* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library / https://archive.org/details/studiesoffamilia00bens_0 - r ' —• •» i ■ ' • r - l r i * - -v.. THE REV. GEORGE WHITEFIELD of pi mi / v STUDIES FEB 14 18 A OF CAL FAMILIAR HYMNS SECOND SERIES /BY V LOUIS F. BENSON, D.D. Editor of “The Hymnal Published in 1895 and Revised in 1911 by Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A .,” and Author of “ The English Hymn ” PHILADELPHIA THE WESTMINSTER PRESS 1023 Copyright, 1923, by the BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U. S. A. Published November , 1923 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PREFACE Twenty years have passed since the appearance of an earlier series of Studies of Familiar Hymns. They had been running through the numbers of “ Forward,” the young people’s paper of the Presbyterian Church, and in 1903 were gathered into a volume. The recep¬ tion of the book was kindly — kindly enough at least to make plain that a considerable number of people, who wished information concerning the hymns they loved, were willing to forego the primrose paths of dalliance with myths and misstatements, anecdotage and sentimentalism, and to be personally conducted along the straiter and less flowery paths of truth. The number of these stout hearts does not appear to diminish. It was indeed the author’s discovery that after so many years the demand for his little book con¬ tinues, and is indeed larger now than at first, which has encouraged him to invite his readers, old and new, to accompany him a little farther afield. In motive and in method the new Studies are very like the old, even to the appending to each of “ Some Points for Discussion ” in “ the hope (now renewed) that groups or societies of young people might be led to think over and discuss the message of the hymns they so often sing, sometimes, it may be, too thought¬ lessly.” There are, however, between the earlier Studies and these two points of difference to which an old reader’s attention may well be calledo • • Vll Vlll PREFACE First. In making such studies it is necessary (now as then) to have some standard, common to author and reader, not only for the text of the hymns dealt with but also in allusions to other hymns. In the earlier book the standard was The Hymnal published by authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. in 1895. Since then it has been followed by The Hymnal . . . revised in ign. In the present volume accordingly the Revision of 19 n be¬ comes the standard. The author wishes he could alter the plates of the earlier Studies so as to make all references to hymns there conform with those in this book. But in view of the great number of copies of The Hymnal of 1895 still in actual use in the churches, and for other reasons, this change is not now practicable.' Second. In the earlier series there was no intended connection between the hymns studied — no continued story: each of them being chosen for its own sake and with an eye upon the author’s ability to furnish an autographed copy of the hymn by way of illustration. The plan of the present series is more ambitious — there is a continued story. The hymns, with one exception that will explain itself, are arranged in chronological order, and were chosen as representative of the histori¬ cal development of hymnody and of hymn singing among the peoples of England, Scotland, and America. The story begins with the joy and pride of English- speaking Christians in their new-found privilege of sing¬ ing God’s praise in their own tongue, although with the restriction (suggested by John Calvin) that they should confine their praises to the very words of Scripture. It recounts the fading of the joy out of the Psalmody, and the growth of dissatisfaction with the restriction. PREFACE IX It celebrates the advance of a young champion (Isaac Watts) to attack single-handed the authority and tra¬ dition of “ Bible-Songs,” and tells how the great eighteenth century revival brought about the final vin¬ dication of the people’s right to express their praises in terms of their own experience rather than that of “ David.” It goes forward to narrate how the spiritual forces of the nineteenth century dealt with “ the hymn of human composure ” it had inherited from the great revival; and attempts to set some of our modern hymns, one by one, against the background of that particular epoch or phase of religious history out of which each hymn came in its turn, and which so often explains the content and even the form of the hymn. In the preparation of these Studies the great aim of the author has been the attainment of a scrupulous ac¬ curacy in smaller as in larger things; his great pleasure has been in the atmosphere of friendship with which that preparation was surrounded. His outspoken thanks are due to the Reverend Doctor John T. Faris, who en¬ larged his editorial heart to make room in “ Forward ” for so long a series of long papers; to his associate, the Reverend Park Hays Miller, for that sympathetic en¬ couragement which makes the sunny side of honest work; to Miss Anne Henderson, who read all these Studies in manuscript more than once (could kindness farther go?) to their advantage; and to Mr. Henry F. Scheetz, for his zeal “ to make this book [outwardly] better than the last.” Northeast Harbor, Maine September 22, 1923. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS [The Spread of the Calvinistic Ordinance of Psalm Singing] 1. All People That on Earth do Dwell. Wil¬ liam Kethe, 1561. (one of the original Psalms of the English Reformation) 2. The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want. Rous’s Version, 1650. {representing the 17th century effort to improve the Psalmody in Scotland) [The Introduction of Evangelical Hymns into England] 3. There is a Land of Pure Delight. Isaac Watts, 1707. {one of the new hymns he proposed to the Independents ) [The Spread of Evangelical Hymn Singing Under the Impulse of the i8th Century Revival] 4. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Charles Wesley, 1740. {the great hymn of the Methodist Movement) 5. Children of the Heavenly King. John Cen- nick, 1742. {at the parting of the ways between Methodists and “ Evangelicals ”; il¬ lustrating the type of Christian ex¬ perience developed by the Revival) page I 12 22 33 45 XI Xll ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 6. Christians, Awake! Salute the Happy Morn. John Byrom, 1750. (a Christmas hymn from the Wesley circle ) 7. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. William Williams, 1745.. . (a hymn of the Evangelical Revival in Wales) 8. Lord, I Am Thine, Entirely Thine. Samuel Davies, c. 1759. (illustrating the new hymn singing in¬ spired by the Evangelical Revival in America ) 9. Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing. Wal¬ ter Shirley, 1770... 10. Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me. Augustus M. Toplady, 1776. (illustrating the hymn singing u Evan¬ gelicals ” introduced into the Church of England ) 11. God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand. Daniel C. Roberts, 1876. (a Centennial hymn, suggesting the con¬ nection of the Revival with Ameri¬ can Independence) 12. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds. John Newton, 1779. 13. God Moves in a Mysterious Way. William Cowper, 1774. (hymns of Church of England Evangeli¬ cals carrying on the Revival in a country parish) PAGE 56 68 80 93 104 119 130 142 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Xlll PAGE -14. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name. Edward Perronet, 1780. . 154 (the hymn of a very independent Evangelical, who had worked at first with the Methodist and then with the Calvinistic side of the Revival, but preferred a little flock all his own) [The Introduction oe Hymns into Scotland] 15. O God of Bethel, by Whose Hand. The Scot¬ tish Paraphrases, 1781.167 (one of the original “ Translations and Paraphrases of Scripture,” added to the Psalm Book of the Church of Scotland) [The Earlier Nineteenth Century Hymns] 16. Hail to the Lord's Anointed. James Mont¬ gomery, 1821.181 (a new voice of the new century: a hymn inspired by the awakened in¬ terest in Foreign Missions) 17. Just as I Am, Without One Plea. Charlotte Elliott, 1836.194 (a hymn of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England, carrying on the traditions of the Evangelical Revival) 18. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say. Horatius Bonar, 1846.207 . (by a Scottish Evangelical, breaking forth into hymns that cannot at the time be sung in his own \ church) \ XIV ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE [The Hymns of the Oxford Movement] 19. There is a Green Hill Far Away. Cecil F. Alexander, 1848.220 20. Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid. John Mason Neale, 1862.232 21. Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise. John Ellerton, 1866.245 22. The Church's One Foundation. Samuel J. Stone, 1866.255 (hymns of the High Church Party who in the middle of the century take the place of the Evangelicals as leaders of the Church of England hymnody and modify the hymnody of all Churches ) [The New Scottish Hymnody] 23. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go. George Matheson, 1882.268 (one of the later hymns of the Church of Scotland, whose hymnody is at length fully established on the same lines as in the Church of England) [The “ Gospel Hymns ”] 24. God be With You Till We Meet Again. Jere¬ miah E. Rankin, 1880.279 (illustrating the lighter type of hymn and tune introduced under Evangel¬ istic auspices ) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE George Whitefield . Frontispiece {From the mezzotint by I liman Brothers) John Calvin. 3 {After the portrait in the Museum Boijmans, Rotter¬ dam) The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune. 7 {From a copy of the Genevan Psalter of 1562 in the author’s collection) Title-page of “ The Psalms of David in meeter,” 1650 . . . 15 {From a copy in the author’s collection) Francis Rous. 19 {From an old print in The Presbyterian Historical Society’s collection) Title-page of the first edition of Watts’s “ Hymns and Spiritual Songs,” 1707. 26 {From a copy in the author’s collection) Isaac Watts. 29 {From a photograph of the portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller in the National Portrait Gallery, London) Charles Wesley. 35 {From an engraving of the portrait by Gush) A Page of the Wesleys’ “Hymns and Sacred Poems,” 1740 41 {From a copy in the author’s collection) John Cennick. 48 {From an old print) John Byrom. 59 {From an engraving of the original drawing by G. Clint) The Original Manuscript of “ Christians, Awake ! ” . . . 63 {Reproduced from Curnock’s edition of John Wesley’s “ Journal ”) xv XVI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS William Williams . 7o {From an old print in The Presbyterian Historical Society’s Collection) The Tune “ Caersalem ”. 77 {From the Hymnal of the Calvinistic Methodist Church) Samuel Davies. 85 {From the portrait at Princeton University) Autograph Preface of Samuel Davies. 89 {From the original MS. in The Presbyterian Historical Society’s collection) Whitefield’s Monument at Newburyport. 92 Walter Shirley. 95 {Reproduced from “ The Gospel Magazine” for Novem¬ ber, 1774) Two Pages of the Inghamite Hymn Book of 1757 .99 {From a copy in the author’s collection) Autograph Lines from a Sermon of Toplady.107 {Reproduced from Wright’s u Life of Toplady”) Augustus Montague Toplady.109 {From an engraving of the portrait by L. G. Garbrand) The Crag at Burrington Combe.114 {From a photograph) Autograph of “ God of our Fathers ”.123 {From the original in the author’s collection) Daniel C. Roberts.127 {From a photograph) John Newton.132 {From an engraving of the portrait by Russell) Autograph Lines from a Letter of John Newton.138 {From the original in the author’s collection) William Cowper.145 {From an engraving of the portrait by Romney) The Cowper and Newton Museum, Olney.147 {From a photograph) N/ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xvii The Organ at Which “ Coronation ” was Composed .... 160 (Reproduced from “ The New England Magazine ”) A Page from Perronet’s “Occasional Verses,” 1785 .... 162 (From a copy in the author’s collection ) Philip Doddridge.170 (From an engraving of tne portrait made in 1750) Title-page of Scottish “ Translations and Paraphrases,” 1781.175 (From a copy in the author’s collection) James Montgomery’s Birth-place.183 (Reproduced from the “ Memoir ” by Holland and Everett) James Montgomery.185 (From an engraving of the portrait by Chantrey) Autograph of a Hymn by Montgomery.191 (From the original in the author’s collection ) Charlotte Elliott.197 (Reproduced from the “Selections” from her Poems made by her Sister) Autograph Note of Miss Elliott.199 (From the fly leaf of a copy of the “ Hours of Sorrow” in the author’s collection) Horatius Bonar.208 (From a photograph) Rough Draft of “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” . . . 214 (Reproduced from “ Hymns of Horatius Bonar,” edited by his Son ) Cecil Frances Alexander.222 (From a photograph) Autograph Verse of Mrs. Alexander.225 (From the original in the author’s collection ) John Mason Neale.237 (Reproduced from “Letters of John Mason Neale”) Autograph Hymn of Dr. Neale.239 (Reproduced from his “ Collected Hymns ”) XV111 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS John Ellerton...249 (From a photograph) Autograph of “ Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise ”. 251 (Reproduced from the Historical Edition of “ Hymns ancient and modern ”) Autograph Lines of “The Church’s One Foundation” . . 259 {Reproduced from F. A. Jones’s “Familiar Hymns and Their Authors”) Samuel J. Stone.261 (From a photograph) George Matheson.275 (Reproduced from “ The British Monthly ”) Autograph of “ God be With You till we Meet Again ” . 281 (Reproduced from a facsimile) Jeremiah E. Rankin. 283 (From a photograph) / N/ STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS I ALL PEOPLE THAT ON EARTH DO DWELL THE TEXT OF THE “PSALM” 1 All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice, Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. 2 The Lord ye know is God indeed; Without our aid He did us make; We are His folk, He doth us feed; And for His sheep He doth us take. 3 O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless His Name always, For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. The Hundredth Psalm. Translated into English me¬ ter by the Rev. William Kethe, while an Exile at Geneva, Switzerland. Note. The text is that printed in the incomplete Metrical Psalter published in London by John Day, 1561; without any changes except for the modernizing of the punctuation and of some old- time spellings. 1 2 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS This version of the Hundredth Psalm, with “ The Old Hundredth ” Psalm tune that belongs to it, is a real antique. It is like a piece of old English silver plate, more stately and massive than our modern make. The Psalm and tune have been sung together, in England and Scotland and America, for more than three cen¬ turies and a half, and would be worth keeping in our hymnals, if only for their associations. For they take us back to the time when our forefathers first began to praise God in His sanctuary in their own English tongue. But in fact they still make a noble hymn of praise. To hear it sung solidly and reverently by a great congregation, with the support of the full organ, is a religious experience. It gives one’s faith a fresh grip on the big and holy things that “ shall from age to age indure.” THE STORY OF “OLD HUNDRED ” It begins in Geneva. The city of Geneva lies within that part of Switzerland where the people speak French and not German. John Calvin went there in 1536 to help on the Reformation. He was a very shrewd French¬ man, and knew as well as Luther did that the best way to arouse the hearts of the people was to get them to singing religious songs. He asked to be allowed to make a start by having the children taught to sing Psalms in church, till the congregation should get familiar with them and feel moved to join in. But Calvin’s rather severe way of looking at things, together no doubt with the uncompromising vigor of his character, very quickly got him disliked both by the rulers and the people. Be¬ fore any of his plans could be tried out, he was banished. 4 JOHN CALVIN 4 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Calvin found himself the pastor of a little flock of French Protestant refugees in Strasburg, where all the German Protestants around them were singing the new hymns Luther and his friends had written for them. Calvin took some of the German tunes, set them to a few Bible Psalms and canticles translated into French verse, and printed them in a thin Psalm book for his congregation. But he took none of the German hymns. He was a bit suspicious of hymns. It is so easy, he thought, to slip false doctrines beneath the pretty phrases of poetry, and to lodge them in the singers’ hearts. Why not sing the songs God has given us in the Bible, the Psalms, especially? Surely they are the best, true because inspired, and quite as beauti¬ ful as any man-made hymns. When they recalled Calvin to Geneva, one of the conditions of his return was that he should have his own way about singing Psalms in church. And his own way took shape in a somewhat larger Psalm book, with some new versifyings of Psalms by the popular poet, Clement Marot, and some fresh tunes by an excellent French musician whom Calvin got to help him. Our familiar “ Old Hundred ” is the tune composed by Louis Bourgeois to fit the meter of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Psalm, in an enlarged edition of this Genevan Psalm Book printed in 1551. How it became the One Hundredth and not the One Hundredth and Thirty-fourth Psalm tune, we are now to see. THE STORY OF THE “ PSALM ” Switzerland and England were far apart in those days. But Calvin’s doctrines and his doings at Geneva ALL PEOPLE THAT ON EARTH DO DWELL 5 were well known in London. The English Protestants had come to take Calvin rather than Luther as their model and leader. When they put together their first English Prayer Book, their thought had been to depart as little as might be from the structure and ceremonies of the Latin Mass Book and Breviary of the old Church. But the Prayer Book of 1549 was hardly printed before Cranmer began to make changes of a kind that Calvin would approve of. And the second Prayer Book of 1552 was a very different book, more Protestant, more Cal- vinistic even. By that time many were hoping to drop the Prayer Book altogether, and use the simpler services Calvin had prepared for Geneva. They had already begun to sing metrical Psalms in church after Calvin’s model — an innovation in which the Chapel Royal itself took the lead. Just then the boy king, Edward VI, died. The Roman Catholic Queen Mary came to the throne, and many of the Protestants fled the country. A little company of these exiles, of the sort soon to be called Puritans, settled at Frankfort. There they felt free to simplify their worship. But they were soon joined by another party of more churchly proclivities, who insisted that the full Prayer Book services be reinstated. That led to the historic “ Troubles at Frankfort.” The Puritan party left, and went to Ge¬ neva to be under the wing of Calvin. There they formed an English church, with the Scotchman, John Knox, as one of its pastors. The Englishmen were deeply moved by the sight of Calvin’s great congregation in the old cathedral, with their little Psalm books in their own hands, by the great volume of voices praising God in their own French tongue, and by the beautiful melodies carrying the words, 6 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS by the fervor of the singing and the spiritual uplift of the singers. The English exiles felt that their ideals of pure worship were realized, and had a vision of the cathedrals and parish churches at home, freed of “ the last dregs of popery ” and filled with the sound of many voices praising God in the holy songs He had put into their mouths. They had with them a few Psalms that had been versi¬ fied at home, and now they proceeded to prepare an English Psalm Book with tunes in it, just like Calvin’s. There were scholars among them who could translate Psalms from the original Hebrew and several who could turn the translations into respectable English verse. The tunes were their greatest bother, because the meters of the tunes the Genevans were singing would be awk¬ ward to Englishmen. There was one tune, however, that to the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Psalm, in what we call “ long meter,” that seemed available and was certainly beautiful. And for its sake one of the exiles, William Kethe, chose the Hundredth Psalm to translate into that meter. And the words of his Psalm, “ All people that on earth do dwell,” were then and there married to Bourgeois’ tune in a union so close and so lasting that it is hard to say which is “ The Old Hundredth.” Queen Mary’s reign was happily as short as Edward’s, and the exiles did not stay at Geneva long enough to complete their Psalm Book. Kethe’s Psalm appeared in their last edition, containing eighty-seven Psalms. That was printed in 1561, and by that time most of the exiles had come home. The complete edition of the English Psalter was prepared at London, printed there in 1562. It was called The whole Booke oj Psalms, col - f' A V C X XX XIII. iii 337 * Aaron le Preitre de la Loy. a Etquidepfuslateftevientdefccndrc lufqu’a labarbe,& en fin & vient rendre Aux bords du facre vehement; Comme l’humeur fe voir iournellcmcn. Du monr Hermon>& Sion dccourir, Et 1c pays d’cmbas noarrir:, 5 Ainfi pour vray cede aflennbkc heurcufe Sent du Seigneur la-faueur plan 6 ireufc» Voire pour iarnais r.e mourir. lue^vtnc bcntdicilt. !> S E. C X X X LI I I. T. DE BE. n a dmm»4hki fart tmr dm* M 0mtmt Jtlifknmdi Uli!. _—---- ! ~ k fus, feruiteurs du Seigneur, Vous L .x A. ^ t ^ * ' f qui dc mat ch fon bonneur Dedans fa maifcrn ju r___*_ le fcrucz ) Loue2-le,&fonnotn ofleucz. „ Lcuezles mains au plus faint lieu Dece tref-faint temple de Dic'u* Et le los qu’il a mcrirc Soit par vos bouebes recite. ^ 3 Dieuqui a fair & entretient, Et terre & ciel par fon pouuoir, THE ORIGINAL OF “ OLD HUNDRED.” FROM CALVIN^ PSALM BOOK, 1562 8 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS lected into English metre, but is familiarly known as “ Sternhold and Hopkins.” A strange thing is that Kethe’s Hundredth Psalm was not in it. A less attractive version took its place. Kethe’s first appeared again in an appendix of 1564 and in its proper place the following year. How that hap¬ pened we shall never know. The Puritan exiles’ dream of a Church of England in which Calvin’s Genevan order of worship should re¬ place the Prayer Book, was never to be realized. But they did succeed in rooting firmly on English soil the Calvinistic ideal and practice of having the congrega¬ tion’s praise confined to the songs of Scripture. The Prayer Book and the Psalm Book flourished side by side. The curious result of this arrangement was to provide the Church of England with a double system of Psalmody, — the prose Psalms already in the Prayer Book, and now its metrical Psalms in the Psalm Book. But there were no hymn books in the pews till after the Evangelical Revival of the eighteenth century. THE AUTHOR OF THE “PSALM” As to the author of the Hundredth Psalm itself, the Bible gives us no information. As to William Kethe, who made this English version, we know very little. We do not know what he did in Edward Vi’s time. The old authorities call him a Scotchman. We know he was one of those who exiled themselves to escape the attentions of bloody Mary. He was one of the English congregation of rather radical Protestants at Frankfort, and left there to go with them to Geneva, where he became prominent in the English ALL PEOPLE THAT ON EARTH DO DWELL 9 Church. He was nearer to being a poet than were any of his colleagues, and contributed twenty-four ver¬ sions to the exiles’ Psalm Book. Besides his Psalms he wrote poems and religious ballads: his “ Tye thy mare, Tom boye ” becoming quite noted. He helped also in the translation of the Bible, which was another achieve¬ ment of the English exiles at Geneva. When he went home he was made rector of a church in Dorset, and was chaplain to the English troops in an expedition to Havre and in a later campaign against Popish rebels in the north. The preaching of a sermon in 1571 is the latest record we have of Kethe’s life, though it may have continued till the appointment in 1608 of a successor in his Dorset rectorate. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. The English Metrical Psalms were printed com¬ plete about two years before Shakespeare was born, in April, 1564. The Psalm Book seems to have been used in the homes as a religious primer as well as at church. At any rate, the people in Shakespeare’s time were re¬ quired by law to go to church regularly, and he became very familiar with the Metrical Psalms. He quotes from the Psalm Book several times. Indeed if we are to follow the modern text of his plays, he singles out this Hundredth Psalm for mention in The Merry Wives of Windsor (Act II, scene i), speaking of the awkward¬ ness of singing “ The Hundredth Psalm to the tune of ‘ Green Sleeves.’ ” And we are at liberty to conclude that Shakespeare was especially impressed by the sing¬ ing of the Hundredth Psalm to the familiar tune. But the old texts of the play do not read “ the Hun- 10 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS dredth Psalm,” but “ the hundred psalms.” The present writer has given elsewhere * his reasons for thinking the old text correct, and that it refers to the title of a book printed at London in 1561 for the Dutch and Flemish refugees in England, and called Hondert Psalmen Dauids. The predilection of these foreigners for Psalm singing is noticed by Shakespeare more than once. In Longfellow’s The Courtship of Miles Standish there is also a reference to the Hundredth Psalm in metre, when John Alden heard “ the musical voice of Priscilla Singing the hundredth Psalm, the grand old Puritan anthem, Music that Luther sang to the sacred words of the Psalmist.” The reference here is to the tune “ Old Hundred,” under the supposition that it was one of the Lutheran chorales. But the words Priscilla sang were from Henry Ains¬ worth’s version of the Psalm in his The Book of Psalms: Englished both in prose and metre. This was printed in Amsterdam in 1612, and was the Psalm Book the Pilgrim fathers brought to Plymouth. 2. Like the lettering on an ancient stone, the text of Kethe’s Psalm is read differently by different people. The first to give a new reading was an early printer of the Metrical Psalms who mistook the word “ folck ” (folk, people) in line seven. He printed it “ flock ” and was followed by later printers of the Psalm Book and by most modern hymn books. In the Scottish Psalm Book “ Him serve with fear ” is changed to “ Him serve with mirth,” and “ The Lord ye know ” to “ Know that the Lord.” Are such changes worth while? The Hymnal text is an attempt to print the original without * In the Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society for June, 1918. ALL PEOPLE THAT ON EARTH DO DWELL n change except for the ancient spellings such as “ yt ” for “ that,” “ ye ” for “ the,” “ shep ” for “ sheep,” “ indure ” for “ endure.” It is a puzzle whether we should retain the question mark after “For why?” as it means simply “ because.” But why not? We like an antique for its very quaintness. 3. The melodies Calvin had prepared for his Psalm Book are very lovely. But it has not proved easy to bring them back into use. “ St. Michael ” and “ Au¬ tumn ” in The Hymnal are arranged from Genevan melodies, but these have been subjected to rough treat¬ ment. The facsimile will show how we have changed the rhythm and movement even of “ Old Hundred ” by making all the notes of equal length. We have done it to our loss, many musicians think, and they are anx¬ ious to have the tune restored to its original beauty. II THE LORD’S MY SHEPHERD, I’LL NOT WANT THE TEXT OF THE “PSALM” 1 The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want; He makes me down to lie In pastures green, He leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2 My soul He doth restore again; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Ev’n for His own Name’s sake. 3 Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill; For thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4 My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me; And in God’s house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. The Twenty-third Psalm in meter, as approved by the General Assembly of the' Church of Scotland in 1649: based on versions by Francis Rous, Sir William Mure, and others. 12 THE LORD’S MY SHEPHERD, I’LL NOT WANT 13 Note. The text (apart from a few spellings) is the original text of The Psalms of David in meeter, 1650, with the exception of the seventh line. In the writer’s copy that line begins with “ Into ” and not “ Within.” The alteration was made at an early date, perhaps for euphony’s sake, and “ Within ” became the ac¬ cepted reading of the authorized editions of The Psalms in meeter. THE PSALM THAT “NEVER RUNS DRY ” The Hundredth Psalm, treated in our first study, was one of the songs of the English Reformation. This ver¬ sion of the Twenty-third is of Oliver Cromwell’s time, and is altogether Scottish and Presbyterian in its origin, its use, and its associations. It is one of The Psalms of David in meeter adopted by the Church of Scotland in 1649, commonly called “ Rous’s Version ” or “ Rous ” for short. Its real story can never be written. It was spelled out in the religious experiences of the most self- contained people on earth, the Scots. The story begins with the printing of the Psalms in meter at the end of the Scottish Bibles, in a day when there were very few books in the cottages, and the sing¬ ing of them twice a day at family worship as well as at church. Gradually the Psalms in meter became, even more than the prose Bible Psalms, the special word of God to His people in Scotland on every occasion of their lives, and especially in their times of trouble. There were Psalms that appealed to the dour side of the Scot and roused and sustained his combative in¬ stincts. But there was also a side of real tenderness in the Scottish heart; and this Twenty-third Psalm in meter, most of all, touched it and brought it peace. Word by word, every line of this Psalm was engraved on the memory and clasped to the heart of generation STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 14 after generation of loyal Scots. It was a home song, first of all, learned at the mother’s knee, a household word; and then, as the children grew up and went out of the old home, a possession, or rather a part of their inmost selves, that went with them wherever they trav¬ eled or found new homes; an inward vision of pastures green, a rod and staff of comfort on the way, and at the end a light in death’s dark vale. It would not be difficult to collect incidents testify¬ ing to the intense feeling of the Scots for their Psalms in meeter, and for this Twenty-third Psalm in particular. Better still for such a purpose is a story of Ian Mac- laren, who understood so well the heart of his country¬ men. It is the story of an old Scot, hard and rugged, but laid low at last on one of the beds of an English hospital ward. He had just been told that he would die at break of day, but he had declined the ministrations of the chaplain, an Episcopalian. “ He micht want to read a prayer, and a’ cudna abide that.” In the afternoon a good lady who had heard of the old man’s loneliness came to his bedside and asked if she might not sing some comforting hymn, opening the book to find “ Rock of Ages.” He shook his head. “ Ye’re verra kind, mem, and a’m muckle obleeged to ye, but a’m a Scot and ye’re English, and ye dinna under¬ stand. A’ my days hev I been protestin’ against the use o’ human hymns in the praise o’ God; a’ve left three kirks on that account, and raised my testimony in pub¬ lic places, and noo wud ye send me into eternity wi’ the sough o’ hymn in my ears? “ Ye’ll excuse me, mem, for a’m no ungratefu’,” he continued, “ and I wud like to meet yir wishes when ye’ve been so kind to me. The doctor says I canna live 1 ■ <<.. . IN MEET-E R. N^wljr tranflated , and diligently compared with tin? onginaSlTm , and funner tranflstioru : Mur« (month , and agreeable to the Text < then any heretofore, Aiiesnbiy of the Kirk of &uU«t, ,w<{. ■ *-.. . ... ? ■ * .>/ ■ . ' v-0 | yr - ” -V ■' t' ,, -/x c " ■ ' k ■ edinbfrgh. ■ • - Printed by Erin TjUr, Printer to the Kings mod Excellent Majtfty , i6jq. U* - - - ! - TITLE-PAGE OF THE SCOTTISH PSALMS OF 1650 16 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS long, and it’s possible that my strength may sune give way, but all tell ye what a’m willin’ to do. “ Sae lang as a’ve got strength and my reason continues clear, a’m prepared to argue with you concerning the lawfulness of using onything except the Psalms o’ David in the praise o’ God either in public or in private.” “ No, no,” the lady said, “ I did not know the feeling of the Scots about hymns. But I have been in the High¬ lands, and learned to love your Psalms. I have some in my book here.” “ Div ye think that ye cud sing the Twenty-third Psalm — “ ‘ The Lord’s my Shepherd, a’ll not want ’ ? for I wud count it verra comfortin.’ ” “ Yes,” she said, “ I can, and I think I love that Psalm more than any hymn.” “ It never runs dry,” murmured the Scot. So she sang it from beginning to end slowly and rever¬ ently, as she had heard it in Scotland. He joined in no word, but ever he kept time with his hand; and, after she ceased, “ Thank ye, thank ye,” he said, and then both were silent for a few minutes, because she saw that he was in his own country, and did not wish to bring him back. “ Mem, ye’ve dune me the greatest kindness ony Christian cud do for anither as he stands on the banks of the Jordan.” For a minute he was silent again, and then he said: “ A’m gaein’ to tell ye somethin’, and I think ye’ll understand. Ma wife and me wes married thirty-five years, and ilka nicht of oor married life we sang a Psalm afore we gaed to rest. She took the air and a’ took the bass, and we sang the Psalms through frae beginning to THE LORD'S MY SHEPHERD, I’LL NOT WANT 17 end twal times. She was taken frae me ten year ago, and the nicht afore she dee’d we sang the Twenty-third Psalm. A’ve never sung the Psalm since, and a’ didna join wi’ ye when ye sang it, for a’111 waitin’ to sing it wi’ her noo in oor Father’s hoose the mornin’s mornin’, where there’ll be nae nicht nor partin’ evermore.” THE STORY OF ROUS’S VERSION We spoke in the first study of the little church of English exiles in Queen Mary’s time at Geneva, with John Knox as pastor, and of the English Psalm Book which they worked at and carried home to England, where it was completed in 1562. When Knox went home to Scotland he also took that Psalm Book, and there it was completed in much the same way, and printed in 1564. And so the Episcopalians in England and the Pres¬ byterians in Scotland became Psalm singers in Calvin’s fashion. * The Scots kept on using the old Psalm Book for nearly a century. That brings us down to the effort of Charles I to turn the Church of Scotland into an episcopal Church, and the outbreak of the Civil War in 1639. Charles needed money to suppress the Scots, and had to call a Parliament to provide it. But the Parliament, mostly Puritans, declared war on Charles himself; and to secure the aid of the Scots, united with them in the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643, to preserve the Presbyterian Church in Scotland and to set it up in England and Ireland. Then it was that the famous Westminster Assembly was called, to prepare common standards of faith and worship for the three kingdoms. It was agreed on all hands that the churches should sing Ig STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Psalms and not hymns. But what version of the Psalms? The Assembly recommended the Parliament to adopt a new version made by one of its own members, Francis Rous. He was an English gentleman of much distinction, a Calvinist by conviction, a believer in the Presbyte¬ rian system, and several times a member of Parliament. He was sent to the Westminster Assembly as a lay com¬ missioner, and was afterward Provost of Eton College. He made his metrical version of the Psalms in hope of meeting the widespread demand among the Puritans of the time for a more exact and literal rendering than that contained in the old Psalm Books of England and Scotland. It seems a bit odd to us, who take such things lightly enough, that Parliament should wrangle over the par¬ ticular version of the Psalms to be used in church. It did not seem so then. The House of Commons agreed to adopt Rous’s Version and ordered that it and none other be sung in all the churches of the Kingdom. But a rival of Rous, one William Barton, had many friends in the House of Lords, 1 who put up a stiff fight for his version, and when the Commons’ adoption of Rous came there for concurrent action, they succeeded in shelving it by having it referred to a committee. It did not matter much, for this first “ Presbyterian Alliance ” was soon to be broken up. The Church of Scotland, left alone again, adopted the standards of the Westminster Assembly, but hesitated about the Psalm Book. Finally, after three years of debating and tinker¬ ing, they adopted Rous’s Version, though it had been so much altered and added to that it hardly deserved to bear his name. Such as it was, it continued to be the FRANCIS ROUS, 1656 20 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS only praise book of the Church of Scotland until recent times, when the right to sing “ hymns of human com¬ posure ” has been won after bitter struggles. “ Rous ” was brought to this country also by the Scotch and Irish immigrants, and was the chief Psalm Book of the Pres¬ byterian Churches in America. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Seventeen Presbyterian or Reformed denomina¬ tions in various countries, some of them very small, still confine their praise to Bible Psalms and reject human hymns. So “ the subject matter of praise ” must still be a topic for discussion. These denominations seem to agree that God intended the Book of Psalms to be the only praise book of His Church until the end of time. As lately as 1905, two conventions were held under the direction of the General Assembly of the United Pres¬ byterian Church of North America, “ to promote the claims of the Psalms in the field of worship.” And the papers at these gatherings have been printed in an im¬ posing volume. It is doubtful, however, whether the cause was materially advanced by these means, or whether in the minds of the great majority of Chris¬ tians the old issue of Psalm versus Hymn is either alive or capable of revival. 2. There are four versions of the Twenty-third Psalm in The Hymnal revised . The first is the one we are now discussing. Those who have inherited Scottish blood and traditions very likely feel that it has passed beyond the pale of criticism. The second, “ The Lord my pasture shall prepare,” was contributed to the famous weekly, The Spectator, by the Right Honorable Joseph Addison. He was a de- THE LORD’S MY SHEPHERD, DLL NOT WANT 21 lightful writer, and a gentle wind still blows over the “ verdant landscape ” of his Psalm. It is quite true, however, as Canon Douglass has said, that Addison was a great deal more fond of adjectives than David was. The third, “ The Lord my Shepherd is,” one of Dr. Isaac Watts’s versifications, is hardly one of his suc¬ cesses. It is so hard and jerky. It was put in The Hymnal to gratify a prominent elder and warm friend of that book, who had associations with it. But he does not need it any longer, and the Watts version might well be allowed to drop out. The fourth, “ The King of love my Shepherd is,” represents the perfection of what we may call the modern “ art and craft ” of hymn-making. “ How beautiful are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! ” the writer seems to be saying, as his pen flows on from verse to verse of the old Psalm. It is a gospel Psalm to him, with Christ, the Good Shepherd, holding the cross to guide him. The Rev. Sir Henry Williams Baker wrote it for the appendix to his Hymns ancient and modern, the most famous hymnal of recent times. And when he came to die, the last words that could be distinguished were: “ And on His shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me.” 3. In the old days “The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want ” was sung to one of the still older Scottish Psalm tunes, often perhaps to the one they called “ French ” and we call “ Dundee.” In modern days it is set to “ Balerma ” as often as to any other; also a Scottish tune. “Walden,” No. 577 in The Hymnal revised, was composed for this Psalm by a Canadian lawyer, and is well worth trying. Ill THERE IS A LAND OF PURE DELIGHT THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2 There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. 4 But timorous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sea; And linger, shivering, on the brink, And fear to launch away. 5 O could we make our doubts remove, Those gloomy doubts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love With unbeclouded eyes; 6 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o’er. Not Jordan’s stream, nor death’s cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. Rev. Isaac Watts, 1707 Note. The text is taken from the first edition of Dr. Watts’s Hymns and Spiritual Songs, London, 1707, without any change. 22 THERE IS A LAND OF PURE DELIGHT 23 Isaac Watts was born on July 17, 1674, in that Eng¬ lish town of Southampton which many Americans know best as a port for steamships to Europe. If we went ashore we should find a “ Watts Memorial Hall ” and a statue of him in his gown and bands as a preacher. But it is his sacred songs and not his sermons that have given him his fame. In Southampton he passed his childhood, and there he spent some six weeks of the year before this hymn appeared in his volume of Hymns and Spiritual Songs in 1707. He had come back to the old home, weak from sickness and discouraged no doubt, and very likely these verses reveal the turn his thoughts took just then. The town lies on a swell of land within the fork of the Test and the Itchen rivers. It may well be that the view across the water of the pleasant meadows of Marchwood on the one side, or, on the other, of the lawns of Weston, glowing in the evening sunlight, sug¬ gested the lines: “ Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green.” Our poet Longfellow said that until he saw the first verdure of spring on the meadows of southern England, he did not quite appreciate the meaning of “ dressed in living green.” “ There are some of us,” said the Rev. J. Brierly, “ who can never look upon a green field with the spring sun on it without this hymn coming to us as a whisper from heaven.” “ HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS” The subjects of our first two studies were versions of Psalms taken directly from the Bible. The subject STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 24 of this is “ a hymn of human composure ” taken out of the writer’s own heart. And he did more than other men to break down the custom of Psalm singing and to conquer the English prejudice against uninspired hymns. Tennyson says in one of his poems that The old order changeth, yielding place to new; And God fulfills himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world. Now we saw in our first study how Calvin, in his zeal for “ the Bible only,” determined that even the songs of his congregation in Geneva should be taken from inspired Scripture, and so started the custom of Psalm singing. It was a “ good custom ” for the time. In France and Scotland Psalm singing became the very life of the Reformation. In England there was some opposition to introducing it, but the plain people took it up vigor¬ ously, and it soon became an established feature of the church services. So the Psalm Books were bound up with the Prayer Books. The singing of Psalms went on without change through the whole of Elizabeth’s reign, and as long as the Church of England held together. In the great break-up of the Puritan Revolution some of the new sects then formed — the Quakers, for instance — gave up singing altogether. The large body of Independents, or Congregationalists as we should call them, gave up the Prayer Book but hung on to the old Psalm Book. They kept up the custom, but the life had gone out of the Psalmody. One of their young ministers, Isaac Watts, said that the singing of God’s praise is the part of worship nighest heaven, and its performance among themselves the worst on earth. The Psalms were read THERE IS A LAND OF PURE DELIGHT 25 out, one line at a time, by a “ clerk,” and then the con¬ gregation sang that line and waited for the next. Very few tunes were used, and these were drawled out in pro¬ longed notes. “ To see the dull indifference, the negligent and thoughtless air that sits upon the faces of a whole assembly while the Psalm is on their lips, might tempt even a charitable observer,” Watts wrote, “ to suspect the fervency of inward religion.” By the beginning of the eighteenth century the Psalm singing in the Independent meeting-houses was so dis¬ tressing that many of the pastors were in consultation upon the situation. Watts, the youngest and bravest of them, had his own view of the root of the trouble and the remedy. The trouble, he thought, grew out of confining the praise to Psalms, many of which were inappropriate to our circumstances, and all were on a lower plane of revelation than the gospel. “ We preach the gospel and pray in Christ’s name, and then check the aroused devotions of Christians by giving out a song of the old dispensation.” The remedy he proposed was twofold. First, a new and free translation of the Psalms written in the way David would have written them if he had been a fully instructed Christian living in the eighteenth century. And this scheme Dr. Watts ultimately carried out in 1719 by publishing his The Psalms of David imitated in the language of the New Testament, and apply’d to the Chris¬ tian state and worship. This book served as a bridge over the chasm between the Old Testament Psalms and the evangelical hymns, by which many congregations passed over without fully perceiving just where they were going. The other feature of Watts’s proposed remedy was HYMNS AND Spiritual Songs. In Three BOOKS. I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Compos'd on Divine Subje&s. III. Prepared for the Lord’s Supper. | With an ESSAY Towards the Improvement of Chri- Itian Pfalmody, by the Ufe of E- vangelioal Hymns in Worth ip, as well as the Pfalms of J David. By I. WATTS. And they fun? a new Song, [dying. Thou art worthy, See. for thou waft [lain and haft re¬ deemed ut, Sec. Rev. 5. 9. SoUtitffcr.t (he. Chrifffoni) convenire, car- menque Chriflo quad Deo dicere. Viin'rn in Epift. LONDON ; Printed by J. Humfreys , for John Lawrence, at the Angel in the Poultrey. 1707. TITLE-PAGE OF THE FIRST EDITION OF WATTSES HYMNS THERE IS A LAND OF PURE DELIGHT 27 the introduction of evangelical hymns, freely written under the inspirations of the gospel and expressing all the riches that are in Christ. And this he was prepared to apply at once. He had ready, and printed in 1707, more than two hundred of his own in a volume whose full title can be read in the facsimile here given. The essay to which it refers was a rather cruel attack on the principles and prejudices of the Psalm singers, and a vindication of hymns. We have just the same right, he asserted, to compose and sing spiritual songs as to compose and utter original prayers. The Bible is God’s word to us. Our songs ought to be our word to God. Whoever attacks an old religious custom or prejudice must expect to make enemies. And Watts made many. They spoke of his hymns as “ Watts’s whims.” But he touched the hearts of the people, and one by one the Independent congregations came under the spell of the new hymns. We can scarcely appreciate all they meant to people who had never been allowed to utter the name of their Saviour in praise. Dr. Doddridge tells of giving out “ Give me the wings of faith to rise ” to a village congregation. Tears came to many eyes; some were quite unable to sing at all, and the clerk said he could hardly speak the words, as he lined them out. When something was said after service as to a possible visit from Dr. Watts, one of the company ex¬ claimed, “ The very sight of him would be as good as an ordinance to me! ” This popularity of the hymns is said to explain why so few copies of the earlier editions of Hymns and Spiritual Songs have survived to our time: the theory being that the great majority of copies were actually thumbed out of existence by rude but affectionate hands. 28 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS THE AUTHOR OF THE HYMN “ Before her stood not an Antinous or an Adonis, not even a moderately presentable Englishman, but a minute, sallow-faced anatomy with hook nose, promi¬ nent cheek bones, heavy countenance, cadaverous com¬ plexion and small eyes.” So it is that the latest biographer of Watts describes him in the act of pro¬ posing to the beautiful Elizabeth Singer somewhere about 1706. That Miss Singer had formed a high con¬ ception of Watts from his poems we know, and that his appearance disappointed her we may assume. But how does the biographer know that Miss Singer in re¬ jecting him said, “ Mr. Watts, I only wish I could say that I admire the casket as much as I admire the jewel ” ? It is more to the point to remember that the aging face, beneath its monstrous wig, that has come down to us in the portraits may truly represent the famous and venerated Dr. Watts, but not the somewhat headstrong young man who wrote the hymns with the ardor of youth, and gave battle to the Psalm singers with that self-confidence and disregard of other people’s opin¬ ions of which perhaps only youth is capable. The household at Southampton was religious, and the boy’s thoughts were serious. “ Fell under considerable conviction of sin, 1688, and was taught to trust in Christ, I hope, 1689; ” so his diary reads. He inherited from his father a love of learning and a gift for poetry. It was like the plucky, undersized lad to stand up for the principles of his father, twice jailed for the crime of being a dissenter, and to refuse an offer to pay his ex¬ penses at the university, since admittance there involved a profession of membership in the Church of England. DR. ISAAC WATTS 30 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Watts prepared for the ministry deliberately, and became pastor of an Independent meeting in Mark Lane, London. Almost at once his health broke, and the rest of his life was a struggle between duty and weakness. Invited by Sir Thomas Abney, a distinguished dissenter, to spend a week in his magnificent house at Theobalds in Hertfordshire, Watts remained as an honored guest of the family for the rest of his life, some thirty-six years. He gave such service as he could to his long- suffering congregation in London, and managed to write many books, useful in their day, which gave him high reputation in university circles. He was probably the most widely esteemed dissenter of his time; but he himself regarded his “ Psalms and Hymns ” as incom¬ parably the greatest work he did for the Church. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION i. In looking over a line of old Sunday school hymn books, say from 1835 forward, one is struck with the considerable proportion of children’s songs dealing with dying and the life after death. These songs reflect the tone of evangelical piety that prevailed among their elders: what the great novelist, George Eliot, described sarcastically as “ otherworldliness.” It was a time when Dr. Muhlenberg’s “ I would not live alway ” was a favorite for church use. Then, gradually, the tone of piety began to change. “ One world at a time,” people began to say, “ and now for this world, where our duty lies. It is more pious to rectify a foul drain, to minister to bodily suffering, to show the way to self-help, and to equalize the distribu¬ tion of the good things of life, than it is to sit and THERE IS A LAND OF PURE DELIGHT 31 dream of heaven.” In our day the reaction from “ other¬ worldliness ” is pretty complete. The heaven that lay about us once and then got far enough away to seem like a foreign country, has now to very many lost all reality whatever. How seldom now are these old-time hymns of heaven given out in our churches! This present situation suggests certain questions. Has the hope of heaven any proper place in Christian experience or in our gospel message to others? Is it right to teach children to sing of heaven; and if not, what is a suitable age at which those who love them might begin to make “ mention of her glory ” ? Or are there good reasons for thinking the time has arrived for expunging the songs of the heavenly home from our church hymnals? 2. There are, no doubt, different types of hymns of heaven and room for a choice. In one familiar type the singer finds the body vile and the world evil. He turns to the inward vision of a risen body and a dwelling place free from temptations, and passionately longs for the deliverance of death. This type came originally from the monks, “ in retreat ” from the w T orld, and their rhapsodies are not for everyone. St. Paul would have understood them and loved them, but for most people hymns of this type need watching in the interests of sincerity. This hymn of Watts is of a very different type. It is less ecstatic. And it breathes no desire to depart. It is the song of a young man who is at work and at play in the open fields of life where God put him, and likes it. He does not want to go home till after sunset. He loves life. He loves the vision of heaven, too, at twi¬ light or when things go wrong, though he does not STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 32 cherish the thought of coming to the brink of the nar¬ row sea. But “ A Prospect of Heaven makes Death easy so Dr. Watts entitled his verses. He meant that such a prospect helps to overcome the perfectly natural shrinking youth feels at the thought of death. And one sometimes wonders if for many of us, for most perhaps, this is not the most sincere and helpful song of heaven ever written. 3. A recent writer in The Harvard Theological Review , commenting on the loveliness of this hymn, complains that Watts is as confident in regard to heaven’s features and geography as of the country around Theobald’s, and he is tempted to exclaim, “ No such topography for me! ” Is that attitude just? At the farewell dinner in New York to Charles Dickens, at the end of his last visit to this country, the brilliant George William Curtis, in closing his speech, turned to the guest and, bending toward him, said: “ Old ocean bear him safely over! England welcome him with the blossoms of May! ” Is not that the thought running through the words before us? Not the topography of heaven, not the landscape of the un¬ discovered country — only the thought of crossing the narrow sea to find those things of which spring and May blossoms are the symbol: green pastures of peace, the pleasant company of the pure-hearted, the sunlight of God’s Presence over all. IV JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL THE TEXT OF THE HYMN i Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high: Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, ah! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Wilt Thou not regard my call? Wilt Thou not accept my prayer? Lo, I sink, I faint, I fall! Lo, on Thee I cast my care; Reach me out Thy gracious hand! While I of Thy strength receive, Hoping against hope I stand, Dying, and behold I live! 33 34 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 4 Thou, O Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee I find: Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy Name; I am all unrighteousness; False and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. 5 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. Rev. Charles Wesley, 1740 Note. The text is taken from John and Charles Wesley’s Hymns and Sacred Poems of 1740, with no change except for the printing of the first word in the English rather than the Latin form. This, perhaps the best loved of all English hymns, is associated with the beginnings of the wonderful Methodist Movement in the eighteenth century, of which John Wesley was the leader and his brother Charles the poet laureate. THE WESLEYS AND THEIR HYMNS About the time when Isaac Watts was writing and publishing his sacred songs, two sons were born in the parsonage of the village of Epworth to the Rev. Samuel Wesley and his noble wife Susannah, “ Mother of the Wesleys.” She was, in fact, the mother of nineteen of them. John was born in 1703, and Charles on Decern- CHARLES WESLEY * 36 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS ber 18 of the very year—1707 — in which Watts pub¬ lished those Hymns and Spiritual Songs that changed the worship of the Independent meeting-houses. The two brothers were destined to carry on Watts’s work, and to win new triumphs for hymn singing in England. So it is worth while to note that the atmosphere of the parsonage was decidedly contemptuous of the old Psalm singing, as it was then carried on in village churches. As rector of one of them the father had to endure it. But he did not suffer it gladly, and said some very harsh things about it. He was himself a poet, and his sons inherited not only their poetic gifts but their purpose to write something to take the place of what John called the “ scandalous doggerel ” of the old metrical Psalms. The two boys grew up together in the Epworth par¬ sonage, were at Oxford University together, were both ordained as clergymen of the Church of England, and in October, 1735, sailed together for the new colony of Georgia. John went as a missionary; Charles nomi¬ nally, at least, as secretary to General Oglethorpe, Gov¬ ernor of the colony. In John’s kit there was a copy of Watts’s Psalms and Hymns. And he was especially impressed by the constant singing of a group of German Moravian colonists on board. He learned from them what spiritual songs can do for the spiritual life. He studied German so as to translate some of those so dear to his fellow voyagers. In Charleston he published his first collection, and in Savannah was brought be¬ fore the grand jury, charged with introducing unauthor¬ ized hymns into church worship. Neither brother was successful as a missionary, per¬ haps because at that time their religion was of a rather severe and formal type. It was the remarkable spiritual JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL 37 experiences they passed through among the Moravians in London, after their return from America, that first gave to both brothers the peace and joy of a confident faith. These experiences changed their lives and de¬ termined their future careers. Charles started out as an itinerant preacher. John established the first of those meetings, called “ societies,” that were the germ of the Methodist Church. He went on translating and writing hymns until organizing and preaching absorbed all his energies. But in Charles’s heart the new happiness seemed to open a fountain of spiritual song that never ceased to flow. He was naturally a poet, and now the writing of religious verse became to him nothing less than a pas¬ sion. In recording a horseback accident on one of his preaching tours, he notes that his sprains and bruises and stunned head “ spoiled my making hymns until next day.” Every experience of his own, every scene and occasion of the Methodist revival, became the in¬ spiration of a new hymn. He wrote his first within a day or two of his conversion. He dictated his last to his wife from his deathbed, “ in age and feebleness ex¬ treme.” The whole number is little if at all short of seven thousand. The best of them are perhaps as good as ever were written. Most of them have some touch of hand or flash of thought that suggests a poet rather than a manufacturer. The unchurched masses among whom the Wesleys worked had of course no preference in favor of Psalms. They quickly caught up the new songs, and the singing became a characteristic feature of the field meetings. As the work went on, the hymns served as an outlet for the extravagant enthusiasm of the converts, and at 38 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS the same time kept its expression within limits of reality and refinement. They were printed in cheap tracts and booklets for distribution among the people. As “ so¬ cieties ” were formed, new hymns were provided for the class meeting, the children, and the occasions of wor¬ ship, until finally, in 1780, John Wesley gathered up four hundred and eighty-six of Charles’s compositions, with some others, into a permanent Collection of Hymns for the use of the people called Methodists. Charles Wesley was a different type of man from his great brother: not so commanding a personality, a helper rather than a leader, a poet with all a poet’s moods, even moods of deep depression, emotional and impetuous, But probably he was the more lovable of the two men, with a great gift of winning hearts. The future of the Methodist Movement lay very heavy on his own heart. He saw it drifting away from its moorings within the established Church. He loved his Church with all his heart and felt no sympathy whatever with his brother’s arrangements for establishing a separate denomination of Methodists in England and America. He wished the Methodist societies to remain as a part of the Church of England. This end he was unable to accom¬ plish against his brother’s purpose, but as still a clergy¬ man of that Church, he died on March 29, 1788, and was buried in the yard of his parish church, Marylebone. “ His least praise,” his brother said, “ was his talent for poetry.” THE HYMN AND ITS AUTHORSHIP There are several differing stories of the romantic origin of “ Jesus, Lover of my soul.” The most familiar JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL 39 represents Charles Wesley seated at an open window during a storm, or sometimes on the deck of a vessel laboring under a gale. Then a dove (or sea bird), with its strength all spent, flies to his bosom to find a refuge from the elements. And that inspired the hymn. All these stories cannot be true, and there is no reason to believe that there is a word of truth in any of them. It remains a mystery that worthy people should care to circulate these apocryphal “ incidents ” of which the popular books are so full. We do not, in fact, know anything of the occasion of this lyric, except that it is entitled “ In Temptation,” and sounds like a real cry for help out of such an ex¬ perience. And there is no absolute assurance that Charles Wesley wrote it. It may have been written by John. The editors of the English Wesleyan Methodist Hymn Book of 1875 went so far as to affix simply the letter W to this hymn, as a token that they did not know to which of the brothers it should be ascribed. The matter stands in this way. The brothers printed jointly three volumes of their earlier verses in 1739, 1740, and 1742, with pretty much the same title — Hymns and Sacred Poems. Published by John Wesley, M.A., and Charles Wesley, M.A. This one appeared at page 67 of the 1740 volume. There is nothing in this or the other volumes to show which brother wrote any particular poem. Evidently the Wesleys wished it so. In course of time a tradition grew up that only the translations were John’s and all the original verse was Charles’s. This, we now know, is a mistake, and John’s share is much greater than was supposed. What, then, is to be said of “ Jesus, Lover of my soul ”? Which brother wrote it? 40 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Anyone familiar with the Wesleyan poems will say that this one is more in the style and manner of those we know to be Charles’s than of those we know to be John’s. We can go further. John showed later a dis¬ like of anything approaching familiarity in intercourse with God, and especially of the use of terms of human endearment. He turned bitterly against the London Moravians he had loved so well, when they printed hymns with offensive amatory and fleshly images. In a sermon of 1789 he said that familiarity does not so well suit ,the mouth of a worm of the earth when ad¬ dressing himself to the God of heaven, and went on, “ I have indeed particularly endeavored in all the hymns which are addressed to our blessed Lord, to avoid every fondling expression, and to speak as to the most-high God; to Him that is ‘ in glory equal with the Father, in majesty co-eternal.’ ” Now if John’s feeling about such matters was the same in 1740 as in 1789, and there are good reasons for thinking it was, then it is practically certain that he would not have written the lines, “ Jesu, Lover of my Soul, Let me to Thy Bosom fly.” John, as the elder brother, took the privilege of criti¬ cizing his brother’s poems very freely. There were many expressions in them which he did not like, and he often altered them before printing. That he did not quite approve the expressions in this hymn is shown by the fact that in selecting Charles’s contributions to the large permanent hymn book of 1780, he left it out altogether. It was not inserted until after his death. On the whole, it seems that we may ascribe “ Jesus, wn? rh XB03S&& THE FIRST PRINTING OF THE HYMN \ 42 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Lover of my soul ” to Charles Wesley with a fair degree of assurance. The only absolute proof would be the finding of an autograph draft of it in the masses of Wesleyan manuscripts in the London Conference Office. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION i. Many people have claimed John Wesley’s privilege of criticizing this lyric, notably that great lover of sacred song, the late William E. Gladstone. A friend had expressed in his hearing a warm admiration for it, and he had emphatically dissented. And his feelings on the subject were so strong that he was moved to write out his objections, even though immediately about to un¬ dergo an operation for cataract. Criticisms of things we love are not very welcome. But it might be worth while to examine the hymn anew in the light of Gladstone’s objections: (i) That it has no unity. A number of ideas are jumbled to¬ gether rather than interwoven. “ This is not a whole, for the parts seem to have no relation to one another.” The theme clearly is that of a soul under stress of a great temptation calling upon Christ for help. Is that theme carried through consistently enough to give unity? (2) That the metaphors are constantly changing and crossing each other in such a way as to cause confusion. Thus Christ is at once a Refuge from a storm at sea, a Pilot into port, an overshadowing Wing, a good Physician, and finally a Fountain of life. What is to be said in explanation or defense on this point? (3) That “ it has no procession. Every hymn should surely have a movement calm, solemn,, and continuous. These zig¬ zags are out of keeping with the nature of the com- JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL 43 position. They jar the mind of a reader and set him questioning where he is and where he is going.” Is it true that there is no development of thought in the hymn? Or is it just possible that there is really a con¬ tinuous “ procession ” of thought in which for some reason Mr. Gladstone’s mind has failed to join and has remained stationary? 2. Apart from criticism, the question has often been raised whether a lyric so tender and so deeply felt should be used in public worship or reserved for private devo¬ tion. Mr. Ellerton, the hymn writer, confesses that to him “ Jesus, Lover of my soul ” lies on the very border line between the two. An English bishop thinks it “ in¬ expressibly shocking ” to put such words into the mouth of a large and mixed gathering of people. Quaintly enough, actual investigation in the tramps’ ward proved this to be one of three hymns most popular with English tramps. The other two are “ Lead, kindly Light ” and “ Abide with me.” 3. John Wesley was surely right in objecting to fa¬ miliarity and fondling expressions in our hymns. Might it not be well if some of our modern gospel songs were submitted to that test? It is, however, a question how far these objections apply to the first two lines of this hymn. Charles Wesley used “ Lover ” in the divine and not our human sense, taking it from the apocryphal book, The Wisdom of Solomon: “ But thou sparest all, because they are Thine, O Lord, Thou Lover of souls.” The imagery of the second line is that of St. John lying on the bosom of his Lord. It is true, however, that we are not all St. Johns. A host of editors have proposed alterations of these lines, and have succeeded in com¬ pletely spoiling the poetry of them. 44 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 4. The editors have also tried their hand on the third line. Some of us remember when “ While the billows near me roll ” was the familiar reading. Is there any occasion for alteration? Dr. Julian says: “In life, as in nature, storms are local. One ship may be dashed hither and thither by the fury of the nearer waters, whilst another is sleeping in the far distance on a throb¬ less sea. Men cry for help, not against dangers which are both distant and undefined, but out of the depths of their immediate troubles.” 5. The Hymnal revised is one of the very few books that print the whole of these five verses just as “ W ” wrote them. The custom is to omit the third verse. But then the third verse is exceptionally good. And if we wish a four-verse hymn, is it not worth while to consider the dropping out of the fourth verse and the retaining of this? V CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY KING THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 Children of the heavenly King, As ye journey, sweetly sing; Sing your Saviour’s worthy praise. Glorious in His works and ways. 2 We are traveling home to God In the way the fathers trod; They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. 3 Shout, ye little flock and blest; You on Jesus’ throne shall rest; There your seat is now prepared. There your kingdom and reward. 4 Lift your eyes, ye sons of light, Zion’s city is in sight; There our endless home shall be, There our Lord we soon shall see. 5 Fear not, brethren; joyful stand On the borders of your land; Jesus Christ, your Father’s Son, Bids you undismayed go on. 6 Lord, obediently we go, Gladly leaving all below; Only Thou our Leader be, And we still will follow Thee. Rev. John Cennick, 1742 45 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 46 Note: The text here given is abridged (to its great gain) from the twelve verses of the original as printed by Cennick, in the third part of his Sacred Hymns for the Children of God, in the days of their pilgrimage, London, 1742. The verses selected are the original first, second, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth, printed without change, except of spelling and punctuation. This is one of the earlier hymns of the great eighteenth century revival, written by an eager young convert, John Cennick. He became a Methodist lay preacher first of all, but soon ranged himself with Whitefield as opposed to Wesley’s theology. In the end he found his true home among the most simple-hearted of all God’s people, the Moravians. CENNICK’S STRANGE EXPERIENCE When Cennick printed his first little book of hymns he prefixed a sort of confession or spiritual auto¬ biography. It began, “Perhaps it may not be unuseful for some of those, who may read the following Verses, to know the Manner wherein GOD has dealt with the Soul of him who wrote them.” That is still good advice to us if we wish to study Cennick’s, or indeed any of the hymns of the great Revival. Those eighteenth- century hymns are different from most later hymns. They are the outpourings of converts who have passed through such stru 0 gles in finding peace that ever after¬ wards spiritual experiences seemed to them the most real thing in life, and the inward state of one’s soul the only thing that mattered much. The common feature of these experiences, but the feature hardest for an easy¬ going twentieth century Christian to understand, is the dark despairs and acute agonies they had to endure CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY KING 47 under the grip of “ the conviction of sin.” Some of them were reduced to a disorder of mind and body close to the borders of insanity; but one and all of these con¬ verts credited not only their deliverance but their suffer¬ ings also to the hand of God. Cennick’s case was peculiar only in the degree of his sufferings and in his ability to express the joy of his deliverance. He was born in the English town of Reading on Decem¬ ber 12, 1718, being eleven years younger than Charles Wesley. His family was respectable but somewhat im¬ poverished. His mother trained him carefully in the ways of Church of England religion, and the child appears to have been unusually assiduous in attending St. Laurence’s Church. What he and many like him seem to have gained from the religious training of the time was a conscience made sensitive by the fear of penalties, and a constant dread of God that spoiled one’s pleasures but was not allayed by observing church ordinances. When Cennick went up to London to learn a trade he fell, no doubt, into more careless ways of living; until, while walking in Cheapside one day in 1735, he was suddenly stricken down with an overwhelming sense of sin, as though felled by God’s hand. He sank at once into an abject fear and hopeless despondency, from which through two bitter years he found no escape. Within his conscience seared like a hot iron; without “ everything seemed strange and wild,” and there was no refuge in heaven or earth. He longed to hide himself in some lonely cave and to sustain life on acorns and leaves; hoping indeed that he might not sustain it and yet afraid of the death he craved. He tried fasting, and in his weakened condition began to see apparitions and to hear approaching footfalls of the Devil. He 48 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS shrank from the faces of men, and thought men shrank from him and that friends grew cold. Finally—it was in August, 1737 — he resolved in his despair to cast himself on God’s mercy and leave the rest with Him. Still waiting on Him in dejection, at home one day in September, he heard “ the Saint’s Bell CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY KING 49 ring at St. Laurence’s Church for Prayers.” He felt constrained to attend. “ Near the end of the Psalms, when these Words were read: Great are the Troubles of the Righteous but the LORD delivereth him out of them all! And he that putteth his Trust in GOD shall not be destitute: I had just Room to think, Who can be more destitute than me? when I was overwhelmed with Joy, I believed there was Mercy. My Heart danced for Joy, and my dying Soul reviv’d! I heard the Voice of JESUS saying, I am thy Salvation. I no more groaned under the Weight of Sin. The Fear of Hell was taken away, and being sensible that CHRIST loved me, and died for me, 1 rejoiced in GOD, my SAVIOUR.” So sudden a change brings its own perplexities. Cennick found help in Whitefield’s newly printed Journal, and sought the counsel of both him and John Wesley. They encouraged him and found a position for him as a teacher in a school for coal miners’ children at Kingswood. There he at once began to preach to the miners and attained what, historically speaking, is his special distinction: he was in all probability the first of the “ lay preachers ” of Methodism. “HYMNS FOR THE CHILDREN OF GOD ” George Whitefield, and not Wesley, had been the original field preacher, and in the early days of the revival the two men had worked hand in hand. But in 1739, after Whitefield had gone to America on his revival tour, the Wesleys put out a pamphlet bitterly attacking the Calvinistic doctrine of Predestination. “ My dear Brothers,” Whitefield wrote, “ why did you f 50 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS throw out the bone of contention ? ” It was a bone of contention indeed. Soon afterward John Wesley notes a marked change in Cennick’s manner toward him. When Whitefield came home from America in 1741, the rift widened into a permanent breach between the Methodists and Calvinists, with Whitefield as the leader of the Calvinists. Cennick broke with the Wesleys, became a helper in Whitefield’s revival work, and so continued for four years. He had begun to write hymns while a Methodist, but it was during those four years that he printed all of his hymns which are now remembered. In emulation of the Wesleys on the Methodist side, it may have been; but whether so or not, he was for those years as indus¬ trious a maker of hymns as was Charles Wesley himself, printing very nearly five hundred. Cennick began to print his hymns in 1741 as Sacred Hymns for the Children of God, in the days of their pilgrimage. So rapid was his production that a second and a third part appeared in 1742. In the year following he published in two parts Sacred Hymns for the use of Religious Societies. Generally composed in DIA¬ LOGUES. By societies he meant companies of people who met together, apart from the church services, to cultivate the religious life. By “ dialogues ” he meant what we call singing antiphonally or responsively. He had in mind the Moravian custom of arranging the people in separate choirs, according to age or sex: one choir singing the first line or lines of each verse, the other responding with the line or lines following. And in his little book he made this practicable by printing some lines of the verses in roman type, and some in italics; like this: CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY KING 51 “ We sing to Thee, Thou Son of GOD! Who Sav’d us by thy Grace: We praise Thee, Son of Man! whose Blood Redeem’d our fallen Race.” The Moravians already had formed societies in Lon¬ don, and very evidently Cennick was being attracted toward them, just as John Wesley was; but in Cennick’s case it was the call of the blood inherited from a Mora¬ vian ancestry and still at work through the quaint compellings of heredity. Cennick did not resist the call. He left Whitefield and joined the Moravians. His later years were spent partly in the spread of Moravianism in England and Ireland, and partly in visiting Germany. He came back to London in great feebleness in June of 1755, and on the fourth of July died there. He was a man “ rather below the middle stature,” Rev. Matthew Wilks says, “ of a fair countenance, but of a fairer mind. A good understanding, an open temper, and a tender heart characterized the man.” He was distinguished by “ unaffected humility, deadness to the ■world, a life of communion with God, and a cheerful reliance on a crucified Saviour.” All of which is a good hearing. If John Wesley dubbed Cennick “ that weak man,” we can understand it. A follower who vacillates is always weak to a great and single-hearted leader. THE STORY OF THE HYMN Of Cennick’s familiar hymns, the one we are now studying appeared in 1742 in the third part of the Sacred Hymns for the Children of God. “ We sing to Thee, Thou Son of God ” appeared a year later in Hymns STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 52 for the use of Religious Societies. Whitefield liked Cennick’s hymns, and liked his idea of singing in “ Dialogue.’’ It was because Whitefield put these two and others of Cennick’s hymns into the hymn book he made for his London Tabernacle in 1753 that they became so widely known and sung. Cennick was very modest about his hymns. “ Of either good poetry, or fine language therein, indeed there is none. A Child wrote them, who is but a young Stu¬ dent in CHRIST’S school ” But they were intended to be songs and not tracts in verse. Cennick was a great believer in “ the ministry of song.” It would not be possible to connect our present hymn, or any other of Cennick’s hymns, with any particular outward event or special experience of his life. Never¬ theless we cannot catch the spiritual beauty of this hymn of courage and good cheer until we connect it with the life Cennick was leading. Truly these itinerant preachers of Wesley and Whitefield had a hard time of it — in journeyings often, in weariness and painfulness, in hunger and thirst, and, most of all, in perils from their own countrymen. Their own countrymen, even the best of them, thought them disturbers of the settled order, and the ruder, illiterate element of the people seems to have hated them and their gospel instinctively. Wherever these preachers went, they were met and sur¬ rounded by a rough and often brutal hostility, some¬ times egged on by the local authorities, including even the clergy. In June, 1741, Cennick went with some friends to preach at Swindon. But before he could begin, he writes, the mob “ fired guns over our heads, holding the muzzles so near our faces, that Howell Harris and CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY KING 53 myself were both made as black as tinkers with the powder. We were not affrighted, but opened our breasts, telling them we were ready to lay down our lives for our doctrine. Then they got dust out of the highway, and covered us all over; and then played an engine upon us, which they filled out of the stinking ditches. While they played upon brother Harris, I preached; and, when they turned the engine upon me, he preached. This continued till they spoiled the engine; and then they threw whole buckets of water and mud over us. Mr. Goddard, a leading gentleman of the town, lent the mob his guns, halberd, and engine, and bade them use us as badly as they could, only not to kill us; and he himself sat on horseback the whole time, laughing to see us thus treated.” It is such experiences as these, of the very time when our hymn was written, that make its actual setting. And out of them it shines in all of its spiritual beauty — the pluck of an unconquerable purpose, the serenity of an untroubled faith, the good cheer of an incorruptible hope. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION i. The literary critics are not always very kind to our hymns. But we must not hit back and say that the critics themselves are not so spiritual-minded as they ought to be. Sometimes they may be right. As Mr. Toplady said, in the preface to his hymn book in 1776: “God is the God of Truth, of Holiness, and of Elegance. Whoever, therefore, has the honor to com¬ pose, or to compile, anything that may constitute a part of His worship, should keep those three particulars, con¬ stantly, in view.” It may be that some of our hymns are not worthy of the God of Elegance. 54 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS It is, then, comforting to know that Mr. Palgrave, Professor of Poetry at Oxford, and editor of The Golden Treasury — still generally regarded as the standard of our lyrical poetry — did not hesitate to include these six verses of Cennick’s in his later Treasury of Sacred Song. These six, it may be added, are only the half of the original hymn. But they are the better half. 2. These studies are not intended to be “ preachy.” (The writer once read a sermon on this hymn preached by Canon Duncan at St. Stephen’s, Newcastle-upon- Tyne; and he still likes the hymn.) But with his readers’ consent he would venture to say that in his opinion the injunction in the second line of this hymn is as good advice as we are likely to get in this world. The road to heaven is not so hard for most of us as Cennick found it; but it is never easy going. And he who can meet the hard places with a song is the best traveler. And that is the great argument in favor of committing hymns to memory. You cannot always carry The Hymnal in your grip “ as ye journey.” 3. May not Cennick’s hymn be ranged with Watts’s “ There is a land of pure delight,” as one of the un¬ doubtedly wholesome hymns dealing with the hope of heaven? It is, at all events, one of the few hymns on that subject which young people generally have liked to sing. Of course the buoyant melody, arranged from a movement in an instrumental quartet by Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, helps to keep the hymn alive. Pleyel was an Austrian, and it is odd that the tune was for a century called “German Hymn ” by most people. Cennick’s hymn may also be compared with Williams’ “ Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah,” as being a dif¬ ferent treatment of the journey of the Children of Israel CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY KING 55 to the promised country. Williams’ hymn is a prayer for help from the dangers and difficulties of the road. Cennick pictures a sunny-hearted pilgrim, who thinks nothing of the perils of the road in view of the glory beyond that shines on them. But Watts, to get back to “ There is a land of pure delight,” leaves the Children of Israel appraising the width of Jordan from its bank where they are gathered, while he climbs the hill with Moses to “ view the landscape o’er.” VI CHRISTIANS, AWAKE! SALUTE THE HAPPY MORN THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 Christians, awake! salute the happy morn, Whereon the Saviour of the world was born; Rise to adore the mystery of love, Which hosts of angels chanted from above; With them the joyful tidings first begun Of God Incarnate and the Virgin’s Son. 2 Then to the watchful shepherds it was told, Who heard the angelic herald’s voice: “ Behold, I bring good tidings of a Saviour’s birth To you and all the nations upon earth: This day hath God fulfilled His promised word; This day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord.” 3 He spake: and straightway the celestial choir In hymns of joy, unknown before, conspire; The praises of redeeming love they sang, And heaven’s whole orb with alleluias rang: God’s highest glory was their anthem still, Peace upon earth, and mutual good will. 4 O may we keep and ponder in our mind God’s wondrous love in saving lost mankind; Trace we the Babe, who has retrieved our loss, From His poor manger to His bitter cross; Treading His steps, assisted by His grace, Till man’s first heavenly state again takes place. 56 CHRISTIANS, AWAKE! SALUTE THE HAPPY MORN 57 5 Then may we hope, the angelic thrones among, To sing, redeemed, a glad triumphal song; He that was born upon this joyful day Around us all His glory shall display; Saved by His love, incessant we shall sing Eternal praise to heaven’s Almighty King. Arranged from a Christmas poem of John Byrom, 1750; verse 4, line 1; verse 5, line 6, altered Two of our familiar Christmas hymns are associated with the Methodist side of the eighteenth century re¬ vival and with the Wesleys themselves. One of the friends whose help they asked in preparing their first hymn book after they had returned from Georgia was Dr. John Byrom; and he is the author of “ Christians, awake! ” The other Christmas hymn, “ Hark! the herald angels sing,” was printed by the Wesleys themselves, in 1739, in the earliest of the three collections they named Hymns and Sacred Poems . JOHN BYROM AND HIS POEMS There is no need of a lingering look at Dr. Byrom’s portrait to assure us that he was what is called a charac¬ ter. From under the low slouched hat with its rim pro¬ jecting like the prow of a racing yacht, the bewigged head bends forward in an inquisitive intentness; and the face is as striking as the hat, with a ruminating look in the eye and a very whimsical but not unkindly mouth. One notes the crook-handled cane and wonders what the color of the long coat may have been. It must have been a very long coat, for Byrom was con¬ spicuously tall. He speaks in his diary of taking walks with John Wesley. Now Wesley was rather short and 58 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS slight, dressed in conventional clerical clothes, and a model of neatness, so that the couple walking side by side must have presented something of a spectacle. Underneath these oddities Byrom was very much a gentleman and something of a scholar, a devoted hus¬ band and affectionate father, a loyal friend in fair weather and foul; and in spite of a gift of bubbling humor, he walked the earth in a sort of reverential awe that made life very sacred and God very near. He was the son of a linen merchant of Manchester, England, near which city he was born in February, 1692 ; and was thus eighteen years younger than Isaac Watts and eleven years older than John Wesley. The biographical dictionaries sum him up as “ poet and stenographer,” and he was already both of these while still at college in Cambridge. While there he invented a new system of shorthand, and also printed in The Spectator for October 6, 1714, a playful pastoral poem called “ Colin and Phoebe,” which attracted more atten¬ tion and admiration than anything he wrote afterwards. When through college he went to the continent to study medicine, and though he never won his diploma he was called “ Doctor ” for the rest of his life. Byrom returned to England in *7*18 *amd married a cousin. His elder brother had inherited the family property, and he started to earn a living by teaching his shorthand. His pupils paid him five guineas and swore an oath to keep the secret of his system. They liked him and no doubt had their fun out of him, calling him “ the Grand Master ”; and among them were some very distinguished men. Between Byrom and the Wesleys were two bonds — a common love of shorthand and of religion. Charles ? f-t/V/* tf ft 7 w/a // 4-v ■7/ .'/// / DR. JOHN BYROM 60 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Wesley adopted Byrom’s system at a very early date, and soon persuaded John to adopt it. Many of their hymns, the diary of Charles, and the vast and invaluable “ Journal ” of John Wesley, were all written in Byrom’s shorthand. There was not only a warm friendship between the men, but a religious sympathy deeper than the differ¬ ences of their temperaments and theological views. Byrom was known at Manchester as a High Churchman and a Jacobite — an adherent of the Pretender as against the king. But he did not allow his church- manship to interfere with his wide religious sympathies. It is indeed probable that his deep spirituality alien¬ ated him from the average clergy of that day and pre¬ vented him from becoming a clergyman himself. He was at heart a mystic, caring more about real personal relations with God than about systems of theology or church organizations. He never became a Methodist, and probably never had the peculiar type of religious experience that the great revival produced. But he was sympathetic with the religious work of the Wesleys, at¬ tended their services frequently, and was their warm friend in days when so many despised and ridiculed them. The Wesleys consulted him about their first collection of hymns of 1738 and asked him to contribute some. He responded with excellent advice and with transla¬ tions of two French mystical hymns. One of these seems to have been the “Come, Saviour Jesus! from above,” that became a well-known Methodist hymn and is in use up to the present day. It may be that John Wesley’s hand touched it up here and there, as was his way. It is not likely that Byrom helped the Wesleys CHRISTIANS, AWAKE! SALUTE THE HAPPY MORN 6l in actual religious activities. Meditation and study and debate were more to his taste than activity. He liked to do his own thinking and to cultivate lettered ease; to let the world wag while he contemplated it with what he calls in one of his poems “calm content.” In 1740 Byrom’s brother died and he inherited the family property. Henceforward shorthand was rather a hobby than a means of livelihood, and he had all the more time for writing poetry. He had always had a gift for meter and for rhyming, and it got so that he seemed to think in verse, as Mr. Henley puts it. Every subject he wanted to argue about or poke fun at seemed to him a suitable subject for poetry. Descriptions, nar¬ ratives, criticisms, speeches, essays, theological dis¬ quisitions as well as hymns — they were all in verse. It is fair, however, to remember that he wrote for the amusement of himself and friends and seldom printed his verses. They were not collected and published until after his death. His versifying, as he grew older, be¬ came more and more religious in its character, and it came to an end only with a long illness. He died on September 26, 1763, and his poems were published in two volumes at Manchester in 1773. On July 12 of that year John Wesley read them on a journey from Liverpool to Birmingham, and was de¬ lighted with them. He said they showed all the wit of Dean Swift, with more learning and piety, and expressed some of the finest sentiments that ever appeared in English arrayed in the strongest colors of poetry. The present writer owns a copy of the same edition of the poems that Mr. Wesley read, but has not found there all that he did. The wit and learning and piety are all there, and the charm of a quaint personality, but the 62 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS “ colors of poetry ” have faded out somewhat. Byrom’s verse will have few readers nowadays, but he will be remembered by one of the wittiest of epigrams: “ God bless the King, I mean the Faith’s Defender; God bless — no Harm in blessing — the Pretender; But who Pretender is, or who is King, God bless us all — that’s quite another Thing.” He will be remembered also by this Christmas carol that may very likely be sung as long as the celebration of that day survives among English-speaking people. “ CHRISTMAS DAY FOR DOLLY ” On the walls of the librarian’s room of the Chetham Library at Manchester hangs the neatly framed original manuscript of Byrom’s Christmas poem, on a very crowded sheet of note paper. It bears the title “ Christ¬ mas Day for Dolly.” And from this poem, by omitting some of the lines and arranging the remainder into verses which can be sung, our Christmas hymn, “ Chris¬ tians, awake! ” has been made. Francis Arthur Jones, in his Famous Hymns and their Authors, tells an attractive little story about the poem. “ It was written in 1745, and the story of its composition is a pretty tale. John Byrom, the author, had several children, but, like many another father, he had his favorite. This child was a little girl named Dolly, who afterwards became Mrs. * Dorothy Byrom. A few days prior to Christmas, 1745, Mr. Byrom, after having had a romp with the favored Dolly, promised to write her something for Christmas Day. It was to * Used, at that period, as a courtesy title. Mjsx, At fit fo cuftrre f&c My/ftsy^ftf t&/t/cr*itoW*n~ 1 ' ft- /o tfce UtodtAjuM J/UeferM/if On/ Joi^ «* 0 'v. jU > „ 71 7 ¥ticLn4f of M& do. % Atfh.CthiHx /frtujiA &ne)Ai{krbm. \ Jo JtC A£>. f/Ml ("ft jf fiCir Azineu#' a/ Kc ilnfcf JalM C /j^l. t ^ /*M>*VQ.,A MiaJ in Mn-lftInf C> hi) "* ' ^ S&tftf y /ftory X- dl/ftrefj ,..a H-CiK<-tr yCo-ry A >aj TauW jukfiu+ri <1 ^praM. o/'en? IxcMffc * € hm>p 'Idtxt, f-i hhv'ix-n: 'L>ftJ tumt. vAtSe/il jw,f fAc y dvo / ft ft * , ■ / • , 7~\ 1’. woifU' srtxxrh ajslj potn-arif Mtcnecdftrttl’tc* /> , O /J - ■ ftt //.. s UstnMJzj . a/, i*Tc-?urrcHA/ Jhr>y u r*y. t i?/zx cmJm - ^‘ Cirrpdtf;tf({lbii;tfUubiiJy-ftiMift v 4 mv f Jlc ftfyl- ClpiAvtu sr^ -ytf tk ftini ja/nc /J ^ f Ma,r-f A&pT if’ fr&nj&rx} tft Aarj/ea.)/- ytx PypJn a? * 6 'Mi. tAjiUH/e/nfat/- (Ml ft' P-CX-rff hMcHi/PAn'McA Mm » At PiJ ufic M/JL. ftrox r PcfiPrft ffr-n efAfi'ey. Jur nMcfu.il l*rtce/ to pwcuum’Me- ftp Ml fix- Ml a n/ fe Mu/ pcfher//} ourt/U/M 'od/ hnndr/uj Mnk in Jaui/iy (ivlpwdoM dTlt ' - ' " * '■ Hi" ' " ‘ fr) “ / l>*Ufh Jc ml fl Mry **■ prate n* tic* dJ>x «V AJAJd±)rf/net/ooutf}. pnrhi 4 (> poor Manner rc/pfv M Aim /?>& A-*/ UU> lxu/e tf/imM/,, d i’r lan. mf Guide me, 0 Thou Great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land; p I am weak {eves) but Thou art mighty. Hold tne with Thy powerful hand: / Bread of heaven, Feed me now and evermore. THE HYMN AS SET IN THE HYMNAL OF THE CALVINISTIC METHODIST CHURCH (Note that the fifth line is sung three times.) 78 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS matic force. It wants a tune with a thrill in it. Of the tunes provided in The Hymnal revised, Lowell Mason’s “ Oliphant ” begins impressively, but soon goes all to pieces; Viner’s “ Dismissal ” is easy to sing, but does not appeal to the imagination and the feelings as the words do. It seems as if their true setting were yet to seek. But might not our search end happily with the tune “ Caersalem,” here printed? It is the tune to which the original hymn is sung in Wales itself. The Welsh people have understood it better than we have. We have thought of it as timid and pathetic; they have thought of it as resolute and confident. And in their tune we hear the trumpeters at the head of the march¬ ing host sounding forth the clear call of faith, and can catch the response from every quickened heart, “ I am weak, but Thou are mighty, Hold me with Thy powerful hand.” 3. In translating his hymn for Lady Huntingdon’s college, Williams added a fourth verse, which reads: “ Musing on my habitation, Musing on my heav’nly home, Fills my soul with holy longings: Come, my Jesus, quickly come; Vanity is all I see; Lord, I long to be with Thee! ” That the addition spoils the hymn is perhaps hardly a topic for discussion. It is as if the new verse said, “ I was not really marching in the open: only meditating here in my study.” 4. What is the meaning of “ Death of deaths and hell’s Destruction”? And should “Destruction” be capital¬ ized ? Was Mr. Horder, whom we have already referred GUIDE ME, O THOU GREAT JEHOVAH 79 to, justified in saying that the hymn is “ disfigured by the unpoetic line, ‘ Death of deaths and hell’s destruc¬ tion ’ ” ? The phrase seems certainly to have worried a good many people who either did not understand it or else did not like it. The hymnal of the American Methodists has cut the line out and substituted “ Bear me through the swelling current.” VIII LORD, I AM THINE, ENTIRELY THINE THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 Lord, I am Thine, entirely Thine, Purchased and saved by blood Divine; With full consent Thine I would be, And own Thy sovereign right in me. 2 Grant one poor sinner more a place Among the children of Thy grace; A wretched sinner lost to God, But ransomed by Emmanuel’s blood. 3 Thine would I live, Thine would I die. Be Thine through all eternity: The vow is past beyond repeal; Now will I set the solemn seal. 4 Here, at that cross where flows the blood That bought my guilty soul for God, Thee my new Master now I call, And consecrate to Thee my all. Rev. Samuel Davies. Published 1769 Note: The hymn was written in Virginia before 1759, but first printed in Dr. Gibbons’ London hymn book after Davies’ death (1769). The four verses given above are taken from that book: three other verses there found are quoted under “ Some Points for Discussion.” 80 LORD, 1 AM THINE, ENTIRELY THINE 8 l THE BEGINNINGS OF HYMN SINGING AMONG AMERICAN PRESBYTERIANS Whitefield, in his zeal to spread the great revival, made no more of the long voyage to the American colonies than of crossing the border into Wales. Seven times he came, and on his seventh missionary tour died of exhaustion in the home of the Presbyterian pastor at Newburyport, Massachusetts, and was buried be¬ neath the Presbyterian church there. An elaborate cenotaph stands foursquare beside the pulpit, and in the crypt beneath they still show you Whitefield’s skull and bones within the glass lid of his coffin, shrined like “ the relics ” of a saint. Sitting in the church one Sunday of the summer of 1922 the writer tried to picture those wonderful evan¬ gelistic tours of the great preacher: the posting from town to town without rest; the stir of arrival with the eager greetings of his sympathizers pressing close, and from the background cold looks, even occasionally a stone; the quickly gathering throng so soon under the spell of his oratory, sometimes so wrought upon that their cries of distress almost drowned that marvelous voice; the flames of religious excitement rising higher and spreading from place to place into a conflagration that seemed to cover the land. For his heart-searching gospel was a sword rather than a message of peace. It “ set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother ” and disrupted the house¬ holds of faith. Most of the edifices of his own Church of England and many of other denominations shut their doors against him; and the Presbyterian Church was rent into two rival and contentious synods, the one of 82 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS his supporters, the other of his opponents. It mattered little about the closing of the churches, for no building could hold the throngs, no opposition could quench the flames of the revival that spread into a “ Great Awak¬ ening ” which changed the face of American religion; most of all, perhaps, the face of American Presbyterian¬ ism. Presbyterians of our time seem hardly aware of the influence of Whitefield in unmaking and remaking their Church. Sitting that day in the Newburyport church the writer looked at Whitefield’s monument, but it seemed to him that the hymn books in every pew were an even greater monument. For it was that “ Great Awakening ” which turned the Presbyterian Church in America from a Psalm singing into a hymn singing Church. They were still conscientiously singing the old metrical Psalms (“ Rous’s Version ” mostly) when Whitefield came and stirred men’s hearts to the depths with his impassioned gospel. To such overcharged feelings singing affords a natural relief. But both preacher and hearers felt that this new preaching and the old metrical Psalmody did not fit. As Whitefield and his helpers made the cross to shine before men’s eyes, their hearts demanded songs that caught and reflected the glory of that cross. Wher¬ ever the revival spread, a spontaneous movement began to substitute the evangelical Psalms and hymns of Dr. Watts for the familiar Psalm versions. In the Presby¬ terian churches that movement began early. It met vio¬ lent opposition and roused that bitter “ Psalmody Con¬ troversy ” which makes one of the epochs of that Church’s history. But it never halted until, after years of strife and even disruption, it had borne down the opposition of “ the Psalm singers ” and made that LORD, I AM THINE, ENTIRELY THINE 83 Church the hymn singing body it is to-day. We who love hymns as one of God’s best gifts might well pause to remember how hardly our fathers won for us the right to sing them. For that is true of all denominations that bear the impress of Calvin’s hand. THE FIRST HYMNS OF AMERICAN PRESBY¬ TERIANISM The hymn we are studying is one of the landmarks of the movement just described. It was written by Samuel Davies, the most brilliant of Presbyterian clergymen in the colonies. He was among the first to chafe under the yoke of the old Psalmody and on his own responsi¬ bility to introduce human hymns into his services. He was the earliest Presbyterian hymn writer in the col¬ onies. More than that, he was the earliest American hymn writer of any denomination who wrote hymns still kept in our hymn books and sung by our congre¬ gations. The story of the hymn takes us into Virginia. And we may think of Virginia as the colony most nearly a reproduction of eighteenth century England — in its laws and institutions, its moral conditions and social prejudices. Among other things the English Church was established and rigorously upheld both by law and custom. It was bad form socially to be a dissenter, and unlawful for dissenters to meet for worship. When Whitefield came he was received as a minister of the Church of England, but (perhaps for that reason) his work there was less effective than elsewhere. It seems to have been a “ one-eyed Robinson ” who kindled the spark of revival. And a few of “ the awak¬ ened,” who found no help in religion as established, be- 84 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS gan about 1743 to meet in the home of Samuel Morris to listen to his reading of Whitefield’s printed sermons. Similar gatherings began in other houses, and it was eventually determined to build meeting-houses in which the gospel might be freely preached. The “ Newly awakened in Hanover County ” put themselves under the care of the “ Newside Presby¬ terians,” as Whitefield’s supporters were called. But Church and State took alarm. The court demanded the reasons for absence from the church services, and the Governor issued an order against the meetings of the “ New Lights.” While their trials were still pending the Presbytery of Newcastle, Delaware, ordained young Samuel Davies with a view to shepherding these new congregations. He succeeded in getting from the Gen¬ eral Court of Virginia a special license to preach to them, and was wonderfully successful with two extreme classes, the gentlemen and the black slaves. He was so touched by the singing of the latter that he sent to England for supplies of Watts’s “ Psalms and Hymns,” as he felt those warmer evangelical strains made more appeal to the emotional blacks than the old metrical Psalm versions. To Davies, as to most of the preachers who favored “ human hymns,” the great office of the hymn was to enforce the appeal of the sermon. When he could not find a hymn in Watts suitable to the ser¬ mon in hand, he wrote one of his own in Watts’s style and manner. His hymns were composed in the glow of sermon-writing, and put into verse the points he most wished to impress upon the heart and conscience. He gave them out line by line to be sung after the sermon, and sometimes when requested to print a particular sermon, he printed the appropriate hymn also at the end. SAMUEL DAVIES 86 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Most of his hymns, and of course most of his sermons also, remained unprinted during his life. But Davies, while in England on a mission to raise money for Princeton College, had formed a warm friendship with Dr. Thomas Gibbons, an influential pastor in London, and a friend by the way both of Dr. Watts and Lady Huntingdon. In 1757, Davies, getting up from a dan¬ gerous illness, wrote Dr. Gibbons that he wanted to be useful after he was dead, and had put in his will an order to transmit all his sermon manuscripts to Dr. Gibbons, to publish such as might promise to do good. And so, after Davies’ death in 1761, his manuscript ser¬ mons (with the appended hymns) were boxed up in Princeton and made the long voyage to England in safety. Dr. Gibbons got ready enough sermons to fill three volumes, and printed them in 1765. They were so success¬ ful that he published other volumes later, and all have often been reprinted since. In his preface he spoke of the hymns and expressed a purpose of printing them also in the future. This he did in a hymn book of his own, Hymns adapted to Divine Worship, published in 1769: sixteen of them in all with this note, “ The Pieces in the following Miscellany ascribed to the Rev. Mr. Davies, were found in his Manuscripts intrusted with the Editor.” So it was that eight years after Davies had been laid to rest at Princeton his hymns were given to the world in far-off London, as the last kindly office of the hand of friendship. Dr. Gibbons’ hymn book reached a small circle, but Dr. John Rippon gave a wider circulation to seven of Davies’ hymns he took from it into his popular Baptist Selection of 1787. The particular hymn we are now LORD, I AM THINE, ENTIRELY THINE 87 studying he spoiled by cutting it down to two verses and changing the first line to a question, “ Lord, am I Thine, entirely Thine ? ” Perhaps that is why it is so little used in England. The one best known there is “ Great God of wonders! all Thy ways,” which has been found in over a hundred English hymn books. Rippon’s muti¬ lated text of the present hymn was copied into several early books in this country. But when the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. ventured to make its own Psalms and Hymns in 1830, “ Lord, I am Thine ” was included as Dr. Gibbons had printed it. It has been a standard hymn ever since and is familiarly used also by the Re¬ formed, Baptist, Congregationalist, Methodist, and Luth¬ eran Churches. In how many hearts is it tenderly as¬ sociated with the hour of self-surrender and the scene of the first Communion! THE AUTHOR OF THE HYMN Some twenty-three miles below Wilmington, in New¬ castle County, Delaware, stands a colonial Presbyterian church known as “ Old Drawyer’s,” which is still the shrine of a yearly pious pilgrimage. On a farm not more than twelve miles away Samuel Davies was born, November 3, 1723, of plain Welsh parents. He was educated at the academy of Samuel Blair at Fagg’s Manor, who also prepared him for his ordination by the Presbytery of Newcastle in February, 1747. Davies’ work in Virginia was made difficult at first by a physical breakdown supposed to indicate a hopeless stage of consumption, and to this was added the sorrow of a young wife’s death. But he went bravely on, often preaching by day when so ill that attendants had to sit 88 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS up with him by night. He recovered his health, and it was probably on account of his persuasive eloquence that he was chosen to go abroad with Gilbert Tennent on behalf of Princeton College. Coming back in February, 1755, he found the Virginia settlements greatly agitated at the aggressions of the French and Indian alliance. The alarm spread when, in July, the little army of General Braddock sent out to capture Fort Duquesne was defeated, with only a rem¬ nant saved by the courage of George Washington, then a youth of twenty-three. The always fervid preacher now became a passionate patriot, arousing Virginia by his call to arms. It was in printing a sermon preached to Captain Over¬ ton’s Company of Independent Volunteers in August of the same year that Davies added the prophetic footnote so often quoted, “ I may point out to the public that heroic youth, Col. Washington, whom I cannot but hope Providence has hitherto preserved, in so signal a manner, for some important service to his country.” Three years later Davies was called to succeed the famous Jonathan Edwards as president of Princeton College. He declined and only under the pressure of a re- election consented to leave his beloved Virginia. He took to Princeton great gifts and a great reputation, but had filled the office hardly more than eighteen months when he caught a cold to which he succumbed, dying on February 4, 1761, at the age of thirty-six. His grave now makes one of the famous Presidents’ Row at Prince¬ ton, where he lies next to Jonathan Edwards. Davies was not only the most brilliant but quite the most engaging figure of colonial Presbyterianism. Ma- kemie may have been a greater administrator, but one T* ^ V~> **•*1 the; in heart none may draw hack; So t.. It v*c ne’er Ms favours lack, But fed ihsn ever new s Pres” oss, and we the prise frets! win; Unfold to him t'-h sjriei witMa; lis's, ever Wet true, - ITT Htr.F. my Jefus Pm poflcfTtng, W <;, t t’s the foppinclt I know ; While Jtl«4M|l» i am carmng, S-.v eteft odours round me flow ; Happy I'm in his embraces. Proving aft Ms bullsJvvcet; Singing ncctr-ec-Mfog praifb, Mary dike before bis feet, 1 . Oh! bow happy ate the moments, U'bkh 1 here in U.mfport fpcud; Life deriving bom Ms torments, Vbo remains die firmer'* FrfcnJ a Here ill lit lot ever viewing How the blood flows from cadi vein ’» Lv’ry bream, my foul bedewing, Mortihes the carnal iUnac. 3. Really bkfil’d is the fortion Deftin'd me by iovYeigo grace; Still to view divine eompaihon In the Saviour’- brttifei face; Tu my fixed reiulutlon jefus Chriti my Lord to love* At Ms feet to no. my Nation, Hot from tbetue re bait’s breadth more. jf. Here it is 1 find my heaven, While vpoa my Lamb I gate; Love t much. T’ve more forgiven y I'M 3 Ojitael? of grace !. r ( 6i ) Fiil'd with firmer-like contrition. With my tears Ms feet I’ll bathe; Happy tit the fwcet fruition Qt‘ my Saviour's pmftfu* d^sth# a. From his pierc’d and wounded body ifftt'd 11 reams of facred gore ; From his bands and feet fo bloody Flow'd a roedelite for each fore; From Ids fide, that fountain precious. Pardons with the blood did flow; This to mile is mod delicious, Cattfing all within to glow. <5. May I 1U11 enjoy this feeling, In all need to Jefus go ; Prove his wounds each day more nealmg. And from hence latvation draw : May I have the fpirit'c unltion Ftfinig me with holy lhame ; Still retain a clofe eormefUon With the perfon of the Lamb. LV.^/fo J ESUS, how glorious was the day. When Thou didil my releafe proclaim Sweetly I furtg the hours away •, I lung lsdvatioit thro' thy name, i, i wonder’d how the carelefs crowd Senfekfo could deep away their day ; St> firoiig tby love in my heart flow'd, Such foiid peace it did convey . 3 . Clofe with thy flock I was combin’d^ Nought could my heart from their’* divide fcy blood’s cementing power join’d. With them i could have liv’d and dy’d, 4 . Beneath thy word refreih'd 1 flood; Thy word to me with power came; THE HYMN AS JAMES ALLEN WROTE IT IOO STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Among Allen’s contributions to the hymn book of 1757 was one of six double verses, beginning “While my Jesus I’m possessing.” We know it is his because he marked it with his initials in his own copy of the book. It was far from being good; and when the Inghamites were dispersed, and the little book was disowned by its editor, that hymn would seem to have been finally buried out of sight. But now the Hon. and Rev. Walter Shirley comes on to play his part. He was born in 1725 of noble blood: a younger brother of the notorious Earl Ferrers, who threatened his wife, murdered his steward, and was hanged after a trial by the House of Lords. Shirley was drawn into the revival movement through his connection with Lady Huntingdon. He became one of her preachers, although he remained in the Church of England all his life, with a parish in Ireland. But his evangelical the¬ ology and his revival preaching kept him in bad odor with his bishop and fellow clergymen. Lady Huntingdon trusted him, and seems to have given him charge of the hymnological department of her Connexion; but it was under her own eye. She attached great importance to the character of the hymns. If she did not write any (this is uncertain), she saw to it that none was sung in her chapels of which she did not approve. For the editing of her special collections she depended upon Mr. Shirley. It was in the 1770 edition of The Collection of Hymns sung in the Countess of Huntingdon’s Chapel [at Bath] that Shirley printed the hymn we know so well as “ Sweet the moments, rich in blessing.” Like a careful editor he had gone over other books to find available material, even the Inghamite SWEET THE MOMENTS, RICH IN BLESSING ioi book. By comparing Shirley’s verses with the facsimile of Allen’s original as here given, we can see for our¬ selves how he found the hymn embedded in Allen’s mate¬ rial, just as a sculptor sees a symmetrical figure embedded in the rough and shapeless mass of marble. He had a keen eye and a cunning hand, certainly. He made what for all practical purposes is a new hymn. As we have before us the full text as Allen wrote it, it may be interesting to have also the full text as Shirley rewrote it: Sweet the Moments rich in Blessing Which before the Cross I spend; Life and Health, and Peace possessing, From the Sinner’s dying Friend. Here I’ll sit for ever viewing Mercy’s Streams in Streams of Blood; Precious Drops my soul bedewing Plead and claim my Peace with GOD. Truly blessed is this Station Low before his Cross to lye; While I see divine Compassion Floating in his languid Eye. Here it is I find my Heaven, While upon the Lamb I gaze; Love I much, I’ve much forgiven, I’m a Miracle of Grace. Love and Grief my Heart dividing, With my Tears his Feet I’ll bathe; Constant still in Faith abiding, Life deriving from his Death. May I still enjoy this Feeling, In all Need to Jesus go; Prove his Wounds each Day more healing, And himself more deeply know. 102 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Comparison shows the weak parts of Shirley’s compila¬ tion to be just those that adhered most closely to Allen’s original: the second quatrain of verse two, culminating in that smug line, “ I’m a Miracle of Grace,” and the last four lines of all, which fail to reach a climax. It was easy for later editors to drop these lines, but to arrange a fitting climax for the whole hymn was another matter. That indeed was wanting until two English clergymen, Messrs. Cooke and Denton, in their Church Hymnal of 1853, added the fine lines: For Thy Sorrows we adore Thee — For the Griefs that wrought our peace — Gracious Saviour! we implore Thee, In our hearts Thy love increase. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. This is called by hymnologists a Good Friday hymn. Until recent years no notice was taken of that day in Presbyterian and some other churches. The observance of Good Friday came about as a consequence of the ob¬ servance of Easter Day. The writer can remember when Easter itself was ignored in Presbyterian churches. But when the celebration of Easter became firmly established, the question began to be asked: Is it not a strange thing for an evangelical Church, that puts the emphasis upon the cross, to celebrate the anniversary of the resurrection and ignore the anniversary of the crucifixion ? It was an awkward question. And when once asked, there could be only one logical answer. The recognition of Good Friday has been to some extent forced upon the churches in those states which had made it a legal holiday. It is better certainly to keep the anniversary as a holy day, SWEET THE MOMENTS, RICH IN BLESSING 103 with religious services, than as a Roman holiday given over to public amusements. It is, however, likely that the propriety of recognizing the day in Presbyterian churches may be a topic for discussion for years to come. It is also a subject for discussion, whether the present hymn might not well be reserved for use on some such special occasion, when our feelings are moved by the pathos of the cross. Is it not perhaps too tender in feeling to justify the familiar use it has had in everyday social services? 2. In the text, as printed in The Hymnal revised, there is a striking change when we pass from the “ I ” of the four Shirley verses to the “ we ” of the Cooke and Den¬ ton verse. Much has been written as to whether our congregational songs should have the “ I ” and “ my ” of an individual singer or the “ we ” and “ our ” of the congregation as a common body. And this hymn suggests an answer. It is as if each singer came alone to the cross, and there laid low his heart, all alone with Christ. And as if all the singers then arose and stood together at the cross in one common outburst of praise and adoration. 3. There are few meaner things in this world than plagiarism. Plagiarism is the stealing of the products of another’s brain, and giving them forth as our own. It is good, therefore, in tracing these verses to the little known original of the obscure James Allen, to remember that Shirley was quite innocent of plagiarism. He neither signed them nor claimed them as his own. His only ambition was to furnish his cousin’s chapels with good hymns. It is not even possible to say how many of these were written by himself. X ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power. 2 Not the labors of my hands Can fulfil Thy law’s demands; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears for ever flow, All for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone. 3 Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress, Helpless, look to Thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Saviour, or I die. 4 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyelids close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. Rev. Augustus M. Toplady, in The Gospel Magazine for March, 1776 Note: The text is that of Toplady’s own Psalms and Hymns of 1776, except in the second line of the last verse, whose alteration is explained under “ Some Points for Discussion.” 104 ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME I0 5 “ Rock of Ages ” was written by Augustus Montague Toplady, one of the converts of the same Methodist re¬ vival that produced “ Jesus, Lover of my soul.” But he had lost his sympathy with Wesley’s doctrinal views, turned his back on Methodism, and become a Church of England clergyman. Two things, however, he had kept in his heart — the fervor of the Methodists and their love for songs that had the glow of the gospel in them. He not only wrote hymns of his own but he joined a little group of men who were doing their best to win a place for hymn singing in the Church of England itself. A NEW ATTACK UPON THE OLD PSALM SINGING In our third study we saw how young Isaac Watts chal¬ lenged the old custom of singing metrical Psalms, and won the hearts of the Independent congregations with his own very human hymns. In our fourth study we saw how the Wesley brothers followed in the next generation with their gospel songs, and made these a great power in the Methodist Revival. With the Independents singing Watts’s hymns and the Methodists singing the Wesleys’, it might seem that the “ hymn of human composure ” had come to its own in England. But not yet. The great established Church clung to the old Psalms. Most of its bishops and clergy cared little for the Independents and despised the Meth¬ odists as fanatics. The thing they most dreaded in re¬ ligion was “ enthusiasm,” which they regarded as bad form. As the Methodist singing became clamorous, they felt the greater dislike for hymns as the particular vehicle of this vulgar “ enthusiasm.” The good and I0 5 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS great Dr. Johnson, a churchman of the better sort, notes in his diary that on Easter Day, 1764, he gave a crown to a poor girl he met in church, although he saw a hymn book in her hand. He was pluming himself on a char¬ itable impulse that could even surmount the prejudice against hymn singers. But enthusiasm is a contagious thing, and even the lethargic Church of England could not escape it alto¬ gether. We have already seen how Lady Huntingdon succumbed, and how, when the doctrinal split came in 1741, she took charge of Whitefield’s forces, and began to stir up a revival in the Church itself. The little group of clergy who shared Whitefield’s Calvinistic views and sympathized with his revival measures, were content for a while to preach and work under the great lady’s aus¬ pices. But when she became a dissenter, most of them kept their places in the established Church and gradu¬ ally formed an Evangelical or Low Church Party to carry on the revival within the bounds of the Church. They protested against being called Methodists, but for a good while they protested in vain. What seemed to outsiders to give them away was their revival preaching, and especially their addiction to the new and strange practice of singing human hymns in place of the long established Psalm singing. For with one exception, these leaders were all agreed that evangelical religion has the right to express itself in evangelical songs. In 1753, Whitefield had made his own hymn book for use in the revival services of his London Tabernacle. Seven years later the Rev. Martin Madan followed with another for use in his chapel at the Lock Hospital. It was a private chapel and not a parish church, or else Mr. Madan would have got into trouble, just as Mr. Wesley did at Savannah, AUTOGRAPH LINES FROM A SERMON OF TOPLADY 108 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS for introducing unauthorized hymns into the Church service. To this Evangelical Party in the Church of England Mr. Toplady attached himself as one of its younger members. And in 1776 he, too, printed a collection of Psalms and Hymns for his Orange Street Chapel in Lon¬ don. It was his “ Declaration of Independence ” from the fetters of the old Psalmody. It was even more mem¬ orable as the first hymn book in which his own “ Rock of Ages ” appeared and thus began its remarkable career. Toplady wrote other hymns that have been widely sung. But “ Rock of Ages ” is to-day in more church hymnals than is any other English hymn. And in the opinion of many judges it is the greatest hymn in the language. Its warmth of feeling and fervor of devotion, with a cer¬ tain note of solemnity like the rhythmic pealing of deep-toned bells, have made an abiding impression upon millions of human hearts. THE AUTHOR OF THE HYMN It is an odd coincidence that as Charles Wesley was born in the year in which Watts printed “ There is a land of pure delight,” so Toplady was born in the year in which the Wesleys printed “ Jesu, Lover of my soul.” He was born in the English village of Farnham on November 4, 1740. His father, a major in the army, died in the field within a few months of the birth of the son, who was left to the abundant love of the widow. He was a white-faced, fragile, neurotic child, mentally and spir¬ itually so precocious as to be abnormal. He remarked in his diary: “ I am now arrived at the age of eleven years. I praise God I can remember no dreadful crime: and not ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME 109 to me but to the Lord be the glory. Amen. It is now past eight o’clock, and now I think fit to withdraw, but yet my heart is so full of divine and holy raptures, that a sheet of paper could not contain my writings.” Self- conscious, proud, and passionate, he composes a daily prayer to be kept from quarreling with his schoolmates. AUGUSTUS M. TOPLADY At twelve he is writing sermons and preaching to those who will hear; and his mother embroiders for him a pulpit fall. She dotes on him, and is bringing him up, the grandmother thinks, to be a scourge to her. His uncle and aunt cannot make him out and frankly detest him. These critical relatives, one by one, the child pil¬ lories in his diary. Aunt Betsy, for example, “ is so vastly quarrelsome; in short, she is so fractious, and captious, and insolent, that she is unfit for human so- 110 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS ciety.” A boy who fails to appear at the hour appointed becomes “ the dishonourable Norreys.” A woman who “ said I am a second Timothy ” fared better, though “ I do not set this down from my vanity.” At thirteen he composes a farce, which he intends to show to the great Mr. Garrick of Drury Lane. At fourteen he becomes a writer of hymns, and at nineteen publishes a volume of them. After his school days in London, Toplady went with his mother to Ireland, and entered Trinity College, Dub¬ lin. One summer day in 1756, at a revival meeting in an Irish barn, he “ was brought nigh to God ” under a sermon by a Methodist preacher, James Morris. He de¬ termined to prepare for the ministry. But he then held to the Arminian theology of Methodism. When he came to study the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of Eng¬ land he was surprised to find them Calvinistic, and thought he would have to seek a sphere in one of the Arminian sects. Further study brought deep misgiv¬ ings, and in great agitation of mind he completely changed his views. He became an ardent Calvinist, and as such entered the ministry of the Church of England. His ministry was to be short. He was curate of Blag- don, in Somerset, in 1762, and of Farley Hungerford two years later; then vicar of Harpford and Fen Ottery, and later of Broad Hembury; three obscure villages of Devon, not far from Exeter. He preached with great nervous excitement, his flaming spirit set in the frail candlestick of a diseased body. The seeds of consump¬ tion developed — in those days an inevitable doom. He craved a larger opportunity for his last years. His friends engaged the Huguenot Chapel in Orange Street, London, where he preached to great congregations, until ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME ill no longer able to mount the pulpit steps. On August ii, 1778, that passionate heart ceased to beat. His body was buried within the walls of Whitefield’s Tabernacle in Tottenham Court Road. Toplady lived in a time of theological controversy. And when he adopted Calvinistic views in his ardent way, he felt that he had been delivered from a dark pit, in which John Wesley dwelt as a sort of Jinnee. In a pam¬ phlet of 1769, The Church of England vindicated from the charge of Arminianism, he tried to prove that the Church was Calvinistic. Henceforward in conversation, letters, sermons, hymns, tracts, and treatises he spent himself in setting forth and defending the Calvinistic doctrine of Election. The actual quarrel with John Wesley began after Top- lady published later in the same year a translation of Zanchius on Predestination. Wesley printed an abridg¬ ment of it for his societies, with a stinging preface of his own, and at the end an unfair summary professing to be signed “ A-T- Toplady’s feelings were outraged by what he called “ Mr. Wesley’s lying abridgment ” and “ forging ” of his signature. He printed A Letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley , which in the recklessness of its misjudgment of a good man, the audacity of its unmerited charges, and the offensiveness of its language, has never, one likes to think, had a parallel in religious debate. It was in¬ deed pitiful, if only a burst of sudden passion, or if it stood alone. But it was followed by More work for Mr. John Wesley , an old Fox tarred and feathered, and by a hounding of Wesley’s name and reputation that ended only with death. In his last illness Toplady had himself taken to the 112 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Orange Street Chapel. Some one had started a rumor that he had changed his views and wished to converse with Mr. Wesley. At the end of the sermon preached by another, Toplady’s emaciated figure mounted the pulpit steps. He hoped, he said, his last hours “ would be much better employed than in conversing with such a man.” Were he on his death-bed with a pen in his hand, he “ would not strike out a single line ” he had written relative to Wesley and his doctrines. No wonder that Professor J. Ritchie Smith, of Prince- • ton Seminary, should exclaim in his The Wall and the Gates, “ Is this the author of Rock of Ages ? ” and should cite Toplady as a historical illustration of the fact that “ orthodoxy covers a multitude of sins in our sight, though it may be itself the worst of sins.” The venera¬ tion that surrounds Toplady’s name in so many books is due to some extent to party spirit. Though not a widely read theologian, he was the clearest brain and the recog¬ nized leader on the Calvinistic side in “ a hot time,” and his followers inevitably glorified him. It is best to say frankly that his combative side deserves the venera- ation of no Christian. To seek some palliation of Top- lady’s offense in a morbid body and diseased nerves is right enough. We may try to forgive it, but we cannot, if we are to study “ Rock of Ages,” forget it, for he has chosen to use the hymn as part of his “ case ” against Wesley, just as a lawyer annexes an “ exhibit ” to his brief. In the meantime the pure and fervid hymn is none the less the gift of God. He is pleased to store His gifts in earthen vessels. Neither a holy sacrament nor a holy hymn is spoiled by any lack of perfect whiteness in the human hand through which it comes. ROCK OF AGES , CLEFT FOR ME 113 THE STORY OF THE HYMN Outside the village of Burrington Combe in Somerset, England, a limestone crag rises some seventy or eighty feet. Down the center is a deep fissure, in whose re¬ cesses ferns grow. During July, 1921, some English newspapers announced that a pilgrimage was being or¬ ganized to visit the spot, as that in which Toplady com¬ posed “ Rock of Ages, cleft for me.” On the Bank Holiday of August following, a great company, estimated at ten thousand, made the pilgrimage, and in the natural amphitheater facing the crag joined in prayer, heard addresses, and sang the hymn. It was a wonderful testimonial to the power of the hymn after a hundred and forty-five years. The odd feature of the occasion is that no one present could have known that Toplady wrote the hymn there or even had the crag in mind when he did write it. There is a local tradition, apparently not old but care¬ fully fostered, that he was caught one day by a thunder¬ storm in Burrington Combe, took refuge in the fissure, and there wrote the hymn. No evidence of the truth of the story has ever been produced. It seems more likely that the story grew out of the “ cleft for me ” in the hymn, rather than that the hymn proceeded from the fissure. Just as in the case of “ Jesus, Lover of my soul,” the story of the dove taking refuge in Charles Wesley’s breast grew out of the line, “ Let me to Thy bosom fly.” It is true that the crag is within walking distance of Blagdon Church, where Toplady was curate. But he left there in 1764, and not a line of the hymn is known to exist until October, 1775 — eleven years afterwards. CLEFT FOR ME ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME US The present writer sees little room for doubt that what Toplady actually had before him when he wrote the hymn was a copy of the Wesleys’ Hymns on the Lord's Supper (1745), of which eleven editions had appeared before the date of the hymn. It was a book Toplady would be sure to examine. And on page eight of the prefatory matter he would find the following passage: “ O Rock of Israel, Rock of Salvation, Rock struck and cleft for me, let those two Streams of Blood and Water which once gushed out of Thy side, bring down Pardon and Holiness into my soul. And let me thirst after them now, as if I stood upon the Mountain whence sprung this Water; and near the Cleft of that Rock, the Wounds of my Lord, whence gushed this sacred Blood.” If anyone questions that we have here the source from which Top¬ lady drew the theme and imagery of the hymn, he may turn to Hymn XXVII of the same book, whose opening is, “ Rock of Israel, cleft for me.” It is not doubt one is likely to feel, but wonder; wonder that Toplady could appropriate these materials and yet write of John Wesley, “ I believe him to be the most ran¬ corous hater of the gospel-system, that ever appeared in this island.” We get our first glimpse of the hymn in The Gospel Magazine for October, 1775, where, in an article on “ Life a Journey,” Toplady says: “ Yet, if you fall, be humbled; but do not despair. . . . Look to the blood of the covenant; and say to the Lord, from the depth of your heart, “ Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee! Foul, I to the fountain fly: Wash me, Saviour, or I die.” n6 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS Whether the hymn was completely written out then, we shall never know. After he became editor of the magazine, Toplady printed in the number for March, 1776, a curious article by “ J. F.” — aiming to show that England could never pay her national debt. Toplady appended a “ spiritual improvement,” showing that sinners are in the same case as regards their debt to the moral law. Reckoning one sin to every second, “ at ten years old, each of us is chargeable with 315 millions and 36 thousand sins. At twenty, with 630 millions, and 720 thousand,” and so on, by decades, till the end of life. “ This debt we can never pay. But Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law and His Blood cleanseth from all sin. We must bless God the Father for electing us, God the Son for assuming our debts, God the Holy Spirit for His gift of faith in Christ.” Then follow the four verses of the hymn. Unfortu¬ nately, even in this mood of exaltation, Toplady cannot overlook John Wesley. And he heads his hymn, “ A liv¬ ing and dying PRAYER for the HOLIEST BELIEVER in the World” Possibly that sarcastic phrase, “ the holiest believer in the world,” did not refer to Wefley in person, but to any follower who thought he exemplified Wesley’s doctrine that entire holiness is attainable while in the flesh. Even a perfectionist, perhaps Toplady means, is none too holy to use the words of this hymn. Toplady, as has been said, included “ Rock of Ages ” in his collection published that same year. It does not seem to have attracted special attention, and during the thirty years following it is not found in many hymn books. But such postponement is a commonplace in the history of hymns. The turn of this hymn came early ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME 117 in the nineteenth century, and it gradually advanced to the first place as regards the proportion of church hymnals that found room for it. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. The Scriptures from which the imagery is taken, in the passage of the Wesleys’ Hymns on the Lord’s Supper and in the first verse of Toplady’s hymn, seem to be the cleft rock of Ex. 33 122 and the smitten rock of Ex. 17 :6, and these as interpreted by I Cor. 10:4, “ And that Rock was Christ,” and by the pierced side of Jesus, with the outflow of water and blood. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes said it was these material images that made the hymn so impressive. Are the images confused in the hymn ? The Rev. William Henry Havergal thought so, and tried to make two hymns of it; one on the Rock as the Shelter, the other on the Rock as the Source of the water of life. But no one seemed to care for his hymns. The beautiful phrase, “ Rock of Ages,” is also Scrip¬ tural. Toplady took it from the reading, in the margin of the King James Version, of Isa. 26:4. 2. In printing the hymn in his Psalms and Hymns, Toplady made some changes in it. The one for which we are most grateful is in the new title of the hymn, which leaves Mr. Wesley out. It reads “ A Prayer, living and dying.” He now began the fourth verse with “ while ” in place of the hissing “ whilst.” And he put “ When I soar to worlds unknown ” for “ When I soar through tracts unknown.” Is this change an improve¬ ment? The Hymnal revised follows this text, except in read¬ ing “ When my eylids close in death ” in place of “ When n8 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS my eye-strings break in death.” It was a mistaken notion that in dying the muscles or tendons of the eye snapped. Shakespeare uses the same phrase in his Cymbeline. The new line has been substituted by gen¬ eral consent. As actual fact is in question, would not “ When mine eyes are closed in death ” be still nearer the truth? In 1815 the Rev. Thomas Cotterill of Sheffield con¬ densed the four verses into three for a hymn book of his own. For many years this three-verse form of the hymn was the only one known in Episcopalian and Methodist hymn books. But the full form of the hymn has now prevailed. 3. Of the tunes for this hymn in The Hymnal revised, that by Redhead, to which he gave no name, is most popular in England. It was Number 76 in his book of Church Hymn Tunes, 1853, and is generally known as “ Redhead Number 76.” In this country Thomas Hast¬ ings’ “ Toplady ” is more popular. He wrote it for a hymn book called Spiritual Songs that came out as a series of little pamphlets, beginning in 1830, and was de¬ signed to combat the introduction of revival and ballad tunes into Presbyterian churches by offering some that were more reverent and yet simple and easy to sing. The tune “Reliance,” Number 322 in The Hymnal re¬ vised, was also composed for this hymn at the request of the committee in charge of the original edition. In revising the book it was thought best to set other words to this tune. Its composer was an English musician, then living in Denver. XI GOD OF OUR FATHERS, WHOSE ALMIGHTY HAND THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 God of our fathers, whose almighty hand Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies, Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise. 2 Thy love Divine hath led us in the past; In this free land by Thee our lot is cast; Be Thou our Ruler, Guardian, Guide, and Stay; Thy word our law, Thy paths our chosen way. 3 From war’s alarms, from deadly pestilence, Be Thy strong arm our ever sure defence; Thy true religion in our hearts increase, Thy bounteous goodness nourish us in peace. 4 Refresh Thy people on their toilsome way, Lead us from night to never-ending day; Fill all our lives with love and grace Divine, And glory, laud, and praise be ever Thine. Rev. Daniel C. Roberts, 1876 Note: The text is that printed in the Report of the Protestant Episcopal Hymnal Commission to the General Convention of 1892. This Fourth of July hymn was written in 1876 by Dr. Daniel C. Roberts, a New England clergyman, for the centennial of the Declaration of Independence. It seems 119 120 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS at first a far cry from this hymn to those of the eight¬ eenth century revival in old England which we have been studying together; but there is, after all, a real con¬ nection between the political events the new hymn cele¬ brates and the great revival out of which the old ones came. The fact is that in England, as the fourth day of July, 1776, approached, most of the people were a great deal more excited about the prospect of war with the American colonies than about the progress of the revival; and none more concerned than were the leaders of the revival, which had made new bonds between the old country and the colonies. Whitefield had gone over to them again and again with his flaming gospel, and in one of them his worn-out body had lain at rest since 1770; but a host of his American converts remained. Both of the Wesleys also had lived in the colonies, and the American Methodists now numbered some thousands. John Wesley’s sympathies were with the Americans at first. Then his sense of loyalty changed his mind, and he printed A calm Address to our American Colonies. In this he appropriated, with or without permission, the con¬ tents of a pamphlet, Taxation no tyranny , by that same Dr. Johnson who gave a coin to the girl with a hymn book in her hand. It was then that the redoubtable Mr. Toplady put forth his An old Fox tarr’d and feather’d. Toplady was earnestly opposed to making war against the Americans, but it was not in their behalf that he published his pamphlet. His intention, as he said, was, first, to show Wesley’s dishonesty in stealing Dr. John¬ son’s materials, “ and, second, to raise a little skin by giving the Fox a gentle flogging as a turn-coat.” That was in October, 1775. A few months later Mr. Toplady GOD OF OUR FATHERS , WHOSE ALMIGHTY HAND 121 printed something pleasanter to remember — his “ Rock of Ages, cleft for me.” That was in March, 1776. It is, of course, nothing more than an interesting coincidence that the centennial year of the Declaration of Independ¬ ence in which Dr. Roberts’ hymn was written was also the centennial year of “ Rock of Ages.” And in view of its great influence in both England and America, Top- lady’s hymn might well have had a little centennial cele¬ bration all its own. A CENTENNIAL HYMN When the present writer was gathering materials for The Hymnal , published in 1895, he became familiar with the hymn “ God of our fathers,” by the Rev. Daniel C. Roberts, set to George William Warren’s music in that musical edition of the Protestant Episcopal Hymnal of 1892, commonly called “ Tucker’s Hymnal.” Mr. Warren was a warm personal friend. Dr. Roberts showed himself friendly. Permission to use hymn and tune was readily given. And so the hymn got into The Hymnal . An unfamiliar hymn in a church hymnal is always a venture, especially one with long lines. Would this one “ take ” ? It soon became plain that it was being used in patriotic services; and at the end of 1900 the present writer, having in mind a study such as this, so long de¬ ferred, asked the author for some account of the hymri and for a copy of it by his own hand. Dr. Roberts very kindly furnished the requested auto¬ graph, which is here reproduced in facsimile; and this is what he wrote from Concord, New Hampshire, on January 8, 1901: 122 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS “ The hymn was written in 1876 for a celebration of the Centennial ‘ Fourth ’ of July, and sung at Brandon, Vermont, to the tune called ‘ Russian Hymn,’ set to ‘ Rise, crowned with light ’ in our Hymnals. When our General Convention appointed a Commission to revise the Hymnal, I sent it, without my name, promising to send the name if the hymn were accepted. It was accepted, and printed anonymously in the report of the Commis¬ sion. Before the Hymnal was printed, the Rev d Dr. Tucker, late of Troy, editor of our best musical Hymnal, and Mr. Geo. Wm. Warren, organist of S. Thomas’ Church, New York, were appointed a committee to choose a hymn for the centennial celebration of the adoption of the Constitution. They selected this hymn, then anonymous, and, wanting a tune, Mr. Warren com¬ posed a tune to which it has since been set in the ‘ Tucker ’ Hymnal. Subsequently it was selected as the ‘ Recessional ’ at the ‘ Bi-Centenary ’ of Trinity Church, New York City. “ My little hymn has thus had very flattering official recognition. But that which would really gladden my heart, popular recognition, it has not received. Mr. War¬ ren’s tune is majestic. Mr. Parker’s in Hutchins’ Hymnal rather academic: the kind of tune appealing to the ‘ Demos ’ has not appeared. I should be more than gratified if the ‘ people ’ should take it up. In fact, I con¬ fess, that after its favorable official reception, I had a little hope which took the form of an ambition, that it might be so. But that has not happened. Recognition from you is very grateful to me. It had never occurred to me to think of it as of value, until the incidents above related befell, and then I allowed myself to dream a little.” / e£»£’C' / ., jn„ ^CsyZ-ri -u /fSiUlAs. ■/Mi ir? <^ £ <. ?vtZp? , '/'> <60 -ft yAst^oi^-, Kf^y firsts' ‘'Z^^'C't^CJL' / * 7 ' c y. ''tsvA'CA^ /t£'£cy' /Z>z>c ~#~tX/L~ sfst-j? s£zs / ls , s%C'*- 124 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS MR. WARREN’S “NATIONAL HYMN” Dr. Roberts’ letter, with its frank human touch, is very engaging, but he did not understand how heavy the odds are against any new hymn getting a real hearing, even after it has edged its way into our over-full church hymnals. If he were now alive he would see that this hymn has won its present favor very largely through the appeal of the music Mr. Warren composed for it. And that makes it proper that we should also give Mr. Warren his share of the credit. George William Warren was born in the city of Albany in 1828 and was educated at Racine College. Although he became Professor of Music at Columbia University, his musical education was due to his own indefatigable efforts: he was self-taught. Early in life he composed a number of piano pieces, and the royalties from one of them, “ Tam o’ Shanter,” brought him quite a little in¬ come every year to the end of his life. He was an organ¬ ist and choirmaster from the age of eighteen, at Albany, Brooklyn, and for more than thirty years at St. Thomas’ in New York. These were the years of his greatest power and reputation; and the music of St. Thomas’ became a popular feature of New York life, drawing crowds to the church. His tunes, mostly composed for St. Thomas’ choir, belonged rather to the older parlor- music school than to the later “ Anglican ” school. They were spontaneous and melodious, and were full of feel¬ ing, as the composer himself was. He was a man of high-strung temperament, of deep affections, a sincere manner, and rather blunt speech. He died of apoplexy on March 17, 1902, and was buried from the church he loved with a solemn service in which GOD OF OUR FATHERS, WHOSE ALMIGHTY HAND 125 there was not a note of music, even of the organ. It was intended to suggest that there was no one any longer to lead the music of St. Thomas’; and it was in contrast with an earlier commemoration of Mr. Warren’s twenty- five years of service, at which all the music was of his composition and his tune to Dr. Roberts’ hymn was sung as the processional. Mr. Warren contributed two tunes to The Hymnal of 1895, one of which, “Log College,” is retained in The Hymnal revised. It was quite characteristic of him that he refused to receive any compensation for this tune, preferring that it should appear as a mark of friendship for the writer of the words and the editor of the book. THE AUTHOR OF THE CENTENNIAL HYMN Dr. Roberts’ letter of 1901 went on to say: “ My personal history is of little account. I was born in Bridge Hampton, Long Island, N. Y., Nov. 5 th 1841. Entered Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, in 1857. En¬ listed as a private in 1862. Was ordained Deacon in 1865, Priest in 1866. Served as Rector of Christ Church, Montpelier, Vermont; S. John’s, Lowell, Mass.; S. Thomas’s, Brandon, Vermont, and for the last twenty- three years have been Vicar of S. Paul’s Church, Con¬ cord, N. H., of which parish the Bishop of New Hamp¬ shire is titular Rector. I remain a country Parson, known only within my own small world.” This is the brief life record of a man efficient in his parishes and trusted in the wider councils of his denom¬ ination. He had more recognition than he has admitted: as a Mason and a Civil War veteran; as President of the State Historical Society while in New Hampshire, 126 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS and President of the State Normal School in Vermont. He was apparently a good, manly, warm-hearted, clear¬ headed, hard-working clergyman: one of a type of which no Church can have too many examples. Some occa¬ sional verses and carols reveal another turn of his mind and hand. He would have been the last to claim that they revealed him as a poet. Dr. Roberts died “ on the Vigil of All Saints Day ” of 1907: so the denominational newspapers reported. Some of their readers might have preferred a simpler record of the date. The regiment in which Dr. Roberts enlisted in 1862 was the Eighty-fourth Regiment of Ohio Volunteers. Like so many of those who survived the great adventure of the Civil War, he was always afterward at heart a veteran soldier. Indeed he reentered military service as chaplain in the National Guard of New Hampshire. It may therefore be fitting that this brief record of his life should close with the last verse of his own word picture of a soldier’s day, which he printed as War Etchings: Now silence broods with shadowy wings, The watchful sentry’s footfall rings, The soldier sleeps beneath the sky, While night winds murmur lullaby. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. When we attain the perfection to which Mr. Wesley summoned us, to the great indignation of Mr. Toplady, we shall no doubt be able to write perfect hymns. Dr. Roberts had not yet attained perfection in the art of writing verse, and his hymn is not free from faults. That it begins with the same phrase as Kipling’s “ Re¬ cessional ” does, is a bit unfortunate, but no fault of DR. DANIEL C. ROBERTS i2 8 studies of familiar hymns Dr. Roberts, since Kipling’s fine hymn was yet unwritten. It is, however, a question whether the opening lines, with their majestic figure of the Almighty leading forth the processional of starry worlds, are quite lived up to in the lines that follow. It may be interesting to compare the hymn in this respect with Mr. Chadwick’s “ Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round ” (No. 351 in The Hymnal revised ), which opens with the same figure. And then, if we are to sing a number of verses to the same tune, it is plain that the accents or stresses of the voice should be distributed uniformly, so that the emphasis in the music and in the words should match throughout. Do any of these lines fail in that respect, and, if so, which lines? The hymn is a metrical prayer, not very poetical and hardly more eloquent than many an extemporized prayer one might hear from the pulpit on patriotic occasions. But it is devout and dignified and serviceable. It has the heart of the matter in it. Mr. Warren’s trumpets call to the congregation, and the people respond gladly, and not without a thrill “ for God and country.” Per¬ haps we can hardly think of the hymn apart from Mr. Warren’s music. But then we do not have to. 2. Of all the hymns written for the centennial of American independence, this is the only one that appears to have found a permanent place in our hymn books. Attempts have been made to get a hearing for Whittier’s “ Centennial Hymn,” beginning, Our fathers’ God! from out whose hand The centuries fall like grains of sand. But his verses are so true to the particular occasion for which they were written that they are not easily adapted to a more general use. GOD OF OUR FATHERS , WHOSE ALMIGHTY HAND 129 3. The great World War made unexpected demands upon our limited stock of patriotic songs. And it may be a question still whether we have a full supply of good hymns for the Fourth of July. If more are needed, it might be worthwhile for anyone who has a copy of the old Presbyterian Hymnal of 1874 to take a look at the “ Hymn for the Fourth of July, 1832,” by the author of “ The Star-Spangled Banner,” which begins, Before the Lord we bow — The God who reigns above, And rules the world below, Boundless in power and love. Meantime it is satisfactory to have Dr. Roberts’ hymn to commemorate the Centennial, alongside of Dr. Bacon’s “ O God, beneath Thy guiding hand,” commemorating the Pilgrim Fathers, and Dr. Holmes’ “ O Lord of hosts, Almighty King! ” commemorating the Civil War. XII HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds In a believer’s ear! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; ’Tis Manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary Rest. 3 Dear Name! the Rock on which I build, My Shield and Hiding-place, My never-failing Treasury, filled With boundless stores of grace; 4 Jesus, my Shepherd, Brother, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring. 5 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought; But when I see Thee as Thou art, I’ll praise Thee as I ought. 6 Till then I would Thy love proclaim With every fleeting breath; And may the music of Thy Name Refresh my soul in death. Rev. John Newton, 1779 Note: The text is taken from the first edition of Newton’s Olney Hymns, 1779, with the omission of the original fourth verse and the change of “Husband” to “Brother” in the fourth verse as here numbered. 130 HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS 131 When “ good Lady Huntingdon ” seceded from the Church of England, a number of the clergy who had helped her work felt it their duty to remain in the old Church, although they knew very well that they were not wanted. They formed themselves into that Evan¬ gelical, or, as we usually call it, Low Church Party of which we heard in connection with Mr. Toplady. These men were Calvinistic in their theology, and claimed their right to preach the gospel as they believed it, and also to sing evangelical hymns in church as well as the met¬ rical Psalms bound up with the prayer books. With not much of a party organization, these Evangelicals tried to carry on the revival, in London when they could, but mostly in the isolation of their country parishes. “OLNEY HYMNS” The story of the hymn whose title heads this chapter takes us into one of those country parishes, Olney, on the bank of the river Ouse, in the county of Buckinghamshire. The little town consisted mostly, and does yet, of one street, widening into a market place; the most conspicu¬ ous object being the parish church, with its ungraceful spire. The town was not pretty, nor the people well-to-do or well educated. Many pilgrims go to Olney nowadays for the poet Cowper’s sake. But what first carried its name far and wide in England and America was nothing other than a hymn book written there and called Olney Hymns. The pulpit of the parish church was filled by a bluff and manly Evangelical, John Newton, whose looks and ways brought a whiff of the sea. He had been a sailor, and in 1764 was ordained and appointed a curate of the parish, the vicar being of the absentee sort. JOHN NEWTON HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS 133 Newton’s preaching began to fill the church, but he gave special attention to young people’s work and se¬ cured permission to use Lord Dartmouth’s empty man¬ sion, the Great House. Here of a Thursday afternoon he gathered the children, not for the usual catechism ex¬ ercise, but to explain the Scriptures “ in their own little way.” In the evenings he had meetings for older people, with extempore prayers and exhortation; and he intro¬ duced the singing of hymns. All of which may seem commonplace now; but it was quite enough then and there to stamp the curate a “ Methodist,” as the hard- and-fast Churchman dubbed all Evangelicals. And one at least of Newton’s neighboring rectors refused to speak to him when they passed. It was for these revival meetings at the Great House that Newton began to write hymns of his own, not ven¬ turing as yet to displace the metrical Psalms from the parish church services. And that is the reason most of his hymns are so confined to personal spiritual experi¬ ences. They have the anxious tone that a pastor’s preaching takes in time of revival. He wrote only one great song of praise, the still familiar “ Glorious things of thee are spoken.” Newton was not a poet and did not pretend to be one. “ There is,” he said, “ a stile and manner suited to the composition of hymns, which may be more successfully, or at least more easily attained by a versifier, than by a poet.” He was writing for plain people, and made his hymns so simple that these could follow and understand. In all this he took his cue from Dr. Watts. Newton had a ready pen, some imagination, deep feeling, a knowledge of Scripture, and an urgent motive; something else, also, that we may best call the power of virility. And once STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 134 in a while, as in this hymn and in “ Quiet, Lord, my fro- ward heart,” he climbed nearer to the heights where poets walk. At one time Newton was writing a hymn every week for his prayer meeting, where no doubt they were given out verse by verse or even by couplets. By 1779 they mounted up to two hundred and eighty, and that year he gathered them with sixty-eight more by his friend and neighbor, William Cowper, and published them at London as OLNEY HYMNS, IN THREE BOOKS. Book I. On select Texts of Scripture. Book II. On occasional Subjects. Book III. On the Progress and Changes of the Spiritual Life. None of the hymns is dated. “ How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds ” is No. 57 of “ Book I. On select Texts of Scripture.” Its text is Solomon’s Song, chapter 113 ; and its title is “ The name of JESUS.” Olney Hymns is best understood as a revival hymn book. In its day it had the same welcome and popularity that Gospel Hymns of the Moody and Sankey revival had in ours. But the books cannot be compared, since it was the music of Gospel Hymns that won the day. Olney Hymns had no tunes at all, but its hymns exactly met the need of the Evangelical preachers and their converts. It was the Evangelical theology put into rhyme for sing¬ ing, but even more for reading and remembering. It became an Evangelical handbook, printed over and over in England and America, and it exerted an immense in- HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS 135 fluence. The simple verses exercised over many minds the fascination that nursery rhymes have for children. The Roman Catholic hymn writer, Faber, speaks of their acting like a spell upon him for many years in his Pro¬ testant youth and coming back unbidden through his Catholic years. And now that the career of Olney Hymns is run, a few of its choicer strains survive among the permanent treasures of the Church. JOHN NEWTON’S ROMANTIC CAREER The curate of Olney was a marked man; not only be¬ cause he was an Evangelical, but because he was “ a man with a past.” He was one of those whom people point to in the street with a nudge and a “ Do you know about him?” This was due to the startling disclosure of his experiences he published just after coming to Olney as “ The authentic Narrative ” of his life. It was a record of debauchery, and it would be hard for one man to paint an enemy as black as Newton painted himself in that book. He was born in London in July, 1725, of a godly mother who lived long enough to make a religious im¬ pression upon his childish heart. His father was captain of a merchantman in the Mediterranean trade; a severe, silent man, of whom the boy was rather afraid. At the age of eleven he was taken from school, and went to sea with his father on half a dozen voyages. The boy plainly was hot-blooded, willful, and “ irregular ” in his conduct. But he was far from passing these years without “ troublesome convictions ” and religious experiences. “ I think I took up and laid aside a religious profession three or four times before I was sixteen years of age; but STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 136 all this while my heart was insincere. I often saw a necessity of religion as a means of escaping hell; but I loved sin, and was unwilling to forsake it.” His “ last reform ” was the most remarkable; a year or more of prayer and Scripture-reading covering “ the greatest part of every day.” As far as shipboard conditions would per¬ mit, he became an ascetic, avoiding conversation, eating no meat, and “ bemoaning his former miscarriages.” It may all have been mistaken, but it does not sound “ insincere,” as Newton called it. Surely to persevere in such a course in face of a jeering crew and of the temptations of southern ports shows a certain strength of character. It left Newton dull and disheartened, and an easy victim to some skeptical literature that fell in his way. Before long he had lost all sense of religious real¬ ity. He became an utter skeptic, “ an infidel,” as he said; and with “ the way prepared for all that is to follow.” Returning from a voyage to Venice in 1743, he was impressed on board a warship, but through his father’s influence rated a midshipman. He deserted, was caught, brought back to Plymouth in chains, publicly flogged, and degraded to the rank of a common seaman. His disgrace, which he thought undeserved, embittered and hardened him. Quite reckless now, he plunged, according to his own testimony, into a career of degrading debauchery and moral shamelessness, and, “ like one infected with a pestilence, was capable of spreading a taint wherever I went.” He effected an exchange from the warship, glad to be rid of him, into a slave ship bound for the coast of Africa: his thought being that there he could “ be as abandoned as I pleased, without any control.” He en- HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS 137 tered the service of a slave trader in one of the Plantane Islands, was treated with abominable cruelty and neglect, and went down into a depth of physical degradation where even most of the Negro slaves refused any dealings with him. In the end he got word to his father, and was rescued by a vessel commissioned to look out for him. On the way home he encountered a violent storm and was almost lost. In the stress a review of his past life brought him to shame, and from shame to prayer. He started out deliberately to rediscover the grounds of faith in the Gospels he had become accustomed to laugh over; and step by step he went forward toward the reality and as¬ surance of faith. He reached England in May, 1748, a Christian by conviction, though still feeling his way. Through all these wander-years Newton carried two talismans, a boy’s memory of his mother and a man’s love for a young girl he had left behind him in England. On his return the girl married him — with a heroic trust, one would think. In seeking a livelihood Newton’s new convictions did not prevent his entering the slave trade. The moral standards of the time had not yet condemned it. He made two voyages to Africa and the West Indies, and only an attack of apoplexy prevented a third. He was appointed tide surveyor at Liverpool in 1755, and held the post several years. There he came under the direct influence of Whitefield and the Evangelical Revival. He carried on his studies (even at his lowest he had never wholly foregone them), began to preach oc¬ casionally as a lay evangelist, and felt the call to enter the ministry. He wavered between the established and dissenting churches, and chose the established. But he could not find in all England a bishop willing to ordain 138 studies of familiar hymns him, until Lord Dartmouth came to his rescue. Dart¬ mouth was Secretary of State in charge of America, friendly to the colonies, and after him our Dartmouth College was named. He was at the same time an Evan¬ gelical and a liberal helper of Lady Huntingdon. He made new interest in high quarters and secured Newton’s ordination on agreeing to appoint him to the curacy of Olney. Newton “ was too much in earnest about religion to be readily entrusted with a commission to teach it, fiy f&oa*/ tfi p jLr3) mnus. CvJs fats Aeto ^ t Ar C&L a~S'*vuJL MO JLJ... ( v « _2 . 'i.... '1 J CAST OiSVYkj ^0**r c>y*-Qst\s£ ^O^y\ Jfourhr. A PASSAGE FROM AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER except as a matter of favour to a great man: ” — so Sir George Otto Trevelyan remarks in his delightful book, The American Revolution. It is possible also that Newton’s record seemed very “ irregular ” to the bishops. In his own heart that record was indelible. He be¬ came a faithful pastor, at Olney for nearly sixteen years, and at St. Mary Woolnoth, London, for twenty-eight more.* He became a leader of the Evangelical Party, loved and trusted. But in his own heart, and on his own * “ My race at Olney is nearly finished; I am about to form a connection for life with one Mary Woolnoth, a respected London saint in Lombard Street.” (Newton to Bull, Sept. 21, 1779.) HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS 139 tongue, to the end of his life, he was always “ the old African blasphemer.” Was he really called upon, we sometimes ask, to publish that Narrative and continually to blacken a good name fairly won? He thought so. He was the living proof that God could save even to the uttermost. And he thought he was called upon to give his testimony in plain terms and at any cost. Into his hymns also Newton’s experiences are written deep. One day, when his memory was almost gone, he said, “ I can never forget two things: first, that I was a great sinner, and, second, that Jesus is a great Saviour.” The first memory explains an undertone of sadness in the hymns: the second explains why he wrote “ How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds.” Newton lived to be eighty-two, and died December 21, 1807. He was buried beneath his church of St. Mary Woolnoth, and a tablet was placed on the church wall with a touching inscription prepared by himself: — JOHN NEWTON CLERK , ONCE AN INFIDEL AND LIBERTINE, A SERVANT OF SLAVES IN AFRICA, WAS, BY THE RICH MERCY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, PRESERVED, RESTORED, PARDONED, AND APPOINTED TO PREACH THE FAITH HE HAD LONG LABOURED TO DESTROY. HE MINISTERED NEAR XVI. YEARS AS CURATE AND VICAR OF OLNEY IN BUCKS, AND XXVIII. AS RECTOR OF THESE UNITED PARISHES. STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 140 In 1893 the excavations for the London underground railway disturbed the church vaults; and Newton’s re¬ mains were removed and reburied in the churchyard at Olney. SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. The Daily Service book of the Roman Catholic Church has an office for the “ Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.” It includes two parts of one of the most beautiful of Latin hymns, “ Jesu, dulcis memoria.” The Rev. Samuel W. Duffield, a Presbyterian lover of Latin hymns, thought it probable that these verses of Newton on the Name of Jesus are “ an echo or para¬ phrase ” of the Latin original. One wishes he had said why he thought so. Eighteenth century Evangelicals were not much interested in Latin hymns. But in this matter we have the materials at hand on which to base our own conclusion. Good translations of both parts of the Latin hymn are in The Hymnal revised: “ Jesus, the very thought of Thee ” (No. 545) and “ O Jesus, King most wonderful ” (No. 144). Is there any similarity be¬ tween these and Newton’s hymn? 2. As originally written, “ How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds ” had seven verses. The weakest of these is omitted from The Hymnal revised; the original fourth verse. It ran, “ By thee my pray’rs acceptance gain, Altho’ with sin defil’d: Satan accuses me in vain, And I am own’d a child.” Is the hymn better without this verse, or should it be restored ? HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS 141 3. There is also a change of one word from the original text of the first line of the present fourth verse, which read, “Jesus! My Shepherd, Husband, Friend.” We all dislike such changes from what an author wrote. But if men are to go to church at all, how can they ad¬ dress Christ as their husband? Was it not the Church rather than the individual Christian that was described as the Bride of Christ? 4. In singing the first verse we have to pronounce “ wounds ” in such a way that the rhyme with “ sounds ” may be preserved. It is no great hardship, as Shakspeare, Marlowe, and Pope did the same thing habitually. In other connections it may be best to conform to recent usage by pronouncing the word as woond. XIII GOD MOVES IN A MYSTERIOUS WAY THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill He treasures up His bright designs, And works His sovereign will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan His work in vain; God is His own Interpreter, And He will make it plain. William Cowper, 1774 Note: The text is taken from John Newton’s Twenty-six Letters on religious subjects, London, 1774: from which book the hymn passed into Olney Hymns of 1779 without change. 142 GOD MOVES IN A MYSTERIOUS WAY 143 The names of John Newton, curate of Olney, and his neighbor, William Cowper, poet and author of this hymn, join together as naturally as if they were partners in a firm of “ Newton and Cowper.” Their lives were knit in one of the historic friendships. And they were indeed literary partners as joint authors of Olney Hymns , the famous hymn book of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England. Newton was the senior partner, and it was only after the dissolution of the firm that the junior partner became famous. HOW THE POET CAME TO OLNEY William Cowper (he pronounced it Cooper) was born in the rectory of Berkhampstead in November, 1731. Left motherless when only six, he was sent to boarding school, and never forgot what he endured there from a big bully. He was taken away on account of eye trouble, and at the age of ten placed in the Westminster School at London. He said afterwards that he left school as ignorant of religion as the satchel at his back, but in that he was very like many other boys. He was articled to an attorney in whose office he idled away “ three misspent years.” At the age of twenty-one he entered the Temple as a regular student of law; not be¬ cause he had any drawing to that profession, but to please his father. He came of a legal family, his father being brother of a judge and nephew of a lord chancellor. He was admitted to the bar in 1754. The young lawyer made no attempt to practice. He made his office a gathering place of young wits. He kept up his classics, began to write verse, and sought gayety. He fell in love, first with his cousin Theodora, 144 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS whose father interposed, and again with a girl of Green¬ wich ; but his ardor cooled. If his life seems idle, it was perhaps busy in trying to forget himself. For he was already in the grip of the saddest of human ailments, brain disease. As soon as he began to live alone in the Temple, it showed itself. Gradually he lapsed into dread¬ ful depression. “ Day and night I was upon the rack, lying down in horror and rising up in despair.” After a year of it he taught himself to pray, and com¬ posed a little liturgy. On recovering his spirits he threw the liturgy into the fire and relapsed into careless ways. Meantime he was using up the little money he had. His prospects at the bar were so hopeless that in his thirty- second year a relative got him an appointment to a clerk¬ ship in the House of Lords. Some difficulties arose, and the dread of having to stand a public examination so wrought upon him that he lost his reason and made sev¬ eral attempts to kill himself. These left behind an unutterable anguish and the firm conviction that he was sentenced already to eternal damnation; as he wrote, Damned below Judas; more abhorred than he was, Who for a few pence sold his holy Master: and so through those dreadful lines in which he envies the fate of the dead consigned to perdition, while he, fed with judgment, is buried above ground in a fleshly tomb. Visions and voices haunted him; an awful dark¬ ness fell; heavy blows of some great hammer beat upon the brain; body and soul writhed in pain. Cowper was insane. There was nothing to do but to send him to an asylum at St. Albans. After eight months of despair the light began to glim- r 146 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS mer during a visit of his brother. Deliriums and delu¬ sions weakened, and he caught glimpses of God’s mercy. Opening the Bible at Rom. 3:25 one day, “ Immediately I received strength to believe, and the full beams of the Sun of Righteousness shone upon me.” In that inward radiance he was content to spend a year of convalescence at St. Albans. When Cowper left the asylum and took the lodgings at Huntingdon his brother had provided, he needed surely the inward comfort of his new evangelical faith. For outward things were pretty forlorn. He was thirty-three; he had failed in his profession, was dependent upon, his relatives, was separated from all his friendships, and was, to put it gently, an invalid. Happily he found new friends in the Rev. Mr. Unwin and his family. They agreed to take Cowper into their cheerful home, where he lived contentedly with them until Mr. Unwin’s sudden death in 1767. It is interesting to note in passing Cow- per’s references to the family custom of gathering to sing out of the new hymn book of the Rev. Martin Madan, one of the Evangelical leaders; because they show one of the ways in which the new Evangelical hymns were insinuating themselves into Church of Eng¬ land households to supplement the metrical Psalms they were expected to use at church. After Unwin’s death there happened one of those seem¬ ingly casual incidents that change the course of men’s lives. It was nothing more than a call of condolence from the Rev. John Newton, curate of Olney. Cowper had made up his mind to continue living with Mrs. Un¬ win, “ whose behavior to me has been that of a mother to a son.” And now both were so much drawn to New¬ ton that they decided to move to Olney for the sake of GOD MOVES IN A MYSTERIOUS WAY 147 being under his ministry. At their request he engaged for them a house in the market place of that town, then called “ Orchard Side ” and now kept up as the Cowper and Newton Museum. THE POET’S SHARE IN “ OLNEY HYMNS ” Only an orchard lay between the gardens of Newton’s vicarage and the house he chose for Cowper. They made an opening in the vicarage wall; they wore a path across the orchard, and they joined their hearts and lives in THE COWPER AND NEWTON MUSEUM, OLNEY an inseparable friendship. Newton thoroughly appreci¬ ated Cowper, loved him tenderly, and no doubt in his own way tried to protect that sensitive nature against its own infirmity. Naturally he saw the importance of keeping Cowper’s mind occupied, but he would not have been the fervent Evangelical he was if he had not made his friend’s gift contribute to the work that absorbed his own energies. He engaged Cowper in visiting the sick and dying, persuaded him to lead the extempore prayers at the evening meetings, and to write hymns to be sung 148 studies of familiar hymns there after the sermon. It was for the occasion of re¬ moving those meetings to the larger room of the Great House that Cowper furnished his “ Jesus, where’er Thy people meet.” Other hymns express plainly Cowper’s own experi¬ ences ; now cheerful, as in “ Sometimes a Light sur¬ prises ”; now retrospective, as he recalls that sudden radiance upon the text in Romans, The Spirit breathes upon the word, And brings the truth to sight; now regretful of the fading of the joyfulness of those latter days at St. Albans, Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord? and now in the depths of despondency, My former hopes are dead, My terror now begins; I feel, alas! that I am dead In trespasses and sins. For again the shadows were closing in. It may be that the revival atmosphere at Olney was too highly charged for Cowper. It may be that Newton was unwise in asking for those agitating public appearances at the Great House. It may be merely that Cowper’s disease was approaching an inevitable outbreak. Whatever the occasion may have been, the visions and voices came back; black melancholy settled down. The voices told Cowper that God demanded his life in sacrifice, and once more he attempted suicide. With that catastrophe the hymn we are now studying is closely connected. It was the last, and has been gen- GOD MOVES IN A MYSTERIOUS WAY 149 erally regarded as the outcome of the attempt at suicide. That was in October, 1773. Since The Hymnal was first printed, some new evidence as to its date has come to light. The writer is at present disposed to think it was written toward the end of 1772 or very early in 1773. This date gives added probability to the substantial ac¬ curacy of the statement in the Rev. Samuel Greatheed’s funeral sermon that Cowper “ conceived some presenti¬ ment ” of the attack of insanity, and that “ as it drew near, during a solitary walk in the fields,” he composed this hymn “ so expressive of that faith and hope which he attained so long as he possessed himself.” Newton tes¬ tifies that even in the midst of his distress and fore¬ boding, and up to the date of the “ terrible dream ” that broke his heart early in 1773, Cowper often expressed his submission to God’s sovereignty, and said that God was trying him only for the purpose of bringing about some good thing. Cowper’s attack put an end to his hymn-writing. And it is only with Cowper the hymn writer we have here to deal. He was to recover from this attack and to spend years of comparative peace of mind and of poetic achieve¬ ment before the last onset of insanity ending only with his death in 1800. Cowper was over fifty years of age when he published his first volume of poems, and one likes to think of the fame he won as some compensation for the sorrows he endured. It was perhaps out of his sorrows he wrought that tender grace of his verse which keeps it still alive when the work of his contemporary poets lies so dead and forgotten. In all his serious poetry Cowper aimed to be the “ poet of Christianity.” And it was the Christianity of the Evangelical Revival; Chris¬ tianity as accepted and taught by the Evangelical Party STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 150 in the Church of England. His poems have indeed (quite recently) been described as “ Methodism in verse.” Cowper’s hymns, with very few exceptions, were first put into print by John Newton. This particular one he printed in his Twenty-six Letters on religious subjects in 1774. It was copied into The Gospel Magazine for July of the same year. In that year also it began its career in the hymn books, being included in the “ Col¬ lection ” of the Rev. Mr. Conyers, another of the Evan¬ gelical Party. Its place in the affections of the Church it has never lost. The hymn appeared again in Olney Hymns of 1779, with all the others Cowper had written before the attack of 1773. Newton explains the situation in a preface. It is odd that so many readers of books always skip the preface, generally the most human part of a book. Newton’s is quite touching. “ The whole number [of hymns] were composed by two persons only. The orig¬ inal design would not admit of any other association.” The book “ was intended as a monument, to perpetuate the remembrance of an intimate and endeared friendship. With this pleasing view I entered upon my part, which would have been much smaller than it is, and the book would have appeared much sooner, and in a very different form, if the wise, though mysterious providence of God, had not seen fit to cross my wishes. We had not pro¬ ceeded far upon our proposed plan, before my dear friend was prevented, by a long and affecting indisposi¬ tion, from affording me any further assistance. My grief and disappointment were great; I hung my harp upon the willows, and for some time thought myself determined to proceed no further without him. Yet my mind was afterwards led to assume the service. My progress in GOD MOVES IN A MYSTERIOUS WAY 151 it, amidst a variety of other engagements, has been slow, yet in a course of years the hymns amounted to a consid¬ erable number. And my deference to the judgment and desires of others, has at length overcome the reluctance I long felt to see them in print, while I had so few of my friend’s hymns to insert in the collection.” SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. When the earlier series of these studies was gathered into a book, a reviewer of it began by saying, “No great poet has ever written a hymn.” His remark suggests several interesting topics for discussion. (1) Is there any more ground for expecting a great poet to write a hymn, simply because poems and hymns are both in verse, than there is for expecting a great novelist to write a sermon, simply because novels and sermons are both in prose? (2) Is it not probable that most great poets would be glad to write a great hymn ? Poets like recog¬ nition and crave immortality. Is not the vision of multi¬ tudes singing their words for years and perhaps for cen¬ turies likely to appeal to them? (3) Are all great poets able to write great hymns? Some of them cannot even write a good song. But to write a good hymn requires much more than a lyrical gift. When Dr. Jowett appealed to Lord Tennyson to write “ a few hymns in a high strain,” that great poet replied by saying that “ to write a good hymn was the most difficult thing in the world.” (4) But when all is said, some great and many eminent poets have in fact written hymns. Among English poets the names of Ben Jonson, Milton, Wordsworth, Scott, Tennyson, and Kipling, come to mind at once; and on this side of the water those of Emerson, Longfellow, Whittier, STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 152 Lowell, and Holmes. Some have written whole books of hymns: Bryant in this country, and in England not only Cowper but the present poet laureate, Dr. Bridges, who has even compiled a parish hymn book. 2. It would be a mistake to infer that because all of Cowper’s sixty-eight Olney hymns were written by a poet they are all equally good. They are all spiritual and refined, and quite a number have proved useful. Some others seem like taskwork, and were perhaps writ¬ ten at Newton’s request, to follow particular sermons of his in the Great House. The most famous of them is “ There is a fountain filled with blood,” in great favor among the older Evangelicals. Now it has become the fashion to criticize the imagery of its first verse as dis¬ tasteful and not correctly interpreting Scripture. Many would select as Cowper’s best hymns, besides the one we are studying: “ Hark, my soul, it is the Lord! ” “ 0 for a closer walk with God ” “ Sometimes a Light surprises ” “ Jesus, where’er Thy people meet ” with (for private use) “ Far from the world, O Lord, I flee.” 3. In Olney Hymns, “ God moves in a mysterious way ” is Number XV of the third “ Book.” Its title as there given is, “ C. Light shining out of darkness.” The “ C ” stands for Cowper’s authorship, and the rest stands just as appropriately for his own experience. The text in The Hymnal revised is printed without change. Professor John E. B. Mayor lately found a commonplace GOD MOVES IN A MYSTERIOUS WAY 153 book apparently in the handwriting of Cowper’s first cousin, Maria, who married another cousin, Major Wil¬ liam Cowper. It contains copies of letters and verses of Cowper and the fifth verse of this hymn ends: The bud may have a bitter taste, But wait to smell the flower. Of the two readings, which is the better? XIV ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 All hail the power of Jesus’ Name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Crown Him, ye morning stars of light, Who fixed this floating ball; Now hail the strength of Israel’s might, And crown Him Lord of all. 3 Crown Him, ye martyrs of your God Who from His altar call; Extol the Stem of Jesse’s rod, And crown Him Lord of all. 4 Ye seed of Israel’s chosen race, Ye ransomed of the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all. 5 Sinners, whose love can ne’er forget The wormwood and the gall, Go, spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all. 6 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME 155 7 O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall; We’ll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. Rev. Edward Perronet, 1779-80: verse 1, line 4 altered, verse 6 recast, verse 7 added by Rev. John Rippon, 1787 Note: The text of the hymn found in modern hymnals is based upon the altered form which Dr. John Rippon gave it in his Baptist Selection of Hymns from the best Authors published in 1787. The text from The Hymnal revised, as given above, is an attempt to embody as much of the original text as seemed practicable without causing confusion in congregations used to Rippon’s arrangement. As the original text is hard to come upon, it may be convenient to have it here as printed by Perronet himself in his Occasional Verses, moral and sacred, of 1785. ON THE RESURRECTION. I ALL hail the power of JESU’s name! Let Angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, To crown Him LORD of All. II Let high-born Seraphs tune the lyre, And, as they tune it, fall Before His face who tunes their choir, And crown Him LORD of All. m Crown Him, ye morning stars of light, Who fix’d this floating ball; Now hail the strength of ISRAEL’S might, And crown Him LORD of All. IV Crown Him, ye martyrs of your GOD, Who from His ALTAR call; Extol the stem of JESSE’s rod, And crown Him LORD of All. STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS IS6 v Ye seed of ISRAEL’S chosen race, Ye ransom’d of the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him LORD of All. VI Hail Him, ye heirs of DAVID’s line, Whom David LORD did call; The GOD incarnate, man DIVINE; And crown Him LORD of All. VII SINNERS! whose love can ne’er forget The WORMWOOD and the GALL, Go — spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him LORD of All. VIII Let every tribe, and every tongue, That bound creation’s call, Now shout in universal song, THE CROWNED LORD OF ALL! If one had a hymn or even a tune to contribute to the common stock in the later years of the Evangelical Re¬ vival, he sent it in to The Gospel Magazine, which had become the organ of the Calvinists. (It was there that Toplady in 1776 printed his “Rock of Ages.”) But it was not quite the thing to sign your name to your hymn. You gave a pen name, or perhaps none. The Magazine for November, 1779, contained a tune engraved in copperplate, to which was set a verse beginning “ All hail the Pow’r of Jesu’s Name.” One verse and no more. And not a sign as to who com- ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME 1 S 7 posed the tune or wrote the words. We know now that the composer was William Shrubsole, a young man of nine¬ teen who had been a choir boy at the cathedral at Can¬ terbury, and at the time was in London as a chapel organist. Shrubsole’s tune at once attracted attention. That would naturally lead to inquiries for the remainder of the hymn. And in the April number of 1780 the whole hymn appeared in eight verses, with a footnote referring back to the tune, but without any clue as to the author. WHO WROTE THE HYMN? The editor of the Magazine must have been asked that question. If he knew, he did not publish his knowledge, and the authorship of the hymn remained a good deal of a puzzle for more than sixty years. It may be interest¬ ing now to arrange the pieces of the puzzle. (1) In 1785 a little book appeared in London as Oc¬ casional Verses, moral and sacred . Published for the instruction and amusement of the candidly serious and religious. These productions, the preface says, “ were not originally intended for public view, but occasionally shewn to a handful of friends ”: one of whom has per¬ suaded the author “ to admit of their being made public ” by his hands as “ editor.” Among these verses, at page 22, is the hymn “ All hail the power of JESU’s name! ” with the same text as in The Gospel Magazine five years earlier. To know the author of the book, then, was to find the writer of the hymn. But the book was not pub¬ lished and circulated by the book trade. It was printed privately “ for the editor ”; and outside the circle of the author’s friends was very likely not even heard of. STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 158 (2) The hymn itself, however, had appeared in the Magazine at a time when Independents and Baptists had been singing Dr. Watts’s hymns a long while, and were looking out for fresh hymns to add to them. As early as 1784 George Burder had taken this hymn into his Col¬ lection 0) Hymns intended as a Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns. But he did not give the names of the authors of any of the hymns. (3) In 1787 Dr. Rippon published his notable “ Selec¬ tion ” as an Appendix to Dr. Watts. He included this hymn, with some changes and a new verse. He was a painstaking editor and sought to give the authors’ names. But in this hymn he left a blank for the author’s name, which evidently he did not know. (4) In an edition of a hymn book called Select Hymns and Anthems, printed at Tunbridge-Wells about 1790, appeared a curious variation or revision of the hymn, beginning “All hail! the powers of Jesus’ grace. Let angels prostrate fall: Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him, Lord of all.” This was by “ T. B.” Now who was T. B.? Were these the initials of the original author, now presenting a re¬ vised version of his hymn? Or was T. B. a plagiarist, appropriating for his own materials that no one else had claimed? Neither the present writer nor his correspond¬ ents in England have been able to identify “ T. B.” (5) In 1801 two Independent clergymen, Messrs. Wil¬ liams and Boden, published A Collection of Six Hundred Hymns to supplement Watts. They copied this hymn from Rippon’s book, but they filled Rippon’s blank with “ PERRONETT ” as the author’s name. ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME 159 (6) John Dobell’s New Selection of 1806 won a great success. In it he printed “ All hail ” with some changes. He gave the author’s name as “ Duncan.” The Rev. John Duncan was a Scottish Presbyterian and one of four friends of Dobell who prefixed their “ Recommenda¬ tion ” to his hymn book. Maybe Dr. Duncan had made a revised text of the hymn for his own use, and gave a manuscript copy to Dobell, who thought it Duncan’s own. For some reason Duncan never had his own name erased in later editions of Dobell’s book. And so a tradi¬ tion arose that “ All hail ” was written by “ Duncan.” Among Dr. Duncan’s own descendants the tradition merged into an established truth. On the strength of Dobell’s authority, even the enlarged edition of Rippon’s book, as late as 1844, inserted Duncan’s name where Rippon himself had left a blank. (7) In 1808 Thomas Young published his Beauties of Dr. Watts, &c. Young is said to have been the immedi¬ ate successor of the Rev. Edward Perronet as pastor of a small dissenting congregation at Canterbury. It is further said that Young in his book attributes this hymn to his predecessor and also quotes from Occasional Verses of 1785 several pieces as Perronet’s. The writer has a copy of Beauties of Dr. Watts, but not apparently the same book here referred to. He does not question these facts, but they are not within his knowledge. They seem to show that Young acted on personal or at least local information in ascribing this poem to Edward Per¬ ronet. His ascription certainly attracted little attention at the time. (8) The hymn “All hail ” came over to this country in copies of Dr. Rippon’s hymn book of 1787, brought or sent here; the book itself being reprinted in New York 160 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS as early as 1792. And thus the hymn came with a blank space for the author’s name. It caught the eye of Oliver Holden, a business man of Charlestown, Massachusetts, who was a self-taught musician and quite successful in composing hymn tunes in the florid style then in vogue. THE ORGAN AT WHICH “ CORONATION ” WAS COMPOSED He composed his jubilant “ Coronation ” for this hymn, and printed it in his Union Harmony, an oblong tune book in two volumes, published at Boston in 1793. From Holden’s own copy, with the original copyright certificate pasted in, the present writer quotes the heading of the tune: “Coronation. C. M. Words by the Rev. Mr, ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME 161 Medley.” Samuel Medley was one of The Gospel Maga¬ zine circle of hymn writers. But why Holden selected him for this honor is not clear. Nor is it important, as Holden did not start a Medley tradition. (9) The hymn came anew to this country in Dobell’s hymn book, reprinted here in 1810. With it came Dun¬ can’s name as author; and here the “ Duncan ” tradition gained new currency. So that when the time came around for American Presbyterians and Congregationalists to make hymn books of their own, it was as the hymn of “ Duncan ” that “ All hail ” went into them one by one. Not that any of the editors had the least idea who or what “ Duncan ” was. (10) The Evangelical Magazine for December, 1858, had a rather teasing communication from “ J. K.” of Stepney, who seems to have met a son of one of Edward Perronet’s Canterbury friends. “ We have before us,” he says, “ the hymn, 1 All hail, &c.,’ on a card printed about 50 years since, at Canterbury, for the use of a Sunday-school in that city, to which is appended the following notice of the author, 4 The Rev. Edward Per- ronet died at Canterbury, January 2, 1792.’ ” [His dying words follow.] “ This is evidential,” as the spiritualists say. But the date is vague, and did the card say it was printed at Canterbury, or did J. K’s friend say that it was? J. K. adds that “ the copy of ‘ Occasional Verses ’ ” “ now be¬ fore us was presented by Mr. Perronet himself to the late Mrs. Gellatly.” But was the book so “ autographed by the author ” ? Or was this only the remembered state¬ ment of “ the late Mrs. Gellatly ” ? (n) In 1892 Dr. Julian’s great Dictionary of Hymnol- ology appeared. The annotator of this hymn is assured of C 39 2 ON SLEEP. E MBLEM of death I as is its conch the Grave, Doom'd to contain the Cotoard and the Brave ; Where ftecp reclin'd, ih z guilty and the pure , Alike tntomb’d — feque/Ier'd an i Jecure ; Referv’d alike in that dread hour to wake, Deftin’d ro Band—and each their defltne take. Peace to the loft —while judgment mai ks the fit ft, Ere yet arraign’d—accurfing, and aecuvft. Rais'd from their bed, to wrap in deep no more. Reviv’d they gaze, and horribly adore. Oh, fatal deep ! that thus awak’d to woe. No longer eafe—no longer reft fhalS know ! E’en here a foretafte of that keener fleet. That fools have mock’d—and dying fools rnuft feel. THE POWDER OF DIVINE VENGEANCE, A SACRED SONNET. L W HEN God for fin (hall death demand, Who can before His judgment ftaud ! The proud fhall bend-—the mighty fall. Before the Lord, the Judge of' all, D 2 II. THE SOLUTION OF THE PUZZLE AS TO AUTHORSHIP ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME 163 Perronet’s authorship. But apparently he had not heard of J. K. The only actual proofs he offers are (a) that one piece in Occasional Verses is dedicated to the memory of Vincent Perronet, who was Edward’s father, and others “ apparently to various members of his family, who are indicated by their initials only and ( b) that the copy of Occasional Verses in the British Museum is bound up with two poetical pamphlets, one of them bearing Per¬ ronet’s signature, while the other “ may also be ascribed to him with certainty.” (12) When the writer began to prepare this study he examined the grounds of his own faith in Perronet’s au¬ thorship of “ All hail.” “ Is the evidence of it complete and satisfying? ” he asked himself. He had to acknowl¬ edge that it was not. The writer made up his mind to examine his copy of Occasional Verses minutely for some further clue of authorship. This he did without result up to page 201. There he found that the verses in memory of C. P. and D. P. were acrostics. The first letter of each line of the former, read downward, spelled Charles Perronet, and those of the second spelled Damaris Perronet — Edward’s brother and sister. Then the writer knew what further to look for, and found it on page 39; an acrostic reveal¬ ing Edward Perronet’s own name. This little discovery seems to settle the matter finally. Perronet acknowledged his authorship of the book and the hymn in his own way. Doubtless he did not expect to wait one hundred and twenty-six years for his ac¬ knowledgement to be discovered. We can now see easily enough how things happened as they did. Shrubsole was living in the same city of Canterbury as Perronet, and was no doubt one of the z64 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS friends to whom Perronet showed or gave a manuscript copy of his hymn. Shrubsole liked it and set it to music which he sent to The Gospel Magazine for publication. And when the remainder of the hymn was asked for he turned in his own copy or got one from the author. > THE AUTHOR OF THE HYMN There was probably no Church of England clergyman whom the Wesleys relied on so much as Vincent Perro¬ net, Vicar of Shoreham, in Kent. He was a gentle and studious saint, son of a French refugee and retaining the French charm of manner. His son Edward, born in 1721, was brought up in the Church and fully intended to enter its ministry, but, under the influence of the Wesleys, became a Methodist traveling preacher. He started out at once to accompany Charles Wesley on a preaching tour. “ He got a deal of abuse thereby, and not a little dirt,” Charles said, “ both which he took very patiently.” Perronet seems to have been a bold and successful preacher and a man of undoubted piety. But he was impulsive and restless under the control of the Wesleys, and soon began to make trouble for them. Visiting from house to house he would criticize them, especially their refusal to allow their preachers to administer the sacra¬ ments. He developed an acrid antipathy to the Church of England, and in 1756 published a satire in verse, The Mitre , ridiculing episcopal government and priestly pre¬ tension. It was a grief to his father and a serious matter for the Wesleys. And among them they persuaded Per¬ ronet to suppress it. He must have given away some copies, for a few still survive. ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME 165 Later he left the Methodists and became a preacher in the Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion. But she, too, remonstrated against his bitterness toward the Church. He left her and became pastor of a small dis¬ senting meeting in Canterbury, where he preached until his death on January 8, 1792. He was buried in the cloister of the famous cathedral. And so closed obscurely just such a career as may be worked out by a good man of no commanding gifts, with an irascible temper, an impatience of authority, and a touch of bitterness that grows with “ not being under¬ stood.” His hymn is the one achievement of his life. It breaks through the crusty manner of an unappreciated ^ and disappointed man, and reveals him as one that had “ such exalted views of the Lord Jesus, and so completely enthroned Him in his thoughts and affections.” SOME POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. In The Gospel Magazine the hymn was entitled “ On the Resurrection. The Lord is King.” Hence the opening “All hail”: the risen Lord’s salutation on the resurrection morning according to Matt. 28:9. And the angels were first to proclaim him. But is the hymn really an appropriate Easter hymn? 2. This hymn is a religious song rather than a religious poem. Its structure makes it very monotonous to read. But its structure makes it also very effective for singing; each verse beginning afresh and mounting to the full- chorded refrain. Perhaps no other hymn is quite so jubilant and triumphant. It has become very dear to the heart of the Church, and, if sung reverently, can hardly fail to warm that heart. It is of course possible 166 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS to use it, like firecrackers, for the sake of making a noise at a festival. 3. A strain from Shrubsole’s tune (it has long been called “ Miles Lane ”) is carved on his tombstone at Bunhill Fields, London. A verse of the hymn is engraved on Oliver Holden’s tomb in the old Burying Ground at Charlestown. In England the hymn has been inseparable from Shrubsole’s tune. In this country it has been in¬ separable from Holden’s. Both tunes are printed in The Hymnal revised. Both are a part of the history of the hymn; and having both we are at liberty to choose be¬ tween them. XV O GOD OF BETHEL, BY WHOSE HAND THE TEXT OF THE HYMN 1 O God of Bethel, by whose hand Thy people still are fed, Who through this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led, 2 Our vows, our prayers, we now present Before Thy throne of grace; God of our fathers, be the God Of their succeeding race. 3 Through each perplexing path of life Our wandering footsteps guide Give us each day our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. 4 O spread Thy covering wings around Till all our wanderings cease, And at our Father’s loved abode Our souls arrive in peace. 5 Such blessings from Thy gracious hand Our humble prayers implore; And Thou shalt be our chosen God And portion evermore. Verses 1-4 by Rev. Philip Doddridge, 1737, recast by Rev. John Logan, 1781: verse 1, line 1, altered, and verse 5 added in Scottish Translations and Paraphrases , 1781 167 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 168 Note: There are three texts of this hymn: 1. Doddridge’s original text of 173% as hereinafter printed. From this the hymn went into the Translations and Paraphrases of 1745, with trifling changes. This is the first printed text. 2. The text given by Job Orton in his collection of Doddridge’s hymns (1755), opening with “O God of Jacob.” The changes in J. D. Humphrey’s 1839 edition of the hymns may be passed over. 3. The recast made by the Rev. John Logan, printed (with some variances) in his Poems and in the Translations and Paraphrases, both of 1781. It is the latter text (given above) that has become so familiar. This and the other hymns of Dr. Doddridge belong to the period of the eighteenth century revival but are scarcely of it. They run rather with the stream of hymn singing and hymn writing among English Independents, of which Dr. Watts was the fountainhead. Hymnologists say that Doddridge is one of “ the school of Watts.” They mean that Watts’s hymns became so much the pat¬ tern for other hymn writers that he was like a school¬ master giving out specimens of penmanship to be imi¬ tated ; and that Doddridge was one of the imitators. But he was head boy in the school, and his hymns came to be regarded as a desirable addition even to those of his master. The hymn we are now studying won by its own merits a place in the wider spreading movement to allow the singing of human hymns. For when that movement reached even Psalm-loving Scotland, this was one of the “ Paraphrases ” selected by the General Assembly in 1781 and recommended to the churches. “THE GOOD DR. DODDRIDGE” In some “ unknown house in the labyrinth of London streets ” Philip Doddridge was born in the summer of O GOD OF BETHEL, BY WHOSE HAND 169 1702. It was a humble home and a very sickly baby. His earliest recollection was of his mother ex¬ plaining the scenes of Bible history pictured on the blue- and-white Dutch tiles lining the fireplace: Eve's apple tree with the serpent, Noah at the window of the ark, a very large Jonah coming forth from a very small whale, Peter crossing the Sea of Galilee in a Dutch three-decker, the prodigal son in a periwig, and the rest. She would tell him of her father, driven from his Bohemian home by religious persecution, and show him the Luther’s Bible in black stamped leather he brought away beneath the peasant clothes he wore; of his father’s father also, one of the Church of England clergy ejected in 1662 for con¬ science’ sake. Both father and mother died while Philip was a child at Kingston grammar school. Sent to another school at St. Albans, he won the notice of Dr. Samuel Clark, the Presbyterian pastor, who befriended him and admitted him to the Communion at nineteen. He went up to London to seek encouragement toward preparing for the ministry. The Duchess of Bedford offered to finance him, but only if he would conform to the established Church. The dissenting leaders were cold. Dr. Clark called him back, and sent him to be trained by John Jen¬ nings, at Kibworth, where he was happy in his books and content in his poverty. In 1723 he was qualified to preach by the county meeting of ministers, and became pastor at out-of-the-way Kibworth, where, he said, “ I have not so much as a tea table in my whole diocese and but one hoop petticoat within the whole circuit ”; but where he could spend twelve hours a day in his study. Doddridge’s chance came at Market Harborough, to which he had moved, when the Independents decided to DR. PHILIP DODDRIDGE O GOD OF BETHEL , BY WHOSE HAND 171 set up an academy there and selected him as principal. Only twenty-six years old, he consulted Dr. Watts, then fifty-four, and thus began a warm friendship with the great man. Very shortly he was called to a larger church at Northampton. He took his academy with him and made it famous; spending the rest of his life there as teacher, pastor, and author. In Doddridge’s time “ the dissenting interest ” was on the down grade. Its heroic age was past: easy days brought easy ways and spiritual indifference. Dr. Watts and other Nonconformist leaders were as much opposed to “ enthusiasm ” as were the bishops themselves. They turned their backs on the revival and scorned the Wesleys and Whitefield. The kindly Doddridge, when he got to know them better, could not keep it up. In London, one day in 1743, he even led in public prayer at White- field’s Tabernacle. Whereupon Dr. Watts wrote him that many of his friends were asking an explanation of his “ sinking the character of a minister and especially of a tutor among the dissenters, so low thereby.” When later he had Whitefield to preach from his Northampton pulpit, a very storm of protest and reproach rained on him: all of which only strengthened the stand he had taken. He was the first Nonconformist leader to hold out a brotherly hand to the great evangelists. Doddridge’s one aim in all his laborious ministry was to deepen the spiritual life, not only among dissenters but in general society. To this practical end his many books were written. His Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul became something like a religious classic. The Family Expository covering all the New Testament, took twelve years of his life and was greatly esteemed in its day. He disliked controversy and liked a theology STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS 172 emphasizing the statements of Scripture rather than the definitions of the schools. In a controversial age this led some to question the straitness of his orthodoxy. Nobody ever questioned his loving-kindness. He was not a great writer and probably not a great preacher. He could not stay the decline of dissent even in his own parish. But he did good service in many ways: the more easily because in spite of bodily weakness and consumptive tendencies he had a healthy mind, a heart full of God’s sunshine, and pleasant ways. Perhaps he helped the most simply by being so lovable, for to love a good man is a big step in anybody’s religious edu¬ cation. Many hearts followed him on his voyage to Lisbon in the autumn of 1751, made possible by the bounty of Lady Huntingdon and other friends. “ I can as well go to Heaven from Lisbon as from my own study at Northampton,” he told her at parting. The study at Northampton is still kept just as he left it, and at Lisbon his body still lies in the English cemetery, near the grave of the great novelist, Henry Fielding. THE STORY OF THE HYMN Doddridge’s “ works ” gather dust on the shelves; some of his hymns are in familiar use. Like those of Davies and other eighteenth century preachers they were written in the glow of sermon composition to be sung at the sermon’s close. “ O God of Bethel ” was to follow a ser¬ mon on “ Jacob’s Vow,” from Genesis 28:20-22. During his life his hymns were more or less handed about in manuscript. Four years after his death his friend Job Orton copied three hundred and seventy of them from his papers and published them as Hymns founded on O GOD OF BETHEL, BY WHOSE HAND 173 various texts in the Holy Scriptures. By the late Philip Doddridge , D.D. [1755.] Others have been published since and some are yet unprinted. In Orton’s book this hymn begins, “ O God of Jacob.” The earliest form known is that dated “Jan. 16, 1736” in Doddridge’s own handwriting, which the present writer has not seen. Dr. Julian, who has, gives it thus: 1 Oh God of Bethel, by whose Hand Thine Israel still is fed Who thro’ this weary Pilgrimage Hast all our Fathers led 2 To thee our humble Vows we raise To thee address our Prayer And in thy kind and faithful Breast Deposite all our Care 3 If thou thro’ each perplexing Path Wilt be our constant Guide If thou wilt daily Bread supply And Raiment wilt provide 4 If thou wilt spread thy Shield around Till these our wandrings cease And at our Father’s lov’d Abode Our Souls arrive in Peace 5 To thee as to our Covenant God We’ll our whole selves resign And count that not our tenth alone But all we have is thine. I 7 4 STUDIES OF FAMILIAR HYMNS So much for Dr. Doddridge and the hymn as he wrote it. Its further study carries us over into Presbyterian Scotland. THE SCOTTISH “ PARAPHRASES ” In our study of “ The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want,” we saw how Calvin’s ideal of singing “ the Bible only ” conquered Scotland at the Reformation, and made its Church a Psalm singing Church; how at the time of the Westminster Assembly a new version of “ The Psalms of David in meeter ” was adopted; and how fond Scottish hearts became of that “ Rous’s Version.” But as Dr. Watts’s more evangelical renderings of Psalms and his hymns came to be known they caused a certain restless¬ ness and on the part of many ministers a desire for lib¬ erty to sing them or something like them in church. Nevertheless the men who made the first proposals to change the established usage of the Scottish people must have had hopeful temperaments. Time and again when a movement “ to enlarge the Psalmody ” came to the surface in the General Assembly it was quietly side¬ tracked. The Assembly of 1741 pigeonholed a petition that other passages of Scripture in meter be added to the Psalms. Next year a persistent presbytery called it up. They succeeded in getting a committee appointed to gather materials and in putting such pressure on the committee that after four years it laid before the As¬ sembly of 1745 a meager collection of forty-five Trans¬ lations and Paraphrases of several passages of Sacred Scripture, nineteen of them taken from Dr. Watts. This had to go down to the presbyteries for their approval. Then followed a contest in which the innovators kept Tranilations and Parap " A. Of feveral Paflages of iSrIB ■ ■ i Mall ■ .. uw w Mi nrini II i li liiiferMMiliMi 4 *ftv enss 1 SACRED SCRIPTURE, Collefted and prepared by a Committee