( COMPILED BY THORO HARRIS ) ECHOES OF PARADISE A CHOICE COLLECTION OF CHPISTIAN HYMNS SUITABLE FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS OF RELIGIOUS WORK QJAS. H. GOODMAN 144 (Saoovcr Street, Boston FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Pi-rWcas S. PREKACE. "Echoes of Paradise" is the fruit of an effort to meet the steadily increasing demand for a h\mnal that shall fulfil all the requirements of the most advanced standard of musical taste. If, as one writer has felicitously observed, "the might)' harmon)' whose first full pulse almost burst the enraptured musician's heart descended through dim distances from the angel choir." then this book is not inappropriate!}- named. A special acknowledgment of indebtedness is due the Rev. J. K. Raxkix, D. D., for the free use of valuable cop>Tighted music. The Compiler. C. H, WOODMAN, MUSIC TYPOGRAPHER. BOSTON. Bcboes of Ipavabise. Whore Loyal Hearts. Frederick W. Faber, D. D. TnoKo Harris. 1. O Par - a - dise, O Par - a - disc, Who doth not crave for rest? 2. O Par - a - dise, O Par - a - dise, The world is grow-in<;j old; 3. O Par - a - dise, O Par - a - dise, 'Tis wea - ry wait-ing here; 4. () Par - a - dise, O Par - a - dise, I want to sin no more, 6. O Par - a - dise, O Par - a - dise, I great-ly long to see 6. Lord Je - sus, King of Par - a - dise, O keep me in thy love, A I -^ •— ^-# s— '-'^-v— ■ Who would not seek the hap - py land VVhere they that loved are blest ? Who would not be at rest and free Where love is nev - er cold? I long to be where Je - sus is. To feel, to see him near ; I want to be as pure on earth As on thy spot - less shore ; The spec-ial place my dear-est Lord In love pre-pares for me; And guide me to that hap-py land Of per - feet rest a - bove ; Where loy - al hearts and true :^_A-IA1 J. ' dt'm. . . Stand ev - er I ^--i=: Where loy I. . J the light, Nil I - --$>— ^ — al hearts and true Stand ev Stanzas 1-5. r^, rit. , ,1 All er in the light, Last Stanza. rail. '-^S--»-^»---» 1 — J-*-" — ^-=-J-#— >4?.t..- '^na r- rap-ture thro' and thro'. In God's most holy sight. God's most holy" sight. ±^eEe^« 2 Thou Thinkest, Lord, of 3Ift. 1. 2. 3. m L4 A - mid the tri - uU which I meet, A - mid the thorns that pierce my feet, The cares of life come thronj^ing fust, Up - on my soul their shadow cast ; Let shadows come, let shadows go, Let life be bright or dark with woe. I N N I I i tJ5=5=t=t IE? ^ N I i^ m '—Jf—'—ir One thought re - mains su - premely sweet, Thou thinkest. Lord, of me! Their gloom re - minds my heart at last. Thou thinkest. Lord, of me! I nm con - tent, for this I know, Thou thinkest, Lord, of me! ^=rf i=t t=t: m 1 (- Crorus. r— r -^-ir^ ^ ' J r-i -— . Thou thinkest. Lord, of me, (of me,)Thou thinkest, Lord, of me, (of me,) !-• ^- V y^ ■0 0- V — b^ — I 1- V — i^ — r — I- ^ ~^-> ^=d A=a: WM What need I fear since thou art near. And think - est, Lord, of me. ;^ —^—r ^=t t=t: ?— J*— i» ^=^ 1 fc/ i/ 1 1— "-t^— t^ — I 1- Copyright, by E. S. Lorenz. Used by permission. 3 Dear Master, Walk With Mv Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LI.. D. II. I^. Amiss. 1 1 i- ^h- i-^T'i=t 1=^ wm 1. Dear ^las - ter, -walk with me, Heav'n's guards a - round us thrown 2. As when thro' Ju - dea's wheat, On that far Sab - bath day, 3. That sweet Em - ma - us walk, Dear Lord, with me re - peat: 4. In great - ness of Tliy strength, Thou Trav - el - er di - vine, ^=4 SP H=* •-H7*-^tr5 —e> — An un - seen com - pa - ny, Un - seen, but They plucked that they might eat, With Thee, so That in - ward-burn - ing talk Where awe and I need Thee, Lord, at length, Marked with Thy not let won V le un-known. me stray, der meet ; tor - sign. ^ TTrt • -0- -#- :K (^~ ■^ ^± Some pre - cious prom-ise say. That shall my com - fort be, Some hal - lowed mor - sel, Lord, To help me to the goal. That bless - ing on the bread. Thy face trans - fig - ured quite : — When comes the sum-mons dread, What day, that call may be, S r-i f] ; 1 1 V 1 ^ J ^ ■ 1 1 1 yf ^ u 1 _^ ^ ' 1 1 1 1 1 II fK ^ ^ ^ ^ « ] _| 1 II K-\) b.^ ^ ^' hm # j^ ' tiJ J *^ 1 >^j^^ M t) &^ -Q* -#- ^ TT V And sweet - en all the way, Dear Mas - ter, walk Avith me. Break Thou me, from Thv Word — The shew -bread of the soul. But not. Lord, the dread ;Thy van - ish - ing from sight 1 A - live, who once wert dead, Dear Mas - - ter. walk with me. ^ -#- « €- -0- -9- i»\' ^ ■ ' ' ^ m [^ 1 1 P m ^ — h — -9^- n L^*, 7 ' ' - ■ • \ r • ~A\ vrl^u fe? #_._ m . 1 i 1 1 1 La '.a La '^ 11 y 1/ r ' 1 W 1 ' ^ * - ^■ II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Copyright, 1898, by J. E. Rankin, Washingtoo, D. C. Tho Secret of His Presence. Kllen L. Gohcii. riioRo Harris. 1. In the se-crctof his 2. When my Houl is faint und 3. On - ly' til is I know: 1 4. ])o vou think that 1 could presence, how my soul de-lights to hide! thirst- y, 'ncath the shadow of his wing tell him all my doubts and griefs and fears love him lialf so well, or as 1 ouf^ht, 6. Would you like to know the swett-ness of the se - cret of the Lord? G. You will sure - Iv lose the bless- ing and tlie ful-ness of your joy _ ■ j^ ^ ....... ^ -^ O, how pre-cious are the les-sons which I There is cool and pleas-ant shel- ter, and a O, how pa-tient-ly he list-ens, and my If he did not tell me plain-ly of each (i If learn at Je - sus' side ! fresh and crys-tal spring ; droop-ing soul he cheers ! sin - ful word and thought ? and hide bo-neath his shad-ow ; tliis shall then be your re- ward: you let dark clouds dis-trcss you and your in - ward peace de-stroy ; ^ d?zfizz?zd:t=t: 'T ^ -^ m Earthly cares can nev - er vex me, neith-er tri - als lay me low ; And my Sav-iour rests be-side me as we hold com-mun-ion sweet; Do you think he ne'er reproves me? What a false friend he would be No! he is so ver - y faith- fnl. and that makes me trust him more; And whene'er you leave the si-lence of that hap-py meet-ing- place, You may al - wavs be a - bid - ing, if you will, at Je - sus' side; t=t»: k 1/ iL^m& For when Sa - tan comes to tempt me, to the "se - cret place" I go. If I tried, I could not ut - ter what he says when thus we meet. If he nev - or, nev-cr told me of the sins which he must surely see! For I know that he does love me, tho' he wounds me ver - y sore. Y'oujuust mind and bear the im - age of your Mas - ter in your face. In the se - cret of his pres-ence you may ev - cry mo-ment hide. — # — :f--_^-i_^ — — ^— r# • i-^ — • r^ — ^ — :t±tr^ XI Lo, They Coiiio, tlio Victors, Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL.D. Arr. from Lohengkin, by I. V. Flagler. 3 t 1. Lo, they come, the 2. They have wash'd their 3. Up tlie steeps tliey'rc 4. To the Cap- tain's VIC - rai - thronj; roll - ?=p.fc_d lEi; tors ! ment - in<^, call, I I Ban - ners White, as The ce ■ All make —<9 1 all are snow is les - tial an - swer. furled ; white ; heights, Here ! :t: !i £ -±.1 1^^ :^ J=.-^- HI EEa^ I 1^ For the cross Clothed are they Ah, what joys Bless - ed of -r- of with a - my Je glo wait Fa m-^ ->- them, ther. Con-quered has the As the sons of What su-preme de - In His name draw world. light, lights ! near. A. i :t: ! > II I 'i> Marchin g home in triumph, Crowd the mighty throng. One their thorn-cro wn'd Theirs the scars of bat - tie. When the fight Avas on ; Theirs the shout of Theirs the wedding- ban - quet For refreshment spread ; — Like great seas the This the purchased kingdom, This the vie - tor- song ; The e - ter - nal ?$■ ^^b:^ -#- : -#- -#- -#- -<9- -^^ -•- -#- -^ -F- -<&- -0- • -0- -0- -h- 0-0 — — •— r*^ "^ — r,# — • — I 1 — r'^ — r»~^ — • •- -t=->'-|==bi:p E=:[z=:^z=t: =:^=:g=:p izzz ^ — ^^bz=b Chorus. Lead - er, One their vie - tor tri - umph. Now the day is cho - rus. By their voi - ces cho - rus ; Pour its tide a song, won. sped, long. In the high- est He from heaven came ; Mighty to de - liv - er, Shout a - loud his name. Arrangement Copyright, 1894, by I. V. Flagler. More of J<*sus. Hkv. J. K. Rankin. -I -J C'HijpiN. Arr. bv TitoRo Harris. ^ ^-WA — '—J— I — ' — I— I — ' — I -i — ' — !— r — I 1 "i-i — I 1 — » ■■ 1. More of Je-sus, more of Jc-sus, More of Je - suk, more and more; 2. Iloav'nward race with patience runninj^.IIcav'nwurd race, that's set before, 3. Till from sin and death he win us, All our sor - rows here be-low. iil|: "-gs- *:Ei3f 1 —J — l-r-J— h — I — l-r-l l-r— 1 . -» . j . I l-r-| — , •^ tt*- Of his love from sin that frees us, Reign-ing love, that we a -dore. Every weiG;ht and hindrance shunning, — More of Je-sus, more and more. And his image form'd with-in us, We his per -feet love shall know. ^ JQ- : ^-[U-UJ "-tr -r-+i 1— l- ^i^ztt: — t-H ij ?— r-Fg-H God suf - fi-cient grace pro - vid-ing, On his cross we fix our eyes, Things that are be- hind for - get-ting, Nev-cr, nev-er our true Friend; Then, all sor-row cast be - hind us. In his beau-ty we shall see ^^m^m^smiM I I I I ISiii^ -#- (^ PP- 'Neath its shelt'ring shadow hid-ing, 'Xeath the dy - ing sac - ri - fice. Still our eyes up-on him set-ting, Look-ing, lov - ing to the end. More of Je-sus, King Im-man-uel, Sov&reign of e - ter - ni - ty. fe^ ±2^ — # Aiiffels of Jesus. Frederick W, Faber. I'lioRo Harki- 1 . Hark ! hark ! my soul, an-p;el-ic songs are swelling O'er earth's green tields and 2. On - ward we go, for siill we hear them singing, "Come, wea-ry souls, for 3. Far, far a - way, like bells at evening peal-ing, The voice of Je - sus 4. Rest comes at length: tho' life belong and drear- y, The day must dawn, and 0. An - gels, >ing on, your faithful watches keeping ; Sing us sweet fragments -t ocean's wave-beat shore ; How sweet the truth those blessed strains are telling, Je - sus bids you come ;" And thro' thedcirk, its ech - oes sweetly ring-ing, sounds o'er land and sea ; And la-den souls by thousands meekly steal-ing, darksomenightbepast; Faith's journeys end in wel- come to the Avea - ry, of the songs a - bove : Till morning's joy shall end the night of weeping, , 1^- -0- ■^- •»- E£3 1111 Refrain. Of that new life when sin shall be no more ! An The mu - sic of the gos-pel leads us home. Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to thee. And heav'n, the heart's true home, will come at last. And life's long shadows break in cloud-less love. ^^mm^^Mm r—\:- an-gelsof light, Sing-ingto -wel-come the pilgrims of the night. r-n The Lor(l\ Side. FrancK!> R. IIaveki.al. 'Ihoko IIakri^. the * — • / 1. Who is on the Lord's side- 2. Not for weight of rIo - ry. 3. Je - 8U8, thou hast bought us. 4. Fierce may be the con - flici, 6. Chos - en to be sol - diers mP^imi^^Lm Who will gerve the Not for crown and Not with gold or Strong may be the In an a - lien King? palm, gem. foe, land. -. . N- ^^^zE^^iEg Who will be his help - ers En - ter we the ar - my, But with thine own life - blood. But the King's own ar - my Chos - en, called and faith - ful, mi RE 0th - er Raise the For thy None can For our — ■— j^- ^ N N 1 s V N N 1 -^7- 7.3 J A \ m J 1 1 ■ 'J m ^ ■ •? r 1 ill ^ 1 • M * ^n? \ > * ^ — ^ — _^-l_j ,^\-i — • — ,— i*-. it- \d Who will But for With thy Round his In the m m leave love bless stand ser - the world's side? Who will face the that claim - eth Souls for whom he ing till - ing Those who come to -ard rang - ing. Vic - t'ry is se - vice roy - al Let us not grow ^ « « m m ^ m foe? died: thee, cure; cold ; <2 Ym\' r» 1 1 • . r s J ' u iP4-^ — I- ^ — V— — _f_. 1 1- -m # L — - 'Ct-. -J H^ — p— •- — p — ^ - ^— _^ K P 0— H / / '/ ■ ^ ' ^ ^ rv n n rv . 1 > m Who is on the Lord's side? Who for him will go- He whom Je - sus nam - eth Must be on his side. Thou hast made us will- ing, Thou hast made us free. For his truth un - chang-ing Makes the tri-umph sure. Let us be right loy - al, No - ble, true and bold. Jesus Christ Forever. 1. Jc - sus Christ for-ev - or. And His flnircli below 2. Hod are all earth's paij-es With the stain of criiiu' 8. On His ho -ly al - tar All our poAv'rs we lay ; 4. Till the word once spok-en Come to me for rest, This our mot-to ; Truth goes down the Xev -er more to Heal each heart that's n^- ev a - fal - brok I I or. (^n-ly this to know ; What is hlirh and ho-ly. What is pure and ijes On its march sublime ; Christ of man's sal-va-tion, Cap-tain is a - ter. Or to turn a-wny ; Till the earth is belt-ed, With His precious - en, Calm each troubled breast ; Till the Rose of Sharon, Shed its fragrance ^- ^- f : -*- I ^ -•- -•- I j^ I true : lone ; name, far. What is meek and low - To each tribe and na - And all hearts are melt ly; We will strive to do. tion Let the news be known. - ed Bv love's liv -in«: flame. And on ions bar - ren, Shines the mornins: star. ^ J T-.^ Copyi-ight, 1891, by J. E. Rankin. U) Wesley. L.M. 01 Chas. Weslky. Thoro Hari J 1 f I ,^ ^ .^ ^ 1. Thou hid -den Source of cahn re - pose. Til- )U all - suf - ti-cient 2. Je - MIS, my ull in all thou art : My rest in toil, my 3. In want my pKn - ti - ful sup - ply, In weak-ness my a'l- W^J^. %SEmE r^ 1 r S^ t= g=S{= m -T-te— J — l-r— l-r rJ 1 , I t-« U .!. ^ J 1-, love di - vine. My help and ref - uge from my foes, Se- ease in pain, The heal-ing of my bro-ken heart. In might-y power, In bonds my per - fed lib - er - ty, My cure I am if thou art mine, strife my peace, in loss my gain, light in Sa - tan's dark -est hour: ^3^ w- ^ And lo. from sin and My smile be - neath the No troub - le can my :^= I ^ ^ I I ^ kl ^3: 5^ grief and shame I hide me, ty - rant's frown. In shame my soul ap - pall, Thou art my Je - sus in thy name, glo - ry and my crown, life, my heaven, my all. ^mm 11 Pass tlio Torcli Along. Words and Melody by J. K. Rankin. Harmony by O. H. Evans. :^s^3pifgi^ 1. Christian. <;o from l;ui(l to land, With the gos - pt-l in thy hand, 2. Standing in the niar-kt't-phjce, Hand to hand, and face to face, 3. On thy path-way faithful press, Bring-ing com - fort in dis - tress, = # #_i_^_ fC 1 |i :l=t i^r '^^-r"^ At the gate of cit - ies stand. Pass the torch Speak of sin and God and grace, Pass the torch Turn-ing men to right-eous-ness, Pass the torch 9ti=? 3: ^EEEEE ^f ;] a - long, a - long. Ions:. i^i3 1=1: :t4: ii Men are dy - ing, day by day, Do not mind the rain or heat. Winning souls, if thou art wise, I Ig - no -rant of Christ, the way, Ev - ery dy - ing mor - tal greet, Thou shalt greet the gaz - er's eyes, w- y=si :3=^==; i 9—*- t=^ 1 — — I N ^ • I 1. K' Do not dal - ly or de - lay, Pass the torch Fol - low Him with ea - ger feet, Pass the torch As the star - en - kin - died skies, Pass the torch I a - long, a - long, a - long. II 9fc £^^ V-C|__ Copyright, 1S94, by J. E. Rankin. i ^-1 f Abide With 3Ie Adapted from Liciinek byTiioRo IIakki -4- I III 1. A - bide with me! Fast fella the ev - en 2. Swift to its close ebbs out life's lit - tie 3. I need thy prcs-cnce ev - ery pass-ing 4. I fear no foe, with thee at hand to 5. Hold thou thy cross be - fore my clos - ing tide, day; hour; bless; me: ■^ eyes; I The dark-ness Earth's joys grow What but thy Ills have no Shine thro' the I I ^^1 with me a -bide ! deepens : Lord, with me a-bide! When oth-er help - ers fail, and comfort* dkn, its glories pass a -way; Change and de- cay in all a - round I grace can foil the tempter's power ? Who, like thyself, my guide and stay can weight, and tears no bitterness. Where isdeath's sting r where, grave, thy victo - gloom, and point me to the skies.Heav'n'smomingbreaks.and earth's vain shadow's flee: Help of the help - less, O a - bide with me! thou who chang - est not, a - bide with me. Thro' cloud and sun - shine, Lord, a - bide with me. 1 tri - umph still if thou a - bide with me. In life, in death, dear Lord a - bide with me ! Lord, a - bide with me, Lord, a fe? bide with me, Sail - ing —0^ Im bide with me, bide with me. — J— J Abide With Mo, Concluded. ::&=a^-' o'er life's dark, tem-pestiious sea, Till earth's shadows flee I will ^ ^ = ?=^=?^ A - — f=— r— bide with me, a - :b ^^S trust in thee ; Ev er - more :=]: bide with me. --if: 1- bide with me. riii 13 T. H. Belden. 7. Thoro Harris. -_,_3_j_ n=zl=:n;:E^=M=iz^irqz=:qq=q- -25^- ■i^- -4 ig: 1. Lord of all — a - bun - dant grace, We would now to thee re - turn ; 2. We have wandered from thy way. Left the bright and heavenly road, 3. Yet we turn to thee a -gain: Oh, do thou our souls re -store! ki ,1 I We would hum -bly seek thy face. All our sins and fol - lies mourn. We have quick- ly gone a -stray And de-part-ed from our God. Bid us wash a - way our stain, Go in peace, and sin no more. kl _ -^ -•- d '&'. ■^S"- ip -I l-l \^ i3py f-f^-f u Lord Let Me Fly to Thee. Words iuid Music by J. £. Rankin. ^ : :m 1. Lord. let me fly to Thee, Near Thee, let me a - bide: 2. Like hunt-ed hart am I, But Thou canst save my soul; 3. Je - 8US. I cling to Thee: Hid 'neath Thy sheltering wing, ^--v,-*- M^^ AS:*-^ ■V- jfe^N^-^^^ fe ^^^^#^ E^ Safe I can nev - er be. But in Thy side: Since Thou hast stooped to die. Lord, make me whole: Thou wilt my safe - ty be, Peace Thou wilt bring: m t: ^ rf-u^ J — J^-^ -^ ^ ■ 4— ^ N ^ 1 1 — ii — Is — d — 1 Ai" J — J — ^- * »~;-j 1 1 — "^-^ ^ ; 3 k\) S S a .. ' « 1 # m m * \\m d \ v|/ '^ "^ • # » m Wound - ed Thou wert for me, Xa Cleanse Thou my heart with-in, Bh When the last tem - pests rise Ai ~f~ « ^ m m m iled it id 1 4 to the out ray o - ver - cru - el tree; ev - 'ry sin ; cast the skies, T 1 # ^:-Hr-i • M S 1 r 1 t P S 1 ' r r 1 J \j J 1 r 1 \<^W • L L 1 V ^ ^ J \ \ \ ^ V ^ r r ■ ^ « 1 • ^ 1 -v->- 1 -tzilzjL There's noth - ins: but Tliy blood Can do me good. Form there Thine im - age new, Help me life through. Harm can - not come to me, Hid - den in Thee. ^3. ife*?^ i f^ V ^ ^ Copyright, 1S96, by J. E. Rankin, Washington. D. C. 15 The Christian's Call John G. Whittiek. TlIOKO IlAKItIS, m «=:=tr?=if 0- -0- -0- ' p g =B;pj Not nl - ways as the whirlwind's rush On Ilo-reb's mount of Not al - ways thus, with outward sii^n Of tire or voice from But gent - ly, by a thou-sand things Which o'er our spir- its O then, if gleams of lieav'n-ly light Flash o'er thy Avait-ing Tho' her - aid - ed with nought of fear, Or out - ward sign or ■#— r-*-— 4ta ^• fear ; heav'n, flash. mind, show. ^- I — V -I — #- iiei i m m Not al - way! The mes-sage Like breez - es Un - fold - ing Tho' on - ly of o'er to to I the burn-ing bush To Mid - ian's shep-herd seer, a truth di - vine, The call of God is giv'n, the harp's fine strings. Or va - pors o'er a glass, thy men - tal sight The Avants of hu - man kind, the in- ward ear It whis - pers soft and low, Nor as the aw - ful voice which came To Is - rael's shepherd A - wak - ing in the hu - man heart Love for the true and Leav-ing their tok - en strange and new Of mu - sic or of If brood -ing o - ver hu - man grief The ear - nest wish is Tho' drop-ping as the man - na fell, Un-seen yet from a - I ^- . ^ ^ If: -^ . -«- ■I 1 1 \ \ 1 : 1— bards, right, shade, known bove, Nor as Zeal for The sum-mons to the right To soothe or glad - den with Si - lent as dew - fall, heed the flash - ing tongues of flame Or gift of fear-ful words,- the Christian's bet - ter part. Strength for the Christian's fight, and true And mer - ci - ful is made, re - lief An an - guish not thine own, it well — Thy Fa - ther's call of love ! t— t t=t \=x.-=x 1 — t- . . . t= y — I — t— hp- s Loavo It Witli God R. DeWitt Mallary. I 1 1^^ 1. Leave 2. Leave 3. Leave 4. Leave it with (jod. yes, make full sur-ren - der, He is thy Fa-ther, it -with (iod. who feed-eth the spur- row, Chooseth for thee the it with (iod, for He is still near thee. Till Him tiiy grief. He's it with God, thy losses, thou'lt gain them ;Things tliat perplex thee. ag§ watch-ful and ten - dcr. Help He will bring, t'o-day or to-mor-row; path that is nar-row ; Ilear-eth the piay"r. un-ut-tered, un-spok-en ; wait - ing to hear Thee, Tak - er of gifts, as well as the giv-er; He will ex- plain them. He is a Fa-ther, watch-ful andten-der; :^=^ -1 h f^ • I* t=t fr^fm— ^ t=zt ] i I i/ i I i -^- 'S^ ■fl*- P=^ T.eave it with God, to Him tell thy sor- row; Leave it Heal -eth with balm the heart that is bro - ken ; Leave it Leave it with God. sure He Avill de - liv - er. Leave it He is a Fa - ther ; make full sur-ren-der. Leave it with God. with God. with God. with God. Leave it with God, Leave it with God, To Him teU thv sor - row. Copyright, 1S94, '^^' Kankin uiul Mai.i.akv, Washmurton, D. C. Til Slsht of the Crystal Sea, NKIN. D. D. J. W. BiSCHOFF. :4=t i i i I sat a - lone with life's mem - o - ries I thought me then of my child-hood days, I thought, I thought of the days of God I heard a voice, like the voice of God : » - ^ ^ P fi ^ , ^ • ^ :^=^ V— y- ^ In sight of The pray-er I'd wast - ed *Re-mem-ber, ^-^ ^ the at in re- f=r=f In Sislit of tho Oiystiil Seu. Concluded. *& ^5 f W^ n crys - tal sea, Audi saw the throne of the star-crown'd ones, With my mother's knee; Of the coun-sels «;rave that my fa - thcr f^ave— The foi - ly and sin — Of the times I'd mock'd when the Saviour knock'd, And member, my Son ! Remember thy ways in the for - mer days, The ^^£« ti: i/ 1/ ^—^- W- f=r=f=^: w^ f 'J-*- 4=^ nev - er a crown for me; And then the voice of the Judge said, "Come, wrath I was warn'd to flee ; I said, "Is it then too late, too late, I would not let Ilim in; I thought,I thought of the vows I'd made, crown that thou might have won!" I tho't, I tho't, andmy thoughts ran on, m. fc--l=t: «=fc« 1/1/1/ Of the Judge on the great white throne ; And I saw the Shut without must I stand for aye?" And the Judge, will He When I lay at death's dark door — "Would He spare my Like the tide of a sun - less sea — "Am I liv - ing or ^ m >- f^^f:- 1 tzzzt It: *-^-# X=^ ff:i=5: ^^— ^^^-=1 i^ ±1^ ^f^^ star - crown'd take their seats, say, "I know you not," life, I'd give up the strife, dead?" to mv - self I said, Ij/ 1/ ';/ -W- -W-.^-i But none could I call my own. How-e'er I may knock and pray. And serve Him for - ev - er - more. "An end is there ne'er to be?" ^ ^ t=t f±S i i=f= -4-)»- ±=t 6 Still oft I sit with life's memories. And I think of the crystal sea ; [ones. And I see the thrones of the star-crowned Iknowthere'sacrownforme ;["Come," And when the voice of the Judge says. Of the Judge on the great white throne, Iknow'midthe thrones of the star-crown'd There's one I shall call my own. [ones. 5 It seemed as tho' I woke from a dream, How sweet was the light of day ! Melodious sounded the Sabbath bell From towers that were far away, I then became as a little child, And I wept and wept afresh ; For the Lord had taken my heart of stone. And given a heart of flesh. 18 UmI ]{(> With You. "The grace (ifnur l^rd Jesus Christ he with you." — Kom. i6 : ao. J. K. Kankin, I). D. W. G. ToMBR. . i N N A A Si ^ 1. God be with you till we meet a-gain, By His counBelB guide, up-hold you, 2. (iod be withyou till wcmect a-gaiii, 'Neath Ilis wingsprotectinghide you, 3. (iod be withyoutill we meet a- gain, When life's perils thick confound you, 4. God be withyoutill we meet a-gain. Keep love'sbanncr floating o'er you, With His sheep sc-cure-ly fold you. God be with you till we meet a-gain. Dai - ly manna still di-vide you, God be with you till we meet a-gain. Put Ilis arms un-fail-ing round you, God be withyou till we meet a-gain. Smitedeath'sthreat'nin^^wavebcforcyou, God bewithvoutill we meet a-gain. ^ -4- — I — v- =f: t ■V - ^ ^ —t p=p u • V— y* Chorus. :i^^ Till we meet. ^ ^ ~ till we meet, rill Ave meet at Je-sus' feet, Till we meet, till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jehus' feet, Till we meet. >-i/-h ^^;;j^U.i i God be with you till we meet again. m » m .M...M. JL. •- J^ i^ h Till we meet, till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we raeetagaln. Copyright, by J. E. Rankin, D. D., Washin^on, D. C. 19 Rev. J. K. Ranktn. J— The Bitter (up. S. M Thoko Harris. ^Zf^ V=9 _ ^ , , I rJ-^^'S 1 —J -r-J— , I 1. A cup my Fa - thcr held; I thought I heard my name: 2. I'm in my Fa - ther's hand. 'Tis he that bids me drink ; 3. I need for oth - ers' woes A keen - er sense to feel ; 4. There is no more with - in Than souls like mine re -quire; m^m^mi -Q—l ' — I — I ^ ' 1 — I — ' 1 1 1 — CI S — I ' — I — ' n ^^ 0—1-0^- — — « T — 0~ ^---J~^~i.m^ — ^—0. — 5 — [^--JJ I shuddered ; should I be compelled To take and drink the same? And if it be at his con^inand, Why should my spir- it shrink? To seek, in-stead of life's re -pose, My soul's e-ter-nal weal. He knows the cure for death and sin, And brings the cup en - tire. ±m s 20 T. H. Art Thou Heavj -Laden? Mrs. Worthy Holden. Arr.bvTHORO Harris. 1. Art thou heav - y - la - den? 2. "Leave thy sin and sor - row, 3. While he of - fers par - don, 4. He will lead thee up - ward N.I I m Is thy Cast on Call - ing By his soul dis-trest? me thy care ; still for thee, ten - der love .0 — — — 1_^ — H -^- i ^ — , — , — ::•— "^ — • — ^— -•— ^ — r 1 "Come to me," saith Je - sus, "Come, and I will give you rest." Wait not till the mor - row Rolls its tide of grim de - spair." Heed his pa - tient plead -ing. To his arms of mer - cy flee. To a home of glo - ry In the realms of light a - bove. I 21 The Lord Bhss Tlice. Num. 6: 24-26. Thoro Harris. mt SeJ;l^Ej=.3 =:— N- 1)4- -& X. 4- -J- The Lord bless thee and keep thee, the Lord bless thee and 1^ m— ^ I ss 1 The Lord bless thee, the Lord keep thee, the Lord bless thee, bless cresc. 5 _l ) — I — ^ — NjJ — ^ ^g keep thee, and make his face to shine on thee and be gra - cious un-to gracious un - to E^ »— # -^— # t:t=t: :p=::^ t=:t=:«: theeandkeep thee, and make his face to shine on thee and be gra - cious, thee The Lord lift up his coun-te-nanceup - on gracious un-to thee. The Lord lift up thee, tr ^-^-^-^ countenance up -on up - on thee, and give thee peace. ^ ^ . #- irr ^^- ■^'-v- i T :^ thee. and give thee, give thee peace. i -fi*-r- coun - t€-nanceup-on thee, up- on thee, and give thee peace. 22 Watcli Between My Soul atul Thee. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL. D llcv. K. DeW. Mallary, D, D. 1. He thftt kccp-cth Is - ra - el. All thy enrth-ly wancVriiif^s tell ; 2. He -vvlio tints the vi - o - let, Jew-cled ^vith the morning's wet ; 3. He who niarks the sparrow's fall. He who hears the ra-ven's call, 4. He who calls the stars by name, With their gold-en light a - flame ; ^ - . . J_ - I _ _ -^ -^ -^ '^mm^m^^ ;_j — j_^ — I I I, ! — -f- ^- Thro' the mist of com -ing years, Count thy sorrows, count thy tears; Lays the HI - y's col - or on. Till it out-vies Sol - o - mon ; Give thee from all snares re - lease, Keep thy soul in per - feet peace ; In the hol-low of His hand, Holds the seas and sol - id land; m^ ^msm mm^^ m Sundered when . . . . .... by land or sea. Watch between my ii: ——I 1 l-r-Td , # # •- Sundered when thee, . by land or sea, :[=t f) W 1 1 1 -^ ^^ '-^ ■^ V 1 '^ b 1 1 1 II > k u^' L- J' J <=> fj. -- e:\^ 7 J J wi • n '" J 1 lfc-> S ^ eauty,thev from tr* > ir^ scenea-round, I seem to hear descending an-j?els gincr-in?. Till they liave p(>iiit('«l time ; Whileeach year ltnnirsai»ain the Kast-er cho-rus, And we l(X)k tlic 1,'lad ciuth; I'ro-claini tliatdeatli in Christ is hut trans-la -turn. That at His liust shall rise; — Sinic of that land where are ud hrokeii-lioarted, Where God's (jwn feifii •^ la EES im 1 h rr— r Chorus. made the earth all hal-lowed ground. Rest, pilgrims, rest, No more your hearts are for that last irreat chaniye suh-lime. voice we rise t(i niirh - er l)irth. hand wiju's tears from weepincreyes. .^ i^ t:«- ^ ^, t=t ^- r— r-r ach-iuff, No more ve burdens hear, or sorrows weep; Rest, pilgrims, rest, tzzitit: -ez- r-n— r .^^ J_ieM- J ite I— I I ^ till life's glaii morn l)o hrcakini;, "lis God, whoi:iv-eth His l>e - lov • ed sleep. -0- ^ * mSinmmm ■i — » SI Copyriglit, iSv7, by Rkv. J. K. Kankin uud 11. DbW. MaU^AKY. 24 Sabbatli iryiiin. 1. H '1 HOKo Harris. 1. How plorious was that day which saw The earth from cha - os rise, 2. Thv hand desiiined each iiiov-ing thini; ; And by con-suin-inate skill 3. When breath that is-suod fortli from thee In-spired the earth-y frame 4. () may the life that thou dost lend Be kin-died by thine own! __J g ^ I -#- -#- -t — r— r r — t — t — ,*^ — ^ I ^ T r— r -4 ziq: ii r — And by thy tran-scen - den-tal law Be - come a par - a - dise! And power un - e-qualed, thou didst bring To pass thy sovereign will. Of thy ere - at - ed im - age, he A liv - ing soul be - came. And may our tune-ful songs as-cend Like in-cense to thy throne. -,— ^' ? P=c:=i— I j j — c:=j 1 1 1 — c 3 min - ion, hon - or, glo - ry, praise, And end-less thanks be given i^EggEgi^ I -#- fez h- ^ -^ — •- jg^^^^^^^ j — I — I — H- To him who work sin wondrous ways, Ex - alt - ed King of heaven ! ^ qt ^; : *_- Sit * ♦ i . ^. ^^ , ^ . ::=ir;crtr=r:^f::=izqri=|nrrt::^^[:i__;_fe=z^z|z^ii I ■ I I 25 On Our Way Rcjoiciiia:. <>.'>. 1). Thoko Harris, AlUf^o.^ m^^^^ 1. On our way 2. If with hon 3. On our way 4. Un - to God re - joic - lu'^ est - heart - ed re - joic - ing the Fa - ther Mi As we home- ward move, Love for (iod and man. Glad - ly let us go ; Joy - ful songs we sing; .-#- Ht— r-^- ^ ^ m J- I Ileark - en to our prais - es, Day by day thou find us Vic - tor is our lead - er, # O thou G(»d of love. Do - ing what we can, Vanquished is the foe: Un - to God the Sav - iour Thank -ful hearts we bring; ^^=mm ■^ ^ i -^-^=^- v-^-^ ^ 4==SV V -\ J-^- ^=t It: Is there grief or sad - ness? Thine it can - not be! Thou M'ho giv'st the seed - time Wilt give large in - crease, Christ with- out, our safe - ty ; Christ with - in, our joy; Un - to God the Spir - it Bow we and a - dore ; P 1 -^- Is our sky be - cloud - ed? Clouds are not from thee. Crown the head with bless - ings. Fill the heart with peace. Who, if we be faith - ful, Can our hope de - stroy? On our way re - joic - ing Ev - er, ev - er - more. ^m^ -#■ N i 26 Hark! it is the Anselns. Rkv. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL.D. Softly^ with Expression. Rev. R. DeW. Mallary, D. D. -^c=^ T=i=iF=i, r 1. Hark! it is the an - ge-liis, With soft cadence steal - ing, 2. Wea - ry is earth's frequent lot, Crowd-ed be-yond bear - ing ; 3. And when sounds night's an-ge-lus, All our la - bors end - ed, - pite sweet it brings to us, And a ho - ly feel - ing. what com-fort in the thought ! God that lot is shar - ing. the set - ting sun to us As some vis - ion splen - did ; I I — |--F[z z:4;lz=J= 1-- r =^=:[=£: | ^- J ^-^- -#--#- ^ -•- m II I ! Flood - ing now the sun-set air, Fad - ing and in-ereas - ing, Re - as-sured, our toil we close. Speed - ier for de - lay - ing ; Then, hands fold-ed as in prayer, Washed in blood, for-giv - en, ^ -£^^ t€- r-^t t=t ^ -J — ^- itur: ^ZT m -^-^ 2^=tt^ p—^^r Hands we fold for one brief pray'r From our la - bor ceas - ing. Sweet- er, sweet- er night's re - pose For this ves-per pray - ing. Waft - ed doA\Ti to meet us there The sweet bells of Heav - en. I I I Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. 27 God Ts Over All. Words by Ukv. J. E. Rankin, I). 1). Slowly^ and with Expression. Music by H. DtW. Mallakv. D. D. ■'"\ ^ ^;^^;^m^^^sE^ 1. Thf ■1. \W •i. And (lay is liolil tlie if for I ^ I done I Ni«;lit*8 wel - come rest is sweet, stars that keep their watch on high, thee, earth's dai - Iv toils ate done. ^ r-jL-X-x ^ Un - bind thy san - dais from thy A - long their path of lii^ht, they Shouldst thou not see a - sain her pil faith ^ ^ ^-^ i=5 grim ful ing :^3 feet, fly; sun. ^m __—-- — Oil'ir 1 _! i _ J 1 1 JJj^J^^ \ ! i f" 1 \ J 1 • •: 1 * ! ! ^ 1 \\ "^1 II « ^ sJ. ^ 1 J J 9 f 2 - - 1 W ^ ' • m - H^ -^ AVith heal - ing on their ■wings the shad - - OW8 fall. What earth - Iv power can love di - vine fore - stall. Where thy soul's flight no ill can thee be - fall. * ^ ^m •m «f n p m .^-1 /*^•- U ^P ^W F P V P rj ^ 1 l^* ^ *^ 1 ! . • I • F r 1 ^_'>_S ' Pi <5 ^> 1 1 .1 r [ & 1 1 ' 1 1 ::;isi=5 :^ Sleep thou Sleep thou Sleep thou peace, for God is peace, for God is peace, for God is £i:^ i£ 1 i — -"Z^j:. •a—r ver ver ver all. all. all. 1^1 Copyright, li^;, bv J. E. Ra.nkin, Washington, D. C. 28 Kkv. J. E, Rankin, D. D. J(^sus, I Como. Thoro Harris. 1. Out of my dark noss in - to thy lii^ht. Out of my weak-ness 2. Out of my bon-daj^e, sor-row and strife, In - to thy free - dom, 3. Out of death's hor-rors, mad-uessand chains, In - to life's com -forts 4. Out of my pride, per- verse- ness of will, Free from that void thou ? — t >•- f- F 1 • — ^ 1^ • — li — — ^^^ — ^— in - to thy might : Jesus, I pardon ai^d life ; Jesus, I glories and gains ; Jesus, I on-lv canst till, Jesus, I m =t:=t:: -#-- come, Je - sus, I come ; Out of my er - ror come, Je - sus, I come ; Out of un-rest to come, Je - sus, I come ; Out of sin's guilt and come, Je - sus, I come; Out of my will, my m V — ^ — #-- m -t-i:i^-qrq: ■s^ ^ 0- •I — :ttr in - to thy truth. Out of my guess - ing breathing thy balm. Out of my tu - mult ter - ror and gloom, Out of the drear - y Sov-'reign to own, Trust- ing thy rner - its. ]-h—*—0 • 0-T^^-0 • • 0- — ^^r^- in - to thy sooth, in - to thy calm, shade of the tomb, Je - sus a - lone. ^— , 1 ^- §^l Out of my sick-ness in - to thy youth, Je - sus, I come to thee. Out of my woes to song and to psalm, Je - sus, I come to thee. Here, where the lost still find there is room, Je - sus, I come to thee. Lately so lost, to crown and to throne, Je - sus, I come to thee. 0- ^0- -«- 2i) The Old fiospel Hyiiin, For Contrmlto Voice. Rev. J. E. Rankin. D. D., LL. D. Andante. \V. J. Stephens, ,N i^^Ti¥=i^Tnxr jri 1. It haunts my tho'ts still, oh. the old gos - pel hymn. That so stirred my 2. I think of the time when I heard its notes first, I think of the .'J. It haunts my tho'ts still, with its meas-ures so sweet, A - jjain, will I 5 1^ ^33ES '• ♦ -^ ♦ soul, and that made my eye dim, That broke up thedream, of my chains that for free-dom I burst; I knelt at theCross, there to pen - i - tent, seek the Lord's feet ; It may be that mer-cy will -b— V^ g long sin - fill sleep. As tem - pests break o - pen the founts of the deep ; weep and to pray, I knelt at the Cross, and the clouds pass'd a - way. list to my prayer ; Perhaps, I shall find my lost bless -ed-ness there: : f r r el; i=^ V >«^ Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, \V;ishington, D. C. The Old Gos|)(»l Hymn, concluded. My Mv My heart has grown hard, of the world feels the stain, heart is grown cold, and it aches with the pain, heart needs but melt, it will cease to com - plain, i^^ ^EEE? ^ «: ;ese full of un - rest, and it has the full of un - rest, and it has the heart needs but melt, and re - lief it old pain, old pain. will gain. 1 ^ M^m ■-f^r-i-A 1 -\- ^ '*^ N ^ ^^ -^-^ K ^H Could I #-r^ 1 hear 4-^ it a - gain, Could I hear it a - — ' '^ 1 — gain ; m—^M — ». ...• ^^-3! * J J J • • • » r=H -#- ^. ^- ^. ^- ^ , -J- 1 1 ^— • — F — ~r — r — r r — w — t— — '^ p— 1 1^^^^ — ^ W — 1 1 1 -1- u p — P 1—- 1 1 ra/l. 1 ^ — • .iSr* 'T would come like the sun - shine fe tr w • :^ ^^—^^0^ aft - er the rain. ra/L ^ :1^4: i ^ ^ ;{(> I Will Xot Lot Tlioe Oo, Words by i:. IUnkin. I). I). What tl. rhth P )t let TIko go. Thou (lav ^houl(l])reak, The What marks aie th- kc The cross Thou did'st I en see. Up dure, The Music by Eknbst Cakter. • f; '^M -! 4 puest sliad CUJ), E2 1 ows flee, Thy brow? the shame ; m rfc I v± ^ E g ^3 «/ / 3^^^ m 13 SEE^=^ Vn Thv () ' Al til Thy name I leave Thou shalt not Man of C'al - va yes, I'm doub - ly Know, take, ry, sure ]}v ord I'll cleave I read Thou art or to Thee the I sign. Thee : now ; same: Art Thou the Man -who died, Thy touch my pow'rsmay numb, I read 'I'liy lin-cage well: The Rock, once riven for me, Be - twecn thieves cru - ci - tied ? Till, halt - ing, I sue - cumb, Make Ja - cob, Is - ra - el ! The Rod, that smote death's sea, ^sm ^ 4;g=P=^ f=^^ 5 ^~n r— t — ^■ /. r— r-^ mp ^ tsm i T^ -p 1' — r I'n - til Thy name I know. Hut till Thy name I know. My suit till Thou be -stow, 'J'hv bless-ing Hoods me so, i-t will will will Lord ! not not not I let Thee go. let Thee go. let Thee go. let Thee go ! m^ ^ 4— < i=t Copj-right, 189s, by Ernest Cartsb. 31 We Would S«f! Jesus. 11.10. E. Ellis. Thoro Harris. 2-?z:7r3iziz?-Ei?t3i=:i=bzi?izr=iT-^==tt=i==:Mz=z=:J 1. We would see Je 2. We would see Je 3. We would see Je 4. We would see Je sus — for the shad - ows length -en sus — the grent Rock Foun - da - tion sus — oth - cr lights are pal - ing, sus — this is all we're need - ing, A - cross this lit Where- on our feet Which for long years Strength, joy, and will =t: tie ■were we ins H^JHJ land set have ness ^- -#-. >^- scape of our life; by sov-ereign grace; re - joiced to see ; come with the sight ; 4«- We Not The We -#- -a- would see Je - life nor death, bless - ings of would see Je - -5^ f- sus, our weak faith to strength-en, with all their ag - i - ta - tion, our pil - grim -age are fail - ing, sus, dy - ing, ris - en, plead -ing; ^. ^Si' S: ± If: M. _-^_ -t^- For the last wea - ri - ness — the fi - nal strife. Can thence re- move us, if we see his face. We would not mourn them, for we go to thee. Then wel-come day, and fare- well mor - tal night! »=:t:: -•- 1 :[^i; ;J2 Under Seailed Orders, Rev. J. E. Hanki.n, D. U., LL. D Rev. R. UeW. Mallarv, D. D.. 1898. ^ + ♦ ♦ 1. We sail sealed or-ders un - der, 2. Per- haps thro' seas un - bro - ken, 3. Per- haps, to Arc -tic re - gions, 4. On llim our eyes are wait-ing. We irav - erse un-known seas. Thro' air that breathes of balm. To realms of snow and ice. To do His sovereign will, ^ -• 0~ f\ tb 1 ^ 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 V 1 1^ m . J N m J 1 J ,^ X h ■ r hJ * . . * * 1 # s 1 ^' "^^ 1 rh -^ « J 2? 1 m A 11; , * ^ '. . ■ vl/ 9 # ^ J .• • • A A L ' J • r ^_/i ■ Our spir - its awed with won - der, What may the Mas - ter Past homeward ves - sels spok - en. We move to song and There, too. Ilis loy - al legions: — Still sealed is His ad - Our barque His pur - pose freight-ing. Be wrought that pur-pose t 1 please; psalm; vice. stiU. ^-^ J 1 5 — T^^n^- -4- ^ — ^ 7L =-— r=| ^b / S- — :^— ^ — ■ — -i — 1 -#- — - — 1 ^^— - — ^— 1 1 1 1 ** What port we make, we do not know. We anchor weigh, set sail and go ; We durst not break the Master's seal ; Our course each night the stars re- veal ; Whith-er the whole is wnt-ten down. What fortune smile, what fortune frown At last, grant llcwith harbor won, And anchor down.theword/'Welldonel' iS^^ What port we make, we do not know, We an-chor weigh, set sail and go. We durst not break the Master's seal ; Ourcourseeachnigl.t the stars reveal. Whith - er the whole is writ- ten down, W hat fortune smile. what fortune frown. At last, grant He, with har-bor won, And anchor down.the word.** WeUdonel" Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. Under Sealed Orders, concluded. Refrain. — ^ f ■%- -0- ' -€- -4- ^ Wc sail sealed or - ders un - dor We trav - crse un-known seas, Our spir - its awed with won - der, "What may the Mas - ter please. .^ ^, ^ M. M. ^ . .0. ^^ ■•"— # -f- bp m^^ mm"^ ^ >- 33 1 — ^^r More of Jesus. 8s & 7s. na Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL.D. Chopin. Arr. by Thoro Harris. .^__4-,-^_ tr*- 1. More of Je - sus, more of Je - sus, More of .Te- sus, more and more; 2. God suf-fi-cient grace pro-vid-ing, On His cross we fix our eyes, 3. Heav'nward race with patience running. lieav'invard race, thats set before, 4. Things that are be-hind for-get-ting, Nev-er, nev - er our true Friend; 5. Tdl from sin and death He win us, All our sorrows here be - low, 4— U^^^#-^----J- ;^^=t JZ'zi^-Si-i g:=S Hgzz?^ &fe^ t=X- .22- V^ \-^ w. -SM -I— L Of His love, from sin that frees us, Reign-ing love, that we a - dore. 'Neath its shelt'ring shad-ow hid-ing, 'Neath the dy - ing sac - ri - fice, Ev'ry weightandhindranccshunning. — More of Je-sus, more and more. Still our eye up - on Him set- ting, Look-ing,lov- ing to the end. And His im - age formed within us, We His per -feet love shall know tlZ± ?z:^ t=t (S- — •- T Refrain. last verse. ^^iiiiililiiiiSiiii Cf2^-i7^- More of Jesus, more of Je-sus, More of Je-sus, more and more. A - mex. 11 .^ I ; ^- ^ -?5*— # Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. Philip. S. M Thoro Harris. 1. How gen - tie God's com 2. Be - neath his watch - ful 3. Why should this anx - ious 4. His guod-ness stands ap ■ mands ! eye load proved, How kind his pre - His saints se - cure Press down your wea Un-changed from day cepts are ! ly dwell; - ry mind? to day : Come, cast your bur - den That hand which bears all Haste to your heav'nly I'll drop my bur - den on the Lord, And trust his con - na - ture up Shall guard his chil- Father's throne, And sweet re - fresh- at his feet. And bear a song stant care, dren well, -ment find. a - way. 5^ i—t=S: m V=t 35 Forever Jas. Montgomery. With tlie Lord. S. M. Thoro Harris. 2=^=^=4: ^ -^^^=^=^ I I 1. "For- ev - er with 2. Here, in the bod 3. My Fa-ther's house 4. "For - cv - er with 5. Know-ing as I _«_ the Lord !" So. Je - sus ! let it y pent, Ab - sent from thee 1 on high. Home of mv soul! how the Lord!" Fa - ther, if am known, How shall I 'tis thy love that be; roam : near, will, word. Life from the dead is Yet night-ly pilch my At times, to faitii's as The prom-ise of thy And oft re - peat be - in that word ; 'Tis im-mor-tal - i - ty. mov-ing tent A day's march near-er home. pir-ing eye. Thy gold -en gates ap - pear! gra-cious word Ev'n here to me ful - fill, fore the throne, "For-ev - er with the Lord!" 36 Is this the Kind Roturii ? S. M, D. Isaac Watts. Thoro Harris. -2i^i±S— 8::=^— gi=Ezsz: Jzi^E i=;z=:3r=5^E:|^=3 1. Is this tlie kind re - turn, Are these the thanks we owe, 2. The brutes o - bev their God, And bow their necks to men ; :^^=^ -rr^— I Pi ^ ^ — P* 2; ^zitiw J :2=i '^-W^ tr^ Thus to a - buse e - ter - nal love, Whence all our bless-ings flow? But we, more base, more brut- ish things, Re - ject his ea - sy reign. _ HZ — ^ ^ — — ^ ^ — — 1 1 (Z f^ — z__p=icr — I ^ 1 — t:_j ^__c: — , — c_| — cpi — ^ ^-3 1 ^= To what a stub - born frame. Has sin re - duced our mind ! Turn, turn us, might - y God, And mould our souls a - fresh ; ?^^ ifcik: li — •: ?=a r— t p=r:t:=Ezsi:3iB£: r — r— t ^^ ■-^-- W^ What strange, re-bell- ious wretches we. And God as strangely kind! Break,sov'reigngrace, these hearts of stone. And give us hearts of flesli. iC=:?=i:=it: -^ -S^-n— P £=S=p 111 37 Rbv. J. E. Rankin, D. D. P Into the Land Elysiaii. Kev. R. DeWitt Mallary, D. D. mmn^m^f^^^ 1. In - to the land e - lys - ian.Wherefaith ischang'd to vig - ion. 2. Up to the cit - y gold - en, Where dwell the sa - ges old - en. 3. Up to that town de-scend-ing From God, thro' years un -end - ing. ^S^ S^ ^=^ 1E^±^ 1^ T-r ^ In - to the soul's homeland : Be- yond death's mystic riv - er. And star - ry fields ex - pund : Where blossoms do not with - er, A-dorned as is a bride: Where flows the cry s-tal riv - er. m i^ ^m A little louder. 9 ~f • p S^ Where the ma- ny mansions stand In God's own light for - ev - er; In bloom on eith - er hand, Trees yield their fruit for - ev - er With its life-giv - mg tide, From 'neath God's throne for-ev - er; _•_-•- w' • • / ff. ^ \ r^r^ Ou - ly the nail-scarred hand Can lead the pil - grim thith - er ; ^ M V t: -«. itnzM: b^ l!^-± -^ - ly the nail-scarred hand Can lead the pil - grim thith-er. i t=t ^ rTT I I Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. 38 Fierce I{ii&;ed the Tempest. GODKRKV ThKIN Expressivo. Thoro Harris. — I— ^-A-4— hVj— j— j — ^J— ;-^^^— ^r^j— J — 3 1 . Fierce rag'd the tempest o'er the deep, Watch d id thine anxious servants keep 2. The wild winds hush'd; the angry deep Sank, like a lit - tie child to sleep; 7T~* — #—#--# • # r — - ^ #■ : ^ r» — b— ^^— i — ^ fe^^^; liii V— ^ i^ #; ^»=8: -S*-r- -»-r P But thou wast wrapt in guile - less sleep, Calm The sul - len bil - lows cease to leap At ^ . and still, thy will. -' S^ 1 — ^— x-J ^1 — , N— I , ^-H ,-- J ^ — ^■ Save.Lord, we perish," was their cry, "O save us in our ag - o-ny!" So, when our life is cloud-ed o'er, And storm -winds drift us from the shore, LZZZZZS- -- i /— ^- •__^ J — ^ — - g — 1-, '^ — ^- :-«55; m Thy word a - bove the storm rose high, " Peace, be still." Say, lest we sink to rise no more, "Peace, be still." iis^iitiii^iliiii ^^• i 1- ;iy Tlie Chief Among T.ii Tliousaiid. C. M. D. Hev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL. D. J liOKO JIakkis. 1. I huve ten thousand earth - ly friends. But not h friend to spare; 2. Ten thousand stars are in the sky, When ab - sent is the hun ; 3. Ten thou>and flow'rs make sweet the vale, liy fragrance and by form; One, on - ly One a - bove me bends, And makes my soul His care. To guide his struggling ves - sel by. The pi - lot needs but one. But soon they bend be - lore the gale. And per - ish in the storm. in! -#- ^ -#- -#- -0- -#- ^ .-*-#- # ^ i ?^-| ^— I ^-^ ' I have no want He does not feel, Xo se- cret, in -ward sigh; Ten thousand shepherds fold their sheep, Care- ful each one to see; The Rose of Shar-on blooms for me, When fades all oth - er bloom ; And when at morn and night I kneel, I feel His presence nigh. But One I need my steps to keep. I turn, dear Lord to Thee. The Chief a - mong ten thou - sand He, Who fra- grant makfs the tomb. Copyriirht, I.iii. :>t, 1891), hv J. K. IIankin, \V.ishin;:ton, D. C. 40 3Iy Saviour Died for M(>. C. M. I). Rev. Thoj.. Raffles, D. D. Thoko Hakkis. 1. Thou nrt my hid - ing - place, O Lord ! In thee I put my trust; 2. When storms of tierce temp - ta-tion beat. And fu- rious foes as - sail. 3. And when thine aw - ful voice commands This bod- y to de - cay, V— r- mm\ S^: En-cour-aged by thy ho - ly word, A fee - ble child of dust: My ref - uge is the mer-cy-seat, My hope with - in the vail: And life, in its last lingering sands, Is ebb- ing fast a - way; — •=f:te=fe=i=|i=|5=[:=t=f:-d:i=f==ir-=^t=f:?-=?-: I have no ar - gu- ment beside, I urge no oth - er plea From strife of tongues, and bitter words, My spir - it flies to thee Then, though it be in accents weak, My voice shall call on thee, And 'tis e-nough my Saviour died. My Sav - iour died for Joy to my heart the thought affords, My Sav - iour died for And ask for strength in death to speak, "My Sav - iour died for me: me me. "! — ? — t- ^ — 1^-^-« ■-■ 41 RKV. E. S. L'KfOKIi Till' Life- Li lie. K. s. L. Arr. by Thoro Harris. T^fS SiJ^^^l 1. Throw out the life- line a-cross the dark Mave. There is a brother whom 2. Throw out the life- line with hand quick and strong ; Why do you tar- ry, why .'?. Throw out the life-line to danger-fraught men, Sink-ing in anguish where 4. Soon will the sea - son of res - cue be o'er, Soon will thev drift to e - Siili^a^i^ r— t?-r mm^^mmmm some one should save; Some-body's brother ! O who then will dare To lin - ger so long: See. he is sinkingl O hast-en to- day, And you've nev-er been; Winds of temptation and bil-lows of woe Will ter - ni - ty's shore ; Trust, now, his mercy so gracious and free, For ^mm^^tmm Chorus. throw out the life-line, his per - il to sharer Throw out the life - line! out with the life - boat ! a - -way then, a - way. soon hurl them out where the dark wa- ters flow. Je - sus has thrown out the life - line to thee. Throwout the life-line! Someone is drift-ing a - way: . . . Some one is drifting a - wav ; Throw out the life-lino I Throw out the life-line. Some one is sinking to - day ! b. 42 Carolina. L. 31. 01 I HAS. Wksi.ky Thoko IIakris. , 1- T" 1. C) Love di - vine, what hast thou done! Th'in-car - nate 2. Be - hold him, all ye pass - crs by — The blood - in<» 3. Is cru - ci - tiod for me and you, To bring us 4. Then let us sit be - noath his cross And glad - Iv f- 11 \ \/^ \ \ \ I 1'^ I I God hath died for me ! The Fa - ther's well - be - lev - ed Prince of life and peace ! Come, sin - ners, see your Sav - iour reb - els back to (iod ; Be - lieve, be - lieve the rec - ord catch the heal -ing stream ; All things for him ac - count but •- ^ :[:±z^z=L_zz ='=#-: m Son Bore all my die, And say, was true, Ye all loss, And give sms up - on the tree ! The Lamb of ev - er grief like his? Come, feel with are bought Avith Je - sus' blood ; Par - don for up all our hearts to him ! Of noth - ing ^=iT-'^ ^iilpiiii^iiSipip r God for me hath died, My Lord, my Love, is cru'~ - me, his blood ap-plied, — jNly Lord, my liOve, is cru - all flows from his side, — My Lord, my Love, is cru think or speak be-side, — My Lord, my Love, is cru ci - fied. ci - fied : ci - fied. ci - fied. 4:{ SoiiiotiiiK'. 11.10. Mks. L. D. Avekv-Stlttl*. -5:: .-4 Thoro Harris. — -^ g ^ *- <> •^ — L-» # •—>--* ^— J 1. Some- time the pitth that now seems dark with shad - ows, 2. The cup of worm - wood thou did^t drink, my Ma» - ter, .{. And shiill my Mas - ter bear re - proHch and sor - row, 4. Shall my poor brow be crowned with earth - ly lau - rels, .5. Xuy ; let me walk the path that thou hast trod - den, f'"^- ^ -^^- a - m ^^m^m Shall beam with sun - ^hine from the Glo - ry - land; To save my wrt tch - ed soul from death and woe. And I, thy hand - maid, know nor grief nor care? And I lie prone in lux - ury's down - y bed. And cling more close - ly to thy bless - ed hand ; — ^ $0 -1— r f^ **^ rT • m "p—rT^- t -3^^ ^- GT^ ar^^ — ^r ^^ ^ And these dim clouds that thy dear face ob - scur - eth. The shad - owy path that leads to Cal - vary's moun - tain. And shall thy path be red with blood - y foot - prints. While crown of thorns a - domed thy king - ly fore - head. Some- time thou 'It lift the veil that hides thy glo - ry, — ' ' J 1 '1 ■ J L ^ i f=»; 4=^ ■^— :^ i -Sfi*- -^ Some - time. O Sav - iour. I shall un - der - stand. And dark Geth - sem - a - ne. I, too, must know. And mine be strewn with flow - crs rich and rare? And thou didst have no place to lay thy head? Some - time, mv Sav - iour. I shall nn - di-r - stand. 44 Saviour, Draw Me. Mrs. C. a. Haas. Thoro Harris. S|i5=^^5p| wm 1. Dear Sav - iour, draw me af 2. O, may I, as a lit 3. If friend - less in a vale of r y ■> I ter thee, (af-ter thee,) That tie child, ( lit -tie child,) Still tears (vale of tears,) And WtE^£ m t^: m =I^=:^;=::^^j ^-^-|-4■ — =1=^Fl n—n — ^ — : — -^ ^' - ' ' ' \ -Ji! I may run and nev - er tire, fol - low thee, and nev - er rest ma - ny foes per - plex my way, With loving words still comfort Till thou hast ful - ly me be - Draw lue and take a - way my -0- M ^ ^ m—tzm -^ s^—X— Jt^— -S me, (com. - fort me.) Be all my hope and full de - sire, guiled,(me beguiled.) With love and hope and heaven - ly rest. fears, (all my fears,) Dear Sav - iour, be my hope and stay. ,—- J- :t^ 2E^; :=t:: iii Then, free from ev'-ry weight and fear. True joy will come if thou art near. Then nev- er will we part- ed be, And I shall have one rnind with thee. Be thou my light and life and hope, I can not fall with such a prop. I I /r^=^be_4^ 45 Ciilvoit. r,Mi Frkdkrick W. Faukk. Thoro IIarris. 1. O 2. () 3. Yes, 4. Re - o. Come. come to the mcr - ci - ful Sav - iour who calls you. rome then to Je - bu«, whose arms are ex - tend - ed come to the Sav - iour. whose mer - cy ijrows bright - er turn then to Je - sus. and say how you lore him, come to his feel, and lay o - pen your slo - ry 4I^:^^J:zz=t=zt:^^zz=t: -# •. i I I 3=5 ^ — I 1 U, — 1 1 1—-, 1 — , come to the Lord who for - gives and for fold his dear chil - dren in clos - est em Ion - ger you look at the depth of his vow at his feet you will keep in his suf-fring and 8(»r - row, of guilt and of ^^: :i?=i?£ m :2m-fi=S=z^. gets, brace ; love ; grace. shame. m Tho' dark be the for - tune on earth that be falls C) come, for your ex - ile will short - ly be end - ed, And fear not: 'tis Je - sus I and life's cares grow light - er One tear of u pen - i - tent s^in - ner can move him, The par - don of sin is the crown of his glo - ry, ->-5 ~^m^^^^^ :3i: — L# #— L^ :•— »— There is a bright home where the sun nev - er sets. When Je - sus will show y(m his beau-ti- ful face. While thinking of home and the glo- ry a- bove' Your sins will fall otf in his ten - der em - brace. I'he joy of our Lord to be true to his name. 46 L'kiaii Smith. Smitlifleld. 7. -4-- Thoko Harris. ^mmmmMsmi I lias not help on One been laid, Strong to save and set us free? 2. Then in Je - t*us let us trust, On him stay our troubled mind : - -•- TV? m -^ \ -^- m 1-^ "•" tS -^ m '^ • And is there no promise made, In his name, of vie - to - ry? Not presume, for God is just; Nor de-spair, for he is kind. 47 Walk in the Light. L. M. Bernard Barton. ^,.J \-A— Thoro Harris. —I- 1. Walk in the light! so shalt thou know That fellow - ship of love, His. 2. Walk in the light, and thou shalt own Thy darkness pass'd a- way; Be- 3. Walk in the light ! and e'en the tomb Nofear-ful shade shall wear ; Glo- I I Spir-it on-ly can be-stow Who reigns in light a - bove. cause that Light on thee hath shone In which is per - feet day. ry shall chase a - way the gloom,For Christ hath conquer'd there. A - men. igjg gifea 48 Pastor Divine. 9. D. i. Jl. Andante. ScnL'BERT, Arr. by TrioRo Harris. 1. Bless-ed Uc-deem-er, Pas-tor di - vine. Je - sus, the life, the 2. (iive mc life's wu - ters, free - ly that spring Forth from the rock, in ;a£t; ^ t ^=x^ H — ! — iT -r--' -H — ' — hn: — I , I , truth and the way. Since thou hast called me. Lord, I am thine: boun- te - ous flow ; Hide me be - neath thy o'er-spreading wing : ^ ^-=x ff^fefe c =^-f-t — r ' ^^ i 1 — i—l — T"^^! — :— I- Keep me from falling.Saviour, I pray. Now thou hast found thy long wand'ring sheep. No oth-er help or refuge I know.Mdkerae but thine.all strivings will cease ; -ic^ Ur. wm^^^^^^m fit — ^ t , I=St H 1 Ll 1 1 1— 1 1 1 l-T 1 1 P>5 Hack to the fold, Lord, tliou wilt re - store ; Jian - i-ili my sor - row. par - don my sin; Safe with thy flock, fond Hov - or :i - round me. -i i 1— l-i© -5? LP — f-—i- H ' '—'- -• — •- Pastor Divine, conciudeti. -=1 ^i=q3=szzjz:=!z=ii=:4q=-^— q-F-i1:==i=F=H P' Shepherd, O keep. Keep me and seal me thine ev - er - more, sweet dove of peace — Come. Ho - ly Ghost, thy tern - pie with - in. •^ -2^ ::=-— _-r- nmm^sMi^^m 1 — r 49. Ye Servants of Ood. Chas. Weslev Thoro Harris. 5-#a-L^ -!— *— Lft^ S-t^ 0—J—^—J — #-J-# 0—^ t) 1. Ye ser-vants of God, your Master pro - claim, And pub-lish a - 2. God rul-eth on high, al - migh-ty to save; And still he is 3. Sal - va - tion to God, who sits on the throne, Let all cry a- 4. Then let us a - dore, and give him his right. All glo - rv and I I ^- 13 j— ^^ — — _ — 1—0 — — ■ broad his won - der - ful name; The name all vie - to- rious of nigh — his pres - ence we have; The great con loud, and hon - or the Son; Theprais-es pow'r, and wis - dom and might ; All hon - or - gre - ga - tion his of Je - sus the and blessing, with '^0 y^- -0- W F ~&- Je - sus ex - tol ; His kingdom is glorious, he rules o - ver all. sus ex - tol ; His kingdom is glorious, he rules o - ver all. triumph shall sing. As-cribing sal -va - tion to Je - sus our King, an - gels pro - claim, Fall down on their fac-es. and wor-ship the Lamb, an - gels a - bove. And thanks never-ceasing> for in - ti - nite love. id^s* T — r _ — ■-_ , — I f— 50 J. W. \'ON (JOETIIE. Purer Yet. 6.5. 1>. liioKo }1arkis. 'EEa Ei^E^ :«=: FJ; 1. Pur - er yet and pur - er 2. Calm-er yet and calm - er 3. Hij;h-cr yet and high - er 4. Swift -er vet and swift - er m I iB m ^- I wonld be in mind, In the hours of pain. Out of clouds and night, Ev - er on - ward run, --d; Dear - er yet and dear - er Sur - er yet and sur - er Near - er yet and near - er Firm-er vet and firm - er Ev - ery du Peace at last Ris - ing to Step as 1 ty to the go find; gain; light- on : -T— r — r — r-^-r r ^ ^r=^z:zr_ Hop - ing still and trust - ing Suff - 'ring still and do - ing, Light se - rene and ho - ly, Oft these ear - nest long - ings God with - out a fear. To his will re - signed, There my soul may rest, Swell with - in my breast, F:=«=t:=t:=^q=t -— T — F-^ — r^^ tzitzt -9^ — 3-#- W^^mm^m Pa - tient - ly be - liev - ing He will make all clear. And to God sub - du - ing He^rt and will and mind. Pu - ri - fied and low - ly, Sane - ti - fied and blest. Yet their in - ner mean - ing Xe'er can be ex - pressed. - — \ — I — r — r*=r— f— V — f^'^—T-^^ ^ Purer Yet. Concluded. Refrain. 5 ^ __l 1 1 1 1 Oft these ear - nest long - ings Swell with ^^ my breast, ._J_ ilip^^J irbjl ^«//. Yet their in - ner mean - ing Ne'er can be ex - pressed. A - men. -is-- '-^-i — I — f — r"~! — I — — — — 51 Morning Star. C. M. Thoro Harris. 1. How pa - tient - ly and un - dismayed, To see the day- star 2. And still we watch, and still we pray, With un - a - bat - ed 3. When shall th'expect-ed morning star As - cend in lus - ter 4. Ye powers of na-ture, speed the dawn Of heav'n's ce-les - tial ES?EF -h^-*--^^-^ -#--#--1;^ » l-#--^ — *-#^. Ee?EE^EEEEEEeEiEtfa^=^=EEE^: rise, zeal, bright, day ; The To And O. ill faithful martyrs watched and prayed Along time's o - rient catchthefirst au - spi -cious ray His glo - ry may re - with its roy - al pal - ace car Dis-perse the shades of haste the break inor of that morn That burns e - ter - nal I skies. veal, night ? -Iv. -^-^ A - MEN'. .^*t^ i ?l 52 The Blood. G.5.6.6. Italian, tr. Eow, Ca"«w all, iSij. Thomo Harris. ^mmw^^^^m 1. Glo - ry be to 2. Blest thro' end - less 3. Oft as it is sprinkled On our guilt - y hearts, 4. Lift ye, then your vol - ces, Swell the might - y flood: Je - BUS, Who in bit - ter pains a - ges Be tVie pre-cious stream. z:==P > — ^ P-C-^ tir:=? — P -f S'fS ^ -Q. J -i -A U _>_ _^ ,_ ^^^ . m 9 — _]_ a — — 1 — \ -: ^ ' - — \ ^ #"^1# — ^ — r- ~t — E-^- _ 9-- 1 ' i— - -J5 1 ^ -^. -5- <^ * ^ 1 Poured for me the life - blood From his own sa - cred veins ! Which from sin and tor - ments Our world doth still re - deem I 1 Sa - tan in con - fu - sion All ter - ror - struck de - parts. Loud - er still and loud - er Praise Chri(>t*^ most precious blood. . . -^ ^ > -#- f:2 /m\' -1 • • • m r \ ' [ -f r 1 t ■ l"J« ^1 , 1 1^ Ym 'r^ « 1 ' 1 5^-^y— ^ ^ h- ?_ ±Z- I H- U*-- * — L U -i-^ J ^=fc=ip= ■:X Grace and life e A - bel's blood for Oft as earth ex Glo - rv be to S^st ter - ven - ult - Je - sus nal geance ing w In that blood I Plead - cd to the Wafts lier praise on Who in bit - ter find: skies ; high, pains iJ J ^—f m^^m^m^^m m^^^^^m Blest be his com - pas -sion So in - fi - nite - ly kind I But the blood of Je - sus For our free par -don cries. An - gel hosts re - joic - ing Shall make their glad re - ply. Pour'd for us that life-blood From his own sa - cred veins. A - men. p2 ^ife iP^fei -b#- wim^ 53 Paxtoii. 0.5. 121 Thoro Harris. ^4 s-^-j:.rEa?: 1. Wliy ihatlook of sadness? Why that downcast eye? Can no h)ok of gladness 2. Is thy burdened S2)ir- it Aj^-onized for sin? Tliink of Je-sus' mer - it: _a_| — ^ — I — r-*>— ^— ^•— •— f— •-'r^^ — b-"--! — t — i — h--"-^ r~ I I I I -I — i — 3^&T=rJEE?-33EE?g=3EF-:?:E;?E*EEE^l Lift thy soul on high? O thou heir of lieav- en, Think of Jes-us' love, He can make thee clean. Think of Calv'ry's mountain. Where his blood was spilt; ^^J=i^ -<$»- -0i5^. :^- ir^ s#- -#- -#- -#- •*^ — # — I — •- g trn — i — : While to thee is giv - en all his grace to prove. . In that pre-cious fountain Wash a - way thy guilt. Set the prize before thee, ^ ^ . — -_ p^ — ,-^ , — p-= , .IM — m — ^ — '-r-^ — ^- I I I I #eJe,"-:^E!EF5EF:QE5ESE^ -<5^., /S- -# — • — ' rit. I sSilB Gird thine armor on : Heir of grace and glo - ry, Struggle for the crown. A - men. §53EBE Et^5EE*Et^S=£eEEEEEt 54 Call Jehovah thy Salvation. 8.7. D. Jas. Mo.ntgomerv. Psalm 91. Thoko Harris. ■^■'■■7^- II' / 1. Cnll Jc - ho - vah thy sal -va-tion, Rest beneath th* Almighty's shade, 2. He shall charge his an - gel legions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep, 3. Thou shalt call on him in troub'le, lie will hearken, he will save; *T53J.- r-l !^— ^ — n— I— te-s ±1— K-l — In his se - cret hab - i - ta - tion Dwell, and nev-er be dismayed. Tho' thou walk thro' hostile re-gions, Tho' in des-ert M-ilds thou sleep. Here, for grief reward thee dou-ble, Crown with life beyond the grave. There no tu - mult can alarm thee.Thou shalt dread no hid - den snare Since, with firm and pure af - fection.Thou on God hast set thy love. Call Je - ho - vah thy sal-vaiion. Rest beneath th' Almigh- ty's shade. •3- are I 5^3333 '<^ I I N I — J-. -,^-1 i^^^^S Guile nor vi - olence can harm thee. In e - ter - nal safeguard there. With the wings of his protec- tion He shall shield thee from above. In his secret hab - i - ta - tion Dwell, and never be dismaved. Amen. 55 Elizaketh Mills. Staccato. Gathered Home, Thoko Harris. 1. O land of rest, for thee I sigh ; When will the mo-nient 2. No tran-qiiil joys on earth I know, No peaceful, shelt'riug 3. To Jc - 6US Clivist I sought for rest: He bade nie cease to 4. When by af - tiic- tion sharply drove, Faith tells of scenes to 0. Wea - rv of wand'ring round and round This vale of sin and fife^ ^' When I shall lay my ar - mor by And dwell with Christ at home? This world's a wil- der - ness of woe. This world is not my home. And fly for sue - cor to his breast, And he'd con-duct me home. Those end- less joys pre-pared a - bove, And then I sigh for home. I long to leave th' unhallowed ground, And dwell with Christ at home. We'll work and wait, ^ IS ! .S ^ ^ I ^ — ^1 I ^^: We'll work . . . tm We'll work and wait ^S; 14 I - — ^ Je - sus comes, And then be gathered, gathered home ; ^ gathered home. ^ EiS3*3Eg3; IM Bzazit gS Igs We'll work and wait till Je - sus comes And then be gath-ered home > 0^ m. -0—0- 1 — trr 56 B«tlua. 1 Mks. L. I). A. Stittlk. Thoro Harus. ?«■■ PI/ 1. A - wea - ry and des - o - late, poor and a - lone, He's resting his 2. How oft like the pa - tri-arch, wea- ry and lone, We sink down to y. O, praise ye the Lord for the Beth-els of earth ! They prove to my —!^ N N 1— . H- -, 1^ PV FV 1 — -m — -J — p- ^ jj PS h^ V— I head on a pil - low of stone, While glo - ri - ous vis - ions of rest on a pil - low of stone, Our hearts full of sad - ness, our soul of such won - der - ful worth ; And vis - ions of glo - ry as 5iE!^^?^ iE^t :^- ser - aphim bright Be-glad-den his soul in the gloom of the night, eyes full of tears, We long for the rest of e - ter - ni- ty's years, rap - tu-rous seem As when in the pa - tri- arch's won -der - ful dream : I r-\;'c 1 • • • — r*Ta— I : • • »— S"*— r^^ • ' • — i :^;^=^ -^— H ^^S^E^tEtTgS; He sees the bright lad-der let down from the skies, "The gate- way of Our eyes are so blind-ed they can - not be- hold The an- gels come I long for the time when my crown shall be giv'n, I'll soar in the Bethel. Concluded, ^i^^l ~f<- :fc: ^?*-^ hea v-en," in rap - ture he cries. Bright an - gels of glo - ry are down on the path -way of gold — Bright an - gels of glo - ry that path- way of glo - ry to heav'n. This won - der - ful lad - der by ^ N zzm: :=Si: m mmmi en - ing ear. ish-ing ear. com - ing to cheer, And whisper sweet hope in his list lin - ger so near To whisper sweet hope in our fam faith I can see, And glo-ri -ous an - gels are hast'ning to me -0- ^ ^ - N -^ --ZZ — ^ r ^ j L_^^ — LT — • — ^ — • J — ^ — \—^ — • — ^ — !•—■-* 57 Vienna. L. M. Charlotte Elliot. A^^S Thoro Harris. 1. Just as I am, — with - out one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, 2. Just as I am, and wait- ing not To rid my soul of one dark blot, 3. Just as I am, — tho' tossed a - bout. With ma- ny a conflict, many a doubt, 4. Just as I am, — poor, wretched,blind, Sight, riches, heal - ing of the mind, 5. Just as I am, — thou wilt re - ceive, Wilt welcome, par- don, cleanse, relieve ; 6. Just as I am, — thy love unknown Has brok-en ev - 'ry barrier down ; •0- -f- -0 - -^-^ - SE3; i ^ATjt^b^J^ t=^=^ -f^:?^ t:^ ills -.—0 L ; ^ '. 1_ i=^iFi:izz^^zvz3=i=i!zzi: And that thou bidst me come to thee. To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, Fightings with-in and fears with - out, Yea, all I need, in thee to find, Be-cause thy promise I be - lieve. Now to be thine, yea, thine a - lone, O Lamb of God, I come, I O Lamb of God, I come, I O Lamb of God, I come, I O Lamb of God, I come, I O Lamb of God, I come, I O Lamb of God, I come, 1 ^- m^ :& 90- :gL t ^^ ^ come, come, come, come, come, come. ^^M Toilers. 11.10. I,uii\KK. Arr. l)v TiioRf) HakrI" ms^=mm^^ 1. Earn- est -ly, faith- ful - ly, toil - iut? for Je - sun. Seek - injf the 'i. Toil - ers for Je - sus, re- peat that sweet sto - ry. Tell how from 3. Soon will the Suv-iour, in glo - ry de - 8ceiid-ins^. For all his I - - - ^^-s^ lost ones o er mountain and sea. heav- en so spot - less and pure, chil-dren re - turn from a - hove. Striv - ing to point wea - ry High-er than high - est arch- An - gels at - tend - ing ; with .-^- ,ej!a- I souls to the Sav - iour, Ten-der- ly plead- ing. O come uu - to me. j an - gels of glo - ry. Life ev - er - last- ing Christ came to se-cure. rap - ture un - end - ing They shall in - her - it the kingdom of love. ^ -#- -#- -f-J^ _ ji * = '4^ I ' r ; 1 I I 1 i ( Refrain. mmmE^Mm Toil - - ing for Je-sus. O la-borblesti Soon ^vith the Toil - - ing for Je-sus. () la-bor blest! Soon uith the Toil on for Je-bus — hap- py un- rest ! Iloirs of the Toiling, toiling on for Je-sus, O la-bor blest ! Soon. yes. soon, with all the Toiling, toiling on for Je-sus, C) lii-bor blest I Soon, yes, soon. withall the Toil, ye faithful ones, for Jo - sus — hap - py un- rest ! Heralds of the com - ing N V V V S -#- -#- -♦- -y— ^- k/ i P- Toilers, Conchxded. 1\- ^ --^: I ev - - - er to rest. . ev - - - er to rest. mor - - - tal and blest. ran - somed, soon ■with all the saints to rest. ran - somed, soon with all the saints to rest. heirs, im - nior-tul heirs and blest. I.1:^gl ransomed for ransomed for kingdom im dom, r king A^ J: -^- ran - somed for - ev ^- to rest. 59 Sabbath Morning. 6.4. J. M. Payne. -25^ Tkoro Harris. ;i ! 1. Now on this day 2. And as thj' peo • 3. So shall thy will of rest, O thou Cre - a - tor blest, To thee we pie meet A-round the mer - cy-seat, Forpray'r and bo done In earth and heav'n as one. Thou God of 1 — r m^m F &#-^ -fe-; t turn ! To thee we praise. For pray'r and grace ! Thou God of K I -#- -^- -t turn! Fountain of pure de-sire, Our ev-ery praise, Thy bless -iror, Lord, bestow ; O, let sal- grace ! And all with - in the fold Shall walk the H -»- -9- -^ -#- n 1" " r \j~T ►— ' — I :S: 1 iHr:;8=: breath in -spire; O, let the ;:. - tion flow, Till all the streets of gold. And ev - er • :^ tr5- l^-^ :^. ho - ly fire With - in us burn ! peo - pie know And keep thy ways! more be - hold Thy glo - rious face. 60 Moiitii!;ii. 7. 01 Arr.L-srrs Montagu Toi'la mp Andante. Thoko Hakkis. mp Andante. \ \ . . |-^ . 1. Rock of a - ges, cleft for mc, Let me hide my -self thee; 2. Not the la - bors of my hands Cun ful- til thy law's de - mands; .'{. Notliiim in my hand I hriiij^, Sim - ply to thy cross I cling, 4. Wliilf 1 draw tliis fleet- iiig breath, When mine eyelids close in death, J. £i \ h^^^m Let the wa - ter and the blood, From thy side, a Could my zeal no re - spite know, Could my tears for Nak - ed, come to thee for dress ; Sin - bred, seek thy When I soar to worlds un - known, See thee on thy ^^M -^- — 1-5 ^- ,^- i^- ^ cleans - ing flood, Re of - ev - er flow, All for right - eous - ness ; Foul. I judg - nunt -throne, llock of -e- :tz— zzz:: mmmm I sin the doub - le cure — Save frora sin could not a - tone ; Thou must to the foun - tain fly; Wash me, a -s ges, cleft for me ! Let me 1 I ,^j I W^^ [Stan/as 1-3. [Last Stax/a. A J . ^^m;mmm^mBm=m^ .-tjtr^^ ■wrath, and kuif> me save, and thou a Sav - iour, or I liide my wrath, and /trr^/ PP ^^^w-ju-' pure ! lone, diel self in thee. i. ■q^^i^mm^^m I jitt 61, Fifleld. 8.7. D. J. E. Rankin, D. D. TiKiKo Harhis. :i=^4=i-^f^ ri^t=^ :^=^: ^=^—f:. •^ (-^H ^— i-H — ^— :^-~i!=:£«- Eq: -hj?- 1. Je- 8US, bread for pil-s;rims broken, Far - ing to the bet-ter land; 2. Mannn. Lord, from heav'n descending. Step by step, and day by day, 3. This, np-on thy proni-ise lean-ing, Will we do, till thou shalt come; I ^ -^ T ■^- Welcome it, the sa - cred to-ken, Welcome from the Mas- ter's hand. On this staff of life de -pendins^, Heav'nward,heav'n\vard on our way. Show the world thy banquet's meaning. Till 'tis spread in heav'n our home. I Here we humbly kneel before thee, Sins forsaken and confest,Love thee,praise thee Cleansed by thee, by thee forgiven, Grant us on our pilgrim road. Wine of Eshcol, Bliss eternal, then, before us. Foreheads marked by thine own sign, We will join sal- I I ^e2.:f»; §»=ia»: i=t; t i — 1-'-\ =r-^z:^z^k £zz± and adore thee : Bless,0 Lord, each waiting guest, Bless,0 Lord, each waiting guest, bread of Heaven, As we're mounting up to God, As we're mounting up to God. va - tion's chorus, Drink of thy ce- les-tial vine, Drink of thy ce-lestial vine. 5S zh 9-0- . t • — « r-T :-^P= izrJlMz tip r V>> The Fkkobrick W. Fabkb. D. D. Angels' Song, I 1. Hark 2. On - 3. Far. 4. Kf8t Thoko Harris. -I- , hark ward far comes my h(jul ! we go, a - way, at Icnuth An - gel - ic songs are swell-ing for tiiill we hear then sing- ing, like bells ateve-ningp al-ing, tho' life be hmg and drt-ar- y, your faith-ful watcht's keeping; O'er earth's green 'Come, wea - ry The voice of The day must Sing us sweet "^■^ I I N O'er and o - cean's wave - beat shore ; for Je - 8US bids you come ;' BUS sounds o'er Itind and sea, and dark-some night be past; ments of tlie songs a - bove; How sweet the truth And through the dark. And bid - en souls Faith's jour-ney ends Till morning's joy those its by in shall earth's green fields. blessed strains are telling Of that new life when sin shall be no more! ' ech-oes sweetly ring-ing. The mu - sic of the Gospel lends us home. I thousandsmeekly stealing. Kind Shepherd, turn their wea-ry steps to thee. weleome to the wea - ry. And heav'n, thehearfs true home, will come at last. end the night of weeping, And life's long shad-ows break in cloudless love. The Aiis?eLs' Soiiff. concluded. -f^—'—f-^-^—i—4r-^4r:-.iP^-r-r---'-^ ■/---- «- — ^1 come the pil - grims ot tlr night, Sing - ing to ^ J 1 1_ 1 1 — ^ _ 1 — I 1 c — J r Stanzas 1-4. rit. Last Stanza. rail. I ^^ 1Z1_L_L_1J • • • • ^ ^__ wel - come the pil-grims of the night, pil-grims of the night. 63. Morning Prayer. C. M. Chas. Lewis Johnson. Thoro Harris. 1. O God of love, we hum-bly bow Be - fore thee now in prayer, 2. Give us, we pray, suf- fie ient strength To keep us through the day, 3. Dear Fa-ther, sin is at each hand. Ope thou our eyes to see 4. Thougiv-est rest to wea - ry souls That seek to do thy will, 5. We come to thee just as we are, Ac - cept of us, we pray. Jsi For thou art om - ni - pres-ent. Lord, We see thee ev - ery- where. Help us that we may safe - ly walk The strait and nar - row way. Thatwhen the tempt- er would al - lure. Our ref - uge is in thee. Thy Spir - it is always ready, Lord, Our long- ing hearts to fill. All that we have, our life, our thoughts, We con - se - crate to - day. f>4 Tak<^ a Stand for Josus. Kev. |. K. Kankin. PROCESSIONAL. Thoro Harri' UUi:ro ^=i4q ^_>^^^^-^^^0m 1. Take a stand for Je - sun, Let all peo - pie know, That you mean to *J. Take a stand for Je - sus, Nev-er blush for shame : Xev - er fail or 3. Take a stand for Je - sus, His commands are sweet ; Nev - er fear the m^h^^^^m^^m serve him, Ev- ery-where you go. High or low your sta - tion, fal - ter. Show yourself the same: He will al -ways own you, bat - tie, Nev - er sound re - treat : Where the Captain's call - ing, I — r^ ^^^^^^-r ^— r— f — r^-,* y^ ^-i ^^^-^^^ Rich or poor your lot. Always give you grace ; Where the standard flics ; 1 I Take a stand for Je - sus, And for- sake him not. Take a stand for Je - sus,Then, in ev - ery place. Take a stand for Je - sus. Fight to win the prize. s3^-j:i3iig||.iiei^e I n I 1 J> I I r i \ I I iT Refrain. Take a stand for Jc - sus, Loy - al be and true ; Show a good con •I 1 — I — I- ^ims3:g_,ig^?^^p^i:^ Take a Stand for Jesus, concluded. =^-^i-U a t &. 5- •— * fes - sion, As he showed for you. -i — r Take a stand for -t*- •'Sir Je - sus, r— T r//. Thinkof crown and palm, Thine the hights of glory, Thine the vie - tor's psalm. , ^''^^ • • • I 1^1 I -St— r- -J-J-J— J- -# — #- I J^' i 65 Truth Shall Rise Again. L. M. \Vm Cullen Bryant. Thoro Harris. I If I ' ' g 1. Truth,crush'd to earth, shall rise again, — Th'e-ter-nal years of God are her's 2. Heed not the shaft by ha- tred cast, The foul and hiss-ing bolt of scorn ; 3. Yea, though thou lie up - on the dust, When all thy help-ers flee in fear, 4. An - oth - er arm thy sword shall wield, An- oth-er hand the standard wave, •r rl^JS± i^:^ ^ ^^ ^ I ^ - ^ i/ ;^ But Error, wounded, writhes with pain, And dies a - mong his wor-ship-ers. For with the right shall dwell at last, The vict-'ry of en - durance born. Die full of hope and man-ly trust, Like those who fell in bat- tie here ! Till from the trumpet's mouth is pealed The blast of tri-umph o'er thy grave. - ^- . ... If: • -^ ^.. i^ A • J^\ ^ ^^=fi^L^ #--H 1 f-?'— -j— #-*-! — I t-i — F- # 1— H fr-i^ tztrl :W:;tJ: 60 T. H. Tlio V()iV(^ of Josus lOl'IN. hi Cnoi'iN. Arr. by Thoro Harris. N !^ I .^ ^ ^ I s '^m voice of Je - bus. — he is call - ing thee from sin ; ah soon, thv Sav - iour's gra-cious plead-ing will be o'er, 'ra I I ^ ^ i ^ —j^ I " ^ ^ 1 — J 1^:^^ ^ At thy heart's dark door he knocks : O bid him en - ter in! He will And the Ho - ly Spir - it, tslight-ed, shall re - turn no more. Now he ^' m T T I — ^FV — ^- i g^H - ^ ^ 11/ ii^ — ^^^ ltd ^3igi^i wash thee from ev - ery guilt -y stain. He will dei # # — # — # — « — ift« # ' — ?- ^=it^ P^ ^ Hark! he call - eth thee a- gain ; Take him for thy right-eous-ness. Speed thee home to Father's breast, Ere shall close sal- va - tion's dav. = gzzz^jg 3:k=i^==:g--r=S: i^ ^ i Refrain. Andante. ^ l=:t I i ^ JB— -C- f\-| — a i 1 -t ^c TT — '- Hark! the Mas-ter • ^ « — « 0- call - ing. The shad-ows are fall-ing; JFZ- -i * — t: =rt=lli fT The Voice of Jesus, concluded. Come to Je - sus, quickly a-risc and away! Hark ! thy Sav-iour iP ' ~ ' 0—r» • -•— # f— f-^— X"^* • • --— 0—1 ?=5 :?r^ T*? calling, Death's dark night is falling ; Come to Je - sus while he is call- ing. 67 There is an Hour. C. M. Rev. Andrew Reed, D. D. Thoro Harris. I I , . There is an hour when I must part With all I hold most dear ; . There is an hour when I must sink Be-neath the stroke of death ; . There is an hour when I must stand Be - fore the judgment- seat ; . There is an hour when I must look On one e - ter - ni - ty ; O Sav-iour, then, in all my need Be near, be near to me: m ^L^ F£=t: ^^m- fi^- zzfezc^ 1^ ■«— r- ^— r And life, with its And yield to him And all my sins. And name-less woe. And let my soul, I m best hopes, will then As noth-ing - ness ap - pear, who gave it first. My strug-gling vi - tal breath, and all my foes, In aw - ful vis - ion meet. or bliss-ful life. My por - tion then shall be. by steadfast faith, Find life and heaven in thee. 68 Refuge from the Storm C. M. T. H. Thoro Harris. 5E5=E TT '.f'^^ *^ - 9< I C S 1. A shad-ow 'mid tlie scorch- ing heat, A 2. Life's cares around us firm - ly cling, A .'{. Tlie rain may beat, the wind may blow, A 4. Then hope we on, nor ev - er fear, A ref - uge from the storm ref - uge from the storm ref - uge from the storm ref - uge from the storm ' m^mm =Ks ^^ s&^3ss ^ Z) -#- -0- '^ • •-•--f- it:-*- -#--«5»-. In tri - al sore a help - er meet, A ref - uge from the storm. Yt't we may al-ways trust and sing, A ref - uge from the storm. No harm or tu-mult shall we know, A ref - uge from the storm. Our Siiv - iour-friend is al-ways near, A ref - uge from the storm. Refrain. p^ .^A-M M * ^ ^ -»-- -^ ■0 — 0- i==4: i -N-HV- I. I I • «—<-#—# — # — # — #- Jttt * jg^ y The children of the Lord may sweetly sing, For Jesus is the rock of a-ges; ? k* ? .15 ^ .-^4 :t=1^=4: _J- <=t ^11 Yea, we will rest beneath thy shelt' ring wing, A ref- uge from the storm. v-i — r 69 Tho Ileiii of His O.arment. Thoro Harris. \ I 1. She on - ly toiich'd the hem of his <;iirment As to his side she stole 2. She came with fear luul trembling be-fore him, She knew her T^ord was come ; 3. lie turn'd with "Daughter,be of good comfort,Thy faith hath made thee whole ;" A - mid tho crowd that gathered around her, And straightway she was whole. She felt that from him vir - tne had heal'd her,The mighty deed was done. And peace which passeth all understanding With glad-ness filled her soul. — « L m- mmmm] r— t^ Refrain. ^^\-m m \ — ^^ — «— h*~ — * — #— r^ — ^— :J ^^-C_^,^^h— i O, touch the hem of his gar - ment, And thou, too, shalt be -,^fL_,:gL_:?&« free; I \ 1 1 1 1 l-P. 1 1 l—j ; 1. ( 1 Yes, on - ly touch the hem of his gar ment — Thy Saviour waits for thee. m ^-^ — m — — •_• ,_«_Jr^P#-.:--#— ,-, SEg^gEE^E^E3=f^Et.E:E5g3E^3.ii?^ -K — LI ^ — I H — Li^ y- y 1 1 1 L| ^ — I K_LI 1 JJ 70 (Jprlumlt. 7.«. D. Paul Cikmiiakkt, tr., Kkv. J. li. Ka.nkin. TnoKo IIakkis. m ^ ^f r r=^ * a-: 1 — I- :g-i. 17— r r ^^Pi 1. O head, all blood, all wounded, 2. O hu - man face di - vin - est! 3. The bur - dcii which thoubear-est 4. liy thee, my place I've tak - en; 6. U joy, at safe - ly hid - iug I N All marred by grief and scorn ; Thy light be - yond the sun; Be - longs, dear Lord, to me; It is no i - die breath ; With -in thy riv - en side! I ,^ s^; r-— F — -i — ^ L i i ^-^^ n K fL J J , 1 1 ^ 1 Vl " r 1 • * I ^ . J ' 1 1 j^ r? 1 m A J ^ { 1 irn^ 1 • H m « #- ^'^. ^ • • f • • 1 ^K J \ J • f . •" ^'i> ' -«5j . J () head, in mock \Vhen late on men My debt, the debt Nor shah thou be jov at here f i " - 'ry round - ed thou shin - est, thou shar - est, for - sak - en, a - bid - ing, • ,- ^ With crown of cru - They fall dismayed Ab- solved, I now Till breaks thv heart My All, my Cru - . el un - go in - ci - thorn. done. free. death. fied! (^ 5= ^^^-^- =H^ '-f=^^ — ^ — P^^#-^ I^ -| 4 —t'- 1 -r-^ -t- — r L k- p -1 ' r^ :J ^ I () head, so late what splendor, "What honors high, and grace Thou didst for Dis-tiu-ured thou with anuuish, AVhy art thou wan and paler Why doth thy Lo, here I seek thy fa - vor ; A sin-nerhere I stay; Give me, O And wlien at lastthou'rt stooping By fi - nal throe distrest, How sweet to Now miu'htl. () life - giv - ing. Have this, mv heart's desire, With thee, for- Gerliardt. concluded. A \- -», 7^- me siir-ren-der — An OfF'iing in my place! An Off 'ring in my place ! light so languish? So flak - er down and fail, So flick-cr down and fail? pity - ing Sav-iour, Love's hist for-giv-ing ray, Love's last for-giv-ing ray. fold thee, drooping On this poor, Avill-ing breast, On this poor, willing breast. ev - er liv - ing, Up - on thy cross ex - pire, Up - on thy cross expire. Skylark. 6.6.10. Hogg. Allegro. Thoro Harris. a=iq:=^g=:A::q=gi5=x=i:qz:^z=z:^:]: :1: 1. Bird of the wil-der-ness, Blithesome and cum-ber-less, Sweet be thy 2. Wild is thy lay and loud, Far in the down - y cloud. Love gives it 3. O'er hill and fountain sheen. O'er moor and mountain green. O'er the red 4. Then when the gloaming comes, Low in the heather blooms, Sweet will thy t-=t -9 >= :tz: z:iU=t: ma - tin o'er moor-land and lea. Em-blem of hap - pi-ness, Blest is thy en - er - g}-, love gave it birth. Where on thy dew-y wing, Where art thou streamer that her - aids the sky, - ver the cloud - " wel- come and bed of love be. Em-blem of hap - 1 let dim, O - ver yon pi-ness, Blest is thy ^ g #- is J-, g; -J— J-r-J- dwell-ing-place, — O to a jour - ney-ing, Thy lay in rain-bow's rim, Mu - sic - al rest - ing-place, — O to a ■with thee ! on earth ? All or. 9. Kkamce« H. Havergai.. ^' .2 -t-1- ^ Thoro Harris. r- ^^^J 1. I/iRht af - icr dark - new, gain af - ter loss. 2. Sheavi'K af - Wr sow - ing, sun uf - ter rain, 2. Near af - ter dis - tant, gkam af - ter gloom, U^ln^Eii C^^ 1 **=?5: ) 1 ifct 25 1 # ' -g>-T ^*— tS* • ♦ I ! ' Strength af - ter weak - ncss, crown af - ter cross, Light af - ter niys - t'ry, peace af - ter pain ; Love af - ter ha - tred, life af - ter tomb : ^ :^ :^ \Ji^ Urn Sweet af ' ter Joy af - ter Af - ter long bit - ter, hope af - ter fears, sor - row, calm af - ter blast, an - guish, rap - ture of bliss : .k^ 0^ Home af - ter wand -'ring. Rest af - ter la - bor. Right was :he path - way ^J I 1^ -^: S=^' or ^=^- ^ I — r g^3?@ aj g^l praise af - ter tt-ars. sweet rest at last. lead - ing to this. I I ' ^t: ^tg=?- f^ r^ ' MEN, 73 Twiliffht. L.M. 61. TnoRO Harris. — *#^^ -I — I- — I — I — I- -*—*- !=F==t -St _| 4^ 1. As to its close the day - light flies, And tints of 2. For ev - ery i - dly - spok. - en Avord By some dis- 3. Fa - thcr in heav'n ! grace we im - plore That we may 4. Our time, our all, an of- f'ring whole, We hence - forth :g:; ^i I I :?=q .-Ud=i tg:: itt t=^f=i Si pur - pie line cern -ing ear the skies, As sinks the sun 'neath splendor's west, is heard ; An an - gel in an o - pen book learn to love thee more. For Je - sus' sake O hear, we pray. yield to thy trol. Thy will, and not our own, be done — ^ # — p-l — « — H — rl 1 — • — \-^ • — r<^-0—0 — r*- 1 — i '~i r-T r-r-^^- i=: ^ -4- •— F l^i I And na - ture seeks her might - y rest. We each Notes ev - ery act, and thought, and look, And on That so we may from day to day In ho And thus at ev - ery set of sun In fu - with the ture i-i — — * — 1 # — # — rs — • • — r« — ^— ■ ^=-h-^-p^-=i — \ — R- — r~T=^! — I — ' — t-- A^X grave en - qui - ry say. What has white, un - sul - lied page The rec • con - se - era - tion live And use days we hope to see A clos qS-L r my rec - ord been this day? ord of our pil - grim-age. the hours which thou dost give, er har - mo - ny with thee. t'-'-t t-H 1^ I I 74 Ashiimcd. L.M. D. JokKfll (fMIGG. 1. Je«u«, and ithull Iroin I- . I'Aouo TosTi. Arr. by Thoro Harris. it ev- er be, A mortal man ashamed of t^-r— I K c 1. Je-suH, and hliall it ev-cr be, A mortal man 2. Ashamed of Je8us ! -, justasHoon Let miduightbe 3. Ahhatnedof Je-8U8! ** yes, I may, When I've no guilt # # # to 1^-^ :i: thee N N V N 0-0 -0- N s ^ J?^H^^^J Ashamed of tliee, whom angels praise, — ^ — # — # — «— I #--^ , — ^-j — ^&#-T V — N — ^H b^ '• t^ shamed of thee? Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shamed of noon: 'T was midnight with my soul till he,Bright Morning washa-way, No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to Ashamed of sus • soon - er ^ shine thro' end- less days? Star, bade dark- ness flee, quell, no soul to save. b P 5 J f X A - shamed of Je - sus ! A - shamed of Je - sus ! Till then — nor is ^ my ^ —I——-- ^ •—\ — • — • r fiu" . . . Let eve dis - own each radiant star; N-A He sheds the -N N N— ^ sooner far 1 1 • 1/ 1/ W • V' P Let eve disown each radiant star; He that dear friend On whom my hopes of heav'n depend ? No; boasting vain — Till then I boast a Saviour slain ; And H^-x- *=;=?: .<— V- -• — »- -T^—f—V- t=*i =:t:-T-1i-^=J: V— ^ :^=t AsIiailKMl. Concluded. vine, 4 hzlz shetls the beams when I blush, O, may this — '^ — ^ — \/ — ■ ilm of light di-vine, O'er this be-night-ed soul of be this my shame, That I no more re - vere his my glo - rv be, That Christ is not a-shamed of -#- -0- -#- . -=^r^ Stanzas 1, 2. Last Stanza. mine, O'er this be - nighted soul of mine, name, That I no more re -vere his name, me ! That Christ is not ashamed of me ! ^ \ ^0. ^ J 1 r • i^ r I -•- • 75 Rawsoii. C. M. Thoro Harris. 1. O Saviour, may we nev - er re«t 2. O, may we gaze up - on thy cross 3. Un-til, released from car-nal ties, 4. There as we gaze may we be - come Till Tn Our U - thou art formed with - in ; til the won - drous sight spir - it up - ward springs, nit - ed, Lord, to thee ; —f 1 r~:^5~. i Till thou hast calmed the troub-led breast, Makes earthly treas - ures seem but dross, And sees when earth- ly glo - ry dies. And in a fair - er, hap- pier home, I ! And crushed the power of sin. Andtarth - ly sorrows light; True joy in heavenly things. Thy per - feet beau- ty see. ;«^iB 7C KvcTiinic lllessiiig. jAit. D. KUMKTON. Thoko Harris. 1. Saviour, breathe an evening blesMing, Ere re- pose our spir - its seal; 2. Thoufjh destruction wulk around us, Tho' the ar - row near us fly, 3. Tliuu^h the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from thee; 4. Sliould liwift death tliis niglit o'ertake us, And our couch become our tomb. I sl#^?iii^i^^^ t^^a^iE^ :Sd- ^i: Sin and want we comeconfesssing; Thou canst save, and thou canst heal. Angc'l jjuaids from thee surround us ; We are safe if thou art nigh. Thou art he wlio. nev - er wea - ry, Watcheth where thy peo - pie be. May I lie morn in heaven awake us, (Tad in light and death - less bloom. 1 — r- Kkfk.ain. I I .J T,'>. the diiy of re^^t de - din - eth. Speed the shades of night. Speed the • — • jhntt\ EDW^N; TiitjKo Harkis. -,: ^^i^:i'riUi^m 1. Come. mv soul. 2. Think. :uy soui. 3. 8tn^. ( ) my soul. 4. Soon, my »oul. thy ev - 'ry power a - wak - ing, how pa - tient - ly he sought ihee, and let thy pure de - vo - ti«'n thine earth - ly houM? for - sak - ing. ^if:^9^ Look un - to him whose good - ness crowns thy day> ; Far. far a - way up - on the moun-tains steep ; Rise to his throne, thy Sav - iour. Friend and Guide ; Soon -ihalt tt oil t\^, that V" '^ - '^-r !->ti<1 t.. a^e ; §^=5=* im^vm^mmmi z-z^tizt -T^ While in - to song Then in his arms Sing of his love Then will thy harp, an - gel - ic choirs are break - ing, how ten - der - ly he brousrht thee that, like the might - y o - cean, a no - bier strain a - wak - ing, I I O. ran - somed heart, thy Home to the fold. his Flows forth to thee and thank -ful trib - ute raise, wea - ry wan - d'ring sheep. Pral^j who (Up*! to all pur the rorld ife be - side, for thee. Tlio Evorlastlnii: Sons:. Refrain. -I --; — ^ Coiu'ludcd. ' N J. mmwmmw^wsm^mMi Bless- ing ami lion - or, bless- iiig and hon-or, glo - ry and praise, I Christ the Sav-iour thro' ev - er-lasting days ; Sing loud Ilo-san - na ! thro' ev - er-lasting days. I 83 Charlotte Elliot. Cling to Thee., Thoro Harris. 1. O Ho - ly Saviour ! Friend unseen,Since on thine arm thou bid'stmelean, 2. Blest with this fel - low- ship di --vdne, Take what thou wilt, I'll not repine ; 3. Tho' far from home, fatigued, op-prest. Here have I found a place of rest ; 4. What tho' the world de-ceit- ful prove. And earthly friends and hopes remove ; 5. Tho' oft I se.m to tread alone Life's dreary waste, with thorns o'er-grown 6. Tho' faith and hope are of - ten tried, I ask not, need not, aught beside ; m -I • — #- ^^ tzzit i I rtzt^ziitz: :t: -h- r iiiiigi^EPj Help me, throughout life's changing scene, For, as the branches to the vine, An ex - ile still, yet not un - blest, With pa-tirnt un -com - plain -ing love. Thy voice of love, in gen - tlest tone. So safe, so calm, so sat - is - fied, ^ -•- -^ -^- ^-- — ^ 1 — •-'^ -#- -•- -0- mil -<5^ . By faith to cling to thee! ]My soul would cling to thee. Be -cause I cling to thee. Still would I cling to thee. Still whispers, "Cling to me !" The soul that clings to thee ! i ^-— « • 1— r— I ^ — , B-| ^_c_^ — ^_^_c^ p_c:_^ jj 84 Sleep Here in Peace. Rbv. J. E. Rankin. Thoro Harris. "»4> - 'gfig rgS* Slil^il^p;^ . [ 1 . Sleep here in peace ! To earth's kind bo- som 2. Sleep here in peace I No more thou'ltknow the 3. Sleep here in peace ! Faith's morn shall come ! when ! 5=tr?^^s=« m do we tear - ful take thee, Xo mor - tal sound a - gain from sun's glad morning shin-ing, No more the glo - ry of the he. our Lord and Mak - er Shall claim his own that slum - ber • f I # — r-^ • m — I i-9» — * • — ' 'mmm ^1 =:t r^f SS: -<5k- ■^ ^ ^^4: i^ rest shall wake thee ; day's de - clin - ing ; in God's A - - ere ; I I No fe - ver - thirst, no No more the night that When he, who once for ^^-2E^ Sleep Here in Peace, concluded. grief that needs as - suag - ing, No tern - pest-burst a - bove thy stoops se-rene a - bove thee, Watch - ing thy rest, like ten - der man death's anguish tast - ed, Shall show death's gloomy realm de- s?:4 5^5^ ^^ii^ -I — ^-1 \— :=]: 11=: -±^Z^Z2 &•- head loud eyes that spoiled and l-^i 1 -•- 9-0- ^ ?=^^ :fc^ i^; rag love wast :5^= :^- -^ -(Si- ing. Sleep thee. Sleep ed. Sleep :£: -f2- here here here !•" -W in peace ! in peace ! in peace ! II 85 Blessed Hope. S. M. -I- Thoro Harris. 1. There is a bless - ed hope, More pre - cious and more bright 2. There is a love - ly star That lights the dark - est gloom, 3. There is a cheer - ing voice That lifts the soul a - bove, 4. That voice from Cal - v'ry's hight Pro - claims the soul for - giv'n ; ^4-t 1 -0- -19- -6?- =p mm. \ I I _ Than all the joy - less mock - er - y And sheds a peace-ful radi ance o'er Dis - pels the pain-ful, anx -ious doubt, That star is rev - e - la - tion's light, m^^iM -J=?P=t The world es - teems delight. The pros - pects of the tomb. And whis- pers, God is love. That hope, the hope of heav'n. I .0.-C □-t ^-^-^ t_^q: .-K^.^^ 86 Philip Doddridoe. Awako, my Soul PROCESSIONAL. Tmoko Harkis. 1, A - wnkc, my soul, stretch ev - ery nerve, And press with v'\^- or on ; 2. 'Tis God's all - an - i - mat-ing voice That calls thee from on high ; ^ ^ t: f: -^ •# - ^ M -^ -^ nm =t m t : I T— — '^ A heav'n- ly race de - mands thy zeal, And an im - mor - tal crown. 'Tis his own hand pre -sents the prize To thine as - pir - ing eye. ^3ig233^ zzs: g ;i n*^ pi '0^^^m f T ^=t A cloud of wit - ness - es a - round, Are hold - ing thee in Blest Sav - iour, in - tro - duced bv thee, The heav'n - ly race have 1 :ac tl*- /■• -^ full sur - vcy ; we be - gun For - get the steps al - read - y trod. And And crownc* _g "^ ^ 1. Hark ! the Mas -tcr calls to thee, ••Come home, 2. Soon liitt voice will plead no more. Come home, I.I.I come home," come home. 'Come liome, 1 \ — -^-t^-f — p — ^ come uoiue. N3=l5^E^p|=«^i^ Now he call- eth ten - der-ly, "Come home, come home." Closed will be sal-vation'sdoor : Come home, come home. P^ Come to Je - sus, come a- way, Come while it is called to - day; Long the Ho-ly Ghost has striven ; Now his pard'ning grace is given I i I i 1 h /I ^ A 1 1 — -i-r-i 1 1 ^-n-J 1 •-i-^ n Lin - ger not, no n»ore de - lay ; Christ calls thee ; come home. Je - BUS i« the way tolicav'/i, O lost one, come home. -• ?»• ^ X ^ 4- ^ = 1 •__ - ^^^5333=^^1 **Coxne home, come home.* 89 Satisfied. " MKi^. Worthy Holuen. Duet. Thoko Harris. 1. When storm - y 2. When in his 3. When vie - to 4. "A lit - tie like while' ss: 1^ I ing breaks to cloud - less ness mor - tal flesh shall will si - lence dread - ed we toil, then rest for peace, shine, foe, aye; mm ::^z—zt m ;=|: -t?-5 When rest - less long And earth - ly wis When his "Well - done" The con - flict fierce mmi ^ =f: - ing shall for - ev - er cease, - dom fades in truth di - vine, with joy he shall be - stow, but ush - ers tri - umph's day ; mw^^mi n 1 1 ^ 1 J" J^-J \J ■ y 1 — m 1 , , 1 1 ^ • d - s^ J 1 V >i u r J 1 • J I' 1 h,J 1 Ik • 1 fr\^ \7 ■ J 0^ J Up . 1 ^7 # ml • ml ^ • # 9^ ^ J • r ■ tJ And si - lent death When ev - er - more The Lamb shall lead Go forth, my soul, ■^^^ 1 ^ '' ^ his his us ^ up 1 cap - tives shall pleas -ure will where-so - e'er on thy cheer- ^J__. i_ J. 1 re - lease, be mine, we go, ful way, ^ 1 /^"\» 1 m ^ ur ^ ^ " i 1 IvJ*i '7 • . J # 1 ^_^k i_ r- • ^ J « J . ^ 7 -^ - ^ . J P" J J2. O I shall be sat - is - fled, I shall be sat - is - fied. I shall be sat - is - fied, I shall be sat - is - fied. I shall be sat - is - fied, I shall be sat - is - fied. Thou shalt be sat - is - fied, Thou shalt be sat - is - fied. :t?=t dl^ t — r burs: s iClt HI 00, »(' Shall M(M'( TiioKo Hakris. 1. When we near the Rolcl-en cit - y in the land beyond the tide, And we '2 I,oii — H ~~i 1 P^T sail the qui-et harbor bright and fair. We shall see the bit ssed Saviour who for meet with many a trial, many a snare; O we lonj^ for that to-morrow, which is wrestle with thegrief wecannot bear; When we reach the golden city. naught can ( laini^ hi# — # r»-T-^— • ^ . —M-^-0-M •_• r* it ^ g < We Sliiill )Io('t, Concluded. riv-er by and by, yes, by and by ; We shall meet each other there, On the by, golden shore so fair, Where the tree of life is blooriiing, o - ver there. -izi:—:^ -m I _• m r^ — M -^0 — _ — (t 1 1 -#— # — #— # — \ •-F#— • — ^ — h— ^— I 1 '■ ipzitzzi^l^tlt^ 91 Do Not I Love Thee ? C. M. Philip Doddridge. Thoro Harris. giiiiiiiL^iiSiii r .— J— l-r-J— J- 1. Do not I love thee, O, my Lord? Be- hold my heart, and see ; 2. Is not thy name me - lo - dious still To mine at - tent - ive ear? 3. Hast thou a lamb in all thy flock I would dis-dain to feed? 4. Would not my heart pour forth its blood In hon - or of thy name? 5. Thou knowest that I love thee, Lord ; But oh ! I long to soar %4=^=^=h- ^ — h=H 5-^- ^^ ^-F^-— f ^ S— ^r-pS 1 r-T- --t-T' I I I And turn the dear - est i - dol out That dares to rl - val thee. Doth not each pulse with pleasure bound, My Sav-iour's voice to hear? Hast thou a foe be - fore whose face I fear thy cause to plead ? And challenge the cold hand of death To damp th'immor - tal flame? Far from the sphere of mor - tal joys, And learn to love thee more. *.)2 Thumu Hahki^. 'EEE^ Sinner, Open. 1. Lo, n Stran - ger staiuls at the por - tal door Of thy _'. lit- will fti'd thy soul with the l^read of life. He will ^a#-t- —\- t- s^ , , H ^^-^ — ^— heart hcav - y - la - den with sin ; hpread tlue a roy - ul fea>i He has been there so oft. He will quell ev - ery fear. h^-. — >,- f±^ he has knocke £L=^3e^L= He -will cleanse thy guilt-y soul from ev - ery se - cret sin, And the \ N -#- s -0-^ -0- -0- -#- -#- -#- -N— ',- 1 ,p__^ He will clennse thv soul from sin, heart will be bright with a heav -en - Iv light, If thou let Je - sus Christ — — I M 5 — I W ^ — ' — ^ ^— — ^, — I* ^ — ^ — '-I 1 s^ — |- en - ter in ; Yes, r • — *-^ -j * — * — f — *— T thy heart will be bright as the the 1 — V — \ — 1 1 — ^ ^^ -^jAb -j N 1 — ^ — 1-^ — — i~ \ < h — -1 — \ — w j U \ - J - • ..0 .^. _. _• — ^— : 1— J h"^ -X-t ; - J w <^ 1 Stars r • of light, ^ 9 ^ If thou — 9- let ^ ^ 1 — £ — 1_^^ ij ^ ^ * 1 Christ the Sav - iour in. ^.— •— r J— — 1 1 -t- ^-nr-#-^ -f — w N^-h— ^ t Ef=£-: » 64 • — ^ ^ -\ — II 1 I y y 1 X 1/ 1 1 93 Lo, the Bridogrooiii Cometh. Rbv. J. E. Uankin. 6.5. D. ruoRO Hakk: pzzrj— jrp ^l-l. — I — i— ^ -"-3 1. Lo. the Bridegroom comcth, Beau-ti - ful and bright, Breaking as the 2. lie has spread his sup- per, Bid-den ev - ery guest, Girt he stands to 3. Lo. the Bridegroom cometh, Lit - tie do we know When sliall sound the 4 I o the Bridegroom eometh, Beau-ti - ful and bright, Breaking as the day-dawn Breaks up-on serve them. In white rai wam-ing. Come our call day-dav^Ti Breaks up -on I the night • raent drest. to go. the night Blest is he that watch - eth. Rest they have from la - bor. If our lamps be burn - ing, Lord, we wait the mes - sage. r mes - ^ -fe--. t' - - I I _ Heav'nward turns his eyes. Lest the Bridegroom'scoming Take him by surprise. All their griefs are o'er. Blest as he that watcheth. Watcheth ev - er-more. Free from death and sin. Gates of pearl shall sunder. We shall en- ter in. Sent to call us home ; Wait the com - ing glo - ry. Come, Lord Jesus, come. ^*'':^ t^C m :?=S^ I Refrain. I I ^ -Jm r * r-r mi] Lo, the Bridegroom cometh. Beautiful and bright. Breaking as the day-dawn ^ 5^3 T— r r *3r r=t Lo, the Bridegroom Cometh, concluded. q^:t -!^ • |#- l^*^ -.^ -J- • -#- [ Breaks iip-on the night, Breaking as the day-dawn Breaks upon the night. -f- -^ ^ !:r ^ '^' « J 4_ _« 1_^ ■— • -s — — H 1 4_J. J^i-i 94 [SAAC Watts, D. D. Sacred Cross. L. M, Thoko Harris. 1. When I sur-vey the wondrous Cross On which the Prince of glo - ry died, 2. For - bid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the Cross of Christ, my God : 3. See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! 4. Were the whole realm of na-ture mine, That were a trib - ute far too small ; J — I — ^- [Stanzas 1-3.] 4 H-'J^S: My rich- est gain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride. All the vain things that charm me most, I sac - ri - fice them to thy Blood. Did e'er such love and sor - row meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown? Love so a - maz - ing, so di - vine, •st — ^- I I [Last Stanza.j De - mands my life, my soul, my all. m 0.' Tiiiinainiel. 10.4. 1). Mrs. WoKTHY kioLDKN. HORo Harris. 1. Iiii - iiuiu- u - ol.iiuikc thou thydwelliii^-place Witliin my soul; 2. WhileuU of self, a liv- ing sac - ri - fice For of - fer - ing, 3. So mag - ni - fy thyself, e'en here and now, In - car - nate One, i^ji^ IS I — I- The brif^ht Shckinnh veilin"; all thy face, Will light the whole, will light the whole ; Consumed by radiance of thy love's device, New life will brin^.new life will bring That in thy temple, holy, we may bow When time is done,when time is done. r-A— N~i fs~^- ^--4 — s-,-J^-4-J — t And breathings of the heart's most secret pray'r, With odor sweet, The soul thus stricken by its sense of wrong And inborn grief, And thus proclaim to tribes of Is-ra-cl — Those now unsought — May Will In h=S^ — 5 T-MZSzt^-^^^ZU rise ac-cept-ed on thine al- tar there As in - cense meet, tune its prais-es in redemption's song For sweet re - lief, granting us his gift, Im - man-u - el. What God hath wrought. 90 Coiniiii; Again. 11.10. LiTMON Cleshar. Thoro IIakri . 1. Com - ing a - gain is the Prince of sal - va-tion ; Com- ing a - 2. Nev - er-more tempted in des - ert wilds drear-y ; Nev - er-more 3. Gone the Geth-sem-a- nes, known a - gain, nev -er ; Gone the mock 4. Com - in«?, soon coming, the heav - ens de - clare it ; Coming, soon 5. Reign- ing for - ev - er in glo - ry su - per - nal ; Reigning in N ^ ^ ^ gam* all his weakened by tri - al, with com- ing, de - own to re - ceive fast - ing and fear ; no hand to save ; clar - eth the Word righteous-ness ev - er to be: Com- ing a - gain, not in Nev - er - more burdened, and Gone are the cross and the Com-ing the kingdom to give; Reign-ing in 'king - dom of 2z^ — ^ — H— c-j — -^ — ,^^~f2. — 3— j — ^ — ^— "-r- -# — -^■^-^- who be-lieve!. earth's degra - da - tion ; Coming, glad tid- ings to all nev - er-more Avea - ry ; Nev - er-more anguish, and nev-er-more tear. Cal - va-rys, ev - er : Gone, and for - ev - er, the pow'r of the grave, will you share it? Com-ing, all earth with its im- port is stirred, peace that's e - ter - nal ; Love fills it full as the wa- ters the sea. Com-ing a - gain, com-ing a - gain, Je - sus gam. -0 — f h- W^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thos. HAsriN«i>. Tranquillo. Sliw. 1). Thoko Harris. i^iy^ii a^: >> "^ — #- P^ :t^ 1. Je - 8US, mer - ci - ful and mild 2. Tliou canst fit ine by thy gracv 3. Je - sua, Sav - iour all di - vine. Lead me as a For the heaven • ly Hast ihou made me :2TB:^5=znS3i:_iS L^^^^4_-: i ^i^ig^ a^ - I help - less child : dwell - ing - place ; tru - Iv thine? On no oth - er arm but thine All thy prom - is - es are sure, Hast thou bought me bv thv blood? l'=53E! ii^ 9^. ¥Mm ii g#- < g ? m i j-2 \ \ H — ,-^ ~, r 1--! — V-l — i r J ' ' I I 1 Would my wea - ry soul re-cline; Thou art read-y to for - give, Ev - er shall thy love en -dure; Then what more could I de - sire, Rec -on - ciled ray heart to God? Hearken to my ten - der prayer. I I i^ili^SilM -#—1 . ^ 4-r— U ^ *- .r.s. ^. -. .' f> -^ - Thou ciin-t bid the sin - ner live, (Juide the wanderer. How to {;rcHt - er bliss as - pirer All I need, in Let me thine own im - age bear; Let me love thee 81igO. Concluded. day thee bv I' day, see, more and more, In the strait and nar - row way. Thou art all in all to me. Till 1 reach heav'n's blissful shore. A mf dim ~ ^~— -t:Fiz=:z=:?:F^:i:ftz:[ 98 Maestoso. Eckinston. 8.7. Thoro Harris. l-/-i 1 « ^ -J L_g| f-#-;J 1 « 1 -H 1-^ ^ A 1. Christ, a - bove all glo - ry seat-ed! King e - ter - nal, 2. Thou art gone, where now is giv - en, What no raor - tal 3. There thy king- doras all a - dore thee, Heav'n a - bove, and 4. We, O Lord! with hearts a - dor- ing, Fol - low thee a 5. So when thou a - gam in glo - ry On the clouds of ^^ -m 1? — f f : P _u i 4 A ,-^' J 1 ^-r-J t^-J- — TTj -J^—t^ ^ 1 ^ «» ^ -^-F ^ - m ^ strong to save ! might could gain ; earth be - low, bove the sky : heav'n shalt shine, To thee, Death, by death de - feat - ed. On th'e - ter - nal throne of heav - en. While the depths of hell be - fore thee, near our prayers thy grace im - plor - ing. We thy flock shall stand be -_ fore thee, :1^^ t=t Triumph high and glo - ry gave, Triumph high and glo - ry gave. In thy Fa -ther's power to reign. In thy Fa - ther's power to reign. Trembling and de - feat - ed bow, Trembling and de - feat - ed bow. Lift our souls to thee on high, Lift our souls to thee on high. Owned for-ev - er - more as thine, Owned for -ev - er - more as thine. m Peace. U.IO. I). llk.NK\ BLuroN. Thomo Harkis. 1. Uive me the peace thnt like u riv - cr flow-eth, With ev- er-deepening, :j. Il l^* thy peace, <) Lord ! then have compassion I'p-on a boul that '.J. 'I'lic peace of God all un - derstand-iag passeth, And keeps our hearts in iiifs^gi ev - er-widcning wave. — That peace the will - ing and o-bedient knoweth, •omes to thee for rest ; Speak to the winds and waves of care and passion ; patience and in love; And like thy love, O Lord ! it far sur-passeth ^-^--^-T-^-^-*^-^ -6— *> — —I 1 — 1-/5 i — U — I ^ 1 1 1 — I 1—- Who docs thy will and knows thy pow'r to save. I cannot gain it Thv word can bring the calm, and make me blest, It is a "per -feet The thought of man be - low, or saint a - bove. It is the "Lord of r . I III r ' I by my weak en - dcav-or : For when I seek to grasp it in my hand, ii(t>." Lord, which thou givest. If but my mind be ful- ly stayed on thee ; jue" wlu) loves and liides me In his pa - vilion from the strife of tongues ; ^—0. 1># -# -#" m^m^^^ I Peace. concluded. y \ \ 1 J__4-^ _^j— I 4 ^~\ -3— J -J l- r-l— I Like the mirage, it lures and mocks me ever, And leaves me in a wil-der- Why, then, these doubts and fears? Thou ever livest.And in thy perfect peace thou And so I trust his pjwer.whate'er betides me, He will give peace, and in the y I I I i I i 1 ' ' ' I -B-9 1 _,-,— I— ;-J-rJ— 1--,-- l-r-l-:S-^' r^-33 I T"* "^^j^ -=^ - — ^ ff ness of sand. And leaves me in a wil-der - ness of sand, keep - est me, And in thy perfect peace thou keep - est me. night- time, songs, He will give peace, and in the night-time, songs. rJ I ' ^- ^ It ' ■ ^w^ I . 100 I I Bernard. C. M, Bernard of Clairvaux. Tr. Edw. Caswall, 1849. -J—- 1 Thoro Harris. sus, the ver - y thought of thee With sweetness fills my voice can sing, nor heart can frame, Xor can the mena-ory hope of ev - ery con - trite heart ! O joy of all the what to those who find? Ah! this Nor tongue nor pen can sus, our on - ly joy be thou ! As thou our prize wilt breast find meek ! show ; be: liiiiii^ i__ I I __!_ I I |_ 3Eg=pi^3^3E^:^S 9 L^_ •_ J _, g — C^ #— L^T-"^ But sweet-er far thy face to see, And in thy presence rest. A sweet-er sound than thy blest name, O Sav-iour of man- kind ! To those who fall, how kind thou art! How good to those who seek I The love of Je - sus, what it is, None but his loved ones know. Je - sus. be thou our glo - rv now. And through e - ter - ni - ty ! HiliiHiilii 101 Our Itaiiiicr. 6. 5. 121. 1 I'ROCKSSIOyAL Thoro Harris. \ 1- I I i I 1. Brightly gleams our ban-ner,Point-ing to the sky, Waving wand'rers 2. Je - 8U, Lord and Mas- ter, At thy sa-cred feet. Here with hearts re- 3. All ourdaysdi- reet uk In the way we go. Lead us on vie - 4. Then with saints and an-gels May we join a - bovcOffringprayersand z^ *~^^* -rtsr^ * * * on - ward To their home on high. Joum'ying o'er a des • ert. Gladly thus we joic - iug See thy children meet. Of- ten have we left thee. Of- ten gone a- torious O'er each deadly foe ; Bid thine angels shield us When the storm-clouds prais - es At thy throne of love. When the toil is over,Then comes rest and desert, Gladly thus we I^^^I^S pray, stray : low'r, peace. And with hearts u - ni Keep us. might-y Sav Par - don thou, and save Je - 6U in ted Take our heav'nward way. iour. In the nar-row way. us In the last dread hour. his beau - tv. Songs that nev-er cease. * ^ ^ ^ \ J^ — ^^ ^f^^^i :hh^ Chorus. -1 1 — -1-4- I I ~n ! \ J =F =1 ■U0- Bright -ly gleams our ban ner, Point-in; to the skv. vl^^if: ±!^r±; ^iii^l^sii^i Our Banner, concluded. ^■:^-- i ±t r- ^^^£ Wav - ing wan-d'rers on ward ^. m 1- z^: I To their home on hi"h. ^^. ^i -^-:x=-t=-t I i I 102 Charlotte Eliot. Witli Tearful Eyes. L. M. Thoro Harris, V $£•*"• 1. With tear - ful eyes I look a - round: Life seems a 2. It tells me of a place of rest, It tells me 3. Come, for all else must fail and die; Earth has no 4. O voice of mer - cy, voice of love ! In con - flict, L ^ — ^ —0 — L_* \—\—<5>. — -I 1 — ^ # — \- dark and storm - y sea ; Yet where my soul may flee: O, rest - ing - place for thee : To grief and ag - o - ny, Sup 'mid the to the heav'n di port me, J I gloom I wea - ry, rect thy cheer me ^^^^^m hear a sound, faint, op - prest, weep - ing eye, from a - bove, I A heaven ^ ly How sweet the I am thy And gen - tlv -#- I ^^m^^^s whis - per. Come to me. bid - ding, Come to me. por - tion, — Come to me. whis - per, Come to me. s^j±_^^_ &-- mm 103 niii;h in the Heavens. HtV. I.SAAC WArr:>. :zi—TZ. 30: S-9- 1. Hii?h in the hcav'iis, c - ter - 2. For - ev - er firm thy jus - W. Thy prov- i - dence. is kind 4. From the pro -vis - ions of tain rich nal God. tice stands aiid larj^e, thy house and free. Thy goodness in full As mountains their foun- lioth man and beast thv We shall be fed with Springs from the presence glo - ry shines; Thy truth shall break through ev - ery cloud da- tionsketp; Wise as the won - ders of thy hands, boun-ty share; The whole ere - a - tion is thy charge, sweet re -past: Where mer-cy like a riv - er flows of the I.ord ; And in thy light our souls shall see — *^^ 1 * r r r ^^ ^ •• nt 7 ^^ -♦- -B»* That vails thy just Thy judgments are But saints are thy And bring sal - va - tion to The glo - ries prom - ised in and wise de a might - y pe - cu - liar our thv signs, deep, care, taste, word. Cri.I.EN nKVAM. MUi^retto. TiiORu Harris. S^^^^^ peace - ful o - ver dark and Oh, deem not they are blest a - lone. Whose lives a The light of smiles shall fill a - gain The lids that There is a day of sun - ny rest For ev - ery Nor let the good man's trust de- part, Though life its com - raor For (Jod has marked each sorrowing day, And num- bered ev - ery m — m — ^p__:f:_- :f^ _ ^—^ -^— i-T — ^ • a- Concluded. -I — .-4 I ■■ I ^—'- For God, who pit - ies And wca - ry hours of And <;rief may bide an gifts de - ny ; Though with a pierced and se - cret tear, And heav'n's long age of I ten - or keep ; flow with tears ; trou - bled night ; ___^ — • #-T-^— 1-J -J li ^ I man, hath woe and eve - ning brok - en bliss shall shown pain guest, heart, pay A bless - ing for Are prom - is - es But joy shall come And spurned of men, For all his chil - ^ -•. S#— ^— r the of with he dren eyes that weep, hap - py years, ear - ly light, goes to die. suf - fer here. A - MEN. It: M #. .0. — ^- mm^i Tliou Art the Light, -4:::)-^^ CM. 105 T. H. z9-y^~9 \--^ i-5 \-'5' — •-h*-« * — |- — —\-^ — *--H ^zg^zf-=Egiz *^- dzgiz^;gzzLE:^p^E=gzEgzzizSd: Thoro Harris. -^\ T 1. Thou art the Light,whoserays il-lume The path we may not see. 2. Thou art the Lite: at thy command The seed its fruit shall bear. 3. And thou art Love, that reaches down To our hu - man - i - ty. 4. Light, Life, and Love ! on us be - stow The beams which from thee shine ; -I — ^^ 1 pH— |— 1-^ 1 _j_ — — ^ — ^^^ — , — L^ —^ — L^__g^_l L A-\-0 ^J_^.e_^ I The darkened por- tals of the tomb Are light-ed up by thee. The keys of hell are in thy hand, For thou hast triumphed there. Redemptive grace its heirs will crown With im- mor-tal - i - ty. Thy quickening power may we know, Thv char - ac -ter di -vine. A lOG Ukiah Smith Con brio R(Ml(M*iiiinj? Love. L. 31. IbA. 44: 2l-ii. Thoro Harris. ^-■;1^:iip^^JiP^i 1. The Lord hath done it : Bing, () heav'n ! His work 2. Shout, lowest earth! Ye moun-tains grand. Break forth 3. Thy Kinn, O Ja - cob, — hear the word I I^ike thick 4. Thou art the cho - nen of my love; 6. Then turn to Christ, O doubt-ing soul! ' i=A- My joy The price of in - est and is match- less song ! Ye clouds are glo - ry paid thy L&zi ^m #-t*— I — \ — t— < — »-^*- tg=r=r -^3 -#-*■ w u m TfT^ t=§, grace is wrought. The soul from death to life is for - csts fair, And ev - ery tree, wave high the rolled a - way. I have re - deemed thee, saith thy shalt thou be When 'mid the ho - ly throngs a debt to lift. 'Tis his de - light to make thee I ^ ^ I giv n, hand! Lord. bove whole. 1 — ^— **w^-t/=^r— r — £Ss^/ — Refrain. K ^^ N 1 I ^ Thy sins are par - doned, -^ From dark - ness in - to light is brought. The mar - vel of his love de - clare. Have turned thy dark- ness in - to day. The trav - nil of my soul I see. His joy tliat tliou ac - cept the gift. Thy sins won - drous word, %4 i=t Sing hal le - lu - jah, praise the Lord ! g=-^P=g^l^^P^g£l wondrous.wondrous word Sing hal- le- jah, praise the Lord ! H ^ • 0-^- --.- !-•-* ^ ' rrV' 1 * —• — • •-:^-r 1 ' ' • — ^-m ""M r*-* ' ' t won - drouB word I 107 Angfil of Piiticiice. 7.6. D. Spitta, tr. J. E. Rankin. TiioRo Harris. 1. He comes with con - so - la - tion, A gen - tie nn - gel he, 2. If thou shalt feel for - sak - en, Cour-a - geous he will Btand, 3. AV hen clouds hans^ brooding round thee Ile'll till n thy night to noon; 4. When tempests loud are beat - ing, And thou art ask - ing why, k' T" I I Sent from God's hab -i - ta - tion, Earth's comfort - er to be. And help thee through un - shak - en, The cross with-in thy hand. When wound-ed he has found thee. Will heal thy sor - rows soon, greet - ing, His up - ward Hit - ed eye ! :|=; &^e1 ':^- m -^-^^f=i= P I So faith - ful, he to guide thee Through all this vale of tears ; He'll soothe to gen- tie sad - ness Thy sor- row's bit- ter smart, He will not chide thy weep - ing. But bring thee heal- ing balm, E'en so he turns life's pag - es, Re - veal - ing one by. one, .-J — ., I So cheer-ful, speak be-side thee Of brighter comingyears. And chast- en e'en to gladness Thy proud, impatient heart. His wing a-bove thee keeping, Thy proudest mood to calm. While heav'n thy thought engages Till earth's last trial's done. A -MEN. >^- ^=t-:rl=^=i^-J^ 1 — r C2, T 108 T. Ii. Iliiliiiii: in Jesus. Troko Harris. ^-^ *r»-"-*' s.^»^^ !— J- i—i I -' — ^^^^1^ ^=^ f I. When on the reef of death my bark lies stranded, And Time his 1. Since thou hast trod the May un-irieil be - fore me. — When mortal .;. And if, perchance, my ill all good out- weighing. Thou yet cannt I. Some hum-ble home, O Lord, thou will pre-pare me, Where all the ». Deep in tliv wounds my shame and sor- row hid • ing, E'en now I ♦-1^9- last rude, fate - ful gale has blown, life is slip ping fast a - way, save me through thy boundless grace, rav - ing blasts of 8(»r - row cease ; sing heav'n's new im-mor - tal song; On per - il's rocks my Then in thy love, blest Still on thy arm di - To scen?s of ver - dant And in thy love for • (5L ; III weary feet have land-ed, And I am called to tread a path unknown. — Saviour. I i»n- plore thee, Be thou a - lone my dy-ing trust and stay ! vine I shall i)e stay-ing. As I approich my ti - nal restine-plact. . beauty thou wilt hear me. Where flows the riv-er of e-ter-nal peact . ev-er-more a - bid- ing, I taste the sweets of bliss for which 1 lon^. st; •— ^ — — # i D ' g — ^-1 — ^ — M — »-r^-#-S#-rt># — • — # — a-r^- Refrain. Je - sus, naught can mo There with my Hiding in Jesus, concluded. Sav- iour for - ev - er - more to rest, There with my Sav - iour for-ev-er- -■- — "-I — I — t-^^ ■'^-' — 1-'^='^ mmmimmm^mBm^^^ 109 P * 1. Mourn for 2. Mourn for 3. Mourn for 4. Mourn for ±^2:eSz Reform. S. 31. Thoro Harri :=1"F^=- M =1= the thousands shin, The youthful and the strong ; Mourn for the the tarnished gem — For reason's light divine.Quenched from the the lost — but call, Call to the strong, the free ; Rouse them to the lost — but pray, Pray to our God a - bove To break the :=-t=, Si smt S3 ^ 1 1 1_, t=v_i | -v -|. , 1 p-, ^,-1 1-, 1 ■ \-. , -t — I — 41-^— ^— «— -q — 1 — -^^F*-r — 1—1 — ^-F-^ — ^^iH — 1 — — ^ — ^-J-i ^\y^-^-~'^^\-^-^=zf — re #-i.-^J-^ wine-cup's fear - ful reign. The long - de - lud - ed throng. soul's bright di - a - dem, Where God had bid i't shine. shun that dread - ful fall, And to the ref - iige flee. fell de - stroy - er's sway. And show his sav - ing love. A - mex, m -f: ?± •- -J- -#- ^ .ly - . — — --■ -.- I 4 ■ -'■ no Toll Them Now. jACoa W. Wachtbr; 4lh Stanza by I . H Thoko IIarkis. tL^^ 1. Have you nev - er told the Bto-ry, How for sin- ncrs Je- sus died, Xev- er 2. Have you nev - er told the »to-ry, How a crown of thorns he wore, And how 3. Let us al - way« tell the 8to-ry, Tell it as through life we go, So that 4. He is com-ing soon in glo-ry, Who for sin- ners vile was slain. Sing, O point-ed to the nail-prints, To his pierced and bleed- ing side? Know you pa-tient-ly he suf - fered As the cru - el cross he bore; How for all who have not heard it. His sal - va - tion free may know, And, in singthe bless-ed sto - ry. Andre - peat the glad re- frain. He will A 1" t> Ji- \ \ N ,^ N m 9 * • • 1 (fh-i"— t— *- "~t~ -^-^—^f- -.-v-g— 8-4-; .. . J 1 W i:4 -t^ not that souls sin - ners vile knowing, tell bear, to yon • are he to -der wait-ing For this nies- sage r Tell them how Je - sus suf - fered With those thorns up- on his brow? If you oth - ers That he died for them, and how Through his cit - y, All the lambs up - on his breast ; And the -#- ^ -v=2-H-ii- |j?-^ ; — ? — t *• — ^^ \ ^ i^ ^ -i' 'i ^ ? ^- V > / k^ ' ^ ^ died n ran - som for them have not told them, broth- er, death we live for - ev - er : « lit - tie flcK-k" shall en - ter. Z0^' — m If you have not, Just be - gin to Let us tell them, Thev shall share his tell tell tell prom them now. them now . them now, ised rest. • — f- • — »- # — # • *r y ^. 1 1 J 1 Refrain. Tell Them Now. concluded. 1-3. Tell them. Chris 4. Christ is com ■^-^- tian, tell them now, ing, tell them now, i — t- — r— F — Tzi-^ ^ ^ ^ -^— Tell them, Christ is ^^- i^ ^ i/' k' i^ Tell them, Christian, tell them now, O tell them now, Christ is com - ing, tell them now, O tell them now, :-^=i: -&- Chris com tian, tell them inj;. tell them b T now, O tell them now. On - ly now, O tell them now. Com - ing r ^ ^ i ; i ^. i /. .^ -i x ^ ^ S-; s . J r ^ : r S -^^^ Tell them Christian, tell them now, Christ is com - ing, tell them now, [Stanzas 1-3.] I s ife-^^i: -%^ idzgzziizi^: 1^i - speak in . a word for Je - sus ; They are wait the clouds of glo - ry ; ^ ^ b 0—, K-«-r-^^ ing ; tell them ^ ^ ^-^— #-^=^=3 On-ly speak a word for Je - sus ; [Final Stanza.] They are waiting ; tell them ':^- isa :q: ::S::^ now, yes,tell them now. Christ is com -n?^sr-^^ ing, tell them now,ves, tell them now. ^i^i iptzii^-^- 1^ N f^l N I -0- . K A-0- r I ^ H- ■<22-- ^E^E^^H Ill Jno. S. B. Monsell. Dolor e. Casket. Thoko Harris. ' ^ 1^, /^ J ^— N- ^ -r^i j — i-F- — 1 H 1 ^ 1 — H ( \ i A A J • * 1 ^ ^! * : -M V •> *-••»•» S *JJ '^ —Z •■-"€ A •* t) p*- • • r 1 . Lay this pre - cious 'J. Fare- well, bless -ed 3. Here the cas - ket caak - et bod - y li - eth •• ' r r In the qui - et Till the morn a - Wait - ing for re - ^: 8 f T grave, rise; pair. For Then But i*^.iH*-^— 1 — ^ T — P-*- '1 1? — ' — i — "r — M 1 — Llii_J L — - "»- - 4 1- 3 ' 1 1 wmiWi 'tis the Lord hath tak - en And 'twas the Lord that gave. Un - "wel -come, hap -py spir - it, To Christ's own par -a - dise. Xo there doth Christ the jew - el With- in his bo - som wear. Wait ^^ A— 1- I til the com - ing day O lay the treas-ure by ; Thedead will then a- more to work or grief, Thou'rt gone to thy long home. In Je-sus* ho - ly but a lit - tie while. And with him we shall be For- ev-er-more u- waken To dwell with C'hrist on high. To dwell with Christ on high, keeping Rest safe un - til he come. Rest safe un-til he come, nit - Oil Throughout e-ter-ni - ty. Throughout e-ter - ni - ty. A - men, m^si 112 Fawcet. 8.7. John Fawckt, D. D. Tuono Harris. . '1 * I — I ~| Tgf ^ ' - ^-d- Z^ £ ggi way, . . . And peace which none can take a - way. died, . . . 'Tis sweet to know that Christ hath died, rise, . . . Christ rose, and I shall sure - ly rise. &a^?J 31 ^ 3; '^^B a£ LfJ^^^f^ 117 My Offering. Neimeistkr, tr. J. E. Rankin. Expressivo. Thoko Hakkis. "^^mm su, 2. Take the 3. Take the 4. Bit - ter won gold in - sor - (Irous of cense row , won faith of take droiu I my for Star brint;; ; prayer, myrrh ! Out 'Tis Like Ah. ~r i i=t :^: i 9^ t=: of the a ni y ^- :t=: Ja - gift cloud sins, cob, thy to mv -A- -«- f- t — 1-^ ,5* — J — 2jj — ws — I — ^ ^ — i—-] ^i:l:^^_3 who art hand first thee as sins, they ris - mg, gave me, cend - ing ; grieve me. r -- ^ Glad I greet thee from a - far, 'Tis thy fav - 'rite of - fer - ing; Wait - ing stand I, ev - ery- where When I kneel a wor - ship - er, I -^- :i==b tit: -©>- I :q: -^- :iq= :^-: I II Fes - tal gifts in love de - vis - ing. Bring this chief, I know thou'dst have me. Heart and hum - ble ser - vice blend-ing. Be thou faith - ful to re - lieve me. :=1: Poor Make When This ^J^—^- .^ ig: .^_. am, yet pure, and ask, speak all I .^.. -25i- =1: -<&- thou do it at thou a have to take And en - rich them for love's sake, test, With thy im - age fair im - prest. gain : I am Yea, and am A - men. bring : Je - su, take the of - fer - ing. mi^^^ A - MEN. Above thft Stars, Thoro Harris. 'r^^^^m rt- :w=it 1. Hcyond the gilent orbs of light, orhs of light.Thcre shines a land so fair, 2. Uryond the deep ethcrial dome, deep blue dome.Our waiting hearts expect 3. And tho' on earth we meet no more,meet no more, While years of time shall roll, \ . Tlicn wait we for our blessed King, blessed King, He will not tar - ry long ; ^^q E. •^ ?-T z^-Jd em 4-n4 S g^trf More glorious than the stars of night, stars of night : I'd fain be rest-ing there. To dwell in that e - ter-nal liome, heav'nlyhome.The home of God's e-lect. Yet on a brighter, happier shore, happier shore,The homeland of the soul. — Soon, scion our happy heartsshall sing, we shall sing. The glad, triumphant song. Refrain. I N mm^^^m^^ silent stars There is the home of peace and love. The land of per - feet day. 119 Hear Our Solemn Litany, 7.1), KuBER r Gkan r. Thoko Hakkis. a-j- Saviour, when in dust to thee, By thy birth and ear - ly years, By thy con - flict with de- spair. By thy deep ex - pir - ing groan, 1 1 — h— |-=Y -IS*- Low we bow th'a-dor- ing knee. By thy human griefs and fears, By thine a - go - ny of prayer, By the seal'd se - pul-chral stone, _ -^ J K I 1 ^ ^ :«i=?: 1 — 1 — I — r r— t— r i U 1 ft V I - J#- -f When, re - pent-ant, to the skies Scarce we lift our streaming eyes, By thy fast -ing and dis- tress In the lone - ly wil - der - ness, By the pur -pie robe of scorn. By thy wounds, thy crown of thorn, By thy tri-umph o'er the grave, By thy power from death to save ; w w ^— J _i ^ — I -J ^ — ^ — I ^ — i 1_ _] ^ — | — Oh, by all thy pains and woe Suf- fer'd once for man be - low, By thy vie -fry in the hour Of the sub - tie tempt- er's pow'r ; By thy cross, thy pangs, and cries, By thy per- feet sac- ri-fice; Mighty God, us - cend - ed Lord, To thy throne in heaven re - stored, -I -^—\ 1 — ^! ^ — I *- Bending from thy throne on high, Hear our sol- emn lit - a - ny. Je - sus. look with pitying eye ; Hear our sol- emn lit - a - ny. Je - sus, look with pitying eye; Hear our sol- emn lit - a - ny. Prince and Saviour, hear our cry, Hear our sol- emu lit - a - ny. 0^i.-0—» ^- zfLJ_gl-fg _^_jL p m^.^ ^^ ^ A -MEN. 120 Light of Our World n. MONSELL Thoho }Iarris. ^ Light of the world, wc hail thee Now flushing the east-em skieR ; liight of the world, thy beau- ty Shall steal in - to ev - ery heart ; Light of the world, be - fore thee In horn -age we hum- bl'y fall; Light of the world, il - lu - mine This sin-darkened world of thine ^ 1 ^acij^i^i Nor ev - er shall darkness vail thee A - gain from our mor-tal eyes. It hweet ly adorns with du - ty Life's poor- est and lowliest part ; We worship, we niag- ni - fy thee. Lord Je - sus. the life of all, I'n - til ev - erything that's hu - man Is filled with a light di - vine. m^mm T". A - las I far too long with-hold- en, Now spread from shore to shore Thou rob - est in matchless splen-dor The sim - pie ways of men. With whom there is no for - get - ting Of all thine hand hath made I'n - til ev - ery tongue and na - tion From sin's do - min - ion free, ; — "^ f ^ — •-T, »— "r*-n-« ^—s^-rd — T— ^ «— 1_— I— LJ-, Thy radiance. «io glad, so And help- ct them all to Whose rising shall have no A - rise in the new ere gold - en. Shall set on the earth no more ; ren - der That light back to thee a - gain, set - ting. Whose sunshine shall have no shade, a - tion That springeth from love and thee. l^iiifiii^S i Li^lit of Our Worhl. concluded. :z::::Dr-q:z=- •f-p^ ■^' -#- -^ f- Thy radiance, so glail, so And help - est them all to Whose rising shall have no A - rise in the new ere ^ -+-#- li^* gold - en, Shall set on the earth no ren - der That light back to thee a - set - ting. Whose sunshine shall have no • a - tion That springeth from love and 4 more, gain, shade, thee. --K?- t=i-=^E iiPi 121 Kanawha. 7, r ;/ 61. t—\ wmm 5*— CnAS. Wesley. Thoko Harris. -*-^— ^-tj.-,— '^-S-tg, --t=.^- :d=.i ^ 1. Christ, whose glo-ry fills the skies, Christ, the true, the on - ly light, 2. Dark and cheerless is the morn, If thy light is hid from me, 3. Vis - it, then, this soul of mine; Pierce the gloom of sin and grief: , , ^v_ I I -»- -I 1 l-L= m 1 . 1-1 •— ^ , V- I :^=1=: mm^. S=5; m Sun of Righteousness, a - rise, Triumph o'er the shades of night Joy- less is the days's re - turn, Till thy mercy's beams I see ; Fill me, ra-diant Sun di -vine! Scatter all my un - be - lief; y^-^- -— ^- ■M. -t4- m -0- I -^ -0- -0- ' • -r$>- I I ^ :^. Day-spring from on high, be near. Day- star in my heart ap - pear. Till they in- ward light impart, Warmth and gladness to my heart. More and more thy- self dis-play, Shining to the per - feet day. b-?^-:z#t N N I J. ■» — •- .i2- r :p 132 Blessed Condition. 8.7. D. Benj. Sciimolk tr. J. E. Rankin. Thoro Harkis. N ■^smm 1. Bk'HB- ed, bleB8-ed their con-di -tion Who to heav'n at length shall coht 2. Then shall they themselves be see-ing As to God him - self they are, 3. How thev throng.that countless number/ Jne with Christ with heart and soul. ■^■ m -0 — •- «=& ^ I L They shall reap in Christ fru - i-tion, Find in him faith's end and sum. Love di - vine new bliss de- creeing. As they wing from star to star. World and flesh no more encumber, High their hymns of tri-umph roll. ^^: =t-- i3r ^g; £ -# ' rsizt: I ^=1 5;=r 1 — ( 1 1 1- ^^^.-i r- B' Free from sor-row, free from sighing, God, whose name is bles-ed - ness, 'i'o green pastures Je - bus leading, He who did their all pro - vide. In the highest, glo - ry, glo- ry, (Him, whose life for them he gave) fea^g '=^ tnt i^rr^^ -1-0- >=t -fSL T D.C.to Fitie. 4 It *-i:*rrr is- Free from death and free from dy - ing, Them e - ter-nal-ly shall bless. As their Shepherd his flock feeding. On the cross for them who died. To the Lamb of Calv'ry's story ; Christ, the Friend of friends they have. r-*-#-b# TTJAZM -M :.=£ t= " '~^r ""-g 1 i~T Tlic Way I Should Go. 6.6.9. W. Wachter. Thoko Harris. ^ ^ ^^ .^ .0. ^. < my bank smoothly sjlidos Down the hen life's tempests I meet, And uis in sunshine or storm I riv - er of life, Where its the bil- lows roll hij^h, Stern - ly am ful - ly se - cure ; For his hen 1 an - chor at last On that beau - ti - ful shore, Safe be - \J ^ / -^ — ^ — # — ^ — • — a — I — I 1 — — ^ — ^- h^ — I — '-0 — ^- wa - ters so peace - ful - ly flow, threat'ning my bark to o'er - flow, prom-ise ne'er fail - eth, I know Yond. where the dark waters flow, —5-- ^ — ^ — y — h •-■ This blest promise I claim, Which my Then I know I am safe With my Till on heaven's fair shore My frail I shall praise ev-er-more Him for dear Saviour gives, " I will Sav - iour so nigh, Who will bark I sh-ill moor, Christ Mill guid-ing me o'er; "He has lead lead lead led N ti — r— t: in in in all -#- X- the way you should go, the way I should go, the way I should go, the way I should go. r r ^ — ~ r r - , r 1^—V ggElEfeil I will lead in Who will lead in Christ will lead in He has led all the way you should go.' the way I should go. the way I should go. the way I should go." 124 Come In. Katk Hakki.not(»n, alt. Thoko Harki ^^^ ■^- droained not of clunker, those sin- ners of old. Whom No - ah was lould not u- rouse them ; unhced-ing they stood. Unniovi'd by his sin - neis, the htr-nlds of nier -cy im - plore, They cry, like the now while tiusmesBage, "Christ's coming is near," God's servants by ^^i5 -^ 3^ 1 1 X #- ?g=^;^Fff^|^gi^piii ehos - en to warn ; warning and prayer, pa - tri- areh, Coin", thousands proclaim. By fre-qiK-nt transgression their hearts had grow The prophet passed in from the on - com-ing The ark. of sal - va- tion is moored to your Sav not like those sin-ners of old, with a '^^ -1^^ ^3335 i/im. -J . * — *-j^ — # — # cold. They laughed his en - treat - ies to scorn, flood. And left them to hope- less de - spair. shore: () en - ter while yet there is room, sneer, 'All things shall con - tin-iic the same. They laughed his en - And left them to O en - ter while All things shall con- Wf^^^Mmm cres. treaties to scorn, hopeless de- spair. yet there is room, tin - ue the same.' Ytt (lai - ly he called them."0 come, sinner Tlie flood-gates were o - pen, the del-uge came The storm-cloud of jus-tice hangs dark o - ve The prophets have spoken, their words are un- entreat-ies to scorn. t — I — r- Come In. concluded. .--J. come; on, head, sealed : =^-+.v Be-Heve, O be-lieveand pro-pare to em -bark. Re - The heavens as blackness of rnidni»?ht wrew dark. Too And when by its on - coni-ins; fu-ry you're tossed. A - The judgment in heaven -will shortly be o'er; The I ceive the glad late, then they las, of your arm of God's -j-i — 1__| — -j_i — I — I — 1-1 — I — LJ I 1 — i_i:_i — *r 4 4-r-i^-r mes-sage and know there is room For all who will come to the ark. turned : every foothold was gone ; They perished in sight of the ark. perishing souls 'twill be said, They heard — they refused — and were lost, jus - tice will soon be revealed, And mer-cy in - vite you no more. Refrain. Come in ! Too late ! Come in ! Come in ! ^ 1 come m : come now m - to the too late! too late to en - ter come in ! thy Sav - iour waits for come in ! O come, there's room to ark, now, thee, utty, -a-^- -0~-m-^ Come in ! Too late ! Come in ! Come in! I come too come come late! come now in - to the ark. too late to en- ter now. thy Sav - iour waits for thee, nor more re- main a - way 125 T H Michael. 7.6. Thoro Haa\;-^. -.N I .1 J— 4-f-l 1- Hoar - er of the sa - Prince of an - '^vh. Mi Tart - ner of th' e-ter Hruod- inj5 o'er tlie wa- Whose al - mighl-y pow Ho - ly One of U cred light, Ho - ly and se - rene, - cha - el, Mes - sen - get di - vine, - nal throne, Heav'n-ly Maj-es - ty, tcr's face, Din - mal, deep, and dim, er im - parts Pre - cious truth di - vine, - ra - el. Clad in liv - ing flame, -w - ' -w- y •^ - -y -y ^ . ^ a.rt:^r:rtzt; ^fm 1 — r J H*^ 1 j ^r--^=-^-n-1 -N-i 1 1 1 1 11 Lead- er of those ar-mies Light of lights in - ef - fa - Thou, the Father's on - ly Plant in us thy seed of Move up -on our wait -ing God with us, Em-man - u - bright From the world un - seen. Lie, On thy votaries shii.e. Son, Sov - er - eign Dei - ty. griice, Chief of cher - u - bim. hearts. Seal us wiih thy sign. el, Ev - er bless - ed name. A - men. Gently Load Us 126 Thos. Hastings. J_^ 4-J- 1. Gen- tly. Lord, O gen - tly lead us Through this lone - ly vaTe of tears, 2- When temptation's darts as-sail us, When in devious paths we stray. 3. In the hour ot pain and anguish. In the hour when death draws near, 4. And when mortal life is end-ed. Bid us on thy bo - som rest I I irj illiiil ^m^^m^^^m^m II. Thro' the changes thou' st decreed us,Till our last great change appears. Let thy goodness nev-er fail us. Lead us in thy perfect way. Suf - fcr not our hearts to languish. Suffer not our souls to fear. Till, by an-gel-bands attendt'd. We a -wake among the blest. A ij y ^2. ^ ^2. UL ^^ #^gfi^;|pi«.^=i 127 To Bo There. Thoro Harris. p L«_^i#-T-#— *— |-4-,-L^^,— ^-#-LS-#— ^-i=#4-l-»^yJ 1. We speak of the land of the blest, A country so bright and so fair, 2. We sing of its pathways of gold, Its walls decked with jewels so rare, 3. We talk of its peace and its love. The robes which the glorified wear, &m g*~r^ ^»- -«r- :?=?: ^-J- -« — •- ^^•- liT'-^-*-^ :J^»: -A—S- I / [^ -^^ And oft are its glo-ries con-fest ; But O what must it be to be there? Its wonders and pleasures untold ; But O what must it be to be there? The songs of the blessed a-bove ; But O Avhat must it be to be there? )^ — ^ • f— — ■*+* — I ^-— ^-F^-- — h-. — y^—U — • — • — » — g-^^ — '^-x^A Refrain. To be there, if=^ to be there, ^ N I ^-•^^- To be there, ■ ^-^'— ^— t-- ^-f^-ff- :q: SEE ^: gi to be there, O what must it be to be -^-t^ f Ti— .^^=^ :t=U=^=id ^ ^_ — ! — f-^— t-"==#-v-#^ c^=zp_i:s n — =13 there, to be there? To be there, to be there, O what must it be to be there! _^ — «i — -#-•-#- -^^ ^iJf=t: S: o !==[: 12S Ttooiii For All. Jaiob NV . Wahitkk. TBOK.J ilAKKiS. 1. ••Room for hH" — how Kwet't the message, As from Jckuh* lips it fells; _'. Koom for nil— blcat in - vi - ta - tion Je - sus brinj,'h to groat and small : :;. When our bat- ties here are end - cd And we hear the Master's call, Wi&^^^: ■f—r i 1/— V- "Father's house has many mansions; Wea-ry one, there's room for all." "Who- so - ev- or will may en - ter ;" Sin-sick soul, there's room for all. In the mansions he has prom-ised We shall find there's room for all. Room for all — why not ac - cept it r 'Tie for you, this gracious call. Soon he com - eth to re - ceive us. For the faithful he will call : 'Room for all" — how sweet the message ! As from an -gel lips it falls. ^^^-1 b- ^-^ S^^;^ t^^3t3ti ■^^ -v-^- 'Si • u \J . -» \ V "^ r~ ^ ^"^-I — '"H ^ — Ik — • — m -. — ki — I «ii?: " I am go- ing to pre - pare it ; You may en - ter — room for all." Brother, will you not come with us And ac - cept this room-for-all? En - tor now ; O heavy - la - den Longing soul, there's room for all. ^ ■r- i i r- 4--,= ■*-* .^tEE Room For All Chorus. (U)ncludcd. Room for all, room for all, Je - sus lln- gers ; O, what love ! IIo is -#-•-•--#- -#-•-#- -P- -t— . -^ -•- -H^ -#-.-(— -I -+— . -I— f^ V^. t=?:i:!;:^^ >±, A-h'^^-J ■-«- 1 1— I 1 tv ^ 1 r»| i"! wait - ing, he is plead - ing, Wand'rer, come,thy Saviour calls for thee. =:;izfzl:=:: '^Lz^jmti y— s/-' t^ — f^ t- ^•-=-#- :[:=t=fe: -^—^— Ui&l ^ I waiting for thee, he is pleading for thee,Wand'rer,come,thy Saviour calls for thee. 129 Whitfleld. CM. P'kkderick Whitfield, ;^aEE: M^ -^-^^ Thoro Harris. m4 There is a name I love It tells me of a Sav • It tells of One whose lov It tells me of a Fa - to hear, I love to sing its worth ; iour's love, Who died to jet me free; • ing heart Can feel my small- est woe — ther's smile Beam-ing up- on his child; And dries each ris - ing tear ; . It bids my trembling soul re - joice, , And therewith all the blood-bought throng, From sin and sor - row fVee, .-^ r- 1 ^ ^^i J I I I I -0- j^ . n I In sounds like mu-sic in It tells me of his pre - Who in each sor- row bears It cheers me through this lit It tells me in a still, I'll sing the new e - ter - mine ear, The sweet - est name on earth. cious blood. The sin - ner's per- feet plea. a part That none can bear be -low. - tie while. Through des- ert, waste and wild, small voice. To trust and not to fear. - nal song Of Je - sus' love to me. 130 WaiJ ing. T. II. ri- _^s ~ftT"!* — FT Schumann arr. by Thoro Harris. —Nr-i ■ 1 r- fe ^ ^=^ r-l=i- =^^ i ^ — ^ 1. On - ly wait - ing, yc«, wait- ing for Christ to re- store me To thos 2. Earth worn pil- grim, I am, but a way -fur - ing stranger ; Round m< 3. Still I'm wait - ing, ye«, wait-ing for Clirist to re- store me To tho« ^^m ♦ ■>*■■ i^t i * t: i: 3:: ♦ • ♦ -# 0- h\n mansions where he has gone be - fore me. On - ly wait - ing ; thick-en per- il and jjrief and dan- ger. Yet I fear not: my mansions where he has gone be - fore me. Ev - er trust - ing ; his — '^-'-T-L-;— , — r-j y , m. » ^ I p jf — j— 5,- 4!i-A- prom- ise re- maineth for - ev-er ; Naught but sin my heart from his love ca Saviour is strong to de - liv - or, And of nier-cies he is the bounteoi promise re- maineth for - ev-er ; Naught but sin my heart from his love ca •»• -f - -^ -^ -»• 1 . fv V N ,"^-_N_^ — tr^ ^^ I 1 r ^ ^ 7^—^-0-\ — « \-^-S sev - cr. On - ly wait -ing; nor will he tar - ry long - er ; Faith anc Oiv-er. Thro' life's bat - tie my Saviour will pro - tect me, To hia sev - er. Thus w itli pa - tience 1 wait for that glad raor - row When for Waitins:. couciuded. nirnge, and trust in his love grow stronger : On- ly wnit-ing, yes, waiting for oine of brigl\t glory he'll soon direct me, On- ly wait- ing, yes, waiting for \" - er he'll ban-ishall grief and sor- row : On- ly wait-ing, yes, waiting for ^-•-, •^^i^ 1 Je-susto call me, Ev - er long-ing, long-ing for rest at home. Je-susto call me, Ev - er long-ing, long-ing for heav'n.my home. Je-susto call me, Ev - er long-ing, long-ing for home.sweet home. 131 -Stenhammer. L. M, Isaac Watts, D. D Psa. 117. ■-±A- Thoro Harris. =t-^-^ 1. From all that dwell be-low the skies Let the Cre - a-tor's praise a - rise : 2. E - ter- nal are thy mer-cies, Lord, E - ter-nal truth attends thv word : r^ 1 I -i"-=^- Let the Re-deemer'sname be sung Through every land, by ev- ery tongue. Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. S=z*=*zfiE: - — I — I r T - Let the Saviour In. TiiOKO Harris. 1 . Lo, a pil - gjim stran • ger 2. Li^t, while mer- cy BUnds en - 3. Oiu-e a - gain, O heur hira 4. Iltiirkt-n, Uhi he plead no 6. Wiulf the voice of love lA knocking, treat- in g call - ing, long - er, plcad-ing, Let Let Let Let I^t T~^f~^ ^?e the Saviour the Sav-iour the Sav-iour the Sav-iour the Sav-iour «^3 in, in, in, in, in. Let the Saviour in ; Let the Saviour in ; Let the Saviour in ; Let ti;e Saviour in ; Let the Saviour in ; > »s ^ .0 — 0—m- o hig arms the lost are flocking, Let the blessed Kv - er, ceaseless - ly re - peat-ing Let theblc^ ' He will keep thy feet from falling. Let the bh- Faith and hope and love grow stronger When you It : While for you he's in - ler - ced-ing, Let the blessed 1/ / / Sav - iour in, O let him in. Sav - lour in, O let him in. Sav - iour in, O let him in. Lord come in. () let hini in. Sav - iitur in,Yes.let him in. w .. V N He will ban - ish grief and sor - row, Come, O come, thy sins con-fess - ing. Come to Christ while mer - cy calls thee ; Lin - ger not, we all im - plore you, Soon thy day of grace tli - minished, At>d the anx- ious dread to - mor - row: Wea - ry heart, O hear him Thou shalt know a Saviour's bless-ing; Child of woe, why long - er Ere im - pend-ing doom be - falls thee ; He will take a'- way thy Lot the Sav-iour now re - store you. Let him speak the word of And the gos • pel mys - t'ry fin - ished, Christ the King shall come in m ?r^tz£ Lot the Saviour In <;ent - ly pleading, doubt or tar - r v ? sin nntl sor- row, peace and pardon all Let the Sav-iour in, Let Let tlie Sav-iour in, Let Let the Sav-iour in. Let Let the Sav-iour in. Let his splendor; Let the Sav-iour in, Let • — •— uf« "Ir^a—m ^0 _ • the the the the the Saviour Saviour Saviour Saviour Saviour in. in. in. in. in. Anacostia. Chaklotte Elliot Thoko IIakkis -^ r- -^ T—^-m __l^^ 1 ^1^ — ^ 1 N-n — — ^_ --i^^i ih^^^^ i • • ' • « J _- r^ — \ H — _• — ^_ —0—^r- •Uts— J — 0% — ii ■'■-* ! % - ^ 4 11. m * m m \ W c ^ 1 \_SJ / 1 1 L Mv God is a - nv hour so sweet, From blush of 2. Blest is that tran-quil hour of morn, And blest that 3. Then is mv strength bv thee re -newed ; Then are my 4. Hushed is each doubt, gone ev - erv fear ; Mv spir - it 5. Lord, till I reach yon bliss - ful shore, No priv - 1 - N F^ ll^ 1 1 f^>^ -•?^ ^ ' ^ n# ^""^ J -, ^ 4 ^ ' f- — ^ M- /i•^• K i \_ . M* • 1 M m ur If J^ 7 / i L; b « « p 1 ' * r 1 « P^^^T K^ J ^ .7 M i 1- i- -4-f- 1 J ^'^ '^ I 1 morn to sol - emn sins by seems in lege so eve - nmg hour of thee for - heav'n to dear shall star, eve, giv'n ; stav ; be' -0 — I — \- * — a: ^—4 '0 — y el \^ 1 As that When, on Then dost And e'en As thus which calls me the wings of thou cheer my the pen - i - mv in - most •=»-»-T-fl-i • 1 — bzd — ^ 15 to thy faith up sol - i - ten - tial soul to I feet, borne, tude tear pour The calm and ho - ly The dark-ness of this With new pro - spec- tive My Sav- iour deigns to In fil - ial trust, in V0- ^ ,^0-,- 1 •■• hour of prayer ? world I leave, views cf heav'n. wipe a - way. praver to thee. -jtaii 'm Jacou W. Wachteh. — A One by One Thoro Hauus. d-,. -♦--#-11' 'I 1. Oiu* by one our loved one** leave us, Soon to join the ranks a - bove, 2. They will wear life's erown of glo - ry. In their hands the vic-tor's palm, 3. One by one our loved ones leave uh, Soon to join the ranks a - bove, ---- Jd=t^ --* ' 1 1 P- It t=ti ^ i 5 J — I E^ S— c ' ' ^ ^ JS^- 5S=* Ev - erbask-ing in the sun -light Of a bless-ed Saviour's love. And through endless days be sing-ing Glad ho-san- nas to the Lanil Ev - er busk-ing in the sunlight Of the bless-ed Sav-iour's love. :^^ J (- ^=l=^?=<=r I W ^ESiE^t^r They Glad But will drink from that blest fountain. Whence the liv-ing M-a- ters flow, - ly will their Lord receive them In that land so fair and bright, if faith- ful to our du - ty. When the sun Js of time are run, J. -# : :^=t: i=v -^- j-i-j ^^m I Walking in those sunny bowers. Where heav'n's choicest flowers grow. Where there is no thouglil of sorrow. Where there are no shades of night. We shall ri>e a-gain to meet them — Yes.we'll meettnem one by one. Amek. ?=^ T — f-p— r m\ 135 Bciiiiiiig. 7 D, Chas. Wesley, TnoKo Harris. r' =4=: ^=gg:: 1. Je - susi lov-er of my soul, Let me to thy bo - som fly, While the 2. Oth-er ref-usie have I none ; Hangs my helpless soul on thee ; Leave, ah ! 3. Thou, O Christ ! art all I want ; More than all in thee I find ; Raise the 4. Plenteous grace with thee is found, — Grace to pardon all my sin ; Let the 1^1 1 =gPz:giFi ^-^- ]ijz:iL3ig= billows near me roll, leave me not a - lone, fall - en, cheer the faint, heal-ing streams a-bound. While the tempest still is high. Hide Still sup-port and comfort me. All Heal tt e sick, and lead the blind. Just Make and keep me pure with- in. Thou my and of my trust on ho - Iv life the T Saviour! hide. Till the thee is stayed ; All my is thy name, I am foun-tain art, Free-ly storm of life is past ; Safe in - help from thee I bring: Cov-er all un - right- eous-ness ; Yile and let me take of thee ; Spring thou 1 \ -^ ^ J2L -^jL. ■^^■ -±± to the ha - ven my de- fenceless full of sin I up with- in my I ' J- '' EEE^3=ES: i^=t— dteiztzzid: guide ; head am, heart, Oh, re - ceive my soul at last ! With the shad-ow of thy wing. Thou art full of truth and grace. Rise to all e - ter- ni - tv, A - men. .^2. .^2. JZ. r :t=rrT-:t==tq f-fe-piSi:J-&^^-J: rir^ r'^^r m vm Jacob \V . VVacmti!.k. The Dark, Mystic River. Thoro Harri>-. k:::^^ -^-^\-\ N. E^3=S^ # . # ^ . ^ V- -#-. -^ -*-|3 »--•--•■ -•;-•- 1. We're mat ing the dark, mystic riv - «r, Yet nothing we fear from the tid( •1. Whi-n crossing tiie dark, mystic riv-er, When touching the bright golden Ktrautl 3. When o - verthe dark, mystic riv-er,What rap - turous scenes will unfold! Since Jesus passed thro' the dark billows, For he will the waters di - >'ide. No tears vail the visions of glo - ry, God wipes them away with his hand. The wur-shipers clad in bright raiment, With harps of the purest of gold ; Thtse words on the ear fall so sweet-ly, Because we all know they are true; ( ). beau - ti - ful land o'er the riv-er ! We lon;^ all thy joys to be - hold, The mu - pi'- "f >"■ iv'n softly floating, Redemption, redemption, the song: t:^^^^^^i^ ^ lie whiHppr8,"My grace is suf-fi-cicnt, Suf - fi-cient to car- ry you through. To share in that love which is sncrod. That love which can never be told. The prelude on earth was untinishiHl, In glo- rv the strain we'll pro-long. ^ 1/ The Dark, Mystic River, concluded. Refrain. , N N !»- N ^ I'm wca- ry, so Avea-iy of earth scenes, I sigh for my heaven- ly home, ^ -#- . ^ -#- -^ -#- tW -f- • -#- -f- -•-•■#--•--#--#-. ^ I \ ^ -I « 1 jT \-N-hr \ jT— , ,-■ \^ ' - V ' - - -9- -9-' \ Where an-gels are smiling-ly waiting, Yes, waiting for loved ones to come. r=t x.-\L-t IjtZIC ^-^-0~m- 1^ ^ ^ ^ 137 Shannon. Stephen of St. Sabas. tr.,jNO. M. Neale. Thoro Harris. I =1=:=qzz:q=q: -(S*- 1. Art thou wea-ry, art thou lan- 2. Hath he marks to lead me to 3. Is there di - a - dem as ' Mon- 4. If I find him. if I fol - 5. If I still hold close-ly to 6. If I ask him to re - ceive 7. Finding, following, keeping, stru< guid, him, arch, low, him, me, rgling I m Art thou sore distressed? If he be my Guide ?- That his brow adorns: — his guer - don here ? — hath he at last? — What What Will , Is he he say- sure me to nay? bless ?- tt^ .^ -^ r-"^- y^% 5s;^^EE^g=§; H— I — — aH — a- \--=\--=x- mmm ^ I -^ -^- -g- "Come to me," saith One, "and com-ing, Be at rest!" "In his feet and hands are wound -prints. And his side." '•Yea, a crown, is ver - y sure -ty; But of thorns." "Many a sor -row, many a la- bor, Many a tear." "Sor - row vanquished, la -bor end - ed, Jor-dan passed." "Not till earth, and not till heav - en Pass a - - way." "Saints, a - pos- ties, proph-ets, mar-tyrs. Answer, Yes." A. - men. y^S ^. liiii^iii 13S Woodman. 7.4. D, F. E. Bbldbn. ,- ' _ ^ — _ .s -"^D-It^ Thoro Harris. ■UU r-^ V 1. () Christian ! have you heard it? He's com- ing soon, 2. Does now thy heart be-lieve it? He's com-ing soon, ■' '» day of joy n!>d gladness ! He's com-ing soon. Tho' thousand Do you with O dav of ^ • ' 1 v-i ^'-^ ^ — f=^ 3^E ^^^^^i^ have deferred it. He's com-ing soon, joy receive it? He's com-ing soon, gloom and sadness ! He's com- ing soon. Let not thy heart grow weary, Prize not this world's possession It may be night or morning I -I 1^ 1 — "u k I It -p ' p — W- Jb W—»- W- X — 1= L> 1 U — U— ] — U- :^'-« 5:^44 rit. He's coming soon; Morn fol-lows midnight dreary, He's coming soon, He's coming soon; Trust not to vain professions, He's coming soon, Hf's coming soon; Do not re - ject the warning. He's coming soon. '-■i- 1^=3: 4 .^ t # tempo. -4- I.eave all earth's sin - ful pleas-ures, He's Work on, with zeal in -creas- ing, He's Are you pre- pared to meet him? He's fcrt -^^.-^^ com - mg soon ; com - ing soon ; com - ing soon ; ^i-4i Woodman, concluded. ■s£ Lay up in heav'n your treasures. He's com- ing soon. Pray al - ways, without ceas -ing, He's com-ing soon. Can you look up and greet him ? He's com-ing soon. A - MEN. w^^m 139 Helliwell. CM. Rev. J. E. Ra.nkin, D.D. JoHX Burt, Jr. Harmony by Thoro Harris. 4iEsrt IfiiiiiiiriSiigiipj 1. I do not know why Je - sus came And touched my heart of stone ; 2. I laid my bur - den at his feet, And there confessed my sin, 3. Theta-ble of his love he spread, That fes - ti -val di - vine; 4. I supped with him and he with me — Gone were my doubts and fears — ^^^^=m I had And had He gave Par - took up with me of 1 I on his love no them com - mun - ion of the bro - ken that high mys - te - claim. And sweet, And bread, And rv, 'Mid Si: — V L m^mm I yet, 'twas peace and poured life - min - gled iiiaH^li love a rest with giv - ing smiles and lone, in. . wine, tears . i 110 T. 11 Tho IlaJUe-Cry. iiicx;essio\al. Thoro Harris. r'V:^i,,,.t^ ^ ♦ • * * * T * 1. Lift the King's own standard in the field to-day, Loy-al sol- diers of the 2. Jesus Christ as Captain conquers ev- ery foe, His sure word can nev - er 3. Lift the roy- id banner in tlie Add t<»-day ; Charge.O sol -diers of the 1. Soon, yes, soon the strife forcv-er will be oer. And the bat - tie will be [- Psf: mmm^ i:^ t^=9=S^ cross. Sound the bat- tie - cry. your Captain's call o-bey; Ye shall fail ; Where his ban-ncr lead - eth, on-ward we would go, For with King! Shout the bat- tie - cry. the call of God o-bey. And as won ; Then on that e - ter - nal, bright, celes- titl shore. Ye shall W:i^: ^^l -=T- Refrain. »^^«=5^ nev - er suf - fer loss, suffer loss. March ye on, march ve on. him we shall prevail, shall prevail, val - iant soldiers sing, joyful sing, shine forth as the sun, as the sun. march ve (l- ij^^^ — 6 -^' plant the ban - ner of the cross. The Battle-Cry. cmduded. _^-2-^^y— J_.-L i-l— ^-j3^ 1— -^->-^-5!-r-i-n Higho'er moor and dale, (high o'er) hill and Tale: It shall nev-cr suf - fer loss. ^: ife - W. q'r ^ 1 -V— b^— V- Sill 141 Place of Refuge. €. 31 C. H. Keslaki Thoro Harris. lipPiiiirip=iisiii=|iEj 1. Je - sus my place of ref - uge is, My great high priest is he; 2. No long -er need I roam a - far, My Sav - iour Christ is near ; 3. The law's demands he sat - is - fies, My debt for me he's paid; 4. As great high priest he ev - er lives, He is my of - fer - ing ; -r»-^— • — '^ — — ^— 1-# T-y— ^ ^— r#-T-- ^t^—\—'^ — 1 His blood a- tones for all my sins, In him As my high priest he in - ter - cedes. And saves No more I dread th'a -veng- er's \vrath ; On him In song I'll raise my heart and voice, My Sav my soul is me from all my mind is iour's praise to E3 .^ -• .z: V — ^ f-^ hj — h iQi~^ ii: -I . ;i^ ^ Ei*-T=* soul In him my soul ssiii free, fear, stayed. On In him my — And saves me from him mv mind i sing. My Saviour's praise ' is all i> to free, fear. stayed, sing. m^Mssmmmmi free. In hira mv soul IS free. 14 o \\vv\) \o Mow I iioKO Hakkis. * ^rS £El i :«=rv I. liro-kcn - heart - ctl, weep no more I Hear what comfort he huth spoken, ■J. Lamb of Je-8U«' bloiKl-bought rtfK'k, Brought again from 8in and straying, 3. Hro-ktMi -heart - vd, weep no more, Far from con - so - la-tion stray-ing ; L2H -i--H^— :2=:q=:^ Smokinj^ tiax who ne'er hath quencli'd. Bruised reed who ne'er hath broken. Hear the Shepherd's gentle voice — "I'is a true and faith - ful say - ing : He who calls hath felt thy wound. Seen thine anguish, heard thy pray inj^. igafgif^i Ye who wan - der here be - low, Ileav - y - la - den as ye go, Great -er love how can there be Than to yield up life for thee? Bringthy bro -ken heart to me, Wei - come of- f 'ring it shall be : ^%:t- ^^ i^^IlS^EE^ I y I > ' I y / • -•-. ('()!ne, your ev - 'ry sin confess-ing. Come to me and be at reft. Bought with pang and tear and sighing. Turn and live : why will ye die? Burst - ing eyes and tears of sor- mw Mme ac-cept - ed sac - ri - lice. mw^^^^ U3 Thy Dying Lovo, S. Dryden Phelps. Thoro Harris. ,!*ri mmsE^m :zlzqzq=rr fj .^. .0. 1. Suv - iour, thy dy - ing love Thou f;;av - est me, 2. O'er thy blest mer - cy - seat, Plead- iiijj for me, 3. Give me a faith - ful heart. Like - ness to thee, 4. All that I am and have — Thy gift so f . -. J J Jl 1^; i225 1— J— IS'- m^^^ Nor should 1 aught withhold, Dear Lord, from thee. Up - ward in faith I look, Je - sus,. to thee: Help me the That each de-part - ing day Henceforth may see Ev - er in joy or grief, My Lord, for thee : 'T r— i-='t — ';-f-^- Some work of And when thy cres. soul would bow. My heart ful - fil its vow, Some of -f ring cross to bear, Thy won-drous love de-clnre. Some song to love be - gun, Some deed of kind -ness done, Some wan-d'rer face I see, My ran-somed soul shall be Through all e- 5=i== -— 5^ ^- I ' I A - MEN. :i|zz=:i|=h=r^ bring, thee now. Some-thing for thee, raise, or prayer— Some-thing for thee, sought and won — Some-thing for thee, ter - ni - tv, Some-thing for thee. A - 144 Kino Uorkkt II. AUe^etto CoiiKs Holy filiost. (>.4 I- KAN< K. Alt. TiioRo Harris. ii^^^m ^1=^ ^ 1. 2. 3. 4. Come, Ho - ly Ghost, in C«ime, tcn- )■ ■ F '(^ ; \~ y \ t I 1 i 1 — •1 \ ' ' Shed on us from a - bove Cirant to us peace and rest. Make us to know thy will, Ex - tin - guish pas - sion's Hre, Thine own bright ray. Thy sooth - ing power ; Dwell in each breast. Heul ev - *ry wound. rj^- ^§S £ t= =$y^: m. ^p^r^ ~t *=r r-r Di - vine-ly good thou art: Thy sa - cred gifts im - part Rest which the wca - ry know. Shade 'mid the noon-tide glow. We know no light but thine ; Send forth thy beams di - vine Our stub-born spir - its bend, Our cold-ness end, f^-T^ r— r m „g^ S : t=t S^3i p^"^^i^i^^i^^ -ffl- To glnd-den each sad heart ; O come to - day. Peace when deep griefs o'er- flow. Cheer us this hour. On our dnrk souls to shine, And make us blest. Our de - vious steps at - tend While homeward bound. :i". 145 Beiis Sanctus. llji»;iNALD IIkkek, D. 1). Allegretto. TiiORo Harkis. j-iiiegreito. I 1. Ho - Iv. 2. llo - ly, 3. Ho - ly, 4. Ho - Iv, ho - Iv. ho - Iv, ho - Ty, ho - ly, ho ho ho ho ly, Lord God ly, an - gels Iv, cho' dark ly, Lord God Al - mif^'ht - y ! a - dore thee, ness hide thee, Al - miglit - y ! ^^. 4«- ^^ t^d=:t^zi:t:: ^Hii -_| 1 1 1 1 -^-T 1-— I ^ 1 thee : Grate- ful - ly a - dor - ing, our song shall rise to Cast - ing down their golden crowns a - round the glass - y sea Though the eye of sinful man thy glo - ry may not see All thy works shall praise thy name in earth and sky and sea Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly ! mer - ci - ful and might Thousands and tens thou - sands wor - ship low be - fore On - ly thou art ho - ly : there is none be - side Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, mer - ci - ful and might thee thee God in three per - sons, bless - ed Trin - i - ty ! Which wert, and art, and ev - er - more shalt be. Per - feet in power, in love and pii - ri - ty. God o - ver all, who rules e - ter - ni - tv. ^-f=t-#-«-f-i-q-t — t— F-i tiiigiiii -z;hr ■-- 14<> Comph'tc. L. M. D. \ Col. 2: 10 V \ Thoro Hakris. i J ' # «■ *< ■ ' • * #~ •; 1 • ] . .^._ 5 . • _! t ^ ^ " m d -J- z£-A j#J * * * UJ*_i — i — C. II. Kemlake. Jubilatttf. 1. "Complete in him!" Oh, praise the Lord! In him complete, it 2. - be - client to the Fa - ther's will. The law's de-mands he 2. "Complete in him !" What joy so sweet r What need I more? "In l^lis^ :?— ;3^ is his word. His life for me doth now a - tone: In Christ, my (lid fill - fill. "Be- fore the throne my Sure-ty stands, My name en - him com - plete !" His life for mine — it stands the test: In him I KEFR.VIN. A 1 r. 1 K K N . I 1 K IS. ^ ; ; ' ' in .yr fc ; ■ ^ ; ■ ;■ ^ ^ ^' m 1 ' 1 \ .^ ^ ". *, J V- m « i^* • \ v^L/ J 5 ' t f 1 if* J3* •" ^ J 1 tr ^ — 9 • * • • God and I are one. Com - plete in him ! it is his i pfravedup - ■ on his hands /• am for- ev - er blest. 1 ^ -#- m • # « ^ ^ -*- ■M. -f- (i^* * «M t : « •- r 2 ^ • 1 P • J0 k 1 pj. ^ .A ^ t r r 1 1 , r \^^ r r r f t ^ _ L \j L 1-/ b 1 1 .^_ —^ — -i- — t— t 1 . . '1 " ' ' I ' ^ r> ,^ p-j - ^ -" .^ (< : • -—^"^ =^f=§f==*- t^^«^- h-s* i— e^i word ; Complete in 4 * 4 4 tf«' - # • him, qJrz: ^ i/ --- ^-1 oh, praise the Lord ! 1 — « i. ii — 1 In Je - 8U8 N f^' - -»-s. 1 »-?f# — * ^ ^- • • i ***# ? P !: ^.. -:; ^-\\ ^ k^ ^_ -r — -1/ 1> l^ - Complete, concluded. m. ■^ — ^ ;^^ -N N- «=i««=*^l=F^iHj=i=^^=* mu all per - fee - tions meet ; In him a - lone I stand com - plete. r-gg- g V- U7 Chosen in Thee. m J. K. Kankin, D. D. Thoro Ha- ri- "ST ^^ :^ ^ _. g^ 1. Chosen, my Lord, in thee, Cho-sen in thee, Before the skies were n nde, 2. Chosen, my Lord, in thee, Cho-sen in thee, AVhose goings were of old 3. Chosen, my I.,ord, in thee, Cho-sen in thee; Between transgressors nailed 4. Chosen, mv Lord, in thee, Cho-sen in thee; Thou dving, reign-ing Lamb- III ^-^ -^ — p=v^H — \ — -^ — r< — ^v r — ' |-n— J— The earth, the sea ; In ma - jes - ty : Up - on the tree : Of Cal - va - rv ; '-t^ Ere sang the sons of God Cre - a - tion's With - in th)- hol-lowed hand, The sea and Who in thy gar- ments red Did'st bruise the Who trav-'ling in thy strength Art vie - tor- ^El^iHIFiilii ^'iqiSzizi'pzig: -# — dn :tzf: ■^-t- n -#— #-^- '5>-. — -»- =1: is8 z:r-*~^—^ hymn abroad. Cho - sen, my Lord, in thee, Cho - sen in thee, sol -id land. Cho - sen, miy Lord, in thee, Cho-sen in thee. Spoiler's head : Cho- sen, my Lord, in thee, Cho-sen in thee, crown'd at length. Cho -sen, my Lord, in thee, Cho-sen in thee. A-mex. V /— \r^ ' '^^ >\ J I r 148 T. H. : ti N Woiiderrul Fouiitiiin. Thoko Harkis. ■mmm »i* :?! iEEj_3 NVotj- dtr-ful fountain of hfiil-in^^ from sin. Now may the vil - e*t be Look to the crosH, 8ee the woundt* in hi» hide, Come und for- ev - er with ('oiiu' with yourhoul nil pol lut-t-d wiih sin. Come.und he'll cleanse you with- \V(in- derful peace he has brought from above ; Won der-ful par-(lon, the W<»n-der-ful liome he has gone to pre - pure, Won-der-ful dwellers — no Come to the cross and your burdens lay down ; Je - sua will give you a — iT-ilr-ii:^ f(Ct - ly clean hus a - bide, and with - in ; of his love ; en - ters there 4^. ^ 4^^^ -^ -*■ *f Je - 8US in - vites you to Now he in - vites you all Free-ly the Sav -iour his Won-der- ful streams of f-al Come to the Sa-viour. ah, con-qucror's crown, When you have finished your life -work be ^ I'^^^J' -^ ^ N .N N — 1^=^ '»/ ~l ^ come and to know His ful - ness to know — His grace will be- stow : Then va - tion that flow — His then thou shalt know His low : Then .C^ —J s^ J ( « • 2 -^ ^ 1 , = # # # 1 ^ Refrain. I * j. • -$•— 8— ^=>-^-r-2^iih^ 0-^-0-0-0 ^ blood can wash whit-er, yes, whiter than snow. Whiter, yes, whiter than blood can wash whit-er, yes, whiter than snow. wash, and your soul shall be whiter thun snow. blood can wash whit-cr, yes, winter than snow. blood can wash whit-er. yes, whiter than snow. wash in the fount, and be whiter than snow^o \ *^-r -*-# f 5—1-^ — •— # — d :::r=t: V— ^- Whiter, yes. vO- Whiter, ves, whiter than snow 2t- whiter, yes, whiter than snow. Whiter, ycs.w hiter. yes, w hiter than snow ; Hii Woiul(M'I'iiI Fountain. Coiicludod. y [J w-9- ^ V y ^ died to redeem you from sin, And his blood can wash whiter than snow. whiter, yes, whiter than snow. ^-S — - — # — R— 4-1 1 1 1 >- — I— |-t- — K— H-^^— I- — ^. 149 Christ For the World Samuel Wolcot. &-:5 -<&- 1. Christ for 2. Christ for 3. Christ for 4. Christ for the the the the -•-- ^T :=i: ii!: Thoko Harris. —J =]: world we world we world we world we — m~' I '1 I ^^Jt« mm-m^'^M^^ ra - diant stars shall stand, Clothed in white np - par - el, hold-ing \ who have watched to prayer, Joined in ho - ly con-cert, singing sun - der. slain with sword. They have con-quei'ddcath and Sn . tan Lord, with thee they died ; Hy thy death to life im-mor - tal truth and beau-tv see In the be - a - tif - ic vis - ion # • #- ^^ Worrtswortli. (onciuded. I I ^/ *^^ Palms of To the By the They were Of the P Si- • ■»■ -I- ' ■»■ • ■»-.-»■ ^ ■ ^ 'W~ -0- . -0- ':-i:f:^ vie - t'ry in their Lord of sii - ba - oth, might of (yhrist their born and glo - ri bless - ed Trin hand, there. Lord, fied. Breast the Wave. 5. D ORG Harris. When Je - Just It sus 1. Breast the wave, Christian, 2. Flight the fight, Christian, 3. Lift the eye, Christian, 5::ggi^zi=^=:^zir*-J?=^2ZZF=izz:t: is strong - est ; Watch for day, is o'er thee ; Run the race, it clos - eth ; Raise the heart, -^- -U I— ^ j_i 1_ — i_i,^i — I -\ ^- z=z]i|:z:zz:qz=i|=p-^=:z^i3=t=g; Christian, When night is long - est ; Christian,Heav'n is be - fore thee. Christian, Ere it re - pes - eth. Onvt'ard and up - ward Be thine en- He who hath prom-ised Fal - ter - eth Nothing thy soul from Je - sus can deav-or ; Then with thy Sav - iour Rest thee for-ev - er. nev - er, He who hath loved thee Will love for-ev - er. sev - er ; Soon thou shalt see him : Praise him for-ev - er. fi? t^=l^ j l-l 1 1 — Lg> ,5,_L _ I 1 154 bAHAM M. SUA.N. TIoavcMi, Swoet Iloavon. Thcro Haxris. ^r t^^EPt t=^ -#• , -•— 1 . Ttll. () tell me of ht-av-en, sweet heav-en, That bright home of the 1. 1 hen lit oth- er.s seek earthly poH-se-* -sion-i, Let them lay up their 3. Tlio" am - Iji-iioii may spread her bright phantoms.Fond - ly whisp'ring of ■*^' -# "2" -^ -f- -f: -tr :in: r— r pure and the blest, Where no sor-row or e - vil can en - ter.Where tl treas-ures be - low : I have heard of a land that is bet - ter. And to hon - or and fame ; Tho' she lure on her tliousands to la - bor, So to — N m :^liiz*3p^^^ ^r~f o — •- $ -^^ ^-4- Jit; & ^—- ;^^j^ wea-ry for-ev - er shall rest. Let me hear of that beau-ti - ful seek it with ar - dor I go. I have heard of a world robed in win an il - lu.s-tri - ous name; Yet be this mv am - bi - tion, to 4.^ lOfc im M cit - T Wherein all is im-mor-tal and fair, And I'll flee from all glo - ry, Whol-ly free from temp-ta-tion nnd care, Where no sick-ness or fol - low In the path my llendeem-er has trod, Be an heir of his I ^ ^ i :5J— v^-1 ^- 3Z=^Z^- Heaven, Sweet Ileaven. concluded. earth-ly enchantments And I'll ear-nest -ly long to be there(to bethel■e)• sor-ro\^' can en - ter; And I Ion or, O 1 long to bethere(to bu-there)' heav-en - ly king-dom, And to dwell in the eit - y of God (over there)- Chorus. K '— #- -9-0- — It*--'— • Then, O tell me of heav-en, sweet heav - en, That fair SE? t=: -1^ r- :ia=.: :Z9i home of the pure and the blest, Where no sor - row or |Egfe|^^zJE^EEtEE*E-EtEF?^ I That fair home of the blest. UMl -1 — i — #- e - vil can en - ter,Wherethe wea - ry for - ev - er shall rest. m^^. ■ :t== C 5 t- -?=? :f-:-t— ^: i 155 Noaror to Thee, Saham F. AoaMH. Thoko Harris. thee, EVn 1. S' ear -or. my GoJ, to thee. Nearer, to thee, EVn tho* it be a crosj 2. Tho* like the wiin-^^ ZJ"^ T T Shed on these wait-ing spir - its The dew - drops of thy grace. The Fa - ther hears thy plead - ing, Thineall - a - vail- ing prayer. Each in his lot and sta - tion, The hon - ors of thv name. r "? LJ I ^^^ Be - liold our hearts' deep yearn - ing, Hear thou our hum-ble plea. Thou art his Well - be - lov - ed : Ac - cept-ed, Lord, in thee. Conjoined in sweet com - mun - ion And tend' rest love with thee, ms As ev - ery i - dol spurn - ing. We ca *^^ taint of sin ; courts in vain ; w m Re - turn and seek He calls thee now ; his ho - ly no more de ^\ :»«=•; E^i —19- ^- T 1^^ ■^ -m :i^;:3- 3^ ^rnjg: -# — •■ ^- t— r ■fe g^i 1(>1 Wisconsin. G.4. Mks. JIokatils Bonar. Thoro Harris. 1. Fade, fade, each 2. Teinpt not my 3. Fare- well, ye 4. Fare- well, mor earth - ly joy ; soul a - way ; dreams of night, tal - i - ty ; Break ev - ery ten - der tie ; Here would I ev - er stay ; Lost in this dawn- ing bright, Wei - come, e - ter - ni - ty ; I Je sus is mine : Je - sus is mine : Je ■ sus is mine: Je sus is mine: mmmm a -5-^- PP --1- ^ i~>: -#- » Dark is the wil - der - ness ; Earth has no rest - ing- place Per - ish-ing things of clay, Born but for one brief day. All that my soul has tried, Left but a dis - mal void Wei - come, O loved and blest ! Wei - come, sweet scenes of rest ; --J — ._^ — ^__J : tf^-i^u — « — ^ -0 :^- '9 ^ -(^ 1 ^ talk. ^ *^ "N Je - sus a Pass from my Je - sus has Wei- come, my cres. lone can bless ; heart a - way, sat - is - fied ; Saviour's breast Je Je Je Je - sus - sus - sus - sus mine, mine, mine, mine! A -men*. m-i Day of Jiidsiiiu'iit. John Nkwton. TnoRO Harris. Allegretto. i^;; — 1 i. — -H P =r- 1 — M — 1 ■=^ 1 — w — =t= 'fe=^.. j^-4— ^ ._>!_ ~2~ =^ \ — 1 —4- — ■ ^- tf-^TT rf~^ 1 1 1 V- ' 1. Day of judg-mcnt. day of won ■ ders! Hark, the trum - pet's 2. See the Lord in glo - ry near- i"g. Clothed in ma - jes . 3. At his call the dead a - wak - en, Rise to life from 4. Hut to those who i N , have con 1 - fess- J •ed. Loved J and served their ^•rr-^"'^ i 1 — u ^_ t— t 43- — * ^< " ^ i J- - ' ^— ^ P 1 — — ! L — - — ^^lii^^p^^ aw - fill Bound! Loud - er than a tv di - vine I Ye who long for earth and sea. All the pow'rs of Lord be - low, All lie thou - sand thun - der« his ap - pear - ing na - ture bhak - en will say, " Come near, ye bless - ed, P^ Shakes the vast ere a - tion round. Then shiiU say, "This God is mine." At his wrath, pre - pure to flee. See the king - dom I be - stow : ^ -m « is — \^^^=^ :^: How the sum - Gra - cious Sav - Care - less sin - Ye for - ev - — 9 — mons, iour. ner, er, N 1 Ht" n > 1 ( ' ' « ; 1 1 . ■ . ~^ ^ 4 r* 1 ^-^-^— *-* — r- « • 1 m 1 J . ! ' 1 ! ! l~. • • -s^-f-f- _^c -5i_ -^r .j 1 > » -1 How the sum - mons ^Vill the sin - ner' 3 heart con - found ! Gra -cious Sav - iour. Own me in ' that dav as thine. Care - less sin - ner. What will then be - come of thee? Ye for - cv - er Shall my love and glo - ry know." A - MEN. f- - -^ -#- • N -#- l,^ -^ • ' 1 /•v ; *■ ■ ; ^ f- -^ - ■ P ^ r" 55 I^» " 1 * 7 I r 1 Kl^ ' ! W '« ' p 'i« 1 tfs- L ' T m 7 , 1 r 1 I ' i T 1 & 163 T. H. Takoma. 8.7, 4-^ Tmoku IIakkis 1. Lin- ger, blessed Ab-bn F»i - ther, 2. Christ lininanuel, niii^ht-y Sav-iour ! ;>. Tar-ry nij?h, ye spir - its sev - en; 4. Shelter, O thou llock of A - ges, Lin ger, blessed Abba Father, P'or For tlie nif^ht seems bleak and Tossed up-oM life's treach'rous Seal nie thine, most ho-Iy Till I reach thy saints' a- -• — # 0—<^0 #- i^zzti: J^^4:^J- the ^ fci*c ==1 =1=1=1=: =4 is: cold; sea. Guest bode : nisht seems bleak and cold : Let -0- ' i.y^ ' ^. ^ _ ^ Let thine an -gels 'round me hov - er, Gra-cious Pi - lot, grant this fa - vor,- Lead me to yon gates of heav - en, Then shall rise per - pet - ual prais - es, thine angels 'round me hov-er. ^l ! I ii=*^ ;i I rjL dim. Refrain. i_L_2Z_ I / Safe within thy sa-cred fold. 'Suage the waves of doubt for me. Guide me to the port of rest. Tri - une and e - ter - nal God. Hail, thou u S=i=i=t ^ — j 1 1 jlL dim. Hail, thou ^-v-j JZSE^, I Heav'n and earth a-dore thee. -^^^~ uni-ver-sal Lord ; ."?^=^ ._ -r=v^^_L_#_« m -^0 . Y. •— -i — # ^ »^wV~' i:r • <^ z^— : ^-~ 1 -^^^^--^-9f — g ^ - — 1^ 1(>4 Keep Your Colors Flyiiii?. 6.5. D. IltV. J. E. IlAMtlN. I'lKJCtbSlONAL. TiiORo Hahris. AlUgro. i=i -l-J- 1 . Keep your colors fly - ing, All ye Christian youth, To Christ's call reply - ing, 2. Life is all before you Where to choose your way, Keep Christ's colors o'er you 3. ICei'p your colors fly- ing, Xcv - er think, of case ; Sin and self de - ny - ing, 4. Kiep your colors rty- ing, Walk as Je - sus did ; In him, living, dy - ing, i — : — • ' ■ f ■ 1 1 I p -| i=c-^ — t- p' n~i — I— p r-l I J. J- -#-^ r=^f=i^ Full of grace and trutli. Rise in strength and beau-ty. In life's morning glow, Watch and tight and pray. With a firm en - deav - or, Ev - 'ry foe de - fy, Je- sus on - ly please. Not for worldly pleas - ure. Not for worldly fame, Let your life be hid; Hoping, trusting cv - er, Breathe this mortal breath; ^^•-^-r- 4i=S pps^=£S=S P I I ^ :^ ^ ^iEPP^ Answer to each du - ty, Onward, upward go. Keep your colors fly - ing, True to Je-sus ev - er, Lift your col-ors high. Not for heaps of treasure ; Live for Je-sus' name ! You shall live for-ev-er, Christ has conquered death. -^ -» • •# • -»-_ g=J2-T* 1 — r ig x-=t-=%'-xi- 1— f ^-^ i— I- ^ J-.-/-U— I— I I \^, "w-^ tl*=3t ^=ts= Stand for (lod and truth. Keep your colors fly - ing. All ye Christian vouth ^=fc 3: -L r ' it 1 — h 1 — ^- iGr> Hail f<> tho Itiiirlitnoss. 11.10. Thos. Hasting? TiioKo IIahi ^^ 1. llail to the 2. Hail to the 3. I.o. in the 4. See, from all bright - ness of bright - ness of des - ert rich lands, from the m ^ Zi - en's glad morn - ing ! Zi - on's glad morn - ing ! flow - ers are spring- ing; isles of the o - cean, -*- ^ ^ -H 1 1 1 1 1 , ^^ i_ 1 1 Jov the Lon;; by the Streams ev - er Praise to Je lands that in proph - ets of CO - pious are ho - vah as ^L -t V y^-t- dark. - ness have Is - rael fore glid - iug a cend - ing on lain ! told; long; high ; 1/ / r W=^=e=S=.i Hushed be the Hail to the Loud from the Fall'n are the ^ 15=^=»i= ac - cents mil - lions from moun - tain tops en - gines of ^mm mourn - ing ; turn - ing ; ring - ing ; and com - mo - tion ; SEEE^^^fefey: m -^ N \ p 'Jj "] ■ \ 1 N -t^ 1 II '> ' 9 m ^ V ' II r "N m ' 9 2 ' ' ; SI II V^ ) ' • 9 9 - 1 « ' ^1 II t> Zi - Gen - Wastes Shouts « on tile rise of in and in sal - 9 9 tri - umph Jew the ver - dure, va - tion m • -9- '. 1 be - gins blest vis - and min - are rend - i * • her ion gle ing N -#- -^ mild reign, be - hold, in song, the skv. /^■\, m ^ 9 **^ • ^ - - ■ 1 11 '(*J* 5 2 ' II |\^^;« \ ■^ m m • « II i [ ' 9 • ■S9 - T II ^ :^ ~ l^ \^ ^ 1 'j ^ cy 1(>0 n.irt. 10. 1). CnonN. Arr. by Thoro Harris, * ^ - ^ J ^ -^ 1. As pants the wearied hart for cooling springs.That binksexliaustcd in the 2. Lord, thy Mirenieicics, ev-er in my ."iuht. My lieart shall gladdin thro' the N -#--#--#--#- 0- 0- tel^^EfEf^^Eg^EtEJ ife^rr^E^EJE^ •^ • • "^ -bT-- f 5-"- ▼ summer's chase, So pants my soul for thee, great Kingof kings, So thirsts to te - dious day ; And thro' the long and darksome hours of night, To thee, my I ^ -0- -0- -0- S- -0- ^ ' -0- ^ t. . 1— i-^-i — >- ££E^E^^ n -P — ir VlZ_^_^ — — # — *-0—M ^^^-#— -*-« — • * 0—^m -■ ' 2+—-' ^ -^- -w -r -w- •*-%■ ^ ^^ view thy sacred dwcllinsr place. When I con-sid-er how, so oft of yore, God, I'll tune the grateful lay. Why faint, my soul : why doubt Je-ho-vah's aid ? ^_.Ig^3*- / • • • • ./ m' • -r -0- -It -w -w -r -wr $>«r-^ -^ ' ' ^ I>!ii - ly I frt>-quent-ed thy lio-ly courts With all thy saints. — O. shall I Thy ( Jod the God of mer-cy still shall prove. Within hiscourtsthy thanks shall B&-. 33E^E ■V — b" — i^ — k — ¥ — fc^- >— i/- ■v—v llfn't* Concluded. • M N 1 ^ 1 + '=,^ -^- ^^ -^>- nev-er-more Dwell in that tcni]>le where the Lord resorts? yet be paid : I'nquestioned be his faithfulness uiul love. A - - mkn. 167 Be Thou My All. Emma C. Dowd. Thoko Harris. ■- -^ ^^ » » » W ... — I — 5^ :!;*— •-« come lot us a - dore him all glo-nou.s and tri - umph - ant, S:«=f: # # # ^ — r^-^ — *r — irS* — rS» • • ^ — r ^» — S — &•— t ^5^ Hith-er come to Beth-le- hem and worship Chirst the Lord. A - ii -^-•- Mmm 169 Thine Forever. 7. Mrs. M. F. Maud. Thoko Harris. is-r 1. Thine for-ev - er, God of love! Hear us from thy throne of love. 2. Thine for- ev - er, Lord of life! Shield us thro' the earth - ly strife. 3. Thine for-ev - er, O how blest They who find in thee tlieir rest ! 4. Thine for-ev - er ! Sav-iour, keep These thy frail and trembling sheep m"^ I -#- - -(^ 11 /■^^ -0- 1^1 I '' ' . Thine for-ev - er may we be Here and in e - ter - ni-ty. Thou, the life, the truth, the way. Guide us to the realms of day. Saviour,guardian. heav'nly friend. O de-fend us to the end! Safe a - lone beneath thy care ; Let us all thy goodness share. A - men. jL-?: i- i^ -t^\ 1- — t- r H 170 Q. W Pilot, I ^aif d(* Boat. Thoro Harris. r . N ■ J 1 1 . W:^ ^ rail* =^=--: : . . ^t-S-?i tiz. J- • 1. De win* blow soft from deheav'nly sho', 2. De preachuz htan'in' roun' de long »iage plank, 3. She's loadixl down withdepoo' los' sheep, 4. We's all dead weary fo' de trip wuz long, 6. De bteani's shut off an' she's roun'in' to, Pi- lot, Ian* Pi -lot. Ian' Pi -lot. Ian' Pi-lot, l.n' Pi-lot, Ian' cp J de boat. Ou' de boat. Soon de boat. De de boat. De de boat. De E^ S5£E:S= Hp -r---v-^ [^ ^. |i i i "-I ^-t-^4- - "g 1 p A— L 4 U^ ±^=^ backs soon carry de Inads no mo', Pi-lot, gwiueto la'nch 'er to Zi-on's bank, Pi-lot, current's swif an' de wa-teh*s deep, Pi-lot, deck ban's singin' de land-in' song, Pi-lot, captain's singin' wif de ransom' crew, Pi-lot, -# — #- -^1-4= ^- #-- # -n-^- ^-* Ian' de boat. De ban's on Ian' de boat. De bright sho' Ian' de boat. De wlieels poun' Ian' de boat. De toil an' lau' de boat. We hea' de deck an' crowded wif hard on sor-row ob tin-kle ob all done gwine To hit de bank wif an - gel ban' Come down to de lev - ee fo' De sun gwine down in dev de de riv - eh's breast de trip am past, de en - gine bell. m ■V — - do' De flag done low-er'd from De waves wash de land -in' from -^ -^ ± :£ -^ ± ± de to the de de S -Vr-^^- N "^ N - gl] ^- s l I \ lEI^f^^ -#-sf- long tow line, De ransom* chillun don all rise an' shine, see uRlan'.Dey'lltelliis**hnwdy" wif a welcome ban', fi - erv wcst.Wc'snea' de po't of e - ter - nal rest, jack-stnft mast. Weclimb de levee an' we make ht r fast, ol* boat's swell, Fa'welKol' riveh,bid yo' long fa'- well. ■• — •- ^=«=t :#— y — \ — Pi-lot, Ian' Pi-lot, Ian' Pi-lot, Ian' Pi-lot, Ian' Pi-lot, Ian' boat, boat, boat, boat, boat. • ^ T ^ ' .^ » » T ■tr ^ ;igl^gl^5iiii^ 171 Susanna. 7.G. I) Wm. F". Sherwim. Thoro Harris. 1. Grand-er than o - cean's sto - ry, 2. Dear - er than a - ny lov - ings 3. Rich - er than all earth's treas-ure Or songs of for - est trees ; The tru- est friends be - stow; The wealth my soul re - ceives ; M # m s # — •-^ # — » , -J— 1 1 1 1 1 1 — ^ ■ \ b b I I Pur - er than breath of Stronger than all the Brighter than roy - al :*#- I morn- ing, Or evening's gen- tie breeze; yearn - ings A mother's heart can know ; jew - els The crown that Je r sus gives ; It: i ^ ^p^^s ^ Clear -er than moun-tain ech - oes Ring out from peaks a - bove, Deep - er than earth's foun-da - tions, And far a - bove all thought: Wondrous the con - de - seen - sion, And grace be - yond de - gree ! P^HHP Rolls on the glo - rious an - them Of God's e- ter- nal love. Broader than heav'n's high arches, The love that Christ has brought ! I would be ev - er sing - ing: The love of Christ to me ! A - >rEN. 1 1 -H ^

t" — this ChrUl can do; "Save to the 3. -Saved to the ut - lermout!" — glo -ry to God! "Saved to the 1 ^m tcjTijost I sinj; it Bright words of 111 - lirmost" — words ev-cr true. Tru^t - ing thy w. - lennost :" ttll it a - broad. To Christ my ^ glo - ry, ho^^ Sav- iour. thi- Sav- iour. mv ^ ± * m * * * I • • 1/ beauteous they shine, — -Saved to the ut-ter-most ;" Je - feUS is mine, truth shall be thine: -Saved to the ut-ter-most; Je - sus is mine.* all I re - siijn ; -Saved to the ut-ter-most;" Je - sus is mine. J=S=S^i^£=% iij ! — h— ^ *r~4 — ^ i ^ ^ I - 1 — ^ -\ — #- m Saved, saved, saved to fhp nt - ter-n.ost. Saved, saved, saved to the -#^^ ^ ^-^ m • m . m . m m i=5-± m » » 00 r; , H — 9-jcrMz ■0 — #- V X. 4- ■^ - Ut ter - most. Saved to the ut - ter -most: Je - sus IS mine. •^ N ^' 1 — ^- • »■ -#— f> ^Ij 173 More Lovo to Tlioo. Mrs. Elizabeth Prentiss. TitoRO Harris. m^^m. 1. More love to thee, O Christ ! More love to thee; 2. Once earth-ly joy I craved. Sought peace and rest; 3. Let sor - row do its work, Send grief and pain ; 4. Then shall my lat - est breath, Whis-per thy praise Hear thou the Now thee a - Sweet are thy This be the E di=l: MZI^ ^^-€i'- I im 1 — r .1 r- _ I prayer I make On bend-ed knee ; This is my earn - est plea, More love to lone I seek, Give Avhat is best: This all my prayer shall be, More love to mes - sen-gers, Sweet their refrain, When they can sing with me, — More love to part - ing cry, My heart shall raise ; This still its prayer shall be : More love to 1 — ^-t-^ thee. More love, O Christ, to thee, More love, O Christ, to thee. 1-^ tf Aftkr Last Staxza. --1-^4 More love O Christ, to thee. 174 D. Santsb. Thobo IIakris. -4S K I N(MMl Thy Spirit, 1. I need thj- sweet Spirit, my Saviour, For life is so wea - ry with 2. I long for thy Spirit, n»y Saviour, To give me the gra - ces I :i. I need thy sweet Spirit, my Saviour, When, be-reuv-ed, I sund by the ^^^gt of - ten- times heav-y to bear, meadows of love where I'd feed ; wak-euand rise from the gloom; Be - fore thee I hum-bly am The pa-titnee thfit knoweth not That, free from the country of =5=3=8=8 "Wi: -ff kneel ing. For strenjjth in my weakness I sor - row ; The trust that is stayed but on shad -ows, He'll en - ter the kmg-dom of pruv. Oh. come wi»h the thee; The hope that sees Uod, In peace rest in touch that brintss heal- inij. And drive all joy on the mor-row; The Day-star ev - er- green meadows. Where footsteps ol shad life's sin . ows troub ■ nev - a - way led sea. er trod. -•- ^ m~-f- -V t h7 -'--y ^ 1^ • h y—'-0-- 1 I Need Thy Spirit, concluded. Refrain. Adapted. -A—K— N- \f J ^ ' ^ -#- Spirit, thee, I need thy sweet Spirit, I lon^f for thy Spirit, I need thy sweet Spirit, my I need thee, I need thee, I need thee, my g \ \ N^ ^_ '-m—m—m—w'^''^^-^ — p^ — ^ — Pv— ^— ^-c_-^ — ^ — ^ — ^_^ — ^ --\ 1 •H-*« — •* — ^m — • — « — *r\—^ • « • — • •- I y 1^ / • • -#- • Saviour and Friend ; I need thy sweet Spirit, Sav - - iour, I need thee, I long for thy Spir-it, I need thee ; -#- -^ -m- :[:: eii I -A— N— J— 9 — r ^ N_ _ :#=J— ::X:3 — f — ^-f:-^, — ^ — n — ^ — ?v — ^- •- 1 0—\-0M •* • •* • •»- need thy sweet Spirit.my Saviour and Friend; I need thy sweet Spir-it, need thee, my Sav - iour, I need thee, ^ I :=[:: m A — ^ N ^ ^ :^:|S.-fc8: A— N— N-A— ^— N M — E — — * — — — L^ — ^__^ 1 — ^_L_« — g^0. long for thy Spirit, I need thy sweet Spirit,my Saviour and Friend ; I need thy sweet need thee, I need thee, my dear, loving Saviour, I need -0- ' -0 0- -^ ' -^ -^. -^- . :%: A..0. m f— ^- g — ps — ^— ^-^•— N — ^— n— a-- n— a- Spir-it, I thee, I • — 0~ 0^^ rit iZ=0Zl t~0r-0-0- \: ^_^_^_^_ \\ ■^z- longfor thy Spirit, my dear, loving Saviour and Friend, need thee, I need thee,mydear,loving Saviour and Friend. 0- \s 1/ ^ ^ 1 (•) Esthor. 8.7. D. Beethoven. Arr. by Thoro Harris. i .f I^t thy Spir-it, ble««-ed Saviour, Come and bid our doublings cease ; "i \ Come, O come Mith love and fa - vor. Fill us all wiih jov and peace, j :} On thy word our souls are rest-ing ; Taught by thee, thy name we love ; kneel, thy throne addressing. Still or prayers as- cend a - hove f On thv \ Still we MP m • .0 - ^-^ — ' — H — t-- ^ i ' I — P '- Fear - ful dan - gers are a - round us, Sa - tan watch - es Let us not, O Lord, be wca - ry Of the rough - ness fcs iLs^ ^r^=^=* t-"-i — r :-!: r ^ >^r s. to de - stroy ; Lord, our foes w ould &in con - found us ; of the war ; Tho' the road be of - ten drear - v. [1st Stanza.] -I U [Final Staxza.] — -0 ^^^1 %^ ^-rT- \ for us thy might employ. Thou shall drive our gloom a - way. I7r> Vision of Paradise, Thoro Harris. 1. Lo, white, pearl-y arch - cs Their beau - ty un 2. In rich -est pro - fu - sion Kara vi - o - lets 3. Me - lo - di-ous 71111 - sic Ce - les - tial I 4. O beau - ti - ful 'Tis bliss to be J-. screen grow, hear ; hold In And Har Thy grandeur ef - ful - gent No mor - tal hath red - o - lent o - dor Their blos-soms be mo - ni - ous an - thems Break soft on my sa - cred pa - A'il - ion Of glit - ter - ing I seen ; stow, ear ; gold. ^ggg^gggg^fegs|g igj^;gij U-J- While bursts on my vis Bright, fragrant the flow Yon an - gel choir sing Clear, crvs-tal the foun ion Pure scenes of de ers. All fade- less and ing Sweet cho - rus - es tain En - rich - ing life's ^S^MM light, fair, blest, tree. fe2,^- # 1 g — r-»-- r^-- a \— — • — p-#-- — #-^— ■ ^m^ ^- ■5#-r-^- Where daybeams have length- ened, Ab • Un - with - 'ring the palm-wreaths Life's Now wel- come earth's piK grims To Re - splen-dent the glo - ry En ■ sorb-ing the night, vie -tors shall wear, heav-en - ly rest, rap - tur - ing me. 177 When Columbia Arose, D. W. Mcl.OLRT. Thoro Harris. j/ ^f ff fnarc. I 'I r I 'I * i fci5=: Si -izg 3^ -i.-=s=r^= 1. When Co - lum -bia a - rose like a star from the o - cean, 2. The hand of the des - pot was forg - injj the fet - ter, 3. How bright are thy an - mils I how ra - diant with glo - ry ! t-^-f— # ill I I 5_iJ ^ 1 Uj— J^— .^r-l P<^4-, H — H hi And shone like a gem on the bosom of night, Earth's wisemenbe- The sword of the war-rior was crusted with gore : They paus'd while the How grand is thy march on the crest of the years ! Thy sa - ges ex- - — ^ — ^ 1. w 2. \V .i. \V 1. w 5. W hen in hi« beau - ty the Sav - iour I ^ee, When in hig hin in my bo - som shall dwell love di - vine. When in my hen, tilled with love, with lost sin - ners I plead. And, led by hen (lay by day I'm pos - sessed of ('hrist's mind And in his hen from the voice of my Sav - iour I hear Glad - ly the •- • ^^ -#- . NJ^ -#-. > . ^.^^ rrr .^^^^- 4^t i^^ ^^U — i —i—i im - nge re - newed I shall life my dear Sav - iour shall Je - sus, shall show them their ser - vice true hap - pi - ness wel- come his glo - ry to be, shine, need, find, share- When from all the them was So that How for When, as Pre - cious — -— » 9 sin I for - world may know, all the dear he, I am ^2_i 1 =^-F-i the thought ! 'twill be f 8 1 =- ^ ^- '=E ^nr: ev - er am free, I shall be sat - is Lord, I am thine, I shall be sat - is Sav - iour did bleed, I shall be sat - is gen - tie and kmd, I shall be sat - is sweet to be there; I shall be sat - is ^m] Refhaik. -5 --1^ -^-^-J- — ^-^— N-J TV-J — ^T — V— «^ — f^— » V-^ I 'shall be sat - is • fied, I shall be sat - is - fied , -^ -f^_^ -♦- -t^^- _-#-_4,_^^^_:fi_:#- -i*---*-. -«-•-*- -*- i^ Wlieii the Saviour 1 Soo. Concluded. j\ 1 1 1 — 1_^ m^ 1 i — I -4 9^ 41 _j |,,.=v-t-^-jj TT V \j I ^^1 beau - ty the Sav - iour tied. 17 J) T. II. Tliy First Love. C. 31. TuoKo Hark -f- 'hB- -^ 1 ^i • -^ I ^* -•- 1. Dear Je - sus, shall I nev - er know 2. That light wiiich, mirrored in thy face 3. In the hushed si -lence of that hour, I Thy spir - So fair, As dews it linked with mine? se- rene - ly shone, of mid - night fall, mm m^m Shall tears of sorrow ceaseless flow, And quench the light divine, — When in thy mild, attractive grace, Thou spak'st with me alone? I heard thy voice, I felt its pow'r, And owned the gracious call. A - men. :^=:- n^— »- l~ 1'^ p ' 1 iini 4: With joy my ravished soul awoke To sing triumphant lays ; Of thy rich grace my lips outspoke ; My heart o'erflowed with praise. 5 As mystic forms of beauty appear When sets the golden sun, Methought thine image hovered near, O thou Beloved One! 6 Like softest music of the skies From angel choirs above, My heart dissolved in ecstasies. Wooed by thy words of love. 7 And tho* apart from thee I stray, Far from that sacred spot, Tho' I have wandered far away, Thou hast not me forgot. 8 Return, Beloved, once again, My wounded spirit heal. Far from the prying gaze of men Thine inmost self reveal. 9 Be each endeavor of my heart To bannish sin away ; And may thy saving strength impart The power to watch and pray. 10 Reopen now my blinded eyes. That they again may see A day of cloudless glory rise ; And call me back to thee. 1 1 Awake anew the rapturous song As thou didst once before ; Till my unfettered tongue prolong Thy name forevermore. 180 The Saviour is ( omin?. 12.11. 1). T. H. 'lauKO Harris. m 'riif Suv-iour is com- in^? with joy and sal-vation To all his dear And tho' in this world we may meet trib- u - latioii, He quick-ly re - The Sav-iour is coming : the sun shall be darkened, The moon and the ^ I I I -=S — # — •- 33^ -tt*— *- children who've wait -ed for him. turn- eth in whom is our peace ; stars shall withhold their mild light. 3E3EEE3 f Then blow ye the trum-pet from Xor long will he tar - ry who The heav- ens shall rend, and the J— mm P ' I I ^ l~*S .Mzm na - tion to nation, And trim all your lamps, lest their light should grow dim. bring-eth sal-vation. And soon all our la - bor and por - row shall cease, earth shall be shaken. And all shall dissolve in the black-ness of night. ^ t- 1—-. 1 4— 1 A- "^ The Sav - iotir is com-ing. in glo - ry de-sccnd-ing A -cross the broad The Sav - iour is com -ing m glo - ry transcend- ent A-cross the clear The Sav-iour is com - ing, is coming triumphant With crown of bright 3.^i^s 1 — r- !3^ r 1 — r i — t -^-rmniF. ^ 0- r Tho Saviour is Coinins:. concluded. heavens, in triumph to reis?n. Then blow yc the trumpet from nation to heavens, in triumph to reign. With all his bright ar-my of an-gt-ls re- glo - ry, for - ev - er to reign. Then blow ye the trumpet, proclaim to all iJiiiiy na - tion, For Je-sus is coming — the Lamb who was slain, splendent ; The Saviour is coming, he's com - ing a- gain, na - tions That Je-sus our Sav-iour is com - ing a-gain. # \ 9-^^ — 9 ' m-r-» # m—y-m 1 — • ^ MEN. -5^— 181 Muhlenberg. S. M, Muhlenberg. Thoro Harris. zsJi::^ \—A-X glEi^SlS=i^ ^~tt^ .^_L 1. Like Noah's wea - ry dove, That soar'd the earth a-round, But not a 2. O cease, my wand'ring poul, On restless wings to roam ; All this wide 3. Be- hold the ark of God! Be-hold the o - pen door! haste to 4. There safe shalt thou a- bide, There sweet shall be thy rest, And ev-ery 5. And when the waves of ire Against the earth shall fill, Thy ark snail i ' ' ' ^ If""' ing-place a - bove to eith-er pole, that dear a - bode, ing sat - is - fied, the sea of tire. The cheerless wa-ters found, — Hath notfnrtheea home. And rove, my soul, no more. With full sal-va - tion blest. Then rest on Zi - on's hill. A - men. ^^ :^: m^s 1S2 Rciicatli tlie Cross. Elizabeth C. Clei-iiane. Thoro Harris. ^ I I 1. lie - neath the cross of Je - sus I fain would take my 2. Up - on that cross of Je - sus Mine eye at times can 3. I take, O cross, thy bhad - ow For my a - bid - ing- t m — 1-^= U V, ^iSi^^^ stand, see place : The shadow of a mighty Rock With-in a wear- y land ; The ver - y dy - ing form of One Who suffered there for me: I H>k no oth - er sunshine than The sunshine of his face ; :^ A home with-in the wil - derness, A rest up - on the "way, From And from my smit-tcn heart with tearr Two wonders I con - fess, — The Con-tent to let the world go by. To know nor gain nor loss, My t' i i?». t=t ?a?=?; t.iA.A. burnings of the noontide heat And burdens of the day. won-ders of his glo-rious love And my own woithlessness. sin - ful self mv on - Iv shame, Mv glo - rv all the cross. A - mxn I 183 IJovoinl tlw! River. 8.7. IIOKACE L. I1a:stin( no HO IIakkis. Shall we meet beyond the liv-er, Where the sur-<^es cease to roll, 2. Shall we meet in tluit blest luvrbor When oxir stormy voy'gc is o'er? [\. Shall we meet in yon-der cit - y, Where the tow'rs of crystal sliine, 4. Soon we'll meet withChristour Saviour ; When becomes to claimhisown, .0. j^ — l^ 1 y '^ ■»' ■/ ki^-M 1 Lp ii^ H 1^ h; tj/-L ±~t i^fE^^ i^:^-I; A-^r-l- — m- Where, tn all the bright for- ev- er. Sorrow ne'er shall press the soul? Shall we meet and cast the anchor By the fair, ce - les - tial shore? Where the walls are all of jas-per. Built by work-man-ship di - vine? We shall know his blessed fa -vor. And sit down up - on his throne. -^— ^ :^4=: % :t: PiJ b;i]i=3: titt=t^iEcz=tr5:z^=z:p::^z=:d s ■f^^ ftFM Yes, we'll meet beyond the riv - er, On fair Ca-naan's shore for - ev - er; -^ . ^Et: ^^ -b* — I — y — I— -^— fc^- t=: :t==t:: — * .^_^- -(2- 1 F\ IV — \ 1 n f- We shall meet beyond the riv - er, Where the sur- ges cease to roll. I ¥^~ ^f^l^^B 184 Take My Heart. 8.7. D. p AftUanU. sm ^=p^ ^w 1. Take my heart, O Fa-ther, take it ! Make and keep it all thine own ; 2. Kv - or let thy fp-ace surround it, Strengthen it with power di - vine; Let thy Spir - it melt and break it, This proud heart of sin and stone. Till thv cords of love have bound it, Make it to be whol - Iv thine. W^^ ^-^^^^ 1 — r — \ r -r k r ;igS^^J f=- I I pp ::4=:5i::t: -FN-^ --^ =ii?i&^-3= z^^z^^it:^^-^ -s:^*fe .^..^ Fa-ther, make it pure and low- ly, Fond of peace and far from strife, Maytheblood of Je - sus heal it. And its sins be all fcr-giv'n ; ---I — t — fe -fs— fi.- -1 P-t-^ — I -.. 1 — ?5l ;-^^-^ ^ -j2^n^q Turn - inj? from the Ho - ly Spir - it, -^5; — wr^ '^ ^ -. 1 paths un - ho - ly take and seal it, ^ ^ J. ^"^ Of Guide this vain and it in the '^' i- r r r^ ^ f=^-^f jg • -\¥e =^;:a: Tako my Heart, concluded. sin - fill path to 'r life, Of this vain an heav'n, Guide it in the P^; 185 Rev. Horatius Bonar. sin - ful life. path to heav'n. A - men. -(2 Rest. S.M. Thoro Harris. rm^mw^i Rest for the Rest for the Soon shall the Ye dwell-ers 'Twassownin toil - ing fe - vered trump of in the hand, brain God dust, Rest for Rest for Give out I the the the anx - ious brow, throb-bing eye; wel -come sound weak - ness here, A - wake ! come forth and 'Twill then be ±1:2: :2: ,-t^. - ■ ■ - i 1 -r 'y 1 1 1 : " .11 "I r^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 V^v> J J ^' J ' ^ ' I ' Rest for the wea - Thro' these parch'd lips That shakes thy si - Sharp has your frost That which was sown rv, of lent of an way thine cham win - earth 1 - Avorn feet. Rest no more Shall - ber walls And ter been, But - ly seed Shall I j ^ ■ /^ r from pass breaks bright rise all the the shall a /'m\' r 1 ^ ^ ft m -J l^'l 1 ■ M ^ ■ 1 t J ,v^^_'^ — •— ;-4-'^^- .m ^ • * ^ 'ft P 1 . " 1 • r » ;■ 1 1 r 1 1 r 2? — r t~ r la - Dor now. moan or sigh, turf- sealed ground be your spring, heav'nly flower. %.g: .,2— ■^^mi^mM ISfi Tree of Aiiiiulsli. 8.7. D. Thoko Harris. !^^^^ ifrm^^m^^i Bound lip - on a tree of anguish, Bruineil and bleeding, who is he? 2. Bound up - on a tree of anjjuish, Dread and aw - ful, who is her 3. Bound up - on a tree of anguis^h, Wim and dv - ing, who is her See the Suff*rer faint and languish. See the man of Cal - va - ry, See the si - lent Suff *rer languish, See him die up - on the tree, See the Suff 'rer faint and languis^h. Man to set at lib - er - tv, ^-Ki:^. ^.5^ -• r^— i^A. i, : — ?> ^ j-^ I T Z CZ ^^ I — r See the man of Cal-va-ry. By the heart for sin - ners bro-ken. See him die up - on the tree. Thou the bread of life hast bro-ken ; Man to set at lib - er - tv. Lo, the debt of sins for - ffiv - en ! £-. i:*: I ,-!=- wmm^sssm^^m^ By the thorns up - on thy brow — Sealed the ev- er- last - ing token — Low be - fore thy cross we bow. Hear the word of comfort spoken : See the Prince of life hath died ! O - pen stands the gate of heaven, 11 I ' ' j^ A T"^^ -W —W — ■*— ^ — -^(^ -"- — — -»— -•— ^^ -W -^^ ^ ■^=i Troe of Aiigiiisli. concluded. Son of Man, Son of Man, Son of Man, 'tis thou, 'tis thou ! Son of God, Son of God, Son of (iod, 'tis thou, 'tis thou ! Christ the Lord.Christ the Lord,Christ the Lord is cruel - tied. A -#- -t9- ^i:^ te' ^mfm s:simi^&s^=mm 187 Rev. Rowland Hill. Tranqiiillo con ex'Pressioiie. Thy Burden. 7. Thoro Harris. Ar^. 1 — ^ #— hi-r-#-*-^-S-#-^^H 1 1 ^\ • — I — « — *— — -1 5.^ — 9—^ 0-i-9^^—'-S_^ J-zS*— • — (& — #-L^ •—#—5 J I 1. Cast thy burden on the 2. He sustains thee by his 3. Heav'nand earth may pass a 4. Je - sus, guardian of thy I I Lord, On - ly lean up - on his word ; hand, He en- a - bles thee to stand ; - way, God's free grace shall not de-cay ; flock, Be thyself our constant rock ; -^ 1 — rH-1-^^j- * 1.^ i-g-#H-# V ^- ^ I* • r p I ! I Thou wilt soon have cause to bless His un Those Avhom Jesus once did love, From his He hath promised to ful-fil All the Make us by thy powerful hand Firm as r I r " Y chang-ing faith - ful-ness, grace need ne'er re - move, pleas- ure of his will, Zi - on's mountain stand. I -0. ?zt=t=t:=[= I I SiL I His un - chang-ing faith-ful-ness. From his grace need ne'er remove. All the pleas -ure of his will. Firm as Zi - on's mountain stand. A - - men, dim. ^1 I ^ I d I ^"^ I * -•^- 188 I Sliall Be Safisflcd HOKATIUS BONAK. iioRo Harris. 1. ^Vhell 1 jshull wakt 2. When tliis vile bod 3. When I shall gaze on tluit fair morn of morns, y Khali a - rise a - gain, up - on the face of him Af - ter whose! Purged by thy Who for me 4. When I bhall cull to mind the long, long past, Withcloudsand When ev - 'ry en - e - my shall dis - ap - pear, The un - b^- -#- dawn - inji; ncv-er night re - turns, power from ev- ery taint and stain, died, with eye no long-er dim, storms and shadows o-ver - cast, lief. the darkness, and the fiar,- re - al, all without de - cav, And with whose glo - - ry De - liv - ered from all And praise him in the And know that I am When Christ shall smooth the In that sweet dawn - ing Fed. * •^-V ■^^' ^ I Shall Bo Satisfied, coniuded. fir^ipgigri^illfp day e- ter - nal burns, weakness and all pain, ev - er- last- ing hymn, saved and blest t last, brow and wipe the tear, of the cloudless day, I shall be sat-is - fied, I shall be sat- is - lied. I shall be sat-is- fit'd, I shall be sat-is - tied. 1 shall be sat-is - tied, I shall be sat-is - tied. • -7 1 1 1 ^ -I : — I 1 5: ^ i-p-l 1 — I ^-r-i 1 1 1— 1 -■ mMmsmmmi Fed. :f: Refrain. 1 N- =|iJ^ I shall be sat tied, shall be sat - is tied, .s;_: I shall be sat is, - fied when I a - wake with thee, lis =j ^ N I shall be sat - is - fied when I a - wake with thee. A - men. V^ ^' .^ .0. -.0. ' ^ -#- ^ I N I I 189 New Joy Anioiiii; the Angels. J. E. Rankin, D. p Solo. i>. E^Ti^g^E^ Thoko Harris. r-. 1. There's new joy among the an - gels, 2. If >ve seek in- ter-pre-ta - tion 3. They who CHWie with minis- tra - tions 4. ForUod's wavsthun man's are high - er, ^V I And they strike a sweeter Of the Saviour's dy-ing To the dark (ieth^ema - As than earth, the star-lit chord, love, ne ; skv ; When a sin- ner is re - All our earthly words are They who heard that cry of And his love is o'er us pent - - ing fee - - ble, an - - guish brood - ing And re-turning to the Lord : On - ly they can know a - hove ; "When he huuijup-on the tree; \Vith e - ter-Uiil minis - trv ; rail. ^ There are hights and depths of They who welcomed tir>i th- They who felt the aw - ful There's new joy among the |i ^ r i " N > ^ I I :^q mcr - cy Nev - er measured on the earth, Stran - ger Of the vir - gin-moth er born, si - - lence. When the Lord of glo - ry died ; an - gels. When a sin - ner kaves his ways ; ^s-f: ^^0 tfe Fed. Fed ^ -r Fed. Fed, ef New Joy Among the Angels, concluded. For the grace that saves a sin They who saw the breaking glo He, with highest phice in heav And this word is wing's to heav ner, ry, en, en, 7-s Has in heuv'n alone its Of the earth's first Christmas By man's hand was eruci- When 'tis said, Behold, he Fed. Fed. :f: Fed. ±= -17^^ A ^^^ «=^is^E^S=s£ birth, morn, fied. prays. There's new joy a - mong the an ^^El — ^ I ^JiM-±. -, J Zl ^ 1 — Fed.-^ :Jit= Fed. And thev strike a sweeter chord When ^ M a sin-ner is re .i . M :- -i-L, i_?l, 1 1 Li (^ i r- Fed. Fed. dim. sS: ^- -&^ DZt pent ing ! And ^f^ t ii re - turn- ing to the Lord. _i_^ — 9 — ! — i-J — L — j — I — I — I — -) 1 1 — # 1 II i -^1^" ^— ^ a^ ^ ^^fi ^ Ped, ^ /V^. * 190 Jas. Montgo.mekv, Maestoso. Tniise. 7. 1). TMOKCJ IlAKKIb. :f5zq--5zq=:-: — # : #— # — # — "-* — « — o ^0 i—9—^0 — #-j^ — 1^ • 5 -» 1. Songs of praise the an- gels sang, Heav'n with hal-le - lu - jahs rang, 2. Ileav'n and earth must pass away ; Songs of praise shall crown that day : m mp j^ '\ T -rcresc sf When Je - ho-vah's work be - gun. When he spake and it was done. God will make new heav'ns, new earth ; Songs of praise shall hail their birth. 'i-c~^^^ ±. M- »-4- — h r- — t- ^HiSiJ /■ Songs of praise a - woke the morn, When the Prince of peace was born ; Saints be-low, with heart and voice. Still in songs of praise re - joice. , i^— P — I— L-P — tz=i=_Dz n — , — up J J ^_3 Songs of praise a- rose, when he Captive led cap- tiv - i - ty. Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing a - bove. A - miv. a-.>» ^ . •— g — #-1 -MS — ZW-ZW—0 ^ ^0 1 T- m Quebec. 0.5. D. A.NDKEw OF Crete. Tr., John M. Nkalk. -f|J^_^^ TiiORo IIakris. Christian, dost thou sec them On tlio ho - ly ^[round, How the hosts of Christian, dost thovi feci them. How they work with- in, Striving, tempting. Christian, dost thouhearthem,How they speak thee fair, "Al-ways fast and •Well I know thy trouh-le, () my ser-vaiit true; Thou art ver - y 5J; r=r: 1 — r- :i— ?: • r — <: i -^-^"-^ W'i'- 1^ ^ Mid - ian Howl and prowl a - round ? lur - ing, Goad-ing in - to sin r . vig - il? Always watch and prayer?' wea - ry : I was wea - ry too Christian, up and smite them ! Christian, nev-er tiem - hie, Christian, answer bold - ly, But that toil shall make thee Counting gain but loss, Nev - er be down-cast ; "While I breathe I pray." Some day all mine own, In the strength that com-eth Gird thee for the bat - tie, Peace shall follow bat - tie. And the end of sor - row By the ho - ly Watch and pray and Night shall end in Shall be near my cross, fast, day, throne, By the ho - ly Watch and pray and Night shall end in Shall be near my m -I — W-m- cross. fast. day. throne." I I mm^mi 192 i. II He Is Coming, Thoko Harris, i=^ ^ N J 1. lie is com - ing, uU vic-torious ; Christ is coming back to earth a - g:ua, 2. Fust the signs are all ful - rtll - ing ; Tokens of the bright and blessed day ; J — I- .-=A=^-- r S N S N -1^ With his heav'nly train most glorious ; Speed the message, Jesus soon isconung And our raptured hearts are thrilling. For we know that Jesus now is coming. -•— *- I — I — — --»- r^^—y—^—^ &- r J— 4- ±=^L -—n- — r— i — t T Christ, the Lord of all ere- a - tion, Christ, the Lamb for sin-ners slain Wea - ry saints, re-joice with singing! Welcome, Earth, thy na-tive King! 1 — r -Cs-- i^n*: 4 1- ^ N ^- ^-.^_^ 1 r ' I I Spread the glorious proc- la - mation.Sound the joy ful tidings.Christ is comii To }»is feet your praises bringing ; For the Lord of glory now is comin| ■4- -*- -#- -♦--# ^ -1 -* A-i^ / ^ \ He is Coiniiifir. concluded. Refrain. Christ is coining, Christ is coni-ing, Coming buck, to •th III s=»=fe* gnin # »— # # • (5>— -I r— r — r-^'-r — r — F^ iVt'J Soon we'll meet him, glad we'll greet him, When the Saviour comes to reign. Amen. 193 Servici^. L. M. Philip Doddridge, D. D. Thoro Harris. m^ 1. My gracious Lord, I own thy right To ev - ery ser - vice I can pay, 2. What is my be - ing but for thee, Its sure support, its no - blest end? 3. 1 would not sigh for -worldly joy, Or to in-crease my world-ly good; 4. 'Tis to my Sav-iour I would live, To him who for myran-som died; 5. His work my hoar - y age shall bless When youthful vigor is no more -, I I I I I ' ■ --r r , I r And call it my su-prrme de - light To hear thy die - tates and 'Tis my de - light thy f-tte to see. And serve the cause of such a Nor fu - ture days norpow'rs employ To spread a sounding name J Nor could all earthly hon-or give Such bliss as crowns me at h And my last hour of life con - fess His dy - ing love, his saving o-bey. friend, abroad. is side. pow'r. 194 T. 11. Somebody's Knocking. A^H- m A 1- -N-«- Thoro Harris. IgiiSi^ 1. •'In the si - lent WHtch-es List thy bosom's door, How it knocketli 2. Temptno morehis mer - cy, Come uiid be for-giv'n; Seek, and thou sha] 3. Ten-der-ly he call- eth, Wuit-ing Btill for thee ; Whde he tar - iki ±:£i--=ggz=f! _r -rF^^-lr II I- r^n knocketh, knocketh, Knocketh ev - er - more. " find in him The ver - y path to - heav'n. knocking, To his arms of mer-cy flee^ » F- Tis the Sav- iour plead -in Je - sus now is stand- in; lie will bear thee up -ware :=:=l=t: ^iD^e ^^ ^ L With thy heart of sin, 'Tis the Lord of glo - ry : Bid him en - ter in. At the por - tal door: Bid him quickly en-tcr. Op-en wide the door. In those arms of love To his home of glo - ry In the realms a - bove. Some-bod - y*s knocking at your door, (sinner.hear him. )Soraebody'sknocki Some-bod - y's knocking at the door, ((), receive him,) Somebody's kriocki Some-bod - v's knocking at the door, (don't reject him,) Somebody's knocki m^: i: r=t m d=t=^ -^ ^- -^ ^ I^ tj^ -Z5^ ■» at vour do or. O sin - ner ! whv don't vou an - swer? Je- sus is ^-t— r- f — Eizizl ^-F— h-- d r-|-=£ E tr— FF r-p-r -I — r- i 1- ^^ T-^-^ Somebody's Knocking, concluded. W **r "'^ -*r "Jn ^ -^ -^ -^ MEN. A - - MEN. E$=iiiz«=:fca=|:S=?z=f«=?=f:i=i:tr^3:!?=t==ts: ^ ■f-r r-T— ; — r-,^^-^-''T=^ knocking, he's knocking at your door. A 1_ 1 1 l_i_ 1 1 1 1 .— - — ■ — r— -^H ' *■ i 195 A New Song. Psalm 96. Thoko Harris. f^^^^^ --& "^.: Stanzas 1-6.] [Last Stanza.] 1 f 1 O sing unto the Lord a new \ sotig : Sing unto the Lord \ all the earth. \ Sing unto the Lord, blei^s h't's \ name ; shew j Forth his salvation from \ day to day. \ 2 Declare his glory amon^ the \ \\eB.then, his | Wonders a- \ tnon^ all T^eople. For the | Lord is great, and greatly to be | praised ; | He is to be feared a- \ hove all god$. \ 3 For all the gods of the nations are \ idols. \ But the Lord \ made the heaz;g«5. | Honor and majes/i/ are be- \ fore him, \ Strength and beauAj/ are \ in his sanctua;^', 4 Give unto the Lord, — O ye \ people, Give unto the Lord | glo^y and strength. \ Worship the Lord in the beau()' of\ holi«e55, Bow before hitn \ all the earth. 5 Say among the hea///^«, "The Lord \ rei^neth:" the ] World shall be established that it | shall not be moved. \ Let the heav'ns rejoice, and let the | earth be glad ; let the Sea roar and the | fullness thereof. \ 6 Before the Lord: for he \ cometh, \ For he com^/>^ to \ judge the earth : \ He shall judge the world with | righteous?iess, \ And the people \ with his truth. \ 7 Glory be to the Father, and to the \ Son, And to the \ Holy Ghost, \ As it was in the begins /«^, is wow, and ever \ shall be, | World -without \ end. Amen. ^ JOSIAH CONDBR. Conder. 7. 0. 1). John 15 : 16. Thoro Harris. 3 0—^ ■ 1. 'Tis not that I did choose thee, For, Lord, that could not be; This 2. 'T WHS sovereign mer-cy called ine, And taught my open-ing mind ; The ieli E3^ - ^—y^ :^ : — j^. heart would still re - fuse thee ; But thou hast cho - sen me ; — Hast world had else cn-thralled me, To heav'n-ly glo - rics blind 1 1 1 — 1— '-I 1 1 — ^-t :t=t:: 1 — r-^i — b^— r— ! — ^— - My Hast from" -m d 1- -^ t-- — '~i — *':^:^ — 8 — i 1- ? # j ^ If t^ -- from the world that Stained me, Washed me and set me free, heart owns none a - bove thee ; For thy rich grace I thirst ; 3l p;=:fi8=:t=:^r,S 'r=-^-X :^-i- ♦ ♦:!?•■ ^ * t to this end or - dain me, Tliat I should live to thee ; Thou didst or know- inij : if I love thee. Thou must have loved me first ; Yea, Lord, I ♦^-:f-*!-S^^-^e^^ — J-r-J ^—1 — I tE^^EpE^3-Z 1=^:8 :;=^E3=t=--^- m Condor. Concluded. 4=v- dim. dain love -- — \—0 — — — I. _,— — t — I thee, tirst. 197 Rev. John Newton. -I— .'^ I M should live to hast loved me 1 I ^ Oklahoma. 8.7.7, TnoKo IIakki V- Eglf •-.5 ail 1. One there is a - bove all oth - ers. Well deserves the name of Friend 2. Which of all our friends, to save us, ^^'ould or could have shed his blood? 3. Could we bear from one an-oth - er What he dai - ly bears from us? 4. O for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us, Lord, at length to love. -^•^^--. r— r -J- ' N ! -#- =5=^ ^ — L« 1 1 1_| ^ 1 J 1 1 — I — I 1 1 1 — , — I ^ — I 1 1 — I ::q=1=i^z3ziz=:*=zj=iz3z'zz=z#=zi=ii-liq=i:1zz=az:3 -H— >, — « ?-3-H — A — * « — m~—0—0 — -^H^c^ — ifw ^— H — ^— '• W 9 W 9 IJT 7'#— ^ His is love be - yond a brother's. Cost - ly, free and knows no end. But our Je - sus died to have us Kec - ouciled in him to God. Yet this glorioiis Friend and Brother Loves us, tho' we treat him thus. We, a - las, for- get too of -ten What a Friend we have a - bove. $^^ They who once his kindness prove,Find it ev - er - last-in^; love. That was boundless love in -deed ; Je- sus is a Friend in need. Tho' for good we ten- der ill, He accounts us brethren still. Butwhenhomeour souls are brought, We willlove thee as we ought. A m ■i-. . - !i;f-- :tz:±: -#- -^ -1&- -<9- 1^=4: IHPil 198 Comfort. 7.S. D. e Thoro Harris. m ■^^ 1. Bro-kcn-heart-ed, weep no more! Hear what com- fort he hath 2. Lamb of Je - sun' blood -bought flock, Brought a - gain from sin and 3. Bro-ken - heart-ed, weep no more, Far from con - so - la - tion ^ -I — I— J 1-,-1^-1 — \ — K^ — \ \ J^ spok-en, Smoking flax who ne'er hath quenched.Bruistni reed who ne'er hath stray-ing, Hear the Shepherd's gen- tie voice, — 'Tis a true and faith -ful flv - ing: He who calls hath felt thy wound, Seen thine anguish, heard tl.v ' — - ^ — • — # — • broken :- saying : — Ye who wander here be - low, Heav-y - la - den as ye Great-er love how can there be Than to yield up life and Bring thy broken heart to me, Wei -come off'ring, 'tis ac- lH=tz:t±±±=*- jour- ney. Come with grief and sin op - prest, Come to me and rest for - glo -ry? Bought with pang and tear and sigh. Turn and live; why will ye cept- ed ; Stream -ing eyes and bursting sighs — Lay thine all up - on mine 'cs-; -rTT Comfort, Concluded. Hi^S^IEE -I — r ev - er, tar - ry al - tar, Come to Turn and live Lay thine all r^^^g&i 199 Isaac Watts, D. D. Exultation. L. M, J-^-.^'^-r .Thoro Harris. 1. Xow be my heart in - spired to sing The glories of my Saviour King, — 2. O'er all the sons of hu - man race, He shines with a superior grace : 3. Thy throne. O God, for - ev - er stands ; Grace is the sceptre in thy hands ; 4. God, thine own God, has rich- ly shed His oil of gladness on thy head ; -^ 1 r- ' \ I I ' w I n III I , • (^ • Je - sus the Lord ; how heav n - ly fair Love from his lips di - vine - ly flows. Thy laws and works are just and right ; And with his sa - cred Spir - it blest; His form ! how And bless - ings Jus - tice and His first - born y^—9- jfL„J^_ J2. m^. W- bright his all his beau state ■ ties com grace are Son a - thy bove de - the are ! His form ! how bright his beau - ties are ! ■ pose, And blessings all his state compose, light, Jus -tice and grace are thy de-light, rest, His first- born Son a - bove the rest. I 2(M> TlM' KxiK'ctcd End J. 1-.. Ka.sk I.N, D. D. 8.7. D. Thoko Harris. ipiiiis^i^^i^iiri He who came an in - fant stranger, In Eph - ra - tah who was born, (lod lias set his Kin;; in Zi - on. He ha> puh- lished the de - cree: Uiu-ci-tit'd for our iiansgrt'Nsion, Sin niude lor us on the tree; Na-turc's hid - den force ciiiployiM^', Fire and wa - ter, lightning- flame. He shall a.sk no flock, of Ke- dar Fur the dai - ly sac- ri -lice; 4-#= j^_ I look our pins and took our dan - ger, Hu - man pride and hu - man scorn Pas - chal Lamb and Ju-dali's Li - on Earilis one hovereign yet shall bel Ho shall come to take po.<- ses - sion. And shall rule in eq - ui - ty. Wis- doin of the wise de-stroy-ing, Writ-ing his the high -est name. Take from Leb - a - non no ce - dar. In - ccn.se send-ing to the skies P - 1 V \ot shall come a - gain in glo-ry. While ce - les - tial hosts at - tend ; Xot one prom-ise shall be broken. Strife of ton<:ues shall all be stilled ; In dyed robes ar-rayed as roimcnt. In the gr«at-ness of his strength. Peace shall spring forth fiom themountains. Hills and vales the toiler bless ; Hut in ev - ery tribe and na-tion. Shall his precious name be known : g-g -^- -^^ ;5^-^- Shall complete rctlemption's sto-ry. l^ringing the ex - pect-ed end. Ev - ery word that God liasspoken. E\ -ery proph e - cy ful - filled. He shall come ex-act-ing payment ; Righting all earth's wron sis at length. Smitten rocks burst in -to fountains. Blos>om all the wil- der - ness. Praise shall rise and ex -ul- ta-tion. Round our great Emmanuel's throne. j\.mf.x. m^ m^jESBm ff&m 201 Load as Wo Oo. Mary Lowe Dickinson. Ko JIakkis. i^Eg^^i^ 1. Lead now, as 2. Ours be the 3. Low - ly our 4. Drawn by thy forth will task go, Mas - ter ing hand Thy work or grand, Serve we Spir - it now, — 7T— (S"- -B*- =^BE :tz: =t:: '^-- selves di ■ vine ; to .share ; the same ; we bring ; t=:r: -» — f) \ \ m /2? V 1 J 1 « • r , r _ 1 y b lid • p • HwA Vi'l^^ /^ '■ I' ^ 1 cy-R^ — «' — ^— — 1 yp — nj^ — _^2 — ^i- - J yz _ ^ ^_^ — b' — r -^ -r - 1 -T T<; — ^^ On paths of joy or woe Let thy face shine. Ours be a lov - ing band Thy cross to bear ; Bring by thine own right hand, Praise from our shame. On prayer and song and vow Our souls take wing. f- -r > ■^• -«»- r'r an frp -^-nJ bJ kj m. ^ * M -i- -;-£-: -r-^- — ^— — 1 — — 1 _^ J ^-t^— T: 3 — 1»_^. P t : t'-=1-; — 1 — 1 f) 1 1 i'^ 1 1 1 » y- '1 J m A \ ' f • P (^ 1 y -y A •* 1 • •) J hA *i Til ^^- 1 J 1 J J ^ ^ Q'^ J L - »-^ » 1^ 4 Vs^' >j S J ^ • • 5? _ o m m t) ^ • • II ^/ 1 Where winds of trou - ble blow. Where tides of sor - row flow, True chil - dren of the King, New songs our lips shall sing ; If but some soul in pain Look up and smile a - gain. Forth from this bless - ed place Lead us to show thy grace ; J ^" • bm r\m ' m 'f' '^ '^ fr- b- . - TJ ^^' ^ r ^f m2 . 2 U k? L ' • 1 \fi)' \ f f ^ ■ 1 r • 1 1 1 ^-^b r^ • P ■ \ \j \ P * P (^ 1 -■ r^ 1. r L ^ \ l~ ■ 1 i i ■ 1 1 1 ' 1 1 'k' 1 -iS- -=1: «— :-* /. :*^ 4=:q: ^^r ^igiepiii Fear - less our steps shall go Close af - ter thine. Faint hearts and sor - row-ing, These are our care. No deed can be in vain. Wrought in his name. Write on each lift - ed face, " Child of a King." A - - men. ^ ^ ^_L^^___,^^^JJi| .j p_L J 1 JJ 202 Heaven is I^ropilioiis. 7.G.I). 'I iioKo Harris. T a s "i r ri^S^t :tj *c m A- ESE=^E5Ei gisi I 1. Drooping souls, no Ion- ger grieve: Ilea v-«i is pro- pi - tious. 2. From his hHiids, his feet, his side, Runs a heal - ing foun - tain ; 3. Grace he of - fers full and free, Drooping souls to glad - den ; | 9- -*>5--H # 1 • 1 • 1— ^-t • 1 •— h— * — t— '-T .^ifc If on Christ ye do be - lieve. Ye -will find him pre See the con - so - la - tion tide, Bound -less as the o - Hear him sav/'Come un - to me, Wea - rv, heav - v la I > ' - ClOUS. cean. den." f^Jt 1:=:! IeI^Ii Je - sus now is pass - ing by, Calls thewand'rers to him See the liv - ing wa - ters move For the sick and dy - ing Tho' your sins, like mountains high, Rise and reach to heav - en. \ — \ — \ — r &f t -^^ ^^- $ 4=2 / Droop - ing souls, ye Now re - solve to Soon as ye on ^^^mmm r need not gain his m I die ; Now look up and love. Or to per - ish Iv. All shall be for - m :t=tz -^ jcz=g^=:i^ m HcavPii is Propitious, concluded. $E^&^ m. try giv him. ing. A - - MEN. All shall be for - giv - en. 203 Jlcnicli. 8.7.61, Reli^oso. Thoro Harris. w^^^:^=z -r-A- ^^ :4:i 1. Lead us, ho - ly Fa-ther, lead us O'er the world's tempestuous sea; 2. Saviour, breathe for- givcness o'er us ; All our weakness thou dost know ; 3. Spir - it of our God, de-scending. Fill our hearts with ho - ly joy, ^1 -ir — jj« ^•- ^- .ss- 204 J. E. IlANKIN. D. D. To Josiis Alono. TiiOKO Harris. 4— J-T-J — r^_H^_i_J. 1. Are you wea- ry, are you heav- y-hearted? Tell it 2. Do the tears flow down your clieeks unbidden? Tell it 3. Do you fear the gath'ring clouds of sorrow r Tell it 4. Are you troub-led at thethoughtof dy-ingr Tell it to Je to to to J( \ — ^- A ^N ^—Sr vJ^ -y~*- Je - 6U8, Je - BUS, i±^=t H ( ^ 1 1 1 1 >| 1 % # *— 1 — ^ 4 Tell it Tell it Tell it Tell it 1 ^- to Je to Je to Je - SUB ; to Je - BUS ; mm sus ; Are you gnev-ing o- ver joys depart -ed? sus ; Have you sins that to man's eye are hidden? Are you anx-ious what shall be to-morrow? For Christ's coming kingdom are you sighing? .1^ ^ Ie^eSEE U * ^ ' 9 r I S;«=d Refrain. I ^ 3i£fifrlf-E 3tii: lone. Tell it to Je- sus, Tell it to Tell it to Je - sus a t-+* — M m ^-a *— M r ■--.f.^- Je-sus, He is a friend that's well known : . . . . You have no oth - er «* # # KS.*^ » To JOSUS AlOIlO. Concluded. t=t: J— A— ■■^im=l •^-*— f J=t such a friend or broth- er, Tell it to , 1/ \ r f- Je - sus a - lone, a - lone. rr 1 ^ -^ -#- ra ^-^=^ ^— ^ — ^—i — gr^-Fp— I P — S-!P — I — !P- F g Tl 205 Christ the Life. Thoro Harris. 1. I know no life di -vid-ed, O Lord of life, from thee; In thee is lifepro- 2. I fear no trib-u - la-tion, Since whatsoe'er it be. It makes no sep - a- — -g-r*— s— ^— ^r-^- h— •-r#— •— ^-^-n-^ — i-«-r'— ^— ^— s-n I I I U- vid-ed For all mankind, for me. I know no death, O Jesus, Since thou hast ration Between my Lord and me. If thou, O mighty Master, Vouchsafe to I I I I I I -4— J-.-^ i^±: fcEs=» psiifiiiiil set me free ; Thy death it is that frees us From death eter-nal-ly. be my own, Tho' poor, I shall be rich-er Than monarch on his throne. 206 Alaska. 8.7. D. Thomas Kklly. Bkethoven. Arr. by Thoro Ha&us. A^:4 T^ -f- -f- -#- TT • « » in 1. Hark! ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise a - bove; 2. Je - 8U*, hail ! whose glory brightens All a - bove, and gives its worth; 3. King of glo-ry, reign for- ev - er, Thine an ev - er - last - ing crown; 4. Sav-iour, hast -en thy appearing; Bring, O bring the glorious day P -# 0- ^«- ^-5^ ■^ K— Je-sus reigns, and heav'nre-joic -es ; Je - sus reigns, the God of love. Lord of life, thy smile en-light-ens, Cheers and charms thy saints on earth Nothing from thy love can sf v - er Those whom thou shalt call thine own I When the uw-ful summons hearing, Heav'n and earth shall pass a - way. n^- •-Z3— ^^=^ • • ^ i f V . _ r 1 ^ — ^- ■^ ^7^=j=i -N— ^- UezM A=*: A — *^ -79- I ^f=' / / See, he sits on vonder throne : Jesus rules the world a-lone. When we think oflovelike thine, Lord, we own it love di - vine. Hap-py ob-jects of thy grace. Destined to behold thy face. Then with golden harps we'll sing "Glor-y, glo-ry to our King. See, he sits on yon-dcr throne; Jesus rules V V, ^ ^ N I i^ -^ ^;, i N NU ^ ' 1^^ Hal- le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal-le - lu - jah ! A Refrain. Alaska -4-1 -. Concluded. # J ^ — # J ^ — *-J 0.0-0 • ^ # -• # 5 ^'^^ ^^ ^ Hark, all the choir of saints and augels swcet-Iy sing, "AH glo - ry, '-;,5J 0—^G* * -J the choir of Hark, all '5' saints and angels sweetly sing, "All glo-ry, glo - ry, glo - ry to our King!" -•-.N "^N^« ^^ ^S^ V0- m . k 207 F. E. Beldex. God of Light. 8.7. Thoro Harris. :1=^ ~&L 1. God of lii:;ht and matchles^s splendor. Fee - ble tho' the praise -we bring, 2. Heav'n a - hove can - not contain thee ; At thy presence earth would flee ; 3. Grate-ful praise my tongue shall of - fer 'Xeath thy smile or 'neath thy rod ; 4. Liv - ing on - ly to thy glo- ry. From all self-i^h mo - tives free, « _«_^_«_ » c — ^ 0_^ — ^ — I — r r ' ^ ^ — I — I — ^^^ — ■'^1 — Pt — I — — ;^P^- -H 1^^ — I Let thy Spir-it touch and ten- der Ev- ery heart as now we sing. And tho' ev - ery sin doth pain thee. Still thy mcr - cy spar-eth me I Take the hum -ble gift I prof- fer. — Heart and mind and strength, O God! So shall I pro - claim the sto - ry Of the One who died for me. 1± i: ^H': 1 — I- — V E^ t=t=tK ^£?=t-Zttt 1 208 Days and .Moiiiciils. 8.7 i=:q=4 I 1.^ I -:p«r3F^=g V^^i-^t Thoro Uakkp ^^^ 1. Days and mo - inents quick 2. Je - SU8, in - ti - - nite 3. Whence we came, and whith ly rty - ing, Blend the Re - deem - er, Keep - er er fly - ing, (Grant that 9; W' *- ^1 ■EB^ --\- I liv - ing of this we thv ^ with the dead ; migh - ty frame, self may know,) :tif: :^ Q -fV l^hn -_ ^ (^ 1 ^ 1 1 I b ^ |,^ ^^ ^- =^ pEl :='^^; — ! ^ H #— '^r~5 P ~m *. Z. '1 " 1 * v^ / ^ ? m in are rec - -9- ^ • ' m sing, to bliss j be ly - ing re - mem-ber un - dy - ing, -A-jj ,-^» »— Each with - What we Or a his nar - row bed, and whence we came; om - pense of woe. — 1 — r^ 1 i-i (&^. — =- =j— 5— - :*: Ti ,^ , -8- -5 __^^2 ^_ — >p w ^ — ^_ -> — ii_ 1 ^> 1 1 \ r-n L_ t^ * ' — t^- — tf — 1 — r- J. ^^__ -t-" f-" -1 Refrain. Life pass- eth soon, Death draw - eth near: Keep us, good Lord, Days and 3Ioiii(Mits. concluded. ^- p|gpsi^^^=^ Till thou np - pear With thee to i i J- liv. With thee to di( H 1 — 1 -1 J 1 s. — r^_r « — *f^ ' — # ' 122 « 1— <$-^ L_ — h-^- -4- -(S^T m With thee to reign thro' e ter :5=S=: t=t: m - ty. -I — c '5'-v — i^zi; s 209 Anne Steele. Nature. C. M, Thoro Harri -q: SiiE^H^ I 1. Lord, when my raptured soul sur-veys Cre - a - tion's beauties o'er, 2. Where'er I turn my gaz-itig eyes Thy ra - diant footsteps shine ; 3. On me thy prov - i-dence has shone With gen - tie smil-ing rays ; 4. All-bounteous Lord, thy grace impart : O, teach me to im - prove fc:d: S±. J-J — ^- L 5:5-3: W :t=^zzz^ p All na-ture joins to teach thy praise, And bids my soul a-dore. Ten thousand pleasing wonders rise And speak their source divine. 0, let my lips and life make known Thy goodness and thy praise. Thy gifts with humble, grateful heart. And crown them with thy love. A-mex. Si^i -» — »- M\S^ 210 The Saviour I Xeod. Rtv. J. K. Kan KIN. ^=f■ n -^-iF^=^^^^^=^f^^^^ Thoro Hakris. J^ 1. I need a dy - ing Sav-iour, WhoKc ef - fi - ca - cious blood 2. 1 need a pa - tient Sav-iour, Whose love can jsiill for - get 3. I need a hu - man Sav-iour, Who knows what »or - row means; ^ I I :=pz: #- ^r 4=:q=: #-^ -w 1 1- :%. '% » ^ ^^ ^r-^ ''■- rt My soul with- in can cleanse from sin, And bring me peace with God. The ma - ny days I've left his ways, When pin has me be - set. To wipe my tears in all life's years. And tern - per all its scenes. I -^^FfL_r_' ,^_^-f: Sf- >-&?- :xzi[ ^ "-I- r I need a liv-ing Saviour, Who sees my daily need ; Forme to stand at I need a faithful Saviour,.Sometimes to usethescourgeTokeep my eyes up- 1 need a mighty Saviour, The ver-y Lord of heav'n, To hold me fast un- ^ ^ 4I- :t=it i i 1= God's right hand, And for my soul to phad. And for my soul to plead, on the ])rize. And on my fi'et to ursjo. And (m my feet to urge, til thi" last. Whom irr ace has first forgiv'n. Whom grace has tirst forgiv'n. I 1 1 1 ^-Lj^ j^ — '# . # # •— ' J 211 Tho Bciuililul Liiiid. Thoko Harris. Thcre'sa beauti-ful land on hii,'h ; To its glo-rios I fain would fly, When by In that b»auli-lul land I'll bi", From all sin audits cares set free: For my O, that beauti-ful land of rest, Where no e -vils the saint.s molest ! Soon the There a crown of pure gold 1*11 wear,And the joys of that land I'll share. Safe at sorrow cast down, I long for a crown In that beauti-tul land on high. Je-sus is there. He's gone to pre - pare A place in that land for me. Savi.-ur I'll see. Who suffered fi>r me. In tliat beauti- ful land of rest, homeev-er-more, On Canaan's fair shore I shall dwell with the loved ones there. Philip Doddridge, D. D. / / / ■ > / Awako, Ye Saints. CM. ^t I Thoro Harris. T=zX PIP ^1 I I ^ • A - wake, ye saints, lift up your eyes. And raise your voi -ces high ; Swift on the wings of time it flies. Each mo - ment brings it near: Not ma - ny years their round shall run. Nor ma - ny mornings rise. Ye wheels of nature, speed your course! Ye mor - tal powers, decay ! Awake, and praise that sovereign love That shows salvation nigh. Then Avelcome each de-clin- ing day, Welcome each closing year. Ere all its glories stand revealed To our adinir-ing eyes. Haste ! till the last glad morning rise That brings e - ternal day. A - men. >•- Arizoihi Thoro Harris. wert es - sen - tinl God ; worlds their cir - cuits trod, bade the plan - cts shine. Be - fore the earth her Thou wert the un - ere How mean our mi^ht - iest form up -reared A - bove th' a - bys-mal flood, a - ted One, The self - - ex - ist-ent God. work ap - pears, Great God! compared with thine. A - MEN. Strong Father of our feeble race. Thy sovereignty we own, The outskirts of thy ways we trace, But thou remain'st unknown. There is no mystery concealed From thy all-scanning view ; But what thy wisdom has revealed Is for thy children too. O center of infinity ! O Sun serenely bright! All paths, convergins;. meet in thee. Sole source of truth and light. 7 The myriad creatures of thy hand Soon sicken and decay ; The heav'n and earth, at thy command Must shortly pass away ; 8 The spangled host shall all depart . When stormy blasts assail; But thou unchanged, unchanging art, Thy being cannot fail, 9 Then let my raptured soul delight To sing thy matchless praise Without cessation, day and night. Through everlasting days. The Wearied Hart. Conchulod. ^'^ ?5-" :.-^-3ii=!5!=a-5!!:ciicd:^qi^ a - - men, 315 T. H. ^QtbS -J^±lir:^= --J— »_.^. Hades. C. M, ^!^iiE^:ii TiiOKo IIakkis, :::|=1=1: 3E^= ^==ga:^^-^3igzzz:Fi(iji=i!z=t:t=g=:iS=: How long, O Lord, shall ha - des reign, Break,slumb'ring earth and fet - t'ring tomb ! Break in - to song ! the shades of night Born and to con-quer! on the -vving Nor long - er shall dread Death bear sway ; And stamp thy And all ye But ush - er Of buoy- ant Slain is the ■#- dren of chil sons in a hope they great arch tizt=E=t=E^r^:fe=i=3:-^rx^t«^tEE^sM ij I I I ^ r. r I— t^ W in the God, a - glo - rious joy - ful en - e - dust? wake ! morn, rise, my. How long th'in- sa - tiate The seeds our hands have As broad- er grow the God's own ap - point - cd Then hail, thou Res - ur - I grave re ■ plant - ed, streams of chari - ots rec - tion Day ! tain bloom ! light, bring q?^«: 1 ^_| m g t: J :i?t :tt?^ I The sa - cred Ye dark a - The na - tions Them to their IISIeJ rel - ics of bodes of si of the dead man - sions in Thrice welcome, Im - mor - tal -s- the lence, are the i ^5=t: :fi_i^_ just, break ! born ! skies, ty. A I . -^ -($»- ^mmim 216 Ansellc Songs. 11.10, I'HhDEKiCK W. Fahek, I). Sempre p 'I HOMO Harris. ^z^'^ J^nSsS^^^^i § 1. Hark, hark, my Boul! an-gel - ic songs are 2. On - ward we go, for htill we hear them 3. Far, fur a - way, like bells at eve - ning 4. Rest comes at length, tlio' night be long and 5. An - gels, sing on! your faith- lul watch-es swelling O'er earth's gree singing, "Come, wea - ryf peal-ing. The voice of • drear- y ; The day nmsl keeping ; Sing us sweet Ej^E ^. i -' r H ^-U, 1 — r M 33^1SEg=ji:^ fields and ocean's wave- beat shore ; How sweet the truth those blessed souls, for Je - sus bids you come;" And thro' the gloom, its ech- oes Je - sus sounds o'er land and sea ; And la - den souls, by thousands come, and dark-some night be past. Faith's jour-ney ends in welcome frag - meuts of the songs a - bove. Till morning's joy shaU end the strains are sweet - ly meek - ly to the night of tell - ing ring - ing. steal - ing, wea - ry, weep - ing Of that new life where sin shall be no more The mu-sic of the gos- pel leads us hom< Kind Shepherd, turn their wea - ry steps to thee. And heav'n, the heart's true home, will come at last. And life's Ion? shad - ows break in cloudless loi m^m I gels of _ light, Sing - ing to An - gels of Je - sus, Angelic Songs, concluded. J,^ I I . ^ [Final Stanza. PP!^^ 4=^ r the night, light. Sing - ing to i • — i-B — • 217 Thos. a. Taylor. 3Iy Home. 6.4, Thoro Harris. I'm but a Strang- er here, Heav'n is my home 2. What tho' the tern -pest rage? Heav'n is my home; 3. There at my Fa - ther's side, Heav'n is my home. Earth is Short is my I shall be des - ert drear, Heav'n is my home. pil - grim-age, Heav'n is my home, glo - ri - fied, Heav'n in ray home. :t: /=tzdzzt i^- tzzt Dan - ger and sor - row stand Time's cold and win- try blast There with the good and blest, ■1-1 — r— r-^ — ^— t_d J-r-J- h I- ^lEsg^^ii^i^ s Round me on ev - ery hand, Heav'n is my fa-therland, Heav'n is my home. Soon will be o - ver-past; I shall reach home at last, Heav'n is my home. Those I love most and best,There,soon my soul shall rest : Heav'n is my home. %. jiizt It—^-l^- ^m^^^m r-r— r 218 llcrwyii. JuUN Bow KING. p :r=^ ^^ 7.1). -J — I TiiOKo Harris. J 4—4:^ ^ l=i*=|: i^j^ 94 if iEi^Ei? 1. Waichnmn.tell us of the night, What its 8ign« of prom-ihc are? 2. Watchman, tell us of the night ; Iligh-er yet that star as - eends. 3. Watchman, tell us of the night ; For the morn-ing seems to dawn. Trav'ler, o'er yon Trav'ler, bless - ed Trav'ler, dark-ness 1^=^^ liiP^^^SI^ mountain hight See that glo - ry beam-ing star ness aud light, Peace and truth its course portendtj takes its flight, Doubt and ter-ror are withdrawi ^ :t=:t ^^ t=^ :=q" !:=^=:|=: 3.-j^^E ^^h 3^^^ I Watchman, does its beauteous ray Auijht of hope or joy fore -tell: Watchman, will its beams a - lone Gild the spot that gave them birth Watchman, let thy wond'ring cease, Hie thee to thy qui - et home — \ — " ^ 1^ ^ l^E^^ t= r- Trav'ler. yes : it brings the day. Promised day of Is - ra - el. Trav'ler, a - ges are its own ; See, it shines o'er all the earth ! Trav'ler, lo, the Prince of peace, Lo, the Son of God is come! Amen. — — ^- 1 I "^ — • — s^—- 'rn — s*— ***" 219 The Joyful Story Rev. Horatius Bonak. ^ ^_^_^ Thoko Harris. • \—m—\-0 ^ <5<— I — h-* ^ 1— #— -—- 1 F— ■^ I i An - gel voi-ces sweetly sing - iiig, Echoes thro' the bluedome ringing, 2. On the jas- per threshold stand-ing, lake u jjilgriiu safely land - iiig, 3. Soft- est music, sil-ver - peiil- ing ; Fn-shest tragiance. spirit-heal- ing, 4. Not a tcnr-drop ev-er fall - eth, Not n pleasure cv- cr poll - eth, 5. Now at length the veil is rend - ed, Now the pilgrimage is end - ed, 6. Christ himself the living splen-dor, C/hrist the sunlight mild and tender, — ±I2Z—C — u — w — '^ — r V— t/- News of wond'rous gladness bringing; Ah. 'tisheav'n at last! See the strange bright scene expanding ; Ah, 'tisheav'n at last! Hap -py hymns around us steal- ing ; Ah. 'tisheav'n at last! Song to song for -ev-er call - eth ; Ah, 'tis heav'n at las-t ! And the saints their thrones ascended ; Ah, 'tis heav'n at last! Prais- es to the Lamb we ren-der; Ah, 'tis heav'n at last! J. £B: jL M—»- i- — , — ,c^ — f^ — p— — P-. — .- i Chorus. $ 53: ::^=: §-H-'~ -, N 1-^ N r^ 1 r-, 1 (Si 1 ?i I Heav'n at last, Heav'n at last, O the joy-ful sto - ry of heav'n at last ! t f Heav'n at last, Heav'n at last, Endless, boundless glo-ry in heav'n at last. 2: i * * , ij- ttj. ^ ,. k^ ^ i: ^ * 2: ^ ma =r=e 220 Loper. Mkm. M. a. Loi'er. Thoro Harhis. We shall be We hhnll be We slmll be I sat - is - fied : Sweet is the promise giv*!! ; sat - is - fied, Xo more with care opprest ; bat - is - fied Where flow'rs can nev-er die ; I I We shall be We shall be We shall be *-t h 1 ■-H »- ?E!E |i sat sat sat ^i is •■ fied, is - fied is - fied ^^ippl At home in heav'n. When we shall rest. With Christ on high. \Vhen Je - sus No tears shall Blest Sav - iour. t:=t: M- '^ ^ ms^^m -r^-m — #;>"a^ • * comes to reign, When pleas- ures ban - ish pain, mar our joy. Temp - ta - tions ne'er an - noy ; lead US on To that bright land of son^. :^E£ » — »-^^ When loved ones Bliss sweet, with- Thy prais - es i^g [Stanzas 1, 2. [Final Stanza. -.—I N ,-, *=r m^m^^i . . 1 ^ ^ meet a - gain, We shall be sat - is - fied. out al - loy. Shall make us sat - is - fied. to pro- long Where all are sat -is- fied. A - - mkn. ^ I I A Jl _ ^ i 221 Our Miistw >w -w 1. II. 1 HOKU iiAKKl:>. --A-^- I frm^^^^^M 1. ShuU we be a-mong thefaith-ful Standing round the throne of God, I 2. Shall we dwell in that blest cit - y Where there is nu death or pain, I I Sing-ing cv - er - last-ing prais - es To our Saviour, Christ the Lord ? Where our sor - rows will be o - ver? Life e - ter - nal shall we gain? ^ - -#- m r— i i-: • 1^^|-# 1 # r , -I h: FV h^ ^^ Shall we gath - er with the ransomed, With the saints that o - ver - come? In that home of wondrous rap-ture Shall we ev - er-more a - bide? S-Jtr-^r—*- % -^=^=i=^ ^^^i^l •y • PS Shall -we drink the liv - ing wa - ter Li the soul's e - ter - nal home? Shall we live and reign with Je - sus By our heav'nly Fa - ther's side ? ^-i N -#- 'r^^- 1 1 H =1 L^ b» 1 223 Praiso the Lord. S.7. J.No. Kemptiiorn. in. 14S. 1 iioKo IIarhis. -a 5 ^-1 — I -^-r-[ --I -l-n^T 1 P^ r-l ' 1 1 1. Praise the Lord ; 2. Praise the Lord, 3. Praise the Lord, 4. Praise the God ye heav'ns, adore him ; Praia(>hiin, for he hath spok-eii ; Worlds his for he is glo-rious ; Nev-or sh; of our sal-va-tion: llo^ts on hi" an«;els in the hij^ht ; im:;hty voice obeyed ; 11 his promise fail. h his powi r proclaim ; Sun and moon, rejoice before him ; Praise him, all ye stars of lio;ht. Laws which never shall he broken, For tjjoir p;uid-ance he luith made. God hath made his sanits victorious. Sin and death can - not prevail. Heav'n and earth, and all creation, Laud and mag - ni - fv his name. Amen. 224 Love Divine. L. M. Oliver Wendell IIolml.^ TnoRo Harris. =Mm 1. O love di - vine, that stooped to shareOursharpcstpang.ourbitt'rest tear! 2. Tho' long the wea-ry way we tread. And sorrow crown each ling'ring year, 3. When drooping pleasure turns to grief, And tremhling faith is changed to fear, 4. On thee we fling our burd'ning woe, O love di-vine, for - ev - er dear! -i$^ On thee we east each earth-born care ;We smile at pain while thou art near. No path we shun, no darkness dread.Ourheartsstillwhisp'rinii.Thouart near. The murm'ring wind.thequiv'ring leaf Shall softly tell us, Thou art near. Content to suf- fer while we know. Living or dying, thou art near. A - men. tea T. H. No Frh^nd Liko Jesus, Thoro Harris. 1. There is no friend like Je - sus, Who died that we might live : 2. There is no friend like Je - sus: His ami a - lone can save. t=t: It: r-r 1 — r ^ 1 1 [J i i 1 1 -j N — I — .- ; -r-J 1 /^^ —~\ — -1 1 1 1— ^' ' ^ ^ ~m m •,"" -5«- ^h-H V-l_/ ; J J ^ ^ s •* s * € • • '! 9 ■^ 1 None oth - er could re - The pow'rs of night he •,-^1 • * • • ^ ^ deem us And life e - ter - put to flight, He triumphed o'er nal the give, grave. /•^• S * - • "• i r s -rf ^'^T • 1* ^ • !"• h« )• f ^ • ;• r ^ ^ ^ Of ; ; > 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 i T -• — -t — f~-m ' — 3: ^^ He left his throne of glo - Be - fore the might - y Vic _ ?#- - — N - ry To save txs from de - spair ; tor Let saint and se - raph fall; I 5^3=^ ^=Ei 0- 1 s* •--?« j-^ --*=$i -^ iil Now in the high-est heav'n he pleads. Our in - ter - ces - sor there. Ex- alt the u - ni - ver - sal King ; Yea, crown him Lord of all! N -#- tl'V^; ^-^i^^: ->>— h- "lE^^ r— t- r ^ tE^E=?: igl 22f> Kriscliiia. L. M. J. K. Rankin. D. D., LL. D. Thoro Hakki' From the Hebrew of Krischna, a converted Hindoo. SEi =4- ^^rmT^^^m 1. For - get thy Friend, my .soul? 2. God man be - came, man such 3. And canst thou tread sin's Avays 4. For - get God's im - age in Ah, nay. He bore thy as I, He gave him- a - gain. Or live and His face, God's glo - ry /I 'n 1 1 1 1 1/ 7 1-^ I ; ^. /T ^ ' ' ■ 1 A 9 1 1 ^\ m 1^ 1 1 fn\ ■ ^ ^ 1 f \^\) ^ "■ • • o m ^ •« J ¥ hJ < ~ t) ! i z;* ^ s^*. • -" load of guilt a - way ; A - gainst His love. ah, self man's death to die ; He broke the yoke. He think as oth - er men? For - get this Friend and and His match - less grace? The Gate of Heav'n for 1 1 •^ ,-f- -#- a I^J 7# /»)• -I ^ 1 t^- 7 P '« '^ • 1 • 1 '!» • 1 ^^•7 1 1 L U - ^- ^ m 1 • t ! 1 » , 1 J ' 1 1 r 1 1 prize A world debt, Canst thou, gave, For - get He, For - get Oi my the the i^ 1 soul, best, way dol van - i - ties? this Friend for - get? best Friend I have? to bliss for thee? I 4 — i 5 Ah! no, though earth fade from my 6 And when I reach that other shore sight. Where flesh and sense shall vex no My body sink in death's cold night, more. My last word, still, of Him shall be : Surviving death will be the debt Forget my Lord, who died for me? My ransomed soul can ne'er forget. Copyright, 1899, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. 227 Kerr Homo, Kev. J. li. Kankin, D. D., LL. D. Thoro Hari 1. () liu - nmn Hose, set in with thorns, ^Vhatfrag^ancedofet' 2. And wlien the an - gels hear that cry. And see the shroud m^m^mmm^^^ 3-*- No oth - er bloom earth so a-doms, In all God's gar - Their si-lence is in all the sky, As the* Heav*n were KM . That King -ly head, as Thou dost bow, And ut - ter Thy () hii - Tiian Kose. O Rose d i- vine. Thou springest from II I i 1 ci The chief a-mong ten thousand Thou ; All grace and come Thy leaf blood-red, Thv crim-son sign, Thy fragrance fills ej B?l#-r-"^P^fS=?=Pi Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. 22S Is This Man's Naiiio " Imiuaimol V Fiom the WcUli by Kiv. J. E. Kankin, I). D. R. DeW. Mallary. No^ too fast. A 1- ^' :^^^m 1. I.s this Man's name Ini - nian - »i - cl, I sec up - lift - cd yon- der? 2. 'I'lie sharp nails(lriv-en in His hand Ex - tend-ed an iii bless-iiig? 3. And has He par-doned all His foes r The nails which they havedriv-en? ei437it i l=t r^-^^ "^ «•: ^£ f=r ^22- ^ i A 1- ^=^ :a=il: ■1^ :t=^ s 33 1 "With vis-age raarr'd? Ah, thou canst tell, My soul, ex-plain the won. der. Sur-round-ed by those cni - el bands Their bit - ter hate ex - pres.-ing? And as He dies, He o - pen throws To all the gate of heav-en? :t=tt i 1 — r- ^ Afore anifnated. :^ X=^ r — r "^=^ ^ ■^-^ ^=B This out - cast of hu - man - i Is this man's name Im - man - u ty? el? is m Ah, yes, Speak out. thou know - est my sou!, thou I Im - 1 man - u ■ el, 1 and 1 can 1 it be? The Lamb of -#- God? This /5 « /^^ • •* # 'r # :-'.-; 1 <2 O « ' 1 r 1 l^Z>» •* ; ^ 7# .S , t ! \^> m \^^ 1 1 ; -# # 1 » • • « r " 1 1 ' ' 1 1 ; : i^ 4- i , ' 1 1 \ 1 1 1/ i 4—4- 1 ••^ ^r— ^ It IS know -est man is He; well ; He: Ah, yes, thou know - est it Speak or.t, my soul, thou know The Lamb of God? This man IS est is He. well. He. C pyright. ;. bv Rankin & Mallakv. 22\) (ilnsit IIiu:li Priest iiiid Intercessor, Woids l>y Lfuwit; VAN HtKTiiovKN. Arr. and parlly C*<>mpoSed Rkv. J. K. Rankin, D. D., LL. D. Thoro Hakkis, iSq8. 1. Oil the cross my Love hangs bleeding, Nail'd there to the cru - el tree: J. On thtcr()>siuy Love hangs dy - ing, I)y-ing there for you and lue, .{. Great High Priest and In-ter-ces - sor, Still take Thou the siii-ner's part, iEiJiiiE^pSii^l With tlic Fa-lher in - Ut - ced-iiiu'. Pleading there for you and me. Cry-ing, all! that bit - ter cry-inu:! Cry-ing in His ag - o - ny. Still re-mcm-ber the trans-gres-sor, Bear him still up - on Thy heart. mM 5*: / — i^- Siz^=zz>zb=:: -P •V-r— I 1 ^—. 1 # P '^-r-J— : 1— d-i- -^"i — *■ J Thick His woes up - on Him gath-er, Loud His foes their tauYits re-new, As death's shadows round Him gather, And the bat - tie's well-nigh thro*, Clouds, thick clouds around me gath-er, Guilt-y tor - rors shoot me thro*: *4^ •^-- ^-^— T T :5=^: i^mM^m^m Still He pleads, "Forgive them, Father. For they know not what they do. Still He pleads, *' Forgive them. Father, For they know not what they do. Plead Thou still, "Forgive them, Father, For they know not what they do. ,^ — $— f t- — i — t^- 74: iS^:5£*i:-:3 ^^- Copyright, 189S, by J. K. Hankin, Washington, D. C. 230 Sovoroic:!! Onico. Rev. J. E. Rankin. 1>. D., LL.l Presto TRORO iiARRIS. 1. 1 nm u man by God for - pvcn 2. He knows how vile and weak I am, ! () sweet - er word ear u jiiiiii u> vjuu lor - fiivfii : v.» sweeL - er woru ear tiow vile and weak I am, The strug - gle that goes my pil - grim - age be - low, To God I go from nev - er heard ; A man that's far-in-'M' I zit: H :^ ?± f-^ cres I -f- tT -#■ -w % Smite thy heart and not thy breast, Be the truth to God con-fest; Where be-fore the throne He stands. With His nail-scarr'd feet and hands. Not by pen - an - ces and alms, Ho - ly hymns and ho - ly psalms, ^ — m — ftJC^at , f " T — (Si- t=it==fL :^ ->— g- I I I 1 — ^■ t=^ ^ gl=^N=^ t=r i=t grace, He will all thy guilt ef - face ; ■ bove. God will an-swer tliee in love: - give, Look to Him, my soul, and live. I 4- Ask for mer-cy. ask for Lift thy heart to Heav'n a God is wait-ing to for ^=S -^t=s^ t=±i ^ q* rzz. - 1 — r I i IC^ 1 — u m This the sin-iier's on - ^Ef plea, Mis - e - re - re, Dom - i - ne ; :^^ cres. -A dim. ritard. i . i ' ^i V^ l^ V — #- «=r m This the sin-ner's on ^ ^=^ plon. Mis - e - re - re, Dom - i - ne. -a-^.-^—' t T f* > #- :f=:t ^^ i "I ^ Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C 232 Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL. I) P Mast(M% Wo an^ TliiiK^ Forover. From itiZKT. Arr, by TilOKO Hakkis. -^ =1 1. Mas-ter, we are Thine for - ev -er! Ilenv'n and earth shall pass a - way, 2. Mas-tcr. we are Thine for -cv-orl Break shall ev - 'ry earth-ly tie; 3. When we meet Thee there in glo - ry, All Thy grace in us complete, But this oath, for-got -ten nev - er, Shall confront the last great day. Ev - 'ry earth-ly friendship sev - er, This confront E - ter - ni - ty. We will sing redemption's sto - ry, Cast our crowns be - fore Thy feet. m n — r t=t t=t ^=x Thou on Cal - va - ry hast bought us, Prov'd thyself the sin - ner's friend ; High - er than the heights a-bove us, Deep-er than the depths be- low, Mas - ter, we are Thine for - ev - er ! When we hear the trum-pet sound, ^^ 5^5 4 ^- 2=t: X=X r^=r Thus far on our pathway bro't us. And wilt love us to the end. Thou art constant still to love us, And Thy love no change can know. Xoth-ing from Thv love can sev - er. Hid in Theemavwe be found. ^ ^!^?^ t:=t Copyright, 1S9S, by J, E. Rankin, Washingrton, D. C. 233 Use Me, Master. K. Kankin, U. D., LL.D. Thoro Harris. 3. It— i Use me, Mas Work, O Lord Use ine, Mas ter, a8 ter, use me, sign me, use me. Go not Some Imn It is my years to gry soul to my sin - gle B«3? waste feed; plea ; -:?Hj: S I v. r ^ i ^ ^^ ^ 1^1 l=s4- -1 — *-t«' — iP^#^- For some ser - vice choose To the task in - eline Weak, do not re - fuse me, me, me, There let me be Give the help I Strong am I in placed. need. Thee. :t:: 2: i \ ^-^ ^$=d5=N: Be it small, or be it great, For the summons. Lord'. I wait. Day by day, my dai - ly bread. Day by day, be oth - ers fed. Per-ftct-ed in me Thy strength. Give me ser- vice, Lord, at length. Refrain. ^ ^: :^-fe: -I -q -N— "j ^z^^ 4~] — z=:\ — TJ r^ ^=f Use me, Mas - ter, s t^:t g 33=>P 'hoose J=S me. Thv SAveet sum-mons. Lord, I wait. "^ i » f » 0- r 0~ ^- . r • - • — Ti Copvrieht, I.'N>'^, hv 1 i:. Hankin-, Washin-.tnn T> C. 234 The Lowest Place, 1. E. Rankin, D. D., LL. 1). Thoko Hakris. n. r~i — \ — 1~ 1 ^ N ^- .- .. r-| i- r-r"-^— ^-1 m)^^'± — 1 — -hr*-l-i-4=ri=: -a- -^^ *r 4^d-i=3 tf^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ■ - • - -•- ^-i ^ L_«__« 1 1. Give me the low - est place, A- - mid ce - Ics-tial throngs, 2. I have so sin - ful been. If I may en - ter there, 3. I do not hope to lean Like John, up - on Thy breast, ,, , f-# -f^j r- r- r r —0 1 -• P-^ r^ > 2» -, ^•T"^' ""^i — r— f — •— ii r r- —4— hr#^ IH-ra L L L^ — <: — 1 — 1 t^,^!=p-J -I — i-H 1 1 — , — V ^ , N h^___|___— , Not where bright crowns the conq'rors grace, Or swell tri - um-phant songs. Known but to Thee I would steal in, Xot the great feast to share. But rath - er like the Mag - da-lene, I should be more than blest Some humbler place for memore meet, With scalding tears to bathe Thyfeet. But just to kiss Thy nail-scarred feet, Would make my bliss more than complete. To spill love's ointment on Thy feet. And fill the air with o-dors sweet. Refrain. A-g- JEZZ91 ^g^E^^ Give me the low - est place, or if need be, A lower place, dear Lord,makeme. A j__^q_^^^^_j?_| ^_.| • — '-p* — ( #--— I — H **-*-11 Copyright, 1899, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. 23.1 Tlion Knowost Best. L, M. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL.D. BKtTHovEN. Arr. by Troko Harius. ^ -JVJ- L^ J^-i -9«- I^£ 5e SF > run, on, pain, throne, > Be - fore Till all If grief And things should come life's set is said and all must come and come un - known shall vet ^ # c# ? # *==;=^^ 1 — I — r i s^ -st lf=It ^ -^ir- brief, brief e'er Thy res - pite sign in • I One What Xo This peace Thy troub all — J^ I and be- led the ^12: fe rest: If not, O Lord, hest; Thou know - est best, breast ; Thou know - est best, rest: Thou know - est best. Thou know - est Thou know - est Thou know - est Thou know - est XD^ rr best, best, best, best. ^^^^^^mm Copyright, iSoS, by J. E. Rankin, Washingtoat IX C. 230 After Snow Words from the German by Rev. J. E. Rankin. D. D., LL. D. Music l»y Thoro Hakkis, i{ :t?ii^ :f: *: i^4r -^- -t=^ ::^=; -3 1. Aft- er snow, aft - er snow, Do the sweet-breathed violets bh)w 2. As God will, as God will! Be it mine but to hold still; 3. Hush.myhoiut'.hush.myhenrt! Easemust in - t(T-chHn<>;e with mart ; aft - er snow. Do the sweet-breathed violets blo^ God will I Aft - er snow. As God will, as God will ! Be it mine but to hold still Hush, mv heart ! hush, mvheart ! Easemust in - ter-chani'c with smiirt ; •_2r Then grim win-ter is de-part-ing. And the em'rald clo-ver starting: Should the clouds a-bove me thicken, Rain will but the grass-es quick-en, Tho' thick troubles now en-fold thee, Let sweet trust in God up-hold thee; ^ "^ . ^ ' 1 While the lark mounts high, you know. Aft - er snow. aft - er snow. And God's treasure - hous-es fill: As God will, as God will. Look a - bove ; 'tis faith's high art : Ilush, my heart, hush, my heart. A 'J. uy ut- 1 — I ui! 1 «-l !•— i— ^ m • \ lI ^ -"J Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. 237 Ood's Hosts on Earfli. S. M. D. A PROCESSIOSAL. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL.D. Thoro Harris. I n — -^ "^ *=t ^?- 1. God's hosts on earth are one, 2. Some called by Cal- vin's name, 3. Some where our cit - ies crowd, 4. God's hosts on earth are one. What -e'er the name they bear. Some Lu-ther's col - ors fly ; Where great ca - the-drals rise; What - e'er the name they bear. m s 1 — ' ^ -^ -^ -^ \ -0- -(2- -\— - 1 1 — X i S^E&i They tri-umpk thro' His dy - ing Son, And win their way With Wesley's zeal some are a - flame : God helps them from Ih ru - ral chap - els some are bowed ; Nor hum-blest life They tri-umph thro' His dy - ing Son, And win their way r^f with on de- with prayer, high, spise. prayer. mm i — \ ^^^ • «^ • -#- ^ -^ ICjC -#— #- ^ ^ I'n-like in out- ward forms, To Him they all be - long. The em - blem of Christ's love, Let Ju - dah vex no more. Un . By The Nor like in tho't and new ce - Ies - tial bro - ken bread, the Eph - raim dis - cord speech, birth ; wine, sow. ! I 1/ I s: 1 — r The same great work their spir - it warms. The same great truths they teach. With tongues of fire, and tri - umph-song They go to all the earth. The Spir - it brood -ing from One bat - tie- host, the Lord a - bove. The common seal and sign, be - fore, They conquer ev - 'ry foe. v=x ^ 1 Copjrright, 1S99, by J. K. Rankin, Wa$hing:ton, D. C. Kiu'oliim at Ww (Yoss, I IK II AKKI< I'm kneeling at the cross of Je - sus. From sin I'm longing to be free; I'm trust- ing in the blood of .Te - sus. To cleanse my soul from ev'ry stain ; I hear the tender voice of Je - sus. I'll heark-en to his gracious call : Soon,80onrilseemy blessed Je- sus. And Jay my heav-y burdens down. me. y • w IT And there up - on the cross he speak - eth The word of ppace to For noth-ingbut thebloodof Je - sus Canmake mewliolea - gain. And now be -fore the feet of Je - sus I yield my life, my all. And from the nail-scarred hands of Je - sus Re-ceive a star - ry crown, , 1-. — i — I i __ 1 _ I'm kneeling at I'm trusting in I hear his ten O when the Sav the the der iour cross, blood, voice, comes, The blessed cross of The sav-ing blood of The lov-ing voice of III see the face of For Bass only, kneel trust hear when -i_^ 1- - ing at the sacred cross, - ing in the precious blood, the tender Shepherd's voice, the blessed Saviour comes, gLsEp sa - cred ^ I I'm kneeling at the sa - cred cross.The cross I'm trusting in the pre-cious blood He shed He sweetly calls. Come un - to me. And I And in his Father's king-dom dwell With him I ! N tr. ^ of Christ, my on Cal - va - will give you for - ev - er - ^■r : r I \j r r i 239 BotlilelKMii, Rev. J. K. Ka.nkin. D. D., LL. D. mp Two sco re* f rom Chopin. 1. Beth -le- hem! 2. Beth -le- hem! i. Heth -le- hem! 4. Beih-ie- hem ! Beth Beth le - hem le - hem ! Beth - le - hem Beth-le- hem! §33^^=^= Si - lent thrm Now ful- filled Pil- lowed low Glo - ry das - in gil - ver dream, the prophet's word, his in - faiit head, ters round thy name. Beth - le - hem! Beth - le - hem ! Beth - le - hem ! Beth - le - hem ! Beth - le Beth - le - hem ! Beth - le - hem ! Beth - le - hem ! Thronging an - gela to thee stream HeH\'n it - self for joy is stirred That once wore Heav'n's crown in ^tea< Vir - gin -born, Mts - si - ah came. On light's tide. Peace on earth, Beth - le-hpm! Won - der-ful I -5^- — ii^' — ^^ — on light's tide, peace on earth, Hethle - hem! Wonder - ful ! -^ -0- Throw thy poT - tals o - pen wide Sin?! O sing the Saviour's hirtl Wake and bring song's di- a - dem Love the seep - tre of his rule =^-^-- On light's tide. por - tals o - pen wide Christ is born, yes, Christ is O'er and o'er re- peat the Born to save us from our Da - vid's Son, but great -er born! Swing, O earth, no more for -lorn, strain. Peace on earth, good will to men. sin, Let the Lit - tie Stran- ger in. he, Cro wn'd with thorns on Cal - va - ry. ^ the won-der thou dost see, Chorus ^ n i k I Beth - le - hem ! Beth-le-hem ! the marv'lous wonder thou dost 8e< Beth-le-hem. Ah ! ^ -^ ^ • / Beth-le-hera. HoMilohrni ! lJethl(^li(Mii ! concluded. God, Iin-man - \ie\ born in thee, Beth - le - hem ! Belli - le - hem ! :*: i^i^Mizyai ii-=p: Kf 240 More and 3Ioro, Ktv. J. E. Rankin, D. 1)., LL. D. :zl=c-_j Fhuro Hakkis. ^^^t;5=i=s^^fe=jj 1. More and more of ejrace give me, Lar-ger life and lib - er - ty; 2. More of pa-tience, less of pride, 'Neath the Cross let me a- bide; 3. Great Phv - si - cian of the soul, Make me per - feet, make me whole ; ^ tf .-n-l- ■-^^l In my bo-som may I feel More of love and more of zeal. Ref-uge in its shad-ow find. More and more thy per - feet mind. Sins be - set - ting left be - hind, To thy sov - ereign will re-signed. -Q.—^-^ •-#-?• '-'X ^:=* — i- '-9- z_— *—;^rzdi;;i=r:;±:z:=::n:d— •-s-i^-3^"^ From thine own a - bun-dant store. Give me grace, Lord. more and more, Dai - ly grow-ing more like thee. More and more my pat - tern be. My tem-pest-uous pas - sions still, Make me ho - Iv ; 'tis thy "wilL h* — \ — P— t — I — i-^i • — ^ — ^-H-# — • %—• — b-T-' 1 Ml more and more ; Give me ?race, Lord, more and more. More and more, rr re and more of grace. Copyright, 1898,]. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. 241 Tlie llest Kobe. L. 31. 1. Word-, and Melody by Kkv.J. K. Rankin, U. D.. l.L. D. Harmony by i'HOKo Harris. 1. When stars like with - ered leaves shall fall, 2. The Kinjf's own Son for you and me 3. And when the Kinjf him - self shall come And the blue Once wrought a To scan the ~^-'r ^--^^-r -'^-^- :2± 'imm^^fi^^^iMM ip sky hang like a robe on Cal - va guests, their num - ber J- -^- A -f^- -9- pall. What robe shall guilt - y sin - nerg ry ; 'Twasdyedin crim - son from his sum. Safe we shall be from all dis - ^ -=i^- s=g|jppp dress, To hide them in un - right - eous - ness? To shield them heart, Be - yond the power of full- er's art; 'Twas dyed in tress, Be - neath that robe of right - eous - ness. That wed -ding ii 3— sr-J 1- :=S±3^ mmmm^m^^ j at the judg-ment there. What robe shall guilt -y ein - ners wear? I crim-son. yet made white. And dazzling as the snow in light. 1 gar - ment for us won. By what our gra-cious Lord has done. Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washingrton, D. C. 242 T. H. Christ is Calliiis:. TiiOKo Hakkih. *-•- -#- . -#- — 1. Je- sus geiit-ly pleads to - day : Now the gra-cions cnll o - bey ; 2. Oii-ly ()ne your woes can feci. On - ly One your sorrows heal: 3. To the Lord your sins con-tess, X(uv ae - cept his righteousntss ; 4. In the safe and nar-row way Christ will keep you day by day; —J .-^- z: ir ^. ^-.-^- ^9 1 — i « . — I r-jf^r^^ 1 • r-*-*-| 1 ' — ri 1 1 I I I -h'^^-.-I I 'I There's a blessing in con-fess - ing, There is dan-2;er in de - lay. The' un-ho - ly, meek and low- ly At his throne of nier - cy kneel. O receive him, do not grieve him ; He the contrite heart will bless. Grief and sadness change to glad-ness When this world has pass'd a - way. ~l ''" \ \ \ J I I I \j I i I I Refrain ^4 Christ is call - ing, sweetly call - ing, He will keep your feet from falling; •_ _«_ .A. .A. .A. .m- jm- Christ is calling, sweetly calling, Christ is call - ing. ev - er call - ing, "Weary wand'ring soul. O come to me." ' ^ 1 J^Jt..$L.J^ — • •- . ^S! . Z2:^ CI ^ ^ i:p_^_^___ ^_l ^-cp , — y-f— f— "-h-h-^ Christ is calling. Ever calling, "Weary soul, i/ w TUOHO HAHRIb. Close, Close to Thee. 1. Close, 2. Close, 3. Suv close to close to iour, I thee! thee, come, dear I I Fa - tiler, draw me near - er, Je - -sus, c'v - er keep me; make a full sur-ren - der ; }-$\ 1 "• m^ { ~>1 — 1 r ^ 1 -7-r -^ — i Nor let Ne'er can Take all me ev I stray I am, er hence from thee de - p^rt ; if thou my guide wilt be; or ev - er hope to be. -***- i — #-7— • — * — ' -\ :i— — ^-^p''^ — ^?5 — :t_? — 9r_^m — ^ _ sweets of full Fain would I taste the sweets of full sal - va - tion, Tho' nij2;ht be dark, heaven's hosts ut' lijrht sur - round me ; O lead me on to that ce - les - tial cit - v ^ i^^ #- -% ^^0- 4^_ i -A And feci the throb-binjjs They bear me safe o'er Where I shall dwell for of thy lov - ing heart, life's tem-pest - uous sea. ev -* ef-more with thee. • ---• - — • • T ^-- — # — I — I •— •-&S ^^■-•--r*-7 — m J— t f- r- his bleed - ing side. -#- CIoso, Close to TIkm' ConcludtMl. Close to inv Sav - iour Td ev *r - more a - bide, II I y r u j^^_^ ^ ^ "'■ • ■ • ■ Close to my Sav - iour, dear Lord, would I a - bide. 244 God's Buildine. 8. 7 Thoro IIakkis. 1. Yes, the church of God is ris - ing ; It is g;row - ing, hour by hour, 2. Keen the in - struments he us - es To trans-form us to his mind ; 3. So Ave will not doubt nor won- der If his ways we can-not know; m -m- -m- -w- _ m m m ' — "^" • 5rr~f-t: rH 0^ 'Z ^ ! 1 y As the liv - ing stones are fashioned By the Sculptor's wondrous power. But the Master's hand is skil-ful, And his heart is pass - ing kind. We shall un-derstand them bet- ter, As conformed to him we grow. J ^-^ ^ ^— ^— Lf 1 ^ 1--^ L_C M The Kiiis's (;ift Thoko Harris. T. H. %j -#- JSr^^ 1. SoiiKtime the King from hcavn Hhallcome And take mi' to my Father's home 2. Irse Kinx's own Son cam«'(l(.\vii to earth To givt his chil-dren sec-ond birth 3. Then come to Cliriftt, and thou shall live: The King 18 wait-ing lo for-give ^ V5. *^ Fed. :ie e sim. ^J ij: -#- •»»- -#- — -#- ~m- -""W "#- • Sometime with joy shall I he-hold The pates of pearl, the street* of shining gold. The sins of men on him were laid. And he the ransom pric has fully paid. He will thv end - less por-iion be, And thou shalt praise him thro' eterni-ty. Chorus. For-ev-er we s .M. JL M. ^ §^ shall sweetly sing E - ter-nal prais ^^M es to our -t King Z^=i Who won for us the star-ry crown, The**ma-ny Aftek Last Stanz.\.] -b^^ and . . re - nown. man-sions" and the great rc-nown, O bless -ed home. _ — # r t H— ter - nal home. I 5t-^ 24(> Enigiiiata Kxplicata. Rkv. J. K. Rankin, D. U., I.L.D. I'rom Hela. Arr. by TiiORO Hakris. m'^^Ff^m^mmm ■ i 1. Dark things thou shall know here-af - ter, 2. All shall have in - ter - pre - ta - tion. 3. In the light of that fair morn - ing, Things that most jxr- Each c - nig - ma In the burst of -| - b ♦ -L-i :&=!=: m 1 — 1 — r plex thee here ; . . He'll ex - plain, . . that long day, . . . ^^ Grief and sor - row chang'd to laugh-ter, Pour the cup of full sal - va - tion, Come no more earth's fear and warn-ing, ^-T t==t m i^idt 1 — r P^ God shall wipe a - way each tear ; . . . Give the sun - shine af - ter rain ; . . . All . the shad - ows fled a - wav ; . . . m ■9 — ^ £ - nig- ma - ta E - nig- ma - ta E - niir-ma - ta § 42-^ li SSI ^=^ ex - pli - ca - ta, ex - pli - ca - ta, ex - pli - ca - ta, God shall wipe a - way each tear. Give the sun-shine af - ter rain. All the shad- ows fled a - wav. ^1 :e^ r — /—I r Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, ^Vashi^gton, D. C. 'if i 247 Tlie Lord Keep Watch, "The Lord watch between ine and thee, when we are abs ent one from another." — Gen. 31 :49. Jt'LIA A. HAKhK. ^ ThOKO HaRRIS. -'T^ • 1—' 1' ^ 1^^ 1 1 1 ^T ' -■ A4 i g^^;^l:=:^^^:^^-2-^; , Th^ 1. (Jo tliou thy way, and I go mine — A - part, yet not a - far: 2.1 know not where thy road may lie. Or which way mine will be: ■*— :J: -tftr— ?' m * r On - ly a thin veil hangs be- 1 ween The pathways where we are. If mine will lead thro' parching sands, And thine be - side the sea : i ■ I =te ^— i-H- t=S ^: -#-T— # — J— J-3 =^ IS And "God keep watch 'tween thee and me" — Thisis my ear - nest prayer Yet "God keep watch 'tween thee and me," So shall we nev - er fear. m 1 — I — I — r 113=1 I I ^=pr W- He looks thy way, he look-cth mine. And keeps us near, And keeps us near.l He holds thy hand, he clasp-eth mine. And keeps us near. And keeps us near.l 1. 248 •T. H. Allegro. Ilosaiiiia. A-^A .--I— TiioHo Hakkis. -i- -J , "#- "#- -#- 1. The Lord is in liis toin - pie. Let all the earth re jiico And conu' before 2. Hail, hail thou blessed Je-sus, Who sots thy Israel fr.e, Al -)ni;,'h - ty tt) Then let us all be joyful, And far and wide proclaim With {grateful ad hlM re - u -. tz^ w pres-ence With thankful heart and voice. To him, the ^rcat Ke-deem-er, Let deem us From sin's cap-tiv - i - ty. In thee is full sal - va - tion For la - tion The might -y Vic-tor's name. Be - fore the Lord of glo - ry, Let -A-J— J— J-^, ^2l._. _1__|_J__1_^__|^ ^ — 1__| f_^ every creature sinp^. And own him as their Maker,Their Saviour and their King, all the tribes of men; O'er all the vast cre-a-tion In glo-ry tliou shalt reign, saint and seraph fall ; Exhalt the Kmg e- ternal, The sovereign Lord of all. -0- -0- ■•- ■^- jfif-_ •- t:=ii=E±=|:zEit:=«:z»:rkEiz2?zJ::e=Sz:i:— pErtd Chorus. Ho- san - na. Ho the high-est, Ho-san-na, ho- san - na To Christ our risen King. 3^ san - naToChrist our risen King. :t: 0- -0- -0- -^ *- -.^^ 0-0-*-0- -#--#. -^ -«- ^ .^. The Way is Dark, Thoro Harris. -#-• ' -^ -W -0- ^ -6^ -#-ftW-'-#- Tlie way is dark : I cry a - mid the gloom 1. In wonderinj» awe I bend the knee be - fore I. But 'mid con-fus - ing phantom-lights I strive 5^ For guid-ing light ; The view -less Migl To go a -right; A wanderer, none knows whence or what his doom, And all my heart in mute ap-poal I pour, A still small voice leads on, and love doth give I brave the night. While straining sight An in - ward might ; !5 N K 5/ \ L y 4» ^ 9. D 1 1 , 1 N N J J J^J -Jh^ -^ 1 i -^ m - m A • H • ^ /v^— • 9 »i- ~7^ '<— ' — ^'\ ^ — ^-^ v/ J # if7 ^ 9 9 "^m ^ , Fair scenes a - far, as Peers o'er the waste, yet And spite of sense, there in him lives a I a dream, I can - not si - lent t see, find trust 1 /m\' ^ 1 ■^ r p '--■ • ; ^ ' (^-^•j \ m P \^ hr- ^ V \ ^ ^^ ■ ! 1- -T - ' 1 1 ' l^r 1 n^-^ p m Then seem to wake, and faith Whom seeks my soul : I grope That day will dawn, that man ^^ is more than ^1 de - sert - eth me. as grope the blind. dust. 9', 50 lUow, l{ii2:I(M% Blow Up Out) Note Jlore. J. E. ItA.NKIN, D. D. --=t-i|: l>«ilicHt«*a to Qvu. Clinton H. FiMk<<. \V. 11. PuNiius. l:^--iJ--J^-:J-ii( mtfim"^ l>K)\v, bu -y:ler, blow up one nolo lumc, lUow me the Now Ire tioii: When ss I I I 1 He shall cOme.who came before, And bri -iS>- -0- - m^Piiiiii ^ Chorus. :4i=l::rii~q-r|:i=f ,--l-J-4::i-J- bat - tie thunders tremble. Blow, bugler, blow up one note more, Blow me the New Cre- p one note n _£2_l_^orfS2_ti=:^ t I I I I I I ^- -0- -^ J .0. .^ :ri -J-.-4 ti^-Jdrc^ — •-L-($? « — ^ •— '-<5' 4—-^ *—'-«' — • — <9 •— "-^.-^eS*— I ' a - tion:\Vhen He shall come,who came before,And bring wrong' rep - a - ra - tion. ==:i-|2z:[zi-_:zt=t:i:Eu= I I -*- #-•-!•- -<2.'-^- |:f|3E^£eS^eF= :[=t=t: 2 When man shall love his fellow man, Give honor due to woman. And children take no more the ban Of iier'tage inhuman : The white-cros^ banner be unfurled, All round the earth benighted, And all the troubles of the world By God's own hand be righted. Copyright, 1888, by J. E. Rankin, Orange Valley, >'. J t I Blow, bugler, blow Truth's triumph note. Wake ev'ry sound that slumbers : — As though they came from angel throat I catch celestial numbers : Each wound of earth has found its balm, Its rest, each agitation ; Above all discords sounds the psalm Of love's last consummation. 251 The Tiino lor Hymn iiinl IVayer. 1 i:. HaMvIN, I) 1) . 1.1. I Thoko Harris. 'ZM J ^7 — • r — \ — r Hajii fe^^^ fcEl ^^-A_-;:;_^^— ;^-.v-.--;^_,_j — ^__^__n^j — ^-^-^ - -7 f — -f^^i- <>- i — I ^~^ — ^r 1. When the day in West is dy-ing, One by one the stars ap-pear ; 2. When the chil-dren seek, their mother For the good-night kiss- es sweet; ^^^zz^iiziif ^^Jtzt T^ -:l :t=t=- 4^ Ml -?-^-?- -»-^-ft «-^- I 1 yf *^— "-r »> ^ b> M -/ / ?- p -«- *=«- ^-^' !-^* ±2=ri:iti When the birds to iie>t nrc fly - iniz. Distant sounds break on the ear; On }ier breast their sorrows smother. Lisp their ves - pers at her feet; ^-^-^ -JH ±^-^ .^^ fcfc=)i=I=)^- V ^- t: — r— r ^ti'-Tt 0" — » -^f*^ > / r -=— ♦- t: 1/ u ipiiig^;fp^^^ £r^:-i? F 1=S:=83- atzSt^rtf 4i^ g= Copyright, 1S97, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. The Time lor lljiini and Prayer, conducka. When cool shadows round are fall- inj;, Laid a - side earth's toil and care, When the cur - lew bells are ringing, Tieniblinf^niel- low on the air. J ^P^ ^^^^^ -•—J sr^feEtEi -#- All things heav'nward beck'ning.calling.'Tis the time for hymn and prayer ; Then to God each bur - den bringing, 'Tis the time for hymn and prayer ; I^- -p. ^ #-•-*—• — •— ^« — I — # -"^e,-' -H— 5— L<>— J 1~ m Siiojfcfesrnli: Then to God our souls re - pair; Tis the time for hvmnand praver. :r?bT33=Fi---^_:^^^ t-- Is I — g — I '-^^ — # 11 1 yj GiTiit Pilot of the Sea, |{RV. J. K. Kankin. 1). D Thoro Hakkis. 1. The night is dark, and I am far from land ; I ) ield the helm, O 2. The 8urf rolls white and spectral to the shore. A - lonjj the crag - gy 3. Speak to the waves, and take the helm in hand, The tempest shock I ^. ^ ±-.L m^m:m~^m\ fnp a-s^ i?:iJ i=i^^i ia- l?5 S <&>«. 1*13 -H , 1 1 ^ H 1 1 1 1 [-- , ■ 1— I Lord, to thy command ; Against my bark the an - gry bil - lows height the break - ers roar ; Come thou on board, my trembling bark to then can safe Avithstand ; Come thou on board. Lord bv thv sov'reign 7:%^^^ H 1- 1- h L, 1 , j IJ ■ ^^ f J. :a- ^^ ts. ^: f«- 1 ^I- Copynpht. 1S97, ^V J- E. RvNKIN. W.ishin^on, D. C. Great Pilot of {lu^ Sea. ( 'oiuluclt'(i. -m-~ break, Come thoii on hoard and full di - rcc - tion take, (ireiit guide, Come thou on board and for my soul pro - vide, Great will. And to my trou - bled soul say. ''Peace, be s/t7/ !" GreAt m ^-> :2z: _, ^ — I 1 1 1 L, — r^^ ,/ ^ • 1 smi^m=iMmm^ i I PP ?=^^ -^-17- L gZ- ■^=W^E:^=^^Sd^^: ^- lot of the sea. Great Pi - lot of the sea. yi3=Ni!g^^3il^=i=S i pprit •— 2* -^ ^T V V - 3— gi^gS: 1 K. K. Relden With Tender Memories. Thoko Hakkis. A 1 1. With ten - der mem-'ries fra - grant, The breeze of time wafta by ; . 2. Like star in moon-less mid- night, That flanh - es diamond flame 3. It cheers the mournful twi - light When Might's fierce sun is set, . . tg;-?:gL: And lips re - spon-sive mur - mur The names that can -not die — Thro* mists of space un-mcas - ured, So shines the he - ro's name. And lifts the eye to heav - en, With dews of sor - row wet. . . ■dl-4: m^^^^^^m The names of saints and he - roes Who fought on free-dom's field. If Truth's bright glow-ing man - tie His sleep- ing form en - fold. () love, and truth, and jus - tice — God's threefold star of fame — S> »— H 1 I pg » »9 #— ^^EE^EE^Em: r— t Who fell in freedom's ar - mor, Who fell, but could not yield. The eyes of com - ing a - ges Its lus - tre shall be - hold. He who re-flects thy glo - ry Hath an im - mor - tal name I ^?^ I^ +5»-=- ^9-b r- -4-^4 ^ m 'm Refrain. I — I a t^i=t t^i=^^- t^^ m The true shall be re-mem-bered When cen-tu - ries have fled; . . f— r -#— t^: J Witli Tender 3Iemories. concluded. — I — ^ — I r — • .^- • — sf- r*-«^,«^^ ten When their good-by is said. 1^. ^^- 254 Vincent. N. \V. Vincent. Thoko Harris. 1. In dark Geth-sem - a - ne Christ pray'd and wept a - lone; 2. While hanging on the cross Christ heard the con - trite thief; 3. Then shall we hail Christ King, All free from sin and care, I -t I ._^_J_J_^_I__I r-v — ^— ^ l~r-l '—r-f^—i^-^ 1 r 1— r-=^- He felt our ag - o - ny — O worthy of the throne ! The blood-drops He knows our wantand loss. And carries ev-ery grief. Pure, bright, like And loud his praises sing, His joy for-ev - er share. To him let :^ ^ il^JE (y iijiipie^iiil from thy brow that fell him, that thief will rise all our pow'rs be giv'n : - Jr^i Be - spoke thy love, Im - man - u - el. To share his joy in Par - a - disc. The fruit is oeace, the end is heav'n. This is our God, Thoho IIarhis. 1 ^ «i-=; 1. Our Lord is com-inp back to earth a - gain, An - gels at 2. His voice of pow'r shall rend the binding tomb, The saints, a - 3. (), what a bless- ed time that day shall be. When friends, lonj 4. Sweet hope of heav-cn, per - mancnt, se - cure. Free from temp- tending, waking, parted, ta-tion. his reward to bring rise to greet their Lord ; meet their loved of old. end - ed all our strife ; To all the faith - ful, for - From land and o - cean in With shouts of glad- ness their Its rich - est tro - phy, bo ^ ^ ^ , ^ \^ — ^ wmm • • V . -#-. ev - ermore to reign. Je - sus our Saviour, the rightful King, glo-ry's morning bloom, Each heart responds at the echoing -word, — dear Re-deemer see. In bliss-ful rap-turehis face be -hold, fadeless, bright and pure. A - waits the vie - tors, — a crown of life. i^«E?^ziildiEa^ciili 1 ir Refrain. P/u alia^ro. I — r Lo, this is our (rod ! •e have wait-ed for him, he will save us; i : — I — i i . • m — • — g— l- y ' - W ^ — ^ — L^ ^ — ^ — ^ — ^ — ^ — I — V / -?• . ^ N e Lord, and we will re-joice. ^^^^^mm$^m^ Lo. this is our (iod ! This is our God. c.mc uded ^ .^ N 1^ .^ _l_ ^ 4. A^ .^s ^^^mmi^mmm§;B Lo, this is our God! This is the Lord, and we will re - joice."' ■^ V / 256 IIOKATILS BONAR. ^^ Coiniis, -x~\- TuoRo Harris. -S—-^;-^ W h - 1 I ' I ! -^-! — h 1. Dust, receive thy kindred I Earth, takenowthineown I To thee this trust is 2. Time's dark tide of sorrow Breaks a -bove thy head ; And feet of rest - leas 3. But these sounds of terror Pierce notthy low tomb, Nor break the hap - py :_#_ mmmmMm^mM m -1— ^_J \. rendered; In thee this seed is sown. Guard the pre- cious treasure, millions Shall o'er thy chambers tread ; Earthquakes, whirlwinds, tempests, slumbers Of death's dark, si - lent home. Couch of tran - quil slum - ber ^ - - - - ^ ~=|Erg|:^Lfi_^^pj^i±j Ev - er - faithful tomb I Keep it all un - ri - fled, L'n - til the Master come. Tear the quiveringground ; Voices, trumpets. thunders, Fill all the air around! For the wea- ry brow ; Rest of faint and toiling, O, take this loved one now. ^ •r^ ^mm^^^m 2:)7 Tlum (;reat Shepherd <»f the Slieep, Rev. J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL.D. 1{. L. Ami> n i_ ' 1 Jr b ^ 1 . _J r • 1 ; 1 1 uT \ !7 1 9, • 1 ; i 1 \^ y ^ ^ '^ 1 \ ZF' • \^r • '^" * * Thro' ma - nv floods and. wa - - tors deep, Back from von aw - - ful por - tals shrink, Thv rod and staff niv con^ - - fort be. The - T - ta - j ble of Thy love be seen 1 ^^• r, 1 f 9 f 2 " 1 ' I^J. 7 U ; 1 1 ^ S ai, P^r) K 1 1 |# ( 1 1 r 1 III 1 - ^ 1 ' ' Copyright, 1S9S, by J. E. Rankin, Washington. D. C. 258 The Keeper's Lod::;e J. E. Kankin, D. D. Andante. K. PhWITT M ALLAH v. H. I>. 1. Sloop swoct with - in. This is Faith's iim Whore 2. In Je - sus sloop, He safe will keep His 3. Good - night, good - ni^ht ! lio - yond earth's blight, Ik' - in her dust re - pos - cs, ran - somed and for - giv - en. yond life's waves of sor - row, Un - til Life's morn This is the room, We look a - way f£m^^^ -^ZZrCT In East is born And deoks the sky with ros With sweet per - fume : The keep - er's lodge to Ileav To that long day, \Vhen we shall say Good - mor :-;5>--- i es. on. row -r -^ : :r^_TfLTi=fLTzrfz:r:^.z=::r^fzzi:ti=tii=pt==^ r r y I I I r- Copvright, 1SS9, by J. E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. 25!) (i«Ml Givclh Ills Boloved Sleep. Rev. J. K. Ka.nkin, D. D., LL. D. Tiioko Hakkis, Andante. =r C\ rt . ^ . r 11. ' .89S. V ' ^ ri 1 T k. K K _i 1^ l \ 1 "^ ■ y\ h» ** 1 .^ i 1 rt *. J A \ fi\^f?_.4. ^. L J-^--J ^ --J — Jl !?i -^-4 A- -# : •^ — 1. Earth's pur - pie hills look plac - id down. Her 1. The rest - less seas lift up their moans, The ■J. The na - tions come, the na - tions go, I'u - I. (joil wipes the tears from ev - ery eye. Hush l5 har wa sta -es - tri- —5 # — ^'#- ^^P^ ^-^ #-Lj,Z^- ' the years to crown ; a - way the stones, thin<»s here be - low ; the bur-dened sigh ; ^9 Ami men a - rij^e to sow :i: : From craij to crag the tor - rei:'.^ Earth's liv - iiig crowds still toil a:i 1 All round the earth His an tr3|z-T-E =f=^ :»zm ^rth His an - geL> J — ^ ^ — ^ — ^ J ^±11:^ i^--^*: ». sleep.' sleep.' sleep.' sleep.' Refrain. /^iu al/e^ro. '' ~t±. — ^- 1 • k — >— Take thou no thought. who- e'e^ thou art (iod bears thee Take thou no thought. who-e'er thou art, (rod \ N ^ N N S »^P"^ S N > 1/ t/ t' b/ Copyright, 1S9S, by J, E. Rankin, Washington, D. C. (Jod (livetli Jlis H(^lov(Mf Sleep, uo.aiudej 1 ^ L ,N i — m- ::?- « N N N His Father-heart ; . . Bv blood redeemed. t'Oi:- ^^ y > y bears tb.ee on "^ir -iliL jy Ilr siif.- will ■*■ It ^ His Father- heart ; J J J J ^ By blood redeemed. He difn. h > ^ I ^^ -7* • 5^ . -S- -r-S-:^;^- Z'" * keep: '-God giv-etli His be- lov - ed sleep ;" ^:-7- ^* -* — * P-i- ^^ * • • — # — :_»~ir ~ir ^ 1rVY\ , . -::J J J . # # # 3^_ 1 y • y safe will keep, "God giv-eth His J J ^ ^ be - lov-ed sleep :=2=zq: ~N- 25- • -^ y -«|-r ^__-i_^,-^ V By blood re -*^ * C*- deemed. He sufe will J.. ^^ i . V- Bv blood re gIZZ" zg— deemed, He safe will :_2=i:iz=::^ — ^ ^ N-qiziA ^,-=1= > rit. -N— Hi keep ; 5^ - > 'God giv - eth His be- lov ed ileep." m 5=t - ^—"^—f — f- — ' — ^—^ * I r keep : • ; ^ > *• 'God giv - eth His be - lov - ed sleep." 260 Bcrtiiii. L. M. 16 1. Makgakkt ^I.^c^A^ Sempre f) HfcNR\ BiiKTiM. Arr. bv Tmoro IIakr Aslecp in Jesus ! blessed sleep,From which none ever wake to weep =if^!^^:?it?-r=fr7t= ^ziUzZ-l — 9 — — ^ — I ■ ■ — — r^- I I calm and un - disturbed re- pose, I'n-brok-en by the la<.t of 1 -« « -^1 r-1 r- 3^^fJ^^g^f£g ^5^^^ 1 1 ^ 1 — t 1 1 - ^ • " A- 1 j^ 2 -^ ' — I •-" ^^-*^^-# s^ ; t= sleep in Jo - susi <) how sweet To be for such a slumber meet .■^ r 1 rhi — r5f5- ^^-: V- 1 — 1 r^\r- -^ -tr^ 1^ ( r//. t>' ho - Iv coTi - fi - dcncc to sine: That death has lost its venomed ^l^»>-g— g=l ^^»^ 1 ^ 5^; 1 — r-^tiiizt I I i I I Bertini. Concludetl, icmpo. A - sleep in Je-sus I peaceful rest, Whose waking issu-preme-ly bli-st ; No -.5.— • ;^-#— ^-# -r^ ■>— ^ — I — ' i 1 f-r-s; — • — ??5 ^-1 ' 1 1 - - ^ - 1-1 -iS^ -#- -^- r fear, no woe shall dim that hour That man - i - fests the Sav - iour'spow'r. ^^^■=i-- "•k. :^ ^ -^ -•- ^^ -^ _# #_^__J_a^ — -_ -^ — it:=zt- — — L- 1 r Pg=rfi2gizz . ^ — I- J S9p5s2sS=F##P?33iiEEfcl Aeleep in Jesus I soon to rise When Michael's trump shall rend the skies ;Then burst the fet- ters of the tomb, And wak€ in full, immortal bloom. A-men. dim 1^ i^f^ I I I I I I ' 1 I I I I i 1 2ot tall Them Back. T. H. TiiOKu Harris. .- - » -r »-» »—*-* -<— r:^ rd ^ • ^ — r- ^^ & li- I 1 ,- feEJEEsEi^^i^F 1. We may not call them back Who in the grave are sleep- in _' 2. They've joined thenum'rous tlirong, The ranks of earth's de - part - ed . 3. We would not cull them back, Who from their toils are rest - ii.: #-^#— ^ '±^ -N-r-A- xT 1 Who soon must fol-low in their track. Can have no time for weep-ing. Nor will the Saviour tar - ry long. Nor leave us brok-en-heart-ed. But fol - low in their beat -en track, With zeal their cause at-test-in_'. 0- f-0 0—0 •- «— r:r: :?Sr ^«— ^?-;i=r^^J=8 i>— , is-s-J-*-*^^ o wipe the start- ing tear — Their sor - rows all have hey on - ly tread the way Their Mas - ter trod be - heir la - bors now are done, Their so\ils are in God's ^- -a — w Wo 3Iay Not Call Theiii IJack. concluded They'rercst-ing from their In-bors here, Their souls to henv'n ascend- e;, Copynirht, iSg;, by J. E. Rankin. WaBhinpton, D. C. Toars and Flower S. Coiu'liuh'ii. tonrs so hcav - y bo 'I'hiit tnany a tivir is drop - pint; Hnck. oarth tlu'io blooms a Uowcr.. As I from lionu- an t x - ilc, Have -S^ -.sj. m. ^- ^3=-=^^^^! ;? — • N -A N F #- =r^-p# £^ to the deep, deep sea That many a tear is drop - pin i^ Back wept this tAvilio;ht honr. . . As I from home an ex - lie, Have ' ':*^J-r-^-J: •r- :•- lEt -=1— # — =1- A-4- 1^3 r//. ^-r^- m=m —^ ^ N V_ to the deep, back to the deep, deep sea. wept, have wept, have wept this twilight hour. Mi i^s^isi?= — 2g: PassiiiK Away Thoro Harris. mm^^£^sm Pass-ing a -way, as the mists of l*ass-inp a -way! ah, how oft we Karih's fairest flow-crs re - cite the Pass-ing a - way ! tho' dense darkness Pass-inf; a -way! yet wc need not the morn-ing Scat-ter be - hold them Bear-in g their old sto - ry, Bloom for a o'er- take them. Joy fol-lows fore-stall them — All the sad Pass-in<; a -way! wc a - wait that f,'lad morning When bright shallj ^- -#— flee ere the on - com-ing day loved ones to death's grim a - bode, mo-mcnt. then quick-ly dc-cay. grief, dawn succeeds to the night, hours of life's des - o - late day. break earth's me-mo - ri - al dav. lireaks in the o - ri - ent, Tho' deep the cav-ern of Man-hood and youth in the From their deep slum-ber the Swift flies time's ar-row. nor Speed, ho - ly cha-riot ! O i ricli Ha - prime Lord would we hast - en des of will a - dorn-ing en - fold them, their glo - ry. a - wake them re - call them — its dawning! The earth Bright stars Are fad > And call The De with his hov - er ing and them to mo - ments so sire of ere beau - ti - ful o - vcr. like dy-ing: they're man-sions of rap - id - ly a - tion, no •#. i:^ -#- Stanzas l-o. Last Stanza. i c^ ^ man - tie of gray, an - gels of God. pass - ing a - way. glo - ri - ous light. pass - ing a - way. Ion - ger de lay, no Ion - per de-lay. 264 T. II. The Day of His Wralli. Rev. (>; 10. i: iioKo Kakkis. 1. Plarth's harvest of souls is come. Her summer for-ev - er past ; 2. II rk, hark to the aw - ful din ! The tempest beclouds the sky ; 3. What hor - ror of grim de - spair ! All fa - ees are wan and pale ; 4. No long -er may peace besought, No long-er are sins for- giv'n ; 5. " We mocked at a Father's call, We slight-ed a Saviour's grace: 6. C) wan-d'rer, re-turn to God, The mes-sage of love o- bey; 7. Come now, at his foot- stool kneel, Christ Jesus will make thee whole ; er past ; :^ H^ 1 — ^ 1 -, 1 -A, -r*-ir 1 1- 1-= 1 — ^ 1 --, 1 \~ ' ol — I 1 —id i 1 F^i — I — ^ 1 ^zE.^ :*EaE'4E3Ei5^^z;EE;E^=E^5EtEiEE!£g-T:^Z-j #-- J-#— #— #— # — - — -J-* ? — « — ^_j^^_,_^.__] — ^_L_; ^ — 3 ! , -#- -#- • -•- How solemn the thought ! the day of doom Breaks o'er a lost world at last. And now thro' tie myriad ho-^ts of sin Resoundeth one bit- ter cry : — While from the lost mdlion<« gathered there Is heard the heart-rending wail : — The Judge has decreed, " I know you not," And barred is the gate of heav'n. Ye mountains and rocks, in pit- y fall, And hide his most dreadful face! O spurn not his call, but trust his word While yet it is called to - day. Come ere that mo-inen-tous day re- veal The fate of a strick-en soul! SEg^^^Efe^^^^EE :fe^J Chorus. ■^--^^ ^— &-N~N~K— 0. 9 ^.^.0. 9 ,0.. 0. W > '. K ^^ Lj Iv ^: The day of his wrath is come : Who shall be a - ble to stand?" O N N k-S^ > \j 7 ,j r ^> -^ #- > N a ^ • y -I ^1 p The day, . . . the day of his wrath is come : O who shall be able to stand, mmmt Who 'mid the fierce devouring flame Shall dwell at the Lord's right hand! -rz^'E^E:EgpE?=^:^Et'Ei-B£ J tE &_! 205 Cakolink Smith. Tarry With Mc. Thoko Hakris. I Tar - ry with me, () my Saviour, For tie day is pans-ing by; 2. Deep - er, det^p-er grow tlie shadows. Pal - er nuw the glow-ing wt>t, 3. Lone - ly seenjs the vale of shadow, Sinks my heart with troubled fear ; 4. Let me hear thy voice be - hind me, Calm - ing all tiit-se w ild a-larms; o. Fee- ble, trembling, fainting, dy - in^, Loid, 1 caht my care on thee. 6. Lo ! the morn- ing light iit breaking ; See the gleaming from a -far. ing ad er, Sf e. the shades of evening path-er. Swift the niiiht of death ad -vane- e>", Swift the nipht of diath ad-vances: Give mefaithfor clear- er vis - ion, Give me faith for clear- er vis- ion, Let me, un - dcr-neath my weakness. Let me, un - derneath my weakness. Tar - ry with me thro' the darkness, Tar - ry w ith me thro' the darkness ; Sons of earth, from g.luraber wak- ing. Sons of earth, from slumber waking. And the night is drawing niijh. Shall it be the night of rest? Speak thou. Lord, in words of cheer. Feel the ev - er - la>t - ing arms. While I sleep. >till watch by me. Hail the bright and morn-in? star. •^ ^ J J Tar- ry with rae, O my Saviour ! Tarrv, 6 mv Saviour, 'I'll J J J J \ ^ / • *^ / ens. M ,— ,— , J^— #_^_^. ' / > ^ ^ Lay my head up - on thy breast Till the morning: then a- wake me, • / / • ~ ^ I ' I r r my head up-on thy breast Lay Tarry Willi Mo. Coiirludod. p^^^^^mm^s To thy home of glo - rv take me — Momiii;^ of In i^: - Ur - iml rest. ■p ■ ■ — -r^— , — — ; ^ «_- 1 K .. W ^ ,^_ .^ 206 T. R. Williamson. Vivace. Equality. Thoro IIarki 1. A - mer - i - ca, how a;reat thy fame ! Longmay thematic of thy name 2. Thy homes are where atfection reiaithv warfare's close, Till thy blest land, O coun-trv dear, We ■0 — $0 • -—I -I ff H \ — H# *— H— I #-n — ^ 5i7— •-#— 7»-* — I be the mag -net that shall draw^ The Old World to the New. strength with gen-tle-ness is graced, Where pleas-ure dwells Avith right, change for yon-der glorious sphere, Where peace e - tcr - ual flows. J S t=^ -*-i:« i:z=t: :::«: t:^ 1 267 Wliore Are Tliey? Jno. Piekpont. TnoRO Harris. . The Pili^rini Fathers — where are they r The waves that brought them o'er, 2. The I'ilj^rim ex - ile — saint-ed name I The hill, whose i - cy brow 3. The Pilgrim spir - it has not tied : It walks in noon'h broad light, 0^^ c* 'i±±i 1 F— V- ^ T"_ rzzt i -I ^i— L # # « #—- L«# 9 #- tF i/ k* I ' ^ fc/ I Still roll in the bay, and throw their spray. As they break a - Re-joieed when he came in the morning's flame. In tiie morn - ing'g And watch-es the bed of the glo - rious dead, \Vith the ho - ly ^-5T» ■#- ^0- -*---.* -P — ?=^ — " — - vr ! I long the shore ; Still roll in the bay, as they roll'd that day. When the flame, burns now ; The moon's cold light, as it lay that night On the stars by night ; It watch-es the bed of the brave who bled, And shaU Mayflower moor'd below, When the sea a-round was black -with storms. And hill - sides and the sea. Lingers where he laid his houseless head : But the guard this ice-bound shore. Till the wav-ing bay where the May-flower lay, Shall '- I i I — P-1 — ^-•-;/-T=^i — I — r --^c— ^-^ Wliere Are They? ( .uiudei ■^^^E^E^^^T^d i^eEfErSiE^-t--^ E^tS.:- r:f:r ■white the shore with snow, Pil - grim — whore is he? foam and freeze no more, And Tlie Shall I If ^ . ■^ with snow . white the sliore with sudw. Pil<^rim — where is he? foam and freeze no more. And white the shore with snow. g *_,.,._J_JL4.i 268 Mrs. Alice Banks. Humility. C. M. Thoro Harris. |EE5: 1. I come, a Avea - ry prod - i - o;al, No more from thee to 2. O, wash me, cleanse me, make nie clean, Change this vile heart of 3. Yes, rid me of these fil - thy rags, This soul - de - fil - ing •_ 2_^_;-_^__^ ,_^_, — #-r— -3 — I ^^ 1 J ^ ould that thou, I would ev put on me ~Wi~ wm O Lord, just now Wouldst er be, dear Lord, A the snow - white robe Of J ^E=E?iE^=JEE-E3 take my eins a - way, Wouldst take my hum - ble child of thine, A hum - ble Christ's own right-eous - ness, Of Christ's own m sms a child of right-eous way. thine, ness. St -I -©< 2(>U Jerusalem the Glorious. 7.6. D. J NO. M. Neale. Thoro Harris. 4_^_ N-J ^ ^'^;z=:q=pt — 1 n p h'^J -^r ' |- q -__# « #— I-^ *-^«-L# ^ — # ^_C'?_: , — 3 1. Je - ru - sa-lem, the glo-riou«, The glo - ry of the elect, O 2. Je - ru - sa-lem, the gold -en, Thou hope of saints be - low, In 3. O sweet and bless -ed coun-trv ! Shall I e'er see thy face? O r ' r ^ I r r-r =1: fe^EriEE^Efe^ *— *ta dear and fu - ture vis - ion That ea thee is all my glo - ry, In me sweet and bless - ed coun - try ! Shall I ger hearts ex - pect ! is all my woe; e'er win thy grace? I I '■a » 'j pT— — ;:: :^ ^ '^^^^^^ E'en now by faith I see thee, E'en here thy M'alls dis - cern ; To Je - ru - sa - lem ! ex - ult - ing On that se - cur - est shore, I Ex - ult, O dust and ash - es ! The Lord shall be thy part ; His - — ^ • -r — I— 1 1— I ^=|:=t:=t: i ^- T— r thee my thoughts are kin hope thee, wish thee, sing on - ly, his for - ev 5=^ i^— r — I — died. And strive and pant and yearn. thee, And love thee ev - er - more. er, Thou shalt be and thou art. m Clt= m 270 Thy Qmth) Voice. (J.6.6.4. Tuob. Hastings. 1 uoki. Harris. S^t>^ . Sfiv-ioiir, thy gen - tie voice Glad - ly thy children hear ; Au - thor of 2. Thoughtoour tuith un-seen, While dismul'darkiiess rei«Mis, On lliee a 1 1 LI Lg? # T K_ I I — ,-- 1- ^mmm^^3m^m\ all our joys, Ev - er be near. Our souls would cling to thee lone we lean While life re - mains. By thy free grace re - stored ?=t==t==^=3^^==-==t=f^-i:=:]=t==t:==tq-t==i==:t==:: — r- — ;;/— r-^^-i t—t-^ — ^f — r—fr — i?— r — 1 I I _, J J ^N I J I IN I I I I N I Now and e - ter - nal- ly : Let us thy ful-ness see, Our life to cheer. Our souls shall bless the Lord : Be thy great name adored In joy - ful strains ^^ .0. .^ ^ . ^. ^2. I^ .^. 271 E=E=bzziizz^z3 t=ti=t: « 0-t-\ -; 1 '-(2 ^ ^ ^ I I I I Golden Gate. 9 L. M. Words by J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL. D. Mendelssohn. Ai Thoro Harris by 1. From Plymouth Rock to Golden Gate, The Lord has made us grand and great ; 2. A fee - ble flock our fathers came; A homeless folk, without a name; 3. Con - sid - er things that were of old, Wonders our sires have of-tcn told ; t5t.z±t: :3=?ir;iES3*tt=^tH=tN=Cfe»i^rJr5iF:5^ -0- • -#-1 I --I o^-#- r w i ^' _ O Nation, 'neath God's shelt'ring wings. Remember thou the for-mer things. Left old-world ti- ties and re - wards, And signed themselves to be the Lord's. Dear Land,beneath His shadow dwell. And stand confessed God's Is - ra - el ! fc?^ W i. I _ .0. Copyright, 1899, by J. E. Rankin. 272 Thou (Jort of Nations. L. M. D. MtNDKLSSOHN. Arr. hy TilORO HARRIS. Kev. J. K. Ua.nkin, D. IJ., LL.D Andante. 1. Thou God of nations, great Thy name ! A fee - ble flock our &-thers came, 2. Realm af - ter realm is granted them, Star af - ter star their skies to gem, 3. Thou God of nations, lead us on, Un - til our };oal on earth be won, -^^^^3^m Ex - lies for freedom, o'er the sea. Their strength and trust. O Lord, in Thee; Un-tilthro' freedom's o - pen door. They flock to us from ev - 'ry shore; Smite thou the rock.di- vide the seas, Un - fold to us Thine own de-crees ; The timbered hills to them gave way. And year by year their conq'ring sway ! Un- til the islands of the sea Have caught the songs of lib - er - ty ; And keep Thou, Lord. thro' floods and flres.Thecove-nant made with our sires. Three cen - tu - ries are scarce-ly spent, With awe we read Thy sov - 'reign will. When in cold seas the Mavflower lav. Ere they pos-sess the As with our sires, be Safe anchored there in i^^ -X:- MT -M^ ^ l^ 1^ 5^ con - ti with us nent, still.' Plym - outh Bay, Ere As ■X:. =^^?=^« they pos - sess the with our sires, be Safe anchored there t=t f=r^rf'- ^ 1 con - ti - nent. with us still. Plvmouth Bav. rr m 273 The New Heart. C. M. Chas. Wesley, Hakkis. I I r 1.0 for 2. A heart 3. A hum 4. A heart A heart from sin set free ! My dear Redeemer's throne ; ble, low - ly, con - trite heart, lie - liev - iufr, true and clean ; in ev - ery thought renewed, And filled with love di -vine: heart to praise my God, ■ signed, submis- sive, meek. 5. Thy na - ture, gra-ciou8 Lord, im-part, Come quick- ly A heart that's sprinkled with the blood So free - ly shed for me! Whereon -ly Christ is heard to speak, Where Je - sus reigns a - lone. Which neither life nor death can part From Him that dwells with - in. Per - feet and right and pure and good, A cop - y. Lord, of thine ! Write thy new name up - on Anne Steele. r II 1. Fa- ther, what-e'er of earth - ly 2. Give me a calm, a thank - ful 3. Let the sweet hope that thou art I I I I Thy sovereign will de - nies, bliss heart. From ev mine, My life i -I ery murmur free ; and death attend : '0m^^^m0 -1-^4-^-4 Ac - cept - ed at thy throne of grace, Let this pe - ti - tion rise : — The blessings of thy grace im-part. And make me live to thee. Thy presence thro' my journey shine. And crown my journey's end. A->rEN. I' A. mi ww^^?mm^f^^ ^^mfi 1 1-^ 275 I Will Give You Rest. Thoro Harris. 1)1) -4^ -#- -M-»-^ ~ -«- ^ * II e-^ m Come un - to me when There, like an E - den s^ E ^2z:z 4— ^. ^=s^e ^ — ' — I ! I r- I I 1 ■ J . ! ■ 1 > — }-Jv ■ 1 shadows darkly gath - er, When the sad heart is wea - ry and distrest; blossoming in glad - ness, Bloom the fair flow'rs by earth so rude-ly prest. ^^^^ I I \7:*-j&g t=^=T r=^ -.—-j- -^ [UtTime. , ^ Seek-in^ for com - fort from your heav'nly Father, Come un-to me, and Comeun-to him, all ye who droop in sad -ness, R^^ rr^ ;si^ lT=t=5 ^=4 ■g^- s «==:=F^ =-rc2^?jni--^ B«-"~* 3^ I will give you re>t. Large are the man - sions in our Father's dwelling ■*" 'k-b/s*. ^ m d -t- -^ •^- -^^ ^m ^ :^^ 1 — i ^r^z: i^a^igd^fe^ ^ I I I I I ^ 'I I I Glad are those homes that sorrows nev- er dim ; Sweet are the harps in -(2. ^ ^ ^ t=l=t -1^-^ -4^ — ^=f I I n" I Will Give You llest. concluded. -I — I p-j. i I'll I If I ... ' ' ' r^n^ ho - ly mu- sic s-well-ing, Soltnre the tones tliat raise thelieuv'nly liynm. I [2d Time. 1 ^--^r-^- Alto. :q=:q=q: r r r Soprano. cres 'Come un - to me, and I -will give you rest, I will give you rest I — 1 — r-v-^^ — rT~- 276 T. H. -•- I gl Little Lambs. TnoRo Harris. 1. Je- sus calls the lit-tle lambs, lit-tle lambs, lit - tie lambs, Je-sus calls the 2. "Let the children come to me, come to me, come to me. Let the children *±^z:tizt=t=3:5E'z=t=Ef-f-»3^rrfrrt=Et-S=fei:!?z3 ^^ lit-tle lambs To his lov- ing breast. Hear the gentle Shepherd say, tenderly, come to me : Such my kingdom blest." O how sweet the Saviour calis,earnest"ly, -#- -#- -#- Z_)- |j^ \- l_H- 1 1 1 Ll—^^ L^ 1. . »-L|« 1- — I 1 • 1^ 1/ y y ^ \^ y ^ ^_k — ^^ — ^ — — ^-^J — fi # — ^ r^-,-- A — K ^ ^^__ lov - ing -ly, "Enter now the fold to - day, I will give you rest." pleading -ly, Listen to his gen - tie voice, "Come to me and rest." -•--. •_^_«_l:j« y_H U ^~ H K ^-'-1 ^ 277 Isaac Watts, D. D. CriiiK^L L. 3L Thoko Harris. 1. My God, how end- less is thy love! Thy gifts are ev - ery evening new: 2. Thou npreud'st the curtains of the nif^ht, Great Guardian of my sleeping hcurb ; :i. I yield my-self to thy command ; To thee I con - se- crate my days; .-^ ^ f-^^fr-Jr-,^i» f-- fs^^^m^m^^^m And nmrn-in^ mercies from above Gent-ly dis- til like ear-ly dew. 'i'hy sovt'rcii^n word restores the lii^ht. And quickens all my drowsy pow'rs. Per-pctual blessings from thy hand Demand perpetual songs of praise. A-M£K. 278 Sweet the Tears I Sliert. C. 31. Ray Palmer. Thoro Harris. A-^-_ 1. O Je - sus, sweet the tears I shed While at thy cross I kneel, 2. My heart dis - solves to see thee bleed, This heart so hard be - fore ; 3. 1 know this cleansing, blood of thine Was shed, dear Lord, for me; 4. In pa - tient hope the cross I'll bear. Thine arm shall be my stay ; b^ _^ _^ b_- Gaze on thy wounded, faint-ing head. And all thy sorrows feel. I hear thee for the guilt - y plead. And grief o'erflows the more. For me, for all — () grace di-vine ! — Who look by faith on thee. And thou, enthroned, my soul shalt spare On thy great judgment-day. A- men. I '^ T-T' Only, 3iastor, (io Before Kan KIN, D. D TllOK [^ ! 1. O could our thoughts and wish- es fly. A - bove these gloomy phade> j- 2. There joys, un - seen by mor - tal eyes, Or rea - son's fee - ble rar, 3. Lord, send a beam of light di-vine To guide our upward aim; 4. O then, on faith's sub - lim - est wing, Our ar - dent souls shall rise mm gilEES To those bright worlds be- yond the sky. Where sor - row ne'er in-vades! In ev - cr -blooming pros - pect rise Ex - posed to no de-cay. With one re - viv - ing look of thine Our Ian - gu id hearts in -flame. To those bright scenes where pleasures spring Im- mor -tal, in the skies. 282 Jonisalom Iho (ioMoii. 7.(i. I>. Bernard of Cluny, Tr. John M. Neale. Thoko Hakk Allegro. — *-■-; — * I I 1. Je - ru - sa - lera the gold -en, With milk and hon - ey blest, 2. They stand, those halls of Zi - on, All ju - hi - lunt with song, 3. There is the throne of Da-vid, And there, frcm care re- UaRt, 4. O sweet and bless - ed coun-trv. The home of God's e - lect! ^Mf— +-.-t-lf— f-— fi 1:^1 i=i ■J — I flK :^ Be - neath thy con- tem And bright with many an The song of them that O sweet and bless- ed pla - tion Sink heart and voice op - an - gel And all the mar - tyr tri-umph, The phout of them that coun- try That ea - ger hearts ex - ^= ^ r-— 1- ^-r^ B: i^J I know not, O I know not What The Prince is ev - er in them, The And they who, with their Lead - er. Have sus, in mer- cy bring Je To ho - ly joys day- light is conquered in that dear land are se the of there, rene; fight, rest, -a- ^ T^-^ lezc^ — 9 c — I ezcj x — What ra - di - ancy of glo - ry, What bliss beyond compare! The pastures of the bless-ed Are decked in glorious sheen. For - ev - er and for - ev - er Are clad in robes of white. Who art, with God the Fa-ther And Spir-it, ev - er blest. 1 283 (jrolden 3Ioriiin?. S. J. Graham. Thoko Harki t ^ -w- -w- -r -^ ^ \ 1. Yes, the gold - en morning is fast approaching, Je - bus soon will come ; 2. Soon the gos - pel Kummons will all be car-ried To the na-tions round ; 3. Then at -tend- ed by all the shining an- gels, Down-thc flaming sky; 4. There the loved ones dear who have long been parted. All will meet that day i ^J^^X U I f:— t:=:t:=t^^g— r-f-if^^ '^_!?: lie will take his faith-ful and hap-py children To their promis d honi< Christ the Bridegroom then will no longer tarry, But the trump shall souw God the Judge will come, and will take his people Wnere they can-not die. And the tears of those who are broken - hearted, Will be wiped a - way. -^ 1 ^ ^ — *— r# # d * — r* 9 ;2 •• Refrain. I I W- — * — ^# — * •— #- -I 1- ^^8=1=5^ O, we see the gleams of the gold- en morning Piercing through thi ^^ _ii=P=g=:fizilizz:^z:i^zz:li=?=:^ :?^ r— r night of gloom ! Yes, we see the gleams of the gold - en morn - in{ night of sin and gloom I #- a F— *# — t- ;ee^ fioldoii Morniiis:. conciuried. [Stanzas 1-3. [Final Stanza. S± th That will burst the loiub, J r I :t=i: I 284 Welcome, Little Robin. 6.5.D. Stephen Fokd. Blithely. ^ TnoKo Harris. ^ N s 1. Welcome, lit - tie rob- in. Mes- sen- ger of spring! Notes of cheer and 2. Wake-ful lit - tie rob- in! First to greet the light While the world is 3. Cheer-ful lit -tie rob- in, From all sor- row free! Not a strain of 4. Trust-ful lit - tie rob- in, Free from anxious care, Since the feathered ^ r— r t=t=i=:rtE=:^K=if=:rr_ifz: f==pi=p=ti==Eprf:iEfc=Vz=:^-fcti: \j \j ^ r r I glad - ness To my heart you bring. Frosts in March a - wait you, sleep-ing In the arms of night; Oft your chii-ping wakes me, sad - ness Mars your mel - o - dy. Sweet the psalm you teach me, song-sters In God's bounty share. List'ning to your warb - ling, -m-_ -m-__ -m-_ -#- g#- -'^2- m^i - ^ - - - t V - I poco rit. m i^M- .J-^--H'^-^-J^^-H^^ \- J— ,-^-^- N N But you seem to say, '* All my songs are fragrant With the breath of May." And you seem to say, "Rouse thee from thy slumber ; Greet the newborn day I" For you seem to say, "Tune thy heart to gladness ; Scat - ter grief a - way." This you seem to say, «'God, who cares for rob - ins, Guards thee day by day." 'Mm -rtJ mms^ 286 S.1V0, or Wc Porisli. 12, Hk(>inali) Herek, I). D. Thoko Harris. 1. When throxif»h the torn sail the wild temp-est is stream - ing, 2. O Je - sus, once rocked on the breast of the bil - low, 3. And O, when the whirl -wind of pas - sion is rag - ing, I When o'er the dark wave the red light - ning is gleam - ing, A - roused by the shriek of de - spair from thy pil - low, When sin in our hearts its wild war - fare is wag - ing. S ^ 1 1 :::|: S=*=t^=^ ^S m Nor hope lends a ray the poor sea - man to cher - ish, Now seat - ed in glo - ry, the mar - i - ner cher - ish, Then send down thy Spir't thy re - deem - ed to cher - ish, I I ^dr t^ If- E^^ «_J-^— r j_J '--9. — 0-i—0 4 ^ We fly to our Maker : "Save, Lord, or we per - ish." Who cries in his anguish, "Save. Lord, or we per - ish." Re - buke the de-stroyer : "Save, Lord, or we per - ish." A - men. I w^^^^^^m^ 286 T. H. Liiiiiinatioii. S. M. T), TuuRO Hakki^. 1. () thou su - preinoly good, With nii - tun- all di - vine, Whose 2. Lit be our darkened hearts With thy in - spir - ing ray, And — I ' i ; — r— f-^ — F?— ^1 — f-f— ^-^ ^-i.-^ "rr '^Sr-^ love and ten - der fa - ther-hood Through all thy dealings shine, — may the lamp thy truth ira - parts, Lead on to glo-rious day. jiiizt I k^ I r r y> , I I Ff==^ ^ZL^^-WjH^ 9 9 L_tz^ ZWZ13 The cha - os of our sin, Re - moves thee far from sight : O W^ith mer - cy's copious streams Thy suppliant chil - dren bless ; Send 5#— ^—r^ » 1 [1st Stanza [Final Stanza. I pg^^pisiLH send thy lumination in, Command, Let there be light ! forth thy radiant healing beams.Bright Sun of righteousness. miMmmBm^mm rrrrrr 287 Holy Toicos. 8.7. D. Rev. John Cawood. ^M Thoro Harris. 3Es^a^lE 1 . Hark ! what mean those ho-ly voi -"ces, Sweetly sounding through the skies ? 2. "Peace on earth, good-will from heaven," Reaching far as man is found; 3. Hast - en, mor - tals, to a - dore him, Learn his name and taste his joy, -I f 5i m I I Lo, th'an-gel - ic host re - joic - es, Heav'nly hal - le - lu - jahs rise. Souls redeemed and sins for - giv- en. Loud our golden harps shall sound. Till inheav'nve sing be - fore him, "Glo-rv be to God on high." S^£»r 1 — r^f 1i=t=t i r Lis - ten to the won-drous sto - ry Which they chant in hymns of joy, Christ is born, the great A - noint-ed ! Heav'n and earth his praises ' sing. Let us learn the wondrous sto - rv Of our great Re-deem-er*s birth. g^ -#-^f# -=r= :t=3fr:t -^— n •-€1 tf 'Glo- ry in the highest, glo-ry, Glo-ry be to God most high!* O re-ceive whom God appointed For your prophet.pri est and king. Spread the brightness of his glory Till it cov-er all the earth. A - 288 Sons of Jnbilco. 7. D. J.W. MoNTGOMEK\. TiioKo I{akki> :^:^^ ^m: I I I I ■ I T ' " P—P^ II I I I I 1. Hark ! the song of Ju - hi - kc, Loud ha nui,'hty thun-ders roar, 2. Hal - le - lu - jah! hark, the sound. From the depth)!! un - to the skies, 3. He shall rei«,'n from pole to pole, With il - lim - it - a - hie swav ; i 1 ^=z^^=r-:^z 1 1 — -h- m^^ 3^piippiii#|ii^3 Or the full - ness of the 8ea. When it breaks \ip - on the shore! Wakes a- bove, be -neath, around, All ere - a - tion's har-mo-nies! He shall reign,\vhen like a scroll, Yon - der hcav'ns are passed a - way ; -T-0 -tf— ' — — 1-- jt-A. '\ 1- 0i P' ^ '''"-• » ^^=Pii tj Hal-le- lu-jah! fur the Lord God om - ni - po - tent shall rei^n ! See Je - ho-vah's ban-ner furled. Sheathed his sword, he speaks — 'tis done ! Then the end : be - neath his rod, Man's lasf en - e - my hIhiU fiill ; -fl #--J #Bf- ^ #- -*- #-g- -9- . -9- -9- Hal - le - lu -jah ! let the word Ech - o And the kingdoms of this world Are tlie Hal -le - lu - jah ! Christ in God, God in round the earth and main. kill!]; - doms of his Son! Christ, is all in all. 280 OLIVER W't.NDfcLL ll(Jl..Mt 1 Lord of All Being. L. M Lord of all be - inj^, throned u - far, Thy glo-ry flaineH from sun and star ; Sutx of our life, thy quick'iiiu'^ ray Sheds on our path the f^low of day; Our nildni;^htis thy huiile withdrawn ; Our noontide is thy gracious dawn ; Lonl of all life, be - low, a-bove,Whoseli<^ht is truth, whose warmth is love, (f rant us tliy truth to make us free, And kindling hearts that burn for thee, i3ii? is^^=fe^siP Centre and soul of ev-ery sphere. Yet to each loving heart how near ! Star of our hope, thy softened light Cheers the long watches of the night. Our rainbow arch thy mercy's sign ; All, save the clouds of sin, are thine! Before thy ev - er - blazing throne We ask no lus-tre of our own. Till all thv liv-ing al-tars claim One holv light, one heav'nlv flame! A- 290 TlKuc Is a Calm. 8.S.S.4. Jan. Montgomekv. Thoro Harris. P 5: 1. There is a calm for those who weep, A rest for wea-ry pilgrims found : 2. The storm that racks the wintry sky No more disturbs their deep re-pose 3. I long to lay this pain-ful head And aching heart beneath the soil; ^ I III ^^ ^ I I ' Theysnft-ly lie, and sweet - ly sleep riiaii sunmier evening's lat - est sigh, To slumber, in that dream-less bed. liOW That From in the ground, shuts the rose, all mv toil. ^mm^m^^^ ii,£ i 291 T. H. Ganlon of Rest. T. IIakkis. 1. Boau-ti- fill Eden, hohie of the blest, licnu-ti-fiil j^urden of life; 2. Here is the home by prophets foretold, Home for the suil mid opprest ?=^^EI1-?-^ ^=^ ^ -^ — s 1 Nf— — -« — ^ 1 14- -^ — s 1 1 ^ g 1 Here in thy peaceful bow-ers we rest, llef-uge from sin and strife. Beau-ti-ful streets all radiant with gold, Beau-ti- ful place of rest. §^M^fe|: .^_. Refrain. '^^ ^ 9 ^ 9—W— W :^l4^z:tq=:^-1:^=? -^-■ A-H r rj-M—M: 9^-^^ -^ Beau-ti-ful home, Heaven-ly home, Cit-y e - ternal, Glo-ry su-pernal, ^=^ f-^- ^ — Repeat pp, after last stanza. ^^^5irsi^ip3|?i^ip Radiant with light, Peaceful and bright, Rest for the saints of God. 1* il^i 292 Long Live, Long Live America! J. f.. RANKIN. 1). I>. Mae:tto.^o. Dedicated to the Nations Defenders W. H. PONTirS. mm A - mer - I - ca, so proud amlfroe.My sonp.my heart I pve tothee!Full Till »u art soswtM'tiu tliv ri|M)se.TlH'\va.slir«I thy foes; Thou . ;. Wlien FriM-doin's causf lat»* wakt'il the hiiid.'Twas t hiiir to' wifhl warN tlaiiiiiiu hraml ;Thy 4. Truth's battle fuuglit.truth's vkt'ry wou.Tht* luan-a - ties from n»au uudoue.Thou m^^ liieh thy brave,strong wing Jiaswon.Thineea - >eek - est not the bat -tie-plain. Thy fuhl- face suf-fusedwitlidod's ownli^ht.TlIouros- seem - est now some ma - trou fair.Thy vow I Still the sun - en CTi MMl'slit fulftlled.aiid heard thy pray'r;Tby \\ avi* witli the mild - vu CTain -.The • St to IhyfuU <|UetMi'slieiKht:And up-ward he thy heav'nwardfiight.Stilluivward mount, till lost In light. Still slieaves which thou dost ^'aruer in. Come with tlie liarvest's mer - ry Oin.Come reaped tiiy flasiiiiif; sick- h* tln-n. Not fn-Kls of wh»-atliut fields Ckorus. ^30 -J U^ *^^- ^=|t ^ I upward mount till Iwst in lijrht. A -mer- i-ca, so proud and free.Mysong.my heart I with the harvest's nitrry din. fields of wheat hut fields of men. song.sweet peace and liberty I • 1 1 I - > 1 1 II v-h-t— h — ^r-t — h-n — y-i- give tothee;LongIlve.longlive A-mer- i - calLonglive.louglive Amer- i - ca. emphatic. ^^ ff ^ ' f • Copyright. iS'sS, bvRtv. J. H. Kankin. 203 Wm. Cowtek. Fouiif.iiii, CM. An.ingcil hjr TiiOKO HaurI' ^m^^ r <=; 1. There 2. The 3. Dear 4. E'er 5. Then IS dy - dy - since in a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Im-man-ucl's veins ; mg thief re - joiced to see That fonn - tain in his day ; ing Lamb, thy precious blood Sluill iu>v - er lose its power by faith I saw the stream Thy How- ing wounds sup-ply, a no - bier, sweet-er song I'll sing thy power to save -^ _| \2--\ .*«-,— I ^^— , 1__,__^_^ And sin - ners plunged be-neath that flood Lose all their guilt - y And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins a - Till all the ran - somed church of God Are saved to sin no Re - deem-ing love has been my theme, And shall be till I When this poor lisp - ing.stamm'ring tongue Ls ransomed from the stains, way. more, die. grave. :t=:: s: '--=S=dt: 294 Contrition. C. M. Anne Steele. 1 1 TnoKo H.vKKis 1 1. O thou whose ten- der mer - cy hears 2. See, Lord, be - fore thy throne of grace, 3. And shall my guilt -y fears pre -vail 4. O shine on this be -night-ed heart, Con-tri-tion's hum-ble sigh, A wretched wand'rer mourn. To drive me from thy feet ? With beams of mer - cy shine ! Whose hand indulgent wipe the tears From sorrow's weeping eye, — Dost thou not bid me seek thy face ? Hast thou not said, Return ? O, let not this last ref-uge fail. This on-ly safe re- treat! And let thy heal-ing voice impart The sense of joy di - vine. 295 T. H. Con fuoco. The Bridesrroom. Thoho IIarkis. gjzzg>. i . : -:.^E^--. 'f-^s^-g- r'^-5^^ mf ' I ^ y / 1. "liO, the Bridegroom comes!" Let the cry go forth -, Send the proc - la- 2. With what foiul de - light, with what ho - ly cheer, (ilad we hail the mation to the ends of earth ; Spread the joy - ful mes-sage that the omens of the Saviour near. Go we forth to meet him with our he's coming ; ^ ^ ^ ^ .. J^ great day is near-ing. In his Father's glory Christ the Lord will soon appear, lamps trimmed and burning When our Lord shall come again to gather home his own . '^ i Chorus. ^ / " -»- -t/-3 — ' S — \— I — ' S — I — I — I h^ — ' c '^-^ Send forth the tidings loud and clear, Je-sus the Saviour will soon appear. tell it loud and clear. Je - sus is coming back a - gain, lie who once died for the sins of men coming back again, he'scoming. N*"^^ A-^-^-^-l rit, tempo. *. meet him. Lo,the Bridegroom comes in the clouds of glorv.fro ve forth with joy to meet the Lord. ^ ' ' ^ ran ^ '-^-v-v- 1 — f a Saviour's Voice 'iiuRu Hakkim. 1. How eiir- nest, how sweet, is the Sav-iour's voice 2. Vour burdens are heiiv - y. yoiir taith so weuk. 3. The ni^lit maybe dark, and th 4. The Lord is soon com- ing to ! It bids Hut Je- d so drear ; IJut an ev - ry trembling 8UH has come all the gels are hov-er-ing chiiin his own, That all who o-bey himmay t-:-:»^^i& -I-. make his heart re-joice. O come to him now, lost to seek. O turn to him now, and his 'round you here : Then how can you doubt with your share his throne ; He'll come with bright clouds to 5Eg--E?^:f paths your choice : He voice will speak The Lord so near ? O receive them home Who — I ' 19 — *-[ ^ P J g I ^ _ ^] _ IMt fKAlX M. I pa-tient-ly waits for thee, sins of your life for-giv'n. tru-^tinhis might-y power! faithful-ly serve him here. Come to him now, yes, come to him now. _^_.Vtt«- I IS Rest in his love, at his cross hum-bly bow. Come to him now, yes, Just now, r.ff-^^-g#-r—r"—r— ?"-[?"— *—g—.^—r^ -v-j'-j— ,g -, — j t^-i ^ 1 ,-- cp=ri=t: ct= XL u :i!r:rt':=^i:zJz=:tp-jq:d: I come to him now ; O wan-d'rer, come home to Je - sus just now. right now ; :"lft -+5>- ^_i It: i 297 Oiiwani, ( iiristiaii Soldiers. (>. 5. D. S. liAKINO-CioiLD. l*resto. AkMIIK S. SlLLIVAN. 1. On-WHtd, {'hristian sol - diers! Marchinfi as to war, With the cross of 2. At the si}£n of tri - umph Sa-tan'b host do»h fl<*<*; On then, Chrin'tian 3. Like a niit;iit-y aim - y Moves the Oymrch ot(iod ; Brothers, we are 4. Crowns and thrones may perish. Kinj^donis rise, and wane.liutthe Church of 6. Onward, then, ye pco - pie ! Join our happy thronjj, Hknd with ours your ♦»^_i[^* * * r ^s^ ^ Je - PUS Go - ing on be - fore. Christ, the roy - al Mas - ter, sol - diers. On to vie - to - ry I Hell's foun.- da- tions qui - ver tread-ing Where the saints have trod. We are not di - vid - ed, Je - sus Con-stant will re - main, (rates of hell can nev - er voi - ces In the tri - umph-song ; (Ho - ry, laud, and hon - or Leads a - gainst the foe ; For-ward in - to bat - tie. See his banners go ! At the sliout of praise ; lirothers. lift your voi-ces. Loud your anthems raise. All one bod - y we. One in hope and doc - trine. One in char-i - ty. 'Gainst that Church prevail ; WehavoCJhrist's own promise. And that cannot fail. Un - to Christ the King : This, thro' countless a - ges, Men and angels sing. tzEi::_3_z^tiiiri:it::z:E^Er;i^t:tf=fz:f=iff=E=:l Chorus. On - ward, Chris -tian sol - diers I Marching as to war. With the . i^l J. Onward, Christian Soldiers, comiucud. Come, Ye Sinners. J. IngaLls. liar, by Tiioko Hakki.' 1. Come, ye 2. Now, ye 3. Let liot 4. Come, ye 5. Ag - o D.C. — Glo - rv, hon - or, ad sm-ners, poor and noed-y, Weak and wounded, f-ick and sore ; need-y, come and welcome, God's free bounty glo - ri - fy ; conscience make you linger. Nor of fit - ncss fond-ly dr<'am ; wea-ry, heav-y la - den, Bruised and mangled by the fall ; niz-ing in the gar-den, Lo, your Saviour prostrate lies ; ra -tion, Christ, the Lord, will come to reign. :i*H^zJ5 ^mm^mfm^^^^ Je-sus read-y stands to save you, And his heart with love runso'er. True be - lief and true re - pentance — Ev - 'ry grace that brings you nigh. All the fitness he re - quir-eth Is to feel your net d of him. If you tar-ry till you're better, You will never come at all. On the bloody tree be - hold him. Hear him cry be- fore he dies. •it- .^^ > r^ ! . . ,- , ... ii ' ^ ! > ' I ! ' Turn to the Lord, and seek sal-vation ; Sound the praise of hxs dear name : _ ^ 29i) Joyful Tidiiijjs. :. (>. D. I K. E. BtLDtN. Thoko Hakkis. 1. Car - ry the joy - ful ti - dings To ev - 'ry land and sea; 2. (iod who hath lent his tal - ents, Bids us his ser - vice choose; 3. Souls on the O - rient moun-tains. Souls in llie northern snows, :^zq: :t? Si Ban - ish the heart di - vid - ings.— Brothers should brothers be: God who hath lent his rich - es, Bids us in kind-ness use; Souls by the south - em foun - tains, Souls where the sun - set glows ! ^. ::s: J=>a s— i^s=i ■^z Christ died for all the God who hath free -dom Souls out of Christ the na - tions, "One flesh and blood," saith he ; ^iv - en, Calls us to make it known ; Sav - iour : O for a church of love, ?— ^i^— «— f'-^s- imm^mM^mmmwrn -4— .- ^^' -S— H- 6^— -i^ • ^ ^ zs: There are no tribes or lie is pre - par - ing Bear - ing the price- less sta - tions ; One in the Lord are we. heav - en Not for ourselves a - lone, fa - vor, Point- ing the lost a - bove ! 300 T. H. Come to liim >iow. Thoho Hahrik. 1. The Saviour is call- ing the Avan-dor-cr home : O come to him now, yes, 2. The Saviour is call- ing : fly, fly to his breast ;0 come to him now, yes, 3. The Saviour is call- ing: O hear his sweet voice ; (> come to him now, yes, ^ ^ ^ y y ^ "^ V ^ f come to him now. O why from the sun-shine of love wilt thou roam, When come to him now : Lay down ev'- ry bur- den, ac - cept his sweet rest.For come to him now : Be - lieve the glad message, and thou shalt rejoice: For Refrain. ^ N 1^ N ^ . ^ N t )- 1 1— 1 l,^, a *^-! f I-Uh H 1 ^^^-1— I— -I H Je - sus is call-ing theeno O come to him now,ves,cometo hirn is calling thee now. :r— ^- tit -^ iji-l ■ 1 Li^ \J. t^: —J I — 1— I- 5=3: y \/ ^ now. Re - turn to the Lord, at his feet humbly bow ; He waits to be ^ ^^ =±: :^lf zzzfzzzf ziif =f i=f i3 b— g=:^— f— ^=E=:^f V ^ ^ k* 1/ k' J w^^m&mmmm^it ^ ' ' ^ J J ■■> . gracious, he longs to for-give ; Now Jesus is ten- der - ly call - - insr. calling thee now. -•--#- * w ^ N ^ ' Mil I , 11. T\w \Va::('s of Siir Ho.n... TiioKo Hakki- 1. () Sa - tan, I hear thy voice Al - lur-iri^ my soul a - stray ; 2. Hut when ev-*ry sa - creid joy I free-ly re-nouncefi>r thee. () Sa - tan, I hear thy liut \vheuev-*ry sa - cred 3. If will-in^-ly I fore 4. If ev • 'ry brij^ht hour of y. De-vot-ini^ my years to G. If Satan's most ab - j<*ct 7. God counsels me from the 8. Soon mercy's brief hour shall y. Grant wisdom that I may voice Al-lur-in^my soul a - stray joy I free-ly re-nouncefi>r thee go The pleas- ures of God's e - lect, youth And man-hood 1 vam - ly spend thee, And strivinj^ wiih la - bor hard slave For naught I con -sent to be, skies With caution to count the cost end. Stern jus-tice will seal my fate; view The scenes of that day a- right, -J^- But now, ere I reach a ti-nal choice, Tell, what does thy ser-vice pay ? And solely to sin my powers employ, Then what wilt tliou offer me? And on-ly thy ser- vile bondage know, What wages may 1 ex -pect? In warring against God'squick'ning truth, Pray, what is the bitter end? To work tliy dc-bas - ing drudger - y. Say, what is my just re - ward? What fruit of my toil shall I receive.And what is my des-li-ny? Be- fore I his matchless grace despise. And life is for - ev - er lost. Then teach me, O Lord, aright to spend These moments of sol-emn weight ! Be- fore I bid heav'n a long a- dieu And sink in e - ter - nal night! -r^^f^- N |__ N_UO>- Refrain- f Thewag-es of sin is death. . . 'Ti> wretchedness, want and shame; .• endless death. agonv, sorrow and shame. | > •/ y TIio Waldos or Sill. ( .uUuUci .— ; 1- N^ 'Tis anguish and care, remorse, despair ; 'Tis'^nauglit bufa tarnislied name. -i tarnished name. [Final Stanza. rU. . . 'Ti.san?msh and care, remorse, despair ; 'Tis naught but a tarnished name. tariiislu'd name. 302 ConiP, Thou Wo.iry. 8. 5. 8. 3. Rev. S. C. Mokgan. Tmoro Hakkis. g- rn ' 1 — J-rd ^|-^:==^-i 1 1. Come, thou wea-ry. Je - sus calls thee To his wounded side; 2. Seek - ing Je - sus r Je - sus seeks thee Wants thev.' as thou art ; 3. If thou let him, he will save thee. Make thee all his own: 4. Wilt thou still re-fuse his of - ferr Wilt thou say him nay? 5. Dost thou feel thy life is wea-rvr Is thv soul ds -tressed? "Come to He Guide Wilt Take me." saith he. "and ev - er Safe a is knock-ing, ev - er knock-ing At thy thee, keep thee, save thee, take thee To his thou let him grieved, re - ject - ed, Go a his of - fer, wait no long - er ; Be at bide." heart, throne. way r rest I 1 :?aB : Li __ I l-uc,. -*- 3().{ T. J I. By and Hy. Thoro Harris. cres. 1. We shall reach the lund of light, By and by, by and by, 2. Soon hhrtll ope the forties of heav'n, By and by, by and by, 3. In that l'»nd be-yond the tide. By and by, by and by, 4. In the niansions of the ble^t, By and by, by and by, > ^ j "^ > > s ^liiiit|l|MM^i^-J m --& -*— ^ ^ -J And the gold - en cit - y bright, By and by, by and And a crown of life be giv'n By and by, by and We shall ev - er-niore a - bide. By and by, by and We shall find our promised rest, Bv and bv. bv and bv. bv. bV. bV. ^B^^^^^^m^mm-. $v^-i- wmm^^ We shall all be gath-ered home Where no ill can ev - er come. We shall gain the port of rest, Where no e - vil can mo-lest. On that fair ce - les- tial shore. When the storms of life are o'er, Free from an - guish.pain and care. By the tree of life so fair. iti: cres Nev - er - more from God to roam, By and by, Range the pas - tures of the blest, By and by. We shall meet to part no more. By and by. We bhall dwell for - ev - er there, By and by, -0- * -0- -#- • • -M- '£: .0. -#^^- _ .^-#- by and by. by and by. by and by. bv and bv. IS^it: I By and My. fomiudoa and by, liy and by, yes, by ami by 1 some sweet day, We shall -1-^-- -• — 2 • r* • — a • ri € r"^ »--— • — • meet to part no more, Bv and by, yes, by and by, EE5E£= r- i 304 Beaufort. 8. 7. Jas. Elginblrg. Thoro Harris. :zE£^ :q: 1. I wiir fol-low thee, my Saviour, Whereso - e'er my lot maybe. 2. Tho'theroad be rough and thorn -y, Trackless as the foam-ing sea, 3. Tho' I meet with trib - u - la • tion. Sore- ly tempt -ed tho' I be, 4. Tho' thou lead'st me thro' af-flic-tion, Poor, for-sak - en tho' I be, 5. Tho' to Jor-dan's roU-ing bil -lows. Cold and deep, thou lead-est me, 6.1 will fol-low thee, dear Saviour, Thou didst shed thy blood for me; — •— •— •— #-t^— h— (— f-S-— r— r—r-'^r-r-! — ^ i I I Where thou go - est I will follow ; YeSj'^rny Lord, I'll fol-low thee. Thou hast trod this way be - fore me, And I'll glad - ly fol-low thee. I re - mem-ber thou wast tempt-ed, And re-joice to fol-low thee. Tho' wast des - ti-tute, af - flic -ted, And I on - ly fol - low thee. Thouhastcrossedthe waves be- fore me; And I still will fol-low thee. And tho' all men should for- sake thee, By thy grace I'll fol-low thee. liriE^^EEt lifp^Hill ;{(>:> oufi The Aiigelus. HeV. J. £. llANKIN, D. D. 7. «>. I). TuoKo Harris. 1. llfirk! it i« the an - ge - lus, With soft ca- dence steal-in g ; 2. Wea - ry is eartirnfre - (juent lot. Crowd - cd he- yond bear- ing ; 3. And when sounds night's an- ge - Ins, All our la - bors end - ed, . ^ , - -^ ^ JL .^ :^z=1z=:^iz:>=: Res - pite sweet it brings to us, And a ho - ly feel - ing. Ah, -what com- fort in ihetho'tl God that lot is shar - ing. Be the set - ting sun to us As some vis - ion splen - did. .0. . .0. .0. .0. -^ ' ^ * -#- -A- -#- -#- -^^ T- Flood - ing now the sun - set air, Fad - ing and in-creas - ing, Re - as-sured, ourtoil we close. Speed - ier for de - lay - ing; Then, hands fold- ed as in prayer, Washed in blood, for- giv - en, %^ Hands we fold for one brief prayer, From our la - Sweet - er, sweet-er night's re- pose For this ves - Waft - ed down to meet us there, The sweet bells J bor ceas - ing, per pray - ing, of heav - en. T ^ ^ ^^ N \ y.0. Hands we fold for one brief prayer,From our la - bor ccas - ing. Sweet - er. sweet-cr nii;ht's re - po:*e For this ves - Waft - ed down to meet us there. The sweet bells per pray- ing. of heav - en. -V— Ip^l ma The Lilc-Hoat Con fuoco. 1. See, yon-der ship is slow-ly stranding ():i theshoaUof night, 2. Ofi'neath youth's mild and sunny \va - tt is Shoals of dan - gt-r lie. 3. Oft on life's dark and storm -y o - cean Manhood's bark is tossed, 4. O, did we love as doth the Mas - tor Those who fail in life, f #- #^ ^^— h"^ '^^ # r'g -<> rf ^-^-?"^^— a > -r-^ ^ ^|Eg=fe^"^ :S.'^- on the shoals of night ; Launch out the life-boat from the land - ing, shoals of dan - ser lie: Who'll go to save our sons and daugh-ters? manhood's bark is tossed ; Who'll brave the wrathful waves' commo - tion, those who fail in life, With will- ing hands we'd la-bor fast - er, ■^ ^ ^ \ .^^ ^ i ! y%? With the pre-cious lamp of gos - pel light. Who will guide our chil-dren safe - ly by ? Ere these souls for - ev -er- more are lost? Fast- er as the fier - cer grows the strife. •#• -^ -#- ^ ^ ^ -f- -^* Launch out the life-boat 1 -5-^—4 1^ ^ -"^ iV__A— iV~S— N--y-.i^ , 1 1 1— , i^ Launch out the life-boat ! See the wrecks lie stranded on the shoals ; go. save them \^ ^>— s. — •-•-i-l-J^r-5=^ Launch out the life-boat, Christian sailor ; Quickl v gather in the dv-ing souls. • • y y ;{07 Tiioa. MooRt. Dolce. Coiiie, Ve Disioiisolate. 11. 10. TllORO llAHRIb. _, 1 1. 1. Come, ye dis - con - so-late, wher-e'er ye lan-^^uish ; Conte to the 2. Joy of the com- fort- less, lifjht of the stray-ing, Hope of the 3. Here see the Bread of life ; see wa-ters flow - ing Forth from the ^m^^0^0g^^z^^^^i iSi^^zg mer - cy -seat, fer - vent - ly kneel ; pen - i - tent, fade- less and pure ; throne of God. pure from a-bove: Here bring your wounded hearts. Here tpeaksthe Com-fort-er. Come to the feast of love ; :25 & :f:z:zt»:zuz:ss-d I here tell your an - guish : Earth has ten - der - ly say - ins;. Earth has come, ev - er know-ing Earth has no no no sor sor sor t row that row that row but [Last Stanza.] ^ -■A :^EtEEi^a^3 ^m heav'n can - not heal. heav'n can re - move, heav'n can - not cun>. S^^iii'il^iM.^ I I 30S T. H. Ark of Keriiixr liioui) IIakkis. the ark of rcf - uge, CJoine to tlie place of rest ; the Heart that loves you, Come to the soul's true home ; the soul's sure ref - uge, When breaks the world's last blast ; , / ? I r ^ " 1 I 1. Come to 2. Come to 3. Christ is Safe in this qui - et har - bor, Naught can your peace mo - lest. Come while the Lord in - vites you, Come while there yet is room. He will pro-tect his chil - dren, Till all is o - ver - past. Come with your guilt to Tell him thy ev - 'ry When storms without are Je - sus. He will your soul set free ; sor - row, Naught from his ear with - hold : rag - ing, Rest still, nor be a - fraid ; r~=»=S^- -I 1— •zz=S=iizE&z:li=iiz: He'll cleanse from sin without and with-in ; Christ will your portion be. Bring him thy grief, he'll send quick re-lief. Whose love can ne'er be told. Look to the Lord, and hope in his word ; Trust, and be un-dis- ma ved. J . . . ^. . r i i-?=:J:izEt==U=:^=f--Et==ti=iiiL:ziztz:E^^ :im The Wide, Wide World. I I Thoko Harris. I 1. Tliev tell inc there are dan-gers In the path my feet muBt tread 2. 1 8i'ek a bet - tei coun-try, For 'tis wea - ry wait - ing here ; ii?^^ g^^m^im IJut thcyciiu-iiot see the j^lo - ry That is shin -ing 'round my head. Buttlno'all the toil -some jour - ney I can feel his pres-ence near. r—1 (), 'tis Je - sus guides my foot-steps, He has made my heart his own ; Day by day the path grows bright- er, Upward lead-ing to his throne. 1111 ' ^^ ^ (^ -^-r-A 1 ^^-r-l=^-1 \ ^H , i-- _-r 1 F'or I would not dare to Jc - sus will not leave hi« jour - ney In this wide. Mide world a - lone : pil - grim In this wide, wide world a - lone : ---0-V-0 # # \-'^ # --# - -H 1 1 LT-f^— ^1 For I would not dare to jour - ney In this wide, wide world a - lone. Je - sus will not leave his pil - grim In this wide, wide world a - lone. -t- m ^ ^ ^ m -•-^ • "^ ■•" -•- ^ ' m J . ! 310 Piinulisc. Fkkdkru K \V. Kahlk. rf n. I'liouo 1{akhi« 1. O Parudise, () Paradise. Who doth not crave for rest r Who would not He«'k that 2. O Par-adise. () Paradise, This world is ^rowin^ old ; Who would not beat 3. O Par-a-diso, () Par-a-dise, Wclon*;to sin no ni(»re ; We lonj^ to he as 4. O Par-a-dise. C)Par-adise,We8hall not wait for lonj; ; l*"en now the lovinj^ 5. Lord Jesus, King of Par-a-di8e,0 keep us in thy love, And guide us to that 'I I J N u-J-€-f-»- ^ — ih -d — I — • — I — r^f 4 I I- I -tiU IlAKKIfcT BbtCHKR StOWK. ilh ihcc— P5a. ijy iS Thoro Harri' -1—1 ^ d a=^Ir=5? m 1. Siill, Still with thce.when purple morning; breaketh. When the bird waketh 2. As in the (lawnin*; o'er the wavele^s ocean The im- age of the 3. When sinks the soul, subdued by toil to slumber, Its closing eye looks 4. So shall it be at last in that bright morning, When the world waketh and the shadows Hee ; Fair - er than morning, lovelier than the daylight, morning star doth rest, So in this still-ness thou be- boldest on- ly up to thee in prayer ; Sweet the re - pose be- neath thy wings o'ershading. and earth's shadows flee; O, in that hour, fairer than day-light dawn-ing. ^1@ i-^ [Stanzas 1-3. Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with thee. Thine ini-age in the waters of my breast. But sweeter still to wake and find thee there. Shall rise the glorious thought, I am with thee. A t-v N -#^#- All m \ -•-• S -^ 312 Sami EL Stennet Majestic Sweetness. Tur.Bo IIahris. -- • 1 — . — m •-- ^*#— ■ -; — \j~r* — *' — '^' 1 r r I u/ Ik' "• I love him, but love him ? There's no friend above him, Poor sinner, for thee. r— r- From "Gospel Temperance Hymnal 1^ — -^ F — F — t — I IXDKX OF VWIST LIXi:S. No. Abide with mc ! fast falls the 1 J ' A cup my Father held 1 W j After huow, after snow '2.'>G | A little while, O faint and 77 | America, how jfreat thy fame I 26(5 America, so proud and free 292 Amid tlie trials whicli I meet 2 Are you weary, are you 204 An;;il voices sweetly sir.<^in<^ 219 Art tliou heavy laden r 20 Art thou weary, art thou 137 A shadow 'mid the scorchint; 68 Asleep in Jesus ! blessed sleep 200 As my bark smoothly glides 123 As ])aiits the wearied hart 160, 214 As to its close the dayliirht flies 73 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve 86 Awake, ye saints, lift up your eyes.. 212 A weary and desolate, poor and alone 56 Bearer of the sacred light 12o Heautiful Eden, home of the blest . . . 291 Before the hoary hills appeared . .. 213 Beneath the cross of Jesus 182 Bethlehem ! Bethlehem 239 Be thou my friend, my close 107 Beyond the silent orbs of light 118 Bird of the wilderness 71 Blessed, blessed their condition.... 122 Blessed Redeemer, pastor divine. ... 48 Blest Liijlit of the world, we hail thee 120 Blow, bugler, blow up one note more 250 Bound upon a tree of anguish 186 Breast the wave. Christian, when it. 153 Breathe, breath of God, upon my. . . 87 Brightly beams our banner 101 Broken-hearted, weep no more. 142, 198 Call Jehovah thy salvation 54 Carry the joyful tidings 299 Cast thy burden on the Lonl 187 Chosen, my Lord, in thee 147 Christ, above all glory seated 98 Christ for the world we sing 149 Christian, dost thou see them r 191 Christian, go from land to land 11 Christ, whose glory fills the skies. . . 121 Close, close to thee ! () Father 243 C'ome, Holy Ghost, in love 144 Come, O my soul, tliy every power. . 82 Come, thou wearv, Jesus calls thee.. 302 No. Come to the ark of refuge 308 Come unto me when shadows. . . . 79. 275 Cume, ye disconsolate 307 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy.. . 298 CuJuing again is the Prince of 96 Complete in him I oh, praise the Lord 146 Dark things thou shfllt know 246 Day of judgment, tlay c»f wonders... 162 Days and moments (juickly flying. . 208 Dear Jesus, shall 1 never know 179 Dear Master, w alk with me 3 I>ear Saviour, draw me after thee.. 44 De win' blow soft from de heav'nly. 170 Does the gospel word proclaim 159 Do not I love thee? 91 Drooping souls, no longer grieve. . . 202 Dust, receive thy kindred 256 Earnestlv, faithfully, toiling for Jesus 58 Earth's harvest of souls is come. . . . 264 Earth's pui-ple hills look placid 259 Fade, fade, each earthly joy 161 Father, whate'er of earthly bliss.. . 274 Fierce raged the tempest o'er thedeep 38 Forever with the Lord 35 Forget thy friend, my soul ? Ah may 226 Fountain of grace, rich, full and free 116 From all that dwell below the skies 131 From Plymouth Rock to Golden. . . 271 Gently. Lord, O gently lead us 126 Give me the lowest place 234 Give me the peace that like a river.. 99 Glory be to Jesus 52 (jod be with you till we meet again 18 God of light and matchless splendor 207 God's hosts on earth are one 237 Go thou thy way 247 Grander than ocean's story 171 Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad 165 Hark ! hark, my soul ! Angelic 7. 62, 216 Hark ! it is the angelus 26. 305 Hark ! ten thousand harps and voices 206 Hark ! the Master calls to thee 88 Hark! the song of jubilee 288 I Hark ! the sound of holy voices 152 Hark ! what means those holy 287 I Has not help on One been laid? 46 Have you ever told the story ? 110 Hear the voice of Jesus : he is calling 66 INDEX. No. He comes with eoiUNohition 107 He is co^ung, all victorious liCi He that keepcth Israel 22 Ho who came an intar.t stranger. .. 200 High in the heav'ns, eternal (ind. . . 103 Hither come, ve faithful, all jovous. 108 Holy, holy, hoi v. Lcrd God . . .' Uo Holy Spirit, lamp of lit^ht 113 How earnest, how sweet is the 296 How gentle God's command 34 How glorious was that day which saw 24 How hmg, O Lord, shall Hades reign 21o How patiently and undismayed .... 51 I am a man by God forgiv'n 230 I asked, ere yet my race was run.. . 235 I come, a weary prodigal 268 I do not know why Jesus came. ... 139 I have ten thousand earthly friends 39 | I know no life divided 205 j I'm but a stranger here 217 I'm kneeling at the cross of Jesus. . . 238 Immanuel, make thou thy dwelling. 95 Immortal Love ! forever full 221 In dark Gethsemane 254 I need a dying Saviour 210 I need thy sweet Spirit, my Saviour 174 In the secret of his presence 4 In the silent watches 194 Into the land Elysian 37 I sat alone with life's memories 17 Is this Man's name Immaniu 1 228 Is this the kind return ? 36 It haunts my thoughts still 29 I've found a friend. O. such a Friend 114 I will follow thee, my Saviour 304 I will not let thee go 30 Jerusalem the glorious 269 Jerusalem the golden Jesus, and shall it ever be Jesus, bread for pilgrims, broken Jesus calls the little lambs Je>us Christ forever Jesus gently pleads to-day Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, mercifid and mild Jesus my place of refuge is Jesus, Saviour, man of sorrows.. Jesus, the very thought of thee..- Jesu, wondrous, wondrous Star. Just as I am. without one plea. . Keep your colors flying No. Ill 201 203 16 175 140 Lay this precious casket Lead now. as forth we go Lead us, ht)ly Father, lead us. . Leave it with God, yes, make full. . Let thy Spirit, blessed Saviour. . . . Lift the King's own standard in the Light after darkness, siain after loss 72 Like Noali's weary dove 181 Linger, blessed Abba F'ather 16.> Lo, a pilgrim stranger knocking. . . . 132 Lo, a sti anger stands at the portal . . 92 Lord, let me fly to thee 14 Lord of all — abundant grace 13 Lord of all being, throned atar 289 Lord, when my raptured soul surveys 209 Lo, the Bridegroom comes ! Let the. 295 Lo, the Bridegroom conieth 93 Lo, they come, the victors 5 Lo, white, pearly arches . 176 Majestic sweetness si«8 enthroned. 31'. 23: . 240 . 173 6, 33 . 109 . 277 More and more of grace give me. More loveto thee, O Christ ! More of Jesus, more of Jesus. . . . Mourn for the thousands slain. . My God, how endless is thy love. My God, is any hour so sweet 133 My gracious Lord, I own thy right. 193 Nearer, my God, to thee 155 Not always as the whirlwind's rush. 15 Now be my heart inspired to sing ... 199 Now on this day of rest 59 138 45 156 281 273 63 O Christian I have you heard it r . . . . O come to the merciful Saviour. . . . O ! could I And, from day to day. . . O could our thoughts and wishes fly O for a heart to prais^e my God 282 I God of lovi Immblv bow 74 I Oh, deem not they are blest alone. . 104 6110 head, all blood, all wounded 70 J76 i O holy Saviour ! Friend unseen .... 83 9 i O human Rose, set in with thorns . . 227 O Jesus, sweet the tears I shed 278 O land of rest, for thee I sigh, 55 O love divine, that stooped to share 224 O love divine, what hast thou done? 42 On Easter morn, when holy chimes 23 One by one our loved ones leave us. 134 117 I One there is above all others 197 57 j Only waiting, yes, waiting for Christ 130 I On our way rejoicing 25 164 On the Cross mv Love hangs bleeding 229 242 135 97 141 78 100 INDEX. No. Onward. Christian soldiers 297 , There is a green liill far away () Paradise, () Paradise 1. 310 There is a name I love lo hear. ...... O Satan, I hear thy voice 301 There is an hour when I must part. O Saviour, may we never reht 75 ' There is no friend like Jesus () sent of God, whose ofTring lo8 | There's a beautiful land on high. . . . () sing unto the I^ord a new song. . • 195 I There's new joy among the angels. . . O thou great Shepherd of the sheep, 257 The Saviour is calling the wanderer. () thou supremely good 286 The Saviour is coming with joy and. () thou who driest the mourner's tear 115 294 () thou whose tender mercy hears. . . Our Lord is coming back lo earth. . Out of my darkness into thy light. • Passing away, as the mists of the. . . Praise the Lord : ye heav'ns adore. . Praise to thee, thou great Creator. . . Purer yet and purer Rest for the toiling hand Return thee now unto thy Kintj. . . . Rock of ages, cleft for me Room for all — how sweet the The tears which here are flowing. . . They dreamed not of danger, those. . Ihey tell me there are dangers The way is dark : I cry amid the .... Thine forever, God of love Thou art my hiding-place, O Lord. . Thou art no longer in the world Thou art the Light, whose rays. . . . Thou God of nations, great thy name I Thou hidden Source of calm repose.. 1^'a ! Throw out the lifeline across the 160 2.>o 28 263 223 112 50 60 128 'Tis not that I did choose thee Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise.. Saved to the uttermost! sweet the. . 172 Saviour, breathe an evening blesing 76 Saviour, thy dying love 143 Saviour, thy gentle voice 270 Saviour, when in dust to thee 119 See, yonder ship is slowly strandin;;. 306 Shall we be among the faithful r . . . . 222 Shall we m^^et beyond the river?. . . 183 She only touched the hem of his. ... 69 Sing of Jesus, sing forever 157 Sleep here in peace 84 Sleep sweet within 258 Sometime the King from heaven 245 Sometime the path that now seems. . 43 Use me. Master, use me. Walk in the light I so shalt thou Watchman, tell us of the night Welcome, little robin We may not call them back We're nearing the dark mystic river We're trav'ling home to heav'n We sail, sealed orders under We shall be satished We speak of the land of the blest . . . We would see Jesus ; for the When Columbia arose, like a star,. . When in his beauty the Saviour I. . When I shall wake on that fair. . . . When 1 survey the wondrous cross.. Songs of praise the angels sang 190 Sorrowful mourner, silently weep ... 81 I When on the reef of death my bark. So tender, so precious 313l When stars like withered leaves Speak, my soul, thy full complaint.. 231 I When stormy striving breaks •'. . Still, still with thee when purple, ... 311 Take a stand for Jesus 64 Take my heart, O Father, take it. . . 184 Tarry with me, O my Saviour. ... 265 When the day in west is dying When throusjh the torn sail the wild When we near the golden city in the. When we reach the land of light Who is on the Lord's sider Tell, O tell me of heaven 154 ! ^vhv that look of sadness r The day is done! Night's welcome.. 27 The L(ud bless thee and keep thee. . 21 The Lord hath done it! Sing 106 The Lord is in his temple 248 The night is dark, and I am far from 252 The Pilgrim Fathers — where are 267 There is a blessed hope 85 There is a calm for those who weep. 290 There is a fountain filled with blood. 293 With broken heart and contrite With tearful eyes I look around .... With tender mem'ries fragrant Wonderful fountain of healing from. Ye servants of God, your Master . . . Ye servants of the Lord Yes, the church of God is rising Yes, the golden morning is fast No 80 129 67 225 211 189 300 180 262 124 309 249 169 40 279 105 272 10 41 196 65 233 47 218 284 261 136 150 32 220 127 31 177 178 188 94 108 241 89 251 285 90 303 8 53 28& 102 253 148 49 151 244 283 JUST ISSUED! ECHOES PARADISE OF II A HYMNAL FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETIES, AND PRAYER MEETIvGS, IS RECEIVING THE HJG TSr COMM NDA- TIONS FPOM CHUF5CH ORGA' ISTS AND CHRISTIA".^ WORKERS J. W. BISCHOFF, Mus. Doc, Organist First Congregational Church, Washington, D. C : ''I have examined the book entitled 'Echoes of Paradise' with much interest — especially those pieces bearing your own signature. 1 find them most excellent, both as to the beauty of the melodies and also the unusually rich harmonization. I think the volume should prove both helpful and in- teresting. You have my best wishes; and I hope you will feel encouraged to do more work along the same line." MRS. FRANK BYRAM, Organist Westminsler Church Memorial. Washington, D. C: "I take pleasure- iu recommending for the u-ie of Christian Undcavor Societies and Sabbath Schools Mr. Harris' collection, "KcHOEs oF Par- adise." "Both as to the words and musical settings, the booU shows the result of years of study and thou.L!;hi, and bespeaks the ius|>iralion of a deeply religious spirit. "The harmonics arc beautifully interwoven, while the words are carefully chosen and are singularly adapted for religions services." Rev. J. E. RANKIN, D. D , LL. D., Author of "God be w^ith you till we meet again,'' "In Sight of the Crystal Sea," Etc.. and nearly fifty other hymns in "Echoes of Paradise :" '"liiCHOKS OF Pak.\1)]SE :' Thoro Harris of this city, has published a volume of Gospel umsic with the above title. He has shown great skill as a compiler, and has furnished some very choice original music. The book has already met the approval of several scientific composers of this city, and it promises to secure still larger favor." ALICE KIMBALL McMICHAEL, Oiganist Assembly's Pres. Church, Washington, D. C: "To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : "It gives me pleasure to heartilj' recom- mend 'Echoes OF Paradise,' compiled by ^Ir. Thoro Harris. "The selections show great care and study and I am especially impressed with the beauti- ful HARMONY that pervades every piece." ARTHUR D. MAYO, Mus. Doc, Organist Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, D. C: "I have cxamiued the collection of hyums, "MciioKS nv Paradise,' compiled by Tlioro Har- ris, and find it admirably adapted for religious purposes." WM. TREMONT PARKER, University of Music, Denver Col.: "Tiie book is a grand piece of work and I extend you my hearty congratulations. I will use your book in public." B. F. YEOMAN, Mus. Doc, Soafh Lancaster, Mass.: "Your book — 'Kchoes of Paradise' — has been received and I have given it a careful ex- amination. I find that it contains much new and original niUsic of a decidedly higher stand- ard than the great majority of hymnals upon the market today. I take pleasure in commending it to the public." JOHN T. LAYTON, Mus. Doc, Choirmaster Metropolitan Meth. Church, Washington, D. C. Having given your new song book entitled ' Echoes of Paradise' a careful perusal, I wish to state that it gives me pleasure to recommend it to all who like good music. The songs are tuneful and devotional, yet cheerful; the har- mony, melodious and inspiring. It is truly en- joyable to hear them sung or played." Is the latest and finest compilation of Gospel songs. It contains 313 hymns, nearly all of which are entirely new and WRITTEN EXPRESSLY FOR THIS BOOK. Ev- ery selection has its own appropriate music. 320 pages, handsomely printed on fine book paper, the strongest binding and with an attractive cloth cover. $ 2.5 30 c $iD per 100, ^'^M per doz., Sinylc copy, JNk:. FOR SALE BY THORO HARRIS, 2012 Seventh Street, Northwest, WASHINGTON, D. C.