^^THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, ^u ^ Prin'ceton, N. J. ■?, * ■ f f J From the Rev. W. B. SPRAfiUE, D.D. Sept. 1839. ^r; ': I ^««A-. Ne '..-I ^^ - ^ VERITASI k*»-,v of TetBtiry- GloucefterlliireT) 4 ^Hc, i ■:5 ^ -:?' Of'i, ibo^ <5 ^ 5 €V. / » ^ ^ ^ #^(f --J^ -^ :^»-' J^ IS l'*^. / , / # ^-T / '^ :-- ^ ^ THE FVLL REE>EMPTIO: ofmanidnd by the death and bloud of Christ ^esvs: --:-.."Z^::^er:- srcthis ceaih,:he ccj^iorx \\'ba t pdir.cs cZ r;^ v luirb red m his ibiilc oc di€ CroiT: ; ■ : tLic pace sr.i pirpofe c: his defccnr co bcl aftt: c^iih: i.Crr- * - :-. i i ^KjiS€ ds^j ist^rfian Cot *.- . ^ r_ i^jasa 4.^sm cnictztd. : ?d it London by ^etcrZl-jrt :o: ' be fold ill Pa i-^i 5 Chu-rch ji;d , , r Lie Rcrwer cdi:cc I ? c ^ . '{ To the Chriftian Reader. T is fomc time (incc ( good Chri'-' (lianReadeOchaclyingin London, and preaching at PaulesCrofle 3 as ch.c feaft of Eaikr drawing nccr did admoniili mec , jI maflc choice to fp.cakeof the icdcmption of man- kinde by the death and bloud of Cirift Icfus. And becaufe that Citic then had^and ycc bah 3 as manie learned and religious preachers -, (6 fouc conceited and too niuchaddivf^cd to nouelties, , whcfpai ed not in their Catcchifings and readings.to - vrgc d-ie:ruffcring oixhcveriefainesdfhdl in the foul o{ Chiifi on the crolTcjas the chiefeft part, and maine ground ofour Redemption by Chrift: Ijfindinghovvr laft that opinion hadincreafedjfincc it wasfirlt deiii* fed, and doubting where it would end, thought it my tE' fin the 'Tree : where hee rvaspit to ''>«Ptt'^' death concemwg the f l e s h ; ) Befides that the holie Ghoft in thefe places by exprefle wordes nameth .the bodilie death of Chrift as the meane of our redempr tionand reconciliation to God.- no confiderate di-* uine might affirme or imagine Chrift Ai&red the Deathoftbefoulej for fo much asthq Re^th of the Ibule muft exclude Chrift from tU^-griice/pirif^ and life of G od; and leaue in liim heithei-f^ithyhfi'pfy nor ioue , fan^itie , wot inriocencie ; wUch God forbid anie Chrifti'an man fnoulde fo much a$ dreame. Wee fhoulde therefore do well to reuerence the ma- oifeft Avordes of> Gods Spirit in lo high a pointe ^^Religion ,3^^ {w^tx. our felucs as (chollecs; to bee, taught; by the leader into all trueth ,. what to beleeueandconfeile in the myftcry of our redemp- eQn';:aftd:fiQ5 to cpntroje prcgrreotthedodiinefo As* deerely T(9 the Chrijlian ^ader. cleeielicdeliucredin the Scriptures, fo confonantlie retained of all learned and vnlearned in theCburch of Chrift, for fo many hundred yeares . And if anic man to maintaine his dcuife wou^de inuentanewe heU and another death of the foulc, then either fcn'p-. tures or fathers cuer heard or fpalc of, they fhouldc keepc their inuentions tothemfelues; it fufficcd mc tobeiecucwhatlread, and confcquemly not tobe- Jceue what I did not read in the word or God, vvhich is and ought to be the foundation of our faith. ThusfarreIpurpofed,vvhenIfirfl:entered,byGods grace to proceedt in this caufe,according to y fimple vnderftanding wherwicHgod hath endued me for the good of his Church. The article of the Creed, Chrift BEscENDED INTO HELL I mcant not to meddlc withj choofing rather to leaue y vmouched , then to prcflc anyfenfeasapoint of faith, for which! had not {o full and faire warrant, as for the redemption of man by the death and blood of Chrift Iefus;but the vehc- mcncicoffomecontradiding that I taught 5 and the importuniiie of others requcfting to knowe what they might fafelie beleeue of thatarticlejmademce to alter my minde. For whc fome vrgcCjOthets doub- ted 5 that if Chrift did not fuifcr thepaines of hell \ whiles he hung on the Cro(Te,that part of the Creed was added in vaine*, and the wordes of 'DmU , ihou^ »Pfal- 1^. ytptlt not leaue myfiule in hell, applied by ^ Peter vnto ^ Acts 1. Chrift in the fecond of the t-xf^y, could hardly hauc any good conftrudion : ( becaufe itfeemed farre fet, and altogither repugnant to the proper fignification of the vvordesjto take the foule for the l^cMe^ and ^ell for the^^'^w^^jand as for the locall defcent of Chrift to To the Qorijlian Reader. to hcH after death , they counted thatbut a fable.) I wasiorcedtopromifcthati would opcniic deliuer, which I thought was the likelieft and fafcft fcnfc , as well ot that article in the Cre:de,asof thofc wordes ofD^»/^/ulfi)led in theperfon of our Sauiour. This occasion drew mee to the next queftion of Chriftcs defcent to hell. VVhcrin I refolued as by perufingthc later part of this treatile will better appearc , that Chrifts defcent to the vcrie place of hell after his ^ death, did beft concord both with the Crcede , and with the truth of Chriftian rcligion,fc)wc tooke care not to fwaruc fro the Scriptures,in letting downc the caufe why hewcnt thither ; which was to oucrthrow \ & deftroy the kingdom & might of Satan in the place of his grcatefl ftrcngth,eucn in hel,and as our head to firee all his members from daunger and fcare of com- ^ raing thither: the forrowcs and terrors whereof hee loofcd with his prefencc , treading them vndcr his fcete,and rofe againe into ablefled and immortall lifcjeadingcaptiuiticcaptiue, and taking from hell and Satan all power to preuaile againfl- his eled. Both thefe rcfolutions thatGhriftfiiflfcred not the truepawesofhellin hfsfiuleonfhecroffe'^^ndthzi hee ** perforjAllie conquered and difarmed the foveers and v terrours thereof before his refurre^ien\ fome (as in luch cafes is common^mifremembred/ome mifcon- ilrued , and fome milliked •* whereupon I was both * aduifedand intreatcd by menof greata'place then 1 vyill name , to put the eifevl of that which I had dcliuered in writing, that by mineovvne words, and not by other mens conceits or reports > the learned might iudge of thedodiinc. Whichldid that verie SamineK 7*0 the Chriftian Reader. Su{rirTjer,and had itrcadie for the preflc before Barclc- mewtide , but that the Parliament of States appro- ;ching, wherein men .fhouldebe otherwife imploicd*, andagrcathiirleraifedagainflitby cerraine popular preachers in that citie, through whofcmoiithes the .contrarie had often palled to the people as currant, I *vasddir€ confcience, that cannot be perfwaded by reading the latter part of this trcatire;though I my felfc,after long .^ &diligent fearchjfind no fcnfc fb agreeable to y words — of the CreedCjfo anfwcrablc to the rules of the facred ^Scriptures, andfofullie followed by all the Fathers, as Chrifts defcent to the verie place of hell for the purpofes aforefaid . Hauing premonifhed th€e(Chri{lian readerjof thus muchjlamnot willing to detayne thee anie longer from vewing and examining thebooke it (elfe, but onelie to tell thee that whiles I flayed the printing hereofjtill others did like itjas wel as my fclfjone more haftiethen either aduifed or learned, calling himfclfe H . I ♦ would needes traduce it and confute it before he faw it ,refling belike on fuchnotes,ashis angry , mind and bnckle memorie tooke at the time * when I preached of thefe points. Wherein though others condemnc his follie , yet I commend his pollicie 5 that Icafi: hce fhould trouble himfelfc with more the he could anfvvere,he thought it y befl way to come into the field alone, and like a flout Champion fighting with his owne fhadow , to fay no more the he would be furc to deny or decline with one l^otheChriJlian^Reader. fhift or other* To make theeafier conqucft of that 1 preached, hec clcanc changeth the Itate of the firft Qujcftion , hce offereih to prooue that which ^ I ncuer denied , hee confuteth that which I nc- — iier aflfirmed, hec runneth atRandom no man can tell whither , hee peruettcth my wordes, hce may- meth my reafons , hee fkippcth all my authori- ties 5 hce fcomefullic reiedeth the iudgcment of the Fathers when I alleage them , the Scriptures heeturneth and windeth at his pleafure,hewadeth defperately through thicke and thinne in matters of mod importance, his beftrcafbn is euerie where his own opinion,outfacingthe world with his ignorances in rummejhcfhewethvs by his example what it is for a man in matters of faith to dcfpife both 'authoritie «*^ andantiquity,and truftonely tohisbwnfancie. Such an opponent the wifer fort will thinke I were better negled then encounter, which refolution I my felfe do retayncionely left my filence fhould augment his boldnesjl thought it notamifle in the conclufion fe- uered from the treatifejto giue thee a taft of the rafh- nes and weakncs ofhis enterprife , intreating thee in themeanetimctoreadeaduifedly and iudge indiffe- rently, for that the caufe is weighty and toucheth thee as neere as mee.For if we fufFer the mayne foundation . of our faith and hopeinChrifttobe wrenched neuer fo little awrie;the whole building is more endangered then wee are ware of . In Gods caufes, let Gods booke teach vs what to bcleeue, and what to profefTe. If thou thinke it thydueticin matters of faith to be- ware of vnwritten verities , in the grcateft point of aU 5 which is our redemption by Chriftj takeheedc Ks thou ^othe Chrijlian Reader. .thou cafilie admit not vnwrittcn abfurditics • This matter began in more gcnerall and more tolerable tcarmes, if they might bceracher fobcrly mitigated, then too vehemently prefled ; but as when we runnc ^owne an hill we can hardly ftaie; fo in matters of re- ligion when wefal to inuenting beyond the fcriptures we quickly miffe and feldome recouerihe truth. Fare- well (gentle Reader) and pray that our thoughts and wits may be fijbieded to the truth of Gods word., and that wce'loath not the fimplicitic whichisinChrift* ? « THE FVLL REDEMP- tion of mankind^ by the death andbloudofChrift. GALATH.C. ver[g,i4.. Be It far from me to reioice but in the Croffc of'Chrift, ' . fe> fljc «af arall man rto tt^ere \U , hctt) no2 ftllotDctt tljc tt^ngcs of I (DcD 5 bccaafe tt>€p fccmc fooUi> 1 ncs tjnto fjf m : fo of all tlje toalcfi ano tuojhcs of (0oD t^cre is » none , ttiat nio;e Difpleafctij ano offenDct^ tf)c bnbcfeieaec, tljcn ttjC CtOffe of %(ft ♦ ^ Wee . ,. Corinth t. 'preach Chrift crucified (fa((t)t'5C ThecroAcof ' . ,^ SpottlC) tolhele^^'Csartumbling Chrift dtlpiicd bi'ocke, to the Grecians fooluTineflc. ^t<3vtt\mi fano:tng ''^''hof lewcs no(|)ing but tuojlBltetuircDemf, ansflcj^lie reafon , ceun>^" ^ anofuUte con^ feOfe Cb;((t crucifieo to be tbe mfgbtte potDer.ano mantfolo loifcoomeof dDoofo} tt^lrenerlafiing tote anD b!i(fe^ ano What it is to toete fo fat from being aCjameo.of €^M6 fnflferings , (Ijac ihc ijciecucrs. Qjgp ^g^e luiUtngpartabcrs; ano open reioicerain tt)e crolle of Cb?(fi J a« ttje japoaie bece fatetb of bimfelfe. ^ Be it farce •^ '* from mec to reioice , but in ihc CrolTe of Chrift , by which the world is crucified to mCjand I to the world, 2nD inO^Oe if Ine bebolDc CQjjiff ctuciflcD bD(fi)camall cks^m oiu fljc Vetoes, iueeil^uU fee nod)inginf}tmbuteaitblte tJoeabcnctTe, ano Deablie tucunoein, tis tbe^ fatnc : but if iDe btnoe ttK efes of cur fattb to ttje trntb Qf^is petfon,anD to tbc fo^ceano fruite of btis ceatb>aiJ mui! all bij$ fatntf; toe (^all 8nbe Q^e potcet; ano tolfebome,fuffice an^ tmrcie of (0oD to tempereo in tbe croae of %in foj our gooo ; (bat bp bit; patnes toe are eafeo^ bp bt£ Urtpes toe arc bcaUD>bu( loeabemlle Ui our 0rengtb,f biis f^ame i3ourg!o^ie,anDbt0Oea(boar Itfc-too^t^Iptbete^ fzK bo(t tbe )apo0le pitofelfe, Q)at l^ ^{d ^ and toe ^oull> no( retof ce but in tbe erode of %iff «> anofebere becfaitb, l)eb(DreIoycclnnotbingbutln tbc (toOe of ^W^'M ^i^b^ teacte^ t$ to repots all our fali^ ' tm by the death and bloud of Chrift. 3 aKOliope,affcMU w our tor»,(n t&c faaoar of €5oD,td)(£t) ^M tjatt}par£tjafcDf0jt)5. fapljtSDeatljatDblouD. 'Reioice in .Rom.ia hopCjCalrt) i\jt ^poClc; I1)at (3 in Ojc expcaation , not in tl;e ' prefcnc fruition Of i>eaoaiUe fljlngcg , fe^tct) '^00 ^Rtl) prepa- red fo) ail tfy&t \oug ^im, ^oU) l)opc lulttout fattt) t^f re can bcekoit^. "^ Faith is the ground workecfth at wcc hope, foj -JHcbrji Ijotee can iuc toM? patience loofec fo) (bat, tU)(ct) toe uoe not I«Iattc toce 1^«U ttuiue i E^e cjoobting of (H^oos pjomifea ifi it)e plainciuntagingof ^m, anDb:aJJctljratber aftacc iue iljall mtde tl)tm,Kj£n an bopc to cniote t^eni:ant) in fcare ^herc is « P A I N E , afl (AiWt lohn faf ttj , anti no I o 1 e , Ct)et1 • i.Iohn.4 m tt)etx t5 no perfect iote, bnt in bope aHnret) b? fatfb , fb if ioe mnfl^ not ittotce but in tbc erode of Cl).2iit ^our faitb ans ^opematt iii)clis ocpeuDe on t^at peace anD attoncmrnt, ti^itb €f??ill!;a^ maoe betloiii;t d^so mtii i}0,b? tb€ f^eaDing of bt^ p;ccio{i5 biono fcvour rabc0 ; tbat iB br bis croHe. ^fnce t^refoe £b?iif cractftcD is the wifcdomc and power ofGodtofiaueaUt^atbflaue,E2«)tbecrolIcof€b?ittt0tbc • M fappo^t of aU one faich,hopc mttt ioicj tbecc v& no one point in (^?i0ia« religion > tbat moaemaintUeconccrnttti, anu neetelifi eonc^etb t^ faluation of oac fenleis ? tben tbc cigbt iinDerfianttng atbonlp relying on tbe erode of Cb;(ii;leail tue mi0a^e tb$ trntb e? biHrnS tt;e fo;ce tbereof,to ^ btf^ao mvx of l)c fiftt tjfcii tt) Wus, foi ttjat bc fatu b£fo*,e Ijance, ofaffliaion. f^atgotngtotJificrolTcljenioulDtaaeaUbfntjeB dfcalami' tics : wfi fo fame if to pa ffe, i?oj bcttoatte l)tfi lalB fappcr, anD i)is Dead), !)ce tos-s betraicD of lud^s, ebiureD of Peter, fojfaljcn of all l)is folloUiers , t)e<5 toas luaongfunip imp.nfo- ncDjfalfeltc accufeo,tjn(nlf liccmiDcmitfO; be tuas bofTctcD, lii^ip[)cD,fcojneD,fcuileD ; \)e mninth colDe,nahccne£f,!tir(fj iDOunUing jbanging , n)amc ,rep20ct) , anD all fo:te0 of ocaO^ lit patnes : befi&CB Ijcauin^lTD of bcart.aiio agonie of mine, iJ^icl)opp;jcirct5im intiis garocn. 3Sig!}tlicftfnmafet|j,e croffc note an maner'ofmtrcries,fojafmafba6onrS)ant« our going from tbe garDai to ttje grane/ufff reo all ro;tes of affliaiong : botobeit ttjis i$ no Different Ognificartonj bpt ra» tt^r a participation of tbe crolTeof (Bjnff. • 2|)e Church of Rome batb UjeDDcD a great part of }^tt nt* The church of uottoti to tbf ctoflfe of pcare, bUjcticc (3ncD bloao ano toater. ^w boDfe tbus toounocD ano to^tnreO bnto oeatb,bt0 blono tbud- Q^eo , ano as it toerc poto^coon ittic cart^,are fa(0 in tbe fcdptures to be fbe ran* fomcof flnrfinttes,anop?rceof oar reo^mptlon . ' Hecbare ; , p^ ^^ » our Cmnesh hi*s*body vpon the Crofle(rat(b Peter:)anO again, « j pcicr!i ^ Yoii are redeemed With the precious bloud of Chrift, as of a lambevnrpottedaiidvndcfiled. 3"bonotampIlfl[etbe boDtlte pafnes ftijicb :eatbbini 313 3 ' a 6 The full redemption of mankind", a ibkhe trotone oCt^ojncs , to fffcbe li$ ^at fun ef f^f m: »Matih.i7 ''ot after t^ patttng it en, to faffeii ft,UK p C(D Crifec bini en Matkci $. * tbe Ijeaoe tettl) ttitic Canes, as "^ Matthew ano Marke do plainlie UiJti^e, 2ti N a i l i n g ^tm to tt}e CroUe, bcCtci? ttJE greatneffeanDrojcneffeaf tA^isximtB, initio imtt^iop ttite tobemarUcD^tbe^fbaratneS} lj^5 bobts Ira&bcct^oulo filrre bana q> fote , tbat all bts bones migbt bf e nnmb:rD, £i|)e greatnelVe of bbSwoundcs Dauid fcJC^fUKO bp tbffe ^ - l»fi30Ci5 : " Fodermt mmus mctu^ (fr pedes meos ; ihcy digged - *•*"• niy handcs and my fccte ; noting bOtOC teiDC iDOUnOee ttjcg maoe in boti},txbtcb ^xz rat^r digged tj^an ptercet j anc To biggc Ijjcre tbe naile« , aa tbe EcclcfiaiVicall b(0o?ie wpo^» tEtbjtbatConftandnc mabc of tbt m (febcn %\b motbcr t^ao fouiib tt^m tn tbe mount ti^ere <;n;)?(fi leaB crncidcb) ° A • S«cr4i«»/», irttt) & eraa obi< Oience ano pattence,tt;2t t)e otD not n)^tnhe at tbe paine, \m Sritte iDltb ceafb) ^nt yeclDcoOs boluntarie a CacrtSce to goo>ttat injtbe i^atpcfi to;mtcnt0 be maoe no C^clu of fenfe: no3 faffereH ^0 Qtk ^0 ntacb ojs to tremble oa Hraggle toftb jjaineo^Deatb. Sbe inamiec of renDiJingtjp b^fcule tbe „. ,.. io)cr(ptare0 m\n jpatbers bo carefuBie obfcroe.&aint loha juntariiy? fta0 bctcribrtb it* "^ When lefushadtaftcd of the vinegar, hee 'Iohn.15. faid (all}is finillied,& bowed his head , and gaue vp the Ghoft. Mbereapon Bernard fattti: ^It is a great infirmity to die,but Co f S*mr»t. to die,doih plainlie proue an infinite power. ^.Luke repojtetb ^at^r^'^'^ tiat Icfus ^ cried with a loud voice (to (l^tubi^^'^l^'^ ^0 ^ ft*^ ^£5. from anp tOu4J of Oeatb) and faidc, Father into thy handcs I commend my fpirk. ^Ctf «pon Hicrom Obfertiefi^ , tbat tbe Centution bearing U^ptav^ , anb feeing bi«i " •^^'<^'>« «^jw/2.«ut4t fpirittimjponte (Hfnijijfe, prcfcntlyof hisown€ accord 10 fcnde Hf{/;if ati),m)?^cH aflfaulttng out &autour,cot]lD make ains feparatton^no not cf |)t« bcofe jbat bs tifmfelfc of jjifi otonc a rcc^D mnC pnf off bt5 cartt)lte tabf rnacle,tt)at oufng foj a fr aDn !^f iri'g!)i con# qutr Qtattj fo) euer; anD fo tbe laping Dotoiw cf bis life tuas no (mpofeo panli|)mf nt,no3 fojccable fcinaOon of uutt) tip* on titm.bot a tolnntarp facrffice fo; finnc renD:cD Unto'CDoa foj out fabcs 5 to appcafe tbe lD?atb ato fatilfj? c^c curfe, tttif (b one mantfoUD tD(cbebm0 bao moff fuftUe Defer u£&. How the opi- S^os farce toittnjut fcare toe mate IraUe cictcno tfje crolTe monofchrifls of C^^tObp ebetoaccaritof ttje Ijotte fvrfptttre5.S>omcn«:ii luffci ing hell ill ouf ua^es ffretcb tt a great Deale far tbcr,to tfje beat^ bof^ ^rowVn r'* of boDf e ane foal0,ant to tbe W h o l e P a 1 n e s Q p T h e ^dci^ilci. ^ Damned lNHELL;b«tt)port boto tuft grouiiUsf.Mj eii ' . pou beare, poo map fubge as pou ffle caofe. Hjis opimoii SatbgrotoenbPDegcffi^; ano ruerte safe tabetb netue em cceafe. at tbe firtt, meRfontentcbtbemrelue* to fljmfee 0)2(11 fuflfereb tbc painesofhel,tbat ts5 great aiio (ntcleiable , paines^teb^fft mctapbojtcall Utno of fpeacb tbe jfecriptarcd . ' ' ' . toill beare; if hie concla&e nolDojfc meaning toitbtn iBbofe lonas i! tD03D2; Out of the bellic'ofHE L,(fa»tb lonas)! cried and thou Plal. 18.* heardeft my voice. The (brr6^'<:s ofH E l compaflcd me about Pfali I ^. (fa(^ Dauid) and thcgriefesof H E L tookc hold ofme.'^ome otbers afflrme , tbat Cb.jiffjtn faff atning tbe \si}^^ of C^obi one tob0,wtaaicd ti)tt|)tbe)}eriepot9cr5 of ^en ttiar&ugbt ty the death and bloud of Chrift. p fofaffenonlilm , aitD fjolDfocuerbd^olofng t^ Utm of CDoDs t}etigeance p^ouol^eD bp our ftnne0, tic DfD fomtimxs trcmblc,petbpfirme faith alwaics fixed on God, b^ repelled an& rep;efl'eo ttiofe affanlts of ^atan^ano To faueo not bint- fe!feonetp,batt)0al(b.SL|)t$mtgbtbetnDni'e6 if imn could 0ap bere; $ it toere to be toit^eD^tbat in matters of To great iDefgbt ano Danger ,U}e toonio ra^er trp tcbere toe are,ttKn baSen to go onUiaro. ItBat as Vo&ttt bi^cabing ber hmhss 0ttlrnnnetbanDneuer ftayctb; fo fomc Itgbttng on otber mcn0 inuention0 neuer leatte aoDtng ttU tbcp marre all.^n tbe cafe tc^itb tue baue in bano, tbe name of ^t\\ paine0 be^ ing onceaomitteD into tt^ U}o:be of our rcoemptton , fomc in our Dates tuill no nap^butfbatCb^id on tbe croffe turn* teDtbereircramepaincsinfoalCtt'trbtbC damned do in hell, anDenDaccDenen tbe death of the foule^ pcaotbcrs auoactj tbatbeefuttaincDfarre greater fojments ^n ante arc in belljto toit,a0 mud^ paine in r y. boures , a0 all tbe fattbfuU ^onlD baue fuffereo euerla(Iinglte,aiiD tbat as tell in boDp as in foule. Co tbefc Dangerous Deniresarefoatenten atpt (n our time, i^no becaufe B3 ^notue not txb^n o;: txbere t^t^ tuillmafee an cnDc, 31 tbtnfec it nccDfull foj Dlfcbarge of mpDutie^anoDtrecttonof pourfaitb, a0tDeHtofetDolt)ne certainelimit0 beyond t^tcb i^oumap not go, as alfo to re- Uct fucb ertremitte0 a0 bp no meane0 ma^ be clofeDin tb^ croHfe of (^;il!,bitboat apparant tmpietie. ' ^t paines of beU(if Bl be not DeceineD)make a fo urefolo „ impumon iti tbe foules of meni a carefull feare, t*tcb Decli. SX^h?' ncflbtbemjadoubtfull fearc, tibifb COnfltCtetb Ujltbt^ni; a painesofhell dcfperate feare tibicb Onfeefl) tinDer tbem, anO a damned feare make in the trbicb fnfferetb tbem. tbe firtt (0 ano mutt be fn all tbe goD* ^°"^^ °^*^^''* lie 5 anD cbicflie ^n Cb^iftbimfelfe : iFo?tbe nioje fcoe louc C0OD, tbemo;2etueeDete(t ano tbnn}^^ all reparation from <2I5oD. ^ell tberefoje iibicb is an tttet erclufion from ^ fetngDome of (E5oD,i0 moft iufllie abbojrcD of all i^is faints, ano fpeciallie of bis otone ^on : fctbo not onelie bp iuiil, buJ b^ nature is one toitl) ^is ifatber. ^ conQict M^ l^ell c ' a ol The full redemption of mankind, tf tt come not from tljt tniuaro motion of Qjt mmt>, 10 M a temptation to trie U)« ljtarf,o^ t^et^o roe ffrcngti) of ttje gcD^ Uc^otoaaAdam fcmptcD tn l^araDtfe bpEuc,nii& Eue b]? ttje 0ei:pent,top.:cDijet!Otomin9faU tlKpUjtrc,anD t^anh^ fuU il)cp tocinD b2 foj tbc blcSJiiigs of (iDoo bf IIolucD tjpoii fijcm^ "^0 toas (II5;jiU tempteo in tlysMluxntUc bv g)s- lan,nnD all f)i3 life icrg b?? tbe IstchcD , Ubf cb luere to ^im butoccaQonsto Declare Ctje tnncccncie anD mtfgdtie of bts humane nature . IBut ^ fntoaroe temptation of tbc tjeart ans confcicncr, ttougb tt btt in all tbe cl)tHi;cn of A- dam, (tlje elect tljcmfducs notereepteD,) b^ resfon of ttKlt flel^ lulling agai'ttll tije fplrtte , tbcic confc tence accu* Citg tljcmfojOnnc , mxa ttjeir fapt!) fomctimcs fainting; l/et in £ fuf* rpD the rclffamc Wi}ki) tti£ tjamncD 50. iFo3 Se DamneD baac mant? (0213 of patncs in j)elti;ncii 0? no means conlo fail en on diviffis perfon*, ano (ince tbcrc be Degca?0 of {latnc iji IjcU caenfujttjccamiyj&jtbcfecHricastcacljersmafi (^eioe tjs i4jicO of SjCfc Di^grecj; Clj:iff fnffcsxD, 1 bp ii|)at toarraiit cf 0C50 h)oao,tticp aojRiigg tl)e tjcrp patneg of IjcU to t^e croUc ijfCb.iiS •^' " '" :CopcrftDSDC!^m to bolts fatl the forme ofwholfom words^ j.xim.r; iiljtd) t^e IjOij? gI)D3 obfcrujt!) il)?6ugi)out ttje fcripturw , 3 ' fcaw is bnf iod laboj; baain g Itgbteo on a Crangc ooctrine, tJjcp arc foKctJ to ^fc flrangefpdedjes, fudj as no tibcrc ar^ founJj in tbe too^D of trutb. erpjefi'tngmans rcD? mpfion bj> fbc Dcsib ans) blooD of 0 from botb. Signes ftjat be did faffer,U)crc biiS A g on i e in tbcgarDdijVdjcnbeftoeatblooDi&^fcb foj a co;)po?aUDeat^ %t 5i)oulD ncuer baue Oonn biis C o m p l a i n t on tbe croffe, Ibat be toas fojfahen of d^oDjtubfcbCax} t^t^ tbtnfee)p20DU£tb \)t felt in foule a moff fearefull tuDgement of C!5oD,p;onotm< ccDagatnffourfinne^. CoeuerteoftbefeBllDilt fpeabetn ojDer, tbatfinDingtbctoeabneCTcoftbetrfounDatton, to* mate tfee fconer fee tbc lanteneffe of ttjelr conclufton. Predictions 2Lo tbe firtt ^ migbt anftuere toitb ^aint Auften^ Qjefe thatchrift ^ \x)oM of Dauid fpecifie ttot ante fuffermg of bell patnes on ^"^"'tothci ^ ^^^°^^'^"t ratberaDefcent totbe place of beU. ' That the ^^weaiT^fJ*^ Lord after his bodie was dead came to hell isccrtaine enough; for neither can the prophecie be coniradifled., which faid , Thou wilt not leane my foule in hell; ("which Icaft anic man fhouldc dare otherwife to interpret, Teter in the A6ls ofthc Apoftlcs lb cxpoundeth;)nor the wordes of Teter bee anoidcd, where hee faith that Chrifl brake the forrowesofhell,the which could not poffiblie ta ke hold on him ; who then but an infidcll will denie featOhniTwas in hell ? ilBuf to(fb anttquttie 31 totU nt)tfe?ge tbem ; if tbe tert ooenotrcfaretbcfrerpofitton, 31 ^iW tf leafc tbcm t^is autbojitfe. Stbat tl)iB raping of Dauid Dotb not Ur\}po;t ante paines fufifereo tcbUe Cb^tff Itueo, but feme bonour Done to bi^ foule after \}W Dean) , mate tb;Ce toateis be p? (BUeD ', hv tbe wordes next prarcedent , b^» tbc words next adioyned,anD bp the application trfit'd) Peter mafeetb, ^tW bC dtetbtbisi place. £l|jetoo5De0ncrtbcfoj«, {^jo^id^ arctbefe, •Pfal. I^. d ^y flefh fhall reft in hope)note Cfl?f 00 bur^all : StiB t^iB IS b;(ougbt a£( a reafon b^v ^^iftcs boDle (^oulD reff in bope, not on tbe crolTe Itbere it baD no reff , but ii\ t!)£ graue after te toa5 DeaDi bccaufc thou wilt not leaue my foule in hell, gi^ tbt0 refpeaeD anptbing enDureo on tbe croCfCjtbe bolp gbolf ma^ baue faioe fn tbe perfon of Cb^iff , bccaufe Th ov HASTNoTLEETMYSovLElNHEL:^epaftiej6f,anft time by the death and bloud of Chrift. 1 3 time iDCce botb pat!; but Ije fpeafee^ tii ttje future tence, % of future tt)»153, Thou wilt not Icaue my foule in hell. ianDttjtfiS toas tfx Ijopc tn tiitGf) e fame. *^ Thou wilt not Icauc my fouleinhell, Jpfai^^^ nor fufi^er thine holic one to {ee corruption , 150tt) Qjefe be* fng iotntlie fpoben of <0;?t(!, mud bott) bee tatntite teriSeo in ribleblafplcmt^^ KW^^ t^ iD^es of onrdnne j mnd by the death and bloud of Chrlft. 1 5 ijecnDnreTHE Same, b^foje tuee can beercDarmD, 02 ^0Di5(u3icc befatifficDf 3| ^opc no fount} Ctutnc taillfo tonclnse. £l)cpUnnWiCafeefernan,t)catb tofljc ofijnttfeof %fffg cJ>nft couia ptiionMt be teas (as rbcp fate) fo^ tJjc time to tdCe tlje ^f^ J°ach orih"/ tie fauif oeattj botlj in fouie ano bouiettJjiCt) ioee Cljoalo Uaue fouie.\vhich^ Done ; eaa lifjtcl) in tos C^oulo ^aue bt^iie cuerlaHing. ^ixtt was the chiefs b? tiKtr leaiies , M in tlje fcilptures is an enctlailing top. J'^gcs of our mrnt , emu tfjercfoje If tt)c epcellcncie of Cb^Klcs peifoii cj:; ""^^ cmptbftn fromcnerlaHingmircrie, tbat cl^celie quitet^ ^im in boDie ano fonle from fuffering beO. Slgainc,as Ut\m is tlje voluntaric defe<5lion of tSje fouleftom d^oO/o bell 13 t^t Total, ifnotFiNAL Exclvsion of tbefoulciromall. feUotot^ip toirt) d^oo-, leffe tben tbe i>ea(!) of fonle it cannot be ♦ 3;tii3 t^e tragrs of finne , aiH) tbetefoje it mutt brc tbc Dcatb as luea of Uje roulej.ac &f (ije boDie 5 ano cbtefeltc of tbe foulc , becanfe tbe foule of manw fbep^incipall agent in (inne» S. lohn caitetb bcU tbC ' fecond death, ^f tbcn ^t ^Apocal.io fcule of <^M fuff creo eitbec b.cil,oj tfje luagcjs of onr Cnn?^ of nececruie foj tb8 time it mnil be beaD.Thek wages of finne ''Ro«",^» is death. Blffoj fi}^ time ene0luitbligbt: lUoafojtbat t!.m0 aUfattbanmoneofcE^o.D. iro:ibyraich theiuftdoe'Iiue: ano 'Gaiat.j he that'" abidethinloueabidethinGod. 0nDGnceiim death ofthc fpirtc to bcc fqifakeii ofGod. •,?- Afors >aifi'm anctbcDDtng ofbtsbleuQ fo^tbtinI!anDfunratt(fac!(onofanournnne0, men in tbe r(s^teott0 «to Cin»re luDgement of <£^tn? 2|iougi) tt)ercfo:e The By the death atid bloud of Chrifti f ^ The Same Part irngl)e,mioWDfnffer{nC^?iflf,ti$fcti finncD in man ,31 meant ttje foulejvet fapno mcancsconlo it receaitcTHE Same Wages ttttc^toct^onlD l^autcecef* ucD. i3iiD finc0 !)cn is tlje grcatcft Dciigeance, t{)at <25oD tn- fltctctf) foj Onnejtf Ct);iffcis To ale tocrc frd^fcom ante^it muff naDfs be claereo ano acqmtcDfrcm ttat,fa|{ct) i$ gr? atel!, mio moft cepagnant to :trt fulncffe of gcace,trutt) ant) fpidt, t^at DtDCIt In me ^umsneronle of dT^^td: but thereof 3] (^all ^atie occaSon to fpr aUe aftertoarD agatne. Th gjignes tt)at <35,2ia fuffcreD £^ paincsof Ware left: Thcfigncs f att) t^oTe are tjifi agonte in t^ garDcn,anD ^ts complaint on p'^jf '^^'^ '"^" m croire,njat be toast ojfafecn . m c,'^ ^^ Qjat tDitl) oar obfcare ono p;fuate gutdes, toe Do not contra^ tia facb plaine ano caiocnt places , as teSifie tbe perfection anD conianction of drills I;umane nature toitb f)ts Dinine, anc fo to;ong tbe pcrfen of our ^aniour» S^is rale remem« fccD (tboug!) 3 bee moff toilling to refr aine tbe fearcbtng of lbat,iibicb is concealeD from tjs)9ct (ince fljcp ma be fbis tbs moH aDuuttfage of fbcfr C3ufc,tbat tberecanot be ante oQ^c reafon affignco of ^;2iffes fijjroto , facODes Us faffcring Qie psinesof b^lli 3 toUUctpcubnoerlfano l)oto manie tbcrc mfgljt be biOocs ^at tt^jf cb ttjpp b;tng; anD tbat tbcirs of all otbcrSjis leafi p;:ofa2ble,if not altogetber intolerable. 3 toill offer poa firecaufef , tbat mfg^t be, of Cljjiffs agonie^ eue- rieoneof tbemmojelifedte, anD mo:egoDliefbenft)isDe- nifc ot^ben paines; otbers at t^eir leafores male t^tnbe on 0^ ftbicb 3 il)all be contentto ^eare . ajiofe fire are tbefe. riftsSvBMissioNCothemaicftie of God fitting in iudge- ment;The Reiecti oNofthcIewes'The DisPERsloNofSixecaufes his Church; The L a m E N T a t i o N ofmans finne;The D e- ^f chTifts f o. PRECATION ofGods Wrath; The VolvntarY DEDi-nyin / ga* dknl CATION of his bloud to be fhed for the finncs of the world, ^ I and « i8 The full redemption of m'ankinclj and fanftificatio ofhis perfon to offer his true &: eternal facrificeC ^ogr8atiie5tt)cMAiESTY OF GoD,encric tt^ercamr sit all timc^jbut fpecialltc dtttng in tuDgmcnt , ano (b farce eycelSing ttjc cnpacitie of all btscreatnres , (^at no ficfl^ U# utng tis able to appears before ^im U)ttt}out feare anD tcem« floeli bling/1 he day of the Lord(fc4JcnfoeKcr l)ce rffctbto tuBgc)is great andfcarefull,and whofiiallindurek? ®2Hben dl^ODgauC *Hebre.i t jjig la^e , fti)f dj iDa0 bat tljc rale nf bts (aDgemcntjfo tterri- ■Pialra.u? blewasthc fight, that ^(?/?/raid, I feare and tremble. "^ My flefli (fatttj Dauid to (II5oD) trcmbleth for feare oftheej and I am afraide of thy iudgemenis . ^(nce tben tt ts a point not onelie confedeD but t;{gcd,bp tbe ocfenber^ of G^i$ ncto b0aire,tbat ^;itt appeared bere before tbe trtbunall of 0oD , to fnbmft Ijlmfelfe to ffiB fatber0 pleafarej ano tbe toojDcs of €W^ in tbe ttoclftb of lohn tenb to tbat effeajlxbece be fattb, "^ Nowc «Iohtt,i» (enen at biVH)}is the iudgemcnt of the world. Now(euen tbojt* lie) fliall the prince of this world be cart out^ and if J were life vp from the earth,! will draw all vnto i^ic .• tx^ste mfgtjt not tbe bn* wane nature of erapbtns in beaucn Doe not bcbolo totajonty vealing their faces ?fii^ereb?€b3iS tearfjetb tjsnot to p?clle into (250D5 p?efcnce, fecbilc^ toee are looen toitb fln, bat in macbfeare ano tremblingjance be tooulo notappeare befoje d^oD to tafee our Utrncs on bini,bot in t^is agonie. Slje Reiection Of The Ievves migbt be ano- Ue reprobati fber caufc Of bi« aSOnfe. 'He weptoucrchejrcictic.tlbenbe onofy icwcs, bcbelD it,anb rcmcmb?cb ^ fubucrfion of it j boto tooulDe f Luke.i^ ^g ^l^ be grteueo iiben befojefatoe tbe finall reiection of ^ trbole nationfcmi! bis blouo to belaitrontbtm ano tb£ird)il^ '*Exoa 3 » jj-5^„ fdj gjjer r* fOJ t])tit fafees Mofes beffreD * To bee wiped '^•"•^^ out ofGodsbooke, anD Paule^ could hauewiflied himfelfeto be fcparatcd from Chrifl for hisbrcthren the Ifraelitcs . %f tb6 feruantfi of €l)2lfl bab lb great heauineile androrrow in their hearts foj tbcir fetnfmcn accojbing to tbe Qelfe ; ttbat sgonic muft it nf^Dcsbjaoe in tbcir Uing, ano spetTiag , infc^onw mx^ t^ faoM0 of mevcie anogittie, to Ce? tije totebeo rage 8l by Ac death and bloud of Chrift. i p cf (be people btntilttig <3otid fearefatt t^engeance agamU Q)cmrelue0,"imzi t^ir offp^tng b? patting ^im to a mo0 cra> (U cine C^anirfaR oratf),tiat came to reoamc teem ftom On an5 Dealt) ? El)t5 caufe(S bbfeniCObP Aaibrofe, Hierom, EerfecHtorihpts : neither is that diflbnani from truth (fa(8j Am- cam.ub,io. ttjem appear crt{ in ^e i /.of lohn, cuen as bee entcrcD Into tbe gacoen ; bee calleD bpon tbem to § watch and pi'.ue, ^ih'dam, that they entrcd not into temptation. ^Dormimt (fait!) Am- ''Aw'^«/>i'«'* brofe^ dr nefc'tfmt dclerepro qUibus Chrijlns dolehat : tlic Difci- ^^^^-^ ^^/g. pics flepc, andcanot td how to fonow/or whom Chriii fbro w- /«« Qhrifti, ed. Trijlif erat noftfrofuapaffiGne.fedpro mftra differftone^ Trials cr^,<^fffa nosfarutibs rcline^Hebat, Hee was forrowfull JSD a not 20 Tjhe full redenlptSofn ofmiakin^, jiDtfojMfiOtone fnSfering/bntfoS oot: oHpcrfirig:* ^ttfcas firauco bccaofe t)ce left bs pong anD^Kfe^ST Hifarie in 1)10 tentl) bojfee de Tnnitate largclp purfuet!) tfcts occafton of s H;/4ri«/ lo. orat,fedtliisyijuos rnonet orare permgi/es:Chxil\ is not rorrowtuU for himfelfjnorpraieth for himielf, bxit fbrthofc who he warneth to watch and pray.SlnD fO} ttjcic fahCB ])Z fait^ ^ft)e Sngell ieas fent to comfojt Cb?iff, ttjatUee Q^oalD taRe no longcc i'lbidm, grtefe ailD feare foj i}iflE>tfc(pl00. ^ The Angell being fenz to protcd: the Apofilcs , anO the Lord receiuing comfort thereby Afcpro his trijiij ejfef^ i Am fine trijlitu met it ait, dorntitc ^ re^ quiefcite : That he fhould no longer grieue for £hem,bcginneth no we to be without griefe and feare , and faith to them , flecpe }lbidt!rK now,and take yourreft. ^Nam qKimbis triftis eflAdefl propet rjos trifiis efi:.^n,ecejfe. efl vt propter moj fit comfortattts , ^ nobis ^ for he that was forrowfuUforour fakes,andin our behalfe,muft , offorce be comforted for vs,3nd to our vfe. His forrow for IlI)^ tie fire aiiD iSiXt siDlijtC t)aD to f ^ \^\& hept fafe from our finnc. t^e rage of .&ataii,leaDet|j me to ttie fourth caafe of ClJilffs agotite.^o; if v£f)?ift toece fo fao fo5 our tn8rmitie,!)ott) ro:^ rolufuUtten teas Ije foj our intquitie, iil^crebp toe Doe not oneltelaie ourfeluesopento Danger, but euenlxiounD out felue« to Deatlj 3nD:ocftru(tton i ^clirairb Ambrcfe of %oO0 tu:atb once p?ouobet5,fant toittjearneitanobfartte fo^rotoe lt)at cuec "m Qfiztrn'^S^m tis coarttption is tije mott)cr,ai9 piea? /.by the death and bloudofChrift. 2 x pleafnre is tbe life of finne : fo tbe fntoarD affliction aho con* trition of tljc fouU in all ttje goDlic,t£5 tfee Df attj of finnc.ans f ince tee are neitfjcr iDiUing, no; able to fojroiu fu^jcientlie fo; out finne0,tifep migljt not t\)s fon of (0oD, v4»en bcc tohe tjpon l)im ttie purgation of our 0ns in ^is olun pet foUjlaUc llbetoife tnto timi t^at intoaro % earned f020U) foj our fin0, fc^ictjncucr creature bcfcjcl)im,oji3eOoesbifnOiD,o.Jconlo . crp;ClIef'^Godlyfbnowcaureih(int)£5jrcpentancevnt(yralua- „ ^ Jion;3n0a"troubledljpintisaracri{ice vmoGod,!©ftt)isUinD npf^j^jj^^ * Bf fo^rotD to fapplte tl)e tucahnc0 ano toant of true cepcn* tancc in t)0 all,JmD tc tcact fcs Ijcarttlfe to lament our finsf, t^ mo:e luec attribute t?nto tfjc foule of our ^aulour , tije nio;jefoffictenteuerieU)ap ixjc mafee bis fatiffaction fo: firr, tbat DiD not onclie rentier recompence bpbis life, anu fuffec tjeng^mice bp bts Dcatlj foj our f(n0,bat fo oapelie fozrotDct^ fb^t^mtbat inbisagonte, abouenature^betoate blout> aftera Urange ant) marueilons maner. : £lje fifi caufe of C^Ms agontc,niigbt be tbe cap of goD0 The dcpreca, tc?atb,tempereb ano niaoe rcabie foj tbc finnes of men. ° In tion ot God« . the hand of the Lordc is a cuppe (faitb Dauid) i t is mixed full ^ ^ *'^-^' rfw wine thereof is redde , all the wicked of the earth (hall- " *'^ wring and drinke the dregges thereof, 3n fS^iS Cuppc arc all manner of plagues ano punit^mentesfo; finne » as itiiO IpiritnsU , a0 co;poaall; eternan,as tempojalh Sbemir^ tare of tDbicbeuppe Cb.Jiff perfectlte knofotngf anocsre^ fnlltefliunningtbeDjeggegtberecf, earneClie pja^eD t^is tuppe migbt paiTe from btm. 31 bnotse Diners men b^tte Diuerflie erpoanueD tfjefe toojbes of CbJilt , feme tbereo bp colleaing ttoo tuilles t^elceD in Cb?ilf 5 a biaine ano btimane,Cbeonefubmitting it fclfetotbe otter: ibme m* ting a Difference betluirt tbe bntDtlittTgnertc of our ficl^, ' anD reaDlncffe of tbe fpirtte , etten \x\ tb^ manbooDe of Cb;ift:fomca!fo tbinbingfljat €tfM correftedand rcuo- kedhispetiiionjfuddenlyfliptfromhimjby the vehemencie of griefe,v,'hichtookefrom him the prcfcnt remembrance of gods heaucniy decide, Jn t|i5 Datictieof inDgemcntSptorefHfe ^) 3 mm: ^^ The full redemption of man kind, none ^at agrasti) m^ ioap M^ ^z x\x\t& ef trat^ , C|)^S tti(gl)tbe^olDttj;eett)mg0 in tt)ecapp0 of dDoD^Ur^at^, ano bp t)tsp;a«i; acce^Dfnglie Decline 4em;to toit,cternal malc^ d;6^ion, corporal! cafligation abouc his flrcngth, m^ ^ lepa- ration of i)ij3 boDie bp Dcatb from tfec fruition of (0OJJ. pray agTinft ^'^ ^ ^*^ becaitie man to qukUen our fouls t^at Icctc ocao, the eternal HGt to M\ l)ifi oiDtte 5 sno to \iiir\% tjs to vil5oD, ttot to tcuec maiediftion fjimfclfe from Coo : fo Unotoing &bat our finncfl Defcrueo, ofourfinnes. )^zm\%\)i intenttuelie pjap tO ftaue That cup pafle from him, iDbiCb tua^ pjeparCD fOJ tJ5; t iuajS heard in ttjat be declined tUhf or feared. PChiift(fa(tJ)Paulejin thcdayesof hisflcflidid of* ' ' fer vp praiers and fupplicaiions to hira,thac was able to fauc him from death, and was heard oaroTViq'ivKoi^Qiou; ,foi the rcuc- fence had of him/o; fo Chryfoftome,Theodoretepccumenius ano ott;cr 4,^.tpi(lMH(L Thcodorete") which Christ made before his pafsion, when . ' * he. raid,Fatherifitbc pofsible let this cup pafl'cfrom me,3nD til OaD but in t§e garDen,<^).2ilI neucr p;afeo tottlj ff rong crietf (BID teareis to be faueD from Dea tt), tbat U^e reaD in tbc (crtp^ turC0 : anD He was heard f fait!) ti)e ^poQle) in that he feared or fliumied.if rom t^0 Deatt) of ttjc croCTe bee tnas not faueo, t^at t^erfo^e toas not tf^e effect of W p?aier;fo5 he was heard iw tbat bceaCUeo . ^e D^areD t^refoje to be fauco front Eternall Deatb, and ^attgccnp of tt}c one, ano to pray againtt ttj3 Dtljcr .But DIflcuft of l)(s otone falaatton, 03 Doubt of 0CD3 Dirplcafore ngatnS ^anrelfe^toe cannot fo mn&j as fmagine tn «jh;(U,tD!ttjout cuioent tuant of gr6ce,anD lolTc of if af % iatifct U» map not attribute to €W^^ perfon, no not fo^ bit Infiant. Jt tes toeafeeiaeUe of falft tn tjs to fcarejOj fe:grt tbe p;om tnane nature^ [W^v tbcn bit) bf ep^aic tbaf ^c cup mfgbt pafiie Itom ^^(j^ P"'«'J 5(mf]be bao no nab to p.:ap fo? biJnfelf,bat onelp foj tiS-Mo V u^-^'^^'f tbenfuffereDtoitbb^m, aaiDinb^m. £)nb5ttmigbt bauc fo^n^p'^r'fon CaicD being fcuetco from b^mjas tbc iuQ feages of our fin: with his mem^ agatna bim t't conlD not p^cuatiCj bccaufe notbtngconlobc* ^«^s. fall bimef tber agatnn \fiB tuifljOj bnCIt fo? tbe fonne of (lE5oo, Werefoiic G)t fojce ano efi^caof bii^piaier cbieflie concern tl0Db0, Being then comprifed in hisbodic5in which wee were Galath.x, crucified, buried,andraifed,togither with him , SnO toutbing ^^'^f' ^ ijimfclfe, albeit Q)e innocencie of bist canfc, t^ bolincO"c of ^°^°^'^' ^i0 life, tbe merit of ^iSQbtnience, tbe abounoance of l)is ^itttjfbe loue of bis fatber,anobnitic of ^s per6}T,5iD mcH fnfficientliegarobim from all banger, ant) Doubt of eternal tJca^i^mto i^etD tbe perfection of bisbumilitfe, be toouloe tjot fttffet bis boniane nature to require it of rigbt , but p2o< trateont|»eartl)befougi)ti)ij5ifat|)er3 That cuppe might gaflc- 24 The full redemption of mankind,' paflc from him, anU was heard fn f^at l)t (^unitCD, 03 aaofDeD. ifo2 t^ongt) (0od toere long kfojc rcfolucD to acceptive Dea8) anD biouo of ^is fonne rcj tlje finncfs of t^ tr)o;jlD ^ pet bp tftis mcai!cs (^j.zia DiD fde tiotoe Dce«Itc Cpcd loucD tiim, t^at fo^ !)(£( fake , ano at ^ts; reqnci! rclcafeo ttie (nil t}eiige« ante of mans finne, f t©Sc tijc cap of ctcrnall malcDtctton not f com ^im onlt£,bnt from tis all at \iis m^oiatton : tioto- bett to (^ett) Qie confioetice be l^aD in ^is father, ano to b^tng U^ obcDience to tbe liigbett ncqm ttjat mfgbt be ^ bee WD af* tet ^f£i religious oiflthc of tbat cup, td^tcb U}ee bao ocfcrKCO, Gmplte ano tiUoUe fabmtt ^(mfelfe te b^sfatbers plcafure, tottboutanfc conoftion o^mcpttoHjin faplngtobfsfatbcr; ' Not as I will, but as rhou wilt ; ji^ ot fbctebp ff rlbfng anp tsx* ro; of ben into tbe fence of W Qct^ , ns foine tooulo i^aue tt; bat falip retting on bis fatbcrsltJttt ano gcDtineffe totoarees t)im,a^ in tbc fnrelt banen of bis i}dpe,anD out IjelpCjagainU aU tbe potocr of oeafb ano bell. ^ fecono tbing txbic^ €\);i(i migt)t (tifilie fesre , and ^ar- nettliep^aieagainff, (tbongb bisfoule tuere nener fo fafe,) tuaij (be potuer of gC!iaia^Ratare,tljcflsi)a;5 pftiioigio^ificD tuit^ (mmo;Uiitic. jatiiD febere fomc saoncb,tf bat) b^wctii.Cbiifl a rb^mefnU nicenefic to be fo HififtteD totfb tb« feace of bis paHott • albctf S,Auo,iiBns(aic/Wti\: '' Nafjcflvl/ar/iedxdfikroffdftm ^.KSf^ ^^ugufl.tYn^f, f ^«? 4»/>;?/ infiirrfiitnte , fsdfotefiate turbatum ; We m ay by no q^'"^'^''"*"^'' rncanes doubt thacChril-i was troubled iiocfot anyweakcnefie our infirmitica ofhart , but dircugb (J)tS oiOHlpower ; pet Cynl gfailf etb tijat in his owne ^;{Q as a man abhorred and feared death, aUO aDDetb tbat tX^ pcrfon.^ ccptbcbsDtJoltmtarfli' HjeincD o«r fence in bimfclfe, ano quencbeD it, tec baQ ueucc 'octm Ut^n from it. ' Omma chri- ^ fipM perpefffis efi . 'Vt nos ah omnibm Itberaret . Stent i^itttr nifl , ^'^ ' ^Z^*"* mortHiisejfet.^morsnonextmgueretur-Jicnijittrrmtilfitii^novplle'' mus nos a metu Itberatt: nijidolmjfetnon cejfaJfeKt dolor es noflri^ Onftfuftered all,thathc might free ys fronial. As therefore cx- cepthehad died,death hadnQtbccncqoric^ucrcd ^iovrtlefiTe he hadfearcdjvve had not beenedeliuerj^dfiom feare-and ifhehaci; not forro wed^ourforrowescpuld notJvJue ceafed . And in like manner fhakthou finde all the pafsions of .(our) flefii , to hauc beeriefiirreclling Ui him.and our nature by that meanesreduced to abetter temper. Ambrofe in Otber toa^beS faicttl. aSTSScbi ~" Sequeftratfi dc- Jmhmfmin ■ -e k^tttioKediuinitatls £terfiic-,tidio)n^£r/:firmt^^^ cepit cnm trtftitim^mfam^n Mi [mm himm. kr^tet^r^&% **^tld^'^^'. ^ 5 The full redemption of mankind, ^efiigiji nofiris defcetidtt.vfque admortis drHm^am ^ vtnosfhit vefiigijS reuocaret advitam. Debuit ergo\jrdoloremfufciptrey vt vinceret trifttttam^non excluderet-^ c^hos dtfceremtu tn Chri* fiotquetnadmedtimfHturamortismdtfiitiam vinceremns , SlnO fo t)C COncluDCtl) . Hie alto operatur ejfeBn , vt quia in carm CuaMccata noflraperimebat^mdiroremqmqueanimA nofir£,fHdt onimA TMtrore aholeret. Laying afidc the delight of his aeternall deitie,(€I)?t0)isafFc6lcdvvichihetcdioulneflc of my infirmity, and deiedlcd himfelfe tofeele the gricfc ofdeaih as we doc, that by following his fteps he might reduce vs to life .• hee was there- fore to admit fbrrowc that he might conquer forrowe , and not keepe it off; and wee to learne in Chrili howe we fhould oueiw come the feare of death approching^ (Jn IjiS agonie)hec wrought with a deepe effeiS , that bec^ufe in his fleOrhcc killed our finnes, he might slTo with the forrow ofhisfoule cxtinguifb the forrowe ofour foulcs. #0 1^ fpjtoloe aii& fcare of iyeatt;; bftf df it pleafcti snc faaiour to feele in our nature came not fo> toant of (Icengtt) r but of purpofe to quenci) ano abolia? fljofc affections ano palTion^ tn t)£{ , tljat t^ fatttfoll foj eaer migl/t bee fcaD from tt)cm, tt):oiigl) Ijis grace iDojUing in ft)cir l)cart3. ^nD tt)crcfo;c tue jjaiis no caafc to crcnfc,muc|^ leffe to reproch^:i(!c^ weakenefTe, but ratljcr to admire l;i^ power, ano praife l)is mercie, ttjat toculee fubmit binifelfe ta t()£retn8i'mitte0 of our nature, tberebutocurctljcmintj^, tm to ffrengttjcn t^agatnlttbem ; ano to mabc b0 parta< bcrs of !}{0 toontJcrfuU coaragcmiD paticncc,t[>e acps ti&cr * of Uie map oailic Sno, not in martp;0 onelte , but ixi all f)i^ members , lit en tbep are trieo tDitti anie UinDe of enttDaroe cjintoarD affliction* We rauft ere ^^o^bcit^ mav ttot om{t,l)oli) great an oocrffgbt it is fea mere coupleD tcgetbec* jf 0; Cli.Jitt iDau t^e fittt tijat bv feuermg ceafi) fc om t^e tmo; anD potD* erof ^eU,matie t^e urohe of Dratt) contemptible to all Q)0 $oDlie;ti:btct)ottietlutrcU}a;$miDtDOQlD tiaue b^net^e har- binger of Ijell . S)o ttjat ^yen Deattjp,:cfeKt£Dttrclfeto tt>e fig^t of onr fauiour purpoRng to reoeetjie djc U)o;lo,itcamc Co fan clafpeD tottt) ^li;tf)at none but t^e fonne of (H^oo could tjgblug ti^ faano , trt^erctuftt) tljcp toere linfer D.^nD tl;crfoje CgmT^aD far greater caufetUen anteof [)i6 members, to fearcj ano tDltt; earned pzater to Decline ti)z tatle of Deaf^, td?i(^ olo tDonnD boti)botite anD Toule U)t^ euerlaQtng De« Crnction,tf tje DiD not taUeatoaie tfeeCtpg thereof ;anD b^ bis funDztng tbe one from tbe otber , (tfemjuiias tbe bope of all ^iB ratnt0,befo;e b^ DfeD^anD fa(tt) of al tbc goDlte 0nc0)Dea$ loos anD i$ to all beloeuers no caufe of feare , bwt reH from tbefr Iaboj0jatDpaflrage to a better Itfev ^t feare t\}tn ^itH) CbJlUbao ano C^elueD of Dealt}, ioas cltbcrtbe curing of one infirmities in ^IS ficl^; 0? tbt breaking tbC fettOt bettolrt Deat& ano bell, fctbtcb none hut be luas able to Doe; 03 tbe mitigating of(S?DDg anger,tibicbm(gbtbeerccateDonbi)SboDie,D3lafflie i^ tbe dcfirc fee baDto continue tbe fating anD enioping of 1 ute(Ch^!3s bl0UJ>f>D fweatletoiiifirmicic,becauf^y|j««fn(l ■natUFC to /l\»eac bfoud/^ad can bee no weakeneSji^tfnch power did aboue th e courfe o f nature- Atiftcn niauCtt) It a ngniticsfy 0n ef tlje martins blouO , i^M l^otilD toil! inglie tec OjcDDe %oiigl;oat tljc cijmd} foj tl;e teShnonfe of the tnicfl). ^ /^^a yjngHfiJn totovorpore fanffumeftidmit , qnki in corptwefno^ idefi Ecclefta'j Tfilm.^y^ \Ma,rtyrHmpingmne;n ojiendit^ Chrilf 1 l\'ca t blond along all his ■bodie,to tViisendejthathe might lliew the bloud of martyrs in his bodie,which is the church. Prcfpcr agtittt) tol'tt) S. Augu, fiine InfUDgemcnt ant- (t^lt^. "^OrnmcumftidorefatiguFneodo* '^Vrofpetftn-. . minus JefHs.>jio(ttes tuas fersm^sna 1t)atb?^ti!blout)ij0(^oul3iitt ondic rED:rirc^)ErrmUa: of 'l)i3 DifclpIcSjbnt q«tcf»«t t^ctiljole carttjjbcing Utah fit *Mit ■* B*ep lucre fanaifteD tmta(0oo, ^aD %IC bOJ)i(g0 '^ fprinkled with the b!oud of tl?e(i; facr jgce from "Exod.i^v top fo toe. Cl;?>g-tl}cn bring tt)C f rftti) of all t!;?a' figifra^aa •tcell in t^ r6tiarecatt3n,as oblattorl oPWmfelfe , intgljl tiu- raculQuai^f{?:UMfe!cljt5 tc!3i3lcbODtetoiri)tps oU);i l^ii5;(fQ> it lx>l6aboue nature a^Hilarie ndtett))':^'!^ CCnfccratelji^ :.:! I^ ^tx{ti.\x , as appitDiTcD of ©otr, to be t5e triie pitefi aftiT the ^ucr of MelchizedecjOKO t?«(untariUe Decfrat^ %\% bIc«D b €2.3, • le Thefuffering ofhellpaincs nocycaufcof Chrills agony. .'Hcbrcio tflob.ii* 2 9 The foil redemption of mankind otoite accojD pcelD,to be Dlfpofeo of at titsfatbers pleafnce, Lcfo;c tiic^cms oi<3zntikB\3)ommii^i$bonk , tfyat^ia tdjolc paOton ti^ic!) follotuefi , img^t bee atoiUtng facrificc, aitD ito fojccD biolcncc bp ttje feanocfi o? toeapons of tt»e fcuic* fecD. Ctinllesagontefbeti bctng alleageDbptt)e0po0leto tirmonffrntcC|i2lff0p;tcC[)cDD,t«ufi not rife from tfje'tcr« ro.2 :f Ijijs o'ojii Deatft, b^^ caUjcr from fljc Deljemcncic of tiis; pjaivC foj t3S , tftat it mlgljt bee aftUCU an intercefsion for Tin- ners, as a ran6lification of himfelfcj to Oflfer tb« facrtfice BuMk* jSliiyp) t^e Onnes of tl;e tuojlo. Co tdjictj (f ante teiU aoDc tlje OgnlScatf on of t^c mavtp;^ blouD^tiJjlc^ Auflcn fpcabetft of ,a0 if Clizitt in tbc gatDen Dio not onclie pscCent l^is otuns blouD to be t^e true propitiation of our Snnes , hut alfp tbe blouti of ^is martp?0, to mafee t\)tit oeati) acceptable ti (iDoD.ftjajtiMiUinglielaiDeDotonettcirliuciSfoj tlje toitnes ef ^10 tcntl) ; 35 can be luell content to aomit ttjat erpofiiion , conriDer(ngCt).:ittmuflf offer botttfee liues anoFcaWfsof all Ijis faintes to dDoD ^is fatl;cr , bcfoje t|)£pcan be tiolie oj precion0intii£S0gbt* 5i3ut Cncc €^;ifics fearefa^ fbejJcrpounDfbcapoIIlefl tuojDs Hebrc.j.) (0 maDe tfje grounotuojbe of tW (onccfpt^ let ts fee ixljetber tbeir otone fouuDation toil not oacrtl^o©' tljetr otone builoing. SH)e paine0 of bell, Dio €W^ i^jcn Ijee p?ateD in tbe garden, fearetbemoino:? IfbeeDionotfeare tticm , bee oio notfalc t^mj foj tljcp are fearefull : pea tt^e terie^cxpedation of tbcm 10 tjerie dreadful, a0 tt;e <3pottlc faitbHebre.io;anD ifbcfeareDtbemnot, botuecoulo tbep bee fte caufc of f)i0 agonie , li^icb tbefc men fo fftflie main- taine:'3!fbefcareDtt)em,UetDa0fraofrointljem, a0 tbep tbemfelue0 tnterp?etc tbe VooM euAajSya , fo: (jcc toa^ heard in that he feared.^i0 p;aicr toac to baue that cup paiTe from him , and cll5oO ncuer Denico l^jatfocncr beafi^eo . ^ I know (fait!) C[)2itt to bis fatbcr) that thou heareft me alwaie«#- Mbcnce tt^i? concluDe,hc feared ijcll palnc0, tljcncc 31 infct By the death and bloud of Chrift. 3 o %tt fuflPercd them nor . foj being deliuercdfrom the feare cfhell approching, Ije COUlD UOt be IcftbrtDet the burden of hell abi- ding. 2lgaine,if «}£ fufferfng of Ijell \mtt t^ caafe of oD tbat tbep tuere fojfaUcn of Um, \^mht Ujlttjojeto net* Ifyex tiis fauour,grace,no2 fptrtt from tbem^ but onctie luitb- lelDebisbelpeo? comfojtfojtbethne, to msUc tbcmnioje carnett to fnebc anc flie to ^im. )5ut tuerc Cbep muct fo p.jcg^ nant, iibjt applie rbem to t^e l3D;tong part,li^lrtj CI5oo nc ucr fojfofee,lDe mapincurre as gtoffe an^rrouc as cuer bio Ar- rius.ano pet if toe Itratne tbem to tbe Wtermott , tbe p toill *8eaerp^oii${^tCt).naont|)e craflte Mmo ttiepatnes of The wicked are here forfi kcn,andyet not in hell. i*Gener4 *Hehre,it ," I Samuel i8 *Iohn.i7 Plohn.tf *iEphcr.4.iS 3 2 The fuHf c JisiSption ofrriankincf, ijcW, jTo; If Ixjc fl^onlo grant , Wd^ toeix mtlifJi) ImpitUc fci -lijinlie, tt)at c0oD fcjraiUc Ctjsiffetf fsolc an tcxtlk , as caec IjccDi'D anie of tbc iotcUcD Ijtcrc on earflj, Cain, Saul, ludas net rvccptcD^ ^ct t^at Dot^ not conclnoc ^c fnffcreo tS^t ttitz patncs of l>cU . i?oj ttiofc in tljif; life DtD net fuSci' as mnc&, as ttjcicfeulestJOcnotDinbcU, mahcrocfrcafcneucrfoDc* fperatc 25nD thcrcfcjc 3 macnaiU IjoU^e irlfe men Ictre be* tDitdjcotDlttjciic fonnDof fijcrcto05^c0,tiljui)ljcncer£foluco It at cut of all que0tOiT,CI)2(S fuffcicD t^c paines of tl)e aam* iicQ in trtB , Irbcre as f^c Ido:&cs infcrre no fnrf) tljing, ftj2ngbli3cttrctfb ^Jca? nencrfofdrre. jfoainfplteof out l)Cfirt0,b£fo;c iuc can fajing t^at coiTcluuon to foilolu , t\)i$ mutt be tljC iOtnture of our CCafon. All men any way rorfakcn ofGodinthishfeareJi.thetruepaincs cflicll; Chrift was for- faken of God, er^ol^ was in the true paiiies ofiieil. ^ Ctu bcto0 fflnDtfalfcanDabfacDfljc general! aKatton is , thatailanic wayforfakcnofGodiarein the true painesofhell, to mcncf learning anD rclfgton na:Dct!i no long Difconr fc « Ciin luas a ^'runnagace aFlDaccurfed bp (Ii53D0 montt);ElauiD3S a'pro- phaneperfon, anO ""hated ofGod; Saulluas oertedefpcratc tdjen be fougbt to tljetoitcbifojGod vvas"dcparted from him, anti become btSenemtC 5 Judas tDaSihe^fonneofperdldon, ant) a Pdiuellr |?ca manic tuercffarhcmsu, anDpoSeHeii lDi(b Df uel0; anD vet none of (be m in t!)ofc tjcrie tojmcnlciJ, iojid) are refer uco foj tbe bsmnco in bell* The ^ Gcnciles as Paul fa(tb, were ftrangers from the life ofG'od', and had '"no hope, and were without God in the world , |Jet tuere.tbCP not in tbe paincs of bcll,lKrc on eart!;. X5ut3i bope toe be not fo far bzotoneb in tbc fieptb of bell , f bat feee toill foj our fanfis raiigc tljc fonne of dDofii, ano famcur cf Cbc too:lD, in tbts ra* ^bic of fcDlc'rtCD anu tiefperatc caHabairSianD ^ct tbougb men conlobe roDangcrouHicocuotcoio tbetrD.:eatms,ibisp.:ai-f iietbnottbetrpurpore. SDefpcration tbepniapSumbteat^ if tbep \Dil\ p?elfe n)c toojDs icttbout anteDtffcrcnce bettiieffl t^ Dereliction of (25oDS faint es anu ^is cncuiicsibut tolera* ttoii byth e death and bloud of Chrifl:. 3 3 tfon of be&paUics t&efe toojos tetU neacr conclaDe , TinleCe Ids make bell to be no (cOgcmcnt,no; paniC^mcnt after t\)i$ life , bnt onclte a tcrroj aiio tiojro? of confctenccfiub as pur# (Ktjjtbe tojcbco Ijcre in reocngc of ftjeic Cnnc0. »cn ftc goDlie compUtne^as often tijej? 00 in tt^ fcrfp- Howthecodiy tarcfl^tfjat tbep toere foifaben of (II5oD,it is not onlie a plains arc foriakcn. Bbfarottie, bat a groUe tmpietie to conclooeof tbeir loo?D0, ttiat t|)ef Cbett fntfereD tt^ tierie paines of (be DamneD in %t\\ . if 03 crample , sion, ttbicb is tbe tibole cborcb of dl^oo, fairtj in ft^ pwpbet Efay, ^thc Lordc harh forfaUn me : anO fEfay 4j. <£»0Dl)(mrelfcaIIacetbbCtUM}2DStobcetrUf,' Forav\hileI 'Efay.j* forfboke thee, for a moment in mine anger , I hid my face from thee; OTajs tbe fctbolccburcbfojtbat time in tbe true paints of beU:' Dauidfaitbof b^mrdfe/Thouhaftrciedcdandab- "PMtaJf horrcd, thou hart beeneangriewirh thine annointed . Wll^9 Dauid Gjen t» tbe terte paines; of tbe DamneD^ of liis tt^ote realmsbcfaitb; '^OGcxlthouhartcaftvsofF^andbccneangry ipfjjnj,^^ v^ith vs. S)io ail tbe people tben fuff ct tbe tojments of bell:* reiecSing ai« abhorring arc \s3oms Of greater DtOibe , ano mo2c Detcffation , tbcn forfaliing; ano pet tbf p infer not tbc paine0of belL mUz tben ooe tuee fo fonbltemirconffer tbe one, tcben toe Uieii inoug^ bnoerSan&e tbe otbcr ^ Ixb? finmble \se at a ffralije , ttben tne camte dep oner a bloche ? Ko be fo^faben of Ci^oD as tbe loicbeo are, is to bee Dep;!iueQ of bisfaaonrjgrace, ano fpirit: ano pet tbep are not fojfb* ioitb in bell. Ko be fojfaben, as tbe goDlte-complainc fbep are, is to betjoioe of comfo}t,o: Oeff itnte of belpc,tiben tl^it enemies aHaulto: a£fl!(ttbem, ld;tcb is notbing nd^re tbs 0ate of tbe oamneo. if 03 as CDoD is faio to be p^efcnt bp W giftsano graces: fo be.i|3c5 bis face, 0; fojfabetb bs , &ben ^e reftainetb Us etc from toatcbtng, its eare from bearing, 6^ bis b.mo from helping ^s in t^ rnktits ano a^nerfitte^ oftbtslifc« 3!f 31 be tbong^f p3rttal!,let bs bcare ttbat tbt ancient ami Icarneo Tatars parpofctie incite of our fattionrs complaini if I. m 5 4 The full redemption of mankind, on t^c croffe; (n ij^omc 3! finDe fundjiCja^D all goDlit erpoSi tion3,acco;0!ng toitl) tt}c trnt^ of tbe fcc(pture0,anD no loa^ bentimg o; tncltnmg to tl}ts late DeatCc of &cU patne^. T. £r^c firSj flbat as Ct):lll is out l>cati0 , ano H« Ijts mem* Dhicrs expo, jjgjg j,, fyc|j fgjt toptieD ui oiic boDte tDtt^i t)tm,8jat \)tt fuffe* faihcr?how *^^^ *" ^^'®^ ^^ *" ^^^' ^° ^^'^ ^ "°^ otJlfecrudficD dm chrift wa*^ for- bucteo , but alfo ratfcD , aiit) glojtficD in bim, ano tottt) (jim; fakcnon the BttD ttitrefojc W l^eloeD OHD tsttfreD manie twinges in ^if^ cioffc. pa(Tton,t);|)tcb ougtit to be referceD Direetlte to t0 , ant) not to iiim, but as bearing our petfon,anfi fpeahing in our names. ^^ugnft.f09- MyGod,myGod, why haft thou forfakenmcei* ^ Hancinft i«. 110* vocem transfigurmit lefts , vocem corporis ftu, hoc efi ecclejtdi. This fpeech Chrift transferred to himfelfe, (faitt? Aufien) being the fpeach ofhis body, which is the church.The church fufFercd then in him , when he fufFered for the church , eucn as hec fiiffe- led in the church, when the church fuffered for him . 3nO as wc heard the voice of the church fufFcring in Chrift, when he faide; my Godjmy God, why haft ihou forfaken me: fo haue we heard the voice of Chrift fufFering in his church,whcn bee faide; .S4«4 *ldmmVf»l- Saul, why perfecuteft chou mee? ^nO agatne ; ^ quidvolnit di-^ mtm.i. I. f.gyg dotninHslnon enim (iereliquerat illti deus,cum ipfe ejfet deufy. AtqtiefiiiHsdei. Qu^edieitHr^niJtquiunos ibieramus^mJiqHkt corpfu Chrtfiiecctejia? Why would the Lord faie, my God , my God, why haft thou forfaken mcfGod had not forfaken him, for fo much as he was God, and the fon of God . Why then was it faidjbut becaufe vw were there in himj& the church which wa» ^leodtfa^». his bodie? ^ Sab redemftortim fnomm voce cUmahAt ,d9iu de- ftrm.i6, mmeus yqttaremedereliqHifit ^ In ihc name ofhis redeemed « ^thanajtus de Chrift faid, roy God,my God, why haft thou forfaken me : ' Ex: incaroAStChrifii. nojiraperfona verba ilta frotoquitHr ^non enim- ipje a deodefli- ttitHi fnitsfednos . In our perlbn Chrift fpeaketh ihefc wordesj. for he was not forfaken of God,bui wc, ^t feeono erpafitton of t^refe too^DS i%, Q)at C|)2f 0rs |u^ ** mane nature tBas not pjotecteo from tbe rage of ie 3ieiue^^ imt l(ft tDltliftnt W^z in t|)e poteer of ^\& ^emies , to ber \ \ by the death and bloud of Chrifl. 3 5 tfcH at Wv pteafares, ^id) ^ callctf) a b(nD of fbjfahttig, if 0^ CE^oO tt)cti rd;mrtt) to leauc f}0,t4)e tie Dotf) net Defcno ti0 " from t^ fnrte of ourfoe0,ti^(rt} fake our ouerltjoto. '^ £/-^^ ^kugnjie^, Aliqua canfa^eaque non ^ayha , cjnare Chrifl um de manibtu lu-^^^' JUoTHfnnon liber (tret deus^ enrnqne inpotefiatc piuieHtium , vf- ijue ad mortis exitum ^relinqneret . There was a caufe, (^tett) /uguftine , and that no fmall caufe , why God did not deliucr Chrirtout of the handes oTihcIcwes ,butlcthimaloncinthc power ofhis purfucrs , vntill he died . ^ Vt homo locjuitur meos ' Kmhrof. dtftde circumfcrens metus^ (jHodinfericnUspofti a, domino deferinos^^'^''^^ti' pHtamus. Chrift fpcakcth as a man Cfaifti Ambrore)bearing a- bouthim my fe3res,fbrvvvp,whcn wc arein danger, think our felucs fbrfaken ofGod, ^ A7> mireris quertmonias derclicli,ctpn ■fcaKdalttmcriici^vidias . Maruailc not at Chriftes complaint ^^''f^'>nmca,i'f that he wasforfakcn, when asthoufecft howhc vvasvfedonthc '** croflc. S Dereli^Ht eflCbrifiHSfropartecamis, Chrift y^z%ildtinvfil,x\ forf akcn in his pafsion as touching his flcfh, ttitro tiSjt^at 0^}\^&pWtiXi togettier ioffi) H£( l^umane ^' (bule tocce tticn Departing from W boDte^ano leauing it \m* to OCat^. Tertullian, {Deus) Filium "^dereltquit^cumhominem ^TeTtul4jMtr^ fius tradidit in morte. Ita relinqui apatre^fuit morifilio , God-^ TrAxcMm' forlboke his ibnne^in that he dcliuercd his humanity vnto dc ath. So for the fonne to die,was to be forfaken ofhisfather. Hilaric, ^Habes CO ftqufrefitemfeejfereli^f^m ad mortem jCfuia homo efl: . vt iittelligetttia noflra fit , & homo mortum , ^ detu regnans, j. y . Thou heardcft Chrift complaincdiat hcc was left vnto death, chat wc fhould conceiue he died as a man , he raigncd as a God, jSnOagatne^ ^ CUmoraddeum^eorporis voxefl,recedentis afe ^liem'mMkuK 1/erbi dticofiteflatadiJfidium:re{i>iqHitHr , quiaerathomo etiamCM.j^. morteperagendw . Chriftes complaint vnto God,thathec was forfakcn, is the voice ofhis body,teftifying the feparation of the diume nature from it for a time. He is forraken,bccaufe he was a man to be confummated by his death . Epiphanius fait^ , ^ee fpabe t^fc tDO:OS,^ When he faw hisdeiticwith his foulc readic lEpiphMb, i.t. to depart from the pcrfon ofhis humanity & to fotfakc his body. i.cvnuAjirit^ 3 ^ The full redemption of mankind, . a fourft) t0 , Qjat td;cr0 CI5oD foj Cn IjaD refafcD anD 'fbr# faben man, eucn from tbe fall of Adam, yGod, why haft thou forfaken me^is an inftrudion, and no complaint •• Fos where in Chrift there is but one perfon of God and man, and he «oukl not be forfaken ofGod,from whom he could not bee fe- by the death and bloud of Chrifl. 37 paratcd,hc asketh the queftion for vs that arefearcfull&wcak^ , jiUtm, why flefh fearing to iuffer is not heard, 'l VKde ipja vox non 9XAudttipiagm efi exfoJitiofacrameMt't: quhdmhtl hnPMno gene- riconftrretredemptorts fotefias,Jicjuod peteb^t nofira ohttt7eref tnfirmitas. The vcrie wordes of him^that was not heard, o- pento vs a greatmyflerie,tO iDtfte,that the power of the re- deemer couldc doe mankindcnogood, if oiir infirmitie might obtaine vshat it woulde aske . Origen fapll) :' In refpedl of that,in which confided the inuifible forme of GodjChrift was rOmtnm foifaken of his father, where hcc tooke the fhape of a fer* MMt,c«^<%7* uaiii, and came to the death of the Croffe, which amongtV menwasmoft fhamefull. SothatforChriftto become man, andtofufteron theCrofle, was to bee forfaken of God, in comparifon of that'glorie, tC^tc^ ^ae ^aiJ tDltl) ^iS jfat^tl^ licfb;e all Lao;:lDe£i. d)c lattcicpolitton is , t!)attiteii t5cHI^tDcstep.:od)cEr - ^?fa on fbe CroITe.aB ret^cteo of c^oD^tje b^tttjaloaotoicf) a^at all miglittiear, fang 03 ctteD tte beginning of ttjc zii pfalmc , totjtwin it loss Im t^ 33;jopl)ct Dauid fo;e^ ^U?£0, ttjat f^ true spfCPtas anD famourof \i^ toojlDe f^oulofuSer alt tf)orett>2onge0,enD(^amej( , ti^f4)tf^v^aD» litapeQ on tiim : anD t^crebp taiigt)t ^m , tljat they had *^ gathered themfelues togitherto do whatfoeucr the- hand and ^^St.fy, counfaileof God had detcxmfned before to be donc.*Tlic Lord (faitt) Ierom)hanging on the CroiTe.vfeih this vcrfe , My God '^'^^nJnTJ}^ ray God,whyha(i[ thou forfaketyme; by which wee perceiue, *'' that in the Croffe he fang the whole Plalme, as direv5^Iy pcrtai- ,^fj^ /•« » ningto hispaffio, "Chtiftrpake thefe words(fa(tt) Chryfoftom) /„ mjt.^'p^^* that the lewcs might know hec honoured his father to the lart breath , and that God was not his enemie (as ttjf p obt^ftcO;^ for which caufc he vfcd the Prophet Dauids vvordsjto v«:ific or fiilfill the fcripture of the oid teftamcr«. an ttefe fettcrp;jctations arc foimrr,an5 ffanD toe fl toiff) (^ rules of cfejtfttan pictte, tui^oat Dtl5)onDur(ng 1^ per fon,o^ ?iifiarbUig t^ UXi^ of <^?m0 (berfo}«3l cannot but mar ue J i?3 t4)st. T 3 8 The full redemption of mankind,' Tjjjatteatbit our late to;liters tiat) to cefufc t^cm al!,amiUN w«c forlakcn! "^^^ aiiot^c crpoQtion of t^ic otone iitjifl) imploictti not hchad neither OntiedcTpcrationilKlfe^iffSfOBlC , tf \BCC pjtOfC ttJC tCO^OCS, faith.hopc.nor aiTD tlje diflblution of <^^\^z& pcrfon , but an cciDentcon^ ^^^ tradiflion to all t^at For hope dotb yKom.?. not confound, ^ was there cuer any confounded , that put his L=6«ckfi«i truft intheLorde? orvsho hafh continued inhisfcare,andhatSfi beenc forfakcn for whome did he euer dcfpifc that calJed vpon him? 2l)en if out of ttff fc too3DC0 toe totft infer ,ft;at \^ no trn^ fate , tbat l)is ianle toas t)tterlte fo^faben . JSigaine by thede \ith andbloudofChrift. jp 3ga{nc,tt»rottle\^af <3 fojfabenof ©oDmoflnn^ticfibe . ,.cor.om» ILo tl)C bigt) pJtcS af bing ^Jm whcche t he were Chrift the Ton ofybIe{red((II5ol),)heatirvverecl^Iam : andyefhaUrccihefon ofman fit at the rlghthandc of the po^ /rer ofGod, and come in the cloudcs oflicaucn. C^zitt tOflS arx ttiuflf be farrc from Dif« truattig 0? Doubting tt)at, W(^¥ teMattlie aftiviruf^ (^al come to paffc cacn in ttjc eie^ of Ms enemtes . Mtjen (tip fattcnCD Ijim to fljCCroflTe bee fafr^, ^ Father/orgiue thcmjthcy know not what they do. €oulo t^c (nttcate miD obtaine par- Don foj otbcrs , tbat fopno WttftlU to be fojfafem of <0oD^ JEo tbe tbiefe tbat bung bp bttr/,anD DcGreo to be rememb^co txben became to bis feingDon^ff ,be anflDereo, ^Verilic, 1 faic to theCjthou (haltthis day bee Mr;ith me in paradife . ConiO bCC giue paraDife to otbers,UJttb fo great confiocncc^tbat coulDc KDt tbenaHarc btmfelfc cf C^oDsfauotir, pea , as fi)cfc men iuiUbaue it, Cbat toas abanjjonco ano fisjfaben of (I!?oD?Ibe Centurion tbat baD ti)£ rtjar gjc to fee l^im put to Deatb , aio tcaro bim fpeabe tbefctoojr i0,nencr conceiueo tbat be toas reiecteooj eftrangco from CJ5oD,bnt contraritolfc confcffeo; ^Truelie this man was the fbnne ofGod. o W alKflfalicB , be fojfaften oj rcfafco of <^onf janoont6f ttjis complaint, tfjat he wasforfaken, If Uie {nfcrre ttjepaiiiwof OeU, ioce concluDeofreGtU'eagainli ^jilles tDOJOCS in tl^ 1 6. XlidXtnti'I^onderelinqtifs ammam mectm ht lapwo, Thou wilt notforfake myloulein hell. C1^2(tt0 foulC toa^not fojfakcn m tjellj if ttjeh it lucre fojfaben on tt)C croffe, it is euioent f^at tbere ft faff eito not ^ell , fo^ in IkR fttDasneuerfoifabcn. ariDt^reftjcturne anotoihoe ^ toojocs of Cb?18 iijjftft toap^ep ^\Vl 0: can,tbij5 cicpoQtton, ftbicb tbep faff en tnto ttjem, tsa manifcff contraMctionto all tt)atCb2i9DiDo?raiDeontb^croire,ano namelistotbat affettion of Dauidjin ttjf perfon of C^?iff , Thou wilt not for- fakc my (bule in hell. s:i)i?n are tbere in ffje facreD fcrfptares neifi^r anfe pre- diaions t^at Cblittl^oulDcfaSfct tljc paincs of tjeil \\\\i% fijule bcre on eartti ; no? caufcs td)]P bcmnC faffcr iefn \ no? Signe? t^at be OID fnflfcr tbem;>mB confeqaentlie,t:batroencc is p,»tenoeD , no p200fe fbat tbcfe fuffcringg mntt be aODeD fo f^ecroUe of ff5 fufFering, tititti Chrifti crolfc. j^^^ I n F I N I T E^tbe M A N E R of |>U8 offerii)g,tl^iCb Iwa^J- Blovdyj C!>e POWER of b^iS Death, ttt)ift)luais mighty^ tb0 Comfort ot\}Ui Crosse tlbicb toaB Ne- C E S S A RI E, f ttJC G Lory of btsRESVRRECTION Sli)(cft ioas heaucnly.i^efe flue k)iU Dirfctt3S noJ onclp ttijat to be- l^ue, but l]:bat ti) rcfufe m tbcpcrfonano paH^on of out: ^a« niouc. HI tBiU tbccefoje taUe tbem as tbcp lie tn o^&rr. . - Siije imrite of Cb?lff 3 ftiffering moS be fimplp inSnitc^ Chrirtrpaflfon ^^^ ^^ "^^P tDSjhe tU)0 tbtligs foj Us^tO U)tt,redecnic vs ffom Bjuft be infinic §>atl)an,anu reconcile vs tinro (E^oD .• clecre vs from bell , ana facworcfpctts bringvs fobeaocnjiuuitbecrefpect it m«n be infinite. The vifagesoffinneisdcatK,bofbof bo&iconDfonle.. b*re anofoj guec . ^itb fbe 3uDge of tbe Ujo^Id in no 'onrigbt^ onfn^ffr. I^etbtrefo^epunifi^ecbnomaii, lDitbontcanre>o;dboue oe^ ferf. &incc tbe rencnge of eadj mans Onne is etemailr ^ i^- inHaitc tn time; tbe tuaigbt of eacij mans Qnne mnd n^Ds be tnfinite,as being retoaroeo toltbeqerlatting ocatb. 3t ma^ fame muLi) to carnal mcn,tbat (il5oD Iboulo requite On tuttf) cuetDuring rcacnge;but If tue fcclouate betbmfee oar kiu(0^ febat it is foj eartb ano aibes to toare pzouu againll (2500 , % after To manlfolo i abunoant bleddigd to cad off bis t'onhr,. 9 reabilp, pea greeoilp to prefer euerte tianitie antj fanfic be* fxjie bis beancnlie trutf),? glo;:vitDcl]^aUp?erentlp percciue botu ta0caarec0oDbatbingnite!p to bate our bnelean ncs^ ieternaltp topurfue tbi p;}ioe, contempt,'! rebel! ton of Mu isn ano U}ilfa!l men againS bis Dtuine maiedie ; botufocuee lo eplgel ! tt,it is a tbing DetermineD toitb (^oD,ano no ooubfi »r K s balaceb in bis tjp?tgbtanofincercindgment. The foule that , £aech.i9. (]nucth,^that foule flial die. S)fatb I life are botb eternal!.^ is, infinite tn lcngtb,tbougb notintoeigbt^in ttorance, tbongb not in JDcgr^ ooo tenceof iop^oa ipainc. i^en in ti^t ttiptct by the death and bloud of Chrift. 45 fofountcraatkonrDcUucranccfrom Ijcll,! our (nlKtftancc (n t)eaacn,tije rnccit of e foulc being altenatc Dfrom dgoo, feliat Ot|>CC part of nisn can mettle W fauoinrany man fal 'Hcbre.ro; a\^ayjmy foukflnall haue noplcafure in hitiuj^el patnes tbere* foie are accurfcdjiiat accepted of (000; ano bee ttjat futferefi^ tbcm is hated, anD no tuap beloucd. "' Depart ftom me ye cur- ^ fed into cuerlalting fire , ^fi ttjepsre not meritorious^ m "W^""**?"* tnojearc tbep infinite , 3 meanetn toaigbtj bnt tbcp matte* iicrtaitinglp be fuffer«D,bcfo^ tbf pcan be infinite. ^0; no( onlp oiuels, bat mm of all fo?t0 ttjal fuffer tbeni,l3i50 cannot tt^mt anj inMiU fence of patne . 011 creatures are finite boQ) in fojce to bo,i flrengtl^ to fuffer.Jnfinit is as macb ns Nothing infi- il^oD blmfelf batb, f tbercfo^e <^0D alone is infinite, ^0 tbat n«c buconiy tteitt^cbelficcisofinfiattefojcetopunta),no3men no.: an- ' gelsof infinite ffrengtb to fuffer,but tbetengeanceof finne contintrctt) 0)^ encr,bp reafon no creature is able to beare an tnfiniteUjaisbt of punifijment, ^incc tfjen tbe paincs of bcl l^aiie ncltberfcggnojiDatgbt fufficient in tbemfelaesto fetiffie tlK an pfl procure tbe faao;j of dDoD 3 lire muff fabe to beaacnjCurn to cfeoD bimfelfc/oj ibe true ranfome fo: our Crtne5,ano reQemptionuf oor roalcfi/obid? toe no trbece find, Thcmerireof but in tbe per fon of Cl;?lft JefuSjfcibo being frueCIJot) tojhe chriftising- Dor nature tnto bim, anb bp tbe infinite pjice of bis bloon "^je Jnrefpecc bousbttjsfrom ^poluer of bel,i b?oagbtt)S t3nto(35oD. jFo; °^*'«i'"^°"« »eitt)£r§ tjcrtues of (igjnlIsbnmaKcfoule,tbongb tbep tnere manp^no.j tbe Merings of W flel^,tbougb tbcp toere pain* fa!,arc 6whatis baler then a Wormef 31f bettoane the Cccato ^ anD tljf beft of l)is creatures t|>erc be an infinite WflSnce^titat t|)infeepec ttcntDastljere be* ttoiict tije t^jone of di^oo in Ijcauen , ano tl)ecroffe of da^jiff pnearti:* not an infinite Dtftance ^ anoToinfinttc ttiat nei- ttjer men noj angels can comp^cbenD \X} alje ground of mt faluation t^niSttje obedience, humility anDcharitic of tfje fonne of <©oo , peeioingr fttmfelfc not onelie to fcrue in one fldeo, bat to Die fsj our finnes. if 0; i:^en be teas equall toidj (S5oD VCi naturejpowcr,?mp glory , bee rcfufctJ not to {dt^t fbe l^ape of a feruant tjpon bl»", '^0 to Ijamble bimfclfe to %z t^att) of tbe croife> not onelie obeying bisfatbers U)in>l4)t(tl toe bao oefpifctijbntabiDhTg bts bcino fo? ttjc c^fflfemrnt of our peace. Cbe apoftlenotctb tbcfc tbja; t3crtuesm'Jil)e per# fcn of Cl).2lff; ^ Xet the Same a ff e c n o n (ofloue)bee iri %PhiIip.* you jwhich was in Cbrift lefus, who being in the forme of God, emptied and humbled himfelfe and- became Obedient to the death, eucn to the death of the croffe. i5p biS humilitie, obedi- ence, anO charity , ^cepKrgeOtbf pi'dc 5 rebellion, anofclfc- loue , iibiclj our firff fatbcr t^eUJcD b^en be fell , ano toe all crpjclTe in our ftnnes ; ano tbcrefojc as tore all DieD in Adams tranfgrelfton, fo toe are all tulItficD,tbat is abfoJ* ueo from our finncs ^ and teceaueD into fanour,b[> ^ obe« utencc of man, but onelie mercie ano {)itie totuarbes t}0 , tbat canfeD tljt fonne of C5oD to ta&e our mo;!ta!l sitd ttieaheflet^ tnto btm, ano tberem,anD tbec^ bp to pap tbe ranfome of our Cinnes , ano to pnrcbafe etcr* nalUife ftij tjs.^e muff be a^auiour, no bebtcr;a rcDcmcr, «op2i(bner;l,03Dof al!,eucntiienbeeb«mblet)b^Jnfeire to bet^feruantofalljbis Diu(neglo3ie,poU)cranD mateOis mafecbisfttfferinggto be of infinite foice anotjalne. 0nD fromtbisbignitic, ano feniticof bts perfon , tibic^ is ti)S niainepiUar of our reDc»J?ption, if toecafioureieson anp 4^ Hic full redemptic^n of mankind, cffjcr caiifCjOj dc Kife my ncto Ijelp to ff rengttjfu tt^ merit 3 of "':''fncworlde. 0n9 8^a(nC; '^Redemptijnwtis Chrtfloproprium coy-pHsdayitepro no- < Cyril Ibii^etji- bis^Sedfivt communis homo imelUgeretHrChriflus , ejucmipdo'"^*'P"^f. x. corpuf eius adrependendam omnium vitamfujjiceret ? At ji dens f^*"''i^i^»V'''^'f fuit i» carne, qm dignijfimus^fn^ciens adredemptiottem tothn^.^ni^ - ^ ^"'^ mmdiper fttHmfwgHinl meritofmt. Wcareredeemed,Chri(i- giuing his own body fotvs.ButifGhrift be taken to be no more then a man^how fliould his body be fufficicnt to reftorc life to al mcnrbutifhe were God in our Befh, worthily the did hcfL.ffice to redeem the whole world with his blond. Aiiihr^.'^Ss propter ^ AwhJ} /»*/aw hsmmlmortum eft deU4.no epv'i^ur us homacumd^oTejuemocio M^. ffsortufts efl deus ? accept t elc ie vnde woreretur pre te-^fiopofftt ■ tnori mji caro m pojfet mori nifimortalecorpHS ilU^od died forma' iliall not ma hue with god? but how died god? he ta k ofthinc ' wherin to die for thee. There could nothing die butfleOi, there could die nothing buta moftalbody, SinO clft^cre an mi f!f t il>2itert)nDcrl)tsname,tfllOt ^Imfclfe. Ir.dnhkmter creda-^ WHS qnodtotHm rnHndumredsmit^t^ui pins dedit cjuatotusmun-^ ^ ,„ dus valeret: inter redimente^^redemptumdi [pen fitio.non com- ttwmt,\\ 4, fenfatio fnit. Let vs vndoubtedly beleeuc that hee rccieemcd the w hole worldc,whichgaue more then the whole world was viorth.Betweenethe redeemer and ihe redeemed th^-rc was a dirpehfation(of bnmf littcjro compKnraiion(ofcq«alitp,}BnD to Hjctoe fbe trottj of Ijis fpac^j l)e awrflj; ^ Innoccncy was f ihidt^ arraigned fbrthc giiilcic^mcrcic was buffeted for tl\c crudl^piety Yvas The mightier Chrifh perfon the fitter to conquer, buc not tofutfcr bcl. Eight things inhelpaincs, which by no Bieans Chrift 48 The fullredemption of mankind^ was whipped for the vagodliejuifcicm was mocked for the fots^ hfhjrighccou fhes wascondened tor che vnrighteous^truth was flaine for the liar^Hfe died for him thai was dead. 0na Doe VotB VetjCemcmbjing \mo In U)ag,aiii) is>l}at ttie tD£re,fiagger to confelTc tuitti Iticfc Cti^lftian ano Catt)oUbc jf atlicrs , tljat ^is blouo toas a molt fuflficicnt pjice foj all tijt I'jojlo f o.j tuonOcr toe tc Ut Draft oiierti)joU)ne bp tts Dcatti^totio U)S5 tt}c fountaineof life, an& cooio nomo;^ bcc fiuallolDCO tip of Dcatl),tt;cn CDoD t)tmreife conlD be conqueceo b^ t^ poUicc of 9arUenc(r0« [Sbe mightier C|)?iff0 perfon,tf)t moje able be toafi (fome totU rap jtp fufler )>f att) $ beli.] f^ loonlzi be partaber of one mojtalUnfirmittc , tljat bv fuffertngoeatlj fcitljc timcljce mtglit conquer ttjc fojce ti)gKof foj euer ; but t^f gates of tel coulD not pseuatle agatnlt t}^t}i,i}ecanC€ tbe Prince of t|)tis U)o?lD had nothing in bim.Slje IntuficD man map be flfron^* ea ti^Lii tijc ouitoarD man 10 \ueafeell; ano u^cn ft;c QcQ^ is nearefl tjntoDeafft, t^efptritmap xleaoe faffed twitoC^oD* aDbaneviolence,noJobedicnce^ven* geance,not patience;fprce,nDt louc. But all C0K(!r5tnttJja« (acce from Cb^tff^tbat bts-faffertngs mtglit be a l^oluntar^ racrlficetoU>itn6ffe btsloui^i ano orctare bts merits, lobfc^ in compulOon coulo be none. ^Uice tben tbe fonneof (^D itcittectDtUmgltetDculD, ho^foJclbliecoulDbefmrabcn ot ||ts ifalljer ; it is a Dangerous Dcnife to fubfectbtsfouletty. lien, ubtt^ is tbe totall anD 6naU reparation of ttje lotckeo ftom©oD,an6bi5fetngDome. r,; anD tbat luee map a hitlc tbc better betbinfee our felac»y before U)e groUjc tco refolutc in tbis aircrtton, tt)at €t)iiQc8 I roulefufferco t^tjeriepaincjcioCJi^ellsilPiUobrcruerome t!)tng0, by the death and bloud orcirifi. 49 f^utgSjtrfji* ttic kti^tumtmrntofm-, i.map not hesp* fonidpighc* ■ plicu to aat- onr of bo$,tt»emate not aomitte 6)z Dcffrnctton of bot^ : jbotoet^all b^rat}ct)ie(,tbatcou!DbacDlte,miD tL$ fotmtu^tte, Maxima CVMDlFFICVLTATBwithmuchadofaW lltmlelfe ? Bat ^ God fent his Tonne to bee the Sauiour of the ' ^ ^°^."-^,\ , ,^ woride. I2ae moff not tbcrcfoje to?appe Dim tolfljfn Ore De* ''*'* Htnitton of bonk ano (bale 3 no not fo^ an Ijotpcr, 0^ an in- 0antStl)frDUe,bcQt£(tbefecond death. Ebc firdtsi of tbebo< Diefbjatime,^reconDlsoftberoulefo?euer. '"The lake ^• burning with fire and brimftone , this is the lecond death(fait^ ^ a ^atnt lohn.) £Df tt)i0 Oeattj Auftcn faitb, " De ^rima cor^ P°*^* *^' forts msytedtcipotefi quod bonis bona Jjt^ mails mala '^fecunda ^ju^uRM ciul vera fine dubiof cut niillorum eJhbonorHm^itanulli bona. Ideo deiM.ii ca^,z verofecmda^ quiafofi illamfrimamifi. The fiiit death of the bodie is good to the good, and cuUl to theeuill ; but the fecondc death without doubt, as no good man fufFereth it, lb is it good to none .• and therefore it is called the fcconde death, becaufcit followcth after thefirft, 5i5cfOJe ^ fird oeatl) , no manfuffnretbbcn, ttbtcbi0 ^t itzoxm oeatb, ano befo;etDee mate auoucb it of Cii^iff, toee muS tahe all goobncffe iVom btm 5 foj doubtlefle (fapetfj Auften) no good man dooth fuffer it . iSno inodeoe botoc pernicious it is to make ^ foule of %iS liable to (fje oeaO) of tbe ionle , 3 (l^all aftertuatoe batt( occaGon to fpeabe . 3!ti t^ meane time^4ohn atficmet|i, tbat W %^tk not before 5 Thefull redemption of mankind, "^ * apalchorfejandhisnamethatlateonhinijWasdeathjandHEi.' Followed Ai^terHim: aitft VjSUfoitit caiinot UanD tDfti) truti) to (ubtect ^ fonle of <3^;itt pet Itnhig on earn},ta ,♦' tljet3crppamc0ofCt)eDgmneo.ifcurt$li?,cheirPWoRMEtii rMark $, ^^ ncuer dieth , foj fo muf!) 00 £i)£ rememb;:ancc cf t^it linnes cowimitteDagainll dlpoD ^ucilaff tnglte faltetl) ahD af» fiiftct!) t!;e confdencc. j^oto in €^^(a aij tfjcre tons tro taint of Onnc, f3 codtJ f^rc bee no toucfj of conference accufing^ no? temo^fe of nm tranfgrclTton agapnH ©oD , ?^lt^ com* pailion of ouc tinmc 1}C mig^t be moucD ano tConbleo ; but wonnc ofconfciencc bce coulD fjaue n0ne,tdjo ipss pjlnie ta biiEf stone bear t,tbat he was i holiejharmlcflc^vndcfiledjand ,«iHebr.7. feparated from finners, a»0 tbcrefoie llCttl^n ni) facrffice fe> »Hcbr 1. fe^'^ °^^ GriRW, bet na ' a faythfuU and mercifiil high Prieft b|>(be ofTertng Ofb^Wftlfc onccj made an attoncmcnt for the finilesof the peOp!c- 5iBut ftb at tbe painciJ of fbe ^amncii are,eje fenfence of tfyi 3uDgc M^ bti Declare, ^ Difiedtte kme maledtEl't in ignem * Mat.i f . aterfJum,De]p2in from mee ye curfed into cuerlafling fire, pre- pared for the djuell ahd bis Angels.BJn tobtcb toojues tbere stt foure tbmggjix^icbbp no tmmts can a^de bnto et^ru of ^^ cDilD^m of (S^o&, mac^ leflfcof ^(m f^at teas <253^ sno mart . QsG^e §)oniwof (S50D coulDe not i}ee RsiECTED^no tno;e coulD Ijcc bte tee partaher of (Sots goonneOfe . ej35wetbififiHil0U)a«ineft0i:.accttr/e5, fincc betoao al* loatedbeioittD; ano tbe.^acte^Qf i^t) comp^tCetb not onelte tbe angef anDbafre^ , bntlbfiin^Pisrabte ano tmceafcabU t)engeance of (lI5oo^t]diitc|L|^(ueQ).{t)e foiils ano bobf(:0 of tb$ iDlcbeD tuf ^ flamfng fire foj euer.^oj botu, coaio ' al nations 'Geni i. ofthcearthbebleffedinhim; ifbCbOnfelffUiere SCCUrfeOf "Afts 5. :bnt CEIOO " remhimtohlefle vs.- b«em«lI{!)?refo)ie.!?£ flojeO teitb faJ'iJiS of blctruig,ficS fo; btmfelfc,t!jcn foj I30 all. : 0nDconlDt»efram^onrtoiignc5, tii(c|)Jijcp«aHC[j?fi Cfansituitb beartDetclf , (b mucb to otn^onouc ^ pcrfon of Cb;^S as to aupncb btm to be trnlis reic^cd and accurfed Of btisifatljer.foj t^ time bccttncuccfol^paf^pet toe mutt 4tct ^elu «uc (clues Cb boto ef al fcnfe^as to fap t^at terrible iuDgcmcnt«.0;c ^crtpturcisare To platne,mio To fall of Vise pact^ ano rffects of fire in IjeBjrtjat 3^ Oatc not aUego?(je tljrm. €^M ma^ 'Luke i6, ^^^ ^f r^4) inans foalC In Ijefl to faie,:.^ I am tormented in > Rcucl.ir. this flame. &aint lohn faft^ it i& a ^ lake burning with fire ^Dan.7, and brimftone . Daniel fa^tt), '^ a firie ftrcame jfliied from before Chrifl fitting in iudgerr^ent. Paul faftl) , ft ffl =» a vio* bD r ^2 ^^"' ^^^ ^'^^'^^ ^^^^ deuourethe aduerfaries . CDOD llfrnfelfe fat^ja b fireis kift^led in my wrath, and fliall bum6 to the bot- torrieofhelljandfhall cnflame the foundations of the hillcs. 3ff tfjercfoje tfjc paincfl of tbe DamneD come tn quc0lon , ft tjsnotrafctomeafnre ttjem bp otir tmaginationd , bnt to gfne eare t(i{\it bolte g^ott , itbo can bed tx^^z^t tbcm; anObyb^mUJCelcarne, tbatifaniemanworfhippc the beaft «RcueI,i4. ^^^ li's image, he fliall *^ drinke of the winebf the wrath of God,and fliall beetortiiented in fire and Briiiiflone bcforfe the holie Angek, and before the lambe. Arid the fmokcof theiir torment rhall afceride euermorc ;iarjd they ftiall haue no reft night nor daie. Blntotljisfireif tw cattCl);rtffes fonle,ta8 innff tabe^ecde out p?oofei^bee(bttnt)anDfnte;lea0 out p.2efumption rrcluoe t)£« ft'om fbe ptace toberc Cb?tll isx, ^bleaiie t5 in tbe lake tijiere b^e nenei: toas : tberc to learnc tobat it id rafl^lte to conclube e^t tbinged tbat mz not confirmcD bp ^ toojo of Coo.lBut 3 perf feaoe mp fcif, fetD men of learning 03 religion, toill tenter on fljis Defpe* ratererolation,tbat(Eb3tfffifonlebfre on cartb fufered hell fire, ano tlKrefoje to p^opofc H^i^ inoogb to conftJte \t. 8 ■ Stl)c lad tbing in bell fire,t0 tbat it i0 eternal, if 0: as tbcre is no remiCfion of patne , G) tbence is no reocmptionj bnt once atiinogeo tbitbcr is enerlaOinglie foSeneo to tbat plaee of to;2mrnt . 0nb tbis iB caufe inougb to 0aie all mi?njfbfft bee foberlieminDco, frombefcitbing^t Cb?iff« fi^nleCuffereo ttie paines of M t W^M i)olt( <^^^^ ' ' <.: faiti) by the death and bloud of Chrift. ■ 5 3 fafftaaendlcs. J They which khowe not Ged, and obey not thegcfpcllilaaiirtifferpaincSjCueti eucrlarting perdition, from tj^Yhdi the prcfence.ofchc Lord, faitt) ttie apoHle to & Thcfialonians. ^nOfoPecer,,^cowhomth«niyft ofdarkeneiTeisreferued for *a.Pctcr.i, ciier. ;3nl)Iude, ^SodomeandGomorrhearc fctforanexam- 'lud.eplft. pic, which fufifer the punirhmentof euerlafting fire.^ca €^;ifi ^Imfelfep^onoanceOftiatfiretObesvnquenchable. Witht «Mark.^. toii tmleCfe toe can QeU) a later ano better toarrant tben i pet fee, toe (^alt do toell not to enterp;ti$e to quencb W\ t^re^ but to let it bnrne eternallte , ano to confeflTe taltb Peter tl;at (H5oD ralfeo Cb^tS b^eabtng tbe palnes of oeatb ano bell , of which it was ^ impofsible he (hould be held, ifo? Olice bC toaS '■ Acts.* . anDi0the^Sauiourofhisbody,tbepatne5Of bcU , tdjlCbace 'Ephcfy. etcrnalljCoalo not tahc bolo on bim» IpeiDas mtgbtler tben bell, tbat faucD t}d fcom bell *, bee coulD not ff ^ Mb fcom tbe t^aincB of Darbenefle^bat be mud 6s(t b^&hc tbem tn ftm* tier, ^is oelinermg Dd from tbe potoer of ^atan , p;toue$ |)tm to bie Wronger tbcn ^atan ^ anD tbe Wronger coalD m* tier be bonnobp tbeUieaber jbatcontrarlU)ire he eiicree balance of infiice ^ane fti0nftc t b.i ' : tengcancc tn tuafgfjto? iiTlengtb. ^o Cnce no creature t0 able to btare an infinite bnrDen ane tence of patne , of fojcc .ail GnnefuH creatures moQ bce^ontiCtnneD to an infintts lengttj of puniJl^mentj W(^ is beU fire«ilaaUe,as C^oo te c* tcrnaU ano cannot ctiangc^no moje can ^tg tafftce , o; f oogc* '- ntem alter to(t^tDHD §> pardon , a«j to be affareDof Ijis p?otectfon, d^at t^ U^e miferie mtgbt not tbe feconD time p;euatle a# gatnd \ii. ; tDl)tc|3 utperfo^meo b? tbe netoe Eef!ament of mcrc^ fo}giuing,anD grace repjefftngdnne, tbat toee relapfe. not into c^ pit of perottion bl^encg lijee Uiere DZf itnercD. .C':aif;.;:;:ia:.i!5onn:,>.:i^r^'r.;. ■ :;:.h ,^■i ^[laf teas !^tri« p 'ypfttato jfe factrf fice tijftl) (Sdd ac* ceptcD fo) tbe 0nne0of tgcTOto, ifflie netoteasmentDiD J^""^"^^""' not ptat«clie Declare , tjje olDe tellameut toonlu fufficientlic «« ftiadow^cd tDitncfle fcnto tjs. i?o; as Icen pat riarfes as ^?op|)etfj,pca in the figures all ttje goDlte from Abel to (^liH Dio bp fttic facrf Rce£5 emo and facnficcs fcrutce of o tbat all the facrificcs onD facraments of Mofcs latoe toerc no- uHcbrc 9 ^^"9f ^^^'^ ^"^ figaceS anB " examples ofbettcr thinges , a0 tbC 0poff le calletb tbem, namelie of €\}0ts boDie once to bee Offeree , ano ^is blonD once to bee l^eo foj tbe aboll^ing of Onue. Ebe e I G V R E s of efoanOat(on oft^toojloe^ Ctje bloaots racriScc of Ct);!f{lrs bootc t^roplaincliep^o^ cialmrDbp ttiftn aU, t^att^re canbcc no(]ne0ton of t^te faiiftanoocpectattoH. 0ni tocretljcpDcxducDin tljcobtect Dftt)efrfaiti),aiio |)ope< DiDttjcp alt miftebct^c true fa* crificefo^ t^clrQnm^s? ano DtD (0oD bp|)tj6(atDeconfirme ^m tn fbat errouc :» 0nD Doe^ ^t 0poff le falfclie ccii^ cluoefrom tt?e facrificcsof ttjelatoe, ti)at Cij^lffes offe» rU it, tt)at 3 moit) mufe tK)tD an^ man of iuugenwnto; teab ning can miftabc it, ifoj if toe marhe but t!);a concInQonif, tr^f (t) tt)e ^poltle mahctt); toe cannot erre from t^e trutt) in •• t^isbebalfe. ffi^etrueracrificefojOnncmnHbebutOjsjE, anoONCEOFFER ED,not often,no.2 iteratcij,bp rcaton it is perfect ano able toclenfctjsfrom aU'im«rB!t muff bee ». Blovdy, foj rotDereaUtbecfferingesoftbelatoe, anis ^Hebrc? .zwichoutfheddingofbloudisnoremifston. Bitmuff beeCoN- ^' FIRMED By DEATHjt|)atreD|mptionpurrt}areomfg|)t neuer bee reuoJieD, no;. altereD . Cljefc t\)m poflttonB are mainelie ano migbtilie t)?geo bv t^ ijoltc g^ctt, tbe 9. aiiD 1 o. to tbe Hebrucs; anD fQ% ttjifi fsi^are att t^ fathers of tbc ■ olo Ceffamcrttfrom Abel to Sajwuel p^aifca in tbe i icbap- fMebrcio fer of fljat cBpiffle. This ^ mantlaf^ Paul meaning finnc,\jot mnfS not make two; but rattier learnc Ir^at tl)at one toas , ^)l^ \m mapoo imtlioat anp DffficnUie,fince the ^poff Ic fo plain* lie teariietb tJS, ttjat weare'landtihed by THE OFFERING OF THE BODY OF lESVS ONCE ; t|)at ^ BY HIS OWNE BLOVD CHRIST ENTERED in Once into the holy place, and FOVND ETERNALL REDEMPTION. Almoftallthings are by lh5 I^Hcbrc? by the death and bloud of Chrifl. 59 ih'c law purged with bloud , and without fiiedding of bloud is^ ; no remifsion. It was then ncccffary that the (jmilitudes of hea^ j ucnlie thinges(tll ftJ«lato)niould be purified with luch thmges (as tijc bloaD of bojles anc goate0).butheauen]ythingstheai- fclucs with bctterlacnFTcqs then theiq euen.toit^ t^ blCUD of C(j;itt. For ^ifthe bloud of bullcs and goatesfandifieth astou- >H:brc.» chingthepurifyingoftheflcfh;howemuch moreihall The 8LO VD OF Christ, whotkough the eternal! fpiritof-' feredhimfclfe without fpottoGod.PVKgE YOVR CONSCI-- ENCES FROM DEAD WORKS to feruc thcliuing God? Aad- ^ for this caufe is he the Mediator of the newe Teltament , thac 7HROVGH DEATH v^tiwasforTHE REDEMPTION q^^*^^^'^ ^ ^ THE TRANSGRESSIONS IN THE FORMER TESTAMENTyt ^ ^ they which were called might rcceiue the promifc-of eternal n- » heritance. For where a tcfiamentis,ihcre muft beTnEDEATH OF HIM IHAT MADE THE TESTAMENT. For it is of no force ,fo long as hcthatmadcic,iialiue; wherefore neither was the firliteJament ordained without bloud. <=• lefus thenfuffe-'Hcbre.is ted without the gate , thatheemight SANCTIFlE the people WITH HIS OWNE BLOVD- and this is the bloud of the euer- lartingTeftatnentjthrough which God brought againe from the dead our Lorde lefus. Ct).2tll conficmeft; tt)C fame fctljen bcc fa(tt).Thisis^My BLovoof the new teflament Which is fMatchi^ SHED formany for THE REMISSION OF SINNES. SJje to j?05 be plainer tbcn rt)at tfjep naDe ante commen- tarie . ^txz toast bnt O isr e racriRwtftat conlDeabolil^ fitinc 5 caen the oblation of the bodie of iesvs Thcfacrificc ONCE J whofc Blovd purged our confciences from deade forfinnewa* , works, and pu; chafed eternal inheritance, by the TES TATORS bodily, blou -j death, for THE REDEMPTION of t^Ofe Qnitefi . m^ dr.afiddeadJy, toccommitteo againa tfjs fojiwr %t^mymU Wat H%i liauc toe to %\xxi the fo^e of tbcfe too;De0 , 03 to b;jing iit tije patnes of bcH in Cb^tff es foale, z& a part of (be pjopirtatojp facr^ficefoj Qnne :- Cb:(0 made bnt one cblatf on of bim'* ^ iz\k f!2j aK«e,ai« tyat toajsi tt)e fufi^crtng ofdeachjn hisbody, ^ 3! 2. . ^Qi 4o The full redemption of mankind, for the redemption of our tranfgrelsions , anO fhcddng ofhis bloudforthcremifsionofourfinnes. 3po;ctt)fnone, ijfc IWE- t)0D not make; fO) t^at one obtained cternalt redemption : m9 Otter ttKti tt}i£i, te Dfo not mabe , fo} btUl^i^tng toas bot^ Boi>iLYmtCBLOvr>iE. sThisismybody,whichisgiueiT, *i Cotmth 1 1 (^^) *^ brokenfor you; this is » my bloud,whichis flicd for ma- AMark'ii ' rie . The orlatton of the bodyo^ Ie% once & The Shedding of his blovd arc of ffrcjigti^f fojc0 mcugl) to tlf nfe tjsfrcm oor Cms, Uo pjorure tjs ie jj^omtfc of eaerlaOtng mt)f ritance , W(^ b^etng con6r# msti b^ tt)eDeatt)of tt)eteiIato|itjnDcttr trrenocabte. \$o\d cannctece ttjin b?ingtnanol)trfacr!ficeofCti;iffc6 foirie fiiffcring tb0painc0of bell,tibtcbcoulDbeneltbfr bodily no? bloudy, bat ftjce mutt tncrc afe tbe number , mxb confounbe tbc clffercncc^ of Cb?tff3 oflcrtngSitmD tocahen tbc fcice of |)is cirternall f cojpo^al facrtfice.tt^tcb ti^as tbc trnttj ttjat an# ftocreb f accomplt{|et) al tbe fignr0 of tbc late? j?o? tbe innfi» Cble patnes of bel arc no oicrc pjcffgureb tn tbc facrigccs of tbc laU),tbat 3i finD^noifo mud) as onrc mcntloncb in tbc 0' pottles tifcotirrCjOf 0)0s facrffice fc; Onne,(bat 3! rcabc; f tbcrfoieiftocabDctbcmasanecetlarppart of ourreocmp* . tton, tJDC derogate from tbe blonD of <3^2ftt , as infatttetcnt iDitbcut tl)ofe torments to dcnfc ts ft om our fins , f paclfie tbc to^atb of ^ob.tbat teas bin&leD againtt t)ff . tKabat Danger it ts to Depart from t m^fhifeC tDOjbs of t^ chriKoud bolps^ofJtnfobigbapointof faitb, %bv tbingsfentontten cxprcfsed in to Dlfcrctit tbtngs iu;itten,3B naDc not aDmonttt) fnc^ as be ^cfcripwrcf. IcarneD,lct tbe ample f afec baD,tbat fbf ^ fuffcr not rcafon to cnerrulcreljgionjfobfcuremiQ Doubtful placer? in tijefcrfp* turcg to \d;i:Q from tbcm tbc perfptcuous m\D pcrpetaall Jwctrtncof tbe bolp gbott. i^otucful anB perfect tbe re Dcmp* tioni0,Wi)tDCC baucbpfbeblonDof iEbJttt^ifpoa fearcfj Q)c Scriptures poufl^iil tatllic fee jifpcoDocbnt ^carbcn ^ pon (ball p;;efcntlic Icarnc . Stlie blouD of Cbntt Dotb R e- SEEME, CLiNSE, WASH, 1YSTIFIE,^S ANCTI FY tb^ by tbe death and bloud of Chrid, 6i (tlCd^BJtDOfi) Paci.fi Hand PRopiTiATEtfjcBluDge; 3Ji l)Otl^SE ALE The Coven ant of mercie.gracc&glorie,betf tU)irtcI530|man;]itiyotl>CoNGLVDE and blndthcdiuclI^ trijat mo;ecmibe.ceqaireD 31 tcrtlp cannot cotecJntc. 3ft^a bloDd of ^A(t petfo^mc al t^efe ^tngs fo; t)0, t mo;e toe can »iotaffe'o;ccpc(t.:;tci)p(^;rnftcU)efroni it as Enable to fai» tj£!,cv£CK.titbc fuppUctituitbttc patncs of l)ell:' 2I2Il/ett)rc 3 affkmc aiip tbtng of niiitc otonE^oj Dcltucr poa tbat &bfcf) is plainip tangijt iii § fcrtp*rc0,tuDge pou. ^Ye were R e d e e- ^ ^ p^^ MED^rattbPctcrbytliepretiousbloudofChriftasofa Lambe ' * vnfpotcedjand vndcfilcd. i C\mi\ by his own bloud(faitb Paul) iHcbr.o, entered once into the holy place Obtaining eternallRE- »em PTioN. ""ThcbloudoflerusChriftCiENSETH vsfro ■" i lohni, allourfinnes. "^Hc Washed vsiromourfinnesinhisbloud. ^ Beeing now I v s t i f i e d by his bloud , wc {hall bee faucd ° R^ucl i from wrath through him. P lefus fiifFercd ^t hee might pHeb /? fanftifie the people with his bloud. 3I3pCI)?}ll tljen *i wee lEphcLr*. haue redemption through his bloud , cuen the rcmiflion of; finnes . and "^ nowe in Chriftlcfus yee which once were farre 'Hphcf.s, off, arc made neere by the bloud of Chrift . ^ For it '^^**^"^'^*- hath pleafed ( G)t irattjcr) by him to reconcile all ihinges. vntohimltrlfe^ And topacifie through the bloud of his Crofle both thingesin earth, and things inheauen : ^ WhomcGod hath purpofed to bee a Reconciliation through fayth iii his '^°"*^' bloud. aliD ttjtrt((M (Ij0 netotcSfamtnt w ftalco tDfth ilhtittia „ ^^ ^ blonD.This is(rattt} l)tt) mybloud of the "new Tcftament, jHcbiisl which is fhcd for manie for the rcmifiTion of finnes , ^ Yee are «cmcto /efusthe mediatour of the newe Telkment f fajt^ Paul) & to the blood offprinlding which ipcaketh better things • then that of Ahell.^^^ Abels bloaD tlit^ foj tJCngcaRCC : but ^ Ct)?tfts bloBb fpeatittt foj mcrric anD grace, ano foj ftat ranfePaul callettJ XX, y The bloud of the euerlafting Te- '^«^'^5' iTament; For ^ this is the Teftamcnt, that I will make with the : Boufe of liiacl ; ?ifter tfaofc dayes faycth. the Lorde j I will - J3 pu£. 6z The full redemption ofmankindi put my lawes in their minde, and in their heart I will vvrite them, and I will bee their God,and they iliallbee my people; I will be merciful! to their vnrighceoufneffc,^ and 1 will rcmem- «Heb.*, ^jgj. their fintics and iniquities no more. K\^iB UttBtlXttlt Of tmrct0,grace anD glo;te i0 confirnicDb^ t^ Drattiof i^^iH, ano feaUDtDtti?, ^ts bloaD, lD!)fct) if toe toaHcn o^ fruSrate teltij our tnumttonCjO? aoottions , luce innft lofee foj ttjat ftarefulltuDgBmcntl4)(cbti)eSpoillett?eatnctl) . ^He that ,u 1 defpifeth CMoJes lawe dicth withJk mercie vnder two or three witne(Ies;Ofhow muchforer punifhmcnt fuppofeye (hal he be worthie, which trcadeth vnder footethc fonneof God, and counteth vnholie the bloud of the Tcftament , wherewith he was fandified , and repiocheth the fpirite of grace? JC^O to;ong tt)at ts cfifcrtD to ti;c falouD of t^ Hetoe Ccffamc nt, trcanctfttJuticrfcDtetlje fonneof vI!5oo , ajiD cep?oc|ietl} t^c fpfrtt of gtacgi i^oto t^otue can ii^c nio;e tinfanctifte t^ bfbuo of i\)t Ccif amf ntjvti n to mafec it. fo tjnp?cc(oa£f, ttiat tt cannot reoecme ts tuit^out tbc panics of bclljOj to fet top anottjrp;:tcc, fo; trlitcb lue ^auc no erpjcffc rcco:D, againff, m aboue ^c blouD of €W^i ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ clcanfce from our unnes,miQ rcconctlco to (2500;' 31 bnoiBe tbcp tutil ano mnfl anflxierc , (be pafne£ of bell ace containeD in tbe bionD of ^li^-^ fo; fo mucb as be fnffe« whctherthe ^"^^ ^^ ^^^ ^" ^^^"^ imagination , t^jen bee l^eo the otfjer« paincsof hell Coulo tbcp pjcjuc bp erp^cffc anD infallibU; tc0anoiTie5 be comprifcd (tubfct) tbcp canttot Do) tbat Cl^iC foffereo in foul tbe pained ^"f ch ''ft "^ °^ *^ camneD , tbip bat fomc r^afon to comp;ife ^ one • tottbin tbe otlwr^bnt no fucb tt)tng b€ing tearranttHA: tott^ ttelTei) in tbe fcciptate«,tbcp mu(f tahe bosB,tbat tbcp Do not e!uoe,ratbec tben crpounD tbe tDo:Ds of tbe bolie gbott toitb "^perpetuaU^necdoche^trbicbf^ali frnflftate tbe t)erp foice . of all tbofe m^^iM ano tebcmcnt fpcccbcs^jTo; tt is Orange to mcejfirfi^,fl)at toHbout intt pjoifc anp fucb ^im ^JoulD bt ^i"?s, t^ refl be- ing tonDerftojD as anteceuciutotljcm, ano noteminent a* bouctl^em. liotoefSc CiCossE,BLovD,anD Death of ttpperbefaitb: 'Asoften ano ^ts blouD C^cofoj t^ remitting of oar Onnes, swo tnt* ting tJS bnto d^jf ff,tbat loe ma^ be <^mcmbers of his bodicjof his fleOi.and of his bones. " 'Ephcfy. ^eafafeat an Untbanjefall part tocre itfoj gje wptiues ^^^-^^^ ^^^^^ fbatare inlargeD,ton)aicnj5 tbe ran03mc,tobic^toaspaibc thcve'ic price f03 fbetr ft: tirtJome,as Defectlue j Ubcn tbe aDuer far ic from of our rcdcmp^ tDbom Ujc Isjere bongbt,recepaeD it b? tbe rule of Cods in. tion, fitce , as a pace moll fuffrcient foj iis all tbat toere Dcliue* ttHf ^1 willredeeme them from the powcf of hell, Iwillran- Tome them from death(faitl) ©00 bp \)iS ^^OpbelOsyou were bought with aP R I c B(faitt) Paul ,)lj)e p?Cce ^en I4>i£i) Chrift paids^. ^4 Thcfull redemption ofmankind, paiD mutt bcfaBpUjojtft ttjcttjingrcoctmfU.irojfinceff pka fcD (I?DD , not bp fo?cu to tahc \is ftom &atan, bat toltt) a p;ict to buic t3£ catof Us ijaiws, tt totcc Dli^onour to (0o&, aitD a htnoc of rcp^oct) to giue tetle fo; t)0 , 4)en mtgtjt coun- teraailc l^s.^lnD tbcrefoje let^^rett affarsD t^at ttje p?(cc fa'ljift) Ct)?itt papco foj V0 , teas of farrc greater tjaiue tbjcn mc lucre ,noc or^elte tii t^e t3p?fsl)t tuDgcment of €>o0, hut cnen ui t^c {tiaitctous mto furious De0cc of &atan» . fe)|)0 tljfrCcD after tfjc blouD of t!)€ fbnnc of OoD , toitl) grcc BiertaUies, ttjcit after all toe too:ioe befroes , em tt^t ump^eQjtioac tn b^ifigtng \}im bnt fpfifering ^atan bp tbe Ijonog of t^c letoss to tafec t)ls life flom Ijtm ; mi t^tt compounDing tDtt^ W amiecfartej butfe^ieffmgbtminttje^mitJDcff of \)is ma* Uce3litoa0aaltJrtgCb.att31f^n^ourbcaD,as bebstJ Dons all {^msmbtxs toas cucrJbwlunc by ^Im , ano tJanqall^eD . toitt ^H euerta(imgtjfcto?te. . • v 1. .; i !: . . • ' " Mortum efi volens ^ vt inmluntarie mortms exufci- ' Baf^i oration, taret.D^acramt ipfum movsig»orans , vhidemrdffaj cognouit '" fi"' t0O' quemnon deuDrauit, Deusranit vnum -cum ormiibus ,• perdtdtt ^"^* ot»f7es propter VKum. T{^puitvt leo -^confraEli funtdeyitesipJiptSt €hrift died willingne (faitb Bafill) that hee nhightVaSfe thofe wbich died agalnft their vyiFs. Dea'fh ignoraikly cfenoiited hini, which whcnhtfe had done, heeknewe wtiom hehad not de- . . • . lioUred, Hee fvvalldWed vp oiic as hdciid all', ahd for that one,- ' , • , , v! ^ hee l6ft all. Hee (eafed on him as a Lion , but his tGetl> were" ther with broken-Slic cr«0 f ictant \mtx t^ name of Ruffinas; % o Sacra' * Syffthalum Bujfmi tomo ^ llfidm^ 'jMiufi.d* tr/nitatelitlj Mf.IJ. 66 The full redemption of mankind, ** Sacramotium camis fufcepu haKchabetCAHptntyVt dininaf- lij dei virtus velnt hitmw qy.tdam, hahituhumanit camis ohec» tus priucipem mimdiintiitare poJfetad%_^gomm, cni jpfe car>J{ nem [nam velut efcam tradens , hamo eum dtuinitatis in^ trinfecHs tenertt infsrtm ex prefafione immacHUti fangni- nis. The myfterie of Chiiftcs taking flefh was to this end^ that [he diaine power of the Sonne of GOD coucred-a5 z, hookc vnder the flicwc of mans flefh, mtght prouokc the Prince of this worlde to aflaulthimjto WHOM(CHRIST) DELIVERING HIS FLESH AS A BAITE bclde fart (tbC OiucU) with the hooke of his diuinidc flicking in him, through the fliedding of his immaculate bloud , P Condi^ torem omnium Sata»A mantii traditum , quls vd dejlpiens crednt ? fed tamen edoHus veritate quis nefciat ; < ■. — . cum fe pro nofira r^demptione Domitim membrorum SatanA m*mhts tradiditj((^UGd) eiufdem Satii»£ manum in fe fefiire per mitt it , vt vnde ipfe exterins occpimberet , inde nos exf teriHstnteriafque li(?er^'iret f That the maker of all was de-. Uuered into the hande of Satan , who is fo fbolifli as to bc- Iccuc? And yet who taught by the tructhis ignorant, that when the Lordc for pur redemption ycelded himfclfe into their handes that were the members of Satan , hce fuflfered. the hand c of Satan to rageagaynft him, that whence he out- wardlie dyed (in boDP) thence he might both cutwardlie and inwardlicdeliuer vs ? ^ Snt) Q^Ufmt tce COncIuDefb,'^ Cum corpus eiits adpaffionem accipit ; eleElos eius a turefHn potejla^ tisamittit. Whcnf^afan) receyuedthe bodieCof C^^fU) to crucifieicj bee loft theek6"i:ofChrift from fubie«-i;'-- M^ ■':•-■ >\- ' ;;•''■ •$., ^aint Auften C^efetngljotJje Cfciff coiinuerE& dje 2>(- nell fitft bp lattice , lua tf)cn bp polnec , fa^ctb ;' ^'i'^" CHitDeOfAJt'pfQpter erjtendiim hominemdeDtabohpotefiate-^' non potentia DiabolM' fed ittjiitia v'weeretur* It pleafcd: God for the dcliucring of man out of the Diuck power, that the diuellfliould be conquered by iuftice 3 and not by might by the death and bloud of Chrift. 6^ might. ^Qtu efl igitur iufiitU, qu4 viUm eft Diaholns ? QtU (ii,i^j^ niji tiifiitia Iefn Cfirifti f £t cjaomodo viEhas efl ? Ouia cumin eo Mthil morte dignHminy^enit ^ occidit enm ta.men : ^ vt'Mue iftJiHTn eB , vt debit ores c^ms tenehAt , liberi dtmit" tofftttr, in enm credent es , quern fine vllo debit o occidit^ Hoc f/? qtiodtH^tficArt dictmur in fw^mne'Chrifti. What then is the iuftice whereby the Diiiell. was conquered f What but the iuftice of lefu Chrift ? And howe ? Becaufc that -when the Diuellfounde in Chrift nothing woorthie of death, hee killed him noi^thftanding .- and fureiie iuftice requi- ^reththat thcdcbtours, which Satan helde rhoulde bee fcttc free, beiecuing in him whomc Satan flue without any debt. This is it that wee are faydc to bee iuftifyed in the bloud of Chrift .. ^ SoKgtds enim ilk qtieniam eius erat cjui nullkin ^habuit omnino peccatum , ad refnijfionefft nosirerum fufus ' "•^'y'* > tit peccatorjim\ vt qniaeos Diitbolus merito tenektt , qaos 'peccatireos conditione mortis obHrinx'it , hos per epim merito dimitteret, quern mdlius peccati reum immerito pana mortis fijfecit : hacfuftttia viUus , cfr hoc vinculo vincius eH for—' tis , 'Vt vapi eius ertperentur . For that bloud bccaule ic was his , who was viterlie voyde of finnc , was Hiedde for the remiliicaiof ouriinncs^ rhat whom the Diuell iuftlie held as guiltieof finne, and obnoxious to death, thofchcc might •woojthiiie lodfe through him , whome heevirongfulliclluc beeing guiliie of ho finne : with this iuftice the Diuell was conquered, and with thisband washcebound^ihat his goods might bee fpoyled. 0nD foj^hlt Auftcn ConcloDc^ in Cp pZCffctoOjaCBst^af THE BLOVDOF CHRIST, tD^ict) the Diuell was permitted to ftiedde by the handesbf the •wicked, WAS GIVEN AS A PRIC E IN OVR RED£MPTiON,aawt^entl?gS)tuca! )^&fpiLL tttDas rccboneD tofjim as a ranfom fo; ts fincc CfeWeSf d none fm fjfmfelf;! fo tuere tuc tflmjffieo outof %iB potuer. " /» hac redeptioHe tnnquapretiupro nobis datus efi Chrijii [unguis, quo ''^^f^em.eap.i^ Kz accepto \ .i,«wj>'.^y. 6S .TheifiiH r^.dcrnption bfniankind, acceptd diabelm noHditatHs^ftidlfgatm tfi^vt hoj.al> tins nexihui folnerej^w.ln thisjfedemption the bloudofChrill vvas'giuett as a ranlbme for ys, '^h\d\ being-, rcc^iued^the diuell was not .-inri* chedibut eojicliided^thac wee might bee.lpQA;d. from his fnares. " ^mhrofM.^ ^^' Ambrofe aRinitett) aS muc^., Sfredemptiffimni mncor^ £///?.; 7. ruptibilfhiisargmtQ:,(:^aurttyfedpxeciofQf^gume^domintnofl^^ lejii ChrtJli(^cjHo vtt^j z&Wf^f N i si E o -quijiojlfm.tampe.ccar iricis fticeeffioni-s Arec^thftfam ferititmmf.oJJtde(^t?)Sme du6w Ipse ji.igttahat pretmm vt.ferHttio exueret quos Jenehat oh firiUos . TretiP. autem nafirti hberationis^jrMjanguis domwi ler- [fi^c^Modneceffiiriafoluendumernt E i^C v i pcccatisnofirisven- ditieramti^^ If webee redeemed not with.corrttptibk things as filuer and goIdc,biit with the.prccioiis bloud of our, Lorde lefu's Chriii(vviio felling vs,B v tH e dbflt;po{Tefli?d vsas his fej:uam« by reafon of olirfinfull fucceffion)doHbtlE{Tectjea H & required araufonie t o diftniflc vsJirom the leruitude. which he had.ouer vs.Now the price ol our deliu^ance was the bloud ofthe jLorc| lefliSjwhich^price) was ncceffarilie.tobcc payde to H i m,To W H o M we were fold through our, finnes. Sljjcp U^td) trflDUCe ft)is Dottrinejai^ (ncJihtnglto 2gatif^etfmc,^aD niojc necDe of Elleborus f piirge ^\i b?am£0 ,tfecn of flbtl)o;tttes to piecfttiatiethelt: ^arfftjf a: fincc C^?ttl patD ttoranfottiic foj . i){mr8lfc,but fo? t^anb ^ts ttttiocent blouD cout¬ be Ojed but b» {Jjeijairtfliof tije hjfefeeD,i)D|) at tmidj of bnttu^^can it f5su^,ttjat Xl^coaceountcD tte b!oii& ofC^.:tft to Derof «5oae talue tljen all tijc fowncsof mm ; aito t onftquciUite , tijat, WM tl>s D^tttU eaggcltg ttjltftetjj^dio tD)ottgfulUefl^D,to?b« wpnteo aiSf majiSTar fejmjSJiD a pi(ee mollfufficicnt fcj aU t^e MJKu?pea.ftjcfcnpmiejt4)i£tJist^ too^Dof traflj, Do^ nat ojiclv- tcad) tJ0,titio ceDcemtD tjs^anc toit^ ^y&i pilcca^ , . ''God bought bis Church With his ownc ;bloud : \i\\i fit :rsa# y Coiof.r', Wifsft tuQ;!OS IVomiJ^oni toe tDcrerrlrtieintD, eiien from' the po»v\ctot>J]):AP K NES^^^D E'ATH ;aiD Hie L^ftiaf being ^der »Ofcc T ? liuercd out pfthc h^iids of our encnves, wee ftiould fejrUc God ^ Luke I. * without fearc in holinesandrighteoufnes all the da ies of our life. hf t&efrfeSdraridblDiid of G hrifl:. 69 •B AiTEttjcit l)5lo.tatt tljc fijjallotud: ; to a p.ri"ce1!)^coii» cluQco tlje rt;aUi?(igetrtoa.R ANso me (bat Ue&p tlje p<:ifoner; bj to aod^Q^sTt^af Qjiertl^^ciu tl)e infpltci*^; uieflcd itis '«n onei ^at^Tfip ttittingtJinr^ttjat teas Xtjc autticui' of life, ioH tMj^ btm ano atliwtf mcmbctis!^ tIjcaio;il!e rtilag againc bp i)i^ oU}\\t^Q\x)et^-a^x^ t^tOiig tt)em all , ft)at caoltinot bee fe'ticreofrom fnm,bp t^ tritg^tanD mtrtte'Of Dtsonrtf) rato ,o£.fj3;;.K« fnScring; ano To ttje goDlte,u'gict)noiu I(u2 on^e eart^, a^^ nmtheir^OwNE, but t)iB-tt)at bought tbem fceit^ap^icc; biCorimh.^. bsetng b^foje' «= iolde tjnDcr finite , t^jofe ^ fef uants lijep were < Rom 7. till Cb.Jlflf toittJ t)ti? iJlouD <^: redeemed t^m.5v.nro G OD, ''Rom<5 «mi maDe tljem fetiiges aiiDp;}ief^e«tQ!;Sool)t5fatjjeri ^r^ 'Reuciat.y. >jit ft»J orbis?' ^mcLniJtomnef-^emes} Thecetlcefnercaini^ (;naUl> Auft^n) and jpaicd the price ; hee fhed' bisbfoud ; and putcbafed the worlde, CcKifidcr what Ke gauCyandiTiarkt ^'hatiiicijpugbt. The bloud bf€hdft wa? y jpric€ : whatwasvalued M^io great a pricc/'VVhat but th'6 w)hol€ worid.?wbacbaral did Wiien^af the earth? B Hie ? chryfoft.adpo- hedadd^makit,'' 5his bloud^fatl^fehTyfijliflm^bdng Ijied wa, flied the vvhole World. Thisi)loud was cuer before figarod in the rj^ct(fices,dfl(^mAttjr):domes of the righteous . TnisbJoud is the pttdeof the world; widi this Chrift bought his.Ghurch,v\iih ^Cyiil. dUUg.^ thisi|#;whbly jjddr.rted ft .• h CbnfiHsnefi.ej]itc^dtg»timfrnm ^"''^^'*'-^^-4* Peiitii creattiraredimendk, hecfuejuffict/'et ad hene redimendam miihMvif-im,etiamfifHamdepofjeret'ammmtivtfretikViW .?...■:■ ^ftAmek d^Mew, Chriii iiad notbecne ?itift.pricfif fait^ CyriJ) t6 rcdterae all clisatiiresjnor fuflficient to ptitchdieibe life of' the "'"- 1^3. v\orId 70 -The full redemption of mankind, worldjtliough he would haue laid down his life and his precious bloud as a ranfome for vs , ifhe had not beene the true fonnc of %o^T * ^^'^A as it we.re,God of God . M^crc aS UOtD ' Vntts digni^ tatev*2ifterfosfH^eraris,prcr(p* fares 00th altnaics note a voluntary yeelding of the life, txjiicft ♦John I ». ^^ ^ LAYING ASIDE OF THE S0VLE,QjJ § lOUS Of OttJCrfjEfl tJ^CrC Peter faf tb, ° Vonatn Animam meapro te jl)e DiD ItOt mt anc bS tDonlD go to bel foj bt« malfer.tbere toas no-canfe no;i n(?D0 p i.Iohn.j. fbc rcof '3 but 1 ^^ il lay down my life for thee.ltlnb ttbci^ S. lohn tellet^ ^9;^'! Qmnismille arnma fHApo[uitprombiijd- yiosdebe- mus amrtutspatreffeprofratrtb'us'yiJeeHOdi nOt (batgC tl0 tO bS" ^aro out foalcs bg Imo; t^el foi otbcriJjbuc infomuch as Cbrift gau€ bythefleatKandBIoudbfChrift. 71 eaue His life for vs, wee ought to give ovr lives, for our bre- thren, ^o tt)nt foj (3);{Q to Lay aside kis sovLB^or to po vre IT ovT vNTo DEATH J Ujas Hot to faflfcT ^cU pamts foj oat ral;cs,bnt to Die fo^ out GnS'^i a! Q^ofe placea ace ratt)£r cfi^e^ wnt.tije Df crtDcnt to tfjc rtft of ^ fcriptacE0.ti|jtdj SJsU gagcD.' <^nti pet bccaafe flje ancient fatbcr^ fbme. timcf^Tate (tiat ^;it(l gattc his fouk foj our ioulcs , as Ijee 5fD his flefh fo} cur flcfli, f ttic fcrf ptuit j3 often aff(rmc bee gaue himftlfc ; j.toiU come to fl)c tblrti effect of <^)?tlf crolTe , ti})(c|) is tbe mighty ^j,.. n^».r «f FovvER OF HIS DEATH^anoaere cramme tu^atpart ofchxifts death, Cb?ttt Dieo fojouc Cnnes, rnio botoe bp t)is DeaCb tbe_^uiItofi finne , the cur(e ofthe lawe , the fiino ofdeath,aiid the ftrengrfi ofSatanarc not onclie l&£!abeijeo,antiUja(feD,but ertingui* ' (^cD anD abeU{^eD,^at tbe^W netter p^nadeagatnit t^im Djbis elect, SrbattbeSonneorGodloucdvs&gaue^himfelfeforvsaia^ ^ . king the purgatio of our finftcs in his *■ own perron,by the ^ facri- , Hebrc^ i fice ofhimfeJftoput away finne; is fl cafe fo CltXte, tf)at tt ndeD fHebre.*9 not to bep?oouei},niucb lelle map. b2 Doubteo tuifljoutappa' By chiines raiitfabuerSonof tb84);:(aianfailb:battebe^r Cb^tttfnf' '^"'^' '^'^"'P fereo tbe oeatb of tS)t tr|)oleinan , bisfoule taSlngfoj tbe |"e"cTdf^f time an intDacoe anD fpfrttuall Deatb in fatiffaa:on of our his body. ilnmsi &s tjis flertroiD an ejcternaU $ cojpojc^U oiCfolnfion of natace , tbls bp fomc men isi qoeffioneSJin oar Daie0 . £Nt fo) oarfiifees bebambleDbtmrelf,! toai:ob£Dfentbnto Deatfi caen ibe ceatij of § ctatXe^is out of al oonbf ; tbe CuangeUifg fiefcribe tbc maner of Ijic ocat^jtbe spoil leg tbc caafe; to tott 6)C redemption of out fin0/.^ f^ONFIRM ATION Of tb^USi}) W ftamenf ,tb« reconciliation of man to 0o5,tbe destrvcti- oN-of bim (bat t»3sroler of &eatb,t (be Imitation of btjJ Cbcbicnce.whoruffercd^M'vslcjuiQg an-«aplc ^ y wefhould ' i.Pcicr.t, fellow his fteps.^ll ^& be prrfwmeO tDl^b ^ocatb of bis Qttf), ^c fecUpt^ireg nflfiiix^?i^ mcqtianing anie otljcr btnee ef bcatb,tbrat $ can teao. t^^ere a teOamcnt tiS,tbere mull be tbc bcait^ fjtm ^at mmt^ tcSsmnv For the teflamet \s confirmed 7^/ TbSfuirr edmpnbnofm'aTilcmiJyr- ; confinncd when men are dead.-Chriftisthe mcdiatorofthe new Teftamcnc,- thatthrough death which was For the redemption- of tliE ttefpafies in theformerTcftanlent j they which are. calledmightreceiuethepromile cjfetemaUiinhcriiance .. S|)tjBf plameli£ cjcp^cffctt) t&e-Drafl) of C^e bobicl Jro;; C'Ob fbjbia* : mmMJiQamtntB l^oula be fruff rate ,t(U: ttjcir fo uks fjauc . tattcD t^ faonD Diatt) : bat from tlje tcst^ of tbc botrfe aum liamelitjJtafee t^lr fojce, ^prefojetlje ttetptcaament liJ , . . TCOnfirmcD bptlje boDdie teat^ of catt) df tfje fonle; ;^y ■;TfillCeTHE liLOVD OF CHRIST^ CROSS'^E did P ACI F Y yHcbrc.t' • thinges in earth ahd'in hciaufen . yforfomuc^^sthechikireii; were partakersofflefli and b!ou€i, hcealfo did therein partake" with thciBj that through death hee might deftroy ihim tJhat had" powej: of death eueri the deuill * I|)0 Oeaft) of tb^ fplcit maii V . . bee toiStjotJtfle^ mi9 bloutj; aisltjcfce in tt^ a)cu(l0:ti|]O;arE fteaouifptrite. 315ut(iI^:iftt(BKcfic(^^mtQtloxUJ,ttjatbptb& Dcattjof bi0 flel^ l)C0 ni'omanttlJio5De«vfomaiitereafdnfito ^toom fbat fohtie . SE^en ifd^nQs touk toero at ante time Dcat^e, tt loS aUconfuncttonanocommnn(ati tbf^ ©00; ano tonfequentlic tbc perfonall vnion of (©00 ano mm in cb.:er obedi* ''^ encejhumjlity^paiiecejholinc^ ttOJ^loue, ti^i^ are tt)e ftuit^Of fafe,fbat Cb;ift foffi^eo tbe Dcatb of tbelonle^foj Ijotofoeuet tbcp mapfraractjtno tbcmfeltiejB a rieto btnt) of ocatb in tbe fonle of (EbJlO; m> tbcp tb^nl^e far from tbefe abfurblties ano b!afpl)cmtesjfftbott)fcr(ptnre0tfaa)ersmtgbtllie contra* W(ttt)atlfflfe,tfnotleto0eaflrertion. ^Withthce isthcfoun- apiajj^; taine oflifc, failt Dauid to 0oO . Wl^en If t|« foule of il^^ill Jl I* tDcrc. »lohn.6 ;fIbB).S 'Iohn.i<, * Iohn.li JC0I0C3, .2« 74 The full redemption of mantinci, fmtt altDai00 tmneD totti 0oD,d:2 fi) mac^ as in (0aOs f^no;^ ft mnlt naeos ^am life^ fo> "^ in ((0005) fauour there is U'e.pta ttje p^efenct of dJowfpintgtuefi^ life. ^Spimitse/^utviHii^ feat; it is the fpirit y quicknech, fatfl) OOC &antOtir;dlit PaulcU Bt^ farm toojos. TOcce ll)en T h e. si> i k 1 t o f gxj o ^ t)f reu? LiFE^anDconkqocntlp ^foule^S i3 Of ad^iftbep^i* ticb of (0000 fpirit. jj^otDfcomt^oai t^ tpiritof CDdDiB De» {lartco,- tn |)tm mnff tt^Osloant a( ti^ Umta of (0otJS fpirit; ano foQje &nlr>fi)at is oeao, i^ecclaoeofcom allgodlinefTe anovertue. iFo3 tftcfeace not oncliefigticg, bat cfff acs of <0oos fpirit too^bing iiittje foule of man . i^tio fince bc# ttoecn rigbtcoufncs ano bnrigbtcoafnes ttjere is no mioole^ fte fonleof mail toanting lights truth , ano faiK^iiiicjOf fijjce muft be fitteOtDttl) fin^e be liimfelfeistbeAvTHDR ano Giver of lxfe? Alam the waie, the tiuthj and THE LIFE faitb our -^auionr. 5 He ih^t beleeucih m i«e hath euerlalfeng lite, ^ I am the refurrcc- tionandthclife.- hpp that beleeueth in mec, though bee wetfi dead , he fhallliuei SnO hce chat liueth, and beleeueth in me^ ftial neucr die.3|ftbe fooleof bim tt)at beleeuetb in Cb?il! fbal neuer oie,boUr£onlD iB^^Oi bf nt^elf at anie time Die in^fbnle? ^^ChriH is our life ; botue tben (b^U txiibt fate netier to tit , it tbe fountaine of onr Hk inCbnfl^es perfbtimigbt fo; tfyz time bee D;ti«D tip tbiSb beatbf Ib^U tne baue fuller m pttU* tex frnition of life tbf R €b?ttt3cfaa ottr bcaoe, who^^ giuette lifctoalihisfiieepc? botb^bablb plentifull, perpctuall, anH' perfonallpoflcfsion ottifc, not oneltc foj b ^^ D A M N AT I o N5 nettber of tbe ttbicb toitb anie mooeraf ion ^^amnation. . C3 nittigation can be attrifanteo to Cb;Hft tuitljont t^amcfofl ^'i • « '^* fclafpbemte • ^ ^Ktma pecans ipfa morietur_. The /oule *Ewh,i»^ that i^neth, that foolerhall-^ie. ^ntbefctDo:De0areboQi ' "'* ccatbscfCnfoale rrpjeffeu^ tJie fira voluntarie tcbenfoj ftedcIights'Df firmetocrccfofetbe preceptesofGod: fbeo- Jtbcr neceflarie, trben <25oO bp bf» inflice wthdraweth bis f rcfcnce fcomlJB, pno execuKth biS V e n G e a n c e OtitSf tbat tttoer l^aH baue ent SCbat finne 10 a oeatl) of tbc fouley cannot be Oenteo. LetthePdead Bury their dead , faitb ^'^iifi pMatth.8 to one of bis DtfdpIes/oHow thott liie. ^KUbicb muC na;ocs be meant of fncb as are Iming in boDp , f Dean m foalejas Pauld fpeafectb of toantantDlDO toes, file which liucth in pleafurcjs^^ - . ,. - •iiicad whiles fhceliueth . Sjjefe tbe fcnptwe callcQ) Dead M.Timotfi.j fColoif.* »i.Pct.t. *j^ TKc fiillreHemptian ofmanklndj In si N N E. when wc wcre^ dead by finncs , God quicke- ned vs together with Chrift.^RD aiaain^You,whii:h %ere dead in finncs, hath-hc quickened toge^er with Chrift/orgiuing you all your trefpaffes; jf comttis ocatt) Bl mahc ito Doabt but all c^nfttan men toltft beart ano totcetDiU clfetelie Difcfearffc tt» t VnsPOT TED ano VndE FILED Lambe of Godj who did " no finne >, ndcbetwas there any||ulc found in his mouth. J::.: no^n-v-c: \' \^^ \ tJi^z ot^r ftmfie of ftf Ded6) of f^ foate , ti^(^ f5 damna- non,mulJ bcfarttjerfromC^jtttttwneaertoasQnrw. |po} not onelicCb?lfl«fiinnocency l^onlD bee tinlnfllte condem- ned, fcdjfcft mere' altogctber repugnant to C^Dsrtg^tebaf" ticffe;but Ibe fonne of C250D wronged, anOmanefaluation tdiolprubuerted. j^otbtng mfgbt bf fall tbetinrnane nature of Cbjiff, t^tcb toas mtfitttng fo: bts ofntne^ bott) being iof« neoinflncpcrfon/^nD ifour ^autour tuereconcemneDta lien ; fel)irt) toap f^alt toe tbinfee to fcapc tbe fuff ano fearefuR tnogerttcntof (feoDfo;onr manffoio anu grtcuons Cnneg? be tofts tnDaDconDemneDbi?man,tbatgaaeto;ongfHll fen* tence of oeatb agatnC b'ni ^ but bee toasf aequtteD of ^oo. ano becanfc bee bambleJ) bimfelfeto tbe Deatb of ^ croffe» God highly ^ exalted him, and gauei^nn a-nairre aboue all names, a5 toell ir^ witneflc of btS innocencic, as in reward of bis humility, ^ea tbe boltegboll,t£bK* culDenUv y recojDctt) Cb;tfi5S affurance , confidence, anO reioicing in (I^OD, HB tee t)ung on tbe erode, cleane tuiv^ttc^ alt fnCptefon tbat be fuf« fercDtbeOeatbof tbe tbnle. if 03 ^ 6ole in tbi0 life can ^aue no fuller, no3 fatter cobcrence tol^ (I5oD, tbrn i^i\9 bao. SnD (inee C'OD is tbe true life of tbe foule^tbe infeparnble ca« Uinction of CbJiftes foule toitb Ci5oD p?oiietba continnall petftoaCon, ano fruition of eternal life; td)icb hp no meanf« BDmittetb ante oanger 02 Doubt*, murtj Icflfe anie fence oj (dfferance of tbe fecono oeatb being tbe iuil toages of 0nne, ^ • M ^^^^ tbe toicbcDare euerlaOtnglie punl(!)eo. ^Cmt 4- _As!fW/i.'« '^ffjfftChrifii nonfilummmertalis ftamdum cateraru naturam^ Jed 7?fal.iic.($ fcne fane bp tbeir to:itings. Dkam aw mBerfratfesfid t{(mem verfrmj^ud vtt<£/k»t,ima corporiSya/- Ura itnim£^JiCHt vita. eorporis anima^fc vttaanjmA dens, Quo-' modofi anima deferat^mritttr corfHS'^fic ntoritur animafi defer at "Dens, g 1 wil fpeake boldlief fa jtb Auften) but trulic There are bfT*^' ^ two fortes of life,one of the bodie, another of the foulc. As the ^*''^^ foule istheJifeofthcbody^foGodisthciifeofihefouIcj Seas if 5v^ L.5, 5I1C 78 The full redemption of mankinds the foulc depart the body dicth^fo dieth thefoule,if God forfakc it. ^ Aforsproprtenonefi ea , e^Hicantmamacorpore ^ fed qH€ ^tmam^T)ev fcparat * Wens vita e(iy ejuia D^a fefaratur^ h CyrlihoMU, ^-ortms efi . That is not properly death ( fa(C^ Cyril!) which 19 .deexiiu /euereth the foulefrom thebodie, bat that which feuereth the anma, foule tromGod. Godislifejand tticrcfojehcc that is fepara- tcd from God, is dead. ^■i.^KtfnaqttA^eccat moritur^nsn Vtiqm alitjHdfui dtjfoltitione , fed merito moritur Deo , eruia vitiit peccato. Ergo ijua »oh peccat, Tjoftmoritur, Thefoule ' hmhroC' ete v\hich finneth dicth, (fa^e^ Ambrofe) not byaoie diflblii- honomortiscap tionof her fubflauncejijut wortbiliediethfnec vnto God, bc- caufe lliccliueth vnto finnc. The foule then which finneth not, d^.QihnQi^ zy^yfimamcorpore^'itaejl carnis* DepfS vero qm V iuificat omnia, vita eHanimarHm. ^ Sic ut mors ex^rior (th(t' KGregDr.in ■ nimi-i dtuidit carnem^ itatKors interior a Deo feparat animam, E-^ech.bomiLxp Th^4oulc in the bodie(fmt^ Gregorie) isthe Ufeofthcflcfh,but God that qliickcneth all things is the life ofthc foule ; as the 1 Ucntmorail^i outwarde death diindcth the bodye from the foule, fo the in- l'ib-'}.ca^,iH, ward death diuidetlv the foulefrom God , ^ Stcutanimavita efl corporis, it ? 3f it bee gaoD ,tt mnS fomc from tbc fonntatne of all gmJjm (Tc^ifmD " none h good buronclieGoJ. Hjcn tl)e foule fe&(cbt5pai;tafeercfCDOD,t0 partaUcr oflifc^aniJ to be ftucrcDfrom ^blM totjc fcoewJj The fathers ffom Hfc tabifbts t^etnietrcTcriprton of Dcatb. nnineiy teach jUtgbtlp tbcrcfoic T)o tt^eatjnn'cnt jf .itliers ttBcf), tbat tiiatchrirtdicd ^|jju}^p^^gfo>oacOttnc£5ifuffertDON^LY TheDeath iMiOneI/ Of The B ot. i e, but net of tb? foule: mtD tbc fcrlpta«0 iuJjcreloeiKr t^^v mention: tj^f^Dcat^ of €\i;iiii maa |>a«e by t&e cfeath arictbloud of Chn'fl. 79 t^ Iftc canffrttction. if 03 i^ fonle of C3j2f II coult not nit, fa long aslt^atittjep^efenceanSaffiCaMce of (IDOO0 fp(rit;pca toe leaue l>lin nctetjcr faith no;j hopcjloue no5 ioy , obedience Bo; patiencc^no^tanp otber merited 0? tertnes, if luec fubi ticri)(m to tbe Deatljof t^ foale; to^ t^t see t^ bow anij ftfxits of Ufa. i?rom btlclj iftnc cannotdcclu^e tije fowlc flf C^.:JS,ao not fo? a moin^nttDit^odtfacriU gioo0^impie^ ti£, it remaincti) tM <^|):ttt ncftljec faffereti iw.: taltcD tt)& ° 1 ^ct.i. tieatl)oft{)cfoale,batoncitefteD£at!)orti)E boBie. « In his , ^ bodichebareourfinnes on the tree; and P reconciled vs vnto Cod,in the B o d y O f H i s F l e s h T h R o v g h De a t h, vvhenwe were ftraungers. and cnemyes in heart, by reafon ^ Colof.r. pfour cnill woikcs ,, ^ Qmd efl snim epwd-viHificatiis esl fpiritu.mjtiimd eadem caro Qv aSolaFvehat Mor- ^^**^ ' '^' T I F I C A T .V s vinificante fptritti rrfkrrextr ? Nam Q\ o d AnIMA FveRAT MoRTIFICATVS lES'VSj^tfCtf/?'as hcc cuecic waic conquered; and whence hecreceyued outwardiic power to kill the Lords bodic, thence was his inwardc power , whereby hie hclde 7S-, oucrthrowne . By which it came to pafle , that the chaines of manic finnes deferuingimanic dcathes were loofedi byvthe one death ofonCjin whome was no finne. So the Diuell joi] man' By Th e Ye r i e D e ath O F(Cl).ufis)F l e s h, IJ^atOeDeaH^of C&jlXff^ciilbicaDeDs pattentUc to fuffcc jnorereyjtHr 'ad.Chnfii rrrAtiam fertinentes^ ejiiatenus pro illis Trinitate UbM ipfe moftfifis efi Chrijiui, , C a R n Ij s T a *J T v m M o r t e '^''^' ' ^ ' NoN SPiritvs. So farrc iJiou.ldethey, which belong to .the grace oPChrift , die as Chrill died for them ; that is, the De ATH Of The B odie Onelie, AisjdNot Of The Spirit. 0a.Obp t^at Dcatt) of bis boDte tj0 frcjD tjs from bo$. ^-S o l i v s C o t p o r i s M o r t e m T>ei films , , . /• ^/•^)•. ,.=' Idem de Ur/t~ fro nolf^s'acceptt yp6r Cjuam a nobis (j- dominattonem peccatt, Cx p^^^ ^ ^^ .pocnamat'grNiipmitsQni^exQlHfit. The death Of The Bo- dlijQnlieThe S ONNE Of God Svffered For V Sj by whichhe deliuercdvs bothfror)! che-dominioiiof fin, and froniftcmsll dartinationi I ; r ' - • Gyrill.us.X0,a4»ttJ t^je fame ^OdixXnt . ' y Si intelU^atur I2ldrl'!^j Dewtfio^rmMs., c^. propria carmp^ffH:S,parua efi ergatpfuin i^i^ ^^ ^' pmni.ifr^HtnrA , ^ fiffiidt /t4j redemptia/iem mundt V n i v s CARhfi §: M oas' •.: *If wee; vnderftand ( (Lt):(tt) to bee Cod incarnate , and to haue fuflfered in his owneflcfh ; of fmaH valce in *tcfpc<5l of him are all creatures, and fufficient toreckcme the worlde is the i D:Eaxh .Of Hi;S Qn-e ly F L E s ;Hi»: ; SlltO Itfeetotfe Gregorifi , 2- T^os. ejma 'mente H V>eo ^ Cv(g.mral', recejfmm\.^. CAVne cid ptdueremrednmHi- , p.ocita dtipU mortis iil>, p.f<»/.i5« tifiriffgimfff'.^' Sied vef/it ad.fios t^'fii Sola CaRn.e pro No JM% HcXKEt. E T V R J E T S I M P L A M S V AM D V- ■•'' M PLAE ^ 8a The full redemption of ixJanJiihc}, l> L AE N o s T R.AE tHfigeret (^'^osAhVt r- a Q:y E M o R Y^ Iderarrt. Bccaufe in heart wee were departed From God, and in flefli returning to duft , wee are tied to the punifiv^ mcnt OpA Dovblf. De at h. But (CijJtS) "came vnt6 vs, which DIEDIN THE FLESH ONTLV FOR VS. and ioyning HIS O^E KINDE OP DEATH TO DOTH OVRS, DELIVERED vs FRO vi BOTH . 0110 mojs at large, tt)e f^nw? fatoet* Uebaiing the faniC matter ; * P''mbr a mortis mors cimiis ticcipitur quiaJicHt vera mors ejl, qua, 4Kima fcparats^r a T>€^^ ita vmbra mortis efi, qmcArofeparatHrnhantma . ^.os enim C(?«/?*?/ NoN Spiritv Sed Sola Carne Mori, »£>- ^litm mwaiiumquaqfiamfevera morte.feivmbr.t mortis dicunt operiri.Qtifdif/} {ib.^,ecf, 1 7. g^^Q ^^g^ beat lis Fob pofiuiat vmbMni mortis ntf quod ad dc" lend.t feccatn ftnte Dei ccidos. , Dei c^ hom'mMW A/ediata- rem reqmritiqm S olauPko N on 1$ Mortem Car- N I s fitjc iferet^c^ veram mortem delinquent iumypsr v n, bram fux mortis dderet ? Ad ms quippe ve-'tir qui I n Mo r te SpiritvsCarnisqjeTen[ebamvxVnam-«^»w fm morte detf4it , ciJ- D v a s Nostras^ quas repent foL uit.Sl ENIM IPSE VTRAMQVE SVSCIPERET NOS A NVLL^ LlBERARET.'/ei VNAM mifertcordtter accepit^ (jr I V s T E V- TRAUQJTL damfsauit Simplam Svam DvplaE No- STRAECOf«//>^DvPLAM NOSTRAM MoRlENsSvBE- GiT. QmergoSoLAJsi ProNobis Mortem CarniS SvsCEPiT vmbra mortis pert/flit^f^ adeioculis culpani quam fecimfis^abfcond:t.Thc fhadow of denth is takefor the death of thebodie, forthatasitis thctrue death, whereby the foulc is icparated from God ; fo it is but the fliadow of death, V^hcreby the bodie is feparated from the foulc. For they which afiurcdiy dieNoT theDeath OjThe Spirit,BVt OnlyOf The Flesh, they doe not fay they arc coucrcd with the true deatft , but with the fliadow of death. To what end then doth blcfled lob aske for the fbadow of death jbut that to wipe away finne out ofGods fight, hee feeketh forthe Mediator of God & maDjwhoiliouW vndcKake Fob. V s T h e D e ath by the death and bloud of Chrift. 83 Of The BodieOiVLY, and by the fhadow of hisdcath might cxtinguifh the true death offinncrs? Hcccamcto vs that VVereSvbiectBoth ToThe DeathOfThe Spirit AnD Of The Flesh, and by His Single Death He Loosed 3oTH OvR Deaths. Ifhc fhould haue Svffered BothjHs CovLD Have Delivered Vs From NEiTHER.But he merci- fully VndertookeOne Of Them and iufllic Condemned ' Both. He ioyned His Single Death To Ovr Dovbls DEATH,and dying CoNQVERED Both Ovr DEATHS.Hethen which for vs Tooke Vfon Him Only The Death Of The B ODY fuffered the Shadow ordeath,and hid from Gods cieSjdic ^ finnc which we had committed.BernardUUtDtfC.C?^;w^aMjo?ren6luicUeD j 05 to DiminiO) tijc fojcco5 fruit of i)(0bo&flp cicatt), ui)tc| l^fpertoU a^ moil fuffictcnt ; but to crp?cfife ttjat in ttjj Dcatt) of Ijts fiefl^ on tf?£crofTe!)tsfonleDlDfuffer tlje fenfs ofpatne, anDfmart of Dcatj) iij)tct)parteD tf)e boDtc anD foulc in funDcr ; ano fo topntlie iDftt) ttje boDie, miD fcucrallie bp it felfe,tbe foulc of • ^effit. As WH OLE Chrift gaue H IM S E L F E (faitt) Fiilgcn- tius) and the WHOLE MAN OFFERED HIMSELFE , Co the vvhoIemanXAYD DOWNE HIS SOVLE,whe,the fleOi dying ^ ^, ^ oiuhccrolle, the fbulc departed. ^Ott}atCl);»lll>fflDeD f)ts ^^ fcnle fbj out* foulestO tl)£ fufccption of fe^rotu , prepcfsion of pafne, aiiD diffolution of nature ; buttsnto tljcDcatt)oftSic fouleljcDlDneittjcr offer, no? pa:lDcl)(mrelfe:fince fijat is a reparation from(II5oD,ano exclufion from graccfroui ttiitd) it tD3st>ttcrli0 (mpoffible tljcnjulecf <3:^?4I!coulti cither Uitl- ltng!g,ojfojcrabltc foj an Ijourcbc renwucD; pf a fcdjerc vcu fine ttye fuflfering of tjis fonlc tortwcCfeD , ttr re fyall pen fee Jbe DEATH OF HIS FLESH ONELIE tO be aUDUStjCD.^ vPuia To 1 V M H o M I N E M dem illefufcepit^idio To t i V s , . , H o M I N I s mfepajjiones in vent ate monjtrautt ,^ anttnam qm~ Traftmndum dem ratiofjalem hahe)is\.qHicqtiid fuit ifijirmitatis aniniA fine Db:'^, peccatt>fi{fceptx^ pertuht , vt dum hHtnaHit aMim<&pajfioKeSiin attima ijuani accept t vmceret^ noflras ejuoque nnimas ah wfirmi- iat'thits lih'eraret. C^mem cjuocjut humAnam accipiens ,in eiufdem veritafe cam'iSy Ajeritatem i/olnt^tarid. hahmtfajft-ovi! , "vt In CARNE MO-RTVVS TOTAM i«7^ Hg'mINis 0.<;:C1- i)ER€T -MORT EM . Becaufe'(t^ fcnttt^vilPOtJ) tooke vnW Hhh theWH o l e n at v'r. e of man, thijrcfbre he fhewed in hirnfelfechefugtringsOF the • vvh oLg m AN;andhauing a-realbnable (bule , he tooke vpon him and endured all ihe infir- rriicfes of the fdiie , but without finne; that whiles in the foule^ which he to;oke', hee conquered Ithe pafsions'cf man's foul? , he might free dur foulcsf alfo frdm infirfnities.TakingJikiEwifemans fiefh.lnihe^ truth ofthe fame flefh he 'fufFercd a true a'nd volun- tarie^afsioftjthat D yino in the 'f ie sh j hcc mightkill in hispetfoiithe W h o X e d iE a t h- dew to man . Cl)?lff tXit UureDfljepafftons of tbctitolc man \ Ijautng neitije r bo5tc no; fonle free fe^m fufferingj but pet tie oieo O n l y tn t!jc ^3. Flesh, %6 The full redemption of mankind, F L E s K,?mD tbecebp Uc bittcti (^Whole death tnflfitsa on t^ bODp ariD foalC of man,*^ Quts tgnorat Chr iftum I N s o* ^Ihdfm. locoRPoRE MORTVVM (^fip7dtu?Who is ignofat that Chrid in B o D Y o n l y di e d, and was buried? 2nD agfatnr, ' liiJttn. ' Sic fit <«MoRTE sGLivscARNis immertalts futt , /c «K piijjionihiu totim homtKts impafsibtlis omntno ferm.wjst. The godheade of Chrift was immortall when Onely his BODY died , and impafsible , when the wholemanfufFercd, ^Ibidim. ^CMorie»te-carfie,mnfolt*mdeit44f: faW (1110 faitaific 1^)6 bfUeUtrS;l»C ^edecmcthas mull not ime ct)fk)?ci> imagine ttjrp r^eafee of tnfenOble boiie! ' flefl^, fi5tt)attntt}8rel»03De3ttjfpcrclUDCttevnion,operati- ' • on 03 pafsion of t^je roaUr, ttfjiles C^?llf es boDtc fpffereo ano IteD : t^at tocce to^ma^e C|);t0 a fiocbc, not a niati,ano to gfue tifm carrion , ano not tiumane 6et^ qmchenco ano coapleo tsitl) life ano (enle^ but in tl^ D^atfj of ^is bocte f t^eoomg of |)t£r blotto, fbt^tnclaoc all (bofeaf^iction^ ano pafSonS of m^ roule,td)icb naturally f necefsarily foilOtD paino % accempanp oeatb.i?oj tbf fe faffcringg of €^.:ifls foolo com flrme YM obedience,| toftnJ5 btS patience 5 onlp fljcir Intent i5bpaUmeanc«tofra<2:b;JittfromTHE death of the so vl'e; ato t|f n to pjopofe (be oea^ ttbicf? ^tt foffereo in tbebooieof btdfie(^ on tt^ croiTe, toi^b aHpatncfaQ, bat no Gnnefnk3ncomttant0 ano conreqnent0>a0 tbt propitiati- on fo) our OnneJijredemption of onr fonlCS, ano reconciliation tjnto W tts boDilte Dcatf) of dEbnH iis tbe reoemptton of ear fonlea , a^ tocn as of oar boDtcSjin a0 mncb as t!)e tdiolc ma tn Cb;itt Hfeo tlic Deatt) of tbc croffe, to rsocBmc fbc li^>ele man in ^B; boffj partes in tif m topittUe fdDJing; bat toitl) acmtrabic pa* tfcnceenoaring , (tic bitter ano (^arpe paines anteccDcnt, ■ Juguji, efiB. nno anncreD to tbe Deaib of bis booic. " Cumcarp /« dolor ihus ^ *o. <^, ^inpce>iis,profe^_o. anima tmcpuhet maximHin agonem p^- tiemU. Whciitheflefhisin anguirhandpainc,(faitt) Auftcp) then the foulc certaiiily hath the greateft triall of patience, 5f OJ tbe foule is fo creatco ano o;DaineD ftat ^tt feeleth-tbe plea- fure anD painc of ber boBtt; sitD b.qtp/oener tbe fl^C^ bf e fub=> iecteo to tiplencc , tbe fence ano grjeuance tbcreof ia^ijittjg fonleiboa)intbislife,anDtntbencrf. ■; : .f Thebodiiie ^3 ^^ boDilie ocatb of CbJtU paictb tb? p?ic-e of^ttr rc- dcath of chrift U^mptton : fo tt rcmoucfbraU tftc impeDtments oif onr faiu^* oucrthrew all tton , libicb at0 manic anD mtgbtrtt?,Un.fef D togetb«i^. ii o: bp the enemies of f^g c o R R V p T I o N of nature Dcfc^nDtng from cnr pa* ?i(o^"'"°"' rents, ano Dtoetting tDi(btnt3S;,:Uie:eare^fold?ytxier(1nnej yEphcf.t' y fulfilling the will of the flefli, and Ipuipg^ plcafures mq^e then « i,Timoch,j God/ tiljcrcb? Uip.ncglc^ani) breake.tfie L a yv of ,fcaipn, »;Sluall cranfgrersioh^legail maledi£tion,an0 eternal damnation,. by the death and bloud ofChrift. 8p anD captititB te Dcatt) , ant> bell ♦ 3iftt)cit t^cD ea t h of /^;e. tsea$ I bloaD of WXt tit^t to Dtfable d)e ob not fofSc^enC to itDd^m l}0^o; to fappltc Qjcm tottb ante better o;: oQier ad< Dttton,t[bic|i tbe boltegboQ ooQ) not mention . CDramine tbefe parttcnlaclie , ano fee ttlietber tbe potDcr of €\);iQtB DeattjDoenotperfcrtlieDiDToluct^eniaU, ^Ouroldcmanis 'Rom.^, crucified with him^ that the bodic offinnc might bcc deftroied, that henceforth we lliould not fcrue finnc . Let not finnc raignc therefore in your mortall bodie,(fate^ tbc^pottlc) that you (hould obey it in the luftes thereof, ^t fojce anD llcengtb of ojfginaU finnc ant) cajcaptton in all tbe faitl)fun is crucified ano dead tDltbChrift, cfccpt (bfp rca(uettfapl3olantarteo* bcplng tbe InHeS tbCCeof. ^ For they which arc Chriftes,haue ^q^^^^ crucified the flefh with the afFeilions and luftcs; bp teafon not onetie ttie gutlt , but alfo tbe Itfe ano polocr of finne oicD in <2|i:ittC0 6ei^,toben it U)a£5cracificD4 §>o fi)at* finnc nowe «Rom.tf, hath no dominion oucr them, becaufc they arc notvnderthe lawe, but vnder grace. ^nD liUetoifcfo; actoallOnne, (by CSrHi) ^ we haue redemption, through his bloud, that is the for- ^Ephef.t, giacncsoffinncs. 5?O?0oDhathp propofed him to be a recon- Colof.i. ciliation through faith in his bloud by theforgiuenefseofthc *^°™«J' finnes that are paffed, through the patience of God. ^ The ^ . , bloud (tfjeitfoje) of Chrift lel'us his Tonne clenfeth vs from all finne , fince l)t is the ' mediator ot the new Teftament, (td)Ofc) 'Hcbrc.9 death v\ as for the redemption ofthe ttanfgrcfsions , ttiatlDCte in the former teflament. 3f tbcoeatb of C^;iS on ti)e croffc , ano (^ fl^eabtng of rheaeathof |i0 btouD Ukcc tbc iuif ano fall redemption of all oar Cnnes, <^hrift on the tben appsrcntlie it eafeD ano enoeo I'gc curfc tibtcb tbe latoc ^h^f^ y cmfc Infliaep/OjCtine. ifo5fi4jcreheis^accurfed,thatCGndnueth oftjicjaw. po The full redemption of mankind, not in al things written in the book of the la vv,to do the; t^ remitting of finne, (s ttjc rcleafing of t\)£ curfe ft)al ts COII- fcqacntto finncIljE curfe impo?tettj vengeance Dae toOnne, SI[l)en 14)CI'C finnc is pardoned t^ curfe is determined. Buc ^ . J. ^ wee haue redemption, eiien remifsion offinnes through his ^ Eptiei.1 ^j^^ J ^^^^ jj^^ jjj^j^^ ^^ ^^^j jj ^ jjj^ qacncti t^c corfe of tt>c lato,Il)e maner,l)otD tljF coife of tl)e latu UgljfcD i feafeD on •Galat.3 t^je petfoiiof (I})?ift,iS^US£rpjeffcDbp S. Paule, "^ Chriiire* deemed vs from the cutfc of tiielawe^bcing made a curfe for vs. Foritis wricten,acGurfed is euery one that hangeth onthcrreei 3s by hisftripes we are healed : fo bp fetiS Curfe Utt acc blelTeD. Bin as mutt as be fnbmittcD t^imtelfe to V^ curfe of tbe lato fdj oar finncg,not on!p oar tranfgreffionsare parooiicD, foj !ii*Ci)?itt fuffereD; but tbc lato ftingtng ^im tooeatt,loll U$ fo?ce fo3 ener» ^o; ttje tj^ngcance of tlje lato once cicecri' teo on oar fuertie,can no nio;!c in d^otisinffice be cracttd of ts.llBot €[}2iS receiueD tbe fentence of tbe latDe in litmfelfe, id;en b^ bare our finnes in his bodie on tbe tree ; uiee tbECC^ fojearequftcDfojeacrfcoaitbcpatDeroftbe latoe. §)ince tb£n hv ^is recciutng ano fafifering ttiecarfe of tbe la toe in^ts otone perron, toeearefr^D anD bleflteo ; it remain netbtoee fearcbboto^^^rretbe curfe p;2enatleDagatnl! f^inr^ ^^erein toe muff tabeb^ue^at toee 0ep not an bap^cs .' V '! b^eaDtbfirom tbe^pofflestoo^Ds. ifojiftoeffretcb tbc curfe ■ ■ farther onCbJift. tben in trntb it DiD,oKonlDetafee place, fiiee arregantlie ano imptonflte pronounce tbatcurfed^txliic^ inD^be teas blefled^ ano falfifie tbc pjomirc of (]0od , maoe '•G Tia to Abraham, (!)at in his feede,tibici)toasCb?ttt, "All the ^ * ' nations of the earth {hould be bleffed . if o? botoe COUlD ttje bleffingof Abraham beorr}ueBfrom(!I)2ratots, if xueria part of bts humane nature iucre accurfcD ^ OTlrerefojs CbJiU muff recciue tbe curfe of tbc la'ojc in one part of bim- fclfe, t!j)(ci)tJ)as!j(sSc(l|, ami intbe otbtrtdjidjtoa-s W fijule, retaineOjeblefftngofd^oD, aatocll fo: his flel^ta ke (AlCeit againe, a» fo^tiisnurab^r^tobceDnitcD tnta |)i«i» By the deaA and bloud of Chrift. p? f)im. 3if t^tJ5 hse not tlje oortrinc of tfte Wit d^feoff , g| t2ge no man to bcidsue it ; if it bee , let fnc^ a0 totU toante £D 2D 9> carfe , betoare l^oliw fbf p rcfufe it . ^tis no fmall aourntnce to eptenoe tbe curfc of (H;oD tspon ttjc foate flf tDttt)ontc(dsce,ronnD,QnDfare teOlmonieof ^j^o!iefctiptuce«. Co C^eto t|)at dCjiia faff atncD ft? cttrfc of tbe latue 5 anB h^^ thrift fcp 1^10 cnDncing it 3 acQuiteo ts ; ^aint Paul in effect fefett) was made a tijiS reafon . ° C v r s e d fatett) Mofcs is euerieone that curfc for vj, is hanged on the tree, ^ut €\^;\\l 'wa& content foj oar Cnnes "^cutc^x t to be bangeD on tbe tree of tbe croflfe. I^e tberfoje fubmttteo ^iinfclfc to tbe cacfe of tbe lato to rxumnc tis from it . Cb^C tbiSisSaint Paules argument, i\jlt ttjtrOC to tbe Galathians, top^oafCbJiflbnoertbecarfeof tbelaiue, 31 bope tbcOm* pleff amongS pon , tittU foone percettte , tbe learneDefi Dare uotoenie. )i5p tibial it iseutoent, tbat partof Cb:itttebicb ^ung on tbecrotfe tua£! fubiecteo to tbe ctirfe : but &)t foule 4Df €\)'M twas not ctucifteD : Ergo tbe foule of €in^ii luas not matte a curfc \ but onette bid boofe . 0nD b^ ^niferingtbiscatfe, tbattsbp banging on tbe tree, beere# tioemcDtisfcom tbe curfe of i^ talue , tibicb luee bao Defers ueb botb in bobie ano foule . W^ifS^ of tbefetbtnges canne Jue contraoict:' §)ball tote faie tbe SpoOle mifi \)\q marhe. In tbat bee clearetb us from tbe fptcitaallano perpetnall cnrfe of tbe laUie, bp Cb^iHes fnffering a cojpojaU ano fcmpojall parte tbereof ,•' oj (ball toee cbalengebim to be fij fimpte tbat be bneto not tbe Difference bet tofrt tbe one t tbe otbf r:* 31 am far from anp fucb tbougbt; 3 loue to foUoto anD not to leaDe tbe bolte gboft . 3n matters of fo great beptb Sloarenot luaDe, Uiitbout, 0.2 before mp guioe . Cbat Chriftdied hanging on a tree, tbe P Euangehftes are plaine. pMatthay JCbat hanging on a tree IS a CUrfeO fetnoe of Oeatb in Vi)t Marks. ly •1 laUje of Mofesjis as manifett . 25iat b^ banging on tbe ^\\^ *^' tree bee to IS mace a curfe foj bs , ano tberebp rebcemrD '^^"^^'^°«** ts from tbe curfe of t^latoe, tt^e ^ apoflle Is relblute, ^Gaiat.5. ^2. 31f p2 The full redemption of mankind, Bif ante man totU offcc fatiosr,Bl mu0 kaut \^im* Cofa0cri ^j,^jft^35nQj ttjcintcrnaUojetcrnaU cacfe of ebelatoe, on ttcfoale of accurted in Ct>?tft > t^ to m^ tnDcrltamitiig tjcrte Defpcrate Dlntnttte. fouie^ if 0? men mtgbt natle l)t0 boDte to tfje tr^ , ns oiD tt)e 3leti}e0 *, bnt none couloe tnflfct t^ cucfc on ^t0 Tonle , bnt enelte (0OD • S)tnC8 tbf n tbc innocencic,obedicnce^paticnce, humilicic , anDfan6^itic of f)is foule ixttte fo perfc<^ cuen tn tbe Ogbt of c!I5oD, tbat rt cenlD not iu0lte be but blcrsed,botoe (^ouloe tbe clgbteoafneiTe of d^oD fmmeDlatelte , anD bm lattUe late tbc cncfc , W(^ b;5mgefl) tntoarfic ano encria* fiingoeatb , on ^e Jbnle of iffibittt f ^gatnc, dDoo fpirituallic curfeth none , bnt ttbomc bee ficft dcfcruedlie hateth ; as all tnclcane ant) tolcbeo pctfong . 31f tbcn tbe foule of €^2(tt COnlD not worthilie be hated of di^OD , it COnlOe not truelic bec curfcd of (1^00 5 foj cbc hatred anocutfe Of (000 camtotbce feuered, 2bi«boctdnc iist ancfcnfanbcatboUcbe. §)atRf Auften pil;SMr i^^PPi"? *f »"a"f f ° tbe^«<^fe^, > f^^^^' ' ^''^'f ^P^fi^' cheii,Ub,\ 4,c4,4 It^s att de Chrijio , fattm e/rpro nom TTMleatttttm , Jtcut non ti- muit dicere,fro bmnihui mormus efl-^ hoc efl emm mortum^cjued Chrift wasin malediB:HSi, quontAmmors ifptex malediBoefi: ^maledt^um that part ac- gji grmefeccatum,fiue ipfam i^uodfit, vt fequatur fupfliciumy ^l^i^T Jfffeipfumfuppifcium, qftodaliomedovocatHrpeccatum , quia ft expeccato . Sufcepit aatem Chrift us fine rcAtu fuppHciHm no» ftrum^ vt indefolneret reatum noftrum , ^finiret etiamfupplt- cium noflrHm . Securely the Apoftie faieth ofChrift that he was made a cur fc for vs, euen as he feared not to fay , Chriii Died FOR ALL. For, HeE DIED, IS ALL ONE WITH HE WAS ACCVRSED, BECAVSE DEATH CAME FROM THE cvrse; and all finne is accurfed , as well that Tfvhich is committed and dcfcructh punifhment , as T h e p v- NisHMENT 1TSELFE3 which in a fort is called finnc3 bc- caufeitisconfequenctofinne. Novvc Chrift bare our punifh- ment without any defert, that thereby hce might acquite our guiltinefsc, and ende our puniflicnent. ^HO againe.* UMale- ty the death and bloud of Chrlft. P3! dtBus ovtnu auifendet inligno^mfthic autille^fe^omnis omMwo, Etifimne ^JiUtH det > etiam prorpts. Displicet vobis MALEDICTVS PRO NOBIS, QVIA DISPLICET MORTVVS PRO NOBIS. T'wtc extra moledi^it^m ilbtu Ad aiiijj^ extrti tiling mortem . Cum vero ex homm e,^pro ho- ntinemortemfufcefit^ exilb(^pro illo etiam malediEhumquod mortem comitatur [nfcipere non dedianatmefl etiamille^ prorfnf etiam iHe filtw T)eifemper vintu mfna mflitia^ mortuus auiem propter dehiianoJlraincarHe fufceptaexpanaKoJiraSic (^ fem- ^^^^ . ^^^ per heneditlns in fuaiujiitia ^ malediSlHS antem propter de//5ia nofirA.in mortefitfcepta ex pa:na nofira ; ac per hoc addttum eft, G M N I s : »^ Chrijius ad veram mortem nonpertinere cUceretur^ fa maledi^o, ^Hod m&rti coninn^um efiyinjipienti honor jficen- • iiafepararetiir. Curfed is eueric one that bangeth on the wood.- not this or that man^but euery man without exception. What the fonne ofGod himfclfe ? yea in anic cafe > . You ((JMam-' €hees)m\{Bx Chrill (hould be accurfcd for vs^ becaufe you be* Iceuenotheediedforvs. Then is Chriit without the curfe of t/idam^\s\\cv\ he is without the death di tAdam, But for ^o much as from man,and for man he did admit death ; cuen from rnan; and for man he vouchfafed to admit the curfc , which ac- copanicth death; I meaneeuen that vcrie Ion of God, alwayes liuing in his owne righteoufneflejbut dying for our ^\ci?it^ in the fleQi which he tooke from our punilliment.Soalwaycs blefled in hisowncrighteoufneffe,he was accurfcdfor our finncsin the death which heefuffered by reafon of our punifhment ; and therefore the Scripture fayth , Everie one; leaft Chri(T (hould bethought not truly to haue died, if by an intent of foo- li(h honour he fliould be excepted from the curfe , which is vni- - ted vnto death. anoanfluenngFauftusobtcd^on ;tf a feing commaunoaiitect);tatanto tDo^C^fpd^ 3>unttsf ^con^, 0? to be liangeD on a ixm bee mnft elt^r toap of necf ffitte be aceatfeD : Auften fafcS^. " Chrijliams videt vnum male- •Ibid,c/^J% t ■dtSif^mperttfieread corpus mortaie, quod ligno fufpenditur \ al- i^um Ad mtmnm , e^uo fol adoratur : pent mors efi corporis in ■ GaUtat. Thckindcof Chrifts death wasaccurfed, & fo the^orcc of the laws 94 The full redemption of mankind, itgnopendere,itAfnorseflani)ni folem adorare , Eligendum eft igttur TwUediUnmin corporis morte ^ quo meUeditio ^ipfum corpus in refurre^ione libembitur : demtandum dutem male' ■.dtiium in animi morte , ne cum [ho corpore in Aterno igne damnetur. Nolite ti'/neremaledEhum corporalts mortis^qHoi temper aliter foluitur'^ fedtimete mdedt^iim mortis [pint Hit' lis, per quod anima in aternnm cum fuo co-rpore cruciatwr^, A Chriftian perceiueth the one curfe to belong to the mor- eallbodie, that hangeth on the woodde; the other whereby the Sonne is worfhipped, to pertaine to the foule. Hec n)u(i therefore choofe the curfe ofthecorporall death, from which curfeeucn his vcrie bodie fhallbe dcliuered intherefurrciSion; and (Lunne thexurfe.ofthe fpirituaJI death , leaft togither widi the bodie the fbule bee damned in euerlafting fire . Feare not the curfe ofthe corporall death , which is diflblued with time; hut feare die curfe of the fpirituail death^ by which the foule is euerlafiingly tormented with her bodie, SljtS DOtttine is fO lbun^,it cannot bee confuteD ; anD fo cleace, it necoe not bee erplatncD . Wqz tcmpo;uin Deatt) of tt)e botiie cama SixVt fromfinne^ as a part^f t^ cnrfe ano pania)mf nf oC jCnne ; anD fo to ftjits Date Dotlj iX contintic . <^\n\\i ttiere^ fojein tbat tiee peclDea W boDte toote on tire Crofle, ftib* kazfi Ijlmfelfc to tbe cntfe of onr ^nm, tm b? Itiff^inga part of ^ curfe, aboUt^cotbe tobole : but tbe curfe of ^fonle, uibtf b tjs tt)e fpWtaall tif atb , Cb.Jitt coulba not taSe , t^caufe ^at oamnetb boofe ano foule foj tucr. S^e reHof tbeancfenf fatbers frcbu fbe fame pitb-'^ The pcople(faffb Chryfo(lome) were fubicdlto the curfe , which (aith,accur{ed iseuetyoney abideth not in thofe things which are written in thebookc ofthelaw,Fornoneofthera had conti- nued thsrein,neither had any man fulfilled the whole la we , but Chrift exchanged the curfe with another, which faith, accurfed is euerieonethathangethonthetree. Where then he that han- geth oa the tree is accurfed^nd he di at sranlgreflfeth the law is likevv'ife bythedeathandbloudofChrift. 9f likewife accurfed, he that (hall diffoluc this curfe, muft not bee lijhieil to the fame ; but muft admit an other in fteede of that j which Chrift didjand foby the one loofed thcoiher.yThe crofle therefore tcoke away the curfe* Can UJ2 tol(^ platnCT lBO?l>0, ^ ihidm^ tt)cn tt)at *m)?ift bp fttfifcring tfje cvrse of svs pen- si oNonttjccroffejtajfeeatuap THE CVRSE OF TRANS- GRESS I O N;tO ltil)td} tbe people tuere fubicrt? Theodorete: » when all were rubie6^ tothc curfe of the la we, Chrift fufFered *The$dcret;itt tharkinde of death, which is accurfed in thelawe, that hcer">>.3'fi'^/?.'»y^poFiolm te docct dtcens, c^uia^ fcript(tmM^-^''^''"°"* eft I maledi^2us tmnis quipendet in ligno. Hoc eB qni in came 'Zu^rr"""'^ f/M nojirdun camemyin pio corpore nojiras infirmitates , ^ noflrd tradendis miiUdi^afufcepit,vtcrucifigeret. Why Chrift is called a curfe, ^cApoftle teacheth thee^whcn hce fayth, bccaufeitiswrit- $en;accurfed is etierie one that hangeth on the trce,thatis,whichr inhisflcfhbareourflefh, AND in his bodiitooke OVR infirmities, AND ovR c V R s E s,that he might faftcn them to his Crofle. Hterom. « It ought to trouble no man that Chrift was made a curfe for vs; becaufeGod,whai3 *W'«»'«'».'«f^/'' faide to make him a eurfe,did alfo make him finne for vs>though ^TP' *dCaliu fee knew nofinvic ; yea,being life he died , and being the wife- dome of God,he is called foolifhncs;but he died,that wc might liue^he was made fbolifhncs that we fhould be made wifdome; hce hung on the tree,that being faftened tothe tree, hec might' wipcout the fin ^ which we had comitted in y tree of the know* ledge ofgrnd and GxxiVOtcumenius. ^ We were vnder the cur/e, ^Oeenynenm becaufe wee had not kept the lawe ; Chrift was free from that '" <:*p'l>fp'?» becaufehehad fulfilled thelaw;and yctheefuffercd acurfe not'*'^^''''"— duetohim,when be washanged on the treCj that he might dif- folue the curlepronoimccd agaijift vs a f5 The full redemption ofmankind, ' iSD^tttxpotitionsitmit manfeeke, ^eefl^an find ram tn t|>c learneD ano anctent tojiters. *= M»« mdedtHnm , ^'^/ ^O"*"'^* ^p^*^f\ feccatHmfaElum^eJl (vcuhum) fedcum inicfuis refutattu eff ia- qHibenedJxitcreaturamjVtfolHatnoflrummaledtEium, dr //^J Fatius pro nobis maledicium , Chrift was made a curfe for vs, fomc to ^t toleration of death , fiimc tO ttie opinion of men, jhcfe three anD fame to tfje depulfion of ttje curfe from vs; |^et tn tt)i5 fljcp wtycs Chrift all agra^ttat bp giulng ^is boDie to Die on ttje CcolTejCbjia " ^^'^^° ^ ^^' recetueiJ , fnif a"incD , anu abollI^cD t^e curfe Due to t0 foj *^"^ ^^ *°'^^* tranfgreHmg tljc latu of ilbllfanDmgCi)ftc repentance bee accucfcDf ^balltoecbjfcbotb penitent anb innocent tultbin (bc ttuc curfe of tfje foule,ratber ^tn toe totU fuffcr Pauls lwo?Ds to be ccferreb to tbe Deatb of tbe boDie i i?02 be faitb, Curf( d is E V E R I Er 6 N E that hangcth on the tree ; ejCCOSng nonC; anD f f ante mi'gbt bee ercepteo out of tbe gcnerall rule , <^)jiff ^lefuSmoE of all . 3S3«t etieric one that hangcth on the tree, batb a curfcD binDc of oeatlj 3 tbouglj a blclTeb foule. Paule tbercfoJe ccp^caclie tz^ti)t^ , tt)at va:lC fubiectcD !){mrelfe toacnrreb^tnD of DeatbVano in foD|;ing, be be- KittreD tis from tii^ curfe of Gi^ iiatoe/ Ex pane quippe mart alt pependit- m ligno , mortalitas mtem vnds ft , notum pf? cre^ntihus^ Ex poena qmppe eft , (^ maledi^io peccati primi homtnis , quam Dominas fufcepit , (^ peccata noflra ' JuguFi/m fertHltttn corporefuo fuper lignum^ That pare (faptb Au- '^^op^^ton.tft^.^ ften) which was. mortall ( m CbJift) hungion the Crofl'e ; "'^^^^^^ iind whence mortalitie came the faythfull knowe. It came from the punifhment of (wne , and is the maIcdi6l'OH of the finne of the firft man ; which , the Lorde tooke vnto him and bare om finnes in his bodie on the tree ♦ ^Cfl iul)eii p8 The full redemption ofmankind,. Cf)?18 tooUe tbe cucfc , \ite tool^e tijc Cinm of tbe oloe man into ^(s flct^ , ano faUeneo tt togitt)cc totttj |)is fieflj tintO tlje CtOffe. ^ Q^id fependit in hgno, mfifecca- ^ihlitw ffijff 'ueteris hominis , e^uod 1)owMiis pro nohu in ipft car^ nii mortalitate fufcepit ? Vnde nee erttbuit nee ttmuit Apo- jlolus dicere , peccatum enm fecijfe pro nobis 5 addens vt dg teccato condemnaret peccatum . Non enim ^ vetm homo noHer fimul crmifigeretHr , fcttt ApoUolns alibi dicit , nijl m ilia m'orte 'Dontini , peccatt nofhi figtira ^cnderet^ What hungonihe tree butthcfinneof theolde imn,v\hich (finne) the Loidc tookc vpon him for vs in the verie mortalitie of his flcfh f Wherefore the Apoftle was neither afliamed , nor a- fraied to fay, thatf God)made him finnc for vs, that by finne he might condemnc (in.For our olde man could not be crucified to- gither with Chritt,as the Apoftle elfe w here writeth, except the figure of our finne dtd hang on the Crofle in that death which the Lord died. ^nO if Peters UJOJDS be tritt,(tD^cbcannDt be falfe)Chriftbareourrinnes,tbati£{ , themaledidionanPpu- niOiment of oar {tnne0, in his body on the trce,ailO tt^rebp fat nco tjs from tt)e etcrnaU waUolction^tiitct) if, Go you curfcd into euerlafling fire, Spp rcfolution fi^w 10, W4>3J^op0 tuillbfe«cc|'tttD, bccaafc it is tlje ^poOlesj^v earedeadtothelaw w^™^'^ A ^^ '^^^ BODiE OF CHRisTjthatweHiouldbe to ano- to the kw in ther,euen to him that is raifed from the dead. Me are quit iVom the bodicoi tbe feare,(rom i¥ yoke.from tljC curfe,ft:om t&e vengeance of Chrirt. t6elaU);inonei»o.:5,WE ARE dead tothe iawc; tobtcti |)atliKDmojecbalengetol33notDe , tljenaman|>asito Ijiij toife t^at isilong Gnce ueaD . 0no if pou afbc tuben, tm bote tsjc bf came Dcao to tljc latoe , ^ainf Paul anftoeretbi KY THE BODIE OF c H R I s T , lolien Ijec fttffcfeD OH »Roin ^ ^ CtoECe fOJ one 0nnC0. janO as ^ he that is dead is freed from finnc; fo tDc tjping in , ami tDift) t|>e booie of t^at it ti5 vnitedvnto vs, Hi i^t Ijcaoe to fije members ; anD commu- nicatethtol^t)0 botljinlifcand death, as appcatCtlj bP ttjat hx died anD rofe agauic in him; qtlD tfl tbts Daie |)€ futoct|i o tbat in aUtbingeS Pwec arc more then conquerours through him that loued vs, q and gaue himfclfc for vs, ''w ho will tread.downe ' Rom .8. Satan vndcr our feete, ^ that God may bee all in alL Wlcvit l?f^''''g intgbtte tben isi tbe poloer of foltbcoupleo. , ^ns firif fo; (tit trvth of goD,bt0 fb;jeaf ntng Adam U\ fbijs lUtfe, "■ Thou (halt die the death, OJ thoufhalc ccrtainely die, »Gcn.2. \xias fruelte pcrfojmeD in tfyc boDie of €^nQ) in tbe foole of Cb.:tititcoulDnottDttboat0nneo? Damnation ; nettber of Asnamciy the (jbicbtotflbaniefcntbcan beafcrtbeD bnto €^}iii . Sbat fbc truth of God j^Qjjjij gf ^gj, l^j, ^ gj j^ fo^jg of ^^j^ jj j^jgj, jg a tijpipg Pq baro , tbat 3 toif^ all men tbat baue anfe care of cbtfflati ^ religion to refraineettber . ijisrtjtoucbing Uje P oWiER of The power ^"D ; (be Ujeafeer tb5 inttrument itbtcb 0D. ^e mnU tbere# foje cleaue faff to 0OD tn foule , libore teattj 4aU bre p?eti* DUB in d^oDs (Igfjt, as toas €b?tff . gf tlje ftule bre fcuereii from (000, tbe Dcatb oftlje boDie 10 deteffablc tn l)ts ete0 , as be etng tbe toagcs of Onite ,- anD tticrcfoje no nioje accepts* Lie to 0^ 2D tben Qnne it felfe , but tiberc t^je foule , ba* ting fijc infeaion of Onne, ano loafbtng tbe tnfirmftte of rt:e fie(^,reQ|neft it tnto Deatb foj (2?oD0 glo:te,ano tbe goD of otbera TWb infbts tcfpert tbe beatb of flje botilemaie fjeea facriSce tmto ^oD , but not ercept tbe foule boe Uur, BnDcleauetoCDoD. tottbont feparation . Wticn hatefull to dD £DS>tDa0tbc death of Cb^fff, (f bis foulc toerefirff ha-" ted ojaccurfcd; (f tbat tuere beloueD anB blefied of CI5oD, ttcoalcc notcboofebutliue.fojd^ooisnottbe ^ God ofche i,^^^^ ^^ deade , but ofthcliuing . ^0 tijat tbe beatlj of C^iWtS bo- * ' tite ontbe CDroffe, fajasbp no tuff ice an acceptable facri- ficet}nto(So9, if bi0 foule luecefirffDeaDe. )i5utbi0beatt) luao (b p?eciOU0 in ©ODSGgbtjtbat in ^ thebodicofhisfleni * CoIoCi through deathjbc reconciled vs bnto (ii5ob:bf0 Ibule bt)a0 tbcre* foje aliue and tn fauour tuitb CUoD, pea 6 abundantly blcflcd, anD highly acccptedjfojtbchoIjncSjhumilitie, anO obedience tbcreof ,diat d^obloas paci8eO,fflTt) pleafeo,aiui toe all (mo tifiebtOttbTRE OBLATION OF THE B ODY of IcfuS OH ^e altar Of tbecroOfe. ILaaiie , 9)c flet^ of Cb?lff by (0ob0 iuf!ice muff bre arable to purge tJO from finne , ^ Adams tc^S to poyfcu MB 1 04 The full redemption of mankind, Chriftesfleni tjswithfintie. )13ot tbc fic(^ of Adam tnfcctcD all i)tg poffe« muft be as a- rtttc iDttt) fiiinc, aiiD Dcalti; ergo Qjc flef^ Of <115?ts mutflauc bie to quicken gg „inf|j fgjfe^ tocleiifCcUiD quichctt ttje fafftfull bott (n t\}i$ flc*(h wlsir *'f^» ®^ *^ "'^'^f- ^^^^ ^"^^f ^ P^"^ fpeahctt),til)en Hie faJttj, kill vs. fince by man came death , by man muft come the refurred^ion Z*!, Corinth. I y of the dead : For as in y^dam all die, euen (o in Chrift (halal be made aliue . £|;c fii'fi Adam Was the f i g v r e of (be * Rom.y. fcconD Adam,^at where *= finne abounded,t^tC grace might abound much more. ^ As then by one mans difobedience ma- nic were made Tinners; fo by the obedience of one fhall ma- ny bee made righteous , ^e obtDimCS of ercfpe(toftt)cpeifon , tdjUtruffcreo foj t30; aito tn tJ)G rctt ti}Ci> (^all neuei bee able to p;ooiic ante p;jopojtton of ialKce Dlutac 0.2 l^nmanc . 315ut as 3 Ijaue fuUiC l^etueO befOje, ttje worchinedb of tXjC perlbn is C^B fu- rdt ground of our faluation , artO chi cfeil: vvc ij^hc of out: rc- • dcmption; snD t^rcfOJC ^iS death tS Of infinite force, ailD \)iB bloudeof infinite price , enctt as \}X3 pcrfon IS . i?OJ dice all mens adllons ace ano ongljt to bee efteemed ac- co20ing to ttjs giftes tc^lct) fijephaue , ano place i&iid) ttjci? holde fcom CD i2D 2D ; tiik (^onlDc not tbc Dcatlj aiiD blouD • of Cl)?ift bet valued tn d^oDs iKJllce accoroing to Qje height anfi worth of Ijis perfon:» ano (f tn all Jl)tnges luce receaue Ijonont not Dae to one ficfl^e txUerctn loee par« tsUe toiti Ii5ea(les , bnt fittc (qt. tlje foule txijeretn luee contmamcate tDltl) i^lngcls ; t^otoe fcemctl) it (trange in our epCS , ttat ttjC dooinges cnD fufferinges of ' tibat a man vnvviliinglie fuftereth , tbat l^cUJCtl) nep- tber obedience, noj patience. Obedience battj readinefle; JQID pauence. If it bee perfea, ^atl; gladneflcj botb bane >\illingncrse» by the death and bloud of Chrift. i 07 Villingncfsc. ^f (t)f H iDCc bct fojcco againCt one MUa to cnBurettiat W^ tueetuoulDcglaolicanotDc, it is violence; in the death of It ifi nclt^C obedience no^ patience; anO COnfcqacntlie tt the foulc there ^3tl) neitftcr mcrttc no2 ttautsea Icttb €>£DSD. SE|)eDcatf) could neither t^cn of t\ye foule , tibfrt) is a reparation from tfje fauour ^'^ obedience ano grace of e grace ano fauour of (!5-£) E> , W^ arc finnefuU eno2mitie£J, mi^ fje^ toitDtlling to fnfifcr it i tben couloe bee bee iicitbcr obeDlent , no? patient in futoing it . 011 ter* iueis^oluntaric , compulfion l)at^ no merite, ^ God ^xiCorimb.*. Joueth a checrefull giucr , attJ) faff erer , ^ee (bat murmu- tefb, inbcartrebeUetb, t^ongb bee t)oloe aill \${% tongue. ^ Itfeetotfc 31 mntt afUe , (f Ct)?iil fuffereD tbe &eatb of ^ foule , bio bee fufifer it iuftlie 0? bninff lie ? if bniafflie j 1I0DD conlOTtot be tbe fole anDtmmcbiate agent in ImpoGng it ; rniD befioes (0od , no creature canne bcrcaac tbe foule of Cfe. S>iti bee fuffer it iuSUe? tfjenmuttbeebetoiDeofall - Ijertue 5 foj iiotbing \M flnne beferuetb tbe beatb of ttje (bule . Obedience am> patience , merite thankes toilb (I!50D; anb cannot wantettje blefsing of (5?0D : ti^ere ttic death of tbe foule tis die greateft curfe , tl)at€>oD tHfiictet^ ^ccre on carfbu anb txfeere tbep tfjinfee tt toonloc greatelie (ncreafe rtisnoioueto fte lone of (H;jtft totoaroes t)s if IjectjoucbfafeD to taffe renouncc[God tbe beatb of tbe foule foj ourfafee^P; Blreplie , tbat fuppo* fo""ans fakci fition iDoulQe mabe %«! afinner , if not a Ipar; tdjtclj '"^^^"•^^ (l!5oD fojbiD fl^ouloe once enter oar t^oug^tes . ^^i fira f ll^itt m.^ , b Greater louc then this hath noman, §0 2, ^ thac •Rom^y 1 08 The full redemption of mankind, that one fliould laic downe his life for his friendes . But ^ God commcndeth his loue towards vs J that whiles we were yet fin- ners Chrift died for vs. 3f it be loue foj a man to loofe l)is foulc foj Uis friend, tt^ti is tljece fbuno a gucater loue , t^rn €l)?11l «ucr UnctD:foi tjc fiait^,tt)e« is no greater loue t|)e foj a mS to laic DolDne Ijis life. ^nD ibc 2poflle applying it to %itt faitlj, 2Ci)C height ofGods loue was this, that Chrift diedfor f nners •• tbat IS, foj \)is cnemif s, not foj ^is frienoes^ annc bccing cnmitie to CI5oO , anU (inncrs enemies to t|)e holincflc ef tJtS will, anO glory of ^ij? kingdome. EtliS lOUC Of C!)?tS bp ixtiicb be Dieo fo; Ms, tnc reiea as little too^tt) ^tnleOe tjte enDoreo h)t loffe of COD0 fauour foj tjs 5 tiliici) 3 tabe to bee finnc ami not loue. if oj loue is Due firrt anD aboue an to CDoOs men to men; ^iB o;tiex of loue If Ujcb^eake, it is no charitiej itisiniquitie. MatDoc all toickeD ones, but p^eferre tbe loue of thcmfelues, 0? cf others, before tbe loue of CDoD f tO tone men fo toeU ^ t^at toee tuare tDtUtng to fejfake tt)c fa« uonr anD fellotDt^ip of Coo , is tranfgcedion againC oorfenct£5, as namclte tot^e Dratb o; curfs of tl)c fcnle, to^e Doe not ondtc DtmtnlQ) ti>c ffrcngi of ^10 Icik fotoarDcs d^oD, bnt toe cicbafc ttjc pjtce of bts blonOiano ma&ett rat^r detcftable, tlien acceptable in (IDOD0 6gf)t jFoa notttng can plcafe CDoo, bat ttjat tx^tct> i|( RiGHTE OVS, INNOCENTjHOLIEjt VNDE FILED* ano in a dead 0; curfcd foulc tDljat placc leaue toe foj tf)cfc f fftes ano graces of cbe t)olic cK^oHf S>ince then our high Prieft ttlUll be '^ ho)ie, harmelefle,vnd€filed, and feparate from finnersjbefoje |jififacrtScc conlDc bre acceptco; ttjs foulc of •'Hcb.r. CtjJtff m«S nCCClTarlltC bee rcplenlfhcd totttj all goodncfle, miO embraced fcpttt) allfauour , bcfoje tt>e Dcatljof tllsboDtC COnlO be an *= offering oFa fweete fauour vntoGod : at^ (b tfee poujcc of €b;flJe0 Deatb is note^tttcencccafcD , but alto* «Epli&f.^. gf(ber toeabcncD, if luceconiopnc it tuitt) ttjeocat^of ttie fculc. &t ticstli of ftjc foalefijcn fiof^ not cncrcafe Q» obe- diencCjpatiencejand loue of Chrift tDtDartSCB t30, batCOtb rS* ttfct Dccceafc anc cnuangcr alt tbe tcrtncg of oar e>antoar. i^o3ifcb?iftfoffercbtbetjcatl?of ttjefcnle , bitcbiscipoos immediate action ; fincc (000 totU offer i)(5 otone fonne neftber Wolenccno?tD?ong,toee matt confeflTe fi)Kt C^:ifif ^eferueotl^ ttatb of tbe (sale, anD aomftteb it as Due tnto liim; to iit»icb abfaroiticsif iwe come , loee leaue nothing Cbano (n oar faluation. CaH iue i)im iuft tbal defcrueth, 02 Alic^rlfis holie fijat defircth to be foifafeen ef (25oD ? 3 tttnfee not.Sten rufftrings wer® all ATiENTLiE? Butif, wheiiys doe weil^yefufFer patientlie, E3 1 1 o The full redemption of mankind, this is acceptable vnto God.For hereunto arc y c called : for s & CHRIST svFFEREDFOR V s jlcauing vs an example that v-'e fhould follow his {kppes, iB):iQ ftjcrfoiP fuffercO a0 toell VV R O N G F V L L Y a5 PATIENTLY. $^alCfaCtO?0 mSj? bt patient,iint t^at is no mcvtt tD(tl) ©od. \^t mufi be bott) in- nocent anD patient tbat tD(ll iiam thanks from <0OD» &0 ia0 ;« i,Pet.2: C^ilff.s He did no fin,anO fo tca^ tnnoccntiS when he was re- uijed, he rcuiled not againe.- whenhc fufFercd,he threatned not, Mitdj p;5aiKtt) bis patiencclEbis t)crie teIT!moniiJ,tt)c tljfffe •'Luke s^: on tijc crolle giUCtt) bini. ^^ We recciue puniUimcnt worthic of that we haue doncjbutthis ma hath done nothing ami(Te.'j^ p:onoun« ceD agafnS man,anD fo qutt bim from all Danger fbilototng ceatb.0rtO to frie tbc obcDtcncej fl^cto tbe patience,anD aug* menttbe merits of tbc l^eOfemcr,tbe toifebome of Cdod t)ecreeb,tbat W ^nm in oat fubCfauce C^oulD vioIentHe ano wrongfulliebeepottOOeaSjcncn bp their hancfes, foj whofc f&kes be laitj tioU)ne |)ts Itfe^tbat l)is loue mfgbt To mut^ tl)t mojC ercaeOe (n praying foj his perfecutours, anD dying for his tormentors. SLbeHiattic m\b fharpeneffe of ti)e Croffe, fotninrtonUietmpofeo on tbe holincffe, ano worthinefle of <]^2tl!es perron,anD pet foobedicntlie ianb paticntlie enbureo bpbim, C manner anb merit of Cb:f(f« luffering i by the death and bloud of Chrlft. 1 15 ftiffcrfngDcattjontftfcroiTe, to faue Siu ft'om f^c tujaS) of C^oD^rtjat tpas bmDlcjj^f ainff outfr^iifgreTRoiis.Sno fitife t|)e fcrtptatefif mention noixt ottyer meaner of our redemp* tionbUttt^CDEATH ai« BLGVP of ttjCSCVNNE Of (2500,31 fiolo ttjem totfcffjt^at Icfluc Of uffing anj) better oj otbrr Ijflp fo30prfaluat(onttj?n Cod tjtmfetfc b3^««ealeD,^iit) as foj ti)c Dcatt) of t!)? foulei ^ tafee ttjatto be ftt'gttate ft t)irt« Dcrance ft)at map be to t^c Uiojfe? 6f ^nr reoemptton , mio tofljabetiiietjettefomtoatlonof oiir f^lflb f«i^ tope in tt)e crolTe of Ct?(fl. Wict),l^ait 31 l^oulD feemf to rat», d no toa^ to pjonc : let tjisj^e^ttje c o m fo r t 6f vE^jflTes cro(rc,mi6 foen tildes fjfsboDfefuffercDfijatgrienonsfians opp?ob?f* ousDeattjof ^ecrolTc. -. 'V Bi baue often mufcU tt^atmafe men of grealt If tSrnhig alto (opgement otl)erlD(rg,t o ftpacugrb mtfc!)lToni tbc plain Thccofonof teno2 of tbe fcrtpturt'fij^jio tolmaguTc in t^e foule of onr tn chrias crofsc niour.fucb Doubt ajicfeare of ^ons fauoar , fucb bojro^s anD "''^" "^l f torments of bcn^tbat tbcp fficfec not to matcb tbent tBttlj tbe '^'^ " ' paints of tbfe Damneb; tonfioeting tbecei^ no maittfeli ground, nb:eutDentp?cDfeof fo Dangerous Doctrine in tbc too:o of dDobVbutcofttrardjjire^fcibcn rtjt fcripture0 bcfcrlbc CbJiff on tl)t croire,cijcp pjopofe bfs bobte martp:cb tot tb al feinoe of crnelfic , bikpis foule cleauing to COnflQcnccp:3noanccD, Thou gauef} me aflurance " at my modicrs brcafts^thou art my God from my mothers belly? ?Mlas be perCtoaDeD tftat goD Ijao rcfufeD anc left b(m tctjcti as [yt faitl),God hath nortJIf s P i s e d y wcaknes ofthc poore: he hath not hid his face from him; when he called , God heard him ? 3if tbcfe be flat contratiimens to t^it fmsgfnattons, fi^P iD^ett tljep t\)e flcfi terfc to eucrt all ^ reft ^ <3)iifi tlicrfo^c in tbe beginnutg of tt)e Pfalm migbtlxieU complatn t^at goD ^ap foi ttjc time of (jixs pairion withheld \)is protec- tion, o;diminifliedlji0 consolation; bntinilOlDtfe ttat €>oD {)aD DccreaCeD Ijia loite, 02 (^ut t)p ^ts fano^ toh?arD0 tijz * v«r.i. t«5Kane foule of tif s fosuie.^ea tljc nert toojDis arc an ej;p!t# cation of ti)e foi met. Why haft thou forfaken me, <^ and art fo farrefrom mine helpc ? jjiot to |)elpe in trouble iS to fo^fabe, fiiougl) CI5DD bee not angcie toifib tlje foules of fntb as (uff ec efaiftion.IEllCterptDO/IigagifffitOGOFARRE off fro a man, is to FORSAKE him;! (6 i)e ^at Dcfiretft 1 to ' ~ li6 The full redemption ofmanldnd, to bee the fonneofGod, opcnethl){aaen,preuailG.th8gavnlI tJCll/upporceib \)i$ (Ii:iIUj;ct}>aitD obt^incih bl£0[€DncS.. , ^iii it heard ImdtjIjtS eares/awfc Uittt) U^ ejesy WD vsrought ii}it^ its haatist^^f a,tje fpafee iulttj I3i0moult),.« bncto in feisMarjt Ujat<5oDi)aafauct(fitDEj(ni,miDfent:Wmto fdurtbc lno^lfi^ 3 afiJC noUj a Diraue tifuinc;lDa0 it poflible ttat fuflfcreD foj ouc fafeti^r'if 05 tJ0 to diHruft 0? doubt CoOs piomifc cofirmt D bp tjis U)o.2D,f perf^aocD to our fpirfts bp t)is fpirrt,ts diffidece miD incredulicie.sailjatbatnous aitD t)03r(ble linnc tben U)cw it foj tbc foole of €i)Jiff,after fo cleare per fpicuiiie^ fo full cer- laintie/o firme Oabil itie of ©ODS c o v n s e l ,anO promise, OATH i p E R E o R M A N c E, t^St in him all nations of the earth lliould be bleficd: to t)aue fc mucb as a.feare, doubt, OJ thought, t^atdDoDtooulD ratl£^(m,ojfojfabel)tm? iletme fatbecli^aDuire^anDb^otbcrlp jnttf ate pou all in tbe botoels of (Itfc^iffMuSjtljatpoutahagmDtitfeiJ l)oU) pou tenter on anpfacljDoctcin^.goiwerattja: tetttj ^. Reter^anDtteDfaffli^ bclattc,tbat Dauid fpafee concerning ^W^i^l)^n be faio? g I faw the Lord al vvayes before me Joi he js at my right hande"-, iA(fl.x, thatlflhouldnotbemooued. 3fALvvAiES,ttentoa5 ttffr? nointcrmifTiontgf BEFORE'His FACE,tl)cn toa3 tbcrp no obfcuration : ^f a t h i s r i g ht h an j>jtl)Cn .0CD \DaS ncucx abfcnt: %f bee c ov l'd- ji o T- bi vMjOoyer, g)eK COnlDbc not be forfaken. : * ' . : :. • ; [Bat Cb?f fi bimfelfc rapft),be ioaft fojfafecnf ] bee uo]* not fap be tuajs forrakcn,eitber in roule,05 elfc of Gods faupur and grace , asfomcinouc oapes tooulDe fainemafee ^im ^Bernard de ^^^^^^ * ^"^ ^C Tattl), My God^my God, why haft thou forfa- •>>t!hl%fthe ^^" mc?i3nD {)iB fcDo:Ds ffano true, if anp htnn of uereliaisri by the deathand bloud of Chrift. 117 t4ffta HeceJJltate virtntts exhibitto , nnlU matefiatis oflenfto* There was on the crofle a kind offoriaking , in;as much as there was in fo great nccefsitie, po declaring of bis pQwer^ no fhc w- jngofhismaid^e. ;2)iuer0 otbtc btnDes Df fojfabitig map bcet)cri« tuell aUotoeD ano bclauet) in t^efuffertngs of duc ^auieuc ; but ttjat be (^OUlD be definite of f a i t h, h o p e, LovEjCJ I o Y, 0.2 forfaken of C0OO0 favoyr, gr ace,oj s p T R I T, tbat is fa dangerous tO fbJ office , miD pernicious tO tbcperfonof Cb?lff , rt)at it map in itoiutfebccaDmitteD* ^ Whatfoeuerisnotoffaithisfinne. SEbeiibotua mncbtoe Oc^ 'Rom, 14 crcafe faitb in id^jjttt, fo mucb Ui^e incrcafe Onnc in Cb^iia. WAVERING, STICKIN G, D O V BTI N G 31*0 all tgbatC* ^°"^""8°^. Bients of faitb, an&ocgras of oiffioencc,anD greater Cnnes fining ^'chrift tnCb?ifl^5 tbcn in anp otbcrman, bfcaufe of bts infallible REVELATION FROM G CD , vnfpeakcable FR V I T I- ,ON OF GOD, ano infcparable c DM MVNiON with G o D , ^ ModicdtfidH , (jmre dHbitafii ? O thou of little faith,whydiddeflthou,DOVBT? Taitt) ChrifUo Peter. Cbcn ''Matth.r4. Doubting is i^t Diminii^ing ef faifb . ^ Abraham (fafctb tljj , 0p0flrlc) did not d o v b if lof the ptomife x)? God r h r o v g h ^°"^"^* y N ij E n E F e; but vva^ ftiengthfied in fakh!, and gaijc the glo- tjc vntoGbd; being fqilie afltaed; thit hee: vyhich had.promiied, was ableto performe it ,, SIbendoiibiingM, bp ^ £irp?f TTc role 0ftberb0li«gb0fi.iftV:NJ5'^LlEF;E,^1iJaDIS:HONOR V N^- T o G o u, as if be Uierenof able ta mafee gbcD bis p;:omt fc. ^a.ibat toee mnft in fptte df oui: beartes eltbcr c l e e re CHRIST JROM P OVB-TIN GjO^CHAR GB HIM WITH r N B EL rEVi N G, ant):£iu s h a n o v r i n g god*'" If arij^ „ J , maniacke wifedome (fatrt) Iames)lccliim askc ofGod , and it * ' (hall he giuen him : but let him aske iiifaith , and not doubt, (or difputfe vivith himlelfe^) for he that doubteth^ is like a vvaue of the Si£a,toft with the winde^ neither let that man thinke he fhall re- ceaueatiy thing of the Lorde. S^oubtfalnctTe Dlffftetb from tnci^bulitie in tbis , tbat tlje increooteus as ppt tJcfetneQi i^ot .'^tlie fionbtfqQijDatimtt) b^timyt^tbm® m60clttie3 a^ Feare is more intolerable m Chriftihcn doubting. 1 1 8 The full redemption of mankind, a toaue of t^ Tea Datt),tt)at i$ toft Mil) i\^ toinoe, encUnhtg foinetimcs one tua^/o nit times anocixr toa^.iBut ff}(s man foj \)i3 tnconttanc ic, C^all obtains nctljing at SD, UiJictJ 31 adare mp fdfe , no Cti^idtan ^)iutnc loiU attempt 0; enour^. 3if ti;e humane foais of <35?itt mat! brc fo fetlcti aitD wfol* urd in faitf), tt)at it migbt not coubt of <3otiB fauour ; mud) letlemigbtitbeperplcreDojamajeolDtt^ the fcarc , terror, 03 fcnfe of ©ocsDlfpleafureagatnff bimfclfe^asour fnretp. iFoUottiat enoc oio itplcafe tbe fomteofCioototahccnc nature into tbe tnitie of litsperfon, ttiat it t^alDc \3tter« lie bee impodiblefoifinne, ^eatt), o^Mtofepatate ttS frombim^KbtmfcomcSoo. san^ereof becaufc bee toad infalhblieafluredjbce muftno^OCSbe throughlic pcrKvadedj aiTO in tbatperfertperfwafion, knowledge, mt afliirancc o( ental3furDfti^ , if not tmptetie , to di- minifh tits faith "luit^ doubting, t)t« louc iDlfljfe are, tits hope iDith horrour of reiedion , alienation , o; reparation ffom (25 ^ 2D ; but as conftant faith staggereth not, perfe(5lloue feareth not, afsurcd hope t R e m- Blethnot; (ottje faith, hope, mxH loue of €t};((i muft not ff amble at ante of t^feffoncs, macbleffcmafee fac^ a C^fphJ^acbe of fait^ ano ^ope , as if ^ee d'i d a l- M O S T P E R.S VY ADE HIMSELFE that heC WaS DROWNED, anO PERISHED in the gulfe of per- 4idon. fc C^ttt tbf vehemencic ofpaine (Comt fbinfee) migl)t fbJ fij£ Chrift was nat ^mt wreft fro tabcncc be bao ^ p o w e r o v e r h 1 m ,* tt^en bee toarneo ^ " ^'*^ tbc tnomen of 2erura!em TO t^vvEfiPEFOR THE^r- s E L V E sf anD tbf ir cbitojen ; UJien bee pjaieD fo:bis perfeco* "Luke.l?*' td3S,aS'^ NOT KNOWING WHAT THEY r>ID,ann p^:omtfGb p ar a di s e to tbe penitent tbicfe tbat bung bg yiohn.rc, biwi ;fcitini bebequeatbcD (becare of bis y m o t h e r to tf^ "Lukczj fioelttte of bis DISCIPLE, ano ^^ commended his SPIRIT into tbe bances uf \fis fafber -, teas bis mrmojte oj tinDerffattitrigtafeen from bimbp feare irt^anie of tbrfe ac» ttons ^ 05 Doe Ittc hotraftrr fee bi^oeafb anftoerable to bis Kfe, tbat is full of coiiilancie, clemencie, fioelttie ano pietp? 3;f anic be ofiberiMifc mtnbco , <^oD graunt fbep be not in a Deepe trauntc of rdfc-liking .• (bat iniU rai^r cballenge €b2tltes mf mo2te , tben fufpect tbefrottme fanfie. Conloc i^ fojgct bimfclfe to be tbe fonne bf <10OD, tbat fo ofteii ano bpenlt^tMlcD^po biu TAT HER? tbat inQ» ^mtof w ' agonp \ by the death and bloud of Chrift. 121 agonvp?apin0t)rcDnon8oQ^rff(Ie,biit^o my father? a^atth is t^at in 0)e coiuifefiof t!i)t&cxi\}eB mtD <^\ms toouloe not tonceale Ij^mfclfe to be '' t h e s o n n e o f go D^no not to ^ Mukc, 1 4 TaucijisfffejbotfafD ^ i am the fonne ofthcblcfled? ftjat bptng committed his fpmt tO^B^T AruBRs h a n d s ? t)5 '.^"^e zs» remcmbjeDtocallfojD^fnfec, thatthc*^ fcripture might bee diohn.ip fulfilled,- and ^ kncvv that all things touching ^im were perfor- med 5 ano bao \)t fojgotten tibo ?e tuas, 0? e^Jp ^z came into tb5toO?lD,eacn* to faue that which was lort? «Ma«h.i8 auD tn alt gooo fo^t to atmiontl^ tbcmJtaf are learnr D, tolojfec a little be tteTjbefcje tbep cefoluc on fo Grange a con» The fuffcrings tlafion tnbratntrtc; tftoccput Cb^lfttnfocbamajc on m nowiymal croI^e^ tbat fo; feare be forgate ^is fatbcrs counfell , purpofe^ torious,if he ' promilc,Voice5anDoath;pcabtS0tDnfun6lionjvnion anOper- were in a trace fon : ttbat obedience 03 patience, ttbat humility 02 charitie DO j' ^^^ **'"'« ^^ foe leaite btm ,ln ftjffcrtng tbe Deatb of fbc croffc:' tibat venue J'"jjj.^" '^* find me, t^iere remembrance failetlif o? ttbat merite iS tt fOJ ia tnaiH to.be amazed ^ bo^ bangetb tbta tuf tb tbetr otone po* tltian^tbat tbe fenfe ano faff ecing of (^000 to^atb tn tbe foale tf €b;tft i0 tbcchiefcft and princjpalleft part of OUr reDCBip- iH mi is tt fo materlallfo:i mans falnation, as tbep affirmpj toco can ft net be matntatncD bat bp taking from <^.:fl! bot^ fnogemcnt ano memchte f is tbfs tbat great mpflferie of Dc- tjotton, txbf cb true reUgton map not encore , crcept toce fnp* pofc tbe fonne of Odd to be foj feare befioes bf mfclfe f banc tbe^ not fpnn a fatre tb?eaD , to be to jealous fo> WS^at^xscUt' nail counfell ano Icuc totoarDestifm; t];^id}td to6te one abfurtsttte to(tl) an ot^cr . iFo? tbong^ b? f^iB map tbt^ cj;cnfc Cljjirt from Onnc^as bf fng neither aDalfeD,no? fuffe# rcD bp feace to be mailer of blmfelfcj^et bp ftic fame tbcp tp claiietjim from alt Cbe graces another taes of ^t0 padion^oii i4)ict)oncfalast{cntegrcun5cD; anDleaucbimaBiohljoni immo;ie,fo toitljout mcritc; Qnce ti)t faculties of ftjc nitiiD, oucrlit)ermcD ano aHonllljcD tottt) feare o; pame,i)ane no full apprchen{ion,mu0 leffe iuft deliberation, anU ieaSof all free ele^on of gooD iint) cntMn Ix^tfb cafe if tJDe fappofe our ie>af olouc to baue bin During Ijts fuSering on tbe crolle tec i^eto our felnrs to be tolD of all unDerH^^ittng, in tt)at toe cleaue to our oU)afan0e0 againlt tbe yxittms botb of nature $ fcrip /, . : i i turc.Keao trbo lift tbe maner of CI3j?,lft0 praying,anrwering f .. , fuffering, before* at bis Deat^j-ttelmctcbetin be (^etoeoanp jjefcct of iuDgmcnt,03 toant of rcmlb;jingf Peter fa(ib,Chrift ,^ _ ^TufFered for vsjieauingvs an exampIe,that,vvclliould follow his ^ ""'^ Beps. 3f fjt toece ftro&en tuitb'feare beCDcs bimfclfe , it tsa bat) erample foj Us to fonotD.lISntin Daoebe neitbcE did,n8f 'fpakeauietbing,ii0iiot in^tbc mtU5 efijiJspaincSjbnt Ueric aduifcdiie,quietIy,religioufly, J obediently /fuct) as migbt aw! bcfeeme t^ ^autour of tlje toojlcbemblco tnour ficlJb, ana i^aimcZ) favour liiine^^ut^o lody|artneroCo«i tmgatimt iBi)EipnnefullaffcjCtibn0.:^:-'- "^■\^^!r^'■■ :^'T':'-' ! Chriftwauered"^ Cfe^ wauered (liiine tbinfee) fn W p.:aicr0 ; anb corrcaecj not in his prai- iimfclfe as onerl^6t,irt tboj beafbib at bis fatbers banas: j l^it ante tbing^txielly toco tabe it J»|tb tbefr p^apfef (fo<> ^ectpife ai^men;tb(p mitTetb^ir trjisitl^^Vtfec ttMe it Wt^ I^C ir lea UtS . s Cod Jiath called vs vnto iibertie , ^ not to be V2,Cosiatb.7 --L-- -.---^ V — ^^ - - .--.,- ^^^ by the death and bloildofChrin:. 12 J > iDSjret^antotearefpcannous eract(on0. WXus Cib^fff vn. aduifedin \^i0 p:a(er5 in tbe garden ^ anD DfD l>ec reuoke f^at • t4jtc^ fuddainly flipi from him? 011 p^ter tolttjont faitHj is Oil tn (E?oofi 0g6t. ^iat ^n toas cti?tff pjafer 5 if it toerc Df^ realicbcntagatna tfjc Determined pnrpofe, ano ccuealeD totllof (i^oDjbuteuiDentfinneri^iBttj^ifc repeating* the felfe '^^atth.a^^ fame words tuittjgooDDiffanceof ttmcbctlDanc,anDaDnifeO^^^ '^^^ aiDl3et)ettictit?e8le,ttIjattBaj5 it, if it ffillneeceo to bee rc- »obcD anD atnenoeD,bot a tjoluntarp fpaniing at t^ OeDfaiS Dccraj anD etermU counfcU of c^oD foj mane redemption:' 3i5nt goD fo2biO,tDe fljonlD fo coceiae of ont fanio?, as itt^tz iDero in bts 0(^D«,tDo;Di3 07 S^ougbto t^ leaf! inclination to f ontraDtct bis fai^ers refointiou . 1^ luaB tfct onelp paticnc without refu(ing,bnt obedient without mifliking bis fatberS tuiKEfayfaitbof bint.^Hewasopprcflredanda{Bidcd,yetdid ''Efay.fi - }iec pot open his mouth , Hee was brought as a iheepe tothe flaughter,and as a Lambe is dumbe before his (liearcr , fo ope- ned hee not bis mouth. SDotb tbe ^olie gboH giue iim tt)il8 le&imonie , (bat bee mildelie sm f^kmlk bar^ aU tbs opp2e((ton0 «tD atilfctiens, tbat totre laioe on bim, anQ IbaUtoebareaooncb, tbat Ijce vehcmentlie ano often ftrug- glcd , sm tttimt in bis p;iaicr0 againS tbe bnoUine tDiU of fi0 ifaajer ; ano foogftt bv aU meanes to Decline t^* iDojbc ftjj tdiicb biJe came into tbe tnojloe f [ ^is flel^ (tbcp toill fate,) fearcD Beatb, ^oog^ bts fpiritfubmit* tcD it reUe to tbe tDili of bts beauentto ^atber . ] ^0 (f |)i5 fleO) DID p:aie , sm not bis fpirite ? if fbrn bis platers iDcre paiTionate anDtnacnifeD , bis fpirit cannot b£c n* cufeD from confcnting mto pcelDing tbereto . 0nB fa^ere Do toe learne tbat Cb?i(tes flc^ refnfcD tbe lalnc of l)is minDe, anti fo pjeuailcD againft tbe fpirite , ftat it to^effc from |tm inconOo crate anBDifobeDientibongbtes , aaiDtoojDes? ^; iiben toee tbag fate , Doe toce not plainelic b?ing (be fcmte of © £D ^ toiitltn ttje communion of one (innefuS cojtnptipu? 3^ a i5a{ r 1 24 The full rfif^Cttiption of mankind, ClBut !){0 fptrit tons ama^cu toftlrfcafc, mttifo ticcbnclo^ chriftpra'cJ *^ot tcijat Ijc pizaieo.] ^Cie take tco miu^tpo Us topntC)3(fi often and c ar- bcfiots tjtmfclfc, txfeeii ft plcflfctt) t!?, ^is p?aif r0 in ttJc gar* ncftly but with Den iDtrezcalciis , but religious; vehement, bnt rcuerent^ full afsurancc mourneRil, but faithful, i^e offcceD bp ^ ftrong cries and tcare% *»"kbrc f *^' but HE V V A s h e a R s tu t^at be af hf 0; ant fo long vs cHpoD ^ ' ' pcrfcjmcD, Ufeat €b?tfl oefireDjtt is xmit tbcn p;tf«mption toc^ailtnge Ijisp^ajcrsa^j tncor.ffant ano toauertng. iroi nij)par£rt)Cugb3ccnlD not concciue tlje fcnfc of Ct):lffc8 p?aterin tbtgarDcn,pef D031 fullprcfoUKl)£i»asmcaa^ Turco in fattb,btd Plater (^ouiD take (^ict,^t£i eftc rcpeatingc f fame VDO3C0,nDtctt) boto great a tbtng bee rrquf ffeo at l)ts fatbf rs bam;5,tit)(cb pet bcobtamcD^ttjoogb ii luirc ncuer {^^ grcat.a^at li^icb pou call a rcuocation,3i tahe to bcc a limi- tation, ttberby d^iitt Dcdareo, be mucr mcnt toaskc o;j hauc anp tbiag againS l)is fatbers U&ing; no: in anp fo;t to p2cfcs bifiotontchoifcojeafe, bifij:el)isfatbfrs will . gftbisbf s trance,(bcnfattb anDobcbtencc ace no fruits of (25000 fptrif, bnt St0 ota tktfiempctco bumo:, anD in tljc cnD toe l^all con# cluoe goMinea to "qz maunes.if 03 greater fubmifilo 0;: raoj* dcuoti6,tbcn Cb?ttt tjttcrcD in tbatagonp,f an no man C^eto* 3 X rtjtrfojc tDC conDcmne tbis ffs a maje tn Cfj^ittjtxtienftal •f caloo0 anD oeuont perfons be in t^fc U)it0;f [li5ut toe fcrlptuce fait[j,bc luas "'a f r i g h t e D\i a s t o- - n>Matk.T4. Nis hedO 2a)eltuelpbe^o!tHngof (lI?oD0matel!p,o;imas ^*h^^ft ^ • h ««^^^''l? '"^Sbt botbafrigbttadontOjbwbnniane nature ort at thStJ ^5 (0t)D.3inf ,bat prefently, rccolkaing himfelfe , f)£ feH tO tJC' abafhed with bcmentanD tntentdjepjaiec, anu tbccein continucijaimoft Gods nuicfty, ai\!joure, Hot IxiaEbUng in btu toojDcs, tio: toaaer ing in \\Q or manximfe- pjr-ttions o,j affcttions; bot perfcucring in ^ famt minficfr Laed bSc t" ^ fa"'^ matter,till be obtainco ^10 DeQre . j^otoe to be before he en- abaO^cD St c33c&s pjcrence,DeclareO bis pietie: mtDto bee lercd into his firtcfecn at tbc b^att tDitb tbc feeling of tcngeance p^ouincfe jiaxfifs. foj ^g^ comni?nDeD bis charitic. Hap tljf fe tttJO, cicuotion to <^oo,ano compafsion totoart)0 raen,a0 ^ groanDs \ caufc* by the death and bloud of Chr ift. 125 ef l}is Agonic, miD '^oiitf^aU eafilp clcarc fl)(i8 Coule beapc of abfucDitic5-iaiD^mptctics, Hjatiiotopurfuctbdje contrarie polition . 3t h$ huimlmp foi inanB ii^firmhic to fljabc anD tremble at ttjc appearance of, o IjiiB no li);ong j bccaufe t^c mo;c yiolcnt,tl)c mo^c eminent Cgncfi tbcp tucre of fubnrifflon to (]I5oD,^Dcampairfonon man:^^ faith anOiouenotbCtngcpprcfledtDltl^flupidicie , botinfia- How and w% mcdtoftbfacb vehemenciCjt^attbCV^ea'kffitireof mansfleili Chrift might notabletofollofcoetbC readineflcof bis spirit, rauifhcd tDJtb bcrauiihfd. flwondcrfnllferuencictO giUC bi'Ufclf^ tO fauc tbC ^oHoe, tmgbt fo^ tb£ timt fails in ^tnUtioat astionS) ano offices of tbc boQie.ffiat \m mntt betoare tbat lucccirtinife'iTot tbift aConiC^mc nt,ixbcn be came to bts p?aUrs. ^0; in praier tbe bearc mu(t be,not onclieprepatcd ant) aduifed^ bot finccrelie affected snewholicdcuoced to affecnotbtng, but fbat libido tendetti to €>otlS glo?«^,anD agrceth toiftj CDoDS toill . ^t tbat otbertoifc afhert) ante tbing at.(2>oO0banDs, prayedmot, but pjefamptaouaie temptctk(i5fliii,:anD. fcpfect^ to niabe^ yvifedomeanD power ijfi^OD fetuilccable tO^lS co;iroptap- nj^gj^^^^ pctites. " You knowc not whatyou aske 5 falD Cb;?' tt to tbc fonnts of Zebedee,td)cn f)t rcf BfcD tbcf r petittonv ano rr p;o' ueotbcfrfonte.l^otnibaUtnctscloDue^tmetllail recctue, tf tne afbc luc fenolue not tdjat ?' iFaiftj maff-fee riglnlie direc- KdjcWDthroughlieperrwaded.bffijjC it canobta(ne.Cb;ifft0 " pjapcrs tben in tbcgacDenUKW neltbfr abrupt totlbont fcnfe,no? waucringtoitbontfei^; tijat tbr p ndsDf abrecrcaf^ fed OJ corre6>cd j blltbtS deuonon tuaSinftant, anDperfwa^ fionconfianttbat be Cboolopjcnailcjanatbetcfbje lice ccafc^ mi to aske t|>c fcifc fame Qjingthnre, ttillee ioa5 ^avn, ana Ii6 The full redemption of mankind, ttttti$f^mtn b|> an ^wgel from ftcancn. [t^e affect) ftat, t^piDill fap, luljict) teas ncf grantt!*,] Chrifts praicr 3 gj^i rcfolntclte of anotljcr mmoe ♦ ^p t£&(onB are, rcTeaeT AtS tljC ^poCle fapctt) . * He vvas heard offering .••Hcb.f.* vp ftrong cries and teares .■ ^ecotlBlte , for ihCjTRE^s'P as sers: 'Elay.yjti ano tbe ipo^lewcbone^xl^^ia^it'.p.ic-^.jEj^s of pcred ^^^^j^^ . yv I T H T E.A'R..E s,(mO bij5 paine0^rufferf?iip?:;'^":!v> '. ^ 00 p?apin(jin Q)e.g^rOEnCli:ittma(lljB fra from foj* chriftonthe ff^ftmg^^ii^rbis %V5^M^ 0? loiiEj(ip;ffj|fe?mg on tbe crof^emuft be CrOilt be,niu0 banc not )3lld^}>a^el^el^J^^bedi&nce,bo^^i^^ afsurcd hisXa- ^'telJigerice % afli^ranfe 0)^1 t^ploa^V^ fec^J^CC ia^ICtj be Offe* "ific^ThouIcl ^D,(^OtllO bt^^ei^Uipfifl^^^^}^ beacceptfed* ^im(^\ftcfatle${ti'm-^^^^ croOie to cucrra0uig'6'on'car/op, mmgJo^i?* ferto not offer blmfelfe JiJiXt^ ^H&X9t ^ «Ol]f$, Y^ppofing p^' prefuming tt mtgbf |ileafei^i)b tei^bpto befew^ cami? fttfo 4^,tBS3l0i,an^'G^te4;an^ ^'^^^'^ Wf^i??/*^ :^ ?<^ ^^MC ^^lir^ii, - ;' Jiisfi^op^elpe^tlieK./innq^fe^ to, th

crefO?e nci ttjer ignorant ofic, m^ d^ubtfdHn it; but afTurcd- Ipjjjjfj'^yg*^ lietefolued with fulnefTedffaith and hope , fljat tje fa)f)^Ctj'4H«J "^ 'V' 'dccreedtt, COUlD not be changed ;anl) ttat ^gree bot^ Peter iDawid , fctben tbe^bcrtt toitnts of CWli, • Acts4» ' ■^"' '^^*^ ^J^i^ " ^ ^ R T"rV A S^'fe t AD^t bl^T ON G V E IX) I F V, ^i ^h,is.: 1 an^tbatcucn^Mi^ FtESH (|ioulo rest in hope, noli iDtftttanDilig^ anguifhoff hell, jf o;(!50thtD6tilb ne(t|)f r fojfafie !)(5tetile in t)c!i, noj Xtjfferbtor*cdjmpttm ' ■ * ^areanie man Donbt of tbis Doctrine, WtW^o cleare/ - - ^ lie ano fnllic beliuereb tws in tbc ^criptareg f £D? mabi ascSdid" ^^ 3 pafiimeof it , in faoour of tfnr faitfiejei to oucd which I hope turne fee Wric pjfncCpkfl of tr^fb-^^'t^h^:ift buffered ijnotthc for vs,leau!ngv$ an cxam|ilc, that Wcc fhouldc followe his jpaincs of hcU. fteppes. Jf 03 if *= wee ftifferwitfi him, wee fhall bee glorified iott!.9.* ^*^^ him.^na toe fniJer tbe patnies of tbe bamnccafoK toe map bope to be partabeb of bis glojtty ffi|)e gaine &{)! ct> toebauein Cb?itt J M)cn tore bai»c rcftjfco all tbihge£8 W V)rte fOJ fjiS falftj , 1» to Icnowe ilj6 fell6wfliip|ic of his ^ThlL^. afHi6lions , and to bcc conformed vnto . his d^ath 3 if by anic by tBc death any bloiid of Chrifl. rip aiiicf mcanes'wecmay aitaine to thcrefurred^ion of the dcade. ^^all ttscommnnton of Cb;fflt£0 raSccmg0 b;ing iis to ttie trueeo^mentd ofi>£U,mtbmti({ tDeperftoaticout k\ue& Qat \mBat$ foriakenof (000, afore ijDCe can bBt conformed to \fidtitati)if 8 Rebyce (fe|?f^ Peter,) when yce doe com- municate with Ghriftes fuflferings. fl^att VbtMn re r o i ct « i Pcter.4, in tlje horror of IjclljmtDijee glad of Gods difpleafurc tOtDSrOS MB^ 31 ttitnbe not. ^otoe (BrrefuSetof comfo;ct0^ apOttle0DO(trfne, to^ere^e faittj; ^'As the fufFeringesof ''»-Cor.r. Chrift abound in vs; fo our cOnfolatiofl aboundeth through p. .« oh- Chrift. And our hope is ftedfad concerning you , that as you ji-^^ ©ny croffc tre partakers of the fufferinges , Co fball yon bee of the com- was full of forrs. Wat comfojt W9 mm tm Snoe in t\^ paincs of confoUtion. the namwtn, 3 hnofcw not ; tfjep' elfe tofjcre fcemc to faj?, tt)at all fcarcs ano gricfes , 5U tetro;is ano torments ate trtOfS tiuo t^ (cnfe ano feetmgi of cH^oDs otrpleafnre ano (uS motgnatton- ^ bat t^ ^olte CDljoS 31 am fnrc p2opo« felt) to t)5 ttjc erode of cbtfl a^ tije luafe to perfcdion, ^ that neatr toantett) confolation» jFo? tbcrem though out ' ^'^^^'^* * outwarde man perifh, yet the inwardc man is daylic renucd; stt9tD^eti out booic0 Die to Gnne , a0 d(d CWQ^^ 1 one fouled hue to 0OD , a0 oiD |it0. c^rcellentlte ootb tb^ Spoiiletiefcrtbet^' comfort of iS^ntteif CrotTe in aH fi^e faptl)fHfli U)ben \)tC l^petfj , ^ Wee ar^ afflidled on euerie ^ibidem\ fide, but not ouerpreflcd 5 wanting, but not vtterlic defti- tute; pcrfecuted , but not fotfaken ; falling, but not pc- rifliing ; alwayes bearing about in our bodie the dying of the Lorde lefu , that the life of lefu might bee manifclt in out.bodyes. For wee, whiles wee Hue , are ftill dcliucred vnto death for. lefus fake, that the life of lefu might bcc manifcft in'our mortall fle(h . tCb.Jltt t^H tn ttje mC9tifi< cat(on! of ^(0^ bojjw on tJ)e Ccoffe , toaiJ nciihcr o v er- P RES SED , FORSAKEN,. nor PE Rl S H I N G^bUt WlfeWt^ 4 fa^pbjteD fetoartlp bp tbe potocr of goD0 fptrtt,fn fijffd)bc ieiotceD,^(le0 fita flefl^ im\xm btttei: ano (^arpe toament0. 1^0 The full rcdcm{)tion of mankind i2.Cor.ii, SnDtbfiS rale/ When Iamwcake,then am Iftrong, :tDSlf true in Cl)?iff, anD aflct 1)15 ei:ampl2 l|^all t« in all btB mf m< yihiiem, bers.if 03 (H5OD0 "^ power is perfited in infirmicie,'" Very gladly tberefo^e mutt all H^t goDlte reioice and take plcafutc in their infirmitiesjtliattljf power ofChrift may dwe ttJfCe amazed, 'pcr- plexed,anJ) forfaken in i;tiflafElr(tlpn0,ti|)ol^alraife amjeoirr* fojttjsinourertremitiesf ^eeltiat ^imfelfe toasaffonf^ ^eDmiooucrJiljchnco,tDitt)^isrufferingscntl)ccroffff Bit •Luke 4. map t^en be faiO toUO bim/ Phifuion heaiethy felfe . ^ball t)ce comfort l30 , fijat coulo not comfort bimfelfc? Can Ixiee REIOICE and tatce pleasvre in foU lotoing bis tteppes, lDbenhee'fankcvnderthebutthen,aWJ fufferenbotb bis fayth and hope foj flje time to faiJe> 515Pt farrcbeftom bs fi^tebnfauojtetbccjljtfi, anb unfdfmelie fpeccbeS.. Pltwasficthat'heefromwhom,iandbywhom are ^ *^ *** allthingS, rhould CON $VMM ATE Ey.AFFiKPTIONS THE PRINCE OF OVR SALYATXON-', that, {botild^ bring many fens vnto glorie; tbc felfe fame ibap ftat be teent befoje tbem. Wicbcannot be bp ooubting i uifFrufling ^ fauo; m> belp of goD, mucb ieOCebp fnffering f inburtng tbc pmnt^ of (t>e bamnee^but bp defiting tij20Ugbloue,g3iC reioi- cing t)nDer hope to take vp CbMtt0 crofle an2 follow b(m; ^de- ii«Cor.i». lighting in reproches , nccefiTuies, pcrfecutions and ahgtiifti for 'I. Pci.4' Chrifts fake,that 'when his glorie ftial appeare,we may be glad and reioice luitbfulwffif of euerlalling (op, i -r SDo toe ^tt\ erempt tbe llojD €bJ(fl from all fenfe of %\i fa* i^er0 tD;at|i agatntt onv nn0st)$ile0 \x» oefenD [n ^im peace ana ,x6. by the death arid bloud of Chrift. 131 SStei ioy of ttst J^Qlie g^ott,as he hung OW ti)C CroffC^ Hicrc (0 3 All mlfcncs feeling of gODS wrath bt)idjniap fiattD toft^t^ pacification fare the cfFtft confolation of (^ tntoavD mmt -mto tijcre i$ areiifd of €5oDS /^^B^ ds wwh. tD?a8) trf)fc& oiiertfjjo'ajct!) bott.ans bj^Dcfti a fearfnl appre- hcnfion of (Ii5oDs Dtfpiearuie totoarBs t)0;tn Iriju^ i« ncit^ec peace noi comfoct.^ll t()C mifcticfi of nians life, i^aUczmt (t}cy be^cante fitH fro 6^ fojcc ofgoDd to^satb reucnguig Cn; anD ttjcrfQje not onlj? death t damnation,laf al feilltiS of trou- bles,paines j griefs jig jOUr iUtes, bodies anD minds^ljEbf d) I'hor- ten 03 Tower rt)ii5p?cfent llfe,arc degrcesofgoD3 wrath, f dja* 0icementg of otir tranfgrcfliton and co;rnptton« Wen ^e plague ttjajsfeinQleDatnongttt^ people fojmurmnringa* gainlr Mofcs 1 Aaro,Mol« fatD to Aaron/'take y cenfer & pat ^ ^'"™*' l^rc 6£ iucenle thcrem,&goquic]iiy vnto the congregation, and eiaWan^tonemetforthej^rUiere 13 wrath gone qvt FRo^f THE j,ord; the plague is begun.M^enttjep^opije.t lehuCCp^fOs Beolehofaphat ft) a^0fngAchabt^ft(ngof IfraeljfeefaiD ^ »i.CIiro.t| vouldft thou helpthe vvicked?and loue chern that hate the lord?, euen for this caufe was the wrath of the lorI) vp on thee. Ebep^Op&etpfay COmfOJttnQf tfje rbUi;tt)jfaitt)'''Awake,awake "Eray.ji . aind ftand vpo lerufalem, which haft drunke arthe hand of the Lord,THE cvp OF HIS YVRATHi ^^ ttjc p.jopbct Michcas tfyi €^avtJI)^ambkQ)^etk\fc^ntitxtijk^mtof^oii m tljefe .- :'. toO3&e0.*^IwiU BEARE the yvR ath ofthcLotcj,becau(e "Micli.r,' Ihauefitinjed againft him.vntillhc plead my caufe jand execute iudgWTient for me. (^tttviz ^tXOifC ilfee « tjfcp in t^C fcrip* tUttS^ y I WAS wroth w4th my people, and gauethem yEray.47. into thine hand, (fattftdlJoJ) tO Babylon) and thou didrt fhevvc thefnno-mereiejbucdidfilayavericheauieyokcvpon the aun- <;!ent.§)p leremie COmplatliet^.tOvIi^OD. Thou hali^vtterJy re^? kiS^cdvSjthou airt Exc&EBiNG LY. ANGRY MVijTH vs. itiefe,3n0 '^Lamcnr.jT. man? (aclj places mo2e,mention Cije wrath of (ipoD,U:fei4) t^e faintsf feruants^t goo taftcd s^lO felcfpS t^lC finne^jbttt tlfiP 60 not impojt t^at (!5oO£{ eternalt fiuour and louc tOtoarDS f)iJS ^lt)^2cntfl ^eanenlic t^tng?,*toaB vanifhc4o;j cljangeo. gje , ^ Tim.?; ffoundationofGodftandetbfurcj yeathe t' gifts and calling of ^^'oniaV,' S z God t^i The full redemption of mankind, God are without repentance. SnU ftnercfOJC it 10 ttterite fm> poITtblg^f^at c!15oD0 election l^oatD alter , o;^at bc0(^oni& alohn.i ?. ^^^ ^ ^®"* ^'^ owne vnto the end ; but *^ iudgement beginning «• I Pctcr.4. at the houfc ofGod, « wee are chaftened of the Lord , that wcc 'i.Cor.n, (hould not be codemned with the world, 3inD allJt it ^bittcmesi Of affliction fomc time bite fo mtve,tt)nt tl)cconrcicncecf out, UnntB accuring"U0 m vnwortbie to bce t^C fonnC0 of dDoUji fearc callcth <3oii0 fauour in queflion fijj ttje time 5 pet tftaJ temptation rifclt) ^'om tifS guiltines of ottwbearts, ano wcak- neflc of our fa(tt),ul)(c^gmetl}toap to t^e oiuel: ot^rtoifcflff toe OUgl)t to beldetie goo toiU be ^ merciful to our iniquities, & /Hcb,8. remember our finnesno more, foj l)t0 COUenant matle tDftl)f t0 iw tbe blouo of I)i0 fpnne; fo (^onlo toe bee faUie perftoa^ ijeD, i!)at toben we endure chartcning , bee it ncuer lb fl^arpe,' cHcb.iz* God SofFcreth himfclfe vnto vs,ils vnto fonnes; for whatfonnc is itjwhome the father chaftenethnot ? ^o ^at if wcc bcc with- ' out corre6Uon, whereof all arc paTtakers,wcc arc baftards and not fonnes, fince God cbafteneth vs for out profitc, that wcc might be partakers of his hblines. '-''■' ' ^*Hcb.ii. 0ji0 correction mtt ttafff fetnent of (H^db, bccaofe it ^ fee- riieth greeuousfor the piefent, and not ioyous, is called trt tbC CcriptareS tbe rodde aW> wrath of CE>0D ; not tbai Cot>6 loud «Hcb.i5^ ceafeth ttftetl be correftcth bf0 (Ijilb^en; etit great, tbat pnrfaeb onrfaertie , bcetng innocent God againfi aiO obedient, anO eocn his owne anD only fonne, tDltb all ma* *^"' ^""^* ."'** MCr of corporal] andtemporall fcourgcsvntodeath^kfoje it ih7crQ[^ot cotUD bee pacifieD ,• bnt tbat dT^bd fanonr totoartrsfits fonne chrifi. toad altertb 0; oimtnil^eb, 0? tbat ^IQin fieare mib terri^a app^ebenoeo ante fn^ ctange intnafat^r, 0; fo macb as Hottbteb tbe conSant ano etetnaQ counfeQ, anODccrasof C^ob , to make bim tbc ^auionr of tbe iDo^toe, mib bp tbe Moob of i}t0 erode to makepeace in teanen ano eartb s^efe aretbd3ngaousdo<5lrines, ^at BiQ)inbe nolearneo bfuina totHfanOertafeetbem. "* Though he were the fonnc, yet lea r- 'Hcbrc.j nedheobediencr', by thatw'hicfa.hcfuflFercd,fattb tbe 0po(!lei i^Gtu obedience coulb not b;{0eb diffidence bnt confidence; anO toas tbe vettue ,ibat fe bigb^i^ pleafed (j^oD in Cb;ift , fbat bee was »made the authour of eternall faluationvnto all that ^jl-j^-- OBEY H I M. a double fenfe Q)en Of Gods wrath Cl^ift Jefntf ' bab.^firfltbat purfneb btis; bobie tnto beaOjontbetr^, ft^etE °hce ijarclour finhcsjtbatiJEftbePchaftifernentof our oi.peter.a, peace , tbe s tr.i p e s of oUr iniquities, anO vv o v n d e s of i'Efay. jj.' ourtfanfgrefsions , l£^e next ioas t^ fcrionSJ contemplation- Of ftjat tternaU ano intolerable vengeance; tj^icb ^ infflce of (^00 i)ab tn Hoje fo) t)i!,bp r^afbn of onr manifoib ilnnes; ^3. t^ofc 134 The fiill ccdemption of mankind, ti^orc Danger rnit) ocliructlon couched ^im ad necre, f^^ougfi Qie tcnderneCTe of |)i£( loue anD piccie , n^ if it l;aD beeite im» mintnt ouer l^tjs otone t^a&e * ^nti Q^tcefc^c eneti Hcke toitb forrowc foj 1)0, f trembling at (t)€ terror of 0600 tojat^ p?eparcD to teucgc out tnrigl)teoorne0,(jc ncner left s vvea- TING, VVEEPlNGaaU)CRYINGt0C^0Df0jtJl5, t^flt 1)1$ ftripes mfgl)t heale t0 , t)te anguiOi cx<;ufe ts , ^i0 death quicken t)s> anD tus pctfon ruffatnc ami faff er foj t)«, ij^jatfo- euer t|^ (aStce of (0oD tsoalo late on i}im,ttU ()6 V»a0 ^eaiD, mc allotoeD of d^oD to oStt ti}t facnftce , ttiat {^onlp p?cpf « tiatetiie 0nnc0 of i^ £Do:ide^ Bfn tt^efc paines miD feares^ tittles bte felt t^e arrowes of C^oi fitcbing tn |)t0 6ell) , and fatxK t|)e terror of eternaU (j^att) ceaoie to C^aUoto Dp aU ^10 itumber0 , toe mate grant , t^at t^coNsoLATioN ano I o I E, tt^i^ t^ tjnmane fonte of ^M before ^ao of f)t0 i?a« t|)er0conttnnaUp?0fcnceanDacrtaanc05 toasfoj d)2ttme (bmeV\4iat diminifhcd ; ^t0 heart bctng oppreffed toifl) fo^ roto,bi0 bodie affliaed toi^ l^arpe anD bitter patnc, t (0 foule bcfieged toltb feare ano care fo^ i$b, tbat nei^ctbe dreadful wrath of (I^OOOUerbcbelmetlt)0, noit^e dcceitcfull fiaude 0^ ^atan tinpermtneb t)0 : bat bp no mranes toe mate nnmit in <2^?itt eiQjCC feate 02 doubt of his owne faluation^noj forget-! folncs of bt0 pcrfon 02 fiindion ; bat l^ harder Cbe toojfe be tat' tcttobe, tbe flrongcr bf0fatlb, tljat petfojineu it 5 tbe mor« terrible our Danger,t^more{ledfafl|)t0loue, $at ^?unbi& not from t0 in lb great ertremttte. Ciptgbt not pet tbe fonle of (^aff tn ttt0 (onff ant anc foil allnrance of (IDod0 loue totoarDes bin? ,snD mercie totoarbis ^0, feele tbe to?ment0 of ben foj ^timc toitbout ante tiifif trnOftng 02 Doubting of bi0 raluati(m,o?oarreDemption:'] Theefrentialkorments of bcll,are Qje abfolateloCTeof d^CDU liingDoine, toJtbotJt rccoucrie, anD cxquijlte fcnfe of beU fire eaetlafitnglte toitbontreleafe. i^ettber of tbefetoitbontNo rible blafpbemie can be imagincD tn (be (bale of Cb^td : tbe KcS Qat are cQnfcqnent0 to ttK fe ;, a0 dcfpeiation^mutmura- r "" oon, by Ac death and bloud of Chnft. i 3 5 tjon , darkcneflc , horrour miB fdcfi cf!)cr(mp:eff(onfl arc Itbe to et^efe -, ano coulDc no mo;:^ t)aue place m Ct);f dcis perfon, ftf n f^ anteccneitteg mfg^f . Sno fincc ft (s no where tott- jlCffcD ir\ tl)t §>crfptures , nor anie waic prooued , ft)at <£[j;ia faffcreD t^ paincs of i)t\\ ; tt^ie Ortue toe to effaUlifl^ a mars conceits of men , ne«cr tujitten o; fpoben of , be* fo;e oarage? tjcsccfiucefo fmall regaroe to f^cC^arctjof <2^:(ll , m^ to all tt>e leacroiD fatbits ano teacljcrs in t!)« fame , t^at fo; ttjirtcene ^unojcD ycttts no man cuer bneto it fliouid foma 0: fjearD ttjc rtg^t to^ie, ano true mcane of our reocmptton what mouc y$, anureconcflfattonto cH5oD, ttUtt)epa(ncs of tflltoerelate- j;,'j|,^euc""d^ lie OCUlfCD ^ Abufes ant) errours DtD bp UttlC aW) little crcepe jcd to Chrlfts Into tt)e ct^rct bl? t^ totUnelle of ^atan, ana tutlftilneffe of croffe for i joo men 5 bnt tfiat t^e gates of ijcH l^ouloe fo mud? p?cuafle a^ yccresfincc the gatnUtf.as from trie apofflf^ time to 0)^8 p:efcnt age, no Apoftiestimc, ct).:iOtan (l)onlD eucr trnlte tta^ 0; rtgtjtlie bsioeue ^oiu toe are flauet) bj? ttie crofife of (II|)U0, ts to me To llrange , t^at Bi toll be ten times aouifcD,beffl;e 3 totU once aomit it. 3let t)0 giue tf)an&es to (£pDD,fo^ otfpelltng t^ mltf of oarbenes anD fgno^ance,tt)atQMerfp2ci)tl)e tooato bnoer ^ntfc^^^tH; but let tsneuer glo;te tljattiJCflrtf aiuenteD a netne faftlj , nettle . telflfieD in tfte fcrtptace*f,Ho; uicntioneD in ante ancient to2l« t0Cfi,no; euer t>earzrof smongS xt);!iiUtans befo;e our time* '3t is no cdrne bat cockle tftat fprmgeth fo lace ilX ttjc lojDCJt fielD^it is no raith,bnt fanfic tijat neaerbefbre toas in ifoun* tation of 0)ii(lB djurc^. 3:|)eampUcttie t^jerfojeof tbe fcrip* turescontinuallp pressing t^ death ano blovd of €W^i as tlje T R V E c A V s E s of our faluation f reoemption ; ano ^ confonancy of all antiquity accojDing tiberc totttj,D0 fo cha- Icnge mp Caitlj,anB eftabiiili my ^art,tbat 31 tuill fee tljis neto teatfeof ^pafnesfufiEereoinQ^e (bale of Ci^^iS, better iuarranteSjbefoje 31 tDl^ it to be beleeueo. - 0no as fej tt» dodrinc of tbc church of England ,. ti^icb Th« a' fitonr iefuc: %iQ , co]?tatncD m t^ feconb tcme of Homi- ^ies; O^aU fJnde Q)at t^ Doctrtnei^itti Hi t)aue ocltuereovon, Ijaflj tl)C publike approbation of Prince atU) Parliamcnt,t!|C con- fent anO agreement of all the BiQiops , anO t|» fubfcription pf all the clergie of this kingdome , tO teC f atjg^t afl trntt) in all t^ ctinr(|)e£; of It}i6 tealme , ano (b |)a{t) Ijao, as l»en in t^e Dales of btng Ed wardc ^ Crt , as aU ©c time of \^t mate* flies mod ^appie cafgnf, tt^atfoetier fome fo^tuati) noutce^ |)aue tolD pou to n)e cotitrarte. ^no f^us mac^ Ift me fpeabe tn tts^ l^ono;; of i^ct matefiie^and ts^xs realate; 31 fee no canfe, U|)p ftie Doctrine of ttiec^urr^ of CnglailD ropIatncUe war- ranted bp t^ Scriptures^ To foRte confcflcd bP all ttje FacherSjC? long continued in C^ziffs church toft^oat contraDtcJion, Co fufficiently authorized, (b generally acknowledged, (^oolD bC0 controlled 03 cone6led, c((^c by tbe Dangerous Deaifes of (bmc late tD^iters, o;!bp (be tnfetleolinmoarii of fome lata teacbers. !^olD tberefo^e in (0oDs name clqfe to tbe rules of . tbe boliegtio0,clore to tbe tDo^Ds of^ cbziffiani cattiolicke if aQjerSjClofe to tbe latoes of \iii:s realme : tbr? all concnc anD conioine togetber , botofoener fomegiDDle fpir its bane latelp buf^eD in pour eacestbat H impugneo ^9^ Doarint of tbecbnrcbofC^nglami. rl^ane DeliaereDpoufbure tfizAzii of €()2iffescroire;^e *utmi^..«.w* merite of bisTufFeringtllicb teas infinite;^ manerof bt< ofChriftes offering, ttblcbtDasUioudie;^ power ofbiS^eath,b:b(fbtoa5 crofseswhich mightiej tbf comfort of btS crofle, tsjtib tuas anftlS nccefsary hVsKrun'al ^ ^ all; tbercrcmatnetb fis^ glorie of bts refurrcaion, tilitctj ^ '"'toa5hcaucnlic,offtblcb3DiDnotpurporctofpeabe,tienBI firilentreDtbismatter; bnt (be ignorance of rome,f magi' nlngBIDcnicDtbearttcleof tbcCraD^, HE cEscmnEo I N T o H E L L(fo} oefcent but on ^ erode t^p abmtt noite) ano JbyCfirifiidefcent thither. 1 137 mils ^'^eale of oft^r^frntui^taning mete &tfclD0i4)at c^^ mlgljt rafelte belaeoe toat^mg Q)at article , |a{^ made me to ctjange mp mint); ano m tbfd \stt part to (^etoe , ^at Bl nei' iberfrnftratettiefafQ), no? alter t^e CrdcDe bp ante tt)tng t^at3affirme,omfafe. ^tjeretoletpoufee tbemaltipU# !:ce arefonre feuerall opinions tliat tabe^oloe enerte one of t^is Article of one Crdeoe, ano clialenge ttje true mtantng hereof a5 fljclr pe- f nltar ano tinooobtcD rlgljt . Sbe f i r s t appltetb it to tbe Foire tpM6% Ibale of C^2ittfoffertng on ttje croflTc ; tt^sBcoNDto^ touching the boDte of €^m burleo ; ^ t h 1 r d to t&c ttate of (lED^tffw crcedc°hc L Ibale fenereD bpoea^ ftom t^e bodie ; tbe l a s t to tbe con^ fcendedinte *' ^ueaano trlnmp^ti^fc^ tbef^omaneronleof oDfelttnbt0 p?etioDSbo&te,o^r(!3t}tcot)B foule, astliep mere V oLVNTARY fojonr trample; anc satis% FACTOR IE fojootflnneisnonot M FD i c i n ab le foj a* tiieinfirmitte of &I0, no? ero fit able to b-itngljtm to pcrfeaton of tjolincffe, ass tbep are tn Ms : fo torre tbf? pro- portior^ed tohis pcrfo% tbat toa0 moft affaccOcf 000? cuec lattingioiK; ano to his gifts, tbat copio cnDorc twjfntuarbDe* creafe ; ano tbeccfoje bee mull in tbis point aiff rfrom all the ^ints of (0OD, tbat encT toere 0; eaer ^aU br on eartb « if 0; tbe? map be tofled toifij t^ waucs of tempratton,ril!ng from fi^ remembrance of Qnne >f. rqixjorfecf COnfcicnCCj bat OUC ^aitionrva^ be Wm fm from alltouch of finnc , fo teas b3 from all frareof beact, tbat bee Ibouio o;: raigbt bee cetectto from (2^000 fauonr^oj aDiuogeD to eaerlgfttng oeatb. Smart, paine ano gticfe of feooieoj nnnoe , \ji^it mast fo great, totU commcnbe bt0 obcofenceajto patfenre; but ttS sen s e of Damnation 0; fcparatton from €5oo,o^ tbe feare oj i^ovBTtbereof inCfeift, a0tbcpqne^cbfattb, ancabo- lt(^ arace, fo ^pofiToluc tbe tmon ano rummuntonof botb U$ natare0 ^ qi eire b<2deDe a falfe perftDafibn,aitD Hnne* fttH temptation in tbe foole of Cbjift. %n tj0 rtjat baju? tu8- nttelte p2ono^eo tbeitidice of (0oD, iti0tbetrueb(|)olDtng t(|iat toee bane ^eferoeo, ifCoDbenotpteafebfo: €WQ(i fabe to pardon atijfojgiuet;3?3nCb;itt,it>at toasperfca- lie riglteotu^ianopecroaalijpio^raiD UilQidl^oo, tti^reconlod by Gtriffisdefcent thither. t^^ tfc )ioapp;(et)cnfion of IjEHpa^at|i Due to ourlinnes, none 3BC 2. Oviicrtoife 1 40 The p6 w:er of fell deftrbieH, otl^rfcDffe ttjrnif^linfclfeljaDbajnc fabtert tttwto j folon^ astoeleane titmccrtaintieano fecuritie of ^tfiotrmefaluatt- on f onri:eDeniptton;tt)at \}is botoils; of mcrcte maiebce maiacD aiiD affea^D fo) one Danger , ano itot fo: ^is eicHc, 3t (5 farrc mo;!e rcKgiouato prefletberouleof Cb;ilgiuitbtio« lentpanges of grlcfeanDfozrouie foi our inqnides aiitjmi- ferics ; tben to toacb t)^m toitb ante feare 03 doubc of Us oion Minoccncieo^rafetie. Charitic ts a fitter Agoniefoj^t'aefontlC OfdPODinour flefl), tfteneitbcrtimiditicoj ftupidicie; antJ pet 3 00 not tbinbc tbf^toije tbc fenfe of tbe Ci:t!eDe,txbcn it fatefl) hee dcfcended into hell ; fo? tftat itUwrc fomrfij^at Grange toerpjeffe ^e tjirtucs of Cb.Jf fffi fufong,bpi|)U de4 fcending (ntO lieH. i Papiftswere anD ieatt tlMJ tnfolent fc£t of Icfuites C^ouloe tafee fdc^ the fitft br(>= pigafure as tbep ooe , tn mifcon0rning ofl)Er mens too;05, Sn that**' a*® blading ^em tnto tijf too^iioe as erroneous anD (mpt* chrift VufFercd 000; let tt»m rcttxcmber , tbat &me of t^ir otone Qoe , ano hciipainesoR, f^oCe not of tb^ RteancQ botb fo; learning ano teligton a« (jRccEofsG, mongff tbem, banc not onelteiuaoetr as farreojj ante otbcc netoc tojftcrs in ftts pofition ^ but foj ougbt fbat B! reaoe, baue gone fartber ; botofceuer tbej^ UjUI Defense It o;ercafe k. Nicholaus Cufanus a Caro inall of t^it cburrb , ano a great aontfec of tlje counccU of BafiU, 50. ^ares befoje Lu- ^T^jchafam de thcr appeareo, firfi bjocbeo fbis affertion , ^ 'Pajjio chnm-^ Ctt/k Exchatio- (auamaior nfillapottft ejje^fmt vt dAtnnatoTum , i^ut magic mumlib.io.tx ^f^„ariMesHemt,fcilicet v s Qv e ad p 6e nam infer- |^/I}IXnalem . The fufangofChrift, (then the which therecan ^mtipfi* cbHilit. be no greater,) was as of the damned , which cannot bee moie" condemned,. EVEN vntothe paines of hell.- « i.iidf». 0ntj agatne . " /Ham pce»a fenfuic ON FORMEM damn a- Ti SIN IN F E R -ao^pAtivoluitin^loriam d?ijyatrisfui, Thaz. paineoffeelingagreeablctothedamnedinhell, Cbrift would- fuffer forthe glory of God his father . Auguftinus luftinianuSj ^at Cct out ^t ^falter tn i^ebjcia tDtfb Cre tranflattons u% oM^raations , t^ Came ^tm , $at Lusher beganne to ,by Chriftsdefccnt thither. 141 OpimcrtOf CufaniiSjanDfattt), ^ Se huiw erndtti^imi vin,^ m matus in fcho- gmnifcientta emi'/^entilfimicfinfonem^fiec ampleCtijnecajpernart'^ ^''" O^afU m Heneiiher cmbraceth nor reiedcth the opinion of that nio(i ^J'*''3o« learned man and excelling in ail kinde ofknowledge. lohannes F^r/^ a Francifcane anspjcac^et dXMogunce^Sibzwi tl)« fame thnc t|)at Caluine Uj^fote^ go€ft fuct^r ttien ante ottjcr tu?l^ ter, ttiat 3 bauc reao. Commenting tipon ttjefc U)o;!tKS of ijcie»do,fedt2o» s e n- 3il E N D O .• fefefHttfatrem vt hominewageretSic (fr Dens fa- y Terut. lib ^n ter^nHrJCKonfatremyfed T T R an n v m a g i t , ijnamuis in- Mauap. a 7,*a IfCrimamiciffimom Christum ^tanimOiJllaChriJiidereU^iopA- *^''* *";^<*»D^'^' n9reiT:confcientiAnofir&obadmiJfupdccata^qHi^.iudiciHmd€i(^ ""'^^ t»jwe« tramAttrnmnexferittir : (fr fie affici'tHir ^ cjHitfi in p^rpetut^m dervhtla^rtieElaafacieT)ei ejfet. That verie howerChrift put off GOD, -not cafting him awJiy , but not feeling bim J he laid afide his father^that he might fliew himfelfe to be a man.So alfo God the father now takcih vnio him the person r)otofafather,butOF a tyrant; though in heart heewere moS louing vnto Chrift,That fotfakingof Chrift is the fcarc of pur cotificience for fione committed, which feelcth the iuofrorem hotrore , desperationem pespera- T ^ tione, 14a Thepower of hell dcftroied, •rio -^^^mcrtem »2, ikfiS& tranfferrcD tnto tjimfclfc d e s p e r a t 1 o n, hf l l, pea,TH E dive XL miD all , attD teas fo affcrteo foj t^ timc,a6tf^e tao felt the f tern all wrath of GOD,fmDtcttreREiECTED FOR E VE R^cotilo ttjofc qosr* rellcr^ijaur gotten tt^e U^eaimantage againfianteof ottc lt};:tters , t^f tDOotD baue flUeO tt;e loo;!lD tott^ tt^ir tragf« caUcrctamattons of heresie, blasphemie, tvr- cisME, paganisme, anDBJhnotocnotti^ats moffecc* fo?e let tftem goe iaio toal^e rt}eir oUmc faces from t^fe fpottes, bcfo^i^t^pDcclatmc (b tiolentlie agapn0onroe< fo2mftte0. .iv. V - ^3nD albeit BB lifee not ttieft fp^fecfjcscff^et {« ff)dr«o:oaw, Charrcicfup. pet 31 cleace ft»f in boUj from ante purpofc of toUfullblafi pofcihthebcft pj^gniie. Sfeep mtgbt be Deccineo in t|)c ftqiiele of ^it adertton , bnt fure ttje^ toere xv^xm. fi) bnaonlfeD , as to ^fienctt^et desperation oj damnation ont|lC foale of Cl)2tff . pcrbappes t^|> tDougbt tjee toas bei liegeD anoaSTaalteo 'm% W^ temptations , mto ^at tije |)amanc by Chriffsdefccnt thither. 145 linmaiw nature of <£^:tll,bcing kft to ft felfr^ccnlt) not p:tt fentlte 1 tatilie llano cl^arc trom t^ DetigeanccDue to cat; Cnncsbut tDltt)fi)mi: conflict arrtfcacejwrdiled from vnder the weighc of out tntqnttics,^D in t^is 6gbt DiD flueat bltsD, ano fpa&eas if bctoecefoirafecniycaFerusfffmctt) to iman ttjat \I3).Jitt DiD tJolantarilic taUe t^ bnttbcn of Defpcra^ tton ,^11; Damnation from tjSjanD laiD it on btmfelfeiagatntJ febom it coulD not pjenaile •, tljat bp tranfferring ttjofe Dan* gcrs from our pcrfcna to bijs , « falf cring ttjcm fo^i Ct>s timp, lia migbt b:eafee tbc m,tinD of iloluc tfjem foj cuer* • Naturall infirmities,tiei£b are ontragiops in t0 bp teafcn of gj^^f^j jj^^j.^^. oar co?mption,Cbnft intgbtfnffer toarife ini^Jin btm.anD tics arc mo™'" tbCCe temper £hem,a£5 Cyrrll } OtbCt ancient fatbCCfi Do tsadj; hainous in but (infull extremities,as derpcrationjConrufionjreic6^ion,dam- Chrift ihca nation, oubt ano dirtruft is farre moje impions in 3ngcl0 , bp reaibn of tbcir excel- lent knowledge anD (irength, ttjcn in mrtT; a«D moft fmpi* 000 iu tbe foule of e condition of their creat(on,from Ix^itb iome fcH; anD confirmation ofgracc^ in SubicbtbereSflantr: but no creature euer t)aDib fafi con- iun5Hon,®lD full communion toitb fbcgOObeaD,a0 tbC fbule of •€b?ilJ.0nDlbcrefoie d vbitation, desperationj T R E p 1 1> A T I o N in ^i0 foule ace rao^e bainons OnneSjtbeii in anp qtber creatnrejfo? fomucb 30 tbep belecue not f truflj, truft not tbc pjomife, reft not frcurcD in tbc v o t c e /ma OATH of (tt^oDjiibifbaHare immutable aiiDimpoaiblc to kc falfe ? ma feare leaft <3o^s gcooneSe ano lone toill lallc^auD in fine Doc Ocp^iue tiim of ^i$ Oinine nature, Cnce 144 "^^^ power ofhelMeftroicJ^ lult^ont vericie,bonicie,anD conftancicf^rc can be noGod.Slf ttjen Cl)?tftsfoale coalD notbetnfcctcstD(^linne,no;Ijaue ante fecietic lt)ttl3 eniti, no not foi m infiant -, nyck Dotibttf anD fearcs of tbe tDicbeD to 0;jtnbe,ano tbe Tight tbcreof aies it t0 moft fearefuIl,ro migbt tt make iim ttemblc^^ong^ be loere nener fo fVde from it; hut mo^etbent^visioN ofdJoDsto^a^, ano commise- ration of mans Danger, if tpee attribute to ttte foule of Cb?iff 5 toe mutt tit^tv grant be toas tempted as toefl with our iniquities, tb?oagb lacfee of grace, as tuitb our infirmi- ties tb?ongb tuant of (trengtb ; o; elfe caS b^ni into a traunce at tbetime of bts pafTion, ns fome toe, toercnfe ^im ftam Cnne . ^q) fi)atin tbt fuIneUe of di^oDs fa. uour,gracc anD fpirite , tbe foule of Cb^itt l^ouloe feele tbc Chrjfts foule flamcs of bell fire -, can ncitber htt p?ooueD , no? Defcnbeb freer from hcl. bp tUsfi toojDe of (Doo. ffibc p?oofe3! leauc fo tb^m ff)at libc thcncithcr tbcpofitiott; tobtcb tf ante man aflftrmej betuere bed bee faints or fnrcof |)is footing. Jtisnofmallarrogancie, mio blaf* *"^^ '• pbemtc to 0t JuDgein (I150DS place, ant to condemne ChrfRs fouleto hell fire , loitbotit a founte ant clearecommiiTiotr, to toarcant tbat affection. )15eGDe0 betl fire' in tbe ^crip- tuce0 being ETERNAiL^b^ ix)W autbontte tsHl tbe^ quencb it at tbcir pleafnrc, ant mafee it tempojarie ? 3nt if Cb^fies Cbule beeing perfonallie iopnct to tbe E^cttie , notttitbftanting migbt feele (be furic of beOflre, tcben d^all tbe &aintsof (l^ot,fbat canneuer bee Co vnitedbnto bis glojiejUo^affured of bis focietiejnoj fo enDucDtottb bis (anaitie, bee firee firom tbe flames of btll ^ 3Cf ^at^nion mit communion lBi)ic^ %iilpat tuitb (^oD, couloe not - . by Chrifts defcent thither. 14^ txclatit ^cfl fi« j fe^at ll^aU l)tnocr bat ^at flje 2lngel« in teauenmate fo; Sjedme ItbetDife fcete ttje flames tticte' ;0f ^ Can ttjcp^auc faftcr coherence , o;j tullct prefcnce of <3oD, ti}m \)tt tD^((^ tDSB (o^neDtoftt) (S^os tn tnttte of pet« Ton :> E|)Cp COn« not Itcere tfte fauour anO grace, know- ledge SM truthjpower f Ibdfaftncs of t^ manboDt of €^.Jltt, tp|)tcti ^ere on eart^ t^ep oio Tcrue ano adore. iBut none of ttKfe filings can be intenDtd in tbe Cceeoe; fo> tbcce ttie ar< ^cleg areplaccD (noRDERanUTiM E,as t^pUjereperfo;» tmd.!anDtt^cro3e(i^enCti?flf tDa0 dead and bveied, l^efliien DESCENDED INTO HELL, •'■, S^e fccenD opinion i)S,tt}at C|)?il!0 Defcent to ben is all one iDi$b(iSbariaU,fo}tbatsHEOL in tbt olDeteffamentDotb mod commonlte, if not conttnuaUie flgnific tbe graue. 515m JJj" YlfT tbi5 is noting to tbe CteeOe, ftbOfC authoridc ano antiquitic faTp^rt-ncnc tftoeereurcence^itisiboneconclatJeD, Qat beBtbete boib and idle. not figniSe ^ gratte. jl^o;: ficO it is abfurDe,tbat tn a fhorc rebearrall of tbe foi^maoefo^ tbe Omplett to conceine, one Article (bonlDe bee twice repeated ; anoafterapiaine ano bnoivne tDO^De, hee was buried tobtcb noman coalD bonbt of; a oarbe ano cnigmaticaU pb?are of fpascb, he des- cended INTO HELL, ti^icb fetoe tnm ota bnDerdanoe^ (^onlD beeaoDeD, rafb^c topbfcaretben toejrpeunD t!^ tai* mcr.Sgaine, he DEscENDED,0gnifle(bavoIuntaric mo- tion, tobcce as tbe booieoeao ba^ neftber will no; mo- T ioN.fi[|)itDii«,H E L L in tbe netD teffament , is fo bnnfaall fb; ^ gcaue^fbat 31 tbinbe no eramplecan be Q^tVocn tbcre* of. Sibongb tberefo;e tbiserpofition cannot be cbargeDtuitb ^lQtie,fo; €i^}i1i toas trnlie barieo , pet map it not bee tn* buceb bp leafiin of tbe idle reperitlon , anb (Grange circumlo- quution^tnbicb tconbletb aid confounoetb tbe bearer;be(ioes ^ imp;op;(etie anD incoberence ot tbe tDo;De,(bat a deadc corps (bOulb defccnd,aitt) fpcciallie vnto hell, S^e ^irD opinion ootb neitbrr tni(!abe tbe t i m e no; tbe PART Wi befcenbeo : foj t^v itferce t^t too^os of tbe ^ z Cceeoe f4^ ^htphw^bihdli&^iijiomd, CrccBe to Clj?(to s.oi'iTf^^^cr djiath, but fi;f^ tijange tbsjtajKErol ttUlnto fl;efinie of t&c bcaDc ; mtb Tl c third opi- ^ £0«f^ff^ ^sit ClijISes foule after fepfirntlon ftomtlic nioncanbard- bODU enOUCeO THE STATE OF T if E. D E AD.- ilO tt)IS a ly auoidi;>a. rmmbet of leatneD mc n mclt«c,bccaufc i^^ hJOtitsaoopDe hitpatrim, ^imbus.pAtrHm', jjiai&tiig bpallmcaneB tiat t^cibules of wouijtcmc tbc^rigbteoug mio<irfoli btfo:^ C^jfflfrs ftiSfermgrciedae oiofi CO ihua be Hcptui a rcgitsu 05 part cf ibeH ; ani) tbencc Dsliucres fap Ijia oelcejit 31 r?c ipdl cnougb Itbat tbfp:iao«lDc-feme .Dfclin'sjitMit fe!);^ iM;»ti»(r famfet eicpjD0tion ttltg faa into tijit rrrout titkb \^^in^t to S« ;> SDQetftff not (titrElte p^ofcc ^ sn5 quite befiocs tbc marhcf -^tt t33 ItisUc ,a littlciitto tt«tr conc;cii£. Cb^'tptrdefcend^ti Vnpbcllj t|)at rg, .13 v^ ei ' ^fgje .tijf ;p. 1)10 fonle aftsif DcallKcpnust f?D amwg tfjp fcnles •md,?iui;c . .: jjf .q^^fj^^^i.^jtie j3^59bcto btnv iButlwbcre-tucre ttic •Kot!)mg bCibpt onittt« dpot^fl ereatorea^ ^tr^fonleiS'O? angeiat^fmi :D3eSi!0t^ t»(i&l>lfic$ , ttog^ tb«g^teaat.repb> mfijibf^fplaees a« bcDtcs to^^ea aibatfoctierlc not circum- ^onbpdtottbiu a plai?C;^jnfii3icei: ^^^ na ci-ea^trcrair .tec. Mje feci U^stticn pfrttlTlgbteoR?; mutt BtittccSltfe tee tn a piace~.:3n0 AxUat caUfsJuttj at .place b't» vout opinion :? . , .^m* f(PtbsC«c«H E rI,%i^(^> €bi.tlJ0.Dd^centt^ mt5a,bdU ajB poK DcaD.SllCrfS: ilblt!c«;^eiitofrc'iiva place- 9110. that place bp pcirti: ccitiSractisn ^4jK vutA'D CAUcfeHeJhCbetr 5atc;rcn to iscalleD ben^butvHHibcit place- totttte Dtftxrcnfc BS.at^ f tjrc potiv 2E^]j?.i6C2!fo3:f^less after, ibis Itfcsis anCiucrablc fa tljeitifate. : Jf {^|r{Iaie:bce bcU ,tt^tc place catiiici* Wee bfi^jJ-l^caaeiijiip; j^araDifc. 03-t5 ti)c a' rccjcptacle i (0 te'ftei'c Teft •! tbetrfftce Oct!) b;tng citber:"ioy;D2 paino, itoliidjis tbeiifilate. ^ott^at tfe oamueo: but i ntuft be bame tott^, if 3 bee not of tbcir minDc. spanie mm fate, ftat t^f pneflcrp:o»c;an?irom£ fj)c2l?c ttjcphnoto not fefeat. 0s both partesof man finneo in t^r tirft tranfgreHton 5 f0 s/;nc too::oevt»5^ft) is common to botb;but.bp tt)t circumUau* '-"j^^^'"'/- ccs»,ee tbiuft dowiie to heli. X48 The power of hell deftroiedj^ (Cb.t^Hoofl) not threaten t^ contemners oft)t«t>octrtne,$in& nip2acle£! tottlj ebc graue, lobid) 10 common to all t^ gooite; battuifb perpetuall deilrudion aiD pnnfl^mcnt |);topo;!tio< nable to tt?c ()etgi)t of Wt p;tDe, toM mnS meoes be befl. Enofomnci) folioUoetb tn platne tuo^oes in tbenertljerfe. e ihid,vtr,i 4. ' 'I' % 'o yoUjit fhall be eafier for them ofthe land of Sodomc in the day of iudgeraent.then for thee. ^H tbe Date of taDge« ment aa oea(^,ro Vm graue ace at an enoe , foj ^ boDtes of fbc tjjicbeo l^all ts^n Une foj cucr^anb ften fljall Capernaura be cad ootunc to beU fo: tbe contempt of C[);tff0 p^eacbtng. ^0 bel i& ^t farthei) place from beauen,tbat can be naimo^ fo ft f0 tbe loweft,anD tberefoje bp tbe lower pit, is mtnt not tbe graue,but belt,ti$!(b in fcttnation is ^r letter tben f ont< •^lob.! I ^^^^ of ^ ^^*^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ buried. "^ Canft thou by fear- ching find out God ;> canft thou find out the perfe6Hon ofthe al- Thc/owfyZplacc mightiePtothc height of heauen what canft thou do/it is deeper sind farthefi then hcll ; how canft thou know it f (1DOD0 perfection i0 higher from heauen ^^ f^^ bmpi:tjre ante li^effe isij?^ pofi- fceni iro'S«*^o/. ^uj[t0 flfgrmc . Cpp CCafon is, tljat' Abrahams bofome ts fa^ eLukci^ jyc ^auioar piacco § ago v e ,"far

w-i) ovVkE'' rxy- she- ot .; 'Saw Icaft luce l^uloc fticsme of a-mffapfjojic^t bmDe d Defccnt 5 tn idic ccbelltDn; of Corah ,Dathan ^ astoi kNumbi 6 /^biratjii; Ifij tqi^tplurc laiCtl); ^ T.H e g r 6 a^^n^d b clau'd a^ funder^that was v n d E^fceir; as li j ^aiid the earth bpKe'tied'hei; ifeoiiithjiiikinwalJiawciithf otvp^with thejrfamiiicv. S aU that'wf scv^tjJrtknTii^DiE s c$i«'d:i d .aliue' intoSheoly aft3 tJbe^c;^nh;exj;wEkE:i)«liiCEM:; aCoShedl i^cftt^ fcrtp^trd^ tijafec^ ifi looall ddithr , la^trt) ic citfitrDf tbeuo!5&tb^(l 0rauc,(faj fo lacohs too^cs ijiufi be fenDerffasD^fehcn !)£ t&Wt I will dcfccode to ^^l^o/Vnto my fpnne ;) c; of tljtfcufO 'SftM tradj/o^s placeijf mmtnX,\Aid)wt^ rctDaroc of alt tDe I Pfal.j?, iDklUD.Tlie ^ vvk^ed (fel^ Daurd) fliill he turned icitQ SMti -. andalnaci<)osthacfot^etGod.Ml!Crc^£DotU«Otmfanc;ttK^ ^wicked wc°rc i^^aU Oie oftodaalbegaolr^tifefctjtslifeelmre aje lot of aUicc in sheol before ttifi « rii5ljtcou»f,tmtttrp.t^aU ^atic tijc ouc fcages of fmnei chriftscom- totfjffcoDp-iJntJfoirtj: Dckcn&ingto Sheot; ftiatts, tlje onrtq "f'lf '^"ir°^ co2rupttoit in t^e carfl), tfyt ot^r touainnation in t)tn» ifo^ ^° ^'' Sheol tontainett) botl) ,'^ ano iti?po:tctt) btittr to tf)e fojgettcra aiiDticfpifcrftof CPQtr; albeit it fatten nofatt^t on f^ gotilVi tbcnto b:tn^rtbttr JboDieeto ^ttjs gtsme , iiSit^ is tbc g^teof fcel.EEechiah rttf ntiDiiiagtnljte plfeiets^^ttB^ Ji)as luitttt) ^^'^ '"Ifaidinthexuttirigoffofmydale^'^i'fl^al goetorhcgatfcsof Sheol, lam depriucdof the refiduf O^rtty yeerte; bnt| tSictoS goto THE DEPTH OF sHEGL.tdiidjijist^ placecf $Bta:la0tttg| .« Proueib, r j pRntl^ment.The way of life(fait^ Salomon) is n hi g H,t6 bini Saloraonfaftt. ""He knowech not yhcr'ghcftsgreirfihc depth opj.o„gjjjg jMeijcntcireclaamgoamnattftn^.. £lnD;S5fltu<»^ sThouifhaJt p Pioucrb.23 fiTiJtethechiidwitlulTcroii;,aRa^iltdd/i>iefiji^ip^ , int tt tpta Iwtc^m to flDr DtenciJi moo fQ Caa(?|ii^6wlett(ji?^ 4eilrncti«w;^iM IjJDfel^o^lD Daiy^fo eften co«tGiT? to <©op t^at iKs^bok^taajft ft teo.£i:&s^xSheol.,!f bp S heoi |;^'e itiE nt tl^ fiateafter oc^fet^foj t^u.££'iit toas^mf ^Ibl^^is fc«]£ fijulo -fceOelmwcO^uWhatnjanjHiethj&^ainftferee^eath? no^prej- qpfai.g^^- tious-iS'thff rcdcprion ©f the rquIc(:fro hesft?) thatit muft ccafe for 'Pial.49* cuer. ano pcttiJmpatmgbinifelf U>({^f|iJe U)if fec^4 Ijis it&tc IrJit^t^fWj'^GfaitlJ.flJkeflVeepc-il^allil}^^^ ^Pfal.4?. fhaj deuoure the,and therigf>teolis rhalfiiaiic-domuiiopiier dio, in the dayrpring; fiiutCpod vvil-deliuef laayibujqj rr9}Titl"^pOrWei: 1ICR0UC0 pieiiDbMti bj^&HC),ai^ tuel^r&olg w.bo^c 3 isycre.^ powerof i'^/rc/, § h)Gi\\itxsceaiizi)im after Deat^^^ooug^ljii ijao^imtS af faUth^. tuew«5ittoii of nature, te?|c pipe ^ a rganiif ntianb cat m ^ gwMs^,t4l.ajc Da?, ptcclCiicWctioi;.- '^ V .^uD-ifarite m*t- ifeinfee] g«P&iti feme fuct; pUiccs, as'j^pf^ ^<:T4ft4;;;, bo- •arC,tO}(K£etp;Qt^ 3 0od wjil deli^^ ai^ Daa0t tnahe t^tfiml^j&l tfj^rl^^^teoufi D£!>^f^f ^ »;jx^ 1^ 1 5* Thcpowcr of hcUdeftroicd, s H E b L after Dcaft . if oj ttjat Dicectltctmpngnetl) ^ Doc* tproucrb.15 ^'^*"^ > 3^ ^*^ of tbc oJDe fEttament , tE^iic^ faifl) the » way of life is on high ; a0 of OUr S>auioar , t:yo placetf) Abrahams ■Lukeitf. bolbme vpvvARD A FAR OFF from ben; tdjcntjefaltli of tt)C r(d) man ; that" being in hell in torments , hee l i f t v p his ciesand faw Abraham A far o ff , and Laz,arHs in his bofome. tuipon fx^f ct) place, S. Augtj(^en leartteDlte ano trtir ^jluoufi tp'ifi ^^^ Jttfercet|>,* A7' e p h e s h , she o L/anO' H A D E s 5 meane fc^olar mate (bon perceiurjbat 31 bnlo ft nd: fomiDeonrfe to fctcb tlje erpIicatitSn of 'tt^mp.fferres of (^iii> ffian religloii , ettbcr from fact) (mpuDent impngncrs of if^ ns toece tbe Rabbines, 02 from fbc^ (gnojant Delnoers of tt,- fljs toere tbe pjopbane poets , fcjbo talheenerie Itbere of bea* aen aitt bell, according to tbe falfe and letDOe perftoanon of ftf (r otDH i)carts.3ntJ tt^rfojc tbf ptnap fpare tbe(r patneff, Qrat p.2omtreb0 To mante tbonfanD Deponehtes bo^Btetelfli ano beatben, tbat Slicol anb Hades bo not^hiSe hell.f t tell • troable t^m mo:c ^n tbe^ fbtnhej to b^fitg tsbut one geoD p;i(Dfe out of tbe fcrlptnrej tbat tbe fbnles of t^t rlgbteons be* fDje ;,.:. -•^'^0 tbatas pet ineebaue not fb^ true meantngof Wc ;!>.;>;?' 1110^0 of ourcree^,be teas crvcifiei> , d e ad, i b y r ie d; - Xl. HE 154 Tbcflbfe of hell deftrdicd HE DESCENDED INTO HEL;lttitf)etDoe(|jaifeof ' ti)e precedent optniondcome tte^re tt)e platne ano ttus eicpa^ How y words ft tjou t^ recsf . JpQj itt tiip tnogcimHf Vot p moft |>aae a fenfe *^^^b^ft X tiOfl^ DIFFERENT (n mattcr»anD CQN SEQjEN T fu ordcf, pounder' • ^^^ ^^ ^^^ lio, btfioic \m Can rlg^tli^ tJitDerUanB gje. j? irH- 1)0 matt b^D p AD-,ti)rnBV3EiiE D iti.boo^.,ftb((ttua£5lammf CATtt) ' laSlte c^ ronle after ittpafifeiteceo bpoeatti fi:am>tbe' boDi^, i?E*c^N>ED INTO HEL'jf tbWtblrbpoint.hedje-.- rceaded into hd! ,mptt nzi^t be A l l e g or I z e Djtsitc^ ttr mattetd of latttj to berte oangeron^; , fo long as fge p^opec^ fenfe containcib a tcntb^no? confovnded with the. poR'^i; MER : fo) & Q]* CiaeD H^al not f^ojtli? touc^ mpttcrtes of reU* gion,but oafcfelp trouble tjs tolflj pti.aafcs of tinrtation,; 0nO: fljerefoje foj m^part, Sitetaine in crpotmoing t^is article, • 3*QlWffSJ-,Di?TiNe;TiiONofmatt; ^^ ^>^ ^°^ ^^ fcriptnre name tb ^ the firft be- - ***• gotten of the dead, toa? inoaoe tijz ficff> tl)^ cttcr rflfefront ,Lby Chrjfts ddfeent tWthir. i Jij fte ifcafie into an fca^y mtD heaucnly life . |f oj t4)m Watt ,beBe oiiearttj isbcfct U)itt)%eefiangerfl,tDifij si nne Da^ Chriftthe firft 'mirttfe,tuiQ>r) E ATfi (^0:tntngtife5Ujttf) H e l to3metit(cto?t0againa dnnCjamoiiafb} but •nen tr ooDcn Doton ^atan tinb«: onr fert. . £)f %itts conqactt agalnft finnc $death,3l'(J)an not n^O The conqueft" to Cap rnncb; tbtngs not impugncD rr quf re leffe patncs to be of chi m ouec l)ftenbeD;btsco!rqucaoucrhei,a5 in btmrelfit^ctoebmofl fiii«c& death. powcfji pnrcbafeb moft honor 'fo from t)s it Deferuetb grea- tcft thanks;a0 b;jtngfng bsgreateftcomfortitbat ^ongb firnic remaine^i oeatb p?enalle agattilt oar boofed , tb^re tig pet no ranfe to feareja^oonbt tbe f^tneOJeanDfaDenelTeofxrnrre^ ttentptton^nc^ tbe llrengtb of W\ tiEtBltoge^r conqai reo e aboHQ^eDfrom tbe faft^fult^fxbtcb bcfo}e toaft tbe tier p fitng of CnnemiDDeatb.'asttlferfoJcChfift was Mciiuercd to death hi^om.<; forouf Hnncs;'4nd i^riien againe fee ouriufMcition 9 (b b^ MERCY REM itTlNG.anO GRACE REfRESSIKG, bCpatefb t^ ifj ^Idrl;/// 1 b;an£t,c0 , aatb D;jtctb tbc rarteof finite , till ttje boDtc of finne ' 'i> -•«- '^^i' amroeatJ turrttng tooaff, ttottbertngm tbe grat»,6e tetta* f '^^- ^'j' ' '*' !??{> agaiw after %til£(craniplc to perpetaalUceleftlalltft "^ ^^^' ^'' ' ^'^ - anp Wide. Snlbmudjibatbp lamenting (innepatt, ano refi-' ^kig anne to coms/m oatlri'tetb tn t0;an& t^ mtoaro matt ^ 55 Th^ p6 w er of hell dcfeoidd, of tbeWxt beixxQ ligl)ttWj5*to xeneptt hv grace 8ol|f Dal* .... Ip moje aKD nio32,b^defirc onD delight of tjeauenlp tftinge^, - iV.'r in- > afpic^to tiieimitation ano participation of (312(0 csrefarwai» 'V' ' " - en. 5Il3efo)ceofQnn«tljfnbeiri8jqa?nct)cD bpCtjjta^s Dur- ing t)ntoannc, anD ^id xifmq agatnc fento ngtjtcoofrtjeflr?, . '" --i rtje potucr of oeatt) ts aboUl^eo.biT tte pardoning aiiO' decrea^ fingof out GnncSitbat being no\2jc ttjc pafTage toglorle fo2 iVi . tcpenter0,li^ctj btfcjetDas the gate to hell fo; att tranrgtr f* fo^s. 3nbisoluncpetfon€Ji:ia%tDet)bis ccnqaf^uurt Dcaft, mt bp Uo^ptng Ijts GeC^ from Deattj, ti^kfj tjr(dnU)€tf» filiefta«6l30W, but bp'ftqing it frotn rotting tlTtb fcpuUt)2fi^, . ant by raifingit agaiae into an immoitaU aiTD glojtou0 Qatti fljai Dsat^ being ftualloiaea t;p bp ^gc potDcr ef- t)i0ltf^, bee mtg^t tabefcomt£^t|)ef6a):eof deat^, b^ileis \)tt$ tmtlimt • Reui£i4 . ano ftiange tbc cnrfeof Dcatt) , mafeing it noUic a ^ reft ftom all labour3 » ix^idj befa^c tuas an cntrancctnto pcrpctuaU P5ine. a^i3tnemie,.bccaurebe oc^ lead barme,(]^all b^^ laft6ci!roieD. eucn atC&cDatcof.tbegcnerall rcfurreafoii; jr'v V «"^ notb£foic:;anQ.feraettinotu rat^r to rcpreflc finncttjcii aVl' i^s ih:> to rcuenge Qntte ; t^ goDlte being bp ocatt) DeUuf reo from ^jwd 15 K t^ie eomrtntting, louing, 02 feing Qnncj EBTO tlje iOlfCDOmi ol C^ojjp^owioitt^ t^at as fiAne brought death into tUe iDOJltJ^lli death ^ulO aboliOvfinne ontof tjebisjloe. ^is i& b?ie6ic tbct)iao^ie> tbatCb^iftobmincuagainBanne ant) 5fat!^,b^ |)isio^ing?)t^ri0ngffont ttieDrao. #tscaiiqt»a otter Ij^Ki asiti3matan ma^ bee nij lo vainch all t»ap DoubteD bp anp oiuinc,tt)atrigbtlp ^anDlertj tbe mpfle* that chrift did wc of our falaation.jn batnc Do toe fpeafee of releafing Hnrw^ forvs,ifhclbc qj defpifing death, if tt» right of beil totJS ,anUpowcrOf ^11 aot coqucred. emgttjsDoefftUremarnc, anDttiercfojctbet>crie grcfunoof ,tlj!« ^^ ii)0:!He of :oyc ceDemption can be petfectttc fettetrd:: afftif rU&at queIIjone:D,anD djat maUttl) ttie i4)ol8 matter ttic nJo;je'^', ". '.^ ^ ■ * iiiaOfuil.tobe DifcuCTcD. ^0 refute cwcriemansfanlre ttjat fpeabeftbeteof, iDcreaninfimtelabcar 5 tofcarctjoat a -^ - .. tiutb 10 tbts cafe,t!)at maic faftlic be reccincD, aho comfoi^ .tabUeeiJib;8ceD , if not mteSmUc t3;g£&, 10 cbe tnmnu of ttntneiiUenttoi?, ano tboulo bre tbcenDeof gourcrpertatiort; ^iuttt) tbis pjoaifo, ftaf no man carpebcrmc bf erigblte con* xclue; no? pronounce before bee tDdl cramtne tbst luljtc^ J3^aU be fpoben; leaft bee cbecbe tbe ^eriptures bcfoie be be iuare, anDCi}ni^emnett)e Ixtjole ^urdj of dE^ob U)itt)out a* ntecaafc. Bin cjrp;ie(rtn0 Ci^(1le$ponquc0 otter t)eU ant ^atan, f ^tnfee belito:,abreraetbeCctb?att)ing8 : \^vhat Ijee DiDThcmethode fento ^atan ano ^is fetngoome 5 wHSNt ; ano ^tt!) °^^^]J^|j"| WHICH PART OF HiMSELFE bee ufD erecote ttts ^^j^j^ iriumptjii vvHiAT MBij)iii>bnto^atan, toeeC^aUlearne, .^.t I'*/ ip feetttg ftbat be fnffcreo at ^atan0 !)a!tcj5« ^aopo2ttona< ^bleto Hi^W ''Mat.ia, ^^" ^ "12" ENTER into attrong mans hbufe, and fpoile hfe Markj. goodSjCxcept he-frrft'R i k d the (irorigman^and then spoils ' hishoufe > €\);ii!t ttjrn ent ered tjpbn ^^tmn^^on^em a CONQVEREF; TIED IfftnaSt^eST'R^aNGER; S POI- ;LE D \fim as tliflcigljt o vvn e r of ttiat,tt^ict) &^tan tjnioff^ lie oeCatneoiiom^irti. ^noaHwrt ft maie not ttt oenteo, bat CfelQ fe?^tlc3 lj?c Ujito on earti), matse Csmt p;oofe, of t)is rigijt ano poioet , to diffolue the workcs., 'm^ Dtfplate ttje fojce of ,^stan,from t|K bobies ano fsaxUsotnttni^U ft f5euiuenttt}attl)e fuU Demonlf ration of ^is tfttojte , ano perfects en of tjiis gloite totre r^feruco to ie time of tjss tz* :,uoH]3mt .1 jrai:t:ectfon3li^en|reb;:abetl)ed)Stnc£i^ Up Cl)?tfi tn[b« (ufTermgtbpaiiieB of ijcUon tt^e-Onthecrofse crii jr^i aiitj to %^t en&e Doe rMtx. ttje anctcnt ant conaant n^'^a Jl- ^''^r* teal»uiig of ttj^ tpj:t,:5Htttng in fieaoe of ev aux^' in hisowne umph,but'he perron^4rfl«;T4r«Mh€;ratpeci:ofle;petfince bot^ fcrtptarcS executed it at anb fatijgri iiitti^ one cojifcnt tot contraota tbat Daum^^rerurrectio gerous ^pcculatioiv^ male not aomtttettas cenfonant, ^($?rvt4tUc-faUb,o^t««* of tbe-^criptureit . if 02 tt)C ioi]o,uieii ^lj(£b Ct#.. 1)3.1^ ouec'^atan anD Ijts iifng* §ijmVrV?aJ3 n'^t bg RES i^ T I ^ ^ J muc3bj^ffeb» s v f f e - RING. tbeaa9t^t^.pf.i|0li.f y^tin itocoitQuectr tbattuttli ijiud) at!OC fawetb btmfelft umM^ Croi?i tbe fuclc of bC« $nc}ntc£(^, but bce-4«it f(#(^f^ and tr^aoetb bts a^nerfa^ ms bn^r btiS f(jete/mb fbmaiHretb (bem, tbatbce map&tO te of tbem at biisttnlijbe is truly calleo a conqutrer. SnD \ wncift|c,^pollle rai'b3<|e;iff s?,pi;L.EnJbiJ potoe iiesjat\5maDC-AN open &HE:vyof ^m, anOxRivM- f H E i^ouer tbct^,it is au^ic^atoent tmcng to man, c9ulbb£Mjnptiio;e^butfaplongffrDggiingU)aiDb^tj]ftlfeo«& of ^alans clatuea. (He m«S confelle an otber binD of can* 5Hje(!,bcfojetbe fetngbomcof vTb^tttcanonerrufe all us it bial^j.atuj lJ«iCl)ttrcbi«ef«qre ftom^fe gates of b^nj .,>, - <;jni 1 5d The powct of hell deftroied, rMat 28. totoit, ffjatP ALL POWER inheauenandearth\v'asg(?if|t iPhilip.z tontOillmjttjatiEVBRiE f(!«JEE tn hesiuen^ rniC earth, aho 'Reuel.i. hell bowed tilltO^imjt^atbehad arid hath the '"KEits tf Dcatt) anO o f h e l l ; and c6uld^ r v l e his encmirt with ^Pfal i. ^ rodde of yron, aiid breake them like a potters vcflcll j fl)af ■ ^'^•^* byhisdeath, hce/ Df STR oieb ^ni,tt)attDastherulerbf death,euen thediucll, 2C[}ij5 COIIflueff <2^2ift purcbafed bp|)f9 paffion,batt)e DID not execute it till ^ic ccfurwctton ; otticr* U)(rc (je coulD not ^auc otea, tf oeatt on tt)iD crolTe l^ao ketife %oagI)lie conquereo. iDUttKre teats IjmnblcDanDcrtnaht* - '^^ teD on 6c croffejeiwn tnto D^atb, ttjat \)t mtgljt after fn ^ti^ refurrcrt(on bee epaltcD , ano replenlf^eD t&ift) all tionouri polijec,anD p?inc(palttte, in beaucn.eartb arte ^M.^^otDbrtt fif tbe time vv H EN bee (rinmpbet) , Wte fl^aU aftcrtoarije fpeabc ; Uje iTotoe obfer ue V V H AT bif ^ 1>!D m fjistrinmp^ dV uer btft aiiD S>atan 5 anb bp tbe fi>oriptnce£f toe finoe ti)at A L I T I E^S, M A D E= A N OPEN s H EvV: Qf tbeni,an& tr ry m'ph'e d-ov-eH' f'niM IN HIS OVVNE PE'RSON. '■■'• ' ' " anb leaft 3 be tboagbt to p?ctcif»b an ancfentfato tWojmd reaotng of Paulestoojoesmtbts place tDtcbont idffpjtDfe^ let tjs fee tobat ancient fatber^ {jaue foUotoO tbe fame; Ebe Siiiacke tranflation of tbenctoe CeClamcnt , tubjcb lfi| «>Coiorz. of no fmall antiquiti(?,waDetb "in s e m e t i p s o.in' h i ^ The fathers cvvne P e R $ ^;?(^ 31 bOe. ^-DoOrigert , m i.fiHola'ei^^ B rfon and^" MoitomacheOs hdref^4-.Q\Y(y\cM3tait oh ftc croffc , ano euen there oiiermaf* ttreDt)t0p0U)cr,yctrt)atil!^:(ftl)aDnofurt!jcr 03 gceatertrO nmplj otter bell aiiD S)atati,(!)f n bpD?(ngon ftjc croffelti tljc Cgljtof mcn,t)o{t) ijttcrlte aboUl^'t^ glo^ieof ^tjs i:efut:cec» tton,anD contraDidctt) tlje ti^olc coarfe of ffte kti^tuxtn. 115p ^ts foffcc(ng anD cptttg on tfje croffe ; t)ce deferued ano pur- chafed ttje c?a!tatio"u,anD triampl; t^jtrf) b^ j^aoaftertoaro^, i^cn fje rofe from t^e DcaOjcUio euen bcfoje Ijc Dteo, be toas faOtC affaceDjtbat neither his foulc fhould be Icftin hellj nor his flelL fee coiruption ,hat t!)at (0oD tooulD ratfc f^im aga(n,fmD giUchim all power in hcauen and earth j and make all knees in hcauen,earthjandhelltobowvntohim, anO place blm at Ijt^ rlgbt traio in tbe fajigbtneffeof efecnall glojie.St map tbcre* ^a?o was a fir fojebeconfeETeDf belcieueD, tbat Cl)?ttt otiertb^etoSjatan more gionous ontl)ecroffe; ans fo triumphedin fpirit againft 6tm, 03 baD triumph ouec afpirltaatt triumph oucrbim, aaDauidfojetolDe,to]^en be satan,ihcnhis faiD in tbC perfon of Cb:itt ; Mine heart was glad , and my P^'"^'^ '*^*' tongue ioyfuU^yeamy flefh (hall reft in hope ; bot tbat t^ glorieof bis refurrertion lin not farreejcceH tbe Hiame of bis patlton , asib tbat bt^ tifing IVom tbe oeabe tuas no mo:e tf cto^itons ano trinmpbant, tben bts peeloing blm* felfe bntoDeatb, is Dicectlte repugnant to ti)t trnt^ 6f ^ fcripttircs. Though he werc^c rvcified throvgh rst ^ ^ firmitie, yctnucthhe(raitbPaul)throughTH'E po vvER * ' ^' of God. §>o tbat to ^ic y euen inCbnff, teas infirmitic, tbougb tolnntart^ ; to Hue agatn^ as i^tt Ituetb in tbe ^igbt of celeaiaU glo:>tc,lDas a cleare oemonfiratton of tbe poU)erof€5oUin]^(m.yHewasdccIarcdtobethe fonofGod, yRoir.i. Y I in t 1 66 The power of hell dcdroicd, in power by the refurre6lioa from the dead. 3«romucfe (fjat ;»i,Cor.i^ tf Ct)?(ff UaD DteD, aiiD not rifsn againc , Ijiti cmqntQ ^ao not bttWt tDOK^ tte fpcafeing of , ^ If Chrif} bee not raU fed, your faith is in vaine, fatttj Paule;andyearcyet in your finnes. Cl);:itte0 Deatijtljcn iu{tl)out b^grefnrrection ^ao bkxit n fall conquc(! of^atan met Cl).:i(!, aiiD all t^ta meinbcru* E^at tD^ldj Paule fapetb , is true , as tocU j^lbidevu jj^ <012(3 aS tn t3S ; * It is fowen in diflionour , it is raifed in glorie; it is fowen in vveakeness Ejit is raifed in power. ^ ^mtt djen in x\^ Dsatlj mxs crotle of Ct)2ift tbe tjolie gljoff «H^b la* J'OteS) "^ rcproachj ' fhame and weakenefle ; tDfC CO foulie " * ■'*' eric, tf luce afcribe no greater , no? otbcc tnnmpti to Cb2lfl ouer Deatt ano bell , then \M crofTe ano paffton^ ^Lukc 24. '^ Thefe things Chrift was to fuffer, and (fo j to enter into his glorie 5 bnt toe mnSmafee as great Dl^cience bctdJirt tits Dptng , anDljtsriOngagatne, astDeetuoulsebtttotrt^ta weakencffe anD|)tj3 power; btSconfli6t,anDbiSconquc(i;^t3 dcprcfiion, ano ^ts exaltation ; ^ts fuffer tng in rep^oc^ , ano \i$ ratgnUig in glo;te. if 0? tftc be Iter cnittence tilereof , pon l^all fee ^ boHc fcrlptnres at large erp;jeffe ttjc tjcrfc fame parfs,ant) tlje tje^ ;«Phiu; |.ig fajug time,^t(b 3 obfcrueu bnto yon . ^ Chrifl humbled The caufe and himfclfc,and became obedient vnto the death , cuen the death time of chrifts of the crofle. Wherefore God alfo highly exalted iriumpb, him,and gauc him a name aboue euery name, that at the name of lefus euery knee shovld bo vv,of things in h e a y en IN EARTHjAND BENEATH THE EARTH, tj^ntertbC eartb are no rea&nable creatures tobneele to db^tl^s per^ fonanufccpter, bBtttjeDamncDfptrttsanD foales tn bn, crcept toe tafee boloe of i^urgatojie, 05 Limbus patrum; Qje elect in i^eauen DoetoiUinglle ferue bim ^ fne^ ai^ It won eartt), boe enbare btsfu0iceo;lcuebi0 merm,- tbe fp^rtts beneatt) boefiniie bis ttutlj ,a!ia feele bts [^am) 5 flje moll BDuerfe sc^notoledge W name,mu) feare bis fo^ee. 2|)id exaltation of C^;i(l tO raigne oucr heaucn , earth arid, hell, sam$ by Chrifts defcent thither. 16^ CSHW after W Dcatli,as being Qjc retoarDf ami effect of big obcBirnce tJiito Dcat^. ^ol^fftj tbe apoflfle. He humbled himfcire,and became obedient to the death, euenthe death of the Crofle. W h e R e f o r e (o: foj tubtct) canfc).God high- he exalted him, that in the name of lefus all knees in hea- uen, earth and hell (hould bovve. I^en on tt^e croffe,OJ afOJC |jt5Cea?^ tlje time tuas not pet comc^tf^t€\}0 C^onJo be tJ)n0£j:al(e&;but t\}£vz rather toas tije time znto place of t)ts |jumU(ation;anDtEbenberofGa0a(ne, ^all power in heaucn ^ and earth was giuen vnto him. S I was dead (Tatt^ l)eebtni' g^cuel x felfe) and behold I am aliue for euermoic ; antJ Ihavethe KEl£S OF HELL AND OF D E ATH;tbat!S EU potOet OUeC ijeat!) anB bcH , to^ fliut and no man may open ; to open , and Rc'^cl.j. no man may fhut. JEb^ |3^0pl3Ct Efay potnteCb tc tlje Mttit fame CAVSE anOTiME of Cb?18es exaltation. ^ ^^' ivc < c A V s E he hath powred out his foule vnto death J t h e R e- *'' ' 3' FORE will I giue him his portion with the great , and hee (hall diuide the fpoiles with the mightie. IFforthat c A V s E ; then after that time, Cbi^ift DiUltJf D d^e fpoples of t^ migbttc ; 0? (as t^ Sipoftlc fpcabctb) bee fpoyled powers and printipalities . 0nD noting ejaalie ^ time of CfciOcs trlumpb, tljc 0poaie fait^ ocvccCxg eic Vr^og , ascending on high , he led capti- VITIE captive. This that hee alcended , what mea- ^ , - nethit, but that hcc firrt defcendcd into tlie lower' partes ^ ' of the earth ? C^:iS titD not leabe captimtie captiue, tobcn bfe DffcenoeD into t^ lotec partes of tbe eart!?, bat tcben hcc afccnsetj from ttjcnce . Tye Winds t^n iDbicfj btlt)c ts in captiuttte , toere t^mfelues tcaoc , captifie , to^en Cb^ift afcenbcD tVom (be lotner partes of tbe ear$ ; ano tben loere poluers ano p;ifnc(palitie$ SPOILED 5 and opcnlic shewed , Cb?i0 trivm- p H I NG o VE R THEM, not on ^ CroflTe at ibe time of bfe pairton ; but i n his ovvne r e rson, at t^e time ef ^is: rerarredlon ano afccuOon. * 1^4 ^^^ power of hell deftroied^ an effort of fljtfi trtumpb Is fljt£!,t?)at an ^ngell toaif fcnf ( iiis conqucC oucc fljcm fo ralct!) ano reSrainett) tt^m t^at tljep can not Qirrc but bv Ijts Icaue ane appoint* ment^ano ttus f^all be bolD tbcm capttne ,ttU bee Deliner tbe Ijingoome to CI5oD Ijls fatber, anD tbjoagblp trean botb Deatt) ano S>atan bnDec our feete . Cbis bortrme 3 truS main* tainetb no fnperftftton, but founb ano true rclt9(cn,a0 kiell toncbtng tbc partes, as tbe time of Cb.^iif s conque(t anb txU umpb ouer Deatb anD bell. 3it reCelb nolo to rearcfjtibat part of CbJiS bab ftiis ttU umpb ouer bell ; foj fo mu^ as Cb?ift conOaeb of tUio na^ Chrifts man' tures,biutne,anD Ijomane;? bis manbcot! bp Deatb toas tbeti um h'^nd not ^^^^^^^ ^"^^ ttuoplsces, tbcboDte king feparatefrom tbc hiTGodhea"cL' foule,a!iDlj?(ngtn tljcDuBof tbseartb, bnt tuit!!ontcojrup« tion, J^no firff,Uje muff not refcrre ^is triumpb to bts tU nine nature jbp reafon it tuas no maifterie fo5 goD to conquer »Gcn.5. bisbaffan. S^e "^fcedc of tbe iuoman muO: bruize tbe fer« pents heade,anD net ^ ntafeer of beauen anD earii) tottb W almigbtif poitjctrimaicffte^ 513efiDes tin gcDbcaD of C!}:fll coulDC neitber trnlp de s c en d , no? a s cend ; as be* fngcueruUberepjefent^no^beEXALTED as brtngeqnall toJtb tbe l;igbe9,no? receive gift,3s bautng all fulnes in ttr but t\)at nature tti'icb leD captiuitp faptiite,DiD firff descend' ixift B lo&wc parts of tbc cart^,i after ascendeci toaSEXAL* TED by Chrifts defcent thither, i(jj TED,am) RECE AVED ft)t0 potucr mtt) boticur as a g i f t from iremnsMh.^ . ejfet inimtcus , If a man had nocoucrcome the enemy ofmanj <^'«/.io„ the enemie had not lawfully beene oucrcomc, ^|icf) p;o» portion of fuffice tfje apoaiet3?gefl),tt!;jenf)e raitt);as ° by a "'-CorinUi.ij man came death, foby a man came the refurrcd^ion of the dead. §>ince tt)en tt)e ijnmane nature of C^^fd bp condition migbt, ano bp Defect matt bee eralteD aboue all creatures; aito bp gjs rule of iuttice baD t^e conquefl of fatan ano %\& And in his mas bingDome; it is no tjaroe matter to Dtfcerne, tt^icijpart of hc»dthc(ouie, Clj?ittfif man^ojD mutt oucri^zoto Deaf!?, anD m^ mutt tri. " hkMa^v°d'% wmp^ ouer tjcll. COeboDieof man,ti^ilest|jcfirtt&ea(|)la«incarth. fiet6, is not Due to bells \^ mutt lie DeaD anti fenfelede in (be cartb; anD fo can neitlier liue, no? feele (t>e paines of ^efl. CbJittes booie ttjen lpin§ in t^ graue toiftont s e n s e, m o- TioN, OR life, coHlDbauenoconqucttcaerbtfl; ouer tieaO) it baD3being p^eferueD in tbe graue liui^out all co^rnp^ tion; anD raifeD from tlje DeaDe toableifeD anDimmo:taU ttate U}i^out all imperfection.-^uer bcl ii ^ao none,bccaufe t^at pact of %itt ixbicb Dio conqncre bel, mutt baue as tueR MOTION TO DESCEND ftjitber, siio POWER TO RE- PRESS E ftjcre tfjecagc of fatasasalfij L I FE AND SENSE TO SPOIL E potuers anD principalities , ano bu leaDing ^em captiue to mafee an open fljetoc of ftjem^from at bfeicft, tbe firtt Deatt)^ept f^ faoDte of C$:itt ; till tbe txm t^at tiis foule afccnDing Sxsx^ ixi\xm^\^ from l)eli, toobe \i\& boDp from Deat^ , miD fo maDe a perfect conquett oner bell ano oeatt), not onli^ foj |iis otone per&n, to u^cme ail power wasgiuen ^ 3. in plloaj,i4 ,iMatihj[€i* of tjcB is Dcftroteo , emo &atan celf raineD, nnD tt)E fatftlfuU freed from all fcare, f alTnrcD t^at ^5 the gates ofhelflial not preuailc again ft them, ^nt5ft5tStB tfjat ttCtOJte, trbtc^ (H^OD tt);eatPncD to ocat^ ano belt bp btis; pioptict ^ fac- ing: '' I W'illredeemcthemfrom THE power of hel; I will deliuer them frdm death. O death I will be thy death : O HEL I YviL BE THY D E STRv c T lo Njrepentanccishid from mine eyes, §>o agreeable is ffiis noitrhtc to fijg ^lidim fM,% fo rem' fo^table to all cije goDli^, t^at ftja iDonlD vtMz tt,cvccpt fac^ a$ are ijuafpifl^lte tPeooeD to tbrtr otone fannc0 s ^^ ^^ ^^Sl)t ' appcarc tiberc ttiistBto^itteninftje fcnptnrcs. Cbetttjtcft tjcfire of r?Ugtou0 mtnocs, tiljilcs 31 labo? to fattfficj juniS fojtoarnc t|;eni,boiD ea&e tt is fo; cotenttona fpirtts to ttai* trate tbe ftrengi of all tfjat (I5oD faltt), (f t^ep uta^ be fnffe« teD tDi^Htnerfe fignf Stations, ifigBradue tnterp:rtattoti£;, to ilmc txben (bep Itll,tbe \BQiM of cbe boUe gb^H^j t DtcUne tbslttcraUf proper fenfe of tbeDtmneo;!aclesat tbetrplca< Ctires.I^id rale tbecefo;c muQ be b^Ios tb;ongbont tbe fcrip« !ure0,^ m mpllerics of rcUgton,toe Dtuert not from ^ na- tiue I proper Cgntfications Of ^c too2De0,bat idjcn tbf Icttcc tinpagnetb tbe grounO0 of cb^ltt^an faith i charity.£Dtbf rtoiCe Voe (^al Icaue notbtng found $ fare tn tbe 1do?d of 0oD^if U)e map auold al tbtngs bp 6gur es.tbat pleafe not our bnmo:^. ^ To this leiTon J (faltb Auften) whereby wee take hcedenot to interpret a fieuratiue fpeach, asif it were proper rwcmuft •*' ^ adde an other, that wee ttke not a proper fpeach, as int were figuratiue . Firft then wcmiift fliewc the meanc , ho w to finde out whether the fpeach bee figuratiue or proper • 3nb tt)t0id G}£ tuap to Difcerne tbf Ml; * vt quk^mdm fhrmimediumo , w- que admorum honeitatem, neqtie adfideiveritatemfrofrie refers ripetefl^fgHratHm efc ccgnofcas ; (hat whaifoeuer in the diuinc fcripturc doSiri. chrifiia *2hi((sm^ by Chrifls defcent thither. 1 6^ fcripturc CANNOT PROPERLY be referred to the honcftic ofmanerSjOr to the verity of faith.thou maiftbefureit is f ig v- R A T I V E. S>o long tljen as t^c proper fcnfeof t^ fcrtptarca map ^sm tu^tli ttjc ^nalogp of £a(tt?,anD otrcdlon of cfeadtp; tD£ offer Violence to flje iDo^tj of (S^oD 3 tf fcwe U)?e(! it to a 8- •guratiiic tmocrdmtcmg. ifrotti ttifi talc, (tititd) mud be obftrnen fl}joug^oaf (be boDp of tlje fcrfpt«re,) (flue Do not ral^lp fliDc ; U is no barDe matter to (bcto is^f re %f Ses o? fccnt to beU ts erpjeflie cc* tojOcD in tbe fcriptnres. 23jc iuojcfi are tocU fenolDn3 % often nilcageOjtf men toere not DlfpofcD to peruert, 03 eluoc tbem tuftbtbetrentgmat{caII|aUego;icaUcon(!raction0."Thou WILT NOT FORSAKE My SOVLE IN HE LL, HOr fufFct thine !^^^^ * holy one to feecorruptio.^f CI??tll0 fOttlC (n b^l UJete affitteD The words are tDlib tbe glo?toos poteer ano pjefence of CDodj crgoCb^tfics piainc enough foule WAS tn bel.^nD there it coalo not bCjtDltboatDEscEN- ifwc wreft th^ riNG THiTHER.35}e Defcent ttien of Cb?itte0 Tonle into bell, "°ipJJ^ifc t^en a U)a35 feucteu from tfje htidis^xQ apparantip Untneflfeo In tbe fcrfptureSjbotofijeucr {}^t Diucrs conceits of men doc ' tiuerflp erpouno It-Co tafee tbe sovle foj fl^t carcas; t hel fo; tbe GRAVE ,(30 fottie bo)(f it be not a \x>itiit\i ecpoOtion,^ am ftirc it isnot tbe proper inf erpjctation ef tbe toojDS; anis tbcrefojctnmpJIcries of faitbbpnomcancs to beatimitteix 2Eo kt tbe fonle retaine ber true Hgnification , ma bp bell to meanc parabife(tibere oQjtrs Defeno ^t fonle of %ill toas al ^t time,tbat \^\ss bossie lap in tbe graiie ;) tf it be not a mlf* conttract(cn,it is no literall evpoStion of tbe place, anD in mp iobgcment a tierie ttrangefeino of ftgnre it f0,to crpjcffc lc , t!)f re canbre no 'pfaU c;. his fltfh '^shal lie dovvn(oj talic reff in t!;? tabei'tto* ClC sf ttS Sraue) IN hope that God wil not for- sake his sovLE IN HEL-, SHD ttt t^jtstiopc «SU*inot«0: G}is affittance toas ttcrfojc g(ucn ^im after ocalt) . II)at i)(0 foule mufl bt tabenp:opetlte fo: tt)at part, iit^ic^ after Deat^ Thefouicmuft'^^^ t^potueranDp^cfcnceof (0OD Hotfojrahtngbtm, as not be taken" ^^ ^^ feparatioH of ttje bo5ie , as fruitton cf (^cD0 affif- tor the bodic, taiice DO platnelie pjouc, I^Hbileis Uic If ue, tl;e boDte oj foule though man maprrg^tHe (ttipo^t tl|S fit^ole man ; bnC after oeaffjitis * foj tbe foule : yea in men tjcre lining , Usee mu0. Cahe ^deDe $at in matters of Doarine lue miftaUe not tt)e one fo; ttie 0^ tbcr ♦ 3In matters of fact , to note •\)t perfon bp eitbcc part, can be no Danger J but tntbcirattribntesanD properties, to , * confounoetijem, is toleauenotbingcertatnein cb.2iftian yTertulIian, <^|:elfgion.Tcrtullianfaift|trulp. y CerteperfierfiffmH^vtc^rnem *f<>'^^"^'^f^s^^*^>^*>^telligamHS'^^ammamjtgNipCiWtes^ came interpretemur, Ommapericlitabftntur aliteraccipi ^ quamfnttt*^ (^ amtttere quodfunt^ dam aliter Accipmnttir : Jlaliter , (juam funt , cognontinantHr. Fides nominumfalm cftproprietatum. It is moft pertierfc, that the flefh being namt d, wee (hould vndcr- ftandethe foulejOr the foule being fignificd, vsce fhould inter- pret it for the fledi. All thinges fhall be in danger to bee other- wife taken then tlicy arc, and to loofc that they are, whiles they are miftaken, if wee call them by othernames then their ownc. The diftinilion oftheirnames is the preferuation of their pro- perties . SnD pet in ^fe toojos ^ cafe is clderer, if o;j bccre are botl) partes erp^elTeD anD DiCingnt(|eD as ioeR bp Wt NAtVRES,anD pLACESjSsbptl^lrNAMEs.CDijrittsfbule Inas not forfaken in hell, bnt enfopeD tbe glo^ions affiff ance of (lI5oo, enen tbere,ti$ere C^oo fo^faUet^ aH o^rs:%fffe0 flefh IptngOeatitDi(l)catfenfe in ti)e graue, toas Qiete pre-- » Aftc J.i , fcrucd from all conupiion. jf o? Daujd. faitt) Peter,* ipakc of Chrifts by Chriftsdcrcent thither. 169 Chrifis rcfurrc6^ion,that his s o v l e was not forfaken, (q2 left) in helj nor his f l e s h Taw corruption . ^ Qi4um Mttidtt fpecies^ cnrnem&ammam^d}ioofie»dit,M^TQauW\2in, When (tlje '^^'"'^f^^'* fcr tptnC5) deuidcth the kindes, as the foulc and the flefh^ it no- ^^^"J ^'^ ** t^thtw©?u!oncdfttietoo3lDc, jfo? neit^ec of t^feluaseuerac* the words muit wmpltRjeo in anie,bat in i^iiHt . Cfjen as no flcft) in ftie be properly fe{JUlcb;e toa^ eiier free from corruption, bPt onlte Cb'riff^j "'^*"' fe4to fonle tnljellteas- caci:fappo;teDanDaffil!eDbP(0oo, anSnot forfaken, but oncly Chriftes. $t bv i}t{\,JXXC^n* fietllanb Paradife; it iuas no pjfulleoge to be tijecc not fo;fa» feen^bnt ratbtr a cbiloiffj abfnrtittte to tt)!nbe fbat anp foule migbt tOc re be foifahcnj aiio fo no canfc fo? €Wit (b Wrong- ly to hope , ghfi fogreatly to rcibice /tbatHis sovle (l)dnlO notbccfo^fafecn, lil)cre it luast'mpotliblejtijat ante (oale (^ottlo be fojfafeen .- bnt tbistsratber a full grounoc of ex* caDing tote , if ttbere all foulies toerc foifaben of 0oD , as tn bell tbep arc', tbere Cb;iffes ibalc (boniD not be fojfahcn, ijut aCTiffeD toiib tbe migbt atti) maieff ie of C!?09 , to bjcafee tbe fojce, atio treati fbe potner of bell bnoer bis f®t- ^no t3^i$ pjocntrt) cathiscss ahcr the firft or the fccond "'Accej.i The word yfhich S.Lulif (Cxprelseth Da »Mf.i meaning 1^0 The power of hell deftroied, tcfnrrectiottjtticn $at mitS^tt nta^ covin niMut U^ boMe into caff, no;: ^cU p^tm\t agatnfl I;ls foale. and tl^is Bl tat^e to be S. Pecers ceafoii fajjen bee faitb to tbc Sfetocs : ^ lefus of Nazareth haue ye taken by the handcs of the vvicked.& crucifi- ed ,and flaine ; whom God raifed againe , breaking the soRRovvEs OF DEATH, in as much as it vvas IMPOSSIBLE he ihould 3E HELD THEROF, (IDOO 111300 tUaj? fOJ (Hjjlfl ttj rffeagaHncbp BREAKING the sorrowes of death bcfoje l)ini, $at tbep C^outd notbtnoer ^im, CW^ts boots IjPing 5caD in tbe grau0,f lacbtngfenfe coolobaue no &;roto. 3ii paraDife a place of cell $ iote, if bis foule toere tljccc , mud;^ kffe map lije imagine anp fojroto. §>ince tb«n tljc fcpa!cb<50 ^atb no s e N s E tibcce (3^;t!l5 flcf^ lap; i paraoife batb n o SORROWjttjCSORROVVES OF D E A T H IHalf nCEDCB bC wferceD to the paincs of heljljbicb ^tvt all IcdCco ant) DlffcIucO' befojc bntbnlteo ^to (0OD, laioeo bp G)t mtgbtp bant> of (ID>oo, to trrao t^pon al tbc potoer of p aouerfarp,* in bis oton perfon to tciumpl^ flper §>atan, nno al thf. ttrcngtb of tbe bingoom of oarbncs, Jlafllp botofoener fome p;efumers on their i^eb^etomap t»?angle UJitb the tiwjo Sheol in Dauids fpcarb , thou wilt not /orfakemy fouIc in hcl : pet tlS6 tUO^Oe a'cAHC, bp ilbicbS. Luke erp^ciTet^ Dauids mcaning^OQtb p^i^erlp impoattn $e net» by Chrifts defcent thither. 17 x feflfamcnt tUe place of tt)C BamrttD.33 tCtnit poets f Pagans t)/ a oth alwaicf fiiigttjat toojD after i^fcpjoptianeimagtnatlonjtot^allea noichei in the ger5;tii tiftat fcnfe t^ an(02 erp;efftng tt, ma bctb tbc rl(b man moCfrnfp to fate •, J i am tormen- ubidim.'HrtH TED IN THIS flame; S.Ichn tn btS Reudation noting tbCCO* tcrencc of Dcatb ^«d beH in tbc ocftraaion of tbe toicfeeb, (^aitb.^ Behold, a palehorfcjand his name^that fate thereon was 'RcudX cleath,& (acAKc)HEL followed after HiM5and power was giuenTHEM oner the fourth part ofy earth.2fterOcafb follotO' t^ none otbec Deatb,bat h e L.ttbtcbis the fecond death,anb )J SB \tzQin\m^ after tbe Dca^ of ^ boDp; fo is it Dt0ingnt« ^eb from tbe Deatb of tbc bobie,bccaafe it feiUe© tbc fonle fo> c«er;snD tbat S lohn callctbaiA^ic. ^t Dotb fte lifee in tbe 20. ^ap. of tbe fame bdahe. The ' Tea (faitb be) gaue vp her dead, iRcucIac»o which werein her,& death &(4'(9W.TSad\»)&of hcI,ljC DOtb not onlie «>RcueI.r mean tbe granes of beaD bobteis arc fabicctcD to bf potoer, bat tbe place mto patncs of oamncD Ibnlcs arc UbctDife at ijiSbifpofition. JSnO ilben Paulefaitb^O death, where is thy "i,Corimh,ij' fting^«cA.Hj 6 hcl where is thy vi(ftory?be fcacbctb tJS tbat <]I;oO hathgiuen vs the viflory oucr death and hel, through our Lord lefusChriB * E^at t)iao?ie Cb^fH coolo not mabe Z 2. W The church from the be- ginning hath confcfscd Chriflsdc- rccntiohcll. *Eiifeh. eccLft- >iahn,xl 17a The pow cr of hell deftroied, t30 pactafeerd cf , ercept W [jaD fiitt trltimptseDouertferm bot& til i)ts otone peifon. Sno tbat tjictojfc Cl5;jiff DtD fojefcc aaiD fojeftjeit), ubeii be faid to CiJoo , thou wilt not forfake my rouIe(ii5 4'ci\«)mhelU (c;jleaucitto{^epoUicr of t)£n,)bu{ aOlttt me there , Slt5 biing me thence toitt) fafetic anD vi6lory. 3If mp collectionjt Wte not all9^Jw:D bp ttre fcripuires ; tue gcnecaU fatttj ano confetlion of all t^ fat^rs in all agejs ano coimtrses, fince tlje firfi foonDation of ci)?l5s d)arcl)>^oulD mouemen t^at are moD£tt,nDt |iafic!(c Co Scape from iht D' niaerfallconrcnt of alplacfs^ano perfons grounDing t^m< felaea on ilje manifcft toojDs of Uje facreo fcrlptui'es . Eo quote ttjem all , toece to incceafe mioSjEr tjolnnif ,- 3 toill t^8refojecmUentmvfcifetoitt)(^ciDtngpcn, Ijclo foonert began , ano JiolDC long if conttnuco \x\ tW rtjiirct) of CtiJiff, to be ceceauco aiiD belasucD as a matter of faltb . 7 haddscus one of tlje 70. oifc^ples , mcnttoneD in ^)c tentijof Luke, taagljt ttje citi^ns of Edc{Ia,lDttt)m ten pcarcg after s of f^e citie of Edcila.rcmainmg at fipat terte time ti^en tl)i£irepo;tluaBmaDe; 0; to mtftrua ttje crcDite of Eufebiusjas if ije Ijao (mpuDcntlte fo:gct5 t^jt olDe monuments of t^at citie , ttbere be migtit fo eafilte bee le* p:CDtteO. i^iS \D02D5 are. 1 Hahes hamm rerum teHimoninfft fcriptis comfreheKfum^ (^ ex CjrammatophyUcio vrhtu EdeflJe '^l^ufibJhiL tunc regiidefHmftum.Nam ini^iisptSlteis chArtii,qHA resprif' CAi continent^isla adhunevfj^diem ex eo tempore feruata repe- rimtur. Nihil anternhnpedit, c^m minus liter-^ipjaSyC^Udtnobis ex Archhiis defimptdt, (f^e Sy, ormiltngna hU verbis tranjlatx, ^unt^AHdUmHs. Thou had the tcllimonie of thefc thingcs coits- prifed in writing, and taken outof ihechambcrof Ede([a , that then was a princely Citie.For vn the publike rccordes, ofthings auncicntly part, thus much is there extant to this v e r i i D A Y.prcferued from the time wherein thcfe things were done« And 1 thiiike itbeft to fet downe the letters , which I my felfe COPIED out of the Authentick records , and t r an sla- ted from the Syrian tongue in thefs wordcs. f^oU) t[)€ repOJt of als);:itcr,^ is notcanonicaljl^onloljaue moje creDtte the it tl)i3l)a|t)J fenob) not.2l)ercco;!D6 lucre aundent anc pub- lique,anD ttjcn extant tofactictocD bp cucrieman , tofjcn Eufebius D(0 txcmpMc t^m . gf tore DiffrcDitc all mu tiquitie ano teflimonte iuljift toec fa net toi^ oar cVune $i£S : luce muft lojfee to receitie nje Uht txtearce from cur polf critic . Ignatius tljat liucDtaltt), anD after ttjc Spofilc0, in bis Cptnie to tbe (H^urcb of Trallis, confe f* '^««'«'^^ feti) ttje fame article, almoU tit the fame tuojDs.nsa mT^K' T/w/w;jw,.. 6tv tiQaMv pJvog . Chrift defcended into Hell alone , and returned (oj rofcagaine) with a greate number, and brake downe the rampiere that had ftoodc from- the beginning;,' And ouerthrewe the mid-wall thereof . Athanafius- pjffcnt' at tUe great councell of Nice as a Cleargte man,»JjOug& itot tijcn a Bi^op , in W (^o^f recaol^alationof tbe €nr Sjollfee tait^i autJ^tlj ftiig Article , as ncceflfatie^to be be#- t'^J/^, ^The power of hell deftroied, lauCDof an €\);iQim9, ^ Taffptseflprofalute mjlra.defcendit » Jthanur in ^^ i>'feros^ tertU die rcfurrexit a wort nut :h3mt Aiiften Cotfj fo p^effe it^t^BX t)f e p2onoan* r ua '« ^^^^^^"^^^^^^^0 ^^"^ ^*' ''^'^^'^''^'"'^''^'"^^(Chrillum) "5 • 'r • aptid inferos fuijjea^grte/criptfira deeUrat , ^per Trophetam fr£mijpi^(^per ^pofioltcum wtelleUtimfatis expojita , qua diC" turn eThjnon derelinqnes animam meam in inferno . That Chrift according to his foule was in hell , the Scripture plainelie declarcth , forefpokcn by the Prophet (Danid) and fiffi- cientlie expounded by the Apoftles application , where it was faide. Thou wiltnotleaue my (bule in hell. ^ Qms er- go nifi infidelii negaturtt fmjfe apud inferos Chri'sium ? Who llhUm^^ then but an infidel! will denie, that Chritt was in Hell? Hilarius mafeetl) \i. aneccffartt caufe of onr rcDcmption* ^CrHx^mors^inferi^falmnoHrdeji. Chriftes Crefle , death, trfni^tUb^' and beeingin Hell , arc t!i)t mtumS of our faluation . jFo> ^ihidjibi, lariesafferfton, ^at tueemigtjtgoeto tjcatien. ""Chriflus Dei filiui merit ttr. fed emnis caro viuificatur in Chrijio . T>ei films ininferis eft ^ fed homo refertur ad coclum . Chrift the fonne of God diethjbut allflefhis quickened in Chrift.The fonnc of God is in Hell, but man is teftored to Heauen. l^nD lean \xaz (^onloe ttitnl^e tt)at Hilarie t;!camcO of ^%\S!ttt fufFering hell paincs on the Croffe , aS Jbine I^au0 aUeogeo t)tm ; titis too;2Dcis are plattrc clfe tubere , tf)at €^.:llls fonle after Deaft) ocfccnoeo tnto beO. y Humane ifict ifJlUfiHiln lexneceffitAtisefl^ vtfepttltis corporibtu ad inferos ttnimte. dsf- Tfai.i^^, Cendant , Qnam defcenfionem ^ Dominus ad confHmmatio- nemverihomtnis nonreenfamt « This is the lavve of mans mifcrie , that their bodies goc to the graue , their foules to hdl : W t^i c H DESCENT the Lorde did not refufe , to proouc by Chrifls defccnt thither. 17$ prooue bimfelfe m cucrie point to bee a true man , E!|)iB n£* \ ceOfJtte toas ttjc toage^ of raaiiB Onne 5 t^e Orettgtt) irbere* of conlDenotieaUoU^butoncli^ €l)?iff. ■^HtcvuHsefi.ad- U€rpintes nobis inim tcafjpig virtutes ligno fajfwms ^'fpge»s , mcr- \ ^^^^ ^' trinif; temtnifjfernoferimefis^ fpei nefira fidem refHrrtB:tone conjir- * '^* watts J cqrrt^ptonem human a carnis glorta corporis fui perimens* Chn'ii alone was bee that falkned to the wood of his paflTion thcpowcrs which were aduerfaries and enemies to vs; that vanquiflicd death cucn in hell ; that confirmed the {\edi'zi\' nefle of our hope with his icfurreitiimaeitas,ejU£ ffifc^pfw defcendtret , auo- ^"ji*"*'*''^, fijqtie homd jspAratm a Deo peccati merite cectdtjjet : td ejt (ii'iff,r,f„i,},^ ^ AdinferKwn y n/bi felebat peccntoris anima torcjuert^ (^ ad [(pHlchrum, vbi confueuerat peccatgns caro corrumpi:fictA' men , vt nee Chrifli caro m [epptlchro corrujuperetur, rec in' femi dolartbus antfuatorqueretur . Qmniamnntmn imrnftnis apeecato rcn erat fubde»da fupplicio ^ {jr carnem fine peccnto fsm debuit vttiare 'Corrtfptio . Nam qftia peccans hcmo me- ■rutt infeipfo perfttpplicitim diuidi'^qtiia maltut a Deoprdsu.irica' ticvis ream dtfanfi , propterea fa^f*m efi. vt peccat^ris won tarmmpecQAti MfepHlchrftmcarry^mpendampefdHceret, ani' iyS. Thspower of hell deflrbied, mam inferno torc^nendam protinusmanciparet, Vt afitempfC^ catorfutjfet gratHitommer^ Uheratm-^faEtHjn e^ , vt mortem corporis i quam a Veo itisto- peccator homo pertulerat iuftet, Deifilimapeccatore pateretur imuHe : (-r ad fepMlchrum per' veniret caro iuftitqttoufquef Herat caro demlnta peccati : (^ vf^ adwferfiftm defcefideret a.mmaf,iliMt9ris^bi peccati merit o tvr^ cjuebatur mimnpeccatoris . 'Hocafiiem ideo fMum eFi{vtper mortentem temporaltteyCarnefntdfii^onaretHr vitHAterna car" ^i : ((jrperdcjcendentem adinfernum animam ififli^dohres [oltt^ reyitur inferni, Ic remamed tor the full cffedlirtg of our ledempi iion,thacman affumed of God without finne , fhoulde thither defcend , whither man fiuered Mfom God fell by. defeft of fiiine ; thatisj vmohelJ, where the foule oF rile fiiiner was vvoont to bee tormented y and t6 the graOe,- whirre theflefh of the, linncr waswoontrobe'e comiptedi-yerlo^ thacneiihct Chriftes flefh! flwuldc bce'cfcJitupted in rh^^rauc ^ nor hii foule bee tormenwd with- th«(paines ofheH-lbetaufe^'he foule free from finne was not to be fufc^e^ed to ifeat puuifhmenr^ nor flefh cleane from the contagion of finne fhould^ fuffct corruption . Info ipuch as rnlnrfinning deferuSd by punifli- pient to bee feuered ttbmibimfelfc ; who byhistraufgrelTiotl woulde ne.edcsbeefeucrcd!&6m God, therefore irw^sappoitiv- jcd that the death of the fanner fhcJuld bring his.finfull flefti ih the grauc/.tfiere torottej andprcfcntliefliouidii^ndhis foulc cphell.j there to bee-tbrnicntcd .• But when the finha by the giftof (Gods^grace,wasto bee deiiucred ; it was proiii- dedjthatthefonneofGodlliould vniiifilic fuffer at thehaijds oflinnersthedeathofthe bodiej which finfullman hadiul^ie beene wrapped irrby theiufticepfOod,. and thei^t^ of the iuft {hpuldcometbthegtauej whither finfulifltfh was tumr bled.- and that thciSbv le. bf ovr s aviovr s ho vld DESCEND TO- HE\L L,vy.'HJE RE ^T HE S I N F V L Li:s":6 V LE WAS TORMENTED FO R THE-RE V-V A^ D OF^ S IN N B. This was. tligr^fore done,thatby theiiefh ofthc luli temporally dyingjCternall life might be giuen to(onr)flcfli,aud by c cn&c tftctcof from commtng tliU tbcr.anD in hotb tfjcfe, t^c §)crfptnr0£t ano fattjcrs Doc ful^ licconccrrc ; ftiougl) fomc aunctcnt tu^itetsDoe ftuarue, anD Hrlae about C^iilf c s Deldicruig fome from (jfll , tl)at tocre t^ere at Sjc tisuc of bis Defccnf,a5 tbep fuppofe. ^^ijtcfj tartette aiio tjiiccttatnttc of opinions concerning t&e ttate DftbcocaDe before <^);illcscommlngbafl[) tieric mudj ew tangleD t\)is qncOion, ano inDnccD mante men of learning ana iuDgenif nt otbetlDife^to reiect (l^;iftB Defccnt to Ijcll as a fable, oj to to^efi it to an otbec Cenfc , tuitlj nelue fonnoe crpofiitons. i^otobett 3! fee no canfe,but tftc Doctrine of tijc Scriptures confelleD bp all tbe fathers map C.^ncc terie cleare, tdjatfoeucr Ujerefoiueof l^isotberaiTcrtion , ton^ rfjing flje ttate of t^ rigbfeous Dep^irteD tljis life befojc jmbol,j^op, non as in t^j.^i£raD .Thou wili: Hot leauemy foulc in hell; -inD '*f)c defccntkd into hell, ^gatne tt)ekingDornGf §)atmt con* fiffCttjOf tl)8feti)2d!-3 SINNE, DEATH, andHE LL.-SINNE R A I G N I N G^ fed;llc0 ttjc boDtc auD foulc arc (otncD togitijcrj DEATH S EVE PING t!>em bOtl) J »IDtVRNING t^C IlOOtC to tart!) ; hell receiving mx> tormen- ting ttjsfQuSe, till ^t Date of tuogement, lupen booie aiij) fonlc C^aU foj cncr face cfif! into l)en fire . 3lf t^fe t!):ee btt not aboHfi)eD bp Cb.JiU » ^r^ans feingoomc is not DelfropcD bp Cbjlff ; ano fpeclailte if l)cll bee not l)ancininjeD; no part of our falaatisn 10 perfojmcD. Hje luo^tie of Cnne ts ficccte , if t^e tragw ijjerc not fotoer, Uiljtflj i0 beli fire . Co ratfc our boDtes from Drat!) , is no fauour , if l^el) bee not ouert^jotDcn ; it tesre mojc cafie foj njrm to lie in cull, tljca to barne in beH. i^oltte Ijatb <11^2ill reno5cD tss to l^canen , if bee !)a«e mat vet frccD 1)31 Irom l^rll:* i2>^ bjougljt l>fi to C^on^ if ye ^aue net pet taUcn tjs from ^atmi ? SSilberefosc ciitl)cr t^eli mal! bee beCropce , 0? irte are no tuaie rsDrcmcD, 0nD in all cbsfe , tol)cn 3! fpralsc of l^cll, 3 fpeafee of ftie place of tl?e DamneD , i?03 if tbe fcare cf Damna« tion continue , toljat l)op2 of falnation can tore con* erittc ? ilBiJt ttje apoaie faicib platnlfe , tljat Cl)?i(J tlirough death ^destroied him, diat had power of «Hcb.2i. death, cucn the divell ; and delivered all them which for fcare of death were all their life time fubieft _ .- . toferuitude. 3if tt32 d i vell bce destroied,, tljcn i°udi"ndto ^^^^ ^« ^«'^^ coEi^treD; fi3i iBl^ilcg ttjnt rctatncti) fo:ce ddiuennan. sf 3fn(f tfje fatt!)fu!l , tl)e gDiucU is in tbe {5flg|}t of tts fetngoome . #eitbrr is Deatb to br e fcarcD at all , but in rcfpcct cf bell foUolDtiig after Dratb , 3f fbni all fbe ^aintes beerc on earlt) be ^delivered from the „„ , fe AR E OF DEATH, and S from the handes of all that sLuke^i, hate(ltjcin) tofeiue((!£»OD^ wiiHoutfearc alhhe dayes of their ' ' . life. byCh rids' defcent thither . 17^ life , in holintfie and righceoufncfle before him ; it i$ tuU Dcnt t^at IjcU IS fpoptcD of sU rigljt mtQ cinimt to ttjo members of €|)? rcafon one l^aDs facetng tlje re (nouc names, txm foj car Onnes, bjahe (fee ffrengfb of IjeRy aboltf^cO tlj^ poluer, a,D loofcD tfjs (b;rclBes?jno pames ttir reof 5 ttiat ttjcj? C}ouIl)e not tafee fjoloe on \)im, no: eacc after on ante of Ijis ^ ifoj as f)f e fmlercD ano tien, not foj f)ts oUjnc fabe, but foj ours; fo bceDefcen^ tea auD losfcD tfjefojroUies of Deatl) anoljcll , not as p^o* «f Deu foj |)tni , but foj ts . S?*nD fince to our Onncs teas tiucDamnstion^anDno IclTeroj rafier puniajmenfjttteas requinte ttjat ^l);ift tI)oulDe tijttter DcfcenDe, nnobp Dlf-- foiuing 3)2 Ujages of our Hnncin !jts olynepcrron,(|3cncc DeltueriJS ; fijOUgb not tljcrc tormented , vet ftjitljcr ad- iudged, anD fo rjlcafc ts, not ssbectng t^rfj but from comming thither/ 2Coud)ing iljs place , Thaddaus one of tfje fcccnf fe taugbt, as Uice tjcaru out of Eufebius , tfjat er ttoa foUoh), mojc fuR(e beltaereo bp Athana- fms. fius. ^ Qnide Adjs. inobediemia qti^flionem habuit , indictoque ^^*^'^n(if,ihidu peraUo dw^licem^MAr,? in fentemia [ua complexus erat , dumrei terreFlrituloqmtur ^TerraeSjC^ in t err am reuerteris ^{atque it a fro d<;creto , domini corpus tn terram nbfcedit-^) l3cnc|)fafcD to Dcfccnce, tliat bp tfte Ij?* ' Ing of i)is bocte in tbe carg) , our boDies mfglit at tlK !aS Date bee raifeD out of t!)e earttj ; ano bi? ^^ p;efcncc sf bit* ffluUj in IjsR , on t45|cl) tlje fojce of bell coulDc not fsl!cn,cac fijulesmfgljtfojcuer beDeUucrcDfromccmmingttjitljcr. H^isconDemnation of ttje boDie to t^ graue , ano of ^c ^mUrjnViixl, j-gyjg jg jjgjj ^Q, Qnxit,W tljat ^ law of hi:manc nccefsity, Wd) ^ ' Hilary fpeaUetl)Oi,lx^ertoSje3lo3b3efusfBbmittcDb«nifclf; not tt}at btis fleCI^ djoulDfas corruption, 0^ Ijis foulc talt cf Dn^ natio,but ^ bp ftg p?efencc of bis bonp in tbe grauc, 1 cf bis foulc in beU be might (^eh) bimfclfe inuinciblc to bo^ , aiiD fo deliuer Ids from faoflj. "" Thcarchangels,powcrs, and princi- palities (in beauen) doe with vnccafing and cucrlafling voices glorifie tbe fiinne of (iI5oD(raii^ Hilary) ^w^ /7CW0 ^^^r/^/^^yc^-- w''/, i ^ ' tern vicerit,Vort^ Inferni fregerit^ cob£rede fibiplebe acquijiue- rit , Cftrnem in Aternitatisglor'mm^xcorrH^tiene tranflulerif'^z- caufe he became man^yanquifhed dcath^brake the gates of hel, purchafcd vnto himfelfe a people to inherit with him , and tran- flatcd hisflcfh flo corrupti5 to eternal glory, 2E[)efe ttoo placcS tbe graue f b£ I, Uicrto finncrs toerc soiuegcD to ^mz tticit boBi£0 in tue one to be cojrupfel?, fi)f !r foules in (t)€ otijcr to beto3nKnteD,PulgcntiusDotberp?enppurfue;asbi3li3o;tieis before DO plainlpteftific ; aiTO refolutelie foncluDetlj, tbat ^Tukcm.xt <22t)?iff5 manboD foi tt>e fnl cffi atag of our reeemptton muIB Jti^ra^ SO FAR Di^ici.'ii'Dj'^ qpioafqne homofe^AratHS adeofeccati merito by Cbrifls defcent thither. 183 merito cecUiffet I hovv far man severed from GOD, FEL BY THE DESERT OF SINNE; THAT IS» TO HELL, WHERE THE SOVLE OF THESINNER vsED TO BE TORMENTED , nnD to the graue where the FLESH OF THE s IN NER vfcd topuwifie . ^OtDE tf ante xx[m tiiUibc tl)cfoule of manfcuereofcom 0oD, C(D not f0j ti)c fengtd of Onnc Dcfcnic tb? place ano paaies of ttif camnfD,tjcl)3Dmfj:encijDebcecatcc^lfeut!3£nconfoteo. ^03 OitCC tutiont repentance men ° perifh in their finncs; o^Ly^e ,j^- ; CnDP the foule that finncth, that foule fliali die • t^e Deatt)Of pEzcch.i^,;' ' ttjcfoule alter tt)t5 life is no tj^cre but tn bell, b^ercboDiei foule DO pcrftl) euctlaaingUe . M(tb tbefc toinett Saint Au- fien as tOUCbtngtbe place. Siinilltun ^Abrdhiz ftnumChri' fium mortHtim vemjfe fkfjtia fcriptura dtxijfet , mn nominA" i^ugujl-efip^ to fnfer'7oeiufcjne dolor ibas 5 miror f qmfqHam nd inferos enm defcendijfe offer ere auderet ; Sed quia emdentia tejfimonia c^ ivfernum commemorant cfr dobres , npilU caufa occptrrit , csir illo credAtur venijfe falaator , nifi vt ah eias d.olorihu fihios faceret . If the hohc Scripture had faide , that Chrift after his death came to Abrahams bofoirre, and not mentioned hell and the pa'ynes thereof, Imaruaile if anic woiilde haue beene fo bolde, as to haue auouched that Chrift defccnded into hel.But for that euident teftimonies do name hel^and the paines (of be! ) 1 yet fee no caule,why our Sauiour iTiould bee beleeued to haue come thither,but to deliuer fro the paines thereof, ^bcrcfojc &ben Sje fcriptures tearb t3S,# C5j,:iffs foule toas tn bell^Ujcc nioU not b^ bcl mcait Abrahams bofoHie^oj paraoife ,bat § terp place of tbc Damneo/obere tbe foules of ftmicrs are tcj* mtntcD . fm (il)?t9 to reos^nie man (tat toas conucmneD fo) finne, DefccnOcD as loioe, as man fell bp tbe pun^lbment of finne tutbtsUfc 03 fii^z nepte , anofctbs bacbe from tbe fentcncc of Dcstb pjonounccD agatnC tjs , bpp:efent(ng l)tmrelfe m our edeoe to tbc tierie placcs,tbat toere p:epar?a toreuenge ouc tranfgi-etnons : bis fieCbrefifting the pow^ «r of tb* graue , aiw W fottlc reprefsing an& b^eahing tb« -V paines 184 The power of hell deftroicd, pained of fjell, ttat miiljct CjoulDcbre ablctoljfnccr t^e fpojDecf i)iiS wrttrwctlon , 0? toiafeen tDe U)o;fee of onr re- Dempticn. 30 tte place 14)it^er €I);cfpoto.ifirlItbtnlettJsfee,txbatttrefcrfp< tures fap of mans Deltuerancc from tbe baaioe of ^atan ; ano aftertoaro beaie \^^t feme of t&e ancient tu?tter0 ^aue ttjetetoaDDeOjO: tbereiw ooubteo. Ibe p.:omlfe made in Sjg 'Eray.if P^JOpbet Efay , tbat God "^ will deftroic death foreuer,anD \ihc» ''Ofec.ij toife in tbepiOpbctOfee; ^Ivvillredccme them fronuhc pow- er oi hell ,• I will deliuer them from death : 6 death I will be rhy death , 6 hell I will bee thy deftru6lion : toas not pccnlisr tO (biflo:tbatage,no?p?opertott)olJ2 tt)a< lucre alreaDteDeao, 0.: tbenbo:ne ttben tbtstuas fpofeen; bntgenerall to all tbe faitbfnilfrcm tbe beginning to tbe enbe ; i^jereb^ (IDoD tofceiz aflfuretb tbem, ttjat ^ helirhnll bee deftrcied, and "Satan tro- " Rom. 16 den vndcr feete,and ^ death fwallowed vp invi^^orie. Zachary M.ccrinth.ij lohnBaptiftcs fatfecrifl (be beft erpol!tojof alltbefep^omt* y Luke.i xes, t^cn be faiS). y Bleflcd be the Lord God oflfracl , becaufe hehathvifited, and redeemed his people. And hath railed vp anhorncoffaluation fbrvs, in the houfeofhisrcruant^^^W, (as he fpake by the mouth of his holy propliets,which were from the beginning) cuenfaluation from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate vs. (iCSIlbicbUjas) the othe, that hee fware to our father Abraham, that he would caufe vs j being deliucred outofthe handc of our enemies, to feruc him without feare in holinefle and righteoulheflTe before him all the daies of our life. Ibefaluation ttbicb (!I5oDbatl)tojongbtfo2fesii>ELivER^t)ALL thS F A I T H F V L L trom thc fame, i^s aU t|)e gODlIC , tfjat t\X^ Ujei!t,arc,g2(l)aUbf,DteDunS},:i0c5 8ct^^ntofinne; fo all tJ3C fatt^fuU from tOe beginning of .tf)e U)02!D to tlx cnD tbcr* 8f tuerc DeUiwrtD twm ttje paines of tjcH , bp t^e piefence eotDpoturr of (Srfitsfoulcbicaking tbc ffrcngtb.miMcDfing Ibe fo;rotocj3 of ocatt) rum in UfU . 0nD ti)crefo:c ijcc faitl?, '*llfiim^ Chjift calleD l)(mfelfC ftec amongthc dead, '^ r-/ ofiencUretani' mamfuama peccaio liheram^in infernumfro nobis fecca» TORiBvs DESCENDissEjtd Hicw iliac his foulc clecfc Fro finiic dcfcended into hel FOR vs sinners. »M)tt)at ; Uberattis dicitur defujpendto . Inhfi orrtttihus non ereitt ^ fid quia talihtf nterttis agebantur ^nn ^ mjiftSHentHm ijfet , tbtejjent , tnde fe reciedtcnnt liber art , quo ptr ItbcTd- t$resfH9i Kon fnnt perm-'Ifi perdnci . Thou layeft rightlie to 5iBb 2. thy 1 88 The power of hell deftroiccl, thy phyfitia,you haue deliuercd me fro this ficloics,not m which thou waft , but into which thou waft like to fall. A man is about to be caftintoprifonjanothercommeth and rcfcucth him. What faith he when he giueth thanks? you deliuered me out ofprifbn, A debtor was in danger to be hanged j the debt is paid for him, he is faid to be dehucred from hanging. In all thefe things , they were not; but bccaufc fuch were their defertcs,that vnlcflethey had bccne hoIpcn,they had fallen into them, they right- ly MAY SAY THEY WERE DELIVERED thcnCC, WHITHER THEY WERE NOT SVFFERED TO COM E,by thofe that deliuered them . Tcrtullian Oectmtng tO Montanifme in tjtS boUe de anima , ano DefenDtng t^ fooles of al tl)efatrt)fulafterCb;ritt0commtoit5tt)tj30rfpmatiijn,txl?et^r f fonlesof ^ by Chrifts defccnt thither. ^Sp p?opbet« aaiD patrfarbs tocre bcfoje Cl)2i(f0 rcfarrcctfon in bell ojncj but tt^atfoeucrujc Determine 02 (niagineof ttis later queaton,t^ ottier poQtton 0 Q^oddicimutfratres^hocftrionvoh^ °-^«g»l/?.'»/'M tm:!^uarncenmfx:opiero^ne fuccenfeatis, HomoentrnfuniyC^ )• ■ - quantum conceditur defcri^turisfxnSlis^tantum audeo dicere^r.h hi I ex me. Infernummc egoexfertus fHtnadhnc/iec vos 3 O'for$ tajfis alt^viaerit, (^Monper mfernptm ertt. Incertci Junt enim h£c. That which (in tbtS qittffton ) I fay brethren, if I can not auouch it as ccrtame, you muft not bee offended . I om but a man , and what I am alTured by the Scriptures, that I dare affirme, and of my felfe nothirjg. • Hell neither 1 Haue yet experience of, neither you ; and perchance there fhall bee another way, and by hell it fliall not bee. For thefe thingcs arc akogithervnccrtaine. £I)e twinges after tt)tS life CoD toill not baiieparticalarltebnotoite tjnto Ms, \£\}\[tB bcretoee Uue -y am ttjcrefb^e to mafee feDaine refcluttons of tbem,caii Ijaue neitbertertatntte no; fafetle ; vtt fo mncb as tfje fcrfp^ tares teueale, toe muff neceffarilte belowc^ano mag bolDlfe p^ofeCrctnlttflntanieDangor. ^-.7- '*'-■ Soucbtng tbe Oatcof tbc ntan in f^ olue ETeffameirf, 3 fee a number of auncient lu^iters incltne f ttjis conclu? fion, tbat tbe foules of tbe rigbteous bcfo?.e Cb?ilfe« Dea8) , . anDDefcent toere in bell ; but as tbe founOattonof tbe(r 0* why,ifefa!her» p(nf on is Mtxit toeabe , fo tbe confeqiKnt0 arc platnlte con* thought ihcy traDfcteD, boft bp S>criptur es aito fatberg . 2bts affertton were in h«li; firagreine from Q)e confedion of tbel^atrtarbesam) p;o> PbEt0, tbat tbep muff after ^i$ life, descend to s h e* o L ; U)btcb tbe ^ptnaglnt Doc allrapes erp^jeflfe b? tbe &02Deaj\Hc, anD tbellattnc mterp;eter,bp Infcrnusjttbere* tjpon tbe fatber« botb ^vetU anD Jtatin fnppofcD tbe faftits (n tbcolo 2C^ffamcnt Departing bencc descended t6^ 313 b. y H E L Lj. * ipd Tiie ipovvcr ofhclldeftroicJ, 51 E L L;X5utt]^%nf3caticmof (t)cUjD;oe Sheol I0 fa manf « fciJltc miffalJcn, ttjat it is notue no great maderic to fintc ?Gcn. 37. tijefolle. Wenlacqb falttj/IwillgodowneTd sheol mour- ^Gcn. 4z. i^jpg jQ pj^y fonne ^ anD BQBXnt, *l You \vill bring my gray 'lob 1 7; iiiiics with rorrowvtrto ShcoIjiUlO ttbetDtfC lob; "^ Sheol is my Hob. 1 4, houfejoh that thou wouldcfl hide mc f in Shcol till thine anger «P(al,8». vvere paft^ajJ alfo Datiid, ^ what manliiicth, that fliall dcliuer ^Efai.jS, hisfouiefrom the hand ofSheoI? anDlflffIp"Ezcchias,I (hal go to the gatcsof Sheol : 3f bp Shcol in Wz placEfi lOCC tW' DerttanDbcUjasilbme^reekeaiiD fintim xt\tttp;etttsmtD to2ttcrg tjawc DOJte^ Vce muff neeoes confcffe ttie fait()fan Dp< Ingtit t^ foimcc iEDcilamcnt oefccnDfD into belf ; but if Ujcc take Sheol fo; tlje grauc, tul^cre life cnoeS) and tfte boi tiic lieti);tf)enmaUe tt)cp no bmD of piofc, tliat ct}e foulea of tlje goDl^ before Ctl?ifti5 comniing,lDf re in i)el,but onlp tfjat t^eir bootc0 Uicrc Ui tlje grauc^of Ij^icb tticre Uiais acurr anp que0ion amongO cb;i(!tan0 03 pagans. f>o\xjc ttjat Shcol in ttje S)criptnrc£{ nofcf^as iM^n tfjc shcMfignifi- grauetubcremcngboDicsputrifie, as ^ place iibcre t&e SaucaThcii foules of t^t luicfeeD are after ^is life DetafneD anopuni* t^co, to l)im tl)at conOoeretb tbe circumttanccs of fbcft ani; orbtr fucb places,U)iUTam0 appesre. £be U)o;!DS of king JEfay.jt. Ezechiahatlargcarctbefe. '^ I faid in the cutting off of my daieSjlfharllgoe to the gates of Sheol, I am depriued of the rcfidueof myycares. Ifaidc,! fhallnotfeethcLordintheland of the liuing; 1 ihall fee man no more amongft the inhabi- tants of the worlds. I hauc cutte my life in fundcr likca wca- uer. ^creiisafuIUefcription of ticatb, tut of bcD ; aitQ Icalf luec ^oaidcD^eamc, tbat boftj are Itnfeco togitfjer, tn tt)e enO feCI-faieflj ; y Sheol <:an not confefle vnto thee, Jihid.vtr.it, neither can death prailc vhce , nor they that defcende into the <2r J^. P't^Cj ^^^^^ i" '■'^y tructhjbut the lijing ^ the liuing , hcc fiiall confefle thee , as I dde this day : 3t iS manlfeff Impteticto raie tb^^ tbe fouler of tbc faints Departed m tieit^r CONF ESSE, NOR PRAISE G O P,U0^4 T R. V ST by Chrifts defccnt thither. ipt iM H I s T R V T H : but in tf)e grauc tul)crc tJjc bocie luan' tei!) fcnfs aiiDlite, tijis is moa true, tuOiri) E/echias dc« Ituccctlj , alio confirmci) b^ cljc ^oUc Ci;I)ciI in cmcife places of ti;C ^CliptnrfS. ^ In death rherc is no remem- >PfaI.arbene(Te,cD?raprioii, mn'tt^ luo^rae are tteipa$^tr0 of Shcol 5 anQ t^fc confiunf tbe bouie , ttjep toaffe not ^ fijule* Salomon (^a\\ fcalc bp tt)is mqaifitton, tobft^ bee faietb;, *^ Ail that thine hande is able to doc, difpatch it in ^- , - , thy flrength 5 for there is neither work E,no; t h o v g h t, ^ ' no? KNOWLEDGE, HO? WIS EDO ME in SHEOt whither thou gocft . 3|f t^ (bule0 of ttfc rig^teoufi nefp fi^t DOE, no? THINKS, ttO? KNO VV E aOit ^ittj , t^p bee Carelte a Oeepe , ant) neitf)er in (op no? patne ; bni .tftl)td beeabfartv anoiDtcheDtoafifsrmeeltberof beD,bea# nin 5 paraoife , 03 of Abrahams bofome, ttfen f ertatnli^ sHEOL,t4)ere none of(t)efcH)ing0 are, is the grave*, «« t^ew tt i0 ettiDtnt , all Cfeefc ttjinges are tuanting. pintg (^n tolt^ot ^atlon Shcol Cgnifitt^ m imn n^ '.. .. graufj ipa Thcpowerof hell dcftroied, graue,iDbere V^ boote \\ei\) oeaD anti tcttcn , na tbi place ictjere t^ foule^i of miinO^ano Hnfull men are htpt aitD to;' mcnteD^iftnt^e tDoaoe^ of Qje patrtarhe0 ohd ^;op^tts, confelTuig t^jcp muft go to Shcol, toe bnoerttcsiD tije graue, tx)])it^ iDnknt t^ep ment^ tljcit is no l^eto in t^e fcdpture«f, ^at tije faitt)fnU bcfo?e €i^0c& Dcatt) Uient to beflj as romefatl][(r0 bane coUecteD ont of tbcfe anttfncb UheTap^ ings of tbe goblin befoje CbJifies birtb : but ratfier tbc pla* u$ tbat mention t^it 0ate after beatb, bo enlDentlp import ^contrarie. The Church of ^^ ^®^^ ^ Wifcdomc^tboogb tt be not Canontcall; pet thcicwcs bo^it Ojeto^tobat opinion tbe/.^^ i cere xon ibi fuijp} Patr/archas (^ Prophet as \ 'quihus in Scripturis U)ei-iufiiti4 pietatifque tam infigne tefifmonium perhtbetur? iP4 Thepbwcf ofhelld"eftroie|i. Quid ergo is ^rdftiterit^ejaidoloresfolHitmferm^ inqttibus ilU nen fuerHKt,fiondum sntelligO'yprAfertim quia ne ipfosquidem tn- feros vjpiam Scrifturarum Iccis in bono appelUtos potui repe- rire* Qnod/t mif:juAm legit ur^ non vtique JirjHsil:!e aAkrahx^ idefifecretd cHtHfddim quietis h/dfitatioy aiiquapars infersyfim ejfe credefidd eji ; qtunqtidm in his ipjis tauti magtfiri verbis ^vbi ait dixijje ^brdoAm , Inter nos (^ vos chaos magKHm prma- tum efiyS AT IS vr opinor apparet , mn ejfequan" dam partem ^ quafimemhrum i»ferorHmta*jtafelicttatisfimtm* Some addcjhat this benefice wasyecldcd vntothe Saintes di the olde Teftament, AhelySeth ^ Noe and his famih'c, Ahrd' ham, Ifaac, zriAIacob, and to the reft of the Patriafkcs and Prophets, that when Chrift came to hell, they were dcliuered from thofe paines there. But how Abraham , into whofe bo- fomcthatgodlicpootc/L<25i4r/!^/ was receiued, can bee imagi- ned to hauebccne in thefe paines, I for my part doe not /ee, let them DEC LAKE it that can. But that onely two, Abraham and Lazarus ^wczz in that bofome of memorable reft, before the Lorde defcended to hell; and that it wasfaid of thefe twoonclie, ^^^/.vf ^^ya/^ a^dvs is a might/egulfe fet- Jed, (Co that fucb as would gbe from hence toyou, can not; not anie that wouldc come from yoii to vs, ) I knowc not whether thercfbeanieman,t6whomiT SEE mjeTh not absvRd, And if there were mo then two , who dare say, the Patriarkcs and Prophets were not there, -to whom the vvordc of God giueth fo great tcftimonie of righteoufnefle and god- • lineffe? What benefitchec did thetii, by looiing the paines of hell, in which they were not, I yet vnderftandc not ; fpeciallie fineelcaonot 6ndc the nameof I»/e'r^(oj!)tn)inanyphee<6f fcriptiire vied for any good.The which if it bee no where in the diuineauthoritic toberead,thcn furely the bofome of Abraham v;hichis,an habitation of{ecretreft,isnotto be thought any part of hell-albeit in the yerie wordes ofib great a teacher(a5 C^^lfd ijB)whcrc he maketh Abraham fayjbetwixt you and vsthere is a mightie diftance cftabliihed^ic [s cuideRC enough, a$ % $tnbe, ihat by Chriflsdeifcent thither, 195 that the boromc of fo great bappines is no part nor meber of hcl. ^aint Aiiftcn exmmtt^ tlje epintoncf fomcaanct^ntxhc fiimmcof tu?tter0,tt»at Ct)?(ft oefcenoeD fo bell to bslimv ^ patrlarUs, s. Auftenscoi- p2opbct0,am) tfyt tiqlttecus of fijc olD teff anient fijcnce,! not icaions out of onelp refafcft) but after Ijts maner inilolp rcfntetf) tljat fan^ J^^V ^'""^ fipjtt^(d)ba53poffelIeDnianpDft^fatt)er!5befoje|)im, j®Pt ^* of iB)iiii& too3D0 in tije i(5. of Luke l}e O^riueffj tUio concla* fione^onetbatAbrahamsljoromtoaiSaplaccoF rest and H A p p I NE s,o: as t!j2 fcrfpttsre fpeaUettj, o f c o m f o r 75 m\n confcqutmlpnotof patnc 0^ tojmcnt, a;j toas tiefi; t^ 0{^r,tl)atBETVVIXT THEMtSAN HVGE DISTANCE, to tt)at bj? no inc anes Abrahams: boCbme can be taken to bee ANY PART OR MEMBER OF H E L L, i£)nt Of t^^ p;jinC(« pics of Dinfnitte be d^aUictb tluo otbcr po({ttan0,tbe ficif ,tbat Abrahams bofomc toaS not made for Lazarus onelie; tibtcb iiS fo abfarOjtbat be £l)tnfcetb no man tuifl be fo fojitf^ as to cm* bmc iU Abrahams bofome tntttt be open to tbe red of \)is cbttettjtobfcb oto tbe toojfecs of tbeltfatber Abraham, as iueB as to Lazarus ; to^tb ^oD is no tefpcct of pcrfcns -, ano . i From the Eaft andWcfl fhaU come manie , and fit dovvne '^^f-'r with Abraham, Ifaac and lacob^ in the kingdome ofheauen, faftbouc a)aafour. Sbe feconD is, fliat if moje befiDes A- brahamanoLazariistoere in S)at bofomeof reft , tbe ^ao* ^^tt& onDpatriac&Sj mu0 nocDs be tbece, tiibo foj HDeUtie ano pictie arecommenDei^ b^ tbe toitneffc of ©oDs fpirite, miD placeb in tbe foundation cf ^ Cburcb fi^ttb tbe 0po^ flies nert tbe beade corner ftonc, as '^ ho lie men of ^ts>a.i. GO Djinfpired and mooued by the holie ghoft , SEbefe DeOllCi' ttons being &unti anD face, iiyereof Gnre can bee no'ooubt, itis certatHej€[j2ii! luent not to beU to fetcb tbe patriailies mu) |d;iopbets tbenccfoj t\^v ^ic4 pBut Auften^imfelfe l^itt? heedoubtethnotjbutChiift „. ^ ddiuered fijme from Q)^ paints of Ijell at |)us Dcftcnt t^i* i-aurcthat*'°^'^^'''^-3 ^aint Auften tefcUctt) ttc recctoD cpfnton cf,-©^ lomc were Jc- tftftB faffo^e W^ , tl)at Clj^tH DtfceiitJCD to bcfi , to OdtlttC jiucred outof j^ticc C!)c ^atrtflcke^ ano j[3?opljcts ttjat iuete tticre Dcta(* heiiisvcric ncO;anJ)aDts5tt)>(t)titbecaafcbetftciiprercntliefawe iiDcaufo wcake. ^^ ^^^^g j^gyjjj t5cfcenD,but to fa«e from tftf patnejc cf Ijelj |9C ooro not Coiibt, &»t Ci7.:iilDeUucreD Tome fro thence* Bui teljen tic commttt) to mabe p^cof foj ttjis bts optnloti, l>c fam# tetljjfmo faitlj^tbe 'aJ0,iDjs of Pcter,ttjat . Auftcns coniec tui'all incl(n3tton;but ltai!€ bs at libcrttCjas tod to eramtfte t)t0 rcafons^ as to rufpenDonr tQDgcmet0,tUl tu€ Cde Qcogei; « better mottiic0 to tnnacc oar confent, ^o^ toacbmg Peters ^ju^hB. efiFi. toojbes, binifclfe confcflTc^ ftjf p map bee rcferreo to Cb?ds ommho feneri fimpoterat ] hoc quod firiptum eUJdlutis da-^ lor thus infer Mf/wn in ommbHS,fid i n qv i n v s d A m a G C r- P I P o T E s 'wquestlle difnosista Itbefationeiudicabat:*. I^Viiat the Scripture fiiicth was perfourmed in the death of Ghrift, THE PAINES OF H E L L B E E I N G L O OSE D (, itnay cither bee vnderftoode to pertaine to Chrift himfelfe^ th^ heeloofed , that is, fruftriated thofe paines from taking ahif holde of him; fpecialhe whereas it folioweth Cttttbe %tl() OF WHICH PAINES it; WAS' IM POSSIBLE HEB s H o V L D E BE H t L D E : I3i;jif wcc^askc for the daufe , why he wouldecometohell^wherc thofe paines were wHchcouldc take no hold ofhimjthefe words(loofing the paines of hcl)may bee ^ |?.yf(;;&nfti!, not from being ^ucjbut fcom commmg ttitberjfo Cbe Dead migljt bee acqaiteoanti adnreo fromtbedjalcngcf^atfjell ijaD to ttjem , ti)oagb tlje^ toetc tbcn in vid , ano in ^ope of €|)2((!s commmg to perfo^me ttieir erpectation y ami per6t ti)dr rcoemption from fbe potoer of bell. Ssfoj the confent of the whole church almost, fince How y church Auften ^imfclfe leaoet^ bs to Df Gilie tbe opinion cf all tbe fa* might beicc^uc tbers A L M o s T, tljat ftc ionics of ttic tigtiteous Ipecc in bel Acf^w/bandcs before Cb^ifles ocfcent tljttber i^bf eopmetli (be itoaie foj tjs r'^7.^°°¥ '" toafhc|iobf6e(b«rd)camf,bpttjatpcrfltjaaonitii)ctlierbpSSt feripf urci oj b^ Craoition;' ^criptnte t^te is none cjctant foj A«iam,mosei&[^n fo^ all eftec men. Craoition foj Q)ings tion^ in W,;^0re no man lining U)as pjEfcnt, can none bee p?etcnl«cD . iMt tettimonie , tdji^ Auften alie'agctt) out of tfys bojfeeJDf Wifedomc , m8bet|> rafter againtt ftat pofition, t^nf03it» (OTifctJOmcj "" kept the firft man that was alone "Sapicnt.i® j:reaied5'Ciieh the fathcr:of the world ; and b r o v g h t h i m ovTOtFKis siNNE, and gaue him power to gouerne all thinges.-Sl)StiDifeDOincb;ongbtAdainoutofhisfinne, id tjere aflfitmeU^btUtttietfeer bp chaftifemenc ans repentance in fibis life, otbpi deliuerancc out of Ijell after ftjis life, Cnce nei* t\fcx is fpetiPe?j,t|ie;firii is rather to bee receaueo . if o? (EoD "iv- Cc 3. ■ hot^ 1 98 The power of hell deftroiet!, bOfl)b^punifliing Adams OffeiTCe, anob^ offering f)(mgr3C« in ^p?omifeD ^ccue.Dio maUe icay fo> repentance ; pea ttje fa^Dle Ufe of Adam toajj noebingclfebnt tbe mtuitatt^ on of ^t0 fall ^ but tbat Cb?^lt fct ^^m from beU v ^m \)tt . OcfcenQcD (blttier, cannc bp no rules of religion bee toap ranteij . BlnoeeD <0):tU luenf to bell to Itofc tbe bancs of A- damslinne; ano 03 tbe cburcb mtgbt loeQ beldeue mio p^ofeflfe* 5F03 tb^ guile of Adams tranfgreifi'on , ^B rootc of Adams coaruptton , b^ongbt bs all to be tnltlte cciibemiico to bcP j bnt tbat tbe Deatlj of €WQ rccoiicllcD tis againe to Cod b*^ tbe remilTlon of car finnes ^ anbtbe perronallDefcentof otii: ^aofour loofeo all tbe bBxOits, and h;aU all tbe cbatne0 of tiarkene(retbatb}erep?on(DeDro}b0;mioro frd^D Adam mta bus offp^tng from Q)e potoer ano paate0 of bell . ?n tbi^ tbe ttbole cburcb ml gbt confent , tbat Adams finne tuasj re- Icafed , aiTD Adams banfies loofed bp <^;itt» Dcfcent to bell; bnt o^er traoitton, Ixbat ronle0 \mvs utbeR, ano tbence beUnereoatCb^tKescomming, ns tt tuas altoge^er bm fenotune to men on eartb , ano confeqaentlte moQ bncer^ fatne, To t^ it ratber p^efumptoons to befine , tbtn religions tobelffiue. • .j 0nb lea0 31 O^ovAnt fdme to be leb tot S) (^ f ptrtt of cdnii traoiaion , to refnfe boCb f^ trabttion of tl^ cburcb, ano 0* pinion of @je fatbcr^, Bl iDtll plamelie ^eto.bbat canfetb me to confent to neltber* Jflrtt tntbefe fecretanDbnbnotone From hd was (^(„gg^,„ ,„an0 affettton i& to be f rnHeo toltbont fb« tuftnesJ Ihedoarhie of of tbe fcrfptnres 5 ano fojfomotb afi ts erpjeffeb bnto bs fn our sauiour. ti^ Ujojo of (115oD,tt ratb^r croCTetb.tben fauojetb f^id afferti* on of e^t fatbcr0. j^crt tbe ancient tojiters beerein Doc not onelic bane, one from anotber, but cncn from tbcmfelue0$ to manlfefi fljat ^ty bao nofettleD trntb , but fome center* , tares,anD tbofeberteflenoer in tbefeblDDen matters; Con^ ' cl)tng tbe Monies of tisc riglitepu0 Departeb tbt0 life before. Cb?lficiJbeatb, to emit tbs place of tbe brnfee of Wifedome alreaoierectteo , \^i(^ti:^;zM^Qhimt^\it^ tl^tsfapporall of ' by Chrifts deferent thither. i pp £if (be frt1jer0 , t^at tbe (oaks of tt)C (utt Imir bof^ in hell jmo in torments: tfjcre rs nottjing cjcadltc renealeo tmtotjjes in tt» fcripturcs ftat arc canontcall , till toe come to tlje rtif» of S.Lukes gofpclljli^rc out S^aulonr bj>tl)cpacaboUcaU ^iHmie of fbeiutcIscD ctcbman ano tbegoDlie Lazarus tea* c|)ct!) t)0,tibat became of tl;em botb after tbclc beatbcs'^ ana confeqnetitUe Irbat Uiais tbe date of all tbe Deaoe before W time; totDtt, tbat tbcptoere ctttiec cariedby an- gels TO ABRAHAMS BOSOME, 0?PVNISHED IN THE FLAMES OF HE Hi K^t(Z tttW plaCeS, a0 Qjep bee farre oiffatit tbc one from (be o^r , bo^ in sciTVATioNanD coNDiTioN,(beone beetngftJllsf comfort ^ tbe o$er of torment ^fo in tt)t£S^^agr&, tbat (bcrecoHllre bee no ALTERATION iii either . 2Cbe rtctj man in belleonloe ncitber obtatne ante meaner to beere^ f re^eD , no not a D?op of tuater to ccole W Ijeate ; no; erpec^ ante time to bee releafeo . £Dur ^antour mabett) Abraham to fap to tbecicbman,i3^tcb mutt n^Des be true, "between ^ you and vs there is fettled a great gulfe , ( OJ mfgb^C ^^^* ' WKtf) Co that they which would gofrom hence to you cannot, NEITHER CAN THEY COME FRQM THENCE TO VST. ^fter tbt^i Ufe tberetua^c tio changing of places, ano namclte from bell tbere luas no releafe. Ibiis our ^mU fiurtangbt foj a refolntetruetb tit bts life time; bo^^^n toultie tbe routes of t^ inft bee celeaCed ano reonceb from bell b^ bis Detcent i 3If Abraham ano Lazarus iwere not ill bell , but m a place of reH am comfojte farre biSant from bell , bot»e tben toere all tbe rigbteous before Cb?iSed time not onlle in beiUbut in tbe fo^rotues anopaines of bell:^ ^ea tbe &n of <3on Mti^ bts ctime moutb (b cfcen in tbe neto telfamenterp^effing tbeiire of hel to Iw ° vnquenchable^ ano " Maric.^ tbe wormc there neuer to dic,botDt)are lue iDttbout anp iuar* rantof tbe too2i>of amonr Dot?) fl);f«p2o^ ?Mark 9, ttOimce til t^e gofpcl! of Marke ttiat in hell , neither the fire quenchcih J nor the worme dieth ; aOD pjefimiE twe to qitenctJ tbe on0,anD bill tt)c ottjtt tomjout anp fcraplc:? C2l5Dt tbt fcrrptiire fa(tl), t^c (oules of tlje l^afrfarfee^aitd p.:opbct0 tore in fjell; ano t^te toleatte C|)cm after %lfl3 ftefcent^tuere enerlattinglie to conocmne t^cm. ] ^t ttmt fiato.:s mitt ffif^e t^e luojo shcol, calling ^at bf l»fcbict) m^ctn tDaj^t^egraue, t^iere ttjeboDies of all tt^elua bo$ before ano after e^;m tuere latt;; but (l)e teaciicr of all trnfl) , febofe tjoitrinc \mt bv no mc anes map OjflruS , placettj Abraham tn retf , ano mabctb b^«s^ >•< of out S>au{OUC. Tertullianl(bcU)ife1n |)ijSba)hC<^w4 ' :.^vx£K«« fatt^. •» H(ikes(icp(trMtfoambtUibeli(im,(jUQConfiitHimHS^(}mj' , ^^. --^ wvrkten a bookc touching parldice,wrhere wce>defendc th^tall ibulee arc.kcptin hcllvntill the day .ofiudgertient . SlUD fpca* liingf namelieof Abrahams bofonie-,. " Owwi trgoanimafe' jjdem,ca^.^i ties inferos ^nqttis ? velis at holts ,xfrfupplici4 inmiiUc c^refri* genay habesfmperem , c^ ditthem^ Cur enim noft pttes ammam Xirpmiri (^foueritninferis ? ArcaJ fcoiley then in hellj.you wil aske? will you , nillyou, you (hall findethercpiinifhinentcs, and reftcHimenrs^Sin Laz^atus^ and the rich map . 2lnO why fiioddcyou notthinkc that the fbiile niay bee both tormented, :snd <;omforted,jn hell t mm pet ttiJjiB foocQj bfflfee agatnft Marcion , t)cc contra^tcteO) tljat falfc pofition , miD comimflb -ibtitlDltC to d^titU^i". Alritdi»feri,vtptUa;nltad€jm^ulJihHs \Uer^centr* ■uibraJjxt, Ndm ^ maqnwn 'ait inter cedere reTio*tes rfias prof/in^ Murtim, lib,^ -AHm^<^ trnnfttHm vtrinffHeprohtberi i Sed mc alletatjfet dtftes .» .iK'r ^ -r ■" ,cchIos,c^ quidemde longtnqut^mjlm fuperiora. ^^ ds (ihittidi- Sfnolt ';r«:;/J ].ttislonginifuo\,per imfnenf^mainnjdtfiantiafuklimitoitis ^pro- -I'-'tnos arli yd ifwtdttatis. Earn itaque regions fmunt dico.'Abraha'y etfinoHcoe- '^^ '•^^^<' ncrJ 4eiiem,fHbIif»iorem tameft\I»f€rii> Helisbnc thing,as I thinke; f, . .'*q t^ and Ahmhams bofome is another. For t( >^^r<»yf?«?»/)fayetha * *% ■great depth is betwcenethefet wo regions,, and fufFcrcth none .^ „v««^!t •to pafTc to and fro; Nciihcrcouklc theTich man haUe lift vp his - , ^.^ ^eies , but vntaplaces abouc him., ahd far abouc him , by reaibn >^ ^ •of the infinite: diftanccbptwiit that hdgth, and that depthvThat • tegibn then, I call Abr^i^ums bofome , which though it bee not -heaucnyyecisiihighGi^htefthefli Ambrofe after ttJ^'farttem^' „,. ^atvAbraham: teas , ( » dpHdI»fe^<>>) ^% '4'9pL^ itiWiSiimtmcBZQtsiiiti ti^La^^rus "^-m Abf-ah0hh ^;^p?/ 'V T&chnbcns^iatt^^atf'ei'^^tetn^'i {j^!iiMii^Hs\j)i^a\tiAifra^ ftm.j ^ " i?;*«?^boiamc/cnio!cd5Cti^ila]CliBg4ife5v{rtib|iaf fi[jt i5;^atetrr« ' -3)0 1 naU sxd The power of hell deftrbieH, iiaUUf^l^oaIbbeint)€U. 3n t^ one m^tbcClsmtcljapfet ^c athitDcftj aj0 pcrftoafion of dk heathen, ^ quodAmma Ube- ^^mhepdthi>-,jeaf^^corforibHS odS^W feteretttfidefljoeum qui noH viAetWy w«»i()r/>5.c4.io,^^-^^^^^ l^atme Infer num dlciniw : that foules departed from ... ^ theirbodiesdrdgocoae affcrftoti xfiitm reltgton, # the ^ graue was tiie receptacle of the body onlyi^artimamaffte fupitiora. tjfi habitacHla^fcriffurA tefitfmfjys-valdeprobatt4r\ But 8?.i>.:,wi"; yman/ionspithcfbvjlesarcabouCjasmayeafilybeprouedbyy tcfiimonjesof fcripture.Tbefcarc the habitatios of which Cixift '<^Iohn, X 4 faid,thcre are *= many manfions with his father. )IBot 3 tehc WJ ficUg^t m re^crfing tbclroaerOjjijtg, it tollUafficc tl)attui1) one confenfc, ttjcp maUe Abrahams bofomc a receptacle fov all t|)e(ufl ; aitD t^e place of tojmente fe^re t^ccic^maw toajs ^ apiJtfon fcj ttje tulcfecD^ calling flje one bell; sno con« feUing t^e ottjfi: tabe tbefrattlon of rctt^mo liappinslTeaftcv . ; *^ They thatdepart this world by death are accorclingtft their ^refooleaof ^^^^^ & dcfctts beibwcd (fattb Origen) alif tn locu,c}ii} dicitur "^'fn ^Abra- -^^w/frw/^/*/^ infinU' Af?rah£,fomc to y place which is called hel, hamshofbTBZ ^Others to Abraxas bofoiii.' Omnes f?* ^ .e^mcfcerslegHntttTt^tiodin.eimgratmJnemsrsqwe^ineiuspla^ ^^'^ ' . _ tidifAterequkCeHnt.qtaconiormi eifidi induernttt. et eandem in nty.cafi.6s, *'0H/4 Qperitusjecerw^valufjtatem. J he iuli(ta!ib Ambroicjacc fjinibrofM faid to rcfl ki Abrahams bofomejbecaMTe they rell in like fauof, 8fal.3S in.like eafc,itt like contentaiion, whnchpiit on like faith to Abra- ha,aiKl fibllowedhisexlplein weldoi'hg.SiiD Qu:tf03C befpea' , b£tbelfCt?^C!ietoAbraha/gfAy*w^/ra(ir/»^^^^ U .f^ o«», f^jpiai aui4plimmtf»de.^crcdfd£rHfiAOpcnymde thy bofom to morttscitft.12. . ^ ' ^ -1 ' r L L 1 I • -^ 1 u T^ ;< hHUat^jn ■ icccaueoip,be.caulcmany naue bclccufd in^od. ^. ^xtendit ?fal f to. P^^.»idfpej^fuaf^^infihitam.ftcrenmtiiti4 ccuti , »«• comtaditur cl3y<}Iinftsdefccnt thither*; loj it;*fc^mj^T/wtfWf/.Dauidftretchethoutiiishop€to infinite c- tcmicyj& cndeth k not with y fai of death, knowing y he ftiould liue inAbrahas bofomc^as did that poore Lax,arusy(dLi9i Hilary.- ijieldjcr Dauid onelp, bat all t^g f altfjfall toece , ano ttiU nrt^ fef pt in Abrahams bofome, a«5 Hilaric tblnbe^, bnttU tbe Dap bfiU^percufiodi^ dominifideles omnes. rcferuitbuntur : infinnfci- * * °* ticetifttertm AhrahtecoUocati^ tjuo adire impios wterieSttifftcha' Of iK(}tbet , ejfioufqtii intr«eundi rurfttm in recrmtm CAlorttm tern-' fHsadiiemxt ; All the faithfull departing this life , fhaJl becrc- fcrued.in theiLords keeping, fiJr thac entrance into the kingdom of heaucn, placedjhe meane while in AbrAbums bolbme, whi- ther the gulfebctweene will not fuffer the wicked to come, til! the time approch that ( t^e goOlp) flial enter into the kingdom ofheaueniSjits time Of cntttiig into tbc bingDom of bcait^j bemahctb to be t^ bap of faugemetu. ^ Sxdptt (impios)/^- tmvUoriftfemw:(jrdecedem9sdecorporeyfita vixertint jCon- ^IdtmjnVfkLt^ feftim de vU mftaperibunt . Teftes nobis [unt Euangeltj dittes et paupar , (fuorum vnum angeli jn sedi.bvs beaiorvm, ffr *» tAbrnh<&ftnu locaHcrttnt^ alitim fiattm regioptn liueSjdo forthwith perifh fro the right way. The rich and poorc man in the gofpel^do fcrue vs for wimeffes, wherofthe one was caried by the Angels, INTO thb.seates of the blessed, & i placed in ^^rrf^^iwjj- bofome ; theother the region ofpunifli- ment did Itraightway feafc on . No delaieortiaymay there • Ti?nr:5f-,5i b,e looked fon The day of iudgment bringeth with itthc reward : of etctnalblifle,orpaine: but tiieverie time of death inthcmean feafpn fubie6teth all men t© thele lawcs , that either ince tben Samuel ami Saul after Deatb toerebott) in one place, rototbat place toafj be neatij intije cartb , it is Ufeelter tbat Samuel ^jrras in bf fi tutrti Saul , till be tulore oeJinereD tbence, tbeii^cii Saul toas in Abrahams bofomeUJttb.Saniwel,] Sbtraiffngtjpflf Samu- el affrr bis Deattf^bp ti^ $aatttb> b^ib moueomtKbtjucfftci^ in tbet&i^fb af.^D, t^tbci; it bsere Samuel in B«Beti;at* rofeano fpahr, m U:bctl)f« it lucre tbeblueUtrAnffsntiingft bimfclfc into «j2 Itheneffoof Samuel, tabjiuc Saul intocif- pairc. anb albeit tbematfcr map be JargelieDlfputeDonef* tbct Roe , pet neltbrr optttfrni tuill infer ttjat Smmth fculc tDis in Ik l^,iii)id}is fbc psint'toc banein bmb.tljat it toasi not Sainucl blmfclfe libicb appcatco ^ bat tbe miSxk^s fami' liar fpfrttin bidliUeneffe^ tbffer&afonspzcuaile icitbmer. iFlrtt , neitber bp miti^^B mi £Di«cte coaitie 6?? fijulcs^^of (be faints beecommm^eD, o.: Difquicteb from tbcir places, licre fbepare in reH anu peace, gjeconblie, U)e aiiBa(rure&, bptbe Doctrine of onr^aniour, (bat CI^oD tniU fenbe none. •iuk€ If. *" from the dead to inCruct t^rc Uuing :^ea all fact) conference ^ . i& were in hell, or no. proue it was an iliufion of the Diuel. hy Chriflidcfccntthithcr. 105 noti^at ttieocaD can m(co) aDutfe tlse Itntng , but bccaufe tije Cfiticll tiuDer tt^at colour (l^oulD not D^luoe rniD abnfe tt)e people of inD0,U>^tct) tfjc '^ iSngtl refofcD at S>. lohns; anDtt)e.foul^ of Samuel imt^ccmjgfjt, no; tooulo tjaue ao '^"^*'*** ceptcD.:^oucttltc,Saul foifBiien t retettcs ofC'oi^jCoulD not after ocat^ re a in t\}z fninc place lD(tl),Saimjelt|t?e clcet ano apprcoueo fecuant of C=oD. ilafflte , tije fafb^rsJ ti&e fe: ttje Hioapartrerolue^itiuasawillariouof.^atanto S.ciSe Saul' tntODtfperatiOn» ■"Vf!^'rJK:;oo j^;wal j.ici:;.';-] i.r;.;;i:glo Tcrcullian Difpiif Wg againfl if terfe^ learitetilte,'^ faf^tfj. pTm«/. iiea»i. 9'EceehodiefSimonij hitretms) tanta prdftrmpticrartis extollit^ ^^' \*f ? ^' r, ,. , . \. K J . /- /^ r: _' Authorities la tntt/artfrfifhetifrffmammai a'jtnpnsmo'jerejejponcitayit. tt prouc the credd:^qmam6ndac1dpoJfMkt:n€cenimpy'tho>ttc^tUf}cf^mt^imi-i^^ ntu licuiiaAimam Saniuelis e^ngere'^pofi deumtfjontjpi cvyiju^ hnfe Saule.' AbfndioqMin vtOtiinatncHtPsfltbct pinE^tnedurif l^rofheta aditmomo credamns extraElam^edoBt.cjttod ipfe Sata- nastransfiffuretar in Angelum lucis^nedumin hpTninem IhcIs, I>fihtt4Htf,f forte^ttmc Prophetamfe Dei a^efierare^ x^ vtique < - < S«un,f« ^m tpfe njornhatttr: nefutes alhtm fniffe qui fha-ataf' ma. adffiihijirabat , alium qt(ic0mf9tetida!jat,'fed emdemjpiri^ tf{?9i ^ injyfeudoprophettde (Jr *» Aypjiafa facile r/itriri^/^uodfe-- c^at credt ^(^ideopey quern vijh'Umfecredtdit, vidtt tcpHiCpet'' q*iem vidic^credidit. 4 Nulliautem iinitniidtK}fino infeyos^H- ,,., ^ r J ■■ -It ■ ■ r ■ ^ '\lhiA* ter^ y Jatis dGmwpii tn argurHentotllopauperts reqinejce>itis^(2r Sttitis it7£€tHifcentis experfofjdhbrihxfvjxit, nov pojfe relegAri ieimi»ci<*tOY(hn dijpojltionii inferno ^qnodveltUnc licerepotHij[et\ v't MoC\^ Prophetiscreder'etur. BiKn it th^^diy the followers of5?>w-, ihcrwife,GOD forbid we shovld belee VE,thatihe Dd ^ foule 206 Thcpowcr of hell dcftroiedi! foulc of any Saint, much Icffe ofa Prophet, could bee raifed hfj theDiuell; fincc wee arc taught that Satan is often transfigu-J K<\ into an Angell of light,much more imo a man oflight. Pcr-1 chaunce(tU? E5(Uffl)3id doubt to auoachKimfclFetobeethe: Prophet ofGod, and that to 5W , whoiti hee alreadie poflef.. fed ; leaft you fhould thinke it was anie other which commcn-^ ded the apparition , then hcc that procured it j but euen thej fame fpirite both in the falleProphetclTe, and to the Aportata> (.Srf;y/)cafilie belied that which he hadmadetobebelceued.I^ntl:. therefore by whome (Sanlj bele^ued hee lliould fee (tt)C gljod of Samuel) by him he fa vv it; becaufe by whom he faw ic,to hun hegauecredite.Andtot^achvs thatnofoule may rife from the dead^thc lord doth fufificiently determine by the pcrfon o^^h-a-. hfim ill that argument of the poore man in reft, & the richmaa ■in torment,that none can returue to report the fta«: of things ino hell , which then might hauebeene done , to get the niorc authoritie*to C^fofes and the Prophctes. ^t boobeof qiW* ftton« btiDer t^ name of luftine Martyr being of gcuD am -ReConUi ^QU^if j^f ^^ ^^ ^^'^ t>ts '■> fai£tt) . ^ CAtera. cmnia ah ipf4 i^B< i, ^ythomjfa fa ^a funt , B/cmonis opera , prAJligijs eomm ocdi^ los deludetatis , qtiividebAnt ennf. <^ni Samuel mo» erat. XJe^'^ rttoi Ofttem diliorum a D^ofuit, qni psrmi^t Ddtmeniy vt in forma SamHelis Tjthomjft appareret , ^ res future prdm ntonHrOret * Et quaniam SamneUm Saul non audierat, dum amijfionem regni prddtceret $lli, fed post dinw4m fett" tentiam ei regnum adtmentem , per hariolos imperium re^ tirtere fata^eFat , indtgnum eum duxit Deui , vt ei ventu* rajignificartt perhomi>ies fhi aSo^entes . All the reft the witch did by the operation of the Diuell , deluding their cies, which fawe one that was not Samuel , But the trueth of that which wasfpoken, was of God , who permitted the, ■ Diuell both toappeare to the witch in the ftiape of Samuel^ Guid to foretell the eucnt of thinges to come ♦ Forin that Saui- would not giuc earc to Samuel , prophecying vnto him the lofle-pfhis^ugdomcj but fought to retaine it by the helpc ''""..'■' . of , Lby: Chriftis defcent thither. 107 ©f witdics^, God counted him vnworthie to vnderftande what fiiould come to pafle by anic fcruants ofhis.Thcodorcte in i)iS t^\itftion$ tpon d}£ firfi bcobe of Kings , oot^ txtect G^is opU ntoiiji^at ttjc tDttc^ raifeD DpSamuel,not as falfc or.lp,&ut as impious alfoI^tSiOO^DS arc. ^Qjtomodffcportet intetligere de 'ventrihqtiA ? Nonnulli Mcnrtt earn vere retulijfe SamaeUm.No- ^Theodortt.que- Willi autem hoc r^fellertmt. Ego cjuidem prim VM existimo fi*°""'»^'" 'jj^- »• "t^si-JiAViviii^ExsJitmo enimwulieres necromantkas ne (^piamli' ^ ^ '* bet t^uidemreducere tmimam^tttHtiimabefi^tpropheta,(frtaH' tifrephetdt, Efi enimperjpicttum, qnodin aliqfto alio loco deatmt ammdex^eEhftntesrefurrectionemcorporHra, est ergo valde flMPlVxM crederevcntrtlo^nam habere vim tantAm, WhatOiall wc fay concerning the wiceh? Somechiske fhee truly raifcdvp .SamucljSomc others rcfell it. I think the firft to be a vv i c k e d imagination. For I rcfoluc that witchescan raifeno mans Ibule', much leffc the foulc of a prophet, and of fo great a prophet.lt is cuidcmihat tbeibules ( of tbc DcaD) are in a place befides this "World^expedingy rcfurrccli5of theirbodics.ltis therfore very iMPiovs to'bclceuey a witch hath fo^eat power. 0nZ) ^tXZ Theodoret allfOgefl) a place of &^ Chronicles (0 p;:0UC,'Q«(7^ , . , - ipfe deifs vniHerforti}%eff'ormitti vt velttit fpecie SamHeliSyprotH' htfffntfnt^a^^fm%i^fperaduerfkriofpr0ulttfiMte^tfaiTh2it pod himf^lfc fraqiing tht.fbape o^Samnel-i^ pleafed him, pro- .iiouncedthclctuencc, and did not giue that iudgement by his ;.acUierf3rie5 : £^re ape HO fgdu \s)oiUs in tijc Ecrt 30 t»e quo* ^uitatiktts^$n cfutbu/peccxtHit dommofuper eloquimn Domini ■prop'* .$ereaquiidipfum»ocHjisd(ptit^^^Hpdinterfogauit Sanl invent triloqua^vtex^tffyeret,-B.T respommtsamvel p.ropheta^C^ von ex(^ijmtiftdinum^& oceidit eum.S&iil died in his finnes, in which hciionedagainft^thq l,ord,as.touching the wordof y lord which.heperfortwed not,& alio in ihatSau] confulted the witch, toknpvy whjaf fuecepe hefliould haue.And^iS'e DiueH, is no fcDap (aflifiable. HBe* ODC0, if<^05^at)faiDC , ttjat Saul ami his fonnes after death fi^ould bee with (Gcd ;)a0j^Cft)at fpafee tO Saulefalae (Utp (l)oulD be tottt) t)iiti5<^oD bao pJomffcD fettto Saul i t e-rn a l LIFE after bt0tjepartttret)encf;Ujl)ic|) t^a plattie cohtra> ttetie to t'ac tuojDcs of t^je Scripture , (t)al faft!) ; >' s a v l Tr.'Prfr4/.ctf.io.DiEi> i'^ HIS siNNES. ■S^jefilTftpavt 1^)011 Of Thcodorets vcrf.ii, ' refolution,tt)at a tDftcticoulDnotralfe tl;e fonlc of Samuel,i5 found anO trueDtumttte5t&ereconD,fliat (E50Dmadea fhapc of Samuel, ano t^cretjp anfwcred Saul , ts Hot p^jcbueo bg anp (criptpre,tl)oagrt» itbf fo fuppofci) bi> Theodoret. ^.Auftcn DtfpHttng tlK mattec on bdtb Soei3,tbb«gl?be ho toap palo t^attbe tottclrtoai? able to raffe^pfeules^'^et ^ce 2 jfd Simplh'iAti, f^tt bi^-^*?^ ^J^ ahJurdt^M credere^ ex ali^ka difpehpttihne din^ina lib. i.qHxfi.i . 'VolHrJtansprrmiJfHmfwJfe^vt no innitU'S^ec Aominmtt k^>_/arj^- itigMtemagicapot-^Mia^fidvolens c^ obteperdhs cc&t^^tdt drjp'cii- fatfonl dei,qHA (3" pythont^Atn ilUm^(:^Saulem latebat;co[en'ttret Jpiritus Trophet£faK^i-fe oHendi aJpeSif^M regis , diuinA ettm fentemiafercujfurifi. ■■ It isno abfurditie tothiiikCjthat byfomc difpenfatioli of the diUinc pleafure it "was permitted _, thatujbc -foule of the holie Prophet, not againft his wilfjlior piiptroled dr ; forced by anie magical! powctj but willing and- 6bcying^thcft- ^ 'Crete will of God, vi'hich was hiddebotK froin the witch , and 5 ^..^^,H^,.w. V" from Saut^ fhould fhewe it (clfe to the k ings fight , to, the entl k might the more artonifli him with the judgement of God, janoalbert bemafeetbtjipofftblc V V^W tncline^ratbetr to Q)t0 optnlanas tlje raflec , tm i^bclter ; tbattbc itd^fe liias ^Ihldtnh but tbC deccite imtD tl«>?beOf:S>atiah"^ '^Quaiie^^^'hi hocfatio , poteii-efea/iffsv a ci l ro r UfitefleUMS (jr ; £. 5^ 1^ e- .'Dl T 1 o R txitns^i Hon ver^fpiritti?ft S^mdt\liexclMtum4jf^a rcffuhcredamw jfedalii^»odpha«tafmit;trff»^^ illnpi)' nem diAboli machivAtronthHS fit^atk^ejuaTn proptireA fcrl^^ mmine SimucWs appefht , qHi(tfoknth^dgincs-^'iemme<^t^ nomintbHS by Chriftsdcfccnt thither. 2 op Bommihiu (ifpelUri^quartim imagmes ftmt . Although in this fa6lj there may bee another more ealicr vndcrftanding, and freer from (aU;jdifficulties, ifweebeleeue thatxhc fbule of 5"*?- mnd indecdewas not raifpd from hjs refl, but that it was a phantafme, and illufioo wrought by the craft of Satan ; which the fcripturc therefore calleth by the name ofSamnely becaulc rcfemblances are woontto bee called by the names of thole things which they refemble. Uje felfc fame llJOjO fo; tDOjD hiC ^repeatett) tn Uts anftoere toGjt quclfions to\)it^ Dulcithis ^.^.^^^roDuu p^opofeD tinto t)im^anD albeit fn ttjefc places be (Ujap tnotffe' dt^ quxfiktm rently httXvixt bot^, 03 (tictinc faititip to flje one ; pet in Ijifl T'eff.6 bai^tB'T>e iioiinKa Chnjfiafia ^ callcttjtta Sacrilegious rch prefentation of Ss.muchimH^t.'^NoneMm^uiairfMgoSamnff- lii mortui SaHliregivera^rdififtyiCtarit^ propterea tat. He thatwas dead/or?- 'jdS'mplk, tflacwcd the death of him that Imd'y^vt mnada^uditatew felt- nh^ z.^^ft.^' .'■ . . Ec I dtaff's {y^^Q The power of hell deftfoied^ ' ' citatis ,fedad^arem eonditionem mortis refers pir: T hat it fhouW be referred to the like condition ofdcath ,& not to the fiuition of the fame felicitic. jFoJ \i i»C fo taUc tt)€ lao;{0S,7 hou Ilialt be to morrow with mec, vtij^falfum efl-^w. i.s certainly falie , fait!} Au- iien, '^Mngno cjutpfe-JnterHallopofimortemff atari honos a malis %n^Euan(Tdio legtmm .cumdominHiinter [uperhum ilium diaitem^ cumidrKafudinferostoymentapatsrctur^ illam.^ qatadeim ia>- nptamvlcerofus tacehat^iam tnreqaic conftttutum^maqmtm chaos mterinUtim tefietnr, Tl\at the good arc after death (cparated fro the bad by a raightie diftance,vve read in tiic Gofpei , where the Lord vvitneffech, that there is a great gulfe interleaved betweene theproude:Eiolimany»^'hqn'heewastormcntedinbcii^ and the poore Lazare now in reS, which lay full of fores at the rich mans gate/^nD & feiied^er Mj8 take it to be f|)C Cbulc of Samu$J foaS fpahe to Saul, cja spagicall iIlu5on of S>atan tranffojnilng |)!inrelfe tntottjc C^apc of Samuel , neitl)?r iuawp^oucS) tbat Sarauelfejastn^cU 5. lijotobf it 3 catlKctmhacc t^er^afonis tijat are dcta'atttt tbSS'queftions: of die olde teftament t)nDer f ^«d?,^. ex vs/. t^e nanis of §>vAuftcn,titeD in ftje Cation latu, atictj tfjoug^ icritemmento, t^^hs HOt Auftcns^aretjcrte rnititnt^'MigmmfaafJus ^fif^fi^s. ? 'Autfim-aattraBifs. aftyConfie^-' fit : cjHod^vtrMmjijAeviroiufio credere ah[Mrkwnefl.:JP.Qrr'o hac 'ejipriefligiUm Satan £^qtia,vt', fiHrimos failat.eriami'oi^of'.in pi- ttfi^tefe habere cb»^K\it .Hiftoricus ment^wSauli i^ habitui^ ' Samuelis defcnpftyais in cjuo ha - hitH ejfet excitatm y intelkxit, h'unc e[fe SamHelem.Quid intei- lexer it retuUt^?t^- qttidnoK bene iTjtellexit/:eiitrafcriptura.,Hlttim ' ' n ; ■: c\. 1 adormit quam dmm^ (^^pntani Savnuekm adorauit diabolum^t frH^Hmfallacidifttct haberet'SatandsSi enimvere SamtieliiU ap* parmj]et\tton vti^ virmfiuspermifJfetfeadarari^quiprddicAue" rat denfoltint'Odoraiidfii, St qnomudo homo dsi^ qui CH\ABr'aham ifi refrigerioeratdicebat a>dvfr44mpejiile}ititz ^jdigmm ardo^a \ gehenn^^ ,rby Chrifts defcent thither i * 1 1 gvhem(t^cras mecmn erls? If is duobiis titulU ffthtilitAtemfo.iU- ciA fuapi'odidtt improttidHS ^S.ttan^cjma cr adorarife permtjit fni> haifituc^tfomxne Samueli^s- contra leg fHm^cumtftagrtAdtflantiapeccatortttn^' imiorumftt ^ cuyn Sa^ iptiele iuftijfimo ftiturum mentitus efl.Adeum enint tranfmigra^ giit{Sati\]DDS) lawe; an^ lied, that S^^/lodcn with finucHiould after dea^ bewithrigh* teous Sftmtiel^ whereis there is a gre^tdiflance betwixtithe iuft and vniuft (^aft CC t\$\$ \iiZ\ ) and Suni wct>t hence to him^ whom he worfhipped. ; CJf ftK fecticrg fo nuKb tarte anD Wtnt ftcjM tbcmfejue^fg ano from oQ)tr»,:tulit5 do 31 p;jeffe t!»lr (efiCmonte tow^tKg . Lukes mtcrpjetation isfo p;:egnanf, ti)atiDttt)onti!)?ongtotfjetuo?DjtcannotbcepareD. 3lap tljefe tog(t|rcr,attO fa 'abat ftep lacfee of cc firl! DcfccnteD tofbe loioeff , emo^ tfjenafcenoeDto ti)t bigljell,tbat he might fill all places toitlj |)t0 p2efienc0 . Sf b^€ DcfccnDeo not to bea , boUie filUo b^e tfjat place, iibere bee neaer teas, ercept toitb tbe bjigbtnelTe cf W Diuine glo;!te , tdjicb tis enerie t^te pzefent tuitbout nefcenDtngo^afcenDing^ ^nt tbe ^poSleraitbbe defcenk ded to rfft lowcft ,anD aiccnded to tbz btgbett . tbat be migbt 611 all (places) toitb (bep^^efence of bis manbcDOe, aU knees in heaucn, earth, arj4hell:bowing btttO tbC ejJaUatiOMOf bt^ l^iaftaiiemitare* r. 0nbif tbe lotoet partes of (l)e'ea(Q),tibitbei; wef ofKell deflfoiecf, *ii:dim,ver.u thepitofthe dccpc, mnijc EJturli is tfitvt natn^D ' the -An-. gell, T?jc a^o-df, ofche dccpe : pea tljc tjerte placc,tt^f tc ttjc ^Rcuci.zo. SDlueli w f^nt tp, ie crp^cffeu b^ t^at toojti ; ^ I fa we an An-: xAeicAo:^ gell (faitft Saint Iohn)comcdo\vne from keauen , hauing Tw KA.e?vTHC ajSu(3-loc)fif>g the forro wes of hel, ^ accipipoteji in quihufd^^ m ay be vn derft oo d a ihiim\ of fomejwhom he thought worthy to bedeliucrcd» ^l, ttltc^ 0nce tbcre c^ bf e.im (ure p^ofe b^ongbtontof tbe loo^oe fif ttnstb^lDeiC^allDoebs&rogitieeare to bis oteneabRifiD ::.iil Therefore a 1 6 The powder officii deftroiedj Therefore brethren whether this or that bee it, heerc take me a« a fearchcr ofthc word ofGod^and not as a rafli affirmer. chrift dciiu*= ^^ ^ ttfmct t^at map be mafic oat of ^ Scripture «, red the bodies tl)Qtc goO « oThcLthar' P^^^ "^ ^^"'"' Matthew , toacfttng tlje boDtes of fbc faf ntes xU is,heraifcd the Ong from Deaflj. Wen 5efu0 palDcfi ftp ttjc g(}off; '^^ Behold from death, the vaile ofthc temple rent in twaine , and the earth did quake, - Maith.x/ 2J., J j|jg ftones did cleaucj and the graues did open themfelucs, and many bodies ofthc Saints, which flept, arofej and came our of the graues after his refurrc(Sion, and went into the holy cittlc . 4>t'-^ *r) ^"^ appeared to many . S^c death of tfec bofiic, US it is parte "^Efay.jj of tbc tuagciff of finnc ; fc is it tbe '^ gate ofheli ; ano tbc Wt* 'Hcbrc.i nell is falOe in tt)C fcriptaces to haue the <^ power thereof. S)0 tijat botofotacr t^e foules oftheiurt tuerc in the handesof •Cod, ant) at iBft in Abrahams borom,tbeir booths Iping ocaD in QIC grauCjf rotten tottb cejraption toere tcitbin S^atmis tualbc ; anD tiben 6 hell, where is thy vi6lory ? 3t iS tbc force of finnc (bat killeth tbc bobic; ano liUctofre ttw? force of Cnne tbat rot- ccth tbe booic -3 nnneteing tbc ft rengtb of beU agatnff booic ano foale . ^s tben oar foales are freco from tbe potoer of ben,tben oar Cnnes are remtttcD^ fo oar boDtcs are btUne^ rebfrom^bancfattofbcWencojraptionjtbccorfcqnent iifdnnc, isaboliO^cb. 3ntt)is fenfeitmapbeefaioe, tbat €\^2ifi oeliaereb Tome from tbe potoer of bcH , tbat is, tbric bsoie^from tHje fepultbetstdjcre tbcp iaie tnrneb into baff. ^0? bp beatb m«> corruption tbe (inncfall fieC^ of man ii^ titt ^e reCnmaion fabfocteb to t|)e range of j^atan , |)ee bceing h Chrifts dcrcent thither; • a 17 fSjt ^ Prince of thcayrc,and ' goucmourofdarkncflcjand «" ru- 'Ephcti lerot death. ^^l^f^ f^aini Auftcn tnnhttfti , t^tf^t ftiofc boDtes of ^ fafnts whcchcr the fnei¥tD|)ottefi:eeDfromco;rnptton; 03 lafetiotDti agatne m bodicsofthc Deaip after ti>e^!jaDgfaen tottneffetoCl)?iffs reforrectlon. «hc faints, dm ■ Sct'o auiyufdam videri. morte dsmimChriJfiiamtalem re- 'o cwithchrut fHrreuionem^rAjfttit tHjtts,qHaluHobtsm pneproTttttntur'^i^t or no ijtiqtte jinoH itcrum report is corporibm dormiemnt j videndtun "jthiu^.e^tf, efi eiHemadmodftmChrifiHsi*ttelli^atitrfrimo^eMitus amonuis 99* feftm in ilia refurre^tone tot pntcejferunt . 1 know (Talttj Au- ftcn) ferae thinke, that at the death of the Lord Chrift the fame kindofrefurreftionwas performed to thciuft, which ispromi: led to vsin the cnde of the worlde ; but if they flcpt not againe, by laying downc their bodies , we muft lookc howe Chri(i can be vnderftood to be the firft borne of the dead, if fb many went before him in thatrefurre6^ion. HBut l)t5 rcafons arc of HO fticlj f03cr, UB to perftuaDe, $at tt^ bootee of tbe fafntes , tibtdj rorctDttb€b;itI!,Qeptagatnetti tt)etrgrauc03ano rcturncD to coemption; peaQjattooulofomttitat tmpeatbtb^ potoer of CbitOs refurrcctfon , it it tocre able to raife ii^m to life, but not p^eferoc tbem tn life; ato ttjc fccbote fart totll fcemc ratber an apparition, tbf n a true reforretfton . ^ts firtt ob« lertlon in anfu«ret> tn (be tert tt fclfe. iFo? tbe faints bto not rife before ^,:i(!, bot after Cb?iff^ attO fo ffill ^Ib.zitt toaJJ tbe firflbojnc from tbe Deab. Ebe toojDcs of tbe tcFt are; "manic •^^jttiij^; bodies of the faintcs , which flcpt arofc 5 and came out of the ' * graues AFTER his resvrrection. i]5otDetOtbinbe fi)atQ)eprorep;erentliebpobi£(beatb,f Qateoaliue in tbefc graues tiU be toais rifen, in a baine imagination, ami a toaie ratber to puniib ^rn toitb a btjeanTome life , tbe n to p?efer tbemto acomfo)tabterefnrrection. l^isfcconbrcafonbatb fome mo2e ibeto,bnt it is not fufficict to conclude bis intew tion. P It/cemeth hard(raitb be)thatD^///dfniouIdnotbe in p awpw? £- rhat refurre6lion of the iuft , ifit were cternall , of whofc feede ^i^Qia, ^f, Chriii is (o often commended toys with fo great honor and e ui- iffi. dcnce* 1 1 8 Tbe powej: :QflidlM«ftroi-.jir ; neioeg i5 Ucris iaeaUe, i4}rn tjc'c faitt) , 4 Dauid is deadeand : - '^•*^' ... ^j^^^j. andiis fcpuWhrefCFiyainf ch vvith ys yncothisd^ic,. ;;^^J tV^'^'^c .auidsijoDpl»crecifeiibJefo3e4c(pca|^t^^^ r>4?/Mf4w^ar- nantr&iuwg-ix^Pcretsmsntl) to p;ioous.(^aiD*iHd-laie^eir' rifen from coE-tbat PaiiidC;jvy cormptbu^ ^tii^ f?pulc|j2CMmamittgn>(tJ« > Chrifts flcOi fauji pcsiTS before uOt ma«^ bunD2cus befoje Pecei:" fpabc t^ too^DC. !^U8 picpictign t^rfojctijat God would not fuffe r his holy one to fee corruption ,; iponlO Ija Uj/iii; pcrtatne ' tol5lmfclfE, butmtiC bee t)erifieD tnlimc ef&cr , trbfcb luas Cb?tbat Oauids jjoDp toas not (ben arcenueb , ^cn %(e fate in bis fjnmane fle(^ at tbe rigbt ^anu of (H5oti#icb eiepjelSe^ tlje potoei' aHOglojie, Uber itm to tbe boDle of ^^ifi Vans eyaltcD bp Ijis sfcenCoji into bea*; ucn. &o ^at bere AiKlai|jatb fome bpio ti>p?oue (^ali ^au0, t4)»i aB^immber^of ^^ittaa teceauctiifltoglo^fe. J'^ V- > ilja:(tematne$on&o&tcction,tt^{^t}iartt^(at)^,b£rol$ .^ftioe. 0nDftat1«,€3;§.2aifaa3etiD tlj0 tt)*fb fefjtdjtonfcflfto ^l)^ on ttie (iroife: * Tliis:day iliah thouBe Viith me in ParadiJi^ *Lukc.i| .t(^ ttntconlDCMff^Qtate bs^^ffi^DM^g ttibftlcrcepttoie gcpnt it mfgbt bcjn maiiie p{acc0 atones :' S«Auftelabb?ct() m l)f)8 5 7. cprif fe to trmottc t^is ffumblhtg biocfe ; an?i af* lerfoiitt turner ano?tD?cittt)es, be (tusconclooeti). "* £/?*««- *^ugufiep'4t, fnir^QhrifiiifdixJJfc<«:cipiatur:Hodie!.TMcS rhparatiiji. Mo$ fm^jpffPhriftHS.^ Hid diefiti^Maff^ndm mfefifkb-o^^Jhtki- a4f^M^fip^^eft,Thc ^|C3ficrvi»derSafwiii^,and free frotn^I ^ "^ ,in%|Vv.^ » ife^fg at^biguiticsij; ifwectakcjGhriftcbfpeakethofeVw^rdesi ;'^s.'^\"^«'--' - ^tiifiayMtthoufew; v«i?Mi^ MEE in Paradife, no'tofhfs sVaS-^wV rei^ihopdeybtttofhisGodhead^.FonbemanChtift was that * '' " ' ^I^Vlhe graue accardiDgtoJbis ^^>^^ andin-helias'toiiching b\$-fo\iIe ; 'but- the faunc Chrift asCodisalwaies euft-y wfecfd t^^f^jlS . goalee tpeabccftliethceuesfoulc, aias ^4fcii^ pFqreiKjeiii^aaoire,^^ toec tMitttttotoarcant (n t^'too^tf of (450D fo to fstf £ui Cf).2l0fi fisule tmfOlielfe^Xbt time of bis ^(df^j t|)9t It tnig^ ucti»e in JdaraDjCebcf^ojc it pefcmoeo irf2. inta 23to The power of hell deftroicd, into IjeD; aw> \)t flra (^eto l)imk\(e to G)t fatntfl to fi>?frUft^ fycabcablc comfort , befoie i)c e h}ent to fubtecttbe poU>cr0 »Rpmjo of DarheHcffC tJllOer W pchc. abat hce ^ defcendcd into the dc€p,mu8 be rccf au£D,bccaufe it is auouctcD b? tbf apcfllo; but what tbic be tn0nt,oj how bng be flfau Ms aUb abat ma tier of trmmpb be b;ougbt tbf nee, cannot bee \imittty\3fa* nit OTo:taU man, ?n all tbefc cafes 3 ^inke it fafcff to par* titular Ije notbtng, tdjUb ts not oefineb fn tbe ico^oc of €oC: (bere map be U^Ubobs ^ bat tfje confcience$ of fbe fattbfnH ntnff not bee enfoitceb , ercept to certainties . CbtB is tbat 3i tboagbtfittobe faibe toncbtngCb^iltes befcent to belT^ t^igtng tbe foiccanofruitc of bts going ^itber, o; app«a* ringtbere, to fabied the ixboleffreng^ and binguome of S^atan bnto bimfelfe , mt to acquits all bis membx^rs ft-om >i» : eommtng tbitbrr^ but tbt time oj manner of ^is befctit* b in g , Bi Dare notbttccmine , teafi J (^onlb anert poa fiom trutb to fabler. ' »li ifattefurer (sfbe former bortrine, teaching fbe redcmp- ..^ „ , ^onof mairiiinbe bp tbe oeatb tf <3);tfl to bee all-fufKeknt. ' '■*" *^" and cuerlafling , t^rein tt)Z fcriptutcs befngeulbcnt ano fbe ifa^rs cct!fonant,3 (^Unabeteo moe too2b6^ 3 totltbr^ fo}e ciofe tbem bot^ toit^ tbe confeifion of Fulgencius, to^o liueb 50P. peere s after Cb;ii&>3tiD (b commeno potito(!S>ob^ ^Petts vevHs (^vinHf, ims deta Veritas et vitAAtema^m^id^fi^ ^Julgtni, Je in-verhshom^fieretimcrttptlidrt^Taif^^it. Ettdek^msejuimGr^ iartutt,-irgrm9tfivtidamftdeiti,qui^4'^ ltjhchrtftf,ca,9, , in. ' ■ ■ ■ x ■ >- -^ j ^ homoqttt deJirHxertt mortem, ant qms tfueiayamamfHA dgm4* mtinferif nforf4Htemfilijdei^ qi^m>.^(o'L'A' CkKnt fnfcefif I^TR AM Q^ E rN N o Bi>. MO R T EM , ofiimd- fcdicef ekr* nifefife defiruxit, (^refwrriBiocamis tiHs.gratiamtjehiif^Jpm nt$talu ^ corporalis refurreliioHts fittribuiti vt friui iu^i^ikii f€rfidem3nortis(^refurreCiiofjisfilif dei^ rejupiUf^f^ififi'^ 4clnatfs vtorte , c^ poft frimam refftrreUionem fcilicct aur^ mAr^mj qtm nobis ia fide eoUocatA eff^ 4.ti4m tpMcarftfy H by Chrifts cJefccnt thithcrT 121 ^ptAftHnc Viuimusy rep$r^antHsjn»tf^H4m dertuo moritfiri. The {fUv aad liiiingGod.yea the God thar is tnich it fclf^aiid life cucr> laftingjifhc were not alio true man,couid not haue taHcd death, jand diatman whicbcafled dcath,cxcepi he had becne likewitt the true God, and cternall life, hee could hothatie conquered death. Sauing he that was both God and man^wh^Jsnian could hauc deftroieddeathjOrdcliuered his own foulc from the powet of Hell ? But the death of the fbnne of God which he s v f- FERED-iNHis FLESH o NE L IE, dcftroied both deaths IH •vs,as wcllofibule as bodic-,and the rcfiirrcflion ofhis flcfh gane vs the g;ace both ofa /piriruall and corporal! rcftirreftion , that being firftiuftified by faith in the death and rcfurred^on of the ■fonncofGod, wcxnight bee raifcd fiom the death of infidclf- tiejand afterthefirftrefurre(^ion which isofthij foulc , (fCOItl fimtf Jgiuen vis by faith,we may alfo rife irt this flefh , in which wcnowliuc/jeucf todicanicmore.<^C«wsoLA caro m O' d r;j^„j^ ^ lER-ETVR ET R ESVS C I TAR ET V R IN CU K I S TXyprop- pajjiont domini tar Vfiitittempcrffiffhtdei t^ hommu , filtres dei diciturmonuus . a d Tt-A(smM''ik Toium tgitur h cm in em cum fnis injirmitattBtts Ittre pcc'r C4/tf deifiliusiacceptt^iM tat a tradttw idsm ChriFfttf j sec v ff- iiVM. SdLAM CARNE M MORTVVS, TotitS ChriflfiS f?' Vfddftffrfo/am akkmaiit ad ittfirntim defccndit. HttMAnrUs fri^th • ^, ii ..►. - \ 3 verafilyJei^nectqtAff4$f4nfefHkhro^nec tota in iijfn'no^fed iff .• F^f J hue but without (inne . in the wholcvnaturc ' the fame ChrK^beeirtg dcliueredjDiED accop^ding to the flesh only, and whole Ghiilt dcfccrndcd into hell according to the foule on- iie. So thatthe true manhood ofthe foiine of God, was ncithiac vvhohc inther fepulcjire, nor wholie in hcU ,^but in thefepul- chre Chr;ft lay-deaid mjhisjrucilefh ) andinihis foule Chriftdcf- tended intphell. 5150t as torching hjs diuinitic, which is net ther comprehended in place , nor ni^afured with end , whole Chrift was in the graue with his flefh,and whole Cimfi m heU with his foule.And thereby whole Chrift waseaery w'here/b^ caufe his,Gpdhj^^dwa;S not feuercd trorti his manhood^ but was Jtvichiiis foul^j^ia^ dij(lbluing ih^iforrowe^ df hell y. itinigbc irei turnc'ConquGFQijrlrc^rD^ell'j ^nd widihisifieflijihatipee^heriU iiiig^it might notfrciTOffUption. :.^nHi*,- ■'■.:i .r'. :..;.. S'^ :h fi ';[MP ^^b^ PlSCuih,of Noej una ifje Xe< eono pa:fi^m£Dbp t^ p?iEartjme fufferings and comforts of i^\)}i^ in QVK ^art0;CUen to t^ feitig eucrlafling,immortal, iniufible,and God onclic wifejbe honour andglorie, forcucrand cuer.Amen, < * -Ix ortr. f a. Jt! ■ M The Conclufion to the Reader, for ^^S thedeering ofcertaineobieBions made againft the dodrinc before handled. pjeface of ft«; ba)be,to g(uc tfjre a tali m tt}e concIuGon i)oU) ra(^l? f tDCdb^ Ipf^ &oartne,l2|)fct ttioaiad^ notn I tcatj , tnaff confutcD , befoje it toatf , I p.:tii teD , b j> one tfeat pjofefTctl) >i7ir '• ^ ^" couldnot forbearcbat imfloy his talent " [tocleare the hely caufe (35 ^ CaUcftj it) '' ^'^ from all the corrptft fanfes and vaine imaginattons of men'. '> iitiictJjC^od tDtlUng,3 mcane nolo to perfojnic . SEljou nmfl .noeta}kefi)atBl U)tU IjoaStime ano paper to fettle a gtDDte lKaD,o;i fieppe a ranning tonngCibat iaicn bp Come particn* lars Bj ijauc maoe it appcare boto tinSt be ts to bee r^futeo , o; (b mud) as regarocD bp m^;3l toiU leaue bint to tbe bcptf) of blsfoUic0.iro3tbougbbepointplainIie to mpfcrmons, tn Directing b^S treatife.* ^ contrary to certam errors publikjy „ '' fug -i preached in London ^m^ flicfeetbnot tQ^^ftameme-jyiZi bccaufc be flpctb from tbeCf ate of tbe cbisfc^nettion ^i^icbBl m- '"p^^" ^^• pugneD, ano tabetb tbe paine? to oner f bip all mp antbo.:i' ties toirt) Olence, tf not U)itbcontempt3anD in rcpo:ttng my reafons foigettettj ano oiffcmbletb ttbat pleafetb binifdf?, as alfo in tbe Defence of m^ belie canfe be rouetb m be U» fie(b,ncitber hoping bimfclf to anp o3Der,tto? bringing anj? matter of moment , bnt confafeblie pofezing oat tbe baHia refolattons of bts otonc b;ainc0 , fpiceD euerie tdjer e tuitJi (gno:ant f abfnro pofitions : neifber mp leafnre no: mp U- feing foffer me to fcefec bim out, fbat bai To farre lol! \^\rtu felfe,no;j totjoacbfafe Urn an anftnerejOiat fo pwuDlie Defpi* fetlj all aatbo?itie aato antiquitte , t^icb fojtefl) not tuitl) bis fanGe • 3| toiil tberefo^s l^cto tb^(go?D 3^eaDer}rome cram- (250 I pies 2 15 The conclufion to the Reader, PleiSof l)ifiinfolent lefeaing tl)e iFat^jtrs, cf ^isfo:tgetfaIl 03 tollfuUaltei'ing mp veafons, of ^t0 tniperttncntpjawing f^at tt^ici) 10 not qucaioncOjaiot) flipping t!)af t4)tcl)(^ouli3 bit p^oneD , of l)t0 erroneous ana uangcrcns aJTcrtions ,of 1)10 tntolerablc ignorance in tt)c tonga?,td;ereof Ije To muc() Dan:itett),aiiD tfjenlcauet^ietod^otj.ifttjouloattnot ^ ksl* Diiig,80 1 DID tfje tuiiting befsje tljou come to tlje cnD. , Gaiat 6. ©21I!jcre 31 tojfeE foj mv text , t^fc U)03Ds of S>.paule, "^ * ' a. God forbid that Ifhouldreioiccbu: in the croHe of our Lord lelus Cbrift, whereby the world is crucified to me and I to the world»5ll;i0 cofutec toonlo bcace men tn franD,t!)at3 mtlloohc »■ ?.<<» 3 1. ^^V ^^^i^ fojf ^^ ^ f^^^^ conclnOon from it, ^ This (fa jtt) ^k) ^ PS not onely an obie^ion, bmeHen a foundation and principall *^ ground of this erroHribut fo miftaken and forced as nothing may «« bezKore.^VtttXi^ Ijtt maUCtt) tO bC Vl^X^-^ChriJis foulervasnot <« crucified but only his bodic^ therefore Chrifis bodie onlie fujfe- « red,andnothisfoule. l!5pfl)i0 (gentle rcaDer) it map plainlie be percc(uco,l)ol30 toelltt5i0 gainfaier obferueD mp p^icDfs.BI D?elDe no ceafon from tlj2rctiJO5D0;,buf p^opofing t^m foj «ig t&cjne, tcDfec occaOon from tbcm to laie Dotene^firtt ftjc contents of Cb?ilJ0 Ctollc, boto far it extended ; anD tben tbC cffefts of Cb.:^ft0 croCfe, boto motb it performed, ttbl^ i0 tbe gfeneraU metboDe of tbe tt^ole f reattfe , 3n tbe contents of Cb.Jtlfs croUc mp toojDs arc tbefc. Rightly then maie the Crofle note all manner of mifcrics,forfbmuch as our Sanioiir VJdcpag.4, going from tl-^e garden to the graue fuffcred all forts of afflicti- ons^itbicbBI bcfa;e Ipeclfptng amongttotbers namcD tbefe, flume, reprochjand all forts of deadliepaineSjbefideshcauines of hart,and agonie of mindj which opprcfled him in the garden*, anD tbtsBI niabeno different fignlficailon, but rather a partici- pation of the croiTe of Chrift. »en 3 canie to Cb2t(l0 foffe^ rings on tbe Tree,a0 ^ttn fpeahetbj tjfeo tbefc plainc ijU03D3:the reft (Of bt0 to;ment0)which went before, not being excluded as fuperfluous , but continued and increafed by that fiiafp & cxtreame martirdome yn hich he fuffered on the Ctoflbi ; ' ^i9> for the cleering of certain obiedionsj 227 tDiH 3 t^enmabe anp fad) conclaCon out of tijefc too2tii;of PauU5syoafmagin0,^icconfutcr?o5tiiti ratbcr purtoif i mcmojtc fo flenocrlie fer uc pou,ttat pou coulD not conceiuc o?carrp avoay tt)e maine medboDe of mv (ztmons^nii^maly Uiu DolDKC at mp firll entrance into tljifi matter ? JlBut as j>ou begin M^ m\> lE^cmc , (b poo continue tof t^ tiie ^ole Wfcoai*fe,mti!al?tng,fojgettm0.pei:ua:ttng ano maiming all tt)at Bl alieogeo 02 concluDeo. ^ NetterthelejfepH take it to hee clears , tijat %\^ tcrt toa^ ''P'»'|.5 1. mifiaken by me^ for the Afoflle here fpemketh not oftheferfonall >, ffiffermgsofChrtflybut of the goMie^hich they [tifer for Qortfts ^j rr;^f^y4^(f.lICo Dimme riesttop l!gt)t tsclcacec t|)en Murine I^ine ; anDtoamanefpoucV)nDerSc^Dtngfalf€[)ooDma? lee clearer t^en tcutb; IJUtfe»otajepou^trH.L^atj31miP toofee not mptert,ip03 albeit tlje c r o s s e bee fome times taUen fo;tl)eaffliaionfiQf tlje goDlte; pet the crosss OF CHRIST is no ijfeere in ftje fcrtptares fo tafeen.l^gaiii t^oag^ toe be '^•permitted tmo ^commanded to retotce in our affUttiong , pet tomabettatttng&eteftabieto reioice in 'iCor.u. ante ttjing elfe, as tbe apolf le bcrc tJotb,bp faping,God for- y^r 50, bidthatlfhouldreioicebutin thcCrofleofChrift; bat!) no Jacot^-i'Vca. groqno in ufoinitie. ^imfclfe faietb clfe tebere ; § Of fuch g ^ ^^^ j j^ a man (as toas taben tjp into ^araoife) will I reioice- of my felfc I will not reioyce, except it bee of mine infir- mities. ^\xi ^auioor fateft) to bus SDlfciples, ^Rcioicc i.Lukc.i«. rather becaufc your- names are written in heaucn . 515ut of Cb^itt c^cificDjit is ptetie anD Dulie to faie j>God forbid that wee fhould reioice but in the Croffe of Chrift. jf 05 as tO tbc Co- linths tbe Epolile refafctb ^ all knowledge fa ue of Chrirt, and ' r.Cor.s, him crucified : fo bcre bce renounce^ all reioycing faue in the Croffe of Chrift, tbat is in Cb?ifl crucificD. H^is to bee tbe fun anoplaine meaning of ^ lapofile in tbi0 place is to me ascleare as bate ltgbt,mtb % b^P^ ^^ ^o f^^nie to tbcc (Cb;iil^ianHcaoer) iftboumarbetbetoo^Dsof &aint Paul tn ^ zz.Ycifeof t^ts teri^ Chapter , tit ere \}%t cbargetb ga tbe ^2,9 . Tlicconclufion to the Header, ti^ falfcapottlcs tDft^l);iging Circamcincn , becaafe ftej? 'Gjb.^.vc.u ^ouls aw3i3 psrfccntion foj tfte croffc of ClJ^JitJ:'' They con- ftraineyou (faitt)tjEe) tobecircumcifcd > onely bccaufe they! : would not fuffcr petfecution for the Crofle of Chrift^pjotelltntj tftccontrartefoljlmfclfemt^fc fcuojoes , but God forbid that 1 fliould reioicc but in the Crofle of Chrift , vv h e R r, y" THE WORLD IS CRVCIFIED TO ME, AND I TO THE world: gleaning tjc tiotb not otulp rcfufc tfte fa» nourg, but Defptfe tl)c terrors of tt)c toojiDe fo; t\)c crcOfc of €1)0. 3n ttw firlf part of G)is comparifon bcttofrt Wmfclfc atto tbofe ttat Gattereo tbe Betoes U)ttt)tedctiing ctrcumcO Oon foj feare of affltct(on,put pear (nterpjetatton to {' toojoa of tbe apo(!le,miD(£ebotDabfnrolpftmatct)ctt)iDtt^tt)em. They conflraineyoutobce circumcifcd , ohclybecaufe ihcy would not fufferperfccution for the crofle ofChiift , tbat is aS poo f rpounU rt,bf CaafC tbcp toOnlO not frfferferfecution for ct the affltElions ofthegodlie,\^^^ tt)t0 e|;pOfite apoDle bcre mear nett) bp (be crolle of €b?(flf,tbe flanocr t ^ame of <^?iflfi Cuf* fering on fbc Croff2,UJbicb tbe Vetoes fo abbo?reD,ti)at fbf p pnrfueo all tbat p^eacbeo 03 bcldearD it i Iben confcqucntlw Paulcs rciopcing in nofbing but in the crofle ofChrift contra*, ris to tbeir conrfc muff necbs (mpojt, tbat be ret oiceD in no*- tbtng 0) macb as in tb at (bamcfull tieatb tobf cb tbe ^auiour of t^e tDo.:lD enbnrcD on tbe croffc; ano to (bat cnb be fairtb' in tbe fojmer Cbapter , toberc bee moje largelie bintletb" ^ Gal.jf.vcr.i I. Qjjg niatf cr J y If I yet preach circumcifion , why coe I yet fuffcr petfccudon ? Then is theflaundcr ofthe-aofle aboliflicd;' meaning tberc teas none o^Kt caufe fctbp fbc Vetoes Wtn tm perfecuteD biin,but foj p^ea^bing Cb?iff cr«c(ftcD,to bee tbe true ano onliemeane of our falaation,\»(tl)8«t circ nm«' t ifion 03 b^atfoeuer ceremomes of tbe la to. as tbe iixi isclecrc toitb tbe fenfe tibicb t follotoetJ, fo fibe 'Traa.inio. fatbcrficoncurrctottbtbe fame.Chrift (faletb Auften)*chofc |jirj,45 , that kind ofdca'.h to hang on the crofle^ thit a Chiii^iah might . fay. for the clecring bfcertainc oWediohs. 2 2 p faie,far be it from mc to reioicc but in the ctoffc ofChrift. Chry- Momc tjpan tt)ijS place, * what is the rearon(faftt)ljCC) that achryfoft in Taul (o rcioyccih in Chriftes croflc? becaufc Chrirt for my fake Galat,6 tooke the fhapc of a feruant, and for my fake ensured that hec fuffered, 0ODtMg farther. ^ Annon eft glor'tandnm , ejuHtn ilk ddminm^ ofmvcrHi ej} defiS'^§n ernbefcit pro nobis crncempthi. re^ Hauc we not good caufc to reioicc when that Lord, which is true God , was not aQiamcd to endure the croffe for vs ? I'anl Ootl) ^ riot reioicc (fat^) Icrom) in hisowne righteoufneflcor !,^Y°"'*" knowledge, but in the faith of the croflc, by which all my fiones ^ ^^' are pardoned me . Chrijl ^ bearing his croffe on his fhoulders, tjjedajn (faltt) Bede) commcndeth it, thatT'Wmight faie,be it firfrom Galai.tf me to reioicc but in the croffe ofChrift . He was dcfpifed in the eyes of the wicked for that , wherein the hcartcs of the Saintcs ftiouldreioice, SKfafefomctiftat longcT f gciitle Heaocr) Oil Qjfs pointjfoj tbat,as"it^aDbinact)Uo((^ opcrfrgljt in mr at tic tjertc ficft entrance to tnldafee ttic meaning of mp Xtxi-^ fo tt ts mo3c tticn a malepart td cbe f n tiim bniuff lie to cba- Unge me fo? 0Ut)enie tbtS (bat Chryfoflom faitb , remember tibat (25oD bimfclfe faltb : Lukc.it ^ 6 fcole this night flial they fetch away thy lbiikfr5thecjtl^lctl <^).:ili faitb none coulD Do &om btm , becanfe be baD poioec bp biiS fatt^rs; appointment to laie it tioU}n of bimfelfe. 3n It&e ro;^t,^en ^ CbetoeD not mine otun opinion,but fbe ioDgments of tbe ancient fatbers as fcoell foj tbc caHfes tbat ' Vide pagj9 mig bt be of dDb^ittes ' agonie in tbe gatben , as foj nyQ rnca* ^vidcpag.34 ning of bis ^complaint on tbe croffej my God^my God, why haft thou forfakcn me; obfeme (gentle Keaber) 3t p?aie t^t^, botD abfurolp be roletb from $e one to ^ otber,f boto info^ Icntlie be retectetb altbe fatbers,fi}; tbat tbe^ tpbolo not bi$ l^umour of bell pames to be t^ grounb of botb. Bl alleagcQ lerom aiiD Chryfolbm, tbat ^li^ on tbe croffe t\tt\i tjQt be* ginning of ^t 22. \3falme,My Cod,my God, why haft thou forfaken me, tbat tbe Setoes mtgbt fenotoe tbep bab fulfiUeD V^t tuo.:Ds of ^t p^opbet Dauid in Qjat pfalme fo^ei^elDing 1 Vag.U " tbe paffjo of V^JZill, l^iS anftoere i^.;} thu fence is mofl abfttrd, ^0 Athanafius) Auguftinc,em(Lco,t^^ ^^tlt fpabetbofe lpoao0 for the cleering of certain obicftions. 23 T !do;ii0 in fl« pcrfcn of f>ts dinrcl) , tdjf^ ftjt n fu(fcrc9 in ^im JSH>ii)(tf)blni,lM;faf8?,'" Thi^ is mtejfenhfurd then the former^ '^Vag.67 there is no reafon or likelihood fot it , M^cn 3 b?0ng^tlerom, „ Ambrore,Au{^en,ant) ^cdc^ ttjat tn tljc garocn C();tft mfgljt fo^rotu foj tl)£ rBiectionof tbc fetueiSjtitjo UjouId pnl t^ ten* geancc of (2505 oiv Wx oione bcaos, to ttje titter DcHtuftloii ef ttjetr Is^olc iration bu putting ^tm totjcat^ , ttjts Confa* ter fcDllQ^iP an3 fGjgctfuflp niabet^ tljis an tnterpictation of ^^?tllc8 complafnt on ttje crolTe , &nD acoett; " T'^w ^ w*''^^ " Vag 6 ?. fond and dfurdthe» the other. ^0 tsbctt among Ottjer caufea ,, cf (Ejzills agonp in tfte gatDen tbat mtgbt l»,{foj ^ t©Se t3p» on me to Determine nont) being fire tnnumber,3 b?ong^t f^iS fO) one out of Ambrore,tl)at ^'M forrowcd fo; tl3,toas SADfOjl30,anD GRIEVEDf0jl3l5, 1)0 LAMENTED OVR VV O V N D E S , not ^ilJ , q V R WE A K E N E S , flOt f)t)5 OtOHC Oeat^ 5 ** This inejfeSi\( fait!) l)0e ) « nothing hti what wee opag,^3^ nffrme^ h) >»y God, why h^fi tboH forfakfft mei? There is* n&fapj fan /w,j them thus fgntfjing, ^^st poti fptafee bolbltt botetrone^ 5, CUflfe of tbe Tonne of (I1500 ; ^ h cannot bee Grange tf often '^'^^g-'if^ times Chrijl fell am4z,ed , confounded and forget full of hint^ » felfeforfeareandgriefty 3 maiettulte ml {\X\i\XZ Tap Df poni " it i0 not grange to fee ^ou ama^eo, confounDcD ono fojget- fuQ in pour to^itimg * OT^atJ fpaUe of Cli^ifies agont^ iT atoafe^ OUt ja Of pour fleepej anulearne at lea8 to tanoerHand before pou ' aunfiDerer ^£1 ^\^ p;{efmner enerCe t^eretuit^tstrDainecaSetlbatDa^ (be f aogemeitts-of tbe fatbcr tibicb 3! p;50Dare,t prefer rett> l)i0 otonepceufc^toncefte befojc (bf m all; To td)en be upm tetb mp cea(bnff;be ettber (gnojatUe mifiakctb ti^m^o^ pnr^ pofeUeperuerlet^ Qiem4t|)e? map ^ leOe^cumt/er btm* 23- The conclullpn to the Reader, viMepage.58 3!n t&« (ffccte0 of C^:tffe0 crolTc 3 nofeoout of tbe ^pc0le to tt)c Hebrucs ^;x p:opcrtte$ cf lljs ttn0p2opitiato;t0 tatxi* 0C£ fx^tct) tolie a^at« t!)e Qnne of tSgi^ too^ID ^ Bit \x)ns a bodi< lie, abloudic, miDadcadiie facTlSce; anD amongflnranfc rcafona to confirms t^c rame,i b^ong^t tlicrc tU)o^ ^fcb tOc coufafcr aftcv ^10 fejgctftin maner rouet^ af . W^t firl! (n £f» feftiwas Qji^. Slje tiuc facrlficcfojfinne ,tt^icb (^ Hccce* met C^oulD offcv, luag (^aDoU)CO ano foie(^eU)cD bp t^ fa^ cr(6ce0 iibtdb C'oo commantieD ano accepteo tn t(}e olD te0^ mcnC: bat tljcfscrlScesof (f)e^atrtarcl}e$ ano of tt)e fatti)/ fun appomtcD bj) Nfofcs fcKO^ett)eD atto fignreD aboDIIte, blcnot^, asiD Dcaolte facrtSce, aiiD no patneis of t^U-j ttcrfoje tl^e true facrtSce foj nnng toa^ niaoe bp ft)e bcD(e> btotiD anD Dcat^ of ttje Heodemet , tm not bp ti^ patncs of btU fnffe^ rcD in biBfouIe . S^c fecotiD tti^; i^Bt^cfacrf^cesof ^ laui p;!e0gnteo Irbat t^ ^aut'oar of tt)e tuo^lo l^onlo Do fo; tbe aboUtSing of Rnnc? fo tl}c facraments or" ttit nclue tcffa^ mcnt confirme ano fcale tt)at perfoinuD in tt)«^ perfon of . iBxiiHS^t^m , tx(}fEb loag tl)e tr u? paopittation foi our Qmes, ano p.:fce of oar ccoemptton:bnt toe facrament^ of fljc neto tcffament,anDfpectallieaje locoes fupper,tifclarc anD con* fitim tnto 1}8 tbe boDte of as fomc (magine. Co tbc firS tl)e Confutcr » r^tge.i I. anftoeretl); •■ Thepropojition is falje taking it generally . The ** CArndlfacrtficcsofjhei le'ivesjigmfied that ^hich they were apt ^^ tojigmfie^hntrnt ante further. The ptcr'ifices of be.ifies coulde " Kot prefgure the perfonali vnion of God and man , nor th'e reO" " fonnble andmmortallfoule of Chriji , nor his refurreElion , all '* tvhich wercHeceffarie pointes in the meritorious facrifice . S)C* /Prf^M i, conOliC be Ocnf £ti) tijc affumptton . ^ F^'K certains ofthclewes *^ facrifices fet foorth thefufferinges ofthefquleofChrifialfo» 3tf ti^e fcape ODote tn ttie 1 6, of Leuickus ^ x^{^ \xm a fin offei ring for the cleering of certain obieclions. 133 r{ng,f^otig^ it \otte fcr.taluaie (reeano bnfondjcD . SZo t^e rcafonD2aa3ne from tt)c ^acramrnt3,i)cc fafeti), ^if^ee are te rp^g. 1^. M»Jipere as we did before . The fe are hodilte and earthlie Ele- wents, and therefore fittt to fit foorth bodilie and apparaut ef- feEistn Chrifi\ they cannot fit out the fpiritttall and inuifke effects in him. Andy et theceremonie of breaking the bread which ^, is topjevpe thftt Chriflts bodie was broken for vs^can not belong froperlietothebodieJfHttothefoule , fi5)efe 3 tcnttave pCnC iDO^Ds^nolD t)care mp repltc. 9 tiaD ns (uct) p;opo&tton ad poo frain£ to pour feffe.that cittier tije facnfif ea of tbc laluc, 05^actament£t of ^ (i^ofpd , toere Cgwres of our trt'ole anD abfolnte reDemptton, toljf c^ t0 (a^ poa erpoano tt) of alt t^ frntt5 attD canfca of our reDctnptton* C|it5 tis pour cca^ Oon,not mp p^opoQttan ; St tolDe poa %^t as ^oo |;ao p;o< mifeD^lb ttie fatt()fuU bclo^ueD, tbat l}td otone fonne (^oula bt tt)£ S^eeo^ of tts tDomaii, mtD bp yts oeatt ans blouD t^culd parge ttiefc Cimts , Co continue Q}tiS ^iQmik anD con« firmc tbefatt|)of all before ano bnDer tbe latos, dDoD ap' pointeo bloaoie racct6cc0 , as; continnatl remembrances accifice, bp toljjc^ bee^ouloe abolil^ Onnr; to iuttte, bpbt0 bodte Qatne, ano bisblonD (^eooe, tubbed t^ carnaU facrfgces toere 8tte(t to cefemble , (ince C^oD tDonlo not ^aue tije blond of ante man , but of \^is otone Tonne l^eDtie fo:t remtdion of Rnne^ . ^p pjopo^ Ittion O^en fpeattcQ) of tbetcue facrifice fo^ 0nne , ano a^ noHcbe^ Q)at to bre tbe trueracrlfice fo? (inne,tDbtcbtua^ (^aootoeDanD figareti bp t!)e Deatb ant) blouD of ttjofe bcaCl^^, tbat C150D commaunDcD to bee offercD tnto btm. ^)is p^o^ poJitton poa Doe not ocnte , foj poa graunt, ' The fewes 'Vag rt. facri^ces fignified what they were apt to teach. , and Jtgnifie: „ but tbep loere apt atid o^DatneD of <^ €> D to teacb tbe BetDe$,(^at,bptbe oeati) ano biouo of (be speOftad, tbep (^oalbe bee reoeen^eo miD fatteti from ttiefr Onnes ; ergo f^ptoereapt tm B^caineoof CE^oo to ngnrs ano (l^aoou}e 2^4 The conclufion to the Reader, f!;c true p?opft(ato;iie facrlficc . HtiD fo tl?c patilfirfece'mttt |^;opl)£tr5 bticetieD ant) crpccteD , tutiofe faltf) miD tjope foulDnclttjct: be bafnc no; ffuttratc.fincc t^y Wcit tfjcteta i)|rcctcD bp (3o^s olunc appointmrnt. £l)us>p;opofltion, ljcvou<2^;ftt(«no;j3eti>e,pcnmsi> not Dcnfcj anc t&eixfc:c pou tjoc ioell to Dcnfe tjie aflfuinptieny nno to aftirtne Unit certain^ facr!fife0 of tbr^JclDCS , a0 f p 11- nanicUc ttjc fcapc (i^oatc in ftje 1 6. of Leuiticus om figni^ " * ' c< fie tbc tmmojtall foulc of €^0 , tojiicb loas f ^ faaifiie iiforjimie, anddidproperlie beareoHrfm/es, af7(ifnjfer for our tijimcs. isnt S^ir, if a man afl^e pon t^ol»e pou p.2oiic tijat t^ fcape t^oatc figntftco (tie fonle of ^:in , toi^at t)aite «c poo to fate ? BeCitHfe hoth CJoates (fate pOU) are a picrtfice (I for finm^iiithe Text fpsaketh. ^QW abofe tje STflt, anD De* rieu!t.x5 reuie pour felfe. 2l)e Ujojdcs are . Aaron § fball take of verf.f. chcaficmbhe of the children of Ifrael two hcc Goaies for a finne offering, tijat ts tomaUc a ftnnc offering of one of rticm, on \jaW) tbe ^s^Des lotte ^aU fall ; ^o foUoUie t^ tuOjOCS in t^ 8. verfe of tbat Cfcapter. Aaron (liallcaft^ lotces oucr the two hcc Goatcs, one lotte for .the Lorde^and another lotte tor the fcape Goate. 0ilD Aaron ftiali ofter the Goatcon which the Lords lotfhall fall, and make him a siNNE OFFERING. g|)e tahiugof tlje (H^oatcc from ttje people Dottj not mahetbemfaeriffecsfo^finne , batt[)ccf* ferine tijem inito tlje ilo^o bp tbe \3crc taUeHsPet lots ^zxt ceh ti^ifb of iftrni l^oulD bee ^e finne offering, anc tubict of i\^m tbe fcape diJoaf ,fei'i4) ^^^* fequentUe loas no ftnncoffcrir g, brcsuCe tbaf toas maoe a fume offcring.on trfjicfj tbc }lp:D5lctfrn. Slnbfoff ttjf fcape (l^oatc Dio ftgutfie tbe foule of The conclufion to the Reader, pcfjrljn5ci'{tc;tii5tng,t?aatbj> pour oU3tifcrsmplc0,veu oner' f^;olut)ouroU}ne poftttons, tUiftrs ^'oti labour to cQabUQ) t^m \mi\) fatnt concepts of pour otone Dcnifmg. [Wut in Cije burnt offering o: IjolocsuS p:cfcdbf5,Leui.(5 pou fim mo2e bcipe tbtn in fijc fcspc <0oate , to pjeue (tiat CbJtll foule fuflferco fo5 our Cms us \st\m \nB bobp.33if poit mcnnc tb rt €W^s foule foffrrcn tljc patncs of bel,? U)Ou!& faine foe fjolo pon p^oue tbat out of tljr ^olocauS o; burnt of* fcrmg.3!f poulliinUe tbe name of fire ootbfomciDbat rcltcue poUjtkimcniber, §>ir,bt ftfies tbc fuuD^ie references tljat fire 'Lcuit.7. ver.i ^3t!) tn tbe fcripf ute^^e ^ bolocaufl Uias ftrff aaine,anD aft cr barntjano tfjerefojc tonlcffcpou totU fatten tt^c fire of affli(5lio asponcaU tt,tu <3);\{iB boop o;: foute after \)is Deatb,tbe bur« ning of tt)S oeat) facrtfke bp fire totll little further pour puii< pofe.^gain, in one ant) tbe fame fire ioas tbe l;otocau{J con* fomcD.BIf tbis t^crcfojetoncbtljcDea^anDpaOffon of <13)?(II, ^is boDie ano fbnle mutt iointlp fnffer one ano tbe fame bino of aff lt(tion;t4)i(b is $e (bing pon fo mncb impugne « 0nD •'i'^i;!! f"'^^ ^P P°"^ 0^"^ pofition tbe bolrtes of beatts '" «• tbat tbefonle of tbe l^olocaul! ma^ fignifte <£^:t(!s incorruption after Deat!}.£!l)td fenfe »>. Aulkn appjoouetijtt&cn be fa({ft.«5/c leueturhoiocauf ^^^ ^^^ ji y?«w T/f ahforhatur mors in viEloriant ; Let the holocauft fo af- pfal.jo ccnd that death bee fwallowed vp in vi6toric . Snb agatnc, vQHnndotetuw confumitHr igne diuino , holocauflum d/ctt»r. '^ f^^Jguii. TotHm meum confumat ignis tuns , nihil indt reman eat mthi^ p^al. 9iz \sonHv mn hlotiuit facrifice (^auffi tccD tn tl)e laUjJ do not crdnise tt^ torments on t!jc ctol!^ f mpnrteo to tfye (ouk , o; rather ^oI{)(trcetnt9 bp Gse (bu?$ of Cljnfl, bat oneUc ttje pa(ne0 of W ii^tct) tuere neuer ft^ gnreD bj? ante facrlftce, no^ feaieD b^ ante Sacrament of tbe olc a; nttD tcSamcnt^ t^ougi) note tbei> bceittiise (be p^inci^ pnUpartcf OKr recemptton, tDbfcbuiD^sDc Isas piti'^fcO b^ {!)£ oeat^ anD blouti of Cb?iS Biefu^. ^ Blnanof{)tn0tbe rcafon ijo^tc^ Bl o^etueftomQie &acra^ mcntsof tbcnctute0ament,anonamc!tc fl'omtbe Ho^bes ^npprr.tn tbc Icngibof rirlmesl^tr refnter)?oucontraDi(t ti)c Deftnittcn ano tnflf itudon of tbat Sacrament, as alfc t^ plameiefolntfonof &.Pai>I, miDacranicttt0.[ll5ne (it^c^ * ^'«- **• refnonie of hre^ttg thread {^Vi.'2)^tX\) cannot prof erlf helon^to the '» body Jbnt'to the [otilt .3 3n ttjcftrltinftilutton Of [jfs Rapper' > iJtO not ill^ttt brcake the bread, ano OcllHCr it facing, Take eatCjthisismybodic ? gf breaking belong to t!jc b;e£D,»t)fn b;eabmgbdongcttp;:opciU0tott)»3boDp cfC^Mff ; foj t^ b;eaDioado^Dame& to (^eko fo^tb tbe boop cf (!b;ii^>¥ (bat ^. Paul notefbin crp;jeffe toOJbg. 'The bread which we break, js it *i.Cor.rc.. not the Comunion ofthc body ofChrifiPBntCJjJlCs bOD|'(vOU fa{>)toas not p?opcrlp b;toorn,-becaafc §tcript«re faitb "not "lohai^. a bone of him fhalbc brokcn.a fp^folatfon fft fo; (ucbaWutne as vou are^b^b yecAlledhedkingorbrmJiMginfeeces^asthewordem ECzydoth^ > piamlie fgnifie . Wherefore the meaning is the torments of his " fonle did hrnix^eandbret^ him m peeces ^ ^OUC l^cb^ue, ^onr€5reebc,tpour )ai)ilDropbie,cameallcut of one fojgr, fS^^ atefbiibe* ^oncannotftnbe iS^^ <[b2t0csfien) boas b^clicti ono bituifeb on tbe Croflfe bp grieuous Oripes ano fommbs^bnt^otttwuefpieD, tf)at t^is (b»le4p^ b^hen in 240 The conclufion to the Reader, pccccfi a«t! t^it pjopcrUe . 31 om of tJbt p?ctit!ccs b^foje Iptjome pou toere toont to talSc 3 fl^oulu a'fee pou tuto boluj msnt^ pieces it ^aa b;QUen,pour Ijeaoe iDonlO ahc to ^ape Ijim a tDifc anftocre. [iSnt t^ IbojD dacha tol)J4j£fay tj* fCtt00tt)platnlp{pou fap)iignlfie to brcake inpeeces.J^ert? it al\joam am ettec Ggntfu; p;:opcrlu to b;;eabe into peeces f ^ol» can it ttitn be appUeo to ttje Tonle, but (tnp^operlte ano bp a ftgnrattuc kini^e of fpcecb ^ ^ ^^^ W tuf tb you is a 5pountainc.2I|)etDO^DebOtbRgntf«totteade vndcr footc,to bruifc, to opprcflcj to humble, Witn Dauid fat'tb tbC encmiC » Pfa 14 1 vc ? * ^^^^ '^^^ "^y ^'^*^ downe to the ground j Mttt pon fatC bf batfi oiob.i*? vcri b;ofeen mp Ufc tn pe«0 :» Wen lob faitb, ^How longwill yee vcxc my {bulc,and affli<^ mec with your vvordes , toJU pcu .«=icr.4^vcr.io aODe, and brcake mec in peeces with your wordes ? 22Ibcn Ic- remiefaltbof tbf menof ludah. « They are not humbled vnto this day; Mill pou pb?afe it, anO fap,|$Cp are not brokf njn peeces to this day ? gn tbe potoer of ^lifts ^afi) to p^oue t^ bloud of our fs* utouc to be tbc true p;tce of onr ceDemptton,ani) tbat ns toel cf our ronle0 as of our boDte95B! allcogeb tbc tDo;:03 of Peter ^ You were redeemed with the precious bloud of Chrifl ; aWP of «> i.Pcr. f . tbe (bul0 in bf auen raping bnto CbJtft, ^1 hou waft killed,& .«ReucI,f . haft redeemed vs to God by thy bloud^ttben fljetr bODtf fi Uwre rotten in f eartb. thence BI reafoneb, if onr fonles be not re' bcemc D fro Deatb bp tbe bfoob of cb.aa,eur bodies bam tn tbid life no bcneftte of reoeniptton,! mcane from Dra$,fo; toce bie as boe infioels, ano our honits rot in tlie graue as tbf (r0 boe tin H^ Daie of ccfurrettion. ilBut ^.Petcr faiefb* wee are reoeemcb, not Uie f^aU bee ; ano tbe O^into Cap to Cb:iS feben tbcirboDies lie in ttit bUff,Thou haft redeemed vsby thy bloud ; ergo tbat reoemptton tibicb t))e bane in tbis life, nmS be referred to onr foules; anb our booies matt crpect tbe ge« tierail Daie of rcDemption in tbe enbeof tl^ tDo?lo. Co tbbf ^T«g,th ^^^ Confoter replied) , ^ fVhat aparadox,yca what tmfietie »8 it this ? Hatie our bodies no good ^^ all by CltrtHcs death ^ " ■-. . »# for the clcering of ccrtaine obieAions. 235 no more then the ho^yes of infidels Jjccaufexvee die fiU as rod as a theyl^m S>fri»mcmbci: 5 HcDcmptionfcom Dcatl)t£5t!je ,> pomt t4)t4) Bl t};(geD ; ^ ouc boDtsa m %\& life t)auc not, no mm ttjen Qie boDtessof B!n8oel0 {jaiiejbutmuQ rrpea tt* 0nD ttjerefc^e if onr g>oule9 be not ceDcsmcD bp t[)e blcoo of Cti?lft from S>inite $ oeat^, fee [jaue p;iefentlte no wtJempti^ on bp tfjc bloao of cb?iflf 3 but mnft ffaie foj tt>e time of one refarrcaion befoje toe t^all fjaue it.(!i^(ctj is contraric to ^ teojos botlj of peter ono of t^e ^cu!cs infteauenj ttat faic to Cl)?itt iJ^en rtjeir boDies bee rotten 'm eacftjjhou haft re-., deemed vs by thy blood, ^ere § tell tjfi Of tfjc iaCtScation, mortification, mtD famtification of our booies., as alio of Sjoerpectattan of gloiie^tiDict) our bonier (^aUbane,anD QinhetomaUea great canquedof tttetooaD^, no good AT ALLjbutpuUin pour boanes.llBeffoes tbat mpmcaninj \& tjerie plaine, ti^atfceuer tbc iuo;OES iuere, fcd;icb 3 mig^t t)fejti^ic^3I DO not acfenolcleoge to be tbefc ttjatpou biing, butttiatourboDied^aue no bencfitte of Heoemption from ueatljj marbe tuell ^e conoitton annereo to tijc p^opofition. If our foules bee not redeemed by the death and bloud of Chtift^ano ttjenall tbefe aOfurDities tt^icti poa t^oug^t to faSen on mee,fall full on pour olone beao* ^z% if our fonlc0 be not teDeemeD bp tbe blono of ^ii% our boDtea ^aue bt- terlie no goo, eaenno gcoo at aUbp tbe Deatlj of Cb^ff!. [[£I^0pI)an0 pOU faie lufiificatlon^ mort:ficAtio-/i^fanclificati' „ offj&hopeofrefarre^ionytcUtiCSt^ UrvfullpoffesfionQftOX^ „ Ip tilings. 3 ^^^ <3ur booiestbefe tbtngaof tb^mfelues, 0; from our foules Srll iulIifieD,mc:ttfi£D, fanctificD one af- fureo of lifef 3 trull pou oarc not faic tbat oar booies bauc ante of fljefe^but foj ano from tt)e ^oule . Sben if tbc (bnle be not reoameo bp tbe Dcatb of ^}^M , tbe booie can banc noneofttjefejanDconfcqucntlie mpteo:ds are founoano gojD ; I poors, if pou ftano to ^tm agntnlJ tbe conDition an* ncrcD to mine5are pjopbane ai«) jfalfe. [But 3 alter m? iDo?DSjpou toin fate,to mv beil aDaantage,fe^en 31 f* pour obi^moiistop^teuenttt^atoanger .3 3t bao bene fitteit foi 31t m 24* The concluGon to the Reader, ^outo ^ane ft&icn n)t p?(nttng of mine olutic laooMS , m^ t5cnponmtgl)tljaaec|)afgeD mt toft^ tbcm, sno itotbcc KpcllcD aiS a fojgetter oj nUfconO taec of tlicm , oj to tjaue gotten i'oua ccpic of tljatfcd}ici)3DcIiuecrDoatfl)at tjeite fommcr to men of great ^cnouc aiio learning , a pecre anD jH03ebffo:e3eHcrtjcartio?t!)ougl)t of pour pampljlct, bct caofe 35 founos fo mfinie Ijuniozoas tjeaocc ni{fconcca# uing aii3 mifcepo;jttng m}j toojocs . iBut pour Ijaffe iTjas fud) , poa coulDe not •, oj pour fbtll , pmi toouloc not Hate ft^ Cg^tof mine oU}netooj5es, leaft tijcp l^ouloc trouble poumo?ett)en pouiosrj; ^ntti ano t^erefo^eout of pour otonc ill conceaucn , emu loojfc oigcff eo iXapfc* ties , ponfrante obiectton0 aa pleafett) pour (elfe, libic^ cit^r toere not mine , o; not fo p^opofcD bp me . ^no ^at inaketl) meparfueno mo^eofpouraunfiDereis, bp reafoii 3 fpenBc moje time in recalling pou to tbe trnetb of mp Ino^oes , (tm in refilling pour mc^txc-i^s , tcbi^ liaue neifber toaigbt no? toitneJTe, moje tben fbe bujjing of ^ont oione b;aine. %ti ts tberefo^etiicUibolDe luenpott be^aue pour felfe in pom: ot0nep;oofe0, t4^4) pon cannot fojgcto?mittafee. 3n p^opoGng t^ qneSion, ano purfafng tbe p;(Dfej},tbere is Tome bope(cb?f0tan il^aber) tb& bolincs of ti)e confuterd canfe inil leao^im to go plainlp 9 fouMie to \ao}liMviS tbco fOje jje beginnelb.^^^^ whole contrcuerjy hath in tt two points, I "^^eii i " ' • 7'i^'^f Chrifi fujfered for vs the tvrath ofCjod. *' 2,That^fierhisdeath onthecroffe jhefventnotintohel " inhisfoule. *' Now then for the former, thus weftie^dconJlaHtfyauofP'. Chrifi " lefus didfujfer in his vphole manhoodefor the redemptton and fa- " tisfoBion ofourjtnnes '.yeahefujferedproperljfandimmediatelie *' in hisfmle and not in hisflepj only . Therefore he fujfered for vs " thervrdthofGod* This confeqttent ismanifefi and cannot bedt" " nied. The antecedent or fir ft part ofthe former g€nerall reafon is *' d&tiedAndconJidentlfereielied^ethowfaifelieh) Godshelpejhal 4Afily.. for the clccring ofccrtainc obiedions. ^45 c.tfdyaf^eAre, Coac|)(ng S)e firS part offtjte con trourr 005 tuetc pou atoabeD oj a flcepe {S>lr refuter) titjen 3 p^cadjed of ttiere ttimgciS, tljat poQ 0) cohdantlte auotoe tt)t£( toas t^ qaeSion, ft^ct^c CtJ.JiS faffercD fb; tjs ftic iDjafl) of ©cd oj no ? (f pou toecs p^efcnt ano tiot a fleepe, u us too xm^ bolD« ne^ to outface tf)e tuo;Io in p;{tnt, tt)at tt)i^ are erpounoto , map either make luitb pon , o;: agatnff pou. EiJC qucfiion p;opofCD bp mc, teas , whether it could be pro- uedbythcicriptureSjOr bj[ neceflaryconfequcnt from them, that Chrift in his foulc fu&ercd the truepaiaesof heH fuch a$ the damned doc (iiffcr , and wee fhoulde haue fuficred , had we notbeene redeemed by him? B}aD0et))iflnetO0beti)CpaineS of bsO nictap{)o;2tcaUto fo; great ano rrtreame rojcotoe^ imD paine0, as Dauid ano lonas oto , tbe fpcacb migbt be toi 4erateDf but if tocetoobe tbem p;{operlie fo) tbe terte fame ti^ic{)t|)eDamneODoeano(^aUfufferfn bcU, astt^re ts no p^oofe in }Xy fo; tbcre i£i no trntl) in it . Co tbis pon faie no« tbing,anD fo to all toife men mabe a confclTion Qjat poti caitnot iuSifie Q)at , tibicb Bl tben DifaUolneo. ^c bee come ilnceto ten t)s tbat certainelie Cb^iff CaffeceotbciD^atijoC (l!5oD fo) bs^ bl^idjtf it be granted pon, Biooenotfeetd^at it cannebclpe pour caufe> o^burtmine. ifo; tbe to^atb of 0OD ertenoetb to all paines ano puniO^mentes as bocll co> po:aU as fptrituall , in tbts Iifeano^nert,be{bep \xm* po^aU 0;^ etcrnali . ^0 tbat no patne 0; punifl^ment fmall 0; great couloe befall tbeboofe o;: foule of <^%\^^vX \i. mnl! nesoes p^octsD fcom tbett);ta$of vi^oD.MerefojepouctOte difcourfe of ; 2.leaues,in txbic^ponlaboUo p;oue tbat €(7^1(1 (utfercD tbe to^atb of (0oti fo^ nnne,migbt Icel baue bin fpa^ reo, Wm Hms oirettiie to ttie purpofe bao bin mo?e too^i^ Biiz. tl^ti 2^6 The conclufion to the Reader, toin fo manp Icaucs ttjns toafifante fpent.ilBut in ffje eitue ^^cu concluDc Ube a Clacfe,Ct)2ia fuffcreo ftie tD?att) of (0oD, I pi,« J J . " li Tphfch vpe ajjirme is equall to htllitplfe , and alt the tormefites tithereof. »at poa afftrmc 31 little rrgaroe 5 tdiat pou cam pjoue (0 tijat 31 intenti.anD oat of tijts p^opofitian f l^ inuane as it is tt)c laH , fo is it t^ gceatett effect of dSoDs tDjatt) againC Cn ; but from an tnoe6nttep;!opoation as pours is , l)^ict)matefigni9c t^e WHOLE 02 S.OME PART Of GODS WRATH DUC to finne j ycuf^all ncuer inferre U$atpartponU(f,asi}ere pou Doe. WLiVi poo, to mafee pour confcqacnf ga)D,amcnD pour an* teccDcnt ano maUe it gcncraUitljat Cl)?ifi fuffercD fte liljole tD?at^ of (H^oDj $ cuerp part thereof Due to Onnc:' Wbtn beare gooD^ir,mtng anftDcre. il)atp;opo6tion,bcfiDes $at it no tDate foflotDetf) tpon pour ffrff anteceDet; C!).2ia rnfifereD p^operlie anD tmmcDf atlie in ^is foule, (tierefoje be fuffcreo t^e ti^ole lt)?att) of €>oD ano euerp part t^reof Due to Onne: beODes 35 faie tl)at tljere is no col3ercnce,no canfequence \xp ttDirt tl)cfe ttuo p^opoQtious ; tlje later of ^m , tt)at €^;iii fufferea ttje tijioletejafl) of (SoD Due to ftnnt,anD euerp part ttjcreofjtsmoff impious anDblafphcmous. iFo3 fo neither vttcr defperaiion, n03 finall rciection, rtOJ eternal damnation are er- cepteDjbut v^2fffDio ano mutt fufifertljem all; CnceCjc pare partes , pea d)e ctjiefed partes anD rffectes of CDoDs to^tat^ againl! 0nne. I^ts IB far from pour meaning,as pou often p^oteff, Crulie 3 belajue it-^ rtjaritie leaDes me to t^tnbe, tboug^ pou be fomctcbat fcolf^ in tt}ts canfe,tbat pet pou are not (b Diuelil^ as to fatten tbefe tbfngs on tbc fonne of (il5oD. 25nt pon muS alia be fo toife as to fd^^ttiat if poor ontcccDent for the clecring of certain obicdions .237 k gcneraybcfe toflfoIIotojtitictJKrpoB mean tfKm 02 no : if pour aitteceocnt be not gcncial,bnt tnD£finttc,a£?,€;.25ll fuf' fereD tl)i lu^att) of d^oD Due to (innc, ttjat is Tome partes aito cffectesof (SoD3tD?atl) Dneto Rnnc , von I^all ncucrniahe djotfc inpoucconcln^on tiijtct pacts Ijc (affercDjas namclte \ tOe true patnes of Ijel $ of ftc Damnr D. jjiotp cijcjrs UM) ppu \ luin,cftl)er djc inualtDttte of vour argumcnf.o;: fijc tmptetie ^ of poar anteccDcnt^Chc one tuill p?oue poo to lacU learning, tijat pou fffi not Sje Difference ; ttje o'4rf r dat poa luant d)?t* fltanttp,!f pou l^oalD not iDitt) moutt^Dlfcla^nijinD tutti) tjart trtelf tl;att)o.2riblcbIafpl3emfe. ^ou toil p^^etcno 31 lsnclD,pour ccncluffon i& not general/ no moje inDeeD i& it^ponc tUOjDS are , therfore Chrlfifuffered y^ for vs the math of God; \3vA tt}ts concluOon bceing inoefinite, „ ans tjcrtc Donbtfnn,totU do pou no gooD in tlje fojtifieng ot pourcaufe. i?03Cb?ittnTapfuffertt)etD?ati) ofd^oD intiis boDie, pea in W Toole ^ee mate (ufferft,anDpet not tl)e paines of tlje DamneD , 0? of Ijefl : but becantc pon mafee ttis tlje matnc founoatton of pour tr^ole matter,lct tjs lolse fometitiat better tnto tt. ^ou labour to p;oue bp a longp20) ccffc tt)at 4 ne 5 God is faide to be at>gtie ,bccaufe he punifhcth our finnes. ''•Augult.dc ^115 fij AuHcn, "" Iradeition ^erturhdtio animi tins efi ^ fed ciintaietcj. indicium ^HO irrogatur pana pecc^ito , The wrath of God is J i5.c»p. 5 noafFc6l:on ofmind in him,biit his iiidgmcnt whereby punilli- "Augift.m mcntisinfli^cdfor finne, CbSCOnciuSont0'; "^ nomine ira Pfal, 7*. intelligttur vindiUa im't^uitatis, by the name of (d^ODfi) wrath is vnderftoode the punifhment oFiniquitic. 3!t {0 tfjCII CW' iDent ttjat bp tt)S name of ((©000) wrath^^ongboiU ^ fcr but tbe cji^ecnttoncbsreof, aftec ' for the clecring of certain obicdions. 247 after fijtg Iifejl^all b^sfic an ottjer manner of affenl^iwnt aiD to?imnt,tlKn VjiV ^^^^ V^^ comeam . 3f t!}e tbougljt of {tjcfc toDgcmentc0 mtD punfnjmcntcSjO.jisayncD bp c^ooa potDcc miD inSite foj (inncrff,fo afflict mm , ii^at (l)aU t^ jfig^ Doe ;* if tljc fearc of tell bee fo tntotcraMe, tiat (^all the flame bfc f Uben tberefojc pou faie C^it lic- Mtx) Clj.JfG faffcicD fojtjjs chewathofGod^ toee mutt not content our fclues tmtt) tljat gcnerall too^ce , pou muS tea t3S fn paiticnlar tcbat partes anoeffeaes of <^ £> SD ^ fe;atlj Cbzia enuurcD, bcfo;cponcanneauoucf)tl)at tdjtd) tee fuffcrcD , to Ice eqnall to bcftanD all tt)e to^mcntes ^reof ♦ 2DiS bee fufrer Ijell fire eitber in foule, 03 in booie? tbe oamneo (l^all fuffer it in boUj • E'io bee 6noe 0: fearc lilmfelfe to be evclnDeo fiom tl)c hingoome of Cl^oOr'tbe bam* nedDoe feetbemfelaes t^utontfo^euer. gf bee ntttber felt no;feareD(beMYST,tbe worme, tberiRE ofbell^noj fo mnd) ns dovbted tbe losse of C^ods bfngbome, tcbat tojmcnteseqaaUtobeUcannepondanie tjs f [Cbe- tD?afl) of (0OD pou Ujttl fate . is equall to befl anb all tbe toj^ ment6 tbereof] . ^)e U)2atb of dpoo t^s bell, ano fo at:c^ll tbe tojmentes of bcll^pca tbep are tbe fbarpefi effected of (4?ot)& tD^af^agatnti 0nne. ^notberefo^eneuer plate toltbgenc^ ralttteis ano nmbfgulttes, buterp^eileplatnlp txbat otljcr ef« fectc5 of (25005 to?atb pou raeane . i?03 (ince tbe lofTc of bea* ntn 3 tbe darkcnefle , wornic , anD fire of beil,aitD tbe fcarc fif bo^bee t^t greateS ono foieS tuogementc^of 0ob a- gainff 0nne,tbat arc decreed bp ^iS iufticc ^reuealcd bv f)t3 word, ano executed bp ^i& power, (n t^is life o; tbe ncrte : laeeplatnelteanottaelie fate poncan name las noneotbet «ffeae0 of (25005 tu?atb eqnall fo tb^fe. 3!f^nftbebap* ttoas tmpiette to faie, Cb;f.tS fnffcreo tbcfe , ants none otbcc are equall to tbefe, tabe bache pour laaid^ing tmtratb^tbat €});iS faffeceOibe effects of CE^ODS \XS'^^%ec}unlto heland all the tQTmtntei thereof-^ loj mp patt 3 fee xo&ii^i fenfe no? rea«'' 24^ The concliifion to the Reader, 'iii^ But itpjAibefotindUe and euidently prooued, ] \Mi^ pOU proous pou huctonot tcfjat fSTcH firll tdjat ejects of goD« iD.:att) yciimcaue,anD tt}f n onUJitt)ponc p^zccfcj^.^car mea- ning map be fucft aspool^iUmucrpjaiue. 3itniapUcfod[> as toe tDlUafclp grfiant.ifo; t&ncl)tiigpourtDo:&0t4)ict)poii tafee fOJ tlji caficl of ^mx Cauk.Chnfffufferedfor vs the verAth « ofqod\ fenotD pon gc3D §>p? , CljaS faffeceD nothing at \\% ^aflion eit^c in booic oj ronIc,U)cte it little 05 great, but it tuasan effect of (I?o?js te:att) punldjaig g>mne,03 as pou Dcli§l)te to rpeabe,it teas t^e tc^attj of CDoD. S(iite!!,if pou ba ro!oat!)to erp^eife ponr mtno, fo^ feare poubtiD;!ate pone '' Canfe,let tS beare pCDt pmttS',''Thtfsn>eefiie andconfiay^tUe • P<'|-4 ' ^^i?^' ; Chrifi lefus did fujfer in his whole manho od for the Re- * dempti on andfttiffaclion of our Sinues ; yea hefuffered prefer lie ' afidimmediatlte inhis fottle artdnotinhis flePt onlte: 0S pOU Ijaue brgonne fo pontuillgoc on;taibing isponr p?ofeffioiT, pon DID pour felfe i»?ong tdxn pon came to tojittng . 2|)ts ' janteceDent as pou t3ttcrlt,(pour meaning x& fecret to ponr fcife)Dotl) ncifber goD no.: ^urt to tbe 21 ueffton . Sljat d)2ii! fuffcao in Ijis iiijole man^fflOfoUbciXeDemptton of one ^Innesisa tbingbp mee i!euerDonbteD,no^ Denied ^t^ Oonbt ts,ti$at be faffereD in t^t^ td^ole man^oD ; ant) tc^at in cc|) part of Ijis man^mD 5 foj tbat be faffcreD all tftat \^ fuffc- reD in t)is whole manf^iBO ponr felfe Doe Dtfclatme in tb? nerc page,fe^en pou faiC, P Jhisgreemus Taffion was in his foult y p, toitbout reiecting o^ercluoing eitber parte of our nature, ^ca fo aonifcD poaare, ^trlSefuter , in ^ourreafon^, %at b^ ^our otune atlertion yon eoncIuDe cat)e carhas , tbat batb neitber lifeno;ifenre, tDtil poufaicitfuffcretb:' 31 Ibinfeenot* 2Cbere mutt tben bee life ana fenfe in tb^ booic , befoje iX cannc fuffcc 0? feele a* nte paine . j^otoe.Ufe ant fenfe , pertaine tbep to tbe bo' etc 03 clfc to tbe foule i 3f ^ou bnetsse not befoje , vA bp fljc bnlearneboireourre ft inxm.^ ifon oib not , Saint Au- ien l^aU teacb ^ou ^ f rcept noatPtU f&o;ne b^m in (bi& pinv for the deering ofcertainc obiedions. 15 f painty «IS pOU 00 in O^rjJ. ^ Si diUgentim confideremus^dolor^ m /lupufj^ ^^g. ^«/ dicitur corporis ^agii ad(mima,fert'mei,AntmA enim eft dot ciuicate dei. lere y non corporis , etiamquando ei dolcndica.ufn extflit aeor^ Iib.zi»cap,j pore , cum in eo locodolet , vbi Uditur corpus . Sicut ergodici- mus corpora feMtientta cfr corpora viuentia cntn ah amma{it cor - ports fififftsc^ vita j ita et corpora AtcimHS dolentia , cum dolor corporis nijl ab anima ejfe nonpojfit . Ifwec well con fid cr,thc paine which is called bodilie paine , belongeth rather to the foule. The foule fccleth the paine , not the bodie eucn when the caufc of paine commcth from the bodie, and the fbulc grecueth in the place where the bodie is hprtc ; As then wee faie bodies are lining and feeling , when the life and fenfe of the bodie is by the foule ; fo faie wee bodies full of paine, when the paine of the bodie cannot bee felte but by the foule. ^HD fO agatnej ^ Dolores qui dicuntur car- ^We™ fc chii- ftisanitna funt in came ^ ex came \ dolor carnis tantummo- '^'^^ «c'«"D*H* do offenfio efl animAex came . The paines which arc called bodilie paines , arc the paines of the foule in the bodie and by the bodie , For bodilie paine is nothing ellc but the griefe of the foule by the bodie. ^l;ereof E>iutnes mate not Doubte , fince natarall rcafon ano e):pcctcncc teac^e^, tt)at as tbs fonle ktUb b^ ^ tieHymto fjearett) b^ tbc carets Df tbe boDte ^ fo t^ fonle feelctt paine sm offence bv enerte partof (ttebooie, &bcn iti$ Isjounoeoo^ttu^ongeD/^f t^td (nffettHg of (H^ztSes (bnle,bp commnnton toit^ \)is boDie, . did notproperlie make to our Redemption , td)(C^ ace pour^' 0tDn tuo;iDS; tt)en nettl^tr ttie 0ripe0, tDoimDe£( , no.: ocatt) of #:t(t Dto an^ tvap mabe to ont re9empffon;nnce cf all tbcfe Wolence0offci'eD to Clj^ilfcs boDte, tfjc flcl^ it felfc ^aD not tt)c feeling but onltetljc foule of (inj?itt bp communion tulfij ^et boDie , 0; m pon tcrme xX^a^ Sympathie » |^ca fartijcr, bp potn: olone rule , tbe flei^ of cbittU73^nasDele0'e in f^e toojbe of our KcDcmption, foj fo mud) as [)is flefl[) conlo nolp^opecl^anoimmeotatUe fd^le anp paine; bntoffoKe 25a The coticlufion to the Reader, muff learn t^ foiling of all ttjat foas fnffcreu to t^ Gale; ano fo tdjiles pou talUc fij mu(i) of tt)c proper ano Imtm DIat c (uffcrmg of Ctijtftes fonte, poubaut clcanc crcluDce all tlje tufferingsof C^:il!, uttctit^ fcriptureerpacffettj, as not mafeing proper Uc to onr rcoemption* . _ - cc {^But^mjieedeofafalfear^tmiem ofmifte,yoH'(villreturne^ JP*i'^9' ^tyeafon hetter grounded , znd of certaine truth -^ illjirtj (S tl)t0; ct whereby Adam firfl^andweeuer fmce doe mofi-^ro^erlte commit iijinney by the fame hath Chrifl our fecond zAdam made fatis fac- te tion for onr fine , 'But Adamfhrji^andvue euerjince mofi proper" S.C lie commit flnnejn our foules , our bodies heeing but the infiru- itments of our pules, and follorving the foules direSitonandrvtll, C( Therefore Chrtfl inhisfoule chief ie and mofl properly madefatif ufa^ionfor z'x] 211)00 (^aU ptxcttut {(^Man rcaoer) bp tlje ^ anriDcre to tfjts argument, \)o\S3t ill i fpenD tlje ttmr lii piir* fuing tbis JS:ciflpr,u:^lct) ncttbf r can tcl ti^at be tooolD batic, no3 fi)at be (^onlD p;ouc, no? libetber bis oton reafos tnafee toitb b^m OJ againft btn^ 3 wia^e no facbargumcnt as be re Vide pac e 104 ^^'^ P?etenDett)i tbc effca of mp rr afon teas tbi0. Hje flel^ of €b;III mnl! be as able to rcDaenie t)0 as Adams teas to con* DemncbSrbutUJCtnbcrtt pollution ano conDcm nation from Adams fle(b^tcbergfo:e fbt flelb of Cb2iamnabofbn«lcfecn anDclcnfct3S. IbcMaior(3cmDent,tnleffctDemabetbcDt« ucn mo:c able to ocaroie ^s bv an otbcr^fbf n <2?oD f s abte to faue Us bp bimfelf^. 2il)c Minor :s cloere, toittjcut inter nuD* ling toitb tbe quelli w, bbencc foules be DeriueD. | btterlie refufeD to grouno ante realbn bpsn tbat Difficultie ; 3 tfeO DauidstoojDS, in finnc my mother concerned me,anQ aS Am- , -. J. « . brofc fai 8j , " prius incipit in homine macula quam vita ; pojlu- ^uulli^iu "°" Wi is Ojiginall) bcginneth in man before hce hath life, - * jioUJtbcfouleistbelifeoftbeboDie.SbcnifpoUntioncleauc totbe flel^ bcfoje life come, ano confrqucntliebcfojetba fonle come , ttbcncc fceuer it commetbj it IS cuiDent tbat A- dams^eibDcGIetb ano (b conDemnetbtJs. jSs fs: mpconcla^ Gont^t €]7.2iaes fict^ muO qnicbenanoclenreDs, if tbe for the cleering of certainc pbiedions. 255 pitmiiScs tooulD not fappo;t it , bijidj t^p fallp Doe ; ffjs &f raptures tDill maintatneit.'^Het'bateatahiiiyfieni(faiif) our S>aoi0lir)anddrinketh my bloud, hath eternal! life, and I "lohnS, will raife hiin vp at thelaft daie . I am that bread of life . Ifanic man eate of this bread, he rhalllnie for eucr, and the bread that 1 Will giue,is my flefl), which I will glue for the life of the world, spgcecafon lianDinggooD,^ir MPfutcr,lett3Sl(D'dca little to poar0, ttjatpon fate iB Co toell grountico,anD of certame ^ tciJt^. i^oU) p?©ueponpouc6rttp;jopofition , Inwkchpart " h^2imdidftrfi Stme^bj that fan Chriftmaji fatiffyforfinne? ^' ^atiffaction fo? §)inne tlje s cf fpturc acfeitotoUogetl) none \ bmb^Deatbjbfcaurep ^uDgctnpioliibitingAdamtotranf- \ 0reffetl}2Catn£Ot)eatl)|Yhuhe day that thou catefttherofthou v Genet.'' flialtdiethedeath;an0fl)E SpoSle faitt)platnlif;^Chn(t is the '^Hcbrucs?, mediator of the new tettament , that throvghdeath, which was for the r e d e m p t i on ofthetranrgrcflionsin the former Teflamcnt , they w hich were called might rcceiue the promifc of eternall iniieritance . 3;f nottling mlgljf fattrSe fOJ finne but oeatfj^tbr n confequcntlp ttje &oule of Cl)jltt i4)tcfe coalD not Dte,coalD not pate U)c fatiffaaton fo; out ^tnne0, fiotofoeucc ianam did, anD toe (fill Doc finne , mol! pjoperlte b}it^ our joules. ^i& ts but a fitaU) tn pouc tuate ; fo; p3ti 0lflie,bat abforDlp, tf not trnpiouflpDcfenD^ttjat Cbjtff Dico tlje Dealt) of tt>f ^flulc; pet bccaufe ttjc Scriptures miD if a- . , tiers lutrt) one confentauoufbttecontcarie,peaS.auttcii ' *P^S7^ fsfoperempto^ietljerem^atbeaffeetbjQvis avdeat DicEREjVVHo DARE AFFiRME iT^poul^allglucmee ieauetotell pouttjat tf)e0poSleDenteQ)poni;Maior,ttHpott can rtiafee it gcoD, not bp pour oton ijnlearneD freHfie,but bp SfflDtefilmonteof ^cripture,tbatCb?lftDlDDtett>eDea^of tbe ^oule.i]5 oil) bp pour affnmption,tbataoamwe/?/>ronleof Cb^lCE nintt be pimtl^eo Mtf^tv booiei b? t)tr botJtj:; tc^idj is tijs ti)i«g pcu labour to oucrtbjoiDctoit^ all t!?e i«it0 pon fjaue. ^eanc pouottjertoifefijat AdambiaUe tl)c CommannUe- mcnt of d^oD 3 not bp bt:3 boDtc p:opcrltc , but bp bis^ Toule f Ibf n i0 i'our affumption a mamfeil contraDictfon to tbt fait cf Adam . jfsj; Ujftb bts tates be bearb tbc pcillDafion of ^ tDoman,lD!fb W cicsbe liheb tbc fojblJjUcn fruit, totS) bti5 tianb be tcol^c it , tsjitb iJi^ tnoutb !^e Di& tat it,Wd^ teas tbe laatbat (H5od p^ccffclie Dib p;obtbft . C^D DID not faic to A- dam tbon C^alt not like it, o; dcfire itMif^ tbr foulc cf Adam t)iO , but THOV SHALT NOT BATE THEREOF , tS^iC^I coulo not bee pcrfo^meb but b}> tbr banb ano moutb of A. dam; aiiD tbccefoje Adam tranfgrc flfco tbt csmmantiemcnt not bp bis fonleibut bp bis boDi0,euf n as in muroer, tb€ft,f sbulterie , tbefe (ms ntcn commit b^ tbeii: booie^ ano mt bptberrroHle£f« CliBntin fl^at anDall afbtt finnes b:cwgi)t to eflfctf, ^ (bule, ^ontDttt fate, is ti)t pnncipall agent , tbe boDie fsbut tbe 3|n(Icmmnt.] BD grantittotllingltc-5anbtbPncc 31 conclobe, ergo in tbe fatiffattion foj Bnne, tbe foule tnnd be ti^ p?incipall patient mt) bolent ^ mn tbe bobie b^ dC^obs inONce mn0be ii)t indrnment of lytt patne. ^nb bct:e mar&e 3! p^aie tbee (%ll!ian Heaber) ixbetbet tbis one ai^ gumcnt Doe not titter lie ouertb^oto alt tbat tbis iole bifcour^ ftr ()atb boone , anb tDoclb Doe in tbie ixbole pampblet. ifo; noting is mm p^^opo^tionable to <3ot)B tnfiice,tbrn to (oine tbem in paine , ttjat teere iopncD in finne 5 miD to re- tainctbe farmojberinpunit^ing^iiijicbtbcpbeptin cfifen- Ding.^ut aU pjouocations ano pleafures of Gnnes tbe foule taUetb from ber bobie , an acts of Gnne (be committetb b^ |)0r boDte ; t^refo^e tl;e inHice of (^00 bott; temponUie ano eternallic for the clecring of certain obiedfons. 255 tfcrnaUtc pnn(C^ctf) tf?c foule bi»thcfaoDte ':,ti)nt b$ it fJat^^ l)ccne ttje ^tittrument of i)cv pLcafiirc , (b it l^all brc of ^cr^palne . 3nD If C!5€>H> obferuc foisconrfe as u>cll iti l^tjs tcnipojatl as eternall Denpancc on ttje (inncs of mcn^ fctite tijcn l^onlos not {l)c fiiffcringes of Q);iQc$ foKlc bu |i:3 bootc bee trucUe mto p^operlte a fatiffaaion fct;6nne, id)td; tf)IS great SDOCtOJ a little befoje fa(D , maiie mtproperlie-. »; Tag^i h to our Redemption? v JFo? t^i? better inffrnctton, gentle KeaDer,anD mp Dif* it)argc^tljattbe foule tahettj^eroccafions tofinne, tafeti) ^er t!cUgljtc0 In finne > ana pcrfcurmctb ^cr attempted of finnc, lultfj ano bp tlje faoote, gtue mee lea«« in ftisJ point to bee fomelibat tbe longer . =^ Caro efi cjfiam jpi- ^cypmnm rituSj c^ui in ed et per earn » cjuttcunque fijfeEiauerit , feragtt prolog dena- (jrcoftfummat . The flcfh ffaitt) Cyprian ) is the forge ofche "uitateCluifti foulcj which in that and by that adlethandperformeth, v\hat- fbeiier it affe<5leth . * l^er quintjue fefifus, quajt per quafdam ^ „. femflras vitiorHmadanimam eft introitus . By the fiue fenfes j^^^jj jjjj ^ of the bodie (faie^ lerotne j as it were by certaine windowes^ vices {03 CnncS) hauc their entrance into the foule. ^ Nnf- '•Tenullian.dc quam animajine Cdyne efl qfMmdxu efi tn CAr»e\ nihil n o n refurrefUcara ^ . CVM ILLA AGIT, Ji^e qua Hon efh ;fiquidem in ""' came J 0- cum carne , <^ per carnem agkur ab anima j, auiO«i:, '^ outof the hart come, euill thoughts, !^olu trcUj tt)is is t^at Tertullian ijeretjouctetft ttoa C^alt (©ne percctuc (gentle Hcaoctjif tljcu be ^oulo men m s l e e p Eyin F RE N S I E S , in L E T H AR G I E S J tn A P O P L E X I E S ♦, tdjer0 VssMtimcz of t|)efonle is no U}at0touft}eDo;ii)ecateD3bnt onclic tS^ BinSrumrntis of tjec bciste, wii l^e tfeit in per- ceiutng,temcmb;{ng,t)nDerff anOtng ants tt)tng,arc niittmt pereD,03 obflraflCD.il)ec]cp£rtcnccbftccf,ifl focaQeanc eu(« Dent euen to ttjc Omplctt among mm, tljat 31 l^all naeDc to fpenti no mm tuosDs to ttje learner. Tertullians condufioti is tbtS. ^denm non ttcet aut mmfinm iudicecredi^aut inertem^m^ Ibidem dcre- iujiujltfociam boMorumoferum aprxmii^ arceat\inertemy(t facta lurrcft. carnjs, rnalorii d fu^^licm fecernnt ^N on ft ^articep in fententinca.ro. ^ nonfttertt (^ in caufi.JVon pojptnt ergefeparari in mcrcede^quAS opera comtingit.yNc maienot thinkeGod to bee an iniuriouSjOr a negligent ludge .'iniurious, ithe exclude the (foulcs) compa- nionin good works from(tbe foal00)reward jnegligentjif he ex< cufethc (foules) partner in euill,from rhe(roules)pLinil'hments, Let theflefh haucno part inthercntence,if it had no part in 4he cau(e,They cannot be feuered in wages, that w ere ioyncdin workc. 3B( Tertullians aCTumption bc trup,t!)at In ttjis? life tbe foule can ncitber work,fpeake,pcrceiue,defire,nor think good 0: euill toltbout tbe ^nDtumcnts of Ijcr botiic ; ( ctcepting altoaies C^oDspotoerto tnfpirc tit)at plcafettj !}fm; tn% bee (bat frameD tbe foule can alter miD ^aww^t tt at bts Kfemg, b? fbc (mnicbiate toojbtng of Ills fpfrit^ )if Tertuiaans con» clunoii rv for the cleeringbf certain obieftions. ^57 ^j cluOon be truCj^at (0oD fi^ r(gl)tcoa3 tutigc of ttrc teo;lD t« '^ ^ W euerlafltng retnarD of obeDience,^ Itbetuife in %X3 cter- tiRil Vengeance fo: finne tDtU toine ano conple bott bcote ami fonletogitt^rj cbrn appartntlte no svfferings ^^ ARE SO FIT in THE PERSON OF THE REDEEMER 5 OR T HIE SATISFACTION offinnc, as thofc WHICH ARE COMMON TO BOTH PARTS OF MAN, t liamclp tj^id) tije foale faffere^ from tjcr boDte i bp bcr bcDte^ttDfcl) oittrtftjotjoctt) all ^ Confutcrs tsnfaltcD aic tmfettlcDfiif- xoarfe of rtjs Ibales proper ano immediate fuffertng in ^t perfbnof Ct);itt3i«^f«s. SDoc 3i t^n Denie tt}at ff)e &ule ^atl) anic fuffertngs T oSjers receiueD into ttiat eternall tope ano bliffc, ano ftjnn* ^ fclueS erciUDCD . ^ Gehenna grmius efl bf e caUetb tbeni ; but as tbc ttmt^ is, feme of bis fpcctaU abfarDittes, aiD (mpfe* tittt iil;eretn 3 toiUbe no longer tbf n of fojceSI mnfl bcejBl taUe lltt le plcafure in rahf ng facb an bncleane Qnbc. ip , (c M)t firff iS:^ Chrifi fnjfered the pames and forrorves for - ^'^ ii finne which wepjoM. ^\s p;jopofit(on (^it confuter) if pou taUc it inDcfinttlie as it lictb; p^couetb noting foa pou: poa maie do toell to goc to fijc tan^ncrfitie againc , Ubence pen came afo^e pou toere iBiCe, ano tbcre Irarne to put Quantitictopoar p;iopofitionSjtbat tucemaie fencto tttien pou i^ttitt of anp tbing,ti3jetber pen nirane a l l 02 s o m e: fo; if pou mcane bctf .tbat Cb2tfi fuffcreu a l l tbat toec (boiilo , tbfs p^opofition is an bojttblc blafpbcmtc; tbeii Cb?lft faffercD tbe. loss e of (II5oDs g r a c e,. s p i r i t e, FAVOVR , LIFE, Stt KIN GD OME,fOJ fO fl^OUlO tOPej t^tW bee teas plungCD intofinall derperation,irrcuocablc malediction 3 and eternall condcmnation;f02 To (bculDtoee. [ij^ouarefarre fcom(batfrenGc,pou totU faie.]3l)op5 rot(DjneitberDoe3i cbargepon toitbit-, b«t if ponrpjopo^ {(tionbce gcmraU pon cannot anolDe it ^ ano tbcrefo:e, after pour lojfe ano trifling manner , pon fettc OoUme a ooubtfull aflfertion , tbat mate feme foj all, o;: fo? part of ^ febicb Uiae (bonlD banc faffercD. 3f pou meanc but part, tbe « ^onr p,:opoat(on p;«Duet^ nofncb tbing , as pou inteno. foi ^on tooulo fatne from bence inferre, tbat Cb?il! fuflfercD iliepatncs of beQ»b;^icf) bi^rc one to ts ; 1 \t^tz Mm^ but part for the cleerins: of certain obiedions. 261 part Df tljat Wd) toce I^ouId , a tDlfe <[i);iQim tottl fuppofc ante part,rattjcr rt}en tt)c paincs of bel'sbotDOeit ttjc^poflle tCac^Cttj nice to fate ttjat • Chrift died for our Sinncs accordinn ' x Cor.t f , Co the Scriptures,miD t!)at Dcatt) toas ttj5 DeatI) of ttjc Croffe° ^ He humbled himreir&: became obedient vnto death.euen to " P'^'^** the death of the crofle.[ WbaXtsno fufSciftanflDcrejVoutuil fate 5 becaufe on tl>e^I:roCfe " Heruftainedourforrowes,as "Efai.^J Cerate fato be fljoulD. ] Hie ttJojDcs of CBfateacenotjaspoa tDOnlD faine Ijaue t^ein, he bare a LLour forrowcs,foj tijen be mnff tjaue fojrolueO fOJ t^e lolTe of godsgracc/auour t king- dome, as 3] falO befoie; but tlje r20pt)Ct faittj^ he bare our for- rowes,\4)i4) mate recciiie a Double conflractlon^ano cltber of tbem tjertercUgtong ani)cb.:itttan . IbeQrffjtdmtroeuer bee f£(to^ fafifereD tt toas onrs , not bts olDne , rbat is foi ouc fabes , anD foj one ^tnnes . Sbis Q)f |d?opbet in tbe toojDS foHotDtngconfirnutb,He was wounded fbrourtranfgrcffions. He was bruized for our iniquities. SJjC nf rt tS^be fattaineD our forrowes g)at is fuel) toeaftiies, faintnc0,t vccarine£5,a£! are tnciDent to one nature ; ano tbat tl)c ^jopbet confeffetb in t\)c tuo59B befoje,He is a man full of forrowes,anD batb erperf* tnce of tnfirmitic£i,cucn of fncb aj^ natural! tecSfcno $ aithrt tJSHBut teben tbe fcripturefailetb pou,pouaie to QmiittuDefl ef pour 0lDncmaUtng,awD libecc Paule faitb, ° Chrift gaue • iTlmot.*; himfelfea ranfome for all; poufaic,P the Scripture [peaking » *" 'P^g'l^ heere after the common vfe, and cuftome of redeeming cap- >j tJfies taken m rvarre .doth meane that Chriji paid for t/x t h e 'J , SAME PRICE "which elfe wee fhouldhane patd. ^I'rft fctboe n , tolD pou tbat the &crf pture fpeahett) bece after tSoc eommon t)Ce of Cn!mtes,Cnce in one valuation tbe fonneof (il5oD intcrpofcD bttnfelfc as a mcDiato: Inltb bl0fatber,toan* ftucretiibiit tbe iuttice of C'ODtoonlD require at tbe banw ofbtsfonne,foj tbepatoonmgofa fernant,tbatbaDGflfem tieot'l^otianopoarfrienDs cannot abfDe tobeare, tbat t\\c tnimiB ti|;obab t}£;incaptiuitte Iboulo baue anp paicefo) our Deltuerances pon contiemne t^at as a ^anif^eifnte; 7,62 The conclufion to the Reader, mn Doe pan m"M fo; an atutantage 1);ge tl)at t^ tnti tiiiemaai)aucap;(cc fo5l)i£5capttuc;? ^econolie t^p?{ce tt;at U;ee^oniocl;atte paiDe U)a6cncf,5 flnne in taping, p Curfed is the earth for thy fake , thornes and thiftlesfhall it bring thee, jfoj notoneltetbefonlcsanobo* Xi\z^ of tbe tDicbeoare curfeo ano confnmto lottb plagued retting in ttiem^ ano on tliem^ but aU $at ^i take in liam?. for the clecring of ccrtainc obieAions. 2^3 SID all tfjat telongQj toftcmisaccurfcDUfeetDire. 1 1f thou wik not ( (MttS) Mofes ) obey the voice of the Lordc thy God .jj)eut5fo.ij to doc all his commaundemcnces, then all thefe curfcsfliall °' ^ come vpon thee and ouertakc thee . Curfcd {hall thy basket bee, and thyttorc, Curfedfiiallbeethe ftuiccof thy bodiej, andthefruite of thylandc , the increafe of thy kinc, and the dockes of thy flicepe , The Lorde will fcnde vpon thee cur- fing in all that which thou fetteft thine handc to doe, vntiU thou bee def^oyedandperifti, becaufeof ihewickcdnefTeof thy workcs. s:t)C red of (115 £D E> ^ curfe0 ttfsxt numb;ieO fanto tf)e eno^ of ttiat (B^apttt, anolatoe t)ponboDtc miD fonle > toffe m> cbtlo^en, goods sno \mnts , life em Jeatb of fu(^ as fcanfgreffc 5 ptmit (gentle l^eaoer ) at Q)p leaCnre, anD ttiott (^alt eaClte fee , ^oto farre d)e curfc of (i^ £) E> in tttiS life pnrCnett) rtnners ; befioos tt;e |)oar(# ble to^metiteis of tbe nerfelife htpt in ffo:e fo} tb^m . ^o (bat a0 B! bib in ttjeto^atb of (H^ob, Bi mna in tbe carte of ^ 5 , 2^4 The conclufion to the Reader, ti^tct!)c fabmftteo|)tmfelfctoas accurfcb bp fpeciaU toojlis »Galat } ^" ^^ ^^^' '^ accurfed is cucry one that hangeth on the Tree. i^Otu to terific tbe tUOjDS of S.Paul,ttiat Cb.atJ redeemed vs from the curfe of the law DuetOOacfinilCB, being made a curie for Ts ; it fn(f(cctt) tbat ttie fonnc of dDoo, feeing eqaafl iDltfi tisiFatbft in glojte ano mateOie , tooncbfafeo to bnDer* goe not all tbc partes of oar carfe , bat feme paticB t&c tt* of . (1j5od@ cuetlatting corfc ix^icb is mcft cue to (innc , 3 i}ope iioutDtllfree tjtmfrom . (^ons fptrttuall curfc, b? ftblcb be Dep^tneQj tbc totcfeeo of bts trueth , of fcts grace ano otijer giftes of bis fpiritcpou mutt ItbeUiifccleare tbe fonne of (1I5£DBD from. I^ee cannot be fubieaeo to ttjat parte of d^oDiS curfe tottbout apparant imptctie . HCahe front bim truetb, pou mahebtm a lyar; take from btm grace pou cbarge blni tottb a reprobate intnoe^ tafec from ii\m tbe Spirit of (0£^S) , pon gme place to S>atan to tooafec fnbtntasfntbcrt)Uu?enof twibeliefe.3! trna(S>ir a^efutcr) poubce nef ^r fo tsicbeo ai6 to tbin^e ,neitbcr fo Defp.erate as to DcfenD, tbat tb2 fonne of d^oD mtgbt faffer anp of Qjtfc corfcs . Sben baue pou bcloelie,but falfelp ano ieioDlp con« fc P«^.4o; *' ClnDeO out of S. Paul,tbat be puttetb ° a part of the iuFl curfe << ofthelawcj thereby memingthe whole» 0re poulo tncU ac qaainteotDttb Saint Paulesminoe,tbatof pur otsnebeaDe, to tjpbolo pour bamo20U5 fanfie,pou toill t3?ge bts meaning tDitbout bts tDo;20es, to fuppo^t a manifea falQtief ^e txtote curfe of tbe latU containetb infatuation ofminde , obduration of heart , delperation , damnation ; anD tiftat not ? DiD Paul tncane, tbat Cb^ttt tnas maoe tb^fe tbtngcs fo^ ts? oa conlD bee baue reo^mcD ts , if in tl^fe tbings be bao becne poheo tDttb ts i )lBut tbat Bi tbinUe ( &ir i^efotcr ,) pon iinne of ignorance, not meaning to mafntatneQiefe blafpbemics, ano pet tncluDing tbem tsitbtn ^ largenelle of pour too^Ds, ^;oagb tbe tueabneffe of pour tnit, 3! ntuS bp tii Dntp iobi^ Bi oloe to (lI5oD,ano bts truQ), bane giuen pon otber termed, tben nolo 3J O03but 3! W t^atber fatberlp toarne pon to tahe for the clccnng of certain obicciions. 16^ l^oc of f^(c toe made a cur fe for f/; ^ ^ c -p^. ^ ^^ and before I piereed thu curfewoi Godscnrfe ^nOagamC'^ The ,, Scripture ttplfe ajfrmeth^ hee did all that for vs : therefore vph» , , •• V«i,i6, darethdenieit? Who either ntan or tyi^ft^el pyall prefume to faj ^^ , ftay ? ^00 ^aoe t);geo it, 3 liauc noteb it, anc fo ijauc ma* ^ " " '' ni^loife and goD tmn mo?e ; ano l»iU pon bcar^ Ui^at 31 concciuei' Cruliet^is ^ pou^ane mo:e n&\>t of )dl)i(!cke rocnreponrb^aines , t^enof labour to rebate pour argn- mC Ht«»&0manp,«lD ^ak/peda/lreafonSi fi) p^OUDliS pjOpO^ fc^/o toeablie perfo^mrD/o falfclie concIaDcD, tJio 31 nc ur t: teaoe as long as 9 baue liucD. Ilioa iBilt t^inbe perctance (cb;iffian Heaoer)3! CpeaUe^is toDffgrace tie enconnterer, ono fo to p^efDDfce ^ts canfe toitb tt)re j mine btart C-od bnotocttjj but if tf)on bee not of tbc fame minoe tol^ nuc be* foje 31 enoeteitt) ^id/peda/l reafo»s,tiQ bee calletb tbcm,3 mucb oeceiue mp fclfe ^ fpeciaUte if £boa ttp telfe bee intend gcntanuinyitferent. 31 bope,fi)ougb3lt}auntnot,aB^bo$,tbcrecan breno tionbt ^bnt ^ curCe of CDoD fo; 6nne containeili tbc fe partci; ttbirfj 3 pzopofe^to toit,tl)e cxtcmall ,<:orporaIl,rpiiituaIl,t etcr- nali plagues anD pnni(^ment0, ttberetDitbC^odparfuctb tiie toichcD fibat rcbcO againS bini.3l count it as cleare,tbat ncf* tber tbt ctcmailjUO? fe true fpirituall curfe of f25oo ccu'o tabe l)olo on ttje foule of car feauiour. ifoj afi tbf grr ateff blcf* fings fbat (25oD ghietb t)s in tbis life,after be batb bp mcrcic parboneb our finncB.are fhf faith of btfl trtiib,tfl dircab0,tbe ftrcngthof bis grace, toafTiflbs, tbe ^arncfl of bis Tpirite to perfwadc our bcarts of bis fiitbctiic clcnwncie to t)S, finoto inHamet)5dgainelui$ tbe loue of \^i& name, hope i5^ The conclufion to the Reader, corfe foj finite , ^at in e^iB life mate befall men , is to ^aiK'^is ^olte fpirtte taben from tbsm , toittiaU tits gra^ £00 mio gtft0, t^at anie toaietende to falnatlon, anD to bee gfaenouertntoa reprobate fenfe^ttatfotttibUnDneae an9 Jaronetle of t)eact,n)cpmap runne bcaolong to Wt otone ti00tuct(en.Mitt) tljcfe impietieis ano blafpbefQieg , 3 trnS no Cli?tff lan tDtU bur tben Cbf fonle of one §)aaf our •, ano pet tbefe are tbt true fptrttaall co^tes of <3on agaiiiQ finne . B3f *^ ha X fix n tb0 fonle of (Biliii toere altoapes "^ full of grace and truth, ^-° * «no ttje abundance of ^ts fpirite focf), tbat <= wee all retciuc of his fulnefle ; 3if tn t^ perfc(J(on of W bolineflte,tJinocen» c^anoobrotence tbececonlDebceno Offect; no^2antefcare 03 Donbt in t^at QeofaQ aCTurance of fai!^ , tiope ano lone, tubicbonc ^aaionraltnapesretaincD; |)ob)e conl^beebee^ fngfofaHte aitfiperpetaaUie bleifcDof (^oD, btftnlib txnlic accurfeDcf|)fmf I^ecurfeof COm" plaining of ^t iD;»ngs rcceiucD at ^e time of bts paffion ; pnttetb fl)(s as Jt¥? firttano ^t ebi^fcff,'Iam (as> wormc \^^^ ^^-^ and not a man j a fhamc of men, and the contempt of the pco- * ^ pie. All they that fee mec haue mce in derifion \ they make a mowe, and nod the heade, faying, he trufled in God, let him deliucrhimjethim fauehim. They gape vpon mec with their mouthes. &atnt Panic bimfelfe t)?getb as mncb Qie f^ame, as tbe paine of ^croffe; ^ Lookcto lefus the authour and «Hcb,xj: finifherofyour faith , whoforiheioyfet before him endured the erode and defpifed the s h a m e. He endured fuch contra- diftionof finncrsleaftyoufhouldfaintinyourmindcs.t^OtD Of* ten bo(b (000 tbjcaten fhamc ano confufionof fsxt to tbofc ^at fall from btm i ^otoearnefflp ootb Dauideuerp txberc p;a?agatn0tt.^ ]^olDetroIpDotb Daniel mabe l|)is confeO fion to gOD;* '' O Loid CO Ys belongeth openshame bccaufc «Dankl.^| Mm ^ we i68 The conclufion to the Reader, vvc hauc finned againft thee-, the cvrse ispowred vponvs ' vvtictcn in the law of ^/(?/?/ jbecaufc of our finnes, Ter ufalem and thy people are a reproch to all about vs. Jf tt)e ktiptnxtS vocK not cleare , fl)at fljanic anu tep^octi is a cfcfcfc part of » jQj to controU &aint Aulten , tobofe toojDes 33 bauealleD* gcD inttre Creatifc at large, i^is refolation is, fbatttbeii Paule fatetb, Chritt was madea curfc for vs, he meant Chrift died for vs , Idem efl mortutis quod rhakdiUus , • qHomdm mors ip fa exmalediElo efl. It is all one to faic , Chrift died for vs, andheewasaccuffcdfotvs; becaufe death came from the curfc . W^i& pou Denic ; foj tbat Q)c goolie after or at!) goetobcaum , tobicb is ratbera benefite tben a tiirfe to ibf m. CIJGst) ifeir, it is no benefite of oeatb it felfe , but Cb.JittcsbleCTing after Dcatb, tbat Departing tbis life, tore goetobcaarn. SMDpooincouragemcntoDic , Cnce of fc2ce foj finne Dtoelling in (be ir bobiestbrp muff Dte:it toerc toeliraiD, ttiat DeatbisreQfrom tbctr labours, ano an t\h trance into bliire,fo3 fo ^;iittbatbp?ooiDeDfoi bts,ttbcn tbe^ goe bence: bntif pdutnill reafon txbatDeafl) is in it felfe, yonmnHcefoloe itto bia part of CDods curfe inflicted on Adam for the ciceringxof certain obie^Sions. 16^ Adam foj fmnc, aiD from \iim mtax&Wk netimt to all ^iB ))oaeritp-,from toiifctittiougtioarronles bcmmpteo,ami ouc boDieg Q)n\\ bettQont>,ytt it c^maincft) tottts Dap a part of Adams pantf^mtnt, to^ict) can ntt bee anoiDco , ^ougt) tt tnuff notbeefeareD , becaareCt);tQ batlt)onertt)?otDne fbe f03Ce anOfeare tbcrof tOlt!) bWDcatlj/By one man(fattt Paul ti^om f ♦ meaning Adam)finne cntrcd into the world, and by fin death. 3S ^ope it entercD not ^ a btcdingjcH^oD DoH) not Dfe to blelTe ftnne:bnt tt entered ad a part of t^c toasts of fmite.o? carfe fei ftnnc, ano (b it DoQj miD l^all continue,to tbe cnDe. ^ The ^ lart enemiethat (hall be dcrtroied(faitl) Paul;is deathjwhen this '•^°'''^ 5 ' mortallhathpuconiramortaliticjthcn is death fwallowcd vp in vi6toric;t//. The corporall death euen of the godlie is thepu- ^P''°^P" '" nifhment of fmnc. Ebts f o8C(tion to bcc f rue,^. Auften blm* Auguft! 148. fclfe COnfirmct^. "^ St vrro quemmoHet^tut vetiffampatiantur^ * Auguft.dc f & ipfapaenApeccati eft^ qmrumper grdtiaht reatus nboletHt :- ciuitatc dci umtflae^uAJiioinalio tttjire of ere , qucd infcriffimHS de Bap-^^'^''^^'^^^'^.- CM,m $ tifm» 270 TlieconcIufiontotheReaderi ttfmopamulorHm trntiataacfolutA efi.lfk mouc any man, why they J whofe finnc is aboliflied by grace, doe ycc fufFer the death of the bodie, if that death bee a puuiflimcnt offinne, chatQucliion Ihaue handled and fefoltied in another worke pf tnincjimitulcdof the baptilmepf infants. SjjeGffCCt of ^is ttGlf *Ibideai, (utiotl bsre \& ttjiS. " Ter ineffaMemdei wifericerdiam c^ipjk poena vitiornm tr unfit in ormA virtatis^cfrflt nteritn iuHit etiam fupp/fcmpeccaforis,ii o N .0^ i A Ji^p R s b o,n v m a l- 1 QV O d F;ACTA EST,QJ/AE ANTE A M;AI. VM, BVIT, fed tantatf* deus ^deiprafiitit gratiam^vt wots inflrtmtentumfieret^per quoA tranfretminvitum, BythevnfpeakeablemercieQfGod, the verie wages of vice bccommcth an inttrumcnt of vertuc - and the punifhtncnt of a finncr is jijade the mcrite of the righteous: not thai dcath^w H i c h -b 5 jF o r, e v v a s e v i l l^ i s n o v v BECOME AN IE GOOD THING, but Godhaih flicwed fb great fauour to our faith , that death is the waie or meane by which weeniallpafleto life . 0nDfo conduoetfj, t|)at flbijeaicflp.f yPiefdeliterque tolerando Muget meritum patignttx \.*ton m* fertvocubtdwn pfJtnA'f^^ induring (t^e DfSt|> pf C^ l^QtJil) teligiouflic and faithfollie the merite of patience is increafed, but the name of the punidiment is not altered, jan&tf Dea(6 loci:enotDC nopart of ^ pantt^metit of ont (tnneS;^ bat a game to ^ gooUe a^ von t»ottIoc (aue ^ , b^ toljat tncanes 31 p:ate poa came it (b to bse i ^ot bp (be refnri rectron of €b.:ta conquering Deat^, ano 4)angtng tljena^ tnce of it? Ibentta (£b;t(( tuaistiren , oeatti foof; a pa« nfO^ment to ^ faf fibfitn t^mrelneis^anc confeqitentite tt$)eti Cb^iSDieDfo} oacfimte5, bee tcol^etpon bima pare of one 'iCh foft In f or^Cj^** after be tnrneD,aB pon fate,tnto a bleffmg,'^Tr^ ccn.H0n1ii.20, '"^^ pxrens propter tr An fgreffionem mortis panAmintuUt .vernm fuperueniens Chrifius h AC omnia dhfiuUt , Nequeenimmors^ vltra mors efl, fednomen t tint am hahet mortis , Out fir ft pa- ^ rent by his tranfgrcifion brought in the puni^iment of death : ciukatedd ^"' ^^"^ comming after tooke all away , For death is no lib.1 a,cap,44« longer death j, but hath onclic the name of death, » Ipfam mor* um for the cleering of certain obiedions; 271 tem, ante ftifng poa liauf pet fa(D, D3 (^all eaer brable to fap, S^amt Auftens affertiott , to^f dj 3ldteD befojCjffaitDet^gDoi) ^ t^at bccanfe tfjeo^a^ of tt» boofetoas a pactof Qjecutfe in5t(teD tjpon Adams Cnne, C|i?iSt3nDcrtahtngtl)at partof ttie cnrfe foj ts ^ t^at t^, dping m ^t5 Mte, loofet ^a:omt{^ indole cacfc of t^ laloe. 9gatn(fChryroftome$ft!Dgemfnt, (tat notonclfctsraf^, tint ^ %crp btno of oeatt) td)f ct) C|)?i(t 0te8,ti)n9 accurfeo bp tt)e tJerp tUO5C0 of ttje latce, fapfng , aceurfed is bee that han* gcth on a treejpou repItC: ^ Not euery one that is handed, is cur- ,i ^P*^. 3 8. fc^: for manie innocents andfTTttrtyrs are hanged, tvho are ntofl ,, bleffed\bHteuerieonethatisiHfilie hanged is aceurfed, and fo^y was Chrijhhere ^condemned h the inji fentence of the Icctve tO}» *^*g3?* pate his debts , for vehome bee had witlinqlte and aduifedlie vn~ »» dertaken.Andfo indeedehebarethetrue cnrfe of the laive.Chiy- »j ronomslaOgCWent!«as3lr^PO?tCDtf. "^ Crux fgnnm erat mortis malediUa, mortis omnium diffamattflimde, Hocenim foiie ^^^X^""* . , /.-,. • . A ■'^ 4^, fr r oemonftrar. mortts genus maleditltonter at obnoxtum. Inc erotic was a ligne quod Chriftu* ofa curfed deathjOfa death moft infamou* « This onelie kindc fit dciK.tom.f . ofdeath veas fubiciledtothecurfe.anOagafiie. ^NonaitAHis «Iao ttjoog^t De ^ao fuffcrcDt^ ' iuft for < i.pet J. the vniuft ^ ano ^autng no (inne baD httm toiHinglie ^ ano i" v*i''i9 Up no fentencc of t^ lato, tiangco on a tree>////»'r<7«^f ppa ' a(bC)/<»' thela» to Uy thefenaltie on thefurette, when the dehor ' cannot dtfcharge it ? B«/ tfit be meere and true inflice , AndH9 yvrong^then was Chrtfi by the infi fentence of the tawe hanged on ' PoD s i n f v l, d e f i- L E D,H A T EF V L,& accurfcd ofhis fathcr/oj tljat be f (DR Upon i;tm tt)cpun((^mtnt of our fumes ^ l^onr ftmilttaDc bao na^O be fiiuno,d}at Qall brare (bt ioaigbt of tt)« fc too^oea ; if ^ou ^f le, can pon tell botue otrpip pcu come lomitn ts^ tuff fcntence of goD0 lato,fo; opening poor irrcltgtca^ moutb &* gatnS 0ob,anfi bt^ i^nne f bat tbrreof anon. 3In tbe meane ttJ^ile^bccaufc toitb fcoming Chryroflom,poa mat^c toap to pout tnbolp cocett, tbat Cb;tll being trolp ac« * p#ff J <\ cucfeo in fonlc foj tbc guilt of mang fume « wasiufiHe hanged «c ^jf thefentence of the lawe, and fay it is v MS t and $ E N c E- «c X E s s E tothinke the ^poflejpeaketh thereof twokinds of cur-" *Tii^\o\ '*fes(i^Chty(o^om&ftixmif3^)bMt;-AtI}frthat°hfmging0tfittreff is for the ciccring of certain obicAions. 273 ufet downe as a fart forthewhole execution of Gods ittficHrfe^ ,, Mtdargueththervheletohe oftChriH^ lettiB fCC tlfectbft poOi „ OjChrylbftom, NeDCCCtaeD. i* Asmany asareoftheworkcs ofGods lawe, arc vndcr the curfe , (faitt) Paul^) for it is written, fGaht, j Curfediscuerymanthatcontinucthnotinall things which are written in the bookeofthelawCjto do them. ©Se l^all agree 3 hope tl)at ttiS fS 0ODJJ curie J bottj tcmporall anO eternall, laio an t^ bodies ano foules of finnerg , foj tcarifgrcffing a- niepartof (H^oos commatTaemente0,p;^oporeDin t)ts laUie; ano to ^\& all f^at t)anc OnneD are fabtecteD.bccanfe it 10 t|ie GENERALLCOrfe, EXEC V TED bpCSDOijlmfelft)pOn ALL Cnnc COmmttteDj CitljCC in deede, word , 03 thought. 4 From this curfe (fa(^ Paul) Chrift hath redeemed vs,beeing madca iGal»M ^urfefbr vs, as it is written, Curfed is euerie one, that hangeth on a tree. 3if r^t0 ht all one tDltb tbc ofbcc , ttjen euerte man H^at tranfgreOTeD (0oD5 lain tn ttouglitjtuo^D, 02 DecDe,lDa0 b? tbe fentence of tXiC latpc to bee l^angc^ on a tro^. ^b^loe Qjaf fentence tn tbc latoe,iMO Chryfoftom t^all peclcebnto pouitf poacanot, tbc n baging on a trc ts no ncceflfarte part of (be general! cnrfe of 0i>o Upoii all Bnners , anc cwife- qaentltebeingnopartofttjlttsnotallonetoftbtt, nettbec can tt argnc tbe iDbole to bane been tn €\^\\^. \jlorvfiarJeth »» the ApoJiUs reafon then that Chrifl rvas made a curje?'] iabete tn " llnnc tSjtto arettuo tbinges, tlje committing of it , ano fl)C tencnging of tt bp dE^oDoj man in tbis life oj tbe mrt; ano magittrates ^m bnoer Mofes , as tbep baue bnoer €^;iii, potocr giucn ^em from aboae ' as (!DoDs minifterstotake tRo^.i;. vengeance ( in ft)is life ) on him that doc h euill 5 tbe Slpoftlc bnotDing tbat %iff,tbougb b^commtttebno Snne,U)a0 ytt tontent to beare tbe ptmifbment Doe to Gnne in bi0 boDie on tbe trde^aiiDbpbt0 (mart toabolil^ ont fault: tttetba place out of Mofes, ftbcretbe ludxiall anDcorporall pmitt^mcnt of a man by death is not oneliecalleb a curfe , but counteD a fatisfadion foj finne, ti)it\) being faflfereb tbe latu ban ended his foime t)p0n t^ (SnfiEer^r, dnDroroncluDc^tbat(Sb;il! ^ni. receaaing 274 '^^^ conclufion to the Reader, receaafng a ludidall , m^corporallpunf lament of watt) f« cot annc,not onlie tbctxtn fuffcrcd tfje curfe, bHtfatisficd f^e fojce of ttje lato,i b? t!)at cnrfe of |)ts fuffertng ceuanuD trs from fbe curfe of ont tranfgccffing. Il)e p5aee cttcD out oS Mofes i0tt)t0 ; ^ifa manhauc committed an offence worthy of deathjand is (bp tt)e latoe) to die,and thou hang him on a tree: 5Dcutcr*a J j^.^ j^^^^ q^^^ ^^^ remaine all night on the tree, but thou /halt bury him the fame day/or the curfe ofGod is (ateaCfC lalO ej CKECUtCD'^on him that is hanged.SbiS ttioft appacailtlp toas a publikcpumllJOTCllt executed bp t^magiftratetjpon ttc body of tiyc offcnoerjanD bccaufc b^^isopm ano fl^amxfoHDeattj, ^tC& Mofes rf gtltliC called the curfe of God,^e ^a5 fatisfied 1^8 fcntence of tbc Biuotciall latDe,<5oo commaittet^ no far* (^cr rep?ocb to be offercD bi^ booie, (n fuflfermg it to bang in all mens eie0 anp longer , but to bee bnrfcD tbc fame baiej Jfojtbat by bis death tbe curfe of dDos ceafed.sfje Difference fectbjaue tbefe tfcao cucfcs is foone percctue b. Cnerte Onne receaucD tbe firff curfe , febercof Paul fpafeebffo2e; fetoc crimes receaucD tbc iubgement of tbis fecoRDe fetnDe ol curfe tjbtcbicas to beebangcD . ^\^ firft toas inBiacD bg (25ob btmfelfe : (be fecono isias erccuteb bp fbe maglttrate. %\it firft toucbcb boote ano fonle , in tbtis life am) tbc nerfj tbe feccno enoeD toi^ tbe Deatbof tbe boDfc. abe firft toas committing of Hnne, tbe feconue *j3as fnffertng fojfinne. ^n\i tberefoje Chryfoftomes erpofition isberietrue, tdjen ^ee faietb, ^ The peoplewere obnoxious to another curfe, ^Chryfoft/m ilbicb toas tbiS; Curfediseucrieone,thatcontinuethn6tin «»^,adGalac. that which is written in the booke oftheIawe,for there was nos one ofthem that had fulfilled the whole La we; but Chrift in- fteede of that, tooke vpon him another curfejwhich faid, curfed jseucryonethat hangeth on the tree. He that fliould take away ihefirftcurfe.muft notbecfubiefttothefame.but vndertakean other in place thereof, and by that diflblue the firrt. As iCone be- ing adiudged to die (foj fome crime) an other ,no way guilty of diefamCjbut vvilliflg to die for himjihould deliuer bim from the ~ ' ' guniihrnesiE for the electing of certain obicAions. 275 puniOiment: So did Chrift^not being fubiedl to the curfe oftraf- grefsionjinftcede thereof he tooke an other curfcjand diffolucd 3ic curfe that laic on them. [l!50fo5c 8 man can be accarfeD bp W tw;a^, iJ^e maCf, yon , fetC,beluCltebangeD;fOjmante innocents and martyrs aren hanged whoaremofl blefed.'] 3InnOCentC5 fittO mat:tp?0, bee J> fbetr ronles( neuer To bleO^o, mate beare in Qefrbootes s l^amefafl dgatb, as %fa tifOfn bijS? mtDft)att0abtnD$ of coapo?all cncfe , (l)OD0b bp men tninSlie tnflicteD, 0» tten a((Dea(b mtbegoolte;i£t a remnant of (!DoO0 curfe tjpi on 6nne , n)oagb tbefr (bnles !^e blelTeD before anD aftec l^eafb . Pea ttie ioo^tie k a l al tij^ence tbc $eb;:etD00tie4 riaetbatti^tcbtuttf^tt^mfigntnctt) acarCe, itotetb alfo ta make vildc and contemptible , aS (f fl^antC, repjoctj anO contempt loere tf}e greatelf outloarue carfe , tbat couloe befall ante man in tt)ts Ufe . C&e caufe fcc()p Stiee foflfcr it, l^flUmaUe it iuSo^ tniutl; battuce muS call binges bp ^oCe nameg , ti^ici) (IDiDBi> firQ allotted ^m . i^otue Beatb, f^ame, b3?ong, rep^od), anofact) ltl{e, toiQtng to abide t^ trtaS , i^icb \& rigbteous toitt) (^od^Qiongbininrioas fcom memibe name {& notaltered,bnt tbe retoacd increafed^ ^ea ^od \i i0,tbat canfe^ iodgement to beginne at W obm bonfe oftentimes, b? tbe b'tndes c^ perfecnto^s^bee dotb bs rigbt , ^tn men docijsto^ongs and dealefi^ not tot^ t)s according to one 0nnes in ^ greateS to^oiigs tbat can be done bs. I^erfoje mart^js andtnnocents map do Uien to rcmembcr,fbat (flJoti ^ati) canfc enongb, tboagb man baue none ; and fo fabmit Qjemfelacs as toQ3S}ie of tDojfe from €5ods bandes . 'Bixt Kone of tbefe ftjingcs map be faioe of our ^anionr , ftbo a^ lone among all tbe cbilozen of men toantedSnne, andfaf^ ^ercd U)^on03 and tlierefo^e dispuniO^ments loifl^ C'Od ioece j^n 2. iuflj cr icoQlD f ttipofc. Mcretn be became not a Sucrtie bound to t})t latUj bnt a Mcdiatour to <0OD, anD a Redeemer of man. Suercies tiiat ffanD bounoe anD moft pafe tbc ocbt , map not looUc to be Mediators; anD be tbatredcemeth a p^ifoncr from tbeenemtet0 not bound, bnt content (b to Doe. SnDtbat t^ Deatbof (I37;(S O^oulDbcpaiDeais aDebttotbeIatDct^ei:eto €\^;i^ toa0 bounDe , is to mee a ff range poOtton . ^ twht (Q;2(0e0fnffertn90aa tbtsbbtle fo; a voluntarie oblation to (I5oD, anD not fo^ a due obligation to tbc latEte 3 mto btmfelfe to be a mediarour, nota debcour; \)is deatb H rrckneD to bee a r^cber offer, tbf n man coalDe owe , mio a greater price tbc ti (belatDeconlDexaa. ^nD tberefo^e tbenetoe teSament of nicrcic, grace, anoglorietpa^ maoe bp ^i0blouo,tx^t(b are otiist manner of purcbafes , ^n tbe Dne payment of mand Debt . ^olne coulae tbat bee Due iHtto tbe latoe , Ixtitcb onet« lb;etD tbe lato i ^inner0,racb as toe are, toere to Die bp tbe iatue; bat tbat tbe Tonne of C>0D (boniD Die fo^ t)0,fii^at lataK tin 0; conlDe require $at at ^10 J^mats f poa l^aU Doe tueU (berefone to leaue tbefe Dangerous DlfcourCt^s, anD learne to faie tDiib ^ fcripture anD fatbcrs , tbat loue, not la we; dc- fire, not debt; mcrcy,n?/.«»; w« moriendofucCHrrrrei »Greg. morale fuhHenire tamenmoriendo homimhus volnit '. quia tjos videlicet lib.zo.cap.itf* ntintuamajfet fzijtcr vulnera nojlrafufciperet , wc" t//>» y«/< is dignatus efl , quod ejfe kos volnit, vt in femet-' ipfo tem^oraltter mortem ftifcipsret , qnam a nobis in perpf^^ tHum fiigaret . Chrift when he might hauc /iiccourcd vs with- out dying , woulde rather hclpe man by dying (^faictt) Gre- goric ; ) becaufe he had loued vs lefie , if he had not taken to himfelfeour woundes , neither had hee fhewcd vs the ftiength of his loue , vnlcfie hee had for a tyme fuftayned that , from which he deliuered vs . Hee founde vs miferable and mor- tal!; yet hee that madevs of nothing might haue recalled vs from our miferic without his owne death . But that hee might declare howe greatc the vcrtuc of Compafsion is, heevouch- fefed to bee that , which hee appointed vs to bee , that re- ccauing a temporal! death in himfelfc , hee might chafe ic from vs for^uer, * Thofc (fatClJt) Auften Jthat aske, did a Augaft. dc G O D fo want meancs to dcliuer men from the mifcrie of Trinitate lib, j|^js mortalitic, that hee wouldc haue his onelie begotten fonne ij.cap,io j^ j^^g made a mortal! man, and to fufi^er death; It isnote-^ nough fo to refute that wee fhewe this waic to be good and a* greeable to the diuine cxcellcncie , whereby, God vouchfafcd to dcliuer vs by the MediatourofGod andmanGhrift lefus, ternm ettam vtoftendamus non ahvm mo d v m p o s- siBiLEM DEO DEFVis.sE, cutHs fotefiati cm^a aqua* liter fubtacent , fed pinandA noflrit miferia conHenientio- rcmaliftm modum mnfrnfe , necejfeoportnijfe'y but alfo that wee Qiewe God WANTED not other MEANES,tO whofe power all thinges arc fubic6i,but that neither there was, nor coulde bee a more conuenient way to hcale our milery. For what was fo needefuU to raife vp our hope , and to free mens mindesfrom defpairingimmortalitic, being alreadic deied^cd hy the condition of their mortalitic , as to make cuident fhcwc vnto vs, how much God efteemed vs,and how much hecloucd vs? whereof what plainer or perfiter ptoofe could bemade,thcii that the fonne of God, remaining that he was , would take from VS & for vs that which he was not, and vouchfafe to be amongft for the cleering ofcertaine obiedions. 279 vs : and firft without antcdefcitcofhisto btarc our mifcries , and vpon vs.then belecuing how greatly God loued vs, and ho- ping vvhcre afbrc wee de(paired,to bcflowe without all merit of ours, yea when wee dcferued euill at his handeSjthegiftcs of hif . trace, with bounty no way prouoked by vs . ^nD & Anibrofe. By one mans death the world was redeemed, Chrift might,if b AnibroCda hee wouldcjhauc refrained from death 5 but hce neither rcfufcd fide rcfurica, death as vnprofitabIe,neither could he hauc faued vs any better waic then by dying. ^0 (^at no legaUrTCceffitte,tiiuc|)leffe guDlctall feoerittc , bjongbt Ct)2ift to ^ts CiolTe , bnt to teach t)5 obedience to ©OD i)p|)i0C)camplC, to demonfhat* lis loue to t}0 bp refnQng nothing ten oac fakes , smn to de^ clarc bti^otoiic power, ttljofe Ujeafeeiteffe tDfls Cronger ts^n sU ^(3 a«D oac enemies , ana to ttrengtt)en oar patience, anogi«et0 comfort in all {^troubles of tbis life , be c^iofe fl^papnefuU anD (banieful! Dea^ of tije CrolTe, ano fljere l^ciBeD fo perStte a patterne of obcbience , in- nocence , patience , tb^t tbe Angels tbemfelnes m ao* mtre it §)o farcer on maKe ' be tolerateOiinconclaDtng tbep toll baltCbat (S)?!!! is^'afu- dHebrc.7 crty, toe fino it oncementioneD in t^ fcrfpturesibut not to § iato to pap our ^t\iitt^^ but ^ of a better tcftament,€aen of t^ neto couenant of grace effablilben \xk btsblouD^tcberof be (0 alfo tbe mebiato;! $piie0.j]^oU) be bieo f02t)0,not as a fuert^ boono to § lato, but m a mebf ato? to (0oo fo) l3S,be interpo* fcD bimfelf of bid oton accoicto pcelD fncb recompence tnto \\% fatber, as bee (bonlD be pleafeo to accept fo; lis . 9lf pen iDil nceos \)fe fimtlttuoes.tjfe rafber tbe OmtlituDe of a mcoi* atoj, ani) a^ebamcr,ii^icb tbe fcriptures often call bim,tbeti of a fuertpjtberbp to bino ^^n not onelp ts fuffer tbe paines If beil in oor dasoe ^ but aUo to Deiile |)im toiQ) our Cnnes aSo The conclufion to the Reader, mi mahe ^fm f^atefall to (^od bp oor curfe. ^o UmilUn^c^ ^* can pjOOUC vtl)?(tt in rrf%»^ ottrperfonoHhtmtohe s IN n E- '^ FVLLjDEFILED,HATEFVL,<«»/af ACCVRSED;3!lDt!jCrs fojcgouc Dnclcaiic mcut^ , emc tjncleaner tjeart, (!)at tt-os fpea&c,anDQ)tnbeof t^fcnneof (0oO,are b)o;tl;Urof ra* 0fgation,tt)€n of refutation* Bl^notopon totll p^^etenD t^ *Ji.Cor.5 0poIflCStDO300Sj^ God made him finne for vs that kneweno iidne ; but lotDlbeuer fome late fo^iters tutne Gnne into ltnner,ano tttence gfne caufe of tberean8tf)eUberpra(t;e0, C^ ct)nrcb of €>oD from {^ begtnntngliat^ tuartl^e orcltnet) fnctjtrreuerent too?oed,ani)pet platnetteconfelTe^trn^. SIbat(^oDM ADE HIM siNN£,[)at^ttD0ga)Dan08p|x;ai' tieD fenfe^; one t^at be ma&r %\m a kcriBco. for finnc , ano fo tbeclenferof Onne, ano no U;aie Dcfileobp our6nne: tbc o- tber,tbat be punifhed our finncs in him , anO bftb \^{m aS b^ tioibflnners. ^ They that know(faia)Auften)chefcriptures of fAug.dcver- the oldc teftamcntj acknowledge this that 1 faie. Not once, but iohan Verm 48 °^^" ^^^ ^^^'^ *^^''^" " " found ; Sacrifices for finnes , arc called , ' * finnes. Then him that kneweno finne God made finne for vs, that isa facrifice for finnc. Chtift was made finne in that he was sidemdcvcr- offered to abolifh finne, SinD agafne, ^peccntHmvocabatw bis ApofioJi, in lege facrificium fro fecc^to^ajfidue lex hoc commemorat , »^» jcrm,7. fe'mely non itertitn , fedftftjpme , Tale peccatum erat (^hrifltu, Teccatum »o» habehat , ^peccatum erat • pec cat um erat^ejma ^acrtfkiumpropeccato. The facrifice for finne is in the la weal- led finne. The lawc ftill fo victh th e word , not once, nor twice, but vcrie often. Such a finne was Chrift, he had no finne, and yethewasfinnc. Hcwasfiniie,becaufehewds thefacrificefor CorTntkM /* ^""^ • ^^ Ambrofe . f^ Becaufe Chrift was offered for finnc, worthiIieisheraidtobemadefinne3becaufcimhelawe thefa- crifice that is offered for finnc is called finne i Sjw tosie (f POU coniler S. PaulestDo^os, tbep concluoe btrcctlte agafoifiponc lrrel(grou0 fappoGtton. if 03 If CbJttt ii^en bee tmbe 1)» tnto |ii)BtboDte,D(Dclenre oar finnes bp tbc offering of btntfclfe; %tz became not befileo bp our HnncB* ^ee oib not (lenfe t)0 for the clecring of certain obiedions. i8 1 fijat tDS!? Drfileti bp t^. l^otD(beuer pou take ftiofe iDojtirs^ 'Such an high prieft it became vs to hauc (fa, but bp oareuero laatng DeSructfon of boDte an^ fonle ; ft pleafeD Qje (bnne of C=oD to fnt^rpcfc bf mfelfe , anD no luate bonno to t)0« cj foj l3is, to intreate W fatber ^ (bat fn bffi otone pcr^ Ton bee mtgbt mafec recompence fo> one ffnneiJ ; miD 6 tis a ^eDtatour alloiseD of €^oD, bee tooUe oar nature: anDfreelic, nottnDefateDs tDJiUnglie, not conffrafneo* I'Bphcr.j, pHcegaue himfelfe for vs a facrifice of a fwectc fauour vn^ to God ♦ 03 if tbe tobole people of ante lance rebcUtng agafnll tbefr i^tng, ano beeing TttboucbatD reaoie to be DcHroteD, ^ l&lngci{ronne(loatb to fcebi5feti}er5femg« ijomeDirpcopleD, am) To monie fc^cttbeb men , luomen, ano cbtlD;:cn put to fire ano ftooaoe) (bonlDe importune bf^ t^tber at bt0 requeli to bee grattoud bnto fijem, ano to lafe on i^im , ftougb bee bee bte onelie fonne , tobat ^afffeemcnt tbe fa^er fn bfe^ tjDtfeDome ano fufffre fl^all Ibinbe fitte fo^ tbe rep^ellfng of f^ Ube outrage bereafi Ux limit m\i of^ofe fnbfcacf ^ft|)o»t mqnuu tngra# tftoDa for the clccring of certain obieclions, 28^ ata^ty sxm intolerable contunuttc rep^od) t^ Mnqs(bnne$ isD^tn bee fufferet^ fo^ ^it fahc^c , t^at t)ee is gmltte oC. tljttrtrcafott, ano bottj defiled tottti tt,aiU) hatefvle. foj it ? 3 ^^^ not applJc :. becanfe it iuill p^elTe pon too force ; but aft mine otpne petrbafton is , ttjat no Tact) HnfuU and batefnU tDo^ceis; l;aue, o] (l)oulD be tfeo in tbe V P O N ,> H I M. W-^ iiS tbe firli place tibere poa fpeclf te anie effect of ^j (^oDd iBjatb againS %iff fonle(fo2 ?oa tuill bane tbc (bale of Cb.2t6 p^operlteano immebiatelie to faffer tbe eflte(te0 Df (0obs tD?a$ anb $at ^u p^ootte learneolie anblDifelte libe ponr felfe. 4)e Dlucl0 baue nothing to do toiib tbe (baleis of mcn,bnt eitber to tempt tbcm to iDo:!be in ^m, 0^ to to^^ menttbem. Co tempt is to trie boto faff § faints If ano in ^z feare ano Icue of €^0D.l3nD fo:i tbatcanfe tbe toifoome of gon Kiatbfrom tbe beginning fufifereo all biis faints, W clone (onnenotercepteoto be temptebof fatan-ifo^^iScoaloe itot be tempteo bp ^ corruption of &is beart as bie are, bne bj^^atans boice^o; b^ ^atansmembers.Cfbs lames fattb 'Eucric man is tempted ,when he is entifed and dra wne away by , hisowneconcupifcence. Concupifcence ^re toas nonc in '•^*'""*'?' Cb^iflf*!^ebaD nolaloin^is flefl^ rebelling againflf tbe latoe 0f bis mtnue, as Uwebaucs Bit is in bs tbe rage of ojiginall f inne from txbicb be toas frd^, ano tberefoje be coulbe not bee izxw^izXi butbp tbe eare, as be toas in ^ oefart b? fatan \ivxt felf,f b? ^atans members al ^ time of liis abode on eartb^ gn t^Sdf t0 of men \&m | binel p?enailefi[) \xA% xzm^x^tSQXi ;©o a ^erc 284 The conclufion to the Reader. t^rt be tDo?be(b)I?adtng fuct ^ con rent mn ^etln \mMim fEphcft. ^"^° ^^* totcbcdneffe,cufn Voitt) grocomcffe: ^o^'hc woiketh ^ ' ' inthcchildrcnordi{bbcdicncc,a»ti)C0pofflcte01fi8tt)- ^i^ M.Pct.i. canbaueno place in 'ZWtt-, bccaufc ' hcdidnofmncndthcr » i.Iohn 3. was there anie guile found in his mouth. » He that commicteth finnc(raitj^ faint Iohn)isoftlic diuel.and for this purpofc appea- red the fonne of God, that hec might diflblue the workcs of the diuell,It)cn 6nce tnUiarD temptation bp t^ bart (Sii;iQ coolD Ijattc nonc,miD outtoarD tcmptatton bp tlje itionttes 1 ^mt^ of tt^e tDtchcD is no effect of ^ow tD.:att), but ratl:)er a trtall of CDoos gtfts anD graces bcffotocD on^ ; Sit itmatnetl) *( (^at if C^r//? |9/f / Atf ^/W/ 4S the very infiruments that wrought <« tht verie cffetis ofGodsivrath vpt» htm^f^at IS tjpon t)i0 foule, « (fo; t^at part of Cij?ift pon fap muH properly aiC immeMatehe ^^feelethe wrath of Ccd) \t rcftCtb J fate bp fOnC OtOIW U)OjOe« jCbiiffFELTtbCDIVELS TORMENTING HIS SOVLI. 0no innecDe fo? fo mnc^ as tn ctccnttng tbe true pained of M, anoof (beDamneD, (£^oDbatbnoneotbtcinffrnment£ but Dinels,pou cannot Defend tbat ^;ift faffereo tbe paineis of beD, but pou mult graunt tbat %iS felt tbebtarU, as inSrnments erccuting tbofe paines on \M Ibote . j^otue tt)e botite of man tt)ep map to;ment biftb toucbmg , ais ^p DID lobs ^ tbs foule t6f p can not, but bp poffeiftng it. if oa tbfp can not tuoo^be bat tob^re tbcp ace , ano tfjcrcfoie ^p muff poffecre tbe (bule iDbf cb tbep torment. ^0 not bere • (^Mim iSeaDcr)att ttbole(bme clcarhe.anD an boltc canfe, fi)at COnclUDeb <^MtS (bnle toa^t pofTefTed mX> tormented of Dtnel0 on (be CrotTe i 0nD tlje p^oofe 10 as ctDtculons , ai$ Q)e pofttton tS fmptoo0. Cl).2fff''fpoiled principalities and ' pkST powcrs,and opcniie triumphed ouer them, ergo (fap poo j ^?/?r//wr»/j'<7/(7t?^j»r4ri& , bp tormenting bis (bnle- if pouc learning aito Hogf cbe fcrue pou fo turtt, pots map pjocd^De SDocto;: in Dotage tDben pon toilLif or mp part (cb;»ffiani^eaDer) BItoiUgtuenone otber anficf re to (befc SetDD «iD toicbeD abfnrDtties, bat Qjat t^tcj) lacob falD to su f»COEI for the cleering of certain obicdions. 285 mcon ano Leuij y Into their lecret my foulc fliall not comc.ffio yCcnif Crengttjen ttjec.tljon maistt rtmcmbcr, ixtiat Peter fatoc of i!0)l;iS.^ God anointed lefusofNazareth with the holy ghoft, & » AAs. lo. with power to hcalc all that wereopprcflcd of the diucll;f03 God was with himja^ elfe &J)at Ctljitt fa(D of tJfmfelfe/The prince •lohn.14 of this world commeth,ind hath naught in me; 0} at leaff tl^at t^ ntmiS t^mfeluctf falfi to Ci).:ift 5 ^lefus the fonnc ofGod ^Matt,t. WHAT HAVE WE TO DO WITH T H E E ? AttthoUCOmC to torment vsbefore the time ? ^nD fo tn iiat (H^OfpcH of faint Luke,ttl6 ^ foulc fpirit whcahc faw Icfus cried out, whathauel 'Luke 9 to doc with thee, Icfus the fonne ofGod moft high ? 1 bcfcech thee torment me not, [liaut ptvc^mce 3 mfffabe ^fmO IdouIo CT^od Q)f re iiure lb muct) grace in t)tm,as to reasbe it, 0; refafc it ; B toouloe glaolie confeOemineetroar tn miffahtng t)i^ fvojoeis : but lu^at if be go on from baoto tpo^fc f Wat if be beapetbtp reafon^ as be tbinketb» bat inoeeoe trifles tioio of fenfe ano reafon to COnflrm« tbe fame ^ « This reafin mil f roue the » * ^^i-4 ? [ante (CSttb beej taken from thele^e to themore. ^ Thus do the " ^*Ji-*'» members of Chrijlfijfer, There fore of necejfitte Chrijt our head " ptjferedthe like. Teato the Hcbrues heefhetceth areafonwhich *' can nener he refuted by the roitte of m4ff, « Chrift fMCconred vs " , ^ „ not ^bnt wherein hee had experience of our tentptatioHs a»di»Jir*" mities : buthefnccoureth vs euenin thefe our temptations of fee' lifig the terr ours ofGod^audtheforrowesofhell. Therefore hee^^ himfelfe had experience of the fame. ^ Adde hereunto '^'<^*/,/P#,4«,^4j Mlabfurdities^this is the^reatefi, that meere menfiouldfuffer ^^ woredeepely and bitterly then Chrifi did. ^OO baue mo?e toO2O0 „ tbentoitre(^trConfater)tbat p;opofe tbefe cbtlDtfb argti' inents fo; inntncible reafons. ^onr felfe (ban fa; Qje toeabe# Ites of ^m,ZlVhatfoeuer the members of flrifiy(^^fOQ^did or n^P^g-^^^ ^allfufer, of necejfitte Cbrijl our head fufferedthe like . ^eane )) f oa in booie?o? ixy (bnlef 0; in botb ? ^f inbo^ie, Q)rn Cb^fff |aD bt0 eies put out,fo; fa bao Sampfon^be toas fiualotDeo tip \x2 a iDbale^fo} (b toas lonas ^ bee toa^ caff into a burning ^03 furnace^ ^^6 Thc4:onclafion to the Reader, fnrnace, fcj fo toe re Sidrac, Mifhac, anD Abedncgoj tje toad fioneD tfl oeatI)/oj (b uwuc Naboth,Stcucn, ano otijerjs. I^ott tncane not in boDi^j mtane pon ttjen in (bulc ^ BlntoacDe af* faalt0 of error,luft anti finne Ctf?i(l neittr ^aD. l^e toas free (torn all confli(5ts of ^art ., tftat iife in tJS ftcm t^ rcotc oj rcmorfe of fmnej fijat incceafe fcuittl weakencfie of feit^, want of grace , mo quenching of ^otis fpiriCc. SJe terrors of mince ti^icljtoee fcelc Qijcug^ confdence of our tntuoj* fllineffe, ignorance of i ant) i£( no finne , tljat £ii)iil mig^t ano m beare; bat in no teife t^ofe terroar^ ano f€atts of con< Ccience b)W^ p;!oceeoe (torn finne, ano aagment finne, tiS doubting , dif^ruOing , dcfpairing , in iD^icU £) SD ce^ uengetb finne iottti fint^ ; tl^fe mnSe bee farre from C|);ii!,t)nle(re loee iDiQ tu^appe ^im toit^in tbe fnaresc of flnr finned. Cbe feare of (]DoD0 £paie0ie armeo ioit^ tnigbtie potoer to reoenge finne , is profitable to beepe t)0 from finne; tl^rein €^;iii ma^comtnnnicate ijoitl) Ms^ ^ongl not to t6at enoe,ro} becoolo not fmne ; but fearing, doubting, oj diftrufting ftjat neU)arrant,fi}at €W^ tm faccoar 1)0 in no temptation bnt Ix^ereof t)imrelfel)at)firflf tx^txU encc;Rno ^ pou p^oclafme to be f rrefatable. ^nc^ lips fnct) lettue;fu(t Doao;s0 fucbofutnttte. fioar coQrttton^&fr Hcfn# tec , ts not onelte farre Olffcrent from tbe japeOled too^oe^, bnt eniocnttte repugnant to ^ ct)?f 0tan ^f $ ant) trn(^. ^e japofile gitie^ not tKte t!;e caufe tob^ Ci);!tll if able to Ibelpe t0 in oacmtrecie0 ano necc(rittc0, fo? f;e ts able in tbat f)e is €5oo to Do iifeat be toilHbnt bee Kjctocti) fljat our i)ig!j p;{icff • (0i faithful! and mercifnll,ttatt0 tDtlltngemoreaDietofjearc 'Hcb.z.ver.iy f)0, oiD belpe t)0 in all our aSIiatons ano troubles , fo2 To tnuc^a0in|t0otoneperfDnbee iDooloefeelc onr temptati* on0 anD inficmtties^ttjat be mtg^t be tbe better able to belpc t)3 in tianing moje compaflton on t30. . anb fijis i0 tbat ie apoltlefaifbtn tbefonrtt) rfjapter of fi)i0(i^pfaie: "^ Wee mHeb.*; haue not an high Prieft , which can not bee touched with the feeling of our infirmities, butwa^sinall things (oj $;oagb' Itej tempted alike except finne . ^otbat l)t0 fnflferinges tnabe Ijim Qic moje mercifull anD faiihfull j becaufe be fenoto< t% beQ 00 loen otic natnraU inftnnities , 00 onr niantfoloe rniferies. ^i){0foj f^fenfe of fije SpoOle, notne to ^t tra^ Df pOarCOflediOn.CHRlST SVCCOVRETH VS not,^«/^ j> tpherein he hath felt the fame, Speane pOU ^.:itt f0 nOt able n t% not toiltingf ifo; pon faie, bee fncconrett) ti0 not.STo faie \jizt i0 notable, i0 blafp^emie 3 becauTe^e i0 (^oD,am) Cod Bl^opecan fttcconctdtnaD onrmifcrtes, tDittontfaf" feeing ttofe tilings tD^itb toe DoeXo Tap be tDtUnot($oag{|J ^^pofilefttDojdbee JvmT«', l)ee is able) is as faire in 2?8 The concliifion to the Reader, it (dfe , ano a^ tninrfooB to €W^ • ifo; tticti Cf)?f iDtll neuec b^lpe anie mantl^at to Ucht , bccanfe [jre ncner teii anie^feafeof booie , nc^anietoliore bones ai:eb:obeti,be' caaCebts UKce iobolcmo? ante ^artp; tljat burnetb tn Srt, becaufe bee Dteo on tbe crofle; jtbc bltnDc ,l ^afe , bambr, lame , ano a tbouCano facb Ube iSi);iii tutQ neuer beace, no; belpe, becaurebefnffereo not ^ fame . C^ou Tpeahe of gboSIie temptadons^poa tntU raie,not of bot)tIpaffU(t(on0.3 ^atnt Paulefpeabetb of botb , ano €\fM bao crpertence of botb;anotbcrefo}etfpourcoDeetfon be falfe ant) abfaroe tn tbe one, it tDtU neuec bee fonnbanoafTareD in ti)t otbcr. Outcome to pone otone pftcb . ^tU €^;t1i Deltoer no man from bltnbnelTe ano baroneCTe of beart , becanfe bee tteuer enoareb ef (bet ? MltU be not atoe t)0 to rep;e(re tbe * InfiB of onr fie(b, becaufe be neutt toa^ tempteb tuitb tbcm.^ Mill be not beipe our bnbeliefe , bccaafe bts ^ttb toas al« iDapes a rong ? WSiHl be not (laue ante from ocfperatton , be< caufe be netier befpaf reb ? Mill bee not cure fren^ie , ano fnrie, becanfe bee toas nener out of ^is toitm ? ^tU ^c bib bee , no; taiW bee caQ out Wimis , becanfe bfm« felfetoaisnotpofreflreb ? Bis (bi^ (be teafon ^at cannot bee refuteb bp mans tuitte totjfcb eneric cbflbe mate p;e^ fentlie controlle f 3!n beebe poa fpeabe truer ^n ycu are toare of , if ponr benffe mate bee recefueb « if o; pon boe not 0f c6e to befile Cb?f tottb our finnes , to a0o« mfbanoama^e an tbe partes anopotoers of btsminbe,to t6;mcnt bim toftb SDtneld, ano in tbe enbe to abtubge bim to tbe beafbef tbefonle , tsbtcb ba^ in it bltnoneOiemtD barbneffe of beart,tn0beUtie , am) txbat notf |^ea it is \Ditb fp 8 it'^OWX^'ofall^furdities thegreateH ^ that weerenten, although * *i they hee refrfibatcs, pjohldefuffer more deepely then (%rifi did, • "P^l^^i '. ** ° ^^ 9"^ iujiice, fafe pOU , fhoulde he as [euere on (hriji , as '( «w 0mie repro^Me, sxtXi pct (bep toffet rep^obatioti , befpera^ ion>bamnation. if rom i^ence i*on go to anoQ^c of poor lolii mptfertef ; ano for the clccring of certain obievfiions. 289 and as (f pon ijao not Done tijs Jlo^D of glo;ie tD^ong enoagi fsolGi (i)ttt ircsttertnt anD ft:relfgfou0 fpeactes, pou take from ^im in ^is patOon at ponr pleafnre, not onlp W tec tnc0 f graces, bnt euen ^ts renrCjUicmoi^te f tnoerffanDtng, fleawbtm often times tt^cnpoaUfl^oar felaes,p ^maz^ed, Mjfomjbed^itndfargetfullofhimfelfeforfeare^yeafo dtjlemfered, fPMAX" dtfiur^edJiJir^EieA, *1 ouerwhelmfd^ all confovnded^, h P^^: 5 j , iHhisrfhglehHmanity^b'JthmallthepowerTdf hh- fotde And fen- ,j y?/ ofhisbody^thathJ.krtcwnotrvhathefatdordid. CcD grant, ,, • (^tr iKcfnter) pen be toel in ponr tDits,t!jat oepjiuc tte ^a* ntour of toe tuo^to u^en pontDtU,of all rcnre,memo?te4 tm« terff motng.C^c enangelitts,poa iotl fap,fn e rpjelle toojos affirmc ftat €W^ in ttre garoen toas ' aftoniflicd ^& grlc- rMark. r4. uoufly perplexed.] fpaoc pOU t^ f 6tH , ftbwi HjH fcrfptnres ^Maih.*^, fate, ttiat *' ild^ere Cain fs(DC , Thehorror ofmy finne is header then I can j»'Prfg.8 il " " bearc, pou OOUbt not but ^ Chrifi Oi tonchwg the vehemencie of ** the fpt'me , was as Jharpelie touched euen as the Ti^^rohates ** themfelues yjea if it moiy l>e, more extraor dinar ilie , ^OUt^at are fo teen acquaintco tolttj t^ lio?ro3S of fbe $?ep?obate fo} ^ir Gnne0 , tl)at pou oare attribute t^m to C^^iff^can pou ten tt^at tl)eparei' isitfpecnlation tbatponfpcabeof, tn erperience ^ tbat pou I3are Qusfubiecttbe (bnneof c^cd to tbe fame terro90 mio }^&;to;9 of confciencestxbtcb namtlie Cain a0 pou raie3«it)otber reprobated fjauefelt;^ 3E p?ai£ ^ PU} ^iti in To teaig|;tie m^tJ^i^f ^ ^nate amounte tt:^ for the cleering of certain obieclionsr ap i httttic atoopen blafpbemp, plate not Mt^ general! termeff. To a^ neft^rpout}nDerffain)e pour relfe,noa ante man elfe can cancelue poor meaning . Clje terro3« of ilje tofckeo in Q^tBUte loeecan contsctnre, poncanne perhaps Uuelte tiefcrl be tt^m, butfejongtt fljat ioeeleacne bp t^ fcrlpi tauB (^p are fac^ , hb ^it^out bo^ttble tmpietfe poa cannot afcrlbe tinto tbc »)an(oarof tt)ctDo;lde. I^emo^fe of Onne committeD, isering anognaUjing tticconfctcnce, iB t^ flrtt of ©eir pa(ne5 , Silictj fnffeie^ fljem nig^C noa date to take ante red . ^econoltc , fi» feare ^at j tsb^cb Chryfoil^m fafetb iB far more bitter ften (be paine ofhel , D9$ ma&e (bem 0nke fo; (b^rotoe . StaQlte f^ continnaU terroar of tbat D.jeaDfnll fnbgement tt^fcb ^aU bt p.:onounceD ,of tl^at bo^rible confoQon txbtcb ^n fi^aU o* tterb^elmc tbcm ; ano of (bofe eternal! am) intoflerabte games of fire int^fcb^pf^aU bnrne; tbe tier teterronc Bi fate anbbo;ronrtbereof boetb (b afiSta ano to;2menf tbem, »£iif tbepp^eCcntlte felt tt . ^o;e tooMB map bee bfeb, tm petbapis mo;e bebementto ampl^6e (betr pabie^ baC ^k are ^e parteis sno canfea of ^at feare ano ^oarour, Wdb purfuetb 8)e tolcheo fo) ^(r bapnond offences . Can ante of^fe, {^it l^efater,) breapplieotoOI^^lff? E)are pon bttt offer lb mncb as (^ mention of ttft Itati of Cbem to beefonnbetn tbefonneof (£$£)SD ^ Bl fbinbe pon bare not ^ Bl bope pontutU not* Mat meanetb t^n ii^B matcbing of Cb?tl^ tofSjCain ^ pea fbiB toncb^g of Cb?iff beeper tben ante of t^ Hep^obate ? Hn l)p;ironr ano latne goa fate, y Chrtfi Vf^s like them who hefifarntcd it* deedc ,\ > -pag^ff, Pj> Ji, frm «9i The conclufion to the Reader, ti front the^race aPtd loue efGed ^yethimfelfe ^euer fejiaratedf hut t^alwaiesmoJlintirelyheloHed. l^}e^oaroatanSp8ine,tlfeK^ tt)e aScp;obate ^eci:eVc£lc,rlfetl) from ^ rcmojfe of t^(r otone confctfnce, ano from ^ Diffrn0 aiio fcareof tSefrotone hearts; ti{)((^ pnrfaetti tl)cm tmw intuits life btfo^eiuDge^ Hicnt. SD^ crecation of W terrible tjengeanrc tiiDaoc (25oD ^at^ referueD to ttic ncrt life. SEbc grsateH terror %sx Qjc a* poltle notett) m tt^ Vofcbeo bere tn tbiis \xim\h is, ^ a reareful »Hebre JO expectation of Judgment and of burning fire which fliall deuour ere aduerfarios. Mlbat t)o.:ro? tt)en Itbe ttie rep:obare coaloe ^ coiifctencc of Clijlft feele, tbat Ijao no rcmojfe, WCruff, o; fears of ante rud) tttng aB tbrp baue, bnt tuas alTureD ano fecureo of c^oos enerlaff tng faaoar , rnto loue tn tbe b^gbed Degrees tpas tbere patnetoitbont bo;ronr anD feare tn Q^ roule of Cb^tS i tf pon meane tbe patne tbat id confeqnent to onrnaturaUaff£(tton0,a0toro?roU)eanDfeare,pon fate • ijahn.4 HOtblng tO fbC purpoft. Saint lohnglttb '■ timor hubet fotnami Fearc hath in it painc, anD fo baSj fojrotoe, eoen axs hope hath KHom.i«. ieyc ; ^ Rcioicc inhopc; but tbtS tS ItOt tbc patne ftbtrf) fb^ aSep;obate focle, ma^ lefTe ttbtcb ^ DanmeDfaffer; 3f trnfitbctr patne t0 mo;e(b£n a natnrall oppielTtngami af- fltmngof tbebeart toUb btnnane feareans fo^rotue. i^no tberefo;e tf B! conceane ante (btng , pou mtOe Qje trntb terte mncb,&tr Confater, ttben pon fate fl^at ^\%\^ tuaft toucbeD in bo<{tour am) patne aBOdepelte a$tbe3^ep;obatc6are;ano pet pour cor.ceitercacbcQjfartber. iFoj poo Defence (bat be CuffereDasmacbaiitbeDamncDtnl^a, t^tcb t0 mo;etbcn toe cepitobateB Doetneartb, bo^foeaer tofbetoe pour lear^ . ntngpou make bell anD b^auen bcece on eartb . iFoa mf reire(^;t0tan HeaDer) ti^ence HI tbtnise, ^ aff ontt^menC of Cb;ta tn tbe garben mtgbt rife^tbon baS it in Q)e tteatifs kro)e,31 fl^all not ndeD to repeat \X againe« B[nUbemanerpoaertenD<^tfIpd agonietoofarre; fin t!|ere it toas an agonieof mtnbe, ttbicb Dt9 not bntane btm neit[)ero((enre, memo;ie ^ no; tmoerffAibing, pou baue for the clee ring of ccrtaine obicdions. 2^3 b^fiugljt t)5 a far Den of p^^afcg , to crpjclTe (bat nllthefcKfes „ tffhishodieyandaltheptvcers ofhhfoule vpereamazed^Afionipjecl, „ iifientfercd^dtjlurhed.dtfira^edfir^etfull, oufrtfhelwed^ anO „ allc0»faufjdfd',svai pon ^tnhe poo neaer yaue too;t)s enongt) tocrp^elTeponcfoHte, tn Dreaming of t^ greatcC al!onl(^< nietit t^at mate be, becanfc ttje fcilptnre f^ktt) , he began to bealbniOicd. Bat 3>tc,t)olup;:ouepontt)ti3pourate? nsin feares atto fo^rolDes t^rcbec ofuers Dcgra^s^ (baretbere itbetoife in atton((bniet0. Co be affonif^eo Ik to ioim frare toitb aDmtratton,t)^tcb D;(aiDetb ^ mfnDe lb Qbolte to tbtnb on (bme fpeciall tbtng aboue our rtacb, tbat Dnrtng tbe time toe tttrne not onr felucB to ante otbcr cogitation. Cncn a0 tbe m^ifit be bent tntentittette to be^olo ante (bing.fb) tbat , p;efent it oifccrnctb notbing clfc : &o £acetb it toitb ^ toule,ff ^e ti^olte aooia ber felfe to a^inhe on ante matter, ^e is a« mufeD; if it bee mo;!e (ben ^e conceauetb , 03 mo:e fearefnQ ajin Cbs toen inonretb, (be is ama^eo , 02 aaonifl^eo^ but not of neccffitie ft , tbat D^elcofetbeitbcr fenfe o^memojie; onc^ lie fo} (bat time (becomiertetbneftbertoanteotberobiect, nc p^efent bcbolbing cf tbe binine maieffie Gtting in tobgement -, aiio of liiB iottfce armco XdH!) infinite polDcr to renenge (be Gnned of men , migbt iafilie ai!ont(b tbe bU' tnaneftnleof ^lid; feeingtberetottbalbotD migbti!ie C>od tsad p;!oaokeb b? tije manifolo anb totlfaQ tranfgreirtons of men; bnt tl^is religious aaoniibment, tbongb it migbt fo;t a reafonfufpeno all otber tbongbtes in oucS)auionr, ytti» ^reno neebe it ^onlDe Depitiue ^im of bnber&anoing , fenfe 0? memo;ie. Mben Paul faictb " workc your faluation ,p. ... with fearc and trembling , Ootb bee meane tbep (boulD tcant ' *^'* memoaie 0; tnoerftdneing? Mlben Mofcs receaueb tbe lato from€>Ob, tbenpon tl^alltticbct* ier4)argeotber£(. Mtt pon ^aut tpcnt (be t^oleSrengfb of pour fmaO elo' tinence ano leffe mtelUgenee. to infer ano ampUfie tbe moti k-pgay*] «< ^ rvonderfuUandfiteotts agonies ^feares J forro)!^eSimiferies^dUt'' *' cries , teares , iifioni[hment^forgetfMlneJfe , and confuflon •f the *■ f powers of nature mth which the fen fe of Gods wrath afJliSfed, dif- *« traEled^amazjed,ofterwhelmed^and ail confounded {i\Xt^Si\Xit}XC « in hu whole humanity) |^oufubOainlte,cuefl in Ibe ttoiuhling "' uf aneiefceebimfromafl, aHDfetljfmcleare, as ff allfltiiis tab bdsne but a bzeame . if 03 bppon €W^t^ fpeaUtng of 2 M3tt!i.itf, Wz tDOJbeS , i Father", ifitbee pofsible let this cuppe paflc *Pa^e,S7 *"ftoramcc-, pouinferre, ^ ifChri^hadthuspraiedaduifedlj [* andwithgoodmemorie, againfi the k>^ownemllof godhee had Jittntd forthcclceringofcertain obievf^ions. ipj fmneA, 0nDmt|^tuo?D0p:erent!fefonotDfngteft^out ffatc 93 panf0 bettocene , yet not my will, buc thine bee doonc, ^Otl fmagttit tijaf C^;(il , ^ as it were commingfuddAwly to „ } ?*|.7l* bimfelfe efuicklycofitroledhis former words . ^HD tt}US fslicn it >3 pleafttl) pou, pon pot tlje fonnc of (^oD into "" a wonderfuU^* '"P.^s.73, und piteous confujioft and forgetfulnejfe of all the powers and a J ^mes of his bodie andfoule ; ailD ICStt pOU C^OUlOC bC COnatU- " ccD of amantfcS, nno itreUgicustmttust^, in t^ bem nicfecof tbcntrtetoojoc, iij)ic|) Cb?itt fpabe tnitlj tJjcfamt b;cat^ , ^m reffo;2C {7im to bi0 pet feet fcnfcs , aitD Dtr« tbarge i)fm frcm pcnr t)cUi(^ confdQou annpapnes. )l5nt . gOOD^lC, if it tocrc fO vnfnpportahle and intolerable a bnr^ 33 • " ^"^ ^^» ^it !i5 ppnC pO0tion ) r^/> is thegreatejl , fW wwr^ men fJmdd » ./«^r Wflr^ deepeliethen Chriji . S^Ctt if Cain enDurcD Hf^XSi sv au i}t£; life long , if Saul ono ludas ^ai) no intcrmiflPion of tixic papne 3 if tijc DamncD in beU , ffrom tDtome pon fetd) pour patterne) ooe enerlaCtinglte futf cr \X , bolsse xommf ft) it.to paflfe , l|at after poa baas fo bottic flfrrca fo; it , pon arc ro(bonetocarl^ of it ? totU poa mahet)£; bclecuc, ttfat Cb^iflfcs; obcbicnce ano patience tuag fries loitbatondjc^tbtisijenifl^paine, snD (b an enDc f o; toill pon retnrne it as often SiS pleafepon ? ano if tbis cappc t)ib fo qnicblic paflTe from our &an(onr , boUiebiD Ijce Mn pjaie againfl tbebnotunc toill of d^ob ; t*icb is an o-- tbet of poarfoanbation0,ti^en as , intbcbtteringof tbcfe too;2Ds,tt)c cnpbiDpafiTe from^im , bp ponr otone confeflion.? Jnlfbc fojte tocrcufc CbJitt ftom finne , ° in praying a- „ *VAg.%i ^iftfi the VPtUaf hi^ Fa$her j you cafi him tnto awonderfttH „ f^nffifon . ap5 The conclufion to the Reader, ^confnlloH and forget futneffe of all the powers ofhisfoule , andfett^ ^^fesofhis bodj ; aiiD ui Qie fautt page,foj an otiicr aoaantage, ' 'P»Zr%9^ *^ poa aaoact ft at in fljat p;atec , C^?lft p perfectlie K N E vv ^^# dominton of death fboulde not holde him. tiSESLett all (i)e poloer0 of t)t£ foule onertij^eUmD ano all confounDcO, IBID pet Dio be eaen in ftat ttbole confuGon of fenfe , meino cie,ani)tmDerffdnotng perfectly know tt^Donitnf< on of Deaft (^onlo not ^oloe tiim? can a man liatte tiis bnotD« leogeancmemo^te all confoonoe^ ano onertx^elmeD , ano gcttetatne perfect knowledge? couli>c€|)?tftfoj- get^iis faftersttotll tnf^at p^ier ft^ongb raont^ment,asu» tn fte Cpeaklng of fte \s)02Ds cemr mbrr f)f p2ateo amt(!e,ano int^ neFtelt)o;20eqa(cblie correct ^imkik? ^nttlte4)cre beconcettes anftDerabletopourcaofe; anDdentceB fit Gil poucDintntt»;)15at(S>tc Hefnterjlet paffepoui ti^eame^, mn l^etoe \)s yom proofed , (tiat C^^iS p?afeD againft tbe ^noione totU of f)t0 fattier, tcbfcb ponmabet^e grounoiop^^ of djts confn0on : and tc|)en pon bane To Done , ojc n p^oouf ftat pooc belUf^pame tDastbecanic of tbtsaSontl^ent* ^anfetttnges mlgbt affomfb onr^^utoorfo^tbe time, befioea (tie patnes of betl^^o in tb^t aftontl^mcnt.if €b?tS ;sLuc«.^ JjaDrpobehckncwnot what(t4)lct 3 farlauf nor)as*i Pctcriid tzbentje TatDf btisgloite m tbe mountatt e, it fjsDbopnr a De« feet tn natticcanono contempt of dDoosconnfelijmnct) Mt fa(^ an infernall confaOon a^ r ou Defer tbe. ti*^*i9 " t31t 15 manlfett (poo fate) tbat Cb?iC ' iftpiame words praud- fc contrarie to gods krtorrn v^Hl : ] 3t tS mOJC mantfcO tlwt poU bnotoe not tibat pon fate. )^otD conloe be p^aie agafnff biis tiMcx.xu ifatbers totU ftat p^aieD erp:eaie Ixtitb tl}iis conDftion, ^ 6 Father if thov wilt take awaic this cup from mc.[2I|)at in a correction after fte p;ater ( pon Ivtlt fate) ano no conbf tf ^ on in tbe p?dfer. ] Sre pon fo capttouis againfi Cb^ilt , Q)at 'jirfaMf, pen tDtU not fapplie one d^nangeUff itofft an oftcr ? ' Luke anD ^ Matthew pnt a pisitie conDitfDn tnto tbe p;aier of C^;f05Q^ one faptng, fatheiifthou wilt^% 0(^C, father if for the clecring of certain obiedions, 2 97 kbepofsiblc, tt)at is to tt3ntoar," hec "Mark. 14, felldowneonthegrcundc , and praied that if it were POSSIBLE, that hourc might paflc from him. g»0 t^at ail ^;a Cuangchff^s concurre, ftjat (inj^ittp^atcDnot o?,rlie tD(tf} a refecuatton of \iisfat^tB tDtll, but aiutered t^at con' i)ftionbnto|)t0 p;mv; ano tijrccfo^e in all mens ct^s fane poms , \)tc p;ateD not tn platne tuo^Df contcarie tc €o^s BnotDne U)iil . ^nD tUs ctroneons ano contumelious pofiltt« on pon fet Dotone to Q^e tDo:!De, as t^ cttefeQ fn^trcGTc of ponr t)snt(|) patneSjtt^eretn pon plainlp tD;:cQ tbe fcrtpturt0 from f^(r ctp^effe tD0?Us.[l!3at S. Iohn,poa tutU fate^rcpo;- fet^ €^?ifleB p;:atcr to ba Ompltcmauc , '^ Father, faue mec ^j^^ ^ from this houre.] Saint lohn fpeabet^ of an ot^r ttme ano "■ * place ;anDytstDo^Dcs impo.:t a DtUbcratton of tteo partes p^opofcD bp onr ^antonc , lolti) ^ts refolntion in tbr enoe; what fhall I faie ? Father deliuer me from this hovver ; ftiat 15, (^all 31 rate Deliocr me from tbts boUierf but therefore came lintothishower. Father glorifie thy name, Chryfoflom tftnS CPpounfieft €b.2iffe5 tDO:DeS : y n on d i c o /il>era me ex , hac hora , fed pater glorifica nomen tunm, I saie not, dc- loan.Homij^^ liuer me from this hower, but father glorifie thy name . 2nD fo Doty Epiphanius, Quid dicam pater ? firfta me ex hac hora^ hoc EpJphan.lib.i i»ejuit dicam? at froptereavemmhanchoram . What fhall I H^rcf^^, faie f Father faue mee from this hower? fhall I faie fo? buc therefore came I into this hower . IBut tlliat better frpot?- to.2 canneUiee jjaue tSjcn Saint Paul , u^o plaineip (^i$ ttat Cb.Jittin mab(ngttiisp:atcrtDas bcaro,& ^dehueredfrom 'Hebrew that he feared, ^tc p2atcD not agatntt tbe bnctone tuill of d^oD^ixboCep^atera €on beard anD perfo;mcD« ^nD tiberc ponaie totbis befii^ confuCon to faue f S>otl)at Ixben pou maUe CMS to triple bis p?aicr0 tDitt)feebcmtntteate5anDcri«0, f Citt tcpngnmittotbetoiUof €500, pou cbalengc tbe fonne of , emo ir 5 tbiS wonderfull confnfion And afimtjhmint in Jc till powers ofthefiuU , (ftdfenfes «f the bodie^ tS it d ne< " ceflterie confcqucnt to tbe tojatb of © £) SD , 0? mt 3X '^«2«T*. ** *^ ^^^ 5 ^^°^ P°^ ^^^ > C^y-i/? coHlde net hnt ftnke , nnd bee \\SQnf(imMviidn'thathmden)\^\S^XWMi^^ for the cleering of certain obieflionsr tg^ Ifjat tJ^ reprobate ano Drfpcrate , fccltng fljc fenfe of iD E> ^ tD2att) ^p/^^ t^cm, Doe net loofe t^ic b)tt$ , ano fenfed as €^;iQ br pour aiTcrtion oto:" totU ^on aStcine fi)e^ are allonil^eo ano allconfounDro ag Cbjtfl toas ? tijen if voaercnfe Cb;:t(i fromCnne^tnotatbmgmtDDfcUntng |)t0 ifafber^ bnotone totU , bi^canfe bee toas alf oti((|eO; pou mnS tiheiDtfe txmtt all tbe tD^cbco ano ]^ep;obate ftom tbefr Otinc0 , aftcf tb^p once feele tb^ fenfe of C>oO0 t»?a$, brcanfe tbcp cannot bnt bceadonC^eomtocon^ founocD Dnoer $at borocn f ^gatne ^ conloe Cb^fQ not Gnne, txbilesbee feltet^b);iatb of (iDoo t)pponb(m, be« caufe be toia a0ont(beDf £rgo ne^tber coulee bee mcrfte nil ttfat txbite, ano fo neitber its obeotence, patience, ba< tnUttte, no;^ cbarttte cculbe baueanie place, oa tfe , Co long as tbe fcnfc sf (0 £) 5D ^ to?atb DareD. I^aue pon no{ licatfeD t0 a gooblte fcnfc of ^oHd to^atb, tbat (^all erclnbe Cb;iO Blefns from tbc erercife of all biis graces , \itxtms» ano merttes f K\^iB palpable abfnroitte pou ^fnbe tn fhfppe, i^it Kefnter,)bntponrlDitu(too S»eake,o?ponr canfC not gooO; fttoiU not bee. C* ^fama» indiftrejfefaU;^ "P^Jf.J^ iifleefe ^ fate pOO, o;t ^tf aflonifhed mth fame violent Iflorvt ^^ en the heade^ infttch An one there is nodecaie of faith ^ nor of^y ohedenct , noroffatienc^ nor of lone ; euenfotfi Chrifi there „ WAS no defeEl of grace , Tut an infirmttie of natnre .3 ?[I2IIlaS ,^ ;ott ti)iB in t^ ino3ning,§)ii: l^efuter,tt|)enpoa '^ isjtxz-ittG) emo fatting , it is fo l^o;t rniD l^arpe; bat btUUe it VoM Darhe , 0; pour cits loere tiull pon couId not f^ ntit^tt t4)at 31 faiD,noa t4iat pour fclfe fafc. s^c fojce of ^., wtpreafonconfitteD inQ)is,Q)atMtxt feare goet^ brfoje ^ ^ ^^' *^* fuffering, ano is no longer calico fcar« tiben foffcring com* mct^ ; if €}^;iQ at tbe time of Ijis platers fn tbc garocn toere oeliuerco from bis feare, mucb moje from anic faffe- ringof tbat beefcarcD.^nofince bppour ottme pofttiond pou affirme bee feateo in bis agonte t^ paines of bell ; 3 concluDed beefuffereb tbem not. Ilet t£! noiu fa^ bolue pou tmpugne tbis reafon. ^ou firft cbange fuffering into fai- ling , ano becaufe t^ fonle in all bir affedions batb a kino of faling , pou inferre, naie therefore Chrififelt it, f^CUC manner is too tti^otuoe pour fclfe tuitb generall ano am-> biguous U)o;D0 tbat mafe fignifie anic tbtng, ano tben pou I^eto pour learntng in fpeafeingpon bnotoe not tibat.llBut tfc tbc tDo^D fuffering fcibicb 31 bio , 03 ta^e fneling foj fnffe* ring, in tifeicb fence it mm fiano; rnio tben fae botu abfuro- lie ano faiaie ponta&e mp reafon at ^s rebouno. ifo; tben pou mud faiC. Fearing is a kind of feeling, Cbrift fea- red the paines of hell, ergo Chrift {iifFcred them ; anO fo bp pour logicbe ti^ofoeuer fearetb captinttie 03 beatt, is a capttue, ano beab ; anb bee tbat feared to IcBfe }^is pnrfe, Iba^loffitjpeabee tbat fcareti)tooffcnb(I5ob,tiotb offenD |jim;anDbeca)at ftarctb to bee an be reticbe, is an l^erc- ticae.31t|)augl)t 4iougb pour bininiti^ iiao not , v^t pone €^q.5* ^^ilopl)ie 302 TTie conclufion to the Reader, ^bUofoplite conlQe toeferaeDPOUtobiiucrttan^; (bat ^mstus efimaliim^endentts, a£ritudopr fo:roU)) for eiiill likevvifc approching or prefent. §>. Ambrofe \^i\\ teactJ poit Iacob«b« a ^^^ » * antedolorem efl timar^foft doloremtrifiittai feare is virali i.ca %, before gricfeor paine; after paine followeth he auincs.anU lifec* ^ Grcgor.mo- feifc Grcgoric, ** In his vitd t9Ymenttsfimor tK^en luc tdtn gf tie tbem ttjclc Defects, eaiD let t^m (f ano no longer in fafpence; but (I!5eD fo teScD not tot^ bis fonne, a0 to cio bim from bts feare bp prefent pnntf^mentC'oo tbere* fo^e bearb(O};{i0s p;{apec ami betinerctb^m from bts feare, li^en as pet be DiD not fuffec It; ano being delinereb from it in ^ gaiDen, botocamebe to fnffer H moje cctremtip m CbC CroPfe:' jF03 ^a fate, » Chnfi was in fomefenfe of it, when i. 'p^gnj^ c« heefraieda£MnfiitJ^ehadthenfomefort<$fleofitJfsittheextref «c ptitte came after, which he heforc ftared. &pr COnfotfCif poil * can tea % gpbe tbas iuttb tbe apoftles toojos , 31 mnl! leauc pou as lac&ingbotb confcf ence « commo fenfe^i fo tDtll all f £egoDlp. for the cleering of certain obiedions. 303 C^;iU t9 be bf llucreD,from ttiat b« fcareD,U)as(bp pcnrcon* ffruition)to fuffer ti)s: ertremtttc of ^at tjc feawD.^iU pott ftat (Sod fetiD pcu fnd) oeUncrancc tn ttjc ff mc of ntto, tbat lb p^iopbnmip pla? totft tfee oeUn^ance of Ijtg fonne ? [ i^der toad oelitterec pcii tutU fapjfrom t^ conf inaauce of itfj^o (gojD §)pr)C&2iai«i«c fcareo tfje palnes of 6cU l^oulo con* tinue on ^im after Deattj-jft ts bojribleblafpl)emp fo to ttjtnft; itjntooeatl) pen fap tbf pcontinuf&.f^otoiDas be tbm ttlU wrcofrom bis fearcfoj baue pou fo foone forgotten pone Otone tDD2D5,tf pon rcgarDnot mpnc? ^ It is abfurdtofaie he „ i Png.y^ f rated wfenreagaiyjjithat which heperfeUly k^evojhotildneuer „ #<7»f? -y^^i? him, mtntily th^t.the Domimon of Death fhould „ hold htm. 3lf d)e Domtnion of oeatb I^oulD not bolo \\& boDie, mncb lelfe (^onlo :oxa boio btis fonle. CJlSat tbc (S5;jabc toojo , e/o-oK^^re^V, pon fafe , Xkxai% to Import a Cieltucrance after Cb^ttt toas \x\ tt)at be feai'eb : i«r«vusfl-6ek> ^ Heewas heard heinginit ^1^^^ 10 pour tJfnt< > P<«5.^3, titttc, ^pr confnfer, lb is ponr ©^atfee . if oj (f cfoifl toec^ ^earojtben iopneo to tbe a^f ue, ano refcrreo fa 0ob,mn0 UbetDife import ^t C^oo being in p famepaines 010 beare bim.l^aue poa not b;ongbt b0 a learneo obferna- tion ontof pour (H^^ecbe fio^e, tbatcHpob ixbtcbbcato, anD €b;i(! tbat teas bearo^tDere botb in tbe pained of bell f ]lBnt inD&D e/o-oo^eiu i0 to bear&en tnto^ as tcee DO bben lt» benD our earc to anotbers fp^eb^anc e/(raH^c&£i? is barb- iteDtnito o:! b^arD-SEbetco^^D is 6ae times tifeo in tbe neto te('> Jamrntsbut in^ S>eptnagint noting moje fcequent to Og* ntfie tbat toebarben to C^oDs totce ti^cti toe obep \!^\vn, ano <85oD barbne^ to our tolce , fxben bee granntetb our ^?ai£r0.Fcarcnotfattbt^0ngeU to ^acharji^ \\(mx^^ ^ M(A£!wfc U^tclismoll ab- fnro^ tf t^ere toere no btno of feare, bnt ponr ama^eo ano all confounoeo feare , is tbere be mo?e otbrr kinD0 of feared; iftbrre toerenoe mo;e part0Dftt)e lu^atb of CI5oD, bnt bed patne0, as tbete be funo;te mo^e ^ if no man mf giit feare bnt fo} bimfelfe, as in c^aritie tuee map, ano in ^uii^ tue ongl^t to feare foj otbers* ano €}^M tn lone mfgbt ano bib fo2 f)i$ ; ^n bab pou (bme t)ope, tbat be til^icb granted fl)e one, tDonlD abmf t tbe otbcr.bnt if tbi^ be all pon can fate, tbat feare is 9 binb of feeltng,3} am ais farre from granting tbe (nuefiion,ais 31 tna^ m tbe firi! beginning, if 0; ttongB pon ballte toitb boubtfuH too^bs, ano tbtnbe ft enongb to catcb ^ere ano ^cre at a lihelieboob. mp coarfe in not fo.Bln- Dasbe ont of tbefe Inoaos 31 reafoneo tppon pour otune p?in« tiples : atfi foppoUng it foj 9^ time to be true ti^fcb on tbis place fome anoacb,tbat (pj^ltt feareb tbe painc0 of befl , 31 condaDeDJf €b.ti0 toere Delinereb from fearing, be toa^ certainlie beliuereb from fnffering $e paines of beQ • iSno before pon anftaere ^z argnmtnt, pon trinmpl)8i$ if t^ ^ueffton inere granteo* X5at ^p? tenumber tt for the clecring of certain obicdions. 305 i^ t^efuffering of f)eU patnes ftjnt ioe talbe of ,ani] not of a SpetaptiojIcaU hinu of feeling ; irijtcf) poafabattutc in ffaD ftcreof . agatne all ttie effects of Cl^oDs to;a(I) Clj;itt 6(0 itotfeele,nc;feare,aj3namcl(e, ncltbcr reprobation , noj Df fperatton , no;: eternall Damnation , tx^fdj (0 ttc ctfcfett ano Qarpell effect of (Sons (ntt iD?atl) agninff l!nnc,g)cmc partes ttjfreof ifbeeOiOffare.anDfoinaffectUn fcelc,|;olue Dotbtt foPiOtDf bee felt 0;! feateo beU patnes ? It)(rDlte, ^e DID fuifame as luell our perron , as our eanfo ; tee ^aD not onelie compaction en Dff, but comancttonUjia) ts; ana intbat refi^cct as our beaD bee niigbt loojtbilte fearc ti» euerla&tng oeffractlon of }^i5 boDte,tf be Dto not mterpofe liimfelfe, anDauertd^oDslJU^atb fromtbem , bv braluig t^m \x)lt!^ btics otune ffitpeSjanb bearing tbtir ftnnes in \}ii fitoneboDte. iFonr^ltebemigbtfearstbepotuerof (Q^oDS iD^atb , able to puni(^ enen ibc boDte of Cb^iff tuUb farre mo;termart,tben bts bnmane fiel^^as able tu enDsre.lLail« It^jK^mtgbtcarefalltef^anne mio Decline botb our fmne anb ^e Usages of our finne^lubfcb ts eternall oeatb ttittb a te* Iigfonsfeare,as content to reDeemetjs, but not toDeffrofe botbbltnfclfeanDbs. lanD tbts commetb mvtH ^ ffgniffcatton of $e <3mU foo^De tberc bfeD, tt^icb is no confnfeD o;: ama^ebfeare, fucb as pou tDoulDe cunmnglte conuepbnber tbename of 4 ^ perplexed fcare , but a carefufl anD DiUgert regarbe to bc' ». "Prf? 74. toare ano Decltnetbat,^bi^ to^s tnlQibe 0; Doubf. 0nD f^refoje euAajSKc is net onrli^ one tbat fearetb (S5oD bp taking gooD care not to Dtrpleafe blm, but a drcumfpe^ anotuarie man in otber tbitiges^ ano hjK to fait the leafl of it , let themfohrlse con/tder it, audit ts mofi ,y trueandeftident : ^;, if ^tj3 UJlU nOt pCtfluaDe mtXl tO be# „ leue tfjat €^0 OtrD tfyC DC afl) of GjC (bule, «^ wen Vmng be- „ inofurprifedvDithgrieuoHsforrowes andpaines , will faie (SB »» '"^^i-l^ Terence tottncCTctll, occidi^perij .intery )thej/ die ^ they pei'ifh, « SolikewilethedeMhofthefoulefometimesmaie beevndrrjloode '• «»^ that TKofl ftlte forthe paines and fufferinges of Gods** ''&'^'*. tvrath t which ahayes accompanie them that are feparated " from the grace and loue of Cjod. 3nD if Terence bw not au« " tbojitic {\xf^\t\z\\t^ ^atiit " Peter agatnllfDlromcIictb ^^^^'"iVM.7^^ caption , Zfnith ^thai Chrifl in his fitfferiffgfor vs was done to " death in the fiejh , kttt made aliue by thefpirite , tAnd in the Scripture rohenfoeuer the fiefloe and the jpirtte are oppopd to gither^thep^ is alwayes Chrifles whole humanttie , Jlfiie^^ ^Tag.ffi n ot his bodie one lie, but his foule alfi. From hence nowe ttfol- ^ , lowethy thmt Chrifles fotde alfi died , and was crucified accor'^^ ding to the death ^d crucifying J which foules are fubie^ '^*^<'3jji ^d capable of, 31 ijaw ( O^at €^;ta ditd 3o3 The conclufion to the Reader, tiye DeatI) df Gjt Toule ^ aitd t^at €^;iSs Touie loas alfo crucf < fica ajs toefl as bis boD(c;B! l)a«e onclfc fctte ftjem toglttjer, Iftat tl)o« malcll: tuiflj one tjleUi beljola bottj tl)e Daprwg ana roRnttKdc of t^is tpflfart tuztter ^ ani) in % fecrcte atiD t?p' rigbt iuDgcJTtciU,t£! it not patience cnougb to be arc ano en* DnreatlDolcggeDcreatnce to talfec in ttjts fojt toittjoat all learntng,rcUgton 03 oifcretion, controHingall Gjefnt^t^ as fables, fojtbtnbtng ot^rinifc ttfenlntntiti), commaun* Ding tl)c ^ctiptmtB prctor-likc , to ferue W ignorant an& letDUalTettion3,anBEflfd?mfngnonetob£ fober o; confide* rate, except ^t^ confcile bis (^amcfoll abfurisitics to bee tuoStrueanD enident ? )15utBl tauenotlearneD no;{ tfcD to glue rcuiling fpdecbes . tbc iLoaoetep^oouebiff follie, ^jougb it bee not toojtft ttje anftoering , pet foj tbcir fabes fbat bee dimple, 31 Icill not refuCe to fpeabe to it , anD to let tbem fee tuliat ttifi^etetice iljett is bettoipt tratt) ano erronr. I^oar maine cearon(S>ic Hefater;is(bts,in (^efe tDo:&e£( at of ttje Stpotlle , Chrifi threugh death aholifhed the diuell that «j hadporver of death, Thu worde death (fap pOO) hath the eo exclufa eft per pocnam a corporefuo* LMors autem fecunda ipfa efi cor' peris c!r antmapunittofempiterna. There is a firft death and a fccond Dcath.Of che fiift death there be two parts.-OHCj when the for the clccring of certain obiedions. 309 rW finfiill foule by offending departed from her Crcator^the o- thcr whereby the foule for her punifhment was excluded from herbodiebyGodsiufticc. The fecond death is the cucrlafting torment of bodie and foule. ^e fame partes aitD fettlDCfJ of Deatt) are oftcBtepcateDbpblmm tits i^.ijosfee d^cimtate I)*?/; a0 nameltC,'' Mors a»ima fit cum eumdefertt D ens, f cut k^ucuft de corporis cum id defertt anima. Ergo vtriufj^ rei^d efl t otitis ^tf- ciuitatc dci. minii mors efl, cum antma a Deo deferta defer it corpus. It a enim lib, I3.cap,*. nee ipfaviutt ex d?o,nec corpus ex ipfa. Huiufmodiautem totim hominis mortem ilia fecjuitur ejuam fecundam mortem dtuino- rumeloquiorum appellat authoritas. Nam illapatta vUima(f^ fempiternareSiemorsanim£dicitHr.T)nz death of the foule is, when God forfaketh her, as the death of the bodie is,when the foule forf aketb the bodie.So y death of both,that is ofthe whole man is when the foule forfakcn of God forfakcth her bodie. For fo neither the liueth by God,nor the bodie by her .This death of the whole man, that other death followeth ; which the diuinc fcriptures call the fecond death, for that laft and cucrlarting pu- nifhment is rightlie called the death ofthe foulc.^cre are tt)?05 }^\x{M of oeatt); finite ft^fd) fcparatetft tjs from (25oD, booilte tu%W^ feparatc^ ttie fo«!e from ttje boDp, ano etcrnall Damnation tc^tt^ toimcntct^ boDp ano loulc fo; cuer. Bin tbe 0poff les tDO30S to fl^e Hcbrucs,t^at Chrift through death abo Ii(}icd y diuell that had power of dcathjpou tutl bp «0 m?ane0 tiaue ^ oeatli of tbe boDte tntenDeo -, ttiat 10 a brneftte anD gaine to (be goblie* StDeti of finne am> eternaR Damnation tbe biuen mutt be faiti to baite poteer,c-mo inoecoc fo be batb. •^o^beeisfbeperfUiaDer anD leaDcr to finne, onotbe if- fcationerani)to;tmentoMn batnnation. ^nDfobpponr U* uinitte Cb.:itt winff finne.jsis be euerlatt infilte conDemncir tobeBfirc,befojebecanaboUlI) t^^ nDnsHen tijat batbpoVuer of botb fbefe. if 02 be mull aboIU^ l)lm , bp ftje fame oum of oeatb , toberecf bee }^^^ pctcer . JLoobe , fe)tr !Sefa# f er,tDbat an toboirome erpofitfon of fbe i^poilles too.^DB pou l^ae mao^ ^^^{6^ (^ oiueS ^imtelfe onrft not aoiienture* 3X0 The coiiclufion'to the Reader, it is fo b!atpl)emon0. d^oD foibin ^on iDtll Tap, ft)iK t^oulo bi^^ ante part of poor meaning. 115ut if fucb bte font ignorant rsJ^ncCTctijat poa toill fo erpouno fcriptares , as t^cfe com fcqti£nt0(^aU necelfatiefoUotne , yon mult icaue tu^tttng, ano faH to learning anot^r U)^rtc,ttU pen be able to fojefa iD^at map UiSlv be inferred t^pon pour politton0. SDea^js of ttje foulc tfjcrc arc none mcntionco in anie £)criptur0,oj fatljcr , bat finnt an^etcrnall damnation. Ilcanc (tjc pa* tS^ticaW, Ijppcrbolicall «mctapbo;ticall p|!?afc0 of Terence, to boiea m t^ <0cammcr td^mle , fpeahe atkad lihe a HU titne , ^ong^ ron bee none « Bi^ pour canfe bee fo bolie a trutl)a$pontarkeof,it^at|; bofbTounOatton an&app;:oba« iton in tbe ^criptui^cd. ^on Sjatl not neeoe to runne to ^catb^n poets to p?ooue tbat t^e S)amouc of G^ too^lD^ oteD t^e Deatb of tbc fonle. Wat tbe ^eati) of tbe fonle is, tDbat confequrntcs it batfj, ana iubat maine an& motte fuCficient reafons tbece are, tobp <3)iift ntitijtt DfO, no; mtgbt Die tbe Deat^ of tbe fonle , tbcu baS fgooa Mca< ter) before in ^)e Creatife it felfe : if t^iB fnmbler eittjer luiU fbippetbem, ojcannot anftoeretbem, 3 mull not Vide j»ag.7i» repcatc tl)cm as often as b^e luiU neglect tbcm . |^et to eafe tbee of going bac&e , BI toiil bcre gine t^ee tl;e effect tl^reof. I^e life anD Deaf!) of fb^ tbnie is in manie bunb;eti lAuguft.inio. places learneolic anD trnliet}oncbeD ant) pi^ooueD bp ^aint han.tract-47 . Au(\cn^ A;/• ViAm miferamfine Deo videre -aon potes f Credeergo^^Soibeo^ culosfideu Hovvdicchthe foule then by which the bodie li- yeth? Hearken and Icarne. The bodie of man is the creature of God, & fo is the foule.By the foule God gjueth life to the flcfh, but the foulc her lelfe God qukkenethby himfelfe, and not by hcrfclfe. The hfeofihe bodie then is the foule, thehfeofdic foule is God. The bodie dieth when the foule departeth, ergo she fou!e dieth if God depart from hcr.Thou feeft the flefh lying dead without a foule,and cantt thou not fee the foulc wretched vvithout God? Belecuethcn,and open the eicsoffaith . ^nD fpea^tng of %z particQlar conCcqumt^ to tt)e ttfe ano oeatl) of t^ foule, ttX fani« fetter faittjJ " Quomodo cum anima »Auguft.JnI«; fjl in corporcy prafiat illi vigor em , decor em, mohilttatem 5 Sic "^'^•'*^'» ^^^ sum 'vita eius Deus eft in tpft^prdftat illt pipientiam, pietatem^ tuliittam^ charitatem-^ veniente itaj^ verba (^ audientibus infw forefurgit Anim.% amorte fuaadvttam fuamjjocefi ah miejtti- tate^ab infpientia,abimpietate ^dDenm fuum cjuiefl illipipi-^ enm,iufltti(i ^ charitas . As when the foulc is in the bodie, fhee giueth vigour, comelineffe and motion to the bcdie; fo whcnGod her hfe is in the foule,hc giueth her wifedome, pietic, lighteoufnefle and charitie,The wordc (of dlJoD) then founding and infufed to the hearers, the foulc rifeth from her death to her life, that is from iniquitic^ fbnie,and impietie, to her God, who is to her wifedome^righteoufnefle, and charitie , 3^ tt)tS tnere not ptatiie tnougt) ; tlje Scriptures ^trnfelnes gr$ foentDent , ^ot no man can mtSahetl^citfcof ti;c foule, erceptbee W\ parpofelie bItnDf tjlmfelfcjleaff tice (^ouiDe come to t|» bnotolcDge of ^ trutt).ifoj t^e foiinc of ^oD tsf p}°JjJJJ* ® hfc^and comming down from heauen^Pgaue life to the world, <, john* ^^ ^ quicknjBgwhosihce would '^wiih tb« vvawrsof life, that is 'lobn.yj by. $ 1 2 The conclufion to the Reader, fRom.J ^y ^^^ ^ Tpirite of life, yea ^ whofoeucr beleeucth, and " abidcrh «Iohn.tf.' in him, hath life and bearechfruite in him. For theiuft fhall •lohn I f * Hue by faith^and he that dweileth in y louCjdwcIIeth in Godj * ^ft^'^' ^^<^ God in him, for God is loue. So that not onely Chrift is our 'I lohn^l ^^^^*^ ^"^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ '^^ fonne hath lifcgbut * vvicli himjand in •coiof. j." him,altoai€0 toas, anD al\»at«s toill bee , tije ^ foumainc of ►HeueUz* life, tcjjf ct) mutt oto noa can c?i5 ^P * lioto ^n coulD €\nifi tit t^ Deat^ of t^ fonle , bljofc fonU Vans perfbnaUtc \)n(« t£ D , tjnto tt)c lucjDe ttjat toajj life in tt felfe ? lano if ihz grace ano fptri(e of (l^etj ui tJ0,niaUe tjs Hue bp CI^oD, ano in CDoDjiffattbaitDloue hnittemento tticltfeof vl5oD^ ^olijs coulee (be foule of €^;iQ allrates fnQ of grace ano trutb, altoaies fuUof faitb ano loue, anD of t^Wis^^oQi b;e ieaoe^ [But tbi0 Kefuter mr anetb anofber Dcaib of (be fcnie .3 t^ba( bt0 meaning is , is not matertall , bot tcbeSjer bee nicane trutb 0;: no.^f be toil frame Mb a montter in cbnfiian ]:eIigion}b:bat baue 3 to do tuttb (bat.but to DeteQ it ? Sliere 10 anotbcr Deatb after tbis ltfe,mcntioneD bo(b in fcrfptnres anD fatbcr0,tc^icb is tbc fecono Deatb. Wnt B bope t^is Con« ^ fater toiil eate anD n^pe tpon (be canfe befoie bee io^appe our 0antonr toitbtn euerlaStng Damnation.I|)at is^n Dra$ in DeeD from tcbicb ^6t> bleile ano Caue t)0 all . Il;ep muK ndeDe0 bee gooD dEb^tflians (bat labour to b;ting Cb^ideis . foulctoitbtntbecompa(reoftberrconDDea(b//i/^cwc^-f/i//- "s P • ^^j^ vmhra mortis'^vera mors eft damnatie cum ^labolo.Oyxz "Idcirinlo- (c l^rfatcr,) if pon toiU naD^js l)3ne l^lni 6fe tt)e Dealt) of t^ foule ; asio ttje ct^olfc is (b gooo, f!)at take fciid)poutD(U,vcnincartiaOll,§ may k vnd€rftood,(jr that tctnofi fitly ,fffr the pa'mes a-4dfnjferings efGodsvprathftvhtch cl" a rvAiesaecompafiy them that are feparated from thefrace andloue zcofGod , This death of the fofdeVtttkiXmt C^rifl ftifferedy uyet hee himfelfe nenerfeparated^ but moB intirely beloued , ye4 i^moW'^ hoUe^moft: innocent y a-fidino^blejfed,'] ^OU coJltraWCt^ (^Ir Hefatcr,) not onUe ^ itxi^mtts am) f&WyixSy but mm yunr relfc (n one nuD tt^e faint fcntence , miD recle li^ a man ii^ofe b^atncj^ ace not Geaute. ' Secundum [cripturAs triplicem effe mortem accepimns. Vna eB cttmmorimHr peceatOf deoviHimas . Beata mors c^ua amortalinos feparat^immortali confer mt^ Alia mors eft vttA exceffus cum anima nexu corporis liheratHr, Tertia morsefl de qua diEhum eft , anima qtiApecca- uerttjipfamorietur. Eamorte nen folum caro fed etiam animA moritur', hac mors non and ^ oea$ of Gnne, ^i^ in spiritv« ALL ; E^e fecciiD {$ ^z ccaGng of $tis life W^^& n a« TVRALL ; ^9^{tui$ notonelteGnnebnt&eftcoafWy fe!^fc^(£{ PEN ALL, MW of U»re agrecftj tQ€}^;{fi^ Ambrofc ^imkXtt tottl tell pOU . ^ Qutdefi Chrifius mfi mors corporis , fpirittts vita ? What is Chrift but the death of the bodie , and the Spirit of life :» Sjen %(ff DfeD not t^ titatl^ of tfjefoule, fo^ t^ ffitit of life cannot Dte, tnlcflfe l^oa tDta maUc life it felfe to btt ^a$ . ^ea , t^p t^it^ in t^Uf toojl^ tU tbe mti^ of (^ fonlr m (epatatiD front for thcclccring ofcertaincobiedlions. 315 ^M y fa; nUi Q}ep abide in ^im^ Q^p llionlti^ nUte in Ufe; te is " the waie , the truth , and (not oiltiit Itutiig, tut) .lohnr* lifck fclfe 5 iS3)is teQimonit oar ^auioac gfuet!) of ^im* ~ felfc, " Vcrilic.veriliel faicvntoyou, heethac bclecucthin «Iohn>, mcc hath ctcrnall life . $t t^ei^ Cannot otettje Dcatl) of tfjC ^ route , fefeid) beleeuc in %ttt, twtoemndjleffecandDlj^ltt i^fmfelfe Die fliat Dcat^.-' lano ^cre, (^(r Hcfuter )pDa i;;9d)ro groflfe ano palpable an erronc , tt)at loomenanD c^tlo?cn tuid aerloc pou . if 03 it t^etojnwntecof IjeU ano paincS of tl)e DamneO <^ alv^ayes accompany them that arefe- ^ ^ farntted from thegrace and lone of Gad , |j0toe Hiante ftun' » ti^eD ^onfanD t^oRfanDest of aU footed , rej^cs ^ «it) age^i in all &ing(omc0 ano/conntr»0 (l^oaloe bee DtllacbcD, Dir* tcadeo, and confounoeo in aU ttje pouierd of tt^fr fonle^ ano fcnfes of cutfr boote ? t^ere ace t^ ° riches of Gods .j^oo,^ bountcouffieffe , patience and long TufFcring fa^^Cft ^ 3pO^ 0le fo ^igtlltecommenDeQ}, as leading vntotepentance?l^OtO coulo Abraham toitb anietrtjtijraieto tbirtcbmaninljefl; P Sonncremcmber thou in thy lifetime icceauedft thy good pLucje.i^* thinges and Laz.«trtu paines ; tt^ece if ponr pofition te tCWe, ^patnrs of Lazarus conloe not bee comparable to ^to^i mentesanopatnes ^at ALvvAiEs accompanie t^ toickcD:' 31 aflTute tbee fcb:i(h an i^ea^er) a man conlD not iDitb fetnec ano foolifl^et toojocs tben tbe re , mo;2e crollig t^ ttbole teno3 of tbe fcrfptnre0. if 0? tbe toichcD bere in %i& life abound tuitb all toealtb , eafe, ano p^ofpcrttie^infomnd) tbat 4n ante of tbe goDlte baue baene ano Ota are offenbcD toiS) it. aseaoeSje 72,|5ralme, ano fee fttsetber tbcfe intelerable anDbo^riblefeare0,ro;rot)}e5,paine3, anotoamentesofbeU atD ^ DamneDjUo altoaieB accompanie "S^m beere in ^{5 life . S My fectc were ilmoft gone (fai^ Dauid) when I fawc the peace ofthewicked.Thcrc are no bands tn their death, chey "*- ^ ^* areluftie and ftiong , they are not in trouble , nor plagu«i witn other men, their eies tknd out for fatne^c^they fiaue jnorc then ifhck heart can wiOi. Lo cheTc are the wicked;,yec ^ r o s p e r 1 1 6 The conclufion to the Reader, THEY A L vv A I E , and incrcalc in riches. This was too hard for mc till 1 went into the fandliiarieofGod , then I vnderftood »Rotn,p their ende. ^OtftatcSoD •■ with much patience fuffeieth the velsclsofwrath prepared vntodeflrudion J who according to /Rom.a their hardeand impenitent hearts/ heapevp wrath ypon them- fclues a^ainft the daic of the declaration of the luft iiidgement of Godjixtiofe fuDDainc dcrtrudionis then nearcftjwhenthey (haJ ' I .Thcffa.j fay t peace and fafety, 0noU^atmaruea poacroCTe^e fcrtptutes hi confound tjing tf}e tojafti of <3on to come toft!) t^jc tojatb of (2?oD p?e- fcnt in tl5is Itfcj ixljcn pou tjoe not fee pour otnnc toojueB to be contrar t£ one to tt^e ottKrf if oa If €b;ill DieD ^ Dea^ of "EpheCi tlje foule, fc:^f rt) tS "^ an alienation from the lifeof God , f)Olue teas l)e ncuer feparatfUjbut alwaiesintirely beloued and cnoft blefsed ? ^f Ijf e tocre neaer feparatenfrom t^e life of (^00, ^0 m came be to Die tijs Deatt of tbe foBle , W(!^ mufi naos be a feparafio fo; t!)e time from d^oD, tnlcfTe pen can matcb Ugl)t 3itti Darfeeneffe , Deat^ aiiD life toget^r , ano mafee tt)C one to be ttjc ott^Cjano bott) to cleaue to ies then anj other J ^tt ^OU tQUht not, {mt ^^g' f» .. d Chriftas touching the vebemencie of painty was as Jharpfy tow chcd for the clecring of ccrtainc obiedions. 5 1 7 chedenett as the Reprobate themfelues^'^tS, if it may he,moreex- traor^iKurily. M t^ii3 pea aflflrmc, ano bp poor otone toojDs, " all ^\S USC^ONLY TRv ^iandperfeElly accepted facrifice to '* ^<>^. ^0 t^n tx^ofoetier fcelett) not all tl}t0,lia^ no b;o^en " 110^ contrite Ijcart, no;i ante longer tben l^e fecletb tticfo bel- itfl^ torments in bis fonle. SnD tftbtsbe tbcoNLT trve racrlfice to d^oD , Bl lutll not af he ti^at l^all become of tbe facrtSce of p^atfe ano tbanbrgtumg , batbotDel)nbappie are tbe gotilte tb^ at ante time are free from (be patnes of tbe tamneo , atio from tbe to^mentcis of brll , Gnce tbc fnf' fcringtbireof is tbeoNLYxRVEano perfealie accepted facrificetoC^OD:' <= Godly forrowjaietb tbc0polfle,caufcth rjCorln.r repentance vnto faluation; ftofe tooitiCB pleafe pOlJ not ;facb ^ helltflj forrowes , anO intolerable horrors 35 tbe %eprobate ^^ fptf^.45 in themfelues feele^ peS 30 tbe damneddoefujfer^ tbiS fate pOU i0 margine* tbe ONiY TRVE and accepted facrifice to God, |^0U inntt if l^aueotber racrtfice£(,anD tbofeaccepteo, before pon come to ^aaen; o^ elfe tt» Hcp2obate mi^ Damneo tptll bee fi^rt as (bone as poa : 0on fenD pou bis grace^ano grant ponr totts anb rentes bee notDtffempereo anootHractcD; pontalbe fo mucb of beHtH^ patnes, and torments erecnteo bp olnels, as tbe ofily true facrifice of a broken and contrite hart, ) 3 ^z ^ponies too^bes , txbereon pou flrlf groutibeb tbiso' rjfousaiIerrton,baue no fnrb intention, as poutmagii'ie.By death Chrift conquered him that had power ofdeath that is the Diuel.afhe tbe fisipledcbiiDe ^ iscatccblfcD in pourffjarge, If pou }^^v& anie ,tdjenl)«rcfie, o^blafpbtmie. I^ge DeWuereU 1)£i from euerlaCiiTg Deafl?, t^ic^ Ijee nelt^c DtD, no? couloe fufifer. Bif^ou fate^ee tieUuercDt^ not from enerlaattig Jjcaf^jtt is open bswGc; ffpon faie €W^ ftiiferet) cnetla* Htng oeatbj it is blafpbemtc . ^et ba^ Ct» Ofucfl potorr og ijott) tjcatt)0jafi UjcU tempejal as eternall. W$^t potoer, poB *sapient: I. af^^jljaft tlie oiael of ftjis ocafi) t^ fcb onr boDtes Die:' ^ God i*Sapi, z. made not that death, but by the ^ enuy of the Diueii it came in- to the world . I^e toas ttie Br ft p;iocuccr of it bp pierttDatiing finne , ano ftill tcioictH) in it as tbe tier ie gate to hel. "^ I flial ^Efaj 8 goe (falB Ezechiah) to the gate of hell, U^iiCb tu^S ^ Ueatt) oC bis botiie^^bcit biaie tbe loicbed paflfe to bell pta^ i^pofile . calictb tbccojrnpfton of our boDies^e fling of finne, t^ere* &i.Coaii.iy. toftb fljgDiucllpcarceOlJS;" when this corruption hath put on incoiruption,6 death where is thy fling? if oj tbe crpoiition of ibs Slpofiles ttjojusj map ef^r fap ^•Auguft.de n r • n '^ /» -/ / / pccc.mcrit.& ^'^^j^^ip^f^^^J^^'p^f mortem euacttarrt eum ^mpotejrate habebdt f CQflir$,li, ».o3 X "fffortt^id efi Diabolnm, (^ Itberaret eas tjm timore mortis per t9» tarn vit^m ret erantferHitutis , Hoc Teflimomo fatis illnd meft- firatffr^(^ vfortem ifiam corporit pri»cipe at que author e Diaboloj hoc efi expec^^to accidijJe^ijHodtlleperfuaJit, Ne^enim obaliud 'fotefiatem hab^gj^^rtis vertjfimediceretHr, The Lord hirafelfc would diejthat \% it is written of him,by death he might deflroic hirn that had pover of death , euen the diuell, and deliuer thcni which fcrfearcoflcath were all their life long fubic6l to feriii- lude. By this tcflhionieitisfufficientlicproouedthatthisvc- tie death of our bodiv^ came from the Diuell as the Authour and chicfe doocr therccf. that is from the finnc which hee per- fwadcdb for the clecring of certain obie»f^ions; 5 t s^ fwaded. He cannot for any other caufe be faid tohauc power of dearli, which here is fnoi\ truly fpokcn. Ambrofc, Chry fofloni, ©to Cyril reforrc death f^?ongi)out(^at fentciice to t^t death of ttje bodic ; gn t^cfe to03Dcs(faie ti^v)^ 0poQle ^ notcth /l^™^''*^^"' an admirable thing , that whereby the diael had powcr^thereby ^ f^«^*«* was he oucrthrown. The weapons which were his flrcngth a- gainft the worldjthat isai^ alinoff rtjs fame too^Dce. Cyrill tcric often crpounDcit) !^c''j-j"; recta Heaft) in r^at place foj flje Dcaf^ of <3)M& boDtc. ' The fonnc f^ c^i.b.j^eT of God was partaker offlcfh and bloud,t.hat yeelding his body Hebr.ca.a to dcathjhe by nature as God being life itfelfejmight quicken it againe .- otherwile how had hee abolifhed the imperie of death, vnlefle he had raifed againe his dead bod y.^nC flgainc^ ^B:- caufe it was aboue mans nature to abohfh death, yea rather it 'idcmde recta was fubdued of death jthe fon of God,that is Ijfe, took vnto him fide lib»i, fnans nature fubic(^ to death , y death as a cruellbeaft inuading his flefhlliouldceafe frohistyrannyoacrvs, that Qiould there- by be aboliHied . gf bp Deatf) tn V^t fcconD place toe iwDer- 0«nfi t^ Deat^ of botip anD fonlc tottlj FulgentiusJ am not a< gaind tt,n)t0 being altoates rememb;eD,tt}atCi)#Di(Ono tieati) b«t t^C Deat^ of tbe boDte.^ Morsfilif Dei,ejuam sola c A R N hfufceptt vtmm^ in nobis morte^im£fciUcet! carnifj^ ^Fulgent Je dejiruxit. The death which the fonne ofGod fuflfered o n L y in "J^J7hritti.G.9 his flcfli^deftroied both deaths in vs^ j as well that of the * * " ' foule.as that of the body, ^z ConftJter baaing be0it:r£D ^imfelfe \x\ |)i0 fpecial mi9 4of fe acgnment0,a0 t^on ^aff bcacD (c^^ia reader) % nolo 0;aU)fng to an enDe,pnrporett)IiHe a polittcHe raptaine fo U tntrencl) tiimretf, t^at no fo^ce C^al fetc^ ^f m out of W l)olD. 0no becaufe too^oe^are $e Itieapon^ t|at can enDanger ^m ; be tabefir tlic reaoi^ toate tuiri tbcm,to tarne f iDtn5 ^m at W tD(I,ano fo mabctt) anie tbing to be euerfe fbtng) t^at miW^ Ij^onlD tjurt Ifitn . l^z (icriptnres amrme, tliat 3*20 The conclufion to the Reader, C^;tilt cractfieD i^ ttie tDlfeDome anD pointer of (0oD to aQ "Fom.^ ^^* ^ CallCO,^U) t^at U>2 are"reconciIed to God by the death »Hebre.2. ofhis ronne,andourfinnes redeemed, awd the 7 diucldeltroied y I .Pcter.4 bp t|>C Deati of dClJ.jil! SefUBj as alfo ttiat \)tt y fufFered For vs •i.Pctcr.j. j^jf^g flefhjpea ^e '^ fuftered for our finncs being put to death in theflefh. ^nDleaC tt^oulot)encelJceconeaeD,tf}at C^?(ll DfeD not § oea^ of ttie (bule; but rati)cc tt)& DiaH) of t;i£! hotiz luaB afu£flctcntp?fcefo)ti)e Itfccf t^eiDo:lO£; tlieHEfntet; • I. Pcterj, bnoertafeetlj t!bis place of Sain: Peter, ttjat Ctjj^a toaiS ^ done to death in the flcfli, ano tt)f nce toiRpjouCjtJjat tin? flcl^ com* *p< 7« f' p?c^enOef|) boote ano 6ale,anD tl)at tl^ foule of Ctj;5ttt ^d i- ^ ^* ^ ED rf«^i»'4j crucified 35 Ujcll OB (^ boDis. iScafon o; aut!)03f- tit bcfioes ^tiS oione be b^tngett) none , but out of (^ btnticc part of bt£! beaD be g(uetb an obrernatton, trbtcb^lf be fate tbe tDo;iDe, mat! neeoejs p;{ooue foanoe ano gooo ^ ano tbts tt tg. *'Pag,j% tc '^ Whenfoeuer in fcripturethe fi^pj andthe ffiirit are oppofed to- *'Pttqr9 ci^^^^^'*, ^^* *^^t|at not ten 03 ttoelueleauea off, but in ttjc terie fame place t4)ere pou labour to tuQtSe $is pofttion, ano pjontng anu pjonouncfng tt to be abfurD ano mofl f3lfe,pou pjcfentl^ concluDe if as a principle of pour nctoe faitt) ?- U)eU,lf it bee not fo , fljen 3 muff confeCDe 3 Xuas a 0d?pe isHscn 3 tboogbt pou DID To . ^ut if it fall out to be true fctjiictj 3 faie, 3 t)opc( cb?lCt(an Heather ) ftou toUt tt)mht mp time ante toate better implofcDttien longer to realbntDt^fucb a b2ain« Ockebabler. '•i.Pct,3.vcr, £tbelt»0503 of Peter are ; ° Chrift bath once fifFered for 18, finncs, theidiforthevniuftjandvvasputtodcaih jnthefiefhj but quickned by thcfpirit . Saint Auften to.:tttiig tjpontijttf place obfcructt) ^ts foj a face rule to erpoun^e tbc ti^ob?# tAug.ept(^«^^ P In eare quipfeviuificatHs efiy in qua f Herat mortiftcatus, Chrift was quickned in that verie part , wherein hee fuffcred death, or was put to death . 2If)i3 rule Ijatt) in it a migbtiC trutbflbat male not be rcSttco. if 03 if aKppnrtof Cj;jftt tU cDjt^ii toss not agatne quicUncD, but ff^'J lef J Dcao ^ fbeii ^at parte fuffmo perpctuaU oeat^i^ ts^tcti is not onelie {'lainelia for the cleering of ccrtainc obiedions. 3 2 j ^ pUtmlu; falfc bat openlte blafp^emoas » Wbtn mnff f^is Camief05ant?noonbtcD0romiDc; t^at tibat&caer part of ^'<^'».*X^ OR EYTHE SAME- S)05 ano t^me,f f tbere be ante grace, » eafenfc in pon,$ at ^oing abont pnrpofelie to p;oone f^at <39Xi^fi fonle oieo ano toas crncifieo , |>ott Cet ^\ss fo^ a p?e« face bntO it , it is absvrd and mofi false that Chrifi « ^ Was made aliue in his humane [onle-^X^ toiSjOUt anp l^f ft 0? " coloar,poa do faie i muft faie,befo>eponr concInOon can be troe; ercept vou lutlflte to ^69, tbatCb^t^c^ foule Dteo fnoecDe, bntlsa^ntnerreao^cDtoUfe, 03 made altnc a- gaincjtibf 1) if toe come tOjSI mnlf p,:oclatme |?oa no longet; fooKi^ bat blafpbemons . tpotobcit 3! bope yon toil! ratbcc fee pour foI!ie,tbe« fall to %\% frcnfi?; fo: nip parr , 3 tof (^ pon better counfeU ano moje reaatng; ano altbongb pou ten me of '^errors, ^corrupt fanjtes a^tdvayne imaginations,^ rp^*"^'* * Jhameftt/^itefiios, " toyijhfd/es^^find, ahfurd, p;ithoi:t fenfe '* , ^jf ' - •r rea[on , ttb?" 31 ^oc but repeat tbs iuogsmcntesof tbe ,'* -p^ S'*. ancUBtm;o l^arneo Jfa^wr^ 5 prt 31 tuitl bcare tijcm at „ 'P'«^48 set 2, ^oac 3^4 ^^^ conclufion to the Reader, pouf ^iMD,uiD fccm m^ tjtart Doc pittteponr fgnojance/oj 3 tJopcttbfpbut tgnojaiice; boiofosactpoutaUctipon^cu to controls alUsfonDaiioabrarDejttjat ^efloeiuot to pone iFo;tt)f tlceringof fijis place of Peter, tiljcrcin tbcCoiis fntcr iiatl) fo nuict) ancrfccitc btmrclfe, 3 RanDnct bpon tije aouuiitagc of l;ts tD02Dcs , but tjpon tt)£ founoe miD Icarnco crpoQtion of Saint AuRcn, td)cfc anttqiutte ano auttiojttte concurring tot tt) ttje ttutt; of ttje fcrrptnrcs Dotl) plcafe me.f 3 truC(d)nl!tanrcaDer)to;lcontenttl>fe. yChrtfimjpirituvi^ 'Auccoift 99 uificatm eft .CH in pajfione ejfet c-^^rnemorttficattu.Qjitdellemm, qModviuificatiisefifpritii.mJtquodeademCarOyquafolafpierat rnorttficatiu viuific^nte fpirttHrefurrexit ? N'^-mi^uod amma f Herat mortificatus lefus^hoc efl eefiiritu cjm hominis efl , e^uis audeat dicere^cum mors animit nonfit nijipeccatttm^a quo tile cm- nwGimmuni^fmt? CerteamrKd Chrifli non folnm immortalis^ ftiCHndnm naturam Cttterarur/i ,fedetmm nullo mortiftcata pec^ cato , vel damnationepunita efl, qmbpts duahus ccmfts mors am-' m.Auften, are Derectlie repugnant to psur tDcaf^c anofalfeobfcraatt- 0110, x>P? HcfateC, Chrift died in thcflerti(ratlt)Peter; t[)at i$ faitt) Aurten, in the flesh only j foj tbc foule of Cf).:tft OieD not , Once tfte oeatt? of t^ foale is ettljec finne int^iis Ufe, 0? damnation in ttje ncrt, botl)ti^ict)Ujerc farrcfcom €^;iQ.Pau tcBtjs tt)at db^iQa fonlenotonlie DiCiJ , bat toas alfo cruciacD ; mm all ttje p2rofe pou b;jtng foj ft, beftoes Terence, is ttat Peter faitt)(ll^:ift oieD in t^ flei^. jl^otp tbe flei^ faie pon, (igntfiett) as toeU tbe fonle ad t!)e boDie, mn fo Cb^tfl Dieo in botfj: but fucb pzoofes^ if pou tfc i\)tm often, VotU p^ooue pou to baue a great Dcale leiTe religion mh learning , tben poutooulD fame to baue» mUo^t Deatf) tbc g-crtptu'res afftrmcCb:i{J DieD fo: t^, if pou bee nolo to fashc at t^fe pertre0,tt is '^tttk ponr C^oul* Der0 b^ue beene to long troubleD toi^ pour beaD. Can tbere bee fall er, 02 plainer tDOJOstbentbofc tdjii tbe foure CuangcUlts ijfe in Defcribtng ^ Deafb, barfalljOno re- furrcction of C|» faoDie of our ^auiour ? S)bctD but one fucft iDojD in Scripture 0; father, ttjat . Auftcn largclrc tsifputef^ tn W 47 treafiTe tjppon ^ . lohns (SJofpcH. Hjc effect 10 , td;cn C^jitt laiD * A ft ^0^"^ b^3 fcnlc bnto u^ad) , i)is boote DteD , ano not t)is *7.in lohan ' ^^^^ • * Q^'^fi^^t Tajfio^ quid fecit mors^ niji corpus ab (Mima, [epArauit ? Si enirtt morttms efi domintis^ immo qptta msrtuus eji 'Domintis {mort urn efl enim^ro nobis tn cruce) fine ^ubio caro fpjfus expiraait an imam. Hoc efi ergo po»sre ammam, quodeji mori. Cum ergo exit nnima a carne , et rema^tt caro fine mi' m^ ^tunc homoponerg animamdic:tfir . Carni hoc trtbue , cara fonit animamfnam, 0' cnro iter um fnm:t earn . Caro ponit a- fjtmamfuimexpirando./pfi'DominusChrififisd.'^HSf^foU caro. Andeo dicer e , etfiola caro Chrtfit diBpis eft Chriflas , CoH' fiteris illtidcjuod habet fide J ^ in eum Chriftnm te credere^ qui cru* ctfixus eft ^ ftpubns . €rgo fipultum Chriftum ejfe non negns^ (Stamen fo/a carofepulta eft . Ergo Chriftus eratetiam caro, fine anima , qma nan eft fepultet nifi caro . T)ifce hoc eti^m in uipofloUcis verbis , Humiliauit fcmetipfum faStus obedient vfque ad mortem , lam in morte sola c aR o a ludm eft ecctfa,^ tamencame occifa Chriftus occifuseft . Itacum cart ^ntmampofiiit , Qioriftus animam pofiiit ,(^ cum caro vt refuV' geretantmam fumpfit , Chriftus animamfumpfit . What did the Parsion, what did the death of Chrift, but fcparate his bodic from his (buie? If the Lord died for vs, yea ratlier bccaufc in- dccdc the Lord did die for vs: (^for hee died for vs on the erode,) doubtlefle his flefh did breath out his foule. Soe that to laic downe his foule and to die is all one. When the ibule departcih from the flefh,& the Sefh remaineih without any foule , then a man is faid to lay downe his foule.Vnderrtad this of the flefh, forthe fleflilaieth down her roule,& taketh it agaiuc.thc flcfh laiethdownherlbulcby breathing it forth. The Lord lefus is called his flefh alone . I dare be bold to auouch it , t h e o n# L Y FLESH of Chrift is called Chrift. Thou confefl'e ft , as it is in diy Creede, that thoubeleeueft in that Chrift , which was cru* cified & buried.Then thou acknowledgeft Chrift to be buried, &yctonlyins flclli was buried . Therefore flefh vviihouta foulc was for the clccring of certain obie6lions; 517 wasChrift, bccaufe nothing ofhtm but his flefh was buried, Learne the felfe fame in the Apoftles words, Chrift humbled himreire& was obedient vnto Death ,Now in his death only HIS flefh was killed of the Icwes, and yet the flcfh being flainCjChrift was flaincSo vyhen the flcfh 1 aid downc her foulc, Chrili laid downc hisfoule, and when the flefli tooke her foule agaiiie torifejChriil tooke his foule againe, Co men tl^at DO not iDtifallie bluiD ttjemfcliKS tt^efe \x)Q2hs are cleare e- nong!) , ano ttjcp i^am foj tteir toartant tfte faU confent of ^cnptares,Counccl£!,tifattKrs,foj i4oope;^rss,tDitt)on( ^ tillenting from it, ^Chni\ fuffered for you , (fattt) ^ticv) lea- " "•* uing you an cnfample that you (hould follow his fteppes , who himfelfe bare our finnes in his bodie on the Trec,that wc being dead to finnejfhouldliuein righteoufnes » ^tn^ttt^^llH fitCD to On,his body died on the trcCjhis foul lined in righteouf- ncs:§>o mntt Ujc hqM fo Dit) ^e,ti:^en ^e left ^s an erample |oU) to follotD W l!eppes . €>nt foales matt not Die befo;e toe can rcfemblebts Deat^,- djep mnftUuetnrigtiteoufnci «S be DItf, ^Euery where (faittj Paul )we bearc about in our bo# ^ ^ ^^^ ^ die the dying of the Lord Icfus , that the life of lefus might aifb be made manifefl in our bodies^ tl^(ct) tie tfjOS erpooncetb at' tCrtoatD. Therefore we faint not , but though our outward- man perifh,yet the inward man is daily renewed. Iljen in Onr j j^y vcru^ bastca lae Carrie about tfj8 Deatf) of Clj?(tt , tifeo foj our ex- ample tiz:im bt0 booictsnto flnne,tl)at iuel^oolD foUoto iji^Ceppf s.!an& laisp Donbt Ujc bereof ,'lince tlje fame apoff le ootft m as plain ? eirp^elle too^DSja^ migbt be fpoben,teftl> fie,fl)at'e bart of Paul tnuent ,03 bis toing Dttec moje cffcctnan tbcn tljis , tbat €b.:irf throvgh death in the SOD IE OF HIS FLESH rcconcilcthvs to God and makethvs hoiicji , ^li The conclufion to the Reader, holicjand without fault in his fight f glf pen can quarreU tcffft tt^fe tDOjDis (^ic i^cfnter) pou mate Do t^ai pcu iDtU luitt; t^ ^cripfuces . jiioHToaDsUj!UbintJPoa,t^at taHe bodie foj fbule, life foj death /aich foj amazed feare ^ hope fcj tUtO- Icrablc horror, defcendingfo* afccnding , ailD hell fcj hcauen. ^^at is tt)t0 eb but to mahe a ccnfnGon of all MeUglotr, anc gtueopcn DcSancc to ttie truet^ hp tafeing one ccntra- xtttoi ttjcot^ft ?^cu DO not fo, yculMiU fate . Iiestie fi3 eo- iiigaiiD tt?efe iHuEfltonfitDill foonc be Determines. 3i p;ffi«6 tbctc tua0 altoaifSin Cb?t(| cuidcnce of faith , aflbrance cf hope , loy of loue eiien in tbc mlDlf of ^is patncs on tlje /^<*g.7. *' croffe: ano pougrannt ttjcte teas ^mtanie the U^fidimi- '* nution in Cjprifl of his faith , patieffce or obedience to CJod, " neitb^t toas toant of fata?, ano feare of CDoDs Difpleafnre? m\)at are tbefe bat p lainc ipag^j „ contrarieties /^gaine m Cbztff ,pon faic, ' rvasno defeEl of ''•^ (Trace; bolD tbf « cokId tbc roule of Cbjilt replenifljCD tuii be fpltitc of lifr,anD lining in all fulne£5 of grace anD trnetb, beeDcaD? can pou mai'c oric anD tbe fame part of <0)a(ll botij allue ano DeaD ? ^02 likctoifc if Cbaill baD but ^feared k fagM " to ^^^ vtterljforfaken with the hatred of his Father^ tbat in DffiO 1 Tag.i\9. '' pojj fajg ^ere dejperat ion. which god for hid. ^nli^ttyiltX DO0 ^'Vag.70. ^'« j^pj Doubt but Ch^Hjvas as ' dce^elie touched with the "' vh* •To" si* ^ijp^^h^^le horror of Gods ^ fenere wrath due tofinne as the ° ^"' %eprohates themfelues . % numbCC Of tbtfC bogcpOtS yCU baue maDe b^j fpc ahing of fbings tibicb pane felfe cannot, 0; Dare not erp^ciTe, Sometimes poutoculDfaine aCfirme it for the cleering of ccrtam obledions, 329 it in gcncrall tuojCc^anD fe^cn pon come to parficu!ar?,poa ' rcnoancc it againe. Bn ti)€ tcrtc cafe ti)at gauc t3 occafron of fl)(srE^)eacfal!,tDbc^tt]capofllefa!t^, luc arc rrcccnci- rRom.r. Jed to God by the doatliof his fonnc , m^ rrplatntng ^tm* felfe, faftljttW death tt)al reconciled tiS to C'OD . tear: ttf death t^ic^ CI)? 1ft fuffercD ^ in the bodie of his flcfli ; gsit "iCoI.f. not ag clcare as Date Itgbt, ffjat tUc boDdic Dr art) of <0):iff, lil;ict) be fuffercD on tl>e crofTe, ig bp ttjc fcrip- urrg rcfoluf D to bte t^e fufflctent p;lf c of our rcDemptton , ano mr ane of oarreconctllattonto (0od , crcept poa take t^ botic of cnptures eucrie Ujl;crc ralfco fiefi) ; but ttt0 ^att)no place in C^jiH, bptesfon no corruption of finne cleaHEO bnto Ijii foule , am ttciefDjc tfje name of flell^e tioet^ no U)t)n:e Ogntfie t^ fcule iii iXb?!^ , as it Doct^ often in tjs ; onelic bp uamtE'.g fie(^ in oD, boudjrafeo to talic not oncUe oar re afcnable ano bumane foule bnto ^im, but turn our ttlDe ano ma^taU fie(^ into t!^ Mnitic of bt0 pei Ton, anofo became man , ^at bee migbt reilo;;e mannotoe fallen from tlI5oD , aiiDj»crt(^eoinbisrmne0,to tbe fiiuouc anoUfe of vt^o&agntne. IBut iobentbe S^crfptares faie, tbat oar Gnnes, tbe auncient fatbrrd anD Councels l»ttb one confent appUe tbat to tbe Dra^ of Cb?t8c0 boDt0 on tbc CrolTe , ano not totbeocatbof fbe (bule , o;: to atite patnes of bell . ^no tbongb in tbe SCreattfc befo;ie Sbaue citeD fucbas fufficientltetDitnefTe ^at Doctrine to be fonnoc and CatboUbe , pet totii 3; not bee greeaeb to let tijec fee (Cb^iftian l^eaeer) tbat tbere toa5noQ)tng mc;ecommonlie,no?con(!antlie p^ofeHe&in Ibc ^jimitiue €l)urcb,fbcn tbe Dortrine tibfcb 31 am nolo foj. ced to oefenoe agatnft tbe rage ano rep.2ocb of t^is GaunD^ rou3 impugner. ^ Pofi edit a per faEia dminitatis fua monume*tt4^eliijuum iameratyVtfroommkus facrificium off'erretjpro ommhm tern- flHmfHummortitradens, ^uo omnes inttoxios (-r liheros aveteri tr&uaricatiofte efficeret, feejue decUraret mortis viBorem. Cor-- tus igitur ejftod communem cnm omnibus hahehat naturam{c»r» put emmhMmanHm& mortaleeratytd/militudiMfmfui £€»erff imrtemcxcepit'^ verbum enim qusniam morinofifotHttyVtpcte immortalt for the clccring of certain obiecf^ions ,531 immortale^cor^us [ibtfumpft^ e^uodmoripoterat'^ illudcjHe vt futi pro omnibHiobttilitjVtitafro omnihHs^ ontntbiu ipfe corpore comunEiHs.ptortempAtkm^compefceret eum , ^«/ mortis hfJte* h^t tmperitim^hoc efilyiifholum ^ (fr UberAreteos qtiotijuotfor'' midine mortis per omnem vitam obnoxij erant fernituti • Af- ter Chrift by his decdes had declared his diuinitie, it remai- ned that hcc fhouldc o f f e R A SACRIFICE FOR ALL, yeeldingvnto death the temple (of t)ts boOtC) for all, there- by to dcTiuer and difcharge all from the olde tranlgrefllon, and 10 declare himfeife the conquerourofdeath. His bodie there- , fore, which in nature was like allours(forit was an humane and niortaIIbodie)diedin likt maner as bodies doc. For the fonnc ofGodjbecaufe he cou'd not die being immortally tooke a bo- die vnto him that might die , and offered that as his ownc for all men.that fo being ioincd in bodie to all, and fuffering death for all, he might reprefTe him that had power of death , euen the Diuell, and fteethofe,that for feare of death were all theirlife long fubieifted to feruitude. Epiphaniiis tceaDett) in ^ fame *'^PJp^-*.h«* ffeppeS*'^ When the fonneof God(^fa((l)|)e) would fuflfer of his''^^*^^' owne good will for mankinde, becaufc his diuinitie coulde not futfer, becing of itfelfe impaffibIe,heetGokc THjUert^v nx" ■ 6HT0V(7<£|aa, ovR bodie that might svffer, that therein hee might ycelde to luffer, and admitted our fufFe- tiogs^hisGodhead being prefent in his flefh, the godhead fuf- frcth not.Forhethatfaithlamlifc, howcanhedie? But God remaining impafTiblc 6Vimu(r)(^i if (roc^m, fuffereth by his flef}i,thathis pafTionmay be accounted to his deitie , though k fuffcred not to the ende our Valuation fhouldebce from God. In his flefli was the fuffering , leaft wee fhould haue a pafsibic God. Which indcede is impaf$ible,imputing that fuffering vn- to himfeife ,according to his frecchoife, andnotof anie necef- fitic. Ambrofc in Ufec fojt. * Latjueus contritus efl,^ nos libe- TAtifHrnus. Nonpotuit meltus conteri laejfuus nijiprddamali- "Ambrorin ijtMm dtabolo demoffrafet,vt dum tllefeflinm-et adpr£dam,fuis j " j^'J^^^jJ . UciHei£lig4retHr.Q(MpQtmtefeprAdauificorpHs}Op9rtmti^i'^^\^^^l^^^^^ Vv 2 W 5^3 The conclufion to the Reader, tur hoc fraudem Diabolofieri^vt ffciperet corpus dominm lefm C^ corpM hoc corrNftibilg corpus wftrmHm^vt crufigeretur ex infirmitate Si enim futffst corpus fpiritualcy non dixiJJet^fiiritHS prompt us eU, cxro autem mftrma. The fnare is broken,and we arcdcIiuered.Thefnare could not bee better broken, then by Shewing the diuci feme pray,chat whiles he haHned to the pray, hemi^ht be wrapped in his ownefnaresWhatpray could there be bcfidc the bodie(of man ? ) It was rhereforc rcquifitc die cii- uell fhouldbee thusdecciued,thatthe Lord lefus/iiouldcakc a body vnto hirrj,cucn this corriipiibie & wc-ake body ofours. that he might be crucified through infirnnitic.Had it becnc a Ipiritual bodie that he tooke,hc would newer haue faid , the fpirite is rea- »lde dcincarn. die,biit the flcfh is weakc.* The fame Chrift TufFered, and fuffc- facrament»ca.> red not ^ died and dicdnotjrofe againeanddidnotiifCjbecaufc hee raifed vp i/is ov\ne bodie. For that which felijthatfofe a- gaincjthat which fell not, needed not rife. Hee rofe then accor* ding to the flcfh, which being dead did rife againe.Ergo alio he died in our nature which he tooke vnto him, and futfcred in the body which he tookejthat we might belceue he tooke a true bo* die. CotljCbnbetaJUCraffetng, Shall IbeleeueGodinflefli, Godborneofa woman,God crucified,wbipped, dcad,vvoun- *• Augnft.dc ded.buricd?^ Auften anflMf retb,thy God remaincthvnchangc verbis domini ablcifeare not,he perifheth noc. Chrift was borne of a woman, ban ram \\ ^"^ "' ^'^ ^'^'- ^^^ ^^^ ^" '"^"^ ^ ^"' ^" ^'* ^^^' ^'^ ^"<^- ked , increafed, was nourifhcd, and grewe in age , but iiihisflelli. Wearied he (leptjbut in his flefh . Hee hungred and thitfled.but in hisflefli. He was taken, bound, whipped & mocked:yca he was crvcified andkilled,bvtin HIS F L E s H.Why art thou afraid ? The word which was God remaineth for ciier.He that defpireththishumblenesofGod wil neuer be cured from the deadly fwclling of pride. The Lord Ie< fus therefore by his flefh gaue hope to our flefli. To be borne, and to die were here on earth common, to Hue for cuet was not here. Chriftfoundhcre our earthlie wares, which were vilde, andbrought with him his heaueuhe, which were Grange. If chots for the clecrlng ofccrtain obicctions. 5 3 j thoufeare(l)is)deathjIoiie (bts^rcfurredlion. <^Hecamctoche «Auguft.in place ofour pilgrimage to tak;e that which aboyndcth here, cue pfal 148, mocks,whippeSjblowes,fpitiingsinhisface,reprochcs,hanging, the crolTe and death. Thefe things abound in our region, to this entertainment hee came. What hath he giuen thee here?hirtriic » tioii exbortaiion,and rcmiffion of finncj. What hath he promi- fedthee O mortall man ? that thou flialt line foreuer. Docrt thou not beleeuc k? B-Iccueit,iray,belctucit, Itismorcthac he hath alreadie done , then that hee hath promifed. Jt is more incrcdiblCjthat the cternall died, then that the mortal! (liall line foreuer. If God died brman, fhall notmanliue with God ? But can God die ? Hee tooke from thee wherein to die for thee. THERE COVLD NOT DIE BVTFLESH, THERE COVLD NOT DIE RVT A MORTAL! BODIE. HcC clothed himfeirc with that wherein hee might die for thee; hee will clothe thee, wherin thou fhalt liue with him,'* In ihat(part) Chrirtdicd.in which thou (halt die: in that {part)Chrilhofc 'WcminprTo in which thou fhalc die. C^JOU Mit parDOM mce (C5j.JiJKail Hcaocr)*f among fo muct) lottifomc ffuffc of wp;iobate ^0:* ro:5,oamneDpcuncs,<3nDl)ellif^ to;mtnts,nsti)i$ Confa# ^ tet ^atl) beapeD together , 31 ^Utc mp felfe fometimrs h}ltt ttie longer comfo:t of founoe ano fiDeete Doanne, fo Qncerelte ano fenfibite oelinecsD b? tl)C learneD ano aunctcnt if atbcrs . 3JU)iU alicDge one place mp:cUil)ere# in $00 Hjalt fee tl)c fuH confcnt of p;onmctan ano ge* nerall Csuncels, not to btt gaineraitte bp mite man tf)at isiW bcarc tt^e name of a v^|)^tQ:fan, ano fo l^utte l)p Q^is potnt. CyryitD;jtttng to Neftorlus, to flap ant) fupp^effc ft at l^lfe Doarine lobtct bee beganne tben to fp^eade ^ teacbett) Ms tertc platnelte botoe t\}e fonne of dDoD is faioe in tbe S>criptureiJ tosvFFER, DIE, and rise againe foj tis,ani5ourralaation. « So wee faie (ttjc Tonne of (E^ob)fur- .cyrii ep'-ft.s fered and rofc againe ; not that the fonne of GOD I'ufFe- ad NdtoiiuBi, Kdinhisowne nature , either the ftripes , or the bearing of Vv 3 the rSyn9FAIex< andanathe- ■iaciiinus'12. tEpiflolaSy- nodi Alex- andrine ad Ncftorium in ter Cyril.epift 10. 3 34 The conclufion to the Reader. ihcnailcs^ orthc rcftofthcwoundes , (X7r(x6tcyot^To6tK)v,oT> viglcaTOjUorrov^ the Dcidccoulde not fuflfcrby reafonit is no bodilie fubftancc ; but bccaufe that bodie, which hec made his ownc/ufFered thefc things, himfcUe is faidc to fuffer the Ic things for vs. hv yoc^ octtx^hq kvra>'7S-oca-\ovTi (rdifA.xTi, He that coulde not fufter was then in his bodie which fuffc- red. After the fame manner wee thinkc of his dying . The ibnne of God is by nature immorrali, incorruptible, life and the giuer of life ; but becaufe the bodie , which was his owne, ta* t\cd death for all by the fauour of God , as Pau/e fpeaketh, fceehimfelfc is faide to hauc fufFercd death for vs, not that hce had experience of death as touching his owne nature , ( it were a nudneffefo to thinkc, or fay) but for that as I faide e- uen nowe, hisfleOitarted death : So his flefh riling againc, it is called his Refurrc6lion , not that hec fell to cerruptioHj God forbidde j but that his bodie rofe againe . ^ll^en fljtS CapeD not ttjc frenjie of Neftorius t& ^tttihc , but ft)at Ijec tfplicD in fu«utng tooojDcs , Cyrill tdXXm a Coun# ceil at Alexandria, ano tt)cr0 tDttt) one confcnt , ti^ig ap^ pjooneD tl)etriiet^, anofent it tnto Neftorius to bee con- fieffeo in tbefc tuooj^esamcngSotbcrs ; ^ If anie man doe not confefle that the Sonne of GOD fuffered in hisflcflie, was crucified in his flcfh , and tafted death in his flcfli, let him bee accurfed . SDtlsttng ttjtfi miD ti^ tcff of Wt %Xt titles in ttjrir ^pnoDall cBptaie fcnt to Neftorius , tbcp faic J S Wee confefte that the onelie begotten God, euen the fonnc borne of God his father, though hee were impafsiblcin • his owne nature j yet fuffered hee in his flefh for vs accor- ' ding to the Scriptures 5 ^^\gxw kv T^soiV^o^^vrKyco^oauToc Twc ItA/'aC o"(S^M.o? aara6<£c ovAii{s[^M(; -sraflw; and was inhrs bodie that was crucified, aceouncino the fufferinc's of his owne flefh as proper vnto him, though he were without fufferingjana by the grace of God tafted death for all, Jl(J\^? (xut^j't ^S'M)) ffOifxoCy when he gaue his owne bodie vnto death.SEbiS fiOCtCin0 taint to bet fcanneo in tl;t t^ixti gettctnU Counteli bribe at Ephefusj for the cleering of certain obiedions. 335 >'Epherus,'anli being t^re Uclibcrafgltc tcaDjtsasi tcej&t ttn t-Epbcfin. con- U)o?DE nUoU)£D of t^c Ixbole vTounciii, as agcaable to ttsc ciiu,Sdr.i, fecriptuccsmiDtbcNiccncfflttjcrs. £ljeUfecapp;{Obattonit ^aDjnot oneltc in tt)C Councell of ConfTantinopIeDnoer Flu- uianus,bat in (3)c great councclt of »Chalcedon,u:yerc tije p^o* cecDfng0 of faot§ Ucfc Counccis toere a fieC^ cranttncu, '.Concii.chaU atiDftis fojnicri»co;Des of Cytill rcpcatco mto confirmeD," "' tultb tijc fol confcnt of ttat general Councel,af mofl buno nnDcatboUbe. S)o ttiat be l^al! til Dcfcrue t!)e nantc Df a cb:f fif(an. fhot after (bmaiUe fatl)cw,anDCoancci3, botb p.20PinciaIl aiiD 0eneraU5toiU begin to tead) bs anclu fa!ib,ano ten fcs tbat C)e s»cr(ptureB mcanc = ^co7r/c£'v, r scw^^Stu, to aviscc- Sou. It is proper to the ioule to bee pen (iuc,to fcelc paine at^d gricfc,to depart fiomthcbodie; asitisproper totheflcfli tobe U'earied,to be crucified, to be raifedagajne. ^0 t^e tE)!DlrnC0 toas offcrc D to Qe boDte, (l)c fenfe tuljereof rcac^cD bnto me (ouk,mt t^rfe cte ttjE fuffcringB of t^f croffe, ano of Dcatf?, tc^til) tt)c g)criptuce£i attribute to t^t fcnnt of (H^oti fo; ouc faluatton ; B^nlbitinctit^at poar longoifcourre of ttjc p2opcc aiiD (niintDtate fatfertng of Ct»;tffcsrouIcfo?OnneiuttIj« cut aitD br(tDC0 tb^ bootr^matc be liaiigcD on t^e fKOgc, ait Dtfco^aing bott from tt)e fcrtpturca.anD all t^ Cat^ohUe fa< tbf r0, tijat ettl)f r Ijaiw p;taateUe teOlficD tt>c truttj bp tbi it iD^itinsB, 02 pubUhlu confirmcD it bp t^clr affcmbitcg. ^nD as foj pour i^tWiG) paineB,lxJ)cn pour fclfe can tell tiiiat tljrp arc, anD mafee fomc better p^oofe, ttjen pet pou bauc Done, nyat tbep U]ere,02 mig^t be ai tt^ foule of Ct>;(il,pou ftjal re« ceiuefurftjeranftoere* Cbefe are t^ a^cfnter.iserqatltte axsumtx\ts,Wa)[)c cal< le$ btji! fpeciall reafons^bctng tntteeDe ratbcr fo mante mon« Dcrs tnCl)?{tttan HcUglon, t^n matters topcrftoaDe a« titemanUjere^eneuerroGmple , aiiDbnttbat a firaunge fatttimuQe necOes t)aue fuct) (traunge grounDei^aB tl^fc bee , 31 fl^onloe tt)tnhe brc oio rather crpofc ftis cor* ccpteof l^ellpaine0, to bee DerlDeD of tijc tDo;l0e, tben to bee bcleeueD , itt tmtiz \x)\)txt fo feconDetf) \^iB baDDe eaufe lottt tDOo;{fe p:oofe0 ^ but h)!)ere better fooDe toantett) , ^bo;ne0 are gooD megte , anD blacke^oo;es mate bee beautifall , iD^en otber^i bee atnaie « 3 tuoultie teerc make an enoe of bis fird parte , bat ttat as his manner is , tDben ^ce bat^ 0nmbleD abfnrDlte a long tootle at bell l)ee Oeppett) on ttjc fuDDaine us tnl)anD< »p^5.8o; *' fonielte to beanew. ^ Kfiorve therefore (faietl) bee) /^#// , m we t-t take it if euenin this life feunde fometime , as he^tten is like- • T*g,.Bi f'^ife 5 for at "" totichmg materiAU fire in hell , what a toyifh fAtle for the cleering of certain obieAions. 337 fable is that^elfe I^raieyou how may thefonles efthe damned fuf- ^ ^ ferby muteriall fier , feeina they arefpirits^ and therefore with them and fier materialL there can be no communim . But let it bee ^^ 06 itrnaj bc^ the locall hell of the damned reefpeake not of . =^0U ^^ flacfee pour tjell paini?fi(g>ii:Hcfutfr)totoarDcs tt)t niDc, as{falltl)isuiiilepat)aD bfcnctcoljotmcijfni; ancljcErc poo gtae tl)2£s qnaitfications to tl^eni; 03 rettjcrcsntractflt* OnS to pone former fpdectJCS . Hell as you take it is s OM E- J, TIME sfoundin this life. 515ut tlUO ICfiUCS bi fo:e \^i\ tclOC „ tJ0 ttjC ""paines andfuffermgs of gods rrrath, tdjIC^J ate tt)€ \)CJ^ » "P-^^.Tr- tt?at pOU faie C3)2tfl fufEereD, alw aies accor/ipanie them jj that are feparated from the grace cfr lone ofGod^ bOlO COmBlC tlj »i A L vv A I E s to bee fo qatcfelte cftangeo tntc s o m t i m e s ? toerc t^rcc fcUicr tefcfeco tibcn poafpafeette Isff tDo:lies, tlj£ ntdjen poo fpabctl)e fir 0? 0: ace pon better aSulfcD^ re* mcmbjing titiaf a grotlc abfur&itte \X toculDc bee to call all inflDels anD bppocrit?,tDtcfeeC! ojio DifobcDient per ron0 into tjcl tojmcnts all ^ time of tbts life befo;c ttje iuDgment of ^Potl tabet^ bOlO of tl)em i ^eCOntllte , ° .^ /^^-r^ ;i^ hemen „ "P^^.^o; f «^>z /« this life infome meafure , euenfo, fate pou, z/'^r^ »»<^y » ^f ^f// . l^oa Doc not mcane t^at ^ere on earfl) are ^t t}erie fame tolcs miD bUCTetbat are tn beaacn,no: anteluap cquafl to tbcm;if pcu Dto , it toere a letcDer abfuroitie tbf n tbe fo;* mcr. ForhcreP we reioice, that our names are written inhca- pLukeio iicn ; (as tbe ^pottle teacte^ bs to Doe) 4 wee reioice vnder qRom.s thchopeofthegiorieofGod . '^ Now hope that is feene, is not ^Rom8, hope . For howe can a man iiopc for that which hee fecth (dl polfeffe^? ) but when we hope for that we fee not, we doe with patience abide for it. 3i!n !t)i3 life ^ wee waike by faith ^ not by fight; and whiles we dwell in the bodie, we are abfenc from the '^* -Cor. j Lord. 5f03tl)Ongb " wc be nowthefonnesofGodjtappeareth 'i.^ohn.j not as yet what wc fhalbe; " our life is hid with Chrill in God; °^°^^^? when Chrifljwho is our life fhallappeare, then fhall wee a!fo appeare with him m glorie. 3f pon itierefoje afFirmc of i)tSLi nenaspouDOQf.ljelht^at^vERiE sAMEioiejsti^ubare Xx I, jn 3 38 The conclufion to the Reader, in ^eaueiij oj e qv;a l l itjltti tljem are ftece fomettmc fcana on eari^ , it t0 a tutcrico errour flatUe icpagntng to tt}c truetl^ of cl!5oD0 p^omlfcs, aiiD to t^ Vierte nature of one «Hcbrc*ii. crc teas jvag.jil " in bis foule no toante &f faitb no? b^pe , fto y «^/^ ^»;> r^f " /^^T? diminution of ciSjtr , as ^out felfc coufeffe ; but as ■Hebrc.ii. t|je SlpoUle faictl), ^ f o r the icy that was set BEFORE HIM he cndured the ('patnc Of tlje) erode, anti de- fpifed the iliame . ^no bere pou map fee bp pour otone com* parlfon tbe foflieof pour otone affcrtton. ifoj if pour \^z\{i^ '* "949.68. •* fo;troto ^ be the only tme andfierfeBlj accepted picrifice to Cjod, '^Hcbie.i'i. (as pOUfate)attD ^ without faith it is impofsible to pleafe God; «PfaJ, ji^ l]^i^altDaiesbatbbop5>a»^o confcquentlie , ^ theioieoffal- uation annereDbntoititxbtfbpoucall beauen^tben can no man pleafe CdoDjOJ offer ante facrOce to €5ob , till bee bee botb in brU mn bcaucn at one ano tlje fame time ; am t^ (opes of beauen are fo coupler tDttb fbc paines of bell , tbat none of Cb£ faitbfall tm be in tbe one tu((t)out tbe otb€r,but auc tahen tfee name of W mctapJjo* rlcallie foj great anD eFCffiOing paines , tf^^is qucflion ^n bdjnc faonercalmcD, ano oarCriTDc freeofrom pournelng founu crpofition. But to fattier pour opinion Upon tUe crofD iDiti)mo3ehh£!iba)D,ti^ere tUe tuojD Ijeil rsp^operlte tabcn, (tfeoug^ pou noto ^af cb ts a neto fignificatton of bell out of Socrates,) pou ttjcn t):gcD as pour ft ifc in tbw p;efent confu' tattonDoSint3;ge,ttiat ftrtB^iuflice fo recjuired^ it vvas so,andmvstbe sopj H0 aifo, that ' tt is not proportionable with iujlicejhat an eafier » ' P^S- * nifhrnentpjouldfatisfie for a greater Jinne , and ^ ofallabfurdi- '* /"S** ties the great efi > that meere men fhoulde fuffer more deepelie » then Chrijl did-, anO t\)t rcfOJC, ^ Chrijlfuftained euen the fen fe „ ' Vag.Ti, ' ef Gods wrath DVh to our fmnes , and had the "^ whole" "1**^.40. CVK^nofCjodforJinneexecttted on him , that fs the '^ death ^* OF the sovle and the '^ T o K m en r es and for-'* "•^'*a77. rfiwes DVE TO the damned . WtQ)9Ut ante " Xx2 (bpi)iartc 540 The conclufion to the Reader, ^opljtlirte S)(r, to^at is tlje f v l l b v r d e n of cur Cnnei?, anDTHE SAME PRICE is^idjtuelljouloljaacpaiDejtdjat is OVR- FVLL SMART rea ALL OVR S M A R T, OltD (1)6 WHOLE CVRSE OF GOD; tll'at tS lt)C DEATH of thC foule, ailD tljC TOR MENTS DVE TO THE DAMNED, but ttofs tjeric tt)ing0 ti^ict) 3 bp tt)s tuarrant of CDoos luoJD tolDtlje people toerc prepared enD thrcatncd to tt)e tufcbcD, anD l^all bcc crrcntcD on Hj^iv iw (jclI , as ttje p fl)ou!oe baue bin on t3S,if luc IjaD net bin rcomnrD bt> tlie fclono of Cl):i(ff l>oa man recall all mn rcafons , am ^tm all tbcfe potirt- om b£fo;e pou can aaoiD ttjat tiict) 3 obicct. 31f rBact)) bate pow fan free ^im ftom ^2 darknes,deflru6tion,reprobation3inaIe- di£tion,worir.eorfireofhei:''pcatbofclD02D3,tfpOU loo^C not tocU to tb€m,miD Kbate tbtm tntime tottb fomc fcel^ \332ite, tbcplPllcacrietDttbtbcmbotbtbCPLACE ano per pet v- I T Y of bell; fo; botb tbcfc iocce d v e to our Cnnes , ano are parts of (Sods c v r s e, anb l^oulb baue bmu erccuteo 011 Ms^ as tbep t^all bee on tbe DanmcD ; anb out of a l l , tbe vv H o L E,5nD tbc SAME, ^oU) cau ^ou ercept ante ,but bp an 'Tav 8[ ** Open Vraydire of bOtagf ? [° The local hel of the damned yott, <« T^f-^^ ?;or if.] ^peabe of U)f)at poa U5ill;fo long as paur aC- rertions , in full asio plaine termes tnferre ano condoae fo mucb ; toell pour toojos maprunne toitbout pour tnits ; but 3 tell pou trulte lobat is tlje confequent of tbem , ano Icaue tbofc U)o:bes , anb ttien pour nioft bolie truetb is left naheD iBitbout I^Uj 02 0)atJotu of pjoofe. if 02 ti)efe generals, tbe vv H o L E, tbe s A M E, auD ALL giuc life , fucb at tt is , to pour cbtl<3i(^ reafons. tl2attbout tljcmpoa cannot open pouc inou*be to mafee oneconcluRon. 515ut becaufe bcB fire fo mucb croCe^ pour canfe, fbat poo tDonlo fatne be rto of it.ano bur netb pour Angers fo fa(l,l&tt; a{5efuter,) ttiat pou flriue to call ioater on \i 3 gloemcc leana for the cleering of certain obicdions. 341 leant a little to let you bnoerffcutD, tf QArntH) mojc ficrceUr, tijen t^at pou can qocncb it toltt) lije liccuc of pour moutt). J^no tt)e rat|)er fd} $at in ttie cares of all men it is a mod fenQble rep^oofeof voncbnfauojtepoGtton. jfo; (fC^iitt fuffcreo iwt tt)e See of bell in booie no: fcule,t(jcn moft appa* rantlie \)t fufifercD not ttie f v l l baroen of our finne0 , no? paiD t^ s A M E p;tce tx^icti toee f^oulD tjaue patoe ,no; enDtii reD A L L out fniart,noj felt tOe w h o l e cnrfe of (I5oD , noi fuifaineD tbe to^ineatcs d v e to tt)e d a m n e d 5 anD tljetc* fojetbetcueUinoeltng of t!)isfire,t0 tljetjttci; quencting D^l^om ncUj oeuifcD IjeH patncs. ISnoloe pou ttjerefo^c [^it a^cfater)t!)at pour mctaplj3:tcaU fire in btll 10 a pljantaCt? callerrourof pours 5 anc poul^all Doe tuell to tremble at tl}e terrible iaDgemcnf of(l5oDtt);ieatneDin^{0tDo:oeiDlt& mm religion, tljentocasioffttjat fire axsa toyijhfahu. 3 i^all not naDe to rel}carfe,bol» often \X isDcnounceD in tbe g>criptares,anoinixbatbel)emrnt anD conftant manner; let tislearneratfjercarefallie to f^unnetlje place, tben nm- ninglietot^iftcijetuojo, trbirb ttjep C^allSn&e to bee no 8* gucc, tbatfeele it. p a fire (fattb (H5oD blmfelfej is kindled PDeutero-jt in my wrath, and fhallburne tothebottome ofhell,it(hall eate through the earth, and the depth thercof,and fhal inflame the foundations of the hils, 1 Behold, (faltftEfay) the Lord wil 'lEfa.^* come with fire, that he may recompence his anger with wrath, and his indignation wich the flame of fire , for the Lorde fliall ^ iudge with fire . The flainc of the Lorde fliall bee manie, their Worme lliall not die, neither flial their fire be quenched. m.)i^ toojoes oar §)auioar oirealie rcferrett) to ^U . ' It .^^•^ is better to enter into life haulting , then hauingtwo legs to bee cart into hell , into the fire that neuer fhall beequenched,. where their Worme dieth not , and the fire neuer ooeth out. i" If weehnne willingl!e("fatettj tte ^poftle tO tijE^Hebrues,) ^^^1^^^ ^^^ there remaineth no more facrifice for finncs, but a fearefull ex- pedationofiudgemcnt, and raging fire, which fliaideuoure the aduerfaries.J AsSodome and Gomorra and the cities about 'iud.Y.cpifl„. Xx. 5. them 34^ The conclufion to the Reader, them arc fct forth for an cnfample, and fufFcr the vengeance of ■ Apoc i r ctcrnall fire . '^The fearcfull and vnbeleeuing, the abhominabic and murthercrs , and whoremongers , and forcerers , and Ido- laters and all lyars fhal haue their part in the lake which burncth with fire and brimftonc , which is the fecond death; CO tC^OUie V^ SInDgc C^aU (mM^n tbcp l^all fee ttie trutl) ttjereof bsf xMatt.ir ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ -i "" C)^pa" ^ro'" "i^c ye curfcd into euerlafting yz.Thclfa.! firCjpreparedfortheDiuell and his angels, ypor the Lord Ic- fusfhall fhewc himfelfe from heaucn with the Angels of his power in flaming fire rendering vcngeacc to them which know not God,and obey not the Golpell. ^at ti)t fire ioitt) W^ H^M O^all appcace to inDge , (^all beeco.2po:taU ano t^tHble •x.Pct.^ - to all mens fights can bet no qaeff (on, it ^ fhall diflbluc the heauens, melt the elements, and burncvp the earth with the workcs that are therein, aS Peter afSrmctt) : anO tfjat tt»€ \DiC' bco t^all eucrlatttngUe hame tijerctn , all tt)c if atbers tott^ •Auguft.de one content acUnotoleUgC. '^ Ignorance (fattbAuftcn) of fuch grat.& lib.ar- as are not willfully , but fimplie ignorant , fhall excufe no man tMtr.cap.3 ^^^^ burning in cucrlalhng fire . For it is not faide without caufe : Chrift fhall come in flaming fire to render vengeance to ^T». . thofey know not God. ^ Inflaming fire rendering vengeance; Thcf$a.ca.*i ' ^^'^ ( fatCtt) lerome ) Tau/ fpeaketh againlt them becaufc they drcampt of the paine of confcience , and thought this impoffiblc . If the flame by Gods commandement did not fo much as touch the three men ( tfjat loere catt into it ,) <= why by the fame power fliouldc not fire be beleeued to bee (harperto fome, and cafier toothers? "= Chiirt fhal come (fattfj » Thclsa ca"i Ambrofc) with his heauenlie armie , and with fire as his mini- fter to giuc vengeance on the Pagans which kne we not God, and thclewes which beleeued not the golpell of Chrift , all which the fire fhall burnc, that they may bee pumfl-ied with e- uerlafting deftruiiion , alwaics feeling it, and neuer failing in it, that the verie paine which confumeth them J may euerrencwe 'Chryroft.m ^^^^^^ 2nD fo Chryfoftomc . '^ Thinkc on this fire , and »,rhcr$a.ca « ^^^^ ^jj^. ^^^^^ thepleafure of finne to bee no pleafurc ♦ If the for the cleering of certain obic6i:1ons. 3 4g the onely fight ofa deade man fo qiiailc ourhearts.howe much more hell, and chc fire which cannot be quenched? becaufe the very remembrance ofit is able to drawe vs todo vvcll,thcrefore God hath appointed the very threacningGf'ic , as an vvholcfomc medicine for our foules. mut adsucUlIe obfectfon£f againfi fitjcfc ana tljf lifec pla- • ces,tt)at if ttjccc be true fire in Ijcil , tip not afcug rforme as i»cll,anJ> w^/c^K't^t?^? anDift^j^firgtocce p:eparcD foi SDi* uels t^at ate fpicitSjti^at communion tiatt) fiir toitt fpiritg:' tijeie trtiles of poors 31 iai^ . S. Aurten Ijatt) Jong Once fallie con(iDcreD,ano l^arneDlic refnteD, anDpIatultc rerolnco,tt}at all t^fe topes nottoif^ftanoing, t^t fire of bcU is not onelie a T R V E fire,td)ic() toece mj? liio;0£{,bat a c o r p o r a l fire ttat i^all pimi^botf) men ano Diueii?^ at t4)ict) pon To macb tOOnDet. * tJAiitt tin gehennAm ignis ^ vhivermis eorumnon ntorttur , ^ /^w »(?« extinguitur , Monpiguit vno loco eadem */\"B'^'y"5 verhaterdicere, Qjtemnon terreat ifiarefetiiio ^ & illiuspana j-i^ , j cap 1 csmntinatio tarn vehemens ore diuino ? To be caft into hell fire, where their wormedieth noc,and the fire quencheth notjChrift did not loath in one place, to repeate the fame vvordes thrice, Whomc woulde not this repetition terrific , and the ihreat- ning of thatpainefo earneftby Chuftes ovvne mouth ? Both thcfcjthe fire and the worme , fuch as woulde haue thera to be- long to the paines of the foule,and not of the body^ faie^ that fire may be here fitlie taken for burning griefe; as the Apoflle fpea- kcth, ^ who is offended , and I burne not ? the fame kindcof f^^Corin,!!, gricfe they thinke. may be vnderflood by the worme jfbr fo it is written, s As the worme walieth woode , fo doeth griefe sProuctb* »J the heart ofman. On the other fide thofc that doubt not, but in hell the bodie ^id foulefliall be both punifhed, they affirme the body fliall bee afflifled with fire, the foule with a kinde of forrowe , as it were with a worme . The which though it bee MORE LiKELi E,becaufe it IS ABSVR D,that in hel fhould want either paine of bodie or of Ibulej I rather beleeue that both PERTAINE TO THE BOD Y, thciithatneithcrjand that the fcfipturc 3^44 Th^ conclufion to the Reader, fcripture in thefe wordes fupprcfseth the griefe of the foiile, becaufeit follovveth as aconfcquentjihough it be notexprefled^ that thebodie beeing fo tormented , the foule murt likevvife bee afflid^ed with an vnfruitfull repentance . For it is writte n in ••Ecc'efiaft 7 ^^^ bockes of the olde Teftamcnt , ^^ the vengeance on the flefh ofthe wicked is fire and worme. Let euerie man choofc whatbeftpleafethhim.toattribntefirctothebodiejthe worme to the foule, the one properly^he other figtiratiuely 5 or both to the bodie properly .For I haue afore fufficientlic {hev^cd, that certaine creatures Hue euen in the fire in burning without con- fuming, in paync without death , by the marucilous power of the Almightie Creator; which to be pofsible whofoeuer de- nieth, knoweth not by whome all wonders arc wrought. Let therefore euerie man choofe ofthe twaine^which he likcth bcft, whether he will referre the worme properlietothebodic,orto the foule, by a kindeoftranflationofthinges corporall to fpiri- tuall , fo that by no meaneshee THiNKEthe bodies in hell fhallbeefuch, that they fhallnotbe touched with the ' Idem dc ci* paine of fire . » Heere rifeth another queftion , if the fire that uitatcdei libr fhall afflid( in fecfl ) bee notincorporall, as the griefe ofthe ii.cap.io foule is J but corporall and hvrting where IT TovCHETH, that bodics may therein bee tormented, ho we the wicked fpiritsfhailbee punifhed by the fame? For the fame fire is prouided to punilh both men and Diuels as ■•' ^'atth.af, Chri(l laieth , ^ Depart from me yee curfedinto euerUHingfire prepandfortheT)mel and his Angels. Whyfhouldwenot fay that incorporall fpirits may be affliited by the paine of corporall fire, after a true but a maruailous manner, when as the fpirits ofmen beeing alfo incorporall, maynowebeeinclofed in the members of their bodies, and fhall then beetled to the bandes of their bodies withoutdiflblution? therefore the fpirits ofDi- ucls, or rather the fpirits that are Diuels, though they bee in- corporall, fhall be FASTENED TO CORPORALL FIRE, thereby to be tormented after a rtrange and vnfpcakcable ma- ner : Faltcned I faie ^ to receiue torment from the fire ,not to giuc for the cleering of certain obiedions. 345 giuc life to the ficr. And hell it felfe which is called the lake bur- ning with fire and brimftone,SH all BE A CORPORAL FiER,and fhall torment the bodies ofmen with their foulcs, andthediucls that are fpirits without bodies feeling paine, but not giuing hfc to thofe corporall fiers. IDbc If cpfi of Au(ten DOtbGregoriefollotDc: 'Corporall fier to continue jGrccir.oral nccdethcorporalnourifliment:butcontrariwirethcfierofhell li.iy capj^. (U3t)ICt)lStnC0?pCjal)ar)dsHAL CORPORALLY BVRNE ihe wicked ca(i into it, is neither kindled with mans induftrie, nor fed with wood.but once created remaineth vnquenchable, andneedeth no kindling, and wanteth no burning. Therefore the Scriptures,to Oievv that the reprobate burne within & with- out, fay,they are deuoured with fier,and made as an ouen, that by fier they may bee tormented in their bodies, and by orjefe burne in their mindes. 3nD tbOUgbtlje \})OiJi incorporeusb^ trept Ijereinto Grcgories text in ttcao of Corpsreus, as ap^ pcarctb bp tl)c compartfon anD Ujo;ds atiiopntng, (fo?tt tucre no ttcaunge tbmg t&at a mctapbo?icall fier l^o«U> ttttoe nohmDlmgofman,no; nonrlf^tngof tutoo; i ^oU) can an tncojpojall ficr corporally burne tbe rcpjo^ batc,tobtcl) are tbe Ujcjos p;efcntlp folio tomgO V^ttQ pnt tbat out of ooubt, bis opmion is cl^ere to tbe contrarie fn bts dialogues, tobcre bee faitb : '"That the fier of mWcmdia- HELL 1$ corporall, I haue no doubt, in which it is ^°8'^'^** certain bodies fhall be tounented.And if thcdiuell and his an- gels being incorporall On al be tormented with corporall FIER, what maruellif the foulcs before theyreceiue their bo. dies feelecorporall torments ? ilieitbertjocrctbcptbefirtttbatmatictbfercfo!ati5;fbat an actuall anD fenfiblc fier fbal tojment tbe bzU^s % foules oftbeDamnfD;t^cCburfbofCb.2ittfromtbcbegmningbe? IttUCD ^ fame. "The prophane Philofophers ((aitb Tertullian) n TertwI. in knowihediffercnceofthiscommon and thathid fier; fo far di- apologctico ftant is this which feiueth mans vfe, fro y which in Gods iudoe. verfus fincBU mentappeareth, whether itflaflh with thunder from heauen, or break through the earth by the tops of hils. For'that confumeth not, what it burnetii; but rather repayreth what it cateth, as the Yy inountaine« $^6 The conclufion to the Reader, mountalneseuer burning doe Ml continue, and he that is bla- ikdfroniheaueniiucihand lurneth notco allies. This isare- fliinonie of chat ctcrnallfier, this is an example of that perpe- tual! iudgcmentjwhich maincainech punifiimec.The hils burnc and dure; bow then (liall the wicked and the cneiniesorGod? olaaant. de Lafhntius in li'hc fiJJt ! ° The holy Scriptures teach vs how dmino prx- the wicked fhall be puniflied. Becaufethey Hnnedin their bo- raioli.;.ta.2i. (jies^thcyfhall cake their ficlliagainjthat they maybe puniilicd in their bodies; j'ct ihacflcOi which God will clothe man with, fhnll not bee like rhiscarthiyBefl-i, but indifloluble and remai- ning For cuer,that it may fufhce for tornient,and for cuerlafting fkr. The nature of which ficr is diueife from this which wee vie aboutthe necefiaries of this iife.Forthacficralwaiesliuethand burnethof it fdfe without anynouriHimenr. Thefamediuine iier therefore with one and the fame ff rength and power fhail burneand continue the wicked, and Oiall yccld it felfe eiierla- flingmaintenance,foas itfhali only burneand torment with- out any decay to the bodie. Cyprian is often SnD enritelt in p Cypri.in. ad tl)iS CclUfct P Cremahit addiU:os ardens femper geheftna,^ vi- Dcmetrianu. uacihHSJia.mmis voraxpcsnut, »ec erit v^de habere torments vet reqtuemfojfint alis^uAndotVelfinem: Hell alwaiesburningfiiall broyie them that are adiudged to it, and paine (liall deuourc them, with continual! flames ; neither flialliheir torments haue qlderadelau- cafe or end.^nD ^%^X\\^^^S Aniens locus cni g^herjnanomen efl^ «ie itjarcyrjj. eri*U4ntib:up\mmii per horrendiim fpiffk cM.igtni4 MoUem,fm4 pmper inrsndtA camhitffif»a>itis exptrat'g/ai?tu igninm atratm obrtrfiit'ysr.i:-;^ in va-'ioj por.nx exitas relaxMttr : The cruel! place, which is called he!l,ca({eth vpfearful! fieis, like a burningchim- ney,the flames breaking through the horrible darknes ofy thick miftja whole globe ofblackiOnfier Handing and rcfoluinginto r Ii^cm & af- f^hjers fortsof torments. ^Stridoremilhm Dcntiuf.an7n:.iifieX' cealTone chi i- li-ig^ihdss ag'ttabantJmmoreAhs miferi Z'inei inter ince>idia,<-§' iSti. ' i:'}Con[!rimpiibtieijiAm-'ytAn'4dfiCorpiua,llAnibeiilNviQiy^zx\0^7^\t flimes ill jli force that gnaihing of teeth, immorcail wretches riiall liucinthcmidi-lof ficr,and flames neuerconfumingniaH wrap their naked bodies.;?]KUa0Chryfoflomeiyjiteuj,!)atb feer nnO OvirUnes,b{jt t^x Ixjo.jfe X^t\\ t|)2fc Ujj)ic!) l?ae arc ku for the cleering of certain obiedions. 3 47 quatntCD lUttlj/For ifthcrcbcficr(faefliMAfuppliciarcdiumu cjfioqHe „ . . , perpetmcorforibuspeenafermtar: After the due puniflimcnt parxnefi ad ] ofthcroulcs,(of t^etDtcUcD) a pcrpctuall torment is prepared panitcmiam. tor their bodies that fliall be rcftored to life. The force whereof you may coniedure by the things which arc in this world./Etna, LifanicuIuSjand Vefuuiusin Campania doc caft out vnceafing, flames of fier, and to manifefi to vs the perpetuitie ofthat (tec^ rtblc) iudgementjtheyftill breake&waftc^andyetneuerend. Sibylla iDbom^ Laaantius, X Eufebius,anD "Auftenalletlge xLadamlus anD alloUj as mfptrcD bp (i5oD,Defcrtfactb t!je laft tutigemet ^'Vrl"*% lOitljt^cfctoOJDs: The earth cleauing (hall lay open the dun- ^itaConftafu geonof hell;allkingsfhallcomebeforctheTribunallofGod, ^ Auguft.dc' and a floodof fire and brimftonefhall fall from heauen (tjpoil ciuitateDei tfjC lutcheD.) y ChnUus infuo tunc terror e videhttHr, eiejue li.i8.ca.23.( igttis iudicijin reprohorum vindtBafawalahitfir, qma videli- ^ , -^f'r" cet Ignis iHe ludicijy qui ccelum^ aerem^ C^ terram concrematt jj.jj ^ feccatores imiolutt \ quos proculduhio in pxm futc damnationis coftfii»git :Chni} then fhall be feenein his terror^and the fier ofiudgemencfiiallferuehimtoreuengetheReprobate,byrea- Tjf z Ton . 348 The conclufionto the Reader, fon the very fier of judgement, ^A'hicl) meltcth thcheauens,the 'ayre and the earth, vvrappeih in finners, whom doubtlefle it xldemmoral. crufhethin the torment 0} their damnation. » ^ca,theflame iL9,ca.j^, of hell (Tiineth not to the Reprobate for their conifort,andyec giuethlightfortheirpnnidimentjthattothe eyes of the dam- ned though the ficr of their torment fliine with no brij^htnes, yet itOievveth for chcir fiirthcr griefein what fort they arc pu- uiOied. i^oio) timht j>ou S>sr Ucfuter, is it a toy is h FABLE \ijo?tt}p of furl) contempt as pou maHe it,o? a point of Ct):ijtian oottrinc OcImcrcD bp tijc JDzopljcts anD 9po^ files, anD rcceuicD bp tbe iratbcrsm all agc0(nCt\:iff5 Cbufcbjtbatt^CFiREof ftelllljalbe t i sib le ano sen- si b l e to tbe booies of tbc UJicUeo, anD l^all e t e r n a l- LvanD CORPORALLY |3untt^ tbc DainneD accojDing to tbcir Defects mttbout quencbing it felfc,o? confaming Mi 0nDpourf(DU(^pi)tlofopl)te tbattbings co3po:ali cannot iDOjKe tjpon tbings rpiritaal,muft gtue place to tbe potoci: ano Ujill of tbe ^Imtgbtic ; bp U3bofe appointment Voce fee in tbis Ufe notbing nio:e common,tbe tbat ti)t foule tobicb is rptritualljfuffcretb from bet boDie all hintitB of paines ; anb tbcrefojeit is as eaSe foj (il^oDtomaketbe foule feele fier in tbe nert life toitbont tbe bobicas Ujitb tbe bobie; iubofe po\wec if it pleafe pouto impngne,pou inuttleaue tbenameofaCbJittianjanOgetpoufomcotberpjofcffion* ^0 tben tbe pained tobicb tbe oamneo feele, befloes tbe gricfe of beauen loft, is flaming fier intolerably toj^ a Dcafccnfi- menting botbboDie anb foale;anD as > Cyprian obferuetb; •ne Chrifti. Omni tormento atrocim desferatio condemKatos ajjiiget : Def- peration,which H-iall afflidl the condemned vvorfe then al their torments. 2Co tbefe if pou fabicct tbe ^onneof(l!5ob,pott ftnoiM tobat tuill folloU) ; from tbefe if pou free bint,as pou na^oes mnft, tben i$ tbe <35acftion at an cnb : fo.j in eucrp . mans figbt,Cb;ift bib not fuffer tht paines of bcll,no? tbe to;iments of tbe bamneb, tubicb tbe fcripture mahetb to be tbefe,! not tbcfe tobicb pou can nritbcr crpieffe noj pjoue* if r 6 flcnber reafons pou ccmeCs^ir Ucfuter)to flenbercr mitbojities ; anb t^ougb po« qnote but f eto, anb not one of for the clecring of certain obiedions. 3 49 t!5cmfpcnhmgone\«o.:D topourpurpofe, vet befojc poit pjoouce tbf m,vou cbniengc tfjcmas tjnfufftcient to tr Uific in tbJ0,o.: nnpcaufeasijinft pcyr ItHmg. .f 0.: Vo\)etc tl)cp maiuiotbciuDges, no j vuttl) pou fo mud) as toitnctoof tl)e a)cnpturcs fenfc,(pou fo vtkd tl)dr erpofittons eat nc lul)erctoit{) pjioc tj DirDaine)pet pou inpour UiifcDomc taHc tpon t'ou to bialD tpon tbe too.jDB of t\)t Ijolp (I[5boft3tol)at abfurDiticsano foIUcapouliff ; anopour belt rcafonis, it ,^ tPercforJtot'hifikeothermfc:\3i\\, bcrao^efobct^if pOUlDlllbC „ ruleO br me ; it is tbc Ujap to ba^aro pour otun lDit0,$ not tbctr f reDJts.to entcrtame tbe m tbis mancr.cCbepfpeahe not plamlp^noj fullpponratsbecaufc it luas ncuecin que* ftionmtbeirtmie.J Coucbmstbe rcDcmptionof manbp tbcocatbf blaiD ofCl)3f53efus,t!)cpfpcaheaspIainlpanij fallp as It is poffible fo? men to fpeaUe;anD \m^t evaalp tbe foimeof \DbolefomeDodrtneDeUuercD in tifc Scriptures; toucbing pour bell paincs tbep fap notbins in tietrD,becaure it ujas neuer bearo of m ^ Cbureb of Cbjitt in tbeir times ; buttbatCbJiftJiicDNOT the death of the SOVLE; auDbptbc o^!LY DEATH oFHis B OD Y, auD ft)eDDing of feisblcDDfufficientlpranfcmeDirebanncDtJs, tbis cannot be fpQhen in plainer ano eraaer terms,tbcn tbcp baue pje* pofco it ano pjoueo it.i^nD lberfo;c pou ano otbersC^al ooc luell not to maUe al tbe ancient f learneD ligbts of CbJittff • Cburcb fo ignoMnt in tbeir Crao % Catccbifme, as not to fenoU},baU) tbcp loere faueo bpp CrofTc 1 Deatb of Cb?oD,anD IjcaleD tJiS a Hicrony. In ^^^ '^ '^'^ ^*^^P '^^ ai'C tl)CfC. ^ £.v qttopcr.^^tcuum clljwptt cor- Hla.ca, J 3. pusfl^jrlLiinm cr liiceratum,ita .^nfmaMveredok'tJfepronoifij, Whcicbv k is ciiidciu^thnt as his bodic was whipped and tonic, lo his roulctnicly fori owed for vs. IDctC t'OUIlUlilbcpCinUt' tcDtoaDDcofpoiu'olyiiL%l)cfiDc5lcromsmpamijg,il)attf)i0 ' fojrolu Uias rouii)clU(l) fojtotu, oj clfc 3C raiiiiot fuc U)l)p poucitcDinom, crccptit lucrt tofalfilictnm. B»tI)oit», ai:DlyI)!'Cl):iltfo;rotocDfo:tj0,lul)cnlcroins olun Uj02Qfl " Ujcrc nllragcD bp iuc,vflai* anfiDci' Vons ; tl^is "^ is More fond b^rf?Cb}tft0bcauinc0anDron'oUi iubcnBl repeated out of tbtn terp for the clecring ofccrtaii:! obledions. 351 aiiD iiolu \uitl) tt)c bare name cf fo:roU) pou tOinU AiDbrofc D^caait of pciui* IjcU pafiiC0. 5ro,: n)ame reaDc out tijc cOap? tcr,auD Icciue ifiefc miKahingu. [But * Ainbrofc faiil), the man (ya Cij.JlU) now rcadic to *ln I uc-tcrii., dic,bythefcparation ofthcDiiiinitiCjCrtCD, iny^oi'i'i'^yGod, i3-catb oftlje foulc, oi Drrdtrtiou tjnto bell paines, tberc arc none to be founO in Ambrofc, no; anv loc;ti£{ fouiiDing tbat luap, tin^ leflfcpjupcruerttbcmatiiourplcarurc. 2nbe luojcs nert gotngbefojcarcrljcfc : zGlorwft Dei profe[fi3,vfcjue admor- j, Ambrof. tern fe pro fiollris defcendijfe peccatis, vel etiidens wAntfeflatio ibidem. conteftuntis Dsiftcejfionem DmmitiHts&Q. o R P o R i s.Ic u as a glorious protcftion of Qodjthat he dcfccncJcci cucn vnto death forourfins; or ancuidencmanitcrtation ofGod wimcfTing the departure ofhisDininiticfroni his BODiE,(U)!]Cn itDPCD*) SDbc nert luojDs of An.brolc Ujljppon alleage 3 i:oe not for, but to mahc \)p tl^e number, VubicO is bcrp fmale, anD leffc forcible, t cl'OO DOUbtCtb but Chrirt oft-crcd thaCjVvhich he put on?ijcpiitonbi£ibot)p,fb(sboDpbcotfcrcO. <®. Paul tuill tell Uibat CTjjitt OfTcreD.^ Wc arc (ant^iflcd hy the offering of h Hcbrc.xo. the bodicof lefus Chrirt once niadej/cur Olun autbo;i S)atnt A!i)bro!cU)2tt!r7'j7oxij incarnationc t^emus.^rocmmhtts iD i P s vm inmeYtem dedttnw pain [ho vc.-biDci. SACRl- 3 52 The conclufion to the Reader, SACRIFICA VIT, vthominesa mortead t//>4wcoRP ORE fuo, e'.uque pofuit pjf„uiiiaa (piritf4m,0-J}at!i9t obijt. Spirttu emm mAntnte in carKe,cAro oni' aduerfus nino morinortp$teft . It A relmqui a patre fust merifi[i9\fiUt■««• fljing iGirc tbcn %^, m^ pon tooulD implic , ft)at teitb tbe '^^^^^^^ "^^'^ beatb of sitbcr part tn ijlmfclfe, Cb;Jitt KCeemrfi r acb part in t:S;lBnt Cyril hnokitngtbat ^^%\^ in bi^ fnffcrtngson tbe erode iopneb botb pattest togetber, fbconi^ toreccaue ^ btolcncc anb rage of tbe tDicke9,tobi(b ^^ W boDic; i otber to f^le t enbnre tbe fmart tbcreof toitb all obc btence patiece, t4)icb tDai» \^\& fonlc;fai$ trnlp ^at Cb^td topning bo$ foHle anD boDie \xk CiifiEering fo; ts\ reDeemeO botb foule miD bobie tn faning b£S; b^icb toee acbnotoUbge tobcc true iDftbOQt erception . i?o:: bab not tbe fonleof Cb;t0 bane partner, pea cb^efe patient in tliofc bobilie foCteringes of 354 Thcconclufion tothcRcadcr, 4^\^ , ttcpconlo not b»inc p:ofiteDtJ5;tTrttbfrDoctof at an« time ortjc tirifc fpcafec o: tbinlic or" sT hills Viiffr rirg^, but rtjat ttur bcDic tuas tbc tnttrujiicnt ulicnfar tl)c fonlr of 03:ifi DID aDiiut vine fivlc all rt)ofc piimcp,Ui:ong3i Ujanirs, luciinOiJ vTiiO uLaiforiifr tic niDnrcD on cbf croUc , o: bcfoje at axtr iKUiQj.ldjtctj put bmi to Death. Wttx tt)crc paircs .\no fo:roluf8of Oc:iC0fcnlc,voiifsic, MAKE not to ovf R K P E M p T I ON, fuiD tnlcilc rtjf fcnh: p.:opcrlic m^ immc- Diotlie (not tioni , o: bt» Iwr boDtc; ftelc bf Uitt) psinrs ano (o:rott>c£:, fuel) cijs tlje oanuicD oor , ron mafec no rrcKnir-g £rf all ttjat C!?:ifl otijcilotfc fntfcnco • i^no fbis is poor rrro; t^jict) rou lljioiDOc Vnocr ttf name ofa moti bolir trucrtj, ubcre mDiiDc,if tt U' t^igco « foliotccD , ^s pen bf gtnnc , it luiU fall oat to be a moU bamous contcmnmgof all tbat Cb:tli futtcrr D tci t35; anDacangcron^fnblTitotmgof otter temfes, utub CtJiill neiitJer did no; ceulo fnjter,a5 poti p;opoi'c tijem. ^on enD , «>tr lAcfiitcr , as ron be gannr teifl) egrrgf- « On£l IpCS, tbvlt ' «-?^ ^^-'«^ 'W<'.K *"■ ^^-'' ^C^^ B V T ALL AND E V 1- »P4^.» 7. ^j 1^ Y ONE, /'i'/^-' chwrchcs tvidwriters in the vcgrld^ that ttre pror J ^ c «i tejlAnts^ttach as yon d^c, andth.ttpw'' doBrtre is fHhUkl'.i *^' ^ '^ ^ ii th<;rf:.-edht^Jf^'t'vfS9f[hisJ^Mwf,^$ap^€aTtti)bv(ixbG>^^ of Homilies, Ubeit tt IS fajD, tbat Cor ij} put htmfelfe heurct^ig U g0dsdgj}rHeiiivr.ith A^id awmnc. Ii3ut ( S>r.: COnftltrr ) tf rOU jjauf ttjwp;oprrtif of Myiias^pon cantnrncaU i^Jitbcrs, CtJ:ar£lie(rUcfuter,anD poa C^atl fee great Oiffnrcncc bcrtDitt tt^c Doffvtnc tang^t in rts baiat at Homi- Iies,inD pobltfeely apprmiuo fap tt;e latccs of ftis ^calmc , f poucfrenjtt0;tt}at<2:tj:lllDiED tijr death of t^jc sovLEjttjat ttjc WHOLE cvRSEOfOao toss crccQteD on Ctjjittjtbat be to '.fi bp oat fins defiled.jmfHl^ hiUeful, c!r (Kcurfed-^ that Althe ^^ fofcrs ofbisfoulc i^fenfes ofhu body rvere OHenvhelmeddjJIrMc~ „ ted^and all con^oftnd'.d. that he felt the verte Dmds to he wflru- „ ments^executm^thtf^rathofGcdvfonhim^ that the fn^crtn^s , cfChriJtsfoHle, \yo Sjmfathte as poo Call it,(rtjatisfram anb „ bp ttc \i^'^^)mf.i>e not tooHrrede?nption-^thAt Chrtjls fonle died^^ andreas crHcifled,where it ts ahftrrd andm-sjlfxlfe to fay Chrtfi ,, ttas made alt ne ether in his humane fouls jor by the fame' ftjffg roU)anbun5:eD fadj abfcrDftusanD Impieties ^ane no al< lotoance in (^bcpfecs of Homilies, no: anpttjing fcanotng totoarDs ponr bclKl^ patnes of tt)c Damnco. Zlje Doctrtne itrf re taugbt isfoimD,true ancplainc.ttjat luearercDccmeo bp tt^ DeatI) ino WouD cf C^Mtt 3efaf ; t^iat fnd) teas Gje loll Wfplcjfore of Cod agatnft cnc Cnnee^ttiat ttjoogb l;e lucre tjis otonc foHjCbat tmocrtmbe ft?c canfc fo; t)3,tt>e luttjce of OcoparfueDbtnitDit^ mod painfull fmartano Siigntf^ c< ncn bnto Deatfj; ano fc;ceO ^ toeafenclle of bis tjcmane ficf^ to eric J my God, my God why haft thcu forfakcn mcc 15nt poa content not poor felfe toitb tbis \ poa mntt bane b-m fn^ct tbe tjerte paines of tbe oamneo fn l^ell , 0: noljrng . I^is botilie Dcatt) trerc tt neaer foe papncfafi ano Ibarpe, pou mahe Iigbtac^,'p^^.yx COnnt of; ^the theeues crucifiedmth ChriiJf.fufferedjT^W (av.as ^^ great hodtby violerce as he dtd-je» ivicked cr vngodly men tndure ,, vpith bcldnes c^ great toy farmore excjtiifte ^ barbarous tor- ,, mcti (Jr fj^ffj^ tortures, as touchtng the htdy^thcn Chrtji could ., Zz.2, cndHrc\ *TMiU « Ambrof.ia Lues ca, i& dc TriiUtia Chnfti. 'Aug.tractat. >itlohan.3^. TBcrnard.dc pa(»ioncChri ftioCap.y 35^ The conclufion to the Reader, :1 rt endure^ no? fcrtptu» e' ucr afScincD, li^en pou (^cU) pour fclfc fo eagcr^pou Uctojap pour Ijaitio?, pou benefit not pour canfe. S^ou |)3fl bearD cbnCf tan UeaDer,t4i^ tlitngs 3 b3U£ mtCi li^eotn tbe fird part of tbt6 opponents pampblet; bntnoi Hjmgmo2etbcntbii5,tbatb«toattctbro !nametDo?De0, ano nettberet;p;(e(rc$libatb«eimanetb, mi p^ouctb tibat \)tt p;?tcn&ctb. au iat be batb TatDc is this in tfita.,CW fuf* fcred tn foQlf tbe Icia^ ono carfe of €)0D fc} onr finne , o: 6ae toQnne; but tbefeace (b generalltermratbat ^ parte tbcp bee true , in parte tbtp bee falfe , ano fbercfwc bee ftiat tDalhetb in tbefe clonoes, an& bcfcenbttb not to particulars, ineanetb to bioe bts beaoe bnccr tbeCoucrtof fbrfe ge» nera'iities tcben ncetie i& ; anb out of tbf feto faibion to bimfelfe fucb alTertions as pleafe br(! bts bnntouc • Cbe toate to come bp a truetb , is to fpecifie tbe partes of o06tD^itb ano carfe, fcd^itbOfpfuppofe ^ii^iii fnffrrcfi, anotbcni^aU ixjee in fetoe tDo^oestrietDbetbertbofcfuffej rings acco^Dtoitbtbe rules ano gronnbes of ^ fcrfptures, o;: no . ^nb tbis 31 foretell , brcaafeif bee o; ante otbcc fo) liim bee otfpo&d to reaioe iiis canfe ^ iiee mnS not forthccleering of certain obicclions. 3 57 b2ing a facfec fnD of \x)02ti& fsi To testg^tfc matfer^ ^bnt piamli^ ano partfcularltc Dcdarfng fttiat tje i)oloeftJ , ano p;t(DUf ng fctbat be atf irmegj.go Dltetflp to Qje point ,anD f^n bp CDOD0 grace ii»(^aU fcsne trtc f^isce tracQ; ffanoe^. 13at(f an*s man totll o:atD ttjcgrounDe of our reocmptt- on to gcnecaU anD ambtsjaaus mmts , t^iJt t^al! fliU increafe contention tonoe parpofe^BI tnrmienot to crprll tD0jt!5 tott^ to02Dfl ; tiU t^p anf inerc ^efe p;cDfc0 , 31 iutU not trouble mp fclfetD(tt) tiKiremptic pb.:iafes. 3ln tiie fcconD ^ucfflon of €^v.^s %ckmt to l}cn,3l f^all notl)OlD ftjeelong (gentle reaoer) bccanfc ttjts bablcc fojgetttng irbat 31 fapD, concerning ttjcpjoft ans pnrpofc of Cb2iff5Dcfcent to l)cn,runneaj a ncto ccarfe to Pagans «Tt> Poets foj beIp,tocrpoan9 fijat article of car CcaDr; mh ttcre p:efamctb tJimfcSfc to be fo ttrong , tijat of tt>c rcll Ijeootf) p:ateltJJ(I)oat tcafono;j remembrance. iT^e eno of €^:iff 3 Dcfcent to bell , 3 noted ont of Athanafius , Fulgcn- fMsax^o^ta , ano pzoiueDt^irfpead) conformable to t^e fe>criptare6;tt)r places ^oubaB in tt>e lafterpartof t^ trca» tire, i meane not to increafe t^ts clofe toi^ naetleflfe repef i* ti3n0.^eC6futer>beUhe Diffracted and DfffempereotDit^ lt>c cogitation ano confaQon of tjtsbell patneg,1)tterlpmif<' talssttj 02 fojgetteft tt>c liliole. ^t fuppafetfj ^2i(fs Defcenf to beU bad none Offjec parpofe,bOf " ta triumph and mfnlt vf' „ « Ttg, f 4 , 9n tht thrice miJtrdBle afid vofttU tvretches tn their prefect v»- „ fpeak^ahletUmnntion^nfiyjitely confoHndedalreaclte,(fr inferreth'^ „ SureaveriefrietrikTnphthis rvere for the fonne ofGodwhiehe- „ tun amongmen were nothing hnt dtPomorAhlei\i\xi\l}^i^\i^Q\X\ti >» be fi) b;tcble,t!).it be can neitt)er conceaoe, no? cacrie a- toate \^tA 31 fapd ;3 matt not beate it into Ijts bead: ftjat 31 t^tt p;eacbcd , is bece note pointed , let liim refell ft if bee can. S>oe Uben 3| made ^ fnbdning of bcfi and treading on 3>atan tottb all tbe poller of darbneOe , a djiefe part of m g!o;ieof Cb?iffs refurrectionjflbisfco^ sev inbi£«ffflUC^conceitemocbetbattt,a«dfai^^4>P<>rr/?'/tf ,-„^ -, ^z.j* frmtledgt ^e 35^ Theconclufion to the Reader,' ti friifiledgsfurehej andveriebonorabU, ty^llmeftrvoald thi»l^ it '. ci AgrcAter honourneucr tohanecome inhellatall .Forhis aUualt' 'pjg,\^€, fc triumphing in hell allthe world l^orvethy isthe moft inglorious « andvilefl debafing ;3in faDnefi (a>p? refatEr)if UjCfg be pour* btllerceptionBagamft^jillstriumptitng cuer tjctt, all the: world ti^tU Ufwit) , ttat rou are a tDOj(tic man, to teeare s tucD^Dcntsagger.SUjrapoflle maoejtapartof C^?iflshigh bPi,-i' exaltation^'' that cucrie knee, as wdlofthings vnder the earth, ' P'*' asofihingsinheaucn,rhouldbowvntohim , and eucrietoong confefle that lefusChrKHs the Lord; anD DO pon tttnbetta mettc matter to be mocbeo ansDeritieD ?Paulfaill) ;Chrift r ! rr rpoylcdprincipaliticsandpowers(of ljtU|l3arfencS)ardniadc ° ■ ' a fhcw ofthcm openlie , and triumphed cuer them in his ownc perron,(fo; fo 3J moll re aoe ttU vcu ^eto \\\t better autljojitfe agalntt ft,tt>en 3 tjaae b?cng|if foj tt;)i pour fclfc bot^ f ae ano ' ^f ferable triHmph,ye a "^ a piteous triumph it xvas indeedcy where ^' tj himfelferemxytiedinfuchrvof^iitorwetSfivhere appeared fjojhew e *^a.x J 5. c« ofconqHeflJhtst rather of being conquered', % ^Jlil hefujfered til he gaue vp theghofi, Wat Uttct^ tt)em B» piate pou , fince tbtfe t])o;(£i5 toere not tertflcD on tbe croSTe , bnt tbf p t»iD tabe place m btfi rtfarrc£t(on,as 3J teacb 5 ano tberein as bp ttje cefectgittDag mol! eulDent anD apparant to tt^ etcs of aU mv^^z Dto fpople poUjersant) p?tncfpaUtie0,« maDe a fl)ctD fif tfecm0penlp,anotr(umpbeDouer ttjem in bis oUme per* foRfSDot^ Cbe ^olpgbstt attribatc fbw as a great bonour to «E h C4^ ^^ b««ian« "Store of Cb?iff,t^at fiafccndlng onhjgh helcd "- ^ '^ *• captiuitie captiiic, miD tsoe pou mahc a mfrrimcnt of it > appealing to tbe ti^ole tuo;lo fej tijetr ccnftire on pone fioc? , i<« « ^°"^ fftOngett fO^tiS (btS; S There can bee no conmoditie ' ^' * ^^ nor benefit to the godlie by it. For rahat good is there fo much J AS pretended ? The generdl redemption of all Cods eleEl and fc X .« chafer people voas vorought (tndftdlie fifjijhed on the Crofe* ^ ^ P-*?- 1 4' ^^ ^jj^f cofsldhis a-«in(rd»wn€ to helladde moretj^ ^ fttbDUtng Of for the cleering of certain obk(fli6ils, 359 !)cn poUjers, mn t^e trcatimg* on all tl)c(r fo^ ce , an© fte rc- firatning of all ttjf ti: furic, fc fmall a nutter UJttt) vou,iJ^at it Dott no geao to ttje goDlie/ !^ee ^atl) trmmpljcD mu) fpop- ieo tljem tafc® t3S from f^aw; 5 ano liattj talicn the ' keyes ^Rcuei.i. bf dcach and of hdl, tnto l)is oionc ^an!J3 ^ to f^ClD ft)at all jjowcr is giucn him in heaucn,eanhjt |)eOj ano t^at be Can te- ^ ttra^nc aito ^ bind Satan at ^tsloill anfi pleafure.33 ftje per- ^="*=^-*^« fbjmancc ato alTurancc of tijefcttjmgsno cijmoDUp noj be* IK^t to tfje gODlie? [The redem^thnof Gods eU^, was {^m " ia^)fitlljjim/hed on the Crojfe. ~\ SDefcTueD aiTD obtaincD it " iuas on toe CroOTe, ono bp tlje croffe,bat not %m erecutcD. Cbtre iDsre onr Qnnea parDoncD,ani) oai: felttes reconciled to (II5oD;but as Ctj.2f ctcD fo:i our finncs , fo be rofe foj out anD afcending aOOeO notbing to Vat foiceof W oeatb,but I^etob tbe frarte tbcte# cfsani? tenb all to one gcob. Once ujee arc p:cfc5Ulie reenter from fbe potoer of be U ana ^atan, ano fl^all be certainehe rapfcfi ano tcceaueo to glo:te . dlbjittes beat!) toltbout f}i0 refacrection ano afcenCcn bao beene oar confnCon, snono ceoemption •, fonf Hnne bao aaine %\m tott|>. out riQng , yX mul! ximtti \iw& oamneD t}^ i£itl)ont boping : nolo \xk \M Hefnrrertlon a^euerp d^nemfe toa? inoa mtgbtp, fo Iuas fb^re moll nabbe fijcmlo be fubburD, iBut bereof 31 ba«e fpo^en fo largeltc before %^x 3{ il)aa not nasoe to r^^eacfe it sgatnes \&i% tusftitng tbs 4. .405 l6o The conclufion to the Re'ader, page it mate (bone bee (ant: "•P^i4S. '« l^tit ^The Scriptures { VCO tfRDS,)^^^ oni: ^ao, S>p; Hefntec^ttiat a rclonreD tQ^ tDouIo toeft become it: t^jen poa come to a non ptn^ in pone p;o9fe0,t^npoaecie,t|)i£(i0riDtcnlonsano topitli.d^o Ube poai;relfe,amil(Dbetoti^ tioicnloai^ topes ttatrou b;ing t>d in euerp page almoff.f^ouUfoalt) p:(Due,fo?roct^,tt)at Qje scRiPTVREs ARE CLEARE againff C^^jIHb faf ing i« ^ett at onie time bettoeene bis Deatb,ano bis Mernrrectior; % fo; poor Uiarrant pou b;ing bis tuoaos to tbe ttosfe on ^ crotfejthisdaie thou llialtbcc with mee in Paradife j aitD at biS OeatbU^en befapD 5 Father into thy hands /commend my fpi- lice; nt time 3 Doe not tjetecm;ne,tbongb 3 tbinhc it pertaincD ratbrr to tbe glojic of bt^ txrnirrectton , tben otbertDtfc ; nB % b^ue in tbe trea/ tifc mo2e at large erp?etrcD. [ JHHag not his foulc , y>Q\x totll affee in his Fathers handes , tlQ tbe time of bts J^efurrectton ?] »o ooub* tetb tl)at ? a« tf to fubDue bell Inltb ^t gloite of btis p;efence DiD not p;oouctbe b^De of dDDS? to bee ra- tber nttgbtilte tottb b^tn , tl^n ante tuate to leaue btnr, anD ftat to bee true, toblcb toas focfpofeenbp Dauidtw bts perfon,^ Thou wilt not leaue my foule in hell ? [0;c <)PfaI.i^. b mccs of (Sod , pon (btnbe, (Igntfie beere btis topfnli p;e^ '^ fence, aioD tbe polleffion of beauen. J QSUbo tolDepon fo? WL^S Dauid DPing tub^n bee fatOe ; "^ Into thine handes 'P^alji. I commende my fpirice, thou hafl redeemed mee Lord God of truth? Widis ^ion not on eactb but tn beancn , tDben ^ ^ . ti)e p;wpbct*rattb of ber ; ^Thou fhalt bee a crowne ofglo- ^'^^'•^*' riein thchandofthe Lordjandaroyall Diademeinthehande of thy God, itfliallnomore becfaidetothyland, Dcfolare, forthylandlliallhauean husbandc ? 5Kilas tbe btng of lu- dah tben in bfauen, toben CDoD fatoe of btm , "^ ThoDgh «icrc.zt. Coniah the fonnc of lehoiakim kmgof ludah were the Sig- net of my right hand,yet would I pluckc thee thence ? (I5cD0 l^aiDfigntSftbbt^poUjer, ano p;;oteettons anocoulD tbcre ^aa I greater 3^2 Tlieconclufion to the Reader, greater fauonr, poller, o:ptcfCitf or, htt UjrtDctJ to tf;c route of€iyAQ, il;e!ifo>(I?oDmr3i{ingl;lm from 1?^ Df at), not cnr lie to trtaDsj Dcatli , but f urn tirU airt> ^amn tjnocr Iji^ fectc? Callrc"^iS2"»<^^^i"g^o"o"5''i"^'*'''f ^^'^^Hng, foj ttjc {)Onume naluit of <^}:t!l, to ^aue all power in hea- Tjen, anc!e;irili, ( In iu!jjitl3cl! tiW nujffbti: ccnip?!f?D,) "to bee Driuicrco Ijiito f;im'; an?) to In-e mnne lo:tsr O' ticraU, notoncltEmcn, miD Sngcls, butcucnercmtcss ariD siuels f jrrom fi,t« tjoncur oin? poUif r , toljc rr cf it is •I Cor I- ^^'^ ' "Thou haft ftibieded all things vndcr his feetej maicno " ^* creature in bcaiiTH; no? in fjffl be crccptcD? 0510 tlsrcffojc if t!;is bceatile 3cbarcment,3S bnolue nDttsijatgbaemrfl* ncit?. ^cpurpofc tfjcn of c f:5^t\nx3 of t Can not be faucD. 2nXi furc ttjf tDo:Ct be platnc c* noagbjif t>ou Icaue ujielTtng tVism from t}>nr rig^t mo true Cgmficattan to fertjc ponr affecrionr»^l)fft caii bf* plainer, 'prai.i s, aThouvviknotlcaucmyfouIeinheri , UifiBCS VtiC ^Cticlc cf t^dcJ. our Ccdcsc, He dcfccnded into hell ? ^onr anTdscc is: ^777z> «• euid^Kt that ths xvords hell in our vulvar Qreede u Vft" fit , corrt4^t and flArke r7 aught. For this f ajjirr/ie , it is onelie ^^b -p^jji^ the Father s nbufme fpcal^mg. avd iilteringthe V juMUttd amcient ,i''V^>9% fef/fe ofHa^es^thathath breddethiserrohr ef Chrifiss d^f:e»' 3, dtv^into helL Thar vnapt a'^d pen/on f trjinjliting into La- a tins \nfert , andonr y,aughtie and corrupt tranjUtion in Eng- i, l/Jh, heli, h ith confirmed thef^me. ^ e^nd r,ote here firfi tt is i^^ 'Pag,^€t a thing too rifervith the Fathers ^yex vmh [tme of the Aunct-^^ er.tefi:ofthemto alter anAchawrq^e the autheiitickevfcofvpords, 5> whereby coyifiequentUe it is eajie for errours and grojje mtf- j> takifigs tocreepe in . ^s Chirotonia to figntfie ordmation ofji iJMwiJhers^ when it figntfyeth aathenticalUe the peoples gitting 3> of voices in ele5lto>i : KlQios^tofgnifie one he the Cleargie^hen it } > figmliei h all theflocke. Euenfo trnlie the Gree ':e fathers vfe Ha- « Ats andthcLatine\\\^zx\ , to fgnifte hell properlie and parrticu- a larlts^that is^ the place of the damned « 'J«f this is a meere and jr •plaine uhufion ofthefe nord^s, andfpeciallie of ourvrerde mofl tn '» '^i'^'* ^uefiio-a, that is Hddes J heyhauemHch ^tered and changed the " authenticke and true vfe thereof. fJ U b£ g tn noUJE to (l^dDC '» poarfelfem poiirric;bt ^u£. .airtticC3rc? DID tbcp all concurre parpofelie to cojropt ttje CrceDe? ©mblcfctoillpcu tafeefirom all tbcfe fafbrrs tclfgton, oj learning i 3!f pen leaue tbem fo mw^ tnDcrUanctng as tbf boicgbfl'J^ notoein Paulcs §)cboeIe , tbepconlbe not mfffaUeciajf r Hades, 02 Inferi.i^nDtbf refojepoo map talfte tbus long cnougb bcfoje pen lljall gette ante fobf c Kca* Dertobcleeuepou. l^cmuft bceasfarrc infcffcDlDi'tb tbiist trenfteas poupour relfeare,befoje %\% toill anietoapfinUe fnto bis bcao,tt)at none of ftcfc tmberffcoDc tbefr otunc na# tnrall language* [But tbepbauemtffafeen otber too^bes, poo fate, as toel! as tbcfe 5 namtlte, yii^onmai ann kAm^oc] 3n Deeue pou , 03 tbfp baue groflfeliemtllaben tbe mt\ tbe otber is not, tbat 3! bnotoc in nueflffon , twr^ lelTe pon tafee tippon pou fo greate a commaunbc tn dw €)SD, tbat no tDOjfiemafe bee tftD bp ante man toltbcnt poor content. a)oetb anie jfsfbct fn tt* ponnbing ftje Scriptures , put fbe Cleargte foj tbe pro* pie s as if tbe relt i^ao no p^rt in ^ latngoome of for the clecring ofccrtain obie^lions, 5 6Acr$.r, nuiTibred w.th vs , xcu'iKocx'^. -vv rAm^ov tm? cA.;ax.ovfas" t«utmc, and had his place in this minifieric. ^o agatne to Simon Ma- gus; ^ isiiisi CiQi ^e^ic,i(Al Mqog b Is^ Koych t^stco , Thou '' Acti.S haft no part nor lot in this bufincfle or fiind^ion. Mlbere Peter in botl) places calletb tbe cbarge of an 9pofflc vX^^^ , not (tat ludas, 02 tljc red of t^ ttoelue tocre ctjofen bp lata, bat (bat be bao a part U)f S» tbem in Ojat function. 2ls fo5 x&oQ-nvlci^ IB fbinbe tbc re bee moje faibe, (ben po« tDtU be able to anftDcre; pou hnotn tibere toOnbeit. ConlD ponpiouetbat ffje ^pottles biomahe cIoerBlcitb fbe peo« plestolces/o^icbpou Cball ncucr bee able to Doe, poubaD fome reafon to (binfee tbe iuojDe migbt impojte fomc fucb (bing ; but ttberc tbe toojDe in bis otone nature is but to llrctcb out tbe bitnJ3e,artD it is certaincbptbcfcrfptures tbe Spoftles in 050auiing elocrs did tfe (mpofition of bmses, til)icb i0 plainclte x^e^Wa ; (eleatng bp toiccs (bf p did not fife foj ongbttb^it can bee p^ooueDO tibat a inalepart gnett are pOU to faie, It was a rife thtMi^rvith the fathers, yea with the ?> dnciettteji of them to alter & change the autbeKtickvfe ofwords-^ j» bccaafe tbe atbcnians tn Demofthcnes time bao a ccnrfc in tbcir pnbbhc alTemblics to giue tbcfr cotifenies to mahe !atoesaBTO Decrees iDitbboloingtp iWt\^mi$^W^ becal# letb x«?oTOv/a ? But pou bite on tbe b?isle 3 per crtoe , aiiD (b von mnH, till pon Uarne to be nioi^c fober tben to ccnDcmne i6$ The conclufion to the Reader, fo mante learnt D ant) reUgtons fattjcrs of f gRo;!ancf ann m* ruption^ttlHcljm fcdjacompaiKon as i^oaate , trJgljt totll l>£ bcIsrueDj in men of tjKir tcKgtsn atiD lUDge mcnr can bp tmi'eafen be miiltKOcDIlfs bv V^ l»av,brcanfc pea glar.ce Et x^e^ 2"''«, tljcugi) (tji rein ycu accufc not ujt ^;at allr i!ge t^m, but tti fati)f rs tljt mU lues as corrupters of ctardj DtG> cjpliite, ant) pcruci tcre of tbctr ctun (angnagc 5 botubcff ha- des t0 note m qncftion aiionot jo\Heoc,o:J x&^0TQvk'.mJ) tb:rc' fo?e (aic foj hades utat pou caiijO; rafjcr foj pocr fclfc;fince all Voik nicn toil iKito pen mo;c tiKit rallj anD p^cfumptucntf, ff pou contjcmnc fo manp e.ntticu? g real caufe? , «, cc C ' '^^ clajftcalwriters^ «>Ott fa V//^f maijiers of the CJreek, tongue - . 6 ?7« ^^ ^^ ^y^ H A D E s w proper feKfe only in generallfor the STATE cc OF THE DEADE , r^^ WORLD OF T H E D E A D E , the CcVVORLD OF SOVLES DE PARTE D,tKdijfcre»tfy , aHdin- jc definitely jnfanwg as trel thofe in eternal toies^ as thoje inpaines.^ ^ labour pon (^ir ^ifutcr,) to b^jiug into tbc cra&e tbc marf * bones of a giv'^hc pfcjafe , 03 an article of tbc c!?;il!tan fafttj:' (f poube fo iDle beabcD , ttiat pouilnue tobaue a nctopbjafc p . . intot0cCrceDe,tenirmbet ttickingdomc ofGod isnot in i.Corimh.i fj^^gj-h buc in power. 3f pou inteiiDc an article of tbr faitbjpa* gans anr. \3oerfi ace no fuct) clnlTscaU maCers.to be citcD oi follotecO in ttje mplicties of c|)?j{!ian religion. Wat if it toetetrue,tii)iciibcrca?pcnrninneris, pcu auoucbtDitba bjajen face, ^ Homer,Piato, t Plutarch 016 fo tfc tbe U»o:Dii£{ it tbetfo:eaconfcquent tlje fcripture moC fo fpeaferboU; ma^ tip b«nt)?es (^resht icciDs IjauetDtt!' paoane tbnr general fignifications, Irfjtcb tbe bolte gbcf^ rtCratnctb toerp^effe (I^oD?trut!),ajTO ferue (0003 tutu :» B)t grabc too. firs foi Apo{llc>eldcr,Bi(liop,Deacon,Gorpell, Scripture, faith , hope, repentance^ finne^the law, confcience^concupiftnce, 32^2 infit- nitcfncbUHc , Doe (tJep not k>itl9 pagans tmrojt one (bing, iDitb i'y^ Socrates fpirit; iT^if '1) ttjing alfo Plato nienttoncnj tn l)t3 ^pii# logi^aaiD Dialogue Defapisntia, mtgncrt) not Socrates SDf- neli; neiitjeruolt) j^^'^craccspjcfcciOebmoDcmoniciisby tijis tule32<'^ToJ\«(//ol'iov, tt)atiK£(^onHJc fco^f^lp t^eDfixO, but ratbcc CDqH^ ciud pet bp t^at tuo;D t|)e nelD tcHamit aitD (tjc S)2ptuagmt intbc dec intcnti oncltcDiasls. ^ixQoKog toiflj rt)E mallcv3 of ttje CI?rafee tongue ts bnt a carper 03 re- p:ct)cnDer, iu&muct) tbat mott af Piatocs fitjoUers toerecal* leo cA/a€oAo/ , atto pet in t^ netoe tettamcnt ttjt^ ts tlje p^o^ per name foj tlje ofneU . tx^^oc^oq Plutarch Dctt) tafee fa; ii)B ^^"*^ ^*'^^''' ap?e,anDDertuett}tt)atU»a:D from coloe; tx^tx^q; utto ^v- pjutarch.de X^07H7T3$K,£H,i\H'j_*cAHAo?cJ\ex^ H^T/OcAoc ejTr^ijV Tafra^oi/ k^m- primp frigido, Tcd.xca.TT! ^VySvTa'tT(X-\\£.TSt3axx3djIt^'r E s m Ube ro2t be tahen fcom his piopbanc W among tbs teatbcn to:tter0, rniDbee appIicD bp ttie cSuanyellffes anu ^po81e5toa2ntfiel;eU?peaif t^ opinion tj^it^ t^e pagan ^oetU' 3 68 The conclufion to the Reader, |doef0, mtt>p;op^ane jBt^lIorop^crs ^c(dc of h a d e s iocte falfe tm repugnant to tiic d)?tQtan fattt^t^ctue roalD tt^e ca- nontcall ^x^itcvB of tljc ncU) tettamcnt bfc tt)c tuo;t!, anc not ctange ttn? renrc;' Dare yau To mncti as t>;;edmr, tf^at tbe ^Ip C^|)o(i iDoulDc canonlK t^ ^octs f&blte mm t^£ pilofo^ ptjcrgfanfics of tlje fcoojlD to comt? o; if poa be fe foolit^, aj( to fo:get tUc oiffcrencebfttoa^ne Ug^tanojarhcnes.trntljf falB^oDDsbitlanplDifeman enter tatne pourpcettcairur(e0f u [J he gentiles, (pou tDtll fate, ) tooke hades for the woride cc of the deade ^the worldeoffQtilesdeparted-.gefserallie andinde' icfimtelie , rvere they in heller in heauen^ and this is no error , (|?on ff %\x\}^^(tgAinfithefmth.~\ JBnt tli0 tf' an open falt^fflD ccmit* tcDagamtt pour Otune dalTicaUto^iterfjsnDifponrcun* nmgtn t^ greebepoetis bee no p^ofounoet , tbe botes tn (115rammer rc|fa)lcis tBtil Derioeit. Jp^ate ^m Or bp pour (SJreebe poets , Homer, Heriode,ano others fcijat is h a^ D E s ojiginallie , t^e name of a peifon , 03 of a place ? 3 afhe pou none oQ^r queffton , but tbat ti:bii^ eueris tQXXu acqnatnteD \xA% pour poets canne rea^ilte teR , tdjicb pour maitters of tbe dUrabe tongue, Plutarch, and Plato confcCfe; tibicb euerie fpeecb tbat pou , 0? pour Inftruc- torb^tngetb out of bis poets uotbconfirme. SntJ bcrc(cb.2t- flian KeaDcr) 3 raufl p;ate tl}p patience ano paroon, if 3 turnc from tbe fcriptures .wo fdti)crs to fbe poets anD tbeJr fables; 31 baue no DcQre to ii, m% Deligbt in tt-^but fuel) is Q^ infolence of ttjefe men grouiit^eD tpon (gno;ace, ttjat it map not \iit entJureDjfmo tuittout fome entering into ttjcfe mat« ters, tt iDtil not bee oifpIatcD . % tt?tU fate no mo;e Q}£n HI inuft no^Oes , anu omtt fcdjat \% not materiaH. Homer tbe 6rS cmo elocii cf pour clalTicaU inciters imagf< nttb tbat ti)e tbjce fcnncs of Saturnus, ix^om Ijec fuppofetb to bee (IDoos,t;eufoeD ttie gonernement of tbe tibole ttroiloe be« Wxikxvt tbi m ; lupitcr tabing tlje fbie rniu tlje aire ; Neptune tbetoater,tDitbberDiEpesamjriuers : ano Pluto ttiebeart £f t^ ear(i loit^ aU %% DeaD of ti^at (b?t foencr. 2$i0 ^f roe Ibnne for the clecring ofcertainc obiedions. 5 69 6nnc of Saturnc, anD oiDner of fSat Df aoc, is \^it ^at Hcmer miD all ttn ^O0t5 calU'cA;^ h a e e s; t)ifi naine fccing Djucrf* tte Declined anD u'Scaco ta fcruc t^eir Vjctfe^ bu: M\i\$t fame pcrfon. Homer in Q)c 1 5. of W Hiades mahetl) Nep- tune rtiafl to fpeakc. Wc arcthree brethren, the Tonnes of ^"4-., ,,. , I m/ » . JT ' ^ « — ft ' ' • Homcrlliad, - tHmeby%heit\ /upiter and i, T^/TaT(^cA. a'cAnc ivi^oicrn/ ol- ^,^ y«ifi pod not pjopofe Plato to bee an etpounuec " of tj^ :Cr£e^ ,^ aito p^tfercs^im aa a \3^\t^m^iitx be? Q) ai0bb ^. tm 37 o The conclufion to the Reader, foje all tl>e fatbf t3 , bccaufe voa a)mfee bcc fittcttj pout ^n* moat rigt)t , 3! codIdc (uffcr ^tm to bauc bis p;etre ; but in fttscafe 3 muft Tate of btm ac Tertullian Doctb, ^ Z>0 Hcrcu- ^jj,°^ fl^ecl-^ '^ k$ rcmcmb;tiig ^is toojhes, rattf),U)itl) tbf fe armcB 3 D2cto hfcro. bp fo;ce, ttjai incrpngnabte ^onttcr " Tov6*u7ro x^ovog a'cAs? T^ik^ocvov (j-KuAaK«,the three headed whelpeof hade s vn- "Sophocles in DE R E A R T H. Simouides (Vetoing ^oto mante toaicfi men "iiachmiis. tnD Wv UixcB, fontc bp (icbcneflre,fomc bp toarrc, fomr bp fea, fat(t);f«ci)asare tamcD o;conquercotntD9rre °7rt>- ^. ., . w^/ .ueAa/VMC ocitAiig vr^ro xmog , h ade s lendeth vnder the vitahumanam blackc earth. P Orpheus onc Of tf)C clOcft Spa((Jer3 of ttjt CDrtfbe tongue Uittt)00tcomparlfon,ttat If uf Din tije time pOrphcuMe. tf t^ Jubgeg of gfrael, as Suidas tcOifieft, ano not fo farrc dca. .J;;,,, , infeaeDU)itt)fablc0,a3tl)Dfepiji!ofopfcergant ^oetsttjat " * came after btm, ucrcrlbing (tie true CDoD, tt;at,asl)e fajtt), Mcfes U)20te of , Calietb ^im , a/et^o? ;i(A' aUa , 7rovT», >^HC TE Ti;^avvt,(Aou/^v£c oV cp^iW^cr/ flfciiv cAe cA^cAo/Rev 0(UrA.c^ the king of the heaues,of the cartlijof the feajA nd ofhades, before whom Diuels do tremble, and the whole coropanie of ^bb 3 gods 374 *nic conclufion to the Reader^ •? .It godslo? iaingels)docfeare. Wl)ttt fnoloe (O^recfee anti sjflrtr ij^uilnitic: HADE 5 t$ feacrtd from b?aticn, fea, mtDratflj, »ujconfequeiitlicmuttbcp;operli0 hell. 2nDfo if pou ttmrn ouEp dU f?je j^octs, poa C^all finoe ttjat luitt) one Qtti . , iteraU confcntfijf^ placet! HaHcst^ot oneltc KaT(i)bclow,bafe '^'Xy^:^ Uffo x^oi'o^jvnder che carth.SE^i^ feOiS tijc opmlon of tl)C pea# ' Luclanus'de pie. ^ The common people *( faifi>Lucian)perfwadcd by Ho- luc w ujer^ Hefiodus^and the reft ofche pocts,and taking their poemji . , ■■ for a law To'-srovTiFa vzro Ttf y^.fi(yJ6hv a'fAHV u^£jAHCp<3cc(e."Tov «XtDanncd,fo;e< feeing THE good things in HADEs,pou,§)lct tbofC of fbf purcl! fo^t.^S foj fucb as DfC po- pular and ciujl vcrtiies ^as iullice and tempeTance,gouen by care and continuance without Philofophie , his words are cxprcflcly thefc J 1 riiTisq uro^ is^v hq to/Sttji' 7ra\iv a.(piwiii(dtu iroKm ^PlatoinPhx '^y^^l^irroLvlovyiiToiKiv to cix^cs::>mv yiw(;hq S^iyi^Zv yi^ done* r, ^'i \ ^^r'^f.r^jf 'a' occprMiij^cu KKKchyliro^ (piKoixct^Z It is fit that fuch (foalee) fliould returneagaine into fomefuchpolidcall and tame kindc cicherof n e e s^vv aspeSjOJemmets,* after that into men again.Buc into the kinrcd of the Gods it is not lawful for anic to come that hath not bccne a Philofophcr , and vcrie pure at his departing hence. ilDtbcrS tftat tOCte aootbfall MtD fiUeD tbciC beUte0,6e$ fai^mali beturneomto^Sfes, anofncb ott^er r./„, beaded for the cleering of certain obicdions. 377 feeaffg ; anD oppjcflfours ano iujong ticcra into Wolue.?, Kites anO Hawkes. ^f tijcfcttfi platne rcfoIUtionifi '^ihat rlhldcta* fucb foules wandcr,vnti!I by the caineft loue ofiheir bodilie na- ture, which followcth them, they pvT ON BODIES agajnc. And fuch bodies (of fairDs anD beafis) they pur on as refemble the manners of their former life. i^iXt 10 a eG:Uy world of foules to be Lnougljt opt of Plato I'litc ttt r CmDc ; anD Socra- tes &caacn,U)l)p pen l^oula fanCs,3 cannot stiFc, crrcpt it be, tbat none but tjerp pure and precife pcrfoDs i^aUcome tl^itbcr,to Vubcm pon luoulD fame be tlje imslcat.!:r» lI5ut tbtst£JnctaU3nn'ahmg hades and PLVTo,bPiobicft tbc poets meanc tijc tiiuclf, tobjs a Uiifc ano bountifull dDoD, batb not j;cur toife spaacr fittcD Ijis ueU? fjeaum tuitb an excellent bcao ^ Piutarch mouctb tbc Doubt iubc^ tber HADES be a 0oD o? a d i v e l l, tbat batb pofeec cuer imrfencfi anD Dcatb : Homer $ Hefiodc af^rmc, be Dtoelletb vnder the earth, anD 10 implacable, cruel!, anD hated of men. Porphyrie,uomeanefollotDer Of Plato, concluDctb Plvto (lubicf) is all one \3)it\) h ade s as * Plato confcffetb) fo *f r t be tbe cbicfe of all michtn fpint0. Porphyries ujojDs are, ^"'-"'y'*' fast /i 7m>ip6{ Jitiuor^if it «xJi \ot»' tJv ni^-nr \}at7nit^ojuir. a't' hi i^ mifAf r r-Jtatur ah $i^v juc'nv iireiTret^'irUf «M' oxr Tti /unxiyfj^fireitK) t* tstoh "^mrf^TMiftTrfJi Eufcbio dc •w'f Tf^v'fnyA ■yiynitti^fi! cv ttJ Tf^TtJ tJ'einn'fxit : o «!t/TB*f /s tJ TrAa'Tttvi i Btic, prcparaC. C- itf tftst ti-m fAiiKf^u JhLjfAOmv t'f^v, >9 av/ACaM Mxi n^i( tw tktov tXjt«-c to Vlifles at his BcfccnttObell, to bee a ditiiionarie for hades, what place ic is,3gainrt which if rhe Creedehid gone, it had been askoflfb toallHcIIas,and had hindered :iil the proceedingof the Gof- pell : net tis fit iDljcibcr \m otDuc Dtctionarie U)tU not rctaine all i)t0 allegcUians t}ppDn 1313 oUjnc l)eati . 3t HADES in tbc CrojUe mail hx tbe fame place, Xvlytvc A- chilles fpicitc toa«{, VD^>itl5cc viides t!ifcenDc5, HPiD to!)cre tefatunno fpahelnitb fo manp (0bolle0, tteapparant^ Ip H A D E s mutt bit tl;e l^octiS hell. 0t Vliflcs entrance Homer tellmg bofJD tf)t foulcf came about l)im fair^, The foulesflocked together out of Erebus; notu V«^^ f S tbc terp place tobcre tbe iBoets place Cerberus, ano tobencc tbC fame poet faitb, Hercules Was fent to fetch from Erebus the dogge of hatefvll HADES. :agafnc VliflTes uioiber arkinjj bim ^oto bee came to tbat place, faab . My fonne how cameft thou vndcr this darke mift ? £)f A- iax ^bott, tDbotooulonot foj anger rpeafee to Viiffcs, Hoaxer fattb, d Ibid. d li>) M y-it' ctMa? ^''Af'' "^ i^tlS©^ : Hee went away to other foulcs ia Erebus. SCfjere Vliffes fa(tb ba: fatS) Sifyphus Suffering grieuous tor!nents,afll alfo TitiusanD Tantalus fO CflU Dure tbe Use.^/bere be faiu f d^*^ y,e9^y.-^^»» -npTTi-mj, Hercules fircngth a Ghoft : for hee himfelfe was in ioyc with the imntortal! Gods. SCbcre Achilles fptrite gOdifs. u. tCDhe fO fnuU comfort, t^at tU^en Vliflcs fafO, 5 There is ijone for the cleering of certain obiedions. 381 none happier then thou Achiiies; before , whiles thou li- uedft , wee honoured thee as a God , and now arc thou a great com maunder among the Dead ; bee not therefore fo (addc ; Ijaj rcpUeD , Praife not death to mce Viifles, I had rather feruc any poore man (oncartl)) as his drudge, though hee were fcant able to liue, then to raignc here oucr all the dead. 3if tbe place face Darke anD tcc^C 'P-^®- : if Cerberus hie tbcre to'ojcb tbe * poets inaUe tbe tec? feitper of *Hcfiod. in htW; it t\)ttt bds gr(etious anD crueU puHidjmentes foj i^J°5o"»3. facb as tjeferue tbem, if tlje faeft bane tl)ttt fo little iovz ^'^s'^-^ ^» of tbe place , as Homer maUetb Achilles gljott l)erc to confeCTe, lobat place cart tbis faa bat tbat bell, tubicb all tbe l^oets acUnotoleDge; tboaa!j in feme part tberc^* of tbere bee tODjfe punilbiticntes tben in otber i iniB is not tbat Tartarus, von todi fajjc , tubicbtbe poets mahe tbe 3!aple anD l^jifon foj tht toicheo . ] Mlbat is tl^M to tbe purpofe, tf fome pnnifl^mcntcs in bell bx luojfe tban otber i Jloohe to tbofe ujbome tbe poets place toitbcut tbe Dungeon, anDfi^ tubetber tfccp bee in beauen oj no^ 3nD becautepou anD pour frienDs talhe fo mucb of tbe t^j^lDe of .Joules, anD of beauen ta bx founD in hades , anD inferi; anD pour felfe bjing Virgin as one of pour Clafficall autbojs fo pjoue tbis matter, ^ ^/&(? thugh hee were a Teet , and fay tied » "^'^^Ti manj/ things, yet hee jpake (J?0U fap) familiar lie, and after " the vulgar vfe , and for the [ubFiattce •f the matter vttered " touching heatieH And hell , the opinion of the wsrlde then : '* 31 niuft p?a? tbe UcaDcrs leaue anD patience, tobilcs 31 follolD pou in pour otone fantafficall Dcutfe, tbougb a^ ga(n(l mfneoUJucUhtViij, to let tbe fimplc f^ lubatpour tDCJlQ of fcnles, anD pour beauen iif, cuen in tbofe tjerp" toatcrs, lubicb pou pjoDuce fo,: tbis purpcfe ; anD tube*' tbcr tbep bk Uttt tbings to fats ]^.jc0Dents fo? tbe Cr^De t% no. SnPlutoesUingJcme^nDercartb, lybetb^r ii^nc- Ccc % u 3^^ The concIuliontotheReaderj i ^neijostf. ^^ ^^"^ toieetiis jfaefjcc Anchifcs, JVirgil psnr antfjcm i< an fields the eterfiall ha^tration (aspoucall it) of the if/efed, 1 ;£ncidos 6. nianplOt)gtngS«^sftrftfo;^fickncs,care,vvecping,poucrtic, labour, v\'arres,dircord,dreamcs,and death, bciJDCS fOjCen- taurcSjBriareuSjHidra, Chimera, Gorgon,Harpies,and Qerion, andfundrie other monfkrs. There wander ihc Ghoflswhofc bodies are not buried a hundred yearc before they can get ouer the foule and filthicriuerof Styx. SCI^C ottiCrfiDeef Styx, iS fecptbp Cerberus t^cSDosgeUjittjtijje ^eaDs; luljcrc fitU arc placcD the foulcs of infants weeping and crying ; then iuchas were vniufily condemned to death, ncxr^fuch as being wcaricof their Hues killed them felucs, now willing to fuffer pouertie,oranypaineonearth,foti)cpnifgbt rcturnctO UfC againe* Sn tijefouctb place arc Lugentes Campt, tl)c too^ full6clD0i3f fucljasdicdforloucjtn tbcfift, Warriers and fuch aspurfued each other with the fword,tobcrc^ncas faU> all tijc (0rcc(an.6 anD Xmms that Jipeo at ibc fiege of IVoy. j©f aUtbcfeplacc0,tD^crcpetarcno puiiill^mcnfs, tbc poet mafect!) Deiphobusto fa^to ^neas, to^at ranft I9;(uetb tl}^, i^r trifles (tnefole domosjoca tur^ida adiref. To come tothe wofull houfen without funne, and lothfbme places*? ICfjCH IcaDftlj t^e left IjartD to Tartarus, tobiclj tbcfc menfomnel)!}arpeat,conipa(rcDlaftft fierie Phlege- ton, auD t!)ere arc tbe panifl^raents of tljc Wchtii ; tben Plutoes palace, anD on tbc rfgljt feanD, ^m^ttA -viretd fortttftatorfimnemerfmi fedefjtte heatfiy The fweetefpriDgsof the fortunatcwoodsjandthebiefled feats. I^crc fS t^Cfcca^ jientufttcb tftw coitfntcc alleagetlj oat of Virgil, ann^cre iEneas fonnD l)iS father Anchifcs , in a grecnc vale, viewing ihe foulcs tbat Djanfec of tbc toatcr of obUuton, ant lucre t^ take nclD boOiea on eartl) agaf tic. ^i^ tuo?D0 arc, * ♦.^cidos ft * AnintA quibm altera fatOt Cerpsra for the cleering of certain obiedions. 383 rorpra dehevtHr, Letheiad ftnmwis v>idam Securos latices cr long^ oblim^-pstaKt. The fouks vs ho by dc(1 inie are to cake bodicsihe (tcort6 dmci doc here at the Riuer of Lethe drinke the waters of vtter for- gctfulnes, no tDcip remciubjing tol^cttfoeuer tl)?p fntu 0? feneU), eitbcrlprtlfxj tl)cp firft UucD,e; During tijc time of tbefr aboae tjiiDcr cart^. 0nD ber aufe ii femco flrangc to iEneas,tl)at fuolcs fljoulQ comc to tafee otljer boO{C0,tftoa0lj tftisbs ngbt PlatoesfanGc in l^ljS Phardone^ Anchifes ttWttk t)t3fi3nnctbefccret0OfPlatocsparg3to.:ie,f)cauen,anDrc<» furrc(tton,as5 Virgil conceiucD tbf m, tufjo luas a great Pla- tonirt. When men die (fattbbe)all theinfei^ionsoftheirbo- ^neidostf, dies caniiot prelently be taken from their foules. I Srgoexercentttrpoems.veferHmf^ maUrufifpp/iciafxpeneiffnt, Therefore the foules (of fncfj 30 are curable, fo; t^c Defpc^ rate anD infanablc, are call into Tartarus, anDneucr come tbetlCC bp Platocs o\XJnc tUO2D0) are purged with paincs, and abidethc puniflimenc oftheir former infe6lion,foir)c arc han- ged vp to the v\inde, fom care plunged vnder water, fonncarc clenfedbyficr: * Quifqu c ftios pat im fir manes, ex'mdep^er amplum m JEncidos €»- KjMtttimur Ely fiHmia(nrs of d^oD are*m reft, ano lobetl)er cbiff af^ cenDcD.! jfoj mp pact, but tftat 3 tbinHe tbifi confuter talhetb of tOat \^k fenotoetlj not, 31 muft bane pjoclapmcD liiiii fo?a pagan; ano tberefo?c after Ija fcetl) it, i\ ftd^ per0ft to fap tbat beaucn iseitber Homers hades, oj Virgils iNFERi, J map not fparc to Difcljarge tibe tmtie of a Cf):iftian man, to let tbe lu&olc realme tnoerffano, tbattl)f0(0open infidelitie, cloalveo tnDertfeename of Pu- ritie. Platoes world ofSoules tufterci't alteretft from X\i&^ (sratljeriDOjretban better* Jfoj Ijo^ faitb , tbe fonles of emll men arc cloggeo U)Ub tbetr boDilie t)ncleanene5, antskjantier,"*"'^'''*? KJ7«7a^«sw -^ /^ns/^aiaTf j^ Tav^fiabouttombes and graucs, as it is faid, and then put on the bodies of beaftcs, birds, or wormes. ^nu pou, %xc Confuter, Itgbtfng on tbefirftpartof tbefe Uio^Des, openlp fal06r tbem, ano letooip for the clcerjng of certain obiedions. 385 letDDlj^mifapplp tbera. SfQ% in llaDe of referred to il)c fo^imcc tuo:D0, Inbere tbere ts a matufcK Di(iin(ttotT o> paufebcttDlrt tljem, poubiD tljc reaoer note tbat hades ts commonly called heanett. ^Q% tbU£l pCU tDjUC : Againe, Plato faith of heauen, that it is an vnfeene effate, euen h A d E s, » o P''^- ?'• Mitii commonly ccilled;^\i\i\) pou VUlll bP tbC fiDe tO bC noted-, tt tpbccc Plato intbat place fpcahctb not one tcojD cf bea^* uen. Il5utfucbt0tbemifcrieof pourraufc, pcu mud brlie poaraatbo?0, ojclfe pou luUl lacke p^flsfcs foj pour b«* mours. anotombtngtbe foulesofallmcntbatarcbojue, Plato boloetb tbcir foulcs baa booicB bcfc?c, antj ftapeiti HADES, tintiU tbe time come tbat tbep muft baue bcDics apine , anb tberefo^e all our hnotialeDge beerc (5 \i\xt tbe remembziiiff of tbat lua^ hncUi bcfoze, toben ouc (oules \jDcre in otber tioMes ; lubicb i0 tbc opinion tbat Tertullian c bargetb bim ioitb : l^is o\Mne Ujojbcs are, p mi>Aili ftsv 'v i5» tU s ^e}^:^ K*T®^ » [xifiwixi^i, »i eivh ^dij 4"^?"^ »- p Plato in There is an auiicient adertion which wee remember, tliac ibules departing hence arc there , and come hither againe, and arc new borne from the dead . 0nD leatt poU l^OUlD tbinbe b^biDnotconfentto ft; bo^raitb fomctobat after, >C r> tt>a/6/«'yxfc&Ki, J9 auiour. )Bwt it tbcfe bee intolerable ano abominable b? relies to baue foulciS , paflTefromboDietobsoie; anO Platoes hades be iiotbing ]2D0D clfe j85 Tkc conclufion to the Reader, eWe but accntfnnall cfjopptng ant) cftanging of fouIe«from Wc to &eat!), ano fromDcatt) to life agatne ,l)alp bnc he |»oar HADES fromtfjcCreeo?,t)olufocucrvouc Hellas UjiUtaht pepper in H}t nofc to fee tjer folliee icfufcQ. Cicero IS ponr laft autbcntickc Ujjftectbat poa Ji;mjt top:oue fnfertUhk. bcauen, out of \»bompounote tbjfe xy.?5.io7. " tbtll00. ^ First, that he vtterltemijltked the sptntov of the oldi L^ttnesjhutthsMght the world of the dead tvas vnder the earth\ and therefo*'e g-tue this terme i n f e R i, f i? fg*"fi^ fhe fame : this hee openly miflikethythxtthe damned fouliS were br>^e^th in the earth, or at leaft in fuch kinde of torments as -many did ima'Jtae. How much more did he co»dem»e them, thtt t h .uqht all the deceafed fonles were beneAth, vnder . or in the e^irth ? The blejjed hee thought rather , as Tlato did, to cfcenA vp t/t tPa^iol, " heanen, ^ ^PCOn^lP, POattOte, That although hee reteihd the opinion of the former Latines , yet hee retayned the La^ tine phrafe, as being now common and familtar euerj ivhcre; which re fe ofotdefrom that opinion, thtnl^ng aU the dead af- ter this Itfetohe \n{t2y beneath. He h.td learned to thinly veije' Iter, but yet he (pake fo,as the vulgar phrafe had prtuatled, ac- cordingto ^rifiotles rule; r»e muH thmke as the vnife doe, but \ ^eake as the people dae, JEblCDlp, Tullte faith of this opinion T" foUorved great errors. 3!f a mail ujoulD blrcpsuto fpcake agatnlt pour felfc, i^ou cannot ooc it fn plainer manitce tbanberci>ou Doe. Pon ronfclTctbat Cicero teas tbe txtt (fo? befojc btm pou bimg none) tbat mifliKcO tbe opt* Hionof tbc olfie latincs (tobofc fcateano tongue in Ica- lie iDastben 1200* pcaresoIOe) that the world of the dead ■was viidcr the earth," ana to CfgntSe fo m\xt\i^ tbep br«0 tbe l»ojBeInrcri;iubtcbbaOfontinucDtn tbcmoutbes of all men learncD ana tjnlearnrD, till Ciccrocstnne, to erpKffe tbc ftateof tbeoeaD.^efonDlp,pouriptbepb:af8 f «lD50 fo common and familiar euery where for the veer Ids «>iofihe deadytW Cicero blHlfelfC , tbOU^b IjLCC tbougbt " . fitbcrVuife cc €C cc cc CC" for the clecring of certain obiedionj. 5 87 fit^ertoifc Durtt not Depart from the vHlg4re ^hrtfe which • h^d fo generally freftajfed. iC^CIl bP I'OUr Olunc roJlfelTlV * oti Uiec tjanc tbns muci) , tliat /«/m foj ttuclne \iun* '* D,:cD pcarcu m tfjc mctnljrs of all men (gnojant, ano learncD among tlje Latincs ano Romanes i)io Cgntfic t\it ftate of fucb foulcs as UjcrctjnDcr t^e eartb* ijioto let Ci- cero fir tuljat be can to tlje contrade; \)\smi\)mnt is no toaie fo great tbat it (^ouId cucrUjaiglj fo long ajiD fetlefi aconfent. Great errors followed hereof TuIIie faith. ^nO poti afftnne tl)e Ufee, bat not fo great as Tulliebimfelfe majm^ tapneDin reletting tbat opinion, ifojlje in'fomc pjiBc of hw tongue anDconcctte of tjis tuit bjougbt beaaen ane beU tobetjtterlpnotbtnic, Cbat tbc olo Hatines tbougbt all men after Deatb to ga bnOertbeeartb 31 fcenop^cDfe; 3lfind raibcrtberontra^ rie confeCfeD bp pour otone antbo? . !^e alleagetb out of EnmiiSy^Revm/us in caIo cum dtjs agtt AHHrn^vipmna^emiens t Tufcula, dixit £«/f wj.Romulus leadcth his life in hcauen with the Gods, qw^ft li.i. ^ asEnniusapprouing the fame writcih. j3n0agatne; Ahijtad Dees Herchles.retera iam ifia^reltgione omnium cenfecratu, Hercules is gone to the Gods. Thefe things are ancient and fea- Icd with the religious confentofall men. &o tbat Cicerocs lDo;tD0 toblcb ?ou alleage,cannot import tbat tbep tbougbt fo of all men, fo; tben tbep mnS fo baue tbougbt of Romu- iusans Hercules, txjb(cb Cicero confeffetb allmenacUnoiu^ leDgetobe Inbeanen; but tbep fuppofcbfo cfmol( men; tD!?tcb amongft l^agani?, as tbep toere , loafli no fucb great erre?, as pou tooulo mahe it, "o? nnp toap fo great m tbat lobicb Cicero laboureD to eftabltlb In place tbereof . if 0; be t^?ongb tbc Infolenc te of bis opinion of bimfelfe, q% incon^ Hancie of bis Difpc(ttion,o; batb, iDonlD fomttmes baue an lnferi,Q% bell bcloti); ano fometimes be \uouId baue none. (tramples tobereof are euioent in bis tojitings. 3!nbii^ fplecne againtt Autonie,bfi faitb ; « UU igttur im^lj, qu9s ocd- uPhiIippica.14 Ddd z dipis X ProCIu- .enuo. y Oratloin 388 The conclufion to the Reader, dij?is,gtiam ad hferoifoe»AS forricictij luint : vos ant cm quiegc- r tyer'itimfpirttuminvtcioriciejftidiftis,f'wrtin$ eflii locum effc' andthe terrors of helUlfof']^{Zt^0}XXlimk',Vm\3i}Z\x\^\i ljeIUucrieioi)cre;anD TORMENTS of h'ellpouIuouID ftauenone, but iath as Cbjtftbppour atTertion fuffereD in bisfoulc tjcce Cih eaitb ; anD bccaufe pou tnant gmDautbo^ Title to fcuntenancc tbis matter, you reaoeljs a ilecture out of Ciccro^tbat be tbougbt fo befo je ycu,anD tbat be is a terie autbcnticfeeanb ClafficaU tujiter. liSut fteepe tbis Icffon till you get none but atbcitts anO SIniiDels to bee vour bearers ; tbey toill tbanUe you foj it ; €\niftim earcS toe abbojre it ; auD Ujtil Deleft your pjopbanes as mucb as tbey Doe Ciceroc?. .f 0; if tbere bee no puniH^ment in Ijcll, furetberc is no bell, anobe tbatDecreafet^tbetcrro?;, De^ creafetbtbe truth ofit: tbcrefo.jetbc dIdc latinos tiin not crre. ISutyour New Orator tbtnKctb bee map buylo ano ouerfurnebellanDbeauen at bis pleafure* •as be Dealetb icitb bell, fo dotb be luitb beaucn ; fom^ tymcs be Iwill baue one, anD fovr times be cannot tcU U)be^ tber tbere bee any fucb babttatisnfoj foulcs oj no.^nD tbe beaucn \ubicbbe UjouId baue, is a ^anfton of bis otone mafeing* ^ucb autbcjs you b:ing bs to erpounD t\)z CreeDe, anD to outface all tbe jfatbcrs, tbat tbey tbems» Telucs cannot tell tubat tbey fay, ^Qberc be purpofely Dif:? putetb of tbefeateano fanctaarie fojtbc fcute after Dcatb, beconcluDcthtbe tubcietjifcourre, as Doubtfully ^s\)tbtf ganne. * Stfup-ewus HU dies no^extw^aoKem^ fed eommutati- aTufcuIa. enemaffert loci,eiuid^fta!ftlniS? finautewjferimitacdelet ew»i- qu^^-i'b.i.. Ko; cjuidmeliHs e^tta-'Htu medijsvttdt lahortbHs ohdormifcerey et^ "^ *' itacoftniHeNte fomno fcpeltri pmpirernof If the daie of our death bring not a peciflbing 'out changing orpIaccs,vvhat can be more 3po The conclufion to the Reader, to be wiflbcd for ? But if it vttcrly quench and extinguifli(bodfc ailDfOQlc) what can be more acceptable a mid ft the troubles of this life, then as it were wincking to flumber, and flatting Ibidem. Q^j. gjgj jQ (^\i j,^tQ 2tn eucrlafting flcepc > Hahesfomnum ima~ a inem mortis, eamj^ quotidie i»duis, ^dubitas (juin fen fits ia morte null«s fit, etHum in eius fimuUchro vtdeas efe HttlltimfeH" ptm? Thou haft flecpe which thoudaylietrieft, for an image of death; anddoubteH thou but there is no fcofc in death, when thoufindeftnofenfeinflcepe, which is the patterneof death ? j]ioia on t!)eotl)cr (ioc foj Gceroesfeeaucn, toljiftj pou UJill necDs b^ing tnlo tbe Crccoe tjnjjer tbc name of /w/ir/, bcc mafectb It HO re\»arD oftjertHe, no? 0ift of grace to be be ffolDcDtubcre ttplenCetb^iPOD; butl)eaff(t:metbtbere (sa fief teatreaboue,of U3!)icb foulca are maDe;anD t^erefo^esiS foneas tbe foule (0 Icofeo from tbe bo^te, it Qietb tptoarD 80 fierDotb, bpa naturall motion, t)nto tbe plaee^liiblcb 40 ItUc to (t Celfe, ahD tbere Hapetb, anD 10 nourtC^eo lottb tbe felfcfame tblng0, toitb liubtcb tbe Carres arc noa^; riC^eD. Ibidem . ^* ^«««« confih, perfiicMum deht effe^timmos (juum ecoV" fore excejferintj ^netUi ^ntfptralfiUsyfiuc igttei, fublime ferris accedtf vt eofacilifts animtts cftadat ex h^aere^ ^nemfcpe iam eraffwf atfeBoy eum^perruwpat^ tjuod nthileft animt velociut, Qtti ft perwauet incorruftuSyfui^ fimiltStMecejfe ejlitaferatur, vtpenetret dr dmidat'jimne calum hoc, in ertf)entl)ep,t5atraiobtllU)a0 bclolM in tbc eartb. jfo j tbt? Dcliucrcti a f rnetb, anD this of Ciceroes (b afalfe,fc5iilb anD VuickcD fanfw.SDbe C^nglil^ of i)iS Vdo:O0 10 in efif^Ct tbiS.Thefe things being ccrtain,it oughcf to be 3 clearecafe, tliac our Toules when thcylcaiie the bodic, whether they be oFan aerie or fierie nature, do mooue vpward. A good hclpe for the (bulc with more eafetopafle andbreake through thisgrorfeayrchcere below isthis,y nothing is fwifter than the foulc. Which rcmayningvncorrupt, andalwaieslikc icfelfe, OF necesxitie mvst a s c e n d, and pearce,and dcuide all this heaven (oi ap;c)in which the cloudcs, v-'indeSjand raync engender ^Which region when the foulc hath oncepaflTcd.and'touchcd, and pcrcciued a naturelike to it fclfc, mixed of aftibtiic ayre,and the temperate hcate of the funne ; in that fierie region, IT STAYETM^and makcth ancnde of as- cending ANY HiGHER.For whenithathgottenlikebolh hcate and puienes (of tht apje) balanced as it were with cquall waightSjitmouethnoway.AND THIS is the natvral SEATE OF t»e s o vl e, whcnit commethtoalikeayrctoit fclfc; in which needing nothing, it is novrished and fed with THE SELFESAME THINGS, WITH WHICH THE STAR RES ARE NO VR I s HED and fuOayned-Cicerocs i>cauf is notbing but anbeap of bcatbenit^ tnipicties.ne fir ft,tbat tbe fnbHancc of tbc foule r onfift^tb af ftcr oj ayre ; t^2 rcconD,tbat of necctKtie it afcendeth vpward as fier Dotb. SDbetblrD, tbat UJben it coinmctb to a pure apje anDtem> perate beatc of tbe funne, it ftaycth f bere, anb afccnoetb no bigbcr, SEbcfourtb, tbattbis i0tbc narurall fcatfo; thc^ foule, mti tbcnce itmouctb no \aav, Cbe 6ft, tbat it in tbere noHrtO^eO- ami fuftapnco with the fclfc fame things,. iDitlf; 3PJ The conclufioii to the Reader, *, Wt\) \Ml)felb t\it Vtattts arc. SCtjc c onfcqucnts to tbts §pa> ucn arc mofi Ijo.jnblc, if ^rtt tJjat all (ouits bp nccclTitle of tfteir nature being in ttjis place, tbcre are confcqucntl^ none f n h e l L,no; none in f)eancn,an£i fo botlj tbofc places acetjttcrlp cmptieD bv pour eloquent Rafter, jjicjrttbat, toben ttje ftarree j fUtcs (^all be melteo ano Diffotocti toltb fier, tben mnli ttie foulcsof allmen be liHcVuife DtlTolueD, conliftmg of tbc famea!attcr,\Dbicb tbep Doe,anD fo t3ttcr*» Il> ertmgntl^. lalllP,<115oD£^p.:omifcij,anD tl}?eat5arcaU fruttrate, if Ije can Doc bis enemies no mo?c burt, no; bis^ feruants mo:c g(D9,tt)en tfjis bcaucn afl;oo:Oetl).0nD fber* foje If pou bjing tbe tuojlo of foule^,a;i tbis beauen into tbc CraUe, 3 muft refnfe tbc Article fo? open ano cutDent jiomts of 31nfiDeUt(e,tul)icb 31 fappofc,tl)e 0poftlc0, no j 0^ poftoliche men ncucr meantjUJben tbcp mane tbe Creeoe. ^et tb^s place fueb as it is, Cicero, pou fap, calleD it /»- ffri. ^t'2if pou leaue Iping, poumuft leaue \ujiting. iroj poucan fliant ujjtte a true Ujojd. Cicero Dotb noUibcre call this place hfiri) but bolufoeuer be bao bis pjiuate conceits as a pbilofopbcr, pet ttiben be fpal^e bcfojctbe- fenate,o: tbepcople,be toasfoiccD to palD to fucb opintos/ anD to bk fucb toojos as lucre commonlp receiueD \33itb all men,anD tbat is tbe Direction tobicb ^riKotle giuetb bp tbe rule lubif b pon alleage, tbat tbougb \Me muff learne to tbtnh as V»ife men Do;pet tue muff be content to fpeahe as tbe people Doe, not tbat bpfo fpcaftingiue muff alter tbe nature anD pjopjietie of tbe \iJO?Ds, Vubicbtuee tjfe; but mpnDingto aDuife 02 pcrftoaDe tbemultituDc,Vue muff con* DifccnD as teetl to tbeir tjalgar pb?afes,as to tbcir gencrall anD receiufD opinions.0nD tbcrcfoje as the people tbougbt all men Dping to DefccnD tjnDer tbe eartbto /«/rr;,fo Ci- cerofpeakitiginopen place Ijfetfe tbisfamc pb?afe,Uibatfoe* tier be pjiu-^.tclp tbougbt of tbe place Vwbere tbe PeaD tuere. 4fromliJagans(^p: l^cfutcr)pourefnrneto ilb^iffias,! iubdmbj:to;c^ouaccufcDfo.:altcringfcbaijgin0tbeautli» tufec for the cleering ofccrtaiac obie Aions. 595 tfe of tDO380, von nolo alleaugc as obfcratng ttjc ttw. pjo* p;ktit of ftie fame too;D, foj ,td[)(d) you Di8 djalmgc rbem befOir. ^ Hereunto let vs adde({Qit l^m)that the latter learfied ,^b f)^. joi. tpr iters euen Chrifiihere the fifties are i»- „ inOfexa.ri. ^eluded either in refi orinpaines. SljC farDEC pon gO, t!)C mojg poti Q)cto, pou tmocrttano ncitbcc pagans noj €lj?iiiian0. £l)e fault pou foutiD ioltt) tt>e latin i?att)f rg kjas, tiat t&c p ^ vfe the tvord Inftrt tofignifie hell properlie andparticularlie^ ,/ Vdg.iii, that ts the place of the Damned', or elfe an other particular place ,, vnder the earth apart of heU and not firre from hellitfelfyvhere ,, fot4lesremay»edtfmtinpaines,yetinprifon^(^f:rfr.mthepLice ., of eternall HeJJednes cr iojf .l>ut this POtJ affiCmC // ^ meere and y^ flame ahnfion ofihewordJM^ toitljUl tlDO IcaueSjllljcn lercm U\% tt)C \3crtc fa;nc ti)ing,lil)id) pou miathr o bcfo:c,?mo cal* Ud a mccrc iinDplahicabnfiion cf tljc toojt!;you coiifeffc ^tfif efpicdthe trneproprietieofthe rvord Infernus . S^is \B bauDtUg ■>» ot }l5allc0 in a tennis Court.aiD not ante fcarc^ing after a trntt) in ttje rt)urcfe of 0u^t,Ti5at irbcn pour learning rcactjct^ no furocr,pou mnl! nn?DCB b;f at!) out ponr igno2ance>o; h^i* dlcpouctoong ,W^ Imtt) runnc (b bng ona toluntarte, tbat pou cannot tcU t^en pou '\3tt out , no; Uben pou ba; tn» icroni intiaoe teas of opinion tljat facfcjc u:i);t(!s Dcalft tl)f ri}ul£5 of all, as UjcH gooD as bao, ti^erc (^ut t}p in a place toitbin tUe f ar Cb; tbc go)D in cctt ano expectance of Cb^jtts coniming tbttbcrjbp bim to bee DcliurrcO; the baODe in patnes ano torments. Cbis place common tc b^tt) fo^tF, but telti^ DiffitenteffedSjIcrom Cvilletb infernus, y^iti:^ iw our CBtiijUf!) toongis bell.UDfitns place he feitb. ^ Irf emus locus eft in cjHo animi recludinturfiue inr'efrigerio fine in poems. Hell ** 'nOfc;'ca:r| . is a place in which fouies are included , either in rdt or in ■ paine . Here poa fate lerom efpicd the proprictie of the latine word Jnfernum or \nferi . llBce H fo OnCC POU iDtll «£COC0 iiaug tt CJ . 3l5Ut Infernum in t!)(S plicC DOtft (iDee,f« tio 3 94 The conclufion to the Reader, H8 toaie figniSe Q)t bingoomc of IjesnciT 3 Ergo t&e true p;io^ p^ietie of t^ toci^oe hifemum Doctt) not fignifietije liing* Dome of becuni . SHje Maiorispourotanc. Sjc Minor bj> (£5ot!0 gc^ce 3i tuill p^oouc cucn oat of Icrom. ^arhe is^el ^tj3 too:Dcs. Hiercin epi- Qjadfimile Inftrmu (^ regnu CAloram ? Wliat likcnes haue taphNcpotad /;2|^c.^«;/^ancithekingdomeot' heauen? ■pou faie Infemus tS HcUodorura. jg^^j^bp Icromc foj 'm l^mgDome cf iKaaeil; Ierome|)tm« felfc Celleil) pou the one hath no Hkencfse to the other . ^re pou not cangbt li^e a long bealieo Ojtng va pouc olcne grin? an& becaufc poii Sjail pcrcgfue it is not a tricfee , but a trnt^ Jijat BB p^effe poa teiil) out of lerom , ttjat i n f e r n v s bp ikj mcane0 S&%z kingDomcof (H^oo^aiiDconfequentltc mv&, be pjopcrliebf U ,(crceptpou UiiU bullDe netee receptacles foj Joules after vBjn^^aCcenOon iilierc gjep map bee, neitfer in ^l no? in l)0auen,)pou i^al baue mo?e out of lerom toacljing ;«ift Amos.c3.9 1^ true proprieties of %i it toojDs. ^cerne proprie- tates;ad infernvm descend itvr, ad coe- lvm conscendit vr . marke the proprie- TlES(0f t^rCtiUOUJO;D0:)TO HELL MEN DESCEND, TO HEAVEN MEN ASCENDE . %V^ Sgaitte , ^ Nom HP 1 r ft ^^ "^^^^ adnentum Chrifii , ejuamuis fanBos , omttes Inferni -,p flj ' leffe detentes. Porro ejuodfAnUi pofi refurre^lione domini neqaa- quam teneantur tnferno teflatur ^poJtoUis dicens^melius efidif- feiui (^ ejfe cum Chrtjlo'^Q^t antem cum chrifio efi , vticjue r,on tenet ttr in Inferno . Note that before Chrifts commingalljeuen the faints thefelucs,werc detained vndcr the laweofhehbutthac after the refurredionofoutSauior they ate not helde inhel, the Apoftle vvitne/seth when he faith; It is better to be difsolued and tobeewithChrift. And he that is with Chrift certainely is not detained in hell. S^erctsnoi^iftfngfromt^e fbjceof t^fe iuo^Ds.afoje beU ns fbep are ^jt rctoarbe^ of tbe itx^ m\t^ tnfuS -, fo^ (b mu(^ 9BSi\\k^ns9 in ett^c arc oirectlie repugnant ea4) to otber. for the clecring of certain obiedionsi jpy Sgatn ^at s h f. o lo.j h ad e s niappofffblte figntfic bcsuen 3 tjttctlpbfnpjbccaufe m l)5aacn bcCccs the fonlcs of men, tticrearettjc elect angel* of Ci;loe of fouler ; fo^ c^ep bee DtfperreD in bot^ tijofe place0. C 3^ cannot be DeincD,pca tetl fatejbaf Qje olDe teflfament referee it) She61,a6 n:;2 ^^cptnagint Doe Hades , bet^ to tftc goDlte ano toti^UiirbeDaficroeafli.] Stismofftruetfjat S heol in i^eb^cro , ano Hades in (Sreebe are applieD in t^ olDc Cetfamcnt bott) to ttjr gob mii) baD ; £l)c ^ueffion is not to iih at men , bat to tcbicb parts of men, gooo o; baD, Sheol anD Hades are refcrreD . Co tbe boDies of men, gooo anD laD , Iplng Deaoe in Hi? graue tlKP are (bnutimes applieD; to tbc foales of tl)? goDlie, as oetaineD in eit^r, tftcpare neuer applieD . Sheol anD confequcntlie hades tDitb tt)c ^cptuaginc, impoucfl) ftjctdjole Deat^ fljat is fine to Cnne , ano enerie part t^^^reof -, but bp no mrrnies fteaucn, tt^crc ttje fonlcs of ttje faintesare, no? ante part of ftat bliffe, W^ ftif p poireffe • g>ince tbe n as toell tbe Deatb Df ftje boDic in ^is *Juo;loc , as tbe Deatb of tf?c foule tn ^ m%t txH);lDe ijocre i^ toagc^ of finne *, Sheol atD Hades Cecs. Doe ^ 3p8 The conclufion to the Reader, Doe foimtimes (igntSe Qje generail If ate of oraDe hGtikf, m^m^ §)CrtptureDefcCib£tt)rortenncfle, filencc, for- getfulneffe , fenfelcffcnefse , contetnpt , diflionour, artOfac^ lifee to bee rn Sheol , ano l^c fame toojue tclieu it is refcrrco to t^ fDules of ttje tolchen as tbtrt DetaineD , 02 of f^ goD* it$ ns tiicnce tirUnereO; fo^ fo muc^ as tt)s foule cannot be tncloreDmtf)cgrsue;of neccffittBt^cpttpjcpaceo foj ftie (bnl00 of finner0 muK bce,bp all fncb tcjctes of S>c:lpo tares, tntenoeo . 515at tljat Sheol 0; Hades fl^onloe Gg- nt6^ t|!e lt)o;:lD0 of ponies , as iDCtl in bcauen as m l^ell, neitljcc tjatljt^is Hefuter bjotig^t ante Certc oj teafbn fo) it ^ mitlytv tutU bee euer bee able to p;ooue ft . ^UD Ijoljufoettei: one of late ^atb tahen t}ppon fjim to taifee of t{)ore ttjinges , ItUc one of ffje Titanes ty(t^ tigge mt* bombaffeD teacmesj ^5 feeing nothing in ttjat favDell of Us but l^tooles anc ra^Ungcs , meane not to al< termpcourfe. i^zn toacb^ng ^ fenfe of Sheol in t^ olDe Ceflfa- mcnt , 3 tafee if to bee clcare , tbat it fomettmes ^gnifiet^ Qjegraue o?t^e(fateof Deaoe bonfcs^ butncuertl)e tDo;ilQ of foules , ft^lcti p^iafc t|je Mefuter tiatb eangbt bp t^ tnu , bopfng at lengtb to conaeie it into tbe Crceoe. 51B«t tee mnfi fird Ojeloe tis ti^ere bee flnoe^ ante fact) tbtng in tbc^cciptares, before tdeemate futfet Urn tomahett an Article of onrfaittj. agatnffit enerie placets ap^oofej htit fo: it none tbat 3j reaDe,03 fljep tjaue pet alleageo . Ujep tl^fftc baiTDes , ano in ifeeDe of tbeieo^lDe of fonles tbep |j;jtng in ff^egrauc , O5^c0atcof DcaceboDteSi tjfttc^is tnt a tjaine aonrit^ , to p?opofc one tijing, ano to p?ooue an 0tbec. anfi flbougb pouCstt i$efuter)goetot3arp(ngof ,p .y u pb.aafes tDfjirf) 3 tbinbc is pour beflffUtn ; as , '^ The Hate of it the deade, the rvorlde of the deadc^ the vForUe offotdes departed^ pet 3 mail letpoatnoerSanQe tbcre \& gteat Difference be# tUiIrt tijefc rpecct)es. Sheol map erteno to the ic boDtes tt^ofe roulc0 Doe lit;€ in t^eauen : to tipetc tbules it cannot ; ans tlierefoje / . for thecleering of certain obiefl:ions. $9^ ftjSiitfm pea mull not rijop in t\)t one foj tlje oilm , as poue inftrui'^or oott), ^jo ^<^" t)c tooulD p2ou0 tl)c iDOjlD of foales, failettitjpaboueUeaDnnDeareJ! intott)cgrasie. SiljeDncpoti i^all tmx\£ Uljece Ugl/t en, of t^c ot^r tt;£rc is no nitiitiaiT. 00 tdjen lacob fafD to ljt0 fonnes , ^ you will make my hoarc iQ.jjgf .j^ Iiairesdercendto^^f£?/vvithrorrovv;ailDUUeta3Jf£l^€r. Dauid " ' faiD tfl Salomon^ "'' thou {halt make (5^e'/w«>)hoai-e hnircs de- ■"j.Reg.* fccnde to 6"/?;^^/ with bloud : aie fljttc white haires 0.2 bloud in tt^ tDo:loc of foaUs , as ttjere are m t^ grauc :» fijis is tije fi ?ie of osatie boDieSjbnt not of foalcs DcpatteD^ ^n tfec Be* flructionof Corc,DathananD Abiran, tljc§>ci*iptnrefatct^>^ " the earth opened her mouth &fvv3llovved them vp , and their "Numb.itf howrcn,and theydcfcended, and ail that were with thcmaliue loSheoU 0Uue is bottj boDie ano&aleineaeriemansetf. Jf 02 ba^ WcaD. 2Doe tSje bodies of men oefccnoe to poai* toojlo of foulcs:' 03 is it plaine ^at in tbts place muff be meant bp Sheol eitbtrhell ttbtcb recdueo bof^i tbeir boistcs ano foulesiijat toece in fijat rebellion againS (I5oD ; 0? at leaO tt)e beait of tbe eartbj Isdjidj receaueD tbsm lining , ftbereas oti^r men Dtc before fl)cp are committee to tbeearrt)? *'likefheepc(faiefbDauid) "PfaU?. {hall they beelaidein Sheol . ^re tljcre l^^pe, 0? ante refem* blance of l^ficpc inpouricojlDeof foules; 05 Dotl) Dauid ra» tber mcanc,tl)at, as Cjeepe are bounce, ant? 'Cdt n flaine , ana caff on ^eapes,fo l^all ^t tDicbes bee banelefc ? no^ue as ma- nie places in tbe f criptnres as note Sheol to be belolr, canoJ be refervcD to pour fe3o;;lDe of (mkQ ; foj fbep are as tueil ott l^tgl) in beaaen,as belota in bel'.SlaD tberefoie of fojce Sheol muflinaU tbofe places eittjer impojte ben ti^itbtsbelotw, 02 tbe graae £i$i(b is loioer tbcn tbe eartbiiliereDn men Doe liue.PThouhaft deliuered my n^uIe(faiU) Dauid) from the low- ' PfaLS oppofco to Sheol j (joto can Ueancn be incluDeO in Sheol? ^ To the highheauens what wflc ° ' ^ '• thou do f it is lower then Sheolj how wilt thou know it ? ©lUtll ponr learning ferns rou to mahe ttie bigb beaaensapart of ^Pfal i?9 ^^ ^°^^^ ^'^*'°^ •*" ^ ^^^ aflcnd toheaueojthou art there, (faictft DauidtO(I!5oD.) ifl lie dovvne in 5^^o/, there art thou alio. ^Q » Amos.9 ■ (Doh btmfelfe bp Amos: ^ If they dig to Sheol theic fhall my handefctch them ; if they afcend to hcAuen thence will 1 bring • Ef4.i4, them downe . dnO to tbe Um g of 2i5abllon. " Thou faiedll ' in thine heart I will afcende to heaucn , and climbc aboue the highth of the clou des .• but thou fhalt be pluckt down to Sheol^ euen to the fides of the pit. Xo men of anie meanc capactf te 3! tbinfee it be mantfeff, fljatafccnDingljere cannotbcuefcenoingj ^confcqcientlic fbat l>eauen is no part of Sheol, but a place rarDer oppofcd a« gainttit^albcitvourimpntjenctebefacb ^ m ttjc CtfeOpoa crpouno , he defeendcd into hell,bp tgc cleane contraric,fbat is, he afcendcd into hcauen. TBat tibat iinU not men of yoOC face anbfanOe Doe f 3 i^opt allgonu mfntotU bctuare of fud) erpoQtions . Mle Derioe tbc Cloffe of tbr Canon latoc fOjfaping5'f<«r«/w«/,/W^7?,^^r(7fl-<«»;»j,weeftablifh.thaiis,we - abrogate , l^oto riDtculoas ano auoacioiis tben is tbis p?e< fumptionjto faie Chrift delcendedintoheljthatls he afcendcd vp to heauen; but bereof in tbe clofc tibcn ^m }^Rut ftrlf ckn* '^Pfal.iifi reo pour fonDe conccites of s H E o L and hades. "" The dead praifc thee not (faid) Dauid to (000) norall that dcfcendc . into filence, 3if cbc fcr jptuces affirme as mucb of Sheol,boio can Sheol be tbe tooalD of foiilc?:' pea boto can Sheol bee bca- tten 3 ix^cre tbc foulcs ixi^^t ano Datc,tt;at is euerlaainglie, 00 for the clccring of certain obiC(5lions. 40 1 (0 nothing bntpiatfc (S5oD , an!) confedetmto Mm ^ ^ono? Oflytd namcf y Shcol(faletfjEray) cannot confcfscvnto chce, y^^^ j neither can fiich as cJefcende vnco the pit truft in thy truth, ^f a (fafet^ Salomon,) ^ Thercisnoworkc , thought, knowledge, «Ecclcfiaft.# nw wifedonie in .J^w/, \^ hither thou gocft . Jf Shcol bf c (^ tDo;lD of renins, t^p be all a fleepe , tliat iteift^r tioe fpeabe, no; (timhe ante ttitng* 3>tnaU ace tbek (opefi , snc leflfe ace Qjefr paitie^,tti)ici) Q>ep tteaer fi) mnct) a0 Cbtnke of . &o t^at neit^r l)eU,no? {^aoeti^no? anp part of pour U)o;lD of Coaler can bee tieece ttiticrffooDc bp Shcoi fn Salomons tooaoetf; bat of mcece fo:.cc it nmH be ttc <^tatje fxbece t^ boote Ip- C(^ tJOlDe of fenfc, fpcach , aflion , or cogitation. 2!be ceS of ff)e plac00 of tbe elDc Ce0ametit Ixbcce Sheol id namcD,con' carre tutt^ S^fe ; ano tmpojt eit^r tbegratte , tobtcb i^ common to t^ goDlie lottb tbe tD(cbcD,- 0; elfe $at pit ^tci) (d pieparcD fo; tt)e foalcs cf Ctie totchtD , iJi^lcbcan iet none etbec place , batp^tctCelie ano pzoperlte hell. Mlbat fcrtcs ^p ace of tt)e latoc ano ttie p?o?&etg , tubcre Sheol . . is namcD, tijai cannot brereferrcD to tbe graue, 3 bane ^ ^^*^'*^' fn fbe treattfe before fpcrtfieD ano ^ JiDleo fucb of tijcm, ns 91 (bongbt fufEictent , cfpcciallte' reccaatng no anflsere to tnp reafons , but tte Sphmgicall pcrplfrtttes of an btg^ tntnoeD ^atSer ; t^ofe \J3oms Mti) mcc , tbongb tbep bee of tbelargcttflf^e,acebatinmDe. 2notbercro:eHlrell tpont^ fame gronnnciS mn p;oofcs, f^tcb 31 nta^e bcro}e, 1010 ftsxi^t to (aaiSe, tbat in no place of (be oloe 02 netoe te* ffamtnt , trbere sheol oj hades are naaicD , Cticit too^lD of (bales t0, oa canne bee tjnoerSooDe^let tbem name tme Git placed , 3 tuiU p^efentlte fcno Cbr m bp €^000 grace an anftoerc. ag foj H A D E s (goo& KeaDer) bp fijifcb toojae (fje S)ep* tnagint erp^eflfe tbe !^eb;ae sheol^ in all ttjtfe terfcs, t^ere $on fee(f (be too^oe sheol, tt)oa matelt alTure tbp felfe t^ ^eptnagintbCeH AD es in ffttbe t^reof , anfi ^ terie fame realons Q)at fetue fo) sheol, feme fo; h a j> e s fn ifffx* encrie 402 ThcconclufiontothcRcadcri enctk point iDtt^out erceptton : 0rd tl^at mahctb mt fo^o- lie to f^tppe G)c ^mtling of hades tntt}e ^cptaagmt, flRDto refcrre tlje Dtfcnaing ttjereof till 3 come tot^epla^ cosof tf}eneU}eCeiiametit. j^otDttie confcquent of fijat 31 liaue alleagcD ettt^ec tieere o;{ before, t£; ttitg; tt)atb^ s H E o L aitt H A D E s tn t^ olDC Ceffameut mutt nd?tie» be mcante d^cr HELL, ttje grave ,03 ttwtr world b ©F sovles, ^icbt&cpfomucbtalbeof; if no place in G!}t oloe CeSametit ooe ncccdatUte cnfo:ce tf)cic tt)o:lDe of fonles to bet UnocrHooce bp eftbcr of tbefe tuo^Dcs , tben iA rematnetb^tbat in ttbat mtcs ts^ gtaue maie not bee enDureo to bee tbc meaning of either of tbc fe iooitits^ tbere Uiee conceaite tbc place of tbe Damiuo mad bee tn- tenDEDtncttl}€rof tbcat ^erufcbotbtfjc obfcruationg ano vi 3 17 attf S^tions before , ano tbou l^alt fee totb tbr tertrs ano Vidcp g. 47 fljg p2oofe5,t£btetbe place of tbc oamncD muft often brebn* oerUooDc bp Sheol tn tbe bcohes of tbelato miu tbep^opbct?. 3! bopc tbon tuilt tbmfee it fuperfluoos foj met to aefenoe it, m enlarge it,bcfo5e aniemanDoeparticularlie Impngne it* &>o (bat ttbatfofucr pen p?ate ( S)ic Kcfatcr ) VDltboot toafgbt 0; toarrant toocljing Sheolj count it lip labo?;libcn pona3pourbelpcr6b;jtnganictbtng Ipojtb tbe regarotng, pou (^at find me reaote to ceceaue it^o; refute tt^a0 tbc mat' tcr DcfetKetb. Sheol tben in tbe olDe CcDfammt, ano Hades in (be .^f p* luagint lignifi)?ng fomtimes tbc ffate of Dcaoe bobiis fcd)icb is tijc graiic ; fomc timers tije place of BcaDe foulcs, liibtcb is bell; but neucr tbe too^lD of fouler, tobereof fome are in be» «cn;lettJ0fcelxbat fojcc hades batb in tbe neiu telfamenf; 03 febetber it can tlj( nee be p?oueD, tbat Hades impojtetb tbe tuo?lD of foule0.^0(' mv^tiks of (I^oD ttjcre mojefnllp De^ clareo bp tbe gofpel, tbcn bp tbf laUi,^ tbe bingDom of bca« uen tuas moje p?f cifcUe fcuereb from tbe feingoome of ^a* tanbpCb?itt, tt^cn bp Mofes. ^lailbat Mofes oarbclie tba« lotued tmoer Sgurei^jtbat <^}ifi ceneaUD in plaiue too^oe^ for the ciccring of certain obiedionSi 405 miDftJfrsfo5elH;Hfirc,td)ic!)t£i obfcurelicmmiontQ tn tijc laU) anD p20pbet5,is often ano opcnlic iiaaieu bp ti)e moutl) of oar a)aulour ; ano h a d e s, tiiif^ befbjc cttcntco to gooo ano bflD,t5 notoebp Sjc tcjiterfi of tbc nchjefeilflmcitt te* 0ramcD to tbe place of t^t DamncD . ^0 ^at Hades \vi^ tfce lignifietb beU , aw) tbc potocrs tbcrcof , am) not tl)5! Beatb of tbeboDte,ntntblctrett)C toojiDof foulcs. Ctamplrsljcrcof 3f bauegincntbre(gnUl£HcaDer)m tbc " Eccatifc btfojr; faustbat itbcnrtafoneD ttje Dtatbof tbcboDtctoajEitctfig- y'«Pss-'7» nifiea bp hades, to^icb note tl^fc Deulfcrs banc ttangce into ttjc WORLD OF sovLEs. 3mofItterefc:cnoU)eoucrrunaU tbofc places agatne, ano t^ciuetbat tbc WORLD of sovles cannot bee erp^ctTcD bp ante of tbofe places, ^btcb ^ tDtll toitb as mocb b:eaitteasBB canne, confibectng tbc U)ire j^eaoerisillfoonebee able toOiCcerne tbts nti^cCamtfa* Doe latelfeoffeisD iDitbfbe WORLD of sovles. Cbe firSptacetS, ^V^^ocio thcc ChorazJn ^^udwocto thee Beth' "Mattn y?i/<^<»,fa(tbOUrS>antonr:y And thou Caperftaur/rcxiUcd to yLuc«,io hcauen, fhalt bee brought do wnecuen to li ell; krhallbce caficr for Sodomc in the day ofiudgcment then for thee, ^jat Is dDobs cotfe anc Ib^catcs to fmpenftent Cnners :* h e l l, ojtbcvvoRLD OF sovles? ancin^bate of fubgcmntt, bbcn tt^tr punilbnient l^aU bcc greater ^n tbc Sodomites, (ball ibrp go to bell fire, ojtotbcwoRLD of sovles.? 3 p;jate pon (&fr IXefuter,) tj^cre are tbc Sodomites at ibts boarc:' tn bell oa tn pour vv o R l D of sovles? 3^11 |)eU3!tbtnfee. Saint lude fattb, "" They do fuftaine the pumfh- «Iyd«,cpift, ments of eucrlafting fire . 3S tbat pOBt worlde of SOVLES ?if tt be itct,9jcp (bal certain Itc be fja^cxe ttj£ Sodo- mitesace, pea tn tc^o^fc cafe fliall tbcp bce,an& ^at Bi fuppofc tnntt bee in beU, mvi not in iKaaen . Ibe fecono place is in ftClDOjDesof Cb;i6toPeter, ''Vponthisrockewilllbuildc «Matib.i^ my church, and the gates of hell fliall not prcuaile againft it,and I wil giuc thee the keycs of the kingdom of heanen.fije world OF sovus tioti) not tmpngne I Snr(b,tt)ei:fo}e it is no 0gne ^ff2. ol > Hiero, in Match. I < 404 The conclufion to the Reader, f)r€5et)0fanoar, fo^tt^alnot top^et^aflecgaindtije diort^ 0gatne , t^atfornet p;tmik not , ytt if !}cU p^cuatle, tiSrat fafctic ^at^ tt>e cl}«rcl) :» i^crrSc ano tniquttieace t^ gatei of \)t\\ agbttngagamtt t!)e t^ur^,30 toctt na crut Itir. ^ £^# tortas Inferni reor vitta atquepeccata , vel certe harvticorH doC" trinat jfer ejHdi tllecit homines ducuntur ad Tartarum . Nem9 itaauepHtet de tnorte diet , quod apofiolicondit torn mortu fub' i€cii nonfuerint ^ quorttm martyriAvides cornfcM-e ^ Ithinke (faf ^ Icrom,) the gates of hell to be vices and finnes, or clfc hc- refies, by v\ hich men being enticed arc led to hell. Let no man therefore imagine it is fpoken of death , as if the Apoftles were not fubieft thereto, whofe martyrdoms thou findcii fb famous^ ' Ditrna adificatione tllim *Tetra, quA infernos le^es^O' Tartarr tortus , (jT omnia mortis dauflra dijfolueret . It was a Rocke (faiS) Hilaric) worthy ofChrilh building, which fhould diflbluc the lawcsof hell , the gates o^Tartare , and all the Cloiftcrs of death. §>0Origcn , ^ P ort^ inferorHmdicentur etiamprinctpa- tutacpoteflates^ adnerftts fjttasnobis eft cotlu^ntio . The gates ofhell may the powers and priiKipalities bee called, againtt the « BcJa in Mat. "which we haue to ftriiie. « P or tas inferni hdtreticamprauitatem 16, HominAt'iftue vttia (jrpeccata , vnde mors adanimam venit^\it gates of hel Chrift calleth //i(er ' wf f hell,butallk:ndofrinnes anDGreoorie:g/'tfr;rf/«f;//&rfrf- J .p«rniicnualey^-^y^'^> ^^'^ ^JtMjitnferortmf adtttifn pandunt. The gates ofhell arc hcrefieSjWhichopenasit were diepafsagcto heU. Sljic Sftt gcnerallcounceU of ConOantinopte totS) one fall confent *'Syno«l.^.con- allOtDC^ tftc famC* ^ PerUinferninonprAualehtmt adaerfw C' ftantinop. Scfs ^m ,id eji hareticorum hngud mortiferd. . The gates of hell that i$ the deadlie tongues ofhereiickes , fbalnotprcuaile againft the church, l^ou mi^\)t ^aue tnoje, but ^efe ace enongt;. f^cre (g>(r HefDtery pon teQ a Isngano a foltf^ tale of oeatj) out of pone otone braoe , as (f or/dofthedead,tm^OU. SHjetDOjlOeof V^ i9 , tieaDjifttjecebi} pot]meanDeaDboDie0,i0al onetuitl)Dca% if pon bnoerftano tbe totnlD of ConleB , ttjat Ijatti ttpo partes |)eaoenattD^D,t4)i4iof ttitfetUJODiDfonoto after oeatf) to ifff3. ^flpe - /{o6 The conclufion to the Reader, f?elp Pcffro^ n^ four$ part of tbt tartt)} Qyc fetngdom of bca m Apoca.j>, ^^ *^ ^^^^^ pjcpofeo m tfjc fcripturee a6 a OeOrci'cr , bot ^c Ulucll ^atlj ijtfl proper name tn ftt^ bofef » "^ o a-toA- Kja,7 the dcrtroyer. 0gatne , tljiiS UffiQH §>. lohn fa to at t^e opentwj of tt)c fcattt) ^eale,but ttjc tooilD of foalcs in lies* uen toas QjetoeDtjIm in ttjc opening of rtjc fift ©talc, til5i(ti p^efentlte foflotoctt) in tijs nfrtt)erfetn tijcfe toojDs. And when (f^e lambe)had opened the fife Seale,! faw f faltj) loho^ ApocaAverfi?. vnder the altar the Ibules of men fljyne for the word of God, and for the tcftimonie ofthe Lambe- STuctoOjlD of foulrS in lieauen toas fistte in (tie opening of tlse fift feale ; t^ercfoie t^at world offoulcs tocis not fane in t^e opening 0f ti;e foarH)§>ealc;fautof fbjce.ffbp hades votitDtfl tnter- fiatiD anif too;2lD of foule0,it muS be of ttiofetbat tocre in H EL L.l^otobdt becattfe b^c DiD accompanie bratb tbat liiasfenttoDeftcop,Bi take it ratbev tobre tbe poiDcr o{ tbc DeutU, tbat i0 tbere oefcribeD; 0jrn ante too^Ib of foulrt;* ns ^onb^eante* 0nD tbat cbe otaell Dellropctb as \ml\ tba bobie ais tbe foule*,if it be Orange to pou, pon are a great ec 0ranger in tbe ^crtptaret! (ben pea tooulo (eente tobee* job.i Wo tb^eto tbe bottfe bpon tbe b^abs of "lobs (H^ilD^en can lob.i poutell;' 03 txbo fmotc lob Ijimfelfe toi^ tbat loatbfomc Difcafe f [ S5ut fifC foartb part of tbe earfb, pou faie, conib not go to bell ; 3 CDob grannt no mo;e t^n t^ fourtb part go ftitber. ijieucr rcabe poo, ** many called •|Maih.i», an(i fcwcholcn j» and P though the number of the children ' ^ora;*. pj- jfj-api i^g 3j tj^g fjj(^^ ^f jhg 5ga ^ ygj jjut a remnant fhali be faued. £inD tibpttiigbt nottbe b^agon aa tocll oe- UOare Cbe fourtb P^rt of § eartb, as ^ draw downe frcm hcauc with bis tayle the thirdpartoftheftarresf^2iftbfre J^OU tabc .fjApoca. X* a ceriapne ntrnibtr foj an ftncertatn,tt[jicb is ^.lohnsman* net; of tv?(ting in tbis bisbe^ ixbp not a0 tocU bere ns elte li^ere.' tbefc tb^cefc^e area couple of iDieqnartelj;;iftb£re be pour beS , ponare mo;>e toilltng » tben able to bo ^aimt, ^ttt bp p fame Uioabd in t|^ fame ba>be,tD( l^aU better tn^ for the clcering of certain obiedions. 407 6erttatiuftbatt« mcntbpHADEs,tf)en by pour tDantJjing anDtocahegl05C.|!Deatt)ailti HADES, fatttjSi.lohnwerecaft Apocajo. into the lake officr . ^ It were a^furd ( pou aDDC ) to fate death "^ . p4g,i |tf, and hell were cafi into hell. Crtw; but ttioje abruro, ano moje blarpljemous to fate , tbat Deatb miD tbe too^lD of foultd fi^allbee caDf tnto tbe labeof ficr. $^i\i\m notonlie tt^ ^aintg of Cl^od, but bcauen it felfcl^oulD bee cafT (nto bed fier. l^cttfUJC tafeetbccontaiHing foj tbecontaiiieo,lj:|)(cf) f s tljc mott tjfaall pb?afe of ttje §>cripture,as ^ wo be to ihce Chorazin^wo to thee Bethraida,& thou Capernaum: as ll'ae- tJJath IV. iDtfe 'lerufalemjlerufalem which killcft the prophets; & it flial be eafier for Tyrus & Sydon,tDltb a ftjOUfiBiD fart) euerp liber occurccnt, tben (0 it an eafic « true fpcacb, ttjat bcl,to toijfc tbc poU}ers of bell ; euen rbc bluels n^rmrclncB djaU be call into tbC lake of fier. anOfoDotb Andreas 515if^0p of Cefaria trpounD it, " '!::rQv^^c<.q SUvcc^uug , Tocg rov aJ^ny Ix^aocg, y Andreas caC the wicked fpirits the pofTcflburs of hade s, (Tiall be caft into hel in Apoca,M.. fier.EnDfO Bede " (JKors (jr Infernus mijft funt in fiagnftm »o- ignis. DiabolHmdfcitetfiios, i^ttemfu^ra in etjuopAllido feden- ^^^dam um Infemus feqftei^atftnDeith & he! fhall be caft into tlie lake ^P°^*- ^ officr. He meaneth che ditiel & hiSjwho before fitting on a pale horfe hell followed, 03 pet Hitti hades in t\)t nefco Cel?«- mentid not onliea tbtng Different fiotn Deatb, butcuen bell it felfe; mtD pour U)o;ilD of Conies in none of tbefetepts can finD anp bolo 07 bclp.ilet MB foe tbc Kft, srbat 0 firficf t^Rcuc!ation9n^li2ccccpte3,lt)jerei^oug|>t!)$rc be no tDQ^Des to (mpagne tt,pct aru Sjcre nsne to app?one it« ifsj is tu^at vidlo- rie C^al t:i! (nil *innt againlJ tJjf ^fijo^lD of fealeiJ in tJjc latt Dapj Cnccft)f ir a^iini: Csnlcs rsiolce to rcceUic ^tif fcoDtea ,- an& a* gstntl tijc iO'^ic;.' of t^e tuicliED tf>gp ne^tijrtmap no? lulli (n» fait? 3fflj?trfcu'tcmainct|) tt)^it t!)cugt) hades toCib ttie ^eptn^t'in: ti5friul£ cjtljer bodilis death n;jHEL L-yct in t!)ei-vno Ceiiamau '^sre h ad e s ts CtercabeD ?m a DlSfe# rent tb^^.i!: nom death , ano fsiltJiyuig after death, H A D E s of IK ccw'tttCjlscmg NOT DEATH, mnU u^ors (in^ po:tHnLL.!©ftbe 'f>i5Ct tn qilf Sion , Thou wilt not kauc my loulc in ri A D E s, 31 iDiU t>et fate nothing , fatit luiU ccme to tt)c lDc:b5 of ^e Cree&e, ChrKHcfcended £o H AD E s, aitofearc^ t^at nin3 be t^e meajiii^^ s? h a d e s fn tbsi article* ©Kb it 33 t^Ms tt) ^ SjS' «^rsmrig ut Hades tn tijc Crce&e, ti^ere tt i^ faiD, Chriil defctadcd lo i I A s Sj as alfo &3)at tea* (bn0bja&uiBtI?^reant9,rii)ao|ailj *S;}3^ilairi^catierjtntljcfo3^ met ^'Cre^ttrcti^^^u iljsit^ftb 32iEi5i; sals ^noe tttbere, fbenBl "^^^^^'^'^7t* repeat it ijeiL'-jt^Oiijis nsac^ i-bi.-s Cenfufer confcO'ctfjo; cefiflel!;, t^at mnS 1 noisi crgiisuig. l^l;c^ Bi obtert tbat in afljo^Jt forn of tije erc rm^DieSe , r^n agatnH tf^ nature of ^ Creese t snfi ta^fe a oacbe aitt; yis^r& fU^&^e aftet' a plaine on* tadcM lanr^afymUt imt ab; .. r.!>j aai'iueretf?;, » 1/ is true, fholdit vnredfomhie aliogither r-; the jl'ort and vulgar „ % Vug, i i*j Creed^appomtedeucnfsr th^cammon Chriftium^tQ vfeworhdinrke ,, md dffficHlt .^ndwhen the fame thingis'hy ditiers'yvords expref ^^ Jed^tbe Luer ottght to hs the lighter and clecrer, 'therefore I fnllif j^ grafitjn the (freeze fpecutllie,the phrafemufl be fAmiliar^ irmall^ j, €A]k and^Uim, ^ ti.jgeo %® things to be obfcj:nsD m ^ eiC' ,j . 410 Thcconclufion to the Reader^ pounDing tijc (i:recDe,^c words to be proper ant enftJrrnf loftli^ cut fi^iitatim obfcuritie, t^e things to be different loftbont (Die rcpcrttton.miD ttje order to be confcquent totSjout ante confa* Uon.nt ^onfuter sgcectl) iuitb me hi rOUr CrpO' fition, (5)ic'iXefuter)fs cleanetb^utt OKtof DcD;e5. ifojnei* tbettoitbtbeauncientspatttcrsof tbe dDraebe tongue, blj^cb toere tbe poets , noj tof ^ tbe §)eptnagtnt , nc? toiS) tbe \XiiiUx& of tbe netoeEellament, no;j tola) tbe people of fl)at time ,tn tbeir DnberaauDing , b(D h a d e s euec fignifie tbe lDo:!lDeof fonlts toi^ontmiie limitation of ffate, 03 place* 2gaine (bat gcnerall ano inoeSnite toojloe of fouIeSjtDitbout refpect of bell 03 beauen, is no point no? part of t^t <2b.:iffian faltb. i?03 faitb toatbing Cb?tft muff not be general! 05 am* fcfguous, but particular aniscertatne ♦ 3!t is nofaiSb, mndj Icffc an article of tbe faltb, tofaie, Cbzitteisfoule after tieatb ijurnt feme whkher ; (be crccDe muttc fpccifie ^ plac2 iDljttbcr it iBenfbtfoze it can bee a matter of faitb, (batmulf rbre bslseucD . SnD tbsrefcje h ades Doctb point oat 93Z particular place , as bell 03 b^auen tobitbcr CbjiOcs fonle luent after oeaftj , tcfoie any man map cbalenge it to be tbe true meaning cf tbat article. ^ Va^. liS; «« 31f anic bOC. aske particularlie whither is this ? |5oa auiT* **■ fUJCr , ^mmelj intohca'Aen : forvphither(hoptId the Saints go elfe ? for the clccring of certain obicdions; 4 1 1 S^US in tkHe tiSafamiliar, triuiall, eafic, on^ piaine crponttOIT, C^?tff5fOal0DESCENDE,D DO VVNE TO H AD E SJ (!)at <£F, it ASCENDED VP TO H E A V E N. ^rtDfO bj? talUn? llCaUCll fejheli, anO aiccnding vppc foj dcfcendingdownc , pon IjaaC qutcbclie maoe an cnoe of ttis mattrc . Wi\)it fl)f n goc on Uj(tt) pouc tu(re ^aieer, aitD mafec hades, tDljict is fi)e ct)t(f(! Diucll, to bee God , attti pou baae made a per- fect erpodttoncf ttje Cceeoe , fitte fo) fad) as attrtbnte to ^tuelf, tDbat tbep Hjculoe attribute tjnto C5^2D. ^as t^is t^ pla(nc3 ami eafiea toate foj t!)c gpolIeUhe men to teacb tfje people , Cb;stt!cs foule afcenceD t^ppc to t^eamH) b^ fapiitgijfc DESCENDED TO HAINES? 2nii DtD ttjc people fo btU tnoerltantiettieni? ^ou ttatetpounoe t^is bp t^. cleanecontrarte,aitD fate ^^be brU fo hnDerffoirur ,110 mar< uatletf^^on arrogate fo mnct)t}nto poarfdfetnfiranitngtbe ^crtptures to ponr fenne0 ; yon male luttl) little Hanrc p^ooue a fpcEDie erpofitonr of tlje §)crlpture3 . ^ut, ^ir, iDlfe men ttjat regaroe Wt faitf) mo;e tben pour follpes iDtU aflte ; iDliere pou fmoe befccnoing fo3 afcenomg , ano Hades foj treaucn ? 3|f pou p:eten&e Plato , tbeptoUl tell pon, ttjat to embrace a p;luate conceite of Socrates agalna all t^ former Ci5rec&e0,againfitljc&eptaagint,agamati)eC* MangeliC£{,anD apoflle0,ami eutoentlie againlt all tt^c fatljf rs is nottocrpomiDc an ^tttcUjof tbefaiQ), but tbe iirrt tuaic to b?liig|aaganifme Into t^e CreeOe ; ano t^at bp fo licentt- ousano leloDe a traDe of open peruerttng tbe luo^o^s of tfjs Creeoe , ano tafeing fotoje foj flucctc, caloe foj beat?, caill fojgooD > ^at notbtng fl^allflariCcrounDeif ttjts bccaomtt* tiD.['3tt0, pea raie,an^eb,:stDe pb?afc* ^So Ucobfpah,l,^^vag:i^s rvill goe downe mourmng to my %onne vnto Sheot , yet \acob „ thought not togoe to hell to hif fonne ^ but among the [onles of,^, the godlie deade , that is tofiicy into heauen.2 3t batb bffne j| nitetelie toell toloepou, fijat Shcol neuer Cgntfpett) i$ca* mn in all t^ ^crlptnre$ , but tbat lacob meant iKe tsouloe goe mourning tnto Shed , tfjat i$ to ijts C^raue, iTfuQng totals ante comfort tobiie^ ^eltutD,nnfel}t0rcnne • JL12 The conclufion to the Reader, iibat fcnfepleafett) poii m euertf place ; m^ t^n poo fate it is plaiue ajti)common.3;rtOffiD« V^'iJ'^ ^§i^o>^^-"ce anD infotencir is terieplamc 0211 common; brittor iuterpictatbrstxticl) pott nialieof ^cnptmTjl'cabfurcciriStio^etijfnfcDlillj^ ^mm imtng mate teeU be faio ic DcfccnD infc t>«3 gratis ; Itaiiig ijt'e 0>imt^, oping be lisfi) tjotune 5 «id tfecfaceofttH'fart^ on td^ki) tac arejifi ^igbcr ftjc n tfce bctrt I0 of tijc varft) ^'cre luf e !tg ijiirieD ; but cf a foule efcctiDing tst^ to bf aiitit, to fap it De* fccno^ct} to ^cU , iiS a p^;afc of vcav mshir g, cud fit fe: pone fcil^i^tct)i3gcii&£D mo22bj?&tU£tn:nbvi:rt}ti;. iSiafjrnvoa p?3U2 t^efe ttuopotnt0,^at k a d e s (0 h e a v e n in tfec ^aip* tarci5,3ltD tijat des'cending is Ascending, tuetuiU l)C3EHen to pear crpcfition; UW iijrn Wit \im Icauf it as a Dif^ tmiper 0? ]?oar tmfetlco b?aine. ^m it^ laU trpofitton of tf}? 8)2 ec t\!;lf^ remamtft , 3; baue (I^clt?ci5 tljGe(C]j?ifitan rcaticr) bp tt^ particnlsr ci^curr (lances viae pAing tt)ltl)cr being bctlj l^onouiab^ tcinj)7,anD contfoj^ tabk to tMf,as 3D l)aue befsie ceUuercD itllaCip j fee no csKfe el^cr in tljijj Confatcrs JJifiUulCKS powpljlct , oa in Ijis abet- tors [^ for the cleering of certain obicdions. 413 torstempcfiuousandfuriouslibell,Ujt;P ante man fljCUlDDiiltlje 0? ctdrufl tt)iB crpofirton, ac unfit fo) ttjc tuojDcg, c: bnfouno fo) ttjc faitt) of ct)f CrrcDr. Co loaD tbcc lotit) auttjouties mere tomaUc an o1>crt3o'unic ; tt)out!)alt oncltc fee 3 l)auc not traifct) it of mine otonc bca:c,Oat foat it Ijatt) bottj antiquttic fcnt, miD5ntt)o;jittetDitt>tt , ano fo i toifl niaiic an cnDc. Cyprian in ^iS 3>Cttnot\ Of Clj'ilfSpafi'tyn j " .I/'y} dicitadpn- 'Cyp"='i?,'^f tre/ton ^erclmques anima meam in iufsrnoynec fines co •'rnfrjpi car^ pa ion nn t • ttem r/jeamtnfepulchrOj qnix vbi inpr^fentia tlliti^^effra^is ir.feris efi capthi^ita cuptiuitas ^prjtfcutata vitlrice a>ii?»,i i*jprdifenttap;t' trU ad corpus fuum fine diLttionerepierfas efi, Chrilt faieth to his Father , Thou wilt not leaue my foule in hell , nor luffcc my flcfli to rotte in the graue , bccaufe asfooneas captiiiitie was lubdued , hell being broken vppe in his prefence , and his trium- phing foule prcfented to the light of his Father, hee without delay returned to his bodie . Arnobios to;{itinu[ tjppon ttj€ ^imD2Ctl)tt)trtieanafe0C«ttjPraImc;i' Pofieavidtt h.fens, (Jr lomh fftBfis efi fion [alum a caliiSedi^ a^ipTa terra: zy^hfU pro- , . . jHf'.dadcjcendens fcidit^& qKUi'ndereMYtcrctur ad It^peros.O' quia , . a [imperii remearet ad coclos. Attcrvvard Chnlt went to hell , and was farrc rwt onelie from heauen, but from the earth : dclcending hee brake the bottomlefle dcepejtbathcemightthenccreturneto life; and from the nee to heauen. Ladlantius ill ^is t)^VfCS Oi* £b^ Kfurrcftton, falt^. ■q Irifiia ceflarmtr^ern^ vincuU leqis, -iLaaan.phce. Lxpati ta^L haes luminis ore prcmt . ^g^. j^ DeperefifJt te>iebr£,CbriJii fpflgorefugatt^ 9y£ter)ta, Kociu pallia crafa cadunt. The fearefull bands of the infernall power cea/ed, and Chaos was afraid ro be opprelTed with the light of his prefence.The dark- nefleofhell was chafed away with thcbrightnesofChrift, and the f Athanar.ad grolTecouerinosofcternall night vani{}ied.Athana(ius,yIjpy^(r/?^i Libcrmin, v'trtHS^cfHirafernum expngrutuit ^ ^ tmperium Diaholi demolitus efl^qui Dem in defcendedo^deus in afcendendo.corpusfttnm a mortc excitatftmpatri reprttfsntamt^ac vindicauit amorte pib cuius im- per to tench^tHTt Chiift is the power ofGod, wluch furprifcdhell, Ggg 3 and 4^^^ The conclufion to'the Reader^ and ouetthrewe the kingdomc of the diuell , vvho beeing God in defccnding.and God in afcendingjprcfented his body raifed from . . death to his father, and tooke it from death,vnder whofe power ic trinitatJjb 4. ^^®^ heldc.Hilariiis. ^ Hie ergo vnw eftmortemm inferno per imcm, ffeifioJiritfidemreft^rreciionecoKfirmAns^corrupttoKentcarfjis hu' man£ gloria fui corporis pertmens, Chnft alone is hcc that in hell killed deathjConfirmed our hope v/uh his refurreftion, and dc- ftroied the corruption of mansflcfh , with theglorieofhis ownc «Ba(il:inprA.44 bodie. Bafil .- Habes ergo nrj/rrham oh fepnltHramguttam oh de- fc^njionem adiftferaum, quodfion inefficax tn fepulchro permafife-' rit jfedadinfertium defceKderit^gratia difpenfationis circa refitr' re^ioftem ahfoluetjditf vt qu& defeipfo erant oracuU Prophetfirumi vmtterfa expleret : Thou haft(in ti)i5 Pfalme) myrrhe for his buri- alljdropping for his defcent to hell,bccaufc hce lay not in his grauc without force, but defcended into hell to difpatch thinges need- full for his rerurrc6tion, that hec might fulfill all that the Prophets " Nazian^cn. forefpake of him. Nazianzcne Uiafiet^CtJ^ltteS motllfr tofa^ in chriftopa- gf ^j^l^ " uitvhi veneris iu atram noEte ^Intonis domum, In^ " *^* fernumacerbo tAculodefixeris » But when thou wenteft to the houfe of Pluto, where darke night is 5 thoudiddertthrull thorow «Fulgentiuiad ^^^ v^'itb a wounding fpeare « Fulgentius : ^ Dauid fpake of Tl5rafimun . Chriftes rcfurrc6tion,that his foule was not Icftin helJ,nor his flcfli dum.Iib.3. favv corruption. In this then theGodheade of Chrift fhewed the powerofhis impalTibilitiejthatbcingeuery where, alwaies, and vnfpeakeablicprefcnt , ic wanted not to his flefh , when it ^w?ccizA not his foule to fccle any painc in hell, neither forfooke his fouic in ^Bcdam helLwhilcsitkepthis flcfh fronuottins in the grauc . Beda Dlir ** ^* countrtmsnl^aUbraxlaSjyMyflcfh (fa(t|) Dauid of at CL^iiil'Dcfccntitng DclIropcD Mcqucnc tbcUmgoomc of ^fltan, ano fraoaU tl^fairbfuU fronuucc conimina tbftljur. srije cett of ttjc CTonfaterg talhc is Iifec {1 frotfj of (ks fea,Cdj((ti tDiHD itoaucfiroB to anDfrcjlbmEttmcs tjc runnctt) ttic tuap, anD f^n bacSe againe ano^c toap jfaping ano tinfaping l)cc biwtoeit) HotbotD,ito:tDbat. ^sometimes Ije fattl) l^ Crccoe, aUD nATtKl)/ this article Chrifi defcended to H^dcs could not hee _ WM^/^ /t?»g- <«/}tf r the Apflles time-thereof I gnAtim a»d others m^fi '* ^'^^' ancient do fpedke.'^n anott)Cr plSCe be fattb; Wefindalmvfiallthe '' p^„ j^^' Creedes^certninlie the mofl ancient efly and the btfi of them to rvant thefe wordes ofChrtJlsdefcendingintobelU^n 6n0 place bC fafff), ,*,* The (y-eedes which rvefittd in Tgnatins , Irenaus^ItiflinHS Martyr y „ "» Tag, 167, TertHlliayOrigeft^AthanaJiHS^AMgHfiinus^the Nicene^CoJlantinct „ •politan,Teletan^SfheJine,al thefe neuer thought that Chri^s gang y, dorvne to hell^was anie dtfiinEi or certaine Article of the (fhrifltan „ faith. ^nn V^tMB^C\^ COnkdcn^ fgnatf us and others mojl ann- ^y 'P^i'9S* T cient doefpeake namelie cfthis Article . llBQt,^tr, bSUC tbcfe » . CcccDcs iJDbicb bete psuctte, alltbcrcff of tljc articles (bat ace m Cbe SpoQUs CcecDe i B! bope tbere tDant in (bmc of ibem a gooo mantc . jfoj fbeferebcarfals in fbe clDgg ifaSjersSDocbat toncbe (bine of ^ articles of tbe Creeoe, ani)^eU]0 tbatQjerelDas fni^ a compendions bmfe of tbe ifattb rccciueD amangH Cb2f2iarjs from tbe beginning* aiie CoancclS of Nice, Coni^antinoplcjEphefus, anS Otber^, • luant eiterie one of ^m funo^ie articles i^at are in tbe ^po« files CreeDc, atD^atJoe ottjcrtbat arenottbrre; fo as inDeeae tbep are ratber erpoations tben recitals of 'i^)t apoQ Ics Cr a:D, anbpct3 bopeAthanafius crecoc batb ^\5 article in p?ccifiB 'jgnaadTrau; ii)03i)cs,sitorebearfctb it as a part of tbcCatbolibe faiibjtbat ciXnindn' Chrift defcended into Hell . jjicitber tS tbcrc anie one of lo, cumtryph. tbefe iFatbcrstobomebeete pon banc namrD , as ^ Igr^atlus, ''Tcrtui. de. ^ Irenxus,*^ luftinus Martyr, ^ Tertullian, '^Ougenc, ^Kn^^^}^''. . guftinc, battbeperp;:effelietoucbe sno teadje €b?taes l^^'^c'^^'^^^Jxk* call Dcfcctit to §cll 3 as all tt^e wS 5oe M^^vX exception, f Augcpi.^^* ' 4i<^ The conclufion to the Reader, anj) if ComiceUMl content ^oa, vouC^atl not gac farce foj faott)lB;emn£iaU mm (25£neraU» Cije 'XgiuiccH Qf Alexan- dria ^atU);ote tortp^cffct^eljci'efieofNeibriuSjmaftCS^ajj fpotUngof Ijdla part of X% \\\z Difccetion tubrn 3 allcDgcD tt)e parable from CijJides otone woufl^,Ujat ^is triumpl) oner ^atanmalf lianetlx:^ part0, ^ flje ^ouerrunning, tfej binding, t^jc fpoyling of S)atan , asiD \ys Luke I ?i feing^omc; anofnrtljerfrom'ibat ^ar&ble 3 DcriucD notbingj 2:|)is totfoome to t^c tu bimfelfe le jrneDjCri^tlj cut, ^ ^ fine toy lT?Ag,i6i, " <"" r^ithcr a jhameffi// gloz.e by vnfixpiorie cillegori:^Jng to corrupt '^ the Text, h this a good waie to prootde Articles of the ftyth^vi* *f delicet by Allegories ? 03 if %t mOlTc parte Of ^jJlUe*: OCC* trine toer^ not ocliuereo bp garablcs ano ^Hcgcjies ? for the clccring of certain obiedi<>n$. 417 Cl)eparaljl(£r of ifjc Sowcr,cf t^t labourers (n flje tJtneparDjf fljg hui'bandmcn bitting tt)£ \j£itt,Of goD trees $ ffraig^t gates, of t^ loft Hiecpe, tminft Steward, aiio tjnrigfjteoug'Judc^e ; of Tares (blDCO bp ttje eitemia, ano haruert at tijs cno of tt}E lSo;lo, of t||c great Supper,anD twBODing garmentjOf ti)e toounDeo Sa- niaritane, aHO toifc virgins5 0f tOCprodigall fonite,tniD CntU ftruants , one ^ neglecteo l)ig »iafter0 talent, tlyc otljcc t^at \m* prifoned^tsfcUotojOf tijcrich manf Lazarusj tobcl^O^t t^e aUego;teSOflight,of faltjOf lcauen,of chafte^of the vyne aitO branchcs,of tt)f gOJD niephcard,anD a tl)OWl^nD fuf^ in tt)C p?0' IJb:t!3,Cuangclittgant)apofile6,Do tijcp tearijno matters of fatttr MW )i5ujjarD toai? euer fo bUnO as fo to faic,Mo points of faitt) mate be p;©ucD b\? aUego:ie£5^ I^aD 3? ertcnoeD tbe parable farOera)cn€3jaft tjimfelfe Dio,o;j applieoit to ante otberpurpofetbent)eDtO;tberemigbtbaucbeeiie fome caufe of qnarrell ,but fedeping mp felfe p;:ecifclte botb to tbe S)Cope ano too;!Os of our ^anionr, 3 coulo not treao ato;2ie. llSut in a b;jauerie to djalenge all tbe parables ano allegories in tbc S)criptures,as bnfitte to teacb points of fattb 3 ncmt cmnt in ante fober mans beaD. aspoabfc tbc^criptnten, fij pon tfe tbc &pnoiJe'of tbfiJ Healme, tbattspou arrogantUe ano abfurDUe falOfie it. ' k-p^tm The manifeflmennin^ of the vehole Synode ( of this Realme^) ipfhich is our pubUhJ-ourine an A ejimblifhed by lavo in Em land • " APPARENTLY KB N O T N C E T H 3 {im^^XX)thiS doUritie t/fl^ (thrifts going dorvne to the hell of the damned. Jf ^CU p^TCDUe t^at ^ou faie,3j nmH confclle it iii berie matetialljj bp (feoDs grace 31 mj? felfe toill rcuobe all tbat 3 baue fato in tfjis poin t; but if paufoag not onltetDitboutcaure,btitagaina tbc berie truetlj ano ten 03 of tbeir p?oc05Oings,aEe pou not U)o;tbte in CaDe of ^ . 3!. to \it nameb ^ . if v but let t3S beate boto iW appea* tetb:*' Euen thtisithe Synode h fore holden /« i^>7^ Edwards ti»te f*|.J7^ affirmed this doEfrine direHly and expreflyiiw tbctr article Of 35 (pjnttS OCfCent to bcH . ) Thi^ Sr^node camming ^fter repeateth a, stndratifieth apart (of tbat articleV» expreffe words-^Wt part of-i^ it euenallAndeuerietvhit that containeththis doElrine eccpreftte ^^, tfChrtfls going downe to the hell of the damned^allthfs \Uie cnr 3, . %ymd£^{^\^v\o\ ^62 ) cutteth of^ttpmteth out, it cafteth arrais . 3, J^C UwaW ate ^iZ of t|)5 fCjmer Synode, O metKadraodm^ >y 41 8 The conclufion to the Reader, Artlclu. J Chrifitu pro nobis mortHPu eft ^Jepultm^ it a efl etiam credendHs ad Inferos defcendijfe. Nam corpus vf^ae adrefurretUonem in fc' pulchro iacHityfpiritm ah tllo etnijpu cii fpiritthpi-s qui in carcere Jiue in inferno detinehantHrfiiit,illifqiprAdicauit,!juemadmodHm tefiaiur Petri locus. hs Chritt died tor vs and was buriedjfb alio it is to be belceued,thai he went down to hel.Tor his body lay in the graue vntilthe rerurre6lion;his Ipirit which he breathed out was with the fpirits that were in prilbn or in hel,and prea- ched vntothem,as the place of P^f^rvvitnefTeth. '' BfitourSjf" Pag.xjz , * nodejince correciethit herein & faith bm thus «7»/>',Quemadino ^ " du Chrirtus pro nobis mortuiis eft & fepukus , ita eft etia crede *^ dus ad inferos dcfcendifTe. As Chrifi dtedfor vs andvfas buriedj ^^fo we are to beleeue alfo,that he tvent vnto the dead. This t her fore «f in the is feene mantfeflj (flS 3i fflt'J)/^^ renounce and abrogate this a particular fenfe of Chrifi^s defceding^^ KB went after death to HEit. |0 tbis all i?on l)auf to fate \h\t Mefuter,)tijcn tiben p?o# uciiScr i)3 tjeaioeD pou fijall banc a patt foi pouc gmD colk aio. pm collect tt)at § later ^^noDe bp teautng out certain tDo:D« of tt0 fojimt renounceth tftat christ after death WENT TO HELL ; anD tbat W)icl) it retainettj of t^ fojmet: ^pnoDCm crp^eOe toOjDeS i£8tt)t0 ; it is to be belee- VED THAT CHRIST WENT DOWN INTO HELL« ^0 ttl pour tnDgcmentbi? beleeuing tbatChrift wcnte downcinto Hell, they renounce, thatChrift went to hell. 3!f ft \Sittt amattcroffi8^t3j(^oulDeafbe tt^etticr pa Ijat) anicctrsoa no ; rrotac it ts a matter of tcafon 3mn(f mm Doubte txb«y tijec pou baue pour fiuc ioittca 02 no. ^et pour inference to ft)e tietwj of all men. Clje ^pnoce hi bcr ^^aiflftestimca^ greet!) , It is to be bclecued that Chrift went downe into helL IVfo they apparatly renounce thatChrift went to hcl.2lj(5 tS( pourconclnfion;(^etotttoattptapffcrtjj tinfeer fn (Bnglanoe cmD fa iaijctbcr be Uiill retoarD pn toitb a mocfee 0? no^ ril5at tlKpleaue out tb€ latter part of tbe^tticlentjtcijtbe foimer^pnoDeconcluDcD.] &o tbcp l^auc out that chnfts bodie vva's in his graue vntill bis rcfurredlion^ttblfb are tfje iuojiJCdoftbefomiGr^pnone^ 3stl}8 omitting of tljis a rnao ntfett renouncing anD abiogating of its' CPoD foibio L515ut tljs firff gjpnoDe in king eouiarDcg tintc aOlicD fartljerspou fate, that Chrifts fpiri: was with the fpirits detained in Prilon or in for the ciccriflg of certain obicAions. 4 1 9 hel^and preached vnto them.] 5f ttS fiicn tCU PSOC abettor^t^at al ttj£ Hcalme toil tabe ^im not onlj? fo; a Railor agatnfl al iio# nerty,bat foj 3 licr agatnftal dutyjtijat t)ou4)etl) fo confiDentlg king EUivard the fixt and his fubie6ts held that Chrirt his foulc ncucr went to Gehcnna;& the reahnc knowcth the Q^othc; ss ahb the Q^duentureth her eternal flatc, JI|)EfC be ttO If atC0 to come toittjin tfje compalTe of W Dnclcane moutt) '• i^e map eoe toefl to remember ixbo tt^cp te,of ttljom it t5tD?ftten:They j^^^^ epjftojj^* defpifcgouernmcnt^&fpcakeuilofthofethatarcinauchori-. ^ tie,a$ raging vvaues of the Sea, foming out their o wnc fhame; Snti to tabe tjdeo, fl)at be pjowe not too tnie a p^opbet againU ftimfelfe tn pacing fbep?tce of mtfufing bis liege ano ©oue* raigne llaDie , ano bcr ttbole Kealme , IBwt 3 tuill) btm re* , pentance mio fo 3 Icane }^\(Vi . g>econ^lie , (S>tc iSefuterjpu iiiaiefeert).2cetbtngesin tlje latter iuo^tics of ttjat article in feing (EDtoarfie*! ^pnooe , It^icb are tjcrte toifelie toitb fi* lence ouerffeippeD bp tbe ^pnotie in ber ^ateOtest time ; aitD itberemfo? mppart 3 tbtnbe tbfptiio tjerie toell not to aiDe to fbi6 i^rttcle , ante time , purpofe ,. 0.: p^ifoners , tcben, Hbp, 0: tottbome Cb.:iil bffccnDeD. Bnt tbcrein to imitate tl)e toifeuomc of tbe bcS age0 , trbo Ucpt tbis article as tbcp tounoc it toitbout enterlacing ittoiti) anie netoe aooitions^ if o;j in Hjc iater toojoes of tbat fojmer Sjpnooe notoe left out are tb^eetbinges tbat cannot bee iailifieDbp tbe ^criptnress. I. tbat tbe Spirits of tbe iuft were in hell, iftbat Chrili there preached tntOtbem. :?« tbat be ftaied tbcre till biSrcfurrcd^i- ^n . ibefc (tj:ce potntcg contaiiteD in tbe article of tbat §>P' noDe;\i>ere aDuifeOlie ano p^ofitablte fappieflcD bp tbe §)pnooe fecpt in ber matefties time; antJtbefc are tbepointcstcbtcb 31 tnp fclfe tmpugne in tbis Crcatifc, as baaing no iuft no? tolerable grounoe in tljc §)criptnres . llBat tbcfe tbinges be* tng D jo\i3neD bv omi(rion,ti:bat is tbat to tbe reft of tbe article, trbicb tbe Ister §>pnoDc imbjacetb as a matter neceffarie to be IbelGeaeDt'fcJ^tbUStbcprefDlne; AsChriftdied for vs & was bu- Articuli ricd; foalfoitistobebelcciiedy he went down into hell, all tbe ifatbers , (iPreeHe 1 llatuie tbat eucr U);ate in ttje Cburcfj of vi:b;ittt.3f tbefe mencanot feeepc tbeir quarter cld?re noi topljoloetfjcir conccite, but tbep mnft crcluDe all GreekcjLatine, ano Hnghfh Utuincs (ittce Cb:ifi5 time from tnOerUanOing euerie manbisotonc naturaHtoong;3I toiU fa tfjetr b^aines better fettleD, anu tljcir monfbes better tcm- p:eo,befoje tbetr pbilofopbicall follies ano Habbmicall fanCetf tbe one fojte being ftranger^jftjeotberenimies totlje faiftof iSj3ta,liaflD2at0mee frommpCreeOe^no foBl to