and toiikf d doctiinc,to be fncb in toiixifc ful comunien a Cb;i(tian man ottgbt to cB tinue turn te ^ ccnfentof dotfrme, be fl)a!l greatlp erre. f o; if tijcp be ct)ur' cbcc tbe tl)n bauc tbe potoer of ^ keie«. 115ut tbe feeres arc tnCc^wrablp hnit t6 tbe too;d,tobicb is fro tbencc v,mtc ^iU uen atoai».againe,if rbc^ be CJnirc bc», tbentbe p;omife of bntbafe* fuIdcsofmeni^baD ccfpifco bisUjo.:o, be ruffref b bo;ribtc fgaking i Difftpatio to cbaimcc)but men afreigbc berp U)a* tting bc.lDillcotbat tl)s bmloing balfe puUcD Dolune f^ulD pet rcuiaine. i2 ^beras tberfo^c toe Ujid not ffm* pip graunt to tbe ^^apiSs tbe title of § Cburcb, toe Do not tbcrfo;e ocnp ^ tbcr be Cbnrebes among tbcm; bat onip toe f ontcD of tbe true anb latofuH ojDering of tbe €tiunl}i tobicb is requires in tbe f oinmunjon botbe of tbe ^ae ramcntes U)bicb are tht tignes of p;ofeffio,but al^ foTpectallp ofcoftrint.D^r.iel i^Paulc 0^9.27 fo;ctoIbctbatiinti£briU HjoutD fitfeiii L The ->■ tt)^ temple of dDoD. ^\ itb bs tue accept tbe bitliop of Home tfje ciiptainc 1 Uan* barce bearer of tbat tuicf^ct anb abbe* minablel'ifngbom. ^tlberasbts feat is plarcD in tbe temple ofiiDotj, t\:)tnhy! is meant tbat bis feingccm Qjalbe fiic b as cannotabolilbtbe nametif Cfj^it^no^ of bis cburcb.^<^iJDrebp tbcrefo;ie appear atl), tbat iue do not eenp but tbat men tjnscr l}is tirannpe rcmainc; Cbure bcs: but fucb as (3c batbe p^ofancD \JCivt\i bn^ gsQlines ful of facrilcgcfacb as be b«1tb afflictcD l!»ifb cutragicuB5cminto,fuf^ as be batb co.:rupteD anD in ntaner hil^ IcD iuitb cuiil f Damnable Doctrines,as luitb poifoneD ojinkcs : fucbe tubercin Cb;tft lietbbalf baricDjtbf gofpel oucr^ tL5belmeD,g6DUneCre bani(^eD,tbe Xxm^ fi)ipping of (35dd in amaner aboIitbcD: fucbe finallp lubercin all tbings are fo trcubleD,tbat tberin ratbcrappearetb (> face of Babilon, tljan of tbe bolp citp of CDoD.i'n a rum,3 fap f tbep be cburcbcs in rcfpett tfjat tbe iicjDe tberemnrueh lonQp p;eferuetb tbe remnantcs of bps people bolufoeuer tbep luere DifpcrfeD f fcatterco ab;oDe, in rcfpecte tbat tbere remaine fomt tobens of tbe cburcbjfpe* ciaUp tbofe tcl>cn0,p effcdualnes tober of neitber tfje craft of tbe SDcuil,nc; tbe maliriournclTc of man can Dcarci.)15ut on tbe otbsr Cdc becaiife tbcfc maite« arc blotteo outc,tebicb in tbis Difcourfe Uic ousbts pnncipsUp to baue refpccfe bnto,3i fat tbat cuerp onecif tbeir affcm blies,ano tbe txiljolp boDp^ toantctb t^z laUjfal fo;me of a Cburcb. 2.ThC.2. 4 TheJii.Cbdptr Of the teachers and mmiliers of the Churche,and of their election and offyce. ipo: aItiioug!je in^ps Cburcbcbeonc Ipc mwfte rule anD i*apgne, pea, ano b^re p^e!^empnejice, 0^ crcell in if. ^toc it is mate tbat toe fpeafee of ^ tbe oroer,bp tobicb it toas p 1 0 joes ^iiytt (0 baue bps Cburcbe gourrneD., ano Ma. 2^ J I I o Saluation. Fourth Pookfitoi/vi/- Au2;uCl. Chrilb. anD tftvs goucrnmtnt to be tfeD oi cj:c* cuteD b\? bis oncli? toojD:?et bccaufe be DlDcUctb not among tjs in feifiblc p^e* fence, fo tbat bt can pjefentli? luitb b?s otone moutbe Declare bis trill tjuto fcfii, toe banc fapDe tbat in tbis be tJfctb tbc minifter^ cf men,anD as it lucre y tra^ uaile of Dcputiesf,ncf in traffcrring bis rigbt anD bonoure bnto tbcin,but enclp tbat bv tbeir moutbe be misbtc boe bis otone too^fecUke as a toojfeman to ooc bis Iro^Ucbfetbbisinarument, 3 am compcllcD to repcte ngame tbofe t\}mq,si tbat 31 bane alrcaby ucclareo.i^c migbt in ueoc do it eitbcr bv bimfclf toitbout any otbcr bclpe o; inllrument, oj aifo by mcane of angels:but tbcr arc many caufcs toby i)t baD ratbcr do it by mcn» jFo.j fai tl)is meanc Sra be Dcdarctb U^ goD toill totoarD b0,tobe be tafeetb out cf men tbcm tbat^Cbal co bis mc Giige in tbe to02lDr,tbat li}albe t!je ir;tcrp;jctcr0 of bis fccrctc toiU, finally tbat (ball rc^ pjeCent i)is oton perron.2nD fo by erpc«' rience be p.joiictb tbat it is not cainc t commonly be callctb b5 by^^ SCemplcs, to;>?n out or t\jt moutbfs of nTcn,as out Gll;.B >l3>amt ij?.ry, \)C gcuctb anftsjcrs to men. ^eco*.nir,tbfs is t'at beft t moftc p;iu itabl: ncrtiit to btnnility,tobcn be accuij^initb ts to oi»ty bis lro;D, boto' focucf it iiz pKacbcD by men IpUe bnto U3,y$a fomiinicoijr inferiD^s in Digni» t^. ^f be Ijiir.rrLe fpaUc from bcauen,it toer no niaruil if bi'^ b^-'ly ^'^v.dts tocr if to bis minifter toe yalDc cure iciaes toillmg to learne, tobicb yet in nctUng crcclletb bs.Ebcrfc^c fc; tbts cairfi ul^ ,2«Cor.^/ fo be batb bioscn tbc frcafure of ^!S !:?a? uenly toifcome in b.;icUlcanDr cciue all one Doctrin at one moatb.i? o^ if cucri man tocrc able cncugb to ferae bimfclfc,anD naOCD not tbc bclp of ano? tber:fucbe is tbe pnoe cf mans nature, tbat cucry one tooulD ccfpifc clbcr,anD Ibulo againc be DcfpifcD of tbcm.SLbcr^ fo2e tbe lo;D batb tounoe bis Cbnrcbc toitb tbat Imot, tobicb be fo;efato to be tbc ftiogca Unct to bolo bniti togetbcr, \j3^tn \)t batb left toitb men tbe ccctrin of faluation,anD of ctcmall life, tliat by tbcir banticB be migbte communicate it to tbe reft, li^crcunto paul baD rcfpert, tobf n be to?ote to tbe CpbeO^.cnc bo* ^ Dy cnc fpirtt, as alfo ye be calUD in one ^ ^ ^ bopeof youre calling. jDncLo;De,one jf nitb,onc iBaptifme. £>nc CoD,anD y if atbcr of al,tobicb is aboue all,anD by aU,anD in bs all.iSut tnto eucry cnr of jjs crrace is grucn accojDing to tbc mc^ furc of tbc gifte of Cb;ia-^Cnberfo.;c be faytb:^ben be toas gene tp on bic,bc toitijoat Dclai rcurrcntir rcccincD toitb IcD captiuitye captiucbc gauc giftcs to tbc cares % mii\^$B o^ai ntcn.iro; tobo | men. ^e tbat toent cctoncis tbe fclfc tooulDcnotD^caDc i^B potoer being in ' famcbetbattocntbp,tbatbemigbtrul pjcfence i "lubo tooclce not b-^ tb;iotonc i ftl all tbings. 0nD tbe fame batb gcucn DC tone at tijcfiiiiaattecffo great ma^ j fomctobcap&mes, ifomcp^opbcts, ieUyf tobo to3lDn5t be ccnfciiocD toitb ' anD fome euangcuas, anD otbcr feme tbat infinite I :igbtnes;l?uttobiK feme pat!02S t tccbcrs,bnto tbc rcllpjmgof m<^ mm rife, oat cf tbc Duir, ipcafectb | tl)t boly oncs,to y too^fe '*[*?}}"*B^,^^-°? in tbc mmc of^.^;hcn md) tjccy gcD rcGimcuV tor; Dea U'c our ©oDluTcUe t , - tcucreni cl-ebicncc totoarDgoD bimfclf ' y knotolegeof tbl»onofgoD,intoa per' . -- f^,^^ to tbe cDifying of y boDy of Cbr^ftjbnttl toeccme al into y bntty of faiib, at .D of ;Cap.3» Of the outward meancs Tnh D;tnUc are fo ncceflari? to nmvi(bt and fuftein ti)is p^tUwt life, as tt)c office of apoftlcs anD pafio^fi is necclTarre to p;jcferuc ttjc Cburcb in cartb. 3 Mcrfo.jc 3 Ijauc abouc asmentn^eD, tftat dDoD Ijatt) oftentimes tcptJ) fuctj tr* tl05as be coaIoe,commenDeU tbe Dignt^ t^ tbcrof bnto tj^, tl^at ioeflniic baae it in moli Ijie bono; an5 p^icejas tbe moft feet man,into t\)z meafurc of fnl groUm ajcttbat toe be no mo;e cbilo;en ^ mat be wricD aboiite UJi?tb f iter?e toinue of Doctrinc:but folotoingtrutb in cbaritt?, let tjs in all tbinocs grotoe info l^im tbat 13 m bcD,euen €\)n(t in tobo j> tubole baD^ conioi?neD f compatteo tcgitber bi all tbe iopntc of rubmimiIration,acco;^ Ding to tbe too;king in mefare of euerp . . — , pait,maltetb encreafe of tbe boDi?, tuto ! cuzlltnt tlm of all. i|)e telTifietb tbat .tfa.52,8. ti)c eDifgtng of it feife b^ cbarit^ | be geuctb to men a fiinsulare bencfite, 2 i5^tbt'fciy3;DsbetbelD:tb,tbattbat in faiSng fbem tp tcafbcrs;,toberel)e miniif er)?e of men, ^Wh ©od isfctb in goiiernig bis djurcb is t\): cbefe fineto, 'lObcrbvtbefaitbfuU cleaue togetberin one bospe: ano alfo be lljcloetb tbat tbe €'ouid) can not otbcrtoifc be p^cfcraeD fafe,but if it be topboloe bp tfjefe ftai?e5, iii lutjicb it pleafe^ tbe ?lojDe to repofe t';}e faluation of it as Uiben be fai^D: l^c tbaC f;ca' Lu .io»i5 retb ^oij,bearctb me. l^etijatDefpifctb 2.Cor*4 VioUjDcfpiretb nie.:5£5nt tbcrc in no place 5 mo?e plainc,tban in paul in hiii fcccno 2.00^-^. (SpiGle to tbe Co^intbtans, libber be as ^^ ^' it toere cf parpofc entrcatctb of tbi?s , * mattcr.l^e aflfjrntctl) tbcrefo;e,i? tbere 1 isnotbing in tbe Cburcbc mo;e crccl^ fiifepiefent,toitbericni3ing tbe poller ilcntojglouougtban tl^c minillcrv^e of ofbisfpiritein tbis inirifution, tint it fljiilD not be \jaine 0; iole.^o in tbe re* acting of tht bol? Gnts pcrfo.imcD : fo iB t\)c boD^ of Cb.iille cDifieo: fo Doe toe bp aUtbings groto into bim tbat is tbe beao, anD do groto togctber among our fcluesifo are toe all b;ougbt into ^ \)ni* ty of Cb.iitt, if p;opberp fion(f) amog bs if toe tecciat tbe apoftles, if toe refufe not p Dortrinc miniUrcD tjnto bsXbcr fo^ebcgoetbaboutetbeDilTipation, 0; ratbcr tbe ruine ano Deftruction of tbe Cburcb, tobofoeuer be be p citber enoe* uo;jctb to aboUHjc tfiiB o:Der of tobo toe fpcaUe, ano tbis UiaDc of gouernment, ox mininictbtbe cftimaticn of it as a tbiiignot to neceC"(tr|?e. jfo; ncitbcr tbe lialitanDbcatoftbcrun. no; meate auD tbe(E?afpc!/ojarniucb as it is tbeaDmi^ ^ nitration of tbe ^^iritt, anD of rigbte* ^* '^' oufncITcanD cf eternal! lifcSTbefe anD ^' liUc farings feri'e to tl}is purpofe, tbat tbat o.:Drr cf gouerning anD p;eferuing tbeCburcbebi' minifiers, tobrcbctbe llo^DbatbtiablitlieD fo; ctier, ft>uiO not grotoe out of ellimation among t}s,f fo at lengtb fap ^ti-y contempt grotoe oat of tjfe. 3nD botoc great is tbe necelTitte tbereof, be tatbe DeclareD not oneli? b^ too;Des,but alfobp eramples.Mbe bis toil toas to Q)int moze fullv to €o;neli' A£l,3C.3. us toitl) tbe ligbt of bis trotb,be fent an , 0ngel from bcauen to fenD ^eter \jnto A£>.9.^. bim.^bcn bis toill toas to rait paule to tl)t hnotolege of bimfelfc, anD to cm gr>iffc bim into tbe cburcb> be fpa^e not to To Saluation. Fourth Bookc^Fctss.^^ to ljim\ofttsolimt)orce, t3Utfcnt't)^nr tljename of tht lo;ue IjaO ncuer bene j to a man.of tobo be KjoqlD rccc^uc botfj ; bcarD of. Oercfo;ctbc apofiles tecre Epb,4,i tbcoodrincof faluation t Jfanctrgfa tionof HBaptifmeJfit be not Done Vo out caufc,^ an 0ngel, tobicb is tVjC in tcrpjeter of cDcD, do bimfclfc abfiepne from Declaring tbe toil of(II5oD,butco* inaunDrtb tbat a man be fcnt fo?,to Dc* Clare it;anD not toitboutcnufc f Cbntt tbe onel^ fcbolcmatiler of tbe fai?tbfull committetb^auleto tbc fctoling of a man,tea cuen tbat fame paul tobo be baD DctermineD to talie tp into v tiiiroe bcaaen,anD to boucbfauc to grant brni miraculons rcudatio of tbings bnfpra* Uable : tobo is tbcre no in tbat Dare Dcf* pife tbat mtmaerie,ojpaGc it o«cr as a tbing,rijprrauot3fi,tl)etifcl»bcrcof it batb piafcD C5oD to malic appjcuto bv fucb e samples f 4 SE^bci? t^)&t bane rule of tbc gcuernc mentoftb2cburcbacccjDingto tbc in? ftitution of Cbji{J,arc nanjeo of paui firll ap3tllc3,i)r |i*;iop?)et5,thirDli €m g£!ia6,fonrtbl?pairo;3,laa- ofal 2Cea cbcrs. i£)f tubicb, ? tteo laff alone baue o;tJinartc office in tha cburcbrtbe otber tb.ice 11)C Ilo;D raii'eD t3p at f beginning of bis bingccme,an3 fomctime ^et aUo rapfctb t3p, as tbc ncc:{ritie of tpmcc re qvdvcih. ^biit is tbe ilpcfllcs cffice,ap pcaretb b^ tbat commaunDeujent: goc, p;cric'je tbe (Sofpcil to ener^c creature, sib ere arc not certain bounds appo^n* tcD t3nto tbsm; but tbc Ujbclc \i\txlu is afffgncD tbem,to be b^ougb^e into iljc o^ ItDicncc cf Cbjitt : t\jat in rp;et;ing tbe gofpclamog al nt.tioB \ybcrfocucr tbep '^c'i> mar cfbc U:.!)cre raifc fent to b;ing bacbe tbe trcjln from fal. ling atoatjtJUio Iruc cbcDrcnc e of C-cD, f ccbe iJDbere to lrfibli(!;e Ijis hingDonic bv p^ccbing of i^ gofpeho? (if row lifee v bettcr)c»0 tbc firft builders of t cburcb, to la\> tbc founoations tbcrcof in all ibe U3o^lD.^^;opbct6 be calif tb net all crpo^ fito^s cf €>oD0 lull U-.batfocurr tbcr be, buttbofe tbat br lingular rcutlattcn v;* ccUcD, fucbcas at tbis time citbcr be none,ojarclesnctab{e.i5iCi;£fchCs B! t-nDcrffanDe tbofe, tobicbe tebcn tn Dignitrc t];ty! lucre leUe tban tbe i?iVC# fileSj^et in office ttcrc ncjrt tiUo tbcm, vea $ occnpicss fbeir rtomcc^ucb Vrrre j ^ul?e,S:imettjce,dtns,anD otber lifec: luk.io antj perasnrntnre alfo tbc feucntrc Dif* CipleSjlubom €\^zi^ appointcD in tbc (e> cono place after tbe Spofik s.accc;t'ing to t^'^s crpofition(tubicb famctb to nic j^,^{, ^^ ngreabls bctb Untb tbc Ujoits ano mea= t{in% of ?i)a«l)tbore ti}iiz offices toer not D^Suinii) in tbeCburcb to tbv^ cnD tbat tbci^l^oulDbeperpetnall,bat oneli? to feme foj tbat t^'Uie tubcrein Cburcbcs lucre to be erect eD,twberc tocr none be^ fo.ze,o.j at Icafl- to be rcmcucD fro ^5o== frs to Cb;ilt".^^lbeit J ntnv nct,bnt tbat afterlcarD aifo tbe ilc;D batb fometnr.e raifcD bp apoUles , on at leaC in tbcr; places enangelilts, as it batb ben Dcnc in our time, jf o; it teas nceDful to baue fULb,tob;tngbacfee tbc Cburcbc frou! tbc falling atuar of ^mticb^ilt.f'Ct tbe c&ict It fclfc 2« DOC neucrfbclcfic c^vl f r-- trao^Dinarre,bic«ufc it batb no place in tbe Cburcbes alreat^ toell fct in c;Der. l^alteabiL, i,-, ,-,.,,_„ , , ..,^_.,„„., ^ bp bl^ UiiiaDom. aibcrfo^e panl,\i;bcn i Mtt after tbci'e are Batlo;s anD S^ea be iurnt about to p;oue bis £ij3c2:!cn)ip ' rbers,tPbo tbc Cburcb mar ncucr lacU: rebearfetb tbat be batb gotten to C':;iiii bcttoenc vubom 3 tbint^e tljat tbcre is nnt feme one dt^ybut bdcb farre t lui^e ! t\)i^ Difference, i^ tbe STcacbcrs are not fp;^cO ab^caDe tbe gofpell: nnb ii ije Imtb ! apointcD to bearc rule of Difciplinc, no^ not laiD Ma bauDS to an rtbi-r mmmtB \ fc; v imnillratio of racranr£i;is,noa nu mcnii^ments o; ep;c;tatj^ons, but tn\^ ""' to foauisation, but planicD cbtircbfS t)ber "Of the outward mcanes [^■o..id.7 ta crcounue'tbe fcrij)turc,tf)at pure ano foani cojtrinc ma^ be Kept among tlje faitb:uU.i3i!ttt)c omceofpaO-o; con- tci?netb al tfecfe tbingar tjDitt}in it. 5* ^olu tnc l)ane,tD^)icb toer ttjofe mt^ niftrnts in ttje cburcJ)ctbat continucJ bat fo; a time, ano \siliici) toerc tljofc ^ Ujcre o.:5C]?ncD to cntjurc pcrpctaallp, 3|f tue to^ne the C'uangciia^t \xiit\i ^ a* pome0) toe (ball fjauc remai?ning ttoo £oup!e0 after a certavme maner anfiuc^ ring i one to t\}t ctber. if o; as our tea^ tly^TS are liUe to ttje olDe p^opfjcts, in fuel) foal are our paSo?s liPfee to tlje a* I po^iCs . %^ii office of p^opbetca tuas jno;e epcelletjb? refo of § fiugular gift f, tic^ ?)a& of rcaelation : hut § cflficc of 2Cf ac?)er3 tjatl) in a maner lj!?e o^oer, antJ altogether t\i2 fame cnoe.^o tbofe rtj.l^bom the liojDe otu cbofctljat tbep tboula publiQ) ab;ooc to tbe toojlD tbe neti> p.icacbing of tbe(25ofpeU,in oegrde ani5 Dignitie toent befo;je tht vtttt.Sfo;^ altbougb bv tbe meaning anD p;operttc of tbe WiD^al tfje miniitcrc off cijurcfj ixxciv be rigbtlvcalleo 0pollIe«,bccauf0 Vot^ arc fente of tbe llo.:De,auti are bis mcffcngcrs : retb^aufeittDa^mucf) bcijouf fuli,^ tbere (^ouiD be a certaine knoUHeDtve bao of tbe fencing of tbem ^ ftjouiD bnug a t^i'ng nclu anD bnbcarD of, it toas neceflfarvc tOat tbofe.rti. (to tobofe number panic toaa aftertuarDe aDJjeD) (IboulDc be garniS)eD luitb fome peci5liiir title aboue tbc rtll.pau! bim* felfein DeeDe in one place geuetbtbps name to ani3;onicu5 f Biunias-. lubomc be faptb to baue ben notable among tbe ^apoaics: but twben be menetb to fpeke p.2op0rl\>c, be refcrretb itto none otber but to tl^ai p;iincipal Degree, ano this 10 tbe common i^rc of tbc i>£{*ipture. f^et tbe paKo^0(raain0 fhi\t ec be of tbt' Doe goncm feaeral Cijurcbeg appopnten to ; tbem)bauc alone cbarge \3)it^ ttjc ^po t0,let bs Bet beare it mo}t plainly* 6 %i)c llo;D,tobcn be fenf ^ apoftles, gaue tbem eomm«un5cmente*(a0toe faiD cam notD)to p;cacb tbc gorpcl,ano to baptife t^ tbat beleue fento fo^geuc;* nelTe of firme^.l^e ba:) before commaii^ Mat, 28. DcD,tbat tf)t^ fbonlD Dillribnte tbe bolp ^* fignes of bis boDt? ano blouce^as be bao Done. 2loe bere is a bolrjinuiclable ano perpetual lato laiD tspon t\)tin tbat fnc* ccDe in ti)t apoHlCB plr.ce, lj?berbt' th^"^ rcceiue commaunDemrnt to pjearb t\)z Uetb not of bimfelf onlr,bi-t of tbem all, toben be rbtb:leta ir.a fo eScmcbs as tbe miniSers of Cbirll:,f eillributers , q^^ . of tbe mvCerrcsofcDcD^gain inane* ,* tber place: a 5i5i^cp tnuft be a fade bol^ rf: Deroftbatfa^tbfr;Ute02Dc fobicbisac^ ^* to;Ding to Doctrine: tljat be mai? be able to erbo^t b^ fcuno Dcctrtne,f to couince tht gaiiifai^ers . £Dut cf tbofe anD Ivfee places, tubicb arc ecb teber to be fonnD, \XMt ma^ gatber, tbat alfo in tije office cf tbe apoilies tbcfe be tl)t tiso p^nncipall partc25,to pjeacb the gcfpelS, an& to mi^ niHtr tbe fdcramentc0,iis fo? ti;e o.2Ccr of teacbing it conSlfctb not onlv in pub* I jt?e rermoit^ , but faclongetb alfo to p;i;j uate atjmonitionc. ^0 ]l^aul calletb ti^c €pbcrianstolD!tneirc tbat bebatbnot!^^*^®- fleD from Doing cf an v of tbofe tl^^nQtB ^^ t;i)At toere fo: t\jtiv piofiic , but tbat boe p^eacbcB anD taivM tbem botb openlpc ano in euen? boufc ,. teftifi?ing botb to tbe jBctoes 1 CDrccian?, repentance anD faitb inCb.Jitt.agciine a Utlc aftcr:tbat be batb not ccalTcD xait^ teares to aO;» mcniO^euerv' one of tbem. ^eitber yet belongetb it to mp purpofe at tbtis p;e*^ fent to erp^ffe altb*; qualities ota goD ^ ^^tcg' j^oto lubat "^t^nncf oftbmgtfaat. , l^aojtbntonly to poir^t cut tobat tljcy | Ez.>3'7» To Saluation, Fourth Bookc i Fo1.32;cj puiMc ttjat call tfjcmfclues paftti^s: tijat is, tbat Vatv are fo maoc rulcw of t\)t Cf)arcb,not ttjat tbc^ GjoulD ijaue an iDie Dijnitif, but -^ mt^ HjoulD ioittj tlje tJOitrine of Clj^tlf infltruct tl)e people to true goDliiic5rc,mintItcr tbe Mv Ji^iftc-- ries,* p.:efcme anD epcrctfe tjp^igbt DiO ctplinc . ifo; lubofoeuer beefet to bee toatcbmcn in t\)c Ctjurr Ijjtbc iLo;De Dc^ claretl) t)uto tbem,tbat if ant?e b? t\)zn ncgliscncc perifl^ tl);ougb tgno^aunce, be toil require foe blotiD at tijeir bauDS. SDbat alfo pcrtainctb to tbcm all, U)bicb panic faiitb of bimfelfe: tuoe to me tjn* leffc 31 p^e^icb t\jz c runne ; tbe miniftcrv of tbe tro^ce, to t^t be qc* altogctbcr mto one place, ano leaft fucb ' iitti) tl)c title cf Biibops . ^0 in psnle, as are mo.:e caref:U fo; tbeg.: otun com.^ toberc Kitm is commaunoco to r.point mooitietbaii fo;^ tbc eoifiication oftbe|p;icaesineucrptctone,itisiii5:meoi^ Cburcb, (bouloc at tber; oluac IdhU atlraoocD.ifo;affiin/op muftbel^nr leauc tb:i?; Cburcbes tjacante : th^B op oering ougbt commonly to be feeptfo nerc as mave be , tbat eucr^ man con# tenteo witb b\?s oUmo bonocs (l^ouloe not b^eaUc into an otber mans cbarge. iln^ tij'iis is no inuention of maa , but t^}Z ojoinauncc of (IJsD b?mfelfc . ifc; toe reao tlyd p^al ano ilDarnabas crea^ teo p;i8ftes in all § fctieraU d)arcb«s 2, Tit, 1. J pjoueable.tc.&c in an otber place be fa^ lutetbmanr 55i(bopsin one Cburcbe. ^no in fbe jactcs it is rebearfeo,tbat bee calico togetbcr tbe f^^ictts of C-pbcfus, iphi, i,u \ ^\)om be bimfelfe in bl'S otonc fernicn Ac.20,7; callctb )i5itbops . ^cre noto it is to be notcD, ^ betl)erto toe baue reciteo none but tbcfe offjces tbat Ifano in tbe mini- ileii? of tbe too;og : ncj^tberootbpauic Ofthc outward mcancs make nictton of anr otter in ^ 4.cl)ap* Ro.12. 7.' tpjjifl) toe baucallcgcD. il5at in tfte €'^ i.Cor.i2.| piUic to tf)e Hom.f in t!)e firft cpifile to tbc biraufe it 10 to no p;o0tablepurporcto tarr^ Dpon t^em. HdvX Vatxz arc tioo t^at Doe perpetually) ab^Dct^at id to far^gouemmcnt f care cftf;cpo;e. ftclvi men : tobicbe baD tbat fame iurifoiction in co^rcflingof lncc0,tobcrof toe Qjall fpe akc bcrcaftcr» jauD tbat lbi5 U:a£i tbe o;Dcr of nto;e tba one age , c rpericncc ix fclfe Dcclaretb. Ebcrfo^c tbr^s office cf goucrnmcnt is alfo ncccffiirp fo; all agc0. 9 SDbe care of tbe paj;c tons commit^ fieD to X\it SDeacons.l^otofacit to tbe Ko* Ro»i2.9t maincs tbere are fct ttoo binttc^ . Jiet b^mtbat gcuctb (fa^tb paule in tbat place) DO a ixi fimplicitie : let brm tbat batb mere ^,Do it in cberfulnc(re.ifo;an; niuc^ afi it is ceitain tbat be fpcaketb of tbe puUihe officer of tbc cburcbiit mud KCDcs be tbat tbcrc tocrc ttoo Tcuerall cegrafc^cnrilcflfc mp iuDgemeut oecciuc I. rim.;.' nie,!ntbefirftpopntbc mranetb 2Dea^ ccnctbat Dia ributeD i\iz almcs : in tbe otberbcfpcahctb of tbcm tbatbaoge* ucntbemfducs to lcDl»ing to tbe pcn^e I fichc : of toijicb ro;t tocr tbc toiDotocs of tobom be n:a{tf tb mention to SLiniO' tb^e.ifo; toomen coalD crecute no otbcr publihc off ice,but to geuc tbemfelucfi to tbefcruiceof tbc pc3:e . Bif toe graunt 10, tbF6(a0 toe mutt nttu gratmt tt) tbm tbere (balbe t^o fo;tc0 of ^Deacons : of iDbicb one fo;t ^cfiX ferue in billnbuting tbe tbtnge0 of tbe peo^e, tbe otbcr in \m* bing to tbe pa»;e of tbe cburcb tbf fclues. ^ut altbougb tbe tjcrt? too;o Diaconia BDeaconrv eptcoetb furtbcr: ^^tXy^ fcrip* ture fpecially calletb tbtm Deacons, to tobo tbe Cburcb batb gcue tbecbargeto Di0ribute almes^nb to take care of tbe po;e,t batbappornteb tbem as ii toere ffetoartes of tbe comon treafur^ of tbe pis;t:tobofebegtnning,inttitution,anD office,is DefcribeD of llube ixi tbe ^ctes. ^0; U)be a murmuring tuas ratfcb br i\iz CDrecianSjfo; 1^ tn tbe miniCerte of tbe p(D;e tbeir toiootoes tuer neglcctcD, tbe japoillts ercufing tbefelues \3i\{\^ fai tng ^ tber coulD not feme botb offices, botb \\iz p;eacbing of tbe too;D i {\it m* niftring at tables , requires of tbe mul« tituDe,^ tbere migbt becbofcn by. bo^ neft men,to U)bom ^z^^ mtgbt commit tbat Doing. Hoe tobat maner of IDeacos tbe 0pofioUfee i^mt\^ baD, i tobat iDca» cons iX iDcre merte fo; ts to bauc acco;< Ding to tbeir epample, 10 /^oto toberas in tbe bclp aCfembl^ all tbings arc to be Done in c;Dcr t com* l^jtbcr v& notbing toberin tbat ougbt to be mc;e Diligentlp obfcrncD, tba in ffa* blifbing t!)e ojDcr of gouenmir t:lncaufc tbere is no tebcre greater pei ill if anf e tbing be Done tno;Derlp . Cberefo;c to tbe inD Vc^bX \3nqaict % troiiblcfcmemcrt (Ufbttb oibf rtoife tooulD bappen) CjoId raO?lp tb;u3 in tbcmfclucs to tcacbe 0; to rfile,it \& e)cp;eflr p;ouiDcD,>5 no man I^culD toitbout calling tat^c bpcn %)xa a publifec office in tbc Cburcb. 2^bercfo;c tbat a ma mai be iuDgcD a true miriiller of tbe Cburd), firfi be mufi be o;DerIpe callcDitben be muH anftocr \fi& tccatio, tbat \& f 0 far, tabe tppcn brm sno ere*' cute tbc Duetics enio^ncti l\:ni , %\y^% toe mate oftentymcs marhcin paule ti^ytcb AcAs- To Saluation. ujIjifOtoJje i^cimanctl) to appjouefj^tf 2lp)ilul^i?,iii a maner alUjat! loitfj l)is hit'i}:nlat3 ia etccutinij Iji'S oafice fte al Ic;];:'!) 1)15 calling. Jffo greata niinillcr of vEXiiltc oare nor faUe tpon Ijimfjlfe tl): iiiUmit'^ ^ ^c l^ulo bt Imvn in Vqc vTijur •;!!), but bccanfefje bot^ isappcim f CD tijerunto b? tlje commauDcment of tbc lor^jam alfo faitbfull? pcrfo^metb tbat lubicb is commtttco tnto btm:bolxi greatc t^amclefnclTc Ciall it be, if an^ man toantingbotbo.ic^tbcr of tbrfe^ fljal cbalengc fucb bono; to bitiMta 13'At bccaufe iDC baue abouc toncbcb {? nccciriiie of erecating {> office, noto let 133 catrcatc oncl^ of tbc calling, 11 2Cbe Difcourfe tbercof ttanDctb in foure pcint5:tbat ice CjolD UnoUj tobat mancr of mintttcw, bolD,i b^ Vu^o mu niitcrs oagbt to be tnHttutc, anb loitb tubat bfagc o; *j3bat ccrcmonic tljti are to be aDmittcD.iH fpcabe of tbe outUiarb ano folemne calling: \3)\)icb belogctb to pu';IiUe oioer of tbc Cbarcb: as fo> tbat ffcrc tc calling, U)berof eiicr? miniftcr is pnur id bis olDne confctence before goD,f batb not tbe cburcb U>itneCre of ity j omit it. Jt i0a g(DD taitnclTc of oure bart,tbat not bran? ambition,no; couc tournc5,no.z an? otbergreD\> oefircbut Ujitb pnrc fear of gotj i jele to cbeSe to tbc cburcbc,taerecciuc tbe office offe^ rcb bnto \i3.ncit in Dcuc iff (as 31 baue raio)nccciraric fo; cueri one of tB,if iuc toil app^oue our miniderie allotoable bcfo;c<5oo.ii5cuertbele5be is rigbtl? calleD in p^cfencc of tbe Cburcbe, tbat commetbbntottluitban euill confct^ encc,fo ^at bis IjotckcDneis be not ope* %b^^ arc toont alfo to fat? tbat cur p;i^ uatemcnare calleD to tbe miniUcrr, tobom tbc? fa to be mete f able to erc^ cuteitibecaufcberil? learning i0t?neD tjoitb goDltneis 1 1:6 ^ otbcr qualities of a gcD |l3afto;,t3 a certainc p;cparat:o to tbe bcri? office. i?o; lubo f lo;o batb Fourth Bookc , P0L330.' appointeD to fo great an office, be firfle furaiOjctbtb^ ^ tbofearmurcs tbat are requireo to fulfil it,^ tbei (bulD not com emptp f bnpjcpareo bnf o it.££lbcrupo iDaul alfo to tbt Co;intbian6, tobcn be meant to uifpntecf § bcrp offices, firft rcbrarfcD tbe gifts tobicb tbc? ougbt to baue tbat execute tbe offices . 515ut be« caufctbisis tbe firffe of tbofe fotoer points tbat i baue p;opounbeb,let bs noU) goc fo;lDarDc bnto it 12 ^batmancrofilBifljcps itismete to cba)fe,13aule boetb largely Declare in ttDo places.buttbe fummecommctbto tbts cffcfte, tbat none arc to be cbofen, but tbe? tbat arc of founo Doarine,auD of bolilife,anD not notable in an? t)T;'ce, tubicb mjgbt botb faUc atuai crcDite fro tbcm,anD~p;ccurc HaunDer to tbcir mi^ nifter?.HDf)S>e^consanD(;^lDcrs tbcrc is alt ogctbcr liRc coiifiocration.jt is al toa? to be lofecD bnto , tbat tbc? be not bnable oj tnfit to beare tbe buroe tbat is la?eD bppcn tbcm,tbat is to fa?,tbat tbe? ma? be furnitbcD Uj?tb tbcfe po* luers tbat are necclTarie to ?fulftl!ing of tbcir cfiice.^o U-bcn vTb^iff tens a^ bout to fcnoc bis apottlcs,be garnilbt D tbemto?tb tbofe tocapons auDinftru? mcntes tobicbe tbe?cculD not toantc. anD ^aule tobcn be baODc painteD out tbe image of a gtoD anD true iSilboppe, toarnetb Kimotbte, tbat be Iboulo not Defile bimrelfcto?tbcbfflfing an? man tbat Diffcretb from it . 31 refcrre ttis too^Dc ^oto,nct to ? ceremcnie of cbai«' fing, but to tbc rcucrcntefcare tbat is tobeheptintbecb©f?ng . i^ereupon come tiit fattinges anD p;a?ers, tobtcb llutjcrccitctb ^ tbc faitbful tjfcD tobcn tbe? mabe p;icftes.iro; tol; eras tbc r bnDerffoDc tbat tbe? mcDDlcD l6 a mofi; earned matter, tbc? Durtt attempt nc.» tbing,bat toitb great rcuercnce f carc^ fjlncffc/iSut tbe? cbcfcl? applicD tie.n^ (clues to pM?crs,tobcreb? tbe? m?obt "_ SUIC.g, crane I. Cor, 12 17. 2.Ti.3.i. Luk.2i. 1J',&.24, 49. Mar.id. :Ac.i.8. ■ ^ap.3 Of the cutvvarc*. nicancs Ac.1,13 [jal.Lia, crauc of Coo tiis fpiriie of ccunfcU ano 1 Dtfcrction. 13 »0tbirDctbmgtl3at fc^efettucfct in our Diuifio tons, bv? ti>t)cm mmiitcra arc f 0 be cfjofen. i©f tbi?fi tijing no cer? tain ralcca be gatfecreo out cf tOe inUi tution of :apo(lIcs,tD|)icI) IjaD fomc hii^^ fcrcncefro t\)c ccmcn calling of ^ rett. iro;> becaufe it luas an cjrtrao^oinari? miniflcr^c^bat it mvgfjt be matsc tiif? ccrnablebrfome mo;e notable mark, it bcOooeD ^ ttjei? toljicl^ l^oulo cvecntc it,15uID be calleD ano appoinfcD bv tlic Io;ds oUjnmoud). SCljcr tberfo;jetaibe in \)am tbeir Doing, being furnifteo bv no mans clection,but bt? tbe cnel^ com? maunDementof^oD f of €0;ift. l^ere* tspon ccmmetb tbat tobcn tl)c 0poaks toculD put an otbcr in t^e place of Ju* Ua0,tbcv Dure net certainlp name anv one n-.an,but t\)t^ b^ougljt fo;^tb tfco, ^ t'oe lojo ftalD Declare br lctte,lDlietbcr of tbem l)e luculD f)auc to fucccDe.after tl)is manr r alfo it is mttc to taftc tbis, tt/at paule Denietb tfjat ^e iuas create £pofile of men c; bp man,iut hi tbnU ans goD tbe if atber.2:fjat ftrlt point,^ 15 to fap cf men,^e bao ccmmo xaitb all tbe goDli miniHers of tbe lro;D.if 0? no martcotilDrrgfjtl^nafeebpon bim tbat execution bat be tbat toer callcD of goD. )15uttbeotber point .toas p;joper f fin? fc^ebefXrirmelb tfjat beluas ct'Clrn, not b^ tbe iutjgemt t cf men, l^i^e fome common bifijcp, but br tbe moutb ?.no manifeU iE);adc of tbe 51d;d bimfdf. 14 ^i4t no ma tbat is fcbcr totl banc, tbat it is acco;iDing to tbe cjDrr of latii^ full calliiifT, tbat IStfe^ops lIjoulD be ap* pomtcD b^ men: fo^afmucb ae tber arc fe mant? teffimcnies of i (criptnre fo.: p;GDfc tbcreef.ij^eitber DDfb tbat fatitng of panic make to tb^^centra^ as it is faiBjtbat be tras not fcnt of men^sioj Lp mrn:fo^irmucb as be fpeafectb net tber ofp o^cinarv cfjcfing of mintllers,but cbalengctb to bimfclfe tbat tobicb u?as fpccial to tbe^pofilcs.xBolxjteitgoD al* fo fc appointee Paul b^ bimfclf b^ lin^ gu!arp;erogatiue,)^intbemcanettmc !}e tJfeD t Difciplineof C'ccleaaSical cal^ ling, if c^ 2lu'^e repo;tetb itti)iis,\3)bt f Hpotlleslyere falling $ p2aring,t bol? gbofi faiD: |j>cperate tntc me ^aule i Hbarnabas to tbe Uio2^ to ixjjjicb 3 baue feuerallt? cbofcn tbe, 2:0 tobat purpcfe ferueD tbat feperation f putting en of banoesjfitl; tbe bd^ gboS tjatb tettiftcD bis cton election,but tbat tbt Difcipline cftbecbarcbin appcinttng miniCers br men,migbt be p?eferncDf H^berfo^^e tbe ito^^D cculD bt? no plainer craple ap^ p;oue fucb o;Der, tban be Dio U»ben ba=' uing firll DedareD tbat bebao c;Derneo gulartoljimfelfe. Stbtrefo^etDbenbe! pauleapomefcjtbc(l5entiles, petbe gloaietboftbr5,be Dotb not onlp boll ^ - -- - be batb tbat tubicbe belongetb to a true anDlatDfulipaCo;, but alfobangctb fo^tb tbefignes of bps 0pomef^ip jf 0; lubcn tbere lucre fome among tbe C«a^ lAtbianSy\xibicb traua^ltng tc DiminiO) bisautbo;itt?,maDet)im fome mene Dif ciplcput in office tjnoer tbem bi p pjin cipal japollles:be,to DefenDe in fafetp ^ Dignttp of bis p^catbig: lubicb be ftnclu to be a}ot at by> tbcfc futtle Dcuifes,ne? Den to OjeUj bimfclf in al points notbing infertour to tbe cfbcr^pc&lrs.SLbcic? Gal.1,1. AC.J3.2 tuilletb biiii to be apotnteD bp v cburcb. Wi bicb tbing toe map fee in ^ cljoCng of^atbias.iro;j,bicaHfe(bccfficecfa^ pci!lell}ip toas of fo great im pcjtance, tbat tbep Durll not bp tbeir oirai iuDge? ment cb©fe anp cne man into p Degree, tbep DID fct tino men in tbt^ miDDes,t3p6 tbe one of tube tbe lot fboulD fal:tbat fo botb tbe clcttio migbt !;aue an open le^^ (limcnp from bcmm i pet tbe policp cf tbe €bnrcb fijoulD not be patTcD ouer. 1; .IDolD it IS DcmauOeD tebetl^er tie mimgerougbttobecboUnofp tobole cb«nbi Ac.1,23 To Saluation. rourt iFol.331. Tituj.j*. 23 onl? of § cftjcrof tf)efamcof« ficcf of t!je clDcrs ? fjanc tije ruleof oif^ dJ)linc,onD-)5tbertienu? be maocb? tbeautbontie of one man.SI^lje^ i gcue tljisaiittjonts to one mmi , allege ttjat I tol}iclj pat!lc favtb'fo SDitus: TOerfo^c Bi ^uc Uftc tbee in Crefa, ^ tbou (boul^ Deis appo^mt in cucr^ totjone |3^ictte5. asarne to SCimotba: 5la^e not banoes quicfel^ tpon an\? man.HBut tijzi arc oe^ ccaucD if ttjctJ tbinfe,t!}at etitber SDimo^ tba at epbefus^o^ Citus in Creta.tfco a Uinsl? potoer, ^ e^tber of tbf (ftoaloe oif pofe all ttjinss at bis otonc toiU.i?o^ tbep tocrc aboue t\)t rcH, onl? to go be^ fojetfje people )a3 3(B0 f toWomecoii«' fclgtmot ^ tliZ"^ onIi?,eFcluuing all otber, fbJulD 00 tufjat tbcr lifteo.^nu 1 3 ma^ not r^me to fain anr t!)ing,3l toil niakc it plaint b^ a lil?e crample . iro; ^ul?^ rebearfcto tbat paulc % liSarnabas ap* poimeop^icttefiin tjiucrfe Cburcbes: Ibutbealfoerpjeactbtbeojocr 0; ma^ I ner tj5tj3,b3ben be fa?tb l^ it teas none hyt toijces:o;Mimng ^?iettes(faitb be) b^ lifting t)p of banoes in eutr^ t\)uvct SCberfo^e tbe^ ttoo Bio create tbem:but tbe tobole mnltituw , as tbe cIDrecians maner teas in clectiong, oio bp bolQing tjp tbcr; banw oeclare tobc tl)zi IdowId bauc.(£uen in lifee maner tbe Homaine bifto jrcs Do oftentimes fa^, t tbe CDon* full tobicbbcpt tbe affemblijcs , createD ncU) officers, fo; none otbtr caufe but fo J tbat be receaueD tbe Voices i goncr» neD V9t people in tl)t eletfion.audr it ii not lifeels i paale grannteo mo^e to 2Dimotba f SCitus tban be toUe to brm fclf.^ut toe fee ^ be to^^s toont to create Mffioi^s b^ bo^ts of tbe people. SLtjer^ fo;c tbe places aboue are fo to be bnbcr^ (PaoeO,tbattbc\?minillbenctbing of tbe comonrigbtanD liberty of tbe Cjurcb. SDberefojc Cy pnan fa^tb toel,tobrn be affirmetb ^ Ht romctb fro tbe autbo;if n of0oD,^tbcl^;iea C^ulD be cbofen in piefence of tbe people befo;e tbe e^cs of ail men,i IbolD br publibe iuDgcnient i tettimonue be allotocD fo: too;tb)?eanD mate.ifoj toe fee t tb^s toas b^ tbe co^ Lcu.8.6 niaiiDcmctof p lo;D obcferueD in§iLcui Nu.ao. ticalp;:cas,i^befo;e tbcirconfecration 26 tbe^ Ib3ulDebe bjougbt into the figbt of a^mj. tht people. auD no otbertoifc is 2patbi? landA^ as aODeo to tbe feloluajip 0*^ ^pottles: « no otbertoife tbe fcuen SDeacons tocr createDibut tbe people feeing 1 allotoing it.Cbcfc cramplcs (fartb Cyprian)Doe Ibetojtbat § o^oering of a ^nctt ougbt not to be Done, but in tbe UnotoleDge of t\)t peo'^jle (laDing bv, tint tbe o;Dering ma^ be iuU ano latoful, tobicb batb ben eramincD b^ tbe ^itnts of all.Me are tberfo^c come t\)us farre,tbat tbts is b? tbe too;Dcofcacon0. ^ut altl)0ugi) ti)er br no (ertainromaunDenicut conccrmng tljc 'aviiis en of bancs, t?ct bicaiife lie fee ^ It luas continually tjfeD aniog tbe 0po# tUs, their fo Diligent cbfciuirtg of it ou$.l)t to be to t0 in IteDe of a comauDe^ nieiit.i^nD trulv it is profitable, tbat b? uicb a Dgne,bott) tbe Dignitie of tlje mt<= ntHerv H^olD be cotnenDcD to p people, i airo tbat i^ tubicb is o^bered Qiouloe be aDnicnttbeb,^ be is not nolo at his otun iibcrtte,butmabebonDtoC'OD anbtbe Cburcb.i^oreouer it O^al not be a taine Qgncif it be reffo^eD to tbe naturall be^ ginning of it . i?o; if tbe fpirite of C^oD, batb o;oainei! notbing in tbe cbureb in feaine,U)e muft tbinfe ^ th^s ceremony, dtb it p;o£eDco fro him , is not t}np;ofi- tabIe,fo tbat it be not turneo into afu^ peraitious abufe.ilatt of al tbis is to be bolben, ^ not tbe tobole multitube Dvb la^ tbcir bancs tjpcn tbe miniCersjbut tbe l^^alf ojs onelv.i^olufccit it is fcnc cr? taine tubetbcr manr cio allrat? lape en tbeir bancs o} no.XBut it is euicent tfjnt tbat luas cone in ip Deacons, in pau!e f IBarnabas, f a fcto otbcr. ^«t paule bittifelf in an otbr r place repo^tetb, tbat bc,f not manf otber,Cto lap bps bancrs bpon SCimotbee.i acmenifb thee (faptb be) tbat tbou raite bp tbe grace hihiehis in tb^ bi lat?ing on of mp bancs. irD;j,as fo; tbatlPbicb is in the otbcr Cpittle is fpoben of tbe taping on of the bances of the Degree of p;ielfes,Bl coe not fo tabe it,aB tbongb Paul cic fpeatt of tbe com^ pani? of tbe Clcers,bnt 3 tincerftanc bp tbat tDo^D tbe tjerp ordinance it fclfe:as ifbefeacfapD : ^abe tbat tbe « migbt in t^me come tbeljcttcr pjepareD to tbcir office: a? 3 O^al bicinDbijlijeto mo;c at largcXber fb;e Hicromc, tobcn b«? batJ appotntcD fiue o^uers off cb«rcb,recfeenctb hi ^i^ Cbop3,ia^iettc5,E>:acons, Bcleuers, f Cathecumcni:toJrcft of tbeClCfgie, ann monhes be geuctb no p;rop2e place* 2 SCberfo^e to tobom tbc office of tcai^ tfnt\Q toas enior ncD, all tbem tbei? na* menlB^icftesJn eueru cit^ tbe^cbofe out of tbeir oton nub;te one ma,to tubo tbe^ fpcciallp gaae tbe title of iBilbop: tbat DifTentionfi Gjulo not groto of equa litr,a0 it is loont to come to paffe. ^et tbe^\:fboptoasnotfo abouc tberefte in bono^ anb bignitie, tbat be bao a bo? minis ouer bis fellotues. l^nt bJbat of? ficc § Conful bab in § ^nate, to pio* pounb of matters, toafiteopini6s,t&go befijje § otber Xo coufelling, monifting f e)dbojting,to goucrnc tbc tubole actio toitb l)is autbojitie t to put in eyecutta tbattDbicb is becr«b b^ c&mon coufeh tbe fame office baotbcl5i(bop in§ af:^ femblir of§ p.nc&s.^nD ti)c olD \})'Atcts tbcmftiuc0 confclTe tbat tbc fame teas bp mens confent b;oi?gbt in fo j tbe ne* cefflty of tbe tvmeS.SLbcrfoje Hicromc Upon tbe epiftle to SDitus fa^b . SDbe famelaa3aii);iettetobicb Uiasa IBi* fljop. ant) before t bt? ti)c infiinttio of (> 2Deael,tbcr Uter mOcntiong in rcligio, f!ttx>asrivS5 among peoples: 3 am of ^anl,Bi am of CEcpbas, cbnitbcs lucre goiierneo bf comcn ccunfcl of Ci^lucrs. afteilraro, tbat tbe fceos of orfreutions Dugbt be plut'aCD bp.al tli2 care luas co mi^tel^to one nta. ^ tbcrfojc t pjietts ToSaluaticn, j-eur th Booke._ F<4.33>> DO bnoto,^ b^ cullome of f cbitrcb t^t^ are fubiert tobim i^ is fet ouer tbem: fo let tbe ^SiOjops Unolu,tbat tbcT? are a^ boue J p;ieas,ratber b^ Cultom^tban br tru':b of tbc Lo^joeSDirpofing, ftbaf tbei ougbt to gourrne t\)2 cburcb in com montogetber. IButin an otber place 'Epift. ad be teacbetb , botoc auncient an infti* tuan. tution it toas. if o? be faitb f at aieran D?ia, from £^arfectbe €uagclift eiien to Heraclasanb Dionyfius, tl)C Pjiclfs D^b altoa ve cb©fe out one of tbcfclaes, ano fet bim in a brer oegrce^tubom tbci nameb a 115ifljop. SCbercfoje euerr cv* ticbab a company of incites lubrcb toerc |Daao?s ano 2Deacbers.i?oj tbci? all Dio execute among tbe people tbat office of teacbing,crf)o?ting cno co;rrc^ i ting,tDbicb Paul appoptetb to tbe ll5i^ Jit. i.p Ibops: ano tbat tber migbt leaue feece j after tbcm,tbep tranarleo in teacbing \ tbc monger men, tbat baD pjofeffeb tbc^' felues foulDiours in tbcbolv Warfare, io cuer\? citic tbcre lims appcintcoa certain coimtrr, tbat fljoulo tahe tbeir pjiefts from tbcnce, ano be accomptcD as it toere into tbe boDv of tbat cbnrcb. | euerp copanr(as 31 bauc before faio)on | l^ fo; p^eferuationofpoliciei peace, 1 tocr bnBcr one ISifbop : inbicb ^i^as fo ; aboue tbe reft in uignitte, tbat be luas fubiectetotbe afTemblieofbisbjetbJf. Jf tbe compalTe of gronnotbat iuas Inp ocr bis ll5ifl)op,n'jte lucre fo great, tbat i}C coulD not fufficc to fcnie all ti}z offt^ | ces of a iBiCbop in euerT? place of it,in ^ coutrcT! it k\i f ber tocrc in certain pla* j ces appoitcb p; ieffs,lubicb in fmal maf | ters Q)ulD cmute bis aatbo.zitic. £:br i t\)cv fall^b coutrev l!5ill'ops,brcaure in ; i countrei' tbe^ rcpKfentcD § Bilbcp. ; 3 2l5uf,fo mud) as bclogctb to § office^! iwbcreof tue nome fpeafee as luelUbJ; )15i(bops as tiit p^icfts toerc bouiiD to ;■ appl^c t\)t ciSribut^ng of tbe tooitje j ano Sacraments. j?o;^ it toas o.:Dcines i SDSS.ii ij^ o'alr ' Cap.^; Epift. ar huan. itioni.Tn jfczc. Ac 20.16 Of the outwardc meancs 0 nl^ at aicrai);ta,{bT?faufc Arrjus bao \ tDcr o;ueineo |aatnarcfte«,ljD|i ic(j Ojulo ttjer tronbleD t^e Ct)urcf))ttjat { p;ieft | m Degree i uignitie be abauc tbt arcb QbulD not p;cacb totlje pcoplc,a0 Socra- tes faittj in tbe ir.bsfee of t|»e tripartite l)itto^ie. ^bicfjretHieiomecofgffetft t^at be mifli^etb not. SErnel? it (boulo i}ecount(DmonSrou0, if an^ man ban geur ontbimfclf fo;a )15iflb0p,ti}at bao not alfo in tier^ sect) (betoet) bimfelfe a truc^in[)op.2Dberfo;e fncb tuaa f fcue^ ritie of tt)oretimc0,)$ al miniSers U)ere D;iucn to| falfiiling of fucb office,a0 f io^n requtretb of tbr. 0cii^tv do i re^ bcarfc tte maner of one age alone: if o;t cuen in Gregoncs time,lDbe tbe cbnrcb mB almott oecateD(certaineli! it loas uiucb Degenerate from tbe auncietpu^ rcnefTc) it baD not Den tolerable t an? 115tn^op (bulD ablleine front p^eacbing. SHbe p;ta (faitb be in one place) Dietb if tberc be no fouuD bearD of bim:bicaufe be nfhetb againft bimfclfe tbe to^atb of ^ fecret iuDge,if be goe luitbont fciiD of p^eacbing.anD in anotbcr place: Wht bi(bop0:i^perterneDto tbe p;eferuing of Dirctpline.!^otubeit in t^iB Difcourfe, ^ Ipbicb tpas moVt rarely bfeD ma^ not beomitteD. ifo;tbi?deaufe tberefo;e cUtfi^ tbefe Degrees Iver o;DrineD,^ if an?tbingbappneDinanrcbur(b> tbat ccnlD not ijoel be enDeD b^ a feiD,mtgbt be referreD toap;ouinciaU ^vnoDe.Sf tbegreatne^o; Ditficultteof f matter requireD a greater DifculTtng^tbe patri arcbeB toer alfo calleo to it yi tbe ^ino Deis,frotDbo tbermigbt be noappelle but to a general counfel.ne gonerne^ mtnt fo o;D;eD manr calfeo a l^ierar^ cbie,bt a name(a£( 3B tbtnh)bnp;op;e)f ',trul^ tnnfeD in tbeferiptures.ifo; tbe bolr gboll tuillcD to p;cuiDe, f no man QulD D;eame of a p;^incipalitie 0; Domi nion U)be ^ goucrnement of ^ cburcb is fpohen of.ll5ut if,Uamng the lt)o;(D ioe lofec tjpon ^t tbing, toe fcall CnD ^ tl)e olD XBilbopB meant tc fo;ge no fo;me of Paul teaifietb f^cis clcane from tbe | ruling tbe eburcbe, Difffcring frcm tbat blouD of altin tUs facing toe be ccnuin* : \}3Wh tbe lojD appointcD bp l)\s ti>o;D. ceDjtue be boanD, ice be fbetueD to be k* ijiettbt-r tuas tbe o^Djc of tDeaccs at giltie,lubicb are calleD |.Vielie0,U)bicb tbat trme an? otber tban it toas DnDer btfiDc tbe euils ^ tue bauc of our otonc, the iSpcftles.iFo; tbet? rec eiueD tbe Da? aDOc alfo j Deafbes of otbcr: bicaufe toe , l? offring£ of tbe fa?tbful,f tl}t ^earelp Uil fo manias toe being lube toarme f rcitenues of tbe cburebe, to bclloto tbe filent Do Dail^ for to go to oeatb. I^c cab \ t»pon true tfes tbat is fo fap, to DiCri^ letb bimfiifc i otber ftlentjbrcaufe tt)c^ butt tl)tm to feDe partly tbe minil!er5, toer leg Diligent in tbeir too^k tba tbe? ; anD parti? tbe p(D?e,but b? tbat apoint^ ougbt to b?. iM\)t be fparetb not thty ^ mtnt of tbe iiaiOjop, to tobcm alfo tbti^ DiD balf perfo^rne tbeir Dutie:tobat tbife 1 rearel? rencjeD accoptes of tbtiv Diftri rou be toolD baue Done, if a ma baD al^ , butian.if 0^ tobercas § Canons Do eue^ togctbrr fit ihki SLbcrcfojc tijis toas a ; n> tobcr mafec tCe ioiibcp tbe ciflribu* grcatj? tobi'lc bclDrn in tbe cburcb,tbat , ter cf ai t^jc qco^h of tbe ct-Erd}, it is not tbednefcDutreof the mti)op toasto fotobetnDcraanDcD,s3ti)ougb beDtD feDc(iDoos people to?tb tbe too^De, o;j!b?biinrvifcDircbcUi,etbatfarc:Outbi* botbpublil?cli? anD p^iuatel? toeDifie tbe Cburcb \Mitl) founD Doctrine. 4 ^ut tobercas cucrv p^oumce baD a^ ijjongtbdr IBitbops one 0rcbebi(bcp: Hifo lulierintbej.^kcng ^?noDe tbere caufe it toas iji^ part to appoint to t}^c J]Deaco,tobo fbulD be rece:«eD into ? co mo almrn of tie charcb,! cf ^ toljtcb re tt!ar5^eD,to li!ijome itd^culo tcgcurn, ano boto mucb to euer? one: bicaufe be baD Co,3^ To 5'aluation. Fourth Bookc, Fo!,3j3, bA^ an ouerfeetng tol^ctber t^t ^carsn DID fditljfaUv execute ^ M)it\) bdongcD to \)ia offif p. ifo; tt)ijB it tB rcD in ttje ca^ non0 \a\)icb tt;e? afcribe to {> Sipofiks: Wit comaunD t^at tbe Btdjop baue tijc 0(DDi0 of tbe €\}mt\) in bis otDite potocr. if o; if be be put in trwSt t6 tbe roul0 of mtny tobicb are mo;e p;ectotui, mucbe mo;e it is mate tbat be fiiiut cbarge of monpifo ^ b^ bt0 potoe r all tl^insn mav be Dtffributeo to tbe po;e b? tbc Clocrs t S>eacon0:tbat tbe^ ina^ be mintttreD i»itb aifcare,! all carefulnef .jSno in § Counfcl of ;antiocbe it is bccraD>tbat § )15iC^op0 Cbulo be redratneo tbat ineD< Die tDttb tbe ga)De0 of tbe eburcb> tu^tb^ out tbe iinololcDse of ti)c €U)trs i Bta tons, But of ^ po^mt loe neeoe to ntaHe no longer birputation^fitb it is enioent b? manr (Il;piftle0 of Grcgor)-, tbat eue at tbat ttme^ toben otbertprfe tbe cz'^i* nance0 of tbe s^mO) toer mucb co;rup^ teD,?ettbt0obferuation cotinueo, i tbe 2Deacon0 (boultj tnber tliz IBiO^op be § (t0b}arD0 of tbe po;e.jS0 fo^ ^uboeco0, it 10 iiktl^ i at tbe beginning tbep luer iornet) to &it SDcacons, tbat tbev? l^otilo t)fe tbeir fcruicc about v p©;e: but tbat Difference tuaa bt> title ano Ittle confou^ ueD. ^nt arcbticacons began tbcn to be crcatcD,\nJjcn tbe plcntpc of tbe gabe^, rcquircb a nelu anb mo;e eratfe maner of Difcormg tbcm : albeit Hieromcuotlj Eoift ad f^^'^^5'''* ^^ ^'^^ ^"^ "^ bi0age.3[n tbcir - " ' cbarge tons tbe fume of tbcir rcue nues poirc(rtcn£j,anaao?f, anb tbeccllrnion of tbe oaili? ofFr ings. ©Ilberbpon Gre- gory Declar^tlj to tbe ^rcbbcacon of Sa- lon,tbat ')t n:culD be IjoWn Qilt^ if anv of tbe gffi 3 of tbc cbnrtb pcrifbcD eptber b? bis franbo; negligence. 115ut tober^ 80 it ti^s gci;cn to tbcm to rcao t^t gof pell to tbe p;n2pir, anb to erbo;t tbeni to PM\?er:anb tsjbcrcas tl)c potocr aomit^ ta to belincr tbe cv.\) in tbe bol^e ^up^ per, tbat luasratbcr bone to garnilbe Ncpot, pi.io. tbeir office, tbat tf)C^ l^otJlDe txttutv it \3)it^ t\)c nio;c re ncrencc,tubcn bi? l[:c^ figncs tbcv toere aDmcniflgcD ^ it t-as no p;opban baUliUiihe ^ tbci ecerciTco, but a fpii'itual fiiction t bebicate to gob. 6 ipcrebralfotoemat iuDgetobatbfe tbcre tDa0,f tobat maner of bidributto of tbe cburcb goD0.€cbe liobcre botb ii\ tf^c £iecra0 of tbe ^vnooe, anD amog § olo U);ttcr0 it is to be founo, ^ iubatro^ cuer tl}z cburcb pcffcCTctb citber in labs o; in monr^is tbe patrimont? of ^ po;c, £^berfo;e of tentunc0 tbcre tbis fong i$ fung to tbe MQiops 9 Deacons, ^ t^c^ Iboulb rememb;e>tbat then mebble not )^ tbeir ot»n gobs, but {> ga)b0 appo^n* teo to tbe neceCfttt of tbe po;e:lDbTcb if tl)ei? tjnfaitbfoll? fupp;es 0; ioaft, tbc^ C^lbe gilt? of blouD.Mberb^ t\)t^ are abmoniCbcD, toitb great fear anb reue^ rence,a0 intbcfigbte of (0oD, Ivitboute refpect of perfons, to Dtffribute tbcm to lobo tlM be bue. hereupon alfo come tbofe grauc p;otcttati6s i Chryfoftom, Ambrofe, Auguftinc,anD otbcr lihe bi^ (bop0,lDberbr tbe? affirmc tbeir otune bpjigbtnes to f people. i5ut Ctb it is t* quitt,! cffablilbeD b^ J laU) of ig lo;D, t ibvl? tobicb employe tbeir feruiceto p cburcbCjftoulD be feb tuitb tbe common cbargcs of y cburcb,^ alfo manr p;ictts in tbat agcjconfccrating tbcir patrimo:* nie0 to C5ob,lijer loillingl^ mabc poje: tbc biaributing teas fucbe^tbat ncitbcr tbe minidero luar.teD fudcnancc.no; p poje tuer nrglccrcD. ilSnt fct in ? mean time it toas p^cuibeb,tb*U v minittcr0 tbemrcluc0,tobicb oirgbt to gcue cram* I pleof bonett fparingto ctbcr, Ibnlo not j baue fo mucbjtobcrb? tbci migbf abufe ' it to riotous crcctTc 0; ucUcicufnes, but onl? tubcrcUjitb to fnftctnc tbci? j cU;ne n«coe. if o.i tbcfe of § clcrorCff^^'tb Hie romc)u»bicb arc able to line of § c"r5tic.3 of tbcir parcnt0,if tbc? take t\)?,i cubJcu ig tbe po;cg,bo comit facrtlcgc : anp bp %%.\i, iiu:v Caa.4-. Ofthcoutvvaidc mcanes fuct) abufe ttje^ eate ano ii;mft to mm fclucs Dam nation. 7 ^iratfjcmmiaration tons free ano tjoluntari?, toSjcras tbe 515inbops t Dea^ con0 tocrc of ttjctr otone toil faitl)full,f tp.iic(!)tnctrcof confcicnrc , t innocence of life tocrc to t^cm in ficoe of latocs. 0ftcrtoarD \xilm tail examples gretoe oftbegrcDincCiJ 0.2 perncrfc affections of fomc,tocoo; poure it out,tpo tobom oj tobat be lill> but tbat it dbouloe (uff:ce to maintatne tbc **Bcfpitaliti? tobicb |i3aule requirctb of tbat olDer. j^nO fO Do Gclafius } Gre- gory cjjpounD it, if 0.Z Gelafms b^iiicjetb no otbcr reafon tob? tbe li5ifl&oprboulD cbalcn^e an^ tbtng to btmfclfcbut tbat be miglK ficue it pntoners ano firauti* gtrs. anJ3 Gregory fpealiettpetuio^e plaiulr, 3f is tbe nmner(faptb bf)of tbe fca ^paftcU!ic,to gcie cominaunzjcmrt to tl)e liSil^ptoben be is o^oereo, tbat of all ti)t reuenue tljat arifetb> tbcrc be maoe fourc portions : tljat is to iap,tbc one to tbe iSiCbop * bis famili^efo;^ bof* pitalit^^no eiitrrtainmentitbe feconoe to tbe Clergpitbs tbiroe to tt)t po^e: tbe fburtb to J repairing of ebiticIjesXber* fo;je it toas latofuli foa tlje IBilljcppc to taUc notbig to bis oton bfc, but fo inucb as Uiiere erisjugb fo.2 moijcrate t meanc f j:ae f clotbiiig 3if anv began to evceoe> 'ettQgr tnciotoas erpenfe, 0; in oaeiitd:' tion and pompe, be toas b^anbb? re^ pjeffcD })y> bis ftlotoes: anu if be obe^cD not,be toas put from bis Dignity. 8 ^s fox tbat tobicb tt)ci bedotoeD tp^ , on garnilbing of bol^ tbings^at tbe firlt it toas berp little. 0ftertoarD toben tt^t cburcbe became fometobat ricbe, tet in tbat bebalf tbcv Hill hepta meane.:anD Vtt all tbe monci? tbat toas beffoto^ tbcrupon,remaineo fafe fo.j tbe poje, if anr greater ncceffiti? bapneo.^o tobcn famine poffelTeD tf}t ^^ouinccofHie- rufalcm,ano t\)t ncoe couloe not otbcp toife be releueo, Cyrillus foloe tl^t bef^ rels ano garments>ano fpente tbem bp^ on fuftcnance of tbe pm^e.ilifeetoife A- catms l5i(I)op of Amida, toben a grcate multttuoe of tbe Pcrfians, in a manner Harueo fo; bunger, calleD togctber tbe Clerg^,ant) toben be bao maoe t\)at no^ table o;ation,^ur dDob^neoetb neitber Dilbes no; cuppes, becaufe be neitber eatetb no; D;inketb%be molt tbe tJclTcls, to mahetbereof botb meat ano ranfom fo; men in mifer?. Hicrome alfojtoben be iimt^ctl) againC tbe tco mmb goagi* onfnellt of temples, ootb tortbbonom'e mafee mention of txuperius Bv^l^op of Tholofiainbis time, tobi?cb carieo tbe t o;5s botsp in a toichcr bafHct,ani3 bis bloat} in gladCjbat fuffcreo no po;e ma to be bungrt. SDbat tobicb 5 eaen noto fatHJ of Acatjus, Ambroferebearfetb of biisifelfe. if 0; tobcn tljc ^irrians cbar^ gsD bim,fo; tbat be bao b;oHcn tbe boli? tseiTf Is to ranfoc p;ifoncrs, be bfco tbis moa goDl: cFcufed^e tbat fcnt t!;e Spo^ ttles toitboutgolttc,gaibercD Cburcbes togctber toitbotitcgo'De. 2Lte^burcbe batb golD>nQt to Uept it, but to beUotoe if,f to gcuc relief tJi necelTities.tmbat necDc is to Ucpr trjat \x)\)icl) bcinetb ^oti SDo toe net knoto, boto mmh gelo (:; al* uer tbe Afsinans tohe out af tbe tcmplc of t ^o^^tii K>otb uGt tb^ pjieit better to. melt tbem fo^ tbe fudeiuce fif the pcjc i.Tim.3» 2. Tripar. "nft.lib, Lib.ii. Cap. 16 Adnc- potian* Lib,i. dft ofific.ca. To 5'alualion. if ot^cr reliefe oo fail0,tt)an an cntmit arobbcrof CDoD tobcarc tl}tm,a\iia^i ^ul mtti)c Io?D fap : Cdb^ ^aH ttjou fuffcrcD fc man^ naop to Die fo.: \}im^ gcra tierili? tljou baODeft goto tobercof ttjou mig!)tf fi ijcim mmiarcD tbf fuftc iiaucc.c^b^tocrfomanvlcDtic aluap captiuctnot ranfomcDf lob^tDerefo man? aa^nc b? tbc cncmicfjt baD ben better i> thou Q)ulDeft bane f> tjclTcIs of liutng me,tba of metals.SSo tbefe tbiiv gcBtfjoutbalt not be able to anfluere. ifojlubat UionlDett than fat^ Ji feareD lead <^oii3 teple (bulD luat garniHitng* l^c tuolD anfteer:.&acraments require not 0olD:nc«bci do ttjofc tbinges plcafe foitb goloc tbat are not bougbt lo golD. SIhe raunfoming of p;ifoners is a gar# nifijtng of ^acramentB.gin funtnie,U)c fee tbat it is nioft true U«bicb t\)c fame man faf tb in an otber place,tbat tobat foruer tbe Cburcbe tben poffeflcD teas tbc fiojc oftbcntD?. 0ga?ne : tbat aBifi^opbatb notbtngtbat is not tbc pa);e0. 9 SDbcfe tbat toe baue rebearfcD tuere tbem^niftcries of tbe iDlDe CLburcbe. iro; tbe ctbcr of lubicbi ^cclefiafrieal U);iter£5 mahe mention,UJcr ratbcr ccr tainerercifesano preparations, tban appointee offices, ifo; tbcfe bolt? men, t tbcp mtgbt leaue a lIo;jc fo; (> cbnrcb after tbem, rccciueD into tbeir cbarge, gouernance i Difcipline,t?ong me tDbicb Ujitb tbe confent ano autbo;Mtp of t})cn parcnts,p;ofefrcD tbcm felues foulDio^:s of the fpiritttal Ujarfaretano t^t^ fo fr a* mcD tbem from tbeir tenDer age,i^ tbe^ (boulD net come tjnf bilfuU atiD ratoc to t\}t executing of tbeir ofiftce.l5ut al tijct tbat toere indructeo isv^i) fucbc begins nir.gs,luerc calico ClerfteoJ tooulo in Uznt tbat fome otber p;op;e name bab ratbcr ben genen tbem.ifo; t^is name j grcUieof erroure,o; of co;ruptaffect< Fourth l^ookc. I'cL^^i,] tDboic Cburcb tbe Cicrgrjtbat is to fav tbe ilo;Ds inbentance.iSuttbe ir.Citih tton It felfc tuas bcrp bd? i profitable, tbat i])c\> tubicb Uioulo confecrate tbem feIuc5anD tbeir feruicc fo tbe O^urcbc, ftulD be fo b;ougbt bp bnDcr tt)t Ucping of tbe J5iajop,tbat r.cnc (IjraD mimarr to the Cburcb,but be tbat toere UicU in- fc;.nieD afi^cbanD, ano tf?at IjaD fro brs ber? y>ouLi)t hotl) fucUcD Ijol? Doctrine,? bD fcHcre Difcipline put in a ccitain cof tinuing qualitnc cf grauit^ $ bol? life, ano iDcrc cfirangpD fro tDo;lDlp fares, ano iDcre accuflomcD to fpiritual cares amjfluDies. Ii5utas ^cng fou!0!o;sarc b? certaine ccuntcrfaitc f birmitbrs in' CructcD to Icarnc true % earneft figbt,fo tberc Vuerc alfo certaine raoimcntes, ( Vobcrb? tbci' toerc erercifcD Ujbilc ttic^ tocr Clerfees, befojc tbat tt)cy> teer p;o* moteD to tbe ber? officcs.2Lberfo;c firtt tbei committcD to § Clerkes tije cbarge to open ( Ibut the Cburcb,? tbei? nameo tbr Oftiarii,D£Drebepers,afterUjarD tbci calleD t\)e Acholuthi,folloluers,tebi(be toaiteD bpon t\)c IBifijop in his boufljolD fcruices, f DiD continually accompan^e bim,fira for bonors fahe, % tben tbat no fufpition I^ouloarifcoftbcm, ^o,:eo* ucr tbat br little ano little tbe? mvgbt become bnoUien to tbe peoplcanb gette to tbcmfcliies commenoation : alfo tbat tbe? nngbt Icarnc to abibe fbcfigbtof all men,$ to fpeake before all men:tbat being maoe priclf es, toben tbe? came fortb to teacb;tbei (IboulD not be abalbcD Ijnitb fl^ame : tberfo;e place toas apoin^ febtbemto reaointbc pnlpet . ^fter t^vs maner t^cv toere prometcD b? be* grecs,to (bciuc profe ener? one of tbe?; Diligence in all tbeir feuerall ererctfrs, till tbe? toeremaDe ^ubDeacons.S^bis DnI?ism?meaning,tbattbofetocr ra* tber groffc beginnings,tban fucb ciCiccs as tuere accompteb among tbe true mi< on ; fo; n< mttcbe as peter calletb t\)t ' nigcrres of the Cbor lo, ?iabcras •CaP'4. Oftheoutvvafde mcanes i.Tim 3. 3. I' pi ft 5. 10 ^tjeras lye faio tijcit m ftrfi ano fcccD point in tljecaUins of miniftcrs, arc,U)l?at manerofment^croagbt to c!)©fc,anDl)oiu great arelisioujs care^ fulnfs tlici ougljt to tjfc in t^ai matter: mrin tl)e do cbarclj Ijat^ foUotueo tfje p jcfcriOcJj o;u?0 of ^aal, 1 tbe ewplcs of tlje aiJ0ftlc5. iro; tber toer toontto come toQtt\)tv to c^JDfe t^c ^atto^g 16 mott great rcuerencci careful calling tpon tOe naine of goD.HSeGDe tl^is tljci? tjaD a fo;m$ of examination > ivljereb)? tbep trieD tOe Iv^fe $ Doctrine of tljem 1^ toer to be cbofen bt i rule of l^aul.£)n II? tbei! fomtDbat off^ntiei} bcreintu^tl^ to great feueritie,bicaufet!jc^ toolD re# quire moje in a i3ifl)op tba Paul requi reD,f fpeciallr in p^oceffe of time tl)c^ rcquircD tjnmaricD life . IBat in tbe 0* f bcr points tl)f ir obftruatio feas agree* ing toiti) paules Defcriptio.llBut in ^is tobicb Uic inaDc tbe tbirD point, ^ is to fa^jlDbo ougbt to tnltitutc miniffers, tbe^feepenotaltDar oneojD^e, 3|nolD time,none teas recepueD into tbe com* panp of Clerics Isitbout tbe confent of at tbe peoplciin fomucb tbat Cyprian la bouretb rarnefflp to ejfcufe ^beappoin teo one Aurelius to be a reaber toitbout afbing abuifc of tbccbnrcbjbicaufc tbat \x>as Done beQDe f cullome, tbougb not l»itl;out refo. jfo; tl^is be faptb before: ill o;Dering of Clerfjs, oeareb;etb?cn, toe are iDont 6rll to an:e rott aDnife, f bt como coufel to toei) J maners « Defer ulgs ofcuer? one. liBut bcfaofe in tbefe leflfer cjrercifej tbere teas not mucb peril:becaufe tb^V feer cbofcn to a long paofe,anD not to a great office,f berfo;e tbe confent of tbe people tbcrrin ceafeo to be afUeD.^ftcrtoarDc in tbe otbcr De^ gr^csalfo,eyceptetbcli5iil^pjicfte, t^t people commonl V left tbe iubgemeMt f cboife of th?m to tbe BiCboppe mh ^t ^32icas,tbat tbe? IboulD ejramine tsibo ^-^^IfJ!l?iii^^?^'^l>i«i«SJ?c£a^ tnre \s}^tn nclu ^mQB toer apo^nfeb fo} parocbcfi: foj tbe it fcebo»:eD fbat ttit multttuDe of ^ place namcli?(!)ulDcon!» fent.ijiciibcr is it anp mcrKaile,tbat f people in tbis bcbalfe teas litle carefull in feeping tbcir otone rigbtvfo^ no man toas maDea ^aboeacon, f bab not Hyt^ iDCD a long p^^otfe of bimfelfe in bis be^ ing a Clerfee, tnDcr ^ feuerit? of Difci^ pline,tubicb fbtn teas tfcD. jaftcr tbat be baD bene tricD in tbat Degree,be toas maDc a Deacon, ^rom tbence be came to i bonoz of p;ieflboDe if be baD beba* ueD bimfelf faitbfullr.^o no man leas p^omoteD^of tDbom tber bab not ben in DeDe a trial baD manp i?eares bcfo;e tf)t e!?ps cf t\)c people.anD tber toer mani? canons to panilb tbeir faultes : fo tbat i Cburcb coulD not be tronbleD U?itb enill |ia;ieacs oj 2)caconj?> tmlcffe it ncglec* teD tht rentcbies.^^clubeit in f pnettes alfo tbere toas altuar requtreb tbe con- fent of tbem of tbe (nmc cilie:lrbicbtbe t)er\? firft caiiou tefiifictb in tbe 67MU llin(tion>Vubif b is fatbcreD bpo Anacle* tus.jfinall? all tbe abmilTicns intoo^ Ders tuer tberfo;e cone at certain apcin teD times of tbe re^re ,tbat no ma Iboulb p;tiuili? crecpe in tvstbout tbe confent of tbe faptbfaljo; fljoulo toitt) to mucb ea* Hneflebe p;omoteD iDitbout tuitnelTes. II Bin cbojQng of Hoil^ps tbe people baD tbeir libertip log paeferues, t none (bolD be tb^uQ in tbat loer not acccpteD of aL ^bis tberfbic Inas fo^biDDr in tijc CQU* fel at antiocbe,tbat none (bolD be tb;^ult into tlii agnina tbeir tuiLMbicb tbing alfo Leo. I. Dotb Diligentl^e confiirme. l^err upon came tbefe (artngs: Het btm be cbofen^tebom i clergie,! tbe people, oi tbe greater number (ball require. Si* gaine:3Let bint tbat (bal beare rule otter all,bd cbofen of all. ifo^ it mult neebes be tb«t b£ tbat ts mabe a ruler being bit knotxien anb not aramineD, ib tb^uft in bgDtolence. ggatntjtetbtmbe cbofcn. E pi ft. I, Gap.a. tm V Epift.io. Tncodo. U.4.ca,x To Sukjation. Fourth Booke Cap, 13, ttjat i« bPtb cl)ofcn b\> tljt tlartcSy f ce* Oreo bi tljc pcople:anD let ijini be ccnfc'^ crate bp tbem of tbat p^omncc, Ujit^ (» iuD.jcmcnt of ti)t spctropolttane. SLbe bolv ratljcrs toht fo great bc5c tbat thw liberty of tbc people fijtils fat? no mcanc be Dimini(t)cD,^ k)ben tlje general ^^^ nooe gatbercD togittjer at Conftantino< pic Dio o;t!cr Ncaarius, tbey itiouiD net to it tuitbout tf)c alloluaf c cf tbe tobole clergy I pcoplc:a0 tf)ti tcif iSeD b^ tbeir (Spiftic to tbe ^unoDe at Rome. 2Eber^ fo^e Uibcn ant llSifljopbiD apointa fue^ ceiro;^ to bnnrclfc,tt tuas not otijertuife llablit^eo, tnles y tobole people did c6^ firm it. ©Slberof t?ou baue not onelr an craple, but alfo tbe teri' fo;me in Aug. in tbe naming of Eradms.^no Thcodo;' rite,lubcn be reberfctb tbat ]i3efer tuas namcob^ Atiianafius tobebrs fuccef* fo;, b^annfap aODctb, tbat tbe ojDcr of ]B;icC£i confirmeD if, 1 H)e magitt rate, anonobiiitvc, anutbc pf0?!capp;oueD it \!)^t\) ti)ciY alloluing lljout. 1 2 Bl graimf in Dct)c i) t\)is alfo tuas b^i l3cri? gfflD reafon llaUiftc^ m tbe coun? fel at !lao::itia,^ tbe G'lcction fl)ulo not be left to ntultituDes.jf o Si^z^ giftrate 0^ to tbe Senate $ cbafe mr cf § people, Sbbefiafcer confultatio bai!,if tbe\? tbougbt tije eletfion gati, ccfirmcD tt:if not,fbev niD cbnfc anotbcr,lT3bomc tbct? tiiiy ratber aliolu.SGben t-)t matter teas niorct) to t'ue innltituDc,tubicb aU tbougb tljei? toer not bounti to tbcfc free iuogcinent0,t?ct ti)crb^ Uk^ e ouId § les be Difo^oercD. iD;j if (bet? began at tbe miUtitiiDe: tbat luas Done enlp t3 learn tol,33>. lubom tber DiD cbcfrll? Drftre.Mlben i? DeOres of t{;e people tocre berD,tbe tbcp of tbe Clcrgt? biD cbufe bim.feo neitber tuas it laluful fo? tbe Clcrgr to appoint UjIjo tber IiaeD,ncitber toere tht'i bcuD to cbev tbe fmiidit Defires of tbe people. Leo appovntetb thvs D;D?g m anotbcr pUce,lube be faitb:iber arc to be Ic^iCD fo;, butbe tbe DeQrcs of tqe cite jenfi,tbc peoples teaimcnieij, h inugeine nt of (1 bono^ablct tbe election of tbe ClarUes. j^tgain. ilettberbcboicietbetcaimonv JFpiflo, of tbebono:able,tbc fubfcriptioncf tbe jg^. clerbes, tl^c confent of tbe c^^cy * ccnu munaltr. flo refon(fii\:'ti)lje)fuffretb it to be otber\»ife Done, i? no nothing clfe meanetb j- tccrc of tbe .§?v'no^c at Lao- ditia,but t'cattbe flergv,ant5 cbefe of tbe people, GjoulD not fuffcr tbf fclues to be carricDateavbr tbe tsnotfciftemnlti* tuDe:but ratber tbat Ititb tbeir iDtfccm antj gratittr>tbcF ttiulo rep;ctrc tbe peo'= pies fcDlift) aff£cti6s,if at anv time ncDe (b;OHlo fo require. 13 ITbvs ojDer of cbufing teas ret in fo;ec in tbe time of Gregory : anD it is likely t{)at tt cnDureD long aftcr.lt-bcre remaine manre (i^ptftles of bis,r gfue euioet teifimonv of tbis matter, fm fo oft- as bcbatb to 9o v6 tbe creatig of anv nelD 15i(bop,bc t3fetb to U);ite to p cler gV'jto tbe cjaer, f to tbe people, « feme* ti.ne alfo to tbe ruler, aceo;Ding as tl]e gcuerument oftljcciti isapointeo.lifut if fap re fci! of tbe DtfojocreD date of tbe cburcb> be f omittetb to mv l^iOjcp at* iorntng, tbe cbarge cf ouerfcting in p e* lcctio,retbe alU^a^ requiretb a folemne D?free,firf gtbcnetJ turtb tbe fubfcripti* or.s of «l.|^ra,anD iDbcn tbere to-^s c-nc Conlhnti'us create iEilI)op at Milaiti, f tl:at manv of tbe £ptl!ancis leer bi rcfc lib.2 of tbe inuauon of tbe barbarous natus \Ep^9 flcD to Genua : be tbougbt t tbe election cci?lD net otbertoifc be laU'.fuu, linleCr tbei alio ixvcrc calleD tcgotberanogc^ce tO:ii Op.4. Op. In r.ominc. Of the outvvaid meanes Hpift,). lib.i. f fjcir aCTint Pea f fjere are net v^t t^ac f)unD;e3 reix0 yr.f? finfi pope Nicolas Decixe^ :-*iiiie! cf g election of tl)cll5rtl)op of Uomc;i' (5e Caroin^l llSiOjops fljulD &?gi!!,tljcn tJjut t?:ci? fi;OnlD iornc to t^p ttjc rfOe cf tt;:dor3ic,lall of altljat t^c cicition n}3uli3 he confirmcQ bu tbe ccn^ fcntcf tl;eoc0p!e.:3nti int&eenDelje re eitctb tfjatkcrae of Leo, Mm\) 3! cncn i:olti anegcD,anDcommaunDetb it fro tijsncc fczti) to be in fc;:c . ydut iSthz malice of toicltco men (l^al fo p^cuaile, f bat tb: clerUes to maUe a true election becompcllcDto Depart oat of tbe cttie: T?ctl)c fommaunijctb t\)it fomeof tbe people be p;efent iuitb tbcm.^ fo;^ t\)t Cinperour^J confent,ro far a? 3 wn per cerucjtoas require!) onclp in tU)o cbur# clizti.tW is Home 1 ConHantinopIc: bicaufc tbere Vucre tbe tluo featiS of f be (Kmp-re. if oj lDbcrea0 Ambrolc loas fcnt to ^ilain luitb a potDcr fro Valci tinian to goueme tb2 clcctio of tbenctu ISifl^op:^ toas eptra o^uinarili Done,bi? reiifonof greuous factions iDberrtoitb §iitejens tbcnbo^leDamog tb^'fclues. iSat at Komc in clDc time t\)z Cmpe^ rour0 autbo;itie tuasf of fo grcate fo^ce in creating of tbe 515iCbop,tbat Gregory faitbjtbat be teas fet bp Us c ommaiioe^ ment in the gouernmcnt of tbe cburcb: tobcn ret b^ folcmn bfage be tua» Defii^ reD bi t\)c people. SDbiis toas tbe maner, tbat toben tl)t deargv ano f people bao apporntcb an^ 315ilbop,tbe clergi? (bulb fo;tbU)itb moue ittotbe€mpero;,tbat be (boulo eitber b? his alloboace coSrm tbe election, 0; b? bifalotuancebnbo it. i^eitberare t\)t Decreed tbat Gratian ga tberetb togetbcr, repugnant to t^^s m* (tomc:t»bcrf in i» notbing els rarD,but tbat it is in no U)ife to be fuffereD, tbat taking atware tbe canonicall elejtfon,a iiin^ (boulD appoint a )15ilbop after br^ otune lultc:anD tbat tbe spctropoUtanc tbalo confccratc none 1^ loerc fo p;omo^ leD bv tiolct polDcrs ^c^ it ij one itifg to fpoile i thurc":) ef ber ri^lfyi^ a! (bulo be traffi'rrcD to § lutt of oiic matar.Da^ notber thinri to grauntc tl^vs bono^ io a ijing 0; an Cm^ei 0?,^ br bi3 autbo;itv be mar? confirme a laiyfuU elerticn, 14 :0o*aj it folcU3etb,tbat fee entreat, UiitbtDbatfc?me tbe mtni^Trrs of tbe cburcb toereaDmittctj into tber? o^ifc after fleaip!:: tbistrjc 2Latir;e0 callcD iD^Dinafion 0; Ccnfecraficnrf^ dDrcfeec baue calleD it Cheirotoiua, lifting tp of banD5,anD fometime alfo Cheirothefia, lading on of banD5.i^oU)beit Cheiroto^ nia,is p^operli callcD tbat UnU of dec* tion, Uiber menncs confcnts arc Dccla* reD b^ boloing bp of tbeir bants.2Lbere remainetb a Dccre of i ^icene ccufeil, ^ tbe ^etropolitane (boulD meet e togc* tber 16 all tbe iSiaiops of tbe p^cuince to oper b^m tbat is cbofen.lBut if fomc of them be bin^ereD eiptbcr b v Icngtb of tbe Uu^jo; b^ ficUnc(re,o; bp ant? nccef* 5tF,tlj.it pet tb;ra at ig lead (bolo meete: inD tli^t tf)cv, tW' arc abfcnt fljoalDe b^ letters teltilic tbeir ccfent.0nD tbi0 ca* nottjluben 16 Difcotinuance it grcto out of bfCjUias afccrUjarD renucD tuitb ma* np ^^noDs. OSut al,oj at lead asmani? ppift. ^. as baD no epcufc, iuere tberfe;e comau^ Libro.i DcD to be p^efciit, tbaf tbe\> m\?gbt banc tbcgraaer triall of? learning 1 jnancr^ of bim ^ toas to be o;DereD:fo;{ t matter loas not Done t»itboat triall. 0nD it ap« pearetb b? Cyprians too;D», tbat in tbe olD time tbev ^er tocnt not fo be calleo after tbe clecti5,but to be p;efrnt at tbe rle£tion:anD to ttiis enD tbat tl^t^ (boulD be 30 it toere gouernojs , tbat notb^ng IbolD be troablefomli? Done in tbe mul* tituDe.if 0 J U)!)er be faio tbat ti)e people l)auc potoer eptber to cbfljfe toojtbre ^a;ieftcs,o; to refufe t)ntoo;tb\?,tDitbtn a litlc after be aDDetb.Mberfo;e acco; Dingtotbetracition of ©od anD oftf)e 3poaicg,it is to be Diligently kepte auD b&lDen To Saluation. f)Dhcn (tubict> it vtt ftcloen l6 t)s aifo, « i;i a maitcr t();!OU0bout a! p;8ntnccs) ^ (oz tt)c rigljt ccleb;afio of o;ocnngB, al t' ti^Qps aoto^ninc cf ttje famcp;c^ utncctl^oulocomctogctl^cr tottjatpco^ pU fo; tnfjir f) a gouerno; is o;D;eD, auD tfiat tfjc iDtftap be cbcfcninp;cff;cof ttie people. But i)Dt}en t^e^ ioere fome^ time OotDlp gatftcrcD togetfjer, f tbcre teas peani lead fome luonlo abiife t^at Delar to occa0on orambtttous ftimg: it toad tbotigfjt tijat it Q}oulo be enouG&,tf after t\)t Election maDe, tbet QjoulDe nieete, anD after ailotoance tppon UUd^ full eranunatton confecrate Ijitiu If WB,l)m ttits tDas ecbe tubere Don vS^ out erceptton>bp Ittle and Ittle a Dtuers mancr gretce in lifc,^ tbep tebicft tucre tbofen, (bulD rero;t to § Spetropolttane citv,to fctc'a t&cir o;o;mg. ^eibict came to paHe ratber b^ ambittcn,! b^ dep;a^ uation of tbe 6i'll mlfitatton,tf)an bp a* n^ god refon. Sinn not long after,U;ben i autbo;itp of § fea of Jtome teas noto encreafeo , tbcre came in place ^tt a l»o;fe cuCome,^ tbe HBtf^ops almod of all |tal£ flboulD f£tcb t^eir confecration Fourth Boo;ct. FoLjjf • fro tbencc. Wl^itfi toe map note cute of | tije €piftlf0 of Gregory. j2)nlp a feto cu jLib.i. ties, Inh^clj Uis not fo cafilr gene place, 'Epift. • baD tbcir atmcicnt ngJjtc p;tfcrueD: as 69.76. tbrr is an cjaple l;ati of Millain.pcraO' uenturc tijc onel? i3|5etrcpolita:ie cities kept tbcir p;inilefie. iroj all i ii;ifljop5 of tbe pzouiRce toer toont to ccme togi' tbcr to tbe cfjec^c cittc to cciifccrate tbe :arcbbi6}op.l5ut tbz cerement? U;as la? ing on of banDs.ifo; i reaoe of no otbcr ceremonies tfeo : fautng tbat in tijt fo^ lemne afi'emblr, tbe ^ilbops bab a cer^ taine apparel Isbcrbi t^t^ migbt be Hi* ftinaVi hnotone from otbcr ^iitftts, %htv o;ti;eD alfo |a;ictfB f Deacons to onlp lading on of bantf .ll5ut eueri ^if l^op luitbtbecompanve of ^;iell0, 0;^ D;eo bis oU)n |a;ieGes. 115utaltbongbe tbci? DiD all tbe fame tbing : rrt becaufe t^t bin^op Uient befo;e, anD it iDas all Done as it luer bp bisguiDing, tberfo;e tbe o;t}nng teas calleD bis. ^bcrDpon § do U3;T»tcrs baue oft tUB facing : tbat a ]l^.jiclle Dltfcrctb from a biiop in no otber tbing, but bicaufe b^ ^^t,^ not tbe pot!:crofc;Dering. rhe.vChjp'er. That the oldc forme of goucrncmcnt is vttcrly oucrthrovvnc b)' the tiranny of the Papacic ^.ilDtuc it is gcD^ to fct bcfc;c mcnnes fearbe tbcp ©all confiDer botoc faitb* ^eres (be ojccr cf geucrning tbe fullijtbcperccute tbcir cfficc.RiClr ill Cbnrc:7,tbattbcftecfKomc,anDaltbc,geuc tbe firlle place to iSiOjcijpc s : to cbampions tberof do Repeat tbis Dsv> f 1 itJbome 3 tuoiiloe to (l?oD tbi^ ird^ht be tbetDboleima3ccfplt)icrarcbic tobicb jan'oonoure, to banc tlje firffe place in tije^ continaaUp b^ue in tbeir moatb, f \ thvs Difcourfe. if ut t^c matter it ftlfc to ccmp.irc it Usitf) tbat o^Dcr cf § 5rltc 1 Dotbc not fuffCr me, onrc to toucbcttrs « clD cburcb iDbrcij tue baue DcfcribcD: ! tbing be if ncucr fo lipbtlre, tottboufe ti)at bi? t\)c couiparifon it map app»:are tbcir great (bemc.anD pet 3 tetl rcmc* tMJjr.vmanerofcburcblbcibai'olDcicbib^e, iniubatfeinoc of u^^rting Bi am tfe tlm onlg title to ctargc, ox railjU' to 1 nc*A)e occupieD : anD U»iU net fuiTer w.\> oucri^^belmetjs. I5tit it is bcil fo fcegi:i | talUe,twbicl) ot% )tz to Ic fransCD cnslp at ca!li'iig,tbat Ujc fe: botb tcbc,f tcfbat ; f 0 Cmple oocf «*in?, to fi ; In abjcBe beroD maner cfmcn,^ bp labat c;DEi' tbcr be Due bcanoe'?.)15ut !it foujc oue cf tbciii callcD to tbis minttlcrg.^nD itcn afrcp -tbat baue net totledp loll a'i (nmit, nn^ ru;cie ^.ip•4' Of the outward meanes (imvc mtiVoW mam of llSiCbops are at t'm 0.1? f oinonl? cljcfm.STrul? it 10 notD QToivt to mud) out of tfc, tofcauc an^ cranunction (jaD of tijcir learning: out iftljiTc be OaD an^? refpccte of Icar^ ninciit\)C'2 cljofc fome laUncr tfeat ca ra* tbcr &;jatulc in a couu,ttjan pjcaclj in a f OarctS^ljis is ccrfaiu, tbat tbcfe \)mv D:co scares t()rr \)&tl) feared? bm tutf r^ tuD^rtf) ma c^afcn ^ tnocrOoDc an? tijing of l)clp Doctrine. 3 do nottJjcrfo^e fparc tl)C fo.imcr ages, f:; ^ tl)c? lucre if pm'^^ttl) from tfje lalu of QO'^.tUt it (iiuit not be Hone brt bp tbe rcnfen* of t&e peoptc,!^eluet?) :';ai rJje r otrary ma ner 10 r^pugnants tc tin luczne of ^nti, SL^e UnrccB of fo in^nve ^inoDcs soc inoa Teu^jrc !i> f j^jbro u to Is otijcrturfe Done: anD if it be !;one,t!jcp conimauno it to be tjoiDe. ^f tJ^cfe tt)Vms be true, tljere nolue remainetl) intljcpapactc nc caaonicall elcition, nsitber b^ feoDS !a'iC?,no; b? toe ectlefiallicad laioc, Batal.'boiJof) t^jcrc lucre no otbercuil, mucbbetCer,biitfaicanfelue IjaiicnoUi ! ^tt botijc fiiaU tf;e« be able to ertufe on!? ttjc indent cburcb in qacaicn. 3f j ti)is,tbat tbe? banc fo fpoilcD tfje cbur c^ iu3 jcmcKt be to of tbcir mancrs, toe ' of ber rigbtfBut(fat» tbjcv)t\)t co^rupti^ (Ijal iin^e t^t tbere bauc benfetu c; tiU ! on of timtB fo reqnireD, tbat beranfe in od none,lubom tbc oio Canons lucla | appotntino; of bia^op^, batrcDS f affect* \ ons mcje p.:euatIeD Xx>itl) ? people $ tbc J magiilrates,tban r^^^bt 1 fcunDe iuDge- not baueiiiDgcD t3ntuo;tbi? . l^e ^ luas not a D^onkarD loas a tubajemonger: be tl-jat toas alfo cleane fro (bis teicJici:' nc0,Uj:is eitbcr a Dicer, 0 j a banter, oj Diifjlate m fom part of bis Itfe.ifo; tber be lig'oter faultes, tnfjicb bu ^ oloe Cuf mils DO cFcluDc a man fto being a Di5i« Cbop.li3ut tbi5 is a mott gretaufuiDit?, ' ^ berp ii}Hnyj fcarceli ten peres olD,are b? ^ popc0 graiit mase Bii^ops.SDbei are gro'ajt to fucb djamclcffenes 1 fen? incnt,tberfo;^e 0 rule tbercf RjclD be ge^ uen to a fetu.^?jniit beril? ^ tbpis tocre § ertrcme remeDre of a mifcbecfe in tic* fpeireD cafe.lSut fttb § mcDicine it felfe \iatlj appcarcc T»o:e bwrtfull tba p ber? cifeafciub? is niittbrs! nstuc cuiil alfo remetitcDf Bnt(fciv tl}n)it is eractl? p^je feribe^ to f> canons , li^bat tbe? ougbt to foilolu irii? elrctio. ilf-utoo tueDout,but ficCTc Diilr.e3>tbat tbev D;eatieD not tb.it v^ tbe people in do time oiD t^nBcrftao # ertrcme rea i moarous luicfecD Doing, | tbe? toerc bounne to nicg bcir latocs, VDbi'cb is btfcrly abbo;ing from § fccrv j u^bni tbev fain ^ tbev ban a rule fet tbe fenfe of nature, i^erct? appearetb boui I bv j> \i>o.:D of ©oD, WrJ tbe? came toge^ rclijicustbeir elecions ^ijere, tu|>gre tbc nsglige-rtcc teas fo carcleffe. 2 jjioto in e!e(tio,aI ^ rigbt of ? people I is take ali?a?.2Lbeir DefiringSjtbeir af^ ther to cbcafc a )i3i{bnp/Jro,: ? cnl? tjotce of C^o3,tj3bcrbp be oefcribctb tbt true t^ mage of a ItBiOiop ongbt teo;jtbilk'etobe of mo.je balue tban infinit tboufanD0of fcntintji0,f beir fubfcribing0,anD al fucb canons.lBHt ncuertbelelTe ? pcop!e,co;j tbingsarebanil^eD: tbe tPboIepotecr is trafferrsD to tbe Canons onlp.2Lbe? bcaoiu tlje llDifl)op tbc moft part it is tjfeD in not to be ej:amincD. But Leo crietb on 1 mens maners, ?ea 5 aUotueD as tbougl) ibt ctbcr fitjf.ttit nc reafon fuffretb it, I it luere Done b? goD rcafon ,tbat Djun* auD be p;or.oanccti} i it is a uiolcnt im* | l?arDes,tnba)jemongers, crcers,arcfOd ycncion.Cypuan^ti;;]? Ijcjcaifietb t^t ' monl? pjomoteD to tbrs bono; : ( itis ~' but To Saluation, but Mt tf}at J faJjtOat )5ia)op;iljcs arc t^e retuartis of aoultcricc f batuaerfcs. if 02 \3ihvA tfjcp arc gcucn bat to Ijiltcrs f falcoi;c4*0, it is to be tljougJjt to be gni^- Iv tDcU beOfotjDCDo0n^ tua^ to crcufc fo b^^nous inoignitic, it is fo mud) toic* hcD.2Dt)c people (fai? 3) baoin olo time a terp gojD <2::anon,to tobo be remoueo a^ gaine from tbefe mcn,tDbicbe not oncl? Dob^eaUeaUlatoesbut catting atoa^e all llbame,bo U)antonl?,couetouai', am* bittoaat> , mingle ano confound CDoDS ano mens matters fogctber^ \ 3 )i5at tbe\> l^e,\uben tbct? fare, ^ tfi'dS , toas DcuifeD fo; a rc:neD\?e f ^e often; reaD febat in olo ti?mc Cburcbes luere in- tumultes; at tbe cboafing of i5i(bopfi:^et' neaer ant? ma tiurtt tbinUe of taking a* luai § aatbojitv fro tbc pcople.^o; ti)ci baD otber Uia^es luberbs tbe\! migbt eu tbcr p^cuent tbefe faultcs,o; amcnD tbe if tbei tocr alrcaDu comittcj.lSut Jj toil tell tubat it i0. Mben§ people faega to be negligent in maUing tbc elections, t DiD call i^ care tpon tbe p^iettes as litle belonging to tbf ,tbe? abnfeo tbrs occa^ tton to fefurpc a tvjann^ to tbemfelues, \jy\)ic\) afterVDaro tbei ttabliQ^eD b? netu Canons fct fo;tb. ^ fo; tbeir o;oering, itisnotblngels but a meremocbage. ifo;tbe {&cVu of cramination tbat thc^ U)ere (et out is fo Daine % bungrve, t^t it tiwntetb all colo; . SHberfojc iwberas in fome places P;inces baue b\?couc^ nant obtaincDof tbe Bttt)ops of i^ome,' tbat tbc\? tbemfclues m^gbt name 15i^ fijops, tberia § Cburcb fuffcrcD no nelu loffc ; bicaufe tbc election Voas tafecn a* Foarth Boolcc FoL33^7. U)al^onclv from tbc CDanor.s,U)bicb bao b^ no rigbt tiolcntl^ tahen it , o; berilp ttolcn it. S^ruclp tbis is a moll fculc tp amplctljat out of tbe court are fent bi* fbops to poffelTc <£burcbes:ant) it (bculo be tbc iJoo;k of goiJlr' P;inccs to abttain from fucb cojruptio. ^o; it is a \Joichtti fpot'ling of tl)c CTijurcbe , tubcn tbcre is tb;utt tnto anv people a )15i(I)op, trbom tbcv baue not ocSrcD, o; at Icatt id free tjopcc alloUieo.X5ut tbat bno;Derl^ ma* ner lubicbc batb longc agoe bene in tbe Cburcbes,gaue occafion to p;infes to take tbe p;efentation of 315v*iI)op3 into tbcir otun banos.if o; tbev ti^'O ratber t it fi)olo be tbcir gift,tban tbofc mens, to iubom it nctbrng mo;e bclongcD , ano tobicb oiD no letfe iu;ongfullr abufe it. 4 3loe bere is a noble calling , bp rca- fon tDberof tbc )i5i(]&ops boatt t!)f fclucs to be tbc (ucccrro;s of tbe ^pcftlcs.^ut tbev fave tbat tbe antbo;itie to create P;iette3 belongctb to tbeni onclp. IBut in tbTis tbei? mott leuulp co;rupt t^c olD inftitution: bicaufe tbe\? do not by tljtir o;!)ering create 13;icacs to rule i faoe tbe pcoplcbut ^acrificcrs to Sacrifice. JLiUeUiife Ujben tbep confccratc Dea? cons, tbe^ doc notbing of tbcir true ano pzoper o(ficc,but tbe? o;Dainc tbcm on* l^ to certainc ceremonies aboute tbe Cballicc i tbc paten, ioutint ^inoce atCbalceuon, it is cotraritorff fccrccD, tbat ^c o;Derings (bolf not be abfclute^ l\? gcuen,tbat is to fave, but that a place fboulD be tbcrcbJitball alTigncD to tbcm tbat are o;DercD , tcbcrc tbe\? OwU ere t^ cife tbcir office. K'iiis Decree is fo; tiro caufcstcrvp;ofitabIc . f-irC-,lbiUtbc Cburcb t&oulD not be burDencD iuUb fu^ pcrflaons cbargcsmo; tbat tbat fljolD be fpent tpon iDlc men kJbicb fljoulD be ge* ucn to ti)C pcD;c:^eccnolr,^ tt^tv tcbul) be o;DercD, fljoulDc tbinljc tbat tbcp be not p;omoteo to an bono;,but tbat t'oerc is an office comnnttco tnto tbf,totbe Difl 70, aa.i. crccuticu «.ap.f. Of the outward mcancs cpecntion luljcrcftfjct! arcbounD br ro# (cantbs^«? iiifgmUng^fi aaaUu,ti: i^trc ijc lemne p>otf nation . i5ut tl^c HcmiObe no faun:> ffuffe cj trutO tntcrneatb ttjci maiffcrs(tobir^ tf}mfe ^ ttjrr is notbing if c; tijep tjfe ccrcmonvc£5 about it , c v^ ' tt)crfctcbcDoutof3IetoiS)ncGfe,o? far^ net) cf ttcmrclac0:lnbtct) it toerc better to foabcarc.^ut ef true c]raminatio(fo; 3 notljrng pnCfe tjpon t fljatjotoe tobicb tbcp retain0)cf tt)c pcoplcjs ccnfent,ant» of otbf r things nr cctrarv> tlic^ ninkc no mention.Sl cal a (IjatoU) tbcir fclit^ ge*« ffuriitgs mate to be laug!?eu at,frameo toafontifcolot counterfattins ofantt' qntticSHbc 25itl)cp5 bauc t^cit Deputies iBbicb bcfojc tbe c;Dcring mar fjuiuire of tbeir learning , llButtBljatftDbetljcr t^e^ ca rcao tbcir mafTestlDbetbcr tbe? can Decline a comon nolun, ^ tbc^ fljall ligbttjppon in reading, 0 J coniugatca i3erb,oj DO ftnote tbe figntficaticn of one luo>D, fcj it 13 not nccefiarrc t tbep be cunning enougb to coftruc a tjcrfe. jSnD ret tljet? be not put bach fro p;icft!)fflQc, lubicbe faille euen in (Jje cfjilDifl^e ruDi* mentefi,fo tbat t^tt b jing ani? mtiti^ o; comcnDaticn of fauo^. £Df like fo;t is if, t\)at iDben tbe^ arc b^ougbt to f be alta r to be ojDcreDjit is af&cD tb^ire in a tong not tjnDerCanDeDjtcbctljcr tbet^ be tuo; tl;t? of tbc fjonoj.^ne anftGcretb(tD')icb neucr fataje tfjem : but bicaufe nothing in religion to be carcD fti;,but tbeir bcl* \v) Srfi- Do erpounD title to be Git vcvxf nuc t map fuffifc to fuUain tbem, tobe^ tberitbebi»tbeirotDn liuelboDe o; b^ b(rncficc.s:ijerefo;c iDbcn tbcp ojDcr a EDeacon o; a p;iett , nSout tahpng care lubcr tbep ongbt to minilf er, tber? geuc tbi' I' o;Der,if tbc^ be ricb enougb to finD tljcmfclues.ilBut toljatma ca aDnvit tljis t tijc title iDbicb tijc Decree of tbe cowfell rcqniretbjfljoulD be tbe teereli? reue nue fn tbeir futtenancef 5But noto bicaufe ti)z latter Canons contencD tbe biQ^ops toitl) pcnaltie to finDe tbem tobom tt)ti^ bnD ojDcreD toit!)ont fufficient titlc,b^ ttj^smcanetoreftrainct^crj tcomucb eatic aDmitting : tberc batb bene alfo a ft ittcltte DcuifeD to moch out tbis penal^ fic.ifo; ))ct t3 ozDercD, naming anrti* tie ^batfoeuer it be,p^omifctb p be toil be content tljcrtoitb: bt tb^s Wt Ijc 10 b^iucn fro bis acf ion fo;^ bvs finting . 3 palTe oucr a tboutanD frauDes tl)at arc tcrein \3feD : tbat to^cn fomc Dec falfi^e name taine titles cf beneHceff ,lT5l)rrup^ on tbct? can not malic fiuc n)iliingcs bp teare:otl)er fomc bnDcr fecrcte corenat DO bc;roUje benefices, tobicljc tl^p p;o* mifetbattbc^ Unll bpnDb^ reao;ea^ gaine,but fomctimc ^c^ reUc;c not at aU.:anD fucO otbcr mtfterp es. S )15ut altbogb tbcfc groircr abufes tucr tat'x atoar,ts not tbi3 altoar an alfun i titi to appoit a p;icC to twbo rci: alTigne no placef;a!fo tfjt^ o.2Dcr no men bcit to facrtficc . 15ut fgc true o^uinaunce of a piica i0,to be callcD to t\)t goucrnmcnt of tbe Cburcb:anD a SDeacon to be c^lIeD to £l;e giitbering cf ?bc nlmes: tbcr Qo in DecGc l3)ie;)m3nr posnpjitoolDtbcp^ DouTg, tbat in § bcrp Cjelxj it mar banc n rcncrcnce smcngtijc Umple . ^ut a* mom men ^bauc tbcir founp tcit,Vubat f fijoulDc icantc cf tbe fo?me,l)e |?atl)tbat parte infbcplarc) %tt^avt\xio^tf)i\ Wil)^t mat? a man blame in tbcfe rcuc^ ren:3 flitljcrs, bat tbat tuitb mocfcing in fo open facrilcgeSjtbcy doc ti5o«t Cjamc laiigb to f:o;ne botb <2?oD anD mcn^l3ut bicaufe t\^c^ arc in long pcfTclficn tbcr? of, tljer f ^infec tbat ncto iti^ latofj il fo^ tf:tvx , jf 0? tibcroencr Dare cncc open bi^smcutbagarntttljcfe fo euincnt anD fc bat?ncus liicfecD DsingcSjbc ic fo?tb» tuitb lja!*Db\? ttjcm to punifl,n»f nte of Deatb,aB tbougb it iucre or.e tbat br;D in olD tvmc DifclofeD abjoaD fbe belt? st.ifie r\?cs cf Crrcs.MolD tbc^ to this if tbev tbou&t'jt tbat ibcrc Icitc arr C?cdj 6 fiicit; To Saiuation. fducc litttcr m JjcHoUims :f 'ocncfe; o;Dcring,tut noto it is nltosct^er fcpa ratci severe 10 among tbenia^iucrfe maiicr.ifo; tljc biHjops onli? 5o ncf conj« ferrebenc£:c5:$ in ffjofe tofjcrcof tijn? arc faio to ftati? t!)c coferrtng,tbci fyiuc not tbe fal rigljt : but otl;cr bauc § pze;* fcntation, i i&cp rcteine oulp tbc title of collation fo^Ijont^s faJtc.^bcrarc alfo nominations oi:t of fcl^olss,! rcHg* nati6£f,eitljcr fimplc o; maoe fo; caufe of efcbange, comcntwtoji^ to;ittng0,p;c ucntions, itobatrocucri0 oftt;atfo;t. But tbc? alfo bcbauc tfjcmfducs tljat noneof tijem ca rcpjocbc another toitb anptfjing. ^ojaffirme, tfjat fcarcclr cucrt buno^ct^ bcneScc, 10 bcGoUjcD attbisDarin-fbc papactc initi;out^i^ monie,a0 tfjc oloc t3D;itcr0 Ucfinet) ^^^ monic . 31 ^oc not fa^e ttat t\)C2 all b^ tbcm toitlj reao\? mone^ibut O-stoe mc one of ttucntie tb4t*c6metl) to a bcm-Sce toitljout fome bv commenDatton.^omc citber tjinreo o; alliance p;cmotctb, f fome f autbo;itie of tbcir parets: feme b? Doing of pleafures do get tbcmfc!uc0 fauourc. i?inall? bcneficc0 are gcucn to tW cnDcnot to p;ou^Dc fb; i c^ur^ cbe0,butfo^tbemtbat recepuc tbcm. 2C!)erefo je tl)t^ call tljtm bcnefict0,br U)bicbe tuojDe tbei^ Do fuvficientlt? Dr* (lare.tbat tbet make no otter accompt of tbem, bat 00 tbc bcneficiall giftc0 of ^;incc0, tubcrcbp tbep e^tbcr get tbc fauoure of tbcir folDtar0 0^ rcloarDe tgeir fcruiccs.il omit boU) tbcfc rclcar* DCS arc bcilotucD bpon barbcrs,c(Bkc0, motle fecper0,« fo:b D^cggifb mcn.aiiD noUj iuDicia'.l courts Do ring of n: mat* tcrs nio;c,tba about bcneficf s:rc tbat a man mai? fa? tljiit tbep arc notbing els but a p;a? call afo;c Dogs to bmt after. 3is tbis tolicrablc cucn to be bearo of,^ Fourth Poolfc ;Foi. i3i b;otien into t\)t pcdieirton of a Ctiurctjc as info a farme of tbeir cneiri^ef ttitit bauc gotten it bv b^atoling in ti^t lato;? tbat baue bougbt it fo; moni?;'tbat banc DcferucD itb? filtbi? fcruiccs^lubicb be* ing cbilD^en vet fcantlr able to fpcafec, bauc rccet?ucD it, as b? inberifancc fro tbeir bnclcs ano hinfmen,anD fome ba^ ttarocs from tbcir fatbcrsf 7 C£IolD cuer ^t liccncioufnf s of tbc pcoplctbougb tbci bao been neucr fo co; rupt anD lalulc!re,bauc gone fo far^lSut t\)is is alfo mo;c monftrous , tbat one ma,(| toil not fa? tobat mancr of ma, but trul? fucb a one as can not gouerne bimfclfe) is fctto gouerne fine o^fire cbarcbes.0 man map fee in tbcfc Daics in princes courtc0,tog mm tbat bauc t!:;a abbatics, ttoo I5itbop;ifec0, one 0rcbbi(^op^iftc.But tbcr be commonli canons \sit\i fiucfip 0; feue benefices, toberof tbci banc no care at al,but in re ceiucg t rcucnuc0. 31 toil not obiett,^ it is cfbe tobiTc cricD out againft b\? tbe too;D of goD>tobicb batb Icgago ceaffeD f 0 be cf an? eUimation at al amcg ti)i, 5 toil notobica ^ tberc banc ben man? mofl fcuerc penal o^Dinances in man? cciirclsmaDe againft tljis toicl^eDncs: fo^ tbofe alfo t\}c^ bolDl? Dcfpi?fcas oft as tlfi lilI.15ut 31 fa? tbat fcotlj are mo ttrou0 toicfecD Domgs, tobicb arc btfcr Ip againft OoD auD nature 1 tbe gouer^ nemcnt of tbe cburcb* ^ one robber (bal opp^effe man? cburcbcs at once , t ttat be lIjoulD be calleD a ^afto;, tobicb can net be pjefent Voith bis flccfec tboogb be teolDii ?et(fucb istbnrrbamclcfncife) tt)c?coujrrfHcb abbcmina'ulc filtbincs \x)it\) tbe name of tbc cburcb, to Dcliucr tbcmfclucs from all blame, ISut aifo (anD Cod toil) in t^jtiC leuDcncfTcs is cq tc?ncD tbat bcl? fuccefrion,bi tbc merit tobcrccf tbc? boaft tbat it is tojongbtc tbat t\ic cbwcb ma? not periO). t^ti fl)ulD be calicD pago;g,tobicb bane 8 j^oto (tobicb is tbc fecoD marH in t uD >igl.y. gmg Op^* Of the outvvarci mcancs b'pift. II. i.ib.5. ! i.A t,20. to rule \)is otun cl)urcb> is it not a \3)iu beo p;op!)anatt5,to turn another Uinr? tea tjtterlv to cftagc t\)t boli inffttuticn of (!5oOfiPo; toljcn ttjev are o;ti;cD,tbci' arc erpjefi^ fo^ biODcn to tso (I)c tl)tng0 ^ ©oD commau nBcti) al p;icflcs.if c; tbts fong t« fungto tljctn: let a sponkc, content tottl) \ns r loader, not pjcfim^c tomtnilfcr tfje ^acramentcs , no; to crecutc ant ttjing belonging to pubiike off ice.llct tbera i)cnr,if tljet can^bat it isanope moriiertofCou, ^antP;ift ll^oultj be maDe to tbis purpofe, to ab^ fletn from bis true anD iwtural cffice: anotbatbetubicbbatbtbcname, map notbauetbetbtng. 9 3 come to f fecular p;ieff0 : lubtcb arepartltbencficeomen, (astbetrall tl)t)tW is to fat> bane benefices lubep bpo to liue:| partly Do let out tbeir Dar It labour to bt^c,in malTingjOj fingfg, f ltuea«ittxjcrofa ftipcnDe gatbercD tbercupon.l5eneftccs bane cttber care of foules^as fai0)op;iUe5, t cures of pa* rocbes:D: tf}ti br t Ctpcnocfi of ntintit nicn,^ get tbeir lining luitb finging,as ^;ebentjee,Canon(l}ips,pcrronages,f ging a laiufull ^aatto;) lettjs fee botuc \ faitbfull^ m^! crcrcifc tbeir office. £>f tbc p^icQs p be tberc createo, fome be g|^oUs,f0mc be(as tbei cal tbe) Secular* sibe firffe of tbefc ttoo companies loas tnhnoujcn to t clDe cburcb: ano it is Co againflt § p;ofcffion of ^onhes,to baue fucb a place in t\)t cburcb,^ in olb ttme lube tUeiiiJcr cbofcn out of tbe ^onaffc ricsintotbeclergt, tbetceaffeDto bee ^onfts.^no Grcgoric, tobofs ttme bao mmt) D;egs tet fuffereo not tbis confu* fiontobemabc, iFo^bctoilletb^tbet be putoutof^clergie^bemaueabbo^ trSjfo; t no ma can rigbtlt be togetber bet b a ^ok I a clerfe:(itb t one is a bin terace to tbe otber.jSoU) if | alfHe,botD be toel fulfilletb bts office, tobo t\)t Ca^ nons Declare to be tnmete:tDbat 3 p;ai tou,tr)ill tl;)C^ anfUiercfSCbet toill fo;* fotb alleogc bnto me tbcfe tjntimelte bojne Decrees of Jnnocente $ Boniface, iDberbt ^onhs are fo receiucD into tbe bono; ano potwer of 13;ieftbcDe,^ tbet migbt ttil abtDe in tbeir sponatteries. X3ut tobat reafon is tbis,tbat euert bn* learneo affe^fo fone as be batb once poP fcffcD tbe fee of Home , map U)itb one ' Dignities, cbaplatnlbips, f fucb otber, tDcjDe ouertb;otJD al antiquitief }l5ut of | i^otobeit,fince tbings are note turneD tl)is matter toe (ball fpeakc bereafter. tjptiDe Dotone, abbaties, f p;io;ies are JLettbisfufficefo;tbtsttme, ^ in tbe geuen to tbe bert botes, bi? pjiutlege, purer cburcb it teas bolDe fo; a greate tbat is to fat bt eomo i bfual cuffome. abfurDitie,if a Sponk did erecufe tl)t of* I Qg cocerning tbe birelinges,^ get tbeir ftce cf |p;iaboDe. ifo; Hicrome fattb t liuiS fro Dat to Dat> tebat fbulo tbet do beDotb not erecutc f cffice of a |9;iell, ' otberteife tba tbet cc^ t is i»^ fcruile f tebilc be is conuerfaiit among ^onbs:lfbamefulmanerto geueout tbrfelues I maketb bifelf one of tbe comon people fo; gaine,fpccialli fltbe tbcr is fo great to be ruleD bitbe p;ielts,li5ut,altbougb a multituDe as noto j> ii3o;lD ftearmctb tec grant tbe tbis,tebat Do thtv of tbeir I iDf2Cberfo;e \Jol}tn tbet Dare not begge Duficj^Df tbe mf Dicats fome do p;eacb: al tbe otber sponbs, ettbcr fing 0; mu^ ble bp matrcs in tbeir cencs.as tbougb ettbcr Cbjtfr teillcD , 0; tbe nature of tbe office fufrre{b,p;ie0s to be maDe to this purpcfc.mberas f fcripture plain ly trtlifi&tb,tbat it is tbc ^m^s cffice openlt>o; fo;afmucb as tbet tbink tbet OjoulD but litlc p;oftt tbat teat,tbet go about Itke bungrt Dogges, ano ivyt\) tbeir impo;tunact, as teitb barhing, tbet cnfo;ccout of men agatnft tbeir tetls,fomtobat to tb;uU into tijtir bea* jt'^crc if g tooulD go about to erp;e(rc in To Saluation, fourth BookcT F0I.34 >♦ i.G)r.4 2\, in too;De0,l)oto great a uitljono; it is to tt)c ct)urcl),i^ tl)e !)ono; f office of pjiett* t)(Dt)e is come to t\)\s point, 3 flJolD baue no cnO.SDt)crfo;je it is not mete t\)at t\)t reaoerg fl^olu loke fo^ at m^ tjano fucfte a long Declaration as mar be p;opo;tio^ nail to fo bainous inoignitie. ilB^eefl^ 31 faT»,if it be tbe office of p^ieai)a)De ( as t^e too JO of ©00 p^efcribetb , f tbe aun^ cient Canons require) to feoer cburcb, f to gouerne tbe fpirituall hinsoonie'of CbJift*- all fucb facrificers as Ijaue none otber tooiUe o,i toageSjbut in making a marfeet of malTes, are not oncl^ iDle in tbcir offtce,but alfo bane no office at all to epercife.^ojtberc is no place afTig* nco tbem to teacb : tbep baue no flock to gouern : if inallr tbcr is notbing left to tbe,but tbc altar, toberupon to facrifice Cbnttttobtcb is not to oflfer to ©oD,l)ut to Deuils,as \jdc Cbal fee in anotber place. 3 ooc not bere toucbe tbe outtoaroe 10 ;| faaltcs,but onl^tbe inluaro ciul,tobicb ttickctb faa \if tbe rmte in tbcir inttitu* tion. 3 toill aooe a fa^ing,tobicbetuill toum ill in tbeir eares: but bicaufe it is true,Jlmua fpeaUe it:tbat in § fame oe^ gree are to be acccptcD eanes, Cba?lain5,p:ouoaes,f al tbc\? tbat are feooe toitb iole bencfices.iro^ U-.bat fcr^ uicz can tbc? 00 to tbe Cburcb:" j?o^ t\)ti baue put from t'oefclucs tbe p^eacbing of tbc U3ojo,tlie care of oifcipline, f mi* nittration of facrameiitc3,as ta mucbc troublcfome burocns.^^Ubat tben baue tbe^ reinaining,toberb)? tbei mav^ Iwaft tbemfelucs to be true l[9;iieasf^nging fozfojtb, % a pomp? of cercmonres.liStit Inbat is tbat to tbc purpofe i 3if t^jt^^ ab lege CuSomc , if We > if p.Jefcf iptionof iong ttme: BI againe on tbe otber fioc Do la\>e t)nto tbcm tbc oeSnition of Cb:iff, tobercbr be batberpjeffeo tanto t)& botb trucpades,! tubal tbc^ougbt to Ijauc tbat toil be ascouTpteo fncb.lSut if tbcv can cot bcearefa baro a!aUi,to n^utte^ tbemfelucs to Cb;iftes ruleiat ti)t leaft let tbem fugcr tbts matter to be Defers mineD bp tbe autbontie of tbe \dntna tiucCburcb. ^ut tbcir cafe Ibalbcne uer tbe better,if tbeir date be iuogeo bi tbe olD Canons. net tbat baueoegene^ rate into Canons, (bouloe baue bene ^jicftes,as tbe^'tocre in olD t^^mctbat (boulo rule tbe Cburcb in common \s}itif tbc UBifbop,*! be as it toerc bT?s compa* nions in J office of pafto;.2Lbofc Cba* pit er Dignifies as tbci? call tbem, do no^ tbing at all belong to tbe goucrning of tbe Cburcb: mucb leCfcCbaplainlbips, } tbc otbcr D jegs of like names. tClbat accept tbe (bal tue make of tbf aU ESru^ l^ botb tbe U)o;De of Cb.utt, 1 the bfage oftbeCliurcb eiccluDctb tbem fi'omtbc bono J of pjieflba)D.^cttbeT?aiQpbolD tbat tbe^ be p:ieaes:but toe muft pluck of tber? bifoj : fo (bal tnc finD,tbat tbeir tobole p;iofe(rion is mod ttrange 1 farre rcmoucD from f> office of p.uelles, botb iDbich t\)z apoUles oefcribc \)nto bs , % t»bicb toas requireD in t\)t pjimatiuc Cburcb.2r:bcrfo;ic all fucb ojDcrs, tritb tobat titles foeucr tbep be notifieo ,(itb tbe^ be neU)>bcing terilT? neitbcr tpbol^ Den b\? tbe inttitutio of ©oo, no: br tbc auncicnt tfagc of tbe Cburcb > ougbt fo banc no place in tbe Defcription of tbe fpirituall goucrnment,tDbtcb (' Cburd} batb receaucD confecratc Imtbtbc lo^cs oton moutlj.^Kif tl)€? toil ratber bane me fo fpcak mo:c fimpl!' ano groav?)fo;j. afmucb as Cbaplains,Can6s,Deancs, ^jouoftcs>f otber iDlc bellies of p fame fo;t,oo not fo mucb as toitb tbcp? little finder toucb anr fmall parcel af tbat of:' fite", tobicbe is ncccffarilvc requireD in pncffes , It is not to be fuffereD, tbat in Uj;v|3ngfi,ii^ taking a falfe bouojtppoa fbemfelues,tbc^flboulD b;;eaketbcboltr inttitutionofCbiift. SSbere reinaine ll5if&ops,f parfon of parocbea:,tob3 J tooulo tajH^oD tl^ct CipjS* Of tlie outvvardc meanes iHom»i7 dW ftriuc to rttam t^icir oCice, f[o: toe UJolDUsillinglr grant tnto tfteni,^ tfjci? l)aue a goDlf I crccUcnt ofFtcc,if tftci did cjecufc it^iSut tobcn ttjc^ toil be nctbp* teD liaaaojs, toljilc t^e^ fo;falje i cIjup c[)f s ccmitteD to ttjcm, i caC ttc care of tricm tjpon ot^erjtbep do as if it tocr tte ^Daao;0 office to Do notlbingSlt an mta^ rcr tijat ncucr flirrcD Us tatt out of tfte (r:ittc,tooHlD pjoftffc Ijimfelfe a ldloto» niM J a fecper of a tjinetarte : if a fol* Dicr t baD bene cottnnall^ in tljc battcll f in ti^e campe, ( f)aD neucr fene tuDtci^ al court oi b(D&K,toolo boatt bimfclf fo; a lato^er>tobo coulDabtDe fucb Hinktns fcllic5.1!5ut tbefe me Do fomtobat mo^e abrurDlr>tl}attoil feme t bccalieD lato^ f«l ^afliojg of tbc Cburcfjjf vet toil not be fo.ifo; boto manr a one is tbere,tbat cotb fo mucbiHS tn (beto,erercife tbe 00 uernmcntcfbr^Cburcbf ^an^Doall tbeir life long Dcuoure tbe rcucnucs of CbnrcbeSjto tobicb tber ncuer come fo mncb as to loilje bpon tbcm.^om otter DO once bp vwre c^tbcr come tbtfclues, 0; ftnDe tber J CctoarDc , tbat nctbrng fi)oulDc be IcCe in tbe letting to fermc, Mbentb^sccjrupticn firft ciepte in, tbe^ tbat tooulD cniop tbts ItinDe of ta* cation^cremptcDtbemfelucs bt p;iuile« gc5 : noto it is a rare example , to baue one relioent in bis otone Cburcb . if 0; ti)V2 ellame tbcmnone ctbcrtoifetban fdrmc0,ouer tobicb tbcifet tbe^; bicars £3 bailT!C0o;i farmers . )£ut tbrs bcr^ noturall rcafcn retc(tctt),tbat be (boulD be patio; of a tacky tbat ncucr fato cne Cljeepe tberof. 12 3it appeal ctb i earn in tbe f rnie cf Gregory, tberc tofi'e ccrtaine fcDcscf tc\>s mifcbeefc, ^ tbc rulers of cburcbfiE', bcg^n to be negligent in f earbing:fo; \z Dotb in one place grcuoufl^ complain of itXhz too:lD(faitt bc)is ful of p;ieacs: but i?et in tbc barutK tbcrc nrefelocme tooj'amcnfounoc : bica^iTc in DcDe toe tabc bpon Us tbe cffic e cf p;ira,but toe fulfill not tbe toojhe of tbc o£ftcr.;again, bicanfc tbc^ baue not tbc bctorls cf tbai* ritictbci toil feme louDcsrtbei acbncto* lege not tbmifclues to be fatbers.lTbci? cbaunge tbe place of bumilitie into tbe aDuauncingoflo^Dlincffc . 2gaine,but lubat DO toe,£D paCo;s.tobicb rcceauc tbe retoartjanD arc no tocjfemen^ tSUe are fallen to outtoarD bufinclTc, anD toe tahe tn banD one tbing,! perfo;me ano« tbcr. Meleauetbeminitterteef p;fa* cbing : anD to our punilbment, as 31 fer, toe arc calleD )15i(bops t ^epe tbe name of bono; f not of brrtue . ^itf) be tfetb fo great ^larpnes of too;Ds againft t^r^ tobicbe toere but le0e continuing 1 leGe Diligent in tbeir office : ^bat ^ p^ate t)ou,tooulD be fa^iifbefatoe of tbe Br^ (bops almott none,o; truel^ bcrr fetoe, f of tbe read fcarfclr euer^ tjuDjetb ma cncc in all brs life to go bp into a pul* pet^ i?o; men be come to fucb maDnede tbat it is commonlt! ccmptcd a tbing to tare fo; p bignif ic cf a llBiC|cp,to mafee a fermon f c t^c people . 3n tbe ttme of Bernard, tb^ngcs tocrc fomc totat mo;c nr ca^cDtbut toe fa alfo ^it^ boto Ibarp tbiDings be cnucretb againfi t\)t tobole c;t!er : tobicb wt it is lihcl^ to b^iue ben tben mucb purer tban it is noto. 13 ^ut if a ma Do toel toe^ i eramine tiis outtoarD fo^m of CcclcCafiicall gc# uernmc nt t is at tbis Da^ tjnter § pa^ pane,be (bal finD tbat tbcr i& no tbautflb co;ner toberin robbers do me;e licenti;* Qtiflr range toitbcut latoeanD meafure. 2i:rnl^ al tbmgs arc tbcrc fo tnlihe tbc inCituticncfCb;iGjTeafo ccntrari? to ity tbe? arc fo Degenerate from ^t aun^ dent o;sinaunccs anD manners cftbc Cburcb,tbeu are fo rcpupant to nature anD reafon,tbat thtxc can be no greater inir.r^cDonc toCb;ifi,tbanfebcn tbc? p;EtenD brei name to tbc Defence cf fo i)iro;DercD goucniment>^e(fa? tbey) arc To Saluation, fourth l5ookc. F0I.54 o Matj^Lf are tbc piilcr^of t^e cljurcTje, tbc cljicf biOjops of rcligion,tbe bicars of cb^Jift* tfje l)eaoc0 of tUc faitbfnU : b^caufc tijc potocroftbeiapoftlcs U b^ faccerrion conic tjnto tj3 . 2Li)c^ arc allwai? b?ag^ ging of tbcfc folltc£?,a0 tljcug!) tbci trJ* UcD \3iito aocUc0. But fo oft as fbr tt)al boaftoftbi0j31toi[I afkcof tbragainc, toljat tbci ijauc commo l6 tljc 3poftli^. ifo^ iMc fpcaHc notcfanv in'jcrifablc bcfccnDing boiio;,t!jat ma^ begcucn to mtn c'jcu toljilc ttjcr Ipc aepingibnt of fbe office of pzcacljing, tobicb tlm fo macb a« ff o»»> llihctuifc U)!)cn toe af* firmc t'oat tljcirfeingnomc 10 tfjc tiran nieof anticljiiii, bi?anobi> tbei» aum ftoerctbat it is f Ijat rcucrcnoc ^icrar cbicfo oft pzaifeti of notable f boli mr . 03 ii)oim i I)3li fcitJjcrs tobcn tbev' c6* mcDea tlje C'cr Icfiaftiral l^ierarcbic 0; fpiritual goacrncment, as itfcjas Dcli» ucrc") tUc>n fro.n bauD toljanu from tije 0p3filcs, Di3 cocaine of tbt3 mi(»1)apcn I Uiaft otroiU^cD bcapc, luOcre tbc yBv Oiaps arc fc;; tbe incl;; part, c^lijcr ruoe a(rfS,Uii)iChfenotDnot ^ tcrrfiriif cc* moii pnndplesof jraitl), o^fomtrmc clnihit ^tt ttt"^ come fro t\)c nourfc ; t if anv be lcarncDcr(\;)!}itb ret is a rare e¥aple)tl)ei tliinli a i^iOjopjike to be no tbins els but a title of glojioufne* anD m^tgnificencc: luljcrctbe perfonsoftbe cburc'ocs tbmfec no mo;e of facing tbe flocUctba a (ftotumaber notb of plotoig: iDber al tbings are confcuoeti t6 nto;e tban 515abilonicaU Dirperfing,tbat tberc remainetbno mo^e an? one fiep tobole oft^tojoinance of tbe ifatbers. 14 ®Sll)at if toe oefceno to tbcir ma^ ncrsf tober l^ralbc tbat lijjbt of § too;lB, tobicb €^^iii requiretb^ tobcr i& § fait of tbe carcb^tobere is t bolincs, tobicb mai? be as a perpetual rule to inoge b^i »crci0nooeara of men at tbisisar mojeil fpofec of fo; riot,\uatonueiJ, oe* tineg>ftnaUT?alfeinoc of luttsXber are of no oegree men citber fitter 0? connin ger maifters of al Deceit,frauD,treaf6,f b^^eacb of faitb:tber is no tobcr fo great conning 0; bolDnelTc to do b«rt. 36 palTc oucr tbcir DifDainfulneffcp^iDc, crto;^ tio,cruclt!C.3 paCTe oucr tbe biffolute \p centioufncs in al tbe parts of tbcir life. Bin fuffring tobcrof tbe toojlo is fo toc^ ricb,^ it is not to be fcarcD, 1^ 3 fi)c«lo fotmctoenfoamc anrtbuigeto mucb. SLbis one f bing 3i far,tobicb tbCT? tbcni^ fclucs Qjall not be able to Dcn^: f of tbe bitbops tber is almoft none, of ^ parfos of parocbcs not t biibjctb ma,but if iuD gemcnt fl)ulD be geucn of bis mancrs, acco jDing to tbe olo Canons,bc tbulD be titl^cr to be crconimunicatcn; at Icaft to be put fro bts cfficc.31 ftinc to fai^ f 0^ tobat incrcDitle:ro far is ^ aikicntDifci pline grotoc out of bfc, i> comsuJcb an eractcr triall to be bab of § niaiu rs cf ^ clcrgicbut f> trutb is fo.^oto let tbe go ^ figSjt bn:;cr ^ ftafaro 1 guibig cf ^ fes of l^omc,} let tbf boatt amog tbf felues of^o?uerofp;ieCbo5c» ^stoiioi^itv t t(>e^ bauc.trucli? it tiS cu^tjcnt> v if is neitber of CbnOr, noj of bvs japoflles, no; of tbe fatbers, no; of tbe olD cburcb. 1^ i^oto let 1 2Dcacons come fo;tb,ariB tbat moll boir bittributing if tbcr banc of tbe gcDbs oftbccburcb.^otobeit tbep DO not noto creat tbeir SDcacos to i pur pofe,fo; tber enicrne tbcn notbing rls but to minittcr at tbe altar,to rcaD anb fing tbe gofpel,? to 3 tootc not tobat tri flcff./^otbing of i aImes,notbing of tbe care of tbe po;e, notbing of al tbat func* tion tobicb tber i" olo time eyecuteo.Bl fprafee of tbcberr inttitutio.iFojif toe baue rcfpect tobat tbep bo, in cab it is not totbcm an officcbut onlr a ftcp to* toaro p;icaboDe. Jn onetbing,tbei tbat kcpe i SDeacos place at tbe mafrc,bo re picfenta boiD image of antiquitie.iro; tbcr receiuc tbe cffrings before tbe con jfecratio^j^bw toas i aikient niancr,^ tjH^Ill.iiti. " before C-P > •! " Of the outwarde mcanes blfo^ctljcTonimunion of t^c Supper, t^efaitbfuloiDfeitrc one another,! of=^ fcr tt)cir alines at tlje altar: fo firft bT»a ngnc,f aftcrtoarccb^ tcrr libcrnlitie t^cv CjelKcD tbeir cijaritie ♦ SLbe 2Dea' con.tbatUiastbc po;cmens fi:c\»arD, lecc^ueD iljtit li^bicf) toai; seur to Diftrt butc it.ii^ouj of tl}orcalme0,t!}erc cont' iiKtij no ino;c to tlje pojjc, tban if t\)t^ vocrc tb;oU)cn into tbe fea. ^Cljcrcfo^e tijc? nioct^ tljc cl;urf f) l6 tbis Ivitng oca^ conric.snrul^ tberin tbet? bauc notbtng liivL',r»rit!Kr to tbe inftitutton off ^pc* iiclc0,no; to tbc auncient bfag^. )l5ut ig i>cr^ Diftribution of tbe g©Ds tbci taue roiujcpcban otber lua^i bauefo fra* men ir,tbat notbing ca be bcuifcu moje bnojDerlre. ifo;astbcue0,lDbentbet baue cut mens tbct0,oo neuint p p;a^ among tbeifo tbcfc, after tbe quecbtng of tbc Ugbt of goDs U)o;D,as tbougbt tbc cburcb ^cr naine, uetbinbe^tobatfoi^ cucr U)as Dcbtcatc to bol^ bfcs t0 la^eo open fo; pwi^ ano fpoile.Sberfo^e ma* king a i}iuiUon>eurri? one batb fnatcbcO to btrnfelfe as mncb as l)C couio. i6 \^ere al tbcfe oId ojDcrij^^ toe banc Declareo,are not ontt troublcD,but ttter 1\> iDtpcD out f rafeo. HCbc ^ttbops ano pjieUs of citieSjUibicb being mabe ricb b\? tbis p;a^,U»er turnco into Canons, ijauc mabebauoche of tbecbtefe part among tbem.lBut it appearetb tbat tbe partition tuas bno)DerIi,bicaufe to this oai? tber? ftriue about tbe boiit}0.i!Zaabat^ (ocuer it be, b^ tbi0 p;outfion it is p;o' uibcb, t notonebatfpen^of § gobs of t cbnrcb (^onlD come to tbe poi^cUibofe baDbentbebalfepartatleail. ^o^tbe I Canons bo geue tbem tbe fourtb partbi name:anbtbectberfourtb parttbe^Do tbcrfojc appoint to § li5iIbop5,fbat tbci (b^ulb bcaoiu It bpon bofpitalitie,anD otbcr buttcB of cbaritie . 3 fpcafec not U'bat tbe clcrlts ougbt to bo tu^tb tbeir yc;tton,i to tobat bfe tbey ougbt f o bc# fiotjo it.ifoj tue baue fufficicntl^ dc tla» reu, iJ tbc retl tobicb is appontcD:fo j tr pIe0,builDingg « otbcr crpenfcs, ougbt to be open fo,^ tbc pcd;c in necelTitie. 3i p;a^ ^ou,if tbci bab one fparfe of \> fear of gob in tbcir bcart, luoulD tbev ab^Dc tbis burocn of confcicncr,]^ al tbattbcv f atc,f tubcrclD tbcr be dottetijcemetb of tbcftctca of facrtlegc^ HiBut fitb tint's arc htle moueb Id tl^t iuogcmtt of gob, tbci (bulb at IcaU tbinfe,^ tbofc be men enoucD v6 Mt f reafo,to tebo t^d irclo perfnabe,i^ tl)ti baue fo goblr 9 tael fra meo o;bers in tbcir cburcb, as tbct! are toont to boatte. ilct tbem anitoerc me fl)o;tlr, lubetber beaccnrie be a licence to fteale t robbe.iilf tbctibenie tbts,tbci (ball alfo be ccmpelleb to confelTe , tbat tber baue no oca conrie left: fo^afmttcb as among tbcm,all t^c bifpontion of tbe gfflbsoftbcCburcbe is openly turncb intoafpoiling full of facrilege. 17 ^ut bcre tbei bfe a ter^ fair colour. iFo; tber far,tbat V bignitie cf§ cburcb is br ^ magnifier ce not fcncomlilr bp* bolDcn.ano tf^t"^ baue of tbcir fctt fome fo tbamclc0,tbat tbci Dare cpcnii boaff, ^ fo onlr are fulfiUeb tbofe p^opbcties, tubcrb)? tbe olb p^opbets befcribe t Slo | rioufnes of § tungco of Cb^ift, Ujbcn f hinglr gojgccufntire is (an in § p^ictt Ir ojDer.il^ot in bain(rap tbei)goD batb p?om?ffD tbcfe twinges to bis djurdje, feings (ball come, tber Caall Uic^Ojip in tbei Ogbtjtbci fljal b;jig f bee gifts.Brife, arifc clotb tbec \c tbr fircngtb^o ^ion: clotbe tba toitb tbc garmcls of ti)'i! glo? rr,J2D l^ierufalcm: ^11 (^all come from ^aba,bjinginggolDe « inccnfe, « fpea* feing p;aifc to (» lo^b.ai tbc catcl of Cc^ bar (balbc gatbereb tegcfber to fbee.Jf 3 Cljoulo tarrr long bpon confuting tbis leubneffc, ifcarclcaGcBinjoulbrcme fonbeXberefij^e 31 toill net left tncjbs inbarne . 15ut ^ affee : if an^ Seioe tooulD abufc tbcfe tcftxnion^ts, tobat foiutiou To iaiuation. folution 'dJoulDc tfjer gc iief QHcri In tftep tnoulo repjfljcnD his DuIncSjfo; ttatlje tranffcrrcD tt)ofc tbmgs to tf;c fief!) anD tlic U3o:lDe,tbat arc fptritusUn fpoUl cf tlic fpiritiiaU kingco of Cb?ift. ifo; tuc knoto,^ tfje |5;opl)ct0 tuDcr tbc image of crt'oli? ti)ig3,cr0 paiiite ont bnto fes J tjcaacnl^ Slo:^ of (SoD,^ ougbt to Ibmc in tbc cfjurclj. jfo; tijc cturtb baD ncucr leCTcatoiiDanre of tOcfc llcffinsSjluOicb ti)cir too;cs erp^cs, ttian in U;c time of tftc apolllc0: anD ret all confrCTCjtOat (> foKC of tteUingccme cf Cij;iffctbcn cbafcli? fiouriflfeeD ab;oD0. ^(^Ijat tfecn meane tbcfc favingsf C^batfocucr isa^ m? b)l)cr p;ccious,!)ic,cj;cdlrt, it ougljt to be mane fubiect to tbe ilo;C!e.^bcr^ as it is namelv fpo!jcn of kings, i> ffeci' r^all fubmit tbcir fcrptcrsto €:ij;iflc,)^ tbcn (^a!l tb^oUi DoUmc tbeir crolunes before bis fate, tbat tbev ^'all Dedicate tbcir goDDs to f be cbarcb:tBben(iuil tbci ravc)Uja6 it better f mo;e fuUp perfo;=' mcD, tljan lubcn Theodofius ratting a^ toap bis pMrple roabe,lfaning tbc o;na=' meuts of () empire, as feme one of ti)t comon pcopIe.fubmitteD Inmreif before ©ou f ^t cburcbCjto folcmnc penance.^ tbcn toben be i otbr r \i\>: goDiv p;inccB bc0 otoeD tbcir enDcno;s t tbeir cares to p^efcrue pure Doctrine in i Cburcb,? to cbcri(]& I ucfenD founo teacbcrsf But boto p^ielles at ^ time epr eeucD not in fupcrfluous ricbeCPe, tbat onl^ fer.f cnce of tbe 0inoDe at Aquilcra,tDbere Amb teas cbeefe,fufficici;t!i? bcxiarctbrgic;:' ous is poucrtp in tbe p^icRs of ^ lo^D. J£vm\^ the btfljops bac at ^ timcfome ricbcflTCjlDbcrlD tbci migbt bane fct cut tbe cburcbts bono^ if tbct' bab tbougbt tbofc to be tbc true o;namcntcs of tic cfjurcb. :)i5ut tuben tl)cv Kneto tbat f bcr 1 tuas notbiiig mo;c a-^fiintt tbccff:rc of ' |i)atto;s,tba!Uce'V^ici .?'.io tl/Cii^ L^.m | felucs pjontil-? luitts oai:iti:-rCc of fare, toitb go;siourae(rc of (i-^rmuitesjlcvib Fourth Bookc, F0L3+3' great trainc of fernaunts,lontb ffatciv palaccs.tbci? folotoe 0 ano feeptetfcc bu^ blenclTc anD moDcttrCjtca tbe bcr^ po^ ucrt^ tobicb Cb;ilt bcUl^ appotjnteo a* mongbiflminiCcrs. 18 i£ut,tbat tue mat? net be to long in tbjspornte, Icttsagainc gatbcr into a (tfoH fumme,boU) farre tbat cifpcnfati* on 0; Diilipaticn of ^ gccDc of ^ Cburcb> tbat is nclue bfeCDifferctb from (> true Dcaconri?, tebic b botb tbc toc;De of ©od ccmnicnDetb tnto ts,anD tbc ar.ncicnt Cburcbe obfernco.as fo; tbat UJbl'cb i» beCotDCD bpon tbc ganiitbing cf tern- plc0,31 fan it is ill bcttotoco, i: tbat me* fure be not tfcD, ivbicb totb \> trrp na^ ture of bolt? tbings appo\?nteib> nnD t\)c ^potties I otbcr boln fatbcre baus p:c* IcribcD botb bt? ooarine 1 crnplrs. 'jlBut Uibat liUe tbing is tber fecnc at tbis Dai? in t])c temples i lubatfocucr is frames, 3 tuiU not fan after i^ auncicnf fparing, but to ann boned meane it isftiectcD. iJiotbing at all plcafctb, buftbat tr-btcb fauouretb of riot, anD tbe c o;ruption of times, iin tbe meane time tber are fo far from bailing Due rare cf tl)t liceln temples, t tbcn tuolo rat bcr fuiftr ma-* nn tboufanDes of tbe po^e to penflje fo^ bunger,tban t\}cv tJ^clD b;caketbc iCiitt cbalice 0; cruet, to rclecuc tbcir necDc. 0nD 1 5 man not pronounce of mn fclfc ann tbing mo;e greuouOn againtt tbe, tyjsonln 3 iuolDbaue tbc goDli rcaDcrs to tbinkc fcpomif it njoulDcbappen tbat fame hxupenusbllbopof rholofa,U)bo ioeeuen noloe rcbcarfcD, 0; Acatms,o> Amb.o; ani fucb to be raifcD fro Dcatb, lubattbcn luolD fan. SDrucln tb^tv tuolo not alotue tbat in fo great ncccffitn of § pc;e, ricbeffe in a manner foperfluons, UjulD be turncD anotbcr loan, ^tmt i fprnUe nctbing boUie tijcfe tfcs tppon IrbicJ) tliej be bcCoircD, (altbongTjtber Ujcr no pc;r) arc mann ix^aner- burtfu!, buUujw^^airp^u&(abic^i^Htjs_Uacie aaiJ." to iCap.5. Oftlieoutvvaicic mcanes Tit t^. to rprr.aC pf «icn. Cfjcfe g,but v> ijubicb 3i bauealrec? fato,anD iDbicb is befojc all mens ci^ta Mt f^ toitb iDbat fattbfalnf ffc tbci? lubirt) arc eallcD bilbopsanu abbot£,ac Difpofe tl)t greater parte. iJUbat macneffe 10 it,to fafee b«rc foj an Ccclrfialf ieall o;jDerf mii$ it mecU ^ tbc?,U)bof c life ougbf e to baue ben a fingular eramplc of frnga l!er,moDcllr>countinanfc, ? bumilitp, Oiulo contc no Mb tbe roraltp of p;ince0 iti nombje of gaiDcSjingo^giournerre of baufeBjin Daintincffe of apparell 1 faref StiD boiue macbc luas tl)is contrary to tbeir oef;ce,tlj3t tbcr,tBbom tbe eternal antj imuolabls commaunormft of ©oD fojbintjctb to be Dcfiroa0 of filtbr gain, rniD biooetb to be content iB^tb fimple lining, HjcalD net cnl? lav banocB bpon tolpne0 1 caCel0, but alfo biolentlt> en^ ter bpon tbe grcatcft llo;Dlbip0,finallp poffcffe fo;ceabl^ l3crt cmpiresf Jf tbe^ Oefpifetbe I130.2D of ©oDtiobat tril d^t^ anftucrc to tbofe auncicnt Decrees of tbe ^inouesiluberebp it is Dccreeb tl;at tbe bi^p (bouloe baue a fmail lodging not farre from tbe Cburcb,mcan0 fareano boutbolD (!uf:ftDbat toil tbci? (a^ to tbat pjaife of tbe ^inobe at Aquileia.tuberc pouertu 10 repo^teb glo;iou0 1 § p;te(1^8 of § ilo;bfifoj pcrbap0 tber luill btter^ Ip refufe a0 tm mucb rigo^ou0,^ tobpcb Hicromc aUuifetb Nepotianus, ^ poj^c men ans ffrangera, ano among tbem €^}ift a0 a gcft, mav Ijnotre bi&' table. llBnt ^ Ujbicb be bv anb hv aabef bi tbc^ UJtl be atbamro to bC5ir>^bat itis^ glo* r?ofabili)Dptop30ui3c foatbcccosof tbe po;c:tbatit isitbsme ofaWp^itUs to ftuDt? foi tbei." oton ricbcs. 16ut f bf t! can not receiuc tbi0> but tfis^ muCc all contemnc tbemfcluc0of i^me. 3i5iiHt t0notnesbefull in tbis place to fpcahe mo;e baroi? againft tbcm,fieb m^ mt^ ning liia0 net^jing cl0,butto (beto, i a^ mong tbem tl^c latoful o^Dcr of Deacon^ rt i$ long agoc taUcn aVuare: tW tl^e^f maf no mo;c glo;i?e of f bis title to tbe commendation of tbcir cburcb:iDbicb 31 tbinh I baue alreo^ fufficictl)? (be Uicct Concilia jCarthag;] 4.Ca 14,' The.yi Chdf>ter, Of the Suprcmacic of the Sea of Rome. r73lthcrfo Idc baue reberfeb tboft? oj^ Ocr0 cf tbe Cbarcb, tubicb Docre iw tb^5wcrnmc:»t of § cb Cbur:h:but af^ CerUiaracoKupfcD in tpaicfi.t fro tbccc *f a*b nw:e « mc^c abufco, bo noto in f» pcrilb cburcb rctrinr ojih t\im name.i *'?^^^^^,tbc fupicmac^ off fc cf KQme»t33ibgrbi i\^i trauct to \fxwt _„ tm * ' -■ ■■III ■ii--ri-i>i M -^ ' ~~~ To Saluation. tbat tlje? onl^ baue p catbolike rgnrcfcT iDc^aue not ^cttouctieD it : btcaufe it tohe beginning neither from tbe in0i^ tution orcf);t(t,no; fr5 § bfc oftbe oIdc ct)urd),astbore fo;nicr parts DiD,tDl)icb Ijoe baue fl^loeD to taue Co p^occoeD fro antiqmtp,^ bi toickconc5 of times t\)ci are tjtterl^ Degenerate, i baue put on at togetfjcr a neto fojme. ilno ret tijer go about to perflDaue p too; ID, t tbrs is § ebiefe f in a maner cnlp boiiD of i \mi* tit of i cburcb,if toe deaue to tbe fea of ]$ome,f (otinue in ^ obcDirce tbereof. net! reft (| far) p;incipaUp tpon this ftaii,U)be tbep Ixiii take atoay p cbureb from t0,f clapme it to tbemfducs, fo; tl)at tbe? hepe tbe beaD,bpcn iubicb tbe tjnitie of tbe cburcb bangefb* f toitbout tobicb tiic (urcb mud nceos fnl afunDcr anD be b^ohen in pieces, if o; tbus tbcp tbinM (be cburcb is as it tnerea mai^ meD anD beaDictTc boDp,bnlc(re it be fub icd to 1? fea of of Kcnie, as to bcr beaD. 2Dbcrfo;e tobe tbe? talhc of tbeir t^icr;« arcbe,tbev) altnai' taUe tbeir beginning at tbis pnnciplc:^ tl;c lDifl)op of Home (as tbe btrar of Cb;ift,Ujbicb is ? beaD of tbe cburcb) is in b?s CcDc p^efiornte of tbe bniucrfdll cburcb^anD tbat otber- luitc tbe cburcb is not toell o;d;cd bn^ letTetbefea DobclDetbe fnp;emitie a^ boue all otbcr.Cbcrefo;e tbts alfo is to be epcimineD,of iubat fo;t it is; tbat toe ma? omit notbing tljat pcrtcinetb to a ivtd gouernemcnt of tbe Cburcb. i ilct tbis tbcrefo;c be tbe p;incipan pornte of tbe queQion : ll^betber it be neccfTarj fo^ tbe true fo;mc of i^icrar* c\)it(as tl)tv call it)o; ecclcfianicall o;? Der ^ one ^catSulo be abouc tbe of bcr botijc ill Dignft? « in polDcr,t^at it map be t'VjC beaD of tbe \oWc boDsc.i5ut toe maUe tbeCbttrcbe fubiecr to to bniitde laiues, if toe Ia?c this neceGfitvelippcn it/vyrtboutc t^c Ircjccof Cod. Cbcr^ fo^c if t\iz abuerfaries toil! p;oue tUt Fourth Bookc._ F^^5i^' tubicbTtbe? require, tij2?ln"uae firttc \ Ojctoe tbat tbis bifpofition teas o;Dei^ ncD Iv =n? to?ougbt CapA" Ofthcoutvvaidc mcanes' b^br^Dcntl), anD in tijat tntcrcelTion t)!)icb be noia tifctb Ujitt) bis ifatbcr, 3 £::t)cri0tbcrfo;c nocaufctob^tbe^ O^ulD binD bs b? tbis example, as b^ a pcrpctua!! rule, Vobicb toe baue fon to Vht.i5» be enoartng but foj a time, £)ut of tbe I a. j nctoe S^cdamcnt tbc^ baue notbtng to [ j bjing fo;tb fo; p^ofc of tbcir opini5,but j'o, JKJS. tbcit it toofl faiD to one: tbou art peter, « tpo tbis ttoiic 3 tell buili^m^ cbnrcb, :^g:iin.peter,lQuca t\^oi\ me^i?eDe mp (^pe.)15ut admitting ^ tbefe be ftrong P?cnc0,tbc?m«ttcfirftlI)eUje, tbatbe Uibicb is comaunoeoto feeoe § flockcof €\)M batb patoercommieteo tol^^m ouer all c barcbes: « tl)at to binoe ano to I ! lofc is notbing els but to be ruler of all [l 5/e, j,i. , tijt lMo,2lo. :0ut as |3cter bao rceerueD f be cQmauucnif t of tbe lo^i>,fo be eybo;^ tttb al otber p;ielf es to fcoc tl)t cburcb* ipercb v iDc ma^ gatber, ^ b^ tl}i& (ay>* i:i3 of cb^ift.tber teas citber notbing ge MCii to peter mnc t\)k to tbe reac,oa ^ ^cter OeD egaUpronimmiicate to^tb o*? tber ^ poluer ?^ be bao recerueailSut,^ u>c ffriuenot t)aflf >tBebauein anotber place a clear erpoQtio out off moutb of eb.Htt,tobat is to biiioe $ tolofe: ^ista rar^tc rettine ano to fb;igeue fins, )idut tbemancrof bi?nDin3anD IcCng, bot!> tbe twlKilc Scripture tc^t tubere fllje^ Suet!],'? ^aul tisr\} UjcI Declaretb, tobeR be favctb tbat tbe m jniaers o? ti^c gof* p?!,baue commaunricmf nt to reconcile men to goD, anD alfo baue potwer to pu«^ niOjctbem tbat rcfufetbis bcnefttc. 4 Bolr^c (IwmefaKtf tb?^ to;iclltbofc places,^ make mention of binuing an^. Coring, J botb battg alreac^ timtV^ tziu ihz^>^ a litle bcreaftcr 3 C^l briuc occa* fion to declare mo;c at large, j^oto it is m^ to fee on{p,t»bat tbc'^ qst'otr of ti)z famcuj? nnfixjcr ofCb^ia to pettx. \$e p:omifct> inm tbe ke4ca o f tbelmiaBom of bJaue : be falis ^ UOKitfoener biifbouD lQ.iO.?3. toe agree ijpon tbe toojo feeT?es,anii tt)t manner of binoing, all contention (ball byanrjbT>ceafe. ifoj tbe pope bpmfelfie toill glaolp gene oner tbe cbarge enio^^ neD to ti)t apottles, tobicb being full of trauaile ano grcefe, lIjoulDe C^ake from bim bis pleafures,tortbout gaine. ifo? as mucb as tf)e beauens are openeo tn^ to \)s b^ tlic Doctrine of tbe <^ofpel, it is \3i^ti9 a \3er^ fit mctapbo^e eppjeffcD bp tf)e name of feeKS.ipioto,mcn are boiio ano lofed in no otber U)ife, but toben faitb reconciletb fome to (H3oti,anu tbeir otone beleefc binoetb otber fome. 3f tbe pope oio take tbis ond^ tipon bi?m : 81 tbin&e tbere toill be no man tbat toolQ e^tber enoie it o j llriue about it , ^ut bicaufe tl)iB fuccedion being trauelfom f notbing gainfull plafetb not § pope> bereupon grotoetb tbe beginning of tbe contction,tobatCbntt p^omifeo to pe? ter.2nberfo;e 3 gatber bv ti)t tjcri mat« tcr it fclf,^ tbere is notbrng raeante by^ tbetugnitie of tbe office of an Hpofiie, tobicb ca not be feuereD from ^ cbarge, ^0^ iti munition tobicb 3 baue rebear feo,be receiueD (\i)l)ith ca not but fiiame leap be reiecteJ)) bere is notbing gcaen topcter,foattoa3not alfo common to bisi^bcrfellotoes: bicaufe otbertotfe tbcr l^ulonot endig to.:ong be Done to tbe iJ?rfons,but tl)t tjeri maiellp of ooc^ trine fl^olD iilt.Cbev cr^ out on § otber fioe: tol]at auailetb it J p?ap t?ou to run ^pon tUff rockf ifoi tbci? fljal not p;oue> but as tbep.2cacbtng of one fame gofpcr toas eniovnc&to al tbc0pol!!e0,fo tbe\? Uier alfoall alilie furmft)cD^ toitb potocr to bimt auD lojfc , Cin\R (fai? t\ii^) ap^ popntcD peter pjincc or tbe tobole eburdb > tobe be paomifeo tbat be tooulD , gene Wntl)z kepes.But t\xtWh be tbe ^^♦^o. 23^ p^omifeD to one , in an otber place b^ gatte it alfo^to al tbe r^ f octi uereD it as it tutts into t^ts^ b^noes , ^ttU iM3.i8.a. ,-.-^-— . . - -.- ^ .. . m& To Salaation. Dcfim, clcri. Horn, in Ioh,p. Hom.iu toss pjomifco to oii^luljjjnn djal U be nbouc bis fcUotocs^'l^crf f.n(fai? tbf r)bc crccUctb.bicaufc be rccciucD it botbc in rommcn togctbcr iuitbtbem, aiiD fcuc- rall^ br btmfclfctubtcb iuas notgcncn to tbc otbcr,butin common. tClljat if 31 anfUier U>li?tb Cypnan anX) Augulfme, ^ Cb;iftc tin it not (o^ t\)vs parpofc, ts p;jefcrrc one man before otbcr,b«t fc to fct oat tbc bnit^ of pCbartb. jlFo;tbus faitb Cypr jan,tbat (5oD in t\jt pcrfon of onc,0auc tbe kcvcs to all,to fignift? ^ b^ nit^ of all:anD i; t\)e reft tocrc tbc fame tttngtbat peter toas, cnoacD Mo like partabing botb of bono; ar^fi polt5cr:but tbat tJ^c beginning is taken at bnit^e,^ tbe cbnrcbe of Cbnft ma^ be (^ctoco to one.Augurtincfaitb: ^ftberetoerenot in |3etcf a m^fter^ of tijt Cburcbc,tbe 1o;d tooalD not fap to bimj iuill geue tb« tt)t feercs ftox if t\)is toas fa^De to petcr,tbe <£])urc\) batb tbem notibut if tbc Cburcb baue tbem,tben |act£r,tDbe be recfiaeD § fec^e5,betoHencD ^ tobolc Cburcb. iSnt) in an otber place. ?!aaben tf)ty> toere all afbctjjonlp J3eter anflue* reD, tbou art CfjnQ, t itis faro to bim, 3! toil geue tbar tbcl?e?c0,as tbougbc be alone baD receiueD § pctocr of binoing Fourth BoolceFoL343 b^ tbis io^nt anD coupling togrftjer ijS our goD,clea«c alfo logctbcr among oar fclnf0>l^e(fai tbci>boue i reff:bicaafe be batb tbc name peculiarly. B:n Dane 3; Doc toillinglv grauHt tbis bono; to pe^ ter,tbatin tl)e tiloing of tbc Cburcb be bcplarro among the firft,o;(if tijc? toil baue tbiB alfojtlic firft of al t\)t faitt)ful: but 31 toil not fuffcr tbem to gatbcr tbcr tpon,fbat be fl)oulD banea ^up;emacB ouer tbc reft, ifo^tobat manner of ga* tbcrlg is tbis;'i^e ercclletb otber in fer^ umtnellc of ^elc,in lcmtng,f courage: tbcrcfo;c b: batb potoer ouer tbem. 3s tboagb toe migbt not Xo better colonrc gatbcr tbat ^nojeto is in Degree before peter, bicaufe be toente befo;e br»« in time,t b;ougbte bim to Cb;ifte.l3ut 3! T°''»4^'i palTe ouer tbi«Xct peter trueli? baue i> ^^A^- firft place : T?et tberc 10 great Difference bettoccnc tbc bono; of Dcgra « potoer. ^c fee ^ tbc 0poftles commonlt graii tcD t%is to peter, f be IbcnlD fpcafee in affcmbltes, ano after a cctralne maner goe before tbem ix>it\) p;opounDinQ,cr* bo;tCbouartpefer,antJt)pon tbis roche 3! toill builD n\^ Cburcbe, is no tobere reD,fpokrn f 0 anrc otber. 3s tbougb Cb:ift fpattc tbcr ant? dtcr tbfg of p£fcr,tban tbat tobir b paule i pc tcrbimfclfe fpcahctb of all Cb;ifiians. iro; Paul mahctb Cb;iii tbc cbcfeanD CO jncr fionc, bpon tobicb tber arc buil- DcD togctbcr tbatgroto into a bclp tern pie to tbc Ho: DC, 3nD peter biDDctl; bs to bt liuclp ftonrs, tobicb being fcuDCD tjpon tl)at cbofen anD peectcus ftone,Do tobcn b^j tbe oncli? name of peter tfjt^ tooulD bilDc an C'mpirc ouer tbe tobole cburcb. iro; tbofe olo follies tobertoitb tljep toent aboutc to Deceiue at i begin- mng, are not too;tbrc to be rebrarfcD, mucb lelTe to be confutcD, 1 1^^ Cburcb toas builocD bpo peter, becaufe it toas faiDc tpcn ti)is rccfee.f c.^ut fcn:e of (5 fatbcrs banc fo erpounccD it 5i5ut toben tbe tobole fcripture crictb out to tbc co-- trarr,to tobat purpofe is tbeir auto;it? allf gcD agatnft ^oD i ^ea,tob^ Doe toe ftriue about § meaning of tbefe too;Ds, as tboiigb it toerc Darfe c; Doutfnl, to-be notbing can be mo;c plainly no; mo;e certainly fpoUcnf peter bao cofctTcD in brs I |i.Cor,3. II. Of the outward meanes" 6i5 ofertc ano bf^ b;<^icmmmy tfcat ; fw!) a feUoitD^t? U^vtb tljcnijar;?; rot an CoM is tije fonns of ao3. t^jjpcn tov5 1 autl;o;it\?e ot:cr tbcm. 3f r.cnc of tfjcfe rocUeClj;iacb«ilDetbtitsC&urcl)c:be^| tIwi5sUjerc,rct«KcrugepiOIe{^ eaufc it ts(a3 paulc faitfj)tl)e cul? feu* aaldtbians ma\? caHly Ufec a!I Douting ^^ '-^S. oation, bcfioe iuljicb tljcrc can be laipoe from tjs; luOerc alr.fu^^e in Vmo iDtole &»2.S. c otbcr. jacit!}er to 31 &cretfjbotue ^c bclja^j u:d binifelfe, t Ijolp be toas accepted of tbcm, Kun oucr all ^ rcmainctb toiit^ tcn,\:cuil}all fincc notbing els, but t t)c U)a5 one of ttje.ni.egall toitf) tlje reff,f Acl.i;.; J, tbcir fcloU),but not tbeir llojD.i^e botb in ccbe p;opounoc to t\)t councel,if an^ tbing be to be Done : i geuetb Inannng tobat is mete to be Don: but tberluitbal I;e bcaretb otbcr,f Dotb not onl^ grannt .Pc.j.i. Ac. I!, 3. Ac.8.24, but gaue \)im bis rigbt banDc of fellotu (|)ip,to iDO^ke in common togitbcr in i ' i.o;DS tinc^aPDtanD tljat tljere luac no Ic^cr grace gcuen to b^m among tbc CDentileSjtljan to peter among tbe 3c' toe0 : ii^inallf ,t!)at \3y})tn peter Dealte nottjer? faiti)fu!!^,tc luas correct eD b^ bim,anD obcrco his rep^ouing.ai tbefe things DO umUc p!aine, eitber ttjat tter luas an equalit p bcttccne paule f pe* ter,o; at leaUe tbat peter ^ab no msje potoer ouer ibe rcfc,tban tbcp bat) ouer bim.0nD(a$ 'i ^ane alreaop raiD)pauI of purpofc labouretb about tt^iB, i none OioulD pi^efer before })im in tbe i^pofile tbem place to fpeafte tbeir minDc , but j fl&ip eitbsr peter,o? MnjtoliictJ taere Icauctb tbe iuDgemcnt totljtm: te&en !feUotDes,notJlo;Des, tijt^ baD DeCermincDjbc fololucD anD o<^ 1 8 3i5ut,to grsunt tbem tl^at tolbic!) tijeu be t»eD. mtim \)e \s}}^tct^ to § paCo^0, ' require concerning peter, tbat is, i be be ootb not comaanD tbi bt autbojitpe, j toas t\)c ^mtc of tbe 0pollel£5,anD cp 80 ^uperio;: but be maketb ti)i bis co^ cellco tbe reft in Dignitv: ?et t^cr t5 no paniono,f gcufli crbo;tetlj tbe,a« egabs caufe tobi? tbep C^oulce of a fingular er* are tuont to do. cSabcn be luas accufeD ample make an isniuerfall rule,t D;atD fo;^ tbat be baD gone into tbc (2>cntilc£f, ' to perpctuit^'e tbat tobicbc bat!)c bene altbougb it tuere tuitbout caufe, vet be anftoereD $ purgcD bimfelfe.Mben ^e Uiaa commaunDeo bv his feloU)e«,to go v6 3icbn into Samaria, be refufeo not. ©Hberas tbe apoHles DiD fenD bim,tbei DiD tbcrbp Declare ^ tbep belDe bim not fc; tbeir fupcrio;. ^beras Ije obeieD $ foU: 'upon bim tbe ambaifage commit^ tcD to !nm,bc Dip tbcrbt ccnftire,tbat be ones Doncifitb tbere 10 a farre Differing reafon. i^netouscbafe among ti^po* filcs.fo^fotbjbccaufe tlic^ ioere fefee in nuber.Jf one luer [> cbefe of )cii.me,(bal it tberfoje fi2!3Uie tist^t one ou^e to be maoe ruler of a banD^eD tboufan^e mii Bit IB m maruell tbat tlcelue baD one a> mong tbem tbat Gjouloe rule tbem all: if 0; nature bearetb tbig,anD tbe Sjoit of men To Saluation. Fourth 6ool-eiFoL344, men rcquirttf) ti)is,tW in eticrr affenf bli'jaUtjoiig!) tijtv b? al cgall in potocr, ^t ttjcr be one a$ a goucrnour, to toljS f !je rctt ma\) Ijnuc rcgaro. Cberc 10 no courtc loitbout a Conful : no fcffion of tuDgC0 t»irt;out a p^cf 0;, 0; p;opofitcr, no f ompani? tDttfjout a ruler, no fc lolu* Cbi? toitfjout a niailicr.^o (bonlb it be no abfuioitr,if toe eonfcffeD tbat t\)t 0« poaie5 saue to |3eter fucb a ^up;ema etc. But t tobtcb us of fb;ce amogfcto, i0notbtf brto be b^atoento§ tobole too;lD,to tbe ruling toberof no one wa 10 fuflficient. 3But (fartbcp)tbrsbatb place no IcKc in ^tobcie bniuerfaUtie of nature,tbS in al tbe parts, tbnt tbere be one foucraigncbeo of all.^no bcrcof (I goD toiOtbe^ fbtcb a p;ofc fro cranes f ba0,tiibicb ariwap cbofeto tbenifclues one guioe, not mani? J alloto in d«d § cramplc0 liibicbtbc? bjingfojtlr.butoo bee0 r£fo;t togctljcr oat of al v \3}o^l^ to cbofc tbem one feingieuer^ feoeral hing 10 contf t Vd ])is oton biue. fe>o amog era nc0, euen^ bcaro batb tbcir otonliing. esibat cUc0 (bal tbe? p?ouc bcre br but tbat euer^ cburc be ot:gbt to banc tlictr oton fcurral 15iG)op apointcc t[)ti SZ\)c tijtt call b0 to cvuilc fra5i'.ple0 . SDbe^ allege tljat facing of Homerc. 3t i0 not g(DD to b^iie nwn^ gouernour0, n fucb tbing0 a0 inlibe fcnfe arc reu in p;o=' pbanc to;t!tf fs fo ^^ ccnimcnoation of ^onarcbpe. Kl)c anCu^r ic rafrc.iro; ^onarcbie is net pjaifcu of Vlyflcs in Homcre,oj of au^c ctbc"? in tb\?s mea^ ning, 30 tbougb om cug??t to be Cmpe> ro; of tbe tobole toojlotbut t\)t^ nieane to fbtto tbat one t:ingco?r. can not bolo ttoo hing0:anD tbat totorr (usbc callctb it)can abtbe no companion. 9 ySut let it be 30 tber toil,^ it 10 goob an?j p^jofitablc tW t'uc tobcle too;jlD be •j?DfDenbnTjer £S^ciiarcbic, iubtcbret is a Ijcri^ areat abfitrf itvs*:but let it be fc: ^etBili^iinot tbcrcf^g graunt tbat tbe fame (boulo fake place in tbe goucrne* mcnt of if)c Cbtircb. ifo? i c^jarcb batb Cb;ia bcr onel? beab, bnuer tobofe oo^ minion u e all rleuc tcgctber, acccjmng to tbat Dto be gcuctb to e- ucrv? member a certam meafurci a De^^ termineo anb limiteo funfiion,toberbi? botb ttc perfection of tbe grace i t\)t fo* ueraigne potoer of goucrnance ma^ re* maine toitb Cbnft onli?f i^eitber am 3 ignorant tobat tber arc tocnt tocauill, to?jen tU'i is obictfeb agavnft t\}i i tbrp fa^ ^ CbJift is p?operlt? calleb ti)e cnclp bcaD^b^aufc be alone reiflnetb br brs oton autbo;itt?f in Us oton Rame;: but # t^^s not bing toitbCanbetb,but ^ tbcr mar b^ ^"^^'^ ^^^'" ^" ^^^^^ minillerial beD(a0tbertcnneit)tbat mai? be brfi bicegerrt in eartb.iSut br tliis cauilla:- ticn tbcv p;icuaile notbing, bnlelTc t])^^ firft Cbeto (y t^^s miniffcri? toa» ojua^* neb br Cb?ift.iro? tbe apottlc teacbetb , tbat tbe tobole miniftration is DifperfcD j4.if .6.33* tbjouab tbe members, t tbat ibe potoer fiotoecb froui tbat one beaucnlt> beo, 0^ ,Co.i.i8. iftbetltoilltaaeitanpplainlKrfpctje, " fitbtbefciiptarc ttHifittl) tbat CfjnO: is tbe bcD,f claimeeb tbat bcnoj to hvni alone,ttcngbtnotto be tianlferreoto an^ ctbcr,'iut tobo Cb^itt btmfclfe batb maie br5.bicar,but tb^t ts not onli? no toberc rcacbat alfo mar ^t largely co^ futco h^vrm^^ pteces-. io 3gaule ;Ed,i &.2.: Cap^'j, ip.4.ia ;Hpn.4.7 Ofthe outward mean ef 10 Paul fomcti?mc5 Dcpiintctb tjuto ti0 a liije>j image of tlj: cjurcfte, of oac f}cao be makctb tOerc no mcntion.ll5tit rather bi ijiB Defcriptio lue ma\? gatljer, ^ it is .1 oifagreing fro the iiiaitutto of iX ):iil.CD;jna at I)is afccnoing toUe fro '03 t;j2 liiablc p^efencc of fj^mfclfe, ^et Ijc tDcnt bp to fulfil al things. jjioU) tl)er ro^c ttjc Cburcb Ijatl) bim ^et p;jefentc, f alluap (^all Ijaue. ©Ebcn ^Baul goctb about to fl^cUjc tbemcauc U)')ercbgb^ p : cfcntctb bimfelfe be callctb tos bacbe to tbe m^nid crs tubicb b2 tfetb . S^bc ]v0^ti(raitb b^)is in^s aIl,accojDing to tbe mraftirc of grace tbat be batb geuen to euery nicmber.SDbcrfoiebebatbap* i^oiixtcn fomeapoftles, fomc pallors, fomc 6uangclitte3, otber fome SDca^ cbers.f c. Wi\i\! Dotb b^ not fav^tbat be i)atb fct one oiicr al,to be bis tjiccgcrctf jf 3; tl]t place requires tbat p.uncipalli, i It coiJlo bp no means baue bene omit^ tco if it baD bene true.Cbnft(fartb be) 13 Ujttb Ds.l^otDCf bi? tbc minifteric of mcn,lDbo be Wb appointee to gouernc tbc Cburcb. ^bi^ not ratber b^ § mi* niSerial beD,to tobom be batb commit* t?D ijis fteacf l^e nametb imitictbut in CD^oDjf in ^ faitb of Cbjifl.ipeafrignctb to men notbing but commo mini(!er\?, ano to euer^ one a perticular meafm*e. in tbat commcnDatton of tjnit^e, after tb.it be bau faio tbat tbcre is one boDi?, one fpirite,ons bopc of calling,one goD, one faitbe, one baptifmc, tobi? batbe be not alfo immeDiatl!?c aoijcsj one cbafc l5i{])op^at mnp boloc tbe cburcb togc* tbcr in Dniti?^ i?o^ notbing couloe baue bene mo;e fitlp fpohen, if it ban bene true !iet tbat place be Diligetlr tocreD, 5t is alfo no Dout but tbat ^c mcnt tbcr altogctbcr to rcp^cfcnt tl)e bolv anO fpi* rituall gouernmcnt of v €burcb,tDbicb tb:>: tbat ranic after caUeo ^ierarcbic. as fo^ ^onarcbicamangminilterfi.be not onlp nametb iioudbut ajjogictocth tbat ti)ti z is noncjt is ?Jfo no cent but tbat be nicantij to crp^cife tbe manner of conio^ntng,teberbn v faitbful clcaue togctber Uiitb CbnU tfoir bcat.SLbcre be not onlg fpcafeeti- of no miniCeriaU beOjbnt apointetb to cuer^ of tbe mem* bersa particular luo;Uing, acco.jtiing ' to tbe mcafurc of grace i iCributeo to tf uer^ one. jjieitber is tbere an?e reafcn tobi! i^i^ ll)oulDc futtdl? Difputc of tbc comparifon of tl^t beauenl^ ano enrtbl^ ^ierarcbie» ifo^ it is not fafe to bnotoc berontic meafurc of it.^iUti iw framing t\iis gouernment,U)e nmft folotue no o^ tber f[gure,tban tbe 3lo;^o bimfclfe batb painteD out in bis lno;De. 1 1 i^oUj altbougb 3 graiit t\it an otber tbtng,tDbicb tbe^ djall neuer tuinne b? pjcDfe before fobcr men, i tbe fup?ema» ziz of tbc Cburcbe toas fo ffablilbeli in petcr,tbat it C[)Oulo altea^ rcmaine b^ perpetuall fuccctlionitct boto toill t\it^ p;ouc 5 tbat bis feate loas to placeo at a^omejtbat tubofoeuer is ^iCbop of tbat cburcb,(bolD be fct oacr {> lubole iuo^^lD^ 15^ tubat rigbt do t\if^ bino tbps uigni* tic to t\it place,tebicb is geucn tnitbout mention of placcfpetcr (fat? tbep)liueD % Dieo at Home. Mlbat bio Cb^id bTim felf;! 2Dio not be,tobile be liucD,erercif0 bis bifljop;iUc, i in o^ing fulfill i5 office of p?icftbfflO,at31erufalf^ 2Ebep;ince of pailo.JSjtbe $s>oucrriignc i5iibop,tbe l^cat) of tbe Cburcb* coulo not purcbafe bono; to tbc place:anD coulo peter tbat luas far inferio;^ to bim i 0rc not tbefe follies moje tba cbUDi(b:Cb;itt gaue t\^z bonoj of a^up^cmacic to peter : peter fat at Kortu: tberfo;4j be tber placeo tbe fee qf ^up;emacie. :)15? iW reafon tbe BIfracUtesinolotimc migbt baoefette tbefeateof feupjcmaciein tbe Oefert, ^^^ tubcre £pofcs tiie djctfc Sl^eocbJ^r anu S* prince of p;(opbet0 epecutcD W timU ffcrreanDOvco. li ixi Us ftt boto trimly tbcg reafon. peter 34. peter (fay t^c?}^DjIj? fup^emacrea^ mongtlje ilpoa|c3:ftm>ic tlje Cburcb to&crc ^c fat otigbf to fj jue ^ p^iuilege. 15ut tof^er/at Jje firfff ^t kiutioct)t,ta^B ttjc^.a^dcrfozc § dinrclj of iinticdfj ootlj rigfttiy claim to it ieitc t\)z fiipjcmacp. 2Dliei! tontm p it toa^ m olDe time tire fira:but tbei fav,^ in remoutnj tften^, ^c remouen to Home tbc Ijono.i ^ t)e ^o b;jougi)t toiti; 'cim,Moit])cr i$ an epiftlc tnoer tbe name of pope ^arccUu0 to § 315i(bop3 OS: antioca,tuJ)er fje faitft tbu$: pstcrs fedt io3S at t!jc beginning toitfj l?ou,tDtjict) afterioarD b^ tbe lo^iw com=' maiioement toas remoueo betber . &o i2.qac i» tbecburcbof^ntiocb,twbicbtDasonce § Cap. cb0ef,b4tb Qzam pUce to i^ fe^ of Home. Ii5ut b? tDbit o;acle batb tbat gcoo man learnco,tbattbelojb fo comaijocDf j;o; ' if tbis caiife be to be Detcrmineo bp the laUjjit is ntaSatui 1? tbeuanfU>er,UJbe^ tber tbcp luiU banc tl)is piiuilc gc to be perfonaU,o; rcaII,o;j mixt i?o; it maft beoneoftb?rctb:^.3!ftb3ifai! ti}:ititis perfonaUtbe it belongetb nstbing to t\)t place.Bif tbev fa^ it is real,tbr mc it is once geup to p placcit 10 not talje atuai by reafon eitber of ^ oeatb 0; ocpartiire of § pcrfon. Bit remawuetb tberfoje tbat tbep matt fav it is mixt : but t\)i p place (bal not be fimplt^e to beconfiDcreD,t3n# its t pcrfon 00 alfo aijrcs. Jiet tbe cb©fe tobicb rocuer tbti^ U)i», b; tuill bianobi? infer 1 eafilp p;oue, tbat ilome ca bp no mcane tabc i fup;cmacp bpon it felfc. 13 HBtit be it,^ as (tbci triflingli? fai)tbe fttpiemacr tnas rcmoaco fro ;Jlntiocb to Home:^ct tubt? bio not ^ntiocbe hm i feconD place/^o? if Horns banc tbcrfo^c tbc ftrft place,bicaufe l^etcr fat tbere to tl)e cn5 of bis life: to tubom Ojall tbc fe* cono place ratbcr be graatcOjf ba Uibcre be batJ b\?B Sr2 feate f !^otD came it to paffe tbM ^le)canD;ia Uicnt before ^ti^ tiozbti \^o\D agratb it, tbat tbe Cburcb of one bifciplc (boiP be aboue tbe feat of To Saluation, Fourth Bookc peters If bonoj be cae to eaert? cbarcb? accojDing to tbt iuo^jtbinefife of tbe foii^ Der,tiibat Qjall hjc (ate alfo of tbc otbcr Cburcbcs;' paal namctb tb^ie, tbat fe?» meD to be piI!crs,Samcs,petcM Jobn. 3!f tbe firtt place tocr gcuen to tbc fee of Uomcin tbc bono; of peter: do not tbe feasofCpbcfasf 3lr rafale, tubere 3lobn 1 3!9Jnc3 fatjOcferaiJ tbc feconD ? tbiroe place.liSut among tbe patriarcbes 31c* rw&le.baotbCilaa place. Cpbefuscoulo not fit ten mucb as in tbebttermott co;^ ner. Bna otber cbunbts Ujcrc left oat, botb all tbofe tbat paal foanoeo, 1 tbofe tbat tbe otbcr apottlcs bcre ralcrsof. 2Dbe feat of sparfee, Uibicb Uias bat one oftbciroifciplcs, obtaineo tbe bonoar. Cbcrfoije tbt^ mutt eitber confcffe tbat tbat toas a p;epofteroas omr , 0; tbcp mall graant bs tbat tbis is not a pcrp&^ taall rale, tbat tbere be uuc to cacrp Cbarcb tbe fame oecrec of bono; tobicfje tbcfounoerbaD. 14 i^olubcit,3S fo; ^ tubicb tbsr report of peters Uttin^ ia § Cijiucb of Home, Bl fee not lubat creDite it oagbt to bane. 2Crael'j tbat t»bif b is in Eufebius, tbnt be raleo tbere 2;.|?earcs, is bcrp eafilre confateD ♦ ifo; it is eaioent bp tbc firH I fecono cbapter to tbe ©alatbi3ns,tbat aboat 2o.pcarc6 after p oeatb of Cb:itt, be luasat Blerafalem , ano tbat tbcn be loentto 0ntiocbe : tubere bolo lon^be tDas,ist3ncertaine. Gregory rechenetb 7.peares, f Eufebius a^.'ilSat fromtljc oeatb of Cb;itt4o ^ eno of Neroes Cm^ pirc(in Vubafc time tbei fap tbat be iuas (lain e) tbere (Ijalbe founo fautjz.peares. if 0; tbe ilo;Oe faffereo tjnoer Tiberius tbe 1 8. peare of bps (Smpp;c . 3' Tou rebate 20. pcarss, oaring tbc \xilnc{)^ panic is toitneffe tbat peter Dtoclte at §|erafalem, tbere toill remapne bat 17. pcarcs at tbe moCt, tobicb mall iU3*i» be t)caiDcDbctU3cnetUJoi6iIbop;iljcs . ^f be tarpcQ long at antiocbe be conic not ~. . . _ m.i. ftt rol.;4^,i Gal.2.p Gal.i.iS^ Gal.2.i» Cap.g^. Fo.io. 4 Of the outward incancs :Aa.iaa Ph.a.aoJ 2 Tim. 4.16, et at Home, but a .tjerv little lulj^le. taaaWjetting toe mate t?et alfo mo;c plainlv p;o"e. panic Ujjote to tbeUo* inaineB,tut)f l)t toaain bptf iournet? go* itigtojcrufalemjlubcre be luaB tabrn ano fro tbcnce b^cugbt to Kome . 3it is libclp tbat tbifi CpiCle toa5 U»;itten 4. trnrcs before tbat be came to Home. Subercin 10 vtt no mentccn of ^cter, iDbtcb fljoulDe not bauc bene left out, tf peter bao ruleotbat cbnrcb.^ea ani) in tbe enoalfo^iDben be rebearfetb sugcm numbcr^f tbe eoblt , tubom be btODctb to be faIuteD,lubere tertit be gatberctb togetber at tbofe t be feneU^be tet fattb ttterit notbing of peter, jpiertber is it nebefull bere to tnalte a long 0; curious bemonff ration to men of founbe tubge^ ment : fo; tbe matter it fclfe , anb tiit iDbole argument of tbe Cptftic cr^etb out, tbat be (boulb not baue oucrpadeD peter if be bab bene at Kome. 1^ ELbcn paule luas b;Dugbt p;ifoner to Home . ilu&e repo;tetb tbat be teas receaucD of brs b;ctb?en , of peter be fa\?tb notbing.l^e lu;otc fiom tbence to mant Cburcbcs: anb in feme places al' fobetDjitctb faluattons tn tbe names of certaine: but be Dotb not in one U)o;o Oielue tbat peter toas tbcre at ^ tt?mc. ^bo 3 pm tou, fi^al tbinbc it libclp, tbat l)ecoulD baue palTcb bim ouer U>itb mence,if be bab beti pj^fcnt^ f ea to tbe pbilippians, tobere be fare tbat bebao none tbatfo faitbfullF Icolieix l^ntfrtbe too^^eoftbe llo;D,as :Cimotbe,l;ccom^ platneb tbat tbev bioaU kht tbur olcn. 0no to tbe fame Sl^tmotbce be mahctb a mo;c srcHouB complaint,tbat none firtt luac U)itb btm at bis Dcfciwe,but al fo;/ fobe bim : tubere ffterefe^e luas peter tbe w j?oj if tbci fat tl^t be Vona then at not tjnto tbem, l^oto long tbetfc;e, t in tobatttttiebtb peter bepe tbat frafe^ )15ut it iB a conttant opinion of to^iterS) tbat be gouerneb t Cburcb eucn to brs beatb.515ut among tbe lD;itcrs tbemfch ms it is not certaine ttbo Uasbts^ fnc* ceiro;,bicaufc feme fat Linus,Rnt) ctbcr fome fat Clement. jSnD ^cv f ^11 niant fonbe fables , of tbe bifputation bab be^ tteene bim « ^imon tbe magician.janb Auguftine fiicfectb not to confcfTe, tebc be tntreatetb of ^uperHitions , tbat bt reafon of an opinion rafl^lt conceaueb, tbere toas a cudome grotuen in tfe at ]^cme,tbat tbet (^oulb not fad tbat bat tbat peter gofte tbe tictojte of ^imon tbe magician.if inallt tbe beings of tbat ttme are fo tntangleb teitb binerfitt of opinions,tbat Uie ongbt not ral^lt to be leue tcbcre tue finD ant tbing ttj^itfcn. anb t^t bt reafa cf tbts conftnt of to^i^ ters, 3 Criue r;ot agatnft t^^Hy tbat be Dteb tbcnbut tet ^ be teas bilbop tbes e, « fpcciallt a long timej can not be pcr# f feabeb,nettber boc 3 mucb patfe tpcn tbat alfo : fojafmucb as pauietctiifietjli tbat peters Hpolilelbip bib per uliarlte belong to tbe Jetxjcs, f btc otcnc to ts. 5Lberefo;e tbat tbat fclloUslfeip lubicbe tbet coucnanteD bettoenc tbcmfclues, mate be confirmeb toitb ts , o;i ratber tbat tbt o;f tnance of tbe bolt gtot! tnai ftanbe infc^cc among ts, toe tiiigbt to baue refpett ratber to tl^t apotthc^^ipof paal tban of peter, fm tbe bolt gboft fo nimnt^ t^c pjoutnrcs bettoen tbc42i, tbat beappointcD peter to tbe Jcloes, ano parlc to tjs.^oto Ibercfo^e let tbe i^oiiianiilcs go % fcUe tijcii" fupjemacie els iDberc t!ja in ix)t tocjo of CDob^tKbcr it is founb net tc te grcunocDii ;t. ; ir : 16 j3ot3)!ctVi3conietotljc clDccbnrcb, Aug. ac Sanucr. Kome,boto great a fl)anie Dotb paule j tfcat it may alfo be mascto apr are plain ebarge bim toitb,tbat be Uias a fo?faher lt»tbat our acuc rfartes bo m leffe care* of tljc ©ofpelf jfo J be fpeaUetb of tbe be. Iciicrs ;bicaufe bcaDDctb,(goo impute it leQt anb fatfit boaC of tbe co^ifent tber* of , tban tlm boc of tt)c lyitfirlTc of tbe -L- iDP.Tl! To Saluation, Fourth Bookc F0I.346. tPo^D of guD.^f)e ti)ti t^erfo^e b;ag of tW p;tnctple of (Ijetr0, tljat 1^ tinitte of § clinrd) fa not ot^ertoifc be hept toge tl)cr,Uut if Cbcr be one ^up;cme IjcDtn earfbj to tobom alltbe members nm^ obe^,l tbat tberefo;e tbe Io;D gaue ti)e fup^emacie fo peter, ano from tbcnce fo;tb to tbe fes of Home bp rigW of fuc* cctri6,tl)at tbc fame fl&oulD remain in it to tf)e cnoe:tbcT! affirme, tbat t\)is l)^f:\) bene alloai? obferucD from tbe begins ning.515ut fo; afmucb as tbc^ tu;ongfiii l^ tojcft manp teftimonicg, 3 iwill firft fa^ tbi6 afo;ebaD,^ 3 oen? not,but tbat f olo ixj^iterjs do ecbe iubere geue great Ijono; to tfjc cburcb of i^ome,i 00 fpeal? reocrentl? of it.Mbicb 31 tbinbe to be uone fpeciall? fo; tb;ee caufcs. ifo; tbe fame opinion tubicb BJlootenotbolDe inas grotoe in fo;ce , t it toasfouDeo 1 o;i}eincd bt § miniffert? of petermmcb aua^IeDto procure fano;,f elhmation Unto it.2L!)crcfo;c in t\}t CmH parts it Vuas fo; boiio;s fake r aUeD tOe fee ;apo* ftolifee.^econol?, iuben ttjc beooftbe Crnpiretoastbcre, f t(jat tI)crcfo;eit \s)di5 lihelv;tbat in tbat place Uier men mo;e eicccUent botb in learning $ loif^^ oom,f ftiil,! epperiece of manr tbings, tt)m at\2 tober els: tbcre luas luo;tbilv confioeracion bao tbereof, tbat botb tbe bono; oftbe dtr?, lalfo tbe otbermo;e cpcellent gtftes of CDoD OjquID not feme to be ttefpifeoXber toas beiiOe tbefe al fo a tbiro tbing,tbat U)ben ti}t cburcbes oftbeCaa,^ of clDrccia,Kai ofafrica, tocre in tumultcs among tbemfelues \Dit\) DifagrementB of opintoB,§ cburcb of Home Uias quieter 1 leffe ful 0^ tron blc6 tban tbe rcit.^Q came it to paire,)5 tbe go?il^ I bolv 15ifl)cpfi, bein^ o;i«en out of tbeir fcatcs , D^iJ oftentimes fla tbetbcr as into a ^ad:uarv 0; ccrta^ne bauen.^o; as tbe ^Tetter n men are of Ics Ojarpnes 1 (loiftncfrc of toit,tban v acians 0; africans be,fo mucb aretbc^ leflTe oeixrons of alterations * nis tberefo;e atioeb mucb antbo;itie to tbt cburcb of Home, tbat in tbofe DoutfulU times it luas not fo troubleo as § rcfte, anODiDboIbe the Doctrine once Dfliaci^ reotbcm, fatter tban all tbe rclle ss U)c Cball b^anob^ better Declare . if 0; tbcfc tb;cc caufes (Bi far) it luas bao in no fmal bono;,f comenDeD tuitb manij notable teaimoniespf tbe olD lp;iters. 17 OiSuttuben oure,aDuerfariestD)?U tboreupon gatber tbat it batbafup;?^^ m acid foneraigne poller ouer otber cburcbes,tbcr Dotomucb^amifTe , as3i baue alreaor faiD.;anD ^ tbe fame map i better appere,Bi toil firS b;iefeli (beli) tobat tbe oId fatbes tboagbtof tbis bni^^ tit tubicbe tber enfo;ce fo famelllr^ Hierom,txi;ifingtoNepotianus after ^ be bao reciteD manr era pies of tnitie, at t lad DefcenDCD to^ i^ierarcbic of 1^ cl^rcbe. €t^t bitbopcf eueri? feuerall cburcbif cbe arc bcp;ieft, ecbe arcbDea^ CO, f al § eccleftailical o;Dcr Do reUtjpo tbeir oi0ne rulers. \^)tre a Komaine p;ica fpeahetbjbecomei^ljetb bnifp in g eccleOiaaical o;Dcr : tobc Dotb be not reberfc t al cburcbc^ a re bnit togctber ^ one bcD as \jo one boD^ /F^otbtg coulD bauemo;efitlrfcrueDif matter^ be bao in baD:t it ca not be fa^D t it tuas fo; fo;getfulncs,i^ be omitteo it : fo; be toolD iiaue Done notbing mo;e billing Ir if § matter bao fnffreD bim.l^e faiue tbcrfo;e \»outDout,^ tl)at is r true rea fo of bnitp tobicb Cip;ia eyccUetlr toel Defcribctb in tbefe U)o;Ds: s:be bilbop* nfee is one, tobereof ecbe batb a part luboUr :f p cburcb i0 one,tobicb is t6 en creafe of fruitfufnes mo;e largely txtCf DCD into a multituDe.ilifee as tbere are mani? (iibcams,t one ligljt,i manp b;a cbcs of a trecjbut one boD^ grounocD on a fatt bolDing rmtc : i lifec as from one fonntainefiolDemanr ftreames, anD tbe multitape feme to be t iucrPi fp;caD 5^:^.11. ab;oaD'e De fim- plj,pre/ Of the outward meancs ab;ooe Uiitt) largeneflTe of ouerflotDing ptentr^rct t^t \)nitit is bepte \s)f)(At in ttje o;tsinal:(io t diurcli airo being ouer rp;cD)36 t^eIti#ort|)e ]lo;D, e);tebeti) lif r bcmes ab;oDe tb^ougbont ^ U)l)oIe tDo;!{D,pet 10 tt bnt one f is tt^t to^ere pourro fo;ttf7,anD tht Mnitit of t^c bob? 15 not fcuereD : titt fp;eabcti)t)er b;an^ cbcs ourr tbe toijole too^tD, (be fenbctb out ber ouerfloU)tng Qmmes : t^t u( t^crc but one tieab f one begtnmng it* 0ftcrU)arD.£:i)e fpeufe of c^^tft ca not be an abuItrF(re:(l)e knotoetb one onl? boufc^fl^e ktpctl) t^el)oltnc0 cf one m* Iv cbambcr,Ujit^ tbatt fljaniefaGnc fle. fottiec i)0V8e{)emaUet|)tt)et)ntuerfal btfl)op;iketobe C&;tae onel^ to^tcb comp^e^enbettit^e Uil^olecburcbtnbcr l^tnv: anbfa^t^t^at aUtlitv t^at ei^e^ (tite t%t office of IBitbop tnoer ^0 Ijeo, ^aue tl)cir par(0 thereof to^oll^. m l^er ts tire ^pjernac^ of tbe fee of 3Kortie, tft^tDl)oie^t(l|iop^iite remain \s)itl) €l);iQ onli?, ano eclje 315iftop Ijatli fj?0 parte ttjereof to^oUp i SDbefe tbinge0 tl)erefo;e make rot|ii0 purpore,tbat tbe reaOf r ma^ tjnberftanoe b^ t^e tuai?) t^iat tbe olDe ifatfjers U>er Wf erl^ igno rat of tbat p;tnciple> \oUtb tf^e Homa^ nitttB bo taht foi eonfeffcb t tnbouteb, concerning ^ tnitte cf an earttlr ^eab tnt^el^terarct)teoftt)e Ctiurc^e. ' , Tht rii.Chdptnr, ..•.■. Of the beginning and encrcafing;of the Papacic of Rpnie,vntHl it ad^ uaunced it fclfcto this hcight,vvherby both the libca-t?>', of the church hath bene opprc{red,& al the right goucrncmct tlwrrofoucrthr6vvcn» j^^ concerning tlje auncientnes of § heb fntt!e mean,to pjouibe foj tl)e big ^up;emact of ^ fee of Itome, tljere i0 not&mg Ijab of mo;e aritiquitie to fta blifl) ity ttja p becr« of ttjc jpjicrne e>p noD^jtUijerintljebilfeopbf Home boti) ^jattj^rft place among §^triarcM gcucn tjnto f^im , 1 10 commautiscb to lobe Unto tbe cljMrcbe0 abiorning to f^e f it\?.£ailbe tbe cciifel mabetb fucb niuv nif^ of Ijie feat.ipo; luljc be rent W be^ putiC0 tOctlcr, ijc ccmmittf D bi? fiibe to Cynllui of ;^ilei:ai;;ia, fcbicb fl^oulo fiotluitfcflanbing otbcrfejtfe bantfeene ? i^\i^t'Siti Uiljaf pi^rpcle l»a!S § fame comittjng,bi?t Ajat bis name migbt b^ ^\i^t meant for'cet' abr'bein ihtfxVct plate.^r J bi^t' ittefites I'ate in a lo&er Con bctuian bim ano tbe otbcr patri^* | p!ace,f lur r aJkeb tbcir opinion among arcbe0,^ it affignetb to euerp one tbeir : tbe red 1 fubfcribco in their o;bcr:in ig boiiD0,true!r it botb not apoint Um t\it \ mr r.iie time tbe patriarcbc cf £\\tim< bcb of al,but mafeetb bim one off cbicf, 1 o;ia icvncb Cclcibnes name toitb bV0 Were luere p;efent Vitus t Vincen- cUjn.C^bat fijat I fap of tbe fecono con tius in tbe name of luhus, Uibicb tbe go? | eel at epbrfti0:lubtr tube i-<^os Icgare0 uerncD tbe ^Wtf^t of Kome : to tbem ! trere p;efcnt,pct Diofcorus patriartb U)a0 gcuen m fotoertb place.3i berecbe \ of iaierano^ia fate tbe cbtefc as b? br0 tcu,if luiius toer achnotulegeo tt^t beao oftbeCburcbe, fboulo bi0lcgate0bc tbiuft into ^ fotoertb fcate^^bulo A tlia naiius be cljicf in tl^t counccI,tuber p?in cipall^ tbe image of tbe bicrarcbicat 0;? ber ottgbt to be fenef jn tbe ^^nobe at J epbeXu0 itappcrctb,^ Cekftmus tobicb : U^ns tben 15ilbop of Itome, bfeb a xrm^ Dton rigbt^ "^hty* Uul tal-.c epcrpticn f ttU?a0not)p?(gbt ccunctil, bvtobicb botb tbebol^ man tlauianujU)S0 con* bcmneD,anb Hiitiches acqmteb,anb bi0 tingobltnecaUclxjcb.lBut tebcn tbe ^u nobe toao gatbercb, tobf n tlje fctfljop0 tokc tbeir placccitn o;Der, t?rrilt f 3le* gates oftbebitbop of Hon!e fate tbere among To Saluation, among t^e rett none otbertvife tf)a in a t)olt! f lalofull counfell.^et tbe^ ftviue^ not fo;^ tt)e 6ra place>but tcloeo tt to an ott|cr:tt)t)icli) tbep toolD neuer baue Don, if tbet ^aD tbog^t it to be t^cird of rigfjt. ifo^tbc)15iflbop5ofHome toere neuer nil^nteD to enter into tl^e greateS con^ tentionse fo^ tbeir |iono;0, « fo; tW otif I^ caufe oftentimes to t>ere f tronbie tbe Cbnrcb tottb mani? ano bnrtfuU arifeir. llBut bicauTe Leo fato tbat it (^alD be a to mucb tmreafonable reqneS ,if i^m (IionlD fe&e to get tbe cbeefe place fo; W 3legate5,tberfoae be fucceffeD it 2 Cben foloijDeo tt^c Councei of Cbal« ceoon,in \i>Udi fa^ tbe graiit of tbe Cm* pero;tbe legates of tbecbnrcb ofUome fat in tbe cbefe place.iSut Leo bpmfelffe confeffetb t tbus Uiasan ertrao^oinarp pjiuilege . if oj tuben be maoe petition fo; it to tbe (Kmpero; Marcianus, f Pul? chcna t^t (iBmp^eflfe, be oio not aflfirme ^ it tuas One to b?m,bHt onl^ pjcteoeo, i t\)C dEaUerne ISiOjops, \x)i)ic\) fatte as cbefe in tbe Coticel at d^pbefus^tronbleD alltbinges,ant)ill abufcu tbcirpotoer. Mbercas tberfeo^e it iuas nebefull to baue a graue gouerno;>f it luas not libe l^ 1^ tbe^ tftolo be mete fo;^ it^ tobtcb bao once bene fo ligbt i i)ifo;iDcreD: tbcrfo^c be pjarcD,!^ bs reafoa of tbe Default anD tJiiStnes of otbcr , tbe office of goucmig migbt be remoueo to bi?ni. 2Crucl\? tbat tobicb is gotten h^ fingular p;iuilegc f bcfioe o^Der, is not by common latoc. tober tbts onl^ is pjetcnDeD,tbat tbcrc neDctb fome ncto 5ouerno;,bicaufe tbe fo;mer gouerno^s bao bebaaeo tbcm? felues iiUit is euiDrt tbat it ncitber toas fo bcfo;c,iio; ou5;bt to continue fo fo; e* u:r,but is Done only in rcfpert of p;efcnt DaungerXbe llSil^op of Home tberfo;e baD tbe firft place in tin Couccl at Cbal* ceDon: not bicaufc it Inas Due to Ijvs fee, but bicaufe tbe ^^nooe tuas at ^ tpme Dettitotcofa graue $ fit gouerno;,h)bile' Fourth f^ooke. \ Fol.547 tbey tbat ougbt to baue bene tbe cbefe, DiD tb;ougb tbeir oton intemperaee anD corrupt affection, t})}uQtl)cm(clueB out of place, iano tbis tbat ^ fare, Lcos fuc^ ceffo^DiDinDeoep^oue. ifo; Vobenbe fent b^s negates to tl)t 6ftb ^^noDe at Conffantinople,tDbicb luas bolDen long time after,be b^aloleD not fo; tbe firffe feat, but eaQly fuffereD Menna tl)t pa* triarcb of Condantinople to (it as cbefe. ^0 in tbe Coucel at Cartbage,at \s}l)ia) Auguftine ioas p;efent,tiie fee tbat not t\)t negates of tbe fee of i^ome,but Au- relius Hrcbbitbop Of iJ place fat as cbefe: toben i^et t\)t contention Isas about tt)t autbo;ttie of tbe llBifl^op of Eome . ^ea tbere toas alfo a generall CouncellboU Den in Bltal? it felf, at iDbicb t\)z IStO^op ofHomeloasnot p;efent . Ambrofe toas cbefe tber,tDbtcb Uias in bert great autbo;itt» ^oiti) tbe o; cbefe bvfl^p, but only b^(l)op of tbe cbefe fee.OlBut if a ma turne ouer tbe auncient monumrts. The cou felat A- quileia. Lib.2. Epin2. '^ hb.4 fcpift 6.; Cap, 47. ^i^.iii. be Cap.7* Of the outvvarde meanes ■l: WWlfinoelt^at tfjeJiBiOjop of Home at i time \sas contnit \s)iti) the commo name of b:otfccr . Certainly fo long as tfjefaccof t!)c Cburcfj continueD true t pure,altbcfc names ofp?tDc,tot)crtuitt fince tfi^t timz tt)c (x of Home batb bc^ gontotoare outragtous,.txjere titterlp tnfjearDof: it toas not fenotoen, toljat U^afi tfjc brcft UBinjop, f tbe oncl^ bcaD of tbe cWci) in eartft.lBut if tl)c llSil^cp of Home l}aD bene fo bolD to liauc tahcn fuctj a tljing tpon biin,tl)ere toer Iloutc f toife men tbat U)oulDefjanc bijaniibt? rcp^cffcD 1)^3 foU^.Hicrome fojafmuft) 05 be \3ias a pnttt of Home, luas not ill tDtlUng to fet out § btgnitie of biis olvn Cfjurcbjfo ntucl) as tbc matter « ttatc of tbc times fuffereD:rct Inc fee; bo to beal* fo b;^incrtb it DoUinc into fellctotbip Id tbc reft.if aatbojitr (faitb bc)be fcugbt fo.j,tbcUJO?lD0 is; greater tban ti€itii, Mbtiooefttbouallecgetome tbe Cu* dome of cne Cities Mbr DoeC tljcu tiC' fciiD fmalneCTc of number, out of UJbicb fjatb groton p,nDe,a5arnft tbe labes of tbc Cburcb/ Mlbrrfoeucr tbcre be a bi« npp,ei?tberatHome,o;atCngtibium, 01 atConlfanttnopIe , o^ at Ubegium, be is of tbc fame mcrit,anl> of tbc fame p^iefibmD.SDlje poloer of ricbes c; Uafe ncfTeofpouert^ema^ettincta IBitliop b^cr oj loli'er. 4 0bout tbe !ifle of t3ntuerfaH ^il^op tbe contention Srft bc£i;an in tbc time of UJbicb Uias occationeD h\til)t ambition of Biobn Bil^op of ConHanti^ nop!e. i?o; !je (Uibicb tb^ng neuer anv man before baD attemptcD)tooulD banc mate bimfelf bniuerfal llSif^op.Bin tbat contention Gregory Dotb not allege tbat ttic rigbt is taUcn atuar tobicb U)as Due to bimfelf:faut ftoutl^ criet^ out againft itjtbat it is a p,2opbane namc,rea fnl of fcicrilege,vea tbc foje^uarner of 0nfi* cb;tte.£rbe tobolc Cburcb (fat?tb be)fab tpifiSol IgibDotpnfroberCatcifbe fall,tobicb IMauiU c:o. JAuguft. |Lib.4. leoifi;.78, jConllat. ' Auguft. |L)b. 4 ts called tmuerfall . Sn an otber place: 3it is teri? fo^rotufull, to fuffer pacient^ lv,thzt our b;otbcr i fellotoe fei^op, be^ fpinna all otber,n}CulD oneli^ be nameo iDifqop.lBut in tbis bis p^int tobatels is betofcencD bat tbe times of 0nticb?itt ncreaf bsns^bicaufe \3tnli be folotuet^ bim,tbat Dcfpifing tbe fclctuC^ip of jSJn^ gels,^juent about to climbc tp to t^t top of Engularifie.3in an ctbcr place be to?i tttli to Euloliusof 0lcranD;ta,anD Ana# ftafius of ^nticcbe . ijione of mp p^etie* ccCb^s at an^ time Uioulo tfe tjjat p^o^ pbnnc \i)o;o,foi ifonebecallcD tnimr^ fal patriarcb,tbe name of patriartbcs IS abated fro § reC.lBut farrc mar t^)?s be fro a Cbiifiian niinbr,tl)at anr f^lD baac a luiU to tafec i tpon bim,tebcrbr be mar i" anr part,be tt neuer fo little, tsiminifb tbe bonej of br« b;ietb;enXo confcnt in tbts toicHcD tuo;D it^ notbing els but to lofc tf)z faptf) . 3it is one ttog (faitb be)tbat tee olue to tbc p^cferuing of tbc tnitie of fai!tb,anD an ctbcr tbing tbat toe otne to tbe feepingibctone of p;iitjc.213ut 31 far it bclolr, biraufe loljo? foeucr calletb bimfelfc o j ccfirctb to be called tniuerfall iiBvAjcp , tje bctb in brs pjcubc acuauncing runne before ;anticb;^iff J bicaufe Ije c^tb \3iit\^ QstVof ing bimfelfc p;ouDe p^eferrc bimfelf a^ boue § reff.3gainc to Anaftafius bii^op of ^lerant jia: 3 ^s^^c fatt> ^ be can not banc peace tuitb bs , tnlcdc be amen* i>cD ti^t asuauncing of tbc fupcrGiticus anD pjouD UJo;iu,tebicbtbe fird ^poCa* tabafi; inumtcb.^nb (to fpcaU not l}tng cf tbc kujong Done to rour fjcno;) if one be callcD tniuerfall 13i{bop,tbe tnioer* fall Cburcb fallftb Icte tbat tniuerfall onefallctb/iciii tebetcss l;etD;itctb,^ tbrsbcnoj tuns off reD to Leo inp^r* not>e at Cbalf cDcn , it batb no cclcnr of trutl) . ^0^ nertber is tijcrc anr fucb tbing read in p actes of ^ ^rnooe . 0nD Leo bimfelf,tobtcb teiib mat»r Cpijllcs ijnpugnet'^ Lib.4. epi.Aria JDiacono |Lib.7. cpift 194 IVlaurie : Aaguft. iLib.5. epift.iSo 8» ToSaluation, fourtfTlBookc. < F0I.34S, fi3eofHi3mcbi?tI)2 ^inoD? at Cbalcc? Don:to fpeak itotbing/gotu foD it is,ti)at ftc botl) tcftifieff) it to f)ane p;joceoeofr5 Lib.4. ^^c ^^o^V^ ^iiioDc,! alfo at tlj? fame time Epih»*77 callctlj itloicHctJ,p;opl)anc, afcljomina^ ble,p?ouD,f ful of facriUge, pea Dcuifco Lib.7. bt> tfje niuel,? publtfljcD by? tbc crier of EpilVVj) ^»tifb.Jitt. Hno vet be aDDctb tijat l)^s pjetJcrclTc? refufenit, IcaHall pnQcs OjaulD be Depjitieo of tbcg; tiu^ bono;j, Icbcn auT? t\)ir\^ tjoere p.jiuntr li? gcuen to onc.Sln an otbcr place: jj5o ma at ani? time batsj UiillcD to be calleD tip iuc;D: iinpug-tctbtbcuecreptber maDein bO'',po\ucr oucr otber cburcbes. C^tjenttjc nour of tbc i^ of C:nffantinopIe,lDout ; cbiu'cbes of § Call Ujcv Dcuiuco } trou* !5:at luoh not tauc paatD oner ttjisar* , blco xuiil) tbe factions cf [i Arnans fen* gnmcnt, Web baO ben Uiolt to be l^* \ Dcr tbc Cmperour0,d;cn&antin0 1 Co* !u^3 of al otijf r,if it ba'j Vv n truc,tOat be 1 Has tbc fonncs cf ConPfantin: p great, refufeD tbat lubic!) Uja£ gcaen bim:antj ; ar.o Athanafiustbe cljicf Deunco; Ibcr being a ma ottjcrtoife to miicb oeOiroas : of tbe true faitbe lua5 D;iucn out of bis of I;orto.2,bc luolD not bnue omittfD tbat feetfucb calamitic copcUcD bim to ccme iBljicb i^u^t fo,) bis pMife . 2^berefo;c j to Uome,tbat ititb tbc autbo;iticcf tbe Gregory iuao cccepucD in tbis. tbat be i fe^ of Uomc, be mpgbt botb after a fo^t tboinbt tbat tW title loas oflfreD to tl)c rcp^JclTe tbe rage of bic enemies, f con firmc tbe goDlp tbat Ujcre in tiUrcCTe. I^c U}30 bonourablp recc pucD of luhus tbcn i5itbop, anb obterneo tbat tbe ti* fl)opsoftbetDcfttcfec bpontbcm § J!^ fence of bis c^ufeXberefo<:e iuben tbc goali ttojo in great necD of fo;r:tn aioe, anb fatoe tbat tbcrc toxis bcri? gcou fuc^ cour foj tbem in tbe cbarcb of Itome, t^ti tuiUingli? gaue bnto it tbc nicG au tl}o;itie tbat tbcv ccuId. 'But all i: Urns notbing c ISjbut tbat tlje comimio tbcr>' of tDOlD be bid? efrcmcD, f it HjonlD be comptcu a great (bamc,to be crcomnm j|5o man batb taUen to binifeif tbat p;c | nicate of it.AiStrrlDarD tuii anij luufecD fijptuous n.^mc;lcaii iiht H^oulo in tbc men alfo ai-cec mtcb tnfo it . jj^o; to tegrec of biJftopjibe tahc to binilelfea j cfcapc [ainfuU iuDgemcuts, fbcp flco to glo.iv of fingularitr, be fi^oulo fcnrc tn ' tUi^ fauctuarv. SL:!:trefo;c if anr p;icff baue DenicQ VocUimc to al m b^ctb^e. Iwerc conoemncD bp bis i5i(bop 0; anp ^ 41ioUJ 3 come to tbe iuar&ictio,Ujbicb ieifijop bii tbc S)i>nobe of bis p;ouiiicc, tbclBidbo;! ofKcmcaftamctbt'iat be tbcpbvanDbpappcUeotoHome.fintip batb oucr all CTbnrcbrg.Bii^r.oiycboUie Bi0:opsofHcme recciucDfucb appel' great contentios bane bene in olD time lationsmo^c greoilp tbantuas nittci about tbis matter: jfo.: tbcre batb bene becaufe it fcmeb (0 he a fo;me of crtra^ no time lubcrm f fee of Home l)ath not j o;Dinarp pDlDer,fo to entcrmecle \3iit^ couetcD to get an Cmpire , oucr otber I matters far fftuiQc about tbc.&o tubcn cburcbcs.ino in tU^ place it fijal not be ' Eutiches teas ccnuemncD tp flauianus out of feafon, to fearcb bp U>bat means j btlbop of Cciiffaminoplc, be ccmplap^ it greto tbeu bp title ano litlc to fomc | nen to Leo ti)at f)t bao iy;ong tone fcn^ poiDcrJ 00 not vet fpcahe of t infmitt to bim.ileo loitbout Dclar,no Ics tnDif empirc,tobicb it bart) not fo long agce crctl? tba foDcrr.lie, tcfec in baD tbe be^ taften bv fojce to it felfe: fo^ be toil Dif^ fence of an cutU caufctbc grcuoufclp in* ferrc tbat to a place conucnicnt , HoutlucresagainHeFiduJanus, astbougbbe bcre it is 60)0 to lbeUib^icflr,boli»c in baD,tnitboi!t bcaringe tbc canfc, con* olo time ano bi iobat means it batb ao? 'jcmncD an innocent : anD bp ti]iB brs uaunccD it^fcltj,^tj taUc to it fcirean?la:nlitiobc caufcn tbat ^ tngoDlinrs of - - - "i:-^.iig. Eutiches Of the outvvardc meanes hunches luas foj a ccrtafnc fpace of tmt ftrf gttjncD. 3fn laffrica it is cuitjrt ^ f!)i5 oftentimes cljaucco. i?o^ fo fone asan^Ictoocmantaftabena foilcin o^Dinari? iu5gcm«if,^c b^anDbp 0eUjc to Home, f cljargeB bis coiifrepmcn l6 man\j flaiiDerous repo;ts:anl» tbe fee of KometS3a6altoat»rfaurto entrcmcb^ Dic.tSilbifbletoDncscompellcti tljtH^u fl)ops of 0fiffica to mafee a llatoe, ttjat none tnoer ptvnt of ercommunicatton ftoulD appelle be^HJiiD tbe fea ♦ 6 Wut tobat foeuer it toere, let bs (k iDbat autbojitie o; potoere fbe fee of Home tben baD»(EccIeQa&tcaIpotjDer ifi coteineu in tbcfe fbtoer pDints,o?Derig ofbi(bops,r(imoningofco(icel0,bearing ofappeaUeso; tarirDi(ton,Cba(tif?ng aomontttos o; cenfnres.iai t^e olD ^t^ noDcscommauD 515i(bopsto be confei^ crate bi tbeir oton spctropolitanesjanb tber ncuer bin tbe )l5i(bop of Home to bee callcb tinto it,but in bis oton patri arcbie.DBut b\> little « little it gretoe in bfe^tbat al tl)t bitbops of Italr came to Hometofetcbetbei?;confecrafion, ep ctpttljt Metropolitans, tobicb fuf^eb nottbemfeluestobeb^ottgbt into fucb bonbage^buttubenan? ^etropolttane toas to beconfecrate, I btibop of Home rent tbitber one of bis p^ieffes, tnbicbe (bnlb onlt! be pjefent, btft not p^efiolt* ^ftobicb tbing tbere is an example in Gregoryc : at tbc conftcraf ion of Con* ftantius Bitboppe of spillaine after tbe beatbofLaurcncc» i^otoebe^ 3 bo not tbink tbat f toas a beri? aiicient inffitn tiontbut tuben at V^t beginning fo; bo* mz anb gmo toils fabe tbe? fent one to anotber tbierilcgates to be toitncITes of tbeconrecration,ant)to tellifi? tbcir communion toitb tbcmtafferirarb tbat tobicb luas boluntarie,began to be bol* ben fo^ neccOarie. l^otoe fo ener it be, it is euibf t tbat in tbe olo time tl)t M* (bopofHome bao not tbe Uiotoer of co^ fecrating , but in t^ p^ouince of br£( otone patriarcbie, tbat is to fat? in tl^z Cburcbes aoio^ning to tbecit^,asttf canon of tbe 0im\e ^fuobe faitb. E^o tbe Confccration toas anncrcb tl^t fen^ bingofa ^i>nobicaU(ll:pi(lic,intDl}icb be \»as notbing aboue tbe red. if o; tbe patriarcbes Ujere toont immcutatli; after tbcir confecrati6,bv folcmnc ton ting to Declare tbeir fai?tl;,\yl]crbi? tbev p;0feffeD tbat t\)t^ fubfcribcD to tbe bc^ I? anb catboli&e Coucels.&o, renb;ing an accompt of tbeir ifaitb, tber bio ap« p^oue tbemfelues one to anotber.Btf tbe ^ilbop of Home bab recetucD of otbcr, anb not ^im felfc genen tbis confeifion, be bab tbereb^ bene achnolDlageb fupe^ rio; bnttDbenbetoas no leflTe bounce to gene it, tban to require it of otbcr, f to be fubiea to ti^e comnisK laU):true^ l^tbatittDas a token of felolu(bip,not of bominion. !S>f tbis tbing tbere is an erampleinGicgorksCpiftle to Ana^ fbiius, anb to Cyriacus of Conftanti^ nople , anb in otber places to all i pa^ triarcbestogetber. 7 E^benfolloloeabmonitionso^cen^ fares : iobicbe as in oloe t^te Hit yd^f (bops of Home bfeD totoarb otber, fo tbe^btb jigarnefaffre tbemof otber. Ircnius greuouO? rep;oneb Vi^or, bp canfe be bnbifcretelr fo; a tbing of no balue, troubleb t^t Cburcb ^itb & per^ nicioos biflention. Vi«5torobe?cb,ano fpumeb notagai^nlt it ^ncba liberty luas tben in b;e among tbe boli? )i5i?^ (^ps,tbat tbet bfeb a b^otberli? autbo^ ritierotoarbe tbe ]15ifbopofHome,tii abmonifbing anb cbaSittng bim if be at ani? time offc nbeo.^e agaT?n,lDbtn oc^ caQon requireb , nyn abmcnilbe otber of tbeir butie:anD if tbcr tocr anp fault rebuteb it, i?o; Cyprian, twben be tp bojtetb Stephen to abmonifl) tbe W^^ Ojop of ifraunce, fetcbett not ];i£ argu* ment from tbe greater potuer, but fro tbe Lib u epift.2j Lib. 6 epift.i79 Lib»u epifl.24 To Saluation. Fourth Bbokc |FoLm-9 Epift.'3 libro.3» ' Ad Pop cont. E- pift.SCe phan," Tripar- tithili Lib.4. tl)c common rigtit f p;ietts ^aue amog t^emfclues. 3tbcikt\3CVonyit^ttpl)zn bao tfjcn ben ruler ouer i^*«a«e,toolo not Cyprian (jauf faiD: i\carain tl)tm, bccaufe tbep be tijine^but fte fa^ctft far otI)crluife.s;!)is(faitt) !;e)tbc bM^etli felotDiip,U)t)erU)itt) loe be bouD one to an otbcr,rcquirctb t&at toe Quiln aDmo nitlj one an ot[?cr. 0nD iue fee alfo Uiitb i)oU) arcat fl^arpnes o f tao;Ds be being otberVuifc a ma of a milD nature iiiuer* ctf) againa &tepf)cn bifclf,tx)br be tbin? fectb Ijim to be to infolent. 2Cberfc;e in tbiB bebalf alfo tbere aperetb not t!ct,^ ^ bifljop of Uome ban ani? inrifbittio o^ ucr tbe ^ toer not of \)is otjon pjonince» 8 Sis concerning § calling togctber of &^noDe£(, tbi0 toas; of § office cf encrp ^tropolitanc, at certaine appc^nteb times to aCTcblc a p;omncia! ^rnobe. ^bcr tt)C bitbop of Mome bad no autbo xith^ut a general connfel § C-mpcro;i •nl? migbt fummon. ifcj if anv of tlje bi(^p3 bao attcmpteo it,not onelr ttjep t^at tx)ere out of t)i0 p^ouince toolD not i)aue obereb bi£( calling) but alfo tbere UioulD b? anb b^ fjaue rtfen an tp;o;e. 2Eberfo;e b €mpero; inbiffere tli tear* neb tbe al to be p;efent. Socrates in oeoe repo^tetl),^ luhusoioejiipoSulate lD)?tl^ ti)e bil^opa of tbe Calljbecaure tl;ei cal^ leotonotto § &^nobe of ^ntiocbe* tsfjeras it tuas fo;bibbr bi? § Canons, tbat an^ tbing flboulbe be becrab loiti)^ out tbe bnotDleoge of § biHbop of Kome. llBut lubo botbe not fee tbat tbis is to be bnberftanbeb of fucbe becrers as binbe t\)z \s)\)oU bnitterfall Cfjurcbf j^otoe it is no marael,if ti)us mucb be graimteb botb to tbe antiquitr ano bono? of v ci^ ti?,anb to tbe uignitre of tbe fee, t tbere tl^uio be no gcnrrall nttvcc matte of re* ligion, in tbe abfcnce of t^t Itorfbop of JiXomty if be refnfe not to be p;efente. ^uttDbatif^tbisto tbe Dominion ourr tbe tobele Cburcbe i jfo;lpebcn^not, tbat be toas one of tbe cb"efe:but tuc toil not graunt,tbat tobicb ti)t Komaniftes notoe affirme, tbat be bab a Dominion ouer all. 9 #oto remainctb tbe fourtb feinbecf potocr,tobicb ftaoetb in appealcs. Bit is cuibent tbat be batb tbe cbefc potocr,to tobofe iubgcmmt feate appellation is mabe.^n^ oftentimes appelleo to tbe lii5tlI)op of lAomc : anb be bim felfc alfo toent about to o^ato tbe bearing of cau fes to bimfelf:but be toas altoar laugb* ebtofco;ne,toben be palfcb b«5 otone bounbsj toil fpcake notbing of ^(taH anb of (Drecia: but it is certain tbat tbe liBidiopsofjfraunce ftoutln toitbttobe bim,toben be femcb to taUc to bimfdfc an empire ouer tbem.Sin affrica tbere toas long Debate about tbe matter.i?o: tobere at t\)t ^ilenitane Councell, at tobub Auguftin toasp;efent,tbet? toer ejjcomunicate t appealcb be^onb t fea, tfyt Btfbop of Home trauaileb to b;ing to paffc, t tbat Decree migbt be ameoeD. I^c rent bis ilcgatcs to fljetoe tbat tbat pjiuileDge toas genen to bim b? § 0^ cenc dounccU. SDbe negates b;ougbte fo;^tb tbe artes of tbe /jiicene Councell, tobicb tbep bab fetcbeb out of tbe ffo;c^ boufe of tbeir otone cburcb. SLbe ^ffri«^ cans toitbffobe it,i benieb tbat t\fc 3!5i^ (bupsoflicmeougbteto bccreoitebin tbeir oton caufc:anD faiD t tberfo;c tbei tooulD fenD to Conaantinoplci into o> tber cities of ^rccia,tobcr copies toere to be bab,^ toere Ics fufpitious. It toas founb,^ tberin toas no fucb tbing t)iit'' ten,as tbe domains bab p;etenbeD.&o toas tbat becra confermeb, tobicb takt tbe cbafe bearing of caufes from (' ^i* (bop of Homr.iln tobicb boing tbe leube OamelcfnelTe of § bitbop of Home bim felfc appcareb. i?o.: toben be gnilcfull? DID tb.zutte in tbe ^unobe at parses m ttcabeoftbc 0tmz ^pncbe, bctoas (bamefuU^ tafee in a manifettfaltboDe. m.b. ^i:t "^Jp./. Oftheoutvvaide mcanei 'ii^ut ^tt greater f mo>c Jl^iritclss itns . Ub canie not l>?arD. Sr^^ ^t'^» ^f ^»^cw ptaie to tfje counfcU,^ai)crm 3i iwct Kot Ija tuolD net appcarc. K^^a, t^t imittv vj'^dt ^•■iVCiO'g of CTav tOugcccnaemmng t'CtaVtO^miV Cf Aurcl:ui fj?s p^ccecf f^ ro;/o; th^tfjt leas fo bolD to \mtl)H;a\si fjiinfrlf froo t?jc obcfiicnce of tfjcfej^^' p3iTol!iir,anrj I'clctng Ijimff Ife anD!))?^ C^urc!?,l)uniblt! cratjccij parDon.sn^cic l3c 10^1/0)511 monuments of antiquity', iDljsrupon tl}£ nimt:^ of (> fa? of Itome tisfo!m!:f0, t»l)»Utl)c^ fo c fjtloillili? Uc VnDcr tlje p;ctfct of antiquitr, tljat tjc^ ri? blinDe men nia^ fintic it out bp gro* pinr|. Aureiius(fait!j l5c)puffcD 'op tottlj tame to tbe (!B?Kpero^ Ci;nSantirtC. I13e fo^aff nuf b as ftc {jnlltn fo mac v Kioie r gnseo bp ecclcfiaSuai iu3;:ement,com' mitten t i)eartng c? it to Melciades tvf rf)op of Home. 21^0 fcljo be aDi'orncD fci* loto comt^ioncr0manr bin^opscf ita* ir, jfraunce f ^pam.5^^ bclongeD to § o^mnari? ianfDiction of v f^ of itcme, to bsarc an eppcale in an dSccIeuufttcal caufe:l^)t)P ootb be futfer ct^er to be ici? neo \Bitlj bun at tbe toiiJ cf tbe ©mpe? : ro?f f ca iBbt £»'^^ be i-iicif tahe p nil ge# kaiitilb boloncs i aubbojnclTc: rcbrl* 1 menttpcnbini ratJ^cr bf t^mpcrojs I CD Tigatna CbnttjanD ^.peter,i tber | commtiuS3cmcnt,tba bp btfi otcun officer fo^e to be conJcmncD luitlj cnra.ISIbat ] i5uf let b0 beare lu^jjit fcarpencD after* faiD Auguflmef But bobat faiD fa mani i toarD.SDber Cecihan got J t3ictc;t':Do- iratbera tbat tocrc p;icfent at tl)z S3ile* [ nate of § biae^f bsnfes iuas coBeneD fo^ uitancCoiincclfButlBbatncDcisitto : rtao.er:b? apeMcD. ConfiatmeccmittcD fpeno fo man^ ivoins in confuting tbat 1 1 iu^gemciit of ibe appeale to t bittjop -^^ ^^^ foUfl) tn;pting,tobicij tbe Homaniaes j of iD^leacc.^c fat as iu^^t to p^oncuce ^ tbemfeluf0, if tbe? banc anv face left c, 1 5!3bat be tboug;ijt,arccr § bithois ofKome Augufl. 'a.queft, . cannot lohe bpo l^out great Ojainef £?a Gratjan/l ca not tel tobctber cf malice, o; 8f ignorance, tebere be reberfsD tbat 3if tbe r^e of Ko:ne batb tbe cbefe pctyer teJiibsat appeUationiUsbv tJOtb Mclcia- des fuifer bimfelfc to recctac fo great a Decree, tbat ti^c^ (^oulD le crcommuni^ ' totie ^ toe upl^op of £>aleace fijalo be cate tbat appeale bepna tbefc, aubetb ; p:efcrrcD abouc binti'i^nD tcb^t Cmpe^ an erceptionttianles peraciicnture tbeg ro; ootb ibis? euen Conftaritinc,of tobo appealc to t\)t fee of itome. WB bat ma^ ! tbe^ boaft tbat tjc empIoi?eD not onli^ al a man to to tbcfe beattes, tob^cb are fo ! lii^^ enlseuo;, but in a maner all tbe ri^ \)oiD of fommon reafon tbat tt^c"^ except [ cbcs of tbcdnpirc to encrefe § oigntvi* tbat onlr tUi^ oatc of § lalo,fo;j tobofe of tbeir fcs. 'tSlc fa tberfo;c notojbotoe raufe cneri man fcetb tbat the ialo taas I far IbcBiHiop of Komc tuag at ^ time niatje, if 0^ tbecoancel Vobeit it conbcnif b^al meanes from tbat fupjcme Domi* nctb appealefi be^&no t fea, fo;biaDetb oneli? this, that none fijoalDc appeal to llome. l^eere tbe gaiD erpcfitc; creep? tetb Home out of tbe common lato, lo ^at (to Determine this quettion at oncc)onc bifio.:iP fijal matie p!ain tobat maner of iurifBicion (> bitbop of llome baD in olo time. Donate off black bou? fcs bas accufcD Cecihan bilbop of Car* tbagg, SLbc ma accufeo boas conDc'ncD, nion, tobicb be affirmetb to begeuen x^utQ h^m b^ <£b.:iCjOuer all €bi:rcbe0, antj Wi)i(l) \)z Iringlv fa^tb tbat be batb in al ages pofTci&d br tbe confent of ttic tui)oleUJo;lDe. II a fenoVo boto man^ cpifflesi tber be, bolu manp to^^iings f Dccreps tobcrin tbe biUiops do gcue mucbi « boblv c?)a^ l?ge mucb t3nto it.iSut tbi^ aUo al me ^ bauc bat a bcrig little Vait anp learning DO r ">i To'^'aluation. Pourtb Fjookc. |foU35o. ca. Sacro! fanft. Vide. Epift. 85 Epift.Sj. DO IinoU)c,iJ ttjc moa part cf tfeofcave fo t3nfauo;ic,^ b)? tlje firft taft of tbcni a ma inai? fcone finoc out of lutjat G)!!? fUc^ came. Jfo^ tobat ma of fouD U)tt « fob;:c,toiltUinU tljattbat goolr inters p;ietad5 10 Anacletus bis olun,U)l}tcl} is ill CDratian rcpo;teD fcnDtr tOe name of • Anadctas, tfeat is, ^ Ccp&as is a bcais^ SDbe UomaniUcs no at tijis oa^ abufc fojtcfenfcofWr f«, man^fucbtrK flcs,tDbicb <©rafia tiatb patcljcD togc* ttjer toitljout iutjgcmcnt:? vet ftill in fo great ligbt tfjcy? usiU fell fucbe fmoUciJ: tobcretDtttj in olD time tljet: tecr teont to mobe out tl^c ignorant in uarfecnesi, XBut 3 twill not bcCoU) mucb labour in confuting tbofe tbings,lDl;icb co cpcnlr confute tbemfclncsbv rcafon of tbeir tinfauo.:^ fd?. Bl sraant ^ tbcr remain alfo true €pifl:lr0 of tbc oloc i5i(bop3, luberin ttjc? fet fo?tb tlyz bono; of tbcir fa; toitb glo;iou« titles: of tobicbe fo;t are fome€piGlcs cf Leo.iro;^ ^ ma^ne %t teas learneD % cloquet, fo toaa be al^ fo aboue meafurc Befiroug of glo.:v ano Dominio: hut U)'jctbcr § cburcbes tljrn belcueDbis tcftimcmc tobenbefoatj? aaunceDbtmfclfCjtbat in u^b is it tbat is ia controuerGe . Ii3ut it appearctb )"> mant?offci»oeb ioitlj Us ambition,tJrD alfo toitbttano btJBi greor Dcarir.&ome- tim?5 l)t apoiiiteu in bT-s ftt'ao f biOjop OiSDoeCilcnica tb^ougbcutc dDrcciai otber ccutricsaDiorning-.fomttme be a* porntcD t lii^op of £D;lcace,oj fomc 0* ti;rr cb^Ica tb;cuiibout jFrauncc.&o be apo\)ntc5 riorinifdasbiUjop of i^ifpalis to be bis ticai s tn •^painc, but cuerve b3:ier be epcrpt- tb ]"> bo gcuctb out facb aaoiatments tjpon tljis conDitioi:,^^ tbe ^^tropaUtaiicsmai: baucstbeir ancict p>i:uU4es rcmiimng fafc anD tobole. But Leo binfelf DCiUretb i^ tbJ- is one of tbctr p;ii ilcg:r,i^ if ani beat bappcu aboiitc anv: niat:er,tl;at ^5rtro;joUtanc fl^ul^jfirw be afitcb ijis abuUV.E^jcr^c tljofe apointments of bicar? in bieftcb toer bpon ibiaconDition,tbac neitbcr tj nv biCbop (boulb be letrcb in bis cjsina r? iurilbittion, no; nnv ^etropolitanc in being iuoge of appwles,no; anv p;o^ uincial coiicel in o:D:ring cf tbeir cbur* cbcs.tBbat toas tpiB els but to abCain from tl;is iurifcictionrbut to entcrmco- Oleto tb? appcafing of Difco;06,onii? fo farrc as tbe !alD nno nature of tbc com* munion of tbe Cbui'cb fulfrctb. 12 jnGregoiiciiime § ancient o;ber toas alreor mucb cbangeo.fro; to'gcn v empire toas n?akt',anD to;nc in pcccs: tobenifrauncet^pain Iccre affiicteO toitb man? ouertb;otocs receiucD,^la* uonia U)aaeo,31talv berei),t africa m a maner ocffroiieD tntb cotmual calami^ tiesrtbat info great a (bafeing ofciutlc affaires, at Icaft tbe intcgritic of fa^tb migbt remain,o; ^tt not btterls pctitb, all tbe liBilbops fro ecbe part m tbc ra» tberiovnctbemfduesto tbeJStC&spof KomciiDberbi it came to pa(r^,tbat net onels tbe bigniticbut alfo tbc potocr of tbe facreativ encreafeo, ii^o'tabut 3 so not fo mucb palTc bv U'bat mcanes it toas b;ougbt about, SiTrulv it appearctb ^ it toastben greater tban in tbc ages bcfo;e.anovetittben greatly mfferco fro being an t3nb;ioclcr) Domnuon,tbat one Ilia migbt beare rule oucr otber af* ter bis olcnc teill. ©ut tbe fee of Home m tbis reucrcncc, t it n^isbt ^itb bcr autboiitie fuboue ano rcpjcftc g Icube f obftinate tbat coalce not bv tbc cCbcr iPilbcosbeUcpt Iwitbin tbc^J ^^^vt. jfs; Gre^^ory ootb oftctimes Diligently teCtiSc tbis , tbat be totb no Icffc fa?f b^ fullr tj;cferue t& otber me tbcir rigbts, tban be required; \)VS o^nc of tbsm. ; fjlc:tberDoe5(frvtb \)t)mU^ ^?J^f r j,, ambition, plucUc tiom mt man tba Lib.. tobicbei^bisrigbt: but 31 beQr^mali tpiu.. tbings to bono; mi b;etb;c.2Lber rs no fa^ins iubjs to^nsfi_U5caw be co^ iiis;e iJLibro.2» JLibr»8. Of the outvvaidc mcanes mo;e p;ouDeI^ boil of t^e ilargcneflfeof tfiB &up;imicte, t\)an tW3 bnoto not tD^at Btf^op 10 not fubuae to ^ fee Sl^ poffottbe lubcn be t$ fouo m fault ^ut be b^ $ br aDto^netb? tuber fault requi^ rtt^ not,al accojoing to § o^^tt of bimi litic are egal.i^e gcuetb to btmfelf potu er to co^rea tbe i f^mc ofiienoebuf al bo tbetr bntte,be m^^etptmfelfe c^aWjo tbc reff.515ut be btrtifelfe geuctb bimfelf tiis potDer,f tbei? affenteo to it i toolo: « otber ^ Itheo it not, mtgbt frel^ gatne fap it,tDbicb it is toel fmoluen tbat tJ^t maft part of tbcm Dib.5!5efiDc t be fpea fectb tbcr of tbe l^jimate of Coftatmo* p!e:U}btcb tobr be luas cooemneb bi tbe p^outnctal ^mooe^refufeb f Uibole tub gcment.!^t0 felloiu 515ilbop0 info^mco i Cmpcrour of tbis ftubbo;nes of bint. SEbc Cmpcrourtoillco Gregorie to be iuogc of V caufc.^e fee tberefoje ^ be botb atteptetb notbtng,UJberb? be ina^ b;eabe tbe c?t)inar^ iurifoidion , t tbe fame tbing tbat b^ ootbfojtbe belptng of otber, be botb not but b^ tbecom^ maunbcment of tbe CI;mperour. i3 %l)iB tberfo;jc tuas tbr al tbe potner oftbe515i(bop ofKonie,tofctb^mfelfe agamft obHtnate anb l^ntameb beacx;, \ikben tbere necoeo anr ejrtrao^iOinarv rcrnen? : ano tbat to belpe ano not to btnder otber Bitbops.SCbcrefo^e be ta=» fectb no mo^t to bimfclfe ouer al otber, tban tn an otber place be grautctb to all otber ouer bimfclfjlBben beconfeOfctb ^ be is r^ao^ to be co;reetcn of all,to be tn tneocD of al.^o tn anotber place be ootb in beos commauno tbe )15ta)opof jaqut^ leta to come to ]ftome,to plcoc bt0 caufe in a controocrfr of fattb t loas rifen bi^ tlDcne bim i otber:but be botb not com maunp bim of bi0 otone potoer, but bi^ catifc ^ c£mprroj bab fo commaunbcD. iPieitbcr ootb be gcue teaming tbat be alone IbalbetnDgc, but p;omiretb # be tgtllalTcmblea ^nooe bg tobome tbe tobole matter ma^e be tubgtb. 1l5ut nb tbougb tbere lDa0 ^et (ucb moberatton, i tbe potoer of tbe fee of Home bab ber certain bonnb0,li}bicb it migbt not pa0, ano tfyz bilbop of Home bimfelf tpa0 no mo^e abone tban bnber ott)er:^et it ap^ pearetbbotii mncbe Gregory mifiiiteb fucb Itate.ifo^benotD i tbe coplainetb, tbat Isnber coto; of )15i(bop;icke be toa0 b^ougbt bacbe to § lDo;lD:anb ^ be toae mo;e entangleb is)it\) eartbl)? care0,tba euer be bao ferueb tbe tobile be toas a lai manttbat be tDa0 in ^ bono; oppaef" feb iPttb tumult of tDo;lolv affair0. Bin anotber place:fo great burQf0(faitb be) of bu(tne0 bo bolb me boton>f m^ tninb ca notbing at all be raifeb bp to tbinges aboue. SI am fbalten tottb man? toanes of caufe0:anb after tbofe leifnres of red 9IamtefircD\Dttbtcmpeffe0 of trouble^ fome life : fo ^ BI mai? rigbtl? fat?, 3! am come into tbe beptb of tbe fea, f tbt tern pett batb d^oUjucd me. ^erebp gatber, tubat be teoutb bai^c fatti,if be bab bap^ pencb to be in tbefc trntc0.0ltbougb be fulfilleo not tbe office of a ^i?afto;,i?et be tDa0 boing it,\dt abfiatnco from tbe go# uernment of tbc ciuilt (Empire, ano co« feffcD tHmfelf to be fubicrt to tbc €mp&> ro J as otber tucr.l^^e r}iJi not tb2uft bim felf into t'oc cure of otber Cburcbe0, but being compcUcD bT? neceffitie* 0nD pet be tbinhetb binifelf to be in a ma^e , bi^ caufe be can not applpe bimfelfe altoge^ tber onlv to tbe office of a Bilbop* 14 Sit tbat time tbc il5i(bop of Conffa^ tinople ariaeb loitb (' 115i(bop of Kome focr be fa?tbj^ patriarcfjcs toere o;i)eineD in tbofe cities ^ bao bao tf)t cbafe if (amines in tbem. ^bicb, aItI)ons^ it l^ ralfe,ret is fatten out of a trntb^ iFo;if istertain,tbat,to tfreenoc tbere (bonlo be maDe as litle cbetnge as migbte be,tbe p;ouinces toere DeuioeD acco;Dins tc tljt 0ate of tbings tbat tbe Uier: ano tbat primates ano ^tropo^ Ktaites teerefct in tbofe titttsthUt ejr^ tflfeo t^otbf^ in bono^sanopotoer. %%tVf6}tinlfit CcurifCl at T aurinum it tuas D^creetiv flat tbofe €Hies \s)i)ic^ U% tfft ciuile gonernment t»er tbe clbefe cities of eucry p;jouince, lI}ouIDe be tbe cbeefe tees of )il$iK^ops. Sno if it bapncD the bono; of t^t tiuik goacrnmentto wrerttbttcfr from one titftp anotber, ^ mmt\^t t^ifit of tbe^ctrbpolitane ici^ 'tf-fibittft tljctc tiiitball be rcmoueo tbe* tier, ittdtlnnoctntius biibcp of Home, tobtH f)fc fetu tb^ aiicientbigtiifr of bis citt? to grotoe in be cap, after tbat ^ feat of tbe (Empire toas remcueo to Coitfta 1ii.»^le,f caring t\)t abacrmf t of bis fef , tnacea ccntrarrlatoc: t^^berin be bent*' Jetbnt ttf be nccefTarp' tbat 'tbr Crclefia^ 'itical motbtr citite (^ulbfarcbangf d as t^ imperial motbc r cities cbagc. iSut f antbo^itt of a ^inobe cugbt of rigbf e iote p^efcrrtb aboue one mas (enttce. iaifO toe OUgbtc to fufpe (te Innocentius bimftlfij in bis ctonc canfeil^otDfccncr tt {re, tet bij t}is otatic prouifo be (beto^ cfbj t|at from tfteljrginning it toas fo "oj^resiitijat tlje ^ctropditanc €itits 'ftoitl^Se'ijifpofetJ accc;oing totbeiput*' to^rb oiDcr of tbe empire; Fourth Booke, fol.jj i; 0cco;bing tt this ancient o;oinance, it tuas DccrsD in i^ fird Coocel at Con« Oantmopk,^ t^C bi(l)0p Of tf tit^ (boulD bane tijt p;in(Iegesof bcno^ ntxt after ? bitbcp of Home,bicaure it toas a neto Kome. ^ut«longtimeafter,U)bena libe Decree tuas mabe at Chalccdo, Leo ff outl^ crieb oute againS it.^nb b^ not onlr ganc bimfelfc leane to effeeme as notbing, tbat tobicb/oo.bilbops oj mo bab cecreeb:bnt alfo bitterly taiitcb tfji, foj f tl)ev tokt fro otber fees tbat bono; tobicb tber toere fo bolbe to gene to tl)t cburcb of Conftantinoplc.31 bcfecb roo> iDbat otber tbing cotilbe moue a man to trouble tbe tuo;lD fo; fo fmal a matter, but mere ambitions l^e fa^etb tbat tbat ougbfe tobe inuiolafcle,tDbicb i> Niccnc ^inobebatbt once becrab. Sis tbougbe fo;f8tb f Cb;i0ia fiiitb tuer enbagereb, if one Cburcbe be p;cferreb befoje ano:« tber : o; as tbougbepaf riarcbics toere tbere ttniiicti to an^ otber enbe, bnt fo; policies. 1j5ut iue knotoe ^ pclicp recei^ nctbj tf a rcquiretb tiutis cbangcs, ac-^ fo;Ding to J binerfitv of times. Ebcre* fojc it is fonbe^ Leo p;efenbetb,tbat § bone;, tubicbbi? tbe ambo;ifrc oft Ni- ccnc ^nobe toasgeuento t\)c fee of A- lexandria, ougbt not to be gcncn to f fee of Conftantinoplc. ^o; common refon fellctb tbiSjtbat it tons fucb a becree,as micbtbetahen atoa^ afco; bing to tbe reffett cFtimcs.l^ea none of p liStftiops of t^je Caft iiiitfemc it, Uibcm t tbing mtrft of al conccrneb. SUruclr 1 it)tenus liias p?ef^ntj iubom fbei? bab mabc bp^ (bop of 0lcranD;ia in tbe place of Diof? coins. 2Cbere;tcer p;cfent otber patri* arcbes, tobofebono; tcasbiminitbcb. 3it Uias tbeir part to t6lfanD it,not Lcoj Uibicb rcmaineb fafe in \)is ctpn place. ysut tube n all tber bolb tbeir peace,rea alTent tjnto it, j onl^ t ^tft>op of Uome reilftetb : it is eafpeto iubge,tobat mo^ uctb bim:tbat ug,bc fo;fatP ]p tobicb not . Icna Cap.7« Of the outward mearies long aftcr^apneo, tbat if Jjoolocorne to Lib 7. Epift» 30 paffe,^ ttie5lo;i of olu Home pecaring^ Couftantinople not cotentep Vd t^c fe?» CO no plac clpolo ffriuc v6 Home fo;i tbe fup;emac?.janD cef l»it[) btsf trying pat be DID not fo mucb p;euatle,but tbat t^e Dccra of i corned tuas toSrmeD.SCber fo;c his fucceOb^SjlJubcn t^ti fato tbem Celues ouercome, quietly jjauepuertbe atfn00 : fo; tbci? fuffrcD fbat be ftulD be accompf eD tbc fecono |datrtarcbe» , i^ But toitbin a litle afecr,3iobn tobtcb in Gregories time ruleo tJjC cburcbeof ConHantinopIe, b^ake fo jtb fo far ^ be callcu bimfelf tbc tmiuerfal patnarcb. l^crc (S;cgo^^;,ieaft be tboulo in a tjers g(s:)aure fail^tooefenD bi|S otone fe^, DtMonilantI? fet ^tm(eltt agatn(t bim. i^a^ trmlt botb tb^ p^toe^nDmatmefTe of Jlobn tjoa0 tntoUer^ble^tDbtcb DefireD to nuUe tl)t bounoeg of bis ^iH^op^iHe ctjall lD\>tb tbe bounoes of tbe Gmpire. ^no ?et Gregorie ootbe not claime to bimfelfe, th^t iubicb be ocn^etb to ano^ tber : but abbo^retb tbat nante as Uiip Ueo,! DngoDlp,! abbominabIe,toboroe^ uer ta&e it bpo bim.^ea anl» alfo in one place be is angr^ tDttb.Culoliua bt(bop of aierano^ia, tubicb bao bono;eDbpm iD^tl} fucb a title, )i6eboloe(fav'etb be)in the preface of tbe C:piaic tubicb ?e Dt^ rccteo to m^' fclfe tbat baue fojbfDDen it, i?ea bauexarteo toCmpjint § U)o;d of p;ouo calling,in iiamingmeVmiuer'' fall pope. ^bicli,il p^a^ tbat i?oar bo# lineflfe luill no moieooe bicaufetbattB tDttbo;aUine from pbu^tpbtcb is geuen f 0 onotber mo;e tban reafon requiretb. 5 comptc it m bono;,lubcmn 3 fa tbe bono; of mi b;etb;en tobcDtmintl^eD. ifoi mp bono; is tbe bono; of tl)c Mf uerfal Cburcb,! the founoe ttrengfbeof m^ b;ctb;en. 15uf if ^our boiincffe call me tbc tJniucrfaU ]3ope, it oeni?etb it kit to be tbat tobicb it confelTetb me to be toboicIi?.2Drucl^ tbe ^pcColil^e autbo^itr : ano tbat frauD anb int is fai of arnbitious ^mcn : ano of tbe po;e is fotoen in tbe Ctretes of ti^t ricbetfilucr gUtterctb in tbe mire: men rii to it from all placesmot tbe po^e,but tbe ftrongerfaUetb it bp, o; be perao* uenture tbat riinetb fafteft befoje.iSut tbis maner,o; ratber tbis Detb,cam not of tbee^Bi Vi)olD to €oD it migbt enoe in tbee.amongtbefetbmgstbou a^aOo; goett fo;tDarD ccpaffeD \jo mucb % p;eci^ ous arai?.3if Bi bnrtt fai? it^ tbefe are ra* tber i palto;8 of Denik(, tban of ^eepe. irojfcDtb peter DiDtbus,p«ulc pla^eo tbus.SDbc court is mo;e accuttomeoto receauc mc gmo tba to mabe tbem g©D. i?oj i ill DO not tber pjofit,bat i gcoo do Df car.i^oto as fo; i abufes of appeales tbat be rebearfetb , no goU^ ma ca reao tbe vcout great bo;ro;. ^t i latt be tbus concluoetb of tbat bnb;ibcleD groebincs of ttjc fee of Uome in tbe tfurping of iu^ rifDiction:3 fpcabe tbe murmure t com^ mon complaint of tbe Cburcbes. xZbt^ cm out tbat tbe^be mangles i bifmcm* b^cO.Sibere are eii|)er iwne o;t fclxj tljat DO not eitber betoail o; fear tbis plage. ^ifUefilboulobat plages '^U :^btots are pluchfiD from tbe XoiOjops ,tbe ^^^ fljcps from tbe arcbbiOiops. f c. 3it is marucUous if tbvc "'^^ ^^ txt\i^tn . 3n fo Doing ve p;oue ^ v^ baue fulneCfe of polucr,but not of rigbteoufneae. |^e tjo tbis,bicaufevecanDoiC :but tobctbcr \?e alfo ougijt to doc it, is a qucfticn. |3e^ are fet to p;referuc, not toenui? fo c* uDTi) man bis bone; t bvs cbine Degree. 2LbefcfctoetbintC3ofmrn^3UgeDto " " " icneaUc Libro. 4 Of the outward racanes rc!)carre,partelptt)at thz retjcrs maT» ret,I)oUifo^etl)eCf)arcb toaa t^cn De^ cape3,aiiD partelp tfjat tfte? mas Hiioto in t)oto great fojoto anD mourning t^is calamitic belo all tfje CDoDl^. ip )i3utnoUi, albeit tijac toe graanffo tl)e 5i5ta3cp of Kome at tl)i£f Dat? f p^ mincnce ano largencffe of iurifDiction, \s)l)it\) t^at ftt bao in tljc meane times, as in t^e times of Leo anD of Grcgonc: fobat is tOat to tbe pjefent Hate of tije ^apacief I do not ^ct fpcak of t^e eartb I ' tominion , no^ of tlje ciuile potocr ti)erof,tDljicl) toee toillaftertoaro confi-; oer in place fitfo^ it: but tbe tjcn? fptri* tuaU gouernemet tbat t\)ti bnft of, tobat batlj it l^^c to tbe ftate of tbofe t^mesf ifoztbci[>DcSne tbelBope none otbcr* tuifc tba f ≈jeme beao of tbe cburcb in eartb)f tbe tniuerfall ^ifi)op of tbe toboletoo^lo. anotbe ll5i(l^ops tbem^ fciu2^,lobentbeT?fpcahe of tbeir etone auiS)0}itit> no \xiitif greate ttoutnelTe of comttenance p^onoiice tbat to tbr be!on« Qztl) tht polDer to commaiio, and otber are bcunD to the necelTitie to obe?: tbat fo al tbeir Decrees are to be bolDe as con firmeD toitb t^t Diuine Ijorce of p)eter: tfjat tbe piouincial ^inoDes, are toitb^ out fo;cc,bicaufe fbe^ tnat tht pjefenfe of tljc pope : ^ t\^c^ ma^ o?Der clerbes of anv cburcb tbat tbe? toill : anD mare call tbem to tbe?i fa tbat baue bene o^^ oereo elfetobere. JnnameraWe of f fo^t are in Gratians packe, tobicb 31 Doe not nolo reberfe,!cG(f 3l(^alD be tai teDious to t\)c rcDers. But tbis is tt)t fmnme of tbcm,# onel^ t^z HSifljop of Kometatb tbe fup^emc bearing ano Determining of all CcclcfiaHicall caufes, tubetber it tje in iuDging f Defying of ooctrines,o^ in making of latoeSjOj in Ifablifting of Difcipline, o^ in erecuttg of iuDgemets: ^t toeralfo long anD foperfluoas to re* berfe tiic p^^iuileoges toljat tbe? tabe to tbeinfclues in refcruations, as t^z^ cal t\^em> But (iDincb is raoll intollerable of al atb:r) tbei? leaue no iuDgcmcnt tn eartb is reftraiii % bn^lc tbeir outragti^ ous lull, if tbe^abufe fo immeafurablc poluer. Bit is laujfu! foz m ma(fai t^ti) ^Jccret. to reaobe tlie iuDgunent of tbat fee, hif ^7- caufecf tbcfupjcmac^ef tbe cburcb of Quelt.3» Home.0gain.XbeiKt!gcll)albeiuDgeD ^P» ^* n^tkzx fa^ t?)2 emperor, no^ bp idlings, ^^"'' ^ no^ b^ all t^;c CJerg^?, no^ of tbe people. ■*""°^^^. SCbat \& in ocDe ten iiuperioua^ Done, i 9»S"e. m one ma x^ihtt^i bimi elf iuDgc of al me, S^' "^^^° anD fufferctb bimfelf to obep tbe iuDge^ Sym,9 ment of no man,:ii5ut lubst if be tjfe tt?* ^"^•S.c^ ran^ oner tbe people of (DoD i if be feat* Ahoru. ter abjoaDc ano tiiattc tbe feingDome of ^"j^^"^* Cbnft^if be trouble tbe tobole Cburcb^ Ibid.ca. Bifbe turn tbe ofificj of |9aUo; into rob^ ^^^^ ber^/^ea tbongb be be neuer fo mifcbe^ uous,be fa^tb ^ be \:& not bounD to ^elD accompt^if o;j tbefe be i\it favings of tbe llBiCbops: d^oos SxM \b^s to Determine tbe caufes of otber men bt? men, but be batb ^^nt queQion referueD tbe bi^op of tb^s fee to b?s oton iuDgemet, again, ne Doings of fubietfs are iuDgeD of ts: *ut oursjof C>oD onel^. 20 ^nD tbat fucb Decrees mrgbt Iraue t^t moie t»etgbt,tbei? baiie falflu fb;u(5 in t\st names of tbe olD biCjops,as tbogb tbings baD ben fo o^DaineD fro tbe begin nin^ttDberas it v& mod certaine,tbat it i9 ncti) f laf el? fo^geD tobatfoeuer § b?# (bopoflft^megeuetb to bimfeife mo^e tban tue baut rebearfeD to be gene btm bl? t^eaiicient'CoiJfels.^ea t\^i arcom idid,ca, t6■^(^^eat DbamelefnerTc,^ tbe? bane let Ant. fb:(tb a tojiting tinDer tbe name of Ana ftafius patriarcbe of Conftantinople, tub^rin be teftifictb i it luas DecraD b^ tbe olDe rules, 1^ notbing fl^oulD be Done euenintbefurtbcltp^ouinces, ^l»ere not iSrIE moueo to tbe fer of Home. lU5e« fiDe xW^^t it }& certain i tbis is moff t)ain,tBbatma (^l tbinHe it liUel?,tbat fucbacomenDation of ^z fee of Home p;oceDfD To Saluation. Fourth Bookc p^oceleD fro t^ aductfar^ f enuter of I t\)e |;ono; f tignttie thcrcoUy&ut toeril^ itbe^oucDiU^fe anttct;ille0 d^ouloe be carr^eo on to fo great nuamtSt ano bltnonede^tbat tbetr leuDneiTe mig^ be plaine fo; all men to fee , at Icaft fo msL> nr ad tDtU open tbeir e^e^. :)l5ttt tbe oe^ cretal €piii[en beapeD together b\^ Grc* §<^ry p»9»againft tbe Clcmetincs,f (£p trauagantc0 of Martin, ooe ret mo;e o^ penl^f tuttb fuller moutb etbe lubere b;eatb fo;tb tbetr outragtons fsrceneffe f as it lucre tbc t^^annpe of barbarow kings. But tbcfe be § o;aclc5,bi? \xiWh tbe Homantaes tutU baue tbetr ^apa^ tit to be toe^cD» l^ereupon arofe tbofe patronea of tbe fee of Uome anfiuer me, ^it\) iubat face tbe^-oarc Defcno tbc ti^ tie of tniaerfall Bt(]^p,tDbtcbe tbei? fee foofteto be conoemncD tuttb curfeb? Gregory. Jf Grcgoric^ tcftimon^ OOgbt to be of fo;cc,tbe^ do tberb^ Declare tbat 0nt(c^;tft 15 tbeir bi^op , btcaufe tbe? mahe btm tniuerfallXbc name alfo of beaD luas no mo;e tfuall . ifo; tbns be fattb in one place.peter t0 tbe cbefe me^ ber intbeboD^,3obn,anD;eto,f James tbe beats of particular peoplesttet tbci all are mfbers of tbc Cburcb tmoer one beaD:^ea tbe bolp ones before tbe latuc, tii)e boll? ones tmDer ^ latD,tbe bol^ ones tmDer grace,are fet among mr bers, al' notable pnnciples,tobicbe at tb?s Date I togetber making tp tt)t boD^ of § lojD: baue euerp tuber in ^ |9apac? t^t fo;ce \ anD no ma cner toilleD to bane bimfelfe of ojaclcsttbat tl)c pope can not crre: i tbe pope is abouc tf)t CouccLs: tbat tbe pope is tbe tjniuerral 2l5il^ap of all M* fljopsjt t\ic fup;cme bean of § cljurt^ in eartb: Jl paffe ouer ^ mucb abfurDcr fol^ lies tubtcb t f^lin^ Ciinonias babble in tbcir fcbtolcsito tobicb pet § mmiUi Di^ uines do not onlp aDrent,but do alfo clap tbsir banDs at tbem to flatter tbeir iool. 21 38 toil not Dealctuitb tbe bi?e]ctremi» tic of rigbt.^ome otber man tooulDe a^ gaintt tbis tbcir fo great infolcncc fet § facing of Cyprian: lubicb be bfeD amog t'ot 15ifl[iop3,at tobofc Coucell be fat as cbflef.ilionc of bs callctb bimfelf Billiop of 3i6ill)ops,o; U)itb tiranous fear copeU Ictb bis fcUoU) llSitljops to neceffitijc to obep.ipe tooulD obicct tbat,tobicb a litle afCertoaroe tuas Decrsco at Cirtbage. &^t none C^oulDc be calleD p;ince of p;icac3,o; cbcefc biOjop.l^c luoulDcga* tber man? teftimont?es out of bifto^ies, Canons out of ^ittoDes^i manp fenten* ctd out of tbc bo!itrs of oloc inciters , bp \ii^i:l}f billKJp of Home l^lD be b;ogbt Dolun into tl)t fcllotofaip of p reft. l!3ut 31 piffc oucr all tbcfc, leaa 3 fliolo feme tffl p.:ecifcli; to p^eCfg tij:, mut let g bcff FoL3f.^. Lib.4. tpift.j?: callcD tmiuerfalldnt toberas tbe bitbop of Kome taketb tpon bimfclf tbe potoer ofcomaunDing,^ tbing fmalli? agreetb toitb tbat tobicb Gregory fa^tb in an o* tber place.if 0? tobcras tulolius isitbop , of jaieranDjia, bao faro tbat ^c teas c6^ i^ F maunDCD bp bint , be anftoercD in tbvs { UJife.J p;wv re>take atoai? tb^s U)o;d of commaunDing from mr bearing.^o; 3 1 hnoto tobat 31 am f lobat y>t be.Jw place te be to me b;etb;en: in maner,pe be to mc fatbers.2nberfo;e J comaunDCD not, ! but 31 carcD to tell vou tbofe tbings tbat | 3 tbougbtp;cfttable.^bereasbc fo cx> tenoctb bp iurifoiction loitbout cnD, be Dotb tbcrin great i batnous tu^ong, not onlp to tbc otbcr X5i(|jop0,but alfo (0 all particular cburcbcc,\ubicbbc fo tcaretb f plucUctb in peeces, tbat be map builDc bis feat of tbcir rixims. 15ut tobcras be cpcmptetb bi»ttfclf from all iuDgsncnfs, anD toill fo rcignc after tbc mancr of ti* rantcSjtbat be actemptctb bis otun orr Ip luU fo; lali),tbatbcnl\! is fobainous f far from ecclefiatticall ojDcr , tbat it map in no Uiife be bo^ne : fo; it tf f srlp abbo;retb not onclp from all faiinno- goDUncfltcbut alfe fro all l.;{imnrtAir> J Lilv7. Lfi. PP^t 22 ^' ;';■(■, iCap.z Gf the outward mcanes Libro.i alibi. 22 n&ut,^ Bi be not copcUeD to go t^;ogl) f cramine all tfiings particularlr,3! ooc again appeal to ttjc, t^at toil at tt)is Dap I be aaompteo t^e bed t mott faptlif ut pa ' troncs of tfjc fee of Home, Icl^cttcr tbci? be not aflianicD to Defend § piefent Hate of tte papact:U>ltitcl) it is certain to be a i)ut!:eD times mo;e co;rupt , ti)a it luaa in If timtS of Gregory f Bernard, ^f)ic^ Hate ciD tben fo mucb nifpleafe t^ofe bO" If men.Grcgory ccft toftere coplarnettj, 1^ !3e 13 fo mucb Diucra^ D^atoenatoap iuitb fo;rein bufineffe: tljat Ijc is tnbcr tljt coIo; of biibop^tke b;oug^t bacbe to H)t UJo;liJ:U)&crein \it feructlj fo man? cares of tbr too;lD as tje ncner remem? bjetf) tl)at tje ferueD toljcn fte toasa la? ma: tbat be is p^elTeD Dotune t^ tumult of tuo;lDl? atfdire0,tbat bis minD is no^ tbing rapfeD tjp to tbings aboue:tbat be is njaken \3iitt) man? toaues of caufes, f toffeu toitbtempfttcs of troublefome Irfe: fo tbat l)e ma? U)o;itbil? fa?, 3 am come into tbe Dcptb of tbe fea. 2Drul? a* mongtbofecartbl? bufincffcbemigbt ?et teacb t\)e people \s3itl) fcrmcns, p;i# uatcl^ aDnionirb « correct fucb as it he bcueD,o;Der tbe €\)mt^t, geuc counfell to b?s felloU) llBilbops $ crbo;ttbcm to tijctr Datie: befiDe tbefe tbings tbere re^ maineD fome t?me to to^ite: am ?et be lamctet^ b?s calamitie,tbat be is D;otu neo in tbe oepeft feajf tbe gousrnmcnt of tbat time Uias a fcaitobat is to be faiD oftbepapacieattb?stimef ifo^ iobat ItUenes baue tbe? togctbcr^ ipere be no p?eac[}inss,no care of cifciplincno ^ele to tbe cburcbe5,no fpiritual Dotn«,final'' I? notbmg but ttjc l«o;lo.|3ct tbrs maje 13 p.:avfeD,as tbogb tbere coulo ncti)rng be founo mo^e o^berlp i better frameo. ^ut icbat coplaints Dctb Bernard poure out,U)bat grones Dotb be b'tcr,lDben be loUctl) tipcn t^e faults of bis age^Mbat tbcn tooulD be Doe,if be bebclD tbrs our age^of iron, % fec^fetfanr be too^fe tba iron i WHtjat obftinate toicfecDnrCTL is tb?s,notonel?ffifl? tooefentjcas bd? anu tiuine,tbaf tobicb all tbe bol? men baue tsitb one moutb conDemneD : but alfo to abufe tbeir tedimonve to tljt oe^ fence of tbe |dapacie,U}bicb it is certain tbat tbe? neuerfenetoc of ; l^otobeitof Bernardcs tiiimt S! confeflTf, tbat tben t^t corruption of all tbrngcs ioas fo great, tbat it teas not mucb t}nlvt^e our t?me. Il5uttbc?are toitbout all Ibamctbat fetcbe an? pretence for it, out of tbat meane age, tbat is,t}9t t?me of Leo, Gregor>',i fucb otbf r. if oj tljc^ Do lifee as if one , to Itablilbe f^t £ponarcb?e of (IDmperorSjtDOulD pra?fe t^t ol&e ttatz of tbe empire of Komettbat ts,U}oulDe borroU) H)c pra?fes of libert?e , to fette fortb tbe bonor of t?;ann?. 23 iFinall?,altb0ugb all tljefe tb?nges ijDcre grattteb tbcm: ?et tbere arifetb of freO) a neU) ffrife for tbcm , tobe toe be^ n?e tbat tbere is a Cburcb at 3iome,;in Uibicbfucb benefitcs ma?e be reficent: iubc toe ben? 1^ tbere is a bilbop, tobicb ma? beare tbcfe priui leges of bignitie. 0Dmitte tberfcre all tbcfe tbingcs to be true (tubicb ?et ioc batiealreo? Icrong from tbcm ) tbat |3eter toas b? tijt moutb of €lniti appornteo bcab cf tbe bniuerfall Cl^urcb : anb tbat be lefte ti)t bonor tbat tuasgeuen b?nT, in tbe fee of | Home: tbat tbe fame Uias aabliOjcb b? tbe autboritie cf tbe auncicnt €burcb,f confirmcD \x)itt) long continuanre ; tbat tbe ^upjcmc poU^ei ^ati) bene alU)a?e b? one confent ^tmn cf all men to tbe IBifljop cf Home : tbat be batb bene tbe incge of all botb caufes anb men, ano binifrlf fubiect to ttiz iutgement of none : let tbcm !;auc alfo mc;^, iftfsv Uull : ?et S aiiru:£r in cue Uicrb,^ none of tbcfe tbin^^es auaile, tnlclTc tbere be at Home a Cburcb anl! a 31ci{b:p. STbis t^ev n»ou ncfDcs graunt tre,tbat it can not be tbe motber of cburcbcs, lubtcb is not To Saluation, Fourth Bookc iToK 3*r-<- i not it fclf a cburcf): t be ca not be ttjicfe of I3iil)op0, lubtclj is net Ijimff Itt a hu (l^p.Mil tlje^ t&crfc;e f;auc tljc fe 0^ polIcUbcat Uomcf 2:^I)cu ict tbe C&cto me a true f latofuU apoaicObip. ^ill t!)C^ fjauc tfte cfticfe ISilljop f SDticn let tt)t fftcto me a btajop.:)15ut fetjatf £Cll)cr luil tbcr fl^clu b5 ant? face of a cburcbe^ Sbljcr name one tn Oeet), i baue it oft in tbeir moutfj.SDrucIt? tlje cfjurctj is Kno^ U)en b^ bcr certaine marks : 1 13i(^op^ riU is a name of office.31 fpeab not bcrc of tbt peopIe:but of tbe gouernement it felf^tDbtcb ougbt ccnttnuall^ to flbine in tbe c\)Utc^Mli)ttc is tbe minifferie in tbeir cbiirc bjfucb as cb.:ilJes inUitntio rcqtriretbf net tjs call to rcmembMnce tbat tobicb batb before ben fpoltcn of § officeofp^ic2csiofal3ia)op. Jftoe fljal b;ing tbe office of e^lberis tbcrc an^ otbcr caufcU^bT? tbe 5l5i(bopsare caricD toitb fo great rage againfl tbe Doctrine of tbe gofpel netolt? fp;iinging bp again, tob? tbe? benbal tbeir ftregtbes to opp^cffe it,\sihy! tbei? hinble tjp fefgs 1 princes to crucltic,butbrcanfe(beFf« tbat tbcir tobole kingco Dccaictb t frdltt^ boten, fo fone as p gofpel of ib;iil commctb in place, Leo toascrucUCknicnt toas blou Die:paul is a fierce murtbcter.l^ut na ture batb not fo mucb moucb tbcm to figbt againll i trutb, as fo.2 ^ tbis toas tbcir onl^ nieanc to maintain tbcir pcf toer.2Dberefo;e fitbtbci? ca not be fafc, till tbcB baue ojtuen atoar cb;itt> tbe? trauaile in ^is caufcas ittmi m f.gbt \ fo; ti)cit religion t ccntrecs, « fo; tbcir | oton liues.^bat tbc^ ^ball tbat be to | bs tt)t fee ^poffolibe, tobere toe fee no* tbig but bo;rible apottafie^ &b«il be be | €f)^iiis bicar,tobicb bi? perfecurtng tbe | gofpcll toitb furious entcrpjifes, Dctb openly p^ofeflfe bimfclf to be anticb;ift^ ^bal be be peters fucceffonr, tbat ran^ gctb toitb ftoearD anb fi?;e,to Dcffror al tbat cuer peter batb burlbeb^ ^ball be be beaoe of tbe Cburcbe tbat cutting n^,n. fic Cap7 Of the outward mcancs P.TIk Dan.: ot f oiftjicmb^mg tlje djurcft fro €^nft t\)c onlr true tjtao tUcrof, Dot!) in it fclf plucH auD tearc it in ^icctsi Ztitnit t)g« rilr tbat in tbe olde t^me Home U)a0 tt?e mother of all €\)ttrt\)tsiv^t fince it Wh begon to be tl^e feat of 0nttcl)^i&, it bdt!) celTcD to be tibat tubicb it teas. 2f Me feme to be to niucb tunll fpea* hers I ratler0,U)bcn toe call tbe biOjop ofiii3iiie^ntitb;itt. llBut tbe]?tbatfo tijinK,Do not bnoerffanDe i tbei? accufe paule of tmmoDeftte> after tDb5 toe fo fpcn^C^eaoutoftubofe mout^toerfo fpcaK. )ano leaft an? ma obiect,tbat toe tioto;ongfull^tojea againft]&115ill&op cf Kome,tbcfe too;O0 of |9aul tbat are fpoUen to an otber intent, 3 toil b^iefc^ I? Ojeto,^ tbe^ ca not be otbertoife tjn^ ^ '■ DerftaoeDjbuf of f papacie. Paul to;i* * tetb^anticbjiftlbalfit in ^temple of COD.jn an otbcr place alfof bolT?gljoft Difcriljins bis image in § pcrfon of 0n^ tiocbuSjtbetocD i bis feingoom fljal con 0a in bauf incite of fpecbe, anD blafpbe* mings of dDoD.l^ereupo toe gatber tbat it is ratbcr a t^^annp ouer roales,tban ouerbooie0,tbat is rapfeotp againftf fpirituall feingoom of Cb;ift. 2i:be,tbat it is fucb,as Dotb not abolifl^ ^ name of €b;ia f tbecburcb:btttratber(bouloa^ bufe t^z p;etence of Cbaia,f lurke bm oer tht title of tbe cburcb as bnoer a oif gHifeJ)bifour515utaltboagball§ bere^ fiesf teas f bane ben fro tbe begining, belong to tbe feingoo of anticb^ift : ^ct toberas ^mi p^opbcctetb,^ tbere (ball come a Departing, bv t^is Defcriptio be fignifietb,tbatfbat featofabbominatio Ibal tbe be raifeD tjp,tobe a certain bni^ ucrfal departing (ball polfeiref cburcb: botofocuerman^meb^es of tbe cburcb bere ano tber cotinwc in t^t true bnitie of faitb.But tober be aDDetb,tbat in bi» time be bcga in a mittcrie to fet t>p t^c too;k of unquitie,tobicb be toolD after. 0anD , tbat tbts calamttte toas neuber j to be b^ougbt in b^ one md,no^ to be en DeD in one ma«/^oto toberas be Dotb fet out0nticb;i(t b^ tbis mark t be l^ulD pluck atoa? from goD bii^bucbono; to tahe it to btfelfitbis is f cbiefe toUe tbat toe ougbt to fclcto in feeing out of 0n^ ti(^}iQy(\fjmUt tobcre fucb p^ifie p;jo* ceDetbeue to t[)B publiUe DilTipation of ^ dt^nrch'^ith tberefo;e it is certain,tbat tl^c bilbop of Home batb (bamelea^ con ueieD atoar to bimfelf ^ tobicb toas tbe cbiefe paop;etbtnge to Cod alone auD Cb;i(t)it is not to be DouteD but tbat be istbecapitaine anD (tanDer bearer of tbetoickeD anDabbominablehingbo. 26 ^oto let tbe Momaniff es goe, « ob' ita mtiquitit againtte bs. is if in fo great alteration of al tbings, tbe bono^ of f fa migbt taD tober tbere is no (x, Cufebius telletbjbotoe CDoD,tbat tbere mi(^ be place fo; Us bengeance,remo ueD tbe cburcb tbat toas at l^icrufale to pella» 2^bat tobicbe toe beare to i)aut ben once Done, mtgbte beofter Done. ^berfo;e fo to binD tbe bono; of ^up;e micie to a place,^ be tobicb is in DeeD i^ moS bateful enemie of eb;ill^>§ bieft ao^ nerfarieof t^t gofpcl, 1^ gratell toaller < Dith'o^er of tbe cburcb^ tf^t moll cruel Oangbterma t butcber of al tije faintes, Ibnlo neuertbeles be accompteo § ttcar of Cb;tft,tbe fucccHo; of peter,§ tWf biOjop of tbe cburcb) onls bicaufe beoc*" cupietb t^t rot t toas once f cbiefelt of al:tbat t)eril^ is to mncbto be fco;neD f folilb.i fpeak not boto great Difference tber is bettoeentbe popes cbauncerie, anD a toel frameD o;Der of tbe Cburcb* ^otobeit tbis one tbing ma^ toell tabe atoai? all Dout of tbis quefiion. ifo; no ma tbat batb ^is rigbt toit,toill tbink i OI6i(bop;i6e cnclofcD in leaoe anD buls: mucb lefTe in tbat ^cbole of frauDes anD Dece)?tes,in tobicb tbingcs tbe po^ toarg^fljcto openly : tbcreb^ toe bnocr^pes fpiritnill gouernement confiftetb> — ' ■ 7 %l)ew To Saluation, fourth Booke. Fo\.v 2Dbcrfo:c it toa0 toer\? tod faio b^acco tame ma,tc}at i^ cburcb of Komc tuljicb t£( boaftcD of, is long a^oc turned into a court iufjtcf; onl^ 10 notu fenc at Home, i^citljer DO 3 bcrc accufe i^ faults of mc, but 3 fi)Cto ^ tbe papacic it f elf is Bircct Ip cctrar|g to tbe true o;Dcr of a cburcd. 27 liSut if lue com to tbe perfons of me, it t0 tuel enousb Unoteen lobat maner of ticar5 of Cf);ift ioe fljal fino. Bluliutf fo;ftDtb,i ilco,f Clement,! pau!,(talbc pillers of tbe Cfj^iftia fa^tb,! tht cbafe erpofitojs of religiOjtDbicb ncuer ftneto am otber tbing of Cbjift, tban ^ tobicb tbe^ baD learnco in llucians fcbtoLlBut tob\? DO 3 recfecn bp t\)^(c 0; four pope0f as tbougb it toer Doutfull,tobat mancr offojm of religio tbe popes \3)itb t\)m iubole college of CarDinals baue Once long ago piofeCTcDji at tbis Da^ Doe p^o^ feffe. jf oj firft tbis is tbc pnncipalarti* clc of § fecrct Diuinitp ^ reignetb amog tbem.2Dbat tbcre i& no CDoD:tbc feconD. SHbat all ^Am$ t ^re to.:ittcn i taugbt concerning €^n% arc l^cs $ Dcceitcs: tU tbirD.2Dbat tbe Dodrine of tbe life to come,f of tbe latt rcfurrection, ar mere fablcs.E^bet? bo not al tbinfe fo:anD fetu of tbe rpcafec fo,31 graut. ydut m$ batb long ago bcgon to be tbe o.zDinari religi? on of popes. iHClberas tbis is bcrr tuell fenolDcn to all f Unotoe Home,tct tbe Homifl^ oiuines ccaffe not to bcatt,tbat bv vaTbnttes pjiuilege it is p^ouioeD , ^ tbc pope ca not errcbicaufe it tuas faio to pctcr:31 baue p;a i^cD fo; theCitl)^t tU faitb ll)olD not faint.tKIlbnt,3i p;ai' pcu, toinnc tbe? bp moching fo (bameleaije, but ^ ti)t toboletuo.ilD mav bnDerftao, ti^cit tbe? arc come to tbat crtremitic of tD!cUeDncfi'e,tbaf tbc? nc?tber fear goD, nojffauDinaUieofmcnf 2? 5i5ut let bs imagine , t t\)C bngoDl?^ ncs of tbofe popes iDbom 31 baue fpokc of,is btODcn, bicaufc t\)tv baue ne?tber publifbcD it b? p?eacbin3S»no; b? to ji^ ■>- liued tl le titiQts : but onel? baue belu;a?cD it at t^tn table,! in tbc?; cbabcr, 0; at lea a iDitbin loals of boufcs.liSut if tbe? tuill baue tf)\>s p^iuilege to be of fo;ce,U3bicb tbe? p.:etcD,tbc? mutt ncDcs U)ipe 3iobn t\)t rrir.outof tbc nuberofpopes, tobo openl? afifirmcD j^ foulesarc mo; tall, f ^ tbe? D?e togctber luitb tl)c boD?es bn# till tbc Da? of rcfurrcrtion . ano, ^ ?ou ma? perccaue ^ t\3z tubole fee to?tb ber pnncipall fta?es luas tben luboll? fal^ len : none of al tbc CarDinals toitbUoiD ^' ^r^^" fo greatamaDneffe,but i fcbmlc of pa* iWhich ris moucD tbc hing of jrrance to compel ''"'"'' "' "^ bim to recant it ♦ 2Dbefting fojbao b?s fubiects to comunicatc loitb bim, bnles be DiD out of baD rcpent:anD tbc famcas tbc maner is,bcp;oclaimeD bi a beralo. ibc popecompcllcD b? tb?s ncceffit?, abiurcD b?s crro.z.Cb?s craplc maketb ^ 31 neDc not to Difputc an? mo;je 16 m? aDuerrar?cs about tb?s ^ tbc? fa?, t tbe fee of Home $ the biO^ops tberof , ca not crrc in tbc fa?tb, bicaufc it tuas fa?D to pcter,Bl banc p;a?eD fo; tbee,^ thi faitb ma? not faint. 2Drul? be fcl xd fo fotule a feinDe of falfro tbc rigbt fa?tb, tbat be '32 is a notable eramplc to tbe tbat com af * tcr,tbat l^tv are not all peters tobicbe fucccDc after peter in tbc 315ilbop;ifee. l^otobeit t[)\!S is alfo of it fclf fo cbilDitb tbat it ncDctb no anf tocrc, iro; if tbc? loiU D;a\D to peters fucccffo;s Inbatfo^^ cuer tuas fpoken to peter , it fl)all fol* loto tbat tbe? arc al &atans,fo;annu(b as tiiz llojD ra?D t\)vs alfo to peter. ©0 jy^,j. ^^ bebinD,tbou ^atan,bicaufc tbou art an ■ ' * offence to mc . iro; it (balbc as cafie fo; bs toturnebacfee tbis latter fa?ing a* gaintt tbcm,as it ajalbe fo; t^cm to ob* iecte tbc otber agavnftbs. 29 HBut 3i lift not to llriue luitb t])i in plaring ? fmlc. 2Dbcrfo;e BB return tbc* tbcrffom tobcncc 3i maDc Digrciricn» s>o to binoe tlyz place, % s b?e toppe of Dignit?. 115uttb?salfoH(tljougbt goD to toucbe lJ)o,:tl?e b? tbe Uia?e , tbat tbe reaters m?gbt tbe better bnDerllanD tbat tbe fee of Home, fucb as it is at ti)y!S Da?, Dotb mucb Differ from t auncient oncbnPer p^etenfc Lib. 4 £pift.2f Lib.^, jpift.7* a.Cor^x pretence tofterof,it Dotlj nolo matntein I Dcfcno it felfa. )l6ut of lubat fo;t foc^ uer tfjei? toer in olD tunicfo^afmucb as tbc^ Ijaue noU) notbing of tbc true ano laUjfull office in t\)t Cfturclje, tbe^ rc^^ teime onlv a Deceitful coloure anD tain tiifourc: pea fo:afmucb as ttjep banc al tilings tttcrip contrarp,it isias ncceffa^ ric tSat t fljulD fjappc to tf)e,U»l)icb Grc 2;oriet».:itctbfooftc. Sfarit (faitbbe) tocping:31 ceuc Ujarning of it,groning: tfjat fitb tbc ojoer of ^;jieaboDc is fal? len lDin,it thai alfo not be able to llanD log tDitbout.^ut ratber it beboneo tbat To Saluation. 1-ourth Bookc. Fol. tbis (boulD bTfulSUeD in tp U)bicb a^a* Mai. lacbi faitb of fucb'-l^e bane gen back out' of tbe loap^f banc niacie nianp to Htible in § lato. 2Dberfo;e pe baue maDe betO tbc coucnant of ilcui?, fa^tb tbe llo^Dc. 2Eberfo;e bebolD 31 banc gcuen ten out ofeftimatio,! trie to al p people i^oio Bi leaue it to al \> gotilt> to tbink of lobat fojt is ^ fup;emc beigbtof tbc l^ierar* cbie of Homc,U)bereunto i papids \& abbominable (bameLcfnes fitchenotto make fubicct \i terp U)o;d of goD,U!bifb ougbt to baue ben bono;ablc i boli botb to beautn anD cartb^ men ano ^gcls. Theyii'tShAptn-. Of the power of the Church as touching clic Articles of Faith snd with how vnbridlcd licentioufnes it hath in the Papacic ben vvrefted to cor- rupt al pureneiTc of Dodnnc, NiDtu folotoetbtbe tbirDc place>of tbe potoeroftbccburrb, tobicb partelp confittetb in al tbe iSiOjops.f partly in tbe Counfels,! tbofc eitber pjouinciall 0^ general.Bi fpeafee onli? of tbe fpiritu* alpotoer tobicb is p,:op;e to tbe cburcb. Sbbat confiftetb eitber in Doctrine,oj in iurifDicti6,o.i in making of latDS. 2Dof^ trine batb tloo parts, tbc autbo^itie to tcacbe articles of DoctrincauD tbc cp pounoingoftbcm,115efoje tbat luebc;' gin to oifcourfc of eucrp one of tbefc in fpccialtic,UJC Unl tl;at ti)C goDip Hea* Dcrs bee toarnco , tbat iDbatfocuer is taiKjbt concerning tbc pcUjcr of t\it ebiircbrt bcr mua rcmcbcr tc appli?e to tbat cno,\Dbcrunto (as paul teftifictb) it toas gcuen:tbat is, to cDificaticn,ano not to Diftrucrion : tubicb U^bo fo latu* fuUp tfctbcp tbinli tbf fclues no mo;e tban tbcminiaersof Cb;iift,anDtb£r* icitbc-ai tbc mrnittcrs of tbc people in Cb^iff. jj^oU) of ^ cDifgingof t cburrb, tbis is tbe onh? iJapiif § miiulrcrs tbf* fclues euDeuourc to pjcfcruc to Cb;ill \iis autbo;itie, tobiebe can not otber^ toifebcfafc, bnlelTctbat be lefte tnto bim,U)bicb be recepucD of bis ifatbcr; tbat is, tbat [it be i^^z onelr fcbolcmap^ ftcr of tbc Cburcbe ♦ Sm it is Uijitten, not of anu otber, but of bi alone. l#eare bTfm.E^bepoUieroftbe Cburcbe tbcrc^ fo^e is not to bee fparinglp fct fo;tb, but ret to be enclofco toitbin certarne bonocs, tbat it be not tJ<:atBen betbcr « tbetber after tbc lull of mc n.l^ereunto it (balbe mucb p;io6table to note, bo^ it is DcfcrvbcQ of tbe p;iopbctcs ano ^^titilts. fm if U>e fimplv graunt tn* tomenfucbpoloer as tberliQctotakc tpon tbem,it is plapnc to al men,luljat a fipppcrp rcDincffc tbcre is to fall into | tr?;annie,lubicb ougbt to be farrc from tbc Cburcb of fcripturc gcuetb cttbcr to {' p;ica6,o; to tbc p;opbets,o^ to t\iz apoUlcs, o; to tbc fucccffo;s of y ^pc^ ftclos,al i^ fame is gcuen, not p;op;ely to tbe men tbc^clucs,but to tbc minilie ric ouci* U)bicb i\M arcappointcD, oj Mat, 17.5- r.tsy. (to Cap,S, Of the outvvarde meanes j xor.4 !iJ. xo,i4. (tol^kc tTmo?cpIainIi?!n one UioaD) tol^erof tbe miniHem is ccmmttteo to ttjcm.i?o;ifuj0goe tlj^ougl) tlje all in o^Der,loeaiaUnotfiinD^ tl)c? I^ao ani? auf fjojitie to teac^i oj to aunftoere, but in ^ name anD tuo^rDc of tlje llo^J. iFoj fe)l)f f t)e\? arc calleo to v ofific e,it is alfo eniorneDtl)f,tliattf)ep fl^ulo bjingno^ tljtng of tbcfeluc0,but fpcalte outof tftc jimnt?) of § lo;oe, 0nD ijc Ijifcif Dotlj not luiiTg tbe fo.:tb to be bearo off people, bcfojct&at bcbatbgeuen tbe infirac^ tjons ijDbat tbep ougbt to fpcafe,to ^ iiv^ tent tljat tbcr ^lo fpealj nofbig befioe bis too;jD.2pofes bimfelfe, t\)c prince of nl t!jc p^opbet0,U)as to be bearo aboue p reftrbut be toas firll inftracteD Initb b!0 ccunnaunocments, tbat be m^gbtt not declare an^ tbing at all,but fro the !o^D,2:berefoje it is fa^o j ^ tbe people u>ben tbc\? emb^aceo bis Doctrine, bele? ucD in (Sod ano in bis feruaunt spofes. aifo tbat tbe auf bojitie of tbep^iettes ibulo not grolD in contemptjitlras ffa^ falilbcD loitb moftcgrcuous penalties. But tberinitbal tbe lojD (betuetb bpon Xi^h^t conoitions tbe^ toerc to be bearD toben be faitb tbat be batb mabe bis co* ncnant luitb Jleui,tbat tbe latx) of trutb Ibnlo be in bis moutb. :anD a litle after be aooefb: 2Ebe lips of p pnft M ftepe t^noUjleDge,! tbe^ fbal require tbe lain at bis mcutb:bicaufc be is ^ :angcl of § CDoD of ll^oftcs. aEberefoje if tbep^ieft Irsill be bcaro, let bim (bcto bimfclf tbe meffanger of O^oo tbat is,lct bim faitb* full? repo;it f commaunbements t be rcfciucD of bis autbo.j.0nDlBbcrc it is fpcciallp entrcateo off bearing of tf)iy ttiis is erpjeflp fet.S^^bat tbciitia^ aun* f^juearc accojoing to t^t latnc of <5?oD, 3 ^<13bat mancr cf polucr tbe p;jopbcfs hzc 3.18 iijcncraflp baD is t?rr tuel oefcribcD in C'jcc'ciel:S:bouf5ofma(raitbtbclo;jD) -^ Ijnuc gciicn tim to bt a tostcbcma to f bt bottrcofiIracls:bcrfo;jc tbou Oialt Oe.i6.^. Mala,* 4.&.6 !Dc.i7,x beare tbe too jbe out of mr moutb, ano tboa fljalt Declare it to tbem from me. I^c tbat is commaunDeD to beare out of tt)t moutb of tbe ^ox^ is be not fojbiD- Den to inumt ant? tbing of bimfclf: i5ut \ubat is to Declare from tl)t lo;jD,bat fo to fpealie as be map bolDlp boalI-,tbat it is not bis oton but j> Io;ds toc;iD tbat be batb bjougbt^SEbe feif fame tbing is in i^ieremie,inotberluo;Ds. Ilcttp^o? pbet (favtb be)toitb toijom is a h^um, tell a D;jeame:anD let bim tbat batb m^i toojDe fpeafee mi? InojDc truc.Ccrtam? Ip be appointetb a lato (0 tbem aU.^nD tbat is fucb ^ be permittetb not anr to teacb mo^e tban be is coramauDeD.^;nD afterbecalletbitcbalfe, all tbat is net come fro bimfelfe onli>Xberfo5e none oftbe|a^opbetes tbefelues openeDbis moutb)but as 1^ lo;D tolD bim 1^ too.2Ds before* Mbereupon tbcfc facings are fo oft founD among tbem:tbe fe)o;D of § i.o?D,tbe buroen of tbe ilo;jD,fo faptb t ilojD,tbe moutb of tbe llo;jDe batb fpo^ ben. anD U)o;tbilp, fto} (^{iiy>t crpeD out tbat be bao Defileo lippes. Bleremic confeffcD tbat be coulD not fpeafee, b^f caufe be inas a cbilDe:Mbat coulD pjo^ ceDe from tbe Defileo moutb of tbe one, anD tbe folios moutb of tbe otber,but bn cleaneanobntoife, iftbet? baD fpoUen tbeir otun fpecbef But bis lippes toer^ bol^ anD pure, tobcn tbt^ began to be tbe inttruments of tbe bclT? gbolt.Mbe tbe paopbets are bounD tcitbtbis rtlu gion,tbatfbcv Deliuer notbing, but^ iobicb tbep baue receiucD, tbm tbep be , garnilbeD toitb notable poluer 1 cvceU lent titles, jro; tobe tbe llo^^D tcttifietb, t be batb fct tbem oucr nations f hing* Doms,to pluck \3p anD to rctc out,to De* ftrcr anD plucUe Dolrnc,to builDc ano to plant, be b^anDbv aDiopnetb {' f aufe: bKanfebebatb putbistoojDs in tbeir moutb. 4 jl^oU) if poo lofee to j 0po6les:tbei ar __. in To Valuation. in DEDe comnientictj toitfjmatiT' « nota^ blc titlc0,t!)at t\)t\i arc tbc Iigbtc cf tfjc iDo;lD,f tfce faltof tfjc eartfj, f tl)ey> arc to be bcarD in llcatj of Cb^i^jT tubatfo^ cucrfljcpbintie o; lofein cartb, fljall be bounD o; lofcD in fjcaucn. 'Bv.t in tbcn; tcri? name tfjet? Q)i?Ui Ijctu niucb is per niittcD t^em in tbr ir office: tbat is, if ttjei?be0poaic0,^tb£^fi5rIonotpMte tobaf focuer tbe^ lift: but ITjtilt) fattbfn!^ Ip repeat bis fomaunDcnif t^ fro Vubont tbcp arc fentflnD tljt U3o:H3 cf Cf^jifte arc »)laine enottgb? in \i^\iih be batb Dc- tcnnincD tbcircmba(ragc:VDbf be coni^ maiiocD tbcm to go f tcacb all nations, all tbcfc tinners t be bab connnaunDcu. ^ca f be bimfclf alfo recciucD tbis laU), f laio it bpon bimfelfe, tbat it fljoulD be latoful fo: no man to rcfufc it £p? Doc# trine(raitb bc)is not mine, but bis tbat fft me,mt fatbcrs.l^c tbat Iras altua^ tbc onl\? f ctcrnall counrcUcr of tbcira^- tbcr,f be tbat toasapporntcD b^ tbc fa- t\)tYt\)c Horn and fcbclcmaidcr of all mtyi^et bicaufe be crccutcD tbc minifies r^of teacbinn:, p baue not Icarnco of bim:t?et acco^tiig to tbc Diuerfitrc of times tber baD oiuers o?Dcrs of Icarning.liBut f o;ocr tDbrcb ie noU),mucb Diffcretb fro tbofe t tocre befo^c.f ira if it be true tobrrfJ CljM faitb, tbat none bafb fccnc p fatbcr, but tbe fon, anD be to tubom it bafb plcafcn tbe fon to fijeloc i)im:it beboucD bcril^ tbat tljcn fi[}ulD be filU?a^ mrcttcxi 1 1? 'be eternall luiroome of tbe jratbcr,tibtfb tuolti come to tl)c fenotulcgccf goo.if c> FourthEooke, | F0I57. j boto (biilu tbcp eitbcr baue compicbcn DcDni nnne.c, 0; WfcrcDtbc mvftcrics of (iDcu,biit bv bis teacbingjto tobom a^ lone tf;c fcrrctes of tbc if fttijcr arc opf f Xl^fjrrfo^c tbe bolr fatbcrs in oinc timt ItnctD Cod no otbcrUufe but bcbclcing bim in tbe fon as in n glalTe. tClbcn ^ far tbri3,5 mean tbat ©oD DiDnciicr hv. nnv otljcr mcane Difclcfc btmfclf to \rx but bp tbc ^on,tbat is,bts cnl? tcirro, ligbt,anttrutb. ilDut of (bis; fcrtain tio nDam,j;>oc, jab;aljam, 3,fiiac, 3acob,t tbc otfjcr D;atD all tbc luidulcgc y tljci bni5cfbcaucn!rE)ccrinc. 0ufc of tbe famefountaine baue alfo all tbc p;o* pbcts tbcmfclucs D;aU3n all tbc bcaiif.' Ir £);aclcs tbat tbcr WtercDoTcJ i:Uf l^ tbis iDifcDom batb alboar tin left 0 it fclf bv mo lua^cs tljan oneXo tbc pfi' triarcbes be bfcD fecrcte reuclations: bnt tberioitbal to (cfirmc tbcir minDiP, be aoiorncD fucbefignes, tbat it rculce not be routful to tbcm, tbat it teas ijcd tbat fpahe. 2Dbe patriarcbcs roniitixD oner from l;anD to banDc to poCeritve, tbat li'bicb tbcv baD recciueo. ifo; tije lLc;D left it tuitb tbcm to tbis entcnt,p tbfl' fljciilD fo fp:EDc It abiotic. loJut tbe cbilD;cn anu cbilD^ens cbilD?cn,b\? goD fecrctly informing tbcm,tiD Unctn tbat tbat tobicb tbc\? bcaro tuas from bcaul ant) not from tbc eaitb. 6 y3ut lubcn it plcafcD cScD, to raifc a mo;c apparant fo;jmc cf a vibnrcbe, be tuillcD to banc this k.o;De put in U;;^^?* ting anD notcD, tbat tbc p;icl!s fljoulD fctcb from tbf ce Uibat tl}tv migbt oclt* uer to t\)e people, ano j? all tbe Doctrine ^ fl)ulD be taugbt, QjulD be tricD hr> tbat rule. s:bcrfo>c after tbc puuUfliing off lnto,tubcn tbc ]^;i£fts arc coniaiinDCD to tcacb out of tbe moutb of tf:e ILo^D,() I meaning iSy ^ tbcv n)alD tiiicl) notbaif? [ ftraungc 0; Differing from tbat UinD St \ learning iubicb tbc i:o;iDc comp^e hci^^ iMaI.2.7. DcDuijbclaUi: anPtoa'vDCriDiunmtor j lCap.8. Of the out vva." dc incanes xuas tonlatofiiU foj tl)em.»en follolti^ en tbe ]3;op!)ef£f, b? te!)om in DeeDu tbc lo:<) publil^cD ncii) oracles to be aoteo to t^c laUijbiit ret not fo nelu, but tbat tbe? came oute of tbc latoe,ano ban ref* pcttbnto it. irc;>20 toucbing noctrine, tbc^ tocre onl^ crpoSto^s of tbelatce, sntJ atiSJcD notbing bnto it, but p^opbe^ (its of tbings to come. SDbofc crrepteo, tbct? bttcrcD notbtng els hut a pure tp pofitionof tbe Ia\u.lii3ut btcaufe it plea^ fcD tbc llojD ^ tbrr ITjalD be a plainer i larger ncctrinc, tbat iucake cofcicnccB migbte be tbe better fatifficD: Income maun^eD tbat tbe p;opbcfie» alfo HjulD be put ill \XKitinQy « ac coniptr D part of Us tDo;ti. 2nt; beretinto tuer aDDcD tbe b?lf ones, M'Acl'i arc alfo tbe liio;hf c of tbc p;opbcts,but matse hvllyz cncitina of IB bol^ gbol?. J rcchen tl)t fDfalmeg a utong tbe p;opberics, bit aufe t ^bKb iDc attribute to tlic p jopbcfie0, is alfo tommonjto tbe pfalmn. 1Ebcrfb;etbat lubolc bflD^ compac tco of tbe laluc,p;o< pbeSe£,pfalmc0 anD biffo;ie£f, tuas § feoitj of tbe !lo;3 to tbe olD people, bp p rule iDbereof tbe prices ano tvaclnis cum bnto Cb^ifics time lucre bouD to cramine tbe?r Dottrine : neitbcr tuas it laUjful foj tbcni to fiuaruc eitber to tl)is rigbt bao o;j to tbe left: bicaufe all tbcir j cffifc toas cuflofco luitbin tbcfe boiiDs I tbat tbcp njoulD anftoer the people out I of tbe moutb of goD.Mbicb is gatbcreo lMal.4,4 of a notable placcof ^l^alacbi'jlDbfrc be biDDctb tbcm to be nun-iful of tbe latu, ano to geuebftbc to it.cuen to t\)t p;ea# cbing of tbe gofpclt. jro: tberbp be toy. biaactb tbcnt all neU?c founu Ooitr ine^, ana grantetb tiftm no Icauc to ftoarue neuer fo litlc cut of tbe U?av iubicb ^c> ks ban faitbfallv ibctocQ flje. SnD tbru ifftbrreafon lubr ^Mii^ fo bono;»abli'e fettctl) out tbe crcellence of tbe laUie, f reberfctb fo man\? p^aifes of it: tbat m, tbat tbeieUiejB fijoulu couct no fo;rciiie tbing ixiptbout tt,(ttb luttbin it toad all perfection enclofeo. 7 iButtoben at latt tbe tDifDom of goD leas openly fljelucD in tbe fleOi, t fame tuifoom Untb ful moutf)t DeelareD bnto bs all tbat cner ran \}3itl) mans tritte be cop.iebenQeD, o;^ ougbt to be tbougbt concerning ti}c beaucnl?? ifatber.i^oU) tbcrfo^e, fince Cljiiit tbe fon of rigbte* oufnede batb (bineD^toe baue a perfcctc b;igbtneire of tbe trutb of (SoD,r«cbe as ti)z clearneffe is toont to be at miDoar, tuben tbe ligbf toas before but Dimme. jfo; terilptbe p^opbet meant notto fpea^eofanpemeanetbing, loben be U).:ote ^ CDoD in olo time fpaUe Diuera? annmanptoapesto tl}t fatbersbptbe iD;opbetcs : but tbat in tbcfe lall napes b^ began to fpeal;c to ts bv b^s beloueo fon. jFo; be ljgnifictb,!?ea be opcnl? oe^^ daretb^tbat (^on luill not bereafter, as be DiD befo;e>fpeafee fomtimc br Come, and fomtime br otber^o; tuill aD p;0' pbefieat to pzopbefies, o;^ reuclations to reuclations:but tbat be batb to fulltllcD all t\)z parts of teacbing in tbe fonne, i tbei' mua baue tbis of bim fo^ tbe lafte I etcrnall teaimonp.jafter Vubicb fo^te all t\)is timt of tl)z netoc SLcftamcnt U>bcrin Cb;jitt batb apcareo to Mb ixntij t\)c p^eacbing of bis gcfpcll euen to tbe na\? of iusgcment, is erp.zcireD bi? ? lad bcm*,tbc lafi times,tbe lafi Davs:t0 t\)c cnn tierelv^ i^ cciUenten vb tbe pcrfectio of y Doctrir.ecf Cbnil, luc £buin leame neitbcr to fain Us a nc'uj beftae it,o; re^ ceiue it faincn of otber. SCbcrcfoje not VDitbout caufc tbcfalbcr batb by fingm ^^ lar paerogatiui? oiC-cineo tbe ^on to be p^**7 our SSeacberjCcmauriOing bim,i not a^ np nian,to he be^irD. if)e DiD in Deene in fcU) U)o;De.o ret oat bis fcolcniaficrlbip unto t)S,lub>;n be faiD,bearebtm,but in loljicb tbcre is mojc toeigbtanDfo^ue tban men comonii? tbinUc. iroj it is as umcb in effeg, as if lePingtig atpat^fro all To iijludtion. Fourth Bookc. i Fcl3>«^ al Doctrins of mcn,!)e fljulD b:ing Ms to pIcKC,bnt be not vc cnlicD niaillcrs,fo? bim onlr,f commauD bs to iohe fo;j all onc!^ one is ronr matCcr^CbJtttXbc tbc Docrinc of faluaticn at \mn alonr, to Cinp:int this nmt cacptli? in tbnv fobagtjponbnnalonMoclcauctobin^ niiiiDcbercpetctbittU'ife intbefame alonc,finallT» (as f lier^ tuojDs do fouo) to bcrUtnto tbe tjoice of bun alone, llnb ttu\y> U)bat ougbt tbcr m\xi to be eitbcr lobcDfc;j o; Dcftrco at ibc bant) of man place. janD bieaufe tbcr; ruUencCTc U-as loh. 14 fucbjtbat tbcv coulDc nctconcciuc tbofe |^6.&. tbingn f tbcv bab bcaro 1 Icarncb of v inotitbeof tbcr; maiffer, tbcrefo;etbc '3- toben tbctcr^ tooji5 cf life batb bimfdf i >^pintc cf trutbc is pjomifcD tbem, b^ Ioh»4.2^ Ma.28. 20 familiarlv % opcnlT' DifclcfcD \)iito bsf ^ca but it is mate tbat tbe moutbcs cf al men bell)ut,aftcr tbat bc,tn UJbo tbc bcaucniv ifatbf i* tuilleD to banc a I tbc treafiircoofl-ncUilcGge t iotfcDomto be biODen,batb once fpoUcn,i fo fpoben as bccanif botb i luifcDo of goo (\i)bicb is in no part tonpcrfcct) ano SPcCTiaB at tubcfc banc tbc reuclation of al tbings 10 bopeb fo;:tbat is to fap tfeat Ije Icfte nctbig aftcrlraro fc; otbcr to be fpoUe. 8 3lct tbis tbcrfoje be a Ccofaft punci ple,^ tbcr 15 to be Ijab no otber 1juo;D of 0oD,ti)bcrunto place 0}ulD be gcuc in^ to tl)eCburcb>tba t ^bicb is contcmcD firft in tbe laiu,! tl)c Ii3;opbct0, t tbcn in tbc lu^itingcs of tbe 0poQles,i tbat tber is no otber mancr of f cacbfg rigbt lT»,but acco;bing to tbe p^cfcription anD rule of tbe U)o?D.li?ereupcn alfo U)c ga* tbcr,^ tber teas no otbcr tbing grautcO to {> apoftles but t toW tbe p;opbct0 l)aD bat) in olD timeitbat is,^ tbci (bulo erpouno tbe olo frripture, f (bcUie tbat tbofe tbingg tbat arc tberin taugbt, arc fulftllcD inCbiift: ano ret t tbcv fbulD not Do tbc fame but of tbc llo:b, tbat is to fav,tbc Spirit of Cb;ift going before tbcm,anD after a certainc mancr cnoi* tingU}o;bstntotbcm. iro;Cb;ifJclt' mitcD tbcir embaltage trntb tins conot VJbo tijcv fI)ulD bcDtrcctcD to (' true tn^ bet ttcU'ina of all tbings. jr c; tbat fame rctlraimng is tobebiligentlvenctcb, tobcrc tVjis office iaiiffiontQ to the bclv goit,to piittbf inmiuD ofalttiaCctbigs tbat be bcfo;c faugbt tbtm bp moutb. 9 £:bcrfo;c peter, iDbo teas be rv UjcI | taugbt bote mucb be mtgbt latef uUi 00 leauetb notbing eitber to bimfclfc 0; 0* tbcr,but to bittributef Doctrine bcliuc* reb ofgoD.ilet bim 1^ fpeaUetb(raitbbc) fpeafec as tfit too^Ds of ,fr6 tebat bco focucr tbci banc p;o cebcb t the pure teojoc of CDoo mav be braiD i learned in tt)t cburcl) of v favtb- ful i to taUe ateav tht o:Dinanccs 0; ra* tbcr V faincD beuifcs of al men, of tebat ocgree focucr tbcv be ]^ v bcr recs of ©00 Ohli mat remain in fo;cef Hbcfc be tbofe \ fpiritual armurcs,migbtv tb^ougb ©od to call ooten bolocs: bv tebicb v faitbful fcruants of goo tjiav tb;ote ooten coum fels,f all bcigbt t aouauncetb it fclfe a.^ gaina tbclmotelcge of gco, f mav Icao alhnotelcaecaptmetoobcvCbJilt.toc .FeC.4. 21. 4» tion, )i)^jm be commaunoeo tbem to go 1 tbis is tbc foueraign poteer, tebertettb ano tcacb,not fucb tbings as tbcv tbem fclucsbao rafblv fo?gcD, but all tbofe tbings tbat be bao commaunoeo tbem. 0no notbing coulo be mo;c plainli fpc^ hen,tban t tebicb be favetlj n\ an otbcr it bcbcnctb tbe patlo;s of tbc cburcb to be enouco,bv ^i^^at name foeuer tbcv be calico,!^ i5y i bv tbe teo;oe of Cl^oo, tbcv m.av teitb confiocncebe bcloc to ooc aU tbingsmiay compel al i ttrei;gtb,glo; v? teifcDonic €ir%8 Ofthcoutvvaidc mcanes a.Cor.i (.4. I 14 mmm t bcigbt of t\)c toojlo to y>t\nc % obc^ to his maiclli?:bcing bpbolce bp bis potoci*,ma^ commaunD al cue fro § bicfttotbelolTictt: ma^butlDcbptbe boufc of €\)n%% pul Doton tbe boufc of ^ata;mar fc3c§ fljepc iDjiucatoa^ p tDolaestmar intlruct 1 txWtc fbe toil^ ling to Icarn: mar rcpjoucrcbohe anD fubDue tbc rebellious anD ffubbo^ne: map binD,i loaCetfiiiiallp map tbmtuer 1 Iigl)ten,if neesbeibutall tljings in tbe iBojD of goti.lSoUjbcit tber i0,a3 Bi bane faiD,tbi5 Difference bettoecn § ^pottles f tbcir fuccetro^Sjtbat § EpoOlcs Uiere tbe certain f autbentiljc fecretaries of tit bolp gboft,! tbcrfo?e tbeir to^itings are to be elteuieo fo j f £>;aclcs of gou: hi\t tl^z otijcr bauc none otbcr o&iccMt to teacb tbat tobiclj w fet f£D;tb ano tx);i ten in tl)c bolp Scriptures. cac Deter* mine tbercfo^e , tbattbisis notnleft to fapebfiill mrniSfcrs, tbat t\)t^ n:apc copnc anp ncloc Doctrine, but tbat tbep ougbte fimplp to cleauc to tl)Z Doctrine, iDbcreunto t[)t llo^De batb maoe all men tuitbout exception (nhica, Wi\)m 9 rape t\)iB, mp meaning is not onlp to lljetoe tobat is latofuU fo^ all particu^ lar mcn,but alfo lubat is latuful fo; tbe Uibole tniuerfal cWtl)' iJJotjue as tou^ c\)im al particular men : i^aulctierilp tons o^DcineD bp § iI.o;D,S^poftIe to tljc Conntb.but be Dcnietb ^ be batb Domis' nion cucr tbeir faitbc. ^ibo noto Dare taUc a Dominio t)?on btfclf Uibicb IBaul tclTifietb t it belogctb not to bimf 3? be baD acfenotolegcD bifcife to banc tbis li^" bertp of tecbing,!^ tubofoeuer p paCo;j ttcWlh be map tbcrin of rigbt require to be beliieueD: be U^olD ncucr htivietath gbt tbe Cojintb tbis oifciplinc, ^ tobilc ttoooj tb:ffi p:opbct5 fpeal%^ refi (bulD iuDge,f if it iL'er rcueleD to anp ^ latr, tbe firft (boulD bolD l)is peace, jlro^ fo be fparcD nonc,\Dbore autbo^itpe be maDe not fubictt to tbe lupgement of p to0;D of (I5oD. Wut toill fome man fap, of tbe iDbole bniucrfal cWcl) p cafe is ofber^ ioife.Sl afijuer ^ in an otber place Paul metetb \o this Dout alfo, itjber be faptb tbat fait\) is bp bearing, 1 bearing bp p luo^Dof goD. aCrulp itfaitl) bang of tbe IjDOjDof goD onlp,batb refpett bnto 1 re tt etb bpon it alone, ix^h^t place is tbere nolue left to p tcojD of | tobole toojlof jf 0; berein no ma mai Dout,^ fjnth tuel fenolun UJbatfaitb is.^o^ faitb ougbte to beffaiD tjpo focb affureDneSitoberbp it map llaD inuinciblcagaintl fata,f al § engines of ? bels, 1 agaill tbe tobole too^lDeXbps alTureDncirc toe (ball no Usber finD but in tbt onlp too^D of goD. 0gaine,it is a generall rule, tobicb toe berc ougbt fo baue refpect tmto t^at goD Dotbtberfo^etabe from men tbepotoer to fet fo.:tb a neto Do(trine,tbat be onelp map be our fcbalemaifter in beanenlp learning,as be onelp is true tobtcbc can neptber Ipc nojDeceaue.SCbps rule be« longetb no leCfe to the tobole Cburcl^C) tban to euerp one of the faptbfuil. 10 )5ut if this potoer of p cburfb,tol)icb toe baue fpoken of,be copareD toitb tbat potoer,i3berof tbe fpiritual tirants,tbat baue falflp calleD tbcfelues bifl&ops ano prelates of religion,baue in certain a* gespaftboaCeDtbemfelues among tbe people of ©oD, tht agreement fi>albe no better (ba Cbjitt batb \3}itl) 'iBcIial.^et it is not in this place mp purpofe to Dc* Clare in tobat fo;t anD isith boto toicfecD meanes tbep baue erercifeD tbep^ tp^v np:31 toll but rebearfc p Doctrine, tobicb at tbps Dap tbep DefenD,Sra VDith to^i^ tings,f tben toitb ftoojD 1 firc,115icaufe tbep take it fo; a tbpng confeJTeD, tbat a generall Councell is tbe true image of tbe if not l6 erp^ef^ feDj^et tuitb bnc):p;e(rcD faitb : becaufe it is in tbe potoer of tb^cliurcb^to make neto articles of tbe Sfaitlj, " iFirff let bs bear bp U)bat argume t0 tbep p;oue i t^As autbo;ut^ is geuen to t^e cbnrcb: t tben tne fl^l f^oU) mncb ^ mahetb fo; t^em Ijubtcb tbet allege of tbeeburcb.ibcCburcb (faptbev) batb notable p.:omtrc0,^ it (bal neuer be fo;^ faften of Cb;ift bcr fpoufc,but j5 it tbal- be guiDeD b? bi^ fpirtte into all trutbe. 115ut off p;omire0 iDbicb tt)c^ are loot to allege:,mani are gcuen no les to eue^ rp one of tbe faitbful particalarlr,tban to tbe tobole Cbnrcb bniuerfallre. iro; tbougb tbe lo;D fpahe to Jjii.japottleg, tobe be faiD: )i3ebolD 3! am Id rou cue to tbe j^nD of tbe ^o;lD. 3gain:i|lDilafke m^ fatber, i be (ball geue rou an otber cofo;ter,namel^ tbe fpirite of trutb:?et be mabe tf^t p^omife not onli to § tubole t)M(iciroftJbe.]rii.bat alfo toeuer^oneof tlsii 1^ to t^^ otber oifciples likeloile, eitfier tbofe i be bab olreDi? recetucD, o; tiyott ^ ttitiUJO afterl]uarD be aboeo to tbe. Wat tuben tbe^ erpouno fncb p^omifes fnl of 6ngttlftreomfQ;t,a0 tbougbe ti)t^ inert geucn to none of tbe O^ndianry but to tbctcbole cburcbc togctbcr,tobat Do tbe^ clfijbut take atoav from al cl)n' Uians ^ confioence tobtcb tbc^ al ougbt to recciue tberbr to enco^age tbemf x^t 3 Do not bare Deni?e,but tbat tbe Icbole feloUiOitp of § faitbfull,furnia]cD tuitb manifolDc Diuerlit^ of gifteajis euDucD bjitbmucb larger anD mo^e pIcnttfuU trcafure of tbe bcaucnlp U)ifeDom,tban ecbe one feuerallnmeitber is it mi> mea ntng, ^ tbis i0 fo fpobcn in common to tbe faitbful^as tbougb t\)ti luer a! alike enoneD loitb t\)c fpiritof bnDerffADing anD Doctrine : but biraufe it is not to be graunteD to tbe aDuerfartes of Cb;iff7^ tbe^lbonlDetb; t\)t Defence of an euill canfe tD;efi: i fcripture to a lD;ong fffe. I!5ut,omittingtbi09 Bl fimplp confcITe ^ lubicb is trne,tbat tl)t ilo;D is perpetu^ all^p;efent tsitb USy anoruletbtbem b)itb Us Spirit 0nD tbat t\)is fpirite is not tbe fpirit of erro^,igno;ace,l?ing o; Darkne0:but of fure reuelation, \s)iU Dom>trntb $ ligbtjOftobomtbei not De^ cettfuUi? learn tbofe tbings tbat are ge^ um tbcm,tbat is to fa?, lobat is p bope of tbetr cal!tng,f lobat be t^t ricbede of tbe glo.2? of tbe inbcritance of ^ tber cuer luatctb niucb of § bieS pcr^ f-ctio, ti%cb oar aoucrfaries Di9 boall of,^/t tbi cburcb is not tbcrfoje fo left Dctt'.tate in nn^ bcbalf,but i fl^e alUiai baD fo miicb as is euousb. ifoj tbe lojb feaoVjctb tobat ber ncceffit^ rcquirctb. But to bo!D bcr tjiiocr bumiltt? f go^li? m9!)etti?,be geuetb ber no mo?e tban be UnoU)2tb to be ei^pctiient.S] fenoiu tobat ^ere alfo tbe^ are tuot to obiett,tbat is, I ti)at tijt cburcb 10 clenfeD toitb tbe bja* (btttg of tuater i\x tbe too^o of life, tbst it mif^lit be loitbout lo^tuUle ano fpot, f tbat tberfo;e in an otber place it is cal Ico tbe piUer « tta? of trut^. But in tf)t fira of tbefe.ii.places is ratber faugbt, lubat Cbiiftc Dail^ toojUetb in it, tban tobat be batb alreo? Don, i?o? if be Dai* 1^ fan(tidetb)Purgetb)poli(betb, iDitietb from fpots all tbem tbat be Us : truelp it 10 certaine tbat ti^z^ are v?et befp^in^ hleD U)^tb Tome fpots and toiinltleS) f tbattbere toantetb fometobatof tbei?; fanctiftcation.But boUi tiain anofabu^ lous t0 ity to iubge tbe cburcb alreD? in euert part bolr anDfpotleffe,tDbcrof al tbe mcfacrs are fpott^ « tjerp tincleanef Bit is true tberefb^e tbat tl^t dfmvcWis fanctifiieD of Cb?i(t.But onelij ^ begins ningof tbat fanctiff ing i0 barcfene: but tbe cnoe anD full accompUO^ment C^lbc,\»benCb^iffe tbeboliett of bol^ ones (bal trul? anO fuU^ fill it toitb bis bplineffe.BSt is true alfo tbat tJjc fpots f to;incklcs of it are tpipeb atoar: bnt fo tbat tbcr be baily in tDiping afea^,tjn^ till €i}M ^nth bis comming uo titter^ ly take aiuai' all tbat remainetb. ifo^ tjnleflfe toe graunt tbis, toe muff of ne^ ccCrit? affirm toitb tbe pelagians,tbat tl)2 rigbteoufne (fe of tbe faitbful is per* fecte in t\)^s life: anb 1a)it^ tl)c Catbant ano SDonatiftes toe muff fuffcr no in^ firmifr in tl)t Cburcb,2Cbe otber place as toe bauc elfetoberc fene batb a fenfe t)tterl\? bififering from tbat tobrcb tbe^ p^eteno. ipo; toben ^aul batb inffruc^ teo SDimotbe, * frameo bim to t\iz true office of a b?fbp,be fa^tb tbat be bio it to this purpo(e,tbat be O^lo knoto boto be ougbt to bebaue btmfelf in t cburci). anb tbat be Dbulo \3)it\) t})t greater reli^ gioufnetTeano enbeuo; benoe bim felfe tbcrlJnto, be aooetb tbat tbe cburcb i0 § ters piller 1 ffai of frutb.ifoj tobat els bo tbefe too;bs mran,but i tbe trutt) of gob is p^eferueu in tbe cburcb? namely b^ tl)t miniffcri of p;cacbing^0s in an otber place be tecbetb,i? €}^nft gaue a* poftels, i^ffojs, anb Ceacbers, f toe Hph. OjoulD no mo;e be carieb about toitb e^ uery toinbe of bo(trine,o; be mockeb of men: but ^ being enligbtencb tottb tljz true Unotoleoge of tbe fonne of gob> toe Gbulbaltcgetber mete in Mtv of faitb, Mberas tberfo;!e tl^t trutt) is hot txth guitbeo in § too^lo,but remainetb faft;, ^ fame cometb to paflTe bicaufe it batb § cburcb a faitbfuU deeper of it, br tobofe belpe mti miniffer^ it is fuffeineo.But iftiiis keping ffanoetb in tbe miniffery of tbe p^opbetsano )^poffles>it foloto^ etb tbat it bangctb tobolelt? beret)pon,if t}^t too^b of tbe %o^ti be faitbfull? p^e* ferueb,anb bo kepe Us purity. 1} But tbat the reabers ma? better tn^ {)erffanb,t)po tobat po^t tbis queffton cbefcly ftabetbJ toil in fcto too;bs be* Clare tobat oure abuerfaries require, anb toberein toe ffanbe againff e t^tm* ^ber tbe? fa\? tbattbe Cburcb cannot erre. 4.11 To Saluation. crrcit tcntictl) !jcrcunto,f tbus t!iep ep pounD it,tliat fo jafnuidj ac it i;5 gcucr^ ncD b^ tfte fpiritcof (Cod, it map go fa^ fclp toitbout § tDo;m ttjat totjetber foc^^ uer if soetl),it can not ttinU no^ fpcaftc anp t^ing but trutfjtfjat ttjcrefoje if it Oetcnninc ant? tijing toitbout o; beftoc goD0 tiio;T),tbe fame i0 no otbertnire to be cft0smcDtbaa0 a certain ^mk of goojfUJc graiit tbatfirftc point, ^tbe flnircb can not crrc in tbings nccelTarp to falnation, t\)i3 is our meaning, tbat tbis is tijcrfojc bicaafc fo;jfahing at bir oUrn lLnfDom,(bc fnffretb b^r felf to be taugbt of ttje bolp gbott bp tbc toojbe of gooXbis tbcrfoje is t bitferfce. SDbct rettbeautbo;iitieofJcburcb \a5outtbe luo^o of C3oD,but toe luil tbat it be an^ ncjcco to tbc too;b,anb fuffer it not be feucreD fro it.iano tobat maruell is iU if tbe fpoufe i fcbolar ofCb;itt befub;' icct to bcr buft enbe of ber toifDom tnbcr be batb maoe an cnb of fpeking.^ificr tbis maner (be (bal nU To bittruft al tbe inuentions cf bi" oiun rcfonibut in tbofctljings tobcrin it Ca^ uetb bpo tbe tx)o;D of 0cb, (be fljal lua^ uer iDi^tb no dtUruftfiilnes c; oouting, bat fl&al refi l6 great affurcDnes f llcD=» fattconttancf . ^o alfo truCing bpon § largcrteETc of tbofe p;omifcs t Cje batb, djelbalbauc loneruponabciiDantlptc fuftanc bcr faitbtibat aj3 map notbing bout tbat tbe left guiD of tbc rigbttoai? tocbcln fpirit is altoap p^cfent ijo bcr: ^jut tbertoitbal tbe Oiall feepc in memo^ rp tubat tfe tbe Jlo jotooulDbancbsto Fourth Boolcc 1 fol.360 receiue of bis bolp fpirite. SDbe fptrtte (fattb be)tDbicb 3i Ixiil feno from mi fa« tber,a)aU leace t?ou into al trutbe.HSut botD; be rat>fe(fartb be)be (ball put pou in minDe of all tbofe tbtngs tbat 3 bane tolD pou . Sberfo^e be gcnetb toarning tb thm alfo botoen 16 fucb Dulnc0,iDben tbeioto pnt tbetr Dottvint in tD^itms, i^ tht's aftertoaro neueb to f.!^pl^ t6 litxtl^ boice J tobicb tbei bad bi! fault of tgno^ante omttteo in tbetr Isjiitings^But if tbei toercalreabs leo be tbe fpirit of trntb intoal trutb ^\)m tbeirDibfet fojtb tbeir to^itings : tobaf biiiDjcb tbat tf)t^ baue not thcnin con* tc^neu f left txj.:itten a perferte ftnoto* l2D(5e of tfit Dortrine of tbe gofpellf But gae to:let tJ3 grant t^t f bat \jikith tbe^ rerjiitre.saDnl^ let tbe point out lubat be tbofe tbings tbat it beboueo to be reue^ leD toifljout tontin3.3|f tbei bare enters piifetbiitj twilaffaile tbemtuitb Au^ gurtincsluo;iD0:tbati5, MbcnpJLo^D batb faio notbing of tbcm, tobicb of bs oare fa!?,tbcfe thtv ba o; tbofe tbei bisi oj if ani? bare fa^ fo , tuberebp Dotb be p;ouc lUmut tub? bo 31 drpuc about a faperfluous matter, .f o; a berp cbibe ootb !^»ctD e,tbat in tbe tjjj^tings of tbe ^poaies,UJbicbtbere men ooe make in a maner lame anb but balf perfect, tber is tbe frute of t^at rcnelation tobicb tbe jlLo^o Dibtben p;omtfe tbem. ij ^batf fav tbcp,BiD not cb;i(t put out of ccntrouerfp twbat fo cuer tbe Cburcb tcacrjctb I oecratbjtDbcn be commaun* I tttn bim to be taUrn fo; a beatben man f a l^ublicane tbat oarc fai againft berf irirtt, in ^ place is no mention mabe of ooartnc, but onlT? tbe autbonti^e of tf)e ccnfuresia eaabha)eo fo; correcting of bices^tbattbe^ lubicb bauc bencaDmo^* mK)g5 0^ rcbufecs^ igoulp not rcuft ber iuDgem^t* ^tomittig tli'^sAt i0 muc^ marnel,^ t{}efe lofels baue fo title (bame tbat t\)cv bare be p;oube of ^ place. ifo> lobat tball tht^ get tbereb^^but tbat tH (onfent of tbe cburcb is neuer fo be De(^ pifeb^ IjDbicb neuer confentctb but bnto t\)t trntb of f too^D of <^ob^ Cbe cbnrcb is to be bearbjfa? tbe?. tl^bo ttnitt^ iti fo^fmucb as it pzonoitcetb notbing but out of tbe tDo;b of tbe llo;be.if tbei? re^ quire an? mo;e, let tbem i^notue i tbefe luo^bes of Cb^iS bo notbing ta^e tbe?; parte thtvcin, ^e?tber ougbte 31 to be tbougbt to mucb contentious becaufe 3[ ftanb fo earnelll?t)pon tt)is potnt.2i:bat it is not latDfuU foi the cburcb to maite an? nebD bo(trihe> tbat ts,to teacb < be^ iiuer fo;t an oracle an? mo;e tban tijnt lobicbf lo^b batb renelebb? bis tDo;». if o> men of founb tuit bo fe^ boto great baunger tbcre i0,tf fo great antbo^it? be once gratiteb to men.:Cbe? fee alfo boUi \niiit a totnbolu is openeb to tbe mocb^ ings f cautllations of tbe luicbeb, if toe fa? tbat ^ tobicb men baue iubgeb,is to be taken fo; an oracle among €t}ntii ans.HBeSDc t\)iit,€i)M fpeafeing acco;»» bing to i ronOOf ration of bis oton timCj geuetb t^is name of tbe ^?nagoge,tbat b?s Difciplcs (boulb aftcrioarb learn to reuerence bol? affemblies of tbecburcb. ^0 fljoulse it come to palTe tbat euer?e Citit am tillage l^ouloe baue egall aiu> ttfoxitit iHco?ning of Dotfrines. \6 ^be erampics tobicbtbe?bfe,bo no# tbing belp tW, 2Dbc? fa? ^ t^t baptifing of infants, procebcb not fo mucb fro tbe erpreffe comaunbement of tbe fcrtpture as fro tlit becree of? cburcb.Butit toer a ber? miferable ruccor,tf toe tuere co^ pelteo to ties to tl)t bare autbo^it? of tbe Cburcb fo; befence of tl^t HBaptifme of infanttff : but it l^all in an otber place fuffieicntl? appeare t^tit is far otber^ toife.lliftetoife toberastbe? obiett tbat tbat is no tobere fdunb in tbe fcripture> tobtcb Ujljtcfj 11330 p;onouccD in tbei^icen ^U noDe,^ tijc fonne 10 cofubffaf iail Vd tfte faf ljcr,t[)erin tfjct 00 great to^ong f 0 tfte faf ^cris;,as tl^omh ttjci tjau raftlp conor ^ neD Arrius,bicaufct!jei UjoId notftocare to tbcir tpo.200 , lubcn Ije p^ofeffcD all ^ Dodrine \i}\)ic^ is top^tl)mii in ^ to ji^ tings of tbc p^opljets f apottlc^, SEin?^ too;D,3i graiif,ts not in p fcripfure ; but toJjr tbcrin is foaffirmcD,^ tbcr 10 but one CDocagain €1}M is fo oft callcD tljt true f eternal ©oDjone Mtb tbe fatber: tobatotbertOingooetbe fathers off be i^icene Coucell \3)\)m tf)c^ Declare tbat be is of one fubaanccbut fimplp fet out tbe natural fcnfc of tbc Scripture; 515ut Thcodoritc repo;itetb tbat Conftantme bfco tbts preface in tbeir airembli>j. 3ln Oifputatws (fartb be)of oiuine niatcrs, tbere is a p^efcribeD Dojtrinecftbc m^ To Saluation, fourth ijookc jFoL^fit pbets,co fully! fbetoe t3s tbe meaning of CDoD.acrfo^e lading atoat t!ifco;jD,Iet tjs tafee tl)e Difcuffings of quefiions out of tbe U)o;ds of tbc ^pirite.SEbere teas at tbat time no man tbat fpafee agarnft (befc bolp monitions. ijJo man tcofee cr? ccptioHjtbat tbe cburcb mtgbt aotie fom? tobat of ber otone: tbat tbe Spirit reue* IcD not all tbinges to tbe japoftles, o? at leatt WtereD tbcm not to tbofe t came after : o;an^ fucb tbing . 3f it be true tobicb our aDuerfarres toolo bauetfirff, ConRantine Ditj eml,tbat tofee from tbe cburcb ber autbo?itv:tben,tebcrns none of tbe UBilbops at tbat time rofe tjptc tiefenD ir,tbis toas not Uutbout bjeacbc of tbei?i fa^tb:fo; fo tbc^ tocre betrap* crs of tbe rigbt of tbe Cburcb . ^ut fitb Theodoritc rcbcarfctb tljaf tbci toilling . _ ^. - - -.- -.-c 1 l^embjacei^tbat tobicbe tbc emperor Spoit: tbc bcDftes of tbeOofpcIs, f of itje fafO,it 10 certain tbat tbis neto Doctrine ^pottles, toitb t^c muka of tbe ia;o* toas tben ttterli? Unknotof n. The is; Chapter, Of Councells and of their authorities J\r ^Uj,altbougb3}graunttbem all ; Vtbmgscocerning tbe Cburcb:rct tbe^ fbal tbercbp not mucb pjeuailc fo;i tbcirintent.jfoj tobatfoeuer is fa^b of tbc cburcb,tbe fame t\)ci^ bianbb^ aeue to m Coiicelfif, fo;jafmueb ns in tbeir 0^ piiiion m(c rep^cfent tbe cburcb . ^ea tober tbet> fo ttifiv cotcno fo; tbe pctoer of tbe Cburcb,tbep do it of no otbcr pur^ pofcbut to geue all )5 tbc^ ca get to tbc W>iOiop of Uome 1 Us garoe. ^ut ere 3 begin to Difcuflfe tbis queftion , 3 mufte neeoes bcremaljc p^otcHation of ttoo tbings afo^ebanD. jf irft,^ loberc 31 fljal in tins point be fom tobat rougb,it is not bicaufe j leffe eft erne tbc 0IO (Zounctlls tba i ougbt to Do,i?o; 3 reucrcn« tbcm fro mi? bart , 1 toiilje tbcm to be baD in tbcir Due bono^ toitb all men.l5ut berc* i|Usfome mcane tbat iSy tlut tljere be nofbtng toitbn^atoen fro €f)n^ . ij^oto tUs is tbc rigbt of (irb;iff,to be tlyc bcaD in all Counccls, f to baue no ma fclloto toitb bim in tbps Dignitie . 15ut 3 fare tbat tben onel? be is tbe beao , toben be gouernctb tbe tobole aflcmble VoiVo brs too;D I ^pivitt » ^econDly,tobcreas 3 gcucleffetoCounccIs tban tbeauucr* farpes require, 3 Do it not ft; tbis caufc tbat 3^>^^fra^De of tbe Councells , ns tbougb t^ep DiD malte fo; tbeir fiDe,nntJ toerc againtt ours.ifo; as toe are abun Dantlr furnilbcD totrt) tbc too;De of tbe 11o;d to tbe full p;cfc of our otone doc? trine full^,anD to tbe ouertb;otoe 9f tbe tobole papittrp,tbat toe neoe not mucb to Deflrc an\? olber tbing befiDe it : fo if tt}c matter require, tbe olD Councds Do fojagreateparte minillcr bnto bs fo mucb as may, fu^ife fo; botb. ^^.i. 2 ^oto Hiftecl. lib.i.ca.y ; Cap 9 \ Of the outward mcancs MatiS. :!\ca.a2. 2 ^oVu let t)s fpeak of tt)e tfiinct it ftlf. 3f it be fouBt)t of tl)e fcnpturfg,ixjl)at is tbe autl}o;itt? of Count ellfi : t^crc is no plainer p;omifctljan in tI)V0 fa^'ingof Cti;itt : ^i)ere tiuo o;^ tl);ec (l)albc ga< tbcrcD fogctbcr in mr nanic, tber 31 am in tbe mioncft of tbcm. 515ut ^ cotbno IcCTc belong to euer^ particular aOf blt?e tban to a general Counrel.l!5ut tb( Dout cf tlje quellicn ftanoetb not tberin : but bicaufe tbere is a conbition abbeo , tbat 0OD UJtl fo onl^ be in tbe mioucft of tbe Councel if it be gatbereo togetber in W naine,2Dberefo;c altbougb our abuerfa* rre0 oo a tboufanb times name Coun^ ttlB of 5i5iiliop0:tbep (W litle p;euaile, ncttbcr (bal tbe^ mabe bs to belene tbat lubicb t^c's affirme, tbat i0,tbat f bep be gouerncD of tbe boir emboli, bntill tbep baue p joucD t tbt^ ar gatbereb togetber in tl)t name of Cb.2ift.iF0j it is as poffi* blc ^ ^ic^tt) f euill WiQiopsi map (on<= fpire againft Cb;ift,ag 6®b t boncft bi* ftjops map come togetber in bps name, if 0; a bcrp cicre p;ifflfe berecf are mani bccras tbat baue pjoccbcD fro fucb Coii? eels . Ii3ut tbis l^ll be fcenc bcreaftcr. i^otD 3 bo but anftoer in one tDo;D^bat Cb;illp}omiretb notbing but to tt)tm tbat are gatbereb togetber in bis name. ILctb0tberfo;ebefinc tobattbatis. 3 Denp i tbcp be gatbereb togetber in tbe name of Cb;itt,tDbicb calling atoap t^ comaunbement of (!DoD,tDberein be fo;^ biooetbanpetbing to be abbeb to f)^B tKio;D,o> taken ff om it, bo becrce cuerp tbpng after tbeir otun toU^tDbicb being notcontenteb toitb tbe £D;acle0 of tbe fcripture,tbaf w to fap,tbe onclp rule of perfect toifDome,bo imagine fome netn tbing of tbeir otone bcab . ^urelp Ofbe Cb;ia batb not p?onureb tbat be toil be pjcfent at al Councris , but batb abiop* nco a peculiar marhc tobcrbp to mabc true I lalufullCouncclB Different from ct'qcr: it is megtcj[batj?cgolDnotneg^ left tbps Difference.2Sbis is tbe couinat tubicb in oIdc time (!Dob mabe \i3itb (be ileuitieall pjicftcs,tbat tljep fljolDteacb out of bps moutb.SEt}is he altoap requi* reb of tbe |D;opbets:tbis lato alfo Iwe fee to baue ben lapb bpon p 0poftIes.Mbo fo bjcabe bps couenant , (boo botb not bonct)fafe,to let tbcm baue tbe bono; of p;ieftba)b,no; anp autbojitpe. Het t\)c aouerfarys bnooc me tbps knof,if tbep Uiill make mp faptb bonb to tbe Decrees of men bcfitoe tbe toojo of CDob. 3 if 0; luberas tbei tbinU not t tvutl) rt< mainetb in tljt Cbttrcbe^bnlctfe it be a« mong tbe paftojs : anb ^ tbe Cburcb if felfftabetbnotbnleCrc it appeare ingc* neral Councels:tbat is farre fro bauing bene altoap true , if tbe |B;opbets baue lefte bnto Ms true teftimonpes of t\)tv)- oton timcs.SDbcre toas in p time of €^ fap a cburcb at BJerufale, tobicb gob bab not pet fojfabcn. But of tbepattojs be faitb tbus:2Lbc toatcbmen arc all blinb, neitber bnoU) tbcp anp tbing.SDbcp arc all bum bogges,ncitber arc tbcp able to ijarfee.SCbep Ipe along f netpr,anb loue Heeping: anb tljt patfojs tbemfclues hnotD notbing,no; bo bnberftanb : anb tbep bo altogetber lohe bacbe tinto tbep; otun toaics. jafter t^t fame mancr ^Dfa i faitb:ne luatcbman of Cpb^aim tr itb dDob.tbe fnare of tbe foijoler , batreb in tl)t boufe of CDob.Mbere iopning tbcm toitb<^ob bp tuape of mocfeagcbe tea* cbetbtbat tbep; p;etence of § p;ieftba)D is tjaine.^be Cburcb alfo enbureb bnto tbe time of Bleremp. ]let bs beare lobat be faptb of tbe pa(to;s. if rom tbe |a;o* pbet euentotbep;iett, euerp one fol^ lotoetb Iping.0gaine.2]:be p;opbets bo p;opbecpe a Ipe in mp name , toben 81 baue not fene ti^zm -, no; commaunbcb tbem.:3nb leaft toe tboulD be ten long in reciting bps U)o;bes , let tbofe tbpngcs be reb tbat be batb to;ittr ix^ tbe tobole j:ri^. anb yl. Ct?apterg,attbattpme on Mal»2. 7 Efa,56.x OC9.S. Hicr.14. Eze,22. a. Pet. 2. Ma. 24. 1U&.24. ttieotbcrCDe CjecljicI titD no mozcQet IB inucpe againtt p fame mcnXfjj r6< fptradc(faitr) fje)of i§ ^^op^ttes in ttje miD0of(?era0a roarmg Iicn,f ^ Miolit Iv tabetb bt0 p;jar.l9cr p>icft5 l;auc b;o fecn m^ latjD, anD Ijaue DeSIco m^ bol^ tbinge0,f tjauemaoe noDifFrrcnccbc^ tUjan fjolp f p;op^ane:anD tbe retttbat t)t aoiopncD to t{je fame cffect.ilihc co* plaiiirs are euerg toljer in p p;opt)ete0, fo that nothing w oftcr founo in tt)em. 4 315ut pcr!Kips it mpgjjt be t()at tljat toas fo among tfje 3lelDe0 : but our age is fra from fo great an euilj looulo to goD in netn it tocr fo but tfje Ijolt? gfjoft batti geuen tuarning that it (ball be far otticrtupfe. jEbcUJo^Dcsofpeterarc pla?nc.a0(faictt) be)tl)cr ixjcr in § olDc people fdlfc p;op!}ct0,fo (Twll tfjcre alfo be among rou falfe teacbcrs, ailp b;iin^ ging in fette0 of peroifion. ^ce pou net botu be faietf),^ tbcr 10 Dauger to come, not bp mm of tbe common people,but b^ thm th^t ttiali boftc tljefelues toitb the title of tcacber0 ano ^aHo^si^^t^ »,^,^^. '^^^^ ^^ °ff ^^^^ »t *^^n fo;efpoken b^ TheCa ^^^'^ ^"^ ^^^^ 0poaic0, tfjat ttjer ftulo tjerp great Danger bag ouer tbc cburclj b^tbepatto^s^ FeapaulplainipOje^ Ujctf>,tbat antict);ia m fit in no otter place tban in tbe temple of dJoD.taOer bp be figniffctb^tbat th9 bo;riblc calami tie of tutjicb Ije tbcr fpeafeetb,ftal come from no lubcrc els but from tbem f Ijat fljall fit in iteoc of 1i)affo;s in i church. ilno in an other place be fljcluetb, tbat tbc beginninges of fo greatc a mifcbicf arccucn aL cjb^nire at bao. ifo; ivhc iK fpeaJutb fa tljc iL:.iajop0 of ci;pbefu0. i UnoUic (favnb tc) tbataftcr m^ Depar turctbcrcOjal cuter into vou raacnmg iuolucs not fpariij'j; tljc fi^cli. ano Cbcy flwlbe cf i?oiir cujii feluci?,;' ami fpcahc perucrfc tb!'.c^,'c leaD atuap Oifciplcs after tt)f: \^o\Xi vt-u^h co moutb of tbem allXbere bp al tber^ bo\?ces § trutb tua0 conoemnebjCpicba toas con^ bcmneb fo; an i)erctikt, ftrihen i call in p;ifon . &o teas Done to J^icremic, foto tbe otber |3;opbct5. 7 li3ut let one erample ruffice fo? all, iDbicb IS mo;e notable tban tbe reHe. Bin tbat conufel lobicbtbc lli3i(bopsanD pjjarifacs gatbercD at tg)ierufalc acainft Ci)nfty tobat ca a ma fat? tbat tber m* tcDinfomucb as perta^ncototbcout^ uviro (bclw^if o; if tber baD not tbe bene a^bwcbatJlierufelem, CbuaiDoulD neuer baue cSmuiiicate ^ tbetr [act ift^ tts anb Dtbcr ceremonies. JEbere luas mabe a folenm fummoning cf ttjon tc* getber:tbe bie bifijop fate as c bicfe : tbe tobole o;Der of p^iUcs fate br bini'.rct €l)nit toas tberc ccn?!cnmeP, t bis Dcc^ trine nj^ucn aloa^ . 2Lbi5 soing is a p^ofe tbat § cburcb teas not enclofeb in tbat CouncelllBut tber is no peril tbat an? fucb tbing (bulb bappf to bs.^bo batb geue ts alTurace tbereoffif o; it is not luitbout fault of auggiibnes, to be to carelefTe in fo greate a mater . I^ut tuber tbe bolr gboft Dotb ^ith txp;tGc tDo;bs p^opbecic h^ § moutb of paul,^ tbere fl^l come a Departing (l»bicb c«n not come but tbat tbe pattojs muff be firff tbat Ibal fo;jral?e <©ob)U)bvare toe berein toilfullv blinoe to our otone be^ firuction. ^berfojc it is in no toife to be grauteOjtbat tbe cburcb confifietb in tbe company ef paffo;s, foj tobom t^e ilo;^b batb no toberc tnoertabtn^ ^tv (bal perpetually be gmb.but be batb p^o nonnceDtbat tbei? (ball fomctpmebet eu^ll. i5ut toben l)t toarnetb bs of tbe baunger, be Doetb it to t^is entente to mafee bs the toarer. 8 Mbat tbcf toill tbou fa? t\}t^: &bal tbe Coucels baue no autbo;j ity in Dcter^ miningf^esfo^fffltb. iFo;^ ncin;er do J berc argue tbat alCounccls are to bee conDemncD.c? al tbeiiactcs to be repels' leDjO.j (as tbe facing is)to be DcfaceD \jo one blot.liSut tbou toilt fai? to me)tboH b;ingeff tbf al into fubtection, i^ it mar be fra fo^ euer? man to rece^uc o^ re^* fufe tbat tobicb tbe Councels baue be^ terminetj. 0ot fo. y^ut fo oft as tl)c be? craofantjCounccIlisbjougbt fm^tb? 31 toolD baue it firli to be Diligently toe? ieD,at tobat time it toas boloe fo? tobat caufe it toas boloen, tobat manner of mentoerep^efent : anD tben tbe terp tbing tbat is intreatcD of, to be epami? neb b? t'gt rule of tbefcripture:anD tbat in •<' 2.The(r. To SaluatJon. in fii:!) fojt as t})2 Determination of tbc iloancell ma^ bane bps fojce, f be as a fo^ciuugcD fcntf ce, t y>tt not ^intier tfje afo^cfaio e):amination,BI Iroulo to C3oD al men DiD Ucpe ttjat mooeration lobicf) Auguftine p:efcribctf) in tbc tfjiro bohe a^aintt Maximinus . jfo; tobf be min^' neo b^aflp to put to filence tbis beretiUe contctJing about tbe Decrees of Coiicels: i|>ct?tber (fai?tb be) ougbt 3 to obiecte a^ garnft tbee ^ ^rnoDe of jiiice,no;j tbou agavna me tbe ^pnooc of ;ariminum, as to tbe entent to concluDe one an otber bp fo^eiuDgeD fentence , neptber am 3 bounD bi? tbe autbo.2ttte of tbe one , no; tbou of p otber. I5r autbo^ittes of fcrip^ tures , not fucb as are proper to ci?tber one,but fucb as are common to botb,let tbere ffriue matter toitb matter , caufe Uhtb caufc,rearon Ujitb reafon. &o (T)oIo it come to patTc titat Coiicels aj:Ia bane tbe maiettve tbat tberougbt:but in tbe meanefjafon tl)c (cripturc tboulo be a* lane in tliz bi?er place, ^ tbcrc migbt be notbing ^ QjolD not be fubiert to t])c rule tberof.^3 tbefe olD S>inoDes,as of i^ice of Conffantinoplctbe fira of Cpbefus, of CbalccDon, i fucb otber, bbicb tosre bolDen fo; confuting of crrojs , toe toil^ linglg emb;ace i rcuerencc as bolp , fo muc^ as belongetb to ttit Doctrines of fai!tb:fo; t\)t^ coiitaine nothing but tl)c purei naturallerpoation of fcripture, \3i\)id) bol^ fatbers ^t\) fpiritual toife^ Dom appIpcD to tbe fubouing of tbe cnc* mies of religion ^ t\)m rofe \)p,^n tomz of tbe later Coiicels alfo,toc fee to apere a true jele of goDl^nes, f plaine tokens of Unt,learning>am) toifeuome. i3:it as tbingesaretoontcwnonlt? togrotoeto U»o;fc,U)e ma^ fee bp tbe later Coiircls, botumucbtbecb^jrcb batb noto itben Degenerate fro tbepnrencffe of tbat goU Denage.nnD 3l:)out not but in t':}:(ccoy^ rupter ages alfOjCuuccls baue bao fome iBiiJwpaof t;je better f01y3.it in tbefe 1 ourth Bookc. i F0I.3' 3, tl)t fame bappeneD tobic() tbe ^enatoi« tbffelues coplaineD to be not toell Done in making of o^Dinanccs of tljt Senate at Home, if 0; tobile tbe fentcnces are numb;eD,nottoci?cD,it is ofneccffitie tbat oftentimes tbe better part is of tbe greaterXruelp tlnv baougbt fo;tb ma^ np toicfeeD fentences. ^ettber is it bere nebefull to gatber tbe fpecial examples, nei:tber bccaufe it tboulD be to long , 0; becaufe otber baue Done it fo Diligently tbat tbere can not mucb be aDDcD» 9 ii^otojtobat ncDe 3 to rebearfe dou* eels Difagrcing toitb Councels i HnD it is no caufe tbatan^ lljoulD murmure a^ garntt me,^ far,tbatof tbofe Counccls tbat Difagrce,fbc one is not laUifull.ifo? boto l^al toe iuDge tl^tf 15f tbrs,if 31 be not DcceaucD, tijat toe Iball iuDge bi^tbe fcripture3,tbattbe Decrees tberof ar not agreable toitb true Dottrine.iro; tbis is tbeonclp certain lato fo Difcernetbe b^. Bit is noto about poo.peares agoe,Cnce t\)t ^rnoDe of Condantinople gatbcrco togetber bnoer Leo tbe C-mpero^jiuDg- CD tbat images fet bp in Cburcbes t^olD be ouertb;otoen, 1 b:ohen in paces . a litleaffcrtoars, tl)c Counccll of 0cc, tobicb Irene tbe Cmp;eire alTcmbleDin fpite of bim,DecreeD tbat tl)t^ CboulDe be rcao;eD.t(:ibctber of tbefe ttoo ibal toe acknotoleDgc fo; a latofnll CofirelXbe later tobicbe gaue images a place in Cburcbes,batb p^euaileD amog tt)c peo* ple.lSut Augulhne (a)>t\)tl)at t can not beDonetoitbout nioft p;efent perillof iDolatrp. Hpiphamus tobicb toas befo;r | in tpme,fpea!?etb ijiacb mo;c (barplf e: fo.: be faitb tbat it is toicfeeones f abbo^ mination to baue images fcene in a cburcb of Cb;i.Tfa;is. w^ouloc tbep ^ fo fpcafee,alloto tbat Couccl,if tbep toer a^ liue at tbis Dap^ But if botb tbe bittoji^ ans tell trutb , t t\)z \3cr1? actes be bele^ ueD,nctonelp images tbemfelues , but alfo tbe toojtbipptng of tbcm toas tterc ^^Aii. rcrcaeiro. -ap.9. Of the outvvardc mcanes rcceaueo.lBut it is cuiDcnt tljat fuclje a Decree came fro ^afan.i^oto fa^ rou to tf}v?s, tt)at in Dcp;iautng anu tearing tUc fcripturc,tt)ci iljetu ^ tl)ci maoc a mock tng (lock of iff Mtjiclj tbrng 3 tjauc btf toic fafficicntli? malie opcn.lBoUifocacr it be,lDc(l)a! no otfjcrluife be able to Dif^ f erne bettocnc contrart? anD Difagreing ^vnoDC)9f,lDl)icb tucr manpi tnlcffe Idc trp tbcm all bv tbat balance of all men f ange!5,tbat i0,b\? tbe too^t off iLo;D. fe-'o U'c embrace the ^tnooe of Cbalce* I;on,refu0ng § feconti ^pnoDe of (ipbe^ fu0,bif aufc in tbus later one tbe toicked nclTe of fcuticbcs teas confirmet),tobicl) tbe otfeer former coni5fneD. %'t}is tljtng l}olvin:enljaiieiHDgcD none otberto^fe but by> t\)C fcripture:lDl)om ti>c fo folloto in iuDgingitbattbe tt»o^D of dDotj Uibtcb gaue ligbt fo tbem Dotij alfo notu geue livMt to tis.iiJoiD let tlje KomaniUes go f boaft,astbevarelDont,tbat tljc boly gljoU is faSncD f bouD to tbcir Coucel0. lo i^olubeit tbcr is alfo romU»bat tobicb a man map tuell tbinke to be toanting in tbofe auncient f purer Councels: cp tljf r bicaufe tb£\! tbat tben tuere at tbr, being otbcrtuife Icarneo ano loife men, iDbcllp bent to § bufincs tben in banue, DiD not fo.jcfce mani? otbcr tbings,o^ fo; tbat man? tbinges of Irgbtcr impo;^* tance cfcapeD tbem being bufied tuvtb U)eigbticr i moje earneft matters : o; foj tbat fimplp,a5 being me tbet? migbt beoeceaucD tuitb t3nffeilfiilne0c,o?fo; tbattbcp tuerc fomtimc carpcD betjlong Uiitb to mucb afifectio.^f tbis lad point (iDbicb feemctb t\)t barocft of all) tbere tuas a plaine eramplc in tbe 0ccn ^i^ nooc,tbe bignitic toberof batb b\> cofcnt of all mcn,as it Uias tuo^tbp, ben recei^ ueD loitb moft b^c reuerence. jfo^ Irbc tbe pjincipall article of our faptb toas tberc in Danger, An ius tbe enemp teas pjcfcnt in rcaoinelTe , luitb tubom tber mult figbt banp to banD, ? tbe cbefe inu po;tancelapemtbe agrcment of tbem tbat came p;epareD f o figbt agatinft tbe erroj of Amus, fbvs notUjitbllanDvng tbt^ carelcffe of fo great cangcrsj^ca as it lucre bauing fojgotten grauitv^e, mo* Deffr^ jf all bumanitie, leaning ttjc bat? tell tbat tbep baD in banD, as if tbcp baD come tbctber of purpofe to do An ius a pleafure,began to Ujoud ibcfelues ^itif intuaroe Diffcntions,? to turne agaijnft tbemfelucs tbe ftile t flioulD bauc bene bentaga^nft Arrius, 2Lbcrc toer bcaro folule obiectinges of crimcs,tbf re tcerc fcattereD bcokes of accufaticns , f tbere iDouloebauebene no cnDmaDe ofcon« tentions, tntill tbe? baD iDitb mutuall tuounDes oneDcffrotjcD an otber,t)nleirc tfjeCmperojConftantine baD p^cuen* teDit,tubicbpJcfeffingtbat tt^t tramv^ ningoftbcp^life bas a matter aboue brs knotDlege,anD cbaOifeD fucb intem perance rather U)itb p;iatfe tbantovtb rebuking . Boto man\: iuatf f^ i^ H cre^ Diblc tbat tbe otbcr Counccls alfo far* leD, tubtcb folloUtcD aftf rtoarD i ^t^f tber Dotb tbr^ matter ncDe long p^jofe. ifo; if a man reaD oner tbe actes cf tbe Counce!s,be (bal note tbcrein man? in^ firmities tbougb 31 fpcake cf notbrng mo;e greuou0» II anD Leo bifbop of Home Cicketb not to cbarge \3i)it\) ambition f tjnaDnifcD raQjnes,tbc ^?ncDe of CbalccDo,U;bi£b tiet be cofefictb to be founb in Dodrines. ipe Dotb in DeDc net Den?e tbat it leas a latoful ^inoDe:butbe cpenlr?affirmcib tbat it migbt erre.^omc ma peraDucn? ture tuill tbinke mc fcnD, fc; tbat 31 bu^ Ge m? felfe in d^cUnng fucb crroas:fo;^ afmucb as cur aDuerfarvc s bo ronfeCe, tbatCouneels ma? crre in tbofe tbings tbat are not nccclfar? to faluation. )li5ut tbislato^isnot ?et fupcrfiucus. ifo; aitbcugb bicaufe tijc^ are ccpelleD,f ber DO in D^Dc confclTe it in tDc;a: vet UUjen tbe? tbmft tnto ts tbe Determination "^ ^f of al counccl5 in cucrn ntjifcr tofjaffoe ucr it bCjfo; an Oracle of tljc fjoli^ gljolf, tfje^ DO tljerin require moje tban tfjep tobc at tbc bcfiinning.Bin fo Doing toljat Do t!)ey aefirme, but tbat tomcls ca not crrcro; if tber crrcret it is not latuful Tob'aluation, i-Qurth Booke. , ^01^364. rulcr0 tDfjtcf) ff)al not botoe fro ^ latoe of tf)c lo;D,neitf)cr to tbe one fiDe no; to tbe otber.llBut if tbe Doctrine of all pa* ffo;fi iDbatfoeuer tbci bc,is fo be recer^ ucD iDitljout an^ Douf ing, to U)bat pur^ pofc loas if,f !jat toe (feulD fo oft f fo ear fo; t)0 to fde ^ trutft,o; not fo fcotlj tfjeir j nc aip bcaonionirijcD not to bcarUc to p errojsf janD 3 intenD nothing cIs, but ^ | fpecb of falfe p;opbts.^care not (fartfj it map tfjcrbt!begatf)creDtl)attbeftolg|f)ebpl^icremp)t()eiDo;D5 of tbc p;o^ Sboft fo gouerncD tbe goDlti i fjolv ^^^ pfjets ^' p^opfjcr r to vou.jf o; tl)d fcacbe noDe5,tbat in tfjc mcanc time be fufFc^ rou tjanitii?,^ not out of tbc moutb of p rcD fomlDbat to bappcn to tl)t bi? tbe na ; JLo^D.^gainclSetoare rou of falfc p;o turc of mcn.lctt luc O^ulD to mucb truft to men . nis is a mucb better fen^ tcnce,tba tbat of Gregory Nazianzene, i fit ncuci* fa\»ca goiD cnDc of ant? coii- csl.ifo; i)c tbat affirmetb t al toitbout erccpfion cn^eo il,ootb not Icau? tl)cnx imc\)ai\tl)c?Atit. Jt is no'juc notbihg pbets,^ come Ijnto rou in t^eps clotbfg, but intiiarolpare raucnfg tuoIues.anD lobn ftoulD in t)apn erbojt ts,f bat toe fboulo p.:ouetbc S)pirtes tobetber tbep be of (iDoD. jrroni tobicb iuDgcmcnt tbe ljeri> Hngclfiare not eremptcD , mucb Iclfc ^ata iBttb all bis lies, mbat is to neeDfulto mifte mention fcucrallp of ibcfaiooftbisfaping if tbe blinDlcaD^ p.jouincia! :o'jnccl0, fo;afmucb as it is i blinD,tbep O^al botb fall into tbc Dicbc^ eafp to iaogc by> tbc gcneral,b3to mucb ' Dotb it not fufftcicntlp Declare, tbat it aatbo;itietbci?ou5btto baue tomwthc neUi articles offaitb i to rccetiiie lobat fcinD of Doctrine focucr it plcafctb tbe.1i. 12 atourUomaniffs, Uibentbet?fa tbat in Defence of tbcir caufc al bclpc of reafon Dotb failc tbem, do refo;t to tbat ertreme 1 mifcrable ll&ift:tbat alibouob tl)c men t\)tmkluc3 be bloclull) in tuif « councf l,anD mott iDichcD in mpnDe 1 toil,t!et tbe too^D of (Dod remat?netb, UibicbcommaunDctb to obcp Itulers. 3(S it fof tobat if 31 Denie tljat tbcf be ru^ Ier0 ^ arc fucbf iFo; tbcp ougbt to tahc tjppon tbemfclucsjuo mo.:e ti)ixn Jofua baD,U)bicbti3asbotba pjopbetof tf)e is of great importance tobat maner of pjopbcts be bearD, anD tbat not all are raa)Ii to be bearof Q^berfcjc tber is no reafon ^ tbep IbulD make tjs afrarD b3 tbcir titles, tbercbp to D;aUJC ts into perfaking of tbcir blinoncs; fo^afmucb as loe fee on tbe otber liDe, tbat tbe I02D baD a (ingular care no frat? fcs aluap fro fufferinge our fclues to bee IcD ^itl) 0* tber mens erro;, tmDer tobat t)rfo; of name focuer it lurkctb.ifo; if tbc ami* ftocr of Cl)M be true, tben all blinoe guiDs tobetbcr tbe? be callcD fatbcrs of f' cburcbjo; p,:clat3,o J bifl)ops,ca do no fbing,butD.jatiJ tbcir partners into tbe JIo,:d anD an crccllcnt patto;. I15ut let fame beaDlong Doton fal. SGlberfoje let ts bcarc \Dit^ tobat too;Des be is fct bj? tfic ilo.jDc into bis office. 3lct not(mttb f)c)ti)c tjolomeof tbis lato Depart fi-om tl)\! nnutf): but tbou dnlt UuDr tJpon it no names of counfcis,pafto;s,btlbops, (tobifb mat? as toel be falQp pictc hdcd as trucli t»feD)binDcr ts,buttbat being taugbt br IclTons botb of toojDs anD er Daics I nigbfs.SD'jou (i)alt neifbcr boto ainples,toe nia^ cpamine al fpirits of al to i rr^gbt ba^ no; to § lcftc:tben ll}alte m:n b)! ti}c rule of v too:D of goD, ^ toe tbouDirectctbi'toapc I 'onocraariD it. | ma? piouc tobetbcr tbci be ofgoDo; no gbe\? tbercfo;en)albeto Dsfpirituall n jfojafmucbas toe baue p;ooeD tbat - ^^aiij> tbi:r"c Hie. 23, 'Mat.7.j, i.loh.4.) Ma. 1^.10 Cap.9. Of the outvvarde mcancs |»Xor.i4 29» I t^er is notgcue to § ctiurcfi a potocr to fet tp a net!) Doctrine, noto let t5 fpeak of tbe potDcr tobicft t^e^p attribute tjnto it in erpounDing of fcripture. SEruel^ toe DO totUingl^ graunt,^ if t^er ^ppe Debate about anr Do(trine,tber is no bet tcrnoj rarer remeDi? tbaifa fijnoDcof trueiBitbops aflemble togetber,toljcre tbc Doctrine in controuerfp ma^ be Dif* cufff D.iFo; fucb a Dctcm]ination,Uiber tnto tbe pafiois of cburcbeis (bal agree in common together calling tjpon tbe fpirit of Cbnftjfl^l banc mucb greater foKe,tba if eueri? one feuerall? (boulo conce^ue it at borne, ano fo teacb it to § people, o; if a feU) p^tuate mm (boulo ma&e it. 0gatn,toben ^iS)op0arega'' tbereD togetber in one,tbet do ti)t mo;t commoDiouOi! tahe aouife in common, tobatanointPbatfo^metbci? ougbtto teacbjleaft DiuerCtic fljulD b^eoe cffr ce. E^birDel^ panle p^efcribctb tUs o;Der in Difcerning of Doctrines: if o? toberas be gcuctb to cuert? feueral cburcb a po^ tuer to Difcerne, be (betoetb tubat is [' o;Der of Doing in Uieigbtier caures:tbat iS)t\)at tbe cburcbejs (bulD taUe bpo tl)c a common triall of tbe mater togetber. 0nD fo Dotb tbe ber^ faling of goDlines inffruct bs,tbat if ant? man trouble ti)z cburcb iBttb an bnlooteo Doctrine, t tbe matter p;oceDe fo far tbat there be pe^^ ril of greater Di(rentio,f cburcbes (^ulD firft mete togctber,anD eramine f que^ ttion pjopounDeD,at latt, after iuH Dif* cuffing bao, b;inge fo^tb a Determina* tion taken out of tbe fcrtpture, fucb as ma^ botb take atuai? Douting out of tbe people,! Itoppe tbemoutbcscfUiicUcD f greDt! me,tbat t\)t^ mai? not be fo bar D^ to pjoceDe an^ furrier . ^o Ujben Arrius Uias rtfcn, ^ #icen f'pnoDe Uias ga tbereD togetber, tobicb Iratbtbeau* t?iD2ttie tbcreof botb DiD b^eak tbe \i)ic' licD cnDcuours of tbe tngcDli? ma, anD i cCa;c9 peace to tbe cbnrcbes,Uibicb be baD t3e):eD,anD DefeDeD tbe eternal goD^ beaD of Cb^ill,againft bis blafpbemous Doarine.C23:ben aftertoaro tunonius i Maccdonius ftirrcD bp nctue troubles, tbeir mabnes teas rcQlleD tuitb like re meDp bT?tbe &^noDc of Conftatiuople. 3!n tht counfel at C-pbefus tbe tuictieD^^ nelTe of Nertonus toas baniflbcD.ifinaU Iv tbis batb bene from tbe beginning § o^Dinari? mcane in tt)e cburcbe to p^e* ferue t^nttie, fo oft as ^atan began to Ujojfeeant tbing. iBut let bs remfb;e, tbat not in all ages o; in all places are fonnD Athanafies,Bafilcs,CyrilIes,f fucb Defenoersof true Doctrine iDbometbe ilo^D tben ra^feD bp.ll5ut let ts tbinhe lobat bappeneD at dDpbefus in i feconD ^rnoDe, tobere t})t bcrefie of tutichcs p;euatleD,tbe ma of bd^ memo;ie Fla^ uianus toasbanifl&eD \:o certa^ne otber goDlt men,anD tntinv fucb mtfcbeues co mitteD euen fa^caufe Diofcoms afeDi^ tious man anD of a bert? naugbt^ na^ ture, toas tbere t^t cbiefe, anD net t\)c ^pirite of tbe ilo^De . ^at tbere toas not ^ Cburcb.31 graut.jfo^tbis 3 Deter^? mine ijtterl^ tbat tbe trutb d otb not tberfo;e Die in tbe cburcb,altbougb it be opp;effeD of one councel:but tbat jt Io;d meruailoufl? pjeferuetb it,fbat it map againe in Due time rifebp, anD get tht ouerbanD. Il5ut3i Denp tbat tbis is per* petual, tbat is a true f certapne erpo# ation of fcripture tobicb batb ben rccep ueD bpconfrntes of a councell. 14 15ut ti)cMomamlie3 locate at an c^ tber markjtobe tbep teacb t tbe potoer to erpoiiD § fcripture belongetb to § ecu cels,i:eaf tbatl^out appellation from tbem.ifo^ tber abufe tbis colour,to call it an erpofition of tbe Scripture tobat foeuer is DecrecD in tbe Coilccls of pur^ gato;ie cf tbe interccffion of ^aintes, of auricular ccfe(rion,anD fucb otber ca not be fcuD one fpllablc in tbe fcriptu* res. But brcaufe all tbefe tbmges bane bene Maa5. i6. To Valuation. bene ttdblifljco b\> the ant1;o;tfr of rtjc cburcbi ^isto fap(to fpcfec frulp)rccci? ucD in opinion f tJfe,t!}crfo;c cneri one of tbr mntt be tahcn fo; an crpoOtto of fcripturc.anD not ^ onlr: il3ut if a rcu^ eel Deere ani tbingjtbouglj fcriptnre crt lourth Booke. tt ouer.ifo,: in fucb fojt to mafee il^t^* racks ofC?oD fubictte to ttc increment of men, t ttJH? HjulD tljcrfo^e be of fc;ce bccaiife tbr v tauc pIcfcD men,i0 a blaf* pbcmv \)ntDo;tbf to be rcbcrfeo; ano 3 ^.„, .^.. ^^^,r c- ^''^"c^l^cfo^ctoucbeotbe fame mater al* out agailJ it,ret it Gbal brarc y name of reD^.^ct J tril afbe tfjcm one tbing:af an eppootion tljerof. €t)m c omanDet^j ; the autbo;itt? of tbc fcripture be fciioca i.Tim,4 1. Heb.13 4» al to D;ink of p cupMici) be recbetb in tbe fupper. 2:be coucel of Confiracc fo;* bao t It fljulD not be ^cucn to i !ai peo* pie, butlDiiieD^tbepnettonlpfl^ulD D;ink of itSTbat Uibicb fo Dircctli? figb^ tetb asainft f be inCitutio of cb;iff,tbci tpon tbe alotuance of tbe cburcb, lubat coimcelB Decree toil tl)tv allcDge of tbat matter i j tbink tbep banc none.mi;^ then DiD Arrius fuffer bimfelfc to be o> uercome at ij^ice lDt:tb tettpmontes b^ougbt out of tbe gofpel of Jobn i ifo; V !i?^",^ ^.^^ ^?^" ^°^ ^" ^f Pofi^^o of after tbcfe mens fating, it toas fra fc; it.^aul calletb t fo;biDDfg of manage, bim to baue refitfcD tbe, fo;afmucbca« m bipocrifr of Dipcl5,f t})c mv m in f bcr baD no allotaancc of a general coii. an otber place pjonoiif etb,^ manage is eel gon befo^eXbei allcDge tbe elD rol, in al me boU f bono;able.tailberas tfjci tobicb is calleD tbe Canon, tobicb tbep DaueafterlDarDfo;biDDf p;ieff5toma^ fa^tobaue p;oca:DeD ffom ^ iuDgemet Fols6;.| rr, tbe? require f 0 bane t taken fo; t^t true f naturall erpofitio of p fcripture, tobf notbing can be imagineDmo^ea? gaill it: Jf ani? Dare once ope Us moutb to IB contrari?,be fvalbe iuDgeD an bcre^ tibc:bica«fe § Dcterminatio of ^ cbircb is Mtiiout appellation: 1 to Dout of bcr erpoOtion, fi it is not trne,is a baiitous offence. ^bpH&uloSiinuf^againftro great fl^amclefncCTrs^jf c: tbe Derr ftje^ toing of it is an ouercomming of it.aa fo; tbat tubicb tbep teacbe of tbe potner Ma,23. 6 of tbe €t)tircl), 15ut 3 afbe tbcm again in tDbat councell tbat Canon teas fet fo;tbe.l^are tbep mutt neebes be Dum. I^otoe be it 3 DeOre furtber to bnotue tobat maner of Canon t]jei^ tbinbe tbat Uiag. fo; 3 fee tbat tbe fame toas not tjerpcertainelpagrceD among tbeolDe tD^pters. ;anD if tbat inbicb Hicromc fapetb ougbt to be of fo >ce,tbe hcahcs of spacbabees, Cobie, C'ccleCalticus ano fucb ctbcrjOiall be tbjutt among tbe A* . , . ^. . . - ' , --.-r I poclirvpha,VKbicbtboreCanonfi Doe in to aloto t\)e fcripturcj toittinglr paOe/ no toifc fuffer to be Done. 7 hex. Coaptff. Of the power in making oflavves.-vvlierin the Pope,and hisjiauc vfcd a molt cruell tiranny and butchery vpon foulcs. N S.^ f°^ M^"^"^ • '^^ ^^^^^^ P*'^^^' ^^^^^ "0^ ^^"f ^ ^VftJ one f ngerj baue in an cte« i f .'n^^^^^ 'nf^' '""r^''^ otberplaretaugbt botocruelabutcb^ nl r "r f *^ tiaDitions cf men,e. iiing aurical^ir cofetrion.^n otber latos rtl« T"E^ ^'i?**''^ ^° ^^^"^^'^ P'^^^ ^'-^^ *• ^P^^^*^^^ "ot fo great ticlence: but i^iics. jro; tber baue ijao no inc; r con. tbofc lobicl; lime tbe mott tcllerable of fcieacc ti;an bao tte Scribes ano pba^ iific*, to Irip burDf n5 tpcn ofter men^ %u!Bcr0,jLubicO tl;:p tbcinfrkica toolD al,Do tfrannonOp opp;es confcienees. 3 Icauc tiurpokcn botoe X^:t^ co;rupte tl^t jgO^)ipor^-OD,f DOfpoil(lDoDoU;fclf ^-Z.tJ. of Ofthcoutvvaide incanes of !)S'rVitii)!)icfj is i onl^ laUjmabcn SLbis po ''-cr 10 nolo to be cntrcateD of lDi)ctijtT tijc rfjnrd; mav^ binD tonkiciv tcs Sx)it'o ber !aUK0.51".t Uiljicb Difcourfc f l;c 0 :Der of pollic^c i$ not toiicbcD, but tb:3 onl\? is intcnoco, ^ OoD be rigbtl^ tuo;n)ippco arco;Din0 to ^ rule Vubpcb biinfclf fjatfj p;efcribcD,ano v tijc fpiri^ tnall libcrti^Cjtufjicb batb regaroc tnto goo,tnav' remain fafc bnto biJ.Ufc batb maoe tbat al tbofc Decrees be calleD tra# Ditios of men, tobatfoeuer t\)t^ be tljat bane concerning § too^fljip of goD p;o^ ceDeo fro men beSDe bis U)o;D.jagainft tb.'fe uo tue flriue, not againft § bolp i piofttable o^Dinaccs of pcburcb tobicl; mahe fo; i p;cferuafion citljtr of Ctfci^ plinc o; bonell\? o^ peace. ySut tfjt cmt of our ttriuing iSy^ tl)z immefurable i barbarous C'mpirc ma? be reftraincD, \ubicb tbc\! tafurpbpon foalec,^ Ixjoulo be comptcD pafto;s of tbc cburcft,but in Vicrip DcDe arc mott crurl bntcfjers. jfo;j tbc? t'a? ^ t^c latDCS lu^ici) tl)c^ make arc fpirifual, i pcrtcining to the rouI,f tbev affirm tbem to be ncccflar? to etcr nallife.XDut fo (as 3 cur nolo tcucbeo) t fttnjDom of €t)nil is inuaDcb,ro f li* bert? b? bim gcuen to tbe confcience of ? faitbful tstttcrli opp^rclTeD i tbaoton ab^oQc.J fpealie not nolu Vb bolD great tngoolmcs tbc? aablidjtbeobreruing of tbeir latus, Vobile out of it tbep teacb men to fckc botb fo^geuenes of finncs, ano rigbteoufnes,ano faluation, tubife tbc? fct in it t^c lotjole fum of religion auD goDlincs.Hbis one tbing 3! carncff I? bolD, ^ tberc ougbt no ncceffit? to be liiDc Dpon confciences in tbofe tb?ngs Uibcria t'ot? arc maoe fr>x b? Cb;iff, t tonics tbci be maue f rccas tue baue bc^ fo;etau0bt, tbc: can net rett Ujitb goD. H^bc? muft acMnolulcDgc one onl? Uig Cbiia t:)cir Tjcitucrcr,ano be goucrncD brone lx\\3 of libcrt?,cucn ? bol? too^D o^'jof^i.ii tbc? laii Ucpc am ? grace tobici) tlM Ijaue once obtctnco i cb.uff : t\m innlt be boloen tcttt; no bonoage> ant) botmD loitl; no bonDS» 2 SSbcfe Colons do in DeDe fain ^ tljeir coff itutios are lalues of liberti,a f Incte ?olje,a ligbt burDentbut Uj^o cannot fee tbat tl)t^ be mere lies i Oje? tbcfelues in DeDc Doe feele no bcauineUe of tbc?^ otone latoes, tuljicb catting aloa? tht feare of (IDod,do carelefl? ? doutl? neg^ lect botb tbeir oton f CDoDS lalnes. ^nt tbe? ttjat are toucfteD tD?tb an? care of tbcir faluation, are far from thinking tbemfelues free fo long as tbe? be enta^* gleo \Jiit\) tljefe fnares. iMt fee Vo IjotD great iMareneCTe paul DiD Deale in tfjis bebalfe, tbat be Durif not fo mucb as in an? one tbing la? tjpcn men an? fnare atat,anD tbat not toitbout caufe« Krm I? be fo;efatu luitb bolx* great a tuounD confciences OjoulDc be ftricken, if tbe? fliulD be cbargcD \}b a neceflfit? of tbofe tbings iDbcrof tbc lo;D bnD left tbem li^ berti.iiDn tbe oiber Coe ? confiituticns are almotte innumerable, tobicb tbefe men baue molt greuoufl? CabliCjcD loS tb;catning of eternal oeatb? tobicb tbe? molle feuerel? require as neccfiCar? to faluation.^uD amog tbofe tbcr are ma* n? niott barD to be htpt^ but al of tbe (if ? tobole multituDe of tbem be latD toge tbcr)are impcmblc:fo great is § btapc. iBoto tbe il^al it be poiTifale,!^ tbc? tjpon tibo fo great a Wi^t of Difficalf?e li* etbj (bulD net be tiercD in pcrplent? Id crtreme aguifli) (| terro.:f £nbcifo,:c mp purpofe is bere to impugn fucb coff itu* tions,as tcno to tbis enDcintoarDl? to binD fouls befo.je goD,anD cbarge tbem toitb a rcligion,as tbcngb tht^s taugbt tbem of tbings nccclTar? to faluation. 3 Sbvs qneftron Dotbc tberefo^c en* comber t\)c mode parte of mcnncbc^ caufe tl)e? Doc not futtell?c cnougbe putDiffere^ice bettocenc tbc oirttoarDe courte (as tfcs? call it) anp tbc courtc i,Cor,7 2), y Ro»i3.i. To i'aluation. Fourth Booke, TFoL^ Ro»2.1J i»Pe.3»2i ofconfciencc.^ojcoucr tf)is cncrcnfetb tbe DifficuUic, tijat panl tcatl)ttl) p the ^agtdrate ouQ^ljt to be obc^eD, not on^ {^ fo.i ffeare of punifl)mcnt, but fo;r con* fcicnces fafte.^a^crcupon folotuct!}, ^ confcicnces arc alfo boiiD loitb tbc poli^ tiUe laVu0.115ut if it lucre ro,t!)c al Qjulo fal tljat U)c bauc fpobr in tbc laft cbap. f entcnt notu to fpeabe concerning tit fpirttual goucrncmcnt. jfoj tbe ItnCng of tbis hnot,fira it is gcoD to learn Ujbat is confcience.S^be DiSnition is to be ga* tbereDoftbc proper ocriuation of tbe too;o.i?oj a0 tobc Jnen do i6 mio t bn* Derffantjing concetjuc i fenciolctige of tbigSjtbei are tberbi faio Scire to knoUj tobcrupon is Dcriuco i name of Science knot]3leD6e;fo tuben tbcv baue a fcling of gotis iuDgemcnt asa toitncsabiop^ neDU)itbtbem,kibicbeDotbnot fuffcr tbent to bioe tbeir fins, but tbat tbei? be bjougbt accufcQ to tbc iuogcmcnt feate of goDjtbat fame feling i0 calleo ccnfci^ cnce. ifoj it is a certain mene bcttoan Cod anD man: b-^caufe if fuffcretb not ma to rapp;c0"e f iobicb be bnoluctb, but purfustb bim fofarre till it fcjing bim to giifincs. K\)is is it tbat |[?aiilc mcancti) Uibcn be tcacbetb tbat confci^ cnceDotb together iuifnelFe Ujitb men, iDben tbCT!; tbougbtes oo accufe oj ac^ quite tbcm in tbe iuDgement of Doetoptbout feare paefrnt our felues to (S?oD. ^nD p autbo^ oftbcCpittlc to tbc i^cb^ues. Ufctb tbefc U)o;ys,to l)auc no mo;c con? fciencc of ftn,in fteab of to be Dcliuerec o; ac quitcD,^ (in mai no mo;e accufe bs 4 2Dberfo;e as tDo;Us baue refpcdc to menne, fo tbe confcience is refcrrco to CDoD: fotbat confcience is notbing elfe but tbc inluartjc purcncITe of tbe bcart. 3in lubicb fcnfe paule lun'tctb t Cba^ ritt? is f be fulfilling of tte lalu, out of a ] pure confcience, anD i?aitb not faincD. jaftertParD alfo in tbe lame cbapter.i^c (betoetb bolu mur b it Differctb from bn DcrttanDing, failing ^ feme bab fuffrcD fi)tptu;jacUe from t'oc faitb>bicaufe tbc^ baD foifaUcn goD confcience. fio^ in tbefe luo;iDs be fignifietb,t^ it is a liucii affettion to Uio^fljiip CcD,? a fmcere Dc? fire to liue goDlil^ t bdilr. ^omtimc in DeeDe itis refcrrcD alfo to men ,30 in Luhe,li;ben tbe fame ^i'^atilc tcfltfietb, tbat be enbeuoKD bimfelf tbat be migbt lualheluitba gcoD conrciencc tolusrcc Cod I men.X5ut tbis luas tijcrfo^c faio, bicaufe § frutcs of gcoD confcience doc flolu,5 come cuen to men. %5ut in fpca^ king p^opcr!r,it !;nt{) rcfpcct to ©dd on< Ir^as 5' baue alreao? fai^D . i^crenpo c6>' metb t a lato is faiD to binD conff icnce, tDbicb fimplv binoetb ama luitbcut re^ garb of men,c; not bauing ant cofiDcra tion of tbf .:as fo; example. Cod comflu^ Dctb not onelf to bepe t\}c minD cbaft f pure fro all luttcbut alfo fo;l iODctb all maneroffiUbincs oflcoaD^ t outlrarD toantonncfCc tubatfocucr it be.SEo ]p fec^ ping of tbvs lalu \m coficncc is fiibiect, altbougbtbcre liucD not one man in tbc luo^lD. ^0 bet^at bcbauetb bimfelf in* tempcrantlp,Dotb not onlt finne in f tis ^bcgeuctbcuiUcramples to bvs b?e^ tb;en,but be batb bvs confcience bcunD tDitb giltincCfcl'cfo^e Cod . 3in tbrngcs tbat are of tbcmfclurs mtane^tbcr isiM otbcr confiteration.ifo; Ine t>uz^t fo nb^ ilaine fro tbc ,tftbrt! b;aDc ant ofccucc, but i cofcicnce fcil being free. ^0 ]daul fpcuttCtb Hcb«x. H a^Ti.J.f. Aa.24. »6, fpcaUctI) of flet!) confccrate to icols . anr(f JVtb IjrjmaUc oout, toudjc it not, foj confcicncc0 fakcj fa^ fo^ cofcicnce, nottbme oU)n,but ^ otljcrs.afai^tbfull man ftulo finnr ,Ui|)icl) being firfi tuar ncD fl&ulD ncucrtfjcles cate of fucb flel^. J3ut boUifocucr in rcfpccte of brs bjo# t\):r,it be nee effari? fo; bim to abtteine, as it is pKfrribcrj of (Sod , ^t be ccf* fctb not to feepcftill t\)({ Ubcrtie of con* ft icnce. ^e fee boto tbis latoe binDing tbe outtoarDtDojfeejleauetii tbcconfci* ence tnbounD, ^ j^olD kt tjfl rcturne to tbc latuesof men . 3if tbcr ba niatjc to tbis entic to cb-ir.TC MS \i)\t\j a rcli5i6,a0 tboujb (' ob ftming of tbe toere of it fclfe ncccCarp, tbe tDc fav t tbatis laico tjpo confricce iDbicb \wa5 not taUiful to be laicD bpcn it.jfoi our confcienccs baue not to Doe Id mcn,but teitb goiionel^:\ubereunto perttinctb tbat common Difference bc^ f U)xn tbc eartbcl^ court t tbe court of confcience.^ben^iDbole toD.:lDtoas tD^appcD in a molt tbtche mift of igno^ rance,ret tl)is fmall fparcle of ligbt re^ maincD,!^ tl)ci achnoloIeogeD a mas c5 fcience to be aboue al iuDgcmets of me. !t)o\ubcit p fame tbing ^ tbepDiixVD one ijjoiD cofcffCjtbci Did aftcrluarD in DaD oucrtbJotD:\?ct it teas goDs toil ^ tljtrt fl)ulD tijcn aUo remain feme teHimon^ of cb;iilia liberty, tobicb migbt Deliuer confcienccs from tbe tp;anni?of men. But tbat Difriciiltv is not i^etDiflbluco, tebicb arifctb out of y Umj^ds of pauic. ifo; if IDC mutt obcp "^mcts not cnip fo; penalties fafee^but alfo fo; cofcif cf , it femetb tbcrupon to fblato t^ ]i);inces laU>c0 bane alfo Dominion oucr ccnfcu ence. Jf tbis be true^en tf)i fame alfo ca;btto be fiiiDof p UUJSof jj cburcb. 3 anf aier ^ fii C b^re Ujc mutt put a Diffe- rence betlwcne § generaltp i tl}c fpeci* "It?. ,f o; tboiijilj ai rpecicil latos Do not ic'irb t'.)c canfcicncc> i?et Sjnz arc bouno Of the outyva'dc mcanes 3T bp tlje general comaunDcmcnt of (©OD, tobicb comenDctb tmto ts ^ autbcjittje of i^agittrates.ano tipo tbis point tta^ Detb tbe Difputatton of paalc, ^ ^agi* Crates are to be bono^cD, bicaufe tbe^ are c^ocincD of goD.^n t\)t meanc time Ro.i3,i. bcteacbotbnot^ tbofc latoes tbat are p;efcribeD bi tbem, do belong to tbe itif tuarD gouernmcnt of tbc foulertDberas be cc\)c tcbere cytoUetb botbe t\)t tuo^^ Clipping of (IDoD,f tbc fpirituall rule of lining rigbteouflMboueall t ojDinam ces of me tobatfoener tbei? bc.^n otber tbig alfo is too;tb^ to be noteD, (tobicb yitt basetb tipo J former) ^ t^e latoB of me,tolKtber tbep be mabe bt? t\it magi^ ffrate o^ b? tbec&urcbjaltljougb tbet? be neceffari? to be feept(3 fpeafee of tbe gcoD I rigbteous la toes) T?ct tbcrfo;e Doc not ty> tbemfclues binDe confcience,bicaufe tbctobolencceffitfe of Ijeping tbemts rcferrcDto tbc gcnerall enD , but contt^ ttet^ in tbe tbitags coniaunDeD.iFro tbis fo;j;t DO farrc Differ botb tbofe tbatp^je* fcribc a neto fojme cf tbc too;fl;ipptng of CDoD*! tbofc tbat appelant neccfftti; in tbin^es tbat be at libcrt^e. 6 Hdwt fucb arc tbcfe ^ at thvs Dai? be called CcclcDatticall conttitutions in tbcpapacr,toti:bai^ tb;utt in,in CcDe of tbe true « neceflarre too^tt)ipping of (2^oD.0nD as tbci be innumcrable;foai*e tbcrc in^nitc bmiDcs to catclj am fnare foules.li5iit altbougb in the Declaration oftbelatotocbaue fometobat toucbeo tbem : ret bicaufe tl^vs place toas fitter toentreate full^ of ttjem , 3 toill noto trauell to gattjer togetbcr tbe tobole fummc in tbe bett ojocr tbat j ca . 0nD bicaufe toe bane alreaD^e DifcburfcD fo mac!>as focmcD to be futftcient, concerj" ningtbcty;annptobicbe tbc falfcBt?* fl^ops DO taltc bpon tbemfelues>tn libera tic to teacb tobatfoeucr tbcr litt, 3 toill noto omit a! ^ part:anD 31 toilbere tar^ I on!^ t)ga Declaring 8 patiier,tobict) tbcy £ai2 To Saluation. Fourtli Boo'rfe Fo fai? tl)C? l)aue,to make !a\DC5. ^ur falf biC^opfi ti)crfo;e do buroen confcicnces iDitIi nclu latues taocr ttjis p^ctencc,^ tbc^ arc ojoeincD of t\)c IIo;d fpiritual laUimaUcrs, fincc tbc froucrnmmt of § ctjurcfj IS committeD tiUo tbem.Sber- fo;e tbe^ atf irinc tfjat Ujfjatfocuer tbci? commautJ aiiD p^tcfcribc, ougbt ncccffa'' ril^ to be obfcrucD of tbc Cb^iftian peo^ pie : atiD tbat be tbat b;caUctb it,is gil^ tr of Double tjifobcDicncc, fo; tbat be h rebellious botb to ©oD anb to § cburcb. Certaml!?,if tbe^ toere true 2iciajops,3; Vuolo in tbi^ iJft^alf sraut to tbem fome autbo;itV)not fo mucb as tbcr require, but fo mucbe as is requifitc f o tbe tucll ojDcrins of tbc policy of ig cburcb. /]5oto (itb tbe^ are notbing les tbat bat Uiljicb tbet? tooulu be accompteo, tbei? can not take anr tbing to tbr , be it neuer fo lif^ tle,but tbat tbcr Hjal take to mucb.lEut bicaufe tbts batb ben elfiubcr ccfibercD, Ut tjs graunt tbem at tbts p^eftnt, tbat tDbatioeuer pctoer tvnt biCbops baue,§ fame riabtl\? belcgctb to tbem alfo: Kt I ntnv tbattbe^ be tbcrfo;eappoi?ntcb latjmaki?rs ouer tbetaitbful>tbat mav of tbt'felucs picfcribe a rule to liue bv, o; compell to tbeir o;Dinances tbc pco^ pie committeD Imto tbcnutiiUlben 3i fap tbis 31 mearie,!^ it is not laUifull fo^ H)t to Deliucr to? cburcb tobeobferucD of necemtr, tbat tobicb tber baue DeuifcD of tbcmfelucc toitbout tbc too;D cf goD. if oiafmucb as ^ autbojitre botbc tuas bnknoian to tlic oto,foMfmucb as tbe Uibolc caufe bangctb tbcrebuon, tbat if Cgoo be ^jt ~ ~ onlv Ia.4,ia 22. •Pcj'.a. ,' Cap io, .1.8 Of the outward meancs onl? latDmabcr,it i« not latoful fb^ me to take tbat bono; to tl)emrelue0 : it is mctc alfo tbertoitbal to beepc in mimt tjofc tU)o rcafons tolj^c!) Uie Ijauc fpo* ftcn,lDb^ tfjc lo^tj tIaiiHCtb tbat to bint* felf to tl)z obferuing tober* of confciences are boiio, as tbougb tbef lu?rc necefTcirp to be obferueD. iLet tjs tberfo:c remember tW al latocs of me oug!)' to be toe\»eD Uiitb tbis balance,if tue ivil! baue a fure triall tbat map ne* ucr fiiffcr t)5 to erre. SCbe firft of tbefe rMfons Idtiule in tbcCDpittle to tbe Co* lotfians bfctb in rotenoing againft tbe fah'c ^poftles tbat atf empteo to opp;es tbe Cburcben toitb netoc buroens.SCbe fccon!)c reafon be moje tjfetb toptb tbc CDalatbians in tbe like cafe. SDbis tber- fo:ebc trauail?tb to p;ionc in ^ (Bpiftlc to tbe ColoCrians^i^ tbe Doctrine conccr* ning tlfz true iDo^njipping of goD is not to be foufcljt at mens banDg:bicaufc tbe \io;o batb faitbfuUr t fullp inariictcD \3fl bo\B l)c cn^bt to be tooiOjtppcD. %o p:one tbc fame in tbc firtt Cbapter, be faftbtMintbegofpelliscontameDall Vuifooinc,>JDbcrb\? tbc man of (Doi map be ma:5c prrfcrt in Cbiift.Jn tbc begin* nin3 of tbc.ii.cbapter, be faptb ^ all tbc trcafnrcflof iDifeDom « t)m)craanDing arc biO'Jen in Cbjift. 2:i)erupon be af# tcriuarpconcluuctb^lettbe faitbfuU be* toarc ^ tbep be not bn tiain ^btlofopbi leD from tbe flochc of Cb^iftj acco^oing to tbe conftitntions of men. Wut in tbe eno of tbe ebaptcr,bc Dotb pet \jo grcter bolonetTe conocmncal Jbthelothreskias, tbat is to fap, all faincD too;tbrpping£f, tobicb men Dcuifc to tbcmfclueB,oj re ceiue of otber, ano tobatfoeuer p;ecept0 tbet Dare of tbcmfelues geue cocerning ptoo;t5ippingof€>ot>. ^cbauetbcr^ to^tji all tbofe o;Dtnance0 arc toickeo, in obferuing tobcreof tbc too;(btpping of ODoD is fained to bc.0s fo^ tt^t places in § dDalatbias tobertoitbbccarncftlp afSrmetb ^ ccfcicnces, tobicb ougbt to be rulcD of goD onlp,ougbt not to be civ tangleo Id rnares,tbcr arc ope cnoogb, fpeciallp in tbct). cbapter. 2Cberfo;c let it be but fufificict to bauc but notcD tbe. 9 licut bicaufe p tobole mater Ibalbet^ ter be maDc open bp cFampleSjbefo^c i toe goe anp fiirtber,it is gtoD alfo to ap* pli tbis Doai t!ie to our oton times.Mc fap ^ tbe conttitutions tobpcb tbcp call ccclefiaaical, tobertoitb tbe pope i bp0 Doc buroen tbe cburcb>are pernicious f toicUeD: ouraDnerfaries DcfenD ^ tbep be bolp $ auailable to faluatio.Cber be ttoo UiiTDs of tbcm:fo; fome concern tt* remcnies ano rites,otber Come pertein mo;e to Dtfcipline. Bls tbcre tben a iull caufetomoucbB to impugnctbebotb^ SCrulp a iuUer tban toe toolD. ^irll do not § autbo:3 tbemfelues clereli Define, ^ tbc bcrp too^lbipping of goD is contei ncD in tbem i Ko tobat pur pofe Do f bep applp tbeir ceremomesjbitt t ScD fijulD be too^fljippcD bp tbem^ 3nD^ cometb to pas not bp tbe onip erro; of tbe igno^ rant muICituDe,but bp tbep; allotoance tbat bauc tbe place of teacbing.3l Do not toucb tbe grofc abbominations toberio tbcp bane gone about to ouertb^oto all goDlineHe. Ii3ut it Itiouloe not be imagi^ ncD among tbem to be fobatnousan offcnccto bauc failcD in ani of tbc icaft "^ pctp ■ ■ I nil 'I Col,a.2o Gala.j-.i. To Saluation. petptraDition0,t)nlffrc tbcioio mafec f UJOjOjipping of goo fubicrt to tfjf ir fau neD Dcuifcs. ^fjat do toe t^e oflfcno, if at tf)is Dap U)e c a not bcare tbat, \s)\)icf) Paul taugbt to be intolerable,^ ^ la top- full o;Der of p too;(^ipping of goD tbultt be reDnceD to ^ toil of mr:rpeciallp tobe tbep comaiiD men to toojO^ip acco^bing to i elemt ts of tbis too;lo, tobttb paul teaifietb to be againll Cb^itHf again it 10 not t)nltnotoen,toitb boto p^ecife ne^ ceflfitie tljei^ binoe confciences to hepe tobatfoeuer tl)t^ comauno.^^ere toben toe crp out to tbc contrary,toe baue all one caufe toitb paul, tobi^b in no toife fuffieretb faptbfuU confciences to bee b;ougbt into bonbage of tnen» lo ^;eouertbi0too;llofaliBabbeb, i toben religion batb once begon to be /bcSneo toitb fucb taine inucntio0,tber cuer folotoctb after § pcr«errne0 an Of tber abbominable frotoarones, toberof cb;iff rep;5ocbcD § pbarifcs ^ tbe com* maiiDementofgoD ismaoetoioe fo; ^ traoitions of men. Hi ^iU not tic mine oton too^bsf in figbting againll our lato mafeers at tbcfc I3aici5.llct tbcm baue v tietoncjiftbepcabpanr mcane purge tbemfelucs fro tbis accufaf io of Cb.:ifl:. ilBut boto rtjulb tbep ercufe tbcm,tobcn amog tbem it is tbougbt infinitlp mo;e batnous,to baue omitteo auricular con« feffio tobc § time of rerc cometb about tba to baue cotinueb a mod toichcD life a tobole perc to^ctbcr : to baue infectco tbeir tog )3)itl) a Ittle tafting of ficH) on a frioapt tban to baue Dcfilcb tl)tir boop Id tobo;Dome al tht Dares of tbe toebef SLo bane put tbeir banoe to an boned too;he bpo a Dap cofecratc to 31 toot not tobat pctp faints^tba to baue cotinualli epercifeD tbeir mfbera in moG toicKeD oflfcnces i ifoj a|D;;cft to bccoupleo \jo one latoful mariagr, tba to be entagleD toitb a tboufanD aoulteriesf not to bane perfo;meD a botocD pilgrimage, tba to Tourtfi Boolce • toL'i6i b;cfte faitb in al p^jomifesf i]5ot to baue toal^eD fomtobat tpon mol^ruouB i no Ics fuperfiuous f t)np;ofitablc crccCTiue go;gioufncs of trmplcs,tba to baue fai* IcD to bc!p tbe ertremc ncceffities of tbe po^efto baue paffeD bp an icoll toitbout bono;,tban to baue DifpitcfuUp cntrca^ tcD a! hmD0 of men.jl^ot to baue mum^ bleD tjp at certain boure0 a great num*' berof too;De0 toitbout bnbcraanDing, tbancucrtobauecoceiueD atruep;ai# er in tbeir bartf tobat is to mahe boiD ^ comauDement of Ood fo; i> traDitic0 of men,if tbis be not: toben comfoing tbe Ijcping of goD0 commaunDcmcntc0 but colDlpf a0 if toere ligbtlp bp tbe toap, t\)c^ DO no leffe carneftlp % bufilp eractc 1^ obering of tbeir oton, tban if tbep tOf taineD in tbe § tobole pitb of goDlmedi^ Mlben rcuenging tbe tranfgrecring of goD0 Iato,)j6 ligbt penaltie0 of fatiffacti^ on0,tbep punii tbe tjerr leaft offence of one of tbeir oton Decrec0 Id no leffe pain tba \})it\) p;ironment,bamO[)mct,ftre,oj ftoo;De i ]i5rtng not to (barpe i baroe to entreat againll i Defpifcrs of C?oo,tbep perfec ute tbc Dcfpifcrs cf tbf fclues toitb ijnappcafeablc batreD to tht ertreniitie: anb DO fo intlruct al tbofe,tobore (impli^ citie t\)c^ bol^c captiue,tbat ibcp tootriD toitb tno;e contenteD minbe feD v tobole lato of OoD cucrtb;otocn,tba one fmall tittle (a0 tbcp cal it) in t])t commaunoc^ mcnt0 of tbe Cburcb to beb^flfeen.irirft in tbr0 popnt is greuous offence comit^ teD, ^ fo; fmall matters, f fucb as ( if it (boulD be trpco bp OoDs iuCQemcnt)arc at libertpcjonc ma Defpifetb,tuDgetb, i caffctb atoarean otbcr . ^ut noto, a0 tbougb ^ tot r not euil enougbjtbofc tri* fling elementes of tbe to9;lD (as paule calletbtbtinbi0to;ittng to pd^alalbi^ an0) are toepeD of mo;e t)alue tban tbe beanenlp o;aele0 of €>on, j^nD be ^ is in a maner acquiteb in aDnlterfi,t0 iuDgeD in meate,bc tbat batb leaoe tc t)fe a bar lot, ' Ga.4.9 Cap.v^« Of the outward meanes loMsfo^bSDcn to f}aue a toifc. 'S^fm ;Col 2,23 p:oftt tjcrilt? is gotten b^tbattranfgref QinuDbcDiencc lD!nc!}c is fomucbtur? n:o from OoD as it ccclinctfj to mm» 11 Cbcr be alfotlDo not flenDcr faults, tDl)icI) tocDifdllDto in tfjc fame o;tDina^ cc3.jfirtt,bicaurctl)ct:p;cfcribefo;itf3e mott part \)np;ofitabIc, I fomtrmc alfo fon'J obfcruAtionsttbcn, bvcauW gool^ iofdcnce0 arc opp;cffcO 16 tbe infinite multituDc of lb? ,1 being rolIeD bacU i\x* to a certain 3IcUjifljne0,tbei fo cleaue to a)aoato3,^ tbe^ ca not attcine to cbjift. CCiltjcras 3 cal tb? font) f Unpjofttable, 3 'iaci\i3 tbat ^ toil not feme creniblcto V tuifeDo of V ae{I)3,tobicb fo toel liUetb tocm,v it tbmUetb p cburcb to be fetter^ lv>Dcfaim:D toben tbcpbetaheatoa^. iButt'ois is it tbat paulc lujitctb of, to bin: a rcfcinblancc of toifebom in cou^ tcrfatt too.:f{)ipping,in bnmtlitie, anb i;i tb 10 tbat tbc\? tbinUe tbat ^Jiit}) tbeir (Iwrpcncffe tbei? be able to tame tlje^j flcfl) Sbis is trnclp a moft tobolefome abnionition, fucb as ougbt ncucr to flip atoll? from bs.Qacnstracitions (faitb bc)Do Dcce^'ue bnoer tbc tljcto of toifc^ boni.tclibeiife bauc tbc? tbiscolo^fiBi-' caufc tbcv are fapncb of mcn,tbcrefo.ic tiic \}}it of man botb '.tberein acUnotoc bi5 oton, an^ acUnototng it Dotb mo.:e giaol? embiacc it,tban ant tbrng tocre It ncn?r fo ga)0,tbat Us ajrixb toitl) \)is t3anitv;againc>t!)ct? bauctjeercbi? an o* tbcr conimcnDaticn, bicaufc tbey feme to be fit introDurtions to bumihtv,fo; ^ toitb tbeir ^o\\c tfjcp bolo tbe minbs of men i>;cirfb Doton to tije groub.laft of all , bcf aufc tbep feemc to f enDc to tbi?fl cnc to rcfcrain tbe batntines of § ficfi), I to riibDuc It to^tl?riijoj of abaincnc c, , tbcf cfo>e tbc {» arc tbsugbt to be toifelp bf uifcb. iisuc tobaf favtb ]i>aul to tbefe thlix^ Dot!) be not Qiahc of tbofe bifo^jsf, l.calt tbs ftmplc (bulo be oecciueD toitb falf p;etf ncgf Bicatife be tuot^ep ttjts t^ nougb fo j confutation of tbcm,^ be bao faio t tf)cv to: re t\)t inncntions of mr, !je patrctb oner al tbefe tbings to^ttjout confutation,as-ti)ougb be efiemeb tbeni fo^ notbing. |^ca,bicaufe fjc kneto tbat al faincD tooiO^ipptng in f ttiurtl) toere conbcmneb,.tarefo mucb mo^efufpt^ cious to tl)t faitbful,as tbci mojc belite ti}c \3iit of man:bicaofe \)c feneto ^ tbat faincD image of Duttoarb bumiliti botb ' fo mucb differ from true bumiUt^jas it niigbtc eafili?c be nifcerneb : finallr^be^ caufc be jbncto ti i^il^ic^ introbuttio toas no mo^e eftemeb tban an erercife of tl)e bobf.tberefc^e be toilleo tbat ti^t \3err fame tbings (bulb be to § faitbfuU in ftetjc of a confutation of mens traBi=« tions,bi? fauo; of tobicb tt)ei;> tocre com^ menbeb among f be ignojant, 12 ^0 at tU^ Dai not onlt? tlie tjnlramc^ common pccpie,but cuer^ man as be ts moft puffeb \3p toitb too^lbl^ toifbome, fo is be mott marueUoua^ beliteb )3}it^ bcboloing of ceremonics.HSut bipotrits f ftDliO) toomen tbinttc t tl)<^c ca benos» tbing oeutfeo nto;^e glo;tou0no; better* But Vqc^ tobicb CO mo2c bapli? fcarcfje, $ mo;e trull? tocpacco^Ding to toe ruU of goblines,of tobatbalue fo n\m^ ano fttcb ccremonv^csarcbobnberlraD, 6rtt tbat tbc^ arc trifles , bicaufc tbe^ bauc no p?ofit:tben,tbat thtv are beceites,bi* caufc tbep do toitb taine pompe beguil tbe cy>ts of V bcIjoloers.Bl fpeake of tbofe cercmon^es,bnDcr tobicb tbe itomttbe maimers toil tbattbere be great m^s* ric3:but toe fir.D tbe bv crpericnce to be n9tl}tng els but mere mocberies.^no it is no maruell tbat tbeautbo.:s oftbimi batie fallen fo far as to mock botb tbcm fclufs I otbcr toitb trifling fcUt?e3 : bt' caufc tbcp partli? toohc tl)c^} eramplar out of tf>e Dotages of tbe ©entiles , anD partly? afier tbe mancr of :apcfi ciD bn^ Difcretl^couterfaite p olo bfages of tbe Ifito ©f ^ofcS:>tobicb no htojc pertainep to To 5aluation, to hs tOa t\)c facriftce^i oi ueaircs ? fuctjc otf}tv tijingsj^rulp altijog!; tfjerc loerc none ottjcrargumciit ^etno uta jJljatb 1)^5 foano toit toil loke fo.: anv gai)nci! of a bcapc fo ill patcbsD tcjrtycr. i^no J tbing it fclf plain!-]? lfteU»ct!j,^ nian\? tC' rcnionYC0 6auc no otijtr tfc but to a^ ma^c tfit people rather iba to teacb ttl. ^0 in tftcfc ncU) founo Canons,^ Do ra-' tl)crp^rucrttI;ap;efcrucDifci?!inc,tl): l)t!pocrit0» rcpofe great impo;tacc:li5ut if a ma Do better lobe into tbem, be (bal flnQ ^ ib?i! are notbing CI0 bat a HjaDo* \DiCb anti t^anilbing OjeVo of DifcipUnc. 13 113ut no\u(to tomz to tbe otbe:* point) U)b3 Do'b not fee ^ traoitions icitb bea? pina one bpon an otbcr, arc oucra ro ajn into fc great a niibsr,tbat tbe Cb.iifttan tburcb mav' in no toifc bcarc tbi'^ lr:)cre.- b^ it is com to pair^,ti;at m ceremonies fbere apearetb 51 tootc :.ot tobat S!eU«i(b neCci tbe iJtber obrvVuation:^ b^ri^ga greuous butcber^c re CbJifiian fonles. Ad Tanu Auguftine coplaineD ^ in b^c ti:ne, tf)z pift, 119' commann::cmcnts of €)oDncglc(tcD,all tbings luas lul of fo man-^ p^efnpttons, ^ be toas majc grcuouQre rebuUcD tbat in x)i3 totas fjaD toucbeu p grouD 16 bare fcDte,tban be tbat baD bur^eD Ij^^b loit bj DjunhcnneCfc.l^e coplaineD ^ tbe cburcb tobicb § mcrcn of ©00 tuiUec to be free, luasfo barDcneD, tbat tbettatc of tbe 3ietDestoasmu:b nij;c tollcrable . if ^ bol^ man baD bappeneD to line in our av3e,tDitb lubat complaintes IdouIdc be banc belua^leD v bonDage tbat noli» isi jf 0; botb tbe niibcr is ten times greater f euert: fmall title is a bunD;cD t'amcs mo;e rigojouU^ loUeD bnto,tbJn at tbat timc.^o IS Ujontto b? Done: tube tbcfe peraerfe LntoinaUers baue gotte tbe Do# minion, tbcr maUe no eno cf biDDing f fo.jbiDDing,tiU tbci? come to eptremc pe* uiUjneirc.f 2Ibicb tbing ^9aulc batb alfo bcri? tuell DcclarcD in t\)e{t UjoiDcs : 3f !?c be DcaD to tbe Ipo^lo, \nbi! are yc bol^ Fourth Booke jFol.369. Den as tbougb v^ Uicre limng,Uiiit) ira Ditions,a5 eate notjtatt not,banDle not^ if o;^ tobcre as § ©rebe Ujojd apteflhai, fio^niftctb botb to eat % to toucb,DoiJtlcffc in tbis place it is taken in f firtt of tljcfe tU)ofignificattons,lcaft tbere fljonlD be afupcrfluous repetition . Cberefoie be Dctb bere cpcellentl^ U)cll Defcribe tbe p;oceDings of tbe falfe apottles. s:be^ begin at fupcrftition,fo tbat tbe^ do not onli? fojbiD to cat,but alfo euen flcnDcr* \^ to cbaUJC : loben f bei? bane obtatncD tbis,tbev tben alfo fo^biD to taft.mbcn tbvs is alfo grauntcD tbem, tbe^? rcchcn it not latofuU fo mucb as to toucb to^tb a finger » 14 %\)is f^^annp in the 0 jDinances of men toe do at tbrs Dar U>o ceremonies tobicb being aboIilbcD, be is nolu mo;e fiinpli) lDo;fljippeD. SLberfo^c tbcp tbat confounD tbis DiCFcrenccDoc oucrtb;oU) r^o;Dcr inttitute t ffablilbcD hv Cb;ria. ^bal tbcrc tbcn(U)ilt tljou fa^) no ccrc^ monies be gcuen to ^ ruber fo;t to belp tbcir bnniilfulncfTc i 3 fap not fo : fo' i JcrilV tbmU t tbvs feinD of bcipe is p;o. fttablc fo; tbc. 3 do berc trauci onlv tbat neb a mcanemapc be breD,as mare b;igbtlr fct out Cb;ift , anD not carfecn bpmXberfo;c tber arc gcuc bs of C'cD fcto ccremonrcs t tbofe net labo;rcmc, tbat thcv lI}oulD djelD Cb;^tft being p}c^ fcnt. SDbc Vetoes baD mo gcuen them, t^at tbci (boulD be images of btm being abfcnt.:abfcnt 3 fap be lpas,r.ot in poto cr,but in mancr of fignifvnng.2:bcrfo;c tbat meane ma^ be feept, it is necctfarp to ^epe t feUmclTc in nnber,ea0neirc in obferning , aiiD Dignitictn fignifring, tDbtcNIfoconCffctb in clecrncs.^tjat ncDc 3 to fat? ij tbrs batb not bene Donc^ if 0; tbe tbing it kit is in all mens eizB, j; Ipcre 3 omitte toitb b^^lu pcrnitious opinios mens minbs are 6llcD in tbink* ing t^at tbci be facrifices,Uibertuif ^ ob^ lation is rigbtl^ maDe to CDod, Uibcrb^ fins are clenfcD, tofjcrb^ rigbteoafncffe f faluation is obtaincD.Ctcv tuill Dcn^ tbat gQ3D tbings are fo;ruptcD tuitl) fucb fojrcin crro;s:fo5afmucb as in tl)^s be* balf a ma mat no letfc offenD in ttje bcri iDOjfes alfo comauDcD of latomafeer Ijimfelf in refpectp of obcDif cc acccptetd tbe.2Dberfo;c t\)ci^ receauenot tljcir baluc of tijeir otone too;tl)incffc,o?Df tbcir oton Dcfcruing, but bicaufc goD fo mucb effemctb our 0^ bebifce totoarD bim»3 fpcats bereof tbat perfectio of too^rbs tobicb ts comaunDCD of ©oD, I is not pcrfo;mcD of mcn.if o;j tbcrfejc tfje teri? too;i!tS of § lato tcbtcij toe Do,baue no tbanU but of tbe free gob ncffe of C5oD,bicaufc in tbcm our obcDt* ence is toeak anD lamc.llBut bicaufc toe Do not bcre Difputcof tobat baluc too;^* kes arc toitbout cbitt)tberefo;e let ts paCTe oucr tliat qucllion. 3! ccme bach a* gaine to tbat tobicb p^opcrlp bclcngctl) totbis pjcfcnt argument,}^ tobatfccucr To Saluation. Fourth Bootee F0I.37C. Hic.7»22 Era.5$.a, &.2p. 13. Mati;.9 comcntjation tooiKcg banc In tljp, tbcs Ijme it in rcfpcct of ti}c obcDif ce» tubicb oalt; tbe lo;D Dotl) loUe t3pon,a0 6e ttftv fictl) b^ f l;2 pjoptjct'jf giiuc not comau Dement of facriacc!5 j burnt offringes, bot onlp ^ re Ujnlq Id bcarfg, 6eare mr to tbofe groCTe abufcs.ifo^ § lo^^o tb;eat Efa.a^.r nctb not tbis curfe to one 0; tiro agea, but to al ages of § tDo;^lD,^ be Unl ffrtU tbe luttb blinones f amateD Dulneflfe ^ tt)o;(bip bim tuitb tbe Doctrines of mf. SDbisblinDnes cotinuall^maftetbtbat tJoice.But of faincD too.:tts be fpeafeetb tht^ flee fro no ftiD of abfurDitie, tubicb in an otber place,fat?ing : ^c luep ^our ' Defpifingfo nianp toarnings of iicut tuoztbi? to be inueicD agaitt,^ tbei Ujcto fo:tb ceremonies not tnoerttaoeo as it toera ftaje plar,oj a magical cncbaut mentf jf 3; it is certain t\)at al ceremo^ niesarecoirapt f burtfnll, tinles men be bi? tlje DirecteD to cb^itt.But tbe cere monies tbat are tjfeD tjnucrj papacie, are feuereo fro Doctrine,^ tbei uia^ t^t mo^e bolo me in fignes Voitbout all fig« nification.i^inall^ (fucb a conning craf? tefma is tbe bcllv) it appcaretb p man^ of tbcm baue ben inuenteo b? couetous facriflcing ^d;^ielles , to bee fnares to catcbe mone^. 315ut tobat beginning (oeiier tbei^ baue, tbe^ are alfo geuen fa;tb in common fo; filtbi? ^a^nt, tbat iDemudneeoescur ofagreate part of tbem,if iue tuil b;ing to paffe v tber be not a p;opI)ane market, anofull offa^ crilcge bfen in tbe Cburcb. 1.^ 0ltbougb 3 feme not to teacb a conti tbe IDOJD of goD are mace b^ me to tbis enD,e^tber to p^cfcribe a maner of Ujoj dipping ©00,0^ to bino cofcieces toitb religion,as tboujb tl)cr gaue commaii* Dement of tbings neceffari? to faluatio. 3itto tht one 0^ botb of tbcfe tber be aD* io\?neo otber faaltsias , tbat toitb tbeir multituDe tbep Darken tbe bjigbtncs of tl)t gofpelitbat tliep notbing cDific, but be ratbcr bnpjofitable 1 trifling occupa tions ti)h true crcrcifes of goDlincs:tbat tber be lareD ab;oDe to fiUbincs t Dn* boneft game: tbat tber be to baro to be Ucpt:tbat tber be ocfilcD luitb euill fu^ perfltttons : tbcfe (ball bee belpes tbat toe mare tbe mo;e eafilr frnoebotoe mucb curll is in tbem . 17 3beareU)batfbetanfU)erfo;tbem fclues,^ tbeir traDitions are not of tbf ^ felucs,but cf(3oD. iFo;,tberrnr^tbe cburcb is goucrnco of r bolr gbott,tbat nual Doctrine concerning tbe ojDinaces it ca not errc:i j5 tbe autbo^ttic tbcreof of mcn,bicaufc tbis fpcaktng is altogc* | remainetb Untb tl)f . tClben tfjis is ob^ tbcrappUcDtoouro\pn timc,rettbcrc :terncD,ittbercUntballfolloUjetbj tbat is notbing fpoken tlint (ball not be p;o Stable fo; al times, jfo.: fo oftas tfjis fu tbeir traDitios are ^ rcuclations of tbe bolr gboif ,tDbicb ca not be DtfpifcD but 20 & 29 perdition crepctbiujtbat men toil U5o; , Ujic«cDlr auD luitb tbe cotempt of goD. 1 ' ^'^ (bip goD Uiitb tbeir otun faineo Dcuifes, ^uo tbat tber (^ulo not feeme to baue lobatfocuer r latw0S beware maoe to latteniptcDanrtbmgtoitbout great au* tbat purpofctbci 00 b\' » br oeiTpncratc tootitictJicrtoillbaue it belcueP tbat ua4.i|. agieru Cap JO Of the outvvarci meanes a great part of ttjcir obrcmationficamc fro ttic apcaic0:f tfjc^ affirnie tfjat bi? one erapic is fufftcicntl^ DcclarcD toijat fbc japoftlcs Did in otfjcr tbiiigc, totjen / Ucins afTcmblcD in one coucci, tf)t^ tin ' bv ^ Decree of tijc connect commaunD p ©entiles to abCcinc from things olfe^ rcD to iDoIfif, from blonD anD CranglcD. CQe Ijaur alrcaDr in another piece De# iiarco,fjoto fdlfl? foj boating cftJjcm^ felue0,tl)er Iringlt? tfurpe tbe t^tlc of Vot cbwrcb. S)o murij as cocerning thvs p;efcnfcaure:if pinching atcap all b^^ fo;0 1 Deceitful! colo js, tee true li? liUe bpcn ^ tebic^ tceougW principally to care fo;r,i luljicb c^iefelv is fo; our Oe^ tofe,i* isMat maner cf ctiurcfj Cl^^iil toil l?aue,tl)at toe mav fafl^fcn t frame our fclues to ^ rnle U;ercf;tt a?rj caQlf be cuiDcnt tnto Ijs,^ it is not ^ djurc^, tobicb paffmg tbe bcuDB of tbe too^^D of OoD,cotl; outrage anu runne at rict in mahing cf neto latoes.jfc; Eoctlj not i latotobicbtotnonccp;cfrnbcD to tijc Dc. 12 32 cl)"rf'7»rcnir^ne eternal:' MUtJcom maunD tl;ee,tt'af tbcu Ojalt feepe ^ ttion pro.30.6 niaitt DO it. Oon fljalt nofaDDeanr tl)ing,no; taUc anp t!;ing frcjn it, anD in an otber placc:aDDe not to tfjc too;De of tbe 3io;oe, no; mrninje anp tbinge; leatt be peraDuenturc rep;oue t!?ce,finD ttjou be founD a l^er &>itlj tbepcan not Denp tbat tijis toas fpofeen to ^ cfjiircfj, tobat DO tbcr cl5 but report tbc ttublc; ncffeof tbccburcb> tobicbtbepboadto baue ben fo bolo as after fucb p;obtliti 60 neuertbele» fo aDDe 1 mingle of ber oton toit!) ttje ocftrineof Cot^BntgcD fozbiD tbat U3C Ibulo alTent to tJjcir Ucs, tobcrbp tbcr burcrn ^ cbnrcfje mt\) fo great a fclanDcr:but lu bs fcnDrrflanD, t.'}at tbe natnc of tbc eburcb is falCr p;c tenceD,fo oft as tbi0 lutt of menc ratb* ucffc IS fpoHen of, totict, tun i.ot bolDe U lehc teitbm t!;c p^efcribcD bcunDs of C:oD,buttbatittollDlrrargrrtj ja'^ ntti) out info ber oton inuentioB/S^tjcr 15 not!)ii^,g entanglcD, nothing Darbe>no tbing Doutful in tljcfe too.^Ds, in toljicb § tobclc cf^urcfjeig fc;b:Dt;cn (0 vmc to ^ too^D of GOD,o; to taUe an? tljing fro it,tobe i too;fbipping of goD,! pjecep* tec couccrning faluaf io, are entrcateD cf.li3ut tbi^(rap tbev)ira0 fpchenof tbe lato cnlp^fter totjicb fclotoeD § p^jopbe tics f tt)c tobole mmiHration of ig dDo* fpclj graunt in DaD : anD 3 aDDe alfo, tobicb are ratbcr fulSIlings of t latoe, tban aCDifions o;Dimtni(^ing0.1I5nt if tbc i.o;Dc fuffureD notl}mg to be aDDeD to 0 J taUen from tbe niinifferie of ^? re0,tobicb toas (a« 31 mai? fo tcrme it) Darh bp rcafcn of manp Doutfal ento^ap pin30,fill hv \)is feruaants f p;opbete0 f at lengtb b\> IjIb beloueD ^cn,be mini fitn^ a cf rarer Doetr tne: to'bp (bulD toe net tbitife it mueb mo?c feuerelp fo^biD ocn bs,tbat toe CboulD aDDc notbing to tbclatojtbc |.^;opbet0,tbe pialmes,i tbcc^oipellf SLbc llr;D is net gone cut offein'oefrom bimfelfe, tobicb batb log ago DelareD, t\)at\stisls}it\) notbing fo bielv cff:'nDeD,as tobcn be in toojOjip* peD toitb tbe inuenUons cf me^Mbcr^ of came tbcfc notable fat inges. in Vat p>?opbef0, tobrcb cugbt to Ijane conti? nuallp fonntcD in cure earcs : 3i rpafee no too;De0 to pour fatbers, in tbc Dap ^ 3 b.:ougbt tb^m cut of (t'gtpf,c6ccrning fjicrificc ano bi:rnt cffcring. 215t:t t\m too;D 3 cciiiauDeD tbcm,faping:l^ltttj bearing beare mp topee: anD | toill be pour CcD, anD rou (ball be nip people, anD pe (IjaU toatfee in all tbe toap ttM j5 (ball commaunD pou. agapnc,J bane U)itb p;ctelling p;otcllet>t5nfo prure i?atbcr0. i^care mp topee. iSnc of trcr liljc fapingsrbDt tbtfl is nctul le abcue p rcft.^ilgoD baac burr.t cffcn'ngs f faerificec, t not ratber ^ bi0 ticiec be c* bcieDf jfo; olcDif ^c is belter ti}h faerie* fice,anotobearl^e is better ibf* to uifer [' ihe f^icr.ii I Samu. 15.22, To Saluation, Tourtirijoolcc. Fol.3^1 fbc fat of Ham:?. ifoj,to reCa is as tfje (in of fmtbrating : anD not to obe^ is as tije ItjicbcDnelTe of ioolafri?e.2Stierefoje tobatfoeuer inucntions of men are in tt}is bci)alf DcfcnOCD tDitb tbc autljojitie of tijc Cljurcbjfo^afmucb as tbe fame ca not be ercufcD from tbc crime of bngoo* Iine0,tt is ea6e to p^oue tbat it is falfl^ imputcDtotbeCburcb. 18 jafter tbis fo?t toe frel^ inuci againft tbis ti?;annt: of mens traDitions,tobicb is p^onDl^ tb^ult in amog ts^bnDer tbe title of tbe cburcb . if 0; neitber Doe toe koiwt tbe cbwrcb(as om* aouerfarics^o b;ins ts in batreo,OQ bniudlr lit bpon to) but toe gene bnto ber tt)c p;a)?fe of obebience>tban tobicb (^ !inotoctb no greater p;a^re . SDbe^ratberarebcr^ fo;c to;ong Doers to tbe cburcb, \})l)itl)c make bcr obftinate againll bcr Ho^oe, tobilctbe^fainctbdt Ibe batbp^oceDeo furtber tban (be latofuU)? migbt Doe b^ tbe too;D of e of tbe f in tbe mcane tpmc D;trembiingli>e to btDe botb tobat is commauOeD ber b^ 2 lo^b, I tobat obcDiencc (be otoetb to tbe com« maunDcmentoftbcllo^De. 115utiftoc baue a minbe, as it is meete toe (bouloe baue,to agree toitb tbc cburcb,tb^ per^ tainetb ratber to tbe purpofe,to baue an c\?e bnto f remember tobit is commau^ Deb b^ tljz !Lo;d botb to tos 1 tbe cburcb, tbat toe Gjolo toitb one agremcnt obci: bim. jro; tbcre is no 5out but toe (b^ill tjer\? tocU agree toitbtbeCbttrcb, if toe DO in all tl;in?cs djcto our fclues obcDi? mt ta tbe ILozoe.But noto to fatber bp? on tb?0po(lles,tbc aiiginatlof tbc tra* Ditious to!)ertoitb tlj: Cjurcb batb bene betbcrto opp:c(rci),Vjas a po^t of mere Deceite:fb;afmiicb iistot Doarins of tbe ^potties trauetlet J) tobollp tc tt)vs enD, tbat confcienf cs tei;an?t be tiirijencD toitb neto obfernations^no^ § too;l^ip« ping of <2>oD be oefileD ioiti) our inuen^ tions.^o;eoucr if tber be an^ fa^tbful^ nes in bi0^o;pes f aitcient monuments, tbe apottles not oneli? neuer bneto, but alfo neuer bearD of tbis tbat tbei? attri* bute bnto tbcm. ^tithct let tbt p;atc, tbat tl)e moflt part of tbcir Decrees torre receaucD in bfe 9 in mens bebauiours, tobtcb neuer toere put in to;iting:eneR tbofe tbtngs fo;f£Dtb,tobicb tobile Cb^ift toas T?et liuing , tbe^ coulDe not bnber^ (tano, after bis afccnbing t\)t^ learnco b^ tbe reuelation of tbe bolp gboll . ©f tbe erpo(itton of tbat place toe baue els tobere alrcaDi? fene. &o mucb'as is fuf^ ficient foj tbis p;efcnt caufeitruelr tbe^ maUc tbcmfelucs too^itbi? to be laugbcD at,tobile tbcv fame tbat tl)ofe great m^* llerreSjtobicbe fo long t^me toere bm bnotoen to tbe ^pottles, toer partlp ob^ fcruations e^tbcr 3(Ctoitft oj(^ntilc(of tobicb all tbe one fo;t bab bene long be* fozc publil^eD among tbe Vetoes , f aU tbeotber fo;t among tbe ©entiles) anb partly fiDlidje gcttu rings i baine pett?e ceremonies , tobicbe (blithe facrifictng pjieftes, tbat can neitber Otill of ftoim^ minc^no^i of letters,tjfe to do bcr? trim=« l\?:\?ca fucb as cbilD^n $ fmles do fo apt*: t^ counterfait ^ it map feeme tbat tbere be no fitter miniftirs of fucb bolp mitte=« rpes. iJftbcrctocit no bi(io;^csatall: l»et men ^ baue tbeir founDc ^it mpgbt contioer bp tbe t^^ it felf,tbat fo great a beape of Ceremonies 1 obferuationft oiD not foDcinlpburil into & cburclj,but b? title I litle crept in. ifo; toben tbofe bolicr Bilbopis.tobicb toer next in timz to p iSpoai£3, l>iD o^DftincD fom tbings tbat belonged too;Der 1 Difcipltnc^er^ toarb tbere follotoeb men,fome after 0^ tber, not Difcrcte enciisb, 9 to? curious f grceti^ : of tobicb tl;^^ later tbat cucr^ one toas ,fo be moic ttriucu toitb^ bt!^ pieDeccCTo^s infailiO^emuous counter^ failin^f figneb;ougbte into rememb;aunce, (boulDc afteracertarne manner be rc.-« peatcD . 0nD 31 paCTc not tjpon tbts,tbat tbe tclfc fame Auguftinc in an otl)er place afcribetb rt!)cr tbrnges alfo to tbe iapoflles, ifor (itb be batb notbrng but coniecturcs,icDgementcugbt not tpcn tbem to be gcucn cf fo grcate a mat^ ter . iftnall? , aDmitte tbat toe graunt tbem alfo , tbat tbofe tbr»gcg tobicbc be To Saluation, Fourth Hooke. F01.3; f)z relicarfctl) came from thtt^mt of V9t at3oftlei3.!J^ctrt)crci(Jgrcatc Differ rcncc bctiDscn inlcituting fome txcvf cifeof^ooltueirc, lDl)ic^tbc fa^^fiiU lu^th a Uiz confcicncc ma? iJfc, oj if tbc tjfcof itfl):ill not bcpjoStablc foj tbcm , tbc? mat fo^bcare it : ano nia^ ^m a tato tliat mat fnare confcicnccs toitb bonoage. ^utno\)D0,fromtDbat autbojfoeucr tbct pjoccoco, fitbe tue ftt tbat tbct arc fitoDcn into fo great abufe,notbin5U)itbftanDctb, bnt tbat toe mag luitbout off^ncc of btm abo* lia)tbcm:fo;afmucbas tbet^ere nc* ucr fo commcnDCD, tljat tbct muftc ba perpetually immcuablc. 21 j^ettbcr botb it mucb bclpc tbcm, tbattoepccutc tbcir tirannr>tbctp;e* tenDe tsjccpamplcoftbcapottlcs (fat Vi)z^ ) anD tl)z ClocriS of tbc firftc cljarclie,maDea Decree bcSoc tijcrtm* maunijcmcrtt cf €mi^i^ \xi'minttie\> commaun;5CD all tbc€Jen:tle« to ab^ ftcgnc from tbtngca offcrcoto iools, from ffranglccano from blono . 3if tbat toas latofull fo^ tbcm , tobr is it not alio latoefuU fo; tbeir facceiro;0, to folio to tbc famcfooftas occafionfo requirctbf 31 tooulo toCDoo, t\)tv oto botb in all otbcr tbinges 1 in t\)is tbing follotoc tbcm . i?o; 31 bente tbat tbc apoaics oto tbere inftitute o^ occra aiii?neu)Ctbl?ng, tobVcM* eafttoba pjoucD bt aftrongrcafon. ifojluber^ as peter in tbat dounccU p;onoun? cetb, tbat ©od is temptco, if a tokc be lateo tjpon tbc nccbes of tbe ©tfci' pies : be Dotb brmfclfc ouertb;o\iJC l)i$ otoncfentencc, if be aftcrtoaroc con^ i rent to baac ant tc^e lateb bpon tbcm. 15ut tbere isa toHc lateo, if tbc ^pc;' Ctclcs 00 Decree of tbcirolonc autboji^ itc tbat tbc Oentiles QioulDbc foibio* Bin bab tbcrc v^t rcmarnetb a Doui,foz tbat tbet bo ncuertbelcffe ftcmc to fo;-- bio. ilBottbisDoutcCjall cafilt be niU folueb,ifamanoo mo?c ncrclt fonfi* Der tbe meaning of tbe Decree it felfe:in tbco2beranD effect tobcrcof tbc cbicfc point is, tbat to tbe ©entiles tbcir li» berrie is to be left, t tbet ougbt not to be troublcb, no; accomb?eD about tbc obfcruationsoftbc latrc. t^etberto it bcrt UjcII mabetb ofoiirfiDc. ^iittbe erception tbat immctiatlt folloUietb neptber is ant ne\rilatu maDc bttbc apofilcs, buttbcDtuine ano etcrnnll ccmmaunDcmcnt of ©oD, tbat cbari' tit oa3btnottobcb;ohcn,no; botbbi* miniOj one tttle of tbat Itbcrtie : but onltaomoniflietb tbc ©entiles, botoc tbet tb3ula temper tbemfclues to tbeir b;ctb;en tbat tbet abufe not tbeir If beitie to tbc offence of tbem.llet tbis tberefojcbetbcfeccuD potnt, tbat tbc ©entiles (bulo bfcabarmelcffe Irber* tic, auDlDtibout offence of tbeir b;e' tb;en . X5ut tet tbet p;efcrtbe fome ccrtatnc tbing : tbat is, tbet ttacbe anb appoint, fo farrc as tuas crpeoi^ cnt fo; tbc ttmc, bt Vubat tbmges tbet migbt runne into tbc offence of tbeir b;ctb;cn, tbat tb^t mtgbt betnare of tbofctbinges but tbet aODc no ucU)c tbing of tbcir olun to tbc ctcrnall latu of ©oD,tDbicb fo;biDDctb tbe offcnoing ofb;etb;en. ^ikt as if tbc fatfbfuU |i)affo;5 22 tobtcbc gcuerne Cburcbes not tct tocll rcfo;meD, OjculDconnuaunDeall tbcir people, tbat till tbe iucafec toitb tobomc tbet Ivuc Dogrotoc ttrongcr, tbetftocilD not opcnlteente flcU^e on 5frtDati»o; openlt labourc bpon bolt Dates , 0; ant fwcljc tbtng. ire; al* tbougb tbefc tbtnges, fctting fupcr^ oVnTtbaYt^ttboulDnottoucbtbinges ! Citions aft^JC, arc bttbcfduesinciffe. Cap.ioJ ' '■ ~ Of the outvvarde mcancs b;ett);cn,tt)er(anotbe Done toi tbout a I tBcrof. ^oTafmutft a& thtrto^c ti)is lato fault.ieut p times art fuctJ, ^ tf)c faitl) ful f a not n}f Id fucfj a figfjt to § tor ahe b:ctf)K>but tijat tbct fijatl fo;c tuouno tbcir confcifnfw.Mbo, but a cauiUer, lutl fa^ tljat fo tl}c^ malic a netn latoe, Ujberas it is certain ^ tbet? co onl^ p;e^ iicntc offencru , tebrcb are erp^clTelf ntougb ro;btODen of tbe ilo^be^^nb no moyt ca tt be fa^D of t ^pofile0, tsbofe ptirpofe loas notbtng el0> but in taMng aluay p matter of cffences,to cal bp tbe laUiof(2^oDcocermng^ auoibingofo^ fmce:a0 if tbe^ bab faiotit is f lojD0 co^ maucicmcnt tbat ^e offenD not a toeabe b.:otber.^e ca not eatc tbings offrcD to tmages,(tragleb i btouD,but i^ § lueabe b;ctb;en (balbe offenoeb. IDberfo;e lue comaunD tou in t\)t tDo;b of tbe lo^b,^ PC Ci{tt not tuitb offencc^nb f tbe j^po ftclcs bab refpert to f fametbing,paul bimfclfe 10 a ber^ gmb boitneae, tubicb lD;itetb tbus,berilp none otbcrtoiff fba accoiDing to tbe meaning of tbe eoun* f cliconccrning meates tbat are oflfercb to 5iOo(fi,toc bnoto tbattbcBiooleisno^ tbing.l5nt fome toitb tbe confcience of tbe 3loolc,bo eate it m oflfereb to Jbols, anD tbeir confcience, fo;afmucb as it is toeaUcjis DefileD.S>a tbat pour libertie be not mabc an offence to p toeabe.l^e tbat Owl bauc loell Ujcicb tbefe f bin00, OmU not aftcrtoarb be Hectimn \jo fucb a fa ire coIo; as tljep make, 1^ p^eteb tbe ilpaaicfi fo; Defence of tbeir tiranp, a0 tbougb tbe Slpottks bab begon l6 tbeir Decree to b;eab t\3t libertie of p cburcb. ^ut,f tbei?ma?not be able fo efcape, butbcD;iuentuen toifb tbeir oton con fcffiontoalIotutbi0folHtion, lettbem anfbjcr m»,bv' Ujbat rigbt tbct? toerefo bolt! to abrogate \> fame Decree.lBicaure tbcrc luas no mo;e peril of tbofe offen* cos anb Diffcntior.s, tobicb tbe SipoUks meaiitc (0 pjouiDc fo:,anD f bep bnetoe f bat tbe lato toag to be toepeb by f enb toa0 mabe in refpert of cbaritie,tber is notbing p:crcribeD in it,bHt fo mucb as perteinctbto cbaritie. t^^ben tbcf con* f elTe tbat tbe tranfgrefiing of tbte lafce is notbing but a b;eahtng cf cbaritie, DO fbep not tberetoitball acfenoUJleDge, tbat it is not a fo;gcD abbption to tbe latDc of d^oD, but a naturall anb ftmple appliance to tbe tpmes anb maners iDbereunto it teas Directeb . 22 li5ntattbou8brucbIalusbeabuD;eb times bniult f iniurious bnto bs , pet tbep affirme tbat tbep mull be barb \jb* tmt eweption : fo;^ tbep fap tbat tbps is not ijere intenbcD,^ twe l^ulb confent to erro;s,butonlp tbat being fubiects toe (bulD beare tl)c barb commaunbcm its of our gouerno^s, ^\)i(!iit it is not our parts to refufe. 115nt berc alfo t\)t i^o^b beri toel re&ttetb tl)i Mo tbe trutb of bis too;b, tbeliueretb bs out of fucb bom bage into tbe libcrtie,tobicb be batb pur cbafcb fo; bs toitb bis bolp bloub, p be^ ne6tetobereof be bab mo^tban once eonfirmeo ioitt)\sis too;De. jfo; tbat is notbere onlp intenDeD(a0 t^c\! malici^ ouflp fapne)^ toe (bulb fuffer fomegre* uous opp;eirio in i bobp^but ^ our cofci ences being fpoileb of tbeir libertie i is of t bentdtt of tbe bloub of cb;tft,lbulb be feruilelp to;menteD. iBotobeit let bs pas ouer tbis alfo>as tbougb it mabe lit le to tbe matter, ^nt of boto great im^ ppjtantance bo toe tbinfee it is^tiiat tbe lo?D0 feingbom is tahen atoap fro \)im, tobicb be claimetb to bifelfe v6 fo great feueritie^utitistake atoap fo oft as be is too;(bippeb 1:6 f latos of mens in^ ucntios,toberas be toil be bolbe fo; ^$ onlp latoemaber of bis otone too;a)ip. anb leaft anp ma ibulo tbinh it to be a matter of notbig, let bs bear boto mucb tbe Io;b ettemetb it iBicaufe (faitb be) Eft» 19. tbis people batb fereb me to tbe comaii 13, bement anb Doctrine of men;be|?olDe 3 toil Mat.ij.p — ^ To 5aluation« Fourth Bookc^ \ loly^ toil attomO) tbc \d a arcat « toBDcrous | f}is ucutfe teas to offer facrificcs ttjere- miracle.i?oj toifcuo Ojal pf riflj from i up6 to goB onli,to!)icb fje fljulo do mo?c toifemftbcrcf,! fenocrttaDingnjaUc^ Dono;jabli? tljantpon tljcerftanDolw jjart from tbc doers. Jn another place. nltar-.rettoefecbototbefpintDctcftetl) Sfjer too^Cbip me in Dain tcc^im ^oc* I ^ bolDncffc,fo? none otter caufc but fo j trins § comauoemftfi ofmf . ano trail? tobcras § cbilojen of Bifrael Dcfileo tbc* felucs t6 man^ ioolatrics, t caufc of al ^ euil is afcribcDtotbic^nclrn miirturc ^ trafBrcffing § comaiiDemcnts of bod, tbc\?bauefojgeD nctoc iDo;fl)ippingtf. anD tbcrfo;ic p bolt biff o jn rebcrfetb v tbc ncto ttragcrs ^ baD bene trafplateD bi tbe him of )13abilo to inbabit ^ama tbat tbe tnuentionst of men in tbc ixio;< tbipping of goo arc \)nclenc co?rupti6s. ano boto mncb mo;e clcrelt? tbc l»il of CDoD is openeo twito t)S,fo mocb V If ^ cr ctifable is our frotoartnes to atte pt ani tbing.janD tberfb^e iJDo;tbilt Id t\)is tit cufface § crime of ^naCfcg is cnfcjccD | fe;r ^ be bilDcD a neU) alter in Jerufalf , 2 Km. of tDbicb goD bao pjcncureo 3 ^il tber 3. 21 ria,lDere to;ne in paces t confumcD of fet mi name>bicaufe f autbojit^ of goD toilD beaffs, bicaufc tbe^ feneto not ^ ig note as it tocr of fet purpofc rcfu cD iuDgemcnts o;^ ffatutcs of tbc ©oD of ^ 24 ^an? do marucl l^bt goD fo fljarpli lao aitbougb tbet bao notbipng cffeDeD tb;eatnetb # be toil do tbings to be to in ^ ceremonies,t!Ct goD toolD not baue DjcD at to tbe people of tobome be teas alotocD a tain pomptbut in tbe meane too;(bippcD ^ tbe commauDemcnts of timebecefeonotto tabcbengeaeeofij mMP^onoucetb^beis toojOji^^^^^^^^ t»cfilingofbistoo;a)Vp,fo;tbatmeDiD taintotbep;eceptsofme.l5uttftbcj! ' tb^uainDcuifesftragefrombistoo^D. | coQDcreD,tobatitismtbecaufeofrei^ ^bernpon it is aftertoarD faiD,^ tbcip being maDcafraio \d tbat puniOjment, rcceiueD t ceremonies p^efcribcD i tbe lato:but bicaufc tber oiD not ^ct pureli too;(btp V f f"^ CDoDjit is ttoicc repctcD ^ tber DiD fear bini^t DiD not fear brn^ isaberupon toe gatl;cr,f tbe part of re* uercncc tobieb is gcuen to bi,con0ftetb intbts,tobilein too;(bippingbini,toe fimplp fblloto tobat be comavnDctb tS mingling none of our oton inuentions. 2 Kioa-' ianDtbcrfo;e tbe goDli Kings are often* * ^ times p;aifeD,bicaure tbei? DiD accojDig A toal§ccmauDemcnts,fDeclincDnotto I t\)z rigbt bao noj to ? left. 3 go ret fur* tber: altbougb in fome fainco too^lbip' ping tber Do not opcnlr appere bngoDli^' nes,ret it is feucrelr cooemneo of r bo* Ir gboffjfo foncas me Depart fro tl)c c6* manocment of goo.Wc altar of :acbaj tbe paterne toberof toas b^ougbt out of 2«Kia 10 « gion,i^ t« fo far of beauenlr toifOom,to bang tpon tbe onlr moutb of aulc toilletb ts fo Diltgcntli to betoare,^ toe be not Dcceiueo br t^t traoitions of me j I tbat tobieb be calletb tthclothrcskian ,Col tbat is. ^liltoojQ)ipinuenteOofmen beCcc tbt Doctrine of goo. %t)is is berr J true,botb our otone toiftjom,! all mens j toifcom muff be foliOj bnto ts,tbat toe mar fuffer bi alone to be toife. iSHbtcb toar tber Ucpe not tobieb do ff udi toitb 2.4' &amaria,migbt baue femcD to encrefe pctr obfernations fameo br tbc toill of tbe aamilbment of tbc tt-mpig, toheras men to comeno tbsmfelucs bnto bim,f Si^^X to tOp.io. Ofthcoutvvardc mcanes DO tbVult tnto Ij^m as it tocr agaift bis toll A traitfQ;reirm3 obcsicncc totoarDc ljim,tol)iclj 10 m t)eDC gciicn to mcn«a5 it ijatb ben t)on boti) in man's ages berc tofo;e,anD in tbc time toitbm our oton rciiiemb^ancci is alfo at t\)^3 Dai? l^oii I in tbofc places tobcrc tlic autt}o;it)?cof j t\}t creature is moje cftemeD tban of J j trcato;:U)bf re religion (if pet tbe fame ; be Ujc;tbi to be calleo relijiojis DefilcD j \xiitii nio I mo^c t^nfauoM fupcrftitios, j tban cucr toas an^ paiaim toiclie^^ncs. j Jfo; tobat cculD tbe toit of men b;eeoe, butal tijings carnal ano foUtft.ano fucb I fis tfaelp rcfembletbei?^ autbo^s; Cffilberas alfo (' patrons of fupcrffiti 2: ji.Samu. 7.17. ' ons allege, ^ Samuel fatriSceo in iaa matba,t aUbougb tlit fame toas Don be i ftar J lalTJ,vct it plefeD goD:f folutio is ' cafr,i^ it ^lis not a ccrtainc feccD alter j to fct againatbe one onl? altar: but bi^ I cauk (' place \x3ag not Tjct apo^^nteb fo^ I p ark cf coiienat,be apointcD tbe totonc j tobcrc be DtuclIcD foi ^acrificcs,as tbe j modconuenient place, ^rulp f minoe i of tbe bol^ i3;opbct \xjc\5 not to mal^c a^ I nv innouation tabolE tbings.tobereas goo bao fo ffreigb^lv fo;biO!ir any (big tbattbofc intolerable buroens l^ulD be bojn,t»bicb tbe Scribes ano jabarifes bouno bpon men;^ HBut lubt? tn anotber place Did tl)c fame Cb^tll toil tbat men l^ulo betoare of tbe leuen of tbe pban'^ festcalling leuen (as spatbeto tbe (Scia^ gelift erpoimortb tt) all tbeir otone 00* ctrine tbat tbei? mingleo toitb tbe pure; ncs of tbe too;D of goOf Mbat toolo toe f)sii\c mojc plain, tban tbat toe be com* mattoeo to fit£ 1 betoare of al tbeir ooc^ f rinef tobcrbp it is mabe moft certaine bnto bs,!' m t\)t otbcr place alfo i iLojo toiilcD not, ^ tbe cofciences of bis OjulQ be fecreD toitb tbe.pbarifcs oton traci*' tios. :anb tbe Uer^ too;Ds,if tbct? be not tojeftetJjfounQ cf no fucb tbingjfo; tbe ilo;jD parpofing tbere f 0 inue? fljarpli? againft tijz maners cf tbe pbarifes,DiD fira fimpl^ inHruct tbem f bars btm,^ altbougb t'otv fatu notbing in tbeir life moete fo;^ tbcm to foUsto,tet tbcr fijulb not ceafeto not itjck ibings tobicb tbci? I tangbt in too^Ds, tobilc tijev fate in tbe I cbair of :^cfes,tbatis,to Declare i lato. j s:b"rfo;e be m<:ant nottnjig elfe but to pzouioetbattbcrdino people ibulD not 3.&.16.4 toitb tbe euiUeramp!es of tbe teacbers [lud.iM9 ^0 bcaDDeD 0; siminifbcD* 05 fo,; () er- j be b;onglit to M'^ilc tbe Doctrine. liBut [ ' " I ample of ^cncba, i f^r tbat it toas an , fo^afmacbe as man^ are notbing at all cptrao^Dinart 1 0ngular cafe.l^e being a piiuate man oflfrcD facrifice to (£'oo,f notto;tbcuttbcalotoanceofgoD:bfriIi bicaufebeenterp^ifeD it notof araUje motion of bis otone mino,bnt by> a bea« ucnl^ iaUinction.lBut botoe mucbe ti^c llo;Qabbo;retb tbofc tbings that men Dcuifc of tbcmfclucs to too^iOjip bim 16 a!l,anotber not inferio; to CDeDcon,tsa I notable cwmple, tobofe CpboD f tjrneD toDeOruaionnotonlp to binjanobvs far.ulv,but to tbe tobolc people, i? in:*l* I? eu;rv>ncto foimD inu.:Miion, toberio men c:i}ct to toc^a^ip C3oD, is notbijng d<^ but a Dealing of true boUneCTe. :o^lbVtbcn(fap tbe^)oio £l;;ia toil ju.i8.27' moueo toitb reafons,but altoai require autbooicc of Cb;itt is bcarotanu p Ibepe Dce foloto, not a bire^ /ling, luttbe ^afto; bp tbe meanes of a birciing.^ear \>e ^ birelings arc (betu^ CD bg tbe ilojoc bimfclfe.S^bc Scribes (faitb be)i tbe pbariftcs lit in ft djAire of ^^ofes. SDa ue tbofc tbings tbat (be? fav. Ti) ialuatjon. Pourth Bookc ,loi»S74! fay,butDocnltT'oofc tDings^ tW^o. liTfrom conocmnmg tbe »ate6 tftat art , mbat other tlnne faio tjr,but fjcaretbe ; profitable to tbis prpoCc, ^ teeaffirme Softb^S ^^^^^^'^-^''' if U3l,mtbcrcbetahcnaUiar,Cl)«rffe« SffisU^rbairc tle^tcactj^ are ciflfolucD fro tljcir finncs, mcrlv| S tSei toll teacl) tbcir olunc bcarc tobicb paulc rcquirctD,^ nil tbings be S^notS notXbis fa^tb Augulhne. Done ccccntlr J m r;t)er,ca net be l;?^, ItSw^ tnlcffetbeo^DeritfdfcantromUnce^ 4S Se tbat ccnfcimces arc beftabliOjcD^toitDobferuaticngamo^ Soirbouno ano©oi>too;Q)ippeD ncoaslDitlKcrtainebonDts. M^ Xin toitb tbe treaoitions of men,oo onl^ tbmg i5 alteate to b^ erccptcD m at owe blflt out altosctbcr all laUues tbofe obfc ruaUons,^ tbeT be net evttrr tobc^b? tlje o^tjcr of V cburcbc is fct m bcleueD to be ncceOarr to faluatto, mn i.corj 40. fram;tbcrfo; it is couenict alfo to mctc \i, tfjeir error. tmeril^ in tbts point it in caf^ to be Decc^ueD, btcaufc at tljc firft a^t it Dotb not bvanubv appeare tobat Difference 10 between t' cnc fo^t « tbc o- tber.^ut J toil fo plainli in feto teo;Ds fct out tbc tobclc matter,tbat t libenes mav Dccctue no man. if irft let bs bclD tbi0,tbat if toe fee in eucrv^ feloto.fl]ip of men fomcpcUcieto bcncceCfaricfbat mar fcrue to ncurif^c conurion peace f to reteinc conco;Dc:if toe f© tbat it is i Doing oftbinasstbcris altoaf fome oj? Dcrli fc;me,tobtcb is^ bcboucful fo; pub liUcbonca^^fo; tjcrv bi^wanitie not to be rcfufcD: tbe fame ougbt cbicfcli? to be cbfcrncD in cljurcbcfi^tobicb are botb bcft maintcinc3 bv a tod fran;eD Difpo Ction of al tbings, f toitbout agremcnt are no cburcbes at all. 2Sbcrcfo;e if toe toillbauc tbe fafctr cf t\)t Cburcb torll p;oaii3eD rc;,toe muftc altogctber Dili* ^cntlr procure tbat tobicb i^'iaule com* j ir.at:nDC4b,tl;at all tbings be Done ccm^ lil^ ai^Dacco^Ding to ojDer. 15 ut fojaf* mucb 30 tb:rc is To great Diuerfit^ in t maimers of menne, fo great bariet? in minDs, :g ijrcat Difagreemcnt in iuDgc* mcnts $ iMits: ncitbcr is tbcr ani? poU^ ci nauat enougb,^nles it be dabltfljeD bv certain latos,noj anv o^Dcrl^^ bfage can be cbfcrucD toitbout a ccrtaine ap^ po'^ntcD fojme. s:bcrfo;e toe are fo for io binD confcicnr cs toitb rcligion,o: be applicD to tbc toojOjipping of ©oMno fo goolinelTe be repcfcD in tbcm. 28 ^e bane tberfoje a Deri gmb ? wptt faitbful marke,tobicb puttetb Diffcrrce bcttoenc tbofe toicbcD ojDinamues , bt tobicbetocbaucfaiD f true religion is DarhneD 1 cofcienccsfubucrtcD,anDtbe latoful cbferuatics of § cburib:if toe re? me ber t tbc latoful cbferuatics teno al^ toaito one of tbcfc ttoo tbines 0; to botb tegctber,^ in tbc boll? alTcblr off fattb^ full all tbinas be Dcnc ccntlr anD to fuc b Dignitr as bcfcmctb^'nt ^ tbe fccr^ co* mon fcllotoftip of mr IbculD be hcpt m ojDcr as it tocrcbr ccrtaiiiC bontcscf bumanitie f moDcraticn.iro.: tol;t itis cncc buDcrficiDe v tbc latoe is mate fo; publiUebcncfitcs fafec,t fupcrCitunis noto taUcn atoar,into tobicb tbcr fat ^ mcafure tbe toojfbipping of ©cD bv tbe inucntios of mc.again tobt it is Unctoj en f it pcrtainctb to ccmon bfc , tben v falfe opinion of bono i ncfclTitic is cucr tb;otoen,tobicb tiD firibe agrcattcD ro; into c6fcicnccs,tobf tratiticns toer tbougbt nccGirarr to faluatio.ifc; bcrc- in is notbin? rcquircD but tbat cbarit^c Q)olD toitb ctimon Dutiful Doing tc ncu^ ! ritbcD amcg \is,t5ut it is gcD tf t '0 oc^ fine mo;c plainli?,tobat is cop^sbcnDGD bnDcr f tcmlins?re tobicb P*aul comcn^ Dctb,l[ alfo tobat bnDcr cjDcr.Ebe cncc ~ of o.iO. Of tlic outvvaidc mcanes of Tomlincffc w, partlp tbat iubcn fucb | bare l)caDco:tt)at lue miniff er tte Io;D5 ceremonies are tJfcD as map piocure a 1 facramente not tjnc!enlp,baC luitb fom 1 tCor.ii. 1 reiience to Ijolp t\)ms, toe mar ^V fucti bclpcs be ttirreQ tip to goDline5:partel? fllfotljattbemorjcftici grauitie tobtct ougW to be ran in all bonefte Doinges mar tbcrin p;mcipaU|? appcarejn o;* Ber,tbi3 is the firft point,^ t^ep to^ic^ goucrn mav Imoto § rule t lato to rule tocl;i tbe people U^bicb are goucrneu map be acaiftomcD to obeying of d&oD, $ to rigbt Difcipltnettben, tljat tbeftatc of tljc Cburcb being toel frameD,peace anD quictnelTe map be p;jombeD fb;. 29 ii:!jerefo;e toe Ojal not fay tbat com luic0i«,toljercin ciall be notbing but tjainc Delectation: fucb as toe fee in tbat pidicrlihe apparal tobicb i |3apifts tjfe in tbcir ceremonies, tobere appearetb uotbing els but an tjnpjofitablc tifo;j of cainciTe,? erccs toitbont fruit.HBut toe ftal accompt tbat to be comlines tobicb fljal fo be njecte foj tbe rcuercnce of bo* Ip mittcricsvtbat it be a fit ocercifeto go:)lines,o^ at leaft facb as l^al ferue to conticniet garnifbing fo: p celeb;jating tberofMHD tbe fame not toitbout frute, but tbat it map put ^ faitbfuU tn minb \iiitl) boto great moueftic,rriigioufnes ans rcuercace,tbrp ougbt to banofc W Ip tbinges. jlioto,tbat ceremonies map be crercifcs of (^o2lincs>it is necc0arp tbat tbep Icaoc bs tl>c ttraigbtc toap to Cb^iftc.Hiketoife toe map not faptbat ojoer coufiUctb in tbofc trifling pomps tbat bciuc notbpng tls tban a baniOjing gaineDTc: but tbat it fianoctb in fucb an o;ocrlp framing or. map tafee atoap all confufion,barbaroufncs,ob(hnacp,anD all ftriues anDDiITejitics.£>f p firtt fo anb fucb like. )l3ut fpeciallp tbofe tbings tbat coceme bircipline,as tbe teacbing of tbe Catbe^ cbifme,tbc ccnfurcs of tbe cburcb^erco^ munication,fafting3,i fucb as mape be recUcneD in t]jt dime niiber . ^o all tbe conttitutions of tbe cburcb ? tobicbe toe rcceaue foj bolp f tobolefome, toe map refer to ttoo cb^fe titks : foj fome per* faine to rites t cercmonpcs ,anb t\it r> tbcr to cifctplinc anb peace. 30 But bicaufebere is periUeatt on f one fibe tbe falfe bifbops (boulD tberebp catcl)ap;etencctoercufe tbcir toicUei> I tirannous latoes , f Icatl on t\)t otber fibe tbere be fome me t© fearftil, tobicb abmonrfi)C'3 toiti) fbe afo^cfaib eutlls bo leaue no place to latocs be tbep nener fo bolp: bere it is gcoz^to pjoteTl, 1^ 31 alio to onlp tijcfc ojDinances of men, tobicb be botbgrounbcb t>ppon tbeautbo;itpeof CI>oD,anD tafecn out of tbe fcripture, pes anb altOv3Ctber ©obs oton . iLet bs tafee fo;j an erample tt)c kneeling \D\)i^ is \3^ feu in tpme of common Ip^aper . ^Hb Dcmaunticb,tobetbcr it be a trabition of man, tobicb cuerpman mape latofullp refufco J neglected 3 Tap tbat it is fo of men,tbat it is alfo of CDob^t is of (Sob, 1. Cor. 14 in refpc in refpcct ^ it fpecialtp betoftcnctb tbat '} tobicbe bab in generaliise raiijer bene To SaluaCion. Fourth Eookc , f oi -I po^ntcD to tfjan Decl^rco. i5p t\)is one Example toe mat?e luDgc lulxit is to be tljougijt of tbat tobolc UtnDr: tjcrilp be* caiife tbe Io:d \):itl) in Ijw ^olt> iD;jarIcs botbcfaitfjfallp contctncD f clearly fct fo:tb bott) tbe tobolc Turn of true rtgt)t^' oufnclTe, auD all tfec partes ef tfjc too;.- fljipping of bi5 Diuine niaicilt»,f Vcbaf- fociicr toafi ncccffarr to faluatio : tber«= fo;je in tbcfc tbincc be is onli to be baro as oure fc bslcmaiCer . Wut becaufe in outtuarD DtfcipUne ano ceremonies Us tuill tuas not to p^cfcribe cacbc tbing particularly tobat toe cugbt to follotoe (bicaufe be fo;efatoe tbis to bang ^pon tbe Itate of time, $ DiD not tbinbe one fo;jmc to be fit fo; all ages) bcrcin toe mutt fix to tbofe gaicrall rules tob^b be batb geucn,^ tberbt all tbofe tbings fijulD be f ricD,tobicb tbe necelTitp of tbe cburcb (ball require to be comaiSoeD fo; o;Dcr $ comclines. ifinallf ,foMfmucb as be batb tberefj^ctangbt notbing ep pjcati, bicaufe tbcfcttings botbarc not ncccCarp to faluation, « accc;Ding to J maners of eueri? nation ano age ci^gbt oiuerfl? to be applicD to tbe cDi:i?ing of tbe eburcb:tbcre="c;e an ttjc p;oat cf tbe cburcb fljal require, it Ojaibe ronuenir t as toell to change f abrogate tbofe i be tjfeD,as to inllitiite netoe. 5 graunt in DCDCjtbat toe ougbt not ralblr, no; oft, no; fo; ligbt cauics to lun to tniiouatr? on. i2ut tobat n:av burt o; eDifr,cbari^ tt? tball bell iubgc: tobicb if toe toil fun^ fcr to be tf)t goucrncire,al nK^lle fafc. 31 i^oto it is tbe Dutv of cbriUian pco^ plc.to feeepe fucb tbings as baue ben c;^ bf ineD acco;Dig to *l)is rule, toitb a free confcience % SjJit^mt anp fupcrlhtion, bttt pet toitb a gooip i eafp reDincCTe to obcpinctto Dcfpife tbcm, not to pas tl)e ouer toitb cai clcs negligence : fo far is it of, tbat t\)t^ ouglif bp p;itie 1 obttina* cp openlp to b;eak tbem.^bat mancr ofUbertpe of confcience (toilt tbou fay) map tbere be in fo areat obferuation f toarcnes:'^ea,ii Cjal flano erccllcntlp tod \x)\)m toe fljalcofieer,tbat tbep are not ttcDfaft f perpctnall frapco latocs, tobcreunto toe be bcimD,but oultoarDe ruDementes fo; tbe tocahnclTe cf men: tobicb altbongb toe no not all necDe,pct toe bo al )iit tbcm,becaufe toe arc mu^ tuallp one bouno to anotber, to nouriO) cbaritpe among bs. SZbis toe map re* bnotolcne m tbe eramples aboue reber feb.tkiHbat^i^otb religion ttao in a too* mans beile, tbat it is net latoful to goe out of Do;es toitb ber beaoe bncoucreo^ Js tbat bolp Decree of bis concerning Q^ lence, fucb as can not be b;oke toitbout moft bainoufl oflfenccf 3^ tber anp mp* tteri in kneling,o; in burping of a Deao carcafe tbat mape not be omitteo \iiitfif out Cn f il5o. jro; if a tooman naDe,fo; P belping of ber neigbbo;. to make iuc\) ba(f asmap net fufferbcrtocouerber bccflje offenbetb not if (be run tbetber toitb ber bcaoe bncouercD, ^nn it map fomtime befal tbat it map be no les co* ucnient fo; ber to fpeaUc , tban at ano* tber time to bolD ber peace.i^nD t!;er is no caufe to tbe contrarp,but t be tobicb bpreafon of bifeafe cannot botoebps ltnecs,map p:ai ftancing.irinaUv,it is better to burp a beaDe man fpa Delp in time, tban toben tbep lacbea toinbing Diete, 0; u brn tUr be not men p;efent to conucp bim,to tarp til be rot brtburi? en, ^ut neuertbeles in tbcfe tl)iQS tber is foiutobat toUcb tbe maner 1 c;Dina^ tcs of tbe countrp, ano finallp tcrp na* tural boneCp, t ibe riile of mobettp ap pcintctb to be bone 0; auoiteo: toberin if a man Cluarucanp tbmgfrom tbem, bp t)ntoarrnee,c; fo;getfHlnes,tberc is no crime ccmmuteb : but if bpon con? tempt,fucb l:ubbc;nes is to be Difaloto CD. Liketeife ibe baps tbe fcUieSjtobicb tber be,an5 tbebeurs,ariO boto tbe pla- ces be bitDeD,anD tobat pfalms be fong bpon Capu, Of the outward mcancs i.Cor.ii, •6. \;pon toljicf) oar, it mafecflj no matter. )Sut it i5 mctc >i t^cre be bottj certainc Da^c5,an9 apointeo !)0«rcs,anD a place fit t: rcceiuc al, if tberc be regarDe bao of tbep;cferuation of peace, ifo;j botoe great an occaGon of b;altJlinffS fl^oulDc tbe confufio of tbefe tbpngs be,if it icer laUiful fo^ euer^ ma,a0 be lift,to cbage tbofc tbinp ^ belong to common ftate: fo.:afmucb as it toill ncuer come to pa0 tbat one fame thin^ dial pleafe al men, if tbings be left as it toere in ^ miODeft to tt)e cboife of cuerp manf Sf anp man 03 carpe againlt t)s,anD tuiU beerein be mo j: toife tljan b^ ougbt , letbim fee bimfclfe bp tobat reafon be can oefenD bis o\»n p^ecifened^to tbe llo^D.j^is fo;t tj,tbi6 facing of paule ougbt to fatiffp to3,tbat iDC banc net an tjfc to conteno, naj ti)c Cburcbes of 0oD» 32 i^oicouer it is )})it}) great oiUgence to be cnocuo;co,tbat no crro: crape in, ^ m i^ co;irupt 0; obfcure tbifi pure tjfe. SClbicb fibalbe obtcineD,if al obferuati* on6,U)batrocucr tbci? Ilialbe, (IwU bane a OjcUj of manifeil p;o6t, ^i if tjerg fetw be receiueo, but principally if tbere be aniopneo a faitbfull Doctrine of ti)c pa* llo;j,tbat map ftop bp i toai to peruerfe opinions. ELbis Unoiulcgc mabctb,tbat in al tbefe tbings euerp man map bane bio oUjne liljcit^ p;ercrueD, ano neueri» tbclclTc O^al tuiUuiglp cbarge bis oUine libcrtp Ujitb a certainc necellitp, fo far as eitber ttjis comelmelTe tljat toe ba ue fpoken cf, oj tbe oj5cr cf Cuaritie fijall require. ^econDlp,tbat botbc tee ourc felues IbulD ioitbout anp fuperHttio be bnfieo in t\)t obferuing of tbofe tbings, ano C^ulD not to paecifclp require tbcm of otber,fo as toe flbulD fbinUe tbe too;<» (bipping of (Doo to be tl)t better (03, tbe multituDc of ceremonies: ^ one cburcb (bulD not Defpife anotber for tljt oiucr^ Gtp of Difcipline : laa of all tbat fetting berein no perpetual lato to our felues, toe Q)ulD refer tbe tobole t)fe anb eno of obferuations to t\)z eoification of tbe cburcb,tbat,toben it requiretb toe mai? toitbout anp offence fuflfer not onlp f6# \o\)at to be cbangeD,but al t\)t obfema^ tions tbat tocr^ before in fefe among t)« to be altereo. ifo; this age is a p;efent erperience,tbat certain rites, tobpcb c^ tbertoife are not tngoolp no; tncomli, map acco^oing to tbe fit occafion of tbe mattcr,bc conucnientlp abrogate, ifo^ (fucb batb ben rbe blinones f tgno^ace of 1^ former times) cburcbcs banc berc* tofo)c,toitb fo cojrnpte opinion 1 toptb fo ftiffe affeaio, tt icfecD in ceremonies, tbat tbep can fcarOp be fufficientlp pur gcD from mondruous fuperttirios, but tbat manp ceremonies muH be ta^r a^ toape, tobpcb in oloc time toere pe^aD^ uenture o;oeineo not toptboute c^ufe, nnooftbemfeluesbaue no notable t)m goDlineiTeintbem. Jhc.xi Chapter* Of the iurirdi<^ion of the Churchc,and the abufc thcreof/uchc as is fecnc in the Papacic. ^^to rematncfb tbe tbtro part of tbe ^^potoerof tbcCburcb,pea i tt)c cbefe parte in a tecl o^iocrco ftate,tobpcb toe banc faio to confm m iurifoirtion.SDbe tobole iurilbirtion of tbe Cburcbcper^ tcinetb to tbe Difcipline of manners, of tobicb toe Cball cntrcate bpanPbp, jfo^ [ as no €ittt, oj no Cotone canittanDe toitboute ^agittrote ano pollicpc ; fo \tl)z \£burcbe of Cl>i2)E) ( as a baue alreaDpe taugbte , but notoe 3 am I compcUcD to rcpeate it againe)naDetf> i ber ccrtaine fpirituall policp : but fucb I as is \3tterlpe feuereo from tbe ciuile pellicp i.Cor.i2, Ro.12.8 i.Tim.j •7. To Saluation. poUdci Dotb fo nottjing ftinucr o^ mi* niflje it, tijjt it ratbcrootb mucbhclpc ano furttjcr it, SDl)crfo;e tt^is potocr of turirDictto C^linafum be nothing da but an o;iDcr framcD fo; tbc p^cftrua* tion of fpirituall policic. %o ti)i6 enbc from tbc beginning toere o^Dr^ncD iu* tidal o;oer0 in cburcbes, lu^tcb migbt tjfe cramination of maner0, co;rc(t ti^ ce5,f cyercife § office of (' Uef es. JEDbis ojDcr Paul fpeaketb of in p epiffle to p Co;intbia£!,luben be nametb gouerne^^ ment0.0gain to p Uomatne0,tDben be faitb:Iet bint tbat ruletb rule in careful ne0. if o; be fpeaUctb not to tbe ^agi? ttrate0,(fb; at tbat time tberc toere no Cb;illian Cpagiaratc0) but to tbe tbat ioere iopneo luitb tl)c pa(!o;0 fo; tbe fpiritualgouerncment of tbe €\)md)t, aifo in tbe Cpiftlc of 2nimotbe,be ma* ketb tluo fo jt0 of eiDcr0: fonie,tbat la* bo; in tbe tDo;ri:otber fome,tbat do not t)fe tbe p;eacbtng of tbe 1uo;dc, i pet no rule toell , 315p ti)is latter fo;t it is no bout tbat be meanetb tbe tbat Uierc ap^ pointeb to lobe tnto mancr0,anD to tl)c tDboIc bfe of p bepc0. jro; tbi0 potocr, of tobicb tue noU» fpaUe, bangetb tufjoL- Ip tjppon ti)t Ucpe 0 tobicb €t)n{t gaue to tbe cburcb,in p rtiii.Cbapter of a?a* tbetD:U)bcr be comafiDctb^ p tbcp (tmln be t^arplp abmonilbcb in ti)c name of tbe \Dbolc cburcbjtbat baue DcfpifcD p;i uatc momticn0: but if tbep gocfo;^ loarD in tbep; obftinacie, be teacbetb f tbep IbulD b: put out of tbe felotufljip of tbe faitbful.ll5ut tbefc monition0 1 co;- rection0 can not be taptbout bnotPlege of tbe caufc; tberfo;c tbcre ncDctb botb fomeiaDgcmcntanoo;ccr. tCIbcrfo;e bnleCfe fee toil mafee boioc tbe p;omirc of tbe bcpe0, anb take tjtterlp aluap ep cojnminn'cation,rolemne menition0, f all fucb tbiags tobatfoeucr tbep be: toe mad ncbcs geue to tbe cburcb Tome iUf rifoiction. llct tljz reaPcrg marti tbat ^ Fourth Toole* toL;7i place entrcatctb net of f general autbo ritp of Doctrtne,a0 in tbe.i6.<£baptrr cf ^atbctoe,! in tbe.21.0f Jobn, but f tbe poUjcr of tbe finagoge is fo; tbe time to come tranfferreo totbe flock of €\j;ifX. tantill t Dap tbe Jciwes bab tbeir o;Der of goucrning,tBbPcb after tbat be baD b;eatbeD bpon tbcm be favD: tOtofc Gnne0 pe»fo;^ geuc, tl)cv (Ijalbc fo;gcucn : anD tubofe pe rctaine , tbep fljalbe rctainco in bca* uen. 3 iDill bjpng an crpclition net fut^- tic , not enfo^ccD, not fe;clIcD : Lut na^ turall , flowing , anD cfferu:g it felfe. s:bi0 comaunDement of fc;gcuing,anD rctapningfmnc0,anD tbat p;cnufe of binDing % Icfing mace to peter , ougbt to be refcrrcD to no ct»3cr tbprg but to tl)c minifterpof tbe U)o;iD: lubicbti'ben tbe ilo;D ccmmitteD to tbe iai;oaie0 , be DiDtbcrtuitbalfc ar me tbcm Iritb t\)^s office of binDing t loHng . ifo; iLbat is tbe fummc of tbe ©jfp:ll , but tbat tuc all being t\)Z bonDrcruante0 of Oune ano of Deatb > are lofcD &ttD maPc free by tbe Ifoh. 20 Mat.i6. Cjp », Of tlie outward meanej arc DamncD f a^iu^gcD to cuerlafting ! noimccD, toastljeccrtaineiuUsement bo:33^:Cl()f t\)c Io?o DcIiucrcD ti)is inzU fagc to his apofticjJ tobJ carrtcD into nl n:ttios:to app.zoue )5 it loas his oton f p:occDing f r cm hinifclfe, f)cbono,:cD it ID il)is noble tcftimonie:? that to the fingalar arengtfjentng both of § ^poU^ fcij th5mfcUie0,f of al thofe to Uihom it WM come. Bitbchoucth that the ^po^ Qcics I^oalo bane a fteofaft anD founbc ccrtaintic of their p^eacbing,tohich thci tbi.ilD not onli? crccate toith infinite la bo:3,carc0, troublesi antj Dangers, but alfo at the latt feale it luith their bIouD» E^hat thcp mig'otd rar)^noUj the fame to be not baine noj b!3iDe,but fall of po* Ujmfo.ice:itbehoue3 that info great carcfulnesjin fo great baroncs ofthigs aro iti fo great Oangerg, tlizyi CboulD be p:rfuaDci) that the? Dp:) the buQne ffe of 0od: that tohc n al the too^lD iuitbflrooe them anJ> fougbtc againft them , thep n)3uloknotne that Ci^oD ffoDe on their fiueithathauingnot Chjiltthe autho; of their oortrinc p;efi't bi fight in earth, thcp ttjoulD bnDerftanDe h^m to bee in beaucn.to confirme the trutbc of {? Doc^ trine Vuhich he haDDeli?uercD them, 3t behoucD againc ^ it flboulD alfo be moa certainly p;oueo bi tettimonv to § hea* rer0, tbat that Doctrine of thedSofpell toas not the li)3.iDe of fci)e ^pottles, but of 'SoD hifclfmot a boice b;eD in earth, but come Dotonefrom heaaf.ifo;^ thefe things, the fo^gcucnctTe of finnes, the piomifcofeucrlatttglife, the m.'^Oagc of faUiation, tan not be in the poluer of | cth to p,:eachingituhicije § minifters of man.Hhercfoze CbjiU hath tettifieD,^ the Ujo;d do ere"cutc : thia later place to of CDoD. aiBut tl)is teiJifring is gencn to all a3CS,anD rcmaincth in fo;jce, to ctr^ tifp anD aCTure all men, that the Ujc^te of the gofpelUb? tohat man fo euer it be pjeacheD, isthetjer^fentence ofdDoD, publil^eD at the foucraigne iuDgement feat,toi\?tte in the bofee of life,ratifieli, firme anD fireD in hcauenXhus tee fee that in thofe places the polner of ^c kei?es is nothing but the pleaching of the gofpell: ants that it is not fo much a potoer as a miniff erpe if Idc haue ref* pert to men.jFo^ (Ltintt batb not geucn th^s potucr p;jopcriv to men, hut to hr^ otnn iuope,U)hcrof Ijc b^itb maDc mm minifters. 2 %^t other place lubicb fcc baue faio to be,conccrning the poU^cr cf btnDi?ng f lofing,is in the rbiii.cl^ap. of ^patheio Mat.18. tohere Ch^it! farthijf anv brother hear 17. not ^ church,lct bim b** to tbec as a hea* then ma 0; a publicane. Slerilt? 31 fa? bn to ?ca:tohatfoeuer t?c binD tjpon earth, Ibalbe bofiDalfo in Ijeauen: tnhatfceuer ?c lofe fl)albe lofcD.Chis place is not al^ together like the firlt,but is a litle other tnife to be bnDeraaDeD. 515ut 3 Do not fo mahe the Diuerfe,^ the? banc not great affinitie together . SDhis firUporntis l?&c in both, ^ cither of the is a general ferttence:that in botb there is altoa? all one polDcr of binuing t loOing , namel? b?the luo^Dcof ctb bim into perpetual mine ano Defperation,butbicaufe Ibe con!?enetb '""' b?s To Saluatioii, Fourth Cooke roUjj, l)^s life I mancr0,anD^nlciret)c repent, Dotl) alreaop toarne l)im of tjis Danatio, ^fte lofcf I) iDtjom the rcceauctl) into cc# rnunion: bicaufe flbe Dotb mabc b^m as it toer partafecr of tljc tjnitie totjicb CIjc batb in Ctjntt 3cfns.»erefo;e tijat no man fljola obftinatel^ ucfpifc tbe iaDQ:c* mcnt of tlje Ctjurclj, oj litlc resaro tljat Ijc 10 conocumeD b? tbe confcnting Dot!^ CCS of tije fiirtbfull : tbc lloicc tcttifietb tbaC fucb iutjgmcnt of tbe faitbful is no» tbrns els bat a publirtjing of bps otone fcntence: anD tbat tobatfocuer t\)cv. t»oe in cartb is confirmcD in bcaur.iFo; tbei banc tbc toojo of C5oi),toberb^ tbei ma^ contjemnctbcpcruerfc : tbetbauctbe too jo,tobcrb^ tber ma^ receauc tbe rc^ pentant into grace. ^nu fbci ca not crrc. noj DilTent from tbc iucgement of (^oD: bicaufe tbc^ iuugc not but after tbc lato of <©ou , tobicbe is not an tjnccrtaine o j eartbl^ opinion,buttbe bol^ toil of sou, f a bcaaenlv^ 52);tacle. ^ut of tbcfc ttoo places,tobicb 31 tbinU 3 baue botb b:ecf^ l^ J familiarly I trulv ei:pounDCD, tbofe furious men toitbout Difference as tbei be car\?eD toitb thtn oton giODine(re,go about to ftabliftje fometimc coufcCion, fomcti[!meercommunication,fometime iurifDiction,fomt^me § potoer to mafee latoes,fomctime parDons.l5ut tbe firU place tbei allege to ttabliO) tbe fup;iemi^ cic of tbe fa of Home : tim fnn fo toell fht'tl ta St tbcp; Ue\?cs to all locUes anD D-ij.Jcs, tbat a man ma\'c fa-^ tW baue pjactifcD fmitbcs craft all tbcv; l^fc. 3 i?o^ tobcras manr tbinUc tbat tbofe I tbings enDureDfc; a time , toben \> ^a# I gittrafcij toerc vet ftrangersfrom tbe p.iofccriou of our religion: tbc\? arc De tbcr pains tobicb tbc :2^agittratc is uiot i to la^ tjpon me.i3gaine,tt tcn^ct'o not to tbis cnD, tbat be if batb finncD UioiilD be puniQjcD agdina bis toil,b!it fbolD toitb toilling cbaaifment p^ofecrc bvs repcn# tacc. 2Lbcrfo;ie tbere is a far Diuerfe op Der:bicaufe ncitber Dotb tbe cburcb tabe to it fclf ant! tbing tobicb p;iopcrli belog^ etb to tbe magiftrate, noj § magittratc ca crccute ^ tobicb i cburcb Dotb. SDbrs (balbe maoe plainer \)y> an erample . 3is anv n\h D^unhef 3n a toel o^d^cd €it^y pjifon (balbe bis punilbmct.^atb be co^ mitteD fo^nicationf li^e fijal baue lihe,oj ratber greter punifbment.&o Hjal botb I f latoes,! tbe magiftraf e,f tbe outtoarD i iuDgmet be fatif fieD»113ut it mav be t be 1 Ojal geuc no fignification of repentance. butratbermurmure f gruDgeagainft it.^bal f> cburcb in tbis cafe do notbingf But fucb ca not be receaucD to tbc fup* per,iDout Doing to;^ong botb to Cb;ifi: I bis bolr inftitution . 0nD reafon rcqui* retb tbi^s,^ be tobicb offcnDctb v cburcb \]o an euill erample,(bolD toitb folcmnc Declaration of repentace tafee atoati tbc offence tobicb be batb rai'feD . SCbc rca^ fon tobicb t\)ev b^i»e t arc of contrari?e opinion,ts t© colD.Cb^itt faT?tbei,com^ mittco tbcfe Doings to tbe cburcb,U)bcn tbere toas no magifiratc to crecutc tbe. But it bappenctb oftentimes ^ tbe ma* giftrate is mo:c ncgligent,T!ea fomttmc pcraDucnture tbat bimfclfc is to be cba^ ftifeD,tobicb bappencD to tbc Cmpercj 2DbcoDoGus. 2:here mai? bcfioe tbrs as mucb be faiD of tbe mimfferp of p too jD. ijioto tbercfojc after tbeir fcntence, let ibaffcjs cealle to blame manifcft toic* UcD Doings, let tbe ceaffc to cbiDc, to re? ceaueD in tbvs,^ tlnv confiDcr not, boto p;ouc,to rebuhe, foj tbere be Cbnftian Great Difference i tobat manner of tin* magi{Iratcs,tobicb cugbt to correct tbefe li hencs tbere is of tbc €ccleriaaical anD tbmgi ^sit\) tbe latoes i toitb v ftoo jD. etuil potocr.ifcz tbc Cilurc!) batb net tljt But as tbc ^agiftrate ougbt br p«ni^ potoer of p ftoo.:D to piiniro o; refirain, I no empire to commaiiD,no p.:ircn,no o-- {bir;g,anD br rcCtratning toitb fo^ce , to purge tbc cburcb ofoffences:folifeetoifc I Cap.iu Of the outward mcancs il)c Kiiniilcr of ttjc U)o;Dc fo: f)rs parte ougftt to fjclp the mmQrate v tber mat not fo man^ offcnD.^o oiigW tijcir tooj hings f o be conici?ncD,tl}at tt)C one mat? be a bclp,not a IjuiDcrance to tfje otI)cr» 4 3nu trtil^ if a ma mo^ nercl? tucr it luo.ios of (Tb.nlfjbc (Sal eafil^ pcrceaue ]WntI)cfc places is ocfcribco aftavet) flate,t a perpctuall o;Der of tlje cburct), not fuf !j as cnooretf) but fo? a time.if o; it is not mete t ^^ Mti accufe tbem f o tl)c niagiarafc,!^ toil not obet? our moni tioiis:tol)icb t?et flbolD benereCTari? if tlje magi ff rate fufccDcD into § office of tbe cbarcl). Mfiat is tfjis p;omife^^b3l toe fav f Ijat a is a p^omifc of one o; a fetoe l?eres:Clerili,terili 3 fai tnto rou,to^at focuer \>t binD in cartb^^o;eouer dnitt DiD berc inlf if ute no ncto tbing, hut fo? lotocD tbc cuComc altoa^ obferucD in § aucicnt cburcb of bis oton nation:tobcr^ bv be fignifiicD ^ tbc cburcb ca not toant tbe (pirituall inrifoictto, tobitb baD ben fto t\)c beginning.ianD tbis batb ben co* firmeo br i cofent of al times, jfo; tobe (Dmpcro^s f magilfrates began to p;o^ fcrreCb;!iff,tbe fptritual iurifoirtio toas not bianDbp aboU(teti;but onli? fo o^De^ reD,^ it OjolD oiminiH) notbing of tbe ci^ uilc iurifoidiojO; be confoiioeo toitb it, anD rigbtfuU^. ifo? § magiaratc, if be be goDlpjtoill not crempt brmfelf from tbc comon fubiedio of ^ cbilD^f of (DcD, toberof it is not tbc leatt part f o fubntit bimfelf to tbc cburcb>iuDging bti t too^D of gou : fo far is it of, t b? ougbt to take atoa^ ^ o;ticr of iuDgenit.ifo? tebat is iipifto. mo;c bono<>abIe(faitb Ambrole)fo;r fbe 5?.acl va- CEntpcro;> tba to be calleD p fonnc cf tbe icnt,, cburcb i iFo> a gmt Cmpero? is Mt^in tbc cburcb,not abouc tl;c cburcb» SDber* fo;c tbci,U)btcb to bono; tbc magilTratc DO fporlc V cburcb of tbrs potoer. Do not onli? toitb falfc crpoOf ion co;rupt ^ fcn^ tcncc of Cb;ia,but nlfo Do not flcnDcrlv conocmncrom?.ny bolpbifbcps tobicle banc bene fro tbe tt?mc of tbc ;apofile0, tbat tbei? baue b^ falfc pretence \3furpcD tbe bono J anD ofiitce of tbc ^agiffrate. S Wilt on tbc otbcr (iDe it is gojD to fee tbi?)6)tobat toas in olD time t\)z true tjfc of tbe iurifDiction of tbe Cb«rcb j f boto great abufc is crepte in , tbat toe mate bnoto tobat is to be ab;ogatc,anD tobat is to be re(!o;eD to antiquity, if toe toil ouertb?otoe t^t feinDome of janficb?iU, aiiD fct tjp tbc true hingDomc of €^nti agapne . if irft fbts is tbe marke to be (l)ot at, tbat offences, be p;enenteD,anD if anp offence be rifent3p,tbat it map be aboliflbcD. Bjn tbat tfe ttoo tbrngs are to be confiDcreD : 6rlt, tbat t\)^s p.:incipall potoer be altogctber feuercD from tbe potoer of tbc ftoojD : tban, tbat it be not crecuteD bp t\)t toill of one man, but bp a latofull atfemblp. ilBotb tbcfe tbynges toere obfi rucD in tbc purer cburcb.jfo? tbc boll? btfljops D^D not ercrcife tfitn potoer toitb ftncSj n emp^ifonmcntes, oj otbcr ciuile puniCbmcnts: but tl}t^ tj;^ fcD tbe onelp toojD of tbe llojocas ti)ev ougbt to Do.ifo? t\)t feuercll rcucnge, i as it toere tbe tttcrmoS tbunDcrbolt of tbe cburcb is crcommunication,tobicbe is not tfeD but in neceffitr.llBut tbis rtf quirctb neptber fo^c no; flrong IjanDc, but is contente toptb tl)t potoer of tbc too^De of dDoD. ifinallt?, tbe iurif Diction of tbc olDc Cburcb toas nctbvng els but a Declaration in p^actifc ( as 3 ntape fo call it) of tbat tobicbe paule teacbctb conccrntng tbc fpirituall potoer otlQa- If o;s . SDbcre is(fa?tb be) potoer geuen to tjSjtobercbt? toe mare tb?otoe Dotone C rong bolDes,tobcrebp toe mape mafee lotoe all bcigbt tbatliftetb tjp itfelfc a^ garnft tbc hnotolcDgc of CuD, toberebp toe mat? fubDue all tbcugbt, f map leaD it captiut into t^t obcDience of Cb;ilf,f toe baue in rcaDpnes a rcucnge againll all DifobeDience ♦ ^s t\)y^s is Done br tbe p;eacbpng of tbe Doctrine of Cb;i(t : fo Icaft a.Cor,x» 4. To Saluation, Fourtli Booke lead tbc Doctrine 0)ulo be fco;nci),acco.: ting to ^ tubicl) is tau^lit oiisftt tbci? fo be tuDgcD tDl}tcb p^ofcile tt}ereluc0 of ^ !)ouff)olD of faitb.liDUt ^ ca not be Done, bnleSjtljcr be io^ncD tuitb § minittcric a potoer to cal tbe ^ are to be pnuatclv aDmoni(I}eD,o.:tobe mo^ediarpl^ co^^ recteD>$ alfo a poluer to crcIuDc tbem Xo*s,^2 froni § f cmunion of ttje &upper,Uil)icl) ca not be recei?ueD to^tbout profaning of fo great a mitterie.2Cf)erfo;:e tube in anotber place be faitb, ^ it belogetb not to bs to iuDge ftrangcrs, be mafectb tbe cbilD^enfubiect fo tbe cenfures of tbe cburcb,ti3ijicb ma^ cbaftice tbcir faults: anD be fecretli? ftgniftetb tbat tber toer tbe iuDiciall ojDers in fo;ce from tobicb none of tbe fa\?tbfuU toaa free. 6 ll5utfucbautbojific(asluebaueDe* clarco)toas not in § poVucr of onenta, to DO eucr t? tbing ac co.zDing to bis oton iDihbut in tbe potocr of § afTcmbli? of § ClDers, lubicb teas tbe fame tUn^t in tbecburcbtbata Senate is in a c^tie. Cyprian, luben \)c mafectb mention b\» iDbo it Ujas cicercireD in bis time,t)retb to ioi?nc tbe lubolc clergy Id tbe bitbop. Il5ut in an otber place alfo be lljctuctb, tbat tbe bert clergti fo gouerneD,tbat in tbe mcane tine tbe people toas notcr? cluDeD fro tbe bearing of matters, jfo^ tbus be ^ntttl) : &ince § beginning of m\? bifi)op;the 3S baue oetermineD to do notbing Id itbout tbe coufcl ofpclergie I confent of tbe people* Wat tbis luas ^ comcn I bfual mancr,^ tbe iurifDiction of tbe cburcb (bulD be crercifeD bi a ^c> nate of €lDers:of Ujbo (as 3 baue fa^D) tber tuere ttuo fojfs: fo.: fomelnerc oy^ DeineD to tcacbing,i otber fome tver on l^ iuDgcs of maners.lBi litle % \it\c this tnllitutio greUi out of UinD fro tbe fira begining of itifo ^ eue in § time of Am brofe onl^ clcrUes luere iuDgcs in cede fiallical iuDgcments. tSlbicb tbing be bimfclf complainetb of in tbefc iac^^s: S^be olo f^nagoge (faitb bej I fmce tbat time the cburcb batb baD eiDcrs,toitb^ outtubofcccunfell notbing UiasDone. Mbicb b\? iDbat negligf ce it is grotwen out of t)fc,3i Itnotu notjbnlcs pcraDuen? ture b^ the aoutbfulneCfe o j ratbcr t\)t p;T>De of tbe teacbers^lcbilc tber alone UjoulD betbougbt to be fomlubat. ^c fee bote mucb tbe bol^ ma is DifplcfeD, tbat anr tbing of petter If ate is Dtcai^ cD,tjoben notluitbttanuing tbe^ baD ret cotinuing an o^Der v iuas at t leaft tol* Irrable. Wbat tbe toolD be do if be falc tbefe Defo^meD ruines t I^eiue almoft no (igncof § olD builDig^fMiibatfaeUfai^ Itng iDolD be bfcfjpirtt againft lain anD rigbt,v bil^op bat^ claimeD to bimfelfe alone,^ U)bicb toas geucn to tht l^])clc Fol.37t. Epui4« In.^cap 1 ad:tim. cburcb. iFo^ it is liUe as if tbe confi|l,D uing out tbe Senate, (bulD taUc v p;;occDc one ttcp toUnirD crcomnmnicationaf l}t appeare not,ljC isnionifljcD to coim i t^iD feimfelfc to iuDgcnicnt: if tje tben mahc oela^jt)? is nicnifi)cD,ano b^anobp ciccomunicate. 31 befcctje pou lu^t is tfjcrc ani? tbung Uhetitljsr to tlje inftitution of to gcue,tber abufcD tfjcir foil!) ano tinauuireD gcntlcnelfe. 31" eliJ^ tvmc ifanv controuertietiappeneUjtbe goclr, to f fcapc tlje necclTitv of going to iatWjCotTtittcDtbc arbitrcmcnt to t^e bt* Qjop,bicaufctbcpDoubteD not ^^stip^ rtgJjfncffc.Mitb fucb arbitrcments tbe olD bidjops iMcr oftentimes cncombjcD, tot:icf)e in ucDc great Ir? feifpleafeD tbcm (as Auguftinc in one place tettifieffj) , . ^ butleaatbepartresOjoulDrun to con^ p;etenoctl)tt)egiftofConitantine,fom* teoulD teitbout Doutbaueanftorreo out | of tbe mcutb of paulc : tlje tueapons of a.Corin our loarfarc arc not r arnal,but fpiritu^ all.lBut ttjt^ being raui0}rD iuitb bl^uD grcDineffcbauc tjcftrorccs botb tljemfel^ ue0,tbei?J fufccDTo^s, ano tlje Cburelb. 1 1 at length tbe )i5t(l}op of Kcme not contenteDtr)T>tbmeanc iLo;Dfi)ip0,firft la^ue banc bpon kingoomes,anD aftcr^ toaro tjpon tbe berf empire. ^nD tljat Ijema^toitl) fome colo; tuftatfoeucr it be,rctaine tbe poffeCfion gotten bv mere robbert?c, tje fometi?mc bcaCetb tl;at ^e tjatb it bi! tbe latu of tbat be is not apotnteb iubge bettj^enettoo^a feruant a fcbolerougbt not to tbinUe fco;ne if be be not iixti^t of all men. 3i5ut Bernard fpeafeetb of ciuilc iuogementes : fo; be iihtittl) : tbcrefo;e ?our potDsr is in crimes, net in poflefifi^ ons : bicaufe fo; tbofe f not fo; tbcfe ?e baue receaueb tbe be?es of? bingbome of beauenif o; lubicb f^metb to tbe^ tbe greater btgnif?to fo^geuefinncs , o; to beuibe lanbs^ Ebere is no comparifon. nefe bafe i eartbl? tbings baue bings anbp;inces of tbe cartb tbe?; iubgrs. ^b? bo ?e inuabe tbe boiioes of otber^ «c. aga?ne.2Lbou art mabe a fupcrio;: (be fpeabctb to pope tugenius) but tpbereunto i /^ottobeare llo;b(bip, 3! tbinbe.2Lberefo;e bcto mucb foeucr iue tbinbe of our felues, let bs remember ^ tberc iB a minitter? la?b tpon bs,not a ILo;b(bipgeuenbs. Ilearnetbat tbou baa necbe of a toebebobe, not of a fccp^ ter, tbat tbou ma?ll bo tbe ttio;beofa| |D;opbet. » Lib. Dc confi.2^ to 5>aluation, 1 ourth Boc1t()at it is eutDcnt to al inen,tbat tbc bcrp trutb fpcaUctb tljcm, tealub^rcas tbc t)crT> tbing itfelfc is mamfettluptboutallUjo^Dcs: rcttbc )15tfl^porKome leas not an)amcD in tbc coanc0ll at ^^leancc to Dccra,tbat tbc fup^cmc potoer of botb tbc f tncrueg belong to bim bt tbc latuc of dDoD* 12 00 fo; tbc gift of Conrtantinc,tbc^ ^ be but meanly p;ja£tifcDin{» !^ifto.:ie0 of tbofc timts necb not to be taugbt boU) mucb tbt0 is not onit fabulDU0,but alfo to be IciugbcD at . IButtopalTcouerbi' ffo;ie0,Grcgory bimfelf is botb a fafifi? cicnt I moft ful toitneCTe bcreof.ifoj fo ofta0 be fpcafeetb of § €mperoj> bccal? letb hi^n mo(( noble lo;D,f bimfelfe \)is tntuojtbp fcruaunt. j^gaine in anotber placc:but let not cur lo;iD bv tbc eartblr potoer be § foner angeri? Vd tbc pjictts: but tuitb ciccellent confifieratio, fo j bi0 fafte iubofe feruaiifs tbet? be, let bim fo rnleouertbenMbatbealfogeue tbem Due reucrence. Mlt fee boVue in comon fubiccrion be IdoIo bcaccompteb as one of tbc people.ifo; betbereplcaoetb not an\> ctber mans raufcbut bis otyne.Jn anotbt:r place, 'i truft in tbe alniigbtic goo,tbat be luiU gcae a long life to our goDlv loiDSjf toil Difpofe ts bnoer tour tano accc^t biB fuccciro;js migbtfra of a title be in a clercke an offence too; t\)^ of accur6ng:lx)t)en tobcle tU)o tjun- D^eo t?er0 togetljer popes do p^aaife no tbing cl0 but battel0,d}CDtng of blouDe, i^ toitJjout punitbment not onelp ftabc I Deftrutfios of armies,racUings of foine of t!)e vokCi but alfo b;ing Cniperours | citicc, racing of otljer, ouertl;;oU3es of in fubiection to tbe. tpereunto tuas aD< natioB,U)alltng0 of htngtiOB, onli? tbe^ ocD fbat from tbencefoD^tb tbere tocrc tbat migbt catcb bolD of otber mens pof manv CD'mpcuours liber to i©enr^ tban fefrions:Ujl)at curlings ca be encugb to to 3(uliH3 Crfar: Uibom it luas no Ijaro pnniO) fucb eraplcs. Eruelr it ister^ tbing to fuboue tobile H)ti fate at borne pla?n tbat tbev fefec notbing IrCTc tban careleflls of all tbing« f floutbful, toben tbe glo;^^ of Cb^iH. iFo; if tber of tbeir roep bao moft neeo iuitb bertue f latoca^ pctent luDge of fo sreat a controncrf^ nonrbeuias not citeD to tbc common ^faicb maner of Domg botb tbe ne* Sement feat,but in ^ caufe bao § bt. ccffit^ of tbat time,i tbc continuall na^ K^bifi uog Xi^ If tberuier , tare of tbe mater requires fm be m^ Sio of faitb in cotrouerr^ o; fucb gcD t be ougbt ratber to Die tban^ fucb rmattraVpoperli? pertain^ S ^iuDacmr^t tberof teas comitteD to poKerit^ anu ftt if tiolencc be offe^ rnclv anftDcreu in too;u,but alfo uccre^ »t in otber caufcs be (betoctb bifelfc S bS in a caufe Of faitb be ougbt reo^ to do Jf Woe"^f^^^^^^^ tobeiuDgeVts neitberbnfit in office, commaunDbim^fbeDemauptribut^ no Anlifec m rigbt.agatne:3f toe baue ' (faitb be)toc Denr it »«J;t W regarDtotbc fcripturcs oj olD eraplts, cburcbDopa^tnbu e.^fbeaftelanw tobo istbere i can Den^ tbat in a caufe of faitb,i a cauf€(3I raT')cf faitb, biOjops are toot to iuDgc of cb;iftia emperors, not emperors of biOjopgf 0gain,3i toclD baue come, ^ C-mpero;, to \?our confi* ftozr, if e^tber tbe btOjops o? ^ people toolD banc fuffrcD me to go:faping,tbat be batbe potoer to claimc tbem,none of t)6 reCttctb. after tbc fame maner alfo fpeafeetb Grc^^ory. Bi am not igno;ante (failtb be)of tbe minD of our mott noble foneraign ilo;D,tbat be tjfctb not to en^ termcDle in caufcs pert cinig to p^iefts leaft be fiiulD in an^ tbing be burocneD Lib. 3. Epill Hom.dc bafiLtra. too D baue fuffreo me 10 go:iaring,ii;ai it««/>- »'«- "7 ;" ';fir„nf rtonrrallt) tbe caufe of faitb ougbt to be DebateD m | tovtb our finncs.l^^c Dctb not generally Krcb befo/e^^^^^^^^^^^ l^e affirmetb cf cluoe tbe ^mpero; from luDgmg of LriSatSSaUaufe,)^ 10 to fav § P?iefts:but t e f.^tb tbat tber be certain caufe of religio, ougbt not to be D;aton | caufe0,tob^cb be ougbtc to leaue to tbe into tbe tempo;ial court tober pjopbanc iuDgcment of tbe cburcD. c"arepleaDeD.Mo;tlnlvDoalme 16 ^"^brtbtster^eFcep lon^^^^^^^^^ p;a ifebis conffance in tbia bebalf. ^nD men fou^bt "°^^/"S elfe,but tbat f ^^ fet i a gcDD caufe be pjocaoetb but tbu0 ce0 Iclfe jelcus of religion ^oid^]^t^ 20 far, tbat if it come to Inolcncc f ttrong banD, be fai?etb tbat be toiU gcue place. miUinglr(fa^tb be) 3 toil notfo;fafee tbe place committeD bnto mc: but tobe tr^annou0 tiolence anD Uiilfulncflfe in* i terrupte tbe cburcb in Doing bf r cfficc, 5f oj neitber did tbcr Difalotoe if p?im ces fomtime did tfe tber J autbc^itv in tbe place committeo umo mc: uui wm ttP iu.i..w»v -- -;: — y - .^ . - p a am enfojceD, 3i Hnotoe not boto to re. ecclcliatticall matters, fo tbat it tocre KurarJ.arep^rer0iteare0. ! ^o«f ? P^f f ^"^tSffiS^ ilet b0 note tbe fingulare moDeCv anD | not to trouble it, to ^^^^^^^ J"^^^^^^ toi cDomoftbebol?man,io^ncD to^tb nottomlTotueit ifojfi brcbuwbbatb ftrnesofcoVgeanDbolDnes, luftmai n^^tbepoto.ro compeU^^^^^^^^^ f (l!;mpero;0motber, becaufe Oje coulD torcquireit ^fpf^fe^of ""^1"""^ »^ ICap. 1^. Oftlicoutvvarde nieanes cpiit,43. Lib.4. rpift,30. ct34.1i,7 cpi.39. Princes to maintchi religion in laiP0, proclamations,! iuDiciall pmctinQB, after t\)is nianncr,\i3lKn tbc Cmperoj Maurice ijao commaunDCD ccrtaine ht^ a)ops t tbcn t&oulD receiue tbcir felloto biOjops )S Ujer tljeir neigbbo;j0,f D^iucn out b^ tbc barbarou0 nationfi:Gregory f onfirmctb ^ commaiitiement, f crbo;^* tctl) tbeni to obc^ it.^nD toben Ijc bim^ fclf is aonwnilbco b^ ttjc fame ^mpero; to come to attcnement Irttb Blobn i hU (^opof Conffanfinople,t}c tiott) in DeeDc renber a rcafon Uib? ht ougbt not to be blameo:\?et be botb not bode of immo* niti? from tbe fee ular courte,but rat^jer p:omifctb t be toil be obceiet, fo far as 1)10 confcience toilgeue bim Iene:i tber toittjal be fattbe tUs, tbat Maurice did a0 became a goDli prince lube be gaue fucb commaunoementsto tbe ^^itfiB, The.xii.Chdptcr. Of the difcipline of the Church jvvherof the chcefe vfe is in the ccnfiires, and cxcommuniation. -r^e bifciplinc of tbe cburcbe, tbe en* ^ treating tobereof toe baueoeferreD t)nto tbi0 place,i0b?iefi^ to be beclareo j ^ toe mai at lengtb patTe oner to § reft, j I5ut tbat fame fo; tl)t moft part bagetb I tjpon tbe potocr of tbe feeic0 anb f piritu^ I all iurifDiction. SCbat tbis ma^ be t\)t mo K eafil^ bnoerftooe, let b0 oeuioe § cburcb intottoo principal Degrees, tbat is to fa?e tbe Clerg^e, anD t\)c people. <£lcrh0 31 cal b^ tbe tofuaf name tbofc ^ crccute pablifee minifter^ in p cburcb. ifirft toe toill fpeake of common oifci* pline, to tobicb all ougbt to be fubiccte, tben toe toill come to tbe clergy, tobicb bcCDe tbe common Difcipline,baue a fe* ueral Difcipline b\? tbemfelues.HBat bi- canfe maii^ fo; batrcD of eifciplinc Doe abbo;re tbe ber^ name tberof,let tbcm bear tbis: If no felotolbip,r!^a no boufe tbougb if banc but a fmal bcufljclD, ran be Hept in rigbt Hate toitbout Difciplm f fame is mucbe mo;c ncceffarp in tbe cbarcb,tobofe (Tate oagbt to be moll oz/ Deri? of all.Cberfoje a0 tbe Doctrine of Cbiift toliicb bjingetb faluation, 10 tbe foul of tbe cbnrctijfc Difciplin is in fteDe of anc\rc3 tbcrimto'Dcrbi? it is b;ouo:bt to pasjv tbe mcuibcrs of tbe boDve bag togctbcr eucrve one in Us fitte place. Ulberfo;cjiiibofoeucr Dee citber DeCre to baue Difcipline tafef ato«?,o; buiDer § reft o;mg tberof,tobctber tbei Do it of fet purpofe 0; bt bnaDnifcDnes, terel? tt)t^ fclie tbe ertrcme Diffipation of tbe cburcb.ifo; tobat (bal bctiDe,if tobatis luftfiil to be latoful to eueri maf ^ut fo tooulo it bc,tf tbere toere not toT?tb tbe pjecbingof Doctrine aDio\?neD p;iuatc aDmonilbme ts,co;rections t fucb otbcr belp0 tobicb fuftetn Doctrine, f fuffer it not to be iole. SDifcipIine tber^;e ista it toer a b;iDle,tobertoitb tbep mapte bolDen bacU anD tameD,tobicb coltiftjl^ refift agaift Cb;iff:o; 30 it tocr a pjicb toberetoitbtbe^ tbat are not toilling e^ nougb mar? be ft irreD t}p:anD fomcttme a0 a fatberi^ roD,tobcrtoitb tbei tobicb baue mo;e greuoufi? falne,mar bccba^ ftifeD mercifulli?, anD acco;Dingtotbe niilDcnclTe of tbe fpirit of Cb;ift.^itbe tberfo;ctos do noto fee at banD certain btginninge of a bo;rible toaftenelTe in tbe cburcb, bccaufc tbere is no care no; o;Dcr to hepc tbe people in ato,ber^ ne# cetTitv crietb cut ^ tber is ncDc cf reme^ D\?.115ut tiiis ist\)c onlv remcD^, tobicb botb ^ijnii batb commauDcD, anD batb altoa^ ben l^fcD among t\3t goDlp. 2 Cbe firft founoation of Difcipline i0y ^ p;iuate monitions C^oulD baue place: tbat is to fay, tbat if ang manne of bys otone To 5'aluation, Mat.18. IJ.&I7. Mat.,18 otoncafCGiODonotl)tfi Ductp, ifbebc;' bauc f)im licctiouflp,o; hue not Ijoncft^ l^,o;ljauecommitteD an^ tfjingtno;^ tb? of fclamc, t)e r^ula faffcr Ijuiifeli to be aomonilftcD : « tbat c ncrv ma OboulD lluDt) to aDmoni(^ btB b;otf)cr to^cn ot* caUon (^al requtrc.l5ut fpcctallt let tljz pafto^s I p;ica5 be tuatcbcfuU to Doe tlt)ts,tt)!^ore office 10 not onli? to p^eacb to tbe people, but in eucry? bouft to ao- mcnifi) I tvWt if at ani? time tljer? toe not fufificientlv p;cuaile b^ general doc trine:as Paul tcacbctb,U)lKn be rebear fetb tbat be tauaUt p;iuatcip t in bou^ fe$,anB p;oteftetb tbat be is cleane fro tbe blouD of al men,bccaure be batb not ceCTcD Uutb teares Dai? anD niobt to ao^ monilbceucrrone. ifo;j DoarincDotb tben obtcpne fojccano autbo;ttt?e lobe the mi?nitternot cnclv Dotb Declare to altogetber lubat tbeir hutti is to cJ^M, but alfo batb potoer anD o?Der to rcqfii? re tbe hepingtbereof of tbem tobcm be marbctb to be eitbcr not obcDif t to Doc? trine,o;^ 0outbful Jf anv n\k Doe eitber (tubbo;nelt? refafe,o; in going fo^toaro ii\ bisfault£i,Do DcrpirefucbaDtnoniCb? mmts : Uiben be batb bene t\)t feconD t^meaDmonpIbcDtDitb Uj^tnelTe^ eal^ leD to it,Cb;itt commaunDctb tbe to be callcD to p iiiDgcmct of § cburcb>tDbicb is tbe aOf blv of elDersit tbat tbere tbep (^oulD be mo;e groeuouQv aDmonilbcD as it Ujerc bi> publiUc aiitbo;itr, tbat if be rcuerc ncc tbe cburcbibemat? fubmit bimfelf ano obei.X5ut if be be not bcre^ b^ fuboueD,but Do continue in bis tjuic^ kcDnelTe^tbcn be commaunDctb bim^as a Dcfpifcr of t!)e cburcb> to be put atoar from tbe fcloluCbip of tbe faitbfulL 3 ^ut becaufe be fpeafeet'y bcre onlr of ferrcte fanlt0,lDe mud make tbis Diui? Con: tbat fome Uns be p;tuate,anD fcm publilte 0; opcnl? mmftttM tl)t ftrft fojt, €\9M fa^tb to euerp p^iuate ma, Kep^oaebtm betluene tbec anD b^m a^ Fourth Bookc ifol^ ^^2, alonc.!aDf manifcft Gnncs paule fa^tb to STimotbce, H# p;cue bim bcfo;c all j men,tbat tijc reft mar baue feare, if c^ Clintit bao faioe bcfo;c,5f tbr b;totber bauc off f Dco agaf ft tba?, ?iSl bicb Ujo;ds (againft tba)\jnlcire tbou Unite be con^ tcnticuB, tbou canft not otbcrtoifc fen^ DerftanDjtbantnDfrtbine otun fccrete fenoli3lcDgc,ro tbat tbere be no met pji^ nr tQ it iSut t^t fame tbing inbrrb tbe 0poftle tcacbctb £^imetl;ee concerning tbe rebuking of tbem opcnlP; tbat fin o* pf lp,bc bimfelf fololDCD m peter, jfoi iDbcn peter finneb euen to pnblike of- fence, be DiD notaomoniftjc btm aparte br bimfelfe, but b?ougbt bim fo^tb into tbe figbt of tbe Cburcb. SLberefc^^e tbrs ftalbe tl}e rigbt o;Der of Doing , if in fe* Crete faultes toe go fo;toarD acco;Drng to tbofe Dcgret0 tbatCb^iff batb fft;but in manifeft faults toe immcDiatlp p^o* ceDe to tbe cburcbes folemnc rebnUing, if tbe oftence be publike. 4 ilettbrsalfobean otberDiftindio: tbat of Cnnc0 fome be Defaulter , otber fome be toicfeeD Doingcs, 0; barnous of=^ fences. Co tbcco^rtrting of tb^s latter fo;t,not oneli? aomonilbmcnt o> rcbu* hing is to be tjfcD , but alfo a feucrc re* meDptas paul (betoetb tobicb notonlr cbaftifcDtoitb toojccstbc Co;intbian tobicb baD comittcDinceffe,butalfo pu^ ni(l}eDbim Id crcoir-unicafion , fo fconc ] asbctoasccrttfiCDcfbis toichcDDeeDe. /jiote tbcrfo;re toe bcginnc better to fee boto § fpirituall turifcicticn of (' cburcb tobicb punifl[)ctb fiiuKS acco^Ding to tl;e toojDe of § 3lo?D,is ^ beft maiat^iance of bealtb,! fcfioation of o;Der,? bonoe cf tnitp. Sberfo;c toben tl)e Cburcb Dotb bani(b out of bcr copant manifeft aDul< tcrcr0,tobo)?mcngcr0,tbaue0,rcfcbers fcDitious perrons , pcriurcD men , falfe toitncCes, 9 fucb otber, again obftinate mcn,tobicb bring o^Derlt? aDmoniujcD euen of fmall faultcsDo fco^ne CDcD anp bra '.Tini.j 20. Gal.2,!4 iCor^.4 [Cap. 12. ' Oftlicoutvvardc mcanes Mat. 16 19.& 18 18. 23 feSiuDgemf nf : fl)e tahtth notbing tpo ber felf Ujitbout rcafon, but mcutttti ? iudfoiction gcuen ber of tbe lojO.Spoje ouer,tl)at none OiulD Dcfpifc fucb iuoge mcnt of tbe cburcb, 0 j ligbtls regard ^ be is conoemneo bi? tbe confenting Uo^* CP0 of tbe fa\?tbfull:tbe lo^Dc batb ttfiu ficD, tbat tbe fame 10 notbing els but a pronouncing of bis otonfcntence, anu tbat U)batfoeuer tbe^ 00 in crtb is con^ firmcD in beaue. i?o; tbep baue p Uio;t of tbe ilojOjtoberb^tber ma^ coDemnc tbe frotoarD:tbe^ baue tbe too;iC,tober* br tbep ma\? recev^ue tbe repcntacc in^ to fauo;Xbe^ 31 fa^ tbat trull ^ nSout tbisbonoeofDifcipUnc Cburcbes map longftanoe, areoecepueD in opinion: \)nlc(reperbapsljucmai? toant^ belpe tulncb tbe ilo joe,fojefaU) r it (bulo be nccc(rarvfo;it3S. ano trulp botu great is tbe necclTitie tbereof ,(^albc better pcrcepucD bi?tbcmanifolDc fcfc of it. S 2Dber be tb;ee tnns tubicb tbe cburcb baD refpert tjnto in fucb corrections anD P , crcommunication. Sbe firff is t tfjt^ tph,$-.2j a)ulo not,totbe Difbono; of€ioD,bena? nicQ among Cbriftians, tbatlcaDa fiU tbieanofinfullife, as tbougb brs bolp cburcb tuere a confpiraci? of naugbtie i Col,i.34 U)ickcD mer, jf or iltb tbe Cburcb is tbe totk^ of Cbritt, it ca not be OcfileD \xnt\) fucbe filtbreanD rotten members, but tbat fome Q;amf mu(t come to tbe bcD. £^bcrfo jc tbat tbe re fl)onlD not be anpc fucbtbing in tbe cburcbjUiberbi bis bo^ ll? name map be fpottcu turfb anpc rc^ pjocb,tbeparetobeDriuenotitoftbcir boufbolcbt? tobofe Difl)oncttp anp daii* Der migbt rcoounD to tbe name of c^ri*^ Cians.ano bcrcin alfo is conCneraticn to be ban of tbe ?a>uppcrDf tbr iLojDe, tbat It be net pjofaneo \sit\) gciring it to all twitbout cboife. ifo? it is mcft trnt, tbat be to \iJbomc tbe uifi ributioji of it 13 committcD, If be Uuttinglp ano \3)ih be migbt latufuUp put bacfe,ts as gtltp of Sacrilege, as if beoio geueabrote tbe ILoroes boDp to Dogges.^bercfore Chryfoftom greuouflp inuepetb agaill Hom.ln tbe p;ieftes,lDbicb lobile tbep feare tbe Math.3 potocr of great men,uare Debar no ma« Ez» 4.»8 S^be bIouD(fartb be)ftalbe requirco at &.33,io. pourc banoes. iif pe feare man,be O^all laugb pou to fcorne:but if pe fear CDoD, pe Ujalbe reuerenceD alfo among men. %tt t)s not feare maces,nor purp!e,noj crotDnes:tBe baue bere a grcter potoer. 31 terelp U)iU ratbertjeliuer mine oton boDp to Deatb, anD fuffer mp boop to be i^cD,tba31 \iiil be maDe partafecr of tbis Defiling. 2Eberfo;e Icaft tbis mcft bolp mptterp be fpotteD toitb flaiiocr, in tbe Dilfribnting tberof cboife is greatlp re^ quifitetUJbicbpctcanotbebaD butbp§ iurifoiction of p cburcb. SDbe feccno enu is,lca(l (as it is toonte to come to paffc) tnitbtbe continual companp of tbe cuil, tbe gQ)t) t^oulD be corruptee . if or (fuc^ is our reaDp inclination to go out of tbe toap) tbere is notbing eaCer tba fo; ts to be IcO bp euill eramples fro tf)t rigftt courfe of lifc.UCbps tfe tbe 0pollle tou^" cbeDjtDben be comaunoeD tbeCorintbi^ anstoput§ incettuous maoutoftbep^ companp.iil title leuen(raitb be)corrnp^ tctb t\}c Uibole lump of coac.;anD be fore i.Cor.j, fall) bcrein fo great tjaiiger,fbat be fbr^ 6.&.u. ban bim euen from al fcIIotD(]&ip,3;f anp bjotbcr (fapil) !)f)an!ong pcu be nameD eptfccr a tebcremongcr , or a couetous ma,cr a iDcrHjippcr of iDols, or a Drun* Uarn,or an cuil rpealjsr,U3it?j fucb a one 3 graunte pcu not leaue fo mucbcas to cate.Cbc tbiro cnnt is^ tmt bep tbcm f clues confouncctj toitb fljan e map be^ ginne f 0 repent of tbepr ftltbinelTc. ^0 it is profitable for tbem alfcto baue tbcpr otone toicUctmelTc cbailifeu tbat toitb feling of tlje roD tl)tv map beaUja^ Uco,\wbicb otberluifc bp tenr-ir bearing lineit? aDmitan\)nU)ortt:?man tubom 1 tpptb tbcm tooulpg batur Iriomemore flbfiinat^. ToSaluation. Auguft. de ver.a- poftfer. 68, 2»Thc.3» obftinatcSDfje fame tfjing Dotb t!)c apo 14 aic mean tobcn tjc faitfj t{jus:3if ant do not obcT? oure Doctrinc,marUe l)im,anD fee pc no copanr luitfj hm, ^ ijc map be aftamcD.jagain in an otfjcr placc,ttiben be hnitttl) tbat be batb DeltuereD (? Co^* rintbian to f4tan,tbat bis fpiritc migbt be faueo in ti)z Da? of tbc Ilo;D : tbat is (a0 Bl erpounDe it) tbat be tuente into a Damnation to;, a time,tbat be migbt be faueo fo;j cuer. )!6ut be tberfo^e faptb ^ be oelineretb bpm to fatan, becaiife tfjt DeuiU ij3 out of tbccburcb, as Cb^illc is in tiiz cburcb« jf 0; iubereas fome Do re^ fcr it to a certaijie tjeying of tbe fletb, 31 tbinfee tbat to be tcrt? ijnccrtaine. 6 (Ml)tn tbcfc enDs be fct fo^tb,noU) it remainetb to fa bote tt^z cburcb erccu* tetb tbis part of Difciplinc lubicb confix ftetb tn iurift)ittion. iFirft let bs hcpc § Diutfion aboue fet,i^ of fins fom be pub^ lifee, f otbcr fom be p^itiate 0; mo;c fe;= crete.publiKe are tbofc i^ \)auz not on^ Vs one 0; tlDO luitnelTeSjbut are comit^ teo openip,! toitb the office off tobcle cburcb. Accrete 31 call tbofe,not \3)])vc^ arc altogctbcr biODcn from mcn,as are tbe fins of bipocritcs,fo.j tbofc come not ' into tbc iuDgenif t of f £b«rcb>but tbofc of tbe meane ktnc lubicb arc not loout toitncCreSjanD pet arc not publifeeXbe firtthinDc requirctb not tbofc Degras tubicb Cbnft rebearfctb:but Inbcn an? fncb tbing apcrcf b, tbe rburcb ougbt to DO ber Dueti? in calling tbe finncr,t cj3;ur paciencc(faitb be) I cafines i getlmes is reo? to tbn^ Ad cor. Ep.3i.li.i come To Saluation. Fourth Books, irol. 384. comc'J toifljal to return into t cljurcft: 31 toidb al our fcllotu fouloiars to be en* clofcD U)itt)in tbe (ent5 of cb^iitt I in tbe ioufes of ©oD tl)e fatber. 3 fo^gcue all tljinge5,31 oiffcmble mant tljingefi: foj ^elcioeftrcto gather bjotfjerboDc to- gctber, 31 eramine not Va full iuogeme t eucntbofctbings tbatarc c6mitteoa> gaintt goD:in parDoning Defaults mo;e tba 31 ougl)t,3I am mi? felf almoll inoe<' faulte,3i Doe x6 reoi? $ ful loue embrace tbem tbat returne la)it}^ repentanc0,con fetfingtbcirfinslDitb bumble 1 plaine fatiffaction. Chr) foftome, is fomtobat barDer,f ^et be fai?tb tbus: 3f goi> be fo binDe,tobP toil bifi vntft fame to rigo rousf^o^eoucr toebnoto tobat gentle? nts Auguft. ijfeD totoaro § SDonatitts, infomucb^be fitcheD not to rece^ue into btftop;iUe tbofc ^ baD returncD fro fcbifme cuen immeDiatl? after tbeir re pr tace.l5ut bccaufe a cotrari ojDcr baD grotuen in fo;ce,tbcv tocr compellcD to leaue tbeir oton iuDgement to fololD it, 9 Butastbts milDnelle is required in t\)t tobole faoDt! of tbe €burcb,tbnt it (ftoulD punipic tbcm tbat arc fallen, nicrcifulli? anD not to tbe ertremitie of rigoj, butratbcraccojDing to tbep;c* ceptc of paul,fl)oulD confirme cbaritic totoarD tbcm:fo cucr^ pjiuatc man fo; bimfelfc ougbte to temper bimfclfeto t\)i& mercifulnes anD gcntlcnes. 2Cber> fa>e it is not oure parte to toipe oute of tbe number of tbe electc fucb as are Dji* uen out of tbe Cburcbe,o; to dc fpaire of tbem as tbougb tbc^ lucre alreaDt? loft, Wit ma^c in DecDe iuDgc tbem ftraun- gcrs from tbe Cburcbe, anD tberefo;e Grangers from Cbnft: br.t tbat is one^ l^ During tbe time tbat tbc^ abiDe in Diuo jce. 15ut if tbcn alfo tbe\? (betoe a greater refemblaunce of ftubbo^nneCTc fcanofgcntleneCfe, T?ct let ts commit tbem to tbe iuDgcmcnt of tbe 21o;d, bo tb an to c fee in time p;crent,f let t?3 r.o tberfo jc ceafe to p?ar to goD fo; tbcm,? (to compjebenD all in one too;jD) let tis not conocmne to Dcatb tbe perfo it felfe tobicb is in tbe banD anD iuDgement of goD alone, but let ts ratber tocp br tbe lato of tbe lo;D of tobat fo;t cuern mas too;Us be. <2abub rule tobile toe foloto toe ratber ftaD to tbe iuDgement of goD tban pronounce our otone . Jlet ts net take to our fclucs mo;e libertrc in iuD* ging,fenles toe toill binDe tbe potoer cf goD toitbtn bounDS, f appo\?nt a lato to bis mcrcrc,at tobofe plcafure,tobcn be tbinUctb it goDjten? euil men are tur* neD into tierv goD, ftragers are graffeD anD fojreins are cbofen into tbe cburcb. ^nD tbrs t^c JlojD Dotb tberbr to mocfe out tbe opinion of men , f rebate tber; ralbnelTc: tobicb if it be not reffrapneD, pjcfumetb to tafec to it felfe potoer of iaDging mo^e tban it ougbt. if 0; tobcre as Cb?ift p^jomifetb tbat 10 tbat (balbe bounD in beauen,tobicb tbcv tbat be bvs5 Kial bvmsc in cartb, be linii^ f etb ti)c potoer of binDing,to t\)t cenfure of tbe CDburcbtbp tobicb tbei tbat are cp' comunicatc are not tb;otof n into euer* laltingruine t Danmation:but bearing thtn Irwcs $ maners to be conDcmncD, tbei? arc alfo ccrtifico of tbc\?; cton cuer lafting concenation tjnleffe tbei repent, ifo; ercortiunication bearing Diffcretb from accur(ing,tbat accurfuig taking a* toaTiallparcon Dotb ccnDcmne aman anDamuDgebrm toeternallDeftructio: crcommunicatio ratber reuengetb anD punifbetb mancrs. anD tbogb tbe fame DO alfo puniO) t\}t man,tct it Dotb fo pu* niaic b\'ni,tljat in fo^etoarnrngbrm of b\!S oanuiation to come,it Dotb call bim bacfec f 0 faluaticn. 3if tbat be obtarncD, reconcilivition«refto;\?ng to tbe com^ munio is reaDij.^ut accurCng is eitbcr tjer^ felDome ex ncucr intjfc. 2i:bcrfc2c pins better of tbem in time fo come, altbougb ecclcaafttcaU Difcipliiic, pcr^ -— " tnitttt^. ^ci!i* '.TI1C.3. Ofthe outward meanes :a,i2. .1 3, ca.i miff erti not to Ihic famiIiarIi,o^ to fjauc frf nDlv coiicrfation ixtith them ttjat be cr:om;nunifatc : vet toe oiigbtto tnncf uoi bi fucb meanes as toe mm^ rctur ning to amcnoment,t(jep ma^ retire to t()c fcIotoOjip t tjnitie of tfjc cfjurcb: as tijc ;lpo(t!c alfo tcacfjetl;. SDo not(fai?tb lit) think tberti as enemies, but correct t'ctm as b;^ctb;en. CSnlelle tbis gentle^ ncs be kept as torll p;jiuateli? as in cof nion,tbcre is Danger leafte from Dpfci* u!ine,toe foztbtoitb fall to butcberie. II 2:bis alfo is p:incipa!lT? requireo to tbe moDeration of Difcipline tobicb Au guftm cntreatetb of in Difputigagainft tl)t tDonati(Is:tbat nctfber p.2iuate me, if tbcp fee faultB not Diligently enougb cozrcfteD b^ f coiiccll of dElsers, (^oiilo tl)crfa>e bianDb^ Depart fro tbe churcb: no; tbe paffo2stbrmfelues,if tbeyca^ not ar coroij to tbcir barts Delire purge al tbiiigs tbat uixD amcnDmcnt,(boulD tbcrefoie tb.zotoe atoa^ tbe minifteri?, 0: \j)iti) bntoonteD rigojoufnes trouble th2 tobole cbnrrbe. i?o> it is moll true tobirb be to^itetb: tbaf be is free anD Dif cbargcD from curfe, tobofoeuer be be i e^tber b^ rebtifeiiig amenDetb tobat be canro; tobat be cannot amenDe, mlu^ Detb fau\?ng tbe bonb of peace: 0; tobat be cannot ercluue , fauing tbt bonoeof peaccbe Dotb Difaloto \iiiil) equitr,anD bcare \xtith ft cDfiiftncfTcl^e renD;>ctb a rcafcn tberof in an otbcr place: becaufe al goDl^ o^Der anD maner of tcckUafiU call utfciplinc ouftbt altoap to baue rcf^ pert bnto tl]c bntt^eof tbe fpirite in tbe bonDc of peace: tobicb tbt ;3poaic com* mauDctb to be hcpt bp our bearing one Untb an otbcr: an*) Wdcw it is not Uept, tbe incDicine cf punilbment beginnctb to be n3t onit^ f"Pcrnuoiis,butalfo burt fal,f tbcrfoie cefTctb to be a meDicin.ll^e t (ra^tb be)Qotb Diligently tbinlie bpon tbcfe tbinrTs,ootb neitbcr pjefcruing of biut^ncgleotbe feueritg of Pircipline, no.2 Dctb toitb immcafurablencs ofto;^ rection b;eahe tbe bonoe of felotolbip* i^e grauntetb in Deoe f bat not onlp tbe l^atto^s ougbtto trauail to tbis poi?nt, J tber mai remain no fault in ^ cburcb, but alfo ^ euert? man ougbt to bis poto^ er to enoeuo; tberunto,i be plainly HCf claretb ^ be tobicb neglectetb to monifli rebuhe,! co;recte tbt enill,altbougb be Doe not fauo2 tbcm, no; On Itiitb tbem, t?et is gilti? bcfojc tbe lo;D,ll5ut if be be in fucbe Degree, tbat be ma^ alfo feuer tbem fro tbe pertafeing of facraments, $ Dotb it not notoe be finnetb not b^ an otbers euel,but b^ bis otone. ;©nel^ be tuilletb it to be Don,toitbt)(tng of Difcre tion,tubicb tbe Io;d alfo requiretb) leatt tobile tbe tares be in rating out , tbe co;ne be burt . It^ereupon be gatberetb out of Cyprian,iLet a ma tberfoje mer;» cifull\? cojrert tobat be can: anD tobat be can not,let bvm pacientl^^ futfer^ 1 ^it\^ loue grone ano lament it. 12 SDbis befa^tbbicaufeoftbep^ecife^ nes of tbe HDonatifts tobo tobe f be^ fain faults in tbe cburcbes tobicb tbt bitbops DiD in DeDe rebufee toitb too?DS, but not punilb Vd ercomunication (bicaufe tbt^ tbougbt t tbev couId tbis toai? notbrng p;euaile) DiD tbarpli? inue^ agarntt tbe bilbops as betrayers of Difcipline,! D^D \siitb an tjngoDl^ fcbifme DeuiDc tbtm felues fro § flock of Cb.:ift, 3s tbe ana^ bapttttcs DO at tbis Da^,tobicb tobe tbcp acltnotolcDge no congregation to be of CbntI tjnleife it Do in eucrp po^it Hnne \y)itb ^ngellil^e perfection,Do tmDer p;e tence of tbepj jele ouertbioto al eDiftca^ tion.^uc!)((a^tb Augu{line)not fo; ba=» trco of otbcr mens toicHcDncffejbut fo^ DcCre to maintain tbcir otone contcnti^ ons,Do couet c^tbcr li^bo'I? to D.:atoe a? toa^jo; at leaft to DeuiDe tbe toeak peo^ pie fnarcD \xiitb tbe boatting of tbc^?^ name: tbcv ftocUing \siitb p;tDe,maDDe toitb ttubb3;nncs,traitcrous toitb flati=> ~ "" ocrs. Cap.i» Mat.'i3» 29 i.Cor,ii. »4- ToSaluation. Fourth Booke j toL3bj'. Dcr0,troublcfome Uiitl) fcDitions, left it fljolo openli? apcarc ^ tbc\? luat tljc liabt of trutMo p>etrD a Ojaooltj of rigorous feucrits:anD tWt t\)ims tubicb in fcrip ture arc comauocD to be Done ^jyiti) mo^ Derate beal^ng fo; cojrecting of § faults of bjetl)^en,p.:cfcruing tbe Qnccrenc0 of louc,i Ucping tbetnit^j of peacc,tbe^ a^ bufe to facrilege of fcbifmc i occarion of mttino, of . S>o Dotb ^atan tranffo^me l)\?mfclfe into an angell of ligbt,tDbe bi? occaQonas it Uicre of iuHc fcueritvc be pcrfuaoctb bnnicrciful cruclti:,coueting notbting t\s but to corrupt t bjeabe tbe bono of peace i ^nitiPe,U)bicb bonoe rc^ manning faft,among Cbnftias, all bP0 foes are maoc toeaH to burt,bi0 traps of treafons are b,:okcn,f bl^s counfels of o* uertb;oU)ing do toaniiljc alua^, 13 n^B one tbing be cbeefl? comenoetb ^ if tbe infection of fin banc cntrco into tbe tobolc muUituoe^tbsn [> feuere mcr^ q! of Uuel? oifcipline is neceOar^e Jfoj (faijtb be) tbe ocuifcs of feperation arc tjain, « burtfulji ful of facrilege,bicaufe tbe\? are \jngooli? t p.iouDcano do mo;e trouble v ^eafe gcoD ones,tba fbci amro tbe ftoutc euill oncs.ianD tbat lubicb be tber teacbetb otber,be brmfelf alfo taiti) fuU\? follotMCD.iFo; touting to Aurelms ^V'Ojop of Cartbage be complainetb t D^unfeenneffe tubicb is fo fo,:e conDcncD in fcriptureSjDotb range bnpunifljeo in afiicatano be aouifetb bn^n,^ affeblijng a councel of biflbops be (bolo p^ouioc re^ mcD^f fo; it.i^eaDDetbb^anDb^ after: %\)ek t\)\nQ3 (as 51 tbinUe)are taUen a* Uja^e not rougblp>not barol^rnot after an imperious manner,but mo;e b^tea* cbung tba b^ comaunDing,mo;c b^ aD? mania)vmg tba b^ tb;catn\?ng . if 0; fo muft loc Dele 16 a multituDc of finncrs: but feueritn is to be erercifeo t)pon tbe fins of fell), ^et be Dotb not uieanc tbat )i5v'fljop3 ftoulD tb^rfozc tDinli 0; bolbe tbe^ J peace atpubUHc fauttes , bycaufc i.Cor.5. 7. • Hph.4. 2\ tben ca not feuerel? pumfl) tbcm : as be | b^mfclfaftcrtoarD crpouoetb it 515utbe ^l-ls-^oi tDilletb^tbemeafurc of co;re(tion bcparm. fo temper eDjtbat fo farrc as mai^e be, it pp.i ma? ratber b;jing bealtb tban Dettrudi* on to tbe boDTi-^nD tberfo;eat lengtb be concluDctb tbus : ®iabercfo;e botb tbr^s commaiiDcment of tbe ^poftle is in no topfe to be neglectcD, to feuer tbe euill, tobcn it ma?e be Done loitbout perill of bjcaU^ng of peace: anD tb^s is alfo to be Uepte,tbat bearing one toitb an otber, ujcfljoulD enoeuo; to p;eferuc bnit^of tbe fpirite in tbe bonoe of peace. 14 Cbc part ^ rcmai^nctb of Difcipline iDbicbpiopcrl^isnotcontarncD in tbe potticr of he^cs, ftanoetb in tbr^, t ac^- coiDpng to tbe ncccffit^ of t^mcs t pa^ ttojs fljoulD erbo;it tbe people e^tbcr to fafting,oj to comon fuppUcations, 0; to otber ercrcifes of bumilitp, repctanccf fa^tb,of u«:ncb tbinges tbcrc is nc^tber timcno;^ meafure,no;> fo;ime p^efcribcD bt' § tx)o;D of (DoD,but is left in § iuDge^ ment of tbe Cburcb . £Dbe obfcrumg of tbTis part alfo,as it is p;ofitablc,fo batb altoav bene bfeD of tbe dId Cburcb cucn fro tbe Dcr\? apoaics.t^otubcit tbe ^po ftlestbcmfelues lucre not tbe firft au^ tbo;s of tbf ,but tbcT? tooUe erample out of tbe lali) I tbep;iopbets. if 0; toe fee ^ tbere fo oft as an^i tucigbt^ bufinca bap^* pcncD , tbe people iuas calleo togetbcr, common p.jai?ers enionneD,anD fattvng commaiiDCD. ILberfo.je tijc apoftles foU loUicD tbat U)bicb botl) leas not neU) to tbe people of CDoD , t tbcp fojefatoe ^ it OboulD be profitable . llibcturfe is to be tbougbt of otbcr ercrcifes , t»bereU)\?tb tbe people maT?e e^tbcr be ftirrcD bp to tber^ outi',0; to be \itpt in alue if obcDi* cnce.iiDbcre arc eramples ccb Uibere in bolv bifto;ics U)bicb toe neDc not to ga^ tbcr togetbcr . Bin fum tb\?s is to be boi- Dcn, t fo oft as tbere bappenetb an^j co^ , troucrfie of religion, tobicb nmJt be De^- CCC.i, tcrmincD 1 9e±'- - Of the outward mcancs / termmcD cither bp a ^pnoDc o; bi? ©c* clefiafltral tui)gment,ro oft as thti be a« bont cbffi&ng of a mintSer, gnaU]? fo oft asanv ftaroc matter o^ of grcate tmpo;' taiuc is in Dotngtagatne tobrn tijrr ap^ pcarc tohcns of tbe tu;atb of qod« as pt* (tikmtA U)ar,aiiD famtnettbrsts a bo* Iv o^Dinfif e t p;ofl[tablc fo; al ages,tf)at tbe paffo;d fboulo r rbo;t tbe people to comon faftt!ng>f to ejrtrao^Dtnarr p;at' ers.Bif an? ma bo not allotpe i tefftmo^ nvts lubicb mat be altegeo oat of § oloe teftamcnt,as tbogb fbev tuernot m«tc fo; ^ Cb;i(!tS c^arcb> it is certain |$ tt)e j^pottles alfo btb tbe fame . I^otobeit of pja^ersBitbinktbere Mlfcarfcl^an? be founo ^ toil moue anv queHtd.^tjer^ fo:c let tJB fav fometobat of fatting : bi^ caufc mant tobe tbet bnoerttab not tobat Profit it batb,boiuoge it not fo neceffa* n?:fome alfo bo btterli rcfufe it aa foper f InouBtanD toben tbe tfe of it is not UjcI bnoU.c,it is eafi to fliDe into fuperffitio. »^- i^olyi I true fattrng batb tb;a cnDs. if o; toe bfe it,eitber to mafee leane anb fubDue tbe flrfb,tbat it tboulD not toare toanton,o; tbat toe mai be better bifpo* feo to pwrer5 1 bol? meDitati6s,o; tbat It ft)Dlo be a tettimonv of our binnbli?ng bcfo;e OoD^tobf n toe be toillpng to cb^ feffc our giltine0 before bpm. Cbe firft ' tbe fame,ettber alone^o; to^tb bus oton familpeXbat ttanbetb cbeeflF in t^t af^ fetfion of tbe minbc.HBuf toben i minb is aflfccteb as it oagbt to be,it is fcarfelp po(ribIe,but tbat it toill b;eahe out into outtoaro tettifi?ing:anD tbcn cbeefl? if it turnc to comon eoifring,tbataltcgetber in opr nil? confelTing tbe?; Cnnc l^alDe pe(Dep;atfe of rigbteoufnetTe to CDoo, ano fuert one mutualli? ept)o;te ot^cr toitb tbe?; example. i6 ®lllberfi3;e fatting,a6 rt is a fignc of bubf ing , batb mo;e often tfc publikel? tba amog p;iuatc men, t)otofoeucr it be c5mon tis is alreab? ra?D.ncrefo;c as toucbfng tbe Difctpline toberof toe noto entreat:fo oft as toe mutt mahe fnppli^ catio to Cod fo; an? great mater,it toer erpebtenttocomauno fatting togetber ti)?tb p;ater.^o toben tbe antiocbians laib banbs bpon pauI 9 IBarnabas^tbat tbe? migbt tbe better commend to dDob tbe?; minitter? tobicbe toas of fo great impo;tacc,tbe? io?ncD faft?ng )3o p;a?' er.&obotbtbe? aftcrtoaro, toben tbe? mabcminittersouer Cburcbes , tocre toont to p;a? toitb fatt?ng.3!n tf)iB feinb of fattrng tf)tv baD regarb to nenc otber tb?ng,but tbat tbe? nngbt be mabc fre- Gicr anb mc;e bncomb;eD to p;a? . tHlc^ ril? tb?5 toe finb b? experience, t iuben rno batb not fo often place in comon fa^ tbe bell? is fuH, tbe minb is not fo lifteb nmg,biraufc al men baue net lihc ttate \ bp to ©oD, tbat it can botb tovtb bart?c of boD?,nc; l?Ue bcltb:tbcrfo;e it ratbcr \ anb feruent affcrtion be car?eO to p;a?* agrectb to?tb p;iuate fatting.SEbe fecoD i er f continue in it, ^0 is tbat to be bn* eno is common to totb : fo; as tocll tbe ! berCob tobicb iluhe rcberfetb of anne, toboleCburcbaseucr?one oftbefaitb^ tbatn)eferucDtbello;binfaftingsanD ful batb nebe of fucb p2cparati6 to p;a? erXbe tbiro alfo is liketo?fc ccm»!cn. iro; It Ojal fomtime befall tbat C^cb Ibal ftrike fome nation toitb toar , c; pefii< lcnce,o; toitb fome calamit?. Jn fucb a common fcourgc tbe tobole people muC accufe tbffclucs,f opcnl? conftlTe tbe?; oton giltincs.5i5ut if tbe baiib of? t o;d bo ttrihe an? pijuate ma be ouabt f 0 Doe Ac.14.3. Ac.14.2j Lulc.2. 37. p;a?crs . jf 0; be ootb not fct tbe too;* (bipping of CDoD in fatting : but liignifi^ etb tbat tbe bol? tooman b?D after tbat maner erercifeber fclfe to continuance ofp;a?er.§)ucbtoas? fatting ef/^cbe^ N h - I mias toben be m Vd earnettl?bcnt jelc [^^"^'"^ p;a? to CPoD fo; tbe beliuerance ofbrs people.i?o; tb?fi caufe J^aule favtb tbat tbe fa?tbfull boc toell , if tfte? abttaync fo; ToSaluation, Fourth Bookc ( F0I386. fo; a time from tfjeir tocODtng beDDc,^ tbep mat? tt)e mo;c frali? appip p^apcr ant) fatting. WX^^tvt loaning fatting to p>3icr in fteDcof a bcipe, tic puttetft tJ5 in miHD t^at it is of no lvalue but fo far as it is referred to this eno.j^gatn tube in § fame place be geuctb a rale to ma* ricD foliics , tbat tbei? fl^ulo mntuallt renoer gcDD topU one to an otber it is platitie tbat be Dotb not fpcaUc of Da^I)? p;5at?crs,but of fucbe p^^arcrs as requi? re a mo;e earnett intentiuenefl'e* 17 0gain,if eitbcr petttlcce,oj famine, 0; tuar begin to range ab^ooe, o;^ if anti calamitie otberloife feeme to bag ouer an^coiitrc I people : tbenalfoitistbe rnitt'(> of iDafto^s to crbo^te ^ cburcb to fatting tbat tbep mag bob ly bef ecb tbe j^o;tJ to turne atoai? bi5 Ui;afb. $oi be geuetbtoarningtbatbe i« p^epareot in a maner armeo to rei:cnge,li)ben be n\(i)sict\) anp Danger to appeare. S^bere* fo;e as accnfeo men in timt paft toitb long bilging bcarD,lD tjncembeD beare, Mt^ blacU arapjloere luont bnmblp to abafe tbemfeluc^, to p;ocure tl)c mer^ cie of tbe iuDge: fo tube toe areaccufeD befojetbe iuDjemeui feate of goD,it be* bouetb botbfo; bw glo;^^ anu fo; com^ mon eDification,f alfo is profitable ano bealtbful fj; i)5,^ toel^oulo in piteous arrai? crane to efcape bi« fcueritie.anD tbattbrJstoastJfcD among v people of Jfracl,it is eaf^ to gather by> tbe tiio^og loca.ac j of Bjoelifoi toben be comauoctb a tro* *' pet to be founocD , tbe ccngregation to be gatbereD togetbcr , fatting to be ap^ pointer),? ti)t rett ^ foloto : be fpeaketb of tbingc£( recetueD in comsn cuttome. t^c bab a litle before faiD,^ cwminatio is appointee of tbe iDicheo DceDs of tbe people , 9 baD oeclareo ^ tbe Da? of iuo* gement is nolu at bano, $ b^D fummo* neo tbem being accufeo to pleaDe tbcir ca«fc:tben becrieo outtbvTt tbet: tt)oulD batte to facHeclotb $ an)ce,to \Dcptngf faff ingitbat i0,tbat tbe? fliulD alfo irntb outUjarotettifiengs tb;oU) tijemfelues DoUm before tbe ILo:oc . ^achedotbt afljcB peraoucture oio mo;e agree toitlj tbofe times : but tbere is no Dout tbat calling togetber, anb toeping f fatting anD fucb UUe Do liUetovfe pcrtainc alfo to our age, fo ofte as tbe ttate of ourc tbings Do fo require, ifo; fitb itis^ bo^ It ererc^fe botb to bnmble men, ano to confclle bumilif ic, tobP fl)oulD toe leffe We it tban tbe olo people DiD in lifee ne^ cclTitie i Wie reaoe tbat not onel? tbe people of Blfraell tobicb tocreinfo;meD anD inttructeD b^ tbe toojD of goD, bnt alfo tbe ipirninites tobtcb feaD no Doc* trine but tbat preacbing ofBlcnas, fa^ tteD in token of fo;otoe.^bat caufe is tbere tberfore tobp toe fljulD not do tbe famcfiSut it is an outtoarD ceremonvj tobicb toas toitb v reft cnDeD in cbritt. ^ea ratber euen at tbis Da? it is, as it altoa? batb benja ter? g©D belp to tbe faitbful,anD a v;cfitablc aDmonitio, to ftir tp tbcmfclucs,tbat tbe? ff)oulD not toitb ttoo great carclefnetTe I fluggitb^ neCfe more anD more prouoUc goo tobe tbe? are cbaftifeD tottb bi^s fcourges. SDberefor e CbJitt toben be ercufctb bis apottles fo: tbat tbe? faft not,Dotb not fai2 tbat fatting is abrogate ; but be ap' po^ntetb it to t?mes of calamitie , ano to?netb it toitb mourning . 2Lbc t?me fljall come(fa?etb be) toben tbe br?De* ' grome (l^all be taken atoa? from tbem. 18 5iButtbattbcrfliulDbenoerro;in? name,lct Ds Define tobat fatting is.ifoj toe DO not bcre tnoerttao b? it onl? ab* ttinence anD fparing in meate % Drink, but a certain otber tbing . SSbe life of? goDl? ougljt in DcD to be tempereo toitb Ijonett fparing f fob;ietie, tbatfonere as is pottible it ma? in § tobole courfe tlKrcof beare a certain refemblancc of fatting.i5ut befiDc tbis tber is an otber fatting for a time tobctoeVoDrato an? CCCij, ^tbing i.Sa7,6, & 30.13. 2.Ki.i.u Ion. 2.5 Ma.9.ij. 34. Cap.ii>| _ Of the outward mcancs IocU.1-. tl)ing or" our uionteo Diet, citfjcr fo; one Dap o; fo; a ccrtainc t^ttid % Do charge oiirfclufBtDitbaftretfitJtcr f feuercr abUiiif ncc m Dirt t^a o<>cinarp. %\)^b rofiftettj in tl);0e tbinG0,in tiine,in qua liti0ofmeate£t,i in fmalncire of quantt tie. 3 mc nc bv time, tbat toe OjoulD tfe tljofc Doings falling, fo;^ tobicb fatting is o;DeincD.jaB fo; craplc, if a ma fafte ft); f ommo p;aier:f^at Ije come cmpttc tnto it.^ualitic ttaoetlj in t^is,tl)at al Dcmtinrs IftulD be abfcnt,i being centet \jb tbmon t bafer meafes, toe 0)ulD not ttir tjp appetite toittj oelicats.SLbe rule of quantit ic ig in tijis, i> toe catt mo; e fparinglpano Icffe tban toebatoont, onli fo; necefTitiei not alfo fo; pleafure 19 ^nt toe mutt altoap p;inctpal{p be toare, tbat no fuperttition crecpc tpon tjs,a0 it batb bcretcfo;e bappeneD to tbe great burt of tbe cburcbe. ifo; it tocre mucb better tbat tfjere tocre notjfc at al of fatting,tba tbat it fljulo be Diliget^ Ir bcpt,anDin tbe nieane time be co;# roptcD toitb fa Ife I burtfull oprmons: toberunto tbe too;lD fomeiime fallctb, tbe Bletoes tbougbt tijat toe^ bao tatu^ 3eo goD,tobcn tijei^bao onli fattecboto foeaer tbcp Dio no;t(]^ tngoDlinrlTi? and tnclc^ne tbougbts in tbeir bartc. 3is it (faitb ':)e) fucba fatting tobicb tbe Io;d rcquiretb/f fo fa>;tb as rolotoetb.SDber^ fo;etbe bipocriticall fatting is not onlp an tmp;o6table t fuperflucus toering, but alfo a grcatc abbomination. ^n 0^ tber euill ncre tnto tbis is cbicfit? to be tahen t)eDe of,tbat it be not fallen fo; a merito;ious too;fec,o; a fo;me of too;* Clipping (DoD. ^0; fitbe it is a tbing of it fclfc mDiffcrr t but batb no baluc but bv rcafon of tbofe cnoes toljicb it ougbt to Ijaue refpect bnto, itisn motte bnvU full fupcrttition,to confocnD it ^s^itl) tbe too;Ucs commaunDCD of 0oD ano ne^ ccttarte of tbcmfelues toitbout otber re fpett. ^ucb toas in olt> time t^t Dotage of tbe spanicbes : to^om toljem Augu« ftine confutctb be Dotb plainelp cnougb teacbe, tbat fatting is to be iuDgcDb^ no otber enos tban tbofe tobicb 31 Ijauc fpoiien of,* is lio otbei toife allotoeD of goOjtnlette it ba rrferrcD to tt)t fame. ^z.j8.j. tJnlctte tbe][l>afto;s do toitb great faitb SLbe tbirD erro; is in nkn not fo tngoD fulnes anD toifecomc p;eucnt rt . 2Lbe \ iMct it is perillous ; to require tbe fee^ firtt point tberefo;c is, tbat tbev O^oulD I ping of it mo;cp;ecirel!? anD rigo;oufi^ altoaj? enfo;ce f tobicb Joel teacbrfb,j5 as it toerc one of tbe cbiefe Ducties,anD fbei? ttjulD cut tbeir barts anD not tbev; fo to aDuaurr e it toitb immcafurable garir erits : tbat is, tbat tbep IftculD aD« p;aifes,tbat men Ojulb tbinU tljet? bauc moniQ) tbe people,^ goD Dotb not great I Done fome epcellent tbinire toben tbtv IV etteme faftmg of it fclfe,tnleffe tber baue fatteD.Jn tobicb befelf 3i Dare not be an intoari affect ion of tbe bcarte, a attcgetber ercufe t^e olDc fatbers, but true minihing of Qnnc of bimfelfe,tf uc bumbling,anD true fo;otoc tb;ougbtbe fearc of (I5oo:rea tbat f ittirg is p;ofita. blcfo; no otber caufe, bulfQ;fb..t it is iorncD to tbefc as an inferio; bclpe. ^^i C3oD abbo;rctb notJjincr mo?c tban tobc men in fctting fienes^aiiD an out. toaro ttjcto in tteDe of innoccceof fjart, DO (abo; \ii faife colo; to Deceyue tbcm. fclucs. Xbcrcfo;eC;favmcnfl>ariiclr tnuevctbagainttc tbis tipocrifie , tljat tbat tt)et7 baue fotoeD fome feeDsof (u^ perttiticn,anD genen occafion fo tbe tt^ rannv tobicb banc rtfcn fince,2LI)er are fstuiD in De£D fomttn;es in tbem fotmD anD toife fentences of fafting,but after* toarD toe noto anD tljf mate toitl; im^ meafurable p;af fes of fattmg , tobiclj aDuaunce it among tbe cbiefe tcrtucs. 20 ^ntsattbat ti' net')cfupcrttitious obfcruing of lent toas cclj tobcr gro* tocn intu :becaufe bctl) ^ ccmo pcoplt .. tbeugbt Lib.2.c!c mor.Ma cap»i3.& lib. 20. contra Fauft. To Saluation, LKin.ijj. tiioug^t i tbet? did tbcrtn fome notable fcrutcc to (S>oD,i ti)z pallors did cotneno It fo; a bol^ folotDtng of Ct);tll:tubera0 it is plav?ne,^ Ctj^ift d^d not faft to p;re fcrtbc an cramplc to otber but ^ tn fo be gmning tbc pjcacb^ng of tlje gofpcll, be m^gbt m ber^ Deoe p;oue ^ it luaa not a Doctrine of men,but DefcenoeD fro bea^ nen.Hn?) it is maruellous, ^ fo grofe an erro;,Vi?bicb iaconfutco Ivttb fo man^ t fo euioent reafonB,coulD crepe into men of fo Qjarp iuDgment. jf o; Cb.jift did not fail oft (iDbicb be mutt neoes baue Done if be luolD bauftfet fo;tb a !ato of ^eerli? fatting) but onl^ onccluben bepjcpareD bpmfelf to tbe publtOiing of tbe gofpell. ;^no be fadeo not after § maner of men, 00 it U)as mttt tbat be (boulD b^ue Done if be iDOQlDe baue p^ouoUeo men to fol^ lott) b^m:but ratber be fljetoetban oca* ple,UJbcrb\? be mat ratber D;aU) men to ijDonDcr at bl^ni tba ftir tbem tip to fol^ loUib^m . ifinall^ttereisnoneotber caufe of tbpB faft^ng,tba of tbat tobicbe iS^jfes fatteD toben be receaucD tl)e laU) at tbe banD of tbe Lo;rDJf o^ Otb ^ mira* cle Voas (belDeD in ^ofes to (tablin) tbe autbo;tt^ of p lalD,tt ougbt not to baue bene omitteD in Cb;i(t)lealt tbe gofpell (bolD feme te geue place to tbe laU).15ut (ince t time it neuer came in ani mans mtno bnDercolo; of folloluing of cpofes to require futb a fo;mc of fatti^ng in tbe people of Jlfrael. j^eitber DiD am of p bo? Ip |i);opb5ts f fatbers foUotoe it, toben ret tbcv b^io minD t jele cnougb to goD? ly epcfcifes. ifo;,tbat tobicbe is fa^D of i^clidSjtbat be paffcD Fl.Dapes toitbout meat i D;inl;>tciiDeD to no otber cnD but tbat tbe people QjolD hnolu tbat be Utas ftirrcD top to be a rcfto;er of tbe lato fro Uibicbalinodall Ifraell bao Departeo. 2Dt)crfo;e it tons a mere iD;ongful jele * full of fupcrftition , rbat tbei? d^d fet fo;tj) falling )mtl) tbe title f coIo; of fob loVDUig of Cb;ill.l#3U)b':tt m tbe maner tburth Boolcc. Foi.387 of faffing f bere tuas ti)m great Diuerfi * P" tpcas Cafliodoruj rehcarfetb out of So* crates in tbe ir.bojfee of bvs bitto^p.if oj tbe Homaniaes(faptb be) bao buttb;ee VoeeheSjbut in tbefe tbere toas a cotinu? all faftvng>crccpt on t^c 0onDa\? 1 ^a^ turoat?. SSbe &>lauonian0 1 (Grecians baD Or tocbesiotber baD feuen:but tbcir faftimg U}as bp DcuiDeD trmes.anD tbei DifagrecD no lelTc in Diffcreceof meate0. $>ojnc Di^ eatc notbing but b;caD t tea* ter ; fome aDDeD bearbe0 : fome DrD not fo^beare fill) 1 fouleB: fome baD no Differ rente inmeate0.i£)ftbF0Diuerfitp Au* guftjnealfo maUetb mentionin tbe lat? ter (Epiltle to lanuan'. 21 aenfoUoU)eDU)bifetpmc0,f totbc p;jcpottcron0 ^cleof tbe people tDa0aD* DED botl) ignorance j ruDcnefTc of tbe bi^ ftops, f a lufte to beare rule, f a tvjan* nons rigo.: . Sberc Uiere maoe toirheD laU)rs,\iil)icb firapneconfcienccs tuptb pernitious bonDe0.SiDbe eating of fledbe I1143 foibiD3en,a3 tbogb it ncfiku a ma. SCfiere luer aDDCD opinions full of farrt^ lege one topon an ott?er,tiil tl)c^ came to ttiz bottome of all erro;0,0nD t no per^ uerfnelTe (IjoulD be omttteD,tbcp began tottba moll fonD pretence of abHinence to mocfee iDitb C5od. Jf 0^ in tbe moft ep qu'(tteDaintinetreoffarei0 fougbt tbe pzapfe of faftpng: no Delicate0 Doe fben fnffife,tbere 10 neuer greater plentv, ox DiuerfittiA: fuicetnes of meats. Jn fucb f fo go2gtou0 preparation tbep tbinUe tbat tbcp feruc ©00 rigbtlvj fpeafe not bolD tbep neuer mo;c folul v glut ttjem^? felue0,tDa toben ti)cv tuolo be compteD moft bolp men . 15;e:flv/bep compt it tbe greateft iiio;flbipping of(3oo toob* aaiiie fro fie(I),f (tboCe rrceptcD; to floto full of all ftinDe of Dairttie0. ^n (7 ctbcr QDc tbcv tbinli tbi0 tbe ertrcmctt bngoD Ivnelle, f fucb as fcarfclp map be reco* pcnc£D\i)itbDeatb>ifaniataft neuer fo litleapcceofB; co 1 oj, \jnfa:icn^ flrfl?r lC«O.I2. Of the outvvardc meancs Hicromettllctl), t^atcucninhYfitrmc torre fomc that ^d Nc- 1 ixivt^ J""fft follrc5DiD mocke U)itt)(15oD: po. I iDfjich bifdufc tijci UjouId not rate otic, raufcD iiiolt oatntv^ mtntes from euer^ place to be b^osbt tljcm: vca to oppjcffe nature U)it() ticlcncc,t(?ci abttaineD fro D^mUing of U)atcr,but caufcD fluetcanD coClt fupptncps to be maDe foj tljc,tobicl[> tbcv DID not D^inhe out of a cup, but out ofafi)rlI . Mbub fault toas tbentna fctuMt tbts Da^ it is a common fault a« mong al ricb mcn,tbat t\:}C^ fall to no o* tl)cr cno but tJjat tljei mat banbet mo;e fumptuouUr anD Datnttlre . ^ut Bl UitU not tuattc man^ too? w in a matter not coutful.^nlT! tfti5 3 fat,tbat botb in fa* ftrng f in all otbcr partes of Difcipline, tbc papiftcs fo bauc notbrng rigbt, no* tbrng purcnotbtng toel frameo ano o;^^ Derli? , toberbr tbc^ map bauc ant? occa? fionto bcp;ouoc,astbougb tbere toere ant tbing remaining among tbcm too; tbrofp.Jt'itrc. 22 Ebcrc foUotoetb an otbcr part of DiP ctpltnctobicb peculiarly bclogetb to tbe Clcrgt-SCbat is containcD in § Canons tobicb tbe oId Ii5ttbop0 banc maoe ouer tbemfelucs ano tbet; omr.^s tbefe be: tbat no vllcrhe l^olD geue bimfelf to bii^ ting.to bfcing, no; to banketting : tbat none (boulD occupp brurie,o;j marcban* Difc : tbat none Ojoulo be p^efent at toa^ ton bauncing: anb fucb otbcr o;oinace0» Sbcre toer alfo aooco pcnalttcs:tober^ i bt tbe autbo;itt of tbe Canons toas Ita* blia)CD,tbat none fljoulo bjeaUe tbe tjm puniQjcD. ipo: t\)^s cno to cucrp bifljop toas committeD tbcgouernmcntof bps otoneClcrat,^tbetfl|onlD rule tbep; Clcrkcs acco;Ding to t^c Canons , ano boloctbc in tbcir Duty, if o; tbis eno toer c;DamcD pecrclt ourrfatngs i ^pnoos, tbat if ant toere negligent in bts nutVy be (bolu be aomonilbcDaf ani bao oefcn* Pep, be fljoulo be punifljcb acco^Dtna to t\3t mcafure of bt« offence.SDbc biOiops alfo tbemfelues bab tarlt tbcir p;rcuin^ ciall ^tnobcfi,! in the olbc ttme rarit ttoo ^tnobcs bt tobicl) tbci toere iubg^ eb if tbci baD bone ant tbing befioe tbcir butt.i?o;ifant5t5tfl)op toere tobaroe o; biolrt againll bts Clcrgt^tbei migbt appcalc to tbofc |&r"Qbes,altbcugb tbcr toere but one tbat complatncD.^bc fe^ ucreft punifl^ment toas tbat be tobicbe bab ofifcnbcD flioulb be rcmoueb fro bts office, anb fo; a t^mt be bep:iueD of tbe commnnion.^nD bicaufe tbat fame toas a continuall o;ber , tbcf neuer tfeb to bifmiffe ant ^tnobc, but i tf)ty! apctn* teo a place i ttme fo; tbe nert ^tnobe. if o;,to gatber a gc nerall Councell per;' tatneb to tbe (Empero; onelt,a0 all tbe olDe fummonings of Councels bo teUt^ fie. ^0 long as tbtis feueritie flo^iOjcD, tbe Clerfes nin require in too;b no mo;c of tbe peoplctba tbefelues nin perfo;me in crample % bcoe.^ea thtv toere mucb mo;e rigo;ous to tbemfelues tba to tbe pcople.0nD terilt fo it is mete, tbat t^t people (bolD be ruleo tottb a gentler anb Imfer Difcipline , as 3 mate fo termc it: but tbe Clerks l^nlo Ijfe (barpcr iupg* ments among tbemfelues,i Iboulb IcfTe bearc \sjitl) tbemfelues t^n \joxttf otbcr mcn.Boto al tbts iB grotocn out of tfe, it iB no nebe to rebearfe , toben at th^s bat notbing can be imagineb mo;e tn^ b;iDclcD I biffolute tba tbcClcrgtcanb tbct arc b;oUcn fo;tb to fo great licvncif oufnelTc, ^ tijt tobole too;lpe crtetb out of itXbat all antiquitt (boulo not feme to be Wtcrlt burtcb am.ong thi-, ^ grsut in bcDe t f bci bo toitb certain (baootocs bcccauejctcsoftbe fimple:but tbofe arcfucbasccme no nercrtotbeaunci== cut mc-iersjt^an tbe countcrfaittng of an ^pe app;ocbctb to t tobicb men boc bt reafen auD atJuife.SEbcr is a notable place in Xenophon,tobcrc ht teatHtt) ibotofotolt t])e perfians bab ftoarueo from ToSaluation, fourth Bookc. Fol.jSSt , from tljc o.:i3inairc5 of rtjcir C'ltjf re, f tfjjotxjcn mam tmks into ti)c gulfe of i lucre fal!.*n from tlK ri^ojous hinoc of j Dcfperation. Sruclr? Uibcrcos mariagc Iifc,to foffiies I Dcintinc0,t!jat ^ct tbet? fjaf b ben fo^biDDcn to pm(t(e,t fame coucreD t\)is (IjJime, ra\?mg tbat tl)ci nu ^ batb ben Done b^ UiichcD tirannre^ not ligcatl? Uept t\it auncient bfagcs. if o; cnl\? agamft tbe li3o?o,of goD,but alfo a- U)!}en in tbe time of Cirus fob^tetic and temperate fo far flo;t(beD ^ men ncDeO not to tuipe, pea i it Itms accompteo a (^ame:U)ttb poUcrttie tbt0 continued a religious obferuation^tbat no ma (bulD t}a\s) (not out at Us noretb;tlIc:S!>but it iDas laMul to fuch it Dp, f feoe toitbin euen till tht^ luere rotten tbe ftinUing bumojstubicbe tbe^ bat) gatbercD b^ gluttonous eating. ^0 br ^ oloeojucr it is bnlalDfull to b;tng luincpotsto tbe bo;De:but to Clxiil in U)tnr t tbei necD to be carico atoap D;onUcn,is folerable.^t lua$ o;^3etneD to eate but ones in a Dar: tbis tbefe gmD fucceCTo^sbanc notab;o' gate, but tbct! gaue leauc to continue tbcir furfettmgs frommiDDati tomio^ n^gbt. 2]:bc cuHom.e toas ^ men d^ulD maUe an enD of tbeir Dates iournen fa^ (ting. Ii5ut it toas at libertic ano bfeolp tbe cttttonuyto} auotDing of toerineflfe, to (bojtcn tbeir iournei? to ttoo boures. Mlbenfoeuer tbe ^Bapiffs fljal pzetenD tbeir baltaro rules,to Cbeto tbemfclues to be lifec to tbe boli? fatbers :tbis epam* pie (b^U fuffitientl^ rep;oue tbeir fonD gaintt all equitic.ifirtt to fojbiDOe tbat hiUcl) tlit lo;D batb left at libertic ,lDas bp no means latufull fo; men.iSgain, ^ OoD batb erpiclTelp p;ou^oeD bp bts too;D,^ tbis libertie fljulD nolle biobe, is fo tuirymt tbat it ncDctb not long Dc* monfiration. 3 fpeak not bolu Paul in , -j-- , man? places U)illetb a loiOjop to be tbe ^ , ^" bufbano of one lt»ife,btit Icbat coulo be ', mo^e bebcmentlt fpofecn, tban tubcrc bep^cnouncetbbptbeboly gboff, tbat tberclbalfae in tbe lafte times \siicktii men tbat fijall fo<>biD mariage : auD be calletb tbcni not onlp oeceiucrs^but Di^ uels^jsi^bis tberfo;c is a ii);opbecie,tbis is a bolp £);aclc of tbe boll gboa, tubers luitb be ipiilco to arme tbe Cburcbe a^ fo;ebanD againft Dangers,tbat tbe fo;^ bioopng of mariage is tbe Doctrine of Diucls. iout tbei? tbrnbe tbat t\)ev baue gailp efcapeD luben tl)cv h);eft this (en fence of Monianus,tbc Tatwns, Eucra- tites anD otbf r olDc b^retikesXbei? on* It? (faptbep) conDemncDmariage:but lueDoe notconDemneit, but Debarre tbe Clergi^e from it,foj iobo toe tbinUe counterfaittng>tbat no painter ca mo;e j it not to be conuenient. p^iell Dotb bp fome marine Differ fro tbe people, j^s tbouab i lo.:D DiD not alfo fo;cfa tUs, Id tubat o:namcnteg p^ieftes ougbt to erccll. cecity. ^0 Cap»i2, Of the outvvarde meanes Sii itius uJ cpif- ^op hif- ! paniarii. 550 tbei^ accufc tftc apoftlc of troubling tljeo^DcrjcoiifcfiDing tlje ccrulinesot ttje cbiirf I), tDtjic^ 1dI)c be po;jtraieD out ^ abfolutc fo;nic of a goio bil^Dp,Durft fct maridgc among i^ ofljer gifts lubicfj be rcquireD in bim. 31 hno\we boVu tbcp crpouD tbis, namely tbat none is to bee cbofcn tbat Wit bac a fecono toifcano 3 graimt tbat tbi0 is not a nctoc prpofi* iionibut tbat it is a falfc cicpoGtion,ap'' jjfarcib Up tije tept it (elf,bpcaufe be bi* anDbp after fcttctb out ofU)bat qualp* tics }> taiucs of HDtdbops anD ioDcacong oiigbt to bc.paul recfecnetb mariagc a^ mcng t ^crtucs of a )i5ifl)op:tbcfe men tracbe ^itis an intollcrable fauit in § o;oer of {> CIergfc« janD,on goes name, not ccntcnteD \jb tbts general Dirp;aife tbct? call it in tbeir Canons bnclenncs anD Defiling of tbc fleOj. %tt euer^ man tbink Uiitb bimfelf out of tobat too^be^ (bop tbcfc tbinges be come . Cb^iffe toucbefauetb fo to bono; manage tbat betuillcDitto bean image of brsbolp ccniovning toitb § cburcb. S£Jbat coulD be fpoljen mo;e bono?abl^ to fetontp Dignitie of manager ^itbtDbatfaec tberefo;e (ball tbat be callcD bnclcane o; DcfilcD tobercm fbinetb a libeneffe of tbc fpirituall grace of Cb;iift:? 2^ 'But nolD to ben tbeir fo;ibiDDing fo cuiDcntlp figbtctb toitb ^ toD;jD of goD, vet tbcr finD in tlit fcriptms tobcrtoitb to Defence it. SLbe Jlcniticatt p^ieftes toere bounce to Ipc afoiiCcr from tbeir toiuf s,fo oft as it came to tbeir turnes to minittcr,^ tbep migbt banWe ^ bolp tbpngs pure a no bnccfileD. SDbcrefo^e it toere tjcrp tinromlp , tbat oure bolp tbinges, fptbc tben be botb mucb mo;e noble anc carli? , fijonlc bee banclcc of marveo men. 2i& tbouab tbrre toere aU one perfon of tbe minitfer of tbe gofpcl, as toas of tbc Lcuitical piicttboce.ifo; tbcv,as figurs, rep jefftco cb;ia,tobicb being tbc ^peoiato; of 0OC f men fljulD toitb moffabfolute purcncffc rcrsnrilc t\)C ifatber tnto bs.iBut tobcn fmncrs coulD not in eueri? bebalfc tx?}tfitti}t figure of bis boUncs,i?et t tbep migbtc toitb certarnc grofie cjaugbtes tclD a (bacotoc of bim,tbci? toere ccmmaiicco to purifte tbemfelucs bcrcno tbe mancr of men,toben tbep came to tbc fanaua^ rtc : namely bicaufc tbcp tben p;jopcrli? figurcDCbjiftj fo J tbat as pacifiers to reconcile tbe people to ®oD,tbev appea? rec at tbe tabernacle tbe image of tbe beauenl)? iucgcment feate. if o^afmucb as tbe paffo;^s of tbc cburcb do not beare tbis perfon at tbr^s car? tberefo?e tbep arc l^ainlr c5parcD toitb tbcm.^bcr^ fo;e tbc ^pottlcDotb toitbout exception bolDl^ p^ionounc Cjtbat mariagc is bono rable among al men,but tbat fo; tobo;^ mangers i aculterers abicetb tbc iuD^ gement of gcD. ^nc tbe flpcftlcs tbem# felues Die toitb tbeir oton eraniple ap# p;oue tbat mariagc is not tnmete fo; tbe bolt?ne(re of anr oflficc be it neuer fo ercetlct.ipo; paul toitnrlletb tbat tbep D^D not onli> bepe yaims, but alio tatf rpcDtbem about toitb tbem. 26 0gain it toas a maruf tous (bamelef nes tbat tbei? curft fet out tbis ccmlp? nes of cba0ttie fo; a necetliarie tbig,to ^ great rep;ocb of § olDe cburcb: tobicb tobc it aboticcD V^ fingular learmngof goc^et ejcccllcD mo;e in bolrnes. i?o; if tbet paffc not tjpo v 0poftles,(as tbri arc to6t fomtmic ttoutlr to Difpife tbe) tobat Bl befecl e tou to ill tbcp Do to al ^ olD fatbcrs>tobom it is certain to bauc not onli? (u£fercD, but alfo allotocD ma^ riage in tbc o;Dcr of bii^ops^SEbc^ fo;;> fffitb DID nonriQ)e a filtbp p;ofaning of bolp tbings,fb;afmucb as fo t\^t mptte* ries of § Io;d toere not rigbtlp reucren^ ccDamogtbe.Jit toas moucD in DacD in tbc^tccne^inoDcto bauc tnmaricD life comaiiDeDtastbcr altoap toant not ^ fome fupcrgjtious mcn^tobicb Do cucr tnuent Heb»i3 4. .Ccr»9. Hifto. tripart. Lib.2. cap.14 To Valuation, Fourth Bookc inuent fomc neto tbing,to bnns tficim fclucsmaDmiratio.icutUilMt \joas dc* cre£(ii%\)t fcntcncc of i'aphiiutius teas alTf tco to,lDf)icI) p;onouccD ^ a mns Iv* ing \» t)t6 etunc Irnfc is cfjaUitv.SIbcr? fo^e manage remaincD boll? amog tbf: ncittjer Din it turn tbcm to ani? (^ame, no; teas tbougljt to fpot tl)c niinittcr^, 27 2DbcnfolotDeotimcs,intuljicf)t(D fupcrftitions obferuation of finglc lt?fc greUi in fo;ce.i^tr0upcn came ttjofc of? ten $ tnmcarurabl? aouaunccD p;aires of tiirginitrcj fo tfjat fcarfitc ant! otftcr tjcrtuc teas tbougbt among ^ people to be compareo l»itb it.0nD alttjongb ma* rtage tuas not conDemncti fo; tnclene, ^et i Dignitv tbcrof toas fo DimimfljcD, t tbeboIincCTe of it obfcareo,?^ be femeo nottoafpirelDi?tb a courage ftrong c* nougbe to perfection,^ tio not refratne bimfelfc from it. l|;^ercupon came tbofc Canons toberb^ it luas firft fo;biDDen ^ tljc^ tobicb lucre come to tbe Degre of p;ieftbot)e, QjulD not contract mariagc: tben,tbat none HjulD be ta^cn tntc tbat o;Der but linmarieD men.o; facb a0 oio fojfaUe mariage tcgrtbcr \3)^tl} t\jcvj toiues. SCbefc tbuigsjbicaiife tbe^ f^ ? meo to procure reuerence to p^ieflfbooe tocre (Bi graunt) cucn from antiquit^'e receiucD toitb great tocll liKmg.iBut tf tbe aouerfariesobiect antiquiti agatnff me,firft 3 anftccr tbat tbis Iiberirc re? maincD botb tnoer tl)e ^pcQlcc ano m certaine ages after tbem,tbat ISvtbops migbt be maricu:tbat tbe japottlcs tbf? f elues, f otber pallors of great autbo^ rit^e tobicb fuccaceD in tbcir placc0,t^ fcD tbe fame tuitbout tticfefg at it, SLbe crampic of tbat ancienter cbnrcb ougbt too.jtbilv? to be of greater lueigbt turtb l)s,tban f toe (bnlD tbinkc tbat to be ti^ tber ijnlatuful oj bncoml^ fo; ts icbicb tias tbe luitb p^aifc recciueo anD bfeD. Jc>ccoolr 31 faf i^ Ibat age iobicb fo; im? mcfurablg affcttton to birginitr^brgan f 0 be partiall againff e mariage,Dio not fo la^bpon p;ieftcs § laiu of tnmaricD life, as tbcugb it luer a tbing neccflar^ of it felfjbut bicaufe tlje^ p;cfcrreD bn* maricD men abouc tbe marieo.jrinalli 3 anfluer ^^ tbep Die not fo require tt, ^ tbep DID Ujrtb fo;ce anD ncccditvc ccn^ j drain tbcm to contmcnce, tebicb iucre not fit to bftpc it, i?o; tuben tbc^ puni* fljcD Uibo;cDos luitb moft fcncre latcs, oftbcm tbat contracteo mariagc tt)tv I OecraD no mo;c but t tbcp Qjoulo st ue oucr tbe crccution of tber; office. 28 2:bcrfo;c tobf foeucr tbe Dcfenbers of tbis nett) tr;annf (ball feche tl)t p; Cf tence of antiquity to DcfenD tbeir tinma rieo life: fo ofte tpc fljall anflueretbem tuitb requiring tbem, tbat tbc^ reft o;e tbe olD cbaftneffe in tbeir p;icft0, tbat ti)ty> remoue aDulterers anD tobo;em6# gcrsttbat tbcp (uffer not tbofc in U)bom tbei? fuffer not boneft ano cbafte tfe of mariage beD,to run tnpuniOjeD intoal feinD of Iull:tbat tbe^ call again tbe XiiU continueD Difcipline, luberbi? all ioan* tonneCTeo mat? be reftraineD : tbat tbe^ Dcliuer tbe CEburcb from tbis fo IvickeD filtbine£!,Uiberlritb it batb ben long Dc* fo;meD.mben tbc^ baue graiiteD tbis, tbe tbev muft again be put in minoe ^ tt)c\! boft not ^ t'oig fo; necefTarijtubicb being of it felf at liberfi? bagetb bpo tbe p;ofit of tbe cburcbe.^et 3 fav not tbVB fo; 1 1 tbinke v in ani cooitlon place iB to be geuen to tbofe €ano0 U)bicb tat! V bonD of tnmarieD life bpon tbe D;Der of |D;ieft0: but tbat p toifcr fo;t maf bn^ ocrftaD toitb irbat face our enemies Do (lanDcr bolf mariage in p;icft0,bt' ob^ icfling tbe name of antiquitre. Qs icu* cbingtbcfatber0, iDbcfe Ui;tting0 re* main, cucn tbct! tobf tbet? fpalic of tbeir olnnc iuDgement, except Hicromc,Dio not li3itb fo great fpitefulnes Deface tl)e bone fti of maricge.tlSlc ftalbc content tuitb one c6men:ation of Chryfoftom; €€€,^» ticauie Oftlicoutvvarde meases teem de' bimitt F)e (ifb Ije toaS a p?mdpall effc^ | fte firC Degree of cftinitp is pure titr< inusr.t. • Dicr of birainiti?, can not be tljougftt to ! ginitti : tbc fecono is faittjful mariage. icrucis/ t)due ben mo;c aauif^ tfwn otbcr in co* ! acrfoze tbc fcconD feino of tJirgtnit^e ntcnoation of mariage. %t)us i)c fai^tt); i is t^t ctjatt loue of matrimony. Thc.xiii.Chaptfr. Of vovvcs,by rash promifing vvherofech man hath miftrably entangled himfelfc. rj VZ f«t)erili? a f^ing to be lament eD, taught, tfjat foljatfoeuer mat be r^oi^ /tbat tbe Cburcfje, foj toljomc libertp iBas purcbafcD i6 tbc ineftimablc p^ice of tijc blouD of Ct};^iftc, batb bene fo op^ p^clTeD luitb crnell tirannp, f almoft o? uertofjelmeo toptb a fjnge ^cape of tra^^ Ditions: but in tbe meane t^mt cuerpe mans pjiuatc maoneffeftctoetb? ^ not UJt!tl}outmo(ttu(tcaufe tber batbben fo mucb pcrmitteo of CDoD to fa^n anD bl^s miniliers. j^o^ tbcp tljoug^t it not enougb> neglecting tbe commaunDemrt of Cb?ift to bearcanv burDois irbatfo? rucr li'cre la^Q bpon tl)cm b^ falfc tea* cljcrs, bnleffc tbe?? D^D alfo ecb ma pao* cure to brmfclfc fcucral burocns of b!?s olune,! fo \3)^tt) Digging pit0 fo^ tbem* fclucs, tbulD Dioluntbemfclues: beeper. Sij^s luas Done tobple tbei' ftriueD in DcuiQng of bolDS,br U)brcb tber migbt be aDDCD to tbe common bobs a greater f araigbter binDing. ^itl) tt)crfo;c toe baue taugbt, ^ b^ tbei?; bolDncs tobKb baue bo^nc rule bnoer tbe title of ^a^ ftois in tbe cbnrcb,tbc too;a)\»pping of CDoD batb ben co^rupteD, tobc tbe^ fna- rcD fill\? conrcicncc0 to^tb tbcr^ bniuft latocs: bare it fljal notbeoutof fcafon to aDio^ne an otbcr cuel tobrcb is near bnto it, tbat it map appear t tbc too;lD accojDing to tbc pcruerfncff of Ins oton Difporition,!jatb altoap,toitb fucb ffops as It coulD, putatoap tljc belps tobcrby It OjalD baue ben b;ougbt to goD..0oto, tbat It map tbe better appear tbat bcrp grecuousburtbatb bene b;ougbtin br botoe5,lct tbe rcabers Ucpe in minoe p ^inciplcg abouc fct. Jf o;i firtt toe baue reD to tbe framing of life gotUlr $ boli l\?,i0 cop^ebenDeD in p lato. 0gain,toe baue taugbt,^ tbe lo;D,t be migl)t tber bi tbe better cal t)0 atoai fro Deuifing of nctoc too;kes, batb enclofcD tl)c tobolc p;iaifeofrigbtfoufnes in tfimpleobc^ Dience of bis toil.glf tljcfc tbigs be true> it is eafp to iu^^z al t f^nt^ tuo^tlbip* pings, )s)\)vc\j toe inuent to onrc felaes to Dcferuc tbe fauoi of cHJoD, are notac' ceptable to bim botoc macb focucr tbep pleafc bs. 0nD trulr tbe !Io;d bimfclfe in manp places Dotbe not onlpe openlp refufe tbem,but alfo greuoullt abbo^^re tbem.i^ccreupon arifetb a Dout cf tbofs botoes tobpcb are mabc bcfioe tbe cp^ p;»eire too;D of bcbotoeD of Cb;iOianmcn, t bctoc farrc tljep binDe tbem. JFo; tbe fame tobicb among men is callcD a pjomife, in refpect of IDoD is rallcD a botoe.But to men toe p^omife tbofe tbings either tobpcb toe tbinhe toil be pleafant bnto tbem,o; \x)\}icti toe otoe of Duetr.SDber* fo:c tbcre ougbte to be a mucbe greater bcDeful obfcruatic in t)otocs,tobicb are DirettcD to dlJoD bimfclfe, toitb tobome toe ougbte to Dcalcmottcearneftlp. Jn tbis pop nt fupcrftition batb in all ages marudouQp rangcD, fo tbat men iDout iuDiemcnt, toitijout cbcife, ciD bp i hv boto bnto goo tobatfoeucr cam in tbcir minDjO; info tbcir moatb. I^arcuppcn came tbofe follies, tea mcnSniou!* ab* furDitics of ^otocs among tbe bcaibr> tobcrtoitb tbcp bib fo infolentlp niocfee . tovtb Col.2,23. To ialuation» Fourth Eookc Ro,i4.23 luitb tijjir g30«, Zn^ J tooulD to goo ^ cl^nttihs alio baD not fololuto t\ii$ tt)civ boloncs.Blt oggbt not in oaeo to iauc ben ro:but tuc fee tftat in certatne ages pafl^ notbtni:; bdtb ben mo;e Dftial tban tb(5 toic&cone(fe,tbat tbc people ccbe tuter OefpiOingtbclUtoe of(5oOD?oU)bo!Ip burnc Id mao grcDines to totoc Uiljat' foeuer bad pleareD tbe in tbeir o;came. Bl U)il not batefuU^ cnfo:ce,no; particu larl^ rebearfe botue bapnoiiH? t boloe mani? lua^es berein men baue offen^ oeb: but I tbougbt gcoo to fat? tbus b? p Ujap,tbat it ma^ § better appcare,tbat tDeDonotmoueque0ionofa neoelelTe matter,ti}bcn loe cntreatc of botoes. 2 jj^otPiftoelpiUnoterretn iuDging tDbicb botoes be latufuU, ano lobicb be lD;ongfaU , it bebouetb to tuepe tb;ee times: tbat is to rar> tobo it is to tobo i botoe is maoe: Vubo toe be tbat make tbe toloe: lad of ali>luttb lobat m^noe Ujetotue.SLbefp^a point batb rcfpect to tbisjtbat toe (bouloe tUnkt tbat Ujc baue to Do Uiitb<2^od, tobomourobe^ Dience fo mucb oelttet^>tbat be p;onoii; cetlj allU)illuo;(l)ippc3 to be accurfeo, bolu Swi^ anD glorious foeuer tbep be in tbe e^es of men. Jf all boluntarie Vdo;^ flj^ppes, tobicbe toe our felues oea^fc U)i?tbout commaunDcnient,bc abbomi* nable to Ooo, it fololnetb tbat no tDoz^ botjo mucb mo;c mooellp is to bctjfcD, toben me attempte a tbing of greatett iDeigbt i jf o; notbing ongbt to be nTo;e earned tnto bs tban tbe out iefi of rcli^ gion. llettbistbcrfo;jebetbefira£oC* Deration in botoes, ^ toe neuer come to tbe boUnng of anp tbing, but tbat con^ fcicncc baue firC ccrtainlpbetermineD tb<7t it attemptetb notbing rafljlp. X5ut it Ujall tben be frte from Danger of raOj* neffe,tDben it (ball baue Coo going be* fo;e itf anD as it toere cnfo;ming it bt? bi0liio;D,tobatiflgQ3D o; tjnp^oStablc to be Done. 3 3in t otber tbing Icbicb toe baue fapD to be bcre to be conCDcreD,tbiJ5 is cotei^ neo,^ tue meafure our olon ftrengtbcs, 1^ toe baue an e^e to our tocation, ^ tee neglect not tl}t benefite of liberty tebicb CDoD batb geue tjs.jf o^ be t boloctb tbat tebicb eitber is not in bps potwr,o; Dif agree tb \jo \)^s bocation,ijE( ratI}:anD be i Defpifetb i boutifulnesof ©od, teberbp be is appointeo I0.2D of all tbings, is bn* tbaUful.^be 3i fap tbus,3 do not mean ^ an? tb^ng is fo fet in our oton banD,^ Canoing bpon conffDcnce of our otune ftrc gtb U3e mav p;omife y fame to goD. iro^ it \3)^s moft truelp oecrctD in tbe Counc ell at arautium, tbat notbing is rigbtlp tjoUJcD to Cod but t tobicbe toe l)auc rcceaueo of bis banD,fo;afmucb as F0I.390 Ibip can be acceptable to bl'm but tbat all tbings t are off reo bim are bis mere tobicb is aloiucD bi bis UJo,:D.Sberfo;e let tas not taUe fo great libertine to ourc | felues ^ toe Darebotoe to ©od ^ tobicb j batb HO tellimon? boto it is cftemeo of | bim. jf 0; toberas tbat tobicb Panl tea^ cl)st^, tbat it is fin tobatfoeuer is Done, toytbsutfaitb, ertcnoetb to all Doings, giftcs.l5ut fitb fome tbings are br goDs goDneflc geuen ts, 1 otber fome tbings bp b?s equiticDen^cD bs: let euerp man (as Paul comauDetbjbauc refpcrte tmto tbemeafure of grace geuen bntobr^w. Cberfoje B! Do bcrc mcane notbvng els, but tbat bolues muft be te percD to tbat ConcUI. Arauli. Cap.ii, tt]tn tjcril? it cbaefcli? batbe place toben ! meafurc )a)l)ic\) v Io;d p^efcribctb tbee in tljoH Dirccteft tl)i tbougbt i Creigbttoai biPS gcuing: lett if tbou attempt furtber to (UoD. ilDut if toe fall anD erre euen in tba be permittctb,tbon tbiotoe tl)^ felfe R0.12, 3, tbe Imailea tbings, (as paul tbcre Dif^ putetj} oftbeDitttrcncc of meats) uobcr certaintg of faitb ftmctb not before t)5: Doton bcDlong toitb taUpng toj mac?? bp I ontba.^s foj erample.^be tbofcmur j Dcrers^oficDbom mention is maDein| lluUe,' 'Ofthcoutvvaide mcanes lu.900 Ce2.i8 iiuSe,t)objeD mt tht^ tool^ tatt of no mcate tiipaul tocr aaT?ne: altbougb i& Ueu^fe bao not ben toicUeo, T!Ct t ra(^* ne0 It f elf toas not to be f uffercD,iJ tbe? inaoetbelifei oeatbofa marnbiedto tl)cir potj)er.S>o ^icptjtbe fuffreo puniCb mcnt foj bis foUv,U)bcn U)itb b^aDlong beatc be ccnceiucD an tinaDuifeOtJOto, 3ji tabicbl^inD bnmaricol^fe batb tbe cbcfe place of mao bolones.ifo^ facrifi* cing P;ica3,spon{j0,i iBonne0,fojget'? tina tbcir otun lueaUne3,tbinfeetbem^ felucsable to hcpet)nmar^eD life. Wut bv UJbat £);acle are tbei? taugbt ^ tbe^ Oall baue cbattitic tbjougbout all tbeir life,to ^ t)cr\? enoe tuberof tbei t)oli)c itf Sbei beare tbc h)ojo of goo concerning i toniucrfal Qatt of men. 3t is not gosD fo; man to be alone. &t^ tmoerttaD,* 3i UioulD to goo tbat t\)tv Did not fcle,^ I fin remaining in \)S is not iDoat motte ! Gjarpc pjicUes. (KHitb^batconfiDcnce I Dare tbev Ojahe of tbat general calling i fo2 al tbcir life longrtoberas § gift of co tincnce is oftencr graiiteo fo^ a certain ti lie as oppo^tunitie requiretb^Bin fucb Cubbojncs let tbem not tcoUe fo j goo to be tbcir belpcr : but let tbem ratber rc^ member tbat tobicb is faio.SLbou C^alt not tempt t\ic Io;d tb^ CDoo.ano tbis is to tempt g2D,to enoeuo; againd tbe na« ture put in bs b^ bim , i to Dcfpife b^s p;cfent giftes as tv)ougbe tbe^ notbing bclongcD bnto us.iSIllbicb tbci not onl^ Do:but alio mariagc it (cU-c,\jDt)icb ^oo tbougbtc It notagamfte bis maictt? to iuHttute, U)b^cb be batb p;onoucco bo^ no^ibie in all mc,UJbicb cboto I come to tbat tobicb 31 5ib fct in ? tbirp placcitbat it is mucb ni;t*tcrial toit^i To Saluation. Fourth Book« i'oL39i. GcaS.ao PCi2. 27 &1I5.14J «8. Imt^tobat mtnD tijou ij:i-&cfl- a toto, tf ttjouUiiltijaue it aUciDeD of 0ct5. jfoj Uti) tt)c ilojo regaroettj tfjc tiar^nottbc outtoaro fl)cU),it ccmctlj to paffe tljat p fcif fame tt)ing,ti ctjanging tfjc purpofc of tt)e miuo.ooib fcmtimc picafc l}im,t is acceptable Dnto t}tm, f fomttme t)tlp Difplcafetl) Oim.Jf t^ou fo tjolue tbe ab* Hcining fro UJine,a$ tljougb tbcr lucre ant? ftolincffe in it, tbou arlc fupcraiti^^ on0:if ti)ou baue rcfpcct to ant otbercnD \Xf\)i(\) is not euel^no man can DifalotDe it.Wut in mp iuDgemcnt tbcr be fourc enD0, to b)^tcb our totocs tijalbe rigbt^ I? oirecteD:cf tobicb fo; teacbings faUc 31 referre ttuo to tbe time paffc, ano tbe otber tUio to t\)c time to come. 2Do tbe time paflt belong tbofe boUics, toberbv toe DO eitbcr tcftifv oure tbankfnlncflfc to 0OD fo; benefits recciucD:o; to craue tbe turning atoav of bi^ to;atb, toe our fclues DOC puniflje our fclucs fc; t\)c of* fences tbat toe banc conunittco.Jlet bs cal tbe firft fo;t,if pou toil,tbc ejrercifcs of tbanUe'geuing, tbe otber of repen* tance, ^f tbe firil lunD toe bauc an cr* ample in ttc titbes tobicb 31acob boto* eD, if tbe iLo;o Dio bjing bim borne fafc out of baniftjmcnt into l)i£ countrve.£* gain in tbe olD facrificcs of tbe peace of*" frings,tobicb goDli? things 1 capifaincjr, tobcn tbc^ toUe m banD rigbtecus toar, DiD boto tbat tbci? toolo pai> if tbcp baD obteineD tbe totcto;i^; at Icaft tobr tbei toere app;cff£0 toitban^i great Dittres, if tbe ilo;D ban DciiucrcD tbem. ^j are all tbofe places in tbe pfalms to be bn? DcrttoDe tobicb fpeaUeofiJotocs. ^iiclj Do toes ma^ at tbis Dap alfo be in bfe a- mong\)s,fo oft as tt)c iLo;D batb Deliuc^ reD iMi eitber out cf ann calamitt',o; fro a baro ficKncirc,o; from an\? otber oan^ gerV if c; it is tfjen net againft tl;c Dutr of A ijoDlf man to cofecrate to (Sod f)is totocD oblation, as a folcmnc tohcn of ^is re^notolej^uig, lead be G)i;lu fecmc Untbanhfull totoArbeb'SgoDDncffe. £Df tobat fojtc tbe fccouDc fainbe is^it (ball fufflce to (bcto toitb one onclr familiar epampfle. ^f ant bp tbe l»ice of gluttony be fain into anp offence, notbing \Xf^t^ ftanoctb, but ^ to cbafttfc i)is intcnipe* ranee be mat) fo; a time fo^fake al Dein tp mcats,t map Do tbe fame Id a totoc aDiopncD,^ be map binD bimfelfe Id tbe Creigbter bono. |^et 3 Doc not fo mahe a perpetual lato to tbcm tbat bauc like \s)i(t offenDCDibut 3! Cbcto tobat is lato? ful fo; tbr to Do, tobicb Ibal tliiiikc fucb a boto p;9fitable fe; tbr feluesj do tbcr fo;e fo mafee fucb a botoe latofnll, tbat in t\)t mcane time 3 leaue it at liberty. f SLbe tjotocs tbat are applieD to p time to come,partlp(as toe baue alreDp faiD) DO tenD to tbis enDc ^ toe map be mace tbe toarer: anD partlp tbat as it toer bp certainc fpurres toe mapc be p;itfeeD fo;toarD to our Duet p.feome man fcftb bimfelfe to be fo inclincD to feme cer# taine \)ici:y tbat in a tbing tobpcb ctber^ toife is net cuill,be cannot temper bim fclfe fro falling fo;tbtoitb into an euil: be ttiall DO notbing inccnuenicntlp if be DO fo; a time bp boto cut of from brni* fclfe tbe bfe of tbat tbing. as if a man hnoto tbat tbis 0; tbat apparel of boDpe is pcrillous tmto bim, anD pet entifeD toptb Dcftre be earncaip couet it, tobat cm be DO bctter,tba if m putting a b;p^ Die bpon bimfelf,is is in cbargmg bpm*' fclfe toitb nc cetTitp of abfteming fiO it, be Deliuer bimfclf fro al Doutiiiofllil^c^ toife ifa man be fo;getfull 0; Qotoeto necelTarp Duties of goDlines, tobp map be not bp taking a \)oto bpon bim botbe atoahcbismenio;pe, anDfljatie of bis aoutlfulncsfBin botb 3 graunt ii tbcr is a fo;mc cf c bilDitb fcbolin(t:lut cucn in tbis tbat tbcp are bclps ot U caUcneffe, tbcp are not toitbout p;ofite ijfcD of tbe rato anD l3nperfcct.2i:btTefo;e toe Cball lap tbat tbofe botoes are latofull tobrcb b*u0 Cap. 13. Of the outward meanes fjaue rcfpctf to one of tftefc enw,fpccwl l^ in outtoaro tf)ing0,if tm botlj be t)p bolDen toitlj tbc alotoace cf goo, auD po ag aUntbourtjofation,ibcmcafurcD b? t(je poljucr of grace gcucn ti0 of goo. 6 j^otocalfo it i£i not barce to gatber fcDbat 10 generally to be tbougbtc of all b3Uj0, SEbcr is one commo boto of al p faitbfuUtobicb being maoe in baptifmc tue Qo coSnn i as it luer ftabliflj bi» Ca tecbifme i recciamg of tbe fupper, i?o; § facraments arc as cbarters,b\? tobicb tbe !lo.:Dc ueliucretb to bs Us mcrcr>l tberbp euerlatting life, i luc againe on our bebalfs Do p^omifc bim obeoience. )i5«t tbis is tbe fojm oj berily tbe fum of tbe boU),^ fo^faUing &>atan toerclDc oure felucB into feruice to (SDob, to obe? bis boU comaunDement0,ani} not to fo« lo\D tbe peruerfe oeCires of our flcfb. 3lt ougbt not to be oouteo but ^ tbis boU«e, a ij \t batbtcainions of tbe ^:ripture, ^ca ano is rcquireD of al tbe cbilo^icn of (I5o!),is botb bolT" % piofif able to faluati* cnilnD it malictb not to tbe c ontrar^,^ no ma in tbis life perfo;:nietb v perfect obeDtence of tbe lalu lubicb ^oo rcqui^ retb of bs. jfo: (ttbe tbisfo^me oftoue^ nanting is compnfeD ixiiPtbin tbe coue-^ nant of graccbnuer tubicb is conteineo botb fo^geuenclTc of (innes,anD tbe fpi' rite of fanctificattonrtbe p;omife Vobicb toe tberc malse is io^neo botb U)itb be« fccbing of parDon,ani> \Dt?tb crauing of belp Jn iuDginj of particular bolnesjit is ncceOliry to baspe in niinDe tbe tb:ee fo;micr rules, UJbcreby toe map fafcly "isici of uj^ivit fo;t eueri boto is. j^eitber T!ct tbink ^ 3 Co commenD i berp fame I bolus bjbicb 3 affinn to be bol?,tbat S \uolD baue tbem to be oaili.JFo^ tbougb S oarc teccb no certain rule of tbe num ber c; time : ret if an^ man obc\» mi? counfeljbc Ojal taUc bpon bim none but fobjt anD fo;a time, jf o; if tbou often* tini;s» b;caUefo;tb into matting of ma< n^ botoe0,al religioufnes toil toitb bc^ W continuance groU) outcf e&imatioti icitb t\)(ef anb tboa (bait come to a bcti^ ting rebincs to fall into fuperditton.Bif tbou binoe tbi? felf X6 a perpetual bote, eitber fo^ great paincf teoioufnes tbou (baltbnbo it-, o; being tueriec toitb log continuance tbou (balte at one time o^ otber be bolbe to b;eaUc it, 7 i^oto alfo it is plain ^\t\) bolD great fuperCtition in tbis bebalfe tbe too^loe batb in certain ages paft benpofleffeD, £Dne man botoeo tbat be UjoIo abffaine from toine:as tbougb abttcining firom luine toere of it felf a lDo;(btp accepta^ ble to d^oo.^n otbcr boito bimfelf to fa^ ding, an otber to abfteintng from flel^ fo; certain oai^cSjin U bicb ht baD luitb bain opinion faineD to bea Qngular bo^ lines aboue tl^t reflr.0nb fom tbings al" fo botoeD mucb mo;e t^HUtki, altbongb not of cbilo;icn.iFo^ t\)is toas bclbf fo; a great toifoomcto take bpon tbem bo^ toeD pilgremages to bolier places, and fomtime eitber to go al tbefr io^nep en fote,oi Vd tbeir boDp balf nafeeo,tbat bi tbcir Serines § mo^c meritc mtgbt be gotte. SDbefei fucb otber,lp increbible jele Uiberof t too^lo batb a tobile ftoel* leu, if tbe^ be eramineo b? tbofe rules, tDbicb tx>c baue aboue fet>(balbe founbc not only baine f trifling,bat fiil of ma^ nifeU brtgoolincCTe.ifoj boiofoeuertbe flctb iuDge,goo abbojrctb notbing mo;0 tban faineo tuo^lbipping^ * £Dbere are beQoe tbis tbofe pernicious t bamneo opinions, if bipocrites loben tbet baue fucb trifles,tbinfe tbat ti)t\> baue gotten no fmall rigi^teourncffeitbei? repofc tf)e fumme of goDlineflfe in outlnaro obfer^ nations: tbcyaefpifeaU otber tbat are Icffe carcfull of fucb tbings. 8 2^0 rec&enbpali^ particular fo;mi$, is notbing to purpofc. 15ut fo;a(mucbe as tbe monhilb bolues are bad in greats ter reucrece,becaufe tbey feme alotneo b? I'o &iluation. Fourth Booki Epift.Si, bp t\}t comon iuDgcment of tbc cfmrc^: of tbofe it is gmD to fpea^ b<>cfelf .if irft leaft anv dioulb bp p;cfcnption of long time oefcnd monberte, fucb as it is at tbts Datiit 10 to be noteo ^ in olc tpme tbere toas in monttterieti a farr? otber o;Der of Ipuing. ^wb a0 tnerc trifporcD to crcrcifc tbcmfe lues to greateft fcuc* ritie f patience Uiet tbetbcr.ifo; lubat maner of Difcipline t\)ti fat? tbat tbe !U ceDemonia0 bao tnbcr tf)c Iatu0 of Hi?^ curga0,fucbtDa5attbat t^meamog^ monKe0, fea ant> mucb mo;e tTgo;u0. SCbei? flept tpon tbe grotii9:tbeir D;ink iDajftoater : tbeir meatetoasb^eabe, bearbcB anb rote0:tbeir cbiefe tcinties loere in ople t cicbes. 2^bei? abdevned fromatbelicate Diet anb trimming of bob?.2Dbefetbing0 migbt f^me aboue trutb5iftbcptoerenotto;ittTn bpluit^ neflc0 tbat falo ano p;oneD tbr,a0 Grc^ goryc Nazianzcnc, Bafilc, anO Chryfb* ftomc. 115ut toitb fuf b introDutfios ti}ci pjcpareD tbemfclucs to greater o^ices. iFo;tbattl)e colleges of monfecstuere tbenasit tuere tbe fcDcplottesof fl;c o;Dcr of miniOcrs of tbe Cbureb, botb tbcfe tobom toe baue noU) nameo arc a p.zcfe plarne enougb* (fo; tber U»cral b;tougbt bpin nionafteries i fro tbence calleo to tbe oflficc of )13il^op0)anD alfo manp otber fingular ano ercellent men in tbeir time, anb Auguflmc fljetoetb tbat tl)i0 \3oas alfo bfeo m kis timc,tbat ^onatteries tf loeD clerfes to § cbnreb. Sfox be fpeafeetb tbus to tbe ^onhcs of tbcBiaeof Cap^area: liSut^ou bictbim \i)t erboit in tbe llo;De, ^ ft bepe tour purpofe an!) continue to tbe enb: anb if at anp timt our motber tl)z ebnrcb tbal require rour trauaile,Doe ?e neitber l6 grebi? p;ioc take it bpon tou, no; tuitb flattering floutbfulnelTc rcfufe it:but \jo n mefec bart obei? to <^D. i^eitber p;e< fer f e tour otone quiet leafurc aboue ^ necelTitieg of tt)t ^urc^i to toljom if no toill tjfebrg otone lno^oeg . S>;^fptfmg go)D men tooulD baue miniOreb in ber trauaile, rou (bonlo not baue fo6b boVo tou JbulD baue ben bo;ne. I^e fpeaUetb tbere of tbe minitteri?,bi tobicb f faitb^ full are fpirituall^ bo;ne again. ^Ifo to Aarclius: Cbcre isbotb occaCon of fal^ ling geuen to tbemfelues^anb mod bat noH0 Uj^ong bone to tbe o;ber of tbe Clergpe, if fcjfafeerB of monafterie0 be cbofen to tbe fcloio^lbip of ibe Clergy: toben eucn of tbofc tbat remain in tbe ^onafter^, toebfe to ta)it into ? Cler>= gp none but ti^c mode app^xueb t bell, ^nles perbaps as ti)t common people fap,be is an euil piper but a gob fioler: fo it (ball alfo be iettinglr faib of bs, be is an euill ffion6e,but a gojD Clerbe. jt is tm mucb to be lamenteD, if Uie lift bp ^onbes into fucba ruinous p;tDe y anb tbinke Clerbcs too^tb? of fo greatc re*' p;ocbe,tDbereas fomct^me euen a goio fponke makelb not a gob Clcrbc , if be baue fuflftcirnt continence,! tet teat ne* ceffar^e learning. 13^ tbefe places it ap* pearctb, ^ goblr men fcerc Ircnt toitb tte Difcipline of mcnhes to prepare tlje* felues fo tbe gouernmr nt of tbe cburcb» tbat tber migbt tbe fitter ano better in* Crurteo take fo great an office fcpon tbe. ij5ot tbat tber all attapncb to tbis cnbc, o; tet tenbeo totuarcc it, tubcn fr; tbe mott part tbei? Iner bnlearneb mcn:but fijcb Irer cbofen out as tuer meet fo; iU 9 5i5ut cbcefl^e in tUio places be parm tetb cut tnto bs tbe fo;uie of ^ olD ^on^ berfc.Jn tbe btnbe of tbe maners of tbe CatboliKc Cburcb tobere be fcttctb tbe bolvne(feoftbatp;ofe0'ton agarnlt tbe flaunbers of tbe ^anicbecs : ano \\\ an otber bmhclrbicb be cntitleb £)f tbe tuo;ke of Spcnfees , tobere be erueretb agatnft certaine engcnb;cD £pcnhfs, iiibicb bega to corrupt tljat o;ccr. J tuiU bere fo gatber a fumme of tbole tbinges tpbicb be faptb, tbatfo nere as B! mav^ 3; F0L392 Cap.ii Dc mor. ccdcf ca thol.ca Of the outward meanes ((aimW)Wtnticcmits oftiisho^ln' pinching of tljctr farejls tort^ greater gatbcrcD into one moft cljaftc anD \)o\^ care DittributeD to tljc po^t, tU it teas UfCyt\)tv TpenD tbe^;^ f rme togctfter,!? utng tn p^a^f r0, reaoingcs, f oifputa^ tio/,not riudUng tuitlj p;jro^. not tron^ blcfo ne tuitb ttubboincs, not iuane \x> cnuioufncs. ilonepoffcCTctban^tbDng of bis oil) nc, none is buroenous to an^ man.SDbe^ gctb^ toojkingtuitbtbeir banoeB tljofe tbpnges lj)bereU)itb botb tbcir booie map be fen, ano tbicr mino map not be binoercD from©oD. SCfjeir toojlic tbep Dcipucr to tbem tobo tbep call Dcanes.SLbofe Deancsoefpifingall tljwm luitb great carcfulncs malte ac^ compt tbcrcof to one lobo tbcp call i?a^ tbcr.SCbcf^ i?atber0 not onlp moft bolp in maners , but alfo moft excellent in goDlp Doctrincbie in al tbing6,oo U)itb no p;iDe pzoiiiDe fo; tbcm tobom tbep call cbilD;icn toitb grcate autbo;iitie of tbcm in cammaunoing, ano great tuiU Ipngncs of tbc otbcr in obeving : SDbcp come togctbcr at tbe tJcrp laft time of p Dap,cuerp one from bis otocUing lubilc tbcp be pet fafting to bearc p Jratber:i tbcr mete togctber to euerp one of tbefe ifatbcrs at ^ Icaft tb;^ tboufano men, (be fpcaUctb cbefclp ef (£gipt,anD of tbc^ C-aft) tben tbcp refreflje tbeir boop, fo mucb as fufficctb fo; life ano bealtbfu^ ncs, eucrp man reftraining btsDefire, gotte bp tbcm tbat Do Diftribute it»i^o^ tbep Do in no U)tfe trauaile ]^ tbep map baue abofioance of tbefe tbtng0,but tbet bpall meanes enoeuo; tbat tbat iobpcb tbep baue abounding map not remain toptb tbem.^ftertoaroe tobcn be batbe rcberfcD tbe barDncs,luberof be bimfelf baD fene eramples botb at Villain ano elfetDber:among tbefe tbings(faitb be) no ma is enforced to barD tbings tobicb be canot bearemo man i$ cbargeD \oiti) i tobicb be rcfufetbmeitber is be tbere* fo;e conoemneD of tbc reft, faccaufe be confcftetb bimfelfe to toant ftrengtb in foUotDing of tbe; fo; tbep remeber botu mtjcb f baritp iB comenoeDitbei remf ber ^ al tbings are cleane to p cleane.SLbcr fo;e all tbep; Diligence Uiatcbetb, not to p rcfufing of feinocs of meat as tincicne, but to tame laft,f to rctainc tbe loue of b;etb;en. SDbcp remcbcr,meatefo; the bcllp,f tbc bcUp fo; mcates.f c^et ma*» np ftrong do abftain fo; p tDcabcs fafee. ^anp of tbe baue no ncDe to Do tbu£:bnl bicaufe it pleafetb t\)t to fuftaine tbem^ (clues U)itb bafer Dpet i notbpng fump* tuous.iIEbcrfo;e tbcp tbefelues, \3)l)icit being in ^ealtl) do fo;beare4f conCDera* tion of tbep; bcaltb compel, luben tht^ are ficfee oo take )aoovt anp feare. Spanp Ibidem. cap,3a. Tit.i,ij. i,Cor»6i, »3» not to talic largclp eucn of tbofe tbings • Djink no \aint, f pet tbep tbink not t^t )Ubcpbaucp;efett}erpfparc anotJile. ! fclucs DcftleD \xiiti^iti fo;tbep mofte ^0 tbcp DO not onlp abftcinc from flcO) ' gcntlp caufc it to be gcuen to tbe fain^ f tume, fo mucbe p tbep map be able to ; tcr, i to tbcm ^ can not get tbe bc«ltb of tame tbcir luftcs, but from fucb tbings tbep; boop Initbout it: anD fomc tobicli iDbicb DOC fo mucbe mo^e grecDilp pjc- fcoliflblp refufe it,tbep Doc b;otbcrlp ao^ uoUc appetite oftbebcUp I tb.:otc,botri moniO) tbat tbcp be not tuitbbaine fu* mucb tbci feme to otbcr to be as it U)cr perfticion foner maDc lueaUer tban bo^ cleaner,bp colo; tobcrcof p ftltbp DcQrc Iper. &o tbcp Diltgcntlp ercrcife goDip* of evqiuQtc meats U)bicb is not tn ficOj, ncflrc:faut tbcp l^noU) ^ tbe ererciCng of 16 bjont to be fonDlp t foUilp DcfcnDCD. m baop pertainetb but to a fbo;t tpme. cabatfocucrrcmapnctb nboue nccef^* CbaritpiscbafipKeptitocbaritppDiet, farp foDc (as tbcr remainctb oftctimes to cbaritpe tbe fpacb,to d)aritpe t^t am mucb ortbcmo;hcg of tbcir banPs.anD parell,tQ cbaritpe tbe countcnaunce ig — , fitteD. To Saluation. Fourth Booke fitteo.aci? mctc anD confptre into one cbarit^e. 2^o of cnoe it is accomptcD as l^a^nous as to offcno CDoDjf an? refifte cl)aritT',!)c is cad ant am i^inncD.Sf a^ 11^ offcno cl)wiritp, !jc is nat fnffrcD to a^ bijDcone ua? . iifo;afmud) as in tbefc \uojDcs,a£5 in a paintcD tabic ,tljat l)ol? manfcmctl) to Ijauc fct out U3:jat maner of life jnonfeer^ Ujas in oId timc,altl)ogb tbc^ lucre fomluaat long, ^rt J Ujas co* tenttoenterUcc tljcm bcre: UicanfeJ faU) tbat J Qioula baue bene fometobat loger if 31 !)ao gatbcreo t^c fame tbings out of oiucrfe , bo^ "tucb focaer 31 ftu' DK5fo;bjcfcncIIe. lo ii5ut mT? purpofe bcrc is not to goe tb.Jogb tl^is tu'oolc inatter,but onl^ bp ^ toa^ to }^uint out, not oiU? tobat maner of 9pjnUes § obe Cb^trcb ba^,but Vobat maner of tbpng § pjofcdton of iSponUes ^oiiis at tbat tioie : (b as tbe CouD \jyitte^ reocrs mavi iuDge b^ t coparifon, tobat I bclp to tbe butics of goclvncffe Uibicb arc commenDCD toalCbiiRias JSlbat;? U^bcn be mafectb cbarit? Ibc cbcfe ^ta f altnoC onlv rule tbcrof,5o toe tbinfe tbat be p:a^fctb a confpiring, tuberb^? a fcUi men being bouno togetbcr, arc feucrcb from tbe tobolc boD^ of tbe cbard)f 115nt ratber be biillctb tbcm toitb tbcir epam plctogeueligbttootbcr to Ucpctbcb^ nit\? of tbe cburcb. Bin botb tbcfe points, tbcre is Co mucb Difference of tbe mon^ fecrp at tbis p^efent i a ma can Ccarfclt? finoe m^ tbing mo;e bnlitxc, 31 toill not fai contrary, ifo; our Sponks not coten^j teb toitb t goQlincs, to § ftuov of tobicb alone CbJitt commaubctb tbe t arc bT!» continually to appl^,bo imagin 3 toote not tobat nclo goblincs, bp mcbitation iDbcrof tbc^ mar ^^ pcrfcctcr tba otbcr. 1 1 ilf t\iz^ mm tbis, 31 tooulo bnoto of tbe tobr tbcr toucbfauc to gcuc to tbcir olon o^Dcr alone tbe title of perfection Volayj face tbci b^uc lubicb allege antiquity to 1 f tafee abja^ tbe fame from all tbe cab maintaui p ujefent SDonUerp. Aus-uftin \ lings of (IDoO.jlicitber am 31 ignorant or maintaui i pjefent Spontjcrp. Auguftin tDbc be bcpaintetb Dnto bs a bolp i true monUcrt?,U)oalb baue to be abfent al ri* gojijus cracting cf tbofc tbings tubicbbi tbe tBo;o of tbe lo;b arc left bs at libera t^. 15;ittber is notbing^ is at tbiis oat mojc feucrc'r rcquircD.iFo; tbc\? count it a mifcbccf ^ ca ncuer be purgeoaf ani ooncucr fo litlc Duarue fro § pjefcribeo rule in colo; oifatbion of garment, in kii\^ of mcate,oj in otber trifling i colo cercjnon^es. Auguftinc ttoutl? maintai netb tbat it is not la\JDfiillfo; monks to 1 liuc iDle bpon otber mcns.ti^eocnictb^ tb^re loas eocr inl)'ss time an? fucb er* ample of a to el ozDereo monattcrp.^Dur m:n fct tl^z cbcfc part of tbct j bolinelfe in iolencffe.^o.i if ?ou take iolcnesfro tbr,\u!)er dj.^lbetbat contcmplatiuc li?fe toberbg tbe? boatt tbat tbe\» evccll all o* tber men,f appjocb nerc tjnto angelsf ^inall? Augurtin rciiuiretb fuclja m6« liert:,a3 OjolD be notbingbutancrcrcifc ^ fopbittical folution,tbat it is not tbcr fo;e fo callcb bicaufc it Dotb contain per^ fection in tt,but bicaufe it xb tbe bett of all otber to attain perfection. 5i2Ilbe tbe? arcbifpofcDto boatl tbcmfclucs bcfcjc tbepcople,U)bento fnare tnnulfuU ano bnUoare vong men, toben to maintaine tbcir puuilcgcs,\i3l)en to aouancc ti)tvi oton nimt^ to tbe rep^ocb of otber, tbf tbc^boaa tbat tbei! are in tbcftateof perfection. m^tnt\)C^ are fo n^c D;nic ^ tbe? ca not oefcnD tW bain arrogate, tben tbe? fl« to ti)^s darting bole , tbat tbc\? baue not ?ct attained pcrfectio ,but tbat tbe? are in tbe fame ftatc iubereui tbe? afpirebnto it aboue otber . 3lntbe meanc time tbat aomivation among tbe^j people rcmainctb , as tbougb tbe oncltT ^DuUia; life tucre angcUikc, pcrfca, f cleufcD from all fauU.l5^ t^^vs pjt tcnf; tbcp make mcHt gainfuU markets , but tbat fame moderation lyctbburicD in a ^ " ^B^BX ^^^ Op. 13. Of tl:c outward mcancs Mat J. 14 ' fcU) bmhcs.Cilljo Dott) not fa? t^at i\m ' is an inf ollrrable mocUer^^ )Sut let fcs no rcafon turtb ttjcm,as ffjogb tftet gauc fo mojj to tt)dr p^ofcffion tijan to cal it a ftatc of nttcining pcrfttfto . Clcril^ in gciiiiiG it tbis name,tl)ci? do as b^ a fpe ciall mnrhc mahc it Differing from 0^ ttjcrhinDc0 of life, ilno iDbo canabiDc \^M4 fo great bono,: fl)ulD be geutn a* Uja^ to an o;Dinancc ttwt is no iubcr b^ an^ one QIlableallotDCDianD tbat b\? ttje fame alt otljer callingcs of (2>oD, toljic^e arebrb^solwnctjolp moutb notoncl? co:nmaiii}ca,but alfo commenocu Id no^ table titles of pjaife.arc b^ tfje fame ac* c5piC3 t3nlno^tbi!^0nDljolo great tu;og (31 bcfeecb vo^) is Done to OoD, Ujftcn 3 iDote not tobat ne\u foun') tbing is p;c^ fcrrcD aboue all tbe hinDcs of l^fe 0;* D.iincD b^ Ijimfelfe , anD p;aifeo b? bl!S oluntcdimon^. 12 B:it go tOjlct tl)e fai? ^ it is a flauoer U)f)ic!) 'i \imz before fai^D , tUat tftc\? arc notcontentcDtuitbtljc rule p;efmbcD Of Cod. |3et tf)ogI; 3 (JolD mp pcarc,ttjei? -{ tbenifclues Do moDoutingtbc^Do ccb^Jo!)creteacb, ^5 tbcfc \3cr? fame tbrngcs bv' name iucre ■ commaunuements, \i>l;icb tb:fc otqjd er* poarojs triftmgU> fape,tbat Cbiitt D^^D but counfel.lDut foMfnuicb as Uic bane bcfoi^c taugbt i> tbis isjunoO: pettilent ;erro;,letitf«(fifebcre to baue b.zt^flv^ notcD tbat i\it ^onUer^ lobicb is at tbis Da?, is groimoeD tpon tbe fame opinio, iDbicb all tbe gcDlr ougbt too^tbilre to nbbo;rc: tobicb xb^ tbat tbcrc (Ijouloe be imagineo fome perfctfer rule of li?fc, tban this ccmmcn rule tebicb is geuen of cDoD to tbe tebclc Cburcb.^batfoc^ ueris builDcD tjpon tbis founDatics^can notbebutabbominable. 13 i5ut t^t"^ b.nng an otber p;o5f of tbeir perfection,t»bicb i^^ tbinUe to be moU ftrong foj tbr.jf oj t)it Ho^dc fa^D fo tbe vong man tbat afiicD bim of tbe perfect tion of rigbtcourneffe , if tbou Ixjilte be perfectjfell all tbat tbou baft f geuc it to ti^t pcDje.^bctber tbe? do fo 0; no,3 do not t?et Difpute: but graiit tbem tbat fc? tbpsp^efent, 2Dbcrefo;ietbci?boatttbat tbe? be maDe pcrfecte b? fo^fafeing all tbeirs.3,f tbe fumme of pcrfcrtion ftanD in tbis, tobat mcancty paulc t»ben be teflcbetb,tbat be tubicb batb Dittributeo all bis gojDs to tbe pa),:c,t3nlcirc be baue i\imtit:, is notbr»g^ ^Ibat manner of perfection is tbis,\j3bicb if cbarit? be ab* fent, isb;ougbtU)itb man to notb^ngf l^ere t^^t^^ mud neDesanftoer, tbat t]iiB is Vi^z cbeefett in DcDe , but not t\it onl? tt)o;tti of perfection. IBnt bere alfo Paul tVQzt\i againft tbem,tobicb ^it^tt\i not to mal^e tWiiiz t\)z bonD of perfection, toitboutan? fucb fo^faftingjf it be cer^ taine tbat bettoene i\]z maifier anD t\iz Difciple v& no Difagrcement, anD tbe one of tbem clcrel? ben^etb tiz perfection of man to confifte in tbrs tbat be iboulD foKahe all b?s gcotis , anD aga^ne affirm metb, tbat perfection is tuitbout it : Voe muft fee boto tbat faving of Cb^ift is to be fallen, 31f tbou Iwilt be pcrfcfr,fcll all i\)sA tbou baCr. jj^olu, ii lljall be no DarU fenfe, if iue ice? ( Uibicbc toe ougbt al? tua? to marfee in all tbe p.jcacbingcs of Cb^ift) to tiiljom tbcfe Ijuo^jdcs be Di;- reaep, ^?oungmanaraetb?bg Icbat tDo;fefS Mat, 19. 21. i.Co.13.3 Col, 2. 14 Lu,io.25 To Saluation, Fourth Booke iP3.ifec3t)e(ft.ill enter into cuerUains life.Cij.nUe, b^caafc betoas afUeDof tjDOjJjSjfcnDctb Oim to tbc IatM,f rpgbt^ fuU^tfo; it is tijc luai? of ctcrnaU Iife,if it be confiDereD in it fclfci is no otber^ ttjtfe Unable to bnm f'^Uwtion bnto ts but bg our otone pcruerfneflTe.liBs tbps aunfUjcarc Cl^ntt DcclareD,tbat be tea? cbetb no otber rale to frame life bp,tba tbcfame^ bau in oloe time ben taugbt in tbc latoe of tbe ilozo. ^o u^n be botb geuc toitnetre to tbe lato of 0oD, tbat it luastbe Doctrine of perfccte rigbteouf^ neffe : tbcreUJitball oio mete toitb flai!* Ders, tbat be (bouloe not feme bvan^ netjjruleoflvfc to ftirre tbe people to fojfaUing of tbc 3latoe. 2Dbe \?ong man being in odeD not of an eu^U m^nu, but fluelling to^tb taiinc cor.fiocnce, aun^ fiJDcareD tbat be bau from l)is cbiloboDc hept all tbe commaunDcmentcs of tbe laUje.gltis mallcertapnetgatbc tuas an inSnite fpace D\?aant from tbat to tobicb be boIleD f> be ban attetneo^n:) if bis boaing baD ben true,bc ba^J Umm tet) notbing to tbe bl'eft perfection.iro^ toe bane before CbetoeD, tbat tbe latoe contc\)netb in it felfe perfect rigbtcouf* ncITe : ano tl)t fame appearetb berebi?, tbat tbe bcping of it is calleo Jtuai?of tternall falaation. Cbat be m^igbte be taugbt to hno\u botu little be bao pjoR'^ tcri in tbat rigbtcoufnefTctobicb be bao to bol5l^ anffcuereD tbat be baD fulfilleD, it toas profitable to 0).ikc oat a fami* licir fault of bi^s. (HSlben be abouDco in ricbelTe, be ba^ but barte faacneD bpon tbCiit.SCberfO-je bicaufe be felt not tliis fccrcte tuouD,Cb.:iff launceD bim.C^oe (faptb bi?)rcl al tbat tbou baff Jf be bao ben fo gc0^ a keper of tbe llatoc as be^ tbuugbt be teas, be IdcId not banc gone all) II? fozotofuU lubcn be bearoefbvs U)3;3.ifo.jtDbofa louetb C5oD tjciitlj all bis barfe,ti)batracncr mragrcetb **» tb: louc of bi'm, be not cntlv takctlj itfo> ,Dong,f abbo^retbas bjingmg DcUinic^ tion. SDberefo^e lubereas Cbjift com«^ mduDetb § f ouetous ricbc ma to Ic auc al tbat be batb,tt is al one,as if be fl)ulD commaunD tbe ambitious man to fo;^^ fafee al bo«o^s,tbe toluptuous ma al Dc lites,anrj t\)c t3ncbaa ma all tbe inffru^ mcnts of luft. ^o confcicnces tbat are toucbeD iDitb no fcling of general anmo^ nition, muft be callcD back to tbe parti* cular feling of fbcir oton cuill. SCbere^ fo.je tbc? 00 in ba^ne D.ialu tbis fpecial cafe to generall erpofition, as tbougb Cbziaopo fcttbe perfection of man m fojfafeing of gcoostloberas l)t mcnt no? tbtng els by tbis faying, tban to D^yue tbe rong man tbat ftoDc to mucb in bis olun conceytcto fele bys oU)n fo^e,tbat be mygbt ijnDerffanD tbat be toas ret a grcate Vuay Diftant from perfect cbebi^ met of tbe laii3,\»bicb otbcricife be byo faiav ta^t bpon bim.3i graunt tbat tbis place l)ath ben eucl bnDeraaoeb cf fom of tbe jfatbcrs,anD tbat tberupon greU) tbis conttinQ of luilful pouertic,tober? by tbcy only ^ere tbougbt to be bleffcD, tobicb fo^faUing al cartbly tbings, Dyo Deoicate tbcmfelucs naUcD to Cb;itle. 15ut31truatbataltbe gmb? net cote? tioasmcn toil be fat iffietJ Id tijts my c?pofiti6,fo tbat tbey fi)al no mo;c Dout of tbe meaning of Cbiift. ^otobcyt tl)c ifatbirrs tbougbt notbing IcCTe, tban to Oablilbe fucbe a perfcctio, as batb Hncc benframeDbytbe ccV^leD ^opbitfcrs, tberby to rayfc tip atoublcCbMttianu' tic.iroi V Doctrine full of facrilcgc toas not yet bo;ne,tobicb comparetb tljc p;o fcffionof monfecrieto iSaptifme, yea ano openly amrmctb,tbat it is a fo.2me of fcconoeHSaptifme. mbo can Dout tbat tbejTatbers toytball tbey; barte abb3ircD tbrs blafpbemie i ilotoe as toi\c':^in% tbat laft tbing, tobicb Aus^i? (Imefaytbtobauebcn among tbeoioe 3^3iiUgs,tbat is, tbat tbey app:yc^ ^hDSDS^.tt. tb?m* Of the outvvarde meanes jiVk, 1^.11 i.Co.7,9 iHpift." nme,as ttjogb tljcr tiaDbargaiueD toitb (IDoD befo;c,^ Ije fljoulD fidiutr tH from ntDe of mariagciljere is no caufc tc^u tljer I^oulD allegc,tt'af tftei do net niaUc tirgtotoebuttrulting tjpon tt)c grace of CDoD.ifoj fitb I}C p;onouncetl) ^ be Qtf ntt\) it not to all men , it ie not in \3Si to conceaue a confinence of a fpcciall gifte. II et tbem tbat bane it,bre it . 3if at anv tt?mctbei?felc tbcfcluesto be troubleo cf tbetr fltlbjlct tbem flee to b^«J belp b^ tobofe onelr potoer tber? ma^ refiftejf tbe? p^euatle not , let tbf not oefpire tijt vcmm ^ t0 offreb tbe ♦ Jfoj t^t's br t^t certatne too^o of (H^od are calleb to ma^ rtage,totDbom poller of continence 10 Denreo. Continence 31 caU,not tobereb? tbe boor is onl^ fecpt c leane fro Mjca^tf Domc,but iJDberbi? t\ic mino kepetb cba<' aitic bnBefilcD. ^0; paul comaunbctb net onl^ outtoarb toantonnctTe^but alto tbe burning of tbe minDe,to be auo^Deo. 2rb\'fi(ra?tbCf)batbfrom furtbeft time of memo;T> bene obfcrueo,^ tbcp iubicb toolD tjcoicatc tbemfelues tDbollr to tbe 31 o?tJ,(bculD binbc tbemfelues to (> bcUi of ccntincnce.B! graunt in tttt tbat tbis mancr batb alfo bene of aundrnttime receaneb : but 3I bo not graunt tbat tbat age loas fo free fro all fault, tbat tebat* foeuer loas tben bone muS be taben fo; a rule , 0no bv Ittle anD litle tbts bnap^ peafeable fcueritie crept itiy tbat after a bolDe mat)e tberc tuas no rmme fo; re^ pentace.Mibicb is cuiDcnt b^ Cyprian. Jfbirginsbaue offaptbbcbicafe tbcm* felucs to (Dobjlet tbem continue Ibanie^ fa(ilp,anb cbafi li?,t»itbout ann faining. ^0 being Itrong anb itebfa&lrt tbem lofte fo; tbe rr toaro cf tirginttie.llBut if tbc\|toill not o; can not continue , it is better tbat tberfi^olomarrr tban U»itb tbeir tjcligbtes fall into tbe fire. Mbat rep;ocbcs UjoId tficv nc to fpare to teare bini luitball, t tooulo Xvit^ fucb equitie temper t \30to of conttncnce^SDberefo;e tberarebcpartebfar fro ttat aunctcnt mancr,tj)bicb ^ill not cnclt? abmitno mcberaticn 0; parecn if anr be fcuD bn able to peofojmc bt^ ^ctee : but tljtv to luitbout all (bamc p;onouce tl:at be fin< netb nio;e grcuouOv if be rcmcbpe tbe intemperance of tbe ficl^ Untb taking a tDife,tban if be Defile botb bis haHv aiiD foute luitb tobtD^cDome. 18 25nt fbep ftill enfo;ce tbe matter, i go about to fljeUi tbat fucb a totue leas bfeb in tbe ^potties timeibicaufe i^Saul fattb ^ tbt toiDotces tobicb bauing ben once receaneb info t\)t publifee mini* fieri? bio marri?,benieb tbeir firtt faitb. 115ut Bi bo not benv f l)^ tbat t iDiDoU?es tobicb boiiD tbemfelues t tbeir fenit:es to tbe Cburcb) ni^ tbertottball tafee tp5 tbem tl^t bonb of continuall bnmarreb life : not bicaufe tbet? repofcD an^ rclt* gion tberin as it aftertoaro began to be tfeb: but bicaufe tbe? coulb notbeare tbat office but being at tbcr; cten liber? tii % Imfefrom vobe of mariage. 2i5utif toben tbe? bao once geuen tbeir faptb, tiitv loheb bacfe to nelo mariagcs,tDbat txjas tb?s els but to (bafee of tbe calling of <2>oD i Cberfo^e it is no maruell tbat luitb fucb DcGres be faitb tbat tfce? tear Inantonagatntt €\)n(t, ^fterlnarb fo amplifie tbe matter b^ fa?tb , tbat tbe? bo fo not perfo;me tbat iDbicb tbci baue p;omtfeD to tbe Cburcbjtbat tbe? bo aU fo b jeafee t mahe bo^be tbrir firft faitb gcuen in baptifme : in Utbicb tbis is co^ pjcbenbeb, ^ euer? man ibclD anftuere br^s calling. 53nle(re perbap rou bab ra* tber bnberff anb it tbus tbat bauing as it tnereloffe all (bame, tbe? bvD from tbencefo;tb call atra? all care of bene* ttie,DiD geuefojtb tbemfelues to al tta* tonnelTe f bncbaHitie , t tiin in licenti^ ous $ Diftolate life reffble notbing lelTe tban Cb;ifiian luomen : lobicb fcnfe gl lifee tier? Uicl. 2:berfo;e toeanftoere,^ tbofe tvibobats lubtcb boer tba receaueb I.Tim ^ 12. to 1*0 Saluation, Fourth Bookc. to|Dublike minifferie, Dio la? tpo tljf^ fcluc3 a bono to continue tjnmarieD : if tf)e?aftcrU)arD mar??eD, UjeeafilT) per;' ccgue^ tIjatbappcncD to tbem tobvcb Paul rpcahctl) of,^ caHig atoa? Qjaine tbes became mo;e toanto t\)a befcmed (Cbnftia iDcmen.SDbat fo tljt^ not onli finneo,tn breaking tbetr faitb gcuen to tbe cburcO>but fiuarueD fro tbe commo lato of gorily lueme.liSut firft 3 ocn? ^ tbe? oiD piofede tnmarieo life fo^ an? otbcr rcaf6,but bicaufe mariage agrao not tuitb ^ minilXcrie tobicb tbc? toUe in OaD:i ^ Den? tbat tbe? d?d bine tbe^ felues at al to Qnglc life, but fo far as § ncccffitie of tijcir tjocatio Dio bcarc. ^^ gain ^ DO not graiit ? tbe? Uier fo botiD but tbat it U)a0 tbe alfo better fo.: tbcm to mar?,tban c?tber to be troubleo Id tbe p^icUtngiS of tbe fie(be>o; to fall into an? bnclenneire.2i:birDcl? 3 fa? tbat ^ age is appointeD of ^aul^lubicb i0com men!? outofDangerfpeciall?0tbbcc6^ maiinctb tbem onl? to be cbofen, tubicb contcteD tuitb one mariage baue alrca^ D? (betueD a toljenr of tbcir continence. ;anD \DZ DO fo; no otbcr reafon Difalloixj f tjoto of tfmnarieD life, but b?caufe it i0 botb Uj;ongfull? tahenfo^ aferuice of CDoD, f itis ralbl? bolDCD of tbcm to tyb^m pjtDcr of cotinence is net gcuc. i5> IStit botu Voas it latofull to D;aU3e tbiiJ place ofpaul to jjionnesf if o; tber U^crccrcateD DcaconiCTcs, not to Del?te Co9 tuitb ftiiging i Icitb mumbling net tJiiDcrHaDeo, f liue ? reft of tbeir time iDlc:bat i tijei Ibulo cmutc publifee mi niflration toluarDc tbe p(D;e,tl)attbc^ fijuhj iuilbal lluD?>earneUncffe,i Di!i^ gencc, cnijcuo* tbemrelucs to ? Duties cf cbarif ic»S^bei Dio not \3cti) tmmaricD lifc,to ?£latljcrb? an? U:o;ll)tp to CDoD bicaafetbe? ablTe?ncDfrom mariage: but onl? bicaufe tbe? toerc tl;crcb? tbe nioK biicab^ea to crecute tbcir office, irin-ll? tliz^ DiD not boUntyCitber in ? \ begining of tbeir ?outb,o; ?tf in § miD^ Dettoftbcirflotoingagc, ^tbe?m?gbt aftcrtoarD leame to late b? prperiencc into botD great a beolog Doionefal tbe? baD ti);oU)entbef clues : but tobentbe^ femcD to baue patTeo al Dagcr,tben tbet bolDcD a no les nife tba bol? tjotn. OBut (not tQ cnfo^e § fira Itoo points) J fa? it Ujas not latuful to baue toome rece?* ueD to botx) continence befo;e tbe age of tb;tt fcoije ?eres: foiafmucb as tfjt japo llele aDmittetb onl? tuomen of lr.?ercflt ol04 commaunDctb tbe ?ongfr to mar r? anD b D;caD f 0 b^eafee tl^ir faitb gcuf to goD^ j f on tbe otb:r fvDc tljc? feare Icall il}t^\ tlioulD mo;e fin in \xC'^i\zg it : berc thc^ are to be fuccoiireD,tbat tbcima? is^im tbcmfelues out of tbrs Diffrrfie. )15nt to takg atua? all Dootatoucs: ^rata 2)D^.iitj. tijui FoU Of the outvvarde meanes tliat all I3ot»c0 being not latjjcfull,no;j xiQ\)t\^ niaDc,a£i t^tv arc ncttiig too;tt) be fo.je CDoD, fo oug!)t to be tof cc to t)0. ifo;if in contracts ofmcnt^ofcp^o* mtfcfi onlip DOC bino, in %\)it\) be toitlj UJbom toe contract tuolD baue tis boiio: it 10 an abfiirtitie, ^ toe fl)ulD be D;itif to tfje feeping of tbofe tbings lubtcb goo Dotb not require of b0,fpeciallr fitlJ our tDojfesi are no otbertuifc rigbt,but to^e tbev pleafe caufe ifaitt is tbe rate of al gmD U)Ojk0,br tobicb toe are affureo t tbei?be acceptable to<©ou. SCberefoje if it be latofull fo; a Cbjiftian man to go about notbmg toitbout tbi0 affurco^ neffe: if b\? fault of ignorance tber baue taUcn an^ tbtng in bantjc, tobr tboulD tbevnotaftertoarD geue itouertoben tberbcuel^uerebfrom erroj0. ^it^e botocs bnabuifeul^ maDe arc fucb,tbei? DO not onlt! notbing binD,but arc nccef* farilietobebnDone. ^ca tobat if ttje? are not onel\? notbing eftemeD,butalfo are abbominable in tbe Qgbt of (!^oD,a0 is aboue GjetoeD^ 3t is neeDleffe to Dif* courfe an^ longer of a matter not neeDc* ful.2D^i0 one argument fcmctb to me to be enougb to pacific CDoDi^ confcien^ ce0 1 Deliuer tbem fro al Dont : ^ tot)at^ foeuer too;k0 do not floto out of § pure fountaine anD be not DirccteD to t lato^ full enbe, are refufeD of CDoD anD fo rc# rcfufeD tbat be no letfe fo^biDDetb bs to go fojtoarD in tbem, tban to begin tbf . i?oj bcrcupon foUotoctb^ tbofe botoe0 tobicb p;occDc of erro: anD fupertti^ tion, are botb of no balue befo;e CDcD, anDtobcfo2fabcnof b0. 21 ^o;jeoucrbetbatfbal!inototl)i0fo^ luticn, (ball baue tobercto^tb be mar DefenD againft p rclaiJDer0 of t> toiclJcD, tftem tbat Depart fro monfeerie to fome tonea feinD of life. SLl)cv are greuouflv accnfcD of b;eacbe of jFaitlj ^ periurie, bicaufc tbct? baue b;ofecn (as it is conif monlT? tbougbt (§ infolublc bonD toljer* toitb tbcr toere boimDe to (DcD i to tbe Cburcbe. 515ut 3 far tljat tbere toa0 no bonD,tober iti) not hnotoing of Ci^oD anD toitb erro;tmoto Hnce tl}ei are ligbteneD to^tb tl)c fenotolcDge Df tbe trutb, 35 far tbat tber are tijerc toitljall free bi tbe grace of clj^ift.ifo; if p crolTe of Cbnft baue fo great effect unlne0 , ^ it Icofetl) b0 fro § curfe of § la to of goD, toberetoitb toe toere l)olDen bonD boto mucb mo;e (Ijall if Deliuer t0 frc fo^ein bonDc0,tobicb are noticing buttle fna^ ring nef0 of ^ata.SCo tobofocuer tber* fojc Cbaift fbinetl) toitb tbe ligbt of bi0 gofpcl,it is no Douf tbat l}e Icfe tb tbcm from al fnare0 tobicb tljcr baD put tpo tbemfelue0 br fuperffition. ^otoebert tber toant not ret anofljer Defence , if tbcr toere not fit to liue bnmaricD.if o; if an impolTibletoto bea (ure DcHruc^ tion of t^efoule,to^om tl;e IIo;d tooulD baue faucD i not De0roreD:it follotoet^ tbat toe ougbt not to continue tberein, ydut boto impoffible is (> boto of conti# nencc to tbcm tbat arc not cnDueD \x)iti) a lingular gift,toe banc alreaDr taogbt, I erperience fpeafeetlj it tbougb 3i bolDe mrpeace.i?o?ncrtberi0it bnUnotoen toitb boto great filttine0 almcft al mo# naftcric0 Do ftoarme. ;^nD if anr cf tlje feme bonefter, anD mo;e Iftamcfaft fba tbe rcdiret tljer are net tl)erfo;e cljaCc bicaufe tbcr fupp;:c(rc anD hcpc in tljt fault of bncbaftitic. fe)o terelr goD Dotb Id bojrible eraplc0 tabc bcngeance en tbe bolDncCTe of men , tobicb fo;gett ing tbeir ofon to>cal>ncs,Do acair.ll nature court Gal33. To Valuation* fourth Bookc F0I39/ court tbat U)lji>cf) i6 tcn^cD tijcm, ano Dcfpifing tlje remeDiES Uiljicl) t!)c ILojo ijaD gcuen ttjcm at banDe,Doe triitt tbat tbe^ can to^tb flubbo^nnc (Te atiD obfti- nacic ouercoine tbe Dtfcafe oftncontt^ netur.ifo;lDbateire(bai h)0(al it but lIubbo;inr.cffc,tritb tbe 1c;d fealctb to our coCciences tbe p;omtfc0 of br^ gao Uul totuaro t0, to fuftcin tbe l»eaknc(Fe of our faitb:anD Idc again on our bcbalfc0 DO telltfr our goDline0 totoaro b^m as tuell befo;e bint anD tbe Angels as be fo;e mcn.lQe ma^ alfo \jb moje b^efe^ ne0 Define it otberlcife:a5 to cal it a tc^^ fiimcni' of d^ocs fauo;^ toUiaro ts con« firmeD b\> an outtcaro fign,\iiitb a mu^ tual tcftiffing of our gooUncffe totoarD bim.^bctber focuer \>ou cbofe of tbefe Deflnition0,it Diffcretb notbing in fenfe from t Definition of Auguftme, Inbrcb teacbetb ^ a facrament is a btfible fign of a bolt tbing, 0; a tifible fo;me of tn« uifiblc grace : but it Dotb better t mo;e ccrtainlr erp;cire tbe tbing it felf. j[o} toberas in t b^^efenes tbcr is fom Darli ncffe, tobcrin manr of tbe bnffeilfuller fo;t are DecciucD, BS tbougbt gmD in mo tDojDs to geje a fuller fcntence, t tl;ere QjuloremainenoDcaf. 2 ifo; \i)bat rcfon tbe olo.to;i?ter0 bfeD tbi0 U)o;d in tbat fenfe^it is not barD to fee.irc^fo oft as tbe olD tranfiato.^ VuolD renpcr in Latm tbis CDrckc U)o;d My- Col.i.a6 li.Tira^5. _ J ftcrion mt?fferie,fpec!ani tuben Diuine matters Iwere entreateo of ,t e traflatcD it facrament. ^0 to tbe Cpbcfians.jEp.^.J.ct SDbat be migbt mafee hnotucn biuo tseis-^ tbe sacrament of bis toil.^gain,if ret ^e baue barD tbe Diftribution oft grace of goD,tDbicb is geuento me in \?ou,bi^ caufe acco;Ding to reudatio (' facramc t toas maDe fenolun to me.SLO tbe Cdof fiasXbe mi?fferie tobicb batb ben bio- Den from ages j generationSjbut noto is manifeaeD to bis ^atntes,to lubom tbe ilo^D tKolD mafee fenotxjn tbe ricbes of tbis facrament. tc ^aine to SLimo tbee. ja great facrament of goDlineffe:[,'S>.t). ts i Cap. 14. ] OftliCQUtvvaide mea«es Homcl. So.aci po pulum« is neuer xioixt a p;omifc going before it,but ratbn* is aDiop ncD as a certai atj^ Dition banging to it, to tt)i0 enoe tl)at it (^ulo confirm i feale i^ p;ouure it fclf,! maUe it mo;c app^oueD bnto t3S,t)et af* tcr a certaine manner ratifieo. ^bucfj meane t\)t llo;D fo^icfdetb to be neoefull fird fo.: our ignorance ana oulnes, ano t'DC fo; our lDcakne$:i ?et(to fpcak p;o p;eIr)not fo mud) to con(trmc!)tB bol^ luo.:o,a3 to cSablifl^ \is in y S^aitlj tfjcr* of.i'o^ (> trutb of goD 10 b? it fclf fouD i certain cnoug!)> I cannot fro an? otber ii)ber rccciue better confirmation t^an fro it f clfc. Ii5ut our if aitb,a5 it 10 fmal I lDcaU,\)nIe0 it be ftaieo on cucrg One, I be bp all mean0 t5p!)oloen,i0 b^anobi? QjaUen.lDauerctbjllaggeretbj ?ea, ano Umtttl) . j^nD berein ticrilp tbe mcrci* fall llo.:D accojDing to his great tcnDer tuiioncffc temperctb bimfclf fobur ca^ pacitie:j^ \iy\)t):i\s Suz be naturall men, lutjid) alluau creping tpon § groiiD anD ftizkin^ faft in (> flcCb, Do nottbinb no,: fo niucb as corciuc ani? fpiritual tbing, be \3oucbfauctb eur b^ tbefe eartblv clj* mcjits to gaiDe b0 \jnto b^mfelf, anD in t a;fii it lelf to fct fo.:tb a mirro,: of fpi^ rituall graD tbing0.jFo; if lue lucre fcm boDilp(a0 Chrifotlame fa^tb) be UmwId baue geuen bs a^e berij fame tUn^s m kc9 « tinboDilv'. ^olo bicaufe U>e baue foules put UJitbin botiic0,be geuetb fpi^ ritiiall ttiinc^cB Unucrtjifible tbings. jjiot bicaufe tbcr arc fucb 3tfte0 plauteD in § natur0 of tbe tOingo UJbicb are fct fbjtb to bs intbt ^acramentc0 : but bicaufe tb:^ lucre Ugneubg CDjd to tl)is Tigiii^ ftcation. 4 iluD tbi0 10 it MM f^^ common^ ll? fa?, ^ a Sacrament comiactb of tbe toojD f [> outtuaro Qgne. Jfo: toe mult bnaeraao v, Ujo:d to bcnot ^ tobicb be tng Uj?)ifpereD loont meaning i ^aptb, tcbtcb mdv no^fe as it iuer va a magi^ cat encljaut^nf t batb potocr to cofecrate ttit element : but tobicb being p;jcacbeD mafeetb b0 to tnocrttao l»bat t feiCble fignc meanetb. SDberfo^e ^ tobicb loas tfuallp Done tjnDer § tirannie of § pope 1030 not luitbout a greate profaning of § mittericH.iro; tbct tbougbt it enoagb, if tbe p^ieft, tobilc tbe people ttoDe a^ mafcDl^' ga jing at it tuitbout bnoerfta^ Ding,DtD mumble bp t\)z fo^me of confe cration . ^ea tl)t^ of fet pnrpofe p;oui^ Deo tbi0,^ no lubit of Doctrin l^nlD tber of come to tbe people : fo; tlic^ fpafeeall tbing0 in Latinc before tinlearncD me. aftcrUjarDfuperttifio bjaUe out fo far tbat tbc^ bcleueo ^ tbe cofccration toad not fo;mall? maDc, tmlcCfe it tocr \s)itfy a boarfe tobifpcring founD tobicb fetoe migbtbearc. 2i5ut Auguftineteacbetb far otbertoife of tbe fe>acrametal too;D. Jlet tl)t toojD (faitb be) be aDDcD to tbe clemcnt,anD tber GjalbemaDc a^acra ment.ifo; tobencccometb tijis fo great Hom.in Itrcngtb to tlie toater, to touch tbe boD? loh. 13. anD toad) tbe foule,but bp the too;D ma liing it: not bicaufe it is fpobcn,but bv caufc it is beleaeD.jf 0; in p ber^ too;D itfelfe t\ie fcunD tobicb patTetbis cne thing , anD tl)e potoer tobicb abiDetb is anotbcr. ^his is tbe too;oe0fi?aiti) tobicb toe p;eacb,faitb § apoaie»(;3aber Ro-»o.&^, bpo ill tho Mcs of § ^pomc0 it is faiD> ' b^ j^aiVCj clcanfcig tbeir barts.aaD Pc ,A<^.i;.9 ter the apoSle faitlxSK) ISaptifmealfo | fauctb \>Sjmt (> putting atonr of ^ filtbi >-P«*3-2«» ncffe of § fiell? > but y cramination of a g(DD cofcicnce. 2Lbi0 is f toojD of jraitb tobicb toe p;eacb:by WMh xiout Dout, that it map be able to clcar^c . iSaptiO me alfo is b^ilotocD. ^oa fee boto it re* quiretbpieacbing, tobcrupo faitb map grotoe* ^UD toe nceDc not to trauaile mucb in p?ofc bercof>fo;afinucb as it is ctcare tol>af ChM DiD, tobat be comau DeDtj0toD!)» tobat tl;e apoillcB folo^ toJDjttobat tbe purer Cljurcl^obferucD. . I^caeue fro tbe beginning of p too;lD,it IM To Valuation. R0.4.11. is hnotoen, f fo oft as ©co offeree an\? figne to tfjc I)olt» ifatftcrs , tftere teas aDDCD an tnfcparable hnct of Doarmc, ^nt Miljicl) our rcnfes Cboulo be niaDc amafeB iuttl; bare bcboloing. SEbf* fo;e \X3\)t toe bear nientio maoe of [> &arra mental too;D,Iet tjs fentserfteD tbe p;o» mife,U)bicb being \d a louDe toicc p;ea cbeo of § minifter map leane tbc people tbetberas it tocre br tbe banD,tobctber tf)c Ogne tenDctb anc uirectctb bs. $• ^cttber are fonie to bebcarbtobicb trauatl to figbt agatnH tbt0, tottb a no* ble bojneb argument ratbcr futtlc tban founce. €t?tter (favb tbcv)toe hnotoe, oj toe bnoU) net,)} § toc;D of cob toljicb goetb before ^ ^acramct, is § true toil of dDob. 3if toe Imcto it, tben toe Icame nonctotbtngoftbe Sacrament tobicb follotoefb after. 3f toe Imotoe it not, tben neittjcr toil tbe Sacrament teacbc it, tobofe tobole fo;ce (TanDetb in tbe too;0.^beruntolettbtsb?cfeli?befo; an anf tocr:^ tbc fealrs tobicb are ban* seD at patentee 1 otbcr publibe inCru« ment0,taUen br tbf felnes are notbinp, fo;afmucbastbcv (boulo bebangcDin taine if tbe parcbement bao notbtng to;ittc in itiitt tbei bo net tberfo;e not conSrme 1 fealctbat tobicb is to^itten, tobcn tbei? be aoocD to to^itings. f>ei' tber can tber fai? tbat tbts limtlittiDe is lately faineD b^ bs, tobicb ^^aule brm* fclfcbfeb, calling circumcifion a feale, tober be purpofcri? trauaiktb to p;oue, tbatcircumciOo toas not rigbteoufnes to jab;abam, but a fealing of tbat ccue* nant, bi? ifaitb tobercof bebao alreaop bene iuftifieb befo;e, 0nb tobat, 3 be^ (tc^t rou, is tbere ^ map mucb offenbe ang man, if toe teacb tbat tbe p?omife is fealeb tortb ^acramcntes, toben of tbep^omifcs tbemfclucs it iseuioent tut one is fonfirmcD li-^tbanotljcr^ ifo; as cuen? one is mp.nifc[ler,fo is it MO£cfittobpbolD faitb. ^ut tbc facra* Fourth Eooke. 1 tol^S mcntsDo botbb;ing mod clear p;Dmi* fes, anobauctbis peculiar mo;etban tbe too;D, tbat tter liuelv rep;ercnt tbe to ts as it tocre paintcD out in a table. iF^eitbcr ougbt tbat Difiinnio anf if)ing to moue bs, tobrcb is toont to be ebicc* teo,bcttoene facramcnts ano fcalcs of patfts,tbat toberns factbe ccnftC cf car* nal Clements of f bis too;Hj,tbore ca net ftiffif e 0; be mete to feale t^c p;cmifcs of CDcDjtobicb are fpiritual ano e uf rla- ffingjas tbefc are tocnt to be bangcD to fo; fealing of t\it grauntesof l^ainces' concerning faoing ano fraile tbvngs i?o; a faitbfull man, toben tec ^acra ments arc p;efcnf befo;e bis eT:cs,lliC' fectb not i\\ ^ fletblpc CgbtrJut bv tbofe begras of p;opo;:tion , tobicbe i baue fpobcn of,be rifetbbp toitb gcoli? ccrfi- Deration to tbebpe mpderies tobicb lie biocen m tbe ^acramentcs. 6 ;anofitbtbe3lo;DcalletbbiiSp;cmi* fcs, cournantes : anb bis ^'acramc nts, Gc.6,\K realcs,of ccuenantes : a CmilituDc mav ' toell beb^ougbt from tbccouenantes of men. ^batcr;na fotoc billiO, feo;fe,if toojDcs toere not bfcb, tea bnletfc tbei? iiit befo;ei if 0; fotocs are ntani times killcb toitbout anv mo;e intoaro c; br* er mpHerre . Mbat can tie gc uitig cf a mans rigbt banb do , fitb oftentimes bantes arc matcbeb \xntf} enmities Ib'ut toben too;bes Ijzuc gone befo;e,bF fucb Ggnes tbe latoes of leagues are (fabli* fl}cB,altbougb tbep toer firtt ccnceiucD, mabe,anb occrecc in too;besXberfo>c Sacraments are evcrcifes tobicb maljc tbc creoife cf t\)c too;be of (Sob eertai* ner bnto bs:anD bicaufc toe are rarnnl, tljcr are Dtliuerco bnber carnal tbings: tbat fo tbcv fl)oulo inUiuct bs acco;bing to tbe rapacitic of out Dulncffe, f gui&c bs br ti)c banb as fcboilcmaifiers QuiHt cUlDjcn, if oj tbts reaOon Auguftincjlnlohr calletb a Sacrament , a biftblc toojbc: JHomel. bicaufc it rep?efentctb tbe p;cmifcs iSo. ~oi^ Lit). 19. ! con.fau. Ofthcoutvvaide meanes of dDotJas it toere pa^nteD in a table,i fcttetb tbem before our figW cpnninglp crp^eHcD $ 30 in an image.£)tl)cr Gmi UtuDcfi alfo ma^ be bjougbt , twbcrcb^ Sacraments ma^ bemo^c plainclt? fet out,as if toe cal tbe piUcrs of our faitb. if o> as; a biloing ftaoetb t rcttetb t>pon tlje founuation : itt b^ retting l3noer of pillcrs ii is mojc furelp ftabl^fljco : fo ^^\t\^ rcHetb tjpon tbe tooju of (IDoD,ajs bponafouutiation: but U^ben ^acra^ mentsareaDtjeo, ittta^cfb ret mo^c fouolp fcpsn tbe as bpon pollers . ^i if toe cal tbc loUinn glalTcs, in tobicb toe ma^ bebolD § ricbeffc of § grace of goo, ^s^\]it\^ be geuctb bs.i?o;i(as toe baue al rcatii? favo) be tJotb in t\izn\ manifcffli? (bctoebinifelfctobs, fo mucb as is ge^^ uen to our oulncs to Unoto4 Dotb mojc crpjcflT? tetii6e bps gcootoillanDloue toiDarotstbanbr bl?s toozuc. 7 jlicitber do tbeu reafon fitlp enoagb to tbe purpofe,toben tbd laboj to p;oue berebv tbat tbcr arc not teftimonies of tbe grace of d&oo, b^caufe {Xi^"^ are alfo geucn to tbe toickcOjtobirb vet co tber^ b^ fele go»3 notbing mo;rc fauourable to tbem,but ratber procure to tbemfelues mo^c greuous Damnation, jfojbi' tbe fame argument neptber tboalD tbe go« fpel tobicb is \)twcn ano oefpifeD of ma^ w^M tbe tettimoni of tbe grace of goc: no^ pet €\iii^ bimfclf,tobicb toas lene anb hnotone of manr » of tobome berpe fetoe rcceiueo bim, SDbelifectocmape alfo fee in patents.ifo: a great part of § multitube laugbctb at % fcojnetb tbat autbentihe feale,botorocuer tbei bnoto tbat it p;ocff Deb fro tbe prince to feals bis toll toitbal:fome rcgaro it n8t,as a tbing not pcrteining to tbem:fome alfo abbo;ire it:fo tbat conODcring i\i'^^ fo e^ gal relation of botbc>^ famcfiimilitube tobpcb 3 baue abouc bfeb,ougbte mo;e am m0;e to be liUeoXbcrfo^e it is cer taine tbat tbe JLo;o botbe offer bnto ts mercp ann a pleoge of bis grace botb irt bis bolp too^D ano in tbe Sacraments: but tbe fame is not rccepuiO but of tbf tobicb rcceiue tbe toojoc ano Sacra* ments \m'^% fure iraitb:Iibe as Cb.:itte isoffreo of tbeifatbcrbntofaluation, to all, pet Yi'^ii is not acfenotoleogeo anb rcceiueb of all. Auguftinc in one place minoing to Declare tbe fame, fapo tbat tbe effcctualnelTe of tbe too;De is fbeto*' eo fo;tbe in tbe Sacramentmot bicaufe it i^ fpoken, but becaufe it is beleeueD. 2Dbcrefo2epaule,toben be fpeafeetb to p faitbfuU, fo entreatetb of facraments tbat be incluDctb tbe Communion of Cb^ift in tbem,as tobcn be faptb:all pe tb-it are baptifeD,baue put on Cb;itt.i^« gatne,toe are all one bobp ano one Spi* rite,tobicb arc baptif^ o in €\)iiVt. 'm^ixt tobenbcfpcafectbcftbe to;tongfull bfe of Sacramcnts,bc geuctb no mo^e to it tban to colDe ano bo^De figures, ^bcri^ bp be fignifietb, tbat botofoeuer tbe toic heD f bppocrites toitb tbeirperuerfnes DO eptber oppjeflTc , 0^ Darfeen,o; binoer tbe effect of t\^t grace of CDoD in t\iz Sa* cramentesjpet tbat toitbttaoetb not but tbat tober ano fo oft as it pleafetb CDoo, botb tbcp map b;ing a true teflimonpe of tbe communicating of Cb^iftjanD tbe Spirit of dDoD bimfelf map Dcliuer anb pcrfo^mc tbat tobicb tbepp?omife. tMz Determine tberefo;je tbat Sacramentes arc truelp calleb teftimonpes off grace of (25oD,anD as it toerc certain feales of tbe gmD toill tobicb be bcaretb totoaroc bsr tobicb bp fealing it bnto bs , Doc bp tbps meanc fuaaine,nourifb>conftrme, % encreafeour ifaitb.ias fo;^ tbe reafons tobicb fome are toont to obictte againft tbps fcntence, tbcp are tojtriflpnganD toeafeXbei?fap tbat if our faitb be gtoD it can not be mabe better : fo.: tbep fape ti)atiti^ Hofaptb,but tobicb toitbout (bahing,lleDfa(!lp f toitbout toitbo^ato |ng,rettctb bpon flbe mercp of (IPoo . 3it Gal.3.27 I. Cor. 12. baD Mark.p, 24. To Saluation. Luk.i7.;| jiati ben better foj fuctj to Tp^nv tuitb tf)c apoftics ^ tbe Io;d iuolD cnr rcafe tfjcir faitb,tt)an carelcfii? to p;ctcD fncb a per fertion of faitb» U)i)?cb neucr anr of tfjc fone£ of me batb cbtetneD, no; ani? Q^al obtein i tbps Irfc. 3let tbf anftocr,li3^at mancr of faitbc tbcp tbmke ttjat be bab \3)\)^03 faiD:3l beleue 3lo;D,bclp m\> bn beleaingnes. i?o; euen tbat faitb,botD^ foeaer it iuas but a bcgon faitbc,Uiae a gcDB ifaitbe, ano niigbt be mabc better toben bnbeleuingrtec luere taUe atoap. 3!DUttbcyareconfutet) b?no certainer argument tban b^ tbetr olcn cofctence, iFo; if tbet confer tbemfelues finnerc, (Ujbicb iDbctber tbep toil 0; no, tber ca not benp) tbet? muS neebes impute tbe fame to tbe imperfcrtion of tbeir faitb. 8 iSut (fa^ tbe^)|3btlip anftoerei) tbe Cnnucbe, tbat be migbt be iSaptifcDjtf be belecue^ liall Ijis beart.iolllbat place bere batb tbe confirmation of baptifm, tobere f^aitf) fiUetb tbe tobole beart:'^^ gaine,3 afijc tbem tobetber ti)tv to not faele a goob parte of tbetr beart boibe of ^aitbe : tobetber tbet boe not bailp ac^ bnotolege neto cncreafes.ilbe bcatben man 6lo;teb tbat be toareb olDe \ij^t^ learning. SCberefojc toe Cb;inians be tb^ife mifcrable, if toe toareclDc ixi^ti) p;oeting notbing, tobofcfaitb ougbt to go fo^toanj b^ al Degrees of agca, till it groto into a perfect man. s:bcrcfo;e in tbi0 place to beleue toitb al tbe beart,ts not perfedl^ to beleue Cb.:ittjbnt oncl^ from tbe bart,i toitb a finccre nance to embrace bim : not to be full Vb bnn,bnt \ii^t^ feruent affection to bunger, ano tbirtt,f figbctotoarDljim. Sbwistbe maner of t\}t fcripture, to fap tbat ^ is Don toitb tbe tobole bart, tobieb it mea- netb to be bon fincerelr anb bartilv.£»f Aa.8. 37. Ep.4.13. PCiip.io Fourth Books Fol 407 full f Deceitful men,be bfetb to rep^Dcb tbem \3}^t\) bart anb bart.Ebt tl}c\i fav ' furtbcr,tbat if ifaitb be cncreafeb br fa Pfa. cramcnteSjtbc boll' Cbofie is gcucn in bain, tobofe Itrengtb auD too;b it 10 to begin, maintein, f niafee perfccte faitb. So tobom in unt 3 graunt, tl)at (uitl) i0tbep;op;e anb tobole too;jUeof tbe ^olp gboft, bv tobcm being enligbtncD toe fencto €*od ano tbe treafurrs of brs gojbncffe, anb toitbcut tobofe ligbt our minb is fo blinD,tbat it can fee nothing, fo fenfleffe, tbat it can fmell notbT'ng of fpirituall tbings.liBDt fo; one benefit cf (3?oD tobieb tl)t\! fet fo;tbe, toe confibcr tliie^, iFo;firUtbe3lo;beteacbetbanD inttructetb bs toitl) bus too^be : tben be 0rnigtl)enetb bs toitb facraments.laff of all be Hjinctb into our mines to^tb p ligbt of bis bol^ ^pirit,anD openctb an entr^ fo; tbe too;De anb ^acramentes into our barts, tobrtb otbcrtoife (boulD but (tribe our care0,anb be p;efcnt ht^ fo;e our e^es,anD notbing moue t\)t uv toarD partes. 9 ^berfo;e as toucbing tbe confirma* tion anb encreafe of Jf aitbi 5 toolb baue tbe Keaber toarneD (tobieb JBtbvnke 31 baue alreabv in plain toc;Ds erpKfreb) tbat 3 Doe fo atTigne tbat mrniUerve to i> facraments, not as tbcugb 31 tbougbt tbat tber is perpetually in tbem 3 toot ncttobatfecretefo;ce, b?»tobrcb tbe? ma^e of tbemfelues be able to fur tber 0; confirme iraitb: but bicaufe tber arc o;DeincD of tbe llo;De to tbis enbe, tbat tber fljoulo feme to tbeflabliOjinganD encreafiug of faitb. i£ut tben onlp tbr ? Doe truclr perfojme tbep; cffirc, tobcn tbat intoarb fcbclemaiHer tbe Sprite is come to tbem,toitb toijofe onl^ pcto^ cr botb tbe barts are pearfeD, anb aflfcc 12.4 tbis fo;t are tbefe failings: 3 ^tiut in al | tions are n.oucD,t tbe entrv is fet open ms iKart fougbt tbec: 3 toill confcffe to fo; tbe Sacraments into out icules.iJf et.iii.i.ct tbsx in all m? bear^f lucb otber. ^ on be be abfent, Sacramcntes car. Dce m 121.8.1. tbe otber fiDe,toberebcrebuUetb guile? I mo;c to our mintes, than if eytber tt;C Cap H Of the outward nieanes bnsbtneire of tfe funne (Igulo fl)ine tjp^ on bUnoe cpc^, oj a tjoijce fomiDcto aeafc cares. 2C!)0rfo;e 31 niaHcfo Diuifi^ on betluenetbe ^^idt i §)acrament0, fijst tijc potoer of too^k^na rema^ne toifo tfje ^pirife, f f o tijc Sacraments b2 !cfc onclip tb2 miniftration, ^ca,ano tlje fame tjoiDc anD trifcling toitbont § Iu3;lun3 of tbe a>pirit:but of mucbe ef# fe£tu.tlnes,tot)en be tnUj^rolv^ U3o;feetb anij puttetb fo^tbe biJJ fo jce.j^otoe it is platne tn tobat fojte accozDing to th^B fentence, a goul^ minu is conSrmeu in tli^. jfattbe b^ S^acramentes: tW is to fa?, cueii as t\)e eves fee b^ tbe b^^gbt^ neOTe of tbefun, anD tbeeares beare b? tb^founoeofatjo^cetoftobicbneitber tiie cvies fljotila an? lD!)it pcrcepue ant? liijbt , tnlelTs tbsg U^ a figbt in tbem- fclucs tbat migbt naturally be enligbt^* neD : anD tbe earcs fljouloe in bainc be ^nocUeoat \Jo an? cr^inj U»batfoeuer it toer, tinles t\)z^ luer naturally? maue ano fit to beare.But if it be true,lDbicb ou3^t at once to be oetermincD among tjs, t i»bat § figbt iDo^kctb in oar et?es tofeingof g ligbt,tDbat § bearing tuo;* Ijetb in our eares to tbe perceiuingof a tjoicctbe fame is tbe loo;k of tbe ^olp gboQt in our barts,botb to tbe coceiuing anD futteintng,ano cberid^ing i llab'i^ Cbingof faitb: tbcnbotbtbcfetbings do likz'o)i(c folotu:tbat tbe facraments nz notbing at a! p;oat toitbout t^c potuer of tbe Wv gboi:anb tbat notbing toitb Hantietb but ^ in bartcsalrcaDv' taugbt of tbat fcbolcmaiHer, tlic^s ma\?c mafee faitb botbe Wronger t mo^e encreafeo. £>a\^ tbis Difference tbcr is,tbat § pola er of !>earing ani) feing is naturallr? fct in our cares I cies but €^n^ befiae§ mv^afurc of nature botb bi? fpecial grace tD3;Ue il)e fame in our minues. 1 o ^ai'jcrbi} tbofe obiecttos alfo,tt>btcI) camber fome men are DiCfalueo ; SSb *t if Uje afcribe to creatures citber tbe en* creafeoi conSrmation of faitb, tberc is iujong Don to t\)t fpirit of goB,tDbo toe ougbt to acMnololcgc (> onli aijtbc^ tber of. ifoi neitber do Uie in § means time taUe fro bim t\)c pmic eitber of confirm mtng oj encreftng iU but ratber toe a5 firm,tbat mm tbis ^ be encreafctb anD coSrmetb faitb.is notlm^ ^^^ but toit& bis intoarD enligbtning to prepare our minbs to receiue t cofirming tobicb is fet fojtb bg tbe facraments.lBut if it be vet to Darfel? fpofecn,it Cbalbe mabe te^ rtjcleare bg a fimilitube tobicb 31 toill facing. 3lf tbou purpofe toptb toojDes to perfuabe a man to ooe an? tJ^in^, tbou toilt fearcb out al ^ reafons,toberb? be ma? be D.iaton to tli^ opinion,i ma? be in a maner fubDueo to obe? ti)^ touftlU Bat tbou baa betberto notbing p^euai^ leD,bnleire be liketoife baue a pcarfing ano Cbirp iu^gement, tobercb? be ma? toe? toljat pitb is in tb? reafons: tjnles alfo be i^ue a tractable toit anD reD? to barken to tecbing:{tnall? bnlcs be baue conceiueD fucb an opinion of t\)t faitb^ fulnes anD toifcDom,as ma? be to b?m li'^c a ccrtainc fo^^ciuogcment to caufe bim to fubfcribe.if 0^ faotb tbcr are ma^ n? ttabbojne beaDs \sji^itl) a man ca ne*" ucr boto iJD an? refons: anD alfo tobere crebit is fufped:eD,tobcr ant\)onti is De fpifcD, litlc gcDD is Don euen yjo tbe toil* ling to lern.^n ? otber fiDe let all tbofe tbings be pjefent,tbe? toil trul?Unn5 to pas t tbe bearer, to tobo tbou geuett coiifel, toil obe? tbcfclfefamc counfel0 tob?cI)otbertoifebe toolD fjauc laugbei^ to fco jne.SDbc fame too;&e alfo t\}c i^i^ rite too^Uetb in bs. if o; Icaff tbe too^D (bulD beat our cares in ^aind Icaft tbe Sacraments l^oulDe firibe our e?es in bain,be l&etoetb t)5 tbat it is goD tobicb fpcaltctb tborin,bc foftnetb tl)z Itubbo; ncs of our bart,anD framctbit to t\)z o^ beDience isylo'^ch is Due to ttic toojD of ? jLo;De. ^inali? be conac?etb tbofe out^ toarbe ToSaluation. Fourth Booke tuaro too^Dcs i Sacraments from t!)c cares into tl)C foulc. £Lf)crfo;ic botft ti}c tDo^jDc t ttic Sacramentcs do confirmc ouri?aitl)tDf)et1}crfct before our eics ttjc gcDti luill of tbe bcauenit? fatJjer fo*= luarD tjs, bv i^notoUDgc of tufjom botlj tbc tobolc acDfallntffc of our jfaitb (ta oetb faff, ano tbc ftrcngtb of it cncrra* fctfj : tfje fpirite confirmetb it,lnf}cn in cngrauing tlje fame confirmatio in our minues be mahetb it etftctuall . 3n t]je meane ft>mc t^e fatbcr of Iigbtes can^ not be fo^biUDcn, but as be cnligbtnctb tbe boDil^ e^es luitb tbe bcames of tbe Foi.4co ti3{;at ro;it t!;e too;o of as Mat J3.4 fcDe,if it fal tjppon a Defert ano tntilleD Luk,8»i5! pace of grcuD, U)iU to notbing but Dpe: but if it be tb^oU^en tppon arable lanD toel manureo 1 tillcD,it Iriil baing fo^tb ber fruite toif b tierp goD encreafe : fa ^ too;D of goD,if it Ugbt i^po a ftiffe nccb, if toil grotoe barrel n as ^ tobicb is fo;* toentjpon fanD : but if it ligbt bpon a foule manurcD lo tbe baD of p beauenlp fpirit, it toill be moife fruitful!. llBut if tbcr be lihe reafon cf feoc f of ^ 1iio;jd, as toe fa\? i? out of feDc co:n botb (pnip getb t encreafetb,? grotocil) bp to ripe- ncsitobi? map toe not far i^ faitb taHetb out of tbe toojD of ©od botb beginning, encreafe,! perfection, paulc bcrv toell erp^effGtb botbe tljcfe tbings in fonD;p placcs.iFo; tobcu be goetb about to ^i\t ti)c Co;tntb!an3 in remembrance boto effectually dDoD V>feD bps trauail,bc glo# ricti) ^ be batb tbe minittcri of y fpirit, as tOough p poiDcr of t bolp gbott toerc tettb an biifcparablc hnot iopneD \»\>tl) bis picacbin::,to ei.'ux'^tcn f tli:ougblp mo ;ie tl)z min je. 315 ut in ano • ber place toben he minntth to auuicnifi) tbem,of uCo.2,4 1 G)r,3.6 as^cD bfetb tbe inHrumcnts o;DaincD bv bimfclf to tbefettingfo^tb of Ijisfpi- rituall grace, ^et toe muH hepe Cil tljt DiSinrticn tbat toe remr ber, tobat man is able to Doe bp Ijimfelfc , ano tobat is proper to ©00. 12 Sacraments are fo confirmations of our faptb, tbat manp tpmcs toben tl)c ^o^u meanetb to tabe atoap tbe con6# Dence of tbe tjcrp tbinges ^ are bp bv«t pjomifcD in § Sacraments,be tahetb a^ toap tbe Sacraments tbe felues.^Elben be fpopietb t tb.nittetb atoap £oam fro tbjC gifce of iminojtaliticbe faptb : ilct bpm not cate of tbe fruite of life,leaft be liuc to; euer . tlSbat faptblje i CoulDe tbat fruite reI!o;e to 0Dam his bnco;^ ruption,fro tobicbe be toas noto fdkn. f-io, 3i5ut tbis is al one as if be bao faio: llcaft be fl)oub cniop a bain conflDcncc ifbelirpeftilltbcCgneof mp p;omife, Itt tbat be fljafeen atoat? fro bpm tobicb migbt b.:ing bim fome bope of immoj? talitie.afier tbis maner toben tbe 0po? frle erfjo^tcf b tht Cpbcfians to remcm# ber ^ tbcr toerc fozrcin geffes of tbe te* Uamcntes, fl rangers fi 0 J fcUotot^ip of Jfraeljtoitbout CDoD,toitbout Cb;jift,bc (aitb, t tljei toer not partabers of circii^ cifion . tmberebu be Dotb ( bp figure of tranfuomination ) figmfic ^fl)cp toerc crclubeQ Gcne.33, EpI l,2.t? C^p, 14,] Of the outvvardmcanes titlutt^ftomt^t pjomifelt felf,tBbitl) bao not mciueo p fiigneof tbe p;iomife. s:o tjdr ot&er obieaion, ^ tl)esloj? of 3^Q is conue^eD to creature, to UJbom fo mucb potocr us afcribco,f tljat tWt» b^ it is fo far Dgmini(ftcD, tuee bauc in rcaoincs to anftoerc t^at toe fct no po^ Itjjr in creatures, ^nlu tUs toe far> ^ CDoD tfetb meaner; mn inHrumentes, tofjtci) fje ijimfeife feetb to be erpeoient: ^ all tbings ma? feme Us ^\o^i^,fo}a(f mucb as be is lojD i iutjge of al.ibere;j o;e as bi b^ao f otber nouriCjmcts be feoetb our boD^: as b? t fw" ^^ enligbt^ n?tb tb? too:lDe:as bf ficr be toarmetb: ret ncitber b;caD,no^ § funne,noj fier, arc an? tbing but fo farre as hy> tbofc inllrumcnts be Dotb Dittribute bis blef* ftngs \)nto bs'.fo fptrituaUi be no jifbetb jraitb b? tbe Sacraments, tobofeonl? office is to fct bis p;omifes before oar ei'cs to be lohcD t)pon,vea to be plcbges tnto bs of tbem. ^nb as it is our Dutie to fatten none of our e affiance in otber creaturs,tobicb b? tbe liberality § boii* tifulnes of (^oD are ojoe^neo to our b* fes,f b? tbe minifter? tobere be gcuctb \is ins gifts, no;} tobauetbem in aomi^ ration anb pja^fe tbem as caufes of our gojb : fo neptber ougbt oure con6^ Deuce to fticke fad in tt^z Sacraments, no? tiie glo;j? of goo to be rcmoueb bn* to tbem: but leauingal tbin3S,botb our ifaitb ano conftllion ougbt to rife ijp to Um tbe autbo; botb of tbe facramcnts, ano of all tbiugs. t3 ?E2ilberas fome b^-^ng an argument out of tbe t)er\? name of a Sacrament, ii is notbtng Grong.^ Sacrament (fa? tfei) !i>beras it btitb among alotoeo aus» tbc;s man? figniScaticns, ?et it batbe but one tol)?cb agreetb \jo tbe figns'.tbat folDio;s DO binbe tbeir faitf) to tbe capi # taine,f p;ofe(re f o be bis rolDio;s:fo b? our fignes toe p^ofeCTe Cb^itt our capt« tain,anD Do tettif? tbat toe ferue Dnber bis banner* SDbe? aDDe (tmilituDes to make tberb? t^t matter mo^e plain.00 a goton maoe tbe Komaines feuerall? bnoton fro tbe CDrekes tobicb biD toear clokes:as § Deri Degrees of me at Home toere DifcerneD b? tbeir feueral fignes: t\)t begree of fenato^s from tbe Degree of kntgbts,b? purple cote t ptkeD (boes:a^ gaine a hnigbt from a commoner,b? a ringifo toe beare oure (ignes tbat ma? make ts feueralli knoton fro p;opbane men.Hdut b? tlie tbings aboue faioit i5 eniDentenougbtl)at tbe oloe to;tters, tobicb gaue to tbe fignes tlit name of fa^ cramentSjbaD no rcgaro boto tbis too^D toas l)feD among llatine to^iters , bat fo; tbeir otone purpofe faineo ti)is neto fignification,toberb? tbc?fignifieD onc^ I? bol? (ignes.But if toetoill fearcb tt)t matter mo;^e Deepel?,it ma? feeme tbaf tbe? baue toitb tbe fame relation appU^ CD tbis too;De to fucbe a fignifiication, tobertoitb tbe? baue remoueD tfjt name of ifaitb to tbat fenfe tobcrein it is noto bfeu. ^0; tobereas iraitb is a trutb in performing p<:omifcs:?et tl)ei baue cal# leD ifaitb an atrurcDneffe^; fure pcrfua tton tobicb is ban of § trutb it felfXiHc toife toberas a Sacrament is tbe folDt» ers part toberb? be t^otoetb bimfelfe to Us capfaine : tbe? baue maoe it tbe cap^ taincs part, toberb? be rcceauef b foloi^ ers into rmmes of feruice , if 0; b? tbe Sacrament tbe iLo^D Dotb p.:omife tbat be totll be our CDod, ano that toe (balbe b?s people . )!5ut toe pallc oucr fucb fut^ tlct?es: fo^afmuclj as d(i tbintje 3 baue p^oueD toitb arguments plaine enougb> ts,tebecb?itfigmftetIjtbatfole^nneotb' fbat tl)tv baa refpccte to nctb?ng els tob?:t}?{:oioio-imakctbtobtscnpitain| but to figniSe tbat tbcfe are fignes of toWibs.entrctbintopjofeCfionofarol \ bol? ano fpirituall tbrns^«» ^c re* DJo^ ifj;asb?tbatotbQf toaifgrneto j ceaue in Dceoe tbe fimiiitupcs tobicbe: tbe? ToSaluation. tl}cp biing of outtoaro tofecns : but tue Fourth Bcx)kc ailotu not tl)at ^ UiOicb is t'oc Utt point in tl)t ^utamtntes , is b^ tijcm fet fo; tfjc cljeefc ^cd ano onclp ttjing.iSut t\jis is t^e firtt popnt, tbat tbc^ (boulo feruc our fa^tb before ©oD : tl)c latter popnt ti^t tl)z^ (l)clo tedifile our confelTion be^ fo^c mzn. ^cco^Dtng to tb^g Utter con« (iDcratton ttiofe fimtlituoes baue place. 15ut in tbe meanc time let ^ Qrlt point remaine:bicaure ot()erU)ire(as toe baue alreaD^p;oueD)tbc m^ttcrics fljDulo be but coloe,t)nle(retI)e^ luere belps to our fa^tb>anDaDDition5 to doctrine o^oa^^ neo to t\)t fame tfe ano eno. 14 agapne toe mull be lDarneD,t!)at as tbefe men do toeaHen tbe fo^ce, i ttter^ ! l^ ouertb;olD tbe t3fe of Sacraments: fo on § contrary uoe tbcre be fome, luljicb fa^ne tUJo ^acramcntcs , 3 tocte not tobat fecr:( t3::tue5,tDbifb arc no Uiljcr ret) tr be put in tbc^M b? Ooti.B? tobicb crro? tbe Gmple mn bnfktlfull are Dau« gercafl^Dcccauc3,tiiIulc tbc^ arebotb taugbt to feUc tb: (jiftcs of vSoo teberc tbei? can not be fomiD* f are br title ano litleDntDcnaU)a?cfromOoD,to em* b;^ace mere tanitie in ftcoe of brs ^cri* tie, i?3;tbc ^opbiSicall fcbcolrs baue taugbtlDiib great confcnt,tbat tbe&a> craments of tbe nein lalo, tbat it to Cap tbofe Wbicb are nolo in \)U in tbe Cb;i< fttanCbarcb)Doiutti6e f gcnegrace^fo tbat Uie Doe not la? a (top of oeaol? Qn. 3lt can not be erp^eflfeo boto pcrnitious I pettilent tb^s opinion is^ano fo mucb tbe mo^e^bicaufe in mani? ages bereto« fo^e, to tbe great lode of tbe Cburcbe it batb p^euatlcD in a great parte of tbe tuoMoiiErulu it IB Wterl? 6emUitft.if oj lubcn it p;omifetb rigbteoufnetTe toitb out fai^tb, it D:iuetb foules bcolong into Dedruction : tben bicaufc it fetcl)ett)tbc caufe of rigbteoufncflTe from tbe ^acra^ ments,it biuDctb tbe mifcrable minbe s of men alreau? of tbeiroUm arro;bc tea mucb to bcnoing to tbe cartbjUjitb iot?s (uperftition tbat tbe? ratber reft in tbe figbt of a boDil? tb?ng tban of ©oD bim^ felfc. tabicb tU)o tbinges 3 toouloe to Goo lue bao not fo p;oueD in erperirce, fo litle neoe tbe? an? long p^mfe . But tobat is a Sacrament taken luitbout fa?tb,but tbe mott ccrtaine Deftruction of tbe CCburcb i if 0; lubcras notb?ng iB to be looUeo fo; tbcreof toitbout tbe p;o^ mife , f tbe pjomife botb no lelTe tb« tbcpotoer cf tbe fa* criiinent an otber tbt«S.^bat is tbps, ttat nianp receane of tbe altar anD ope ano in reccautng bo D^ef jfo^ i itojbefi ino;fellU)afipot?fon to 3Iubas: not bi^ caufc be receaueo an eutU tbrng^but bt« caufe be being cuil receaucD a gob tbing euilli?ja litle afterXbe Sacrament of tbis tbing,tbat is of tbe bnitie of t\)t bOf bi? f bleuD of Cbaitt, is fcmetuberc p^e* pareb on (' lo;jD0 table Da^lp,fomU)bcr0 bp certainc billances of oaresianb tbtr* of is receaucb bnto life to fome , $ tnto Deftructio to fonie. But tbe tbing it felf loberof it is a Sacrament , is reeeaueb bnto life to all men, but tnto DeUructio to no man, lobcfoeuer is partafeer of it. 3no a litle before bebab fa^b. !^e Iball not Dye tobicb eatetb: but be irbitb per* taineib to tbe potuer cf tbe Sacrament, not to tbe bifible Sacrament:lj)bieb ca* tetb tuitbin,not tuitbout : Uibif b eatetb toitbbart,notbe \\3[)icf) p^cffetb Mtl) tffitb. SDbus rou beare euert? U)ber,tbat a Sacrament is fo feucreo fro tis tton trutb bi? tbe bntoo^tbinelTc of tbe recea* uer,tbat tberc remainctb nctbing buta baine am bnpjcfitablc figurc.li5ut tbnt tbcumapett bauc not a ngncbort>rof trutb:but tbe tbrng loitb tbe Cgne,tt'ou mutt conceaue bp faitb ti)t Ido^d Uibic^ is tbere enclofeb . So boU) mucb tbou Ibalt bt? tbe Sacraments p^iofit in ccn^ municating of Cbjitt , fo mucb p;ofite fljalt tbou ta&e of tbem. 16 BiftbisbcfcmeUibat tarfecbicaufe of tbe (bo.:tncffe,3 toill fet it cut in moe lBo;bs. 3 far tbat iUfnttis tbe matter, o;(if tbou toilt)tbe fulttanec of all Sa* crantf ts:fo7afmucb as in bim tlm baue all tbeir perfcctneffe, $ toe p;jomifc no* tbing tuitbout Um, So mucb IcCe tolc^ rable is tbe erro; of Peter Lombarde, |r t n tobicb ootb crp^etlr make tbe caufes of I i.n^ rigbteoufneffc 1 faluation, tnberof tbep be partes. Eberfo^e bibbrng all caufes faretoell tubicb mans ijnit cotb fame to itfelfe,toeougbt to dare in tbvs one raufe » SEberefo^e boto mucb toe be bp tbeir minitterpe bclpen to tbe ncurifb* ing,confirming,f encreafing cf tbe true bnotclebgeofCb^itt tn bs, f to tbepcf* feffing of brni mo?c fullVjanb to tl)C en* ioting of bps ricbes , fo mucb effectual* neflfe tbep bauc \xiiti) bs . 115ut t is bone tube toe bo toitb true faitb recenue tbat tobicb is tberc offreo . JSDotbe Uiicheo tben (toilt tbcu fape ) bjing to paffe hv tbcir bntbanfefulnelTe,^ tl^t o;t)inauncc of (Dob be borbe f turne to notbrng * 31 anfttjcr tbat ^ \x)\)i(l) Bl baue fapbjis not fo to be taken, as tbcugb tbe fc^ceano trutb of IP Sacrament bio bang bpo tbe 0ate 0; trill of bim t receauetb it. ifo^ tbat tcbicb ©00 batb ojoarneb remat?* ncth ttebfaft f feepetb Gill bis nature, botofceuer men to barrc.^ut (itb it is one tbrng to cffer , an ctber to receaue: net brng toitljUaoetb but tbat tbe (igne balotoeb b\? tbe too^b of (S^cb mam be in bebetbat ttbicb it is calico, f tje pe brs otcn fo;ce: ano pet tbat tbcr come tber* bv no p;o0te to an euit boer anb toicfeeb ma. ^ixt Auguftinc tjotb in fetu toc^os ti ell nJTci^lc thvi^ qnettici.. Jf O'artb be) tbcu rgccaucftearnaU\!,it ceagctbnot Homjn Ioh.26. To Saluation. Fourth Bookc to be fpiritua!:faut it is not to tbec. 215ut as Auguftinc batl} in tbe afo(l)all neucrtbcletfe rcmapnc cmptie ana tjopoe luitbin. BcriQetbpstoj^emufte betoarc, Icaff tbofe tbingj mbtcb banc ben \i);itti by tbe olDe tojiters fomtobat to glo;iouap to amplifie tbe oignitie of ^acramcts, fi)ulD Icaoe ts aUiap into an erro;^ ncre to tbismanielp tbat lue (bulo tbtnke ^ tbere is fonie fccrctc potocr ftnit anD falleneD to tbe Sacraments, tbat tbep map of tbcmfclucs gcuc tos tbe graces of tbe bolp gboflt, Ithe as inine is geuen in a cup:tubcrcas cnlp tbis office is ap# pointcD to tbem bp ©oD, to teftifie ano ffabliOjeto ts \> goD iutl of goo toluaro t)s,anDtop;o&te no furtbcrtnUffetbc bolp gboft iopne bimfclf to tbcm,U)bicb map open our mpnoes ano \:)attcs, ano mahe \)s partakers of tbis tcffimonie, tuberin alfo do clearelp appcare Diuer^' fe ano fcuerall graces of 0od. i?o; tbe Sacramcntcs, as toe banc aboue tou* cbeD,aretbat tbingtotsofgcD, tobiib to me are mtlTcngcrs of iopful tbings, 0; carnicffs in ffablitbmg of bargaines: tobicb DO not of tbem felurs gcue anp grace,but do tel ano ftctoe bs,i(as tbci be earneftes } tokens, ) do ratifie Ijnto bs tbofe tbings tbat arc geuen bp p lp> bcralitie of gooXbc bolp gboft(tobom tbe Sacraments do not in comon icout Difference b^ing to al mcn,but toJjo tbe ilo;D peculiarlp gcuetb to tbem tbat be i)is)is be tbat b;mgetb (' graces of Coo toitbbii»> tobicb geuetb to tbe Sacra* ments place in Vis,tobicb maketb tbem to baling fo?tb fruite. But altbougb toe DO not Dcnp tbat <:?od binifelfe toitb tbe mod p^efcnt potocr of bis fpirite is p;c rent \3jitl) bis oton mflitution, leaa tbe miniftration tobicb be baD o;DeineD of tbe Sacraments I^ulD be fruitlcffe ano taine : pet toe affirmc tbat tbe intoarD grace of tbe fpirite , as it is feiiereD fro tbe cuttoarD miniCerp, fo ougbt to ba feuerallp tocpcD ano ccnIiDcrcD . CDoD tbci fo;c trulp pci fo;mctb m OivD tobat foeucr be p;ionufetb anD figuretb in fig^ nes : ncptbcr 00 tbe fignes toant tbcir cffccte,tbat tbe autbo;of tbem map be F0U402. Cap.i4 Of the outward mcancs Pioutn true i fattt)fuIXt)e queato ^ere i tH trs of life fo; an eameit of tmmo;^ is onelF iohct^tr (S^oD too^ket^ b^ in?5 talttte,^ tljcr mtgtit aOarc ttemfelues otDtt f br mlDaro potxier(as tber cal it) of tt,fo long as tfjcp did eate of v frute o;i DO reCgnc fy^s o0ftce to oattoaro Itg^ thereof, ano iBbcn be did fet tfjt icant* ttts,llBut toe atftrme , tbat tubatfoeuer Ir boaUi fo; a monument to jpoe i br^ infirumentes bebfe, bt0 o;tgtnal Ido;' ! poffcrie,)$ be tooalb no mo;e fro tbcn^ king 10 noCbmgbtnDcrebtberb^^be I cefo;tbt)effro¥tbecartb tuttb onerflo^ t\)is is taugbt cocernmg f ^acramlts, | luing of toatcr. KWt aoa f ^oe bab botb tbetr Dtgnttte if bono;abt? fet out, fo^ ^acramfts. ^ot i tHit tree bto geue t tbetr tfe is plamlr fijetueb, anb tbetr . tbem tmmo;lalttte, tobtcb it coulb not p^oDfableOie is abounoanntif! repo;teb, ' gene to it felfe: no; tbat f boatD(U}btcb f tbe bcft meane in ai tbefe tbings isrt is bnta ffribtng bacbe of a funnebeame tcrncD,tbat ncttber anp tbing be geuen tjpon tl^c donbs agatnft tt)tDaf of fo;ce to tbem tobtcb ougbt not,no; again an? ! to boloe in tbe \xjaters:bat b^canfe tbei? tbtng be taken from tbem tobtcb is not | bab a marke grauen in tbem b? § tuo;b conneuient to be taben from tbem. ^n of <^ob,tbat t^t\> (bulb be ei^aples f fea^ tbe meane t^mc tbat fa^neo bcu^fe is les of bpstettaments.anb tbe tree teas tahen atDat*, toberb? tbe caufe of iuffi^ ; a tree befo;e,i tbatboato a boato.HSlbe fir ation ano potoer of tbe bolp gboft is tbep luere Ui;ttten tjpon toitb i toojoe emlofebinelemcntes as in beffcUso; toaggons: t tbat pjincipall fo;cetx>bicb batb ben omitteo of otber is erp;efli? fet ont.i^ere affo it is to be nofeD,tbatgob iittuarDlr too;fectb tbat )xii)ici) tlje mini Ocr figuretb i tc ffiSetb br outUsarb bo^ ing:Iea(J^bcD;atDcn to a mortal mfi, iDbicb ciDob clarmctb to bimfelfe alone. SLbe fame tbing alfo botb Auguft.txjife feli touibc.i^ote(raitb be)Dotb botb ^o fcs fancttfie, ano CDoo i 0ot ^ofes fo; cS?oD:bKf ^ofcslurtbb^fiblc ^acra^^ ments b? its m^nilferie, but ^oD U)ifb inmfible grace b^ bis bolr fpirit: tubcre alfo is tbe lubolc frute of bifible ^atramentes.if o; ^itbout tbis fancti fication of inuiablc grace,tobat Do tijofe bifible ^acramentes p;ofitf j8 Cbenameoffacramet,as tocbaue betbcrtocntreatebof tbe nature of it, botb generally ccnttim at tfjt Cgnes ^ cucrgoD gaucto me,to cerfifte « affure tbe of ^ trutb of bis pnmifes. SDbofe be fointiuie iuilieD to rcmaine in natural tbrngSjfonitrmc beDclT?ucrcD tbem in miracics.iiDf § firfi lunoc ttKfc be era* p!c£, as tobgn be gaue to apam tCue of the Itars,§ eartb,liones,anb fucb lifee, t^t^ tbixln al baue bene ^acramentes to bs. Mb? are not bncopneb t coined Oluer botb of one balue, fitb tbtt arc bctb cne metalf enen bicanfe § one batb notbing but nature : toben it is Cri!^cntoitb a com/ Gcn.j.17 et.3,> Gen.9.i3| To Saluation, Fourth Bookc. itol.46j 17- Iuclg.6. 37. , 3. Kingc io.9. Eray.38. Li.p.con faurt. Ma.ca,ii common markcit is maue mone^,anD rcccaiict!) a iieUj iialuatio. ano fljal not dDoD be able to marbc bt?3 creatures \jb l)^s ujojDe,tbat tbet mai? be maoe ^a* crament0, tobicb before tocr nafeeo clc^ menteg^ i^f tbc fccono feino tbefe tucrc examples toljen be HicUjcd to ^bjaba a ligbt 111 a fmohing oucn:lobcn be toatc* rcD B ^cct iuitb DctD , tlje cartb remau- ning d;^ : asainc be toatcrcD tbe cartb, tbe flcce being bntoacbeo , to p^omife \)icto;B to CDcDcon : toben be Djetoctbc Cbaooto of \> Dial nine lines backtoaro, to p^omife fafetpe to QB jccbias ♦ ^befe t\rsnz3y Uibcn tbev lucre bone to relciie fttabliO) tbe UicahnclTe oftbc^; fartb, Ujerc tben alfo ^acramentes* 19 Bat our p jefcnt purpofe is , to bif* courfc peculiarly! of tbofc ,&acran;mts, tobicbtbe^oioioiUcbto be o^oinari^e in bis C(jurcb>to nouriflbe b^ss \Mo;flbip^ pcrs I feruantcs into one fa^tb ann tbe confeffion of one fai?tb , ^0^ ( to bfctbe liiojbs of Augaftmc) men ca be congc^ lebtogctbcr into no name of religion eptber true oj falfc,bnlcgc tbei be bono togctbcr toitb fome fellotolbip of bifible Cgnes f ^acraments.^itb tbcrfoje tbe moU gcDD fatber fo;craU) tl^is ncccmt^?, be D^b from tbe beginning 0 jDatnc cer^ ta^ne epercifes of goQluictle fo; b^s fcr^ uantcs,tD^cbaftcruwnj ^atantb^ tur ning tbcm to \3iickt13 anb fupcrftitious Ujo;{I)i;jpin5S,batb mant? luaies Dcpja* ueD I cojruptcD. hereupon come tbofe (olemne piofclTionsof tbe (Scntilcs m^ to tbcir bol^ o^oers , t otber baftaro u^ fagesilDbicb altbougb tbe^ tocre full of crro; t fuperftition , vet tbe^ alfo tocre tbertoitt) a pjajfe tbat men coulD not in p;ofeffion of religion be Ujitbout fucbe outmarD CiancJ. )15ut bicaafe tbev nei>* tbcr U)«re grounoco bpon tbe Ujo;dc of 03O,no.jta2rc refcrreo to tb^it trutb tebcrunto al C'jncs ougbt to be Directeo tbci? are bnUw;tbB to be rcberfcb Vuber mention is mabc of ^ bol^ figncs tobicb are o;rbainct) of ©00 f baue not ftoarucb from tbcir founQation,tl)at is, tbat tbc^ fboulo be belpcs of true goolincs. Cbei? confifte not of bare fignes , as toerc tbe boato f t^e tree , but bpon ceremonies: 0; ratber tbe figncs tbat be bere gcuen are ceremontes.lSut as it is aboue faib tbat tbe^ be on tbe JLo;oes bcbalfe ttftif monies of grace anb faluation : fo tbei? be aga^nc on our bebalf markes of p;o» feffton, b^ tobicbe toe opcnl? ftoeare to tbe name of Oob, fo; our parts binbing oar faptb bnto bTim. 2Sberfo;e Chrifo^' ftome in one place fitli? calletb tbem coj* ucnantingcs tobcrb^ Odd bmbctb bim fclf m league toitb bs , ano toe be bono to pnreneite I bolincCTe of lifc>bicaufe bcreismabcamutuall fo:me of couc«» nantingbcttocncC^oDanobs. ifo;as tbe ilo Jb tberin p^omifetb tbat be toill canccll anb blottc out tobatfocuer gilti^ neffe i pcnaltic toe baue gatbcrcb b^ of^ fcnbing,anb botb reconcile bs to btnifclf in \)vs onl^ begotten fonnc, fo toe again on our bebalffcs Doe b^ tb^s p;ofeffion binb our fclues bnto bim to tbe folloto? ing of goblinclTe anb innocence : fo tbat a man ma^c rigbtl\! fafe tbatfucb &a^ cramcntes are ceremonies, by* tobicbe Cob toill erercife bis people firtt to tbe nourin)ing,ftirringbp, i Urengtbning of fartb intonrblv, tben to tbctcttifping ofreligionbefo;cmcn. 2 o ano euen tbcfc Sacrament cs, alfo tocre biucrfe after tbe biucrs o;Dcr of timc,acco;bing to tl)t Diaributi5 tober* bp it pleafeo tbe ilo jo to (bcto bpmfelfe after tb^s 0.: tbat mancr to mcn.iro; to ab;abam % bis pofteritie Circumcifion toas comaunbcD : toberunto aPtcrtoartt purifring>^*inb facrifices,anb otber ccrc^ monies tocre abOcD otit of tbe latocof Gc.17.10 ipofes.Sbefcloer V ^cramcntsoftbe Leuit» Jctocfi bntill tl)c coming of 1i9.iv?''> ece.iii. taja'36- I OFthcoutvvarde m canes i.Coo.i. iGe.22,ab t\])0 ^cramcnts Ujcr o;joat?ncD,lMl)ir!) no\xiilit€\jniiian Cburct Wctf), 5l5ap» tifme, I Ujc Supper of p ilojo. 3 Tpcafe of tljoft tljat tucr o;Dai?ncD foj tl)C t3fc of tlje tD^olc Cfjurclj.if 0^ as fo j tljc lading on of bant>5,toberbt ttjc mtntftcrB of tljc ct)tirc^ are cntrcD into tt)ctr office , as 31 DO not t)nUullmgl\? fuffer it to be calico a Sacrament , fo 3 Doe not reckcn it a^ mog tl)Co;Dtnar^ Sacraments. 0s fo; tte reft tobictje arc comcnl^ callcD Sa# f ramcnts,tofcat tftci are to be at copteD, Uic ftjall fa branDbt!. ^otobcit tbe olDe Sacraments alfo baD refpect to i fame marbctoticrunto ours do tenbe, tijat is to Direct I in a maner leaD b^ tte banbe to Ci};iS:o; ratber as images Do repje* rent !irni,l ll&eto Wn fojtb to be bnotu:= en.ifo; tu^eras U»e banc alrcDt taugbt, f tbe^ are certain feales tulierUjitb tbe pjomifcs of dDoD are fcaleD : anD tobcrc it is molt certain,tbat tberc tuas neuer cfTrcD ant? p;cmife of C5oD to me but in CbJitt: tbattbe^ma^tcacl)t)soffcme pjomife of (S5oD tlje^ muft ncDcs (tetoe Cb;ift.^berunto pertainetb tbat bea< uenl^paterne of tbe tabernacle anD of tbe lJUo;(i)tpping in tf)c lalD^U'l^itb flit's geuen to ^ofcs in tbe mount. ^ne onl^ Difference tbere is, tbat tbofe DiD ftja^ DoU? out Cb;ift being p^omifcD, li^ben be loas ^et loit^eD fo; : tbefe Doe teftif^e b^m alreaDt? geuen anD DeliuercD. 21 Mlbc tbefe tb^ngs fljnl al be parfi* cularlv I ecb one feucraUi? DcclarcD,tbei (balbe mabe mucb ptarner.Circucificn toas to tbe BielDCS a figne, tubcrby tbcr iDereput in minDc,tbat U^batfoeuer co^ mctb of tbe feoe of ma,ttjat is to far, tbe UJbo!c nature of man,isco;irupt, f batb ncDc of p;oiniHg.£po;ccucr it toasa tea cbing,anD,i tohen of remeb;ance,tDbcr br tbci? ftjoulD confirmc tbefelues in ti^t p;omife gcucn to 0b;aba,rof erning tlje blcffcD fcDe in tobo al tbe nations of tbe cartbiiiertobeblctreD , fro fcbom tbet Hcb.p.i. ulo.1.7. Rcu.i.f. bao tbctr obon bletftng IcUeD fo;. ^oId tbat bealtbfall rcDe(as tue are taugbt of Gal.3.16^ paul)lriafi Cb;ift in tobo alone tba^ ijo pco t tftct G*cl5 recoucr tbat tubicb ti)c^ baD loH in 0Da. mbcrfc;e Circuaficn tuas to tbe tbe fame tiling tobic b panle r^ 4^,. faptb tbat it tuas to ^.b;a!;nm , namelp tbe feale of tbe rigbtcDufncffe cf fattb: t is to rar,tbc fcale Irberbr tbc^ 0)culD be mo;e certainly atfurcD,)? tbnr fat1b> iDtertDitb tbei? lofeeD fo; tbat fcDe,(bolD be acccmptcD to tbe of . teas Cb;ift : be bimfelfe 1I)CD bis otcne blouD: be timfelf Iras tbe Sacri6ce:fo; Ije offereD bimfclf obCDient to his fatbcr bnto Deatb : br tcbicb obeDicncebe tobe aUmr tbe DifobeDimce of ma,t]}btclj bao p;DuofeeD tteDifpleafure of C?oD. 22 2s fo; our Sacramente0,tljer to fo mucb mo;e clecrlr p;efcnt out of tbc ncife bcttoeen t3S anD tbem in tbofe goD tbingcs tobereof be d^d fo;biDDc bsto bcatt falGi.SiSbcrfo^c &rft be maUctb bs tjy.Cbapter of Biobuf Jin tobicb fcnfe to c | egal in tbe facraments, anD leauctb to mtift taUc tljat (ai!ing of Paul, f bnDcr Ms not fo mucb as an\! fmall pecc of p;c tbe lato toer lljaDoto/si, but in C\ni^ is rogatiuc, tljat mrgbtc encourage tjs to tbe boDv. j^eitbcr is it bis meaning to j'bQpeof cfcapmg DnpunilbeD. i^eitber fpoileoftbrirc^ctt tbc tdtimonics of Of the outvvarde meanes : Be. 10. 10 faluation. if tbep baD bene apte c>;po(i? tours of § epiOle to § ^cb;etoefi, tbep iBclo not banc fo bene blloeo. ^ut \sif)t tbe? reaD tbere, i> fins toere not cleans' fcD bv tl)t Ceremonies of tbe latoc, tea tbattbeoloelbauolus baD no aua^Ung fojccto rigbteoufnetTe : tbct neglecting tl)t comparifon tobicb is tbere banuec Ico, tubule tbcv tcHe boloe oftbi?s one tbtng, tbat \> latp of it felf notbing p^o* 6teD tbe folotners of it, tbougbf finiplt tbat t^t figures toer tjo^o of trutb.iSitt tbe apoftlts mcning is to b;ing f cere^ mom all latD to notbing , bntill it come toC!).u(!,bpontobom alone bangetb at tttt effectoalneire of it» 24 'j^ut tbe]? toil obicete tbofe tbrnges iDbtcb are ret) in paule concerning tbe Circumcifion of tbe letter, tbat it is in no cftimatio toitb goD tbat it geuetb no tbing,tbat it is in batne. if 0? fucb (^V" tngs feeme to p;e(re it Doton far benetb 3!Eiaptifme. i^iot fo. .^oj tbe bertifame migbt rigbtfallt be fa^o of )l5aptifme. ^ea I alfo tbe fame is tuinfirft of pauI bitnfelf tober be (bctnetb i (^on regar^ Oettnottbcouttoaro toafbingtoberbr toe enter into p^ofetTion of religion,bn lefTe tbe mtnD Miit^jin be botb cleanfeb anD continue in cleannclFe to tbe enoe: i.Pe.3.11; again of peter , ^l)i be tcttifietb tbat p traetb of i5aptifme ftanDetb not in t^t outtoaroc toalbingr but in a gooD toit^ nening,ofcofcience. Wnt be fametbal* fo in an otbcr place tjtterl? to oefprfe § circumci0onmaDetottb bano,tobenbe comparetb it toitb tbe Circumcifion of Cb;jifte,3 aunftoere tbat euen in tbvs place notbing is abatco of tbe Dignitie of it. ]daul tber Difputctb againft tbem, tobicb requirco it as ncccffart tobcn it toas noto- abrogate. 2Lberefo;c be toar^ nctb tbe faittjfiili, to Icaurng tl)t olDe ft)aDoU3C0 tbev CioirfD CanD faCe m tbe tructb. Sbefe ma^ffers (fartb be) in* ftjntit call \)ppon you^tUat ^our boDico i{,Co.x.j ^ol.2*ll. mar be Circamcifeb.515ut te are fpiri^ tuallt cirriicifcD accosting to ^ foulc 1 boD^.^ebauetbcrfo^e p ticliueracc of § tbing in beeo^tobtcb is mucb better tba tbe fljaDoto,^ ma migbt tahe erceptipn to tijt contrary « far, tbat tbe ftgure is not tberfo^^c to be DefpifcD brcanfe tbe? bao tbe tbing in DccD:fo?afmucb as tbat puttingof of tbe olD ma of tobicb be iber fpa&e,toas alfo among tbe ifatbcrs, to tobomtet outtoarD circiicifionbaDnot bene fuperfluous . ^c pjeucntetb tbrsf obiection, toben be bpantibi? aUDetb, t tbeColoCrias toereburieo toitb Cb^ill bt ^aptifme. Mbereb? be Hgnifietb tbat at t\)^s oar ^IBapttfme is tbe fame to cb;iftians, tobicb circumcifion toas to tbe oloe people :i tbertb;e tbatcirttt^ cifioncannotbe eniornetto cb^it^tas to^tbouttoaong tone toCb;iI(c. 25- ^ut tbat tobicb follotoetb ant tobicb Bi euen noto alIegeD,is baroer to alToile, tbat all tbe ietoiibe ceremonies tocre IbaDotoes of tbings to come,anD tbat in €\i^ifi is § boDt : but moft barb of al is ^ tobicb is f ntreateo in man? cbapters oftbe(£piflletotbe l^cbjues, ttjattbe blouD of bea(tes,attevtieo net to confci^ enceS : tbat tbe latoe baba (batiotoe of gisDtbtnges toccme, not an image of tbingsitbat f^t folotoers of it obterneD no perfection of tbe Ceremonies of ^0* fesif fucb otber. Si goe bache to ^ tobicb 3 baue alrebr toucbeo, tbat paule Dotb not tberfo^e irafee tbe ceremonies ttiaf Dotorfbe brcaufe tber bao no founoe tbing in tbem : but becanfe tbe fulfil* ling df tbem toas after a certain maner bangeo iii fufpence bnttl tbe Deliuertng of Cb?itt.jagapnc 3 fainr tWttjis is to be bncerftanoet) not of tbe cfftctualncs, but ratbcr of tbe manner of fignifiene, ifoitrll Cb^itfe toas manifeHlr (be=' Ujeointbetlctbe,alltbe fignesDiotbaS' Doto brm out as abfenf, botoefoeuer be ^ oro intoaroit bttcr to MfAttliMj p;e . fence To i'aluation» Fourth BooixC , h5l4.3.i Ioh.5.27 fence of bts pother ano oftnmrclf. i5nt t\)is ioe ougbt c^icfli? to marfec, ^ in atl t^ofe places paal Dotb not fpeafee Cm? plp,but b^ toai? of contention. i?icaufe be ftriueD toitb u fol^e apoftlcc, tobtcb iDoulDbaueao&linei! toccdftintbece^ remonics onl^ tnttbout an^ rcfpett of Cb^itt:toc6fute tbr , it fufficcD onl\? to entreat, of tobat taUie ceremonieti are b^ tbrfelues.S^bis mat^e alfo ^ autbo; of IP Cpiff Ic to § l?eb;ucs folclceo. Hct \is tbcrfojc remcbcr i^ berc is oifputco of ceremonies , not as tbei? be taken in tbeir oton $ natural fignificati6,but as tbc^ be lD;e(leD to a falfei tD;on6fuU erpofttioinot of tbe laUifut \)tc of tbein, but of tbe abufc of fapertJitton . ^bat maruel is it tljerfo;c if ceremonies be- pzatfes of ^ 0acramets, tobtcb are reo | in § olD \j3?iters cocerning our Ogncs, DeceiucD tbofc mifcrable ^opbifters. ' ;astbisof Auguflinc, S^battbefacra* Inpro- mrtcs af tbe olD lato DiD cnlv p^omifc em cnair tl)c fauio.2,bnt oures Do geue faluation. :pfa.73» tClbcn tbe^ marbcD not ^ tbcfe t fucb i]uc,fup. otber fo;mc6 of fpcafting tjutre fpofeen: jnumcr. tbcv alfo pubUCbcD tbeir erccfiiuc ooc< 'ca.33. trines , but in a cleane ccntrari? fcnfe iLljj.ca. from tbe lo^ittng of tbeol&c iFatbcrs. '.14 ifo; Auguftmc meant no otbrrtbing in ^ place,tban as tbe fame AuguHinc to;itctl) in an otber place,IIbat tbe ^a cramcntsof tbe lalu of i^ofes DiD fo;c* tell of Cb;itt,bnt ours Do tel of bim p;e' ff t.anu agnfft Fauftus.£:bnt tbofc tcer p;omifes of tbings to be fulftUcD , tbcfc ing feucreD fro Cb:iflf,are ImclotbeD of toere tofeens of tbings fiilfilleD: as if be all fo;cef if 0; al filgns tubatCoeuer tbc^ be,are b;ougbt to nougbt, Vube f> tbing fignifleD is taUe aluap. ^0 vub^ ^ tbci? fo baD refpert to Cbiift,^ tube bo at lengtb toas mamfcftlv HjetoeD in ^t fleCbjtbep bao tbeir fulfilling. ifinal.- lp,tbat it beboueo tbat tbe^ fljulD be ta? feen atuav bi? bis commmg , cutn as a fljaDoU) tjaniCbetb aUja^ in tbe clearc ligbt of tbe ?sun . i5ut bicnufe 3 Do ytt Defer lonscr oifcourfe of tbe nutter tn to tbat place tubereBl baue piirpofeo to compare baptifmc luitb circunuifion, tberefoje 3 do ncU) mo;je fparinglne toncbit. 26 Li.co. lit Horn In loii 26 fljoulD faVitbat tbofc figurcD bim,luben be toas loltcD fo;, but ours do as it toer fljelu bim p;efent tobicb batb ben alre^ D^DcliuereD. ^o;foucrbcfpcbctbof{> maner of fianiftnng, as alio l)c (bctuctb in an otber place . Sbc laU)(faitb bc;t tbe p;2opbefs baD Sacraments, fojctel^ ling of a tbing to come : but tbe &>acra* pcni.ca ments of our time Da tcCifie t tbat is 3T- alreaD^ come , tubicb tbcfc did Declare to be to come.But tobat be tljou^t of [i tbing t cffcctualnclTc, be crpounDctb in manv placcs:as U>ben be faitb,!^ ^e fa« cramcntsof t Jcters tcerein fignc5,Di uerfe:but in f tbing (ignificD,egal luitb eurs:Diucrfe int)iQblc fo^me, but egall in fpiritira!! polJDer.;again : Jn Diucrfe fignes is al one if 3itb:ro in Diuerfc frg? nes as in Diucrfe U^o;D£;:bicaufe lco;Ds cbange tbeir founDr s bt? times:f truclp IrojDs arc nctbing but Ognrj^.E^be ifa* tbcr£ DiD t^inU § fame fpiritual D;irilt, fo; ti;ci D;onb not § fame bcDilr D;inl5. fee re tbcrcfo;e,i?aitb rcuTaining one, ; § Cgnes t^arieD . Co tbf tbe rocUe iras ' Cb;iff : to ts tbat is C^}i(t tcbicb is fctl jgcrbapsaUo tbofc immeafuralle ! tpo j gutter, ano ^zi iM fo; a great '<£J>M^^ Oftheoutvvaide meanes In pfal. con fau! |cap.»3, Sacrament, tbetoateraototng out of tbe rock:\))l)at toe unnktj tl)t faithful! kitoU). Bif tbou confiiDer t tJifible fo;me, tbe? D^onis an otber tbtng: if an tnoer^ (tabic fignification , tbe^ u^onk ^ fame rptrttual D;tnk Jn an otbcr placc,tn tbe midcrr tbe fame i& tbetr meat i D^tnU tPbtcb iiB! oarcstbut f fame in fignifica^ lton,not inform :bicaufetbe feiffame Cb^iil loas figureo to tiizm in tbe rock, anD d^UieD to tia in tljc flefl^e.l^olDbeit in tbts bebaif alfo toe graunt ^ tbere is fomc Di£ference.ifo;i botb Sacraments DO tcftifie ^ tbe fatbcili? goo luil of CDoo an^ tbe graces of tbe bol]? gboft are offc reo ts in Cb.ntl:bat our ^acramentcss tcftiSc it mo^t clerel^ anJ) b^igbtlr . 3n bo^b is a celiuering of Cb;t(i : bat in tbefe mo;e plenteous i fuller , namely as ^ Difference of tbe olD ano netn 2Ce^ (lament bearetb> of lubtcb U^e baue en^ treateo befo^s.anD tbis is it ^ t\)z fame Auguftinc meant(U)bo toe ms.zc often allege as tbe beft i faitbfulleft toifnes Dc do, of all tbe olD to.uters) tobe be teachttljy Chr.li.3, tbat tDbcr €l)M teas reueleo, Sacra^ Ep.ad h mentstoereojDcineD botb in number | feluer,in Cgnificaf io bier,in fo^ct mo^e ercellent.iDf tbis tbing alfo it is erpeoi mt t tl)z reDf rs be bnefli? UjarneD,tbat tobatfoeucr ^ Sopbiftcrs baue trifling l^ taugbt cocerniug f U30?Ue to^ougbt, is not onli? falf,butDifagreetb \jo t\)t nao ture of § ^acramct, tobicb goD batb 0; DeineD,^ tbe faitbfal being tjo^D 1 neor of all gojD tbings Ojoulo bjing notbing tbitber butbeggerie.tlSIberuppon folo* toetb tbat in rcceiuing tbem,tbefe men Do notbing Inbcreb^ tbcp ma^Deferue p;ai>fe : 0; tbat in tbis Doing (taUtl) in tbeir refpect is mercli? pairiue)no too;!j can be afcribeo tnto tbem. ^'g^ptifme is a 0gn of J entring luber U)itb toe are rcaiatn into f fcloto* Giii^ of p t\jurc\)ytl)at being graffcD into €iiii(t toe ma^ be rechenco among tbe cbtiozen of (fi>9D,iJ^oto,it toas geucn us of goD to ti)is enD,(tobicb 3 baue taugbt to be cotnmon to all the milleries)6r(!, Vijit it (^oulD fcrue to oar faptb \joit}) bim,anD to our confelTion before men, Me \i)il o.ioerlp Declare tf)t manner of bOib purpofiS.lBaptifme b;iingetb th^e tU'^Qcs to our if av?tb, tobtcb alfo mutt be fcuerallr cntrcateD of . SDbts is tbe firS^ W^ith tbe i.c;D Mtetl) out fcnto I'he xVCl/tpter, OfBaptifme, bebaptifeD into fojgeuencffe offinncs. SCberfo;e tbei? tobicb tJjougbt tbat bap^ tifmeis nothing elfe but a marke anD toftcn.tobercbi? toe p^ofclTe enr religi^ on before men , as fotiloiers beare ti^ con^fance of tbcp.i Capita^ne fo^ a marke of tbeir pjofeffion , toe? not tbat tobicb toas tbe cbicfe tbing in bap tifme . SDt)at is tbis, tbat toe l^oulD receiue it toitb tbis p;romife tbat tobofo cuer belcuc « arc baptifeo ftalbe faueo. 2 3in tbis free is tbat to be tmDerftoDe tobicb i^aul to;iretb, f § cburcb is fane tifieD of Cbnft ber fpoufc , f clenfeD l6 tj0, tbat it CboulD bee a token ano pjojfc ! toall)ig of toater,in p toojD of life. 0nD of oar clcanCng 0^ (to crp^effe m?| in an otber placed toe arc faueo acco;? minDc bcttcr)it is l^Ueto a certain fca^* lcDCbartcr,tobercbp ba? conarmttb bnfo ts, tbat all otber finnes are fo dc* faceD , canceUeD , ano blottcD out, tbat tbeg mar ncuer come in bisfigbt,not be rcbearfcD, not be imputeD . iFo; be toil!ctl)tbat all tf}et» tbat beleue (IbdulD Ding to Us mere? b\> ^ toalbing of regc neratto % of (7 rcnuingof tfttbolpgboll: ;anD ^ tobicb peter \xinteti)y^ baptifme fauetb t3S.iFo; paules toill toas not to fignifie,^ oar toaUjig i faluatio is per* fcttli? maoe bp toater,oj ^ toater cotci^ nctb in it fclfc g potoer to clefe,regene» rate Mar.i5. 16. rit.3.5. i.Pe.3»2i To Valuation* rate i rcnclu. j^cittjcr oio peter nicnc f caufe of faluatio,but onip § ImotuIcDge ( ccrtaintic of fuel; cifts tobcreccrucD mtl)i0 Sacrament: tuljicb is cuiQcntIp enougi) Erp^cflcD in v tDo;Ds tijf felucs. if o: Paul Unittctb togetljcr v ^0JI> of Ipfctf IBaptifmc of toater: as if t)c ftaD fa^lDj^ bp tbc gofpcl t\)t nieirage of Uia* fljig f fdctificg is b;jouijlrt tjs, t hn bap* tifmc fucb mcffagc is fcalcD.^iiD peter tmtneoiatlt^ atiio^netlj,^ tbat baptifmc is not tbe patting atoav of p filtbines of tbe flcfb,but a goiB cofcif ce befo;e goD, lubicb is of irattlj. ^ea iBaptifme p;o* tnifetb bs no otber cleanfing, but bp tbe fpjinbling of ^ blouD of cb.nft:U)ljifb is figureo bi? loater, fo; § lihcnes of clean ftng $ loafijing.Mbo tberefo.:e can fa? ^ U)c be cleanfcD bv tbis tuatcr, tobicb certainly tcflifietb ^ tbc bloiio of cb;iff ts our true i en!? toaftingf &o tbat fro no tuber els can be fctcbeo a furcr rea* fon to confute tbeir blrnDcrro^j lobicb refer a(i tbings to tbe potucr of tuatcr, tban fro tbe fignification of 15apttfmc it felf;lDbicb tjotb iDitbojato ts as toel fro ^ bifiblc elcmet tobicb is fet before our eies,as fro all otber mcancs,tbat it ma? binD our mtnoes to CbiiS alone. 3 ii^citbcr is it to be tbougbt iVbaptifnie is applieDonclp to tbe t^me pad, tbat foj neUje fallinges , into lubicbtooe fall bacU after 15nptifme,Uic mutt fcUe netu remeDies of denting in Bi luotnot tubat otber Sacraments, as tbougb tl)t fo^ceof )i5aptifme toerelDo;nc out of tfe.I^i tbis erro; it came to paffe in oto time,? fomc U)oulD not be baptifeo but in tbe tJttermott part of life , « at tbeir laH gafpings, tbat fo tbe? migl)tobtein paroo of tbeir iubol life, againft tubtcb tDa?tuarD futtle p;iouifion tl)i: oloe ysv l^opsfoofttnueg in tbeir iuiitinges. But tbus lue ougijt to tbtnfc, ^ at liibat time focuer toe bebaptifeD Idc are at once (^aO)eD aaD clenfec fo; all our life. fourth Bookc. Fol,40 2^bcrefo,:e fo oft as toe fall ioc muft go bacU to tbe rcnif mb;nncc of baptifme, anD tberluitb U)c mud arm ourmino, tbatitma? bealtoa? certain annaCii* rcDof ][? fo;gcuencsof fin^ ifo; tbougb toben it is once miniffreo it fcmctb to be palt,?ct b? later finnes it is not abo liObeo.jffo;! ? clcanncis of Cb;itt is tbcr in off ten tjs:tbat alUjap flo;iQ)cfb,is op p;etrcD tDitb no fpotfes , butouericbfl* metb I tuipetb aU)a? al our filtbincile: ?ct ongbt toe not to tafee tberof a liber* tit to fin in time to come(as beril? toe be net bereb? armeo lo lucbboloneOe) hutt^is DOftrine is geuen onl? to tbe, tobicbtobe tbe? baue finned, Dogrone toer?eb f opp;effcD bnoer tbe?; finnes, tbat tbe? ma? baue tobertoitb tbei mai raife tip f comfo;t tbemfclncs,leaa tbei (IjoulD fall into confufion t oefperation. So paulfa?tb, tbat €t)nfl toas maoe to Ms a p;iopitiato^,tnto tbe fo;geucnes of faultes going before. ?K!Iberin be De* n?ctb not ^ tberin is obtaineD perpetu^ all t continuall foigeuenes of fins caen tjnto Deatbtbut be nminctb tbat it toas geup of tbe fatber,onl? to pm}e finners, tobicb toouoeD toitb tbe fearing iron of confcienccjto figb to tbe pbifitian . Co tbefe tlit mere? of (Coo is offeree . Cbe tobicbcb? efcaping ofpunilftmentooc bunt fo; matter ano libert? to finne, Do notb?ng but pjouofee to tbemfclues t^t to tobicb bcuifc tbrs Dee errc bcrein tbat tbe? do not remember tbat ibe potoer of ? feei?es,tobereof tbe? fpcalj, Dotb fo bang tpon ISaptifme i^ it ougbt in no toife to be feuereD.SDbe ftm nerreceauetb fo;gcuenes b? tbe mini* tter?e of tbeCburcb, namel? r.ot \x^cut tbei Ro.^Tj-. Oftheoutvvaide meanes tljepjeacljingof § gofpclbutluljat ma^ ner of p;cact)m!5 is tbat i SDljat tue be cleanfcD fro fins bt tbc blouu of Cb^iff. y&ut tobat fing « tcllimonis ts tber of ^ Ujafi&i5,bat baptifmcf MIe fee tbcrfojc botjD tbat abfolution is rcftrreu to bap^ tifme. Sim tbrs crroj batb b;cbbcbs t\)t faineu facramct of penacc:of tobicb 3 bauc toucbeo fomtobat befcje , i tbe rcfiDue Bl totU mabe anentie of in place fit fo;^ it iBut it is no tnarucU if men, \»bicbacco;mngto f groffcncsoftbeir tuit^iuer immcafurabli fall ticD to out* \jjaro tbingcs, baue in tbis bebalfe alfo bclB;jaicu tbat fault,tbat not contented Uutb tbe pure inttitution of c!DoD , tber DID trutt in neiJD belpeiJ favnco of tbem^ fclucs. as tbougbbaptifmeit fclftoer not a Sacrament of repentance, 15ut if rcpcntacebecommenncoto bsfo; our UJbolc life, tbe fo^ce alfo of iBaptifme piigbt to be eictenoco to tbe fame bcuos. ^Iberfoje it is alfo no twut but tbat all tbe goDl^ tb^ougbout all tbetr life long> fo oft as tijcv be bcpco v6 fenotulcDsc in confcicnce of tbeir oUine finncs. Dare call bacbe tbemfclues to t\)Z remem< bjance of baptifme,p tbcrcbr tbei? map confirme tbsmfelucs in tbe affiance of tbatonettf continuall toalbingtubicb Uie baue ia tbe blouD of Cb^iH. 9 Bit b;igctb alfo an otbcr fiiut bicaufe it (belvetb bs our mortification in €f)nii^f neto life in bim.if oj(as tl)z 2i poftleraitb)lDc are bapfireo into bi'S Deatb,bctng burieo togctbcrloitbbim into Deatb,tbat ipe ma^ lualkc in nclu* ncsof life.lSi tobicbtoojDs be ootb not onli? cjbort bs to § folotoing of btm(as tbougb be DID fa^, tbat toe are by Bap*- tifme put in minD,^ after a certain cx^ ample of i^ tieatb of Cb;ift>toca)ul9 Die to onr luffs:i after tbe erample of brs refurrcrt ion , toe OjoulD be raifeo bp to rigbteoufncs) but be fctcbctb tbe mat Col.2.l2, Tit.3.f. baptifmeCbaift batb mabe bs parta^ bers of bis Deatb , t toe mar be grafffej into it, iano as tbe graffe receiuetb fub* Itace I nourifbmft of § roste into tubtcb it ii graffeD,fo tbe? tbat rccciue baptif^ me toitb fucb faitb as tbe^ ougbt,Dotru lyfeletbe efifectualneireof tbe beatb of Cb;jift in tiit mojtifring of tbeir flelb: auD tbertoitball alfo tbey felc tbe ttMc of bis refurrection in tht quicUning of tl}c Spirit, hereupon be gatberetb mat ter of erbo;tation: tbat if toe be cb;{ifti^ ans,toe ougbt to be DeaD to (tnne,anD to UuetorigbteoufncCfe . SDbis felf fame argument be bfetbin an otber place: i toe be circumcifeo, ano bane put of tbe olDma,fince^toebeburteD inCb;iitt b^ baptifrne . j^nb in tbis fenfc, in tbe fame place tobicb toe bane befb^e alle^ gcD^becalleD it tbe toallnng ofregene* ration! of rcnuing.2Lberefo?e firft free fojgeuenetfe of finnes i imputation of rigbteoufneCTe is p:omifeD bs, ano tbcn tbe grace of tbe boly gbolt, tobicb ma^e refojme bs into nctonrlTe of life. 6 JLaftofall our fartlj receauetb alfo tbps p.:ofitc of HBaptifmc, f it certainly teftifietb bnto bs, tbat toe are not only graffeD into tbe Dcatb ano life of Cb;ift) but ^ toe arc fo bnitcD to €liM bimfe If tbat toe are partahers of all bys gob ftjynges-if o; tbcrfo;e be batb Deoicateb I ballotoeb baptifrne in \)^b oton bobp, tbat be migbt bane it comon toytbbs, as a mod drong bonb of tbe bnitie anb fellotolbip tobicb be boucbfaueD to en^ ter into toitb b0:fo ^ fDaul pjouetb tber by ^ toe be tbe cbilD^en of tbat by 1 name ottbcfatbsr alfo anp of tbe my- ; Mat.28. IP. loh 1 1. To Saluation. Foarth BooIf« foL4o -, Aa.j.2& Ioh.1.29. fifjoa.ifo^ tobatfocucr giftsf of €>od are reefo;ti in baptirme,arefcaD in ChUH alone.0nti ^et it cannot bet,but ttat be Uibicb baptifetb into Cb;ift , bo tbcriij* all call tppon tbc name of tbc iratbcr i of tbe IBoli? gboft.if 0^ toe are rbcrrfo;e clcnfcD toitb btiJ blouD,bicaurc tbe mcr cifuU ifatber,acco;Ding to bt0 incompa rable kinbne0,toilUng to recetue b0 tn^ to fano;, batb fet bim a mcDiato; in i mioocft, to procure to tos fauo; 16 bint. JBat regeneration toe fo onli? obtein by bi«Deatb f rerurrection,if being fancti^ ficD b^ tbe ^piritc toe be enDueb toitb a neto ano fpirituall nature.iHSlbcrfo^e botb of our clcnfing ano regeneration: toe obtcine ano after a certaine maner Diftimtlp perceiue§caufcin§i?atber, tbe matter in tbe ^onne, ano tbe effect in f boll? gboS. ^0 Blobn firlt baptifeO) fo after toaro tbeapoaie0>toitb i bapttf me of rercntancc into tl^t fo;geucnefi of fin5:meaning bi tbis too;b repentance, fpcb regeneration: anb b^ fojgeueneffc ofGnne0,toan)ing. 7 tESa^bereby alfo it x6 mabc mott ccr^ tain,tbat tl^c minitterr? of Sobn toas al^ togetbcr f fame tobicb toas aftertoaro comittcD to t\:}t ^poUlc^.iro; tbr mcxs banOB tobcrtoitb it is imniltcrcD,!nal»c not tbc WaptiUm biuera : but tbc fame wctrine (Ijetoctb it to hz tbc fame 5i5ap tifme.MnanD tbe 0poC!f0 agrciD in* to one Do(trine:botb baptifeo into repcn taunce,botb into tbcfo25(^"?ncs of fin0, botb into tbe name cfCtjiC^^from tobo toa0 botb repentance anb fo;igeuene0 of ftnne0 Jobn faio tbat be toa0 tbe lambe of CD £> £D, by tobomc the Hmts of tljc too;lo (baUje tafee atoat:tober be niabe bim tbe Sacrifice acceptable to tbe jfa^ tbcr tbe p^opiciato; of rigbteoufnes,tl;e autboj offaluaticn. ^W coulo p0po u Ie0 aobc to tbts confclfionf £SClberfo;c let it trouble no man,tbat tbe olec to;i^ tcr0 labour to feuer tbe one from tbc 0^ tber,tobcfc boice toeougbt not fo mucb to eltecme tbat it mar tbake i ceitain^ tie of tbe fcripture.ifo; tobo toil ratber barfecn to Chrifoftomc Denicng t fo;* geuencffe of finne0 toa0 comp;ebenbel> in tbc 3i5aptifme of Jobn, tban to Lube contraritoife affirming tbat Kobn p;ea cbcb tbe i5apf ifmf of repentance info tbcfo;gcucn(ffcof finne0^ i?ieitberi5 tbat futtcltie of AuguHinc to be recc^* ueD tbat in tl;e 25aptifme of BiObn , fins toere fo; geucn in bope 9 bnt in tbe bap^ tifmecf \xt if ani? man feeke fo; a Difference out of 1^ too;b of CoD,be Cbal finoe none otber but tbis^tbat Bjobn bap tifeb tjnto bim tbat toas to come,tbe 0^ poffles into bim tbat bao alreaoy p;e' fentebbimfelf. 8 00 fo; t\i\s tbat mo;e abunbant gra ce0 of tbe Spirit toere ponrcD out fince tbe refurrcrtion of Cb;iff, it mabetb no tbing to ftabliflj a oiuerfitie of 515aptif* me0.i?o; tbebaptifme tobicb tbc 0po? fllf0mimareD tobilcbe toa0 ret con-- uerfant in eartb,toa0 calico bi0 : Xtt it bab no larf^crplcntifulncffe of tbc ^pi* rit,tban tbe :i5aptifmc of Jobn.^ca cue after bi0 afcf fion , tbe "fepirite toac not gcucn to tbe fe>amarita0 abcue tbc com mon meafur: Oi'tbe f aitbfuU fccfo;e (> afcenCon, altbougb tbep toere baptifeo into tbenaine of j.cfus,til IDetc r 1 Jobn toer fent tnto tbem to la^ tbcir banocB bpon tbem.2Lbt0 onli? tbing,ag 2 tbintt oeccinco tbe olo to;itcr0, tbat tbe^ (aro t^,^{t t iSapttfme of Jcbn toa? but a p;e paratio to{' bapti(mcofon^tilles is tbis.tbat taiitfoeuera on be b0e,tbat baptijctb* tet onl\? Cbnft is ruler of it. 9 SDbcfe tbings Usbicb toe baue fpohe botb of mortification i of toaOjing , are C^aDotocD out in tbe people of SIfraeU, uCor.io. tobom fo.z tbe fame ciuf ^ § apottle faitb la. to baue ben baptifeo in t\)t clouD anD in Ek.i4,2! tbefca.^pojtifpingtoas figureD , toben ti)t ILo^D Ddiuering tbem out of (» banD of ]Bbarao anD fro cruel bonDage,maDe fo.z tbem atoap tJio^ougb tbe reooe fea, anD DirotoneD pbarao bimfelf, anD tbe (il;giptias tbeir enemies, t folotoeD tbe barD at tbeir bacbcs, anD toerc cuen in tbeir nechs to ouertahe tbem . j^o; af* ter tbe fame maner alfo be paomifetb to \)s:n ii5aptifmr,f b^afijnegeiienllje' to£tb bs,f toe are bi bis potoer b^ougbt fo^tbauDDeliuereo out of tbctb^alDo pf.egtpt,^ is to far, out cf tbe bonDage oflin!ic;tbatDurli)barao is D^otoneD, that is to fay tbe DcucU , nUbougb cuen fo alfo be ceafltetb not to erercife i toea« rr? tjs . 315ut as tbat C-giptian toas not tbjotocn Doton into tbe bottome of tbe fea,but being cuertb;oton on t])t (bojc DiD vtt toitb terrible fjgbt mahe tbe ^f** raclite^ afraiD,but coulD not burt tbem: f 0 tbis our enem^ ret in DaD th^ttnttlji Ibetoetb bis toeapons, is felt, but can^ not oaercomc. 3in t ClouD toas a Ogne of clenling. ifo^ as tben tbeirO^Dcoue^ reD tbem \x)ith a clouo call ouer tbem,f gaue thtm rcfrcll)ing coloe , leall tbe^ iboulD faint ano pine atoap toitb to cru^ el burning of tbe funne:fo in 515aptifmc toe achnotoleDge our fclues couereDf DefenDeD \i}it\) tbe blouD of Cb: ill, leall tf)z feueritie of goD,tobicb is in DcDe an intollerabie flam-%a)oulc li?c bppon bs, liButaltbougb tbis miller^ toas tl)en Darh I fenoton to fetorpet licaufe tbere is none otber toat? to obtein falnation, but in cbofe ttoo graces, goD tooulD not taUc atoa? tbe figne of tbem botb from tbe oloe fatbers , tobom be baD aDopteo to be be ires. 1 o /j^oto it is clecre,botoe falfe tbat is tobicb fomebaue lately taugtt,! tober in fome ^ct continue, tbat br baptifme toebelcDfeDaiiD DcliuercD fromo;tigi^ nail finne, i fiom tbe coemption tobicb toas from ^Dam fp^eao ab^oaD into bis tobclc polleriticf t ^e be reilo;eD in* to V fame rigbteoufneire i purenetTe of nature,tobicb ^Dam (boulD baue obtein neD,if be baD ftano fall in tbe fame bp^ rigbtneffe toberin be toas fim crcatcD. if 0? fucb HinD of teacbcrs neuer bnDer ttoDc tobat toas original! fin,noj \s)W toas o;iginal rigbtcoufnefte, no; tobat toas V grace of baptifme.lBut toe bane alreaOT' p^oueD, p o;iginall finns is tfyc perucrfenes $ co^ruptio of our nature, tobicb lira maketb bs gilt^cf v ^^^b of goD,t tbsn alfo b;iingctb fo;tb tooths in bs , tobicb tbe Scripture callctb tbe tooabcs of tbe fleO); » gPbercfo^g Num.9. »4. G)1.5. 19 tbcfc To Saluation. Fourtli PooJcff Fol 4'^r tficfc ttuo poits are fcncralU to be mar* keD,nanielt? tbat Uic being in al partes of our nature ocfileD ano t ojruptcD are alreao\) fo; fucb co^rnption, cnlv bolof tDo^tbii? conDemncD ano conuirtco be* fojeOoototobo notbing is acceptable but rigbteoufneffe, innocence ano clcn^ neffe.^eaanbtjert infantes tbe Eclats b^ing tbetr otonc Damnation tortb tbc from tbeir motbers tuombc. uabo, al* tbougbtbe^bauenot^etb;ougbtfb;tb i are otbcriuifc to mucb enclincotoOn: tbis p;ifonof onrboDPitbe rcir names offinnefi)ailtiluellint30:butiftocbc!o faff br ffliti) i pjomife gcuen bsotCcD in ^Saptilmc , tbep Qiall not facarc rclc no;reignc.5i3ut let no manoecriuelnm ff If: iiet no man flatter bimlclfe in bi« oUin euil,U)bcn be bearetb tbat Cnne al iDa^ Dlnelletb in ts.SIbcfe tbingcfi are not fpohen to tbis eno, tbat tbe^) (bculo careleflT? flapc bpcn tbcir finncs,U)btcb t^c fruits of tbeir iniquitie,pet bauc tl)t feco tbereof enclofeo Icitbin tbem. ^ea tbeir tobole nature i0 a certarnfecDof fin tbcrfo;e it can not but be batefuU f abbominatleto (DoD. ^efaitijfnllare f crtifieD bp baptifmc ^ tl)is Damnation 10 tafeen aU>ar,f D;iue from tbem : fo;^ afmucb a3(as lue baue alreaD? fapD) v lojD Dotb hv tt)is figne p^omife ts t f"l ano perfect fo;gcucnes is grauteD botb of tbe tiult U)bicb ibonlD baue bene tmo puteD to t)0, ano of tbe parnc tobicb ioe O^oulD baue fuffcrcD fo; tbe fault ; tbc^ ta&e bolo alfo of rigbtconfnes: but futb as § people of Cod mav obferne in tbtc life,tbat is to fa^ b^ imputation oncli;: bicaufe tbe llojD of b^s otun mcrcp ta^ feetb tbem fo^ r^gJ:teous ano innocent. 11 Cbe otber point is,tbat tl)i3 pcruerf nes neuer ccaflTetb in \}0, but continual^ Ip bnngetb fojtb nelu fruteg,namcl^c tbofe Voo;\is of tbe flrlT) lubicO toe baue before Defcribeo none otbcrtuife tban a burning fo;nace confinualli? bfolDetb out dame i fparclcs , o;j as a fp;ing in^ finitelt! cattetb out Uwf er.^o; luff nc;^ uer btfeily Dietb f is quencbet in men, bntill being bp ncirdj ocluiereD out of tbe boDi: c^oeatb, tbev bau^' btterlp put of tbf felues . ^aptifme in Dcoe p.)omi^ fetb tis f hat our ji^^arao is D^olrneD , f tbe mo^fiffcaf ion of fin : r^t not fo tbat i.' 10 no iHOifc , 0? litavno mcje trouble t)B,u:it onli? i ii maf net ouerccnie tos. ifo; fa Ict^g as tee line CiiclofcD Uiitbin but onlp tbat tberHioulo not faint ano be DifcourageD, U)bicb are ticbleD i pjic UeD of tbeir flcfl), ilet tbe ratber tbinfec t tbc^ arc ?et in i toa^ , f let tbem be^ leue tbat tbep banc mncb p;ofiteD lobe tbe^ fele ^ tbcrc is Da|>lp fcuUnbat mi* nilljcD of tbeir luff, till tber baue attar* neD tbetter tobetber tbe^? trautl,name* iv to tbe laff oeatb of tbcir flcff), tobicbe fbalbc enoeo in v o^ing of tbirS uio^tf.U life. Bin § meanc time let tbe not ceaffe botb to ftriue lialiantlv , i tc encourage tbe to go fo^toarD, « to ftir tbf tp to full tjicto^^.f o;i tbis alfo ogbt mo;e to tobef on tbcir cnDcuo;s,^ t[)tv fee ^ after tbat tbcv' baue 101:5 traucllcD , tbep baue ?et no final bufines remaining. SDbrs iue ougbtto bolDc: lue are baptifcD into ti)t mo^tifring of our flcfl), tobicb is begon b^ baptifme in \)s , U>bi£b l^e oail? fol!* loU):but it fbalbemaoe perfect Ujbetue Cjal remoue ':iut of tbis lire to tbe ilo;D. i^crc U)e far no otber tbr»a»tba tbe 12 apoftlc Paul in tbe 7. cbapt.to tbe Kc* mamcs moff clerelp fettctb oiit.if o.i af* ter tbat be baD cifputcD of free rigbcouf* ncflfc , bicaufe fuiiie IcicheD men D\?D tbereof gatbcr,tbat Ire miisbt hue after oar olun Inftjbicaufc toe (boulDnotbe acceptable to OoD br tbe Oeftiuinges of tuo^lxes, be acDctb, tbat a(; tim il^c are clotbcD toitb tbe ngbtecufncCTc of CbnftarctberiDitb regenerate infpi^ rite, ttbatof tbts regencratio Isiebauc an carneft in ieaptifme .J^ereupon be I ^ Cao. If. Ro 5. 13 Of the outward m canes R0.7.M Ro,8. fj3 eFliojtetl) tb^' fd[?tljfall,tbat tbs? faf^ fcr mt fiiinc to tiaae oominioii in tbeir t^jer is alUi .1? fome lo:a^ns0 in § faitft* fiia,t!)at tbe? 11& Ud not tberfojc be Dif^ cojragcOjOe aDioi^actb a comfort, tijat tl^e^ are not \irozc tbe lato,Bicaure a« gaineitm?3!)t f^itiettjat C^nUians mts^taro\»e iiifoIcat,ljicaafe t\)z^ arc not t)n jer t^s ga^c of tbe latiD,l)e cutrea tetljUj^jat manjr ofabjosating^itf, f tijertoitfja! tu^jt istftsbfe of§ laUie: luljicb qucttioii fjc b^o noUJS tb2 fccon^ time Differreo;2D^efuin is, tbattoabe Deliuereo from tbc rigo;^ of tbe latue, ^ to2 d^ula cleauc to Cljnfte: but tbat t\)Z office of tbe latue ig,tljat toe being con^ uinceu of our peracrfncs, ^ula c onfeffe oar otoa toeafeneUe auD mifcrp. i^3to fojafmacb as ^ peroerfcneffeof nature d3tb not To caQl)^ appeare in a pzopbane m]a,tobicb foUotoctb bis otoneluSes toitboat feare of 03D:be fcttctb an m* pl2 in a ma regcncrate,namel? in bim* fclf.l^e faitb tberfoje tbat be batb a con ttnuat to:a(tltg 16 t\i9 remnattt^ of bis fle(b,anDtbatbeis boloenboaaD tottb mircrable bonoage, tbat be cannot coa^ fccratebirtifclftDboUpto i obDcDieacc of tbe latoe of C^dd. S^bcrfo>« be is com pellea ^aitlj groning to crie out:;!Snbap p ie am 31. ^bo fl^all oeliuer me out of tbis booie fubiect to beatbf If tbe cbtlo^r of goD be boloe capttue in pnfon fo long as tbe? l^ue , tbep mad neoes be macb carefuUi? greueb toitb tbinking bppon t\)t^} otone periU t^ntelTe fbi8 feare be mette toitball. Cberefo^be aoto^netb to tbis bfe a cofo^t, tbat tber is no mo;c bamnation to tbem^ are in Cb;iSJe^ fa. isaber be teacbetb,tbattbet tobo tijz Ioio batb once receiueb intofduo;{,en<' graffeo into tbe comunio of bis Cb;itl, batb bg Baptifme abmitteo into tf)z fc* lotoOjip of bis cburcb,tobilc tbe? conti^ nue in tbe faitb of C(?ntt,aItboagb ti)t^ be befijgCij of ffane,^ea ano carrp (inne about ^itii tb^)?er are acqaiteo fro gil^ tines aaD conoemnatioa. 3lf tbis be t^t ample ^ natural erpo&tto of ^aul,tber is no caafe tobt? toe (bulD feemeto ttacJ} an? neto bntoonteb tbing. 13 Bat baptifme fo feruetb ourconfef Itoa before men. if 0^ it is a marH tober b? toe openli? p;ofeffe tbat toe toolo be accomptcD among I people ofgoD)tober b? toe teliige ^ toe agree \jt)itftj all c\)}u ffians into tbe too^fbipping of one <15oo anb into one religion : finally toberebp toe opcl? atfirme our faitb:tbat not on^ l^ our barts tbulo b^eatb out t^t p^aife of (^ot),but alfo oar tongue , anb all t^z members of our bobi? (boulb fono it out toitb fucb btteraces as ttici be able.^oj fo, as toe ougbt,all our thinQCff are mu ploi^eD to t\)z feruice of J glo;?c of ©oo, tobcreof notbing ougl;t to be boi?De, 1 0* t^er ma^e bu oar example be ftirreo top to t^e fame enDeuo;s. hereunto paule bab refpecte>toben be afheo i Co;tntbt' ans, W:)tt\izv Oic^ bao not ben baptifeD into § name of CbJtftrmeaning bcrili i eat in tl)is i ti)zi toere baptifeb into ^ name,tbei auotoco tbrfelues bnto Um^ ftooze to bis name, 1 bouno tfit^} fa^ to bi?mbefo;e mt,i tf)iii (oulD no mo;e confelTe an? otber,bat €fiM alone,bm lelTe tbe? tooulDe fo;fake tbe confelTion tobicb tbe? bao maoe in 1i5aptirme» 1 4 ^oto (itbe it is Declareo tobat our llo;b bab regaro bnto in i tnttitutio of )15aptifme: it is plaine to iubge tobat is § toat? fo^ bs to We i receauc it ifo^ fo far as it is geuf to i raiCng,nouri(bing anb confirming of our fa?tb At is to be tahen as fro tfyc banb of tbe autbo; bim felfe: toe ougbt to bolo it certain t fully perftoabeb, tbat it is be tobicb fpeaketb to bs b? tbe 0gne,i! it is be tobicb cleans fetb bs,toafbetb ts, 1 puttetb atoa? tb^ rememb;aunceof our flnnes, ^ it is be tobicb maketb bs partabers of bis betb> tobicb ToSai uation. Fourth Bookc 48. Ac.9.17 Ujl)icb tuMl) atuap from ?a>ata fjw bing oonic,Wcbe fcblctb t!je fo^Kca of ourc lutt, ^ca iDbicl) groujctb into one Uj^tb tj3,tbat being clotbcD loitb \)im toe mat be rcckcnco § cbilt);cn of go^ttbat tbefc tbingsj fa?,bc Dotb inUjarolf fo trulr. f certainlj? perform to our foule, as toe certainly fee our boD^ outtoarDit! to be toa(beu,oippeo,anD clctljcD.iro; tbisci* tbcr rclation,oj fimilituDcis tbe mofte fure rule of ^acramentsttbat in bouil^ tbings toe Ojolo bebclD fpiritual tbings, a« if tbei? tocrc p^efcntl^ fct before our eves, fo;afmucb as it batb pleafeD tbe iLojo to rcpjefent tbcm b?? fucb figures, not fbj tbat fucb graces arc bouno i en? clofeo in tbe fe>acrament,tbat tbei fljolo be geucn t)S b? tbe fo^ce tberof : but on* IV bicaufe tbe llo;«je Dotb bp tbis token teftifie bis toill bnto tjs, tbat iSy tbat be toill geue ts all tbcfe ttjinges. j]ie?tber ootb bs onlv feeD our e^cs \i)iti a nafeco fi3bt,butbc bjingetb ts to t()e tbpng p^efcnt, t togetber fulfiUetb tbat tobicb it figurctb. 19 i^creof let Co;inelius t})t captain be an eraplc , to'oicb toas baptifeD,bauing befo;c recciueo fo;geuencfrc of fins ano Mime graces of tbe bolv^ gb^a, fcekpng not bu baptifme a larger fo;geucneffe, but a mo;c ccrtaine ercrcifing of faitb, ^ca an encrcafc of cofiDcnce bi a plcoge, pcraoucnturc font ma toill obicrt:tob? tb:rf j;c ciD j^nanias far to panic, tbat be flbanlD toaOj atoa^ bps fins bp i3ap^ tifrttcif (i;is be not toatbeoatoa^ bi? tbe pDtocr of iBaptifmc it fclfc^ J anftocrc: ©me arc faro to rcccauc, to obtaine, to get tbat tobicb fo far as conccrnetb tbe fffUngofourfai?tb,is gcnen ts of tbe ilojOjtobctbcr be do ti^tn firtt tcftific it, oj being teftifieD Dotb mo2C 1 certainli* cr conSrmc it.^^'^B tberfoje onli^ toas V meaning of iiJiantas: tbat tbou maiC be atIureD,paul tbat t\)v finncs arc fo:* gcucn tbflcbc bapf ifcD . jfo^ tbe llo^^Dc Dotb in Baptifme p;omife tbe fo;igcue* ncffc of finncs: rcccaue tbus, t be out of care.lyotobeit 31 mcanc not to Diminilb tbe foice of 15aptifme,but tl)at § tbrng f tbe trutb is p;cfcnt \3)it\i tbe Cgne, fo far as goo too;kctb b^ outtoarD niene5. liBut of tb\!S ^acrament,as of all otbcr, toeobtaiucnotbingbutfo mucbastoc rcccauc b^ fa^itb . 'i^ toe toant faptb, it fljalbe fo; a toitncffe of our tntbankful* ncllcjtobcrbv toe ma^ be occlarcD gilt^ befo;ic OoD , bicaufe toe baue not bcle* ucD tbe pjomifc tbcre gcuen.lBut fo far as it is a Oigne of our c5fc(rion,toc ougbt b\> it to teftifie tbat our affiace is in tbe merct of CDoD,* our cleanncffc is in tbe fo;geueneffc of finncs, tobicb is gotten t)s \i^ Jcfus Cbiiift : ano tbat bt it toe enter into tbe Cburcb of Cb:ift,tbat toe mav toitb one confent of faiitb 1 cbariti? liuc of one mino toitb all tbe faijtbfuU. 2i:bis laft point did paulmeane, tobrn [^t fartb tbat toe are all baptifeo in one ^ptritctbat toe mat be one boD^. 16 jptotoiftbisbe true tobicb toe Dcter^ minc,^ a S>acramcnt is not to be toc^* CD accojDing to bis banoe of tobom it is miniareD,but as of tbe \3crv baD of goD, fro tobo toitbout Dout it p^occDcD.bcre* upon toe ma^c gatber , tbat notbrng is aDDCD to it noi tafecn from it bp § ujo^i- tbincffc of bun b\? tobofc banD it is Deli? uereD.^nD eucn as amog men, if a Ict^ tcr be fcnt , fo tbat tbe bvinD 1 tbe fcalc bctocll hnotocn,itmaUctb no matter tobo oj tobat maner of man be tbe car? ricr: fo it ougbt to fuffife to acfenoto (b: banD $ fcalc of our llo^Dc in tbe ^acra^ ments , bp tobat carreer focucr tbct be b^ ougbt ^crcLv tbe crro; of tbe Dona^ tiftcs is tjcrt tod confnteD,tobicb mca? furco tbe fojcc I tjaluc of i^ Sacrament bvtbctooitbincrrcofp miniltcr. ^ucb at tbi?s Da^ arc oar CatabaptiOs,tobict) ocn?c tbat toe be rigbrl? baptifcD, bi? caufc toetorrc^baptifcD by toicuco mc 1 aiiiJ F0I.405) 1. Cor. 12. ififjr.i. i Cap.i$ "Ofthc outward ineancs anoiDolacrcrsin tbcpopifft hingBomc: jfa\>tl)ofoursfeatb^etfoHo'a)cobapntm tbcrcfoje tl)t^ furioufip rail Upon \J5 to be bapfifcD agatne. ^ga^nlt toboft fcl* l^cs tue fijalbc armcD Iwrtb a rcafon Crong cnousbjif t»e tbink tbat tocUier p;off flfeD bp Waptitmc net tnto J name of ani? nia,but into tbc name of tbe jfa* fbcr,t[)e 0cnne,anb tbc boli?anD tbat tberefo^c it is not tbc llPaptiftne of man, but of CDoD, of faibomfoeucr it be mi!ultrcD.0!tbougb tbe^ toerc ncuer fo mitcb ignorant oj oefpifcrs of (2^cD anb all 5ob!tnc0,irii)icbbapttrcb tsi^ct tbe? cro not bapttfc tB into tbe fdlcUil^ip of tbcir ofcn tgncjante ox facrilcgc,bnt into tbc fa^tb of icfus Cb^iftibtfanfe tbei? calleD not tipon tber^ otcnc name, but cbe name of (^oD,no^ baptifeo bs in# toanrotbcrname. ij^oUuf it toe re tbe HiSaptifme of CDob , it batb terilp rnclo* fee in it a p^omife of tbe tc^geucnclfc cf finncs, tbe ijio;ttfting of tbe tlefljc, tbc iptrituallquicljning,anD tbc partaking cf €'mii, ^0 it ncttfiig binbcreb ibc |eii3e0, to baue benCtrcumcifeo of bn* elf anc pjicUec f apoftataes : nettber teas tbe figne tberof bor?De,tbat it nebeo to be Done of nclu: but it Iras fuffident to rcturne to tbc naturaii beginning. ISlber tbci cbicct tbat li5aptifnie cugbt in ceitainc t?earefi paft,tbat tJ^tv migbt tbcrbp pjoue ^ tl)t iDaptifmc 10 bopoe, tebicbtsnotfancrifico bntobs, butbr tbe too;b of pjomife receaueo br fa^tb: to tbifi Qucfiion toe anftoere,tbat toe in DeDc being bltnbe t bnbclcuing , b^b in a long time net bclD fad tbe p;omife ge« uen be in HBaptifme : vet tbe pjomife it felf,fojafniucb as it toas of ut be earncaiii cailetbbpon tbe :nelp turnvng of tbc bart.3l5icam"c bctofcr uer tbc ccucnant toas b;oUcn oftbem,r£t tbc fijui: of tbc ccaenaunt , h^ tl)C ojDi* nance of tbe Jlo^, remayncD altoayc ftcDfaCc Ro,3.3. To Saluation, fourti-! Bookc Aai$>.3 a-;33fi!iftauD inuiolabie. S^ij.Ttujc tui.Jj ! loas tfjc true ©aptifnic of iio^jn , f all tt)c onel\)£cn^ition of rrpcnraacc tljci^ | oncaiiD tbc felf fame to^fb § baptifmc lucre refioieD into efte coupiiatc l?jl)icb of C!j;i(l:but 3i Den^ tbat tbcr tocr bap t?ip iLo>t! baa onrc matjc Uittb tbcni in | tifco againe. Mll^at t!)en meanc tbcfe Circumciuon : W}icl) yc being rece^^ I Ujojos^tljci? ^crc baptifeD in tbe name ucD br tb2 Ijanue of a league fa;caber I of Jefasf ^omeDoerpouno it,tbat tfcep ^;iell,fo mad) as in tbcm larc, tbcp IncrebutindructeDofiaaul U)itbtruc ba^Defilcoagapne,anotbe effect toljcr* SDoctrine. 15ut 3! baDDe ratuer fencer;' of tfjei? baD qucncOeo. | HanD it moic funply^to be (' loaptifme 18 ^ut tbep tb^nUe t\)%t tbep fl^aUe a of tbc bcl^ cSijoa, tbat is to fa^pe , t1)at frerfeoarteat t)s,tDben tbCT?a^cDgct^;e liable graces of tbe S>pirite lucre tbat Paul rcbaptifeD tbcm iubicb tcerc gcnen tl)£n\ b^ tbe larcng on cf bancs, once baptifeD )s)itt) t baptifmc of Jobn. | lubicb to ba eppjclTeD bp tbe name of ipoj if b^ our otunc ccnfelTion tlje bap^ 1 13aptifme is no nctoe tbing . 0s on tbe fifme of Biobn Inas aUogctbcr tbc fame | &ai? of pentccoft it is faiD,tbat tbc Spo tbat ours i$ notcetcncn as tbe\? bauing i If elcs rcmeb;jeD tbc too^os of tbc lo^o, bene before peruerfcli? inttructcD, iDbe ! concerning tbe 515aptifme officer ano of tfjt^ luere taujbte tbe true ifaitb. tbcp ' tl\c fpirit.anD peter faitb ttat tbc fame ioere agavnc baptifeD into it: fo \) bap tifme, tDl)icb tnas Ui^jtbout true Doc' trine,is to be taUcn fo;j notIjing,anD lue ougbt to be nclul? llBaptifeD aqaxn in* to tbe true religion, loberetoito loe are notDC Srff c inCructcD . ^oinc tbpn'uc, tbat tbcrc luas fonunc Vo^ongfuUp af? fectioneDmantoJBcbn, tubicb baD en< trcD tbem Uutb ttjtv:^ firttc ^aptifme ratber to a tain fuperfiition.£)f lulucb tbingtbei?f^meto gatbera coniccturc bcreupon, becaufc tl;ev confctfcD tbcm* feluesto be Utterly' ijnojant of tbe bo* Ip gboftriuberas 3obn tjcrclp ttiolD ne* uer \jauc fcntaUjap fron; bimfclfe fcbol lars fo Untaugbt.lBut ncitbcr is it liUe came to bis rememb;ace,U)ben be fain tbofe graces polu^cD out Upon Co;ne* lius,anD bis boufcbolo ano huircD. jpe^ toer is tbat ccntrart) tobicb is after 0.:* DeineD, C21lben be baD la^cD Isis banDcs on t!:em,tbe bolr gboft came Doton tpo tbem. jf 0; Hi.he Dotb not tell of tico Di^ ucifetbings: butfcloluet^ tbemancr of telling commonly tfeD among f> lH)e* I}j»cs,U»bicb Do fiift p;:opounD t'ac fam of tbe matter.anD tbe do fct it cut mo^e at large. Mbicb ruerp ma mar F^rc^i^ uc by tbe tcrp framing togettcr of the too.iDs.ifo; be fartb : MbcntbevbaD bcarD tl)t[c tbings, t^ep toere baptu'eD in tbe name cf lefus. ano inbcn Paul Iti tbat tbe 31clDes,altboi!gb tbei baD not ! ba^ lareD bis bariDs tjpcn tbcm, t\}t bo.< ben baptifeD at al, loerc DcSitute of all 1 1^ gbofl camcDoton tpon tbcm. Jn tbrs knoiJulcDge of tl)t boli? gboH, tobirbs is | later fentence is DrfcribcD,Uibnt maner I famoaflT' fpolien of b? fo mant tettimo of Hoaptifmc tbat toas. Bif ignorance do nies of tbe ^rripture.^Slbereastber fo.:e tbc^ anf toere tbat tbe^ fenctoe not tobctbf r tber be a l)ali? gbolt, it is to be bnoerifanDeD asif tlje^ baD fai?D tbat tbCT? baue not i^et bearD,tobctt)cr ^ gra ces of tbe ^pirite, of tobici}e paule afUeDtbem, toere geucn to tbe SDifci* pies of Cbiitt. Ii5ut 3 graunt tbat tljat focojrapta former 315aptifme tbat it muft be anieoeu \u a fecoo baptifmc: [> apoftlcs fliulD bae bncu rcbaptifcD firll of al>tobicb in tobole tb^iee ^ercs after tl>eir baptifmc, baD fcarcelv taftcD ant fatal parcel of purer Doctrine. 0nD noto among fes tobat riuers migbt fufficc to renctoe fo mauT' toafljmges , as tbcrc ifilf^hg. be 'l9£^ U Of the outward meancs be igno^aiiceB br tbc mtrc^ ottijz J.o;d / atoa^ Uiitl) p^a^trs i tbanfeefgeuing. tiarlrat"fnDCDmlJ0f ip SCbe fojcc,tJignitie,p;ofif, i entj of tbc milfcric, if 3 be not occcpueo ougbt bt tt)tji time to be pla^ne enough . ^ mmt) 30 conccrnctlj § outtoarDe Cgne, ji UiolD to GCD V naturall inaitntion of Cb;t{( fjao p;^euarIeD fo mueb as Uia? metCjforcarain § bolonesofme.ifo;, as tf)ougt) it toerc a cctcptible tt}ii\Q to be baptifco v6 luater accejDing to i p;e ceptof c!);t(l,t!)er is innenteo blelTing, o; ratljer cncbaiiting, to tiefile t^e true feaUotoing off toater» aftertoaro Uias aDDeD a taper to cljjefme : hnt tfte pIo«« tetngfeenieD to open tlje gate to bafif*' me. liDut altboug!) 31 am not ignorant, {joUiauncitr.tis tbe beginning of t^ys aDDcD paefe: ret it is latoful bottjfo} me I al § gooli to refufe tobatfoener things men Ijauc paefumeo to aboe to § ojoi* nace of cluia.^fjen fata fato ^ b^ tfte foUfbltgbtcretitofptoo^^loat i> Mtv^ beginnmgs off gofpel Us utaitts toer cafilv recerucD,f)e b;iafe fo;tb into grof* fer mocbcrie0. thereupon fpi«Ie,f l^kt trifiefi, toere opelp b;iougt;t in toitlj tjn^ baioleb libertie to tfje rep^ocb of baptif* n:e. Bi? ioljicb crperience let ts learne tbat nctbing is eitfter bolier, o^ better, o: fafer, tba to be content Mt^ tfte au^ ttjo^itie of ctiaift alone.^oto mutt) bet*- ter t&erefo;e ioas ity leauing ftagelpUe pompsjtobicb bafel f tits of t fimple,| mil tbeir minas,fo oft as an^ teas to be baptifeo t^t be I^ulD be p^efenteo to § aCTemblie of tbe faitftfol,! be offereb to goDjtbetDbolecburcbe Icofeing on as a Uiitnes:i pja^ing oner bim: p tlje con* ff liion of faitb tbulD be retiearfeo,tDber ^it^ be tbat is to be catecbifeb Ojulo be inftructeD: tbat tbc p;ompfes IboulD be DeciareblDticbarc conteinebin ^ap* tirmc:tbat tbe inaraceo tbnib be 5i5ap< tiff Jj in tbe name of tbe if atber,f § fon, ^ is notbing omitttn t migbte mahe to t!bt matcr,anD tbat § onlr ceremonie tobicb p^occDeD fro goD tl}t autlm tber* of, fljoulD moli cleretr (bine, being not ouerUJbelmeo to anr fozcin 6lttjtnes. iSut Ujbetber be be toboli DippcD tobicb tsbaptifeo, anbtbattb^iceo;^ once, c^ tobetberbebebntfp^inhleD id toater onlt? poureD bpon bim , it mafectb bcr^ title matenbnt tbat ougbt to be at liber tit to cburcbes accojoing to tbeoincrfi* tit of confries. ^olubeit tbetcri? tco;D of 15aptifing fignifietb to upppejano it is certa^netbat tbemancr of Dipping toas bfeD of tJ^t olbe Cburcb. 20 SCbisalfo perteinetb to § purpofe,to bnotD ^ it is bone amiCDe if p;iuate me tafee tpon tbe felncs t\it abminiCration of baptifme.ifo; as tocl tbc biCributio of tbis as off fupper is a part of t talt fiattical mmiderie. if o; cb;ift brb not comaiiD tDomen,no;i T?et ciieri?fo;teof men,tbat tljti (bnlo )iEaptire:but U-bcm bebab ojbeincb bie0pottirs,to tlicm be gaue tf)is commaunoement.^no Ijoben be comaunbeD li^s bifciples to bo ^ in tbe miniffration of tbc Supper tobicb ti)t^ bao fan bim bo,lDbcn be crccuteb tbe office of a rigbt biflributer, be Uiolb toitbout bout,tbat tbtv. tbnlb tberin fol lolue bis eraple.ias foj tbis tbat in ma^ m ages pafi:,i?ea f in a mancr at tbe be rp beginning of tlje cburcb, it batb ben recetucb in tfctbat lap men migbt bap tife in peril of beat b,if f miratter toere not p;efent tn time, 3 fee not U)itb bolu arong a reafo it map be bcfenbeb. S^be tjcrp olb if atbers tbemfclues,U)bicb t\>^ tber belo o; fuffreb ^is maner,tDer not furc tobetber it tcer \vtl bone.ifo; Au guftinfemetb to baae tbis bout lube be [Lib con faitb.jaitbougb a lap man compelleb bp tra,cpift. neceffitie bo gcue i5apf ifine J can not parm tell iDbetber a man map gcblilp fape ^ J^!Mggjggig^tr"Stb tbat be be fent ' tbat it ougbt to be iteratcjf o;t if it fag -.^w__^__ bone a.cap. ij, Cap. loo Lib. con tra, Hc- ZTT"""^ f o Saluation, ddHj toben m ncccititr? cuijcllctJjTit is (' tjfurpiug cf anotijcr mans cffirc: but if ncccffitv' cnfojcctb , it is crtber none c;r atjcniallfinnc. £^o.:couer of loom en it tojsDccraeo toitlput anp cjcccptioiiin tlit CoiiccU at (Iirtba^c, tljat tbc? G)olo not pjefumc to baptifc at all.)13ut tljcre is Danger, Icaft if Ijc iubicf) is ficU fl^olD D^c VDttbout baptifme , be (iionlo be be^ p^iueo of tiic grace of rcgcneratio. i^ot fo.CDoo p taUc Icffe beDe to tbemfclf. i^o^ tocere tbis o^ pinion is grotocn in foKe, v ^^^ are loll to tobo it batb not bappcncD to be toaQ^* eD toitb toater , our Hate is toojfe tban tbe date of tbs olo pj:ople,as tbo«gb t^x grace of ©oD Uier noU? niojc nanoiuli: ftraigbtneotba it mas \)nDt'r tbclatoe. ifo.iCbziltflj.ilbetbougbt to become, 4iot to fuiai tbe p:omifrs,but to abolta) tbe fojafmucb as § p:omifc tobicb tben iD.is of it fclfc effcrtuall cnougb to gcuc bcUb bcfo;e (> cigbt Da\?,nolD fljoulD not be of fojce Uiitbout bcipe of tbefignc. 5!5ut boto tbe cultome luas before ^ fourth Bookc. |Fol.4ii,j 21 Augurtmc luas bo;ne, firtt is gatberco of fertullian, tbat it is not pcrmitteD to a iDoma to fpcak in tbe Cburcb* no; to teacb.noj to baptife,no; to offcr,tbat(ic il)olD not claim to ber felf tht erecution of an^ mans office, mucbe leflTe oftbe P;icttes. £Df p fame tbing Epiphamus is a fubffanttall Uiitncffe , \ubere be rc^ piiocbetb Marcion.tbat be gauc toomcn libert^e to baptife, jjl^eitber am ji igno^ rant oftbctr anfiBeriubKb tijialx onjcr^i InifejHjat is,tbat comon tfe niucb ^i&Cf 1 retb from crtrao;oinarp remeDp,U)bcn ertreme neceffiti? cnfo^cetb : but luben be pronouncing tbat it is a mocfecrpe to gcac luomcn Iibcrti? fo lloaptife, ercep* ttt'i) notbrng,it fufficif tir apearetb tbat be conDemnctb tbis corruption , fo tbat it is bi' no color ercufable . 0iro in tbe tbiro bfflUe, tobcre teacbing tbat it teas not permittcD cucn to tbe bol^ motbcr of Cbnftjbe aoDetb no rcttratnt. 22 SCbc eramplc of «>epbora is bnfea- fonablt?allcgeD ifor U)berastb:0ngell of (DoD toas appcarcD,after tbat ftje ta* feing a ftone,circucireD ber fonne,tberei^ upon it is Uirongfullp gatbereo tbat ber Doing toas alloUieo of (lI?oD.£Dtbcrtorrc it ougbt to be faro^tbat tbe Uiorfbtpptng tobicb tbe nations ^ tocr brougbt out cf 0fft'ria raifcD t)p,pleafeO goo. 15ut bp o^- tbcr Ilrong reafons it is proueD , ^ tbat tubicb a fffllifl) Ujoma did, is tozon^ful* \v. DraUJcn to an eramplc of itriratio. Jf iB ll)olD fai! tbat it \i3as a ccrtau.c fingu^ lar cafe,U)bicb ougbt not to be maoe an erample, f fpcciallv v fitb it is no lubrr reD tbat ii\ do time tbcre U)as gcuen to tbeprieilesa fpecial comauncement to circ;imciTc,tbe o;Dcr of CircuciQon ano i5a;)tirme is bnlihc:tb^s n)olD be ftrog enougb to confute tbem. if or tbe \uo2Ds of Cbria are pIainc: but be tbat is callcD as aaron:tbbcrocucr Voiti] out U'jufuU calling baptifctbibe rul^ctb into an ofocr mans office. Cuen in tlic fmalleft tbunges,as in mrate i Drinke, iDbatfoeucr lue entcrp;ifc toitb a oout^ full confcicnce, paulopenlt»crvetb out to be nnne:iCberforc in loomcns baptx^ fmgismucbmore greucufli? fin,Uibcrc itis EX.4..2J jfjfir.iit Mat.a8. '9. Hc.5-,4. ilo 14,23 1" Cyf the outvvarde meanes It is eutOf lit 1^ tbc? b;cah Hit rule apoin i tU to be DippeD tn luater . ^ut it «s aU ; teD bp€l);ift:fo;jafrtiucb a« toe fencb) # { reatir p^ucD,^ nofmall Ui;cng ijs cone it is bnlatofuU to pluck tn funocr ttjofe ^ to tbe coucnant of OoD,if U>e Do not reft tbings ^ '^oo como?netl}.3ii3ut all tbts 31 ' in it,as tljougb it Ujcrc tucahc cf it fcif: patTc Ducr. £Dnlp 3 UjouId bauc tbe rca^ j tubcras tbe effect tbcrcof bancrtb ne?^ oers to note, ^ ^opbo^eB purpofe toas ; tber bpon 115aptifinc, no? tpcn an^ au- notblg lcire,tba to Bo anv feruicc to goD. \ titionsCbere 10 aftcrU-arD aDDcD to it ^eing ber fon to be in Dager,aje grubg^ ' a Sacrament Irfee a fralc , net tbat it eu, I marmureo, $ not luitboutftoma? \ b^ingctb effectualnelTe to tbe p^onnfc cf cbing tb;eli» tbe fojeffein Upon ^ eroiiD, ©oD a0 to a tbtng toeafee of it felfe, but tkt fo tauteo ber bufbano, tbat fije toas onl^ cofirmctb it to ts. m bcrupcn fol* aifc angrr Vuitb gob. irinallp it is plain loUietb^tbat tbe ebilb;rn of tbe fartbful tbat all fbvs came of a furioufneffe of are not tberfo?ebaptifeD,tbat tber ntar minoc, biraufe (be murmureD aga^nft , tben firft be mane tbe cbilo?c« cf C-oti, Cod I ber bufbano, foj tbat (be toas to* ' tobicb before toere Crangcrs frcm tbe pc|leu to ftitmt tbe blouu of ber fonne, | Cburcbjbut ratber ^ tbet be tberfo^e re^^ Sg)c;couer if ^ebao in all ofber tbtnges ceaueu b? a fclemn figne into \> cburcb, bebaucD ber felfe toell, vtt bcrein is an ; bicaufe bt tbe benefit cf § p^timifc tber tjneycufable ralbc pjefumpf ion tbat (be b^b alrebr belong to tbe bobt? of Cb^ift. circumcfeu ber fonne,ber bufbab being SEberfoje if in emitting tbe figne tbcre pjcfent,not anr p;iuate ma, but ^ofefi . be ne^tber aotbfulneire,ncj eontcmpt, tbe principal pjopbet of CDoO, tba tobo ' no? negligence, \x)t are fra fro all can* tbere neuer rofe anp greater in Jfracll: ger . 3;t i$ tberfcje mucb mo?e bolr? to tobicb toas no mo;e latofull fc? ber to geue tbrs reuercnce to t\)c cjDir.ancc of DO, tban at tbrs bate if is fo; toomen m tbe ligbt of tbe 3i5ilftop.ll5ut t^is contro* uerfie Ibal branbbr be eafilr tafef atoar bv tbrs pjine iple, tbat infantes are not oebarrco fro tbe bingbome of beauen. (IDoD,tbaf toe fehe feacramenfes frcm no tobere els, tba tobcre tbe llc?D batb left tbem» Mbcn toe map not baue tbe oftbeCburcbe, tbe grace of(&ob tsnot fe bouno to tbem , but tbat toe mar ob^ tobo it bappenctb to Depart out of tbr^Ec { taine tbem brifartliout of tbe too;Dc p;cfent life befo;c tbat it bcgraunteD , of tt)elLo;De. The xyi.Chdpter* That the Baptifmc of Infantes doth very well agree with the inftitu- tion of Chrift and the nature of the figne, mucb to e(f erne tbe purenes ofDottrtne in a mol£ great matter, togetber ix)it\i t\)t peace of § cburcb,^ notbing ougbt to be lotbfomlr receaueD tobicb mai auail to procure tbem botb. ISefiDe tbat, 3! fo flttbr to frame tbis Difccurfe,^ it (balbc of no fmall mipo?tance to tbe derer nt^ claration of tbe mplferre of IBapttfme. SDber aHJaile tbe Baptifme of JGnfantes toitb an argument in pgp fauo;able in R:Et fo?afmucb as in tbr^ age,cerfatn pbjentike fpiritesbaacrarfeobppe fo?e troubles in tbe Cburcb fo; tbe^bap^* tifme of infantes , anD do not ret cealTe to turmorle,38 can net cbosfe but 31 muft tornc bere an aDDition to reSratne tber; furioufnelfe. ^t perabuentureit (baU fceme to fome man to be berre mucb tcD long, let brni (31 beftecb btm) toer toitb brfflfglfe , tbat toe ougbt fo (beto Tourth B00kc.F0l.412. in onl^ b^ t boltjncs of mcn>f pcroerfc curioufneO'caiiD tbcn afteitoarD tuitb fonD cafines raOjlr rccetueo in t)fc.i?o^ a ^jcramcnt,bnlcirc it reft Upon a cer tain foiiDation of tbc too.jD of 0oo, W gctl) but b^ a tb^coe.HSut tobat if,U)br tbc mater is lucl confiDcrcD,it (ball ap» pearc tbat tbc ILojw bol^ o^oinancc is falfel^anDbniuftlr cbargeD toitbfucb I a fdanoerf ILet bs tbcrefo je fearcb out I tbe firftc beginning of it. ano if it Ojall appeare,tbat it toas Deui^feu hp tbe on^ Ip raOjncs of men,tben biODing it fare^ U)el,let bs meafure tbe true obferuatio of baptifuie bi? t\)c onl^ toil of goD.But if itlball be pjoueD tbat it is not ocD tituf e of b^fi ccrtaT?nc autbo;itie , toee muft bct»are,lcaft in pincbing tbc bolt! o;uinancesof (Sod, \ue be alfo aanoc^ rougagatnfttbcautbo? bimfelfe. 2 jfirft it i5 a Doctrine ti>el enougb bno t)Den,anD confcffeD among al tf)t goDli?, tbat ti^e rigbt cofioeratio of tbe fignes, confiftetb not onli? in tbe outtoarD cere? momes:butp;incipalli? bagctbbpotbe p?omifc,f bpon tbe fpiritual miftcries> fo J figuring tobcrof tl)c lojDe o;iDcinctb tbe cercmonicctbcmfcluea. 2Lb8rfo^e be tbat luil perfectly learnc of Uibat ba^ luc haptifme i«,to Uibat cnb it tcnDetb, finallv tebat it is : let b?m not tta c brs tbougW bpon tbe element ano boDvH? Ggbt: bHt ratber let bT?m ra^fe it bp to tbc pjom^feaof ©oD,\i>l)icb arctberin offcrco t)s,anD to tbe inloarDc fecretes tu^icb arc tbereinrepjcfenteo tjnto bs. l^e ibat hnoloetb tbcfe tbingcs,batb at^ ttmt^ tbcfounD trut'ge »f Baptifmc, anDtbetoboIc fubftance tbercof, as 3 ma? fo call it : ano tberebr alfo be fball be taugbt,Uibat is tbe reafon>ano tobat igtbebrcoftbc outtoanie fpjtnliling SJgarne be tbat contemptaouCv prif fins aiier tbefe Qjall bane bus m?n^ To Saluation, (hcb),faving t5 it isgrouDcD bpon no in ,ti)boll?faffencDanDbounD to tbebiC^i mtution of cbJift,but t it teas b;rougbt ble Ceremonie, (ball bnocrftanD ne^^ \ ***'"! . ..'■ * ......r- tbertbcfoKeno;jp:opcrtieof XSaptif^ me: no; ?ct fo muclj as Vois, lubat tbc bjatcr mcanetb, 0^ lubat bfe it battj. Wbicb kntcme is p;oueD toitb fo ma* nranofo cleare tcOimomcs of &crip!« turc, tbat luenaD not attbis p?efent to tarrp long about it. CUerefojc it re ma)?netb noio, 1^ toe feche out of § p;o* mifeu geuen in HBaptifme, tobat is tbe fo?ceanD nature of It. SIlje Scripture ajctoetb,y tbe dcnOngof ftnncs,tobicb ttKobte?neof§bla)D of vILb^ift. is bere firft (betoeo-.tbentbe mo;tif]?ingof tbe aefb,tobicb ftaDctbbpontOe partaking of bi0 Dcatb, bi? tobicb tbe fa^tbfull are regenerate into nsbsneflfe of life, rea f intotbefclotoa)ipofCb;iitt. ECotbr^ fumme ma? be refcrreo tobatfocuer ia taugbt in tbe fcripturcs coccrning bap" tirmeifauing^ btfice tbisit ifiafigne to teftific religion before men. 3 mitfo;afmucbas befiuetbcinftitu* tion of 515aptifme,tbe people of goD ba& circumcifion in fteoe tbcrcof : let bs fe^ tobat tbcfc ttoo Canes Differ ttic one fra tbe otbcr,f toitb tobat tikcnes tbci agrc together . ^bcreupon ma? appears tobat is tt)t rclattcn of t^t one to tbc c^- tbcr.Wbertbcllo;b gaue circijci0on toab;abamtobeUcpt,bc telletb b?m befo;c,tbat be toolD be ©oD to bun ano ^' ^ to bis faDetaDDing,^ toitfj bim is ? Go* toing ffo^e anD fuffifance of al tbings„ tl)at ab;abain (boulD arccmpt tbat b?s banD fl^lD be to bim a fp^^ing of al gosiv tbinges. 3n tobicb toojacs t\)c p^omife of eternall l?fc is contcvncD: asCb;i& crpomiDctb it,b;inf\ing an argument frnmbcncefo p;oue tbc imiiio.italitisr of tbc faitbfull, auD tl)c rcfurrc6io.5Foj !lVbt22. 1 CDoD(ra?tb \K)is not tbc C5cD of? Dca?i> 32. . IS tne Die Of roe ouio-aiut. .t^^imv^.^. batoftbel?uing.u^berefcacpaulal* Lri:€3o| aga?ne be tbat contemptaouC? prif* foOjiCtoingto ? Cpbcaansfrom tobat 3a ; fiaa oner tbefe fijall ^X^ivis bus mgn:>c / Dcftmction tbe Lo;DbaajieliucreD tbc ^ !t^Ei.i j lCaP.i6; Of the outvvarde meancs iDcu 8.16 0s.p.6. gatbcrctli b^ this tfjat tf?c^ fjab not ben acmiftfO ir.to rijc coucnant of circumci rio,t&at t^ri luerluitbont Cbjiilj tottb* out (ScDjlPitijcut bope, grangers from tbe tcCanTcnt cf fbe p^omife: all loljiclj fi5mgc0 tbe coucnant it fclfe contepneo. iauttliefirffcacceffeto Declare it, teben be crbojtetb tbc people of 3[fracl, tocircii* cifc tbc bncircumcifeo fbinne of (1 b^rf, brcaufc tbe^ lucr feueralli? cbofcn to be tbc people of (Sod oat of all tbe nations of tbe eartb. 0s ©oD,tober, be asoptctb tbepofteritieof abMba to bis people, commauDctb tbem to be circumcifeD:ro ^ofcs pjonoucetb tbat t\)t barts ougbt to be circiicifeD, Declaring terili? lubat is tbc trutb of tbis circumcificn. SEben tijat no man fl>oulD aiDeuo^ totuarD it b? br^ olDne ftrengtb, be tc^\)tt\) tbat tbei? neeD tbc grace of ©od. au tbefe tbings are fo often repetcD of tbc pio> pbets, tbat 3l neeo not to beapc into tbis place mani? teilimonies,lDbicb Doe ecb* iDbcr offer tbemrcluest. '^c banc p^o* ueD tberfojc,tbat in circumcifiona fpi* rituall p;omifc iuas tJttercD to tbe ifa^ tiKrs,f ucb as in baptifmc is geuen:fo;^ afmucb as it fegurcD to tbem tbe fo^gfn ucncs of fmncsji tbe nio^tifi:ing of tbc flcfb spojeoucr as tuc Ihuc tangbt tt?at Cbiitt is tbe fcutjaticn cf li5apttfme,in tobom botb tbcfc ti^tngg rcmavne : fo it toeurDcnttbatbc isalfo of tircumcif iion> j-o^betsp^omifcD toab?abam. anD in bim t^t bleHing of tbe nations. %o tbe fealtng of tcbicb grace,tbe Cgne of circumcificn is aDDeD. 4 i^oto iDc mar eafilp fK,tobat tbcr is like in tbcfc ttoo fignes, c; U?bat tbc re isDifftrtng. SLbep^omifes, toberupon toe baue DeclarcD tbat § potocr of ^ (ig# nes c0nfiftetb,is al one in betbjnameir of § fatberlt fauo; of goD,of tbe fo^geue nesoffinncs,cflifeeucrlafting.Ebi,)5 thing figurcD alfo is al cne f § fame,na* melr regencrationXbc fcijoatio tobrr upon tbe fulfilling of tbefe tbings Han^ Dctb>is al one in botb. Uiberfo^e tbere is no Difference in tbe intoarD mifterr, UjberbY I tobolc fo;ce i p:opertie of p ^acramcts is to be loeieD.^be bnlike nes tbat remainctb^lietb in § outtoai D ceremonie, \xiHc\) is { fmallefi pe^tio: luberas tbe cbcfctt part bagetbtpcn ig pjomife t V ti)im OgnificD. SLberefo^e toe mar Determine tbat tobatfocner a^* gratb tcitb circiicifion Dotb alfo belong to baptifme,cj;cept tbc Difference of tbe bifible ceremonieXctbis rdatio 1 cc^ parifonitbe 0pofiles rule leaDctb tJ3 br tbc baD,ljDijercbv toe arc c5maurO:D to eicamine al crpofition of fcripture bp § p;opojtio of faitb. 0nD truelr t\)t trutb Dotb in tilts bebalf almcll oSTcr it fclf to befclt.iroja circumcifton, brcaufe it luas a certain token to v ^ctoes,tober* brtbcrtoerecertiScD tbat tbev toerc cbofcn to be tbe people « boufcbclDe of goD,anD tber agarne en tbeir bebalues p^ofcCTeD ttat f ber relDCD tbemfclues to goD,toas tbcir firtt cntric into r cWc^i 10 noto alfo toe br IBaptifmc enter in^ to pjofclTion of goD,tbat toe mar be reCi» kritcD among br^ pcoplcanD nmtuallr ftoeare to bis namc.^Slbcrbr it appear rctboutof controucrfr that )i£aptifmc is come into tbc place of ctrcucttio,tbat it mar bauc tbe fame cff ice toitbtjs. 9 ^oto if toe lift to fearcb out,tobetber 315aptirmebe latofull communicate to infantes: To i'aluation* infants: fijall toe not fap tbat !je Dotb to ir.ucl) pla^c the fcle , v.ca tjotc , lofjtclj luill reft onl? tpon t^c clement of \»a^ tcr,f tfjc outloaro obfcruation, but can not abiDc to beno bis^ nitno to i (pinta* aUmiltcr^f t0beroftftbcrbean^con ODcratio baD,it tballluitbout Doutcer^ tamli?appcarc tbat ^aptifme is rigbt^ full^ seucn to infants.as tbc tbtng tbat is due bnto tbcm. jf^n tbc ^c;d in rIdc time Dib not tjoucbfaac to abmit tbc to firciici(ion,but t be m^noc t\}c partakers of all tbofc tbings UUjicb luer t\)t figni* ficD bi circiicifio.JsDtbcrtoife be Wo Xb mere Dcccitcs bauc mot !iCD bts people, if be bao fco tbf iuitb Dcccitfull fignes, tobicb is bojrible tut to be baro of.if o; be pjonouncetb erpjcll^ , tbat tbc cir^ cumcitiion of a title infante (boulD be in ficDc of a fcalc to fealc tbc p;omife of ^ coucnant.^ut if tbe couenant remain t3nb;icfeen « CeDfaff, it bctb at tljis Da^ no lelTc belong to ^ cbilc^cn of Cb?iCri* anSjtba bn?)rr tbc elo trftamcnt it per* ttiim to tl)C infants of tbe 3icUJCS.li5ut if tbCT? be partafeers of (» tbing fignificD, fcb^ liall tber be Dcban eo fro p figncf 3|f tbcv bauc p trutb , lobr fil^U ttcv be pnt back froiu tbc figure i ^Irbougb tbe outUoaro fignc clcauc faC tcgirbcr tuitb tbe too;rD in tbc Sacrament , fo i^ tbep can not be pluc'tc^ in ftintjcr: pet if tbep be feucrallp ccntibcrcciDbctber of tbf , 3 pjap poiijlb-ill toe cUcme of nio;!e ba lt!c i 2:ruelp ntb Uie fee ^ tbc Ognc fcr* uetb ij U)o;t),Ujc muft fap tbat it is bn^ Dcr it,i mull fet it in p inferior place, ^itb tberfo:c tbc vdo^d of 3i5aptifme is ertenDCD to infants:VJbF fljal tbc figne, tbat is to Tap tbe aoDition banging to ^ too;D,bc Dcbarrco from tbcnif SLbis en rearcn,if tber lucre no moctucrabun* Dantlp cnougb to cofute all tt)c tbat \dH fpeaUe fo tbe cotrarpXbat \jol)icl) is ob ieftcD,|S tbcre luas a oap certainlp fet fo? circucifion, is altogctbcr but a^biftj Fourth BooicCt ,ro-»4-'3} ^e graunt tbatUjcbenot noti; bonr.u to certain baics , like p Jcizicsrl^ut itbc tbc Io;D,bolufocuer becerfainlp apcin* tetb no Dap,pct ceclarctb t be is pleafeo t infats OiulD tc a (olemn fojmal bfagc be rccciucD into bis couenat: tcbat fcfcc tucmo.je. 6 Ij^otobfit tbc fDcriptcrc cpcnetb tn to bs pet a certainer fenolDlcGgc cf tbe trutb^iro; it is moll euiDenf,tbat i to- uenant lubicb tbe Io;d once mabe )xiitti ^b;iilihyis at tf}is bap no IcflTe in foKC to Cb^itJians, tban it teas ir. tbc ol8 time to tbe letwilb people : pea anb tf)&t lliis tco;jD batb no ItlTe refpctt to Cb^iflias, tban it tbcn bao rcfpectc to tbc iJctoes. {^nleOe perbaps toe tbinh , tbat Cb^ift batb bp bis comming Diminid}eD,o; (ut (l)o?t tbe grace cf bis jFatbcr . Gabicb raping is not \XiQat abbominable blaf^ ! pbcmp.^bcrfo;e as cuen t\}t cbilD;cn of p BIcUjcs U5crc calleD a bolp faoc, bi^ caufe being mabe beires of tbe fame coo I uenant tbep lucre maoe bifferingfrom . tlic cbilD^n of tbc bngoolp: fo; J fame I reafcn cuen v^t alfo tbecbilb;cn of cb;i j Iriaiis arc acfoptcD bclp , pea altbougb j tbep be i{)t iffuc but of one parent faitb i full:^(as p apoaie Untnc(rctb)tbep bif* I fcr from tbe tjnclcan fcbc of g;bolato;s. I jj>oiD tDbcii tbe ilo;D immcbiatli after tbc couenant mabe Imtb ^bMbamjCO;* maiiDeD p fame to be fcalcD in infants luitb an outiraro Sacrament : txibat caufe Uiill Cb^ittians allcge,tLbp ti)t^ fbulD not at tbis oap teftitie « fealc tbe fame intbeir cbtlojcnf j^citber let anp ma cbicct agauiH mc,tbat tbe lojb com maunacD bis couenant to be confirmcD ^iO) no otber ftgnc tban of cirnimcifi* on,tDbicb is long ago taUen aU)ap. ifc^ lue bane in reoincs to anfiuear, ^ fo; ^ time of i olD tctf amct be c;bcincD rir# cumciCon tc conSrm bis ccuenar.t:but circiictficu being tahe aluap,pet altDsp rcmainctb t fame maner Dfccftrming !.Cor.7. , «4. Gc.17. 12 Uibitb i Oftheoutvvaide meanes S^cb tuebaiiecomon \3}it})t Vetoes. l^,tftan fucb binoe of mcnDo. jfo; ne?^ Mtberfo;e toe muft altoav biligentlve ccnfiDcrtofjat 15 common to boti), ano tobat t!)c^ tiaue (euerall from t)3 » 2Lt)e cfliienant 10 common, tftc caufc of cofir^ ming it is common. S)nlp t^e maner of confirming is Deuerfe, bicaufe circum^ cifion toa5 tbat to tbc>in place toljcreof baptifme batb fucceDcD among ts . £D* tljertoife if tlje teftimonie, toberb^ tbe tber istbis to be ligbtl^ie paffeDouer, tbat €initt commannoetb infants to be b^ongbt tnto bim^aboing a refon to^, bicairfe of fucb is g Uingoom of bcauen, ;anD afterloarb be UiitncITctb bis tuilti oeoe^toben embracing tbcm be comcn^ Detb tbem to Us fatbrr toitb his p;aier « bleffing. Jf it be mate tbat infants be b;ougbte to €\)MtM^c is it not alTo Vetoes toerc affureb of tbe faluation of i mate ^ tbe^ be receiueo to baptifme> f tbeir faoe ; be taken atoat from bs,it j figne of our communion anD fcIotoCbpp CboulD be bjougbt to paffe b^ tbe com^ j Mt^ Cbjiff^Blf tbe bingoom of beauen ming of Cbnft, tbat tbegraceofCDoo betbeirs^tobpflballtbefignebebcnieb fijtjlD be Darker 1 leffe app;oueD b^ te^ | tbem,toberb? tbere is as it toer an en^ I Ihmonies to ts , tban it teas befo;je to , trp openeo into tbe Cburcbe,tbat being '■ i letues . 3f ^ can not be fa^o toitbout , aomitteb into it,tl^^ ma^ be abnob;ei) ' extreme Oaunbcr of Cb^ift, b^ tobo tbe | among tli^c beires of tbe beauenlp king* iaSnite goonelTe of gfatberbatb mo;je bomefl^oiDebmuffeI^aUtoebe,iftoe , clerelT? 1 Uberall? tban cucr bcretofo;e j ben poureo fo^tb ^pcn tbe eartb,ano ue I darcD to mntoc muft ncues graunt, i it is at tbe leatt not mo2C pincbingl^ to hefupp;jcff2D, no; tobefetfo;tbtoitb lcirctcftimome,tban it toastjnber tbe Darke QjaDotoes of tbe lato. 7 Mberfojc § llojD Jcfus , minDing to Ojeto a toke tobereb^ v too;ilD migbt UnDcrafino tbat be toas come ratbcr to enlarge tban to li:ntt tbe merc^ of goD, gentlp embjafeD cbilD^en offereD tjnto bim^rebnking tbe Difciplestobicb tort about to fo;biD tbcm to cometobim: fciafmucb as tbep did leaoe tbofe,to tobam tf)c kingDomc of beauen belon* - gctb,a\»ap from l)im b^ tcbo alone t\)e mint is open into beauen . 3i5ut(lDiU i^iafi^.iS fosnc manne far)tobat like tbing batbc I 1 5i6apttfme )x> tins emb;afing of Cb;ift. D^iueatoa^ tbem tobom €f)n^ calletb bnto bim ^ B|f toe fpoile tbem,tobom be garniflbctb \siitii bis gifts i Jf toe ftutte out tbem tobom be toillingli receiuetb:? )15nt if toe toill cranun boto mucb tbat tobicb €f)n(tt tbere DiD,Diffcretb from 15aptifme, T?et of botoemucbc greater p?ice fljaU toe bauc baptifme, (toberbt? toe teftifn tbat iixf^ixts are conteineti in ttft cQucnaunt of (Sod) tban refeiutng> emb ja!ing,laring on of banDs,f p^arer toberbr Cb^ift bimfelf being p;efent, Dcclaretb tbat tht^ botbe are bis, anD are fanct ifieD of bT?m i )i5\? tbe otber ca^ uillation5,toberbv tbcr labo^ to mccke out tbis place, tljcy Doe notbing but be ^ toMr tbe^.: otone ^no;ance. if 0; tbe^ gatber an arguments of tbrs tobrc^ Cb^itte fai?etb. i.et little ones come to me , tbat tber toere in age gcoD bigge ^0.: ncitber is it repo^teD t^at be bap.* ; ones tobicb toere alreaDve able to goe. aaVo rbem , but tbat be receiaeo tbem, X3ut tber are calleD of tl^e euangelifts embjafeDtbem,anotoilbrDtbem toel. 2i:i}erfo;je if toe lift to folcto l>is eyaple, kt Ms belp infants toitb p;a¥er,but not Baptife ttitm, Tat let tjs toc^ tl}t co^ "mcrs of Cbjift Comtoljatmoie besDcfol* Brephe^an^ paidia hp tobicb too;Ds tbe (Sf ekes do fignif? babes ^ct baging on § fa;efts,SDbei:fa;etbis;too>D{to come) is Gmpl^ £et fo; (to baue accelte.) iloe to'jat fna.reatbeg are copeireD to make, [ toiiui^ii ct.32. To Valuation, T Fourth Booke, il'o^4i4.| iDbic!) arc grotoc barD agamft p trntf). j^oto tDljerc tbtr far,tbat tljcUmgOom of bcaucn is not gcuen to tijcm , but to fuctjc as be liUc tbf b\?f aufc it is faiD to be of fuct),not of tbem: tbat is no foiiDcr tl)antbercac.iFo;iftl)atbc graunteo, tobat rnancr of reafcn Ojall tbe rcafon ofCb^iftf be iPbcrcbp bcmeanctb to ajeU),tlwt infantes in age are not ftra- gersfrom bim^SJUbcnbt commauoetb tbat infants be fuffcreo to banc acceffe t3nto bim,ncfbmg is plai'ncr tban tbat terr infancy m oat) is tbere fpohcn of. ano ti;)dt tbis (bolD not fame an abfur* Ditie,bc bvanub^aeoetb : of fucb is tbe feingDom of beaue.iSut if it muft naDs be ttjat infantes be conipjcbenbeb berc^ in,it muft be plai^n tbat \r^ tb^s too^oe (&ucb) are meant t3ert: infantes tbem felu£S,ant) fucb as bcltkc tbem. 8 ^oto there is no man tbat fafb not, tbat baptifme of infants loas not friv mcD bi? ma,tobieb is bpboloe bi fo great app;ouing of fcripture. ijicitber Do tbci eoIo;abl? cnougb plai i fcles, tebicb ob itdt ^ it is no tuber foiio, ^ anp one in* fanttoasbaptifeDbr tbe banoes of tbe apoftles. if 0.2 altbcugb it be not cupic^ fl^ byname rcbearfeo of tbe CBuange^ liftesttet bpcaufe aga^n tbci arc not er clubeo,fo oft as mentio bappcnctb to be mabe of tbe baptifing of anp bonflboloe: U)bo tnlcs be be mab, can reafon tbcri* bpon tbat tbci toer not baptifeo^Jf fucb argumentes toere of ani? foKCjlnemen fljulD be fo;biODen to partake of i lo;Ds fupper,tobom toe reao not to baue bene receiueb bnto it in tbe time of t\)c apo^ Cles.HSut bcre toe be content toitb tbe rulcoffaitbe. jfojlDben tueconCDcr, U'bat tbe inftitutio of tbe f upper requi* retb> tberebt? alfo toe ma^ eafilp iuDge to tobom tbe bfe tbcreof ougbt to be coi* municatcD. ^bicb toe obfcrue alfo in baptifme.if 0; toben toe marh to tobat cnb it toas o;oeineb, toe euiec'tlg efpr> V it belcngf tb no les to infdr.fs^tban to elDer folfes.SSberfojc tber f *i not b? cc* p;iuee of it, but f tbe toil of tl;c mittox mufte be manifettly DefrauDcD. llfnt toberas tbep (pitn ab^ooe among J Om pie people,^ tbcre pallcD a long rotoe of teres after tbe refurrettio ofCb;iift> in tobicb tbe baptifme of infants toas bn* fenotonertberin tbct' mod fotolp 00 lie. iro; tbcre is no to jpter fo olD,tbat ootb notcertainlT' refer tbe beginning tber* of to tbe time of tbc;3poftlcs. 6 .f>ctoe remainetb tbat toe b:a -el^ tbetoe, tobat frute commetb of tbis ob* feruatien,botbe f 0 tbe i?aitbf ull tobrcb p;icfcnt tbcir cbilOKn to tbe cburcbc to be baptifcD,! alfo to tl)e infantes tbem^ fclucs ^ be baptifec toitb § bol^ toater: tbat no ma (bolD oefpife it as bnpaofita* bleonule. liButifit come in anr mans ntino,tpon tbis p;ef ence to mocft at tbe llDaptifmc of infantes, be fco;netbtbe comauntjcment of circumciCcn genen br tlic Lo;J3.iro; tobat toill tbep b;rng fo;tb to impugn i JiSaptifmc of infants, tobicb ma^ not alfo be tb^toen bacb a^ agarnft €ircumciQon:fe>o tbe llo;D ta* Kc^b bengcance of tbcir arrogacctobicb DO bfanDbf conDemne t tobicb tbet! co* p^cbcnD not toitb tbefenfe of tbcir oton fieO). i3ut goD furnilbctb bs toitb otber armures,toberbp tbcir faj'iftjnf (Tc map be beaten flat.if 0 j ncitbcr tbis brs bolp inttitutton,bv tobicb toe fcle our faptb to be bolpcn toitb fingular cofo?t,Dcfer^ uetb to becallcD fuperfluous. ifo; gow ftgne comunicatcD to a cbilbe ootb as it uTerc bp an emp^intcD fcalc cofirme tbe p;omife gcuen to tbe gcDlp parent, ano Dcclarctb tbat it is ratitScD tbat t\ic lo^ix toill be <5cD not onlv to br^ but alfo to ibps fcDe , « toill continually (betocbTiS gmD toill f grace, not to bim cnelr, but alfo to bis pcCeritp tut to p tboofanDtb generation , ^bere toben tbt create UiuDneffe of ©oD btterctbitfelfe, firt! It i6A Of the out vvaidc mcanes 'G it ^iljtV:) moil large mattf r to ciDuaucr Ins r!io;»7,f o»errp:cai3ctl)goDli? hearts \xf ^llij-^Iar glaoncHc, bimitc tlje? are tljrrkj.tl^all niD^e carnrlll? motttD to louc acrain fo gcD".^ a father, U)l)o t^tv fj2 b bauc care of thm poltcritts fo^ eijcir faUcs.i|>citl)er do 3 rf garu^tf an\> ma taKe crception,anD far ^ tlje p^omi fc ougbt to fuffirc to conSrmc t^c falua- ttoii of our cl)i{Dje:fo^^.finurt) as it batU pleafeo goi) otberiuife, tolio as fte feno? toctb our \ycaftncs , teplleo in tijis be? !)alf fo mud) to bcare tcaDerli> toitl) it. SE&erfoje let tl)cm tbat embrace (> p?o« mifc of scjs merc^e to be e};tcnaeD to tbcir ct)to;e, tbtnfee t it is their ouetie to offer tbc to tbe cljarcb to be figneD Vo {' fignc of mercn,! tberb\? to encourage ttjcmfelucs toa moje aCTureo cofiorce, btcaufc tbct DO tuitb pacfente ere bcbolo tbecoucnateoftbc lo;^De graucn mtbe b33ics Df tbeir cbilDjcn. ia5ain,tbe cbil mm recc^uc fomc commooitic of tbeir baptifme,tbat bcin^ engraffeo into tbe boQ\? of tbe p cburcb t\)e^ be fomtDbat p nio.:c cotncnDeD to tbe otber members. 5Lbe vuJ;f ttic^ are groloe to rpper age, tbe^ be tberbp not QeDerl^ ftirrcD bp to earncft cnocuo; to too^flijip goD,cf Uil;6 tbei? baue ben receiucD into bis cbilD^e br a (olemne figne of aDoption, before t^^^t t\)ty! coulD b^' age acUnolo bim fo; lijeir jf itoer.iFinall^ tbe fame coDem< natio ougbt greatly to mafeebsafraiD, tbat d&DD tDiU taUcbengeance of it,ifa^ nv man Df fpifc to mark bis fonne luitb '.»7.'4 tbe (ign of tbe couenant,bicaufc bi? fucb contempt tbe crace offercD is refufco auD as It teere fo;f U)o;ne. 1 o ^oto let bs cramine i argumr ts, lubcrbp ccrtainc furious bcafts do not ceaffc to affatlc tbis bolp infiitution of (2?oD ifii-ft bicaufc tbe? fee tbat tf)tv be crccaDinglv ncrc Ditucn auD baro ttrai ncD Ibitb tbe lihenes of ^aptifme ani circumafion,tbc? labo; to plucfe in fon^- Dert^cfctlBO fignes luitb great Di^e- i'ence,tbattbeonelboulD not fame to baueanptbingcomon tuitbtbe ctbrr. jFo? tbrp fap tbat botb Diuerfe tbinges are figmScD , anD tti^t the couenaunt is altogetber Diucrs,anD tbat tbe na< ming of tbe cbilo^en is not alt one; But tobilc t\3£\f go about to pjoue tbat fir a pointjtbe? allege tbat circumcifio toasaftgureof mo;ti6cation anD not of bapttfme. Mlbicb berilp tue do moft bDillinglp graunt tbem. JFoj it mabetb tjen? ioell fojourfpDe . j^eptber do loe bfe ant! otber p.:ofe of our fentence, tba tbat baptifme f c ircumtiCon are figncs of mo jtiSeatio.l^creupo toe Determine tbat liBaptifme is fet in tbe place of Cir^ ciicifion, ^ it tboulD rep;^efent bnto bs § fame thin^ tobicbin oId time it fignifi* CD to tbe 3eUjes.3in affirming tbe Diffe5» reiue of ibe couenat, Vd belt) barbarous bcloneCfe Do tbev turmcile f corrupt tbe fcripture: anD tbat not in one place a^ lonc,but fo as tb?v leaue notbing fafc o; tubolef ifo;^ tbci? Depaint bnto bs tbe leluesfotobe carnall vtbe^i be libber bcaffes tba me: fcDitb tubom fojfoatb tbe couenantmaDe p^roccDetb not beponDe tbe tcmpojnll life, to lubom tbe p;jomi* fes gcuf DO rcil in p?cfent i bocili? goD tbings.Blf tbts Doctrine tabc place,Uibat remavnetb but tbat tbe nation cf tbe BIcUks loere foj a tpme fillcD iuitbtbe benefitcs of ©oD , none ofbertuife tban as tbe? fat a bcarD of ftoinc in a fire, tbat at lengtb tbe\? IboulD periO) toitb t^ ternall Damnation. i?o; fo fone as Ujc allege Circumcifiort anD tbe pjomtfcs annereD bnto it,tbe? anftucre tbat Cir* cumcidon toas a literall tigne, anD tbe pjomifes tberof toere carnall. 11 SDrul? if Circfjciaon toasa liferall figne,tbcre is no otbertoife to be tbogbt ofliBaptifme.jFojtbeapoaieintbe fc^ conDcb&pter to tbe CeloCfiaus maUetb tbe one no mo;e fpirituall tban tu otber J CoI,2. lU To Saluation. Fourth Booke 1 1 ol. 4 v otf)tr.fm !)c faitft tbat iue arc circnm cifcD in <3:i);ia , tuitt) a curcumciao not tnaDc Iriitb tjanD, putting atoa^ tbc bo* D^ of (in, ^ DUjcUcd in our flcQ) : tofjict) fte cailetb tljc cirrumcifio of C^;ift. ^f* CcrtoarD fo;^ Declaration of ^ faring , be aDio^nct!),tljat toe be buricD tu Cb;iC b\> ^aptifme ♦ "21211 bat mcanctb be br tbcfe toojDs, but tbat tbc fulfilling ano trutb of ©aptifme,is alfo tbc trutb anD fulnlling of circumcifion , bicaufe tbc^ figure botb on tbing^ i?02 be trauailctb to Ojeto, ^ )i5aptifme is f fame to cbJi* ftians, tDbicb circumcifion bao ben be^* fo;eto § 3ietocs.lBntfo;jafmucb aatoec baue noto cuiocntl^ uccUrcD , tljat tbc p;omifes of botb tbc Cgne , t miftcrics tbat are rep;refcnteu in tbeni , Do agra togctbcr,toc toill fo; tbi« p;efent tarr^ no longer tjpon tbcm.^nlr 3 toil put ^ faitbfnl in minD,tbat tbougb 31 bolo m^ peac0,tbei? (bulD toe^ toitbtbcmfelues tobetberitbe tafeen fo: an eartbl^ ano UterallCgnc, iJUDcr tobicb notbing is conte^ncD but fpirituall anD beauenlr. IBixt t tbe^ fijoulD not fcl tbcir fmcDhes to t fimplCjtoe toil b? tbc toat? confute one obicction tobcrtoitb t^tv eolcr tbis moft Cbameleffc Ire . Bit is mod certain tbat tbc p^incipall p^omifcs , tobcrein toas contcincD tbc couenant tobicb in tbe oloe tettamcnt Ooo ftabliOjcD \j)itli tbe 3ffaclite0 tocre fpirituall, anD ten? DCD to eternall lifctanD tben agarn,tbat t\it^ tocrc re ceiueo of tbc fatbers fpiri^ tuallr, as it toas mcte,tbat tbcp migbt tberofreceiue affiance of r life to come, toberunto tbcr longcD toitbtbc tobole affection of tbcir bart. iBut in ^ mcane time toe Dcnr not , but ^ be toitnclTcD bis gcDD toil totoarD tbem \xntli eartjlr anD carnall bcncfitc5:br tobicb alfo ujc far tbat tbe fatnc p^omifp of fpirittuill things \33as cofirmeD.as tob:n b!^ PXO' mifeo cucruama bUffconc: to bis r:r* bis eres a manifcft tcbcn of bis fauej, be aDOetb an otbcr p;!omife concerning I poITeflion of tbe lanD of Cbanaan. 0f* tcr tliis maner toe ougljt to bnDcrffanD all tiic cartblr p;omifcs tbat are genen to tbc JetoiOj nation,)^ tbc fpiritual p^o mtfcas tbc bcaD,tobcruneo tbcv are Di rertCD,n)ulDaltoar baue tbe cbief place 2i5ut fitbe 3i baue moCJ9.5'» nt !Lo;ttj Cberefoje p^omifcn to ab;a* bam,^ f)c IftouliJ !)auea fcDctoberin all mtism oUlfc eartb Ojal be bleffvi3:ano fjjcrUittbal affjrct^ biin,tl;atl)e laculo be a C'OD to bim anD bis feus.^iilboroc^ ucr DO b? ifaitb rccetue Cb^ttt § autbo j ofbicffm^,arebciresoftbis p^omifc, i tberfojc are calleD ? cbiloje of ^b^^aba. 13 Bataltbougb fincetbe refurrection of Cf)nft tbc boanDs of tl)c hingDom of gon baue facgon to be far ano toioe en? iargcD into all nations toitbout oiffc* rf fc,# accc^Ding to ^ failing of Cb.iift, faitbfuloncsl^oalD be gatberco from cucri? part to at sotjon in tbc beaucnlg '.ktS u SJo^^^i^b^bjabam,3faac,anD Jacob: i ^ct be batJ man^ ages before ertenueo tbat fame fo great merc^ to tbc Vetoes, ^nt} bjcaafc , paCTing oucr all otbcr , be bai5 cbofen out ^ only nation in tobicb be iDoulo rcdrain bis grace fo; a time, calico t'of Iji'is peculiar poffcCTion , t bis purcbafcu people, ifoj teftif^ing of fucb Ubera!itie,circumctGon Ujas gene hv. § figne tobcrcf § Sietoes migbt be taugbt f goo is to tbem ^ autbo;^ of faluation: b^ iDbicb hnotoleuge tbeir minDes Vuer rairco into bope of cternall Ipfe . if 0^ tDbat fijal toe \r ant, l»bo goo batb once rcceiues into bis cbarge,2I^berfo;e ti)c ^poUIe meaning to p^oue 1 1^^ ^cn* tiles txiertbeebiln.: en of 0b;abam as luclas (> 3etDP0, fpeafectbintbis man* ner:Bbjaba (faitbbe)toas tufiiScD bp fai:.l} in ijncirciicifion. .^frerluarD be re cetaea § figne of circiicifio, tt)t fealc of tbc rigbteoufndTe of faitb,^ be ftjnlo be tbe fatber of al tbe faitbfull,botb cf bn* circumctGcn anD of circumciCion,not of tbem 1^ glQ>vi of onl^ circtHUcifion , but of tbc ti}^t foUo\» rbe faitb »»bicb our fa tbcr abjabam baoin t)mircumci(ion. E>o not toe fa i' botb fo^ts are maoc e* gall in tiignitic/ifo;i,ouring t timt ap- potntCD b? _^ Decree of goDjfje tyast t fa* t^;?r of circJJCtGa.tlClbf j bjalbcjg pluc [Ro,4»iQ Ue9 t)'ilr!n(as § apoHle tujiJetb in an 0 tber place) hp ij)i)it^ p letues locr feue ,Hp.j»i4. reD fro J gmles,§ entrieioas maoeo^ pen to tbt alio into v HingDo of dDoD, ^0 teas niase tbeir fatber^ tbat l6out tbc fignc of circumci0on,btcaufi tte^ baue ISaptifme in ilcoe of cirtdciixon . 3i5ut tDbcre be erp.jefii' b? name Denietb, tbat ab;abnm is fatber to tbem tobicb are of circumciOon onlr^tbat fame luas fpohe to abate § p^v'f of certain, Uibicb omittinii tbe care of gooline(re,DiD boll tbcmfclues of onlp ceremonies , jafter tobicb maner at ti^is uap alfo tbeir ba? nitiema^ be confuteD tobicb feeUein llBaptifme notbing but toatcr. 14 3i5ut an otber place of tbc 0po0le outof tbe.ir. Cbaptrr of tbe €-?jiOle to tbc Homaines ^albe allegcD to tbe c6? trarr,tober be teacbctb tbat iiitv \s}U(f) areoftbeflcfb, arenottbecbila^en of 0baal)a:n:out ti)z'^ onip are accoinpteD bis feo2, toi)icbare ti}z cbilD^en cf p;03 mifc-ifoj be itmctljto fiigniSc,^ § car:» nal Uinret; of ^ib^aba is notbing,toI}icb vet toe ^m kt in iome Degree, Ii5ut it is moje Diligciitl? fo be marUcD,tobat mater p japoUlc tber critrctetb if.if c;, meaning to Ibeto llje Sietoes fcoto nmci tbe goDncffc of ctoD toas not bonnD to § fcDe of ab?aba>^ea i: uto it nt-MQ nmt fetb of it fclf, be bjingetb fo^tb SfmaeU 1 ©fan fo; craple to pjouc it : tobo be^ ingrefufeUjas if tbei? toer IIrangers,al tbougb tXjty! toere acco^Ding to t\)t flel^ tbe natural cffp^ing of 0b;aba , (> blcf^ Um reUeD in ^faac ano Jacob. 8I^ber* Vipon is gatbercD t ^Ud be aftertoarD atfirmetb,^ faluation bangctb of {i mer cit of goD^tobicb be ertenoctb to toboni it pleafetb him : f tbat tbere is no caufe tobv § Vetoes ibulD ttano ii\ tbeir oton conectt,o; boaa bpon p name of p couc nant,bnleffe tbep feepe p lato of p coue* nant,^ is to fa\'>co obei? j? too;D. 0gaiR tobcn bebati) tb;Qtoe tl;eni ooton from taiitel To Saluation. Fourth Books FoL4j6 bainc coSoencc of tijctr ftinrcD, ret br^ caufc on tbe otbcr fine be faU), ^ tljc co» ucnat tufjicf) U)as once maoe of goD vd § potterttie of ab?afea,coulD in no tuifc be ntaoc t)opD,in tbe ri. Cbaptcr,bc ar^ guctb t tbc carnall Uinrco is not to be fpotileD of bis tjue uisnitic: b^ ti)c be ne^ ficial inenc Uiberof be tcacbctb t tbc it toes are t\)t firtt i natoral.bcires of tbc gofpeljbut in rcfpcct i; hi tbcir tsntbaU* fulnes.tbci tocr fo;faUcn as i3nUjo;tbi: ret fo ^ tbe fjeaueli? bleffing is not btter Ir rcmoueo fralbcir natio. if oj tobicb reafon,botu mucb focuer tl^ei toer ftub# bo;ne f couenant bjcahcr5,neuertbele5 be callctb tbem boli? (fo mucb bono;j be geuctbto tbcboly gencrati6,t»itb inbo goo bad toucbfaueo to make \}vs boiv couenant) but calletb ^By if ijoe be com^ pareo toitb tbem,a5 it tocr after bo;ne, ^ea o; tbe bntimels bo^nc cb^lDJen of !ab;rabam, ano tbat br aDoption,not bv naturerastfattoiggc broken of from bt0 natural tra, (bulo be graff^D into a arajc ft ock 2L?icrefo^c tbat thti Iboulc notbeoefrauOcD 3f tlnir p^erogatiur,tt beboueotbat tbe gcfpcll tboulo be firCc pjeacbeD to tbt;foj t\)n be ii\ tht boufc? bolo of GOQ as It tDcre t\)t ftrC begotten cbilo:en. ©ab^refo^ic tbisbonoj teas to bcgeuen tbcm, tintiUtbcp rcfufcD it bdnaofffcotbcm,anDbi» il)tix otunc tiitbankfulncffe b.20u^bt to paCTe tbat it toas caricD atoa\? to tbe dDcntilr^. jlicitber vet tuitb bi^^ great obftinatie focucrtbc\?cotinueto make tuarrca^ .._^ _ gafnO: v d^ofpt I, ouabt tbcr to be Defpi* is to be fuiailcD,not onclr bv iiia\? of alf ^lbcrfo;:caltbcugb inDifccrning tlje bcircfiof tbe kingsomc from bafiaruca ano Grangers, toe nothing Eout ^ tbe onlt! election of goDrulctb \o freertgbt of gone rnmcnt:vet lue alfo tbervuitball percciuc,^ it plcafeb bim peculiarly to embrace tl)c fcDc of ab;abani trntb bis mercr,f t'aattbe fame merer migbt be tbe mo?e fureli? tritncffcD, to feale it \jb circuciCon . j^olu altogetber likeftate is tbcre of tbe Cb;iSia cburcb . fm as Paul tbcre reafonetb i^ t\ic ^cms are fanctifieD of tbeir part ts: fo in an otber place be teacbetb,!? t\;)C cljilo^en of Cb;i fttans receiuc tbe fame fanctification of tbcir parets. ^bcrupo is gatbercD, tbat tbcr are iMojtbilv feuercu from tbe reff,tobicb on tbe otber Oce are conDf^ neD of bncleannclTc. j!>ctD Iwbo ca Dout, but tbat it is mcft fah'e tobicb tbet! bee tbcmpon cccluDe,tbat fai? t tbe infants lubtcb in olo ti?mc toer circumcifeb, oiD onlp figure fpiritaal infancr,tjDbicb ari* fct'n of tbe regeneration of tbe luc;be of CDoO ifo;^ ]9aul cotb not fo futtellv plai? tbe 1i^^ilotopber, iwbere be lu^itctb tbat (Z'aMis tbeminiffer of circumcifion, to fil the pjomifes lubicb bao ben maoe to tbt fatbers,as if be bab faio tbus'.jro; afmucb as tbe couenant maoe Id ab;a? bam batb rcfpcct to bps fe^e, Cbnft, to pcrfojme f bifcbarge tbe p;omifeonce maoe bv bi^ ^atber came to faluation to tbe nation of v Bictucs.^ec tou not boU) alio after tbe refurrccticn of Cb?ift > be iu^^ttb ^ tbe pzomifc of tbe ccuenaunt i»Cor.6. 14. Ro.iT»:^ feb of bs:if lue cofiocr f fo; »be p;^omi* fes fake,^ bkffing cf goo Dotb ret Gill remaine among tbcm:ast)erilrtbe SI* pollle tettifictb t it fijal ncuer t ttcrli oe part from tbence:bicaufe tbe gtf'f es ano calling of goo arc txiitbout repentance. 19 )i5eboloofUJbatfojce isv p^omife gcnen to ti)e poCcritie of jab;abam,f toitb tobat balance it is to be Ipcgep. Icgon'.but as tbe Mcrv too;w bo fonno, to"tbc carnall fcoc cf ;.\b SDcCamcnt,^ is to far.bcires. Ro.i;.S A£V»2.39 Of the outward meanes ifrotDfeicftalfo not miicti Dtfac cojVct^ tljc Dtt)cr place of ttje apoaie aboue at legco,lDl)er l)eaccoptetft i fcttetl) circus ciQon cmp^inf eo in infants, fo? a tefti^ monieoft^e communion tolj^cl) tbe? ftauetDitb €bM. )!Bue if toe barfeen to tijcir trifles, tobat flialbe to^^ouglitb? tbat p?omire,tDbcrebr t&e itojo in tbe fccont) article of bis lain tjnuertaftetb f 0 bis teruauts, tbat be toil be fauonra* ble to tbeir feeoe euen to tbe tboufaDetb generations ^al toe bere flae to allego* riesflBut^tocre to trifling a (bift. i©;^ fi)al toe fa? tbat tbis is aboliCbeo. 515nt fa tbe latoc ftjoulD be nearo^eu, tobicb ^\ni\l came ratber to flabliftje, fo farre as it turnetb bs to gcsD tinto life.llet it tbcrcfo^je bee out of contrcnerfie, tbat dDoD is fo gmD ano li^bcrall to \3^B, tbat fojtbnr fahes,be toill baue alfo tbeir c!jilD;rcn,tobom tbe\? (ball beget, to ba aon«mb;eD among bvs people. 16 5po.2ccuer tbe Differeces tobicb tl)tv go about to put bettoeen ISaptifme ano circt5mciiion,are not cnlp too;tb^ to be lauabeo at, ano bopD of all colo^ of rca^ fon,but alfo Difagreeing tottb tbcmfel^ ^ former Biffierece is a mere bjeame if tber lifteD to (irpounD b^ toa^ of allego rie bp6 ti)C mUl) oafjT'ct it agreeb not in V maner.BSt toere mucb fitter,acco;!» oing to i opinio of tbe oloe to^iters, to refertbJ^niiberofeigbtto f refurrecti^ on tobicb toas Done on tbe eigbtb bap, toberupon toe fenoto tbat tht netonelTe of life bangetb: 0^ to tbe tobol courfe of tbis pKfent life, toberin mortification ougbt altoap to go fojtoaro,til tobe life is entjeD,mo.jtification it felfe map alfo be enoeD . i^otobeit d^oo map feeme to baue minbeD to p;jouiDe fo; tbe tenner^ nelTe of age,in oifliering circumcifion ^ eigbtb t>ap,bicaufe J toouD (boulD banc ben more Daiigerous to § cbiloren neto bo?ne f pet reo fro tbeir motber . I^oto mucb fltronger is t^at, ^ toe being oeaD faefore,are burieo bp baptifme : tobe tbe fcripture erpreCp crictb to ^ ccntrarp ^ toe are burieo mto Deatb to tbis entent, 1^ toe tbolo ope , t fro tbcnce fo;tb (bolD enoeno; to tbts mortification f i^oto, a liketoife baDltng,it is,t tbep cauill tbat toomen ougbt not to be baptifeo, if bap^ tifme m«a be frameo lifee to CirciiciC^ on. iFor if it be moa certain t tbe facti ufs ifor toben tbep baueaffirmeo tbat baptifme batb relatto to tf)c firft oap of fptng of p feoc of SSfracl toas teftifieo bp tbe fpiritual faattel,buf circumcifion to | tbe figne of Circumcifion: tberbp alfo it t\)t eigbtb toben mortification is alrca^ j is tnoouteo, p it toas gcuen to lanctific Dp enoeD,bianDbp forgetting tbe fame, j botb males 1 females. Ii5ut tbe onlpbo^ tbep turne tbeir fong, anD call circum^ cifio a figure of § flelbe to be mortifieb, but baptifme tbei cal burial,into tobicb none are to be put till tbep be alreaDp DcaD. ^batootages of pbrentilie men, can toitb fo great ligbtneffe leape into for.Drp Diuerfitiesf jfor in tbe firft kih ttce,baptifme mutt goe before circunu cificntbp p otber, it is tbrull bacfe into Dies of male cbilDre tor re marfteO \ritlf ity tobicbe miQi)t bp mturt be marfecD: pet fo 1^ tbe to'omen toere bp tbem after a ccrtaine maner companions f parte* ners of Circucifion.SDberefore fenoing farre atoap fucb follies of tbeirs , let bs , tticljefaftintbe bolinelTeof 115aptifme ano Circucificn, tobicb toe mod largelp^^ fa to agree in t\ic intoaro mpfterpc , in i latter place, f^et is it no neto er?.ple, ! tfic promifes,in tfc,in cffectualneffe. tbat tbe toits cf men be fo tcffcD bp ano 1 »7 febcp tbinfe alfo i^ tbep bring fortb a Doton, tobe in fteoe of tbe moit certain molt I^rong reafon,tobp cbilcren are to tooro of (sr-GD tbep toorttjip tobatfoeucr be Dcbarreo from ISaptifmctobm tbep tbep baue DreameD« Me tberfore fap ^ ^ allege t t^^V arc tiot pet for age able to ~ tnderUanD ToS^uatiori. Fourth BooJcc not oc in § ftrft miajic?. 2Dt)crf&:ei?)cp iTttber,t^4t tOcl>ar^ci lie talse fo.i ndht otl)er tba t»)ecbil&;^en of-:^Da,ftl tlie^lje grotden to age m^te foi a fecont) birtt^. llBut tfte trutft of ©otj ectjiuljcr fpcaketb ajainft al tftcfe tlms.^o} if tbes be tb be left among tljc cljilDzeH of a^ai tben tbei? arc Icf^e in Deatbt fojafmrtd) a« ih ^ah 1U0 can DO notb^ng but m.Wntt^f traritoife CbMlt comiunijctb tbf fb be tjjougljt t)rtti»b\:^Ji.^?)? fo^liSica'ife be i5lpfe:TOerfojc tbatbe ma? geuc l^fe to tbe,be mafecti) tbe partakers of b?im fclf:Uj!)S'i in ti)5 mcane t^im tbefe feh loltJ25 Djiuinj tbe far aiwa^oo a^Jiubgc tbem to ocatb-if o; if t^rc? fa? fo.z a (bift tbat infantes do iiot tberefa?s perin)e if fbe? be acco;npteb tbe cbilojcn of aoa, tbe?^ erroj isabumjantlpe confntco b? toitneffe of tbe fcripture.^o: toberaa it gidj^iw^of euiHf iBut toraflflDc re, tbat tbe tuo;hc of CiJob ip not ^ct ho Voojh at cin,flft{}b«gb it be not fubicrtc to our ca* pacitic-.^o;eouer it i¬\)ini^ Dontful, 'tijat§- infants tobirb are to be faueb(aB bcril? of tbat age fome arefauebjare before regenerate of tbe iLo.:oc . if oj if tW hmi ^i^ tbem fr&tbeir motbcra iiiattibetbe co;truptioh ftaturall? plan^ teb in tbemrtlje? muft be ^uvqcd tberof, before i tW beabmittiij into tl)t bing^ ttohteof (!5ab,tub^nhto rtdtbing entrctb ^i0Defilcoo?Tpottco. Jftbe^be bo;nc ffnn3r0,3g botb SDauio « |3aul affirme: egtber tbe? rema^ne out of fauourano batefnll to <2>ob,oj tbe? mtttt neeocs be imW5ei ano^UJbatfcSe tue ma^e , lobe tbe rtiBge bimfjfff opnil? afftrmctb tbat tbeentr?{n^'be'auenl?l?fe is open to none biit to ibenrt^at be bojnc aga?nef ^ho* to pnt Fucb tarperd to (ilence, be fl^elt)coaneramp!ein Blobn § li5apti(J, Fol4»7; Eph.2.5.; Ioh.3.3 I pzonouncetb tbat all bo D?e in ^oam, it \ toljo be fantfiftea in fjis motbers Uiomb, i.Cor.ii.' 22. Eph.2.3; Pr.5'.7. i.Cor.if lho.11.2j foil jUietb tbat tbere rema?neti) no bopc of l?re but tnCbur&»IOjef'e&.ie tbat toe nin'^z benubeieirijsf of lpfe,tBe mtif!c eommanicate tottb b?itt.&5a?ne toben it islMjitten In anotl)er jjiace , tbat b? nature tueare al fubtctt to t'i)c lu.:atb of (I5oD,anD conceaueo in Snne, tobcrunto SE>iimnation pcrpe^aH? tltauetb : toe muft Depart out of our otun nature, bt^ foie tbat tbe cntr? be open to bs into tbe bingDome of (Dau.^nD tobat th be rf!o;c plaihl? fp3hen,tbantbat flet^t bloitb ca nv^t pollfeffe tbe Uingt)«me of (B^aof 2>be^ fo^e let all be Done atoa? Isbatfbeuer 10 ours (Uibicbl^llnbC be bone tDitbout regencratioA)tben toe flfeU fe'tbis potf^ rcdfto^oftb^hingbotrte;jinan?tf€bJ:ift fa?t<»uel?, tobenbe r^ojtetb tbafbe (s !?fe,iti3iiece(farpetbat toe begraffcD info b?Jnitbat Hoe ma? be belttirtco out of tbebontwgeof Deatb. p'^t (fa? tbe?) boto are infaWs- regenerate, tubicb are not enbueb.toitb J;npUJlcbge ne?tber of tobat be toas ablefo do in tbe reft. j]!!e? tb^r Doe tbe? an?'tbtng p^euailc b? tbe ftitft loberujitb tl)c? bere mocb , ^ tbat iuasbut once Done t lubereupon it Dotb not biah^Jb? foUoto f^at ^fLo^n is luont coinmohl? to doc fo \i3itf) infantes, if 0? he?tber do toe reafon after tbat mancr: tm|?ottl" purpofe is to Ibeto,^ tbcpotocr hf3ob is b? tbem bniuttl? f enuioufi? liniitcD toitbintbofc narrotoc bonnDcs toitfnniiibicb it fuffrefb'not it kit to be bouu'jlEbetr otber brfbtftis euen of as great tocigbt.SSbei allege tbat b?tbe tj^ fuall mrntcr of tbe fcripture,tbrs toojcfe (frmntbe toombc) is as mtjc'o in effect, 09 if it tocrc fa?D, from cbilD!)Q3Dc. i3ut toe ma?^leerf? fee,tbat ftre 0ngcl tobcn be Decti^rD'^bt fame to ^afbar?, ment an otbvTtb?ng ^ tbat is , tbat it tobicbe teaifhot vct'bb^ncfl^irtD be filleo toitb tbe bol? ©bpft'.iLet ts not tberefo^e at^ tempt to appofmt a lato to (DoD,but tbat be nia? fan(t4fie \isbbm it plearebtm,as -..(iM5bcreii(i }ic cop;jebenoetb only, tbe fatt^fj^ili^bicb bao bentaugbt by pjcacbingif tbei0ot pel.2Eo fucb in Dcijc Voe graunt^ljat tbe : luo^D of tbe ilo;o is t^t only feoe of fpi* , rituali regeneration : buttec oe ny tbat itougbttbereupon to be gatbere^bat infantes can not be regenerate .by tbe poUier of CDoD,U)bicb is to \)xm as ea6e t reaoyasto ts it is in.comp?€ben(ibie ano Ujonuerful.^o^eouer ittboulp net be fafeenougbfo; bs to t^fee tbjs atpay fro tbe iio;&4liat be may not be ^bj[e tg a)cUi bimfclf to be fencUj^n isiij^6t^J>f iDijatfoeuer Ujay|jc'Ujftu'o , .^,|'! . »9 15utiray'tb,faytbe^,isbybcaryng, toberof tbey baue not ycjt^gotten tfee-bfe neytbercantbeybf ablcto l^nciu ©dc, tubo ^cfes teacbetb to be belritutcofi)! biujUileg? bc.tb of £.030 f tuiil. 2l5ut tbey fpnOcer not^.ibe 0po(lle,teben be wa^ ^etb bearing tbe bfgmniiig of faitbj oe? fciibctbouly tbe o^joinary oiffributicn of tbe llo;o « oifpcution tobicb be tifetb to bepe in tailing tlje j^ bebys : but ap* pcintctb net to btm a perpetuall rule>^ bemaynctfefeanyotberluay.^lUbKbr tuai berily be fcatb bfco in tbe calling of many,to lubom be batb geue a tbe true bnoiulcge of bimfelf by an intoarD nia* ner,by tbcenligbtning of tbe fpirite,tD? out any p^eacbing bfeo fo; meane tber^ of. 15ut iJDbereas tbey tbinbe it (balbe a great abfnroitye , if any hnotuleoge of (Doo be geuen to infants,fro tobom ^0 fes tabetb aloaye tht bnoerffanoing of g(DD f euill:3i befeecb tbe to anftoer me, iKbat Danger is tbcre if tbey be fayo to rcceaue fome part of tbat grace,tjDberof a litle after tbey Ibal enioy tbe ful plen^- tifulnelfe. i?o; if tbe fulneffe of lyfe ftstf Detb in tl)c perfect fenotolcge of goi3,Uibe many of tbem,tcbom in tbcir t.^ry 6rU infancie oeatb bianoby ta^etb atoay,cp paffe into eternal lilc, truly tbey are re^ ccaiieotobebolDe t^t meft p^cfcnt face of CDeD.timbom tberfoit frmctb no ah fufuitiejif tbep bee maoe partakers of bajJtifmettjnles tbetlift openl^to rage againft tbe o^oinance of goo; iBut botb in al iooingB of goD,f in this felf fame botrtgalfo fttnettj^ifebom 1 rigbtecnrf! heit-dnoiigl);ttj beatctjoluntbc bacbebi? i ti!i0!sof t toitkco.ifo.: tbougb irtfafies, ^Ule famt? inttanf,fbat.tbci? \3)CteciXf ^umcircD,Dianot comp?cbctt&in bnoet^ (Innoirtg tDbat 1^ fignc meant : pet tbcp toeretrud? ctrciimcifcrj intmtbc mo;^* I ti"^cat(on of tbcir corrupt ami Dc&lco na tur>^in tubicb n»jttacati«Ut^p fljoifl •^^-V'ifaftcrtussrDOfrercife tbeiiifctoej toben tb6p ioere gratonto r^peragciFiitaUp,. irite'1)crpt2a(? toaffo^cibisflbircttonyi i33tt^faptu5.tb.it tbcp be li5api:i&rD tote Tit.3.j. re&cntmw£;anufaitb to com8;UJbicbi»i^. \ ^ —'-'- -pptj anftoer at once iff oucrtbjolocn Ujfjat^ focuer tbep tt» jell againft tis tobicb tbei baucfctcbc&ootuf}be agnification of 51Saptifme.£Df tobicb fo)te is tbat title toberetoitb it is commcnocc of paule, tobtr be calletb it tbe toafljing of rege^ nerattouanD of renetoing. tiaibeiupon tbep gatber tbat it is to be gcue to none but to fucbe a one xts lis ^ble to con^ ceiue tbofc tbings.lBut toe on tbe cotra rpfiDemapanftoer,^ neitl)er toas ciD . cutifion Vubicb betobencD regeneration tcbcgcucnto an^otber tba to tbe tbat toere rxgcnerate. 0nb fo (ball toe com uemnc tbe ojoinace of goD.taabcrefo^e' (as iue bauc alrcafe? touc^cD in DinerCe places) tobatfocuer arguments boteno to tbe OjaUtngof circuciiJton, tbc^ baue no foace in t affailirtg cf baptifmc. i|5e^ tber DO tbci fo cfcape a\X!a?,if tbci lai ^ toe ougbt to taUc tbat foj tetcrmineij t certain,tubicb ftaoctb t)po tbe autbo;i* tic of gon>altbougb tber appearc no rea fon of it:UJbicb rcuerrce is not out to p. batJtirme of infantes, noj to fucb otber' tbigs UJbieb be not comriJeo tmto te bp tbe erp;icirc tooiD of gobtfit^ tbei arc Gil fall boloe toitb tljis boubU argument. fm tbe commaunoement of goo cocer^ ningiihtats to bcxirci»ciCet>,toas ettber lai»fota«o jfubiotf to no cantllations.o^ toojtiiptabefonnufeuU tpitbalitftbcci tDcWiiwiiiconuenifnce' noz nl^furmt? j in t^ (ommaiibomcnt of circtipifion,nd j tbcrtatbereanpabrurbitiebenotcbina otoferuiKg tbe iSaptifmeof infantes. 4 21 asfc»pfpot ofabfuroitiie tobicbttii tbtsftnce tbei go aboflt to la? t)p6 ttjlD^) tbJisUJip?itatoap. '©2lb6t|je^9iObat|j "boucUtewivto cl^aif baulng roc^iarbi) ftgntftff r^generatioytboie; l»c^,t-outp^, tbis m^^t iUfe ^tm^t tm ^^^fm^^o M,^M> ' I r^ ' iiiBi III I I • [Capi5 Of the outward itieancs l.\. 0,6.4. tdfuct^maner a» fte alone fo^esfeetfttp^ i>e erj8?orcnt»jf tbei? cbayce to graUi tjp toagc,to(jcrbrt{)ttma?be taugW tbe ;efutfj of bapfifnie,tt)et ial berbr betfee mo^e etilttnDiieD to tbef noeno^ of rene^^ Ujtng,tbat tefecn toberof tbci G)nllmn to l)auc ben gcocn tbe fro tbetr firflp tm facictbattbc? C^ulD erercife tbefelucfit in tt ibjougbout w tobolc courfc of tbeir hfe^ 2Do § fame ent^nt oogbt ^ to be a[^ iphco tobicb Paul teacbctb in ttocr pla* ;fr£!,^,bpbaptifme.tiie€ire biirttJtttDge=^ tber ^ti)zift,^o} beiwtb not mrnt tben bi,^ be tubici) is to be baptifeo, mutt be ^IreaDt? fird buried tcgctber 16 Cb^iffi but fimpli DeclaretbtubatDoctrincisco teineo Unber baptifmepca f ^ totbe ^ jbe alr^ao^ baptifebtfo^tjerp mab men lifotilD not affinne b^tbisplace tbat it goetb bcfojebaptifme.^fter tbis maner i^ofcs I tbepjopbefs bio put tbe people in mino Iwbat ctrc ucifion meantjlDber^^ 16 v^ tbet? bab ben marto tobile ti)t^ al.3.27 tDer in^s. £Df tbc lame effert alfo is.f ^hic^W^ntttl) ta^ 0al;Atbiajef,f tbci tob^tbt* toertjaptifeo^bpii onrb^ift &!i»b^0itb^toifil^tbat tbcpftufijiro tfi&tct fti^ I?n"e.toiclKMcft, bicaafitf mv- feats not liueu' bi^fo^ej.'ani) attboogb iit.| ; oibcr fo^t^ret^uing of tb^ figne ougbt iPe.3»4» jfoz tj^etrutbof eirciicifto alfocoMeu of flame gaid iditnes of gioo conOcricco^ W it tmg\)t of ncaSitic to i^mc gont bir? fo^e,infat£iifl{uli) ncncr bauc bene cir-= cuetfel^ bt tbe comaiib^mf t of 0OD..l}Ut be O^eJoiingtbat tlje tuitnrs of a gi9b c^^ fcience loaB contetneb tnber tbe ttutlj of drcita0on,f v^t tberluitbal alfo com maunbing infates to tre circucifeb^botb in tbat point fuffirtcntlt! bcciare f rtr^ cttci&onisapplteD.totbe time to come. Mberfojetberris no mo^e p;erent*ef* fe(tuatne;staberec}(;Sireo in HBapttfrne of infat0,tba tbat it (bulb rofiirme i ffa^ blilb tbe couenant mabc bT> tbe lo^oe 16 tbem,2Ebi^ reft of Hgnification of tbat facramet (ba! aftettiiarb folol]) at im^ time asgoD bimfelf^ fo^ef eetb . 22 /^otoj tbil?tbcr ii no ma,^ botb not clearlr fa ^ al fucb reafos of tbcirs are . mere mifcofirigs of feriptore. asfo^S reft ^ be of a nere Itinb totbefe, toe ioil ligbtli run tb^ougb tbe bp p ica^Xbei obiect tbat IBaptifmris geuen tnto tbei fo^geueneOiBof d&nn^:; tcbicbM;eniJC; is graunteD ^ toiU largely maihc fp^ be>; fence of osire:fentenci«: ifor. fitb1w« b^J bo;ne:ittmeFS9t»t 00 eu( from oniE" otQ^ tber0 toomtrenab fcjgcittJieffie «i{«r? Don,#otD fertng tbr tl;oj^ Jiotb nottut to fololD 1^ tjRoerftfioing of ^ mifterie: . of,but ratbcr aflureto f ag^tbe bopeiof; ^et ita^tbe l^^lbt ba;larei^ # itimntts pugbtto li^ otb^rtoife jeftemeo f 4crtp«^ teo of ; . j^nb no ot bertb^e oogbt Jut to i iaogco^^ ]}la«0 of^teiv tn lol^b tb0^ tbink ^ ^ei laut! a ftrong Nb^b^ai b0 i failtb ^ it is not ei ttmi^fg to ^tp4 atna^ > 1^ mtbitieirejt Of f bob!,but ^njimcirof an gaio c5fctciiCf ij^fo^ goD,bBf f ^t^ttt oh c fi*)tft tbti ill iJtco bo gafbirp^r^ bf ; f ^mUi^ ia ielt •to^tl)0 bfi{)Cifmrof J |inf5t^;«tjft')5 ilir^'ib ij'e a ^infttiofte, t^mtf^MWifytm'mtm& UvtU pinfMxt tiie^iittMt^^tt in tWs *er^ ^ b;j/bai tijcr toil baue^tbe tm% Jh o^i* ttterc^:^B Hfoumtoet ta^fro tbeJbe Ggrie:b]i)id^itstmucbinfil'td;^tli)a^l;tblS; it fe«§ tEflbcrto^e tb^ bjbfeb*bf S£ft^?i bouttatb^moia^aift ts,:b)iitbB9:tbaoli}< bactoagainfttbxa^toesttnfatcsr bane remttKon of* linnesiefien^tbcmj fcber-jrrs foie tbe^^oiigbtnot to bane fibe fignr tafeen front tbfm . V :S:;ber aBeogt^ . alCb tbt«ttot4jBtbt!epifi:leto:tbcC*p1)efias:. jtbat!tbe^ri%:is cleiMTtr. of tbtlo^eii jto^tb'tfee. inattj^g Of j&jatrr ' in t^e? ; jlx^^beof l^frXbari tDbi'cb tberc cculo; jnotbtng bfl^ralicugcD itio^r^trt to oucrf. tb^o^c tbeir xrrc^ : fo;j!tbtcaipon ero» Ep.5. 26, eASBBmsm»afi^f^ i.G>r.i2* 17. totll^aae tbe toaf^tng tDberetuttl^ be (leanfetb bt< Cburcbe^to be tettifieD b? bapttfme: it femetb not rtsbtfull t\)at it D^onloetDant^be fefttmoti)? oftttntn^ fante5,tobicbare rigbtfuU? accompteo part of tbe Cburcb>fo^armucb asr tbet be catleD betres of tbe beauenli? htngdome. ifo; )9aul fpcahctb of tbe tobole cburcb iobere be fattb tbat it boas clenfeo Uittb tbe ^aptifm of toater.iltbetutre of tbtst tbat in an otber place be fa^tb, tbat toe be b^ Baptirme graffco nito t\)z boD^ of Cb;tff,lDe aatber tbat infante?, tDbom be reckenetb among b^s meber0,ougbt to be baptireD,le(t tbet be pluckeo atoa^ ftom bi?t( boD^.)i3ebolo loitb U)bat bio^ lence \xiit^ fo mani? engine tl)t^ aCCauIt tbe foxtttdtfi of our fa^b. 23 2CbentbeT>comeDob)nto§p;ra(ttfe I coSome of ^ time of § apoHles^tober^ in none is founn to baue bene aomitteo to li5apttfme, but be Inbicb batb befo;e p^ofeoeo fa^tb f repentance.if 0^ tober peter tuasaffecu of tbcm^ tocremin* oeo to repente,tubat iDas neOefuU to be A^.8.37{ Done,be counfcUcD tbem firtt to repent, f tben to be baptifeB, into i^ fo;geuene0 of GInnes . ilibctDifc pbiHp, ^iil)cn tbe CDunucb requires to be baptifeD,anruje* reo ^ be migbt be baptifco if be bclcuco toitb al bis bart.l^crcbp tliz's tbtnS tw fbc^ ma^ tain,tbat it is not latuful tbat Baptifme be grautco to an^,but tobcrc fa^tb f repentance go befo;e.2Druc!^ if toe gcloe to tbp3 rcafon,t!3e firtt of tbefe tiiJo places l3Di)crc is no mention maoe of if a?ti),lDill pjouc ^ repentance alone fuffifetbianu tbe otber place>U»bcrin re* pcfUancc is not required, \s)ili p:one ^ ifr.inb onli? is ciioagb. 3 t^in^^ tbei? toil anfojere ^ tbe one place is bolpcn toitb t\)t otber, ano tljcrcfoje mutt be iorneo tagstbcr.^l fav> alfo l^kcU)i?rc,tbat otber places mutt be la?Dc togctber tabicbs nuke fomciDliat to tbe \jnDoing of tbps knot ; fo^afmiicl) as tbere be mam? fen* Aa.2.37 To Saluation. Fourth Booke. jFol 459 tences in Scripture, tbe tJnDcrttanoing tDberof bangctb Upon tbe circumCance of tbe place, as tbps p^efentlp is an ep ample.if 0; tbep to Iwbom ptter % |3bi^ lip fpabe tbefe tl)mQS \joctc of age fuflfi^ eient to baue p^atfife of repentance ano to conceaue ifa^tb.Me earncttlp oenp tbat fucb ougbt to be baptifeo, \)ntHl af* tcrperceauingof tbetr conucrfionano ifaptb, at leatt fo far as it mat? be fear* cbeD out b^ tiit iuDgementof men.li3ut, tbat infantes ougbt to be accompteo in an otber number, it is mo^etban tui^ oentenougbifo; in olotime if anp ma Dl?0 iopne bpmfelfe into communion of religion Uiitb Birracll,it beboueo tbat be IboulD firtt be taugbt tbe couenat of tbe iLo^9,and inttrutfeD in tbe latn , before tbat be toere markr 0 toitb Circumcifi^ on,bicaufeinbirtbbetDas attrannger from tlit people of Ifraell , toitb lubom tbe couenant bao bene maoe M)\)ii^ cir^ cumcifion ffablitt^eD. 24 as alfo tbe 11o;d, toben be abopf etb ab;aba to bimfelf,Dotb not begin atcir* Iq cumcifion, booing in tbe meant tvmtl*^'^ tDbat be mcanetb bp tbat 0gne:but firtt L be oeclarctb tobat couenaunt be enten^ j^«-«7.«o Detb to mahe to bim , 1 tben after faptb geuen to ^ p jomifcbe maUetb ^im par* taker of tbe Sacrament . Mtbr botb in ab;aba tbe Sacrament folio to ifaitb,f in Jfaac bps fonne it goctb befo^al tm* oerttanoijng i ©icaufe it is meete ^ be, tobicb being in ful grotnen age is recei* ueo into fello\D(bip of tbe couenant, (To lubicb be bao bene betberto a ttranger, (boulD firtt learne tbe conoitions tberof: but an infant begotten of bim neoeo not fo, iDbicb b^ rigbt of inberitance acco;* Ding to tbefo^me of tbe p^omife i» eucn fro bi^s motbers toomb containeo in tht couenant. ^;r(tbatt!)c matter ma^ be mo;ie clereli? f bjafl^ Cbetoco) if § cbil- D;cn of tbe faitbfull,toitbont tbebelp of fannerttanping, are partahers oftbcco^ ©cDi2>.iii. nenant. Op.^^.'i Of the outvvardc meanes 1^2337. :p.2ja. MAt^.<5. I0IU3.5. Benant,tl3crc is no caufc tot)T! tlici fl}olD bcOcbarrcDfrotljcfigneofiljrs ^ ttjet? ca not f tueare to tftc fc;jm of § t oucnat. S^t5T5»t)crtir »s tbe rcafon,\i3l)t? in fomc places CcD afftrmetl), tbat t\}t inf«nfc0 U;l)icl)arei(rucD of § ^fracUtrs, arc be^ gottf t bo^nc to b^tn.if o;i toitbout bout bt elf emetb as bts cbilojcn tbe £bilo;cn cf tbe to iDbofc feDc be p;omifctb tbat be tDtl be a fatber.lIBut be bobirb is bnfattb futl,tlfacD of bngobl^ parent0>tUl be be b V fa^tb bniteb to C£^ob,ts tubceb a ttreif 0cr fro tbe efimunicn of tht couenaunt. 2:bercfo;e it is no maruell if be be not partabcr of ^ fignc,t fignificatio tober^ of IbolD be beceitfnU f Doioe tnbim.sro tbvs effect panlalfo ti)jitetb,i? tbe ^m ttlcsfolongastbei? tuere o^otpneb in tbcr? iboIatn?jUJerc out of tbe tettame t. mithfhvs (bo^t fum,(a» 3 tbuitie)tbe tubole matter ma^ebcclereltopeneb: tbat tbet tubicb in groloen a&^ytmhmt tbefartbcfCbJift, fojafmucb as tber twerebet^ftto ftrangers from tbe couc^ nannt,are not to be marlbeo U)itb 15ap^ tifnie,but tuberas ifaitb t Repentance come bettuene,tDbicb onlv can open tbe tbe enttr into fellotctbip if t couenant: but tbe infantes tbat are ttTueD of Cb;i^ ftians,as t\)ty> are receaueD of CDob into tbe inbcritance of tbe couenant fo fcone as tbei? be bo;ne,fo ougbt to be recciucD to Baptifm. I^ereunto mud tbat be ap< rplieo tDbicb tbe d^uanselift fpeahet^ of, tbat tbet ^ere baptifeb of Mt^ tobicbe confelTeo tbeir finnes. Mbicb example at tbt!8 bate alfo tpe tbtnUe mtitt to be bept. if 0; if a SDurl^e offirr bimfelfe to ^aptinne> be0)olo not be ratblp bapti^ fcb of bSjUamelt not til after confifficn Irberbt be mar fatiffie ibe Cburc b. 2; Spo;eouer tbci b^mg fojtb i> UJo;bs ofCb;ift,\ubicbare rebearfeo in tbe 3. cbapt.of 3obn,tt)berb t tber tbinU tbat a p jefent regeneratio is requireb in tl5ap tifme.mniefieanianbc lo^ne again of toater f tbe Spirit, be can not enter nu to t\ic feingoomc of (Sob. iloc (fap tljt^) botoiSaptifme is bT? tht ^oms clcne moutb calleb regeneration. SLbcm tber^ fo;e tobo it is mo?e tban tv^cuQ}) fench-v en to be bnable to receaue rcgeneratio, bi> lubat cclo^ bo toe at>mit to ^nptifm Icbicb can not be \xithout rcccncraticr if irft tbet arc becciucb in tiAs tbat tbet tbinbe ^ in tbis place mention is mabc of iiBaptifme,btcaufetbep bcarc f name of bpatcr ♦ iro^ after tbat Clnid bab De# clareo to i^icobemus tbe corruption of nature,anb taugbt brm tbat men muC be bo;nc of neto , bicaufe jl^icobcmus b;rameb of a bobiln ncU) bratb^^e tberc (beluebtbemanerboli) CDod pott/ rcge:; nerate bs, namely b^ luater t tlje ^pi# rite,as tbougb be (boulD tavM tbe ^pi^ ritelubicbin clcanfing anb icattrtng fattbfuU fouIes,bctb tbe ctftce of Icater. 2Lberefo;e3tabc toatcr«tbe ^piritc Cmplt fo; tbe ^piritf, Uibicb is tuatcr. i^evtbcr istbis a nelu fo;me of fpcccb) fc;italtogctbcragraibUutb tbe fame iDbicb is intbe3.cbapt.cf ^atbclc : i^c tbat folloUJcib nie,it is be tbat baptifetb in tbe WtQhoit « fire. HDbercfojc as to baptife in tbe bolt gbctt t firc,is to geue ti^t bolt gbolI,tnbicb batb tljt cffice anb nature of fire, fo to be bo;ne agatne of toatcr I tbe fepirite, is notbrng els but toreeenuetbat potuer of tbe bolt^pt" rite U3bicbebotb tbe fame tbrng in he fouletbatlnatrr botb in tbe boote .^ t^noU) tbat otter bo otberluire erpounb it : but 31am cut of Dout tbat t\)^s is tbe naturall meaning : biraufc tbe purpcfe of Cb;ilt is none otber,but to teacb tbat all tbet mutt put of tbet; cfenc nature tubicb afpire to tbe beaucnlt Uingtiom. i^otut eit if toe liSe to cauill bnfauo;t^ It as t^c^ DO, it lucre eaSe fo; bs(U)bcn tucbauegrauntcDas tbct it'oulobaue it) to inferre tpon tbem tbat X^aptifmc is bcfo;e jfattb anb Hepcntaunce : fo;afmucb To Saluation, Pourtli Bookc. F0h42o. fo^afmuc^ as in rtje toojDf » of C^utte if goett) bcfo:e tbe Spirit. Bit is ccrtatn fljattftis is tjnDcrftanfieu of fpiritimU gifts: tobictj if tfje^ come after baptif^ me, 3l)aueobtci?neD toftati require. )5'^t Icauing caiuIlafions,tDe mutt Ijolu fafte tbe platjne erpofition, \t)bl^cb 31 baue bjougbt, tbat no man till ht bane bene rcncluctj \i)it\) iTiuins toaf er, tbat is,toitb tbe ^pirite, ran enter into tbe bingoomeofCSoB. 26 ^oto berebi? alfo it is m^tient tbat tbcir fat!neo inuentio is to be lijfleD out tubicb aoiuDge al tbe tmbaptifeD to etcr nalloeatb. SDbcrcfojcletbs acco^bing to tbeir rcqucCe imagine baptnfme to be mtniftreb to none but to ttjem tbat be aroluen in age:\Dbat tuill tbe^ fa^e Qjal become of a cW^y U)bicb i& n?gbt^ l^ I Ujel inttrcteb ^it]) tbe introuuctios of goblrnelTe, if lobcn tbe nav of bapfi^ fing is at banncbebappen to ba tahen atoav to^tb foocn tscatb befioe al mens bopef 2Dbe lo jos pjsmrfe is clcare,tbat tobofoeuer batb bcleuetj in § fdnne,Q)al notfeeDeatb,no;jIftaU come to iuoge^ mcnt, but is alreaD^ paffcb from beatb into lifctanb it is no \uberc fouD tbat be ■• tatr baneb bini tbat luas not ?et bapti^ • feo. tscibicb 3 tooulD not bane fo tafeen hh$H ofmeastbougbe 5 meant tbat bapttf^ me mrgbt freely? be oefprfcb i^V tobtcb Defprfing Bl affirme tbat tbe lo^Dcs co^ I nsnant is DcMebr fo mncb IclTc can 3 ft* j bvbe to cvcufe it ) onl^ it is tmuf^^ fn; j me to p;ouc,t!}at it is not fo nccellaric, i tbat be K)oalD be immeauiatlijtboDgbt I to be loft, from Iwbom poller is tafeen iaVuairtoobtciMicit . "i3ut if fee agree ! to tbcir farncD Jjeu^fc, tuc Ojall namne 1 a!Iti)e>n toitbout CFception,\i3bo»n an^ i cbaimcc^teitljoiDctb fro bapttfme, Usitn boVw cireat faitb foeue r(bvli^6b t\ni& 1>!mfclf i0 polTcffeD) oti^cr&vr? tb^v are eii3u€t». s-^jjcouer tbr? make al infats giUic of cternall ccatU^JoUJbomtbep Mat»ip >4. Mat. 28. V Dente 1Baptifoie,ta)bicb bi? tbcir otone cdnffffiois necelTan? to fakiatio.i^otB let tbem lobe botDti'im!T?fbei? agre \6 I tbe faiojbes af tb;tift)br tofjicb tbe bing*^ ODmofbeaueni« aotubgea to tbe age. ^ut to graunt tbe enerv tbing fo mucfj as perteinetb to p bnberttaoing of tbis place,^et tber Cbal gatbcr notbing tber^ of,t3nlcire tbc^ oucrtb^olue tbe former Doctrine tobtcb U)e baue HablifijcD con^ cerning tbe regeneration of infantes , 27 I5ut tbeT> glo;v tbat tbci baue § ffrc* geftbolDofallintbcber^inaitutio of baptifmcVubicb tbc^ fetcbe oute of tbe latteCbapter of SBatbetoitober Cb;iitt fenbing fo;tbbis japottles to at natios, geuctb tbem tbe firft commaunbcment|'5' to teacb« tl)tm,mMi tbe feconbe to bap^ tifctbem. STbenalfo outoftbelatteof S^arUe tbci^aoio^nc tbis. V^e tbat belei" uctb * is baptircD,lbal be faueb. ®abatuMar,i6. fffibetue furtber (fa\?tbet>) tubrn tbe 16, lojw o\un too;bs uo openly founD,tbat Uje mutt firtt teacb ere toe baptife,ano 00 affignc tobaptifmetbe feconb ffate iMat.3 13 after i?aitb^£Df Uibid) ojber &)t ilo^e. Luk.3 aj! alfo IbcUjeD an eranipfe in bimfelfe, tobicb tooulo be baptifeo not till t tbir* titb rearc.ll5ut bcre,^ g(DD(!I5oD,boi»e< man^ U>arcs do tbe^ botb entaglc tt^si, fcluesanDbeUj;sa^e tber? otoueigno*- ranccriFoj bcrein tbci? noto mo;e tban" cb^lDitbl!? erre, tbat tbei fetcbe tbe ertt inttitution of iSaptifmefrom tbence^ tobicbeCb;iltbaD from tbe beginning of bis p^eacbing gcuen in cbargc to ^i& aportles to miniitcr. Cberfo^c tber is nocaufctob\?tbe?fl)culD aifirme tbat tbe laUi ano rule of S3aptifme is to bet kttlicn cut cf tbcfe places r.s tlm^l) tbev contcf ncD tbe firH inttitutio tber* 1 of.5i5;5t,to beare luitl) tbe fc; tbisfault, ^et Ijfito throng is tbis maner oftealo:* I uinzi i-i iJcli' if 3 UHcD to Dall? Vov'tU I tbem,tucr is not a litle lurUing f}ole,but i amotie IviDe 8dDogerctbtt(elfccpeti fo '^^'(S.iiy. tiS omife,tl^at Hick fo faC to tt)t ojDcr of U)o;c« , tftat | tbci tofticb bcUue t are baptifcD I^al be tbei gatber tbat b^aafr it is fa^D, goe i faucD^o tbcr m al ttjat fating fo muf b p;eacb, aito baptifc.^gain be tbat bele* j as one fillable of infants;? ^bat fc;me uttl) ano is baptifeD, tberfo;e tb« nmft j tberfo;e of reafoning (bal tl^ia be tebcr* p^eacb before tbat tbci baptife, i bcleue | toitb tbc^ a(rai?le Ms: tbc? UU)i£b are of bcfo;c tbat t^ti require baptifme:tubl? grotuen age,muft firlt be inCrudeb, t mai' not toe again aufiuertbe ID facing tber ma^ beleuc , ere tbci? be baptileb: tbat toe muft baptife bcfoje ^ toe muft tberfoae it is bnlatoful to maUe baptif* teacb i fecpingof tbofe tbtgs tbat cb^id »«« common to infantes^ ^Itljotgb tljei batb commauoebmamel? fitb it is faip, toonlce burtt tbcm{clueg,tber Ibal p;o^ baptife pe,tcacbing tbem to feepe tobat^ ue notbig el0 h\> tbv«( place but tbat tf}t irocucrtbing03baue comaunoro pu^ gofpellmuft bepjeacbeb to tbem tbat tobicb fame tbig toe baue noteo in tbat are of capaeitie able to bcarc it, before favmgofCb;ift tobicb batb beneeuen tbattbe^bebaptifeb, fo;afmucbas be noto allegcD cocerning f regeneration tbere fpeafectb of fucb onelr . %tt tbem of toater « tbe fpirit.iFe; if it be fo tin* bereof, if tbe^ ean, mabc a Hop to ce* DeraoDe as tbe? toolo baue it,berilv in barre infantes from baptifmc. tbe place baptifmcmntt be befoje (fU ^9 ^ut,tbateuenblinDmen alfoma? ritual regcnerati5,bicaufe it is nameo toitb groping fino out tbeir DtttiUs, I in tbe firft plar c,fo; cbJift botb teacb t ^ ^i^ Poi"^ ^bem out toitb a tier? cleare toe mull be regenerate,not of tbe fpirtt anb toater, but of toater anb tbe fpirtt 28 jptoto tbis inuincible reafon tobere^ tipo t^ci beare tbtfelues fo bolo,femetb to be fomtobat lbai{en:bnt bicaufe trutb batbbefence enougb tn fimplicitie, S toil not efcape atoa? ^ fucb ligbt argu« ments. SDberefo^^e let tbem take toitb tbem a ful anftoer.Cb^tft in tbis place geuetb tbe cbefe comauoement concern ning p^eacbing of tbe gofpel,toberunto be aotoijnetb tbe minifterie of baptifme as an aODitto baging bppo it, again be fpeaketb none otbertovfe of baptifme but fofar as tbe minillratto of it is bn^ oer tbe offiee of teacbtg.ifo^ (b;ift frn« betb tbe apoltles to publilb tbe gofpell to al t\^t natios off too;lD,^ tbei? fl)ulb from ecbe tober )sb tbe Doctrine of falua tton gatbertogetbertntobis kingbom me i before toer tott. But tobo,o;( tobat manerofmen^Bit is certain tbat tbere is no mention but of tbem tbat are able to recetue teacbig.0ftertoarD be mtttlj tbat fncb>tobr tbei are ingructeb,ougbti fimtUtnoe.Sif an? mh cautl tbat tnfats ougbt to baue meate take from tbe,tp5 tbis p;etence tbat tbeapofile fuCferetb none to rate but tbem i labo;, (ball be not be too^tbr v al men Ibulo fpit at \)U Mbrfo;?l5icau(ebetottbout bieferece b;atoitbtbat toalmen,tobicb toas fpo^^ ken of one kinbe 1 onecertaine age of men.^otobitbabfomer is tbeir bano^ ling in tbis p^efent caufe. if 0;,^ tobtcb euer?manfcetb to belongeto one age alone,tbe? D^to to infats,tbat tbis age aKoma? be fubiect to tbat rule tobieb toas maoe fo^ none but tbem tbat toer mo;e grotoen in ?ears. as fo; § eraple of cb;itt)it notbtg tpboloetb tbeir &oe. I^etoas not )!f aptifeb befc;e^betoas tbirtie ?eres olo. E^bat in in dsd true, but tber isa reafon tbercof reab? to be (betoeb: bicaufe be tbe pnrpofeb bp bt70 p^eacbingto la? a foito fouDation of bap tifme 0; ratber to (tabUU) ? foundation tobieb babDc ben befQ;ela?oeof a;obm Uerefo^etobcit be minoeo toitb brs Dogrinto intlitute baptifme^to procure tbe 2iThc3.5 Luk.3.23 To Valuation. 1F0I4 20 28. Fourth Eooke, tljc greater atttbo;it)? to Ijis in»itutio7| Jlojoc watSTto iwfbe pctocr .^ijer'of. 1 ^e ranatfieo it iDttb bi0 o^nt boDr>anD tn^ olo toe taue ani tt)tn6 piatnc r,tt)an 'i.Cor.u. tlint in fucU fitne« of time as Uuas mott ^ lufjicl) t apoflle tcncljetb iDljcn be er* conuement,nameli? toben be began t)i« j to^tctl; t^ f uerr man l^ulD p;oue t era= p;eacbing.if tnallt tbci? fljall gatljer no* | muie tjimfelfe, ( tben eat of tbia bKciD, tbmg els bcreof,but t taptifnic tcbc his , 9 D;inh of tbie eupf E.beifo?c eranuna* o;iginaU f beginning at \> p;eacbing of ■ tio tiuiC ec befo;e,U^bicb ftulD in Vain tbe gofpcL Bif tbei? lilt to apornt tbc.30. be lobeo fc; of infants. ;againe,be f ea^ ?ere,tub^ do tbe? notbepe it,bHt 00 rc» telb ti.Vio^tbiliseatetb t Oiiinfecdj ocm ceiuc euern one to 2iBaptitme as be batb | nation to bitelf^not oifeerning t iLo;Ds in tbeir iuogemet fuffieientlr p;ofiteD i ha^.'if none ean partafec lx)D;tbilr but teaiScructtusone of tbe^; maifiers, j tber^canUjeloilcrrnerbdmeooftbe UJbe be ftifii' requireo tbis time,ret be^ ^ Lowers boDv,lDbT! Ibulc Ire gcue to tur ganatt.2i.rerecf bioagetoboftbim* | tenDerebilD;en,pcrfoninCeceofIiue^ felf to be a ^jopbet.jas tbougb be toerc to be fuffrco t lafef tb tpon bimfelfe tbe plaee of a teacber in tbe Cburcb, before tbat be be a member of tbe Cburcb. 130 jat tbe latt tbe? obittt, tbattbereiB 'no greater eaufe InbV baptUme ftoulo be geuen to infants,tban tbe 3Lo;05 (up ■pcr,U)bicb T!et is net graiiteotbcm. SXb Iv fcne i 5itabat is f c ommaimuemf t cf tbe iio;D,te fijal to it in rememb;ancc of me i iubat is tbat otbcr lubitb tbe U« pollle beriuetb from ttit fame. ^0 ofte as lie (l)aU eat of tbis b?eaD, ?c(baU le^ elare tbe lojDs oeatb til be comcf tobat remembrance (31 befecbe tou) fijall toe require at car infants of t tbing tobicb kbougbtbefcriptureDiD noteuerrtoay | tiievne«erattcineD\Dt3nDerlfanOing^ feyp;effealargeoiffcrence. JCbefamc tobatp^eacbingof tbe eroffeofCb^itt- toas in oebe bfualli Don in ? olo cburcb> as it appearetb b? C> pnan ano Augu- ret comp;ebcnD in minofipone of tbefe llinc: but ^ manor is too;tbil? grctone out of t)fe. ^0; if toe cofioer tbe nature ano paopert? of baptifme, it is trul^an entr? mto t eburcb,! as it tocr a fo;me of aomiffion^toberb? toe are aDnub^eo into t people of Bor),a ficnc of our fpiri tual regeneratio b? tobub toe are bo;n again into tbecbilo^en of ©00: toberas on tbe otber Qoc tbe fupper iB gcncn to tbem ^ be mo;e grotone in age, \Di)uii bautng paffcD tenoer mfancicare noto able to beare ttrong meat. ©Libicb oif* ferenccisber? euioentl? (bctoco in? fcripture»iFo^ tbere i l.o;D,fo mucb an perteinetb to baptini>maketb no cboife of ages.]i5ut bebotbe notliitctoife geue t fupper to all to take part of it, but on^ 1? to tbem tobicb are tt to Difceme tbe boo? ano blouD of t\)t ilo;D>to eramine tbeir otone confcicnce> to Declare tbe tbe fo;jce t benefite toberof tbe? do not tbings is p;efcribeD in baptifm. 2Cber fo;e bettoe^ne tbefe ttoo 0gnes is great Difference : tobicb toe note alfo in l?k8 (ignes in tbe olD teftament.Circumcifi* on, Uibicb is fcnotoen to anftoer to our baptifme,toas appo?nteD foj infantes. y^ixt t paflcouer into tobofe place t fup per batb noto fucceDeo, DiD not rece?ue al maner of gcites toitbout Difference, but toas rigbtlv eaten of tbem onl?, 1^ migljte b? age enquire of tbe fignifiea^ tion of it. B(f tbefe men bao remaining one crum of founo b?ainc,toolD tfjc^ be blinoe at a tbing fo cleare, ano offering itfclfetofigbt^ 32 iaitbougb it greoetb mc to loaDe tbe rcaDcrs toitbabeapc of tnflcs : ret it (balbe too;tb ? trauail b;cfel? to toipe atoa? fucb ga? refons as Seructtus not tbe leatt of tbe anabaptittcs, tea tbe !1oh.3 3<$ great glo^^ of t companp,tbougbt \)im^ telfe to b^iit3 toben be p;separeo Ijifelfe to cotiflift.l^e allegetb ^ Cbjittesagns m titv Ije perfect, fo oo require tbem ^ b2 perfect, oj able to conceiue perfertto» 115 at t\)t folatton is eafg : tbat § perfec tion of baptifme,tobieb ejctcnoetb euen to oeatb,V5i».j6gfuU^ reffraineD to one i po^ntc of time. 31 fa^ pet fartber,^ per^ i feet ion 10 f©!ifl)l? reqaireu in man at ^ firftDat?, txjbereuntcbaptjfmealluretb t)S all our life long bp cotinual Degrees. I ^2 obiectetb tbatCbattes ftgnestocre I orusineo fo^ remembrance,^ eueri ma j l^ulD remember tbat be toas burieo to^ I getljer Witl:} Cb?ilt.3i anftoer tbat,tbat j U»!)i?cb be batb faineo of bis otun beao, I nreoetb no confutationtpea tbat tob^tb ! b2 DjaVDctb to baptifmc.pauls tuojoed i (b2tj}c to be proper to tbe bol? fupper,^ I cuer\? man fi)ulD eramine biJnfe!fc:but ! cf baptifme tbcre is no tobere anv? fucb i ti)ing.^Ocreupon toe gitbcr tbat tfjc^ be rigbtlp Baptifco, Vubicb fo^tbcir fmalnclTe 6f aac,arc not^cf able to re# ttiiK eramiimtton.©aber^0 be tlml^ allcgetb,^ al t\)tv abioe in ueatb tubicb belKuc not tbe fon of dDorj, anD tbat tbe tozatb of poileritv^ of ;a« Da are 2nlT);5appe?>, but onl? tb:eatnetb tbe Defpiferg of t\)t gofpel! , iwb?cb Doe p.:ouDl^ ano fl-ubbojn'i' rsfule tbe ^tace effrcD tbc.i3ut fl>is nohjing perteinttb to infant5.i\!fo i (it a coatrarv reafon againft t-beuiithat tybomfoeuer Clni^t blcffctbjbe isoifcbargeD fro tbe curfc of ^3am ani3 tbe Uj;iatb of berin goD cal letb to tt)t', beauenlp banket blino men ano lame men; botoc toil ieructtus bn* UunDebtmfdfc cute of tbis knotf^affte aifo tDbetbcr Same ano maimcD me baD not firfl ben foloio;is luitb SDauic. liBut it is fuperauous to tari longer bpo tbis reafon, uj!)icb tbe rcaDers 0)al finoc bp tbe bolp biQorp to be maoe of mere falf booe. iber fdotoetb nnatberallcgorp, ^ tbe HpoHles lucre filbcrs of men, not of iitlc cbilDzen. 5i5ut 3afk,lubat 1^ fap^ ing of Cb:tft meanetl)>tl)at into tbe net of ti)z gofptll arc gatbercD all Uinocs of fifbes. 315ut bicaufe S lilJe not to plap Ma all? gorieS) ^ nnf iMcr 1^ U)bcn tbe cffice of tcacbing U)as cniopncD to tbe Spc^' aie3,pet tl}c^ \o€ve not fc;:bi')&£nfrom baptifmg of infants* il^liubf it 3; ujoulo 13, V£tkuQlv>toijc tbe^tuHggJii^ namcrbj tiisnv Ma 4.19 Mat.13, 47. .Co. 'r.3i ToSaluation, Fouidi Pookc itol.224 them Anthropous ittf , (in loljicl) tro;D te tbe cburcb is opcncD to ttjcm.agam, 15 f ompKbcnoco al manfemoe toitbout ; Ije obif cuil) tW a 500 HtUiarDs DtCri* crccution) U»l)v tfjcr (boulD ocn^ mfatc ; butctb meat to t bouOjolD m Due tunc. to be men ^cucntbl^ be allc actb, Hjat ; mt;vc\j attbougbc J totlltnglr gracnt: fitb fpiritilal tbings nara Id fpirituaf , ret br lutat rigbt teill be appornt tonto .Mala.24 infants Vobicb are notlfpi ritual, are al^ ts m certain time of bapti(mr,tfeat be fo not mete fo; baptifmr .^ut firft it is n:av p:ouc tbatit is not gr i;cn to tnfat^ biDtomucbfiaOintbcir oU)n ccnccitc barucIf,U.biletbcficlccstrarelLi3itc. foibarne Ojarpneffc of twit,V^aul rrbu^ Elcnlv tbev toer m iapcIllcB fcing tiic frutc of tbcu' n. vtt to bcinafuacom tbc firCcmtrc* bo;p;dcnt,n)ciilDtbcmojccbarcfullr buttions ofbcaucnlrteirccome. ^£lbo prepare tbcmfclues to tcatb.*.^vbo Ojal catberof gather tbat baprifmcistobe tberofgatbertbattbconelvtimeofbar^ DcmcD to mfantec,U)bom be mg begctte neft is tbe rrpe ^^l^^^\^.%'^^^^^^^ of {> ficOi 500 oof b bi fra aboptionmafxe clcucntb rcafon i0,tbat m v firf^ fburcU bolr to bvmfelfc i ©abereas be fart b, CLb^iauns 1 Difciples Uiere all oue, btt tbat tbcv mutte bee fcD imtb fpirituall , toe fee noto tbat be fonW? reafonetb fro rneStbeP be neto men,tbe Iblution tbe part to tbe tobolf .Difctplcs arc eab SSK^ tbei are atmit , leD men of ful age,lLbicb ba^^^en alrea. tcD into tbe fioc'uc of Cbnft,anD tbat tbc dt? tb^ougbl^ taugbt , ano baD p^ofcffeb 4ne of ao^^^^^^^^^ t^^"t,f ill be. Cb;ia:as it beboneb tbat tbe Vetoes bn ing grotoen to age tbe^ be able to beare arongmeat: tbat tberefoje tbe t^me of examination tobicb<^oD crp^eQi? re^ quirctb in tbe bolr fupper, muft be ta Dcr tbc lalBc (boulD be tbc Difciples of gpofes : Tet no man Ojall tbercof rigbtl]? gatbcr, tbat infantes toerc ttraungers, UJbomtbci.o;obatb tcfiifieo to be of Ich.4 A^»n.3j nSS^^^^ mtt bVB boulbolD.lSeaoe tbefc be allege by^ Xb aU brs to m bolr Supper. i5ut all Cb^iOians are b;etb;cn , m tobicbe t s rS aonuttetb , nubcr infantes are "ot bn^^^^^^^^^^ ^ng noncbat tbem tbat be alrcur p;epareD as toe ocbarrejbem fro be l^upper.lSut to celcb:atc tbc rcmcmb;aunce of hVB 3 retnmc to tbc P?"^*?^^/^^^^ "°"^^[,5 le^ b ^berupon futotoetb tbat infats bcircs of tbe UmgDome of beaurn , but toiomebciou^^^^^ ftavinafcuerall ano proper legra bT? ! tbat § embwcmgofCbJifttoasatrue arenotftrangers. mberas be fa\?etb tbat it is monftrous tbat a man after ^ ^e iB bo^ncOjoulD not eate : 31 anftoerc tbat (oules arc otbcrtoife feooe tban b^ tbe outtoaro eating of tbc Supper: ano tbattbercfo;c lo JO feept a contrary ojoer, tbat bap^* tifme toent before tbe gifts of tbe boli? gboIt-STbc aftentbe reafon is moje tba foUOj.l^e faitb tbat twe arc b\? rcgenera tion maoe goos : ant> tbat tbep be goos to tobometbe Ivojoe ofCI^oo is fpoUen, tobicbe accojoetb not to tbecbl?lD;en tbat be infantes, ^bereas befainetb a dDobbeaD to tbe faptbfuU, tbat is one ofb^s Dotages , tDbrcbe it perfe^nctb not to tbt0 pjefente place to eramine. 115ut to iDjelte tbe place of tbe pfalme to fo contrarte a fcnfe, it is a po^nte of Defperate CbamelefnelTe. €l)M faretb* tbat !&tng8 ano ^agiltrates are calleo of tbe popbet C^oos, becanfe tber bear an office appo^nteo tbem of CDoo. l^uty tbat tubicb concerning tbe fpectat cotn^ maunoement of gonernance is birettcD to certaine men,tb?s banofome eippofi^ to2 bjatoetb to tbe Doctrine of tbe gof« petutbat be ma^ banifbe infants out of tbeCburcbe* jagainebeobiectetb,tbat infants can not be accompteb neto men bicaufe tbev are not begotten bp tbe tooju. Bat 3 DO noto again repctc tbat tPbicb3l battt often fa?o,tbat to regene^ ratebs, Doctrine is tbe bncojruptible feeDe,tf toe be fit to receine tt:but Uiben bi? reafon of age tbereisnottetin bs aptnes to lern,but ratber tbat tbe netu i ret tcnDcr ifiaes are cbO;< fe of goD for facrifices. J? urtbermore be afftrmetb tbat none ca come to Cb;ilt> but tb^r i l^sne bene p:epareD of ^obn. SLs tbogb Bl^bns office tuer not enourig but for a timc.ll5at,to omit tbts>trnlr ^ fame p^eparatio Ijoas not in tbe cbilDre Uibo Cbriit embraceo f blc(rcD.Mberi» (bre let Um go id bis falfe principle. Sit Icngtb be calletb for patroncs Trifmc^ giftus f t\it Sibylles, to proue tbat bolt? tpalbinges pertaine not but to tbe i are ofgroluenage. iloeboto bonorablpbe tbinhctb of i ^aptifm of Cbrilt, tobicb be rcDucetb to tbe ceremonies of ^ dDen tiles,tbat it mar be no otbertoife mini^ ftrcDtbanpIcafctb Trifmegiftus. i5ut toe more tStme r antbortti of goD,U)bo it batb plcafco to mahe infantes bolr to bimfelf, 1 to aomit tbcm toitb tbe bolr fignc,tbe force tobcrof tber Die not ret br age bnoerlfanD. ijJcitber Do tue copt it latDfull to borroU}e out of tbe cleans lings of tbe d^ntiles anr tbing ^ mare cbange in our 515apt!rni tijt euerlafiing f inuiolable la to of C^oD, tobicbbe batb ItabltfbcD concerning Circucifion.^aQ of alUbe maUetb tbr^ argument ; tbat if itbelaU)fUUto baptife infantes Ivttb out tpDcrffanPing, tben faaptifme mar snterliK^t ToSaluation. Fourth Bookc JF0L423 1 cnterUiDe lifee * in fpo;ite be miniCiro tlj^ir poll eritpfi?o;j Ijcre it is to be fcnc of bo^ce iDljcn tbc^ pla^e. Wut of tbrs botu be taUetb tjpon bim tbe prrfon of a matter let bim quarcl Id goD, b^ iDbofe moUc p^ouioent faiber of bouOjolDe to. commaunDcmet rtreumctfion tua0co« mon to infant0,bcfo;c ^ t^tv bao attci^ neo bnoerftanoing. Ulas it tberfo;e a placing matter, 0^ fubtett to tbe ftAUes of cbilDjen, tbat tbep migbt ouertb;olu tbe bol^ o^tnance of (BaaWut itiB no marxieU tbat tbefe reprobate rptrtt0,a0 t^ougb tbe? toere bereo U)i?tb a frenft!, toarbe t}0,tDbicb enrn after our oeatbe tjotb not la^ atoap b« rarefulnes of ba, but pzoiiiDctb ano fojcfeetb fo; our cbil* D;icn.£)ugbt toe not bere after tbe era* pie of 2DauiD toitb al our beart to Icape bp bnto tbanfefgcuing, ^ bp fucb Ojclie of btB ga)Dne£!, his name niai? befandt^ ficD:f2:bts,teri{? fatan intcnDetbjin af< Doe ti)^iiSt in all tbe grofeft abfuroities failing tuitb fo great armies v baptifm fo^ Defenee of tbeir erro;0: becaufe gou . of infant0:namclv,i? tbis teaifping of § botbe toitb fucbe giODincOie tultl^tafee grace of ©od being taUcn aUia?, y> p;o bengeance oftbetr p;toe 1 ttubbo.znea. tderilp ^ truft Sj baue made plain tottb boto feble hKco;s iieructtus batb bolpen bis fill? b;etb;en tbe 0nabaptilfe0. 32 ^oUj 3( tbinbe it toil be Doutful to no fob;e man, boto ralbl? tbe? trouble tbe cburcb of Cb;tft tbat moue h^aWcs anD contentions foj tbe baptifmc of infats, 15ut it is profitable to coaoer,U)bat fa^ taii0oetb about l»?tb tbia (0 great fut^ telti?: coen to take atyar from bs (1 fin* gnlar frute of affiance ano fpiritual iop tubtcb is to be gatbercD beereof , 9 to bt<= mining as mucb alfo of tbe glo; v of tl)e goiDnes of goo. i?o; boU) fiuate ifi it to gool? mtnos> to be certtfleD not onl? b? tDo;be,bat alfo b? figbt to be fene U)i?tb eige*,^ tbei obtem fo mucb ^atio; id tbe Ijetmni^ fatbtr, t ftc batbe alfo care of c:j!':iij . ' Gf th« holy Suppxr of Chri A Jfter tbaf gob batb once rcceiueo bs •^mtobi0 familt!,anD not onli to tafee t}0 00 but feruaunt0, but as i)is cbilD^^e: tbat be mat! fulfill tbe dfficc of a mode gcDO fatb^r, anb carefuU fo: bt0 ttfucbe taikttl) alfo t>pp0n btm to nouriCbcts tb;joagbottt tbe tobole courfc of our life. iiKlrnotcontenteo tbertoitb* tt plcafcd bi b^ a pleoge geurn,to alTiirc bs of tbi0 continuall liberality. 2Lc tbiscnbtbcr^ mife tobvcb b? it 10 pjefcnt before our e?e0, ma? at Itgtb b? title anD litle ba^ ntfl) atua?. ^berupon (bulD groU) not onlv atuicfteb bntbanUfulnelTe totoarb tbe mercpe of (Cob, but alfo a certapne aoutbfulneire in tnCructtng oure cbtl^ D:en to goblineffe. i?o; b? tbi0 fpurre toe are not a little pjicfecD fo;toarDe to bring tbcm bp in § earneft feare of gob t in V Keprng of bi0 Iato,toben toe con* finer tbat eucn immebtatlti from tbe?; birtbc, be taUctb anb aclmotolebgetb tbem for b?s cbiloren. tKHbereforc bn^ Icire toe lift enuioiiO? to oarfeen ? bcu* ttfulncffe of (SoD,Ietbsofferto bim our cbilor en,to tobome be geuctb a place a? mona tbcm tbat be of t)vs famil^e ano boudiolDjtbat 10 to far,tbe members of tbe Cburcb. ffrand what it aiiailctli vs. * fore be batb gcuen bis Cburct an otbcr Sacrament b? tbe banb ofbi^onl^bc*' gotten fon, namelr a fptrituall banket, toberinCbrift tcltifictb bimfelfctobe tbe quickening brcab, tobcretoitb ourc foulc0 are feD to true f bleffeb immor^ taut?. IBut forafmucb aa ? knotolecge of fo great a m?I!eric 10 ber? neccffer? ant) accorbing to tbe greatiictTc tbcrcf, reouiretb a bili^cnt pcfjaraticn: anc ~~~ " ^ataiu Pr.48,.1 loh.6,^1. P»P'7- Of the outward meanes ^afan,tbaf Ijt mig^facreue tbe cljurcb toas fo once off ret) fc: tis^tljat toe ncrtu ottim ineftimabletreafurc, l)atf) long a \o fp^eUDe mi?ttc0,anu fince tftat time oarljne(re,to obfcure tbe ligbt of if, anu tJjen ftatlje ftirreD ftriues ano battels ^ mrgbte cllrange tbe minDcs of ttic ttm* pie from taHing of tb^s bol\? foitie, ant) batb alfo in our time attemptcD § fame craft:tberfoje toben 3 Iftall baue b^eefe* Iv fenit l3p tbe fumme fo;^ tiit capactt^e of § t3nlcarncD,3txiilt3ni)o tbofe Knots, tobcretDitb ^atan batbcentjeao^eDto fnare tbc too;»lo.iFir&,b?eaD ano toine arc {t^nes,UJbicb rcp;jcrent t3nfo \)S tbe j inatftblefffloe, tobicb toe receiue of tbe | Qd^ anD bluD of CbiJitt* if o; as in bap^* ; tifmecSooagatneJbegetting t)0, Dotbe grafif t)s into § feloU)a)ip of bt?s cburcb, ano b\? anoptio Dotb mafee tjs l}i$ oton : fo toe baue fat?D tbat be perfojmetbtbe office of a p^ouioentfatber of boulftolD, in tbi?s tbat be continually miniftretb Vjs meat, tbat be futteinctb ano p;efcr^ uetb ^s in j life toberein to be batb bp bus too^Dc begotten bs.Jiotoe t\)t onlp meat of onr foule is €\)n(tt^m tbere^ fo^ctbe beauenl^ ifatbercallctbtisto bim, tbat being refreibeo \x)yitlj comon partafeing of bim, toe mate from time to time gatber liuel^ fo;rce,tntill toe at^^ taine to beanenlti immo jtaliti?e. ^ut fojafnmcbe as tb^s mipfterie of tbe fe^ Crete imititii^ of Cbjift toptbtbe gotjlp, i$ hi nature impotfible to be compjcb?^ DeD,be Qtuttl) p figure anD image tberof in biCible fiigncs mofte (it fo; our fmall capacity: treaas it tocr b^ earnells ano tofecns geuen, be maKctb it foaCfurco bnto bs as if it toere feene \xt our e^cB, bicaufe tliis fo familiar a ftmilitubj^ tn* tvctlj cnen into tbc grofeft mi noes, tbat foaks are fo fco \aitl) nco bu our fins/rom tbe giltines tober^ of be batbe acquiteolss, toben be toilleo tbem to be imputeo to bimfelf,as iftl)ti toere bis oton.SDbus is tbe maruellous ewbange, tobKb of bus immcafurable bountifulnelTe be batbe maoe toutb lis: i tWljcbtin^ maoe tovtb tJStbefonof man, batb maoe bs Itiitb bimtbefones of dDoo: tbat bu i)is coming ootone into eartli, be batb maoebs a toau to gj^Dp into bcauenttbat putting bpon bim our Ip to aOTurc bs, tl)^t tbe boou of f> !io;oe J mo;talttge, be batbc geuen t)s bus inn \ ■ XoSaiuation. ^^^""^^^ Cooke >ol ma;taUtte:H)dt tahfg o>i \)im oiii' tocaU • b^aoe nourifijetl), fallainTt6,Tmam' msM batJ) ttrengtfjcnco ts toitfj fjpc po\Der:tbat taluuo: our pouertie to I)im relfe be batb conuneo \iiB rtcbefre to ts: t taliig to bim § Uicigbt of our tjnrtgbte oufncfi,U)bcrcUutb tuc tocre opp;ctrco be batb clotbeD tjs 16 bv« rigbtcoufnes. 3 ^f al tbefe ttigs U)c banc fo fiil a \j}it neffing in tbis facramft,tbat Ujemuffe tertainlp Dctermine,tbat cb^id 10 true^ ll? gciien t3fif,a8 if Cb;iftbimfclfetoerc fet p^cfent before our cic0,anD banDfco toitb our banOB. jro; tbis Ujo;d ca ntU tber l^c to MSyim niocUbs : SDaUceatc, D;inUe:tbt0 is m^ boo^ Ijobicb is Dcliue reo fo.: rou : tbis is tbe blouo,tubtcb is (beo into tbefoigeuenes of (tna.^^ber 30 be commaiiDCtb to taUe, be (igniitetb tbat it is our0. tUbcras be commaun^ Detbtoeate, be tignifietb tbat tbat is mabe one Cubfliace v6 \is, ^berca0 be faitb of § boD^, \^ it is Dcliucrco fo; b0: of tbe bl3UD,tbat"it 10 OjcD toy t30:tbcrin be teacbetb tbat botb ar not fo mucb Us a0 ours:bicaufc be toUc anD laio atoa^ botb,not fo J bis commoouicbut to our faluation.ano truii? it is to be oiliast^t It? marfecD,tbat tbe cbicfc 1 in a uiM^* tcinetb tt)e lifcof ourc boDv:io tbe facDp ofCb;iCi0tbe onelp meat foquirhcn anD gcuelife to our foulc. ^Ibc tuc fee Ujinc ^tt fo;tb fo; a fign of bis blouD;U:c nmft cal to ininD tuljat tfcs U?ine b;in^ getb to p boDp, ^ toe ina^ con0Dcr tbat tbe faair arc b^ougljt to bs, fpirituallp bp p bluD of CDb<:ilt;tbofc tfcs bc,to cbe* ritbtto rcfrclbe, to ffrengtbcn,to make mcrp. jfo; if tuc fufficicntip torv,lubat § bcliucring of tbis bolv' boDp,U)bat tbe (bcDing of tt)is boli? blouD batb p^ofiteD bs: toe Iball plainl\? \jcvcmc tbat tbefe tlm^s tobicb arc fpoUr of b;eD 1 toine, acco;Dtng to fucb proportional relation ooberptoellacwD toitb tbcm totoaro U0 tobcn tbep arccomunicatco bnto b5. 4 Sl^berforc tbe cbefe partes of tbe fa* erament are not,fimplp t toitbout b^cr conQDcration to reacb to bs tbe boo^ of cb:itt:but ratber ^ fame p;omife,tober* bi be tettifietb,^ bis fletb is tjcrili mca', f \)is blouD is o;tnk,toitb tobicb toe are fcD into etcrnall lt?fe : toberbp be aflfir* mctb bpmfclfc to be tl)c brcao of Ipfe, of tobicb tobofo catet^y be (^11 line (b; Cf ucr: to fcaIeC31 fav)anb confirme i^ pro? tobox pitb of of tbe Sacrament aaDci.A^nifcianD for bringing tbe fame to paflfc in tbefe toorw.Mbicb is DcUucreb for pou.2l5Itbtcb is (bcD for tou.ifor otber# toifc it (b3ulo not mucb profit bs,^ tl)c boDp anb blouo of tbe Loro arc noto oi* ftribotcdjbnles tbc^ bao ben once gcue fojtb fo? ourc rebcmption $ faluatioii. 2Lberfore tbcv arc reprcfcntcbbnocr brcdD ^ toine,^ toe (Ijulo lern tbat tbep are not ontl^ cures , but alfo orbeinco for fbe norifljmf t of fpiritual Ufe.SLbis ts-it tbat toe b:forc iavn, tbat from tbe corporal tbings tobicb are (betoeo fortb in ^bc &af:*auicat,tocarc b\> a ccrtaine proportional relation guioeo to fpirttu^ all ttjinzs, ^0 toben breao is geuen bs fj ! a fign of ^ boD^i of Cbritt? toe ougbt bvanobv to concetuc tbis ItmtUtuoe: as 1 to feno bs to H)e croITe of Cbrift j tobere ^ promifebatb bene trulv performcD,i in all p3\?ntcsfulallco. if or toe doc not tocl f bealtbfullp eate Cbrift but cruci* ficD,tobcn toe do toitb liuelp feling con ceauc § cffcctualucffc of bis Dcatb. iFo; tobcrasbccallcD bifclf p brcaD of lifc:be DID not borroto ^ name of i facramcnt, asfome doc torongfullperpounb it:but bicaufe be toas gcuen bs fucb of tbe fa* tber, ana pcrformcD bgmfelf fucb,toben being maoe partaker of our buma^ne mortalitie , be maDc bs partners of bi:s Diuine immortaittiettoljenoifring bim felfe for facriUce , be toUc our accurfeD^ ncffc bpo bi;nfclfe, tbat be migbtSllbs toUb bui bleiring:tobeJintbbisDcatbbc I fXJ Dfuourci L Cap 17, ] T "^ ~~~ Of the outward, meanes foh.d«)'i our coruptible fieflb U)t>tcb fee feao p«t 0t,togio;i?anofenco;pttoii, * f 3lt reniai^neib tw bs appliace all tfee fane may come to fea. Wat is ooue, botb by tl)0 gofpd,f mo^e clercly by tfee feoly fup?er,lo!)er botb fee offeretfefeim? fclf to Ms tjjitb aU bis; goD tfeinss, f toe recciue feiiii by fattfe. SSJberfoje tfee §i>a | craraent maketb not tbatCblitt Srft be | ginaztb to be tbc bjeao of life: but tube , it bjingetfe into reineaib^jace ^ bclwaa mabe tbeb;jcab of life, lufeicfe t»econti# I nuaily eate, ilob^n it ^tuitli tnto bs ti)c tail am fauoz of ^ b;eab tl)t it ma^ feetb^tofeletbeSrengtb of^ b^eab. S^n it p;^omifctb bs, tbat luljatfoeuer cb Jift DID ill fuffcreo, y fame toas bone to gcae life to bs. 2Dben»tbat tf)is geurg of life is cucrlaCting,by tjofeicb toe may toitJjout enbe be nourifljeD fufteyneo f p^cfcrueb in life.jFo; a0 cfejift tfeulo nut baue ben to bs tfee b;ieab of life, tjnlelTe fee bab bene bo;^neanDfeaobieD fo;^b0, tinlcs be ban rifen again fo? bstfo nolo fee Q^ulD mt be tfee fame bnlejs tbe eafec^ tualnesanofruite of feys birtfe, bcatfe anb refurrection, tocrc an euerlalling $ immo^fall tfeing.ai tobicfe cb?ift batfe b^ry toel eicp^effeo in tfecfe too jbs.2Dfee bicabe lobic b 31 toill gcue> is my fletbc ijofeicfe 3 toll geue fo^ y life of y too^lD. By tob^tb too;M)ed toitbout oout be 0g^ mlietb> tbat bis bocy ll^ulb tberfo;ie be to ^ foz b;caD,totbe fpiritualllife of y foule,bicaure it 0)oalD be geuen fo;ttfe to b2atb fo;t our faluatiozano tbat it is be* UuereD to bs to eate of it,toben by faitfe be mabcti) \)s partaUers of it. £>nce tfe:rfo;jc be gaueit,^ fee mygfet be mfibe bicao, tofeen fee gaue to;ti) feimfelf to be crufificD foi tbe rebcmptio of § too;lb: baily fee gcuctfe it,toben by tfee too;D of tbe gofpcl be offerctfe ^ bnto bs to be re^ crtueo/ofar as it \xiAS cru«fieO:tofeere ly myfterie of tbe fupper: tobe re fee iw toaroir fulfiUetfe i^ tobrcb:fee.oyttoarP;« iy betoUenetfe.jIctoe feercin toe muHc betoare of ttoo fanlies, ^ neitber Doing to mncfe in abafingtbe Cgnes, toe feme to pluck tJ^tm from tbey^ my ftet ies to tofeicU tfeey grein a manner fenit faff: no^ ^biingimmeafurafelc inabiiaciog tbe fame, toe feeme in tfee meane timt fomtofeat tfi Darkent^ myfteries tbem itlms. stfeatCfe^tftis tfee b^eab of life, tobertoitb tbe faitbfull are nojitfeeb in^ to eternal raluation,tber is no man but fee grauntctfejbnles fee be alfogetfeer )jaf outs religion . Ii3ut tbys poyntc iB not liketoifc agreeo bpon among all men, tobat is tbe mancr of partaking of bim. iFo; tbcre be tfeat in one toojoc befine, tbat to eate tbe flelfe of Cb;iift,f to Djink feys blout)>is notbyng els but to belcue in €t)M feimfelf.But 3 tbink ^ Cb^itt meant fome ccrtainer $ feyer tfeyng , in tfeat notable fermon toberc fee commen Ml) to fes tfee eating of bys fleffe,name* ly,tbat toe are quickneb by y true par/ taking of bim:tobicb alfo be tbci*fo;jc tx^ p^effeb by ^ too;bs of eating f blinking, led any ma ffeolD tbink,^ ti)c life tofeicfe toe rcceauc of feim is conceauco by bare knotolcge only.if o;j as not tbe figbt,but t\)c eating of b;eab fuffifetb tfee baby f&i nourilfemcnt : fo it bcfeouetfe ^ tfee foule be truly f tfejougbly maoe partaker of Cbjiff, tfeat by tfee potoer of bim it may be quickneb into a fpirituallife.llBut in tbe meane tymc toe confetTc tbattfeere is no otfeer cating,bnt of ifaitb:3s tbere can no of ber be imagineb . )15ut tbys is tfeebiffcrencebctltjcne my too;osanli tfecirs, tfeat ^itl) tfecm to eate is oily to bfleoctbut J fay f tlit fletfeof Cfejitt id eaten toitbbeleuing, btcaufe by iraytfe fee 10 mabe ours, f 31 fay ^ tfee eating i£t tl)t fruite « effect of ifay tfe . £D,j, if you toiij^feane it playner>toftfe tfer eating i« ifaytfc To Saluation. Fourth Bookc Homd, In Ioii.31 Aa.2. 40* if art^: and 3 t^tnbe it rather to follotD ofifaptti . iJtiUJojuestjeril^tbeDiffe* rencet0bntrmaU: buttntt)e tbpng it felf not fmaU.if 0; tbosb ttie 0poftie tea chtth t^at Cl);ttt otodlet^ in our f^atts bi? fa^tl))?et no man totll erponnd tfiv^t DtoeUtngto be fa^tb:but al men do per^ ceaue ^ t^re is et:p;eireD a fingular ef^ feet of fa^tb,foj tbat bp it tbe fa^tljful eo obtaine to bane €^nfl DtjoelUns in tbe. after tbt0 maner, tbe Ilo;oe meant, in calling btmfclf tbe b;eaD of lT!fe,not on« l^ to teacb tbat in tbe fa^tb of bus ocatb anb refurred;io,raIuation is repofeb fo^ t)8 : but alfo tbat b^ true partabi)ng of b^mfelfe it ia biougbt to pade, tbat \)^b ll^fe pa(fetb into b0> 1 becommetb our0: l^he a0 b;^eaD>tJDben it is taken fo^ foDD> miniftretb liueUneCfe to tbe bob?» 6 j^citber Dpo Augufline,toboJn tbe^ b^l^ng in f 0 j tbe^; patron , in an^ otber meaning U);ite ^ lue eate bi^belening, tba to n^elD tbat tb^0 eating ts of fa^tb, not of § moutb^Mtbicb 31 alfo Dent! not: but ret tbertoitball 3 aODe, tbat toe Doe bp fa^b embrace Cb^ift,not appearing a farrc of>but making bimfelf one toitb txsjtbat be ma^ be our beao^ano toe f)^B members.^et do 3i not t)tterli? Difalloto tbat maner of fpeaking : but onl^ 3 De^ nn it to be a full Declaration , if tbep meane to Define tobat it is to eat ^ fle(b of CbJitt. ^tberui^fc 31 fee tbat Augu^ ftine batb oft tofeo tb^s fojme of fpcecb: astnbcnbe fa^tb in tbe tbirD boikeof Cbiittian Dortrine , bnlelle te eate tbe flcit) of tbcfonne of manttbis is a figure teacbpng tbat toe mutt communicate U)it{i tbe patfton of tbe LojDcanD mull rvacetl^ t p.iofitabli? la^e tp in remem^' b.:ance tbat fo: t)s b^s fieflb Uias crnctfi^ ,' CD (int) toounoeD.^gain toben be fa^tb* t\mt tbe tbjcc tboufano men tubicb ioer conuertco at peters fermon, DiD nmk tbe biauD of Cb:tft bi? bclcuing, lubicbe tbetibaP \\i:^ by crucll Dcal\!ng. )15ue in Hom.9. / man? otber places be bono;^abIi? ktttt\) out tbat benefite of ifaitb>tbat b? it our foules are no leflTe refrelbeD liDit^ tbeco^ municating of tbe fiefiie of Cb;^ill, tban ourboDT)esareU)itb tbe b:eaD \})\)ic\)e tbe? eate.anD tbe fame is it txibicbe in a certain place Chrifoftomc lD;itetb,tbat Cb;ilt Dotb not onl? b? faptb^but alfo in DeDe makebs bis boD^.ifo; be meanetb not tbat loe DO fro an? otber tobere tba from fa?tb, obtaine fucb a benefite : but tb?s onl? be meanetb to ercluDe,^ none iDbe be bearetb fa?tb to be nameD,lbolD conceaue a nakeo imagination . 0s fo; tbem tbat totll baue tbe Supper to be onel?a marke of outtoarD pjofcflion. 3 Do noU) palTe tbem oueribicanfe 31 tbink tbat 31 baue fnfficientl? confuteD tbep; erro^, tobf 3! entreatcD of Sacraments generall?.S)nl? tb?s tb?ng let tbe rea^- Ders markeitbat inben tbe cup in calleD t^z couenant in tbe blouD, tber is a p^0;> mifeerpjcireDtbatma?e be offo^eto confirmefa?tb. ©Kberuponfollotoetb, tbat bnleffe toe baue refpetf to CDoD,anD embrace tbat tobicbe be offretb, toe Doe not rigbtl? We tbe bol? Supper. 7 ^0 jeouer tl)t^ alfo Do not fatiffp me, tobicbacknotoleDgingi^ toe baue fome comunion \jb Cb^ittjtobf tbe? meane to erp^elTe it, do make bs partakers onel? of ? fpirit,toitbout making an? mentio of flcflb « blouD.as tbogb al tbofe ttiin^s toere fpokcn of notb?ng, ^ b?^ Actbe is i bcril? meate , tbat bis blouoe is bcril? D;ink,tbat none batb life but be tbat ea^ tetb ^ flefl^c, i Djinketb tbat blouD : anD fucb otber fa?ings ^ belong to tbe fame enD.t!I2Sbcrfo;e if it be ccrtatnc tbnt tbe full communicating of €\)M iJ^oceoetb bc?onD tf)t'(!^ Dercription,as it is to nar^ rotol? ara?ncD:3 toil noto goc about to knit Dp in feto too^Dcs, boto large it is, I boto far it ertenoetb it relf,befo;ic tiiat 3i fucahcof tl)c contrar? fault of crce^c. ifo: 31 Iball baue a longer Difputation x toitb F0I.418 Cap.i7 Cf the outward meancs toitt) tljc crccfftuc ftacijcrs, lubicft ix)bf acco^Dino; to tticir otun groffcncffc tbM frames manrr of eating i Dumbing ful of abfurDif V , Do alfo traitfftgurc €\)nft ftrippco out of brs fltib into a fantalie: if l?cta man map toit^ anr too;DS com* p^eljenD fo ctreata mt!ffcr^,trl)icb 3 tit t a ran not fuflficientlp cop^ebenD Ujit^ mino : anD tl)crfo;e H do tuillingl)? con? Mc itjtljat no man fboulo mcafure tlje fjrncffc tbcf of b^ tt)e fmal p?opo;tion of ni? cWltiifl)nefrc.l5ut rather a grl^ojt ip rcaoerip,^ t\)c^ tio not reHrarn tbe fcnfe af i1)ey; minoe tuitbin t^jcfe tco narrolu bounoe£i:butetii)tuo;torifetip mucbe b?er,tf)an tfjtv can bp mr gaioing.if o; 3 mp rtlf,fo oft as 3 fpeak of tbtJf tbing, tuben 1 ()au0 trauellco to fap all, tbtnhe tbat 3 baue tct fa\>D but litle in refpette of V too^tbincstberof.ano altbougb tbe nuno fan Do moje in tbinhing,tban tbe tong in ej:p;c(ring:rct tuitb grcatncs of tbe tbrne,tbeminD alfo is furmountcb f oucrlubcImeD . iFinallr tbercfo;e no^ tbrng remainetb,but tbat 3 mnft bmk fo;tb into aoiniration of tbat nxvQcv^c, txMct) ncitber ^ mino ca fuffife to tbink of, no; 1^ tong to Declare, ^et after fucb maner as 3 can, 3 toil fet fo;tb tbc fnm ofmp fcntcnce : tobicbas 3 notbung Dout to be true,ro 3 traft tbat it toil not be DifallotoeD of goDlp barter. 8 irirHofalljtoc are taugbt out of tbe Scripture, tbat Cbjifttoas fro tbebe* ginning tbat life bringing toojDe of tbe fatber,tbe fountarne t original of Ipfc, from tobenceall tl)inQe8 caer receaueo tbeirbauingoflife. Mberefo;c 3obn fomtimetalletb Um tbe too^D of Itjfe, $ fomtime to^itetb t life toas in bimanea ning ^ be tut tben flotoing into al crea* turcsjpoureo into tbc tbe potoer of b;ea^ tbing anD liuing/^ct tbe fame 3obn aD^ Dctb a*tertoarD,tbat tbc Ipfe toas tben t not nil tben openly tbetocD , toben t\}t mm of OoD,taUtna jpo bpm our flcC^, gaue b!?mfelfe to be feenc toitb epes ano felt toitb banDs. ifo; tbcugb be d^d be^ fo;e alfo fp^caD ab;oaD b?s potoer into tbe creatures: Kt bicaufe ma,bring bv (inne eftrangcD from er into t\)t fle0)e tiiUc\)t be DiD put on, tbat fro tbcnce tl)t comunicating of Ipfe migbt floto fo;tb tjnto ts. l^creupon al^ fo tbefe tbpngest noto follotoe, tbat ^^s fleflj is fcerilp meate, i bt?s blouD is be# rilp D;inke,toitb tobicb fuUcnances tbe faptbfull are fodereD into eternall Ipfe. I^erein tberefo;e confitletb (tngular comfo;t to t^e goDli?,tbcit noto t\)c^ 6nD Ipfe in t\)m otone flcfte . ifo; fo t^ti^ DO not onelp toitb eafie parage attaine bnto it, but baue it of it felfe lapDea^ b;oaD fo; tbcm anD offring it fclfe tnto tbem. aPnclp let tbem bolDe open tbe I bofome' loh^, 4S To Saluation, Fourth Booke bofomc of ttjeir fjart ^ t\)ti mat embrace it facing p:efent,f ^t^ fljall obtepne it 9 But altfjougfje tbc flef^ of cf);itt baue not fo great poUier of it fclfc,tbat it can geuc life to t)0,tD()icI) botf? in tbe otune firff eftat of it luas fubicct to immo^ta;' Iitie,f notn being cnDuc) txjitl) immo;^^ talitiMutth not br it rclf:t>et it i& rig^t fulli? calleotlife fa:inging,tDbiclj i0 fiUco \mtl) fulne0 of l^fc, to poure it into tj0. Jntobicf) meaning 3 00 toit^ Cynlep pounu tbat raping of Cb;iff:^ tf)C jfa^ tber batb life in f)tmfelfe,ro be b<^tb alfo geuen to tbe ton to bane life in bimfelf. if o;^ tberc be pjoperlp fpeafietb of br^ gift0,not iJDbicb be from tbc beginning poDTeflcD toitb tbcfatber,but U)itb tnbicb be toas gamp fl&eo in tbe fame flcCb in tobicbbe appeareD.2bl)ercfo:e QbcUjetb tt)atin\)^$ manbffloalfo otoclletb ti)c fulncs of life,tbat tnbofoeucr pertafeetb of bis fled) anD blouD mat! tbcreluitball alfo eniop t^t pertaUig of life, ^f tobat fojt tbat 10, toe map Declare bp a fami^ liar example. iFo;j a0 out of a fountaim; toater is fomctime Djonlie, fometpme 18 D.zaVoen fometimc brfo^rotos is con ueieD to ti)3l li3bicb tWm toe tin?' DcrftanD to beimpoffiblc to be b^ougbt to paire,bat tbat be muSe iDbolp cleaue to t)5 in fpirit anD boop. 115ut tbat moft ncrc felotuOiip tuberbp tue arc coupleD toitbbisflefbbebatbpet fct outtoptb a mo;^c glorious title, lubcn be faiD tbat Ujc arc members of bps boDp , f arc of bis bones anD of bis neOj.at tbe laft,to Declare it to bee a mater greater tban al lDo.jDes,be cocluDctb bis faping toitb an epclamatio.SDbis is(faitb bc)a great fecreteXberefoje it flnilD be a point of ejctremc maonclTe, to acknotolcogc no communion of tbe faitbfull Uiitb p flell) an^3 blouD of tbc llo^De, tobicb tbe 0po* ftelcDeclaretbtobcefo greatetbat be bao ratber loDnDcr at it tl^a erpjcffe it. 10 iiet tt)t fum bc.tbat our foules are fo feo iDptb tbe flclli anD blouDc of €b;iift, as b;^eD anD toine do maintepn anD f u^ ftepn tbc botiplp life, ifo^ otbertoife ^ proportional relation of tbc fignc flbulD notagre,bnles,rouls DiD finD tbctr foDc in (Tb^ift.^bicb cannot be Done,t)nles CbrillDatrulpgroUiinto onctoitbtjs, f refreits tcitU tl)c eating of bis flefl^ anD DjinUig of bis blouD. lout altbougb it feeme incrcDible,tbat in fo grcate Dp^ ttance of places p flcQ) of cb;jift reacbctb to tjs tbat it map be mcate to t3S: let bs remember bolu mud) tbe fecret potoer of tbe fpiiitc furmoiintctbaboue alour fenfes,anD boU) foliO) it is to goe about tomeafnrebis trnmeafurableneffc bp our mcafurc. Eljat tbcr.^orc tobicb our minD compiebciiDctb not, let our faitb conccpue, tbat tbe §?pirite truclp hnit* tetb in one tbcfe tbingcs tbat arc fcuc^ reD in places Ji^oUi tbat fame bolp com^ municating ofbisboDp i blouD,tDbcrj bp Cbjift pouretb bis Ipfe into tjs,cue as if be pearccD it into our bones f ma? rolDcs, be in tl)t fupper alfo tettifietb I fcaletb : ano tl)at not tuptb fetting bc^ fo.:et)sa t3apncrtopD (ignc butbjin^ gingfortWerc tbe effertuainuo^Uing FoL42(S j Op 17 Of the outward mcancs a.Cor.io j6. tobtc^ Se p;omtrett) J^no tertl^ te tfjer ofiferett) t oeltuerctb tbe tbtng fisntfieti to al tt)i ^ fit at ^ fptritual banket : al^ tbougb it be recetneo 16 fruit of ^ faitti^ fill onlijtD^ic^ receiue fo great boiittfal ms t6 true faitb f ttiSkfutnea of m^D. ^fter tDbicb maner f> apollle raiD,ttat tbeb^eDtD^ic^Uie b;eake i$ tliecom^ munio of tbe boDf of Cb;ill:f 1^ ^t cup \\)^i(\) tDe fjaUolD t6 t^e U)o;d q; platers to tt)atpurpofe, iB tt^t comnnion of ^t6 blouo. ^pieitbcr i$ tljcre an^ caufc to^ji? anip ma QjulD obtect, t^at it 10 a figura^^ tiut fpecbybi? tDtiicI) tbe name of i tibig figntfieo 10 geutn to tlie fign.| grattt te reli?t^ttt)eb;eai{ing oftteb;eaDt0a figne,not § t^ing it felf.^nt U^ib being aomitteOj^et toe Ojall rig|)tli? gatbcr of tbe oel^ucracc off figne,tbat tfte ttjing itfelfei0Del^uereD» ifo; t)nle0aman \xi^\ cal goD a oeceruer, Ije ran neuer be To bolo to fa^ i be fettetli before t)0 an empt^ figne.2i:berfo;e if be f b;eabing of b^eao f lo^D boti) truli? rep;efent t^ partaking ofi)i0bobr,itong6t to be out ofDout^betrul^perfo;metNno oeli*' ucretb it ^no tbr0 rule 10 altoap to be liolDcn of tbe goDlr>tl)at fo oft a0 m (a t figne0 o;i)eT?neb of f Io;d t^iei certain* \^ tbinh 9 perfnaoe tbemfelue0 tbat i trutb off tiling fignifieb is tber p;efit, ifo; to totiat pnrpofe fijuto tl^e 1o;d be* iiuer to tlies into tb? ^ao ^e Qgne of bt0 booi?>but to aCnre tbes of tbe true parta femg of itflf it be true, f a tifible figne i0 geuen t0,to feal n)t gift of an inntfi* ble tiling: tolien toe receiue ttje figne of tbeboDt9lett)0 no le0 certainly betene tl)at tbe boot? it fclfe alfo 10 geuen tw . " 5 far tberfojc(tofticb botb batb bene altoar rcceiueo in tbe ct)urcb,f all tlie^ teacb at tljis oap ^ tliinb rigbtj tbat f lie boll? mitterr of tbe fupper confiffctb of ttoo tbmgs:^ is to far of tte booil? fig^ WB tobicb being fct before oure e^es bo rep;efent tnto t)0 inuifible ttjlgs acco;^ Ding to f capacity of oar toeaknc0 : t of fptritual trutb,tot)icl) i0b^ tl)ofe fignes botb figureD t oeliuerco. ^f toljat fo^t tbat t0,to|ie Bl mean to (bcto it familiar*' li 31 tife to fet iti.tl)ing0:tbe fignifiratio, tbe matter tobicb bagetb of tbe fignifica tio tbe bertue 0^ effect tobicb fbllotoetb of botb. SCbe fignification confifietb in t\)t p;omife0,tobicb are after a certain maner to^appeotogetber to tbe figne. SCbe matter 0; fubllace Bi cal €\)n1i t& bi0 beatb « refurre(tion.:i5i) effect Bl bm berfhmb tbeir reoeption rtgbteoufne09 fanctification,! eternal life^anb tobatfo euer otber benefit0 cb;ifi b^tngetb t)0. ^oto altbougb al tbefe tbings bane re# fpect to faitb:i?et Bi leaue no place to tbi0 cauillatio:a0tbougb tobe Jfa^f cb^ift i0 recciueb bi faitb BI toolo baue bt cocci ueo vb bnberfiaoing onii t imaginacto. iFo;f p;omife0 offer bim, not tbat toe (bulD (tick fatt in f figbt alone 1 in bare knotolebge:but)) toelboulD enio^tbe true comunicating of bim . j^notruclv Bl fee not boto an^ ma map bauc confix oence tbat be batb reoemption t rigbte oufne0, in tbe cro0 of Cb;ifi anb Ipfe in bi0 beatb> but p;incipallr fiaotng bpon tbe true comumo of cb^ifi bimfclf. if 0^ tbofe gcDb tbing0 (boulo not cnme to t}0, bnle0 cb;ifi; firtt mabe bimielfe oor0.Bl fat tberefo je,tbat in tf^t mifterv of ti^e lupper,bi? tbe figne0 of b^eao ano toine Cb^ifti0 truelp belpucreD totj0,Tea« br0 boor « blouD, in tobicb be batb fuU fiUeb allobcDiencefo^ purcbafpnge of rsgbteoufnes to b0 : nameli? tbat firfie toe Cbouloe groto togetber into one bo^ bp toptb bimianb tben being mabe per:; taker0of br0 fub&ance,toe mat alfo fecle br0 potoer in V^e communicating of aUbi0gcDbtbinge0. 12 il^oto jcome boton to f erceCTtue mir turesttobicb fnpcrttition batb b;ougbt in-if 0; berein ^atan batb placet tottb mar ♦' To Saluation, martielloas fubtiltpjtfjat toitftDjatDins t\)z minors of men fro f)caucn,fte migljt fill tbcm Untt) pcruerfe erro;^,a0 tbougfi C!)?ift tDsrc fatteneD to tbe element of bjeaD.ant) firft fajc mutt not D;emc fucb a p;cfcnce of vl^ntt in tt)c facramet, as tbe craftcfmen of J court of l^omc Ijaue fa^ncDtafii tbogb tl^c booi? of Cbjitt toer maoc p;erct toitfj tbc p;cfence of place, to be banDleo ijuitb banDcs^to b? b^ofeD tuitbteetfj,! flualloiDcD tn^tb moutb. ifo; tbis fo;m of recantation pope jp|i* colas enDiteo to Bcringariusrto bea tnit* neffeof brs repentance : namely ^ith tpo;^Ds fo far monttrous,tbat thz autbo^ of tbe glofe crietb out ^ tberc is Danger, if tbc readers do not toifel^ take beDe to tbcmfcluc0,leatt 11)^"^ IbolD fuckc out of tbem an bereCe tcozfe tban uias tbat of Beringarmsjn tbc fecouD Dittinction, in tlje €)dptcx beginniitg tbus, Hgo Bc^ ringarius. l!5ut Peter Lombard,altbogb be traucU mttcb in ewuang t\n abfuroi^ t^f'^zt mo;e cndinetb to tbc contrarpc fentencc . jfpoias to: notbpng Douttbat it batb limitts accoiDing to tlit perpa* toall nature of tbe boot? of men t is bol* ben in beancn, into tobicbe it toas once receauecbntill be return to iuogmcnt: fo to D;ato it back bnoer tbefe co;rupti Fourth Bookc. hA,427» Der,nouritti,f qaicfeen tt)c fruits tberof: tobptboulDtbeertenoing of beamesof tbe fpirit of Cb^itt be inferior to conne^ tbe communion of bis flelb i blouo into bsf mbcrfo;e p rcripture,tobcn it fyt^ \ictl) of our partaking toitb €iiM » re# ferretb tbe tobolc fojce tberof to (> ^pi* rite.l^et in tteoc of man]?,one place fljal be fuificicnt.iFo^ Paul in tljc biy.cbap. to tbc HomaneSjfaitb tbat Cb i^^it is^tcxbt (mmitl) IjolTj great fttpcrttiticu in c cr* ttivnt a(iCB paflTj ^wt otic Iv ^bc common f j:t of mcnvbiit^fatbc tocr^-c^feof t^e Inuc ben bntoe«,f at tbf s oar be bdoen tn popin)€tI)U'rcl)C5 , ifo; baui^ng litle f lire cf.trt« fa^tb ( bi? tubicbc alone Uie bct-?/i:(5me mto tbc felloUil^ip of Clj^tff, f«:rcfIcauctogetberU)itbbun)fo v tbe^ 4iaue a carnall p^^efenee of f)cm,iBbiclje tbepbaue frammbefine tbe Uk);o, tbe$ f binii )^ tbr^bauc \r(im p;efent enougb. wberfo;c ina fummc, loe fee tbat tbi?s •Ijati) bene gotten b?? tb^s Uiitttifuttlef r*; itat b;eao Uni^tafecnfoj^SoU;. 14 ifro bence. p^oceseo^fame fhvntti itanfubftatcati on,fo; iBbicb at tbrs Da^ ;tbev fiflbt mo;e t^rnefilptlm fo.i^ilMbet '0tber articles cf tbe\?;,{^rf9.ifo^t' fi'rff :b«ilDers of tbat local pjefence coulD not JtJntuHiD tbefeluefi fro t\^i& Dout lyjlu tbe^ boDi? of cbift ft)0iUD be nnnBlei>.l&V'tb tbc fubftance of b;eai)>but tbat bianobi? man^ abfuroities did tl);utt tbcmfdues in place. 2Dbcrefo;je tbei? luerc D;iuen of neceCTit^] to flee to this inuention ^, tber^ is maDe.a.turning of b^eaD intiyttji Uo* tf-Tinot tbat tl^t boDi 10 p^joperli? maDe of l^;caD>biit bicaufc Cb;iff>tbat be m vgbt jyyDc bimfelfc i)noer fije fo;me,b^mgetb. tiie fubftance to notbing.li5ut«ittsinar* ucIlou$5^ tbe? fel to fo great igno^ace, :^ca fcnne£tDulne6,tbat not onl^ § fcrip# ftjrc but alfo § confent of § olDc Cburcb .fifubtingagama it,tbc!}b;ougbt ab^oaD' a)atmon(tcr. Srgraiit in DeDc tbat^mc ot'yt oiD i»;.iterfi fomtimc tfeD tiiename af turningtnot fo^ ^ tber? iuolD Dettro^ tbe fubttaci in^tbe outtnarD fignas, hut t\h-it tbci' migbttcaUj tbat p bjeaD DcDi^ :catetotbemyflcttg Diffci^tb far fro co^ *< >■ »i »r! mon bjeD t w nolo otber.iSnt ecb kibcr tbet al plainli? Declare tbat tbe bol^fupf per coniiittetb of ttoo porter, an eartblr patt,f abeauenJi? : auD tbc eartbll^ part tbcv! Do toitbout controurrfie fvpeuDto beb^eaD f iBine.SLtulv tebatfcewr tbei babble it is plaint tbat in confirming of tbis Doctrine tbe? toant ^ Defence cf an* ti^mt^^U^bifb-tbc^^oftentimes p^efume to fetagai'nCtbceuiDcnt iBojDofgcO, if 0; it is not fo long ago Unc$it tjsas in* uenteo: it lead t^eril^ tinknotseiVRot onelv to tbcfe better age0, in Uibtcb t\)t pm^er.Dcdrine of religion ret flo^ifteD, but alfo^tuen tDbientb^U fame pureneffe toas muc^Deftl^.f^bei'cafiLnone of tbe olDe Ui;iter0 tbat Dot!> not ine^;r(re Iwo^tDs confetfe tbat § bol^ Cgneftintb? fupptr are b;eaDi tuine; altljogb as tuc b^faiDjtbc? fometime fet.it out Ijuit^ Dtuers titUSjto aDuance t^ Dignittje of tbcmvtter?. jlfo^toberastbe^Jfa? tbat in tberonfecration is maDe a fecretlnr* ning', tbat r»otj> it is an ctber tbtng tb*! bjcaD I toinc : B! bauc>^uen note geuett' U^arning tbat tbcp do not tljerb? meane tljiit tbe ti)inas tteff lues areJ?;cu$bt to nougbt)but tbat tbci are nolu ta b£.otber \jDife ellemeD tba co.mcn meate£,U)bicb are apoiT.teD onl^ to fceoe t])t bellr:fo;j' afmucb.as in ti^ is. DeliuereD to bs tl)t fijtritifall' inentirt^D^inlfc of . tbe foulc, S^b^s U.1C alfo Dcnvc not . 3lf (fap tbcfe men) tbcre bc^ turnt?ng,it nnUt neDcs h$ tbat t^ereisof^metbvng maoe an 0^ tb'er tb^ig. 3f tbei» nicanc tbat tbere iS' fometbing maDe tubicb befo;e leas not^. a agree tuitbtbem. 3!f tbetfteilD^aU) it to tbat t{;etv t)lunc tmagination,let tbr anfiyete me tobat cbnngc tbep tbinb ta beimaDc in Baptifmc ♦ jfof bcretntbR fatbcrs alfo do Deteniitne a ijiawieilflus: turning i»bf tbci-fas tbat of a co;rupti^ bltelcmrt isi maDe a fpiritual tuatbin^ of tbc foulc, i^ct none of tbcm Den^cti? tbat Umter remaijjetb* ^»t (fai;c.tbeg), • tbfTfi To Saluatioii, tbcre 10 no fucl^ tbhig in baptifmc,a« is tbat in fbe fuppcr . SD!ji0 10 mp boor. ja0tb3ugb tljcqacftion tucrcof ffjofc tDo.toc0,ti)bicl) bauc n meaning platinc cnoagbt.anoitot cafbcr of tbat luojo of turn?g,Ujbicb ouGbt to Ggnifi,' no mo;c in f be fupper tban in iSaptifme.Sbcr^ fo;te farctoeltbc? uS tbefe rnare0 of fil^ Llable0,\wbcrbi? tbc^ do notbinc cl0 but .»betD;a^ tbcir oton busrinc0.5f 0; otbcr^ •iuife 1^ fignificatio luolD not agree toge^^ tber,bnle0 f trutb iubtcb 10 tbcrcfigu^ :i*eo,baD.aitucl? image m t\)z outltDaco (tgne. Cb.nU0 iuil toas bt tbe outUjaro figne to tettif^ ^ bts flt(b i0 mcatc. Jf be oiD fct before t« onlt an-tmpti? inia* ginvitiac fo;me of bjcao not true b;cao, tobcrc tocrej cj5.:relatt6 0 j fimilituoe :.tui)icb a)ulDleaui3Sfro tbc t-ifiblcfbiug to tbe inuifiblcf iro;,f all tbin30 ma? a grce togetbcr,tbc fignification fljaU t^^ tcnD no furtber,but~tbat toe be fco toitb tbe f0;me of tbe flcCbof Cbjitt . ^0 if in ^aptifmc tbe fo;me of Uiatcr (boulD oc cciuc our t^ts ^ iti^juulo not be to 133 a certainc plcogc of oariuaitjtRgt rca b^ tbat occeitfiiU (beto tber ft)"lo-be^ciien ,t)0 an occafian of tDauering.HSbcrfo^c^ ^nature of ffatranicnt i$ ooertbolren, bnlfffg irt i manertif fiamfting,^ cartb llJC^giianfluer to § bcucnltti)ing. flnb tbcrfi3;ie toe lofe tbe trutb of tbis.miffe /r^jtjnjctrciroe bxcab rcpKfcnt tO'^i trnc-bflbf fifiCbrtii^ I rtpete it again«: pitl) tbe Supper is notbinu cl0, tban a .tjiUble telhfjjing cf tbat luomifc iDbicb 10 in tbc;tjr.cbapicf .crf3obn»\n4mcl^ t Cb?:tt i0 tbe bjeao'of life jiVubicb came boUinffrom bciicn: tbcr mufirbc Ijjfiblc bKaiaJbfcD fo;a mtani.tpberb^ ^;.|3me fpiriftmli b^cat)iKc!i»rb^ ftijurcDrtjnhrirc »iyc linll tbat tuc lofcall tbe frtntjVubicfj in tb!3 bebalf<3oD tcnncrl^.-graiintctb ii'o futtcin our tKcakncs. :f!iolo-bi>-tBbnt ►Gpr.ioAreafon iljoulo paulcgatber, tbatai loe iarc jQne boo^g t o;ic- b;cD>U)fcicl>taioscg 1-ourth Booke. Foi,4^ >. i i\ ^x.ij^C, tbcrparfabeofoncb;caMftbcrrcma^ neo onl^ an imaginatiue fo,:ui ano not ratbcr a naturall trtifb of b;caD^ J) 'But tbc^ coulD ncucr bane bcncfj: folpi^ bejjilcD Uiitb t\)t ntccits of &af a, butbicanfctbeFJbjeralrcDpbetoitcbcD tuitb fli0 crroitbattbc boor of Cb;ift enclofcixbnDer bKb Uja0 b^.tbe boDili^ moutb ff t Dolun into § bctlKSbc caufc of fo b;utitl) imagination \x)k?;^ jcqnfc^ cration figniftcD a0 murb among time a magical embantment..)i5ut tbi0 p^in-- ciplcjxjas bnlmoluentotbem, i^ b;caD is a Sacrament ta.none but to men,to iDbom tbe loojb i0 bircctr b, lifec a0 tbe toater of )i5aptifme is net.cbangcb in it fclfjbut fo fconc a0 tbe pjomifcl0 aDio^ m'o, it b^innetb .t£^bc tbat to b0 \xiW) it befo.:e U)a0 nor/^bis fiiall better ap* peare bp crample of a like ^acramrt. ,S^bc loader fpjingingouttif tbe rots in tbe Dcfcrt tjpasto tbe fatbcrs a tolyrn $ ftgnc Of tbe fame tbing-jtubicbtbc iDine ^ ootb figure to ^^5 in§ fuppcr. Jroj pauf ^-^^^'^^ ttat\)ct[') tt:at;tbfi^t»>onU the fanie fpiri tuall o;ifnlt..:)15ut!t:bcia.0-a comi|ton lua^ tering fo; t^c^b:?fte >ano catteli of tbe :pcpp]e. OTbcr^ipg itj5xafiir gatbe-rcD, tbat in cartljlp ricnvntj^jt tofee tber arc applies t&a fpirituallVfei il)t%;\3 tn,aDe no otber turning but in re fpcrt of mn.i? in fo mucb fl0 tbcij arcto iism fealcs of tbe p:omifc5.a30;eoucr fttbOoC0 pur* pofc.i5(a53! often repctf) acitUwrc^? bant)fi)me cbamt^ to lift b$ bp to bim; firlf,tbci> bo bir tbcir toaituarDncs.UHf * beoltbifapoint tbe famc.tMbieb boe in det« fnH.bs fo'Cb,n{t,butlurUing inui^ fiblutnoer b;eD,if 0^ iti0 not pc Jible? t ^ tbe imnotjf mcn^^neonib^tng itrfclf fro \ tbf innneafuraWcitciTc of piace0,n)ci>!o I j attemto.Cb;ittfucab.ouetbcbcaum5. I SbaMubtcb nature bcnieWijeni i tfy:^ j i attcmptcD to amcHBi^ a mp;Db«rtf|i!I j i rcmcDv:t' abioig in farti;,Ujf n^jljin^v) m he^'li?;i\er.cneg ^.( €^i(tji:,p4mis * i "II n»i'> iiwm^ I I MU 'Ml Of the outvvardc meancs mmctmcMt compeUeo t\)t to ttaU . cafe ttjis b;et).ncr coinmnntcatct) m figure t^jc boDr ofC^jift. 3n Bcrnaides ttme,a!tboHsb a barber mancr of fpea* kins toas groUjcn in tjfe, pet tranfub' aattatton tuas not tben hnoiuen. iSnO in all ages before t^ tUs (iimtlttuDe bto die about in eueri? mas moutb, ^ tbcre is Uittb b;eat) i Istne a fptrttuall tbing io^neo in tbis miaerie. ^f tbe too^ocs t^t^ anflucr as tbe? tbinfe Ujittilr : but bulging notbtg fit fo; tbts p^eflt caufe. S:be roo of ^ofcs (far tber) being tur* neb into a ^erpent,altbougbe it Die get tbe name of ^erpent^^et kepetb fitl tiit oloe name,! iscalleo a rob. &o in tbeir opinion it is as probable, tbat altbougb tbe b;eD paflTe into a neUic rubffanc0, it mar be abufiuel^ t ret not tnaptlr cal« leb tbat b)btcb it appearetb to tht e^es. )15utU}batlihelt?boDe o; nerenesfinoe tber bettoeen a cleare miracle , % tbeir faineo tllu(lon,of tobicb no ere in eartb is toitncsf E^be Magicians bab mockeb \jo becettes,ro tbat t})c d^grptias iDere perfuaoeb,^ tbcr ercelleo in biuine po? iDcr to cbage creatures abouc tbe o^Dcr of nature, ^ofes came fo;itb, t D?r«ing aUjar al tbeir beceites, fijctoeo tbat t\)t tnuiciblc pother of gob Ixias on bis (iDc, bicaufe Ub otun roD cofumeb all r red. 115ut fo^afmucb as t t)oas a turning otf cernable )3)it^ etes,tberfo;e as toe baue fato it perteinetb notbmg to t\}iB p;cff t caufe:f in a litletimeaftcr.tbe rob btfi^ blr returneo into bis otone fo^me. X5e^ Qoe tbat it iB not UnotDc, tubetbcr tbat fooen turning tuas of fubttancc c;no. aifo tbe allubing to ^ robs of tbe ^agt cias is to be coficcrecVobtcb r p^opbct tbcrfo;ic U)olD not cal ^tv^ttSy Icatt tje tboulD feme to fignifp a turning lubert none U)a6: brcaulc tbofc Deccruns bao pone notbing but caft a mift before tl)c cii&> of tbe bcbolDers. Mbat IvUcncffe bcrclD baue tbcfe fo^mrs cf fpccb. 2Lbe l/;co iubub «^c b;caii. ^o oft as le flml breaking of b;eD,f fucb otberf Jt is cer^ tain tl)at tbeir tits tuere onlr becetucb VDtbeencbautment of tbe Magicians. jSs conceming^ofcs,r matter its mc;e boutful,bi bobofe banb it luas no mo^e barb fo; gob to mafee of a rob a ^er pr t, I again of a Serpent to make a rob,tba to clotb 0ngels tcitb fict^lr bobtes,anb brtbr after to bnclotb tbcm. 5f tbe na^ ture of tUs mifterie lucre tbe fame o^ Iike,tber toer fome eolo; fo; tbeir folu^ tion.llet tbistberfo;e remain certain, i it is not truelr no; fitlr p^omrfeb bs tbat in tht fupper t}it fie^ of Cb;ta is trulr to bs fo; meate^bnles tl)t true fub ftace of tbe onttoarb fign agree loitb tt» 0nb(a0 one erro; grotnef b of anotber) tbeplaceofBleremie is fofolilblr ^^t^ Iteb to p;ooe trafub0atiatto,^ it trketb me to reberfc itXbep;opbet complain netb tbat luab is put in biis b;eab;mea^ ning tbat br i^t cruelty of bis enemies, bis b;eb luas infecteo Uiitb bitterneHe. Sis 2DautD IjDttb a like figure beti?atletb tbat bis meate teas co^rupteb luitb gal, f bis b;ink to binegcr.S^befe men Uiill baue it tbat tbe bobr of Cb^ill toasbr luar ofaUego;ie falfcneb to tbecrcffe. llbut fome of tbe olD fatbers tbougbt fo, ^s tbougb Ujc ougbt not ratbcr to par^ Don tbeir ignorance , anb to burr tbeir l^ame,tbanto abbe (bamelefTcnelTeto compelle tbcm ret nil to figbt like ene^ mies toitb tbe meaning of tbe p^opbet. \6 £itbcr,li3ticb fee tbat tbe p;opo;tic^ nal relation cf tbe Cgne i tbe tUnQ fig^ nifieb,ca not be ouertb;iotDcn,but ^ tbe trutb of r millcrie muft fal,Do confeffe tbat tbe b;caii of tbe (ujiper is bcrilr a mbttace of an eartblr I co;rupttble ele^ Kicnt, anb luffrctb no cbange in it fclf, but batb tniicr it Uif tbe boor of Cb^ifi; enclofeD.^f tbei bit fo Declare tbeir mea nim V itibf n tljc b;cD is Dvliuercb in r miflcric,tbcr ts abiorneb tot Deliuciis^ i.Cor.io. i6,ct.ii. ler.u.ip. Tu b'aluaCion, fourth Bookc of tt)c boof >bicaurc m trutl) a Dnfcuc- rablc from m fignca ^o"^«> "^^ "^"^'J ariue luitl) tbcm.UBnt bicaufc tbev pla cing tbc boci? in tbcb;car),t)o faine to it being euer^ ^ber contrary to § nature tbcrof,! in aODing tinocr tbe b?caD,tbci toil banc it lie tber bioticntit is nccciTa ru a litle tobilc to D?a^ f"tb futtcltiefi out of tbcir Dcns.ifo; m? minoc is not vet 30 of ret purpofeto go tb;ougb to al ttjis po^nt: but onl^ ^ 3 ma^ lav § fou^ oations of tbe uifputatio tubicb fbal bi? « bv fololD in placefit fo; it.E:bev ^.lU tberfojc baae § boDv of €b?itt to be in* uifible I immefnrable,^ it mav lie bio , tnoer tbe b;^eaD : bicaufe tber tbinfec ? tbev DO not otberlDife communicate 1^ | bim,tbaif beDefccnb inb;eaD:but tbev i compjcbent) not tbe manner of oefcen^ | Bing, toberbvUeliftetbtJBbptoaroeto i bimrclf.SDbcv la? tjpo it al tbe colons | tbev cambut toben tber Ijauc all,it fuf^* fKientlv appearctb,tbat tbei ttav topon tbclocaUpzefcnccofCbjift. 'm\)mit commetbtbat^ eucn bicaufe tbev can abibe to conceiue no otber pertabmg of tbe tcttic anD blouD,but M)\)it\) cona< ttctb eitbcr of tot ning anD toucbing of place,oj of fome grcffe enclofmg. ,7 «anD,^tbevmavobainatelvoefenb tbe erro J once raOjlv coceiucD, lome of tbcm Ciche not to fav, tbat tbe fleOje of Cbjift bao ncuer am otber meafungs, Aa-1.4, but fo far « \DiDe as bcari anD eartb is cU9'7. b jooc. JIAlbcras be teas bcjn a cbilo out of tbeU)omb,toberasb2 gi'f^'^^jc^^s be U'as fp^eo ab^ooe pn v crofic, u^ber* as be Ujas cnclofeD m tbe lepuUb^e3ti)e lame Iwas Don by> a cci tmncDifpeiatio, Aa 1 4 ^ fee »"»SlJt be fcojn » Die,« p£ifo?ni tbe '-'»•» ~ — ___ on, tbat it migbt appe"areto thtW of men i be teas maDc a bing in bcaucn. im^t iB tbis els, but to raife bp NJar- cion out of bcllf iro; no man can Dout )5 tbe booi of €b;tft toas a fantafi? o; fan* fatticall tbuig, if be teas of focbe tfatc» ^omc 0ip atuav fomtobat moje futtel- l\?,\yitb facing i> tbis boDv tobicb is si* uen in tbe facramcntjis glojious f im* mortal: ano t tbcrfo^e it is no abfurop tv, if it be conteincD in manr places, if in no place,if Uiiti) no fo;m,t)nDcr § fa cramft.2i5utai afU lubat maner of bcDi CbnftgauetovDifcipUsv Dav befo;e be fuffrcD: Do not tbe too^Ds fonnu i be gauc ttjc fame mo;tal boDi,U)bicb teas UJitbin a little after to be oeltuereDf^e baQ alrcDv befo;c(fav tbev)fl)cteeD bi» glojv to be fene to tb;c of tbe Difcipics. I 2:batistrueinDttDe,butbi«ftoillteas I bv t b^igbtnes to geue tbe a tatt of im* mo^talitvfojanboure. Blntbemeane time tbev ftal not tber fino a Double bo Dp, but tbat one boDv tobl^cb Cb;iiC did bear,garnifl&eD toitb glo;p. iBut toben be DittributeD bt« boDV at Wi ftru lap* pcr,v time luas nolu at banD, tobcn be being ftriben of OeD,anD biibleD,fIjulD Ivbuitbout gloji as a lep;ousma:fo far is it of tbat be tben tuoulD (betu fo;tb ? glo;i? of bis rcfurrectio.anD boiu great a toinDotee ic bere opcneD to Marcion, if tbe boDv of Cb;iae toas fane in one place mojtal 1 bafc,« in an otber place toas bolDen immojtal f glo^iousf Ij^oUj belt if tbcir opinion talje place,|j fame bappenctb oailv: bicaufe tbev are com* pelUD to cofcffc tbat tbf boDV of Cb?ift being in it lelfe, Igctb biD muiQblv ^n. Dcr tbe figne of b;caD.anD tet tbeitbat ■^ 229 Mat.i7,2i Eq^'^ srrffi sffss , s=rr:ss refurrecticn be teas fcf ne in bis tootco fojm of boDr, toberas be teas taiien bp u bcauen,tDbcreas laft of all alfo after bis alTenfion be teas fcne of ^tcpbcn 1 ^auUit teas ponbyj fomemipciifotg- not albamcD of tbcv; oten fbc^me, tbat t\)c^ DO tnpjouoUcD,bainouav raileat bs, faccaufe toe do not fubfcribe to tbe. 1 8 i^ote if tbev lift to fatten tbe boDv f blouoof tbe ilo;D to b^cape anPteinc: i_ 'l*!iZj II; 1: Of tlie otit wattle mcanes f oocr from tbs ottjcr. i?0A<(!S tDet? jcao is DcUucreD f eucrallr f rofit il)z mp , fo tl)5 bor^L' tmtteolo (^ij^ears, mutt mnts : bc-mntJCD from t{?c I'Irb ^clofcD in ttje e«P^ fo;^ i3^^^ t!3C^ affirm ttjat p:'botJ^ !i5>t« t^eb^etiijj^me tIjcblouTs in § tup: iYain;Jtf)e-b;icat)ef Iwne arcb^fpaces-cf ' ipiacc Dtttant vbc^onc fro tbc otbcritbcv' 19 'Btxtiot miift apo^nt fucb a p^jeftcc of Cb;jift in tbc fuppcr, as ma? ncitber fatten Uin to tl)z clement of b;eao,no? fl^utte bim bptu tbe-b?eaOi no^b? m^ 'ir.eantcinpag butria, (fo* it is plain ^ 'all tbcfe ^bings abate bis bes«enl? glo* ri?)i«!a!l? fucb as mat ncitber taHe fro bi bis^^fiten meaftjrrjno; tjiu^rfl? D^atu ■btm tn mani? places at Gnce,no;r fain to .Jant? fio^bift of$aptibattbat tbe bou? Urn fucb an bnmeaftirablegr^atnes as j imtli bcfcnercD from tbe bloaDc.'3i5at (isfpjeaab^oDc tb^ougboatbcancirant) \'^WQCvaB t^^tjretoont tO'allege,fbatbi cartb^fo^ tfjefetbingsiare-prailvasafll ^; |ii(?irotitpaft^in3{as tbci^ faine)in t)jz bo? , t^e trutb*6f tbenatare bf mabobe. %tt ■] ^D't'tutbeblouOyf lifee^uifcintbcbloub pt3s(3j fat)ncaerl«tfertbefettoo ewep* , ] m tl}cbot5btbci^'^cril\! is-tdtriflingifc^ tions to be tahenatuaFfra-tSiSbc one jlnfmucbastboXtgnestn-VDbicbtbe^are f notbin^pbc abafcDfr,>^rf fo fouereo . "^ut if toe be | Cb;iff )tobicb is.Dan,tobebe is bjougbt :''4iftc«>^l?p-'fcD our et>es i mtnos to bcauc, 1 twioer tbe roijruptible elements of t\}is I >v toe fcfetCbJitt tber ifl f'glo;\? of b^s j L fon$uom:as tbe tignes^bos^ aUutc bs to ?n?>tn?tet)Ole^o bnccr ^fign of bj^aDtoe ■ cilJalbcl^l^•tottb bis boo^f^nwr §.Cgne * ' 5 jiftoine-toe t^all feuerallp. s^infes^ b^s V -ilt3ij?);tbat at Icngtb tor-mai enio^ bim ,i ilebole»^o> altl)ou3b bebatb taUc atoai U . ??i5iicQi fFom4?6,f in bis-boo? if^afcen* • I B0D \jp rntd-beaueit,ret be^fltteti^at ibc = ' i r^gbc b*5,Dof tb^-f^tber^ tbat is .fafapjbc • I reignetb in tbo pob^r, f-maieft^c, ann i talo;? cf Ibc^J^atbci',!^ kincoome is - ncitber bounDeci \^ an? Traces cf place, y-^ •3!lc;fompQ!^c&•abo^t4g^tb'atlT^mcaf^# ■ ■: -' HHg£^,but ^^€bHl* ma^41:el'>tb bis irilmigbt-toberfof ner it pleafut?) bim botb i\\ bcaucH an^ iR 5dFi>>;luit tbat bs mai 'tijeto bimfolfe pjefent toitb^potocp nno ftrcnctb:bnt^ be ma? alioaBbcat bAD f ^itb tbcinti)^t be biS)li;ttbingbu5'life tnto tbcw^nwi lt«e in tl)cm,ftrgn^tbcn tbCi^uic^cn tb5m,p jefe^'X tbe ftifc,e«f m if beteer pacfcnt in boD^r^ftttalU but j'l^ bc^i«niP fcDctbriij bis oton bo&^jibc commiHiian lub^rof- be betb by 1^ poto^ ?? of biicfpiritopoure info tbenv^ofter ^ i^:s.»?«-!nertb«.boo» * bU4Di)f€b?Jft is j -t l6lEC{erc!?ta-b$.inJtbtv^acrameRt, too?=lo,e^ is boun'j te^an^ tartblp crca* turcSiSDbe ofbcr,^ notbingbebi faintg applieo to bisboDp , tbat agmtb-not^ tbe nature of man: b)bicbis i^oii,tobe be is titljtr faiDc to be inSnitCi a: ts fet in mani> places at oncc^Suttbefe abfuroi tn;$ beinii; tafeen atoa^j 33 toillingl? re* ceitic tobatfoeuer mat auail to cxpKS^f ipua f fubttantial comimi^ating of tbe botj? I'bicttb of § to;t»,tobif b coanunica^ ting is Deliucreti f 0 tbe faitbfuH tjnbcr tbC'bcl^.ligncs of tbe ropper:anb fotbat tbe? mavbc tl^ongbt Rot-torcceiue it hi imagination onlt?yOjbnCicrSanDtHg43f niiitt^but to enio? it in beoe to tbe fobc of $tcrnaliifc,lBbvtbis fcntcncc-is fo rbafefut to^bs fod^i5>5 al tj^fencc tahi^n atoai frwn itfh"^ tbe^bniuff iu^g^mctits of man?-,tberc is^o canfeat aii, but fo; t^at tl)C t>zm)ff)ati) \xt'2t\) bo?rible bctoit fibing maDoeD tbeirminDS. Jilriilp^at Uibicb toe tevtgJji DtJtb in &l povntg-'ocrp tocll aijvcD to?tb tbe fcriptujxs :. itcouf fc«inetb ncitber snr abfuroif ? ,no^ nark !t^Cfo,no; Doutfulneffe: it is not againft truegooUneire, an^ rounce cssifieotion: fiHtaU^:it^tbe4iotl)it($tn iMbat m^t iicrfifenM^uiijg tt^Uin ccctaiuagcspaft ' ! I'^zn To ialuilion/ Fourth Bookkc ' ;fol.430 tubmi^ignojancc f b^ibarcufncffTof , ftanDcttetbicaDcirvvctOjctucD -ana feoutjiacrsTf irrncu in i cl)urcl)>fo rlcra j tfegrfoje tt)cre.is no grcateubfurDitv,, \uM f open truth W\j bene MnSiJOim* i tlmto rc»witc>tbat to tljc fo;ni,U''buil Ivopp^elTcDPctbieaufc ^afanottbis isfpciicnof tljcb>catDc. Qtbcri\tbm mm trau'-irletbbrtroublcfcmc-rpi* t!;evcrpoimDct?;i»fiU)o;tj ■» fo;!..>itab^ riteiStofpotitUJitb all tbe ftlaunoers , tranfubftantiatc») Doft«i4o2.mo;r eiv. ano wp;ccb£^tbatbccan, anobcnbctb , fo;ce.^anD tiolcntlv iwisacDolcfe. bimWfefoiiootf)rr.tbin5U)itb greater : 2::bcrcfo;Mbere lu nofruifc iubV-tbcr^ Mar.14. 22' Lnkj4. SiCor.u 2% cnbeuo; : iti0p;ofifabls.ttjc mo;c biU aentlB.to Dcfeno ano rcfUui it. 20 /),oia injfo^e ^ lJ)c goc anv fUrib^r, Uie muft entreate of tbc felfc inOttutta of etaipartc from tbe ^o^bs^Qf cbiift.SSberf o;f tbat tuc ma^ bebtfcbarse&flf f falfccaufc of malice toljcriBitbtbti?burDen t)3,ourfittcft be jjinnins Ml be at tbe erpofition of tbe iuo;D0. SIb;ec Cuagcliftcs 1 panic re* bCiirf)e,tl;atCb.utt tiofee b;eao,tobcn he ba&fii5ucnlljiinfes.bc b;afee it,gaue it to bi0 Difciplcfl anufa^iS^i^UCjCiito: tbrs is mt iBoD^ tob^cb i5 beliuercD ,0; fa;o? lien fo; ?ou . £>f tbc c«p ^attbclu ana ^arl«sragettei$ : S^bis cuppc is tbc blcDDflf tbcnciDcStcftanicnt, tobicbe C^al be (bcboe fo; manv \jnto- fo^ficuc^ DCS of finnes. ^ut Paul ano UuUc fa? tbua:aia cuppc is tbc ncU) tettamcnt inmsliUQtJ. SU)«rp4U-anc«j of tranfub* aantiotionlKiU bauc b-tvtbcp.Jftuounc (this)tbc fo^mc of b;eao to be ItgnificP, Uccaufc ti)t conCccrationis niaoe m tbe UJbolB conteni of tbc fubttcincc, itbcrc i^ np fubltan« tbat c^ be djcUJCB. mut if tbc^ be botoen Uiitb reUgiflus c^iK of tijc U)ojbs,bccaurc cb^^^^^^^^^^'^'^^ tbat UJbicb be reacbeo into tbcoifciple^ banoSjUias.bis i5obr:truelt! tbistbcv; Dcuifc , tbat'tbat iubtcb ^as b^canc is nolo tbc boov^ts moCt far from tbc m* per meanigof tbf. Mat tobicb Cb?ift ufec into bis bantjs, ano gauctbc ^po*' ftles,bc affirmctb to be bis boDt!:bnt be ftulo pjctcnbtbat t\mbt mou7;x:lwitb rcuercnce of luo;bes.:^x tbisl«rjJ ton^ bcoTD of among al nations anZJlansua^ cwrsjttvJ: tbcUjo,:D(is) (bulo be talicn m tbis renfe^namclt^fc; to be turneo into an otbcr tbmg. flis fa; tbc t l^a"c ^-^^^ itHi)c Supper,, ano affirinc; tbat tbcr is tbe bobti of Cb^Mc tbe\? mncb Differ among tbcmfclucs.s;bf^v^ lPbt?Ji fpcakc ma;e4nflDc(llr,aUbfiUfi!itbc.rp;cnfelv erattc tbc letter, S^brsiiJ n!vt>oiiv, \?ct aftertoarDfu>iirwcfratbcr;4'ii«if^^"c^' ano fa^ictbat it is as^nucb in cffcctc as tbat tbc boo^ of Cb;ift is luitb bicaD,in b;eaD,nno tmoer bjcao. jQf tbe matter it felfc tobicb ti)tv affirme Uicbiauc-nl^ rc»^bS.toucbcD fomcUJbat,! toe nniU br* anob-pbaua oceafion vet to fpcaU mo;c. ^olu Bi oifpute onelv of tbc toojDcs, bt? vubicb tbei' fa v tbcv arc rettra\?neD tljat the V ca not aDmitb;eaD to be calico tbe iioOV,bicar.fe it is a ftgnc of v boov.l5ut if t^>c^ aniu.aifigurcsAubv 00 tbei' leap aUiai> fre:tbc p.la.inc (bctuing of Cb^ift, totbcs: o^nnmancrs. offpcatnngfarre oufcrin^ f 10 .itric.o;.tbcrc is creat oiffe* rcnce bctiycnetlustijat b;c4P is tbc bo^^ o«x, 5 tbtc tbat tbc boov ii^UJtib b^eaOi )^ut bicaufc;tbev lainc Ut^bc impoflft'- blc,tbattb?5 fnnple p;.opof}twn.nivgbt Utino: tbat b;.caD is the boD^itbc^ bane atteptco to fcapc alway? Uv tbofc f8.^Jnes offpe&cb, as It iper b v croUco tiirmngs, ^ome mo;je boloc ftiicKe not to affirnir, tfiot cucu in p^pcr fpcaliing j.bjcao i^,; tbc baovj , I b\> tbrs nMiiiit tb?^ truels p;ijuc tbf fclyes to be literal wi.y it be 1C ixsra^Sm^.;^^ i if mM jCap. i7» Oftheoutvvaide meanes ■so. j^Cor.ii » I antJ iB G0D:t6isJ t3cril^ thn toil ntmM caufe it is not eppzcffeD m tte iuo^aei of cl3;ift.}i6ut tbe^ t^U nothing p^tmvlt bp Denying it: fojafmucl) as all do agrc tijat to^ole cftnft is o^frcD t)« in t ^up^ pcr.But it is an intolerable blafp^emi, t'oat it be \DOut figure fpofeen of a fraile anD corruptible element, tit is €iiM' jptoto i affee of tbe , tobctber tbcfe ttoo piopofitions be botb of one eefect,CbJitt IS tbe fon of gou,i b;^eaDe is tbe boD^ of Cb?ia.Sf ttjer grant ^ tbei? are Diners, {\j^f)icli toe toil enforce tbem to graunt tebctber tber toiU or no) tben let tbem anftoer tobence commetb t\)t oiff ei ice. 3 tbinfe tbe^ toill bring none otber but tbat tbe b;eaD is after tbe facramcntal maner calleo tbeboD^. vi(Sberupo folo^ toctb,? cbrifts toojDs are not fubiect to tbe common rule,nor ougbt to be tr^eD bi (3ramer.0iro HI afbe of at tbe precife f Siffe requirers of § letter,tober lluUe f Paul DO call tbe cup tl)t tetfament in tbe bluDjtobetber tbei do noterpres tfit fame tbingtobicb tbc^ D^DtntbefirOte part,tober tbei cal breao tbe boDiXru« 1^ tbe fame religion toas in tbe one part of tbe m^derie tbat toas in tbe o^ tber: anD becaufe Ojortnes is Dark,lon' ger fpecb Dotb better ope tbe meaning. ^0 oft tbcrfoze as tbe^ fljal affirme b? one toorQ, tbat tbe brcao is tbe boDp : ^ toil out of mo toorDs bring a fit erpod^ tion, tbat it is tbe STelfament in f bo' 0?. jfor tob^f ^bal tocnaoe to fehe a more faitbfuU or furer erpoQtor tban paul I l-ufeef .#citber ]?ct Do 3 te D bere \)nto, to Diminiib anp tbing of ^ comu* nicating of tbe boD^ of CbriU tob^b 3 baue cofcffeD: onli? mt? purpofe is to to^ tutc i foliCb toaitoarDnc0,toberbi? tl)ci D3 fo b^xtcfuU^ bratolc about toorDcs. Bl fenoerftanu, bv tbeautboritt? of |Datri t iLufee,^ tbe breao ts tbe bojjp of CbrtltV bicaufe it is tbe touenant in tl^t fcoD^e. 3lf tbe? figbt agaitt tbis, tl^e^ baue toar not \jyiti) niCybnt toif b tht fpirif of goo ♦ ipotofocaer tbe? crp out, ^ tbe? be ton^ cbeD \s)itl} reuerence of tbe tooroes of €l)ii(t, Unicrb? tbe? Do not fignratiue* I? baoeraanD tbofe tbings ^ are plains I? fpo^e:?et tt)is is not a pretence rigbt ful cno«gb,tob? tbe? fljculD fo refufe al tbe reafons tobicb toe obieit to t\^t tow trar?. 3in tbe meanetime,as 3 baueal* rcD? gcucn toarning, it is conuenict to learn tobat mancr of tbing tbis is JEbc Cel^amentin tbe boDreanbblouDeof Cbrittt bicaufe tbe couenant ttablilbeo toitb tbe facrifice of oeatb,£boulD otber^ toife profit bs DnleHc tbere toer aoio?* neD tbat fecrcte communicating tober^ b? toe groto into one toitb €tinii» 21 3lt rcmainetb tberfore, # for t afftni* t? iDbicb tl)c tbings OgnifieD baue toitb t\)tn fignes, toe cfifeffe t tbe felf name of tbe tb?ng toas geuen to § Ogne: figu* ratiuel? in DcDe^but not toitbouf a niott fit proportionall agreement. 3 leaue al* legories f parables,lcaftan? malboulD quarell tbat 8I fehe ffarttng bofe;s,f toa* Der out of tbe prefent purpcfc 'i fa? tbat t^is is a fpacbe b? figure of tranfnomi* nation \3)hitti is comonI?bfcD ini fcrip ture,toben m?aer?es arc entrcateD of» ^o;tneitber ca ?ou otbertoife UnDerftfiD tbat tobicb is fa?D : tbat circucifion is a conenantitbat tbei^amb is tbe pafliro^ uer:tbat tbe facrifices of tbe lato are ep piations : finatl? tbat tbe roche , out of tobicb toater fiotoeD in tbe Defert, toas CbriSibnlelTe ?ou take it to be fpobr b? toa? of tranfferring of names. Jieitber are names franffcrreD oncl? from tbe b?cr name to tbe lotoer: butcontrar?* to?fe t^t name of tbe bifible (igne is al^ fo geuen to tl)z tbing fignificD: as tihen it is ra?D tbat OoD appeareD to ^ofes in tbe buib: to?)en tbe iSirkt of couenant is cai ieD <:DoD,:inD tbe face of dDoo : anD f be SDouc is caUsD tbe bol? ©boli. i?or tligagb t\tz ggne Differ in fabttannce from """^ To Saluation. Fourtli Bookc j Fol.4314 from tbe t^ing figitificDrbicaufc t\)is is tafee i mmts of § tfjmgs tbcriiMucs. fpirttuat I beauenlr? ant) tbat is co;po^ ral t ttfiblcret btcaafe it botb not onl? fijjare tbc tbtng tobicb rt w bolil^ apom teo to rep^efent as a nabeo 1 cmpt)? to« ben, bucootbealfotruclp teliuer it in Dcoe:tDbr mat not tbc nnme of ^ tbing rt^lt acco;D t6 it^ 31f figns Deutfeo b^ mf ,tobtcb are ratbcr images of tbings abfent, tban markes of tbings p;crent, tDb^cb felf abfent tbings m^S m often' times oeccitfallt (^ooU), are n^t fom* time gamifbeo 16 tijt titles of § mzs: t\it tbofe tbings ^ are o^oetncD of goo, Do b^ mucb greater reafon bo^otoe tbe names of tbofe tbiiigSjOf tobicb tlic^ aU loai? botb beare a fure ano not Dcceitfnl agnification, f baue tbc txixt^ aDioi?ncD toitbtbem. S^bere is tberfoje fo great libencffe ano nereneffc of tbe one to tbc otber, ^ it is eaf^ to ojato tbeir names to I fro. JDberfoje let oure aouerfarics ceafe to bcap tmfauoji? fccffings agaift t)S, in calling bs Tropilks, bicaufe toe erpounoe tbe Sacramental manner of fpeaking after tbe commo t)fe of fcrip ture. ifo^ tobereas tbc Sacraments a^ gree togetber in manre tbings: in tl)vs tranffcrring of names, tbep baue all a certain conmnitntogitbcr. ^ tberfoje tbe apottle teacbetb, t tbe ftone oute of tDbicb fpiritaall o^inb Die fp^ing to tbc Jfraelitesjluas Cbntte,bicaufc it toas abiable 0gne,tjnoer tobicb i fpirituall o;infee toas trucl^ in beeocbut net cif^ cemabl^ to t cue pcrceiueo: fo b;eao is at t^is oai? calleb i boo^e of Cb^ift,fo?' afmucb as it is a figne toberb^' v ^c;t> offretb to bs i true eatmg of bi^ boot?, /licitberoib Augunin otbertoife tbinfe o: fpeake, lead anr man (boulD tefptfe tbis as a neto innentioit 3f(rartb be) i facraments bao not a certaine UkeneCTe of tbofe tbings tobereof tber are facra* ments,tbct (bulo not be facraments at all;;anooftbis lifeeneCTeoftetimesfbet? ias tberefoK after a certaine manner ^ Sacrament of \> boDi? of Cb;ittc, is tbc boo^ of Cb;ifte : tbc Sacrament of tbc blouD of Cb?itt,is tbc blouD of Cb^ifte: fo tbc facrament of faitb is faitb. SDber be in brm mam? lifec places , tubicb it lucre fupcrfluous to bcap togetber, fitb tbat fame one fufififctb ; fauing tbat tbc readers mull be toarncD tbat p boli ma teacbctb (be fame tbing in tbe C-pittle to Hnoclius.)15ut it is a trifling ftjtfte to fa^tbattobere Auguftme teacbctb, i> boben tranffcrring is often ano commo Iv bfcD in mtifteiics, be maUctb no mf ^ tion of tbc fupper: becaufe if tbrs (biftc iDcr receiueD, toe migbt not reafon to t^t gencralti? to tbe fpccialtre, ncrtber toerc tbis a gob araument : Cucrv fee* ling creature batbe potoerof mouing, tberfo^e an ore ano a bc;fc banc potoer of mouing, l^otobeit long oifputation bcreof is in an otber place enocDbi? tbe toojDes of tbe fame bolp man,toberc be faptb, i^ Cb^ift Cicfeeb not to call it l)^s booritoben be gauc v Cc nc ef bis bctj^. againft Adimantus t\)c ^auicbcan, in (^rii.cbapter.;5nb in an otber pJaccbp^ on tbe tbiro |0falmc,spcruailous(rattb bc)is t\it patience of Cb;^ift, i be rcceT>* ueo BluDas to tht banl{et,U)berin be co^^ mittcD ano bcliucrco to brs bifciplcs i figure of bis boDp anu blouDc» 22 515ut if fomc p;ecife ma,being blind at al tbc reli,tioc ftanbc onlr bpon tbps U)O^De (this is)as tbougb it feuereo tbrs mrftcrtie from all otbcr,tbe folution is eafv. ntV far f bat tbc bebemence of (> fubttantiuc tscrbc (is) is fo great tbat it aomittetb no figure. mWh if toe grat to tbcmrencn: in tfce too;Ds of ^aaulc is tbc fubftantiue bcrbe, toberc be calletb b;eab tbe communicating of tbc boci of €\)}i(t . 15nt tbc communicating is an otber tbing tban tge boor? it fclfc : ^ca commol^ tobere facraments arc entn- _— -^ jGe.17.13 '43. k Car, 14 hkp.^ :Tk,^3». Of the outward meanes t0D of,tD0 flnoe e&e fame Ujo^d tjfeo.Hs, %\)is fl&albe tnto ^ou a couenant luitb ne.2C!)ij5 lamb fl^albe to ^ou a paCTeo* uer.SDo reberfe no mo,lDl)e l|0aul faitb f tbe rock tuas cb^tft,U»b^ 00 tbep take g fubllatiue tJerb in ^ plate to be of Us tjebemect tban in tbe fpecbe of Cb^itt? ilct tbe alfo anftoer^tobere Slobn fattb, V ljoli> Gbolt toas not i?et, bicaufe Bjefus loas not i>ct glo.jil!eD,of lubat fo^ce tbe fubHatiae terbets in tbat place.ifo^ if tbe^abioe fadencD to tbeir rule,§ eter nal effpce of § bol? gboft fl&albe Dettroi'^ 00, ass tboiisb it toke beginning at § af^ cenOion. of Cbjift. ifinall? Itt tbeman^ rt3)5r,5j)bat meanetb ^ facing of Paul, f baptifme is tbe toaiing of regenera^ tton f renuing,\Dbicb it is eaiocut to be tJnp^ioatabje to nMn^. Bat notbing 10 ftrongcr to cof ate tbe, tbv^n ^ (a^ing of pxuU^ tbe cburd) is Cb;ifi.i?oi,b^in* ging a ^milittiDe of 1^ bo&i of ma,be aD" uetbr^o is cbnil:in lobicb place be ijn^ DerfiaDC'tbtbc onlg bcgotte Ton of (lDoi>> 110^ in bimfelf hat in bis mcbers.l^ere^ b^J tbinfec 3 bane obteineb,^ to (Qum iDitteD f t3nco,:rupteD nmh tbe flaoers^ of our enemies are lotbfom,\Bben tbep fpjeaeab^ooe, ^ toe tuitbojatii creDite from tbe too^os of Clxiia:lubicb tuc do no les obe&ientl? emo^ace tban tbep, t DO loeg tbe to^tb mo;e goisl^ reaerecc. ^ea tbeir negligent carclcfnercc ^to- etb tbat t\)c^ do not greatlt? care tobat CbiiS mentjfotbatit gene tbe a bncU^ lar to Defense t}^ir ob(tiiut^i liUeag? our earneft fercbing ougbt to be a l»it- nes boto mncb toe elteme tlit anfbo;i* af Cb^ia.SHbep oDioiiUT? fpjeo ab;oDe> tiolDen tis from beleeuing €pi(t toben be fpeahetb? noj from obeT?ing fo fmne 30 be Dotbe but isiitl^ becke toil tUs 0 j that . i©nl^tbt0i0tbequettion,tobe=' tberttbe tjnSatofull to enquire of tbe naturall meaning. 23 SDbefe goD maimers, tbat tfje^ ma^ feme toel lettereD,Do fb^biD men to Dei» part be it neuer fo litle from the letter, l!5ut 38 on f otber fiDe,toben g fcripture nametb goD a toarliUe ma.bicaufe 31 fes i toitbout gguratiue traaation> it is to rougb a maner of rpeaUing,Do not Doat ^itisa comparifon taken from nieit j^nD trui^ Dpon none otber pretence in § olD time tbeJ3ntb;opomo;pbite0tro* bleo § true teacbin.] fatbers, but ^ cat* cbing fatte bolDs of tbefe fa^ings^ 2Cbe tits of dDoD DO fee. Bit toent tp to his tm rc5, !^i0 bano UretcbeD butjS^be cartb bis fatcftole, tbei crieD out tbat goD baD bis boD^ taken from bim,tobicb^p fcrip ture adignctb bnto bim. 3f tbis lato be rcceiueD,outragii3US barbaroufncs fl^al ouertobelm t iubole ligjjt of faitb.jfo^ tobat montters of abfuroities mav not franfike men pickc out, if it be graiiteD tbcm to allege euert? fmall tittle to (fa^ blil^e tbeir opinions^ 2Cbat tobicb tbe? obic(t,i^ it is not Itkel]?, ^ \Xi\)sn Cb^itt p;epareD fo; bis ^potties a lingular co fo^t ill aDucrfities, be DiD then fpeak in a riDDle 0^ Darkl5?,maketb of oure Cse. if o: if it baD not come in tht minos of i> iilpoftles, tbat b^jeao toas figuratiue^ Ig calleD the boD^e, becaufe it toas tht %nc of tbe boDi,iber bao toitbout Dout ben troubleo toitlj fo monSrous a tbig. 0lmoft at i fame moment 3obn rcpo^ tbat naturall fenfc of man toitbbolDetb^j tcVa that tbcp DiD ttich in perpieriti? at 135! fro beleuing tbat tobicb 'Z'oM hdth mtcreo toitb bis otonc bolp moutb:but boto mciUciouas th^ burtbcn bs to^tlj this (lanDer.l ham a great part alreD^ njaDc plam, ano bcreafcer it flfeal moje i^jgrelg appere. ITvberfo^e notbing toitb euer^ of tbe Icatt Difficulties* Xbeg tobicb Eriuc among thtmiclutSy botoc Cb^ll Iwil goto § fatber: anD Do moue qucltion botjo be Uwl gc out of § too;lot tbe^ tDijpcb iJitDerHaa notlittt^ of tboCe things t are fpoke cocerning fe beucnlt fatl^j fdtt)er,til tfjct fee Ijim: bote tuoolD tlje^ l)auebenefocaf\?tobeleuci^ tobtcb all reafon rcfufetb,tbat cb;ift fitfctb at tbc bffl^Dein tbdr figbt,f is endofcD tnuiG bic bnbcr b;icat)f ^(Illberas tbcrfo;rc tbfi in cafinj tbe b;eaD luitbout Douting,tc^ ftificD tbcir c6fent,berb^ appcretb tbat tbci to1?e f b;ift£i Ido;ics in tbc fame ff fe tbat iwe Do, bicaufc tbci? remcb;cD tbat iMbicb ougbt not to feme ftrange in mU fteric0,tbat tbc name cf tbc tbing figni To Saluatk)n^ Fourth Booke mcane tobile afii tbongbe tbet?;j ^wo^y> cofiffetj m obff inacr f railing, tbc^ fap V €\)2itt is arcufeD of linng, if an ei:pc^ fiticn be fougbt of tbe \s)o^rjs. ^olue it fljalbc caf)? fo; bs to (bctu to tbc reocrs bote bniuiJ lu;6g tbcfc ratcbcrs of f^U iablcs Doctobs, tubcntbc^filltljefim^ pic lurtb ibis Dpn;ion,tbat tec \PD;aUi rrcDit from ibc luojos of <:Lb;jiC:,ti'bicb iDcbauc pjoucD to be furiouHi periier? tcD am ccnfcunoct! h\} tbcm, but to be fieo is trafferrcD to tbc iigneXbcrfo^e j faitbfiiHp ano riabtlr crpoiJocD bt> bs, it toas to tbe Difciples, as it is to bs, a 24 Wut tbe flanDcr cf tbis Ire tanot be certain f clere cofo^t, entaglcb \i)it^ no bttcrlv piirgcD , fill an oilier crime be riODlci^eitbcr is tber anr otber caufe 1 tetprD alnai?. iro? tbcr fp;caD ab;oDe, toby forae tboulD Depart fro our c)cpolt# tbat toe be fo aDDictcD to natural reaf 0, tio,\)Ut becaufe § encbaiitmct of ^ Dcuit ! ^ tocgcuc no mojc to t\)c poUierof goD, batb blfDcD tbe,nameli ^ f^ti Ibulo fain tban tbc o;Dcr cf nature iufftctl) , % cii* Darijnes to tbenifelocs,tober the erpott j mon fenfe teacbctb.irrom To malic ious tio of an apte figareoffretb it kit 99oje flauDcrs 3 appcale to tt)c bcry Dodriijic ouer if toe p,jecifcli ttao bpo the tog;Ds, Cb;^ift tbulD to^ongfulli baue fpoken in one place feuerallr an otber tbing coccr ningtbe b;caD tban be fpcaftctb of tbe cnp.l^e callctb tbe bjeaD bis boD|?,be cal letb tbe toine f)is blouD:citber it (balbc a cofufcD bain repetition, ojit l^albe a it fclf tobtcb I baue DcclareD,tobicb Dotb cleerlp cnotigb flbcto,f 3 do not mcafiire tbvs mvfterr bf tbc p;jopo^tion of mas reafo, no; do mabe it fubiect to p latoes X)f nature . 3 befacb ro« baue toclcar:' jicD out of naturall ji3bilofopbre , tbat Cb^ifl Dotb fo fro Imucti fecD our foules Fol,43< particio as (bal DiuiDc tbe boDi from tbe 1 9 boDrcs,toitb bvs flrlb >as our boD^es blouD.^cait (ball as truelybe fat>Dofiare nouriftjcD Untb b;caD anD toincf tbe cup. SCbis iiBf mt? boD^jas off b;eaD ! Mbcnce comctb t\)v3 potocr to 0c(b, t it felf, I it mar liftctorfc entercbagca^ I it mar gcue Irfe i M men toill far tbat blr be faiD, that the b;caD is the blouD. | it is not Done naturallr.Bit toil no mo;e 3!ftbcranftoer tbat toe mull confiDcr I pleafe mans reafon , tbat tbe flcfljeof to tobat cnD 0; bfc r ^Qi^cs tocr o^Dci^ ' Cb^ift reacbetb to bs , ^ it mar be fojDe neD:3l graiit it in Deeoe:but in i>^ meane ! bnto bs.if inallr tobofocucr batb tatteD time tber tbatnotbntoinDetbefelucs:! ofourDoctrine,lbalbcrauiG}CD intoaD^^ but t then erro; mull D^atoe this ab^ ! miration of tbe fccrete potocr of dDoD. furDitr toitb ir,tbat r b^caD is § blouD, ' ^nt tbcfc gmD men tbat be fo jelous of anD tbe \x>ine is the faosr. ^i^oto 31 toot it,fo;sc to tbc felnes a miracle,tobicb be tng talicn atoar, ano \3)\ii^ \oas fub^ iett to utl) . i^otbing t0 mo^e tncreoi^ ble,tba tbat tbtng0 DiHat i a fnnoer b^ tbe lubole fpace of beauen < eartb^fbulo in fo great Dift^ce of place0 notonli? be contOBneo,butairot)mtet), tbat roule0 mat rece^ue fcooe of tbe flefl^ of Cb^tff. SDbcrfo^e let toaiUiarD men celTeto p^o cure batreb to b0 b^ a filtbt fclaunoer, a0 tbougb Uie otD enutoitai reltratn an^ tbtng of ^ immeafurable potner of goo. ^0} tiitf DO eitber to folt^lt' erre oj to malictouQ]? l^e. iFo;j it is not bere in queaion tubat CDoo coulD, but tDbat be \iiolD. WHz affirme t to be bone tobitb pleafeo bt.But it pleafeo btm, ^ Cb;^iff (bulD be maoe Itl^e to \)i3 b^etb^en in al tbtng0>erceptfin.Mbat maneroftbtg is our flefl^3l0 H not fucb ai cofittetb of t certain meafure of 10,30 it coteineo in placc,a0 i0 toucbeo,a0 is fenef ano tobp (far tbet!)mat not dDoD mafee,tbat one felf fame flelliemat occupy mani? i oi* uer0place0, mane beconteineb in no place,mai? be v^out meafure anu fojm? 2Dl)o« mao man, UJb? required tbou of tbe po\»er of (IDoo,to make flelbe at one time to be f not to be f lefbe ^ l^ihc as if tbou QjoutDeft inffantli? require brm to ma^e at one felf time § ligbt to be ligbt ano uarhnefife. llBut be toilletb ligbt to be ligbt^oarknes to be oarftnesU^Jefl) to be flcOj.^e Q)al in oeoe toben it plefetb bim turn oarkues into ligbt, ano ligbt into Darknes: but Voijen tbou requircft tDbat DoH tbou 010 but peruert f o;Der of tbe toifbomof (DoD^SDberfo;e flefbe mutt be fle(b:anD ^pirit,^pirit:eaerr tbing in fucb lato ano conoition a0 goD batb createo it.^at fucb 10 tbe conotti^ on of flelbe,^ it mult be in one,i?ea ano tbat a certain place,i confiffof ber me^ Cure f of ber fo;m, WSSiitl) t\)is coDition €^M toke fleO) bpo btm,to tnbicb (a0 Auguftine toitnefletb) bebatbgeurin Epift.a*^ Deeoe bnco^ruption t glo;^, but be batb darda. not taken from it nature ano trut^. ^ 2Dbet anfloer tbat t^^z'i bauef tDo;b Ijoberbt tbe tuil of (&00 is mabe plain: namely if it be graitteo t}izm to bantll^ out of tbe €Wt\i ^t^ gift of erpofition, tobicb mat b^ing ligbt to t\iz loo^be. 3 grattt tbat tbe? baue t\^t iDO^O: but tucb a0 in olo t)?me t\iz ;Sntb;opomo;pbite0 f ^ bao,toben tbe? maoe ImfcDoi^ie is fet againft it . f^ea lt>e bolb our mtnDeo c^ptiuej^tbci ma? not be bblt^fo mu£ba0 ^*-tty one litle too^H) i^^ereupon fp;ong bp§ crpcfition of tJie lDo;iD0 of CDb^iff^lubicb to be b? tl^t rcn? tinuall bfage of tbe Scripture common to all feacramcnte0 ^ all tbe? tbat baue bene tbougb hut meanl? crercifeo tber^ iUjDofenotu . ^e?tber DO toe, after tbe erample of tbe bol? tirgtn tbink it laic* full fo; b0, in a barb matter to enquire botoitma?beDene. 26 iBut bicanfe nofb?ng (ball mo^e a* uatle to confirme tbefa?tb of ttit goDl?, tba tnben tbei baue learneD tbat tbe Doc' trine tubteb toe baue taugbt7t0 take out of tbe tDo^D of (Sod, t ftanoetb bpon tbe autbo;itic tberof:31 tuill make tb?0 alfo cuioent Uiitb 30 great brefeneffe a0 3 can. SDbe boo? of Cb?ift,flnce tbe t?me tbat it rofe againe,not jarittotle but tbe bol? gbott teacbetb to be ItmitcD, i tbat it is compjebenbeD in beauenbntill tbe latt Da?.^eitber am 31 igno^at tbat tbe? bolDl? mock out tbofe place0 tbat are al^ legeD for tb?0 purpofe.l&o oft a0 €^M fa?tb # be toil Depart, leaning ? too; Id, tbe? anftoer i tbat Departing is notbfg el0buf a cbangingof mo;fall Oatc.lBuf after tbf0 maner,Cb;ift tbolD not fct tf)c bol? gboft in W place to fuppl?{a0 thev call it) tbe toaut of b?0 abfence t fo^af^ mucba0l)e Dofb not fuccecDc intob?0 placcno; Cbnft bimfclf Dotb not Defer d againcoutof tbe bcauenl? glo:? to take ^pon fjim tbe itate of mortal lifeXrul? t-f3e coming of tbe bol? gboCoi tbeafcen Ding t}f€\ni^ are tbings fct as contra'? r?'.tberfo;c it ca not be tbat vibntt Ibola actojDirig to tbe flc(I)/Dtodl luitb t0 aP» ter tbe fame maner tbat be fenoetb br0 spirit. 5po;couer be in plain too;D« cr* p;cfl"etb, that be toil not be altoa? \xnt\i b?0 Difciple0 in flje to(J;i&.li:b?s fa?!ng atfo tbe? tbin: J that tl!C? Do na vl? ^Jipe alda}',a0 tbougt) ^bnl! faiD tbat be toil Luk.ft. not'altoavc be vm:^ i mifcrableo; fub* to cariie'agavia it:anQ Do bubletbritbat j icct to tbe necflTiiic^ of tb?E crarlc !ifr. tbe? ma? mt Dare to rife op aga?!tli it, \ 15»t tbe circumaancc of tbe place crict^ gUuily ,. C2p.i7 Of the outward ttieancs J.,'!— ■J—J' '-» Trac.in lolin.i. Vtat,28. 20. tiic miferabic ftate of earttjlr Wc , but I of tuo;Q)tp auo bono;,SEb^ annomtiitg pleafcd not tt$ Dtfctples^bicaufettiev c^ougfjt it to be a raperfiuous f t}np;^ofil table coC, f nerc tnto riotous erccCfe, tbcrcfo;c tbctj baD ratbcr tbat tbc piitz t^trof iDbicb tbcp tijoagbt to be ill to** Uco^baD bene beftotoeo t^pon tbc }?mt, Cb^itt anftoerctb tbat be (bal notaltoai be p;efent, tbat be mav be tvo^Ojtppet) Ujitb fncb bono; ♦ s tbat be Uias take of tbe Bletuesjtbat be teas faOneo to t^t tret, tbat betoas tahcn ooton fro tijt rroffe, tbat be toajj tu^appco in linncn clctb0j, 1^ be U3a0 in y grane,^ be buas manifeft Ir l^ctDeo in tl;e rerurrc(ticn,tbrJ6 U?as fuIfiUeOjl^e Ibal not alU?ai? baue me 16 VOH.Mbi! fc:'5:5icaufc be luas ccnerfat §cco;Ding to tbe p^cfence of bis bcov j;l; Dares Ujitb brs Difcijjles, f Uibile tbe? accopnnico bim in fcing, not in folic !»*• ing,bc afccnopp., l)c is not bere : fo; be littctb tbcrc at tbe rigbt bano of tbe fa^ tbcr. ^m ret be is bere : bicaiife be is net gene alDar in p;efcnre of maicQr. iDtbcrUiifc ac-cD^uing to tljc p^cfence cf niairftr Uic banc Ct);ia altoariano ac* ro;5ing Co tbe p;cff ncc cf tbe fitfbcit is rigbtlr ratt!,16ut me re ajal not aliuai? baue. iFo; arcojijing to the p^cfcnce cf the flcauf? cburcb baD btm a fclu Daies: *|j plainly to tbe contrarr,bicat}fc tbere is [ nolo fiec toleetb l>vm bg tttvu;,t;u£ »&itj j not entrcatcD of poucrtpe t neoe , 0; of bini not boitb crec. t£ibcr^(tbat B; n^aul I nctc tbT^it alfo b;0:fi^ ).bo tm\feetb ttm pjcfenttots tb;ee iDavc^,br#aif Sp, pjcuioeuccf bnfpeafeable <2raer, tm bcr iDbtcb S cop;ebcnD t^isi tnartrclotis ccmunicn cf brs boDr t bloubtif fo tbat U)c bnDcrdao it to be Done b^ 1^ pctuer of i\}t bolt gbcftjnot br tbat farneo cn^ clofingof bi^jE! boDp tnbrr tbe element, ircj our fcojuc batb tellifico i bebatb ficlb $ bones lubub ma\) be felt f feene« ^nb to but to 00 in bebe t ^bicb tbe U}o;Des (cunb.^ball toe tben(lDtll fome man far ) atTigne to CbatH fome certarn coaH of ^eauen^nf 31 anf U)er Initb AuguHinc^tijat ttiisis amotttu^ rious I fuperfluous quetlion, if fo t&at ret Vot beleue tbat be is in bcauen. 37 3i5ut iDbat botb § name of afcenbtng (0 oft repeated; cotb it not fignifie a re^ moning fro one place to an otber:^bci ccnr it i bicaufe after tbeir opinion, b^ tieigtit is onlr fignifieo maie&r of C^m^ pr^e. S5ut Icbatmeanetb t}^t terr ma« ner of afceoing^Mas be nct^in (igbt of bis Difciples lohingcn^liftcb Vp en ti^i Wo not tte C'uageliffs plainly becia^e, tbat be U'as tabe bpinto ibe benuensf Xbcfe Uiittr fcpbifiersooan(Ujcr,tbat iritb a cl8UD,fet biettoeti bim f tbcm,be l^^- ^9* Lib.dc. fidcct fimb. Iras cornier CD out cf tber? figbt* tbat i^t faitbful mifibt learn t from tbei?ce fo;tb be (bolD nctbebtftbie in r Ufo^Id. as tbougbjto mabecrcDitc cf brs inni^ fible p2elcnce,be cugbt net ratber to ba^ nin}e aluar in a mcmcnt: 0; as tbougb tbe cloube cugbt not ratbcr to ccm^ paOe biiu before tbat i)c Uirreb brs fcjte.H^ut U'bci? be is carrcb bp on brc into tbe ar;!e , ^.nb tuitb a clouDc caOe bnDerneatb bi^m^teacbetb tbat ^e is no mo^e to be icv^^it in eartb : li»c fafelr I gatbcr^tbat nobo be batb brs blcclling I place' Mar.id. To Saluation, Fourth Booke /roi.43.^j Piii.3.10. Ad Boni hpi.2; mcth:t from t\)zncc biojjcttj fas to lobe fo; bt.^ftcr O^tinttnncro^ attgel0t])ar« nco ^ oifciplc0,^ tqc^ in M^in gafco Dp into ticauen:bicaufc jicfus ioliicfjis t*» ben Dp mtot)eauen,(l]at fq come as tbei banc feen bim goc t)p.i)j:(^je alfo tl}t aD^ iwrfaricaoffou') Dottduc H-arte alnap t6 a pleafot Q)ift as tbei t(}tttii;fa^ind i te Ctjall t!)cn come DtQbIc t}!)tcb nencr tumt out of tbc cartb bat ^tjeab^acttj inuiftbic Do tbr tbat bebtd> i^^ tbongb § 0ngcl5 oto tb^re otgntde a double pit^ fence f do not QmpI? mabe f DifdptcB tottncCTcB of bt^ going Dp fctng it tottb tbeir des,^ no oouting migbt remain: *eue as if tbct ban faio: be in -pour figbtB beboli)tn3 tt,bcing ta^ Dp uito bcaucn, Ijatb daimcD to bimfelf ^ b^auenit C;m pircjit rcmainett) tbat pc pacientl? a^ b^Dc in trpectatton,ttl be come a^inc tbc iuDge off lua.ilo: bicaafe be is nolo cntrcD into beauen^not tbat i)c mav a^ loncpoiTcffeit,. but tbat be mai^Gatber ,togetb£ir.\DitiibT?m m\ i aU tb^ goDb. 2^ i5utfo;afmucba3 tfac ocfenoersof tbi3 baftaro oactrinc ac not aftjimeb to garnilb it toitb t\)c conCenting Doices of f olo imitersf fpccialli^ of Augurtm:! tDiU in feio tt)o;3s Declare boto peruer* fiv tbct goe about it. iro; tuberas tbcir tcltimome&bauebrgatbcreo togetber of Icarneb f goDl-pmen , 3 ^JOJI oot do a tbing alreaDi tonctlct b! rA«iI>fefec tbe out of tbeir too;h3. 3 toil not bwpe to* gctber,ncitljer out of Auguft.bimrclf,al ^ migbt mafec to § purpofe:? but U)il be cotent to O^e to bi a feto ^:be is toitbont controuerfic Uibole on our fioe. SXs fo; tbis v^ oar a9«crferies,to VD;itbc bt fro D0>^ allege tbat it i^ commonlr rcD in bt$boh0,^ tbe Mh 1 blo^ijof CijiiH is DiftributcD tu \} fqppc?r>namclv!:^ facri ftcc once off rcD in i?cros: rt is triflmg: fitb be alfo callctbit citbcr S^fiabcfgc* uing>oj tbe facram^nt of t^)c bopy. lout m tobat fence be Dfctb v djo^ds of flci!) f bl(DD,toe nixD not to feUe luitb log co^ paffig aboutifo^fmucb as be oedarctb bimf elf, fatiing tbat S^acramcnts take tbcir names of tbe liUencs of tbe tbings tobicb tbei (ignifie:i tbat tbcrfoje after a certain maner tbe Sacrament of tbe boot? IS tbe boDp. (Ei^bcrujirb acco^ioetb an otbcr place tpbicbcis toellenougb bnotoentCbc Ho joe CichcD not to fai?, Sl^bts is mp boDp,ti3bcn be gauc § fignc of itagain tbe^ obicct, ]5 Auguft.to^i^ tetb eppjcffclr, tbattbcboDtof,3 de trini.cap of places be taben from tbcm,ll)albc no U)bci : I bicaufc tbct (ball be no Vobcre, ttjci Cball not be at all.it is a bngrt ca* uillation,to fat tbat m tbat place is not entreatcDof t fuppcr, in Vobicb geo Dt< tcrcib fpctiall potocr: bicaufe tbe que* ttion U)as mcue^ coccrningtbc Hell) of cbntt,! t boli ma of fct purpofe auliue ring faitb: be 10 goO:m beuen,b^ tUs i be 10 mlMbat a ncgltgfee baD it ben, not to ei:cept t\)t mitterie of f Supper being a tbing fo earnea f toeigbtp, if tber bao ben in it rnvtm^ againttf Doctrine tobicbb® cntreatcD of.;anD vM if a ma do baDfnl^ lT> rco ^ tubicbfoIoUietb Uiitbtn a little after,be (balfinDe|5 tinbertbat general Doctrine,f be Rapper i0alfo copjebeoeD, tbat €f)}ii!t tbe onip begotten ^onne of goD,f tbe fame tbe fonne of man,i0 ecfi* tobcr tobole p;efent a0 dDoD : tbat be ia in tbe tf pie of goD (tbat is ia f €^um) €oD 30 it Uier tber DtxjeUing,t in fome certain place of beancn bp reafon of tbe meafnreof bt0 tme boD^t22Se fie boU), to t^t Uniting of Cbjia toitb i cburcb, be Dotb not D;ati) Us boDp ont of beaue: tobicb furelp be IdoId baue Done,if § bo Dp of cbjiff toer not trulp meat to ba bn Ie0 it tDer enclofeD bnoer hm^n an a* tber place Definfg boto 1^ faitbftilDo note pcircflfecb;ia,2i:boa baabint(faitb be) bp tl)e fign of tbe croiTe , bp t^t ^acra^ ment of )l5aptifme,bp tbe meat $ tinnk of tbe alter, ^oto rigbtlp be recfeenetb a fuperftitiou0t)fage among tbe OgnejB of tbe pjefencc of Cb;ift , 31 do not noUj Dffpute:butbetbatfompar£tbtbe p;ie^ renccof tbe flclbtotbefignoftbecrocre, fufficientlp Ojctoctb tbat be fainetb not a tUio boDieD C^^itt , tbat tl)t fame m maplurfeebiDDcntjnDertbebaeD,tobicb fittctb tiDbte in beauen . ^f tbis naDe plapner Declarat{on,it 10 bp ano bp af. ter aUDeD in tbe fame plac e,tbat ace o^ DnigfotbepKfenccofmaieaie, taeal tobaueCb^iff;^ acco^jDing to t p^e fence of tbe fleOijit is rigbtlp fapo. #« pe fljal not altoap baue.Cbcp anftaer, tbat tbi0 i0alfo aoDeD^t^t acco;Ding to an tnfpeabable 1 inui&ble grace > it is fulfilled tobicb 10 fapD of btm , 3^ am D^ pou euen tnto tbe enoing of tbe tDo;lD. Wut 0 is notbing of tbeir aDuatage:bi' caufe tbi0 10 at lengtb rc&raineo to bi0 maiefiie, iobicb is ener in ccmparifon fet againfi tbe boDp,anD ^is 6e(^ bp tt* pMe name t0 maDe Difiercnt from Us grace ano potoer . iae^in an otber place tbe fame companCo of (ontrarie0 is nt> in \)imyi Cb^iS bp boDilp p;efence left tljt Difciple0,tbat bp fpiritoall p^efence be map be Itill Xp tbe; tuber it is plaine tbat tbe fnbffance of tbe flelbe 10 Di&in^ gnilbeD fr5 tbe potoer off fpirit, tobicb comopn(tt)b0 \i)it^ €^}iVt tbougb toe be etbertDife far feuereo bp Difiance of place0.SLbe fame maner of fpealiitig be oftentime0 tfetb,a0 tobf be faitb:^e is to come againe to t^ quick t tbe beaD tuitb boDilp p;^efence , accojDingto t\)e rule of ifaitb 1 founo Docrrin.if 0; iratb fpirituall p;efence be Uia0 alfo to come to tbe,i to abiDe loitb ti}e tobcle cburcb in ti)c U)o;lD bnttl 1^ enoing of p too^o. S!:berfb;etbi0 fpecb 10 Direrteo to the be leuer0, tebombebaDaircaopbegonto faue ly itb bcDilp p^fence, « lubome be tjoa0 to leaue Icptb booilp abfence:tbat be migbt ViS bis fatber faue tbe t£ fpiri* tual p^efccei %o take boDilp fo; bifible is but tritling:(itb be fettctb alfo tbe bo bp in coparifo againft^ oioine potuer: f aDDing (to faue i[i^ tiiz fatber)be cleer« Ip crp^efTetb tbat be Dotb poure ab^ooe bi0 grace fro^eauen to \}S bi \)is fpirit 29 0nD 0tb tbep put fo mucb cofioence in tbi0 lurking bote of inuiitble p^cffce, go to,let t}0(ceboto toel tbep biDe tbem rrlue0 in it , S^^itt tbep^tbatl net b;ti^ fo;tb tneftllable our off ^crtpture0> tuberbp tbep mat p^oue t cb;ilt 10 inui fible:buttbeptafeeg fo; cofeffcotobtcb 20, no I A£l.3»« Luk.a4. 39* fourth Booke. ic>l.4v • no mi t'nt f)xt\) ])i^ fouD \mt ^m] fjraut f t\)i, tl)Jitti)e bai? of C:j jttt ca not oC^cr luifs bs gcaen in § Capper but being co^j ucrcD ioitlj toe bifoi of b;caD.3no tb?5 13 tiTJ beri point about toijicb tbsi ftriue bitb b3,fo far i0 it of fro bauing § place o?n pnnctple.0nD tnben tbeti fo babble tbei are copelleo to inabe a Double boot of Cb;t(t:bicaure after tl)m opinion,tt in iait felf bidble in beanen,but innitt bit in tbe tapper after a fpeciall maner of Difpenfation.llBut boto trtml? tbis a« graetb,tt is eat? to inoge, botb b^ otber places of fcripturet i b^ tbe tottnefTe of peter,peter faitb ^ €^^iti mud be bol ben o;^ cotaineb in beancn,ttl be co'.n a^ gain.SDfjefe men teacb tbit be is euerp ] ucn, \x)Uclf (ball fa(bion our bafe beop tDber,bue toout fo.zm.2Cbei talje ercep^ , li!te to Us glorious boDp.ipojj to:? ma^ tto I fa^ ^ it is ^ninit oealin j,to mitic • not bipe fo; a like faf^ioning in tbofe tbe nature of a gloiiacD boap fubicrt to ' q jalitics Ujbicb tbc?? fa^nc to difiiH,^ ti)z Utues of com jn niture. Bat tbis an eucr? ong Ojolo baue an inuifible i bn^ ftoer OMtDctbluitb ittbatboting crro; | meafurablcba^p.ijicitber (b^l tberc be ofScnicttus(iiibici)t0 lDojtbil?tobeab^ jfoua an^mafoouUUjittcD inborn tbe^ boK^D of all t^e go vl?)tbat § boa? tuas mav' m ikc to belcue fo great an abfur* fiujUo^eDbpoftbogo'Jbea.BlDonotfai oitgXcttbemnattljerrajearcrtbctbia i tlit^ t^inttfo.But if tbts5>e recftenco { gift to C'jnUes glonScD b35p, to be at among § qualities of a gloiiflco bo5^^j, | o?kc in m in? places, i to be contai>neD to SI al tbittiis after an inuis^jle maner, ; in no fiJate.^inaU? let tbe eitber open^ it is eaiDent tbat t^z bonilg fabHace 10 1 Ig ocn? tbe refurrcctio of tiit fleOjjOj let oettroieCf tJjattbcris left no Differrce j t.)i grant ^ Ci):ia being clotbeo toitb of tbe goDbeo 1 tbe nature of miagain ' bi?aucnlpglo;^,Dio not put of bis flelb. uation, aiD I? tbcfe tblngi^tbcn it (^ il ceaflTc to be flcOj.a^bei ftil Bee to tljcn^ Den of Di* fpenfation iubicbe the^ baue framea to tbemfclujs. But it is our part fo to etm bjacejJuj^icb^£b;iftabrolutclpp;onou cetb,^ tbat Uibicb be me:imtl) to affirm mai be of foice 16 bs loitbout erceptio, l^e piouetb biTclf to be no gboll,bicaurc be is bifible in bis flclb. llet ^ be taken ab)-i^7 iDbicb be claimctbas proper to § nature of bis boDpimua t\)c^ not tbe be fa^n to coine a netu oeSnitio of a boop^ j^m iDljetber foeuer tbe? turn tbcfcl* ucs about,tbe?j faineb bifpenfatio batb no place in tbat place of i9aul lubere be fa?tb,tbat toe loke fo.: a ^mm fro l)ca tftbe bob? of Cbii(( be (0 of mani fatbi' ons f btuers,tbat it is fenc in one place I is inuiftble tn an otber: tober is § be« n? nature of a boo? tubicb conOftetb of bis mefureo p;opo;tionsfanb tobere is tbe \inititf^^'aci) mo;e rigbtl? Dotb Tcr tulliin fa?, tobicb affirmed ^ ti)t bob? ■of Cbnll tois a true i natural boD?,bi^ caufe in J m?aer? of 1^ fupper ? figure of it is fet before bsfo; a plebge f aflTu^ race of J fpiritual life, 2ln^ bcrili e p^oue ablc,^ bv bis commauDcment tfit fione tons remottet) , « bianubv after palTage geucn bim returneo into bis placcj^nD to cnter,tbc no; cs being iiiut^ ifs not as mncb incfrect as to pcarce tb;ougb tbe tobolc fubttace.but bv Diuine potocr to open an entr^ fo; bimfelf,^ be foDcinl? tiCDc amcg tbe Difciplcs , trril^ after a H0» Lu.34.15 maruelous maner, toben t^c noits toer faft IcchcD.SEbat tobicb tber allege mt of ilufee, t Cb;iff foficinly banifiieD a* |Lu. toa^ fro § t^cs of § Difciples to tobc be tocnt to (!l;maus,p;tofi[tctb tbe notbtng>f maketb fo; ts. if 0;, ^ be migbt take a^ toa^ i figbt of bifelf fro tbf, ^e teas not mace inuifible hut cnli ^it out of figbt ^no tobe be toent m io;ne^ tcgetber xo tbe (as ^ fame Hube toitnefiletb) be Dio not put on a neto face,^ be migbt not be knotoen^ut belD tbeir e^es. 315tit tbefe fellotoes bo not onli? traffojm a circufiance, make of tbe flefi) of Cb;ift a fpirit:« not ccntentcD tbe rtoitb? tbe^ put tpo it nU togelber contrart? qualities, ^berupo ofneceffit^foUotoetb tbatitis teuble. 30 ^clD altbogb tue graiit t\ii t tobtcb tbep p;ate of tbe inuifible pretence, tbe bnmefurablenes (bal not b^ ytt p;cueD tottbout tobicb tber tbal in tain arte pt to endofe €h}ifl bntier b;tab.tanlcfle § boDt of Cbaift nm be euerv iDbere at once,tLo; ftttlo fcarfulU CFCcotc it^fjc Crr gttnetb tibe toitfjaCfiacc of lji0 p^fcnceras if be bat) faii),tbat bis fucco; G^ail not fapte tbcm,tjDbicb (Ibatl b(s impoITible to be Doercome, ^nlcffe tbcp Iptteo to con^ fotinb al tbtng^, ongbt tbep not to baue mabe bidinttto of § nianer of p^efence. jani)t)ertlp fomabao ratbcr lottb great fhstmt to t)tter tbeir tgno^ance,tban to relo neuer foittle el tbeir crro^^l fpeak not of f pa)iiilis: tnbofetx^arin is mo;e toUcrabli?, o^tat tbe te^He ino;e Oiame' faff,15(]tcotetionrnes fo carrtctb fome aUiap,t^t tf^ei (af tbat bp reafon of tbe nature t)nitcaltt€b;tff, toberfoener p (Dobbeau of (Z\>iift isythtte iB alfo bis flc(b)U)bi;ift Dotb Co coufift of ttDo nature5,tbat eftbcr of tb^ni batb Sill b^'otaine p^opertic ra mapmn^fafc . 0ab tbat Huciches tuas rigl;tftillpc6bemnpb,tbep tuil be alba* mebto Dcnp:it is maruel tt^^i martic not ^z caufc of bis conbenming, .^ tsLf tEingialiiap ib^ Opffercticc bctlucentbe Oiittire^^Snfa^titi^ tbe tnittp ct'perfon, |ie4na6eofgoo*ta^9ofmagoD. ^-^»^* not mene t be fufiferco ani tbintj in iiis ^ 0obbeab : but bpcauCe tbe fame Ch^itt tubicb being an abied t bifpifeb in tbe flctbbib fuffer, toas botb goo ^ lo^be of glo.:p.^ftcr tbi0 manner alfo hjz fon of man luas in bene, bpeaufe tJst fetf fame Cb^iltjtubieb acco^btng to tbe fiefl) b\b btoel in tl)c fon of ma in eartb^tsas goi> in beanen. 3ln tobicb fo;t be is fapb to bane befcenbeb from tbe farb place ac^ cobbing to bis gobbeabmot ^ ^ gobbcab ti^ fo^fafee beauen,to bib it fclf in t pn fon of tbe bobp:bnt bpcaufc, altbougb it fiUtb at tbtng0, tet in t^$ terp mSbobe of cb^ift it bloelleb co;po;allp>tbat is to fap naturalli % after a certain bnfpealia ble maner.^ti^a comma bittinctton in fcboteg,tubicb 8i am not aO^ameb to re^ berfe:^ altbougb tobole cb^ift be coerp tober,pet not p Uitf le ^ji« in bf is tut> tuber.anb 3 tuolb to gob tbe fcbclemen tbcmfelues bab toell li^epeb tbe pitb of tbij5 raping:fo? fc Cbeulb t bnfanc;p tn uentionof tbe flefl^lr p^cfcnce of cl;nft banc ben met ixjitbal.SDbcrfor our ^c biato;,fitb be is tobote cuerp l9cr,i5aU tjjap at banb Icitb,! in tbe fuppcr after a fpeciall maner gcuetb brmfdfc pre* fentiijutpetfojtbat tbbole be is pre^^^ fcnt,not tl>c tobolc tbat be isAicai-fcns it isfapo, inbps flcfij be is cciiterneb in beanen til be appcarctoiubgement. 31 I5ut tbci arc far Decc.iucD,\Dbicb eon* ceiue no prefcncc of tbe fit lb of cbriG in tbe fnpper>t3nlcs it be ijubc prefent in brcb J?oi fo tbei Icuc nctblgto v (ttvct Jtiing. Ujo.ilutig f 5^0. 17 J Lu 24*26 djiift ijimff If tnio ts. Ebct ttinh net Ctj^tft pjercnf , tnlcs ^0 conic DctDii to t30 . i3s ibougb if i;c DT]D lifte fcs tp to jjim,Vce fljulD not aftecl cnio? bug p;c^ fcnccSDljcrfojc tfee que tticn t« onlr of tije manertb^aufe tfcei place €hnii in i bjeatjjbnt ine tbinU it not latoful fo^ tstoplucUbim cut ofbcauen.llcttbe rcatcrsiungctDbetbtr is tbe rigbter. iiDnlv let tbis caoillaticnfcc t);tutna^ toar*^ Cb^itt is tafe^ atoa? fro tts fup^ per,i)nle6 be be biooen bntcr ig coner of bjcao . i?o; fitb t^ie miftetrcisbca* ucnli?,it is no nkn to t);aU) Cb^itt into tbe cartb,tbat be man b^ W)?nf ^ ^0 bs* 32 j^otD if am ma 00 aflte me of tbe ma ner,3lDillnotbe aQ^ameo toconfelfe, tbat itiBdL bier fccret,tban tbat it ta be eitber copjebcnoio tuitb mt toit,o;^ Uf tereo toitb m^ \»omi ano,to fpeabe it nmt plainlr^BI ratber fele it-, tban can tncerftao it Xb^rfoje 3 do bcrein Vof outcontroaerQe embrace tbe trutb of goo,in U/bicb 3 mai? fafcli reft.l^cp;o nouncctb tbat bts ilcib is tbe meate of m^ foule,! bis blaio is tbe o^tnli.Mi itf) ritcb tote i cfifer m^ foule to Utn to be fcD. In bisbol^ fupper be commaiibetb me t)nDer tbe figncs of b;cao $ lDine,to take,eate>$ D^in^ bis boo^ $ blcoo.ig no tbing tiout tbat bctb be cotb trult? fielU acr tbc,f 3 Co recettie tbem.£*nlt Ire^^ fufe § abfurtiitics Is^bicb appeare to be eitber tintoo^tb? of § bcaur It maieCie of Cbjift,oj ijifagreing fro tbe trutb of bis nature of manbooe : fo;^ afniRcb as tbet mua alfo figbt l»ttb tbe U}D;De of 6ot),tDbicb alfo ttucWI^ ^ c\)iift Ivas fo taken bp into tbe glo;^ of tbe beaucnl^ Itingno ^ it Uftetb U bp aboue al eUate of tbciDoj!T),ino Ics DiUgmtlt? fcttetb fc;tb in bis nature of ma, tbcfc tbmgs ^ ar p;op;icli belonging to \ii& true ma* booe^^eitbcr ougbt tbis to feme increi» t>ible,o? not ccnfcnat to rca(on:bicaufe Oftlicoutvvartlc meancs UJijtcb vri!tctbT^s tbe tubcle iiingto tf f'^?t0 m ipintu. al,(o bDbatfceuer be cotb to lji& cturtlh ougbt not to be reoucec to tbe rcafcr. of tbis toojli5.^j,tbat3 mat bfe § Icoaos of Auguft.tbis mificrt, as dbcr arc,is bone bi? me,but from go0:in eartb* hvi fro beauen^^ucbCI fap)is tf^t p^efcnce of tbe booi?,as tbe nature of tbe ^acra^ met reqniretbttobicb toe fat bere to tx eel t6 fo great foace,$ fo great efifieauat nes,^ it not onlt b^ingetb to our mios t^nDouteo trult of^ernall life, but alfo atfuretbbsof tbeimmo^talitie of cur fled^ifo; it is noto qnic^neo of bis im^^ mortal fietb^i after a certain maner cop municatctb of bis inuiio;talitieXbei? bDbicb are carieo aboa» tbis 16 tbeir er' cetftue fpccb,tio notbing but 16 ftub enta jS^entsoarfeeifimple tlat ^ refute tbat mijjture cf f flclb of Cb;tft tuitb our foule>o; tbe pouring ouf of it fucb zsitl^t^ teacbe: bitmitit fufftcetb bs,^ cb;ift Dotb out oft f ubfiace cf bis fleO) b^eatb life into our f&tUs^tea Dotb pourt into bs bisQton Hfcaltbogb l^t rt flxft of cbaiftiJOtbnot entreinto b<. ^o;ecuer it iB no Dout ^ tbe p;opo;iio of faitb>bDberbt Paul teilletb ^s to era mine al e);pG(ition offcripture, Dotb in tbisbebalfetierttuell agr^ toitbme. as fo^tbr tbat fpea^ againd fo eutbene a trutb> let tbem loHe after tvbat rule of faitb tbet faHjton tbemfelues . l^e tbat Dotb net confes tbatjcfus Cbaifi is come in tbe Gclb^is not of goD.SLbere men^ltbougb tbet clofee it, o^marHe it not,Dofpotlebtmof bisflctbe* 33 ^f IrcnJu4 Cap.34, iRo 11,3. 2,loh.7. To ialusticn. 33 £>f contantcatiiig is to be li^cVtifc tbcngot,Uj|}ulj ttfcV adiijcUiletgcnone, tjnlcCerbc^Deuourctljcflefl) tfClnitt Fourth Booke* 13 that ctfjcr tbictftcn;i5 tue tcuct) onlv Ibc fn:te c;^ c ffctt lyfifb ]^ fuitt)ful f&Kc of t!j«j fating cf tl;c fua* of to bope it IS tangbt of i)s,f as it teas ftnctcn to I of tbc bcaurnli hfcliSut tbc fclilb ima tbe oiu cburcb from.CCCC.f aes ago, iDeretuereD acco^bing to tbetDo;(tbt^ nefle of it, t^ere Ijuas enougb anb mo;e iDlmipoti toe migbt be fatiffteb : tbe gate bao ben ll^nt againtt manr fotule erro;>s, oaf of tutiicti baue bene binblcb ginaticn, lubcrcf Lombard tr as ^ &i^ tbo?,batb perwerteb tbcir ntinus iabilc tbci? tbinb tbat tbc eating of tbc HeO) of f b^itt is i facrauif t. ifo; t^uB faitb be: Me faeramet i not tbe tbfg ar p fo;niS of bjeab f toine: tbc facramcnt anb tbe man^ bo^riblebiffenti8nstober>;6 botb ' tbing,ar p fleOj i blub of rlj^ift:^ tbing in oto time, anb in oar age, tbe Cbure b I f not § f«cratnlt,is bis m vfiirall flcfi). i)at^ be tniferabli^ tereD^to^iU curious men bo enforce an errcfTiue manner of PKfence, iD^ict tbe fcripture neuer ttit toetb.^nb tber turmoile about a tb^ng fonbl^ < raCblr concetneb, as if § enclo^ Cng of Cb;ift ^Jnoer bjeab loer (as tbe p^oaerb is)ft)t p?otoe i poupe of gcbli;» nelTe.Blf pr^ncipalli? bcbcucb to bnctcc, bctu tbe bcbv of Cb?itJ» as it Iras cnc e Delinereb fo; \>w mabeourstbotu toe are mabe partahers of bis blcuo ^ teas Ctimci bicaufe tbis is to ^cCct[( u^bcle Cbjitt f rucifieo, tbat toe mav f nicv all bis gob tbings . j^otoc tbtfe tbings,in tobtcb toas fo great impc;f ante, being omitteD,T:ea neglccteD,^ in a mancr bu rieb, tbts onclt crabbeD qneCion plea* fetb ttf, bolD i bobr of Cb^ift lictb biD tnber b;eab50j tnber f> fojm cf b;cab. S^bet faiar fp;fabe ab;oie i iDbatice^ ner ftje teacb cocermitg fpiritual eatfg againe \joit\)in a litle after. ELbc tbtng 0gnifteb f ccteineb, is ttic p;op;e tic^ cf cbjift; tbe tbing figni0cb t not cotei* neo,is bis miaicall boDp. mibereas be mafeetb biffere ce bctUianc tbe flcfi) c f eb^iftjf tbe effcttual poiner of no;iQ)ig, feberi6 it is fnbueb,3( agreeibut fcber^ as be fainctb it to be a facranicnt,^ca i cotciucD tnber b;eo, it is an erro; not to be fuffreo, i^cruponbatb grcljun t])t falfe crpcCttoof facrantftal catin3,bii« caufe tbcp baue tbougbt t Uiicbeb men alfo « eucl bocrs do cat f flclb of rb;iff, botu murb focuer fbe^ be ftrangcrs fro bimJ5unbcn£lbofib;itI It felf in tbc mtHrrr cf tbe fupper, is no lesa fpiri^ tual tbing tba eternal faluatio.^bcrr upon Inc gatbcr,^ itbofccucr be fco^De cftbe fpiritcf ^ib;if^>ca no mo^e cat § flclfe cf Cb^iift tban tbc^ ra Djinli iuine toljeri6 is icvncb no tad.CrulvCbaift is contrary? to fbetroe f realeattng,as | is to baincufiv^ to;n in fijocr, Icben tl)t tbei! call it : bttanfe toe baue refpect fo , beabc bobv^ anb lubrcb batbc no liuel? notbing but to tijt man£r,tobtcb amog tbe tsxarnaljtotnle tf^ti emlofe €ljM in b;eb,but tots it is fptrttaa!,bicaufe tbe fecret potoer of J fpirit is tbe bdnb of our coiotttins toitt Ctetff«i^c truer ff rcngf b, is gene fo;tb incomon to tn beleucrs: t bis eFp;es tcoibs ar bircct^ Ip agaia It. m bofceuer tsitctl) mi flel& $ b;inl»0tb tm blt^b, abibctb in me,f 3 in liimXbeg anftocr tbat in tbat place BIB.tJ. is Lib.4. Dift.8. Ioh.tf.$« .^^.»7» liSiFenttxateD of fbc facramcntaU ea^ tuis:tobicl)agraut,Mtt)e^toiUriot rtoiD I tte ftoblc asamft § fame Oonc, i iQyins j5 tbeflca» itfelf iseatc toitb oae f rut0.5i5aC 3ltoolB Uuoto of tbe,t)0UJ long tUe? l)ol9 it,tD!)en tf)ci? bauc eaten it mxiyin m\! iuuscmr t tftei (1^1 oaue no lua^ to get out.^ut tbc? obietf,tt)at nothing can be toitb^jaton o^ faUe of t p;omif05 of (IDoD b^ tbe tnf banfefulnes of mtu, 3! graunt in Dceue,i 31 fa? ^ tbe fb;ccoftbe matter? remainetbtoliole, boUifocuer toicfecD men W), a« mncb a« in tbcm lictb,enoeuo; to mabe it twiu» ^et if is one tbinj to be off reo , « an o* tber tbigto be receioeo. i£ tbe toidJeD rccciue co;iruptiblcb;eaDf ;■ notbing £l0;toe bauc a folution xen^y^ goD toil not be acfenotoa true in tbe rc^ ceiuing it fclfe,but in tbe fteofaffneg of bifi otone gouneOJEJ, toben fee is rcDi> to gcucrci Itberalli' offretb to tbe bittooj? tbr tb Jt lubicb tbct? refufe. klnD tbijsi t^ tbe fulneff^of tbe fatrament,tobi£l>tbt' toI)oIeloojlocan not b.ieaUe,.^ tl>efle(^ ano bluD of €\5ii^ is no ks gcaen to^ tntoo;tt3?, tban to tbe cbfti'en railbfuU "iQftlicoutvvardemeaiies ~bne0 of (DoD : h\xt tbertottbaD it is tmt, Mati>7 ^ as toater ligbting tpon a ^ro aonc, faUetb atoai^bicaofe tber 10 no entr? o^ ^ pen into t\)z (tone: fo tbe toickeD Doe ^ ' tbe?;^ baronet D^iue backe tbe grace of j dDoD, tbat it can not pearce into i^tm» ^o^eouer,tbat Cb;i(t fl^nlD be receEi> ueD to^tbont faitbe>i0 no mo^e agreing to^tb reafon, tf)sin feoe to buD in 1^ 6r$« ^bera0 tbe? afb, boto €t)iiU is com to Danation to rome,tmle0 tl)t^ receiae b?m tjntoojtbil?, it is a t)ert colD que^ llionifo;afmucb as toe no tober reaD,i^ men Do procure Deatb to tt^emleiaes b? tmtoojtbilpreceimng ^^nftd butra* tber br refugng bim.^eitber Dotb cb;i ftts parable be^ tt^m, tobere be fat)tb tbat fceDe grotoetb ^p among tbo^n5,f aftertoarD being cbofeeD ismarreD: be* caufe be tber entretetb,of tobat balue f faitb is \u\)it^ enbnretb but to; a time> tobicb tbes do not tbinH to be necr ffari? to tbe eating of Cb;ittc;5 flelb ano bain, ^tng ofbis blouD,.tbat in ff>u(bcbalf Da ma^eBfuDa^egalip felototoitb peter. But ratber be t\)e fame parable tl^en errs; is confutcDjtotiere Cb^tft fa^tb ^ romefgeDe&Uetb in t^z bie toav, ot^tv fome bpon ftone0,f mithtr of tbem ta^ hetb rote.lSIib^rupottfolctoetb>tbat to-, tbe t}nbeleuer0 tl;DtrptortbarDnc5 is a let t^r €bnQt aticinctb not to tbcm^, ^bofocucr Defiretb to baue our falua^ tioii bolpe b^ tbis miSer't^flial fiuD no* tbing fittribaiD o?ato life out of tbe ^on of OSo&.iSut tbe Dignity of it is bonc;ablt»;?uougbfet out,to^en, toe Uepe in mind tbat it is a belptober, b>^toc be grafi^D jilts § boD]? of cb^iilt," Q% being graftieD 50 )i;o,ie 1 uiojc groto fogetbofjtil be do full|> ma^eb^mfelfe £^? \cit|i to0iri tbe bsauenl^tifc^IPijee; , Gbiect t l&aule oa(# not to bauemaDe i.Coi.ii. tMigiUicf^^eboD?«bluDofCb^ia> ^ UnleCMbeg toyg partafecfg of tbem> I i„(^, I) id I III! ■Ill I . ,^,^^^ To Saluation, Horn, in Ioh.<5.u Fourtli Eookc. Fc){ 4 ■>, 5i6ut Jl anftocr ttjat tfee? are not ttcrc# fo;e coDf ncD,btcaure,t^ei ^aue cate ttie but onli? btcanfc tftti banc p^opbancD ^ niiftericintreaDig tJUDer fete p plcfisc of tbe fjol^ conto^ntng topttj (Sou, U)btcb tbe? ougbt rcuerentli to rereiue. tbat be bao faiDc t tbi« b;eaD rctjuirctb tbc btiger of tbe intoarD mi,bc aooetb: Spofcc f 3aron, f pfnnas, t nianp o* tbcr ^ DID cat ^annn.plercD goD.^iibi! rofbicaiifc tbc fpiritual meat tbcr fpin^ I tuall^ tnDcrff oDcfpirttiialiv l^nngrc D, Ex.i6 34 i^oto bicaafc :augua. amog tbc olD ; fpirituall^ tafico tbat tbev miabt be fpi U);iter0 cbiea^? batb affirmeD p article rituallv fillcD. if o; toe alfo at tbis cave of Dotfrmc, i notbing is abatcD fro ti)t ^ |)auc rccciticD fpirttuall ntrat:!jut (> fa^ facramcnt0,tio; tbc grace tobicb tbci fi^ , cramcnt tc one ibincr, f tbc potocr of {> gurc is maoe bopD bp tbe infiDclitie o;t facrament is anotbcr.a litle afteniino uougbtine0 of men: it fbalbc profitable , bp f bis be p afaiDctb not in Cbjift, nno top;oucclcrelvbrbt« otDncU)o;iDc5, in U)bomCb;iftabiDetb not, iD^tbcut bolu bnfitip f pcruerOp tbct? do D^Ujc Dout neitber r atetb fpirituall? bis fleOj t to tbiB p;eient caufc, tobicbeatte tbe [ no; D^inbctb bis blouD,tbouBb carnaUi boDp of Cb^itt to Dog5 to eate.SDbe ^a* ' ( bifiblr be p;crrctb icitb fetib § ftg" of cramental eating, after tbeir opinion, j § boDp i bluD.^ieie bear again ^ tbc bi* i0 toberbp f UjicUcd rcce^uc tbe boDp f fibic 0gn is fet in c cparifon as contrai i falouD of cb;ia toitbout tbe potoer of tbe ; to fpiritual eating. H^ berbr ^ crro; iB fpiritjo; anr effect of grace.Sugnft.co^ i confutcD, ^ tbc boDr of Cbaift inniQblc traritoife iceying ioifel? tbofetuoaos. is in dcdc eaten facramcntall?, tbotigb l^e t eatetb mi fle(l^,f D^itietb mr blno, I not fpirituaili.Mle bear alfo t notbing 1^ mt tit fo; etier,faitb:i^amelp tbe \ is graiJtcD to p;opbane i bnclcanc men potocr of tte (acrament,not onip tbc tji befioc tbc bifiblc rcccauing of tbc fign. J^ (Ible Sacrament : i terilp toitbin, not l6out:bc tbat eatetb it toitb WUnot be tbat p^effctb it toitb totb. ^bertipo at lengtb becomlnDctb ^ tbc Sacrament l^crcupo comctb W famous faping, ^ U)t otber Difdples DiD cat tbc b;caD tbc Io;D,bat guoas DiD eat v b; cD of (> io;D: iDbcrin be plainlr ereluDctb tbc tMibcIc of tbis tbing,tbat is to fa^jCf tbe Witit oers fro i partaking of tbc boDv t blno. oftbeboD^l blouD of Cb;ill is fet be fo;c men in tbc Supper of tbc iLo;D, to fome bnto life,to (ome bnto DcHractio: but tbe tbing it fclf luberof it is a facra /^ctl)tr tf Dctb it to ani otbf r r no lt)bicb be faitb in anotber place: Wbatmarne ^Hom.hi left tboujtf to JuDas Iras geur { b;eD of loh, j9. Cb;itt>bi tobicbbenugbfbc maDc b5DiHom,6a ment,to all men tnto lifcto none tinto | to t Dciul: tube tbou feed en § contrary Deftruction, iubofoeuer be partaker of | aDc^to^aulU^asgcufni' angel of tbc it Stbat none tbulo berc cauil,tbat t])t I Deuil,bi? tcbo be migbt be maDc perfect tbing is callcD not tbc boDv,but p grace I in Cb^ift . lf)c faitb bcrilp in an otber of tbc fpiritiubicb mat be rcuercD from § boDp,tbccotrarpcomparifo betlnene tbefe tlDo luo^Ds of aoottton tllt&blc f tnmablc D^inctb atuap all tbcfc mtfts: &^ bmoer p fiirft of tbcm ta not be com:< pacbcnDcD t^ boDpof cb;ift.^bcrup' en folotoctb i^ tbc tnbeleners do comn^ ntcate onlp of tbc tJiObU lign. ;anD ^ al oonting map be better take atoai,after placed tbebjcD of tbe fuppcr Inas p bo* Di of CEb^ift to tbe to U)bo ^aal faiD.l^e ^ eatetb bnljuo^tbilp, eatetb t Djinhctb iuDgmcnt to bimfelf : 1 1 ^^H? banc not tbercfo;e notbpng,bicanfc tbcp banc re« ctaiitu no«gbtilp.li5ut in tubat fcnfe,be Dcclaretb mo;efHllp m an otber place, if 0^ ( tabpng in banD purpofclp to Dc* fine boto tbc toicbcD anP eotll Doers, 2,Cor,iu baptconi tradona.) .ap^i7' Oftheoutvvarde meanes U Cor.i '&^\}m {^al r£)0 boa^ f blu'j orCft.^it^ be life to eucrt? m b^^-g of 'i:')=Ji*-l> t tijat ajainU tbe o# Ktnio of fome *ii3!)icb tijoa^Ijt ^ tbsy Dio not cat in ^acramsat onl^ but in Ucr? D?D?.)®^^^ n2itf)er (fait!) I)s)ou3f)t it to be fiio i^ tbc? eate § b3D^ of C^riU , bi^ ciufe tbe? are mt to bs rcckiic^j amo.ij § inem'ii?3oTC^jia.ifo?(to fpea^i no.' | fojafmacfj as bi? bii5 iuagcmet § tubole t')ing of tb: rea) tbci? can hot togetber , trutb is fpiritual. ano it i5 ccrtafl^ ga^ bc§me!iibje3ofc^:i(5,itb2membjcs tbereOoutof^i0toojO0,tbatt&ef3cra» of a barlot.f infiU\? iDlier bi^n felf faitb. | mentall eating, \s))^tn tinbelefeclofetb , m '§ t%Htl) mi ac!!> , I Djikctb mi bluo, j tjp § entrg to tratb,i0 as mucb in effect oh 5.2 5 abitJCt^J in mc ana 3 iii U^ .^^ 3)2toctb as tjifible oj outtoarn eating. 3if f botji lii!).it it is mt facramentall^ bat in be^ of Cb.zitt mtgbt be eaten truel^ ano ?ct i'-;> ac55 to eate t^e boD^ of Cbutt . ifo J not fpiritusll^, tobat I^ulo tbat meane tbts is f 0 abioe in €')ii^,'^ Cljjift ini? lubicbs be fa^tb in an otber place f ^e abioe in bi. jffJJ be fo faio tbts,a3 tbogb Ital not catz tbis boo^ tobicb ^e fa,anD tj J bi'J fai^,be tbat abioctb not in mc,f , o^inlt t\)t blou5 tobicb t^^'fi ftall (beooe in Wyim 3 abioe n3t,let bim not fa^ o> tbat fl^al crucifie me. 3 bane comenoeo tbi lU tbat be ^atb eatc m? boai?,o; ojife [ a certain facrament Unto T?ou,bein3 fpi n\)> bloaa. iLet tb^ reoers toep ^ tbings ^ rituall^ bnoerffaueo it l^al quickr ^on. fet as cotraries in Vjt coparifo to eate, ^ml^ be tooulo not oeni? but tbat t^z ^acramentallj?, f in berg o^bctf tbere Tame boo^ tubicbe €\fnft offreo fo^j fa* Tcjal reinatnc no Dout. ^e conSrmetb § fam?,no leffe pla^nl^ in tbefe too;jbes: prepare not ^our iatocbut rour bart: Bereupo is tbis popper eommenoeb. ioe toe beleuc in €i}ifty toben Uie re^ cciacb^faitb : in rccciuing toe knato tubit to tUnk.^Mz receiuea litlc 1 are Uttt^i in bart.Cberf0.2c not tbat tobicb ts faencbat tbat tol)icb is bslcneo, ootb fc^zMcYC alfotbat tobicb § ^itkcn re* ceiiie, be rcttratnetb to § biftble Cgne: ano tcac?bctb tbat CbMtt is none otber^ toifc recciueo ti)m b^ faitl). ^0 alfo in Con Fau an otbcr place, p;onoancing eicp^efl^ ^ tbe gtD'5 f tbe euel do comnnicate toge^^ tber in tbs ftjnesjbe eninoetb tl)t cuell from tbe true eating of § fleQ^ afcbiift. if 01 if tbe)? receiueD tb? ttiin^ it fclf, be UJolD not btterli baue left t}}3t t)nfpo*4f to^jicb iwas mo;e at foj }iis mat er,0lfo in an otber pl.icc, entreting of J eating In,pC5>7 Lib. 13. Cap 1 5, Scrdc- uer A port, cri&ce,is DeltuereD in tbe fupper:bnt be Dio fet out tlit maner of eattng,namelu ^ being receaaeD into beauenl^glojp, bg § fecretpotoer of tbe fpirite,it b.:ea* tl)tt\) life into t)S. il graunt in DeDe tbat tber is oftentimes fouD in ftim tbis ma ner of fpcal*ing,tbat tbe boD^ of €Wf!t is eaten of § bnbeleuers: but be erpou^ Dctb b?mfelf,aDDins,iln facramet.janD in an otber place be Defcribetb fpirttual eatingan tobicb our bi^ttnges confume not grace, ano leaOt mf neaonerfartes (^olD fa?,tbat 31 figt)t \s)it^ t^tm toitb a beape of places,ii tooulo bnoto of tbem boto tbeg ca bntoino tbefelues fr5 one failing of bi?0,tober be fa^tb tbat facra* mmts DO too^h in the onel? electe tbat tobicb t^t^ figure.2Crulg tbei2 Dare not Deng but tbat tbe b;eaD in tf)^ fupper fU guretbtbe boo? of Cb^ilt.^bereupon follotoetb tbat tbe reprobate are Debars Ho.ln Ioh.27. f fbefrutctbereof, bJ coiulaoetb tbas. jreb fro ^partafeing of it.CbatCyriUl. To To Saluation. In 6 Jo-j fp tbougbt nenc ottiertutfe,ttjEfc tDo;ti0 han. Ca. oo Declare, ^0 if a mS ^p6 molten tear, ^7* tio poure otter Uiare,te Ic^Ieli? tempe ret^ tfje one toarc tuiPtft tljt otbcr: fo is it nercITarv, if an^ n?a rcceiue t^e ficlft ano blouo of tte (o;o, tbatbe be iopnco tDttb btm, tbat €b;iS mai? be fount) in btttt,anD be in Cb;ift. ^t tbefe U)o;ds Bl tbinke it is euiJDent, tbat ^ey are be^^ reneo of tbe true ant) reaU eating, ttKit DoetmtfaeramentaUi?eatc tbeboo^ of Cb;itt, Vobieb ean not be feticreo from bis polDer:anD tbat tberfo;e failetb not tbe fditb of t^t p;omirc5 of <2^od, Uibicb eealetbnot to raine frcmbeanen, kU tbouab tbe Hems ano rocltea conceiue not tbe iiquo; of tbe rainc. 3i %iiis bnetDlc^e Qmi alfo ea0ii t^aU) tB atua^ from tbe carnal iPo;(bippin6, U)bicb fome baue Xd peruerfe rat^elTe erecteD in tf)t ^acrament:btcaure tbet maoe accompt \s)itt tbemfeiues in tbis inaner : if it be ti^t boDv>tben botbe tbe font t tbe goobeo are togetber ijoitb tl^c booi,tubtcb noln ca not be feaerco:tber fo;e Cb;t&e is tbere to be too^tbtppeo. ifirff, tf tbeiraccopanring tobicbtbe? p;etf 0 be ocnieo tbe ^tobat toil tbcp co.^ ^fo; boU) macb foeucr tficy^cT)^ out tpo an abfurDitF> tf i? boop be fcucrcc fro ^ foul f tbe 60DbeD:^et tobat fotio lottteo f fob;e man can pcrfuaoe bimfclf ^ tbe boop of Cb;itt is €b;ift i £Cbe? tfjinhe tbemfclaes in oebe gailp to p;oue it \xt tourth Booke are calico to accompt, f toitbout tobicb ti)c^ faint at euer^ firft momenttUibcn tbcp Ibal cal to minD ^ t^c Doctrine anD eramplcs of f apoftlcs arc agamft tbf , ano^ tbcmfclucs alone artottc'fclncs tbe autbo;0 of it. 2lo futb motions (b«i I be 8DDCD otbcr not fuiall prickings. tCIbatf S>bal it be a mater of no tnipo; tance, toU)o;0|tp tipon tobicb alone our fottles do Oao fatt^toben tbe? i 36 ;anDtbcfetbingst)cril?tenDtotljis cnD, ^ tbe goDl)p rcDers fijulo toep boto pcrillous it is in fo b?e matters to toa^ Der from tbe fimplc too;D of goo, to tbe D;eames of our oton b;aine. 115ut tbofe tbings t ^f e abeue faioe, ougbt to Deli» ner bs from al Dout in tbis bcbalr.if c;, tbatgoDlg foules ma? tberein rigbtl? ' tOEC i.Cor.ii. Of the outward meancs tahc !)ol?j of CbViff > tbet? mtitt mnts be lifte3 lop to beauen.Blf tftis be tbe office af a fatrament, to belp tbe mino of ma \i}Uc\i otbJriDifc is U)ca!i,i^ it mai? rife tjptoaro to reacb tl)e bcigW of fpiritual m^acries : tlnn tbe^ to^ict) arc boloen U3^ajn in tbc outtoarOLfigii, do ftra^ fro tlje mU lua^ of fcking bf it fo jbao Mb to be bubli? intentiue to § figits fct before bs.atio fo; none o^ tbcr caufe teas it in olo time o^ocineD, tbat bcfoje tbe confecration tbe people aiulD Ujitb a louD tjoice be put in minoe to baue tbeir bart0 lifteb tjptuaroXbe Scripture it fcif airo,brCiDc ^ it oiltgctli Dcclarctb ^nto bs ^ affaitton of cb^iH, lobcrbi? be toucieo atoa^ § piefcnce of be bimfelf at(o DiOiOno^eD in § orSltn^ f p^opbaning of bis bcncSte , toben of bis bol? facrament is maoe a curOeo i«: ooll. But let bscontraritDtre,lea(t W fal into tf)Z fame pitte, tbjougbl? fettle our care0,e^e£f,bart0,minD» ? tongs in tbe bol^ Doctrin of dDoD .iFo;^ tbat is tbe fcljole of tbe bolp ©boltjtbc beftfcbol^^ maifter, in tobicb facbc pjoSt is attc?^ neo tbat itotbing nsoe moje to be got« ten from anp tober els.but toe \uiUing l^ousbtto bei$iio;ant of ioljatfoeuer is not taught in it. «i'>:. , ;7 But nolD (as fapcrHition, feben it batb once pafTeo ^ ri^bt bciiDs,maketb no cno of inning) tbe^ fel a grcattua^ furtbcr. ifo; tbsi i)aue DcuifcD ccremo^ nies altogctber Sr?gc from ^ mftituti on of tbe fupper totbps cno onlf \^ tbe? migbt 5eue tiiuinc bono^s to tbat Ggn: toe ?clo(fai tbeOtbis irojCjip to cb;itt. jf ira,if tbts tocr Don it\ tbe fupper, 3 r^ii bis bo:)\) fro our Ggljt t conucrfatton:to i tool j fai ^ ^ iuo.2(bi='P? g omU is latofal, Col.3.2. (]^3Uc aUiai fro ^s al carnal tbintjiitg of l)im,ro oft as it mahetb mf tionof bim, c5=injiDctb bfl to be in minDS raifeD bp lyarD,i to fcke bi in bcuen fitting at ^ rigbt bao of rbe fatbcr.^ccojDig to tbiis rule be l»as ratber ta be fpiritualliie tuo^OjippcD in bcacnl^ glo Jti,tban tbis Co perilous a Um of Uj0in[itjH«ng to be DcuifeD.fal of carnal j grofe opinion of goD.^berfoic tbeg i banc inuentec ^ lyo;U)ipping of § facramrt,bcme not on ly DjemeD it of tbrfclucs bcG^je § fcrip* tnxcyin UJbrcb no mcntten of it can be , JIbcloeo (l»bicb ret IbulD not \)mt bene ouerpaffcDif it baD bene acceptable to SOD.)Butalf0 al t fcripturecr^ing out loDico redctb not in ^ figit, but is Diree teDto cb;ill fitting in beuen. But natu b^ iDbat pjetefe Do tb^T? boft i tbei too; djipCbnfl: in ^ b;eD: tobe tbei ban^tio p^omifc tberoff SCbei tofecrate an boft, as tiity> call ity \j3i)\!c\) tbei? mai? car^ a* bout in pcp,tobicb tbe? mai (beU» fojtb in a comon gating tabe lobcD bportoo; IbippeD J callcD t)po,31afk bi tobat poto er tbsp tbinh it to be riabtl^ cofecrate. Glerili tbei toil bjfg fo;tb tbofc too?DS, nis ismuboDi.But 3 toil obiert to t totrarv, t it toas tbervoal faiD.Ca&c f cat.^citber toill 3 do ^ cf notbtg.iFo; tobe a p^omifeis hnit to a comaDemet. 31 fat t tbe piomtCeis fo coteinco tmDcr ajata it.tbcv \)mt frameD to tbf fclues I ^ commaDement, 1^ being feuereo it is agor)aftcrptoilloftl)ciroU;iilutt,Iea* j raaDenop;omifeatalL MrJ^tballbc oia^ V Uuig g.oD. ifo; tot^iat is iDolatr? if t^ia be not,,to too,:a]tp t SJfts in (Ico Sif f gcuer biinCclfe Qiotb tujcng" fttaiano toftat otbf r tljtng 31 P?ar ten, DO t^t;? Uj^itl) Icautng tbc commatiDc^ meut concerning eating, uo catcb ^olDc of a niatmcD p?omrfc,tt)is 10 mr boDv, to abxife it to ftrangc ccrcmcnif fi from tbc inttitution of cb^ift^ilct tos tbcrfo;c remember tbattbieip;iomifc isgeucn to ttjcm \DWi) ftcpe t commairtcmcnt io^neo )B it:but t tber be DeCituteof al t^e Ujo;d tobif b remoue tbc facrament to anr ottjer luar. ^c banc beretofo;e entreatcD boto 1^ miftcrieof § bolt? fup* per feructb oar fa^tb bcfo;c C>oD. IBut fo;afmucb as tbe lo;D Dotb berc not on=^ Ig b;ing into our rnnemb;af e fo great largc5 of bi0 bciitie, ag toe baue before (beU)eD,but ootb as it toer from bao to Irano b;in0 it fd;tb, i airretb ^ to ac^ bnotoiegc it:be uotb tbertoittjal luarne t» 1$ toe be not tntbaUful to fo plentiful libcralitic;but ratbertbattoe ftulD pub U(l) it 16 fucb p;aifes as it is mete,f at^ aace it 16 tbaUefgcuing.SDberfo je tobe be oeliuereb tbe inaitution of tbe facra ment it felfc to tbe 0pomes, betaugbt tbcm tbat tim Ojulo do it in remcb;ace of bu^bicb l^aul er?ouDctb,to Declare t lo;os Deatb.Ctjat i3,publitieli! i alto# getber 16 one moutb openli to confeffc,^ al our affiacc of lif: 1 faluation is rcpo^ feo in t^e Dcatb of tbc ilo;D, ^ toe map Slo;iSe bi ^ our c5ftffi6, 9 ma? bp cur cjcample cubojte otber to gcuc glo;i? to bim,i5)erc again it apearctb tobcrunto tl)c mark of tUis facrament is DirectcD, namelg to ercrcifc tjs in tbe remcb;ace of tbe Dcatb of cb;itt. iro^ tbis ^ toe are commanocD to Declare tbe Ho jDs Deatb till be come to iuDge,is notbing els but ^ toe fljulD puUlifl) tbat toitb coiifc (Tion of moutb,u?bicb our faitb b^itb acUnoto IcgcD in tbc facrament, tbat is,tbat tbe Dcatb of Cb^ift is oure lifeXbisistbe fecouD tic of tbc facramcnt,tobicb pcr^ teinctb to oattoaro tonfetrion« 38 SLbirDli? tbe Io;d alfo toillcD it to be to \)s in ttcaDc of an cjijo; tatton, tban tobicb none otber can mo^c bebcmftlp cncc;iage « cnflame \)z botb to purcncs auD bolpnctfc of life, t alfo to cbariti?f, peace,! agrcment.ifo; tbc 31o;d Dotbc tbcrin fo communicate bis bo3r to ts, tbat be is niaDe tb;ougbli one Initb ts, f toe toitb ^im i ijiotoe fitb be batb \iixt one boDr,tobcrof be maUctb tsall par* takers, it isnccc(Iart?^alltoeairebe bp fncbe partaking maDe one boDpe. tXibicb bniti tbc b;raD tobicb is Dcliue reb in {' facramft,rep;cff tcti):tobtcbas it is maDc of mani grafs i fucb fo^t m l- glcD togctbcr t one cannot be bifccrneD fro an otber:after § fame aiancr toe al* fo ougbt to be coiopneD ( hnit togetbcr ^itii fo great agrctmcnt of minDs,tbat no Diragrotmri 0; Dtutlio come bettoen ts . ^brsibabratberto beei:p;c(reD toitb Pauls too;Ds.£:be cup of blcffinjj (faitb bc)tobicb toe blcffc^is § comuni* eating of tbe bluD of Cb^itt: 1 tbe b;eaD of blcffing tobicb toe b;cah, is tbe par* tahing of tbe boop of Cb;ill.£:bcrefc;e toe al are one boDp,tbat partake of one b;eaD,^e fijal baue ter\? tod p^ofitcD in § facramet, if tbps tbcugbt fo (^Ifcc emp;tnteD ( cngraucn in our minoes, tbat none of tbc b;ctb;en ca be burt,Dc? fpifeD,rcfufcD,abufcD,o; iw ani toifc be ofifcDCD of bs,but tbat tl;crtoitbal toe Do in fo Doing burt,Dcfpife, « alufe €b;itt toitb our miurtous Dcalingsitbat toe ca not Difagrce toitb our b;ctb;cn:but tbat toe mull tbcrctoitball Difagrce toptb Cbnft:tbat ^\iiiii ca not be loucD of ts but ^ be mua be loucD in cur b;etb.;cn; tbat tobat care toe baue cf cur oton bo» Dpe, fucb alfo toe ougbt to baue of our b;ictb3C tobicb arc mcbcrs of cur boDp: as no part cf our boci is toucbcD toitb a- np fclmg of grefe,tobicb is not fp;cD a^ b;oaD tnto al § otber parts, fo toe mua not fuffcr our b;otbcr to be grecucD toitb' foL44( I, Cor. 10 17. Of the outward mcancs bjifb m\v tuil to&erof toe C^ouId not nU fo b« touct)0D Ujitb copaffion. 2Dljerfo;e Auguftmcnot tottlHJUt caufe fo oft cal* ict\) this facrameC tlje bono of ctjaritie. ifojlDfjatftarperfpur coull be put to \js,to Hit tp mutual c^ritie amost0, tba tuben €\)iift geutng bimfelf to t0, Dotb not onlr allure t)0 totti) W oton er ample tbat toe fl^ulD mutually BeDicate anDDclinerour feluesoneto anotber: but tnfsmucb a0 be mal^etb btmfelfe c5o mon to all , be maUetb all ^ alfo one in bimfelfe? ^9 Butberebpixf^ter^toelcSfirmeu U}bttb Jl bane fapii inanotber place , ^ tbe true mtnt((ratton off facramet fla Detb not toitbout ^t tuojo . 5f oj tobat^ foeuer profit comttl) to 1)0 of § Supper, rcquiretb tbe Idojd : lubetber toe be to be confirmeb in i?a^tb, oj to be tmci* fet> in cofefTto, o;^ to be fttrret) V)p to bu^ tte,p;atcr is neoeful.SCberfo^e notbing can be mo^e Dirojoerl? bone in § ^up^ per, tban if it be turneotoa bum ac^ tioraiJ batb ben Done fenber § tirann^ of tbe pope.if 0 J tl)c^ U»olo baue § tabole fa jcc of cofecratio to bag tjpo f infet of p pjicft as tbogb this notbig perteineo to f pcopleio tubo it mod of al bebouen ^ tbe miaerie flioulD be bcclareb . 2!5ut tbcrupo batb g.roiuen tbis erro?,^tbep nwrheo not f tbofcpjomifes iuberkS | cofetration is mabe^re tfirecteo not to {> elev.\et^& tbf fclueSjbut to tbem ^ re^ teint tbem.llBnt cbntt fpekctb not to p b;eD,)5 it mar be ma^e bis booi,buf co^ matsetb \}is bifciplrs to cat,? p^omifetb to tlK § comnntcatig of bis boDi i blut>. anD-none otber o^er Dotb^Baultcacb, tban i togetber tuitb ^ bjeaut § cup, ^ p.i'T.nifcs Ojoulb be offreD to p faitbfut. Sybils It is f caiK^e ongbt not bere te iu!.if(in m\2 magical cnrlmntment,^ it be fttm'ciftto iKiue miiblccrtjp p ino^os, as tbouglj :^ dements did beare tbe :but let bs bnDcrdaiiD \^ tbofc UJo.iDefi area liuelp p;^ccbing,tDbicb map ebifp § ^ea rers, tPbicb map intoarolp pearceinto tbeir minos, tobicb map be emp^inteb f fetleo in tbeir barts,U)bicb map I^eto fo^tbeffectnalnesintbe fulfilling of i tobicb it p^omifctb. )15p tbefe reafos it clerelp apearetb,tbat ^t laping t)p off facramct,tobicb manp bo earnettlp rc^ quire,tbat it mat be ertrao;binarilp Dt ftributeo to § fick,is tjnpjofitable. ^oj eitbertbepCball receiue ittuitboutr^* bearing of tbe inOitution of Cbali^o; ^t miniSer d^il togetber tuitb § (igne iopn tht true Declaration of tbe mpHe*) ts!t. Bin ^Ittict is abufe anb fault.Blf tbe p;^omires be rebearfeo ,ani} tbe mpHe^ rie Declareo, ^ tbep tobicb (ball receitte it,map receiue if toptb frute,tber is no caufe VDbu toe (boulo bout ^ tb^s is tbe true confecration . Co tobat eno tf^n toill tbat otber confecration come , tbe foKe toberof comctb not fo far as to ttit Uck mcnf But tbep tbat bo fo, baue tht erample of tbe olo cburcb 3! sraunt:but in fo great a mater, i in tobicb toe erre not toitbout great banger , notbrug i0 fafer tban to folloto tbe trutb it felfe. 40 /lioto as toe fee tbat tbis bolp b;^ea5 of tbe Supper of tbe lto;De i» fpiritnal meate>no leflTe ftoeete anb Delicate tban bealtbfuU to ^t gcdlp too^ibippers of (0oD,bp thz taae tobereof tbep fele ^at Cbnfl^ i» tbeir lif^, tobom it raifetb ^p to tbankefgeuing, to \jiif)om it is an tt^ bo.ztatton to mutual! c^mtiz among tbemfelues : fo on § otber fibe it is tur^ neo into a mofC nopfome popfon toaU tbem tobofe faitb it botb not nourifb f confirme, $ tobom it Dotb not ff irre t)p to confeffion of p^apfe i f 0 cbaritp.if 0; as boDilpmeate , toben it finbetb a ftof macb poffelTcb toitb euil bumD;s,being it felfe alfo tberbp mabe euil! f co:rup> teb botb rati^r burt tban nouritbv :fo tbps fpirituall meate> if it ligbt Dpon at foule beaifb toitb malice f «ougbtines> ., ,, . , , , tbiotoctb Tit 1.15. li.Cor.n. To Saluacion, Fourth Boo!< ;k-ol,44! mo\3)tH) it DoUiii bcDlong toittj grearer fall : tjeril^ not bp tlje fault of tlje mrat it felf,but bicaufc to DcftlcD ano tnb clc^ uim ni^"" notb^ng is clene,tbogl3 otl:cr tDTifc it be ncucr fo mucb fattifieo bi tbc blcfCuig of tl)c lo^tJ.iro.: (as Paul fait!)) tbc^ t fat f D^ink t3nVDo;tt)il)?,are gilti of tbe boD^ I blouD of tlit lo;D, f Do eate I mi\\\{z iuDgement to tbciHfeluc3,not Oiiccrningt^e boDv ol tbc 11o;dc. ifoj, fucb litniie of men as toitljout an? fpar* hlc of fa^tb, toitbout anp ^:lc of cbart# tBe,Do tbraft tbrfcliics fo.itb Ukc fluine to tafeetbe fupp:r of tbe loiO, D3 not Di^ fcerne tbcbJOt* of i? Ion. jfo; inioinucb as tbci 00 not bcltuc i tbat booi is tbcir life,tb2i 50 afmiicb as in tbem lictb oif^ bonoutjpo^ilina; it ofalltbeoiGnit^e tberofilfiiullTJinfo rcccaui/ig ittbcg pjopbane f ocSlc it . But infomucb as being cftrangcD f oifagrcing fro tbci'; b;etb:cn,tb:i oarc .ningl? tbs bol V ^ign of tbc bo.? Of dbjift UJito tbcir oifa^re mcnts>it is no thank to tbc ti t Voz oo- D? of Cbiitt »3 not rent in funoer,i iuiv- meale tojn in peccs.anD fo not Wmy tbil?tbe?areGilt?oftbcboui' f bloat) of tbe loii),U)bicb tbe? oo Ujitb \jngooli'' neffe full of facrilegc fo foUil? Defile. SCberfoje b? tbis bntoo^tbi cating,tbei take to tbefclues Danation. jfn ^tJbcr* as tbci bauc no faitb repofeo m Ctiiitt^ ?etrcccautngtbe facramcnt tbc?p;o' feffc tbat tbere is faluation fo; tbcm no tuber els tba in bim,f oo foiftoearc all otbcr affiance. tOlbcrfojc tbei tbefelucs are accufcrs to tbcmfelucs, tbc? tbem* felucs pjonoiicc tuitnefTc aga?nft tbem felucs,! tbci tbcmfelucs feal tbcir oton Donation a^ain tobcn tbe? being toitb batrcD I cmll toil DiuiocD i Djatoen in funDer from tbcir b>ctb.jen,tbat is, fro tbc meinbcrs of Cb;iitt,bauc no part in €\)M : ?ct tbc? DO teftiac tb it tbps is tbc on'? faluation to comunicatc ujit'o Cb;ift,f to be niabe onetoiCbbimifc: tl)is caule paul comaunDctbjtbat a ma j p;ouc bimfelf,bcfoae tbat be eat of ms bjrao o;^ Djink of tbis cup.mberb?(as 3i crpouQ it) be meant t cuer? ma (bolD DcfccnD into bimfelf,! tue? Id bimfclf, lubctbcr be do toitb intoarD affiance of bart reft t3po ? faluation Uibicb \DarDit,tbatiwema? Da?l? mo;c anD mojcencrcafcourfa?tb begon. 41 Commonl? tobcn tbe? go about to pjeparc men to fucb Ujoitbineffe of ea* ting,tbe? bauc in cruel toifc to;mcnteD I bcrcD p©:e confcicnccs, anD i^tt tbc? bzogbt ncucr a tobit of all tbofe tbtngs tbat migbt fcrue to tbc purpofc . 2:bc? fa?D tbat tbofe d?d cat tooztbil? Uibicb tucr in ftatc of grace. & be in date of grace tbc? erpounbeD to be pure 1 cUn-^ feo from all Qn. 15? tubub Doctrine all tbe me tbat euer bauc at an? time bene n3\u be in eartb,toer DcbarrcD from II. tbe l)fe af tb?s facrament.iro;if Idc go about tbis,to fetcb our too;tbmcs from our feluc3,\i3c are ttttcrl? bnDonc.onl? Dcfpairc i Damnable ruine ab?Detb fo; bs.iDoogb toe enocuo; tuitb our iubolc arcnatbcs, toe Q)3l notb?ng mo;e p;e* ua:lc,but t tben at bft voc mWiz moft bn\Do;tb?c, tohenjprjiaac moft of all traucUcO ^Ul^.i. Cap.i7 Ofthc outward meancs ti'auellco about fcfting of UioitfjinelTc. SDo falue tljvs fo;c,tt)ep fjnnc DeuifcD a toa^ to atratn iBO^tljindTeitljat afmucb as in t3s l^ctft, maferng cramination,! vrqoiringof our fcliics accomptofall our DDing5,tue fljoulD U)it!) contrition, cmifcfTion,! fatiffaction clcanfe our \iiv toejtiKneffc : \s)\)ic^ Uiati of cleaning, tofjat inaner of tb^ng it is, loe ftaue a^ rcau^c fl]eUjco t^cre tol^cre tras mo^te coticnicnt place to fpcah of it.^o mucb as fei*uct!) fo; our pjefcnt purporc,31 fe? tljat tbcfc be tffl bunjirr i taniltjing c5^ fD;tes to DifmatieD i DifcouragcD con^ fcience0 % fucb as arc llricfeen Ir ittj bo; roj of tfjepj fin. ifo; if tbe llo^t) b^fpc* ciali fo;:^ciTmig-, aDmittetf) none to tbe parta!?tngof bi0 fupper bat tbe rigbtc^ ctiis I innocent : tbere netieti) no fmaU t!CDt tbat mai mahe a ma affurcD of Ijts oU'n rigbtcoufncs tobicb be bearetb to be requircDof goD.^ut toberb^ is tbis affnrcDnes confirmeo tntotJS,tbat tljep arc isifcbargeD afo;e €^cD,tDbicbc bane fione fo tnucb as in tl)i la^^But altbcgb it luere fo,tet toben (bal it be # a man ma^ be bolDc to afTure bimfclfc tbat be ^atb cone as mucbas in br«i lar^ .^o tuben tbere is maoe no certain affurace of our U)o;tbines,tbe entr^ l^il altoa? remain (but b^ t bo;ribIe fo^biutiri^, toberbT? is p^onouceD tbat tbet eate ano Djinhe iucgment to tbemfelues,tubicb eate and Djinfec t3ntoo;tbilv. 42 ^otu it isi eafie to intQt tobat nia^ ncrofooctrinetbrsis tubicb retgnetb in tbe papacie , t from lubat autbo; it batb p;ocet)CD,tDbtcb toitb tbe outragi^ cus rigoj tberof bcreuetb f fpciletb mi* fcrafale finncrs f fucb as be tojmenteD tDitb fear 1 fo;roUi,of tbe ccfo;jt of tbrs ^acramentjtntDbicb retail tlieftuete Dclicates uf (7 gofpel Uier fct bcfo;ie tf)e, ^urel^ tbc ceuillcoulDe bi? no reao^er toiar Deffrore men , tban bp To mabi?ng tbem rrnaccre,^ tbcf_coulD not^pcrceiiie tbe taft f fauoj of fucb fooc, tobcrluitb it luas tbe toil of tbe moft groD bcaur Ip fatber to feoe tbe. !Left tberfo^e lue run into fucb beblong Doli3nfal,let ts rcmr * ber ^ tbt?s bolT? banket is mcuicinc to § ficbe,comfo;t to Dnners,liberall gift to t\)c pm^t tubicbe b^ing no pjofite to ti^t beaitb!?,rigbteous,anD ricb,if ant fKf& couio be foiiD.iFoj Vubereas in it €b;ift is geuen tis fo; meattlue tnuerffano ^ toitbout brm toe pine, ffarue, t faint, I^Ue as famine Deffrotctb tbe liucl^ flrcngtb of ^ boD^.^gain toberas be is geuen ts foj lifettoe tnDerftaD t toitb* cutbr»iitoeare in our felues tttcrl? OeaD.^berfoje tbr^ ts tbe tooitbines botb tbe onlv 1 belt tbat toe ca bjing to (iDoDjif toe offer to brm our otone t«le^ netre,an!)(as 3 map fo cal it)tntoojtbi* neire,tbat of bis mcrci be mai maUe ts too^tbvf of brm : if to'e cefpcirc in cur (elues,^ toe map be cofo^teD in brm: if toe biible our felues ^ toe map beraifeo tjp of bpm: if toe accufe cur fclues,tbat toemapbeiuflifieo of bpni: mo;!ecuer if toe afpirc f 0 tbat tnitie tobic b be ccm menoetb to bs in bps fupper : and as {;e mahetb ts all,one in bimfclfe, fo if toe toifbe to ts al altogetber one foule,one bart,one fong.Bif toe baue tbefe tbinges tbjongblf toel toepeD t fon(icereD,fucb tbongbtsaltbogb tbep l^fee ts,pct fijal neuer ouertb^oto ts. ^s,boto OjoId toe being ncDp 1 mktn of al g©o tbtngs,toe tjefileo Mo eitbines of fin^toe balf DeaD, eat§ boDp of p lo;t) too;tbilr^^e toill ratber tbink t toe being v(o;e com to § liberal geuer,toc Ocb to ^ pbifician,toe finners to p autbo; of rigbtcoufnefre,fi^ nallp toe craD me to bim t geuctb life: tbat ^ too^tbincs tobicb is ccmaunticD of ©oli,conQ(tetb cbaflp of faitb,tobicb repofetb all tbpngs in €b?ift « notbing in ts : anD nert o>cbaritpe,ant) tbe felf fame cbaritpetofcicbe it is cnougbto offer tnperfcgeto (PoD,tbat be map cncreafe ' Lulc.a2, »7. To Saluation. cncreafc it to bcttcr,fo;afmuc() as it th not be geucn perfctf.&ome otbcr agrc^ ing toitb \)s in tbis^tfjat tljc \3)oMnts it fdf confiUctb in faitb f cbaritic: T>et in tbe nu^aCure of tao;ti)inc£! baue gone far out of tf)c toat?, requiring a perfect tion of faitb,lD!)erunto notfnng ma^ be aDDco,! a cbaritie cgall luit^ i tobpcb cbnft batb ftelocD totnaro tjs.)i5ut fjcrc b^ tl)ci Do none otbcrtotfe tbatboCe o^ tbcr bcfo;e,Djiuc al men atua^ fro com mingtotbi3!)olt?fupper. ifoiiftbeir (entente H^ulo ta^e place,no ma t^oulo recerucbuttjntoojtbili', fo;afmucbas al toitbouterccptio (bnlo be boloengil tit ano conuttfe of tbeir tnperfcctnea. janD trucli? it lucre a point of to niucb ama^eo Dulne5,31 Uiil not fa^ foIiCbnes, to require fucb perfection in tbe faera^ mente, as map maUc t\]c Sacrament tJo^aanDfuperfluouB : \si\)ic\) loas not ojDe^nco foi ^ pcrfcct,but fo; § iuea&c ano fcble to aUjakc,to ttirre tp,to p;ik fo;U)arDc, anD ercrctfe tbc affection of jfa^tl) ano cbaritie, an^ to co;rect t^ Default of crtljer oftljcm. 43 Batfomucbafl coccrnet^tfjcout^ toaro fo.2me of Doing,U)betber tbe fait^ ful rccciue it in tbeir banc o; no : lobe- tbcrtbi^rDcuioeitjO^ cucrp one eate ^ tobicb 13 geuen b?!m; tobetbcr t^i^tv put again tbe cup in tbe baD of tbe Dca«on> o; Dcliuer it to § nci:t:U)bctbcr \> b^caD be IeucneD,o; tnlciieneo : tobetber t\)c \mm be rcD o; U>bite:it maUctb no ma* ter.2Dbefe tbmgs be inDiffcrcnt t lefte in tbe libcrtie of tbe Cburcb. l^otobert it is ccrtainctbat tbe bfagc of tbe olDc cburcb U)a3,tbat cucr^ one (bulD take it into bis baD. anD cl);i{l fa^D. ^iniDt it among VQ'^. Sbc bifto^icu re po2tc,v it tD.i0 IcuencD t comon b^caD bcfo;e tbe time of aicrauDcr Bi?lbop of Home, tDbifb firft oelitcD in bnlcucncD b2caD: Out fo.j tol^at rcaron,3! fa not,t3n'cire it Uier in anelD ujbt to DjaUj tlK c ^2C3 of fourth Boo!c iL-oJL4^»2 tbe comon people to tooD^ing at it, ra* tber tban to inftruct tber mines xd gojD religio. J aDiure all tbf tbat are toucbcD \joit}9 ani? tbougb but Itgbt jcle of gcDli* nc0>to tet tobetber tbe\i do not euiocnt^ l^ fee,botb botoe muci) mo;c bjigbtlre tbe glo^i? of goD Ibrnctb bcrcin,f botoG mucl;mo;e abouDant ftocetncs of fpiri* tuall CQmfo2;t commetb to tbe faitbfull, tban in tbefe colDc i pla^erlife^ trifles, tobicb b;mg none otbcr bfe but to De« cc^uc tbe fenfe of tbe ama^D people. SDbis tbc^ cal tbe boB)ing of tbe people in rcligion,tDbe being maDe folifb anD fcnflenre toitb fuperttition it is D^aiuc tobetber tbct? lift. Jf ant» ma toill Deff D fucb inuenf ions b\? antiqnitie.J m^ felf alfo am not igno;at boto aucirt is ^ tfe of tbe cb;efma,f bloloing in baptifme: boU) npe to tbe age of r ^pollles p fup* per of tbe lo^o \i)as mfectcD \jo ruttines: bnttbis terilp is tbe IsapluarDncs of mansboiDncBjlobicb can not voboloe it felfbut tbat It mutt alUia^piai? ano be toanto in tbe miseries of go D.lBut let bs rcmc ber ^ goD Dotb fo biclr eCcmc tbe obeDicnce of bu^ U)o;Dc,tbat be U)il letb bs in it to toDge botb brs i^ngels i tbeteboletoo;lD. j;ioiJD,biDDfg faretuel to fo great? a beape of ceremonies : it migbt tbus baue ben moll comlil? mi^ niUereD, if it lucre oft $ at leafte cucrp Uickefct before tbe Cburcb> bat^firft tbep IbulD begin tuitb publibe piaicrs: tbeafcrmon.ft)iilDbc maDe:tbe v ^^i^^i fter,bauig b;eaD % luine fet tpo f bo;D, Md rcbcarfe f inUitutio of Kupp^r^^ ti}t fI}ulD Declare y p^omifes t afe in it left bnto bs: J tbertoitbal (bolD ejccomu nicatc al tbe f bi i lo;Ds fc;biDDing are DebarrcDfrom it, nf terU)arD cbct? Qjulo p.2ai? tijat Id \Dbat libera litie tbe !o;De batb gcuen ts tlis boU fcDcbe tuclo in frructc 1 frame \>3 alfo iD^tb tbe fame fMti) 5 tb^Ufi.liics of mio to receiue it, aiij ^ fo;aimucb as Uiee ar.e not of cm i,ap.i7 Of the outward meaiics 1 ciucc,t)t loCulD or tjis mcrcic makt ts tcrPipnrtabtng of tij^ Tupper j aim:s. J \m^tl)v of L If ft) a bahct:tbattl3cn citber p)falnicg {|)'t!lD be iOQ,ox fomtotjat reu, f I (aittifixl ^uiD in fcmel^ o;Der coma nicatt of § boli bafeet,t()e minifters b;e Iting t&e bjeaD i geuing it to f peoplr:^ ^uben tlje fuppcr id enoeu, cj;l^o;tation Oiulo be mane to pure fattb i confefifton of faitbjto cbaritic,anD to nianer0 mttz fo^ tijMihSyiait of al ^ gcuing of tljafeB I^alD be rebearfeD,! p^aifeg be fong to dDoD : iDbrcU bcrng enDeo tbe congre^ gatton 0)oulDbcletgoeinpeace* 44 2Dbefltbinge5 1 toe baue bctberto fpoUcnoftfjifi ^acramente t)o largely fljeuj tbat it Uia0 nottberfoje o;beineD, tbat it fl^culo be recerueD terdv once,i tbat fiigbtli fo;j maners rafee(a0 tiotu c6 monl^ tbe cuftome is) but tbat it l^ulD be in often tfe to al diiittiasytw luitb often remembaaiice tbe^fljoulo repete tbe paffion of Cb^iftibp tobicb remem* b^ance tbe? mtgbt futteine i ilrengtbc tbeir fat!tb,l etbo^t tbemfelucs to fing confelTion of p;aife to goD,$ to publifl^c bi0ga)Une0:finaUt>bi tobtcb tbei mtgbt nourii^ mutual fbaritie,anD teftifie it among tbemfelueSjtobereof tbep fatoe t^t Imot in § bnitie of § booy of Cb;ift. if o; fo oft as toee communicate of t^t Ogne of tbe bob^ of tbe lo;D>tDe bo as bi a tchen geuen anb recerueOjenterc ban gcablu blino our fclues one to anotber bnto all nuticB of loue, tbat none of ts bo an^ tbing toberbi be ma^ offcno bis b;otber, nojieaueanp tbingebrsDone tober b^ be ma? bclpe bim, tuben necD requiretbanoabrlitie fufficetb. Ebat fucb teas t bfc of tbe apoHohiic tljunf). Jlufte rebearfetb tn tbe actcs, Icbcu i}t faitb tbat tbe faitbful toere continuing in tbe Doctrine of tbe 0poaic0, inccm^ municating, in bjcafcingof b^^eab, ano inp;iarcrs.^o leas it altogefber mete to be Done,tbat tber fboulo be no aflem bir of tbe cburcb lu^tbonttbe U)o;o,p^a nat tb?6 o;Der t;a0 atfo taU itutc o^ mong tbe Co;tritbi6s,lx;c ma? fuffici^' entlv gatber cf pauhanD it is certain tbat in man? ages afteru>arbe it toas in tjrciFo; tbereup5 came tbofe olD Ca nons,lubicb t^tv fatbcr bpo Anadetus anb Calixtus,t^t luben § confccration is oone,al QmlD comunicate, ^ toil not be U)itt)out ti}t nwm of tbecburcb*3nb it is reab in tbofe oloe Canons, lobicb tl)c^ call t}^t Canons of ^e 0po0tes: tbat tl)t^ tDbicb continue not bnto tbe enbe^anb bo not rece?ue tbe bol? com^ munion,mu(tbe co;ecteD as men tbat moue bnquietnelTe of tbe Cburct^lfo in tl)t councel at j^ntiocbe , it tuas oe^ craeb t f be? lo^icb enter into f ctjurcb anb beare tl;e fcripturs, f bo abffe?ne from t\)e communion, Oboulb be remo^* ueb from tbecburcb, till tl)e?bauea^ menoeo rbis fault. Mbicb^altljougb in tbe fivft cottcel at a::oletum it teas e?^ tber fomtubat quaiifieb o^ at leaffe fet rc;tb in miloer Ice jbe,?et it is tber al* fo oecraD, tmt tbe? tobicb toben tttv baue bearb tbe fcrnion are fcuD neuer to commuiucatc,fi)ouiO be iuarneD : if after tsarning ib^? abite?ne,tbei tf^uin be bebarreo from it. 4; Qileril? b? tbefe o?binacesf(je|)ol? men meant to reteine f mamteinetbe often bfe or tbe communtcn,UJbicb oftr bfe tbe? batxrece?ucD fro tbejapoUIcs tbemfelueSjtuijiclj tbe? fa^ to be moft bolfcme ftti tbe faitbfuU, « b? litle anb litle b? t mg!igence oft ccmon people to grotu out^Df fcfe. Auguft.teCifictb of bis "mn time: SEbe farramff (faitb be) of tbifi tf;tng,of fbcDnitie oi: ? lo^bs bo# D?,is fomeliber ba?I? , fcmcUJbcre b? ccrtatne oiftanccs of ba?es, paepcrcd Df on tbe J^o^bcfi table,anc is f bere re# ce?«i:bat J be table,to feme bnto life,to otbcr fome bnto oefiruction.^nb in tbe firlle spittle to lanuanus : fome boel ba?l?' In.^.cap lohan. tra6t.25. 12, uait? comunicate of tfjc boD^ f btouD of tijc ilo;De: fome rcceaac it at certatine oav^^fl: in foaic places tljcr is no oa^ let paffc iBbcrin it is not offrco: in fome o^ tftcr pUceg onlB tjpon f ^aturoa^ f tijc ^onoa^ , f in fome oCber places ncuer bat on i ^3noai»1i3ut fojafmucf) as tbe common people b)a«(as lue baue fa^D) fomUJbat aacfejtbc bols men Dio cal ear ncftl^ tjpo tljcm toitb fljarp rebubings, [fi.cap.i.j jj^(j tjjg^ QjoulD feme to toinck at fuel) Hom.25 flotbfulncs. ^ucb an eraplc is in Clin^ foftomcbpontljeepiaictot^e epOe* fiansjt is not faio \3nt0 btm ^ oifljono^ reo tfie banUet: toljerfo;^e oiott tboa fit ootonf but,toberfo;c oiDtt tljou com in; tKIlbofoeuer is not partaker of fbc m^* fter^es,be is toickeo ano (bameleOe fo^ tbat be ftanoetb bere pjefent. 3 befeecb tou,if an^ be calleo to a banket, tuafi)^ etb b^s banocsjfittctb ootun, fcmetb to prepare bimfclf to eate,f tben ootb tad of notb^ng : (ball be not Ojamebotb tbc banket,! tbe maker of tbe banket f ^0 tboujftanoingamogtbe iJtoitbp^aier 00 prepare tbefelucs to receiuc tbe bolp mcatcbatteuen intb^stbat tboubaft not gone atxiat confelTeo tbat tbou arte one of tbc nubcr of tbem, at J laft tbou DcDll not partakoibao it not ben better tbat tbou babft not bene p;efent.£Dbou UJiltfa?,3lambntoojtb^. Cberefo;e ne^tbcr toaft tbou toojtb^ of tbc comu* nion of p;wter,tDbicb is a preparing to tbc rcccaning of tlic bolt? m^fterije. 46 janbtrul^tbiescaftome/cDbicbcom maiioctb to comunicate tearlt? onccis a moH certain inuention of y oeuil, bi? tobofcminittcr?fo8uer it tuasbjogbt in.SDbci? fa^ tbat Zcpherinus toas an^ tbo; of tbat oecrce,t3)'oicb it is not likeli to baue bene fucb as toe notu baue it, ifo; be bi? bus o;oinace 0^0 peraouen* ture not after §too;ft manerp;oui!se fo; tbe cburcb,astbet^mes tben luere. ifo; it is no oout but ^ tben i bol^ fup* uatiorn Fourth Booke. Fo! per luas fet befojelfbe fattbful fo oft as tbct came togetbcr in airemblr>neitbrr is it an^ nout but tbat a genu part of tbc 01)0 comunicate. 13ut \3il)m it fcarfelv at ani time bappeneo tbat al oio comu nicate togetbcr,? toberas it U)as nccf f^ farp t tbc? iDbicb toere mingleo U»?tb pjopbane me 1 ioolaf ers,fl)olD bt? fome outujaro fign tellific tbeir faitb:tbc bo^ l^ ma fo: o;oer f policies rakc,apporn* tcD tW oat,tDberin tbc tobole people of Cb^ittianslboulo b? partaking of tbc ilojos fupper bttera confcffion of tbcir faitb.SCbC DjDinancc of Zcpherinus bc# ingotbcrluifcgmobatbbcn cnillVD;e* aeo of tbe ^ came after,t»be a certamc latDbjas maoe of one comuntcatfg reer I?: toberbr it is come to pafTc,^ almoft al men toben tbei baue once comnnira" te, astbougb tbct? bao gat?lv DifcbargcD tbef clues fo; al J reft of tbc r care, Hap foiiulv on botb cares , 3lt ougbt to baue bene far otb?r*ajt?fe none. Cuer? toeke at tbe Icll, tbc lo;Dcs fable Qjoulo be fet befo je i aCTcmbli' of tbc Cb;ittians:tbc p;omifcs (bolo be Declareciubicbmigbt feoe bs fpirituall? at iti none (boulo in oeoe be copcUco bi ncce(riti,but al Ibolo be erbo;teo i pjickco fo;U)arD:tbe flug« giOjneffealfooftbeaotbfull Iboulocbe rebukeo » ail fljoulo b? beapcs,as buu' gr? mr ,come togetbcr to fucb Dainties. ^ot toitbout rrgbtfuU caufe tbcrcfo;c at tbe beginning 3 complaineD,tbat b? tbe craft of tbt teuil tbt^ cuttome Uias f b:ua in,U)bicb toben it apot?ntetb one certa^nc oa\» of tbe t?earc,maketb men aotbful fo; al tl^t rcit of tbe ?care. tac ftt in ocDc tbat tbis pcruers abufc toas crept in euen in v time of ChrifoftoinG: butujemai' alfo tbcretoitball fee boU) mucb it oifpleareo bim.ifo; be complai netb ii5 greuoas U3o;t)S in t fame place Vubicb 3 euen nolo allegctj, ^ tber is fo great inequality of tbt?s matter,^ often in fomtTimes of tbe ^re tbeig came not "" l\mi.iit cucn •443i i.i'V>J7 Of the outvvarde mcancs cuen tubf » t^cv ^cre t If ncbiit at C-a# fter tljcp fame f ncn UjIjc tljct U)erc tiv tlmc&cn fje f lifttj out:i© f nHom.tD p^cfumption.SDhcn in tain is ttjc Dail? oftrins DfcD:in bain toe Canu at tbc al* tar: t&crc is none ^ partafectl) togctijer \x;itt) Mb.^o far is it of tljat be allotocD it bv? brB autl)o;itf e ai^icinicD to it* 47 iiDut ef § fame Cbop p;ioce8CD alfc an ottjcr c;Dtnace,tol)icb l)at!) Holcn atoap D^ tiolentir tahcn atoat? ttje Ijalf of tlje fupper fro f better nubcr of v people of ©oDntamclp § fign of § bluD,tol)ifb bej ing DcnvcD to lat? i profane nien(fo; Vd f«cb tales fo^fojtf) t^cr fet out ©ODB in* bcritance) bctanic a pet uliar polTc (Tion to (liRutn f annointcD me. Bit is tbe co# inauDement of § eternal (DoD,^ al (feolo D?inU:toI)ifb tcmaunticment man tare nifcontinue f repel Id a ncto « totrart? [alo,comaunt)tns ^ notallQiolD D.:inb* Sim t tWt latjjmafecrs IbolD not feme to figbf toitbout reafon aptnll il)tn <2?oti,tbci p;cteno perils ^ migbt bappf if tbts bcly cnp tocr ccmonlt! geucn to al: as tbougb tbofe dangers bao not ben fojcfeeni marfteD of tbe ctcrnall toife^ Dome of CDoD.^ni) tben futtellt fo;fa}tb tl;e^ reafc,^ tbe one is enougb fo? botb. i?c; if(fa^ tbe^)it be J bob? it is tobole Cb;itt» tobicb can not noto be feuereb fro bis boD^Xberfo^c br nc copanting tbe booi' cctainetb v bluD.lloc boto our UJit agreetlj \3}it\) goD,tobe it batb neuer fo litlc begon Id lofc rcines,to betratcn $ toilD.SDbc 3lo;t) fljetoing b;cat),raitb i it is bis boDT?«tobcn be fijctoctb i cup, be callctbit br^ blouD. SLbe bolbnes of mans reafon, crpefb out contrar\?torfe {' ibe b;eaD is tbe blcuo,? tbe trine is i bouv: as tbogb tbe Io;iO bab fo; no caufe fcuiarcD brs boDre fro \j\s blcutJ bctb in toojDs f in figncs:o; as ttof-gb it bab Cf ncr ben bear^ fFOlic ^ tbe toDr o^ blub cf €^jitt is calico C^oo $ ma. vl^erilp if be bab meant to CgniSe b^bolc bimfelf, be migbt baue faib^it is ^:ns be is loot to fpeab in tht fcriptures^f not,tbvs is mr bobp,tbrs is mv falcuO.iLnit be UnU ling to bclp cur tocabnes, brts frt f> r up fcucrallr fro f b;caD, to tqacb t be M* fifefb no IcCTe fo; t';inb than ft; meate. f^o\33 let one part be talten alra^, tbch toe (ball finb but ^ one balf of tbe nou^ ritbmf ts in bim.2Lbcrfo;c altbcgb it be true tobicb tbei p;£t( nD>^ tbe bluo is in i b;eab b^ toai of accopanring,$ again tl)t bob? in t cup,tct tbei ccfraub gtolr foulcs of tbe cofirmation of faitb tobicb €\)M Deliusretb ts as neccOari.Cber fo;c biboing tberJfuttlcfiesfaretoell, toe mult bolb fall v P^ci6t tobicb is b^ p o;binace of Cb;ilt in tbe ttoo earnefis. 4S ^ bnotoe in bebe t tbe mini ff ers of ^atan do bere cauil,as it is an o;Dina» rr tbpng toitb tf)e to mabc mocbcri? cf tbe fcriptures.irirll tbei allege t ef one bare Doing cugbt not to begatbereba rule toberb^ tbe cburcb (bolD be bounD to pcrpetuall obferuing. 3!Fut tbe^ Ire tobentbei^fa^ ^ it toas but a bare do^ ing: fo; €b;ilt DiD not cnlp Deliurr tbe cup)but alfo DiD inCitute t bis japoH les fl[)olD in time to come bo tbe fame . if 0; tbe^ are tbe too;Des of a commaunber, D;ink re al of tbrs cup.^nb f^aul fo re^ bearfetb tbat it toas a DcDr, tbat be alfo f omenbetb it fc; a certaine rule . 0n o^ tbcr Carting bole is, tbat tbe apcftlcs alone toer reccaueb cf Cb;ill to t^e par tahing of tbts fupper tobo be baD alrea> bre cbofcn % t&lirn into tbe o;ter of (be facrificing p;icftes. 3IEuf I toculD toe tbf anftoeremc fo fine quc0icns,from tobitbe tber (ball net be able to efcape, but tbat tbep Ojalbc eafilr ccuinr eb l6 tber^ Ires.^t;^, bi? tobat o;acle baue tiit^ tbvs folution reueelcD , being fo 0rangcfrom tbe too;Dc of Cob i 2tbe l&cripture rccbcnetb )^ t bat fat toitb Jefus:but it Dotb not fo cbfcurc f Digni^ tit of €b;itt t it calletb tlji facrificing P;ieCcs ■*~~~*~~~~~~' To Saluation, fourth Booke. l'oh444! \?>u:!{jrofto!)it!rname^toetDill fpeak j fje bolt! boD^ of tbe 3Lo.iO?M;itb tDbat bolonelTe luilttbou toitb tb^ moutb partake of § cup of tbe pzccious lIouD i ^no Hicromc faptb. SDbe p jiea0 ^aWo make tbc J hankcG al ecb'^ber otf.r tbcmfclues. jjie tbertoautbiscuttome grotocnout of tjfe,tobilc tfjcre rcmapneo one D.jop of pureneffc in ti): cburcb. Gregory, tobo yoamav rigl)tU fav to banc ben tbc laft ISpOjgio of Uouie, tcacbetb^ tbat it WMi hcpt iii \)ifi time. 'iu3lbat is tbe blouD of tbe lambCj^e baue nolo lgarncD,not bt ponrcD into tbcmoutbrsof tbe fnptlj^ ful.^ea it i^ctenOurcD folDcr bunD;cD tcareff after \)vs 5eatb>U)bcn al tbings tuerc groUicn out of binocifo.: neitber toas tbat ta]xen onl)? fo; an bfagc , but alfo fo.j an inuiolable latoe . jf o^ tbe n toas in fb;cc tbe reuerrnce of goDs im ffitution^f tbct? ooutcD not tbat it toas Hicrilegcto feucrtbofc tbingcs iubif b tbe lo;jD bao conio\?neD. jf o; tbus faiib Gclafius. HMc baue fouD, tbat fome rp ceiuing onlt? t\jc po;tion of ti)c bolt? bo^ 0^,00 abfteinc from tbc cup. iLet tbcm iDitboutDont, bKaufctbepfemetobe bouo luitb 3 toote not lobat fupcrftitio citber recciuc tijc Sacraments tobole, o; be oebarrcTjfro tbem UJbole. j?o; tbc DiuiDing of tbis miftcrie is not comity tcD Ujitijout great facrilcgcSCbofe rea=^ fons of Ct?p;ian U) er barD,li3bicb trul? ougbt to moue a cb.Jittia minne.i^otoc (rattbbc)aotoetcacbc o;ip;ouo^e tbe totbeo tbeirblouD intfic confcffingof Cb:itt»ifiocDen^bi?s blonototbem^ I^al figbt^ ;^; botxjc oo l»c maht tbcm fit fo; tbe cup of !^artv;Oflmc if loe do notfira in tbc cburcbtbcr^gbt of com* mmiion aDmit tbem to D;tnhc tbe cup of tbe Lojo. ccilberas tbc Canontfts do reftrainc tbat Decree of (©elafius to tbc p;ie(ts,tbat is fo cbiloitbacanill tbat it neeoe not fo be confuteD. 5-0 S^birDlr.tDbr Dio be fimpl? fat' of i b:caD,tbat tbcv ioulD eatc:but of ^ cup> tl)at tbct? (bulD al D;inhef cucn as if be baD meant of fct purpofc to mete toitb § craft o?Sata.iFoluertblf,if (as tbct? luolo bauc i t) tbc lo jd boucbfaueD to aD^ mit to bis fuppcr onlt? facrificing p;ic? ttes tobat ma cucr Durft cal to tbc par* taking of it,(l\-angers tubom tbe 3Lo;D baD ercluDCDf vca % to tbe partaking of tf)at gift>tbe potoer lubcrof Uias not in tbcir baosjlmtbout an^ comaunDcmc t ofbimtubicb onely coulD gcue itf Vca iDecon- 'fecr.cli!!. 'a ca.com per. Serm.j. de.lapl. i^l^iH.iitj. tjpcn ,Or.i8. Of tlic outwarde mcancs tjpcn confieecc of lolmt tnarrat do tl^e? bfe at tl)t)S Da^ to mftriMe to tbc com# nion people ttit ^tgne of ttte boDv of Ctj;ift,if tfter ftaue neither commaun^ Dement no; eySple of tbe ilo;Df irifllr> DtD Paul Ii:e,ti;i)en f)t fatD to tte Co;tn tbtan0,tbat be l^aD recerueD office Io;d tbat \i)Ut\) be t)aD Deliuereo to tbf fif o; aftert)arDe be Declaretb tl)t tbtng tbat be DcltuereD,tbatal iDttbottt oi^rence ^ulD communicate of botb tbefignes. ^f Paul recetueD of tbe 1o;d,^ all ll)alD be aDmttteD tottbout Difference:let tbe do D;toe atoa)? almoft «l tbr people of (&oD:b^caufetber cSnotnislop^etenD goD to be tl^z aotbo; of tt, luitl) tubom tber is not ^ea anD na^^no utt Uil fo^ closing of fucb abbotntnattos tl^tn Dare p;etenD tbe name of tbe cburcb? I iuttb fucb p;efence Defenoe it,^ tbougb t^^ tber tbefe janttcb^tlts tuere tbe cbnrcb> iDbicb fo eafili? treaDe t)nDer fote, fcat«' terab^oDe, anDDeSro^e tbe Doctrtne anD tnSttattcm of Cb;tfft: o;tbe0^ poM^Iie Cburcbe tserenotfcburcb) in U)btcb tbe tobole fo^ce of religion Cor.iu 19* lohe of U)bo t\)z\t baue recetueD U)btcb fio;i0[)eD * The xyiiuChdfter, Of the Popishc Ma{Ic,by which lacrilcM the Supper of Qirifl hath not oncly ben prophancd,but al(o Drought to nought, \I F Bltb tbefe f libe innentions fatan | p;opbet0 baue infeetcD § tsbole tDo;lD> batb trauai?leD, a$ b^ oucrfp^eai' namelp tbat tbe ^alTe 10 a tuo^b ^ber Ding of Dar&nclTe to obfcureanDteftle bi? tbe Sacrificing p;ieltt}bicb offe^ tbe boll? fuppcr of CbJift, ttat at Icatt 1 rctb tp cb;ia,anD tbe otber tbat do par tbe purenclTe cf it t^ulD not be liept ftil taUe at ^e fame oblatio, do Deferue i\it fauo; of goDto; tbat it is a cleaning fa^ cnl[ce,tubercbi! tbe^ reconcile ^00 to tbcmfelues. j^eitbcr batb tbis bene re* ccrueD onel^ in common opinion of tbe pcople^buttbe bcrr Doing itfelfeiBfo frameD,^ it is a binD of pacifying tober Uiitb fatiffaction is maoe to goD fo; tbe purging oftbe quiche anD DcaDe, 2Cbe iDojDs alfo Inbicb t\^v^ tre,Do n^^its i fame : t no oibcr tbing mat twe gatber of tbe Darl^bfe of it.B) hnotp boto Deepe r(Dtc0 tbis pefi ilence batb ta&en bnDer boiDC grcatc frming ofgaiDnc0itlur# UctbiboU) it bearettxin HjeU) ^ name ef ^\iixixt^ botD in tbe cnc name of s^aCTe manv bclcue tbat tbci? compjcbcnDe tbe tobole fummcof ifaftb. 315ut tube it fijaU be br \\it tDD>Dc of CDcD moH^ clercli? p;cucD, tljat tij^s ^^alTc, botuc mucbe fofuer ithiz cclo;cD anD glo^ ricus , ^cfc l^arnefall? l>rlbono;ctb Cl);i(t,burictb aao opp;e{rctb bt^ cro0, puttctb bvc Deatb in fo;gitfulneffe. i}^ tbe cburcb. "^^vit a;e beaD of bo;rible abbominatton U)a0 U>bcn be aDuaiiceD a ^igncbp ^}^ii\i it migbt net cnli? be DarkneD anD pcruerteD,bnt being btter l^blotteoanD abclilbcD (boulD ^anilb aloar anD fal out of tbe rememb;auce cf men;namcU liibcn be blinDeD almoft t\)t tobole U}o;lD \siit\i a molt pe0ilent erro;, tbattbe^ CjoulD bilcuetbat tbe gpaJTe is a S^acrifie anD oblation to ob? te?netbefo;gc{ienefl'eof finncs. ^^oUi at le beginning toe foiioer fojtof § fcbcU mcntofeetbifioortiine, 31 notbmgre;» garDc:farclDel t}:^t'Q Mt\i tbcir crabbcD futteltics tubicb boUj^fecuc r t'je\? ma? be DefenDcD Vd cauiitig^ret are ti;erfo;e 'to be rcfufeD of ail goo men bpcaufe tbe? Do notbing cIs hwt fp;caDe mucbe Darkene0 ouer (be IsnobtiictTe of p fup? pcrXbcrcfo.iC biDDing lijcm fare teel, let tbe rcaDers tmocrlxano tbat J bere matcb in fie..bt Uutb tbat cpinitn^bf r* tuitbtbeJ^cir.iOje antict;ilrc auD br© .i-^ii- tatietb To Saluation. Fourth Bookc, ts^ttfy atoar ttjc fratc tbat tcmctt) t(jcr (time,f ti)tir pett? ^suriftitra a if not f 7>7.f Pfiio.14 Gc.14,18 of bnto Ds^ot^c toeahcn ano tcttxov i facrament \DWin tuas left t^t mtmo^ t^ of (^0 Dcat^ : (ImU t^cre tijen be an^ I fo Dape rartes, U)btc(i tl)T0 nxott Urong aireiBl meane tt)e tDo;ti of 0oD, Hjal not cut Dolmi ant) ouertf7;olaDf BI^ tl)cre an^ face fo beauttfuU )^ tf)VB Itgtt ca not be^ tp;av tbe eutl U)b^cb luttctb tnter iU 2 %tt bs tberfoje cbeU) tbat lobub ^atb ben fet m tbe firlt place, tbat in it is tn^^ tollerable blafpbem^ anD Di(bono; tion to Cb;itt.if 0; IjC tuas conf cerate of bi0 ifatber a ^.:iett anu il5rl^p> not fo; a time as toe rcatj i tbcp toere o;DerneD in tbe olo s:^ftamcnt,to!)ore I^fe htixiQ mortal, t^cn p;iefibotieairo coulD not be immojfahfo; tob^cb caufe alfo tbcr neDcD fucccITo^s tbat Qioulo fro time to time be put in § place of tbt tbat Dveb. IBut in p!acc of €l)nii,^l)f(^ is imo^f tal,tber neebetb no bicar to be ttt after b\?m.2Lbcrfo;e be toas o;Dctncu of tbe if atber a p;ictt fo; eucr, acco;Ding to ti)t o;Der of S^clcbifebccb^ibat be (bulD tvtcuH ancucr!aQigia;ieftbotie.2Lbis m^fterp bab ben Iongbefo;efi0ureD in Hiij,r pot in place of Cb;irt as if be toer oeao but onelp arc be Ipcrs of bps cternall ia;icCb8be, tobpcljccafetb not tbcrfo;c to ccntiuuc.ifo; tbcr arc mo;e ftr3g!r bolDDi fafl toitb tbe too;tic of § apoHIc tban t tbe^ map fo cfcapc:namclv,tbat tbere lucre manp otbcr p;ictts mace, bicaufc tbep toer bp tjtath Icttco to con* tinae. E:bcrfo;e tbcr is but one tbat is not lettcD bp bcatb,f be neoetb no copa nions. 5^ct,fucb is tbcir frctoarDnclTe, tbcp arme tbcfclucs 16 tbe eramplc of ^clcbifeoecb to befeo tbetr toichconcs* ^o;,bicaufe it is faiD r^ Ijc offrcD b;cab f toinctbcp gatljcr tl;at be teas a fo;e=' tbetoing of tbep; ^^afferas ibougbe tbe Ufecnes bcttocne bim 1 Cb;il>, tocr in (> cffrinc of b;caD i tuinc.^titiicb is iO cmptp f trifling t^ it vxr^ttl) no ccfstati on.S^elcbifcbccb gauc fe;ca9 1 toine to 0b;aba anD bis companicns,fo refrcfij tbf being tocarp after tbcir io;ncp anti battaiI.©Hbat is tbis to a facnficcr^e* „ . fes p;aifctb v gcntlencs off bdp iiin^: Heb.7.7; tbcfe feIoir!cs bnfcaronab!? covn a mr<» Itcrp toberof no mention is maoc. pet foL 41^.! ipcIcbifcDccb, tobo toben tbe fcripture j tbcp beccitfuUp paint tbcir crro; toptb bao onfcb;o«gbt tn fo; tbe |D;icC of § liuing cOoD, it ncucr aftcrtoarbc mabe mention of bpm,as tbougbe be bao bab no ncDc of brs life.i^ftcr tbrs popnte of iiUenef,4lb;itt U'as calico a p;icii ac* co;oing to brs o;ocr./i>oU3 tbcp tbat Do batlp Sacrifice, muli naocs appovnte p;tcft.3 to mafec tbe cblationsAr-bome tbcp mutt apornt as it tocre fuccciro;s I bicars in f tleoc of Cb;itt.X£p tobicb putting in (Icoe of bim, tbcp 00 notcn^ i Ip fpotle Cb;ift of bis bono;, ano plucfe fro l)im ^ p;erogatiue of eternal p;icft booe, but alfo frauatletotb;uftebrm ooton fro f> ri^btbaD of brs^ iPatbcr, on Vo\)it^ Ijt cannot fit immo;tal, but ^ be muft tbcrtoitball remaine tbe eternall |a;ieft.jp^eiebcr let tbem lap fo; tbem^ anotber colo;, bicaufc it foloUictb bp $ bpafter.ano be toas v p;iciT of § bictt goo. 3 anftoer,^ tbei tc;on0fuUv o;aU) to t^c bjcao % toine f iubicb tbe ipQ^' (lie rcfcrretb to tbe llclTing. £:berfo;c toben be toas p p;icft cf ^Ube^Cv^;t iiiiJtt.l), ano Op.^?» Cftheoutvvajde mear.es Heb.^.si, ants l)GiiD^ of racrificing pneEf^one wa^ fell) among mo.jtal men, brcaufc cbaift tjif?ic!} is tmmojfal,t0 ttj3 onii auD per* pcfaal fe3crifictn0P:ieft. 5 0notbcr tcrtue of the dpaffe lca0,r it opp^icCTstbanDbur^ctfj tljc croffefpaf^ Son of C!)iif^.2D!)ts ^eril^ i« moft ceVf ?ain,^ § croire of Cb^tft is ouertfj^oton fo fone as tijc altare is fee tjp. jpo? if Ije of^res !)imfc!f fo: a Sacrifice Upon tbe croClctljat ^e mis'ot fartif? ts fo; cucr, anD p[ir£l)afeto tjs cternall reofption: f nBoutcDlv' tf)t fo.2ce I e^ectaalneCTe of tfjat Sacrifice tciitinaellj taitijoat an^ en^Ml}tmitt Uie 0)uiD ttJiK notljing mo;2 Ijono^abli^ of Ct);ift,t1)an of orcn f ca!«cs toi)i£lj Ipcr facrificcu tinser § lats3:fl)c cffrings tofjcrof ar p^oaeD \inf c^cctual f iJDcaKe hv tW tm thty^ tocr DftrcnueD. ^ijerfo^c either toe muft , confcHe,^ tt)c facrificc Qt€\)n^U\x^W\) \ ^-^ctti to c olo; tbtis bis frauDe, faring ^ Ijc fulfilled bpon tbe croffe, toantcD t^e j tbcrc arc not fono^r no; Diners ^acri^ a fe>acrtftce, (tbe perfection tobereof fje batb folljininglv fet /o;tb) as tbcugb it toer bnperfect^'Mben tbebolr too;D of (©oD noC onlp affirmetbjbut alfo crietb out,anD pjoteftetbitbat Um Sacrifice toas once fuUr Done i tbefo;ce tbercof remainetbeiierlafting: lobo fo require anotl>er facrifice,tio tl)ti not accnfe tbis of imperfection i tocaf^nesf ^ut as fo; tl)t ^aire,tobtcb batb bene DcliuereD in fucb fo;t t tber map euerp Dap be maoe a bunD;cD.^,^acrifices>to tobatenoe tenoctb it,biit tbat tbe palTion of Cb;ifl: lubcrbr be offrcD \i^m an cnl? ^acrifi^ ceo oblation to the fatber,fijulD lie buris; CD f D;otuneD^ MlbOjbnlfs be be blinD, can not fee tbat it loas tbe bolonelfe of §>atan,\»|)icb t»;afi leD againOr (o open I cleare trutb i #eitber am 3 igno;ant toitijtDbatjjcceites tbe fatberoflping fD;ce of eternal clenftng, o; tbat €\);i(t batb maoe an enB of al tuitb one ^acri ficc once fo; euerv 2Cb Js is it tbat tbe a# poftic fat?tb,^ tbis cb?fe i5ia)op €\9n(t ontt appcareD bp offrtng t)p of brmfelf befo;e tbe ending of t\}z ti5o;lDe, to tbe D;iuing aluar of Cnnc. agaiii,Si:bat toe are ^anctifito bp tbe toil of CDoD, br § offdng of tbe boDi of Jlefus €\)^i(t once. ;tigatn. SIbat Cb;ift toitb cneoblation fo;cuerbatbemaDe perfect tljcm tbat arc 0an(tifteD:tob?rtmto UeaQiopnetb a notable fentemc,^ fo;geiienes of Qn j being once pnrcfjafcD, tbcrc rcmainctb no mo;e anr oblatio. '^¥^ alfo Cb;trt QgnifieD by> his laft fapingjano bttereD among bis laft gaf pings, tobcn be fa^D, it is eneeD. Me are toont to note ^ laft fafingsofmcntoben tbet? arcD^ing, fo; o;aclcsCb;illeDping teftiSctb tUt bv bl"? otonc Sacrifice is perfitcD j fnl? Sl'ro tobatfocucrtoas fo;onr faluati^ on. ^ba!l it be latofuU fo; t)S Dailp to patcb innumerable Sacrifices to fucbc ' ficesjbut tbat one felf fame facrifice is repcatco. Ii5at fncbe fniohcs are eafil^ blo'ojn atoap. Jfo; in (> toboleoifcourfe tt)z japonic trauaiUtb to p;one:not on^ Ig iW tbrre are no otber facrifices,but tbat tbat one Sacrifice toas once cffreo t3p>anD (ball no mo;e be repeateo.i^be futteller me do pet flip out at a naroto^ er bJle,faj!ing ti^it it is not a rcpeting, but an applying, tout tbis ^opbifticall argument alfo is no les eafilr cofuteo. iro; ncitber DiDCb;ilI once offer bp bi* felf toitb tbis conDition, t ^i^ facrifice (l]alD be Daily confirmcD toitb neto ob^ lations : but tl?at bv tbe p;eacbing of i gofpsl,! miniltring of § boll' fupper, | frute tbercf IfeulD be comunicateo bnto bs.^o Paul fa^tb t bcii herein alfo tobat otbcr fcuDatio bcacc tbefe tOci tp tljc^ arc inifcrakic teeciucD, )i t^jer ac^ boiti tbc facrifice of ttc S^nfTc/rc; ttjcv D;aU) totbrs purpofe tbe p;cpf)tfi;ccf ^a!acl)ic>tol)crbr tfec lo;D p;omifc(t ^ tbc time fljal come lut)t tb;oucbout tbc tDfjole l»o;lD tbcr fljalbc offercD to bvg name incenfc anti a clcanc (aaifice.Sis tbougf) it tucr a neU) oj tntDoteo tljing among tbc ]a«jop!)et0, tulje tbcn fpcaftc of tbc calling of tl)e©cntil0 tocrp;cffc bT? tbeonttuarD ccremcnie of tbe lato f fptrttual lro;(^ipptng of goD, to Inbtcb tbe^ci;bo;ttbcm : tbattbc^migbttbe mo;e famtltad? Declare to tbc men of tbetr agctbat tbe Centtl5 (bulD be cai^ ki> into tbe true fcloU)fl)ip of religion. Iliheas alfo tbep are loot altogctber to Defcribe br figures of tbeir latu^t ^^utb tbat iDas DeliucreD bi § gofpel.^o tbeD fet fo; turning to tbe lo;o,afctnt}tng in tp |erufalem:fb; i too^Cbipping of goD, t^c offering of al HinD5 of gifC0:fbj lar# fenoU^Icgc no ^^ar riCce \)ut vf j: C^aHe, toljcrag in Dcuc tijc faitljful to nclu ^a crifice to lb? lc<>D,f do offer a clcanc of* fring,of tobicl) Hjalbc fpci^cn brancbv. S i!^oto Bi ccme Doton to tbe tbtro office of tbc £^atrc,tufjcr 3 mull Declare bctu it blottetb outc tbc true j onl^ tcaib of Cb;ia,nnD fljakctb it outof tbc rcmcm b;ancc of mcn.jf 0; as among men tbc (trcngtl3 cf a SLeltament bangctb bpcn tbc Dcatb of § teCato;: fo alfo our JlojB batb U;itb bio Dcatbc ccnfii mcD tVjt tc^ (lament lubcrbi? l)t batb gcucn ts fo;^ gcuenefTc of fin? anD eternal rtgbtcouf* nes.iLbci? tbat Dare bar)? 0; make n:to ani? tbr»S in ihva £LcCatucnt,Do Drr.vc bis Dcatb)! bolD it as it U^er of no fo;cc. Ii5ut U)bat is tbc ^aUt, but a ne to anD altogctber Diuers teHnmcntf if 0; tebs^ jEDotb not eucru fcueral ^allc p;omife ,, „ „ „ .- , neU) fo;geuene6 of fmnes, nc\u purcba ger bnotolcDge of bim tobicb Urns to be | fing of rigbteoufnes : fo tbat nolu tbcre gcMcn to tbe faitbful in fbe kingDom of j be fo man^ tcttamentcs as tbcre bee cbnM;cams f toifions. %W tberfo;e ; ^siilesi llcf Cb;ill tberfo;e com again tobicb tbci allcgcis liUc bnto an otbcr \ 1 Uiitb an ctber Dcatb confirmc tbrs te* p;opbecic of Cfavitoberc tbe pp;opbct ffament,o;^ ratber toitb infinit Dcatbrs fo;etelletb of tb;tt altars to be fct t)p in con0rme innumerable tettamentes of jaCfiria.Cgipt,! Jurp. ifo; firtt 3i afhc, ^a(refi.t)aue 5 not tbcre fc;c farD true tDbctber tbe? do not graunf tbat tbc ful at p beginning,^ tbe onclr 1 trut ceatb filling of tbts pjopfjefr is in t^t ItingDo ^ of s3:b;Mft is blotteD out b\? £J5aircsf ^ea of Cb;itt. ^cconDlVitobcrc be tbcfc al* tobat a)al lue (a\; of tbrs tbat tbc Spaffe tars, 0; tobcn tbep tocrc cucr fette bp. Dircalr tenoctb to tbvs cnctbat if it be SDbirDlp, tDbctbcr tbep tbinkc tbat to : poffible, Cb;ift ftolD be name agarncf euer? fcueral ftingDom,is appo^ntcD a \ iro; tuber is a teftament(faitb tbc JSpo feueral templcfucb as luas tbat at ic* j flle)tber of ncctCtt^ nitia be tbc Dcatb rufalcm, s:bcfc tbings if tbci? Vocp J of u tcttato^ &t sp.iilc Cicixjctb it felf tbinUc tbe? toil confeffe, t tbep^opbet j to be a neto teffamciit of Cb;itt:fljcre* ne p.ia. DnDcr figures agreable toitb his time, \ fo;c it requirctb bvsDcatb . ^o^eouer j p^opbeCfetb of tbat fpiritual toc;l]]ip of! ? boft tobicb is offrcD, tnuC necelTaril? j d^oD to befp;eD ab;oDe into tbe toboie be aain t facrificcD.3;f cb;ill in eueri fe* j i too^lD. m^i(b toe geue to tbe (c: a (0^ acral ^paOfe be feaificcD,tbt be mul! at 1 ikitio.iUSotoftbistbingfiitbtbcrDoeue' cucr? moment be in a tboufanD places] r»:tobcr eraples commonl? offer tbera crucll? Cain.SLbrs is net uune,but tbe 1 feloes,3i tott not buf? m? felf in longer flpottle0argnmcnt>3>f be ijao ncDCD to j ^-^ Si^' «^i»p' 17 Oftheoutvvaide meancs offsFbi^mfcIf off , Ijc muft oft ^aueDieD trace tbc beginning of § too^lD. I fenoto tiiut tim ^auc an anf toere in ixatjinc0, mtrbv alfo tljc!? diargc t3 >3& fclaoer, jf 0^ tW fat tbat ^ is obierteo agaift tbe ujbicbtbe^neucrtbougbt, noj^tcan» anu tjoc knoto tbat tbc oeatb ano life of cb^ift 10 not in tbeir baoe.^e loUe not iDbttber t^t so about to bil bim : onli? our purpofe is to ftctu, t»bat maner of abruruittcfollotoetb of tbeir DngoMp ano toicfeetj Doctrine. Mbicb felf tbing apaoneb^tbe^pottles otonc moutb. SLbousb tber cr^ out to tbe contrary a bu02cbtims,^tbisfacrificeis tmblou^ Dr-Bl ^il ^tnv tbat it bangetb tjpon m Mnl of men,tbat facrificcs (l&ulD cbange tljctrnature,fojbt fbifi meane tbe bo^ it ant) tntiiolablc ojbinacc of gob fbulo fatlr.^bcrcupon folloluetb tWtW is a furc pavnciplc of tbe jSpottle, tbat tbere is requircb flieuing of blouD,tbat iDaJl)T'ngn^avnotbe toanting. 6 j^otxj is tbe fourtb offir e of tbe ^affc to be cntreateo of,nameli to tafte atoat from ts tljc fruite tbat came to tjs of | Dcat^ of cbniljtDbile it niaketb bs not to acfenotolcbgc it anD tbink bpo it.if o; isjbo can c al to minb tbat be is rebemeb bu tbe ocatb of Cbnft tugen be fatba nelD reuepf ion in tbe S^affcf ^bo can trutt tbat fin? are fo;gcucn bim, tuben be fdctb a nclnc fo^geuenetre i ijieptbcr tbal be cfcape tbat Ojall fav, tbat toe bo foj no otber canfe obtein fo?geuenesof finnes in tbc ^a(te,but bicaufc it isalf reas^ purcbafeo bt tbe beatb of Cb;ift. ifoj be b^in3etb notbing els, ttan if be tpolbbcaft,^ €\)%i(t batbe rebemeo bs tottb tbts csribitiontbat toe (boulb re^ beme our fclucs. if oj fucb Do(trin batb ben fpjcb bp tbe minifters of ^atan, f tocb at tbis oai tbet maintein toit^cri ir.QS out,toit'5 ftoearb anb ffer,tbattoe toben in tbc spalTe toe o^r bpCb.nft to bts f 3tbcr,bv tbis too;fee of offring I DO obtein fo^gcucnes cf uniic0,anD are mnz paitrtUers of tbe paffio of Cb;ifi". Sf^bat ntjto remainetb to t'Vjt paOion of Cb:iCf, but to be an erample of reDcp^ tion, tobcrbp toe niat learnc to be our oton rcDemersf CbJift bimrelf,tobcn in tbc fupper be featetb tbe confioenceof parDo,Dotb not biD fiis Difciplcs to flick in tbat Doing, but fenbetb tbe atoar to tbe ^acriSce of bis D?atb: Cgnifring i tbe fupper is a monumrt o; memorial (a3 (i como fpeacb is) toberbt ^t^ mai learn i tbe fatiffaeto;^ clenQng ^acri«» fice,bt tobicb tbe if atber toas to be ap^ peafeD,mult baue ben offreD but once. ifo J neitber is it enougbe to Snoto tbat €\iM is t^t onelp facrificc, tjnlcffe tbe onli^facriflcing be torneD wi^ it^ tbat our fattb mat be fa0neo to br$ crofTe. 7 i^oto Bi come to § cor lafion,namclt ^ tbc bolt fupper, in tobicb tbc ilo^D bao left tbe remfb;ance of bts palTton gra* uen f erp;teireD, ts bt tt)t letting tp of ^t ^aire,taKeatoar,DcfafCD>$ Dcftrop cD.if oj tbe fupper it felf is § gift of goo, tobicb toas to be receiueo toitb tbankf* geuingXbe facriftce of f*be ^alTe is fa* meo to pate a p^ice to (Ddd, tobicbe be mat receaue fo;^ (atiffattio. I^oto mnc^ Difference tbere is betto&n to geue i to receiue,fo mucb Dotb tbe facrifice Differ fro tl)t facramet of tbe fupper.;9nD tbis trult is tl)t moll to^etcbeo trntbanhful^ nelTe of ma,tbat tober tbe largeneOe of (S^oDs boutt ougl)t to baue ben acbnoto legeD,f tbanKes to be geuen,tberein be maketb (^oD h^s Detter . Oe ^acra^ ment p;omifeD,i^ bt tbe Deatb of Cbnll toe are not onlt ence relto^eD into Itfe, but are continuant quickiteDybicauff t^tn all tbe partcjs of our faluatibn toer fulftlleD.IZ^be facrifice of tbc ^alTe 0rg ct\) a farre otber forg,tbat CbJifl mutt be oatlt facrificebr tbat be matii.'>w2* tobat p;o6t t)s. ^be fupper l^lt^ bauo benPittributcD iatl^ecgmonatrembli?! i.Cor.K i6» loSaluation. Fourth Boo Ice of tlje cljurct), tftat it might cnfojmc ^s of ttjc commttmon tDf)erb^ Ire al clcuc togetljer in Cl);ift ^ttus, 2Lbe facrifice of ti)t iSpalTc uilToluctf) ant) plucfecth in fonoer ttiis commumtp. iro; after ttjat t\)z erro; greU) in fozce, tt)at ttjer muft be facrificcrs tbat Qjulo facrifir c fo^ tbc people, tbc fupper of tf)c 1o;d hb tbougb it loer polleo ouer to tbem, ceafeo to be commumcateD to tbe congregation of tbe faitbful acco;Dtng to tbe commaDe^ ment of tbeilo;D. ;an cntrt Uiasmatie open to p;^tuate ^afTes , iobtcb m^gbt rather refemble a certain epcommuni^ cation, tban tbat fame community o;^ DeineD of tbelo^o, toben tbe pet^ facri^ f)cer toilling feucrallr b^ bimfelf to be uour ^is facrifice,ootb feuer bimfelf fro t}3z U)boIe people of tbe fattbruU. 3! call p^itiate ^afTe (leatt ani? man be eecei^ aeo) Uiberefouer tbere is no partabing of tbe ilo;D0 Supper among tbe faitb^ full, altbougb otbertDife a great mnlti<' tuoeofmenp^cfent. 8 ^no \s\)icc p tjeri name of ^alTefirff fp;6g,3i coulo neucr certainly iutigc:fa uing 1^ it leemetb to me liHcl^ t^ it Inas taH? of^ offiings V luergcuen. ^bcr tjpo $ olbcUj;vtcrs\3fcitcomolt?in]& plurall nttber.iSut to leaue llrtutng a^ among manr^JiSut bicaulc tbe ti)o;ae0 of siLb^ift ano paul are plainc enougb, toe mai? b;efclp cocluOc, t Icberfocuer is not bKaUir.g of b;faD to tbe commu* nion of tbe fattbful(,tbcr is not f be fup;* per of tbe llo;D,but a falfe t tu;jongfall countcrfaiting of tbe fuppr r.l3ut a falf countcrfaiting is a co;rupfing..f^oUi p co;pupting of fo great a m\:ftcrr,i)5 not t6out t)ifIicDnr£5. £Cbcrfo;c in pnuatc gaffes is a tngcUco abufc.janD (ac one fault in religion from time f o time b^e betbanotbei) after t^ tbatmancr ofof^j fring Uii!tbout tobr^b boU)foener f bCT? be linDcrOooe, beril^ Uicr net ge^ uen to tbt s purpofe, tbat>ufeeD t p;o^ pbanc utcn, fo ofte as H)t\i totll, ano to \Dl;atfceurr alufe tbcr liae,mav' mafee bout t iiamcBl fa? tbat p;iuate gaffes , tbe bosv cf Cb;i(l:but tbat tbe fa f bful, ar birertl^ agamft § o^cinace of cb^ift, febcn iritb rcliaious olfvr;.;atton tljt's I tberfo^ tbcv ai c a Uj.cUcd pjopbaning bo in celcb;ating of tl>c luppci' follolDC off bolp fupijf r. i?o^ tobat batb i Io;d : tbe commaiiccmcnt of Cb^jal, imi en^ commaoeb usfnot to tate,f oiuioc it a* | ior tbe true partaUing ot orm. mofi ^si uiibat maner of obfcruing of ; 9 X5elioe tbat.'hi^ pcrucacncfTc tuast tbe ccmaiiDcment Dotb l^aul teacb^not tDnknntir.e to § put er ct-nrcb. jfo: bolo tbe b;catiing of bjean, tobKb is tbe co^ muaion of rbe boop ano bloubflDbere^' fo;e iD'ot^ one taUetb n toptbout Diftri^ butmg,fcubat liftcnes is tberf )15ut tbat fame one man Dotbe it in tbe name of § Mjole cburcb.:il5i icljat comanoement^ ss not f bus openly to mocH (IDoD,toben one man pjiuatclr tahctb to bimfelf ^ tub^cb oi\£bt not to baue ben oone^ but foeuer tbe mo;e a;ami IcHc fo;t among our atuerfar;c5 Lo bn c gr about to Dif< guife tbe mater xc falfe co!c;^, \:ct it is moft fure ^ al antiquity is againC . It, m toe baue afoje p?ouen m etbcr tijiss anb it ma^ mo je certair.U le iucgco ti tbe continual reabing of olce toriters. i5ut ere H mafee an eno cf fpeai- ing of it, 3iafbe our spaging cecto^igfc:^ tber hr.oto loi ^^^7t I bna'o) ^ obcoicnce is mo^c effameo of djot! ttjan oblations, anD t^t t)C mo;e I rcquircf i) t^at bis to^o be barkneD to, | I'ban tbe Sacrifices be offeree : botoe tbe ^ bcleue ^ tbis maner of facrificing is acccpta'alc to (II5oD,ly berof t\)c^ bane no certain commaunocment, f tub^b tbcr f^ not to be alotocti b^ ani one (^l- lableof fbe fcripture. ^o;eouer,tDbJ^n tbep bear tljt apoSle fa^, ^ no man ta^ betb to biinfelf t^t name t bono j of fa* crificfg p^ieaboue,^bttt f)z ^ is calleo as aaron toa0: ^ea i tbat €f)M bimfelfe m not tb;uft in bimfelf,bat obeieo tbe calling of bis fatbcr, eitber tbci? mnfte b^ing fo^tb ,into U)!jicbtbeT?b^i!etugtb toicfeeuralbnes b^oUen in imcallea. )15ut tbc^ can not n):Vu oiie title of a leter ^ mainteinetb t'ocic facrificing p^ieftbooe.lIJlllbi? tber? fci iJjal not tbeir facrifici^stjaniO) atoai ^XiUd) cannot be offrctj voout a p^iett i kQ. Jf anp man do tlxiull in (l^o?t CenJtf^ ces of tbe olo lu^^ters gatbertD b^re i tbcre,! do b^ tbeiratttbo;iii trauail to pzQue tbat tbe facriSce Usbicb is Don in tbe fupper i$ far otberiuife to be tjnocr SaiioeDjtban tw? Do eicpounD it;let bim be b,:ef£lt? anflr5ereDtb«s:.if tbc qm^i^ on be of aUoluiiig tbe toictm nm^i of facrifice,racb as § f^apifis banc faineu iu tbc #affc, tbe oId Ui.^i'ters do ncacr fpeak in Dcff ce of fucb facril^sc. i^bc? Oain oeDc Wtt}t. iuoiOe Sacrifice: but tbcrlDitbal tbe\> erpounD,v^ tbc^ meane tiptbingels but tbereinemb;ianccof^ true anD oRcl? facrific e^,tobicb Cb^itte Of the outward meancs celebrate a remembrance of tbe Sacri* fice alrcaDp raaDe. l^are terilp be tea* cbetb altogetber tl)t fame tbing,U)brcb IS to^ptten in mo too^Ds in t\iz bo&e of if aitb to IDeter t\it Deacon, tobofoeuer be ttjt autbo; of it. Cbe too^Ds be tbefe, belene mod fieDfattl^!,! Dout not at alt, tbat tbe onl^ begotten bimfelfe, being maDe flefb for t)s,offreD bimfelfe for bs a Sacrifice ano oblation to q^ into a fanor of fUieteneffe: to U)bom toitb^tbe ipatbcr ano tbe i^olv gboft in tbe time oftbeolDtettament beads toer facrifio ceD:ani> to tobom notoe ioitb § ^atber t tbe i^olt? gboll(tuitb Inbo be batb one dDoDbeD ) tbe oneli? Cburcb tbrougbout tbe tobole loorlD ceafetb not to offer f facrifice of bjeao ? toine. i?0r in tbofe flelbls facrtfices toas a figuring of tbe fletiof Cbrift, tobicb be (bulD offer fo; our finnes,! of bis blouD tobicb be batb fijcD to tbe forgeueneffe of Onnes . fct in tbis Sacriftce is tbanfefgeuingano reberfal of tbe fletb^of €liM iubixb be offrcD for \Js,anD of bis blouD tobicb ti)t faiiie be batbe IIkd for bs, Mberupon 0ugufline bimfelfe in manp places ex^ pounoetb It to be notbing els hnt a Sa^ crifice of praife,i?inall^ ^ou (ball com* monl^ fina in UmyV i^^ S npper of tbe lorD is for no otber refon calico a facri^ 6f e,bujt bicaufe it is tbc remcmbrace> ima^tjf^ luitncs of ^ Ongular,trtie>ant> onli^ facrificc iDhcric CbriftbatbcUn^ fco tjs. ^Ifotbere is a notable place in lii^lQuxth bofee of tbc2:nnit^e tbe.24. cbapter,lpbcr after ^ be batb DifcourfeO- of tbc onlv^ facrifice, be tbus cocln^etb: bicaufe iaa i^acriftce foure tbings are Contra aduerfa. legis. our onl^ facrificing prtett (as t\)t^ tcb oinftpcrcD, to tobom ii is offrrD,anD of U%rc report of b:in)maDconf> croffe* twbo, bjbat i^ ofecD, f for \i^\jcuh %\) 'aiU^, Q. H^jje l^ebr^cs (fartb- Augu{line)ln tbe> «8, facriSces of bcaftslpbicb tbe^ offreD to OoD,Dio celebrate apAopbccie of tb^fa^' cdiicc t^^cojiie, 'aAi\t\)€\)ii^t offreDt; ,tbatCbriJl'ians Doe ujitb tbc bc^s obla^ : tiaanP partakingof tbc bc^of CMa fe dbtr^rS^aid^-^ offr^^^^o^b? fame fame b^ bimfelf ^ one i true mcDiator rccociling bs to ©op b? tbe facriace of peace,remainctb 01^ 16 bim to iubo be fiffreo: ma^etfe tb^ one in bim for tobo be^off reijtis orw bimfclf tobicb cffrco,sj To Saluation. Lib.2.coj cf(cat a!fo rpcakctl) CS^tMomcJSut Fourtli^ooli Gal.3.1, tra parm tfjc^ fo ctjalrgc tlje tono} of far rificing cap»8» p^iea^ioDe to Ci)nfic, tijat augulline tcttifictl) it to be ttje toicc of anticb;i tt if anv' man mabc a iSiftcpintcrcctTo; betU)ccnCDt)Datio men. 11 Pet t?o Vdc not Dcht' but f^wf V cffring tjp of C^^ift is tftcrc fo ftclucD m tJ0, ^ tbe fpcctade of t^e erode t£; in a maner fet befoK our ticBias iht Ttpoflle faitib tfjat cifiifl luas cruciftcD in v eics of U;e Calatt)(aj?,ti:it}en ^ p;icact}mg of § croa tDa0 fct bcfojc tljf .15ut fo;iafmaf !) as 3 fa ^ ttjefe olo fathers alfo lu^clteo 1(315 remcb;aecanotgEr iua^ tlja toas agre* able Id tbc inCitution of t^e Jlo;De(bj* caufe tbcir fe>uppcr contciineo j tuotc not tjobat repeteo 0; at lealle renelDCD j fo;me of facriScing t^c fafett Vua re foj goDl^) bearts Qjall be to red in v pure f fimpic o;Dinace of dDoD : loboiealfo tbc I foppcr i0tberefo>e caUeo, bpcaufe in it brs autbo;ttie alone cugbte to bee in fo^ce.SEruli fitb 3 6nD ^ tbev ba«c kept a goDlp I true ft fe of tljis bole miller^, I il Do not percetue t (t)et ment to abate an? tbing toer it neucr fo litlc fro p on? I? facrifice,of tbc lo;iD,3 ca not cooemne t\)tm of tngoDltncITe: ret Bi tbinke tbat tbe?caniiotbeercuf(?D, bat tfjattbep bauecffenDeD fomtuljat intbe maner of tbc celebration, jfo; tbc^counterfai* teo t[}z BieU^id) maner of ^acriSctng mo;e nerclt! tban cgtijer Ctj^itt bao oy^ DetneD,o; f nature of y^ gofpcl tin bere. 2Dberefo;e tbe fame onertbtoartappli? ance to tjcaucnli tbmg0,i0 y onlv tbmg loberin a ma mai U)o;tbilr blame t^i, fo; ^ being noteontenteo U>ub tbe Gm* pie f naturall inttttution of rb^iQ^tbe? ftuarueo to tbe QjaootDed of tbe lalue. i2 3if a ma DO Diligently Ujer,tbat tbi0 Difference 10 put It tbe U)o;d of t Ji o;d bettuene i facrigce0 of ^ofe0, anD onr tbanftcfgcmng,^ Vubercas tbofc did re* p;cfenttotbe3ielii(bc people^tbefau^e ^ ^cc ^ f ffcctualnclTe of the Deatjje of Cbriftc, j iDbicb is at tbr0 Dap DeliucreD to b0 in I tbe fupper,ret f [maner of rcp^cfenting ! Uir.0Diucr0,ifo;: intbofetbclLcuiiical I PncGcs tDere commaunDcD to ftaure I tbat ibbifb Cb;ift (bulo pcrfo^meftbrr Uja0 b^ougbta facrifiee Uibicb (bulD fcr ^ intbcficaDcofCbMttcbimlclfe : tljcrc lua0 an altar tuberupon it (bulD be of=f frco : irinallv all tbmg0 Incre fo Don, , tbat there toas fette before tbcir ercs an image of tbe facrificctuticbtuaato be offrcD to Cod fo; a fatiffaao^r den.- 0ng. i5ut(ince tbe time tbat tijcfacri* ' ftcc is cnDeD, tbe ilo;D batb appopnteo I to ts an otb?r o;D£r: namely j5 it ttjulD ccnucp to tbe fartljfull people faiitc of t^c facriSce OffrcD to brm b^ tbe fcnne. 2Lbcrfo;c bcbatbgrur fcua tabic trbcr^ at toe (bolo cat,not an aitar U'bcrupon facrifiee fljolD be cffreD:be batb not con^ fecrateD p?ieffc0 to facrificc, but mtn:? fter0 to Dtftribute tbe bdv balict.vclo mucb more bpe 9 bell? tl)e mrfter^ i0j fo mncb rcligiouCr f toitb greater re* uerence it is mete to be baDlcDXbere:» fo;e tberc is no teap fafer, tba putting atoat?al bolDne0 of mas bnocrftaomg, to fiicb fall in t alone tobicb v fcripture teacbctb. 0nDtrult) if toe ccQDer ^ it is ^ fuppcr of 1^ lo;D f not cf mcn,tbere is no caufe tobi? toe flbolD fuffcr our felucB to be remoueD one beare brcDtb fiom it bT?anpautbo?it?ofmen 0; prcfcriptio of pearesXberefore tobcn tbe ;apoftIe minDeD to clenfe it fro all faults tobicb bao alrcDp crept into ttc Cburcb of tbe Co;intbian0,be tfetb tbe reacicft toaj tbcrunto,^ i0,bc callctb it bacl; to § on* [^ inftitutto of it,fro tobfce be l^etoetb ^^ ^ a perpeti:al rule ougbt to be fctcbeD. 13 i^otoleCanrtoranglcrltouloair 1)0 tjp ftrife bi^ reafon of tbe name^Jof facrifiee 1 lati ifiring p.:ieff , 3 toill alfo Declare^but re:- baceflistobat in i toljclc Difcuurfe^Oaue meant b? a facrif.ce. Fol.44! «Cor, "» anD' ;.i7. Of the outward meanes fo S;c d;> j: toi^o Umfic: to all boll? X\:r : .0: .33 ajD o?-'^iis5 of rsluTio,^ fee lot ij;? l-i'jat rearaii ti):^, do it. Mle Doe !ijiolyc - ;.it I ?^ t^jc c^'iitinUkjU tfc of ti)e rcrtpf ^rsa fcjcriSce ij callcD ^ ioJjicti § <2>i'eU3catfojn2 rhafia^romttme Pro;! fphorajromii-iiB Teletc. ■^iStijicft being general!?? talten copieljcnDctl) Iwl^atfoe* ucr 15 in an? iMitz offr eD to goD. Q^ber fo;ic BjemaU ma^ie oittinction: but i?et fo tbat f bis oifftuction ma^ banc a fu* of dDobjto (atiffi? bt0 i'aCgcment,anD fo to iDafbe f tutpc atoar fnuu,3 : toberb^ tbc (inner c lenfcD fiom tbe filib^ fpots of t\)tm , I rc(Io;eo into puritp of rigb> teonfnes, mar return into fauo;^ lui :) CDoD bimfclf.^o in tbe lato tbcfe is .e Exo.ap. calleD facriSces tbat tocre offeree re: § 39 purging of fins: not fo; tbat tbev it-cre fnfficient to recover tbe fauo;i of dDco, 0; to put atDa\? iniquity, but fc;^ ^ tht^ (b^ooUJcD oute fucbe a true Sacrifice, \Dl)icb at legtb tuas fallp Don bp Cij^iflt pcrnalappliaceof fimilituos from tbe | alone :ib?b^malone,becaufe it coulo facnSrc0 of tbe laUi of Spofe0:bnoer t})z i be bon b^ none otber,anD once,bef aufe CbaDotoes Uiberof tbc loju iuiUcD to re^ pjefcnt to bis people tl)z Ui^jole ta\t^ of facriaces.£>ftbofe altbougb tbcr toere Diuers-fbjmcs,ret tbsi mjii? al be refer rco to ttoo fo;jts. if 0; eitber tbere toas oblatio maDc foj ftrt after a certain ma* ncr of fatiffartio, tuber b? giltines toas reDcincD before <^aD : 0; it toaa a tooj^ fbipping of tbc figne of goo, « a tettifp eng of religoaifointine in lleDe of fup^ I pli:ation,to craue tl^t fauo: of gootfom time in fteoe of tbaHefgeuing,to teftif? tbanhfalnes of minD fo;t benefits recei« ucD:fomtimc onli? fo; an erercife of gob linesjto rcnetu tbe (tablifbing of tbe co ucnant : to tobicb later fo;t pertcrneo burnt offrtngs,o?tnbe cffringcs, obla? tios,fiirU fruits, 1 peace offrigs.Mber fo;e let ts alfo btuioe oures into ttoco feinDs,j fo; teacliings fahe lettc tjs call tbe one tbe facrilice of tuo^Qjip f of goo ll?benotion,bicaufeitcon&(tetb in tbe bonojing i tao;fl^ipping of CDoo,U)bicb tbe faitbfull botbc otoe anb ^eelbe bnto bi.n:o;,if ^ou U)il,p facrifire of SDbabf* tbc effectuahteffe anb fcjce of tbat one facrifice tobicb Cb;ill baD fullt> bon, is eternall,as be biiSif I atb teaiSco iuitb ' b^s oujne moatb, tubcn be fa^b tbat it Io".>P« loas enoeb anb fulSlleo : tbat is to fap, 39* tbat iDbatfoeucr ijjas neceffar^e to tbe reconciling of Jbe fitbcrs fauo;,totbc obta^nin^ of tbe fozgeuencs of finncs, to rig!iteoafnetfe 1 to faluation , all tt)C fame \xiaB pcrfc;meo f fuiailco to tbat bt?s oneli? oblation , 1 tbere fo notbrng toateo tberof tbat tber toas aftertoaro no place left to an^ otber far rifice. 14 Mberfo;e 3 Determine, tbat it is a moH iJoicUeD rep;ocb, f blafpbem^ not to be ruffreD,as ibcll agapnft €i)M as againft § facrifice tobtcb be batb full^ Don br bis Dcatb bpon tbe crolfe fo; ts, if ani ma b\? renuingan oblation tbtnb to purcbafe J paroon of Cn^ to appeafe C»oD,f toobtaT?nerigbteoufneffe. 115nt tobat is els Don bp mafirtng,but tbat b? Deferuing of neto oblation toe mapcbe mabe partakers of tbe paCTto of Cb;ifl:f 0nD,tbat tbere migbt be no mcafure of geuing:fo;afmucb as ii is geuen to goo ' maDO^ng , tbcp tbougbt it but a fmall of none but of tbem tbat being looen xfi tbpng to fav ^ tber is maDc inoififerent im.ncfurable beneiSts,Do reoer to hm \v a comon facrifice fo; ^ UJbo'ecburcb, tbemfelues U)i?tb all tbcir DoingsXbe tnlclTe tbev furf bcr faro ^ it v: in tbeir otber ma^ be calico p;opitiato;v, 0; of iboife to applp it pcculiarlvi to th^s ma c);pialion.£:!ie facriftce of erpiation is ^ 0; ^ ma,to l»bo tbep ti:olD,o; raiber to tbdUjobug Jengetbta § U?;afb euerg one Sobofoeucr be Vxscrg aifj \y > ocn^c t'oat tbe^ be facrifi^ the value fi„5 p;iicaei!,tbat 10 to fay,tbe^ i^ tDi?tb bf a ftar-l fy^b an Oblation arc mcanes to goo foj lig grote (jj^ pcoplc,tbe\? tbat apsraang goo, niav purcbafcp fatiffaao;^ purging of fin?, jf 0: CbJiil is tbe cnl^ i5iQjop i facrifi^ cing Piictt of tbc nciu tefcamcnt, into tobom al p^iettbcus are rcmouco,? in lubo tbeis be C&ut t3p 1 cnocD.ant) if tbc Scripture b^^ ^^^^^ J^^ mention of ti)e eternal p^ieftboD of Xbnft : T?ct fo^af^ ■ macb 30 (©oi3,fincc tbat be batb tA^c n^ toar tbofe olo iD^icttJ)a3i)5,batb o.joai?/ Heb,5.4 neb nonc.tbc apomes ar^iunf t remai netb inuinciblc, ^ no ma tixlxtti) bono; tobtmfelfbutbctbatis calico of out all tbe?? life baue bene mott crucll t?;antes!, 0? mott raucnous robbcr0,o,: gcuen fo;tb to all mifcbeuous Domgcs, (bolD as tbougb tbe? toere reocmcD b? tb?s pncc, cfcape tl)C fire of purgato;?. 16 ;!anDer tbc otbcr kmbc offacriftcc, lubicbe lue baue calico tbe facrificc of tbaUeftreaing^rc cota?neD al tbe Diiti' fultoo;lJSofcbaiit?,lDbicl)UibfU)err' teno to our b;ctb.:f ,toe bono; tbc ILo^d bimfelf in bis mcbcr5:tbenal ourp^iv ers,p;^aifings,gciiings of tbaks>i ^W focuer toe 00 to ^ toojlbippmg of ©oo. ai tobicb tbings finall? do bang bpon ? greater facrificcAubcrb? toe ar in foulc t boo? ballotocD to be a bol? temple to tbc lo;iD.iro; ncitbcr is it enoogb^if our outtoaro Douws be appl?cD to tbe obc?^ ing of bun:but ftrtt our felues,f tbcn al ^ 10 our0 ougbt to be confecrate d dcdu cate to b?m : tbat tobatfoeuer is in b0, ma? ferue b?s glo;?,t ma? fano; of ?e* lous enocuo^to abuace it.Ebis hi»Q cf n iHlH.i. facrificc CapiS Of the outvvarri meancs iMiillM^ ) Ro»12,J. [He, 13. 17 riii.4,58 far n&cc itmtti) natcing at al tc ape afc /tl)2 fcu^ntb of CDcDjnotJj^ng at alUo cb^ I fainc fo^fTriirnc;^ c?fm^, notljimg at all tc Dcfciuc ngtjteonfncfTcibut ts occiipi^ I fOonflrin »ia0mfi?ing f crtoUing of CcD.ifO.: it ca not bcplcafat f accf pta^ hlc to acs,but at tijeir ^ant)s,feljom b? fo^gcucnei! of finncfi alrcaDp rcc eaueD !jcbatbbi7OtJjcrntcanc0 rcconcileD to i)^mfcif,i tfjerfo^earqnifcD ttje fro gtl^ tuic0.1i5«t it is fo ncceffari foj v cljurcfj )? it c& not be alrav fro it %l)mfo2C it tbMt c«crIa{ling,fo long as v People of gois Cial cotinue, as tue bane before al* tcaBp njctuct! cut of ^ p;opbct: fo; in ^ meaning 3 toil take t\)iB p;opbcci%if 0; fr5 § riOngof V funne fo § going Doiun tbcrofjgrcat is mv name auicg \ C^cn^ ti!es,f in euer^? place incenfe ftalbc of;? fret) to mt? name,i a clranc off ring, bi^^ caufe mv name is terrible amog i <55e*» tilcs,fa\!tb tbe ilo;D:fo far is it of,^ ice iDDlD put it atoai?. ^0 paul biDDetb tjs to offer cur bot)ies,a facrifice liiiingjto* \V acceptable ta €0^,3 rcafcnabic loo;* (^ip.Mbcrbefpafectert? pitbilv? i»be be aODetb t t^is is our reafonable Idc;? (l)ipping:fo; be meant tlic fpirif ual ma nerof t»o;G}ipping cf (E?oD, fcbicbe be tJ^D fecretlp fet in coparifon again 11 f be carnal facrifices cf ^ latu of ^ofcs.^o liberallccingof gcD i c6nuinifati?r,g ar callcD facrigces t^ tnbicb goD is plea feu. S>o § liberalitvi of tbe lebilippuins iKberbv tber bao rcleueo tbe pouertr cf ^aaul,is callcD a facrifice of fU^af fmrl* ling.^oal tbe gcDDlDo^fees of tbe fai?tb full are callcD fpirituallfacrifices. « 7 Sim iBbt? no 31 fefec out manp cram plecfif 0; comonlr tlm mancr of fpe a^ feing is often founDe in the Scriptures. I^ca « tebtlc tl)t people of CDod tuas ret boloen bnoer tin oKtUiarD fcba)lt?ng of tbe lalD,t?et tbe pjcpbets Dio fu^icient^ IperpjeCTc,^ fencer tbofe carnall facri>* fices teas tbe frutb,lDbicb tlje c\)Mian C?jur(b 'mti^ comcn to tbe nation at ttje BicUiCfl.j^ificr tsbicb mancr IDauiD p^ai cD,^ brs p^arer migbt as incenfe afccD into § figbt of C^oD.Snc Mi£ c&lkn gc^ uings of tbanljs, yf caUics cf lips,toljicb in anotber place DauiD calletb tbe facri fices cf p;atfe.Mbo v J^podlc b^mfelf fcllotoing calletb tbe alfo t]}$ facrificcs of p;ai?fe, f crpcuDcf b tbem tl)e fruites cf lips cofclfing to \}is nameXbis kinD of facrifice t\jt fuppcr of tbe llo^D ca not toant : tubereintobenUie Declare bts beatb i rencer tbanfergeuing,tiic bo m^ tbrng but offer § facrifice of p^aife. ^f tbrJ5 office of facri6cing,al Ire cb^tCias are calleD a hingli? p^icfibo^De: bicnufe b? €i}M iuc offer to tbe fruitc of lips ^ cofcffe tfe bl;S namc.iro; ne^tbcr Co toe toitb cur gifts apearein tbe figbt of got) toitbout an interccffo;. Cb^iH iB ^e^xihic^ being t^t ^pebiato; coming faettoene, tee offer ts « curs to tbe fatbcr,l^c is our il5iffjop,tobi(b be* ing entrcb into tbe fanctuarp of beauc, batb opened tl}t entrn to ts. l^e is f al^ far,bpcn \33\)ich tue lav our giftes, ^ in bym toe ma^ be bolbe al t ii'f are bolD, $t is be(a far)tbat batb mabe tjs a king Dome ano p?ieffes to tbe fatber. 18 Wlbat rcniarnctb > but ^ t^c blinb mar fee,fbe beaf mar bear,cbilD?en (be felues mar tnbcrfianb tbrs fibbcmina tion of t\)c ^alTc: tobicb being cffreo in a golDen cup,batb mace ttzon^ r ^^"G^ $ peoples of tbf cartb,frcm tbe brrft'to t\)c lotocff, batb fo firickcn ibcm toitb baotofincffe f giboineffctbat being be* come mo;e fennrffe tban bjute bcaffes t\}ti baue fet tbe tobolc l^ip of tbcir fafe fie cnlr in tbrs beablr bcucuring gulf. SCrulr ^atan neucr DrD bcnb bimfelfe \})itf) a llrcngcr engin tban ttt^ f 0 af^ farle $ tjaquidb tbe Uingbcm of Cb;iff . %l)VS is tbe i^elene , fo; tobo tijt ene* j mres of tbe trutb figbt at tbis tar v6 fo Pf.14'. He.13,15. i l»Pc.2.p. Rcu*),(J» great' To Saluation, i'ouith Boo:: ^l-oi.^.iO great ragcfo great furiouf5}2£5,fo great crueUp:ant) a riclene in 0e2t),iD Uj'jom tijcifo Defile t'j?mfelu2£i imth fpiritual tD!)ojcDom,U)bicI) 10 tl;e mofi; curfeD of aL3 00 not fjere fo niml) as omcc toucljc tuitl; mi litle finger ttjofc gro^c abui'es, toljerlD f Ijci miglje colo.j (> t3n?;ol)? pure ncc of fbeir fjol^ ^DdtTc^jotu filter J"'ir 'aettings ttjci t3re,f)oti3 t3nf)onefi- ga^riee tljci maUe Uj tljnr mair'ngs, uutlj botu great raucning tl)cp fil tJjeir coucteoiif* ne0. iDnlv 3 Do point tjnto, i tljat Unt'o fc\3D ano pla\?n Uia;occ,lpljat nianer of tiling is eue tljc berti fjoUeft !)oIine« of tbc £patre,foj toljic!) it tjatij DeferueD in certainc a3e0 paft f o be fo l)ono?ab!e i to be bau in fo great rcuercnce. iro^ to baue tbefc fo great milf erics fet out ac co^cing to tbcir U)ojtbine0,requiretb a greater UJo;fee: ano 3! ambntwilling to mingle bcrcUiitb tbcfc filtb^fcnclcan* ncifcs tbat commonly Ibcto tbcmfelucs before tbc tits t faces of al men:tbat ai men ma^ t)n9eraaD, t tbe a^atfe taUen inbcr mott pifeeD purenes,? lubcrio it imv be fet out to § bed (bctOjloou? bcr appcnt)accfl,from tbe rote to tbetoppc fluarmctb ful of al kinoc of luicUcDues, blafp^emyc, iDolatr\?, ano facrilcge. 19 SDlje KcaDers noUi banc in a maner almoft al tbofe tbings gatbcreo into an abnogcme t,iubicb Iwc banc tbougbt be boiieful to be hnoUien concerning tbefe tluofacramentfl-.tbcbfc oflubtxb batb bcnDcliiJcrcotoJ cb.:ittian cburcbfro tbe beginning of {? ncU) tettanicnt,toco tinune to § bcr\? eno of § luo^lDtname^ Ivi,^ baptifme fljulo be as it Iner a cer* taine entr\j into it,i m aomiffion into faitb:? tbe fuppcr i^ulo be as it tucrc a continual fcD^clDbrrta cb^ift fpiritual li fccctb '^ familic of bis faitbful.S^ber fo jc as tber is but one goD,on faitb,one si;b;ia,onc cburcbc bis boD^ifo tbcrc is but one baptifm,? is not cftminiCreD again.^nt { fupper is fro time to time DiaributeD,tbattbcvlybtcbbau£ bene 1 once receiucD into f cbKrcb,map bncer ttaotbattbe^ be continually feo tuiflj Cb;ift.iDefioe tbcfetUio as tbere is no otber facramcnt c^ocineD of goo,fo ne^ tber ougbt tbe cburcb of ^ faiti}ful to ac* hno\ulcQge iit\\> ctbcr.i?o;,t' it is not a tbing tbat l^etb in tbe cboifc of man to raife i fet bp ncJjo facramentcs be tball eafili bnocrfiaD t remcmb^etb {) iubicb batb ben bcre befo;e plainly enaigb oe clarcD,i^ iB tbat facramcts are apointeo of goD to tbis enbe, tbat tber IboulD in* ttruet bs of feme pjomife of bis,i tcUi^ fpctobsbis goiDlDiUtciDarDts: ano be alfo i> calletb to nunD,tbat none batb bcnegoDscounceller, ^ migbt p^cmife bs an^ certainty of bis luil,o; alTure bs I b;ing bs out of care,lubat affection be bearctb toiuaro bs, bJbat be Unllgeue, 0; bDbat be toil ocnv bs.if 0 j tbercU)itb is alfo cetermineD J no ma ca fet fo jtb el fignc to be a teUimonr of an\? toil o;r paomifeofbts:itis be binifelfcalone,^ ca bi a figne geuen teflrifp to bs of bim* (elf J toll fpe ah it mo.:e b;ictii,ant) per aDucnture mo;e groHv.but mo;e plain lv\ ^ .&>acramcnt can neuer be toitb* outp;omifeoffaluation.:aimcngatbe reD on a bcapetogctbcr can of tbcmfcl^ ues p;omi'fe notbing of our faluaticn. SoDcrfo^cncitbercantbe^oftbcfelucs fet fc;tb 0; fet bp a Sacrament. 30 SEberfo^c let^^ dmttia cburcb be c5 tmtc^ toitb tbefc ttoo,i let bcr not onli not aDmit 0; acUnotolcDge ani tbirb fo; tbc p;efent time, but alfo notoefireo; £x.im lohcfo;an?totbcenDof()too;lD.iro^ l.,7,^, ' tobeias certain Diucrs facramcnts,be*,(^o,^,e fioe tbofe tbeir ojDinar^ ones, tocr gc* '^* ucn to tbc 31ctoc0,acco;blg to {> o^ucrs ' courfe of timcs,as il5ana.5I5IIatcr fpjin ging out of v rocUctljC b;afen fcrpcnt 1 1 fucbe otber : tbei? tocre b^ tb^s cbange put in m^n'vC tijat tbcn IboulD not Hav bpon fucb fiiiures^tobafe Itatc toas net bccT? Cap.19 I ^oh 3.14. i Col, 2. 3: I Of the outward meancs \3 erv (tcDfaG:: but ttjat tljc^ fljculD IcUe fo; fomc better rfjing from gcD, \j)lnt\) fijulD f cntinuc teittoat an^ uccatiuftj anD iDilljouf anr rnt{» 5i5ut iuc are in a far ot!;er fare;to tubo dj.aft is cpenli Cbe ii?eO:intDl36aUtljetreafarc5 cf fenoto* iccge i Uiifuo are Ijitmcn initb fo great ttbuonncc $ plenty » t ^ ^tljer to Ijope fo^ 0; lofee foj ant netoe encreafe to tfjefe trcafurcs, is tjereir to trotie (EoD to lii;atij,ani3 to p^ouoljc Ijim againd tjs. nciD facramcts in tlje c^urcij of 500: io it leer to be inifljcD,^ as little as tocrc poflTtbleof mas inuentio tnig^t be mtn^ gleo U)itl) tbofe ^acramcntes tbat are of ©oti.i?o^ liUe as tuijen toater is^pou reo in, tie txiine iieparteti) i iB celateD: anu as tuitt) leauen fcattereD amcg it, tbe tuljcle Wpc of Doae luaretb fotuer: fo t^t pureneOis of tbe miaeries of dDoD is nettling els but DefileD \s)\)m man at Detf) anv tf)ing of I;ic otDne.;anD tet lue ir. loll, 3,2, !s.!ch.2. I heb 2,2.1 I {.Cor, 13 i h3. S?[IIe muft f)unger fo;, fefee, lofee tjpon, ; fee fjotu far t^e Sacraments are ftuar Irarnc,! tlj^ougbl^ learn €\)M alone, j ueD oat of hind from tl}cir natural pure tntiltljat great Dat?ftalappcare,tD|)er ' ncs,astftepbe^aDleaatt^isDai?Xl)er ii\ ti)t lo;D l^al openly tbetuc to tbe full j is ec^eto^er to muc^ of pompcs, cere^ t\)t glojt? of Ijis feingcom,f Ijimfelf fucl^ ' monics,anD gefturingesibut of J Ir-o^o as l)c isjto be bcbolDc of ts ,anD fo; tijis j of goD in tftc mean time tljer is neither rcafo t{;is our age is in ^ fcripturs fig* an^ conficeration no; menti6,luitl)out nificD bt i laH Ijoure, tbe latt tavts, J ! tuljic^ cuen tlje Sacramentes ftcm* laa timts,t no ma flnilD Deceiue l)t?m* | fclues are not Sacraments, ^esi « tfte fdf toitb ijain lofetng fo; an\> ncto doc# | Uer^ ceremonies f bat are o;ueineD of trinco; reuelaticn. iro; mrnip tt?mcs 1 Coo,in fo great a rout can not once lift anD in many ro;tes be fpafee bcfQ;e b^ : t)p ttjeir ljeti,but if e as it loere opp;ef^ \)iB 3i3;opl5efs : in tijefe laae ua^es tlje I feo.i^oUi litle is t fan in baptifme^tulji teaucnlr faf ber ^atlj fpol^e in Ijis bclof cte cnlp oiig^t tber to ftaue fljiineD anD ueu fon,lc!)icb tnln ca manifcfili'l^eU) t!?c fatbcrtanD in ceeD lie Wi) manifeft I? fliCiueD Ijim to tlje fii!,fo murb as be* bouetl) t3s,tul)ile lue noU) beboiDe it^m hv a glaflTe.as t!jerfc;c tl)is is neiu ta* fecn aUiar fro mcn,() n)z^ ca not mafec been lobeo tpo, as l»e traue in an otber place rigbtfuUr coplaineo^eue baptifm It felff^s fo; § fupper, it is tJttcrli? bu* rieD,nns tbat it tiatl) ben turneo in tiic ^afiCjfaufg ^ it is fecn once eueri vere but in a manglcD $ (lalfe to;ne fal^ion. T/;f xi.v, chapter. Of the fiuc falfly named Sacraments : where is declarcd,that the other fiue which hauc bcii hetherto comonly taken for Sacraments,are not Sacraments:and then is shewed what maner of thinges thc)' be . Q tHJr fo;mer Difcourfe concerning fa^ i monlt? tfeD in al mens talbc , ijauing cramcntes mrgbte baue obtc\;neD tl}i3 turtb tbe fob;e auD Ic^Uing to learnc , tbat tber Hjonlo net cuer curi^^ o«fi\? p;occDc anv furtber, no; tboulDe iuitbout tbe \uo;d of CDcd emb;ace anp otbcr Sacramcntfs bcUDc tbofe tluo to^icb tbci? knclD to be o;Dct!nctJ of tbe 3lo;oe,lSut ft ;arnmfb as tbat opinion 5L??l?J5Ji^" Sacramcms, being com? tDanocreo tb;cugb al fcboles ano p;ea« cbings, batb bv ^crt? a ancient^ gatbe* rcD r(iitcs,anD is ret Uill fetflcD in tbe minties of men: ^ ttiougbttbat 3. ^ouio tee a tbrng tr*c;fb tbctrauavU^ if S n}culo ieucrallr i mo;e narclv fcarcb tbofe otbcr fiue tbat are conanonl? ati^ nunib;cD among tljt true and naturall Sacramentcs cf tbe IIo;d,$ liiyping a* toat ToSaluation, Tourth Booke. Foi.4j?;; toll al Deceitful coIo.2,(^dId fct tbf fo^tb j grace,bicauf e it is a Sacrament. Jf U'C to beretteoftbcCinplc facbas tbe^ be, | ougbt in no luvfctoeraunt tbaC Ui'jtcb f bo\)a faltlT? tbc? bane b?n betberto ta* I tbc^ gatbcr t)p6 iU tbcn trul? toe niuft km to% &.icramcnts.if irrtj bcrc p.io* | refita tbcm in tbc name it felf,lcft tbci*' f ell to all tbe 5oMv, ^ JI doc not take in bi? lue abmit tbat it may gene occaOon banD tb?3 contention about tbe name to fucb an erro?. ^gain tube t^tv tuolD foi ani DcSre of ariuing,but ^ BI ^m b^ pioue it to be a Sacrament , tbc^ aDDc toeigbt? caufcaf leD to ggbt a^apnft tbe abufe of it. ^ am not igno.jant y^ Cb:i» ftians are lo.iDc0,a3 of iiBo:Dcfl,fo of aW t\)piQtfi alfo,i[ tbercfojc mapc at tber^ tDil appl^ tooios to tbing5,fo ^ a goDl^ fenfe be Uept,altbo3b tber be fomebn^ p^opcrneffe in tbe fpeaking. M tb^s 31 C^aunt:altbousb it luere better tbat tbe tDo;D3 CbolD be maDe fubicrt to tbinga, tban tbingejs to tbe lMO?Dc0»Bat in tbe name of Sacrament tbcrc is an otber coSDcration. jpo; tot^ vubicb make \ni, ^cramentes, oo tberctoitball gene to tbem al tb^s Dcfinition,tbat tber? be W ttble fo.:mes of inuifible grace i tbe^ maHe tbem altogetber beffels of tbc bo- l^ gbofttinftrumcnts of geuing of rigb tbis caure,fo;j tbat it conrittettj of ^ out loarD figne ^ tbe Uk};d. Jf toe finoe nei* tl)cr commaunDement no; p;omife of it, tobat can toe Doe cl5 but cr^e out a* gar n ft tbcm^ 2 j^otoappearetb^toeb^atolenota* bout tbe too;D,bnt do moue a cotroucr* lie not fuperfluou5 concerning v tbrng it felf.£Dberfo;c tbvs toe muft Crongl? bolD faftjtobicb toe baue toitb inuincii- blc rcafon befo;cc6frrmeD,^ tbe potoer to inftitute a Sacrament is in ^ banoe of none but of ©oD ont^. iro? a ^acra^ mrnt ougbt toitb a certainc pjomife tif raife bp f c6fo;t ^ cofciences of ^ faitb fulitobicb conlD neuer rcccaue tbi« ccr * ,^ ^^^^., ^ ^. ^ „ , ^ , taints fro mail ^acramf t ougbt to be | teoufneffe , caufes of tbc obtai?ning of | to b0a toitncffing of p g©D \33ili of (DoD Er4o.i3 Srace.^eaan^ tbe Raider of tbe &m^ ! totoaro bs,to?}crcof none of all mcntr^ Ro.n 34 tcncesbimfclf oen^etb tbat tbc ^acra mentcs of tbc la\»of Spofctf arc proper ?-ngcls can be toitneffe , fo2armucb as- none batb ben of ^Oods coiifeLSCberfo^e l^ callcD b^ tbr^ name, bicaufe tbc? D io it is be alone tobicb Dotb toitb rigbt au? not Dcliuer in Deoc tbc tbi?ng ^ tbep fi- ■ tbout^ tcftifie of bimfclfe to bs \)^ t)y!S gureD.3ls it,^ bcfcecb rou,to be fuffrcD, ' too^D.a facrament is a rcal,tobertoieb tbat tbofc figne s tobicb tbc llojDc batb ' tbe teftamcnt 0? piomife of Ood is fca^ ballotocD toitli bps oton moutb, tobicb i IcD. 13:it it coulD not be fealcD toitb bo- be batb garnilb^D toitb ercellcnt p;o* Dili?tbing£5f elementes oftbvs too;lo, mifcs,(!)3ul9 not be accomptcD fo; ^a* | t)nicirc t\}t^ be b^ ^ potoer of CDoD fra* cramentis: ant) in ti)c mcanc t^^mc tbis mcD i appo^nteo tbcrcuntoXbcrefo?c bono; flbol&be conuc^eo atoa^ to tbofc tifdgcs tobicb men e^tbcr banc DcuifcD of tbcfehiesjo; at Icatt do obfcruc toitb^ out erpjcD^ commaunDement of C'ODf Cberfo;e c^tber let tbf cb^^rgc tf)t Dcfi^ mtion,o; let tbc abiiaine fro § to.jong^ full tiingof tbp3 to9.iDc,tobicb Dotbaf* tertoviTD cngcnDcr falfc opinions t full ma can not ojDain a facramcnt,bicaufc. tbps i5 nottrt § potoer of man,to make- i> fo great mi'ficrYes of OoDOjoulD Ivc Hom.in biDDmbnDcr fo bafe tbingaXbc too;D loh.go. cf (DoD muft goe bctb;c , tobtcbe mate . malic a Sacrament to be a facrament^.'^^^^. as Augaftine t3cr^ toell tcacbctb.iPole 40.1: 10. oucr if 13 profitable ^ tber be kept fomc .^.' ofabfurDttie.C'rtremcamiointing(favl Difference- bettocne tbc ^cramen?cs> tbc?) is a figure ariDxaiife of inuiabtc anJ otbcr ccremonyeg^bnlcffe toe toilt ^ —^^ ' ~~ JLJ.lL.iiL full t st>, 19 j of the outwafdc mcanes fall into man^rurtifics. %\jc 0poj ri.2,8. hpift.U8 Li3,ca.5 ftlc5 pjaieo Unalingttberfoje men dial not hnecle toitljout a Sacrament. %t is fart) ttjattljc ttfciplcit p;iapci) tctoaro tOc Catt : tt)0rcfo;e tfec loking into the C-aft(fealbc a Sacrament. |iJaule\uil^ in\) men in eucr^ place to liftc top pure feanD0,anD it is re^crfeo t liol^ n^f" of^ tcntrmc«p?areDUJitt) tbetJ tjanosUf* tco bp: tftcn let ttc lifting tp of IjanDcs alfo be nmcc a .Sacrament. i?inaU\] let aUtbegeaure«oft^el)olt onetf tmne into &acrament0 . l^otobcit 3i iuoulDc not alfo mucl) pafife tjpon tbcfe tljingexs, if fo tbat t^e^ toere not iorncD toitjp tbofe otber greater uifcommoiiitics. 3 3if tben toill pjelle Ma toitb tlje antljo* ritt of tbe olD Cburrb,a fa^ t t^^V P?5* tcoafalfecolo; . fro; tbts niiber offe* uen is no tobere founcc among tfec €c^ clefiatticall to jiters : njei^tber is it cer^l taine at tobat tvme it firft crept in . 3 graunt in oeDc ^ fomttmc tbci! be \3tvs free in tjfing t "ame of a Sacrament: is fet fo;tb in tbe cancnifall fcripturrs. jacaine,in \m boakt of Clj^ifiian JuDcc* trirtc.^ince t^jc llo;Dfi refurrertion^tlje llo;Dl)tmfelf&nDtte boctrtne oftbeia^ ponies Ibatb ttliucreo certatne fetJDe fignes in tteDe cf manr^ant) ttcfe mc0 ea&c to be Done, moft reuereno in bn* terfianDing,mclt pure inobferuing: a0 is l!5apttfme 9 1 tbe Celeb;ating of tbc bot)t> « blouo of tt}e llo^D. XSQ. bt? tot^ be bere malie no mention of p bol^ nu^ ber>tbat is, of tbe number of fenen i is it libclr 1^ l)c toolo ^aue paCfeD ttouer, if it baD bene at 1$ t^mc o;t!aineo in tte Cbure|)>rpeciallv fitt) l^e is otl^ertoife in obfcruingof nubersmo;e tutitvs tba neoe toeref ^ea,tolicn be nametb SBap tifme t tbe ^upper,f fpeabett) nctbing of tbe reli: : totb be not ftifficientlr ^* nifie,^ tbefe ttco mtfierves bo eiceel in fingular bignttie, i tbat tbe otber cere^ montes bo reft beneatb in a Ictoer be« grec;Mberfo;e 31 fa^ tbat tbefe ^acra^ mentarre bettors arc tcfiitute not cn# butUibatmcanctbcv'tberbr^ rucnall | l^cftbcfeoaceoftbclio^DfjbutalfGof ceremcnrcs 1 outtoarb rites, % al erer^ cifcs of piiltneffe.^ut tobc tbcp fpeabe oftbofefigncsj^ougtjttobe toitncffes of tbe grace of 05od totoarb bs,tbe^ are contenteD toitl) tbefe ttoo,115aptifme, 1 tbe ^ppcr. §Leaft an\? man fljotilb tbinfe tbat 3 falUr bcafl of tb\?s , 3 toill bcre rebcarfea feto tcCimonics of Au* guftine. %o laniiarius be fai!tb:i?irll 31 Ujoulb bauc tl)ec to boio faft tbat U)bicb istbecbefepopnt of tbvs bifputation, i> our iLojb Cb^ift (as be bimfclf fa^tb in ti)c (2Dcfpcl) batb mabc bs fubtecte to a ligbt i?ofec $'a ligbt burben, ^bere* foiic be batb bounb togetbcr tbe felloto? fl)ip of (' ncto people toitb Sacraments bcr^ fcto in nuber, ber\? cafic in obfer* Hfg,bcr^ erccllet in (itsni6cati6.0s are baptifmc baloUieD in ^ name of ^ SCri nitit,f tbe <^oauinicating of tbe boDre I blcuo of tbe JLojDe , f tobatfoeuer sis tbe confent of tbe olo cburcb,toto murb foeuertbetglo;roftbrspaetcnfe.31Eut noto let bscome botrne to tbe fpcciall tbingc5 tbenifelue5» OfConfirmation» 4 STbrs toas tbe maner in olDc timt, tbattbecbiloaenofCb^ittians , toben tbe^ lucre grcuien to age of bifcretion, QjolD be b;ougbt before r SBifiiop : tbat tbcv C^olb fultil i^ tut^c tDbicb leas re^^ quircb of tiicfe tbat being aiotocn in vcarsb)?b offer tbeidues to IBaptifme. i?o; tbefe fat among tbofe tbat teerc to be Catccbi|eb,til being fully inCructeb in tbe mT!(ler\?cs of tbe faitb,tbev cottlb maUe a ccnfeffion of tbei>; fattb bcfo;ic tbe llBilljop I tbe pcople.ibcrfo^c tber tbat toere baptifeb being infantes , bi? caufe tbcT? bab not tben mabe cofclTion of tbc^; faytb befo;c tbe cbui cb^U-er a^ bout tbe enb of tbct;^ cbilbbmb 0; in tbe beginning Epift.39 |Epift.77 beginning ofthtir T»earotf of otrcrcfioit p;er:titei) njain bi tbdr parentfi,t tucr ewiniiieo of t()e biPbop acco;Dtn3 to t!je fo.:nic of g CatecOifmc, Iwbicb tbci baD tbeucerfain ai« com:no. ^liiotljattbis DoinjjtuIjicJj ot&erluifc ougljt tuo;t0ili? to be grauc i bol;?, mtgbt Ijaiic ^ mo;e reucrcnce aiit) Dignitictbcr toa0 aotitD alfo tbc ccremonic oflaving on of baos. &3 tbat faine cbilocbis fa^tb being al« loloeDjloag let goc luitb folemneblef^ fing.SDbe olo to^itcrs do oft mafec men tionof ti)i0 mancr. Leo tbc popctu^i^ tetb:31f an? retarne from berctiftcs, let bim not be baptifco agame:bnt (Uibir b be iDanteu among tbe lperetifefl)lct tbc bertue of tbe fptrit be geuen btm b^ tht bifl&ops lading on of bis baD0.!^cre our abuerfaries luil eric out,tbat it 10 rigbt full? calleo a ^acrament,in tubicf) tbc boll? gbott i0 geuen , but Leo bimfelfc botb itx an otber place Declare tubat be meanetb bu tbofe Ujo?D0:i22Ilbofo(raitb be)i0 baptijcD amog berctibc0,lct btm not be rcbapti^cD, but toitb callings? pon tbc boU gboftjlet bim be confirmco toitb laping on of baO0:bicaufe be recei ucDonl^ tbe fo;^m of baptifmc Uiitbout fanctiScng.Hicromcalfo mafeetb men- tion of it,\Mutingagainft tbe lluciferi^ ans.But aftbougb 5 t>o not Denv t Hie rome fomtobat crretb tbcrein,fo; )f be faitb i^ it is an obferuatio of ^apoftle0; ^ct be 10 mod far fr5 tbcfc mcs foliec. ilttD tbe tcr^ fame alfo be qualifietb, tobcn be aDDetb,tbat tbis blcffing is gc^ ncn to tl)t bi(!)3p0 onli,ratber in bono^ oftljcir pjiettboD tban b? tbe ncceffitic of la\D.Cberfo;e fucb lading on of baD0 VDbtcb i0 Done fimpli in IteDc of blrJtng, 3 pjapfe anb tuoulD tbat it User at tbP0 Da? rettoicD to tbe pure bfc tbereof. f I5ut tbe later age, bauing in a ma^ ncr blotteo sut tbc tbing it fclf, batb fet Bl IjDot not U)bat faincD confirmatio fb; a Sacrament of <^oD. SDbe? bane fay^^ uatioa. _ _ __ l:ourth fJookeT ncD tbat tbc bertuc of c onfirmafioii ij, to getic tbe bol? gOoa to tbc encreafr of gracctobicb in 13apf ifmc tua0 geuen to innocentieUo arcngtben tbr to bat* tailCj iDbicb in baptifmc luer ncUi be* gotten to lifc.Sbi0 confirmatio is cclc? b;atc tDitbannointing,? \o tbi0 fo;jmc of tuo^D0,5; fignc tbee toitb tbe figneof tljt boll? croITci confirmc tbee loitb tbc cbiiefme of faluation in tbe name of p fatbcr,f of tbc fon,f of tbe Ijoli gboft.ai tbis is gaiel? 1 trimli Donc.llSut iober is tf)e tuoiD of ©oD, tbat map p^ompfe berc tbc piefencc of bolpgboft^ 2Lbep can not b;ing fojtb one tittle. ©Ilberbp tl)t UJil tbep certific ts f tbeir cb^efmc i0tbe tcOel oftbcbolpgbott^ ^^efee o?le,tbat i0, a tbicfee ano fat liquo; anD notbing fl0.iict tbe U)a>D( faitb Augu« ftzne) be aDDeD to tbc elenient,anD toer fiKiibcmaDcn^acramcntXct tbem(3 fap)b:ing fo;tb tbi0 Iuo:d, if tbci? luyl ljauct)0 m tbeovlc tolcbc tpon anp tbing but tbc oilc. gf tbep DiD acbnoto* IcDgc tbemreluc0 mmifters of tbc ^a* crament9,a0 tbep ongbt , toe ncDCD to l!riue no longcr.SIbiB is tbe firlt laUic of a mmiacr,^ be do notbing loitbout comaiiDemet.Oo to,tct tbe b;ing fo^tb anp comaunDcment of tbi0 point of mi^ nittcric,! BlUull not fpcake oncU)o;D moje. Jftbevbaueno comauDemcnf, tbc^ ca not ejcufc tbeir bolones ful of fa crilege.afctr tbi0 maner § Io;d afhcD p pbarifce0,lubctbcr ^ baptifmc of Jobn Vucr fro beaticn 0; fro mf :tf tbci baD an floercD, fro mf , tbe be l;aD maDc tbf co ks ^ it toas triflfg j t)ain: if fro beaue , tbe luer t\)ci copelcD to aclmoluleDgc § [ Doctrine of Jobn, £Cberefo;c Icafttbe? (boulD to mucb fdaDcr Kobn^tbei Durtt not cofes ^ it tDa0 fro me. Jf tl]erfo;con firmation be framcH,tt 10 p;oucD to U tain f trifling:if tbc? toil perfuaDctos ttat it is fro beauen, let tbem p;ouc it, 6 g:bcp Do in DceD Defcno thcmfclucs r>i.4^ Mat 12. I 2>. LliLuy. loitt) i :X0.i9 Of the outvvarde mcanes ; I ti}ey tfeinU to i)iuic Done nctbfg iMV' I $Li)aD:nritbcr iuoolD tDC I I llviine tiif ,if tljci (IjcUjeD tbemfelucs fo j j UilDcrs of ttje apoaics5.)15ut toljat DiD § ! " * ^ ; £t)c xipoaics lubicl) iucr at l^ierufalem i I iul)eii il)er tjcaro tljat ^aniada Ijao re# cciucD tbc \iJo;iO of gcD,fcnt tijeibcr pc tcr I fio!jn:tbci p^^aieD fo; t\)i ^amari;' tc.s,^ ti)cv uiigljt rccciuc ttie Ijolt gljoff, iu!]tc() luas not \>tt com into anu of ti}t but t()ev to£^r baptijeo onlt in p name of 3icfu£:U}&m t[)ti K)aD potato, tt}ci laiD tbcir ijant^B tjpo tt)cm: b^ l2)l)Ub lading cn,tbc ^amaritanjj mc^ueD tbe l)ol^ fiijoft^inD of tOw! laving on of tancis be DiucHc times mafectb mentio. 3i beare tubat ti)c ripoilles DiD:^ i0,tbci faitftful In rrecutet) tbctr nuniderieXbe %o)Xi U)-.UeD t!)at tljofe ^tlible t tooDcrful gra t£B of tbe bolr sboftjiDbtcb be tben poh« rcD out Upo bis pcoplc,(bulD be minifies reo t oiftributcD of b^s ^pottles bi tbe la^nng on of banDs,16ut bnner ttjis iayi' in^ on of baoes ^ tbinhc tberc teas not coteineo an^ bier mift erp:but 3 crpoiiD jititbattbei acio^neo fucb a reremonie, tbtit b^ tbc ber^ outtoarbc Do^ng tbc^ migbt figniSe, t tbevcomenoeo t as it ^cr ofifreo to <©oD b^m bpon tobo tbe^ laio tbcir baos.:5f tbis mmiOrrr iobirb ibe %oflles tlj^n erecuteD, Wv ^et M remainmg in tbc.cburcb, tbe laieng on of baes alfo ongbt to be hept. liButfins tbat fame grace batb ceDTcD to be gcue, iuberto feruetb tbe lading on of banosf SCrul^ tbc bol^ gboU is ret pjefent lo tbe people of goD, loout iPbo being ^nU »er t i)irccter,tbe cbtircb oCgoo tail not ttant). ifo toasercellentlv enciigb BifcIofeD.Jn tobat point tberefojeUiilltbcfe Ifage* platers fav tbat tbei foUoU) v ^pottlesf SLber flboulD baue none it Uitf; laving onofbaDs, tbat tbeeuvbentpotoer of ti)t bolv gboft migbt brtbv fi)cU) fo;tb itfelfe. %tvst\}t'^ b;ttngnot topafiTe: tobr tberfo^c DO tbev boa tbat 1> laving on of feanbes maUetb foj tbem, irbv^b l£e rebe in Deeb tbat tbe 0poai(0 Ucb, but altogetber to an otber enbef 7 %Usf batb lihe reafo as if a ma (btild teacb tbat tbat b;eatbing iDbergtoitb § lo^D b;catbeb tpo bis btfciples, is a la* crament luberbi tbe bc!v gboft ub geue. i5ut tDbereas tbe Io;d did tbts cnce^be biD not alfo toill tbat toe (boulo do tbe fame. after tbe fame mancr alfo tbe ^ podlcs lavcD en tbeir baDs, During tbe time t it pleafeD tbe lo;ce tbat tbe tiU* ble graces of tbe bolv gboa l^ulD be Di^ dributeo at tbeir p;aiers: not tbat tbei iubieb came after,a)ulD onlv plaicrlil$e itoitbouttbetbvngin DceD couterfavt an anptv ( colD 0gne,as tbefe apes do. 3l5ut if tbev paoue tbat in laving on of baDcs tljti foloto tht iapoaics,(toberin tbev baue no like tbing tovtb tbe 3po^ Uels, (auing Jtootenot tobatoucitb' toart to;6gful couterfaittng)vet tobecje cometbtbetniitetobicb tbev call i^otU of faluatton^^bo taugbt tbem to feUe faluation inoile;f ^bo taugljttbem to, geue fo it ^ potocr of firegtbningf DiD |aaul,tobicbD;atoetbtsfar ato^avfro Gal4.2. tbeclementesof tbys tPo;l5, tobycbe. Col.a.ao ccnDem** Ioh.20. 22, To Saluation, ""fourth BookcTT^^M^'j lKo.6,4. IDC ma^ be alfo partcncrs of fjis rcfur rcctio.JL^nt ttjis tcloVtUjip U;it^ i Dcat^ anolifcofCbjiiipaule c):poanDctt)to j l«tteinc;titTingofourficft},f quiche? ; lung of owr fptrit:fo; ttjat our olDc man \ is cruc:ficO,ttnt \vc niai lualk in ncU)^ ! nes of Ufc»tt< t;at is to be armct) to bat ' tcUiftbiBbcnot^ 3iftbct>(cmptcDita matter of nofl)ing,tatreaDe bnccr fate I tbc UJD^De of GootiMbr DID ttjev net ret I at leaft rcuerrnrt ttje cburcb> to UJl;cm tbcp U)i! m cncrr pornt fame fo cbeot/' fonDcmnefb nothing m'o;c fta t^tnic* feigto fucft pctV oblcmaticie^ 15ut tlj^c 3 bolDlf j^ottcunrc^not of mr felfe,but from tfje lo;D.'2xlbo To r a! ttjC crt of fal* natio,tfjci fo^ftomrc v faU'ation U;i3ulj is in Cl)?iff ytber Deni? c]);iUXf)V£ tauc no part in % ftingDctn cf goD. jrc? orlc is foj tl;c bfHr^anD t!?e be»r fc; 0Tl:tt)e Lo;De ttrnll DearoT? botlie. i? 0; al tijele tocafte elcmrrifs, luf)if b terav Vb terr t)fe, bc(cng ncebins to tije hin^Dcme of goo,bi!nfbifi(^irituaUfl)alncuerDe* eav.tE\!)at t^.cn^tuifl fome men fav:W i "'^"^ tobat ca be b^cugbt fc;tb mo;c YOU mcafurc toitb tbc fame meafurct ! ttrongacainft tbcir Doctrine, tban tliat heater tubcretoitb Mit be baptifcD,f tfje ; Decra cr tlje Q^ilt uitanc ccunccl; c.^.bo b;eaof UHnctnoertDbicb^fupp^r of, (olfitttjett^ati^aptifmc wctunionelE ii !o;d is QtutiJ aftopr f in facramc fai: | to^ fojgeueneCe of Onne5,anD rot fo; a geuen oWm, tiJJO tbings are to be Ic^ ' tJcJpc or grace to ccme, accuriTf D be be. keD bntottbt fnbaanec oft boDiUt^ng I It ut Uii;ereA5 l.uUCyU\ tbc place U)bub tobict iB fet before \}5, ano tbc fojwe ^ 1 toe banc allegctj, f attbe tbat tiK r ^ trc i« bv ? tuo^D of gcD p;inteo in tt,tDber^ I baptife^ in tbe name of Bicfuc Cbr.Cf , Aa,8.i^' in Iretb tbe tbbolc ftrengtb.Jn refpectc tberfo;e tbat tbe b^eaD, tuinr, f toatcr f^t arc in f be facramcnts^cffreD to our figfttjDo feeew ibeir ctim riibftantr,tbi» fatiingof pant altoarbatl^ pfact.^eaf fo J tlje bctl^jf tl)e IrcHu fo> meaf cteeo QjaUBedrcp t^m b6t^.ft); tte^ palTe t tjani(5j aioa^ tuittj tbe fafljion of fbis tobttb bdD net recetuco tbe bolr fiUcfi, be DOtb not fimpl^ Dcnr ti^t ttjcp teere cnDueD Ujitb anr gift of tbe bolr sboft, tobicb beleueD m Cb;itl luitb bart,nnD confcircOt)im Vuitb moutl):but nicnctb of ^.rrtcimng of tbc tt5oii?gboff, twbtr* bptbo&pcnpoUjera anis tnfiblcgraccc; Ujcre receiuco. ^0 is it (ato tbat tbc ^ tDo;lD.But in rcfprct t t\)ci be factifico , pottles rccaucD tbc fpirit oi>tbt ear of 'j >lfloiT r. . >-Ji i • brtbcli5o;Dofgo6,tlv\ttbcrmarbcf^ tbcpcntctoa, tobcrasitbaDbtniong: f rawertte,tter'D6 tre^ N^ ^s mf fleUj faio tmto tbcm of vLbJiC, iit is not ton but t(f trtlelr atfisfpirituaUr teaci) ts. tbat fpeaU, but tbc Jppint of m^ fatter 8 iBlifVt Us D^t md>e hKclv lohe into .tu^ir^ (pcakrttJ in tcu. tSebolDc all ?c ft^o^emanrmor^V^t&idfatliJquaj tbatareofC^oD,tbc,maltfiou£ianDpcr^ fi)ffttl^t1f-eDetbS:!?efe«n^rnttr!5{av, ^onous occeitc of ^atan , £Lbdt Ibmg ttjattbebol^ gboft isgcnrn in J15a^tim tP^bU>afitrucl?scaen m li5aptifmc, fo innocent e:tn cofirmation,tetnf rcfe -Ijc Ivmglv faitl) to be geuen m bis com of grace,mt^n if apt rfme^fec aw^ wte , firmation, tt;at bciJiap b? ftcalt^leaoe besotten info life tiHCOnfWiiatfiJii, fH^ | ^^mitoitoarc frd^eaptifnio.UitonclB 1 arc oKparc&b fcatte«.anD tttv^.i^e fo can Dotttbat ttji8.is.tbcDoctnne of fa." r. m^mm.H^jtit mi den? ^ ^apfifmc , taR,\fcbicb rntiine ateai from }f aptim 1; SiTtijellJc^bortWe9utci^fir«-.dttort. itpiomire5ip;opa:lvbcloitgutgtobap A ilD toiehcbncfre.^re toe not tbrrfo?c in tim,TJDtb conuev alca^ « rcmone tbcm iSapttimc b'!rtci> tocretber 16 ft, j to an otbcr tbirta^ait ts foun&( J fav;t)p^ ^1 tfoS^itoe jart^ltgrg of tjil^^DtyatM^rft ! otttpt^tjcancror fouDationtbiggo.DlY 7"^' %U..\i, amiojn^ I Gal3.27' Oftlieoutvvarde meanes Dc cofe difl)' ca. tl)cm:"cluc5.if 0^ l;oiue man^ of fljc no^ b<:e of tljeir ol»n people Do t^ci? anoint after baptifme^ to!}? tfjerfp^c Doe f !je^ (uffcr fuclje Kjalfg cbiftians in tl)tn floche,U)&ore imperfect ion migtjtc cali> ll? be feolpf f 2Sab? 00 tbep loit^ fo rare* IclTe negligence fuffcr tbem tocniitte tbat tDl)icb \X)as not latuful to be omit^ teo toitljoat greuoiis offencc^©83b^ Doe tbe^ not mo>c feuercl?? call tpon f^e leaping of a tfjingfoneceliCarp, i luitb^ outetubtcl) faluation can not be obtei^ neD^tinleOe pcraouenture fome be p^e^ ucnteD b^ Deatbe f Qaerii^ toben tbe^ fo freely fuffer it to be oefptfeD, tbetjfe^ cretls confcflfe tbat it is not of fo great tjalue as tbei?boae it. lo i,aftofalltb?p Determine tbattbrs bolpannopnting is to be baD in greater rcuerence tban baptifmc : bicaufe tl}^8 anno^nting is peculiarly miniftreo bg tl)t banns of tbe cbcfe biOiiops, but bap tifme is commol^ otSiibuteo b^ nter? P^ied. p^lbat mai? a man bere faii,but Verb.ca i.confcc. iDiftj.cS [Aurdio ;cap.vt Jciu. Cap»dc» his vero. Diftinai eadem. i anno^nting ffanwtb.SD^e teo^t of gcD is, tm all tbc? iobtcb arc baptifcD in €\)n^, banc put on Cb;itt io fct^ Sifts. Sljc Uiojo of § anornters iSy tbat tbe^? receiucD in )£>aptifme no piomife , bp iDbl^cb tbe^ ma^ be armcD in battails. %f}at i!st\^t to^cc of tbe trutb,tberfo^e tU^ mnft be tbe toice of ivtng.SCbcre* fo;e 3 can mo;e trul? Define tt)^s Con^ firmation tban t^t^hgboltc bi? lading on of banDSjtbat tbe? ma? befouno ful cb^^i^ ftians : bicaufe be fi)all ncner be a cbn^ ftian,tbat is not cb;efmeD )x}itf^tl)t b?^ 1 1 tbe? e^re btterl? mao,t»bicb fo flatter ff)ops cofirmation,2Lbefe be tbtir oton tbeir oU>n ir^i.entiens,^ in comparifon .^/^^^ » farinas Ujo^jDe fo;iluo?De. :SiSut31baD oftfjem tbe? carelefl? befpifetbebol? tbougljt tbatUJbatiocucr tbingspertei^ ' o;oinanees«fxl5op^ ^ moutij^ robbcH ncD to Cb;iftianit?, Iner a! fet fo.jtb in ' gobjbarett tbou fet a fat liquo; ohli Dc^ to;?tingompteDtl)isbutarifmaUmatter,tjnk0 Treftlcj of Cb;iU,Dotb ^iit begin cb^iftias, anD , t^ou^iott alfo prefer it aboue i fame. Apollo. o?le ma'aetb tbem perfe£t.5i5? tt)i5(cn* , SCbefc be the anfUicrs of tbe bol? ^»jf> ^mong tence arc DamneD al tbe apoflles, anD , tbefe be tf^c ^;acles of f apofloliU tre^ 'the Hea- fo man? pirt?;s,tobom it is moft ccr , Ate. Wuttomt of tbe in tbeir oiun opi^ '{he gauc taineto bauc neuerbenc cbJcfmtDtfo; . «ion,bego fomtoljat to qualif? tfjisbr^ ^nfwercs afmucb as tbe o?le tuas not ?crtiiJaDe, j b^iijelcD mapneffe.at is(ra? thcv)tQht, tprophc tobicb being poureD t3pon tbcm , tbe? | iuo?(|>ippeD luitb greater r£uerrce:per 'tics at a migbt fulfill all tbe parts of cbjifttani^ i aouc ture not fo; tbe greater enrrefe of threfoo^ t?:o; ratber migbt be maoe cb^iftians ! tJertuc i pjofit ^ it geuetb : but bicaufe ted bord VDbicb ?et U)crc none, ©ut, tbougbc ^litis geucn of tbe tuo^fbtcr men, ana is 'or Trc- boloe m? peacctbc? do largcL? confute ' maPc in tbe U?o;tbter part of tbe boDy» jftic. ____^ .j^.c tun Scntcn, capicu.3. capitula. Pcruc- t\)at iSyin tfje fo;ri)CD:o; bicaufc it b^iiu gctl) a greater cncrcafeoftjcrtucs, a^ ti^ougij bapCifme auait mo;e to fo;geue ncs.iiSut in ^ firtt reafo do t\)ci not be* tow? tbf fcluc0 to be BonatittB \»bicb To Saluation. to t^^s onip cnue, to to;rupte tbe pure^ Fourth Bookc jFoL niC. nc ffe of tl)c ^acramentea tottb ttjcw Icauen. B!bauealreaop fpobentbrstn an otbcr place, tOat in tbe facramcnts, tbat tDbict) i0of ©oD, feared? glimmer mcafure v fo;ce of § Sacrament b^ tbe | retb tb;ougbc at boles, amonc ibc rout too;tbinc0of§ittimfter.^ut3 ^liao | oftbcinucntionsof men. Jfanveinan mtt,^ cofilnnatto be calleD i too;tbtcr bt rcafon of tbc too;tbtnc0 of p bidjops banb.lHutifamanarfee oftbem,from tobente To great p;ero]gatiuc \}at\) bene geue to bi(bop0,tobat reafon ^ii tbe^ b;tns beOoe tbctr oton lutti Ue 0po« Kel0 alone Dfco tbe potoer,tobtcb alone ttttrtbuteo tbe boll? gbott i i^rc t^c hi* (bop0 alone tobp bo tbei not coclubettbcrfoje to tbe biiops aloncfUBut in f place tbei mabe t^c apoacl0,ample p;ica:but noto tbe GtDDtiii;0 of tbc irbcD cariietb tbcnian otber Ujai?,roDenlt to create tbcm y5v' fbop0. if mall? Ananias luasnoiapo^ ftelc, to tubom ret paul Uia0 fent,tbat be Q)oulD rece^ue bT?0 Ogbt^bc baptifeb, ano be ftllco toitb tbc bol? gboft. s tuil aDDc tbifi ?iiro to tbc brape:if b? ^ laluc of (2^00 tbtiB^tuas tbc p;iop£r office of bi^ fl)op8 , tub? bauc tt)cv bene fo bclce to gcuc it alua? to commo pneUsi 30 Ibc rc4D in a certain (Spittle of Gregory. 11 ;36fo;tbc?; otbcr rc(6,boUj trifling, fono,i folilb 10 itjto cal tbcir confirmaf tton too^tbier tban tbe baptifm of goD, btcaufe in it tlit fo;ebeab is annotnf eo Uiitb oilc , and in baptifme tbe btnocr part of tbc bcb, a0 tbongb baptim toerc Don tuitb tbc otile i not Icitb i^ toaterf 31 cal all tbe goDlp to toitnctfe, Vcbetbcr tbcfe lorel0 00 not enoeno; tbenirelue0 DtD not belocue mo tbcrtn, let bim notD at leattc bclccue br0 otonc maitter0. ilocpatTing oucr tbe Uwter , anD niS' king no acco pt of it, tben bid? ettame tbe onl? oile m baptifme. UAc tberfo;e on tbe contrar? fioe Do fa?, tbat in bap^ tifmetbe fo^ebcb alfo is DippeD in toa< ter. 3(n comparifon of tbi0,toc efidcmc not?ouroiieU)o;tbone piece cf Dong, tobetber it be in baptifme o; in confir* matron. Jf an? allege tbat it icfolDc fo; mo;e : b? tbr0 aDDrng of p.iicc, tbe gfflDnclTc ( if an? toere in it) is co;rup^ tcD fo mucb IctTe ma? tbc? commcnD a mod fiUb? Deceit b? tbcff. 3!n tbe tbirb reafcn tbe? beto;a? tbc?;i oton bngoD'' linelTc, inbilc tbc? p;atc ti)at in confirm mation 10 geuen a greater encreafe of t)ertue0tban in baptifme. 15? tbc la?* ing on of banDe0 tl)c Q\io(Hcs DiSribu^ tcD tbe btfible grace0 of tbc ^pirite.^n Uibat tb?ng Doc tbcfe mens fatte liquo;i QjeU) It fclfe fruitfull:' iSut aUia? Uutb tbcfe qualifiers, tbat coucr one racrt.< lege toitb man? facrilcgc0 . Jt is l?be tbc tobic^tben \^out open ftame.tbet tbe boll' <]>ooll. But fojafmucb as it ' ^oalo not omit tberfljolo be amogcb^^i^ migJitfeine anabfur&itie, ^tbe lading f ftia people a greater cofcnt of faitb,anO, on of ^anbs min be^Don of neto ratbcr not fo great ignojace i ruDcnes of ma;* tbatttiptifme : tje (bctoetb a Differecc. n j:fome Ojolo not be fo rafl^^carico a- jf o;^ (faptb ^) tobat otber t\nn(i is tbe toa^ id neto t flrangc Doctrincstftnalli? lading of banOiJ,tl>apjaior^porva.ma^: al J^lD bane as it toera certain ojDer* ana i tU^'is. Us meaning , appcaret!> iB iHttritttion of (Sb^iffian learning* b-^anotberplke^toberebefattbili^anQi O^ Penance, j is laiD tjpon beretik0 amentJCD, fb j tbe ! 3n tbe mat place tbei fet penattce,of coupling of Cbarttv,tobicb is tl)C grca.« tobicb tbe^ entreat fo confufcl\? $ Difo^? tea gift of (> bol?<^oll,toitbflut tobtcb b;jeolv> ^ confciences can beare atoa^e to.^cufoeucr Wvt ti)ing3 arc in mm^.- no fare oj fo«D tb^ng of tbetr Doctrvn^ tbbpauaitertottafaluatton, - i^SfebaucalreaUT'inan otfjcrplaceDex. »4 llgut I iDolo toC^D toe Djo^ftep^l^iri cUH:eB at larg8,tobat toebao lerneD out ibetiianertoJjubS^tne fai&etobsuelofMcripfnresConce b.caijvtbcoi9tim5>b£fojetba?tbii!5tjn?' aRDtbpatobattbe^ teacbof t^: »jiiotor. tiimly D2huereiitmaacttfajfacrtime?^jas baue tfm omi^to toocbe, toW t — — ~ oaiG^Si^ To Valuation. Fourth Booke |t'OL45c, rcafon ttje^ hau tijat raifcD tp v cptnio r place fljetocttjjtljat r.ot onlp tfjc lin^op, toljicbtatbljcrctofojc reignec m ctur* t^es ano fctcD!c0,tfcat it is a farraniet, 115ut fira 3 Uiil b;icfcli fap fomtDtiat of ti)c \)fage of ffee olD €\}uuf)yt\)t p;ctf cc tPbercoftbet tauc abufcD to ftabiiOjc tt)t^} faincD inuctionXtiB o?Dcr t\)c^ kept in publiljc prnacc,ttat tbc? itttjicli baDfuUpDon tijc fatiffacticsfniorncij tbem,toer reconcile D tuptb folcmn Ia^# ing on of bancs. SLfeat ioas tbc figne of abfolution,tobcrbp botb tbe finner bim fclfc toas raifeo top before (KcD Xa tvufi of paroon, ano the CburcbtoasaDmo- mO^cD gently to rcccinc bim into fauo;^ putting atoap tbcrcmcmb;ancc of brs ofifence. SCbis Cyprian oftentimes ca!^ letb, to geuc peace. SDbat tbrs toing migbtc be of greater t)ignit\>,anD banc mo^e comenoation among (' people, it tuas o^DcincD ^ tbc bpCbops anttjo^iti? ftiuln alU}a^ be bfeo fo; tl)t mean bere in.if rom bence tbat Decree of tbe fecoD counccU at Cartbage.lSc it not latoful to a piieft at t[)i S^alTc publibelp to re* concile a penitent. j^nD in an otber tie? crcof i? ccumcl at^raijfuim,Iletlbcfe tobif b in time of tbci7 penance Depart out of tbrs lifc,be aonuttcD to tbc ccm^ munion U)\?t{}outlbe larii'.s on of baDs tfcD in reconciling : if tbep reccucr cr tber-i ftcfeneffc let tbem fianb in tbc De^ gre of penitents, anD U3ben tbc time is fullp erpncD, let tbem xcccim of p bp* fbop tbe laving on of banDcs tjreD in re- conciling. jagain,tbc cecra of tbc tbirD coiincel at Cartbngc:3let not tbe p;iea toptbouttbeaatbo2itpoftbebinjop,re^ ccncilc a penitential tbrfe tcDcD to tbis enD,tbat tbe feucritie toUtcb tbep UjoId baue to be bfcD in tbat bcbatf,iulo not tuitb too mucl) Icnitpc grotoc in oecap. SLbcrefojc tbc)? loiUcD tbe bpfliop to he iuD^c cf itjtobieb tocts lifeeli t be UjoId be mo?c circnmrpert in tbe eraminatio tberof.^otobcit Cyprian in a certaine Decrct. butaifo tbc tubole Clergp laiDe tbcra bancs en bim.iroa tl^vB be faptb fit tbe ful time tl^vi: ^o pence r,tbf n tbcr ccme to tbc tbe laring on cf bancs cf tbc bpHiop « tbc clcrai?,tbcv receiue potccr to parfaUe cf tl^c €cnu munion, HfferlDarD br p;jgccffecf time it came to tbis popnte, t> bcGce piiblilie penance tbcp bfcD tbr^ ccremcnralfo in p;iuntcabfoIutions.l[;)ereupon came tb 15ut tbc KomaniCs 1 tbc fcbolemcn (tubicb bane an o^Cinarp criGcm fc co} rupt all tbings Uiitb Uj;6g crpennring tbem)co bcrc berp carcfuUp trauail m fincing out a facramf t, ^citber cugljt it to femeanp maruell, fcj tVjcv fff ke a Unot in a ruU). Irut Vohcvc tbcp baue if beffjtbep leauc a tbing cntaglcctn fuf- 1 penee,bncertaiii,$ confounccD anc trc^ Lib.4. , blec toitb cinerfitp of opinions. Slbep Sen. did J fap tbcrfo;rc eitber tbat tbe outtoarc pe 'i2.cap,2 nanee is a facramct, anc if it be fo,tbat it ougbt to be taken fo; a (rgn of tbe in* toarc penance, tbat is,of Uje contrition of bart,tubicb fljalbe tbc tbing of tbe fa? cramcnt;o.2 tbat tbcp bctb tcgctber are a facramcntjnot tteo facramentcs, but one ful one. I^ut f tl)e cuttearp rrnace IS iCsn..i.9. Of the outward ineanes vet.te^t. is onli^ ti)c ^^cramcnt:t!)c intDaroc i5 boti) V;c tP/M ^^^ ^^^ facramcnt : ano t :at t.,cfo,:ev«er.cr; of Cin? {» tf?c t^ing ant) not tijc >Q>acrament. Let tlit tobicb feepe in rcmsinb.ianc0 tljatficMtioof a facrament intncij iyc banc aboac fct, epajsuns tbcrcb^ tbat tefjicb tbefe men ca! a facramcnt,anD tht\> f^all Snt) t!jat it 15 list an cuttoaroc ceremony o^oet^ nea of t'je ILo^oc fo; tl)c confirmmg of our faiti)2,It t|)n? fauil tfjat m? rjcSni* tioii is not a lata iD?)ic!j ttje^ necc to 0^^ b£l?:lct tfje !)car i3ugulhnc,lubom tlje^ fain \5 tbc^ cUcme as moU ^al^ taiOible racramcnt0(faitb be) toer ojDeineD foj carnaU mens faHcs, tbat b? Degrees of facramsrnts tl^iyQ niaibc conueicD from ti^ofc tbJnss tbat are fcne U>iU) cits, to ti]ore tljings ^ arc tinuerffaoeD. Mbat Uuetbing oo citbcr tbe\) tbemftiues fee Q} can tbet! (l^elDc to otbcr in tbc lobicb tOe J? f al tbc facrament of penaccf 2Dbe fame auguHin faitbin an otber place: 5t rstberfo^ calico a facramJt, becaufe in it one tbtag is fenj,i anotber 11)1% is tjnserSanuco.SDbat iubicb iskmMti) a bocils fo;me:tbat inbicb is t^noerfta^ ^£>,baCb a fpirituall frute. .fjicitber ooe thttt tbin^s in an?? ic jfe agVe^ toitb tbe fairanient of pcnance,fucb as tl)c^ fain it, tobcre tbere is no bouilp fo;:me tbat mai? re^jjcfcnt a fpiritunl frute. i6 0nD,to kil tbefe beaHes bpon tbeir otonSgbtinsp!afe,iftbcrl;ean\?facra ment besre to be fougbte, ma^ it not be mucb moje coIo;abli» fais ^ tbc ahfolu? tion of § p;t0a is a facrament,tban pe* nance eitber intuaro o^ outtcarD i jf o^ it migbt rcoil^ be faiD,tbat it is a cere^ mon\j to alTnre our faitb of tbc fc.jgeue^ nes of finj,! batb a plo^nife of § feezes as t jci cal it,Mbatfoener re l^al binD 0^ loie t3pon cartb, I^lbe bouD o^ lofeo in lj«rjucn. I5ut fome man luoulo baue obieaeo, tijat tbe moil parte of tbe tbat arc abroiueo of tb.e p.:icitec> obteine no fucb t^iti% bp fucb a"ufclutio:i»beras bg tbcir DOitrin tbc facraniets of tbe ncto lato ougbt to tuc;U ii\ tk^t tbat U?bicO thcyf figure. Cbis bjcr hut to be laugb* eu at.iro; as in Ujt fupper.tbei nia'ae a Doble eating, a facrametal catig tobicb is egaUi?conmion to gc3=3 1 fo mU an5 fpirituall eating tcbicb is cnclr p^opae to f> gfflO: iBbi? migbt t\jt^ not alfo fain ^ abfolution is receiueo tluo li>ats;vet coulD 311 not bctbcrto tntierftantie iDbat tlM nteant lo t\)iG tbeir uoctrin, tebicb toe baue alreD^ taught bolu far it bifa* grcetb from tljc trutb of CDoD,\Dbrn toe purpofcl^ entreat of ^^ argumcnt.i^ere mi? mino is oncl^ f o tbetne,^ tbis Dout tuitbtlanDeib no:>but f tlm mai? cal § abfolution of p pjieff a facrament, iFoj , . , thc^ migbt anftocr bv tbe moutb of Au A? p guftin,^ fanctiScation is tooout § Ijifible ^i , facrament, f tbe Viifible facrament Xoo ^ outinluarofanctification. Sgain,^ tlic Py* ^ facraments do toc^a in tbe onlv elect ^ °^ ^^, iDbicb tbe? figure. jagain^iUombopiit ^"^^^'^^ on Cb Jitt fo far as to § pertahing of § "^ * facramcnt,otber fome to fanctificaticn: tht one,tbe gojD i euil egallv ooitbis o^ tber,§ gcDD cnl|?.^ruli tljc^ baue mo^e tban cbiloifljl? errctJ,anD bene blino in tbe clear funne, tubicb trauailingtoitb great baronclfe , ^ct efpicD not a tbing fo plainc anb open to euer^ nnm. 17 l^et lead tbet ^ulo tuaj: to p^ouD^tn tubat part foeucr tW fet p fatramet,3[ Dcn^ ^ it ougbt rigbtfuUr fo be take fa; a facramet.^irU bicaufe tber is no fpe^ cial p^^cmife to if ,tobicl) is f oli fubfface of a racramet,0gai,bicaufe iobatfoeuer ceremony is bere CbetocD fojtb it is tbc mere imittio of me ;lwberas tDCbaue al reoi p;oiieo ^ f ccrimonis of facramftj - . j,. canot be ojoeinb Wt of go^.SDberfo; if Va'^ ijuas a lie i a Deceit \jiy\)iihthti baue fue f^i V tcD of u facrdmft ofpenacc, tbis faiueo | P^* ' facramet tbet \i(kut garnifljeD w a mete ••^^P'^* comenoafiona calling it a feconP bojDe after I'o Saluation. Decret. ij-.que.i Cap,far- mifTune. Mar,i,4 after n[)ipUi;tli:bifai:fr if a ma tanc t-y finning marrcD {» garirr t of tr.rccrncy totjicU be rccciueD in baptir:iir,f;c may by penance repair it.lDLit it is § faying ofHicrom.tl^bofc rociicr it be,it canot "Fourth Bookc lroi.4.36 tailing.llfeet? fainc y tftcre be tfeio t:cr luce of it,y forgtuf nesof fiuj, ? cafe of lomly Cchnf£5 if it be fo erpcuicnt : if not (7 fa!uati6 of f rouie:ii:i}Ct fay )5 tIjC inftitr.ficn of it isfet of ^fames, tuljofc be crcufeD but ^ it is bttcrii tcickcD,if , iiic^oci; arc tljc fe. 33 any fickc among ttbeerpouDCD after tbeir meaning. £s i ycuii; ct Ijim b;ing in tbe Cicere of tl;C tl)ogt) baptifm be blotteu oat bi fin, f is not ratber to be eallcD to ren.rb;ace of cueri finner,fo oft as be tljinfectb of tf>c fo;geucneire of fin,i^ be may tbcrby ga=< tber t3p bifelf,f rccouer co:age,i If reng tbcn bis faitb, t be fljal obteine tbe fo;^ geucnes of finj inbicb is p^omifeD bini in baptini. i5ut ^ lubicb Hicromcbatb fpofee barDly 1 tjnp;operIy,^ by penace baptim is repaired (fro tobicb tbcy fall atoai ^ Defcrue to be ercomunicatc frc § cburcb) tbefe gcoD erpofito;s D;ato to tbeir luicbeDneffc.SSbercfojcyou Cjall mott fitly fpckCjif you cal baptifine tbe facranient of penancc,fitb it is geue fo;^ a confirmation of grace, ( feale of con^ fiof ce, to tijtm tbat purpofe repentace. flnDlcaHycufijoulD tbinUc tlustobc our Dcuife,bcfice tbis tbat it agrdtb lu tbe Ujo;r)s of tbe fcripture,it appearetb tbat it Ujas in ti}c olD cljurclj c cmmolp fpo^en like a niofi tertainc principle, ^f 0^ in V bobc of faitb to JDeter, tobicb is faiD to be AuguR. it is calleD y facra* mcnt of faitb auo of penance. jtlnD loby flee U)e to Uncertain fayingsfi^s tbougb tDCcoalD require any tbmg mo;c platn tba tbat iDbub tbeCuangclili rccitctb. ra.j.14. Mar.6.13 fburcbi? let tbe p;ay cuer bym, anein* ling i)im iuttb cilein y name of y Ic;d: ano t\)c p;aicr cf faitb lljall fane y Oclse ma,anD tbe lo^o fljal raifc bim tp: anD if be be in fin j,tbei Qjal be fo;gcnen bf . £)f tbe fame fo^t is ibis anointing , of Inbicb ^t bnue abooc fbcUjeo ^ tbe o* tber laying on of baps is,namcly a plai crlifee bip3ci'ifie , tuberbi Uiitbout rca* fon ano tuitbouf frute tbe i UjoID rcfem ble y ^»poftles,^arfte rebearfctb ^ tbe jSpoliles at tbcir fiitt ff Dingy2cco;r)ing to t);c comaiiDement UUjicbe tbey baue receaueD of tbe Io;d, raifeo tp teao me, cart out ccuilSjClcnfcD Icpjous me,bca' leD y ficbjt ^bat m bealing of y fick tbei tjfcJ) oyleXbei anointeD(raitb bc)niani fick me lu oylCjf tbci tocr bcaico , l?)ere tnto Jwimes bao rcfpect,lubr be comau* jcoyelDersto bccalleDtogctber toa^ nointtbe fick maXbatljnccrfucbccre monies is cotaincD no bier mifter!,tbci fijal eafili iur^sC tobicb "»iJrk botu great liberty tbe 5lo;DanD bis japonicstfcD y^^tp.spi in tbcfc ouiluarD ttingsXbe E o;D gc^ I-u^'Kh^ ing about to retto;c figbt to y I lino ma A<^t.3A mace clay of duC « fpiitlc,fomc be bca^ ' ^^^'** IfOlDitbtoucbingjDtber feme tuitbbys '? '^ foh, 9.6. tbat Miti pjeacbeD tbe IBaptifmc of jluo^D.^fver^fanicmantrtbeapofiles ir.4).8 repentance \jnto fc;:geuencffe of finnes» Of extreme vniflion as thc)' call it, 18 SLbc tbirDe fainco facramcnt is tv^ tremclJnctio,lubtcb is not con but of y paieft, f tbat ertremes, (fo tbey terme tt))f U)itb oile confecrate of tbe bilbop, I U)itb tbis fo^me: ^y tbis boly anoint tiuG,t by bis moft kino mercy,goD par Do tbce lubatfoeucr tbou \)n(t offenoeD by feing,by bearing,by fmellins,f£lig. ' bcalcD fom Difcafes Icitbf be tro^D only fom Uiitb toucbing, otber fcmlij ancin ting.iSut it is likely ^ tbis annointing toas not (as al ctber tbigs alfo U3cr no^ cauaeQy put in t);c. 3 graiit: yet not j} It tbolD not be a mean of bea ing,but en ly a fign, y tbe culnes of Ujc tufkilfiill migbt be put in mino fro iDbf ce fo great poUier pjoceDeOjto t\)is eno ^ tbci flioID net geue tbe p;aife tberof to y apofiics. ano f!?=xi$>. Of the out\'vard meanes h,9 7- 20. tijan in clD time : but Ije Botfj not fo t^ tcr tyofc manifc^ pclt3cl*0,no.t DiCribu ttt\) miracles bv V:x \)an\iS cf tfjc 0po* f!el?0 : b^faur: tljig gift hath in^s bvit fo;j a tiaje,ani3 aifo is partcl? faUtn a* toap b^ tljctnl[)anfefulnefi'ccf men. 20 Xf)erfo;je as not 5»oat cmk t()c 0po Celcfi ^iie bv § fignc of oile optli? ttftU fi5D,fl5attljc grace of f)ea!i:ig0 comitt^D to t\}m\ tuas net tt)eir olijn potoer, but tb2 potoer of § Ijolv stjoU : fo on tht a# tber (iDc tbev arc tojong Doers to f i)oU g')ofJ,U)bicb mafeea dmliio: oile 1 of no tbc poluer of § bolt? gboff, btcaufe it is called bi' tbat najie in fcriptarc,tbat tf ueri?E>oi30 is tbel^sl^ gbca?bicaufebe » 1 apearcDintljatfo^m.iButtbcreibmgs, ^ *^ ' let tbtm loijc to : ^0 macb as fo j tbrs p,jef2nt is enoiigb fo; tjs , tuc ooe moft certainly perccauetbat tbep? amioi?n* tino; is no facramcnt: tjobid) is ne^tber a ceremonpe oioaineo of CoD,no; batb an^ p;^omife.ifoj tob? toe require tbefc ttoo tb^jnges in a farrament, tbat it bz a ceremony oiOainco of ©cD , f tbat it baue a p^omife of €5oD:ii3e 00 tbrrUiitb al require t tbe fame ceremony be ge^ «e to t3S, I ti)at p ps tiJitb tbe ai¥,tl)at m folp gboiE f bis gifts are ii:5:nu?5 bv o!?ie it is a common 1 tfual b;ing» But § fame grace of bcalings is t3anfe^05 aluai', liUe as alfo § ^tbcr mt* raclss/osfjicO § Ij.zd ^syillc:} to beraje'O)^* ^ eD fo j a tim?,tobcrb^ be inigbt maUe § ii34^ p.iccbing of tbt gofpel maraclous foz 2ucrXberfoje tbougb Uie craiit ne ucr fo nuicb) ^ anointing tiias a ^acra^ \mt of tlKJfe pollers to!)icb tocr tb^ mi niilrcD b^ t baDs of tbcilpoSIes it nota notljfgperteinctb to tjs to toljo f nuni* aratio of facb potoers is not comitteo» 19 0nD bt? lubat greater reafon 00 tbe^j 1 fo,:ce to be bis potoei% "E^bis i^ altoge^ IVlat«3.i6 m^Jie a facramct of tbis an3^nfing,tba j tbcr liUe as if one mule fa^ i al oile is of al otber ligns tbat are rebcrfeo to t)s in § fcripturcf ^bl? 00 tbtv not apoint fome ^iloab to ftoim in, tobercinto at certui 05i3inar\? recourfes of times, Sck men ma^ plisgc tbemfduesf SDbat (fa^j tb2i')n)oulD be oon in tiain. S^ruel^ no m?;e ill bs^in tbiin anointing. ^')\? Do tlnv not lie along tjpo oeaD me,bicaufe Paul raifco tip a Dea?j cbilo \i}itb l^ing tjpa bV'i^i^^V is not tlti maoe of fpit^ tie an^ i5u!t,a facrametf 315ut tbe otber tDcr but fingular e)!;aplcs:but tbis is ge acn of 3amcs fo;j a commaunuement. tEeril\?5a:ncsfpahe fo; §fametime» i;s3be i cbiircb ^ct llil cnioi?eti fucb bleP fiitg of C5oD. SDbev aff irme in Deoe tbat tber is ^et Sil tbe fame fo^c e in tbeir of nointiroj but toe fin^e it otbertoife bp erpsrii'ce.llet no ma noto marucl boto tbcpbaactoitbfucb bolonelTe mocfecD foulcs, tobiclrtbep fenoto tehtStnUtK^ $ blinu tobe tbtv ar fpotleD of tbe too^D of goD,tbat is,of tbeir life $ iigbtc : Ctb fame cooition.ffi^bat tbe pjomife tobicl> tljep are notbigafl^ameo to go about to j tbei? pjouDlvboft of in tfjev; anointing mocUe tbe lining f feling fenfcs of tbt • i'^ "ot geucn to l)S,toe bane euiocntl^c boD^.2Dberfo;etbei? mafee tbemfelues } il&ctoetf,^ tbeiJtbf felne» declare bvtx^ toojtb^ to be fco^neti, tobile tbe^ boCe | perience. 2Dbe ceremonye oug^t not to tbat tb^v arc e nfiueti tjitb tbe grace of I bs«e ben tfeOjbut of tbit toer cnoueo bealings, SDbe iio^De tjeril^ is p;efer.i toitbtbc grace of bealinges,not of tbefe toitb bis in all agej?, anDfooftasncoe butcbcrstbatcanmoje fftill of Oaring \^^j9_^V^^^^i^t^ntfXss m leflfe jan&maroering tban of bealing^ 21 i^to To Saluation, Tburtli Boole |foU457./ 21 i^oiobcit dUf)ougb tl)c^ obtain this tfjat i tof)irf) Blames comaunDctfj coccr ntng annotnttng,agrdetl) \jDttb tlit0 age, (toljicb tbc^ are mott far fro ) \?£t tuen fo tbe^ (]^(il not baue mucb p^cuatleD in p}outngoftbc^;t)n(tto\DberlJUtt() tl^ty baue t)etf)crto annointeDt}0 . Beamed toillctb ttjat all CicU men be annointcD: tbefe m:n tnfecte U)itb tbctr fat liquo;, not ficU mcn,but cotbcfe me allotu noanno^nter but tbe pct^c facrtgcing P;tcff*^aera£( tbe^ cxpanp in Blames Presbyteros tf)z (ElDers to be p;iette«, f fonol^ fa)? ^ tht plural nuber is tbere fct fo^ comlineires fake: tl)(it is but tri^ flingtas tbougb tl)e €i)nYcl}ts at t time abomi^eD U)itb flDarmes of facrtficing p^icttfii,^ tbci migbt go in a long pom^ pousftjctDcta carpe a pajeantofbolp oi^le. WL'oi BlameB Qmplv^ biDDetb tbat fick men be anno^nteo, 3i tjnDerftao bp it none otbcr annovmting but of comon o^le: ano none otbcr is fou3 in sparUcs rebcarfall.2Dbefc me boucbfaue to i^aut none otber orle , but tbat \i)\)ic\) is bal^ lolueb of tbe llPiftap,tbat is to fa^itoar^ mcD \oiti} murb bjeatbing on it , en? cbiiunteo tuitb mucb miibling ,f tuitb tbe knoebolDcD nine tvnics faluteDin tbi0 maner;tl)Mfci^ailcb3ly oile:tb;ifc italic bolpc!}.jefmc: t');ife l^ailcbol^ balmc. £Dut of U)bom baue tbep fucUco (ucb coniurations i Blames i^i^tli : tbat iDbcn tbe ficUc man is annoj^ntcD U)itb o?Ic,f p;a^cr batb "JCii p:oncuc?D oucr bimjif be beinSni tbev Q);ilDe fo;gcue i b^mtnamelp, ^ tbe giUincffc bcmg ta* ben atoat>tl)ci! »"a2 obtame rclcafr cf tbe pain: not meaning ^ ftnnes are put aUja\>lMitbfatliquo;t,but v tbep;!aicrs of tbe faptbful Ujbcrbi? tbe aflfltctco b;o* tber is commenDco to 0oD,n)alI not be tiain.Stbefe men do toicfeeDl^ ly>c,^ b^ tbep J bol^jtbat is to fat!e,abbommable annornttng,(innc0 ar fo;gcuf .Ho boto ga^l^ t\it^ (bal pjeuailctobc tbcp baue ben at large fuffreo to abufe p tcttmio* n^ of Blames at tbep; pleafure.ano Icli iDC QjoulD ncDc to trauel long in p^cDfe bereof,tber; oU>ne Cbjonicles Doe Dif? cbarge bs of tbis baroncs. iFo; tbcp re- port ^ l^opc BlnnocentiuSjUJbicb in Au guflincs ti?me goucrncD tbe Cburcb of Kome,o.iDatneD j not onlv p;ictt0,but alfo al cb^iltias [Qolo bfe oile to annoint fo; tbeir oton neceffif t» f otbers.autbo; bcrcof is S:gcbert in b^s Cbjonicles. Of tcclefialhcall Orders. 22 SCte fourtb place in tlitn regiUer batb § facrament of i3D;Der: but p fame fo frutefnll, tbat it b^eebctb out of it felf feu en Ittle facramcnts. But tbis is be? r^ toojtbn to be laugbcD at, f tobcrcas tber affirm t tbcrc be tsg/Acraments, tobm tbei go about to rebearfe tbt tlic^ rccken bp nii.jjiei^tber can tbe^ allege fo; tbefclucSjtbat tber arc but one fa* crament,bicaufc tbcr tenbe all to one |0;ieftb©D,f arc as it Incrc certain dc? grecs bnto it. Jfo; (itb it is euiocnt ^ in euerr one of tbem are fcucrall ccrcmo? nres,anD tbc\? f bemfelucs far tbat tber be Diuers graces: no man can Dout but tbat tber ougbt to be callcD fcuen facra-- mentes, if tbcr^ opinions be receaucD. janD tubr ittiuc Ujc about it as tbougb it lucre a tbrng Doutfull, fojafmucb as tbcrtbcmfclucsDoplainlr * fcucraU? Declare feucn: i5ut firll tec toil b;ear Iinit bp br ti)c tuapc, boU) manr « boU) bnfauo^r abfurDitics tljcr tlnuft m tn* to V)S,tubcn tber go about to cumcng to Cap,i8 Lib.4. en.dift. 14. apit.p Of the outward meancs \j3 ttjet? o^ocrs m fteoe of facramt nts: aiiD ftjen Ujc toill fe toftetber t^e ccrc^ monp toUicb Cljurcfjes tfe in ojocring of nitntSers , ougbt to be called a $>a^ cramcntat all.Mct? mahe tfterfo;^e fe^ ucnCcclefiaGtcall s3);Der5 ojticgras, tDt)tcb tbc V sarntd) tottb tbe name of a Sacrament. SDIjofe be, 2DcD^eI^eeper0, HcaDers,C')cojcifte0, jacolutljes oj fol^ IolDcrs,^ubDeac6s,2Deacons,p^refts. antJ t)ii.tbep fa^ tbat tbet? be,fo; fbe fe? (ienfolDc grace of tbe bol? gboH tobereo iDttf) tbe^ ougbt to be enoueo ^ are p^o moten t^nto tbe,li5ut it is encreafeo and mo;e largely bcapeD to tbf tn tbetr p;o« motton.ii^oU) § tiuber it felf 10 baUolJD« eo tuttb a Ui^ongfuU erpotioing of fcrtp ture,lDbcn ttjci? tbinHe t tbf ^ baue red in Cfai! t)it. bertues of tbe bolt CDbofi tobcras botb in bene Cfat tber rebear* fetb but lir,f alfo tbe pjopbet ment not to cop^cbcnD tbe all in t place: fo; be is i he firft' ^^ ^^^^^ as toel callcD ^ fpirit of li?fe, of rantti6cation>of adoption of tbe cbil'' D;en,a0 be is in ^ place calleD tlit fpirit ofiDifDomc,ofbnDcrftaDin0,ofccijrell, of ftrengtb,of fenolDlccgct of tbe feare of vvilli-i ^^^^^ llo^b.'^^otobeitfome futtclcrme am of Pa "^^^"^ "°^ ^"* ojDcrs, but ip. after tbc [j .^^ Ubeneffe (as tbep fai?)of tbe cburcb tri^ liidonis "»"Pt^t"5' ^«f among tbe alfo tbcrc is ],{^ ftrife: bicaufc fome tDolD baue tbe Ifia# Dj[1*2i f "^"S °^^^*^ ^^^^S^ ^° betbefirtto^berof ^jp * ' all, f Mfl^op,jifee tbc laft : otber fome *^^* eicclubing n:aning altogetber,rccljen Hrcbbtfbopjihe aniog t o;Oers. Ifidore cao Ofti °^^f rtoif*^ beuibetb tbe^iroj be mahetb pfaluuftcs « Iteaticrs to be Diucrs: be apporntetb tbc pfalmiftesfoj fongs, 1 tbc rcaoers to tbe reabing of tbc ^crip-- turcSjtubcrlDitb t\)c people nia^ be im ftruttcD.Snti tb\:s Diamctton is Ucpt bp tbc canons. 3n fo great Diucrlitp tobat toil tbcT? banc bs to foiloto o.j flee:^bal toe far tbat tbcrc be ttj.oaDcrs^&otca^ chctb tbe mat Iter of tbe fcbcplc : but tbe Ffii.j, |Ro.i.4tJ is tlie o pinion iofHue, the other! l-ea.cc £ru$. moffeillumtnate bottoms bootbcrlDUe Determine,Hgainetbep alfo bifagree a* mong tbrfelues. ^o;eoucr tbe mofffa- creb canons cal bs an otber toa]?Xbus fo^fotb DO me agrce,tobe t^ei Difpute of goMr maters toitbout t,too;b of €^oD. 23 ^ut tbrs erceoetb all follp,^ in eue< r^ one of tbefe tbct? make Cb;!iO felloto \s}itl) tbem.i?ira(far tbef)be eyecuteb tbe office ofHr>Q);ekeper,toben beotb toitbatobipmabe of combes, b;iue t^t btiers f fellers out of tbe temple.l^e fig niSetb brmfelf to be a bo^ekeper, tobe be fat?tb» 81 am t^t tm}t, l^e tobe bpon brm tbe office ofKeaber,U)ben bi^reb (Efa^ in t\ie .^tnagoge.l^e tin t})t office 0f an Cro^ciff, toben toucbing tl)t tong f eares of tbebeaf 1 bum man,be reffo^ reb to i)im bis bearing.l^e ttttiUtn bim felf to be an j^colutb 0^ folotoer in tbefe tuo^bes«1^e tbat foUotoetb mctoalltetb not in bar^neffe.l^e eirecutcb tbe office of &ubbeacon,U)ben being girbeb Mtf) alinnenclotb be toatbeb tbebifciples feete.l^e nit bearc tbeperfon of a E>ea^ con,tobcn be bidributeb brs toope anb bloubintbe Supper, l^e fuiaileb tbe office of p?iell,U!ben be cffreb bimfclf bpon t\)t croffe a facrifice to brs fatber. SUbefe tbings can not fo be bearb \s>itii* out laugbing , tbat g| maruell tbat tl)tv toerc tojitten toitbout laugbing,if ret tl^tv feere men tbat to^ote tbem . TBut moft notable is tbep; futtlet^c lube re* toitb tber? plap tbc pbilcfopbers about t\)t name cf jacolutb,callin0 brni a Ce- rofcrar,a taper bearer,toitb a toojti(as 3 tbinhe) of fo;jcerr, trulp fucb a one as Iras ncucr bearb of in all nations anb l^guagesjluberas AcolutbosindDrcbe fimplp Ggniftctb a fclotocr.l^Dtobcit if J djoulDc carncaip tarri? in cor.futvKg tbefe men,3 Iboulo m\? felf alfo U}o;tbi* Ip be laugbeb at,ti;er are fo tricing anb ten? mocUerres, 24 )5utftbet?marnotbeaHeret nil toitb loh»2,ij. Ioh.10.7 Lu.4.17, Mar.i6» 33- Ioh.8.13, Ioh.3.4. Mat.26. 26. Mat.27. To 'Valuation, Fourth Book l:oL4j8» Aift 19.13 UJitt) falfe colons to Dccepuc cueii bcrp Clip luome,tI)eif tjanitie is by tOe iuap to be tJttereo. SDfjcp create loitlj greaic pompe I folcmnitg tljdr UcDers,pftil iniftc0,Do^eb0per£(,^colutcs, to evc^ cute tbofc officc0,tDlKriitito tbcp appoit tcrp cbilo^en, 0^ tbofe U)bom tbct? call lap men.if 0; iubo fo^ p moft part liglj* tetb F caocUJ,tobo pourctb luinc 1 toa* ter into f cruet,but a cbilo 0^ Tome bafc fellolo of tbc lattte,t^ maketb bis gaine tbcrof^S)oc not t\)t fame mc fing^ SDoe tbe^ not (^ut i open tbc cburcb oo^es^ if 0; tJDbo euer falo in tbetr teniple0 an jacolutbe,o: a SDozcfecpcr crecutig bis officer But ratber be tbat toben be Vuas a bop DID tbe office of an ^tolutbe^tube be t0 once aumitteo into tbeojDer of ^colutbc0, ceCfetbto betbattvbicbbe beginnetb to be calleD, tbat tbep mape feme to iDil of purpofe to cad of tbe of^ ficc iDben tbcp taUc Upon tbem p title. BebolD iDbp tbep bauc nao to be confer crate bp ^acrament5,anD to reccpue p bolp gboa,namelp,tbat t^ti map 00 no tl)inQ, 3if tbcp allege fo;^ ercrcife, tbat tfDis is tl)z frotoaraneffe of times, tbat tbep fo;faUe f negleit tbeir miniffertes: (et tbe tbertuitbal confcHe tbat tbere is at tbis Dap in § cburcb no bfe no; frute of tbeir bolp o;Der5,lubicb tbep marue^ louflp aouacc,anb 1^ tbeir tobole cburcb is ful of curfetbicaufe it fuffrctb tapers I cruets to be baoleo of cbilD;en $ p;o« pbaue meUjtDbicb none are too;tbp to toucbe but tbep tbat arc confccrate 0* cclutbes:an& becaufe it committeotbe fongs to cbilo;en,\ubicb ougbt not to be beavD but of a ballotoeD moutb. Sis fo; !tbeirCE);o;ciaes,to iubat cnbebotbcp cofecrate tbcm^ jl bearc tbat tbe Bkelucs bao tbeir Cro;ciSes:but 3 fee tbat tbep tocre fo calleo of tbe (IDrojcifmes 0; cof iuratios \3)\)ic^ tbcp t3fcD,i£)rtbcfc cou' tcrfait cwciftes lubo cucr bearD it fpo bcn,iJ tbcp tb^toeP anp eraple of tbeir pjofeffion^Jt is faineo ^ VtiC]> baue po^ Ujcr gcuen tbem to lap tbeir bncs tp- n maD mcn,tbc tbat are to be catccbif^D, f me poCfcfTeD ip Dcuils: butthti ta not pcrftoace p Deuils t tbep baue fucQ po* ijoer bicaufe t})c Dcuils Dor not onip not pclD to tbeir comniaiiDcmfts, but alfo t)fe comaiiDig autbo^itic oucr tbe. if oj a man can fcarcclp finoe euerp tentb of tbem,tbat is not leD toitb an euil fpi^ rite.2Eberfo;e tobatfoeucr tbings tbep babble cocerning tbeir petp o;Der0,are patcbcD togctljcr cf fqliH) anD bnfauo^p lics.^Df tbe olD acolutbcs,anD SDo;ehe* pers, iKcDers toe baue fpoUen in an otber placcjUiben \ue DcclareD p o;Der of tbe cburcb.^ur purpofe berci0onlp to figbt agatnft tbat neto fouD inuction of tbe fcucnfolo facrammt in ccclefiaai cal 0 jDcrs.^Df tobicb tbere is no lubcrc anp tbing reo, but among tbefc fmliO) p;ater0 tl)t ^o;boniae0 t CanoniQs. 2^ ijiolDlettsconfiDeroftbe ccremo* nies tubicb tbci bfc about it.ifirtt tebo focuertbep receiuc into tbeir o;Derof folDiarSjtbei do luitb one commo figne entre tbem into clergie. ifo; tl)ci Ibaue tbem in tbc croUin,tbat tbe croiun map betohen feinglp Dignitic,becaufe clerUs ougbt to be hinge0, tbat tbcp map rule tbemfelucs anD otber.if 0; peter fpca^ Ut\) i\)us of tbe.l^c are a cbofen feinD, a Hinglp pjicttboDca bolp natio,a peo- ple of purcbace.:)15ut It teas facrilegc to tafee to tbemfelucs alone f tubicb is ge? uen to tbe Uibole cburcb, f p;ouDclp to glo;p of tbc title tubicb tbcp baD taken from tbe faitbfull. peter fpealjctb to f ^ tobole cburcb: tbefe fclloius to^ett it to L10.4. a fctii Hjauen men : as tbougb it toere Sentcn. faiD to tbem alonC;be \t bolp as tbougb J^^j^'^"* tbci alone toer purcbaceD bp J blouD of ca.Luo Cb;iC : a6 tbougb tbep alone Ixjcre bp funt» Cb;itt maoe a hingDom anD p;cflboDe toCDoD. 2yjentbcp aCigne alfo ctber reafons : tbe toppe of tbeir beD is trabe 9. bare cap.Du .Pc.a.9, ; CapciS Of the outward meancs Li. 4. I -^ oen c Aai8,iS I \Cor.9. bare, tl}at tijcir niinD nia\? be Dec lareD to be free tnto the lo^D, UUjtci) tuitb opf face ma^ bebolD tbc g!o?^ of goD. ^^ ^ ibct ma? be faugbt i^ tbe faults of tfjetr moutb f tl)tit m& muH be cut of.£D^ § lO&auuig of tbeir bco is § putting atrai? of tempo;jal tbings,! tfje tjcart) copalTe about tlie crolun are tbe rcmnantcs of gojtfB f are rcteineo foj tbeir fufie nace. ai in figure0:bicaufe fo;fotb ^ tieileof i) temple is not ^et cut in iotitx,%t}tr* to^c being perfuatieD tbat tbei bauc ga? ir oifcbargcD tbeir DutieSjbecaufetbep 5ja«e ggureD fucb tbtgs b( tbeir crotun, of § t)crr tbings in ficeo tbe? perfo^me netting at al.l^oto log tuil t\}t^ mocfee t)s lu fucb falfe colons f Dcce^tesf 2Dbe clcrgtc bi fl&ering of a feto bears bo Uq* nifie^tbe?banecattatDa?i^ abubace of temporal gobs, ^ tbei bebolb tbe glo rv of goD,tbat tbei baue mojf ifieb § lull of tbe cares f eies:but tbere is no fetnb cf nu mo;e raunng,mo}e fenfleOi bul, moje luOfulf Mb? to t\it^ not rafber trulv pcrfo^mebolineSjtba \jbfn\tt anb Ipmg fignes counterfait a (betoe of it;? 26 ^ojeoucr tcben tbei fa? ^ ? croton of tbe clcrgte bat b tbe beginning « refo f» om tbe jjJajarites : tobat otber tbing bo tbe? allegCjtba tbat tbc?j miff cries are fp;jong out of tbe JeUnie ccremo;» niesjo; ratber ^ tbe? are mere 3IcU)iC&? msiT^iit toberas tf)tv furtber ra?,tbat p?tfcilla,acila,t paul bimfelf,tafeing a totri Upon tbem tio fl^re tbeir bebs, t tbe? migbt be punfteo : t\iz^ bclu ja? tbeir groITe igno;r.ce.if 0? it is no tober reu of |]>;irctUa:t of ^cila alfo it is tout f'iI:fo; tbat fame fl^earing ma? as UjcI be rcfcrreb to |^aul as to 0cila. 21But,^ iwe ma? not leaue to tbcm ^ tebicb tbei require,^ tbe? banc an eyaple of paul: J! fimpler muff note, ^ ]^aul bib nener itercbis bcaofc; an? fanctifir aticn, but onl? to ferue ? luealmcs of bis bje^ f b^cn.a am toont to cal fucb toVpes tit totocs of cbarttie not of gootmcs: tbat is to fa?,nct taben in bano foj an? fer* uice of gob, but to beare \jo tbe rubcncs of tbe toealj, as be btfelf faitb,?^ be luas mane a ijetxj to f BletDCS.ic.SDberefoje be bio tbis, f tiit fame but once, f fo^ a fljo^t time,f bat be migbt fo; a time fa* ffjion bimfelf to tbe Blctocs.SEbefe mc, tuben tbe? toil toitbout an? tjfe coiitcr fait ti\t purificngs of i^ |iafarits,tDbat DO tljei els but raife t)p an otber 31eU)i(b neSjUiben tbe? tojongfuU? couet to fo^ lotDtbeolb Bietoilbnes^ ^itbf r§me religioufnes toas tbat Decretal ^piffle mabe, tobicbj acco;D?ng to tbe japoff le fo^biDDctb clerhes tbat tbe? ^ouId not fuflfrr tbeir beareto groU)e,but ftere it rcuD lifec a botole. Ss tbougb tbe 0po* ttclc iBben be teacbetb tobat is comel? foj al me ,tDer careful fo? t^t rcuD (l&ea* ring of tbe Clergie. I^ercb? let tbe re* Ders c5fiDer,of tobat fo;ce t tDo;tbine8 aretbofe otber mtntffers tbat folio tDe> into tobicbe tbere is fucb anentrie. 27 Mbence tbe fljearing of Clerfees tofee begintng,appearetb fufficietl? eue b? ^uguff.alone.MIberasat tbat time none fuffreb tbeir beare to groloe , but nice men , t fucb as coueteD a rmotbe« nes $ trimnes not mett cnougb fo^ mr: it femeD to be a point of no g(&D eraple^ if tbat tDcre perm?tteD to tbe clerg?e» nerfo^eclerhsloer comaiiDeD eitbcr to ffjeare tbeir beaD 0? to Dbaue tt, tbat ti)Vi Wd net beare an? O&cto of Ujoma lihc trimming. iBut tbis toas fo como, tbat certain monfecs,tbat tljcv migbt § mojc fet out tbeir oton boiines \jb nets ble I feueral attire from otber mcn,DtD let tbeir beare grotoe long. 3i5ut afters tcarD toben tbe fafbion turneb to tuea* ring of beare,f certain nations UieraD DeDto cb^iffianbo tDbicb altua? bfcD to ioeare long bear,as jfrannce, CDerma^ n?,anD Cnglanont is libel? f clerbes DtDeuer? UiberOjeare tbeir be D0,lea(t Nu.(5.i8. Ca pro- hibemus' iCo.11.4 Augcfe oper mo nach in fine. Item in Retraft» tbe? I To Saluation, Lib, 4, Scn.dift. 24. cap. 8 U22 t«JiJ li-'^rt^ ty couet toe gagneffeof bcare.at p Uft in a corrupter age, tube al olD o^DinanccB tocr c^tljcr pcrucrtcD 0^ gone out of htnD into fuperl(ttton,bt cauCc tbc? fati) no caufc in tbc fijcaring of tbc clergy (fo.: tbe^ b^JO rctagncD nof tb^ng buta fmliO) countcrfaiting) tbcp fleD td a mvttcr^,\jDbtcb nolu tbei fuper ftitiouflt! tb.ititt in \)nto tis fo; ^ app.zo* uing of tbci?; facramcnt. 2Dbe oajjcKe^ pers at tbcir cofccratio rcccaue 1^ ftercs of tbc cburcb> Ujberb^ t\)Z2 ma^ tinocr* ffatiD ^ tbc bcping of it 10. comttteo to fbeXbc rcaocrs rcccauc § boln i5ibl0. 2Dbc ero;ciftcg rcccauc^ formes of cp o:ctftnc3,tDbtcb tbei (^olo bfc oucr mao I tbcm ^ are to be catecbifcD.2Lbe j^co* l^tbcs ccccaiie tl)z tapers 1 cruet . iloe tbefe arc tbe ccrempn^c0, tobcrcin ( if (OoD U)il)tber is fo mucb fecret poloer, tbat tbc^ map be not onelp figncs 1 to^ kf0,but alfo caufcs of inuinciblc grace. if 0; tbi0 tbep require bp tbcp; oeSnti^ on, tJDbcn tbei? toil bane tbcm tatjen a^ mong tbc facramcnts.l5ut to mahe an enD in fcU) tDO;Ds, S fap it i^^" abfur^ Ditp tbat in tbeir fcbcolca 1 canons tbcp mahc tbcfc Icffer o^zDcrs facramentcs: tubcras cucn bp tbcr; oiunc confeCfion tbat tcacb tijiSy tbcp tocr bnknotocn to tbcpjimitiucCburcb, t ticuifcD manv scares after, if 0; facramentgjfub tbep containc tbc p;omifc of oD,anD to purge Qnncs. WUbcn tbefe men talie ^ Upon tbc , tobat rema?nctb but ^ tbe?; facrificing p;icaba)Dc is bngoDl? » full of facrilegcf Srul? tbei are tm toicbeD, tobrn tbc? Dare garniflj it toitb ? name cff a facramcnt . as toucbing ? true of= fice of p:icCb(BD, tobicbiscomcnOeD to tjs b? ? moutb of Cb.:itt,3 toillingl? ac compt It in tbat Degree. ^0; tbciin is a Pruo.4 He 5.6. ^ispsp.ui. ccrcmoii?, \.&0^i9: Of the putvvarcie meanes :t.Ti.3.i; i ,Mat.28. oh.lhij- ccreaionr, «rir taKcn out of tbe ^crip' turc6,tl)cn fuel) a oncae |9aul tcfiifietf) not to be baine nc? fuperSuous , but a faYtbfulIfisncof fpi»^i-"Q^^ ^^^^^* ^"^ iDbcrras Si Ijauc not fit it fo^ a tlnro in the mimbcr of facramentcSji^mti it bi» f aufe it i$ not ojuinart? ^ comon amog all ttje faitbful,b«t a fpcc ial ritefo; cnc certain office.liaut fitl) tt)is tono? is ge ucn to tlje €ft;i(5ian nuniCer^e, ttjerc is no caufc tl^rfoje tolj^ tbc popiO) fa* crifuf rs fi}ouloc be pacuDe. irc^ Cl);ift comaunDcD niffi ibuters of l)i0 l;icbrcuterfaiteuerv tbt^g lyatcnlp palfer:^e (belijct) a p^ojf of bis biuine poU3er,lKbeninblclDingt)p6 the ^;po? files be filleb tbe Id itb tbe grace cfibc bolu (3;bo(^.5f ibev gee about to Doe tbe fame tbrng, ititv ennicufiv ccuterfaite (DoD ibo in a maner c balcngc b^m to t^iim iDitb tbr:but tbe^ are far fro tbc cfff ct,! bo notbingUiitb tbrs felitb gee Ituring but mocfee Cb;iiff. tKerilr tber be fo (bameletre,^ tljei bare affirm tbat tber gene tbe bclv gbc0.)l5ut bctg true ^ is, erperience teacbetb, tcbif b crtttb out ^ fo manr as be cfifccrateb p;icfif s are of bo;fes mabe aUcSjCf foiles mabe mabmen.j^eitber ret bo 31 Criue U)itb tbem fo7 tbat:onelv 31 font emne tbe ce^^ reniont it fclf, tubitb cugbt not to bane bene bjatoen to "be an erample, fojaf* mucb as it li^as tfeb of €b;jilr fo? a fin^ gular ligne cf one miracle ; fo far is it of , tbat tbe ercufe of folloluing bis tv* ample.ougbt to befenb tbenn 30 ilButofluboreceaueb tbef tbe an^ norntingfSLbe^ anftocre t tUv recea* mti it of tbe fcnnes of Saron,frc tubcm tbeir o;oer airo tofee beginning. Stber^ fo;e t^ci bab ratbe r allr ai to befenb tbe felues feitb tn^cngful eramplrs,tfca to confeCTe li tbem felues bauebeuifcb tbat iDbicbfberbfctDitbcufeaufe. IButin tbc meane txmt tber ccrfir er net, tbat tobile tbe^ p^ofeOTe tbefclues tbe furcefi: fo^s oft fones of ;2arcn,tbe\? are Uvcg boers to tbc ^jiellbob of €bjiC,trbicb alcnc teas H^abcbocb t figurcb bp al t\it olb facrificing|3;ieCbfflbs.3» i5»« iter ^ fo;jc ibep tecreall ccntaineb t fulfiUeb, Lib.7. iScntcn, 'difti.24. capi.8* €t in ca- non dift, 2i.cnp,i. anotoitboutanteboifc. ^Uhepf(faiP bh.2o, tb£p)tbeeraplc of tbe lojb. 115 ut Ho;b 2. t bib mani? tbinges lDl)icb be teiileb not I to be examples to bsXbc i.o«}b favb to •oh n 41, tbe cifciplcg,i\eeeiue tbc bolv gbofi-.iF}^ viae 9 ^, fa^tJ alfo to iiaiarns, llajaruscome ioh^S.S, fo;tb.i^e fa\?b to ibc ma ficU of tbc ^ah fep.Uife f \}.Mi\^tMlh\^ bo tbet not fai? tec fame tc all beab men « fiche cftbe in brnt tber cealTeb , as it c bane fcme^ times alrcabp rcpeteb,$ tbc Cpifile to t l^cbaues teitbcut belp of anr glcfes, M)v boc tbep not baCilt tafee oren, calues,f l^bes to mafecfacrificcs^2Lbei baue in tmt a gcob part cf tbc clce STa* bernacle 1 of ttetebcleScteiGJC maner of toojlbipping ; but ret tbrs teantetb in tber; rcligicn ^ tber bo not facrifice calueS) Ex calu?3 an^ orcti. ^bo ca not fe;^ tf)ts obfcruatio of annopntigis macb mo;c burtful tijan Circucifiian,rpcciaU? tobe tfjcr is at)io^nc3 fuperftitton ano pija* rifaicall op^iiioii of tljc \u3;t()^ncflrc of toa^ftcf if 0^ tbe31ot3)C0 Dio fet in Cir^^ futncifion, trail of rigljtuonfncs: tbcfe men Do fct in anornting,rpiritncil gra* cw.!Cl)crcfo;c tob^le tbe^ rouet to be coimtcrfaitcrs of tijc llcuifcisf, tfjetfarc maoc ^apolfatacs fro vi:{):ift,anD do put ttjcm fcluc0 from tfjc office of patto;0. 31 SCljis is (if goD Ufil)f Ije fjoli? oile tfjat p^intetJj tl)2 marUe ttjat can not be ra* ceD oiit.^ tfjoucrf) oi!c coulo not be lut^ pcDalDa^ toitb Dull i faIt,o; if it tticbe fatter,\uitb fop e. But tbis marh is fpi* ritaal.^^atbatb oilc to Do ic6 p foulef ^aueitbep fo;3ottc tbat tobicb tbep oft cbaut to Ms out of augu(hnp,tbat if tbe tDo^D b2 Ulm\ fro t\)c teater, iMljalbe hotljing bnt tuater , t tbat it batb tbvs frot-je too;D p it isa facrame t:! vISlbat Ujo;d tjuil tbci Qjcta in tljeir fat liquo^f l^lii t^cv i^cto tl)C comaiJDcmcnt tbat 3f^P\ \3)M (^ue to ^rc0,coceming f> anopn tin^ of (' fons of ^arof 15iit tl)tr is alfo comafiacmcnt getJcn,oftb2roate, tbe cpboD,t>ie Wj Jtbc crotoiie of boliHeflfc, U>itb iv'bicb ^aron Uiasto be garniOjeo $ of tbe coate3,girDle0/i niifers,lubcr* iuiti; tbe fo?i0 of ilaron lucre to be do- tbcD. ^Ijere is coinmaiiDemciit geurn to !:il a calfe, i bunie tbe Ut of bim fo? irrccnfe,to cfit r.tmme0 anD burnetbe, to fanrtiSc tOeir car£0 nno garmen- cs tnifi) tbe bioi!D rf an otbcr rammcyiiiD innunterable otf^cr obfcn«tios,tobicb being piafco oucr , ;-^ in.iriieil tob^ tbe omip iijopnting of ci^fr pleafeCij tbem. i5iit?ftt'C'i» louefob-€ru:in{»Ii:D, tub? arctb.n r.^tl)cr fphnl^kb U»itboit tljan hJitbsJlouD:* iro.jrotbtb!H>goe about a 'fo Valuation. Tourth Boolce." Hbcrefojc tbeir annopntinTftmhctb tDbicb is toitbout p Tilt, tbat 15,^ tDc;n of OjD.SDljere rcmarnrtb lading on of banDi7,U)bicb as 31 graunt ia t':^ i u\x) ful iiD;Deriitgcs to be a far rament, fo 3 Denptbat itbatb" anp part in tb?s plap, iDbcre tb?v neitber obet tbe commaun Dement of Dcr alfo of Dearonrie 31 toolD not ariue toitb tbtSif tbat ninie miniffcrieVubicbUjJis in tbe apotJIcs time f in tbe purer cburcb iwcre relic? reD to p bnco;rupt£D iJate tbercof.i5ut tubatlif^ctbingbanctbcp tubom tbofc men faine to be Dcaccsf i fpeahe not of p mf(!ealItbepQH»lD compldine tbatp Dodrine is lu^ongfullp tncieD bi [) fau!* tes of tbe men)but Jafftrme ^ fo; tbcfe tDbotbepDeIiuerD0 bp tbeir Doctrine, tbep tnUro;tbilp fetcb teHimonie from \ tljt eraple Dni)em iubo tbe apoitcliftc I cburcb o^UeineD De^ccsXbep fap tbat it pertepnetb to tbeir Deaeons to HanD bp tbe ^^liztts, to nnnifter inal tbinges tbat are Done in t\)^ facrainent0,nanie* Ip in IBaptifmc, in tbe rbJcfme intbrr ^i^tinciii ft)t cba!ife:to b;mg in p offe^ rings anD lap t|/em tpon tbe altar , to malie rraop tbe ilozDs table, anD to co* j ucr it: tacarrp tijeCroiTc, to p;anof3cri anD ring tlyc gof^jrll anD epiftle to tbe 1 pca;jie. 50 bereanp one tuo;D cf p true ' nuniHerie of Dc.icons;' ^ouuc let ts bearc tl)t inliitutiiig of tbcni. Clp^jon p DiMcon tlTjAt ic c.iCcreD> tljc '^idjcp ii^i Ion: liietb f)iB bar.D.i^c laietba p:arcr btfec anD a ^aalc bpon br0 Ictte G)oui D?r,tii3t he map tnDcraao tbat be Wh rcccpucD t.'K'ipghte potJecftbciLo^D, ivbrrebp l)z map fubDuc to tbe feaix F0L460. tiiittp tbiifjc, to mii\\c 0^ » :Ugkn pf cbnffwnitieicl3i(l)<\c0|%r.if;,inrfmc, [of C^tiibcretbingcs tbat perteructa as ittejerc of patrb^afoluiDtogrfbjX [tbclcfili^e. i^c seucfb bpmtbgtertc i^-i^yiBMi. cf f 'sJ0«i9, Of theoutvvardc mcanes of tl)u gofpel, tW ^c ma? pcrceiuc ^im I felf tobeapubljtftrrofit.^no tu^atbe |longctf)cfctl)cfc ttjingesto E>eacons^ ! SC^e? DO euen Ithc as if a ma VoolD fa? I ? i;co;Demc& t^r 0polllcs>U}bom bi^ap I pctntcD onel? to burn^ frankinccnfc to ti im § Simageg^to flucpe § cburcbes,to catcbc mife,to D^ine atoa? Dogs. Wi\iO foulD fuffcr fucb feinD of ntcn to be cal^ icD ^poUkSyf to be compareD \d tbetie rp apollles of cb;^ia^ 2Dberfo;c let tbcm not bcrcafter licngli fa? t tbofc be S>ea coti$,tt)bom tijct tnllttute onl? tbetr en f erIuDelifec platcs.^ea anD b? tbc tier? name it felfc tbc? fufficientl? Declare tobat maner of office tbc? baue. i?o; tbe? cat tbcm Iteuttes^i toil banc tbetr o;Dcr ano beginning referrcD to ? cbil^ D;enofllcoi. MbicbSigcuctbHeauc to co,fo tbattbe? Donotaftertoarogar niflje tbem tcitb tbe fetbers of otbcr. 33 ^f fubDcacons to Uibat purpofeis it to fpeahef ifo; toberas in DeeD tbei h)tv in oloct?meappo?nteD foj care of tbe pa3.ic,tbe?acrigne totJocm ^tootenot iDbat trifiing bn6nefl'e, as tOFb^ing tbe cbalice i tbe patine, tbe litle cruet luitb Vuatcr,$ tbe tolDcl to ? altar, to polt);e tjoater to toad) baDS4c. i^olu lobereas tfit^ fpeake of rece?uing anD bringing in of offerings,tbci meane tbofe \Jotiic\) tbe? Dcuoure as abaDoneD to tbeir boli \)fc.Mitb this office tjcr? UicU agratb t\)t fo;me of tbeir confecrating » Cbat be rcce?uc of tbc biOjop, tbe patine anD tbe cbalice: of ? ^rcbDeacOjtlje cruet l6 teater, tbe manualc, t fucb otbcr bag* gagc.^itbin ttitit trifles tbei require to bane Ms confcffc tbat tbc bol? gboft is cnclofcD.Mbat goDl? ma ca abioe to graiit tbisf i£ut, to mahe once an cnoe, Ujc ma? Determine ? fame of tbe i^ toe Do of y reH. jpc?tbcr naD toe to repete furtbcr tbofc ttiugs tbat are aboue De* clarcD. HLbis ma? be cnongb to tcacbe tbe fober ano toilling to Icarne (tobom 3 baue taUen in bano to inftruct) t tbcr is no (acramcnt of goD but tober is (be^ toeDa ceremonie to?neD to?tb a p;o^ mife:o; ratber tjcril? but tober is a p;o mife fene in a Ceremonie. ^Sere is not fouD one enable of ani certain p^omife fet : berefo;e it toere in taine to fcfte a ceremon?toconfirme tbe p;omife.ja» gain of tbofe ceremonies tbat tbe? bfe, it is not rcD tbat an? one is inHttute of goDXberfo^e bere ca be no facrament. Of Matrimonic. 34 SDbe lad is ^atrimonie, tobicb as al men cofes to be o^DeineD of goD,fo no ma bntil ? time of Gregory euer fatoe tf)at it toas geuen fo; a ^acramet.^nD tobat fober ma toolD euer baue tbougbt iti^at is a goD anD bol? o^Dinace of goD : fo tillage^carpentrie^llboemakf rs craft, barbers craft, are latofull o;Dinaces of goD,anD?ee tbe? are no facramentes. if 0^ tber is not onl? t^is requtreD in a facrament tbat it be tbetoo;&eofgoD, but tbat it be an outtoarD ceremonie ap pointeD ofdDoDtoconfirme a p;omife. JCbat tbere is no fucb tbing in ^atri* monie,t)er? cbilD;je alfo ca iuDge. %iit (fa? tbe?) it is a fignc of a bol? tb?ng, tbat is, of tbe fpirituaUconio?ning of Cbjift toitbltbe cburcb.Bif b? tbis too;D ^igne,tbe? fcuDcrttano a tohen fet be* fo;e ts of goD to tbis enDe to ra?fe tp J aCTureDnes of our ifa?tb,tbe? are farre bcfiDe tbc trutb . 3if tbe? fimpl? tahe a figne fo; tbat tobub is b^ougbtctoep p;es a (imilituDe,3 toil Ifteto boto Mtf til? tbe? reafon. paule ra?tb : ^s one ftar Dtffcretb fro anotber 0ar in bjigbt* ncsjfo tbalbc tbc refurrectio of ^ DeaD. ilo bere is one facrament.Cb;ilt faitb. Ebe I?igDom of beau? is lihe to a grain of muflarDfcDe . ^o bere is anotber, ^Hga?ne. SEbe k?ngDomeofbcauen is Uhc tnto Icauen.lloe bere is tbc tbirD, efa? fa?tb.ltebolD,tbc ILo?D Cbal fceoe b?s fiocfee as a ftcpeberPe. Hoe bere i.cor.iy. 42. Mac.i3» 3M.33. £f 40.11 EC42.'3» 16 To Saluation. J w udiurtumw Fourth l^ookc* Tjj (i fourtl). Jn anotljer p lacc. Me Io;d > cburcb as l)imfclf,Ka 1)oId ijc iimue bi^ fijal fio fo;tlj a6 a Oiant.iLo tcrc is tbe fcirone Icitlj bis fpoufc t^c Cburcb? be fiftb.if inall^tobat cno o; mefurc Ml appUrtb to bim tbofc tbings tobicb ^o tbcrc bc^ ESbcre is notbiua but b^ tbis i fcs repo;tctb ^ aoam fpahe of bimfdf. mcanc it fljalbc a ^acramft.l^oUj ma* ' i? o; Ujbcn Cue toas b;ougbt tntobl'S nv parables ano nmilituDes arc in tbc : figbt,\Bbo be bnelu to bauc ben fljapcn fecripturcfo man^ Sacraments tbcre i out of bis nDe:tbis tooman (faitb bc)is flialbc !^ea t tbcft Cbalbe a S>acramf t, a bone of mp boncs,« f leO) of m v f Ufi). Tv'JJl. .^ i.,,;ff«.. tho ty^v fif fhr loiis IDaul Icfnficth ^ al thi« tuas fDintual^ i.Th.j.2 loh.i;.!. loh.io.ii »^„»^v. i- v., , -^ - btcaufe it is to;itten,tbc Dap ef tbc Io;d Anticira is lifee a tbefe.cabo can abioc tbefc fo:' where I pbifters p;ating fo foUCbl^i^Bl sraunt in growcth DeDc tbat fo oft as U)c fc a t mcit is t)c- Hcllc- ''"*"'' bor^ ^v^»vv .Mfvj ^ good cbes, m\? fijtbcr is tt;c tomcD^eirer, ^o purgatio! oft as a QjepbcarD luitb bis floche com*' forphrc ntctb totearDc ts, it IS goD aUo tbat tikchcdJ tbis come to ourc minoc, BlamagoiD mcpbcarDc, m^ Ojcepc beare mr to^ce. )15ut If anp man at)Oc fucbc ftmilituoes to tbc number of ^acramcntes, be w mate to be fent to antpcira. Eph i 19 3? 15ut tbcp ail lav fo^tb tbe tDo;DS of ^ ^ |aul,inU)bicbbegeuetb ^onf "»\o: np t!)c name of a facramr t : be t louctb bis toifclouetl) bimfclf. ^o man cuer batcD bis otone neOj, but no;iQ)ctb it % cbcrilljctb it, euen as CbJific Dotbcrt)e cburcb:bicaufc toe are members of bis booiiof bis fleflj t of bis bones.if o^ tbis amanMlcauebisfatberanDmotber I fljal cleaue to bis toife, I tbep OjaU lie ttoo into one flcOj. '^'^i^ is a great ^a cramct:but3rarinCbJift« ^c»J"«^- ^ut fo to banulc g fcripturcs,is to mm glc beauen anD cartb togctbcr.paul,to fljctw to maricD mr ,tobat fingular loue tbet ougbt to bcarc to tbeir U.iues,Xetf tetbfs^tb Cb;ift to tbc fo? an eramplc. iTo; as be poureD fo?tb ? botoels of bis ir-jl.-^--' I Paul tcftifictb ^ al tbis toas fpintual^ !gc.i 23J ll? fulfiUcD in Cb;ia t ts.lobcn be faitb ^ UJcarc members of bis bcDve, of b?s DtDc tbat fo ott as luc le a uua,u u» wv- f lcCb,» of bis boncs.rea « one flcO) toitb r? ao3D to cal to remembrance i tobicb i bim.^t Icngtbc be aODctb a ccncluomg Chiiftfavtb, Biamatoincvcbeb^aun* i fentcnceXbisisagreatmuaerr.flno m^y^mmi ;, ;» . ^ ^_ ^-^ ' Icaaan^manlbulDbe/DccciueD U) tbc Double figmfvtng of ^ Uio;D6,be crp^ef fetb ^ be fpeaketb not of tbe flcOjli con» lorning of man anO tooinan, but of tbe fpiritual manage of Cb;ift f U eburtb. anD trul? it \& in DcDc a great mv"Cerp i> oton tobtootbaintDiB one place ft cmctt. I fniflhiXtter V^c f loucth Ij.s to.fe ' tt ttitU tipon tbis Utle too;!) ratramct, .^llSwf nfih'ia oiicD V Cburcb. I « fomc otbcr times oo pas it ouer tinre "Ofthcoutvvarde meancs "2:imotbe tbe SCranflaf o; bat^ Wn it, % in m fclf fame epi(t\t to t\)t epb^C* , aaan euer^ place fo? ^5?acr^. 15:Jt let t}:}is flipping be jjarDoncD tl)cm:at leaff m licts ouabt to l)aac bao a goo reme b^anee. jf c;, Ivben t\it^ baae once fet out patrimony toittj title of a ^acra^ ni?nt,af(;erluar!J to cal it t)nclcnnes,De Uli^A nM^ filt\)int3,\)o)3y giOD? \i%W n25 i3 tljis? ipoto great an abfuroif ^ is it to Debar pjicftu from a ^acramentf Iftht^Xizm t ttjev^ Debar tbem fro tbe fa:ramcnt,but tVo tlje lute of copuUf i^ on : tbci> efcape not fo titom from me» jfo; t'oey tcacb t tOe copulation it felfe h a part of tbe facrament,ant) ^ bi it a* lane i0 agiirea tbc tjniting ^ toe bane toitb Cojtft in cofo;imitr of nature: bi* caufe man i tooman are not maae one but bi carnal copulation.lpo^ojbeit fom of tijcm bauc berc fouo tluo facrauif ts: ti)e cue of gou $ tbc foule^ in tbe betrou* tbcD man i toomantt^e otber of Cb^ift ano tbc tburcb>in tbc biifbanoe ano tbe toifi^ ^otofoener it be, pet copulation i3 a farrament, from \j)bicb it toas bn* lalBful ^ aiti CbiiiUtiin S^ulo be Debar? rcD. SJnlrs pjraauf tare tbe facramf ts of Clj; illias do fo il agrsj, t tbe? ca not nan^ togetber. SDbere is alfo anotbtr abrurDitic in tf]tn Dc(trine0. SDbc^af? finuc tbaf in lljt .^acramcntcisgcum the grace of tbe l^olp gboflrtljep tcarbc tbat capulation is a ^ac ramcnte : anD t^a? DcnvT tfjat at copuLiticn tbe i^cl^e g'OQil is at an? time pzcfcnt. 37 anD>bicaii(e t^cs too»^o "o^ ^•"P^V mocK tbe cbnrcb,boto long a roto of er^ ro,:0,lic0>Deccit0, t toicHeDneiles bauc tber ^^i^ to one erro;: fo ^ a man ma^ fap, ^ tbe? DiD notbing but fafee a Dcn of abbomination^, \j;>i^n tfit^ maDe of matrimon^ea ^acr^ment.jFo; Uibeii tbe? once obteincD tbi0, tbe? D;ctoe to tbem felues ? bearing of caufes of ma^ trim0n?:fo;i it toas a fpiritual matter, tobicb p.2ofane ittDges migbt not meDlc \s)it\j, Cbcn tlic^ maDe lalues,toberb? tl)t^ dablilbcD tbeir tirann?, but tbofe parti? manifcftl? toickeo againtt goD, f parti? moa \iimfl totuaroe men. ^s ar tbefe: tbat mariages maDe bcttoenc ho-^ ?ong perfons toitbout confent of tbe?? parentis, (bnlD remain of fojce i tlabli* IbcD.SDbat ttjt mariagcs be not latoful betloeene feinrfolfics fo tbe feuentboe^ Dc.iS.d^ grce: auD if an? fucb be maDe,^ tl)tt be Diuo^ccD.anD ? tier? Degre^B tbe? fainc agaii^a tbe liliis of al natioiw>f agaifi ? ciuile goucrnment of ^ofesXbat it bt not latoful fo; a ma tbat batb put a« lua? an aDaltcrcire,to marr? an otber, Sbat fpirituall kinffolfecs ma? not be coupleD f mariage.S^bat tber be no ma riages ccleb;at,from ^eptuageCmc to GofTibs. tb^ btasof eatter,in. 3. Uiakes -before S^iDfomer.no.i from fiDue nt fo SCtDelf;* tiDe.aiiD ittumcrabic ctber lihe^tobtcb it toerc long to rebearfe.at lengtbc toe muft crepe oatc of tbeir mtie,toberein our talke batb uoto taricD Isii^cr tba 3 toelD.|3ct i tmli 3i baue fomtobat p;o fitrD, tbat 'i baue parti? piucfteD tjic li^ ons (kim from tbefe a0;e£i. The.\>\^}u[r!:r. * Of ciuilc goucineincnt. ^j^\3ic toberas toe bane aboue fctte rcqutretb tliat toee fpeaftc fometolat ^Vm HiaDcs of go«c4'nmcnt in man: aUo of tbe otber, tob?rb pert cinctb on^ an.D^jabcreas'tocbauc fpsken encugbc I l?e to tbcciuile anD cuttoaroc r?gb^ of tbe cJie inm tobicb conftftetb m t\)c tcoufneCTe t/l maniicrs. i?oi tbe courfr fsuleoMntbein'ODarDeiran^anubatb fiftb?s mstter tomctb tc bee fc.u(^ refpcctc to cteritall life : tb23 plaq I reP from tijc g^icitiuU^^IPgctnne of — i^-"— — : - jaitbfe Gal.j.6. I. Cor. 7, 21 ifaitl),tDt)if I) 5 tclte in ijao to cntrcatc oU^ct Hj? p;occDuiG fiinU HjcUic tfjat 3 DO rigbtfullp iovn tljc tosc(fKr,tca j^ J am of ncccmtic copcIIeD to t;o it:fpecial ip fit!) on tljc one riDcniaD t barbarouB men DO furifiuGi go about to outrtb^oiu tljic o;ocr ftabliflicD bv Cod : 1 en (: 0, tbcr fiDeH^ttsi'cs of p;tncc0,ncuaun cing tbcir politer l^out meafuic, Ctrb not to fct it agatna tbc f nipire of OoD bimfelfc.ClnleB botb tbcfcmifcbcuefi be met l^al,^ purenes of faitb fljalbe loft, iBcCoe tbat it ist not fmallp fo; our be* bofCjto luioUi boU) Icuinglv gcD batb in tbts bc(}a(fc p anD tbe ciuilc goucrnment are ' lato'ee toitbcut iiiDgmcnts t tuDtiment tbin^fi far a fonoer. ^itb tbcrfo;e tbat | kutcsi )L^ut tobat batb a Cb?iftian ma ijsa JctoiOj banitr^to fafee anD enclofe | to do toitb iuDgcmentee tbf feluefi: Ka tbc bingDome of Cb;iftct3nDcr tbc ele^ : if it be not latofuU to bi!l,toberto fcrue mentgoftbigtoo;lD;l£t\30ratbcrtbin^'latoc5 anD icDgimentcg among t0f , " 3iSut' To Valuation. Fourth Bookc, i^ol, fting, 30 tbeft^ripturepiamli'Teacbctb, tbat it 10 n fpirituall frute,tobicb is ga^ tbereDoftbcbcnjtitofCb;iff>rcmem» ber to ferpe toitbin tbc bcuncif 5 tbcrcof tbJ0 tol.-cic libcrtyc toljicb is piomu'rD anD office tc i:x bim. jf o:,tol;at is tbc caufe to'bv tbe f&me lapcaic tobicb biD* Detb bs to ftaD,? net to be niaDc futic ct |(Jq[ tc tbf polvc of bcncagCjin cnctbrr p'lare fo;biDDctb be no feiutinfs to be carcfull of Ibeir Cc'.tc , but bicaufe fpirituall li» fccrt? mav tcrv tocll agree toitb eiutle bouDagc:' 3u toljicb rrnfc alfo tbcfe bi0 favtnggare tc be tal^cn : Jntbc tiirgDo of €oD tbcr ic no 31cto,no; Orecian,no male nc; fcmalc,nc Iccma no; frrma. jagavn,Ebcri is no Kcto no; (Grecian, CircunuiOon. ainflrcumrinon , i5ar* barian,^cvtlian,l!5Drjmrnn,irrficma: but Cb;ift IS ail in sll.^lbcrlv be fig* , nifietb,tl;at it maUctb no matter in tobat cftate tbou be among men , no; fcnDertbelatoe0 of tobat nation tbcn liuctt:fD;afmucb 30 in tbcfe tbvnge cc* aCetbnot tbe liingtomc cf Cb;it^. 2 |3et Dotb not tbrs ciHi nttion tentc / bcreuntOjtbat toe Cboulo tbiiih tbat (be tobole o;Dcr of policic it an tncleane tUvii3»not pertaining at all to Cb;iCia 4 •2. :Gal.3.2S, n. •^9\ Of the outvvarde meanes )15ut as toe Ijauc eucnnoUi gcucn luar mng,ti)at tt)t0 UinD of goucrncmcnt is fcucral front ttjat fpiritual auD inluaro UingDom of cbJitt: fo it i^EJ alfo to be ftno tuen p tbc^nctljins Difagrec together jfo;,tlje ciuile gouerncmentDotbnoto begin in bss topon eart^ ccitaine begim nings of tbc !)cauenl^ feingDoni,anO in tW moital ano tianiO^ing life Dotfj as it lucre entre t3po an immo;ital anu itif corruptible blcITc^nestbuttbe intent of tl)is fpirituall goucrnemcnt is, fo long as toe a)al liue among mm, to cberiO) ano inaintainc tUc outtoaroe too.;Q)ip^ ping of (IDoD,to ocfenD tbc founonoctrin of goolincs ano tbe ftate of tbe cburcb, to fratnc oar life to t feloluOjip of men, tofaOjionourmaners to ciuile rigWe* oiifncs,top;ocuret)S into frenDtl^ippc oncloitban otber, tono^iH^ common peace ano quictnestall lobicb J graunt to be fupcrQuoiis , if tbe UingDo of goo, fucbasitisnotoamongtJS, nooeftro)? tUs p;cfcnt life. 115ut if tbc toill of goo be fo,tOat tue tuljilc lue long toluaro § our meaning is to baue tbis cnlv t)noer IlanDeo,^ to tbinUe to o^iue it aVuar,is outragious barbaroufnes, i tjfe tubers of is no les among men, tban of b;^eao, toaf er,tbe run,ano aire,but tbe oignit^ mucbe mo;e excellent, iFo; it tenoetb notonlpbeereunto (tubicb is tbe onl^ commooitp of al tbofe tbings)tbat men mar bjeatb, eat,o?ink ano bccbcrifteo (altbougb in oeoc it compjebcnoctb all tbefe tbings,Uibile it maUctb tbat tbc\? liue togetber) i^tt 31 fa\?, it tenoetb not bcrcunto onlt? : but alfo tbat ioolatr^, facrilegcsagainll p name of dDoOjblaf^^ pbemies againff bis trutb,t otber offe * CCS of religio mai? not rife bp i be fcat^ tereo among tbe people, ^ comon quiet be not troubleo, ^ euert? ma ma?? bape bps oton fafe f tjnappcirco,^ men map bfe tbcir affaires togetber Vooutburte, tbat boneHv $ mooeilT? be hept among tbemtfinaUp ^ among Cb;iliians map be a comon (^cto of religion , i among men mai be manliUe ciuilitie. jj^eitber let anp man be moueo,fo;t ^ 31 ooe noto beaucnlr coutr^, Gioulo be toarfaring refer t\)t care of aabliOjing of religion from bomc bpon tbc eartbtano Qtbe tbe to tl)t policie of men,tobicb 3i fame be- t)fc of fucb toapfaring ncoctb fucb bel^ fo.ic to baue fet toitbout tl)c iuogement pesjtbe? U)I)ici»e tafec tbcm from man, ' of me.jf o; 3i do no moje bere, tbS 31 oio 00 take from bpm bpsterp nature of|bcfo;e,geue men leaue after tbeiroton man.ifo; toberas tbe?? allege tbat tber ' toil to mal^e latoes cocerning religio t is fo great pcrfcition in tbecljurcbcof tbetoo,jajippingofCDoo,toben3lalloto cDoD, tbat ber otonc mooerate goue rm P o;oinace of policie, tobicb cnoeuo;ietb mcnt fulf icctb it fo; a latoc:tl)e\? tbem^ ; bereunto, t tbe true religion tobicbc is kiim 00 fornix imam tbat perfc(ti> [ cofapneo in i lato of dDoo, be not open^ on tobicb ca neuer be founo in tl)t com* Ip t toitb publiUe facrileges fralp b;o^ mon fellotoftjip of men. ifo; figbte of , ^en f Oefileo. mat i reaoers being boU nougbtpe men ^ p^ioe is fo gre^^t, % tbe ' pen bp p Derj? plainneffe of o^oer, l^ll toicijeones fo obainate,as canot be re* better bnoerftao tobat is to be tbougbt ftrainco \d great fljarpnclfc of latoes: of p tobolcHinoe of ciuile goucrnment, tobat tbink toe ^ tbcp toil Do,if tbep fsje if toe feuerallp entreat of § parts tber> t)npunia)?o liberty lie ope to tljcii' Icuo ofXber be tbjff partes of it: tbe spagt ncire,tubicb can not cucn toitb fo^ce be fufficientlp compclleo not to oo euel:? 5 3!5utoftbeo;ocrofpolicT?,tbera)alfae an other fitter place to cntreate. jj^otoc, ftrate,tobicb is p gouerno; i heper of (» latoes: tbc lators,acco;toig to tobicb be gouernetb: tb( people,tobicb arc gouer ncD bp t latoes, f obey tbc magigratc. SC^crfoje To Saluation. Fourth Book( Ex.22,8. PC82.1. 6, i5Dbcrfo;e let ts firll conCDcr of t^e oU fice of ttic J^agiaraf f, toljctfjcr it be a latofuU location, ano aUotoeo of C?oD, Vuftat mancr of office !)cf)atlj,anD bo tue great is bis pelucr : tbgn tuitb tubat la* tees ir€b;iftian ciuilc date is to be 0;^ Dcreoitbcn laft of alI,VDbat profit of tbe latuffl commctb to tbe pcoplclwbatre' ucrence is Due to tbe ^agittrate. 4 3^be llo;o batb not onlp tetttffeo ^ tbe office of magiftrates is aIo\ucD ano acceptable to bim,but alfo fetttng oute tbe Dicnitt! tberof toitb mod bono;ablc fitle£5, bcbatbc marucloufip comcnbeD it tjnto b5. SDbat J mat! rcbcrfe a fclue of tbe. MbcraslDbofoeucrbeinplace of masidrates, are nameb 0oob, let no man tbinke t in ^ naming is fmal im- po;tance : fo; tberbp is CgnificD ^ tbe? bane commaunoement from CDoctbat tbe^ are furnifljco untb ^ autbo;it^eof CDoD, f DO altogetber bear tbe perfcn of t» 1 . I goD,tobore fteoe ti)tv oo after a certain loh.io.3f^ maner fupplf.SDbis is not m? cauilla^ tion,bnt tbe erpoatien of anD tbe mod boned of all otbcr in tbe lobolc life of men. s- £Lbct ^^U(^ :ouet to b;ing in a date icout rulrrs,take erception i far, tbat aUbougb in clD time tbcr tuere kings t iuDges oner toe rube people, vet at his tat 1^ feruilc kiuD of gouerning agrectb not R0J2.S Cor, I?, :8. 3.'. ,Gap.ao< - [■ Hi 3.12. Br49.23 . {i '• Of the outward mean cs batJ) b;oug!jt toitlj fjis gofpcU miOerin t-jcp bctu^ai not onIi> tljc^^ ignc.jance, but alfo tbcir ocaeltC^ p^iD0,lu!jile tbc^ tafie tjpon tl;em felues perfcition, of wbici) not fo mutl) as tl)e f)uD;cti) part ta fene m tt)?. )15at toljat mancr of me focaer tbc^ be, it is eafrc to confute it: bicaufe ttJlier ^am^ ejcbo^tetb all UIqs I rulers ta kiiSz tijc fon ofdDoo Ije Dotb not biD thcmy ^cuing oiier tb^ir autbo^ rt?^,to Halie tbf felues to a p;iuate life, but to fubmit t\)z polwer t ^be^ bear to Cljriil) p be alone mai? baue p;cbenu<» nsncc aboue all. ^lifeeUjife (l!;fat?,toben be p;romifctb tbat bings (balbe folterfa tbers of tbc cbuccb. ano ^uenes Cbalbc nurfcs, be ootbe not Depofe t^cm frqm tbeir W^oy, but ratber tsotbc bp an bo^ noiable title ma'tc tbcm Dtfeaocrs to (> goDlv tuojn&ippsrsof gotj.ifo^,^ pjo^ pbsf^ pertcinctb to § coming of cb;ift. 'i DO liuttingls pas oner manv^ teftimo nits \B\}it\) DO ccb tuber oflfer tbefelues I fpeciallp in § pfalmd tuberin al gouer no;s baae tbeir rigbt inainteineD.)li3ut j j nioa cleare of al is tbc place of paule, I ,„ liBbereaDmonilftingSEimotbe^intbe k Tii.2 2.| xbinon aSTcmbli? p.jatcrs uiu(£ be mauc fcj hings, be bi?anobg aGDctb a reafcn. E^^at toe ma^ bnDer tbeni IcaDa rjuict life tx)itb all goolincffc ano boJieap; in tabicb itto^DS be comittetb § ftafc of § cl)urcbc to tbeir Defence 1 faucgarDing. 6 taabicbconftaeration ougbt continue all? tJ buf^tbe magiltrdtestblfelucs, fojafmucbe as it mav pat a great fpur mint(!ers of g rigbteoufnes of goDfllBtj Uibataffiace ftall tbe^aDmit bniuftice to tbeir ia\iQtmit reat,U)bicb tbe^ bear to be tl)t tb;^one of tbc lining CDoo i ilBf iDbat bolDneflTe (ball tbep pronounce a iD^ogful fcntenf 0 luif b v moutb,tubicb tbe V bnDerttao to tjc apoitcD an in!iru;» meat fo; tl)t trutb of (25oD^Mitb tobat cofcience Ojal t\jti^ fubfcribe to UiicheD Decrees \jb bis baD,tDbicb tt)ev. hnot^ to be o^DeincD to lu;ite § acts of goDfJin a fum,if fbei remeb^e ^ tbcr? bctbe \iittf gerents of goD, t^sn muft luatcb Vjd all care,earneffnes i Diligence t tbct mav rep;^efent in tbrfelues bnto men a ccr^ tain image of tbe p^cuiDcncCjpjercrua* tion,gcDDnes,gcD^ iul,i rtgbtcoufnf fTe of ©oD. jSnD tbet? iKuft ccntinuall? fet tbis befo.je tbeir eie0,^ if al tbc^ be ac^ curfeD t bo crccuteinBecat § ^o^k of B bengeance of so9,tbci ar mucb moae greuoufli i\miYkr>,^ tife tbemfcluesbe ceitfuU^ i a rigljtfalbocatioXberfoic lub^ 5p:>fes f Biofapbat nuDeD to eybo^t tbeir iuD^TCs to tbeir DntVjtbe\? baD no=* tbtg mo:e effectual to moue tbeir miDS iDal, tba i \3i\)ic\) U)e banc befo;e rcber fcD.lLoUc \3yW ^e Do.jf 0; ge (it in iuog met not fo; ma but fo; (^oDmamclv be Dc.i.i6. \si\)ic]) is nerc to nou in f caufc of iuDge ^ Qq^^'^ Ic.48»n. met j^tx) tberfo; let i fear oft Io;d be pf^^Q bpo '^DuXobe 9 be Diliget:bicaafe tber g is no perucitnes U)itb § lo;D ro«i' Sdd. ^* ^^ Deputies ofgoD,totubo tbe? ni«(ti fo;\yarD to tlftiv Dactt?, 1 b;ing C^em a ; one DaT?.telD accept off gouernment of tijeir cbargc.anD tuo.jtbili tbis aDmont tic ougbt to be of gret fo;ce \6 tl^i, Jfo; if tbei mahe m^ D£fdU,tbei ar not onlt Uuog Doers to mclDbo tbcv toid^cDl^ bei:e,^bat alio flaoerers to <2oD bimfelf, tubofe bol!? itJDgem ^ts t\)t^ Defile.^gai | tbcybaueairo labercupon tbcg maipe fingus' fingulai^ cpfc;t twberbi? t()cv mai' miti^ gat2 (j biirbneires of tbeir office, tobicb triUv are botl) maav 1 great jfo; turtb \}m great an enocuo; of tjpjigbtncCr?, *infj5am,mil3ne3,contincncc,anDinno ceac\>»ouci;ljt tijei to cbargc tbemfclues. i,Sa,8,7. Lu«2a.25 iRo,i3.i. fingularl^ comfo;tett)emfeluf0, toftcn tbc^ conQDer tuitl) tftcmfclucB ttjat tbci are not buficD in pjopljanc affaires anD fuel) as are not St fo; ttjc fcruat of goD, but in a moft bol? office, namelp fo jaf ^ mucbastbe^aretlje Deputies of ©oD. 7 ^g toi t\)i ttjat are not moueD \xiitf) fo mani! teftimonies of Scripture fro be- ing bolo to raile at tliis boli niinifteri^, as atljing Difagreeing Id cbaittwn reli^ gio « goolineg:tDbat Do tbe^ els but rai le at goD bimfelf,§ DiOjono; of lubo can notbutbeio)?neD tuitl) tbe repjocbof fiiB miniHerf ano teril^ tbet? do not re fufe tbe magittrates, but Do catt atoai? goDjtbat be fliulD not rergne oucr tbe. if o; if tbe lo^D faiD tbis trulr of [> peo^ pie of |frael,bicaufe tbei> baD refufeo § gouernement of Samuel : tobi? IbaU it be les trulp fa^D at tbis Da^ of tbem f gcue tbemfelues Icauc to rage againft al gouernements o;DeincD of goDf 515ut fitb tbe lo^D fa^D to tbe DifcipleSjtbat p feinges of nations beare rule euer tt)iy but tbat among tbem it is not fo, tober be tbat is ibe firtt^ ^o\x\^ be maDe tbe Ieaae:bi? tbvs faving it is fojbiDoen to al Cb;iftians,tbat tbcf ftoulo not taUe kingoomes o? gouernements tpon tb^ £D bauDfomc erpofito;^s. SSbere rofe a (friffe among tbe Difciplcs, lubicbof tfitm eFccllcD otber:tbc lo^D,to fupp;cs tiiB baine ambition, taugbt tbem tbat tbci?^ minittcr^c is not lifec bnto feing^ DomeSjin iubicb one man batb p.jecnu^ nence abouc § rcCt. 3 bcfecbe t!ou,tobat Dotb tbis comparifon make to tbe Dilbo no^ of felnglv' BignitP i ^ca tobat cotb it pjoue at al,but tbat tbe minifter? of an apattle is not § office of a Uingf ^o;e^ oucraltbougb amon^tbemagiaratcs tbemfelues tbcrcbe Diuers formes, t?ct tber is no Diefercncc in tbis bebalf, but tijat li?e ougbte to taUe tbem all ftj; tbe o^Dinances of CcD,if o; paul alfo DOuj comp^ebenD tbem altogetber, to ben be To SaluaCion^^ Fourth Bookc ,EoL464 faitb tbat f bere is no potoer but of goD: anD tbat tobicb bea libeD bim of all, is commenDeD toitb notable teftimon^ a^ bone tl)t otber,namelt? (> potoer of one:, tubicbbicaufe it b;ingctb 1» it a com* mon boDage of al, crccpt tbat one man* to tobofe Uiill it mahetb all tbings fnb« iect,in olD time coulD les be allotueD of noble anD tbe erccllent fo;t of natures. ^ut tlit fcripture, to mgetc toitb tbep^ tininlf iuDgemets,erp;eai br itame af^ firmetb,^' it is tf^c p;ouiDence of C5oDS toifDcm tbat kings do reign,f peculiar^ l^comaunDctbtbe feingtobebono;eD. 8 anotrueliutUjere ber^liain tbat it (bulo be DifputeD of p^iuate mf tobicb (bolD be § bea ftate of policie in ^ place tober tbei liuetfo^ Uibo it is not lawful to confult of tbe framing of ani?c6mon Uieale.anD alfo tbe fame coulDc not be fimplg DetermineD voout ralbnes , fo;^ afmucb as a great parte of tbe o;Der of tbis queft ion coQfletb in circiiftances. janD if tbou copare alfo tbe ffates tbem* felurs togetber ioitbout circuaancfs,it fbal not be eaficto Difcern tobicb of tbe ouertoeretb v otbcr in p;ofifablencffc, tbc^ matcb fo egallr tonrctber. SDber is m cafic toai to fal fro kingQom into tif rani? ♦ but not mucb barcer is it to fall fro V rule of tbe cbefcft nicn to § faaio of a feto: but moll eafp of al fro tbe peo pies go«ernment,to fcDition. SDrulp,if tbofe tb;a fojmes of gouernmcntes tobtcbtbc ^^bt'ofopbers fet out, be con* fiDcreD in tbemfelues, 3 toill not Dcn^c ^ eiitbcr tbe goucrnmcnt of tbe cbefcft mcn,o? a Hate tempcrcD of it f comon gouernment far erccllctb all otbermot of it fclfc, but bicaufc it mott felDomc cbaancetb i^ l^tnges fo temper tbenifcl* ues,tbat tbcr^ totll neuer ftoaruett fro tbat tobicb is iiilt ana rigbt, again tbat tbeg be furniQjct) toitb fo great l^arp* nelfe of iuogcment ano toifcDometbat eueri!onc uf tbeai itetplomucb as]s " fumrtcnt. Pro.Sij. |Opv so. /"■r-r ■ fuilicienf^bercfo;e f fault oj Default of mcii inabet^, tbat it i« fafer i mo^e tolerable tJjat man^ (feulo Ijane t\ic go^- iiiemcmet, tbat tftev ma? mutually one l;clpc another, one teac!) ano aomonift anotber, anotfan? aDuauncebimfetfe Imr t^h in mete,tber ma? be ouerfetrg ano matdera to reS^ratue btis lutlfnl< ties. l!Dljt0 botb batb altua? ben app;^o^ ueD b? erperirnccanD tbe lo;ii) alfo batb tconStrmeo it 16 bis autbo^if?, toben be o;9eineo among tbe ^fraelits a goucrn ment of tbe belt men Deri nere bnto co i man goucruement at fucbt^measbe minoeo to baue tbem in btH eSate^tiU be b;ougbt fa jtb an image of €lnitt in SDaiuo.ilnD as 31 UJillingl? graiit ^ no ihinocofgoaernementis mo;e blefleD tijm tbis, tobere libertte is frameD to fucb moueratio as it oagbt to be,ano iti o;ot rl? ftabliOjeo to continuance : fa HI compt tbem alfo moft blcffe5>,tbat ma? enio? tbt.9i ellafe:t if tbe? ftoutl? 1 con llanti? trauail in p^^eferuing ano rctei ni% irj grant tint tbe^ ao notbing si* g<5ina- tbcjr Dut^.^ea am tbe magiftra tc0 cogbt bJttb moft great Diligence to benD tbemfelues bcrcunto,tbat tlyti fuf fs?r not tbe U'aertie of f peoplc,of tobicb tbe?areappointeD gcuerno^s to be in an? part mini(&eD,mucb les to Uc Diflbl ucD; if tbe? be negligent ano litlc care* ful tbrrin,£be? are falf iraitbbjeaUcrs in tbeir office , anfi betra?ers of t\}tvj countr?. Wilt iftbe?tooulob;ingtbis ^inos to tbemfelues, to luboin t^c lo;io l)atbcnppo?nteo anotber fo^meof go* ucrnmet, fo tbat tberfa? tbe? be mouea to Deljre a cbannge, tbe tcr? tbinUing tberof (Ual not onl? be folil^ ano rnpcr*= fliiousjbut alfo bnrtfuI.lBut if tbou b^D not tbine eieef onl? to one titvMt lQ>Ue about oi bcijolo tbe Ijjljoie luojID toge^ tber, oj at ieail fp^eaD ab^ioDe tl)^ figbt iuto fartljer DiUanccs of countries, id* cut Dout ibou l^alt iinD tbat tijis i& mt Of the outward meanes Dnp;joStabl? appo?ntcD b? tht pionif Dence of (0oD, tbat Diuer5CoQntre?s (Iboulo be ruleo b? Diuers tttnDes of go^ uemment» #0^ as tbe elemtnts bang fogetber but b? an t)negallteperature> fo countries alfo are ijoitl) tbeir certain inequalit?e ber? toeU&eptetno;Der* i^otobeitalltbefe tbings alfo art fpo^ hen in baine to tbem tobom tbe tsoil of tfyc ito^D (ball fatiff?e. ifo; if it be b?s pleafure^to fet kings ouer htngbomes, Senates 0;^ officers ouer free €ititBy iDbomfoenerbe maketb rulers in tbe places tobere toe are conuerfante, it id ourDuet?to(%eU)e our felues ?eelDing anD obcDient tinto t^tm, 9 ^to tbe office of 5pagilfrates is in tbis place to be !j?clareD b? tl}z Uja?,of tobat fo jt it is nefcribeo b? tbe too^D of ©oD,anD in tobat tb?ngcs it confilletb. 3f tbo Scripture d?d not teacb? tbat it eptenoetb to botb tbe tables of tbe latp^ t»e migbt learne it out of tht p;opbane Uijiters, if 0: none batb cmreateD of t\}t Dut?e of ^agiH ratejjjOf mab?ng of latues , ano of tbe publiHe toeale , tbat batb not begon at religion anD ^t Uio; fljipping of (iDoD . )anD fo baue tbe? alt confcffeD, tbat no policie can be bappil^ frameD, tjnlctfe tbe firff care be of goD^ l?ncS'3: auD tbat tbofe latoes be p^epo* aerous iobicbe neglectingtber?gbtof (H^oD, Doe p^ouiDe onel? fo; men. ^itbe th2rfo;e toitb nil tbe JDbilofopbers, re^ ligionbatb ti)z firil place, ano fitb tbe fame batb altua? bene obferneD lj?tbe fcniuerfall confcnt of all nations . Jlct Cbnllian]3jinces anD ^agiitrates be albameo of Vjt^), aotbfulneffe, if tbe^ enDeuo> not tbemfelnes to tb?s care. j^nD ^t baue alrcao? (^clDeD,tbat t'o^s Dut?e is fpeciall? enio?ncD t^ of oDx as it is meete, tbat tbe? l^oulD etnplc? tbe?; trauell to DcfenoanD maintarnc t^^Hi bono;>\r>l)ore tji^cserentes tbcg be, ana b? tobofe benefit tbcg gou€ra.iFiJj Iu.21.25. m&. ToSaluation, ttj^s caufe alfo rfjafl^ arc ^ tjolp Uings p;ap(eD in Scripture, fo^ tljat tfte^ re- tto;eD § ioo;fljip of ©oD being co^rup* teo 0^ oucrtb<:olDcn,o;ta)kc care of re* li^ionjtliat it niigUt flo^iOjc pure f fafc tJUDer tbem.liSut contraritoifc tbe fjd^ ^tdo;^ recbenctl^ (tatcs U)ttbo{it gouer no j0,among faultes, fai?ing tl^at tbere tDas no King in BifraeU , i tljat tberfo^e euerp man o^D to!)at plcafeob^mfelfe. ^fjerb)? tbe^j foil? is confutcD,U)t)icb tojoulobauetbf, neglecting tfjc care of to Deliuer t\)c fo^ccabl? oppicffeD from tl)c banD of § fdlfc accufer, not to greue § ftran jer i U)iootD,not to do iM.jong, j not to IbcD innocent blouD.SLo tbc fame purpofc mafictbtbe crbo^tation lubicb i$ rcaD in tbc Irr ii.pfalm, f tbc? flioiD renDcrrigbtto ? poie j neeDi^cacquife tbc paj;e # necD?,DcUuer tbcpcoic ^ nec;* D? fro tbc banD of § opp>e(ro;.anD ^o* fcfiigciictbcbargc to tbc ^>jincc5U)bo be biio Cct m b j3 fteoc: '.ct tbe bcarc tbc caufe of tbeir b:ctb.2en,f iuDge bettoen a ma f bi« b;otlj:r i a ftrangcr,ano not knoU) faces in iuDgcincnt,lct tbc beare a0 tocl tbc litle a0 tbc great, t be not a* fraj^oe of an? uia: bicaufc it is ^ iuogC' ment of auiDp;ofeffctb tbat be Uiill be an ei;amplar,U)bcn be tbalbe aDuan* ceD to tbe ro?all featettbat is^ t be toill not confent to an? euill Doings,but ab^ bo;re luicheD men,aauDcrcr0, % p;ouD men, f get to bimfclf fro ccb lubcrc bo^ nett f fa?tbfull men. l!?ut fitb tbc? cm not perfo;mc tii^s, bnlcDTe t\)c^ DcfenD g(DDmcnfr6tbcU);onges of tbc euill, let tbem belp tbc goD \y)itl) fucco; 1 Dc* fencclettbe alfo be armcD toitb patocr tflbcrb?tbc? ma?rcucrcl? fupp;c(rco/ pen euil Doers t loicUcD men b? Uibofc IcluDncirc ti)e comon quiet is trcublcD 0; bcrcD. ifo; iwe tl^^ougbl? fiuDc tb?6 b? crpcricncc luljicb i^ojon fayD tbat common tocalcs confift of rcluarD ar.D pumlbtuent,anD i^ tuhcn tbofc betafica aU)a?,tbc iDbolcDircipfrne of cities fai* letbf tsDiiToluco. iTo; tbe corcof cqui« tic anD lufticc toavctb coi:^ i.n v mmDcs of man?, bnlcffc t'lerbcduc bnno; rea^ D?efo;tertue: ucvi''^rf''i"i^ a\ifuU nclTc of UJicbcD »ii :.i be rcGruvm ) but b? feucritic * tbauilimcmcfpjsvnie. anD tbffc tU)o parts the p;ipi):t coii> y ^• p2cl)cnDrtbVii5bcn be bit^etlj una^ aoo ^^^^ thber goucrnojs to Do iui'.iinrlit ft riijb^ fi'^- tcoufncffc* iilGbtcoufiitfc is, to Uiic \ into cbar^e of tuitio;i>c embwcc ,to :c^ fcuD,to reucnge, to Deliuer j^ ijincccnt. i, ^uDs.cmcnt 70I, 2.3* I Qlp 20 Of the o«tvvarci meancs I'X'i20.l3 Mat ^.9. Bo.i34» ^uUi^stncisi iSy to U?it(?l}aDtlje bolDKes oftotclseDmen, torcpjcCfe tter? V)io* lencf ,to pun5ft) tfjev? cffc ncf s. 10 l^ut tcrc,a0 it ffttnetlj, tttlj arife a fj!?eanD ^aro qucftion: Sif bl5 tfec latoe cf (DoDaI!Cb;t0tan0 arefo^btDtirn to biU:anD tl^e Piiopfjct p;opt)ff icf I) of tljc fcclf mciint ef dDotJjtbat iBjthe Ctiurcfe, ttjat in it ttjc^ fl;aH net aff lid mz turt; tjolD nianre magiflratrg be togetber bctb gotilr « blouilfceDDersf 115ut if toe l)nocrffanD,tbat tbc magiftrate in ere* cuting of punifljmcntB,ootb notbvng of bimfclfc , but emnfett tbe terp fclfc tuDgements of €^oD, toe Whc noticing comb^eD toitb tbr^ tent . %ht iatoe of tbe ILojO fojbifiDetb to ttill : IraO man« flaugbter CbolD be bnpuni(%eD,tbe lato maker bimfclf genetb to tbe miniff ers V ftoo;D in tbev; banD,tobicb tbei IIjoId i}^a\a fojtb againft all manOa^ers.SEo afflict I to bartjie; not ^ Doing off goc^ l^ : but tbi5 is not to burt,no^ to afflict, b^ § ilo;rDs comaunDcmentto renenge tbe afiflictionB of tbe goDl^.J tooulce to <2?oo t tlm toere altoar pjcfent befoje our minoes, tbat notbvng is bcrc Done b^ tbe ralbneffe of man,but all tbvngcs bp tbe autbo?itie of ©ob tbat contaun* bctb, tobicb going before Ids, toe neue r f toaruc out of tbe rigbt toa\?e. tanlclTc perbaps tbere be a b;iDle put tpon (be rigbteoufncffc of CDoD, tbat it mape net punia)totcbebDoing0. ^utifttbenot latofull to appoint anp Iatoe to it, tobf Ibal toe raiiil againft J miniftrrs cf iff SCbet beare not f ftoo^b in tain, ni\?tb |3aul;fo?tbct?betbcminifters ofCDcD to tojatb^reutgers to cuiUocrs.SEber^ fo;c if Piincefi ano otber rulers fencto tbat notbing (balbe mo;je acceptable to 3Lc;d to be tt)t Deltuerer cf bts pcDple,bc larbc bt^ bances tpon tbe €gtptian. jEcairjUb? bp Caving of tbaa tboufanD mm in cnc tar* l)tt(Dkc tcngeanceoffbe farriUgc of p people, E>amD atfo, ti Ijcn nt-e tc tbe tv.t of br^e; Ivfebcraueconarnscment to ^alc^! monbififonnefcOa^eSiOab t ^emei. t32lberf upon be alfo rebearfetb; tbr^ a^ mcng tbe tcrtucs of a btng,to Gat> tbe toiclteD of tbe lanti, tbat all too^feersof toicfecDnrffe, ntav be D;incn cut of tbe ditieof ©CD. %B Mmtft purpofe alfo pertainetb t\ic p^aife ^ is ccuen to ^a* lomon.Cboo baft lotieD rigbtcorfneffe f baft bateD toict^^cDncs.^oto Dotb tbat nttlDei gentle nature cf ^cft0 burne out into fo great cruclt^r,tbat being fp;inbleD « emb;tueD teitb tbe blcuD of br«b;^ctb;fibcrijrnctb tb^ougbcut tfjt f ampe to netoe Caugbtcrs ; l^oto Dotb E^auiD, antaof (0 great gcntlcticftc in all brJ5 life? amcng UslaQ b^rafbings make tbat blcuD^ teftamtnt tbat l)xs fonne (boulD not b;itngtbe boare beare of Bicab f ^emet in peace to tbe grauef 5i5uttbet?botbtobcntbcr t%ttut€titt)t bengeance eommittcD to tbem of dUoD, fo fanctificD toitb cruell Dealing thm banDs tobicb tbcT? baD Deftleo toitb fpa^ ring . Bit is an abbcmination to^t^b feings,fartb &alomon,foDo iniquitre, bicanfe bis tb;one is ftablitbeD in rigb^ tf cufncfte. ;3garne. %f)t feing tobicbc fittctb in V throne of iuDgemr nt,fp;ca? Dctb b\?0 eres tpon enerp eulll nian.ja* gaine. a toife bing fcatteretb tbe toic* keD anD turnetb tbem tpon tlje tobeele. jagarn.snahe atoar tbe D^cCTe from tbe Olucr,anD tbere Hall come fo;tb a tef* fell to tbe melter: tabe atoar § toirfeeo man from (be figbt of tbe ferng^anD bis tb;on fljal be fall fct in rigbtcoufnc s.^^* gaine. Mdc t inftifietb tbe toicbcD, anD be tbat fonPcmnctO tbe rigbtf cns,fcotb are Fx.a.u. Fx.3a.27,' i.Kin a.5 Pro. (J. 12 Pro.20.8; Pro. 20. 26, I Pro.2j.4 Pro. 17.1 J Pro,i7.u Pro,i4, 24, To Saluation, i-ourth i^ooii XoL^66 j arc aO Ijominationto tfjc ILojo. jagairt. a rebellious ma purcbafettj cuil to l^im fclfc,ano a cruel melTengcr is fcnt tnto t)im.a3ame,lDbofo fattb to tljc iuicbcD maH,tf)ou art risljtcous, Ij^m peoples ano natios Do curfe» j^oto if tbeir true '^rigbteoufnes bcluitl) ojntoen ftuearD to purfue 5jltp aiiD toicUco mcntlet ttjc put tjp tbeir ftDcaro, t Ijoloc tbeir tjaos pure from falouo, l»t)vle intbc meanc time Dcfpcrate men oo rage Vuitb mur^ ttjcrs f aaugljterjs: tben tljc^ (bal make t^cmfelucs gtlttc of moft great UiickeD neffcfo muci) leffc Ojal tbet? get tberb^ tbepitarfcofgcDtJiieffe ano rtigbteouf* nes.iiDnl^ let tbcr be no pjecifc f cruel r^go;oufueirc,anD tbat luogemct feate tuljicb ma^ luoitljilp be calleo tbe rock of accufco men . if oj SI iun not be tfjat eitber fauoi ertrcraccrueltie,ojDotbiU tbat rigbtcous iuDgcmr t ca be p;onoii' ceD,butb)bt!e clemency tbe belli fu* rettcounfcUerofhings^afi ^alomoaf^ firmctb,^ p^cferuer of p Kings tb^one is affiftentjtobicb a certain man m do time truelr faro to be tee p;rtncipal gift of pjinces.^et a magiftratc muft taht beoe to botb,tbat be Do neiiber luitb ri^ go^oufnclTe of m^no luotmD ratber tba beale,o; b^ fuperUitious affcrtation of clemcnc)? fall into a mott cruel gentle* neCfcif Vuitb foft ano lajfc tcnDcrnes be be DilTolute to tbe Dcaruftion of man^ men . jro; t\iis toasinoloc trmenot iuitboat caufe commonly fpoUen tjnDer tbe empire of j;5erua,tbat it is in DaD cuil to liuc bnocr a p.nnce tinocr Vobo I notbing is laUifuUbut mucb loojfc t3n* Dcr \3Jbom al tijings are latufuU. n i3ut fttb foiiuimc kings t peoples muC of ncccffit]? take ftoero in bano to crccutc fucb publike tegcnce,bi tins tc fo toe niai cilfo i^i^z^ ^ 1> U)ars are laiw full \s}iii;^ are fo taken m banD. ifoj if tijcrebc potoer Dcl?urreDtbem,U^bcr? bi' tbcv' mag marnta,i?n quiet to tbeir Dominio,lDberbi tbe^ ir.a)^ kcpc DoU)n tbcfcDitioos airrcs of tonqmet men, tobfrebT?tbe^maT'bclpctbe fo;ccablv opp;ctrcD,U)bcrbv' tbei ma^ puniflj euil Dopngstca tbcr at fitter feafon ttter it, tlja to fupp^elTe bT?s f^S^ ^^it^ trou* bletbbotbpjiuatelvtbc rette ofeucrp ma^t tbe commo quiet of al me ,U)bicl) feDitiouav maketb t)p?o?es, tobicb co** mittctb Violent cpp;ctrions i barnous cuilDouigsfJftbcvotiabt to be pjefcr ucrs « Defcnoers of tbe latus,tbei muft alfo ouertb;cto i entcrpjifcs of al tbe br Inbofe vuici^cb Doing tbe Diffiplrne of latocs IS co^ruptcD. ^ca if tbc^ H)o; tbilT?puma)tborc tbeucs \»bofeimu* ries baue ertcnDCD onli: to a fctDC, fl}aU tbe^fuffcrabDbolecciitrci'to leUJitb* ontpunifl)mentbereD f toafteo \oitb robberiesfiro; it maketb no Difference Uibitber be be a king o; one of v bafefi of V commonalti e,f iiuiaDctb an otbei s cofitre^ inta tobicbbc batb no rigbt,anD fpoilctb it like an enem^ial arc alike to be takt i pumCbeD fo; robberies. Ojis tberfo;c botb natural r quitv,anD y rule of Dutictcacbetbttat princes are ar* mco not onclv to rcGravn p^i-iatc Du* ties U)itb iuDiciai pumn^mcntes, but alfo to DcfcnD Xo Ujarre tt)e Dominisns comittcD to tbeir cbarge>if at an^ time tbei be enurlike aCaileo.anO fucb to^ar res tbe boU gboft br mani? teaimonics of Scripture Declares to be laVBiull. 12 Jf it be obiectcD againft me,tl;at in v neUi teftamcnt is neitber Uitnccnc^ eraple \Dbicb teacbttb tbat Unirre is a tbmg latDful fo; cb;iaias : firtt 3 aun* f iuer,^ tbe fame rule of making Vtarre U)'3ici) U)as in olD time remainctb alfo at tbis Darvi t en tlje cotrarp fiDe tbcr is 210 caufc tbat mar Dcbarrc magiCra tes fro Dcfenoing of tbeir fnbiccts.^e* coiiDliMbatancrpjcCfe Declaration of tbcfe matters is not to be fougbt m tbe Jiiatiiwsoftbe apotllcs^VpUcrc tbeir Caps- vjar. C>f the outward fneancs purpofe ts not to frame a ctutie Hate, but to amiUti tl)t fptrttuaU kingoo of cl5ntt.iia(f of al 3! far ^ m t^Bm alfo t0 f ottJiiig c^ilgeD nctbing in ttjis betjalf. jfo} if c^^tttia Do(tnnc( i 3 ma^ fpcafe in Auguftms otun Ujojds) conocnincD alUjarrc05 tietoouloratberbauc fai?D tt)ts! to folDtars \ji}i)m ttjci? af keo coun^ fsl of faluatton, tbat tt)cp (bouto caft a^ U»ap tljep; tocapcns, ant> Wterl^ toitt^ D^aU) tfjemfelucs fro tbe l»arre,315ut it U)a5 fatD to tbem: l!rike no man,Do no ma U);ong,Ut tour tuagcs fuffice ^ou. Mt)o be taugtjf r fbcr; toages ougbt to fuffice tbr,be Oio terilr not fo;biDDe tbem to be iwarriojs. IBut al magilf ra^ tf 13 ougl)t bere to tafee great httc,i^ tbei notbingatall folotue t\)tv^ otone De^ (nts : but ratber, if tbe^ muft punilb, let tbe not be bojne aloa? isi^ a beao^ long angrincs,lct tbem not be Violent* Iv carieo lu batreo, let tbem not b^orle \u tjnappeafablc rigo?,tea let tbem (as Augjaitb)pit? tommo nature in bim in iDbom tbep punift bis p^iuate fault. £)^ if tbei? mutt put on armor aga^nft tbe enemp,^ is,tbe armcO robber, let tbem not ligbtl? fekc oceadia tberof,no^ taf^e it being offereo tmlrs tbep be rin* uen to it bv extreme neceffitie. iFo;if lue ougbt to pcrfo;me mucb mo^e tba tbe beatben ma required, tubicb tuoulD of duties bane tuar to feme a feUing of peace:tru Ip Uie ougbt firft to at tempte all tbingo ere toe ougbt to trpc ^ matter b\? toar, irinallp in botb feinos let tbem not fuf* fcr tbf felues to be carieo toitb anp p;i* mte affcction.but be IcD onli? toitb com mon feltng.^Dtbertoife tl)c^ Doc terp il abufe tbcp J potocr,tobicb is geucn tht, not fo^ tijcir cton comooitie, but fo; o* tbcrs benefit ^nunttterp. ^o^couercf ti)c fame rigtjtful rule of malting toar bagctb tbe o^Dcr botb of garrifcns ano I?na;iic5,anD ofber ciuile fortifications. Cicero C&arrifonsii call tbefe tbat areplaceo intotoncsto oefeno tbe bo^Dcrs of tbe countrev: lleagaes, tobicb are maoe toitb piincts aoiovning fo; tbis cone? nat tbat if anp trouble bappen in tbcir lanos t^t^ mat mutually b£lpe tbem, ano io^ne tbeir forces in common to# getbcr to fuppjeffe tbe common enei" mtes of manhino;Ciuiie fo;tificatios, tobofe bfe is in tJ^t arte of toarre* 13 SDbis alfo 81 toil latt of all aooe, tbat tributtB I taices are i latoful reuenues of pjinceSjtobicb tbet n^at cbiefit em^^ plop to futtepn tbe common cbarges of t^m otRce : \dW^ ^et t\)t^ may l^HC' toife We to ttim p^iuate roialt? tobicb is after a certain maner coniorneo \3o bono; off p;incelt ttate^ tbet beare, 3s toe fee tbat 2Dauiti,CS5ecbias,Jcftas 31ofapbat,ano otber bolt feings,an031c* fepb alfo ano jSDaniel, acco;Ding to tl)c ttate of tbe perfon tbat tbet tio bear e toere toitbout ofBence of goolincs fump tuous of tbe common cbarge, ano toe reoe in (2^jecbiel tbat tberc toas a tcrt large po^tio of lao atfigneo to § ^ings. ^ber altbougb be paint out t}^t f^ixu tnal bingoom of €^nii^ tet be fetcbetb t\)t eraplar of bis fimilituoe fro ^ lato^ full kingnom of men . 315nt tet fo, tbat princes again on tber; bcbalfes Ibulo remcber, tbat tbeir treafurc cbambers arc not fo mucb tbet J oton p^iuate tof* fers, as § treafurics oft tobole people (fo; fo Paul tettifietb) ^l)it^ tbet mat not \xiit\)out manifeft to;ong p;oDigal^ It toafl 0; fpotle;o; ratber j5 it is i? ^Cf rt bla)0 off people, tobicb not to fpare, is mott cruel tjnnaturalncs:| let tljtm tbinb,tbat tbeir impo(ittons,anO fubDv oies,ano otber btnoes of trtbuts^ar no^ tbing but tbe fuppo;ts of publifeenecef^ (itic,tobcrtoitb to toert tbe pffi;c comu naltie toitbout caufe,is tirannicall cp to;cionXbefe tbings do not encourage P;incesto toaCfull crpcnccfinprtotyj as' Ez.48.« Ro,i3.d» To Saluation. Tourth Pookc Fol.4<57« uifion is to be kept, tohict) ocuiDetb t'oe lotuilc Ulo of CDoD pubtulKD info ^o* rall.ccrcnionuil i BiuDtctall laMits: f at ^ partes arctobeicuerailpconfioereD pure confcience befo;je CDoD be boloe to i tW luc map fenoU) toljat of tbf pcrta^'* DO all tbat tbcp are bolD to oo, left tuttb nctb to bs, f lubat not. j&eptber in tbc (astjcrilp tbcre is no ncDc to aboea fircb:ano to tbcyi luftes tbat are of tbc feluesj tmmacb alreaDpeUinDlcD)but fitb it mucb bebouetb 0 tbep fljolo toitb toickcD boloncffe come into Defpiung of ^IDo3,tbep muft be taugbt boU) mucb is laVoful foi tijcm. jjicptber is tbis Doc* trinefupcrfluousfoj p:iuate mcn,tbat tbe\? ll)ol5 not rafljlp t ftubbo;nli? geue tbemfelues leaue to grubgcatanpep pcnfes of V^iinrcj, altbogbtbcp erccoe common anociuile mcafure. 14 Jlicrttotbe ^agiftratc inCim'le ttatcs arc latoes , tbe mott ftrong U> nelues of comon lueales, 0; (as Cicero caUetb tbem accojoing to Plato ) tbc foults,tDitbout tubicbc tbc ^agiftrate ca not ftanD,as tbcv' again Uiitbout tbe flpagiftratebane no liaeli? fo^ce.Cbcr^ fo^e notbtng coiilo be moic truclp fii\?o, tban tbat tbc laU) is a bum fl^agiftrate, ano 0 tbe ^sgiftratc is a Uuing latce. 15ut vubcrasj pjomtfeoto fpeah,toitb iDbatlatoesa Cbjiftian Ciuilc ftatc ougbt to be o:DcreD , tbere is no caufe tobv anv^ ma OjoulD lofee foj a long Dif^ courfe of tbc bcft hino of lalnes, iDbicb botb fljoulD be inftnitf ,1 pcrtapncD not to tbi's pjcff nt purpofc 1 placcrct in a fciu iDOjoes, t as it tocre bi? tbe Uia\?, 3 iDiU toucbc lubat latoes it mave bfc gooUli? before ^00, f be rigbtlp gouer* neo bp tbem among men. Mbicb felfe tbv?ng 3 bao ratbcr to baue \)ttcrl\? paf^ feo ouer luitb filcncc,if 3 did not bnocr* ftano tbat manp Doc bcrcin periUoun^ mcanc t^Jmc let anp man be comb;cD VDitb tbi's Dout, tbat Huoicials ano Ce* rcmonialB alfo pertaine to tbe £po;aU lalues. ifoj altbougb tbe oloe to^iters Vubicb baue taugbt tbrs Diuifion Ujcre not ignorant ^ tbcfe tlDO latter partes bao tiicir bfe about maners,vct biraufc ti^c"^ migbt be cbaungcD ano ab;ogate, ti^e ^o:als remaining fafctbei Dio not cal tbem :8po;als.2Sbc\? callcD tbat fir ft part peculiarly bp tbat name, luitbout \i)\)itli can not ftanb tbe true bolpnelTe of mancrs, anD tbc bncbangeablc rule of lining rigbtlp. «f 2Eberefo;ie tbe ^o;a'i laUje (tbat J ma\? firft begin tbcrat) fttb it is contain neD in tuio cbcfe popntes, of tobicb tbe one conmiannDetb fimpli' to UiD;fl}ip €»oa iDitb pure faptb * goDlrnrffe,ano tbc otbcr to emb;iace men iuitb bnfar* ncD loue, is tbe true ano eternall rule of rigbtcoufncffe, p^jcfcribeD to ^ mr of all ages anD trmrs i^ luill be U)illing to frame tbcr; life to ^ UmU of (Scd . ipo; tbis is bis eternal t bncbangeablc Uji!, ^ be bimfelf tt)olD be Uio;ft)ippeD of bs all, f tbat toe ilioulo mutuallv loue one an otbcr. ILbcCcremontalllatu U)as tbc fcbcoling of tbe 3;etDes,UibcrUutb it plcafeb tbe L02D to ererc iie tbc ccrrain cbilobtDD of tbat proplctill tbat tune of falncffc came, tubcrin be Uioulo to tbe Gal.4 4. errei?oi tbere be fome tbat Dcnre tbat ' fullmanifeftlrfl)cUicbrfi^ircDometo| a common locale is mel ojozcD, U>bicb neglecting tbe vCiuile labucs of iJ^ofcs iB gourrncD bf. tbe comon latocs of na* tions Boti) Daungerous f troublefomc tbpfi fentenre is, let otber men c5QDer, it fljalbe enougb to; me to banc ftjctocD tbat It is falfc i fujliai,tbat common Du tbc cartb,anDDcltuertbc trutboftticfc tbings tubicb tbcn Iner ftjaccUicD toitb figures. E^be iuDictalllatocgcucnto tliem fo2 an ojoer of ciuilc ftate , gauc certain rules of cquitte i riabtconfnes, bp tobicbe tbci? mvgbt bcbauc tbem* fclucs bannlcOp anD quietlp togetber. ii>j^iyii^____anD f..2o; Of the outvvarde meanes ^nu 30 tbat epercife of ceremonies p;o peril' pcr.^aincD in dcdc to t\)e Dortrine ofcoDliiiEirc (namely Ujfticfje bept tl^e Cburclj cf the glcUies in tbe Uio;ja)ip i religion of (Sod) y>tt it migl)t be Diain^ guiKjcD fro gooline^ it felf:fo ttis fo;m cf JuDiciaUo^Dcrs (alt!)oug!) it tcnoeD to no Dtt)cr enD, but tioto tljc fclfc fame djarifv miglit faeft be feept tubicl) is co^ mauuDCD b\> tlit etcrnaU laUic of dDoD) ret OaD a certainc tljing Differing from tbc tjcry f omaunDement of louing. ^s ti)crefo;e tije <£eremonrc0 migbt be a* b;ogate,goDlineire remaining fafe anD t)nocftro\?eD:ro t^jefe BiuDiciall o;iDinan* ces alfo being taUen atoat^tlje pcrpetu? all Duties anD comaunDcments of cba^ riti? mav continue. Jftbis be true^tieri* Ir tljcre 10 liberty? left to euerp nation to mafee fucb latoes as tbcr flfeal fo^efee to be profitable fo; tbf : toljicb vtt muft be framcD after "§ perpetual rule of cba? ritre,i^ tbcn mav in DCDe tar? in fo;m, but bauc t\)t fame reafon. i?o? 3 tljinfe tbattbofe barbarous i fauage laUies, as tuer tbofe tljat gaue bonor to tfjcuts, tbat allotocD common copulations,anD otber botl) mucb mo^c fiUbi? ano mo;c tbougb tber? be Diuerfe it mafeetb no matter. #oiu fit!) it is certain tbat tbe lalD of (IDoD,tobicb toe cal ^o;all is nc? tbing els but a tcfiimonv cf tbe natural lato,anD of tljat confc icnce fcbicb is en^ grauen of dDcD in tbe minDes of men, tbe tubole rule of tbis cquit^e toljercof toe noto fpeafe is fct fo;tb tbcrinXfeer* fo;e it alone alfo muft be botb § marfec anD rule « enD of all latoes . Mbatfoe* uerlatoesftjalbeframeD after ^ rule, DirecteD to tbat marhe,$ limtteD in tbat cnD,tbere 10 no caufc tobv toe OjoulDe Difallotoetbem botofoeuer tbey otbcro toife Differ from tte Hetoift) lato o? one fro an otber. SDbe latoe of (Sod fo^biD* Detbto ficale. tismbat paine toa0apoin^ tcDfor tbefte0intbe ciuileftate oftbe B!etoe0,i0tobcf^nein€roDus, %i)c moftauncient latoes of otber nations punifl^eD tbcft toitb recompence of Dou^ bleitbe latoes tbat follotoeD aftertoarD maDe Difference bettoen manifcft ftjeft anD no manifeft.^oir.e p;occDeD to ba* nifbment , fomc to tobipping, feme at lad to § punifl^mr t of Dcatbifalfe \j)itf nclTe amcg i Vetoes punifljcD toitb re.^ compence of egall pavne, in fcm place0 agatintt reafon , are not to be tafeen fo;i only t6 great t^ame , in fome places \Jo latoe0 : fo^afniutb as tber are not onc^ ! banging, in otber feme toitl:i tfje crolTe. Iv aga^nll all rigbtccufncCfe , but alfo ^anflaugbtcr al latoes tniiicrfalli? Do agaynft naturall gentlencffe anD feino* ■ reuenge toitb blouD , ret toitb Diuerfe neCfe of men. f ljinDc0 of Deatb . )tlgainft aoulterers in 16 2Dbis ^ifid) 31 baue faiD Cbalbe plain ' fomc places toere o;iDavneD feuerer if in all latoes toe bebolDe tbcfe ttoo iparnes,in fome places ligt}tcr.|5et toe tbingcs as; toe ougbt,tbc maferng 1 tijz j fee boto to fucb Diuerfit? all tenD to the cquitie of tbe lato,t)pon i reafon tober^ fame euD.jf o;i to.itb one moutl) tbcy all oftbe making if felfe is founDeD 1 ftay^ etb. d^quttie, bicaufe it is naturall, can be but one of al latoes:anD tbcrfo;e one famCjacco^Bingtotbc binD of matter, cugl)t to be tbe p;^opounDcD cnDe to all latoes.Es fo: making of latoes,bicaufe ibct? ijaue certain circumUances tpon Wijit^ Vvjc^li partly banjj , if fo tbattbcy tenD alfogctijer to oncniarh of equity, togefber p^onoiice punilbmcnt againft all tbe offences toljifb fcaue bene ccn* DemneD by tbe eternall lato o^oD,a0 manCaugbter0 , tbeftes, aDultcry,falfe toitncffintres : but in tbe maner of pu* nifbment tbcy agree notij^citber is ti^t famcneeDfuljUo; yet erpciDirnt.srbcre is fomc coiitrcy,tobicb tmlclTc it djetoc rigo^ tottl? bo^rible eramples agaynft man* Ex.22,i» ToSaluation, fourth Bookc. Fo\.4 68. ^ manaars, CboulD immcDiafcli? be nc* ftro\?cD voitb muroers ano robberies. Subcre is fome time tbat rcquirctb tbe Ojarpncs of pc^ncs, to be ciicrcafeD . Jf tljerear^reaii^ trouble in a common tueale,tbc euils ^ arc toont to grouie tljerof mutt be amenocD iMitb nclu o;- oinances in time of toarre al bumaiu* tie UJOulD in tbc no^fe of armure fal a* Uiav.bnlelTc tl)cre toerc catt into men an bnUjonteo fcare of punitb'Ucnts.^n barrennefle,in peftilence.bnleffc grea* tcrfeucrit^ bebfcD, all tbingestov'll come to ru\?ne. ^ome nation is mo;e bent to fome certain b^ce, bnleffc it be moft Qjarpl^ fupp;effeD. l9oU) malic^^ ous t enuious (bal be be againft v P"*^' lifeep;ofite,tbata)albc offenoeo Ui\?tb fucb Diuerfitte tubicb is moft fit to bolo fafttbeobfermngof^laUJofgoDf S^o^ tbat tubicb fome fa?e,tbat ^ lato of 50D geuen bp tpofes is Dift)onojeD,Uiben it being ab.zogate, neiue are p^cfcrreQa? bouc itjis moft ba^ne. 5ro; ncitbcr are otber p,:eferreD aboue it,luben tbei are mo;e allotueD,not in fiimple compart?* ron,but in rcfpecte of tbe eftate of tbe times place,! nation:nei?tber is tbat a- b^ogate,U»bicb ^as neuer mace fo; bs. ifo.j tbe llo^Dc gaue not tbat laVoe bv v banoe of ^ofcs, UJljicb fboulD bee pub* liOjcD into all nations, ano flojilb euc* ri! U){)ere: but tubcn be bao rcccvucD {» navion of the Jeojes into bvs fa\?tb,t)c* fence, auo p;oteaion,bc iuvilf D to be a laU)maUcr pcculiarlv to tbcm,anQ lifee a \jJT?re lalDmaUci-,be bao m making of bU6 lalucs a certain fiugular conliDera tionoftbcm. 17 j;>o\p rcmarnetb tbat Ice ronfiocr ^ Uibicb Ujc bauc fct in v laS" place, tubat profit of lalu:s,iuQiciaUo;.:)crfi, 1 tpa gillratC5,co!:iiii:tb to ti): cimo relolu> (bipof our fault. 19 as fo;^ thtrn ^ p;cc!felp conDcmnc all contcnDmgs at la\D,let tbem tjnDer IlanD thai tbcv Do tbcriwitbal Defptfe ^ \)Qlyf ojDinancc of goD,anD a giftof tljat hiub of gifts tobicb n^av be clenc to llje cleanc: inlrCTc pcraDuenture tl)ty> toill DiD botb put atuat? from bimfclf i Hau^ «-24» 25^.10. 12. f Ders of bis accufers toitb Declaring alfo tbeir Deceit i maliOoufnes,anD in iuDg met claimeD fo^ bimfelf p p;erogatiuc of tbe citie of Kome,f tuben neDe Iras be appelcD from an tnrigbtccrs gourr^ no; to tbe Cmpcro^s luogcment feats, /pcitber toitbffanoetb tt,tbat all €ttii^ liiasar fo^biODf to Defire reurgcU-btcb b3C alfo Do D;iug far aU'ar from ib^itti* jsju ,« jg an iuDgcment feats,iFo;,if ^ ccntentio \k^^^ '^ be abouta comon cafc,be goetb not tbe d^,^ p rigbt iua? f Dotb not tuitb mnocf t0m* ^o 12 19 plicitie , commit his caufe to tbe iuDge as toacomo DeffDer, tbin&ing notbtng Icffe tba to renDer mutual reco pence of euiltobicb is t afff cticn of reur ge:o? if anp matter of life f Dcatb,o? anr great crimmall action be commenceD,tDe re^ quire tbat ^ accufer be fucb a one as ccf metb into tbe court being taken loitb no boiling beatof reuenge i toucbcD to no Difplcafure of pjiuatc iniurf ,but en Ip bauing in mino to toitbOsD t enters p;ifes of a mit'cbeuous man , tbat tbe^ mar not burt tbe common tueale. ^ut iftboutafeeatuaiareucgingminDtber is no offence Don agamft th&t crmmau« Dement luberebp reuenge is fo;biDDen to CbJittias.libut tber are not onlr fo; biDDen to Deftre reuenge, but tbep are alio commaunDeD to toafte fc; r banD of tbe lo;D,\ubicb p^omifetb tbat be toil be a p;eii lu i eur ger to? tbe opp^elTr D « afflicteDrut tbcp do p;euf t all reuenge of^besuenlpDefrnDo;, tobicb require belpeat f ^agiftrates banD eptber fo; tbf Iclncs c; otbf r ^llot fn. j^ o; tee mutt tbinfe tbat tbe fl©agillrates reuenge is Ro.r.4 not V reuenge of man.but of goD,U)bicb ^' (as puul faitb) be ertf Dctb f ercrcifeib hf V mmitrcrr of iran fo; our gmD. 20 ;anDnDme;c do tueDtfanrcEtritb tbe iriQ).:Dcs cfCb;ift,brU»ticbbcfo;* A^a**.39 biiDc^l; to ic6a euiU, % commaunPetb to 1 To Saluation. Fourth Bookc ;Fol-:6y. to tourne tbc rigbt cbchc to Ijim t fjatt) gcucn a bloUj on tljc left , ano to fuffcr \)im to take atoa^ tljp clofec tfjat tahetb atxiav tt)f coate.i^c \uilletb tn Da o tbcr tbat tl)C nunocs of l}i6 U)ulD lo muct) ab bojre from Dcfirc of rccompr Qng l^be fo; like,tl)at tbcp fljoulo foncr fuffer Do blc iniur^ to be ocn to tbf fclue5,tba oe fire to reacquite it: fro Uibub patience ueitber do toe alio IcaDe tbf atoa^.jfo; cbjifttajs trulp ougbt to be a UinD of me maDe to beare rep;ocbe5 1 iniuries , o* pcto ^ malice,DeceiteB,t mocbages; of nougbt^ mf : f not t onlr^ but alio tbe? mutt be bearers of all tbcfc cuils , ^ is to fav fo f rameD Id al tbnr beart»,^ ba* uing receiueD one Difplefure tbci mafee tbe felucs reo^ fo; an otber, p;omifing to tbefclues notbmg tn tbeir tobolc life but p bearing ofa cotinual Croffc Jn | mean time alfo tbei mult Do gcoD to tbe tbat DO tbcm tojong, anD toilb toetl to tbofe tbat curfc tbem, t(tobicb is tber; onlp tiittD:v)ffriuc to our rcome ciiil l6 g(DD.15eingfo niuiDrD tbeiUnl notfcke Mat 5.39 tvt fo2 ere,totb fo; totb , as tbe pb^ri* fes taugbt tbcir Difciplcs to oeOirc re* urnge,but(as toe are taugbt of Cb;ift) tbev toll fo fnffcr tbc^i boDp to be man gleD,3nD tbrir goDs to be maliOouflp taUenfroni tbcm.tbat tbcf toilfo;geue anD of tbeir oton accojD parnon tbofc o ncls fo fonc as tbc^ arc oon to tbe.f^ct fbis cutnncffc i moDcration cf nnnDcs fljiU not toitbftanDjbut tbat tbe f re no* fbi'^ totoaro tbcir enemies remaining fafe,tbef ma^^ Vifc tlie belpc of tbe magi firatetotbep:rfcnungof tbcir goDo, 0; fo; jc!e cf publihc commeDitic mai? fue a giltie nno peGt!cnt man to be pu« niftjcD, tobom tbc\: t^noto tbat be can? not be amcnDcD but bf Dcatlj. j?o; Au- guftme truelv erpounDetb tba^ al tbcfe commauDcmcnts teuo to tbis enD> tbat a rig'?tcous anD goDlf man fl^ulD be re* pV to beare pacicntli? tbe malice of tl)e R0.21.19 Fpi ^-.ad Marcel, tobo be fchf tb to baue maDe giur^ meu, tbat ratbcr tbe number of tbe ga»D niap encrrafe,not tbat be OjulD toitb libe ma lice aDDc bimfclf alfo to tbe number of tbe cuU:tbcn,tbat tbc^ mc;E pc rtein to tbe preparation of tbe bart,U;bicb is m toart;lp,tban to tbe too;U tobicb is Don openli'rtbat in fccret mai? be acpi pati- ence of niiiiDc toitb ga)D toill,but open* It tbfit map be Done tobicb toe fee mav be profitable to tbcm to tobo toe cugbi to beare gmstoill. 21 Hbuttbis tobicb i?toont to be ofciec* teD,tbat contenQingf m lato are alfcgc tber concemncD of paule , is alfo falfc. 3it mai eafili be pcrceueD bi bis too;Df , tbat tber \xtdB an immefurable rage of (in uing at lato tn tbe cburcb of tbe Co* rintbians: fo faifo;tb t tber did m.abe tbe gcfpel ot Cb;ift anD tbe tobole reli* gion tobicb tbcp p;ofcfl:eQ,open to p ca^ uillaticns ano cuill fpeahmg of ^ toic^ bcD. SDbis iB tbe firft tbmg tbat faaulc blametb m Cbem.tbat bv tbeir intempc rancc of cote ntions tbcp b2ouGbt v 0Ci> pel m flaunDer among tbe bnbeleuers. ilnDtbc tbis point alfo, ]^infiicbfo2t tbciftrineDainogtbffcluesb:etb;f Id b;etb;en. if 0; tbev tocre fofaircfrcm bearing of to;ongrs tbat tlicrgiecDil^ gapeD one fo; anotbcrE ga Ds,p.:oi:ol:eD one anotber aiiD being inprcuc lit d did burtXberfo;cbe muelctb againd that rage of cotcnDing, t net fimplv agamft all controuer&es . 115uf tc p2onouiiC£tb tbat it is a falte 0; a tirrikencffc, tljat tbep DID not ratter ff ifcr lofiie oUhcn gojDs tban to tranatLc cucii to c ontrnti* ons fo; tbe p;eferuirig oftcrmmantclp toben tber toer fo caOlp moucD toi^b c« ucrrDamage,anD fo; mod fmcl caufes Dio runne to tbe court of lato ant tc cc^ trouerfcsjbe faitb tbat tbis is a p;cofe y} tbep toer ofa minD to rcaDpto anger f not toel ffiimcD to patiencc,Cb;ifi mijs berelp ougbt to Do tbi? , tbat tber b>:t»fai' i.Co.6.6 Cap. 14 Of the outward mcancs Dc bapt; paruu.in Jnlohn jliomcl, bcoifccrncDfromtljcfigne,^ iucgcue not to tljc one ttjat tuUicljc belongctb to ttje Dfl)cr. ^t fpeabetb of tijc fcparatio, iDljcn be tontetl) tfjat tbc ^acraiijents 00 iDO^fec in V^t ontiyi electc tbat tofjic b tljev figure. 00atn,tDbP Ijc to^itctb tljws of tbc 3^cUjf i:MI)cn tbc ^arramcntfc Irer conion to all,t|)e grace leas not co* mon, Iwbicl) is fbe potocr of tbe ^acra* nicnts . ^0 notD alfo tbc tuaCbtng of rc# generation 10 c omon to nltbut tbe grace it fclfjlDberbr tbe mcbcr« of Cb^tft are regenerate toitb tbeir beD , is notcom^ mon to al.;again in an ctljer place of tbe fupper of tbe lio^nMU alfo at tbifi oar rrceauc tifiblc meate. 515ut tbe ^atraf ment is one tbing>f tbe polucr of tbe fa* crament an otber tbr«g.^bat is tbrs, tbat nianr receane of tbe altar anu ore ano in reccauing Do h^ti Sfo} f ilo;befi mo;fcll U)aB porfon to Blutias: not bi* caufc be reccaueo an cuill tbrng,but bi* caufe be being euil receaucD a goo tbing euillv.a litleafter.SCbe Sacrament of tbis tbin0,tbat is of tbe tjnitic of tbe bo^* nv f bleuo of Cbailf, is fcmetubercp^e* pnreo on >j lom table Daplv^fomtubcrc br ccrtaine Diftanccs of Da\?fs:anD tbcr# of is receaucD bnto life to fome , $ tnto oeftrurtio to fome. i5ut fbc tbing it frlf lobcrof it is a Sacrament , is receaueD tnto life to all men, but bnto Deffrucrio to no man, itbcfocucr is partafecr of it. ano a litlc bcfo;c be ban faro, ipe (ball not Dvc tobicb eatetb: but be lrbi(b per# tainetb to tbe potuer of tbe Sacrament, not to tbe tiCble &>acrament:b3bif b ca* tetb tuitbin,not luitbout : tobicb eatetb li)itbbart,notbe \i)l)ic[) p^effctb Uiitb ttDtb. %\)us tou bcare eucrp Uibcr,tbat a &acranient is to feuercD fro tis tlun tnitii bv. tbe bntoojtbinefl'e of tbe rccea^ uer,tbat tberc remainetb nctbingbuta baine anD Unprofitable figure.515ut tbat tbcumapcft baue not a figncljoroeof trutbibut tbe tbrng toitb tbe 6gne,ttou Lib.i.fct mull conceaue bti faitb tbe U)o;d lubicij is tbere enclofeD « ^0 botu mucbtbou Q^alt bp tbe Sacraments p^^ofit in tcxih municating of Cbjitt , fo mucb p;ofite fljalttboutabeoftbem. i6 JftbisbefcmelDbat rarfecfaicaufc of tbe (bojtncfle,3U}iU fet it cut in moe lDo;Ds. Bl far tbat Cb;ift is tbe matter, o;(if tbou toilt)tbe fubffance of all Sa* crantrts:fo;afmucb as in bim fbet? baue all tbeir perfettneffe, t coe p;iomifc no? tbing tcitbout \)im, &o mucb Icde tole? rablC is tbe erro; of Peter Lombarde, iDbicb Dotb erp;e(lt? irabe tbe caufes of i J,fTi^c ' rigbtcoufneffe 1 faluation, tobcrof tber ''* be partes. SEbcrfo^e biobvng all caufes faretuell tobicb mans Icait cotb fame to it felfe, toe ougbt to (tare in tbvjs one caufe . SCberefoje boto mucb toe be br tbeir minitterve bclpen to t\)t ncuriflj^ ing,confirming,tencrealingcftbetrue bnotolcbgeofCbiiift in bs, « to tbepof* felTing of brm mo^e fullVjanb to tl)c en? ioting of brs ricbcs , fo mucb effectual* ncfle tbcr baue toitb ts . liBut t is Done tobe toe bo toitb true faitb receaue tbat tobicb is tberc cffrcD . SDotbe toicheD tben (toilt tbcu fare ) bjing to paffe br tbeir tntbanbfulnelTc,^ tt;t ojbinaunce f of (Kob be totbe t turne to notbrug ^ 3! I anftocr tbat r tobicb 3 baue farD,is not fotot)etaben,as tbeugb tbe fo;{ceanD trutb of r Sacrament bin bang tpo tlit 0ate o; toill of bim t reccauetb it, if 0; tbat tobicb ^oti batb o^DarneD remar* netb Ceufall t bepttb Oill bis nature, botofoeuer men to barrc.ii^ut litb it is one tbrng f 0 offer , an ctber to receaue: nofbrng toitljCauetb \^ut tbat tbe figne balotoeb br tbe too^n of CoD mar be in bebe tbat tobicb it is calleo, i fecpe hvs oton fo;ce: ano rettljat tbcrcome tber? br no p;ofif e to an euii bocr anb toicfeeb ma. i5ut Auguftinc Dotb in fcto toc^Ds ix'cM aJTcrle tbvr queftici.. Jf (fartb be) tbcu reccaueft carnullr i it ccafietb not to \ Homjn Ioh.26, Lib3.dc doa. Chntti. Cap.p. To Saluation. Fourth Bookc to be fpirieua!:faut it is not to tbcc. iBut as Auguftine fjatlj in tbc afo(l)aU neuertbeleffc rcmapne emptie anij tjopoe iuittjin. 10efiDetbv?sU}t£mu(te betoare, IcaU tbofe tbingj lubicb banc ben Uj;itte bv H)t oloe U):iters fomtobat to glo^ioullp to amplifie tbc Dignitie of ^acramc ts, r[)ulo Icaoe bs aUian into an erro;^ nere to tbismanteli^ tbat tue (bulo tbinbe t tbere is fonie fccrctc potorr ftnit ano faUeneo to tbe Sacraments, tbat tbep mat? of tbemfclucs geue ts tl)c graces of tbe bolp gboft, like as luine is geuen in a cup:tDbcreas cnlp tbis office is ap# pointeo to tbem bp ©OD, to teftific anD ffablttbeto bs {' gcoD iuil ofgoD toluaro bs,anD to p;oftte no furtbcrtnUffetbc bolr gboft io\?ne bimfclf to tbcm,U)bicb map open our mpnoes ano l)i\vtcs, ano make bs partakers of tbis tcftinionie, tuberin alfo ao clearelp appcare Diuep fe anD feuerall graces of C5od. il 0; tbe ^acramcntcs, as toe bauc abouc tou* cbeD,aretbat tbingtobsofgcD, U.bub to me are mcffengers of iopful tbings, 0; earn^ffs in ffablilbing of bargainee: tubicb DO not of tbem felucs geue anp grace,but Do tel anD fl^eU^e bs,f (as tbci be earneffes f tokens, ) Do ratifie bnto bs tbofe tbings tbat are geuen bp p lv> beralitie of goD.»e bolr gboft (Icbom tbc Sacraments do not in ccmon bDOUt Difference b^ing to al mcn,but Uljo tbe IIo;d peculiarly geuetb to tbem tbat be i)is)is be tbat b^mgetb (' graces of Cod U)itbbi"i> U)bicb geuetb totbeSacra' ments place in bs,ti3bicb maketb tbem to baing fo?tb fruitc. i6ut altbougb luc DO not oenp tbat Cod binifelfe Untb t\)t moft pjefcntpobjcr of bis fpirite isp;c fent \x>itl) bis olrn mftitution, leaft tbe miniftration Uibicb be baD o;DeineD of tbe Sacraments ft)ulD be fruitleffe anD bainc : pet lue affirme tljat tbc inVuarD grace of tbe fpirite , as it is feucreD fro tbe cuttDarD miniCeir, fo ougbt to be feucrallv tuepcD anD ccnIiDercD . Cod tbci fo;c trull' peifo;metb m Divd bJbat foeuer be p^onufetb ano figuretb in fig? nes : neptber do tbc fignes toant tbrir cffecte,tbat tl;e autbo; of tbem map be cecal, "v^Cf Of the outward mcanes 'p;oueDtrue ( fattfjfuIXtje queQto ^ere is onci? tuljetfjer (H5oD too;bett^ bv br< otDK < br uitDaro polDer(as tber ral it) 0^ DO reCgnc fjvs office to outtoaro fig^ nc0.1l5uttoeaffirmc, tbattobatfocuer inl!rum0ntC0 f)C tfe, his o;tgtnal 1do;« king 10 notbingbinccrcD tbcrbi?.Mbe t^iB iB taugbt coccrntng i ^acramite, botl) tbeir Dignitie i§ bono;abIi! fct out, 9 tbetr tfe 10 plainly fljctucD, ann tl)cir pjofifabiriXie 10 aboutiDanntlr repo;teD, f tbe bed meane in al ti)ctt tt)ingf is re tcrncD,t()at nritfjcr anr tbing be gcucn to tbem toljicb ougbt not,no; again anp ttjing be taken from tbem lubicb is not conocaient to be taken from tbcm. Jn tbemeanetfmctbat farnro bcutfeis taken atoar, toberb^ tbe caufe of iufti* fit ation anb potoer of tbe bol^ gboff is encIofcDinelemrntetf us in telTcLso; U)aggon0: t tbat p;incipall fo;ce Uibifb I)atb ben omitteo of otbcr is crp;cfli? fet ont.l^ere alfo it is to be nofcD,ttat gob intuarbli? UJo;fectb tfjat tu&icb tijc mini ikt fignrctb I te ftiSetb br outUiart) to* iiigilcaft^ l'CD;atucn to amo;falmfi, Ujbicb CDoD clarmetb to btmfclfc alone. Si:be fame tbing alfo botb Au^ufl.tuifc fell toutbc.^)oli;(;faitbbc)Dotb botl; ^0 fc0 fanctific, anb CDoo i ^ot 5^ofc0 fo; ©00: but SjWcslu^tbtrfiblc ^acra* ment0 bp his m^inifferic, but OoD Uiifb inuiQblc grace b^ his boir fpirit: lubcre alfo is tbe lufjole frute of brfible ^acramcntc0. if 0; toitbout tbi0 fancti fication of inuiriblc grace,tDbat Do tijofe bifible ^acramrntes p;o6tf 18 Cbe name of racramft,a0 toe bane bctbcrto cntreatcD of tbe nature of it, ootb gencrallp conteine al tbe figncs ^ eucrgoD gaucto mr,to certifte « affure tb? of p trutb of bis p:imife0. SDbofc l;e fonuune UiillcD to rcniame in natural tbing0,romtrme beoelrucrcD tbcm in miracic0.iiDf § firtt hinsc tbcfe be era* p!e£, 30 U)ben be gauetojapam t Cue tbe tree of life fo; an earnett of inmio;^ talitie,^tbermigbtallare tbemfclue0 ofit,fo longafltbep Dio cate ofvftute thereof. 0nD toben be oiD fet tbe beauf< I Ir boalt) fo; a monument to ^oe 1 hv^ ' po0erie,i$ ht tooulD no mo;e fro tben« I cefo;tb bellroi? tbe eartb \Dith ouerSo/ I toingof toater. SCbefe ^oa t fivt bao (b; ^acramft0« ^ot ^ tljt tree Dio geue tbem immo;lalitie, toljicb it coulD not ' geue to it felfe: no; ttjat f boaU}(U)bicb 10 buta ffriking backe of a funnebeame t}pon the clonD0 againft it)toai of fo;ce to boloe in tht toaters'.bat b^canfe tbei? ^ Ifan a markc grauen in tbem b? § too;D of to Hit* courfe peculiarly; of tbofc Sacraments, \jDbicbtbe]Lo;DtDillcnto bco;Dinar^c in bis C(;urcb>to nouriO)? b^2 \3ioMp* pers f feruantcs into one fa^tb anD tbe confclTion of one faptb » ^0; ( to bfctbe iDojJJS of Auguftinc) men ca be congc^ leotogetbcr into no name of religion eptber true 0; falfc,bnleffc tbei be bofiu togetber iuitb Come fellolol^ip of btfible (jEgneis f ^jcraments.^itb tberfo;e tbe moll gojD fjtber fo;craUj tlyis ncccHfitp, be Dpo fron tbc beginning o;oatnc cer- ta^neepercifss of goDlmcdefo; b^B fcr^ uantcs,U)l)icb aftcrUunj &atan:b^ tnr ning tbcm to Vdu^cd ano ftiperftttious U)o;{ftippings,batb mani? Inatcs Dep;a* ueD t cojruptctj. hereupon come tbofe (olcmnc p:afctrionsof tbe Oentiles m^ to tbcir bol^ o;oers , t otber baftaro u^ ragcs:U)bicb altbougb tbev tocre full of crro; f fuperftition , vet tbe^alfo Vocre tbertottt) a pjcofe tbat men coulo not in p;ofeifton of religtoii be Uutbont fucbe outiUcirD fi^jncJ. But bicaafc tbev net?* tbcr U)ere grounoco tjpon tb« luo^oc of OoD , no.j tDv'rc rcfcrreD to tiy\t trutb iMbcrunto al Cgnes ougbt to be Dtrccteo tbci? are taUjojtbi? to be rcberfeo tuber ao tocrc Diucrfe after tbc Duicrs o;oer of timc,acco;Ding to tbc oiftributio tuber* bp it pleafcD tbe 11o:d to (betu bpmfelfc after tbrso; tbat mancr to men.ifo; ta ab^abam 1 bi^ potttritic Circumcifien toas comaunoeD : toberunto aftcrUmru purifi?ing,anD lacrifices,ani) otber ccre^ monies tocre aODcD oat of tbe latoc of Gc 17.10 : tiaofes.Sbcfe toer v S>acranients of tbc Lemu ' jclDcs bntiU the coming of Cbiitt ; at Ma.28. : iphicb comming, tbofe b^ingjib.icgate, |i9.*^?>') CCe. iiiV tijuaafi. ' tourthBookc. jtol.46j, mention 10 mabc off l^ol^ figncs tobicf ^ are o;baineti of CDoo $ baue not ftoaruep from tbcir foanDation,tl)at iB^ tbat tbei? Iboulo be belpes of true goolines. Cbei? confiltc not of bare fignes , as tuere tbe boatD f tbe tree , but bpon ceremonies: 0; ratbcr tbc fignes tbat be bere gcucn arc ceremonies.l5ut as it is aboue faio tbat tbev be on tbc Hoboes bebalfc teftu monies of grace ano faluation : fo tbet be aga^ne on our bebalf markcs of p;o» feffton, bv tobiche toe openly f luearc to tbe name of t£>ob, fo; our parts binning oarfaptbbntob^m. 2Dbcrfo;e Chrifo^ dome in one place fitlv calletb tbcm co^ ucnantingcs tobcrbv Odd bmoctb bim felf in league toitb bs , ano tue be boiiD to pttrenetTe I NincGTe of lifcbtcaufe bere is mabcamutuall fo;me of coue^ nantingbcfiDcnc(!i?oDanDbs. iFo;as tbe itojD tbcrin p^omifetb tbat bctoill cancell and blotte out Uibatfocner gilti^ ncffc f pcnaltie toe baue gatbercD b ^ of^ fcnDing,anD Dotb reconcile bs to bmifclf in \m onl^ begotten fonnc, fo toe again on our bcbatfcs doc bp tb^s p;ofeffion bino our felues bnto bim to tbe follotu^ ing of goDlinelTeanD innocence :fo tbat amanmavcrigbtlrfai?etbatfucb ^a^ cramcntes arc ccrcmontcs, br tobiclje <3q^ toill erercife bus people firlt to tbe nourin)ing,ftirringt)p, 1 ffrengtbning of fartb inU)arolP,tbcn to tbctethfuing ofreligion before men. ^no eucn tbcfe ^acramenfcs, alfo Cap. 14* Of the outvvarde nicanes i.Coo.i. iGe,a2,ab ttool&acramcnts tof r o;i)arncD,U)Hr[) nolutJ5cCt);ittinn Cburclj bfctfj, iSap* tifmc, I tl)c Supper of ^ Lo;o. 3 fprak of tijofe tW Ujcr o;Da^ncD fo: tl)C tjfc of t^c tsjftolc Cburctiro^ as fo j tbc lading on of tiancg,toberbi ttjc mtniftcrs of tljc cljurcb arc cntrcD into tbcir office , as BI DO not tnVxjillinglT! fuKtr it to be callcD a Sacrament , fo 3 Doe not rccUcn it a* mB(jtl)co;Dinar^ Sacraments. as fo? tt,e reft ^\)ic\3t arc comcnlv callcD $?a# cramc nfs,tDtjat ttjet are to be ar copteD, toe lljall fee bt?anDbT?. I^otobcit tbc olDc Sacraments alfo bao refpett to i fame marke,lDberunto ours do tenDc, tbat iB to Direct « in a mancr leaD br tbe banDe to <£f);iCt:o;i ratber as images oo repje^ fent brm,t n)eU) bim fojtb to be fenotu? en.jfo; tuberas toe banc alrcDr taugbt, f tbcv are certain feales tobertoitb tbe p?omifcs of ©oD are fcaleD : anD tobere It is mofi certain,tbat tberc toas neuer offreD ant? pjemife of Cod to me tut in Cb?ift : tbat tbcf mai? teacb ts of feme pjomife of dDoD tbep mull ncDcs f^etoc Cb?ift.®3tberunto pertainetb tbat bea* uenlppaterne of tbe tabernacle anD of tbe toojfijipping in tljc Iato,U'bitb It^fls geuen to ^ofcs in tbe mount.^nt onlp Difference tberc is, tbat tbofe tiD flja^ Doto out Cb;i(t being p;omifeD, toben be toas ^et Icol^eD fo; : tbefe Doe tellif^e b^m alreaDt? gcuen anD DeliuercD. 21 Mbc tbefe tbrngs fljal al be parti* culcirl\? ( ecb one feuerallt? DeclarcD,tbet fljalbc maDe mucb plarner.Circucificn toas to tbe Blctoc s a figne, tobcrbr tbc|? toere put in minDc,tbat tobatfoeuer co^ mctb of tbe feDe of ma,tbat is to far, tbe tobolc nature of man,ts corrupt, t batb ncDc of p;oiniHg.£Bo;eouer it toas a tea cbmg,anD,i toUen of remebjancctober bp tber (boulD confirme tbefelues in tbe p:oniife gcuen to ab?aba,c6rerning tbe blclTco fcDc in tob5 al tbe nations of tbc cartbtocrtabeblcCTeD , frc tobom tbet R0.4.H. bao tbeir oton blcffing loheD foj. ^oto | tbat bealtbfall rcDe(afi toe are tnuQtit of ipal.3.16, ^aul)toas Cb;ift in tobo alone tbc^ bo pcD i> tbc^ (bclQ recoucr tW- tobicb ti}t^ baD loll in £m, ^bcifc;e Circficificn toas to tbe tbc fame tbing tobicb punlt fartb tbat it toas to ^.b;a!:nm , namelp tbefealeof tl)e rigbtccufnelTc cffartbi ^ is to far,tbe fcalc toberbr tfcc^ fiiculD be mo;e certainly atfurcD,)! tbnr fattb> tobertoitb tbe^ loheD fc? tbat fcDe,(bclD be acccmptcD to tbe of (jDod fo; rigbte^ oufnclTc. 5l5ut toe fljall bpon a better oc* cafioninancfber place gee tb;ougb4^ tbc comparifon of Circumcificn 1 5iBap* tifme. iSaptifings anD purifpinges txn fet befo;e tbeir c\!ts tbeir oton bnclcan neffc,filtbine(re, i pollution, tobertoitb tbe^ toere DcfilcD in tbeir oton nature: but tbc^ p;omifeD an otber toaOiing Hcb.p.i. toberbr all tbeir filtbincCfcs tboulDc be toipcD % toalbcb ato^at.^iUf thvs toalb* tng toas Cb;i(l7 toitb tobofe blcuDc toe beingtoa(beDDeeb;ingbr£i cleannetfe into tbe figbt of tberc QiculD be feme fatiffactiott tobicb (boulD be pa^D to t^t iuDgement of ©oDXbat tberefc;e ibere fljculDe be fome one ebcfe ^iHjop, a ^eDiato; be? ttof nc C^otJ I men, tobicb fbculD fatiffie CDoDbrlbeoing ofblcub^f bp cffring of a facrifice to.bicb fljculD fuffife fo; tbc fb;geuencs of finnes.SLbiscbefe |D;icft toas Cb;ift : be bimfelfc IbcD bis otone blouD; be btmfelf toas tl)c Sacrif:ce:fo; be ofiFereD bimfclf cbebient to bis fatbcr tinto Deatb : bt? tobicb obebicnce be tobc atoav tbe DifobeDimce of ma,tobicb bao p;duoUcd tbc Difpleafure of d^oD. 22 0s fo; our Sacramente0,tber Do fo mucb mo;e clecrlv p;Efent ClniH bnto tis,as be toas mo;e necrlr fl)ctocD f 0 me Once be batb bene truir DcliucrcD of brs ifatber He.4.14 II. To Saluation. Fourth Bookc. ^ Fol.404 i.Ioh.5.5 lh.19.34. Horn: in Iohn.2o« G)1.2. 17 iFatftcr fuc!j a« l)C liaD bene pjom^fcD. , tttcrl^ f 0 be bitten ouf, toberebp tbcre ipoj iBaptifmc oatb tcftif^ t)nto t)5^ , is noted fa grcatc a Difference bcttoan tuc are clcanfcD ano lu.iCljeo : tbc fup* tbe &acrampts of p oloc anD nciu latu, per of tbanUcfgeuing tcftifietb tbat toe as tljougJjc tbofe Dpo notbing but fl^a* be rcDcmcD. 31n tnater, is figurcD tua^ I do\dc out tbe grace of CDoD, ano tbefe Oiinsan blouD,ratif faction, aefc ttoo | to p;cfcntlv geuc it . if 0? the apoffle tbigB arc fouD in cb^ift tolncb (as 3obn fpeakctb no kflfe bono;abIp cf tbofe tba fattb)came in toater f blouD, tbat is to of tbcfc, tofjcn be tcacbctb tbat tbe i?a* fa? tbat be migbt clcanfc t rcDcmc. £Df tbcrs did catc tbc fame fpiritual meate lubicb tbingc tt)c fpiritc of €^od alfo is lobicb iue catc,f cppounDetb tbat fame a tDitncffe.^ca tbcre are tbjee Uutnef* , meate to be Cb^itt. glo;^ of j ncffc bcttoan tjs anD tbem in tbofc g©D tbefeingoom of cb;ittjas toe,gatberout tUH^s tobercof be d^d fp;biDDc bsto of man? placcs,but fpecialli? out ef tbe I bcaft faiai.S:bcrfo;c dtit be maUctb bs by.Cbaptcr of ^obuf Jin tobicb fcnfe U c | egal in tbe facramcnts, anD Icauctb to nnift taUc tbat (ai?ing of j^aul, ^ bnocr tjs not fo mucb as ani? fmall pec e of p;e tbe lato toer Ibaootos, but in CluiC is | rogatiuc, tbat mpgbtc encourage ts to tbeboDv\^citbcrisit bis mcaningto bopcofefcapmgbnpnnitbcD. jfleitbcr fpoilccftbcir effect tbe tcif imonics of fins tnc re not cleans' ffD br tbt Ccrcmonte0 of tbe latoc, t?ea tbattbeoIoelbaBoiDSbao no aim^Ung fo.jccto rigbtcoufnrtTe : tbci? neglecting tbe comparifon Uibtcb is tbere banbe«' icD, tob^le tbcT? toHe bolDe of tbps one tbing, tbat \> latu of it felf notbing p^o^ fitcD tbf folotocrs of it, tbougbt Onipl^ tbat tbe figures toer topo of trtitb.i3ut tbe apoftlefi mening is to b;ing t ccrej^ moniall lalD fo notbing , tntill it come fo Cbnff^tpon tobont alone bangetb at tbe effect aalneffc of it» 24 But ti^t^ toil obiecte fbofe tbrnges iDbicb arc reu in paulc concerning tbe Ctrcumcifion of tbe letter, tbat it is in no cftimatio Voitl) gob tbat it geuetb no tbing,tbat it is in ba\!nc. if oj fucb fa^*' tngs fotme to p;e(re it ooton far benetb )i5aptifme, jliot fo. ^0; tbe toeri? fame migbt rigbtfnll^ be fa^'O of llBaptifme. I^ea f alfo tbe fame is faiD,firft of Paul bitnfelf tober be (bctoetb ^ C^on regar^ bctbnottbeouttoarb toalbingtoberbp toe enter into p;ofcffion of rcligion,bn ItCTetbeminOtoitbin be botb cleanfeb nnD continue in cleannclTe to tbe enoe: i.Pe.3,11. again of ^eter , tobf be tcftifietb tbat § truetb of iBaptifme ftanDetb not in t^t outtoaroe toaOjing, but in a gtoD toit^ neiring,of coCciencc. Ii3ut be fsmetb al« fo in an otbcr place btterl^ to Defprfe § ctrcumcifion maoetottb banbjtobenbe compnretb it toitbtbe Circumcifjon of Cb tbat paule Dotb not tberfo^e n:afee tbe ceremonies Iba' Dotoi^flje brcaufe tbet? bati no founbe tbing in tbem : but tecaufe tl)t fulfil^ ling df tbem toas after a tntain maner bangeo iii fufpence tntil tbe Dehuering of Cb?itt.0gavnc 3 farv tbat tbis is to be bnccrftanocD not of tbe cffcctualncs, but ratbcr of tbe manner of tignifieng, ifoitrU Cb^ilfe toas manifeftlp tttt^ tocDintbeflc(bc,aIItbc fignesbioflja^ Doto brm out as abfcnt, botoefocuer be _Dgojntoarj)lr bttcr to tb^^ytbful § p;e fence To Valuation, fourth Book c i Jt^l 4. ^4 fence of his potucr ano offnmfelf. X3nt p^aiits of ^ ^acramefs, toftklj arc reo tljis toe ougbt c^iefir to marbc, ^ in all in § oId Witers coc crning our Ogncff, tJjofe places Paul Dotb not fpeabefim;* DecctueD tWc mifcrablc i^opbifters. plp,but b^ toa? of contention. iPicaufe Sis tfjis of Au2;uflinc , JTbat tf;e facra^ l)cariucDtDitb§faIfeapoaie0,tobtcb mftcs •ftfjeolD lato DiD cnlp p^onufc tDoulD baue aoDlincs to cclift in tbcce^ tl)c fauio2,bnt ourcs Do gcue faluation remonics onl? tntttjout anp rcfpert of WLl)ct\ tbc^ marfecD not ^ tljcfc i fuclj Ct);itt:tof6futctbf , it fufficcD onlr to otfjer formes of fpeaftingluerefpofeen: entreat, of iDfjattjalue ceremonies are tfjcvalfo publiOjeo tbeir erccfiiuc Doc< b^tbffelues.Ebifiniaifecalfofautbo; trines, butinacleaneccntrarr fcnfe ofpepiCIetof'^eb^ucsfolclceo. }ict j fromtbf to;iting of tbeolDe iFatbers. tjfltberfo^eremcber)^ bcre is Difputco | ifo; Auguftmc meant no otbcrtbmni of ceremonies, not aatbe^ be tafeen in I in ^ place,tban as tOe fame Au-uilmc tbeir oUm f natural Ggnificati6,bHt as \xintttt) in an otber place,!E:bat tbc ^a tbc? be iD;eaeD to a falfc i to;ongfuU In pro em enair |t]uc,fup. jiiumcr. iLLo.ca. 1 ' •4. erpofiti6:not of tbc latoful tfc of tbem, butoftbcabufccffuperflition. tJUbat maruel is it tbcrfo^c if ceremonies be- ing feuereD fro CbJi(f,are tjncIotbcD of all fo;cef if 0; al figns lubatfocuer tbe^ be,arc b;ougbt to nougbt, Mji f tbing fignifieD is talie aiuap. ^0 UJbe <£b;ift bao to DO v6 tbf Uibicb tbouabr ^ 9?ana toas notlnng tis but meat fo; tbt bellp, ^capplietbbis fpeacb to tbeir groJTco^ pinion,anD faitb tbat be miniarctb bet ter meat lubicb mat? face fouls to bope of immo;talitie . l^ut if pou require a plainer folution , tbe fum of all tc nDctb to tbis: if irH, tbat all tbat furniture of ceremonies, lubicb luas in tbe latoc cf spofes, IS a tjanilbing tbina t of no Da? luctjnlcsitbcDirecteDtoCbjiff.^ecoD lr>^ tbct? fo bao refpect to Cb;titt,^ l»be bo at Icngtb tuas manifcftl^ fljelortJ in tbc ac{b,tbcp bao thcit fulfiH!ng.if inal lp,tbat it bcbouco tbat tbe^ ibulo be ta cramcntsof tbc lain of i^ofes did fo;c^ tell of Cb;ift,but ours do tel of bim p;e* ft t.janD agaftt FauftusXbat tbofe toer p;omires of tbings to be fulfillcD , tbeCc , toere tokens of tbings fulfillcD: as if be OjoulD far>tbat tbofe figurcD bim,tuben be teas lofecD fo;, but ours do as it toer ajclu bim p^cfcnt tobicb batb ben alre# Dl? DcliucrcD. ;a5o;f ouer be fpchctb of {> maner of Canifi?ing, as alfo be fbcUjctb in an otber place. SbclaU) (faitb bcjt tbc p^opbcfs bao Sacraments, fojctcl- ling of a tbing to come : but tbe &>acra* merits of our timcDD teCifie 1^ tbat is alrcaD^ come , tubicb tbcfc DiD Declare to be to come.But tobat be tljouQ^t of p tbing f cffettualncdc, beerpounoetb in manv placesMS U^bcn be faitb,!^ f^c fa* cramcntsof^ Jctecs tcercin tigncs,Di ucrfe;but in i tbing CgnificD,egal luitb eursiDiucrfe intjiOble fo;me, but egall in fpiritirall poluer.;again : JnDiucrfc fignes is al one if aitb:fo in Diucrfe lig Li.co. lit pent ca, 37. Horn In loii 26 feen aUiav bt? bis commmg , euen as a ; nes as in Dincrfe U*o;r«:bicaufe lro;Ds ibaDoliJ DaniQjetb aU-'a^? in t^c clcare cbange tbcir founDrs br times:f truclp ligbt of tl)t ^un . 5i5ut bicaufe 3 Do ret ! IrojDs are nctbing but 0g!ics.£:be ifa* Deter longer Difcourfe of tbe mittev tn ' tbcrs DiD t.:inli § fame fpiritual tiink, to tbat place toberea banc purpofcD to | fo; ti;c^ D;onb not § fame bcDilr D;inb. compare baptifmc luitb circumcifion, i ^c re tbcrefo;e,ifaitb remaining one, tberefo;e a 00 ncUj nio;e fparinglue ; §CgnestiarieD. STotbf tbcrocbeiuas T^^^^'^ '' • '" ' '' "^'^ I ^^-^^'* ^0 *s ^at i& Cb^itt U?bicb is fet !6jaci5ap0a!5 Jb^^^^^^ anotbeit;okfo;a great — — . . " "CG'eb. ^mxK^ '^^h^\ Oftheoutvvaide meanes In pfal. ;cap.i3. Sacrament, tbetoatcrflotoing out of tbe rocfeitutiat toe onnfec, tbe faittifull linotu. Bif tt)ou conGiDcr § ttfible fo;me, tbe^ D^onft an otber tfting: if an \nmrt liable fignification , tbev o;onk J fame fptrttual d;tnk.i!n an otbcr place,tn t^e ^ J, milTerpttjc fame wtbnr meat fOjinU ! ^* V* » toI)icI)ifi!oarcs:but^famcmfigmfica* xon rau, (jo„^„ot inform J bicaufet^e felffame €f)nit toas flgureo to tbem in ttjc roch, anD fl^lneo to ^0 in tbe fleO^e.l^olubett in tf}i5 bcljaif alfo toe graunt t tfjere is fomc nitfetcmc.S^o} botb Sacraments DO tcfttfie ^ tbc fatbcil^ goso luil of CDod ana tbc graces of tbe bol^ gboft arc offc reo ts in of lubicb toe l)aue en^ trcateo befo.2 j.^no tbis is it ^ tlje fame Au5uftmcmeant(tob6 toe mo.jc often allege as tbe bed f faitbfullett toifnes of all tbe olo to;iters) tobe be tcacbetb, tljat tober €l)M toas rcncleD, Sacra^ mentstoereojDcineD botb in number fetoer,in fignificaf io l)icr,in fo;jcc mo^e ercellcnt.iDf tbis tbing alfo it iB erpcDi mt t tl)t reDers be bneflr toameD,tbat tobatfoeucr ^ Sopbillcrs baue trifling l^ taugbt cocerning § too;Uc to^ougbt, is not onlp falf,butDifagreetb 16 tbe na** ture of ^ Sacramct, tobicb goD batb 0^ DeineD,^ ti}t faitbfal being tjo^D 1 ncDt of all gcDD tbings fljoulD bjing notbing tbitbcr butbeggerie.tK3bcruppon folo* toetb tbat in recciuing tbcm,tbefe men DO notbing tobcrebp tbep mavDcferue p;ai>fe : 0; tbat in this Doing (tobicb in tl)cir refpect is merely? pairiue)no too;U canbeafcribeotnto tbem. Dcdo, Chr,li.3, Ep.ad la^ ^"gaptifme is a fign of J entring tober toitb toe are rcaiatn into f fcloto^ ttiip of J cburcb>tbat being graffcD into €t)M toe nia^ be rcckenco among tbe cbilD;en of (I[^oD,i|^oto,it toas geucn Df of goD to tbis enD, (tobicb 3 bat» taugbt to be common to all the mill'eries)firtt, tbat it tboulD fcrue to our faptb \oitl) him,nn^ to our cotifelTion before men. I'he xYCh/t;>fey, OfBaptifme. be baptifeD into fozgcucnelTe of Cnncs. s:bcrfo;e tbei? tobicb t{;cugbt tbat bap* tifmeis notbingelfe butamarbeanD toftcn,\trf)crcbr toe p^ofeffe cur rcligi^ on before men , as fouloiers beare tlje conrfance of tbcp.z Capitapne fo^ a marke of tbetr pjofcffion , toe? not tbat tobicb toas tbe cbicfe tbing in bap tifme . 2Dbat is tbis, tbat toe fljoulD me toil o.:Derlp Declare tl)e manner of j receiuc it toitb tbis p?omifc tbat tobofo bof b purports, Baptifme b;iingctb tli^e \ cuer beleuc « are baptifeD ftalbc faueo. t'QinQcs to our if avtb, tobicb alfo mulE be fcuernllr cntreateD of . SCbis is tbe firtt tol}i£b tbe i.o;D fcttetb outtnto MS J tbat it QjoulD bee a token ano pjajfc ofonr clcanfing 0; (to c);p i toalbing of regc nerntto t of {' renuingof tijcbcTygboft: i!nD ^ tobicb peter \s)nteti},^ baptifmii fauetb tjs.ifo; paules toill toas not to fignifie,^ our toafbig f faluatio is pcr« fcalv maDc bf toater,oj ^ toater cotci^ nctb in it fclfc g potoer to clefcregene^ rate Mar.i5» 16. Iit.3.5. i.Pc,3.2a To Saluatioiu rate i rencUj. jjieitljcr did peter nicnc f caure of raluatto,but onlp § bnotuIcDge ( ccrtaintic of fucbcifts tobcreccpiicD in tf?i0 Sacrament: teljtcb is cuiocntlp enough erp^cffeD in § tDo;D3 tl}f felucs. if o;i iDauI knittctb toGetljcr v ^OJ^ of Il?fe:f 5!5aptifmc of toater: as iftjc IjaD faT?D,tJ bv tbc gofpcl t\)c nic tTage of U)a* fl)ig f fdctificg is b^ouijbt tjs, t bT? bap* tifmcfucb mcffage is fcalcD.anD peter immeDiatli? aDio^nctlj,^ tbat baptifnic is not ti)t patting a^a\? of § filtbincs of tbe fietlb^but a gtoD tofcirce bcfo;e goD, IjDbicb is of iraitlj. ^ea ilSaptifnie p;o* inifetb t)0 no otber cleanfing, but bp tbe fp;tnkling of ^ blouD of cb^idttDbicb is figureo bp toater, fo^ f lihcnes of clean ring f loaflbing.^bo tbcrefo.:e can fa^ ^ luc be cleanfeD bv tbis Vuater, tjDbicb certainly tcflifittl) ^ t\)c bloiiD ofcb^itt is our true i onit lpa(bing:'&o tbat fro no U^bcr el0 can be fctcbeo a furer rea« fon to confute tbeir blrnD crro;j iubicb refer all tbings to tbe poluer of luater, tban fro tbe (tgntScation of :il5apttfnie it felf;tDbicb ootlj icitbojato tjs as toel fro ^ bifible clcmet tobicb is fct before oar etes,a8 fro all otbcr mcanes,tbat it ma^ binD our minoes to €\)ii(t alone. 3 ijieitbcr is it to be tbougbt ^ baptifnie is applicD oncl^p to t^t t|gnie paft , tbat foj netoe fallinges , into lubicb toce fall bacU after )5aptifme,ltic mull fefee netD remcDies of denting in Bl luotnot tDbat otber Sacraments, as tbougb tbe foKeof )i5aptifme tJDerelDo;ne out of tfc.llFi tbis erro; it came to paffe in olD time,^ fomc UioulD not be baptifeD but in tbe tttermott part of life , $ at tbeir laft gafpings, tbat fo tlitv migljtobtein parDo of tbeir lubol life, againft Uibicb toartuarb futtle p^ouifion tt)z olDe y5i> l^opsfooftinucg in tbeir toiitinges. )15ut tl^us h)t ougijt to tbinfe, t at iubat time foeuer toe be baptifeD toe are at once C^aCbeD anD clenfeb fo^ all our life. JFourth Bookc. F0I40 \ 2^berefo;e fo oft as toe fall toe mud go bactj to tl)c rememb;iancc of baptffme, anD tbertoitb toe muft arm our mino, tbatitmav bealtoap certain anDalTu* reoof i[>fo;gcuenesof finj. ifo; tbougb toben it is once mtniffrcD itfcmctb to be pafif,rct b? later finnes it is not abo lilftco. jlfo;j ^ clcannes of Cb;ift is tbcr in offreD bs:tbat altoa? flo;ifi)ctb,is op p;ctrcD \3)itli no fpottes , butourrtobel^ mctb I toipetb atoati al our filtbineOe: tct oogbt toe not to tafee tberof a liber* tie to fin in time to come (as berilp toe be net berebp armeD to lucbbolDncOe) but tbis Doctrine is geucn oulp to tbf, \D\)ic\i tobe tbev baue finneD , Do grone tocrvcD f oppicffcD bnoer tber; 0nnes, tbat tbci? mas baue tobertoitb tbci mai raife t)p i comfo;t tbctnfclncs,leaa tbei n^oulD fall into confufiion f Defperation. ^3 Paul fattb, tbat Cb;jitt toasmaDe to l)s a p^opttiato;,^nto tbe fo^genenes of faultcs going befoje. ^berin be De^ nrctb not ^ tberin is obtaineD perpetu? all f continuall fozgeuenes of 0ns tutn tjnto Deatbtbut be mcanctli tbat it toas geup of tbe fatbcr,onlt? to pm^e finners, tobicb toouoeD toitb tbe fearing iron of conrctence,to figb to tbe pbifitian . io tbefe tbe merc\? of Qon is offcreD . SLbe tobicbcbi? efcaping ofpuniOjmentDoe bunt fo; matter anD liberty to finne, Do notb\?ng but p?ouobe to tbemfclu cs tift to;atb anD iuDgcment of ©oD. 4 31 Itnoto in DeDe t it is tomolv tbog^t ctbertoife, tbat bp tbe benefit cf repent tace I of tbe ke^cs toe do after baptifm obtainc fo;gcuencirr, \x)\)ic^ at our firtt regeneration is geuen t)S bi? onli? 515ap^ tifme. ^ut tbc\? tobicb beuifc tbrs Dee errc bcrcin tbat tbc^ do not remember tbat tf)t potoer of § bei?es,tobcreof tbci? fpealj, Dotb fo bang bpon ISaptifme ^ it ougbt in no toife to Ic fcucreD.SLbc fin* nerreceauetb fo^geuencs bt tbe mini* fferre of tbeCburcb? namely r.ot uScut tbei Ro.j.aj-. \^l:}li\ Of tFieoutvvaide meanes m pjeacbing of § gofpcl but lufjat ma^ nerofp;wct)ingt5tl)atf StjatUiebe dcanfcD fro Ons bi? tbc blouD of Cl)?iff. 3i5uttDf)atfing « fcaimon^!5t!)er of^ UjaCbia,but baptifmcf ^c fee tbcrfojc IjotDtbatnbfolutionis rcfcrreu tobay^ tifme. 0no tbrs crroj batb b;cMetJS t'oc fainet facramr t of penacc;of ^W^ 3 bauc toucbeo fomU)!)at befcjc , t tlje rcfiDuc 3 toill inafeeauenDc of in place fit fo^ it ilBut it it no marucU if men, U)f)icbacco;Dingto f grolTcncfJoftljeir U)it,iucr immcafiirabli faft ticD to out* UjarD tbingcs, Ijaue in t\)is bctalfe alfo bclij;aicD tbat fault,tl)at not contented Uutl) tbe pure inftitution of C3oD , tljci? Dio ti'utt in ncU) belpesfavncD oftljcm* fclucs. as tbougftbaptifmeit fcif iuer not a Sacrament of repentaucc. 115ut if rcpcntacebccommenDcDto tsfo; our HJbolc life, tl)c fo;cc alfo of IBaptifme piigbt to be eytentJeD to tbe fame bcuos. ^dberfoje it is alfo no uout but tljat all tbc goDlp tb^ougbout all tbeir life long, fo oft as tljc^ be bcren v^ fenotolcbgc in confcience of tbeir oUinefinnes, Dare call bacUe tbcmfclues to tlje remcm« bjancc of baptifme,p tbcrebt tbe? map conftrme tbemfclues in tbe affiance of thatoneli)^ ccntimmll toafljingtutuclj Uie baue in tbe blouD of Cb^iOl. ? 3(t b;igctb alfo an otbcr fruit bicaufe it fl)cU)ctb bs our mortification in Cb;ift,^ ncU) life in l)im.iFo;(as tbe a poftlefaitb)lDC arc baptireo into bvs beatbjbcing buricD togctbcr li)itb bim into Dcatb.tbat Uie ma^ iDalUc in ncU)-- ncsof life.)15i l»bicbtoo;tJsbc ootb not onli?erbo;tbs to § foloU)ingofbtm(as tbougb be oiD fa^, tbat toe are by iSap^ tifmc put in mino,^ after a certain cr^* ample of p Deatb of Cb^iQ-^toc fljulD die to onr lutts:i after tbe erample of brs refurrcftlon , toe Ojoulo be raifeo bp to rigbtcoufncs) but be fctcbctb tbe mat;= Col.2.12, Tit3.f. baptifme Cbjitt ^atb mauc ts partaj? fecrs of bis oeatb , t ^^ ma? be graffeu into it, anb as tbe gralTc rcceiuctb fub^ llacc f nourifijmtt of § rmte into tuljicb it is graffeD,fo tbe? tljat rccciue bapttf^ me toitf) fucb faitb as tbe? oug^t,Dotrn l?fcletbe cffectualneffe of tbeueatljof Cb^iitt in tl)t mojtifring of tlieir fleflj: anb tljertoitljall alfo tlje? felc tfte effwt offjisrefurredion intlje quicUningof tljc Spirit, hereupon \)t gatljeretb mat ter of ejcljo^tafibn: ttiat if toe be cb^ifti^ ans,toe ougbt to be bcabto finne,anb to hue to rigbteoufneftie . Cbis felf fame argument |)e tfetbin an otber place: i toe be circnmcifeb, ano ^ane put of ttje olDma,(ifnce^toebebur?eb tnC^;^tS b? baptifme . ^nb in tiiis fenfe, in tte fame place \3y\)ic\3 toe bane befb;e alle^ gcb^fjc calleD it tbe toallnns ofregene# ration! of renuingXljerefoje firll fra fb^geuenefTe of finnes i imputation of rtgl)teon(ne(re is paomifeb ts, anb tijen tbe grace of tbe bol? gbolt, tobiclj ma?e refojme ts into nctonelle of life. 6 Haft of all our faptlj rcceaaetij alfo tb?s p.:ofitc of IBaptifme, f it certainl? teftifietb bnto tjs, tbat toe are not onl? graffeb into tbe beatb anb lits of Cb;ift9 but ^ toe arc fo tnitcb to €^M Ijimfelf tbat toe are partaUers of all \)vb gob fb^ngesif o; tt)crfo;e be Ijatb bebicateb } Ijallotoet) baptifme in b?s oton bob?, tbatbemigbtbaneit comon to?tbts, as a moft ftrong bono of tbe tnitte ant> fcllotoflbiptobicbbettoucbfaueb to en^ ter into toitb t)s:fo ^ paul pjouctl) tbcr b? ^ toe be tbe cbilb^en of Cobtbicanfe toe naue put on €b?ift in baptifme. ^o toe fee tbat tlie fulfilling of baptifme is ip.j. in Cb;jift,tobom alfo fo^ tbis reafon toe cal ^ p;oper obicct of baptifm.S^berfo^e it is no marucl if tt be repo:teu tbat t))e apottlcs b^sptifeb into bis name tobicb ?ct toer comaunoetj fo baptife into tbcr Ma,3.i3» ,Ga.3.i7* Aa.8»i6 r;rnnic?)Dgper:tbati3iofa?> tljat b? 1 name ot tbe fatber alfo antt of tl)c W^ i IP. To Saluation. Fourth Boolc« foh 1 1, gtod.ifo^ tD^atfocucr sifts oWon are retfo;t^ in baptirmc,arefcfiD in Chntt alone.0nD ^tt it cannot bet,but ttat be Uibicb baptifetb into Ct);itt , oo tbcru5^ alt call tppon tbc name of tbe jratbcr t of tbc IBol)? gboft.ifo^ toe are tbcrefo;c clcnfcD tuitb bus blouo^bicaufe tl)t mer cifuU ifafbtr,acco;Dingto bi0 incompa rable kinDne0,tDitfin0 to rcceiueb0 im to fano;, batb fct bim a mcDiato; in i^ mtDOcS, to procure to Ms fauo; l6 bim. ySat regeneration U}e To onl^ obtein by btiBPDeatb l rerurrection,tf being fancti^ fieb b? tbe ^pirite loe be enbaeb i»itb a neU) ano fpirituall natare.Mlbcrfo^e botbofonr clenfing ano regeneration: toe obteine ano after a certaine maner Diftimtlp perceiueij caufe in f ifatber, tf)e matter in tbe &onne, ano tbe effea in i bol? gboa. ^o 3Jobn firft baptifeo, fo afterU^ro tbejapoftle0,taitb i^ baptif me of rerentance into tbe fo;geuene5 of fin0:meaning bi t\;is 1do;d repentance, fncb regeneration: anb b^ fo^geuenelTc ofOnne0,toafljing. 7 ^bereb^ alfo it is mabc mott cer^ tain^tbat t^c miniSer^ of Sobn loas al^ togetbcr f fame tubicb ^as aftcrtoarD A£l.2.28! comitteO to t[)t 5lpoII1c0.iro; tbr oiuers banO0 Uibcrtuitb it is mmiaercD^ma^e not tbc IBaptifme biuerd : Ijuttbc fame boctrinc f^elrctb it to be tl^c fame )i5ap tifmc.Bjobn ano tbe apoCIe0 agrceo im tooneDo(trine:bct() bapfifen into repcn taunce,botb into ti)z fojgcucncs of On0, botb into t\^c name cf Cb;iiitifrom tobo iDa0 botb repentance anD fo;gcuene0 of finncs.jobn faio tliat be U5a0 tbe lambe of dD £) 2D, bii tDbome tbe annes of tljc tDo;lo (balije tafec alDat:tobcr be maoe bim ti)c Sacrifice acceptable to f{;e ifa* tbcr tbe p^opiciato; of rigbteoafne0,tbe autboj offaluation. ^a^W coulo p^po u (e0 aobe to tbts confciTion^ tinfjcrfoac let it trouble no man,tbat tbe oloe \D^if Ioh,i.2p, foL4o- Ac ayj tber,tDbcfc boice tneoagbt not fo mucb to ettame tbat it map (bake p certain^ tie of tbc fcripture.ifo; tobo toil ratber barken to Chrifoftomc fienicng t fo;* geuenclTe of 0nne0 tDa0 comp;ebenbeo in tbc ISaptifme of Jobn, tban to Luke contrariinife affirming tbat Jobn p;ea cbcDtbeSBapfirmr of repentance into tbe fo;gcucnf ffc of finnes i ifleitbcr is |Hom. ir tbat futtcltie of Auguflinc to be recet* Ijyi^it, 14 ueo tbat in tl)t leaptifme of Jobn , fins 'Luk!3.3. toere fo;geacn in bope , bnf in tbe bap;* i^ii^l jj tifmecf Cb;ill tbcp are fo;geuen in lEapcon beeb. if 0; tobcras tbc Cuangclitt plain pon ca Ip tcftifietb,tbat Jobn in bifi USaptifmc ',0^ p;omifeo tbefo;geueneircof fin0:tDbat LJic.3.id nebe toe to abate t^is title of comment ' ' Dation,lDben noneccifitte compcUetb t0 bnto it i 15ut if anp man feeke fo; a difference ont of p U)o;o of CoD,be Cbal finoe none otber but tbis^tbat ^obn bap tifeb t^nto bim tbat lua0 to come,tbe 2i* pottles into bim tbat bao atreaop p;e' fentebbimfelf, S 00 fo; tbi0 tbat mo;e abunbant gra its of tbe Spirit toere ponrcD out fince tbe refunection of Cb;ilt,it maketb no tbing to ttabliflj a oiuerfitie of UPaptif^ mc0.i?o; tbebaptifme tobicb tbe ilpo^ UlcsmimffreD tobilebe toas pet com uerfant in cartb,toa0 calico bis : Tct it bao no larger plcntifulneffe of tbe ^^u ritjtban tbe ^aptifme cflobn.^ea cue after \^xb afcf fion , tbe ^pirite Irae not geuen to tbe ^amaritas abcue i\)t com monmeafurcoftbe ^aitbfuH fccfo;ep afcenCon, alttjoug?) tbep tocre baptifcD into tbc name of ;icfu0,til ^ctr r $ Jobn Iner fent t?nto tbem to lap tbcir banDcs tpon tbnn.abts onlp tbing,a0 K tbink DEcciKCD tbe olD to;itcr0, t^at tbep (apD tbat § i3aptifme of ^cljn lua? but a p;e paratio to(' baptitmcofCb;iII,bicaufc tbcp reb,tbat tbep toert: baptifeb again Ac. 8. 14 ofpaul,tobicbbabonce recciucu i bnu* tcrg labour to feuer tbe one from tbc 0* 1 tifmc of 3obn.315at boto mucb tbcr toer berein Mat»3. ,Op. i^. Of the outward meanes Aa.2«5, i.Cor.io a. Ex. 14.2 bcrcin t)CfciactJ,(l&al clfc toljer be plain Ip Declarco in place fit foj le « ©abat 10 it H)ct:o;c tW 3of)n faio tbat be bapti* feD in DcDe luitb Inatcr but tbat Cb;Jitt (T)oulocomeU3btcb Qiouto baptifetuitb tbe IBolp gbottjf tDitb fpjc ^ SDbis mar in fcU) iuo^tjs be affoilcD.if 0; be ment not to put Difference betvoeenc tbe one ll5aptirme ann tbe otber,but be compa^ rcD bis oton pcrfon \3)iti) tbeparfon of Cb;iift, facing tbat bimfelf toas a mini? fter of toatcr,buttbat €l)}iit Uias ^ ge* ucr of tbe l^olr gbott,anD C)ulo Declare t potoer bi a tifibic miracle § fame Dai> tbat t fboulo fenD § l^olr gbcft, to tbe apoHls \)nDcr fiiy tomes, ^bat coulD ■^ idpaaiefi boft of mo;e tba t(}is^«5Iilbat mojccoula tbc^ alfo tbat baptife nttUs Darf iFo;j tbep be onlv mini-icrs of tbe outtoarD figne,? Clj.ziilie tljcautbo? of tbe inlDaro grace:as tbe fame olD ton* tcrs tbcfclues do eucr\? toberc teacb > * fpeciall^ Auguftiiie, U)bofe piincipall ttav? ariaina tbe S>onatiiles is tbis,tbat tuiitroeuera on be bce,tbat baptijctb? T?etonl^ €t)M is ruler of it. 9 Ojefe tbings lobicb toe baue fpohe botb of mortification 1 of tuaOjing , are OjaDotficD out in tbe people of Bifraell, tobom fo.j tbe fame ait^ § apottle faitb to baue ben baptifeo in tl)e clouD anD in tbe fea.38o?tift?ing teas figureD , tobtn ti)t llo^D Dcliuering tbrm out of (' banD of i3barao ano fro cruel bonoagcmaoe fo; tbem atoap tlio^ougb tbe reooe fea, ano 5,ioluneD pbirao bimfelf, anD tbe (B^i-^tias tbeir enemies, 0 fclotocD tbe barD at t'ocir bacfecs, anD toerc cuen in tbeir ncchs to oucrtahc tbem . j^oi af* Cer tbe fame nuncr alfo be paomifetb to t)« in li3aptcfm:,f br a fi^negeuen ie* Uictb ^,i> lue are bi bis potucr b^ougbt foitbauDDeliucrcD out of tbetb;alo5 of Gatpf,)^ is to far, out cf tbe bonoage offtnuc: tbat our pbarao is Dr bearcttj that Crne al tuav ctucUetb in ts.ilbcfc tbrnois arc not fpoiien to tbis enD, ttjat ttje^ CjculD carelcdT flecpc tjpcn tbcir (inncs^Wcb are otl)£rU)ifcto mucb encimeotofin: ttjcfraitBoftbetriniquitie,pctbaactbc butonlpttwttterfticiilo not famtano faD tbereof enclofcD lcitt)in them, f ea be cifcouragro, U)bicb arc tickleo f p.:ic t^eirtobolc nature IS a ccrtarnfecDof fin tberfo;e it can not but be batefuU f abbominalleto OoD. 0)efrtit:jfGllarc ccrtifieo bp baptifmc ^ tbi^ Damnation is tafecn aliiar,f o;iue from tbem : fo;;' hcD of tt)cir ficfl?, Let ttjc ratbcr tljinfee t ttjep arc ret m f Ipat , f let tbem be^ Icue tbat t|ep baue mccb p;ofiteD lobe thtv ^tlt ^ tbcrc isoavl^ fcmlDbat mi* niOjcD of tbcir luff, till tben bauc attar afmucb as (as toe Ijatie alreau^ faro) v ncD tbet^cr tobetljertber traucl,name* lo;o Dotb bp tbis ague p;omife ts f ful Ip to tbe lall oeatb of tbcir ficfl), tobubc anD perfect fo;aeacncs is graurco faotb . fbalbe enocD in i oring of tljts mo;tell of tbc tiolt tubicb fljottlo baue bene imp life. 3n (' meane time let tbe not ceaCTc puteD to t)s, ano of tbe parne Vubicb ice botb to ttriue Ualiantlr ^ f tc encourage (^oulo baue fuffcrcD fo; tbe fault : tbcp tbe to go foitoarc, « tc ftir tbf tp to full talic bol3 alfo of rigbtconfnes: but fucb tjitfo^v.f 0; tbis alfo ogbt mc;c to iubet as J people of CoDmav obtcrnc in tbts on tbeir cnQcuo;s,^ tber Tec i^ after tbat tbev baue long traucllcD , tbep baue ?et no fmal bufines remavning. £:brs Uje ouabtto boloe: Ujc arc baptifcD into tbc mo;tifring of our flea?, tobub is bcgcn b^ baptiHiie m ts , tubub ^c Dail? fol- loU):but It Ibalbc niaoe perfect Vubetuc Cjal remouc cut cf tbis liic to tbc Ld;d. 12 l?crc U)c far »o otbcr tbvng,tba tbe apofilc Paul in tbc 7. cbapt.to tb^^ Uc* mainrs moft clerelv fettctb ont.i?o.: af< tcr tbat he bao cifputcD of fra ngbcciif* ncffc , bicaufc iouic IcicheD men t^n tbercof aatbcr,tbat \jcc mii^bt hue after onr oten UtCbicaufc U'.c Ojciilunotlc acceptable to CoB br tbc i)cfcfuingcs of luo;Ues, be aCDetb, t'^)^^ ^'•'- ti^s'l' ^Uc are clotbcu Uiiiu tbe rigbtCciifncCfrcf Cbnft arc tbertoitb rcacnrratc infpi- „, cc—" nte,t tbat cftbTsrcgcncratiotue bauc ifo;foicimaciuc liocciulofcDUiUbml an carne^uijrapnfu^.jv:}c£cufcn ^ be life,tbat is to fat! bv imputation oneir: bicaufc tbe llojD of brs otjun merer ta^ i{£t\} tbem fo; r^jjbtcous ano innocent. 11 2:be otbcr point is,tbat tbis peruerf nes neacr aatiitl) in us, butccntinoal' iv bnngetb fo;tb neUi frutcs,nameli?c tbofe \Do;Us of tbc flrfb tebicb toe baue bcfo;e DcfcribeD none otbcrtoifc tban a burning fo;nace continuallr bloluetb out Same f fparclcs , 0; as a fp;ing in^ finitely caffetb out Uwier.,f c; lull nc^ ucr tttcrty Dietb t is que ncbet m men, bntill being bp tieati; DcUuercD out of tf)2 bsDr c^oeatb, tbcv banc fetterlp put of tljf rclof 0 , irapiifme in tent p:omi^ (tth t3S r?wt our pi;.irftO is D;otencD , % tbe i«o;tifi:atiC!i of &n : ret not fo tbat i: IS no mo?c ? 0; liiavno n;c,K trcnble HvJ^onl^fit map nctouerccmcts ».l^ •, - Of the outward ra canes tbat be cannot coit^ rccratebimfelftDboU^to i obQcoience of (be latDe of Ood. ntvto}9 be is com pelleb \s)itli groning to crie out: vi^ndap pie am 31. ^bo n[)aU oetiuer me outof tbis booie fubiect to oeatbfjf tbe cbilo^r of goo be boloe captiue in pnfon fo long as tbe? Ipue , tbep muli neoes be mucb carefuU)? greueb toitb tbinking bppon tbe^^oUmeperill tmlelTe tbis fcarcbe mette iDitball. Cberefo^be aoio^netU to t})i3 bfe a cofo^^t, tbat tber is no mo^c bamnation to tbem i are in €tinfl je/ ra.iaber be teacbetb,tbatfber tobo tijz Io;o batb once recetueb tntofauo^jeno graffeo into tbe comunto of bis cbtOt, batb bs Baptifme abmitteo into the fe« lolonijip of bis cburcb,tobiIe tl)Cig contU nut in tbe fattb of C(?ntt>aItbougb t\)e^ bebefiegeD of (inne,?ea ano carrp Unne about tuitb tb?,?ef are acqiiiteo fro gil« tines a\\ii conDemnatiori. ^f tbis be t^t (tmplc $ natural erpoatto of |aaul,tber is no caafe tobp toe (bulDfameto teacb an? neto bntuonfeO tbing. 13 ^ut \3^}^ti(mt fo feruetb ourconfef (ion before men.jf oj it is a marh tober b? toe openl? p^ofeiTe tbat toe toolo be accomptcD among I people ofgoD>tober bP toe teHige ^ toe agree ^iti) all c^n* fiians into t])t too;rlbipping of onedDoD anb into one religion : fInaU? tobereb? toe opel? atfirme our faitb:tbat not on^ I? our barts Ibulo b.:eatb out tbe p^aife of (I^ob,but alfo our tongue , anu all t^z members of our boo? (boulo fono it out \s)it'o fucb btteraccs as ti^ci be able.^o^ fo, as toe ougbt,all our tUn^cs are eau pb^sD to t\)Z feruice of J glo;?c of ©OD, tobereof notbing ougbt to be \}o^iity f Of tber ma?e b? oar example be ftirreo bp to tbe fame enDeuo^s.lpcreunto paule bab refpecte,toben be afheo i Cojintbi* ans, tobetber tbe? bao not ben baptifeb into f Uvime of Cb:itt:meaning bcrili i cm in tbts i ti^zi toere baptifeo into his name,tbei auotoco tbefelnes bnto bim> ftoo^e to Us name, 1 bouno t^ti^} (aigtf) to b?mbefo;e mtyi t\)zis cou!o no mo^c confede an? otber,batCb;i(t alone,bn/ lelTe tbe? tooulbc fo;fa{te tf)z confelTton tobicb tbe? bao maoe in Baptifme. 1 4 ^oto (ttt)e it is Declared tobat our !lo;o bau regaro bnto in § inttitutio of ^aptifme: it is plaine to tuoge tobat is § toa? fo^ bs to bfe 1 receauc it, if 0^ fo far as it is geue to § railing,nourifbtng ano confirming of our fa?tb , it is to be tahen as fro tbe banb of tbe autbo; bim felfe: toe ougbt to bolD it certain i fullv perftoabeo, tbat it is be tobicb fpeahetb to bs b? tbe figne,i! it is be tobicb cleans fetb bs,toaa)etb bs, 1 puttetb atoa? tf)9 rememb;aunceof our (fnnes, ^ it is be tobicb ma&etb bs partakers of bis oe^, uCor.i«a tobicb 48. Ac.9.17, Ujljicli tuMt) atoay from ^ata fjis feing DomcUJ^icbefeblctb tlje forces of oure lutt, ^ea iDbtc!) grottJCtb mto one to^tlj tJ3,tbat being clotbcD ioitO bim ioe mat be rcckcncD § c??ilD;cn of got):tbaC tbefe tliingsf,! fap,bc Dotb mtoarol^ fo frulp f certainl]? perform to our foule, 30 Uic certainly fee our boDp outtiuarDlt? to be U3a{^eo,t)ippe'o,anD clotijco.ifoa teei* tber relation,o J fimilituDcis tljt mode fure rule of s&acramenfs:tbat in bouil^ thitiQs lue I^olD bebclo fpiritual tljing0, as if tljev lucre p^efentl^ fcf before our etes,fo;afmncb as it batb pleafeD fbe iLo;o to rep^efent tbem bg fucb figures, not fb? tbat furb graces arc bouno 1 en^ clofeo in tbe ^acramene,tbat tfjei iftolo be geuen Ms b? tbe fo;ce tberof : but on* l^bicaufe tbe llo^oe ootb bp t\)is toljcn teHifie W mill bnto t}s, tbat is, tbat be toill geue tjs all tbcfe ti}in$e3, ^e^tber ootb be onl^ feeo our e^cs toitlj a nafeeD figbtjbutbe bjingetb bs to tl)c tb^ng p^efcnt, f togetber fulfiUctb tbat tobicb ttllguretb. I? ^crcofletCo^rneliustbe captain be an eraplc , toJjicb toas baptifeo,bauing before receiaeo fo;geuenetre of fins ano Mimic graces of tbc bolp gboS, fafepng not bubaptifme a larger fo;geucneire, bat a mo;e ccrtainc crercifing of fait^, l?ca an cncrcarc of coSoence bi a pleDge» |3eraouenturc fotn ma loill obicrt:leb^ tbtrfa;c DtD jainanias fap to panic, tlmt be flboiilD tuaO& atuap ij^s Uns bp i5ap^ tjfme,if fins be not tua^co atoai? bu tbe poltjjr of iBaptifme it felfc^ J anftoerc: ^c arc faro to rcceaue, to obtaine, to gettbatU)!)icbfofaras conccrnctb tbc feeling of our fa^tb, is geuen Ms of tbe lLo2D,lob:tbcr be Do tben firtt tcattiz it, oj being tcttiSeD Dotb moze 1 certainli* cr conSrme it,^^^s tberfo^e onli^ l«as V msaning ofanantas; tbaCtbou maitt be aaureD,paul tbat tl)v finncs are fo:* geuen tbee,bc baptifcp , jfo} tl)c llo^oc To Valuation, Fourth Boolce Fol. iJofb in HBaptifme p;omife t}ic fo^gcue ncffc of finnes: receaoe tb??s, f be out of care.l^otDbcit 3 meanc not to Diminilft tbc fo?ce of 15aptifme, but tbat §tbpng f tbc trutb is pjefent \x)itfi tbe figne, fo far as goa tDo;feetb bp outtuaro mcncs. Ii5ut of tb'^s ^acrament,as of all otber, toeobtaiacnotbingbutfo mutbaslwe rcceaue bv faT?tb . 3if toe iuant faptb, if fl^albe fo; a Uiitneffe of our Dntbanftful* neire,tobcrbp toe map be oeclareu giltp before Oon , bicaufe toe baue not bele* ucD tbe pjomtfe tbcre geuen. Ii5ut fo far as it is n figne of our cofcrrion,toc ougbt bp it to tedifit tbat our affiace is in tbe mercp of (IDod,i oar cleannelTe is in tbe fo;geueneffc of finnes, Mibicb is gotten Ms bp Blefus Cb^itt : anu tbat bp it toe enter into tbt Cburcb of Cb;tia,tbaf toe map Voitb one c onfent of faptb 1 cbaritp liuc of one mint) toitb all tbe faptbfull. SDbts laft point did ]Baul meane, U^brn be faptb tbat toe are all baptifeD in one ^piritctbat toe map be one boDp» 16 ^oto if tbis be true M)bicb toe Deter* mine,^ a Sacrament is not to be toep* CD acco,2Ding to bis banoe of tobom it is mtniiIreD,but as of tbe berp baD of goD, fro tobo toitbout Dout it p^oceDeD;bcre* upon toe mape gatber , tbat notbpng is aDDCD to it no; tafeen from it bp p uio;-' tbincITe of btm bp tobofe bano it is ntli^ uereD.;^nD eucn as amog men, if a let* tcr be fent , fo tbat tbc bauD 1 tbt (sale bctoell ^notoen,itmaI?ctb no matter tobo 0; Mibat mancr of man be tbt rar^ rier: fo it ougbt to fuffifc to acfenoto ib^ banD I feale of our !lo;De in tbc ^acra* ments , bp tobat carrpcr focucr tbcp be b;ougbt.iperclptbe erro; of tbc SDona^ tiUts is tjcrp tod c onfuteD,tobicb mea* furcD tbt fo;ce f tialue of § Sacrament bp tbt toojtbinelTc of p miniUcr. ^mb at tbps Dap arc oarCatabapti{Is,toJ}icl3 Denpc tbat toe be rigbrlp baptifeD, bi* caufc toe torrc baptifcD bp toi'cUco utci .Cor. >3» «J?.i. a>i'j i.9^5 Of the outward mcancs be igno^aiiccs bv ti)c mcrcp ottl)t Jlo;D / atoa? luitti p;ja^erg t tljanljefgcuiiig. Da^I? amcnof D m tJ0^ ip SCftc fo;ce,Dignttie,p;ofif, $ eno of tht miUcric, tf 3 be not DccepucD ougbt b^t^ts time to be pla^ne enough) « ^ mutt) as f onccrncti) § outtoarDe ficnc, 3 U»Dlo to gcD i nafurall inaitntion of Cf);ia[jaD p?euaT?IeD fo muf b as Uias metc,fo retrain § bolonesof me.ifo;, as tbougb it loerc a cctiptihlz tiding to be baptifcD Vo tuater acco;Ding to i p;e ccptcf c!);ia,tbert£; tnucnteu blclfing, o; ratljer encbautmg, to Ucfilc t^e true tiaUotoing of § tuater. aftertoaro Uias aDDeo a taper tb cbjefmc : but tfte plo.* teingfeenicD to open tlje gate to batif*: mc. ydut altbougb 31 am not ignorant, boUiauncitr.ti« tbe beginning of ttj^s aDDeo paek: ret it is latoful faotft fo; me I al p goDii to refufe iuljatroeuer things men fjaue p;jefumeD to aODe to § o;Di^ nace of cb^ia.Mfjen fata fato ^ bv tlje foUtft ligljt creDitof p toojlD at t toerp beginnings off gofpel Ijis Deceites toer eaQlv rec epueOjbe b;ab fo;tb into grof* fer mochcries. ipereupon fpi(tle,i Ipfee trifies, toere opelp h^ou^ in tuitfj tn^ b;jiDleD Iibertie to tlje rep;ocb of baptif? n:e. Bv iotjiclj crperience let ts learne tfjat nothing is ctttier bolier, o; better, o: fafer, tba to be content \S)it^ tl)c au^ tfeo^itie ofc^M alone.l^oto mucb bet^ ter tt^erefoje \x>as it, leauing Ilagelplje pompsjtobif 5 Dafcl p tits of ^ ample,! till their minBs,fo oft as an^ toas to be baptifeo ^t be I^ulD be p^efenteo to J alTemblie of t\)t faithful,* be offeree to goDjtbeto^olecburcbe Imfting on as a Uiitnesti pjaping ouer bim: ^ tlje con* ffCTion of faitb CbulD be re!;earfeD,tober )x)it]) f;e tlwt is to be catecbifcD QwlD be inftructeo: t^jat tbc p;omrfes QjoulD be DeciarcDtDtiic(jarc conteineoin ^ap* tifmc:tbat tbe inarntteo I^nlD be 15ap< tifrn in tfje name of the if atljer,f § fon, ^ is notbing omitteD t migbtc mahc to tfte matcr,anD ttjat § onlp reremonie tobicb p^occDcD fro goD tljc autlM tljer* of, Q)oulD mca cleretp Qjine, being not oucrlubelmeD Xo anr fo^ein filtljincs. i5ut tobetber be be tDboIi DippeD tebicb is baptifeo, anotbattb^fireo; once, o; iDbetberbcbebutfp^inbleo \jd irater onip poureD tjpon bim , it mafectb bcr^ title matenbut tbat ougbt to be at liber tie to cburcbes acco^Ding to tbe Dtuerti'' tie of contries. l^olubeit t\)e tcri? teo^D of iSaptifing Ognifietb to Dpppe,anD it is certapnetbaf tbc mane r of Dipping toas bfeD of tbe oioe Cburcb. 20 SCbisalfo pcrteinetb to § purpofe,to knoto ^ it is DoneamiflPe if p;^tuate me tafeetjpon tbefefnes tbe aDmmiCration of baptifme.ifo; as tuel tbc DiHributio of tbis as off fupper is a part of t cede fiaftical mmitterie. ifo; cb;itt Dr^ not comauD tDomen,no;i T?et ciicrpfo^teof men,tbat tbet CiulD 115aptife:but Uibom be baD o^oeineD bis0poaie0,to tl)cni be gauetbiscommaunoement.HnD loben be comaunDcD f)^s Difciples to do t in tbe miniffration of tbc Supper tobicb tbet baD feen bim oo,lDben be erccutcD tbe office of a rigbt Diftributer, be UiolD Uiitbout Dout,tbat thev. (bulD tberin fol lotoc bis eraplc.ias fo; tbis tbat in ma^ nr ages pa{l,pea $ in a maner at tbe be rp beginning of tl)c cburcb, it batb ben reccpucD in tfctbat lap men migbt bap tife in peril of Dcatb,if f mimfter toere not p;efent in time, 3 fee not \i}iti) boUi (!rong a reafo it map be DcfenDeb. %t)e tcrp olD if atbcrs tbemfclucs,tobirb ev^ tber belD o; fuffrcD ^is maner,toer not fure tobetber it tocr tocl Done.iro; Au guftjn femctb to baue tbis bout tobe be tib con faitb.^Itbougb a lap man ccmpcIIeD bp ltra,cpift. necefTitte do geuc ^aptifme>Bl can not Iparm ^. . , tell tobetber a man map gooUIp fape ^i^g:PO*g gqoQ:at If ngtb tbat be be fent / tbat it ougbt to be iteratc»if o; if it ba ■ u.5^ . Done a.cap. 13. Op. loo To Saluation. fourth Booke. Lib. COM tra, He- Done toben ni nttc^itv. copcllct&jit is i Ufurpiug of an otljcr mans cffic c: but if ncfcffitvi cnfojccti) , if is et»tl)cr none c^ atjcmal! Cnnc. £^o^coucr of luomen it U):i3 Dccrseo tuitljout an\? crccptiouin tilt Coil cell at ^.irtbajc, tljat tbc? fi)olo not p:efumc to baptifc at all.)13ut tbcre is Danger, lead if be lubicb is ficU (^olD Dpc \Ditbout baptifme , be (IjouId be De* p^iucD of tbe grace of rcgcncratio. j^ot fo.c^oD p^onoitcctb tbat be aDoptetbour infantes to be brs oton, bcfo;c tbe\? be bo:n, \Dbcn ije pjonnrctb tbat be toil be a (DoD to t30 1 to our feoe after \is . Bin tbis too;D is containcD tbtir faluation. j^cit\)zr (Ijal anp man Dare to be fo re* p^ocbfutl agatnftgoD,to Dcn^ ^ bis pjo# mifc is of it fclfc f jfTicient to toozlic tbc effect tbcrof. l^oto mucb barm tbat doc* trine being cuil erpouiDeD,tbat baptifmc isofnccctTiti? to fa'uation,J)atb b^ougbt in,fcto DO mark : ano tljerfojc tbep taijc leffe beDe to tbcmfclf. jro; toloere tbi0 o* rant oftbctr anfvuertobuO tcinis orber»= linfe,t!)at is.tljat comon tfe niucb tiiffcf rctb from crtrao;oinarp remeDp,Ujbcn ertreme neceffiti? cnfo;cetb : but toben b? pronouncing tW it is a mocberpe to gcac luomcn Iibcrtp to )i5aptife, ercep* tetb notbrng^it fufficif tlr apearetb tbat be conDemnctb tbis corruption , fo tbat it is b\? no color ercnfable . aifo in tbc f biro bcoUe, tobcre teacbing tbat it teas notpermittcD eucn to tbe bolp motber of Cbriftjbe aoDetb no rcCf raint. 22 2Dbc cramplc of &cpbo;a is tnfea- fonabl^ allegeD if or toberas f b: 0ngell of CDoD toas appcarcD,aftcr tbat flje ta* king a ftone,circiicifeD bcr ronne,tbcre# upon it is torongfullp gatbereD tbat ber Doing \y3as allotoeo of ©cD.£Dtbcrto^fc it ougbt ts be rax;D,tbat tbc toorfbipping tobicb tbe nations ^ tocr brougbt out cf ntfrrta raifcDt3p,plcafcD goo. 15ut bv o-- tbcr ftrong rcafons it is proueo , ^ tbat tobicb a foIiH) tooma DiD, is toron^fui Fol.4ii EX.4..2J pinion is grotoen in force, v a!I are loa ) i^ Dratocn to an eramplcof imiratio. gf to tobo it batb not bappcncD to be toafl^ CD toitb toater , our ftats? is toorfe tban tbc ftatc of tbu olD pcople,as tbougb tlic grace of ©oD toer noto more nanoiulij ftraigbtncD tba it luiis tjnDtr tbc latoc. jforCbriUfljalbetboagbt to become, >not to fulRl ti)c p:omires>but to abolid) tbe forafmucb as ^ promifc tobicb tiitn toas of it fclfe effcctuall cnougb to geuc bcUb before ^ cigbt Da)?,noto fijoulD not be of force toitbout beipe of tbe fignc. at 5l5ut boto tbe cultome toas before ^ Au^ulbnc toas borne, firtt is gatbereo of fcrtullian, tbat it is not permittcD to a tooma to (peak in tbe Cburcb* nor to tcacb,noi to baptife,nor to offcr,tbat(^e dKilD not claim to ber felf tl)t erecution of an^ mans office, mucbc lelTe oftbc pricttes. £Df t fame tbing Epiphanius is a fubHantiall toitncfTctoberc bcre^ procbctb iMarcion,tbat be gauc toomcn Itbert^e to baptifc, j^citberam Ji igno- 31 ll)olD fai? tint it Was a ccrtauic fingu^ tar carc,tobtcb ougbt not to be maoe an erample, f fpeciallv 1^ Ctb it is no tobrr rea tbat in clD time tbtre toas gcuen to tbe prieilesa fpecial comannDcment to circ;imcifc,tbe orDcr of vTircuciGon anD i3a:3tinne is bnlilie:tb^s n)olD be ftrog cnougb to confute tbeni. if or tbe tooros of Cbrifl are plainctCDo pe.teacb all na^ tions,anD iSaptifc.SClbcn beorca^ncD tbe felf fame men publiCbers of tl)z qqU pell, I miniders of 2i5aptirme:anD none (as ti)c :a?oIlle toifnefretb)Dotb talic bo^ nor tpon bimfclf in tbc iXQurcb> but be tbat is callcD as 0aron:tobcrocucr Voitb out UtofuU calling baptifctb,bc rufljetb into an otbcr mans office. Gucn in tbc fmallctt tbpngcs,as in mcatc i Drinke, tobatfocuer toe cntcrp;ifc toitb a Dout^ full confciencc, lDaulopenlT»crvetb out to be finnc liCberforc in toomcns bapti!» fmg is mucb mojc greucuQ^ 6n,tobcrc irifir.iit. itis Mat.28, '9. Hc.^,4. Ro 14.23 CaP.i6 Of the outvvarde meanes it is cuiDtnt ^ tbc^ b;cat^ lit rule apoin , tfje to be Dippeu in Vuater . IBui it is al^ tec bv Cf);ift:fo;jafm«cb as toe fenctu ^ j react p;«JueD,^ nafmall tii;cng is cone it i3 tjnIatDfiiU to pluck in funocr ttjofe ^ to llje couenant of CoD,if toe Do not rca tbings ^ feruicc to goo. : titicnsXbcre is aftertoarD aDDetj to it ^EingberfontobcinDager,aiegrubg* a Sacrament Irfee afcalc,nDt tbat it ctj, f marmureo, i not toitboutftoma^ b;ingetb effedualnclTe to tbe pjowife of cbing tb;e to tbe fo^effein bpon v crouo, ' ©oD 30 to a tbrng toeafee of it f elfc, but oje fo tautcD ber bufbano, tbat (be teas , onlt cofirmetb it to b5. ^ berupcn fol* aifc angr ? \i)itb goD. ifinallt it is plain ; lotoetb,tbat tbe cbilb;en of tbe fartbf ul tbat all tbt« came of a furioufneirc of are nottberfoje baptifeD,tbat tbep mat unnoe,bicaurelbe murmureb agatnft , tben firft be maoc tbe cbilc;cn ofC-oD, eotj i ber bufbanu, foj tbat (be toas cof ; tobicb befoje toere ttrangcrs frcm tbe pelletj to OjeDoe tbe bloub of ber fonne, | Cburcb.buf ratbcr t tbei be tbcrfo^c re^ se)c;couer if fljebab in aU ofber tbtnges ceaueo bt a folemn Ogne into t cburcb, bebaucD ber felfe toell, vtt berein is an ; bicaufe bt tbe benefit ef § p^ximifc tbct tnevcufablc rafljc pjefumpf ion tbat Ibe bto alret>t belong to tbe bobt of Cb^ifr. circumcifeu ber fonne,ber bufbab being SLberfoje if in omitting tbe fignc tbcre picfent,nct ant p;iuate ma, but spofes be nettber aotbfulnclTe, no j contempt, tbe principal ipjopbet of dDoD, tba tobo ' no? negligence, toe are fra fro all tan* tbcre neuer rofe ant greater in Bifracll: ' ger . it is tberfoje mucb mo;e bolt, to tobicb toa« no mo;e latofull fcj ber to gcue tbt« rcuerence to tbe p;oir.ancc of no, tban at tbt« bate it is fo? toomen in tbe ligbt of tbe 3l5ia)op,)15ut tbia contro* uerfie Ibal btanbbt be eafilt take atoat bt tbts principle, tbat infantes are not oebarrcofrotbe bingoome of beauen, (IDoD,tbattoe feke ^acramentes from no tobere els, tba tobcre tbe ilcjD batb left tbcm. ^ben toe mat not bane tbe of tbe Cburcbe, tbe grace ofC^oD is not fo bouno to tbem , but tbat toe mat ob^ tobo it bappenctb to Depart cut oftbts|tat«e f^em btifattliout oftbctoo;DC p^cfent life befo;c Uiat it bcgraunteb . of tljc3Lo;oe. The xyi,Chdf>ter. That the Baptifmc of Infantes doth very well agree with the inftitu- tion of Chrill and the nature of the fignc. mucbfoettemetljepurenes ofbotfrine in a moa great matter, togetber iDitb tbe peace oft cburcb,^ notbing ongbt to be lotbfomlt receaueb tobicb mai auail to procure tbem botb. )15e0be tbat, Bi fo flttbt to frame tbis oifccurfe,^ it Ibalbe of no fmall importance to tbe derer De^ claration of tbe mtffcrte of iBaptifmc. SDbetatTailetbe l!5aptirme of Infantes toitb an argument in bgo faKo;able in (beto Um ftjjafmucb as in f bts age,ccrtain pbjentike fpiritcs baue ratfeb bppe fo?e troubles in ^t Cburcb fo; tbe^bap? tifme of infantes , anO bo not y>ct cealfe to turmotle,3 can net cb©fe but 3i niuft totne bere an abbition to reffratne tbet? furioufnelTe. Jf perabuenturcit Iball feeme to fome man to be berte mucb to long, let btm (S befttcb btm) toet toitb btmfglfe,tbat toe ougbtfo To Saluation, Tourth Bookc. Foi.4i2.( fl[)clu,fainnc5 ^ it is grouOcD bpon no in , tufjollp fattcnci) anti bouwn to tftetJifi^j ftiCution of cb;itft,but t it teas b;iousljt ble Ccrcmonie, tftall UnocrftanD nc ^^ in onli? hv § boltjnea of mcn>f pcrocrfc curioufueiXcanD tt)cn aftci toarD tuitb fonD cafines ratftlt! rcceiueo in bfcifoj a ^jcramcnt,\)nlcirc it reft bpon a cer tain foiioation of tbc Ido;d of C?oD, ba^ gctb but b^ a tb;cDe.ll5ut tobat if,U)be ti)t mater is tnel confiDcrco,it fljall ap» pearc tbat tbc ilojDs boil? o^oinancc is falfel^anobniuftlr cbargeo luitbrucb a fclanoerf 3Let bs tberefoje fearcb out t\)c firftc beginning of it. ano if it Ojall appeare,tbat it toas Deu^feo bv tbe on^ l^ radines of men,tben biODing it fare^ IjoeUlet bs meafure tbe true obferuatio of baptifme b^ ti)c onl? toil of goD.But if it D^ll be p;oueD tbat it is not ocP tifute of b^fi ccrtatine autbo^itie , luee muft bctuarcjlcaft in pincbing tbc bolt? o;Dinance£( of oD, Uie be alfo QauDc^ rousagat'nfttbcautbo; bimfelfe. 2 jrirft it i5 a Doctrine toel enougb bno tx)en,anb confcffeD among al t\)t gobl^i tbat tbe rigbt coCoeratio of tbe Iigne», conCftetb not onl^ in tbe outluarD cere^ moniestbut principally bagctb bpo tbe p.:oinifc,f bpon tbc fpiritual miftcries* fo J figuring tobcrof t!)e lojoe o;incinetb t\)t ceremonies tbcmfclues. SLbcrfo^e be tbat iuil pcrfcdl^ learnc of lobat ba^" lue baptifme i0,to Uibat end it tmntt^y gnallp fcbat it is : let b?m not fta f bpfl tbougbt bpon tl^t element anD boDvlp Cgbt: bat ratber let bpm rai?rc it bp to tl)c pjompfea of ©oD,U>bicb aretberin offcrco bs,ano to tbc iniuarDe fecretrs bj^icb arc ttrerein rcpjcfentcD bnto bs. h)z tbat Unoloetb tbcfr tbingcs,batb at^- tc^nco tbcfouno trut^e »f XBaptifmc, anbtbelobole fubftance tbereof, as Bi mai? fo call it : ano tbercbi? alfo be R)all be taugbt,U}bat is tt)t rcafon^no lobat is tbe bfc of tbc outtoarDe fp^nJiliug. agai?ne be tbat conteniptaouGv paf* Oug oaer tbefe fiiall baue bgg mgn^s / tber tbc force no; p;opertie of 15«pfif? me: no; ^et fo mucb as tUe, U)bat t^t bjater nieanctb, o; tubat bfc it bat^ Mbtcb fcntence is proueD tottbfo ma* npanDfo cleare tcftimonics of fecrip^ ture, tbat toe nao not attbis p;efent fo tarr^ long about it. 2ubcrefo;c it re ma^netb noto, f toe feche out of § p;o* mifesgeucninlidaptifmctobat is tbe force anb nature of it, Ebe Scripture njctoctb,y tbe clcnOngof rmnc5,tobicb toe obtet^ne of § blmb of Cbriftj is bere firft Q^etoeDttben tbe mo;tifi?ing of tbe ^fb^tobicb ftabetb bpon tbe partabing of his Deatb, b? tobicb tbe faptbfull are regenerate into netoncffe of life, ^ea f into tbc fclotoCjip of ^l^^M , ELo tt)vs fumme ma^ be nfcrrcD tobatfocuer 10 taugbt in tbc fcriptures coccrning bap" ttfme:fauin0 ^ bcHce tbisit isaftgne to teftifie religion before men, 3 liSut forafmucb as before tbc inffitu* tion of IBaptifmcjtbe people of goo baiv circumciCon in ficDc tbereof: let bs fe^ tobat tbcfe ttoo Cgne s Differ the one fra tbe otbcr,f toitb tobat tikcncs tbci agrer togctbcr . iSulbcreupon ma? appearcr tobat is tbc relation of tbe one to tbc ci- ther, Mber tbe 3lorb gaue circiiciCoa to abrabam to be feept, be tclletb b?m beforctbat be toolD be CDoD to bim ano ''-^^^M to bis faocraDDing,^ \}iith bun is ^ Co? toing (tore anD fuffifance of al tbings,, t!>it xlbrabain CboulD nrccmpt tbat b?s banDfl^lDbcto bim a fpring of al gQ3& tbinges. 3n tobicb tooracs tbe promife of ctcrnall Ipfc is contc^'ncD: asCb,:jCr erpoimoctb it, brinriii;g anargtimentf frnmbcnceto prcue tbc iimiiortalitisr of tbc faithfull, anD tl)c rr furrcfiio.iFo^ OoD (fartb be) (S not ths OcD of {' Dca?i> 3^ bat of tbe l^uing. uSllbercfcrepaul aU LiifieaoJ foC^toiiigto ig e])bcaansfrom tobat ja.. DcOmcrioa tbe llorDbas_oeliucreD tnr, ±yhz,i ifJTjF.itg- Gi f^ht2i. q^ti^M lCaP.i6; Of the outvvarde meancs gcitbcretti hv. this iW tl)t^ Ijao not ben acmittrD ir.to rijc couenant of circumci out CDcDjlPittjcut Ijope, Grangers from the teCamcnt of tl)e p^omtfc: all tofetcl) tl)ingc0 tt5C coucnant it kite cpntepneD. 15ut ttie firttc acccffe to iB al one in botb. Ulberfo^e tbere is no Difference in tbe intoarD miller^, toberbv p tobole fo?ce « p:opertic of p ^acramcts is to be locieD.SLbc bnlifee nes tbat remainctb^ietb in § cuttoai D ceremonie, lubicb is t ftnallctt pcjtio: toberas tbe cbefcft part bagetbfepon f pjomife I V tbing OgnificD. Cberefo^e toe ma? Determine tbat tobatfocoer a^ gratb Icitb cirriicifion Dotb alfo belong to baptifme,ercept the Difference of tbc bifible ceremonieXctbis rclatio $ cc# parifon,tbe apcfiles rule leaDctb ts bp tbc baD,UJberebi? toe are comaurOjD to examine al erpofition of fcripturc br t p;cpo;tt6 of faitb. anD truelr tht Irutb Dotb in this bebalf alrno^ oSPcr it felf to be fclt.iroj a circumcifion , b^caufc it toas a certain token to v ^ctocs,tober^ bptbcrtoerecertiftcD tbat tber toerc cbofcn to be the people « boufcbclDe of goD,anD tber agarne on tbcir bebalues pjofeCfeD tl. at tbe\? relDCD tbemfclues to goD,toas tbeir firtt cntrie into v churchi fo noto alfo toe br iBaptifmc enter in^ to pjofclfion of goDjtbat toe ma^ be rec^* hencD among h}is pcople,anD mutually ftoearc to bis name. Mlberbp it appear rctboutof controuerfr that liaptirmc is come into tbe place of ctrcuct&o,tbat it mar baue tbe famecffice tottbbs. <; ^j>oto ii toe lift to fearcb out,tobetber 3i5apti[mebe latofull comumnicateto infantes: To Saluation. infants: Oja!! toe not fap tbat fjc Dotfj to ir.ut{)plarctbcfeIe,vcarjotc , toljiclj toill reft onle bpon t^c element of toa^ tcr,f tt)c outtoaro obferuation, but can not abiDc to bcno \)iB niu:D to § (pititu* allmiller^::? CClbrrofif tbcrbean^con CDcratio baD,it fljall toitbout uontccr^ tainlvappcarc tbat ^aptifmc is rigbt^ tixliv geucn to tnfai:tf5,asf tbc tbing tbat is Due bnto tbem. Jfc; tbc ^ox^ in doe time Dit) net toucbfaue to aomit tbe to f !rciici(ion,but t be maoc ibc partakers of all tbofe tbings tobicb toer tbc figni* ficD bi circucifio.£)t!icrtoife be Wo 16 mere oeccites bauc ntofkcD bis people, if be bao feo tbe toitb Dereitfull tiqnts, tobicb is bojrtble tut to be barD of.ifoj be pjonouiscetb erp^efl^! , tbat tbe eir^ cumrifion of a title infante Q)0ulD be in ttcDc of a fcalc to feale tbc p^omife of § coucnant.lt5ut if tl)c couenant remaitn bnb^chen f CeDfaff, it Dotb at tbis Dai? no letfe belong to i^cbilD^cn of€\)n^it anSjtba bn?jer tbc elo teftament it per* tcineo to tl)t infants of tbc Sictoes.lBut if tSjCT? be partafeers of § tbing CgnificD, tob^ Ojall tber be Debari cd fro p figncf 3lf tbev banc i? trufb ? tobr fliall ttcv be pnt back fro.n tbe figure i jSlrbougb tbe outtoarD Sgnc clcauc faG tcgirbcr ^iti) tbc too^D in tbc Sacrament , to ^ tbei? can not be pIuiUc^ in runtJcr:t:et if tbe^ be feuerall^ ccn{iDcrcD,Uibetber of tbe, 3 p^a?! vou,(b^iU toe cffemc of mo;e ba iKC i ILrueli? fitb toe fee j5 tbc fignc fer« uetb V too;r),toc mull (a^ tbat it is Mti* Der it,f nuill fct it in (> inferio; place, ^itb tbcrfo^e tbe too;tj of ll5aptifme is ertcnDCD to infants-.tob? Ibal H)c figne, tbat is to far tbe aoDiticn banging to f> too;D,be DcbarreD from t'otmiKi^is on reafcn,if tber toere no moc,toerabun* Dantli? cnougb to cofutc all tbr tbat toil CpeaUe to tbc cotrarvXbat ^W) is ob icttcDtf tbcre toas a Dat certainly fct fo^ circiicifion, is altogctbcr but a l^ift. Fourth Booicc ,to-.4'i3! .Cor.7, •4. ^SXt graunt tbat toe be not "noil. bot:r.& to certain Dates , libe J ^ctocsiuut itbe tbc lo;D,botofocucr be certainly apcm* tetb no Dar,ret ceclaretb # be is pleafeD t infats Onilo to a folemn formal tfagc be rccciucD into bis coucnat; tobat fcfcc toe mo; c. 6 l:'otobpittbe|i»cripfcrecpcnetbtn to bs vet a ccrtaiMcr knotolccgc of ti)t trutb^iro; it is moft cuiDent,tbat § co- uenant tobicb tbe lo;D once maoe \ritb ^b;a{)a,is at tbis Dap no IcCe in tb;ce to Cb;iUians, tban it toas in tbc olD time to tbe lt\joi(f:i people : vca ano tl)at Ibis toojD batb no ItCTc rcfpcct to Cb^iflias, tban it tbcn bao refpectc to tbc Jctocs. uanleffe perbaps toe tbinh , tbat « pbcmr.^bcrfo^c as cuen tbe cbilD;en of p Jctocs toerc calleD a bolp feeoe, bi^ caufe being maDe beircs of tbc fame coo ucnant tbe^ toerc maoe Differing from tlic cbilD;rfn of tbe tjngoDip: fo; f fame reafcn cuen ret alfo tbe cbilD;en of cb;i friaiis are acfoptcD bclp , tea altbougb tbcv be tl)t iffuc but of one parent faitb full:$(as (> apoaie toitncirctb)tbep tiff fer from tbe tjuclcan fcDe of 3;oolato;s. jjioto tobcn tbe ilo^o immcDiatli after tbe couenant maDe toitb ^b;abam,c6;« Ge.i7, 12 maiiDCD i fame to be fealcD in infants toitb an outtoarD Sacrament : tobat caufe toill Cluittians allcge,tobr th£^ (bulD not at tl)is Dai> tcfliUe i feale tbe fame in tbeir cbtlD;cnf Jjiicitbcr let anp ma cbiect againft nie,tbat t\)t lo;D com maunDcD bis couenant to be confirmcD toitb no otber fignc tban of cirnimcifi* on,tobicb is long ago taUen atoap. jia toe baue in rcDincs to anftoear, i fe;j ^ time of () olD tcflamct be c;DcincD cir# cumciCon tc confirm bis ccuenant:but circiicificn being fafec atoa^iret altoap remainetbt famemancr cfccfrrmir.g tobub Oi^theoutvvaide meaoes iDbicbtDebauecomon loitbi Jetocs, WlWfo}c toe muft altoar biligentl^e confiocr tofjat is common to botl^ , anD tobat ttjcr baue (eaerall from ts . SDtje cfliienant 10 common, tlje caufeof c66r^ ming it is common, ^nl^ t\)t maner of I couerming 10 Deuerfc, bicaufe circum^ I tition toa0 tbat to t&e,m place tobcreof , baptifme batb fucceoco among \)0 . £)* ; tljertoifeiftl)eteaimonie,toUerb^ tbe j 3!etoc0toercaffu«oof tljefaluationof tbeir fcsDe ; be taHen atoa^ from b0,it fboqlDbcb^ougbttopaffe b? ttje conv imtngofCbnft, tbat tbe grace of ©oD ; GjulD be Darher 1 leffe app;oneD b^ te^ I aimonie0 to t)0 , tban it toa0 befoatoa^ from l)im bp tcbo alone tbc entric is open into beauen. 15ut(lDai iMa£$»'.3 fome manne fai>)tobat like tbing batbc )15apttfmc tDtbis emb.jafing of Cbnft. ^01 neitber is it repo^teo tb^it be bap;* iik^ rbem , but tbat i)c receitieo tbcm, emb5arcDtbcm,anDtoifl)eDtbem tocl. 2i:berfo;je if toe lift to folcto bis e yaple, kt Usbelp infants toitb p^a^er,b«tnot Baptife tiitm, ^ut let tJS toc^ tbc Do^ ; m^s of Cbiift ComitjIjatmoK baleful* lp,tbanfucbUinDeofmenDo. jfo^ nep^ tber istbis to be ligbtlre paffeoouer, tbat Cb;ift commannDctb infants to be b^ougbt tnto bim>aD0ing a refon to^, bicairfe of fucb is gliingoom of beauen. ano aftertoaro be toitncCTctb bis toiltd DCDctoben emb;acing tbcm be comcn? Detb tbcm to Us fatber toitb his pmtr f blelfing. ^f it be m&tz tbat infant0 be b;ougbtc to Cb;ifte,tobpe is it not alfo mecte ^ tije^ be rcceiueo to baptifme> i ftgne of our communion ano felotoCbpp \sjiti) Cb;ift^31f tbe feingoom cf beauen be tbeirs:>tobp ^a II t^^c ftgne be DenicD tbem,toberb? tbere is as it toer an en* trp opcneo into tbc Cburcbe>tbat being aomittcD into it,tiie^ map be al>nob;eD among tbe titirts of tbe bcauenlp ktng« oomcf Ipotoe tjniufte Iball toe be, if toe D^ineatoai? tbcm tobom €i}nU calletb tnto bim i 3if toe fpoile tbem,tobom be garnilftctb \3iit\) bis gifts i Jf toe tbuttt out tbcm tobom be totllingli recduetbf y&ut if toe toill eramin boto macb tbat tobicb €t)nitt tbcrc t)itj,Diffrrctb from l!5aptifme, pet of botocmucbe greater p^icc (ball toe baucbaptifmc, (toberbp toe teftifp tbat infmts are contcincn in t^t cQUcnaunt of (Sob) tban refciutng> embjaftng,lai?ingon of banus,! p^aper toberbr Cb^ift bimfclf being p^efent, occlarctb tbat tbcp botbc are l)is, anb are fanctifiieo of brm i )!5v tbe otbcr ca<» uillationctoberbp tbcp taboa to mscfee out tbis place, tljcp doc notbing but bt- tour tbepj otone ignorance, ifo; t\}t^ gatbrr an argumentc of tbrs tobrcb I Cb;iftefaretb. i.ct little ones come to j me, tbattbep tocrc in agegojtibiggc , ones tobicb tocre alreaDvc able to goe; )I3ut tbcp arc calleb of tbc dBuangeltfts Brephe^m^ paidia bp tobicb too;D0 tbe (Df ehcs DO fignifp babes pet baging on p b^cfts, 2DberfQjc tbis too >o{to come) is Gmplp fct fo;i; (to bauc accelte.) iloe tot'jat fna.rea.tbcp arc copellco to mahc, tobu;^ J To Valuation. iD^id) arc grotor fearo agamft p triit!). /^oUj tDljerc tbcr fap,tbat tbe Uinguom of tjcaucn is not geuen to tfjcm , but to fuctjc as be lifee tbr bv'caufe it is faiD to be of fucMot of tbem: tljat is no founcr tban tbe rcftciFo; if tbat be graunteD, tobat ntancr of reafcn fljaU tbc rcafon ofCb^ittrbe Irbercbi! bcmcanctb to a)cU),tl)at infantes in age are not ttra- gersfroin bmuSSUbcnbt commaiioctb tijat infants be fuffcrcD to banc acceffc tinto bini,nctbing is plavner tban ttat feerr infancy? in oat) is tl^ere fpohen of. ano tbat tbis ftolo not fame an abfur* Ditie,be branbbt aMctb : of futb is tbe feingbom of beauf .ISiit if it muft necbs be tljat infantes be conipjcbenbcD bere^ in,if mutt be pla^n tbat bt tb^s U)o;dc (&ucb) are meant tjerr infantes t})cm felue«,ant) fucb as belike tbent. 8 iJioto tbere is no man tbat (atb not, tbatbaptifme of infants toas not fra^ mcD b^ ma,tobicb is bpboloe bi fo great app;ouing of fcripture. iiicitber do tbei (olojabl? enougb plai v fcles, tubicb ob ititt ^ it is no tuber foiio, t a"? onf i"' fantloasbaptifcDbttbe banbes of tbe japottles. i?o.2 altbougb it be not eyp;c^ fl^ byname rebcarfco of tbe CBuange^ liftes:^et b^caufe aga^n tbci arc not er clubcDjfo oft as mentio bappcnctb to be mabe of tbe baptifing of anr bonflboloe: U)bo tnlcs be be mab, can reafon tber^ bpon tbat tbeibDcr not baptifco^Jif fucb argumentes tocre of ani? fo.:ce,tDemen (bulo be fo;biDDen to partake of § lo;Ds fupper,tobom toe reaD not to banc bene receiueb bnto it in tbe time of tbe ^po^ 0lcs.:^ut bcre iue be content toitb tbe rulcoffaitbe. i?o;U)ben lueconCbcr, U'bat t\)t inttitutio of tbe fupper rcqui^ rctb, tbercbr alfo toe ma^ caiilv iufge to lubom tbe bfe tbcrcof ougbt to be c o^' muntcateb. mW^ Iue obferue alfo in baptifme.iFo;^ toben toe mark to tobat cnb it toas o;i>eineD, toe euibctlg cfpg, Fourth Booke, il"o^4i4.) V it bclcngctb no les to iufcir.f s,t ban to elucr folksXbcrfo?c tbcr f»^ not b? bc* | p;iiucb of it, but i tbe toii of tl)t antho;^ ' muUc be manifcftiv befraiibeD. It'nt tobcras tbep fp;cD ab^oDe among i Om pic people,^ tbere paCico a long rotoe of Tcrrs after tbe rcfurrertio of Cb;iitt, in tobicb tbe baptifme of infants teas bn* knotonettbcrin tbcr mod fotoli? to lie. if o.i tbere is no tojvter fo olD,tbat uotb not certainlv refer ti}f beginning tber- of to tbe time of tbc^poftlcs. 6 jfiotoe remainctb tbat toe b:a -el^ fbetoe, tobat frute commetb of tbts ob* fcruatien,botbe to tbe i^aittfuUtobvcb p^cfent tbcir cbilOKn to tbe cbnrcbc to be baptifcD,! alfo to tl)e infantes tbem? felucs ^ be baptifeu toitb t bol^ toater: tbat no ma OjolD Dcfpife it as bnpjo8ta^ bleoMDle. SButifit come in anr mans mintJjbpon tbis pretence fo mock at tbe )15aptifmecf infantes, be fcojnctbtbe comaunDcment of circnmctCon genen br tbe Hojb.if 0? tobat toill tbep b;rng fo>tb to impugn ^ XBaptifmc of infants, tobicb ma^ not alfo be tb^tocn back a* agar nil €ircumcifion:^o tbe ilo;0 ta^ ketbbengeance of tbcir arrogace,tobicb DO branDbf conDemne ^ tobicb tbc^ co* p;jebcnD not toitb tbefenfe of tbcir oton flert). ^ut goD furnifbetb bs toitb otber armurcs,toberbv tbcir fojlilbneCTe ma^ be beaten flat.iFo;^ ncitbcr tbis \m bol? inlIit«tton,bv tobicb toe fcle our fa^tb to be bolpen toitb Angular cofojt,Defer^ uetbto bccallcD fupcrfluous. ifoj goDS Cane comunicatco to a cbilDc Dotb as it VBcre b^ an emp^intcD feale cofirmc tbe p;omife geuen to tbe gcDlt parent, anb Dcclaretb tbat it is ratifieo tbat tbe lo?D toill be tlicir faUcs.ipJcitljcr do an rcsarD,if an\? ma take crception,nni3 fat? t tbe p:oJni fc ougbt to fufficc to confirmc t^ falua- ttou of our cljilDjf :fo;r.fmurl) as it batl) plcafco go:) ori) jrujife, tul^o as fte feno* toctb our tucaftncs , VaplleD in tbis bcf fjalf fo mud) to bcare tcnoerlt? toiti) it. Stjcrfojc let tl)cm tbat embrace (> p;jo* mifcofgorsmerc^eto be crtcnneDto tbcir c'oilD;f, tbinkc ^ it is tfjcir ouctic to offer tije to tbe cburcl) to be figneD Id 5 fignc of merer,* tt)erb\? to encourage tbcmfelucs to a mo?e aCTureo coftor ce, bicaufc tbci oo Ujitb pjcfente ere bcbolo tbecoucnateoftbe iom graucn intbe b3DEts cf tbetr cbilt)?en. again,tbe cbil D:enrecc^ucromecommoDiticoftbeir baptifme,tbat being engraffeo into tbe boOD of tbe p tburcb tl)c^ be fomtubat p mo:c cotncnoeD to tbe otber members. 5CbP vul;p tbep are groUje to rpper age, tbep be tberbp not OeDerlp llirrcD bp to earned enDcuo;toU)o;jn[)ipgoD,of tobo tbcp baue ben rcceiueb into bis cbilo^e bp a folemne Ggnc of aooption, bcfo;ic tH^t tbep coulD bp age achnolo bim fo; ii)eir jr uucr.iFinallp tbe fame cooem* natio ougbtgrcatlpto mafeetsafraiD, tbat ©00 iMiU tabctiengeance of it,ifa^ np man or fpife to mark bis fonne \LHtb ♦'7.'4 tbe fign of tbe coucnant,bicaufc bp fucb contempt tbe ijrace offercD is refufcD ano as it toerc fo;ftoo;ne. 10 y|5oto let bs eramine p argumf ts, Ujbcrbp ccrtainc fnrious bcafts bo not ceaflfc to a(Tatlc tbis bolp infiitution of (S^oojfirtlbicuufe tbep fee tbat tbep be cwcaoinglp ncre biiucn anb Ijaro ttrai nco \iJitb t\)c littencs of liSaptifme ani circumcifion,tbcv labo; to plucfe in fon^ Derii)cfct\EO iigneslDitb great DiS^e- i'encejtbattbeoneCjoulD not fame to i'lane anp tbing comon tuitb tbe otbrr. jf c; tbrp fap tbat botb Diuerfc tbinges arc fignrficD , ano tbat ti:e coucnaunt is altogetber biucrs,anD tbat tbe na* ming of tbe cbilD tuall bleffmg p;omifeD to § carnall foe of ^b;abam,berein tbep are mucbe oe- ceiucD. uabcrfoacUjc muff ItucUtc a better marfe, toberunto toe are DirettcD j bp r moff certain suiDingcftfcripture ;Gc 15.1. and. 18. Gal 4.28 R0.4. 13 Cap.i5. OFthe outward mcanes [i(0.4»50 nt LoitJ tUcnfo^e p^omifcD to abja* bam,^ ijcfl^oulD baueafeDctoberinall mtism of t{)c cartb fljal be bleffvDtanD tl)cmim\ affjrctl) biin,ti,citi)e UjciiId be a CDoo to bim ano bifi feD!?.'©i3bofoc* ucr DO bi? if cutb rccciuc Cb;^iIl (> autbo j of blcffmj,ar8 bcircs of tbis p^omife, i tbcrfojc are calleD § cbiloje of ^b?aba. 13 15at altbougb fince tbc rcfurrcctton of Cijnft tbe bounDs of tbe feinsi^om of goD l)Mt bcgon to be far ano toioe en* iargcD into all nations Ujitbout oiffc* rfce,^ accc^Ding to ^ fa\?ing of Cb.Mtt» faitbfuUnc3Q)oalo be gatbercD from cucrp part to fit colon in tbe bcaucnlg tt,\oi^ \3jit\j ab^abair(,^faac,anD dtacob: tct be batJ mani? ages before cvtenoeo tbat fame fo great merc^ to tbc Jetoes. anu bicaafc , pairing ouer all otbcr , be bais cbofen out ^ onlg nation in lubicb be toaulD rettrain bis grace fo; a time, calleD tbf bis peculiar poffcffion , 1 bis purcbafcD people. i?oj teJIifring of fucb libera! itie,circumciGon U)as gene bv. p figne Vobercf p Vetoes migbt be taugbt ^ goD is to tbcm p autbo;^ of faluation: bp iDbicb hnotoleDge tbeir minDcs toer raifcD into bope of cternalHpfe . S^o} tnbat fl>al toe \rartt, tobo goD batb once rcceiues into bis cbarge,2I^berfo;e tt)t ^pollle meaning to p;oue ^tbe<^cm tiles t]uertbecbilD.:cn of ^b;abam as irjclas (> SleljDes, fpeaUetb iiUhi^ man* ner:ab;iaba (faitbbe)toas iuttificD bp fai l> m \jncirciicifion. 3fteriuarD be re ceiaeD p Cgne of tirciicifio, the fcalc of tbc rtgbteoyfncCfe of faitb,^ be fijnlD be tfiz fatber of al tbc faituftiU,botb cf tn* circurnciSsn anD of circainciIion,not of tbcm f gl'^-v of onip circmncifion , btit of tbc tbat foilolu tbe faitb lubicb our fa tbcr iab;iabam ba>) in tjmircumciiion. E>o not iDe fa i' botb fojts are maoe c* gall in Dignities jFo;i,ouring t timt ap* pointcD bp i> Dccre: cf goD^fje twas p fa* t^;?r of circuci 6a. v;Clbf,{/ b)al bclg pluc kt^ Dfjlrn(as p apofife iDjtf cfb ivi an 0 tber placcjbp tubicb § Jetues locr feue ,Ep.J,i4. reD fro p gcriles,§ enf rie toas maoe 0* pen to tbt' alio into y ftingoo of C?oo, be toasmase tbeir fatber,f tbat loout tio lignc of circuniciCon,bicauri tY,t2 baue ISaptifme in iicoe of circuciGon . 3l5ut tobcre be erp^enp bp name Dentetb., tbat ab.:abnm is fatber to tbem tobicb are of circumci Gen onlp,tbat fame luas fpohr to abate p p;ipD of certain, tobicb omittina tbe care of goDline(re,DiD boll tbcmfclues of onlp ceremonies . Mcr tobicb maner at tbis Dap alfo tbeir ba* nitie map be confuteD \x>\)i6) feeUe in llBaptifme natbing but teatcr. 14 But an otber place of tbe 0ponie outof tbe.ty. Cbaptrr of tbe C-pifile to tbe Homaines ^albe allegeD to tijt tof trarp,tDbi?r be teacbctb tbat tbe p lubicb areoftbeflcO), are not tbe cbilC);: en of ab;al)am:but 11)2^^ onlp are accoisipteD bis feo? , U)bicb are t]}t cbilD^en cf pjo^ mife. jfo> be femcto to figniSe,^ p car;» nal liinreD of i\b:aba is Jiotbtng,lul}icb pet tue Doe fct in (cme oegree, 15ut it is moie Di[i3C!itlp fo be marfeeD,tobat mater f> BpoUlc tber entrctctb cf.^f c;, meaning to (bciJj i')e Bieli^es bote mucb tbe goDncffc of roD teas not LounD to i feoe of Eb;jaba>pea 4 jUi it netbig aua^ !ctb of it fclf, be b;jingEtb fo^tb ^fmaeW 5 Cfan fo; traple to p;ouc it : tobo be^ ingrefufeD,as if tbep toer ttrangers,al tbougbt!Kp toereaccc;Ding to tbe flelb tbe natural rfrp;!ngof0b;aba , p blef^ fing reft eD in ^faac ano Jacob. WiljtVf tipon is gaf bereD 1? ^Ucl) be aftertuaro affirmetbjp falaation bangctb of p mer etc of goD,labicb be rrtenDctb to toboni it plcafcib hhn ' f tbat tbere is no caufe tub? p Vetoes ibulD ttanD in tbeir oUm conceit^; boatl tpon ^ name of p coue nant,bnleae tbep feepe f lato of p coue* nant,^ is to fap,Do obep p \]oo;D. ^tgain \3yUn be batb f b;gU)f tbem potpn from I taiinel Ro.it,:^ ToSaluation. Fourth Bookc. FoL4«6 \3aint cofiocnce of t^eirftinrcD, t>et bv caute on tbe otljcr fioe fjc faijo, ^ t^c co- ucnat lutjicl) tuas once maoc of goD \d [j poftcritic Of ab?a^a,coulD in no Uiifc be maoc \3oijD,in tbe xi. Cbaptcr,be ar? ffuctbrtbcrarnallfeinrco is not to be fpo^leo of bis one oicnitie: bp tbe bene^ ficial menc tobcrof be teacbetb t tbe Sic toes are tbe firtt I nataral,bcires of tbe gofpeljbut in refpect ^ hi tbeirtntbaU* fulne£f,tbei tocr fo;rflUcn as l3nUJo;itbi: tet To ^ tbe beaucli? blefftng is not btter l^ remoueD fratbcir natio. ifo; Uibicb rearon,botu mucb foeuer tbei irer ftabf bo;ne i couenant b;f atjcr£f,neuertbe!e£; be callctb tbem bolp (fo mucb bono;j be geuetb to tbe Wv generatiojluitb tobo goo baa toucbfaueo to make h^s boli? couenant) but calletb ^Sy tf uoe be com^ pareo tuitb tbem,as it \ucr after bo;nc, ^ca o; tbe tjntimcl^ bo;:nc cbploien of iab;iabam , ano tbat br aDoption,not bv naturerasifattoiggc bjohen of from bt0 natural trae, (bulo be graffjd into a ftrage ttock SLberefo^e tbat ttiti Iboulo notbeocfraaocti of tljtir p.:ero2atiur,tt beboueotbat tbe gcfpcll ^oulo 'ct firffe p;^eacbeD to tbc:foj tbct be in tbe boufc? bolo of GOD as tt tocre tljt ftrll begotten cbilo:en. tlCiiKrcfo^c tbisbono; toas to bcgcuen tbem, tjntilltbci? refufcD it b:ingofffcDtbcm,anDbi? tbeir otunc biitbankfulncJTc b.:ou^bt topaCTc tbat it toas carico atoav to tbe (lDentilc«. , Xlicitber vet tuttb boU) great obCtinatic fo cucr tbc\) cotinue to maUe tuarre a^ gahia >' Cofpt I, ougbt tbcr to be Defpi* ! feo of bg:if lue cofiocr i> fo.: foe piomi* I fes fa!jc,(i blcJTing of goo Dotb vtt Ciil | remaine among tbcm:as\)crilvtbe ^* pollleteftiftctb t itfi)al ncuer tJttcrliDc j part from tbence.bicaufetbcgt^sano i calling of goo arc tuitbout repentance. I ? iSebolD of UJbat fo jce is ^ p.jomifc | geucn to tlje poCcritie of ab;abam,f i iJDitb U)bat balance it is to be lDci?eD. ' i,Cor.6. 14. Wberfo;c altbcugb inDifccrning tbe beiresof tbe bingDomc from battaruts ano arangcrs, iue nothing Bout ^ tbe cnl^ election of goDruictb \xt frartgbt of goticrnnicnt:ret toe alfo tberiuitball percciuc,^ it picafeo bim peculiarly to emb:acf tbe TcDc of iab;abam iuitb bis mcrcT',f t'aattbe fame merer migbt be tbe moje furclv iritncfTc D, to fealc it u5 circiicifion . ^olu altogetber likeftate is tbcre of tbe Cb;iliia cburcb . ifo^ as Paul tberc rcafonctb i' tbe Jciwcs arc fanctifieD of tbcir pare ts: fo in an otber place be teacbetb,^ tbccl;ilo;en ofCbn ftiansreceiuc tbe fame fanctification of tbcir parets. ^bcrupo is gatbereo, tbat tbcv are tuojtbili? feuercD from tbe reffjtDbicb on tbe otbcr Oce are conof ^ neD of toncleanneffe.ij^oto Uibo ca Dout, but tbat it is mcftfali'e tobicb tbc^Doe tbcmpon cccluDctfcat fap t tl)t inUnts lubicb in olD tT?me toer circumcifcD, oiD onli? figure fpiritaal infa!icr,lpbicb art* fct'ii of fbe regeneration of tbe U)c;Oc of OoO iFc: Paul cotb not fo futtellv plap tl)2 l.^J?iloropber, lubere be Uj;itetb tbat Ro.i^.g Cbjiilistbeminiffcr of circumcifion, | to fil the pjomifes Vubicb b^^ ben maoc to tbe fatbcrs,as if be baD faio tbusijfo^ afmucb as tbe couenant maoe 16 iab;a? bam batb refpect to b^s fe3e, Cb.nft, to pcrfojme f Difcbargc tbe p;onnfecnce maoc bv bis fatber came to faluation to tbe nation of v BicUjcs.^ee tou not boU) alio after tbe refurrccticn ofCb?ift» be iu:}^etb 1? the p;jGmifc of tbe ccuenaunt is to be fuiailcD,not oncli? bv toa\? of alf lcgon'>b"t as ^^^ ter? tuD;w no fonno, to tbe carnall feoe of i\b;abam. %o tbe fame ententfcruetb tbat tobicb Peter in tbe 2.cbapt.oftbeiactes,iiCclaretb to tbe Jetues, tbat tbe bencfite of tbe qcU pcU is t»ue to tbem ano tber; feoe bp rigbt of tlje concnant,ano in tbe cbapter nert fcUotoiug be callctb tbem tbe cbil^ bxm of r £DeGamrnt,)^ is to far,bcires. ifroml Aa,2.3P Of the outward meanes ifrotDtiiclialfo not mucfj rjifaccojoert t\)t ottjtr place of tbe 3poaie aboue al* legcOjtober tjearcoptetl) t fcttett) cirrii* cifion cmp^inteD in infants, fo? a tefti^ monie of t^c communion Whv^^ ^^^"S fjaue tDitb €hM* I'^ut if toe barken to tbcir trifles, tDbat (balbe to^oufibtbi? tbat p jomife,toberel\? tbc IIo;d in tbe fcccno article of bt0 lain tjnnertahetb to bis feruaiits, tbat be toil be fauonra^ ble to tbeir fetoe euen to tbe tboufabetb generations $)al toe bere flee to allege* riesf But t toerc to trifling a Wt ^i- C)cil toe fa^ tbat tbis is aboliCjeD. 515nt fQ tbc latoc IboulD be tearopeu, tobicb Cbiitt came ratber to ftabliflbe, fo farre as it turnetb bs to goD bnto Ufe.llet it tberefo^e bee out of contrciierfie, tbat ©OD is fo goD ano liiberall fo Iji^sf, tbat fo^ tbeir fahes,be toiU banc alfo tbeir cbilD,Kn,toboin tbc\? Cball beget, to ba aonumb;cD among b^s people. 16 ^o.2ccuer tbe mfitreces tobicb fbe^ go about to put bettoan ISaptifme anD cirfumciQon,are not cnlp tooitb^ to be lauabeo at, ano bopD of all colo; of rca^ fon,but alfo oifagreeing tot'tb tbemfel* / i former Biffiercce is a mere Hjeame if tbe? ItdcD to eirpouno b^ toa^ of allego rie bp6 tl)c eigbtb Dar,pct it agreeD not in p maner.Jt toere mucb fitter,acco;!» Ding to ^ opinio of tbe oloe to^iters, to refer tbe niiber of eigbt to f refurrectij» on tobicb toas bone on tf)e eigbtb ba?) toberupon toe knoto tbat ttit netoneCe of life bangetb: 0^ to tl)z tobol courfe of tbis p;^cfent life, toberin mo;tiflcatton ougbt altoa^ to go fo?toaro,til tobf life is enoeD,mo.2tiflcation it felfe ma^ alfo be enbeb . l^otobeit (0oD ma^ feeme to baue miniJeo to p:ouiDc fo; tbe tenner/ neCTeof age,in Differing ciraimcifion ^ etgbtb bat?,bieaufe ^ tooitD IboulD bane ben mo,ie Daiigerous to J cbilb?en neto bo?ne f ret rei fro tbeir motber . I^oto mucb ftronger is ttat, ^ toe being ieao befo)e,are bnrieD br bapf ifme : tobe tbe fcripture erp;ieOp crictb to § contrary i toe are burieo mto Deatb to this entent, ^ toe fljolD ore , f fro tbcnce fo;tb (bolD enoeuoj to tbis mortification i J5oto, a liketoife baoling,it is,t tl)t\! cauill tbat toomen ougbt not to be baptifeD, if bap* tifme mnft be frameo lifec to Circuciff" on. ifo; if it be moa certain t fbe facri ucs iro; tob^n tbevbaneaffirmeb tbat baptifme batb relatio to the firft ba^ of f^ing of § feoe of 3!frael toas teftifieo b)? tbe fpiritual battel,bnt circumcificn to | tbe figne of CircumciCcn: tberbp alfo it tbe eigbtb toben mc;rtificaf ton is alrea# DrenoeD,bianobr forgetting tbe fame, i t^cn turne tbeir fong, anu call circum* ciCio a figure of {^ fleflje to be mortifieb, but baptifme tljci cal burial,into \Dlnzi) none are to be put till tbei? bealrcaD^ oeao. ?i2:i bat Dotages of pbrentiUe men, can \33it\) To great ligbtneffe leapc into fojiDrr Diuerfitiesf jf o; in tbc firft fern tece,baptifme muft goe lefcrc circimu cifif-n:b\? v otber, it is tljmQ bacfe into i latter place. |^et is it no neto evsple, tbat tbc Mts cf men be fo toffcb fcpano boiun, tobe in fteocof tbemoft certain topjo of (!?eD tbey too;(bip tobatfoeucr is tiiDouteD, ^ it toas geuen to fanctific botb males $ females. 115ut tbe onl^ bo* Dies of male cbilD^e toere marfeeO \x:ith ity tobicbc migbt b^ mtmt be marfeeD: ret fo ^ tbc to'omen toere br tbem after a certaine maner companions f parte* ners of Circurtfion.SDbercfo;e fcnDing farre atoar fucb follies of tbcirs , let bs fiicfeefaftintbc bolinelTeof ilSaptifme anD Circucifion, tobicb toe moft largelp- fce to agree in the intoarD mrfterre, in the promifes,in bfe,in effettualneffe. \7 2Dber tbin^ alfo 1^ tber bring fo;tb a moft ftrong reafon,tobr cbilDren are to be DebarrcD from :il5aptifme,tob;n.^fj\t fo^Bicatffe be i0lpfe:2:oerfojc tbat be ma^ gcuc [pfe to tbe,be iiiafectb tbe pairta&crs of b^m- fcmtubC'i in tf)^ rtieane t^ine tbefe fel^ lolU25 onuinj fbe far aiua^oo aoiuoge tbem to oeatb.if o.i if tocp fap fo.z a iCbift tbat infantes do iiot tberefaje pert(^e if tbe^ be accompteb tbe cbil&jen of aoa, tbe^,z erroj iflsaburwantlpe confnteD by toitneffe oftbe fcriptare.^o.: toberas it pjonouncetJ) mt all 00 ope in aoam, it folljlwetb tbat tbere remaynelb ito bopc of IKe but in CbjiaCberefoze tbat Iiie niai^e bem.ioe beircs of Ipfe,tBe mtif!e tommanicatc toiti} b\?m.agai>iie ft»ben it is lojitfen ui anotber placfe, tbat bp nature toe are al fubieft to tbe tozatb of I ©oD,anDconceaucD in 6nne, tobcrunto SI>amnation perpe^aHp cleatwtb : toe mutt Depaf t out of our otonitatwe, bc^^ fO;:e tbat t^ cntt^ be apen to bs iiitofbc feing^jomeof eao.ams tD^t cabe rfio;c plairtlp rp3&cn,tban tbat fle(&f blcfwo ca not polRffe tbe Uingt)eme of (ShfaZHtf^ fo^e let alt be Dene atoap tobatfbeuer is om-s (Uibtcbfl^Il not be Dorte fettbout regeheratioA)tben iDe fl^li f« tbis pof^ f^&oftb^&iagDotrte;iPinall?tr'^en be rt^o^tetb tbafbe is ll!fe,it«it3ecefrari?etbat toe be^raffeb itito b^n>tbat 4»e ma? be uclmttc^bat of tbe bonDageofoeatb. 15at (fap tber) gKb^noit Of euifif libut leuearif Ujc re, tbat tfjc tuo;Uc ofCDoD idnotf c^ no too?h at cin^ftbougbitbehbt fubiertctoour ca^ >acitic-.^o^eouer it is mt\)ittQ Doutful, t^t p^Hifants iDbirb are to be faueD(as bcrily of tbat age fome arefaucDjare before regenerate of tbe il^De. ipo^jif mi Hm tDitb tbem fro tbcir motbcrs tjjonfbetbe co^ruptioh naturallt? plan^ t^in tbemUbep mtitt be^ {jurgeo tterof, before ^ tb^i befabmitfib Into m tinQf borne of Oabiiolj^i-ihtomrtbing enfrctb f is Defileb oj fpotteu. Jf tbey be bo;ne mm3rs,as botb B^m f l^aul affirme: egtber tbep remayne out of fauour ano batefull to <3ovi~yo;. tbey mH£ neebes be iuiWaeb atiD^tbbv^t fe^etuemtfje , tobe tbe ruDge bimTjff f openly afftrmetb tbat tbeentrpiinfofjefauemytyfe is open to hone btit tolbem^6at be bojne ag^ynef 0hD^ to pat Fucb carpers to (ilence, be (ftetoeoan eramplein Mn v llBaptitt, tDt)o be fanctiSea in bis motbers luomb, l»I)atbe toasableto do in tbe reft. j]5ey^ tijcr Doe tbey antt^Jmg p;euaile by m fl&tft tbberiuitbtljcy bere mocfe , ^ tbat tua»but once Done t' tobereupon it Dotb not biantjby folloto ^at fllo;jD is loont commohly to Doe fo Uiitb infantes, jfo? fte'yt^ei* DO toe reafon after tbat maner: p«|[t buf purpofe is to (^cto,^ tbe potoer of ^ob is by tbem bniuftly i enuiouOy Hmitth toi^in tbofc^ ^rrotoe bounDcs ijiit^n'iskicl) it fuffrctb-not it felf to be bountiiraetr otber brfttftis enen of as grefft \Jkx^^Mm allege tbat b^^tbc t)^ fuafi mancr of tbefcripturctbis tDo;De (frmn-tbe toombe) is as mi\cl) in effect^ a«f if ilftbcrijfayt^, from cbtlDbo^De. iBut tbe m^^v^ fee,tbat fbe angel tobm be decfdbcDtbc fame to ^arbarp, ment an^tber tbyn^ : tbat is , tbat it tubicbe tea^iiot rct%oine,(boalD be filleo ^oit^ tbe boly ©ljott'.iLe:t bs not tberefo;e at^ F0I41 liph.2.3 Ioh.3.3. Luk.r.i^ ^m«re(nfaiitsregcncrate,UJbicbare | tettipt to appo^t a lalu to 0oD,but tbat |ngt£gDagt^Mt(}i;.noU)lcDgenegtberofmma)?f^^^^ '■■ - - (m^fStA^ ^i jCap.i^" Of the outward meancs l\,o.^.4. in fufb maner as ftc alone foiefeettj to. be ej:pcDicnc»3f tftei? cbaOce to grolo t>p eoagc,tDl)crb\?tl)eiuia»be. taugbt tbe jthitb of baptifine,tbet (bal berbr be. tbe mo;e oihtnDitieD to tb^f nocao^ of ttncf luing,tbat tebcn tobtrof tbei Ojalleara to banc brn gcocn tfje fro tbetr firft m* facictbattbc? (bulD erercife tbefclucg in tt tbjougbout p tubole courfc of tbcir hfr.SDo § fame cnttnt ougbt^ to beap> plicn tobicb l^awl tcacbctb m mapla*- XtB^f bp baptifme tne are burtcu toge'^ j, ** 'jtbcrl»cb?ift.ifo^beootbnotmmttber. bi,^ bctubifb IB to be baptifeu, mutt be alrcaDT? ftrft biirie d togctber Id CbJift: but fimpli DeclaretbtubatDoctrmc is CO tetncD tmDcr baptifmepea f ^ totbe ^ jbr alreaD?? baptifrorfo ^tjeri? mao men iDoulD not affiiinc br tbisplacc tbat it goetb bcfojc baptifme.after tbis nianer '^ofcs I tbe p;opbetB did put tbe people I m mino lobat circucifion meant,it)ber;= I \£ ret tbet? bab ben marben tobile fljep pal.5.27j tucr tnfiats. £Df tbe fanTC effett alfo is J ' iDbicb be to;itetb to ^ bf, f Hetbi^tj i« Icit to tbe Buptifme of J pf^te^ybtrt 15 it«)ulblj'e a^^inriwotie, imme!ri#oti)bicbtt)** rrftte is f^r ci. llaif^.lBlif tbe^of^citftfr^te m tbiser^*^ ro^j/baUlicptBifijaa^tbe tbingrn o^t bcj* gti^Jo Hlpe altoat?; befo; e V fim^ f ' '■::7r- i?o; ti5C trutb of circiicifio alfo roiifteu off fame gain loitncs of gopD conDciecCw 31 it tragbt of neetffirtc to bauc gonthCf fo;re,infates fltulD ncnc r bauc bene dr^ cttetfe^ bi tbe comatiD;emft of goD..l;5ut be (belDingtbat tbe tuitnrs of a ^tf^&i fctencetDasconteineD tnDer tlitttutt) of cireiicifion,! r^t tberUiitbal alfo com mannbing tnfate6lob;e cirtucifeb^botb , in tbat point f ufiftrientlt Declare f tit" cuci&onis applicDfatbc time to tiome. Mberfojt tberr is rto mo?je p;efent*c^ fettualnes tabe rrc^tiSreD in ^JBaptifme of tnfats,tba tbat it 0)ulD rofirine f tta^ bltlb tbe couenant maDc bi? tt^t lo^De v6 tbcm,2Ebe rett of Hgnificafto" of tbat facramrt (ba! aftcrttjarD folotu at Xucb time asgoD bimfelfeftj^efectb . 22 j^otD 3 tl)ik tbcr i6 no ma,^ Dctb not clearit? fa ^ al fucb reafos of ttjcirs are . mere miftoff rigs of fcripf ore, Sis to} i rett ^ be of a nere feinD to tbefe, toe Ixitl ligbtli run tbiJougb tbe bp g Uja^Xbei obiect tbat IBaptiftncis gcuen tnto rbe fo;igeueneCO^df£nne&t ; tebicbltjjjenil is graunf CD > toiii lar^l^ mi^c ft>; De>! i fence of onrcfcntence* i?o;:(itbliJeb^ bo;^ne(tmters^l»e do tni from^nr nm^ tbers toombeneeD fojgcucinette f ,par!»: Don,;^otD fefing ttjt llo^ Dotb not tut of,but ratber aflfure to f age^tbe bopf of; nicn^;^ibB tboultttocf tafe^fro tbirbei figrtetobicbitsiimjcbinferw;r.i3 |J7. ToSaluation, toill^ne tbe toafl^mg toberetuttb be deanretl^ i)t0 C()nrcbe,to be tellificD br bapttfme: it fcmetb not riabtfuU tbat it (bonloetDant tbe tefftmoni? of it in iw fante0,tDbicbare rigbtfallp accompteo p^rt of tbc cburcb>fo;tarmucb a? tbei be calleD bcires of tbc beaucnl^ bmgoome. if o; |0aul fpcahctb of tbc tobole cburcb lobere be faitb tbat it to^s clcnfco iDttb tbe ^aptifm of toater. ilifeetutfe of tbts tbat in an otber place be fa^tb, tbat toe be b^ iBaptifme graffcD into tbe boop of Cb;iff9 toe (^atber tbat infante?, tobom be recfeenctb among bT?« mrbeWjOugbt to be baptifeo,lett tbei be pluckcD atoa^ from bt^ boD^.^eboU Uiitb U)bat bio^ Icnce toiib To man? engins tl)c^ aOanlt tbc fojtrellefi of our faptb. 23 Cbcn tbei? come oobon to § p:atf ifc I caftome of ^ time of '^ apoftlcs,U)ber^ in none is fount) to baue bene aomitteo to iSaptifme, but be tubtcb batb befo;e p^ofeffeo fa^tb f rcpentance.if oj tober Aa.a.37 |[)eterU)asafbfboftbcm^ tocremin* DeD to repcnte,Vubat Uia5 neDtfuU to be A^.8.37 bone,be counfcUcD tbem firft to repent, f tbcn to be baptifcB, into i fo;geueneB of annc0 . ilifectoifc pbilip* tubcn tbe CDunucb requires to be baptifeo,anflDc* rcD # be migbt be baptifco if be bclcueD toitb al bis bart.l^crcb? tbci? tbinS tbat tbcp mi? Ujin,tbat it is not latofal tbat ISaptifmc be grautcD to an?,but toberc fe?tb f repentance go befo;c.i!^mc!? if toe ?cl02 to tbi?3 rcafon,t!3e fird of tbcfc ttDo places toi)crc is no mention maoe of if arti),U)iU p;ouc ^ repentance alone fuff!fctb:anu tbc otber place>\Dbcrin re* pcfitancc is not required, toill p,:one ^ if .^.i^rb onl? is cnoagb. 3 ^inU t^cv toil anftoere ^ tbe one place is bolpcn toitb tbc ctbcr, anD tbcrcfo jc mutt be iorneD t33Dtbcr.31 fav alfo l^ketovfctbat otber places nuia be lai'Dc togetljer toljicb^ nuke fomctobat to tbe twDoing of tb?3 fenat : fo;afm.icb as tbere be man? fen> Fourth Bookc. Fol 459 tences in Scripture, tbc linDcrftanbing toberof bangctb bpon tbc circumaancc of tbe place. ^ tb?s p;cfcntlp is an n* amplc.iFo; tbe? to tobom ^leter 1 pbi^ lip fpafeetbefetb?nfls toerc of age fuffi* ctcnt to baue p;a£ttre of repentance ano to conceaae ifa?tb.Mc earnclH? uen? tbat fucb ougtjt to be baptifeb, bntill af* tcrperccauuigof tbcir conucrfion ano ifa?tb, at leatt fo far as it ma? be feap fbeo out b? t^c iuDgemcnt of mcn.I3ut, tbat infantes ougbt to be accompteo m an otber number, it 15 mo;u;tban eut^ oentcnougbifo; in olDtime if an? ma D?D io?ne b?mrelfc into communion of religion toitb BifracU^tt bcboneo tbat be lIjoulD firft be taugbt tbt coucnat of tbe iLo;9,anB intt ructcD in tbc iato , befo;c tbat be toerc markeo toitb Circumcifi? on,bicaure in btrtb be toas affrannger from tbe people of ^fracll , toitb tobom tbe roucnant bao bene maDe tobicb ctr^ cumciCon Kabliflbco. 24 09 alfo tbe ILo;d, toben be aboptetb 0b;aba to bimfelf,ootb not brgm atcir* cumcidon , b?oing in tbe meane t?me \x)l)it be meanetbb? tbat figne:bat firH be bcclaretb tobat couenaunt be enten^ Detb to make t6 bim , 1 tben after fa?tb geuen to ? p;iomife9be maketb bim par* taker of tbc &acramcnt . Mlb? botb in ab:aba tbe Sacrament folloto ifaitb^f in Jfaac b?s fonne it goctb before al toi* Derftano?ng i IBicaufe it is mate ^ be^ tobicb being in ful grotoen age is vem* ueb into fellotoOjip of tbc eonenant, fro tobicb be bab bene betberto a ttranger, QjoulD firft learne tbe conoitions t^of: but an infant begotten of bim nebco not fo, tol)icbb? rigbtof inbcritancc acco; Ding to cbcfo^me of tbc p^omife i^tum fro b?s motbcrs toomb containeo in tbc ' coucnant . i2D.: (tbat tl}e matter ma? be mo^c clerel? f b.jccfl? (SctocD) if? cbil- o;cn of tbe faitbfull,toitbont tbcbclp of bnijerftanDing, arcpartahersoftbt co^ Gc;i7.i6 ©OiS>.ui. ncnaiit. Cap.^<5J Of the outvvardc meanes bp.2J2, Vl;(t^.<5« foIu5.j. nenant,tl3c?e 10 no caufe to^\? tijci fl}oliD beDebarrcDfrotl)Cfigneofil)T?s j^ tbci? ca not ftueare to tbc fc;^m of ^ t oacnat. SEIjtB'^crtlv tfi tlje rcafon,ti3l)i? in fomc places ;illnlefi)gamanbclo;neagatnot/ is bcfo;e jfa^lb anb Hepcntaunce; fo;afmucb hi Mat,3.3i To Saluation, Fohj24 fo^afmucl) as in tfjt \3J0}ms of C^.:iffe' itgoett) before ti^c^^vif^t is certain tfjattbis is t)nocrftanDeD of fpirttuall gifts; tobicfj if t!)e5? come after bapfif* me, S ftaue obterneo tobat 3 require. Ii5ut leauing caiuilafioniS,tDe muff bolb fade tbe pla^ne erpofttion, tubvcb 3 baucb;ougbt, tbatnoman tillbebaue bene rcncUjcb tuitb ItlMtng toater, tbat is,U)itbtbe ^pirite, ran enter into tbe bing^omeofo0. 26 ^ otu bercbi? alfo if i£f eu^d^nt tf)at tbeir fa^neD inuentto is to be bitlcD out, lubicb aoiHDge al tbe tnbaptifeD to ctcr nalloeatb. Cbcrefojclettjs acco^oing to tbeir rcqucffe imagine baptrfme to be mrniftreD to none but to fljem tbat be grotoen in age:U)bal tuill tbe? fape Ojal become of a cbrl5, \x)Uc\j i& r^gbt* Iv f Ijoelinftrttctj Ir-itij tbc introuuttios of goblinienre, if iBben tbe Da^of bapti^ ling is at banDcbe bappen to bee fallen atoai? l»\]tb foDcn ceatb befioe al mens bopef SCbe lojDs pjsmrfe is cleare,tbat tDbofoeuer W^ bcleucti in p fonnejCbat not fee oeatb, no} (hall come to iuoge* ment, but is alrraDp paffcD from beatb into life:an?» it is no luberc foiio tbat be euer banco bim tbat Uias not pet bapti:* ' feo. ®:Ebtcb 31 tooulD not bane fo tafeen ofmeastbougbc 3 meant tbat baptif^ me mrgbt fralt? be Defprfeo (b? Ujbicb Defppfing J affirme tW tljc Io;dcs co^ nenant is Dcftleo: fo mucb Icflfc can 3 a^ bvoe to e]c:ufe it ) onlp it is ciiougb fo; me to p;ouc,t!}at it is not fo ncccft'arie, tbat be awalD be immeaciatlntboogbt to be loft, from Iwboin poller is tafecn atoap to obtcvne it . i5?it if tuc agree to tbeir farncD Deurfc, luc fbaH Damne Mlt'mn tDitbout CFception;\ubom aivg cbciunceteitljolDctb fro bapt^tTBtc, tuitf) bo\u great raitb fe*cufr(bvti!mfeif i0 poflcffeD) ctbcr&t'f? tbJV are fiiO'u'cb. Sf^'O^coner tbrp make at inUlts giUi^^of etcrnali Dcat?)> to Wmu tJjet? fourth Bookc. foh42o« Denre l!5aptifme,febicb bp f bcir otone cdnffffio is necelTar? to faluafio./fiotB lettbemIohebotDtrimIi?tbcp agre yjo tbe toojbes of cb;ift,bp lob^icb tbe bing/ Domofbeaucni^ aotuDgeD totf^e age. But to graunt tbe eoerp tfjing fo mucb as pertcinetb to p bnberttaDing of tbis placc,pet tbep fl&al gatbcr notbing f ber# of,bnlcire tbcp ouertb^oUie ttit fo;tmer Doctrine tobicb lue baue If ablifljcD con* cerning tbe regeneration of infantes , 27 But tbep gIo;p tbat tbei baue § ftrc* geft bolt) of all in ti)c berp inttitutio of baptifmcUibicb tbcp fctcbe oute of tbe lafteCbapter of spatbelDitDberCb^itt fenbing fo;tbbis apoftles to al natios, geuctb tbem tbe firft ccmmaunDement to teac!ie tbem,anD tbe feconbe to bap^ tifetbem, STbenalfo outoftbelaacof sparse tbcpaoiopne tbis. \^e tbat bele^ uetb f is bapf ifcb,(bal be faueb. Mbat faketue furtber (fai? tbep) tuben tbe lo;os oton ljDo;os uoopcnlp founD,tbat toe muft firtt teacb ere lue faaptife,anD i)o alTignc to baptifmetbe feconb (fate after iFaitb^Ji3)ftobiebo?birr tt)c Jio^e, alfo OjctueD an erampfe in bimfeife, tobicb tooulb be baptifeb not till f> tbir* titb rearc.But bcrc,^ gflsoOoD^oUie. manp toares do t\)e^ faotb entaglc tbe*;: rcluesanobeto^ave tber? otoneigno^i ranccf jf 0; berein tbepnotomo;etban cbplDiOjlr erre, tbat tbci fetcbetbe firft inttitution of Baptifmefrora tiicmcr UJbicbeCb;ilt bab from t))t beginning of bis p^eacbing gcaen in efrarge to tiis apoltlesto miniftcr. 2^erfo;etberis nocaufctobptbepfbculo aifirme tbat tbe Iah5 ann rule of S3aptirme is to ba fetcbcD cut cf tbcfe places v.s tf:xugf>' tbep contcpncD t\)c (irft inCitutio tber:> of.5i&iit,tc beare luifb tbe fc: tbis fault, ret l>eUJ trong is tbis nianer of reafo^ Viinzi SZViitl^ if 3 HtteD to Dallp iuvti> tbem,tuer iz not a Ittlc lurUing i;Ole,but amot*g li-iPe Mh ogerctb it Celfc cpcti Mat»i^ 14. Mar,i6. i6. iMat.3 13 uk.3 ajl f Of the outvvardc meanes f^Mtotihpt ttjem. Jfoj tobcn t^eu jto be bapfifeo, aDioienig a p;omifc,tljat ftitk fo faft to tbe ointr of luo^cst , tljat | tl^d luljicb bcleue « are baptifco fl^al be tbcigatber tbat bpcapfe it is fa^D, goe i fatteo.^fcs tbcr m al tbat fating fo murb p;eacbi ano baptife.jagain be tbat bclc* ; as one fillable of infants^ ^bat fcjuie ucth ano 16 baptifeo, tberfo^e tbei nmft j tberfo;e of reafomug Ojal tbis be U-bcr* pjcacb before lUat tbci baptifc, t bcleue \ toitb tbcr affable tis; tbc? u>bub arc of before tbat tbei require baptifme:tDb? grotuen age,mua firlt be inCrutteb, t mai' not toe again aufuuertbe ID facing tber ma^beleue, ere tbti! be baptilcD: tbat U)c mult baptife befo;e ^ toe mutt tberfo;e it is bnlatoful to maUe baptif* teacb ^ Ijeping of tbofe tbtgs tbat ti)M me common to infantes^ jaitbeugb t^ci batb commauoenmamcl^ Wb it is faiD, toonlDc burtt tbcmlcluesjtbei? fljal p;o^ baptife te,teacbing tbem to bepe tobat^ uc notbig el0 hy> tim place but tbat tf)t focucrtbing03ibaue comaunoto rcu^ gofpeUmuft bepjeacbeo to tbcmtbat tobicb fame tbfg toe baue noteo in tbat are of capacitic able to bcarc it, before favingofCb;ift tobicb batb benecuen tbattbe^bebaptifeb, fo;aimucba0 be nolu allegeb coccrning § regeneration tbere fpeafeetb of fucb onclr . Ilet tbem of toatcr t fbc fpirit.ifc; if it be fo Urn bereof, iSt\)t^ can, mabe a fiop to De* DerftoDe as tbe? toolo baue if,tJerilv in barre infantes from baptifmc. tbc place baptifmemutt be befo;e tpU ^9 ^ut,tbateuenblinDmen alfoma^ ritual regeneratiojbicaufe it is nameo toitb groping fino out tbeir umiUs, 3 in tbc firft plae c,fo; cbJift botb teacb t ^»1 Po J"^ ^bem out iait}) a ber^ cleare toe muft be regcnerate,not of tbe fpirit fimiUtaoe.Bif an^ mS cauil tbat infats anb toater, but of toater anb tbe fpirit 28 il^ototbistnuinciblereafontobere^ bpo t^ii beare tbtfelues fo bolo,femetb to be fomtobat lbaken;bnt bicaufe trutb batb Defence enougb tn fimplicitie, i toil not efcape atoa^ \3b fucb ligbt argu« ments. nerefo^e let tbem take toitb tbem a ful anftoer.Cb;ift in tbis place geuetb tbe cbefe comattoemcnt concern ning p^eacbing of tbe gofpel,toberunto be aotoi^netb tbe minifterie of baptifme as an aODttio baging bppo it, again be fpeabetbnone otbertopfe of baptifme but fofaras tbe mtnilh-atto of it is \nv oer tbe office of teacbtg.ifo; cb;itt ftn» betb tbe apoftles to pubttfb tbe gofpell to al tbe natios of 1^ too;Io,^ tbep flmlb from ecbe tober )pd tbe Doarme of faiua tton gatbertogetbertntobis tttngoom mr t before toer loH.llBut tobo,o;i tobat manerofmenf^t is certain tbat tbere is no mention but of tbem tbat are able to receiue teacbig.J3ftertoaro be aooetb tbat fucb^tobe tbei are ingructeb,ousbti ougbt to baue meate tabe from tbe,tpo tbtsp;etencetbat tbejapoaie fufferetb none to rate but tbem f labo;, (ball be not be too;tbr V al men IbuiD fpit at bi^ Mbr fo^iaicaufe be toitbout bifferfce b;atoitb tbat to al men,tobicb toas fpo^^ benofonebtnoe ( cnecertatne age of men.^0 tobit babfomer is tbeir banc* ling in tbis pjefent caufe. iFo;,^ \i}W\) euer^manfeetb to belongeto one age alone,tbet o^to to infats,tbat tbis age alfoma^ be fubiect to tbat rule tobieb toas maoe fo; none but tbem tbat toer nio;e grotoen tn vears. ^s fo; § eicaple of cb;itt,it notbigtpbolDctb tbeir &De. I^e toas not )lf aptifeo before ^ be toas tbirtie teres olo. %t)at ts in Deeotrue, but tber is a reafon tbereof react to be (betoeD: bicaufe be tbe pnrpofeD bt bt0 p;eacbingto lat a foiio fotioation of bap tifuie 0; ratter to ftabUU) t fcunDatton tobicb babbe ben befQ;elatbeof a;obn. Cberefo;e toben be minbeo toitb btie^ DQgrinfo inttitufe baptifme^to procure tbe ?jThc3.j I-uk.3»23 tl^e greater autl[|o;ttv to tts inHitutto, tie famttfieo it Uittb Ub oUinc boD^ianD tl}at in fucU fitnes of time as tuas moft conucntent,namel)? tut^en t)e began btB p;eacbuig.if mallt tbcv fljal! gaUjf r no/ t^tiig els bereofjbut t tapttrnie tebe bts o;tgtnaU t beginning at \> p;eacbing of tlje gofpel. 3if tbe^ liU to apotnt tbe.30. ^ere,lDb]? 00 tbe^ not bepe it,but bo re* aiut euert> one to ^pttfme as be batb in tbetr iuogemet fufficientlr p;ofiteD i tea I Scructtus one of tber; maiUcrs, UJbe be ftifii? requireb tbis time,ret be^ gan at p.2i.rere cf btc age to fcoft btnu^ felf to be a p^opbet.j^s tbcugb be luerc to be fuffreo t ta^etb bpon bimrelfe tbe place of a teacber tn tbe Cburcb? befo;c tbat be be a member of tbe Cburcb* J30 jat t}3t laft tbep obictt, tbat tbere is no greater caufc Ipbv bapttime (boulo 'be geuen to tnfants,tban tbei,o;Ds fup .per,U)bicb ?et ts net gratiteDtbcm. ^s Tojaluauon« __ Fourth Eookc^ |FoU420. iLo;Ds beatb, to toej? tbe pcUVc r * ijerof. i" " ?Iiiolo toe baueanitbingp!atncr,fban 'i.Cor.n t tubicb i apoCle teacbetb iDben be er* '28. ! bo^tctb t^ f uerr man l^nlD p;oue 1 era= mme bmifclfe, n ttm m of tbis b;eaD, t b;mh oftbiseupf Suberfo^c eramina* tio uuiC n,c befo;e,tobicb ftulb in tain be lotieD fc; of infants. ;againe,be f ta^ tetb b{.UJo;:tbili>,cfitetb t b;infec(f; bem nation tobifelf.not bifcerning 1 3^o;t)s bcbp.3(f ncne can partf.fec tuo;tbili' but ti}tv t ran toel bilcrrne t bdmcs of tbe Lc;ncsboDv,tt)br Ojulc U e gcuc to cur tcnDrr cbtlB;cn,pcrfcn m Ceoe of liiie^ Iv fcDe i ^bat IS ^ commannbemf t cf tbe llo;b,te fijal to it in remembrance of me ;f Uibat is tbat otber tobicb t\)t Si-- po0le beriuetb from tbe fame, ^oofte as It ftaU eat of tbis b?eat), ^c l^all ce« Clare t^c lojbs beatb til be comef tobat rcmemb;ance (3 befecbe tou) Ojall toe require at car infants of t tbing tobicb l^bougbtbefcripturebiD noteuerrtoau j tbevneueratteineb vobnoerlfanDing? ;e)cp;cffe a large Difference. Me fame ; tobatp^eacbingof tbe crcffc of Cbiitt? toas in ntht bfuallt Don in ^ olD cburcb> as it appearetb bt Cypnan ano Augu- llinc: but ^ manor is too;tbiIr grctone out of tife. j^o} if toe co&oer tbe nature ano p^opent of baptifme, it is trult an entrp into ^ eburcb^l as it toer a fo;me of aDmiffion^toberbt toe are aonub^eo into i people of goD>a figne of our fpiri tua( rcgeneratio bi? tobub toe arc bo;n again tuto tbecbtlo^en of dDoo: tobcras on t^t otber fioe tbe fupper is geuen to tbem i be mo;e grotone in age, \s)\)iti) bauing paffeo tenoer tnfancie,are noto able to beare ttrong meat. Ribteb Dif« fcrencc is ber^ euiDcntl? t^ctoco uip fcripture.ifo^ tbere i 3lo;D,fo mucb as perteinetb to bapttm,maketb no cboife of agcs.)15ut be botbe not Ubetotfe geue i fupper to all to take part of it, but 011^ iv to tbem tobicb are fit to oifceme tbe boD^ ano blouD of tl)t !lo;D,to eramine tbetr otone confcicnce? to Declare tbe tbe fo;ce f benefite toberof tber do net T?et comp;ebcnD in minof jpJonc of tbefe tbings is p;efcribeD in baptifm. SDber* fo;e bettoecne t\)€ic ttoo Qgnes is great Difference : \i^l)ia) toe note alfo in Itikc (ignes in tbe olD teffamcnt.Circumci0« on, tobicb is l^notoen to anftocr to our baptifme,toas apporntcD fo^ infantes, ^ut 'p paCTcoucr into tobofe place f fup per batb noto fucccDco, DiD not rece^ue al maner of geftes toitbout Difference, but toas rtgbtlv eaten of tbem onlr^ t migijte b^ age enquire of tbe ttgnifiea^ tion of It. if tbefe men bao remaining one crum of founo b;:aine,toolD tijt^ be bitnoc at a tbing fo cUare> anD offering it fdfe to Cgbt^ 32 jaitbougb it greoetb me to loabe tbe reaoers toitbabeape of tnflcs : vtt it (balbe too;tb § trauatl b;cfelt) to toipe atoar fucb gar refons as Scructtus not tbe leallof tbe anabaptiffes, tea tbe. I ©©(5.tj, great Cap. \6,] Oftheoutvvafde meanes !loh.3 3<$ great glo;^ of ^ companp,t!)ougbt^tm^ f0lfe to bms tuben be p^epareu bifelfe to C3.iai(t.^2 allegetb ^ €fi}ifttsnzns jas ti^c^ be perfect, fo Do require tbem ^ \hz perfect, oj able to conceiue perfedto* mat tlit folatton is eaf^ : tbat § perfec* tion of baptifme,i»birb eiftenDetb euen ' to t)eatb,V5Uj;^6gfuU^ rettraineo to one I po^nte of time. 31 fa^ T?ct furtber,^ per^ I fection is f©!in)l^ rcquireo tninanatf ! firftDd^j tobereuntcbaptsfmeaUuretb I t)S all our life long b^ cotinual Degrees. \ ^2 obicctetb tbatCbuttea ftgnesiwcre ! ojaeineD fo^ remembrance,^ cneri ma 1 l^iilD remember tbat be iaas burieD to^ getber \s3it)j Cb?ift.3i anftuer tbat,tbat j u»!)vcb be batb faineo of bis oton beao, ' n jeoetb no confutation:^ea tbat \3)\)vih I b? D jaVDctb to baptifme.paubs tuojDC0 j fijstsjc to be proper to tbc bolv fupper,^ \ cucr\? man fijulD eramme bimfelfcibut cf baptifme tbcrc is no tobere an\? fucb tl)ing.^i3creiipon toe gvitber tbat tbe^ be rigbtl^ BapufcD , Iwbicb fo^ tbcir fmalncffe 6f agcare notref able to rs^ cmt eramiimtion.'GHbcr^s be tlml^ alkgetb,^ al t\)t^ abioe in Dcatb lubicb bclKue not tbe fon of (I5o3, ano tbat tbe tojatb of OoD,abiDctb bpon tl)tm *, anD tberfo;e ^ infants U3bicb canot bcleeue, tie ill tbeir Damnation: ^ anfloere tbat Cb;i(l tbere fpeafectb not of § generall giUines Uil}erii)itb all (> potl:erif\? of jil' aa are gnto;jappeo, but enl^ tb^eatnctb tbe Defpifers of tlit gofpeU , lubvcb ooc p^jouDlp ani> fl'ubboin'v rsfule tbc grace offreD tlit.13ut VMs notljing pcrteinctb to infants.illfo S (^t a c oatrar^ reafon againft tbcm:that tabonifoeuer Cini^ blc(rctb,be isDifcbargcD fro tbc ciu'fc of aoam ans tbc uj;iatb of (I?co>fitb tbcre^ ton itisknotun tbat infats are blelTrD of bim,it fclo^jjetb tbat tbei arc Difcbar geo fi-6 ucatb/ilbeii be faUip citcfb tbat Uibicb is no lobcrc reo, tbat U»bi3faeucr is borne of tbc tpirit,bcaretbtbe \3ot?ce i.Cor.ij, 46* of § $^pirtt.^btcb altbougb toe graitt to be tor^tten, ret (ball proue notb^ng els but tbat tbe faitbfull are frameD to obeDicnce,accorDing as tJ^t Spirit too?* littb in tbem.)15ut tbat tubtcb is fpofeen of a certaine ntiber, it is faultp to Drato tnDifferentlp to all. iponrtbl? be obiec* tetbtbtcaufe tbat goetbbefore tobrcb i» naturall, toe mntte tarrr ripe time for baptifme tobicb is fpirituall. liButal* tbougb 31 graunt tbat all tbe pofteritt of iilDam begotten of tbe fiel^e Do ^om tbe ter^ toombe beare tbeir otone bamna* tion,T!et 3 Dent tbat tbat toitbftanDctb but t goo map prefentlt bring rcmcot. ifor ne^tber fljall Semcttus prone tbat tbere toere man^ ^eares appovnteD b^ (^oD tbat tbe fpirttual netoneffeof life mani begin: 0s paul telltftetb,altbogb tbe^? tobrcb are born office faitbful, are bi? nature DamneD: tetb^ fupernatu* ral grace tht^ are faucD.SCben be brin* gctb fortbc an aUeaorr>tl;at SDauiD go^ ing tjp into tbe toure of ^ion, did leaDc neitber blino men nor lame men ix^i^tl) bim,b«t (Jrong folDicrs.llSut tobatif 31 ;Lu.i4,2i fet a parable againfi it,toberin goDcal^ j(V}a 4 j^j letb to tl)t beaaenl^ banket biinD men lMat.13. aao lame men; botoc toil Semcttus bn« toinisebtmfdrc oute of tbis fenotfjaffee aifo tobetbcr lame ano maimeo mf baD not firfl ben folDiors toitb SDauiD. liSut it is fup?ra«ous to tari longer bp6 tbis reafon, l33^,icb tbe reaDcrs 0)al SnDc bp tbc bol^ biSor? to be maoc of mere falf boDe. a^ber f^'aiuetb nnatberallegorp, ^ tbe 0po{Jlcs Ufcre fifijcrs of men, not of litlc cbilDJcn. lout 3an?,tobat t fa^^ ing of Cbrift nicanctb>tl)at into tbe iKt of tbe gofpt II arc gatucrcD all Uinocjs of ; fi(bes. 315ut bicaufc S like not to plap lu I allegories, 31 nnftocri^toben tbe office of teacbing toas cniovncD to tbe Hpc* aicsj^et tijc^ toere not fc^bitjDeafrom baptifing ofmfants^i^tobfitBi ujouId 13, j£tluiolv> tojif tbe Foui tli Pookc tbcm Anthropous me, {in Uiljicf) tDo;D | te tbe cburcb is opcnco to tbcni.ilgair^ t$ fomp^eljcnoeD al mantiinDe toitjjout ■ I;e obiecutb t^ata 5030 fftUiarDs Difiri* exception) tolju tfjct! OjoulD Oen^ tnfats i butcti) meat to t boufijolo in Due tunc, to be men. feeaentblp be alleactb, tbat ', Wltjvcfi altbougbe Bi tuiUniglp grannt: fitb fpiritual tbings agree \xi fpiritua!, ' ret bv tuf-nt rigbt toil! be appofnt tonto infants tobicb are not fpiritual,arc al^ fcs tbc certain time of baptifme,tfeat be fo not mete foj baptifmclSut firft it is mar Piouc tbatit is not grucn to infatj? pIainlreutocntbolueUi2cn5fuilr tber cut of time. i|ro;rciierbcb3rrgctbin lu;cft i place of ]Baul. SLbrr is entreat tbat (cmmaimocmcnt of Cb^tft to tOe tet> of Dottrinc : tuben tbc Ccutntbians i^.pcnic s, ^ tbcr Ibi'-lo make baft into r hin to mucb lfat> in tbcir oU)n ccmcitc baruca, iibile tf^c ficltes luare txljitc. fo; barnc Ibarpneffc of toit,paul rebu^ eirrili' Cb;iGc meanctb tbis onlr>tbat iittl) tbeir auggiflmes , fo? i> tbep luer ti^c ^apoltles feing tbc frnte of tbeir In* ret to be inftructcD in tbc firCe intrc* be; p;!'rcnt,fi)ci!lD tbc mD;c cbarcfullr ouctions of beaucnlr trifecome. tsibo p;cp2rc tbcmfclues to teacb. t^^bo tbal ca tberof gatber tbat baptifme is to be tberof gatber tbat tbc onelr time of bar* benicD to infantc0,U)bom being begcttc neft is tbe rrpe trme fo; 3i5aptitni:'^rs of r fictb goo Dofb bi free adoption mahe r Icucntb reafon iSjtbat in ^ firC cbnrcij bolr to brmfelfe i ^bereas be fartb, Cb;ifttans f otfcipfes Uiere all orie, btt tbat tbc^ mutte bee fee icitb fpirituall | toe fee noto tbat be fonDlr reafonetl; fro meate,if tber be ncto men,tbc (blntion tbe part to tbe toboIe.S)ifciples arc cal» is eafr>tbat far baptifme tfaci arcaumit IcD men of ful age,tebicb ban ben alrea* ten into t\)t flocuc of Cb;tft^nD tbat ti)t ! or tb;cugblr taugbt , ano bat p;ofcireD KT 224. Waia.24 figne of adoption fugicctb tbem,tiU bc: tng grotoen to age tber be able to beare ftrong meat : tbat tberefo;c tbc trme of examination tobicb be ootb out of one ejKimple I gatber a general rule,appearctb b^ tbe CSunucbc ano tl^z famaritancs, in tobo {> loiD feept a contrary ojoer, tbat bap* tifme \uent befo;ie tbc gifts of tbe bol^ gboft.s:bc aftcntbe reafon is mo;e tba foliflj.ll^e faitb tbat toe arc bi? rcgcnera tion maoe goes : ano tbat tbc\? be goO0 to tobometbe tDo;oe of CDoo is fpoben, tobicbe acco^oetb not to tbe cbi?lD;en tbat be infantes, ^bcreas bcfainetb a d&oDbeab to tbe fattbfuU, tbat is one ofb^ DotageB, lobKbe it perte^netb not to tbl?d p^efente place to examine. y&ut to to^effe tbe place of tbe l^falme to fo contrar^e a fcnfe, it is a poi^nte of Dcfperate Cbamelefneffc. Cbjittfarctbi tbat l&ings ano ^agiftrates are calico of tbe p;opbet (I5oM, bccaufe tbci? bear an office appo^nteo tbem of dpoo. But, tbat iDbicb concerning tbe fpccial com^ maunoement of gouernanee isoirettco to certaine men,tbi?s banofome erpod^ to; D;atDett} to tbe doctrine of tbe gof^ pell>tbat be ma^ banifl^e infants out of tbeCijurcbe* againebeobicctetb,tbat infants can not be accompteo neVo men bicaufe tt^i? are not begotten b? tbe tDojo. Ti5at J 00 note again repcte tt^t tebicb 3 bauf often faro?tbat to regene^ ratebs, Doctrine is tbe tnco;ruptiblel (eeoe,tf toe be 6t to rcceine tt:bnt Uiben b? reafon of age tbereisnottetin bs aptnes to lern,but ratber tbat H)t netu f vet tcnocr iHats are cbo^ fe of goD for facrifices. if urtbermo;e be affirmetb tbat none ca come to €h}iii> but tfytv i baue bene p:epareD of |obn. 0s tbogb Bio^ns office tuer not enonrig but fo; a time.llBnt,to omit tbis>trnlr \ fame pzeparatio tuasnottntbecbilDre lubo Cbrtit embraceD $ blclTeD.tiEber* fo;e let Urn go \:o bis falfe principle. Sit Icngtb^caltetbfor patroncs Trifmc^ giftus f t^t Sibylles, to proue tbat bolv toalbinges pcrtainc not but to tbe i are ofgroloenage. lloeboU) bonorablpbe tbinketb of ^ Baptifm of Cb;iS) ^bicb be reoucetb to tbe ceremonies of ^ cbeit tiles,tbat it mar be no otberluife mint' ftrcDtbanpIcafctbTrifmegiftus. 5i5ut tue more cUcmc § aotbortti of goD,U)b6 it batl) plcafco to mahe infantes bol^ to bimfelf, 1 to aDmit tbem teitb tbe bolp fignctbe force tobcrof tbev' Dio not\?et bp age bnoerttanD. ^fjicitber do \at copt it lalDfull to borroloe out of tbe cleans lings of tbe (Entiles an\? tbing ^ ma^e cbange in our lloaptifni tbe cuerlatling f inutolable lab) of C^D, tobicbbe batb (tabltfbcD concerning Circttcinon.^aQ of all^be maUetb tb?s argument : tbat if it be latDfuU to baptife infantes Ivttb out tnDcrffanDing, tben baptifme map CKitecltKM^t ToSaluation. Fourth Bookc jFol.423 1 enterluDe lifec 1 in fpo^te be mmiCrcD tljeir pofferitvfiFo;^ Ijcre it is to be fene of bo^ejf iDljen tbc^ pla^e. Wut of tbts botu be taketb tjpon hitn the pcrfon of a matter let \)im quarel Id goD, bv tubcfe inoUc pjouioent fatber of boalboloe to* commaunDctnet ctrtuntcidon tuasco^ mon to infant0,befo;e ^ tbe^ bao attet^ neo bnoerffanotng. IHas it tberfo^e a placing matter, 0^ fubtect to tbe foUieis of cbtlD;en, tbat tbep mtgbt ouertb;^olu tbe botp o^tnance of (DoniliBut it is no manieU tbat tbefe reprobate rptnt0,a0 tbougb tbe? toerc bereo \jiiintl) afrenfti, iuaroe DSjtDbicb eurn after our Dcatbc botb not lav aloa? but carefulnes of b0, but p^ouioctb ano fojc fetb fo; our cbil» D^en.£Dugbt iue not bere after tbe era^ pte of S>autD tottb at our beart to leape bp t)uto tbanfefgeuing, ^ bp fucb fljeiie of [)i3 gcDDnes, \)is name nia? be (anctu ficHinisMrilv fatan tntenbetb^tn ar< . Doe ti^^utt in all tbe grofelt abfurDtttes railing tuitb fo great armtef! v baptifm fo^ Defence of tbeir erro;s: becaufe goD of infant0:nanielV)l^ tbis tcftifping of § Dotbe iDitb fucbe giDDtnefiPe tuffl^tabe grace of CDoD being taben aUia?, v P^O' tjengcanc e of tbeir p^ioe 1 ftubbo^neg. | mtfe tobpcb b? it is pjcfcnt befo;ie our ^erilp 3i trulf Si taue maoe plain toitb e^es, ma? at Ifgtb b? litle ano litle ta^ bolu fcble fucco;0 Seructtus batb bolpen nilb atua?. Mi beropon fljulo grotu not bis fill? b;etb;en tl)t j^nabaptiltes. | onlv a tuicfteD bntbanfefulnelTe totoarD 32 ^oU) 3i tbinbe it toil be Doutful to no tbe mercre of C5od, but alfo a certa^ne fob:e man, bota ra(l)l? t\;)tv trouble tbe noutbfulnelfe in inttructing oure cbil^ cburcb of Cb;t(l tljat moue belles anD D:en to goDlineflfe. i?o; b? tbi0 fpurre contentions fo; tbe baptifme of infat0, ' Iue are not a little pjicfeeD fo;U)arDe to iBut it is profitable to coOoer,U)bat fa^ b;jing tbem bp in ? earneft feare of gob tangoetb about i»?tb tbi0 fo great fut^ i $ in v heping of bi0 laU),toben toe con* teltp: cnen to take atua? from b0 § fin*^ ; fiber tbat etxen immeoiatl? from tbep; golarfrute of affiance anDfpiritualio? birtbc, be taketb anD acbnotoleogetb Maijid) is to be gatbercD bcereof , t to oi^ tbem fo; bt?0 cbilD;:en. '2Kaberefo;jc bn^ mtnifl^ a0 mucb alfo of tbe glo;r of tl)t ] IclTe toe Mtt enuionO? to Darken ? bcu<' gaiDne0 of goD. i?o; boU) fiDate is it fo tifulncCTe of (SoD,letbs offerto \)im our goDl? minD0, to be certifleD not onl? b? lDo;De,bqt alfo b? Ggbt to be fene \Dvti ci?e0,^ Gici obtein fo nuKb^auo^lin tbe Ijctumi^ fatbtr, t ^i^ b^itbe alfo care of ► -• "' -•';•:' -\:W ' ' -■'' :: ' 'The. Of the holy Supper of Chri A i?ter tbaf goD baCb once receiueD b0 1 •*-^mtobi0 famil?,anD not onli to take ' tj0 a0 bis feruaunts, but as bis cbilD^r : tbatbema? fulftUtbcdePice of a mottej gfflDfatber, anb carefuU fo; bi0 tCTuCbet taketb alfo t)ppon bim to nourifbcls tb;!Oogbo«t tlit tobole courfe of our life-, i iiKDnotcontenteD tbcrloitb, it plcafcD' bi b? a plcDgc geuen,to alTiire b0 of tb(0 continuaUlibcralit?.2Lo tbi0 enb tbcr* Pf.48..i cbilb;cn,to tobome be geuetb a place a^ mong tbem tbat be of i)r0 familT?e anD bouOiolDjtbat i0 to fa?,tbe members of tbe Cburcb. llrand what it auailcth vs. fo;e be batb gcuen bis Cburcb an otber Sacrament bv tbe bano of ^is onl? be*' gotten fon, namel? a fpirituall banket, iDberinCb^ift tcttifietb bimftlfctobe tbe quickening bjeaD, lt)bcreU)itb oure foulcs arc feD to true f bleffeb immo;^ talit?. y5nt fo;afmucb a0 f knotolecge of fo great a mptteric is berv ncccfferp anD accojDing to tbe greatmlTe tbcrcf, requiretb a Dilt^.cnt pcclaraticn: anc "~ ^atan,' Ioh.0 noto of tOrs ineaimabletreafurc, batb long a TO fp^eooe ni?ac£5,ant) fincc tbat time oarfeneire,to obfcure t\)Z ligbt of if, ano tben batbe llirreD ftriues ano battels ^ migbte eftrangs tbe minocs of tbc fim# pie from tafting of tb^s bolp fmtie, ano batb alfo in our time attempteo § fame craft:tberro;e tobcn 3 Qjall baue b^eefe^ l\? knit tjp tbc fumme fo^ tl)t capacitt^e of § t)nltarneD,31tJDilt3nDo tbofe Knots, tobcrctoitb ^atan batbe enneao^eo to cat it,anti,in eating it do ftxlc in ts tl)t effectual fcoo^hing of tbat onli facrtfice: tbat b\!S blouD luas fo once IbcD fo; u*, tbat it is tmtoM$ continuall o;{ink.jano fo founo tbe tuo^DS of tbe p;omifc tberc aDio\?neD.2Dahe this is mi boi3^,U)bicb is DcliucreD fo; ^o,u. Me boD^ tbcrfo;e tobicb iwas pnce:offceD ibp fbjjonre fat*i-]VIat,25. uation,Uie arecommaiideototalse.anD '26, eate : tbat \))\itn toe fee. our felues to be . iVlar.i4» maDe partakers of tbiSjtoc maicertat* 17. fnare tbc lDo;lo,i?ira,b':eaD and toine 1 1? Determine tbat § polucr of bis Deatb I are Ccfnes,tobicb rep^cfcnt Dnfo tjs tbe i tobpcb bjingetb life (balbe effectual in Luk»22. inuiQble fojoe, tobicb toe recciuc of tbe j tJS.Mlbereupon alfo be calletb tbe cup, i^, Qc^ anD bluD of Cbntt.if 0; as in bap^ ; t\)t coaenant in Ins bloaD. ifo; after a | tifmcCDoDagatneJbcgcttmg Ms, Dotbe j certaine mancr it rciiuctb,o;ratbcrc5'i. Cor, n. graff tjs into § felolufljip of b^scburcb, ' tinuzt\)t})t coucnat tobicbbe batb.once 24, anD b^ aDoptio Dotb mafee ts Ijis oton : ' fiablifbcD toptb bis bIouDC,fo mucbe as perteinetb to § confirming of our faitb fo tue baue fat»D tbat be pcrfojmetb tbe office of a p;ouiDentfatber of boufbolD, in tbi?s tbat be continually miniftretb V)s meat, tbat be fufteinctb ano p;efcr^ uetb bs in ^ life toberein to be batb b^ bt?s U)o;dc begotten bs..#otoe tbe onlp meat of onr foule is Cb^i (le,anD tbere^ fo^etbe bcauenl^ if atbcr calletb bs to bim, tbat being refrelbcD U)t?tb comon partaking of bim, Ine mane from time to time gatber liuelp fo;ce,tntill U)e at' taine to beanenl^ immo;taliti?e. iBut fojafmucbe as tb^s mtllerie of tbe ^tf Crete tjniting of Cbjift lantbtbe goDli?, is bi nature impotfible to be comp^cbes^ DeD,be gtnttl) p figure anD image tberof in tifible Ggnes molte fit fo; our fmall capacity?: ^ea as it tocr b^ carnefts ana tokens geuen , be maketb it fo adurcD t)nto bs as if it toere fane 1:6 our etjes, bicaufe tljis fo familiar a ftmilituDc tn* tretb cuen into tbe grofieftminDcs, tbat foulcs are fo fcD feoitb Cbf ift,as b;caD t toincDafudrine tbc boDili? life, iliotoc tbcrcfo^e toe !jaue it DedarcD, to tobat cnD tbis mrSical bleCTing teDctb,namc Ip to atlurc bs, tbat tbc boPy of g E>o;Dc jjX'li fo ofte as be reacbetb bnto lis tbat boll? blouDtobetaftcDof. 2 a great frute terilp of affiace f ftoete neffc ma\?e goolp foulrs gatber of tbi?s facramcnt,bicaufe tbc^ baue a toitncs, tbat toe arc grotoen togetbcrinto one boot? tottb Cb;iff,fo tbat tobatfocucr is bis.toe man call oures.^creupo fbloto* tt\) ^ toe man bolDln p;omifet)nto oure feluf Si^ eucrlalling life is oares,tober* of be is beire : anD tbat tbe bingDome of beauen, toberinto be ia noto entrcD, tl no mo;c fall atoan from tis, tbaii fjrom bim:again,0 toe can not noto be conDe^ ncD bn our fins,from tbe giltines tober^* of be batbc acquitcs t)S,toben be toillcD tt)2m to be imputeD to bimfelf,as ift\)ti Uscrebis oton.SDbns is tbe marucllous cFcbangc, tobKb of bnsimmcafurable bountifulnccre be batbe maoe tontb tis: . tbat be being maD.e luntb tJstbe fon of man, batb maDc ts toitb bim tbe fonca . cWo^: tbat bg i)is coming Dotonc into^ earth, be batb maDe bs a toan to goe tjp. into beauen:tbat patting bpon bim our mo^talitpe, be batbe gcucn bs bvs inn iiioitaliV XoSaluation. Fourth Bookc tot. m3;talitie:tl)at tahig on \:)im out Wall ncs,f)t batb ftrengtbcncD t)s toitfj fjpfi potoer:tbat tahing our potiertie f o fjim felfc be bati) conueteo bis ricbeffe to ts: j! taliis to bim § tocigbt of our tjnrigbtc oufneSjiDbcrctnitb tuc toere opp^cCTco be batb clotbcD ts to bv« rigbtcoufnes. 3 £DfaI tbcfe tbigs tue banc foful a toit nefftng in tbis facramft,tbat toemuffe certamlp Dctermine,tbat cb?ift is true* Ip gcuen t)£f,as if Cbnft bimfclfe toerc fet p^efent before our ete0,anD banDfcD ioitb our banw. fm tbis toojo ca nti^ tbcr l^c to tJ5,noj mocUtJB : 2DaUe,eat0, D;inke:tbis is iii^ boo^ tobicb iB Dcltue reo fo;^ t^ou : tbis is tbe blouo,tubicb is (beo into tbcfo:gcucncs of Ons.C^bcr as be commaii3c«I) to taUe, be Qgnifietb t\)at it is ours. ^I^beras be commaun^ Detbtoeate, be tignifietb tbat tbat is mane one fubdace id t)S. ^bcrcas be fattb of § boD?, f it is Deliuereo fo^ ts: of tbebl3UD,tbat it is tbco foj tjs:tbcnn beteacbetb tbat^otb ar not fo mucb bis asours:bicaurebetoUe anolato atca^ Uotb,not foj bis commoDiticbutto our faluation.ano trui\| it is to be niii^pt l^ marfecD,tbat tbe tbicfc i in a in l»bo'.e pitb of of tbe Sacrament ftSnei in tbcfe toojDs.^bicb is ucliucrcD fo; tou.SKJbtcb is fljco fo;i tow.ifO-J otber* toifc it (bDulo not mucb p;ofit bs,^ tbe boD? ano bloutj of tbe ^lojrj arc nolu oi^ ftribotcOjbules tbct! bao ben once gcce fo;tb fo? oure rcDemptton^ faluattoii. 2Lberfo?c^ tbcv arc rcpjcfcntcDbnocr b;ca^ ^ toine,^ toe n)ulD lern tbattbct? are not owtl^ cures , but alfo o;^DrtncD to$tift nojifljntiPt of fpiritual Ufe.SLbis tsit tl)at tuc b:fo:e (avu, tbat from tbe co.:po;altbings tabicb arc ftelucD fo;tb in !bc^a(rauiCitt,U}earc bi? a ccrtainc p:opo;^ttonal relation guiDcD to fpirttu^ all t\)in%s, ^0 l^bcn b;eao is gcuen bs f J J s fign of g bonv. of Cb^itt, Ujc ougljt bvaitDb^ to conceiue tbis limilituoc: as b^aoe nourtfbetb, fullainttb, i main' tetnetb tbe life of oure boDv:io tbe bcD? ofCrb;illistbe onclp meat (oquirncn ano gcue life to our foulc. tObc tuc fee Uiinc fet fo;tb fo; a fign of bis blouD;U;c mud cal to mino lubat tfcs U?tne b;tn* getb to ^ boDp, ^ Ire map confi'ocr tbat t\)z fame arc b;ougbt to tis, fpirituatl? bi> p bluD of Crb;itt:tbofc tfcs bc,to cbe* ri(b,to rcfrct^c, tc ttrengtbcn,to make mcrp.jfo; if toe fufficicntlp tocv,lubat § Dcliucring of tbis bolp bcop,\Dbat t^c tbcDing of tt)is bolp blouD batb p;ofiteD bs: toe Iball plainly percciuc tbat tbefe tbings tobicb arc fpoUe of b;cD t toinc, acco;Din9 to fucb p;opo;ttonal relation ooter?toellacco;D toitb tbcm totoaro tis tobcn tbep arccomunicatco bnto bs. 4 aerfo;c tbe fbefc partes of tbe fa* cramcnt arc not,fimplp t toitbout b^er conQDerattontorcacbto ts tbeboo^of cijiiftibut ratbcr ^ fame p;omifc>tobcr« bi be tettifictb,? bis ticdi is tjcrili mea- , f i)i3 blouD IS o;inb,toitb tobicb toe arc fcD into ctcrnall Ipfc : tobcrbp i3z affirm metb bpmfelfc to be tbe b;rao of Ipfe, of tobicb tobofo eatetb> be fljall liue fo; c* ucr: to fealc(31 fav')ano confirmc t pjo? ife:anD fo; b;inging tbe fame to paflie to fcno bs to tt)e rroITc of Cb;ift > tobcre t p;omife batb bene trul? perfo;mco,f in all p3\?ntcs fulfil IcD. if o; toe doc not tocU bealtbfuUp eatc Cb^ift buccruci* ficD,toben toe do toitb liueli? feling con ceauc § cffcctualucffc of bis Dcatb. i?o; toberasbccallcD btfelf p b;caD of life:bc DiD not bo;roto ^ name of i facramcnt, as (omc DOC to;ongfullp crpounD itMut bicaufc be toas {s^ixtn Ms fucb of tbe fa* tbcr, ano pcrfo:mcD bpmfelf fucb^tobcn being maDc partaker of our buma^ne mo;talitic , be maDc \)S partners of b^s Diuinc immo;talitic:toben oCfring bim fclfc fo; facrifice , be toUc our accurfcD* ncffc bpo bimfelfc, tbat be migbt ail bs toitb bis bleffinG:tobe toitb bis Deatb be , Druourc'i*' L Cap 17. Of the outward, meanes foKdo'J ourco; uptiblcfleOjtD^tcb ^e tauput ai,togio^l!anDt)nco;ptioii. < ^ Bit rema^neii) tljat bs appliacc all tide fane ma? come to i)3. Watisoone, botb bv t»)c pfpcljf nto^^ clcrcl? b? tbe boll? fappcr,Uj^cr botb be oflferetb b""? fclf to t)3 tDitb all bt25 goiu tbings, i toe receiue bit" bi? faitb ©aberfo^e tlje S>3 crammt makctb not tbat Cbiift Srft b£ ginastbto be tbe bjeao df life: but tube it bjingctb into reincjnb;race ^ be toajj maoe tbe bijcao of life, lubicb toe conti Ujarulp fulfilletb ^ tobpcb :be oqttoaro^ Iv betoUenetb. i^Dtoe berein tee muHe beteareof ttoo faalies, ^ neitbcr ooing to mncb in abating i^e 6gne0> lue rcme to pluck tbcm from tbcv;^ m\>Qmt8 to ijJbicb tber are in a manner bnitfaC: no; ^ bfingimmearura^le in aDtmeioa t^z fame, toe feemc in tbe meane iimt fomtobat tQ oarbeirtl;^ mpfteries tbem (elue£f.2tbattCb;tftis tbe b^eab of life, tubertoit^ tbe faitbfull are nojilbeD iw to eternal faluatton,tber is no man hat nuail? eate, I toben it geuetb tnto Ms begraantctb.bnlesbebealtogetberyi* ti)c tall aau fauo? of ^ b^^ean ti)t it ma^ | Uctb'bstofeletbeliTengtb oft^ b;jeaD. | i^o; it pjomifetbbs, tbat tobatfoeuer | cbJift otb iii fuflfcreo, f> fame toas Done i to gene life to bs. 2Dben»tbat ti)is geutg of life i0 cuerlafting,br toljicb toe ma? iDitJ)out enoe be nourifljeD fuftepneo f p;cfcrueo in Ufe.iFo; aa cbJiOt fljulo nut | baue ben to bs tbe b;ieao of life, "bnleffe bebaDbenebo;^neanDbaDbieD fo}\3S, tinlcs be bao rifen again fo? b0:fo noto bel^ulD«ot be tbe fame bnles tbe effect ttialnesanofruite of b^s birtb, bcatb ano refurrection, toere an eucrlafting I immo^tall tbing.ai tobicb cb^ift batb ber? toel eicp;eIIeD in tbcfe too;Dfi.2Lbe b»0a«e tobid) 3! toill gene, is mp fleOjc tobicb 3 toil geue fo; \> life of f> tuojlo. B? tobtcb toojDes iuitbout oout be 6g^ m3etb> tbat bis boo? fi)oulD tberfo;ie be to te foj b;eaD,totbe fpiritualllife of? foule,bicaufe it fljoalo be geuen fo^^tb to deatb fo; our raluatia:anD tbat it is nt* liuereD to bs to eate of it,toben b? faitb be mabctl) Ms partakers of it ^nct tb:rfois notbrng tls but to belcue in €hM bimrelf.llBut 3 tbink ^ Cb^itt meant fome certaincr $ brer tb?ng , in tbat notable fermon toberc be commcn tzth to bs tbe eating of i))^s flen),namc' l?,tbat tue are quickneb b? § true par/ taking of bim: tobicb alfo be tbeifo;je ep p^effco bp V too;Di5 cf eating f Drinking, ted an? ma fbolD tbink,^ ti)c life tol)icb tee r cceauc of bi m is conceauco b? bare knotelcgc onl?.if o;j as not tbe figbt,but tbe eating of b^eab fuffifetb tbe bob? fo; iiouriQjmcnt : fo it bebouetb ^ tbe foule betrul? f tb:ongbl? maoe partaker of Cb^itt^tbat b? the potoer of bim it ma? be quickneb into a fpirituallife.SBut in tbe meane t?mc tee confetle tbat tbere is no otber eating,bnt of iFaitb:3s tbere can no otber be imagined . But tb?s is tbe Difference bcttocne m? teo;Ds ana tbeirs, tbat \s}ith them fo eate is oti? to bfleae:br.it 31 fa? f tht fleOjof Cb;rift is cdten toitb faeleuing , btcaufe b? ira?tb be is mabc ours, f 31 fa? ^ the eating is tht fruite i effect of ifa?tb . ^h if ?ou toill bane it pla?ner,tottb tbe eating is "^a?tfc Eph.3.17 Ioh.^.j> To Saluation. if art^: and 3 tf)iniit it ratfjer to folloto ofifa^t^ . Bin Uiojue0t)erilptbe Differ rcnce 10 bat fmaU : but in tbe tbi^ns it felf not fniall.if 0; t^gfy the japottlc tea cbetb tbat Cb;t(t otoclletii in our bartB b^ faptb,rct no man tuill erpouns tfn?0 otoeUtngto be fa^tb:but al mm do per^ ceaue ^ t^ere is erp^eCTeo a lingular ef^ feet of fai?tb,fo; tbat bp it tbe fa^tfjful Bo obtaine to baneCb;tft DloeUins in tbe. after tbrs maner, tbe 3Lo;De meant, in calling ^imfclf tbe b;eaD of lT?fe,not on« l^ to teacb tbat in tbe fa^tb of bid ueatb anb refurrectiotfaluation 10 repofeb fo; b0:batalfo tbatb? true partabpngof b^mfelfe it 10 bzougbt to pafle, tbat b1?« l^fe palTetb into b0, 1 becommetb our0: l^he a0 b^eaD>U)ben it is taken fb^ fob, miniftretb liuelineffe to tbc bobp, 6 ipteitber dijd Auguftine,iDbom tl^t^ b^TO in fo^ tbe^; patron , in an^ otber meaning Ui;ite^U)eeate b^belening, tba to D^etD tbat tb?0 eating t0 of fa^tb, not of § moutb.Mlbicb 31 alfo nm^s not: but ^et tbertoitball i aboe, tbat toe boe b? fa^b emb^ce Cb^itt,nof appearing a farre of,but making bimfelf one toitb t)0,tbat be ma^ be our beab,anb toe b^0 member0.^et 00 3i not t)tterli? bifalloto tbat maner of fpeaking : but onlp J be^ ni>e it to be a full beclaration , if tbep meane to Define tobat it i0 to eat i^flelb of CbJitt. :©tberu»^fe 31 fa tbat Augu^ ftine batb oft bfcD tb^0 fojme of fpcecb: a0tDbcnbe fartb in tbe tbirD bcofeeof CbiiftianDortrine , bnlellc ^eeatetbe flc^b of tbcfonne of man:tbi0 i0 a figure tcacbpng tbat toe mutt communicate U)itb tbe paflton of tbc iLojDe,anD muft ftjcetl^f p?ofitabl]?la^ebpin rememi* fa.:ance tbat fo j b0 b^0 fieOj U>a0 crncifi' In IoIi.5i ^^ ^^nD tDounoeb.again toben be fa)?tb> tbat tbc tb:cc tboufanD men tobicb tocr conucrtco at |3ctcrs fcrmon, did o.zinH tbc b!o«D of v£b:itt b^ belcuing, tobicbe tbct!bai) [h2Ji by crucll Dealing. 115ut in Fourth Booicc Homel» 2*40 Aa.a. 40. man? otber place0 be bono^ibli? fettetb out tbat benefite of ifaitb^tbat b? it our foule0 are no lelTe refrelbeb toitb tbeco^ municating of tbe flelbe of Cb;^itt, tban our boDi7C0 are loitb tbe b:eaD Uibicbe tbe^? eate.i^nD tbe fame is it tobicbe in a certain place Chrifoftomc lD;itetb,tbat €t)M Dotb not onl? bi? fa?tb>but alfo in hznt make bs bi0 boDp.ifo; be meanetb not tbat toe do fro an? otber tobere tba from fa^tb, obtaine fucb a benefite : but tb?0 onl? be meanetb to erduDe,^ none tobt be bearetb fa?tb to be nameD,(bolD conceaue a naheb imagination . 2is fo; tbem tbat toill baue t\)e Supper to be onel? a marfec of outtoaro p^ofeflton. S bo noto paffe tbem oueribicaufe 31 tbinb tbat 31 baue fnfficientl? confuteo tber; erro^, tobr 31 entreated of ^acrament0 generaU?.fl)nl? tb?0 tb?ng let tbe rea* Der0 marke,tbat toben tbe cup is calleo t])z couenant in tbe bloub, tber is a p;o^ mife erp^^elTeo tbat ma?e be of fo^ce to confirmefa^tb. Mberuponfollotoetb, tbat bnleOe toe \}aut refpect to (IDoD,ano emb;iace tbat tobicbe be offretb, toe Doe not rigbtl? bfe tbe bol? Supper. 7 ^oieoner tt^z^^ b\(o do not fatiffn me, tobicbacHnotolebging i toe baue fome comunion t6 Cb;itt,tobl t^t^ meane to erp.:e(re it, bo make b0 partaber0 onel? of § fpirit,toitbout making an? mentio of flctb f blouD.as tbogb al tbofe tbingB toere fpoken of notb?ng, ^ b?8 fle<^^ »s beril? meate , tbat bi0 blouDe is bcril? Dnnk,tbat none batb life but be tbat ea^ tetb ^ flefbc, i D?inketb tbat blouD : anb fucb otber facings ^ belong to tbc fame enD.^b^rfoK if it be ccrtainc tbat tbe fall communifating of Cl);ift pjoceoetb fac?onD tf)tr^ Dcfcription,a0 it is to nar^* rotol? ftra?ncD:3I toil noto goc about to knit tjp in fcto toojDC0, boto large it is, % boto far it ertcnDetb it fcIf,befo;jc tbat 3i fpf ahc of tbe contrary fault of erceCe. jro; 31 t&all baue a longer Difputation Of the outward meancs toitl) t\)t encGiut fwcticrg, tubicb tube acco^uing to tfjctr otwn firoCTcnclTc tljc^ frame a manrr of eating j n^infeing ful of abfurDitp , do alfo tranffigurc Cti^ift ftrippcD out of l)\?fi flrO) into a fantafie: if ret a man map toittj anr U5o;Dfi com* p:el}enD fo greata mt?tterv,UJljicb 3 fee ^ 3 fan not fufficientlp cop^eljeno Uiitb mino : ano t\)ctto^t I Do toiUinglr con* Mc it,tbat no man (boulo meafure tbe fjrnc ffe tberof b^ tlje fmal p^opo^tion of m^ ctrtlDifl)nc(rc.ll5ut ratber 3 erbo^t ^ reaoerif,^ tljcr Do not rettrarn tbe fcnfe of djey; minDe tnitbtn tbcfc tco narroU) bounDes: but c^Deuo; to rife Up mncbe !t)rer,tban thtv can bp mr gnioing.if o^ 3 mi? feIf,fo oft as 3 fpeak of tUs tbing, 'iuben 1 ^ue trauellcD to far all, t^iU tbat 3 bauc ret farD but litle in refpecte of r too^tliincstberof.anD altbougb tbe minD can Do mo.:e in tbinhing,tban tbe tong in cFp^eiringrret luitb grtatncs of tbe tbrng,tbeminD alfo is furmountcb f ouerUjbcImeD . ifinallr tbercfo;e no^ f brng remainetb,but tbat 3} muH b;^eab fo;tb into aDmiration of tbat mrftcrre, Iwbtcb neitber i minD ca fuflFife to tbinfe of, no; r tong to Declare, f et after fucb maner as 31 can, 31 toil fet fo;tb t^c fum ofmr fentcnce : tobicbas 3 notbrng Dout to be true,fo 3 truft tbat it toil not be DifallotoeD of goDlr barte0, 8 ifirft ofalljtoc are taugbtonf of tbe Scripture, tbat CbJifttoas fro t^ebo ginning tbat life bringing toojDcof tbe fatber,tbe fountarne t original of Irfe, from tobenceall tbinges eaer receaueo tbeirbauingoflife. Mberefo;c 3obn fomtimetalletb \)in\ tbe too^D of Irfe, $ fomtime \JDntetb ^ life toa0 in bimanea ning ^ be euc tben Rotoing into al crea* turcs,poureD into tbe tbe potoer of b;ea* tbing ano liuing.|^et tbe fame Jobn aD^ Dctb u/tertoarDjtbat tbe Irfe toa£s tben i not till tben openlr l&etoeD , toben tbe foiine of OoD,taking bpo brm onr flcfb? gaue brnifelfe to be feene toitb er^s ano flit toitb banDs. i?o;r tbcuab be DrD bc^ fo;c alfo fp^caD ab;oaD brs potocr into tl)t creatures: ret bicaufe ma,being br finne eftrangcD from (IDcD,baurng Icfte tbecomunionoflrfcfato on eucrrfiDe Deatb banging cuer br»tt:tbat be mrgbt recouer bopeof immo;talitic,it bcboueD tbat be (boulo be receaueo into t\)t conif munion of tbat toojD. i?o; bolo fmall a confiiDencc maicft tbou conceaue tberof, if tbou bearc t tbs too;D of (Sod in dcdc, fro tobicb tbou art mod far remoueo, contarnetb in it felf tbe fulneffe of Irfe, but in tbr felf I roiiD about tbee notbing offretb it felfe i is pjefent before tbrne eres but Deatb i 315ut fincc tbat foiitaiw? of Irfe began to Dtoell in our f lefl^, noto it Iretb nota far of biDDen from Ids, but p^cfentlrDeliueretb it felf to be parta* feen of bs. ^ea t it mahetb r ^^^r flefb, toberin it rettetb^o be of potoer to b;fg Irfe to t3S,tbat br partaking tljcreof toe mar befeDto immo;talitie.3am(fartb be)tbe b^eao of lifc,tbat am come Doton fro bcaue.^no r bjeaD tobicb 31 toil gcue is mr fleU^, ^Wi 3 toil geue fo; r l?f^ of tbe too;lDe.3n tobicb too;Des be tea^ c\)ct^, not cnlr tbat be is Irfe in refpecte ^ be is the ctcrnall too;D of (DoD tobicb came Doton to bs fro beauen,but tbat in coming Doton be poureD tl)c fame poto> er into ti^t f lefbe t3jl)ic\)t be Din put on, tbat fro tbcnce tl)t comunicating of Irfe migbt floto fo;tb bnto bs. I^ereupon al^ fotbefetbrn3es noto follotoe,tbatbr0 fleflj is berilr meate, t brj^ blouD is \iZf rilr D;inke,toitb tobicb fuftenances t\)t fartbfull are foftereD into eternall Irfe. herein tberefo;e confiaetb lingular comfo;t to t^e goDlr^tbat noto tber 6nD Irfe ixi tber; otone f Icflbe . ifo; fo tber DO not onelr toitb edfie paflTage attaine bnto it, but bauc it of it felfe laroea^ b;oaD fo; tbem anD offring it felfc bnto tbem , ^nelr let tbem bolDe open tbe 1 bofome' loh 6.^% To Saluation , bofomc of ttjeir Ijart ^ t\)ei mat embrace it being p:crcnf,f tftc? fljall obtcpnc it. 9 li5at altboitgbe tbc Qe6 of cb;il)^ baue not fo great poUier of it felf0,tbat it can Qtuc life fo t30,tof)icb botb in tbe otune fird eftat of it toas fubicct to immo^ta? Iitie,f notD being cnouo toitf) immo?^ taliti,!iuet¬ br it ftlft^et it iB rig^t full)? callc&life biinsing,U)bicb is fiUeD Initb fulne0 of l^fe, to poure it into t)0. 3lntobicf) meaning 31 50 toitt Cynlep pounD tbat facing of (Eb^ift:^^ tbc i?a' tber batb life in f)tmfelfe,ro be b^tb alfo gcuen to tbe fon to bane life in bimfelf. jfo^tberebe pjopcrl^fpeaketbof t^^5 gift3,not tDbicb be from tbe beginning poDTeOcD toitb tbe fatber,but Ujitb tobicb be toas garnf Q&eD in tl^c fame fletlb in Ujbicb be appeareD»2Dberefo,:e Qbetoetb tbat in b^s manbco alfo otocllctb ^c fulncs of life,tbat Uibofocuer p^rtafeetb of bis flcOj ano blouo map tberrtoitball alfo enio^ tbe pertahig of life. £)f tobat fo jt tbat 10, toe map Declare bp a fami^ liar eyainple. S^o} as out of a fountaine toaterisfomctimeDjonUe, fomctpme is D^atoen fometime bpfo^rotos is con mieri to tbe toatcring of groiitjs Ujbicbc pet of it fclfe ootb not ouerflob) into fo manp tjfes, but ftomtbe terp fp;mg itfelfiubicb Vuitb cucrtading flotuing peloetb ano miniftretbtJnto it fro time to time nelD abundance : fo tbe flelb of cbntt 10 lifee a ricl^f tinUiafleo foiitain \i)\)ic\) pourotb into bs tbe life fpnngig from tbe goobeao into it felf.ijioU) Inbo feetb notjtbat tbe communion of § flcfli ani> blouD of Cb^itt is ncceffarp to all tbatafpire to beauenlp Ipfefi^ereunto tcn^zti tbat faping of t5e ^poftle, tbat t\)c cburcb is tbe boop of Cb^ift ano tbe fulfilling of ittano tbat be is tbe bca out of to!)icb t\)c tobole boDp couplcD ? taiit tugctbcr bp iopntes , maUctb encreafe of tin boDiitbat our booies arc tbe mem Fourth Bookc .toU^ai DerttanD to be impofTiblc to be b;ouc^bt to palTCjbut tbat be muHc teljolp clcauc to bs m fpiritano boop. I5ut tbat moft ncre felotuHbip tobcrbp toe arc coupleo toitb bis flefb be batb pet fct out luvth a mo^c glorious titlctubcn be faiD tbat toe arc members of bpo boop , f arc of bis bonc0 anu of bis flcOj.at tbe latt,to Declare it to bee a mater greater tban al tDo.:Des,be cocluoctb bis faping toitb an erclamatioXbis is(faitb bc)a great fecrete.Ojerefoje it dyM be a pomt of ejrtreme maDncffe, to acUnoUilcDgc no communion of tbe faitbfull U)itb p flcaj an^ blouD of tbe l.o^De, tobicb tbe apo* fteleDeclaret^tobcefo grcatetbat be baD ratber luonoer at it tba erpKffe it, 10 i.et ti)t fum be,tbat our foulrs are fo feo Ujptb tbe Ucfif anD blouDe of €b;iiff. as b,:eD anD \3iint do maintepn ano f u^ ttepntbeboijplp life, ifo; otbertoife p proportional relation of tbe ftgnc iTiulD notagre,t)nlc0,foul0 DiD finD tljcir foDc in Cbrift.^bicb cannot be Done,bnles Cb^iftDotrulpgroUiinto onctuitbtjs, I refret^bs tcitU tiic eating of bi0 fled) anD DiinUig of bis blouD. llButaltbougb it feeme increDible,tbat in fo grcatc D^v ttance of places p flcQ) of cb;itt rcacbctb to tjs tbat it map be mcate to bs: let bs remember bol» mucb tbe fccrct poUjc r of tfie fpirite furmountctbaboue al our fenfes,anD botw foUOj it is to goe about tameafurebts bnmeafurablenctre bp^ our meafurc. Eljat tbcr.^ore tobicb our minD compicbciiDetb not, let our faitb concepue, tlrat tbe §?pirite tniclp Knit* tetb in one tbofe tbingcs that arc fcuc^ reo in places. jj5oUi tbat fame bolp com^ municating of bis boop t blouD,\Dbcri bvCbjift pouretb bis Ipfe into ts,cue as if be pearceD it into our bones % ma-^ rotucs, be in the fuppcr alfo tcltifietb I fcalerb : ano tl)at not tnvtb fctting bc^ fojcbsa bapnoibopD Cgnc butb;in' b^rs of Cbritt^ai Uibicb fbiugs luc bn. gtngfortbtbcrc tbe cffcrtualiUjo^ung ( :- -—^ — = — I'Ai'Ar^ y, rr Op 17 Of the outward mcancs a.Conio 16. Of ^15 fptrtCtDljereb^ ^ fnlfilUetti Wat tjoiiiitb it p;omiM 0nD t)eril^ te tber oflfierett) « oeltuerct^ ttie ttjing figntfieo to al t^ ^ fit at ^ fptrttual banket : al^ tbongb tt be recetoeD )ob fruit of 1^ fattb^ fnl onli,tDbtcb receine fo great bouttfal nts xd true Cattb f tbSkfulnc0 of m^o. ^fter tDbtcb maner i apottle fatcttjat tbeb;eDtD^tcblPr b;eabe is tbecom^ munto of tbe boo^ of Cb;tlt:f f tbe cup tobtcb toe batlotD t6 tbe U)o;t) t platers to tbatpurpofe, 10 tb^ comnnton of bt0 blouo. i^eitbcr is tbere an^ caufe tobi? aniP ma OjulD obtect, tbat tt is a figura^^ tiue fpecb^bi? totitcb tbe name of i tbfg figntfteo 10 geuen to tbe fign.| graut te rel)? tbat tbe b;eafcing of tbe b;eaD 10 a figne,not i tbing it felf .)15nt tbt0 being aomitteOj^ettoettjallrigbtlpgatbcrof tbe Del^uerace of § figne,tbat tbe tbing it felfe 10 Del^uereD* ifo; t)nle0aman tD^l cal gob a oece^uer, be can neuer be fobotbtofavif befettetb befo;e b0an empt^ figne.2Lberfo;e if be f b;eabing of b^eao f lo;o botb trutv rep;efent tbe partaking of bi0bob?,ttongbt to be out of Dout t be trul^ perfo;metb ano Deli*' ucretb it. ano tbr0 rule 10 altoap to be boitjcn of tbe goDlr>tbat fo oft a0 tbei (tt i figne0 ojoerneo of i lo^o tbei certain* \^ tbinti < perfnaoe tbemfelue0 tbat i trutb of ig tbing fignificD is tber p;cfit. if oj to tobat pnrpofc fljiiio tbe Io;d ot * liuer to tba into tbe bao ^e Ogne of bi0 boDe>but to aCnre t\i(i of tbe true parta femg of itfif It be true, i> a bifibie figne i0 geuen bs,to feal tbe gift of an inntfi* ble tbing: tDben toe recctue tht figne of tbeboot,lett}0 no te0 certainly beleue ti)at tbe boon it feife alfo is geuen te . " 3i far tberfo;e(tDbicb botb batb bene alUja^ receiueD in tbe cburcb,t all tbep teacb at tbifi bap ^ tbuife rigbt) tbat tbe bolrmitterpoftbefupper confiffctbof ttuo tbingB:?^ is to Tap of tbe bcDilp fig^ WB tobicb being fct befo;e oure epe 0 bo rep;efent bnto \)S inuifibte tbtgs acco;^ Ding to § capacity of onr tDeaknc0 : t of fptrttual trutb,tDbicb i0be tbofe figne0 botbfifturcDiDeliucrcD. £)ftDbatfo?t tbat i0,tobe 3K mean to (bcU) it fatntltar" li I bfe to fet i^.tbing0:tbe fignificatio, fi)t matter Ui|)icb bagetb of tbe fignifica tio tbe ttttut 0; effect tobicb fbllo&)etb of botb. STbe fignifiication confifietb in t\)t p^omife0,tDbicb are after a certain maner tD^appeotogetbcr xd tbe figne. 2Dbe matter 0; fnbftace | cat €ti^i1l xli bi0 Deatb i refurrection.liSi? effect 31 bn* DerffanD tbeir reoeption rt0bteourne09 fanctification,! eternal Itfe^anD Isbatfo euerotber benefit0 cb^iff b;ttngetbt)0. ^oU) alt^ougb al tbefe tbtngs i^atie re^ fpect to fait|i:ret i leaue no place to tt)i0 cauillatio:a0 tbougb U)b^ J fap f tb; ift is receiueD bi faitb 31 U)olD bauc bt cocci ueD xb DnberfiaDing onii % imagtnacto. ifo; f p;omife0 offer bim, not tbat tue (bulD fiick faff in § figbt alone 1 in bate HnotDleDge:but)) tDeCboulD enioptbe true comunicating of bim . j^nD trucle 31 fff not bota anp ma map bauc confix Dence tbat be batb rcDemption « rtgbte oufne0, in tl)t eras of Cb;tff aiiD Itfe in bi0 Deatb> but p;inctpallr Haotr.g tpon tbe true comumo of cb^ift bimfclf. ifo; tbofe gcDD tbing0 (boulD not come to b0, tnle0 cb;iff firtt mabe bimielfe oor0.3l fae tberefoje,tbat in t\)t mitterp of t^e (upper,be tbe figne0 of b^eao ano tnine Cb?ifti0 truelt; DcleucrcD tob0,T?eaf br0 boDe I blouD, in U)btcb be batb fuU filleD allobcDiencefo; purcbafpnge of rrgbteoufncs to b0 : namely tbat firffe toe CboulDe groto togetber into one bo^ Dt t»etb btm;anD tben being mabe per;; raker0of br^ fubfiance, Uie mar alfo fale br^ potuer in tbe communicating of all bt0 goDD tbinges . 12 i^olu jcome Dotxm to f erceCTiue mip ture0:U)bicbfnperttitionbatb b;ougbt ittif 0? berein ^atan i?atb plareD toitb marf j;oiirthHoofce Ku^ _-. _ To Suliutjon. mar(irllou3fubtiier,tf)at U)itbD;alDinj Ofr,nminaj,f qaicknubTfrimJtSor- t^c niinow of men fro bra!irn,bc imgbt tobp (bo-ilo rbc r rtroMM «r tfimn afl fill tbcm lintb pcrucrfe crro;,a« ttwagh I tbc fpint ot Cb;iil bcMMtatoanorv (TlxhfttocrcfattcneDto tbc dement of tbc communion of btsHrnjiMooJi^t b;cao.anD firft to: mutt not D;cmc lurb bs^ IXlbr rfo;r r frnpfnTMnlfiifhi, ap;cfcnccofvXb;iaintbcfai:ramf't, as hftbofourp^irtahing tM€tott,rt» tbcrraftcfmenofprourtof Uomebviuc fcrretbtbcuibolcfc'ce tbfrtjfro^fcpi, fdtncO:a9 tbogb tbc boDP of Chjift luer rite. Pf t ui Qcoc of Qunf ,oiic pUct M mciDcp;efetUJitt)tbcp;cfenccorplacc, bcfuffifirnfJFo;p«idinttir (0 be bannlco luitb banDC3,to bs bjfflfro to the Uonunr f ,fatft tbalCWl' itoi tutt1)toctt),f fluaUolucD lD^:b montb. I IctbmbsnoneotbertDifccli^bif (^ ifo; tbtsfb;m of recantation pope .f^t« rit tubcrbrrrtbctakcttnoCilMrtbtf C3la3cn:)itcOtoBcriiv;.iriu5:tobcaUMt«l cornninnunoftUffldblUMI^OflllMcl netTcof brs repentance : namclv toitb ' \dc noiu rpc.ih,botttacttfk#lbt Uja»D3 fo far monftrotis.tlwt tbc autbo; j rite alone U)o;hrtb t* Idc poffrlTf of tbe glofe crtctb ont ^ tberc id Danger, Cb:i(l i baur bim Dtodtag tnt iftbc readers DO not tuifelvtaHcb^oe to n CbcfcbBlmfntboartf tbcmreluc8,l?aS tber ft)3lD fnclu^ out of I f.iHI .Mubirb U):r UMti)botiai)A iMt) tbcm an bercfic tDOjfc ttwn lujs tb^it of of fo b.irb.iroin ^< • > -' — ^Httidtif Bcringjriu^jlntb: ffconDDidinction, fotbrfclucsoo itodttMl in t!)c utriv tbc vbcu to c4Ui tnlaUjfull. i5dtbcr berilr is it fo neoc* net) m v facra ncnt.i^ be abiftctb mbct« ful to tb^s ^ ttJe ma^ cnior ^ partaking ' ocn: i ice Determine no o,Ueth ^i^ocn i is coucrco t.jor Stb bS faottacc rjnto it tocngcnjjbc^ i"V.H^.u»- b;cao V (.0»^7.\ Of the outvvarde mcanes I. I^.ca0i3 ixotUm f Is but a t3ifo;,tl)at fa? l^ctb a'ajar tbe figl)t of tbe ficfl) from tbe c^cs . jpic\?t()cr neDe U^e manr conicc^ n5rc0,^6aulul)atfnarc)3 tljc^ mmticD to la^iwfb tbcfe U)o;rD0,atIj t\)t t^^n^it r?Hc-pla!nUi fpeahrtb it > Jo^^it t5tai« r«f«-fe5itb boU) great fttpcrttilictt in c cr* t^tiie agcc pa&j 4i«t one l? tl^c common fj:t of mcnyljiit^fatbclKr^.cM^oftbe limt belt bolom,f at tbfs oar be f)olDrn tn popiil)«tOu'rcbes » i?o;^aut?ng litle f .ire cUwt fai?tb ( bt» lubicbc alone U»c bctl^cOnic mto tbc fclloU)(^ip of ^m,iDl)iclje t[}C'^i)aut framf?>befiDe t!)e UK);ti, tbc^ ibtnii \^ tbr^bnuc ijyim pjefent enougb. iLlnvtoit intk fummc, Uie fee fbat f brs iiatl) bene gotten b? tbps Uiitt^futtlef r*; itat b^eat) Uia«tafeenfo^-but tbat bianobi? man^ abfuroities Die t):)^u(t tfjcmfdiics in place. 2Eberefo^e fbei? tuerc ti;iuen of necelTiti? to fice to tbis inuention ^tbert is maoc-a^urning of b^eao into tfje ucf^ ixr:not tbat tbe boDi is pioperli? maoe of Ujeao,but bicaufe Cb.:iff jtbat bem^bt I^Dc bimfelfe iinoer tbe fo;me,b;ingctb .U)z fubttanoeto notbing.liSut irtBinar* ucllou$,^tbCi?feltD fo great igno;5ace, .^ca fcnn0£toulne0,tbat not onl^ § fcrip? Piirc butalfo y confent of § oloe €burf \> olD ij3;titera fomtime tfcD tijenanve . af turning:not fo^ v tbcr? iuolD Dcttro^c :fbc fubftace itt^tbe outtoarD fignsw, hnt tbat tl)cv migbt tcatJ) tbat § b; cab beDi^ ,ca^etotbemra-ett\) mffcixtb far fro co^ mon bjcD 1 15 nolo otber.iSnt ecb feibf r t\)ti al plainl)? Declare tbat tbe bolv fup^ perconfiftetboftUjapaiteF, an carfblt? port,? abeauenJ^ : auo tbeearl!)l)?part tbe^ tjo toitbout controurrfie frpeu*)to bcb^eao % U)ine,£:rul^ tcbatfceuertbci babble it is plaine tbat in confirming of tbis doctrine tbe^ tuant t Defence of am ti^m«f»tubi(l^tbe^.oftentime0p;efumc to fet agavnft tbc eiwocnt 1bo;o of gcb. ifo; it is not fo long ago fincsit \sas in* uenteO: it\x>ns Mttil^ t^nlinoloen not onelv to tbofe better ages, in tubicb t\)z parer.oodrine of religion ret flo^iieu, but alCo^tuen tobentbat fame pureneOe It^as muc^befitleoXbiereaeuione of tbc olDe lrt;iter0 tbat not]} not ine^^clTe luo;(Ds confette t\)ati ^V fignesintb^ fupper are b;eati^ Uutte; altbogb as Ijoe !),%5 fomctimc fetit out luit^ t-imvs tities,to aOuance t^ Dignitrc of tlye mvtter?. i^o^ toberas tbev far tbat in tbcconfecration is niaoe a fecretlnr* nin^rtb'at notsD it is an otber tbtngtl^ bjf ab t toine : 3i bauc. euen noto geuen U'arning tbat f bcr bo not tberbr meanc ttjat tbe tbings tl^eftlucs ar«Lb;cugbt to nougljtibut tbat tbci are notu to bje-otber i»ife ettemcEi tba comcn meate£E,tubicb are apornteb onlr to face t\)t bellr:fo;^ afmucbas it! tbe is: oeliuercD fobs tbe; I'ljiritiiair meatiri^o^inlfc of. tbe foule» SDbrs Ujc alfo Denrc not . 31f (fare tbefe men) tbere be^i tornrncit mwXfc neDc«i > be tbat tljcfeii^ofaMietbrnc «J«be an 0^ tb'er tb^ig. B*f tl;er i"canc tbat tbere ijs fometbing mabc tubicb befo;e teas not>. a agree tuitbtbem. Blf tbtr ^ilb^ato it to tbat tbeiv t)lDnc tniagination,lct tbf anfiuete me tobat cbange tber tbinU ta beimaDc inBaptifmc . jfof bcr^intb& fatbcrs alfo bo beteniiine a qmr-ueUaus; taming \&hi tbci-far tbat of a co;rupti=' bl^elcmrtismadea fpiritual toaflbing oftbcfoule, ret none of tbem benrct^ tbatUiater,rjcmai^etb« '^t\t (farciber),' tberi To Sjluatic uatiou. T tf;at in eOc fuppcr . -ins is mr boor. ; nco onlr an irnSuc'fcl^/ano^! FoU> h^7 ilstbougl) tOcqucHion lucre of tf)ofc tDo;Dc3,U>ljicl) l)auc a nic*ining[ pla^nc cnoajlj:.anDJiot rntbcr of tbat luo;D of turnrg,U)Ijicl) mvgbt to fignifv no nio;c in t\)c fuppcr tban m i3.iptifnic.2:hcr' fo;c faretoeltbcr \d tbffc fnaics of fil^ Jablc«,\i)l)crbr tbcf do notbinLT els but bclD;a^tljciroU)nl)ugrincs.Jro;otbcr<' tuife ^ fignificatio UjoId not agree togc- tber,tnlc3 i trutb iubtcb is tbcrc ftau- rico,!j bcucnlv tlnng. ilno tbcrfj3?e tDC lofe tbc trutb of tbis inittc rr,tinlrtrcirne b;«faD rcpjcfent to Vi^v trtictof orC&rta, J rt pt tc it ag»iin«: ^itb ti]c Supper is notbuvj eU5, tlwn a .tJiUbUtcOifring of t!iatp;omifc lubtcb ■is tn fbc.tivcbiipter of.Xobn.-nimclv t Cb.Jitt is Ibc b;eao of life i iubub came DoUirrfrom bciicn: tljcrnntlVbc t)jf»blc b;caQL.tirc3 To; a mean, tuberbr )S fanie fpirituiiU b:eaDi«af be fTLTiircDrljnhrirc .^jyc Uiill tbnt \.m lofcpll tbc frmtAvoirb intbisbcbilfO-J^ tcnncrhjctatintctb .rtfuttcinourtucahnec. :rioUMjrtobat Gor.ioAreofon iljoulo panic gatbcr. tbnt ai ice iarciamboDgio.ic t;;cD>u\lnct>toi^pc* .nolymlriyrrryf rf - I I 11 III T - ratberanaturaIltr(ifbofb;eaD^ 'V 13ut thn' cotilo nnirr Kv ' - - (.: foiDlrbfjulfOU;itbfbcDeffi >' Intlicanferbfrlufralrror. luitlitUarrro: tbat the. boc-. .. ^. .,.. enclcfeDbn3crb;fDUj.i0 b^tbclcDilp moutbfftool: • • - fc cfrjb;ntill)i:i, _ :;«, cration figmftjo as uiur b among il)t-u a magical cafbaiitrrnif * - •■ ~ ,,, ciplclotisbiilmolucnt. -.a IS a fejcramcnt to none bur to mrn.to U»bom tbe U3o;o is oirrcreo, lihe .15 tbc lu.iter of )Japnf;ne is net cKin^ro m it fclf,b[it fo fcone as the piomif: 15 .Hiat ' neo, it ucginiictb to be rb^u to ts lubui ' It befo;e luas nor.iH»is rtj.V.l better jp* pearc bp eramplc of a liUr (S'acramft. iCnc luatcr fpj I immg ont cf tbf rock in |.. tbc Drfcrt Wm to the fatten a tol;f n t j"-'^*' fignc Of ibf" Time tbina^Uibicbtb: irmf ' ^ 00th fignrcio\)'> mi' fuppcr. fo: (Aiuf ' ^^^''^ teacbctb (t^t ttin* o;onli the fame fpin .^ tnallD:fnl:..V?ut tt.masaronuncnuj,!' tcmijfoMhcbcjuirc arOcMtcticftbe people. ^ ::'i tbtitinc^'.. ....u ; .. .-. :. . ^rf 1 •* applteotoa fpincunilWf,thf|iJt;»;t^l nootbertmtiinabiit in infomir.h/istbcv^uc; tbep;omifej.a">o;eoiifrfitbv-^owpiw»] pofc i? as X often rrpf t f ' ASir U»«T%if banrjfome tbarictf to Mff v? t'p t*? bim/ 1 frluthev DO br Ibctr U ■ 5 h»u» hfDlvDifapeint liiefatn • oof m ecDf r.H Is tcCli:i(l»Uit Im u:r. t inui» fiblitnDfrb;cD..-'^o; 1: • themmot}fmcn.\3rKO!i:. . tbf iinmeafiiraWciif tie of piaee sJlKnl^ atte«nto.C^;iU ft;r ' ■ • - ilbat4jb:cbnarn, att bicaufe Us oVun roo cofumeb all ^ reH. ^ut fo^afmucb as t ^^^ a turning otf cernable ^iti) eies,tberfo;e as Uie baue faio it perteinetb notbmg to tlais p;erft caufe:i in a litlctime aftcr,tbe rob bifi* bl^ returueo into bis ctone fo;tme. X5c^ fioe tbat it is not bnotoe, tobetbcr tbat fooen turning luas of fubftance ex no. aifo tbe allubing to f robs of tbe ^agi cias is to be cofiDcreD,tubicb t |^?opbct tbcrfo^^e UJolD not cal ^trpcts. It att be n)oulo feme to ftgntf^ a turning lubert none iuas: b^caulc tbofc Decctjuns bao Done notbtng but calt a mtft before tbe ciib of tbe bcboloers. Mbat IvUcnctTe bcrclD baue tbefe formes of fpecb. 2Lbe I1.JC& lubub ^t liitak, ^0 oft as re tl)al b;eahing of b;eb,f fucb otberfjt is cer^ tain tbat tbeir ties tccre onlr occciueb v6tbeencbaiitment of tbe cpagicians. ^s concerning^ofcs,§ matter is mc;e boutful,bi tubofe banb it luas no moje barb fo; gob to mafee of a rob a ^erpr t, « again of a Serpent to mafee a rob,tba to clotb Angels \j3it\) fictblr bobies,anb bi?ibr after to tnclotb tbcm. gf tbe na? ture of tUs mifterie lucre tbe fame o^ like,tber toer fomecolo; fo; tbeir folu^ tion.ilet tbistberfo;e remain certain, i it is not truelr no; fitli? paom^feb bs tbat in tbe fupper tbe fie^ of Cb^itt is trulr to bi fo; meate,bnles t^t true fub llace of tbe outloarb 0gn agree U)itb it» 0nb(as one erro; grotoetb of anotber) tbe place of Bieremie is fofolifl^l^ to^e^ Iteb to p;one trafubSatiatio,^ it irketb me to reberfe it.2Dbep;opbet complain netb tbat toob i$ put in bis b;eab:mea^ ning tbat bp ^t crueltr of bis enemies, bis b;eb luas infecteo Uiitb bittemelTe. as IDauib iDitb a lihe figure betcailetb tbat bis meate teas co;rnpteb \iiitl9 gal, t bis bjinb to bineger.Mefe men UiiU baue it tbat tbe bobp of Cb^tO^ tuasbt luap ofallego;ie fatteneb to tbecrclTe. libutfomeof tbeolo fatbers tbougbt fo, ^s tbougb ice ougbt not ratbcr to par* Don tbcir ignorance , anb to bur? tbeir (bame,tbanto abbe tbameleltcneireto compelle tbcm tet llil to figbt liUe ene^ mics Vcitb tbe meaning of tbe p;cpbet, 16 ^tbcr,li3bicb fee tbat tbe p;opo;tic^ nal relation cf tbe Cgne 1 tbe tUn^ fig* nifieb,ca not be ouertb;oU)en,but t tbe trutb of V mifieriemufi fal,Do ccnfefl'e tbat tbe b;caD of tbe (uj^per is bcrilp a fubfiace of an eartbl? 1 co;ruptible ele* mcnt, anb luffrctb no cbange in it fcif, but batb XittUY it Uif tbe boD^ of Cb^iH cnclofeD.^f tbci did fo Declare tbeir mea ning 1^ Uibf n tt}c b^cD is DcliucrcD in g ttuflcrictber ts aoiorneP tljc beliucrig ^ _ — ^^ i.Cor.io. i6,et.ii. Ier.ii«ip. Aa.1.4. ct.9.7. A^.1.4. orf!jcbotii?,bicaurctl)ctrutl)i5tjnrcuc-- 1 on, ttat if miGlFappc.u ToU rabic from tbc fignc: J tooulD not niucb ftriue \i)itl) tbcm.iSut bicaufc tbcv pU cing ttjc boDp in tbc b;caD,oo fame to it being euer^ luber contrari? to p nature tbcrof,f in aoning tnocr tbc b;caD,tbri Isil \)aut it lie tijer biDDcnat is ncccfla rp a litle lubilc to D;2dlu fuilj futtelttes out of tl}cir Dcns.jro; m^ nuiiDe is not vet 30 of fet purpofe to go tlj;ougl) lu al .. c to tec fiatt of men j> f;c 111.15 niaDc a limg ui bcaucn. Ulfjat IB tfjiflf l5, but to raife top Ahr- cion out of Miifo; no nir.n rnn tout ^ tbc boDi of Cb;ia Wab n fantafv 0; fau* taairall tbuig, if be tuae of fur be Itatc. ^onic U\) dluar fomltbat nio;f futtel- iisUJitb faruig ^i tbiB bcov inbicb le gi* uennutjer«cr,iinfnt,r0^o;icui3iim« uio;taI: ano \^ tbcrfo;c it is no abfut oi^ 9( ti)is po^nf: but onln ^ 3 mai' lav p foii^ , tv, if it be contcinco m manr pLu r s, if bationjs of tbe tJifputatio luljicb flial bv m no place,if ujitb no fo;ni,inorr (- fa i bv foloU) in j3lace 6t fo; it.Cbcv luill tberfo^e baue v boD^ of ab^iH to be in' uiftble f immefurable,^ it map lie biD tnoer tbc b;eaD : bieaufe tbcr tbinke ^ tf)t^ Do not otberVotre communteate 1^ t)tm,tba if be oefceno in b;eaO:but tbev compKbcnb not tbe manner of oefccn* Bing, iDbf rbv be Uftetb bs bpUjaroe to bimfelf.Ojcv lav tipo it al tbe colo;6 ^ tbev canibut luben tbev bauc all,it fuf> ficientlv appearet1),tbat tbei Dav bpon tbelocaUp;efenceofCb;ift. ^benrc (ommetbtbatf mtn bicaufc tbev can abiDc to eonceiue no otbcr pcrtahmg of tbe flcll^canD blouD,but U>bicb coiiG* (letbeitbcrof lornmg ano toucbmgof pIace,o;j of foinc grclTc enclofmg. 17 jano,^ tbev mav obflmatclv oefenb crainr t .15ut 31 afli tuhat niancr of t cti Cb:iftgauetovDirfipUcv Oap lffo;c be fuffrco: Do not the U-o;De footiD^^ gaup t\:)£ fame mo;tal loDi.lubtct \aa§ luubm a little after to be ocrtuereoH:)c biiOalrcDv befo;e(favtbev flKiDCObif gb;v to be fene to tb;c of tbe Difciplc*. k.bat 16 true m DsDe.but t;is UjiU U)J0 bv )^ b;igbtnt0 to gcut tbe a laQ of im« nio;talitv fo; an boure. Jn ibe incanc tune tbev fl)al not iber fino a Dcublc bo Ov, but tbat one boov \cbvberas b^^ gtc\u,lDbci'afl be U»aiJ fp;eD ab^ooe on v cro^'e, Hibcr« as be luas e nc lofcD m Ibe lcpuUb;ejtl)c tame \})AS Don bv a ceitftinc Oifyeiatio, t be niigbt be fco;u » bie,« peifo;nubc otber Duties of man. ^ beras aire r t js rcfurrecticn be luae fccne in bis tuoreo if tbe boDv of Cb;iae Uwb fane in one plaec mo;tal t bafr,f in an otbcr pUct luae bolDcn inimo;tal 1 glo;^^!;^!^'^^! belt if tbcu opinion latic piiice.v (ame bapprnetb Dailv: bicaufe tbcp arc com* pelleD to cofiflf tiMt tbe boovof ^itt being in it ielff> Ivctti biD inuiQblT' bii* Dcr tbe figne of b;cac ;inD ^ f t tl.ci tbat bcmit cut fucb inonttrucufiif tti\nrc fo not albaiMD of tlicvj clun Qx n\c, l^a f02mofboDv,ti3bcrasbctDastJienbp)tbcrDolMp;oucl:cD,taincuCvrailffltj u bcaucn,U)bcrea0laaofaUalfo after 1 bs,bccaufciucDonotrubfcnbctoilK. , I bis affcnCon be Uiasfcne of ^^cepben* i .S j^.oUuftbcvUtt to fatten tbe boor », BauUit teas Don bv V fao'ei'"PC"f^»* ] blouoof tbc Lo;DtobitaOimiD uiue. ."flp^^ _ xOftlieoctvvattlcmcanes foocr from tba otljcr, ifo^^s t!)e b;cao is DcUucreo feucrall^frmtttbe cup , fo t tl)j bot;!' ^iteDlo (t b^eatJ, muft neow ' i bC'CiintsDD'from tbe4jkio«iclofcD in tlje • eup^^o; i»tien tljc^ cTffirm tl^at p-'bo^ ; I jg>«i tbe'b;ea^,Hino tbc blotiu in § cup: iymiiJlijebjeacei ioine arebpfpacestlf I ^splacc ciftant »l;c-onc fro tlje c£ber:tbc^ j iisant^tto^ift ofsapcbattbat tbc boD^ I j inttU bcfcacrsb from tbeWouDc.^iSat I Wbem0 ^f^e tucmt to-Mlegejtbat bt ; iactoiKpaft^ini^(a5 tbc)? faine)in fbc bo? ip ^ti£ iDc mutt apo^nt fuel? a p^eTtcc of Cb?ift in tfjc fupper, as ma^ ncitber fatten Um to (Ijc clement of b;eaD,no;i G&uttebim bpin ebeb?eaOi no?b^ an^ 5r.2an-compas biitrin, (fo* it « plain f 'all tbcfe ^bings abate bis beaneal^ glo* ri?)iti!a!l? fucb as mai ncitber taHc fro ^i f)iff-b?s ; ' -blowOitbat at lengtb^^U)ewat gnio^ bim i tDboledfo> alf45tju"0b bebatb tafe^albai ?)i5ijet^ ff0!n^,i in bis-boop 4«afccn^ 5ei3 \)p inta^Vaaoiijrct be^Rttetb^atibe ^ r^gbt#Dof tb^-^atbervtbat is tofa^jbc ' vtiQn^tl) in tbopob^r, f-maictt^c, an23 i i' 3I0;? of lba^atbC4*,SI^ kincbome is ncitbcr bounoeM^ant? Traces of place/ tbci' ma^bctbongbt wottoreceiue it hi Mc;meafu# I HHgs^,but ^ Cb;Jttt ma?:(!;ei'>.fo>tbbis I'migbt'UJberffff wcr it pleal^^ bim botb in bcauoH ans i« eaPXtKbut tbatbe nmi * I* C^el» biniTrlfe p;»cf^nt loitb^potwcp nno |ftrcrtgtb:bat^bc ma? aUoa^bc.at bao 1 5Bitb tbemt-bat be bi^)b;ttbin0bii)t'lifc ; 1 ^»fotbc4W;matli«eintbDm,ftrenf(tbcn I tbCifjuic^cn tbcm^pu^fer-ijctbc (afccut -'!»« if be'tBerpKfcntinboD^jfinaUi but ■;■ 'f bcRM? fcDctbr-ii!' bis olan boQ^jibc ' '-^ mi*Mmmvi labcf of -be 09tb bi? ^poUj^ ; fii of #is:4pif i.t(?p!3urc4inf otbcm^,fter f-^ ^:s.iV5«iner tb-J-fcooj? * blHDc)f<2:b?ift is ]^ ^.Uu0rr5tg-i)5^iiUt't,^acrau!cnt> loo^jlDAj is bomn ts^anp inxt[)\^tYea tureSiSTbe oit^cv,^ notbingbc bi fainig applieD to bisboDp , tbat agreetbiiot i6 tbe nature d f man: 'mbicb is Don,li>bc be is tit'm faioe to bo inSnite, 0; is fet in mant? places at onci^3i3at tbi^eabfaroi ti^t$ hcxniX. tafecn alua?, 3 tuillingl? re^ ceiuc tobatfoeuer mai auail to cjcp^fs^f imt I fubttantial comtmicating of tb^ bou^ I'Mnub of p 1o,i5,t»bif b tf ojnunica^ ting is DcliuereD to tbc faitbfuHljnbcr tbebclg.ngncs of tbc fupper:anb fo tbat imagination onlVrOjbnbd'SanDiHs^f mino^but to mioy> it in oeoe to tbc fobe of ^ernaliife,UTb?tbis fcntcnce-is fo rliatefuf to^bs fedVnCF,?ljl osfence tafecn aioai f rom it bp f be^bntutt tu^g^mctits of man-^,tbcrc i3430canfeat ail, but fo; tijat ti)C oeuil'barb \x)^^ bo?rible bctuit fibing nwDOcD tbcir.minDS..£:Tuli?^)at Uibicb toe teir8lr)i>trtb in aipovntsijcrg iucU agve&tu^tb tOcfcriptuccs ; it^conf tcinetb «eitbcr anr «bruroilr>no; fiarb .rt^flfo,no; boutfuUwSTe^it i5 not againft -truegoelinelTe, ana fouwjc csjitication: 6iwll?:!tbatbe4t«tl;ing.in-itytbat nxis^t ^^^iffetm^auiqg tbat in ccctaiaagcapaft i^en Toiaiuajon/ Fourth IXxjJie. ' Fo(. 4 Mkt26. Mar. 14. uCor.ii. 24^ U)t;fin.^:tgno;anfCf Imrbarciifncffc of ftnnoc (fmt b:f aDc ifv-.vt fl)rlu"f"D^"nrro ^optjiffcrarc ianrU in v cbiirclj>fo rlcrc- . rtirfo;c tbcre.is no arrjUcr.ibfurDavf lioibt f open tmrhbvitl) bnic t)nVuo;tbr' ^ tlxuito rcuKiic that to tljc f(?;in,u.l)ulj i lVopp:crrcD.pctbiQurc aaranottbia isfpckcnDriU-LvcaCf. Ctbfr.uhfu iMvalfatrau.irlctbbrtioiiblcfcuic/pi/ tl)*vrrpmuiCcf;j>8U'o;D . fo;;'abc atc3to,fpofjtluitb all tbc f£launDrrfl traufubftjiuiatr,. coOt!UJ.\.'no;r.cH. ' anDiTp;ccbC£Hbatbccan, anobniDctb fo;cf:iauD tiolcr.ilr iu;aitfDclift'; Inmkifctintoottn-Mina, Ujitb grratrr ^hcrcfo;:.ibfft id no r :jiff lub? tbf r filDcuo; : itisp;ofttablc.ttic mo;c Dili- flmlo p:ctcnDtb:iX tttr !ic nmr:^ iviib •jcntls-lo DcfcnD ano icfhuc :t, rctifrrncc cf U)o;Dc5.>-x tlr.aiurj m* . 20 j)fi{\x licfo^e ^ U3C ffoc anv fartbfr, bcdro ofamoiio al nafiono ani>l4n3ua' ' luenuiftcntrcatcoftbcfrlfc mftitiitro afi?iti>iltl;ciiio:c u flji:lo bct.i!;fnin ' of ^;itt : fpjcnallv bccaufc tbvs ifl tbo tljis frnfc-, lujiiciv ffr5.tbcpl;iiicU;cU4ingcfCb;iii, totbci»:o^DMmaiicrc airpcahmgfarrf Diifcriii."ilic; iTc ri:n(C bctiuci.. ..,.. — . . .,. ^O' j Dvr, t tlivc tbat tbe loDv ujvpixli b;faO. I Uutbicaufctt)t\Ma\iu blc,tbv;ttbV5nmplc p. ; aano: tbat b;e.iD u tbc boov: ibcv »)«uic | attrptcDto fir.pcaiua'- ' •'-': lo^jncff ; offp(Ub»a3UU)crb\ . . nitnftS. ^jinc uio;c bflloc ftuKe uQi i^ uif uuir pcrmcanigoftbf. ilbat lubicb Cbnft ; tiiatcuemup:opcr fP^'^-i^;^' f ,^ i.Uc into bus Uanog, ano gauc tbc ;.-ipo^ j tbc bat)r; 1 bv tbi-3 in ^nc bcf 1 1 1 c . ftle0,bcatfirmctb to be bis boDr:bnt be i p;oiic tbc Wmc fi 10 ^^^^ U cral u u (ofee b;eaD:UJbo tbtrfg;c cannomocr. | QUuctcibtMfoi?J5£4lH^^ 'A . -a«V iLB JJJ» . u^ Cap* i7« ■so, j.Cor.n I ant) i« Q;oD:tl)iJJ tjcrti? tbet toil oeni^^be caufe it is mt cppjeffeD m ttie Ibo.zdb of cl«ift.}i5ut t\}e^ Ctiall notljing p;euaple b^ Denting it: fojafmucb ais all do acre ti)at U)i)ole cbnlt is ofiTrcD bsi m ^ ^up^ pcr.315ut it is an intolerable blafpbcmi, tl)at it be \DOut figure Tpol^cn of a fratle ano cojrnptible element, ^ it ies €tinti, iploto 3 alfee of tbe , tobctber tbcfc ttoo p;opofitions be botb of one cffe(t,Cbjift is tbe fon of goD,f b^^eaoe is tl)t boD^ of Cb?ia.aft|)er grants tbep are Diners, (VDbicb toe toil enforce tbem to graunt tobetber t\)tn MM o^ no) tben let them snftoer tobcnce commctb tl)c Dififci ice. ^tbinfetbeptoiilb^ingnone otberbut tbat ti^t b;eaD is after tbe facramcntal maner calleD tbeboDp. ©Hberupo folo* )i3Zt}^,t tl)Ms too;sDs are not fubiett to t t\is common rule,noj ougbt to be trpeD ! bi (Df amcr.aifo 31 afbe of al tbe p;ecife f iiiffe rcquirers oi^ letter,toberilnbe « Paul DO call t^it cup tt)t teflfamenf in tbe blnD,tobetber tbei do not^p^es tl)t fametbingtobicb tbcv DtDintbefirtte part,tober t^i cal b^eaD tbe boDi.Cra^ Vg t^t fame relpgton toas in tbe one part oftbemptterie tbattoastntbeo* tber: anD becaufe fljo;tnes is Darb,lon* gcr fpecb Dotb better ope tbe meaning. $>oofttbcrfoieastbep Ibalaffirmeb^ one too;D, tbat tbe bjteaD is tl)e boDp : 3 toil out of mo too^Ds b;ing a 8t erpofi* fion, tbatitistbeCeaamentinf bo* op. iFo J tobr^ ^bal toe neebe to fafte a moie faitbfuU o} furer erpoCto: tban Paul I Itufeef .^citber ^et Do 3 tr d bere bnto, to Diminirb anp tbmg of ^ comu* nicating of the boDp of CbnH tobpcb 3 baue cofclTeD: onl^ mt? purpofe is to m futc ^ folifb toaitoaronesjtoberbp tbei D3 fo b'ltcfDllp b;atole about too^Des. J tnoerftanu, bi? tbeautbo^titt? of paui » ILufec,^ tbe b;cao is the bo'op of Cb;tffy bicaufe it is the couenant in the boD^. Oftheoutvvarde meanes not \3iith nii>,but \inth the fpirit of goo . l^otofocucr tbep crp out, ^ the^ he ton^ che^\i)ith reuerence of tbe too^Des of €hii(ty togcrb? the^ to not figtiratine^ in biioeraanD tbofe tbings ^ are plaim I? fpo^e:pet this is not a pretence rigbt ful enoKgb,tob? f bet? IbculD fo refufe al tbe reafcns tooicl; toe obicit to the con^ trarp. Bin the meane time,as 3 baue al* rcDt? gcucn toarning, it is conuenict to learn tobatmancr of tbing this isMhe SCelfamentin tbe boDreanDblouDeof Cbntt: bicaufe tbe couenant ffablilbeo toitb the facrificeof oeatb,£boulD otber^ totfe profit Ms bnlelTe tbere toer abiop* neo tbat fecrete communicating tober^ bp toe groto info one toitb €hnit. 2' 3itremainetbtl)erfo;^e,#fojJaflftm* tv tobicb the tbings CgnifieD baue \Dith then Ognes, toe cofelTe t the felf name of tbe tbmg toas geuen to § figne: figu^ ratiuelt? in DcD?,but not toitbouta nioft fit p^iopo^tionall agreement. 3 leaueal* Icgojtes I parablesjlcaff anp malboulD quarcll tbat 3 fehc ttarf tng bo!e5,f toa^ ber out of tbe p^efent purpcfc ^ fav that this is a fpaecbe bp figure of tranfnomi* nation \\)hich iscomonlpbfcD in i fcrip ture,tobenmpaerpes arcentrcatcD of. ^0^ neitber ca t?ou otbertoife tnDertlaD tbat mich is fapD : tbat circ tjcifion is a conenant:tbat tbe J.amb is tbe paffeo^ uer:tbat the facrifices of tbe lato are cp piations : finally tbat the rocbe ,ont of tobicb toater flotoeo in the Defert, toas CbjiffibnlelTe pou talie it to be fpobe bp toap of tranfferring of names, ijieitber are names tranffcrreD onelp from tt)e hvet name to the lotoer : but contrari?* topfe the name of tbe bilible figne is al^ fo geuen to the tbing fignifieD: as fahen it is la-^n that Oo\i appcareD to ^ofes in tbe buOs: to'jen tbe ilrlte of couenant is cal leb ©oD,anD the fact of <2DoD : anD tbe 2D3UC is caHsofbebolp ©boll, jfoj ^teWjgaiags^jb^^ tht ggne Differ L fubftauncj from To Saluation. Four'!: Bootc from tbe tiling fignifieDrbiranfe t^isiB take ^ nam rBofytttngs ffjrnifrliifi fpiritualf bcaticnlr, ano tbat is co;po* ilstbcrcfo; rafter a ffrtainrmnnnrr () tec F0I431J ral t tJifibIc:rct bicaufc it Dotb not onip figure tbe tting tobtctj tt 10 boiilr apoiii teo to rcp;efentag a nal^D t cniptp fo« ken, but Dotbealfo true Iv t)c(iucritiii DeDc:tDbi? ma)? not tbc name of p ttitng rigfjtl^ acco;D lii it^JfOgnBDeuifrobv mf ,tobrct> arc ratljcr images of ttjings abfcnt, ttjan marges of tbtngs p;erent, tDbrcf) felf abfent tfiings tfje^ 00 often* times Deceitfully fljaDoU), arc ret fom* time gamiC^D 16 tlje titles of ^ ttjigs: tftr tbofe tbings fi arc o;DCTncD of goo, Do b^ mucb greater reafon bo;ob3c tlje names of tbofc tbing0,of tsbicb tl)c^ al- lDa\^ botb bcare a fure ano not Dcceitfbl Ognification, i bauc tbc trutl; aDiOfneo toitlj tbem. SLberc is tl)crfo;e To great libencffe ano nercneffc cf tbe one to tbc otber, ^ it is eaf^ to dm\d tbeir names to f fro. SLberfojc let oure atjucrfarics ceafc to bcap tjnfauo;^ fccffmgs agaia l)S, in calling tjs Tropilks, bicaufc toe erpounoc t\)t ?o>acramental manner of fpeatjing after tbe commo tJfe of fcrip- tare, ifo; tobcreas tbe Sacraments a- greetogctbcrin manre tbmgs: m tbrs tranfferring of names, tbcvbauc all a ^acrainr nt of (' boDv of Cb;iflf , is fbc boDvofCb;ittf : tbc feacranifntcf tbe blono of Cb;itt,is the blouQ of Cb:iftc: fo tbc fdcranicnt of faitb is faitb. Hher bcmbrmmanv lit?e places, lubicb it lucre fiipcrfluoufi to hf ap tccictbrr, fittj tbat fame one fuffifctb : fatimg tbat tbc reafccrs mutt be iDflrncD tbat f» boli ma teacbctf) tbe fame tbing mtbcCpiQIe to l.iKxiius I3ut It 16 a trifling ftjiftc to fap, tbat Uibere AugullniC tcaclKih, f bubcn tranfferring IS often niio conim5 Iv tofcD m intttciics, Ic niahctb no mr- tionoftbcfuppcr:bccaiifcirtbr6a)iftc lucr receiuf D, Ire migbt net reafon f. 6 tbe gencraltf to tbe fpccuilrif , ncrtbcr lucre tbis a gcoo ari.umrnt : Currv fa* Img creature batbc polDcrof inciimg, tberfo;e an ore ano a bo;fc baur poUicr cf nioumg, ll>o\i3bnt Icna Difputafion bcrccfisman otber place cnDcobv tbc Ido;dcs of tbe fame bolr maiMLbrre he fartb. i^Cb;tfl CicI.cD not to call it brs boDr)lubcn be G^uir r f^i ^^ ^^^^ ^cOf. ;3gaintt AdimantustU u^inubcan, m V.rii.cbapter.rino man ottjer place, bp ontbctbnopfalmf,q'auaUou6 faytb certain comunitntogitbcr. Os tbcrfo;e j bOi^ tbe patier.cc of Cb;ia, 1^ bs rccrr tbeapottletenrbctb, i^ tbc ftone oute of fcDbicb fpirituall D;inb did rp;ing to tbc Jfraelites,U)as Cb;ittC7bicaufe it \xias atjiable Cgne,t3nDer lobicb v fpirituall D;inUe loas truelr in DccDc,but net Dif* cernabl^ to t c^c pcrceiueo: fo b;eaD is at tbis car calico § boD^c cf Cb;itt,fo;' afmucb as it is a (igne lobcrbr (' Jlc;o offretb to t)0 i true eating of bis boDv. ucD JuDas to tbe bjnliet,Vubcnn be c6 imttcD anD DdiucrcD to brs Difciplcs t figure of Ins boo^ anD tlouDc. 22 i5ut if fonie p;ecifc nia,bcing blino at al tbc reU ,Doe ftanDc onlv tpon tbrs I U3o;Dc (tins h}as tboiigb tt fnicrcD tbr^ ! mrtlertc from all cther,tbe folution \5 i caff. C:bf r far tbat tbc tebcmcncc of v fublfantmc trrbc (i\^ to fo great tbat u i&eitber DID Au2;unin otbcrunfe tbuib ' aDmittetb no figure. tClbicl; if U;e grat 0,2 fpeabe, Icaft anu man fljoulB cefptfe tbi« as a neto inaentioit 3if(fartb be) p facraments b^b not a ccrtame lifeenelle of tbofe tbmgs Uibcreof tbcr are facra- mentSjtbct tbulD not be facraments at alU^ano of tbi« libemCe oftrtimes tbet to tbem:eDcn: m tbc Uio;DS of Venule is tbc fubftantiuc tcrbc, lubcrc he callctb b;eaD tlje communicating of tbc Lot i of Cb;ift . ^"t tbc communicatintT \s ai: otber tbmg tl)an tljc bobr if fdfr - Ff*"' commol^ iwbcrc facramcnti? arc cntn tCi Of the outward meanes teD of,tDe flnoe t&e fame luo^D tfeo.as, niii (^albe tnto ^ou a coneuant lottb ne.2Ci)i5 lamb (l^lbe to ^ou a l^afTco^ uer.SCo reberfe no mo,U)ibP Paul faitb ^ tbe rock toas cb;ift,Uib]? oo tbei? taUc 1^ fubttatiuc tjerb in ^ place to be of its Debemec^ tban in tbe fpecbe of Cb^^itt^ Jlct tbe alfo anfUser^tttljere Biobit faitb, § bol? gboft tuas not i?et, bicaufe 3icfu« lDa3 not i>ct glo,jtfieJ>,of U>bat fo^ce tbe fubUatittC tierbe is in tbat place.ifoj if tbc^abioe fadeneo to tbeir rule,f cter nal efff ce of § bol? gboa Mbe Deftroi^ eo, as tboiigb it tolie beginning at § af^ cenfionof Cbzift. iftnall? let tbeman^ ftoer,t)Jl)3t meanetb ^ facing of Paul, f baptifme is tbc toalibing of regenera-- tion f rcnuin3,U)bicb it iscuiDent to be t«ip.ioatab.le to tmn^, ^at notbing is llronger to cofiitc tbe, tban ^ (a?ing of paul,!^ tbe cburcb is CbJitt.ifo j,b;rim ging a £miltt«!Je of § boi>i of ma,be aO" oetbr^ !scb;ill:in lobicb place be bn^ DerftaDetl) tbe onlg bcgotte fon of ©ot>> ml in bimfelf hat in bis mefaers.^ere^ b? I tbinltc Bl baue obteinetj,^j to founD luitte&f bnco^^rupteo nmh t\)t flaoers. of our enemies are lotbfom.,UJben tbcp (pjeoeab^oDe, ^ lue U)itbi3;talD creDitc from t\)s tcMj^Ds of >Cl).iift:UJbicb toe Do no les obediently em'j^acc tban tber» i 00 tDC^ tbe tD^tb mo;e gotjlt? reucrece. I^ea tbeir negligs^nt carclefneffc l^jeUj- et&tbat tbcti oo n^ greatlt? care tnbat CbJiS mentjfo t\)atit geue tl)c a buck=» lar to Defence tbeir obftinac^ : liUe a^ our carneft fercbing ougbt to be a \s)it^ ma bOsto mncb toe elf erne tl^t antbo;i? of Cb.Jia.2nbeF oiuoiiav fp^eo ab^ooej. tbat natural fenfc of man toitbbolbetb^ 13^ fro ijeleuing ttjat lubicb 'Xij^ifi batb ,tittereD teitb bis ol»nc bolp moutij:but Ijolumaticiouns tbev burtbcntjs Uigtlj ^ thi9 (lanDer4 baae a great part alreo^ nime plain., ano bcreafcer it flfeal moje ciereleappcre.a^berfo^e notbing \siit\i boloen tis from beleeuing €f)M ^^tn be fpeaKetbj no.> from obeying fo fmnc as beootbe but \s)itfy beche toil t\)iB o^ tW . ^nl^tbisistbequeaion,ta)bc^ tberitbe bnlatofull to enquire of tbe naturall meaning. 23 2Di)efegcaDmailIers,tbattt>e^ma^ feme toel lettereD,Do fo^bio men to oe? part be it neuer fo litle from t\)c letter. ll5ut 31 on § otber fiiDe,tubcn § fcripture nametb goD a tuarliUe ma^bicaufe ^ fee ^ toitbout Sguratiue trailation, it is to rougb a maner of fpeaUing^oo not boat ^ it is a comparifon tafeen from men* ^notrul^ tjpon none otber pretence in § olo time tbe 0ntb;opomo;pbitestro* bleD § true teacbin;^ fatbers, but ^ cat* cbing fatte bolos of tbefe facings,. %i)Z eies of dDob bo fee. Bit tuent tp to his ta^ res, ^is banu (tretcbeo bnt,2Dbe eartf^ bis fate(tole,tbei crieo out tbat goo bat> bis boB^ taken from bim,tt»bicl^ p fcrip turc affignetb bnto bim. 3!f tbis lato be rcceiueOjOutragious barbaroufncs C^al ouerUjbelm J Ujbole ligbt of faitb,i?o;^ iDbat monftersof abfurotties maj? not frantike men pickc out,if it be graiiteD tbcm to allege euen^ fmall tittle to ffa^ blil^e tbeir opinions^ 2Dbat tobicb ti)t^ obicct,^ it is not ltacl\?, ^ Ixj^en €\)n(t p.jepareD foj bis ^po (ties. a lingular co fo^t in aoucrfities, be DiD tljm fpeak in a riDDle o^ Darljl??,maUetb of oure fise. if 01 if it bab mt come in tJjc minbs of P^poaies, tbat b^jeab toasfigiiratine^ Jp calleD tbe boo^e, becaufe it iuas tbe a^nc of tbe bOi)i, tbep bao Uiitbout nout ben troableotuitb fo inon'irrous a tbig. aimoft at i fame moment 3obn repo;r* tvt'i) tbat tbep bio (ticU in perpleritp at euer^ of tl)^ Icalt oifficultieier. 2Cbe^ Uibicb itriac among tbemCclues, botse €i)U^ bill g& to ^ fatber: anD Do moue queaion bcto be tail go out of ^ i»o;lDt tbci? Mmli t)i^ocraao noticing of tbofe tHnz'5 ^ arc fpokc cocerning fe beucnli fatfeer. ToSaluation. fourth Bookcj Fol.4^ fdtt)cr,til tl)ci fee Ijim: bolu Ujonlo t\)€v , luranc iDfjiIcas tfeoaabc thevi bmo^r baucbcnc fo cafv tobclfuei^ lolurb nil I cufiftrD inobfltnnfri rnilmp, fbrr Tip rcafon rcfiirctb,tbat cbiift OttctI) at the r Ch:ill ib arcufcD of Ivmg, tr nn r rpc^ bffl^Dein tbcir figbt,f is cnrlofco intiifi 1 fiticn be foimhtof rbe 1110:00. .ooIdc it blc bnDcr b;icnr);5liiU)cras tbcrfb;c tbci I n^cUbc rafr \'o: bs to FIjcUj tn tt)e rccera uuatm(i:tbcb;caDU)itboutDoutm5,tc^ ih'cti)ijniu(l luiogttjcfr ratfhrrpof frU (lificD tbcir corcnt,bcrbv appcrctb tbat I lables coe to us, luheii tbcr fill the fun* tbci tol^c f b?ifts U30 t^t mav be fmct ncD-J grailt it in Dee Dc:but m f> mcanc tnto b0.f mallv iPbofoeucr latb taCcD fimetbcT? that not tntoinDctbefcluec: ofourDortniicOjalberauinieD intoaD^ but t tbcr J crro; muft D;atoc tbis ab. miration of the fee rcte potoer of y^^on. furDitpVwitbit,tbatpb:caDis(>blouD, 13uttbrfcgffiDmcntbatbc fo !Cio"fot aiiD tbe tome is tDt boDr. J^oto S toot it,fo:gc to tbr felncs a ""i-i^f /'^^^^^^^^^ not tobat tbis mcnctb, tobcn tbcv grat mg tahen atoav,Oo9 bimfclf ^amnictb tbc bjcaD I tbe boDv to be Diuers tbtgs, 1 toitb hvs potocr. J Dcfirc to banc tbi rca vet to affirme tbat tbc one is fpolicn of; Dc rs once agarn toarncD,ttvU tbc> DiU^ I otbcr p^opjclt i toitbout an^ bgurc: gentlv toev tobat our Dottnnc b;mgctb, a . if a nian Qjttlo far t a 5«nncnr 10 in tobrtbcr it ^)^^"?,^P°" "•;""°'^/;'^^^^^^^ D^DC a tbing Differing fr6.a man, t ret v^ the tomges of ^^^^ »J'f"f °;°"\^'^.^ ''J tbatitispzopcrly^ calico a maiu^in t^c 1 toojlD, cUmbctb bp bc^cnbe rt into t|c Of the outward mcancs ^eauen0. ^e fas ^ c^;ttt a5 toel t6 ttie outtsarD figne ad iuttli ^is fptrtt,Dercen Det^ to D0 tbat l^e ma? truli? qatcbf our roul00,t6 i fubHlce of bis fielb f of b)?5 blono. Bin tbefe fetD 1jdo;d0 be ^ percet^ nctb not to be cotetneb mani? miracles, is mo}t tba renQeCretfo^afmueb as tber is notbins mo;te befioe nature, tban i foules Iboulb bo^roU) fpiritual i beauf^ l^ li?fe, of tbe dttti tDbicb tofte ber begin nins of tbe eartb) ano tubicb teas (ub^ iett to betb * i^otbing is mo;e increoi^ ble,tbatbattbingsDt(lati a fanberb? tbe tDbole fpace of beauen i eartb^fl^nlo in fo great Diftje of places not onli? be conto^neo, but airot)mteb, t\)nt foules mai? rccc^uc fcooe of tbe fle£b of Cbjift. 2Dbcrfo;e let U)aiU)arD men celTeto p^o cure batreo to bs b^ a filtbp fclaunber, as tbougb Ujc did enuioiifli reftratn ant tbing of g immeafurable potoer of goD. if 0^ tbzf DO eitber to foli^l^^ erre oj to maliciouai? l^e. S^o} it is not bere in quedion lubat CDoD coulD, but tobat be iDolD* Mte affirmed to be Done Web pleafeD \)lWat it pleafeD bim, ^ €\)n(t (bulo be maoe li^e to bis b^etb^en in al tbings,erceptfin.M(bat maneroftbtg tjDbat Doft tbou els but peruert f o;Der of tbe toifbomof (DoD^E^berfo;e flefbe mutt be flelbmnb ^pirit,^pirtt:eaert tbing in fucb latD anD conDition as goD batb createD it.HBut fucb ist t\it tonniti* on of flelbe,^ it mutt be in one,^ea anD tbat a certain place,i confiHof ber me^ (nre f of ber fo^m. W^ith tbis coDition €^M tobefleO) bpo bim,to Uibicb (as Auguftine toitneflietb) be batb geur in DetDe bnco^ruption t glo;^, but be batb not tahen from it nature ano trut^, ^ 2Lbe^ anftoer tbat tbe^ bauef iDo;D iDberbi? tbe luil of (Dod i& mabe plain: namely if it be gratiteo tbem to bantll) out of tbe €\mt^ tJiit gift of erpofition> tDbicb ma^ b^ing Itgbt to t\it lDo;^De. 3 grattt tbat tbe? baue t\it loo^D: but (utb as in olD t^me tbe 0ntb;opomo^pbites baDytoben tbe? mabe CDod baning a bo^ D? fucb as Marcion: anD tbe spanicb«0 ^^' baD,VDbe t^t"^ faineo t^z bob? of Cb^ift to be eitber beauenl? o^ fantaliicalK if o; tbe? allegcD fo; teUimonres. SCbe firH jaoam toas of tbe eartb,eartbl?:tbe fecono 0Dam is of beauen, beauenl?. 0gaine, Cb^ift abafeb bimfelf, taking bpon bim t\iz fo^me of a feruant $ toas Epift«ad darda. i.Cor.15'4 is our fleC^Bls ix not fucb as cdQUetb of fbitD in Ithenes as a ma.)15ut § grolTe ea^ pi § certam mearure of is^as it coteineb in placcas is toucbeD,as is fenef ^no tob? (fa? tbe?)ma? not CDoD mafee,tbat one felf fame fletbema? occup? man? 1 Di* uers places, ma?e beconteineb in no place,ma? be t^out meafurc anD fojtn? 2Dbo u maD man, tob? required tbou of tbe poUier of (0oD,to mn^siz flelbe at one time to be f not to be flcfbe i LiUc as if tbou (boulDeft inftantl? require b?m to ma^e at one felf time § ligbt to be ligbt ano Darhneffe. lIBut be toilletb ligbt to be Uglit,Darknes to be Darhnestfleflb to be flcCb.^e Owl in mnt toben it plefetb bim turn Darknes into ligbt, anD ligbt into barftncs: but to^en tbou required tbat Ugijt anD Darhnes ma? not Differ, ters tbinHe ^ tbere is no potoer of dDoD, bnlede iDitb tbe monder fo;igeD in tbetr b^aines , ? tobole o^ber of nature be 0^ nertb;otDe:tt)bicb i^ ratber to limit goo iDben toe couet tuitb our fa?neD inuen^ tions to p^oue tubat be ca Do.if 0; out of U)bat tDo;D banc tbe? taben, t t\)t boD? of Cb^id is bifiible in beauf,but lurketb inutfiible in eartbbnber innumerable li^ tie peces of b^cabflOjci loil fa? ^ nccef^ lit? requiretb tbis, ^ tbe bob? of Cb^id (bolD be geue in tbe Supper. QSeril? bi^ caufe it pteafcD tbem to gatber a fled)!? eating out of? too^Ds of Cb;id:tbe? be;* ing car?eD atua? ijnit}) tbe?; olunefo;e«« iuDgemcnt, toere D^iuen to necedit? to co?ne tbis fnttlct?,tpbicb ? tobole fcrip tur^ turc cricti) out againft. 15iit \^ anv thing is bp tjs DiminilljeD of ttjc poluer of goo, w fo falfc ^ bi? our Doflrinc tbe p;aifc of it is tcrv bono jnblp fct cut. X?ut fb:af^ mucb as tbf ^ altoap accufc ts, t* txjc dc* frauD C5ooof bis bono;,U)bc toe refafc ^ tobitbafco;Dingto comon fcnfc is baro to be beIeucD,aItbogb it bauc ben p;omi TeD b^ H moutb of Cb;^iai j make again tbe fame anftjcr ^ J maDc cncn notr,^ in tbc m]?ttcries of faitb loc do not affec connfcll of comon fenfe , but tuitb quiet toillingnefTcto Icarncf tottb tbc fpirit of mehcncs U)btcb jt^mes commcnocti) iDe rcceane p Doctrine come fro beaucn. i5uf in ^ tDben tbei pcmtcioufl^ erre,3i benp not tbat Ujc foloto a profitable mo Deration. SCbe^ bearing tbc too;Des of Cb^iftjSTbis ismt» boD^imagine a mi< racle moft far fro bis mino. iBut loben out of tbr^ fa^neD inacntion arifefoule To Saluatjon. .Uk.l. abfurDitics,bicaurctbe^bancalreD^\35 , _„ -, beDlongbatt put fnaresljpon fbefelues, I icgeo foi tbrs purpofc.feo off as Cb;itl i'oh.i4. Fourth Bcv^lve 1 oL^jj i'Jrrcupon fp;ong Up v crpcfuion of tfte i U)o;D6 of Chciff .Ujhtcf) tc bf bf tbc fcn» ; tinuall Dfagc of the fenipturc common to all feacramcntcs , nil tbcr tbaf bc^oD, i ffanDf th tpoii tbe autbo;itic tbtrofj luiU mahc thrs alfo eniDentlDitb as great b;cfcnc(Ic as J can. Cbf boor of Cb;ift,f!ncc tbf trme tbatitrofeagaincnotanftotlcbnttbe bolv gboft tcacbttb to be limitr d, t tlwt it is compzehenbeo m hcaucn tntill tbc Ua Dar^.j^ either am J igno;at tb^it ibn^ bolDlv mock out tbofe places that are al ifyti plunge tbemfelues into tbe bottom leffebepfb of tbc almigbtines of Ood,i| \r^ f b^s meanc tbep mav^uemb p liflbt oftrutb.i^ereupon comctb f p;o«iD p;e< cifenes: Wic toil nothnoto bo\o Cb;tft I^etb U^ tmber (? b;^caD,bolDiiio our fel^ uei5 contentco Ujitbtbvs faring of bps, SCbps is m^ boD\i. 15ut toc,as \vc Do in tbe U>t)ole fcripture,Do loitb wo leffe obe DienjJe tba carfc,auD^ f 0 obtaine a founD tjnocrttaDing of tbi^s place : neither doc toctoitbpjcpofferous beate raCblTiano luitbdut clioife catcb bolDc of tbat tu^cb lira tb^uttetb it fclf into our minDS,but blingDiIig^nfmufing^)ponit,tDe em favtb f> be Voil Depart, Iracitng v Uio;Io, !u.f .a8. tbcp anfujcr i> tbat Departing is notb'p ; dsbuta cbangiiwfof mo;faU ttiitf .I3tjt I after tbic inane r,Ch2ift fbolD not fct tbr | bolv aboft m bis place to fiipplv/ao they rail it) tbe tuaiit of brs abfriif e : foiaf^ muctasl)e Dotb not fiiccecDc intobro place>no: Cimtt bimfclf Doth net Offer D agatnc out of the bf aiienlv glo: V to Mkc ! ^pon bim the Itatr of moral Ufc.Xrulr j ti)t coming of ibc hoi^ glKfl^i tbe afc en f DtngofClKiii arethintsr iT.thcrfoK it ca not be ftT.n accoiDiiigto the flra) Diwil \mt\) Dsaf* j uu..uuiiiar.u ...uuuij vHuu u , -v .... , tcr tbcra'me mancr that be ff»3f»''j'ri bweetbc meaning Uibicb tbc fpintc of e>pirit.3;>o:coiicr heim^^un uo;:)5cr',Va.a5. OoB-miuia-retb'.an') Caomg tbereurou pjcl^tb, th.:t be \u:l not braima^' nm W^oo frci alefgDcrmre tobatfocucr earth ; b\'S oifc ipU s m ft)e UK);lft. i^m u\vm UnrnfcDoi^ie is fet aaaintt it . J^ea ^uc | alfo t\)tv xhiu . f^'^lfJ»*';;V^° ^^?'^; ' ^'f;. bolbour minDes ciiptiiie^i^tbci marnot | a\iia,sas tbouv^D c.bnlT HiiD tw. be i 11 be bolafo umdMS U)it!> ovc litlc tinn, ! mVaWmvi ci v^:c i •"'[^^'^^J^^' "^^ 1 fo cariic'agar ill ittano do biible tU^toat icrt to the nctrmiici cf hvc ^wL »rr | tbe^ mar iK,: Dare to rife tjp ngarnii t^ 1 13iitjbe^circuin!laiur of tb^^ ' iki>i- llU^aU •« V2p,17 I Trac.in iohn.i. 20. plainli? to ttje contrarp,btcaufc lljere is not cntrcatcD of poucrtre f ncDe , c; of il3c miTeraWc llatc of cartWr Wc j *Jttt of lt)o;a)ip ano t)cno;.£Ebe annotnttiTg pleafcD not tije uifciplcs , bicaufe tt)c? t^ougfjt it to be a faperfluouc $ t}np;ofi table coC, f nerc tinto riotous eFccflfe, tUcrcfo;c tbc\! to ratbc r tbat tljc pzice tbcrof iDbicb t()c? ttougbt to be ill toa^ HcDjbaD bene btffotuei Ijpon tl)c pas.:e. CTb^ift anftocrctb tbat be (bal notaltiai bt pitknty tbat ^e ma^ be tuo;i:btppet) ijjitl) fncb bcno^ . jano none otberto^fe DVD Auguftinc ejrpoiio it ,lul)ofe toojDs be ttjtd tobicbe are nothing DoutfalL mbcn €Mft fa^D, ^0 tbal net altoa^ ^aue me,be fpafee of ttje pjefenreof bis boDr,irDJ accojDing to 1)xb maiettp^c* co;Ding to \)ig pjouioenc e,accoaDtnfi to brs tnfpcafeable « inuifible firacc,tbT?£l Uias fulfiUeD tobicb te fare, iiaebolo, 31 am toitbtou cuen to tbc cnDingof tbe t»o;lD. iBut acco;iDing to t flf 0^ tobicbc tbe tuc^D tofee tnto brm , acco;Drng to tbr^s tbat be tons bo.jn of ibc birgin, ac^ coM^Q to tli\>G tbat be tuai! take of tbe 3;eU)C0,tbatbetoasfaffneDto tbe tree, tbat betuas taUen Doton fro t\)t rrcOc, tbat be toais to^appcD in linncn clctbBj, ^ bcluas in V grane,^ beU;asmanifeft lyi fljcioeD in tl;e rcfurrc(ticn,tb^s U?as Or the outward ttieancs nob5 flgcbolD£tbl;T'«n bgfauu,tui »aiu faimicD,^e tt)al not alfcai? baue me l6 rou.Mbr fof 3l5icaufc be teag c onerfat scco^Ding, to tbe p^cfencc of bis bcDv A Dares luitb btJ^ioirciplcs, t tnbile tbe? accopnnicD bimin fcing, not in folic to;. ing,be afccnDpp., I^c is not bere : fo; be fittetb tbcrc at tbe rigbtbano of tbe fa* tbcr. anD ret be iB bere : bicanfe be is net gene alDar in p;efcnrc of maicfi v. iaDtbcriinfe aoco^Ding to tbe p^cfence cf maif ftr Uic banc C^>ifl allrariano ex-. co;^ing to tbe p;cff ncc cf tbe fkfbeit is rigbtlr farD,)li5ut me rr ajal not alluar b<1»e. jFo; arcoj&tng to tbe pjcfcnce cf the ncaM*) cburdi bab bim a fclu Daics: bint not toitb crecXCibcre(tbat Bi ir^ai? nctc tbrJtalfo baaftr >be nyiltetb l;tm pjcfenttots tlwee iDavc^>fel?^aif Si'> |3jouiD£Kcc,f tjnfpeakablc teacbetb tbat l^e \3 no mo^e to befougljt in eartb ; toe fafclr gatber,tbat nolp be batb brg DU^ciling place' I-U.24 2, ToSaluation. i-cmrt! Pti.3.»0. AdBonJ Mtpi.2; W meth:t from t\)zncc biDdcrti ts to loUc fo? h!.4ftcr toiif innncr * angclfl \Dar* nca ^ oifciplcuv^J toc\^ in taluQ.ifct) top into bcauen:bicaufc Jcfus ujJiir!) 10 ta^ ben tjp intotjeaucn.djal fo :mc as tljci banc feen bim qoc bp.Dcrjc alfo thcai^ mrfariegof foul ooctrmc tlMrtc aloa^ u5 a plcafat (bift as tbci tbirtU,fapin9 1 DetlKiU tbcncoracti&blc tu!uct)nenrr tocm out of tbc eartb but f be abpDctb imufiblc uj tbf tbat be bis. a« tbongb § angclB oiD tberc mgmfte aooublepic^ fence 1 00 not QmplT> nuke v Difc iptcs toitnclTcfi of bia going top fcing it toitb tbcir cie3,i^ no ooutaia migbt remain: eue as if tbci ban (m: bt: in^our lirjbtB beboloini if Voting taUt top into bcaticn, batb claimcD to Inmfcl/ p b-'aucnii Cm pirc:tt. rcawinctb tbat re pac icnttr a' bp3c ii\ rrpatatiO!i,til be come agamc tbc iu^Jge or't U)3.:lo: bicaaff be is nolu entrcD into beaucii.not tbat be mav a^ lone poIEcffc it,, but tbat bs nai' gather togetbrc toaitli bT?m pan i aU tb ' goob 2^ i5ntfo;afmacba5 tbc ocfcnocrsof tbi3 buiftaro oattrinc ar not aflj imeo to garnifli it ioitb tbc confcntuig tociccB of ^ olo toiitcrs 1 fpcaally of Au-^ulbn: j tDvn in feuj tojops Declare boto pcruer< at tbcp ftoe about it.iro; Vuberas tbcir tcftimonies banc br gatbrrcD togctbcr of IcarncO j goQltmen , 31 UjiI not do a tbingalrcaoi uoncUct b! r toiUfchc tbf out of tbcir toojhs. 31 luil not beapc to^ gctber,nciibtr out of A«.;ullbimfclf,al ^ migbt make to ^ purpofc^ but U)il be cotcnt to anS}) bi a feto) ^ be is tojitbout controucrfic Uibole on our fioe. iis fo; tbis ^ oar ao«erferies,to \»;itbc bt fro to3,Tw allcac ttwt it iz conunonlr rcu in bis bohs,^ tbc flcfl) « blcoaxjf Clj:iit is DiftribotcD m {? Cuppw,nojtbc(a£ram^^ 1 jVxilcc (^i-fj^} Contra. ,iib la. L f'r- o. m to)bat fence be tofcth v luojos oi flcflj i bl(DD,Ujc n>3«J not to fcltc u itlj log to piiffigabontifjjafmucb aa be Drcl.irctt) bimfclfjartixgtbat ^acramcnra fake tbcirnaiiirE of ttx' Ulicncsof tbc tbmoB Uibicb tbci figniftc-.i tljat tbcrfox after a certain manor tbc Sacrament of itjc bobp IS tl)t boar. cUbcriuub accoiocttj anotbcr place tobicbc is lurtl cnoiiiTb fenotojcn:0)c Lo:oe flic ttca not to U\\ SSbis 16 niv boof.Ujbcn Ijc gauc (> 0^ ofit.againttorv obicct, >^ Au:a;l.ui;i. tctbecpjcirar, tt)cUtbcboDrofC'i:in fdUctb to tbc grouno,! cntrcttj into the moutbicucn ui ttic fame fence , tbat l;e affirmctb it to be confumcD,briaiifc hf tD\?netb tbf both together, j^ctiir r Dcrfi j tljat make to i> totrarr.toJbuh he faittj, | ^ \x)\ii the nuttcnc is cnoeo ^ bjeaotf I conf'.nnco-.bicaufc be b*io a litlc bc:c;c ftwD-.&tbtbcfctbiQpBar Unouir to men, &);afmucb as tbcr arc tjonc bi mni,tbci mav banc bono: astl^i"^js: but as mar- uclcug tbUK^o.tbrr mav not. JnO to no other cno tenoctlj v ^'»f 'J o"^ aoucrfa' ricfioo la toa.iomfcDlvo;atoJto tbcmfrl ur0:tb«tcb;iftDio .Jff*^''*!"''^'^'" *"^' ncr)bearcbl(clfinbwo^nbaQ3.Uit)m bcrcacbcotbcmiftical b;ca3to p btf* ciplcs.Jrc; bv cntcrUcmg tbif aoucrbc oflikenes^after a certain nuncr hcfuf ftcicnd^ DC(larctb,lbat fct Umb not tru» lYn?;reall? cnclofcotonDcrtbcb;caD. j 4no no marucUUtbin an oihc r place he , plamlvaffirmetbtlwt booic5, u fp^iceg Inpfaji ' /)fuUccsbctahfnfromtbcm,nvUbcno I U)bn : ? btcaufc tbcr (b.iU be no iDhac. thci (ball net be at all.it 113 a tucrrci* mUaMon,to far that m that place is njt cntrcaicD of \> fuppcr, in lubicb peo tot* tcrcib fpcnall poVDcr; bicaiKf tbc (>nc- aion uus mcuf 0 cocerning ti » ; cb;itt,»nolimao(fctpurpt. - ^1 1,19 flclto,buitoUc not laturc (ret . .f; fcp'»^ , tcr ibos fo;me it is not to bit J oi'a.it i>^ca.. j — ^ — i5i.U ^^' Cap 17 Tra(f>.fo In John, tijat l)c is cctjiuljcr fp;cD ab;ot)C:ft)j U)e mutt bctuarc p toe Do net fo affirm tfje goobe^D of tbe ma,- ^ m tafte atoap tbc trutb cf tbe boov.flnD it folotot^f b not,^ tbat iDbicb is in (Soo mutt be ecbctoljer a0 SOD is.SLbcr i^c a reafon b]? ano b^ aD DeD:fo^ one pcrfon is goo t nian,i botb are one Cb^ilf :ecbtober,b^ tbis ^ be i0 goD:in be«en,b^ tUs i be is mlffiSlbat a ncgligfee bab it ben, not to ej;cept tbe mitterie of f Supper being a fbing fo earnea f toeigbtp, if tber bao ben in it anp tbing agatn0 f Doctrine tobicb b^ entreatcD of^no ^etif a ma bobabfol^ It? reo ^ tubicbfolotoetb toifbiu a little aftcr,be (balfinbe^ bnbertbaf general boctrine,tbe j&npper isalfo c6p;jebebeo, tbat €i)n(t tt» otiVs begotten ^onne of goD,f tbe fame tl)t fonne of man,ii8 erb* tober iDbole p;efent ae dDob : tbat be ia in tbe tr pie of goD (tbat is in f €i)ur^) ® ofi ns it Uier tber DtDeUing,i in fome certain place of beaaen bp rcaCon of tbe meafnreof bi« trne boD^.tMe f,it is rigbtlp faro. ^« ^e l^l not altoai? baae.2Lbcp anftoer, tbat tbi0 walfo aoDeb.tbat acco;bing to an tnfpeabable 1 inui&ble grace > it is fitlfillfti tobicb i^ fai?D of bim 3 am to rou euenbnto the enoing of tbe too;ID. 316ut 0 is notbingof tbeir abuatage:bi* caufe ^is is at lengtb rcaratneo to his maieftie, tobtcb is ener in ccmparifon fet againft the bob^,anb his ttdi b^ e^ p;ieffe name is maoe bifitrcnt from his grace ano potoer . jas in an otber place tbe fame comparifo of contraries is reb in him^i €h^ift b^ bobft^ pjefence left the Difciple0,tbat bp fpirttoall p^efence be mat be ftill )p tbe: tober it is plaine tbat the fabffance of tbe flelbe is nittia' gnilbeb fra the potoer off fpirif , tahith coniornetbbs \t)itff Cb;iil tbougbtoe be otbertoife far feuereb b? oi0ance of places.SILbe fame maner of fpealiitig be oftentimes bfetb>a5 tobr be faitb:Be is tocomeagaineto tbequicbt tbe beab toitb bobil? p;erence , accoabingto the rule of ifaitb i founo bO(rrin.iifo^ toitb fpiritaall p;efence be toas slfo to come to tbe,t to abibe toitb tbe ijotole cburcb in the too^lo bnttl § enoing of p too;lo. SCberfb^etbis fpecb is bireaeb to the he leuers^ tobombebabalrca&rbegonto faue \3iith bcbtlf p^efrnce, t tobome be toas to leat:e to^tb bcotlp abfence:tbat be migbf \^ his fatberfaue the vi* fpiri VlaC.:5. Of tbe alter . l^oto rigbtlr be recftenetb f ual p^efcc e, %o taU bctilf ffl;^ bifible a fupcrmttousDfage among tbe fignes is but trifling:fitb he fcttctb alfo tbe bo Of tJje p^efence of Cb^ift , 3i bo not noto bp in c5parifo againft f oinine potoer: mrpute:but be tbat comparetb tbe pje^ f aboing (to faue US tfie fatber)be deer fenceof tbe flclbfotbefignoftbecroCe, fufficientlv Qjetoetb tbat be fainetb not a ttoo boDieo €hm , tbat the fame b* ma^ lurbebi&oen bnber tbe baeb,tobicb fittctbbiQbleinljeaucn. SftMsndbe plarner beclarati0n,tt 10 bf auD bp af* ter aDDeb in tbe tame ptace.tbat ace 0;* bmsfotbcpKfenccofmaicate, toeal^ tojaue Cb^itl:^ acco^Ding to p p;e* iv crp^eCTetb tbat be cotb poure ab^ooe bis grace frS^eauen to bs bi bis fpirit 29 ^na 0tb tbt^ put fo mucb c50bence in fbis lurking bote of inuifible p^cffce, go to,let t}S(eM)oto toel tbei? hi^e tbcm felues in it . Sntt t\)etQiaH not b;ittg fo^tbtinefiUable out offi^criptures, toberb^ ifje^ mai p;^oue t cb;i(t is imi fibletbut theia fafee j fo; cofetTcD tobicb no *«j.43:. To Saluation, fourtli Hookc, no mii Vnt Wo !)it< fou^ \ryit tiil i,rmt xu \v thcfe thin j5/b:n it ilj i ( :e.iC: to tl)f, tl)it fjc boi? of slo jiil cd not otijcr be flcO). Sijr i ftil floe to tluv: orn of oi. U)ifc be g:uen in ^ fuppcr but b?i:i^ co^ fpcnfation iD*)ictjc tbf r biur frainf d to ucreo'ajitljtoebtfoi of bjcao Jlno tbpfl tbcmfrlu?3.L3'it it to our p.irt foto cm* istti^Jbcri point about U)bicbt!i:iftnue bj.iccj^ U):)j.bct);iUabfjlutclpp:onou bitb V)3,fofar is it of fro baui;ig ^^ place ' cctb,T< tbat luljich be munctb to affirm o?a punciplc.an!) tobcn tb^T? fo babble ! mu be of foicc i6 bs luitboiit crcc ptio, Vm are copcllcD to mahc a Double booi , \f): p:ouctb btTclf to be no 3boa,l;;iMufc of Ci:i);itt:bicaurc after tbcvv opinion,it | b: is biftbl: m his flclj. Let \^ be taken is in it felf biCible in bcaaen,but muifl i atoiv^ iu!}tcb be claunetb as proper to ^ blc in tb? fupper after a fpcciall maner ! nature of bis boDrtmuft tfjcr not tbr be of Difpcnfation.iSut bote trimly this a< | farn to roinc a neU) ocftnitio of a boop^ grtEtb,it is caf? to iuoje, botb bv otbcr i /liuj \D.)ctb:r focucr tbcp turn the fcl» places of fcripture, i bp tbe toitncde of i ucs about,tbCT'; fauico oifpcnfatio batb petcr,petcr faitb \^ C^ii^ muft be bol no pi ice m thit place of l,Vuil lu'ocrc be Ph.3.ai |A£t3»ii j Dcn o; cotameo in bcancn,tilbeco;n a* . fai?ii),tb.u Uj: loUc fo: a s>.uuo; fro bea j gain.SDbefsm^nteacbtbittjeiBeneri? 'ucn.tolnebnjiUfa^ion our bafcbiOT? tuber ,but uootit foim. Cbci taHe ccccp« [ li'ic to bis glozious boDP.jf oi U): mav tiotfas^itistjniatlocalini.tounUc notbopcfoi a like failjioiung in tbofc tbe nature of a glouScb boup fubicn to q lalities lu'iicb tber fapnc to Cbnil,^ tbe lalwes of com^n :ntu;c.1i54t tbis an eucr^i ona Ojolobauc an umifiblc i bn» fiDcr Diatuetb \divO it tbat Doting ciro; meafurablcbo:)p./icitber Ojil tbrrt be of Scructtus(U>lHCb is iDoztbil? to be ab* fouD an,? ma fo Dull Uj;rtcD iD^oni tbr? bojrjD of all tbe go^l?)tbit ^ boD\» toas , mav m lUc to beleuc fo great an abfur* f u)aUo^?D tjp of tbo go -i'oiX 3 do not f4i bit?, net tbcn lut tberfoje arcribc tbtf ^ tbeptbinafo.Butif tbis'w reclicn:0 ; gift to vr'jjiites e^lonfieo b^sr, to be at mtOH I q'J'iIifi<^3t of a glonflicD bon^'j, o'lcc in m m^ places, t to be contavncD to SI al tbmijs after an inutSble miner, in no fjwf c. Jf inall^ let tbf eitbcr open* it is euioent tbat tb: boDil^ fubH ace is Ip Dcnv tbe rcfurrcaio of ttjc fleOj.oj let i oeftroicD,fti)attbcr is left no Diffcrfce t)f grant i^Ct);ia being clotbeoumb of tbe goDbcD t tbe naturs; of m5.aaain ' b^auenlp glo;T',DiD not put of his nclb, iftbeboDpofCijiiSbcfoofmanifaOji' tD!i3lf)ilmalieUflinourflca>fclloiDCf ons f Diuers,tb3t it is fcnc tn one place , i parteners of tbe fame glo:r. ^bf ^c I is inuiOble in an otirer: luber is ^ tjc* ; (bal b luc § rcfurrcaio comon ^ br"u njn:inifcofaboDPtubicb conQdetbof, .foj,\iJbatDotb^fcripture tfdcbmo;e [)i3 meiurcD pjoi>o;tionsfanD tobcre is plainly tba ^ as Ctinft Dio P"/ on our tbe tjnitief ^acb mo;c rigbtli' ootb Tcr true fleO, tube n be iDas bo;n of hr tir. tullnn fav% tobifb afftrmctb t tbe bob^ gin, t fuffrcQ m our true f^^ J^ ^»i^' ^^ Df^bnft tDisatrue f natural boDp,bu fatifncDfoibsifo be rccciiif d again a fo I canfe in f miller? of ^ fuppcr ^ figure tbe fame ^^'^J'^^^" ^I^^I^J.V/^AVbsl ' of it is fer befoie U fo; a plebge f nffu^ rpcD it tip to b^aurn^ -^°; '^^/^^ ^° ^,7, ^ Luk.a4. race of p fpiritual life .In^ berili mid bope ^f °f Z^""^/^;? ';^J""J^"? " , 39. faioofbisglo;iScDboDv>r^tfa^le/o;a be.iucn,Kfi;i'lt8rifena3^^^^^^^^ fu irittetbno flcflj J bonesXobivIb;i DcD:anD .as Fcrtullun favtb; be canto i p^oue5,bicaufe^^ <.iiv.i7 Of the outvvarde meanes iion.20- \£i7.S6 Vlat2§.6 lh.:o«ip. ■•^at.14. rrarlc ll)olD v fcopc be , fcnlcffe tljrs our •elf ficfij bao ben raT?fcD tp luift) Ct);itt tcntrcDintottjc feingDomc of^gaucnf liSut tftrs w t V^^P^^ ^^^^^ c^3 bonvito be cotamco in fpace,f 0 co0tt of bis me^ rureopjopojtiongjto IjaucbYS fo^me. 2Lf)erfo;c atua^ teitlj tbts fcolift Dcuifc toljicJi sctb fatten botb ? mintifi of me $ Ct»?iC to t bjcaD.ifo; to tofcaf parpofc feruetl) v (met p^rfencc tnner bjeau, but ^ tbep tobicbe £oiiet to bane €b;itt to^ueD )» tbe^mat rf ft in ^ fign.But § lD;itj bitnfelf luilleD ts to toitbb;atu not onl? cur e\!eB but all our fenfes fr5 tht cartb,fo?biiitiingbii«felf to betouc^D ef (? ii.omcn tntil %t IjaD gone tp to bis fatber.Mlbe be fatb S^ar^ tottbi goDlr ^elc Gf re uerence to mafee Ijaft to feilTe big fetc,f bere 10 no raufe Usbp be (ftoulD Difaloto ? fojbiD tfeis toucljig til be bauc ben taken Up into beanen , but bicaufe be toil be fougbt no tober el0. ^bcras f bep obicrt ■§ be toas aftertoarD fene of ^teuen,tbe folutio 10 eaf^.if oj neitbcr \ua0 it tberfo^e neceffari t Cft^ift ftolD cbage p!acc,tobicb coulD geue to i ett0 cf bt0 feruat fuclb (liarpneire of figbt 00 mtgbt pearcetljaougb tbe tjcaure. SDfee fame alfo i0 to be fa\>b of l^aul.^feer* a0 tbet obteet ^ Cblift came out of f fe^ pulcbi^e being fbixt : % cntreo in among tbe btfciples^tbe to;e0 being ft)ut;^ ma feetb neticr a tobit mo;c fd? maintniace of Ujeir crro> . iro; 30 tbe toatcr lihe a faft paaemetmaoea toat to rb^ift toal Uing bpo tbe tahc^fo it is no marueU,tf at bt0 coming tbe barbnede of tbe fione teloeD it felf.l^otobcit it xsmozt p;oue able,^ bv bi0 commawbcmfnt tbe Cone toa0 rcmotten , « bianob^ after paCfage geucn bim returneo into bi0 placcjanD to enter,tbe soj ts being fliut, is not a0 mncb in tfaa as to pearce tbjougb tbe to^e fubttace,but bv oiuine potocr to open an e ntr^ fo; bimfelf^i^ be foocinl? (lcDeamocvtbeDifciplc0)tocril^aftera maruelous maner, toben t\je noics luer faft lockeo.SLbat tobicb tber allege cut of ilube, t Cb;iff fo^cinlv banifiieo a* toa^ fro § e^cs of § oifciples to tobo be toent to (il;mau0,p;o6tctb ti}i notbing>f mabetb fo^ t)0. ipo;, ^ be migljt tafee a^ toat? V figlJf of tjifelf fro tbf , ^e toa0 not mace tnuifible hut cnli \Dit out of figbt ^nb tobe t)e toent in io;ne« tcgetber i^ tbe (a0 1 fame 3Lube toitnefifetb) ^e fiio not put on a neto face,^ be migbt not be knotoen^ut belo tbeir e^e0. I15ut tbefe feltotoes bo not onli? traffo^m €f}iiiiy^ t)e mat be cluerfat in ertt),but in biuer0 place0 tliei make bi oiuers « bnlike bim felf.^tnalli in fo trifling t\iti to,nct bi one too;D in t)cbe,but kt>a ciritinance, make of tbe flelb of Cb;tft a fptrit:f not contentcD tbf rtoitbj tber put tpo it al* to^ctber contrary qualities, tl^berupo ofnecelfit^foUotoetb tbatiti0 touble. 30 /i>cto altbofib toe graiit tbf t ^t)tt^ tber p;ate of tbe inuifible pretence, tbe bnmefarablene0 (bal not be tet p;cueD tottbout tobicb tber tbal in bain attr pt to enclofe Cb^ifi tnter bjrab.t^nleflfe § bob^ of Cbaift ma^ be euer^ tobere at once,toittbQut ant copafiPe cf place,tt (bat not be likeli? tbat be lietb btoben bnber bjeab in tJst fnpper.^v tobicb neccffiti tbei b^ogbt in 1^ mon0ron0 being eutr^ tober.^ttt it 10 (betoep bi 0r5g i plain toitneffes of fcripittire,^ it toa0 limiteo about b^ t^t mcafure of J boti of a ma: anb tben tbat b^W afcenbing be batb maoe tt plain tbat be is not in al places, but tbat toben be paffctb into one place, be leauctb tbe otbcr tbat be toas in be* fojc, i^e^tber t0tbe p;omifetobicbe tbe^ allege,to be bjatoen to tte boDv,3i amtoitbtcueuento tbecnbrngoftbe 20. toojlb.ipirll tbe c ontinuall c onior^itng ca not fianD,bnlcffe Cbaift ttoell in ts cojpo^allr toitbout tbe tjfe of tbe^up* per. nerefo;etberei0noiuftecau(g tobr tbei C^lD fo ftarply baatole ^bout ~ • '■" tbe Lu.j4.31 Lu.34.16 Mat.28 "■- i..,.i' ',' A r^^ ffte iDojW of Cbntt that tfjci map in p fuppcr cnclore cljjill timer bicao.adidi t^c tcrt it fclf p:ouct() ^ tbJift fpcnUctb nothing IcstlKin of IiisfleO), but p2omt< feti) to tjiis Difciplcs mui&blc l)clpc,tut)cr b?ic map ocfcnQ i futtcinc tl}r againft al tbc aflaultfl of &ata t tlje loo:lD, J?o; to^cn be cniopnco tbcm a (wrD cbargc: leall tljci tbtilQ oout to take it in fjaco; Q)ulo fearfulU err cute it, be Qrr gtt^nctl) tte tDtttafftacc of bis p;crcncc:as iftft bat) faii>,t!)at bis fucco; ft)all not fayle tbcm,\Dbtcb tb^ill boD tmpofTiblc to br oaercome. ^SnlcOTe tbcp (pact) to con* foant) a! tbtngf, ongbt tbcp not to baue mate otdinctio of p niancr of p^cfcncr . flnDlJcrilp fomebao rather Uiitti great ^ame to titter tbcir tgno:ance,tban to telD neucr foiitlc cdtbeir crro;.]! fpcak not of ^ papiUs: U»bofc ooftrin is ino;e toUcrabic, 02;at tbc IcaQe uiozc Qiamv faft.iSutcotetioufnes to carrittb fome atoav,tbat tbci fai?tbat bp reafon of tbc nature tmitcniitCbntti tobcrfococr ^ (DoDbeaQ of (£b;itt tSr tbere is alfo bt0 flclftjUibub ra not be fcucreofrom bio gQDbcaO.fl0 tbougb tbntfamctmting baaecompouoeo of tbofc ttDO natures 3 luotc not U)bat mcane tbingc tobpcb tuas ncttbcr got) no; man . &o in dcdc OiO EuLichcs.f after bim!5cructtus.l5ut it is platnli gatbcrcD oat of ^ fcrl^rurr, tl)at tbr wiv one pcrfon of Ct>;ift iwtb fa'coufift of ttuo natures, that cptbcr of tbcm.batbfttilbn'ot»ncp;opcrtic re* oiapninftftlc . flno tbat tucichcs iaas rigbtfnilp eoDcamrDjtbcp ^il be alba* nieD to Dcnput is maruel t tbei inarh'c not tic caufc of \)is tonocnming, -^ ta^ tongaiiur tb^ bpffcrcncc bct\uttn tbc ant«re5^nfo;tiiw; fte tinitp ci pcrfon, llwn3BcoffeflOiia^5ofmngoo. QiUbat maUaf-JtQerroic I3tt jatticr to mtnale bcaueti anDcartl) (uge tljcr, tban net to D;atDtlT^bflti4?af Ci);itt out of tbe bca* ucnlrfittdvUi;.' iraAU)bcrafltbcifa;iiig uation. I ourU) boolcc_fou^^ fo2tb:mfrluc3tbcreffnimcnjf5,non*l "~^f 15 gone top to bcjuf but bf it)at tn cornel t DolunHonofmatt)!ncbi5inbcaue.a«| ; gam.i-^c Ton lubicb i8 in »> bofoittc cf t . , » ^ fatbcr.bc Owl Declare tbr:it u; a point *^*>*> ofliticfcnneDTe Dalnfj.toDcfpifctbccd municating of p;opcrtirf , icbicb U»8 ' m olD time i)ottoitbo(Jt caufc mufnteo , , cftijcbch'fatbcriJXrulr^lDbf thclo;D '^! '•''■ ofglo;iiflraiDtobecrunfjec,paulDotb ^•^^•*- not mciie }"> be fuflferco am tbinj m bi« ^* Ooobcao : but bfcaufc tbc fame «Ch;UI Vubicb bring an abicdf MfpifcOmtbe I flcfl) DID ruffer, tudf both poD i Io;dc of j alo.:v.:aftcr tbi« manner alfo tbc fen of' man Vuau m bear , brwufc tbe fcif Umt Cb;ift»^bub acco;Ding to ttie fictb D\ D DtucI tn tbc Ton of ma m eartb,\Dai eoo , mb^anen. Jntobicbfoctbc isfaTDio \ banc DcfcenocD from tbc fjrD plncc ar • co;DiQg to bis gt)Dbfac:not ^ (^ goDbcao ; DID fo;rake beoucn^to biD it Celt in t p;i | fon of tbe boov-.but brcaufc, althougi it ! fillca al tbingo, ret m tbc terr mibooe of cbJift it DlDclIco fo;po;al I r^bat w to far naturalli j after a certain Unfpeaha blc mancr. Jt isa rommo Diltmaion m ' fcbo(e0,U)lucb 31 ain not aQMUicD to re« | bcrfc:>^ altbougb lubolc cb;ia be coffr | tuberjvet not v tohelc t<\B in bi ifi euc" luber. JnD 5 luolD to goD tbc fcbclctnm ' tbcmfeUies two tocll iccrcQ ttc j-ithof tbusfaTing:fo; fc tbtulD v tnrjno;p m uciitionoftUc flcQjlv p:rfcnccolctiMft banc ben met umbU. ^I^bcrfo; our flBc Diato;,ritb be is tobolc cuerv lacras al* toar at lunij Icitb.t in tbc fu'^per after afpcciallmanrr gciictb bniifclfep;f» fcntlbutvc:fo,tbat lobtlc t:f is p:f> fcntoiottlMTtobcIetbat be icibicaiTfr.as itififavo, inbr« flidbeiscniterne^ in bnucn til lie a'pprarc to tuDstmotti ;i LxjC rtci are far Deccj'.JcD,\i)l)irttom cciuen3;?:crcnccottbcfl£lbcfcb;iQin tbt fnpper^\3;llc6 it be inabe p;efcnt i;i baeB. Jro; fo tbet Icuc nrthlgto rff crft iiii'.y^ Ujoiiuug <.r^rj,i7 Of tlic outvvartic meancs Lu24»26 i»o;Utng cfifiS fpirirc , feyicl) Vtiftctb c!j;ift ijimff If tnio ts. 2:btr tl;tt 10 no nero to D;dU} Cbiiiinto rtje cartb,tljat be maij be io)?neu to \i$, 32 ^otD if ani ma bo afhe me of tbe ma ner,3lDtUnotbe afbameo toconfelTe, tbat it 10 a bier fccret,tban tbat it th be eitbcr cop^ebcnbib toitb mr toit,o;^ U^ tereo toitb mi? tDo;b$: anb,to fpeahe it mo^e plainlr^Bl ratber fele tt, tbancan DnDerftao it SLberfo;e Bl do berein Xof outcontroaerfie embrace tbe trutb of SOO,tn l&btcb I mat fafeli reH.l^e p;o nouncetb tbat bis flcfb istbemeateof mt foulesf bt0 bl0O is tbe b;infe.tl(l!i itf) iuh) fobe i offer mi? foule to btm to be feD. itn btsboli? fupper be commatibetb me tncer tbe 0gnes of l};cab 1 lDine,to take,eate>$ tmk f^is bob^ % bimb.BI no tbing bout tbat bctt) be botb truir ^eit^ Dcr tbCji 3 bo rccetoc tbem.£^nlt 3lre^ fufe ^ abfurbitics li^bicb appeare to be eitbcr bnU)o;tb? of § bcaurlr maicCie of Cbjift,oj bifagreing fro tbe trutb of bis nature of manbobe : fo;^ afmucb as tbc^l? muft alfo figbt \Xiitl} tbe tocaoc of go5,tobicb alfo teacbctb t ^^^i^ ^^^ fo talien tip into tbe glo j^ of tl)t beancnl^ ItingDo t if liftetb bi t)p aboue al ellate oftbclDo;lb,$ notes otUgcntlt fettetb fc;tb in bis nature of ma, tbcfe tbmgs ^ ar p;op;(cIi belonging to \;i& true ma^ bobe.^eitber cugbt tbis to feme incre^* bibIe,o? not crnfonat to rcafcn:bicaure as tbe Vubcle liingto tf ct^iC is ipintu al,(o tobatfccuf L' be cotb to tji& cturfb, ougbt not to be reouceb to tbe rcafcr. of tbis toojlD.£D;,tbat3 mai tfe fe Ico^bs of Auguft.tbis mificrt, as dbcr arcis bone bn me,but from gob:in eaitb> bui* fro bcauen.^u(b(3i fap)is t^t p^c fence of tbe bobp,as tbe nature of tbe ^acra-- met requiretbttobicb toe fat? berc to tx eel )ob fo great fo^cc,« fo great efftctuat ncs,^ it not cnli? b;ingetb to our mibs t^nbouteb truG of^ernall life, but alfo afTuretbbsof Ibeimmoatalitie of cur fied^ifo; it ii^ nolu qaicl^neD of W imf mortal fieC^f after a certain maner co^ municatetbofbis immo^talitieXbep bDbicfe are carieo about tbis 16 tbeir er« cetftue fpecbjbo notbing but tb fncb enta glementsbarbef Qinpie (pfatti trutb, if ani? ^t not ^et fattifiei;, 3 toofo baue bim liere a U^bile to confiber toitb me, tbat toe noto fpeak of a fa(rament,al p partes tobereof ougbt to be referreb to fattb.^ut toe bo no les bctntilt « plen^ tifuUi feet) fattb Ipif b this parfabing of f bob^ tobicb toe baue teclareb,tba thti t plnckcb^iUtimfdfoutof bcauen.ln tbe meane time BI plairJp confcsittat Bi refute tbat mixture erf pelb ofCb;tli toitb our foule, o; tbe pouring out of it fucb astbet teacbe: btcaute it fufficctb bs,^ cb;iH botb out of § futCae of bis fletb b;eatb life into our fcn^ls^^ea bot^ pcure into bs bis oton Hfcairbogb f b£ rT flxfb of cb;iftbotbnot entreinto ts. ^o;ecuer it is no bcut ^ tbe p;opo;tid of faitbjtoberbt Paul toilletb bs to era mine al erpcfiticn oflcripture, botb in tbisbebalfet)ert»toell agr^J toitb me, :as fo; tbe tbat fpeal^ againd/o tuittxtt a trutb) let tbemlohe after tobatruls of faitb tbet fafljion tbemfelues . I^« tbat Dotb net tonfes tbatjcfus (fttjnDerbKaDto^er(a«tbc cb;ift,ttbeefrccualpctoerofnc;taii\T. p;oaerb \s)f^t p?otoe i ponpe of gcDii;' tobrrt6 it ic rnDiieD,3 agraiLuf tof;er» nelTe.Bif p;ineipallv beboueD to bnctor, as be fametb itto be a r.Kramrnt,^ca t tototbcbcDvof«£b;itt>asittea6cnrc jf6tcmcDbnoerb;cD, it ib an crrc; net DelinereO fb;tJ0,i0maeeoar0:boto toe to be fuffreo. V^ernpcnb^.tb grcton tbf arcmaoc partahers of bic blcuo i toas I falfe erpcfitio cf facraoir lal tating,bi# fljebDe: bicaufc tbi0 is to pcjITe CTe tobclc [ canfc tber baue tbougbt >* toicket men Cb?ifterufificD,tbattoemapenioraII alfof euclDoersooeatf ncajoffb;iff, Ilt0ga)btbmg0. j;^otoctbtrctf;ing0,m totomnebfocuertbef bcnrar.gcrefro totncbtoasfo great impc;tancc, bring bim.l:utihctl£rbcfib;iil itfelfintbe l2Lii:» omittetJ,rea neglcctcM in a maner bu rieD, t\)\s onclr crabbr d qneOion plrn^ fctbttrjtototboDrof<2:b;iaitcibbiD tnuer b;eat),o; tniwr { fojm of b;caD. STbCTjfalDr fp;eaBe ab;oie f tobtUice* Dcr toe teacb c ocenttng fpirrtual eatig mtIieiTcftbeIuj^cr,i£noleaafpiri# tual tbmg tba eternal fali'atio.Uihcrr lipcn toe ratber,v tot;o(ci ue r be tovoc cf tbe fpirit cf Cb;iO'»f a no niD;c eat § flcQ) ci Cb;!tt tban tbn fa D;ii.Ii tomt toijcrui JC icvnct) no taO ZZrulv u li;itt 10 contrary to tbe trtie f real eating.as j la to batncuDv tc;n m fuoer, to ben tbe ttercallit: bieanfetoebaaertrpeafo , oeaocboDv, ano tobrfb bathe no linel? L'in.&. Iclv^$« tic fecret potoL. ^.^ -r - - - 1-— - •- of our coiotning luitt Cfeitt./?o truer ' in bim.iLbc^ anftoer tbat m tbat piac< j 5J31.t). 10 [0.-p.»7i isnot'entreatcD of fbc facramentaU ea* im : ^^if^J 3 graue,fo t fte^ Voill not n3'j3 1 tt>e ftoblc acaina § fame ttone, i J facing f> tbe flcll) it felf is eate iuitb oae f riite.iSuC 3Uwli3 Urtolo of tl)e,l)0tD long tUe^ l)ol9 it,tu!)en tbc^ baue eaten it.^0re,in mt tuDgemct tbei W ^ue no U)a^ to get out15at tftc^ obie(t,tlKit nothing can be toitbojaton o;^ faile of i p>omif03 of (IDoD b^ tbe tntbanbfulnes of men. 31 graunt in Daue,i 31 fa? # tbe fb;cc of tbs matter? remainetb tobole, !)olufoeuer toicfeeD men do, a« mncb 05 in tbcm lietb,enDeuo; to mabe it boio. fct it is one tUn% to be offreo , f an o* tber tbi!5 to be receineo. €^}ift recbetb t\)is fpiritua! meat, f oflfretb tbis fpiri^ tual Djink to al metfome bo gre^Ii? eat of it,fomc DO lotbisU refnfe itiOjal tbcfc mms rcfufing mafee tbe meat anb tbe Duiv!^t to lofe fbeir nature i Cbe^ toill fa? V tijev; opinion is bolpcn bt t^is G^ miUtuDe, namely ^ tbeflefl) of «3:b2i(fj tbougb it be bnfano;^, is neuertbeleffc bis f If fl)c,^ut 3 Denp^ it can be eaten ti3ttljo«t t taa cf faitfe: oi (if tue lift ra* tber to fpcak as Aug.Dof b)31 fa^ ^ mm bear aloa^ no mo;e of t'ois facrament, tSjan tbc^ gather id t!)e ^itilcll of faitb. ^0 notbing is abateo fro ti)Z facramrt, ^eatbc trutbano cffcaualnss tf^rof re mainetb ^nmini(bc3,altbougb tbe toic fec3 Deport emptt? from )> oiitluarD pat^ ta'^im of i'^' ^ttt^c"^ agiitit oijicqt ^ tbrfl too jD^bis is mv boDr,i0 DiminifljeOjif tbc \iiii&*t^ rec£iacco;iruptiblc bjeaD f notbins 5ls:toe bauc a foiution reDi?,^ goT) iuil not be acfenotoa true in tbe re^ ceiuing it fclfe,but in tbe fieofatne s of bis otone gosneefc, icbeti be is rcDi> to gcus,T'c^i liberalli'olfretb to tbe bntooj? tbrtbatl»bicbtbct?rcfufe. klnbtbijst j5 Cbc fulneffeof tbe facramentjisbicb tbt' i»boleijoojiocan not bjeaUe,.]^ tbeflcl^ anD bhiDof Cb;ilt is no Ics gf uen to:^ bnlDo^tl)^ , tban to tbe cbaienfailbfttU OFthc outvvafde meanes onc0 Of dlJoo : hut tbertoitbaO it is trnc, ^ as toaf er ligbting bpon a barb ftonc, falletb atDai,bicanfe tber is no entrp o^ pen into t\)c ftone: fo l^c loickeD Doe ^nS^ tbevv barmies D;iue bacfee t^ grace of (!DoD,tbatitcannot pearceintotbem. ^o^eouer,fbat Cb;ift tbonlD be recec#i neb tortbont faitbe,t0 no mo^e agreins to^tb reafon, tban feoe to buD in § fir$. ^beras tbe^ afb, boU) Cb;ift is com< to Danation to fome^bnles the^ recetae bi?m bnlDo^tbil)?, it is a ber^ colD que^ llion;fo;afmucb as toe no Mfet reab,)^ men Do procure Deatb to tbeimeines b? tmtDojtbilp receioing Cb.nae, bnt ra* tber br refufingbim.^eitber Dotb cb^i lies parable be^ tbem, lubere be fa^tb tbat fcebe grotoetb bp among t^oinSy% aftertoarD being cbofeeD is marreo: be* caufe be tberentretetb>of lubat balue § faitb is \s)\)it^ enoaretb but fo; a time> U)bicb tf)t^ Do not tbink to be necc ffarp to tbe eating of Cbnilc^ ftclbanD D;in ^tng of bis blouD, tbat in tbutbebalf D& makelaoasegallp feloUjiab'itb peter. &t ratber bg t\i$ fame parable tbc^; erro; is confulcDjtp^ere t|mt to^ ti)z tnbeleucrs^tbeif pUinbarDncs ^ a let t^r €i)nQt attoctb noti to tjjem.. ^bofoeuer Defiretb to baue our falua^ tion bolpe b^ tbis miSer^,0ial£inD no« tbing fitteTytbaii t^ttbe; rattbtui being leo to tbe ber? foiittaine,tbaiD ojato life out of tbe S>on of lj)e be graf|eo jrito (' boD? of t^My oi being grafiieD ^p )m;z4 mo jc groio togBtbor,til be do ful ti> imkt bi'mfelfe wi? U5itb bain tbe biauenlg lifcJICbe? Gciect v^ panic oai# not to bauemasc tbem giltg^cf t^cbQ&H$ bluD of Ci)^iU> 'a^ UnUCfe tbeig boftfgpartateergof Item. I Mat 13.7 i.CaTai. To Sal uation. Four til Tookc. ^'f )15utJianfU)crt1jattt)evarcnot rtjcre.- !tl»'tl)CfwDfaiDc^r!]i«b;faDra]uircft)i i fojecoDfncD,bicaufc,tl)cil)auecatftbc ittc bOsfr ofttjcmluaiD mi,»)CciDMtt): ' but onl\? bicanfc tbci Jjauc p;opl)ancD r lapofco t airon, » pijinecs, t niaiir o* lx,i6 14' nuttcricmtrraoig biiDcr fete p plcUflC ttjcr ^' did cat i)9dnnn,plf fco qoc. l-ibg of tbe bolp comornrns \urttj OoD, fc:biranff tf;cfpirttijalmfat}t)fvfnn' U)^icbtbcrougbtrcucrentlitorcfciuc. tiuilIvliniirrfloDc,fpiritnallvlniri2rfO, 34 i^oto bicaufc ^ugua. amogtbcolo fpirituallvtaflcotbnttticvintjhtbctpi U);itcr6 cbuflp batb affirmcD ip article n tuallv filitt). fo; Iwc alfo at ttis cayc ofDoctrinc, ^ notbing 10 abattofrotbc Imuc icccmcDfpirrtuall mrat.Lut f fa> , facranicnt0,no;tbegrace\Dbicbtbci6' cramctrticoncibintr, irbcpoton cfr | gurc 15 maoe bovo b? tbc infioelitic 0; far ramr nt is anotbrr.^l liilc aftrr:*inO j uougbtincs of men: it (bf tl).itao5cimati)eo^Uram2.t!ts tJifibli^maaeD, be intbe l^ oUrm 'iobicb t^i)U3lje ^ tbayoio frutb it felf fpiritualli? eatf,fpiritual!g not cnt in ^.icrament onl^ but m lier? ojonkc.2Cf)crfo?e lul^o fo mafee tnbelc^ D?De.)B'Jt n^itber (faitb t)c)ou3bt it ta , uerjff partaher0 of f !)e fleffj ano bluo of bs faiD i^ tbc? eate § boo? of C^^iU , bi^ €\)nfii'§ tbe? ma? agree luitfj Aug.lct uufe tbV? are itat to be rccknco amonj tbem Rictis bs tbe biable bo3^ of cbjitt § i:iem'rie3o?C?)na.ifoj(to fpcaU no^ : fo.jafmacb as b? bis iu^gemct § tubole t'jiitg of tbe rea) tf)e? ca;i not together , trutb is fpirituaU ainb it i5 ecrtaili? ga^ bo^ meiiib^esof £i:i(l,i tbe membics tbereo out of bis too jos, tt^attJ^z facra* of a'birlot.ifiiiaUi? tjP;)er Um felf faitb. \ mentall eating, \x))itn bnbelefeclofetb , l^e ^ z^tttl) mi acn^,i ojikctb mi bluD, 1 lip § entrg to trntb,i5 as mucb in effect : abinct-i in me ana J in bim .be Oi^z^tt^ as biSble 0 j outtoarn eating. 3if f bobi I ijj'ivit it is not facramentall^ bat in be^ of Cbzitt migbt be eaten truel? anb ^ct r^? DeDJ to eate tbs boD? o?C?)uft . if 0 j not fpirituallv, tubat fbulD tbat meane tbis is f 0 abioe in C^jnOt,^ Clj^ilt ma? tobicb^ be fa?tb in an otber place i ^e abiDc in bl ifo^ be fo faio tbt3,a3 tbogb Ofeal not eate tbis boo? tobicb ?e f»,anD b? i)Vi (my^z tbat abinctb not in mc,f o>in!t tbe bloa^ tobicbtbe? (ball (bebbe in iD;)3m Bl abioe n3t,let bim not fa? o> tbat (bal cracifie me* 3i bane comenoeo tbi lU tbat be batb eate m? b3b?,o; o^ik | a certain facramcnt bnto ?ou,bein3 fpi m)> blouD. ilct tm rcbcrs toe? § tbings ; rituall? bnoerffaueo it (bal quiche ?on. In.pCp7 fet ais cotraries in tbe coparif5 to eate, ^acramentall?, f in ber? oebeti tbere roil rematnc no bout, ^e conSrmetb ? ram?,no lelTe pla?nl? in tbefe too ano ^ thcn;fcliir8 alone arfoftrrclncB tbcautt;o;Dofit.£:oru(lnnoricintbiiI be aODco otbcrnct fuiall p;icktn6«. lCIbat:&hal It be a nicitf r of no impo; (ancf, tolDo;ai;p Coo mtbF6fo;inr, luber notbing loac p;eff nbcs tnfo ba _'*3S I Doetmtfarramcntali^catc ttreboDr of; ceibcnitcofcrnct) tb:trueloo;fbip8f Cb;ittj tobici; can not be fcticreo from CcD, ooqW tbcr luitb fo great Iigbtnec bis polDcr:anD tbat tberfo;c failetb not to baue atte mptrt) t bat of lobKb the r m tt}t fatib of tbc pjomifcs of Coo, Icbtcb ceautb not to rainc frcm bcauen , aU tbouab tbc ftcnej ano rockrsconeeiuc not tbc liquo; of tbc rainc. yi %i}ie bnetDle^e Oyal alfc caCli o;alo bfi atoap fi'om tbe carnal Uio;lbtpi mg, tobicb fome bane 16 pcrucrfc raHjneire erecteo in tbc ^acrament:bicaure tbn? maoe arcompt ixiitb tbcmfelues in tbts mancr : if it bo tbc boor>tbcn botbc tbc fottl t tbe soobeD are togctbcr tottb tbc booijtubicb noln ca not be fcnerco:tbcr fo;e Cb;iiie is tbcrc to be Ujo;lbippco. jfirtt, if tbcu* accopanring tobicbtbcf p;ctf 0 be Denies tbc >tDbat toil tbcp co^ ^0; boiti mucb focucr tbCT^crp out bpo an abfuroitp, if i' boop be fcucrct fro ^ foul « tbe goDbcD:rct tobat foi'io Imtteo f rob;e man can perfuaoc bimfclf ^ tbc boo^ of slb^itt IS Cb;itt i £^bc? tbtnUc tbcmfelncs in oeDc gail^ to p;ouc it 16 tbrir logical argumfta. 13ut (itb cbnd fpcafeetb oittinctlp cf bis boor t blouD, but Dcfcribctb not tbc mancr Oip;cfac; boU) U)il tbep of a ooutful tbing gatbcr certainly tbat lubicb tbrg tooulCc'iubat tbcn^ Jf tbep; confruncis cbancc to be ercrctfet) luitb ani mo;e greuou U)o;d of Coctbe^ UjoIc triilv Unc harbcneo to tbat Vubub be faio, takf,rat,0;ir.h,f hjolobatifclcrco ttrsftman^^cincnt, lubcnn be biDOctb Mk faci amcnt to be recriucD,notto be U)o;fbtppcO. 15nt tbev tDbicb-no it is comnDco of Cod, to receive it tuirhout h;c;rjtpping,are af* fureo ^ tbep Do not fluarucfroinCoos eommaiJDrmfnt: tta u biibi.ITure'tnrs tbcr IS nctbirg better Lbf luc take am tco;I{ in bano.Ebev haue tbe rrampic of fi Jpofllcfi,Ul:o iDc rcao not to bJuc fain DoUm flat t lDo:(bippcQ it.but cue as tbfi Icrrc D(tmg,to l;auc rcceaico it anD mten it. Cbcp bat-.e tbc ife of tbc flpofloliftc cburcbAtbcrm Lu{?e repo;» tetb tbat tbe faitl/ul ciD coniim;iiifate net in ti3o;fl)i^ping, Lut in b;cal.iiig of b;eao. '^Icy banc r IlpcUlro cccirinc, tobf rUiitb pawlc inHriuTcD tljc cburcb of tbcCp:intbi«inB,p;crcn:ing ^i)( bao re cciucD cf v Io;d j lubab l)c Deliuerct). | 36 iintJ tbcfe tbmgs tcnlv tcno to tbn ' cno, ^ tbc goDlv rcoers Qjulo irev bobJ pcnllou/^ It IB in fo brc matters to lua» cer from tbc fimplc U)o;o of gcD, to tb: 1 D;eamfs of cur olun b;ainc. 15ut tbofc i I.Cof.ll. tub n ibeiOMl feetbemfclues Dettitutc , tbmgs ^ arc abcuc faioc, ougbt to Delii , of tbe certain luo;D of goo, bpon UJbicb uer ts from al Dout m tbis bcbalr.jf c;, alone our foalcB do aaoraa,U)bcn tbc^ ' tbat goDli? foulcs mavjtjreinrisW'r -- " take' i Cap 17. Of the outward meanes Surfijm, 'corda faUc bol9 of C!);iff , tljct? muff nzncs be men lop to beauenjf tbis be tbe office of a f.icfamcnt, to I)elp tbc mino of ma twbic^ otbjrtoifc is lucaK,)^ it ma^ rife tjptoaro to react) tbe bcigftt of fpiritual mpftcrtes : tljen tbe? to'gicl) arc bolocn a3U)n in tbc outtoaroifign, do ftra^fro tlje riccbt tua^ of feUins Ct);riffe.®at)at tbcn^^Jjal U)e Dcn? ttjat it 10 a fupcrfti tious tuo^fliipping, iri^cn mf Do feoU) tl)emrclue3 Doton bcfajc b jcaD,to Ujo?^ Ojip Cbnft tberinf E>3utlcs tbc .litccne fino^e mcnt to mete l»itb tbis mifcbaf U)be it fo.jbab bs to be bubl^ intentiue to § figns fct before bs.auD fo^ noue 0^ tber caufe toaB it in olo time o^ocineo, tl}:it bcfoje tbc confccration tbe people aialD \3^it\i a louD Ijoice be put in minoe to baue tbeir bart0 lifteb UpluaroXbe (cripturc it fclf alfo,befiDc ^ it oiltgctU Dcclarctb ^nto bs ig a(C:n(ion of cb;iU, liibcrbi? be toucicD atoa^ § pjcfcncc of Col>2» be bimfclf al(o DiQ)Ono;eb in § Defiling f p^opbaning of bis bcncSte , tobcn of bis bol? facrament is maoe a ciinTcO i* Doll. But let.bscontrarifcDif0,leaff l»e fal into tbe fame pitte, tb^ougbl^ fettle our carcs,e\'es,barts,minDs ? tongs in tbe bol? Dotfrin of CDod .ifo; tbat ie tbe fcljole of tbe bolp C!5boff,tbe bell kUoUf maifter, in tobicb fucbc pjoSt is attt^^ neo tbat itotbing nosaemo^etobegot^ ten from an^ tober cls.but toe \uilling l^ ougbtto be ignorant DtlDijdtfoeuer is not taught in it» vl. ;/ 115 Jt noto (as fupcrl!itton, t»ben it batb once pafTeo § rigbt bciiDs,mabetb no enD of finning) tbe? fcl a great t»a^ furtbcr. ^oi tbsi i}aue DcuifcD ccremo^ nies altogctber ftragc from t mftituti on of tbe fuppertotbvs cnD onlf \^ tbe? migbt^eue iiutnc bono^s to tbat Ggn: U)c ?clo(rai tbei)tbts irojU^jp to cb;itt. ifira^if tbts tjjcr ^on in tbc fupper, 3 J. bis bo^\? fro our fig'jt f conucrfation:to 1 tool j fai ^ ^ iroiCbiyprg onli is latoful, f^aljc aUiai fro bs al carnal tbinUntg of bim,ro oft as it maketb mction of bim, cOiiiauDctb bs to be in mintjs raifeD bp tyarD,i to feke bt in bcuen fitting at ^ rigbt linii of tbe fatber.acco^Dig to tbT?« rule be luas ratber ta be fpirituallT»e tuo^^lbippcD in bcacnl? gIojti,tban tbis fo perilous a kim of luo^nupprng to be Qcuifco.fal of carnal $ grofe opinion of soo.^berfoic tbei? i baue inuenteD §> lyo;U)ipping of § facramct,baue not en l^ Djemea it of tbrfclucs bcG^e § fcrip* Uwcyin UJb^cb no mention of it can be fb^^Ujeo (luMcb ret (bulD not baue bene ouerpaffcD if it IjaD bene acceptable to S0D.))15ut alfo al t fcripturecr^ing out ajaiff it.tfjcv h^^^ frameu to tbf fclues a goD after § bill of tl)eir oU:itluft,lea* oing J liufg aoD. ^n t»Iiat is iDoIatr? if tbK«! be not,.to teojlbip f gifts in (Ico sf f gcuer bimffl& (iyaticrititbe? banc i^Mt\:2 cm'DeD: iFo> botbf bono; taUe CromgpD U^asj conwcico to a creaturctf tobicb reftetb not tit 1^ (tgtt* but ts Dirce tebto tb;iff fitting in beuett. ^ut noUi b? iDbat pjetefe do tbe? boft i tbci too; (^ipCb^ifl: in 1^ b;teD: tobr tbci batie no p^omif c tberoff 2Dbei cofccrate an boft^ as tw caH ity tobtjcb tbe? ma? car? a« bout in pcp,U)bicb tbc? mai (beta fo^tb in a comon gating tobe lobcD bpo>tDo; (btppeD I callcD bpojafk bi trbat pot» er tbe? tbinit it to be riabtl? cofecrate. tiHerili tbci boil bjig fo;tb tbofc Vdo^ds, fflis is m^r boDi.li5ut 31 ^il obicit to ? cotrar?, t it toas tl)ct\a&l faiD.Xabc | Cttt.^citber toill 31 do ^ cf notbig. jFo; tobe a p;omifets knit to a comaDemet. Bi fat t tbe piomtfeis fo ccteinco iwiDcr ? commaDemcnt, ^ being fcuereD it is raaDe no p;omife at all » ^b?s (ball be nuDe plainer b? a liHe erample . <3o^ gauca canimaunDcmcnt,li?ben be faiD,; Calbpomc:l^caDDeDap;omife,3itoil5 bear tbec^ 3lf an^ ma calling bpo peter age paul,Do glo;? bpon tbps P3amtf#v| Lu.22,19 i.Cor.iL Tou rtTrBoolir]tol.4^« XoSaluation. U)il not u\ me cri? cut i^ IjcDotlj U);cng' 1 38 iCbirolrtbc Io;d aifotorifrD it to^ fttUtaJiO totat ottjf r ttmc 3! p:ar rou, I to ts tn ftraDc of an c rt)o;fation, tJjan DO tl)t;v UJljird Icautng tbc commuUDc< Icbuljncncottjrrcan mo;c Ufbrmrtlp mcnCcoiucmmgtating, do catcb boloc 1 cncc;ag;c t rnflamc \ic bctb to purrnri of aniaimcD p;omrfc,il)tfl ib mp DoDv, atiD Ijolrnrtrc of life, t alfo to ftvTUrr, toabiifeittoftrangc ccrnnomcsfrom pcacr,f agrcnicnt.fo; ttjc Lc;odo(|jc t(jc maitution of ctjiitt^Lrt \3fi ttCTfo;c ; tbcrin fo comnamiutc bisto:rtou», remember tt)attbwp;omirc isgenen : tbathc L5niacctb;cuGl)licnciiuthV3! to ttjcm tuUici) ftepc p commaueemcnt ; t U)c tDitlj him ^ p.oiuf Dtb be bartj bm ioi?neD \Xi it:but ^ tbcr be Dcttituteof al one bcDr,U)ljfrof be mahctb 18 all par» tbc i»o;D tobub remouc tbe farrament ■ tahcrc, it is iiacdai r t all lur alfe be toan^otftertuai'. Mcbaucberetofo;c bpfuebc partaKing matjcciir toorc. entreatco boto ^ mittcricof § bo'r fup' | ^bub Uniti tbc b;raD luhub le Dcliuc per feructb our fartb bcfo;c Cod. iout fo;armucb as tbe 1o;d Dotb berc not om Is b;ing into our rnnemb;ace fo great largcs of bi0 boutie, as Ujc Ijauc bcfo;c (beU)eD,but Dotb as it luer from baD to bano b;ing it fd;tb, t ftirretb tis to ac* bnotDjegc it;bc Dotb tbervuittal Ujarne t)5 ^ lue be not DntbaHftil to fo plentiful Uberalttte:but ratter tbat toe fijuls pub UH) it 16 fucb p;aifed as it is mete,} aif nhcz it Id tbaUefgcuing.£:beifo;e Vube be oeliuereD tbc inUitution of tbe facra ment it fcifc to tlje Bpoaics, be faugbt tbemtbattteid^ulo do it in rcmfb;ace of bi.5SiIbicb Paul erpoiJDctb^to Declare i Io;ds DcatbXbat i3,publiUeli? c alto* getter u5 one mcutb openli to confcflfc,^ al our affificc of lif: t faluation is repo* feD in tbc Dcatb of tbc 11o;d, p U)c map ftIo;iSe bi Uj our cbhSio. t map bp cur cpamplc c);bo;te otbcr to gcue glo;p to Ijinui^cre again it apearetb iDbcrunto tbc niailt of Ibts fdcramcnt is DirccteD, namelp to crcrcifc ds m tbc rcmr'b;acc of tbc Dcatb of cb;ift .iro; tbis t U)c are commanocD to Declare tbe lio;Ds Dcatb till be come to iaDfic,is notbmg els but t toe fljulD puliUfl) tljat untb confcffion of moutb,u)bifb our faitb b.itb aeknoui IcgcD iw tbc facramcnt, ttwt is,tbdt tbc Dcatb of €b;ift is ourc UfcXbis IS tbc feconD tic of tbe facramrntjUibiet per* tcinett to oatDoarD ccnfcffion. rcDm('faciamft,rep;frftLt(Klcbt£bas It IS maDc of mam grais i fucb ro;t ml- glcD togetbcr \^ one cannot be Dirccrnco fro an orbcr:aftcrp fame manrrU'cal' fo oufiOt to be coiopncD t hnit togctb:r \Ditbfo great agreement of mmDf,tbat no Difagrocniri 0; DuJifio coinr betlurn \3S . XI^bpsJbaDratberto bcerp;rn"rD \mtb Pauls U)o;D6.E:bc cup of bleflfing (faitlj bCytobicb Vue blfire,i3 p ccmuiU' catingoftbcbluoofOj;iff:t tbc b;eaD of blcllirig U'bub iDC b;c.ih, is tbr p.'.r' tahmg of iljc boDp fif Cb;iU.ilberffc;c U)^ala^coneboor,tb»^t^Ml' ' re b;eaD. CCI c fbal iMue i r rp V' . , to m p fairamct, if tbps ibcugtit fo flj^ilte rmp;intcD t ciigraucn m our nnr.ces, tl:at none of tbe b:ctl);cn ca Le burt.oc* fpifcO,rcfi:rcD,abi:fcO,o; m .mi luifc be offf DCD of D6,but tb.U tlxrlintb-J \vc Do in fo Doing burt,Dcfpifc, i abufe Cb;iQ U)itb our imuriDus Dealiiia^:that luc ci not DifagrcE U)itb our b2.-tti;cn:biit tbat luc mua tbcrcluitlMll Difagro: luptb vlb;ift:tt;at Clnitt ca not be loiicD ot ts but t be mun be IciicD m cm b;Cib;cn: tbat U)bat care luc bauc of cur oU)n bo. Dpe,fucbalfoU^c oiic.ht toliaue cf our b;ctl);e U»bicbarc mibers oi" cur loop; as no part cf our bcci is toucbcD uub a- np feltng of grcfr,lubicb is net fp;cD a> b;oaD into al p otbcr parts, fo luc miia not fuffcr our b;ottcr to be grgueo iritti I. Cot. 10 6. Csp.i/. Of the outward mcancs tottli m\v tail tD^crof toe fl^oulD not aU fo bi; toucOeD iDttb copaftton. nerfo;e Auguftincnot toitI)out caufe fo oft cal* kt\) t\)is facramet t^e bono of cbarttie. ifojlDbatCbarperfpur coull be put to \)s,to ttir tp mutual cbarttie amost}0» tbatubenCb^tagemng btmfelftot0> Dotb not onli> allure t)0 toitti bid oton ej; ample tbat toe (bulb mutually beoicate anboeltnerour feluesoneto anotber: but tnfsmucb a0 be ma^etb btmfelfe c5^ monto all, bemaUetb allt0 alfoone in bimfelfe? ^9 But berebp is i tier? tuel cofirmeb lubtcb I bane fa^o in anotber place , ^ tbe true mtniltration of § facramet tta betb not \xiii^o{xt tl)t too^o . if o; U)bat^ foeuer profit cometb to t)5of § Supper, rcquiretb tbe iDojb : tobetber toe be to be confirmeb in i?a?tb* o;^ to be crerci^ fea in cofefRo, o), to be ftirrcb tp to bu# ticpjaicr is neoeful,2Dberfo;e notbing can be mo^e btfojuerl^ Done in § ^«p^ per, tban if it be turneotoa bum ac^ tioras batb ben Done tnoer y tirann^ of tbe pope. if 0 J tbey toolD baue § tobole fa jcc of cofecratio to bag tpo i^ intet of p p^tcft as tbogb tbis notbfg perteineo to f pcopleio tubo tt mod of al bebouetr ^ tbe miiJerie (boulo be DeclareD . 2i5at tberupa l?atb grotoen t\n& ttm^t tbev marheD not ^ tbo(e p;iomires toberi6 § cofetration is maDe,are cfirecteD not to {> etcnicnf 0 tbf fclues^bat to thtm ^ re^ ceiue tbem.lBat chnQ fpckctb not to § b^eD,^ it mav be maive bi0 boDi,but co^ nuisetb bis Difciples to eat,f p^omifet^ to ti)c i> comunrcatig of bis boDi i blu&. SLnD none otber ojser Dotb^Baulteacb, tban ^ togetber l»itb f b jeai> t § cup, i^ piouufefi fooulD be offrcD to p faitbfut. S^bus it is tcaii.^e ongbt not bere te ij}W(iii mrj magical cnrOantmcnt,^ it bz fufficiftto !)aue mublcDbp (? ioo^Ds, as tbougj ^S dements did beare tliiibut jet tjs t3!iDcrftaii3 \^. thofc tooipeg area liuelr p;ecbing,tobicb map ebifp § f)ta vttSt tobicb map intoarDlp ptarce into tbeir minDs, tobicb map be empjinteb f fetleo in tbetr bart0,tobtcb map fl^eto fo^tbeflfectnalnesintbe fulfilling of i tobicb it p^omifetb. )i5p tbefe reafos it clerelp apearetb,tbat t^t laping tjp of § racramct,tobicb manp do earnettlp rc^ quire,tbat it mai be crtrao;Dinarilp Di ftributeo to J fick,i£f t)np?ofitable. ^o^ ettbertbepfl^all receiue ittoitboutre* bear&ng of tbe inttitution of Cbnli^o; ^t miniKer (^il togetber \3iitf) § figne iopn tbe trnetieclaration of tl^t mpffe<> rpe. Sin (llerice is abufe ano fault.Bif tbe p;^omifes be rebearfeo ,anD tbe mplle^ rie Declareo, ^ tbep tobicb (ball receitte tt,map receiue it toptb frute,tber iB no caufe tob? toe (l^aulD Dout ^ tb)?0 i0 t^e true confecration . Co tobat eno tbett toill tbat otber confecration come, t^ fo^e toberof cometb not fo far as to ^t Ucii tnmi IBut tbep tbat do fo, baue tit example of tbe olo cburcb 3 sraunt:but in fo great a mater, $ in tobicb toe erre not toitbout great Danger , notbrng is fafer tban to folloto tbe trutb it felfe. 40 /]^oto as toe fe^ tbat tbis bolp b;tea^ of tbe Supper of tbe Jto^De is fpiritual meate>no IctTc f toeste anD Delicate tban bealtbfuU to tf)t gc^lp too^fl^ippers of CDoD,bp the tafte tobereof tbep fele ^at Cb^iH is tbeir lif^, tobom it raifetb ^p to tbankefgeuing, to \i}l)om it is an tp bo.ztatton to mutuall cbaritte among tbemfelues : fo on § otber 0De it is tur^ neointoamoft nopfome popfon to all tbem tobofe fatti> it Dotb not nourifb t confirme, f tobom it Dotb not ff trre t)p to confelliottof pjapfe 1 to cbarifp.iFoj as boDilpmeate, toben it finbetb a Ho^ macI^polfeflrcD toitb euilbumo;s,betng it felfe alfo tberbp maDe euill 1 co:rup* teDDotb ratfier burt tban nouritb: : fo tb^s fpirituall meate,if it ligbt bpon 9 foule uefilfD toitbi malice t noucbtines> .,., tbiotoctb Tit 1.15, i,G)r.iJ. tmowcti) it DoUin bcolong toitf) crca.'cr fall : Derilp not bp tl)c fault of tljc mrat it fclf,but bicaiifc to DcfilcD aiiD bnbclc^ uing mm notbvniQ: w clcnctbosb oti-cr topfc it be ncucr fo mucb factificD bi tbc blcfring of ti)c lo;t)jf 0: (as paul faitb) tbc^ t cat f D;inli \3nVDo;tbilv,arc gtlti of tbc boo? f tloub of tbc Io;d, t fjo rate « b:in?^c iuDgcmcnt to tbcinfcliic0,not Diiccrnmgtbc boDvo^tbc 1:o;dc. Sto;^ fucb I'^inbe of men as U)itbout an;?fpar* lUc of fa?tb» toitboiit anp jcic of cbari* tpcoo tb;ua tbrfcliicfl fo;tb Use fiuine to tafeetbe fupp:r of tbc lu:r), 03 not 01= fcernctbcbJDpofpIon.ir3;i:iioinjcb as tbci 00 not bclcuc ^ tbat booi is tbeir lifctbst uo aftnticb as in tbem iit tb oiO bonont , rpov'ling it ofalUbeoigmtve tberof, I fiiullT' in fo rcccaui.ig it tbc? p.^opbane 1 ocitle it . B jt infomiicb as being cftranjco f nifagrctng fro tbcr To !jalua:ion. Fourth IV) ")< tl)isr.iufcp.itilfOfna!i taumi p;oiici]iinfrir,bcfo;rih , :cftl.ia; b:raoo;::inkoftbiflciip. ca nolo be pcj-fea of tbc bo^i? otCLbuft UJitij tbcir oifajrc I mbs: bat bicaufc toe ougbt to enaeuo; mcnts,tt is no tbank to tbc n t tbc jo- D^ of CbMft IS not rent in fanocr,* U.ii^ meale to;n in peccs.am) fo not bn'ojo^ tbilT!tbepareoiIti?oftl)cboor t blou^ of tbc lojD,U)bicb ttic^ do Imtb UngoDli^ neffc full of facrilcgc fo foiohj Defile. 2Dbcrfo;e bp tbisbiiU)3 ^ct rcccauing tbc facramcnt tbc? p;o> feffc tbat tbcrc is faluation fo; tbem no U)bcr els tba m biin,t do fojfmearc all otbcr affiance. Cdbcrfozc tbci tbefclues are accufcrs to tbcmfcUirs, tbcv tbem* fclncs pzonoucc txjitneff: agarnft tbem fclucs,f tbei tbemfclucsfeal tbcir omn DSnation ^z^in toben tbe? being luitb fjatrcD t cmll luil DiuiDCD i Djalucn in funuer from tbcir bKtb;en,tbat is, fro tbe members of v£b:iff,bauc no part m Cb:ift : ?ct tbcp Do teft iric tb it tbrs is tbc on"? faluation to comumfatcuutii Cb;iff>f to be maoc one toitblnm J?-: tbv-3, f mitb all our DcQres to longc tj U)-irDit,tbatU)emap oarlr '>»o;c ano ma:e en:reare our fartb begon. 41 Comnonlrlubcn tber go about fo p:eparc mm to fucb U)o:thineiri" of ea* tmg,tber Ijme m cruel tuife to;mcutfO f iJcrcD pcD:e confcicncci, ano vft tbe? bzogbtneucralDbit ofalltbofetbmgs tbat might fe rue to rbe purpofc . i:ber favD tbat tbafe Dvo cat itJo:tbilr tuhub Uier m ftate of grace. Co be m llafc of grace tbcv erpounbcD to be pure t clr n- fcD from all fin . IJr ^fncb Doanne all tbc me tbat euer banc at an? time tnic 0: noU) be m eartbAner ocbarrcD from tbc ufe cf tbv3 facrament.fo; if Ilc go about tbi6,to fetcb our U)o;tlnnco fr jm oar reluc3,lu: arc Dtterlv v^nDone-.cnlv Defpaire » Damnable rume abpoetb to; bs. Cgo.Tb luc enoruo: UJitb our U)bolc ilrengtbes, \uc Q)]l notbvn j mo:e p;f< uailcbut \^ then at Utt ii^e ilialb: mott bnU)o:tbvet luben torj)aac moQ of all trduellcD liliU.i. Cap.i7 Of the outward meancs ti aucllco about letting of Uio^itfjineffe. SDo falue t^rs fo;c,tbe^ banc DeuifcD a fea^ to atrain UJOjtljtnclTcitljat afmuclj 38 in Mb l^ctb, mafepng examination,! rrquiringof our (tints acconiptofall our DDings,iue doulD Uittb contrition, cDnfcfTion,! latiffaction cicanfe our tjm toe^tbtneffe : totjicb iuat! of cleaning, tofjat inancr of tb^ng it is, toe ftaue al^ rcatir«^ ^etuco t^cre tofecre tras mo^c coucnimt place to fpeafe of it. ^o mucb as feruet!) fo^ our pjefcnt purpofe,3! (a? tljat tljcfe be tm bungrr i tanilt)ing co^ fo;tes to DifmapeD i bifcourageo con* fcience0 1 fuclj as arc ftricben tr itb ^^ roj of tljep? Cm Jfo; if tfje llo^t bpfpc* ciall fojiuDiang, aomittet!) none to tfte partaking of tji0 fupper bat tfee rigljtc^ ca-s f innocent : tbere nenetlj no fmall tscDc tbat mat make a ma affureu of tjis Dton rigljtcoufncs tofticb tc ^earet^ to be requireo of gotj.lSut toberb^ is tfeis affureDnes confirm eD tnto Ht^at tlje^ are isifctjargeD afo;e (^0D,tDl)icb baue tfone To mucb as in tlje lat^HBut alt^cgl^ it luere ro,tet feben (^al it be # a man mail te bolDe to atfure ttmfef fe t^at be (jatb cone as mucftas in fj^m lar^ ^o tuben tljere is maoe no certain alTurace of our Ujojtl^ines,ti)e entr^ l^ll altoa? remain ftatb^^fto;ribIe fo;bii)tjr«ig, toterbt? is p;onoiiceu tbut tl)ti eate ano tjinke iucgment to tlbemfe!ues,tul)tclb eate anD Djinbe tntoo^tbilv. 42 ^oto it IB eafic to iucge tolbat ma? ncrofDO£trinetl)ps is to^icb reignetb in tbe papacie , t from toftat autbo;^ it W^ p;iocet)eo,toi)icb toitb tbe outragi* ous rigoj tljerof bcreuetb f fpciletti mi* ferable finners f fuel) as be to^mentefi iDit!) fear « fo;jroUi,of tf}c ccfo;t of tbrs ^acrament,intot)icbTfta!l tbefttiete Dclicates of v gofpel Uier fct before ttjf . ^urelt? the tcuill coulee bi? no rean^er Uiat Deff rc^e men , tfjan bp fo making tl)tm rrnacffe,^ tlm coulD not perceiiir tbe tatt ( fauo;^ of fucb ftnoe, tobcrluitb it toas tlje tail of tl)e moft mn fjcaur Ip fatber to feoe tijc. left tbcrfo;je iue run into fucb betilong Dolunfal,!et ts rcmr * ber ^ t\)vs holv banfect is meticine to ^ (icbe,comfo:t to Cnners,libcrall gift to tbe p(d;c lubicbe b;ing no p;;ofite to tbe beaitl)^,rigbtcous,anD ricb,if am? fucb coulo be foiiD.iroj UiJjereas in it €!);ift isgeuentsfo^meatiiuetncerftano ^ toitbout brni toe pine, ffarue, t faint, l^be as famtne Deffrot?etb ti)t liuelp ftrcngtb of § boDi?.0gain toberas be is geuen t)S fo;^ life:toe tnoerftaD ^ tottb^ outbri^toeare in our felues tttcrlv Dean.^bf rfoje tbrs is fbc tooatbines botb tl)t onlp I bett tbat toe ca bjing to geuctb life: tbat ^ too^tbincs tobicb is ccmaunceD of ©oD,confiftetb c\i(i^v of faitb,tobicb repofetb all tbrngs in omc ott)cr agrc^ ' tbcr than to martirt thcr unnts x6 ocK) ing toitb \is m tbis.tbat tbc Ujoitbmes rcliriio i aoiurc dU tljr ttut arc toucbrt) , it fclf confittctt) in faitb f cbiiritic: ret I U)it"h .inr tijouoh but Itgbt kIc of gccli* 1 m tbe mc afure of UJo;tbinc6 banc gone nc0>ta td lubrtbrr thn: do not cmocnt Luk. »7» a2. far out of tbc toar, requiring a perfec- tion of fattb,lD!)crunto noticing mar be aDQcD,f a cbaritic cgall Uiitb l^> lubrcb cb.:iftbatbfl)cU)cQtoUiarD\)5.53ntbcrc br tbci 00 none otbcrtuvfc tl)a tboCc o^ tbcr bcfoie,D;iue al men atoar fro com ming to tbis bolr fupper . j? o; if tbeir fentencc lljulo talic place, no ma (I)ou1d rcccrucbuttjntoojtbilr. fo^afmucbas al toitbaut crceptio fl)alD be bolDcn gil tie ano conuictc of tbcir tonpcrfcctnes. ^natraclritiucreapoint of to mucb ama^eD oulnesj ^il not ra\? foliQ)ne5, to require fucb perfection m tbe nicra^ mcnte, as mar make tbc Sacrament tjor&anofupcrfluoufl : tobicb Uias not o;D:rncD fo; i> pcrfcd.but fo; y lueaUc ano feUleto a\ijaUc,to ttirre tp,to p:ik fo^toarQc, anu ercrcifc tbe affcaion of i?artb ano ch^ritie, am to co;rcct tlyc Default of ertbJ^r oftbcin. 43 liSatfomucbas cocernrtf)tbcout/ toarD fo;me of ooing,iubetbcr tbc faitb ful rcf Clue it in tticir bano o; no : lobe- tbcr tbi^^r ocuiac itjO > cuerp one eatc i^ vubicb 13 aeucn br'": UJbctbcr tt)cr put again tbe cup in tbc bao of tbc or a.-on, o; Dcliuer it to r ncrt:U)bctbrr (> b;eaD be leucnco,o; tnlciicncD : \ubctbcr tbc \jiint be rco o; tolntcut nuUctb no ma^ tcrXbcfc tbmgs be inmffcrcnt t lef tc intbcUbcrticoftb:a)urc!).l)oU)bfrt It is certainc.tbat tbc bfagc of tbc olcc cburcb lua3,tbat cucri? one OjulD take it tnto bi3 baD.ano cbnft faro. DauDc it among ro-J* ^bc biCo:ica rcpo:tc, v it to.is Icuf ncD t comon b;caD bcfo;e tbc time of a.lcran3cr i5i'njop of Komc, tobicb fir ft QchtcD in bnicuc.icD b:cc\D: Out fo; toljat rearonj fa nor,\3n:circ it U)cnn a ncto nM to omIu tbr t >y3 of ,n ltfa,boti)boUje niurh nio;cb;ipbtlrf tbc 8lo;r of goo fljvnctb bcTcin,t ho tot mucb ma; c aboiiDaiit floa tiics of fpin* tuallcomfoitcomniftbto!' :ll, tban m tbf fc coloe J plaveiu... : ...cb, luhif b b;ing none otbrr bfc but to DC* cf vuc the friifc of the ainauD people. i^bic tbcr fal tbc boK)ing ofttKpcopU m rcligion,\i3bc be nig m*iDf folitb ano fcnaetfcluitbfuperQKionit is D:aU>f \Dbctbcr tbcv lift. Jf anv ivh UjiII DcffO fucb mucntions bv antinnitie . J mr fdf alfo am not tgno;at boto aucirt is f Mit of tbc cb:cfmc,t blolmng m baptifmt: boU) nvc to tt)c age of v Upoftlcs v fup' pcroftbclo;oU)aGmfcacDU3ruUinef: ' bnttbis tcrilv is ttie \uavU3arDncs of niiiiiB bolDnecAuhicb ran not U)l:otoc it fiif but tbat It mull alluav piav ano be j iDantotntbcmiftcricBofgoo.lBot let | t)s remr bcr f^ got) Dotb fobiclr cCemr I tbc obcDicncc of bl*fl U)o;Dc,tbat be luii I Ictb b0 m It to loDge botb hrs Jngelc j tbclvboleU)o;lO. P.olo.biMli] faretr-cl to fo great? a bcapc of cercmonicfl ; it migbt tbu0 b^iuc ben iiioft comlilv mi< ! niltercD, if it lucre oft i at UmQc currr 1 Uickc fet befL);c tbc Cbui cb, but ^ ftrtt | tbcr ftMJlo begin luith publiUc p:ai:r5: i tbeafcrmonll)iilDbc uuDe;tbf v «"nn ftcr,bauig b;eaD » lumc fet topo f bo;D, . (hub rebcarfc f mairutio of y fnppr r: i ' tbe QmID Declare v p:onurcj v arc in it leftbn:o\js:}tberU5itb.\l£lol3crcomu nicatcaltbf^liflo^^ ' 'irc DcbarriOfrom U,aft. iiula p;arti)atl6 U)batlibcralitu: tljclD;Dc batb giuen tetl;i5 bcU fcDcbc U>c'.o :n llruac < frame Us alfo Icrtb tbc fame \ I fa»tb I tbMiu Incfl of mio to receiuc it, " I a;iJ^ fo;aimucU ac mmj arc notoj cji UBMj. rr!i:.o Lap.i7 in tfcif o; t^ereupo came t^ofc olD Ca non0,tol)iclj tljPi? father tpo Anacletus ano Calixtus,ti^t iui^en ^ coHfccration t0 Donc,at l^tD comunuate, ^ tutl not be lt)ttf)out tl^ D(s;e0 of t|)e (^ur(l),0nD it i0 reaD in t^ofe oloe Canons, Is^ic^ t^c^ rail t^t Canon0 of ttie ^poUIcB: ttiattt)crtobict continue not bntotljc enoe^ano do not rece^uetlie hoiv ^om^ munion,mutt be (o;ecteD as men tbat moue tinquictnelTe of tbe Cbnrct^lfo in tf)e councel at jantiocbe , it toas De^ craeo t tbep lo^tcb enter into § cburcb anD tjeare tl;e fcripfur0, t do abffetne from t[}e communion, O^oulD be remo;< neDfrom tbecburcb^ till tbe^banea^ menoeo rbi0 fault. Mbicb^altbougb in tbefirdccucelatCoIetum itlsase^^ tber fomtDbat quaitfieD o; at leafie fet fc;tfj in milDcr Uie?D0, vet it is tber al* fo oecreD, toat tfjcpiobicl) toben tber bane beacD tbe fcrmon are fctiD neuer to communicatctbouiD be iuarncD : if after toai ning ibey abiterne.tbei (bu^D be Debarreo from it. 4; merilp bi? tbefe o^Dinace0tbebolp men meant to reteine i mainteinetbe often bfe or t\)c communtcn,u;bicb oftr bfe tben baD rcceruco fro tbe BpcaicB tbemfelac0,tojijub tbeti faU? to be moft boUcme fu} tbc faitbfull, f bp litle anD litle bv 1? mgligence off ccmon people to groU? out of tfe. Auguft.tcfiifietb of bi0 :iJin time: %\)t farramr f (fattb be) of tb{0 ttjmg,or tbclimtie or § Ictus bo* D^jis fomtliber Datlp > fcmcUJbere b^ ccrtatncDi0amc0 of Dare?, p^cpsrca Upon tbc i.o^DC0 table,anc 10 tbere re# eerncDat (be table,to feme tnfo life,to ot!}cr fome bnto Defirnction.anD in tbe firfte Cpiftle to lanuanus : feme Doe Dai?I^ Of the outward mearics 1 citiC0,bc u;cu!D ct t}i0 tticrcic mal.t ts tcrPiPi^''fak!ng of t!jt> (upper j aim:s. ttiojtlrj?ofi:irbabahet:tbattbcnfiiber ! 2i:tattbV0o;Dcrii:(i0ciiro inUicutca* ^falnicg a)L!lD be fog,oj fomtotjat rcD, mong tbe Co;rntbia0,U;e mar fuffici=« f f fait bful OjulD in femelv o;Der coma I cntlv gatber cf pauI:dnD it is attavn 1 jicate of § bo!i bafeet,tbe miniaer0 b^e tbat in man^ agc0 af terUia roe it toas ixiuq, tbe b^eaD f gcuing it to f people:^ *oben tbc fupper is enoeD, epbo;tation (bulo be maBe to pure fattb f confeflion of faitbjto £baritie,anD to manera mete fo; cbjifita0,laft of al ^ geuing of tbafes I^ulD be rcbcarfcD,! p^aifes be fong to dDoD : tDbrcb berng enbeD tbc congre^ gation (boulD be let goe in peace. 44 Wcfetbingcs^ toe bane betberto fpoUcn of tbus ^acramentc DO largely fl}elo tbat it toa0 nottberfoje o;DeineD, tbat it (bculD be ret erucD terciv oncct tbat fligbtii fo; maners fake(a0 iiotu co mohlv t\)t cuttome 10) but tbat it (bulD be in often fcfe to al cb;illia0,tbat iuitb often remembaaiice tbe^lboulD repete tbe paflion of Cb;iC;b p tubicb remem* b^ance tbe^ mtgbt futteinc % ftrengibc tbeir faftb,! erbo;t tbcmfeluc0 to fing confelTion of p;atfe to goD,t to publilbe bi0ga)Dne0:finallvbi iobicb tbeimigbt nouriCb mutual cbaritie,ano ttftifie it among tbemfelae0,iDbereof tbcp fatoe ti^t ftnot in § bnitie off boDy of Cb^iil. if 0; fo oft a0 toee tommunicate of t\)t figne of tbe boD^ of tbe lo;D,tDe Do a0 bi a tcfeen geuen anD recevueD,entercban geablr blmo our fclue0 one to anotbcr bnto all Duttc0 of loue, tbat none of t0 DO an V tbing luberbi be mav offcnD bi0 b;otber, no; leaue an? tbingc bnoone tobcrbvbemapbelpebim,lubcnnaD .,..-., requiretb anD abrlitie fufficctb. Ebal to groio out of tfe. Auguft.tcfitfietb of Jn.(5.cap fucb tua0 f bfc of tbe apoHoliitC cbui cb. bi0 ; tun time: SCbe farramr f(faitb be) .lohan. ilufterebearfetb in tbc ^£tc0, tcbcn be of tfa{0 tfcma-»or tbclinitie or v lo?D0 bo* traa.26. faitb tbat tbe faitbful Uiere continuing in tbc Doctrine of tbe 0poaic0, in rem* municating, in breaking of b;caD, ano inp;arcr0.^o toa0italtogetbermete to be Doncjtbat tber Iboulo be no alTem bl^ of tbecburcb toytbonttbe U)o;D,p;a To Saliution. ^ Fourdi Boolce. Foi.^^j. uart^comunicatcoftfjcboTJrtbtouDof^ pfrlua0fctbcfo;cf1if farfhfulfooff .^s ^ — ^ ~ the llo;oe: fonic receauc it at ccrtarnt Dav^fl: in foiuc places tijcr is no oav let paffc iDtjcrin it i3 not offrco: in fomc o^ tbcr pUccsJ onl^ tpon ^ ^aturua^ f tljc ^ontw^ , f in fomc oti)cr places ncucr bat on J j&ortQai.lSut fo:afmucf) as tbc common people toai (as U)e bauc fa^D) fomlobat aack,tbc bol^ men m ral car rijeifamcfcgrtt)rrmnirimblr>ririrt,:i is it nnv Don! but tl^at a gmo part o^ t\jc Dro comiinifcUr. 15iit U)I)fn it ffarfrlp at am time happrncD tbat at Did coma ihcatc t03Ctbrr,i iDbcras it lu.is ncr ff# farp 1^ tbcr lofiicb lucre mmjIcD li'vttl p;oplwnf mr j iDoLitcrs,a):lD bv fomc ont\unro ft^n tcflific tbrir f.utf):tt)C \fif ?n.cap.i. Horn. 26 12, ncftli? tjpo tljcm UJitt) li.irp rtbuhmgs, j Ip ma fo: o;Drr 1 policies fahr^ippo^ Icaft tfjeijCboulD feme to toinck at fucb | tro that D«ii,U)l)rrin tbc lubolc people of flotbfulncs. feucb an craplc 13 in C!iri^:Ct);illiansnjoiilDl;rpr:' cftbe foftomc bpon tbc Cpiaic to tbc Cpbe-' fiansjt is not faio bnto bim i! Dilbonc rcb tbe banket: toberfoje oiott tboa fit Dotonf but,\ubcrfo;c Dirft tboii com im tKIbofocucr is not partaker of tbc mv' ftcr^es,bc is loickcD ano (bamclcrFc fo; tbat be ftanoctb berc p.:cfent. 31 bcfeecb toujif an^ be calleo to a banket, tuaO)^ ctb b^JJ b«inQC0,(ittctb bolon, fcmctb to prepare bimrclf to catct tben tjotb taa of notb^ng : Oj^U be not Ojame botb tbc LozDsfuppcrbttcracc , . j'ttcir faitb.^bc o;Dinancc of /cphainus be* mj otbcrluifc gmo batb ben cmll \v;t* flcD of tbf 1^ came after, Vobr a ccrtainc lalDluas inaDc of one c5mumcatfg v«r Ip: U)berbr it is conic to pi^rrcv^ nlinofl al men lohrn tbei bane once cctuumca* tc, as ttjoiigb tber bt^o (tiivlv oifclMrcjco tbffcUie0fo;alvreftoftt)cpeare,actp fci'nlv on botb cares . Jt ougbt to baue bene far otbrrVurfc cone. Cucrr torkc banket,! tbe maker of tbc banket ^ &o 1 at tbc lett, tbc lo;r)es table tboulD be fct tboujftanoins amog tbc t toitb p;aicr 00 p:eparc tbcfelucs to recciuc tbc bolp mcatcbaacuen intbvstbat ti)o:ibatt net gone atiia^ confeffcD tbat tbou art j one of tbc niibcr of tbcm, at ^ laft tbou ooa not partakc-.bao it not ben better tbat tbou babtt not bene p;efent.SIbon luilt fa^ 31 am bnU)o;tb^. £bcrcfo;c ncctbcr toaft tbou bjoztbi? of tbc comu* nionof p;atcr,tDbicb is a preparing to tbc rcccauing of tbc bolr mvaerrc. 45 antt trul\! tbigs cufltomcMicb com mafioctbtocomumcafcrcarli? onccis a mo J certain inucntion of { oeuil) bi: toboreminittcrvfoauer it toasbjogbt in.SDbc^ Ta^ tbat Zcphcrmus \ua« an? tbo; of tbat Dccrce,tobicb it is not likcU tobviuebencfucbas toe nobo bauc it. -rFoihcbrhvsoiOinacctJr^ peraoucn* , -^ ^ K^u^r,rfn f?!fhlVh,.rrh Istbttmce thai iucrc. I great tncqiuUtr of ttvs in.ittcr.i* c.tm bcfo:e^a(r:mblvoftbcCt:inian5:rbf p.:omirc5 IbolD be DeclarcD,U)bif b mrgbt ; fcDC bs fpintuallp at it: none IloniD in | Dcoc be copcllcD bi nccc(riti,biit al fljolo | be crbo;tcD 1 p:uUeD fo;U3art):tbe fltig* 1 gitbnriTc alfo of tbt flotbrull IboulDc be rcbukcD . ail Qjonlo br hcapc«,as bun* 1 gr^ mf ,comc togctber to fucb ^wmtics. j^ot iDitbout rrnbtfull caufc tbcrcfo;c at tbf beginning J c omplaincD,fbat br tbc craft of tbt ccuil tbrs cuQomc luas tb;ua in,U)btcb toben it aporntctb one ccrtainc tJav of tbc rearcmakctb mm Qothful fo; al the reft of tbc vearc.znc ^ ffc m DCOC that this pcruers abufr Ipasj crept incucnuiM"nc of Chri'o'KMne: butiucmav alfo tbcrctoithallfixboto mucbitDiftlcarcDbim.i^o; hecomplai |. netb \^ grcuoas U)o;dd m t fame place ;l.yV>;i7 Of the outvvarde mcancs tiizix tubcn tticr iucre dr nE,but at €a^ ttct tljcf fame f i;cn U^ljc tijct lucre tn* tlmc&cii fje fiicttj out:£) cu»lom.£> p;criimption.2Lt}cn in tain is tt}C oailp Dftrins bfcD:in feain tne dans at (be aU tar: ttjcrc is none ^ partafecti) togctl^cr Mitl) ts.^o far is it of t^at be allotocD it b\> bl?s autbo;it^e aOicrncD to it 47 )iDut fif§ famcflbopp^ocefiCDalfcan otbcr cjuinac cUjbicb batb Solcn aVua^ o; tiolentli? tahcn atoai? tbe balf of tbe fupper fro ^ better nubcr of v people of C5oD:namcI|? § ftgn of § bluD^^Vubicb be* ing ccnvcD to lat? f profane nien(fo; \d fucb titles fo^fctb t^ct fet out ©ocs in* beritancc) became a peculiar potTclTioii to fljauen t annointcD me. 3t is tbe c6# maiiDemcnt cf § eternal (^oD,^ al (bold D?iiiU:U^bicb ccmaunccment man tare titfcontinue $ repel Id a ncto f cotrarp lalu,comaunt!ing ^ not allfljolD D,:inb. jano t tbefe la^uiabers (bolD not feme to figbt Ujitbout realcn agarnft tbet;^ <2?oD,tbei pjetenD perils ^ migbt bappe if tbts bcly cup tocr ccmcnir geuen to al: as tbougb tbofe Dangers bao not ben fojcfeen t marheD of tbe cternall toife^ Dome of (Doti.^nD tben futtellt fo^fojtb tbe^ reafc,^ tbe one is cnougb fo? botb. /rc; if(fa^ tbep)it be i boo? it iB lubole Cb;itt» lubicb can not noto be feuereD fro bis boDf Xberfo;jc bv accopanting tbe boot? cctainetb (' bluD.iloe bote our M)it agratlj ^aiti) goD,U3be it batb ncucr To litlc begon \jd lofc reines,to bctr atcn f toilD.SEbc iL02D (bctoing b;caD,faitb i it is bi^ boDt'tobcn be tbctuctb t ct^P> be callctb it brsblouD. SEbe boltjnesof mans reafon, crvetb out contrarvU)tfe {' tbe b;eaD is tbe blouD,$ tbe tcirie is i bouv: as tbogb tbe Io;io bat fc; no caufe fcusrcD brs bcDrc fro brs ^lcu3 bctb in toojDs t in fignestoj as ttougb it baD c* ucr ben bearu fpohe ^ tbe boor o; bluD cf €b.2ift is calico (Soo $ ma. ;^erilr if be bat meant to figniSe bubole bimfelf, be migbt bauc faiij,it is B5:as ]}C is toot to fpeah in t])t fcriptores,* not,tbvs is mi? boliT',tbrs< is mt blcuO.ilL tit be Iril* ling to belp our tocabnes, trt frt ip tvp feuerallr fro f b?eaD, to tpacb t be fuf< fifef b no leCTe fo; t>;inlj tban tc^ meate. ^oUj let one part be tatten alra^, t])ci\ Ine 0}all fino but {> one balf of tbe nou^ rilbme ts in bimXberfo;c altbcgb it be true tobicb tbci p;ctcnD,^ tbe blue is in i bjcat b\? toai of acc6panrtng,i again tl)t boop in t cup,tet tbei tefrauO gcolr foules of tbe codrmation cf faitb \i)\M €\)M teliutretb ts as neccOari.Cber fo;ie bitting tber^ futtlefies fareijueU> toe mult bolt fall i profit bobtcb is bp § o;tinace of Cb^itt in tbe tloo earnefis. 4S 3 bnotoe in tet e i tbe mini Hers of ^atan to bere cauil,as it is an o;tina» ri? tbtng toitb ti)e to mafee mocbcrr cf tbe rcrtptures.irirll tbei allege 1 0f one bare toing cngbt not to be gatberet a rule inberb^ tbe ^un}^ tboltbebount to perpctuall obferuing. JTut t\}tv In tEben tber fa^ t^ it luas but a bare to; ing: fo; €lintt tit net cnlp teliurr f^t cup,but alfo tit infiitute t bis iapo0 les (bolt in time to come to tbe fame . i?o; tbc^ are tbe toojtes of a commaunter, t;ink ^ al of tbrs cup.iant |3aul fc re^ brarfetb tbat it luas a tcte, tbat be alfo f omentetb it fc; a certair.e rule . j^n 0* tber Carting bole is, tbat (be apcttles alone toer reccauet cf Cb;iC fo tbe par tahing cf (bis fupper iDbo be bat alrea* tte cbofcn t talicn into tbe G;terof (be facrificing p;ieft es. 31£ut 3 iucult baue tbf anfteere me to Cue que0icns,from tobicbc f be^ (ball net be able to efcape , but tbat t};tv (balbe eafili? c5uinret ^ tber; lres.iFT?fii br Ubat o;acle baue tl)c^ tbvs foluticn reueelct , being fo 0r2ngefrom (be Uo;teof Cot f jECbe Scripture rccfecnetb J^ t bat fat ijoit^ 3efus:but it totb not fo cbfcurc f tigni^ tit of €b;itt t if caUetb tbf facrificing |9;ie(tes Lib.de rcfur^car ^5:i:3Jtof tobir!) name to? twill fprak fjfreaftcr in place fit foz it. IIIkujJ) he gauc it t!)cn to tijc rij. ret he coinauDcD that the? fh'ilo Do the fa.ncna.ncli that thc^thiibfoDiftributeitamongthcin. &cconDlv,lDhi? in that better age,from the ijpoltlcs altnott a thoufano vciVfB, tuer al U)ithoiit crception inaoe parta* feersof both b fignc0:'dja5 ^ olo church ignoiant Iwhat gefles Ch;itt hao re ccr ueD to his 3upper i Jit luerc a point of mofteoefperatertjamelefnefT:, hereto 1 tticUeanooall^iH grannting it to bee , true. H^hcrc rcinainc the ecclcfiaftical j hitto;ie3,ther remaine the bolics of the Ic.r Thcodo o^Q tu;iter3,U)hich miniftcr cuionit tc rit»lib,3. cap,8. Euchari- mmonics Of th^« matter . S:heflca)c (faith Tcrtuliian) is fcD loith theboDp I anti bloutj of Ch.Jifti that the foulc mav ftia Hicr jjg f^^ff.Q ^ feoiivjbpon goD.U;oUj(faiD in 2. Mai Ambrofc to T licodolias) toilt thou rc> Chrif.in 1 ^^^yg ^^^^ f^^jj t,aj,g (, t)ol\? boDr of the 2.Cor.ca ji^pjjjj5;2jjflj^jjat bolontlTc Vuiltthou 8. Eucha - riftia. toith thv! mouth partake of v cup of the p:eciou3 blouc i ?mo Hicromc fapth. £DhcpncS5U)hichmaKcthc > lianlccl- gcuin'jr, I DO Diitrihutc the blono of the lo;oto'thc people. Clinfolloincjlot as in the olo lalo the Piica did catc p;h CJchhiiv CClchaiicfofiD.ttat fomr rc' , cciumg onir the po;tion of the hoir bo* or,Do ablkinc frotn the cup. Let ihcin '* <^*-con' iDithoutDout, bvcaufcthcrfcmctob: V"- bouD loith I U)otc not lubat fupr rQitio ^<^n"-^ cither receuie th: &acra:ncn:s lohole, ^ilc-l^F** o; be DcbarrrDfro thcni luhalc .J?c; the DiuiDmgofthtsmiftericisnct coimtr tcD iDithotit great facnlege.IIhofc rea* fonsofCrpiianluerharo.Vnhicbtrul? ought to mouc a chuftia minDcPolDC (faith hf)DoU)ttcachc o:p:onoae thJ tothcD thnrbloiio mthc confetrmgof CLh:ift»if toc^ Df nr hrs blouD to them f njal fight:" O: bolnc do Idc nia'ir them fit fo; the cup of iVartT;Doinr if loc Do not fir ft in the church the rvjht of ccm» munion aDuut them to D;inhr the cup of the LoiD. CClheras the Canonin? do reftrainethatDfcrctofOrUDtietothc p;ifftP,thiiti2fo tbiloinjacauilltt)at itnaDcnotrobf confutcD. ^-o Chirolv.luhr oiO he ftmplr far of ^ b:eaD,thatthn^lhoulDearc:butcftcup. tl)at thcr Qjulo al D;inhcf eucn as if he haD meant o; fet purpof: ^o lucte lotth j § craft oi'^atn.f-olucrthKMf i;ac thtr | U)olO hauc It the lo :D bouchfaucD to aD'» nut to hifl flipper onlv ricrificmg p:if' aes tohat ma eucr Duril cal to the par* taliinaofit.arangcrs lufro-.nt^e Lo:D haD crclMDcDf vca t to ttic partalungcf tlwt gifc.the pouier luhcrcf vuafl net in thnr haD5,U)ithout anv comannDcmr t of Inm tuhich oncly coulD gcuc it^ ?'rJ faUii.iiu. ^P'" .O^.iS, Of the outwarde meanes t)pcn confierce of iolbAt toarrat no t^e? tfe at tt/t0 Da^ to Dtltribnte to tbe com# nion people t^t ^tgne of t^e boo^ of Cb^i(t>tf tben baue neither commaui^ Dement no; ej:5ple of tbe llo;o; iriftlr* Dto Paul Ite,U!i)en be fato to tbe Co;in tbtan0,tbat be bao rccetiaeD of tbe Io;d tbat VDbicb be bao beltuereo to tbe^if o; aftertoaroe be oeclaretb tbe tbtng tbat be Dcltuereb,tbatal loitbout Difference ^ulD communicate of botb tbe figne0. 3jf Paul recetueo of tbe lo;o,^ all flialb be aomitted tuttbout Difference:let tbe lohe of tobo t\)t^ baue recei^ueb \x>^ic^ bo D;taeatmii^aimofta(tbr people of (&oO:bscaufe tbe]? cSnotnbtDp^ctenb sob to be tf^z autbo; of tt, Isitb lubom tber 10 not ?ea ano na^0no ret llil fo; closing of futb abbominattos t\itv bare p;etenD tbenameoftbecburcb^f Uiitb fucb p;efence befenbe it,2is tbongb ei?^ tber tbefe ^ntit^MB tuere tbe cburcb, tDbicb To eafil? treaoe t)nDer fote^fcat^ terab;obe> anobefirope tbe boctrine anb tnfltttatton of Cb;itte : o;tbe0^ poltol^lie Cburcbe ^erenot§cburcb> in tobtcb tbe to^ole fo;ce of religion fio;i(bcb . .Cor.ii, 19* The xyiu,Chdf>trr, Of the Popishe Maffe,!)/ which lacrileK the Supper of Chrifl hath not oncly ben prophancd,but alio brought to nought, \I F 3ltb tbefe f lifee inuention0 fatan ! p;opbet0 baue infeetcb f tobole ioo^lo, batb trauatileD, 30 b? oucrfp;caj» j namelp tbat tbt ^affe 10 a U}o;b tober Dingofoarbneire to obfcureanDbegle 1 bi> tbe Sacrificing ^aiettlDbicb offe* tbe bol? fupper of Cb^iff, tijat at leatt i rctb tsp cb;ift,anD tbe otbcr tbat bo par tbe purenclTe of it Cbulo not be l^pt ftil talie at ^t fame oblatto, 00 bererne t\)t in tbe cburcb. ^nt tl;c beab of bo^rible abbomination luao U;bcn be aouaiiccb a |&igne,b^ Uibieb it migbt net cnli? be barkneb anb pcruerteb,bnt being btter l\?blottebanb abcUlbcb (bfoulD banilb aloa^ and fal out of tbe rememb;auce cf menmamcU tDbcn be blinbeb almoft tbe tobole U)o;lotDitb amoUpcfiilent erro;, ilsatthci^ (boulb bclcuetbat t^z gpaSe is a Sacrifie anb oblation to ob* te^nc tbe fo^gcfieneffe of 0nnc0. ^^oto at g beginning toe foiiDer fojt of § fcbcU men tohc thin oortrtne , 31 noti)ing re^ garDc:farctucl ttcr tuitb tijtiY crabbcb futteltie0 tubicb boUjtfecuc r tbet? ma? be DcfcnbfD to camliig,rct aretberfo;e 'to be rcfufcD of ali gQO men brcaufe tbe^bo notbing els but fp^cace mucbe bar!?ene0 ouer tbe b:iabtnccrc of p fup? pcr.it-bcrcfo^c himui lOcrn fare tcel, let tbe rctiDcrs tmOcrllauD tbat J bere matcb in f\^l',t ivitl) tijat cpiiucn,tDbf r^ tuitb tbx iicir.irqc anttct;iac au5 brc fano; of gob:o; tbat it is a clcat.Gng fa^ criUcctobercbi? tbet reconcile CDooto tbemfelue0«/|ieitbcr batb tbi0 bene re* cc^ueD onel^ in common opinion of tbe pcople,buttbe bcrr botng it(elfei0fo frameb>^ it i0 a kino of pacifying tober Uiitb fatiffaction is mabe to gob fo; tbe purging oftbeqoicHe anb beaoe. SDbe lDo;b0 alfo lobicb tbe^ tre,bo erp;e0 i fame : t no otbcr ibing mar tue gatber of tbe bar Ir t^fe of it Bi tino to bolo o^pe ra3te0 tbi0 pell tlence batb taben bnber bolrc grcdte fcming ofg(&bnc0itlur« Uctb,botD it bearetUin ftjeU) i name of Cb^ifte, botD in tbe one name of ^aOe manr bclcue tbat tber compjcbcnbe tbe tobole fumme of i?artb. 315ut tube it i^all be br tbe tDo^oe of 0ob moa^ clerclr p;cucb, tbat tbr0 ^alTe, botue mucbe focuer it htz cc!o;cd hud g!o* ricu0 , refi fijanjcfullr DrR)ono;ctb Cb;i(t,bnrictb ano opp^effctb bi0 cro0, pnttctb bv0 &ealb in fc;sitfulnctrc, tafeetb To Saluation. Fourth Bookc, lVf><--flf taUcttj atuai? rtjc fratc ttatccmctt? tfjir fclor'g^ tfccir pctr ^arnfifcro aic not of bntotoSjDotbc tocabrnanD DcCiof p ( put m place of Clj;Ut as if be Uicr DcaD facrament tobjerin U)afl left tte mraic* rt of trciJ Dcatft : fljall tfjcr f tl)f n bt anp (0 Dttpc rcDte0, U)t)ict) tbrs mott Orong aTe,3i mcanc tljc too;D of ©oD, Ojal not cut Dotrti anD oucrtf);otof 3s ttjcrc anr face fo beautiful, t tbrc Ugt)t ta not be* to^av ttjc euil tobl?cl) lurUcttj tnccr iU but onelr arc t)f Ipcrg of ljr» etcrnall lB;icfll;^r)f,UibrciKwfrtbnottl;£rfo:c te cciitujuc.ifo; ttcr arc mo;c ftrSglr boloni faft toirt) tbe U)o;dd of r apoCle tlwn )"> tbc^ mar J'o cfcapc :nnmclv,tt'at tberc lucre manr otl;cr p;trtl6niacc, ' biraufc tbc? tucr bp ueatl) Icttco to fon- f 7>7.f Pfno.14 Gei4.i8 allettstberfojcftjetotbattDbuti^atb ' tmoe. x::berfo;ctl)cri5 butonctbvUis ben fet in tbc firft place, tbat m it is ix^^ not IcttcD br or atf),t bf nrcctb no copa tolIerabIeblarpbemT?anODifljono;tion nions. Vct,fuchifltbcirfrc\rarDr.ffff, toCb^itt.ifo^bctua^confecrateof bis tbcrarnietbcfclufi uitbc cramplc of ifatbcr a pjictt ano ^v^p, not fo; a time a0 toe rcaD i tbcr Vrere o;5eTncD intbc olD s:ellament,tobofe \^z being j|?clcbifcoccbtoDcffOtbciitoKlicrnc». ifo;,bicaufc it is faiD y be off re D b;:aB » U)ine,tbcr catbcr tl;nt be toas a fo;c H..7..> mojtal,tbe\?jp;icflboDcalfocoulDnot (betomgof tbcr; i^^anciasiVcuflhcitTC . be immojtal:fo? tubVfb raufe alfo tbcr : likenes bctlucne bun \ Cb;ta, uci ih i nebcb fucceffo?« tbat OjouId fro time to 1 1 cffnno of t;caD t \Dinr. u; t-jcl; 10 lo ' time be put in k P*'^« o^ ^bf tbat o^eb. ^ut in place of Cbjiftj^b^tt is imo?* tal,tbcr nctoetb no ^Dicar to be fet after btm.Cbcrfoje be teas o^Derneu of tbc 5fatbcra^;ica fo; eucr,acco2bingto tbc o^bcr of 2S9clcbifct3ccb,ibflt be (bulo emptr f trinmg 1^ it nccclh no ccfitiU on.£f clcbifcDccb gauc t:caD 1 Uiinc to 1 ilbiaba aiiQ bic comvanicns,to rcfrcfij , tbf being iDcarr after tbc ir io;ncr nr.Q battailtclbat ictbietoa fafri6cc:^^c. ^^^^ ^ fcfi p;aifetb v gcntlcr.r « of v bclr l;mg; , mcute an euerIafligP;icttboDeXb.B \ tbcfe fdoireg bnfcaronablr co) 11 a m mvnerp bao ben lona befoieftgurcD in ftcrr luberof no mcntioii in maoc P t Sc cbifcDccb, tobo toben tbe fcripture I Ibcv DcccitfuUr paint tbcir crroj \uvtb ; ^Z^k irneucraftertoartemaoe bpaftcr..lnobeU)a5vVViciUfvlua' Son of bvni,as tbougbc be bao baD goo. 3 anfU)er,i^ tbei ^^^ffl^'^^^ ScofbvsUfe..lftcrtbvepcrnteof totbcb:ray ^f/^f/^^^l^^^^^. , ,^J^ i UUeneP ^b 'ill ivas callcD a p;ietl ac* ftlc rcfcrrctb to tbc LlcHing. ^l f »^'C oS^^^^^^^^ l^^oto tbe^ tbat CO toben be irao k p:!ciUf Cocbc tlrtlc ; Saer^L/muli n..c.appovnte ?!;^^l!^^^^-»- v^-^j;:^:;^^ , ^^:^i^ tn ftcDc of bim, tbcr do not en* oblation of t?clcbif . 3cch ^>f re a ftflure fro boo?, Doiun fro t? ri5i Op.-»?» C'ftheoutvvajde meanes an:; f)oiio^ of facrificing p;jtemjoO0 wa^ fetb atiiciig mojtal men, bicaufc cJ)j:tft \})Utf) is immojtaljtfl tljsonli auapcr* (pctaalfeacrifidnsPiicff. ' 1 3 0not!)cr trrtut of ti)e spaCTe luas,^ it I oijp^clfst!) anD bur^etlj tbc croCTe $ paf'^ I Son of €\)ii(l. SDi)is feeril^ is mod cttf ^eb.^.n j^ij,^^ ^ cro!^ of Cb^tft is ouertfj^oton fc fQn0 as t\)C alfarc is fee tjp. Jfo? if fie o!fretj !}:mfclf fo; a Sacrifice Upon tl)c croiTctljat be mtg'gt fartifg tjs fo; coer, anD piircfjafcto t3S cternall reDfption: t?ntsoutcDii^ tbe fo.2ce i e^ectnalneCte of efjat Sacrifice ccntinuctb Init^joatan^ ea5.©tf)crtuirc lae OiulD ttjiii notljing nio^2 ijDno^abli^ of vli:b;ift,t1)an of oyrn I taints tol)t£lj tpcr far rificcB tintjer § lal^Jifbc cffrings l3o!)crof ar phoned tjir^ df cctual $ iJDcalie bv tbis tliat tbcr tocr j cfrrgnueD. ^SHIjerfo^c either toe muft j confetre,^tbc facriftcc of done i^ tbefo^ce tbercof remainetbeuerlafting: tobo fo require anotber facrifice,do tbei not acccfe tbis of imperfection t toeal^nesf Hdut as fo^ t\)e spaflre,tob!cb batb bene DcliiiereD in fucb fo^t ^ tber mav eueri? Dar be maoe a bunujcD.sp.^acrificeSjto tobatenoc tenoetb itMt tbat tbe palTion of Cb^ift toberbi? be offreD \)^m an cnlr ^acrifi^ ceD oblation to tbe fatber,(ijulo lie buri*; CD f D^otoneD^ MlbOjbnlcs be be blino, can not fee tbat it toas tbe boionelTe of ^atan,tobicb to;an leb againlf fo open f cleare trutb i j^eitber am 3I ignorant )a)itl)\iiWocctitc$ tbe fatber of li>ing tifctb to colo; t\}^s bis frauoe, faring f tbere arc not fonD>t? no^ Diners ^acri* fices,but tbat one felf fame facrifice is repcatco. liSat fucbe fmokes are eafil^ bloton atoa?. i?o? in (> tobolcDifcourfe tbe japonic trauailetb to p;oue:not on* ll' tW t\)m are no otber facrifices,but tbat tbat one Sacrifice toas once cffreo t)p,anD Iball no moje be repeateo.Cbe futteller me do vtt Qip out at a naroto^ er bi3le,faring tljat it is not a repeting, but an applying. UBiit tbis^opbiaicall argument alfo is no les eafili? cofutcD. if o; ncitbcr DioCb.Jift once offer bp hU felf toitb tbis conDttion, ^ ^is facrifice ftjulD be Dail^ confirmcD \i)itl) neto ob^ lations : but tbat b^ tbe p;eacbing of i gofpel,f miniaring of § boll? fupper, i ff ute tbercf (feulD be comunicateo tnto bs.^o |9aul fa^ltj ^ €hn^ our |9aCrc* ouer toas o^eD tip , ano biDDetb bs to eate of bsm.2Cbps(3 faT»)ts tbe raeane tobereb:g tbe Sacrifice of tbeCrclDj is rigbtl^ applieD to t3s,tobr it is commu^ John.ip, 3o» li5ut .Cot ^,7 To Ssluation. N5ala,i.S focl,3.j8 EC19 21. 4 Bat it 15 U3o;tb ]^ lalo; to l;rarc, li U3l)it ctbcr fcuoatio bf&cc tbf fe tt; i top bolli t\)t faciifict of ttc iJpnlTcjrc; iljcv WalDtotbrs v"n»ff tbe p;cp(3ffircf 2palact)ic,\i:)t)crbr ttc lo;D p;Dmifcli) \^ tbc time fljal come tube tt);o»cbout tbc Vofjolc U)o;lD tber fljalbc offeree to bv5 name incenfc ano a cleane facrificcflo tbougb it Iwcr a neU) 0; tnlDoteo tbmg among tbcp;opbct6, U)l)f tbcpfpeakc of tbc calling of tt)eCentilg toerpjeffc brtbeonttuarD ccrcmcnic of tbe la\i) ^ fpiritnal too;(bippintt of bod, to Uibicb tbcpwbojttbem : tbattbctmigbttbc mo;c familiarly Declare to tbcmenof tbeir agctbat tbc eentil« (bulD be cal* \£i> into tbetruc feloU>Q)ip of religion, ilihtas alfo tbe^ arc toot altogetber to eefcribc br Bgures of tbeir laVu^t tr"^b t^at leas DeliucreD bi t gofpel.^o tber fet fo^ turning to tbc lo;D,afcenDing m to Jcrufalemifb; § toojOjippmg of geo, tbc offering of al ^iwiit of gift6:foJ lar^ ger bnoUjlcbgc of bim toljicb toau to be gcucn to tbc faithful in tbc hingoom of cb:ift>u;cams t toifion0. S^bat tf)crfo;c UJbicb tbci aUege,i5 liUc tjnto an otber p;opbccic of efar,toberc tbc pp;opbct fo;etelletb of tb;« altars to be fet vjp tn jaCfiria.Cgipt,! 3urp. j?o; ftrft i afhc, lobetbcr tbc? do not graunt tl;at tbe ful filling of tbi0 p;op!)efr w w tbc UingDo of Cb;itt. ??econDlvMcfe be tfjcfc al> tare, 0; toljcn tbc? tocrc ciicr fet tc bp. SLbii'Dlr* tDbctbcr tbc? tbmkc tbar to cucm fcacral hingDonijis appcvntcD a feucral tetnplcfucb as luns tbat at 3io rufalcm, E^bcfctbings iftbc?Ujev,3 tbinUc tbc? tml confeffc, ^ tbe 13;opbet bnDcr figures agreable loitb l)i3 tune, ' p^opfjelfctb of tbat fpiritual \iio;\W of , d^oDtobcfpjcD ab;oDe intottctobolC; UJO^lD. mbicbtDcgcuctotl)etc;aro'j lutio. 5i5nt of tbis tbing Qtb tbcr do rue r«:to!3crfi;aplcs commonl? offer tbcm fclacs,3i toil not bufgrnifelfuUgtisci^ refjeanarcfibcm, l:)cUibc:: i>.Tein aifo t'.jcv are ir.ifiTah.r cccauco, \* i^cvac UncU^icgc no ^^ccrifice but tf ^ i^^.^^^t toljeras m dcdc tl:e fniri;ful Co ticlu &a I crifice to lli: lc;D,t do offer a clcaiic of^ |s p.oMi .X ccnic DoVrn to tbc itua ofiicc lof tl)c iiiaac,luljcr i wwVi Declare bc\a itblottftboiitctt^c truci onlvicuibof Ch;iU,nnr) nirdictb it cut cf the rn^um j b;f.ncc of men. J:o; as among men ibc I arctTgttj cf a Z:fOaincnt b«ngf tb bpcn tbc Dcatb of ? tcQato;: fo ulfo rur L c;» batb Vuitb bic DCdtbc ccr.fmncD tie te» aament lulicrbr be l)atb Gc»:cn U fo;' geucnclTc of fui^ ano ctri ual npbtf ouf* ncfi.Ubcp tbat oarc tarv c; make n:U) anr tbr"g I'l tbviJ C:cCu!iirnt,Do ta.\t bis Dcatb,t bolD it as it luer of no fo;cc. • 15ut U)l)at IS tbc iP'^fT:, Lnit a ne U) anO 1 altogetber Dlucr6tcaamcm^j'o;\rbv^ I Dotb not cuer? feucral if affc p;omife nclD fo;acuenec of fmnes, ncUj piirtba fingof rrgbtfoufnee : fo tliat nclu ibere Uc fo man? tcttamentes ae tbcre lee ^^affesf Lft Ch;ill tbri fo;c com f C"W t U)itb an ctber Dcatb confirmc tbvfl tc» ffamentjo; rather Ir-itb mfimt Dratbcf confirme inuumerablc tcttammtcccf ^^affec.Uaue 5 not tbercfo;r farD tnic at V begmmnn,!^ the onclr i triif ccatt of v!:b:i& isblotteDoutbv ^"^alTcs^ }^:a U)bat m UJt far of ti)V6 itat tl>c qfVifTr Dircalr tenDcib to tb\ 6 cnt ,tbat iT it L« polTible, Cb;ift 0)olo ^f ^-^'"^ agarnc^ jrOitobcrisatcrtamfl.tr.itbtbcaFO file)tbcrofnccLCitYmi:abertjcDea(b of(^ teCato;. J^bea^iilc i^f ^ctbit felf ; to be a neU) tellanient of Cti;iO:tt)f re* ^'^ 9''^ fo;c it requirctb hvs ocat'g . ^o;couer : V boa \Dbicb » offi CD, vvaZ ncccaaril? , be flam « farrificeD.:>f ch;ia in cueri fc ^ ueral tpaHe be (aCTi&ccD,tI;i le mutt at , euer? moment be m a tboufanD placed , crucll? aain.£:br6 le »ct uane^but tec , flpoaies argammyiniiM^^^ >^.17 OFtlieoutvvaide meanes otfcr'b^mfdf ofe , tje muft oft ^aucuieD fracctbc bcgmmngof § too?la. Si fenoUj ) tbat tUev^ tjauc an anfiuerc in rcaoinec, Ujtcrbi? alfo tljc? cbargc ts to fclaoer, if 0^ t\)zi fat! tbat ^ is obierteu agaiff t\)t iuljicl) tbei? neucr tbougbt, noj ret tan» antj toe knoUitftat tljc Dcatb auo life of cbnft is not in ttjeir WcWLz loUc not iDfjctber tfyti so about to Uii l)im : onli? our purpofe is to C^eto, totjat maner of abfurQiticfollotoctl) of tbeir tjngoulB ano totcUeD ooctrine. Mbicb felf tbing apjoneb^tbe^pollles otone moutb. SLfjougb f ber cri? out to tbe contran? a to2cbtims,^tbisfacrificeis tjnblou^ Dp. 31 toil Dcnr tbat it bangetb tpon tbc toil of men,tbat facrificcs (ftulD cbange tljctrnature,fcjbr tbis meane t\)t bo" Ip anb iniiiolablc ojbinacc of goD l^ulo faT?Ic,Mbcrcupon foUotoetb tbattbis is a fore p;rnciple of tbe apoftle, tbat tbere ts reriuircrj flbeuing ofblouD,tbat toall)rngniapnot be toanting. 6 j^oto is tbe fourtb office of tbe S^alTe to be f ntreaf eo of,namcli to tafee atoa^ from ts tbe fruite tbat came to Ds of f bcatb of cbJia,tobile it niafeetb bs not to acfenotolcDge it ano tbinfebpo it.ifoj tobo can ral to minb tbat be is rebemeb br tbe Qcatb of Cb^iftto'gen be fatba nclD rcbeption in tbe S^affc? ^bo can truft tbat fin? are fo^geucn Um, toben be ftttb a nctoe fo^geaenelle i i|iertber fbal be cfcape tbat fljall fav. tbat toe bo fo} no otber caofe obtein fojgeuenesof finnes in tljc s^afltcbut bicaufc it is al^ rcaD^purcbafcD bp tbe oeatb of CbJift. if o; be b;in3etb notbing els, ttjan if be toolirbcatt,^ Cbititt batbe rebemeo bs to?tb tbvs csnbition tbat toe (boulo re^ beme our fclues. if oj fucb ooartn bafb ben fpKb b^tbe miniftersof ^atan, f lucb at tbis oai tbe^ matntein toit^crt thgs ontjtoitb ftoearb ano fferjtbattoc toben in tbe spaCTe toe of^rtjpCbnft to ht^ .^atbcr^by tbis too?fec^of ofPring DO obtein fojgeticncs of unncs,anD are m<'^c partaJ^ers of tbe pair^o of Cbnft. mt)nt rrcto remainetb to tbe paCicn of Cb,:ill, but to be an erample of reof p* tion, toberbp toe niai? learnc to be our oton reDemersfCbjift bimfelf,tobcn in tbe fupper be fealefb tbe confioenccof paroojDotb not biD fiiB Difciplcs to aick in tbat Doing, but fenoetb ti)e atoar to tli( ^acriSce of bis bratb: Cgnifring i tbefupper is a monumrt o^ memorial (as i comS fpeacb is)toberbt tber maC learn i tbe fatiffacto;^ clenfing ^acri*» fice,br tobicb tbe if atber toas to be ap^ peafeD,mult baue ben offreo but once» if 0^ neitber is it enougbe to ¬o tbat Cb;^ta; is tbe onelp (acrifice, DnlelTe tbe onli?racrtficing be torneb toitb it, tbat our fattb ma^ be faSneo to bt^ crotTe. 7 ilioto 3i come to f c5clufion,namel5 ^ tbe boll? fupper, in tobicb tbe ]to;D baD left tbe reme b;ancc of brs patTion gra* uen f erp^teffeD, is bi? tl)t letting tpof tt)t ^affe,taftratoar,DcfaccD,f Dcffrop eo.if oj tbe fupper it felf is ^ gift of goD, tobicb toas to be rcceiucD toitb tbankD geuingXbe facrittce of fbe ^alTe is fa* meD to pate a p^tce to (Dod, tobicbe be ma? receaue fo;i (atiffaetio. I^oto mucb Difference tbere is bettoeen to gene f to receiue,fo mucb Dotb the facrifice oifiier fro tht facramtt of tbe fupper.^nD tbis trult? is tf)c mod to;etcbeD tntbanltful' nelTe of ma,tbat tober tbe largeneflpE^ of CDoDs bout? ougbt to baue ben acbnoto legeD,! tbanftes to be geu«n,tberein \i$ maUetb <^oD fi^s better . Oe ^acra^ ment p;omifeD,i^ b? the Deatb of Cbnli^ toe are not onl? ence reHo^eD into l^e, but are continually quichneD 9 hicautt t^en all tbe partem of our faluation toer fuimieD.II^beracrifkeof tbe ^alTe 6ng ttl) a farre otber for.g,tbat Cbaifi niwtt be oa^i? faerifice&r tW hi ma^fjme* tobjit p^ofitDs. %be fupprr l^in baue benPtflNributeP mtbefomonaffembl^l .Cor.io i6» loSaluation. Fourtii BooU of tftc cfturct), ttat it niigtjt cnfo;me te ' among manrT-kSut bit aurrt1)rtiw;~afB ofttjcfomnumion toficrbvirenUlcuc 'ofCf):ifttinDp.uilarrpla!ncmciirJ3, togctUr m dljnH Jcfas. Oc facrifice ; toe niav b;rfrlv cocluDc, r iohr rfcrur r of ti^t iSpaffc Diffoluett) ano pluclictH m | is nor b;caljir.g of b;faD to rljc comma* fonocr tl)(s communitp. Jro; after that I nion of tbr f.iirljfull,tl)cr ts not ffcr fnp* tl)E erro; grcU) m fo:cc, ttjat ttjcr mutt • per of tbc Lo;D,l)ut a f.ilfc t luioncJoll be facrificcrg tbat ttjulD facrififc fo; tbc i countcrfaitmcs cf tf)c ftippcr.liut a falf people, tl)c fupper of tf)C Io;D ne tijougi!) countrrfnitmc iga rc;rtipting..OoUi p it tuer poftcD oucr to tbcm, ccafco to be co;pupting of lo grrat a mvtlcrr,i« not commumcateD to tbc congregation of l6out tuirlicDiire. SZherfcf in p;iuatc ttje faitbful acco;Ding to tbe commaDc | tBaCTes is a Uivthco abufc. JnD as one ment of tbc ILo;d. iiii cntr^ \Da5 mabc i fault m rcliijion fi om timp to time b:c open to p;iiuate gaffes , lobicbnifgbt loetbanotbciv afteri^tbatmanerofof' frmg tottbout Comimmion luac cnce crept in, t^ litlc i litle thcx bcijan in e* uerp cojner cf cburcbf 8 to malic inriu' incrablc !eBafre5,anD ciucrfir to DMtoe tbc people bctbci I tbctticr.tobicb Qyilo baue come tcgetbcr into one affcmblr, 1^ tbcv nirght rcluioUJlcgc tbc inrGcrt of tbcv; otone Vimt^. Jloto let them go ano Dcnv it to be iDolatrv,tbat m tber; iPaffes tber (betoc fo;tbc b;f.iDc to be U)o;(bippLO in ttcao ofvrb;illc. f o; in baintbcrboftof tbcfc p;oHurec of tbe p:cfcnce of Cb;ine, Uibr^b hou focucr tbcv be br.Dcr CoDc , tcrily tocr net gc* lien to tt/, 8 piirpofc, tbat UjuIjcd c p;o* pbanc ihcji, fo oftc as tbcv Unll, flno to Uilatfof urr alufc tbcr liac,n:av niahc tbcbo:v ff Cl);ifi:buttbattbe fa tfcful, tobin uitbrcl:L-tct:3cira .ationttjen DO in celebrating of tl,c luppc; lolloiuc tbc commaiicrmrnt of Cb;'i^» "wv civ iop tbc true partnUtng of vivm. 9 liclioc tbr.t. hu- -^i r:,. urncITc traB rattier rcfemblc a certain crcommuni' cation, tban tbat fame community o^ DcincD of tbe Io;d, lobcn tbe pet? facri- fleer toilling fcucralli: bp bimfelf to be uour bis facri6ce,botb fcucr bnnfelf fro tbc \ubolc people of tbc faitbfuil. i call p;iuate ^aCTc (leaft anp man be Bccei^ ueb) UJberefoucr tbcrc is no parttifeing of tbeilo^os Supper among tbe faitb^ full, altbougb otbcrlmfe a great multi* tuoeofmenp;cfcnt. 8 :anD tobccc 1> tcri name of !i39a(rcfirtt fp;6g,3i coulo ncucr ccrtainlp iiicgcifa uing ^ it Icemetb to mc likclp ^ it toas taHf of^ offiingsv luergcuen. lU\)cr tjpo ^olDcU).ivtcrs\)feitcomolrin\? plurall ntiber.iout to leauc If nmng a* bout i? iiame,3i fag tbat p;iuatc iPalTcs arDuectli:againtt^o;icinaccofcb2ilt, f tbcrfo^ tbcv ai c a Ujckeo p:opban!ng of ^ bolp fupprr. if o; Uiljat batb p lo;D coinmaocd \;?:not to tafee,f biuibc it a* niog l35f wiabatmantrofobfciuingof lul tbcccmauDcmentDotbF^«ltfaf^-"ot , ^n^m'^*''*-'^ ^°^ pmerr:- r:b. ro: bcU) tbe b^ca^xing of b;eab, tobtcb is tbc co^- focuer tbc mo;f flanii Ict'e fo;t among muiiion of tbc boop ano bloub^IIbcrc fo;c iubr one taUetb it luptbout bittri* buting,tobat liUcnes is tbcr^ ^ut tbat fame one man Dotbc it in tbc name of {» tubolc cl)urcb.ll3i Vobat comanocmcnt^ \unottbrsopenlptomocHCDoo,UJben cf.,<..»,«nf onemairpnmuclptahctb tobimfclfil ' ^^"t^J,^S"^?^^l"^^,^L^t;t tl^^ tobpcUou^btiw^^ oar ai?:ierfar;c5 to be ' f G^ «^oi«f to bif« guife tbc mater \x fa'.fe ro'c;?, vet it is mott fare \^ ul anttq'Ut 1 13 againC . !,f , as IPC bauc afo;c pjouca m ctl;er tbfjB ano It map mo:c certai;;'.'. be uicgco ti tbc continual rcaomg of olcc \w; vtcrs €^p,|8. ;iS^.ll22 Of the outward meancj ^contra. «8. NJfLvHe^i'ft.*"*' knob) ^ obcDf cnce b mo;c etteemet) of d^oD t^an oblation0> am that be mo;e rcqutrct!) tbat bis Ijo^ce be barkneD to, fban tbe ^acrificea be offcrcD : botoe tbey bcleuc ^ tbis maner of facrificing 10 acccpta'alc to (IDoo,ti)berof t\)c^ baae no certain commaunocment, i tubl^cb tbci? f^ not to be alotoco bi? ani one fpl* lableof tbe fcripture. ^o^eouer,U)ben tlm bear tljt apaHle fa?, ^ no man ta^ tctl) to bimfelf ti)t name i bono; of fa« erificig p^ieftbooe, but be ^ is calico as aaron toas j ?ea f tbat Cbiiift bimfelfe aia not tb;uft in bimfelf,bat obeieo tbe calling of bis fatbcr, ettbcr tbev matte b^ing fo.2tb (©od § autbo; i ojoeiner of tbeir facrigctg p;ieftbooe>o;j tbe? muft confelFe ^ tbe bono; is not of <15oo,into U)ljicl)ttbe?bauetttgtb luictieoraftnes broken in bncalleo. )!5ut tbe? can not il)i\3) one title of a leter t mainteinetb tim facrificing p^iettbooe.^b? tber;* fo; ^al not tbeir facriSccstjaniO) atoai W)idi can not be off rcti Vuout a p;iett i i:Q Jf an? man do tb;uft in G^o^t Center CCS of m olD ln;?ters gatbertB beeret tl)2re,i 00 b? tbeirautbc^iti trauail to psQue tbat tl)s facrifice ^3)\)id) is oou in tbe fispper 15 far otberixiife tc be tjnocr SasiUeDjtban toe Do erpcuno it;let l^iin be b^efel? anf loercD tbtis:.if tbet|ueCi^ onbeof aUotoiiig t\)t fc^jgeo Dcuife of facrince,racb as § ^Dapifis bane faineu in tbe #affe, tbe oi&Vpsi'ters do neuer fpeaU in Deff ce of fucb facrils^e. iCbc? Oain oeDe tie tbe luoii^e ^acriiice: but fbertoitbal tbe? erpouno,v^ tbe? meane notbingels but tbe remembrance of ^ true anooncl? racri&ie,,iDbicb Cb^ilJe our onl? facrificing paieii (as tl)i>? ecb^ U»berc report of biin)maijc on t crolTe* H^be l^eb^iscs (fa?tb Augu{lme)ln ttie^ facriSces of bcaftslpbicb tbe? o«freD to: (iI?oD,Dio celebrate a p^opbccie of tb? fa^ criitce tocojne,, tobicb Cb;iGe offreot; ,tOatCb;iilTans ooe ujjtb tbe b«rt? obla^ ;ttQaiiD partaking of tbe bo^of CbA^g celebrate a remembrance of tbe ^acri* fice alreaD? maoe. l^are teril? be tea* cbetb altogether tl)t fame tbing,t»b?cb is lur?tten in mo tooros in tbe bo&e of if aitb to peter t^t Deacon, tobofoeuer be tf)t autbor of it.SCbe toorDs be tbefe, beleue molt tteDfaftl?,f Dout not at a\U tbat tbe onl? begotten bimfelfe, being maDe fleflj for bs,o(freD bimfelfe for bs a Sacrifice ano oblation to C^oD into a fanor of ftueteneCTe: to U)bom toitl^tbe if atbtr ano tbe i^ol? gboft in tbe time of tbe olD tettament beatts toer facrifii* ceD:ano to tobom notoe \33it^ § if atber I tbe i^ol? gboft(U)itb lubo be batb one dDoDbeo ) tbe onel? Cburcb tbrougbout tbe tobole toorlo ceafetb not to ofiPer § facrifice of b;eao ^ toine. if or in tbofc fle^l? facrifices toas a figuring of tbe fleO) of Cbrift, tobicb be (bulD offer fa; our (tnne0,¥ of bis blouD tobicb be batb IbeD to tbe forgeueneCTe of Onnes. H^ut in tbis Sacrifice is tbanfefgeuinganD reberfal of tbe f lelb^of CbriU tobicb be offroD for V}s,anD of bis blouo Uibicb tht fame be batbe C[)cd for bs. Mberupon ^ugu0ine bimfelfe in man? places tv* pounoetb It to be notbing els hnt a^^ crifice of praife.if inall? ?oii Iball com* monl?fina in bim>? tl)z Supper of tbe loro is for m otbcr refon calleo a facri-' 6ce,bat bicaufe it is tbe remcmbrace> jmage,f luitncs of i^ Gngularicue,anD onl? facrifice IpheriD Cbrittbatbclcn* fco bs, 0iro f bcre is a notable place in bis ^mm bolie of tbciEnnit?etbe.24. cbapter,l»ber after ^ be batb Difcourfeo. of tbe onl? facrifice, be tbus cocln^etb: bicaufe iaa S>acrificc foure tbings are confipereD, to tobom it is ofifrcD,anD of tjjbo, tubat is ofreo, « for tubcm. 2^be fame be bimfplf f onei traemcoiaior recociling tjs to Co^ ^ being noteontentcD U>ub tbc ftin ntDavalbolDnccofmacUnDcrftaoing, to fl icti fall ui t alone u birb v fcripture teacbctb. fliiDtrulr if luc ccfiDcr ^^ it u pfuppcroff* to;Df not cfmcn,tbcrcif no raufc tubr U-c fljolo futfcr our fcliic» to be rcmouco one bcarc b;cDtb fi om it bvanvautbojitvotincn 0; yr'" ;o of^carc6Xbcrcfc;c\ibcnt ic mmDcD to clcnfc i: fro all fauliD Uibictj bao alrcDv crept into tt.c Cbi:t cb of t Ix Co;tiitbiaj:if,hc bfc:b tbc rcacicll iDdp tbcruiito,^J io,bc callctb it b:n[: t j v ••■»• i.Cor.ii plc f naturall mftitution of cb;iti,tbcp I ir mftitutio of it,fro lubuc be Ojciuctb ^* fluarucD to tbc QjaoolueB of ibc lauie. j f apcrpctcalrulcougbt tobcfctclicD. 12 3ifamaDoDiligciitlpUjep,tbattbi0| n .aoU)lcf^anvlu;unjlcrn.ouloQir Difference UJ put Lr tbc U)o;d of p Lo;d ts \3p ft rife br rcafon of tbe nanjt j; of bcttuetic p facrifices of fiBofcf, nno our facrificc t lau ih-iihj p;ieQ, J u>ill aifo tbanUefgcmng,p tubcrcas tboic did re* Dcclarcbut vcr b;i£U\.sU)bt:t in r li«l;clf p;cfent to tbe jlcli lQjc people^ tbe fame 1 Difcuurie jpjuc lueanr by a fjci :f.cct ^ JllD . i7<. I Of the outward meanes fo ft;c £&>' -j^ Ui3,jo f^criitcj to all bolt? Z-crz .or. .-^3 an:) s.^-'^ic^s of reUgioJ f^ lot iJ2 ^ ''Mv resCon ro^T' do it. Wiz Doe iiiio iipc - ,at k-'y t^jr c-'iitinuaU tjfe of tht If ripf rr^a facnacc ixs caUcD •§ MM § <&;e!j3caifom2 l'iKifia,romti^e Pro^ fphorajfomtinie Teletc. ^i)ic^ behig gciierailLi taUca copjeljcnocti) to^atfoe* ucr 15 in an? iyif^ offreD to goD. Q^tjer fo;ic 13)2 maa make Dillinctioa: but ^ct fo tbat tbts oilimcttoit ma^ l)aue a fu« of CDoDjto (atiffi? 1)10 tuDg?ment,ano fo to Ujall&e I toipc atuar fimu^js : toberb^ tbe (inner clenfeo fi'om tt)e auiiv fpots of tbem , % rcOto;cD into purity? of rigbr-. teoafnes, mar return into fauoj lor ) f tbofe altbougb tbcr Uiere Diuers-fojineSj^et tl^n mi^ al be refer rcD to ttoo fojts. ifoj citber tbere toas oblatio maDe foj fin after a certain ma< ner of fatiffactio, tuberb]? giltines tuas re:5cmcD before C5oD : o; it toas a \33op rbipping of tbe fijne of goo, % a tettifi?^ euij of religoiiifointine in fteoe of fup^ pli:ation,to craue tbe fatio: of goD:fom time in (teoe of tbvihefgtnung,to tcftifp tbanhfjlncs of minD fo; benefits recei* ucD:romtime onlt? fo; an epercife of goD iine£?,to rcneto tbe Cablitbing of tbe co ui-nant : to tobicb later fojt pcrtcrneD burnt 0ffrtngs,D;infec cffringes, obla* tios,firft tmi\:B, i peace offrigs.Mber fo;e l^t bs alfo Diuioe oures into tto© feinDs,! fo; teadiings fahe lette tscall tbe one tbe facriilce of U)o;lI)ip i of goo l\>De«otion,bicaufeitconCaetb in tbe bono;in3 f tao;ibipping of CI^D,tubicb t\)z faitbfuU botbeolse ano t^lDetnto l)tn:o;,if pou U)il,J facrifice of 2Cbafef^ geuing:fo;afmucbas ii is geuento goo of none bat of tbem tbat being looen to im.ncfurable benel!ts,Do rrocr to bvni themfelues U)i>tb all tbcir DoingsXbe other mav be callcD p;Qpitiaf o; v, o; of cicpialion.Cbe far iiftce of eryiation is tijdtjobiw^ tenoetb to appeafc §xo;atb tbat Ujbatfoeuer luas neceffari?c to tbe reconciling of tbe fitbers fauo;,totbc obta\>nin3 of tbe fo;gcuenc0 of finncs, to rig?)teo«rneire i to faluation , all tt)Z fame toas perfo;meD f fulfilleD to tbat bt?s onelt? oblation , i tbere fo notbrng Inateo tberof tbat tbcr teas aftertoaro no place left to an^ otber facrifice. J4 Mtbcrfo;e 3 Determine, tbat itis a moa toicUcD rep;ocb, f blafpbem^ not to be fuffreD,as tocll aga^nft Cb;ift as againftf facrifice U)btcb be batb fuU^ Don b^ bis Dcatb bpon tbe crotfe fo; ts, if ani ma by> renuingan oblation tbinb to purcbafe § parDon of Cnj, to appcafe <©oD,f to oltai'nc rigbteoufnetTe . ilBnt tobat iB els Don b? maffiiig,but tbat bi? ueferuing of neto oblation toe mapc be maoc partakers of tbe palTio of Cb;iftf 0nD,tbat tbere migbt be no mcafure of maDDpng,tber tbougbt itbutafmall tbpng to fay ^ tbcr is made inoifferent \-Q a comon facrifice fc; ^ twbo ecburcb, tinlcffe tbev fortber fatD ^ it ic in t\)tiv tijoiU to apply it pcculiarl i? to tli^B ma I o; ^ ma,to U»bo tim ^x 010,0; rai ber to eucrg one it?t)ofoeucr be tocre <> ^JDoqltt bre To Saluation, Fourth Boi'c iloii The CO mo pric^ jfama:!] [in i^raace 'olus» which make 30 j Deniers,' about j the value of a ftar-' h 3 §roce byt; fo; rjifniclfc fucfj loarc luifl) rcao^? monci,' . /lo\:3 bicauic tfjeni coulDc not reac!) lO the piice ^ i.iD.is fjau, vet that tJ)';L' mig^t ill fomc nudi x'iiiblc fijcp; tmt(]o;,fi)?\?UcpttI)c lilicnw ofnubcr. Juuas foloc Uv'in To; prr. filucr pence: tljcfc fclloU)C6 fell l)vm,after p Jrrcnclj I accoaiptjfo.: i:n:.b2afcn pence : b:it Ju? I Das folo biiH oncc,tl;cfc fe lotucs fel btm as oft as tljes can »1nDc a b\:er. Jn tOrs fcnfe a!fa U): Dcn^e tijat tbe^ be facrifi^ cin5p,:iettes,tbat is to favstber i^ toptb fijcb an oblation arc mcanes to goo fo: tUc pcoplctbc? tbat apeaQng goo, niav purcbafcp fatiffa(to.:r purging of Qn^ jf o.i *£b;ift is tbc cnlv 15il]}op t facrifi> cing p;ictt of tbc nclu teHamcnt, into tobom al p^iiftboos arc rcmouco,? in Ijjbo tbet! be n)ut bp f cnDeD.ano ic tbc Scripture fj^D maoc no mention of tbc eternal p^ieabojQ of ^bnft: vct foMf^ macb as Oou/mcc t'oat be batb taRc a* toap tbofcolDP;icabcDbs,batb ojuar linges, to rob tbc fatbcrletTCjto trouble j tbc pbut tbat tbcr U)bicb tb;cugb *t^V Heb.5.4' ncD nonctbe apottlcs argnnie't remai netb muinciblc, ^ no nia taUctb bono; to bimfelf but be tbat is calico ofCJoD. ffi^ iDbat affiance tbercfo;c Darctbcfc robbers of ©00, tbat boaft tbemfclucs fo; tbe butcbcrs of a!);i(l,cal tbc'fclues ^ facrificing p;jica!-s of tbc luung goDf 1^- Plato l>atb an crccUcnt place in m feconD bcoKe of viomon iDcalc. tClbcrc iDbenbe entrcatctb of tbc olocmancrs 1 1 of crpiation,! laugbctbto fco;n tbefm^ liO) coSocncc of cuil me 1 IdicUcd Dccrs I tobicb tboabt tbat tbeir iuicliCD Domgs iDcrc bv tbcf c as bv coucrinjes biboen tbat tbc goDS coulD not fee tbf, « did, as if ttjev^vio sottcn \uarrant of tbc goDS bv toucnut,mo;ccarclcQv foUo^ tbcir oton lutts: be fcmetb tbjogblv to toucb tbe mancr of fatiffactozvc purging of m ^alTcfucb as is at tbvs oa^c in tbc tuojlD. SSobcauilci bnDcrminc an o^- tbcr ma,al men Unolo to be tnlalufull. 2:0 grcnc toiDolDCS luitb U);ogful Dca out all tbev? life banc bene mcft cruell tv;antes, 0; moft raucnous robbcrs,o; gcucn fo;tb to all nufcbcuous Domgcs, tholD as tbougb tbcv ^uerc reocnicD bv tbrs pjicc, elcape tljc 6re of purgato;v. 16 auDcr tbc otber UmDc of facriftcc, iDbicbc tue baue calleD tbe facrifice of tbaUefaening^re cotarncD al tbe Duti' fultoo;lis of cbaritv,U)bicbU^l)f lue tp tenD to our b;ctb;c,toe bono; tbc Lo;D bimfelf mbis mcbcrs:tbcnal onrp;av ers,p;aifings,gcuingsoftbaU3,i ta^b<^t | focuer toe do to v U)o;a)ipping of Cod. ai tobicb tbmas ftnallv do bang bpon y greater facrificcAuberbv U)c ar m fouLc , I boDV ballotocD to be a bolv temple to j tbc lo;D. jro; ncitbcr is it cnoitgb^if our outUjarD Domas be applveb to tbc obcv^ mg of bwn:but firtt our felucs,f tbcn al j ^ IS ours oiigbt to be coniecratc « ccDi- 1 cate to bvm : tbat tol^atfoeue r is m \js, I mav fcruc bvs glo^ttt mav^faoo; ct je« lous cnDcuo; to aDuacc it.i^bis hmo cf facriftcc ilapiS Gf the outvvarr! meancs 1 facri&cc itmtii) neitcing at al tc apt sfc | C?rurcb batb comcn Ui tije nation oi ttje I Ro»12,J. tl)2 fcy^ub of (Dcn,noti3\:ng at alltc ub tainc fojjcreucnfs; cf ftn^ , notljtmg at all ! tc Dcfcruc ngt3tcotifncirc:but is occtipi^ t'Donrlrin magntft?ing f ertollmg of OcD.jfo; it ca not bcplcafat f acce pta^ lie to gc5,but at tljcir tianDiSjluljom fa^ fo^geucnciP of finncs alrcaJjp rcceaucD fjcbatbbi^otJjcrmeanca rcconciieo to ijS'mfcif,! tberfo^earqnitcD tbe fro gtl^ tinc0.^nt it is fo ncceffari fo;^ v c burclj )? it ca not be atoai^ fro it 2Dijmfo;e it Mai 1 II ^^"^^^ cticrlatting,fo long ns v people cf * got? C)al cofinue, as luc bane before al^ rcat!^ (^ctueu cut of y p;opbct: fo; in ^ ttteaning 3 toil tabetbis p;opbccr.i?o; fro § riOngof V funne to § going boton tbcrof,great is mr name aaicg § di^cn^ tiles,! in enert? place incenfe Ojalbe of^ fre D to mt? name,! a cleane cffring, bi^ caufe m^ name is terrible amog ft (3^ tilcjSjfavtb t^t Jlo;D:fo far is it cf,^ fee UjdId put it aljjar. ^o Paul bibDetb ts to offer our bobies,a facriSce Iit;ing,!;o* Iv^ acceptable ta ©otija reafcnabie Ujc;^ f^ip.MIlbcrbefpafecijeri? pitUlVf Vof}i be aouetb ^ tbis is cur reafonable too;? fl}ippina:fo; be meant t^;e fpiritual ma ncrof ico;r!}ipptng cf (I?oD, Icbicbe be brD fecretlr fct in coparifcn againtt f be carnal facriftces cf ^ lalu of ^cfes.^o ItberallDctngof gcDD f comunicatfr.g nr callcD facri^ces iy> fcbicb goD is plea 1 hi.4.)8 fct5.^o§ liberality? of tbe Pbilippians %berb\? tbei? bao rcleueb (be poifertr tf ?Baul,is callcD a facrifice of ftrdtfrnel* ling.^o al tljc gcob lco;Itcs of tbe fatjtb full are called fpirituall facrificcs. 1 7 Sim iBbn bo Bj fefee out mani? eram plesfif o; comonli? tlm maner of fpca^ feing is often founbe in the Scriptures, i^ea J tebilc tl)t people cf ©od luas ret bolDcnbnDer tbe OKtbuarb fcbQ}li?ngof tbe lalu,t^ct tht pjopbets bio fufficient^ lperp;eirc,^bnt)er tbofe carnall facrt*. frees teas tbe frutb^tobicb tbe cb^ittian Itk, 12,17 BicUiCfl.^ifier tsbicb mancr IDauib p;at eo,^ l)rs p^arer migbt as incenfe afcrD into § finbt cf CDob.anu ^Dfee calUb gc^ uings of tbanbs, \> calucs cf ItpSjtibieb in anotber place Dauib calletb tbe facri gees cf p;atfe.Mb5 v ^poClc b^mfclf fDllctoingcalletbtbealfo tbe facrificcs of p;at?fe, f erpciioetb tbem t^e fruites cf lips cofclTing to l}is namcXbis feinb of facrifice t^t fuppcr of tbe ilo^D ca not tuant : lubereintobenUie Declare brs^ beatb f rencer f banfefgcuing,tiie Do no^* tbrngbutofferp facrifice of p^aife. £Df t^'^s office of facrifictng,al Ire t\j;iCiias are calleD a Ittnglr p^icfibajDe: bicaufe b^ Cbaift tue offer to (Sob t facrifice of p^apfe cf tubicb v ^pofile fpeabetbjtbe fruitc of lips ^ cofeffe tk brs name.if 0; ne^tber bo lue tottb our gifts apeare in tht figbt of gob tDttbout an intercclTo;. I €b;ill is be^Uibicb being t\)t ^ebiato; I coming bettsenC) tee ofifer ts 1 curs to tbe fa(bcr,^e is our i!5i(bop,t»bi(b ^t^ ing cntreb into tbe fanctuarp of beaue, balb openeb tl)t entrp to bs. l^e is \> al^ tar,bpcn \j)W}) tuc lap our giftes, t in bvm toe map be bolbe al ^ toe are bolb. Bit is be(3 rav)tbat batb mabe ts a king Dome anb p;icllrs to tbe fatber. 18 Ml bat remarnet b > but t tbe blino map fee,tbc Deaf map bcar,cljilb?en (be fclues map tnbcrOanb thxs f.bbcmiiia (ion of tbe ^alTf ; tobtcb bcmg cffreo in a golDen cup,batb mabe b;on^ p htngs « peoples of tbf ear(b,ft'cm (l;e bicft to tl}c lotocff, batb fo Cricbcn U;cm toitb D^otofinclfe f gibbinellc,tbat being be* come mojc fcnficDfe tban bjute tcalf es tbci banc fct t\)t tobolc ll^ip of tbcir fafe tit cnlp in tbps oeablp bcuouring gulf. SCrulp Satan neuer bpD bene bimfelfe \Ditf) a Crcnger engin tban ttrs to aU faple I taquil^ tbe Uingbcm of €\)}iti, SCbps is tbe i^elene , fo; tobo tU ene* mpes of tbe truf b figbt at tbis cap \6 fo great' Pf.14'. i»Pc.2.p. Rcu*i,6» Td Saluation, l-ouitli Boo:: ,hoi,-j.:0 Queenc Hcleiie the Grc- tian Hari lot,caufc, of the war of Troy. great rnscfo fl;rciit furioufiscs/o great Dillriljntco,tl}.it tijcy lul)tcb O-iuc bc;ic \ cri:cltp:antj a riclcnc in Uf:i3,lD i«'jom tijcifo ocftlc t'jemfclucfi luiJij fyiritiial once rccciucD into f ctwrcl),n]ar tnccr ftrtDtb^Uthf^ bcccntiniiallpfco U;itlj iX)!)0?cDoni,U)l;icI) is tljc moll curfeD of j C!);ift.l3cri0c tbcfctUio as tljcrc is no al.3I 00 not !)cre To nuicb as once toucljc otljcr facramcnt c;dciiicd of acD,fo us* U)itlj mi title finger tbofc groffc abui'w, tl)cr oiig'ot tbc cljiirclj of ^ faithful to ac tofjcrlD tiici migbt colo; (> \jn!;olp pure hno\ulcDgc nnr ctl)rr. Jro,:,i it is rot a nc0 of tbcir fjol^ cpafrc;l)oU) filter mar tbing tljat IvctI] m tl;c cljoifc of men to Ucttinqs ttjci t)fc,!3olD bnfjoncft gaptics raife * fct top nclD facraincntcF Ijc Ojall tbci make Xij tbnr malTisicjs, luitb Ijoto caOli touDcrftao f rcmctiib;ctl) { U)!)icl) great raueningtbcp fil tOcir coiictcoiif ne0. iDnli? 3 oo point tonto, j tljat Unto fctjD ano plavn \»oiDc6,lu!jat uiancr of tbing is cue tbc faer^ bolicH bolincs of tt)c £^a(re,fo^ \}i\)ic]) it bat!) DcfcrucD in ccrtamc a^cs pafl; to be fo bono.jablc i to be bao in fo great reuercnce. jrc; to baue tbcfc fo great niittcrics fct out nc co;Ding to tbctr iuo;tbincs,rcquirctb a greater UJo;ke: ano 3 am tonloiUing to mingle bcrclDitb tbcfc ftltbrfcnclcan* nciTcs tbat ccmmonli: (IjcU) tbcmfclucjs before thz tits t faces of al mcn:tbat al men ma\? tjnueraaD, t tbe iPatfe t^ilim in bcr mott piUcD purcncs,i lubcriD it ma^ be fet out to § beft fbcU),iuouf bcr appcnDfiCCfl>from tbc rote to tbc toppc fuiarmctb ful of al kuioc of inicUcDiics, blafp:-)emi?c, iDolatrv\ ano facrilcgc. ic? SCbe Hcaoers no\u bauc in a mancr 1 almoa al tbofc tbings gatbcreo into an ab^iogcme t,\ubicb Due bauc tbougbt be boucful to be tmoUien concerning tbcfc t\uofacramcnts:tbctofc oflubrcb batb bcnDclincrcotov cbMftian cburcbfro tbe beginning of ()ncU}tcftanicnt,to CO tinunc to § toerp cno of § loo;lD:name^ Ivs^ baptifmc fljulo be as it Uicr a ccr* \ taine entr^j into it,f an abrniffion into faitb:? tbc fuppcr Ojulo be ax; it lucre a continnalfcD^DCiDbrrla cb^ift fpiritual li feoctb f familic of bis faitbful/-Ubcr fojc as tbcr is but one goD,on faitb>onc Cb;ia,onc tbiird)c bis boor-.fo tbcre is but one baptifm,? is not cfr muuCrcD aaain.^nt ^ fuppcr is fro time to tnnc llo.ii.;4 batb ben bcre bcfo;c plainlv rnciigl) De clarcD,\^ IS tbat facranu'ts arc apciutcD of goD to fbis cnDc, tbat ther Hjoulo m* ttruft is of f-nic p;on!ifc of bis, t tcCi* fpc tots bis g(LDlDilUcU)aiDt3: ano be alfo V callctb to nuno,tbat none barb bene goDs counccUcr, v nugbt p:cimfe tos a\\\i fcrtamtv of bis U)il,o; alTurc tos I b;ing tog out cfcarc,U)bat affection be bcarctb toojaro bs, lubat be Imllgcue, D;U3batbcU3ilDcnv^s.iro;tbcrcU)itb isalfocctcrnuncD,^ no niacafctfo;tb R fignc to be a tcllimonv of anr Uiil o; pjolnife of bis:it is be bimfclfc alone,^ ca bi a fignc gcucn tclTifr to bs of bun* fclf J toil fpcaU it mo.:c b:icai,anD per aoucnture ir.o;e groflv.but nio;c plain IV. a&>acramcnt can ncucr be Vuitb* o:itp;ouufcoffaluarion.Illnirngatbe rcD on a bcapc togctbcr can of tbcmfd^ ues p;cm\:fc notbmg of our faUiaticn. Ci)crfo;cncitbcrcantbc?cftb'fclucfl fct fc;tb o: fct top a ^acramciif . 2o i:bcrfo:c let v dniftia cburcb be c6 Uwtcn luitb tbcfc tluo,i let bcr not onli 1 not aDmit o; aclinDlulcDgcani tbirb fo: tbc p;efcnt time, but alfo notocfireo; £x.iM. lol;c fo; anv to tbc cno of i' ujo;Id. j?o.: j.,^/,, Vubcras certain Diucrs facramcnts,bc* ,^Coi.io fioc tbofc tbcu'020inarvcncs,U)crgc* . ucn to tbe 3;cU}C0,acco;ms to v OTucrs courfe of tuncs,afl ipana. Cilatcr fp;in | ging out of v rocUctbc b;afcn Ccrpcnt i . fiicbc otbcr : tbcv Ujcre bv tbvs cbangc i put in mrn:c ti)at tbcr a)oulD not Cav Vpon fuel) fiiv.uT5,Ui{)ofc (tatc iu.is net ! JLLL.lj. ^cr^ Of the outward meancs i. loll, 2,2 Xt er V (teDfad: but tljat tljt^ fljculD IcUd fo; tome better tUnQ from ecDj tolKct) R)a!o ronfinuc teitijontan^ Decatinfij janotoitljoutanprnD* liouttuc are in a far otijcr rafe;to tu^o cljaft 10 cpenlt (Se teeD:!ntD!)6aIIt!jetrcafurf5 cf hnoto^ iccgc (J Unlno are f)iDDcn tiittf} fo great abuDancc $ picntr, i? ertfjer to ^ope fo^ o;lcfeefo;an^nctDeencreafe totljefe trcafures, 10 terelr to moue d^oD to neto facramr ts m tlje ctiurctj of goo: io it tcer to be toiOjeo,^ a0 little as toere poffibleof mafi inuentio tnig^t be miih glcD \33itl) ttjofe ^acramcntes ttjat are of €5ou.iFo? ii^t as tuljcn toater i£f pou reDin,t^etDinei}epartet^$ isDelateD: aiiD a0 tuitb leauen fcattercD amog it, tbe tut)Cle lupc of ccae Ujajcetb fotuer: fo tlje pureneire of tbe mifieries of dDoo IS nothing cl0 but DcfileD ioljen man aD 1:8. jl.Pc J.20 j heb 2.2. i {.Cor, 15 lu;atl),antj to p^ouoUc Um againa tj0. 1 tjetf) anv tl)ing of Ijis ofcne.^nti ret iue C^Ie mull fjunger fo;, fefee, lofee tpon, 1 fee fcoto far tl)e &acramenf0 are ftuar^ lrarnc,f tfj^ougfjl^ learn ^bnti alcne, ! ueD out of fjinD from tbcir natural pure tntil tljat great Dar ll^»l appcare,tol)er nc0,a0 t^t^ beljaoleu at ttiis DarXfter in ti)t lo^D tljal openly Qjetoe fo tbe full 10 cc^elulier to mut^ of pompe0, cere^ tlje glo^r of Ijts feingcom,! Ijimfelf fucfe ' monie0,ano geauringe0:but of ^ teo^o as !)c i0,to be bcboloe of t0ilnD fo; t^ \ of goo in ttje mean time tljer 10 neitl^er rcafo tl;i0 our age is in p fcriptur0 tig* ; an^ conliDeration no; mentio,tDttl)ont nificD bi ^ lall Ijoure, tlje latt Darc0j g ! iu^ic^ euen tlje ^acramentes tijcm* laa tiiuts,^ no ma fljulo Dcceiue briJi* j fclue0 arenot^acrament0. ^ea 1 tfje felfis)ttl)liainlofetiigfo; ani>nctoDocif|tJer5ceremome0tl)atarc ojDeineD of trincjo; reuelaticn. fm manp trmc0 1 <]?oo,in fo great a rout can not once lift mn in man^ ro;te0 bt fpafie before b^ top tbeir |jcD,but Ipe a0 it i»ere opp;ef;> tjiB 3a;op!5ef0 ; in tljefe lafte U^ts tlje ! feD.i^oUi litle is t fan in baptifme,U)fji fceaucnlp fatijer Ijatf} fpoi?e in bis fcclo^ tbt cnlp ougljt tfter to ftaue (ti^nct) ano ucD fon,tc!)iclj onlp ca manifcfilp l^etu I bctn lokeo tjpo, a0 tue baue in an ctljer tbc fatl)cr:anD in tuxn be batb manifeft I? (liCiueD Ijim to tlje ful,fo mud} as be* bouetb l)0,tul)ile lue nolo beljoiDe Ijpm bv a glalTe.as tfeerfcje tlji0 is nslu ta* ken atuar fro men,f) tljeie ca not mafec place rigbtfullp coplaineD,eue baptifm It (£lf^^0 fo; § fuppcr, it is tjtterln bu* rieti,(in0 tljat it tjatl) ben turneo in tbt £|)aOe,fauig ^ it is fan once eueri ^tr$ but in a mangleD 1 ijalfe to;ne fal^ton. . The xix» Chdptcr, Of the fiue falfly named Sacraments : where is declarcd,that the other fiue which hauc bcii hethcrto comonly taken for Sacraments,are not Saeraments;and then is shewed what manerofthinges they be. Q CIr fo;mer Difcourfe concerning fa^ 1 monlt? t)feD in al men0 f albe , Ijauing cramcnte0 mrgbte &anc obtc\?neD tl}ts Ijjrtl) tlje fob;e aiiD Uj^Uing to learnc , tijat tljerHjonlo net cuer curi^ dhOv p;occDe an? furttjer, no; C&ouiDe ti5itt)oi]t tfjc 1ijo;d of CDcd eml;ace anr ot^cr ^acramcntrs bcUDc tfjofe ttuo to^icb tl)cr hnctu to be o;Det?neti of tbe ^o;oe.l!5ut fc;armufl; aa ttat opinion of tljg fcuen ^acram£nt0, being coni^ toaniscreo tlj;cugl) al fc^ole0 anD p;ea« cfjings, bat^ by t)crr auncicntt? ^^tbef rco r(iite0,anD is ret ftill fetflcD xn tbe mintic0 of men: ^ ttougbttliat 3 UjculJ) uoe a tljrng lPD;f I) tt)ctrauavU, if ^ (boulD leucrallr 1 mo;e nardr fearcb tbofe otljer fiue tljat are conunonlr ^"^^ numb;cD among tlje true anD naturall ^acramentc0cf tbe jIo;d,$ Usyping a* toar ToSaluatJon, _ fourth Bookc. fol.4j';, toll al Deceitful folo2,(T)')l!) fettlif fojtb 5race,bicflufc it is a ^Kramfiif. Jf li«c tobefencoft!)cfiinplcfacbastt)tpbc, oujbttnno Uirfc to firaunt tbat u>!fid) f bo^ja faiat? tbcpbattc b?n bstberto ta* tbc? gatbcr bpo it, tbcn trulr' toe muU ben fo^ ^icramcnts. 5f irrtj berc pio tea to all tbe soDlv, ^ ji ooe not take m bani)tb?0 contention about tl)t name foi ani bctire of ariuing,but f S am b^ tocigbtp caufca leD to fij'jt a^apnft tbe abufe of it. 3 am not ignorant y^ (£b:i refill tbcm in the namr it rdf,lc(t thrr bp U)f aomit tbat tt mav gf "c occaQon to fuch an crro;. iJgam tubf tbcp \uolD pjoue it to be a fe.uramcnt , thcv ntjoe tbiscaufc,fo:tbat it tonfiftctl) of i^ out* ._„ ^, , toarDftgncitbelDo;D.JfVucftnocnfi< ttian0arclo:oc5,a9 0fiBOJDcfl,roofaH' tbcrcommaunoemcnt no; p;omifc of tbtmge« alfo.f tbercfo:c mai?c at tbcr^ i it, tobat um toe doc els but crre out a* toil applt tooiD« to tbing5,fo ^ a goDl? j garnft tbHtt:* fcnfc be ftept,altb03b tbcr be fome tjn^ 1 2 jjioto appearetb ^ toe bjatofe not «• p^opcrnelTe in tbe fpeaking. aUtb^sS ■ botrttbetoo;D,batDomoiicaf6troucr* graunt-.altbougb it tocre better tbat tbe I fie not fuperfluous concerning v tlirng too;D3 0)010 be mabefubicrt totbings, | itreir£:berfo;etbvfltoe muttftronglp tban tbingefi to tbe too?Dcs.Bat in tbe bolD fall,tobicb toe baue toitb inuincu name of Sacrament tberc is an otbcr j blc reafon befo:e c6firrmeD,f tbe potoer cofiacration. j?o; tbcp tobicb make bii. to inftitute a ^^icramcnt 13 m ^ banoc ^acramentes, do tberctoitball gene to , of none but of Cod onlr. f 02 a feacra*- tbcm al tbra Dcfinition,tbat tbev be t)i^ ^ mrnt ougbt toitb a ccrtainc piomife t© Cble fo:mc3 of inuifible grace: tbcF;raifebptcofo;tvcorcicncesorf>faitb* maHc tbem altogctber tielTels of tbe bo- 1 ful:tobtcb coulo neuer reccauc tbis cer* Iv gbofttinaruatcnts of geuing of rigb* I taint^? fro ma il ^acramrt ouabt to be teoufneffe , caufcs of tbe obta^^ning of to t)£f a toituclTrng of p gmo toill of OoD tr40.i3. grace.^eaanD tbe ^aitteroftbe »en* totoaro bsau'jercof none of all men tt ao.n 34) tcnce^bimfclf Den)?ctb tbat tbe &acra^ | angels can be toitneffc , fo:armucb off mcntes of tbe lato of ^3(C3 arc proper* , none batb ben of Cods coufelXbcrfoic Iv callcD b? tb?0 name, bicaufe tbq? Dio ; it is be alone tol)icb Dotb toitb ngbt aur not Dcliuer in oeoc tbe tbrntr ^ tbcp ft- ; tbonti? tefti&e of buiifclfe to bs bv br« nureo 318 it,Jbef(tcb^ou,tobe fuffrcD, too;D.a facrament isa rcal,tobcrtoi(b tbat tbofe fignes to'oicb tbe Hojbc batb tbe tcff amcm 0; pzomife of Ooo is fra^ ballotocD toitb bfs oton montb, tobicb , Ico. 13:it it coulD not be fealcD toith bo^ he batb sarnift):D toitb ercellent p:o^ | Dili: tbmgfi fclementes oftb^*? too:lD> mifcs,(D3ulD not be accomptcD fo; l>a^ \ \)nlciTc tbct be b^ v po^f r of c>od fra* craments: an^ in tbe mcanetrme tbis , meD t appowteo tbereuntoXberffojc , bono; fljol&be conue^^eo atoa^! to tbofc | ma can not o:Qain a racraincnt,btcaufc. tjfages tobicb men evtber banc oeuifcD j tbrsis not in v P°*^^^'f ^"f '1° '"^!:,!^„ . of tbefcUie3,oj at leaft no obferuc toitb^ t To great mrfterres of Coojarou D Ivc Hom.ia outCFpzetrecommaimbementofCw! biDoenbnDcrrobafetbmge U7ctoo:D loh.so. aerfo;e e^tber let tbf cb.irge tDc oefi^ i cf CJod mult goe beto;e , tobtcbe marc , mt on,o: let tbf abilaine fro v, to jong^ ' make a ©acrament to be a ^f^^^ Aa.9. m I tnngoftb?3 to..iDe,tobtcbootbaf. as Au?albnetcrvUTe Itcac^.tb^^^^^^^ ,o.t... TOD nvTcnW falfe opimons i full ou:r it is p:oatable f tber be kept fomc -^. ofaXmtie.ertremeamiointin3(favi Di(f:rence bettocnr tbe ^^""^"^'^.^^ ». at>..i9.! Of the outvvardc meanes ri.2.8. h pill. » 18 l-i3.ca.$i fall into manrabfuruitics. %\jC Spo- (tits pjaieD Uneclingttbcrfo^c men Cbal not hnale luitljout a Sacrament. St is faru tfcatffte Difciples p^apeo tcUiarD r(5C C£aft : t^ercfo;e tlie l©feing into tbc Cafttfealbc a Sacrament. ^aulcU)il^ Ictb men in cucr^ place to liftc t)p pure feanDs,ano it is rc^jcrfcD ^ l}oli? men of^^ tcntrmc«p?a\?eDtoitl) t^tn l)ant)slif* tco tp: tl)cn let tfte lifting tp of tani;e0 alfo be mace a ,&atramcnt. i?inaUv! let aUtbegcfturesoft^ebol^ ones tmnc into Sacraments . I^otobeit 31 toouloe not alfo mucl) paffe tpon t^efe twinges, if fo tftat t\)tt toere not iotncD toitli tbofe otber greater tifcommonitics. 3 iif t\)t^ toill piteirc t)S tuitft tlje autljo* ritr of tbe olD €WtM fa^ t tbe? p;e* tcoafalfecolo; . i?o; tbts niiber of fe^ ucn is no Inhere founcc among tbe €cf clefiatticall tojiters : nc^tber is it cer^l taine at lubat tvme it firtt crept in . 3 graunt in DeDc t fomtf me tt)ci! be berr free in bfing y> name of a Sacrament: but tubat mcane ttjev tterbr i turn all ceremcnres i outtjjarti rites> I al erer^ cifcs of goJtlinede.^ut lube tbet! fpcaUe oftl)ofefigncs,^ougl)ttobe toitnclfes of tbe grace of ^oD totoarb bs,tl)eT? arc contenteDtJJitl) t^efe tt»o,115aptifme, i tbe ^ppcr. ILeaft an\? man fijoulD tbinfe tbat 31 falfitJ boatt of t^rs , 3 Itnll l^cre reftcarfea feU) tcCimomcs of Au* 2,uftine. %0 laniiarius ^i? fai]tl):iPirtt 31 UioulD baue tw to bolo fatt tbat tobict) istbecbcfepopnt of tOrs Difputation, i> our ilojb Cb^itt (as \}e bimfclf fa^tb in t\)t CDcfpcl) batb maoe bs fubiecte to a ligbt rofee $ a ligbt buruen, ^bere^' fo^c be batb bouno togctbcr tbe fcUo\u? fl)ip of (i netu people toitb Sacraments tiervfclu in nubcr,t3er\! cafiein obfer* uig,bcr^ erccllet in (ignificatio.jas are baptifme balotoeo in t name of § SDri nitie,f tbe «£omunicating of tbe bobre f blcuQ of tbe l.o^De , f lubatfoeiicr els is fet fo;tb in tlje cancntcall fcripturrs. ^gaincin l)rs hmhc of Cb;iGian JSDcc* trine.Sincetije llc;bs refurrection^tbe iLojDbimfclfnnDtfce bcdrinc oftbeja* poOles t?atb bcliucreb ccrtaine feite fignes in 0ebe of manriani) tbole ino0 eafictobebone,moft rcuercno inbn* terl!anDing,moll pure tnobferutng: as is li5apttfme » f ttc Celeb;ating of the boot? < bloub of tte llo;D. CSl Ijt! iot\i be tjeremahe no mention cftljol^nu^ ber>tt)at is, of tlje number of fenen ^ ^s it Mktlv t f)t U)olD \3&m palTeD it ouer, if it bab bene at ^ ttme ojcaincu in tlje Cl[)urct}>rpeciallv fitt) Ije is ot^erioife in obfcruingof niibersmo;e curious tta neoe toercf ^ea,U)^cn be nametl) ^ap tifme f tbe Supper,^ fpeafeett) nctbing of tbe reft : botb ht not fuff icientlr ^g' ni6e,^ tbefe ttco mtfierv^es bo creel in (Singular oignitie, t tbat tbeotl}er ccre^ monies bo reft bencatb in a Iclrer tt* gra;Mltierfo;e 31 fa^ tbat tbefe Sacra* mentari?e tc{to;s are tcOitute not cn^ I^ of tbe feoatje of tbe JIo^Dc,but alfo of tbe content of tbe do cburcb^bobo mucb foeucr tljcr glo;v ef tbrspjctcnre.^lSut noto let t s come bolrue to tbcfpcciall tbingcs tbemfelues. Of Confirmation* 4 SCbts tuas tbe mancr in olDc time, tbattbecbilb?enofCb;ittiaus , luben tbe^ iDcregrcuien to age of bifcrettcn, fljolD be b;ougbt before i iBifijOp : tbat tbc^ C^olD fuitil i^ tutvt tDbicb iras re^ quircD of tocfc tbat being gioU^cn in vearsD\>D oger tbefclues to ll5aptifme» if 02 tbcfc fat among tbofe tbat tocrc to be Catecbif eD,til being fuUv inCructeo in (be mrftcrres of tbe faitb,tbev coulD maUca confclTion of tbe^; fartbbefo;jc tbe 5l5itt)op I tbe pcoplc.2Lbcrfo;c tbe^ tbat toere baptifcD being infantes , bi^ caufe tbcT? bab net tben maoe cofcffton of tbe^j favHb befo;c tbe cbui cb,U'er a* bout tbe enp of tbct; cbilbbcb o? in tbe beginning Epift.39 ;Epift.77 To^ beatnaing of tfjefr rearwof Difcrcftoit p;cr:ntei3 njainbi tbcir parcnfs,i tucr ewiniiicD of t()e biOjop acto;oin3 to t\)e fo;uic of 8 CitccOifiiic, iubicO t!)ci bao tbeii certain aii^ com:no. iliio tbat tbis Doin3,lD!jicf) otberluirc ongljt U)o;roilr to be (jratic f Ijol^, mia,\)t lj;Uic ^ mo^e reucrencc aitD ui^nitictbcr tuaa aooeD alfo tbc ccremonic of laving on of IjaDs. &o tljat fame ctjilDcbis faptb being al=> lolucD.toas let goc UJitb folcmne blcf^ fing.SSfje olo iDzitera Do oft maUe men tion of tijis niancr. Lcotbc popcU);i* tetb:3If an? retarne from hcretiUcB, let Ijim not be baptifco againe:biit (tubirO be iuantcD among tbc li)erctihfl)lct tbc bertue of tbe fpirit be geuen bim b? tbe faifl&Dps lading on of bi6 baD0.l^cre our amierfaries luil eric out,tbat it is rigbt full? catleo a ^acrament,in Ujbict) tt)t boll? gboft i0 gcuen , but Leo bimfelfc botb in an otber place Declare Uibat be meanctb bp tbofe U)o;Ds:C5IIll3ofo(raitb f)e)i0 bapti^eD amog bcretibe0,lct bim notberebapti^eD, but tuitb calling t;^ pon tbc boU gb3ft,let bim be confirm cd toitb lading on of baosibicaufe be recei ucDonli? tbe fo;m of baptifme luitbout fanctiSrng. Hicromc alfo matjetb men- tion of it,ihtingagainft tbe ILuriferi* ans.Butaltbougb I do not Denv t Hie rome fomlDbat erretb tbcrcin,fo.j )^ be faitb '\! it is an obfcruat^o of ^^pottles: ?ct be 10 moft far fr3 tbcfc mtB foliec. ilno tbe tjcr^ fame alfo be qualifietb* toben be aDQetb,tbat tbis bleffing is gc* nen to tbc hitiio^s onli>ratber in bono; oftbcirp:ieftboDtbanb?tbeneccfritie of latD.Cberfo^e fucb lading on of baos tobicb i0 Done fimpli in lleDe of blrJtng, 3 p;apfe anD UioulD tbat it Ujcr at tbrs Da? redo^cD to tbc pure bfe tbercof. f X5ut tbe later age , bauing in a ma-' ncr blotteo eut tbe tbing it fclf, batb fct J U)ot not U)bat faincD confirmatio fo; a Sacrament of <^oD. Sbc? banc fa\v "^f'on, >ourtirnroIc7'F>7.';^. neo tbat tbe bertue of confirmatjon ij, ^ to gene tbe bol? gljoa to tbe ciicrrrifr or" grace,U)bi;b in 13jpfirinc tuasgeuni to miiocentirrfo (Ircngtbcn tbr to Dat< tailc, iDljicb m baptifme lurr ncUi bc» gotten to lifc.Ojis conftrmaMo 10 cclc* b;ate iDitbannointing,? u5 tbis ro;me of Uio;D0,3; fignctbociuitl) tbcfigneof tbe bolp erode,! confirme tbo: luitb tbe cb:ffme offaluationtn tbc name of p fitbcr,! of tbe fon,i of tbe boh gboft.ai tbi0 is gaielp f trimli Donc.l5iit hJber i0 tbe U)o:d of Cod, that mav p;onivfc berc tbe p:efence of l;oi r choft :- Ojep can not b;ing foitb one tittle. c:i bcibp tb? U)il tbcp certific bs f tbcir ch:efmc 10 tbe teDTcl of tbc bolv glwtt:' iciefa ovle,f hat 10, a tbic he aiiD fat liquo; anD notbingcl0.1ettbeU)o;D(fai:b Anc;u« Ihnc) Ic aoDcD to tbc clenicnt,anD t }cr nwlbemaDenfe.uramcntXrt tbenvj fa?jb:ing fo;tb tbio luo:5, if rbc? luyl bauel30 in tbcoyle tolcbe bpon an? tbing but tbc oilc. if tbc? dId arlmolii* IcDgc tbcmrelue0 miniftcrs of tbc &a/ cramenf0,as tbcv ought , tue nr dcd to (f riuc no longer.ilbiB 10 tbe hrtl Ulue of a miniffcr,f be do nothing luitboiit comaiJDemft.Oo to,lct t!)f b;in3 fo;tb an? comaunoemcnt oribi0 point of mu ntaericf 31 tjuUl not fpcal;e one U)o;d mo;e. Ktbevbaueno cSmai'iocmrnf, tbe? ca not crcufe tbcir bolonce ful of fa ' crilege.aficr tbi0 maner § lo;D aflico ^ Pbarifct0,U)bctbcr ^ baptifme of John ^^^^ "• U)er fro bcaticn 0; fro mr.if tijci baD An ^i- fUJcrcD, fro mr , tbc be Iwo maDe tbr cd 6:0 ^ It toao triflig f Uain: if fro beauc, tbc luer tbci coprlcD to ucI.nolulcDge ^ ' Dortrineof j(obn. Gbcrcfo;e IcaHtbc?' (IjoulD to much fclaccr ^obn, tbci Durll \ not cofes f it tDa0 fro inc^f tl]eifo;con firmation be fro men, it 10 p;oucD to L t tain t tiif^mg-.iftbcvloil perruaDe\j0 tfa! it is fro beauen, let tbnn p;oue it, 6 gher bo in cccp Prfeno thrmfch.TS LLL n\). iLltt) AP419 Of the outvvarde mcancs • ti}es ttJinU to Ijauc Done nctl;fg raOjlr. j I Sltjat 15 Uicl in Daotneitbcr tuoolD \i)c I I Llaine t^if ,if tOci (!^c\vtn tt}£nifeluc5 fo I j UMcvs of tt)e apoa!c5.)I5ut \Kl;at Dio p !/Ui B r' i^^poaic0^iLukerEpo^tcti)tntl)e^ttc5^ r ■' * ^1 ttJCilporUcgUEbich iucratl^ierufaiem ; I \\}i)Ui tber ^^caro tljat Samaria bao re* cciucD tf)e uio;o of gcDjfcnt tbef^cr pe tcr 1 3;ofjn:tbci p.iaieD fo; tfjr ^amari^ tcs,^ tl)cv migijt leceiue tiit fjcU gljoff, U)tiic|) luas not \?2t com into anij uf tl)e tut tbe^ Ujcr baptt^eo onlt m 1^ name of JicfusJliJbcn tljci IjaD p^aiD, tljci laiD i\)civ Imxhs t)po tbcm: bi? iD^icb lading cn,tbc g>amaritan0 rccc^ueo tbe l)ol^ gsjGft.^inD of tOifi laving on of bancs be Dtuciletmjes malictb nicntio. 3 bcare tubat tbs ;Spoftle0 did:^ i0,tbei faitbful li' rrecuteb tbcir miniSerieXbe %oi^ U)-.U£D tbat tbofe toifible 1 tooDerfut gra i£B of tbe bolv gbolt,U)bicb be tben pon< rtd out tjpo bis pcoplc^tbulo be mtniffe^ rcD f ciftrtbutcD of b^s ^podles bi tbe laraig on of banPs.But bn^er tbi« la^' in^ on of baDe;E(i tbtnbe tbere U?as not coteineD anv bisr millcrp;but i erpciib itjtijattbci aDiovncD facb a ceremonie, tbat bv tbe ben? outtoaroc bo^ng tbe^ nitgbt 6gnide, t tbevcomenoco t as it ^cr ofifreb to cIDdd bnm^f ph tobotbe^ laib tbcir.baos,^ftbis miniOrrr UJbicb ;ibe japofiles tben erecuteo, Ujer ^tt M rt mauung in tbc,cburcbj tbe laieng oh of baos aifo ongbt to be kept, lidutiins tbat fame grace batb ceCTcD to be gcuf, \uberto fcruetb tbe laving on of banos^ 2i:rulv tbe bolv gbofi is ret pje fe nt \jo tbe people of goo, xsout U)bo being i^nU »er * Diretter,tbe cburcb of goD can not fiano. ^03- toe bane ^ eternal pzompfe t tobtcb (bal eucr aab in fo:^i;c,bt ipbicb cbitit calletb to bimfelf tbe tbat tbtrtt) tbattbcrmav D^inhe truing U>aters» i5nt tbcle miracles of polucr0,anDma nifett too;fe!nss,U)bicb toerctiCribu* r'- teb bv tbe laving on of babs, baue ccaf? feDjHcitber bcboueD it tbat i\)t\! fliculD be,bntfo; a time.i?o; it bebcueb tbat ^ p;ea(btng of tbe Oofpell tebtte it Iras neU},fljoulobegJo;icuOv fet fo^tbano magni6eb>luitb tnbearb of anb bnto5< teomiraclcs.irrom tottcb ti^bcn v I05D celTcbjbeDT^OnQt bvanobv fo;f.'2xll)o To ralttjCcH of Tal* natiojtljci fo^ftuinrt v faluation IlIjkIj is in C^ift, tfjer Cf nf f biift.tfjcY l^auc no part in t!)c hingl>cm cf noD, jf cj oflc is foj tt;c belir,anD tt)r be Kv fc; orlitlje i.o;De (!mU Df Ifror botfec. f o; at tt^cTe iDcafte cicmrrits, Uibirb trrav tc trr^' tfc, belong tictbmg to tljc hingDctnc cf goo, tufjifb tefpiritual f flpl nrucr nc* eap.Cii.lbatt^,fn^luiU fonie men fav:W tou mcafurc tottb tbc fame mcafurc,^ hmter iDbcrc VDitb lue be baptifcD,^ tbe b;ea8 f iwnc bnoer tubitl) § fupper of (> lo;b is gcue^ 5 aftoer f in facramc ti^ geucn of CPoD, tU)o things are to be lo:* keD fentottbt fnbaanec of f boDili t^rntj \Xif)i(^ iB fct before t)», ano tbe fo^me ^ U bv p tuo;D of gcD p;inteo in it,tobf r' m Iretb tbc iDboIc ftrengtb.Jn refpectc t&erfo;e tbat tl^ b^eao, teinr, t \rater tW are in tbe facramcnts cffreo to our figtt,^o kcepc ibeir cton aibllahce,tbis fatjingof panl altoarbatl^ pfatr.a^eaf foj t^t beil^jf tl)e beHt fc> mcafcrbed OjaUBeffropttFsm bdtb. j^o; tbef P^^lTe t feantOj avoat Iwitf? tbe fattion of tbi0 tDo;li).')!3ut in rcfptct t t*)ci l»f faciftcD bt tfje too;D of goi3,t!)at tben mar be f* f rantrnf5,tf)cr'D6 t#t M^ ^s m v fl^O) but tif'mtcif anisfpiritiiaUr teadyb*. 8 IBiit let bs r«t mdie hrt-el^ lohe into ft,bon>e manv mongers' tfjiri fat liquet foilrtt^ jlf-eaetb £:!7efe«n«j'nttr« far, ttjaftbe bolp gboft itf gf nm in J3aytim Co innoccncenn fofirmation,tof nrrrfe of^ratiyipMin ifaptnmf ^tw n« hi lo begotten tnfo life ;m r OR^SYttTntfdh, !i!»ie arc p;eparci> to battetl.ilnD ttrrv^i'e (*) jjd^ fliafnr,tbflt fbn* ocnr f ^'ap^i^'fme ^mttotltic'conti^liflut c^firmrffton. aD toirhebncfte.^re U)e not tbrrfo?c in iSajptiime bitrtcD to^etl.'er id Cb;>ft> bgjttginact t)art>;!tgrg of Higot^Atf^^^, luc ma^ be atfo parteners of biB refur* jl<>o.6. reoii.iinttbuafeloltUiiplrUb^Ocatb anoitfccfCb;tttpaiilc crpounDcibto b£tljemc;tUTmgofoLrfIcnM qi)iche* nmg of cur fptritifo; that our olcc man w crunftcoafcnt \pc niai Uialk m nrU)< ne5 or life .ti< t;at ic to be aniu d to tat tell if tfjic be not i 3lf tbcr (cmptco it a matter ofnoflnrg.tQtreaoebr.Der fate tbc lL'D;De cf CoD;U3br biD tbr>^ net ret at leatt reuerc nr r rfck^ ct'urcb, to Uibcm tbcp U)il m currr pcrnt fee me fo c beoif f t.l^iit totfit C6 be b:cugtr fc;tb ino;e ftrcngapamtt tbcir Doarine, ttun that tetra a tbe *iiltuitane ccmucl-.il'ibo (oiaut?et1iatiiaptifme Uf cfuni onelE \ fo^fDjgfucnere of Onr.f5,ar.D rctfo; 1 1 bclpc Of grace to ecme, arcnriTf D be l;c. ' it n: tot;eretljt wr of : tbcpcntecoa, tiberai tt babbrniono | foto tjnto tbem of Ct;;i((» it is notrbu i ttsat tpeaU, but tbc ^int of mv fatbt .ttbirMpeat^ctb m rcu. krebolor all nc tbat are cfCDoDitbcmaltfiaiiDanD per* ! (fonous Dcceitc of ^atar , JLbat tbing' tFtncbtuostruelpgeucii m L^aptifmc, Ijc Ivniglv failb to be ctur n in bic con» armatton, tbat bsttiap bv flealtbicaoe ^Dulmbdarc fed tf aptifois.iCtto noia ean oont ibat tbis.ia.tbc Dottrint of fa* xan^Wdicb lutiingatoai from xaptim ^ p;u3mife5p;opcTtv brlottgtng to bap tun,tJDtb conuev alca^ « rcmcnt tbcm to an otbrr tbirt:i:'3lt !8 founJ:( J fav;bp^ «n tD^t,ioflncrot foututton tbis eobif aitL.u. amiocn< \ De cofe duly Sp. ca. fCap.i^J Gal ~i7 annorntins UanDetlj.SDlje teo^c of gcD '■^* j 10, mt all tftei? \D\)icl) arc baptifcD in Cf);itil, fjauc put on Clj; ift lo l}t0 gifts. 2i:ijc U>ojD of § anotntcrs isi, tJjat ti)z^ rcceincu in l^^aptiftnc no p;mmife , bp U)b\!cb tbe^ ma^ be armcD in battailg. %f}at is tbc torcc of tbc trutb>tbcrfo?e tlji0 mntt be tlje Doice of iving.SCbere* fo;e 3 can mo^e f rul? Define tbrs Con^ finnation tfjan tl)t^ !)auc betfjeito DcfiU ncB it.'namclp,tl)at it is a notable flan* oer oni5tjptifme,\i)bicb Darbenctf),t?ea abclia)etb tbe bfe tij0rof:tfjat it is a falf p.:omire of § Dcuell, \Ji)\)ic\) D^atuetb bs alDa^ from tije trntb of CDoD.jSD^ if roa Ivill, it is orle ueSlcD ^itl) tbe Iring of tbe H>eu!U , tw9icb as itUjere b^ouer* rp^caDing of Darlmeffe, Bcceiuctb tbc egcs8ftJ)efimple. 9 £Dbei?a0oefiirtbermo^e,tbatalUbe faitfjfuU ougbte after Baptifme to re* ceinctbu l:^olvsbofte b^ lading on of bant».s,tbat tbep ma\? be founD ful cb;i=» ftiaiis : bicaufc be ftjall ncner be a cl)^v ftian,tbat is not cb,:efmeD toitl^tbe bp Of tlie outwards meanes jVerbxa i-confcc. tbem.'elucs. jFo^ boiwe man^ of ttjc no;* b;e of tbcir otun people do tl)t\! anoint after baptifme^ tobv tberfo;e boe tbe^ fuffcr fucl)ebaIfsCb?iftians in tl)tn flocfee,U)bore imperfecicn migbtc cafi«' Ip be WptiWatf's 00 tbe^ Uiitb fo care* Icflfe negligence fufifcr tbem tocmitte tbat tDbicb toas not lawful to be omit^ ten toitbont greuous otsmttamiji boe tbe^ not mo»e feuercl)? call bpon (be ^(epinQ of atbing fo necclJCarp, t luitb^ oute lubicli faluation can not be obtei* neDjbnletTe perabuenture fome be pae^ ucnteb b)? Deatbe i saerilv luben t\)t^ fo fral^fuffer it to be oefpifeD, tbe^fe* crctlt? confcCfe tbat it is not of fo great baluc as tbe? botte it. lo i,aft of alltb?p oetermtne t^at tft^s bol^annopnting is to be bao in greater rcuerence t^n bapf ifme : bicaufc t\)yis anno^nting is pe^uliarlp minittreo bg ti)t banns of tbe cbcfe bitbcps, but bap^ tifmc i$ commol? biff ributeo b? cnct^ p;teff. p;ibat mai? a man bcre fa?,but t t\)e^ fire btterl^ mao,tubicb fo flatter tbeir oUjnintientiens,^ in comparifon jAurdio jcap.vt 1 Cap.dc. his vero. Diftina ; cadem. (bops c6firmation,2Lbefe be tbeir otun .^y n - fatjinas tDo^oe fo;i \vo;be . But Si bao ' of t\)m tbey careleflp befpife tbe bol? i^ , i -^ tbougtjt tbat tobatfoeucr tbingrs pcrteis I o;Dinances of i!5oD^ j3) mcutb ^ ^ ncD to Cb;iffianitr,Uicralfetfo;tb in goD,bareetboufetafatIiquo;ohlibc* to;?fingixni3 compjebf noeb in § fcrip* ^ fileb loitb t\)t ff ink of tbine oton b?etb, tures. Jtoto,a3 3 percciuc,^ trne fo;m « encbanteb toitb murmuring founb of of religion is to be foagbte ant> teanicD ^«bs againft i^ facrai^ent of C^;iff,| fro els tobere tban out of § fcripCiKes, , to copare it toit^j toater balotocb toit^ SLberfoje tljc toboletDifDomeof^ob, tJ&ej[Bo;DofgoDyB|ittbv toicfeconc<«f tbe bcauenlp trutb> tbe tobole ncctrinc wnipteo t^i» butahfmall mattcr,bnli0 [ Treftic | of Cb;iff,aotb but begin cb;iffias, anb , tWi)iott alfo p;efrr tt aboue i fame. ApoUo. o^^ie maketb tbem perfe£t.5!5p ti)is(cnf , SEbefcbe G)c anftocrs of tbe bolp ^»k> ijmong ttmt arc bamneo al ti)t ^pottles, anb , t^efe be tbe ^incUs of J apoffoliU tre^ '^hc Hca- fo manp ^rtt»;s,tobom it is moff ccr | ttle> )15utfomc of tbe in t^ei|f olon opi* '{he gauc tainc to banc neuer bene cb jefmcb: fo; ■ nion,bego fpmtoljat to quatift tf)ie bn# ^nfwercs armucb as tbe oijlc tuas not ^rtmaoc, j b^iijelco mabncffe.St iK^^i tbe^tabe, Jprophc tobicb bcingpoureo bpon tbem , tbei? i Uio?fl(>ippeb iM.itb greater reiierrceiper 'tics at a migbt fulfill all tbe parts ^f t^MimU AOucture norfo; tbe greater ^ncrefe of threfoo. t?:o; ratbcr migbt be maor cb^iftians ! bertuc t p;ofit ^ it geuetb : but bicaufc Itcd bord tobicb ^et toerc none. ®ut, tfeougbc 3 1 it is geuen of tbe booitbier men, and is 'or Trc- bolDc my peacctbcg Do largely confute ' mabc in tbelpojtbier part of tbe boay^ \(i\^^ tbat I Scntcn, capitu.2, ToSa]uation7 Fourth Ad. 9. 17 Dift.9» capitula Pcruc- nit. tlyatiSyin tbe fozrijcDio; bicaufc it b^iu to thvs cnir cntrc, to co;ruptc f tje pure'^ gcttj a greater rncrenfcof tcrtucs, al^ , ncric of t(jc ^'acramcntcs loitlj ttjcp; tt)ougi)baptifiHeauaUmo;ctofo;ecue 1 kaucn. JbaucalrcaDp fpokc n iljrfi m ncs.iiSut \i\ ^ firtt rcaf 6 00 ttjri iiot be. an otbcr place, t[?at m t Ije facramcntB, to;a?tbffelue0tobc Donatifffi lBl)icb ttjatirbicbisofeoo, rcarfclgglimmt' mcafure v fo;ce of § Sacrament bi? tbc rctb tbiougbe at IjokB, amonc tijc rout toojtbincfiof Jmtniaer.1i5ut3lh)!laD I oftbcinurntioiiflof men. Manvf man mtt,^ cofirmatto becalleo ^\uo;tbier bt reafon of tbc lDo;tbtnc0 of ^ bifliops f)ant).^uttfanianafUc oftbeni,from \3il)tmt fo great p;erogattuc l)atb bene geuc to biQ)Op0,U}t}at reafon U}il tbe^ b;tns bcODe tbctr otun lutti SLbc iapo^ Uc\B alone tifcD t\)e poloer,lDbub alone tiftributeD tbc bolp gboft i ^rc tbc bi« Dio not bclrciic ino ibf nn, Icf Inm noto at leattc bclreuc br« oUinc maiftcrs. llocpafTing oucr tbc Uiatcr , anu ma' kiiignoarcoptcfitjtbcrbtcIrcOccme tbc onip otlf in baptifmc. £clctbcrfQ;c on tbc contrarr Ddc do far, that in bap* tifmetbefo;ebcb alfo is mppcD m \joa* tcr. 3ncomparironoftbi6,U)ceflamc r^ps alone :apoIlIc5:'|^^ca^retbciiapo :notvouroileU)o;tbonf piece cf Dong, ffetes at alf ^ut let \)0 alCo grant tbr ^: tDbp DO f bei net bf tbe fame argiimrnt atFirmc,^ bidfeops alone ougbt to toiicb t^e far ramcnt of tbe blouo in ^ fupper of tbc lo;D:U)bicb tbci? tbcrfo;e Den>: to lav mcjbicaufc tbc lo;D gaue it to p a^ poaies aloncf B|f to tbe apoael0 alone, tobv bo tbei not cocUiDe:tbcrfo;e to tbc biOjops aloncf)15ut in f place tbei mafec t^e apottcl0,ample p;ica:but noU) tl;e giODtnJe0cf tbc irbco cariietfj tbcman otber lDav,foDenlt to create tbcm )6v^ fl)op0. if uiall^ ananiaa luas no iipo^ ftelc, to lubom f ct paul Uias fent,tbat be fljoulD reccriic bi?0 figbt,bc baptifcD, ano be fillco toitb tbc bolv gboft. 3i tuil aODc tbis alfo to tbc brape:if br p laluc of (2^00 tbi0U}a0 tbc proper office of bu fl)op0 , tobp bauc tbcv iJcnc fo bclce to gcuc it aU)av to coaimo p,neCsf as toe reao in a certain (2;ptQle of Gregory . n ;:i0 fo; tbcw otbcr rcl6,bolu trifling, fono,f folill) IB it,to cal tbeir confirma^ tton tDo^tbicr tban tbc baptifm of goo. tobctber It be m baptifmc 0; in con6r niation. ifanp allege tbat it isfolDc fo; mo;e : bv tbrs aDOfng of p:icc, tbe goanrCTc ( if an^ lucre m it) 10 co;rup* tct) fo tnijcb Icffc map t\]c^ commcnO a mod ftltbr Deceit br tbtff. Sn tl.ie tbiro reafcn tbep belu;av Ihcf ; obun bngoD' lincflrc, lubilc tljei? p;ate tljat in conAr* mationiBgcucn a greater cncreafc of bertucBtbaninbaptifmc, 13rtbc lap* ing on of banDe0 tbc ^pofiles Diftribu* tcD tbe bifible graces of tbc »piritc. Jn Uibattbvng ooc tbcfe mens fattc liqiioj ajeU) It fclfe fruitful^ I5ut aUuiv Uutb tbcfe qualifier?, tbat cciicr one lacri" lege luitb nianv facnlcgrs . it is Ivfec tbe Co;Oian : lubicbc it is better to b;cake in runDer,tl)an to labo; fo intied inbnboingit. 12 iDUtnolu U)bentO:rrnrtbcmfeIue« Oettitiite of tbe luo;De of CoD;anD p;o*. bablc reafon , tbcv p;ctf r.D as tbep arc iuont, ]'> It 10 a mod aur.cicnt obferua* tioniftabliOjcDbr confrnt ofnianpa* bicaufc in it tbc fo;ebeaD is annomfeD \ QtB. auboiigb tbat lucre true, tct tbcp Uiitb oilc , anb in baptifine tbebinocr | lum notbvngtbcrbp. ^ SJacrament 10 part of tbc bcD, a0 tboagb baptim lucre | not from tbe eartb , but -from bcauen: Don toitb tbc o^lc i not luitij ]^ luater^ | not fro men, but fro CoD alone. Cbc^ JcalalltbcgoDl^totuitncirclDbetbcr | muft p;oue Ooo to bee tbc autbo; of f bcfclofelg 00 not cnocno; tbcnifclueg ' tbcir Confirmation if tbcr tt^ill ^auc K talicn Op.iS, Of tlie outvvardc mcanes tbe^ Dbicct antiqaiP? , tirt^rastbe olDe ) tojitrrs,l9ftentbe^ mmo.t0fpeaH p^* pjel^,tjo n*) toiler rtcU moe facrameTs tf}a t\»of Jf a fojtrieffc of our fattlj toefc to be fought fro men,tj)c ^aue atttnuin c!ble totocr,^ tfjc olD fathers neuer ac* UnotoleDseo tbofe fo j facramcts toljicft tljercmenool^insl^famcto befacra* mi^fitiSWcoHjetontcrs fpeabeoftbeltamngf familimtp fettmg out a fum Lip ing on of fia06:bttt Do tbcp cat if a fa in a maner of att^ articlcjsof our reli* " ' ^ 0i,on,tntDbubt()etobolccburcboftljc fattbful oug^CtuttijoutcontroucrCto a^ grcttbat a cfjtlo being.r.^ere0 olD fljuia toas bojn,not ^ it r^oulD be fucba con,, frrmatiflii as fbc^ fainc, .tobicb cannot once be nameo toitbout intur? Co bap* tifme: but^ catecbtjing,tj)^ercb]? cbil^ Djen,o^ tbc^ tbat iDcre nere to f age of Difcretion oiatieclare an accompte of tbcir faitbe before tbe cburcbe. )lBut it (balD be tbe beft maner of Catecbijtng if a fo^me luer tojttten to tbat fefccon^ cratnentf Au^urt.platnli affirmetb ^ it IS iw otber tl)f g tba p>aicr . ille^tbef let ttmix bcre bark againft me ^it\) tbeir ftiiihing &imn(tions, # Auguft.meanf j offer bimfeife to tbe cbnrcb to Declare a tbat not of tlye la^ng on of baos^fe&to j confeOion of bis faitb,fl)oulD be ej;ami^ cflufirmaf io,but tobicb toas Ufeo to fjea \ neD of eoer? article f anftocre to eucri? 'ling 01 rt»conciliation.2Cbe boJiercmai i one: if be toer igiiojant of anv tbing,0i iietl; I is abioDe iH tbe baos of men. If DiD not tJnoeraaD it be migbt be taogW i ts5 jea it toan\? otber fenfe tban Aug. i ^o OjoId be^befo^e m cburcb , toitnef? tjirnfelfe tujot it J geue tljem Icaue af^ ] fing f bab3lDingit,p;jofea"e v onlt?,troe, tcrtOeir ojDinar^ maner to oppjeOfe ipurefaptb,ttiberelDitb§ people of tbe nu mtmlv toitb railing but alfo Ujitb faitbful Dotb \jo one minoe too^lbip tbe fpitf ing at me.iFo> be fpeaUetb of tbem ' one (i^JD.BIf tb^aoifciplinc luer at ti)v& tb^t retiirncD f rom fcl>ifme to t\)z t)ni* isav in fo^cctruli^ § aotbftjlnes of fome t| cftJje cburcb \^2 beniert) tbat tbeine parentsmotobeiobctteDxioboDocare^ Dco to be mtolr bapfifcmffl.:^f>c faitb,^ ! leflp neglcd: § inftruttion of tfoei?^ cbi^ V)iilmm oivof banD3 fumcetb, tbat bi j D^en as a tb^ng notbtng belonging to V bonir of peace tljz lojD ma\? gcue tbem , t{)iy\s^ittyt\)m \Dout open I^ame.tbet tijebolvCD^oft. But fojafmucl^ as it foulD not omitfber Wobeamogcb^i^ misfit feme an abftirsitie, ^fbe lading t ftia people a greater cofcnt of faitb,anD on of ^ant)3 foulo b^Don of neU) rat bcr not fo great ignojace i ruDcncs of ma> tb^^dbaptiiWtljefljetwetbaDijeferece. »5:fomeQ)olonotbe a- $0} (fa^e!) ^) t»bat otber tUm is tbe ttmt>i:6 neto i ftrangeDoctrinestfinaHp- larking of banDS, tp p^jaicr tjpon a ma^ al Ojolo bane as it to.er a certain o?Der* an3^t*iisia^isnteamngr appcaretlj Isinftriutionof^bjiffiartleacning. bie anotberpl^ce,t»bere be fattb: titans ; Oi^ Penance . is laiD ttpcn beretifea ameni3CD, fo j tbe ! 3" tbe ncut place mi fet ptnmctM coupling of Cbarifv,tobicb is m Qtca? U«bicb tbe^ entreat fo confufcl\? $ Difo^? tea gift of () l}Gi? (0tjoa,toitbout tobtcb i^i^JJlVj t confciences can beare atoa^e \5j latfoeucr bfllve ^ings arc in mmv ^ f"**^ OJ fo«D tbrns of tbeirDoftr^ne^ tbFpnnaifert^tafahiation, ^ ' ' i^iaiiebaucalreaDrinatictbfrplaceDe*^ >4 :!^ut I tpol& to CDoD toe Di&ft^lHr clareD at largj,tobat toebao lerncD out tbe.ntaaei-to|}icb J lj tbc bpOjops auti)o;itv fl)ulD alUja^ be bfeD fc; tbe mean bcre in.if rom bcncc tbat Dccra of t[jt fecoD councell at Cartbage.lSc it not latoful to a piieft at tbe S|9a(fc publibdr to re- concile a penitent. 0nu in an otber tit^ crcof[?ccumeIat^raufuim,Lettbcre tDbifb in time of tbc 17 penance Depart out of tbrc lifcjbe aomittcD to tbc ccm? mtmion boptbout ibc lapir g on of bans t}fcD in reconciling : if tbep reecuer ci" tber-j fichncfTc let tbcm fiano m tbc De^- grc of penitcutc, ano lubcn tbc time 15 fullp erpnxD, let tbcm rccciuc of p bp (bop tbc laving on of banow to.'cD in re- conciling. ilgain,tbc cecra cf tbc tbiro councelatCartbagc:3^etnottbcp;ictt twt!tboutrbcaatbo;itT>oftbcbiajop,re-< ccncilc a penitent. ai tbe fc tecco to tbiB I Dccrct. 56.1JU 6. rccciuc pUjcr to partalit of tbc Ccni numicn.afrcilcarDbvpiectaccftiine ; itcumetotbifipcvntc, t^beDDcpubli!;c I penance tbcv tfcD tbvB ccrcmcnralfo I in p;iu.Uc.Uifolutions.l>reupon came tbatDinincti6mGrntunbetluenepi;b* lilicaiiDpriuatereccciltaticn, Jii.Dge tbatfan;eclDbfnge, of Hbtcb C ypnan niakctb uirnticn, to bauc ten bolp ano bcaltbful fo; tbe Cburcb, ano 3 UjdId t It lucr at tbrs Dap rcCo;tD ^as fo; tbrg latcr,a!tboiigb ^ Care not tifaloVu it,oj at lead fpeabc itio;c fiwrply cgamC it, ret J tbmk It to be IrCTc neccHarr i"!o\u focijcr It be, vet Vdc fo; tbat t lavtrg en cf banb0 m penanccis a ccremcnv 0;^ oemcD of mm, not of Geo, lubrfb is to be fet amcng nfcane tbings i outluarD crercifer:anD tbofe berili Uibich ar not I to be Defpifcc,but Irbvibctigbt to le m ! a loluer Degra,tban tbcfe tbat arc ccm : nu'DcD injto Is br v ^i'o;D of ifcr Lo;d. ' i> ii;ut tbe KomaniCfi i tbc fcbolemen ! (Uibicbbancano,:binarrcr;ncnitcco; I ruptall tbingo UiitbU';cg erpcur.ting ' tbcni)co bcic brrp carcfiillv trai;ail m I finoing out a faeramrt, j^citber cngbt it to femcanv ninrurll, tc; tl-cp fa l:e a ; Unot m a riiU). ^ut Uiic rerbcv bauc it \ beffjtbev Icauc a tbinc rnt.igIcD,tn ftf- ! i pcnrc,bncertain,i ccnrounccD anD trc# Lib.4. blcD \i3itb Ditirrfitv of cpimons. Hbet Scn.ilifl; fav tbcrfo;c eitbcr tbat tbc outiuarD pc S2,cap.2.j enD,tbatt!)c fencritic Uibicb tbcv luolo ' nance is a facramft, ant3 if it be fctbaC iyaut to be bfcD in tbat bcbaif,fbnlQ not h)itb tcD mucb Icnitvc groU5c in Dccav. SLbcrcfojiJ tbcv ioillco tbc bvHiop to be iun:se cf it,U)bicb botis libcli t be buolD be mo;rc circimifpect in tbc eraminatio a facramcnt,not ttoo racramcnt:t|)c tnibarDe iis boti) t'^c toing anD t(;c facramenr : ano t:at£. cfo;g?iienc£Jcf fii]? istbct^tng anD not tijc >Q>acrament. iLc£ tbe tobicb a facrament iDljicb Ss3c banc aboac fct, epainin^ tljercb^ Hjat Vofjicb tl}e(t men cal a facrau?ent,anD tWi fball Sn5 tbat it is mt m outluarDc ceremony ojoet^ nea cf tbe Jto^Dc fo; tlje confirmhtg of our faitbejf iW cauil tbat m? ticfint* tioii is not a lata tD?)icb tbc^ neoc to oj" b&?:lct tbe bear 0ugulhnc,lubom tbey faiii 1^ tbc^ cScme as malt bsl^ tiCble facraments(faitb bs) tocr o^oeincD foj cantall mens fahcs, tbat bn Degrees of facramcnts tide's mat be conuetco from tljofc tbings tljaf are fcne U>itl) cirs, to t^Dfe things t arc tju^erffaoeD. Mbat Uuetbing do citber tbc\> tbsmfclucs fee q; can tbe^ d^etue to otbcr in tbc tobicb tljeu f al ti]c facrament of jBenaccf lEbe fame auguHin faitb in nn otter place: 3t tstberfo; calleo a facrani jt, becaufe in it one tbingis fene,f anotber t\}\Q i« tjn^erlfaniscDXbfit tubicb isfmcbatt) a bocil^ fo;ine:tbat Mjic't) is tjnuerfta* 5c:?,batb a fpirituall frute. .^eitber doc Vo^tz tUi\)is in an^ luifc agre? laitb fbe fairanientof penanccjfucb as tljc^ fain it J iDbcre tbere is no boail^ fo;!mc tbat ma^ rep jcfent a fpiritual frnte, i6 ^'iicto kil tbefe beaUes t3pon fbcir oton Sgbting place, if tbcr be an\? facra nient besrc to be fougbte> mai^ it not be miicb moje colo^abl? fai9 ^ tbe abfolu? tion of ^ p;iea is a facrament,tban pe* nance eitber inUjaro o^ outloarD f fm it migbt reoil? \iz faiD,tbat it is a cerc^ moni? to affnrc our faitb of th^ fc.iGCiie^ nes of finj^i batb a pm\i(^ of § Uttts as ioci cal itjMbatfoenef pe l^al binD 0^ loie tDpon cartb, (l^lbe bono o; lofeo iti Ije:iue cal § abfolution of J pj?ea a facrament. Jfoj *• . . tbc^ migbt anftocr bv t\)s moutb of Au ! ^^^^ guftin,^ fanctification is loout § tJifiblc ^^ ', facrament, 5 tbe ttfiblc facrament Xd*' ^^ i. * outinUjarofan(tifiiation.0gain,^tbe g l ^* facraments Do iuc^U in tbc onJ^ elect ^ ^ ^ fjoj iDbicbtbe^fjgurc. jagain,!^ fom do put ^°" '^^ on Ci) Jill fo far as to t pertahing of § "^ * facrament,otber fome to fanctiiication: t^t onc,tbe goD ^ euil egallv Do:tbis o^ tl)er,§ g(DO cnl^.a^ruli tbe^ baue moje tban cbtlDiOjl^ errcD,anD bene blinD in tbe clear funnc, lobtcb trauailingtoitb great barDncilc , ^ct cfpieD not a tbing fo plainc anD open to cuerg nivtn. 17 ptt leaft t\)ti IbulD lua j; to p^ouD,in lobatpart foeucr tVM fet § facramct,3[ Dcnv ^ it ougbt rigbtfuU? to be take (n a facramct.^irH bicaufc tber is no fpe^ cial p^cmife to it,\al)ich is ^ uli fubdace of a facramet.0gai,bicaufe tobatfoeuer ceremony is berc fteVucD fojtb it is tbc mere inue tio of mr ilwberas lucl;auc al rcDi pioticD ^f ccrimonis of facrametj r . r- canot lit ojDcinD \n\t of go^Xberfo; it iVa^*^^* toas a lie I a Deceit \})\)i(^il)ei b^gc iue rv. j tcD of i facramtt of penacc, tbis faiueD | P^-°' facramet tbei baue garniaieD 'w a mete '»^^P»^* comenDation, calUngitafcconDbo;Dc after Dccrct. ij-.quc.i Cap.far mifTunc. loSaliiation._ ~!Fourtl) Bookc \coL^<,o after fi)ipUi;rl(:bicat!fr if a ira Uiic Iv taCing.Cfecr rainc fJStrcbTt^^Tr finning marrct) 1' trarirct of ir.rxcrnc^ iucc of it,vfo:afiif nrsof Dnj, « cafe of tDf)icOberccdiJCDiiibapfiftiir,f;cniav tooilpfjchnrcif it be fo crpfUinit : if bv penance repair it.iDut it ic p raping not v fa!rati6 cf f (dv.\c-/C\)u far t^ tU .J.14. ofHicrom.^^l)ofc focner it bc,it canot be crciifeD but ^ it is Uttcrli U:ichcD,if it be erpouDCD after tbeir meaning. Zb tbogfj baptifm be blotteo out bi fin, 1 is not ratber to be eallcD to renirb;ace of eueri finner,fo oft as be tf^mlietb of t!;c fo^geucneffe of On,i^ be mai? tbcrbv^ ga^ tber top bifelf,f recouerco2age,j ttreng tUen l)iB faitb, t be O^al obteine tbe fo;' geucne0 offing iDbicb is p;oniifcD bini in baptiin. i5ut ^ inbicb Hicromc fjatb fpobe barely t t)np;operIr,^ by penace baptim is repaircD(fro tebicb tbep fall atcai ^ Dcferue to be ercomunicate frc § cburet)) tbefe gcoD erpofito;^ D;atu to tbeir UjicljeDncffc.ZIbercfo;c vou Qjall moft fitlp fpcUCjif vou cal baptifme tbe facranient of penance,ritb it is gene fo; a confirmation of grace, % fcale of com fiDf ce, to tfjcm tbat purpofc repentace. iinDkaarcuO^oulD tbinkc tijifJtolc our Dcuife,bcGi;e tbis ibat it agrdtb Vo t\)C U3o;os of tl)C fcripture,it appearetlj tbat it 11)35 in tbe olD cbnrcO ccmniolp fpoHcnlikea niofi tertaine principle, jfo^ in V bofec of faitb to peter, U)bicb is faid uient tDCcoalD require anv t^ing mo;c plain | maoeclav^of Dutt « fputlf,foii.r be bca- ♦ v'^'- tba tl)at U)l3icb tbeCaangeUa recitctb* Ico toitb toi;cbing,ctbcr feme luub bVfi '^ '^• t&at aioljn pjeK'oeD tbe X5aptifme of , li;o;D.itf.cri' f^.mcmantr tbedrcnieij^l i-^y^ repentance tjnto fo^geucncffe of finnes. : bcalcD fom oifcafee U'ltb tiic Ilo;d cnip Of extreme vnaion as thc)' call it. fom iDitb toiifbing, otbcr fcnilu nnrin »8 SL^c tbiroe fainco facrament 10 er^ j ting.lfut it is Iikclr i> tbis annointing tremc\JiKtio,lul;icbi0 not Don but of y j U)aBnDti;a0alctbcrtbig5 alio Ujcr not) paieft, f t^at ertremeg, (fo ttitv terme ; cauacOv put m D;c. 3 gi aut: ret not i^ ity)f toitb oilc confecrate of tbe bittjop, ; it Q}olD not be a mean of bca incv.but en f toiJI; tbis fo^me: i6i? tbi0 bolr anom? | Ip a fiin, v tbe culnc e of ujc l>i;f kilfiill tiuct bp l)is mott kino mercr,goD par i niigbt be put m niuiDfro u^bf ce fo great Do i\)k Vubatfocucr tbou batt offenDcD | poUier p;oceDeD,to tbifi enD ^ tbei ilclD bp feing,bp I)earing,bi: fmelUns.rclig, I net gcue tbe p;aife tberof to y apoCkg. inttUrticnof It isfct cf^xncp, U)l;ofc bjc;0e5 art tbrfc. Js any ficlie among rcu:l^ ct bim b;ing in tbe Clccrc of tl;x fijurrb;^ let ibf p;av ciier brm, anoin* ling l)tm iuitb cile m v name cf (> Ic;d: nnD tbe |:<:aicr cf faitb flj:;ll fane p ficlie ma,anD tbe Io;:d lljal raifc bim tp: ano if be be m fm^,tbei tJial be forge uni tf . iDf tbe feme ro;t ic ibie ar.cmtirg , of tobicb U;e bane cbooe fijc'aeo i> tbe 0* tber lay iiig on of bapr. icnamclr a plai erlilje btp^ciiQe , lt;berbi luitbout re a* fon anD \vitbout fi ute tbr i UjcID rcfcm bU'Vilponiei?,^^ar!K rcbcarfctb^ ^'^^l\f i!po(ilecatti?firfutt ffDing,aCCc;Dmg ^'^^.^.r to tbe ccmai'ioemcnt Ivbicbc tbev banc reccaneo of tbe Io;d, raifcD bp Dcao mr, cad out t.euil5,cU nfcD leprous mf ,bra^ IcD (' ficli,t tljat m be almg of [ Del; tbci \jfcD oV'Ic.IIbei anointeD(raitb be)mani fick me lu oflc,} tbci tucr fralcD lf)ere Mnto ^vimec baD rcriett,U)!5f l;c coa?uU« 5C0 [' rlocr0 to be calico togetber to a* not nt tbe Del; ma.ilbatlinccrfiicbccre moniccisc5tamcDnobicrmiIlerf,(bci . . Ojul eafiU iii&^e tobicb m.:rk bom ereat '""-^'O- C?oJf. Of the outward meanes liO. 7- .20. muijst tl)t m\v sljoU % \>M sifts arc ii:5ntu?5 bp o?ls it is a common 1 fefual ti;inrc. Bat § fame ^racc of bcaltnsfi is ^dd^M"^ aluai', liiic as alfo J !?tl):r ini* racle0/u3!]Uij ;? Ij;d fcotUcD to bs^t!)c>x>* 0B fo j a timi:',U)^crb^ f)t niig^t maUe § !i?ix> p.icdnng of tljc gcfpcl maraeloas fo2 s'Utr.TOcrfojc tbougfj Uie r;raut nt j acr fo mucb. ^ anointing inai? a ^acra^ met of t()Ofe poluer0 luIjicU iDcr tO^ mi niilrcD 1)2 § ijaQs of tl^e^potrles it nolu notljfspcrteincth to ti;? to loljo § mini* dratic of faclj potaers 10 not comittcD. 19 ^ino b^ iDljat gfeater reafon Do tbs^ m.^JiC a facramct of tijis ano^nfing,tl)a of a! otber fitjns tljat are rcbcrfeo to tjs in § fcriptarc^Ml)^ do t&ep not apoint fome ^iloal) to fluim in, UjJjcrcinto at cevtal o;Dinart? recourfcsoftinies, Sck men ms^ plugc tOemfcltiesf ^^Ijat (fat! eij2i^)l!)oulD be Don in tjain, Crucl^ no mnt in t»ain t^an anointing. W^ Do tlm not lie along tjpo DeaD me,bicaure Paul raifco tjp a DcaD c'oilD \3)iti) lining t>p3 Ijinif iKIf)? 10 not tlti mace of fpit^ tic an^ tsut!,a facrametf ai5ut tbe otber toer but Cingu lar emplcsibnt t\)is is ge acn of ^amc0 fo;j a commaunDcment» mzYii^ laoicg fpaUe fo; § fame timu Isbe i cbnrcfj nt (til cnio^eD fucb blef^ fiitg of 0OD. SDijep aff irmc in DeDe tbat tljcr ia ^tt ail t^c fame fo^f c in tljeir a^ noinUfig but toe finDe it otberlcife b^ erperiece.llet no ma noln maruel boUj tJK!?baactBitbfucb boloncffe mocfeeD fouIc0>Ujijid) tber fenoto tolieieoaeire f blinD UJb^ tbcv' sr fpoileD of tbe luo^D of goDjtbat i0,of tbetr life $ iigbte : fitb tban in tlD timz: but ije Dotb not fo W tcv tyQfc manifca pctucl*0,no.z DiCrtbu tctl) miCviclcs bv I'.e \)an\ss cf tbe Hpo^ !!el?0 : bpcauf: tb;0 gift UDtO tu2« but foW) is nevHber a ceremoni?e o;Dainco of <2}oD,no; batb an^ p;omife.ifo; U)b? toe require tbefc ttoo tbvngcs in a farrament, tbat it be a ceremony? oiDaincD of ©CD, f tbatit baue a p;omife of ^0D:toe Do tbertoitb al require t tbe fame ceremony be ge^ m to t33, f tbat p p;cmife belong tnto t30. ifo; no ma Dotb affirme tbat rirt u* cifion 10 noto a facrament of tbe €\)n^ ftia €barcb,altbogb it botb toas an 0;^ Dinancc of c25oD, f baD a p;omife Hnitte tinto ittbicaufe it toa0 ncptber comaii^ DCD to b0mo; tbe p;omtfe tobicbe toas aoiopneD to it toa^ geue to \}S tottb tbe fame toDition.Cbat tl)t p;omife tobicl> tbeparenotbrgalljameD to go about to I tbe? piouDlvboft of in tbep; anointing mocUe tbe lining 1 feling fenfcs of t^ is not gcuen to tj0,toe bane euiDentlpe boD^Xberfo;e tbe^ maltc tbemfelues 0jctoeDy$ tbe^ tbrfelue^ Declare b^cF^ toojtb^ to be fco;neo, tobile tbe? boUc j pericnce. SDbe ceremoni?e ougbt not to tbat t\^ev are e nDues toitb tht grace of i baue ben t)feD,but of t^it toer enDueD bealings. SDhe 2lo;De1)crilr 10 p.^efer.: toitb tbe grace of bealinge0,not of tbefe \iiitl) 1)10 in all age0, anD fo oft as ncDe 1 butcber0libatcattmo;e fkill of flaring jgbebelpetb tbeir ficfenetre0 ita teffe janD morPeying tban of bcaling. 21 i^to Ia.j»H. To Saluation. Toarth Ikx^tc itou^7,; 21 i^oujbcit dltbougb tlKv obtain tbis , bimtnamcfr, ^ tbc giUiiuffclHS^ tm t UJbiri) jAincs comaunoctb coccr Ucn aU)ar,tbcp ma^ obtamr rr Icaf^ cf mng annointing,agratb Ujitb tbis age, ! the pain; not meaning v finnca arc tut itubicb tbcp are inott far fio ) ret cucn aujav luith fat Uquo:,but r tl)e p;aicr0 10 tbcp tljal not bauc mucb p;cuaileo in i of tbc fartbful mberbr tbc affliaco b;o« p:ouingoftbcwDnttioVDbcrU)itb tbcp ' bauc betbcrto annomtcDba . James toillctb tbatall ficli men bcannointco: tbcfe m:n infccte U)itb tbcir fat liquo;, not fick mcn,but co;pfcg balf DcaD,UJbc tbclv^fclvctbalreaDi^c labo;ing at tbc top of tbcv.2 lip?,o J (as tbc^ tbemfclucs termc it) in extremes . Jf tbcp baue in tber; facramenf a pjcfent mcDicmc, iDbcrbp tb:^ ma? cptbcr cafe tbc fljarp ncffc of Difcafcs,o; at p leatt mai b;ing fome c6fo;t to tbc foulctbev arc to ct» cll ^ DOC ncucr bcalc in t^mc . Jatncs luiUctb ^ tbc ficlxc ma be annotntco of tbe (£lacrs of fbccburcb,tbcfc me allolu noannoyntcr but tbe pctpcfacrificmg P;tcft»2I2lIjcras tbe? crpouD m 3amc3 Presbyteros tbc(2lDcrs to be p;iettes, f fonol? fa? ^ tbc plural niibcr is tbcre fctfo; comlincffcs fake: tijat is but tri^ fling:as tbougb tt)e €t)urcl)cs at t time abounnco loitb fluarmcs of fachficing |9;icfts,^ tbci migbt go in a long pom^ pousflictocta car\>e a paoieantofbol? o?lc. mi'oe Jiames fimpl? biODetb tbat fick men be anno?nteD, 3 bnoerttaD b? it none otbcr anno?ntmg but of comon o?lc: anD none otbcr is fgu3 iu sparUcs rebcarfall.E:bcfc me boucbfauc to bauc none otbcr o?lc , but tbat mbicb is b.il* lotucD of tbc l?ia)3p,tbat 13 to fa?,toar* mcD Uiitb mucb b;catbing on it , en^ cbfiuntcD Uiitb mucb mubling ,t \uitb tbc luiGCboUjeD nine t?incs huutcDin tbis mancr:tl)jifcl^ai!cbol? oilc:tb;ifc tbcr ts commcnDcD to CoOjOwlI not be toainXbcfe mm 00 Ujichcolv lrc>J^ br tbcp; boIr,tbat is to farc,abhommablc anno?ntmg,(ijinc5arfo;gcaf.LobcUj ga?l? tbcv fljal pjcuailclnhr tbcv baue ben at large fuffrco to abufe ? tcainio* n? of jjames at tbc?; plcafurc.anD left iDC QjoulD ncDc to traucl long in p;a)fe bcrcofjtbe?: oUmc Cb; onirics Doc oif^ cbargc Ms of tbis tjaroncs. ifo; tbc? re po;t ^ pope jJunoccntm«,UJbicb ni Au g;uftincst?mcgoucmcD tbc Churcbot komc,o;DamcD || notonl?p;ic(to,butl alfo al cb;i(has (Qolo bfc oile to annoint fo; tbcir otun nccctTit? » otbcrs.autbo; bcreof is S:.;cbcrt in b?s Cb;omclcs. Of tccldialhcall Orders. 22 S^tefourtbplaccintbc?; rcgitter batb ? facramcnt of 0;Dcr: but p fame fo frutcfulK tbat it b;ccDcth out of it fclf fcucn iitle facramcnts. I5ut tbis is be.- r? U)a:tb? to be laugbco at, f tobcrcas tbc? affirm t tbcre be tu.r.icranif nts, iDbcn tbc I go about to rebcarfc tbe tbc? rcchcn bp rui. j>e?tbcr can tbc? allege fo; tbf fcluc0,tbiu tbc? arc but one fa* cramcnt^bicaufc tbc? tcnbc all to one p;icftba)0,i arc as it lucre certain Dr* grccs tnto it. Jro; fitb it is cuioc nf )^ m eucr? one of tbcm arc fcncrall ciTcnio^ n?cs^nD tbc? tbcmfc lues fa? tbat tbcr be Diners graces: no man can Dcut but tb'it tbc? ougbt to b: calico fcucn facra^ mciitcs, if Ibf\v opinions bcrccfaucD. janDU)b?ftrincU3c about it as tbougb \^ailcbol?c!);efme: tb;ifc l;)ailcbol?i itiDcrcatb?ngoourfull,fo:afmucba3 balmc. £)ut of lobom baue tbc? fuclicD (ucb coniurations i James ra?tb : tbat tbr? tbemfclucs DO pLunl? } fcucrall? Declare fcucn: liut tirll ire Unl b;cti? iDbcn tbc ficUc man is annotntco I'Jitb j linit \)p b? tbc Uiarc boU) man? ; boto o?lc,t p;a?cr batb ben p2onci'ic?D ourr unfauo:? abfurDittcs tl;r? tb;uft m Uv biin,ifbe be in Sn^ tbc? fl).;lDc fo;5Cuc 1 to us,UJbcn tbc? go abouttocumoipto iP£;3£p.i. oi Cap^iS Lib.4. eii.difl :apit,9. Of the outward mcancs IFflLJ. ffeze.f.io. |Ro.i.4f| Ifhefirft istlieo- pinion ibfHiie, the other' ofvvilli- am of Pa irife. iliidonis lib/. cap. Ledcc. cap.Ofti arus. \)£( t\itn omrB m (teoe of facramenta: anD tten liie tDtU fee Ipbetber t^e cere^ monp tDbtc^ C^urcf}00t)(e in o^uertng of mtntlters , ongfjt to be calleD a ^a^ cramcnt at alI,2Dtiet? mahc t^crfo^e fe? uenCccU&afitcaU ^mvs 0; degrees, lDt)tcI) tbe^ garntfi) luttf) t^c name of a Sacrament. SLIjofe be, SDiD^ekeeper0, HeaDer0,€)ro;ctae0, 0colutl)es 0^ fol^ Ioto0rs,^uboeac6s,2Deaccns,iB^tefls. i3nu tiii.tljei! fa^ tbat tbet? bc,fo; tl)t kf ticnfelDc grace of tt)c bol^ gbott to^erec iDttb tber ougbt to be enoueD ^ are p^o motet) tnto tbr.llBut it is encreafeD and mo;e largely? beapcD to tl^e in tbcir p;o# motion.jjioto § niibcr it felf is balloUj* eD luttb a lu^ongfuU erpottoing of fcrtp ture,U)ben tbcp tbinHe ^ tbe? baue reD inCfai! t)it. bertues bftbeboir ^l)ofi tobcras botb in oebc Cfap tber rebear* fetb but UxA alfo tbc p;topbet ment not to cop^ebenb tbe all in t V^^tt: fo; be is els tobere as toel calleo t fpirit of li?fe, of fanctificattontOf aooption of tbe cbil^ D;en,as be is in ^ place called tbe fpirit of tDifDome,of tnoerllaDing, of cctifell, of arengtb,of knotxjlcuge,! of tbc feare of tbe ilo;tD.'^otobeit fome futtclcr me mabenot tit ojDers, but ix, after tbe libeneffe (as tber far)of tbe cburcb tri^ umpbing. 3!5ut among tbe alfo tbcre is ttrife: bicaufe fome tuolD bauc tbc ll^a* uing of tt)e clergy to be tbc firtt o^ocr of all, f i3ilbop;iifee tbe laft : otber fome erclubing (fcauing altogctber,rccUen HrcbbifbopjiHe aniog t o;tJcrs. Ifidore otbcrtoife oeuiDetb tbe^if 0; be mahetb pfalmiftes f Keabcrs to be oiucrs: be appo^ntetb tbc pfalmiftes foj fonps, t tljc rcaoers to tbe reading of tbe ^Jcrip- turcs,tuber\jDitb tbc people mar be in* ftructcD.SlnB tVjVS oittinctton is I^ept br tbc canons. 3;a fo great Diucriitr U^bat toil tbcr banc bs to folloUj o.j fla:^bal toe far tijat tbcre be bij.o^tiers^^otea^ chctb tbc mat Cler of tbe fcbcole : but tbe moffeiUummate Doctors oootbertoue Determine,^gainetber alfo bifagree a^ mong tbcfelues. ^o;eouer tbe mo0 fa^ creD canons cal ts an otber toar Xbus fo^foitb 00 me agree,tobe tl^ti bifpute of goDlr maters toitbout f ,too;b of ^ob. 23 215ut tbrs erceoetb all follp,^ in eue^ rr one of tbefe tbcr mafee Cb;iift felloto \siitl) tbem.iFirft(far tber)be cyccuteb tbe office ofBDQ);ekeper,toben be orb toitbatobipmabe of cocoes, b;iue tht brers f fellers out of tbe temple. I^e Dg nifietb brnifelf to be a bo^ebeper, tobe be fartb) 39 am ti)t bcoae. I^e ttokt bpon brm tbe office ofjKeaDer,toben bcreb Cfar in t\}C ^inagoge.l^e Dio t\^t office of an Cro^ciff, toben toucbing t[)t ton^ f eares of tbe Deaf 1 bum man,be refto^ reb to bim bis bearing.l^e ttftiUtn bim felf to be an ;acolutb 0^ folotoer in tbefe too^bes.^e tbat follotoetb mctoalltetb not in Darfeneffe.l^e eicecutcb tbe office of ^ubt)eacon,toben being girbeb fait^ alinnenclotb be toatbeb tbebifciples feete.ipe tiin bearo tbeperfon of a E>ea^ con,to'bcn be biffributeo brs fcoore anb blou^intbe Supper. Be fuimieo tbe office of p?ieft,toben be cffrec bimfclf bpon tbe croffe a facrifice to brs fatber. SEbcfe tbings can not fo be bearo toitb* out laugbing , tbat 31 maruell tbat tber toerc Wittcn toitbout laugbing,if ret tber toere men tbat to?ote tdem . iSut moft notable is tber; futtletrc tobcre* toitb tber plar tbc pbilcfopbers about t\)t name cf jacolutb,calling brm a Ce- rofcrar,a taper bearer,toitb a too;ii(as 3 tbinfee) of fojcerr, trulr fucb a one as toas ncucr bcarb of in all nations anb l^guagcsjtobcras Acolutbos in (I?j efee fimplr Cgnifictb a folotocr.l^otobcit if 31 aioiUbc carncDlr tarrr in ccnftuvng tbefe menj fiiouli) mr felf alfo U)o;tbt* Ir be laugbeb at,tber are fo trifiing anb tcrr mocfecrvcs. 24 X5ut 1^ tber mar not be able ret nil 1 ~ \3}iti)l loh.2,ij. Ioh.10.7 Lu.4.17. Mar.i6» 33- loh.8.13, Ioh.3.4. Mat.2d. 25. Mat,27. To Valuation. Fourth Book I oL4f ^, luitl) falfe colois to Dfccpuc cum bcrp I p:ofcfrion:'jit ii famco i> tijcv [jam po^ fillp iDomc jtbeif \)mitic i3 bi? tijc luap to be tjttcreo. Stjci? create luttljgrcii;: pompc I folcmnitp tijeir UcDcr5,priil miIlcs,iDo:efeepcr£!,acoliites, t3 evc^ ciitc tbofc office0,lu!jcrunto tber appoit tjcrv cbilD^cn, o.: tbofc U)bom the;? call lap mcn.if 0^ lubo fo^ {> inoft part liglj* tetlj f caDelfijlufjo pouretb luuic t tua» ter into f cruet,but a cbilo o; fonie bafc fcUolD of tbc laitie,^^ niahetb bus sainc f berof;'Doc not tbe fame nir fiiig^ Doc tbc^notdjut f open tbe cbureb Dobtcbbe beginnetb to be calleD, tbat tbev ma^e feme to toil of purpofe to call of tbe ofj ficc U)ben tbe^ taUe tpon tbem § title. BebolD \Db\: tbe^ baue necD to be confe- crate b^ &acraments,anD to reccpue (' bolp gboIl,nameli>,tbat tbei ma^ Do no tbing. 3if tbc^ allege fo; crcrcife, tbat ti)iB is tbe frotuarDncCrc of times, tbat tbep fo;fafec f neglect tbeir minitterics; let tl)f tberUjitbal confcCTe tbat tberc is at tbis Da)2 in ^ cburcb no bfe no; frute of tbeir bolp o;Ders.U)bicb tbep marue* loufli' aDuacc,anD ^ tbcir icbole cburcb is ful of curfe:bicanfe it fuffrctb tapers t cruets to be b>^DleD of cbtlD;en t p;o« pbaue menjtubicb none are loo;tbi? to toucbe but tbe? tbat arc confecrate il* cclutbes:anD bccaufe it committcDtbc fongs to cbilD;en,lubifl) ougbt not to be >bearD butof aballolueD moutb. ^s fo; I tbeir Cvo;ciaes,to lubat cnoc do tbei? Aa 19.13 f off ci-afc tbcmf jl bearc tbat tbe XcIjdcs baD tbeir Ci:o;ciCes:but 5 fee tbat tbe^ lucre fo callcD of tbe ero^cifmes 0; co^- iuratio0U)btcbtbe?t)fcD.iDrtbcfccou' tcrfait txwdcs lubo cucr bcaro it fpo ften,!5 tljt^ ai:U)eDanveraple of tbeir U)cr gcucn tbem to lay their b:^-'^ i- p ti maD incn,tbf tbat are to be catccbifio, ♦ mf poiTcfreD li Dcuils: but tbei fa net pcrftonDc )] oaaLj f tbcv liauc fiic(j po» U)er bicaufe tbe Dcmls Dcrr.ot onit: not relD to tbcir cominauDcmf tc, but alfo trec6mauDignutbo;iticoncrtbf.i?'o; a man can fcarcclv fiuDe cuery tr ntb of tbcm.tbat is not IcD Ujith an euil fpp ritc.iIberfo;c U)b»Ufocncr things tbcr babble coccrnuig tbcir petvo;Dcrg,aie patcbcD togctljcr cf folifl) anb bnfauo;v lie^.jDf tbe olD ;icolutl)Cfi,anD Do;ehC' pers, t UcDers Ujcbaucfpohcninan otber placc,Uibcn U)e dc cUrco v o;Df r of tbe cburcb.Our purpofe bcrc is onl^ j to figbt againU tbat nclu foiiD inuf tion\ of tbe fcucnfolD farrauicnt m cfclcfiafli cal ojDcrs.fcDf lubich tberc ic no lubrre any tbing reo, but among tbefc fcoliflj p;atcrs tbe ^o;bonittcs t CanoniQs. 2; jloU)let\36conQDeroftbc ceremo- nies lubicb tbci bfc about it.ir irtt u^o focuertbev receiue into tbeir o;Derof foloiars,tbei Do luitb one c ommo figne entrc tbem into de rgie. Jro; tbei Ibaue tbem in tbe croUin,tbat tbe croU3n ma\: betohen hiuglp Digmticbccaurc clerlis ougbt to be hinges, tbat tbcv mar rule tbcmfelues anD otber.if 0; peter fpca^ ketb tbus of tbr.yc arc a cbofen biuD, a lungl^ p;icaboDe,a bolp nati6,a pco* plcofpurcbace.l3ut it tuajs facnlegc to taiic to tbcmfelues alone f- U)bicb is gc/ uen to tbe Uibole cburcb, i p;oudcIt! to glo;D of tbe title lubicb tbcv tao taken from tbe faitbfull. peter fpralictb to ^ tobole cburcb: tbcfe fclloU)0 \xt;cit it to a fcUi fbiiuen men : as tbougb it toere faiD to tbem alor.cbe \t bolv as tbougb tbei alone Ujcrpurcbacc: bpv blouDof Cb;itt ' as tbougb tbcv alcne Iccrc bv Cl);ift maQc a lungDom anD p;eflbobc to Cod. il^entbcy aCTigne alfo ctbcr reafons : tbe toppe of tbeir beo is n'i^^t afa^a. i|. bore cap.Du. ia.c]uc.', .Pca.9. L1K4 Scntcn. C.I. Duo (unt. I CapciSj Of the outward meancs Li. 4. Sen dill, ^4 cap J bare, tt}at tijcir iiitnD niai? be Declared to be free tjnto f be lo^D, Uibicb tuitb ope fate itia^ bebolD tbc glo.j? of 50D, aP; ji i'bci map be faugbt 1^ tbe faults of tbeir moutb f tbeir eits muft be cut of.£D^ f> {I)3uing of tbeir bcD is § putting atuat? of tempo;^al tbings,i ffje bcarti copalTe about tbe crolon are tbe rcmnantes of gcDCs ^ are ret cineo fo; tbeir fuCenace. ai in fignre0:bicaufe fo;rotb t ^^t^^ of ij temple is not t?et cut in foOer.SCbcr^ fo.je being perfuabeD tbat thti baue gav iv oifcbirgcD tbeir outies^becaufetbe? baqe ggureb fucb tbigs bi tbeir crotun, of V t)err tbings in tieeD tbep perfo^me nctbing at al.^oto log tutl tbep mocbe tjs Ui fucb falfe colons 1 ncct^tts^i 2Dbe dcrgic bi fleering of a feto bears bo fig* nifie^tberbauecaftatoat?^ abubace of temporal gtobs, ^ tbei bebolD the glo TV of goDjtbat tbei baue mojtifieb § lull of tbe eares f eies:but tbere iB no fetnb cf mi; mo^e raunng,moje fenflefli mil, tJotDcs of cbarttic nctof goDlmes: tbat is to fav^nct taken in band foz anr Ter* uice of goo, but to beare \d tbe ruocnes of tbe tueafe, as be bifelf faitb,^ be luas mauea 3IetD to f ^eioes.fcXberefo^e be Dibtbis, I tbe fame but once, % fo; a fljo^t time,tbat bemigbt fo; a time fa* Ibion bimfelf to tlit Bjeiof s.SEbefe me, toben tbep toiltoitboat anv bfe cciiter fait tfye purificngs o{^ i|5ajarits,febat bo t^ei els but raife t}p an otber Bleiuifb nes,U>bcn tbep to;ongfullr couet to fo^ lotD tbe olD Bletoilbnes^ Mttbf r|me religioufnes loas tbat Decretal C-ptffle maoe, iobicbj acco;bpng to tlje apoftle fo;bibbetb clerkes tbat tber (boulD not fuffer tbeir beareto grotoe,but (bere it rmn UUt a botole. 00 tbougb tbe 0po« ffelc toben be teacbctb tobat is comeli? fo; al me ,tDer careful fo; t\}t rcuD (bea* ring of tbe Clergie. I^erebp let tbe re* bers co(tber,of tobat fo;ce 1 U}o;tbines Nu.($.i8. Ca pro-l hibemus' Di{li.a5. I C0.11.4 are tbofe otber minifters tbat follotoe, mo;eluttful; Mb? botbepnotratber I into tobicbe tbere is fucb anentrie. trulv pcrfo;mebolines,tba \jbfalk am Iptng tLq,ms countcrfait a (betoe of itf 26 spo;eoucr ioben tbei fat? ^ ^ croton of tbe clcrgte batb tbe beginning « refo fiom tbc j^ajarites : tobat otber tbing bo tber aUege,tba tbat tber; mifferies are fp;ong out of tbe BieUiiie cercmo* nicsjo; ratber t^be? are mere SlcUjiOi* nesf But Inberas tbe? furtber fap,tbat AaiS,»S, p;ifcilla,acila,t Paul bimfelfjtafeing a bote bpon tbcm cio Iberc tbeir ^tXis, t tbcpmigbt be purifteb :tbe?bclu;ap tbeir groITe igno;?.ce.if 0; it is no Uiber reb of p;ifcilla:t of acila aJfo it is tout fMl:fo; tbat fame (bearing map as loel be rcferreo to|3aul as to ;acila. y^utyf .Corp. iwc map not leaue to t^em •§ tobicb tbei o. require,^ the^n banc an eyaple of paul: J! fimpler mua note,^ |l'aul Dyb neuer (beare bis beao fc; anr fanctification, but onlp to feruc § toealtnes of bis b;e* [. tb;en J am tpont to cat fucb tolpcs tbe 27 Mbence tbe fljearing of Clerbes tofee begining,appearetb fufficictlp eue bp 0ugult.alone.Mberasat tbat time none fnffreb tbeir beare to grotoe , but nice men , f fucb as coueteo a rmotbe« nes $ trtmnes not mete tnougb fo; me: it femeb to be a point of no ga>D eraple, iftbattDerepermptteo to tbe clergpe. ^berfo;eclerhsl»er comaiiDebeitbcr to dbeare tbeir bcab 0; to Ibaue ity tbat tf)e^ (bulb net beare anr IbcU) of tooma libc trimming. iiBut tbis tuas fo como, tbat certain monbes,tbat tf)ev migbt § mo;e fet out tbeir oton bolines \jb ncta ble f feueral attire from otber mcn,Dio let tbeir beare grotoe long. TBut afler^ tearb toben tbc fatbion turneb to toea* ring of beare,i certain nations tuerab bebto cb;i(tianbo tobicb altoap bfeb to toearelcngbcar,as jfrannce, CDerma^ np,anb (£nglanb:itislibelp f clerbes tJJD euerp tober (beare tbeir be bs^leatt tbepf Aug.de oper mo nach in finc» Item in Retraft, ToSaluation. TourtTiBookc. Fol.4<9« Lib, 4. Scn.dift a4.cap.8 ti}2\2 ii) Ji J y^^i\^ ty couct cgc gayncffe of f)care.at v Uft in a co;ruptcr age, tobe a! ob o^Din3ncc0 lucr cpttjer pcrucrtco 0; gone ont of htno mto fuperttition,bi caufc t\)cv ra\B no caufc in ti)c fljcaring of tfji: clergy (fo: tbev tjaD rctapnco no? tiling but a fajliO) countcrfaitmg) tfjcp fleD td a m^l!cr^,lDbub noU) tbei fupcr IlitiouQ^ tbititt in \jnto ua fo; ^ app.io* uing of tbcr^ facramcnt. 2^tje Daj;cKe# pcrs at tbcir cofecratio rcccauc i^ kc^cs of tbc cburcb> lobcrb^ tbe^ nia^ tonocr* SanD ^ tbc hcping of it 10. comttteo to tbeXbc rcaocrs rcccauc (' bolr 13ible. 2Cbc cro;citlc0 rcccauc 1' fo;mcs of cp o.:ctfmed,U)bicb tbci (^olD tfc oucr mao I tbcm t^ arc to be catccbifco.SDbc jflco* l^tbe0 rcccauc t\}z tapers 1 cruet . Hoc tbefc arc tbc cttcmon'^cey tobcrcin ( if ©30 U)il)tbcr 10 fo mud) fccrct polucr, tbat tbc^ ma^ be not oncl\? figncs * to^ kf0,but alfo caufc0 of tnuincibic grace, if oj tbis tbe^ require b^ tbcp; ocfinti- on, tDbcn tbe^ toil b^nc tbcm taken a^ mong tbc facramcnts.XSut to mahe an cnD in fcU) too;Ds, 5 fa? it is an abfur^* Dit^ tbat in tbcir fcb»Dle0 1 canono tben niahc tbcfc Icffcr o^oers facramcmcs; toberas cucn bp tbcr; otone confcffwn tbat tcacb tbi0, tbc^ tocr bnlinotocn to tbcpjimitiucCburcb, tticuifeo manv l?eares after, jro; racrament0,fitb tber containe tbc p;omifc of CoD,can not be o;jrja^neD of ;angcL3,no; of men, but of (JDoD alone , tobofc off uc alone it is to Qme p^omifc. aS SDbcrc remain tb;a o;Der0, tobicb tbct call tbc greatcr.tDf (' VDbicb)^ub* Deaconrr(a0 tbep call it)U)a5 remonco into tbat niibcr, Once t^ tbc route of tbc fmaller onc0 began to grotoc. X5ut bp caufc tbei feme to banc a tcQimonv fo; tbefc out of tbc bJo;o of c once offrcD a facrific" of cter^* nail fatiffatto;rclenDng,t reconciliati' on: an^ noU) alfo being cntrcD into tbc fanauarp of bcaucn, be niaUetb inter* celTion fo; bsjn bvni \uc are al facrift* cing p;icftf0,but to p;avfc5 i gcumoB of tbanf%c0, finallv to offer \30 * ours to Cod. 5t luas bis ftngular office alone, toitbbisoffringtoappcarc^?oD,anDto purge ftnnes. CO ben tfiefc men talic f \3p0n tbf , lubat rcmarnctb but t ttev; facriftcmg p;icffbcDDc is DngoDlv t fi'U of facrilegc;'£:rulv tbci are tco toickcD, lubni tbc)^ Pare garmO) it luith v n^^^^c of a facramcnt . Js toucbmg ^ true of= ftceofp:ieabQ)D>Uibi£biocomenOiDto tos bi' 1^ moutb of v2:b:itt»5 U illmglv ac compnt m tbat Degree, f 0; tbcim is^a ceremoiiv Prno.4 He J.6. g^tg^.ui. \.&0J9J l.TiAi; Of the outvvarde meaiics ,Mat.28. J : 'V?ar.i6, 'oli.lhij- lO.50.i2 )Il,20. palff r;1^0 tftcidct) a p^tcf of feie Diume potocr,U)f}cutnblcU?in0t)po tbc ^po? files be filUDtljetoitbtbe grace cfvJjc \)Qll C^cG.gf sijci? gee abcut to ooc tfee fame tbtnSj tt)f t> e nuicuCi' r cuferfeife (Sod $ uo in a mnner c talrr.ac i)«m lo fiitue lDtti)tl3f:buttf)C^ arc far fro t!)c (fff ct,i Do notfetngU-itlj tljtp fcDltfi) gee Dturmg but mocfec €Mn, tHcrilr tber be fo (SamcIcCTc,^ thei care affirm t'cat tijei? geuc tbe bolv QtjcG.Wut bolg true ^ 10, crpcrience tear Ijctb, Irtifb crrttb out t fo manr as be ccfccrateD pjteCcs are of bo^fcs mate alTcBjCf fojlc jb maDe maDmen.^eitber ^ef to 31 Criue U)itb t!jcm fo; tbat:onelt? 3i fcntemne tl)t iu remon^ it fcif, lubtcb ougbt not to ^aue bene DjalDf n to "be an erample, fojaf* mucb as it tuas tfeD of Cb^ifi fo; a fin^ gular (tgne cf one mtrade ; fo far is tt of , tbat tbe ercufe of folloluing %%» t%* amplc,ougbt to Defend f bcm. 30 Wut of iDbo reccaweD tijef tbe an^ norntingfSLbrr anftocre i Wtx rccra* ueD it of tbc fcnnes of Saron,frc M)t\\\ f btir ojDer alfo tofee fcrgii^ning. SLber^ fo;e \^ti baD ratbcr aitrai to DefciiD tbe felucB ttiifb Uj;jcngful cramplcctta to confcCfe i5 tbemfelues baucDeutfcD ttat U)bicb tbci' tfc fcitbcut caufe. 15ut in tljc meane trme tbef ccnfiter net, tijat iubile tbe^ pjofcCTe f befclues tfce fncc ef* foasof 1^ f6nesof^arcn,tbevare U);cg Doers to tbc |3aif Clioti of €b;i&,tLi;ic|> alcnc teas fi]aDctDeD t figureD bf al tbe ccreaionv?, artt taKen out of tbe ^crip'' turcs,tbc» fuel) a one as paul teilifietb not f 0 be taine no;^ fupcrSucus , but a fattbfuUfigncof fpirituall grace, 2i5ut tebercas 31 baue not fc t it fo; a f birD in the number of faframentcs,3i^ib itbt» m\{t it XB not o;Dinar\? ^ comcn amcg all tbe faitbful,but a fpecial ritefo; one certain omce.515Dt fitl) iW bcno? is ge ucn to tlje €b;iCian miniffcr-^e, tberc is no caufc tberfo^e tob^ tbc popiO) fa* criftccrs (bouloe be paouDe. ire; Cb;ift comauiiDeD Diffributers of bis (Dofpell ano miseries to be o;DaineDjnot faerie fleers to be confecrateD, !^e gaue tbem ccumunDemcnt (0 p;eacb tbe Cofpel f to feDe tbe fiock, not to offer facrificcs. \}t p;cmifeD tbem ^ grace of tbc bolv gbca,uotto mafec fatiffacto;r purging cf fumesjbut rigbtl^ to crecute anD to maintain tbe goucrnment oft cburcb. 29 SEbe ceremonies agree teri? u^el \d tbc tbing it felf.£)ur lo?D tobcn be fent fo;tb tbc^pofiles to p;eacb tbc gofpel, DIPD blcU) topon tbem.)i5p tobtcb fifin be rcp;efenteD tbe potoer of tbe bolr Q:boC tobicb be gaue tnto tbem. SLbts Woto^ ing tbefc gojD men banc retatn£tj,f as tbDugbtbe\?DiDput fo;tbtbc bolr cbott out at tbcr; tb;ote,.tbcv fcbifper oucr tbeir fiUy p;iclfs i tbei mafecHeceiuc tbc bolv gljot^' ^0 Ifaue tl:e\?nctbrng iDbicb tbei DO not oucrtbteartlr center* fait; i teil not fat li^c placers (tcbicbc ^fctber; gcfiuringcsne^tbpr tuitbout ait no; icout f^gnificatiojbut hljcapes [ olDfacrificing^D;ieCbfl3Ds.3in biir. tber u>bicbccutcrfait euer\? tbt«9 iKatcnlp fo;e ibev tccreall ccntaincD t fulfilleD, Lib.7. Scnten, 'difti.24. capi.8* et in ca- non dift, 2i.cap.i. •oh 11 45 ano U)itbo'utaut cbotfc. W;C hcpc (far tbev)tbe evaple of tbc lo;D.li5nt v ilo;D DiD mani? tbinges tobicb be IwillcD not to be eramples to tsXbc 3Lo;D favt to tbe Difciplcg,l\cceiue i\t bolp gbofi.i^ic fa^iD alfo to iiatarus, iiajaruscomc fo;tb.iBe fa\?D to "ibe ma ficU of tbc ^Dal* fci>.iiife t Uml^e.Mbi! Do tbct not far tbefametcallDeaDmen « ftche oftbc in brm tber ceaiTeD , as fee bauc fcme^ times alreaDr rcpeteD,$ tbc CBpifllc to t l^cb;ues feitbcut belp of anr glofcs, Myq doc tbev not baCilt fofec oren, caUies,f l^bes to mabc facrificcs^fSDbci bauc in Dcoe a gcDD part cf tbc clDe STa^ bernacle 1 of tbc InbcleSctoiaic maner of too;(bipping ; but ret tbrs fcantetb in tbcr; rciigion ^ tbcr 00 t^ot facrifice calues, ToSaTuatFon. caluj3 an^ oxcn.UX\)o ra not fec,ftf)i8 ebfcruatio of anno)?nti3t3 macb mo;c burtful tlMH Circuciftan,rpccia{lv toljc tf?cr is atJio^ncD fnpcrftition aiio poa« rifaicaU op^jiiioit of tljc \u3;t(rmcac of ]iin^2i if a; ti)c31ctoc3 Dio fet in Cir* ciimdfion, tratt of rigbtuonfncs; tljcfc men Do fct ill anornting,rpiritn(i! ara* cefl.:SCI)crcfo:c to!)^lc tijcp roiiet to be countcrfaitcrs of tijc ileuifcs, tbcparc niviociipoll-atacsfro CbJiftjRn'D Do put tt)em fcluc0 from ttjc office of pallors. 31 2C!)is i5 (if goD Unl)tl)c Ijoir oile tfjat p;intctl7 tl)c marUe tt)at cart not be ra* ccD out.2l3 ttpugj) oi!c cotilo not be tot* peo alDa^ toitb ouft % falt,o; if it fticbe fatter,U)itb fope.lSut tbis marh i0 fpi» ritual. ^^atbatb oilc to Do )c6 p fouler i^aue^tbep fo;30ttc tbat tobicb tijep oft cbaijt to t)0 out of 3ii3u(hnp,tOat if tbe too jD be taken fro tbc teater, it Qmlbe notljin^ but toater , % ttjat it batb tbvs fr6t!)c too.:D ^ it isa facranir tf CClbat too;D toll tbci Qjcto in tijeir fiit liquo;? ^Ui tf^er Ojeto tlic coinaiiDcmcnt tfjat Ex.yx^o^ toas (reue to ^fc0,cocerning f> anovn tinr; of {> fons of i!arof %5at tljtt is alfo fomafioement geiien,oftb2coate, tbc cp.^D,tne bat, .tbe crotone of bol weffc, toitb tobicb ^aron toasto be garniQ}eo f of tbe coate3,girDie0,J mitcro,tolKr« toiti; tbe fons ofilaron tocre to be do- tbeD.lIbcre is co!nmaro?rnent gcurn to !;il a calfc, i burnc tbe fat of Him fo2 irrccnfe,to ctrt ramuies anD biimetbe, to fanrtiiic tljeii^ eares aiiD ganntn'cs toifi;tbe bloao rf c.n otfjcr ranmiCy'uiD innumerable otl>cr cbfematioSjtobicb bcin3 piSTcD oaer , i :nariicil to^7V tbe oncip aijopntiiig of c^'c pieafttvj tbem. ISntiftbcv toifcfob.cru:i!i{»lcD, tobp arc tbii ratl)cr fphHUko Untbc^if fijan toitb blouD:* jro>rotbtbc^>goc about a toittr tl'Msi'-, to mfil'C Cijc » :!igicn pf as it lE^rc of patcb^a foto£atogrf!):r. '^_ rourdiBook-e. po*. 2brrefo:c fbnFannopminj ftinhei^ I "^ to!)icb iotoitbout {) f.ilt, rbat t5,{' toe;.") of OoOi^wcre rcmarnrtblaring en of ban5i7,to']icb as 3 graut:t in trpc t lato fui iD;oerii!gf0to be a facramcnt, fo 3 benr tbat irbatb anv part in thvs plap, to!)crc tb?r neitbrr obcr tbe cammaun bcmeut of CI): iff, no; lyaw lefprtt to ^ f nbe tobtrennio tbe pioniifc enable to lcaDet)3.3rti)cp U,ill not dauc vSt figne &enreD tijcm, tbev mull appip u to'rbc tbmg it rcIiVjtolKrcunto it iBapovnteD. 32 aOoot tbc oMicr alfoof Di-aconnc 3 toolD not arinetoitbrbr,if tb.it fame mtnittcnetol}tcbtoj5 in the Jpottlcg time I in tbe purer cburcfi ujcrc rcQc^ reo to p bnco:ruptcD Hate ttvreof.Uut tobatlifxetl>mgljanctber U'bom tbofe mcnfaineto be DcacEc^ J, fpcahe net of p mr (Icatt tbev flu»lD coiupldinc tb.it p Doitrine is to;ongi'unp U)cict» bi (> faub tessftbe mfn}bnt Jaffirmc f fo:tbcff tobotbcpbeliuerDs bp tbeiroottrmc, tbep bntoo;tbtlp fctcb tc rinnonie from tbf craple ortbcm tobo tbeapoQclthc | fbnrcb o^ffeincD Draccs.ilbf p (a^ tbat ; itpcrtcpnctf;to tbcir Deacons toflanD bp tbe {>:iea£:, to nunifter m al tbtnges tbat are hoik m tbe facrainento,nanie- IptnlSaptirmcm tbe fl;:cfn:e mtbc j^tincin tt]C cbalir e:tc b;ing m p offc* rings ano lavtt/cmtpon tbe altar, to malte reaop tbe to:D5 fable, anD to co* ucr it: tacarrp tiicCroCTe, to piononcc an) fmg tlyc gor^jrll a:n Cpittle to tt)e petijie. -iis bercaup one Ujo;D cf p true numttcrie of Dc.uoiis:' .Oaiuc let ts beare tbe inRitutHig of tbem. C'p^on p Deacon t:)\t in c;ccrco, tljc ]i5'U)Cp iL*[ Ion: Iiietb hiB bar.o.l")e lautba p:aper j bt rte anD a 5^; aalc bpcn bvs Ictre ff)oul | Dfr.tiiai be n:ap fcnDcriiuD tbat be iii'Xti rcccppcD tbilpghte poticcftbc !Lo;d* wbrrrbp l;e map fubD'Jc to ti)e feaix of OotiibcfctaiDgcis ttivit pccrcriicto tbclcrt li3g. \^: Qeuctg bpmtbetcrtc tr-^Q^^.iiii. 460. cf 'j)P.J9, Oftheoutvvardc mcanes of ttie gofpel, t^at ^c ma? pcrceiuc ftim I felf to be a pubUQ)tr of tt.ani) tubat be longctfjcfetbcfc tbingesto 2>eafonsf I SDb^S bo euen U^e a0 if a ma tuolD fa? ^ be oea con$,tx}bom tbet inllttutc onl? tbeir tn tcrluDeltfee plaies.^ea ano b? tbe bcrp namcitfelfc tbcj? fufficientl? bcclare tobat mancr of office tbc? baue. Sfoi tbegcaltbcm ileuitcs,t iuil banc tbeir o^Der ano beginning referreo to § M^ b;enofileoi. W^Wh3tQtutt\)ika\iC to co,fo tbattbe? bonotaftertoarogar nitbe tbem toitb tl)t fctbers of otbcr» 33 ^f fubbeacons to Uibat purpofei^ it to fpcafecf iro; tnberas in bao tbei Hier in oloe ti^mt appointed fo^ care of tbe pa3^e,tbe?airigne tQt\)tm Stootcnot tPbat trifling buOnelTe, as ti7b;ing tbe cbalice i tbe patine, t\)t lit! e cruet ijuitb Vuater,f tbe totoel to f altar, to poto;e Uiater to toad) baO04c. /j^olu lubercaa tbe? fpcaUeof rece?uinganb b;jinging in of otferingSjtbci meane tbofe lobicb tl3zv bcuourc as ababoneb to tbeir boii bfc.Mitb tbis office bcr? lucU agratb tl)t fo;imc of tbeir confecrating . S^bat be rcce?uc of f be bitbop, tbe patine ano tbe cbalice: of ? ^rcbbeac6,tbe cruet 46 teater, tbe manuale, t fucb otbcr bag:* gagc.li2ilitbin tbefc trifles tl^ci require to bane bs confcffc tbat tbe bol? gbott is cnclofcD.Mbat gobl? ma ca abibe to graiit tbis^iEut, to make once an cnbe, U)e ma? betcrmtnc ? fame of tbe i^ toe DO of ^ rcfl-. jjiertbcr nab tuc to repete furtber tbofe tbings tlmt are aboue be* clarcD. SDbis ma? be cnougb to tcacbe tbe foberano iDitltng to Icaine (tobom 31 baue talien in banc to inttruct) t tber is no facramcnt of goo but tober is Ibc^ Ujeba ceremonic io?ncD U)?tb a p^o* mifcioj ratbcr bcril? but tuber is a p^o mifc fene in a Cercmonie. I^ere is not foiiD one enable of ani certain p^omife fet : berefo^e it toere in baine to fche a cercmcn?toconfirme tbe p;cmife.0» gain of tbofe ceremonies tbat tbe? bfe, it is not reo tbat an? one is inftitutt of goDXberfoje bere ca be no facrament. Of Matrimonie. 34 S^be lad is ^atrimonie, lubicb as al men cofes to be o;beineD of gob,fo no ma bntil § time of Gregory euer fatoe t\)at it toas geuen fo; a ^acramet.^nb lobat fober ma toolb euer baue tbougbt ttf 3!t is a gcDb anb bol? o^binace of gob : fo tillage,carpentrie,(boemahf rs craft, barbers craft, are laliufull o;binaces o f goD,anb?eC tbe? are no facramentes. if 0^ tber is not onl? t^is requtreo tn a facrament tbat it be tbe bDo;&e of goo, but tbat it be an ontloarb ceremonie ap pointeb ofdDootoconfirme a p;omife. %\)at tbere is no fucb tbing in ^atri* monie,ber? cbtlo^e alfo ca iubge. I^ut (fa? tbe?) it is a fignc of a bol? tb?ng, t^atis, of tbe fpirituaUconio?ning of Cbjift U)itb!tbe cburcb.Jf b? tbis Ujo;d ^igne,tbe? bnoerffano a toben fet be^ fo^e bs of goo to tbis cnbe to ra?fc bp § affurebncs of our ifa?tb,tbe? are farre befiue tl)t trutb . 3if tbe? fimpl? tafte a ligne foj tbat iubicb is b^ougbtetoep p^es a fimilitubci toil Ibeto boto toit^ ttl? t\)c^ reafon. paule ra?tb : Ss one ftar btfferetb fro anotber (far in b;iigbt* nes,fo Ibalbc tl)t refurrectio of ^ oeao. 3lo bere is oncfac ramntt.Cb;ift faitb. liSbe btgbom of beaur is like to a grain of muflarbfcoe . ilo bere is anotber, 0ga?ne. SLbe ferngbomeofbcauen is M^t bnto leauenXoebere is tbetbiro. Cfa? fa?tb.#iebolD,tbe llo^b (bal feeoe btsflocfeeasaftepcberbe. ja^oebcie cor.ij-, 42. IS Mac.i3» 3M.33. £f 40.11 EC42«'3» To Saluation, i.Th.j.2 loh.io.u where growcth Hcllc- bor,a good purgatio for phrc To ialuation, Fouitli l^oolvC. S^ fourtb. Sn nnottjcr p late. Cbc loiDJcburcb asl)inifclf,rca boUi ht ir.aDcbi' Gial flo fo;tlj &e a Oiant.Lo tjcic ib tbe ! fclf one \mH) bis fpoufc tbf Cburcb, be fiftb-ifinall^jUibat cno o; mcfurc a}all | appUctb to bim tbofe tbings Uibicb ^'o tbcrc bc^ E^bcrc is notbius but bv tbi8 fee rcpo;tctb )^ ^cain fpahc of bi^ifflf- mcanc it Ojalbc a ^acramrt.l^oU) ma* 5? o; lubcn Cue Voae b;oijgbt into bv« nr parablc0 ano fmulituDca arc in tbc figbt>U)l;o be bneU} to bauc brn fljapr n &cripturc,fo maiiT' Sacraments tbcic outofbiBriDcitbisluomjin Jaittbc/s flialbc ^ca t tbcft fljalbe a »acrnmct, a bone oi' my boncs,t f ItU) of mv n»-fl)- btcaufe it is tLVittcn.tbc Dar of tbc lo;D , Paul ii fiiftctb i^ al tbi8 Ujab fpiritiiab Anticira is uue atbcfc.cabo can abiDC tbcfc fo. Iv fulnilcD ui Ch;iQ t tf.ioUn be Utb ubiaer5p;atinarofolin)liv3israuiUin ^ic arc members of bio bcove,crb?o ScDc tbat fo oft Ib toe fe abincit is toc^ f lcfb,t of bis boncs.vea « one flclb toitb rl LI to cal to rcmcmb;ancc ^ tobub bim.at IcnGtbc be aoDctb a ccncluD.rfl Chiitt favtb, 31 am a tome. YC be b;aun* fentcnceXbis isa great mvCcrT.OnD rtSmv father 16 tt)ctomcD;cirer. ^o IcaGanvmanlbulDbccccciueDU) tbc Xas a ftcpbcarD toitb bis flocUe com. . Double ftfimfvtns of v Uio;Dc,be crpzrf for Bhrc m.?h to^Toc ts , it IS 50)0 alfo tbat ! fetb ^ be fpcaUetb not of tbc Hclbli con- Sects rb« curt mmo^^ ! torn.naofniananOto3ouian,butof tijc ^ Ihepbeam, m^ aict pe bcarc mr to.ce. fpiritual manage of ^b;ift 1 1' cbu^^b- mt If an? man aDOc fucbc fumlit udcb to tbc number of ^acrammtcs, be w matctobefenttoanti^cira. k'^-«t Ge.i J3.| janD trulp It IS u\ DcDc a great mvQer? ^ Ctb;ift fufticD a nb to be taken from bimffclf, U>berof luc miflbt be (bapen:^ Eph J.J? "*« t ,h« ft I UV foVtb tbt toojM of IS to (arc When be luaa ttror.s.bc toil 'i'"fw!M;rrtorarcnSc"of fc.. bcm.X5ut U>,,. U r-gbtfull i^ tbc U;bolc tburcbjbuaufc tocarcmcm , ^^^^^ ^^^ p,„-..n)mrnt of bol).,of b«nttb » on,« U ncBj , B ;g„o,„„c:p.-.ulc favD.jprOtr.c: , 0^1 ' «»« '°X^[^*, a stMt n>a : bauc left being not tnufco U., tb L.tin HDD nf °f "'^/.^Ha , I tburcb. carcB,o; nugbt bauc tianfiatco it a fee cr«mct:but 3 ffj,'" Z;^*' " * ^t'^ „,„ „.tt:be tbofe ratbcr to ,,ut in t1;c teo;o IBut fo to DanBlc g ["'f '"[":'', ° To aacraincnt, vet m no etUcf fcnfc tban 5lebca..cnant.c«tbtosc;bcr^^^^^^^ , J^Xw In CrcUc calico it H^vflcrrc tetbfoJtb<£l)»tttotbcfo;anc»nito^ ? bcvbaucfolonoi nioltc foUUr bene if o; as be poureo fojtb s ko^^ »f «»» ' """f ^ ' ,f ,„^it,r,, (ucb ao off cctl, Uinoncsttpontbccftnrtb V-*"^*^\«» ;' " ftobcpt^tciucDof cueruna t-nt cfpoufeotobimfclf:fo»usbteucr.n jSen.dm. p.cap,4 Ij in. Dec. jCa»Cu. jSccretasj [CoLcap 1 jLex dill |Jbi Decj [111 JLJccre J32.quc 2,' !ca. CXiic-i Iquid. OFtlic outvvarde meancs Siir.otbc tbe SCranQatoj batft tjfeD tt, I in il}t fcif fame cpiftleto tbe epbefi* aaan euer? place fo? i^^tter?, 15at let tl)is aipping be parDoncO tftcmiat lealJ tl)z licrs oHgfjt to Ijaue baD a goD reme b^ante. jfD;,U)bent&e^l)aaeoncefet out ^atrinionv ^i^ ^^^^^ ^^'^ ^acra=^ ni?at,afl:crU3ari3 to cal ii t)nclcnues,De nil^yl §en}lv filtl)tnc0,^olD gioo^ ligOt* n25 13 tl)isi i^oto great an abfuroit^ is it to Debar pjicllfl from a ^acramcntf 5f tbcr 5-n^ ^ ti)C\? Debar f^em fro tbe facramcntjbat tVo tl^? luUe of copuUti^ on : t!)ei> efcape not fo atoa^e from me» ifo; t'oc^ tcacb # tlje copulation it fclfe 13 a part of tbe facrament,anD ]5 bi it a* Isnc i0 figures tfrc tjntting ^ toe Ijatte li}it:o Ci)nft in cofb;tmitr of nature: bi* caufe mam tooman are not mao^e one biit bi carnal copalation.ipo^beit fom cf ti)cm baue bere foun tujo facramcts: tlie one of goD i t^c foule, in tbe betron* tlytn man i Uioman:tbe otber of Cbzift am tbc cbtircb>in tbc !)ufbani>e anci tbe tuifi^. ^otoCoeuer it be, i?ct copulation 13 a farrament, from IsJbicb it ivas bn* lalBful ^ ani CbiiiCrtan Syulo be Debar* rea panics peraaur tare tbe facramfts of Cl);ittias do fo ilaarsj, ^ tbcp canot (lani>c toget!)er. Mere is aKo anotber a'afurDitic in ther;^ Doctrines. £Dbe^ af* ftrme Vmt in tbc .^acramente i0 geuen the grace of tbe l^olp gfjoSttrjei? tearbc tbat copulation 10 a ^ac ramcnte : anD t\)c^ Dcnp tfjat at copulaticn tbe i^cl^e qi'mit isi at anv time p:cfcnt. 37 janD>bicaniC tijc^ tooulo not Gmplr mocH tbe cburcb)botD long a roto of er^ ro.i!5,lie0>Deccits, i toicfeeoneffes fjauc tbei? Unit to one erro;; fo ^ a man ma^ (aVf ^tbe\»DiDnotbingbutffiefeeaDcn of abbominations, toben tbep maoe of matrimon^e a ^acr^men'.iFo; toben tl)2^ once obteineD tbi0, tl)ep o^etoc to t^em feluc0^ l^earing of caufes of ma^ trimon^:fo; it toss a fpiritual matter, tobicb profane iuDges migbt not meolc toitl). Sen tittv maoe latoes,tol)erb? tbe^ ftablif^cD tbeir f irannv, but tbofe partly maiiifcftli? toickeo againftgon, f partly mo0 tniud totoaroe men. ^s ar t\)e(t: t^at mariages maDe bcttoene ^ong perfans toitbout confent of tfee^^ parents, l^lo remain of fo;ce 1 (fabli* l^jo.SCbat tht mariaccs be not latoful bettojene binffolkes to tht feuentb oe^ Dc.iS.tf.. grce: anD if an^ fucb be maDe,^ tbe^ be Diuo;ceD.aiiD V ^cfe Degrees tbc^ faine againtJ tbe litos of al natioas>i agaitt ^ ciuile gouernment of ^ofes.E^bat it be not latoful fo? a ma tbat ^atb put a^ toav an aDaltcrclTcto marrp an otber. SDbat fpiritUiiH kinffolftes mai? not be couplcD f mariage.jECbat tber be no ma riages ccleb;at,from ^eptuagefime to Goflibs. ti)e tstasof Ci;aacr,in. 3. toaijes -before spiDfomer^noi fl'OBi i?il3uent to %\otl(^ tiDe.^iiD mumcrabic otber lihe,to!jtcb it toerc long to rebearfe.at lengtbc toe muft crepe outc of tbeir miie,toberein our talke batb noto tarieo loiigcr tfja 3 toalD.^ct i ttjinli j bnue fomtobat p;o fiteD, tbat =jl baue partly piuclieo tic U^ ons C^liis from t^0 aSes^ Of ciuilc goucrnemcnt. x7^toeto^erasto!J ^a^e abeuc fctte rcquirctl) tljat toeefpeahc fomcto|«t ^Vm UinDcs of gouci'UJiient in man: alio of tbe otber, tobvc'o pcrtcinctb on^ anbtobeveaslwcbauc fpsken encug^c | ii^e to tbe ciuile auo cuttoarDe tn^f of tbe cue Itino tobicb confifcetb mhc i tcGufnelTc ^ manners. i?o.i tlie courfe (3uU&nntbein"'0Darocnwn>attURatb eftb^s matter I'iemctb tebtcfcucf refpccte to cferiiaU life : tb^ placi , reo. from tlae ^iotiulf'S^nctraie of —'^—" M^mr ' To yaluatioru Fourth Hookc. iftntl),tDt)if!) S tclicln (jaD to cntrciTtc ^ h7ng7as'tli^c7fripturcpIainlT'Tcnct^citj, of:iPct tJjc p;occDnifl fljall fijcUic ttjat 5 : tl)at u ip n rpirituall frutcliljicl) is ga- DoriGbtfuIIi>(ovntljrtogc(Ijcr,tcai^ i \ tlifrcDoftf)clcnffttofCt):ifl,mntm' am of nccctruic copcIlcD to Do it:rpccinl i bcr to ferpc U-itUn ttc Lcunirc t^rrrof l^ iitl) on tljc one fiDc,n5aD * barbiUouB | t'ljis Ul.clc liucrtvc U.Ijicb to p;cinWcD men DO furifiuCi go about to outrtb^oto i ano cfticb Ic :n bim. J?o:,lr)Ijnt ijb tbc tbiG o;Ofr ttablifljcb bvCoD : f en v o, | tbcr CiDcp fldftci'cs of p;tncc£,ncuaun ToT -f.i. cingtbcirpolucr Itout mcafuic, Dirfe not to fet it againft tb c cmpa'c of Cod bimfelfc.CinleB botb tbcfcmifcbcucgbc met toal,^ ptircnes of faitb fljalbe loft. iBcOoe tbat it ii? not fmali^ foj our be* bofcto ImoliJ boU) loningl v gob batb m tbts bebalfc p;!0uiceb fo; mahmb, tbat tbermarflo^ifi) intg a greater DcGre of gobluies to tDitncs our tbaUfuInclTe. if irft,erc Ine enter mto ^ tbmg it ft Ife, lue muft bolb fall tbat DiQmaio tubub Uje baue aboue rct,leaC(as it common I^bappcnctbtomanv) trc bnlovfcli? miglc tbefc ttoo tbings togctl)er,U)bieb baue altogctber biuerfe ccnliDeration. i?o; iwbcn tbet l)c^rc il liberty is p;o* mifeD b^ J aofpcI.U'bicb achnolukgctb amog men no king anb no magitlrate, but batb rcgaroe to ClniH alone : tbcp tbinkctbat tbfi?fantaUe no fruitc of tbcir Igbertie , fo long as tbcv fee am? potocr to banc p;aminence ouer tbcm. S:bcrcfo;c tbcv tbinUe tbat notb^ng (balbc fafe,'bnlcCretbe tubole iuojlDc be rcfb;meDintoa nctuc falbion : luberc ma^ neitber be iubgcment0,no; laUis, no; magiftratcs, noj an^c fucbc tbing tubicb tbei? tbinhc to luitbftanoc tljcn libcrtp.^^ut UJbofof uer ca put Diffcrrce fai:fc Uhv tbc fimc -apcfilc iLbicbbilJ' Cal.3.28,1 DctO \is to RLq,i net to bf mate fi:l icct '(^^j '' to tbr rolic of bcncacc,!n cnctbrrpUfc fojbiDuctb bene fciuonfs to be carcfull of ibcti C.'.tc , but bicfiufe fptrituull li» tert? mav taf IdcU agree \r.itb cmilc bouDagc^ Ju lubicb fcnff aUc tfccfe btfl fapsngcare ti^br tahcn : JntbctiitTgbo of Cod tbLT ic no 3;ct),no; Orecian,no male no: fcmalc,uc Ic tma nc; frrma. jagarnjEbcr^ is no 31^^ no; Crccian, CircumciOon. wlnr ucumrifion , 13ar* barinn,^cvtltan,Xronmran,i?recma: but Cb;in IS all in all.^lbcrbr be fig» nifietb,ll)at it mnUctb ro nuittir in tobateftatetboube amcng men, no; tnbertbclalucij of U'bat nr.ticn tbcn liuca:fo;afmucb as in ttcfc tbvngc cc* QGf thnct tbc lungtomr cf Cb;ifl^. 2 i^et Dotb not tbvfi cillmdicn tentc j bcrcunto,tbat Ice Qjoulb thmh tbat tbc U)bolco;Ccr of polictc it an imclcnncl tbr*i3,not pertaining at all to Ok 1 0 la men^o in cebe to t pb;cnti!;c men, I? arc DclitcD bcitb bnb;itirkD lie cnciouf* ncfTctrY cot i boalT. jro;(favtb bcyUc be beab bv CbJift to ^ elements of tbvs too;lb,? being remoucD mto tbc i.uig*i Dome of Ocu CO fit among tbc bcai:cnlp | oncsitbct tbmUc t it la bi.lucjtbrefo; j \3Sy ano farre bencaf b ci:r crrellcnce,to | bctUjcnc tbeboDpanb § foulcbcttDcnc be occiiprcb U:itb tbcfe p:opbanc ano tbis p;efent t tranlito;^? life, anb v l-.fc tnclcane cares tbat are buficD abcut Gal.5.6. i.G)r,7, 21 to come I etcrnal:bc ftjal not barolr bn Derftano tbat tbc fpirituall bmgDom of Cb;ift> ano tbc cimlc goucrnmentarc tbingfi far a fonbcr. ^itb tberfo;e tbat is a 3|cl»iC) t;anitr,to f«xbc anb enclcfc tbc bingoome of Cb;iftc tjnocr ibc cle^ ments of tbis luo;lb:let tsratbcrtbin affapcs notprrtainincT to a Cb;iGian man. £:alnbat purpofe .fare tbcp) are laU'CS loitbcut uibgmcnts # lucgment f:atesf 13ut bobat batb a Cb?iftwm ma to DO VKitb lubscmentcB tbf felues: ^ca if it be not lalufuU to Uill,toberto fcrue laU)cs ant) icDgtmentcs nncng ts; i£ut i9> Of the outvvarde meanes )!5ut 05 toe baue euernioln geucn toar iung,ti)at tbts feint of goucrnemcnt is fcueral front tEjat fpiritual ano inluaro UingoomofcbJitt: fo it is alfo to be feno Ujenpfbc)?not{)ins oifagrec fogetljer, ifo;,tbeciuile gouernemmtDotbnoto begin in ts tjpon eart'g certaine begins nings of tbc bcauenli? fein3Uom,anO in tW nioital ano tanii^ing life uotb as it Ujcre enf re tjpo an immortal anD im cozrnptiblc blclfckjncsibatfbe intent of t\)iB fpirituall gouernemcnt is, fo long as tocfl^alliue among m?n,tocberi(b ano mamtaine tbc outtuaroe toojlftip ping of (DoDjto ocfenD t\)t founODoctrin of goolincs ano f be ftate of tbe cburcb, to frame oar life to ^ feloUjQjip of men, tofaObionourmaners tociuilc rigbte* oufncs,to procure t3S into frenDtl^ippe one iDitb an otber, tono;ii{|j common peace ano quietneiJtaU tobicb J graunt to be fuperflaous , if tbe Uingoo of goD, fucb as it is noto among tjs, do Deftroi? tl)isp;erentlifc. ilButiftbetoiUofgoD bcMbattoetubilc toe long toloarD § beauenlr coutree, djoalD be toa^faring our meaning is to baue tbts cnip tnber If anoeo,^ to tbinfee to t^iue it atoar,is outragious barfaaroufnes, § tfe tober^ of is no les among men, tban of b;jeaD, toater,tbe run,anD aire,but tbe Dignity mucbe mo;e ercellent. Jfo; it tenoef b notonlrbeereunto (tobicb is tbe onl^ commobitp of al tbofe tbings)tbat men mar b;eatb, eat,D?infe ano bccberitbeD (altbougb in betje it comp^^ebenoetb all tbefe tbingSjtobile it mafeetb tbat tbet? line f ogetber) ^ct 31 fat?, it tenuetb not bcrruntoonl^: but alfo tbat ioolatr^, facrilegesagainll; p name of CDoDjblaf:? pbemies againlt bis trutb,f otber offe * ces of religio ma^ not rife bp i be fcat;« tcreo among t^t people, ^ comon quiet be not troubled, ^ euert? ma mar feeepe bf s oton fafe t tjnappeircD,^ men map tfe tbeir affaires togetber looutburtc, tbat boneQr i moDeftr be feept among tbem:finaUt» ^ among Cb^iHiansmap be a comon (beto of religion , j among men mai be manlifee ciuilitie.ij^ettber let anr man be moaeD,fo^ ^ 3 ooe noto refer t\)t care of ftablifljing of religion from bomc bpon t\)e cartbtano fitbe tbe to t\)t policie of men,tobicb 3 fame be tjfe of fucb toarfaring ntnm fucb bel^ fo^t to baue fet toitbout t\)e iuogement ]3t3ytht^ tobicije tafec tbcm from man, ' of me.jf o^ 31 do no moje bere, tbS 3! bio tjotafeefrom \)^m \)^sMtt\i nature of|befo;e,geue men leaue after tbeir oton man.if oj toberas tbei? allege tbat tbcr toil to mafee latoes cocerning religio t is 10 great perfcrtion in tbe cburcbe of, tbe too;inbipping of (SoD,toben 31 alloto ©00, tbat ber otonc mooeraf e gouern* § o;tJinace of policie, tobicb 0nDcuo;jetb ment fufficetl) it to; a latoe:tbei? tbem^ ; Wcunto, ^ tbe true religion \s)l)itf)t is fclues DO foUOjlr tmagin tbat perfectly [ cotarnea in § lato of CDoD, be not open^ on tobicb ca neuer be fouiiD in t\)t com* l? t ^ntl) publifee facrileges fralp b;o^ mon fellotoftjip of men. i?o; figbte of , ^en f Defileo. 313ut t reabers being bol* nougbtye men 0 p^ioe is fo great, « tbe pen b? i tjerp plainneffe of ojoer, d^ll toicJseones fo obttinatcas canot be re* better bnoerftab tobat is fo be tbougbt ftraincD \d great Gjarpneffe of latoes: of P tobole feinoe of ciuile goucrnment, tobat tbinfe toe ^ tl^t^ toilDo,if tbcr f^e tf toe fenerallr entreat oft parts tber* tJnpuniOjeD liberty lie ope to tbeir leuD of Cber be t\);0i partes of it: tbe ^m^ ncirc,U3bicb can not cam \s)it\) fo^ce be fuificientlr compelleD not to bo euel:? 5 Wat of tbe o^Der of policr>tber fbalbe an otber fitter place to cntreate. jj^otoe/ ftrate,tobicb i« p gouerno; f beper of v latoes: ths latoes,accojbig to tobicb be gouernetb: tbi people,tobicb are gouer nco br t latoes, i obey tbe magigrate« SDberfo;e Ex,22,8. Pf.82.1. Ioh.io.3j Dcuj.i6 I. Cor, 19 6, Pro. S. If To Saluation. JSDficrfoie let tfi firtt wnCDcr of ttic of* fice of t^e f^agiftratf, ttjfjctficr it be a latofuU location, nno allotoeo of Cod, totwt manor of office l)c batIj,QnD botuc great 10 Ijis poU)?r : tijjn Ivitb iul^at la* tDes a Cli;iaian ciuilc ftate i» to be 0;* Dcreoitfjen laft of alljtobat profit of iiit latucB coimnctb to \\)t propIr,U)t^t rc' ucrence is Due to tf)c tpagitQrate. 4 SDtjeJlo^obatbnotonlptcttifieoj^ ttic office of magift rates is alolucD anD acceptable to l)ittT,but alfo fetting outc tfje DignitT! tberof toitb mtjft bono;ablc titles, bcbatbe maruelouQr comcnDeD it bnto tjs. %\)({t 35 niat» retjerfe a fctoe oftbe. MberastDbofoeuerbeinplace of magiffrates, are natmo goDs, let no man tbinUe ^ in v^ naming isfmal tm- po;tancc : fo; tbci bp is CgniftcD i tbe? bane commaunDement from C3oD,tbat tbe? are furnifbcD toitb ip autbo;tti?cof dDoD, f DO altogctber bear tbe pcrfcn of goD,tobofe fteDe ^ty^ do after a certain mancr fuppl^XbiiS is not m? cauilla^ fion,bnt tbe erpofiti0nofalomon,^ it is bis Voo;fte tbat hings reignc, anD counfellers Decree rigbteouj tbiiigs, i> |3;tnces bear p^incipalif^, f al tbe iuD# ges of tbe eartb erecutc iuDgemft. iro; Ms vs all one in effect, as if it baD bene faiD,^ it commetb not to pas bv tbe per uerfneCfc of men, ttit tbe goucrnnicnt of all tbings tn cartbe, is in tbe b^ino cf kings ano ofbcr rulers, but br tbe pjc- uiDenccanDbol? o;Dinanfc of Cod, to Fourth Bookc iDbom it fo femet) gcoD to o;Der f be ma* ters of men : fo;afmncbe as be is botbe p;efentanD p;caDent among tbcm in making cf lalues,anD in rrecutmg bp* riabtnes of iuDgcments. CThicb Paul alfo plainlv tfdcbctb,U)bf be recKenctb goueinmrnts among tbe gifts of C^D, UilM(bbcmgciucrarDitfritutcDacfo;» Ding to tbe Diuerfltpe of grnccougbt to be cmplorcD cf tljc frruats of Cb;iC to the cDificati 6 cf tbe cburcb. if 0; altbogb be tberc p:cpcrlv fprulitfbofa cciinccl ofgraue XMn, fcubicb in tbe ]:Vnmiiuc cburcb toer apovntcD i' tbep Ojnlo bauc tbe rule of o;Df ring {• publihe Difciplin (U>bicb office m tbe epiflle to tbe Co;* rinfbians be calletb gotiernen'.ent) pit fc^jfmucbas tee fee ^WbeenD cfciuilc poVcer commetb to tbe fame povr.tc, it is no Dout but f be romentetb tnto tc all liinDc of iuCe Couernmcnt.i5ut be fpraUctb mo;e plainlv, inhere be pur* pofeiv' mahetb a ful Difcourfe of i} mat> tcr. Jro; be botbe fl)eU)etb f poluer is p o;DiiiaceDfgoD,anDf'f[;rrfircnopoUjj er5,bnttberareo;ceii'«rD cfnioD:.inD^ tbep;inces tbrfeluesare tbe miniftcrs of goD to {' terl Doers bnto p:aire:to tbe euil,reuengers Vnto Uj;atb.rffreunto marbeaDDeDalfo p cnimplrs cf !;clp mcn:of tobicb fom banc pcUcffiDlnng^ Do6,as DauiDjIorincCjccbtfis : cttf r fom ILo;Dlbipi',ac Jcfe^b aiiD jDni.irl; otber fomr,ciuil gciiernments in a fret people, as a^ofes, Jofiin, anD y iuDges: Uibofc offices tbe to,:Dl:atbDetldreD ^ bcalotuettj. ^Siberfo; ncnc ounbt nolD j^ toDcut ^ tbeiimlpoUierisaUocaiton, not onlr bolr t i-i^f'J'l bcfc;e CcD,bnt ' alfo tbe nioH bolr» anD the mot! boneft of all otber in (be lt)bole life of men. s- ELber \rbicb :ouct to b;iiig in a (late iDOUt rulrrfi,taUc erception f far, tbauio eyboitctl) all Uigs I rulers to kiffc tlje fon ofilDoD l)c Dotb not bio tJjcm, cjcuing ojicr tbeir autijo^ rif t,to (taiic tS^fclue£5 to a p;iuatg life, but to fubmit tlje poU)er ^ tbe^ bear to €^rMi V ^)^ <*lonc map bauc p;cljenn«» ncncc aboue all. Cifecluife <£fap,lBbcn be p;jonnfctb tbat kings (balbe fofterfa t^ers of tbc djuccb* ano idtlucncs t^albc niirfcs, lye Dotbc not Depofe ttfcin frqm tbeir bo»o.2: b«f ^^^^)^^ ^o^^^ bf an bo^ noiable title maJtc tljcm Dcfenoers to {> goDlv tuojdnppsrsof goD.ifo^,^ pjo# pb^f? pertcinetb to § coming of cb.:ift. 3 DO Uuttingly pas oacr man\? teftimo nics tabid) DO ccb tuber oflfer tbffelucs I fpeciallp in § pfalmcs tubercn al gcucr no;s lj3uc tbeir rigbt umintetneD.Xi3ut moa clearc of al is tbc place of |)aale, tMbcre aDmonin)ing 2Dimotbe ^ in tbe [i.Ti.2 2.| jojjiQ^ aUcmlil*^ platers mutt be maoc f2.j Kings, ^e bi?anobp a^\ict]) a rcafcn. £:^at tjje map tjnoer tbcm IcaDa (juiet life U)itb all goDlincITc anD boneUp; in l^)!)icb Iwo;ds be comittctb t tt«f^ of § cl)urcbc to tl)cir Defence 1 fauegarDing. 6 satjicbconfiaeration ougbt continu- allD t3 bufr tbe magiftrdtestblfclHCS, to^fmncbe as it nm P»t a great fpur jto tl)em tDbereb? tbeg nu'S ^c p.vickeD fo^tuaro to tlitir Jjuetp, j b;ing tbem a ftngulai^ cofo;it twb^rb? tbcr map miti^ gatij [j IjorDneffes of tbeir office, lubicb trulv iire bottj manv f qTcat.iTo; to^ib 1)00) great ail enoeuo; of tjp^igbtncffr, »infaam,nu'3ncs,contincncc,anDinno ceaci>,0ijc;ljt ti>ci to cbargc tbemrcltics. miniffcrs of g rigbtcoufnes of goDf Btj Uiljataffiace (^all tbepaDmit bniuftice to tbcir iuogemr t feat, lubicb ibe^ bear to be tbe tb?one of tbc liuing ©00 i HBp tMbat boloneffe 0)311 tbcppicnoniicea lu;5gful fcntcnfe toitb ^ mcutb,tubicb tbev tjnDerttaototJcapoitcDan inttruis mcnt fo; tbc trutb of (flJoD^eei itb \Ji)Ut cofctence fijal tbe\? fubfcribc to tuicUeD Decrees \jb Us baD,tDbicb tt}cv hnoto to be o.jDeinco to tu;ite J acts of goOf3In a fum,if fbei remeb^e t tbcr be tbe t;ice^ gcrents ofgoD, tbep nmft tuatcb to all care,earneffnes f Diligence t tbci mav rep;efent in tbr felaes bnto men a ccr# tain image of tbe pjcuiDence,p;ercrua* tion,ga)Dncs,g(D^ iDil,! rigbtcoufnc ffe of miDtt of t(^ goDs,^ tbcf mat be cnco ragcD to tbcir Duti tube tbci bear i tbei be [) Deputies of goD,to tjubo t|?et mnft one Dat.tclo accopt of v gonernment of tijCir cbargc. anD tuo.ubili tbis aDmoni tic ougbt to be of gret fojce \h i\it, JFo; if t!;ci make ant oefait, tbei ar not onli tn;ogDocrstomcl»bo tbct tuickcDlt tjere,but alio flaoerersfo D faio tbis trulr of (» pco^ pie of 3frael,bicaufe tbcp bao refufeD p faitb tbat tbere is no potoer but of goO: anD tbat Inbicb be a libeD bim of all, 10 commenDeD luitb notable teftimonr a* boue tbe otber,namelp (> potucr of one: tobicbbicaufcit b;ingctb u3 itaroin* mon boDage of al, crcept tbnt one man, to \ubafe tuill it mahetb all tbings fub* iea,in did time coulD Ics be alloU/r d of noble anD tbe ercellent fo;t of naturep. ^ut tbe fcripture, to mtcte Iritb tbep2 t)nin(liuDgemrts,erp;cOi bp name nf* ftrmctb,)' It IS t^c p;ouiDenf e of Cods iDifDcm tbat hmgs Do reign.i peculiar' I'd eomaunDetb tbe hmg to be bono; eD. 8 anDtrucIvitloere ber^ bain tbat it fbulD be DifputeD of piiuatc mi tubicb (bolD be p bell (late of policie in p plare tuber tbei Iiue:fo2 lubo it is not Ui\i;ful goucrnement of jo^amuel : tobp fljall it ; to confult of tbe framing of nnv comon be les trulf fapD at tbis bap of tbem ^ I lueale.anD alfo tbe fame cculDc not be gcue tbemfelues leauc to rage againtt * fimplp Dctermineo icout raOincs , fo;* al gouerncments o;DeincD of goDf IBut 1 afmucb ns a great parte of tl^ic o;Dcr of fitb tbe Io;d fa^D to tbe DifcipIcSjlbat p tbt» quettion cofiactb in rircullanr cs. binges of nations beare rule ouer tbe* but tbat among tbem it is not fo, tober be tbat is IbefiraclboulD bemaoe tbe Ieatte:bi' tbv's faving it is fo;biDOcn to al Cb:iftians,tbat tbcr Hioulo net taUe kingDomes o;i gouerncments Upon tbe. 2> bauDfomc erpoDtojs. Cberc rofe a llriffc among tbe Difciples, Uibicb of tl)cm cFccUcD otber:tbe lo;D,to fupp:es tbis baine ambition, taugbt tbem tbat tl)c\>} mimftcrpc is not Iibc bnto king? Dome0,in U)bicb one manbatb p:a:nu? ncnce aboue p rctt. 51 bcfecbe rou,Uibat Dotb tbis comparifon make to tbe Difljo no; of klnglp Dignitr f pea tobnt cotb it p;ouc at aLbut tbat tbe minitterp of an 0p3(llc is not § office of a kmgf :^o;e' oucraltbougb amonij tbe magi ttratcs tI)cmfcliiestbcrcbeDiuersfo:m:5,pct tbcr is no Difference ii\ tbis bebalf, but t'jar U'e ougbte to ta!- e tbem all fo; tbe o;Dinances of CcD.if 0; paul alfo Doiij comp;ebcnD tbem altogetbcr, U;ben be fliiD if tbou coparc alfo tbe ttatcs tbem* felues togetbcr loitbout circu fiances, it fbal not be eafieto Difcern lubtcb of the ouertuepetbp otber in p;ofttabIencITc, tbcp matcbfoegdllp togetbcr. ^ber is an eafic luat to fal fro hingcom into ti^ ranp : but not mucb barcer is it to fall fro V rule of the cbcfcll men to p faaio of a feU); but inofl eafp of al fro tbe peo pies gonernn\ent,to fcDition. Elrulpaf tbofe tb<:ce fo;me3 of aotiemmcntcs lubicbtbe ]->b!'ofopbers fet out, be con* ODcreD in tbeuirrluc3,3[ toill not cenrc ^ eptbcr tbe gcucrnmcnt of tl?e t\}cfca men,o; a date tempercD of it t comon aouernincnt fir erccllctb all othcrmot ofitfclfc,butbicaure it moft felDomc cbauncetb i^ hinges fo temper tbemfel* ucsjtbat tbep; luill ncuer fuuiructt fro tb.U iDbicb is lutt ans rigbt, agam tbat tbcv:bcfurni(bct;U)itl) fo great Harp^ neffc of iuDgement ano tuifcDomctbat cnerponc uf tbe.ii igtofomucb as is " " fulfatcnr. F0L464 Pro.8 I. Pea, 17 ,20. Of the outward meancs fuffirient.ECberefo^e^ feult oj uefault of mcii ntaketb, tbat it i$ fafcr f mo^e tolerable tbat man^ Iftulo banc tlic go-- iiierncinet, tbat tbev ma? mutualli? one bcipe anotber, one teacb ano aomomOb ;^notb£t, atiD if an? aouauncebtmfelfe \mr tba \B mete,tber ma? be ouerfarg ant) matSerd to reSratne bt0 U)ilful< ne0. ^bti! botb batb altiia? ben app;o« iieD b? e]cperimc0,anD tbt lo;^i) alfo batb icoimrmcD it \jb bis autbo^iit?, toben be o;i)etneo among tbe ^fraelits a gouern ment of tbe bed men toeri nere bnto c5 mon goueruement at fuc^t?measbe minoeo to bane tbem in befi eSate,tiU be b^ougbt fa;tb an image of €\)M in SDaiuo.^nD a0 3 toillingl? graiit ^ no IhrnDeofgoucrncmentis mo;e bleffeo tiyan tbt3, lobere libertie isframeD to fucb moDeratio as it ouo;bt to be,anD ifi o^ijtrl? ftablilfecD to continuance : fo 3 compt thztn alfo moil blcffe&jtbat ma? enio? tbi3 effate:i if tbe? ftoutl? « cm (tantl? trauail in p^eferuing ano retei tii% it,| grant tbat tbe? ao notbing a* go batbc nppopnteD anotbcr fo^me of go# wcrnmet, fo tbat tberb? tbe? be mouea to oeftre a cbannge, tbe tcr? tbinUing tberof (bal not onl? be folilb ano fapcr^' f tuousjbut alfo bnrtfuI.But if tbou bf D not tbme eiee? onl? to one tit^Mt l®tte about 0 J bcI^olD tt)t Iwljole IdojID toge;^ tber, o;j at Jeaft fp^esD ab^soDe tb? figgt into fartber siaances of countries, i^ mt Dout tbou n^alt finn tbat this is not bnp;o6tabl? appo?nteD b? tl}t p^oniA Dence of dDoD, tbat oiuers CoBntre?s | (boulo be ruleD b? Diuers kinoes of go^ uernment. ^o^ as tbe elemtnts bang togetber but b? an bnegall teperature, fo countries alfo are toitb tbeir certain inequalit?e bcr? toell feepte in o;Der. i^oUjbeif alltbefe fbings alfo are fpo^ tten in baine to tbem tobom tijt toil of ifyt ilo^D (ball fatiff?e, io; if it be b?s pleafure^to fet kings oner hingbomes, Senates o; officers ouer free Cities> tobomfoenerbe maketb rulers in tbe places tubere toe are conuerfanfe, it is ourt>uct?to(^eU)e our felues ?esloin2 anD obeDient bnto tbem» 9 ^to ti)t office of ^l^agidrafes is in tbis place to be DcclareD b? tbe Uja?,of tobat fo?t it is nefcribeo b? tbe too;© of ©oD,ano in tobat tlj^n^ts it confiltetb. 31f tbe Scripture d?o not teacb, tbat it ertenoetb to botb t^ tables of ti^t latD^ loe migbt learne it out of tht p;opbane twjiters. ifo: none batb cntreateb of] t^it nixt^t of ^agiffratesjof mafe?ng of lataes , ano of tbe publihe toeale , tbat batb not begon at religion m^ i^t too; fljipping of (iDoti ♦ ^nDfobaue tbe?aU confedes, tbat no policie can be b^ppil? frameo, bnlcffe tbe firlt care be of goD^ l?neIT2: auti tbat tbofe latoe0 be pjcpo* llerous \xxUt^t neglecting tbe r?gbt of ©oa, ooe pjouioe cncl? fo^ men. ^itbe tberfoje toitb all tbe |Dbilofopbers> re^ ligtonbatb t\)z firil place, ano fitb tbe fame batb altoa? bene obferneD b?tbe feniuerfall confcnt of all nations ♦ Hcf ^^' CbnttianlBjinccs ano Spagiftrafes be aflfemeo of tl)tn flotbfulneffe , if tbe^ cnoeuo> not tbemfelne^ to tb?s care, ^no toe baue aircao? il)etoeu,tbat t\)^0 mt^i is fpeciall? enio?ncD t^ of fio tbc \)ann of (» opp:efro;.xinD t'Boj De.i,i6. fcggcuctbcbargc to tbe princes U)l)0 be bvio Cct in bi^s (teoc: let ti)c bcarc tbe caufe of tbcir b:cti):cn,f iuDgc bctiwen a ma t bi« b;otlj:i t a ftrangcr,ana not ftnolD faces in iuDgcmcnt^let tbc bcare as tocl tbc litle ns tbc great,! be not a* fracioe of an? uia: bicaufc it is v iudgC'- tticnt of -©oD. lont J fpeak not of tbcfc Dc. 17,16 tbtngcs : tbat ktngcs fljoulo not get to tljcinfclucs muitituDcs of boifis , not raft tbe?; minxes to couetoufncHc, not fourth Book ,ioL^7}, be liftcD bp aboue tbev; b:ctb;cn: tbat tbcpmapbecontmuaK^' bufiro in 1?::' ' Dring topon tbc lalu of the Lo;D all tee Daves of tbcf; life : tbat luDaes fluarue not to tbc one fioc, no: receauc giftr s: bicaufc m occlarmg be re tbe office of ^agittrate6,mr purpofe is not fo mucb to mftrurte tbc ij^igittrntrs tbf fclucs, as to teacb otbf r lubat Jc^agiftratcs be, f to tobat cnD tbcr are ft t of Cod . ICi e fee tberefo:c tbat tbcr be o;DarneD oe^ fenDcrs % reuengers of innocence, mo^ Dcttv',boneftv, % quietnctre,\ubofe oiilp cnDcuo; fljoulD be to p:ouiDe fo; tbe c5- mon fafetr i peace of all mr .£?f lubub \)crtuesx>auiDp;ofeffetbtbat he luill be an ei:amplar,U)bcn be flwlbc aouan* ccD to tbc roT:all featr:tbat is, t be luilH not confent to anr cuill Doiiigs,but ab* bo;re luickeD men,aauDcrcr0, < p;ouD men, f get to bimfelf fro ecb Vobcrc bo^ neft $ faptbfull men. 13ut Gtb tbe^ can not perfo;mc tti\!S) Unlcffc tbcr DefenD gcDD men fro tbc U):ongcs of t\]c euiU, let tbcm belp tbe gcoD luitb fucco: f Dc» fence,lct tbe alfo be armcD luitb poluer toberbiUbev marfeucrelv fupp;ccrc0' pen euil Doers f iDicl^eD men bv lubofc lcU)Dnerfcthec5mon quiet istrcublcD O.J toetcD. jro; me tuoughlv finoc tbvs br crpcricncc Ujljub -olon favo tbiU common toealcs confift of re luarD ar.D punilbuicnt,anD i* U)hcn tbof: bctafjca aU)aT',tbc UJbolcDifcip'Mie of citicf fiiu Ictb t IS oiiTolncj. j[Qi ihc careoi" rqui- tic anD luftu'c iu*ivcrb cch iri v mm:c8 of manv, tnlcllc t'icr be ouc bojio; »'ca* | Dvcfoitjcrtuc: ne>:t''^rfantbc u^..lful*j nclTcQfU)icUcDu.;.ibi; rcilrr.v.u 3Lut| brfeucritic i LnauilimciUcfpa\riC.i 0110 tbffc t luo paxtc tbc p;-'pb:t coi;> y i'^'' p;cl)cnDrth,iuI)cnbcfcic'iGt'>K5«i3iJaQ^ Chbcr goucrno;s to Co lu: ,::»ri.t $ i iiTb* ^ teoufn:flc. Uiabtcouftitf'c ^s^ ta taUc ' into clwrac of tuUio;i,ic euib:ace,ro ^c- fcr.D,to rcuengc, to De][ucr fi liiiKicnt. Icr.D.iS ^•3. 1 Qlp 20 Of the owtvvarH meancs -x:j2o,i3 Mat ^.9. Bo,i3 4» diuui^smcin is, to U?itbftaD tbe bolDRes oftoiffeeDmcn, torcpjcffe tljer? ^io* Icncf ,to punift) tljf iv ctfcnt cs. 10 $£ut tcif ,as it feemttb, tutft arife a fjteanDl^arDtiUCI!ion: if bl? tbc latoc cf©oDa!iCl);iftian0 are fo,2biciDcn to liilltanD tfee p^opljct pjopfttr icttj of tfec fcclt: mount ef dDotjjtbat i0itbc €t)tinh, tbat in it ttjc^ fl;aU not afflict no? fcurt: tjolD manre tnagill rates be tcgetber bttt) goDit? f blouifljcDtif rs^ ffiut if U30 t)ttDcr0anD,tljat tl)c niagillrate in ere* cuting of puniflimcnt0,Dotf) notbvng of Umklfc , but erfcutettj tbe ter^j fclfe tuDgemcnts of (DoD, tor (l^albc nothing (omb^sD iDttb tb?0 tout . %ht latoe of tbe iLo;D fo^biODetl) to Ml : icaO man* Oaugbterfl^olDbe t}npunifl^eD,tf)etaU) mafeer bimfelf geuetb to tije miniffers i ftoojD in f bet; banD,lDfticft tfeei l^olD n^ato fo^tb againtt all manCa^ers.SCo afflict $ to I^rt,i0 not § Doing of t goD^ l^ : but tbis i0 not to burt,no> to afflict, b^ § ILo;D0 comauntcmentto rencnge tlii afflictton0 of tl)e gooii^J tuoultie to <25oo ^ tljU0 toere altoa^ p^cfcnt befoje our minoes, tbat nottjvns i^ bcrc oonc br tbe raf&necre of man,but all tf)vngcs b? tbe autbontie of (^OD tbat eontaun^ ttt))y tobicb going before tJ0, fee neuer fiuarucoutoftberigbttoave. QanlcOc pcrt!ap0 tfjerc bea b;iDle put bpon tljt rigbteoufncffc of (25du, tbat it mape net pnnia)SsuicfeeDtioing0, 513utifitfacnct latJufnU te appoint anr latec to if, febt? Ibal toe cauilagainft i minittrrs cf iff %^cv beare not i ftoo^u in bain, Hirtb paul:fo;^tbct?betbcmtnifler0 ofCoD to U);atb,reufger0 to cuil Dccr0.2Eber? foje if p:ince0 ano otber rulers hncto tbat notbing (balbc ino;je acceptable to 31 c;o to be tbe selinerer cf ijtJ? peoplejtc lavtc br^ banDe0 tpon ibc €giptian. £ceir,libf bp Caving of tbaee tboufanc men in cue tar» l)e tcfte t)ciigeai'.cecffbe facrikgc of p people. S>auio alfo, Irbcn nt e tc tbe enc of br0 Ipfe tt eaue c6n'iat;nBenient to ^alc^ ^ men bis fonne tc Cape 3ioab t ^emei. ^'■'^♦^•»^. Mbereupcn bealfo rebearfctlj; tbps a^ |^5^-32.27| mcng tbe bertura of a ktng,to 0ap tbe »Kin 2,5 toicliefi of tbe lantJ, tbat all U)o;her0of toicfecDnr ffe, map be Djinen out of tlit Citieof (Don. %d tebicbe purpofe alfo pertainetb t\ie p;!atfe ^ i0 ceuen to ^a> lomon.Cben baft loucD rijfbtcorfneffe f baft batcD tDicfecunc0.^oto iiotb tbat mtloe I gentle nature of ^cks bnrne out into fo great crueltpe, tbat being rp;inltleD i emb;tneD teitb tbe blcuD of bp0 b;^cf b;f »be rur.nctb tb^ougbout t\)t campe to netoe Oaugbtcrs i l^otu Dotb E*auit), amaoffogreatgcntlcticftetn all bp0 life? among bis la ft b;eatbing0 mal^e tbat blcuDp teftamtnt tbat bp0 fonne ft)OulD not b;tpng tbe boare beare of Bicab f Fernet in peace to tbe grauef ^ut tbep botb tubcn tbep erecutcDtbe bengeanceeommittecto tbemcfCDoD, i fo fanctificD \33it^ cruell Healing t\)m ' banD0 tobicb tbep baD Deftleo tottb fpa> ring . B*t is an abbomination toptb !^ing0,faptb &alomon,to to iniqiiit^ie^ bicaufe bis tb?one is ftablitbeD in rigb^ tecufncfte. jSgapne. Sbbefcingtobicbe fittctb in V tb;oncof iuDgcmentjfp^ea^ Uetb bpfi cre0 tpon enerp euill ntan ja* gaine. 0 toife bing fcatteretb tbe toic* Pro. (J. 12 Pro.20,8j Pro,2o» Pro. 2 J. 4 Pro. 17.1 J feet anu turnetb tbem bpon tljc tobfflc. Ip •^^♦" jagapn.2Lal^ealr»ap tbe ii;cire from tbe I ^^M* filuer,anD tbere fljall come fo;tb a bef* ^ fell to tbe melter: tal^e atoap p toirfeeD man from tbe (igbt of t])t fepng,ant bts tb;on fljal be faft fct in rigbteoufnrs.ja^ gaine. l^c t ii-ftificf b tbe luiches, ant) be tbat eonPcmnctUtbe rigbtc cus,fcotb are To SaliuJtion. arc aO domination to tbc t o;iD. ilQain. JS rebellious ma purctjafett) cuil to tiim fclfcanD a cruel nulTengcr is fcnt tnto btm.^t;aine,U)t)oro faitt) to tt)C luicttcD maHjtbou art risOtcous, t)r>" peoples ano natios Do curfc, j^oU) if tl?eir true rio:l)teoufnes bcVoitf) Djnluen ftoearo Fourth iioou ioL^06 to purfue ailtp anD toicUco menttet ttjf put np tbetr ftDcarD, f boloc tbeir baos pure from falouo, Vub^'le mtbc meanc time Dcfpcratc men Do rage luittj mur< ttjcrs I Qansbtcrs: tljen ttjcp (bal mahe tbcmfelucs gtltic of moft great \uickeD ncffcfo mud) leffc ftal tbei? get tberbi? tbf p^avfcofgcDDneffe anD r^gbteouf* nes.iiDnlp let tbcr be no piecife f cruel rygo;ourncirc,anD tbat lUDgemct feate Vubicb mav luoitliilp be calico tbe rock of accufcD men . iro; J ^^in not be tbiU citber fauo: ertreraccrucltie,o;Dotbik tbat rigbtrous iuDgcmct ca be p;onoij' ccD,but Vubile clemencv tbe bcftf fu^ reft counfcUer of hings^as ^alomo af^ firmctl),^ p>cferuer of p Kings tb^onc is affifl;ent,\Dbicb a certain mjn in do time trucli? fapo to be tVjC principal gift of p;inccs.$*rta magtUratc mull faUe bcDe to botb)tbat be do neuber Uiitb ri* go;oufncflre of m^no luotmD ratbcr tba bcale,o; bv fupe rftitions affeaation of clemcnc)? fall inra a molf cruel gentle? neCfcif iwitb foft ano loorc tcnDcrnrs be be DilTolute to tbe Dcttruftion cf manp men . Jfo; ti)is luas in oloc tr»"cnot iDitboat caufe commonlp fpoUcn bnDer tbe empire of j;5erua,tbat it is in DceD cuil to liac tnDer a p;ince tnDcr tobo notbing is laUifuUbut inucb luo;fc bn* Der iJDbom al tbings are lavufull. n ibdutatl) fomtimc kings t peoples muCofneccffit^taUefuieroiiibanDto crccutc fu£bpubli!?e tigcaccjbi tbis re Domini6,Ujbcrbi tbcp mar kcpc Do\Dn tbcfcDitious ttirrcs of bnquiet men, \ubercbv tbev mav bclpc tbe fo;ceablp opp;ctr:D,UJbcrb)^ tbn mar puniOj cml Dovngfi:ca tbev at fitter feafon titer it, ttja to fuppjclTe brsrage lobicb trou* blctbbolbp:umtflvtt}e rcfte ofcucrp ma^t tbe commo quiet of al mr ,iuljicb fcDiriouQv maketb \)p;o:eB, Vubicb co<' mittetb Uiolctit cpp;f(rion5 t barnous euilDomgs:'3ifthrvotigbt to be p;efcr* ucrs t Defrncers of tbe laVuctbci muft alfoouertb;clu ^enrcrp;ifc8 ofaltbe by tul;ofc iDickcD Doing tbe Diffiplvnc of laU)C8 IS co;ruptcD. pea if tbcv ^o^ tbilrp'^»nin)tbo:c tbeucs iPbofe mm* ries bauc ertenDcn onlr to a feline, U)all tbe? fuffcr a lubolc cciJtrcv to Ic luUb- otitpunirtiifatanvtii"C tbei be enurlikc adaileo.iinD fiicb U^ar res tbe boll gboft bv manv tcUinionu'S of Scripture Declares to be laUHull. 12 Jfitbeobieaeoagimft nic,ti;atin J neUi teltament is neitbcr u itnrr nc; eraple \ubub tf*cbttb tbat uiarre is a tbmg lalDful fo; cb;iaiJs : ftrft ^ aim* fluer,)^ tbe fame rule cf makuuj Vtarrc Uiijici) luas m oh time remamcib al»o at tbts Dar>i I' en tbe cotrari^ dDe tbcc IS ao caufc tbat mar Dcbarrc marattra fo toe mat alfo iuogc ^ v Ujars arc laiw tec fro Dcfenomg of tbcir fubiccts 2>e full tobicb arc fo taken m banD. jf o; if couDliMbat an cvp JCiTe Declaration or tbcrebc po\»cr Dclpurrco tbem^tobcr^' ibcfc matters is not to be fougbt ui toe Ibi'tbcrnia^ marntarn quicttotbeir U);itiiigsoftbc ilpoftlcs^tobercibnr \ - ^^oj^.t; pur^ Ca^ 20 iAag,E. Of tt.c outward tneancs purpofctsnotto frame a ctmie Hate, but to amiiii tl)t fptrttuali btngDo of chnQXaG of al B! far ^ in ttjem alfo u OjcioeDbrp U3ar>l!x!);ift Ijatlj bpb^s f ottiing cbaugcD notbing in tfji^ betjalf, jf 0^ if c^^tttia Do(trinc( ^ 3 mai? fpcab tit Auguftms olun Uio;cs) conDcnmcD altuarrcs, t^eiooulorattjerbaac faijD !t)i£E to folDiars! tD^cn ttjc? af heo coun^ k\ of faluation, ttat tijcp ftoulD caft a^ Uiar tt}er^ fcDcapcns, anu tJttcrl^ toitli^ D^aUj ttitmklucs fro ttie toarre.S5ut it luas faiD to tljcm: ftribe no man,Do no nia U);ong,let tour Uiages fuflfice ^ou. Mbo be taugtjt ^ fftei?; toages ongljt to fuffice ttie,b0 did Ijerilp not fo;biDDe ttcm to be Ujarrio;fli. 3!5ut al magillra^ tsB ougbt ^ere to tafee great lljeDe,^ t^ti nottjingatall folotue t^tn otone De^ fr^es : but ratber, if tte^ mnttpunit^, let thi not be bo;ne aloa^ ioi^ a ^eaD^ long angrincsjict ttjem not be tiolent* \V caricD xc tjatreo, let tijem not b^ojle \o ^nappeafablc rigojj^ea let t|em(a0 Aug.fait(j)pitr commo nature in fjim in \3)i3om tbep punilft t)iB pjinate fault. £D? if tftev mutt put on armnr agarnft tljeenemp,^is,t!)e arnteD robber, let tljem not lig^tl^ febc occaOo t&erof,no^ tafee it being offcreD tnlrs ttep be nn^ urn to it b? extreme neceftitie. jf o; if tue ougljt to pcrfo;me muclj mo;e tba ti5e Ijeatben ma rcquireD, )3)i)i(^ luoulD of duties ijaue tuar to feme a fcUing of peace:trn j j l^ Uie ougW firft to atf empte all things j j ere toe ougbt to trre p matter by tear. ' ! irinallr in bott) feinos let tljcm not fuf^^ I I fcr tbf felues to be carieD toitb an? pn^ Utite affcction,but be leD onlp toitlj com men feling.ilDtbertoife tl^c^ Doc bert? il abufe tfjc^j poU)cr,luljicbiJ5ge«cn t$f, not foi ti}f ir cton conioDitie, but fo; o# tljcrs benefit ? mintacrp. ^o;couercf t)9c fame rigfjiful rule of making iwar bsgtti) tl}c o^Dcr fcotSj of {jarnfcns anD Icaoiics.anDot^er ciuile fortifications. Cicero CDarrifons J cail tt)efe tbat are placeo intotonesto DefenD t^ebo^Dersoftbe countre?: Iieagoes, iJoW^ are maDe ioitb princes aDiovning fo; ttjiscoue^^ nat tbat if anp trouble Ijappen in tbcir lanDs t\3ti^ mar mutually bclpetljem, anD iorne ttjcir forces in common to# getfjer to fuppjeffe t\)t common ene* mres of manhinD;Ciuile fo;:tjficatio0, tD^ofe tfe is in t\)t arte of Isarre* 13 2Dtii0 alfo SI luil latt of all aDDe, t^at tributes $ tai^es are i latofnl reuenues of p;ince0,tvl)icl) tfjer mar tWfiv tm^ plor to fullerntlie common charges of tijer; office : \s)U^ i^tt tter niai? Irfec? toife tfe to ttim p^iuate roialtr loliicb is after a cerfarn mancr coniorneo \j6 ftonoa of § p;incelr ffafe t tl^tv beare. 2s \xit (it r()at E>auiD,iinccj, altbogbtbe^ crccDe common anDciuile mcaftirc. 14 /iccctotbe Spagiftrate invliuile ftatesarc laU>es,tbc moft ftrong ft* nclDes of comon toealcs, 0; (as Cicero caUctb tbcm accojoing to Pinto) tbc foulf s,lDitbout lubicbe tbe a^agiftratc ca not ftanD,as tbcv again Uiitbout tbe spagiftratebaue no Uacli? fojce.Cbcr^ foit notbmg coulo be moic truclr favo, tban tl)at tbe Uto is a bum i|).igiftrate, ano ^ tbe ^igiftratc is a Ituing laluc. iSut Vubcras jS pjoniifeo to fpeaHjtoitb tobatlaujesa dbjiftian Ciuilc ftatc ougbt to be o:DcreD, tbcreisnocaiifc tobv any ma (IjoulD loUe fo; a long oif^ courfe of tbe bcft ^iiVi of lalnfs, \ubicb botb fljoiilD be inftnitf ,f pcrtavneo not to tb >'5 p;efrnt purpofe i placc,rct in a fe\u UJOjocs, f as it tucre bv tbe luav, I U)ill toucbc \ubat lalDes it niavc bfc goolilr before ^oo, i be rigbtlp son^r^ neo b? tbem among men. CiGlbicb fctfe tbvng i b«iD ratbcr to baue utterlv paf^ feDouervuitbCilenccif ibiDnottmer^ {t^nfi tbat manv Doe bcrcm periUouflv erre jf-o: there be fometb It Dcnve that a common locale is mcl 020:cD, \Dlntb neglecting the ^Imiit laU)cs of iRofcs is gourrneD bf tbe comon la\rcs of n.v tions l(^otD Daungerous f troublefome tbps fcntenr e is, let other men coftDcr, it fljalbe enougtj fo; me to banc QicaieD tbat It is fdlfc f failia)>tbiU common Di^ lution. TourtTi Hookc Fol.4'57, uifton 15 to be kept, tohich oeuiDctb the iDhole Uiu of Cod pubhihcD into ^0* ralLccreinonuil t jliuDinall lauies; t al f' partes aretobciriicrallrfonftocrco thatlucmarhnoluujhatofthrpcrtar* nrth to 133, t Uibat not. j'^crthcr m the mean: tvmc let awv man bf coinb;cD luith thrs Dout, that iuoicials aiiD Co rcmonialsalfopcrtainc to the tT)o;all lalues. jf 0; although the doc U);itcr8 luhich h.uie taught thvs Diuifion lucre notignoMnt^tbtfetUio latter p.iitcs baD their \)fe about maner8,rf t buaufe thcr might be chaungro ano ab;og.Ur, the iV^oials remaining fafc thci Dio not cal them bPozals.Chcv callcD that fir ft part prculiarlv br tbat name, U)Uhoiit Uibich can not ftano the true holvneffc of mancrs, ano tbe bncbar.gcabic nilc of lining rigbtlp. 1^- iohercfo:c the Sl^o:a'l latuc that 31 mav ftrft begin ttierat; (ith it is coi.tai' ncD in tU)0 cbcfe porntes, of tohic h the one commannDeth ftmplr ro U»o:n)ip Cod iDitb pure farth i goclrnrffcanD the other to embzacc men Uiith bnfar* ncDloue, isthe true ano etcrnallrnle of righteoufncffe, pKfcribcD to r mr of all ages anD tvmrs t^ IdiII be liuUing to frame thcr; life to p UmU of Ccd . J-o; this IS his eternal t bnchangrablc u.il, ^ be himfclf Ibolo be Uio;Q)ippcD of bo j all, i tbat iDC ilioulD murua'.lv loue one another. CbeCcremonialllaUi luas the fcbfflling of ;be jir\Dcs,UihrrU'ith it plcafeDthe LojDtocrerciiethccrriarn chilohmD of tliat proplctill tb«u rime of ftilnelTe came, Uihrnn he \roiilo tc the full maintVrtlr fticUie hrs \mfcDcmc to [ thcearth,anDCLiiiifrthc truth of thcle thmafi U)bich tbcn Uif r n:a';cUiec Vuiih ftaurcs. £:hf AiiDicialllaU^cgcucnto t!iemfo:ano;:)erofcuulc ftate, gaue certain rules of cqmtie t riahteoufnes, by Uihifhe tbcv mvght brbaue thni:- fducfl bannleav ano quietly together. ilUD Gal.4 +» i^J^JML CaP.2o; Of the outvvarde meanes 0nD aiS tbat crercife of ctrtmon^tB p;jo perl? pcr.^iineD in ocDc to tljc Doctrine ofGODlincllc (namclv tobictje fecpt t\}t Cljurcft of ttic ilcUi£0 in tlje UiojCjip f religion of ©oD) ret it niigbt be Dillin^ guttqcd fro gooUncfi it felf:ro tt)is fo;m cf iluDiciall o^Dcrs (altljougl) it tenoeD to no Dttjcr enD, but boto tftc felfc fflme c&arifv miglit bed be fecpt ^l)icli is cbf maunDCD b^ t\^t etcrnall laUic of dDoD) fct t)aD a ccrtaine tljing Differing from tbc tjrr^ f omarnDemcnt of louing. ^s tl)erefo;jetfte Ceremonies migbt be a* fa;ogate,gotilmeire remai?ning fafe ano t)nDcftrorcD:ro ttjefe SiuDiciaU o^cinan* ces alfo being tafeen atcat?,t!)e pcrpetu? all Duties ano comaunDements of cba^ ritp mav continue. Jftbiis be true,l3eri^ l\> tbcre 10 liberty? left to euerp nation to mafee fuel) lalues as fber Hjai fo^jefe^ to be profitable fo; tbn tubicb tet muS be frameo after ^ perpetual rule of cba^ ritrCji^ tbcn mav in tieoe bar^ in fo;m, but bauc tbe fame reafon. if o^ 3 tljinfe tbattbofe barbarous i fauage laUies, as tuer tbofe tbat gaue bono; to t\)tutB, tbat allotoeo common copulations^anD otber both mucb nto^ ftltbi? ano moje aga^nft reafon , are not f o be tafecn fo; tbougb tbe^ be Dtuerfe it mahetb no matter, i^oto Otb it is certain tbat tbe lalD of CDoOjlMbicb toe cal £J?o;aU is nc* tbing els but a teCinionr cf tbe natural latD,ano of tbat confctcnce febicb is ttif grauenofdDcDintbe mintifs of men, tbe iubole rule of tbis cquitT?e lubcreof toe noto fpeafe is fct fo;tb tberinXber* fo;e it alone alfo mutt be botb § marfec ano rule i eno of all latoes . Mbatfoe^ ucr latoes (l&albe framco after ^ rule, oirecteo to tbat marUe,$ limtteo in tbat eno,tbere is no caufctobv toetbouloe oifallotoetbem botofoeuer tbeti otber <> toife Differ from tbe 3IetoiC& lato o? one fro an otber. SDbe latoe of (Soo fo^bio* oetbto tteale. Mlbat paine toasapoin^ teofo; tbeftesintbe ciuilettate of tbe IctoeSjis to be feene in €roDus » S^be mottauncient latoes of otber nations punifbeo tbeft to'itb recompence of Dou^ bicttbe latoes tbat foUotoeo aftertoaro maoe Difference bcttoen manifctt ttjeft ano no manifeft.^onicpjoceDeDto ba* nifijmc nt , fome to tobipping, feme at latt to § punifljmft of ocatb i?alfe \joitf neffc amog 1 3etoes punifljcD toitb re-' compence of egall pavne, in fcm places onl? t6 great l^amc , in fome places \Jo latoes : fo?afmucb as tl)tv are not one^ ! banging, in otber fome toitb tbe croffe. l^aga^nft all rigbteoufneflre,but alfo ^anflaugbter al latoes tjuiuerfallijoo aga?ntt naturall gentlenelTe ano feino* , reucnge toitb blouD , ret toitb Diuerfc neffe of men. I feinoes of oeatb . ^gainft aotilterers in \6 SDbis tobicb 31 baue faio fljalbe plain : fome places toere o^oav'neo feuerer if in all latoes toe beboloe tbcfe ttoo iparnes,in fome places ligbter.|5ct toe tbingcs as toe ougbt,tbc mafet^g * t'iit \ fee boto to fucb Diuerfitp all teno to the equilie of tbe lato,t)pon \> reafon tober of tbe making it felfe is founoeo i ttatj? etb. C^quitie, bicaufc it is naturall, can be but one of al latoes:anD tbcrfo^e one famcacco^^ing to tbe hino of matter, eug^jttobctbe y;^opoimDcD cnDe to all latocs.Ss fo; mahingof latoes,btcaufe ibet? baue certain circum&ances tpon M]it\:} tbe^ partli' bang , if fo tbat tbcr Ccno aiv cgctoer to one niarh of equitv, Ex.22,u De.ip.i8 fame eno.jf o; toitb one moutb tbc\? all togetber p^onouce punilbmcnt againtt all tbe offences toblfb b^uc bene ccn* oemneo b^ tbe eternall lato or^oo,as manfluugbters, tbefces, aDultcri?>falfe toitncffinttcs : butintbemaner ofpu^ nin3ment tbci? agree not.ijicitber is tbe fameneeOful,no; tet ci;pcDirnt,2nbere is fome coiitrcv?tobicb tonic He it djctoe rigo^ tottb bo^nblc eyampies agapntt man* ToSaluation, Tourtli Bookc. F0I.46S. nicinflar£f, CboulD immcDiafcli? be Dc* ftro\?cD U)itb muroers ano robberies. SDbcrc is foinc tiim tbat rcquirctb tbe fijarpncs of pcvncs, to be encreafeD . 3jf tbereargi'ean^ trouble in a cotninon tucale,tbe euils \) arc \uont to s^olue tberof muii be amenocD luith nelu 0;^ Dinanccs m time of luarre al bumam? tie UjouID in tbc nopfe of armiirc fal a* Uiap.bnlclTc tbcre toerccatt into men an bnUJontcD fcarc of punittjiicnts.dCn barrcnnctte,in peltilence^bnleffc grea* tcrfeuerit^ bebfeo, all tbingesluvU cometorupne. ^ome nation is mo:e bent to fonic certain bpce, bnlelTe it be moll Ojarplv fupp;e(reD. l^oU) malicp? ous f enuious (bal be be againd v pu^' lifeep;ofite,tbata)albc offcnocD U)vtb fucb Diueratte U)bicb is moll &t to bolo faft tbe obfcrumg of ^ lalu of goDf jro; tbat iJDbicb fome rai!c,tbat p latu of 50D gcucn bp tpofes is Ditljono;eD,Uiben it being ab^zogate, neiue arc p^cfcrreoa* bouc it,is moll tapnc. i?o; neitber are otber pzeferrcD aboue it,U)ben tbci are mo;e alloU)CD,not in fimplc compare* fon,but in refpcrte of tbe effate of tbe times place,! nationmei'tber is tbat a- b^ogate,Uibicb Voas neuer mabe fo; bs. if o,i tbc ILo^Dc gaue not tbat laloe bp (> banoe of ^ofes, lubicb QjoulD ba pub^ IiU):d into all nations, ano flo;ifl} cue* r^ UJbere: but lubcn be baD rcccyucD {> naiioa of tbc ^c\}}ts into bvs favtb,De> fence, ano pmatiei* peculiarly to tbem,anQ lil^c a toi^fe lalDmakcr,be bao m mahmg of bis laUjcs a (crtavn lingular conftbira tionoftbcm. 17 j;^o\p remarnctb tbat lr.e r onfiocr ^ Uibicb UJC bauc fct in v laO: plajc, lubat p;oftt of KUu:s,i;iDtciaU o;oe;'s, i 4^1 giaratC5,co!:iin:tb to tbc como felalu^ li)ipof 'Xo:irruin;j.uclbciciuitb alfc is coupleo aaoLbcr queftioii , bJtue nuicb tes.t boUj far tbcr^ obcbiciicc oiigbt to p:occoc.tl)cnrtbougbtv office of iBa^ gittratc to be fupcrfltious among cfiii* ftiancbiraufe fo;iotb tbcv canot poJli^ iv crauc tbciravDc,namclv fitb tbciare fojbiDocn to rcucngc>to fuc m tbc laVu, aiiDto baucanvcotioucrfic.L3nt lubcr as Paul cotrariluife plainlv tclhnctb, n tbat be 13 p mvnifter of Coo to ts fo: ^''"^ gcDD:U3etbcrbrbnDcrttaD, that be lofo o:i3evncD of OoD,tl)at Ujc benig DcfiDcO bp bis bao t fuccours agauift the mail* tioufnclTc ano uiiuiics of mifchetious men,mav Irue a qmct ano aatircQ lifr, 5fbebeinba\'nacueii Dscftbe lo:DC fo; Defence, bnlcff: it be laluful fo; bs to bfe fucb benefite, it fufficicntlv appc^ rctb tbat be mav alfo luitbout Vjngooli* ncs be calico bpon ano fuco tnto. 15ut berc jji mull banc to do \uitb tiuo Umos of men. jfo^tbcre bcmanvmcntbat boyle Uutb fo great rage of quarclvng at tbe lalne, tbat tbcv ncuer bauc qnict liutb tbemfelues bnlcs tbcr bauc ftnfc \5 0tbcr.ilnD tbcircontroucrfics tbe^ erercife lo DcaDlv n)arpncCre of batrcD, ano luitb maD grcDuics to rcuengc ano burt,anD DOC purine tbcm luitbbnap^ peaiable ttiffencllc cucn to tbe bcrv De# Qructio of tbeir aoucrfarv. in tbe mcnc time,tbat tbcv mar not be tbougbtto DO anv tbmg but rigbtfullv,thci DcfcnD fucbe pcrucrmcs luitb colo; of lame. i3ut tbougb It be grauntcD tbec to go to laU)U)itb~tbeirb20Tber,vcttlioumaictt not bvauDbv bate hvui ,iiot b: raneD a* garutt bun luitb furious Dtiu c to burt bim,not ftubuo;nciv to purftic bvm .^ iS Lri this tbcno:c be lavD to furb nif , tbat tbc b:"e of laUjcs is la\r'full,ifa r\\h DO ri.ihtlv ufe it. liuD tbat tbc rvgljt bfc boti) fo; tiic plciitii'to fuc,^ fo; ^ Dcfcn* Dant to Dtfrn:e,iG if t^ic Dcfcnoat being i lUiumoacDDo appcre at nnappomtco I o.^v^anD Doth Uab fucb crccption as be puuatc mm ou r.iCto v:lDto ^'aigiaia 'cm odin bis caurc_ii>itJTOut litta-nc-5, r- ?P.2o Of tlie outvvarde meanes but onl^ toitl) ttjic affection to Dcfenu ^ Isi^icb is bis oU)n b^ lato'4 if v plaintif being tjntuo^tljil^ oppjeffeD eittjer in bi0 pcrfon oj in bifi ga)Ds,Do refcjt to § Defence of § flpagiftratcmaUc bis teni/ plaint,! require tbat lubicbis cquitie anD confciencejbnt far from all grecuve iDillto bart o; reuengc,far from ttwrp* nelTc anD batreD,far from burning beat of contention,faut ratber reaD^ to rclDe of bi5 oUm anD to fuffer mv tbing,tban to be carrieD toitb an encmilifee m^no agaift bis aDaerlarr.Cotrariluire iDbe bemg fiUeD )ob malice of mrnD,co;:rup# tcDiBitbenur,liinDleD Do to^^atb b^ca^^ tbing cut reuf ge,o? finally fo cnflameD iDitb v beat of IP cotcntion,tbev gcue o* uer ant part of cbaritie,tbe t»bole p;o^ ccDing eucn of a moft lufi caufc cannot be but VuicijeD. iro; tbis ougbte to be a DcternnneD p;inciplc to all cb^iftias, ^ a cotrouerf^ tbtcgb it be neuer fo ngb^ tcous,ca ncuer be rigbtlv purfucD of a^ nr ma,\)nleCe be facare as fioiD ttil anD louc to bis acuerfarr? as if tbe matter \iil}k\) \B m cotrouerf? u-er aireaDi? c6* cluDeD $ enDeD b^ ccpoOtioii.^cme ma toll bere peracuenture fav t l«tb mooe ration is fo neuer bfcD in gomg to laU) f it fbulD be lifee a miracle if anv lutbc tecre fcuno. i graunt in Dcoeas ^ nia* iicrs of tbefe times be, t tber is lelDom fene an erample of a gcoD rontenDer in lalu,tet tbe tbing it felfe being Defileu ttitb aDDition of no euel,ceaffetb not to be gaiD auD pure . Ii5ut tcbcn luc bearc tbat ^ belpc of tbe ^^agiltrate is a bol^ gift of ©oD:toe muft fo mucb tbe mojc Diligently tahe beeDc,tbat it be not Defi* leD bt? cur fault, 19 0s fo; tbem f p^ccffel^ conDcmnc all contcnDings at laUj,lct tbcm tjnDer Qiim that tt)t\> DO tbertuitbal Dcfpife ^ boll? ojDinancc of goD,anD a giftof tljat hiuD of gifts tobicb niav be dene to tbe cleans?: bnlcOc pcraDucnture tbey to ill Nu.i9.)8 accufepaule of toicheD Doing, tobtcbiAO.22.1 DiD botb put atoat? from bimfelf p flau- Ders of bis accufers toitb Declartna alfo tbeir Deceit i mali(ioufne0,anD in iuDg met claimeDfoa bimfelf ^p^erogatine of tbe citit of Kome,f tobcn ne De toas be appelcD from an bnrigbtc crs gourr^ no; to tbe (Emperors luDgrment teats, ipcitber toitbffanoetb tt,}bat all Cbji* fliasar fc^biODr to Defire rcurgctobub toe alfo Do D;iu£ far atoai? from tb^ifti* an iuDgcment feats,iFo;,if ^ ccntentio be abouta comon cafCjbe gcetb not tbe 'p^ -2 Z rigbt toa\? ^ Dotb not toitb innocf tfim* j^o 12 19 plicitie , conmnt ^is caufe to tbe iuDge as to a como DeftDer, tbinbing notbtng Icffe tba to renDer mutual recopence of euil,tobicb is t atfecticn of reur gc:o; if ant matter of life t Dcatb,o; ant great crinunall action be commrnceD,toe re^ quire tbat t accufer be fucb a one as cc^ metb into tbe court being tafeen toitb no boiling beatof reuenge f toucbcD )ao no Difpleafure of p;iuate iniurp ,but en It baumg in mtno to toitbfiaD ^ enters pjifes of a mifcbcuous man , tbat tbet mat not burt tbe common toeale . 05ut if tbou takeatoai a reneging minD tber is no offence Don againft tbat cf mmau* Dement toberebt reuenge is fojbiDDen to CbJittias.^ut tbet are not onlt fo; biDDen to Deftre reuenge, but tbet are alio commaunDeD to toatte fc; t bano of tlje lo;D,tobicb p^omifetb tbat br toil be a p;eu lU i e uf gee fo; tbe opp;enrcD t afflicteD:' ut fbct Do p;euf t all reuenge oftbefiucnlt DefrnDo;, tobicb requue bclpeat f S^agiftrates bano ettber fo; tbclclurs c; otber j^M fn. jt 0; fee muft tbinb tbat tbe Sl^agifl rates reuenge is ^0.13,4. not V reuenge of man,but of goD,tobicb (as puul fattb) be ertf Dctb f ercrcifetb bt t minitffit of man fo; our ga3D. 20 j^nD no me;c Do tocDifagrcE tontb tbe toQ);Dcs of Cb;ilJ , bt tobicb be fo;* Ma.t.39 bii&e*l.'toicliCciull, 1 commaunPetb to 1 To Saluation. Fourth P^ookc Fol.jtfy.^ to tournc tljc rigbt ctjchc to tjim f bati) gcuen a blolu on tbc left , nno to fufTcr bim to take aUjap tljv dohc tt)at tahct^ atuav ttjp coatc.if^c \uilletb in Dao tl)cr ttjat tbe nnnocs of t}i6 Q)ulD io mucti ab bo:re from Of fire of rccompffinglrbc fo; Ukc,tl)at tbcp Qjoulo foner fuflfer Do blc iniurv to be Dcn to tbrfrlucs.tba oe fire to reacquitc it: fro Uibicb paticnre ucitber do toe alfo leaoc tbf atoa^. jfo; cbiiftiflB trulf ougbt to be a timo of nir maoe to bcare rcp onlr, but alio tbet mult be bearers of all tbrfc culls , t is to laf fo frameo lii al tbf ir bearts,!^ ba? utngreceiucD one Difplefure tbn make tbe felucs reD^ fo; an otbcr, p;omtfing te tbefclues notbing m tbeir tobolc life but p bearing ofa cotmual Croffc In ^ mean time alfo tbei muft Do gcoD to tbe tbat DO tbrm to;ong, anD toih) toctl to tbofe tbat curfc tbem, i (tobicb is tbcr; onlr Dictoir)ffriue to our rcome cuil t6 R0.21.19 go)D.15eing fo niiiiDf d tbei Unl not fcke Mat 5.39 eve fo2 crCitotb fo; totb , as tbc ]^bari? festaugbt tbcir Difciplcs to DcOrc re^ uenge,but(as toe are taugbt of Cb;ift) tbev toll fo fuffcr tbc^i boor to be man glcD,anD thrirgmDs to be malifioufli' taken from tbcm,tbat tbc^ toilfoigeuc ano of tbeir oton acco;D parnon tbofc c* Fpi f.ad Marcel, tobo be fckftb to baue mace gcoT^ mr u, tbat ratbcr tbr number of tbc groo nia;> cncrealcnot that be OiulD toitb like m.: lice aDDr biinfrlf alfo to tlje number of tbc ciiil:tbcn,tbat tbrp mc;c pcrtcm to tbc p:fp \s)ic^ kcD. Slbis IS tbf firtt tbmg tbat pauje blametb u\ ibem,tbat bv tbcir mtr rii}.t rancc of cote nfions tbcv b:ouGbt p gc4> pel m flaunDer among tbc tnlclcucrfi. ilnDtbf tbis point alfo, i^infucbfo:t tbciftriueDam6ntbfftliiCGb:cth;f iii b;ctb<:en. Jfo; tbcv tot re fc Ln rr frcni bcarirgofto;cinc;rjj tbat tier giaDily gapcDor.cfo;anotljer£;caDE,p;oi:oUcO i.Co.6.6 oncanotberanob:ing bnp,:cucktD riD aclsfofojnrastbcp arcoon totbe.J^ct ! burtXbcrfojcbcinunftbagair.f^thit fbis eutnncffc i moDeration cf nimocs ! rage o'cotcnDiiig, % ncr fiinplv u^nwft fljiU not toitbl!anD,but that tbe frenD^ {hi\i totoaro tbf ir enemies remaining fafe^tbcf mar tfc tlie belpc of tbc uMgi Cratct0tbep:ff:rniiigof tbcir goDo, 0; fo; jciecf publi'jc comnieDitic ma^' fuea giltic nnD pcftilcnt man to be pu« niftjco, tobom tbc\? l^noto tbat be cjn? not be amcnDcD but bf Dcatl). jf 0; A u- gulhne true Iv crpounDctb ti)^^ al tbcfe f ommauonncnts teiiD to tbic eno, tbat a rig'?tGOus anc goDlr man fl;i;lD be re* all fontroucrfics . L-urlc|::oi;oui.cclb tbat It 18 a faltc o: a v.irukcncrrc, tut tbcr DID net rati f r f- 'S, i IcfTf of tbrj ; gojDs tbjn to trauatU' tuti: to rcntf nti* ons fo: tbc p^cfcruirig oftt:m:na»iiclp toben tbertocrfo c.iftlr moucc torb l* uerrDamage,anD fo: moC fmulfuiJics Dio runnc to tbc court of lato ant tc cc* troucrfrs,be faitb ibat tbis is a p.:rcfc )^ tbcf toer of a minD to rcatvto ana^r t not tocl framcD to patience ,Cb:il« um .0 pi? to bcarc pacicntlg tbc malice of tbc [ tcrely ougbt to do tbif ,tJ}atjbq_b£Na rap.zo. Of the outvvarde meanes ;i.Pe.M7' rro24. 3!. luar ratberYo i?elD oftbctr otone rrsbt tm to &o to la\y ,f rom tobcncc tfje^? can feu tcl? get out again but "oiitl) a mintJ jonntc!) moucDi feinDletJto ^atrcoof tfjcir b^otljer .liBat tDljcn a man fatlj ^ luitljout loffe of cbaritie be ma^ oefeno l)is c^juUjV loffc tDbcrof (!)oulD be a fo;ie t)mD;rancc bnto btm:if be do fo,be offcn Dctb notbing againHctbis fa^ingeof Paul, jf inallT? (as Use baue taugbt in J beginning) cbarif ic (ball geuccuerre man beft counfel, tuitbout tnbicb tobat focncr controuerfies arc tafecn in banD, j be^ouDlrbicb Uibatfoeuer no p^ocece is3c bo ID it out of controaerlie^ tbei? be tiniuft anD totcUcD. 22 s:be Srft buct^ of fubiccts totoarb tbeir magilf rates is, to tbinh mott bo^ no;abl?of tbeir office , namclf tobicb tbe^ acUnotolege to be a iurifoirtio co* mittcD of CDot),! tberfojc to cftemetbe f rcucrence tbeni as tbe minitters ano Deputies of ©oDjro^ a man mav fpDe fome, tjubicb ^elo tbemfclues ter^ obe* oient to tbeir magittratcs,! tooulD not ^ tber toer not fome tnbom thcv IbulD obc\',bicaufc tber fo Unoto it to be txpt Dicnt fo; t\)^ comon benefits: but of tbe magiQrates tbemfelues tbei? tbinh no otbervuife fban of certaine neceffar^? euils . )i5ut Peter rcqutretb fometobat moKof I)s,ti3ben becommaiJDctbtbat tbe king bebonojcDiano SaIomon,lDbc be commaunDct;) ojtb? of bono; anD re* uercnce : tbat icbofoeuer be rulers mav be efteemeb toitb bs, anD baue reuerence,in refpecte of tbc^; being rulers. 23 ^f tbis tben alfo fololuetb anotber tbing:^ tuitb minDs bent to i bono;ing of tbe, tbev' Declare tbeir cbeDience in p;cfe to tbe:tobetaer it be to obe^ tbeir proclamations, 0; to pa^ tribute , 0; to taftc in baD publibe ofitces f cbarges ^ feme fo; common Defence,o; to do an^ otber of tbeir comauDements.ilet eue^ r^ foulc(raitb paul)be fubiert to tbe bt er potoers . i?o; be tbat rcfitf etb f po* U3er,rerittetb (> o;Dinance of (IDoD.Cbc fame Paul tD;itetb to CitustHUarne tbem tbat tbci' be fubiert to rulers anD potDers,tbat tbep obey tbe magiCrats, tbat tbe\? be reaDi' to euer\? ga)D UJo;fe» BnD |9eter fartb. 515c ve fubiert to ene*' rp bumarne creature (0; ratber as 3 tranOate it,^;Dinancc)fo; t\)t 3Lo;Des faUeSjC^tber to f; king as moll crcellet, 0; to t\)t rulers tbat are fent b^ bim,to tbe puniflpnent in dcDc of cuill Doers, but to tbep;apre of lucll Doers. S^9o;eo^ uer tbat tbep fiicnlD teff ific tfjat tlM Do not fainc fubiertion, but are fincerdt? f bartil^ fubiert,ll^au'e aDDctb tbat tben OjoulD commenD to gob tbe fafetie anb p;o(peritie of tbem bnDertrbomtbCT? liue.Bl e]cbo;t(rartbbe)^tberc be niabe p;apers, bcfecbinges , intercfiTions, tbanlicfgeuings fo; all mmy fo; kings, anD fo; all tbat hz fet in fuperio;it!ej tbat Igce ma\!e liue a peaceable anb qut^t Ro.13.1. Tit.31. i.Pe,2.i3, ?«Ti.2j, To Saluation. Fourth Dookc* fol 47a qntcf life Icit!) all gotJlincs f Ijoncftic. j^c^tbcr let anv »ia tjcrc Dcccruc Ijini? fclfc . Jfo; Otb tf)c magiUratc can not be rcGUeD, but tbat Cod bvnifclf muft alfo bcrefifteD : altbougtj it map too: tbougbt tbat an tjnarmca niagiftratc map fmlr bee DcfprfeD, vet Ood is ar* meD UjJ)tcl) tuill ttronglp take tenge* ance on tbc DifpiQng of Ijpmfelfc. £i?o;e^ oucr tnoer tbis obeoiencc j contcnme moDeration,Utbicb p;iuate mr oiigbt to binDetbcmfcluestokepem cafes tou= fullp bent,Do tuitbont all care Qotbfnl' Ip \ualIo\ue m De litcs : otbcr feme aO^ DirtcD to their game, co fet cut to falc al laU)C6,p:iui!cgc0,iui\.infnt«,tgraut0; otber foiiie fpople the p(r;e coniunaltic of moner lubicb tbep marc after toattc bpoii niao proiigiill erpcnrinr.c : other fonie evcrrife mere robbiivtu, inpil» luigofboufeGiDcftlingortirninctina* troncuuatbenng of innocents : mar.p can not be pc rfVuaoeD ^ fucb fiionioe be achnolrltDneofo; P;nice)i5, Xubcie au^ cbmg tbc publike ttatc.tbat tbep do not j tbo:itie tbep ougbt to cbep fo farre as oftbcirobonbeaDcntermcDlc m pub- 1 tbep map. jro; info great bamous in* like buQncffe,o.2 raQjlp b;eake into tbe | Uio;tbineiTe>amcng couigs fo mu(b co* office of tbe magiQiatcf enterp;ifc no , trarp to tbc Duiye not onelp of a lUagi^ tbtgpiiblikclp.if anptbigtbal ma pub , arate,butalfo of a man, tbep bebolo no like o;Dinance be bcboueful to be amr";; ' fo:me of tbc image of goo Uil)icb ougbt OcD,let not tbf fclues raife bp;o;cB,no; to tbme m a magiarate: luben tbep is puttbeirbaostotbcDomgofit, u»bicb \ no token of tbc miniQcrofCcD,U)bicb tbep al ougbt tobauc faft bounD m tbis j vuas gmen fo; pMpfe to tbc gmD t fo; bcbalftbut let tbc comit u to tbc iuDge^ \jegeace to p cml:fo neptber Do tbev &U met of § magittratCjlDbofe baD alone is | fo acknclulcge fucb a gcuerno; U.ibofc bercinatlibertie.Jimcnctbattbeip^ej Dignitiei autho;itic fbe fcnpturcto* fume to DO notbing bncomaunDCD.Jro.: tobcn tbc comaunDcment of p ruler is aDiopncDjtbf arc tbep alfo furnifbcDiii mcnoctb bnto ts.iinD trulp tl;i£ Uiu fl of affeaion batb alU-ap lun naiur^iily/ planrcD m tbc mpnors tf men , no IclTc publikcautbo;itie.iro^ astbei arc loot 1 to bate ^ abbojrc tp.iants , tban tc louc to cal tbc counfellcrs of aking,bis ears ! auD bono; la\rfnll kmgs. aiiD cpes: fo not tinfitlp a man map cal tbcm tbc banDs of tbe p:mce,U)bom bp bps commauiiDcment be fcttetb in aii^ tbo;iticfo; tbe Doing of tbinges. 2> i3ut li Uie lokc to tie Uio;D of goD, It UJill leaDc Ds furtber,tl:al uii be fub* icct not cnclp to {> goucinuicntcftlxfc P;inccs U)b:cb erccutt tbiu cffuc to* 24 i(5oto fojafmucb as Ujc banc betber* VuarD tic Vucll i Ui fucb faiibfuli.circ as to DcfcribcD a magiftratc fucb as ic m ! tbep ougbt, but alfo oral t\)i , luhcb bp Ich 34. DCDc tbe fame t^ be is calleD,namcIp tbc fatber of p countrcp, % (as tbe poet cab letb bpm) tbc patio; of p peoplc,tbc kc per of peace, tbe p;otcao; of ugbtcouf* nf lie, tbc rcuciigc; oCiunoccncc : be is twojtbilp to be uiogeD a maD man;tbat alIoU»etbrtotfucbagoucrmncnt , :il5«t j raime fo; p;eicruing of tbc faftlpof iDbcrastbisisinamanci'p erpcricncc ' men,i nf pointctbtomaniriratsttmu ofaUagcs,ti)atofp;inccc fomc being felucs tlcu bouncs : pctl-c coibtljci* carcleffc of all tbinges to tbcfo;cfcing I \mtbalocclaic,tbatoiU.batfc;trocucr U)bcroftbcp ougbt tobauc bene baoe- 1 tbwa l«c,tbcp bauc uottbciraut;'o;itte ~~. ~^ ~" ■ " but luihU mcane iccucr it be, bauc tbc Dc; - * nunion m pcfTciricn altbcugl) tUp per ^ fo;me notbing Iclle tlTan^VubicbperO-^*^'^"' tcmetb to tbc outp tf p:incrs . jfo; ^ '-'^ 4- tbougbtbc U):u tcnifieibtbat tbe ir.agu |;' '^^ ' ftrate 15 a ipccialgi eat gift of bis libp ^^ " ^9 \_«ip- iO«/ Of the outvvarde meanes Da.2. 2% buf from fiimttfiat tJjofe in D£ED,tolnc^ maner of fmttxcs toftcras § tofjol fcrip ruiefojbeiieftteoftbecommontoealc, tureabcuDctfj, pet tfjat fame p^optjcdc 'arc trac criiitjlarfis ariD patcrncfi of ofSDamcIfpccialUrUiarmet&fuI.^oUj ' b 3 bcunttfulncCfe : ttjat tbep ttjat rule mat maner of bing teas /pjabuctjaoo^ tmaaivanDUJiIfuUpareraffeD bpbp nc^er,bett)at coqucreo lpicrufalfm,it Ex»25>,ip Ijim to puni'tj t^je tutcheoncs of tbc peo , is iufficietl^ fenoior , namely a Orog in pic: t!)at al egaU? fjaue tbatmareftie i uaoeri Dcaroper of otber,|0ctm Cje^ ixjiicretoitf) t)e batt) f urmfljcD alaluful cbtel tbc iL020 affirmetb that fjcgaue ijotu?r.3i Votl p^oceue no furtbcr, till 3 btm J lano of (il;gipt foj p feruicc ^ be baue atjoco feme certain teftinionieg of baD Don to bim in luaUing it.ano ^a^ tut point. J^et Uie nsD not mucb to la^ ! niel fapD to bimttbou feing art tbc femg pg^^ ^ \m to pjouc tbat a toicfeco kim is tbc j of Uingea , to tobom p feingof beauens * tu^atb of !jot) ^po tbc eartb,fo:afmucb ! batb geucn a migbtie,anD Urong , anD as ^ tbinfe t no ma luil far § cotrarp,f nt!?eru3i?retber lljoulo be no mo;e fai?D ofaljingtba ofacommo robber ^ tJio^ icntlt! tafjetb aluap tbv gajDs,anb of an af oijltercr t ^eftletb tbp beo, of a mur* tbcrrr tbatf£Uetb,to feil tbee, tobereas tbe fcripture reckenetbal facb calami? tics a^nog tbe cuvfes of go&. llBut let bs ravb?r tarp bpon piouing tbat tobpcb D. tii not fo eafilr fettle in tbe minbs of m^n: tbat in a mofte noogbtp ma, ano mo(t fenluo;itbt' of all bono>, if fo tbat b3 baue tb ? publi'ke pouier in pofTeffto, rc:ttainctb tbat nnble anD oiuinepotuer to:):cb tbe 1Lo;jd batb bp b^JS toojo ge« u^iito tbe muiifters of \)is rpgbteouf* neffe an3 iungement : aiiD tberefo^e tbtitMeougbt ofbrsfubiectesto bebao in as grct reucrrcc f eftimaf i6,fo mucb 83 p?rtein:tb to pnbliH obeDirce as tljei loulo banc ^ bcft U'g if be torr geup tlje 26 ^irit ^ vuoiUD bane tbe readers to perc eiuc * Di!in;entlv m^rlj tbatpjoui* Dence i finguler Doings of <©od, tobicb is m ^ Scripture not vbont tank fc oft reberfeDbntot)£^inDi(Irtb^Jtingofhfg Domes t making kings u. "w it pleafctb bim. in SDaniel,tt is faiD:£Cbe lo;D cba getb times f coap f maketb ktngs.^aain : 2Lbat p liuingmap knolo i^ tbe bred is migb^ tit in t kingDome of men, anD be fljall gcue it to lobom be ^ill . Mitb tobicb glorious feingDom:to tba J rav,be batb geuen it,anD all tbe lanDcs luber Dtoell H}t cbilD?P of mm, i^ bcaftrs of § tPojD, f foules of p av jc: be batb DeliuereD tbe into tbT? bans,! batb maDe tbee to bearc rule ouer tbf . ^gai.i be fapD to bis fcne llSelfafartae bicft CDod batb geuen to jjJabucbaDnejar tbp fatbers femgDome anD rovaltv,bono2 f glo;jip: i br rrafon Da.c.iS. of tbe ropaitp tbat be gaue brm, al pec* ples,tribes,f languages U'ere trebling anD fearful at bis Oabt.^be toe beare tbat a krng is o;^DaincD of (©oD t let bs tberof callto remrbjance tbofcbeauen* Ip toarningcs concerning tbe benching f fearin? of a Upng : tben tnc fiiall not Dout to accompt a moft toickeD tnant ;n § fame place tuberin tbe llo^De batb boucbfaueD to fetbim. Samuel, toben | be gaueluarning to p people of Jfraell, i.Sa.8,iu inbat maner of tbings tbep tliolD fuffer at tbe banDs of tbep; kings, faporSCbis rtjalbe tbe rigbt of tbc king t K)al reign ouer pou : be Q)al take pour fonne^anD put tbe to bps cbariot, to make tbe bps bo^femen, t to ploto bps lano , i reapc bps f rop,anD to make inllrumentes of toarre . l^ee fljal take pour Daugbters, tbat tbcp mape bee bP« Djeffers of opntmcntes , b^s Cokes anD llBakers. I^our lanbes, pour bineparDes, i pour befte i£)ltue plattes bee fiiaU take ao loap anD geue to bps botiD femannfcs. ________ ^^' i.Sa,8.ii. To Saluation. Fourtli Booki |cr,27.5. l^cC&all tabe titljts of tour fecDtB ano tjtncrarocs, ant) (l)all geuc tt)cm to bis €imuc!)e0 anD bonofcrununtdi^cfbal taUc a\uav tour bono men, voiir lonoc tueinen ano i?our alTcfl, ano fct tijf m to tjis too;fef. fca ano be (Ijall take titbffl Bfvournocfe6:nnDvc£balbc!)i5bonOc fcruanfs . dcrilt feings ftnlo not banc Done tins of rigbt,U)bom tbc LaUic did bcr^ tuel inftrtut to al! contincncc.but it U»a0 caUcD n rigbtc oucr tbc people tubicb itjbcboucD tbem of nccclTitpc to obcp,anD tbcp niigbte not reOft it: as if &amoel baD fafDc, 2:be toilfulnclTe of htnops Q}all run to fucb liccntiournrflc, iDbirb it fljall not be ^our part to rcQtt, to tuljom tliis onlv tbmg (iwlbc Icftcto obep t^cir conimaunDcnicntcs , ane bearfeen to tbeir U)o;d. 27 5i5ut cbcfcl? tber IS in 3Jcrcinr a nc^* table place, ano tuo^tbi) to be rcniem* bjeD, iDbitl) altbougbe it be fomclobat long, ret 3 luill be content to rcbcarfe, I? maieflfr^ trfjicb it teas UnlatufUlI tc tiolate.iflrebauetbis continually be fo;c our minDcs ano nrB,t(:at njcn thf b)o^n hintuj arc ojDcincD br ttc fame Decree bv U^bicb ibe dutbo;itv of tiincvS \B ftablitbcD : Ihcfr fcDitious (bcugbtes fl)all tictirr come into our nunDr,tbat a lung 15 to be banoIeD acco;Dii)g to hrs Deferuinfl;0,nnD tbat it is not nicte that U)C njoulD fbcU) cur ff hicc fubiccrrc to biin tbat Dotb not en bis bcbalfc fljrlcc bimfelfealiiiigtots. 28 Kn bainc (Ijall anr man obiccte tbat tbistoas a peculiar coirmaiinDcnunt to tbc Jfraclitcs. f 0; it is to be nctcD tuitbtobatrrafontbe ILo;Dconnrnutb it. 5 baue gene n(raitb be, tbc l:ir.g^o:nc toX5abucbaDncjar.CGbcrfc;efcruevc bim ano liue. JZo Uibcm fo cucr tbcre> fo;c it fljalbc certain tbat tbc hinnccm IS gcucn, let Vs not Dout tbat be is to be obereD . flnD fo fmne as tbc i.o:t)e ao- uauncctb anv man to tbe rorall cflate, bieaufc it moftc plainlpc Determtnctb be tbcrcm Dcclarctb bis uull to bs, tbat tbi0 toboUqucQion, 3 l}<{i\t maDc tbc bcU)illbaucbim rcigne . f e; tbercjf eartbanDmen,faitbtbello;De,anotbc • are gcnrrall tcaiir onus cf tbc^cnp' liuing creatures tbat are on tbe ouer? |ture.&alomonintbe.:8.Cbapter. a:>a' face of tbc cartb in n\v great ttrengtljc ; nr p;inccs are bicaufe cf tbc U3ul;cC' anDarettbcDoutarme, aiiDjUnllDc^ :nctreof tbepcople. Iloaine,3obintbe liuer it tobim lubom it plefetb m mine ! i2.Cbapter.V^e taiietbalvav fubicflion CVCB. ;anD nolnc tberfc;e 3 bane geuen ' fcom lungs , ano nirocttj tbcm againc all tbcfe lanDs in*o tbc bancs of (5abu^ | toitb tbc girole. lint tbis being ccnfi V cbaDnejer m? feruannt,anD al nations : feD, tbcre remamcth nctbmg but r lue l-'oL-i ?/ ^ j ProaS.a Icr.2 .7J kmgD ferucD tbe king of li?abel,3 iuil feiOte ^ nation m fU)earD,faminc, » penilcncc. maunDctb bis people to fcr Uc tbc peace of 15abilon, lubcthcr tbcv taD bene Ico ©Sbcrfo^e, fcruc vc tbe bing of Ifnbcl ; aluarc captiue,anD tc p;ave to bim fo; anDliue. me f^^ tottf)t)oU) great oLe^ it, bicaufe in tbe peace of it t^^^^^^^ Dience tbe ilo;De U)illeD tbat criiell ^:nD ; tbetr peace. Ir^ebolD tbe 3 raclits be ng p o«Dtiranttobebono?e.,fo;naotbrr |rpoilcDofalltbcirgmD« ^*^ - -. ^---"- 'ttKirbourrSjlcDalDavMiitoenlc, icatt reafon but bicaufe be poffclTeDtbe bmg DOiH.xinD tbe fame Uias bv tbc beauen^ Ip Decree, tbat be iuas fet m t\it tb;one of n)t feinaDoin»anD tah^n tp into bmg into miferable bonoage,are commaun' DCD to p:aY fo J tbe fafctr of tbc conque* ro;: not as in otoer places Voe arc cgin^ inaunDCD jCap.ao. / i.Sa.24.7 uSa.26.9 Of the outward meancs maunoeD to p;at? fo^ our perfecuto^s : but t^at {y feingoomc mar b^ p;eferueD to timfelf I quiet, tbat t^ tbcmfelues ma^airo Ituep^ofpcroufl^ l}nDerbtm. ^0 Dauid being alreDi appointeo fttng b? p ojtiinSce of goD, $ annointeD ioitb 1)10 ^ol¥ oile, tpbe tie loas loitbout anp bis oeferutng hjo^tfjili? pcrfccuteD of Saul,vct tbe brao of btm tbat laio toaite foj bis life , be eHemeo boIi?,tobicb tbe Io;d bao balloUieD tuitb {> bono; of Iuq^ bom.i?arre be it fro me (fa^oe be) tbat i CjoulD faefo;e tbe lo;D no tbis tbingto m^ lo;5c tbe annointeo of tbe llo;D,^ 3 Ibulo lai? mp bano tipon bim,bicaure be iB t\:)t annointeo of tbe %.om . ^gaine. ^r foule batb fpareo tba,f I baue faio, 3 toil not lap mp bano bpon mp J.o;d, bicaufe be is p annointeo of tbe llo;be. againe. xmi)Q 0^1 lap bis banb bpon § tbcp; cbplojen tjjbom tbep arefoabib* oen to piouobe to angcr,tbat tuif b tbeir peuitbncffe tiitv bo bumeafurablp toe^ rp tbemtlet tbe bufbanos mott oefpite^ fullp bfctbep^ lopues , lobom tbep are commauDeD to louc , ano to fpare t^cm as loeafec beffels: (ball pet tbcrfo^e cp^ tbcrcbilojenbe IcflTe obemmttotbcp; parent5,o; toiucs to tbeir buf banoes i )i5ut tbei are fubiect botb to euil parets anobufbantisi fucbasoonottbeirou tic^eay toberas al ougbt ratber to cn^ Deuo; tbemfelues not to Im^c bebinoc tbem to p bagge banging at tbeir back, ^ is,not f 0 enquire one of anotberc nuf titSybut cuerp man fet before bim tbat is his oijone Dnetie:tbis ougbt cbieflp to baue place amonj tixfe ^ arc bnoer tb« potoer of otber.^mbcrfc^e if toe be bn^ mercifullp tojmcntcD cf a cruet p;iincc. ».Pc»37- annointeo of tbe 3lo;iD,an!3aialbeinno if toe be rauenouflp fpovlcbof acoue^ ccntf &o fure as Icrs^f lobat fo^t foeuer tbci bc.mbicb BB DO tbcrfcje tbe offner repete,tbat toe map learne not to fcarcb tobat the men tbemfelues biE,but take this fo; fuffui^ ent,^ bp the topi of tbe Ic^o tbep beare tbat perfonagcin tobir b tht lo^oc hinv felfebatb cmp,:inteD ano engraucD an inuiolablc maica:ie.lii5ut(tbou "ixsilt far) Kulers oto mutual mttics to tbeir tub iertsXbat 3 bane nlrcop cofeitco.But if tbou tberuppo conciuDe,?^ obeDicnces are to be tcmm to none but to iull^ go ucvnmts , tbou art a fmliilfe reafoncr» i?oi , buf bancs alfo are bouo to tbeir toiacs $ parents to thm cbilo^en \ji)ith mutual Ductics. !let parents § bufbaDs tone 0; ropctus p;ince,if toe be neglec* teo of a floutbful pjince,finallp if toe be bereo fo;i goDlpncffcs faheof a topcbeb I bngooli p;iince:Ict ts firft cal to mino tbe rcmemb;auce of our fin?, tobicb tn Douteclpare cbaapfco toitb fucb fccur^ ges of tbe llo^D.Sbcrbp bumiliticlbal b^iole our impatience.ilet bs tben al# fo ral to mino this tbourtbt, tbat it per^ tcpnctb not to bs to remcop fucb euils; but this onclp is left fo; bs,^ toe craue belp of tbe lo;oc,in tobofe bano are m bartes of feings,anD tijc botoing of feing Dcmes.^^e is § goD that (ball ttanD in | affcmblp of go50,i fS^m in the mpD^ett ivina,e p gcD0 from tobofe fare al lungs Ibatl falljano be b;efeen 1 all tee iuDges/ of the eartb tbat fijal banc not iii(tc\i his annointe»,i.^ baue to^ittrn bniutt latos ' toopp;cai;tbepaA* in iuDgement, ano bo tMolence to tbe caufe of tbebumble, to maUe toiijootocs ap;ap, ano rob tbe fatbcrlrfiTe. Da.p.7, Pro. 2 1. 1, pfa.82.i» i^f.2,10. Efa^ici &cpart frcui tbrir Dutieilet par^rs f^e to 30 ;ano bcre bofb his ntaruelous geb=^ tocmkiu^ii 10 baroc auDbajj^licjo |nes>t potoer ,ami fi^o-ipcncc (bctoctb^ — • ~ 1 Z jy^^J^ill. Ex.>7. IucL3.5>. To Saluation. it fclfcfo; fomtimc of bis fcruants Ije rarfctb bp open rcurgcrBt fumiftjctb t()cm Ujitlj tjis comauMDcmcnt, to take tjengcauncc of tbcir timiOc goucrnC' meat, ano to ocliiicr \)vs people man\? U>a^C0 opp.:cfffD ont of mifcrablc Di- llrcflic:fometime ljcDircactl)to t fame eno tfje rage ef men tbat f ntrn^ ano (!,o about an otber tbnig. ^ t)c Bcluiereo tbe people of Jfracl out of tbctirannp 9f pbarao,bi q9ofcs:anD out of tljc Xii&i lete of ^bufam hing of ^iria,bi £^tl)Of ntct,anD out of otbcr tb;:aloonic0) bv o< tber kings o; JuDgr s. &o be taincD tbc p;iDcofH^^.:n0,bptbc CgiptianB: tbc infolencc of tbc egiptiana, Up the jalTi* rian5:tbe fcrccncffc of tbe a(rinan5,bi? tht CbalDees:tbc bolocneCTe of iDabtlon, b^tbc i'pcoians, ano b^ tbc pcrfinns. lubcn €^^us ban fuboucD tbc t^cDias. ano tbc tjntbanttcfulncITc of tbc bings of 5uoa f jlfrael , ano tbe toichcD obtti natictoluarDbwfomanu bcncfttcs,bc OiobeateootoncanDb;ing to oiftreffc fometiine b)? t\}c Mivians, fomctrme bi? tf)e ISabilonians, albeit notal after enc maner . iFo; i^c firCc fo;t of men tubcn tbe? tocr bp tbc latoful calling of goo rent to Do fucb atterin takig armurc againft Uings.tbcti did not tjiolatc tbnt maicttp tobicb is plantcD m binges bti p o;Dinace of goo: but being armcD fro bcauen tbcp fubDucD § lc{T:rpoUjerlD i grctcrUibc as it is lalDfnl f o; hinges to puma)tbcirlo;occbnDcrtbcm. I5ut : tbefe later foit.aUijoiigb tbci toei Dircc ' teo b? ^ bano of goo 'toijctbcr it plcafcD ' Inm, t tbCT? tmujittingh? Dio bis Ujo;h, I ^et purpofco in tbcir mine notbingbnt i tniCcbiefe. I 51 315ut bolufoeucr t\)t i : /r Doii:go 3f I mm be iuDgco, vet tbc Ic, ^ ?rD as ujr! j crecutc bis Vuo;Ue b^ tljcn., . t ijc oic b;cak ^ blffiDv fceptcrfi of p;cuO Uii^cu, 1 f ouertb^cto tbcT';inti3lcrablcgou?rn* , mcnts. ilct p;incc6 bs-» e « bcafrai^cJ Fourth Bt0 to be bearo alone fo; aitogctber and abouealhnettctobtm U}c be fubiea to tbofe men tbat arc fet oucr \}$:but no otbertui^fe tban in btm. ^f ibe? commaunoean^ tbtng agatn(i btm^let it baue no place ano let no acf compt he maoe of ttatettber let \)b bere in an^ tbing fta^e tjpon all tbat bigni^ tie \s)bereU)itb tbe ^agiltrates ercell, toijDbicbe tbere t$ no Ui;onge D(Dne> UJi)cn it is bjougbt into o;Dcr of fubiec* iion tn comparifonpf tbat 0ngular ano truel^ fouera^gne poloerofCDoD. af* ter ii)^s reafon 2Dantel Den^eo tbat be ban am tbing offenDeo agatnft i l^ing, iobenbe obe^eonot bpu U)i>clieo p^o* clamation : b^caufetbe l^ng bao paf^ icD i;\?s bounDS,ano bao not onelt? ben a \x)^mQ 0oer to men, but ut lifting tip b^sboanesaga^nlJcSoD be bao taken alua^ potuer from b^mfelfe.€>n tbe o« tb^r CiDe tbe ifraclitesareconDemneo, bpcaufe tbey Vnere to mucb obeoient to tbe lut!ckc9 commaunoement of t^t ^tng, ifo;ituben3crobeam bao maoe goloen calucs, tf)e^ fojfafeing tbe ttin^ pie of (SoDjOyo foj b^s pleafuretournc to netoe fuperftittons. WXitti li^e ligbt nelle tbeir pollcritie enclj?neD tbem^ fclues to ti^ o«^Dtnance0 of tbeir i{ingt(» wm^f) tbrs tbe p^opbctc fibarpelv re* p^ocbet^tbem tbat tbe^ emb^acen tbe commajuaoemsnt0 of tbe kingifo facre is it of J tbat tift p;etence of bumilitpe ma^ oeferue p:aire,U)bertDitb ttft t^aU terers of tbe Courtc do couer tbefelues ano oeceinc tbe fimple,tobile tht^ fai^e tbat it is not laU)full fo; tbcm to rcfufe ani?e tbing tbat is coamiaunDeo tbem oftbetrp;ince£s: astbougbedDoobao refigneo bis rigbt to mo^tall men, ge^ uing tbem tbe rule of manbinoe : o^ as tbougbe tl3t eartbl^ potoer Inere mini^ (beOjlDben it is maoe fubiea to tbe au^ tbo^ of it> before tobome euen tbe bea^ uenl^ potoera ooe bumble tremble fo^ feare. Si bnoU) boVu great ano boto p;e^ rent pearili bangetb oner thvp conltan> cie,bicaufe kings ooe molte ^tfplefant<> Irefuffer tbemfelurs to h^ oefpi^feo, tDbofe oifpleafnre (faT?tbe ^alomon)ts tiic melTenger of oeatbe.Oi5ut tittiz tbis BDecree is p;roclaimeo b? tbe beauenl^e l^araloe peter. SDbat tue ougbte to 0^ be^ (don ratber tban men , let bs com^ fo;t our felties )3)it^ this tbougbte,tbat lDetbenperfo;^m tbat obeoience lubicb tbe iyO^o requircf b> ioben tue fuffer a« n? t\)inQ ratber Iwbatfoeuer it be, tban r^arue from dDoolinelTe. ^no tbat our courages D&oulo not fainte, f&aule put* tetb alfo an otber fpurre to bs . E^bat toe tocre tberfoje reoaemco of Cb;itt^ tuitbfogreatap;jice as our reoempti=> on colt bim>ani} ^^ Iboulonot pelo our felues'in tbMloometo obet? tbe per^s ucrfe oelxrcs of mcn>butmucb ielTefboulobebonoeta t^nj^olinelfe. A^.5,29 I. cor. 7w Prayfe he to GocL T,N. I? 1i ^^-- m wnii ir» I ■»«»—»■*— tM».g contamedin the 'BookesofthU Inffttution, In the frfi 'Bool^ which ent reateth of the knowledge of God the Credtor: Arccont.iyncd xvuj.Chaptcrs. p. Hat the knowledge of God, and of ourfclucs,arc tinners conioy- ncd: and Iwwc they bcc iinckcd the one with the odicr. VVhat It IS to knowc GoJ, and to w h-it Ci d tcndcth the knowledge of him. jn comparifon fctthc true God againft all the Gods of die Gentiles , rcckcning him for none ofthem. II 7 h;.t It IS vnlawful to attribute vnto Gtxl a vilible formc,and that Generally, they forl.ikc God,fo many as do ired to thcmltlucs any iniaecs. 5 That the knowledge of God is naturally planted ii That GoJ is kucTallydilccmcd from idols, diat S in the mindcs of men. That the fame knowledge is either choked or corrupted , paidy by ignoraiincc, and paitly by malice. That the knowledge of God doth fhiningly ap- peare in die making of the world and in tfic c6- tinuall goucmment thereof. That to attaineto God die crcatoPjit is ncdeflil to haue the fcnpture to be our guide & maiUrclTc. By what telhmony the icnpiure ought to be fta- bliHicdjthat iSjby the witnefle of the holy ghoft, that the authontie theiof may rcmaine certain: And that it is a wicked inutntion to fay that the credit therof doth hang vpon the iudgcment of theChuiche. 1 hat fo far as mans rcafon may beare , there are fufficient proucs to ft.ibhflic the erudite of the Scripture. That thole phanatical mcjwhichforfaking fcrip- turc, rcfort vnto rLueiation,doou(.nhiowe all he may be oncly and wlioly worlhipped. 13 That there is taught in the Scri)tt>rc$ one cfli nee of God from the very creation, wliiJi liKncc contaiiuth in it direc pcrlons. 14 That the Scripture cutn in the crearon of the world and ot all things, doth by ct rtamc markes put difference bctwtne die true Gud,aiidfay- ncd Gods. I J VVhat a one man was creatediwhcrin there is en- ncatcdofthe powcis of the ibulc,and ot the image of God, of free w:llj and of the htil intc- eritie of nature. 16 That God by his power doth nourifh and main- tain the world, which himlilf h.ih crcaicd,& hj his J rouidcccdo;hgouirnc all the paits therof. 17 V Vherto & to what end this dodime is to be ap- plicdjihat we may beccitiinortheproHtthirof. 18 1 hat God doth fo vfe die feruicc of wickvdmen, and fo boweth their mindes to put his ludge- ment in cxtcution,that yet ftiii lumf».be rcmn- neth pure from all ij ot. the principles of godlir.cflt 10 That the Scripture, to corred all fupcrftiti6,doth In thefecond Boohj which entreateth of the knowledge of God the f\ederttfr in Chrifl,whuh knowledge wa5 iiift opened to the fathers in the time of the lawe,anJ thai to vs in the Gotpell: Arc contained xvij.Chapters. I 'nrHat by Adams fin & falling away,mankind be- 10 OfthcliktncireoftheoldcandncwTcflanient. •■• came accurlcd, and did degenerate fi6 his Hilt eftate : whciin is entreated of Originall Imne. Thafmais now fpoylcd of the frccdonie cf will, and made fubicd to miferable bondage. That out of the corrupt nature of man proccdcth nothing but damnable. How God woiketh in thehartes of men. A confutation of the obiedions that arc wont to be brought for the defence of free will. That man being loft, muft fekc for redemption in Chrift. That the law was gcuen,not to hold ftdl the peo- '^^' pie in it, but to nourifli the hope of faluation in Chrift vnnll his comming. An expofition of the Morall Law. That Chrift although he was knowe to the lewes vnder the lawc, yet was he dcliucrcd ondy by the GofpcU. 1 1 Of the dirKiece of die one tclbmet fro the other. II 1 hat It behoucd, that Chrift to pcrfotme the of- fice of the Medijtor,lhould be made man. I J That Chnft tooke vpon him die true fubftance of thcfielhofman. 14 How the natures of the Mediator doe make one perfon. I J That we may know to what end Qinft was fent of his father,.uid what lie brought vs;direc thingcs ai'c pnncipnily to be confidcrcd in him.his Pro- pheticall ortiLf.hit kingJome,& his PricfUiodc. 16 How Chi ift hath fulfilled dicofhcc of Rcdimcr, to purchafe faluation for vs.whcrin is entreated of his Death and Rcfurrcdion, & his Afccnduig into hcauen. 17 That it IS truly and properly (ayd.th it Chnft hath dcferucd Goils fauor and loluauon for vs. OOOJ. In THE TABLE. Ifi the third Boke which entnateth of the mancr how to receiue the gy ace ofChrifi, ^ T^hat fruites come theiof to vs,Sc what efFedcs follow of it: Are coatamed xxy.Chapters. luftification. 14 What is the beginning ofliiftincation, andtlic continuall pioceding thcrof. nrHat thofe things which arc fpoken of Chrift do profit vs,by fecrct working of the holy Ghod;. z Of Fayth, wherin both is the definition of it , and the properties that it hath are declared. 5 That we arc regenerate by Fayth , wherein is en- treated of Repentance. 4 That all that the Sophifters babble in thcyr SchoolcsofpenancCjisfar from thepurcnelfc of the Gofpel : where is entreated of confcfiion and Satiffadion. 5 Of the fuppiyinges which they addc to fatiffafti- ons,as Pardons and Purgatory. 6 Of the hfe of a Chriilian man. And fii-ft by what arguments the fcriptureexhorteth vs therunto. 7 The Ilimme of a Chnftian life:whcre is entreated of the forfaking of our felues. 8 Of the bearing of the Crolie, whiche is a parte of the forfaking of our felues. 5 Of the meditation of the life to come. 10 How we ought to vfe this prefent life, and the helpes thcrof. X I Of the luftification of Fayth, and firft of the defi- nition of the name and of the thing. 11 That 10 the end we may be fully perfuaded of the free luftification^we muft lifte vp our mindes to the iudgement feate of God, »} That there are two thingesto be marked in free I J That thofe diinges that are commonly boaftcd cocerning the merites of vvoikes, do ouerthrow as wcl the praife of God in geuing of righteouA neflejas alio the afluredneflc of faluation. 16 A confutation of the (launders, whereby the Pa- piiies go about to bring this doftrine m hatred. 17 The agreement of the promifcs oftheLawc and the Gofpell. 18 ThatoftncrewrrdjtherighteouCieflfe ofworkes is ill gathered. i^ Of Chriftian liberty. 20 Of Prayer which is the chefc excrcife of fay th, 8c wherby we dayly receiuc the benefites of God. z I Of the eternal elediojwherby God hath predefti- nate fome to faluatio, fome other to deftrudio. 2Z A confirmation of this dodrine by the teftimo- nyes of Scripture. 23 A confutation of the flaund^rs , wherewith this dodrine hath alway bene vniuftly charged. 24 That Eledion is ftabliflied by the calling of God: and that the reprobate do bring vpon thefelues the iull: deftrudio,to which they are appointed. 2 J, Of the lall: Rcfurrcdion. I« the fourth ht to be referred to this ende, that ouercom- 17)1112 all diftruft, our truft in God fhoulde be thereby the more ftrongly ftabhllKdjand not that they fhould leade vs aw.iy from God. 1. 14. 12. Thnt the Angels alfo were created after the lilcc- nefleofGod.i.15.5. jirchebif hops and Tatriarches, SeeBo.4. Ch.4. Se(fl.4.&7.iy. Ofthejifcen^ing ofChrijlinto Heajten. Although Chnft in his rifingagayne began mere fully CO fhevve foorth his glory and power : yet in his Afcending into hcauen he firft trewiy began his king- dome 3 bicaufe hec then powred out greater aboun- dance of his Spirite, more royallye aduaunccd his rcigne , and fhewed greater power bothe in helpinge them thacarehis,andinouerthrowinge his enemies. And yet that he is fo abfente accordinge tothcpre- fenceof his fle[he,that he is alway euery where accor- ding to the prcfcnce of his maieftyjand with the faith- full according to his vnfpeakable and inuifible grace. 2. 15.14. Of Chriftes fitting at the right hande of his father, and of the manifolde fruite whiche cure faydi gathe- reth thereof z. 1 6. i y , 1 6. jiuricHlar confefsion. See Coxifeffion Auricular. B. Baptifme. 'T' He definition of Baptifme. The fii-ft cnde thereof is to ferue our fayth^befoie God, the other ende, to (erue our confefiion before me.lt bringeth to oure fayth three thinges,tirfte that it is a figne of oure cien- fingCjaflurinje vs that all our fmncs are done away.4. 1 5. 1. which is prouedby tcllimoniesofthcScripturei and that it is not the water that clenfeth vs, but the blood of Chrifte.Sea.z. The force of Baptifme is not rcftrayncd to the time paft: but we are by it wafhed and denfed once for all our life : and yet thst we may not hereof take a liber- ty to fin firom thence forwarde.4. 15,3. The power of the keyes (as they call it) that is to fay the miniltery of the Churchcj by whichc the for- geuenefie of finnes is dayly preached vnto vs,is not to be feueredfiom Baptinne.4.15.4. The feconde fruit of fayth by Baptifme, is that It fi"iewcth to vs ome mortifying in Chnftc, and a newe life in him.4. 15.5. The thirde fruite is,that it tcftifitth that we are Co vnited to Chnftc,that wc arc partakers of all his good tliinges. For whiche caufc Chrilte is called the proper obiede of Baptifme , and the Apo- ftles Baptifed into the name of Chriftc, in whome we iige [o obteyne tlie matter bothe of cure clenling and of our regeneration , 2s we obteyne the caufe thereof in the fatnerjand the cfted in the Holy ghofte. 4. i <;.6. It is proued that the Baptifme was all one v/hiche was miniftred of lohn and of the Apoftles , although fome of the olde Dodors thought otherwifc. 4. i f .7. and that it maketh not to the contrary , that more a- bundant graces of the Spirite are pouredour,fince the rcfurredion of Chrifte. But yet there is in Baptifme a dift'erence to be made of the perfon ofChnlie from Iohn,and fro the Apoftles & other muiiftcrs. 4. 1 5 .8. Both our mortifyingc and oure clenlinge were as by fhadowe fignified amongc the people oflfraelljby . the pallage through the fea, and the comfortable cal- ling of the cloude.4. 1 f .9. It is falfe whiche fome hauc taught , that by Ba- ptifme we are reftored to the fame righteoufnelTe and purenefl'e of nature whiche Adam liad at the begin- ning.And there is (hewed that in the children of God do remayne yet fome leauinges of fin , although the fame reigne not in them:whiche dothe whet their en- deuors , and dothe not geue them occalion to flatter thcmfclues. 4.15.10,11. the fame is proued by Paule, Sed.iz. Hovfc BaptiGne feructh oure confefiion before men.4.i5.ij. What is the order to v(e Baptifme, both for con- firmation of our fayth,& for a confcflion before men. Where it is fliewedthat the graces of God are not enclofed in the Sacrament , fo as they be geuen to v$ by the vertue thcrof.4.i5'. 14,15. Baptifine is nothing encreafed by the woithinefic of him that doth minifter it,nor diminifhed by his v;i- worthineflfe : againi^ the Donatiftes, & our Catabap- tifies whiche require a rebapufingjbicaufe we hauc bene baptifed in the kingdomcofthe Pope. 4. ly. 16. their argumentes are confiitcd.Sed. 17,18. Baptifine is a continuall Sacrament of repentaunce for all our Iife,fo that we nedc no other Sacrament of penance.4. 19.17. Of the coniuring ofthe water, the vraxe Candell, the Chrefmcj the blowing, the fpittle, and fuch other tiifles added to the fimple ceremonye of Chnft : and the order of purely minillring it m the Churche is /hewed. 4.15.19. Itisflicwed that to minifter Baptifme pertaineth to theminiftersof the Church and not to priuate me, much icflo to womcn:and tlic contrary obiedions are confuted. 4.15.20,21,12. baptifme cf Infantes. The Baptifing of Infantes doth very well agree with Chillies inilitution, aiid with tlie nature of tlic iigne. 4.16.&C. Baptifme tucccded in the placeof Circumcifion, Wherein t}^ be like , and wherein ihty be vnlike, 4. 16. 3,4. Infantes are not to be debarred from Baptifmc,firl» the Lordc doth make them partakers of tlie thing fig- luficd THE T nificdinBaptifmc. 4. i^.f . and that the Lord doth rc- gcnente ! nfantes. Sed.17, 1 8, 1 9. Sith It is ccrtaync that the lame coucnauntjwliichc itplcafed God to make with Abraham, is fcalcd m in- fantes witli the outwarde Sacramcnt,thcrcfore ought Baptifme alfo to haue place among them.4, 16.^. Baptilingc of infantes is well pioucdby this that Chnftc embraced cluldrcn and laycdhis hondcs vpon thcm.4.16.7. A confutation of certayne argumcntcs of the ene- mies of mfantcs Baptifme. 4. 16.8,12,1^,15,17,18,:^, There commcth gieatc huitc by the BaptJ/m^e of infantes , bothe to the faythfull parcntcs and to tlic children 4. id.^.whichc fruitc Satan trauayltth by die Anabaptiftestot?kcfromvs.4.i6.j2. A confutation of the aducrfaries argumcntes, fay- ing , that there be other thingcs ligniricd in Baptifme than there are in Circumcifion: that our couenaunt diftlreth from the olde coucnaunt:that other arc cal- led children at this daye than were at tliat time. 4.1 tf. 10,11,11,15,14,15. A confutation of theire other fayned differences betwcne Circumcilion & Baptifme. Scft. 16. Ahb of this obic- fantes of the faythfull,and Baptifme not to be dcnycd tlicm.4. 16.50. Alongc rchearfxU of the argumcntes wherewith wicked Seruertus did Hghteagaynlte the Baptifme of infantes, and a confutation of the fame argumcntes. 4.16.51. Ox Baptifing ofinfantes. 4.8.1^. ifhoppes. The n.imc ofBidiop in the olde Churchc was gc- ucn to lomeonein euery fcuciall company ofmmi- fters , forpolitikc order , and not ilut ihty Ihouldc beare a Lordly rule oucr othcr.4 4.1. It was the office as well of the BiHiop as of other Prieftcs,to preachc & minifter the Sacraments. 4.4. j. 1 he olde Churche did comir.only obfcnic the or- der appoynted by the Apoftlcs in callingc of nuni- ftcrs. 4. 4.10, 11,11,15. \\'ith what forme the mimfters of the olde Quir- chc were conIecrateaftcrdKireleCiion.4.4.14,15. Of the ccremon)C of ordcringe of trcwe Pruiks. 4.19.18. Oftentimes the order of Pricftcs , Prophets , and Paltois , hathc been moft corruptc in ilie Churchc. 4. Men arenotbounde witliout ctception to obey tlic Paitors of Churches , but in the Lorde and his wordi.4.9.11. Wliat Bilhops, and of wliit quaLties , be mode ia tliepapacyy4.5.i. 1 he right of the people in eledion is taken away, and the olde canons brokcn.4.5.i,j. What Prcillcs arc mode in the papacy ^id to what cndc.4.5.4,5. Of th: giftcs ofbcncHccs,in the papacy ,4.5. 6,7. How fiyduull vail Pricftcs in the papacy do exe- cute their olfticc,whcd-icr they be .Monkcs,or fecular, as Chinons,Deaues,pai fons ofparochcsjBilhops.&c 4.5.8,9,10,11. Thcncgli.;rnccofdicmthat gouenicd Churches in die time of Grcgoiy and Ikmjrdc.4,5. 1 1. The whole manner of ecclcfiolhcall gouemaunce as it is at dus day in die papacy, is no«lun.;e clfe but a f)Liccoffpo\lc, wherein thcucs docioboc without aw andmcaiure.4.5,15. Of the dillblute bccntioufnes in all partes of dieir life , whichc pricltcs and Bilhops.&c. Vic in tlic papa- cy .4.5. 14. OOO.uj. C. Callinge. THE TABLE. c. e. /^ F the effeduall or inwarde Callinge , whiche is a ^^ fure teftimony of eleftiorijand haiigeth vpon the only free mercy of God. 3.24.1,2. Agaynfte them^whiche in predeftination do make man a worker with God. Alfo agaynft the that hange cledion vpon that whiche foloweth eledion. 3. 24. j. The certaynetyof ourelcftionis to bee knowen by the worde and callinge of God , and wc ought not to preace into the eternall councell of God. 5.24.4. The father hath chofen vs onely in Chriftc,in him therforelct vs bcholde the ftedfifte groundc ofoure election, J. 24. f. and fo^that thereof alio we may con- ceyue afure confidence ofperfeuerauncc to the ende. 5.24.^,7,8,9. Two kindes of calling, vniucrfal,& fpeciall.j. 24.8. It is proued by diuerfe examples and teftimonies of Scripture , that the ekde before their Callinge do differ nothingc from other men: and that it is falfe whiche fome men do dreame,that there isa certayne fede of eledion planted in theire hartcs euen from their natimty.j.24.10,1 1. It is (hewed at large that as God dothe by the ef- fcdualncs of his Callmg towarde the eled:e,makepcr- fed the faluation to wniche he had by liis eternall Gounfell appoynted them.-fo he hathe his iudgements agaynft the reprobate , whereby he puttcth his pur- pofe concerningc them in execution, and maketha way for his predeftination.3.24.L2, 1 3, 14.&C. Cardinals . When the name of Cardinals firft began, and how theyhauefofoddenly ftartevpto fo great honor. 4. Ceremomes. The olde Ceremonies are taken away^as touching their vfe only , but not as touching their cffede , for wehauethefameefFcdeat this day mofte cuidently snd eftedually in Chrifte. And this dothe nothinge diminiihe their hohneile, as it is proued.2. 7.16. and ijeyng weyeil^y tbcmfelues and without Chnft,they are worthcly called of Paul handewritinges agaynfte vs. 2,7. 17. !^The ordinaunces concerningc Ceremonies in the Popes la\v,do commaunde obferuations for the molt parte vnprofitable, and fomtime alfo fohfh, although they hauc a great feming of wifdome: moreouer they oppreflc confcicnces with their inhoitc multitudc.4. 10.11,12,13. The popi(he Ceremonies can not be executed by this colour,that they be ordeyned for the inftrudion of the ignoraunt, as the Ceremonies of the law v/erc: bycaufe there appcareth in this poynte a manifefte difference bctwcne vs and the people before Chiifte. 4. 10.14. Tlie popifh Ceremonies arebclcued to be SacfiS- ces clean(ingfinnes,& deferuing eternalUifc : they are without dodrinej& arc fnares to catch mony.4.10.1 5, chanty towarde our neighbour. It is proued,agaynft the Sorboniftes , that Charity is the loue of our neyghbour and not of our felucs. 2.8.54. Vnder the name of ncighbourc is conteyned cue- ry man , be he neuer fo nniche a ftraunger to vs, and our enemye. 2.8.55. and thcrfore the Scholcmen are condemned of ignoraunce, whiche of the commaun- dementes of God , not to defire reuenge , and to loue our enemyeSjhaue made counfelles , to the neceflary kepinge wherof monkcs alone doe binde themfelues: and it is proued tliat the olde dodors of the Churche,. yea & Gregory himfeIfe,thoughtotherwifc.2. 8. 56,57 We haue nede of patience , ih^t we be not weary of doynge good to other. And we oughte not to hauc refpede to the vnwonhincfle or other qualities of men whiche might withdrawe vs,but to God whiche fo commaundeth vs.3.7.6. To the fultillinge of all the partes of Charitie , it is not enoughe if wc peiibrmc all the dutifull deedes of Charitie,but we muft do it with a fincere aftedion of harte.Wherein the cheife poynt is,that we take vppo our felues the pcrfon of him whome wee fee to neede our hclpe. So fliall v/ee auoyde difdaynefull pride and other contiptinges of Charity. 3.7.7. Chrift and the Apoftlcs in rehearfingc the fumme of the law doe fometime leaue out the firft table: not for that it more auayleth to the fumme of lighteouf^ neflTe to liue innocently with men,rhan to honor God widi Godlincffe: but bycaufe vnfayned Charity is the profeoftrewGodlineire.2.8.52,53. A confutation of the Pharifees ofoure time,which holde that we are iuftiiicd by Charity , bycaufe Paulc fayeih that Charity is greater then faythe and hope. 3.18.8. Anexpofition of the tenth comaundement, wher- in (as in the former commaundcmentes) is forbidde not onely all purpofe to hurt our neighbour , but alfo all luft or defire agaynft Charity. 2.8.49,5 8. God doth for good caufe and worthcly require ofvs fogreatc ferucnmcfle and vprightnefle ofloue.2.8.50. An expolition of the fixt commaundement,whcr- in not only the flaughter or hatred of our neighboure is forbidden vs , but alio the prefcruingc of his life is commaunded vs, bicaufc man is bothc ourflefhe and the Image of God.2.7.39,40. Chi!dre», See Obedience of Children to parentcs. # churche. The Church the mother of the faythfull.4. 1. 1,4, f. An expolition of this Article of the Crcede^ I be- leue T H E T Icue the holy Churche.4. i . 1, j. The holmeflc of" the Churche is not yet pciHtcd. 4.8.12. Of the imiifible Churchc:& of the vifiblc Church, the figncs wherof ate the pure picadung of the woid and niiniftrationofSacramentcs. 4.8. 7,8,9,10, II. Whcicfocucr tliofe fignes are,wc ought not to dc- paitc from that fclowniip.4.8. ii. There may fome frulte crepe in,cyther in doifbinc orinminiftrationofSacramcntcSjfor the whicheycc we ought not to caftc of the comunion of that Chur- che , and muche kflc for the imperfection of hfe and corruptneflc of miners: And herein the Anabaptillcs are reproucd.4. i . 1 1, 1 5 > 1 4, i y, 16. The Churche is none othcrwifc holyc , bqt that it alway hath many faulccs, .-nd yet it ccalfcth not to be the Churche, as is proued by tdhmonics of Scripture and the experience of all ages. 4. i . 1 7, 1 8, 19. See Alimsiery of the Church. churches power at touching jir tides of fiiy the. It is proued by th.c cxaumplc of the Apoftles and Propheres,and of Chnftehimftlfc, that whatfoeuer authoritie the Churche hath, is properly not gcuen to nien,but to the \vord,the minillration wherof is com- mitted to thcm.:y\nd thcrfore it was ncucr la -v* full for the ChurchCjto teache any other thing,tha thatwliich fliercccyucdoftheLordc.4.8.i,:,j,4,8,9. Chrirt hathe eucr taught his Churche: and yet hee hathe vfed diuerfe manners of teaching accordinge to the diuerfitye of times,cre the law was written , in the time of the law and the Prophettts,ind iart of al fincc that he himfelfe was openly (liewcd in the flelhc. 4.8. 5A7. Falfe churche. Where lying and filfchodc hath gotten the vppcr- hnnde and reygneth,thcre is not the Chiuch: And this is proued to bee in the papacie, althoughe they there boiflofa perpetual! fu:ccflri6ofBi(liops.4. 1.1,2,5,4. They are not herctikes or fchifmatikcs that depart from thcpapacie.4.2.5,^. Howe muche foeuer a man make the bcfle of the faultes of the popilhe Churche , yet the ftate thereof is no better than was in the kir.gdome of lilael vndcr Icrobcam. 4.2. 7,8, 9,10. Yet by the goodncHe of God there rcm.iyne in the papacie certayncfotefteppes of the Churchcr.ind fo is that fulfilled which hathe ben written, that Antichull fhouldc fit in the temple of God.4.2. 11,12. A comparifonofthc power which the trcw Chur- che hath in teaching , with the tirrany of the Pope & his minifters in forging newe articles of fayth. 4.8. 10. Ofihepapiftes principle, that the Churche cannot ene.4.8.1^. It is falfe to fayc that it bchoued tliatthc Churche /liould ad to the writings of the Apofllcs.4. 8. 14,15,16. A confutation of tiicargumcntcswluchc the pa- A B L E. pifces make,to prouc that there is power gcuen toth« Cliurdic to coync new articles of fay th.4'8. 1 1,1 x. Chrilie. The Godlied of the Sonne is prouc J. r. 1 5.7. Ag.iynll cert.iync donges, whichc do priuily ftcale away from the fonne of God his ctcmitv , aftinriin,;c that he then firft began to be,wlicn Gpd fp.ikc at the creation of the worlde.i.i J.8. Diucrfc tdlimonitsof Scripture, whichc affirme Chriil to be God, and fiiilc out of the old tdbment. 1. 1 j.9,io.tlicn out of die new tcftamcnt.Sctft 1 1 . AprofeofthcfimcGodlicadjbythe woikts that are in the Scriptures afcribcdvnto him. i ij.12. alio by his miracles & certaine other thingcs.Scct. i j. A differece betwcnc Chrilks workang of miracles, & the Prophets or ApolUcs doing ofdiclikc.i. I j.i^. It is proued by many &mort"l\raungetcllimonics of Scripture, that Chrifttokevpron liim atrucfub- ft.uiccofmansHdn,andnot a gholt orcountcrfaite fliapc of man , as tlie M.^.rcionitcs famed , nor yet a hcauenly bodye a$ the Manichccs lyin^ly ari'irincd. 2.13.1. An cxpolition ofthe places of Scripture , whicFic Marcion wridicd to the conHrmation of his error, & alfo of thofe which Mnnichcus wrdlcd, and many of their difciples do wrcU at diis day. 2. 1 5.2,5.whc.re alfo are confuted the new Maicioni'tcSjwhiche to prouc that Chrift toke his body of nothing, doe hoick th,ic women haue no fcdc : There are alfo cei tame otJicf thinges confutcdj wliidi are obicdcd as abfurditycs. 2.15.4. See Jfcending ofchrijl into heauen. Sec 'Death of Chrtjie. See Dcfctnding ofChriJl into hell. See Mediator Chrijie. See Merit ofChrtfte. See TrieJIhodccrc.ofChriJfe, See %edemer Chrijle. See %efurr(ciion ofchnjle. Chrijiian liberty. How necdTary is the knowledge thcrof.j.iij.r. Chrirtianlibert)'ccon(;lkth in three partes: The fiift IS entreated of. J. i^.2,j. Thclccond. Scd4,5,6, Thcthird.Scd.7,8. Chriftian Lbcitic is a fpJritiiall thing , and all they do wrongfully expouiidc it , wluche i itlicr m.^c it .1 doke for their lultcs, or do abufc it withotfcncc ot their wcike brcthrcn.5. 1^.5^,10. Cinde qouermment» See Publikc goueraemcnte. ClerkesorClergie. Of Clcrkw in tlw oUc CIiurchc.4.4.9. CrncJfpi/cenre THE TABLE. Concupifcence or Lufie. The difference betwene concupifcence and coun- fell.z.8.4^. That ail the concupifccnces of men arc euill and rilty of finne, not infomuch as they are naturall , but Dicaufe they are all inordinate by reafon of the cor- rupt:on of nature. And fo did Auguftine tlunke,if he be diligently weyed.j. j.i2.and tliisis proued by ma- ny places of his writinges .3.3.15. Confesfion jinrkuU r. Concerning Confefljon, the Schoolediuines doe fight againft the Canoniftes,affirming that it is not by die commaundement of God . A confutation of the argumentes wherupon the firft fort doc ftand, firft bi- caufetheLordein theGofpelldid fend the Leprous whom he had deanfed to the pneftes: and there is fhewed the true meaning of that doing.3.4.4. A confutation of their fecond argument, for that the Lord commaundedhis difciples to loofe and vn- wmde Lazarus when he was raifedfrom death. 3.4.5. A true expofition of two places by which they tra- uell to vphold their cofcflion: that is to fay, that they which came to the Baptifme of lohn did coftfTe their finnes,and lames wiUeth vs to confelTe our linnes one to an other. 3.4.6. The vfe of confefling to a prieft was very auncient, butyet free as a poli tike order j not as alawefctby Chriftorhis Apoftles: and afterward the fame was a- brogate by Nedarius Bifhop of the Church of Con- ftantinoplejbicaufe of a Deacon which had vnder that pretence abufed a woman . This tyrannous lawe v/as not layd vpon Churches before the rime of Innocent the third,about thjree hudred ycares paft,and the foo- hfbneflc and barbaroulhefle of that ordinance is de- clared. 3.4.7. Witneffes of the fayd abrogation, out of Chriib- ftomc Bifhop of Conftantinople.5.4.8. An expofition of Innoccntcs lawe concerning the confcfIi5 of oil finnesjwhere are rehcarfedthc diuerle opinions of rhe Romifhe diuines concerning the ni'i- ber and vfe of kcycSjand the power of binding & loo- ling. 3.4.15. rheltwdnefTe of all the particular articles of the law of confcfTliig,and fpecially of that concerning the rehearfingofailfinnes.3.4.i6.and3plamedefcription of the cruelty wncrewitli poore confciences weie by diuerfe circumftances tormented tlierin.3.4.17. By a fimilitude is def'cribed how a great part of t!ie world both hethcrto obeyed fuchillufions . That it is an impoffible law, and maketh men hypocrites . And thenisfhewedarnoft certaine rule ofconfeflionac- cordingto the example ofthe Pubhcane.3.4.18. A confutation of this article , that finnes are not forgeuen, and that the gate ofparadife is fluit.&c. vn- lefTe there be lirft f^rmely conceaued a vow of confcf- fing^ where alio their obiedion is confutcd,that Judg- ment can not be pronounced till the caufc be heard, that is to fay, that abfolution can not be geuen till all the finnes be rehearfcd.3.4,18. It is no maruell that we condcmne and abolifh au- ricular confefTionjand our aduerfanes do falfly afTignc fb great profit vnto it, forlbmuch as on the other fide it armethmen to boldnetfe of finning. 3. 4. 19. They do falfly pretend that they haue the power ofthe keyes, fidi they are not the fuccefTors of die A- poftles, nor haue the holy ghofl , forfomuch as they doe dily without conlidera ion loofe thofe thinges which the Lord hath commaunded to be bound, and- bind what he hath comaundcd to be loofed,3.4.2o. It is proued falfe that they fay th:?t the power of the keyes may fometime be vfed without knowledge, /orafmuch as by that meane the abfolution (hould be vncertaine.Whcre alfo is fpoken ofthe abfolution or condemnation which the minifters ofthe Gofpell,or the chui ch do pronounce according to the word,an(l ofthe certainiie therof.3.4.zi. The abfolution of tlic prieftcs in the Papacie is vn« ccrtainejas wel on the beh^lfe of him that aiToyleth as of him that confeifeth : but contrariwife it is in the abfolution of tlie Gofpell , which hangeth vpon thys only condition, if the finner ftkj his purging in the only facrifice of Chrift, & do yelde to the grace offred vnto him. 3.4.2s. The Popifli Doftors, when they allege forthem- felues the power of looting gcucn to the Apoftles,do wrongfully wrcft to auricular cofefllon thofe fayings v/hich Chrift fpake partly of preaching of the Gof^ pell, and partly of excommunication . The errors of Lombard and fuch other in this matt-r : and concer- ning the maner of remiflion with enioyning of pe- nance and fiuiffa(fbon.3.4.2 3. A fumnie of cU befoie fpoken:and what the faytli- full ought to thinke of auricular confefTion. 5.4.14. True Confesjton, What kindc ofconfeflion is taught vs by the word of God, namely to cofcfle to God theknovver of our hartesand ofallourthoughtes.3.4.9. Out of this fecrct conftflionmade to God, folow- cth a voluntary confcifion before men , fo eft as it is behouefuU for the glory of God or thchun.blingof our felues. And of this fecond kinde there was an or- dinary vfe in the old Church, and is alfo in the church at this daye . But yet extraordinarily it ought after a fpeciall mancr to be vfcd, whenfoeucr it fhallhippen that the people be giltie in any generall offence, or to be plaged with any calamitic . Ofthe profite of fuch confeffion.3.4.10,11. Of two other forts of priuate confcffion:of which the firft is vfcd for our ownc caufe , when we require comfort of our brethren, bicaufe thefclmg of finnes doth vexc & trouble vs;iii which cafe we muft chefc- ly refort to our paftors : and this remedy is warely & moderately to be vfed,that no bodagc be brought in. The THE T The other forte is to appeafc & reconcile our nci^h- bourCjif he bee in aiiy thingc offended by our twiiic, vndcr whiche kinde is conccyncd tlicire Confdlioa whichc haue fiiincd fo farre as to the oftcncc of the whole Churche. j .4. i i, i j. The power of the kcycs hathc plice in the three kindcs of Conkflioii. Ofthcfrutc whichc they that confcfle do rccciuc thereby, bycnufc they knowc that forgcucncfle of (innts is declared to thcinby die mcf- fenger of Chnflc.j,4. 14. Ofconfe/fioii of (iancs one forte n gcncraU an o- ihcrfpcciall.j.io.p. Confirmation Toptfje. The ceremonie of l^ymee on of handcj, when the children of the fay th full, which were baptiled in their infancic,did yelde an accomptc of their f^iyth.4. 19.4. Of the popifhe facrament of Corffiimation ioy- fted in place of that holy inftjtution.4. i^.y. That the example of die Apoftlts is wrongefuUy alledgcdfot defence therof.4,ii?.6. It IS blafphcmy when they call it die oylc of falua- tion.4.i^,7j8.3nd when they fayc thatnciic arc made full Chriftians till they bcannoynced with the bifliops ConhrmatJon.Scd.p.and when they faye that this a- noyndngeistobehadzn greater re ucrencc thinBa- ptifine.Se<5l.io,ii. It is to bee wiflied, that the manner of the olde Ciiiirchc were brought in vfe ac^ayne, to call chililicn togcuc accomptc of thcirfayth.4.19.13. Co!jfctcf7ce. ConfcicnceSjwhen they fckc affiance of thcirc iii- ftification before God, ought to forgette all the righ- teoufnesof thelawe.j.ip.ijj. The Confcicnccs ofthc fliy thfull doe not folowe the lawe as conftiayncd by ncccflity ofthc lawc , but beynge free from the yoke ofthc lawe,do voluntarily obey the will of God.^. 19.4,5,6. OfthefieedonieofConfciencc in outwardc and indiftcrentthingcs. 5. 19.7,8. The Coiifcieiiccs of the faythfiill beynge fct at li- berty by the benefit orChiifl,are tEadc free from the power of all men:and howc this is to bee vndeiitode: where alfo is fpokcn of die fpirituall and ciuille go- uerncmentCjand what diiFercnce is to be pu: bctwcnc them. J. 19. 14,15. What IS C6fciencc:& in what fcnfe Paul rayth,that the magiftrate muft be obeyed for cofcicce. 3.19.15,16 WhatisConfcience:andofthe common difTeicJicc bctwene the remporall court, and die court ofCon- fcience.4.io.jjy. OfCowmls. Wcmuft kcepc .n meane in honoring of Counccls, that we take nothing away from Chrift, r.nd oure do- ftiincfor die molle parte is confimied by ayncient Councels.4.9.1. By the Scriptures the Counccls hauc no aiub.ori- iy,vnle{fe they bee aflemblcd in the name of Cluiftc: ABLE. and what that is. 4. 9. 2. It IS hlCc whiche the Papiftes aff rmc : tint trathe remayneth not in the (~hurch vnUfTc it be among the pallors , and diat the Churche it felfc i$ not,vnlcfle it remayne tobc fene in general Couccl$.4. 9. 5,4, 5,6,7. Whit dnni^s are to be wcyed in fcarching the au- thority of any Counccl:& that Au^ullinc pf cfcribeth a very good way therein.4.9.8. Counccls one agaynftc anothcr.4.9.9. and cuen in thole former & auncicnt Counccls are foundc fatiltct anderron. 4.9.10,11. Creation of the fVarUe. Ahhough God ought to be knowen by the Crea- tion of thuigcs, yet Icalt the faythfulithouldfallawzy to die fayncd inuentions ofthc hcadien , Iks will wa* that the hiflory of theCrcation (liould remayne wnt- ten,3nd the time thereof exprcffed in the Scripture, i. i4.i.wheredicirvngodly fcoffin-^is i.onnitcd,whuhc al ke wiiy it came not fooaer in Gods mindc to create hciucnandeaith.i.i4.i. For the fame purpole it is rchearfed, that God en- ded his \voike,not in a moment, but in (ix d.-.yc$ : .ind likewifc the order is fttforth, namely diat Ad.im wjs not Created tiU God had Cullc fumidied die woildc with all plenty of good thinges. i . 14. i,i i. A confutation of the error of Mamchcus concet^ ning two originiU bcginningcs. 1.14.3. it is proutd by the Scriptuies that the knowled.:c of God whiche appe.nrcth in die workmanlhip ot the worldcjcan not by it felfe alone bring vs i::to liie right way. 1.5. 1 j.andyct are wenghtfully witl'.out all cx- cufe.Scrt. 14. Ahhough the bchoidinge of heaucn .and e.inh and tlie coniidcrationofihe ordringeof thirv.;cs pcrtay- ningc to men,doc moue vs to worlhippe God, vet all thcic thinges pafled away withoiu profit, eucn fiom die v.ifell Philofophers. 1.5. 10. Hereupon came the infinite number of Gods, anJ the conaaiieties of opinion among the feCtcs of I'lu- lofophersconcernmg God. 1.5. 1 1. 1 he fubdancc of God is mcomprchcnfiblc: but in his w orkcSjby cngrauing ccrta ync poyntcs of h:$ glo- ry tlicrcin,hc hathe after a ceriayne manner prcfcntcJ himfelfeto be feene. 1.5.1. The wiitlomcof God is tcftiHed,nor ondy by thofe thinges which philofoplvcrs 5c learned men doc fiiide by fpcculition in heauci .-:nd e.Trthv , but r.lfo whiche^ common men doc perctKieby the oiuly hclpcot dicireycs.i.5.2. Th.u we may with trewe faydi conceiue fo muchc as behoucth vs to kno-.ve concerning God, it is good to le.inic the hiAory of die Creation oftiK worlde,in fuche fort as Mofes h.idi fct it forthe,the theitc po)!!- tes whereof arc briefly relie3rl'ed.i.i4.io. The confiderarion ofdie workcs of Godjthat is to fiy of die Creation of all diint;s,ought to be npplyeJ to two prmcip.^Il cndcs:flrfte tliat we do not with vn- rPP.j. ihankeftll THE T t'unkemll nes^cdingc or forgetrulnes paHe ouer his vertues wliichc he prcfcntcth apparently to be feenc in his crcaturcs.i.i+.ii.feconuly, ihatwemaylearne to ?pply them to our fclues , whereby wee may ftirre vp our felues to the truftjinuocatioH^prayfe, and loue of him. 1. 14.22. Crojfe, Sec Bearing of tlie CroGe. D. , /~\ F Deacons and the two fortes ofthcm,4.5.9. In the oide Church the office of Deacos w.is the fame that it was in the ApoAles time.Of fubdcacons and archedeaconSj^nd when they firft began. 4.4. 5. How the Churclie goods were vfed and beftowed in the olde Churclie.44.6,7. Of popiflie DeaconSjtheir ofiice,and the ceremo- ny of their orderinge.4. 19.3 2. Oi'popirtiefubdcaconSjand their trifling office, & thefondemanneroftheirordeiing,4,ip.53. Of popifh Deacons and thcirinftitution. 4.^. if. T he Papiftes haiie no trew Deaconry Icfte , foraf- mucheas all the difpofition of Church goods among them is openlye turned to facrilege and robbery. 4. j. 1^,18519. A confutation of the (hamelefneflfc ofccrtayne pa- pifteSjwliiche fay that dhe ryorous excefle of prciites and of all the popi/he Churthe,is the glorioufneife of thekingdomeofCbifte whiche the holy prophetes ^ake of before.4.5.17. (Death of Chrijie. Although Chrifte hath by the whole courfe of his obedience, that is to fayc by his whole Lfc and all the partes thereof redeemed vs , yet the Scripture tofet forth more playnly the manner of our faluatio.idoche afcribe the fame as peculiar and proper to the Death of Chrifte. In the whiche the voluntarye ycldinge of Chnfte hath the firft place, which yet was fo voliitary as he gaue ouer his owne aftedion not without ftrife. Alfo his condemnation is to be confidered: Wherein two thinges aie to be noted, namely that Chrifte was reputed among the wicked , & yet that his innoccncy was oftentimes tcftiHed euen by the iudges owne mouth. 2.1.5. The manner of hisDeath is to be markcd,thnt is to iay,the accijrfed croflb. And it is declared by many te- ftimonies of Efai and the Apoftles, that this behoucd fo to be, that the curfle whiche was dewe to v.s beyng caft vpon him and fo ouercome and taken away , wee lliould be dcliuered. And this was figuratiuely reprc- fcntcd in the facrifices of Mofes law , which at the laft was performed in Chrifte the originall truthe of all figures.2.1.6. , Bothe in the Death and buiiall of Chrifte a double ABLE. benefit is fet before vs,that is to fay,deliucrance From Death whcreunto we were in bondage, and the mor- tifying ofourHe(he.2.i.6. (Defccndtng ofChrifie to Bell. The Defcending of Clirifte to Hell conteineth the myfteiy of a great thing,and is of no fmallimportacc to the efFed of ourercdemption.Diuerfe expolitions of this article are rchearfed and confuted. 2. 16.8,9. A trewe, godly, holye and comfortable expolition tlierof out ofthe vvorde of God,wliiche is alfo conlir- med by the teftimony ofthe olde Doftors,th.nChri{l did not onely fuffer a bodily deathe , but alio did fecle the rigor of Gods vengance,whereby he might bothc appeafe his wrath and (atisfie his uift ludgementc :and thcrforc it behoued that he (hould , as it were handc to hande,wrcftle with the power of Hell a.nd with thz horror of euerlaftinge de?.the,yet was God not at any time eythcr his enemy,or angry with liim.But hee did fuftcr the greuoufneilc of Gods fcueritye ,. in refpedc thjthee beyngeftiiken and beaten with the hande of God , did fcele all the tokens of Gods wrath and pu- niniemcnt.2.i6.io,ii. A confutation of certa}'ne wicked and vnlearned men, wliich at tliis day do Hnde faulte w;th tliis expo- fition, ciying out that the fonne of God hath wronge done to him, and that he is charged with defperation,. whiche is contrary to fayth. Thcrfore it is proued a- gaynft them with manifcft teftimonies,th.it thefe two thingcs do very well ftande together, that Chrift fea- redjwas troubled in fpirite,was afrayde, was tempted in euery poyntc as we are, and ycc iliathec is without iiiine. 2. 1 6. 1 2. (Deuelles. Thole thinges thit the Scripture teacheth concer- ning Dcuels , tende commonly to this cndc,that wee- fhould be carefliil to beware of their dcceites , & tur- nifhe our felues with thole weapons whiche may bee able to beat back the moft mighty enemies. 1. 14. ij. Tj^j^e ftiould be tlie more llirrcd vp to doe fo, it drawim vs thr.t there is not one or two Deuels , but great armies of euel fpirites that make warre agaynfte vs:and in what fence it fomctime fpeaketh of die De- uell in the lingular number. 1. 14. 14. This ought to enflame vs to a continuall w-irre with the Deuell,for that he is eueiy where called ene- my to God and vs. 1. 14. 1 5. The Deuell is naturally wicked, a murderer, a lier, and forger of all malitioulheffe. 1. 14. i f .But this eueU neflc of nature is hot by creation , but by corruption. 1.14.16. It is curiolity to enquire ofthe caufejmnnner, time and fifliion ofthe fall ofthe euell Angcls,lbrafmuchc as the Scripture Icaueth it vnfpoken. i . 14. 16. Tlus the Deuell hathe of himfelfe and of liis owne nauehtinc{re,defiroufly and purpofely to ftriuengainft God , but hcc can doe andperforme nothinge vn'efle God God be willing and ^aunt it. 1. 14. 17. God Co tcmpcrctn this goucrncmcnt, thathce gc- ucth Satan no reignc oucr the foulcs of the faythftill, forafmuchc as in ine endc they cucr obtcync the vi- ftoryc , although in fomc panicular doingcs th.y bcc wounded and beaten downc: but he oncly gcucth the wicked to him to goucrnc , and to vfe his power vp- pon their foules and bodies. 1 .14.18. A conflitation of them whi Jic (ay tliat Deucls arc nothing els but cuel afl'edions or pcrturbations:and it is proucd by teftimonics of Scripture, that they ate mindes or fpiritcs endued with knic and vr.dcrflan- .reofininy exai\iples arc fecnc m the difciplcs ofChriltc before that they c.imc to pcrfcrte lightjvct this IS lb!l moll trcwe, dut vndalUnduigc a cucr loyncd with Fayth. ;. 1. ?, 4. There is a certayne obedience to Chrifte , and apt- neflc to leame,\\ith a dcliic to proht,whiche 1$ c.illcd by the name of F.iyth, whereas it is but a picparation to F.iyth,and that fame may bcc.dled.-ui vncxpreflld Faydi.-yct it fane dift'crcdi from tin papdlts uiuenti- on.?.i.<. The trcw fayth or knowledge of Chrilte , is when wc conccyue liim in fudie foitc as he is ot^rcd of the fathcr,that is to faye, clothed widi his GofpeU. And Fayth hath a mutujll relation to the worde , and the woide to Faydi , bicaufe the worde 1$ the founraync of Faydi, the i^roundc of F.iyth, and tlic mirrcurc m " rpp.n, ' wlu^bc THE TABLE. whicIieFaythbehoUcth God j.i.^. Faythj .-Jthough it nifente to all the partes of the word of God,yct nioft properlyic hath regardc theriii to the good will and mercy of Godjthr.t is to fay, the promiici of grace grounded vpon Qinfte, for the vn- dcrllandinge and certainty whereof, the Holy ghofte lightcncthourmindcxand ftrcngthenctli our hartcs: Hereupon is gathered the definition of Fayth.j. 1.7. A confutatio of the Sophillers diftindioof Faythj formed andformelcflerwherby it appeareth that they neuer ihoughte of the lingular gifte of the Holye ghoftjforafmuch as Fay th can in no wife bee fcu«-ed from a Godly afre(5lion. 3.2.8. This wordc Fay th hathe dinerfe /?gnifications,and is fomtime taken for the power to doe miracles, with v/hiche gifte of God^fomtime the wicked are endued: Sometime it is figuratiuely taken for that knowledge of God whiche is in fome wicked men , whiche is ra- ther a fhadowc and ymage of Fayth, of whiche Fayth ihere are diuerfe fortes m them. 3.1.9,10, The reprobate haue alfo fomtime fuche a like fee- ling as the eleft haue, yet they doe not fully conceyue the force of fpirituall grace,but onely confufely. Ne- uerthelcflc the fame is a certayne inferior working of the Holy ghofl.But this fehng diftcreth far fro the pe- culiar teftimony which he gcueth to the eiede. 3.1.1 1. Yet is not the Spirite deceitful,whic!i lightly fprin- kleth the reprobate fometimc with fuch a knowledge of the Gofpell,and feling of the Inue of God as after- warde doth vanilh awjy.Somtime alfo there is ftirred vp in their hartcs a certayne delire of mutualiloue to- wardcGod, butfuchealoue as is a hired and not a harty lone. Atlengtheitis concluded that there bee fome whiche doc not fayne a Fayth, and yet do lacke the trew Fayth: Which is alfo proued by teftimonies. 3.2.12.& fuch a feling is in the Scripture called Faytli, although it be vnproperly Co called. 3. 2. 13. Fayth is fomtime taken for the foundc dodrlne of religionjand the whole fummc thereof: contrarywife fbnietime iris reftrayned to fome particular obiefte, and fometimc it lignilieth the minillcric of the Chur- che.j.z.ij. , Fayth is molle rightfullye called knowledge and fciencc,and yet is fuche a knowkd^^e as rather confi- fteth of certayne per{\vafion than of vnderflandingc, forafmuche as that whiche our minde conccyucth by 1-ayth is mode infinite.5.2. 14. Fayth is not content with a doubtfiill opinion or a daike conceyuing, but requireth a full and fetled alfu- rcdnes:and hereunto are to be referred all thofe titles of commendation v/herewith the Holy ghoft fettcth forthe the authority of the worde of God. 3.2. 1^. Many do Co conceyue the mercy of God, that they recciue very little coforte thereofjbicriufe they doubt whether he will be mercifuU to thcmfclucs or no:but there is a farre other feelinge of the aboundsnte ftore of Fayth, ilic cheife ground whcrof is thit we do not tiiinke thcpromifes to bc« trewe without our ftUies only,but rather that by invfardly embracing them wc may make them our owne: Hereupon is'gathered, who may trewly be called FaithfuU. 3 . 2. i j, 16. Though the Fay thfiil in reknowleginge the goc d- nesof God towarde them are not onely oftentimes tempted with vnquietnes , but alfo are fomctime ihz- ken with moll greuous terrors : yet this withftandeth not but that Fayth bringethalTurednes with it,bicaufe howibeuer they be troubled , yet they neuer fall and departe from that fure affiance which they haue con- ceyued of the mercy of God , butflduinge with their owne wcaknefle they alway get the vpper hand at lafl: which IS proued by m.^ny examples in Dauid. 3.2. 17. A deftiiption of the battel of the flefli and the fpi- rit within a faychfuU foii!e.3.2.i8. The afTurednesof Gods goodwill.3.2. 18. A confutation of the mofte pcftilent fubtile reafb- ning of certayn halfepapilb, wliich although they co- feffe that fo oft as we loke vpon Ghrifte, wc Hnde ple- tifull matter to hope wcl,yet wil nedeshaue vs to wa- uer and doubte in conliderntiou of our owne vnwor- thines. And it is proued that we ought ncuerthcles to loke for alTured faluation , forafmuche as Chrift by a certayne maruellous communion dotr.e dayly growc together more & more into one body with vs. 3. 2. 24. So fone as we haue any one drop of Fayth we be- gin to beholde God mercifull vnto vs , although a farre of indede, yet with fb afluivd light, as we knows we are not dcccyued: Boche thefepoyntcs arc proued by teftimonies of J-'aul.3. 2. 19,10. It is fhewcd by examples, howe Fayth armeth and fortifyeth ic felfe with the worde of God to bearc the violent aflaultes of tentatios, & how the godly mi tide neuer fuffercth the affiance of Gods mercy to be pluc- ked away from it, although it bee affaylcd v.'ith many remnauntes of vnbelicf and diftruft.3.2.2 1. In tlic good will of God , whiche Fayth is fayd to haue refpesft vnto,although Fayth do chefely loke vn- to the afl'ured expedation ofeternalllife, yet there ar alfo contayned promifes of this prefcnt life and a pcr- fedl furety of al good things,but the lame fuch as may be gathered of the word:Bothe thefe poyntcs are c6- Hrmed by tcflimonics of Scripture.3.2.28. Fayth, although it embrace the worde of God in cuery poynte,tliat is to lay in the commaundementes alfo and in the prohibitions and thretninges, yet hath her foundation and proper marke whereunto it is di- redcd,in the free promife of mercy : and for tliis rea- fon the Gofpell is called the worde of Faydi, and is fct as contrary to the law. 3.2.29. Yet doe wee not by tliis diftindion teare Fayth in fonder as Pyghius fhamefully cauillcth.5.2.30. Fayth dotnno leiVc nede the worde of God , than the frute dothe nede the liuely roote of the tree , and with th.- word muft be ioyned a confideration of the power of GodjWithout the whiche, mennes cares wil CY.:!-iernct\vdiinglyhearethe worde,or not cftecme it woidielj.His power is to be coafidcredjin that that icis THE T kis cffcAualljthat is to fay by the workcs of God , & by lus bcnchtcs cychcr particular or aiirtcicnt and fuchc as lie hath bcftowcd vppon the wliolc (Jiur- chej.i.ji. The Faythfull oftentimes fo bchauc thcmfcluc?, tliat fomc errors arc mingled with their 1 aub, 8c they fcmcto paflc the boiiiides of the word,but yet fOjthat Fayih hath alway the vppcr liande: 1 his is proued by the examples of Sara & Rebecca, vvhonic in the cio- ked turnings of their mindc , God did by a fecrct bri- dle hold f.ilt in the obedience of his vvoid.j.2.ji. By reafon of our blindntfle and ftifthcckedncs , the word fuffilcth not to make vs hauc Faytli, vnklTe ihc Spii It of God do cnhghtcn our minde, and ilreni;thca our hut with his power: and the fame Spirit is not only the beginner of our Fayth, but alfo doilic cn- creafe it by degrees, j.1.3 j. AUhough it leme to the moft parte of men 2 moi^ ftrangc doihinc , th.it no man can beleuc :n Chrille, but he to whome it is geucn : yet it li proued to bee mofttrcwbyieafonsjteftiraonies of Scripture, and examples. J. 1.54. Thcrfore Fayth is called the Spirit of Fayth , the workc and good plealure of God : and it is a lingular g.'fie/.vhich he gcuctli by lingular priudege to whonic he will : as It is proued by notable fcntenccs taken out of Auguftine.j.i.ijf. It is not inough that the minde be enlightened with vnderftadingot the word,vnlencalib the alVuiedncs of the wordc be poured into the very hcart.bothc which things the Spirit workcih:which is therfore called the lealcjthe plcdge,and the Spirit of promife. j.1.56. Altlioiigh Fayth be tcQcd with diuerfc doubtings, yet it alway at the lall efcapeth out of the gulf of ten- tations,and receiueth moll fACte quic'tnefle. ^ • i. >7- A conftitation of the damnable dodrine ot the Scholemen, whiehe fay that wc can none other\vilc determine of the grace of God towarde v$ , than by niorall coniceturc. 3. 2. 5 8. They are proued to be mif.Tably bliiidc, in laving that it is lalhncflefor vs toconcciue anvndoubtcd knowledge of the will of God: A good companion of tlicmandPaulinthispoyntofdoe'trine.^.i.jp. A confutation of their trifling fliiftejthat although we m.iy take vppon vs to ludge of the grace of God according to the prefcntftate of riglitcoufnefle, yet the knowledge of pcrfcuering to the endc abidedi m fufpenfe.j.J.'jo. It is proued that the dclinition of Fayth taughte in this chapter, Sed./. agreeth witli the ApolUes dclini- tion. Heb. Cap. 11, And the error of the Scholemen, that charit)- is before Fa- th and Hopc,is confuted by the tcfl;monyofB^Tr..;rdc.3.?.4r. Hope ;s ,Jway rngcnircdof F..yih , end is t'le vn- dcuidcd ompaxvop o*- F^yth , fo th„t whofbei. r la ;- keth ! op ';,is proued .Jib to hauc ro f.iyth.Allo F.iyth is ncuril ,:d and flrcngthen^d by b.opc: ind howe nc- ccflaiy rac the helpes ofiiopc ty fubhlh Fajth,wluch ABLE. is alTayled with fo many fortes oftentations.^i.4i. By reafon of this conioynmg and nlhancc of Fayih and hope , the Scripture dothc m.-iny times vfc thofc two wordcs without diffcrcncc,and (omtimc loyneth them together. A confutation of the eiTor of I'cttr I.ombardc, which m.ikctli two foundations of Fayth, that IS to faye, the grace of God, and the merit of wo:ke5.j.i.4}. Ot the iinpcrfce^ion of Fayth^ind the confirtningc and encrcafc diertof 4. 14.7,8. Ot the lumme of our Fayih , whichc wee call the Crcdc,orSimbolcofthc AjK)ftle$.2.i6.i8. The concluhon of die i6.capter,whenn arc brcifiy contayned the benehtcs that came ro vs by thole thinges that arc fpoken concerning Chrift in the Sun- bole of the ApoiUei.2.16.19. See lujhjicAHon ofSayth. Ofthatp.irtc ofDifciplinc of the Cburch,w!u- fulljwhith they commonly cal a femile Fcorc. 3.1.17. Offorfakjnff ofourfelucs. The fiift bcginninge of firamin^c our life after the rule let forthe in tiic hw,i$ to conlider tlut we arc not at ourowne liberty ,but hallowed & dedicate toGcxJ. And dierforc wc ought to forfakc ourfducs, & ourc ownc re3fon(which as the Philofophcrs ought alone to be obeyed) to the endc that wc may bcc goucmcd by the svofJc audSpuu of the Lordc.j.7.1. rrr.iij. at© THE TABLE. Alfo that we ought not to feke ihofe tbinges that are our owne, butthofe thinges that are according to the will of the Lordcjand to lerue to aduancc his glo- ry . And that this is the forfaking of our felues, with- out the whiche there is a woiide of vices enclofcd in the foule of man, and if there be any fcming of ver- tue at all^the fame is corrupted with wicked defire of glory.3.7.2. The forfaking or mortifying of our felues, is part- ly in refped of men, and partly ,yea,and chccfly in rc- (ped of God.Tov/ard other men, the Scripture com- maundeth vs to doe two thinges : namely to preferre them in honour before our felues , and widi vnfained truth to employe our felues wholly to procure their commodities. How the fiift of thefe pointes is to be performed, is taught in the 5. 7. 4. and alfo how the Scripture leadeth vs by the hand to the fccond point, is fliewed in the 5.7.5. See certaine thinges pertaimttgto thispurpofe. FreiTvill. Man was endued with Freewill in the firft eftatc of his creation. 1.1^.8. which he loft by his fall. Of this the Philofophcrs were ignorant,and fo al fuch as fol- low them,geuing Freewill to man, are vtterly decca- ucd.i.iy.8. The pliablenefle or weake power of Freewil,which was in the firft man, doth not excufe his fall. 1. 1 5.8. It IS as w^ll for our proiite,as for the glory of god, to acknowledge all our ftrcgth to be but a ftafFc made of a reede, yea, but a fmoke . In the meane time we muft beware, that while we take all vprightnclTe fro man, we do not therof take occaiion of flothfulncfle. But rather we ought therby to be ftirred vp to feke in God al the goodiitfle wherof we our felues are voide. The defenders of Freewill do rather throwc it do wnc htdlongthanftablifhit. i.i.i. The Philofophers determine three powers of the foule, Vnderftanding,Senfe,& Will or Appetite: and they thinke that the rcafon of mans vndcrftading fuf- Ufeth for his good gouemance : that will is by fenfc moued to cuill, fo that it doth hardly yelde it felfe to Tcafon,and Ibmetime is diueifly drawen from the one to the other, but yet that it hath a free eleftion & can rot be flopped, that it may follow reafon her guide in all thinges : finally that vertues and vices arc in our powers. 2.2.2,5. The Ecclefiafticall writcis,al though they acknow- ledged the foundnclfe of vnderftanding , and the free- dome of will tO haue bene (ore wounded by finnc,yet haue fpoken to much philofophically of this matter. The olde writers did it for this purpofe , firft bicaufc they were loth to teach a thing that fhould be anab- furditic in the common iudgement of men , and alfo fiiecially leaft they flioulde geue a newe occafion of flothfulneflc to the flelbe being already to much dull 60 goodoeflc, as appeareth by many layings of Chry- foft:ome and Hicrome. The Grcke doftors aboue all other, and fpecially Chryfoltomc,do excedS meafurc in aduauncing Freewill. But all tlie olde writers gene- rally, except Augufhne, do fo vary and wauer in this point ofdodrine, that there can almoft nocertaintie be gathered of their writinges. They which came af- ter them, fell one after an other to worfe and worfe. The definitions of Freewill out of Origene , Augu- ftine, Bernard, Anfelme, Peter Lombard, and Tho- mas.2.2.4. In what thinges they do commonly geue Freewill to man,& of the three fortes of mans will,2.2.5^. Alfo of the common diftindion of the three fortes oflibertie.2.2.y. Whether man be wholly depriued of power to do good, or whether he haue yet fome power though it be weake:where it is (poken of the common diftindi- on of grace working and grace working togethcr,and what is amifTe in the fame diftindion.2.2.6. Forafmuch as it can not otherwife be fayd that ma hath Freewill , but bicaufe he doth euill of his owne wil,and not by compulfion,it had bene very good for the church that this word Freewill had neucr bene v- fcd, v/hich had raifed vp men to a damnable trufl of themfelucs. The old writers alfo do oft declare v^hat they meane by thu word, fpecially Auguftine, out of who there are many places alleged , where he wcak- ncth and mocketh the ftixngth thereof,both when he calleth it Bondwill, and when he cxpoudtth the thing it fclfe as it is at large. 2.2.7^8. Although the olde Ecclefiafticall writers do fomc- time to much aduaunce Freewill, and haue fpoken doutfully and diuerfly in that matter : yet it appcaicth by very many of their fayingcs, that they little or no- thing efteeming mans power , gaue the whole praife of all goodneflc to the holy Ghoft . Many fuche Cen~ tcnces are rehearfcd out of Cyprian, Auguftine, Eu- cherius3Chryfoftome.2.2.9. The power of mans will is not to be weycd by tlie (uccelTe of thinges, but by the choife of iudgement and the aflfedion ofwill.2.4.8. It is proued againft the defenders of Freewill that finne is ofnecefmie,and yetneuerthelelfe ought to be imputed : alfo that it is voluntary, and yet can not be auoyded. i.f. I. A folution of an other obieftion of theii-s , where they faye that vnlefTe both vertues and vices procede ofFreeelcdionofwill,it were no reafbn that man fhould either be punirtied or rewarded.2.5.2. Alfo an other obicftion 5 where they faye that if this were not the power of our will , to choofe good or euiU , then of neccflitie cy ther all men fhoulde bee good, or all men euiil.2. j.j. Againft the fame men alfo it is proued that exhor- tations,admonitions and rebukinges are not in vaine, although it be not in the power of the flnner to obey: and there is fhewed what effedc the fame doe workc both in the wicked and in the faythfull.2, j.4>f • THE TABLE. 1 1 is not to be gathcret by tlic commaundcmcntcs and lawc of godjthat man hath FrccwylJ and ftan^-h toperfourme them, tor Goddothc not oncly com- maiindewhar ought to bee done, but alfopromiftth grace to obey. 2. f. 6, 7, 9. This is proucd as well in the commaiindemcntes which require the firllc conuerfion to God , as alfo in thofc whiche fpc^ike fimply of the obfcruingc of the law, and tliofc v^hlche commaund men to contmewc in the rcceyucd grace of God. For iJic fame God whiche rcquircth thofc thinges, dothe tcftify thit the conucrlion of a (inner , hohnefle of life, ftcdfolbits of continuancc,are his Free giftcs , and the prayfe thcrof is not to be parted bctwcne God and man. 1.5. 8, 9,11. The conditionall promifcs,3S,If ye wd,If ye hcare, and fuchc hlcc , doe nor prone that there is m man a Free power of willing or hearing: yet ic is proued that God dothe not mocke men info bargayninge with them. Alfo what is the vfc of fuchc protclluiGs, botii tow.irdthe godly and towardc the vngodly.2.5.10. Th.c rcprochings, wherin God fay th to his people that they weie the caufe that they rcceyucd not all kinde of good ihinges at Ins hande, do not proue that it wasmnnnes power to efcape the euels wherewith they were afflktcd. And there is fpokcn of tiic vfe of fuchereprochingcs as well towardc them that oblh- racely !:oe forw.irdc in theirefiultes , as towaidc the conformable that are conuertcd to repentance. Alio whereas the Scripture dothe fomctime gcuc to vs the office ofdoync, it dothe fo for no other reafon but to aw.;k;n the llouthfijlnefle of the flelhe.2.5. 1 1. The fiyinge of Mofcs , The commaundementc is ncrc to thejin thv mouth and in thy heart.&'c. makcth nothing for tjie defenders of Freewill , forafniuchc as he there fpcaketh nor of the bare commaundcmcnts, butofthceuan:;tlicallpromifcbofthcl;Lwe.i.^.ii. No more do thofc places ma!:e for them , w here it is fayed th;'.t ihc Lordc loketh and watcJicth to lee what men will doe. 2. 5. i ^. Alio tliofe places where good woikes are calltd. ourcs, and we .are layde to do that whiche is holy and plea(in2:e to die Lordc. And here is ihewcd thittlic oncly Sjnrite of God worketh all good motions m vs, butyctnotasinftockes.2.5.i4,ij. Ancxpofition of certr.ync other places of Scri- pture, whiche the enemies of the grace of God doe abufe,tolbblilhcFrecwill.2. 5. 16^7,18,19, G. Cod. 'T* He Scripture teaching the immcafur.-blc and fpi- •* rituall fubftancc of God , dodie ouerdirowe not oncly the follies of the con.inon pcop.'e, but alfo the fubulc inucntions of prophane f hiloiophye , and the error of the Manichces conccnu.i ^ two origin.ill be- ginnings,andihc falfe opinion of the Antliropomor- phitcs concerning a bodiiy God. 1.13.1. In wlut fenfc it is fiyde that God is in heauen,and what dodlrine is to be gathered thereof j. 10.40. What is,the name of God to be fonftjHcd. j. 20.41. Of the kin^dome of God amonge men, and of the cncrealing and fulnellc thereof. 3.2.41. See I\n owl edge of God. See I mage of God m man. Gofpell. Chriftc,althougIihc were knowcn to tlie Icwcj i« time of the lawc,w.u yet Hicwcd in dcdc oncly by the Gofpcl;& the holy fathers tailed of that grace, which is now oflrcd to vs wiih hi J aboundancc,they faw the daye of Chriftc, albeit with a dimme (iclue,thc glory whereofnow Ihmcth in the Go(pcl,without any ?eil« betwcnc vs and it.2.9. 1 ,1. In the fune place alfo i5 fhcwcd,tlut the Gofpell is properly .and fpccially called the publiflungc ofthc grace geuen in Chriile , and not tlic promifcs tlui are writtenby tlie prorhetcs tonccmingc the rcmillioa of finnes. Agaynit the doftrmc ot Seruetru$,whKhc takcthaw.iy the promifes viiderdus pretence that by the fayth of the Gofpell wee haue tlie fullillinge of all the pro:nifcs,it is proucd that though Chrifte o.4cr to vs in the Gofpell a prefcntc hjlncHe of fpirituall good tlungcs , yet tne cnioyingc thereof hcih niddcn vndcr the cuUody of hope fo lon^c as we hue in this w:oild, & thcrforc we muft yet reft vpon the promifcs. 1.9. j. A confutation of theirc error whiche compare the law with tlie GoJ"pcil,none othcrwifc than the defcr- uinges of woikcs witli the imputation of free rightc- oulneile. 2.9.4. lohn the liapti fte had an office meane betwene tlic prophctcs expofitorsof the lawe, and the Apo£Ues publilhers of the Gofpcll.2.9.^. Gouernemente. Sec Politikc Goucmcment. H. Handcs. See L.iying on of FLndes. Ihly wAteroffaplJles. Sec Bokc.4. Chapter. 10. Scifnon.xo. Holy Chop e. Teftimonies wliercby Jik Godhcd of iIk Holy ■ ghofteisproued.i.i}.i4,>?- The Holy ^hofte is die bondc wlKrewith Clinftc dothe cflcdually biiidc vs to lum , .and without it , all that Chriftc bathe fu.Tred.uid done for the faluatiou ofmnnkindedothenothingprotitvs.j.i.ijj. Chnll came after a nngul.ir manner furiuOicd with the Holy ghoft,to fcucr vs from the worldc,.and thcr- forc he is called the Spint of LindUHcauon.W'hy he is rPP.iirj. fomi init: THE TABLE. fometime called the Spirit of the father, & fometime the Spirit of the Sonne . He is called the Spirit of Chrifte,not oncly in refpcfte that Chiifte is the cter- nall Worde,but alfo accordinge to his perfon of Me- diator. 3.1.2. An expofitio of the titles wherewith the Scripture fetteth forthe the Holy ghoft: & there is entreated of the beginning and whole rcitoringe of our faluation: The tides be thefe;the Spirit of adoption,the earncftc and fealc of our inheritaunce,lifc , water , oykjoynt- mentjfire,a fountayncjthc hande of God.&c.j.i.j. Fayth is the chicfe wotke of the Holy ghoft , and therfore to it for the morte parte arc all thofe diingcs referred whiche arc commonly founde in the Scri- pture to exprcfle the force and cfFc(5hial power of the Holy ghoft.3. 1.4. Htimilitie. It is not the trew Humility whiche God requireth of vSjvnlefle we acknowledge our felucs vtterly voyde of all goodnes and righteoufnes.j .1 r.6. Of this Humility there is an exaamplc (hewed in the Publicane. 5.11.7. That we may geue place to the calling ofChrifte, both prefumption and carelefiies muft be farre away from vs. 3. 1 2.8. There is no daunger left man fliould take to much from himfelfe , fo that hee learne that wliiche wan- tcth in himfelfe is to be recouered in God. It is a De- uclifhe wordjalthough it be fwete to vs,that lifteth vp man in himfelfeifor repulfing wherof,thcrc are recited out of the Scripture many weighty fentences, whiche do rigoroufly tlirowe downe man : and alfo there are recited certayne promifcs, whiche doe promife grace to none but to them that do pine away with fehng of their owne pouerty.2.2.10. Certnyne notable fayinges of Chrifoftome & Au- guftine concerning u-ew Humditie.z.z. j i. L Idols, 'TT He Scripture feticthout God by certayne titles ■^ of r.ddition & markcs , not to the intent to binde him to one place or to one people j but to put difie- rence bctwcne his holy Maitfty and Idols.2.8.1^. Anespofition of the tirit commaundcmfiK:w1icre is fhewed that wor'hipping,truft,inuocatio,& ihakfe- geuingejbelonge wholy to God, and no wliit tlicreof may be comicyed any otherwhere without greate in- iury to him to whofe eyes all things are open. 2.8.16, * An cxpolition of the fecondc commaundcment: where is fpoken of Idols and Images.2.8.17. The Scnpture,to the cntent to bring vs to the trew Godjdothc exprclly exclude all the Gods of the Gen- tiles.i.io. j.and fpecially all Idols and Images. 1. 11. i. God is feucred from Idols , not only that he alone /Iiould haue the aame of god^twit tiiat he alone (hould be wholy worlhipped, and nothing that bclongeth to the Godhed (hould be conueyed to any other. 1.12.1. The glory of God is corrupted withfalfe lyinge, when any forme is appoynted to it. i . 1 1 . i . It IS proued by textes and reafons, that God gene- rally mifliketh all Portraytures and Images that arc made to exprelfe a figure of him,andthis prohibition perteyned not to the lewes onely.i.i i. 2. God did in olde time fo fhewe his prefence by vifi- ble fignes eyther to the whole people , or to certayne chofen men,that die fame lignes admonidicd them of the incomprehenfible fubftaunce of God.i.i i . j. It is proued euen of luucnals teftimony that tlic papiftes are mad, whiche dcfende the Images of God and of Saindes with the example of the Cherubs co- uering the propiciatory. 1. 1 1. j. The ftuffe it felfe and alfo the woikmanfhip which is done with the handes of men,doe (hew tliat Images arenotGods.i.11.4. Agaynft the Grecians, whiche malce no grauen I- mage of God , but do geue themfelues Icauc to pajnc him. 1. 1 1.4. The faying of Grcgorie, vpon wliichc the Papiftes (aye that they ftande, that Images are vnleamcd mens bokeSjis confuted by the teftimony of Hierome,Ha- bacuc,Ladantius,Eufebius, Auguftine,Varro, and the decree of the Elebertine councell. i . 1 1.^,6,7. The papiftes Portraitures or Images wheiby they reprefcnt the holy martirs and godly virgins , are pa- ternes of moftc wicked riotous exccfle and vnchafte- nelle. 1. 11.7,12. The people fhaU learne muche more by the prea- ching of the worde and miniftration of Sacramentes, than by a thoufande wodden crolfes. 1.11.7. The antiquity .ind beginninge of Idolatry, for that menne thinking God not to be nccre them,vnleflc he did fiicw himfelrc carnally prcfent,rayfed vp lignes in wliiche they beleued that he was carnally conueriant before their eyes, i .11.8. After fuche an inuention by and by foloweth the worfliippingc of the Image , like as of God or of any other creature in the Image ;both whiche the lawc of God fbrbidderh.i.ii.8,9. Agiynft them , whiche for defence of abominable Idolatry,do pretend that they do not t.ikc the Images for Gods, it is proued that neyther the lewes did thmke their calFe to be God, nor the heathen when they made to themfelues Images dideuer thinke the fanve to he God,whom yet no man excufc.i.11.9. The papiftes arc fo pcrfwaded as the heathen and the Idolatrous lewes v/ere, that they worlhippc God himfelfe vnder Imagcs.i.ii. 10. Neyther can thcyc- fcape away with their diftindion of fcruicc and wor- (liip.i.ii.ii,i6.& 1. 12.2. When Idolatry is condemned ,grauingc and payn- ting arc not vtterly reproued, but there is icquircda trcwe and right vfcof them bothc , that God bee not counterfaytcd with bodily (hape, but onely thofc tbin^^cs TH E T twinges whichc cure tycs may bcholdc. 1. 1 1. 1 1. Of Images in the temple; ofChnftians.4.4>.9. Euen the Idolaters tlicmfclucs in all ages , natural- ly vndcrftoodc that there is one oncly God : but this vndcrftanding auailcd no furdicr than to make thcra to be vnexcufable.i.io.j. Idolatrie is an cuidentc proofc that the knowledge of God IS naturally planted in the mmdcs of all men. Image of God in man. Whatitis, that man was crcite after the Inwgc^ of God: And here arc confuted the fondc expolitions of Ofiandcrandof other: and here is declared that though thelmagc of God do appcare alio in the out- ward man,and do extcnde to the whole excellence, wherewith the nature of man paffeth all kindcs of li- uing creatures, yet the pnncipa U fcatc therof is in the mynd and m the harte,or in he foulc and the powers thereof.i.ij.j.&i,2,i. The Image of God at the bcginningc appeared in Adam,in light of mindejVpriglunelle of hc3rt,and the foundncfle of all his partes : whichc is proucd by the repayring of corrupted nature , whcrinChnfte newly fafhioncthvs after the image of God, and by other argumences.i.iy.4. Indulgences. Seefardons. Infantes. See ^aptizjng of Infantes. Lafi ludgement. Of the vifibic prefcnce of Chrift when he fhall ap- peaic at thclaft day: Of the ludgcment ofthcquicke and dcad,and that our fayih is well and nglufuUy di- reded to the thinking vpon that day:aiid of the riota- blc comfoiTinge that thereby arifcth m our conicien- ces.;?. 15.7,8. Of the incomprehcnfiblc greuoufiitflc of Gods vengeaunce agaynftc the reprobate. 3.15. 11. ludkiallprocidwgs in Lure. Ofthevfeofludiciall procedinscs , Magiftrates and Lawes,amongc Chnfiians. It is lawftill for Chri- ftians to fuc for their right before a iMngi(lrate,lb tl1.1t the fame be done without burring orpicae and ot the loueofour neighbor. 4.20. 17, 1 3. Dc(ireofrcuengc,is alway to be auoydc J, whether it be a common or conumciall aciioii wherein men ftriue before a ludge. 4.10. 19, The commaundemcnt of Chrift,to geue t'.iy cloke ro him that taketh 3wr.y thy coate,& fuche likiv roue notbu that a Chnftian may lue before a Mig-'^ratc, & vfe liis liclp for the preferuing of his goods.4.:o.io Paulcdotnenotvtterly condemne intcs , but rt- proueth the vnmeafurablc rage of luyogc atlawca- A B L E. monge the CorlntI)tanj.4.io.ii. I ufirf cation ofFayth. Of the luftiHcation of fayth, and firft of the defini- tion of the rume and of the tlnngit fdfc.j.i i. The aitulc ofdodnnc conccrrung the luihlicauo offayth is of grcatimportancc.j.i i.i. It IS flicwcd by the Scripture wiiat it is to be lufti- ficd by workes, & wliat it is to Ix luilihcd by f.iyth. j. A confutatio of the error of Ofundcr, concerning cfllntiall righteoufneire,whichc taketh from mai tlic camett feeling ofthetrcw grace ofChriilc.j. n.J)^, y.&c.tothc I J. A conftitation of Ofiandcrs inucntio, that whera« Chriftc is bothe God .ind Man, hce was made nehte- oulncfle to vs m rcfpcclc of his ruturc of Goulicad and not of his Manhodc. j.i 1 .8,^. Agaynfie them whichc imagine a rightcoufncfle compounded of fayth and wotkcs, it is proucd flue when the one is ftabli(hcd,the other muft nedts be o- ucnhrowen.3.ii.i5,i4>>5>'^>'7>»8. It IS proucd by the Scripture agiynfle the Sophi- fterSjthat this is a fure principle , ilut we are luftificd by fayth oncly. 3 . 1 1 . 1 9,20. It is proucd by teOimonics of Scripture dvit the riditcoufncfle of fayth is reconciliation with GckI, wliich confiftcih oncly vpon die rcniiflion of finnts. 3.11.11,12. By the oncly interccfTionormeancof the righte^- oufnciTeof Chriftjwee obtcync to be luflificd before God.3. 11.23. That we may be throughly perfwadcd of the free Iuftihc3tion,we mull lift vp oiu" mindes to the ludgc- ment feate of God : before whichc, noihinge is actc- ptahle but that whiche is whole and pcrfccte in cucry behalfjthcdrcdefullmaicfty whereof is dcfcnbcd by m.iny places of Scriptui e. 3 .11.1,2. All uodly writers do Oicw thai when men haue to do witliGod,die oncly placcof rcftigc horconfcicnce IS in the free mercy of God, cxcludingc all trulleof workes: And this is ptoucdby tcftimonics of Augu- ftincandBcrnarde.3.12.3. Ywo thin^cs arc to bee obfcrued in free luftifica- noii:ihe firlle'', tlut the Lorde kej-e faftc Ivs glor>' \iv- mimllicd : whiche is done when he alone «% acknow- ledged to be righteous , for tliey glor)- agaynlk God whfclic glo7 in thcnilclucs.3.1 }. I,:. the fccond, tliaC ourconTcienccs may haue quietncll'c in dic dghtof hisiudgemeiit.3.i3:3,A,5. « - j W!\it manner of bepiming is of luftihcaoon, and wint lontinuall procedinges.3.i4- A bricfc fummc of the foundation of Cliriftian dodnnc takenoutofPau!C.3.iV5. This foundation bcyng layde, wife bildcrs do well and orderlv luyld \pon,\vhethcr it be to fet forth do- ftrinc andcxhort.uion,ortogcuc comfort-^.i^S, Good woikcs arc not dclboycd by die do(f:nne of QC^C^ J. luftilica- THE TABLE. luftification offayth, J. i^. r. It is mofle folfe that menncs mindesare drawca away from affedion of well doynge, when we take fiom them the opinion of defeiumg.j.i^.ijj. It is a moft vaync fclaundcr, that meiilare proiio- kcd to (inne , when wc affirme a free forgeuencflc of /inncSjinwhiche v/eefaye that rightcoulneffe conlJ- lleth.5.16.4. In what fenfe the Scripture oftentimes fayth that the faythfull arc luftified by workcs.j. 17.8,9,10511,11. The doers of the lav/ are luftified. 5. 17. 15. He ihat walketh in vpnghtncs,isri<7hteou3.5.i7.r5'. An cxpofition of certayne pip.ccs , wherein the faythfuU doc boldly offer their riohteoufntfTe to the judgement of God to bee examined , and pray to bee judged accordinge to the fame , and it is proucdthat this difagreeth not with the free iufhfication of Fayth. 3. 17. 14. The fayinge of Chrifte, If thou wilt enter into life, kepe the commaundementes, difagreeth not with the free luftification of fayth .3. 18.9. K. ]{i»gtiiome ofchrijle. See Trieflhode. Ktjowledae of God. To Know God,is not onely to coceyue that there is (bme God , but to vnderitande fo muche as beho- ueth vs to Knowe of him , and fo muche as auayleth for his glory ,and IS expedient, i.z.i. The Knowledge of God ought to tendc to tliis cnde,firft to frame vs to feare and reuerence;and then that by it guyding and teachinge vs we may learne to af kc all good things of him,and to acconipte thcfamc receyuedathishande. 1.2.2.& 1.5.8. The Philofophcrs had no other Knowledge of God than that whiche made them vnexcufable , but did not bring them to the truthe. 2. z. 18. This perfwalionis naturally plated in all men,that there is fome God. 1.2. j. and that to this ende, that they whiche do not woriliippe him,maye becondem- ned by their owne iudgement.1.3. i. Though all men knowe by natme that there is a God , yet fome become vaync in their fuperftitions, and other fome of fet purpofc do malitioufly dcparte from God. 1. 4. 1. See certayn things pertaymnff^ to this matter, in the Title of Creation of the wo ride, L. Laying on ofhandes. r\ F Layinge on ofhandes in ordringc of Minifters. ^^4,14.20. Of the Laying on ofhandes in making of popiftic prieftcs.4.i9.3i. Laws. The Law, that is to fay e the forme of religion [ct forth by MofcSjWas not geuen to holde the oide peo- ple ftiUmitjbuttonourilh in their heancs the hope offaluationmChnft vntillhis comminge:Whiche is proued by this that Mofes repeteth the mention of thecouenaunt: and by the order of the ceremonies appoynted as well in facriHces as in wafhings, alfo by the office of priefthode m the tribe of Leui , and the honor ofkingdome in Dauid and his pofterity. The Law alfo of the ten comma undemcntes was gcuen to prepare men to feke Chrifte.2.7. 1,2. and that is done, when it makcth vs vnexcufable bcyng on euery fide conuittcdof ourfinneSjtomouevsto feke forpar- don of our giltinefre.2.7.j,4. It IS proued by the Scripture and declared, that the obferuingoftheLawisimpo(riblc.2.7.5. There are three vfes and offices of the moirall Law:Thc Hrft is,that fhewing vnto vs the nghtcouf- nelle whiche onely is acceptable vnto God,it may be as a glaffe for vs,whcrein we may beholde our weak- ntfle,and by it our wickedncfTe , and finally by them bothcjOur accurfedneifeiNeyther tourncth this to a- ny difhonor of the Law,but m;iketh for tlie glory e of the bountifulncfle of God, whiche bothe with helpc of grace aydcth vstodoe that whiche we are com- maunded , andby meic)'puttethaway our ofl^nccs. Neyther yet dothe this office altogether ceafle in the reprobate. 2. 7.6^,7,8,1;. The feconde office, is to rcftrayne the reprobate with feare of punilliment, leaft they vnbrideledly co- mit the wickcdneire which inwardly they alv/ay nou- riffie and ioue:and alio to draw backe the chJdren of God before their regeneration from out ward licen- noufiieire.2.7.iOj 1 1. The thirde office,concerneth the faychfull: for the Lawjalrhough it be already written with the finger of God in their liarts,yet profiteth them two vvayes: For by itudyine vppon it , they are more confirmed in the vnderftandjng of die will of the Lorde, and arc ftiiTcd vp & ftrengthened to obedience, that they go not out of kind by the fluggiflinefTe of die fle{h.2.7.i2ji5. For, as touchinge tlie curfle of the Lawe , it is taken away from the faythfull,thatit can no more extende itfeitc agaynfl; them in damning and deftroying tbem.2.7.14. By the ten commaundemets of the Law we icarne the lame tliinges whiche we but flendcrly tafte by in- flru(fHoof the law of nature:Firft that we owe toGod reuerence,loue,and feare, that righteouJhefle plcafeth him,and wickednefle difpleafcth him: 'inally, that exa- mining out life by the rule of the Law, we are vnwor- tliy to be accompted among the creatures of God, & that our power is vnfufficienr, yea, ro power at all to performe the Law.Eothe theie poyntes cngedre in vs humility and abaciiig of our felucs , whiche teacheth vs to flye to the mercy of God, auo to crauc the heipe of his grace.z.8.i,2^j. Forafinuchc THE T Forafmuch as God the Lawmaker is fpintuall, tlut is tofaycjfpcakcth as well to thcfoule as to the body, thcrforc the Law hkewife rcquircth not onily an out- wardc lionelly,but ahb an inward and fpintuall righ- teoufncflc,and a very angchkc purencflc.2.8.^. which IS proucd by Chnftts ownt ocpolition,whcn he con- futed the Pharifics wronge intcrpretat:on,whicIie re- quired only a ccrtaync outwardc obkruaiion oftlic Law.!. 8.7. There is aJway more in the commaundcments and prohibitions oftheLaw,thanis cxprcflcd. Therefore for the right and trewc cxpoundint;c of tlicm , it bt- houeth to wey what u die entente orcndc ofeucrycf them:Then from that whiche 1$ commaundcd orfor- biddcn,wce muft drawe an argument to the contrary, that wee may vndcrftjnde , that not onely aii cucll is forbidden, but abb the good is cotnmaunded wluchc is connrary to thnteuel.2.8.8,9. Why God fpake by waye of cmplyed comprchen- dingjin fettingc forthc dv: forme of his comniaundc- mcntes.i.S.io. Of the diuidinge of the Lawc into two nbles : and how therin we arc taught that the tirfle foundation & the very foule of nghteoufnelTc is the worflupping of God.2.8.11. Of the deuifion of the ten commaundcments, and how many commaundtmcntes are to be appoyntcd to the firile table,and howe many to the fcconde.i.8. 11,50. An expofition of the commaundcmentes of God: Where is declared that the Lorde in the beginning of the Law,to ftablidi his ownc niaieftie, vft th three ar- gumcntCi:Firftc by chalcngingc to himfclre die foue- laigne power and ridit of dominion ouer vs,hc dothe as It were by ncccflity dmw vs to obey him: fecondly heallurethvs wiihthc fwetencirc of the promife of grace:thirdly he moueth vs to obedience with rehear- fall of the bcncHtc that wc !uuc reccyued.2.8.i'j,i4,i5 The Law tcnchctli not only certayne introdudhos and principles of nghtcoufntircjbut the very accom- plifhmcnt therof,thc exprcliing ofthc image of God, and the perfedion of holinefTc: which lawc i^ allcon- tcyncd in two poyntcs,th,it is to fay,thc loue of God and of our neishboiir.2. 8, ^ I. ThcLawe ofNaturc.i.i.xz. Law:: J folittk?. Neythcrcan Lawes bee without the Magiftrate, northe Magiflratc widiout Lawes. A confutation of them wliiche i'\y tint a common weale is not well ordrcd, vnlelle it bee goucmcd by the poli- til:cL.v«csofMofes. For this purpofc isrcheaifeda diuifion of the Lawes of Mofe? into moral LawcSjCe- remonits , and iuJiciall Lawes, and the en Je or euery one ot them beyng difcuiled,!! is proued diat it is law- full for e".ery feucral nation to ma!:e politikc Lawes, 4,;o. 14, 1 5.fo that they agree with that n.u,ir.:il cqui- ty,die reafoa whcrofis fct forthc rtlK morall Lawc ABLE. ofMofcs. Tiicrcforc it is (hewed by exaumples riiat they may alter the ordinances of pcnahicf accorduvj to the diuerfltie ot the tountnc , time , and other cir- cumlLuice$.4.io. 16. Liberty. See Chrijlian Liberty. Lying. An cxpofition of the ninth comaundcmcnt: whcr- in the Lorde forbiddcdi fallhcd, whtrwjth wc by Ly- ing or backeby ting.do hurte any mans good tumc ot hinder his commodity.i.8.47. Wemanytymes hnnc againft this commaunde- nient,although wc do not Lye.But in thai point tlierc mull be a difference wikly made between the Haun- dring which IS here condcmncd,and ludiciallaccuO- tion or rebuking, which is vfcd vpon dcfyrc to bring to amendemcnt. 1.8.48. Lyfe cfaCh riJJun mart. The lawe contcyneth a lule how to frame a maiu Life,and dyutrfe places alfo of the Scnpmrc doc here and there declare it, and not widiout an ordcily mi- ner of teaching,nl:hough not fo cxquifitc and cunous as the Phdofophers doc. j.6. i . Herein the Sciipturc doth two things : it Itrrcth vi vp to the loue of rys^hteoufmCre, and tcachcih a rule how to follow the l.:mc. The lirft point it woiACth by diuerle arguments & reafons.j.o.i. andhcrcin the bcripcurel.iytth much better foundations, dun can be found in J the bokes of the Phdofophers. ^.6. j. Agiinft them th.it pretend a knov. ledge ofChnfl, when thcyr Life and niancrs rcfcmblcru^c the doc- trine of CI. nil.;}. 6. 4. Though pcifcftion were to be wiHicd in all men, yet wc muft .ilfo acknowledge for Uinfbans the muft part of men which hauenot yet proccdcd fo f.irrc. We muft a! way cndcuor for\'vard , and not dcHKirc forthc finalncs of our proHting. 1.6.5. Outofaplaceof P.:ule thclc arc gadiered to be the panes of a w ell framed --yfc: ccnfidcrauon or' the trace of God,forf.iking of wickednes and ofwotldly luftcs/oLircnellc, nghteouGitSjgodlinclTc (wluch lig- nilicdi true holuitill)and die bltlVcd hope of iinnior- laliuc.j.y.j. Lyfe prefect, andthehtlpes therof. The Scripture teacheth die beftc way how to vfc thegoodesofdnsLitt.j.UMj^. 1 wo f.iultcs muft be .luoyded: that we Jo neither bindeourconfcicnces withto muclic rigoroulncllc, nor gcuv loofc icyncs to the intemperance of men, 5.10.1, J. God bodi in dotliin;; and in foode prouidcdnot oncly ibr our necclTitie, Dur alfo fcr our dclitc. j.io.:. It'ismnft neccflarj-, that eunyoncof \ sin all die doings of his Life dolokc vpo his vocati6,th.n wc at- THE TABLE. A confutation of their fantaftical conceyt, which affirme that Chrift fhuld hauc become manialthough there had neded no remedy for the redcming of man- kinde. And it is proued by many reafons and testes, thatforafmuch as the whole Scripture cryeth out that he was clothed with flefh, to the end that he might be the redemcr, therefore it is to great rafhncfle to yma- ginc any other caiife or purpofca. 12.4. Neyther is it lawftill to fearche further concerning Chrift : and thofe that do fcarch furthcr,do with wic- ked boldnefle runne forward to the faining of a new Chrifte: And herein Ofiandcr is reproued,which hath at dais time renued this queftion , and affirmeth diat this error is confuted by no tcftimonie of Scripture. 2. 1 2. J. And the principle is oucrthrowen wliichhe buil- dcth on,that man was create after the y mage of God, bicaufe he was formed after the Ukeneire of Chrift to come, that he might refemblehim whom the father had already decreed to clothe with flefh: And there is ftiewcd thiu the image of God in Ada,was the marks of excellencie wherewith Gcd had garnifiied hym, which doth alfo ftiine in the Angels. a. 1 2.6,7. A folution of other obieftios or abfurdities which the fame Ofiandcr fcareth : namely, that then Chrift was borne and creat after the ymage of Adam but as it were by chaunce : and that the Angels (hould haue lacked their hed, and men Hiould haue lacked Chrift theirking.2. 12.6,7. How the two natures do make one perfon of the Me.4.7.4. It is proued by the vie of the olde Church, that ic is falfe whiche the bifliop of Rome boltcth, that he hath iunfd«(ftion ouer .ill C'iutclies,4.7.5. VVhcdia: yeconlidcr the ordnngofBilhops,Sed.6.orecclcfia- fticalLidmonitionsand ccnrurcs,Scd.7. or fummo- rung of Councelcs, Scd.8, or authontie of higher ap- peales.Sed.9,10. The olde Bifhops of Rome inihemoftc part of their Epiftlcs did anibitionfly fcttc fourthc the glory of their fee, but thofc Epiftlcs at that tymc had no cre- dirie: Alfo they did thrult in cenamc forged thmgcs asthoughdiey had ben written in thculde tunc by holy n)en.4.7.ii,zo. Ahhough in the tyme of Gregory the authoriuc ofthe biOiop of Rome vvs greatly cncrcafed:yct it is proued by his writings that it was then far fiom vn- ondled dominion .inS tyranny.4.7. 1 2, i j ,2z. There was fhifc for the fuprcmacy bcnvecnc the biHiop of Conibntinople and die billiop of Rome. RRR.J. 4-7I4) THE TABLE. 4.7,14,1^,16. vntillPl^ocss graunted to Boniface the thirdtjdiat Rome flioulJ be the head of al Churches; whichc aftcrwarde Pipine conlirmcd, when hee gaue to the fee of Rome lurifdiftion ouer tlie Churches of Fraunce.4.7.17. From thenceforth the tyranny of the fee of Rome cncrcafed more 2nd more, partly by Jgnoraunce and partly by negligence of bilhops: wliich dcftnidtion of the whoJc order of the Church Bcrnarde lamcmeth and layeth to the Popes chargc.4.7. 18,21. The infolence and (hamelefnelle of the bifliops of Rome in fetting forth their owne fuprcnie authon- tie: 4.7.19,20. \\hiche is reproucd by fayinges ofCy- pnane and Gregorie.Scd.z i. Rome can not be the mother of all Chmxhcs, for- afmuche as it is no Chiirche. Ncytlicr can tlie bifliop ofRomebeheadofbiihops, fithe he is no bifliop.4. It js proued by Paul, that the Pope is Antichrift. 4. 7.25. Although the Churche of Rome in olde time had had the honor of fuprcmicie,yet the fame is not to be bounde to a place.4.7. 26,29. Of the manners of the citie of RomCjOf the Pope,, and of tlie Cardinals and their diuinitie.4.7. 27,28. The Bifhop of Rome Hift laycd hand vpon King- clomes,and then vpon the Empire: Whichc is proued bymoftefharpe reprehenfionsof Bemardeto bevn- meteforhim thatbofteth himfclfc the fucccflbt of the Apoftles.4.11.11. Of the gift of Conftantine,wherewith he laborcth to hide his robbery, 4. 1 1. 1 2. .ind hcv/e there are not yet fyue hundred yearc paft , fincc the Popes were in iubiedion of Princes , & by what occafion they hauc fhaken it of, Sed-ij. and howe they brought the citie of Rome into their power, but about a hundred and tliirty yeare agoe.Sedu 14.^ grayer. Trewfaythcannotbee ydlc from callinge vpon God. 3. 20.1. How ncccflary and how many wayes profitable is thecxcrcifeofPr3yingc,j.2o.2. akhourh the Lorde will not ceofie while we craue not , nor ncdeth any ta put him in mynde.Sed. 5 . The Hrfte rule of well framinge our Prayer , is that we be no otherwife difpofed in \\x\xt and mindc than becommeth ihcm that enter into talkewith God.j. lo.4,5f. The feconde rule is5that in Praying we alway fecle our owne nedint-fle, pnd that earneftly confidcriage that v/e wante all thcfe thinges that we af ke,we ioyne without Prayer ancarneft andfcrucntdeiirctoob- leync.^.SQ.rJ. Wc ought to pray at all times , and in the greateft qiiietncfil' of our tftates, the onely remembrauncc of our linncs ought to bee no fmal prowocation to moue vs to that exercire.3.20.7. The thirde rule of Prayinge well^is that we foi-rakc all conhdence of our owne glory, left if wee prcfum- ptuoufly take any thingc,bc it neuer fo little,\ nto our fclues, wee without vayne pride, fall downe fromliis face. 5.20.8. The beginning of Praying well,is the obtayning of paidon,with an humble and playne confefljon of of- fence. 5. 20.9. In what lenfe the Prayers of ccrtayne holy men are to be takcn,in whiche to cntrcate God, they fceme to allcdge their owne rightcouiiicfie. 5. 20.10. The fourth rule of Praying well , is that beyngc Co ouerthrowcn and beaten downe with trew humihtie, we be neuerthelelfe encouraged to Pray witli an allu- red hope to obtLy.ne:So in our Prayers, fayth andre- pentauncc do m.cte together. g. 20. 11. Of the certainty of fayth,v/hereby the faythfull do determine that God is fauourablc vnto them : And how ncceflary the fame is in Prayer : Neyther is that ccrtaynty weakened, when it is ioyned with acknow- ledging of our owne miferie.3.20. 1 2. God commaundethvs to call vpon him: hec pro- miretb,that we fhalbe heard : bothe thefe thinges ate neceffaiyjthat we may Pray in fayth. 5.20, 1 5. There arc rchcarfed diuerfe promifes of God,with the fwctcneffe whereof they that are not ftirred vp to Pray,are dtogetlier vnexcuiable.g.2o.i4. An expolition of certaine places, wherein God fe- meih to haue alTented to fome mennes Prayers which yet were grounded vpon no promife. j.20.1 f. Tiiefe foure rules of Praying wel,arc noc examined witli fo extreme rigor,but tliat god herein doth bcarc with many infiimities , yea many mtemperances ia them that be his,which is proued by many examples. 5.20.16. WcmuftaUvay Pray in the name ofChrift onely^ 3.20. 17. neyther were the faythfull euerhearde any orhcrwife.Sed.i8. They whiche Pray otherwife , haue notliingc lefte for them at the throne of God , but wrath and. terror^ 3.20.19. It is not agaynfte Chriftes office of mediator:that we be commaundcd to Pray one for another. 3. 2a 19. A confutation of the Sophiftcrs dcuife, wh.iche fay that Chrifte is the mediator of redemption , and the faythfull are mediators ofinterccflion.3.20.20. Agaynlltliem, which make dead Sainftes intcrccf- fois to God for them, or doc mingle the intercefliori of Chnftjwith the Prayers andmerites of dead men» 3.20.21. This foohnineflc hath preceded in the papacie to gi-olle monftroufnclle of vngodlmcflb, and to hornblc facrilegcs.3. 20.22. A confutanon of the argumentes wherewith the papiftes labour to contirme the intetcelfion of dead Sainctes.5. 20.2 3, 24,7.5, 26. It is vnbwfull to direde our Prayers to dead Sain- flcs/oraCnuche as tlw kiude of worlhippinge dochc • ' moilc THE T »ioft properly belong to God alone. 5. 10. 27. Of tlic forts of Piaycr,and chycfcly of thnnkcfgc- uing: Alfo of the continuall excrcifc ofthc faithfuli in iVaitr and tlru^kcfgcuing. j. 20.28,2(7. Ofthc babbling of the papiftcs, and of auoyding all boftiiig in PraycrSjof departing into fccrctpbccs, andofpubhkePrayers.5.20.29. Pubukc Prayers mult be made in the common & natiuefpeache ofthc lande. And there is entreated of knclmg and vncoucring ofthc hcd at Prayer. 5.20. 5 j. Ofthc infinite goodiitlfe of Chnft, which hath al- fo appointed vs a forme of Prayer : And howe great comfort commcth vnto\sthcrcby.5. 20.54. A diuifionof theLordcsPrayei-jj.io.j^. An expofition ofthc fame praier. j.20.36^. The fame in eucry point IS a pcrfcd and vprighte Prayer, j. 20.48. whcrcunto nodiing ought to bee added, although we may vfe other words in making GUI' Prayers. Sed.49. Ofthc confidence which the name of tlic childrc of God doth bring vnto vs,which cue the confcicncc of our finncs ougiu not to oucrzhrov/.i. 10.^6, -^j. Although we ought to Pray for almcn, and Ipc- cially forthcmofthe houfeholde ofFayth, yet thys witlirtandeth not but that we may Praye (pecially, both for ourc felues and certain othcr.j.io. 58, 59,47. Ofthc boldncs ofafking whichc the Lord graun- teth to his,and the tniftc ofobtayning.5.20.47. It is good that cucry one of vs for cxercife, ap- point to himfclfe ccrtayne peculiar houres to Praye, fo that it be done without luperftitious obferuauon. J.20.fO. In allourPraier we ou^ht diligently to beware that we go not about to binde God to ccrtaine circii- fuunccs.5.20.50. Ofperfeueraunccand Patience inthe cxercife of rrayer.5.2o.5i,j2. 'Predejlination. It is proucd that the do<5lnne of Predcftinatlon is a doftnne of moll: Iwerc frutCvThcre ar* lehcarfcd three piincipall profires dicrcof : and they are admo- nifhtd which being moucd with a ccrtaine cunolitie do be yond the boundcs of Scripture breakc into tlie fccictesof t!i« wjcdomc of Godij.zi.iji.and i.lfo they which would hauc al mention of Prcdcilination to be bur)'cd.Se(ft.5.4. What IS Predcftinatio, and what is tlie foreknow- ledge of God, and I'.ovvtheone oftliemis wrong- fully fct after the other. The example of Predtllma- tioninall theoflpring of Abraham in rcfpcCl of o- ther nations, is confirmed by many tdbmoiues of Scriprure.5.21.5. Atfo there is fhcwcd a fpeciall Predtftinatio,whcr- by eucn amon^ the Children .hemfclues he hath made difference between fome and other lome. 5ca.6.7. A confirmation of the dodrinc of Predeflination ABLE. token out of tcflimonicj of Scripture. Bo.j.CIi.ir. Of them that make a foreknowled;e of Meritcs thccaufcofPredcflination. Alio of other men that blame God bicaufe he cledcth fome and pafledi ouer odicr. 3.22.1. God as well in election as in reprobation hath no refpcLt of workcs neythcr p.iircd nor to come, but hisgoodpleafureis the caulc of bodi, j.ii. 1,3,4,5, 6.7.11. This is proued by Auguftinc,Scd.8.and the tri- fling fiittle deuilc of Thomas to the contrary is con- futed. Seift. 9. Thcpromifesoffiluation are not dircAed to all, but pecuLarly to the elect. 5.22.10. Thefc two iayinges do not difagrec, that God by the outwarde preachmg of the word calleth niany,& yet he geucth the gifts of faith to few. 5. 2 2.10. Againft them which fo conklTe clcdion , dut ycc they deny any to be reprobate of GchI. 3.25.1. The reprobate do in vaine contend with God, for afmuch as God oweth them nothing,and willeth no- thing otheiwilc than rightcoufly, and they thcmfel- ues may fyndc iuftt caults of dicir damnation in dic- fclucs. 5. 2 5.2,5,4,5. Anaunfwerc to the wicked queftion ofccrta)'nc men, why God ihould blame men for thefe ihuigcs whereof he hath layed aneccflitie vpon them by his Prcdcftination. 5 . 2 5.6,8,9. Adeliniuonof Predellination.5.25.8. A confutation of them which g.ithcr of the doc- trine of Predellination, that God badi refpeCt of per- fons.3.25.10, II. Agninll thofe hoggs which vnder color of Prcdc- ftination do go carelefly forwarde m their linncsrand agninft all them which i'ayc that if this dodnne take place, iJI cndcuor of well workingc dccaycth. 3.25.12. Againft them which fay that this dodrine oucr- throwcth al cxhonations to godly life,it is proued by Auguftine that prcadiing hadi his courfc, and yet the knowledge of Preddiination is nothindred thereby, Inthispointof dodrir.ewe mufte fo temper out maner of teaching the truth , that fo farre as wc may, we Wifely bew.uc ofOfrcnce.5.25.Lf. Whereas fome obey die picacliing ofthc worde ofGod,and other ibmcdefpife it, or be more blin- ded .-nd hardened thereby, although this come to pafl'c by their own malice and vnthankfulneUcjyct wc mult therwith al.'b kno ve , that this diuerfitic hagcdi vpon the fecretcounrtllofGod,than wluch,it is vn- lawfuU fortofeaichfor any furdicr caufc. j.24.12. An expofition of ccrtayne places wherein God (e- methtodenv that it commcth to pafle by his ordi- naunce that the wicked penihe , but inalmuchc as a- gaynftc lus will they wilfully bringe dcfhudion vp- pon d'.cmfclues. And there is (hewed tliat thofe pla- RRR.1J. CCS THB TABLE. cei make norfitnge agayiifte the doftiine of Predefti- natioa.3.i4. 15316. The vmuerfahicfle of the promifes of faluation, maketh nothmge agaynfte the dodnne of the Piede- ftmation of the reprobate : and yet not without caufe are they framed vniucrfally. 5.24. 16. Here alfo are confuted cercaine obiectionsof them which deny this poynt of dodrinc. 'Friejihode, Kingdome-^and fr oph&^ ticall office ofChrifie. That wee may knowe to what cnde Chrifte was fcnt of his father^.r.d wliat he broughte vnto vs,three thinges are cheifely to be confidercd in him , his Pro- pheticall Office , his Kingdome , and his Pricfthode: and therefore is geuen to him the title of Chriilc (or Meffias whiche tigniHeth annoynted) although he bee fpecially h called in refpede of his Kingedome. AH- beitthat GodalwaygaucProphetes and teachers to his Churche, yet it is proued that ail the Godly loked for fulllight of vndcrftanding,onely at the coraminge ofMeffias:& that he when he appeared was annoyn- ted a Prophet , not onely for hirnfelfejbut alfo for all his body. 2. 1 5. 1, 2. As touchinge his Kingdome , firfte we miiiic note the fpiricu.iH nature thereof, whereupponalfo is ga- thered the eternall condnuaunce of it , whiche is of two fortes:the one perteyneth to the whole body of the Churche, theothcrispropreto euery member; Bothe fortes are declared and playnly fet forth by te- Himonies of Scripture. 2. i j. j . It is declared that the profit of the Kingedome of Chrifte can not otherwife be perceyued of vs, but when we knowledge it to be ipirituall: And the fame profit confifteth m two thinges , namely that it enri- chetli vs with all good thinges necefiary to eternall (aluation/econdly th Jt it fortifieth vs wtth ftrengthe and vertue agaynft the deuiliand all his ailaultes; And fo Chrifte reigneth for vs rather than for hymfelfc, whereupon we are rightfully called Chriftians: Where itisfaydethat at the lalledayhce fhajlyelde vphis Kingdome to God and his father , and fuche lyke fay- jnges the fame maketh notliinge agaynft the eternity ofhisKingdome.2.ij,4,?. As touchinge his Pricfthode , that the efficacy and profit thereof may come to vs , it is ffiev/ed that wee muft begin at the death of Chriftc.Hcreupon it folo- weth that hee is an euerlaftinge interceflbr , by whofe meditation we obteyne fauor, wherby arifeth to god- ly confcienccs bothe boIdcnet!e to pray, and quiet- hcflTe-.finally that he is fo a Prieftjthat he ioyneth vs in ^ the felowffiipoffo great an honor, to the cnde that the Sacrificvjs of prayers & prayfe whiche camcfrora vsjniay be acceptable to God.2. i '^.6. 'Promifes, Not without Qufe ail the Promifes are concluded. in Chrift: forafmuche as cuery Promife is a teffifyinge of the lawe of God towarde vs, and none of vs is be- loucd of God without Chnftc.Neyther was Naaman the Syrian,Cornelius thecaptayne, nor the Eunuchc to whome Philip was carryed , without knowledge of Chrifte, although they had but averyfmall taftc of him,and a fayth in lome parte vnexprefred.g.2.5z. The Lorde , to the ende to fill our heartes with loue ofnghteoufhelTe and hatred of wickcdncfre,was not contenie to fette forthe bare commaundementes onely, but added Promifes of bleflTinges bothe of this prcfent lyfe & of eternall blefl"edncire,and alio threat- nings bothe of prefent mifer!cs,nnd of cternail de.id-::. The threatninges declare the great purencftc of Gt^d:^ the Prom.ids doe (Tiewe his gr'^ate foue tc^^righteouC- neft*e,& his wonderfull goodnefle towarde men, 2.8.4. Of the Promife of Gods mercy to be extended tot a thoufande generations.2.8.2 1. Although the Promifes of the law be coiiditionall, yet tlicy are not geuen in vayne.2.7.4. fropbeticall office ofchrtfie. See Triefl'hode.c^c. Prouidence of Cod. Profane mcn,byi3efhelyvnderftandinge doc con- feflc God the creator,otherwife than we do by fayth: forafinuche as fayth dothe teache that hee is alfo the gouernor of all thinges , not by a certayne vniaerfall. motionjbut by a fingular Prouidence , whiche cxten- dedi eucn to the leaft fparrowc. 1. 1 6. i . They which geue any thing to fortune,do bury the Prouidence of God,by whofe fecrct counceU all fiic- ceifes are gouerncd. 1.16.2. Thinges without life, although echc afthcmhauc. their propertic naturally planted in them, yet doe not put forth their force,. but lb faire , as they be c'ireded by the prefent hande of God: V/hiche is proued by the fonne,bcfore whiche he would both lighte to be, . and the earth to abounde with allkinde of good thin- ges : whiche .alfo wee reade tohaue ftande ftill bythe Ipace of two dayes , andgonnebacke two degrees at the commaundementofGod.i.i6.2..-iJfo by theft.us and fignes of the heauen , whiche the vnbelcucrs doe feare.Sed.ji The almightinejTe of God is hufied in continuall doynge, fo that it extendeth to euety particular ade, and nothing happencth but by his councell: Whiche who lb doe not acknowledge , they dcfraude God of his glory and doe extenuate his goodnefle: But we on- the other fide do receyue double frute thereof 1.16.3, It is proued that the Prouidence of God doth not onely beholde things that are done, but gouerncth all fuccelles: Whereby is ouerthrovven the fayned inuen- tion of bare foreknowledge & of vniuerfal Prouidece onely: Alfb the error of the Epicures is confui:ed,and of them whiche geue to God a gouernaunce onel)r- aboue the middle region of tlie ayre. Yet there may a certayne THE TABLE ccrtayncwiucrriUProuidcnce bcc grauntcdjbiirfo, that die fpcciall Prouidcncc be not daikcncd, wliichc dothc ji;oucmci!Otoncly ccrt.iyiie but ill particular doyns;cs.i.i(5.4,f. That not ondy the beginninge of motion is in the difpofing of God , is proucd by the pkntifuliKlfc of one ycare and the baiTcnntHe of an other, for wheras God calleth the one his bkiling, & the oilier his corfc and vcngcauncc. 1.16.5. The Prouidcncc of God in goucmingc the world, is chcifcly to be conlidcrtd m niankjndc , and in the diucrfc dbtc of all men, and diuerfc difpollng of fuc- ceHcs. 1 . 16.6,7. A gaynrt them whichc cauiUcjthat this doftiinc of the Prouidencc of God, is the Stoil;es do- dtrinc of fuc or d^.ftinie. 1. 16.8. Whether any thing happen by fonunc or chauce: Where is rchcarfcdthc faying oiB.ifilius Magnus,that Chauncc and Fortune are wordes of heathen men:al- fo die fayingc of Auguftinc,that hce repented duthe had \Ccd the name of Fortune. Yet thole thinges may be (ayd to happen by fortune in refpcd of vs , whiche bcyng conliucrcd in their nature, or weyed according to our knowlcdgCjdo fecme ro,alt.^ough in the (ccret councc] of God they benecclfr.ry:Alfo all things th.At are to comc,may be fayde to be happcnirujjinafmiich as they be vnccrtaync to vs. i . 1 6.8^9. What thinges are to be colideredjthat the dodrine of the Proiudcnce of God may bee referred to a right handcjthat we may haue the profit therof. And where tliecaufcsofthofe thinges that happen, appearenoc vnto vs , we muft beware that we doc not thinke,that thinges are rolled by the fway of fortune : but wcc muft fo reucrenec his fecrcte ludgementes , that wcc cftecme his will the moft lull caufc of all things. 1.17.1. Agaynrte ccrtayncdogges,whicheat this daye doc barkc agaynft the Prouidcncc of God, it li proucd by tlic Scripture that whereas God hathe fo rcuclcdlus will in the law and the gofpell,that he iliuminatcth the mindes of them that bee lus with the fpiritofvndtr- ftanduigc ,to pcrceyue the miftcrics riicrcin contcy- ncd,whichc othcrwife arc inconiprehcnfibic, yet the order of goucrnitigc the worldeis called a bottom- leflc depth , bycaufe v.'hcn wee knowe not the caufcs thtrcoi^,yet wc ought rcuerently to honor it. 1. 17.2. Suchc profane men doe foJiflicly comber them- felueSjwhcn they alleadgc that if the doctrine of the Prouidcncc of God be trew , ilicn the prayers of the faythflill in whiche they afke any thingefor time to comCjare vaynCjno councell is to be taken for things to come,and then men whiche doe any thing agaynll: the lawe of Godjdoc not !iniic:Thefe daungcrous er- rors they (hall auoydc, which in confidering the Pro- •idence of God (hall frame ihemfclucs to trewe mo- de fty.i. 17. j. As concermnge thinges to come , it is proucd that the Scripture dothc well ioyne the aduifemcnts of me with die Prouidcncc of God; bycaufe wc arc not hin- dered by his etemall decrees , but thai vndcrhis will. wee may bothc forcfcc for our fcivts , und order our owne thinges: For die knowledge of confultinge and takingchccdc, areinfpircd into men by the Lorde, whereby wee m.ay fcruc his Prouidcncc, in the pre- ftruingof oiurowne life. 1. 17.4. In all fucctfl'cs of tyme pall the will of God doth goucme:& yet the docis of wicked dcdcs arc not cx- cufed, bycaufe they arc accufcd by their own con- fcicncc,anddonot obey the will of God, but their own lufte:Thcy arc 111 dcdc the inlhunxnts of Gods Prouidcncc, but foj that they find die whole cuell in themftlucs,3ndiii God is found nodiing but a law- full vfeoftiicireueIncnc,i.i7.5.& i. 18. 4. Where alTo- the fame thingc is (hewed m the election of kingc la- robcam,the ten tribes forfakingc die houfc of Dauid ,, the (laughter of the fonncs of Achab,& in iht betray- ing of the Sonne of God. A Godly and holy meditation of the Prouidcncc of God, which IS taught by tlic rule of godlinc(le : hrftc thatbcingcertaiiily perfuadcdthat no thing happc- ncth by fortunc,we alway crll our eyes to God the chicfe caufc of al things: then that we dout not that his lingular Prouidcncc Wvitchcth for vs, whedier wc haue to do with men as well cuell as good , or with his other creatures: To which vfe wc mult apply the promifes of God in the Scripture which telhfic thc- I'ame, the cxainplcs whereof are rchcarfed. 1. 17.6. Wc muft ..ho adioyne thofe tcftimonies of Scrip- ture whicii tcache that all men arc vndcr the power of God, whether we need to get their good vvilles or to rdh .aync the malyce of our enemies: which laft poynte God woiketh dyucrfe waycs, fomctynie by taking away thcyr wit, fbmetimc vvhcn lie graun- tcth them wyt,he fiayeth them diat they dare not go about that which dicy haiieconceyued : andfomc- tyme alfo v\hc!ihe fuffcreth them togoabout it,hc breaketh their entcrpryfcs:Vpon which knowledge neccHarily folowctha thankiUlnellc of niynde in (a • prorperousfuccellcofthingcs.i.17.7. In aduerCtie w lien wc are hurt by men , is requi- red patience and quiet moderation of my nd: Which is (hewed m the ex.-.mplcs of lofcph lx'vn;4C afHidcd of his brethren , lob perfecutcdofthc Chaldccs,and Dauid rayled vpon of Scmcr.If wc happen to bcc di- ftrelfed with any mifery without the workc ot men, this fclfc (ame dodrjnc is the bell remcuy againft im- paticnce,bicaufc the Scripture tclhficth,that cucn ad- ucrlities alfo do come from God. 1.17.8. A Godly man principally rcg.irding the proui- dencc of God, yet will not leaue inferior caulcsvn- markcd. Therefore if he haue receyucd a benefit of any man, he wyll hartyly knowe and confeflc him- fdfc to bee bound viito him. If he haue taken harme or done harmc to any other by hys negligence or want of hedc, he will impute it vntohimfclfc, much IdTc will he excufc lus owiie o.^nccs . In dunces to come chiefdy he wyll haue conliderarion of infe- rior caufes, but yet io, Uiat in determining he wyll RRR.iij. not THE TABLE. ftetbee caiTycd away with his owne wit, but com- mit himfclfe to the wifedomeof God : neyther fiiail Ills truft Co rtay vpon outward helpes, that he vvil ca- relefly reft vpon them if he haue themj nor be diC- mayedfor feareifhc v/ant them. 1. 17.9. A large defcription of the incftimable fehcitie of a Godly minde which reftcth vpon the Prouidence of Godiand on the other lide the mifcrable careful- neflfe wherewith we muft nedes be diftrefled when the weakenelle of this earthly cotagc makcth vs fubiede to fo many difeafeSjfy th our life and fafcty is bcfieged with infinite daiigcrs at home,abroadejVpo the hnde, in the water,by men,and by dciiels. 1.17.10,1 1. Thofe places of Scripture where it is fayd that God repented him:make nothing againft the dodrinc of prouidencCjforafmuch as thercin(lyke as alfo whe he IS fayde to be angry) the Scripture applyinge i t felfe to our capacity defcribeth him,not (iiche as he is , but fuch as we fcele him to be.Likewife , where he fparcd the Niniuitcs,to whome he had threatned deitruftion within forty daycs: whereas hee prolonged the life of Ezcchias for many yeares,to whome he had declared piclcnt death : bycaufe fuche threatningcs , contayne an vncxprelTed condition. Wiiiche is well proucd b/ a like cxaumple in Kingc Abimelech, whichc was re- buked for Abrahams wife. 1.17.12, 15,14. A confutation of them, which couetingc to gettc a prayle of modcfty , goe about to mayntayne the righ- teoufnelTc of God widi a lyinge defence , when they fay:that thofe thmges whichc Satan and all the repro- bate doe noughtily, are done by the fufterauncc of God , and not by his prouidence and will. And it is proued by the affliftion of lob, the deceyuinge of A- chabjthe killing of Chrift , the inceftuous adultery of Abfolon , and many other cxaumples , that men doe woikc nothing but that whiche he hathe already de- creed with himfelfc,& dothe appoynt fo to be by his fecrete diredion. 1.18.1. And tliis hath place,not onely in outward doinges, but alfo in fecret motions.For it is proued by the har- deninge of Pharao and other teftimonies, that God worketh euenin the mindes alfo and hartes of the wicked:Ncyther maketh it any thingc to the contra- ry,tli3t oftentimes the worke of Satan is vfed therein: For God workcdi neuerthelefTe , but after his owne roanner,v(ing aiuftreucuge,i.i8.z.and therforc God is not tlie author of finnes.Seft.4. They are proued gilty of intolkrablepridc,which refufe this dodrine vnder pretence ofmodefty.A co- futation of their obicdion when they fay , that if no- thing happen but with the will of God , tlienhache he in himfelfc two contrary wils, forafmuche a$ he doth appoyntc thofe thinges to be done by his fecret coii- feli,whicht he hath openly forbidden by his law. And there is ihcwed , that God dothe not difagree with himfelfe,that the will of God is not chaunged, that he dothe not fayne himfelfe to nill that whichc he wil- leth:but whereas there is in God, but one fimple will, the fame to vs appearoth diuerfe , bycaufe for the weakenelVeofour vndcrftandinge, we conceyue no: how he diuerfly both willcth not , & willcth one felfe thinge to be done. Finally it is proued by Auguilinc, that man fomtimes with good will willeth fomrhingc whiche God willeth not : and fometime willcth that thing with euell will , whiche God willcth with good will.i.18.5. The consideration of Gods power in gouerningc this frame of heauen and earth, and all the partes that are in them. 1. 5. f. Thefelowfhipofmenisfo gouemcd by the Pro- uidence of God , that he rtieweth himfelfc liberall, mercifull,rightcous,2ndIeuere. i.f.6. Thofe thinges wliiche in the life of men are com- pted chaunccs,as well of proiperitie as adueriitie , arc fomany tokens of the heauenly Prouidence, i.j. 7. and ought to awaken vs to the hope of the Lfe to come.Sed.9. How God worketh in the heartcs of them that be his : and Satan in them that be his , but yet Co j that they are not excufed. 2.4. i. God worketh alfo in the wicked , and cuen in the fame worke wherein Satan worketh, and yet is not God fo fayd to be tlic author of finnc , neyther is Sa- tan or the wcked excufed, but there is difference be- twecne the one and the other , bothe in die ende and manner of doyng. 1.4.2,5. The olde writers oftentimes referred thefe things, not to the working of God, but to his foreknowledge 6r fufferance, left the wicked fliould thereby take oc- caiion to fpeakc irreuercntly of the workcs of God. But the Scripture , when it fayeth thr.t God blindcth, hardencth , and fuche like , dcclarcth fomewhat more then a fufi'erance: although God do worke two wayes in the reprobate,namcly by forfakinge them , and ta- king his fpirit from them, and alfo by deliuering them to Satan the minifter of his wrath. 2.4.5 >4' The miniftery of Satan is vfed to ftirre forwardc- the rcprobate,whenfoeuer the Lord by his prouidecc diredeth them hither or thither. 2,4. y. purgatory. We ought not to winke at the dodrinc of Purga- tory,forafmuche as it is a damnable inuention of Sa- ta,which maketh voyde the croiTe ofChriftj&c.g. j.6. An expoiition of certiyne places of Scripture which the papifts doe v/rongfully vvrcft to the confir- mation of their Purgatory. 5.5.7,8,5;. An anfwere to the obiedion of tlic papiftes,that it hathbenanauncientvfageofthe Church that pray- ers fliould be made for the dead.Where is fnewed that this was done by them in tlie olde time , without the worde of God , by a certaync v/rongefull imitation, left Chriftians, if they were flow in hauing care of fij- nerals and the dead,fhouldfeeme worfe than heathen men. Yet herein was a great difference betweene this flipping of thefe olde raeo, and tlie obftinate error of tl)e THE TABLE. ihepnpiflcs.j.j.ic. R, %edemer Chrijf. 'T"' He knowledge of God the Creator is vnproflia- -l blc vnto vs, vnldlc faytlic do allfo folow, fctring hini fourth in Chnft a father &: Rcdcamcr to vs, and this dottrine horn the beginning ot the world in all ages hath ben holdcn among the cluldren of God. Z.6.I. It isproucdby diuerfe argumcntcs and tcftimo- nies of Scripture,th.;t the hr.ppv ftate of ihc Church hath ahvay ben gioundcd vpoii the pcrfon of Chnft. For both the Hi 11 adoption of the choftn people, and the prefeiumg of the Church , the deliucrance of llicm in perils, and the reftonng after their diflipatio, did alway hang vpon the grace of the mcdi nor. And the hopcofall the Godly wasncucrrcpofcd any o- ther wheie than in Chrift.2.6.a,j,4. It 13 to be diligently cofidrcd how Chnft hath ful- filled the office ofRedemer, that wc may Jyndein him all thingcs nectffary fcr vs, lithe (asljcrnaid fayth) he is to vslyghtc, mcatc, oyle, lalt. Sec 2.16. 1. An expofition howc we Hiould fay that God was ourcnemy vntillhe was reconciled to vs byCluift, whereas to geue Chrift to vs , and to prciient vs with mercy, were Cvjncs of the loue wherewith he before embraced vs. And there is Hiewcd that the Scripture vTeth this fpeach & fuch orher,to apply it felf to ourc capacitic: and yet it doth not fay the lame falfly. And all this isproucdby the authentic of Scriptui-c, and die teftunonieof AuguiHiic.2.i6.ij3. A^ainft ccrtainc Anabaptifles whichc inucnt a phrcntike intemperance in Ikdc o.Tpiritual Regene- ration, namely that the children ot God beuv^nowc rcftorcd into the ftate of innocencye.ought no more to be carefull to brydle the luft of the flclh, but oiicly to folow the Spirit for their guide. 5. 5.14. The relic pertcyning to tms matter. Ice in the title ofRepcntance. NcccfTitic cn'brctth the reprobate to cofeflc that there is fome God. i .4. 4. They are decerned which fay that Religion was dc uifcd by the futteliie of ccrtciinc men to holde the fimple people laordcr.i.j.z. The very wicked .and gO'^Icffemcn are compelled, whether they will or no , to fcle that there is a God, i.j.r. and in what fcnfcDauid faith that they tlunkc th;it there is no God. 1.4.1. ^mifjion nffinnes. Againft the wliich dicamc a perfe«flion in this life, which takcth away need of afking par Jon. 5.10,45. Of Rcmifllon of (Innes : & in what fcnfc (inncs .ire called dcttes, and how wcarc fayd to forgcuc other that h.iucotFendcd ag.iinrtvs.3.io.4j. Of the diAinction of fault and pcyne : where with moftc ftrong tcftimonies of Scripture, the doting er- ror of the papiftes is confuted, namely that when the fault is forgcuen yet Godretcyncth the pc)Tic, which iem.nyneth to bee redemcd with fatiffattions: 5.4.2t?,jo.and there alfo IS fhcwedthat thty cannot fcapcaw.iy with their diftinftion between euerblhng peine and tcmporall pcyncs. Of certaiiic places of Scripture wherewith they goo about to c('nfirme their error: where is decla- red that there are two kindcsof the iudgement of God: the one of vcngcaunce, the other of chaftife- mcnt, wliiche arc wiltly to be ddluiguinndalundcr. The fiiftp of thefc, that is to (aye vengeaunce, the faytlifullhaue alway earntftlye pLivedto ellapt: tlie other, that is to faye chaftifemcnt, tp.ey hauc rc- ceyued with quiete minde, bic.iufe it hath a ttftimo- nie of loue. And where it is fayd that God is aiicry with his Saintes, the fame is not meant of his pur- pofeoralRctjon topunilhc them, but is f} okcn of the vehement fcbng of foriow wherewitli ihcy arc itrikcn fofone as they bearc any part of lusieueri- tie : and this is profitable for them. C^n the other fide the reprobate, when thiy are ftrikcn witii the fcour^es of God, do alieady after a ccitainmaner bei^in to felc the peynes of hys iudgement . All whidi thinges areproued by tcUimonies of the Scrip- ture, .and .-Jlo by the expofitions of ChryfoUonie and Au'4iiftinc.3.4.j2,5J. tiod, whenhehad forgeucn the adultery of Da- uidj chafiifed him both for common example , and alfo to humble h im: and for this rcalbn he dayly ma- keth the fa!thfu!l(to whom he is mcrcifuli) fubiedto the common milents of this lyfe.3.4.3 certayne thinqes pertayning to th/i nutter. %efurre^ion ofChrijie. Without the Refurreftion of Chriftc , all is vnper- fcvit that we bclcuc concerning lis crofT.-, Death, and Buriall.Thereof we receuie three profits : forafmuchc as ithathe bothepurchafed vs rightcoulhcfle before God,5c is to vs a pledge of the Rc(iirrcdion to come, and by his life> we arc nowe regenerate into newnellc oflife.2.i6. 1 J. A declaration of the hiftory of the Rcfurrcdion of Chriit.j.2j.j. Lafi %cfurreElion. ForaCniiche as the faythfull, do cheifly nccde hope and patience, Uft they Ihould faynte m thccourfc of their c.illing:he hathe foundly profited in the Go- fpell which is'accufiomcd to a continual! meditaaon of the blcffcd Rciurrcdion. 3.25.1,1. SSS.i, The THE TABLE. Tlie article concerning the laft Refurredion, con- tcyncth a doftrine of great weyghr,§raue and hard to beleue : for the ouercomming of which hardnelFe by fayth, the Scripture geucch tvvohelpcs, the example of Oirifle J and the almightines of God.5.25.3,4. A confutation of the Sadduces , which deny the Refurredion: and of the Millenaries which appoynt the kingdome of Chiilt to endure but a thoufand yeres.j.i<|.f. A confutation of their error, which imagine that foules at the laft day fliaU not receyue againe the bo- dyes wherewith they are now clothedjbui (hallhauc new and other bodyes. ^.25.7,8. Of the maner of the laft Refurredion, 5.25.8. By what reafon the laft Refurredion, whiche is a lin- gular benefit of Chrift, is common alfo to the wicked $(. the accurled of God. 3.25 .y* s. Sabbath, A Nexpofitioof the fourth commaundement,the "*- ^ende thereof,and the three caufes whereupon we muft note that it confifteth. 2.8.28. The firfte caufe is afliadowingoffpirituaIreft,that is to fayjofour fandificati6:This isproued by diuerfe places to haue ben the chiefe thing in the Sabbath. 2.8.29. Why the Lord appoynted the fcueth day. 2.8.30,31 This part, forafinuch as it was ceremonial], is ta- ken away by the death ofChrift.2.8. j i. The two latter caufes, that is to faye, that there fliould be ccrtayne daves appoynted for aflemblicj in the Church, and that there (iiould be geuen to fer- uaunts a refte from their labor, do ferue for all ages. 2.8.32. Ofdayesof meting in the Churche to hearethc wordcof Godand common prayers: Where is fpo- kenofobferuingof theSonday,2.8.32,33. andoffu- perftitionto beauoydedinthisbehalfe.2.8.34. Sacramentes. Whatis^a Sacrament.4.14. i. For what reafon the olde writers vfed this wordc in that fcnfe.4.14.2, 13. A Sacrament is ncuer without a promife going be fore, which the Lorde fealeth by that meane, where- in he prouideth hclpcforourignoraunce anddulnes, and alfo for our weakcnellc.4. 14,3,5,6,12. A Sacrament conhftcth of the word and the out- warde figne:But the Sacramentall worde is to be ta- ken otherwife than the papiftes thinkc.4.14.4. Sacramentes ceafl'enot to bee tcftimonies- of the grace of God, although they be geue alfo to the wic- ked, which do gather to them felues more greuous damnation thereby. 4. 14.7. Our faydi is fo confirmed by Sacraments,that yet it hangeth vpon the inwarde cfTcifhnll working of the- Spirit,4.i4.9,io,i 1. and no vertue is to be put in the creatures,Sed.i2. A confutation of the deuelifh dodrinc of the So- phifticall fcholes, that the Sacramentes of the new law do iuftify and doe gcue grace, fo that we do noc ftoppe it with deadly linne. 4. 14.14. Auguftines good diftindion between a SacramenB and the thing of the Sacrament, whereby is proucd that though God in Sacrametes do truly offer Chnft, yet the wicked receyue nothing but the Sacrament, that is tofay,the outward fygne.4. 14. 15, 16. We muii not thinkc that thcr is ioyned or faftcned to the Sacraments any fecretc vertue,wherby they by themfelues do geue vs die graces of the holy ghoft. 4.14.17. In the old time God gaue vnto his people fome Sacraments in miracles,and fome in natuiall thinges. And there is fpoke of the tree of life & of the rayne- bowc.4.14.18. Sacramentes are on the Lordes behalfe tcftimo- nies of grace and faluation, & on our behalfe tokens of our profeffion.4. 14. ip. The Sacraments of the old Chruch vndcr the law,, tended to the fame ende that our Sacramentes doe,. tiiatistofay,Chrift: whomyet our Sacramentes do. more playnJy reprefent. Wherefore the fcholemennes dodrine is to be reieded, which fay, that the old Sa« cramentes dyd fhew a fhadow of the grace of Godi&. ours do geue it prefcntly.4. 14.20,2 1,22,23. &c. Thefj) uefalfely called Sa cramentes. Whe wc deny thofe fyue to be Sacraments which, areinuentedby men, weftryue not aboute the name but the thing: bicaufe the papiftes will haue them to be vifible formes of inuifible grace.4.ij^.i. Many reafons are brought, why it is not lawful! for men to make Sacramentes . Alfo thercisadille-' rence to be put between Sacraments,and other cere-, monies.4.19.2. The number offeuen Sacraments can not be pro- ucd by the authoritie of the olde Church.4. ip. 3. Although the olde Church vnder thclawe, had moe Sacramentes, yet at this day,tlie Chnftia church ought to be cotent with thofe two, which Chrift hath oideyned: And it is not lawful for men to make othtr,. nor to adde vnto thefe any thing of their own.4.18.20 Sacrifices. A drfference between the Sacrifices of Mofcs hys law, & the fupper of the Lord in tlie Chriftia church. 4.18. 12. What the name of a Sacrifice properly (Tgnifieth: and of the diuerfe kindes of Sacrifices vnder the law: which may be dcuidcd into two fortes, vvhcrof fome may be called of thankefgcuing, & other fome propi- tiatorie or of cleanfing.4. 18.13. Our only propiiiatorie Sacrifice, is the death of Chrift: THE T Ghrift. Sacrifices of thankefgcuing wc hauc many, as all the duties of chaiitic, prayers , prayfcs, gcuing of thankes, and all that we do to the wrolluppmg of God.4.18.1 j,i6,i7. This mancr of Sacrificing is daily vfed in the church, and in the fuppcr of the Lord: And thcrupon all Chriltians arc Sacrificing Pncftcs. SAtisfaciions papijiuall. Of Satiffadion, which they make the thirde thing inpenauncc,of retcyningthepcyne, the fault being forgcuen,andfuch like lies, which all arc ouerthro- wen, by fcttingagainftthc free forgeueneflc of lin- nes, by the name of Chnft. j.4.25. A confutation of the blafphcmous error of the fcholcmen, that forgeueneflc of fynnes, and reconci- liation is once done in Baptilmc, but after Baptifme, we muft ryfe agaync by Satiffaftions. j.4.16. By fuch error, Chnlt is fpoyled of his honor, and the peace of c5fcienccs is troubled,forafmuch as they can neuer certainly deternunc, that their finncs arc forgeuenthcm.j.4.17. In Danieljwhcn Nabuchadonefer is commaunded to redcmeliis fynnes with rightcoufncflc, that fime redeming, is referred to God, rather than to men, & thecaufe of pardon is not there fet fourth, but ra- ther the mancr of true conucrfion . The fame is to be fayd ofcertayne other places of Scripture. 5.4.56. An expofition of that place in the gofpell, Ma„y finnes art for^euenhir, bicaufe fhe hath loued mnch: Meaning that loue is not the caufe, but the profe of forgeue- Iiefl"c.j.4.j7. The olde writers of the church did not fpeake of SatilFadionsin fuch fenfe as the papiftes doc: for they vnderitodc, that the penitent do make Satiffadion to the Church, and not to God. 5.4. jSjjp. Scripture, the iVordofGod, and the au- thority thereof. Men do not fufficiently know God the creator, & difccrnc him fro fayned Gods,by confidcration of his creatures jvnlcs they be alfo holpcn by the lightc of his Word. And God hath kept this order in teaching the that be his,not only fynce that he chofe the lewes for his peculiar people, but alfo from the beginning, euen toward Adam,Noe, & the other fathers. 1 .6. i . Eyther by oraclcs,or by vifions,or by the miniftc- rie of other, the fathers had the Word whicli they were certaynly pcrfuaded to bee the word of God, whereby they knewe the true God the creator & go- uernor of all things : wliich Word afterward, th.it he might prouide for men in all ages , he caufcd to bcc written in the law & the Prophetes,as it were in pub- like regifters , 1.6.1,5. in which place alfo is proucd by teftimoniesof Scripture, that the dodriiie of the VVorde, muftbcioynedto thecofidcranon of crea- tures, leltc wee conceyue a fickle knowledge of God. Of the which fay that the authontie of Scripture ABLE. hangcth vpon the iudgemet of the Churcb,& in how ill cafe welhould be, if it were fo. 1.7.1. This error is well confuted by the pbcc of Paull in the fccod chapter to the Ephefians, where he faith, that the faythfuU arc byldcd vpon tlic foundauon of the Apoftles & Prophetcs.i.7.2. In whatfcnfc Auguftinc faith, that he would not hauc beleucd the gofpell,vnlefle the authontie of the Church did moue him : which place, they doc cauil- loufly wrcftjtothe confirmation oftheircrror. 1.7. j. Although there be many other arguments, which do proue,yea, and do enforce the wicked to confcflc, that the Scripture came from God:yct by none other mcane, than by the fccrcte tclhmony of tlic holy gho(l,our hartes aretrucly pcrfuaded th.at it is God, which Ipeakcth in the law,in the prophets,& in the go ipcl: Andthis is proued by many places of Efay. 1.7.4,^ The orderly difpolition of die wifdome of God, the dodrine fauonng nothing of eartliLncs,the good- ly agreement of all tlie partes among thcmfclues, & fpecially that bafeneflc of contemptible wordc$,vtte- ring the hye myfterics of the heaucnly kingd6,are fe- cou helps to fbblilh the credite offcripturc. i .8 . i,z,i i Alfo the antiquitie of the Scripture, whereas the bokes of other religions, are later than the bokcs of Mofcs, which yet doth not himlclue inuent a newc God, but fetteth fourth to the IfracUtes, the God of their fathcrs.i.8,5,4. Wheras Mofes, doth not hyde the (hame of Leuy his father, nor the mourning of Aaron his brotlicr, and of Mary his fifter, nor doth aduauncc his owa children: the fame arc argumcntes, that in his bokes IS nothing fayned by man. i .8 .4. Alio the miracles whichc happened , as well at the publi(hingofthelaw,asinalltiiercfteoftime. 1.8.^. Which miracles, when the profane writers could not deny, they cauilled,that Mofes dyd them by Ma- gicall artes . Which fdaunder, is confuted by moll ftrongreafons. 1.8.6. Alfo wheras Moles fpeak-ingc in the perfon of la- cob , alligneth the gouerncmcnt to the tribe of luda, and where he tcUeth before of the calling of the Gen- tiles , whercofthconc came to pafle foure hundred yeares afcer,& the other almoll two thouf.ind yeares: thefe arc argumcntes , that it is God himfelk whichc fpe.aketh in the bokcs of Mofes. 1.8.7. Whereas Efay ttUeth before of the captiuitie of tlie leweSjand their rcilonng by Cyrus ( whichc was borne a hundred yeares after the death of Efay) and where Jeremy before that the people was led away, appoynteth their exile to contincwc three fcore and ten yeres : wheras Icrcmyc and Ezechicll, being ferrc diftauntc in places the one from the o her, do agree mall their fayingcs: where Daniclltcllcth before of thinges to come, for fix hundred ycrcs after thefe are molt certayne pioue$,to itabliHi the authoritie of the bokcs of the Prophetes. 1.8.8. Agaynft ccnaync vngodly fcoffcrs , which af ke SSS.i how THE TABLE. bow we know that tbofc arc the writtnges of Mo- fesandtheProphctes, which are red in theirnames: and how we know that there was eucr any Tuch Mo- (cs.i.8.9. Alio of them that afke, from whence the cppyes of the bokes of the Scripture came to vs , forafmuch as Antiochus commaundcd them all to bee burned. And there is fpokcn of the wonderfujl Prouidence ofGodmprcferuing them fo many ages, among fo many cncmies,and lo cruell perfecutions. 1.8.10. The fimplicitie of Ipcchc of the firft three Euan- gcHftes, conteyning hcauenly myfl:crics,the phrafe of lohn ihondenng from on hye with weyghty fen- JcnceSjthe heauenly maieftic fhitiingmthewritinges of Peter and Paul, the fodeia.cafling of Mathew fro the boorde,thc calling of Peter and lohn from their fifhcrbotes to the preaching of the G'ofpcl,thc con- uerfion and calling of l^aule bcynge an enemy to Apoftlefliip, are fygnes of the Holy Ghoft Ipeaking in them. 1.8. II. The confent of fo many ages, of fo fondry natios,. and of fo diuerfe mynds in embracing the Scripture, and the rare GodlinclTe of fome,ought to ftablifli the authoritietliereofamong vs.i.S.iz. Alfo the bloud of fo many martyrs, which for the confeflion thereof, hauefuftered death with a con- ftaunc and fober zele of God. i.S. i g. Againft certaine Phrentike men,which forfaking the reding of Scrrpture and learning , do boil of the Spirit,and do flie to reuelations. 1.9.1,2. A confutation of their obieftion , that it is not mete that the Spirite of God , to whom all thinges ought to be fubied, fhould bee (ubied to the Scrip- ture.x.9.2. Alfo where tliey fay that wc reft vpon the letter whichflayeth.1.^.5. The Lorde hath loyncd with amutuall knot the certaintie of his dodnneand of his fpiriti.y.j. Such as the beholding of the heauen and eaith and other creatures doth depaint out God vnto vs , fuch dotli the Scripture fet him fourth, that is to fay, eter- nail, full ofgoodnellc, clemencic, mercy, nghteouf- ne{rc,iudgcment and truth: and alfo to the lame cnde. I.IO.I,Z. What is to be thought of the power of the church incxpofition of Scripture.4.9.13. The Romiih dodors do wronii,fully abufe this co- lour to the confirmation of tluyr errors and blafphe- niies.4.^.14. Of SMghg in the Church^ Voycc and Synging auayle nothyng in Prayer, without afFedion of the hart. 5 . z o. 3 1 , J 5. Of the'vi&ge of Synging in Churches, j. 20.31. Siyjde lyfe. Their fliamclcnieflc which do fet forth the com- lineffc of Syngle Uk for a thing neceflary,to the great reproche oi the olde Church . By what degrees thys tiianny crcpte into the church: and how it cannot be defended by the pretence ofceitain oldc canons. 4.12.26,27,28. Prieftes were forbidden to marry hy wicked tiran- ny, and againft the word of God, and againft al equi- ty.4.i2.2j. An aunfwer to the aduerfaries obiedion, that the prieft muft by fom marke differ from the lay people* 4.12.24. The blafplvcmy of the Pope,faying that mariagc is defiling and vnclennefreoftheflefhe.4.1 2.24. It is fonde to defend the forbidding of mariagc with the examples of the Leuiticall Pricftcs , which whenthey fliouldgo intothe fanduarylae afundec from tlieu- wiucs.4. 12.25. Sinne. A confutation of Platoes faying , Aat men Sinne not but by ignorance: alio of their opinion which fay that in all Sinncs riisre is an. aduiled malice and fro- wardnefre.2.2. 22,25,25. Againft the falfe imaginatio of thcSopbifters con- cerning veniallSinnes, which they call ded'res with- out a determined aflentjwhich do not long reft in tlic hart: it is prouedthat euery Sinne , euen the lighteft defire dcferueth death, and is deadly, except mthc fainds which obceyne pardon by the mercy of God». 2.8.58,59. A conmtation of their fonde diftindion between deadly and veniall Sinnes, and of their fclaunder whc' they fay that we make al finnes egall.g.4.28. How it is to bee expounded, that God vifjteth the iniquitic of the Fathers vpon the children vnto the third and fourth generation: and whether fuch reuen- gcment be vnfetuely for the rightcoufhclTe of God. 2.8.19,20. Sirwe againji the holy Ghofl. The true de&iitio of Sinne againft the holy ghoft» & examples thereof out of the Scripture. 3. 3. 2 2. I: is not on: or an other particular falhngjbut a ge- nerall foilaking, the delcription whereof is declared by the Apoftie. Neitherisitany marucUifGod will be alvvayes vn.ippcafable to them that haue fo fiUlen, , 3.3.2 3.forafmuthas he promyfeth pardon only to the that rcpent,which they fiial neuer do. And though t!;c Scripture do f^iythat fom fuch haue groned and cried, yt t that was not rcoentance or conucrfion, but lather a blynde torment by defpcration.3.3.24. Of the Souk.. That the Soule or Spirite of man is not onely a breath, but an immortal I'ubiiiunce, although it were created, is proued by confcicncc, by the knowledge ofGod, andby fo miny cxctUcnt giftcs v/hcicwith the mind of mauis enduedj_yca, and by thofe thinges- wliiche THE TABLE. which it concciueth in flccpe, and alfo by many ar- guments taken out of the Scripturc.i.ij.z . FuiaJly by this that it is fayd, that^nian was created after the image of God. Stil.j. Againit them that vndcr the colour of Nature do dcnic the prouidcnce and goucrnancc of God vttc- rins:; it fclte in the marucUous and m a mjoer jiuiumc lablc powers of the Soulc. 1.5.4,5'. A confutation of the cnour of the Manichecs and of SeruettOjthat thcSouleis adcnuntionofthc fub- flance of God : alio of the error of OlLindtr, whicli acknowledge th no imasc of God in man without an eflcntialliightf ouGiefle. 1. 1 5.5. Concerning thcimmoi talitie ofthc SouIe,in a nu- ncr none of the Philofophers hath ccnainly fj-iokcru but they do bind the powers thereof to this prcfcnt life, whei as the Scripture doth fo ceue to it the chiefc rule in gouornance of lyfcjihat it alfo ftirrcth vp man to the worHiipping of God. Alfo ofthc diuerfitie of Soulcs, nnd of the deuifio of the powers of die foulc according to the Phjlofophers.i. 1 $6. Another diuiiionmore agrcablc with Chriftian doifttinejthat is to fay, that the powers of the Sou!c arc vndcrflaiiding and will:and.tl.e office and force of cythcr of them in mans firft eilatc. 1 . i j .7,8. That there yet remaincthfomwhnc ofdielideof religion yet emprintcd euen in the corruption of die Soulc.i.15.6. Of thcyr error which thought that whole man pe- rifiicthbydeath,andthatthc Soules at the laflemall ryfe agaync with the bodics.3.15.6. Ofthc ftateofSoulesfiom death to the laft day. A dcfciiption taken cute of Bernard, oftlic mifc- ries of a fnidifuU Soulcvbcing contidcrcd .is it is in it fclfe and of it klfe : and on the other lidcjof the niUi- red slorying of a iaithftill Ibule in Chrift, which blot- teth out all her vnwoithincflcs. 3 .i. 2 5. Sitperjiition. The fim'i^licitie of the fupeiftitious do^h not ct- cufetlK-ni, bicaufetheyr blindcnclfc is found 10 bee mingled with vanitic,pride,andobftinacie.i.4.i,3. When Superlliuon gocth about to plcafe God, u mockethhim with lying colours. 1.4.3. 1 lie Supcrihtious doe not approche vnto god but againft thcyr will and with fcruilc fcarc. i .4.4. Wholotucr do corrupt the true religion, although they follow the conllnt of .intiquitie or the cullomc of any ciuc, y ct they depart fro the one & true God. i.j.ii. It is proued by the etymologic of the wordes SMl'erfiit:o:,T\^ttirion,hujU-eia or Godlmcfle, what dltlc- rcncc is between Religion & Superftition.i.ii.i. The craft of Su; crftitio, when graunting the chcfc place to tl e one Gud it bcictccth liim with a rout€ of £naUer Gods. 1.12.1,3, Snpper of the Lord. Ofthc bread and wync the fignes in the holy Sup- per : and it is declared by hs ownc words at his Sup- per, why the Lord willed that wclhould vfc them. 4.17.1. We gather a great fruit of confidence and fwetc- ncfTc out of this Sacr.'imenr, which tcftiHcth tli:,t we arefoc.rowcn together into one body with Chrif^, that wiiatfoeuerMhis,wc may lawfully call it ourcSj 4.17.'.. 1 his is declared by the wordes of the Suppgcs, lignification, niattcr,andcftcd. 4.17.11. Of the tranfubltantiation of bred and wine into the bodie & bloud of Chnft,which the ciafrefmcn of thecourtofRome haueforgcd.4. 17.12,1?, &c.& 20. They ai e without tcrtimonic of antiquitie. And in what fcnlc the oldc writers layd that in the confccra- tion is made a fecrct turning. A'fo the frgnihcation of rlicSupperagrccthnot, vaVllc the fubllance of the onrw.ird figntsrcmaine.+. 17.14. The brcade is 3 Sactamcnt to none but to iren to whom the wordc is dirided. And here are confti- tcd ccrtainc arguments of the teachers of tranfublH- tiation.4.17.15. Of fonic rac, wliich though they do at one word SSS.iij. graunt THE TABLE. graunte that the fubftaiince ofthefigoes rcmayncth, yet placingc the body of Chrifte in bread & vnder breadjthey fall backc into the locall prefence,& fayne a beyngeuerywhere.4. 17. 16,17,18,10. A confutatio of their obiedios. 4.17. 21,21,15, &c It is proued that this dodrine is not maynteyned, ncyther by the tcftimonies of Auguftine , nor by au- thoritie of Saiptiire.4.17.28,29,50,3 1. A confutation of certayne other of- their obiedi- ons,and chefely of this that they fay , that whatfoc- uer we teache of fpirituall eatinge , is agaynft the trew andieall eatinge : where alfo is declared that the body of Chrifte is in the Supper offered to the infidels, but they receyue it no t. 4. 1 7. g 5 . Neyther can the faying of Aaguftine be dfawen to this purpofe, that the Sacraments are nothing appay- red by the infidehtie of men. Whiche is proued by di- uerfe other tcftimonies of the fame man.4.17. 34. How the body and bloud of Chrifte is geuen to vs in the Supper,and what manner of prefence of Chiift we ought to holdetherein.4.17.18,19,32. Of the_expofitioa of the wordes of Chrifte in the Supper.4. 17.20,21. The body of Chrift is conteyncd in quantity , and comprehended in heauen , vnull thelaftday, as it is proued by the Scriptures.4. 17.26,27. Of the pipiftes carnall adoration , and concomi- tance,3nd confecration of the hoft (as they call it)and carrying it about in pompe.4,i7.35j36,57. The myftery of the Supper ought to Ihrre vs vp to geuing of thankcs , to exercife vsin remembringe the 3eath of Chrifte , to kindle vs to holinefle of life , and chefely to charity.4. 17, 57,58. In the papacie the Supper (the trewe miniflration whereof IS not without the worde) is turned into a dumme adion. And here is (poken of the laying vp of the Sacrament to be extraordinarily dcftributed to ficke men. 4.17.59. The dodrine of the papiftes,whcn they goe about to prepare men to the woithineire of eating the body of Chrilt, dotli in cruell wife torment cofcienccs: And the deuell coulde not by any readier way deftroy me. Of the beft remcdi^ to auoyde this deftrudion.They errc whiche in the Supper doe require of the faythfull perfeftion offayth.4. 17.41,42. As touchinge the outwarde vfagc of the miniftra- tionofthe Supper, there are many thinges indiffe- rent : And how it ought to be miniftred moft comc- ly.4.17.45. Of the fmall afTcmblie at this day at the pcrtakinge of the Supper, which is % token of contempt , where- with the holy ftithers in olde time were muche di- Iplcafed: And how the cuftome which commaundeth men to communicate once eucry yeare, was a moft certayne inucntion of the deuell.4. 17.44,45,46. It is proued by authority of the Scripture and by the yfage of the olde Churche , foure hundred yeares before the death of Grcgorie, and by many other ar- gumentes , that the conftitutlon whiche toke away from lay men the cup of the Lorde , came out of the deuels workfhop.4. 17.47,48,49,50. Of the concomitance of the blood in the flefhe of Chrifte,which is a popifhe inuention.4, 17.47. The Supper of the Lorde is profanely abufcd,ifit be geuen to all men without choifc. Of the duty of minifters in reiedinge the vnworthy.4. 12.5. A briefe fumme of thofe thinges wliich wee ought to knowe concerning the two Sacramentes. And why the Supper is oftentimes miniftred, and Baptifmc but once.4.i8.ip. Swearinge. An evpofition of the tliirde commaundement, in whiche thefe three things are conteynedjthat we ney- ther thinkc nor fpeake any thinge of God , nor of his worde and honorable myftcries, nor yet of any of his workes,othervvife than reuerently.2.8.z2. A definition of Swearing : where is declared that it h akinde of worfhippinge of God; And therefore we muftbewaie that our othes conteynenot anydifho-. nor to the name of God, whiche is done in Forfwea- ring: or any contempt of it , whiche is done in fuper- fluous othes,of in whiche the name of any other than of God is vfcd.z.8. 25,24,25. It is proued by Scripture agaynft the Anabaptifts, that all othes are not forbidden vs, and that Chrift in the Golpel chaunged nothing as touching the rule of Swearingjfet forthin thelaw.2.8.26. Wliicheis pro- ued by his owne cx3umple:aud not oncly pubhke,but alfopriuate othes are permitted, keping the modera- tion which the law commaundeth.2.8.27. T. Temples. /^ F Temples of Chriftian men for afTcrablies of ^-^ the congregation.5. 20.50. It IS proued by the authority of the olde Churche, and the reafbns of Auguftine, that it is not expedient, that there fhould be any images in Chiiftian temples. I. II. 15. The preaching of the worde and the Sacraments, are liuely images whiche onely are Ht to be in Chri- ftian Temples. 1.11.7,15. The wickednes of the Nicenc Synode whiche was holden by the comaundement of Irene theEmprelle, and the filthy follies thereof in alio winge images in Temples,and the worfhippingofthem. 1.11.14,15,1^. Ofthegarnifhing of Temples and holy thinges in the olde Churche.4.4.8.& 4, 5. 18. Temptations. Of diucrfe kindcs of Temptations: & in what (enfe it is fayd that God tempteth vs. 5.20.46. TeJiitmentiol^e,and newe. Of the likcneffe of the olde and newe Teftamentj Where THE TABLE. Where is declared, that they are all one in fubftance and matter,but oncly doc differ in miniftration. The likcnes ftandeth cheifely in three poyntes. 2. 10.1,2. Ihe firft poynt is,that the olde Tcftanicnt did not holdc the fathers in earthly fehcitie , but had chcifc regard to the life to come. Which is proucd by Paul, whicli fayth that the promifcs of the Gofpel arc con- tayncd vndcr it. 2. 10. J . The fame alfo is proued by the lawe and the Pro- phcts:Firft, by confideringe the wordcs of the couc- naunt:/.;»';»^»'^''"/ 2.10.7,8. A^ayne , ^ ^''^'^ '" tht Cjod of jour [cede after JOU; ScCi.Q. Alfo by the life of the holy fathers , as Adam, Abcll, Noc,Scd.io.Abraham,Seft.ii.liaak,Iacob.Sed.t2, I];, 14. Andbymany teftimoniesofDauid. Sed.15, 16,17,18. Of Iob.Scd.19. Generally ofalltlie latter Prophets. Se6t.2o. But namely of Ezechiell. Sed.2x. Ot Efaic andDanicU. Scft.22. A condulion of this poynt with rchearlmge certayne tcftinionies out of the ncwe Tcftament.Sed.2j. The feconde poynt is that the oldc Teftamcnt did- not ftande vpon the meiitesofmcn,but vpoxi the free mercy of God, The third poynt is that the couenant of the fathers with God , did then ftande vpon like knowledge of Chrift the Mediator.2. 10.4, Alfo in fignification of Sacramcntes , the Ilraelitcs vndcr the lawcwtrecgall with the Chriftian people. z.io.f,6. There are foure diftcrcnces oftl-ie olde Ttftament from the newc, whereuntowe may.ilfoaddea fifth. The fiiftc is , that although in tlie oldc time alfo the Lordes will was to direfte the foules of his people to the heauenly inhentaunce : Yet to the enJe that they might be the better nouriflicd in the hope thereof, he gaue it them to be beholden, and after a certayn ma- rcr taftcd vndcr earthly benefices: Bur now the grace of the life to come , beynge more dercly rcuelcd by the Gofpcll , hcc diredeth our mindes the ftreight way to the meditation thereof, Icauinge the inferior manner of exercifing wluche he vfed amonge the II- raelites.2.ii.i. Therforc the olde Church is compared to an heire vnder age, which is gourrned by Gaidians.2,1 1.2. For this rcafon , the fathers (o muchc cftemed this Lfc,andthe blcflings thercof.2.ii.j. The fecond dilfcrcnce is in figuies , wherewith th& olde Tcftament did fliew forth the image andlljadow of fpirituall good thingcs : The newe Tcftament ge- ucth the prcfcnttiuthe and pcrfcd body.There is aha a rcafon (licw ed why the Loi'd kept this order : And a definition of the oldc Ttibmcnt. 2.11,4. In thisfenfeitis fayd, that the Icwcs were by the introducftion or fcholingof the Liweled vnto Chnft,, before that he was deliuercd in the flcfli:2.ii.j.which appeared in the mofte excellent Prophetes that were endued with lingular rrace of the Spirit.Sed.6. The thirde difference, is t.ikcn out of the one and tliirty chapter of lercmy , & the tbide cha£^tvi' of lix feconde Epiftle to the Corinthias,that the olde Tcfta- ment is Lteral, and the new Tcftament \% fpiiituahth* olde bnngeth death, the new is the inftrument of hfe' 2.11.7,8. The fourth difTcrencc is , that the Scripture callcth the oide Tcftament , the Tcftament of bondage, by- caufe It engendrcth feare in mens mindes:but the new 15 called the Tcftament of liberty, bycaufeit rayfeth them vp to conh'dcce & furety. The three latter diffc- rences are comparifons of the law & the gofpcll. The farfte, ccnteyneth alfo the promifes made before the law. 1 he fathers hued fo vndcr the lawe and the oldc Teftamct , that they ftaycd not there , but alwayes a- fpired to the new,) ea and embraced a certayne com- municating therof 2.11.9,10. r-J^^ ^^^^ difference is,that before tiic comming o£ Chrift,the Lorde had fcuercd one nation , in which he would kepe the coucnaunt of his grace, in the mcanc time negleding .all other nations.So the calling of the GcniUcSjis a certayne (igne, wherwith the exccllencic of the newe Tcftament is fct foorth aboue the oldc : a thing fo incredible, tliat It feemcd yet new to the A- poftles thcmfelucs, beeyng exercifed in reading of the Prophets,and endued with the holy ghoft.i.i i, 1 1,12. A conclufion of this mattcr,and an aunfwcre to-di- ucrs obiedions of feme men , which fay that this va- ncty in the Church, this diuers manner of tcadiingc, fo gre.1t change of vfages and ccremcnics , is a great abliirditie. Where is declared riiat die conftancy of God appeareth in this chaunging , and he hathc done nothing but wifely , riglneoully, and in mercy , when he eoucmcth his Churchc , after one fone in childc- hode, and after an other fort in riper ace,& alfo when he did keepe clofe in one people the fhcwing forth of his grace before the comming of ChriftjwlMch aftcr- warde he poured forth vpon all nations. 2.11.13,1 4, Theft. An cxpofition of the 8, Commaundement: where is entreated of Jiiierfekindcs of Theftes , and fomc which although men ludge otherwi(e,yct are accom- ptcd Theftes before God: Andfohe that dothe not pcrformc that whichc by the office of Ins caihngc he owedi to other,is a Thcfe,2.8.4j. Wiiat we ought to do,that we may obey this com- maundement , is ftiGwtd by diuerfe cxaumples accor- ding to the diueriity of peilbns aiod otEces,2,8.46. Traditions. Forafrnuche as the Lorde,wilIinge to teache a rule of irew rightcoufncs, li.uli drawcn all the parts there- of to his owncwill, thereby it appeareth , that all the good w oikcs wliich men deuife of their ownc wittes, .TTC nothinge worth before him : But t!>e trcwe wor- ftiippinge ftandeth vpon obedience oncly , whiche is the beginning,mothcr,& preferucr ofal vertucs.2.8.5 Of Traditions of men, that is to fay , oidinaunces preceding fiommcn, concerning the woilliipping of SSS.iuj, God; THE TABLE. God: Andof the vngodlincfle and neceffitic of them. 4.10.1,1,5,6,7,8. Adiuifionofpopinic conftitutions , whichc they call Traditions of the Church,into fuche as conteyne xeremonies, and other which are fayd to perteyne to as^ught to be accompted holy, namely thole which feruc for com- Jinefl"e,or do preferue order and peace in the Church. jf.io.i7,z8,ii;.We muli wifely confider, which be of ^iatforte.4. lo.p. It is the duty of Chriftian people,to obferue fuche ordinances; And what errors herein are to bee taken heede of: And how in the meane time , the libeny of jconfciences itiay ftillbe preferued fafe.4.ao. j 1,3 z. Tributes. Of Tributes , Taxes , Impofltions , and Finances> whiche are payed to Princes: And howe Princes may vfe them with a good confcience.4.20.13. Trinkie, In one Hmple eflcnce of Goi! , wee muft diftinftly confider tluee pcrfons , or (as Ac Grekes call them) '^j/;"/"/"- 1.1^.2. A confutation of them whiche in this matter doc condemne the nameofperfon, andreieditfor new- nefle.i.ij.j,4,r. The holy doftors haue bene compelled to inucnte ccrtayne new wordes,to defende the truthe of God againft certayne fubtle me, which mocked it out with fhifting; As agaynft Arrius theyinuented thisworde homooujioH Confubftantiall, and agaynfte Sabellius the name ofthree properties or pcrfons. 1. 1 3.4, 16. The diucrfe fentences of HieromejHilarie, & Au- guftine,in the vfe of thefe wordes. i . 1 3. f . What we call a perfon , when wee entreate of the Trinitie.i.13.6. Of the error of Seructtus,in the taking of this word Per(bn.i.i3.22. As God hath more clcrely opened himlelfc by the commingof Chrilie,fo he is fince that time more fa- miliarly made knowcn in the three perfons.i. 13. 16. Teftimonies of Scripturc,wherby is fhewed the di- ftinftion of the father from the Wordc , and of the Worde from the Spirit. 1. 13. 17. Alfo in the Scripture there is a diftinftion made of thf: father,from the Word and the Spirite, and of the Spirit from them both , as well by obleruation of or- dcr,as by prophecies afcribed to them, i . 1 3. 18. This diftindion of perfons maketh not agaynft the moll flmple vnitie of God. i . 1 3 . 19. In what fenfe the fathers fay , that the father is the beginning of the Sonne,and yet that the Sonne hathc his eflence of himfelfc.i.13.19. A breife fumme of thole thinges whichc we ought to beleuc concerning the one eflence of God and the three perfons.i. 13.20. And herin we mufl difpute foberly, and with great moderation, that neyther our thought , nor our tong, dopafle beyond the bonds of the word of god.i.i3.2r. A confutation of the doting errors of Seruettus in this poyntofdodrine. 1.13.22. A confutation,of the error of certainc lewde men, which fay,that the father is trewly & properly tiie one onefy God, which in making the Sonne and the Holy golle,did pouie his Godhed into them, i.i 3.23. It is falfc which they fay,t'aatwhcn mentio is made ofGodinthe Scripture, onely the father is meant tlicrcby.i.13.24. Alfo it IS falfc whiche they drcame oFvndeuided fubftanccs, of which eueiy one hath a parte of the ef- fence.i.i3.2f. An anfwere to their ohie(flion,that Chrift,ifhc be properly God,is wrongfully called the fonnc of God. 1.13.26. An anfwere to many places which they bringc out of Ircneus for profe of their opinion , where he affir- meth the father of Cbrift to be the one onciy & eter- nall God of Ifrach 1. 1 3.27. Alfo to the places of TcrtuUian.Sc(il.28. It is proued that Iu{line,Hiiarie, and Auguftine,do make of our fide. 1. 1 3.29. The Sonne is of the fame fubftaunce with thefa- tlier.4.8.x6. Wha THE TABLE. V. LafiVfi[iio/r,as they call it. \J\7 Hat manner of ndminiftiation is of" the po- ^ " piflie lall Vniftion , & in what forme of wor- ses: And how it can not be dcfcded by die authority oflamcSjOr by the example of the Apoitlcs. 4.19. i8. Forafmuche as the grace of hcahng whichc was in old time gcuen to the Apoftlcs,hath long ago ccafTed in the Church.Sedt. 19,20. And though it ftiU remay- ncd , yet this their wicked obferuation is fane from tliat holy ceremony of the Apoftlcs . Adcclaiati- on of the blafphemies thereof, when theyconiuic tlic oylc, and al'cnbe vnto it that wliichc is proprc to the holy ghoft.4. 19.21. Vocation. See Ca Hinge. Vowes. OfVoweswhichearc made agnynft the exprcffc worde of God: whether they maye well be Vowed of Chriflian men,andhow they are to be eftemed. 4. 1 j. Three things are robe confidered in Vowcs: Who it is to whome wee Vowe , namely God whiche dcli- tcth ill obedience.4, 1 J. 1. Who we be that do Vowe, that wee meafureoureowne flrength andlokc vpon our Callingjthat we neglcd not the benefite of liber- ty whiche God hath geucn vs. Sed. j. And witli what minde we Vov/e.Sc(ft.4. OfthcPrieftes, Monkes, and Nonnes Voweof finglc Iife.4, 1 3. 5,17,1 8, i<7. There be foure endes of Vowes: two haue re(pedc to the time paftc , and two tothc time to comt.4.1 j. There is one common Vowe of all the faytlifuU whichc they make in B.iptifme.4.13.6, Of the rafhenellc and iuperfttion of the worlde in making of Vowcs.4. ij.i,?- vv. OffVarres. Warres are Iawfull,when Magiftiates are «Iriucn of neccflfity to take weapon in hand , to execute pubuke reuenge vpon thofc thattrcv/ble the peace of thcire dominion , whether they bee ciuile or foreync cne- niies.4.io.ii. It maketh not to the contrary hereof, whiche m.i- ny alledge , tliat there is not in zhc new Tcfomcnt a- ny teftimony or example whiche proueth that Warrc is a thing lawfull for Chriftias. Eat Magiftrates ought to take great heede, tlut in taVinge of weapon in hand , they nothinge at all followe their owne ludes. As Warre,fo garrifons alio, leagues and ciuile fortiH- catios, are things lav/iul for Chriltans to vlc-4. zo.is. WillofGo^. Of the fccrct Will of God. Alfo ofan other Will, whereunto anfwereth Willing obcdicncc.j. 10.4 j.&: J. 24.1,7. JVillofMan. Whether tlie Will of ma be in cucry part through defiled and corniptcd To that it bringeth forthe no- thinge but eucll : Or whether it yet leteyne ibmc li- berty of choifc. Where IS declared the common fay- inge taken out of the Philofophcrsjthat all diingcs by naturall difpofition couct that whichc is good. And there is Hiewcd that the Lbeny of WiU can not be proucd thcrcby.2.2.26. The fouleluthenotoncly awcakc power but no powerat ajlof It fcllc to aipirc to ooodnclie. And fithe the whole man is fubicdc to the dominion of finne , it is proued by teftimonies of Scripture and of Augiifline,that the Will of man is bounde widi moft ftrcight bondes. 2.2.27. Man by his fall loft nothis will, but the foundnefTc of his Willjfo th.it he can not moue , muche Idle ap- ply himftlfc to ^oodnelll'jbut is necelian'y drawcn or led into eucIl,!iowbeit not by compuUion bu: \ olun- tary.Whichc is proued by Auguftine and Bcrnarde.v\ large declaration of the djftcrencc betwenc compuUi- on andneceflitie.2.j.i4. Alio in doingcs, whiche of them fdues a-'e neyther righteous nor vnng!Keous,andbclonge rather to the bodily than the fpiritu.all life , the will of man is not free, but by the fpcciall motion of God is cnchned to clemency,mercy,wrath, feaie, .and other diuerfeeffc- (flions,when it plcalech him to make way for his pro- uideiice. Whiche is proued by ScTipturc,by dayly cx- pencncc,and by die .-.urhority of Auguftine. 2.4.^^.7. TTT.1. Woikes. THE TABLE. JVorkes. A comparifon of the purenefle of God with al the righteoufiiefle of men. j. 12.4,^ . Al the oflpringof Adam being deuided into foiire kindesof nien,it is proued that they haue no holintire or righteoufnefle : Firfle m them whiche are endued with no knowledge of God,in whome although there do fometime appeare excellent qualities ( which are ihegiftesofGod) yet there is in them nothing pure. The fame is flie wed in them , whiche beyng pro- fefled by Sacramentes,are Chriftians onely in name, denying God m their dedes: Alfo in hypocrites v\ hich with vayne falfe colours doe hide the wickedneflc of their heart. J. 14.7,8. Finally, it is proued that euen the children of God trewly regenerated by his Spirit,can not ftande by any nghtcoufncs of their owne Woikes before the iudge- ment of God,bicaure they can bringe forthe no good Worke that is not fprinkled widi Ibme vncleannefle of the flcfhe , and therefore damnable. Moreouer al- though they coulde bringe forth any fuche Worke, yet one finne is enough to blot out the remembrance of all former righteoufnciTe.j. 14.9,10,1 1. A confutation of the papiftes (hifics concemingc the righteoufnefle of Workcs : And fpecially of the fame horrible monfter of Workes of fuperrogation. 3.i4.iz,ij,i4,iy. When we entreate of Workes, we muft thruft two peftilences out of our mindes:that we put no trufte in the righteoufiiefle of oure owne Workcs,and that we afcribe no glory vnto them. g. 14.16. The Scripture fetteth out & dedareth foure kindes of caufes in ftablifliing our faluation: Andit is proued that in them all there is no regard of Workes. 5^4.17. Where fomtime the faindes do bolden themfelues with remembrance of theire owne innocence and vp- rightnefle:howe the fame is to bee taken : and howe it dothe in no wife abate any thmge from the free righ- teoufnefle in Chrifte.j. 14. i8,ip,zo. Where the Scripture fayth that the good Workes ofthe faythfull do moue God to do them good , the Older is therein rather exprefled tharhe caufe.5. 14,21. Why the Lord in the Scripture calleth good Wor- kes oures,and promifeth rewarde to them. 5. x 5.3. A confutation ofthe Sophifters inuention , con- cerning morall Workes,whcreby men be made acce- ptable to Godjbefore that they be grafted m Chritle. 3.i5.6.&i7,4. Thofe rewardes are geuen to the Workes ofthe fay thfulljwhiche the Lorde in his lawe hath promifed to thefolowers ofrighteoufnelTc: but tlierof there arc threecaufestobecon(idered.3.i7.3. We may note in the Scripture two acceptances of man with God,of whiche the latter although it hauc refpede to the good Workes ofthe faythfuljyet is al- fo ofthe free mercy of God. 3. 17.4,5. When it is fayd that God doth good to them that loue him,hereisnotrehearfed a caule why he fliouid do them good , but rather the manner of what forte they be by his grace.3.17.^. An expofition of certaync places wherein the Scri- pture gcueth to good Workes the name of righte- oufnes. And there is Hie wed that tliofc places are not agaynfl: the dodrine of iuftification of fayth. 3. 17.7. One good Worke or many do not fuflice for righ- teoufnefle before God , although one finne fuffice to condemne. And here the principle hath no place , the contraiies haue all one rule. 3. 1 8. la Why the Lorde fayde that he rendrcth to Workes that whiche hee had freely geuen before Workes. 3. 18. 3. And tliercinhehelpeth our weakenefle leaft wc fliouId be difoouraged. 3. 18.4,6,7. Hereuppon hangeth the rihteoufnefle of the good Wotkes which the feytlifuU doe, that by pardon they are allowed of God.3.18. j. fVorlde, See C rea tion ofthe Wo ride. THE ENDE OF THE TABLE. TO TBS TO THE CH^ISTIA^Ni AD^ STV- 3 3 Allegories vnprofitable, to be left. 5.4.4.^: 3.5. 'i» Ambrofehis Itouteminde. 4-' 2-7 Anabaptiftes errors. 2.8.KJ.& 2.10.1,7. & 3.3.1,1 4.5: 4. r. 1 3. & 4.12.12,14,1 ),!'>.& 4.i(j.i. & * 20.2 Angels created of God. 1.143,4 Angels created to the likcnes of Cod. i '5 J Angels areipiritesofanature efilntiall. '••4J' Angels why fo called. ••i4-S Angels why called Godi. i '4 5 Angels why called aitny cs. 1 • ' 4- 5 Angels why called powers. 114- 5 Angels are not to be worshipped. 1. 14.11 Angels appoynted foi the falety of the faythfull. 11 4.7 Angels haue Chrilt to their head. 2.1.1.& 3.23.1 Angels yvickeJ, and their foil. 1.14.1^ Angelsofiice. i.i4.!J,ii.& 3 20.J 3 Angels haue diuerfe names. 1.14.8 Anger ofGodagjynft the wicked. 3 J5 »> Aniclmus . 224 Anticriftcs place in the Church. 4.2.1 i Anthropomcrphitc.*:- 4.17.1 :.iS Appetite CO reuenge forbidden. . a 8.37. & 4 10.20 Appetite to reuenge in San-.pfon. 3 2i>.i5 Appcllinarius anolJc heretike. aifi 12 Apoftles who be properly. 4 3-4)? Apoftlcs wrote & fpake being infpired by the holy ghoft 4.8 p Apcftles how to be preferred before lohnBaptift 2.5 S Apoftles fcope in writing. 4. :o.ii Apoftles doe much differ fro thofe which name themfel- ues their fuccefTors. 4 8.i> Apoftles baptifme was the fame as vvaslohns. 1 5- J Apoftles Crede or Symbole. 1.16. 18 Archdeacons & their firft beginning in the Church. 44^ J Archbishops fiift inftituted h\ the Cluirch. 4-4 4 Ariftocratia or the goucrofflcncc of many appoyntedb^ God. 4.20.8 Ariftotlc. I.5.5.&I.I5 7 Arrius the heretike confuted. Afcenfion of Chrift into heauco. Altrolojjie the vfe of it. Auttionty of Counceli . Authority of theRomishe ChurcL O .^ckbytlng is forbidden. Baptifme,. mJ his fignification. BjptiCme inftiruted by Chrift. Baptifme the S.icrament of repentance . Baptifinc andhis ceremonies. I 13.4,1^ 2.1 £.14 I. S.J 4.8.10,11.2; 4.9.11 4.£.itf 1 8.47 4-«5 ' 4.1(5.17,17 4' S-4 Baptifme vvhenn it diffcrcth tiomcircumcifion. 4,1 4. 21. &4'.$ Baptifme ofinfantesprouea and allowed by the Scrip- tures. 4.16.1 Baptifine is not to be renued in them which are baptiied in the popishe church. 4.15 i£ Baptifme of Cornelius Centurio. 4-" 5 > J Bjilliits. I.I 6.8 Battels how they be lav vfull. 4.20.11 Beginning of religion. i.ii.i Beginning of shauing and shearing of heades & crowncs in the popishe church. 4.19. 16,17 Belcue the church, but not in the church. 4.1.x Benefices how they be geue in the popishe church. 4. J. (J Berengarius. 4.17.1} Bishops,prieftes , paftors and mioifters,do feme times lig- nifye one thing. 4-vS Bishops who ought to be chofcn. 4 } •' * B;shop$ vicars what maner of examinations they do vfe. 4-5 5 Bli/TingofCod hath great power. 37 8,9 Body is confecrated toGod. i-^^-J Body of Chrift is limeted and in a ceitayne place. 4 17. 2 tf Body ofChrilijhovvit is c.iteninthe fupper. 4-'7f Body of Chrift is called a Temple. '■'44 Bread is taken for all thmgcs luceftarye for the body. 3.20.44 Breadtaketh thenameofthebody of Chrift, 4.17. jo Bre.id of life is Chrift. 4'7-J' Bui tail of Chrift, and the (ignificacioD of it. a. 16.7 c. r^ AJiffula an impudent contemner of chrift, i.?.'* Calling of the Gentiles. 2.11.11,12 Calling, tvvokindcs. j-J4 8 Callingofcutry man is tobe confulered. 3.10 6 Calling of paftors coniiftethinfoure thingei. 4-3'* Canons, vvliat thcybe m thepopishe church. 4. 5.10 Cardin.Tls,hovv they crept into the church 4.7.30 Care of the poore in the church. 4-3-8 Catechif.r.gjn the church, 4.i.& 4.i8.2.&4.ii».28 Chrift the onelv keper of the eled. 3 • 24.7»i8.&4.20.f,i2,ij. Chrift rofe from the dead. 1.16.13 Chrift vanquished S.ithan. 1.141S Chrift communicateth his name fometimes to tli€ church. 4.I7H- Chriftiaa libcrtie in three pointes. J-'^** Chriftians onely in name. J •^•4 ChriftianlibertieislpiritualL S-i9-9 Church the true. 4.1.1 Church thetrue,vvherinitdifFerethfrom thefalfe. 4.2.1 Church true, the notes of it. 4.1.5,10 Church to be confidered in two refpefles. 4.' -7 Church hath her iurifdiftion. 4.11.1 Church,the place therof. 4.'-5> Church,theperfedionofit. 4.8.12 Churches perpetuitie. 2-i5-} Churchhath alwayes bene in the world. 4'''7 Church catholike, or vniueifall. 4.1.2 Church how itisholy. 4.1.13,17. & 4.8.12 Church the kindome of Chrift. 4-->4 Church called fometimes by the name of Chrilt. 4.17.2a Churches eftate before Papiitry. 4.4.1,2 Church Papifticall. 4.2,2 Church of Rome of what authoritie. 4.6.16 Church may erre. 4-8. i J Church how it is tobebuilded. 4.8.1 Church foule, is Chriftes doftrine. 4.1 2.1 Churches authoritie is great. 4. i .10 Church alwayes kept by God. 2'i5«3 Churches difcipline. 4.1.25 Churches authoritie fubied to the word of God. 4.8.4 Chyliaftes ,the here tikes & their fond deuifes of the king- dome of Chrift. 3.25.5 Circumcifion vvherinit differeth fro Baptifme. 4.14.24 & 4.16.3. Clerkes what they vverein times paft. 4.4.3» Clerkes what freedome they had. 4.1 1.15 Clerkes how they came to haue fhauen crovvnes. 4.1526,27. Comelinefte to be had in the church. 4.10.25 Communion of Chnltcs two natures, and the properties thereof. 2.14.1 Communion of Sainfles. 4- '.3 Comparilbn betvvene Chrift and Mofes. 2.11,4 Comparifonbetwene the wordandfayth. 3.1,6,25,31 & 3.11.17.& 3.22.10. Complaint of Seneca againft Idols. i.ii.a Concupifcence condemned. 2 8.49 Concupifcence a finne before God. 3.3.12,1 3 Concupifcence in the regenerate. 3-?''0 Condition of the faythnjll. i.i^J.Sc 3.5.6 Confeffionoffinnesneceftary. J-J-'? Confeflion of finnes diuers. 3.20.5 Confeflion auricular, and the ground therof. 3 .4.4, J Ccnfcflion ofhovvmany fortes. 3'4-' * Conhrmationof thePapiftes. 4''5'»4 Congregatios eccJefiafticalareneceflary. 2.8.32.& 4.1- j Congregations in the name ofClirift. 4'9-t Coniediircs morall againft the favrh, J-^-J^ Coniundlionof God with thefaythfull. 2.8.18 Confciencc vvhatit fignifieth., j Conrolacioofthefaythfull.i.t4.6.& r,i6.3.& i.i7.ii,& 2.8. 21. & 2.i6.5,i8.& 3.8.7. & 3.5 6. & 3.15.8.& 3.20. 51.& 3.25. 4,& 4.1. 3- Conftancieof eledion. 3.24.4. Conftantines donaicion. 4.1 1 .1 2. Canftitutions ecclefi.ifticall of two fortes. 4.10.25. Contempt ofxheminiltery, not vnpunifhed. 4'.>» Contempte of death. 3.9- 1» Contention in the Churche for the title of the vniuerfall Byfhop. 4.7.4. Contention for baptifme of Infantes. 4.1 6.3 2. Continence what it fignifieth. 4.1 3.17. Continence the fingulargifte of God. 2.8.42. Conuerfio in the facraments what maner it is. 4.17. 1 4)' > Cornelius Centurio whyhe was baptixed. 4-'5-' 5* Cornelius fayth. J-^-J** Cornelius was regenerate before hee heardePeters prea- chinge. 3.24.10. , Corruption THE TABLE. Corruption of nature. 2.5.1. Crofle ofChnfte the chariot of triumph?. 2.16.6. Curiofitie tobe efchevved. 1.4.1. & 1.14.1,4,7,8,16.8c 1.15.8.& 2.1.10.& 2.1Z.J.& 1.16.18.& ). 20.24. & 3.21.1,2. & J. 25. 6,10. Curling forbidden. 2.8.47,48. iZ). DAuiJ the figure and image of Chrifle. j.20.25. Ded Sjyntes whether they pray for vs. 3.20.24. Degrees of regeneration. 4-' ^' J ' • DeliueredtoSachan. 412. j. Defcending of Chrift into hell. 2.16.8,9. Deuinitie of Popes and Cardinals. 4.7.27. Dew tie of the children toparentes. 2.8.} 5,36. Deuill hovvheis euill. 2'3-5- Deuils arefpiriteshauingfenfes& vnderftiiding.i.14.1 9. Death of Chrifteis ofgreat force. 2.16.5. Death contemned ofthefaythfull. i9-5- Difference bctvvene God and men. 2.8.6. & 2.10.5). Difference betvvene the iuit and viuufl. 3. 1 4.2. Difference betweneneceflity and compuliion. 2.3.5. Difference betvvene the lavvandGofpell. 2.^.2, 3,4. Difference betvvene Paltors and Doftors. 4'}-4' Diffjrence betvvene tholde fathers and the faythfullvn- derthe new teftament. 2.7.16.& 2. $.1,2, ^.8^ 2.10.5. & 2.14.5. & 4.10. 14. & 4.14.23. Difference betvvene trevv religion & fuperftition.i. 12.1. Difference betvvene thefacraments of cheoldelavve ,Sc new Ttftament. 4.14.23,26. Difference betvvene fchifmatikes and heretikes. 4.2.5. Difference betvvene the oldelavv and the new. 2.11.1. Dignity and vvorthines ofman. -1.15. 3,4. Difcipline ecdeliafticall. 4.1 2.1. DifciplineecclefiafUcall ought to be mitigated. 4.1 2.9. Difcipline ecclefiafticall, the partes of it. 4.12.22. Dillipline of the Lacedemonians good, but very harde. 4.«3-8. Diflimulacion of fome reproued. 3 .1 9.1 j. Difobedience,thefirltdeftruftion ofman. 2.1 4. Diftindions nugatory of fay the formed, and fay th infor- med. " 3.2.8. DiftindionofDuIyaandLatria. 1.11.11.& i.i 2.3. Dirtindion betvvene payne and faulte. 3.4.26. Diftinftidoffcholemc ofthreekindes ofliberties. 2.2.5. Diftinftionof fcholemenofneceflttie. 1 .16.9. Diftinftion betvvene mortal! fmne , and veniall fmne is folifhe. 2.8.58. & 3.4.28. Diftindionbetvveneafacrament, and the tbinge ofthe facrament. 4.14.15. Deacons be of two fortes. 4-J-9- Deacons in the churche and theiroffice. 4-$ 9- Deacons what they be in the popifhe churche. 4.5.15. 6c 4.19.31. Diacoru'fles in the churche. 4.1 3.15. Dionymis opinion of the Hierarchic. 1.14.4. Doftors necefTary in the churche. 4- J ■4' Dodrine of Chrilt the life and foule ofthe church. 4. i 2. i . Doftrine offayth corrupted in the popifh church. 3.2.1. Doftrine of repentaunce corrupted by the Sophiftes or Papiffes. 3-4-'- Donatiftcs confuted. 4.1.15.SC 4.1 5.16. Donation of Conf^antine. 4.11,12 ECcIeflafticall author is notknovvenvvHohewas. 2.518. Ecclcfiaft:call difcipline. 4.12.1. Ecclefiafticall difcipline mitigated. 4.1 » •9. E.ningof Chriltesflefh. 4->7-5. Effedes of repentance. 3.3''5>"^» Egyptian&vainepratling. >.8.4< Elvd,areoncly partakers of Gods gracf, 2.2.tf, Elcdonely,dobeleue truely. 1.7. 5.6: 3.J.1 1.& j.24 j. Eledonely,feareGod. 2.3-4« EledonelvjCannot perifh. 3.24.6,7, Eledjdiffer from the reprobate. 3.2.27.& 3.4.3a, & 3.8.6& 3.c>6. & 3.13. 3. & 3,20.16,25. Eledion ofGod eternall. 3,21.1, Eleftionis free. 3.22.1, Hlcdion the foundation of Gods church* 4.1.2. Eledion confirmed by calling. 3.24.1. Eledions conltancy. 3.24.4. Ekdion.the end of it is holiueffe. j. 23.12. Elias farting. 4.11.20. Endof thecommaundementes. 28 8,9. Endofmans regens-ration. 1.15:. 4.& 3.3.19. Endofafflidions tobe confidercd. 3-9 ' • Endoftledionis holined'e. 3.23.12. End of excommunication. 4.12.5. Enemies muft be loued. 2.8.35,36, Epicures op.nion ofthe diuinitie. 1.2.2. Epicures be alvvaies many. i.i 6.4. Epipbanius. 4 5.9.& 4.1 521. Eredion ofhandes in prayers. 3.20.16. Errors mingled alvvaies withfaith. J-^-J'* Earthly goods hovv tobe vfed. 3.10.1. Efau and his repentance. J*3*5* Ethnikes temples are prophane. 4«i.$. Euangeliites office. 4-J-4. Euill Angels and their fall. 1. 1 4.1^ EnuchusgodlinelVe. 3.2.3a. Eufebius. J.i i,tf. & 4.tf.i4.& 4.7.26. Eutiches theheretike. 2.i4.4,8.& 4,17.30. Examinations ofBifhops and their vicars. ' 4.5.5, Excommunication, wherein it differeth from accurling. 4.1 210. Excommunication hath three endes. 4.1 a. 5. Exhortation neceilary to the faithful!. a. 7.1 2. Exhortation to prayer and fafting. 4.1 2.14. Exhortation, the vfe of it. J.5-5. Exorciftes in thepopifh church. 4.1 j). 24. Exuperius Bifhop of Tolofa. 4<$-i^. 5. F. ^11 of Adam/ Fall of Angells. Falfehode of Pope Zacharias. Faffing of Elias. Faffing of Chrift. Fafting of Mofes. Faffing ofPapiffes. Faffing defined. Fafting true hath three endes. Faffing the vfe of it. Faffing hovv neceffary it is. Fafting of Nchemias. 2.1.4.- 1. 14.16. 4.7.17. 4.12.70. 4.1 2.20. 4.11.20. 4.2.21. 4. 12. 18. 4.12.15. 3.3.17. 41114. 4.12.16, Fathers vnder the olde teftament. J.7.16.& 2.9.1,2,4. & 2.10. 5. & 2, 14.5. & 4.10.I4-& 4.'4-2J" Fault and paine conioyned. 3.4.2^. Faythfullmen,why they be called iufle. 4.15.10, Faichfull men,are the fonnes of God. 4.17.3. Faithfull men,are finners in this life. 5.3.11,1 2. FaithfuU men, are named prieftes. a.i 5.6. Faithfull, are taught of God. 3.2.6. Faithfull are caried into fundry thoughtes. j.2.18. Faithfull are partakers of Chriftes death & refurredion, andby whatreafon. 3-h9' Faithfull do lometimes vtter their innoceocy and integri- tie, j.14.18,1^. Faithfull, why called Chriftians. ^-iJ-J* Faithfull alvvaies at vvarres. I.i4.i3,i$,i8.2c j.3.10. & 3.20.46. & 4.15.11,12. Faithfull mens conditions. 2.15.1.& 3.8. i.& j.p 6. TTT.iiij. Faithfull, THE TABLE. Faithfull fesie not dcaih. FaithFuU mens feare. Faithfull mens dellre. Faithfull mens dignitie. Faithfull mens felicitie. Faichfolls vertue. Faithfulls gerfedion. Faithfulls facrifice. Faithfull alvvaies fafe. ). 2.21, 22. 4.13.4. 1.141.8^ t.i6.\6.Si. 4.17.2. 2. 15. 4. & 5.15.10. 2.5.5. J.17.15. 4.1 3.4,1 (J. J. 24 7. Faithfull, conquerers of Satan. 1.14.1 8. Faichhath diuerfe fignifications. JT2.1 j. Faith taken fometimes for hope. 3 2. 45. Faith taken for fare confidence. 3-2.15. Faithhath power to vvorke miracles. 3 2.5>. Faith is true. i. 7.5. & 3.2.^,7,41. Faithes nature. i-^l-4- Faithis founded vpon Gods promife. 3.2.25. Faich is neceifary to be encreafed. 4. 1 4.7. Faith the gift of God. i.y.$.Si2^ i. Faith procedeth from eledion. j. 2 2.10. Faith folJovvethdoftrine. 3.2.6. Faith is not without vnderftanding. i--h Faith is ioyned with hope. 3.2.42. Faith muft be firmeand certaine. 3.2.357. Faith how it is called a vvorke. 3.235. Faith the mother of inuocation. 3.20.1. Faich the roote of all g cod thinges. 413.20. Faithbredeth repentance. 3-J '• Faith onelyiultiheth. j.ii.i^.& 3.17.10. Faith regenerateth man. 3 3.1. Faith ofthe reprobate. 3.2.10,11. Faith of Simon Magus. 3,2.10. Faith of Sophifles intricate. 3 .2. 2. Faithes obieft. J-J'^. Faith formed & informed deuifed by thefophides. j.2.8. Faith ingendrethcharitie. 3'2-4'. Feare of God. 3.2.26. Feare of God what it is in the reprobate. 4'I0.2J. Fight ofthe faithfull perpetual!. 1.14.13, 15, 18. & 3.3.10. & 3. 20.46.& 4.15.11,12. Firftbegotten,God many times contemneth. 3.22.5. Flatterers are daungerous about princes. 4.2 0.i,?2, Fortune a terme ofthe ethnikes. 1.16.18. Fortune hath no force. • i.i(J,i,4.& 3.7.10. Friuolus reuelations of new giddy braines. 1.9.1. Free will before the fall. 1.15.8. Free will of man. x.iJ.S. & 2.2.I.& 3.5.1. Foundation of fayth. 3-2. 2 j>. Foundation ofthe church. 1.7. 2.& 4.2.1. Alene. Garrifons in cities. J.5-J. 4.20.12. Glorv of th; faithfull, after this life. 3.15,10. Glory of the faithfull in this life. 2.1 5. 4.6: 3.13.1. Godisonc. J.10.3.&2.8.J6.' God is no accepter of peifons. 3.23.10. God is thj beginning ofallgood thinoes. 1.2.1. God is not the author of linne. i.i4.i6.ac 1.18.4.& 2.4.2. God onclyknowtththehartes. 2. 8.2 3. & 3.4.9. God the ondy creator of all tl\inge$. i.i4.?* God the tcJicher of the faithfull. 5.2.6. Godiudge of the whole world. 1.16.6. God th;tpi:ituall law maker. 2.8.6. Godisalawtohimfelfe. 3.23.2! God is omnipotent. 1162'?* Godis the ipoufc ofthe church. ' 2.8 li. God of nature is liberail. 32026 God is king for euer. 3.20*42! God IS alvvaies like himfelfe i.4.J,3.& 2.11.1 j. God,hovv he was vifible in the perfon of Chnft, 2. 9.1. Ood,vvhybca3adetlie:vv9rl4mfixed3y?s, i.i^.zi. God is not to be reprefeated in any viiible forme or fhape. I. It. I, God hovv he is fayd tobe inheauen. 3.20 40. God is tobrknowen twomanerofwaies. 1.2.1. God is a fubltancefimple and infinite. 1.13.J. God made a couenant with vs and with our forefathers, but yet diuerfiy. 2.1O.:. God, why he is not pleafed with difTemblingrepetance. 3,3.25. Godjhowhe vvorkethinthe hartesofmen. 2.4.1. God,howhe blindethandhardneththe hartes ofthe re- probate. 2-4-j« God workethinhis eleft twomanerofwaies. 2.5.5. Godgeuethhis goodnesonely to the eUd. 2.2.6. & 2.3.14 God enricheth men with his bledinges. i-7'^t9- God powrech his mercy vpon all creatures. '• J- J« God kepeth alvvaies his church. S-'S-J- God rulechail chmges by his prouidence. 1.16.1. God wi tnefTeth his anger againft the reprobate. 3 . 2 5 .ti . God ofhis freegoodneiT£preuecethme.3.2.42.& 5.14.5. God confidereth rather the hart then the workes of ma. 3.14.8.& 3.20.31. God hovv he vfeth the wicked, i .1 8.i, God many waies revvardethhis. 3.15.4.& 3.20.12,19. & 4.17 14. God will haue his worde to be preached fomtime to the wicked. 3.14.13. Gods image in man. Gods anger againft the wicked. 3.25.12. Gods diuinitiegrauen in mans hart. 1.2.3. Gods eledion cternall. 3.21.1. Gods promife the foundation of fayth. 3.2.29. Godscommaundementscannotbe exadly kept. 2.5.4,6 Gods commaundcmentes are not to be elteemed by the power of man. 2.54,6. Godsprefence,vvhatitis. 3-i*-5' Gods prefence maketh man afraide. 1.1.3. Gods free promife,is the foundatio ofthe church. 3.2.29. Gods promifeSjare effcduallonely in theeled. 3.24.16. Godspromifes are all included in Chrift. 3.2.32. Gods grace, caufe of good workes. 2.3.13. Gods prouidence to all creatures. 1.16.1,4. Godsprouidccejhowto be cofidered. \.iy.i.ic i.^.6,j Gods prouidence indiltributioofkingdcmes. 4.20.26 Gods power hovv tobe confidered. 1.16.3.& 114. 20,21. & 3.2.31. Gods kingedome. 3.3.19. Gods will tobe obeyed. 3.20.43. Gods will, the beite rule of luftice. 3,23.2. Godsblefiingeof great force. 3.7 8,9. Gods name reuerentJy tobe vfed. 2.8.22. Gods name tobe fandified. i,8.22.& 3.2041. Good,ca!ledy<«ww«/w bouunt^how it is in man. 3.25.2. Gooi,ca[hdfi>w»nmbo?iH??i y what it is after Platos opi- nion. 1.2.3. Goodes ofthe churche, hovv they ought to bee diltriba- ted. 4.4.6. Good workes come of Gods grace. *?•'?• Good workes proceede of fayth. 4.1 3.20. Goods earthly, hovv to be vied. 3.10.1. Goodamonge the reprobate. J.21.7.& 4.1.7,8,1 3. Goodncs ofGod obieifioffaythi 33 19- GodlinesofEnuchus. J-*-3*« Godlinesof NaamanSynis. 3232. Gouernors ofthe churche. 4y-^' Gofpellis taken for the maiiifefte declaration of Goddes will. 29.1. Gofpell preached fometimes to the reprobate and wic- ked. 3 2.41. Gofpell differeth from the Law. -■ S.i'-2,3,4. Gofpell the effed of it. J-J-'j'^- Gofpell refpeacth fayth, 2.11.17. Cracs of Godis fret. j,2i.6.5f 3 i^-** Gregory THE TABLE. Gregory the vij.his fubciltie. 4.11.15. Circgories opinion of images, i.ii.J. CregoricNaxianicne. i.ij.i7,& 4.<>.ii, H. HArteJofmen are in Gods power. 1.18.1, i. Heretikcs differ from fchiimatikes. 4i- J- HierarLhieofthePopc. 4.5.1 j. HighPrielt in theoldelavvafigure of Chrift. 4.6.2, & 4.i2.ij.&4.i4.2i. Hieromeis reproued. i.'J-5» Hildebrand named Gregory thevij. 4.1 i.i;. Hipocrifie inueittdinman. 1.1.2. Hipocrices nature. I.4-4- Hipocrites prayers deteftable before God. j.i0.25». Hipotaflic.ill vnioii of two natures in Chrifl. 2.14.5. Holy Ghoftis Godcccrnall. i.i }.i4. Holy Ghoftis an inward teacher. 5.''4. Koly Ghoftdvvelleth notamong the wicked. 2.2.16. Holy Ghoftes office. j.j.jtf. Holy Ghciftes vvorke. 4. 14.8, p. Holy Gholtes titles. J-'-J- HolinelTeof life the endofeledion. j.2}.i2. Homeriis. 1.17.J.& 1.1.17. & 4.6.8. l4omicide forbidden. 2.8. j<>. Honeftie tobeobferuedin the church. 4.10.2^. Honordue to the elders. 2.8.15. Honor hithdiuerfc lignifications. 2.8.25. Honoris of three fortes. a.8.j6. Hope taken for faith. 3.2.43. Hope ioyned with faith. j.2.41. Hope reacheth beyond death. 3.24.7, Hope the nature therof. J-25.I. Hope is accepted beforehand of God for many refpecics. J.2.JI. Horace. 1.11.14. I. IAcob anexaple ofan outward miferable life. 2.10.12, Jacobs Ladder. 1.14.12. Idolatry is condemned. 1.11.1.& 2.8.16,17. Idolatry the beginning of it. 1.5.11.& 1.11.8, lephthss vovve. 4.13.3. Itfiiites. J-?-2- levves the firft begotten in Gods family. 4.16.14 Ignatius. 1.13.29. Ignoraunce is not a finne alone. 2.1.21. Image of God in man. 1. 1 5.3. & 2.12.6. Images I.nvvfull and vnl.ivvfull. 1.11.12. Imnninitie claimed bv the clergie. 4-5-« 5- Impofitionofhandes lyeth in the difpofition of the pa- lters. 4.3.16. Impolition of handcs vvhether it be a facrament. 4.14.20 Indulgences added to fatiffadion. Jo-'. Indulgences theirbeginning. i-5-S' Infantes bring their damnation out of their mothers bel- lies. 4.1 5.10. Infantes new borne of God. 4.16.17. Infantes are tobebaptixed. 4.16.1. Infidelitie the roote of all euill. a. 1.4, Inobedience the firft deciy of man» 2.1.4, Intentions good. 5.2.25. Interceflion of fain tes, from whence ic fprong. 3.20.21. Invocation commeth of faith. 3.20.21. Inuocation due to God onely. 2.8.16. lohtis baptiGne and the Apoftlesone. 2.9.5. It)hn Baptiftes miniftery* 4.1 5.17. lohnBaptiltes office. i-5-S« lohn Bapcift the midle betwene the Law !c gofpeI.2.5>. 5. lohn BaptiftmeiTengerofthe Gofpell, i-9-5> Xohn6apuft,hovvhevvas calledBlias. i-^S- lofephus. 1.8.4. & 1.8.11. IfaaKes condition touching the world. 2.10.1 2. ir^akes finne or offtnce. 3.2.31. ludasjhow he was elefted. 3.24.9. ludasjhow he did communicate with Chrilt in the Sup- per. 4-I7-J4- ludgementesof God are of two fortes. J'4-3'- ludgementeshow they be lawful!. 4.20.18. lurifdiftionin man is double. 4.19. 15. lurifdidion of the church,in whom it is . 4.7. 5. & 4.1 1 .1 . lurifdidlion in the church. luftice of Chrift isperfed. luftice is not to be had by workes. luftice of workes. luftification before God. lultine the Martyr. luuenall. 4. II. I. J. 14.12. 3.18.1. 3,18.1. ).II.2.& 3.17.1a. I. 10. 3. 1.11,3. K: KEyes ofchekingdome ofgod.4.tf. 4.&4.i.iO.&4.ii.« Kmgdome of Chrift is euerlafting. 2.1 5.3, & 3.12.7. Kingdome of God. 3.3.19, Kingdomes are diftribiited by the prouidence of God. 4.20.26, Kinges are to be obeyed. 4.20.8,22,23,34. KingesandMjgiftrates are named Gods. 4.16.31. Kinges not to be attended witii flatterers. 4.20.32. Knowledge of God grafted in mans hart. 1.3.1, Knowledge of Ch.nft. 3.2.^. Knowledge ofman is necefTary. i.i.i. Knowledge of man is double. i.i 5.1. Knowledge of euerlafting life,is grafted inmannes hart. 1.15.6. LAcedemonians difciplinc. Laftantius. Ladder of Jacob. Latria and Dulia. Law, the fumme of it. 4.tJ.^ 1,4.3. ^ i.ii.^. 1. 14. 12. 1.4.3. ^ I'2-2' 2. 8. II. Lavv5the office ofit. Tt.j.6.^ 4.15.12. LaWjthe vfe ofit. 1. 12. i.& 2.7.1, Lawes ciuile, to bemadebymen. 4.20.15. Lawes politikeare the finewes of the common wealth. 4.20.14. Lawe of God , by Mofes is deuidcd into three partes. 4.20.14. Law Morall confifteth of two partes. 4.20.15. Law of Mofes conferued by miracles, 1.8.9, LaWjVshyit waspublifhed. 1.6.J, Lavv,hovv it was abrogated. a. 7. 14. Law fpirituall. 2.8,6. Law can not be kept by meanes of mannes weakneflTe. 2..5.6,7. 0:2.7.4,5. Law is lowen in euery mans hart, 2.2.13. Laying on of handes refteth in the difcrction of thepa- ftors, 4.3.16. Laying on of handes, vvhether it be a facrament. 4. 14. 20. Laymenmay notbaptife. 4.15.10. Lying forbidden. 2.8.47. Lent fuperltitioufly kept. 4.1 2.20. Libertie chriftian,is fpirituall. J«9.p« Libertiechriftian,confiftethin three pointes. J-i9.?. Libertie ofpeople in choofingBif hops. 4.4.11. Lifting vpofhandes in prayer. }.20.i6. Luft or dtfire to reuenge, forbidden. 4.20.20. Lordes prayer. ).20.3 6. M. V| Acedonian theheretike confuted. 3.1 3. tf. Magiftrate,t]iedigm"tieofit. 4.20.24. VVV.j. Magiltrate THE TABLE. ihgiftrate,tlie f>(Ticecfit. M igiftrare is to he obeyed. Magiftrate fubicft to Go J. Magiftratem.iy kill without ofTenfe Magiftrates ordeyned to ll-riie and plcyfe God M.igillratts called fometirjes gods. Magiltiaces be gods Vicars. Maiinss creation. i.ij.x.Sc Mannes excelleiicie. Man is like to a litle world. Man fubied to infinit perels. Mannsshaitingods power. Manichees theJieretike confuted. j.8.45.&4.:o.^. 4.20.8, 21, 2J. 2.8.38. & 4 20. J2. 4.20.10. 4 20.4. 4.15.31. 420. 5. 1. 10.5: 2.J.11.& 2. J.18. 1.15.3,4. 1.5.}. 1.17.10. 1.18 1,2. 1. 1}. I. &1. 14-3. 0. & I.I 5.5. & 2. 1. II. & 2 II. 5. & 2.1 3. 1, 2. & 2.14 S. & 3.11.S.& J.23.5.& 3. 25. 7.& 4.12. 15. Marcyonites. i.i 3.i,3.&4.i7. 17. Marie ths mother of Chrill:co(in to lofeph. 2.13,3. Manage ordeyned of God. 2.8.41. Mariageis not to be forbidden to the Minifters of ihe churcn. 4.12.23. Mariage is not a Sacr.iment. 4- ' 9- 3 4- Mafles, the beginning of them. 4.1 5.8. Mafles,the vertueoftbem. 2.1 ^.fi.Sc 4.18.1. Malles plentiful! in the popifhe church. 4- 5.9. Meryte contrary to faych. j.1^.2. Mcryte of Chrilt. 2.17.1. Mcrcyeand truth are conioyned. j.i 3.4. Mercye of God poured vpon all creatures. i .5. j. Michael Seruetus an Aitabaptift. 4.1 &. 31. Michael Seruetus confuted. i.i 3.10, J2.& 1.15. J. &. 5,6,7. &4»6.2«},3i.&4. 1 7- 19,30. Mylefiusprouerbe. 4.1 3.1 j. Mynefterieof the word moft neceJTary in the churche. 4.1. S.& 4.3.2,f.&4i.4>it- Myneltery of lohn Baptill and de Apoftbs one Miracles of Chrift. Moderators of the church. Modeftie neceHary to the faythful!. Menkes not knovven in the primitiue church. Monkes full of corrupted manners. Monkcs make rafhe vowes. Monkery a perylofe fede. Monica S.AuguftineS mother. Monitions pnuatjnecefTarie in the church. Moncthelits confuted. Mortificacion of ih: flefhc. •Morall conitdiures contrary to fay th. Mofes.chcfe of ilie Prophets. Mofes wrote familiarly. Mofesdoftrine. Mofes falted XL.dayes and why. Murther foj bidden. 4.15.7. 1.13 ij. 4.3.8. 2.2.1,11. 4.5.8. 4.13.15. 4.13.3,17. 4-' J-«4. 3.5.10. 4.12.2. 2.I(f.I2. 2.16.7. 3.2.38. 4.8.2. 1.14.3. 1.8.3. 4.12.20. K. NAaman the Syrians pietie. Name of God to be taken in al reuerence. Name of God how to be fandified. & 3.20.41, Name of Chrift attributed fometimes to tHe 4-<7.22. Natures cowuption. Nature in the perfon of Chrilt, double. Nature of f.iith. Nccfclfitie is double. Necelficie differcth from compulfion. Nccelhtie fatall of theltoikes. Neyghbour.whatit fignihcth, Nchemias fart. Neftorius the herjtike. Nouatianus the heretjke confuted. J.?. 11. Nonnes not kaowenin the primatiuj church. J.2.31. 2.8.22. 2.8.22. churche. 2.5.1. 2.14.1. 3.13 4. 1.16.9. 2.3.5. 1. 16.8. 2.8.55. 4.12.16. $.14.4,5, & 4.1.23. OEedience moft acceptable to God. l.f.J; Obedience of Chrilt tskethavvay ourfinnes.2.16.5. Ojcdicnce dew toparentf. 2.8.3?. Obedience due to kings & magiitrates. 4.20.8,2 2,23, 3 2. Obied of fiyth. 3 3.i9- Obfcru!cions of dayes fuperfticioufly vfed,is condem- ned.2. 8. 31. Obferuacion of Lent, is fuperfiicious. 4.I2-.20. Obferuacion cf the Sabaoth which is th; true. 2.8 28. OfficeofaPaftor. 3.3. 17. vk 4.1.1,5,2s. 5c 4. 3.6.& 4.8.1. & 4.1 2.2.1 1,14,17. OfficeofChnft. 2.5.2. & 2.12.4. & 3.12.7. Chce c f jn Euangelift. Office of the Liwe. Office ofa Maoiftrate. OfficeofaPruft. Office of the holy ghcft» Office of lohn Baptift. Office of Ansels. 4.3.4. 2.7.6.& 3.19.2. & 4.1 5.12. 2.^.46.5: 4.20.9. 4.12.2. 3.2.36. 2-9-5. 1.14.6,12.8;: 3.20.23. Office ofa PaItor,differcth frothe office ofa prince.4 1 1 .S Official5;,vvhy they were ofdred. 4. 11 7. Offences are of two fortes. j.19.11. Offences are to be auoyded. 3.19.1 1. Old Teftament confirmed by Chrift. 2.10.4. Old wydowes and their fingle life. 4.13.18, Oneworke appointed nxany times to many sontraiies. 2.4.2. Orders, a Sacrament of the fcholernens inuentio. 4.I9.-2 2. Origenes. 2.2.4,27.8c 2,5.i7.& 2.8.ii.& 3.22.8. Ollander confuted. i.i 5. 3,5. 8c 2.12.5,6,7,8:3.11.5. Oiiide. 1.15.3,22,23. Outward fignes of repentance. 4.1 2. 1 4, 17. PAcienceneceflary to the faythful. j. 20.52, & 3.25.1. Pacience ofchriftians differeth from the pacience of Philofophers.5.8.11. Papiftes like apes do counterfiyt Chrift. Papiftes do defend Images. P.-;piftes knowe not Chnft. Papiftes faft. Papiftes Hierarchic. Papiftes church. Paphnutius opinion offingle life* Pardons added tofatiffadlion. Pardons when they began. PaftorandBifhop.' Paftors in the church. Paftors and doders neceftary in the church Paftors office. 3.3.17. 5c 4.1.1,5,2 2. & 4 3.6. 8c 4.8.1. 8r 4.1 2. 2, 1 1, 1 4,1 7. Paftors powerand authontie. Paftors calling. Patiiarches in the church. Peace proceadeth from the remiflion of finnc, Pelagius and his herefies confuted. 5c 2.2 21.5c 3.22.8. Penance is no Sacrament. Perfeftion in the church. Pcrfedion of the fjithfiiU. Perfodion offiirh. Periuiieis execrable. Pcrpetuitie of the church. Perfequutionforiuftice. Peifeueraunce thegifteofGod. 2.3.11 Prefcueraunce properly perteyneth to the eled. Perfians worf hipped the Sunne. Perfons what they are in fcripture. Perfons three in one deuine fubftance. Piter had no authohcie oner other y^p oftles. 4.I9.I9- 1.11.5. 2.1 5.1. 4. 12. 21, 45.13- 4.2.2.. 4.12.26. 3.5.1. J. 5-5. 4.3.8. 4 J4, J« 4•^4. 3.4.14. 4.3. II. 4-44. 3.13.4. 2.1.5. 4.19.14,1 5- 4.8.12.. 3.17.15. 317.15. 2.8.24. 2.15.3. 3.8.7.. 8c J.5.J. 3. 311. i.ii.i^ J.2 3.10. 1.13. 1. 4.. Prayers of dead Sjindes. _ 3. 20. 21. Prayer, what it fignifieth. 3.20.2. Prayer neceflary to th.-faithfull. 3.20.2. Prayer profitable m^nywaics. 3.20.2. Prayers how to be made. 3'*0-4>7,8ji'j'i' Prayers publike acceptable to God- 3.20.20,25. Prayer ofrhe Lord expounded. , 3.20.j(J. Precepts of God depend not vpon mas power. 2. 5.4,eftionsvnproficab]ejCobereicfti4.i.x4.i,4.3C2>ia.$. ^ REbecca,hcrfinne. J-*-F Reafonofroanisblindin fpintuall thinges. 2.2.15. Reafonhis force and nature. a.2.i. Redemption is onely in Chrift. 3.6.1. Regenciacion through faith. ?•}•'• Rcgeneracion,the endofit. i.. 15.4.8c 3.3.19. Rtgeneracion after the opinio ofthe Anabaptifts.3.3.14. Regiment in man is double. 3. 15. 15. & 4.20.1. Religion, the beginning ofit. i.i 2.1. Religion the true. I.2.2.&.I.4.3. Remifiion offinnes isonelyin Chrift. 4.1.20. Remiflion of linnes the entrie into the church and kingdo of God. 4. 1.20. Renouncehimfclfe, what it is. J.3.8.& 3.7.1,2. Repeticionsfaniilier with the lewes. '-'S'}' Repentance true. J'J5* Repentance true proceadeth of faith. ?•}•'• Repentance the fpeciallgift of God. 3,3.11.^ 3.24.15. Repentance part ofthe gofpell. ?-}•'• Repentance IS no Sacrament. 4.15.14,15. Repentance the effeftofit. 3.3.15,16. Repentance is not in God. 1.17.12. Repentance of Achab. 3 J-iJ-8: 3.20.1 J. Reprth.nfions tolawbrekers. 2.5.11. Reprobacion is by the will of God. 3. 22. 11. Raprobates hatefull to God 3.24.16. Reprobates are without excufewhc they do fin. 3.23.5 Reprobates feare not God as they ought to do. 3.2.27. Reprobates faith. 3.2.11,12. Reprobates miTerable cftate. 3.25.6. Reprobates fhalbegreuoufly punifhed. 3.25.12. Reprobates may and can heare gods word. 2.5.5. Refurreftion of Chrift. 2.16.13. Refurredion ofthe flefh is hardly to be beleued. 3.25.3. Refurreftion is comen to the good and theeuill. 3.25.^. Refurreaionfhalbeinameruelous order. 5.25.8. Rcuelations offolifhphanatikes. 1.5.1. Reuengingis to be left to God. . 2.8. 57.& 4.20.20. Reuenging luftes are forbidden. Ibidem. Rome IS not the head of all Churches. 4.7.17. Romifhe Bifhops doe vaynely chalenge the fucceflion ofthe Apoftles to them felfes onely. 4. 2.2,3. s. SAbaoih, the true keping ofit. a. 8. 28. Sabaoth how abolilhedbi the coming of chrift. 2.8. 3 1 Sabellius the hcrctike confuted. 1.13.4. Sacrament, the fignification ofit. 4. 14.1. Sacrament is not without promi(e. 4.t4.3. Sacrament, the generall fignification ofit. 4.i4-i 8. Sacramets areonli two in the church. 4. 14.20. & 4.1 S.20 Sacramcts bemany by theiudgemetor lcholenie.4.15.1. Sacraments how to be vfed. 4-1 4.1 3 . Sacraments ofthe lawe,dift'er from them ofthe golpcil. 4.14.23,26. Sacrifice acceptable to God. 3-7'*» Sacrifice, th:: vfe ofit. 2. 7.1, 17. ?f 2.12.4. Sacrifice of th:fai:hfi:ll. 4.18.4,16. Saducecs opinion of Angels. i-'4'9' Saducees opinion of foules. i -i 5.2. Saducecs are confuted. 2. 10. 23. & 3.25.5. SaluationcoinmethofgodseleSion. 3.24.4,5. S.ilujtion of ihe faithfuJlis fully in Chrift. a.i 6.15. Sal'jation, four caufts ofit. * 3.14.17,21. S.impfon how he offended God in reuenging. 3.20.15. Sandimony oflyfcis the endeofeledion. ?•*?•' 2. Sanctifying of gods name, what it is, 3.20.41. Sara, her otfence. 3.2.31. Sathan the anchor of finne. 1.14. 15. iiathanche author of ftrife. 4 '7 i. VVV.ij. Sathaa THE TABLE. SarhanRaihdiucrfe names.. 1.14.1}. Sathjii is called the fpirice of God. 2-4-5« Sarhan the mimller of Goddes vvratR and punifhtnent. 1. 18. 2. & 2.4.2. Sathancounttrfjiccch God. r.8.2.&4.i4.i9. Sath.in can do nothing but by Gods fufftrauce. 1.14 17. & 1.17.7. Sjth.m can not hurt the Church as he would. 1.14.18. Sathans craft and guile. 5.20.4^. & 4.1.1,11,1 j. & 4.i4.i<>. & 4.1 5.15. & 4.1 .9- 3 . Solon. 4. J 0.9. Sonne worf hipped of the Perfians. iii.i. Sophiites fajth intricate. 3 2.2. Sorrow is of two kindes. 3,3.7. & 3.4.2. Stoikes opinion of ncceffitie. i.i (1.8. Subdeacons in the Church. 4.4.1 o. Subdeacons in Popery. 4. ' 9- ? ?• SiibtiltieofG cgory thevij. 4.11.13. Summc ofthe hw. 2.8. ir. Summcof the gofpcll. J., I I a, Supeift:cion,thL bi.i.>inning ofit. i.'i l.i." SuperftitiondiffLrcth from true religion. 1.12.1. Supcrftitions how they may be abrogated. 2.3.ibe fallowed. j.JO 4;. VVdl of God rule of luftice. 3- 1 3 • J- VViU of ma how it is aboliiii»dinthe regenerate i-j. 15. Will & Vndcrftadiiio jre cvvopartes of the foule.i.i 5.7. Will of man is in Gods hand. 2. 4. 6, 7. VVifedome the true. i.i.i, Workesof the holyGhoft. 4.14.8,9. Workesdo not iuHiHe. 3.17.11. VVoikcsofcheflefh precede of originalliinne. 4.i5.is< Workes of fupererogatioa. Workes, their iuUice. Workes good come of Gods grace*. Workes good come of fjych. World was made for raans end. 3. 18. 1. 4.3.13. 413.20.. X. X Enophon, i.j.ii. 5f 4.11.J j. Xerxfes rpoyltthandburncth the Is-mplcs ofE^jpt. 4. I J- z. *7 Acharias the Popes falfchode. 4.7.'7i Zeale, hovvitis ftirred vp ofrepentaunce. j.j.i 5. Zeph fines conltitution for cclebiacing of Ma/Te 4.17 46. Zephora how f he circumciredherfonnet 4.1;. »i« AN OTHER TABLE IN WHICH arc contained the places of the Bible according to the courfe of the oUe and newTcftament. If at any time you do finde tn>o number sin the mar gent, the fir Hfignifieth the Chapter of the ^i- h'ejhefecondjheweth the Verfe of the fame Chapter: but if you finde one number alone,thea ti:at fiqnifieth the Verfe onely . The fir Fi number put after the textfignifieth the ^ooke of the Infiitutions , thefecond the Chapter » and the third the Sexton. I.I. 2. J- II. z6. t7- 18. GENESIS. N the beginning God created heaue and earth 1.14 20. And the fpirite of God was vpon the deepes. 1. 13. 14. and 1.13. 22. AndGodfjyd jtetlifihtbemade, and lighc"vai. 1. 13 7 andi.13 S.andi i. 3 J. 3.4. The Serpent fayd to the woman, ye fhall not dye. I.14.I5' If. Theiefore the vvomaaraw that the tree was good to cate , and beautiful] to the eye , and pleafaunt to looke vpon, and iTie toke ofthe fruce therof , and did eate.anddidgeue tohcr hufband,vvliich did eate« 2.1. 4. 15. I will pur hatred betwene thee and the woma, be» twene thy fccde and the feedc of her, fhe fhal brufc fmall thy h;ad, and thou f halt lay vvaite tointrappe hisheele. 1.14.13 & 2.13.1. 17. Inthyl.ibonrs ihou fhalteate therof all the daiesof thy life. 3.14.1 ?.& 2.10. 10. ii. Now therfore leaft he ftretch forth hishand,& take alfooftiie tree of life, and eate thereof and liue for euer, let vs caft him out. 4.1 4.1 2. 4.4. And the Lord had regard to Abell and tohisgiftes* 3.14.8. 7. And her defire f halbe fiibieft vnto tb€e,& thou shalt be Loi doner it, or thou shalt rule ouer it. 2.15.16. i. And whe they were in the field, Cain rofe vp againft his brother Abtll, and (life h'm. *.rojc. THE TABLE. ■O. The voyce of the bloud of thy brother, cryeth vnto me from the earth, j. 1.7. 13. My iniquitieisgreater then that Imaye gettepar- don.j 3.4. tf.j. My ipirice fhall not abide in man for euer,bicaufe heisflefh.&c. 3.14.1. 5. But the Lorde feing that there was much vvicked- nc.Te of men on the earth, and that euery thought of their harces vvasbenttoeuill atall times, 2. 2. 25. €, Then it repented the Lorde chat he had made man on the earth. 1. 17. 12. t?. I will make my couenaunt with thee.4.i4.. Cos thy waies forth to the flocke, and bring vnto me two good Kiddes,i;c. J.5 ji. He went and brought , and gaue vnto his mother. 2.10.14. So foone as he fenced the fmell of his garmentes, blefling him,he faid.beholdc the fmell of my fonne as the fmell of a full iidd the vvhiche the Lorde hath bleired.?.ii.2}. Efauvvitha grcathoulingvvepc J. J.24.&: J- J.:?. Thy blelling rh.ill exceede in the fatneJlc of the earth, and in the dewc ofheautn.3.3.2 j. J. Ifa.ic therforeKtIacob depart- 2. 10.12. And he fawe in his fleepe a l.tdder ftandingon the earth, and the top therof touchingheauen,2.i).2. And alfo the Angels of God going vp aud going dovvneby the way.i.i 4.12. lacob therfore rifing early, tooke the ftone vvhiche he did laye vnder his head , and he reared it vp for a remembraunce,pouiing oyle therupon. i.ii.i 5. I will offer the tenthes vnto thee, of all thinges that thoufhalt geue me. 4. 1 5.4. 20. lacob ferued forRachell 7.yeares.2.io.ii. And in the eiicning he brought in Leha his daughter to Iacob.2. 10.12. FilHppe the vveeke ofdayes of this couoling, andl will geue hervnto thee for the workeby vvliiche thou fhalt feruemein7.other yearcs.2 lo.i 2. I. But Rachel! feing that fhe was vnfrutcfull,fhe enuied h:r fifter,aud faid vnto her huf band, geue me children, otherwife I will die. 2. 10. 12. VVhetherorno am I a God that hath taken from thee the frute of thy vvombePx.i^.j. 3 1. 1 5. And Rachel! ftole away the Idolls of her father. I. II. 8. 23. Who tooke his brethren vnto him, & following af- tei him 7. daics, he tooke him in the mount Gilead, 2. 10.12. 40. Day and night I was opprefTed with heatc & colde, and fleepe was farre from my eyes. 2.10. i 2. 53. Therefore lacob fvvore by the Rare of his father Ifaac. 2. 8. 27. J 2.1. lacob went on the iourney tlwt he had taken in hand, and the Angels ofthe Lcrdmcthim. 1.14.5. 7. lacob feared wond;rfully,&c.2.io i 2. 10. lamnotworthy < f theleaft of all thy compadionj, and all the truth vv!iich thou haft fhe wed vnto thy feruaunt : for with myftsffehaue I pa.Ted ouer tliis lordan.3.20.i4.& 3.20.26. 11, Uehuer me fro the hand of my brother Efau, bicaufe 1 fcare him very much, leaft he comming, doe ftrikc themotherwithherfonnes.2.io.i2. & j. 20.1 4. 28. For if thou were ftrong againft God,hovvmucb more fhalt thou preuaile againft men? 1. 14. 5. J5>. Jacob afkcd liim , tell me whit is thy name? he an- fwered, why dooft thou feekeaft^r my name thr vvhiche is maruellous ? and he blefled nim in thae place. 1. 1 3.10. 30. And lacob called the name of that place Phanuell, faying, I fawe the Lorde face to face,3nd my fouleis fafe.i.13.10. 3J.3. And he going forth vvorf hipped proftrate on the tarthfeuen times, vinil hisbrotnerdrucnie.2.io.i2» 3 4, J. lacob vnderftode that he had rauiflied iiis daugh- ter Dina.2.io.i2. 25. Simeon and Leui the brethren of Dina, went into the Citie boldly with their fvvordes ,and all the male being flaine,&c. 2. 10.11.& 4.1 . 24. ap. You haue troubled rae, and h.uie made me be hated ofthe Chananites and Pharefites inhabittrs of this countrey.3.io.i2. 35.18. But her foule departing for greefe,& death being now at hand, fhe called,&c. 2.10.1 2. 22. Ruben went, and fltpt with Bala the Concubine of his father, that was not vnknowen vnto Iiim, 2.10. I 2. & 4.1.24. And the Madianites Marchauntes pafling by, they drue him out ofthe Cefterne, they folde him to the Ifmaelites forxx.peeces of filuer money.4.1.24. They tooke his coate, fending them vvJiich bare it to his father,&c. 2.10.1 2, 38.18. Therefore the vvoman conceaued at one copula- tion,&c. 2. ic. 12. & 4.1.24. 42.6. The brethren of lofeph came and didreuerenc* vntohim.i.i 2. 3. 3. "I hy tenches and iirft frutes thou fhaltnotbe flacke topayt-.j 7.5. Sj.i. Thou ihilt not admitte a lye, neither fhaltthoa ioyne thy hand, that thou i houldtft beare falfe vvit- ncHe forths vvicktd.2.8.47. 4 If thou fhnlt mctte thi; Oxc or AflTe of thy enemie go- ing aftray,bring him backc vntohim.2.8.5'>. 5. Ifthou f halt fee th^r All'e ofhim thdt hateth thee lye vnderhis burden, thou f halt not palfe by, but f liah lift it vp together with him.2.8.56. 12. That thy Oxe and thy A(le m.iyc tdkcrtlt, and that the fonne of thy handmaiden may be refrefh^d, and the fl:raunger.2.5.j2. ij. And ye 1 hall not fvveare by the name ofoutwarde Gods, neither fhall it be hjard out of your mouth. 1 8.25. I j>. Thou fhalt cirry the firft of thy frutes into the houfe of ihe Lord thy God. 3.7. 5. 20. Behold,! wilfend my Angel, which may go before thee, and may keepe thte in the vvay, and may bring thee into the place whch Ihaue preparcd.i.i4.. 31. 31.3. And Ihaue filled Befeleell with the fpiritofGod^ vvitl\ wifedome, vnderftanding, and knowledge in cche vvorke.2.2.i(J. I J. See that you keepe my Sabaoth, bicaufe it is afigne betvvene me and you in yourgenerations.2.8.2i), J 2.1. Arife, make vs Gods tnat maye goe before vs, for why, vve knovvcnot what hath happened to this man Mofes, that brought vs out of the lande of B- gypt.i.ii.8. 4. And they faid , thefe be thy Gods, O Ifraell , which brought thee forth of the land of Hgypt.i.ii.p. 47. Lttcuerymanput his fvvordeby his fide, and go< to and fiofrom gate to gate thorowe the hotte, and fiaye euery man nis brother, and frend , and ntigh- bour.4.20.10. 32, Eitherpardon them this fault, or els iftliou doc it not, wipe me out of the books whiche thou haft written. 3. 20.3 5. J3.15). I vviUh.iue mercyeon whomlvvill, andl will be fauourable vnto v\ hom it fhall pleafe me. 2. 5.17. & j.ii.ii. & 3.22.6,8. & 3 24.1 5. 20. Thou canlt not fee my face:,for man fhall not feeme and liue. f.11.3. 34. ff. The Lord palling before him,he faid: the Lord, the Lorde,ll.ronge, mercifall, and gracious, pacient and of much mercy, 1. 1 0.2. 7. Which dotit pay e the iniquitie of the fathers to the children, and vpon the childrens children, vnto the third and fourth generation. 2.8. 1 9 . 28. Therefore Mofes was there with the Lord 40.daies and 40.nightes,he eate neither bread, nor dronkc vvator.i.S.j. & 4.12.20. 2$. And when Mofts came downe from the mount Sinai, the two Tables of teltimonye were in his handcs (and he vvifte not that the fkmne of his face did fhine bright after that God had talked with him). 1. 8. 5. J J .2. You fhall vvorke fixe daies,the feuenth day fhall be vnto you the holy Sabaoth of the Lordes rclt. 2.8.25?. JO. Beholde, the Lord hath called byname Befeleel thj fonne of Vri, the fonne of Hur of the Tribe of Iiidah. 2,2.1^ 40.34. And a cloude did couer the Tabernacle, the ma- icftie ofthe Lord glittering and fhining. 1.8.5. LEVITICVS. i.i. T TT THofoeiier of yon fhall offer a facrilice vn- V V to theLorde,ye ihall oflvrrit ofcattcll, as ofBcefcs andof fhecpe.4.14.10. 4. And he fhall put hi,s hand vppon the head ofthefa- crificc, andit fhall be acceptable and profitable foT h'S attoncment.4.3.i(?. 5. And he fhall ojfer vp the calfe before the Lorde. 4.18. II. 4.2. A fouie whenit fhall fin^e through ignorauncein any ofthe comaundcmentes ofthe Lcrd,&c. 4 i.i8. 5.1 }. Andthepricft fhall make an artonement for him as touching his finne , that he hath finned in one of thefe pointcs, & it fhall beforgeuenhim,&c.2.i7.4. i.6. And all the m^iltitude being gathered together be- ■XXX.J. two THE TABLE. fore the doere of the Tabeinack,he vvafhed Aaroa andhis foancs.^-j.ij- 11.44. B.J you holy bicjul'e I am holy. 4.1 j). 2 J. i(>.i. Spcikcvnto .^aronthy brother, that hi; enter not ech= time into the fanccuarye thatis bctvvene the rale before the propiiiacorye.&c.i.i 5.6. %t. And Aaron putting both h:s handes vppontheliue Goate,conffclfcd all the iniquities of the children of lfracll,&c.5.4 10. x8. J. The vvh:ch chingcs if a man do,he fhalUiue ill the. 2.8.4. & i.iy.j. & J. 14.1 J. & j.jy. }. 6, None f hall come neere any of the ne.Kt of his bloude that he fhould reitealc their fhamefulneffe. 4.1^.1 j. 15,2. Bj you holy, bicaufe I ti-.e Lord your God am holy. 2.8.14. & 5.6. 2.tJ: 4 i<>.25. 1 s. Thou fhalt not forfvvearc in my name, neither f halt thou deiik- the name ofthy God. IamtheLorde,t>:c. 2.8.24. »6. Thou fhalt notb; a falfe accufei" nor a vvhifperera- mongell the people. 2.8.47. 18. Thou fhalt not leeke autiigemet, neither fhalt thou bemindfuUof the wrongs ofthy Citizens to thee. 2.8. 56. & 4 20.15». ji. You fhall draw away yourpromifcs from the that vvorke with fpintes^neithsr inquire you any thing of fothfaicrs that you fhould be polluted by theru. 4.1. J. 10.(5. The foule vvh:che follovveth after conUirers and fothfayers , and goeth a vvhooring after t&em,I v viil put my face againlt him,6cc.i.8.5. 7. Sandlihe your lelaes,and be you holy, bicaufe I your Lord God amholy. 4 19.25. 5. HevvhichcurfetKhis father or mother, fhall die by death.2.8.36. 2^.3. If youfhall walke in my vvai:s,and fhallkcepe my commaundementes, and do them. 2.5.10. 4. 1 vvillgeueyouraineiiihis time.i.i6.5.& 2.8.4. 11, I will walke amongeft you, & I will be your God, and you fhall be my people. 2. 10.8. ao. Your ftrength fhall be confumed in vaine , the earth fhall not bring forth her frute, ncithtr the trees, &c. 3.20.44. Sj. Yet if by thefe you will not receaue my difcipline, but will vvalkfe contrary vntome.i .1 7.8. j(f. Aftervvardes I fhall haue broken tlie Ibffi of vour bread, in fuch fort, that tenne women mays b.ikc bread in one ouen,and they fhall deliuer ihvtnby waight, Sec. 3.20.44. 53. Butyoul vvilldifparce asnongeft the nations, and I will dravve out a fvvorde aftsr you, andyour iande fhall be defert,&c.2.ii.i. j6. And fuch ofyou as fhall remaine , I will caufc fearc in yourhartes.i.i3.2. & 2.4.5, NVMBERS. C^. A Lthe vvhileofhis feperation,th: raforfhal not x\ pafl'e ouer by his hEad.4.1 . 1.30. The Lord thy God will harden his fpirite,& will make hishartobitinate, to that he fhall be deliutred into thy handes.i.i8.2.& 2.4..3.& 2.4.4. 4.2. You fhall not adde to tlie worde whiche Ifpea'ce vnto you, neither take thertfrom.4.<>.2. 7. Neitheris there a nation lb great, whiche hath th;, Gods foathande,as our God is athande at euery of our requeftes. 3.24.1 J. 5. Keepe thy fclfe iherfore and thy foule carefully,th3S tliou forgette not the wordes that thy eyes blue feene, and let them not depart out ofthy hart all the daies of thy life,&c.2.8,y. If. And you came vnto the foote of the hill, which did burne to heauen,and there was therein darknelle, cloudes,and miftcs.i.11.3. 15. Keepe your foules therefore cartflilly. you fawnot any hkenede in that daye that the Lorde Ipake vnto you. I. II. 2. i5. Lellthat being deceaued , youfboulde make vnto your ftlues fome grauen fimilitude,or image of m::le or female. 2.8. 17. 17. The liktncilc of euery beaftthjt bs vppon the eartSi, orcfflying birdes vnderthehc.iuc-ns.2-.8.i7. 5.14. That thy feruauntandhandiDaidc may reft as well as thou. 2. 8. 32. 17. Thoufhiltnotkill.4.20.10. 6.y. Louc the Lord thy God with all thy hart, and with all thy rirengt''..2.7.5.& 2.8. 51. & 3.ii>.4. 13. Thou fhalt fe..'r.e the Lorde thy God,^andferuehim onely,and thoufhalt fvveareljyhis name.2.8.2 J. '^ Ji?. Thoiifh.tlt.not t^mpre the Lorde thy God,as thou c«uipteft bijaia the pla« of ceniptation.4.1 3.3. 35. He '4 »3- If- 8.1. 9.6. t5. He will Iiaus mercy vponvs, I'fvve doe keepe & dos all his commaundcmints before our Lord God as hs hatlicommaunded vs. 5.17-7. fj.C. Bicaufe thou arc a holy people vnto the Lorde thy God : the Lord thy God hath chofen thee, chat thou fhouldfclt be vnto him a peculiar people of all the people which be on the earth. 2.8.14. J. Not bicaufe you did precede in nuber the reft of the nationSjis the Lord ioyned vnto you &harhchofen youjwhe asyou be thekaftofall nations: j.iz.j. 8. But bicaufe the Lorde loued you, and did keepe hii othe thathefvvore toyoi;rfathers,&c. j.22.5. ^, And thou fhalt knovve, bicaufe the Lorde he is the ftrong God and faithfull, keeping coucnaunc & mer- cye with them that lone him , and with them thac keepe his commauiidcmcnt.j.i7.5. 13. Ifafteryoufhjilheare thefeitidgementes, you fh.iU keepe and do them,th; Lord thy God will keepe the ccKienauntand nieicy with thee, vvhiche hefvvore to thy fathers .3.17.1. Andne wJlUoue thee, and blc/Te and multiplye the fruteofthy vvombe, and the fruteofthylande,&c. J.17.1. And thou fhak remember all thy iourney by the which the Lord thy God lead thee 40.yeares by the defer t ,thac he might .afflide dice and proue thee. j.20.4.i^. They fhall geue vnto him,ashehad thought to haiie done vnto nis brother. 4. 20.1 6. ai.i8. Ifa man fhall beget a contumelious & ftubborne fonne, which v vill not be ruled by his father or mo- ther , andfhall contemne to obey tobe challencJ, &<:.2.8.3(J. 13. He is curfedofGod thathangeth onatree. 2.7.15. & 1.16.6. 23.5. And he will tnme liis curfe into a bUfling, bi- caufe he did luue thee. 3.21. 5. 24.13. But biandby thou fhalt rettore vnto him his pledge before the funnefet, that flecping in his gar- ment he maye blefTe thee, and that thou maieft haue righteoufnelle before the Lord thy God. 3. 17.7. atf.iS. Btholde, the Lord hath chofen thee this cay, that thou fhouldeft be vnto him a peculiar people, ;is hcc tolde thee, and thac thou raignteft keepe all his pre- ceptcs.2.8.i4. ij.i6. Curfcd be he thit doth pot abide by the vvordes of this lavve, and thac doch noc throughly do them invvorke, 2.7.5. & 2.7.15. & 2. itf.S. &3.ii.ii).fic 3.15.1.&: 3.14 13. 5c 3.17,1. & 5.17..9. 28.1. If chou fh.ilrhearc the voice oftheLord thy God, that thou doe and keepe all his commaundementes that I commaundj thee this day, the I orde thy God vvil make thee excelknter the all nations thac dvvcl on the earth. 1. 17. 8. & 2.5.10. a. All thefebleflinpes fh.ill comcvppon thee, and fhall oucrtake thee if chou fhalt harke to thofe precepts. 1.8.4. 1 2. The Lord fhall open tiis bcft trcafure the heauen,and he fhall geuerainc vnto thy land, &c. I.I . Thefccrete ihinges belong vnco oiire Lorde God, but thofe that be manifcll,vnto vs and cur children for euer, that we may do eucry thing otth.islavve. 1. 17. 2. & 3.21,5. 3 O.J. And thou ihidtretiirne vnto him, and thou fhalt be obedient vnto his oouemmentjas I hauecomniau- d.d thee this day, with thy children,£.c.?.5.(^. 5. The Lord thy God fhall bring, thse backc from thy captiiiitie, andhe fhall hai;e raercveot th^e ,and)ii fhall gather thee to.geth.er againe fiom anidngtll all the nations amongeltvvhom he had fcattertd thee. 4.1. 14. (. The Lord thy Godwin circumcife thy hart, and the hart of thy fesde, that thou maitltloue the Lord thy God,&c.j..5.8.& 2.5.12.& j.j..tf.&4.i6.j. 10. If thoufhjltforall this heave the voice cfthel.orde thy God, and fhalt k^epe his preceptes and cersmo- nies which be commaunded in this lavv,&c. 1.7. 5. 11. The commgundement that I doe comnijunde thee this day, is not aboue thee, neither a farof 2.5 12. ij. Neither IS it fetbeyonde the fea, that thou fhoi.ldvft fay:vvho of vs fh'al go ouer the Lea & fetch it vs,t]iac vvemay heareit? i. 5.12. , 14. But the worde is very neere vnto thee, in thy mouth and hart, that thoii maielldoe it. 2.5.1 2- & 1 J. Confider that this daye I hauc put before thy f.ght life &good, and contrari wife, death & euill.3.17.1. z.p. I do callheauen and earth this day to vvitnjHe,thac I haue put before you , life and good , ble fling and curling: choofe therefore life, that thou maitllliue and thy feede. 2.514. & 2.7.3. ■J 2. 5. '1 hey haue corrupted themfelues toward him by their vice, not being, his childicu ^ buc «i frov vard and crookedgetoeration.i.8.5.- ,-.- . : $, When the almightie deuided the nations, when he feperated the fonnes of Adam,hee appointed the boundesofthepeopIe,&c.2,ii.ii. & 3.21.5. I J. The well beloued is waxen fatte : he hath kicked, being fvvolen vp with fatte, ha^th forfakenGod his maker, &c. 3. 8 5.. , ■; , ;,. 17. Th.yhaue oftercd vp to Deuillji, aninot to God. : 4.>?-'7. . , . :!... .;. ; ru . .' >i. They haue prouoked me vvith that which was not God. I.I J.1 J. ^5. Vcngcaunceismine, and I will revvard,&c. 2.8.5^. &4.20.IP. .46. Set your lurtes vppon all the vvordes that I teftific vnto you this daye, that you mayecommaund them vnto your children, th it tney may cbferue and do all the vvnrdes of chelavve.i.j. 1 3. 35.5. All holy men be inhis hand.1.10.,9. 2j). Blcfled art thou Olfiasljvvho is like thee Opepf)le, which art fauedin theLord?;.-'c. 2..I0.8. J4.J. AndMofe; tlie fci;natfnt of the Lorde diedm^tbe landof Moab,the Lord eommaunding.4.<>.u.. I d s¥M. i-7- CVVarue not from it, fteither to the right hand O nor to the Ufc, that thou niaiell vndeiltand all ihinges that thou doeft. 4.5). li. . . %. The volurae of this L.-ivYe fhall not dcparte from "thy mouth, buc thou fhak meditate thereon daye ani. night, ciic. 4.J'-ii- 2.1. Who going forth, entred the houfe of a vvomart harlot, named R.ihab,&c 5.24.11. p. 1 haue knowen that the Lorde hath deliucred vnto you the land, f jr why, the feare of you hath fallen vpon vs,anJa;l the inhabitauntes or the land hath Linted.2.4.6^. n. And we hearing thef; thinges,fe.ired vvondcrfally, 3tn6 the hart of vs fainted, neither va as there anye courage left in vs at the tntraunce ofyou;Forthe Lord your God, he is God in heauen aboue , andin earth beneath 2.4:6. 5.14. I am th; chefe of thehoftecfthc Lord. 1.14.5. 7.1^. Andlofiiahfaid to Acan5,my fonne,geue glory vrr* the Lorde Godof Ifracll, a.Tdcor.fvileandlhewvn- to me v\hit thou h.5ftdone.2.8.24. 1 o.T J. And iheSitnneandMooneltooJeflill.i .i6.t. 11.20. It v\as the ludgement of the Lorde, th.it their hartes f hould be hardened, & that they Taould fight agamlUfraell.i.iS.i. 24.2. Your fathers dvveltbeyond the flud, from the be- ginnirgjCuenThare thefathercf Abraham, & the fa- ther orNador, & they ftruedftraunge GoJs.i.u.J. & 3.24,2. 3. I tooke your father Abraham from the borders of Mefopo.tamia , and I brought hiiu uito the Tand of Chanaan^c.j.24.2. IVDGES. 2.r. A Nd the Lord went vp from Gilgall to a place x\ of>&c.i.«4.5, 18. And vyhen the Lorde had raiTed the vpludges,. in thoie daies,he was moued vvichconipaflion,,ind didheare the grones of theiraffliCticns,&c. j.3.25. & 31.20.15. ly. YecafLcrtheludge was dead, they were tunied, 8c they did much worfe then their fathers did, follow- ing lira unge Gods. 3. j. 2 5. 3.5. And they cried vi.to the Lorde, which raifed vnto them a fauior, and he deliuered them. 5.20. 15. & ,4. 20. 30. 12. And the children oflfraell began againe to doe euill in the fight ofthe Lord. 3.20.1 5. . I 5. And .ifterwardes they cried vnto the Lorde, vvlucf? raifed them vp a fauior,5>:c.3.20.i J. <>.ii, .The Angeliof the Lorde caii^eand fatce vnderthe Oke.i.14.6. 14. And the Lord looked vpon him, and/aid : goe in, this thy lirength and thou fhalt deliiier llraeli from the hind ofthe Median. 1. 1 3.10. & 1.14.5. 34. But the fpirite ofthe Lorde clothed Gedion, \'vho founding a trompet, called together thelicuft of A- biezertnjt it f hould follow him. 2.. 2.17. 37. I vvil put this fleeceof vvollin the threifhingphccr if devve fhall be in the onely fleece, and drinefle on all the groundj&rc. 4.14.1 8. 8.27. And Gedian made tliereof an Ephod, and put it in ;: . . . ih.is Citie Ephra , and all Ifraell .went a yvhoorir <- there after it, which was the dcitrudion.of Gedior. ,',f, ; and his houfe. 4. 1 0.2 5. u'.ll - ;>^.2o. But iffrovvardly,let fire come forth irom Abim'e- lecb, and confume the inhabitauiittS 6fSech^m,and . the; tovvneQfMello,&c. 3.20.1 5., ; - _ 11.30. Itphthe vowed a vowc.v_nto the: Lord, fayingr if thou f h lit deliuer th.v fonnes of Ammqa iato my h3ndes,&c.4.i3.j. ■ I } .10; Beholde^the man appeared vnto me which I did : f.-ebefore.i.i4.6. 16, To whom.the Angcllanfwered^f thoucompellme, J vvillr.oc eate of thy bread, but jf thou wilt n^ike burn? THE TABLE. burnt offirin?, offer that viHo ths Lord, i .i 3 .i o. rS. Why doeft thou ijiquire after my name, that is mar- ueliou£?i.i j.io. rj. Therfore Manoah tookea kidde of the Goatcs and meate ofteringes, and put it vppon the ground, offe- ring It vnco ihe L<;rd^.4.io.2 5. 21. We fhall die the dcath^bicaiife we hjue feene the Lo d.i.i J.IO.& 1. 14. 5. 2j. Ifihe Lord would kill vs, he would not haue recea- iied a burnte ottering and meate oftcringes a: our handes.i.ii.io. 16,28. OLoide n-.y God bcmindfull of me ,and geue me now mine oldc itrengtli, that I maycreuengeme of my enemies. 5 .;o.i 5. 21.25. ^''' thofeddies there was no king in I'Vaell, but eu-eryone did that that feemtd ngnt in his ovvne eyes. 4. 23.3). RVTH. J.I J . T F he vvi!! not hnue thee, I will tike thee without any doub:.- ■lhjLordliuetli.2.8.27. I. SAMVEL. i.ij.T) Vt Anna fp.ikcin her hart, and oncly hsrl'ppes fj didmoue.andhervoics^ was not atallhea-d, vvh.-refore Hcli thought ihc was dronkcn. 3.20.35. s.tf. The Lord doth kill and quicken, he doth lead vnto hell and bring echbacke aga;ne.3.20.52. 5, Hs will kcepe the fecte of h s Saindes: and the wic- ked fhall keepe filencc in daikneiVe. 2.1 0.1 8. 10. And h^vviil geue rule vnto his king: and he will ex- alt the home of his annointed. 2.6.2. 25. And they heard not the voice of their fither,bicaure the Lord would kill them.i.i8.;.& 3.24.14. 34. And this fhall be a (ignc vnto ihee, that 1 hill come vpon thy twofonnes Ophae and Phinecs: they fhall diebothoncne day.i.io.i. 6. p. And you fhnll fee , and if fo itgoe vppe by the way ofhis coaftes againll Bcthfamcs,h.- did vs this gr,.-3t euvll,&c.i.i(>.9. 7.3. If you do turne vnto thj I ord,vvith all your hartes, put awaye the ttraunge Gods from amongcilyoii, Baalemand Afcaroth, and prepare your hartes vnto the lord, &c. J. 3. 5. «£, And in thit day they faftediand thryfaid there : wc hiue rmned3gainllth;L(ird.4.ia.i7. 17. Hv built there an altar to the Lord. 4. 10. 25. • 8.7. They haue not caft of thee, but me, that I f hbdde not rule outr them. 4 20.. AndIwilforthis,affliiS the feadof Dauid,butnot for euer.2.5,2. 12.10, And theyonge men fayd vnto him which vvcr« brought vp together with him, fpeake thus vnto this people, &c. 1 .17.7. I J. And the kinge barkened not vnto the people, becaufit theLorde was aduerfarie vnto him, &c. 1.17.7. &.1.18. 4. & 2,4.6. 20. Neither did any follow the houfe, ofDauid, but ths tribe of luda onely,&c.i.i8.4. 28. Counfell being taken, he made two golden cal- uts, and fayd vnto them:go not further vp to leru- fale,behold thy gods Ifraell which brought thee. &c.4.2,8. 30, And this thing turned to finne, for the people went to vvorfhipeuentoday.4 20.32. 31. And he made a houfe in highe places, and priltes of therafcalsof the people which were not of the Sonnes of Leui.4. 2.8. 1 5. 4.But for Dauids fake the Lorde his God gaue him a light in lerufalem, that he fhould rayle vp his fonne after him, and that he fhould eftablif he lerufalem. 2 6.2. 18.10. The Lorde thy God liueth, there is no nation or kingdomcinto they which my Lorde hath notfent. &C.2.8.27. 41. And Elias fayd to Acab: cum vp and eate & drinke, becaufe theris afounde ofmucnrayne.2.20.j. 42. But Elias came vp vnto the top of Carmel, and he put his face groueling on the earthe between his knees. 2. 20. J. 43. And he fayd vnto his boy,goevp andloke towards the fea: who when he went and fawe and had bs- holden,he fayd, theris nothing:and he fayd vnto hina 3gaine,returne feuen times. 2. 20. j. 15. 8. And he walked in the llregth of that meat 40.daies and40,nightj, euenvntill the hill of God Horeb. 4.12.20. 18. 1 haue left vnto my felfe in Ifraell 7000. men, vvhofc knees haue not bowed before Bale. 4. 1,2, 21.12. They proclaimed a fdft, and fetNaboth amongeft the chiefeofthe people. 4.1 2.17. 28. And the word ofche Lord came vnto Elias theThef- byte,faying.3.3.25. 2JJ. Hall thou not feen Achab humbled before me?be- caufc he was hubled before of me, I will not bring the euellinhis daies, &c. 3. 3.25. & 3.20.1 5. 3 2.tf.ThekingofiIfraell gathered therelore about 400. Prophets. 4. i). 2j. VVhomlmy ielte fhall fee, and my eyesfhall be- lioldand none ocher,&c. 1,10. ly. H.ij. They leade their daies in happynes, andinamo- meat they goe down to the graue.i.io.iy. 2 J. 5. Behould, the Moone doth not fhine in his fightjSc iheScarres be nocclcane. 3.12.1. i6.i 4. Lo, thefe be parte of his vvaies : but how littell a portion heare we of him.^ And who ca vnd .-rltand his fcarefuil povverJi.ij.i. aS.iJ. Vv'hi.'r is wil'edome found, and what place is there of vnderltanding? 1.17.2. «i. It is hid from the eyes ofaliliu)ng,from the foules of the ay re It is alfokepcclofe. Ibidem. 2.3. ButGod vnd^rllandech the way thereof, and he knowech the way th.-reof. Ibidem. cS. Andhe fayd vnto man, behold, the.feare of the Lord is vvifedome,and to depart from euJllis vnderltan- ding.1.17. 2. & J. 2. 26. ,j4.jo. v"/ho cauftth an hypocrite toraignefot the fins of the pcop!e.4.2o.2 5. } 6. 27. Who rtllray neth the drops of rayne,and poureth down fhov vers in maner oi- Itreames.i. j.5. 41. 2. .And who gaue me rirlte that I fhould geue him? againe,, al that is vndtr the heauen bee myne. 3.14.5. PS AL MES. i.i, nnHeman is blellthath.nh notlcdhis lifeaccor- ■ i ding to the counfel of the wickid, neither that haih abidden in ihe way of finners. 3.17.10. -, But his wil is in theLav v ofGod,& inhis lav^v wil m3ditatedayandnig'it.2.7.i3. 2.2. The Kinge? of the earth itoode togeth;r, and the Princes all'embled in one, agaiiiftthe Lorde, anda- gain(lhisanoynced.2.nS.3. ^. Let vs breake the bands a fonder, and let vs throwe From vs thjr yock. Ibidem. 4. H.- that dwelleth in heauen fhall laughs them to fcorne ,the Lord fhall haue them in denlion. 1.5.1, &2.ltf.}. 8. Afkeufme&I willgiue thee tlic gentelsfor.inin- hvricaunce, undforthy poilcflions the end..s of the earth. 2. u. II. ff. Thou f h.ilc rule the with an yron rodde, and thou fhall breake them as an earthen vefTell. 2.15 5. c< 4.1.1^. 12. Laye hould of difciplicn, lealteth.it the Lorde bee angrie, and you perii h from the righte way. 2.6.2. &.4.20.5.& 4.20.2^. 3.$. HL-pt and fljumbred, androofe vp againe, be caufe the Lorde ti^kc vponliim tokcep me.j 2.17. 4.7. The light of ihy countsuauncc hath ben (ealed vpon vs. 1. 11. 1 4. 1 wil be early prcfent before tJiee, 3c I will vveace: for thou art a god chat lout th not iniqui tie. 3.20.1:. 1 Will enter into thy hou e in the multitude of thy rncrcie, and I will worfhippe at thy holy temple iii thyfearc.j.2.23.& 3-:o.ii. 6.1. OLordereprouemcnotinthyfurie,and correal me not in thine angre. 3 . 4. 5 :. 7.tf.A!:ie O Lorde m thy angre,andbe thou exalted in th; quarters ofmy enemies, &c. 3.20.1 5. fi. ludge me O Lord according to my righteoufnelTe 8c 5 4 accorling to t'^.e mnocencie ofmy caufe. j. 17.14. ' 8.3. Thou haft made parfed thy praitrs by ih.mouthof infants and iuchngs. i.itf. 3. 5. What is man that ihou art mindefull of himPor the Sonne of man that thou doeftvifae him.^ i.5. 3.^ 2.13.2. ^.iO.And Llv.y may truftinthe, that haue knovven thy naipe.3.2.3 1. 10. 1 3. He fayd in his harte,God hath forgotten, he hath tourn;d away his face that he fhould not fee at the ends 1.4.2. II 4,The Lord in his holy Temple. 1.5.1. i2.2.Th-'y h.iue fpokcn vainc thinges euery man to his neighbour:de!''eytfulllipp,s,. 10. Allthe waiesoftheLorde are mercye and truth to them that feeke after his vvill,&c.j.20.7.& j.17.2. 11. Forthy name fake, OLorde, thou i hilt be merciful! vntomy linne,forit is great, j. 17. 2. ti, Loke vpon my affli(Sion and trauell, and forgeue all my fin nes. J. 20. p. iS.i. ludge me OLorde, for I hsue walked inmyinno- cencie.and trulting in the Lorde, 1 fhall not Aide. J. 17.14. 1. Proue me OLorde,andtryeme, examine my raines andhart. 5.20.4^. 5, Ihaue hated the congregation of the wicked,andl will not fit with the vngodly.j.17.14. S, O Lord I haue loued the beaune of thy houfe, 8c the place of the habitation of thy glory. 1.11.14. <). Deftroye not my foule with the wicked, and with menof,&c.j.i7.i4. 27.1. The Lorde is my light and my health : whom fhall Ifeare?i.i7.u. J. Ifcampes fhall ftand againft me, my hart fhall not feare.i.i7.ii. 1 0. My father & mother hath forfaken me, but the Lord hath taken me vp.j.20.j6. 14. Hopein theLorQ,andbeftrong:andhe will comfort thy h3rt,andrruftintheLord.j.2.i7. a8.i?. The Lorde is the ftrength of his people, and the ftrength of the faluation of his annointed. 2.^.2. 2c 2.6. J. 2 <>. J . The voice of the Lord is vpon the waters, the God ofmaieftiehaththundred, theLo;de (is) vpon great waters.!. 6.4. ■S0.6. VVeping may abide at cuening,but ioye commcth in the morning, i .10.8 . 7. And in my profperitie,Ifaid, Ifhalneuerbemoued: 8. For thou O Lorde of thy goodnefl'e , diddeft geue ttrength vnto my beaucie , thou turncdft thy face fromnie,and I was troubled.j.8.2. a 1 .1 . I haue trufted in thee O Lorde, I fhall not be con- founded for euer : deliuer me in thy righteoufnerte. J. II. 12. €. I commend my fpirlte into thy handes, thou haft re- demed me,0 Lord God of truth, j .20,25. itf. My lots arein thy handes. 1.17. 11. J J . I laid in the heate of my minde, I am caft out fi o the face of thine eies. j .1.4. jS.i. Bleft'ed arc they whofe iniquities be remitted, and vvhofefinnes are couered. 3.4.25. & J.11.11.& 3.14. II. & J. 17. 10. 5. Ihaue made my fault knovven vnto thee, and Ihaue not hid mine vnrighteoufnerte ; I haue faid, I will confelfe againlt my felfc vnto the Lord mine iniqui- ties,&c;j. 4.9. €. For this fhall cuery one that is holy , in time conue- nient,&c.j.20.7, & j.io.26. jj.(f. Theheauens were e(\ablifhcd by the worde of the Lord, and by the fpirit ofhis mouth all the pow- ers of them. 1. 1 J.I 5. & i.i^.i. 1 5. Blefled is the people whofe God is the Lord, a peo- ple whom he hath chofen for an inheritaunce vnto himfelfe. 2.10.8. & J.2.28.& j.21.5. tj. The Lord looked fiomhcauen and favY allthechil- dren offflCn.T.lff.r. 18. Beholdjtheeiesof the Lord be Vpon them tfiatfeire him, and vpo them that truftonhis mercy. 3.20.40, 22. OLprdletthy mercy bevpo v$, as we truftin thee. J. 20. 12. J 4.7. This poorc man cried,and the Lord heard him,and he fauedhim from all his tribulations. 3.20.2^. 8. The AngelloftheLordpitcheth round about them that feare him , and he fhall deliuer them, i .1 ^.6.Sc 1.14.8. & 3.20.23. 1 ). Depart from euill and do good. 338. 1 6. The eies of the Lord be vpon the iuite, and his care* to theirpraiers. 1.1^.7. & 3.20.3. & j. 20.10. 17. The countenaunce of the Lord is vpon them that do euili,thathemay roote from the earth their memo- rie. 1.16.1J. 22. Thedeathofthe vvickediseuill.2.io.i4.& 2.10.18. 23. The Lorde redeemeth the foules of his feruauntes. 2.10. 16. jtf.i. The wicked man faid tohimfelfe, thathemighc doe euill : there is no feare of God before their eies. 1.4. 2. a. For he hath done deceitfully in his ovviie fight, that his iniquitie may be found to hatred. 1.4. 2. .i o. I was dumme & opened not my mouth, bicaufe thou diddeftir.i.i7.8. 13. lama ftr.iunger and a pilgrime with thee, as all my fathers were. 2.10.1 5. 1 4. Let me paufe,that I maye come to my felfe before I depart, and be no more. 3. 20. 16. 40.4. Andheputinmy mouthanevvfong,a verfe to our God:many fhall fee and feare , and they fhall truft in theLord.j.2 0.25. & 3.20.28. 6. Many haft thou made,0 Lorde, thy maruellous workes , and there is none that is like to thee in thoughtes.i.5.5.& 1.17.1. 7. Thou wouldell not facrifice and offering, but thou madeftvntomeeares.3.22.10. 8. ThenIfaid,behold,I comeritis written ofme in the chapter of the booke.2.1 6. $ . ^, I defired to do thy good vvill,0 my God,& thy law is in the middell of my hart. 2.1 ^.5. 11. I haue f hewed forth thy truth and faluation, Ihaue nothidde thy louing kindnelTe and truth from the great congregation. 3 .2.7. 1 2. Thy louing kindneffe and truth haue al waies prefer- uedme.3.2.7. 41.$. Heale my foule, for I haue finned againft thee. 3.20.12. 42.3. My foule thirfted after the ftrongGod,euen the lining God :vvhen fhall I come and appeare before the face of God? 4.17.21. J. 1 parted to the houfe of God with the voice of mirtb and praife,&c. 3.4.5. 6. Why art thou fadde my foule? and why doeft thou trouble me ? truftin the Lord.3.2.1 tf. 43.5. Why art thoufadde,Omy foule? and why doeft thou troublcme? truftin the Lord. 3.2.1 6. 44.4. Neyther did they poiTeire the lande by their VYY./. ovva€ THE TABLE. «vvne fvvord, !:. their ovvtie arme did rot fsue the, but thy right hand and thy arme,and the light of thy coiiiui.ii3nce:bicaiife thou diddcit fauorthe.3.21 5. ii. If we h.uie fcTijottc thename of our God, and haiie llretchtd forth our handes vnto a Itraunge God. J. 20. 27. 32. Shall not God fcarch this out ? for he knovveththe fecrtts of th'.- harte.j.io 27. Sj. Forrhv fakcbe we ll.iitie all the day long, vveebe efteenwdas fhetpefor the (lauehter. j.25.3. 45.7. Thy fta:te,0 Godjcndurethforeuer , the roddeof thykmgdomeis a rodde ofdiredion.i.i j.5. 8, Thou haft loued righteoufneile and.hated iniquitie, ihtrfore God thy God hath annointed thee with the oiJeofgladnelle aboue thy companions. 2. 15.5. & 4. ip. 1 8. oi 4.20.10. I 5. And all tht- daughters ofTirus vvith thericheof the pc-opl--,rh3ll do hum.ii;e before diy f.ics vvi^hgifces. 1.11.15. 4^ . 7 . Ciod is our refuge and ftrength, our helper in time oftnbaLuion J.2.J7. 3. For all that we yv;ll not fsare, whileft the earth is troubled, S: the mouiKaiaes be carried into thfi hart of .he lea. J. 1. 37. 6, God IS in the nuddeft thereof,it fhallnot be moued. 47.3. The Lord is high and terrible, agveat king aboiic all the earth. 1. 1 324. 5. He h.Tth chofen vnto \ s his inheritaunce,the beautie of lacob whom he h.itbloued.3.21.5. 48.9. As wehaueheard.lo wt haue feenein the citieof the Lord ofpovver,in the citie of our God-Godhatli built it for tuer. 1.11.14.. II. According to thy name O God,fuch is tHy praife through on: the earth, thy right hand is fuUof righ- teoufnelfe. 5.20. 41. & 4.1(5.32. 45>.7. Tiiey that trultin thtirowne ftrength, andglory in tlie multitude of their riches. 2. 10. 17. 8. He can by no meanes redjcme his brother, he f hall notpiy his raunfome to God. 2. 10. 17. II. When he fhall fee wife men die, and ignorant per- fons and foolesperifhe.2.10 17. J 2, The building of thim fiom generations to generati- ons,th;y called their names by thi^irlandes. 2.1 0.17. J 3. And man when he was in honor,knevv not theroi": he was compared vnto foulif he beaftes,and he was made like vnto them. 2. 1 0.1 7. 24. This way vnto them is the fturabling blocke ofthe, andaftervvardcs they delight themlelues in the ho- nor thereof.2.io.i7. 15. As fheep; they be put into hell: death feedetKvpon th.m : and the r>ghteous fhall rule ouer them in the morning. 2. 10.17. 50.15. And call vppon meinthedave oftroublerandl vvildeliuer thee, and thou 1 halt honor me. 3.20.1 3., 28. & 4.17.37. a J. He thatoftercthvppraifes,he doth glorifie me: and this is the way by the v\hichl will Ihevv him the faluation of God. 4. 18.17. 51.3. Haue mercy vpon me, OGodjfor thy goodnes fake, &c.5.45>. 6. That tliou maieft be acknowledged pure, when thoft hidiudged.i .iS. J. & }.li.ll.& 3.23.2. 7. Bchnlde, I was f.tfhioned m iniquitie, and my mo- ther coceaued me in finne. 2.1.5. & 3. 3.1 8. & 3.20.5. & 4.16.17. IS. Cicatein me OGodjacle.jnehart,and renuearight fpiritc withinmc.2.2 2 5,27.& 2.3.9. 17. Open thou mv lippes, O Lorde, and my mouth fhall fhevv forth thy praife. 3. 20.28, jp. Thefacnficc to God isa broken fpirite: a contrite & broken hart, OQivi, thou wilt not defpife. 3.20.1 . 4p. He caft vppon them the fiercenelle ofliis anger.vio- lence, indignation, and vexation,by the fending out ofeuill rpiritcs.i.14.17. to. That he might leaue the Tabernacle Silo, the Taber- nacle where he dwelt amongcil men. 2. ff.i. 6^, And he put awaye the Tabernacle of loftphjand chofenot the tribe of Ephraim. 2.5.2. 3c j.2i.(>. 70. Andhe chofeDauidhis feruauatjfrom thifoldesof fhetpe tooke he Iiim.2.5.2. 75.<). HvJpe vs,OGod ofour faluation,fortheglorye of rhynaine,.ind dcliiier vs,and be merciful! vnto our finnes for thy names fake. 3.20.14. I }. And we thy people and fheepe of thy paftiire fhall praifcthej fureutr: and from generation to genera- tion will fet forth thy praife. 3.7.10. 80.2. Thou which litttit betwens the Chcrubins fhevv thy brightntfTci.! 3. 24. & 2. 8 1 5. & 4.1.5. 4. Tiir.ie vs againe O God, and caufe thy face to fhine that wemay befjut.d.3.2.28. 5. O Lord God -fhoitcs, how long wilt thou bean- grye againft th^p: aier of thepeop!;.3.20.i(!<. 18. Lecrhy handebe vvitli the man of Lhy riglithand, vvtih ihj ■.'uiine ofnian,vvhom thou hail made llron- ge for t!iy felf.'.2.6'.2. ' 8 I.I I. lam the Lord rhy God which haue brought thee outof thelandof Egipt.3.2.j 1. 8j.i. Godlland.-thin the a.lemblie of God, he plaieth tSe iudge in the middeftof Gods. 4.20.4. &4.20. ¥«£ vvhippes. J. 4.3 2. 5c 4. 1.J7. 34. And mylouin^ kindnefie vvilll not taket* ohiu-^ neither will I talfifie my truth. 3.4. 32. & 4.1.27. jS. I haueohce fvvorne by my holinefifc, I vv;ll not faile Dauid.2.1 5.3. 37. His feede fhall be for ener: and his throne fhall be before me as the funne.2.15.3. 38. It fhall abide fure as the Moone, which is afurc v^itneile inheauen.2.1 5.3. 3)0.4. A thoafanJ yeares is before thee as yefterdayc which is pall , yea as a watch in the high t. 3.2.42. 7. For we are confumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are wetroubled.3.4.34, p. For all our daies were fpcnt, thou being angry vve ended our ye.ires foonerthcn a thought. 3. 2 5.1 2. II. Who knoweth the power of thine acgcr? as euery man feareth thee, fo is the indignation of thy anger fcarce tovvarJes them. 3. 25.1 2. ^i.i. The man fitting in the fecreteof themoft high, fhall abide vnder the fhadowe of the alinightie. 1.17.5.& 2.8.42. 3. For he will deliuer thee from the fnare of the hun- ter,and from the noifomc- peltilcnce.i .17.11. II. For he will commaundhis AngtUs for thy fake, that they keepe theein all thy waies. 1.14.5. & 2.8.42. & J. 20.2 3. 15. He v\'ill call vppon me , therefore I wfll hcare him , I will be prefent with him in affiidion , I will deliuer him , and will make him glorious. 3.20.14. 52 6, How great are thy workes O Lord, vvondcrfull profonndoe thy counfels.J.i 0.17. 7. Adullerddothnotknow this, neither dothafoole vnderftand it. 1.5.5). 1 3 . The iuft fhall florif he as the Palme, & fhaH growe as 3 Cederin Libanus.2.10.17. 14. Thofeth.it be planted in th? hoiifeofthe Lorde, fhalJ flori; he in th.- courtes of our God. 2. 10. 17. ^3.1. The Lord is king,anJis clothed with maieftic, he hath,! ray,pd:t)nitreng'h,and hathgirded himHrlfc, tht; world alfo fh.ill befo eftablifhed thatit canoe b.- moued.i.5;3, J. Holinefl'e- becommeth thy houfe, O Lorde, for euer. I. 6. 4. 54 II. The Lorde knovveth that the tfaoughtes of man are vaine.2.2.2 $.& 3.14.1. II. Happieis theman O Lord, whom thou hall chafte- ned,and whom thou hall inftruded in thy lavvt. J-4-34. 15. In the paflions of many thoughtes, within jne thy comfortes recreated my foule. 3.20.7. 5)5.7. If today you fhall heare his voice. 3.2.5. 8. Hardjnnot your hartes as inMeribah,& in the daye ofMaHainthe vvildernefre.2.5.11. 55.10. Say amoiigcli the nations, the Lord raigneth,& the world fhal be llablifhed that it fhakenot,&c.i.5. j i)7.i. TheLordraignethdet the earth reioyce ; & let the multitude of the lies be glad.i.tf. 3. 7. VVorfhip himall ye Gods. liij.tf. 10. The Lorde keepeth the foules of his Saindes,he will deliuer them out of the handes of the wicked. 2. 10. 16. 11. Lightisfowen for the righteous, and gladnefTefor ' them that be of an vpright hart. 2.1 o.r5. 55.1. The Lorde raignethjk-t the people tremble: he fit- tethbetwene the CherubinSjlet the earth be mo- ued.i.6.3.& 2.8.1 5. J. Exalt the Lord God and fall down before his foote- ltoole:for heis holy.i.ii.i 5 & 4.1.5. j>. Exalt the Lord our God and fall downe before his holy mountaine: for our Lord God isholy.i.ii.i J. 100.3. knowye that the Lorde is God: he made vs and not vve our felues: vve be his people and the fheepe ofhi$pailure.3.j.$.& 3-21.5. Yyy.jj. 101.3. I THE TABLE. 501., •. I will let no wicked tliinge before mine eyes, 1 hate the that fall aw ay, they f hal neuer cleue vnto 3, Bctime will I deltroy all the wicked of the lande, that all wicked doers, may be cut of from the citie. 4.ao.io. 1 0 J .1 4- Thou wilt arife,that thou may eft haue mercie on Sion.i.i J.I I. iS. And all nations fhall feare the name of the Lorde, and all the Kinges of the earth chy glory, i.i j.n. 1 3. And he fhall haue confidcratiouof the prayer of the humbie.andnotdefpife their prayer.}. 20.28. i^. The which fhalbe written for generatios to come: and the people that fhall be created , fhall praife the Lorde. 3. 20.28. 22. That men may celebrate the name of the Lorde in Sion,and his praife in lerufalem. j. 20.28. 36. For firlljthoulayedlt the foundations of the earthe: and thv'heauensbe the vvorke of thy handes. i.ij. 11.& 2.10. 1 J. 27. The which fhall perifhe,but thou doelt abide, and all things fhall vvaxeolde as a garment, &c. 2. 10. 15. j8. But thou art the fame for euer , and there fhalbe no endecfthy yeares.2.io.i 5. iOj.8. The Lorde IS full of compation and mercy , flovve toanger,and ofmuchmercie. j.2.25. 17. But the louingekindenesofthe Lorde ,endurethfor euer & euer,tovvardes them that feare him. 2.10.1 5. 20. Shevveforthe the Lorde, ye his Angels which excel in power, execute his vvjUin obeying the voyce of his vvordes.i.i4.5.& ^^20.45. 104. 2. He is clothed withlight, as withagarment. 1.5.1. 4. Which makethhis fpirites his embat"adors,andhis minifters a flame of fier. i .1 6.7. 15. And wine that maketh the heart of man glad , and oyle that makethhis face fhine. 3. 10. 2. 27. All things dcpcndc vpon the , that thou maifte giue them their mcate in due time.i.iis tbedeath of his 5ain(%es. 2.1 0.14.& 2.10,18. i8. I will pay my vovves now before all the people. 4M-4- 117.2. For his louingekindnes dothexcell toward vs, & the truth of the Lord fhall continue for euer. 3.2.7. ii ^i6* The ioxditanding vvich n«jl y vil aoc feare what foeuet: THE TABLE. foeuerma doth endeuortobringagainftme.i.iy.n 18. The Lord hath chaftencd me fore, but he hath not fufferedme that lfh()iilddyc.3.4. j2. 25. AhLord,raucIprav thee: AhLord,geueIpraye thte profperous (ucctd'c.i.^.i. 35. VVe vvifhe vntohimall good things, that commeth in the name of the Lord : and we hiue vvifhed vnto you good things out of the houfe of the Lord. 2,6.1, J15.1. ObleHtdbe they which in ther life walking do kepc the llraight way , according to the law or the Lord. J. 17.10. JO. VVhenldoffcke thee with all my hart, let me not ftrayefroni thy commaundements. 2.1.15.&.4.14.8. 14. I am delighted in the way ofthy teftimonits, more p-»i^then in all riches, j.i.i 5. 18. Pullthe vale from my eyes, that I may fee the won- derfull wifedome tiutishid in thy law.i.i.ii. 3 4. Teche me that I may houl J thy laWjOnd that I may keep it with all my hart. zr. 2 J. 3^. Incline my harte vnto thy ttftimonies , and not to couetourncfTe. 2.}.>F. & 2. 5. 11, 41. Andkt thy louing kindnes come vnto me , and thy faluation, according to thy word. 3. a. ji. 43. And take not altogtthcrout ofmy mouth the word of truthjforllookc for thy Iudgements.3.2.i7. 71. It was good vnto me that thou didefl 1 umbls me, that Imight learne thy rJghceoufnes.3.4.32. 76. I pray thee that thy louing kindnts may happen vn- to me, that it may comfort me, according to thy word, th it hath geuen hope vnto thy feruaunt. 3. 3.4.& 3.20.14. 80. Let myhaitbeeholyinthy ftatutes, thatlbeenot afhamtd- 2 2.27. S^. Thy vvorde,0 Lord, abideth euerlafting inheauen. 4:8.5. 103. How fwcet is thy word vnto my tail, truely vnto my mouth it is more fvvettr thenhoiiy. J.2-I J. 105. Thy vvorde is a lantern vnto my ftete, andalyght vnto mv vvaies.i.17.2. & 2.7.12.& 4.8.5. m. Thy teuinionies haue ben vnto me as an euerlalting heretage, for they be the ioyeofmy hart.3.z.i 5. H r.Ihaue fet my mind vpon thy decrees, that I mighte kepe them vnto theendc,and that for cucr.2.5.11. 127. Wherefore I haue loued thy preccptes more th;n gold. 3. 2. 1 5. 133. Frame my iteps according to thy vvord,and let no vatiiciehaue ruleouer me.2. 3.5). MI. 4. Bi:holde,he neither lioumbreth nor flepeth that kepethirraell.3.20.3. ijo.i. From the depth ofeuelslhaue called vp6thee,0 Lorde.3.20.4. J. If thou O Lord wilt marke iniquities, O Lord who f hall ftand vnder it? 3 .1 2.1. & 3. 17. 14. 4. But with thee is mercie,and therefore thou art fea- red. 3.3.2.& 3.16.3. 131.2. It were eucll with me, if I haue not compared & iudged my foule, likt vnto a weaned chiltie with his mother, & my foule in me islike vnto a weaned child. 3.7.5. 132.2. Be thou mindful], OLord,of all things with the vvlxichDauid hath ben afflifted.3.20.25. 7. Let vs goe vnto his tabernacle and vvorfhip before the footeitole of his feete.4.1.5. II. Of the fruite of thy body vvilllfetvp thy throne. 2.13.3. 1 3 . The Lorde hath chofen Sion, and hath taken it vnto him for a feat. 4.1. 17. 14. This is my reft for tucr, here vvilll dwell becaule 1 haue chofen hir.4.1.5. IJ3.3. Becaufe the lorde hath conim.mnded that there fhalbe their bltfTing andlife eueilafting. 2. 11. 2. Sj5,i$. The Idols of the Gentiles be fduerand gold, a vvorkebroughifortb-by the hands ofm«n.4. TheLordisgood vnto all, and his mercie excelletb- all his vvorkes.i.j.J. 13. Thy kingdome is an cuerlafting kingdome , and thy dorriniondoth rayne threw out al ages. 1.13. 24. 18. Th; Lorde is iiere to aii that call vponhim, yea to all that call vpon him in truth. 3.20.3. &.J.20.7.& }.:o.i4. ip. He doth what foeuer they would that fcare him^ and he htartth their cryesand faueth them.3.20.5. &• 3.20.13. • 147.^. VVhichgeueth tobealttherfode,& to yongera- uens thatcallvponhim.i.i6.y. 10. Hedothnotallovve of the ftrcngthof ahorfe, and is not delighted with the legges of a man. 2. 2. 10. 20. Hehathnotdelt thus with all nations, neihithatii he declared vnto thcmhis iudgementes. 3.21.^. PROVERBES. 1.7. 'T~'Hefeare oftheLordis the beginning of konvv- X ledge. 3.2.26. 2.21 The righteous fhall inhabit the earth, and the vpright f hall liue long therein. 2.1 1.2. 21. But the wicked fhalbe cut from the earth, and the tranfgrelTorfhallbe vtterly taken thcrfrom .2.11.2. 3.11. Beware thou be not againll the chafticement of the Lorde, my fonne, neither do thou lothathis correc- tions.3. 4.3 2. & J. 8. 6. 12. For whom the Lordloueth,he doth chaftice,& he is delighted withhimas afather withhis child. j.^.6i 8.15. By me, Princes raigne, and kinges decree lullice. 4.20. 4>7- ^ . ^ .... 32. The Lorde poutfred me in the beginning of his waits, I was then before hi svvorkes. i.i 3.7. 13. Ivvas ordayned from euerlalting, and from the be- ginning before the earth. i .1 3 .7. »4. As yet the dcpthesvvas not vvhe Ivvas foimed, as yet thefountaynesdidnotabound with waters. 2.14.8. 5. 1 o.The beginnig of wifedom is the feare of the Lordi' 3-2.26. io.7.The memorie oftheluftis lavvdable, buttheme* morie ofthe wicked is filthy.2.io.i8,& 3.17.15. iZ* H.iUeddoibtH'cedoccafionofcontenrion, butloue yyyjjj, ccuereth TtJE T -couercthaHtrerpalTes. j.4.}i.& j.+.jtf. iiii^. ItfhalbegeueQCo eueryman, according to his VYorke.j.18.1. »8. In the path of righteoufnes is life , Sc the fame doth not lea!de vnto death. J. 17.15. ij.ij. He that feorcth the coouuaundement, fiialbe re- warded.J. 18.1. 14.21. He that contemneth his naybour, finneth : but he that.dealeth kindly with the aff lided , is tleflcd. 3.17.10. i6. In the feare of the Lorde is an alTured ftrength,and it f halbe a defence alfo for his children. 3 .1 4. i^. I5.3.1n euery place the eyes of the Lord.dcthbehold the good and the euell.4.i7.aj. 8. The I+ord doth abhore the iacrifice of the wicked, but theprayer of the righteous is moft acceptable vatohiin.j.14.8. itf.i.Manmay difpofehis hart, but theaunfwere of the tonge is of the LoTde.i.16.6. 2. To man all his wayes dofeemetobee cleane in his ,owne eyes, but the Lorde doth dilpofe the fpirice. J.IJ.5. 4, The Lorde doth vvorkcall thinees for his ovvne fake, ye the wicked alfo againft the daye of euell. 6. By mercy and truth eniquitie fhallbe fcrgiuen, and by the feare of the Lorde thy depart from eusll. j. 4.JI.5C 5.4.35. j>. The hart of man doth deliberat of his way , but the Lord doth diretl hi sfteppes. 1.17.4. I?.. To cO;nmit vvickednes ought to be abominable to kings : for the throne ought to be eitablif hed by Lu- ftice. 4.20.10. 14. The anger of the king is themeffengerofdeath, but the wile man can pacific it. 4. 20. j i. J J. The lots are call into the lap, but the hole difpofing ofthimis of tile Lord.!. 16, 6. l7.i.Afeditiousperfi3 feketh only ilrife,vnto this perfon a cruel meilengerf halbe fenc againft him. 4. 20.10, ly. The Lorde doth alike hate as well him that doth clearethe wicked, as him that doth condemne tlve innocent. 4.20. 10. 18.10. The name of the Lorde is a ftronge tovvre, the righteous runneth thettier and is without the ca- lling ofearih.t.i j.i J.& J. 20.14. 15.17. He dotlilet out vnco the Lord, vvhofo euerdoth good vnto the poore: and it f halbe requited him, according to his gooddeede.j.i8.(J. 20.7.Theiuftand euery barte isheuy. 3 •4- 3}* 10. Hears THE TABLE. 10, Hearetfievvor'i ofthel^ordeye tirantes of Sodom, and thou peopk- of Gomorra heare the lavve of the Lord. 4. 1. 18. 12. VVhorcquircth that atyour handes? j.14.1 J. I J. Biing no more oblations in vaine,incenfeis anabho- mination vntome: lea not fiiffcr your new Moones orSabaothes,&:c.2.8.34. & j.14.8. 14. My foulc hateth your new Moones and appointed feaftes:thcy m.ike me vverie.4.2.10. 15. And when you llrctcbe forth your handes , I will hidemyeies from you, and although youmultiplye yourpraier I will not heare, for your handes be full i>fbloud.}.io.7. 16. Takeaway allnaughtinelTt.j.j.S. 17. Lcanie todoe vvell,rcekeiudgement,releue the op«- prclTed,!iidge the fatherlenc,'& defend the widow. :.8.52.&j.3.8. 18. If youriinnts were as crimfon, they fhallbemade whiter then fnowc:and though they were as red asfc.irlet, thtyfhouJd be made as woll. j.4.2^. ip. If you confcnt and obey, you fhall enioye the good thinges of ch; carth.2.5.10. 20. Butifye refure& be rebellious, you fhillbe deuou- red with chc; fvvordjbicaufe {he mouth of the Lord hath Ipok. nit 2.S.10. 2.8. Thir land was full of idols, they vvorfhipped ths workes of their own h.indes, and that which their fingersmade.i.11.4. 3.1. B;liolde, the gouernor the Lord of hoftes will take from Icruialem and Iiida the valiaunt and mighcie: eucnall the Ilrength ofbread and water. 1.16.7. J. And I will make children their princes, and effemi- nate perfons f hall rule them. 4,2 0.2 5. 4.1. Onely let vs becalKd by thy name, and take avvaye out reproch.'. j.:o,2 5. 5.8. VV'oe bt to thvin tliatioynehoufe tohoufe, & field tofieidjContinuMig till there be none left, &c.i. 18.1. & 2.4-4;- i6. And he 1 hall ra ife vp a iigne to the people that be a faiTc of, and will hiiVe vnto them from the endes of tlxeearth,&c.j,i 18. Beholde,Iand the children' whom the Lorde hath geuen me, &c. 3. 22. 10. $6, A boye is borne vnto vs , a fonnc is geuen vnto vs,vvhofe gouernment is vppon his fhouIder,and his name fhall be called Wonderful! , Counfel- ler , God , the mightie Lorde , the euerlafting fa- ther, the Prince of peace. 1.13.J.& 2.15. i.& 2.17. 6.dc 3.13.4- 12. But his hand as yet is ftretched out. 4.17.21. lO. I. Woe vnto them that decree wicked decrees, 4.20.29. 5. O the rod ofmy furie, andtheftafFe in their handes is my indign.ition.i.i 8.1. & 4.20.2 5. 6. I will fend him to a difTembling nation, and againft a people that hath deferued my wrath will I com- maundhim,thathe take the (poyle and pray, and ro treade them vnder feete like the mire in the ftreete. 1.18.2. 12. It will come to pafTe when the Lorde will make pcrfeifte his whole workeinSionandin Icrufalem, &C.1.18.1. ^ 1 J. Shall the axe boafthimfelfe againft him that hew- tth therewith? or fhall the Qwe exalte itfelfea- gainll him that moueth it ? as if the rodde fhoulde lifce vp it fclfe againft him that carrieth it, or the ft.iffe fhoulde exalte it felfe as though it were no vvodde. 2.4.4. JI.2. And thvfpirite of the Lorde fhall reft quietly vpon him, the fpirite of wifedome & vnderftanding, the fpiritcofcounfell & ftrength, the fpirite of know- ledge and godlintfle. 2.1 5.5. & 4 15 22. 3 . Andhe fhal makehim prudet in the feare of the Lord, for he 1 hall not iirdge after the fight of his eies, nei- ther rcproueby the hearing ofhis eares. 2 3.4. 4. Wi th the fpirit ofhis lips, fhall he kill the wicked, 1.13.15. 5>. They fhall not hurte nor waft through cut all my holie hill, &c. 4. 20.10. 10. And.at th;«t day, the roote of lefle fhall ftandevp forafigne vnto the people, the nations fhall feekc vntoit.i 13.13. 1 2.1. I v.illprayfc the o Lordejbycaufe thou arte angry with nic,thy wrath is tourned away, & thou com- forttl^ me. J. 4. 31. 14. 1 . The Lord fhall haue compaffion on Jacob , &• will yet chofe Ifraell. 3.21. J. 27. The Lord of heft determining it, who fhall difanul it? and when he hath ftretched out his hand , who fhall turne it av-vay-? 1.17.14, 15,18. In that day , there fhalbe fyue Cities in the coun- trie of Fgipt , fpeakinge the language of the Cana- nites , and 1 hall f v veare by the Lorde of hoftes, &c, ■ 2.8. 23. 15. In that day.the alter of the Lord fhalbein the mid- deft of the iande of Egipt,4.i 8.4. 21. TheLordfhalbeknovvenoftheEgiptians,and the Egiptians fhall know the Lord in that day , and doc facrifice and oblations,and fhall vovve vowes vnto thcLord,andperformc them.4.18.4. 25. Whome the Lorde of hoft hathe blefted , fayinge: blelTed bee my people of Egipt and AfThufjthc vvor- kts ofmy handes. 1 .1 S.i. 25.1. Thouhaft done vvonderfidl thinges , according to thy counfell ofold,vvith a liable truth. 3.24.4. 8, Hevvill deftroy death for euer, and the Lorde will wipe teares from euery face,&c.3.5).5. $. Lothis is our God, we haue way ted for him, and hevvillfaueus.r.13.10 & 1.13.24. 26.1. Wehaueaftrong Citie,faIuation fhall Cod fet for vvallesandbulwarks.i.i7.(J. 1$. The dead fhall liue,and as my body fhall they rife: avvakejand fiiige ye that dwell in dulK&c. 2.10,21, 3.25.4, TfYY.-.iij. aj, Beholde THE TABLE. -it. Beholie, ihi Lord cortiMe A out ofhis place, to vifite the iniquities of the inhabicauntes of the earth, and the earth f hall f'hevv forth their bloud, and fhall no more hide her flaine. j .i J .8. 2t.t6. He vvhichbeleuethfhallnotmakehift. i,ij.i J. ^o.ij. Bicaafc this people come neere me with their mouth, and do honour me with their lips, but their hart is farre from me , and their feare towardes me was taught by thepreceptesofmen,&c. }. 20.7,31. &4.io.i5,itf,2j. 14. Therefore beholJe, I will alfo adde thereto,thatI may wotke maruelloufly with this people, eue mar- uell and wonders : that is, the wiiedome of th;ir wife men fhall perifhe, and the vnderftanding of their prudent men fhall hide it felfe.4.io.(<. 50.1. Woe vnto the rebellious children, faith the Lord, which dare take cotlfellbut notofme,&c.j.20.28. I J. In being quiet and keeping filence fhaU be your ftrength.j.i.}7. 3 J. Tophet IS prepared moreouer long agone : this is alfo prepared for the king : O how deepe and wide he huh made it, his inwarde parte is fire andmucii vvodde, the breth of the Lordelike ariuerof brim- ftone doth kindle it. } 2J.11. ii.i. Woe vnto them that go down to Egypt for aide, and Uaye on horfes,& haue truft in chariots, bicaufe they bemany.j. 10.28. 7. For in that day euery nia fhall call away his images offiluer,and his images of golde, which your wic- ked hand did make vnto you. 1.1 1.4. 3 J . ( 4. The finners in Sion fhall be afraide, feare fhall fo(CdVe the hipocrites, they ihall faye,vvhicheof vs fhall abide with the confuming fire?vvho amongeft vs fhall dwell with the euerlalting burning? j.i 2.1. SI. The Lorde isouriudge,cheLorde is ourlavv geuer, theLordisourking,hefhalfaue vs.2.io.8.(Jt 1.1 5 -J. 34. Thepeople that dwell therein fhall haue tfaeirini- quitie forgcuen them.4.r.20. 1 5.8. And there fhall be a path,and a way, aivl it fhall be called the holy waye,3ndthe polluted fhall not palle thereby. 2. tf. 2. & 4.1.17. J7.4. Thou therfore fhalclift vp thy praierforthe rem- naunt thn areleft. 5.20 j. 16, O Lord of hortts, God of lfrael,vvhich dwelleft be- twene th; Cherubins, thou art onely God ouerall the kingdomes of the earth. 2. 8.1 j. 1 2. Bicaufe a remnaur)c fhall goe forth of Ierufalem,and the faued out of mount Sion.4.1 .4. J 5. For I will defende this citie, chat I maye faue it for mine owne fake, and for my feruaunt Dauidsfake. 2. 17. J. J. j. 57.1 5. Thus iaith the hie and excellent, he that inhabi- tech the eternicie,& whofe nameis hoIy,&c. j.ii.iJ. 58.5. Is it fuch a f tft that I haue chofen, that a ml fhould affliifthis foule for a day,orthathe fhould bow his head?&c.4.i2.i^. 6. And doe not 1 choofe rather this faft, to lofe the bandes ofiniquitie?&c.3. 3.6. 7. And hide not thy felfe from thine owne flcfh. j.7.6. p. Then thou fhalt-call,and the Lord fhall hcaie; thou fhaltcrie,andhe fhall niy,herel am. 3.20.14. ij. If thou turne away thy foote from the Sabbaih, To that thou do not thy own will on my holy day, &;c. 2.8.31.& 2.8.34. 5j>.i. Bcholde,theLotdeshand is not fhorrned,that he can notraue,neitlierishis eareheauie that it cannot heare.3.11.21. Ir, But your iniquities haue fepcrated betvvene you and your God,a;idyour finnes hath hid his face from you, thathe will not heare.2.1 2.1.& 3.11.21. 7. Their feete do runne to euill, and th^y make hafl to filed innocent bloud : the thoughtes of the are vaine thoughtes ,defolati(m and deltru(^ion,is in theire pathes.2.3.2. I tf. And vvhe the Lord did fee (and that being abafhed and vvondred)that there was none, that there was none I faye, that woulde offLr himfelfe, h? made his arme the faiiegard therof,and his lighteoufnclle did fultaineit.3.14. tf. 1 7. He put on righteoufneffe for a brtltplate,and the hel- met of faluation onliis heaii,&c. 3.1 1.12. 20. And the redemptori'hall come to Sion, and vnto the that turne fi 6 their wickedncs in lacob. 3.3.20,21. 21. My fpirite which is vpon thee, & my worde which 1 haue put in thy mouth, fhal neuer depait out of thy niouth,neither out of the mouth of thy fee Jt ,&c. i . 7.4.&; i.5>.i.&4.i.5. tfo.2. Echolde,darknelVe fhall couer the earth,and a mift the people, but the Lord fh.ill rife vpon thee, and his glory Ihall appeare vpon thee. 2. 3.1. 6. All they of Saba fhall come, bringing golde and in- cenfe,and they fhall fhevv forth thepraifes of God. 4.5.17. 7. All the fhepeofCeder fhall be gathered vnto thee. 4.5.17. ZZZ.j. ip. The THE TABLE. 1^. YhtSuniie fV-all fcrue thee no more for day e light, anJchebrightneiViofche Moone lh;ill not ihcvvc to che,&c.2.2.iO. tfj.i. Theipiritsof the Lord God is vpon me,for bicaufe the Loideannoincedme,andrenc nie than I Ihoulde fhcvvglad thinges vnco the vveake,(3cc.2.i J. 2.6c j. 3.20.ix' J.4.5.& J.12.7. J. And they fhall be called trees of rigSteoufnene, and the planting of the Lordcjlhat he might be gloriHed. 3.14.16. dj.io. But they did rebell and vexed his holy fpirite. i.ij.ij. 16. For thou art our father , though Abraham be igno- raunt of vs, and Ifracll knovveth vs not, thou Lorde art our father, our redemer. J.2 0.2 5,56. ly. O Lorde, why haft thou made vs to erre from thy vvaies? why hall thou hardened our hartes chat we fhould not feare thee? 1.4.4. & j. j.21. ^4.5. Beholde, thou artangrye bicauievvehaue finned. 3.20.8. ^. We haue bene alias an vncleane thing, and all our righteoulnefre is as a filthy cloth, and we all do fade likealeafe,&c.3.2.2 5 . i$.i. I haue bene fought of them that afkednot: I was found of them that fought me not, &c. 3.24 2. a. Ihaueltretched outmyhandes all the daye to a re- bellious people wJiiche goe not in a good vvaye. 3.24.16. 16, H; that will bleffe himfelfe in the earth, fhall blefTe himfelfein the true God :3nd he tliat will fweare, fhall fweare by the true God,&c.2.8.2 5. 24. It fhall come to pafle.ihat before ihey call,I vvil an- ivvere:8c as yet they fpeaking,! vvillhiare.3.20.14. 2$. They fhall no more hurt nor dtltroye in my holy mountaine,&c.4.2 0.io. i6.j. Hcauen is my thione , and the earth is my foote- lloole: whereis that houfe therefore that you will build forme ? and where is that place of my reft? 3. 20. 30,Sc 4.17.24. ». But to whom fhall I haue regard,butvnto him that is humble and of a broken fpirit, & vvhodoth trem- ble at my vvorde, 3.12.6. 22. For as the new heauen and the new earth that I will make fhall remaine before me, faith the Lorde, fo fhall your feede and name continue. 2. 10.22. S.J . And there fhall be continuall new Moones and con- tinuallSabaothes,and all fltf he fhall come that it may worfhip before me. 2.8. 30. 84. Th>.irvvormes fhall not die, and their fire fhall not be put out, & they fhall be lochfome vnto all fief h. 3.25.12. lEREMY. 1.6. OLord God,behold, I can not fpeakc, for I am achikle.4.8.3. >. Beholde, I haue put my word into thy mouth. 4-8. J. 10. Behold, this day haue I fet thee ouer the nations and oucrkingdoms ,toplucke vp and to roote out, and todtftroye and fcatttr,that thou maielt build and plant. 4.8. 3. .•3.13. For my people haue committed two euills , th.;y ■ haue to^faken me the fountaines of liuing wa- t';rs,todigge them pittes,euen broken pittes that canholdeno vvatcis.3.20.14, 3.1. They fiy,ifa man put away his wife, and f he goe frum him, and become an other mans,&c. 2.8,i8\ 5c 41.25. a. Li^r vp thy eics vnto t le high place.? , and b. holde where thou h .ft not playedthc h3rlot,&c, 2.8.1 8. J », Go and cne chefe wordes tovvardes cbc Northland fay: thou difobedientIfraell,returne faith the Lord, and I will not let my wrath fall vpon you: for I ant mercifull,&c.4.i.2S. 4.1. 01fraell,if thou returne,returne vnto me,faith the Lorde : and if thou put avvaye thine abhominations out of my fight, thenl'halt thou not rtmoue.2.5.10. & 3.3.6. 4, Breake vp your fallow ground,and fovv not among the thornes : be cncumcifed to the Lorde, and take away the forefkmnes of your hartes, ye men oflu- dah,and inhabitauntes of Ierufalem,&c. 2.3.8. & 3. 3.6,7. & 4.16.21. 5. Andin that day, faith the Lord, the hart of the king f hall perifh,and the hart of the princes, & the piiell fhall be aftonifhed,and the prophets fhall wonder. 4. 9. 6. II, At that time fhall it be faid to this people, and to. lerufalem, a drie vvmde in the hie places of the vvil- dernefle,commeth toward the daughter of my peo- ple,&c.i. 16. 7. 14. O lerufalem, vvafhe thine hart from vvickednelTe, &C.2.5.8. 5.3. O Lord, are not thy eies vpon the truth? thou haft ftricken them, but they haue not forrowed : thou haftconfumed the,but they haue refufed toreceaue correftion : they haue made their faces harder then aftone,and haue refuftdto turne. 3.4. 35. & 3.1 4,8. 7. How fhould I fpar'e thee for this ? thy children haue forfaken me, and fvvorne by them that are no gods, &C.2.8.23. 1 4. Bicaufe ye fpake fuch wordes , beholde, I will put my vvorde into thy mouth, like a fire, and this peo- ple fhall be as wodde , and it fhall deuoure them, 3.24.13. 6.1}. For from the leaft of them, euen to the greateftof them, euery one is geuen tocouetoufneUe; and from the Prophet euen vnto the Prieft, they fhall dealc fallly. 4.9.3. 7.4. Truft not in lying words, faying, the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lorde: this is the Temple of the Lord. 4.2. 3. 5. Forif y ou amend and redrefle your waies, and your vvorkes, if you execute iudgement betvvene amaa andhis neighbour, &c. 3.17.1. 1 J. Therfore now, bicaufe ye haue done al thefe works, faith the Lorde, and I rofe vp early and fpake vnto you:but vvhen I fpake you would not heare me,aei-« ther when I called would yeanfvvere.2. 5.11. 1 4. I will doe vnto this houfe, whereupon my name it called,&c.asIhaue. ij, Butifyou vvilnotheareme to fanftifie the Sabbath day,and not to beare a burden, nor to goe through thegates,&c.2.8.2., & 3. 11. 8. ABLE. 16. Heare not the vvordes of the prophets that prophe- cie vnto you, and teach you vanitie,&c.4.9.2. 24. Doe not I Hllheauen and earth jHtith the Lord? 4.1,5. 28. The prophet that h.ith a dreame , let him rdl a dreame,andhc thathathniy vvoide,let him ipeake my worde fiithfully.4.8.3. 24.7. And I will gcue them an hart to know me , thac Iain the Lorde-, and they fhall be my people, and I will be their God , for thty Ihall rctuine vntome with their whole hart. 2. 2. 20. 25.11. And this whole land fhall be defolate, and allo- nifh.d , and thefe nations fhall feme the king of Babell feuentie yeares.i.8 7. II. And when the feuentie yeares are iccomplifhed ,1 willvifite the king of Babell, and that nation, faith the Lord,for theiriniquitie,&c.i.8.7. 2<). Forloe,! begin to plague the citie, where my nam« is called vpon, and ihould you go frec?&c.3.4.34. 27.5. I haue made the earth, the ma,& the bealt that are vpon the ground, &c. 4. 20.27. tf. But now I haue gcuen all th.fe landes vnto the hand of Nabuchadonozor the king of Babilon my feruant, &C.4.20.27,28. 7. And all nations fhall feruehim,and his fonne, and his fonnes fonne, vntil the very time of his land come alfo,&c.4.20.27. 8. And the nation and kingdome which will not feme the fame Nabuchadonozor king of Babell, and that will not put their necke viider the yoke of the king of Babell, &c. 4. 20.27. 5. Th^rfore heare not your prophets, nor your fothfai- ers, nor your dreamers , nor your inch lunters , nor your forcerers, vvhiche fay e vnto you thus, ye fhall not ferue the king of B3btll,&c.4.9.3. 14. Therfore heare not the vvordes of the prophets that fpeake vnto you, faying, ye fhall not ferue the king ofBabell,&c. 4.9.3. 17. Haare them not,but ferue the king of Babell, that ye may liue,&c.4. 20.28. 2^. J. Andfecke the profperitie of the Citie, whether I haue caufed you to be carried a vvaye captiues,and pray vnto the Lorde- for it, for, &c. 4. 20. 28. ji.iS. I haue heard Ephraim lamenting ihus,thou haft corrcfted me, and I was chaftill-d as an vntamed calfe : conucrt thou me and I fhall be conucrted: for thouart the Lord my God. 2.3.5. & 2.5. 8. & 3.24.15. i^. Surely after that I conuerted , I repented, and after that! was inltrufted, I fmote vppon my thigh, Sec. 2. 5.8. J I. Bcholde,the daies come, faith the Lorde, th U I will make a new couenaunt with the houfe of Ifraell, & with the houfe of ludah. 2.1 1.7. & 3.4. 2^. 32. Not according to the couenaunt that I made with their fathers, when I toke theby the hand, to bring thcmout of the land of Egipt, the vvhiche my coue- naunt they brake, &c. 2.5.9. & 2.11 7. 3 3. After thofe daies, faith the Lord,l will put mylavfr in their inward partes, and write it in their hartes, and will be their Godjand they fhall be my people. 2.8.14.& 3.20.45. 34. Fori will foigeue their iniquitie, and will remem- bertheirfinnes no more. 3. 4. 29. & 3 20.45. 3 5. Thus faith the Lorde,vvhiche gcuetli the Sunne fora light to the day, and the courfes of the Moone and ottheStarres,foralight to the night, &c. 4.17. 17. 32.16. Now when 1 ha.i deliuered the boke of the pro- felfion vnto Ba- uch,the fonne of Neriah , I prayed vnto the Lord, faying. 3. 20.1 5- i8. Thoufhevvelt mcrcye vnto thoufandes,and recom- pencelt the iniquitie. of the fathers into the bofome ofthcir children after them, &c. 2.8.1 9. 23. But they obeyed not thy voice, neither v^ alked in thy lavve; all thai thou commaundeft them to doe, ZlZ^i}. they THE TABLE. they haue not done , thcrfore thou hafte caufed this whole plage to come vppoii cliem:&c.2.5.i t. 35. And I vviii gene them one heart and one way, that they may fcaremefor eiier,for the vvelth of the, and of thjir chihiren after them, &c. 2. 3 .8. J 3.8, And I will clenfc th;m from all their iniquitie, whereby they haue finned againfte mee : yea, 1 will pardoneall theiriniquicies, whereby they haue fin- ned againft me, Sec. 5.2 ■1.45. & 4.1.20. I. Cafi away from you all your tranfgreffions, wher- by you haue tranfgrefled , & make you a new heart, and a new fpirite,&c.3.3. »5 ji.S.ThouhaftderpiTed my holy things, and haft pollu- cedmy Sabbaths. 2.8. !<;. 25. There is a coiifpiiacie of her Prophets in the middeJ thereoflike a roaring Lyon,raiiening the pray: they haue deuourtdfoulcs,&c.4.^. J. i6. HerP;itftcshaue brokenmylavv, andhaue defiled myneholy thinges : they haue put no difference be- tween the holy, and prophane,&c.4.p. j. aj.j7. And haue alfocaufed thir fonnes, whom they bare vnto me, topalleby thefyretobetheirmeat. 4.KJ.24. 38. They hane defiled my fanftuarie in thefame day, & haueprophaned my Sabbaths. 2.8.2i>. 38.10. Thoufhalcdie the death ofthe vncircumcifedyby the hands of Itraungers : for I haue fpokenit, fayth the Lord God. 2. 10. 18. 9^,4. But I will put hokes in thy chavves, and I will caufe the lifh of thy riucrs to Iticke vnto thy fcalcs, &C.1.17.11. tp. B-hould, I will geue the land of Egiptvnto N=bu- chadneiar the king of Babel, and he fhall take her multitude, and fpoyle her fpoyle, & take her praey, and it fhall be the wages for his armyc.4.20.25. ao. I haue geuen him theland of Egipt for his labor,that heferued agaynftit, becaufe they wrought forme. 4.20.25. ji.iSi Thou fhalt flepein thi middcftofthe vncircum- cifed, with them that be flayne by thefword: this isPharao,andall his multitude ,&c.2.io.i8. 8.He fhall dye for his miquitie, but his blood will I requierat thy hand,&c.4.i 2.5. Idelire not the death of the wicked , but that thi wicked turne from his way andlyue,&c.}i24.r>. If he returne from his linne , and doe that which is lavvfullandright,5ic. j.17.1 5. 4.But with cruwltie and with rigour haue ye ruled them, &c. 4.11.14. . And 1 will fet vp a f heperd oucr them, and he fhall fede them,euenmy feiuaunt Dauid,he I'hal fed-e the, and he fhalbe their fhtperd. 2,6. j. .21. But I fauouredmyne holy name which the houfe oflfraell had polluted among the heathen whether they vvent,&c.j.4.30. . I do not this for your fakes, O houfe ofIfrael,bu: for myne holy names fake, v vhich ye polluted amog the heathen,&c.j.i2;}.& J. I 5.2. . Then will I power clcane water vppon you, and ye f halbecleane,yea, from all your hlthynes , and from all your ydoles will I cleanfe you, Sec. atf, A new hart will I geue you, and a new fpirit will I put with in you, and I will take away theftony hart out of your body , and will giue you a hare offlcfh. 2. j.d. &2.5.8. & 3.24.1 & 3.24.15, 47. And I will put my fpirit with in yours , and caufe you to vv.alkeinmy uatutes, and ye fhall kepe my ludgements and do them. i. 3.1 o.& 2.3.6. 31. Be It knowcn vnto you , that I do not this for your fakes , faith the Lorde God : therefore O ye houfe of Ifraell, bee afhamed and confounded for your own way e?. 3.4 J. & 3.12.3. & 31 5.1. J7-4-Againe hefaydvnto me, piophccic vpon thefe bo- nes and fiy vnto them, O ye drye bones, heare the word of the Lord.2.J0.2i. a 5- And my feruaunt Dauid f halbe their prince for euer. 2.6.3. a6. Moreouer, I will make a couenauntof peace with them: it Ihalbe an euerlalling couenaunt with the, &C.2.6.3. 48.21. And the refidue fhalbe for the prince on the one fide and on the other of the oblation of the fanftuarie, and of the pofleflion of the citie, &c. 4.2.13. 33 II. 14. }4 3 5 . And the name of the citie from that day fhalbe, The lorde is there. 1. 13.4. DANIEL. l.7t.T T E taketh away kinges : and fetteth vpkinges^ ±1 &c. 4.20. 26, 3 7. Thou art a king of al kings.for the god of heaue hach geuen the akmgdome, povver,andftrenghc, andglorie. 4.20.26. 44. And in the dayes of thefe kings, fhall the God of heauen fet vp a kingdom, which fhall neuer bede- ftroyed:and this kingdom fhall not bee gtiitn to an ocherpcople , but fhall breake & dcftioy all thefe kindoms, and it fhall Hand for euer,&c. 1.15.3. 4.24.VVherfore, O king , let my counccll be acceptable vnto thie, and breake of thy (iunes by righteoufnes, and thine iniquities by mercie towards the poore, &C.3.4.3I.& 3.4.36. J.i8 .The moite high God gaue vnto Nebuchadneier thy Father a kingdome , and maieftie, and honor, and glory, &C.4.20.26. ^,22. And vnto thee, O king,l haue done no hurl, &c. 4.20.32. 7.4. The rirlt was as a Lion , and had egles vvinges:! beheld, till the vvinges thereof were pluck;;d of. &C.1.8.7. * 10. And ten thoufand thoufandes ftode before him : the Judgement was fet and the bookts opened. 1.14.54 &1.14.8.& 3 2.41. 25. And fhall fpcake vvordes againft the moft highe, and fhall confume the faindtes of the moft highe, and thinke thathe may chaunge times, and Lavves, &c. 4.7.25. 5. J. VVe haue finned, and haue committed iniquitie, and haue done wickedly, yea we haue rebelled , and haue departed from thy pfeceptes,& from thy ludgc mtntLS.3.4.p. 7. O Lorde, righteoufnes belongeth vnto thee, & vnto vs open fhame,&c. 4.20. 2<;. 10. For we haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lord our God.to walkein his wayes, which he hadleyed before vs, by the minifterie of his fcruaunts th« Prophetcs.2.5.11. ■ 18, For we do not prefent oure fupplicationsbtfore thefor ourovvnejr.ghteoufnes , but for thy greas tendre mercies. 3.20.8. & 3.20.14. Seuenty vvckes are determined vpon thy people, . and vppon thy holy citie, to finifh thy vvickedne', and tofeale vpthy finnes, andto reconcde thy ini- quitie, and to bring in euerlafting righteouuiefle, &C.2.7.2.& 11 5.1 & 2.15.6. And he fhall confirme the couenaunt with many for one vveke: and in themiddes of the vvtke, h« fhall caufe the oblation and fictifice to ceafc : and for the ouerfpreading of the abominations, he fhall . leaue it dcfolate,&c.4 2.1 *•" 10. 1 3 .But the prince of the kingdom of Perfia vvithftode me, &c. 1. 14. 7. ao. But now 1 vvillretume to fight with the Princt ofPerfia,&c.i.i4.7. 1 a. I. And at that time fhall Michaell (land vp, the greate Pnnce, which ftandeth for the children of the peo- ple, and there fhalbe a time of trouble, &c. 1.14.7. & 1.14.8.& 2.10. Tl .' 2. Andmanyofthe that flepe in the duft of the earth,' fhall a wake, fome to euerlafting life, and Tome td f hame andperpetuall contempt. 3. 25. 7. 3. Aiid they that bee vvyfe, fhall fhine as the bright- nes of the firmament : and they that rurnemany to righteoufnes, fhall fhine as the ftarrcs, for cuer a:;d cuer.3.25.1 o. Z.7-Z.ifi. Off. 14 i7 THE TABLE. OSEA. i.ii.'T'Henfhall the chUc ^ dren of Ifraell be gathered together , and ap- point themfelues one head,& they f hall come vpoacof chelandj&c.i.^.j. *.5, For their mother hath plaide the harlot : The that conceaueJ them, hath done fhamefully:forfhe faid, iTvillgoeaftermy Iouers,&c.2.8.i8. l8. And in that day I will make a couenaunt for them, with the vvilde bealtes,and with thefo.iles of the heauen,and with them that creepethvpo the earth, &C.4.I.10. i^. And I will marry e thee vntorae foreuer :yeal vvill marrie thee vnto mi in righteoufnefle, and in iudge- ment,& Jnmercy,&incompalIion. j. 14. 6. & 4.1.20. I J. Andl willhaue mercievpon her, that was not pi ti- ed,and I will (ay to them which were not my peo- ple, thou art my people : and they fhall r3y,thou art my God. j.14.5. J.J. Afterward fhall the children oflfrael conuert,anJ feeke the Lord their God, and Dauid their king, and fhall feare the Lorde, and his goodnelTe in the latter daies.z.tf.j. & J. 2.25. 5. II. Ephraimis oppreffedjand broken in iudgement,bi- c»ufe he willingly walked after the commaunde- ment.4.20.j;. 15. I will go, and returne to my place, til tVey acknow- ledge their fault,and feeke me, &c. 2. 5.13. 5.1. Come, and let vs returne to the Lorde: for he hat'i ipoiied,and he will heale vs : he hath wounded vs, and he will binde vs vp. 3 . j . 2. y.8. Ephraim is as a cake on the berth not turned. 3.4-35. 8.4. Tney haue fet vp aking.but notby me,&c. i .18.4. ^.8. The watchman of Ephraim, fhould be in with my God ■ but that prophet is the fnare of a fouler in all his waies,and hatred in the houfe ofhis God.4.p.3. 1 i. 5 . Yea, the Lord God ofhoftes,ihe Lord himfelf is his ,memoriall.i.i3.io. 13.11. Igaue thee a kng in mine anger, and I tooke hhn away in my vvritri.i.i8.4.Sc 4.20.25. »2. TheiniquitieofEphraiaisbound\p,andhis finneis hid. 3.4.29. 14. I vvill redeeme themf. om the power of :h?graue: I vvill deliutrthc-n from dcarh : O Death, I will hi thy death : Ograae, I will be thy deftruilion, &c. 3.25.10. 14.2. Take away all iniquitie,andreceaue vsgracioufly: fo vvill we rend- r the calues ofourh'ppes. 3.4.30. & 3. 10. 28. & 4. 18. 17. J. A.lhur fhall not (auevs, neither will we ride vp- onhorfes: neither will we faye anymore to the vvorke ofourhand;s,yeareour Gods: for in thee, th. ficherlefTe findeth mercy . 1 .11 .4. 4. I vvill heale their rebellion.! vvillloue them freely: for mine anger is turned avva.^ from them, j .1 4 d. ioeL l.ii.'^ k 'Vrneyou vnto me,with all your harte, & with X ^falting,and with vveping,aiid with mourning. 2.5. 8.& 3.3.17. And rent your nartejand not your clothes, &C.3.3. i:c. 3.22.10. 5.14. Seekegood & not cuell,that yemay liue:&c.2.5.io 6.1. Wo to them that are at eafe in Zion,&c. 3.1 9.9, 4. They lie vppon beddes of yuorie , and ftretch them felues vppon theirbeddes,&c,3.i9.9. 8. II. Behold, the dayes come, fayeth the Lord God, chat I will fend a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thiril for water , but of hearing of the worde of the Lord. 3.22.10. 5.11. In that day will raifevp the Tabernacle of Dauid, that is fallen dovvnc,& clofe vp the breaches therof, and I vvill raife vp his ruines,and I vvill build it as in the dayes of olde. 2.5. 3. ABDIAS. T) Vt vppon mount Zion, fhalbe deliueraunce, &C.4. •"1.13. lONAS. BVt the Lord fent out a great vvinde into the fea, and there was a mighty tempeft in the fea, Scc.i. 16. J. But Ivvilifacrifice vnto the, with the voyce of thakes geuing ,and vvill pay chat 1 haue vowed: fal- uation is of the Lords. 3.10. 28. Yet forty daies,andNiiiiutth fhalbe ouenhrowcn. 1.17.12- So the people of .'^iniuethbeleued God, and proclai- ni;d a faft , & put on fackcloth , from the greateft of them,euen to theleftof chcm. 3.3.4. & 4.12.17. And God favv thei vvorkes,that they turned from theireuill vvayes:andGod repented of the euill that he had fay d, thach;; would doe vnto them, & be did icnot.1.17.14. MICHEAS. 1.4, i 9 a.13, 'I 'Hsb'-eakervp fhall come vp before chemrt'ney X fhall breakeouc and pafle by the g.ite.anJ goe out by it , and the Lorde f haibe vppon th;ir heads. 2. d. 5. 3.5. Therefore m'ghcfhilbs vnto youfor a vifion, and darkenes fhalbe vncoyoufor adiuin.ition , and the fonne fhall goe downe ouer the prophetcs , and the day fhalbe dirke ouer them. 4.9. 5. 5.2. And thou Btthelem Ephratahjdrt little to be among fomanie ciioufandesof ludach , yet out of th; fhall he come f:)rthe vnto me , that fhalbe the ruler in If- raehvvhofe goings, &c. 2. 14.7. 'ij. ' Thlneldolsalfo will I cut of, and thy images out of the middes of theeiand thou f halt-no more vvor- rtiippeche vvorkeof thinehandes.1.11.4. 7. p. I will beare the wrach of the Lorde, bicaufe I haue finned againit hiin,vDcill hee pleade roy caufe, &c. j. tf. He 15- Hi v\-'^U fubdue oar iniquities, & call allthcii finnes into the bottome of the Tea. j. 4. 2^. THE TABLE. I will fay , it is mj people , and they fbail fay , the HABACVC. i.i:. A Rt not thou of ould, o Lord my God mine holy ./\ one?vvcf hall not die, o Lordt, Sec. 2. 10 8. J.J. Though It tarry, vvaite:forit fhallurely come, and fhall not ftay. } .2.42. 4. But theiuftfha;niuebyhisfayth.j.i4.ii.& j.iS.y. 18. \Vhatp:ohteth the images , far the maker thereof h^thmadc it an image? anda teachtroflies , though he :ha:made ic,trult therein, when he make thduaae idols. I.} .!?.& i.ii J. 20. But thi Lord is m his holy Temple : let all the earth kepe Clenc£befcrehim.i.5.i2.& 1.1C.J.& 2.8.15. j.i. In wrath remember mercie. 5. 4. J 2. J. Godcommeth fromTeman,&c.i I J.27. J J. Thou wenteft forth for the laluauoDcfthypeople, cuenforfaluation with thine anaouited,&c.2.d.j. SOPHONIAS. J.J, A Nd them that vvorfhp the hofte of heauen vp- jL\pon the houfe toppts , and them that vyorlh;p and fvveare by ilieLorde,andby Malcham, &c. 2.8.2?. J .1 1 . For then I will t jke away out of the middes of the, them that leioyce ofihy pride, and thoa f halt no more be proud ofmiueholy mountaine.j.ii.fi. HAGGEVS. 1.1 J. A Ske now the prieftes concerning the law , and XA.f'jy > if one bearc holie flefhc in the fiirt of his garment,&c.j.i4.7. ZACHARIAS. I.J. '"p'Vmeye vntome, fayeth theLordofhoftes, and J[ I will tume vntoyou,&c.2.>.5>.& 3.24 15. a. 4, And an other angtll went out to meete him, & faid vntohim;runne,rpeake to this yongeroa,& lav, leruialem fhalbe inhabited without walks, for the multitude of men and cattell that are therein. 11 3.10 5. For he that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of my eye.t.i 3.10.& 1.17.^. n. And many nations fhalbe ioyned to the lorde in that dav,and Ihiibe my people:and I will dwell in theiraddes of the, and thoulTialt knowe that the Lorde ofhofteshathe fcnt me vnco the.i.i 5.10. 12, AndtheLordti hall inherit ludah his portion in the holy lande, and fhall chofe It.rufalemagaine.3.21.5. 3.10. In that day, fayeth theLordofhoftes, fhall ye call cuery man his neighbour vndcr the vine , and vnder thefig tree.3.13.4. 7.13. Therefore it is come topafTe, that as hee cried and they v^ould not heare,fo they cried , and I woulde not he3re,faieth the Lcrd ofhoftes. j. ; 24. ^.5>. Reioyceorc3tlif,o daughter Sion:fhoute forioye, o daughter lerufalem : beholde , thv K:r»cre commeth vnic tbr:iie is iuft & faued,poore,&c.2.6 j.& 2.1-'^ ri. Thou alfof halt be.iautd , through theblooiof the ■■ coucnaant.lhaueloofed thy prtionersoucoftfaepic wh.;rein vras no wa:er.2i is.^. 11.4. In that day I willfmite, faith rfje Lorde , euerie- horfe vvithiftonifhment, and his rider Tvith mad- neiTe,&c.4 9.5. !}.$. They fbail call oomy nasic, and I TfillbearetlKm; Lorde is my God. 3.20 13. 1 4.5. And the Lord f halbt Kng oner all the £arth:in that day fhalbe one Lorde, & his name l~halbe oce.i .12.3. MALACHIAS. i.a. "T T^ T ^^ °°^ ^'^^ lacobs brother? fayth the V V Lord, &c. 3.21.6. 3. Yet Ilouedlacob, andlhatedEfau, &c. 3.21.^. 6. A fonne honoreth h's Father, and a feraaunt his mai- fter. If then I be a father, v\ hire IS my r,t honor, and if Ibeeamaifttr, v%hereismy fi.are, &c. 2.S.14. 8c 3.2.26.&3.6.3.^ - II. For from ihc riliag of the Sonne,vnro the goying doY\ ne of the fame, my name ii grtat amog the gen- tiles. Ani in euery place infenceihalbe offered vnto my name: and a pure offering, &c. 4.18 4.5: 4.18.1^. ».4.Andye fhUiknovve, that Ibaue fent this comauQ-. dement vr.to you,thjt my coucnauntjwhich I made withLeui, might tand , fayediihe Lord ofhofteSr- 4.2.3.&4.«-2- 5. ISlv couenaunt was >'vith him of life and peace, and Igauehimfcare, and he feared me, and was a txayd before my name- 4. 2. 3. 6. The law of truth was in his mouth : and there waj no iniquide foundin his lippes.4.2. 3. 5: 4.8. 2. 7. For the Prieftes lippesfhoiUd kepe knowledge,and they rhould feke the law at his mouth, for he is the meiVenger of the Lord of holtes. 4.8. a.Sc 4.8.6. fie 4.S>.2. 8. Bat ye are gone out of the way : ye haue caufed ma- ny to fall by the law: ye haue broken the couenanQC ofLeui, &C.4.7.30. 3.1. And the Lord whom ye feke , fhall fpedely come to his Temple:eue the meifenger of the couenaunt who ye defire, & C.I.I J.I 0.& i.i4-5- 17. 1 willfpare them, as a man fpareth his orvn foane that fcru£thhim.3.i5.5. 4.1. For bthould,the day commeth that fhall bume as an ouen:andall th€proDde,yea,andall that do wic- kedly,fhall be as ftubble,and the day that commeth fhaliburne thtm vp,&c. 3.24.1 2. ». But vnto you that fcare my name, fhall the focne of righteuofne(Te,&c.2.6.i. & 3.24.1:. 4. Remember the Law of Mofes my feruannt, whichi commaunded vntoh:m in Horeb £ar all L'raell, &c. 4.8.6. 5. Behould, Iwillfend youEliah the prophet before the comming of the greate and fearehill day of the Lorde. 2 9.5. 6. And he fhall tume the harte of the Others to their cHiljren,& the hart of ihechildie to thier Fathen^ &c 4.1.6. TOBIAS. 3.25. A NJ Raphaellwas fenttoheale them both, &C. 1.14.S. SAPIENTIA. i4.i6.~T~Kus by proce/Teof tiiae this ^'^ickedcuftomr J. preuavledjand was kept as a l3\"\-,and vdolei vsere worl'hipped by the comma unoemcnt of tyrants. 1. 11. 8, ECCLESIASTICVS. ^5-^^ f^ ^^ trade man from the beginning, and left Vj ^J-n in the hand of his coimcell, and gaoe hiai his c6QifDaai]dcmentsan(lprecepces.2.i5aS, Zliaiij. J 5. If THE TABLE. I J. If thou wilt, thou fhalt obferue the commaunde- ments,anJteftiiie thy good vvill.i.15.18. t6. He hath fee water & tier before thee, Itrech out thy haadvnto which thou vvilr.i.i5.i8. 17. Before man is life and death: good and euell: what himlikech f halbe geuen him.2.1 5.8. 15.14. He vvilgeue place to all good decdes,&euery one fhall find, according to his vvorks,and after the vn- derltanduig of his pilgrimage, j. 15.4. BARVCH. »,i8.'D Vtthe foule that is vexed for the greatnes oF IJ finnc, and he that goeth crokedhe , and vveake, and the eyes that fayle, & the hungry foule will geue th.'c praife and righeteoufnes,&c. j.20.8. Ip. For we do not require mercy in thy fight, O lord our God, for the rigKteoufncs of our Fathers, or of oure kinges.j.10.8. ao. But becaui'e thou hall fent oat thy wrath and indig- nation vpoii vs, as thou haft fpokeby.thyferuaunts the prophets,&c. 3.20.8. I. MACHABEES. *'J?' A NdtheEokes of the Law, which they found, uTx they burat in die fyre , and cut in pieces. II. MACHABEES. I»'4J' A Ndhauing made a gathering through the co- JTx paniejfent to lerulalem about two thoufand drachmcs of filaer , to offer a finne offering. &C.J.5.8. IJ.J5>. It Ihauedonewell, andas theftoriereciuiredjit is the thing that I dcfired: butifl haue fpoKenflen- derly and barely, it is that 1 could, j. 5. 8. MATTHEVVE. 1-5. A Nd SaKimon begate Boot of Rachab.and Boot jLI begate Obed of Ruth, and Obedbegate leffe. i.tj.j. tS. And lacob begate lofeph the hufband of Marie, of whom was borne Ithis which is called Chrift. i.i }. }. ai. And 1 he fhall brin^ forth a fonne, and thou fhalc call his name lefus : for he fhall faue his people from their finnes.2.. tf. And they were baptized of himinlordaen, confef- fing their finnes. 3.4.6. & 4.1 5.6. & 4.1(5.24. 'n. Indede I bapcixc you with water to a mendment oflif^,&c.4.i ).<;.& 4 i5.8.&4.i.2.& J.3.2.& 3.3.1 p. 1^. Follow me, and I will makeyou fifhers of men. 4. 16.31. 5 • 3 • Blelfed are the poore in fpirit,for theirs is the king- domeof heauen.3.17.10. 4. Bleffed are they that mourne , for they fhalbe com- forted. 3.8.9. 8. Bleffed are the pure in heart: for they fhall fee God. 5.25.6. 1 0. Bleifed are they vvhif h fuffer perfecution for righ- teoufnes fake : for theirs is the kingdome of heauen. 3,87. X 2. Reioice and be glad , for great is youre revvarde in heauen,&c.3.i8.i. 13. Ye are the fait of the earth,&c. 4.3.3. Sc 4.5.14.&4. 8.4. 14. Yeare the light of the vvorlde, &c. 4. J. 3.8c 4.5.14. & 4.8.4. 15. Neitherdoe menlight a candell and put it vndera bufhell,but ona candelfticke , &itgeuethlight vn- to all that are in the houfe.i.u.14. 16. Let your light fofhine before men , that they may fee your good vvorkes,& glorifie your father vvhicn isinheauen.3.i6.3. 17. Thinke not tliat I am come to deftroy the lavve , or the prophets. I am not come to deitroy them, but to fulfill them. 2. 7. 1 4. I p. VVhofoeuer therfore fhall breake one of thefe leafl commaundements,and teache men fo,he fhalbe cal- led the leaft in the kingdome ofheauen;but vvhofoe- uer fhall obferue, &c. 2. 8.59. ji. Ye haue heard, that it was faid vnto them of the old time, thou fhalt not kill: for vvhofoeuerkilleth,fhal be culpable ofiudgement.4.20.10. 22. But li'ay vntoyou, vvhofoeuerisangrie vvithhis brother vnaduifedlie, fhalbe culpable of iudgement, &C.2.8.7. & 2.8 3J>. 25, Agree with thine aduerfariequicklie, whiles thou art in the way with him, left, &c. 3. 5.7. 26. Vereliel fay vnto thee, thou fhalt not come out thence , till thou halt payed the vttermoite farthing. 3.5.7. & 3.25.6. 28. VVhofoeuer loketh on a woman to luff after her, hathe committed adulterie with her allreadie in his harce. 2.8.7. 34. Swearenotatall , neither by heauen, &C.2.8.26. & 4 13 12. 39. But I lay vnto you , refift pot euill : but vvhofoeuer f'hallfmite theon therij^htcheke, turne to him the other alfo.4. 20.19.& 4.20.20. 44. I-oue your eniaiies;blefl'e them that curfeyou,&c. 2. 8.57. THE ^5. That ye may bt- the children of your father vvhiche is in hcauen : for ho mnketh his iinne to arife on the cueli,andon the good,&c.5>20.i ^.Sc 5. 24. 16. & j. 25.5>. 46. For if you loue them vvhiche loue you, what rc- vvarde f hai you hauc? doe not the publicans euen the fame? 2.8. 57. 4.i. Therfore when thou geucfl thine almeSjthou f halt not make a trumpet to be blovven before thee, as the hypocrites do in the fy nagogues , & in the Itretes, to bepraifedofmen. Verelielfay vnto you , they haue thfeirrevvarde.j.y.i. 6. But when thou praiefl, enter into thy chamber:and when thou haltc fhut the doore , pray to thy father vvhichisinfccrcte,&c.j.io.2j>. 7. Alfo vvhenye prav , vfeno vaine repitions as the hcathen:for they thinke to be heard, tor their much babling. j.20.2^. 5. After thismanertherfore pray ye:our father which artinheauen,haiovvedbe thy name,&c.j.io.6.& j. 20.34. If. Geue vs this day our daylie bread. 2.5.14.. 1 1. And forgcue vs our dets,as we alio forgeue our det- ters.3.4.}8.&4 1.2 j. ji. For where your treafure is , there will your heart bealfo.j.2.25.& j.i8.<».& 3.2J.1. ij. But if thine eye be wicked, then all thy bodief hall be darke.VVherforeifthe liglit which is in thee, be darkcnes,hovv great is that darkenes.^3.2.25. 7.7. Af ke,and it fhallbegeuen you: feeke , and ye fhall finde:knocke,& it f hall be opened vnto you. 3 . 20. i 3 XI. If ye then vvhiche are eiiell , can geue to your chil- dren good giftes, how muche more f hal your father which is in heauen, geue good thinges to them that al'kehim?3.20.3 6. 13. Therfore, whatfoeucr ye vvoulde that menfhould doe vnto you, euen fo doe ye to them : For this is the law and the prophets. 2. v. 5 3. 15. Beware of falfe prophets, vvhiche come to you in fheepes clothingejbut inwardlie they are raueninge wolfes.4.5».4. 8.4. Then lelus fay d vnto him, fee thou tell no man; but goe,and f hew thy ftlfe vnto the prieft,and ofler the gift that Mofes commaunded, for a v vitncs to them. 3.4.4. 10. And whe lefus heard thi.^, heemeruayled,3ndf3yd to them wiche folovved him : verclie I fay vnto you, I h.iue not found fo great fayth euenm lira el. 3. 2. 13. 11. Manie fh ill come from the Eaft and from the Welt, and fhall fitt dovvne vvith Abraham, and Ifaac, and lacob m the kingdoms ofheauen.2.io.2 3.& 4.1 6.1 3 II. And the children oft he kmgdome iliallbe calt out into vtter darkcnes. there fhall be weping and gnaf- fhing of teeth. 3. 25. 12. I J. Thenlefus fayd vnto the Ccnturio, goe thy waies, and as thou hafte b^kued , fo be it vnto the. And his feruauat was healed the fame houre. 3. 20.11. 3 5. Th.n his (lifciples came , and awoke him , fayinge: mayiter, fane vs,vve perifhe.j.2.21. 3^. lefus the fonne of God, what haue we to doe vvitii theL?ait thou comehether to to;meiit vs before the time? 1. 1 4. 19. y.2. Andloc,they brought tohim a man ficke ofthe pal- fie lying on a bed : and lefiis feeing ih.ir fayth , fiid tothelicke ofthe paliie, fonne, bee of good comfort: thy finnesare forgeuen thee. j. 2.13. & 3.4.3J.&3. 20.9. ;. Certaine ofthe fcribci faide within themfelues, this man blafphemeth.i.i 3.12. 4. But when lefus faw their thoughts, &C.1. 1 3. 1 1. 5. For whether is it eafierto faye, Thy linnes are for- geuen lhee,or to fay,Arife and vvalke?4.i9.a^. TABLE. 6. And that ye may know that the fonne of man hath authoritie to forgeue finnes inearth, (then faid hee to the fickeof thep.ilfu,) arife, take vp thy bed and go to thy houfc.i.i 3.12. 1 2. The whole needcnota phifitionjbut they that are iicke.2.12.4. 13. For I dm not come to call the righteous, but the fin- ners t o repentance. 3.3. 20. & 3.1 2.7.6: 3.14.5. 15. Can the children ofthe manage chamber mourne, as long as chebridegrome,&c.3.3.i7.& 4.12.17. jp. Then touchedhetheireyes, fayinge : accordinge to yourfaith,beitvnto you. J.2.43.& J.4.22.& j.20. 11.&4.19.18. j4. But tliePhnrifesfaid,he.i. lO.i. And hee called his tvveluedifciples vnto him, and gaue them power againft vnclean fpirits,&c.4. 3.5. 5. Goe not into the way ofthe gentiles, and into the cities ofthe Samaritanes, enter ye not.2.11.1 2. 8. Heale the ficke: clenfe the lepers : raife vp the dead; cad out deuils,&c.i.i 3.1 3. 1 5. And ye fhalbe brought to the gouemors and King! for my fake , in witnefllnge to them and to the gen- tiles.3.4.4. 20. For it IS not ye that fpeake , but thefpirite of your father that fpeaketh in you. 4.1 9.8. 28. Andfeare ye not them which kill ihehodie,butare not able tokil the foule:but rather f^-are him, which is able to deftroy both fouleandbodicinhell.i.15.2, & 3-25-7- 29. Are not two fparrowes fold for a farthing , & one of them fhall not fall on the grounde without your father? 1. 1 6. 1. & 1.16.5.& i.i7.<>. JO. Yea,andall thehearcs ofyourhjad arenombred. i* 16.2. JI. Feareyenot therfore, ye arc of more value then ma- ny fparrowes. 1. 1 j.6. } 3. But v\hofoeuer i hall denie mc before men,hlm vvil lalfo dtni before my father which is inhcaue.4.1 2(J II. 10. For this is he of whome it is written: bthoulde,! fende my melTtnger before thy face,vvhich f hal pre- pare thy way befiire the. 3. j.i 9. II. Among them which are begotten of vvemen,arofe there not a greater then Ihon Bapti(ie:notvvithftan- dinge,hee thjtis lealt in the kingdome of heauen, is greater then he. 2. 9. 5. 13. For all theProphttesand the Lav vprophccied vnto Ihon. 2. II. 5, 10. , 33 . And thou Capernaii, which art lifted vp vnto hea- uen,fhalt be brought dovvne to hell: for if the great workcs, vvhiche haue beene done in thee, had bttne done among them of Sodome, they had remained to this day. 3. 24. 1 ;. ay. At that time lefus anfwered, and faid : I geue thee thankes, o father, Lord of heauen and cart!), becaufe thou hall hid thefe things from the wife ,and men of vnderlUding,& halt opened them vnto babes. 3 .2.34 37. Neither k.iovveth any ma the father, but the fonne, & he CO v\ home the fonne willreutile him. 4 8.5. 28. Come vnto me all ye that bee wearie and laden, & I will eafeyou.3.3.20.& 3.4-3.8f 3.I2-7-& 3-'8.9' 29. Tike my yoke on you , and learneofmc , that lam meeke and lowlie in heart: andye fhall rinde rcfte vnto your foules.3.1 8.9. 30. For my yoke is earu',& my burdenl.'ght,4.i9. j. U.24. Bat when thsPharifes hard it, they f.:id,lhis man carteththe deuils no othcrwifc out, but throguh Beelxebub the prince of deuils. 3. 3.22. JI. tuerie (inne andblaiphemie fhalbee forgeuen vnto menibuc the blafphemie againft the hoiie ghoft f hali AAAA.j. not THE TABLE. not be forgeue vntome.i.i J.t J.& j.}.ji.& }.}.2». j:. And vvhofoeuer fhall fpeakea vvorde againfte the fonneof man,itfhjIbeforgeutn him: but vvhofouer fhall fpcake againlt the holic ghoite , it fhall not bee forgeuen him, neither in thisvvorld,iior in the world tocome.3.5.7. 41. The men of Niniue fhal rife in iitdgement, with this generation, and fhall condemne it; for they repented at the preaching of Ionas,&c.}.24.i 5. 43. Now when the vncleane fpirite is gone out of the man, he walked throughout ciie places, ftking reft, and rindeth none. 1. 14,1 4.3c 1.(4.19. 13.4. Andashsfovved, foine feedesfillby the way fide, and thefoules came and deuoured them vp, 3. 22. 10. &4.14.1J.&4.17.JJ, 5. And lome fell vppon ftonie gronnde , where thejr had no: muche earth, and anone they fpronge vp,be- caule they had no depth of earth. 4. 17.3 3. 7. And feme fell among thornes, & the thornes fprong vp, and choked them. 4. 17.3 3. 5. He thit hath ears toheare,lethimheare.5.2 3.i 3. 11. Becaufe it is geuen vntoyou, toknowe the feci etes of thekingedome ofheauen,but to them it is not ge- uen.1.7.5. & 3'24.«3. 1 6. But bleiled are your eyes, for they fee:& your eares, for they heare.2.9.1 . »7. For verelie I fay vnto you,thatmany prophetes and righteous me haue delired to fee thofe things which ye fee,and haue not feene them, &c. 2, 11. 6. 34. The kingdome of heauen is likt vnto a man, which fovvethgoodfeedein his Heidi. 4.1 .13. »i>. But h; fai J,naydeft while ye go about to gather the tares, ye pluck vp alfo vviih them the vvl»tat.4.i 2.11 }i. The kmgdome of heauen is like vnto a graine of mu- ftardfeede, whicheaman takethand fovveih in his field e 4.19. 34. J 3. An other parable fpakehee vnto them , Ciyinge:the kingdom of heauen is like vnto leauen, which a wo- man taketh and hideth in three peckts ofmeale , till it be all leauened.4.19. 3 4. J 9. And the enemie which fovveth them , is the deuill, &C.1.14.1 J. 47. The kingdom ofheaue is like vnto a net, that was caft into the fea, & gathered of al kind. 4. 1.1 j.&: 4.16.31. 14.25. And in the fourth watch of the night , lefus wet vnto them, walking on the fea. 4. 17.29. 15.3. Why do ye alfo tranfgrefle the commaundementof Godbyyour tradition? 4.10,10. 4. For God hath commaunded,fayinge,honore thy fa- ther and mother, and he that curfeth father and mo- ther,Iet him die the death. 2.8. 5 6. 8. This people draweth neere vntomee with theire mouth, & honoieth mee with their lippes , but their hart is farre of from me. 3. 20- 3i» 5. But in vaine they vvori hip nice , teachinge for do- ftrines,mensprtcepts.4 lo.i 5. & 4.10.23. I J. Euery plant whiche mine heauenly father hathe not planted,fhalberotcd vp. 2.3.9. & 3 .2.12. & j. 23.1. & 3.24..h were fo borne of their mothers bellie: and there be fomcchaft which be made chaft by men:& there be fome chaft, whiche haue made ihemfelues chaft for the kingdome of hea- uen,5:c. 2. 8.42. 13. Then were broughte vnto him little children , that he f hould put his hande vpon them, and pray: & the difciples rebuked them. 4.1 6'. 7. 14. Surfer lirtlechiidren to come vntome, and foibidde them not: for of fuch is the kingdome ofh?auc. 4. 16. ^ 7.& 4 1 '>:i7.& 4.16. 26. I J, And when he had put his handes on them,hedepar- ted thence. 4. 5.16. 1 7, There is none good but one , euen God : but if thou wilt enter into life ,kecpe the comiraundementes.i. 1 3.1 3,24& 3 18.9. 1 8, Thou f halt not kif.thou fhall not commit adultery: ihouihalt not fteale,&c.2.8. 3 5 ,3 6, J7j3 *> Ji')&<^-*0 the 1 THE TABLE, »5. a5> 25. aS. i9- 25 the end< of the chapter. Honor thy fa ter& thy mother,&c.i.8.i i, j 5. If thou vvjlt be perfede,goe,rell that thou h.ilt,and 8. geuetothepoore, & thou f halt haue treafure in hea- uen,&c.4.ij.i }. j>. And when his difciples heard it, they were excee- dinglie amafed, fayinge, who then canbeefaued? 2.7.5. jj And lefus behelde them,and /aide vnto them: with men this is vnpolllble, but with Cod all thinges are pollible.2.7.5. And lefus fayd vnto them, verelie I Ciy to you; that aj, when the fonne of man f hall fitte in the throne of his maiellie , ye which followed me in the regenera- tion , fhall lit alfo vpon tvvelue thrones , and iudge the tvvelue tribes ofIfracll.2.id.i8.& j. 2 5.10. 37, And whofoeuer fhall forfake houfes,or bretheme, or fifters,or father, or mother, or wife, or children, Orlandes.for my names fake, he fhal receiue an hun- dreth foulde more, & fhal inherite life euerlafting.j. J4, 25.10. ao.i. Forthekingedome ofheauenis like vntoacertaine 14. houfcholdcr, vvhiche wente out at the dawninge of the day e, to hier laborers into his vineyarde. j. 18.J. a4. Ye knowe that the Lordes of the Gentiles haue domination ouer them,and they that are great,exer- cifeauthoritieouerthem.4.ii.8.& 4.1 1.9. »5. But it fhal not be fo among you.but whofoeuerwil ,5 be great amonge you , let lum bee youre feruaunt. 4. 118. 18. Euen as the fonne of man came not tobe ferued,but to ferue,& togeue his life for the raunfome of many. 2.15.5. j5, ii.$. Moreouer,the people that went before,& they alfo that folovved , cryed , faying : Hof.inna the fonne of Dauid.blelled be he that commeth in the name of the ^ j, Lorde,&c.2.6.4. a 2. VVhatfoeuer ye fhall afke in prayer: ifyebeleeue, yefhallreceiueit.j.20.ii. 15. The baptifme of Ihon whence was it?fro heaue,or ofmen?the thc-yreafoned among themfclues, faying, ji. if we fhall fay from heauen, he vill fay vnto vs, why did ye not then beleuehim.4.1^.5. Whether of them twaine did the wil of the father? they faid vnto him, the firft.Iefus faid vnto them, ve- 1 j. relie I fay vnto you, that the Publicans & the harlots fhall goe before you into thekingdomeof God. 2. 8, j^. 14.&J.7.2. a 2. 2. The kingedome of heauen is like vnto a certaine King, which mariedhis fonne.}. 24.8. 12. Frendcjhow camelt thou in hither, and haftc not on ji, a wedding garment. 4. 17. 4 5. I j. Bindehim hand andfoote, take him away , and calt him into vtterdarkenes : there fhalbe wepinge and ji, gnalThing of teeth. 3.25.12. 14. Formanieare calledjbut-few are chofen. 3.24.5. 25. The fame day the Sadduces came to him , vvhiche fay that there is no refurreiflion. 2. 10.23. J4- 30. For in the rtfurreftion , tliey neither marie wiues, nor wiuesare beftowcdinmariage , butare as the angels of God in heauen. 1.14.5. Sci.i J.3.& 2. 1 2.5. 35. & 3.25. II. & 4.1.4- 1 am the God of Abraham, the God of iraac,ind the 40. God of lacob: God is not the God of the dead, but of theliuing.2.io.9.& 4.15.3. Thou fhalt loue the LorJe thy God , with all thy 41. heart , with all thy foule, and with all thy minde. 2. 8.II.&2.8.51.& 3.3.11. And the feconde is like vnto this , chou f halte loue 45. thy neighbour as thy felfe.2.8.11. 13.4. Fortheybindeheauie burdens , and greuous tobe 25. bome,& lay them on mens fhoulders, but they them 35 3' 3» J7 39 felues will not moue them with one of their fmgeri* 4. 10.1.& 4.10.25. But be not ye called , Rabbi: for one is yourdodor, to vvit,Chrift,& all ye are bretheme. 4. 8. 8. And cal no ma your father vppon the earth:for their is but one , youre tacher vvhiche is in heauen. 3 . zo. . And yeleaue the weightier matters of the lavve, as iudgement , and mercie,and fidelitie , thefe ought ye haue done , and not to haue lefte the other, z. 8.52. . Wo vnto you fcribes and Pharifese, hypocrites: for ye make cleane the outer fide of the cup , and of the platter:but within they are full of briberie and cx- ceirc.3.4.3 5. Ierufalem,Ierufalem, vvhiche killtlt the Prophets, and fioneit them which are fent to thee, how often would I haue gathered thy children together,&c. 3. 24.15. ,11. And many falfe Prophets fhal arifeaud fhal de- ceiuemanie.4.9.4. And this gofpel of the kingdome fhalbe preached through the whole worlds, for a vvitnei vnto all nations: and then fhal the end come. 3. 4. 4. For there fhal arife falfe chiifts, and falfe Prophets, and fhal f hewe great fignes and wonders : lo that if it were pollible, they Ihoulde deceiue the verie e- leae.4 9.4. , And then fhall appeare the figne of the fonne ofman in heauen, and then fhall all thekindredes of the earth mourne, and they fhal fee the fonne ofman come in the cloudes of heauen with povvre & great glorie.2.15.17. But of that daye and houre knoweth no man, no not the Aiigels of heauen , but my father onely. 1. 14.9. Who then is a faithful feruant , and wife, vvhome his mailter hath made ruler ouer his houf hould , to glue themmeatein fcaron?4.i5.3i. 3 . The foolif he toke theire lanipes , but toke no oyle with them. 3. 5. 7. Then his mafter faid vnto him , it is vvel done good feruant and faithfuhthou had bene faithful in little,! will make the ruler ouer muche : enter into thy mai- fters ioy.2.3. II. It is well done good femaunt and faithfull , thou haft been faithfull inlittle,&c.2.3.ii. For vnto euery man that hath, it fhalbe geiien , and hee fhall haue abundaunce: and from him chat hache not,euen thathe hathe, fhalbe taken away. 2.3. 11. & 3.15.4. And when the fonne ofman commeth in his glo- rie,and all the holie angels with him , then fhall hec fit vpon the throne ofhis glorie.2.1 5.i 7. And before him fhall bee gathered all nations , and hee fliall feperate one from an other , as a fhtpe- herde feperateth the fhepe from the goate5.2.i5.i7. &}.25.5>. ComeyeblefTed of my father, inherite the kinge- domeprepjredfor you from the foundations of the vvorlde.3.i8.i.& 3.18.2.& 3.18.3.& 3.24.15. Fori vvasanhungred,andyegauememeat: Iihur- fted,3ndyegaueme drinke,&c.3.i8.i. Verelie I fay vnto you, in as muche as ye h.sue done it vnto one of the leafte of thefe my brethren, ye haue done it to me. 3. 18. 5. Departefromme ye curfed , into euerlaltinge fire, vvhiche is prepared for the deuill and his angels.i. 14.14.& 1. 14.19.& 3.15.5. And thefe fhall goe into euerlallingpayne , and the righteous into life eternall.3. 25.5. I o. Why treble ye the woma?for f he hath wrought a good worke vpon me. 3. 2 5. 8. AAAA.ij. II. Fo THE TABLa II. Foryehaue the poore alvvaycs with you, but me f hall ye not hauc with you alvvayes. 4.3.1. & 4.17. 2(J.& 4.17.28. 1 1. For in thnt The povvred this oyntment vpon my bo- dy, f he did it to bury me. 3.25.8, 15. And he fayd to them, what will ye geue me, and I vvil deliuerhim vntoyoii? and they appointed vnto him thirty pieces offiluer.4.1 8.14. t6. And as they did eate, lefus coke the bread:and vvhe he had geiien thankes he brake it, and gaueit to the dircipks,and fayd, take, eate: this is my body. 4.14. 20. & 4.i(S.30. 6: 4.17.1. & 4. 17.10. 6i 4.15) 23. 37. Alfo he tokc the cup,and vvjie he had ^euen thanks, he gaue it to them, faying, diinke ye all of it. 4^14. j8. Tiien fayd lefus vnto them , my foule is veryheauy euen vnto the death : tarie ye here,and watch with me. 2. 1 5. 12. & 3.8.9. 35 Sohe went a litle further, and fell on his face, and prayed, faying : Omy Father,if it bepofliblt let this cup palie ivom me,neuertheles not as I will , but as thou wilt. 2. 16. 1 2. 53. Thinkeft thou that I cannot now pray to myFa- ther,and he will geue me more then twclue legions of Angels?!. 14. 8, 74. Then began he to curfe himfelfe,and to fweare/ay- • ingjl knownot theman.4.(,26. 75. ThenPeterremembredthe words of lefus, which fayd vnto him, Before the coke crowe, thoufhalt deny mee thrife. So hee went out,and wept bitter- ly.3.3.4. *7.4.1 liaue fmned betraying the inr.ocet blood, but they fjyd,vvhatis that to vs?fee thou coic.3.3.4, I z. And when he was accufed of the chiefe Pritftes & Elders, he anfwered nothing. 2.1 6. 5. 14. But he aunfvvered him not to one word, in fo much that the gouernour marueylcd greatly. 2. j 6.5, S3. Then favd the gouernour , but what euell hathhe done? then they cryed the more, faying, let him be cruciHcd.2.i6. J. 14. vvhe Pilate fawe that he auayled nothing, but that more tummulte was made , he toke water and vvafhcd his handes before the multitude, fiying, I am innocent of the blood ofthisiultman : loke you toic.2.16.5. 4. Goe therefore , and teach all nations, baptiiing the in the name of the Father,and the Sonne,and the ho- ly Ghoft. 1.13.16. &4.3.6.& 4.14.20. & 4. I 5. 6, 18, 20, 2 2. & 4.16. 27.& 4.19.28. 20, lam with you all vvayes , vntill the^cnde of the vvorld.2.i 6.1 4.SC 4.8,8.& 4.8. u.& 4.17. 26.& 4.17 28 & 4.17.30. M A R K E. I. 'T~'He beginning of the gofpell of lefus Chriftthc X fonne ofGod.2.9. 2. 4. Ihon didbapcixein the wildernefTe, and prea- ched the baptitme of amendement of life for remif- fion offinnes.3.3.1 9. & 4. 19.17. 1 5. And faying, the time is fulhlled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and beleue the Gofpell. 3.3.19. 3.1 5. And that they might haue power to heale llcke- neifes, and to caft out deuds.i '15.13. 28. Verely,! fay vnto you, all finnes fhall bee forgeuen vnto the children of men^and blafphemies, where- with they blaipheme. 3.5.7. ip. But he that blafphemeth againft the holy Ghoft,f hal neuerbe forgeuen, but is culpable of eternal damna- tion.1. 13. i 5.& 3. J. 22. ^.7. And g.uie them power ouer vncleane (pirites.r.i 3.1 j 13. And they caft out many dcuils, and they annoy nted many that wtre like, with oyle, and healed them, 4. 19. 18 & 4.19.21, 7.3 3.Thenhetokehim afide fro the multitude,& put his fingers in his eares, and did fpitte , and touched his toi)ge.4 19 23. 8.38.For vvhofoeuer fhalbc afhamedofme, and of my words among this adulterous and finfull generatio, , of him f h.iU the fonne of man be af hamed alfo, & c. 4.1.26. 5. 24. Lord, 1 beleue : helpe my vnbeliefe.4.14.7. 43. To go into hell ,into the her that neuer fhal be quen- ched.3. 25.1 2. 44. Where their worme diethnot, and the fier neuer goethout.3.25.12. i0.9.Therfore,what God hath coupled together, let no man ftpuate. 4.1.1. 30, Buthefhil receyue a hundred foldnovvat thisprc- fent:houfes,andbTetheren, and lifters, and mothers, and chi!dre,and lands with perfecutions: and in the world to come eternall life, 3.18,3. 11.24, VVhatfoeueryedcfire when ye pray, beleue that thou fhalt haue it, and it fhalbe done vnto you. 3. 20. II, I 2.18, The came the Sadduces vnto him(whichfay,that there is no refurreftion) and they afkedhini, faying: 5.25.5. 13.32. But of that day and houre knoweth no man, no, not the Angels which are in htaue,neither the fonne him felfc,iaue onely the Father. 2. 14.2. 14.22. And as thty did eate, Icius toke the bread, and when he had geuen thanke, he brake it and i^aueit to them, and fayd, take, cate;ihis is my body 4.17.1. & 4.17.20. 3 3 , And he toke with him Peter, & Iames,& Ihon, and he began to be a frayed, andin.greate heauinefle. 3.8.9. 34. And fayd vnto them, my foule is very heuie , euen vnto the death; tarye here and vvati ho. 2.16,1 2. 1 5, 28. Thus the Scripture was fulhlled, which faith, And he was counted among the wicked. 2. 16, 5, i6.<>.Ue appeared firft to Marie Magdalfcne,ouc of whom he had caftfeuen deuils. 1.14.14. 15. Goyeintoall the world, and preache the goipell to euery creature. 4. 3. 4. & 4, j. i z. & 4.16 27. & 4«^.a8. 16. He THE TABLE. ( 6. He that f hall b elcue and be baptixed, f hall be faued. 4.15. 1. & 4.16.27. i^. Soafcerths Lord had fpoken vnco them,he was re- ceaucd inco heaue, and fat at the right hand of God. a.i4.5.& 4.17.27. LVKE. i.i. "OOthvverc iuflified before God , and walked in XJ all the commaundcmentes and ordinaunces of the Lord, without rtproofe. j.17,7. 15. And he fhall be filled with the holy ghoft,euen from his niothtrs vvombe. 4.1 6.17. 17. For he fhall go before him in the (pirite and power otElias:to tiirne the harccs of the fathers to their childre, and the difobedient to the vvifcdomo of the iiilte men, to make reaJye a people prepared for the Lord. 4. 1. 6. 31. Forlocjihoufhaltconceaiiein thy vvombe, Scbeare a fonne,and f halt call his name lefiis. 2.1 6.1 . 3 J. He fhall be great, & fhall be called the fonne of the moft high, and the Lorde iTiall geue vnto him the throne ofhis father Dauid. 2. 1 4.4,7. J 3, And he fhall reigne oiier the houfe of lacobfore- uer, and of his kingdoms fhall be none end. 2.14. j. &2.IS.3. 34. Then faid Mary vnto the Angell, how fhall this be, feme 1 know no man ? 4.17.25. 3.5. And the Angel anfwerid, and faid vnto her,the ho- ly Ghoft fhall come vppon thee , and the power of the molt high fhall ouerfhadovvc thee : thtifove al- fo,that holy thing which Thai be borne ofthee,ihal be called the fonne of God. 2. 14. J. 43. And whence commeth this tome , that the mother ofmy Lord fhould come tome?2 14 4. J4. He h.^th \pholden Ifracl his feruaunt, being mindfull ofhis mercy. 2.10.4. 72. Tiiathe would ih.vv mercy tovvardes our fathers, and remenibcrhis holy coiienaunt.2.10.4. 73. And the othe VNhich he fvvarc to our father Abra- ham.2. 10.4. 74. That We being deliuered out of the handes of our e- neniics,fhe)ulJ feruehim without feare. }.i5.2, 77. And to geue knowledge of faluation, vnto his peo- ple, by the rcniiffion of their Imnes. 5.11.22. 79 To geue light to them that fit in daiknefl'e, & in the fhadovv of death, .nnd to guide our feete into the way ofpeace.2.i 2.4. t.ii. That is, that vnto you is borne this day intheCi- cic of Dauid, a Sauiour, which is Chrill the Lorde. 2.15.5. ij. Anddraight way there was with the Angel a mul- titude ofheauenly foldiirs, praifing God, &c. 1.14. 5. 37. And fhc was a widow about foiirefcore & fovver yeares , and went not out of the temple , and fer- ued God with faftinges,and prayers, nighcand day. 4.12.KJ. 52i And lelus encreafed in wifedonic, and ftature, and in fauour with God and nun. 2.1 4.2. 3.3. And he came into all the coalles about Jordan, prea- ching thebaptifme of repentaunce f^r theremiffion offinnes.3.3.i9.S: 4 1 5.7- & 4.1 j). 17. ?. Bring forth therefore frutcs worthy amendment of life, and b*gin not to fay with your ftlues,vvc haie Abraham toourfather: fori f.iy vnto you, that God is ableofthifeftones toraife vp childre vnto Abra- ham.3. ^5.. 14. The foul iierslikewife demanded ofhim,faying,and what fhall we do? and he faid vnto them, doe vio- lence to no man, tuicher accufe any falfely, and be Content with your wages. 4.20.1 2. iS, Iohnanfvverea,andfaiato them all, in dcedelbap- tiie you with vvater,but one ftronger then T, com- meth, whofc f hoos latchet I am not worthy to vn- lofe : he will baptize you with the holy Ghoft, and with fire. 3. 1. 3, 4. & 4.15.6,7. 22. And the holy Ghoft came dovvpe in a bodily fhapo like a Doucjvpon him, and there was a voice from heaucn,faying,ihouaitmy beloucd fonne : in thee I am vvtllplealed.4.17.21. 23. And lefushimrelfcbcgan tobc about thirtie yeares of3ge,being as men luppofed the lonne of.oi'eph, which was the fonne of 1:,29. }8.VVh)chvv3b the fonne of Enos, which was the fonne ofS;;th, which was ihc fonne ot Adam, which was the for.ne ofGod.2.i2.7.(i; 2.1 3.3. 4.17. And there was deliuered vnto him thebooke of thePrtphet Efaias : and when he had opined the bocke, he found the place where it was written. 4.15). 23. i8. Ihe rpiriteofthelovdeis vpon me,bicaurehe hath annointcd me, that 1 Ihould preach the Gofpell to th. poorer heha^h fentmc, that 1 fhouldhtale the broken in hart. 2.1 5.2.& 3.3.2C.& 3 4.3.. J. 13. And touched him, faying, I will, be thou cleane. And immediatly the leprofie departed from him: 14. Andhecomaundedhim that he i' ould tell it to no manibut go,faith he,andfhew thy fclfto theprieft, , andorter for thy cknfing, as Mofcshath commaun- dedjfora vyitnelTe vnto them. 3. 4.4. 34. Can ye make the children of the wedding chamber to fafte , as long as the bridegrome is with them?' 4.12. 17. 6.1}. And when it was day, he calledhis difciplcs,and of them he chofe tvvelue, which alfo he called Apo- ftles.4.3.5. 23, Reioyccyein that day, and be glad: for behold,your reward is great in htauen,&c.3.i 8. 1. 24. But woe be to you that are rich, for ye haue recea- ued your confo]ation.3.i«>.5>. 3 6. Be ye mcrcifuU therfore,as your father alfo is merci- ful). 3.7.6. 7.2^. Th.nall the people that heard,and thePublicanes iuftifiedGod,being baptized with the baptifmeof lohn. 3.11.3. 35. But wifedomeis iuftifiedofall herchildre. 3. 11. 3. 3 6. And one of the Pharifees defircd him that he would eare with him : & he went into the Pharifees houfe, and fat downe at the table. 3. 4. 37. 47. VVherfore I fay vnto thee,many finne.'sareforgeuea her: for fhc loucdmuch . To whom a little is for>-e- ucn,he doth louea little. 3. 4. 3 1 . 8.2. And certaine vvomen,vvhiche were healed ofeu.'fl fpiritcs,and infirmities, as Mary whiche was called Magdalene,outof who went feutn deuils.i.14.14. 7, And fome fell among thornes, & the thornes Iprung ^ p with it, and choked it. 3. 2. 10. 13. But they that are on the ftones,. are they which whc they haue heard, receaue the worde with ioye : but tluv haue no rootes, which for a while belcue, but in the time of tentation go away. 3.2. 1 o. 1 5. But that which fel on good ground, are they which with an hon<.ft and good hart hcare the worde, and kcpc it,& bring forth fruite vvitli paciencc' 4.14 11, ^.23. if any man will come after me, let himdenyehim felfe, and take vp his erode daily and followe me. . 3.15.S. 26. For v\hofocuerfhallbe afhamed of me, and of my wordeSj-^f him fhall the fonne ofmanbe afhamed, when he fhall come in his glory, and in the glory of the father, and of the holy Angels.i.[4.. j6. VVhiche now of thele three, thinkeft thou, was neighbor to him that fell among the theeues.^2.8. 5 5. II. 2. Andhefayd vnto them, when ye pray, fay. Our fa- ther which art in heauen. 3 .20.6, 3 4. J. Our daily bread geuevs for the day. 2. 5.1 4. 21. When a ftrong man armed,keepeth his place, the thinges that he pofl'eflfeth are in peace. 1.14.IJ.& 1.14.18. a,2. But when a ftronger then he commeth vpon him, and ouercommeth him , he taketh from him all his armour wherein he triifted,anddeuideth his Ipoiles. 1. 14.18. jp. And the Lorde faid to him, in deede ye Pharifees make deane the outfide o5 the cup , and of the plat- ter,but the inwarde parte is full of rauening and vvickedneffe.3.4. 36. 12. J. Fearehim which after he hath killed, hath power to caftintohcllj&c.i.i 5.2. 10. And vvhofoeuer fhall fpeake a worde againft the fonne of man, it fhall be torgeuen him: but vnto him that fhall blafpheme the holy Ghoft, it fhal neuer be forgeuen.i.i3.i5.& 3.3.2i,22.& 3.5.7. 14. Man,whomademe aiudge, ora deuider oueryou? 4.11.9,11. 14. 21. Go out quickly into the places and ftreetes of the Citie,and bring in hither the poore,vind the maimed, and the halt, and the blinde.4.16.3 1 . 15.7. I fiy vnto you, that likewife ioye fhall be in hea- uen for one finner that conuerteth, more then for ninetie and nine iufte men,vvhiche neede no amend- menfof life.i.i4.7. JO. And' when he was yet a great vvaye of, his father fa whim, and had companion,andranandfellonhis neck:, and kifTed him. 3. 20.37. 1^.2. And he called him , and faid vnto him , how is it that I heare this of thee ? geue an accomptof thy ftevvardf hip , for thou maieft be no longer lie ward. 5.10.5. ^. And I fay vnto you, make you frendes with the ri- ches of iniquitie,that when you fhall want, they may receaue you into euerlafting habitatios .3.18.5. 15. Ye are they which iuftifie your felues before men: but God knoweth your hartes,8fc. J .II. J,8^ 1 . U.»^ 1 6. The Law and the Prophets endured vntill Ionn,and fince that time the kmgdome of God is preached, and euery man preaffcth into it. 2.7.1 6. 12. Andit vvasfo,that thebeggerdied,and was carri- ed by the Angels into Abrahams bofome,&c.i.i 4.7. & 1.15.2.& 3.25.(S. 17.3. If thy brother trefpalTe againft thee, rebuke him: andifhe repent, forgeue him. 3, 7. 6. 5. And the Apoftles faid vnto the Lorde, increafe our faith. 4.14,7. 7. Who is It alfo of you, that hauing a (eruaunt plow- ing or feeding cattell, would lay vnto him biandby. when he were come from the field,&c.3.i4. i j. 10. So likewife ye,vvhen ye haue done all thofe things which are commaunded you, fay, we are vnprofita- ble feruauntes , we haue done that which was our dutie todo.3.i4.i4.& 3-1 5.3- 14. And when he faw them, he faid vnto the,go,fhevv your felues to theprieftes. Andit came to pane,that as they went, they were cleanfed.3.4.4. 20. And whe he was demaunded of the Pharifees ,vvhe the kingdome of God fhoulde come,he aunfwered them, and faid: the kingdome of God commeth not vvithobferuation.2.ij.4. i8.i. And he fpake alfo a parable vnto them, to this end, that they ought alwaies to praye, and not to waxe faint.3.20.7. 13. But the Publicane ftanding a farre of,vvouldenot lift vp fo much as his eyes to heauen, but fmote his breft, faying: O God, be merciful! to me a finner. 3. 4. 18. & 3.12.7. 14. I tell you, this man departed to his houfe iuftified, rather then the other : for euery man that exalteth himfelfe,fhall be brought lovv,& he that humbleth himfelfe,f hall be exalted. 3 .4. 3 5. & 3 .1 1 . 3 . 42. And lefus faid vnto him: receaue thy iiglit, thy faith hath faued thee. 4. 15. i 2. 15.17. And he faid vnto him, well, good feruaunt : bi- caufe thou haft bene faithfull in a very little thing, take thou authoritie ouer tenne cities. 2.3. 11. & 3.15.4. 2(J. Vnto all them that haue, it fhall be geuen : and from him that hath not, euen that he hath fhall be taken from him. 2, 3. 1 1, & 3.15.4. 20.27. Then came to him certaine of the Sadduces, which denie that there is any refurredion,Scc.2.io. 23.& 3.25.5. 37. And that the dead fhall rife againe, eucn Mofes fhewedit befides thebufhe,vvhe he iaid, the Lord ' is the Godof Abraham, and the God of Ifaac, & the Godoflacob. 2.10.5. 3 8. For he is not the God of the dead, but of the which liue.4.16 3. 21.15.F0r I will geue you a mouth & vvifedome, where againft, all your aduerfaries fhall not be able to fpeake, or reiifte.4. 3.1 2. 28. And when thefe things begin to come to pa!re,then looke vp,and liftvp yourheades, for your redemp- tion dr3vvethnere.3.5 5. 32.17. Andhe tooke the cup, and gauethankef, and faid, take this, and part it among you. 4.17.20.& 4.17.43. &4.18.8. 15. And he tokebreaJ,and whenhehad geue thankes, he brake it, and gaue to them, faying, this is my bo- dye, which is geuen foryou : doe this in theremem- braunceofme 4.3.6. & 4.15.20. & 4.16.30. 6c 4.17. 1,20,37. ao. Likewife alfo after fupperhe tooke the cup, faying, this cnp is the new tef lament in my bloud,vvhicne is fhed foryou. 2. 1 1. 4. 8c 4.17.6,20. »y. The kinges of the Gentiles reigne ouer them , and they that beare rule ouer them , are called gracious^ Lorde«. t6, ji, 4J- 44- 6i. «i. 43- 46. »4 4. II. 12. t6. 3T- 44- 4S- 4(J. 47- ♦;»• 5<. Lordes.4.ii.8,j.& 4.40.7. , Butye I'hallnocbe fo : but let the great eft among you, be as theleaft:and the chcfeitja^ he- that feiucth. 4.11.8. , But 1 haue prayed for thee, that thy faith faile not, &c. J.14.6.& 4.7.27,28. And there appeared ;ni Angell vn'o him fro heaucn, comforting hin).i.i4.<>.& n6 12. And his fvveate was like drcppes of bloud, trickling dovvne to the ground. 2.1 6.1 i.Sc j.8.9. Then tlic Lord turned b.uke, and looked vppon Pe- ter landPtctr reniembred the vvorde of the Lorde, how he had laid vnto him, Before the cockc crov\', thou fhalt denye me thrife.3.4. j 5. . And Peter went forth, and vvipt bitterly. J. J. 4. 42. And he faid vnto lefus, Lord remember me, whe thou comeft into thy kingdome. 3. 24.11. & 4.i<>.ji. Then lefus fayd vnto him , verily 1 fay vnto thtc, to day fhdt tliou be vvithmeinParadife.j.2 s.. & 2.. Now when thegouernourof the fcafle had tafttd the vvaterthat vvasmade vvine,&c.4.i 3.3. 15. Thenhe made a fcourgeoffmali cordcs , and draue them all out of the temple, vvith the fhetpe and ox- en , and povvred out the changers mony , an oi;tr- thievve the tables. 4. 19.2 }. 19. lefus anfwered and (aide vnto them,deftroy this te- ple,and in three dayes I willraifeit vpagaine.2.14. 4.8c 3.25.7. 21. Buthefpake of temple ofhis bodie. 2. 14.4 & 3.25.7. 2 J. Now when he was at lerufalem, .it the palleouerin; the fca(te,many beleued in his name,vvheii they favv his miracles which he did.4.2.5. 24. But lefus did not committe himfelfe vnto them , by- caufe he knewe them all. 3 2.12. J. J. Verely,verely,lfay vnto thce,exceptamabeborne againe,he can not fee the kingdome of God. 2.3.1.& 4.16.17. Except tliat a ma be borne or water & of the fpirite,. he can not enter into the kingdome of God. 4. 16.2 5. That vvhiche is borne of the flei he,is flefherand that which is borne ofihe fpirite, is fpirite. 2.1. 6. & 2.3.1 For no man afcendeth v p to heauen,but he that hath defcended from heaiien,euen the lonne of ma which is inheaucn.2. 14.2.& 4.17.30. And as Mofes lifted vp the ferpentin the wildemes, fomuU the fonoe of ma belifte vp.s.i 2.4.& 4.1 8.20. Aaaa.iiij. For THE 23 1 4' aj, 14. 'J- 3 5- 5.8 »7- 22. 2J. 24. 2«J. . For God foloued che world, that he gaue his onely begotten fonne, that vvhofoeuer beleueth in him, fhould notperifh, but haue life euerlalting.2.is.4. & 2.i. My father workethhithertOjand I worke.i. i J.7. & 1.1 ?. I 2. & I. id 4.1^ 2.14.2. Therf »re the le wes ftnigh: che more to kill him-.noc onely becaufc h;e hid broken ch? Sabbath; but faid alio chat Go J was his father , and made himfelfe e- cjuaU with God. 1. 1 j.12. Forlikja t'le father raifcthvp the dead, andquic- neth thcm,fo che foniii quicknech v vhome h;;e will. 2.14.5. For th; fachcr iudg';ch no man, buc hath committed all iudgement vnto tlie foniij 2.14. j.3c 2.1 (5, 18. Becaufc th it al men fhould h )nor che fount.', as chey honorthj father: his ch.it huiiorcch not th; fonne, the fame honoreth not the father, which hjchj fcnt hiin.2..3.&.j.i5.(J.oC J. 14. 5 & J.l J.I.&4.I<>.2tf. The houre fhall come, and nowe is, when che dead fhall hcare the voycc of the fonne of God , and they thathcarc it,fhalliue.2.5.i9.&: 2.12.4.& }.I4.5. For .IS the father hathf life in himL^fe, fo likevvife hath he geuen to the fonne , to haue life in himfelfc. 4'7-y-. M;ruaile not at chis:for the houre fhall come in the which all that are m the graues,f hall hear his voice. J.2 5.4.& ?,25.7. TABLE. 15 And they fhall come forthe, that haue done good, vnto the refurreftion oflife;but they that haue done euill, vnto the refurreftion of condemnation, j.18.1. J 2. There is an other that beareth witnes of me,&c. i. 13.17. 3 J. He was a burnnig,& a f hining candle:& ye vvolde for a feafon haue reioyced in his light.2.^.5. 35. Forthe vvorkes which the father hath geuen me to finifhe, the fame vvorkes that I doe ,beare witnes of me, that the father fent me 1.13.1 j. 44. Howcanyebeleue , whichereceiue honor oneof another, and feeke not the honour that commeth of God alone? 3.11.5. 4(J. For had ye beleued Mofes , ye wolde haue beleued me : for he wrote of me. 2. 5>. I. 6.27.Labour not for the meate which perif heth , but for the meat that endureth vnto euerlalting life , which the fonne of man fhall geue vnto you, &c. 3. 18.1. & 4.14.25. sp. This is the vvorkeofGod, thatye beleue inhim vvhome he hath fent.3.ii».io. 35. Iamthebreadoflife:he that commcthtomee, fhal no^ hunger,and he that beleueth in mee , fhall neuer thurft.3.24.5.& 4.17.4. 37. All that the father geuethme,fhall come to me, and him thatcommethtom.;,Icaftnot away. 3.22.7„ac 3.24.5. 38. Fori came downe fromheauen , not to doe mine owne will, but his will which fent me. 2. 14.2. J «>. And this is the fathers will vvhiche hath fent mee, that of all which he hathe geuen mee, I f houlde lofc nothing, but fhould raife it vp againe at the laft day. J. 2 2.7. & 3.22.1 0.& 3.24.6.& 3.24 7. & 3.25.8. 40. And this is the will of him that fent me, that euerie man vvhiche feetli the fonne, and beleueth in him, f iiould haue euerlalting life, &c. 3. 2 2.10.&: 3.24.5. 44. No man can come tome, except the father vvhiche fent me, draw him:and 1 will raife him vp at the lalt day.2. 2. 20.& J.I.34.& J. 24.1. 45. It is written in the prophets, and they fhall bee all taught of God. Euerie man therfore that ha:h heard, and hath learned of che father , commeth vnto me. i. 3.10.& 2.2.20.& 2.3.7.& 2.5.5.&3 2.34. & 3.24.1. & 3.24-I4- 4^. Not that any man hathe feene thcfither, fauehee which is ofGodjhe hathe feene the father. 3.22.10.& 3.24.f. 47. Hj thatbekuethinmojhntheuerlaflinghf.'.i.i J.I J 48. Iamch.'|brealofiife.3.ii j>.& 4.17.4 ii. 4.17.8. 45. Your fathers did eat ivlannain che wjldernes , and ared^ad.2.io 6. 50. This is the bread vvhiche commtth downe from hcauen, that he which eateth ofit, fhould not die. a. 10.6.SC 4.i7.i4. 51. lam the liuinge bread , vvhiche came downe from heauen:ifa!iy man eat of this bread, he fhail liue for cuenSc the bread (hit I will geuf,is my flelh, which I vvil geue for thelife of che world. 3.11. 8. & 4.17.5. & 4.17.14. 5 3. Th.n lefus fiyd vnto them,verelie,verelie I fay vnto you, except ye eate che Hcfh of the fonne of man,and drinke his blood, ye haue no life in you. 3.ii.j?.^ 4. 54. vvhofoeuer eateth my flefhe & drinketh my blood, 1 hath eternal! life , and I will raife him vp at che lafte d;!y.?. I !.<;.& 4.17. 54. 55. Formy flelh.Ms ineatindeed,andmybloodis drink indeede. 2. 17, 5. & 4.17.8. 55. Hec thateatechmy flefhe, and drinketh my blood, dvvellcthinrae,3ndi in him. 4. 17. 3 3. 57' As the liuinge father hathe fent niec, foliue I by th| father, and he that eateth me , euenhee fhall hue bj mc.2.17.5. ^5. Therefoil THE TABLE. 4(5. Therfore fayde 1 vnto you , that no man can come vnco me,exceptitbegeuenvncohimofmy facher.j. tj.ij. 70. Haue noc I chofeii you tvvelue , and one of you is a diueli?j 12.7.3c J.24.9. J.16. My ciodnnc'is not mme,buthi$ thjcfenc mee.2.8. 16&4 8.4. 37. Novvein thelafte and great day of the fcafte ,Iefus ftode& crycd,fjying:Ifany man thirll, let him come vntomeanddrinke. 1.16.14. He 3.1.3. He j.i.j.Hi 4. 19.6. j^. For the holie GhoU was not yet geuc,by caufe that lefus was not yet glorified. 4.17.11 S.I 2. Then (pjke Itfus againe vnto them, faying,! am the hght ot the vvoride:he that follovvethmt,fh 47. He that is of God,heareth Gods vvordes:ye there- fore heare them not , bycaufeyeare not of God. 4. *-4' 50. And 1 fetke not mine owne praife ; but there is one thaci"eekcthit,and iudgeth 2.14.2. 5<. Your f .ther Abraham reioyced to fee my day: & he faw it, and was gladde.2.5>.i.& 2.10.4. .58. Icfus fdid vnto tnem,vercle, verelie 1 fay vntoyou, before Abraham was, lam. 2. 14. 2. f.i. Neither haih this man finned, nor his parentes :but that the workes of Godfhouldbefhewcd on him. 1.17.1. y. As longe as I am in the vvorlde, lamthe lighteof the vvoilde. 2.14. (. 6. As fone as hee had thus fpoken , hec fpat on the grounde , and made clay of the fpictle ,and annoin- led the eyes of theblinde vvith the clay, 4. 1^.18. 7. And faid vnto him , go vvaf he thee in the poole of Siloam (whiche is by interpretation , fent) he went his way therefore , and vvaf hed , and came againe f-eyng.4.i5> ip. 44. And faid vnto him : geueglorie vnto God, &c. 2. 8. 14- J I. Now vveknovve that God hearethnot finners:but if any man be a vvorfh;pper of God, & doth his vvil, him hearethhe.j. 20.7. & j. 20.10. 10.3. To him the porter openeth, anJ the fhepeheare his ^oyce,andhecallethhis ovvnefhepe byname, and leadcththem out. }.24.«J. 4. And when he hath fent forthe his owne f hepe,hee goeih before them , and the f hepe followe him : tor iheyknovvhis voyce.3.22.io.& 4.2.4. 5. And they will not follow a ftranger, but they flee from him;for they know not the voyce of flrangers. 3.22 10. 7. Then faid lefus vnto them againe , verelie , verelie I fay vnto you, I am the dore of the f hepe. 4.1 9.2 j . f' I am the dore : by mee if any man enter in, hcc i hall be faued,and fhall goe in and goe out , and finde'pa* fture. 2.14. 1. II. I am the good f hepeherd, the good fhepeherd ge- ueth his life for his rhwpe.i.i4.3.& 4.19.34. 14. lam the good f hepehvrde, and knovve mine, &C.4. 2.4. 15. As thefjtherknovvethme,foknow I the father, 8c Hay dovs^nemy life for my fhepe.1,16. 5. 1 5. Other fhtpe lnaueallo,v\ hicharenot ofthisfolde: them alfomulllbring,&c.).24.. My father which gaue them me, is greater then all, and none is able to take them out of my fathcri had. J. 22. ID. 30. landmy father areone.2.8.2tf. 3 4, Is if not written in your law, I faide, ye are Gods? 4.1 6. ji. 3 J. If he called them Gods, vnto to vvhome the v vorde of God was geuen , & the icripture can not be bro- ken.4. 20.4. 37. Ifldoenot the workes of my father, belt^uenoe not.i.i 3.1 3. 11.25. I Am the refurre&ion , and the life : hee that be- Ituethin me, though he vvere dead,yet fhall he hue. 1.1 3.13. & i.i2.4& 3.2J.9.& 4.16.17. 41 . Father, I chanke thee, bycaufe thou haft hearde me. i.i 3 13. 43. As he had fpoke thefe things, he cryed vvith a loude voyce:Laxarus,comefoorth.4 1 9.19. 44. Then he th.it was dead, came forthe bounde hande and foote with bandes , and his fjcewas bounde with a napkin. Icfus faid vnto them; loofc Jiim,& kt him goe. 3. 4.5. 47. Then gathered the hie preiftes , and the pharifees a counceTl,and faid:>rvhjt fhall we doe?&c.4.5>.7. 12.27. Fa ther, fa ue me from this hoiirL:but thcifore came I viitothishoure.2.i2.4.& 2.16.1 2. 28. Father, glorihe thy name, &c. 2.1 2.4. 31. Now is the iudgement of this vvoilde:novve fhall the prince of this worlde be call out. 1. 14.1 j. 32. And I, if I were lift vp from the earth, vvilldrawe all mine vnto me. 3. 25 6. 39. Therefore coulee tney notbeleue , bycaufe tbatE- faijsfayech. 7- II. II. (J. 4. Tli(>m.is fsiJ vnto him:Lorie vveknovv not whi- ther ihou goell.hovv can we then knovve the way? 4.I7.1J- lam the way, and the triithe, and the life, Sec. i.i j. 17.U1: 2. 6.1.& ^.lo.iiik 4.ir the verie wovkes fake. I.l}.!}. And vvhatfoeuer yeafke in my name, that will I doc, that the father may bee glorihedin the Ibnne. J- 20.17. And I will pray the fiiher,3nd he fhall giue y ou an other comforttr,&c.i .1 J.i 7.& 4.8.1 1. Euen the fpirite of truth , vvhoixie the worlde can not receiue , bycaufeitfeeth himnot, neith.-r kno- vveth him : but ye knew him, for he d vveileth with you, an I f hilbe in you. 3.1.4. & 3.2.J9. But the comforter , vvhiclie is the holie Ghofte vvhome the father will fende in my name , hee fhjll tea:he you all thinges , and bringe all things to your remembraunce,whichlhaue toideyou. i,2.2J.& j. 1.4..3C 4 8. 8. & 4.8. M. For my father is greater then It. t j. 2 S. Hereafter will I not fpeakemaiiy things vnto you: for the prince of this worlde commeth, and he hath nought in me. 1. 1 4 iS. t. lam the trevvvme, and my father is an huftjande- man : eiienebranche that beareth ni>t frute inmte, he taketh away :andeuerieone that b.areth frute, hepurgethit, that it may bringe forthe more. 2.J.9. & 2.i4.,v&4.ij).}4, Now are yc citane through the vvorde , vvhiche I haue fpoken vnto you. j. 63. I am the vine-, ye are tiie branches: hee th ;t abideth in mee, and I in him , the fame brmgcch forth muclie frute:for without me,&c.l 2.8. & 2.j.j».& 2.5.4. & 4«5>J4- If ye i hall kepe my commaundementes » ye fliall abide in «iy l()ue,euen as I haue kept my fathers com- maundementes,and abide in his loue. j.16.2. But I haue chorenyou,;ind ordeined you,thatyego and bringe forth frute , and that your frute rcmaine, &C.J.22.3.& 3.22. 8. Jk 4.1. (<. If ye were of th: worlde, the worlde woldeloue Iiis owne: but bycaufe ye are not of the worlde, but I haue chofeivyou out of the worlde , therefore the vvorldhitcch you.3 22.7. Euen the fpirite of truth, which proceedeth of the fither,&c.i.i 3.17. 2, They fhall excommunicate you, &c. 4 2.tf. It is expedient for you , that I goc avva) , &C.1.1 3^ 2rt.& 2.1(i.l4.& 3.25.3 &• 4,I7.2<>. OFiudgement, bycaufe the prince of the worlde is iud;»ed I.I 4.1 3. I h.nie yet m.iny thinges to fiy vnro you, bur ye C3i'!\ notbeare them a way. 3. 21. 2. & 4.8.14. When hee is come vvhiche is the fpirite of trtithe, hee will leade you into jU truthe : forhce fh.ill imt fpeakeofhim rclfe,but vvhatfoeuerhce fhall h.are, that fhall he fpeake ,&c.i-i>.i.& }.z.34.& 4 8 8. & 4.8.1 }. V.relic,verelie 1 fay vnto you, that ye fhall vveepe a^d lamente , and the worlde fhall reioy ce : and ye fhall forrovve^but your forrovvc fhall be turned to ioye.3.8 y. 24. Hitherto haue ye afked nothinge in my name : af ke and ye i hall recciuL , that your ioyemaye be full. j. 20.17. z6. In that day fhall ye afke in my name, &c. 3. 10. 28. I am come out from my father, and came into the vvoiide:..gaine,Ileaue the worlde, & goe to my fa- ther.4. 17. 26. 17.3. And this is life erernall, that they knovve thee to be the onelie \'erie God, and whoir e thou halt fciit, Itfus Chrifte.i.i 3.26.& 2.6.1.& 3.23. 5. And now glorifie mee , thou father , with thine owne ftlfe,vvith the glorie which 1 had vf\ith thee, before the worlde was. 1.13.8. & 1. 13 .22. d' 2, 14.1. 6. 1 haue declared thy n.ime vnto the men vvhiche thou gaueft mee out of the vvorldc;then they were, and thou gaueft them me.3.2 4.i.& 3-24 <5- p, I pray for them: 1 pray not for the worlde , but for them vvhiche thou haft geuen me , for they are thine. 3.22.7. 12. While I VI as with them in the worlde, I kepte them in thy name : thofe that thou gaueft mee, I kepte, and none oi: them Js lolle , but the childe of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulrilled. 3.2i» 7.& 3.24 (?,7,9. I y. I pray not that thou fhouldell take them out of th^ worlde; but that thou ktepe them from euiU. 2 5. II. ip. And for their fakcsfanftifielmy felfe,that th^y alfo miy beefaiiiftificd thiough thy truthe.z.i j.1,4. & i» 15.6 & 2.17 (J. . j^. leftjs anfvvered:my kingdome isnot of this world: ifmy kingdome vvtre of this vvoilJe, my i'eruaiintcs wolde furelie figl"t , that I fhould not bee dt Imtrcd to tht levvcs; butnoweis my kingdome not from hence 2.1 J }• 37. Euerie one chat is of truthe , hcarelh my voyce. 4. 2.4. 38. Pilate faide vtitohim,vvhat is trutht?jnd wh-nhe had faide that , he went out againe vnto the levves, and faide vnto them, 1 hndein, him no caufe at all.2^ 15.33. Now v\hen lefus had receiued of the vinigre, hefaid, it is finiflud,&c.4.i8 3, 13. 3.4. But one of the fouldiers with a (pe.ire , peraced his fide, and forthwith came thereout blood and wa- ter.4M-i*- 16 Not a bone ofhim fhall be broken. !.!(?. 5». so. 8 Then went in allfo the other difcipte , vvhiche came firfte to the fepulchre ,and hee fa we it,and be- leued.3 2.4. 17. Touche me not: for I am not yet afteuded to my fa- thev,&c.2.i2.2.&: 4.17.25. 15. The fame day then at night , vvhiche was the fit fte d.TVof the vveeke,nnd when th<; doores were 1 hut where the difciplcs vvereallenibled for feare of the levves, came Itfus and ftode in ihemiddes, &c. 4. 17.29. 12. And wh;nhehad faid that , lee breathed on them, and faide vnto them: receiue th? holy Ghofte. 4.15'. 7»i9- 23. VVhofoeuersfinnes ye remit, they are remitted vn- to them:and whofoeuers firmes ye retaine , they are i;etamed.3..4.io.&4.i.22.&4.2io.&4.6 3.&4.i. VVhoroeuerfhill call on the name of the Lorde, f halbe fiued-i.i 3.20. «j. Him, I fiy,h3ue y€ taken by the handes of the wic- ked,being deliuercd by the determinate councell & foiekno vledgeofGod, andhaue crucified & flame; I.18.I.& 3.22.<5. S4 Whome God hathra Ted vp, & lofed the forrowes ot death, by caufe it was vnpolfible,thac he fhoulde be holden ofit.2.i(S.i i.& i.;6.i 2. 3 3- Since then that he by therighch.inde of Godhathe beenexalted,& hath; rcceiue 1 ofhis father the po- mifeof thehulie Ghofte, hee hache fhcd fortlie this, which ye now fee andheare.2.i. Ye arc t'nt children of the Prophetes, and of the co- uenaunt,vvhiche God hathc niadc Mitoour Uthcrs, &c. 2. 10.23. 5c 4.16.1 5. Firlte,vnto you God hathe rayfed vp his fonne le- fus,and him h.iehithe fent tobkdeyou, in turninge euerie one of you fromyour iniquities. 3.3. 20. 412. Neither is there fahiatiO:)in any other :for amongc men there is geutii none other name vndcr heaucn, whereby we mult be raued.2 16.1. 28. Todoe whatfoeutr thine handc and thy council had determined bwfore to bee done. 1.18. i. & i, .8.3. And the multitude of them that beleued , were of one ha; te,& of one foulc:&c.4.i . j. Thou haftenoilycd vntomtn,but vnto God.i.i 3. There came alfo a multitude out of the citiesrounde about vnto Ieiufalcm,bringingrickcfolke^ ,& th.m v\lj;che were vexed with vntltane fp. rites, v\ho Were all healed. 4. 19. 18. jp. VVcought rather to obey God then men-3.3.1 9. 3 I. Himhatn God lift vp with his right hand , to bee a prince and a fauiour.to geue repentance to Ifradl, & forgtuenes of finnes.3.3.19. 41. So they departed from thccouncell, rcioycing that they Were counie d worthie to furt^r rebuke k>i bij name. 3 8.7. €.1. And in thofe dayes, as the nomber of the DifcipUs grew, there aiofe a murmeringe of the Gretiani to- wardes theH;.brevves , bycaufe that th^rt vvid- dowes vVerenegleiflcdin the daylic niiniftringc. j. 2.6. 1. Then the twelue called the multitude of th. Difci- rli'S together,& laid:It is not mcetc h.it vve f hould au. the vvorde of God to ferue the tables. 3. 2. 6. & 4.3 15.&4.M.J1. }. VVr,er-forebiethren,!okeyououtamongeyou fc- uen nun of honeft rtp.)rte,&c.4. 3.9. 6. And thtyprayed, and layed th.il handes on thtm. 4 3-"5 7. And the vvorde of God increafed , and the nomber of the Difciples was multiplied in Iciufakm crcjt- he,5-c. 3.2.6. ^ to. Bat they were not able to refifte the wifdome, and t'lefpirite by the whiche hcfpake.3 3.22. 7.5. Aid he gaue him none inheritaunce init,no,not the bredtheofa foote:&c.2.i0.i 3. j8. Wile thou LU mee , as thou didd Jt the Egyptian BBBB.ij. y edit day? 31- 5.4 16, THE fcRsTd&y. 4.10.10. 44, Our fathers had che tabcrnscle of witnes in the vvilderncs.as he had appointed,fpeakinge vnto Mo- fes,tliac he fhoidd make u accordinge to the fafhion th.K he had Utile. 2. 7. 1. 48. The moft high dv velleth not in temples made with hande$,&c.j.io.30.& 4.1.5. 5 J, VVhiclihauereceiued thelavveby the ordinaunce of angels, and haue not kept it.i. 1 4.9. 55. But he being full of the holie Ghoft.lokedftedfaltlie into heauen, and favve the glorie of God , and lelus ftasidinge at the right handeofGod, J.25. j. & 4.17. 17. ik 4.17. 2. And they ftontd Steuen , who called on God , and faid, Lordeltfus receiue,&c.i. 13.13. & 1.15.2.^ 3. 25.6. 8.13. Then Simon .himfelfcbeleued alfo and was bapti- zed,and continued with Phihp,and vvondred vvhe hefavv thefignes,ic 3 2.10. 14. They fent vnto them Peter and Ihon. 4.6.7. & 4. 15.8. 15. V Vhich V hen they were come dovvnc,pr.iyed fur them, that they might receiue the holy Ghod.^ 19.6 16. For as yet,hee was comedovvne on none of them, but rhey were baptized onelie in the name of the Lorde Ierus.4 15.(5 Sc 4 1 «).8. >7. Then bid tiiey their handes on them , and they re- ceiued theholieGhofte,4.i >.8.& 4.16. ji. 18. And when Simon ravve,that through layinge on of the Apoftles handes, the holie Gboft was geuen, hee offered them monie. 5.2,10. 22. Repent therefore of this thy wicfceJnes , and pr.iy God, that if it be pollible, the thought of thine heart may be forgeuen the.4. i.2<>. 17. And he arofe,and wtnt onrand beholde , a certaine Eunuche of Ethiopia, Candafts Queene of the E- thicpians chefc gouerner.vvho had the rule of al her treafure,and came tolerufalemto worfhip. 3.2 32, ft. And hcfaidjhowcanljcxceptlhada guidc?&c.3. 2. J 2. 37. And Philip faid vnto him, ifthoubeleueft with all thy heart,thoumayeU,&c.4.!4.8.& 4.16.23. j8. And chey went dovvne both of them into the wa- ter,bothe Philip and the Eunuche , and hee baptized him. 4.16. 22. & 4.1 i.ji. ft. And Saul yet breathing out threatninges & fiaugh- teragainlt the difcipks of che Lorde, &c 3.2.4. J. Noweashee iourned,it came to palU , that as hee was come neerc to Damafcus , fud lenlie there fhi- ■ ned rounde about him a lighc from h.auen:4.i7.i7. 4. And he lell to the earth, and hejida voyce, f.iyinjTe vnto him:Saul,Saul,vvhyperfecuteftchou QIC? 3.25. 3.&4.17 29. C. Arire,and go into the citie,and it fh ilbe tolde thee what t'oul halt doe. 4. 5 .3. »o. And there was a certaine difciple at Damafcus na- med Ananias , and to him faid the lorde in a vifion, Ananias ,& hefaied,beholde,Iamheere, Lorde. j. 2.6. » J. Lorde , I haue hearde by manye of this man , howe muche euill he haihc done to thy fiinftes at Icmfa- Iem.i.13.13. 14. Moeouer here he hith authority of the highpriefts, tobindeall that call on thy name.i.i 3.13. 15. Heisach jfen vellell vntome,&c.4.3.5. 17. ThenAnniias went his w.iy, andentred into th« houle , and put his handes on him , and faid, brother S.iuljthc Lorde hath fent me (euen lefus th.it appe.j- red vnto thee in the way as thou c.imelt; that thou niightelt receiue thy fightj&c.4.i^.io. TABLE. 19. So was Saule certaine dayes with the Difciple* which were at Damafcus. 3 i.6. 2 J. Then the Difciples toke him by night , and put him through the wall , and let him dovvne in a bafkec. 3.2.6. 3^. There was alfoatloppa , a certaine woman a Di- fciple named Tibitha , vvhiche by interpretation is called Dorcas: fhe was full of good vvorkes and almes which! he did. 3. 2S. 38. Now forafmiich; as Lidda was neere to loppa , Sc the Difc;ples had hearde that Peter was there, they fent vnto him two men,&c. 3.2.6. 40. But Peter put the.m ail forth, and kneled dovvne, 3c piayed,&c 4. 1 5>.2. 10. 2. A deuout man , and one that feared God with all his houfeholde , vvhiche gaue muche almes to the people, &c. 3.24.10. 3. Hee favvem a vifion euidentlie (about the ninthe houre of the day) an Angell of God comminge in to him, &c. 4.3. 3. 25. And it came to paffe as Peter c.?me in , that Corne- lius met him, and fell downe at his feete ,and wor- fhiped him. I .i 2,3. 31. And faid, Cornelius , thy prayer is heard , and thine almes are had in remtnibiaunce in the fight of God. 3.2.32. 34. Ota tnithelperceiue, thatGodis no accepter of perfons. 3.17.4 & 3. 23.10- 42. And he corariaundcd vs to preache vnto the people, and to teltifie, that it is he that is ordeined of Goda iudge ofejuicke and dead. 2.1 iS 17. 43. To him alfo geue all the Prophets witnes, that through his name all that beleue in him, f hal receiue remilhon offinnes. 3.4. 2 5.& 3.5.2. 44. While Peter yet fpake thefe vvordes , the holie Ghofte fell on all thtra vvhiche hearde the worde. 4.1(5.31. 48. So hecommaudedthemtobe baptized in the name of the Lorde, &c. 4. 1 5.1 5. 11.3. Thou wenteftin tomen vncircumcifed, and haftc eaten with them. 4. 6 7. 4. ThenPcterbegan,8cexpounded the thing in order to them. 4 6.7. 16. Then I remembred the worde of the Lord, how he faid:lhon baptized with vvater,but you fhalbe ba- ptized with che holie Ghofte. 4.1 5.18. 1 8. When they hearde thefe thinges, they helde theire peace ,andglorined God , layinge : Thenh.itbe God alio to the Gentiles, graunted repentaunce vnto life. 3.3.21. aiJ. Inlomuche, that the Difciples were firlte calle4 Chriftians in Anciochia.3.2 (f.Sc 4.i(>. ji. 29. Then the Difciples, euerie man accoidinge to his a- bilitie,piiTpL>red to fend fuccour, ike. 3.2.6. I 2. . 5. Theniaid thvy,it is his AngcU. 1 14.7. 1 3. 2. Scperacemsc Barnabas , and Saul, for the worlte, vvhereuntol haue called them 4.3 14. 3, Then f.dted tl'ey , and prayed , and layed their handes onchem,aadlccchemgoe. 4.3.15.& 4.i2.i4> & 4.12.15. 36. HovvbeitjDauid after he had ft rued his time, by the counctU of God he llcpt , and was laide with his fa- ther,and favv corruption. 3.20. 2 j. 38. Be it knov\ en vnto you therfore ,men & brethren, that through t'lis man is prcaclied vnto you the tor-| giuencs of iinnes. 3. n. --.& 3.11.22. 39. And frorriajl thinges , from vvhiche ye collide not be iultiried by che lavvof Mofes , by him euerie one 1 thatbeltuet'ijs iuftified 2.17. 5.& 311.?. 43. Whiche fp.ike to them ,& exhorted them ro cons tinue in the grace of God. 2. 5.8. 48. And when che Gentiles heard it,tliey were gh and glorified the worde of the Lorde: and as mar THE TABLE. as vverf orjjiinedvnto eternal! life,beleued. j.s.ii. ficj.i4.»,ij. ( t. And the diiciples were filled with ioye, and with ththoly Gholt.j.i.tf. t^.\6. Who in times paft fufttred all the Gentiles to vvalke in their ovvne vvaies. 1.5.1 }.&: i.ii.ii. »o. Hovvbeit,as thedifciples ftoode round about him, he arofevp, and came iniothecitie,&c.j.2 6. 12. VVc mult through many affl dions enter iniothe kingdome of God.j.S.i.ik 5.18 7.& j.i .8. aj. And v\ hen chty had ordained thtm Elders by eledi- onineuery Church,3nd prayed, and talttd: they co- mended them to the Lord, in whom thty beKued.4. j.7,ii,i5.& 4-'2-><5- 15.7. And when there had bene great difjjutation, Pe- ter rofe vp,and faid vnto thtm: Ye men and brtthre, ye know that a good while agoe, among vs God chofe out me, &C.4.6.7. J. And he put not difterence bctvvene vs and them, af- ter that by faith hehadpuiged,&c.5.i4 8.&.4.I4.4. 10. Now therfore why tempt ye God, and laye a yoke on the difciplesnfcckes?&c.}.2.6. 11. But we beleue, through the grace of the Lorde lefus Chrift, tobefauedjeuenas they do.j.s.4. JO. But that we write vnto them, that they abllaine themfelues from filchinefle of idols, and fornication, and that that is ltiingled,&c 4.10.17,11. 1^. That is, that yc abllaine fro things oflPtred to idols, &c. 4.10. 17 itf.i. Then camehetoDerbe and to Lyftra;and behold, a certaine difciple was there, named Timothcus,a vvomansronne,vvhichvvasaIevvefl'e,and belcued, &c.).i.6. |. ThirforcPaule would that he fhould go forth with him, and he tooke and Circumcifed him, bicaufeof the Itwes whiche were in thofe quarters, &c. j.iy.i.2. 14. And a cc rtaine woman named Lydia, a feller of pur- ple,of th.citie of the Thyatirians,vvhich worlnip- ped Go i,&c.5.24.i J. t J. And when f he was baptized, and her houfeholde, &c.4.itf.8. J J. And was baptlxed with all that belonged vnto him Uraight vvay.4.16.8. 37. Then faid Paule vnto them, after that they haue bea- tenvs openly vntondtmned, v\h'ch are Romaines, they haue call vs intopnfon.- and now vvoulde ihey f put vs out pi luily ?nay verily: but let them come and bring vs oiit.4.i...i <>. 17.27. Thacth.y fhould feeke the Iorde,iffo be they might haue groped after him, and found hini, though doubtlelVehe be nut farrt fionieuciy one of v$. i. j. j,8,"r. l8. Forinh'm we line, and moue,.-"id ha!ieourbeing,« alfoctrtaineof your ovvne poet; huie faid, for we arealfo liis generation. i.i S-S-d i .1 tf.1.4. t^. Porafmuch then as we arc tho generation of Go J, we ought not thinks,, that the Godhead is like \nto golde,orfi]u(.r,orltone,graucnby arc£& the inutn- tion of man. 1. 11. 2. JO. And the time of this ignoraunce God regarded not, but now he admonilhtth all men euery where to repent. 3.5.7. ji. Now when they heard of the reAjrre&ion from the dcad,fonie mocked, &C. ;.i 5.7. 18. i8. After that he had fhorne his head in Cenchrca: fni hi- had a vovve.4.1^ 3^. ij. Strtngtheningall the diiciples. j. a. . . Wherefore from Miletum he fent to £phtfus,.ind called the Elders of the Church.4 j.8. Ye know from the hr(l day that I came to Alia, after what manner I haue bene with you atallfeafons, 4 J-7- , And how I kept backe nothing that was profita- ble,but haue f hewed you, and taught you optnly, and throughout euery houfe. 4. i. 22. & 4. 3. iS. & 4. II. z. VVitnelling both to the lewes and to the Grecians, the repentaunce toward God, and fayth towardes our Lord Lefus Chrift. }.2.i.& 3.3.2,5. , Whcrfore I take you torecorde this day, that lam pure from the bloud ofail men.4.4..3. & 4 is. 2. Take hede therfore vnto your feluts , ana to all the flocke, vvherof the holy Ghoft hath made you ouer- feers,to fede the church of God, which he nath pur- chafed vvithhis ovvnbloud.i.i4.i.& 3.5.2.& 3. 11, 8& J.I3.1I.&4.3.8.&4.5.8. For I know this, that after my departing ,fhall gree- uous vvolfcs enter in among you, not fparing the flocke.4 9.4. ' Moreouer of your owne felues fhall men arife, fpea- king peruerfe thinges , to draw difciples after thera. 4-V 4- Theitore watch, and remember that by the Cptce of three yeares I ceailld not to vvarnc euery one night and day with teares.4.3.6. And when he had thus fpoken, he kneeled dovvne, and prayed with them all.4. 1 9 2. 4. And V vhe we had found difciples ,we taried there feuen daies.3.1.6. I. Ye men, brethiti,& fathers jheare my defence novr towardes you.; 20.19. Anfe,and be baptixcd.and wafh avvay thy finnes^ incalhng on the name of the Lord. 4.1 5.1 5. And L fjvv him, fa) ing vnto me:make haft and gette thee quickly out utlcrufaleni, for they will notre- ceauc thy vvitncd". c* ncerningme.4.17.17,25). And as tiiey bounde him with thonges, Paule fayd vnro the Ctntuncn thatftoodeby , isit lawful! for you to fcourgeone that is a Romainc,and not con- den1nedP4.20.19. I. And Paule be eldeearntftly the counccll, & faid: I>'en andbieciireii, 1 haue in all good confcience fer- ut' J God vntiJlthis day. 3.17 14. FortheS.;jducesfaye, thatihere is no refurreftion, neither Angell,nur(pirite :&c. 1.149. & 115.2. St 3.I0.23.& ?.25.S. And when the day was come, certain of the lewes made an animblye,and bound themfelues with an otbjfayingjthat they would neither eat nordrinke, EBBB.iij. till THE TABLE. till they had killed PJule.4.1 J.J. i±.ti. And they neither found me in the temple dirpu- ting with any man, neither making vprore among the people, neither in thefinagogues, nor in the Ci- tie.4.io.i9. 15. Andhauehopetovvardes God, that the refurreftion of the dead which they themfelues looke for alio, fhall be bothbfiufte and vniuft. },z5.5). ifi. And herein I endeuoure my felfe to haue alvvayea clereconfcience tovvardes God,and tovvardsmen. J.19.16.SC 4 10.4. J J.io. Then faid Paule:I ftand at Ca:rars iudgement feat, where I ought to be iudged : To the levves 1 h juc done no wrong, as thou very vvelknovveft.4.20.19 II. For if I haue done wronw, or committed any thing worthy of death, I refu(c not to die : but if there be noneot thefe thinges whereof they accufe me, no man can deliuer me vnto them : I appeak- vnto Cx- far.4.io.ip. t6.iy. Deliuermg thee from the people, and fr5 the Gen- tiles,vnto whom now I fend thee, }.2.i. 18. To open their eyes, that th;y miy tuvne from dark- nefTe to light, and fro the power of Satan vnto God, that they may receaue forg-'uenen"eoffinnes,anden- heritance among them,vvhich are fandihed by faith in me. J. 2. 1. lO. But fhWved firft vnto them ofDam3fcus,and atle- rufalem,and through out all the coail of ludea, and then to the Gentiles, that they fhoulde rep:nt, and tiirne toGod,anddo vvorkes vvorthye amendment oflif..j.j.S. »S. I 5. And from thence,vvhen the brethren heard of vs, they came to meetevs, &c. 4.^.1 7. 16. So when we came to Rome, the Centurion deli- uered the prifoners to the generall captaine,&c. 4.6.1s. »J. Well fpakethe holy Ghoft by Efaias theProphet, vnto our fathers.! •> J.i 5. ROMANES. I. i.TJAuleaferuaunt oflefusChrift.called to be an A- X poftle,put apart to preach the Goipell of God. 2.14 6.& 4. J. 10. %. Which he hid promifed before by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures. 2. 10. j. J. Concerning his fonne lefus Chrift our Lorde which was made ofthe feed^- of Dauid according to the flefhe:a.r J.I, J.& 2.14.6. 4. An 1 declared mij^htely to be the fonne ofGod, tou- chng the fpirite offam^ificuion by the refurrtdion f om thedead.2.i6.i J. & 4.1 9 22. J. By whom we hiue receaueJ grace and Apoftle- f hip, that obedience might be geuen vnto the fiyth in his name, among all the Gent les. j.1.6. & j.2.8. &3.2.25>. 7. Grace be with yon, and peace from God our feather, and fiom the Lordlefus Ch ift.i.i j.i j. $. For God is my wiinelTe, whom I fcruein my fpirite in "the Gofpell of his fonne, that without ceaihngi make mention of you 2.8.27. 16. For I am not afhamed ofthe Go^p;ll of Chrifl,for it is th; power of God vnto faluacio to euery one that beleuet'i,to the lewe firft, and alfo to the Grecian. 2.9.+ & 2.10.J.& j.2.2i).& 4 1.5. 17. For by it the nghteoufiieife of God is r:'ueiled,from f-iyth to fayth : as it is written, the iuft fhall liue by "yth.j.2.29,ji.& J. II. 1 9. I^. Forjfmuch as that, which may be knovven of God, ismanifeltinthem: for God hath f hewed it vnto them. 1.5.1,1 J, »t. Bicaufethat when they knew God, they glorified him not as God,neither were thankful!, but became vaine in their imaginations, &c.i. 5.12. 12. When they profefTed themfelues to be wife, they became fooles .i .4.1 . 28. For as they regarded not to know God , euen fo God deliuered them vpvnto a reprobate minde, to do thofe thinges which are not conueni en 1. 1.18.2. i,6. Who will rewarde euery man according tohys vvorkes. J. 16. J. & J. 18. 1. 11. For there is no refpede ofperfons with God. J 2J.10. 12. For as many as hiue finned without the Iawe,fhall perifhe aUo without the lawe. and as many as haue finned in the lawe, fhall be iudged by the lawe. 2.2.22. I J. For the hearers of the laware not righteous before God, but the doers ofthe lawe fhallbe iuftified. j. 11.15.& J.17.IJ. 14. For when the Gentiles which haue not the law, do by nature the thinges contained m the law, they ha- uing not thelavv,&c.2.2.2 2. 1 y. Which The w the eff.d ofthe law written in their h3rtes,th;irconfcience alfo bearing thim vvitnerte, and tboughces accufingone an other,&c. j.i^.iy.fic 4.f0.j. 2 5; . If thou be a tranfgrertor of che law, thy circumcifi- on is m.ide vncircumcifion.4.14 24. J.4. Yea,IetGod be true, and euery ma a Iier,&c.4.i5.i7. j>. What then? are we more e.xcellent? no, in no wife, for wehauealready proued,th3t all, both levves St Gentiles are vnderfinne. J. 4 6. 10. As it is written: there is none righteous, no not one. 2.1.9.& 2.J.2.& 2. 5. J. 12. There is none that doth good, no not one.i. j. j. 15. Theirfeetearefvvift to) hedbloud,&c 2.J j. 19 Now we know, that vvhatfoeuer the law iaith, it faith it to them that be vnder the law: That euery mouth may be flopped, and all the world be culpa^ ble before God. 2.7. 8. & 2.10. j & i-4-6. 20. Therfore by the vvorkes ofthe law, fhall no flefhe be iuftified m his fight:For by th. law commeth the knowledge offinne. 2.5.6. & i.j.j.&c J 11.19. 21. Butnoweis th^righteoufnerte of God maJemani- felte without th; lawe , hiuing witneire ofthe Lavve,and of thsProphetes. 2.9.4. & 2.10.J. & j. 11.18, 1 9. 24. And are iuftified freely by his grace, through the re- demption that is in Chnft Iefiis.2. J. j. & 2.16. 5. & 2. 17. 5. & J.4.J0.& J.I 1.4,1 9. &: J 1 5.6.& J. 20.45. 25. VVh'jmGod hath fet forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloud, CI) declare his righ:couf- nefte,by thv forgjueneffe of che finnes that arepjf- fed through the pacience of God. 4. 1 5. j. 76. To fhevve at this time his righteoufnefte, that he might be iiifte,ind a iuftiHer of him vvhiche is of the fayth of Itfus. j. 11. 12. & j. 1 j. 1 & J ij.2. df- iy. Where is then thy reioycing ? It is excluded .By what lawe ? of vvorkes ?iiay : but by the lawe of fayth. J II. I J.& J.I J 2. 4.2. Forif Abraham were iuftified by vvorkes, he ha;h wherein to reioyce,but not with God. j ii.i j. & J M.18. J. AbrahambeleuedGod, andit was counted to him for righteourneire.j.17.8,10. 4. Now cohim that worketh, che wages is not coun- tedbv fjuour,but by dette. j.ii.jo. J. But to him th.it vvorketh not, but beleueth in him that iuftifie;ii the vngodly, his faith is counted for righteoufnetfe.j.ii.jj^. 6. Euen as Dauid declarech the bleft'ednefTe ofthe man, vnto whom God impute th righceoufnefte without vvorkcs,fiying:2.t7.5.& j. 11.4,20,22. 7. BierTed THE TABLE. Bk'fled are they vvhofe iniquities are forgeuen , and vvhoffc (innes are coutred. j.ii.ii. How was it thtn imputtd ? when he was circum- ciftdjor vncircumcifcd?i£c.4.i6.j. After he reccautd the fignc of circiimcifion, as the ftale of Lhc righteoufnes of the fayth which ht had, vvhenhc was vncircumcifed,&c. 4. 14. 5, zi, 23.^ 4.16.20. And the facherof circimcifion, not vnto them onely which are of the ciicunicifion,&c.4-i 6.12, For the proiriik- that he 1 houldc be the heire of the world, was not gtucn to Abraham, or to his feede, through tiie law, but through the righteoufntfle of faith.}. 14. II. For if they which are of ths lavve,be hL'ires, faith is made voide, and the proinifleis niaJeofnone >.rt.>Se. ^ii.ii.& }.i3.}. For the law caufcth wrath : for where no lavveis, there is no tranfgrcflion. 1.7.7 '^ }.ii.ij>> Asit is written: I hauc made th<.e a father of many nations, tUv.n before God whom he btleued , who quickncth the dead, and calleth chofe things which be notj.iS chough thty were. 1. 10.11. & j.i.i 5. & J. 14.5. And being fiiii certified thjt v vhat he had promifed he was able alfo to performe. } ■ J. J i . Who was deliuered to death for our (innes ,and i$ rifen againt for ouriuftilication. 2.16. j. & 1.16.13. & 2.17-S- . Then being iuftified by faith, we haiie peace toward Gud through I ur Lord lefus Clinit.3 1 16.& }.i 3.5. Knowing that tribulation bringeth forth pacience, &C.3.8.3. And hope m.iketh not afhamed, bicaufe the loue of God is i hed abroad in our haites by the holy Gholt, which isgeuen vrito vi.j.i.i.Si. 3.2.1 2. But God letteth out his lout towardes vs,feing that while we were yet fiDners,Chiiildied for vs. 1.12. 4.& 3.4 a;. Much moie then, being now iuftifi;d by hisbloud, wefhali be fauedfro wr.uh through h;m. 1.1 (J.5. For if when we were enemies , we were reconci- l.d to God by the dtath of liis Tonne, much more be- ing reconciled, we I hall be faued by his lift. 2.16.2, 4, 5. & 2.17.3,6 & j.ii i I. & 3.14.6. As by one man linne entred into the world, & death by hp.ne,3nd fo death went ,i2,23.&4-'4-»'- Moreoucr,thelavv entred thcrupon,that the offence fhould abound:neuerthele!Ti: where linne aboudcd, there grace abounded much more. J. 5. 6. & 2.7 7. . Know ye not, that all vve vvliich haue bene bapti- zed into Icfus Chnft, haue bene baptized iuto his dcath?4 1 5.S. VV't are buried then with him in baptifme into his death, that Ike as Chrilt was raifed vp fro the dead by the glory of the father, fo we alfo l^hould waJke innevvntlTe of life. 2.8.3 1. & 2.16.7,1 3.^ 3.3,5.& 4.i6.i5,ji.& 4.i$>.8. Knovvng this, that our olde rran is crucified with hinijibat the body of finne might be dtllroyed, that 12. 14. 18. 15'. 7-1 ^9- 10. 24. 8.1 16. henceforth we fhould nocfeiue finne. 3. 3.^,11. Let not finne thcrfore reigne in your mortall bodye, that ye 1 houldobey it in theluftes therof. 3.3. 13. For finne 1 hall not haue dominion outrvcu : for ye are not vnder the lavve^but vndcrgrat:e.3.i^.6. & 4.15.12. Being then made free from finne, yt are made the fer- uauntes of iighteoulherte.3.6.3.& 3.16.2. I fpeake after the naaner of men, bicauft of tl.einfir- mitie of your He! he, for as yt haut gtucn j our mem- bers ftruauntcs to vncltanntfle, and toiniquitie, to comm;tiniquitie,&c.3.2 4.io.& 3.25.8. For the wages of finne is death : but the gift of God is eternall life through lefus Chrill our Lord. 2. 8. 58, 5J>.& 3.4.28.& 3.14.21. , Know ye not b;ethren , for I fpeake to them that know the law, that the lawehath domiiuon outra man as long as heliueih?4.i 5.1 2. What fhall we fay then? is the lavve finne ? God forbid. Nay 1 know not finne but by the law:i>:c.». 5.6.& 2.7.6. VVheifore the law is holy, & the coromaundtment is holy, and iulle,and good. 2.5.4. For wc know that the law is fpirituall, 6cc. 2.8 6. For lallovv not that which I do:for what I would that do I not,but what 1 hate that do L 2. 2. 27. For I know, that in me, that is, in my flefh,dvvillcth no good thing : for to vvili ii prtftnt v\ithme:&C. 11.9. For I do not the good thing,v^hithI would, but the euill,v\hich I v\ould not, that do L 2.1. 17. & 3.3-ii. Now if i doe tha 1 1 would not, it 1$ no more i that doit,but the linnt that dv vellcth in me. 2 1.27. But 1 lee an other lavve in my members , rtbtlhrg agaiufl the lavve of my minde , and leading mee captiue into the la v\ c i^f iiime,vvhich is :u my mem- bers.3. 3. 14. O wretchcdmathati am, vvho fhall deliuermefro the body of this death?3.5.4.& 3.11.11. & 4.1 5.1 2. , Now then there is no condemnation to them that are in Chrill lefus, v\ hch waikt not ..fter th*. fiei h, but afcerthc fpirite.3 4.28.& 4.1 5 12. For that that v\ ai impoll:ble to the law, in as muc"! asit was vveake biciufe of the fiefh, Cid finding -his ownefonne,in the fiinilitude offu.fuil fltih, and for (inne,condetxined finne in the fitfht. 2.7.5. &• J. 12.4. & 2.13.1,4. & 2 16.6. & 3 1.32. & 3.4 27.& j.11.23. For the vvifcdome of the fJefhis death:but the wife- dome of the Tpirite is life and peart. 1. 3 i. Bicaufe the wiftdome of the flelh is eiimitie againft God : for it is not iubicd to the law of God, utiihtr in deede can be. 2.1 .}>.&; 3. 3.8. & 3. 20.24. Now ye art not in the fltl h but in the I'pirit, bicaufe the Tpirite of God dwelleth in you : but if any m.n liathnot thefpinteofChrifljthc fame is no this. 3.1 » 2.6c 3.2. 35).& 41712. And if Chnft be in you, the bodye is deadbicai^fe of finne : but th« fpirite is Lfe for rigbttoiifiKfTo fake. 2. 1 .6. & J- »■ J. & 3. 2. 24. & 3. 23. 3. & 4.17. 12. Butif the fpirite of him that raifed vp Ttfus fnn* the dead, dwell in^ou, he thatiaifed vp Chrilt from the dead, fhall alio quicken your mortal] bodvrs, bicaufe that hys fpirite dwelleth in you. i.i 3,1 8. & 3.1.2.& 3.2.35.& 3. 25. 3, 8. & 4.1-7.1 1. Foras many as are led by the fpirite of God ,thef are the fonnes ofGod.3.2.39« For ye haue not reccaued ths fpirite of bondage, to feare agayne: but ye haue receaued the fpirite of adoption, &c.2.ii.5,& j.i 4.5.6: 3.1.3.& 3.2.11. & 3.I3.5.& 3.2O.I.& ?.24.l.&4.15».22. ITiefame fpirite btareth witnefte with our fpirite, BBBB.iiii. ' cliat THE TABLE IS «7- »5- »o. 22. »3' »4- »5- 26. «7- *^. JO. 35- ,8. Si i- <«. .7. -«. that we are the children oFGod. J . 2 . 5 p. If we be childre, we are alfo hei res,euen the heires ofGod,aiidheires annexed with Chrift,&c.2.i2.i. i j. For the feruent defire of the creature, vvaitcth when thefonnesofGodfhallbe reueiled.j.p.5. & J'^S.z. 14. Bicaule the creature is fubiefte to vanitie, not of it ownevvili,&c.2.i.J. 15. For we know that euery creature grovveth with vs alfo, and trauelleth in paine together vnto this ptefent.2.i.$.& 3.25.2. 16. And not only the creature, but we alfo which haue the firlt frutes of the fpirite,euen we doe fighin our felues, waiting for the adoption,euen the redempti- 17. on of our body. J. 1 8. }.& j. 25.11. For we are fauedby hope:buthope thatis feene, is 18. nohope,acc.2.p. }. But it we hope for that we fee not,vve do with pa- 20. cience abide 'or it.}. 2.41, 42.& 5.25.1. Likewife the fpirite alfo helpeth our infirmities: xr. for we know not what toprayeas vve ought,&c. J.10.5. 22. But he that fearcheth the hartes, knowcth what is the meaning ofthefpirite, for he maketh requeltfor thefainaes,&c.}.io.5,j4. 24. Forthofe whicheheknevv before, he alfo prcdefti- nate tobema lelike to the image of hisfonne,that J2. he might be the firft borne among many brethren. 2.1J.2. & j,i.i,j.& 3.8.1. & 3.15.8. & 3.18.7.& 3J. 3.24.1. Moreouer,vvho he did predeftinate , the alfo he cal- led: And whom he called, them alfoheiuftified: And whom he iultified,&c. 2.5.1. & 3. 14.21. & J.18.4. 10. &3.24- For lam perfuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor 10. angels, nor principalities, nor powers , nor thinges pref«nt,nor thinges to come, 3. 2.1 6. & j.2.40. & j. I 5.8.& 3.24.6. II. Norheight, nor depth, nor any other creature fhall be able tofeperate vs from the loue of God, which 14. is in Chrift lefus our lord. 3. 2. 16,28, 40. ForlvvoulJ vvifhemy felfe to be ftperated from 17. Chriltjfor my brethren, that are my kinfmen accor- ding to the flefhe. 3. 20. 3 5. 11. Of whom are the fathers, and of whom concerning the flefhe, Chrill came, who is God ouer all blert'ed 4. foreuer,amen.i.i3.ii.& 2.1 3.1,3. & 2.14.6. For all they are not Ifraelites, which are oflfracll. 3.22.4. & 4.1. 3. 5. Neither are they all children, bicaufe they are the feede of Abraham : But in Ifaac fhall thy fede be cal- <. led. J. 21,7. & 4.16.14. Thatis, they which are the children of the flefh,are 16. not thv- children of God, but the children of the pro- mife are accomptcd for the feede. 3.21.7. 17. For yer the children were borne,and when they had done neither good nor euill,that the purpofe of God might remaine according to ele£tiO,not by vvorkes, but by itim that calleth. 3.22.4. 30, It was faid vnto her, the elder fhall ferue theyoun- ger.3.2.25. As it is wtitten,! haue louedIacob,and haue hated Efau.3.2i.7.& 3. 22. II. What fhall vve fay then ? is there vnrighteoufnelTc with God? God forbid. 3. 22. 8. 1 willhaue mercye,on him to whom I will fhevv mercy : and I will haue compaffion,on him to who I will haue compailion.3.22.6. So then it is not in him that willeth, nor in him that runneth,but in God that fheweth mercy, 2.5.4,17. & 3.24.1. For this fame purpofe haue I ftirred thee vp , that I might fhe w my power in thee, &c. 3. 24.1 4. Therfore he hath mercy on whom he \vil,Si whom he vvillhehardeneth.i.i8.i.& 3 22.11. ButjO ma, who art thou that pleadeft againll God? &c.3.23.i,4.& J. 24. 16. Hath not the potter power of the claye to make of the fame lumpe,&c.3.i7 5. What and if God vvoulde,to fhevv his wrath, and to make his power knov ven,fufFer with longe paci- cnce the veil'els of vvraih?&c.i. 14.18 & 3-23.1. Euen vs, whom he hath called, not of the le vves on- ly,but alfo of the Gen tiles. 3. 24. 1 6. For they haue ftombled at the Itombling ftone. 1.13.23. , Beholde, I lay in Sion a ftombhng ftone,and a rocke of offence: 1.13. 11. And whofoeuer bcleuethon him, fhall not be con- foundcd.i.ij.i}. J. For they being ignoraunt of the righteonfiiefie of God,and going about to eft.iblif he their own righ- teoufneffe,&c.3.ii.i3. For Chrift is the end of the lavve,for righteoufnerte vnto euery one that beleueth. 1 .6,2.& 2.6. 4. & 2.7. 2.& 3.2.6 & 4.8.13. That the man that doth thefe thinges fhall liue thcr- by. 3. 11.14,17 & 3->7-3- But the righteoufneife of fayth fpeaketh on this wife; Say not in thy hart, who fhall afcend into heauen? &C.1.17.2. Or, who fhiU defcend into the deepe ? that is, to bring Chrift againe from the dead.1.17 2. This is th.vvorde of faych which wepreach. 2.5. 12. & 3. 2. 29,30. & 4.14.14. For if thou ( halt confcffe with thy mouth the Lord lefus, and fhalt beleue in,&c. 3.1 1 .1 4. For with the hart ma beleueth vnto righteoufneflfe, and with the mouth man confelleth to faluation. 3. 2.2, 8. Whofoeuerbeleuethinhim, fhall not be afhamed. 1.13.13. But how fhall they call onhim,in whom they haue not beleued?&c. 3.20.1,1 1. Then fayth is by hearing, and hearing,&c. j. 20.27. &4.I.5.& 4.6. J1.& 4.8.51.& 4.1 6.19. 2. God hath not caft awaye his people vvhichehe knew before, &c. J. 2 2.6. But what fayth the anfwere of God to him ? I haue referued vnto my felfe feuen thoufand men, whichc haue not bowed the knee to Baal. 4.1. 2. Euen fo then at this prefent time, is there a remnant, through the eleftion ofgrace.3.Ji.i. And irit be of grace,it is no more of workes : or els were grace no mL»regrace,&c.3.i4 5. For if tne Hrlt frutes be holy, fo is the whole lumpef and if the roote be holy ,fo are the branches. 4 1 6.1 j And though fome of the branches be broken of, and thou being a vvilde Oliue tree, waft graft in for the, and made partaker of the roote, and fatnelTe ofth« Oliue tree. J. 1. 1. , Well, through vnbelefe they^are broken of, and thoa THE TABLE. thou ftandeft by fayth : be not hie minde J,but feare. 1.J.I2 & 1.14.6. ii. And foall Ifracll fhallbefiueJ,as itis vvritten:The dtliuerer f hall come out of iion , and ( hall turne a- vvay the vngodlineffe 'rom lacub. j. j.si . 3p. For thcgifcts and calling of God are vvithoutrepen- caunce.4.16.14. J J. For God hach 1 hut vp all in vnbeleefe,that he might haiieniercy onall. J.y.S.ic j ij 11. & yi^.iS. J 3. O the depenert'eof thfriclics both of the vvifedome andknovvlcdge of God ; how vnfearchable are his iudgemences,andhi$ vvayes pallefindijigout. 1.17. J4. For who hath knovven the minde of the I.orde ? or who was hiS counfeller ? &c. 3.1.54. & 418.1^. &4->i'i' J 5. Or who hath geuen vnto him firft , and he fhall be recompcnccd? 3 14. 5. & 3.12. j.& 313 11. J t For of him, & tnrough him,& foi hun, are all things, &C.1.8.11. 12. 1. 1 befeetn you therfore brethren,by the mercies of God, that ye geue vp your bodies a liuingfacritice, holy,aad acceptable vnto (lod , which is yourrea- fonable feruingof God 3.7.1.& 4.1 8.16. 2. And fjfhion not your felues like vnto this world, butbe ye chaungtd by the renuing of your minde, that yemayeproue what is the vvillofGod, gooJ, and acceptable, and perfect, z. 1 .^.Si 4.1 6.4. ). As God hath dealt toeuery mi tliemeaiure offaith. 4.1 5.3.& 4.16.4. & 4.17 31. 4. For as we haue many members in one body , and all members haue not one office. J. 1 6.1. t. Whether we haue prophtcie, let vs prophccie ac- cording to the proportion of our fayth, 4'7P- 7. Or an office ,!t't vs waite on the office : or he that teach.'thjon teaching .-4. 3. 8. I. Or he that cxhorteth,on exhortation : he that dftri- butethlet him do it withfimplicitie: he that ruleth, vvithdiligece:he that fhewechmeicy,vvithchere- fulne(re.4.5.8,9. &4.11. 1, &4 20.4. 10. Be affc caufe he eat' thnot of fiyth : and v\hatfoeuer is not offaythjisfinne. 3. 5. 10 & 3.1 5 6. & 4.1J.17.&4. 15.22. I J.I. VVe vvhiche are Itrong, ought to beare the infir- niit:es ot the vveake , and not to plcafe our felues , 3. 19.11. 5, Now the Godofpacience and confolation , graunt that you be l,3i. 8. Now 1 faye , that lefuj Chrift was a minifter of the circumcifion , for the truthe of God , to con- lirmethe promiifcsmade vnto the fathers. 3.2.3 2. & 416.15. 1 1. There fhall be a roore of IcfTe.and he that fhall r:fe to reigne ouer the Gentiles, in him fhall the Gentile* truft.i.i 3.13. 19. So that from lerufalem, and round about rntollly- ricum,I haue caufed to abound the gofpell of Chrift. 4-? -4. JO. yea,fo T enforced my felfe to preach the Gofpell, not v\ here Chnlt was named, &c. 4 34. 25. But now goe I to lerufalem, to minifter vnto the Sain£tes.4.6 14. 30. Alfo brethren, I befeeche you for otir lorde le- fus Chriltes fake, and for the loue of the fpirite, that ye vvouldeftriue with mc by prayers to God forme.}.50.20. 16,3. Grette Pri(lei!e3.4. j.iO. j. Grace be with) oil, and peace from GoJ our father, and from the Lord lefiis ChriR.i i }.i j. 5f. Godis faythlull, by whom ye are cjlled vntothe fellovvfli'pof his ibniie Itfus Chrift, Sfc. 3.5.5. 11. Fori: hath bene declared vnto me, my brethren, of you by tiieui that are of the houfe of Cloe, that there yre contentions among you. 4. 1.1 4. 12. Now this I faye, that tuery one ofyou faytb ,1 am Paules,&c.4.t 3.1 4. ij. Is Chnft deluded ? was Paule crucified for you? ei- ther were ye baptised into the nameof Pault? 5.5. 2 & 4.15.1 J. 30. Where is the wife ? where is the fcribe ? where is the difputerof this vvorld?&c.2,i.io. 21. Forfenig the world by wiledome knew not God in the vvifedome of Godjitpleafed God by the foo- lifhntfle of preaching to laue them that beleue. 2.6,1. ij. Bur we preach Chrift crucified : vnto the Ievves,e- uen a ftonibling blocke,and vnto the Grecians, foo- lirhnefle,3.3 4ri4, J 6. For brethren, you lee your calling,hovv that not ma- ny wife men after the flefh, not many mightie, not many noble are calUd,}. 2}.io. 30. But ye are of him in Chr;ft lefus , who of God is made vnto vs,vvifedome & righteoufnerte, & fandi- fication,&c.2.i5.2.& 2.i6.ii>'& j.5.i5).& j.^.jo.Sc 3.u.(J,ti.&: 3. 14.17. & 3. 15,5. & J. 16. 1. » 2. For I efteemed not to Know any thing among you, faue lefus Chriil, and him crucified. 1.13.1 3 .& 2.12. 4.5 & 2.15.S.& 3.2.1. 4. Neither floode my word and my preaching intheen- tfingfpeech of mans vvifedome, but in plaine eui- denceofthefp)rite.i.8.i.& 4.1.6.& 4.14. i 1. J. That your fiyrh f houlde not be in the vvifedome of men, but in thepower of God.j.a. j 5. t. Which none of the princes of this VTorlde hath kaovven: forhad they knovYen,&c. i.5.i2,& 2,14. 2.6 4.17 .30, \0. But God hath reqeiled them vnto vs by the ipirite: for thefpirite fearche'h all thinges,yea the dctpe thinges of God i.i 3.14 & 3.2, 54. ii. F..r what man knovveth the thinges of a man, faue the fpirite of a man, which is in him ? euen fothe thinges of God knovveth no man, but the fpirite of God. J 2.34. 13. Now vvehauereceaued not thefpiritof the world, but the fpirite which is of God, that we might know the thinges that are geuen to vs of God. 3.2. }5>.& 4.8.11. ] J. Comparing things fpiiituall with fpirituall things. 4.16.31. 1 4. But th; natur.dl m.in perceaueih not the thinges of the fpirite of God :for they are folifhneHe vnto him: neither can h.- know them, bicaufe they are fpiritu- .•»ljy difcerned.2.2,20.& 3.2.34. it. For who hath knovven themindeof theLorde,that he might inftruftehim ? but we haue themindeof Chriil.i.i3.i4 & j.15 4. }.i. I geue you milke to drinke , and not^meate: for ye were notable to beare it : neither yet now are yt.ible.3.i<;.i3. J. Fur vvhci e as there is among you eniiying,3nd (trife, and duii{i()n$,are ye not carnall, and vvalke as men? 2.5.4.& 4.1.14. 4, For vvhcnoncriith,IamPaules,anoiher,IamAp. poUos3areycnoccainall?4.4.2.&4.ij 14. 19 4,1. 6. I haue planted, Apollo water, d, but Coigauetfte encreare,4.i4,i i, 7. So then,neither is he that plantethany thing,neither he that watereth,but Godgeueththeencreafe. 2.5. 4.& 3.23.i4,& 4.1. tf. 8. And eutry man f hall receauehis wages, according to hislabour.3.16. 3.& J. 18.1, 5). For we together are Gods labourers : ye are Gods hufbandry,and Gods building. 2. 5.17. & 4.1.6, 11. For other foundation ca no ma lay, then that which islaide,vvhichis leUis ChriH:.3,i 5.5,& 4.6,6. 12. And ifany man build on this foundation ,golde, fil- uer , or precious itones , tmiber , haye , or Itubble. 3.5.5J. 1 J. Euery mans worke f hall be made maniftft : for the day 1 hall declare it, bicaufe it f hall bee reueiled by the fire,&c.3.5.5. 14. Ifany mans vvorke that he hath built vpon,abide,he fhallrtceaue wages. 3.5.9. 15. Ifany mans vvorke burne, he fhalllofe, but he fhall be iafe himfelfe : neuertheleile yet as it were by the fire.3.5.<>. 16. Know ye not that ye are the Temple ofGod, 8f thit the fpirite of God dvvelle thin you. i.i},t5,& 3.6.5, & 3. 16.2. & 3.25. 7.& 4.3.1. For the vvifedome of this world is folifhneffe with God:forit is written. He catcheth the wifein their ovvne craftineife.i.5.7.& 2.2.20. Therefore let no man reioyce in men : for all thinges are yours. 4.151.1, Let a man fo thinke of vs , as of the minifters of Chriftjanddilpofers of the fecretts of God, 4.3.6. & 4.8.1. 4. For I know nothing by my felfe,yet am I not there- by iuUified : but he thatiudgeth me, is the Lorde.j. 12.2.& J.17.14. 5, Therefore iudge nothing before the time, vntill the Lorde come, who will lighten thinges that are hid in darknefie,and make the coufels of the heart mani- ftlt:&C.3.I2.4. 7, For who fepeiateth thee ?and what hafl thou, that thou hail not receaued?if thou haft receaued it, why reioyctll thou, as though thou haJdell not receaued it? 2. 5. 2. & 5.7. 4-& ^.24.12. ly. For in Chrift lefus I haue begotten you through the Gofpell.4.1.6. 5.1/ It is he.ird certainly that there is fornication amog you, and fuch fornicatio as is not once named among the Gentiles.&c.4.i.i4. I. And ye are puffed vp and haue not rather forrowed, that he which hath done this deede, might bee put from among you. 4. 1. 1 5, 4. When ye are gathered together, and my fpirite, ia the name of our Lord lefus Chrilt, that fuch a one, I fay,by the power of our Lord lefus Chrift,4.ii.5». & 4. 1 2.4, 5. Bedeliuered vnto Satan, for the deftruftion of the flefh, that the fpirite may be fauedm the day of the Lord lefus. 4, 12, 5, 6. 6. Know ye not that a litle Ieauen,Ieaueneth the whole lumpt? 4.12,5. ' ? 7. For Chrift ourpafTeouerisracrificed for vs. 4,12.1 5. &4.18.3. II. If any that is called a brother, bee a fornicator, or* couetous , or an idolater, or a railer,or a drunkard^ or an extortioner, with fuch a one eate not. 4.1. i 5. &4-«i 5- . ' 12, For what haue I todoe, toiudge th«malfo,whicb arc without ? doeyenotiudge them that are with- in? 4.11.5. ''. 6.6. But a brother gocth tolavvvvith abrother,& that vndertheinfidels.4.20.21. 7. Now chcisfore there is vtterly a fault among you^ bicauXt bicaufeye go to law one with another.4.1.14. f. Know ye not that the vnrighteous f hall not inhe- ritethe kingdomeof God? &c.}. 4.11. & }'I4 10. 10. Be not deccatied : neither fornitatorsj nor ijola- ccrs, nor adultersis, nor wantons, nor buggerers, nor theeues, nor cou!.tous,nor drunkarJcs, nor rai- lers.nor extortioners fhall inherite the kingdome of God. 5.4. II. 11. But ye are iuftified in the name of the Lord lefus, and by the fpirire ofourGod. i.i}.i4. & j 1 .i.& J-^.J- & J.14.6.& 5.24.10. I J. Meates are ordained for the bellye, .ind the belly for th;mcate.s : but God (hall deftroy bothit, & tiiem, &c.j.i5-8.&4-«J-9-&4-'i'-7- 1 5. Know ye not, that your bodies are mebers of Chrifl? &c.j.<.j.& J.25 8.&4.17.9. ly. Know ye not , chic your bodye is the temple of the holyGhoft , which is in you, whom you haue ofGod?&c. I.I J.15.& i-i 9-Sc J.2J.7. & J. 25. 8. &4-J-"- 3«, For ye are bought for a price : therefore glori fie God in your body, and in your fpirite: for they are Gods. 1.17.5.& j.jj.y, J. I. NeucrthelelIe,toauoide fornication, let eueryman haue his wife, and let euery woman haue her own hufband.2.8.4j. J. Let the hufband geue vnto the wife due beneuo- Ience,and like wile alfo the wife vnto the hufband. 4.1 i.i6. 5. Defraudenotoneanother,exccpt it bewithcofent for a time, that yemay geueyourfelues to fading, & prayer: and againe come together that Satan tempt you not for your incontinencie. 4.12.1 6. 7. I would that all me were euen as 1 my felfe am: but euery man hath his proper gift of God, one after this maner.and an other after that. 2. 8. 42. 5. But i"- they can not abllaine, let them marry: for it is better to marry then to burne.2. 8.45.& 4.1 j. 17. 14. For the vnbeleuicig hufband is fantflihcd by the wife , and the vnbeleuing wife is fandiiied by the hufband, tls vvere your children vncleant; but now are they holy. 2. 1.7. & ^.16.6. & 4.1(^.15. &4.i(S.ji. X^. Circumcifion is nothing, and vncircumcifion is no- thing : but theketping of the commaundementes of God 4.14.14. »i. Art thou called being a feruaunt? care not for it: but if yet thou maiift be free,vfL- it rather.4.20.1. J J. Ye are bought with a price ; be not feruauntes of men. 4.20.32. ji. And chcy that vfe this world, as though they vfed it not : for the fafhion of this world goeth awaye. j.io.i,4.&4-»y-7- 34. The vnmarried woman careth for the thjngs of the Lord, that fhe may be holy both in body and in fpi- rite,&c.2. 8. 43. I y . And this I fpeake for your own commodities, not to tangle you in a fnare,&c.4.io. 2. 8.1. And as touching thinges iacrificed vntoidoles, we know, that we nauelinovvledoe,&c.4.i0.2 2. y. For though there be that are called Gods , whether in hcauen,oriii earth, &C.1.1 3.11 . tf. Yet vnto vs there is but one God, which is the fa- ther, of whom are all thinges , and we in him :and one Lorde lefus Chrifl,&c.i.i3.ii.& 2.3.^. & 2.14. 3.SC 2.15.5. f. But take heede lefteby anv meanes this pov\'er of yours bee an occafion of falling to them that are vveaks.3 19.11. & 4.fo.2j. f.i. Am I not an Aportle ? am I not free ? haue Tnot feene lefus Chrill our Lord ? are ye not my worke in the Lorde? }. 14. i 5. & 4.1.1 4. Si 4.17. 17. Sc 4.17 a^. THE TABLE. 2 16. 30. 21. I 2. 16. »7- »}■ 28. i9- J'- P' II. J- 7- 16 »o Foryearethefealeofmy Apoftlefhip in theLnr5». 3»" 38, ?«• 1. i- H.iue ye not fiou/es to eate arJ tlrlnke in ? deQ>ife ye theChuithoFGod.&c.4.io.2<>. For I haue receaueii of th,- Loidc chat which I alfo haut dtliuercd vnto yoN,&c.4.i7. j 5,50 And vvhcnhe hadgeuen thanke.s,hc: brake it, and fjyd,Tak.e,eacfc: ihis is my bodye, v\hic!) i.s broken for you : this doe you inrcnicnibrauncfc of me. 4.17. 1.& 4.17.20. * Alter the fjme rr.aner alfo he tooke the cup , when he had Tupped, faying : this u the new Teltanientin my bloud; &c. 4.17. 20. For as ofcen as ye fhall eate this bread , and drinke this cup, ye i he vv che Lordes death viitili hee come. 4.K5.JO.&4.I7.J7. Letamin thtrefore examiiiehimfelfe, andfolet him eate of this bread, and drinke of this cup. 4.1.1 ^.&. 4. 16.30.& 4.1 7.40. For he that tatcth and drinketh vnvvorthely,eateth and drinketh his ovvne damnation, bicaufe he defer- uethnottheLordes body. 4.1.1 5. & 4.16.30. & 4.17. n>H.40' For if we would iudge our felues,vve f hould not be iudg.d.j. j.i8. But when we are iudged, we are chaftened of the Lorde,bicaufe vvefhouldnot be condemned with the wor]d.3.4. } J.& j.8.(S. J. V Vherefure,! declare vnto you, that no man fpea- king by the fpirite of God, callethlefus execrable: &C.1.2.20. And there are diuerfities of operations , but God is the fame, which workechall in ali. 2. j.6,j). For to one is geuen by the fpirite, the word of wife- dome , and to an other the vvorde of knowledge, by the fame fpirite. 4. J.I 1. . And to an other diuerfities of toiinges , and to ano- ther the interpretation of toungts ; 1.13.14. & 3.2.j>. And all thefe thinges vvorketh euen the felf fame fpi- rite.dillributing toeuery man feuerally asheevviJl. 1.1}. .4.& 4.1}.}. For as the body is one, and hath many members , and all the members of the bodye which is one , though they be many, yet are but onebody:euen fois Chriit. I.IJ.I5.& }.7.5.& 3. i(S.2.5c 4.17.22. Forby oneipiriteare vvt all baptized into one bo- dy,whether we be levves or Grecians; &c. 4.14.7. & 4.1 J. 15. & 4.16.22. . Lfclte there f hould be any diuifion in the body : but that the members f hould haue the fame care one fur an och;r.}.20.20. , And God hath ordained fome in the Church, as firft Apoftles,fecondJy Prophets, thirdly teachers, then the that do miracles:after that, the giftes of healing, helpers,&c.4. J.8.& 4.11. i.& 4.20.4. But defile you the belt giftes, and I will yet fhevv you a more excellent vv.iy. j.j.p. I. Though I fpeake with che tounges of men & An- gels,and haue not loue, lamas founding bralle, or a tinckling Cymball.2.5.4. If I had all faith,fo that I could remouemoutainej, and had not loue,l were notliing. j.18.8. Anti though I feede the poore vvuh all my goodes, .md though I geue my bodye that I be burned, and hauenocIouc,it proHtethme nothing. 4.1 31 >. Loue (uiferech long : it is bountiful! : loue enuitth not: loue doth not boaft it felfe: i t is not puffed v p. ?-7-J.6. For vve know in parte, and we prophecye in parte. J.2.20. , But vvhen chat which is perfefte, is come, then that which IS in part,fhall be abolifhed. j .2.1 3. Ei.rnovv we fee through a glaflV darkly : but then fhall we fi-e fate to fate,&c. J. ia.ii.& 4.18.20. }0. J4- 14. 16. '7- 19. ij. Andiiovv abideth faytji.hope, and loue, euen thefe three : but the chefefV of thefe is loue. }.i 8.8. 14.15. Vv hatisitthen?! will pray with the fpirite, but I will pray with the vnderllanding allo>&c.3.20. J. & 3.20.32. 16. Eis,v%h.,n chou blelTcft with the fpi rite, how flial he that ocf upiech the roome of the vnlcarned, faye Amen at thy geuing ofthankis,&.c.3.20.3 3. 29. Let the Prophets fpeake two or three, and let the o- ther iudge. 4.^.1 3. And if any thing be rt ueiled to an other that fitteth by, let the firft holdc his peace. 4- 1 .1 2. let your women keepe filence in the Churches, for it is not ))ermitied vnto them to fpeake ,&c. 4. 10 29. 40. Let all thinges be done honcfUy and by order. 2.8. 3 2.& 3. 20. 29. & 4. ?.io.& 4.10.27,30. 1 J.6. After that,he wasfecne ufmoe then Huehundreth brethren at once,&c.3.2 5. ;. 10. But 1 labored more aboundauntly then they all, yet nod, but the grace of God which 1$ in me. 2.3 12. & 4.1.6. 12. Now ifit be preached, that Chrift is rifen from the dead,hovv fay fome among you, that there is no rc- fuiredionofthe dead? 3.2 5.7. & 4.1.14. For if there be no refurreiftion of the dead , then is Chriflnotrifen.3.25.3. And if Chrift be not rifen, then is our preaching in vaine,and your fay th is alfoin vaine.3.S5.3. For if the dead be not raifed, then is Chnft not rai- fed.2.13.2. Aiidif Chrift be not^j^ifed, your faythis vainei&c. 2.1 3 2.& 2.16.13. If in this life onely we haue hope in Chrift , we are of all men the moftmiferable.3.3>.6.& 3.18.4. 10. But now is Chrift rifen from the dead, and was made the firft fi utes of them that llept.2. 1 6.1 }. 21. For fith by man came death,by man came alfo the re- furredion of the dead. 2.1 .6. 22. For,asin Adam all men dit:euen fo in Chrift f hall all be made aliue.4.1 6.17. 2 J. Forhemnft reigne till he hath put all his enemies vnder hi.s fcete.2.1 6.1 6. 28, And when all thinges fhall be ftibdued vnto him, then fhall the fonne alfo hinifelfe be fubiefte vnto him,&c. 1.13 26. & 2.8.30. &2.14.}. & 2.15.5. £C } 20.42 & 3.25.12. Thou foole, chat whiche thou foweftis not quick- ned, except it die. 3. 25. 4. AU fief h,is not the fame flefh, but there is one flefh ofmen,&c.3.25.8. There is an other glory of the Sunne,an other glorye of the Moone , an other glorye of the Starres : for one ftarre differtth fiom an other Itarre in glorye. 4.19.34. 45. The firft man Adam was made aliuing fouIe:and the laile Adam was made a quickning fpirite. 1.15.4.SC 46. Howbeit that was not firft made which is fpiritu- all , but that which is naturally and afterward that which isfpirituall.4.16.31. 47. The firft man is of the earth,earthly.- the fecond man is the Lord from hcauen. 2.1 2.7. & 2.13.2. ik i.13 4< &4«7.25. Flefh and bloud can not inherite the kingdomeof God,&c. 4.16.17. Beholde , I fhevv you a fecrete thing , we fhall not all fleepe,but we fhallallbechaunged, 2.16. 17.& J;25-8. In a moment, in the twinckling of an eye, at the laft trumpet : for the trurripet fhall blovve,and the dead fhall be raifed vp incoiiupublc , and vvc f hail bee cbaunged.2.16.17. J 3. For 3 6. i9- 41. 50. 52. 5J- J4. THH TABLE. Forthis corruptibIe,muftput on iBComipdon,&c. 5.15.7 So when this corruptible hath put on incorruptio, if. this mortal, hathput on innmortalitie,6:c.}.i5.io. l6.i. Eueriefirft day of the vvcke, let euerie one ofyou putafideby himfclfejandlay vpas God hath proipe- red him,&c. 1.8.5 ?• 7. For I vvil not fee you now in my pafTage-.but I trull toabidea while VMthyou,ifthe lordpcrtnit.i.17.11. II. CORINTHIANS. I.I. f~^ Race be with you , and peace from God our fa- Vj thcr,and from the Lord Itfus Chrift 1. 1 5 -i J. J. The father of mercie,& the God of all comfort. }. 20.57. 6, And whether we be affliftcd,it is for your confo- lation and faluation, vvhiche is vvrough in the indu- ring of the fame fuffcrings, which we alfo fufftr : or whether we be comforted, it is your conlolatiou & faluation. 5. 5. 4. 1 s. For our reioycinge is this, the teltimonie ofour c6- fcience, that in fimplicitie and godlie purencs,& not inflcihlic vvifcdome,&c.5.2.4i & 5. 17. 14. t^. For the fonne of God Icfus Chr;fte,vvho was prea- chtdamong you by vs,&c.4.i7.50. 10. For all thcproniiles of Godiahim,areyea, ficarein himamen,&c.2 .5).i.&.' 5.2.5 2.& 5.10.1 7. & 4. 14. 20. ti. Who hachc alfo fealed vs,3ndhathegiuen theear- neftofthefpintinourheartes.i.7.4.& J.1.5.& j.2. jtf.fic 5.24-1. »j. Novv,l cdl God for a recorde vntomy foule , that tofparc you, I came not as yet toCorinthus.2.8.24. & 2.8.27. 14. Not that we haiie dominion ouer your fjy th , but that wt are helpers of yourioye,&c.4.8.9. \.6. Itis fufficient vnto thefamemaa, that he was re- buked of manie. 5.4.1 5. 7. So that now cotrarie wifcjye ought rather to for- giue him,& cofort him,left the fame fhould be Iwa- lowed vp with ouermuchheauines.4. i.2y.& 4.1 2.8. S. VVherfore , I pray you , that you vvolde conlirme yourloue towards him. 4.1 i.y. 16. To the one vve are the iauour of death, vnte death: & to the other the fauouroflife,vntolife,&c.2.5.5. 3 J. In thatyearemanifcfl, tobet th- epiUle ofChnftc, minlflred by vs,& vvrittt,nct vviihynke,&c.i.8.57. 5. Not that wee are fufficient ofour felues, to thinke any thinge,as of ourrtlucs:&c.2.2.2S,27.& 1.5 5. 6. Vv'hoalfo hath made vs ablcminiftcis of the new Tt.llament,not of the letter,but of the fpint; for the letter killeth,but the fpintgeueihlife.x.^.j.fi: 2.7 2. & 5.1.4.& 4.i.tf.& 4. 14. II. 7. If then the miniftration of death written with let- ters andingraueninftoneSjVvas "lorious.fo that the children of ifradl coulds notbsnolJe the face, Ci^c. S. Howre f hall not the miniftration of the (piritcbec more gloriousPi.p. j. f. Foriftheminifttrie ofcondemnatio was gloriouj, muchemore dothc the miniftration of righteoufnes exceede inelorie.4.5 5. 14. Therfore tneirmindesareh.irdened:forvntill thij day remaineth the Time coueringe vntaken aw ay in the readinge of the olde Tailament, vvhiche vaile in Chrifteis put avvay.2.10.25. 1 5. But euer. vnto this day , when Mofes is read , the vaile is layde oucr theirhartes.2.10.27. 17. Now the Lorde is th£ fpirit , and where the Ipiritc oftheLorde is ,chcr; is hbertie.2.2.S. 18. But weallbeholdeasin a mirror, theglorieof the Lorde, with open face,& are changed .nto the fame Image,&c.i.is.4.S: x. 15. 5.6: j.:.io.& j.5.^ 4.4. Invvhome tbeCodofthis worlde hathe blinded themindes, that is, of the infidels, that theLeht of the glorious GcfpcU of Chrifte, vvhiche is the image of God, & C.I. 1 4.1 3.&1.14 18 & 1.18.2.& 1.4.1. 6. For God th.it commaunded the light to fhine out ofthe darkenes , is hee vvhiche hathe fhined in our hearts, &c. 2.5. 1. & J.2.1.& 4. i. 5. & 4.3.3. 7. But vve haue this treafure in tarthe veflels,t}iat the excellcncie of that power mi|,hc be of God, and not of vs. 4.1.5. &' 4.5.I. 8. We are afflifted on euerie fide , yet are vve rot in diftrerterin pouertie , but not outrcome of pcucrtie* J.8.9.&J.IS.8. 9. We are perfccute.5. 4. Bycaufe vve vvolde not bee vndothed, but vvolde be clothed vppon, that immortalitie might be fvva- lovved vp ot Life. 1. 1 5.2.& J.^.J. J. Who alfo hathe geuen vnto v$ , the eameit of the fpirite. i.i). 5. & 32 j(S. 6. Therfore vve are allwayes bold, though vve knoTT that whiles wee are at home in this bodie, wee are abfcntfrom the Lorde. i.i 5.2. & l-9-^.if'}' 25. 1. & 5.25.5. 7. For vve vvalke by faith, & not by nght.3.s.i4. 8. Ncuertheles, wee are bolde.and loue rather to re- moue out ofthe bodie , & to dwell with the Lorde* 1.15.2. lo. For vve mull all appeare before the iudgement feat of Chrifte,&c.i.i 5.11.& i.i5.2.& 5.i8.i.& 3. 25.7. i8. And al things are of God, which hath reconfiled v« vnto himi'elf^ by lefus Chrifte, &c. i-i.i^. & j. 5.5. & 5.ii.4.&4.5.'3. ij>. For God vvas in Chrifte,and reconfiled the vrorlde tohimfelfe,not imputing thtir finnes vnto them,&c. ».i2.4.& 2.17.2.& f.2.j2.C: 3.4.25.& 5.11.22.&: 3. 14. II. 5c 4.1.22. 20. Now the arc wc ambafTadors for Chrift:as though GoddidbelLcheyou through vs ,&c.3.4.27.&4 1. 22. & 4.5.1. 21. For hee hathe made him tobcefinne for vs, vvhiche knew no ilnnc, th.it wee f liouldt be made the righ- teoufnes of God in him. 2. 1 (S.5.& 2.1 J. 6. & 3.5.2.& 3.11.U. & 3.ii.2r.& 3.11.23. 6.t. By hoiiour,and dil honour,by euill reporte & good r.pr,rte,&C.j.8.8. 16. For'csrethe temple of the liuingGod,2:c. 1.13.1 (. 6l 3.<;.5.& j.ii.2. 7.1. Seyng then vve haue thefe promifts, dearly bdoued let vs clcnce our felues from al lilthines of theflefhe and the fpirite, ficc.i.i 5. 1.& 2.^.3. & }.i6» 2.6:3.25.7. 10. For godlie rorrovve,caufethrepeniance vntoClIua- tion,not tobe repented of:but the worldly forrovy caufeth death. 3.4.2. 11. For behclde, this thinge thatye haue bene godlie foryc , what greate care it hathe wrought in you: 6CC.5.3.15, 5.11. Nowe therfore performe to do it alfo, that as there vvasareadines to will, eutnfoye may perfcrmc it of that vvhiche ye haiie.2.^.8. CCCC iij. I i. And THE l^. And thankcs be vnto God,vvhichehatheputin the heart of Titus the fame care foryou.i.j.8. ty. Becaufe we accepted the exhortation, &c.i. 5.8. g.6. That he vvhichefovvethrparinglie,f hall reape al- fo {paringlie, & he that fovveth liberally, fhall reape alfoliberally.j.i8..i.r»: 1.14 4.& 4-j 3. 4. How that he was taken vp into ParadifcjSc hearde words whiche can not bee fpoken, vvhichc are not pofliblc for man to vtter. i . 1 4. 4. 7. And leile I fhoulde bee exalted out of meafure, through the aboundan-e ofreuelations , there was geuen vnto niec a prickc in the flef he, the meflenger ofSatan, t. And the la wis not of fayth:but the man that fhall doe thole thinges , fhall liue in them- j. 11. 18. & j. ir.i5». Chrift hath redeemed vs from the curfteforvs, &c. 1.7.1 J.& 2.8 57.& 2.16.2.& 2.16.6.& 2.16.15.& 2. 17.4 & J 4 27.& 3.1 1. 1 2. & J 1P.3.& 4.1 3.21. Now to Abraham , and to his feede were thepro- mifes made,c:c.2.6 2.& i.i 3.3.8c 4.I4.21. And this I fay, that the law whiche was foure hu- dreth and thirtie yeares after, can not difanull the couenaunt that was confirmed afore of God in re? fpeiS of Chrifte, that it fhoulde make thepromifes of no etfed. 3.i{.2o. For if the inheritance bee of the lavve, it is no more by the procnes , butGodgaueit vnto Abraham by promeS'? 11.17. Wherefore then ferueth the lavve? it was added bycauleof thetranfgrelTion, &c. i.i4.5>. Sc 2. 5. 6.3c 2.7.2. I.I the la we then againfte the promifes of God? God forbid,8cc.3.ii.i5 8c 3-4.. For Agar or Sina is a mountainein Arabia, and it anfwereth to leriifakm chat novvis,&c.3.».5-5.&3.i7.iJ. & 3.1 J.2.& 3.22.1.& 3. 23. 12. & 3. 24.3. & 3.24. J. Who hath predeftinate vs to be adopted through lefus Chulle vnto Iumfelfe,&c.2. 12.5. & 3. 11.4. jc 3.18.2. To the praife of the glorie ofliis grace, vvher\'vith he hathe made vs accepted in his beloued. 2.17. a.& 3. 2. 32. & 3.11.4. By vvhomc we haue redemption through his blood, &C.J.4-JO. And hath opened vutovs themiftcrieof his will, accordinge to his goodpleafure, &c. 4. 14.2. & 4. 15. ;fi. That in the difpenfation of the fulnes of the times, he might gather togeather in one all thinges , bothc whiche are in heaiien , and whiche are in earthc, e- ucninChrifte.2.i3.5.& 3.20.21. In whomealfo ye haue trufted,afterthatvc heard© the wordeoftruthe, euen thcGofpcllof youre fal- uation,&c.i.7.4..?c 2.9.3. & 2.10.J.& 3.1.4.& 3.2. 36. & 3.24.8. V-Vhichis theearnelt ofourinlieritauncc,vntill the redemption ji':c. 3. 24.8. That the God of our Lorde lefus Chrifte, the father ofglorie, iviiglitjcuc vnto you the fpirite of wife- dome, Scc.i. 2. 21. That yc may knovve,VThat the hope ofhis calling, and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is in the fainftes. 3. 2.1 tf.Sc 4.0.11. Whiche hee wrought in Chrifte, when hee ray fed himfromthe dead,&c.2.i tf.i j. Far aboue ai! principallitie,and povver,and might, «nd do;.jin.ition,and euerie name that is named, &c. 1.14.5.& 2.1 J.5.&: :.i5.i J. And hee h.ithe appoynted him oucr all thinges to be the head to the Churche.i.i 5.5.8c 4.6.9. Whiche is his bodie, euen the fulnes of him that filleth .ill in all thinges. 2. 1 5.5.8: 6c4-'7-P. That were dead in trefpalles, and linncs , Jfcj. 24.10. Wherein, in tiwc pafte yc walked , fccordinge to the courfe of this worlde, and after the prince that ruleth;nthcayer,8cc. 1.14.13. 8C1.14. 18. Cc 2.4.1. & 3.24.10. Amonge vvhomevvee alfo hadourconuerfation in time paft,in the luftes of our flefhe , in fulfillinge the vvil of:heflcfh,andofthcmind,8cc.2.i.<5.8c 2.».ii, & 4.1 6.17. But God whiche is riche in loue, through his great loue wherewith heloued vs. 3. 14. 5. Euenvviien we were dead by finnc$,he quickned vs,8cc.2.5.i9. And hath raifed vs vp together , and made vs to fie togeather in the heauenlie places in Chrifte lefus. a. i6'i6.8c 3.25.1. For by grace are ye faued through faith, li that not ofyourfelues-.itis thegift ofGcd.3.1 3.2.8c 3. 14. 11. Not of workes , lefte any man f houlde boaft hini- felfi.3.i3.2. For we are his vvorkcmanfhi'p created in Chrifte lefus vntogood workes, 8cc. 2.3.6. & j. M-S-Sc ?. 15. 7.&3. 23.13. Wherfore remember that ye beynge in time paft CCCCiiij. Gentiles THE T tJen tiles in the flof h, and cs'led vncircumcifion,&c. 4.i4.ri.&4.i.i.Sc 4 6.10. 11. Hi theifore gaue fome to bee ApolUes, & Come to be Prophets, &C-4 t.i, 5.& 4. 34. & 4.6.10.X4.8.12. I }. For the gathering together of the Saindlts, that for the vvorKeofth.'minillcrie,&c.4.i.5. 13. Till wee all meete together, in the vnitie of fay th, &c.4-'4-8. 14. That vvc be no more henceforthe children, vvaue- ring & caried away with euene vvinde of doftiine, &C.4.3.1. 15. Butlet vs follow the tuthit\loue,andin all things grow vpintohim,&c.2.»6.i5.& 3.1.1.& 3.1.J.&4. 3.2.&4 6p.& 4.17 p. I S. By whome al the bodie being couple d and knit to- , getherby euerieioynt,&c.2.i 3.1.&4.6.P. 17. This I (ay therfore,and teftihc in the Lorde,that ye henceforth walks not,&c. 2.3.1. 18. Hiuing their cogitation darkened,and being ftran- gers,&c. 2'}.!. >0. Bucyoubauenotfa teamed Chrin:.}.a.d.& 3.^.4. ABLE 22. ThatisjihatyccaftofjConcemingtheconuerfation in timepaft,theolde man,&c.3.3.8.& 3.6.4. 23. And be renewed in the ipirit of yourminde. 2.1. p. &2.}.i.& 3.3.8.& 3.7.1. 24. And put on thenevvman,vvhichafterGodis crea- ted, &C.1.1 5.4. ij. Neirhergeue place to thedeuill. 1. 14.18. 28. Let him chat ftole , ftealeno more,butlethim ra- ther!abour,&c. 3.2410. 30. And greue not the holie fpirite of God,by whome, &C.2.5.8. 5.1 . Be ye thtrfore followers of God, as deere childre. 3.6.3. a. And walke in loue, euen as Chrifte bathe loued vs, andhathgenenhimrelfe,&c.2.i7.5.& 4.1 9.2 3. €. Let noman deceiue youvvith vayne wordcs , for fuch things, ficc. 3.2.17. 8. For ye were once darkenes , but arc nowe light in the Lorde, &C.3. 16.2 & 3.24.10. 14. Awake thou that llepi.lt,& Itand vp from the dead, and Chrifte f hall giue thee light. 2. 5 .1 5>. 23. Forthehufbandeis the vviuts head, euen as Chriit is the head oftheChurch,&c.}.6.3.& 46.9. 25. Andgauehimfelfeforit.4.i.i7.& 4.8.12. 2 6. That he might fanfti Se it,and clenfe, &c. 3 . 3 .11 . & 3. 6. 3. & 4.1. 1 3. & 4.15.2.& 4.16.21. 27. That hse might make it vnto himfelfe a glorious Churche,not n3uing,&c.3.3.ii & 4.1.10. 28. So ought men to loue their vviues as their owne bodies:i!tc.4.i^.3 5. 25. For no man euer yet hated his owne flef he , but nourif heth and cherifheth it , euen as the Lorde dothe theChurche.4 ip.} 5. JO. For we are members of his bodie, of his flefhe, flcc. 2.12.2.& 2.12.7.& 3.1.3.& 4.17.9. 32. This is a great mifterie, but 1 fpeake concerninge Chiift,and concerning the Church. 4. 12.24. 6.1. Children, obey yourt parentes in the Lorde: &C.2.8. 36. & 2.8.33.&4.20.29. 4. And ye fa thers,prouoke not your childre to v vrath, &c. 4.20. 29. 5. Neitheris therererpe(aofperronsvvithhim.3.23.io. 10. Finally my brechre,heftrcngin the Lord: &c. 2. 5.8. 12. For we vvrelUenot.againftHefhe and blood:&c.i. 14.13. flc 1.17.8. 13. Forthiscaufe , take vnto you the whole armour of God, &c. I.I 4 1 3.(S: 2.5.11. 1 6. Aboue all take the fheil Je of fayth, wherewith yc may quenche all,&c.3.2. :i.& j.20.12. 18. Andprayallvvay with all m.inntr of prayer & fup- plicationin therpirit:&c.3.20.5.& 3. 20.7. & 3.20.1a. i^. And for me, that vtterauncemay begeuen vntonie} that 1 may open my mouth bouldlie:&c. 3 .20.20. PHILIPPIANS. I.I. T) AullandTimothie the feruauntcsofltfus Chrift, 1 &C.4.3.7.&4-3 8- 4. AllvvaicS in al my prayers foraIyou,flrc.2.2.2 5. 6. Tamperfvvadedof this iame thinge, that he. that hath begonneihis fame good vvorke jnyou,&c- 1.3. 6.& 3.18.1.& 3.24.6. 20. As 1 hartelie loke for , and hope, that in nothinge I fhalbeafhamed, but thatvvithall contidence, &c. 3.2.43. For I am grcatlie in doubte on both HdeSjdefiringe to be ioofed and to be witK Chrifte, &C.3.9.4. For vnto you it is geutn for Chrifte, that not onelie ye fhouldebeleeue inhim,Scc 2.17..5. Fultill my ioye , that yc be like minded, hauinge the fame loue,&c.4.2.5. That nothing be done through contentio,orvaine glorie:buc tluc iDmckeaes,&c.} .7.4. J. Let 2J- ^9' THE TABLE. Let the rjtneminde bee in you , that was euen in ChriftIerus.4.i.J. VVhobeingein the forme of God, thought it no robbery,&c.i.i J.II.& 1.13.24- But heiiiade himrelfe of no reputation, and toke on him the forme of a reruaunt,3nd was made like vnto nun, &c. 1. 1 J 24.& J.i }.2.& 2.16. 5. & 4.17.25. Hee humbled him fclfe , and became obedient vnto the death, &-C. 2. 1 J. 2. & 2.14. j.& J.15.8.& 4. 14. 21. VVhcrfore God hathe alfo highlie exjlted him , Sc geuen him a name,&c.2.i 1.12.& 2.1 3 2.& 2.1$. 5. & 2.itf.i5.& 2.17.(5. That at the name of lefus fhoulJcuerickneebovv, &C.1.13.24.& 2.11.12.& 2.14.3 & 3. 5 8. VVheifore my beloued,as you haue.illvvaife obey- ed,notasinmy prefence, &c. 2. 5. 11. & 3-2.23. & 3. 18. 1. Forit is God thntvvorketh in you both the will, and thedecdc,&c. 2.2. 27. & 2. j. 6. & z.j.ii. & 1.5. II. & 3.2.23.C>; 3.11.12. Thit yemay be blamdes, and pure, and the fonnes ofGod without rebuke, &c. J. 17. 1 5. Yea, and though I be otfcred vp vppon the (acrifice, and feruice of our fayth,Iamgladjndreioyce with y )U3lI.3.2.«. For I haue no man like mineded , who will fayth- fully care for your matters. 4.6 1 5. For all feekc their owne, and not that whiche is Icfus Chriltes.4.6.1 5 . . AnF.brewcofthe tbrevves,by thelaw aPharifee. } 24.10. Concerning zealejlperfecuted theChurche,&c.j. 24.10. Yea, doubtles I thinke all things but lolTe , for the excellent knowledge fake of Chnll lefus my Lorde, &C.3. If. I3.& 3.25.2. r,- r Th.1t I may know him, and thevertue of his refur- reftion,&c.2.i(J.i j & }.«.!.& 3 15.8.& 3.25.2. Not as though I had alreadie atteined toit , either Were allreadieperfed;but,&c.4.8.n. But one thinge I doe ; I forget that whiche is be- hinde,&c.3.i4.i3.& j.25.1. Let vs therfore as manie as be perfeft,be thus mine- ded:andifyebe other wife minedcd:&c. 3.2.4. & 4. i.i 2. Butour conuerfationis in heauen, from whence alfo weioke for the fauiour, &C.3.25.2.& 4,17.27. & 4-'7-25>- Who fhall change our vile bodie,&c. 3.25.4. & 3. 15 8 & 4 17.23. , Yca,and 1 befeche thee,fivthfiill yoke fJIovv,helpc thofe wemen that labored vvithmee in the Gofpcll, &C.3 24.9. Be nothingc careftill,but in all thinges let yourre- queltcs be (hewed to God , in prayer and fupplica- tion,&c.3 20.28.& 3.20.40. And I can bee abafed ; and lean abounde: euery where inallthinges laminllruftcd, &c. 3. 10. 5. {k J. 19.9. 1 was euen filled , after that I had receiued of Epi- phroditus,&c.4.i8.i6. COLOSSIANS. Since vre heard of your fay th in Clirifte TefuSjand ofyourloue tovvarde allfaindes. 2.10. 5. & 3. 18.,. For the hopes fake , whiche is layed vp for you in heauen,Stc.3.i8.3.& j.25.1. For this caule we alfo, fince the day we hearde of it, ceafenotto pray foryou,&c.2.2.25. And increaiing in the knowledge of God. 2. 2.25^ 12. «4- «5- iS. 18. 10. 11. ai. J4- 21S. 2.1. J- 8. S- 10. II. 12. »J- >4- »S- 16. »7- 19. II. J.I, 2. Geuing thankes vnto the father whiche hath made V$,&C.3.22.I. V Vho hath deliuered v j , from the power of darkc- nes,&c.3.i 5.6. In vvhomc we haue redemptio through his blood, &C.2.17.5.& 3.4.30.&3.I5.5. Who is the image of the inuifiblc God, the firltc borne of cuciie creature. 2.2. 20. & 2.6.4. & 2,12.4. & 2.1 2.7. & 2.1 4.2.& 2.14.5. For by him were all things created , whiche are in heauen,and which are inearth, things vifiblc &in- uifible,&c.i.i4.io.& 2.1 2.7. And he is the head of the bodie of the Churchc,&c. 2.12.7.& 4..6 9. And by him to reconfile all thinges vnto himfelfc, &C.1.14.10.& 2 17.2.& 5.4.27.& 3.1 5.5. And you whiche were in times pall Grangers and enimies,bycaufeyourmindes,&c.2.i7' Touchennt,nortafte not,&c.4.io. 1 j. Whiche thinges haue indeede a fhevve of vvi{e- dome,in voluntarie rehgion,&c.4.io.ii.& 4.10.24. &4.13.2. Iftlienyeberifen with Chrifte, feeke thofe thinges whiche areaboue,Scc. 3.6. 3. & 4.17.36. Setyoure affedions on thinges whiche are aboue, and not on thinges whiche are on the tarthe . 4. 17.36. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Chriltcin God. 2. 16.7. & 2.16. 13.& 3.25.1. Mortifie therefore youre members whiche are on the earthe,fornic3tion,vncircumcifion,&c. j.16.1 3. DDDD.j. 6. For THE TABLE. i. For the V\ hich things fakes the Wrath of God com- meth on ths children otdifobedience. 1.2.27. p. Lie not one to an other , feinge that ye haue put of the olJe maii,5.'c. J. J.8. 10. And haue put on the new, vvhiche is renewed, &C. I.I J.4.& J J.S). 11. Where is neither Grecian nor levve , circumcifion ■ nor vncircunicifion,Batb.irian,&'c.4. 20.1. 14. Andaboue.ill thefe things, put onioue,&c. 2.8.5 j. & J.18.8.&4.1 J ij. 16. Te.tching, and admonifhinge your ovvne felucs , in pfalmes,and hymnes,&c. ^.so.j 2. 20. Children,obey yoiirparences,&c.2.8.5 5. 24. Knovvinge that of ihc'Lorde , yefhall rcceiueche revvarde of the ir.heritaunce,&c. ;.i8.2. 2 V Neither is there no refpedt of ptrfons. j.23.10. 4.5. Praying alfo for vs, that God may open vntovs the dore ofvtterautice,&c.5.20. 20. 17. And fay to Archippus, take heede to the minifterie, that thouhaltreceiued,&c.4.j.7. I. THESSALONIANS. 2.18.' I ""Hcrefore wee woiilde haue come vntoyou(I 1 Paul)&c.i.i7.ii. tp. For what is our hope, or icy, or crovvne of re- ioycing?j.25.io. 3.5. Euenfor this caufe , when I coulde nolongerfor- beare , I fent him that I might kaovvc of your faith, &C.J.20.45.&; 4.1. (f. II. And the Lordeincreafe you, and make you abounds inloueone towardean other, &c. 2. 5.6. To make your hearts ftable,8c vnblamcable in holi- nesbefore God,&c.}.i7.i 5. For this is the will of God , cuen your fanftificati- on,8cc j.16.2. For God hathe not called vsvnto vncleannes, but vntoholines. j.i.'nche not the fpirite.i.5.5.& 2.5.11. ao. Defpicenotprophecying.i.y.j. 3 J. Now theverie Godofpeacefanftifieyou through- out,: and I pray God,thatyeur whole fpiritSc foule and bodie,may be kept blamtles vnto the comminge ofour Lord lefus Chrifte.3.6.3.& 3. 17.15. & 3.25.7. II. THESSALONIANS. 1.4. O O that we our felues reioyce of you in the Chur- OchesofGod, bycaufe of your patience and faith in all your perfecutions and tribulations that ye luffer. J .2.11. 5. vvhiche is a token of the righteous iudgement of »3- 4 J 7- »7- 17. 18. God, that yemay bee counted vvorthie ofthekinj- domeofGod, for the vvhiche ye alfo fuflfer. 3.2.1 1. & 3,18.7. 6. For it is a righteous thinge with God, to recom. penfe tribulation to them that trouble you. ^.^.6, & 3, 18.7. & 3,25.4. 7. And to you which are troubled, reft with vs when the Lorde lefus fhnll fhewe himfelfe from heautn with his mightie Angels. 3. 18. 7. 5>. Which fhall be punif hed with euerlafting perdi- tion , from the prefence of the Lorde , and hom the glorie ofhis power. 3,15.12. 10. When he i hall come to be glorified in his i'ainftes, and tobee made merueilous in all thtm ihatbtlcue (bycaufe our teftimony towarde you was beleued) in that day. 3.25.10. 11. Wherefore , wee alfopray allwaies for you , that our God may make you vvorthie ofhis callmge, and fulfill all the good pleafure ofhis goodnes , and the workeoffayth vvithpovver,2.5.8.& 3.2.35. 2. 3. Let nomandeceiueyouby any meanes:forthat day fhall not come, except there cornea departinge firlt, & that that man of finne be difclofed,tuen the fonne of perdition. 4. 5> 7. 4, And exalteth himfelfe againfte all that is called God, or that is worf hipped: fo that hee dothe fit as God in the Templeof God, &C.4.2. 12. & 4.7.2 5.& 4. 7. 29.8c 4.9.4. 5). Euenhimvvhofe comminge is by the workingeof Satan with all power, and iignes, and lying won- ders.1. 14. 17. 11. And therefore God fhall fende themftronge delu- fion,that they fhoulJ beleuelyes. 1.14.17. & 1.18.2. & 2.4.5, 12. That all they might be damned, vvhiche beleuenoc the truth, buthadpleafurein vnrighteoufnes, 1,18. 2.& 2.4.5. I J . But we ought allwaies to gcue thankes to God for you, bretherenbeloued oftneLord,bycaufehehath chofen you from thebeginninge to faluation , tho- rowefanftificationofthe fpirit, and beleife of the truthe.3.1.2. 14. Wherunto he called youby ourGofpelljto the ob- taining of the glory for our Lord lefu Chrift. 2.10.3. J. 5. We do commaund you, bretbre,in the name ofour Lord lefus Chrift, that ye withdraw your felues fi-o euery brother that walketh inordinate lie, &c.4.i.itf. 10. For euen when we were witli you , this wc war- ned you of, that if there were anie that vvolde not vvorke,that hefhould noteate,4.i 6.29^ ■ 1 2. Thofe that bee fuche manner of pevfons, wee com- inaunde,3nd befeche for our Lorde lefus Chfjft, that they workewith quietnes , andeate their ovvne bread. 4 1.26. 14. And if there be anie that followe not our counfeil, note by a letter, and haue no companie with him, • that hemay beafhamed.4.i 2.5. 15. Yet count him not as anenimie jbutadmonifhhim asabrother.4.i2.io. I. T I MO THE. 1,5. 'T~'Heendeofthelawc, is loue out ofa pure heart J. and good confcience , and of faith vnfained, 2, 5,tf. & 2.8.51.& 3.2.1 2.& J 19 16.8c 4.10.4, y. Knowing that the law is not put for luft men , but for the lavvles and difobedient , and for thofe that will not be ruled, for the vvicked,&c.2.7.io, I J. 1,1 fay vvhicli was firft a blafphemet , and a perfe- cuter, & a doer of wrong: but he had mercie of mee, fori did it ignorantlie,notbeleuing. 3.3 22, 15. Chrift lefus cameinto the world tofaue finners, of « the vvhiche I Ain chcifeft.2.i3. 5. 17. To. THE TABLE. 17. To the king eternall, immortally inuifible, the onely wife God,be honor and glory, &c. i .1 j.i i, 24. i^. Hauing fjith and a good confcience,the vvhiche be- ing put avvay,fonic haue made f hip vvracke of faith. j.i.ii. i.t. I exhort iherfore, that firft of all prayers, fupplicati- cns,interceflions,and geuing of thankcs be made for aIlmcn.j.ao.i5>.& 4.10.1}. a, Forkinges and for ail that are in authoritie,th.it we may lead a quiet & peaceable life in all holineife and honeftie.4.20.^,i7. V Vho would haue all men to be fa ued, and to come to theknovvledge of the truth, j. 24.1 ■;. One God and one Mediator betvvene God and man, the man Chrift lefus.i.i J.1.& 2.17.5.& j. 20.17,20. &4.1I.2S. VVhogaue himftife a raimfome for all menjlfaye Chrill that teftimony ordainedin due time. 2. 17. 5. & J.4.J0. I will therefore th.«t the men pray, euerywhere lif- ting vppme handes without wrath or doubting. 5. 20.:<>.& j.2<;.7.& 4.19.2. , A Bif hop ought to be vnblameablc, thehufbandof one vvife,watchrull,fober,fecled,harborous, apt to teach. 4 J.I 2.& 4.4.7,10. & 4.5.1.& 4.1 2.23,24. Holding the myUerie of the fay th with apurecon- fcience.j 2.1 j.& 4 19. j(S. Which IS the Church of the liuing Ciod, the piller & ground of all truth.4.i.io.& 4.2.i,io.& 4.8.12. And without controuerfiegre.it is the mylterie of godlincffe,God vvasmademanifcftin flti h. i.i j.ii. &4.14.2. The fpirite fpeaketh euidcntlv,that in the latter times feme fhall depart from the faitli,& fhall gene heede to (pintes of error,and to dodrine of deuills. 4-i>i4: Teaching lies through hipocrifie,vvhofe confcience is marked with a hote iron.4. j>. 1 4. Forbidding mariage, and commaunding to abftaine from meates which God hath created to be recea- ued with thankes geuing of the faithful], & of them that h.uhknovven the triith.4.9.i4.& 4.1 2>2}. 4. For wh.itfoeuer God hath created is good, nor no- thing is to be refufedjifit be taken with thankes ge- uing. j. 15.8. 5. For it is fanfti fied by the vvorde of God and prayer. j.r5).8.& 3.20.28. t. Being nourif hed vp in the vvordes of fayth, and in good dodrinc, which thou halt continually follow- ed.3. 2. 13. Z. But godlinefl'e is profitable which hath promifeof this life and of the hfe to come. 2. p. J. & 3.2.28. & 3.2044. 10. Therfore we labour and are reproched, bicaufe we hope in the liuing God, whchis the faiiiour of all men, but moft chcefly of the faithfull. 3.8.8. I J. Attend vntoreachng,exhortation,and doarine,vn- till'I come. 1.9. 1. 14. Neglcftnot the gift that is in thee, which was ge tie thee to prophecic with laying on of the handcs of the Elders.4 j.(5.& 4 19.18. 5.9. Letnota widow be tjken into the number thjtis younger then 60. yeares olde,that hath bene the wife ofonehufband.4.3.9. 11. Therfiire to be condemned, bicaufe they hjue forfa- ken thv'ir rirft faith. 4.1 3.18. 17. Th.- Elders tliat uile well, are worthy e doubi; ho- nor, but moft cheeflye thofe that doc labour in the vvordes and doftrine. 2.8 3 5. & 4. 11 1. JO Thofe that offend, reproue openly, that ths reft mayc feaie.412.}. 21. I charge thee be fore God and our Lord Tcfu Chrift, and the eleili Angels, that thou ktcpe ihcfc tiwiges 4- 5- t. t. 9- itf. 4.1 2. J- without preferring one before an other , and do no- thing parcially.i. 14 9,1 tf.& 3. 23.4- J3. Lay handes fodcnlie vpon no man, neither be parta- ker of othermens finnts.4. 3.1 2,15. £.4. He is puffed vp and knovveth nothing, but doteth about qutftions and Itrife of woids, of which there rifeth enuie,ftrife,railinges,&euill furmifing.i.i 3.3. 10. For the roote of all euill is the loue of money, the which whileft fome lufted afcer,they haue erred fro the faith , & pearced them felues through with ma- ny forrovves.3.2.i J. 16. VVhoonelyhath immortality, dwelling inthelight that none can attaine vnto , whom neuer man law, neither yet can fee, vnto whom bee honour and powereucrlafting,Amen.i.(J.3.& 1.18.3.& 3.2.1. 17. Charge thofe that be riche in this world, that they be not hie minded, and that they put not trull in vn- cert'aine riches, but in the liuing God, v\hogcueth all thiiigea aboundauntly toenioy.3.i8.(J. 20. OTimothe,kepethat that is comitt^d vnto thee, & auoiJeprofaneand vaine bablings,and cppofitions oflciencefalfely fo called.i.i^.8. II. TIMOTHE. 1. i.TJAidethe Apoftle of lefus Chiift, by the will of X God, according to the promife ot life vvhichis in Chrift lefus. 2.9. 3. 6. 1 doc put thee in remcmbraunce that thou ftirre vp the gitt of God which is in thee,by the laying on of my handeS' 4.3.1 ur,and fome to dif honor. 3.1 5.8. 1 J. Inftruft the with meekened'e that are Contrary min- ded,if that God will gene thvin at any timerepeii- t.iunce,that they may know the truth. 1. 14.1 8. & 3. 321.5:3.24.15. 26. And that thty \which be talcen in the Inare of the de- uil,in the which they be held captiue,may,&c.i.i 4. 18.x 3.3 21. 3.7. Eucr Icarningjbut they caneuer come to the knovv- DDDD.ij. kdge THE TABLE. Jedge of the ti uth. j. J. ^. 8. And.is lannes and Iambics vvithftood Mofetjfothey vvithllatid tlic truth, men corrupt in minde, and re- prdbate touching ths faith.}. i.i j. 1 6. The whole Scripture is geuen by infpiration of God, and isprofitable to ceacn,coreprouc,and to coneit, &c.i.^.i& 2.7.14. 17. That the man of God may be perfed, being perfcdly inftrufted toeuery good vvoike.i.p.i. 4.1. I charge thee therefore before God, and before the Lord Icfus Chnft, who fhall itidge the quicke 3c the dead at his glorious comming in his kingdome. 1.16.17. 6. It remaineth,thac there is a cro vvne laide vp for nie, vvliich the Lord that righteous iudge fhall geuc vn- to me in that day. }.i8.5.& 3.55 4. 1 6. At my Hrlt anfvvering no man adiiled me, but all for- fookc me.4.£.is. TITVS. ». 1. T) Au!e a feruaunt of God, and an Apoftle of lefus JL Chrift accoiding to the faith of the eledeof God, and knowledge of the truth, v\hich is according to holineHe.j.i.ij.Sc j.ii.i o. J. For this caufe 1 left thee in Cret3,that thou fhouldeft go forvvardes to amend thofe thinges that rtmaine, & that thou fhouldeft appoint euery where Elders, 9S I haue c5maunded thee. 4.^.7,8,1 1(. €. Ifany be blamelede , let it be the hufband of one wife, hauing children that befaithfull,&c. 4.j.ii. & 4.11.23. A Bif hop miift be blameleffe, as the Iteward of God, &c.not greedie of filthy luker.4. 5.1 p. A holder of chat faithfiill worde whiche ferueth Co teach, that he may exhort by found do(5trine,& con- fute the that fpe.ike there3gainlt.4. ) .6, This witneflCeis tiue: wherefore reproue themear- neftly, that they may be found in faith, j. 2.1 j. All thinges is pure to the pure:but to the dehled and faithlefle, nothing IS pure, &c. }.i9 9. &4.i}.5). He. 4 I7-40- . That old men be fober,f hewing them felues wor- thy to be reuerenced, and temperate, found in faith, lGue,and pacience.3.2.1 j. For the grace of God th.it bringeth faluatio to all me hath appeared.! I 2.4.& j.7. j .& 3.16. 2.& 4.1. 16. Teaching vs,that wickedneflfe being forfikenand worldly lu(tes,vve f hould liue foberly.righteoufly, & holily,in this prefent life. j. 16.2. & }.15.i. Loking for that bleded hope,& for thatglon'ous co- ming of the glory of that great God and Sauior cucn Chfift lefus.j ;^.S.& 1.16.2. ■ Put theminmindeth.icthey be fubieft toprincipa- licies,and obey powers, tlut they be prepared :o e- iiery good vvorkt 4.;o.2j, But whe theboutfuln.ife &loue of God ourSauior tovvardesnian appeared. 2.5.17.& ?.i4.?,& 4.i.i(J. Not by the workes of righteoufnelfc th.it we had done,but according to his mercy he faued vs,by the vvafhing ofrcgeneration,&c. i.i j.14. &.2.5.17.& J.4. 2 J.& 4.15.1, ^.& 4.itf.2 0.& 4.17.^2. Th;,. 14. Hauing chei Hire a great hi- prieft, that hath cntred iiuoheauen,euen lefus the Tonne of God, let vs hold thisprofeftion. 2.7.2.& 4.14.JI. I 5. VVe haue not a hie prieft tha t ca not be touched with the in&rmitie ot our flefh,biic was in ail things tep- Cedinlike ibrc,yct without (iiine. i.i 2.i,7.& 2.1 3. I.& 2. 16. 12. & 4.17.14. 16. let vsappjochc therefore with boldnclTe vnto the throne of grace, that we may rcceaue mercy, & tiiid grace to htlpe .it cimeofiiede. j.20.1 2,17. 5.1. Euery hie pricit is cakcii from auiongelt me , & is or- dained fornxn, in things pertaining d God, that he may offer both gifces and I'acrifice for finnes. 2.12.4. 4, Neither doth any man take this honor vnto himfelf, blithe chati.s called of God, as was Aaion.4. 3.10.& 4.1 5. J 2.& 4.18.9,14. J. AndfoChrilt tooke not to himfdfe this honor, to be m,ide hie prieft, &C.4 14 21. & 4.1 8.2.. 6. Thou art .1 prieft for euer, after the order of Mdchife- dec.4.19.28. 7. Which in che daies ofhis flefh did offer vp prayers and fupplications, with ftrong crying ii ceares vnto him, chat was able to faue him from death, and was alfo heard in thic which hef-ared.2.i6.«i. 8. Although he were the fomicynotwithitading he lear- ned obediece by thoie things that he fuftered.3 8 i, 10. And called of C«)d an hie prieft, after the order of Melchifedec.4. 18.2. 6.4. For it ca not be that thofe which were once lighte- ned, and haue tailed of the be.iuenly giftes, and v\ere made partakers of the holy glioft. 3,2. n.& 3.3.21,23. 6. If che'y fad, that they fhoulde bee renued againe by repentaunce,&c.}. 3.21. 10. ForGodisnoc vniult,that he fhould forgctce your ^vorkes,and labour of loiie,vvhiche ye f hewed co- vvardes his naine^&c.j.i8.7. I J. For THE TABLE. f). For vvlie God made the promife to Abrjha, whe as he could fvvearc by none greater, he Ivvorc by him felfc.2.8.ij. \6. For men verily fvveare by him that is greater then themfelues, and an oth for confirmation is an end of ItriFe amongtft chem. 2.8.17. 7.j.VVithoutfacher,vvithout mother.vvithoutkindred, & hiuing neither beginning of his daies , nor end of his lifcjbut is likened to the Tonne of God, and conti- nuetha prieft f()reuer.4 15.28. 7. But without all controuerfie, that which is the leall isbleircd o'^him that is the greater.4.i8.i. II. If there had bene a full pcrfcdion by the Lcuiticall pricfthood,&c.i.n.4. I J. Thcpritflhood thcrfore being chaMj»cd,itmiiflnedes be, that therebe a chauge of chelaw. j 4.4.& 4,^.2. 1 7. Thou arc a pricll for eucr,aftcr the order of Mtlchi- fcdec.4.i8.2. 15. The law ianSitied nothing, but the bringing in of a better hope did it, by the whiche we come neare to God. 2. 7. 17. & 1.11.4. 21. But this, he is made with an oth by him that fjid vn- to him, The Lord hath fworneand will not repent, the u art a prieft for tuer, &C.4 18.2. j2. ItTusis made fo much greater lurety ofabetter Te- ftaraent.4.i8.2. 24. And lie,bicaurcheabideth for eucr, hath aneuerla- lling pricfthood.2. i 5.6. 25. VVhcrbyht is able to fauethofe which come vnto God by him t.i6.i6. 8.1. But this is thefumme oftViat v\hich we haue fpokiT: thjt we hiuefuch an hie Pri.ft,th.;t iitteth on the right had of the thrt-ne oi^maitft'e inh;v.ue. 2.1 6.1 5. 5. See, quoth he, th.it thou make all ttiinges according to the paterne that was fhewed thee in the nioun- tainc.2.7.1. 6. But now ourhiepriift hath obtained a more excel- lent office,in as much as he is the mediator of a btt- ttr telKinient,&c. 21 6.1 1. jj.i . The firft teftament h.id alfo ordinaunces of religion, and a v\orId]y rani3:u.irit.4 14.21. 7. But into the fecond v\eiit the hie prieft alone once euery yc:)rc, not without blond, vvhich he v^ffered for hiinfelf.iiiJ for the people.i 7.1 7.^.\ 2.1 5. tf. 8. VVhtiby the holy gholl this ligniiied, .hat the way into the H;)b\ll;of a!, was not yet opened, vvhilcfi as yet the Hrlt tabernacle w.is ftj-ling. 2.7.1 -.3: 2.1 j.rt. i>. VVhcrin were otfcredgiftes & lacrifices th.it could not mak^- holy, concerning the coicieiict of him that did theferuici-.J.y.i 7.S^ 2.1 i.4..i 4.14 25. 11. But Chrift being conic a hie pricll of Jood thing es to come,&c. j.16.1 rt. 2c 4.1 4.21. & 4.1 8.2. 12. Neither by the bloud of^o;itex and ca]iies,biit by his own bK'udeiitrcd he once into the holy place. 2.17. 4.SC 4 18. J. I J. For if the blond ofbulles S.'poates,3c thea.Thcs o<^.in heifer Iprinkling the that arc vncle.ine.ranSihcih as touching the puriHcationof the flelh. 2.17.4. 14. How nuah more f hall the bloud ofChnft, whiche through the ettrnall fpirite offered himfelf without fpot to God,&:c.2.i 6.6.di j 16.2. & 4 14. 21. 15. And for th.sc.iulV he is the nudi.uor (.fa new tcfta- ment,th.U through deJth,8fC.2 7.17.& 4 1 7.4. 1 6. For v\'here a teftament is,th;re mull be the death of him tliJt made the teftament.4.18 .5, 22. And all thinpes aliiioft according to thelavve,vvas purified by biWud,3nd without fheding of bloud there was nortmiffion.s.i s.tf & 2 17.4. j6 But now once in the end of the vvorld hath he apca- red to put away fin by the f;icrifice of himrelf-4.18 j, 37. And as it is ordained for me chat they fhall once die, &afterthatcoineth iheiudgeniet.2.i6.i7.& j.25.8. »8.So Chrift was once offered to takt' away the finnts of many, & vnto the that loke for him,f hal he appeare the fecond time without fin vnto faluation. 3.25.2. 1 0.1. For the lawhauing the fliadow of good things to come,and not the very image of ihe thinges,can neuer with thofefacrifices which they offer yerely, faniSi- fic the comers therto. 2.7. 16,17. & 2.11.4.& 4.14.23. 5. For would they not the haue cealTed to haue bene of- fered,bicauft that the offerers once purged, fhold haue hadnomore cofciece offin.}.i5.i5.& 4.10 j.Si 4.14.25 4. For the bloud of buUes and goates can not take away finne.4.i4.25. 7. The I {aid,loe,I comeO'n the beginning of the boke it is writte ofme)thatIfhou}ddo,oGod,thy vvil.2.16. 5, 8. Aboue,whe he faid, (acrifice,and otferinges,& burnt offerings, and finne offerings, thou wouldell nothau*, neither haft thou pleafurc theiin vvhich are ofiered by thelaw,&c.2.i 6. 5. 10. By the vvhich will we arefanftified, euenby the of- fering of the body of Chrift once made. 3 .6. 3 .& 4.1 8. 3 . 14. For with once offering he hathconftcrattd foreuer, thofe thjtarerai)dified.j.5.2.S; 4.18.3. i5).VVherforebrethie,remg \ vchaue liberty to enter the holy place through the- bloud of lefus.j.io.io. 20. By the new & lining way which he hath prepared forvs through the vaile,that is, his flefh. 3.20.18. 2her ihou art reproued ofhim. 3.4. 3 2. 8. For ifyou be without correction, wh.rof all are par- t..keri,thon are yt baft.itdes and not fonnes. 5.8.6. $. Moreoner, we Ivaue had the firhers of our bodies, vvh.ch corrected vs,& vvegane the reuerence, f hould we not muchrather be in fubie6iion vnto the father of fpirites,ihat we might liue.^ I.I 5.2. 17. For ye know how that afterward when he would haue inherited the blefling,he was 1 eieded,for he foiid no place to repent, although hee fought the blefling, vvith teares.3. 3.24. 1 8. For ye came not to the moiit that might be touched,, norvnto burning fire, nor to blackn efic, and da ikneiVc^ &c. 2.1 1.5. DDDD.iii. 22- Bus T H E T 4 J. Buc ye came to the mount Sion,and to the Cicieo? the liuirg God,the celeftiall lerufalem , and to the company ofimiumerable Angels.t.i 4.5. t». To the congregation oF the rirft borne vvhiche are vvritten inneauen,& to God theiudge ofall. j.zj.tJ. 1 1 .'4. Miriage is honorable amongeft all me, and the bed vndefiled : but vvhooremongers and adulterers God will iudge. 4.5.1 4. & 4.1 i 15. & 4.1 ^.j. 8. lefus Ghrilt the fame yefterday ,and to day , and alfo for euer.i 10.4. t J. By him therefore let ys daily offer vp to God the fa- crifice ofpraife, that is, the frute ot the lips, which confeiVehisname.j.20. j8.& 4.18.16,17, 1ude,and geueth grace to the humble. 2. 2. 10. & 3.12.5. 8. Drawe nie to God, and ht will draw nie to you: cl.anfe your haades ye finners, & purge your hartcS ye wiucringminded.j. 3.i(J. 11. H. t'latfpeaketheuillofhis brother, fpeakcthagainft the lawc, .lud condemneth it: but if thou condemne • thelavve,&c.4.io.7. xa. There is on-lawgeuer that is able tofaue& tode- ftroy.4.i0 7i ABLE. 1 4. Who can not tell what fhall be the next daye , for what is your life? itiseuen a vapor,&c.3 .20. 28. I J. For that ye ought to fay, if the Lord will, and if we liue,vvc will do this or that 3.20.28. 5.12. Before all things,mybrethre,fvveare not, neither j by heauen, neither by earth, neither any other othe, | butletyouryea be yea, &yournay nay, &c. 2.8.26. ' 13. Is any man afflifted amongeft you? let him pray : is any man mery?lethimfingPfalmes.3.20.7. 14. Is any ficke amongeft you?lct him fend for the Elders ofthechurchj&letthe pray forhim,&c.4.i<).i8,2i. ij. And the praier for faith fhall faue the ficke, and the Lord fhall raife him vp, & if he haue comitted finnej it fhallbe forgeufnhim.3.20,11. 16. Acknowledge your faultes one toanother,andpr3y one for an other, that ye may be healed;for the pray- er of a righteous man auaileth much, if it be feruent. 3. 4.6,12. & 3.20.27. 17. Eiias was a man fubto^ to thofe things that we be, & he pr.iyed earnelUy that it might not raine, and it rained not on the earth for the fpace of three yeare and fixe mone thes .5.20.26. I. PETER. I. i.TnO the eleft according to the foreknowledge of ± God the father vnto faniftiiicanon of the fpi- rite, through obedience and fprinkling of the bloudofiefus Chritt, grace and peace bemuitiplitd vntoyou. 3.1.1. & 3.14.6 & 4.1 5.2. } . Blefled be God the father of our lord lefu Chrift, who of his great mercy hath begot vs againe intoaliuely hope, by the refurreftion of Chrift lefu from death. 2.16.13. J. Whoarekcpt by thepovver of God through f.iith to f-duation, which is prepared to be declared in the Lifttime.3.2.4i.& 3.18.3. 7. That the triall of your faith, being much more faith- fiiUcr then the triall of golde vvhiche perifheth, al- thoughitbe triedby tire.3.8.4. j $. Receauing the end of your faith, euen the faluation A ofyour foules.i.is.2.& 3.18.3.&: j.25.1. 1 II. Searching whe or what time the fpirit which tefti- : fied before of Chrift, which was m the, fhould de- clare thefuffering that fhould come vnto Chnft,&c. 1.13.18.& 2.5.1. 12. Vnto whoit vvasreueiled,that they fhould not mi- nifter vnto thefelues, but vnto vs the thinges which are now f he wed vnto you by the. 2,11.6. 1 5. But as he vvhiche hath called you is holy, fo bee you holy in allmanerofconuerfation.3.6.3. 16. Be you holy, for I am holy. 3.6.2. 18. Knowing that ye were not rt demed with corrupti- ble thing.s,as filuer & gold, fro your vaine conuerfi- tio,receaijedby the traditions of the fathers. 2. 17.?. 15. Bu: with the precious bloud of Chrift, as ofalambe vndefiled and without fpot. 2,17. 5. & 3.6.3. 1 ao. Which was ordained before the foundation of the ) vvorld,but was declared in the laft times for your | fakes. 3. 22. 6, Sc 4.1 8.20. j 31. Which by hismeanes dobeleuein God that raifed 5 hinivp from the dead, and gaue him glory, that your ) faithand hopemightbeinGod. 2.16. 1 j, vie 3.2.1,43. " 22. Seing your foules are purified by obeying th.- truth through the fpirite,vvith brotherly loue without faming. 1.1 5.:.& 2.5.11. 23. Being borne .Tgainc,not ofmortall feede,but of im- morta!l,by the word oftheliuing God, who liueth and endure th for euer.2.10.7 6c 4.1.6 & 4. '6.1 8,31. a. 5. And yeas liu.ly ftones,bc made a fpirituall houle, &c. 4. 6. 5. & 4.18.16. ^. But ye as a clujfen generation, a kingly pricfthoode,a holy nation.a people that God hath chalegtd tohiia felf I THE TABLE. 21. 24. J -7 5.1 ?. }• 5- 6. 7- 9. felfjthaty.ou fhould Ckevv forth the vertiies of him vvhich h.ith called you fro darknefle into his vvon- dei full light. J. 7. 1. & J.I J. 2.& 4. 1 8.17. & 4.15.25. Beloued,Ipray you as pilgrimcs and Grangers, that you abltaine from the lufts of the fief h, which ftriue againft the foule.i.is-i. Btyoufiibieftvntoeucrie ordinance of maaforthe Lordcs fake,vvhetheritbetotheKing, as to thefu- perior.4.2o.2j. Honorall menjlouebrotheilines,feare God,honorc the King. 4. 20.7. Chrifthathe Aifferedforvs, leuingevsan exampla that we fhould foUowehis fteppes. j .16.2. Who bore our finnes vppo his bodie on the cro(Te, that wee beinge dead to hnne, might iiue to righte- oufnes :by vvhofeftripes ye are healed. i.i6.6.&c 2. 17.4.& J.4.26.& }.4?7.& J-4-53.& 4.14.21. You Were as ftraicd fhspe, but now yc be tourned to your f hepeherde and bil hop of youre foules.i.i 5. 2. & J. 25. 6. LikevvifeyeHufbandsjVfe vourfehies,as itbccom- meth men of knowledge, geuinge honor to the wo- man,as to the weaker veflell,&c.4.20.25. For Chrilt fuffered once for finnes , the infl for the vniult, that he might bringe vs to God,.ind was put to death concerning the flcfhe,butliuedaccordiijge to the fpirite.i.i 3.2. By the whiche heealfo went, andpreached to the <].iirices that were in prifon. 2.1 d.jf. To the whiche alfo the figure that now faueth vs, euen Baptifme agreeth ( not the puttinge away e of the fiitheof the flcfhe,bucin that a gooJconfcience makethrequelttoGod) by the refurreftion of lefus Chrilt.j.i5>.i5,Sc4.io.j.&4.i4.;j.&4.i4.24,&4.i5. 2.& 4.1(^21. It is enough for vs that in the foreparte of cur life, we h.aue liued according tothe lull of the Gentiles- when we walked in,&c. 5.^5.8.& i.i^.f- Before all thingeshaueferueuc loue amongeftyou, forioue coucreththe multitude of finne. 3.4. ji.& }-4-3^- Let euery man as he hathe r ceiued the gift,mini(ter the fame one to an other, .sgood difpofers of the manifoldc graces of God. J 7- S ■ If any man ("peake , let hie fpeake as the vvordes of God.j.8.8.&4-8.i;. For timt IS come, that iu gement mull bee geucn at thchoiiieof God,iffobe;beginfirltvvith vs.whac fhallbetheende? &c.3,-.}4- The elders whiche be aiongeft you , I bcfeche alfo that am an elder, &C.4.-7' Feade the flocke of Gi wliiche depcndeth vppon . you.4.<;.;.&4-'0.i7- , , ^ , , . Not as though ye we-' Lords ouer Gods heritage. 4.4:9.8: 41 0.7- , , t God refifteth the pr^de , & geueth grace vnto the humble. 3.12.5. • . , , ^ Humble your feluesnder the mighty hand of God, that he may exalte yu in due tinTic.3.2.4o. Hauing all your c's call vponhiin , hee careth for you.i.i7<^. 3(che f^ , Be ye (bbre , atge Lion '^v'^i;?re7bout ?L ' V Dcuill , as / deuure.i .4.18.& ,.,°' , , ''^ ^ , J' whomV^od of Jgrace, vvhich hath called vs'vn A.> "ertial gl/.e in Chrifte lefus , after ye haue ..feredahttle,rtkeyouperfea,&c.j.3o.45. ,. II. PETER. •^HereVmolle great and pretious promiTes ^ e"en vs , that by them wee fhoulde ^iicrs oftbe godlic nature, Sac. j. »4 19 J-4 II. 10.8c J. ay. to. Therefore gcue euen all diligence thereunto:there- unto ioyne morcouer vertue toyour faith, and with vertuc,knovvledge.2. 5.1 1 . Wherefore brethi en,giue rather diligence to make your callinge and election fure : for if you doe thefe thingoSjVou fhallneucr fall.3.15.8. Seing I knowe the time is at hande, that I rouft layc downc this my tabernaclejas the Lorde lefus decla- red vnto me.3.2$.i. We hauealfo amofte fure worde of the prophets, to the whicheyou doe well thatyou take heede,as vntoa light that fhinethinadarke place vntill the day davviie,&c.i.<;,i. zi. For the propliecie came not in olde time by the will of man, but holie mc of God (pake as they were mo- wed by theholieGholt.i.i3.7.& i.i j.i8. 2.1. There werefalfe prophets amcngtfl the people, as amongtlt you there fhalbe falfe teachers, &c 4. 5). 4. 4. If God fpared not the Angels that (inntd , but call them dovvneintct'hell , and dcliuered them, into the chaines of darkenes,&c.i.i4. i (J.& 1.14.15). 5. The Lorde knovveth how to dehuer the godly out of temptation, j .2C.4<>. 15. Of whome foeuer a man is ouercome, eUcn of the iameheis broughtintobondage.2,2.8. Where is the promife of his comming?forfince the fathers died, all things concinevv alike from the be- ginning,8cc.j.2.42. Dearlie beloued.be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lorde a thoufand yeares,6c a thoufand yeares as one day. j. 2.42. And wold haue no man to peril he,buc wold haue all men to come to repentance, j . 24.15. I. I O H N. T Hat which was from the beginninge, that we haue heard, thjt we haue feene with our eyes, th.1t vve haut bthelde,aiid that our hands haue handled of the worde oflife.2. 14. 2.8c 2.14. 7.& 4. 17.8. '' ^' Thjt if we vvalke in the light a.<: he is in the light, vve haue mutuallfelowf hip, and the blood of his fonne lefu Chrilte purgeth vs from all ftnne . 2.1 7.4. & J.5.1.&4.14.21. If vve c5ftfle our finnes ,he is faithfidl 8c iutt, fo that he wil forgeue vs our finnes, &C.J.4.5.8C j.20.51. If vve fay vve haue nofinne , wee make him a liar, &c. J.20.4J. If]nyminhaiiefin,wehaaeanaduocateTvi:h the father lefus Chrift the righteous, 3.4,26.8: 3.20.17. He is the propitiation for our hnnes , and not for cures onelie,but for the finnes of the whole world. 3.20.20. I write vnto you little childre,bycaufe your finnes be forgeuen you for his name fake. 2.17.5. & 3.4.2^. Little children, it is the latt time , and as you haue heard, Antichriftfhall come. 4.18. 20. They went out from vs , but they were not ofvs: forif they had ben of vs.they wcldehaue continu.! ed with vs,&c.3. 3. 23. & 3.24.6,7. rto. But ye haue an ointment from him that h holie,and ^ youknovvall thinges.3.1.3. 3 J. VVhofoeuer denieth the fonne,the fame hath not the 27. Buttheoyntmet thatyouhauereceauedofhim,abi- vou bnrL?f,' "/"^"""'^^ y°"'^^^ any man teache you,butasthefamecyntme-tteachethyou,&c.7...j. Beholde, what loue the father hatl. fhewed on vs,that we fhould be called the fonncs of God , for ttxis caule the vvorlde knoweth you not, bycaufe ic DDDD.iiij, knovveth 18. I5> H -^ Tfi £ T 3. Tl_i ' hi liiit.TTT mriTTr tS frmnrTnfnn^, z-ZTiZ-z^Hhimxiffe ii, wihiikfkaihkj^v^*e icsK iacTT«!~kiU fee hia as acts, flee 3.^;^ 5.3. 5. ABACTayaadMKhaBBcrhiThnpcMhMijjmi^L^ bH^ite cacaas facts fve-jJiCs. S. aifat n— "nirfa £MeBof»faeJe^,iMrd« ^ WlM&eBerisbacae of God fisKik aoc , fiir its facts bone of GmLs-jjo^ 2.5J1. to. btihisactfaecfaiUrta or Cod baarven, aad oe cUdkaiaf ifaK4em3,S:cu.i4^9.flc ]a£.:. 15. Wfaofefaaatfafe bcotfaer, tsa wtifli i,a»J tc tair>rfairiMViiliffa«riicrrTBailife iC Uiiifaifaf HI jiiii !■ i1*iM I'lii hi 1 1 1' iWi I I fats fate iiacj»jrin,ifiwLng oaghi jjlbtolaT AiT^a; :3. Fk for lKans.^iaadeBBe«s, God is 0^600- she ii fc 111,1 urtiMWiiifa J hiai^i i t '^ 2:. ftwl I ihii iTiw 1 1 111 rfVi, HI II M Ml nflwB. Tit 34. HeifazrkepechfaisaiHBaBideHeaKs,dnclkdijn faiHyaBl face iafaiBai drPe&rckiB T^ eae 4^^ DcTlirhrhTd,bdfc»oCCTaT s aocof God_4. i7.}3. 13. Hercaaislaoe^aoeikst v-relooedO^jMcdurhe l*»ei «4^ c 1 -»".!-£:»■' •*-*• ioae oae aa odier.] J <. a. « fcBom&ar Tve drwdl iafaiB, ^ he ia Ts, faefaaifaseM «s«fhis ^incia.4. ft J-M-^- it. ;i^EisaofeaRaBloK>«tpa£:&kMecafitediaac 6:c-j-».27. ,«. yYetoMeyM/iirw^" hel—cdwiAa-ifcj •^ Y1>fcjuiMJLi»bBra eof God, uaiiniiwrrii tag ijiT* , ■JildrJTifa TirT-^-' — ■*■ ^TTTtA^jLmLftm riiili 1 it | flr x.sai^3.z.2i. 4^ TbisAacCfaciftlcfiiSTTfakfaecaBebjTvacer* aadsv tiis vcckaorv, dui fase 1 by tae i^anc Eksfae hiifa geaea »J ThcBbe thttewiMAehareirrhmesmheme^ she '' F«faes:^Wa»de,a:tfaeBoljGhoft,&die4^ three I. iladlfaacfaecfareeifaatheaKTnaes'iaeanh,cfae ^iike,zlK wacsr ft ifae Uood: aad ikde cfafcc agree 12. HeeTTMcfetatfet^efiiiiixhwfcrrrfi',btbtetfaaz hah ooCifaeiacae«fGod,hatka(KfafeiBfaM.3 M* 4-ft3-<5^ -'.-sacsdhatYvrKaKiahiB, dsar : »a n 'iag cofats tt^aI^ hea- ■ 4. ii««c- . icdivs. IS A«4i£*»c««rm:ii2rfae!>eareik'S,T»fcadbMer TTB afkc^re k»3r» tfa£t we haae tfce petUKK da* It. He Aaci.ho«eofnu.l>i yrTfah^rfe^S^ :T«kiarndce4>e$-}.i-»4. ^ - . ,^ .^. B L E }i. - 'iii^Vipi rmifilfiri— iiliiTi,ftiiMn I II I J II. lOHN. L 7.~y i Azie deccsDcrs m e£cei ioco dhe r^:-' : • a\ i. T^iiiche coa^k aoc that leiiB C coBK ia che ddlie. 4J 7. J 1. Thegcoaall EpiiHe ot ludc. I.e. ft }.«5-fc 9. TccMi^aclitkATcfaaBeeI,Tvhaifae the deadl , aKldiQMced aboac the Ik . daift aocbiaaefaiB rvich car^Hl ^eat - . (ke Locde Rhake chej.j4.4.ft 1.14^5. TneRaiebdooof SJohn. I.e. T~'Ohi=a^iatkjBed»s,atKlTTdTied »s fitmoere X Cnnersbyti* Hood 4^4.21. 6. A=i sutie vt Kii^rss aad pncftes ro God 5 J > . A:>i 2II :hi Cr^iCTes due are ia heaara , aad on 1 ' ihccarLCUc^i'TTiif dieeatth,aBdaadteiea,aadaftj diK aiefii thcBjbeaid I,&Tiag,ftc }.$.!. 7.14. Thefeheifaeydi^ cane oar eJFgreacaffli^tioa^j kaae Tratfltedtfagrlaagt rabes, ft baaeaadc 1 rvfaits ia che Uooi of IBB Laoibc. 3 ■ { . 2. I }.$. Aada aoadi tf^ss giaea fata due %ake great , daages ^biaf pihBaes.4.7-T5. C4.1 }. He&d ae the d^ hei«a6er, tfaofi: I <^,dLzr d) for die Lordes Oka. Eaea (b &jeth dte ^iiice : f '^^. RsTTardchcrasOebadiirvTanled jvn^ -^oabJcl "•^»^»«Erdo«He,acc y-~^ ^ ^ hi««faeteai iide Tato b» ti« F^^ AnirfaafataafhaB* Jiebakeafdm ara^beae, taspaite oocot cebokeot.^c.4 ^.2. iifaef ■Jm butcofigfe. , 19. ,GodJ of the fbaD cdce FINIS. ; i rt 29 — 2 ^ Q -? I 2 ^ 1 1 ; s - b •!? "^^ -9 ♦ St- s s — J — ; ^ w «• S o^ ^ I 3 a 2 ,^ ? ^ ; 2. j:^t; ^ n 3 : I ? I' s §^ I •' 3 £. iJ ^ 2 I i J- 9 =i« ^ t ? :• The In?ti'totion of Chrislaan Religion. :._.._ - • the Authors last edition byTbomas \ ^ If r' -*'^. ^"^^ onffimal ftawtp«i coif ( fraon.^ur< VI »/>. Lattn ChrrmkU of Sojrrnt Kin^B xiii^l C^nrw r rjtnding) ' '^^'^rimtedl9tl^^,Hdo^/R^i^l4^ Wolfe, 1574 "> 2 37 -J -^ C 5J III Tf ;' 2 S S