Myron Winslow Adams \y yit( St. Paul's Vocabulary St. Paul as a Former of VJords i*?' BS2655 13 A2 *rx ',,>? 5srof"f^^«cf>i^ OCT i :) rjo^ .L3 A2. -I -^t*^ St. PAUL'S Vocabulary St. Paul as a Former of Words r BY REV. MYRON WINSLOW ADAMS, M.A. Jl^ t)artforD Seminars press HARTFORD, CONN. 1895 ERRATA. p. 15, last line before list, — for " 59 are c," read " 60 are c." p. 1 5, Nos. I and 2, — transfer the parenthesis from d^^d to Afivaffos, p. 17, No. 239, — insert " Diosc, Anth. Pal." p. 18, No. 375, — for 5ia/co7t(rja6s read 5taXo7ti., Polyb. 38 dKpaTTjs. 2 Tim. 3 : 3. 39 &KUV. I Cor. 9: 17. 40 d'ka^ibv. Rom. 1:30; 2 Tim. 3:2. 41 c dXdXrjTos. Rom. 8 : 26. Philod.y Anth. 42 aX-rjdeva}. Gal. 4:16; Eph. 4:15. 43 c dWriyopico. Gal. 4 : 24. Philo, 44 dWws. I Tim. 5 : 25. 45 dXodco. I Cor. 9 : 9, 10 ; I Tim. 5:18. 46 dXviros. Phil. 2 : 28. 47 dfxaxos. I Tim. 3:3; Tit. 3:2. 48 dfiifi-irTuis. I Thes. 2 : 10 ; 5 : 23 ; 3:13 marg. 49 djxeTaKlvTjTos. I Cor. 15:58. SO dfierap-ik-qT OS. Rom. 1 1 : 29 ; 2 Cor. 7 : 10. 51 c dp.eTavbr)Tos. Rom. 2 : 5. Philo. 52 &IJ.€Tpos. 2 Cor. 10: 13, 15. 53 diioi^-fj. I Tim. 5 : 4. 54 dva^uiTTvpitii. 2 Tim. i : 6. 55 dfaddWo). Phil. 4 : 10. 56 b dvcLKaivboj. 2 Cor. 4:16; Col. 3 •• 10. 57 b dvaKalvwcns. Rom. 12 :2; Tit. 3 = 5- 58 dvaKaXvwToi}. 2 Cor. 3 : 14, 18. 59 6o 6i 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 a.vaKe- 6:: I Tim. 1:6 2 Tim. 2 : 18. Fofyd. da-rjvOeros. Rom. 1:31. d). Rom. 14:4; 9:8; 13:3- dv(T(pr]ix4o}. I Cor, 4:13. 8va(py]iJ.ia. 2 Cor. 6:8. iyKparetjofxai. i Cor. 7 : 9 ; 9:25. eyKpaT-fjs. Tit. i : 8. eSpaios. I Cor. 7 : 37 ; 1 5 : 58 ; Col. 1 : 23. eSpaiupLa. I Tim. 3:15. i0e\o6p7](rK[a. Col. 2 : 23. idvdpxv^- 2 Cor. 11:32. ^os., Apocr. idviKus. Gal. 2:14. eldcSKeiov. I Cor. 8:10. e^K^. Rom. 13:4; I Cor. 15:2 ; Gal. 3:4 (bis); 4:11; Col. 2:18. el'KO}. Gal. 2 : 5- eiXiKpivia. I Cor. 5 1 : 12; 2:17. eiVep. Rom. 3 : 30 ; I Cor. 8:5; 15:15 1:6. elpijvoTroLio). Col. I:20. elaSixof^^'- 2 Cor. 6:17. eKaTovTaeT-qi. Rom. 4 : 19. iKyovoi. I Tim. 5 : 4. iK8aTravdu), 2 Cor. 12:15. FolyL e/c5-»jXos. 2 Tim. 3 : 9. iKdi^p-io}. 2 Cor. 5 : 6, 8, 9. e/cSi/cos. Rom. 13:4; I Thes 4:6. eKfijTTjcris. I Tim. 1 : 4. iKKadalpu}. I Cor. 5:7; 2 Tim 2:21. iKKatw. Rom. i : 27. iKK\du. Rom. II : 17, 19, 20. iKKXelbj. Rom. 3 : 27 ; Gal. 4:17. :8; 2 Cor. ■9> 17; 2 Thes. 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 c 258 a 259 d 260 b 261 262 263 264 265 266 d 267 268 c 269 d 270 d 271 272 c 273 274 275 c 276 277 c 278 279 280 281 283 €Kvf)a{i(TKi)}. Eph. 5:14. 353 d TjTTrjfia. Rom. 11:12; I Cor. 318 iiri. Rom. 2 : 22. iepovpyicj. Rom. 15:16. Philo, Apocr., Inscr. iKavdrris. 2 Cor. 3 : 5. i/cacow. 2 Cor. 3:6; Col. i : 12. I\ap6s. 2 Cor. 9:7. i\ap6T7is. Rom. 12:8. Diod., Sept ^lovdat^o}. Gal. 2 : 14. yos., Sept. 'Iov5ai/c6s. Tit. i : 4. yos.^ Apocr. 'louSaiKtDs. 'Iou5ai'(r^6s. Gal. 2 : 14. y(7j. Gal. I :i3, 14. ip.(p-f]. Col. 3:13. povbw. I Tim. 5 : 5. popcp-}]. Phil. 2 : 6, 7 (Cf. Mk. 16: 12. popcpbu}. Gal. 4 : 19. Sept. p6p(l>u}(ns. Rom. 2 : 20 ; 3:5. Theophr. p.bx6os. 2 Cor. il :27 2 : 9 ; 2 Thes. 3 : 8. pv^oj. Phil. 4: 12. p.vKT7]pi^o}. Gal. 6 : 7. pup-dopuc. 2 Cor. 6: 3 ; 8 : 20. pupia. I Cor. 1 : 18, 21, 23 ; 2:14; 3:19. pwpoXoyia. Eph. 5 : 4. vavayi(ji. 1:19. viKpwdts, Theophr., 2 Tim. I Thes. 2 Cor. II : 25; I Tim. Cor. Rom. 4:19; 2 4:10. Aretaeiis. veoprjvia. Col. 2:16. ve6(j>vTos. I Tim. 3 : 6. veuirepLKds. 2 Tim. 2 : 22. Po- lyb., Apocr. VT). I Cor. 15:31. vqirid'go). I Cor. 14:20. v7)(pd\ios. iTim. 3:2,11; Tit. 2 : 2. vbrjpa. 2 Cor. 2:11; 3:14; 4:4; 10:5; 11:3; Phil.4:7. II 504 505 507 50S c 509 5" 512 513 514 c 515 a 516 517 b 518 519 d 520 b 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 b 530 d S3I 532 533 534 a 535 536 537 538 539 vofilfius. I Tim. 1:8; 2 Tim. 2:5. vofxoOeala. Rom. 9:4. voa^io, I Tim. 6 : 4. vovOecrla. I Cor. io:li; Eph. 6:4 ; Tit. 3: 10. vvx^VP-^pov. 2 Cor. 11:25. Scymnus. vQtos. Rom. II : 10. tewSox^w. I Tim. 5 : 10. (Earl- ier form in -k^co.) 6d6vq. Rom. 9:251 Tim. 6 : 10. oi'/cews. Gal. 6 : 10 ; Eph. 2:19; I Tim. 5 : 8. ok^w. Rom. 7 : 17, 18, 20 ; 8 : 9, II ; I Cor. 3: 16; 7 : 12, 13; 1 Tim. 6 : 16. oiKodecnroTeo}. I Tim. 5 : 14. Fha. oLKovpyds. Tit. 2 : 5. olKTeipw. Rom. 9:15. OKTa'^fiepos. Phil. 3 : 5. 6\edpos. I Cor. 5:5; i Thes. 5:3; 2 Thes. 1:9; I Tim. 6:9. 6\i'y6\l/vxos. I Thes. 5- '4- oKoOpevrrjs. I Cor. 10:10. 6XoTe\rjs. I Thes. 5 : 23. dfj-elpofiaL. (Classic form ifiei- pofiaC). I Thes. 2 : 8. bfuXia. I Cor. 15 : 33. buoXoyovixivwi. I Tim. 3:16. dvlvrj/xi. Phm. 20. oparos. Col. I : 16. 6/371X0 J. Tit. 1:7. 6pe^i.s. Rom. i : 27. opdoTToSiu, Gal. 2 : 14. opdoTOfxiu}. 2 Tim. 2: 15. b(jl). Gal. 5 : 26. 654 C }. Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12. (rvvLCTTdvu}. 2 Cor. 3:1; 4:2; 5:12; 6:4; 10:12,18; Gal. 2:18. (TvvKaKOTTadioi. 2 Tim. 1:8; 2:3. 698 ffvvKdfXTrTw. Rom. II : 10. 699 c a-vvKarddecns. 2 Cor. Folyd. 6:16. 700 ffvvKpivo}. I Cor. 2:13; 10: 12 (bis). 2 Cor- 701 avvpLapTvpiu). Rom. 8:16; 9:1. 2:15; 702 c a-vvfiepi^ot}. I Cor. 9 : 13. /nser. Diod., 703 avvpL^roxo^. Eph. 3:6; 5:7- 704 a (TvviJ.ifjL7]Tiris. Phil, 3:17. 705 avvoiKoSojxitj]. Eph. 2:22. 706 (TVVTrapaKa\4(j}, Rom. I : 12. 707 <7vvird(Tx^- Rom. 8:17 12:26. ; I Cor. 708 (Tvvwo\lT-r)s. Eph. 2 : 19. 709 b a-vvawpLos. Eph. 3 : 6. 710 crvva-Tevd^u. Rom. 8 : 22. 711 c avva-Toix^u}. Gal. 4 : 25. Polyb. 712 ip(i} in I Pet. 2 : 19.) 763 virbdiKO's. Rom. 3 : 19. 764 i>Tr6\€ifjifjLa. Rom. 9 : 27. 765 VTroXei-rru}. Rom. 11:3. 766 virovoLa. I Tim. 6:4. 767 c iiwoTayn. 2 Cor. 9:13; Gal. 2:5; I Tim. 2 : II ; 3:4. n/on. Hal. 768 vTroTidrjixi. Rom. 16:4; I Tim. 4:6. 769 c VTTOTinrojais. I Tim. i : 16 ; 2 Tim. 1:13. Strabo. 770 b v\prfKo4>povii>i. I Tim. 6: 17 txt. 771 c v^j/wfia. Rom. 8 : 39 ; 2 Cor. 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 789 b 790 b 791 792 793 794 10 : 5. F/itlo, Sept., Pseudo- Phoc. (pavip^iiats. I Cor. 12:7 ; 2 Cor. 4:2. (peidofi^vujs. 2 Cor. 9:6. Plut. (pe\6v7]s. 2 Tim. 4:13. (paivSXrjs, Rhinthon. 0^67705. Rom. 10:18; I Cor. 14:7. 4>0ovicx). Gal. 5 : 26. (pCkdyoLOos. Tit. i : 8. (plXavdpos. Tit. 2 : 4. (piKapyvpla. i Tim. 6: lO. (pCKavTos. 2 Tim. 3 : 2. (pLKridovos. 2 Tim. 3 : 4. Polyb. (pLXSdeos. 2 Tim. 3 : 4. (piKiveiKos. I Cor. n : 16. (piXocTocpla. Col. 2:8. i. \pidvpi(TT7]'s. Rom. I : 29. Tpo]jxl^u3. Rom. 12:20; I Cor. 13:3- ucnrepeL I Cor. 15:8. a)0At;Cios. I Tim. 4:8 (bis); 2 Tim. 3:16; Tit. 3:8. LIST B. Words used by St. Paul, and other New Testament writers also. This list also, like A, has those words marked which are biblical and ecclesi- astical or later Greek (d, c). Those words which are common alone to St. Paul and the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews are marked H. Those common alone to SS. Paul and Luke are marked GA (g, a). Those common alone to SS. Paul and Luke, and the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews, are marked H + GA (g, a.) This list contains 1662 words (counting Kalw, T Tr WH marg. i Cor. 13:3), of which 59 are c, 77 are d, 64 are H, 189 are ga (g, a.), and 34 are H + GA (g, a). I d a^^d. (Asa subst. 21 dyiiivi'^ofiat. 43 atV^w. it is d.) 22 dSekcp-fi. 44 aXr-qim.. 2 d^va-ffos. 23 d8e\(p6s. 45 alrla. 3 d d,ya6oepyieXi/ls H 192 dirowXavdo}. (epic, -liw.) 147 fljios. 193 dTTOpiw. 102 c dvddefia. A 148 aftiw. H + GA 194 c diroffTacrla., A T/ieocr., Sept. 149 a^lbjs. Archim., Sept, 103 dvaKpivij}. GA 150 adparos. H 195 dirocTiXXo}. 104 dva\ap,^dvw. 151 a7ra77^XXw. 196 diro(Trepi(j). 105 dvaXlcTKU}. G 152 aTrdyu). 197 dwoa-ToXi^. A 106 dvaXijco. G 153 dwdvrriffis. 198 dwdaroXos. 17 199 d.iro(TTpi(t)(j). 248 &TLfWS. 298 PoiXr)ij.a. 200 diroTaffiTii}, 249 droiros. GA 299 /3oi''Xo/uat. 201 dTroTLdrj/u, 250 avdd8r)s. 300 /SoOs. 202 d,Tro(f>^piO. 251 aii\4u}. 301 ^paS6vo}. 203 d d-rrpdaKOTTOs. A 252 ai^dvu}. 302 ^p4€i\ov. 305 ^vdl^u). G 207 Epa. 256 &effLS. 306 7dXa. 208 dpa. GA 257 d(f>0apTos. 307 yap.i(j3. 209 dpy6s. 258 dcpirjp.!.. 308 d ya/jLi^o}. 210 dpyupos. 259 C d(pi\dpyvpos. H 309 ydp. 211 dpyvpovs. Diod. 310 yaffTTjp. 212 dpi(XKU}. 260 d(i>l(nt]p.i. H + GA 3" ye. 213 dperrj. 261 (X06j3ws. 312 yifjLCj. 214 dpidp.b$. 262 dp(i)v. 315 yevvdia}. 217 dpviop.aL. 265 d7). 233 dcr^Xyeia. 283 ^elSalwats. H 334 ypd}. G 379 dtairopei'co. GA 429 Suped. 476 iKSvw, 380 dLa(TTpi(j>0}. 430 8(ipripa. 477 iKeZ 381 d bLara'yr}. A 431 Supov. 478 eKeivos. 382 Stardcrcrw. 432 edv. 479 d iK^r)T^co. 383 biaipipoj. 433 iavTov. 480 eKK\7)(ria. 384 dLa3. 488 iKwlTTTW. 392 ( C dLeppLTjvevw. GA (and -^vK-) 489 iKiropeOo/xaL. Polyb., Apocr. 441 iyKpareia. 490 ^/ct6s. 393 5Lipxop.aL. 442 ^7u). 491 iKTpiirw. H 394 5l7J\0OV. 443 eSpap^v. 492 iKrpeCryu. H + GA 395 dlKaLos.] 444 edvos. 493 iKx^i^- 19 494 iXala. 540 e^airoa-T^XXw. GA 586 iTTLXavOdvofxai. 495 i\d(T}. 632 eros. Sept. 584 eifiKeitxai.. 633 e? 539 i^aXei}- GA 744 tJi. 649 c €inrp6ad€KT0S. 699 6dXaff(Ta. 748 t(j-xi5w. Pint. 700 Odvaros. 749 IX&'is. 650 €Vpi(rKU. 701 davarbiii. 750 Ix^o^- 651 evcri^eia. 702 ddlTTW. 751 Kadaipeu). A 652 evpalvu. 706 dedofiai.. 755 KadeijSci). 656 eiixo-P'-C"''^^' 707 diaTpov. A 756 KadriKU. A 657 ei^xap'""''^'*. 708 diXr}ixa. 757 Kd9r) 658 elxofiat. 709 WXw. 758 Kadl^cj. 659 €(payov. 710 OefxiXMS. 759 Kadi3. 1045 olKov6p,os. 951 998 fXOVOS. 1046 oJkos. 952 p.€pip.vd(j}. 999 p.vdos. 1047 olKOV/JL^Vr). 953 p,€pis. GA 1000 pLVpioS. 1048 oiKTi.pp.6%. H 954 p.ipos. lOOI fiV(Trr)pLov. 1049 oifos. 955 c : p.€(riTr]s. H Po- 1002 p,iopaivii}. 1050 lyb., Sept. 1003 p.wp6s. 1051 olos. 956 p.ecro'i. 1004 vai. 1052 OKv-qpbs. 957 p.€(Tr6s. 1005 vabs. 1053 6\lyos. 958 fierd. 1006 veKpbs. 1054 oKdiikripos. 959 p.eTadldcop.1.. G 1007 C v€Kp6a}. H 1055 fiXos. 960 /xeraXa/i/Sdi/w. P/ut., Antk. 1056 SXws. H + A 1008 vios. 1057 bp.o6vp.a8bv, A 961 p-erap-iXofiai. 1009 V€6t7)S. 1058 6p.oiOS. 962 c fji€Tafiop(f>6(x). lOIO V€)S. 23 1070 (5|i^s. [I19 ■Kayis. G 166 iraplffTTifu. 107 1 67r/(7w. [120 irdd-qixa. 1 167 irdpOLKOs. 1072 SttXov. [121 iratSet'a. H 168 irapo^^pcj. A 1073 OTTOIOS. [122 iraiSei/Ti^s. H 169 irapovcria. 1074 OTTOV. [I23 TvaiSeiw. 1 170 wapprjffla. I97S d oirraala. GA [I24 iraiSlov. ] 171 irapp-qcnd^oixaL. 1076 Sirws. [125 ■KaidiffK'rj. A 1077 opctw. [I26 TTciXat. [172 ttSs. 1078 op-yrj. [I27 iraXaibs. 173 d Trdtrxa. 1079 opyi^o}. [I28 TToXiv. 174 irdax'^- 1080 opiycc. H [129 c TroKivyeveala. 175 Trarrjp. 108 1 opl^w. H \ GA Cicero. 176 irarpid. GA 10S2 6pos. [I30 TravoTrXla. G 177 TTal/CJ. 1083 6s. [I3I wapovpyla. G 178 weidapx^'^. A 1084 ocraKis. [I32 iravTaxov. [I79 ireidw. 1085 8(TL0S. [133 d iravTOKpoLTwp. ti8o ireivdo}. 1086 6(n6T7]s. (t [134 wdvTore. [181 Tretpdj'a). 1087 da-fjL-^. [135 wdvTcos. GA [182 C ireipafffxbs. 1088 Bffos. [136 Trapd. Diosc, Sept. 1089 6(TT IS. 1 137 Trapdpacns. H n83 ■Ktpnrio. 1090 6a-(pvs. [138 irapa^dTTjs. [184 irevO^ui. 1091 Urav. 1 139 TrapayyeXla. A 1185 irevTaKdffLOL. G 1092 6t€. [140 Trapayy^Winj. [186 TT^VTe. 1093 6ti. [141 irapayivoixai. [187 ■jrevT-qKOffT'ri. A 1094 oil. ] 142 irapdyw. [188 wipas. 1095 ov. 1 143 Trapddecffos. [189 ■Kepi. 1096 d ovaL ri44 wapadexofiai,. [190 irepLdyo}. 1097 01/51 [145 wapadiddifXL. [191 ■jrepLaip^oj. A 109S oiideis (and -Gels). [146 irapddoffis. [192 vepLJidXawv. H 1099 ovd^TTore. [147 irapaiT^op-ai. '193 TTepiepyos. A 1 100 ovKiri.. H + GA [194 irepLipxo/JLai. A IIOI odv. [148 TrapaKoXiio. [195 irepi^wvvfjw. 1102 o'vTTIjl. [149 TrapdKXrjcTLS. [196 W€pU(rT7jfJ,L, 1 103 ovpavbs. H + GA [197 irepiTvciTio}. 1 104 ods. [ISO irapaKO'q. H [198 TrepiTToiioj. A 1105 0\)T€. ti5i irapaKoXovdiw. [199 TrepiTTolriffis. 1 106 OVTOS. [152 TrapaXafxjidvo}. [200 d irepicraeia. 1 107 OVTW (-s). "53 TrapaXoyl^ojxai. [201 irepiffo-v/JLa. 1 108 oi)xi. [154 Trapap,ivoi). [202 TrepLcraeijco. 1 109 64>eCKir7]S. tiSS [203 irepiffads. mo d ocpeiXrj. 1 156 c TrapdwTOjfia. 1204 ■jrepiffffOT^pws. iiii 6(pei\T)ijLa. Polyb., Sept. [205 Trepi.T4fj.vcj. 1112 ocpeiXco. [157 ■jrapaa-Kevd^o}. A [206 TrepiTiOrj/ju. 1113 6(pe\ov. 158 TrapaT7]peu}. 1 207 C wepi.TOiJ.'f). Aga- 1114 60eXos. 159 Tra.paTld7]iM. tharchides, IMS 6(pda\iJ.6s. 160 TTapaxeijudfw. A Sept. II16 64>LS. 161 irdpei/jLi. [208 wepKpepio. III7 bipoixai.. ] 162 d TrapeKT6s. 1 209 TrereLvds. 1118 c 6\pU3VL0V. G 1 163 vap^x^- 210 TT^rpa. Menander, 1 164 TrapTjXdov. I 2[I TrrjXlKos. H Apocr. 1 165 irapdivos. ] 212 TT 17X61. 24 I2I3 TTiCtfw. 1263 irbvo^. 1312 d irpoffevxf)- In 1214 TTLKpalvU). 1264 tropevu. Cleomedes I2I5 wiKpla. H + A 1265 TTOpdid}. A however. I2l6 Trivci}. 1266 iropvda. 1313 Trpoffexvop-ai. 1217 TTlWpdffKU), 1267 TTopvevii), 1314 irpoaix^- 1218 TrLlTTd), 1268 irbpvt). 1315 C TTpda-KaLpos. I2I9 Triy}Ti.K6s. 1240 irXovcTMi. 12S9 Trpodyco. Philo. 1 241 irXovTid). 1290 irpo^aTov. ^333 TrpCJTOs. 1242 irXovTos. 1291 irpoyivibaKio. 1334 irpwrdroKos. 1243 TTvevfj.a. 1292 ■!rpoypd. A 1257 TToXXct/cis. 1306 d(?) TTpOOpV^U}. A 1347 pd^dos. 1258 ■KoXvs. 1307 irpoirpifxini}. 1348 priyvvp.1. 1259 TToXureXlJs. 1308 irpoirtT-qi. A 1349 prifia. 1260 TTOfxa. H 1309 ■wpbs. 1350 pli-a. 1 261 irovripia. I3IO irpocroexopMi. 1351 pvoixat. 1262 TTOV-qpbs. I3II wpoaepxo/xac. 1352 d payk. Dion. Hal., 1411 ffvyyevTjs. 1455 ax'f'^p.a. Apocr. 1412 ffv/x^aivci}. 1456 (7xoXdfw. 1364 ceK-qv-q. 1413 avfitpipw. 1457 (Ttij'W. 1365 ffTjfxetoi'. 1414 avv. 1458 pO(TVV7]. A 1372 (TKld. 1419 truj'/SijSdj'w. A 1465 TaXaLTTOjpia. 1373 ffK\7]pVV(i). 1420 ffVpSeaixo'S. A 1466 ra\alTro:pos. H + A 1421 crt/j'SoyXos. 1467 rd^is. H + G 1374 (TKoXlOS. 1422 (Tvvei57]povpiui. 1496 TLflTj, 1546 inroiJ.ovri. 596 (pvXaKTj. M97 tIixios. 1 547 v-rrdaraaLS. H 1 597 (pvXdcrcroj, 1498 tLs. 1548 i/TTOffT^Wu. ] 598 (pvXrj. 1499 TIS. H + A 599 (pVCTLKb'S. 1500 TOi.yapovv. H 1549 VTTOffTpicpii). 1 600 (pvcns. 1501 Toivvv. 1550 inrordcrffa). i 601 (pvretju}. 1502 TOLOVTOS. 1551 VTrioTTid^u}. G 602 (pojvri. 1503 T0\li6.U>. 1552 v(TTepiu). 603 (f>ibs. 1504 t6wos. 1553 d VffTipTjp.a. G 604 (pwrl^oj. 1505 roaovTos. 1554 d VCTTipTJCni. ] 605 d eido/JLai. 615 d XO.p'-Tbw. G H -t- GA 1566 (p^pw. 616 XetXos. 1517 TVTTOS. 1567 (peiyoi. [617 p^et/LC(i»'. 1518 TtJITTU}. 1568 (t>7}p.L [618 Xe^P- 1519 TV\6u, 1570 ^daprds. [620 XeipoToviu}. A 1521 ii^pl^co. 1571 (pdelpw. [621 Xeip<^v. 1522 VppiS. A 1572 (pebvos. (622 XVpa. 1523 vyiaivd}. 1573 (pdopd. 1623 Xi-Xids. 1524 vyirjs. 1574 6/3o$. 1634 Xpi^ceos. IS3S vvep^X<^' 1585 (poveijcx}. • 163s Xpvcrlov. 1536 VTrep7j(pavo^. 1586 (p6vos. 1636 Xpvabs. 1537 VTT'fjKOOS. A 1587 (popib). [637 X^ipili}. 1538 inr7)pir-qs. 1588 (pbpos. G (638 Xwpffw. 1539 'iiirvos. 1589 (poprlov. •639 Xojp/s. 1540 iiirb. 1590 (ppay/xbs. [640 \pdXXo}. 1 541 ivod^ij). 1 591 (ppdffffu. H 1641 xj/aX/j^s. GA 27 1642 xf/ajSofxai. 1649 i). 1656 tt'y. i643 xpevdofj-dpTvp. 1650 b)de. 1657 oiffar^TUS, 1644 \pev8os. I65I Vd-^. 1658 (JffeL 1645 \p€>JCrT7]S. 1652 u8iv. 1659 ojcrirep. 1646 ivxv- 1653 udlvu. 1660 oicrre. 1647 xj/VKLKbs. 1654 (Spa. 1661 (SctDs, fidKeWov, Trpairdh piov, all of foreign origin) ; of 9 out of the 23 in d first appearing in the New Tes- tament (omitting those found in Matthew or Mark; also elo(j}\6dvTo%, because in both of its occurrences in Acts it is a quotation from the formally expressed result of the church council at Jerusalem; also Trj'eu/LtariKws, because it not only occurs in Revelation, but is also the adverb of a well-known adjective ; and dvafdw, because its only occurrence is in a quotation from the words of our Lord). 31 2. Notezvorthy endings in these 391 words of later origin. (i) In verbs. Forms in -ow are especially common, in part super- seding other forms ; e. g., avaKawob) for the classic (also in Heb. 6:6) ayaKaivi^u), Kparaiou} for Kparvrw. In all, 21 verbs have this ending, 3 in b, 7 in C, 1 1 in d. Verbs in -euw are also quite com- mon, 10 in all. Verbs m -6w. aKvpbw, iv8vvafi6(i}, lJi.€Ta/jiop(p6ci}, ay)p.ei6io, dvaKaLvSw, eTTLdiopddd}, IJ.op(p6o}, crvv5vpap.6u), Acts 9 : 22. Sept. ivKaKiui, Lk. 18: I. Polyb., Philo. i^apTl^o}, Acts 21:5. yos., Liscr. €va'yy€\L(7T'fis, Acts 21 : 8 (a designation of Philip). vofMbibdffKoKos, Lk. 5:17; Acts 5 : 34. 33 ■tr\7)po4>opi in Georgius Cedrenus. 56. ocpdaX/jLodovXia. Eph. 6:6; Col. 3 : 22. 6cpdaXpi.6dovXos in Const. Apost. 57. irapa^oXevofjLaL. Phil. 2:30; Eusebius of Alex. 349 D; 352 C. irapd^ovXos in same Eus. 349 D; 352 B; Theophr. 561, 9. Vulgarly, and many MSS., -^ovX-. Classic word is TrapaliaXXo/xai. 58. Trei<7p.oi>-n. Gal. 5:8; Ignat. ad Rom. 3 : 3 longer recens. ; Iren. 4, 33, 7 ; Epiph. 30, 21 ; Chryst. on I Thes. 1:3; Apollon. Dysc. Synt. 299, 17 ; Justin M. Apol. I, 53; Athan. II, 1112 A; Eust. 28. 24; 741. 8, etc. From fut. of ttcWw, cf. TrXrj(Tpx)vrj. ireiopio} in Sept., Ctesias in Phot., N. T., etc. irXrjpocpdpTja-Ls in Ptol. irpefflSvT^pwv. I Tim. 4:14; Lk. 22:66; Acts 22 : 5 (Paul's). Cf. Dan. Theod. init. 50; C. I. 8832. 61. Rom. 3:9. irpoairia and ivpoaLTLOv in Damasc. in Wolf. Anecd. 62. TTpoap-apravoo. 2 Cor. 12:21; 13:2; Basilides 1265 B; Herodianus (his- toricus) 3, 14, 18; Justin M. Apol. i. c. 61 ; Clem. A. I, 968 C; 1292 C (= Strom. 4:12); Orig. Ill, 30S C. 63. TTpoevdpxofiai. 2 Cor. S : 6, 10. 64. wpoeTrayyiWu. Rom. I : 2 ; 2 Cor. 9:5; Dio Cass. 38, 13 ; 39, 31 ; 40, 32 ; 42,32; 46,40; Arr. Anab. 6, 27, I. 7rpoe7ra77e\(rts, Dio Cass. 38, 41. 7rpoe7ra77e- \La, Theod. Metoch. 65. TrpoKpip-a. I Tim. 5:21; Athan. Apol. c. Arian 25 (I, 2S8 A); Anon, in Suid; Justinian Cod. 10, 11, 8, § ^; Walz Rhett. 7, 1123. TrpoKpijxd'^op.aL, Walz Rhett. 7, 1 123. 66. irpoKvpbio. Gal. 3:17; Euseb. Ill, 780 C (Praep. Evang. 10,4); Byzant. ; Walz Rhett. I, 605. 67. irpo(TKapT^pr]cns, Eph. 6:18; Clem. A. I, 10S9 B. Trpocr/caprepTjT^of in Nilus 520 C. 68. ffvKayoiyiu}. Col. 2:8; Tatian Or. ad Gr. c. 22, p. 98, ed. Otto ; Heliod. 10, 35; Aristaen. 2, 22; Nicetas Byz. crvKaywyla in Epiphan. 56 D. 69. ffvp.p,op4>i^o}, Phil. 3:10; Basil. 111,529 D. quot. ffipip.op(f)0's in Nicander, Luc, N. T. (Tvp.p.6pvW'''^'^ofjLau I Cor. 13:4; Euseb. H. E. 5, i, 46; Clem. R, i Cor. 13:2; 14:3- 96. xpVCTo^oyia. Rom. 16: 18; Clem. R.I : 14; Clem, A. I, 1032 ; Orig. Ill, 637 C; Alex. A. 549 C; Cyril. H. 456 C; Didymus of Alex. 1628 C; Cyril. A. III, 113 A ; Jo, Chr. ; Eustath. p. 1437, 27, on II. 23, 598. xPV<^'''o^oy^'^°^ it^ Eust. Opusc. 230, 16. xP''?<'"'"o^''7"<^'^5 in Eust. Opusc. 99, 72. xp')j(TroXo7e'w in Cyril., Isid. X/)77o-ToX67os in Aurel. Vict. 13: Jul, Cap, in life of Pertinax, c. 13. 97. ^evddde\(f>os. 2 Cor. 11:26; Gal. 2:4; Polyc. 1012 A. 98. \j/ev5air6(rTo\os, 2 Cor. ii : 13 ; Justin M. Tryph. 35 ; Heges. 1324A; Hip- pol. 733 B; Orig. IV, 677 A, 41 In this list we have exhausted the possibilities of words of Pauline origin. Our next work is, to try to discriminate between these, determining, in the first place, those against whose Pauline origin positive reasons of some weight can be given. In the next place we will notice those which present strong indications in favor of such an origin. It will be convenient to classify the others also, and we shall find that some of them are formed by prefixing to words already in use significant prepositions ; others by prefixing prepositions not especially significant, a natural tend- ency in the later development of a language ; others will be seen to exhibit in other respects plain traces of the influence of the later language ; and others do not seem to fall under any of the preceding heads. After examining the whole list in these aspects we shall proceed to a more general discussion, showing along what lines St. Paul moved in the formation of new words, what motives may have influenced him in forming them, and his growth in originating them. a. The following words of foreign origin can be properly elimi- nated from our list, at the outset : add, fiapcip, fi£ixj3pdva, — 3. One of these is Latin, and probably existed in its Greek form before St. Paul's use of it. The words ^laphv ada were probably used by the Jews, cf. Schmiedel in loc. b. Positive reasons of some weight can also be given against the Pauline origin of the following : oj^aGoe {-0V-) pyiiii. Hdt. has the subst. -la, and ol ' AyaOoepyoL KaKovpyioi and Tvavovpyidi are classic, and the adj. -6s is in Plut. dve^UaKos. Its derivative subst. -(a is in Sap. 2 : 19. Both Luc. and Poll, use the adj. direK5{ may be in Jos., but doubtful. Cf. diriKSv ^ol- I = 23. ideXedpTjcTKla is one of three in an enumeration, Col. 2 : 23, where St. Paul's argu- ment calls for exactly this thought. Cf. the thought and uncertainty of text in vs. 18, where WH suggest in their appendix that the original text may have been iv iOe\oTaweLvodakp.o8ov\ia is characteristically Pauline both in thought and form. Notice that its two occurrences are in two epp. (Eph. and Col.) written at nearly the same time. ireia-p-ov^ seems to be an intentional paranomasia, " -jreWeadai. ; i] iveiap.ovri " etc., cf. W. 637. Add to this that the form of the derivative is unusual, though not unprecedented (cf. irXijcrixoi'ri in Plat., etc), and the argument for a Pauline origin is strong. 45 Tvepirepedoixai. is in the long enumeration descriptive of love. Its meaning will be noticed under f. The word is also used by M. Anton. avfi,uop4>l^u} expresses a thought characteristic of St. Paul ; notice that ffiixiwpcpos in the New Test, occurs only in his writings, Rom. 8 : 29 ; Phil. 3:21. Also notice how conspicuous in the thought of St. Paul is the idea of fellowship, as is illustrated by the fact that no less than 13 out of the 109 (or 11 out of 78) words now under discussion are compounds of a^v. ffvv^r]Tr]Tris is in an enumeration ; cf. also St. Paul's fondness for compounds of avv. Notice, however, that ^t/tt/t'^s and cru^ijr^w are both classical. May not criv also be comparatively superfluous, as ^t^tt^tt^s in Plat, means seeder, inquirer (cf. e) ? (yuvffujjjLos, which is in an enumeration, almost certainly originated with St. Paul. The thought of the church as a trw^a is distinctively his, and the idea of fellowship js conspicuous in his writings. dw. Notice the occurrence of this word (or -iw) in Inscr. Why this word rather than St. Paul's favorite Xoyl^ofiai ? evwdpeSpos. irdpedpos is classic. €virpo(TU3wiu). The adj. -os is classic, subst. -la a little before St. Paul (Dion. Hal.), and a compound ev-rrpoacoTroKoiT'os perhaps in Aesch. The verb may, or may not, be Pauline. KaTapTiffp.6s in St. Paul means perfecting, Galen uses it of setting a limb. The verb -I'fw is classic. Cf. KardpTicns, in b. dp0oiro8iu. Derived from a classical compound, yet may be Pauline. Cf. W. 26. irpo