REED ORGAN MUSIC PUBLISHED BY OLIVER DITSON & CO., BOSTON, C. H. DITSON & CO., NEW YORK. It was FROM THE LIBRARY OF of this iiis who REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. perfect I music . of the BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO ig -^^ell THE LIBRARY OF "S® °^ PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ). By it plan, ts own, y at all from the reputation of that work. Messrs. Emerson & Matthews are thorough men, and understand tlie public taste as well as any. Give their worli a careful examination. Clarke's Dollar Instructor for Reed Organs. Doubtless a large, complete, thorough "method" is best, for all who have time to devote to practice. But a multitude of persons who have access to Reed Organs, would like a little knowledge, enough to be able to play easy music, and to accompany songs; and have no leisure for anything more. For such learners the Dollar Method is prepared. It contains a very entertaining and easy course, illustrated by a, large number of taking melodies for practice, which practice thus becomes a pleasure and recreation. Winner's Nev School for Melodeon, Price 75 cents. A Melodeox is simply a small Reed Orgax, and, of course, this School is for tho Instrument, whatever you please to call it. Winner's School is smaller, cheaper, and still easier than "Tho Dollar Instructor," and contains a very pleasing coUectioix of popular airs. Recreations for Cabinet Organ, Melodeon, Xc. Price $1.50. These are true Organ pieces, selected with exquisite taste, and will please all lovers o* raliued music. Not difficult. Division Valuable Music Books for Schools, PUBLISHED BY Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston, C. H. Ditson & Co., New York. Either Book mailed, post-paid, for Ketail Price. AMERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC READERS. By L. O. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. In Three liooks. These Music Headers are well fitted for use in connection with the new and im- proved methods of teaching music by note in schools. The theoretic part has peen prepared by IVIr. W. S. TiLDEN, who has had valuable experience as Music Teacher in the schools of Boston and vicinity. In Book I, which is for Primary Schools, we have a three years' course of study very plainly laid out, with abundant direc- tions to teachers, and a large number of sweet songs for the little ones to sing by rote and by note. Price 35 cents. In Book II, the course above indicated is continued, and becomes a little more theoretic. The book is fitted for the use of the younger scholars in Grammar Schools. Price 50 cents. In Book III, part singing is introduced, and the ear is trained to harmonic singing. For higher classes in Grammar Schools. Price 50 cents. HOUR OF SINGING. By L. O. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. For High Schools. Price $1.00. Until recently, it could not be said that there was really any music book especially adapted for High Schools. There were, to be sure, excellent collections of music which could, after a fashion, be used in teaching. Still the instructor in Music had no proper text-book until the appearance of the " Hour of Singing." Its adapted- ness to its place and work was so apparent, that it was at once, without question, adopted in a large number of High Schools and Seminaries ; and has also, to a certain extent, been used by the higher classes of Grammar Schools. THE HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR. By L. O. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. Price $1.00. $9.00 per dozen. The "High School Choir" is similar, in general design, to the very popular "Hour of Singing," which has been almost univer- sally used in High Schools. The presejit work is in no way inferior to its prede- cessor, is entirely fresh and new, and is re- ceived with decided favor. CHOICE TRIOS. For Female Voices. By W. S. Tilden. Price $1.00. The music is all of a high order, is not very difiicult, and excellently selected and arranged for High Schools, Seminaries, Academies, &c. ( Collections of Sch ool Songs. CHEERFUL VOICES. By L. O. Emerson. Price 50 cents. 'J'iie book contains a well written Ele- mentary Course, with abundance of agree-, able exercises and tunes for practice ; and also a large and varied collection of Songs, Rounds, &c., with thirty pieces of Sacred Music for opening and closing school. MERRY CHIMES. By L. O. Emerson. Price 50 cents. Has an excellent reputation among School Song Books. THE GOLDEN WREATH. By L. O. Emerson. Price 50 cents. The success of this fine book has been a surprise, moi'e than a quarter of a million copies having been sold. To tliat number of persons, therefore, its face is as that of a familiar friend. THE NIGHTINGALE. By W. O. & H. S. Perkins. Price 50 eta. A very appropriate name for a favorite collection of School Songs. THE GOLDEN ROBIN. By W. O. Perkins. Price 50 cents. Well chosen and good songs ; more tha» two hundred of them , and the nsual ele- mentary course, with attractive exercises. Cantatas for School Exhibitions. Musical progress, both among young and old people, depends so much upon musical enthusiasm, tliat there seems to be almost a necessity for introducing Concerts and Exhibitions into the music-teaching course of schools. To give brilliancy and success to these affairs, nothing can be better than such Cantatas as are mentioned below : The Flower Queen. C. F. Root. $0 75 The Cnlpi'it Fay. J. L. Ensign. 1 00 The Twin Sisters. H. G. Saroni. 50 Fairy Bridal. Hewitt. 50 The Pic Kic. J. R. Thomas. 1 00 Festival of the Rose. J. C. Johnson. 30 Flower Festival on the Banks of the Rhine. J. C. Johnson. 45 Spring Holiday. C. C. Converse. 75 Quarrel Among the FloAvers. Shoeller. 35 Juvenile Oratorios. Containing " The Festival of the Rose," " The Indian Summer," and " The Children of Jerusalem." Three Cantatas. By J. C. Johnson. 60 4) VALUABLE MUSIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston, C. H. DItson it Co., New York, EI3^ Either Book sent, post-paid, for the Ketail Price. .^^^ :ichardson's New Method $3 75 hild's (The) First Music-Book 75 Vinnei's New School for the Piano- forte 75 iVinner's Perfect Guide for the Piano- forte 75 ?laidy's Technical Studies. Cl'h, $2 00 ; boards 1 50 Burrowes's Piano Primer. Cloth,45cts ; boards 30 Clarke's Catechism 38 Five Thousand Musical Terms 75 Opera Bouffe. Boards 3 00 The Tuner's Guide GO Modern School for Organ. Zundel 4 00 Rink's Organ School. Complete 6 00 Organist's Portfolio. 2 vols. Each,bds 2 50 250 Voluntaries and Interludes. Zundel 2 00 Clarke's New Method for Heed Organs 2 50 Carhart's Melodeon Instructor 1 50 Root's School for the Cabinet Organ . . 2 50 Recreations for the Cabinet Organ 1 50 Zundel's Melodeon Instructor 2 50 Carcassi's Method for Guitar, $3 00; Abridged 2 00 Haydens New Method for Guitar 3 00 Winner's New School for the Guitar. . 75 Campagnoli'sViolinlMethod. Complete 6 00 Listenuin's Modern Violin Method 3 00 Modern School for Violin. Fessenden 2 50 Winner's New School for Violin 75 Berbiguier's iMethod for Flute 3 00 Winner's New School for Flute 75 Winner's Dance Music for Flute and Piano 75 Party Dances, Woha and Piano. Win- ner 75 Flute and Piano Duets. Winner 75 '"'^ioliii and Piano Duets, Winner 75 uu Beautiful ISIelodies for Violin 75 00 Operatic Airs for Flute 75 ioniberg's Violoncello. Complete 3 00 >>iedham's Instructor for Double Bass 3 00 V^rbuckle's Cornet Instructor 3 00 Vinner's New Schools for Accordeon, Clarionet, Flageolet, and Fife. Each 75 Vinner's Perfect Guide for German Concerthia 75 >uckley's Banjo Guide 75 )ulcimer Instructor 50 Vnny Drum and Fife Book 75 >raper's Fife Melodies 60 Jassini's Art of Singing. Complete, $4 00. Abridged 3 00 •anseron's A B C. Abridged 1 00 Itandard Singing Scliool. Southard. . 3 00 Amphion. Part-songs, for MaleVoices $5 00 Arion. Part-songs, for Male Voices. . 4 00 Chorus Wreath. Sacred and Secular.. 1 50 Greeting. L. O. Emerson 1 50 N. Y. Glee and Cho. Book. Bradbury 2 00 Young Mens' Singing Book. Root and Mason 1 50 Carmina Collegensia. (College Songs) 2 25 100 Comic, 100 Irish, and 100 Scotch Songs. Each 60 American Tune-Book 1 50 Choral Tribute. L. O. Emerson 1 50 Greatorex Collection. Cloth. $175; bds 1 50 Harp of Judah. L. O. Emerson 1 50 Jubilee. Wm. B. Bradbury 1 50 Key Note. Bradbury 1 50 Modem Harp. White & Gould 1 50 New Carmina Sacr.a. Lowell Mason . 150 Temple Choir. Bradbury, Seward, Mason 1 50 Sabbath Guest. Emerson & Morey.. . 1 60 Mason & Hoadley's New System 3 00 Leader. Church Music Book, Palmer & Emerson 1 38 Song Monarch. For Singing Schools. Palmer & Emerson 75 Thomas's Quartetts. J. R. Thomas . . 2 50 Perkins's Anthem Book. W. O. Per- kins 1 50 River of Life. For Sabbath Schools. Perkins & Bentley 35 Clarke's Dollar Instructor lor Seed Organs 1 00 Esther. Cantata. Dramatized by Seagur 50 Belshazzar. Cantata. J. A. Butter- tield 1 25 Jubilate. Church Music Book. L. O. Emerson 1 50 Trial by Jury. Comic Cantata, Sul- livan 1 00 Emerson's Method for Reed Organs.. . 2 50 Hour of Singing. For High Schools. Emerson & Tilden 1 00 Choice Trios, For High Schools, W. S. Tilden 1 00 American School Music Readers. Em- erson & Tilden. Book 1, 35 cts; Book 2, 50 cts ; Book 3 60 Cheerful Voices. Collection of School Songs. L.O.Emerson 50 Shining River. Sab. Schools. Perkins 35 Living Waters. Praise Meetings. Hodges 30 Nat. Hymn & Tune Book 40 High School Choir. Emerson & Tilden 1 00 1 (fV\r'CHEstee, N.H., January, 1876. A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFOEMATION. A. This letter has heen used as a tone name since 340 B.C. ; it has been known as La, the sixth in the ascend- ing scale of C, since Guido Aretina (1022) invented his mode of notation. Aakon", of Cologne, born in Scot- land ; introduced the Gregorian night chant into Germany; died 1052. Aakon, son of Amram, was a lead- ing Jewish singer; died 1451 B.C., aged 123. Abbey, A. J., author of several col- lections of music in New York since 1850. Abbot, Asahel, author of "TAe Wal- denses''^ and other works, New York, 1850 to 1870. Abbott, Majrie, oratorio singer ; Em- ma A. Abbott, opera singer at St. Petersburg, 1873 ; natives of New York. Abbreviated Chords are some- times marked "tremolo," and are re- iterated rapidly. Abbreviations in music: invented or first used by Handel, to save time and space in writing. Abecedarian Hymns are arranged like the Hebrew acrostic poetry : verses alphabetical. Abeille, J. C. L., bom at Bayreuth Feb. 20, 1751; organist and composer; successor of Zumsteeg ; died 1832, aged 81. Abel, C. F., born at Coethen, 1724; a famous composer and performer ; died in London, Jan. 22, 1787. Abel, Louisa [Louisa Scheibel], born at Stuttgard, 1837; married G. Abel, organist, Paris ; gave concerts in this country, 1858. Abell, Edith, appeared in opera at Geneva, 1871. Abercorn, Earl of, wrote a " Trea- tise on Harmony f^^ enlarged by Dr. Pe- pusch, 1731. Aberdeen Cantus. The earliest singing book in Scotland ; by T. David- son, 1602, 4to., 50 leaves. Abert, born at Gastorf, Bohemia, 1832 ; famous opera composer at Stutt- gard. Aborigines. — The primitive inhab- itants were very fond of music, and readily learned to sing ; their music and instruments, though rude and simple, were peculiar. Absurdity of Foreign Words. Henry Laws, an English composer, to show the absurdity of using foreign words, set an index of the popular Ital- ian sonr/s to music ; it sold largely as a rare Italian song. Abt, Franz, born Dec. 21, 1819, at Eilenburg, in the Prussian province of Saxony. His father was a musician, and clergyman of the Lutheran Church. Franz studied music at Leipsic, and became known as a song-writer in 1838. In September, 1841, he married, and was leader of the orchestra at the Zurich theatre ; became a teacher in 1842, but was little known until his song, " When the Swallows Homeward Jly,^^ carried his name to all parts of the civilized world. In 1865 was concert-master at Bruns- wick, and conducted the great festival at Dresden. He came to this country 1872, and was present at the Peace Ju- bilee, Boston, where he directed the performance of some of his own mu- sic, arriving in New York May 2, where a testimonial concert was given for his benefit, at Steinway Hall, May 18. He was received at Philadelphia, Penn., by the German societies, with torch- light procession and cannonade. May 15, 1872. 5 '^ . j/iA> . 2./ , / ir; y . ,/V>r>TiLn-^ , /i . 9 ^7 ' ^ 6 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Abuse of Minstrelsy. In the reign of Edward II., a law was passed to restrain the minstrels, as vagrants, from entering the houses of the wealthy, exacting meat, drink, clothes, or other gifts. Abyssinian Music. This race were advanced in music, and used six mu- sical instruments, — the sistrum, lyre, tabor, flute, kettle-drum, and trumpet. Abyssinian Trumpet, made of a reed iive feet and a half long. Abyssinian Flute is played like our clarinet. Abyssinian Lyre has from five to seven strings. Abyssinian Sistrum, made of metal plates, oval form. Abyssinian Tabor and Drum, used for warlike purposes. Academies of Music are ancient in- stitutions, and have existed since 1324; numerous in Europe, but more in Italy than any other country. Academy, Musical. The earliest known, 1324 ; known at Yincenza, 1500 ; at Paris, 1669; in England, 1710; in America, 1833. Accentor. Originally the vocal or instrumental performer who took the leading part. Accompanied Madrigals were those written for voices and instru- ments; and these were the immediate precursors of the opera. Accomplished Singer. Written by Cotton Mather, Boston, Mass., 1721, to allay the excitement in regard to the lawful use of music in church. Accordeon, a well-known musical instrument now manufactured in this country as well as in France and Ger- many. Actions for Piano. Mechanism attached to the keys, causing the ham- mers to strike the strings. AcTis, Abbe, wrote '"' Observations on the Ear and the Echo;' 1788. Actors. Musical actors are singers who represent human nature by action, speech, and musical intonation. Acts of Worship. Invocation, prayer, praise, and singing ; singing may be accompanied by instruments of music. Adam, Adolph Charles, born at Paris, 1803; entered the conservatory, 1817; composed several operas; went to London 1832, but soon returned to Paris, where he died, May 2, 1856, aged 53. His remains were followed to the grave by three thousand persons ; and at his death he left some music and his memoirs for publication. He was a very active composer; and among his operas are ^^ Richard Coeur de Lion}' ''Xe Pos- tilion de Lo7ijumeau;' ^^ La Chalet;^ and many other popular operas. Adams, Chas. R., tenor singer; born in Boston, Mass ; sang in opera at Ber- lin, and in several European theatres. Adams, F. W., violinist, born 1787; made at Montpelier, Vt., from the old- est obtainable woods, 140 ^^ Ancient Cre- monas Revived;'' died 1859. Adams, Miss Jane, born in Craw- ford sdyke, West of Scotland, wrote " There is nae Luck about the House,'* and published it 1734. She died in the town hospital of Glasgow, April 3, 1765. Adams, O. S., Lyons, N.Y. ; author of ^^ Amadeus," an opera, 1874. Adams, Samuel, born Sept. 22, 1722 ; died Oct. 8, 1808, when governor of Massachusetts, sang with Billings, and assisted him in preparing his music- books. Adams, Sarah, author of the hymn "Nearer, my God, to Thee," 1848. Adams, Zabdiel, born in Braintree, Mass., Nov. 5, 1739; published a tract on music, 1771 ; preached 37 years, and died March 1, 1801, aged 62. Adrien, a monk of Canterbury, was the first who taught the Romish music for the service of the Church in Eng- land, 1703. ^OLUs' Harp. An ancient instru- ment, much like the ^olian harp ; introduced from the East into England during 1700. African Music. Though the peo- ple are barbarous in some parts of the country, they are musical, and use sev- eral instruments with skill ; and M. Bow- dich heard in the interior the Alleluia of Handel performed with harp accompani- ments. Afzelius, the venerable collector of Swedish folk-songs, died at Eukoping, 1873. Agathon, a Greek singer, lived 400 B.C. ; his style of singing was prover- bially excellent. Agraffe. The name given to a method of stringing instruments, where the wire passes through the agraffe, then over a bridge to the pin, dividing the se- vere tension. Agricola, John, of Erfurt, pub- A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. lished many motets, also canticles for the principal festival, 1601. Ahner, Henky, born 1823 in Sax- ony; trumpeter, who came to America 1848 ; died at Chicago Feb. 3, 1858. Ahrend, Thomas, born at Magde- burg, 1829; celebrated after coming to America, South and West, as a teacher, and settled in Baltimore, Md. AiBi.iNGEB, Joseph K., born in Ger- many, 1765, composer and conductor at Munich ; died May, 1867. AiCHSPALT, Peter, celebrated as a y street singer; became archbishop of Mentz ; died June, 1380^-^^ Aiken, Jesse B.J^hiladelphia, in- vented three new-shaped patent notes, ^ 184)^, and has published music-books frdm 1847 to 1875. Aiken, John, born at Kibworth; fa- mous for his ^^ Essays on Song Writing; " died Dec. 7, 1822. Aiken, John D., Spartansburg, Penn., invented, 1850, a monster viol, consisting of fifty smaller ones, strung like the violin, and played with keys like the piano-forte. Ainsworth, Henry, born in Eng- land; known generally by his " Version of the Psalms,^' set to music at Amster- dam, 1550: this collection was brought to this country by the Puritans, and used until the printing of the Bay Psalm-Book; died at Amsterdam, 1622. AiRD, James, Glasgow, author of much instrumental music in Scotland, 1770 to 1784. Akers, Paul,, invented and perfected a mechanism for recording improvised music for the piano-forte, 1858. Albani, Emma [Emma La Jeunesse], born at Plattsburg, N.Y., 1850. Her fa- ther, Joseph La Jeunesse, was a French music-teacher of Montreal, Can., where he married the daughter of a wealthy Scotchman, and afterwards settled in Plattsburg. Emma was the oldest of six children, and was trained in early life in the study of music by her father, and displayed remarkable talents for the divine art from the most tender years. _ Removing to Albany, where Emma was" engaged to sing, her progress attracted attention, and she was sent to Europe. She made her first appearance in opera at Messina, Sicily, under the assumed name of Emma Albani, with success; she then had engagements at Malta, Florence, and at the principal opera- houses of Italy ; later she sang in Lon- don and St. Petersburg, and has since ranked with the first artists in Europe. She returned to America, October, 1874. Albani, Matthias, a renowned vio- lin maker of the Tyrol, 1654. Albee, Amos, teacher and composer, Medfield, Mass., author of " 27te Nor- folk Collection,'' 1795. Albert, Henry, born at Lodestein, 1604 ; a learned composer ; his music is still used in Prussia; died 1668. Albert, Prince, born Aug. 26, 1819 ; married Feb. 10, 1840 ; composer of songs and church music ; died Dec. 14, 1861. Albertazzi [Miss Howson], born in London 1812; famous as a singer from 1837 ; died 1847 ; her father was a music- master in London. Alberti, a violinist engaged by Fran- cis I. of France, 1530. Alberti, a guitarist at Paris, 1796. Alberti, Dominico, a Venetian ; as- tonished Farinelli in Spain by his talent in singing ; he set some operas to music, and composed thirty-six sonatas; died at Rome. Albertus, Magnus, author of two treatises on music ; died 1280. Albigenses. The people of Albi were the second to introduce metrical psalmody, 1210. Albion and Alb anus, by Dryden; first performed in London, 1685. Albinoni, Thomas, composed 33 ope- ras for Venice; a violinist, 1694 to 1730. Alboni, Marietta, born at Cesena, 1826; achieved her musical reputation at an early age at Milan ; travelled through Europe, and came to the Unit- ed States, June, 1852 ; after her brilliant career in the large cities of America, she returned to Europe May 28, 1853. Albrecht, of the German ia Musical Society, owned in 1857 the best musi- cal library in America, 665 volumes, at Philadelphia. Albrecht, J. L., director of the mu- sic in the principal church of Mulhau- sen, died about the year 1773; published many didactic works on music. Albrechtsberger, John George, born at Klosterneuburg, Feb. 3, 1736; was in 1772 member of the Academy, Vienna, and became a most learned con- trapuntist; composed much, and wrote many works concerning harmony and composition; died March 7, 1809, aged 73. Alcman, of Sparta, invented choral dances, and excluded hexameters from 8 A DICTIOKABT OF MUSICAL INFORMATIOl^. verses to be sung to the lyre ; afterwards called lyric poetry. Alcock, John, doctor of music, was born in London, April 11, 1715; he com- posed songs, church music, glees, an- thems, instrumental music, chants, &c., and obtained the prize at the Catch Club ; died at Lichfield, 1806, aged 91. Aldovandkini. This Italian musi- cian composed seven operas for Bologna and Venice, between the years 1696 and 1711. Aldrich, Henry, an English com- poser ; born 1647 ; died 1710 ; his library is at Oxford College. Alessandro, Romano, a singer in the Pope's chapel, 1560; a performer on the viol; composed motets accom- panied by many instruments; also in- vented canzonets for four and five voices. Alexander, a native of Asia Minor, was the founder of a sect of persons who thought it a religious duty to keep awake day and night to sing music, be- lieving that constant singing would fit them for heaven ; died 430. Alexander, of Russia, established nineteen theatres for the performance of opera, 1858. Alexandre, M., claimed, in Paris, 1853, the invention of a new musical in- strument called the " Orgue (V Alexan- dre,^^ with three finger-boards, and the power of combining the effects of a full orchestra; exhibited at Bologna, 1856. See Debain. Alfieri, a musician and poet: the scenes of his ^^Timoleon^^ are very fine; composed when listening to soft music, or immediately after having heard it. Alford, Rev. Henry, born in Lon- (k-^fdon, 1810; published ^^ Psalms and ^ ' Hymns;' 1844. Algemeine Musikalische Zei- TUNG, commenced at Leipsic, Germa- ny, 1798. Alix, of Aix, in Provence, about 1650, constructed an automaton figure having the shape of a human skeleton, which, by means of concealed mechan-, ism, had the appearance of playing on the guitar. After its exhibition, a ru- mor arose that Alix was a sorceror, and in league with the Devil ; he was arrest- ed, tried on the capital charge of magic, or witchcraft, condemned, and burned alive, together with his wonderful au- tomaton, 1664. Allan, Madame Caradori, bom U^/u^ at Milan, 1800; went to England, and under the name of Caradori made her debut at the King's Theatre, Jan. 12, 1822; became known there and at the concerts of the Philharmonic Society, and as the composer of some pleasing romances ; married Mr. Allan, secretary of the theatre, 1823 ; sang in opera with Formes; sang in Vienna and other places with success ; came to New York, September, 1837; appeared at the Park Theatre, and was pronounced a finished vocalist and fine actress ; in 1840, made a concert tour through the United States; returned to New York; went again to England; sang at Naples and elsewhere; retired from the stage, and died 1865, aged 65. See Caradorl Alleghanians, a New England con- cert company formed in 1848 ;"have con- tinued to give concerts in this and other countries with success to this time. Allegranti, M., one of the most famous singers of her time, 1771 ; sang in Italy, Germany, England, and other countries, in oratorio and opera. Allegri, Giovanni Battista, or- ganist and composer of motets, Venice, 1700. Allegri, Gregorio, born at Rome, 1590 ; became one of the most excellent composers of his age; his '^Miserere" is still sung ; died Feb. 18, 1652. Allen, Chester G., born in West- ford, Otsego Co., N.Y., Feb. 15, 1838; teacher, composer, and editor of ^^ New- York Musical Gazette.' ' Alley, Joseph, known as a manu- facturer of Enharmonic organs^ New- buryport, Mass. ; the instrument was invented, 1848, by Alley & Poole, and is the first successful attempt to solve the problem of perfect intonation. Allison, Richard, of London, was one of the composers who adapted the Psalms to music, 1594; published a col- lection of music, 1606. Alphabet of the musical scale ; the seven first letters of the alphabet were used in music by Gregory, and applied by Guido. The Greeks used their alpha- bet of 1620 characters in music. Alpine Horn, made of the bark of a cherry-tree, and like a speaking-trum- pet used to convey sounds to a great distance ; peculiar to Alpine hunters. Alpine Melodies. The songs of the Tyrol have a wildness peculiar to mountain music, and are unl.'ke the music of any other people. {/WVt *>^- melodies are known all over the civil- ized world. Aubert, violinist and composer at Paris, died 1758; his son was first viol- inist at the opera until 1771, when he retired with a pension. P. F. Olivier Aubert, born at Amiens 1763, wrote some musical works, and published many instrumental compositions; was a violoncellist. AuGiER, Emile, a French composer of operas ; born at Valence Drome, Sept. 17, 1820. Augustine, St., born in Africa ; wrote six books on music, wliich were printed at Lyons, 1586, eleven hundred and forty-six years after his death, which took place A.D. 440. AuLD, Alexander, Columbus, O., composer and compiler of four collec- tions of music from 1847 to 1875. Augustus, Duke of Brunswick, em- ployed a musician of Gotha to copy for him many musical instrumental works in score. The collection was finished 1663, and consisted of music by the Bach family and others; it was in the University at Helmstadt, 1856; and the works dated back to 1650, being fifty years older than any then known as coming from the Bach family. When Sebastian Bach, late in life, collected 12 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. the musical posthumous works of his ancestors, he was not able to find a piece composed previous to 1693. Austin, Adam, born at Edinburgh, Nov. 28, 1726 ; a celebrated song-writer ; died 1774. Austin, St., established a school for instruction in ecclesiastical music at Canterbury, Eng., in the ninth century. Automaton Carillon. A two-oc- tave chime of bells, invented 1868 by E. Scherr, of Philadelphia, Penn. ; it can perform any music within its compass. Automaton Vocalist. A German artist constructed a speaking machine, which talks and sings with distinctness ; it is a life-like figure ; the machinery is operated by keys like those of a piano- forte ; the inventor is M. Faber. Automaton Clarinet Player. This figure plays upon the clarinet and cornet, — thirty- two tones on the clari- net, and sixteen on the cornet ; invent- ed by Mr. Van Oeckelen, an organ- builder in Holland. Automaton Lady Minstrel and Bird, constructed by Obed M. Cole- man, of Barnstable, Mass., while living at New Bedford ; this figure performed on the accordeon as the bird sang. AuTOPHON. An instrument con- structed by Charles Dawson, of Lon- don, 1849 ; can perform any music sup- plied to it; constructed on the principle of a barrel-organ. AvENA. The third kind of musical instrument used by the ancients; it succeeded the instruments formed of horns of animals; it was a straw or reed. AvisoN, Charles, organist and au- thor ; born 1710 ; died 1770. Ayrton, Edmund, born 1734 at Rip- ton, Eng. ; organist and composer ; wrote much music while master at the royal chapel ; died 1808. Ayton, Sir Robert (sometimes writ- ten Aytoun), born in Fifeshire, Scot- land, 1570; aproHfic composer of songs; died in London, March, 1638, aged 68. B. B. De Nevers, a French musician, first applied the tone name si to this letter. Babbi C, violinist and composer, 1780 ; Gregorio was a tenor opera singer, Lisbon, 1775. Babbini M. tenor siuger in opera, London, 1785. Babcock Samuel, one of the early teachers and composers of sacred music in this country, was of Watertown, Mass., and his compositions hold their place in the collections of common psalmody to this time; he published, 1795, " The Middlesex Harmony.^' Bacchanalian Songs, were first sung at the Greek mysteries and festi- vals of Bacchus ; they are now sung in Germany, France, England, and other countries. The Roman Senate abol- ished such songs 186 years B.C. Bacchus, the conqueror, left music, dancing, and poetry at Thrace; wrote the first musical catechism ; established a music school, and exempted from military duty all skilful musicians. There was a god of song by this name. Bach Veit, the founder of the Bach family was a native of Presburg, in Hun- gary, and was noted for his skill upon the guitar. There are many individuals of this name, whose lives spread over a period of two or more centuries ; a brief notice of the most famous would occupy an extended space. Bach, John Sebastian, born March 21, 1685, at Eisenach, was a very great musician; wrote an enormous list of works, in every form of sacred music, orchestral compositions, chamber music, &c. ; died at Leipsic, July 30, 1750, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. Bach, Carl Philipp Emmanuel, born at Weimar, March 14, 1714 ; music- director at Hamburg, a prolific com- poser, great in all departments ; as a writer of songs, odes, psalms, &c., he surpassed all his cotemporaries ; died at Hamburg, of consumption, Sept. 14, 1788. Bach, John Christian, born in Leipsic, 1735 ; organist and composer at Milan, Italy; appeared in London, Eng., 1739, as a virtuoso on keyed instruments ; became a composer of operas, and died Jan. 1782. Bach, Heinrich, born at Wechmar, 1615 ; became famous as an organist and musician ; was settled at Arnstadt, 1643, and died 1692. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 13 Bach, Hans, eldest son of Veit, city musician at Wechmar; died 1626. Bach, ^gidius, born 1645 ; organist at Erfurt; died 1717. Bache, Sarah, daughter of Benja- min Franklin; born at Philadelphia, September, 1744; a famous harpist; in 1777, when the enemy approached the city, she took refuge in the country ; she wrote her father "that the rapacious crew had stolen and carried off his harps, bells, viol da gamba, &c. ; but the Armonica is safe." Bachmann, F. W., violinist and com- poser, Berlin, 1824. Backers, A., a German, and early maker of piano-fortes; there is one in London bearing the inscription, Amer- icus Backers, factor and inventor, 1776. Bacon, L. W., New Haven, Conn., author of a collection of church music and a book for social worship, 1854. Bacon, Lord, wrote upon "Dan- cing to Song, Acting in Song," and ** Choirs;" also directions to singers. Bader a., a tenor singer, associated with Spontini's Opera; died at Berlin, Ger., May 14, 1870, aged 81. Badger, Thomas, Jun., commenced in Boston, April, 1820, the first musical paper in this country, " The Euterpeiad,'^ edited by John R. Parker. B ADiALi, an opera singer of renown ; died at Bologna, 1865, aged 66. His brother Frederico, also a popular opera singer, died in New York, August, 1855. Bagioli a., born at Bologna, 1794; came to this country with the Mon- tresser opera company, 1832; the first Italian troupe that came here ; he settled and died in New York, Feb. 11, 1870, aged 76. Bagpipe, an instrument which has long been a favorite with the natives of Scotland; it has been much used in other countries; even the Greeks and Romans were acquainted with it. Bag- pipers flourished from 1700 to 1800 in Scotland. Baif, J. A. De, established an acad- emy of music and wrote several musical works ; died at Paris, 1591. Baildon, a celebrated English glee composer, from 1760 to 1780. Bailey, Thomas (sometimes printed Bayley), Newburyport, Ma: s.,publislied, 1755, ''A Complete Melody in Three Parts,'^ which had a great sale; was afterwards connected with the produc- tion of several other books of music; was a composer of psalmody; published ^^ Universal Harmony, ^^ 1774; and was at one time connected in business with Daniel Bailey. Bailey, Daniel, Newburyport, Mass., a composer and publisher of music; produced his ''New and Com- plete Introduction to the Grounds and Rules of Music,'' in Two Parts, 1764; published " The Essex Harmony, or Mu- sical Miscellany,'' 1785; in this work he was assisted by his son, and mentions himself as " author of 'Select Harmony,' a book of anthems in quarto, and a set of tunes to bind in psalm-books." Baillie, Grisell, born Dec. 2.5, 1665 ; author of a book of original songs with music; died in London, Dec. 6, 1746. Alexander, author of "Insti- tutions of Music," " Airs for the Flute,'* and a " Treatise on Harmony," 1735. Baillot, p., violinist, born near Paris, 1771; published much music; died 1842. Baini, a. G., born at Rome, 1775 ; a famous musical historian, singer, and director; died 1844. Baker, J. C, born at Salisbury, N.H., August, 1822, well known as of the family of vocalists in concerts ; Clara L., wife of George E., famous vocalist, died at Waukegan, 111., Aug. 11, 1858. Baker, John, a London organist, came to Boston, 1850; built an organ there, and moved to Cleveland, O. Baker, G. J., of the Society of British Musicians ; died 1851. 'Thomas^ came to New York with Jullien's^^^r^iestra, 1850. T. M., of Chariestown, Mass., in 1822 issued " MusiQOt' Cabinet." Baker, TnoMAsf an English vio- linist; author of " Modern Instructions for Piano-forte;" came to New York, 1850; composer and conductor; a rela- tion of George IV. Baker, B. F., born at Wenham, ^ Mass., July 10, 1811 ; held many conven- ^ tions; was six years Vice-President of -^ the Handel and Haydn Society, Boston ; a teacher in the public schools ; princi- pal of the Boston Music School ; a com- poser of much music, and editor of a large number of church music, school instruction, glee, and other music books. ^ Balfe, M. W., born in Dublin, May t-^ 15, 1808; became principal violinist in .^ the Drury Lane orchestra, London, ^ 1823; in 1825 went on the stage as an '^ opera singer ; married a prima donna, '^ 14 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Lina Rezer, and became a composer of operas, of which his *^ Bohemian GirV was the most successful. He sang in New York, 18o4; in 1857, published *' A New Singing Method;^'' died in Hertfordshire, Eng., Oct. 21, 1870, in his sixty-third year. He had made two visits to this country, and was intend- ing to come here again in 1871. Balfe, Victoria, born in Paris, Sept. 1, 1837; opera singer in London and St. Petersburg; married Sir John Cramton ; died at Madrid, Jan. 22, 1865. Ballad, originally signified a dance, accompanied by a chant, and was panto- mimic ; also a history in verse, sung to the harp or viol. Ballad Music. England is the great manufactory and mart of this kind of music, and the terai is now applied to all sorts of modern songs. The word implies a brief, simple tale or history. Ballalaika. a Sclavonian instru- ment of two strings, common among the Russians, Tartars, Egyptians, and Arabians ; it is of the guitar kind, and very ancient. Ballet, introduced in the time of Isabel of Arragon, but first became fashionable in the time of Catherine de Medici. Ballet dancers first appeared on the stage 1661. Baltzar, Thomas, born at Lubec, 1638 ; died 1663 ; was master of the band of "four and twenty fiddlers, all in a row," time of Charles II. Bamerino, Francisco, an Italian, claimed as the first composer who set an opera to music ; it was called the ^^ Conversion of St. Paul," and was per- formed at Rome, 1460. Bancroft, Silas A., of Boston, Mass., a teacher and composer, pub- lished several collections of church music and a "Social Glee Book" with William Mason, 1848, in which some of his compositions appear. Banfi, G., an Italian lute-player, taken prisoner by pirates, and sold as a slave; the Bey of Tunis was so en- chanted with his playing that he pur- cliased him and gave him liberty; he then took service with the king of Spain, composed much music, and died 1670. Banister, John, was the first Eng- lish violinist of note; succeeded Balt- zar as band-master to King Charles ; he was the first to establish lucrative con- certs in London; died Oct. 3, 1679. His son, John, was a violinist, and one of King William's band; also a com- poser; died 1725. Banjo. A rude imitation of the guitar united with tambourine, having five strings. The name is the corrupted and softened form of the bandore, a Greek instrument. Banti, B. G., born at Georgi. 1759; a famous singer in England, France, Italy, and Germany; died at Bologna, 1806, leaving her larynx to the academy. Barbers anciently were musicians also, and instruments were kept in all well-ordered shops. Barclay, John, born at Muthill, Scotland, 1734; author of many fine songs ; died at Edinburgh, July 29, 1798. Bargiel, Waldemar, born at Ber- lin, 1827; teacher and composer; pub- lished a large number of works for the piano-forte. Barilli, Luigi, born at Modena, 1767 ; known from his connection with opera from 1805 to his death. May 26, 1824. Barilli F., a celebrated composer at Rome; died in Madrid; his widow mar- ried S. Patti, and was the mother of Adelina and Carlotta Patti. The moth- er was a celebrated singer and actress ; she died 1849. Barilli, A., son of Francisco, came to this country 1846. Clotilda, his sis- ter, came with him, and married in New York ; died in the West Indies. Antonio returned to Rome, his native city, 1874. Ettore, Nicola, and Alfredo, born in Florence, came to New York, 1855. The family were all more or less cele- brated as musicians. Barker, Nathan, violinist, com- poser, and director ; known as manager of the Barker Family concerts. Barlow, Joel, "born at Reading, Conn., 1755; published his version of Psalms 1785; died Dec. 22, 1812, near Cracow on his way to Paris. Barmann, H., clarinetist at the court chapel in Munich for more than forty years; died June 11, 1847, aged sixty-four. Barnard, Anne, born Dec. 8, 1750 ; author of "Old Bobin Gray," 1771; died May 8, 1824. Barnard, John, born in Boston, Nov. 6, 1681 ; in 1752 made a version of I psalms with the music ; settled at Mar- blehead ; introduced new music there ; ' died Jan. 24, 1770, aged eighty-nine. ^ QuYv/U, (y-A^J^.iyd^ '^.y)^, j. ^^yio.c-^c^:, A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 15 Barnes, L. B., a member of the Handel and Haydn Society, Boston, for twenty years; secretary fifteen years; and president four years; compiler of ** The Congregational Harp,'''' and '* The Chapel;^'' also a composer of songs. Resigned his office 1875. Barnet, James G., a distinguished musician and composer, received the degree of Doctor of Music from Yale college, 1869, while a teacher in Hart- ford, Conn. Barnett, John, born at Bedford, Eng., 1802; an opera singer and com- poser of popular music. Barrel Organ, a contrivance to produce music by the turning of a barrel or cylinder, as in a music-box or hand-organ. Barth, Herr, a noted singer in the Imperial chapel, is particularly cele- brated as having saved to posterity Beethoven's song, '''■Adelaide.''^ He chanced to call on the great composer at the moment the song was thrown to the fire ; catching it, before it burned, Barth sang it. Beethoven listened at- tentively, and then observed, "My dear Barth, we will not burn it." Bartholomew, the librettist of Men- delsohn's oratorios, also prepared the books of ^^ Eli,'' and ^^ Naaman," for Costa, and the words of the " Ode to the Sultan ;" died August 18, 1867. Bartleman, J., the celebrated bass singer, was born in Westminster, Sept. 19, 1769; sang at Freemason's Hall, Ancient Concerts, and Hanover Square rooms; died April 15, 1820. Barton, Sarah W., an American vocalist, appeared in opera at Warsaw, 1872. Baryton, an instrument of the vio- lin tribe, midway in size and compass between the viola and violoncello. Bass, Thorough. The first treatises on Thorough Bass were written early in the seventeenth century, but it was not until the publication of later works by Rameau and others that the system acquired its modern significance. Bass Clarinet, an instrument an octave below the clarinet in B\f, in the same form, but much larger. Basset Horn, like a large sized haut- boy in shape, and formerly used instead of the clarinet. Bassetto, a tenor viol, or small bass viol, — violoncello. y Bassini, Carlo, bom at Cuneo, Italy, 1815; commenced his career as solo violinist in Europe; visited South America, 1837; came to the United States 1838, and in 1839 conducted opera in New York ; finally settled there, and published " The Art of Singing,'* and some other musical works; died Nov. 25, 1870, aged fifty-five. Bass Oboe, an instrument like the bassoon, invented in Ferrara, Italy, 1539. Bassoon, a bass instrument used in orchestras and called fagot, or fagotto ; it is blown with a reed, through a brass tube. Bass Horn, an instrument formerly much used in bands; there is also a French horn called bass horn ; the two are entirely different. Bass Violin, an instrument formerly used, and having a distinct part written, for it. Bass Yiol, properly violoncello ; one of small size has been called basa violin. Bastians, celebrated as the organist at Haarlem, Holland, and a composer. Baton. First used in London, super- seding the foot or fiddle bow, 1826, at Covent Garden, by Weber. Battishill, Jonathan, born in London, 1738; composer of operas, sa- cred music and glees; married Miss Davies, vocalist, who died 1775 ; Battis- hill after this composed many songs ^ died at Islington, Dec. 9, 1801. Battista, Yincenzo, a well-known composer of operas for the Naples thea- tres, died 1873. Baumgartner, August, organist and composer, died at Munich, Sept. 27, 1862. Baxter, Lydia, born in Petersburg, Rensselaer County, N.Y., Sept. 2, 1809; author of many songs and Sunday-school hymns, some of which have had a wide circulation; wrote the song " The Gates Ajar," which has been sung in Amer- ica, England, and Scotland ; died in New York City, June 23, 1874. Baxter, invented the method of lengthening a common metre hymn, by introducing words in German text or black letter, which could be sung, or omitted; and Cotton Mather arranged some psalms on this plan, to be sung as common, or long metre. Bayadeers, of India; these singing and dancing girls use the guitar and tom-toms as accompaniments to the voice, and wear anlde-bells and foot- 16 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. chains, which they jingle in concert with the music. Bayly, Thomas Haynes, born near Bath, Eng., 1797; was a most successful song-writer; published *^ Bayly's Melo- dies ; " his songs are very popular to this day; died of jaundice, 1889. Bay Psalm Book, a work compiled by several of the Puritan clergymen of the country, was the first book printed in the American colonies; it was pub- lished at Cambridge, Mass., 1640; was re-printed in London, Eng., 1737, and in Scotland, 1738. It was printed by Stephen Daye, from a clear, new type, imported for that work, and was also known by the name "iVeio England Version;'^ in 1647 some ^^ SpiritvAil Songs'^ were added to the American work; the music used for singing was mostly written upon leaves bound in with the psalms, and was mostly copied from Ravenscroft's Collection; tunes from Ainsworth and other English com- posers were also used. Bazoche Clerks, a company of mu- sicians organized in the time of Philip the Fair ; their orchestra, 1442, consisted of drums, trumpets, hautboys, and bas- soons. Becker, Prof. C. F., a distinguished organist of the Leipzig Conservatory; born 1814; in 1856 presented his library of thirty-six hundred works on music to the city on condition that it be called the ^^ Becker Library.'' Beeche, Von, of Vienna, composed much vocal and instrumental music be- tween 1780 and 1802 ; died 1803. Beecher, Joseph, of New York, invented a new species of piano-forte, 1856 ; the movement is around a hollow cylinder, and it has two key-boards. Beethoven, Louis Van, the greatest composer of the time in which he lived; excelled in every species of composition ; born in Bonn, on the Rhine, Dec. 17, 1770 ; the deafness which withdrew him from the world made him awkward and retiring; he lived in his own art, and the body of this prince of musicians was accompanied to its rest by its own creations ; he died March 26, 1827, aged fifty-six. A bronze statue of the great man was inaugurated in Boston Music Hall, March 1, 1856; his monument is at Bonn, and was repaired in 1853. Belcher, Samuel (or Supply), of Farraington, Me., published, 1794, " The Harmony of Maine ; " an origiQal com- position of psalm and hymn tunes ; was a teacher of music. This man, or one of his name, published at Hallowell, Me., where he then resided, 1830, " Har- mony of Music." Belknap, Jeremy, born in Boston, Mass., June 4, 1744, issued in 1795 a " Collection of Psalms and Hymns," sev- eral of them being written by himself; died of paralysis, in Boston. June 20, 1798. Bell, Rev. Dr., bom in England, 1563; composer for the organ and vir- ginal ; also for the voice ; died 1622. Bell Harmonicon, an adaptation of musical bells to the piano-forte in such a manner as to be played with it. Bellak, James, born at Prague, 1814 ; came to this country and settled in Philadelphia, Pa., as dealer in mu- sical wares. Bellini Vincent, a dramatic com- poser, born Nov. 3, 1802, at Catania, Sicily ; early went to Naples and became known as a composer; his first opera was performed 1824; in 1828, "ia Stra- niera" attracted the attention of all Italy; in 1833, he founded his fortune and his fame with ^^ Norma" ''^ La Sonnambula," and '■^ Puritani ;" died Sept. 23, 1835, aged thirty-three. Bellows Organs, superseded hy- draulic instruments, 514. Bells have played an important part in civilization ; they were known to the Hebrews, and have been used in every country and by all people more or less. Musical bells are used in Europe and in this country. Change ringing of bells is ascribed to one Anable, who invented the art and died in 1755. Bells are ranked by musicians among the most musical instruments of percussion ; and the carillons, or music-bells, are played by means of keys, like those of the piano-forte. Bendel, Franz, born in Hungary 1835; settled in Berlin as a pianist, where he married, and became court musician; came to this country, and played at the Peace Jubilee, 1872. Benedict, Jules, born at Stuttgard, Germany, of an Israelite family, Dec. 24, 1804; in the spring of 1825 he was maestro di capella at Naples (mar- ried a Neapolitan lady, 1835, and went to England, where he first stamped his reputation) ; became director at Drury Lane, London, and produced several operas, in 1838; came to the United l/l"^ (U-^^r^^ , t , A^ vu . / H h A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 17 States, 1850, with Jenny Lind (as con- ductor of her concerts) ; on returning to England he formed a vocal association, conducted opera, and was found worthy of knighthood, which honor was at the same time conferred upon W. S. Ben- nett. Benjamin, Jonathan, of Northamp- ton, Mass., published, 1799, a collection of music entitled " Harmonia, CcBlestis,^' with most of the tunes figured for the harpsichord and organ, both which in- struments were then beginning to at- tract attention in this country. Benkekt, G. F., born in German- town, Pa., April 11, 1831; became early known as a composer ; was made famous in Germany by the production of his grand mass, conducted by Lindpainter. Bennet, John, born 1555 ; one of the best English madrigalists (seems to have had a melody more phrased and chan- tante than most of his contemporaries). Besides his madrigals for four voices, published in 1599, he contributed largely to the compositions inserted in a work published by Thomas Ravenscroft, in Bennett, WTs.'^^^n at Sheffield, England, April 13, 1816; went to Ger- many ; returned to London in 1839, and obtained the highest reputation as a com- poser, pianist, and teacher; married Miss Wood, pianist, who died 1866, leaving three children; the honor of knighthood was bestowed on him and Jules Benedict at the same time; was made " Doctor of Music ' ' June 30, 1856. Died in London, Feb. 1, 1875; buried in Westminster Abbey. Berens, M., a native of Hamburg, residing at Stockholm since 1845 ; com- poser of much piano-forte music; in 1860 conductor of the theatre, where he produced three operas. ^ Berge, William, came to this coun- ■ try from Germany, 1846; organist and composer. New York; ranks as one of the most gifted performers. Berger, Louis, a celebrated pianist and pupil of Clementi, born at Berlin in 1777. He published a valuable work, --eiititled '■^ Bouze Etudes pour le Piano- forte:"---.^^ ^ Beegmann; Garl, a well known Ger- /man conductor of luiisic and opera in / New York, and a comp^S^Wv^of merit; came to Boston, ductor of the Germania Musical Society. Berkeley, George, born at Thom- astown, Ireland, 1684 ; came to America 1729 ; presented an organ to the town of Berkley, Mass., 1733; but the select- men, considering it " an instrument of tlie devil for the entrapping of the souls of men," declined the gift, and it was later conferred on Trinity Church, New- port, R. I. Berlioz, Hector, born at Cote St. Andre, France, December 11, 1803; was a remarkable musician, and filled a largo space in the world's regard; went to Paris when a boy ; began his career as a chorus singer (soon marked out his own course, and followed it without re- gard to the opinion of others); was a composer of many musical works, and became distinguished as a literary writer and musical critic; died at Paris, March 9, 1869. His wife was Miss Smithson, an English actress of great beauty, who died 1854. Bernhard, of Germany, invented pedals for the organ, 1470. Bertheaume, born at Paris, 1756; the violinist of his day; practised much alone, in the garret of his aunt's house his only companion being a huge spidei, which always let itself down from the roof upon the instrument to enjoy the music; this spider came as usual one day when the aunt was present, who, being alarmed, brushed the insect to the floor and killed it. The young man, horrified at the loss of his friend, sank to the floor in a fainting fit. Died 1802. Bertini, Henry, born in London, October 28, 1798; chiefly known in this country for his celebrated " Method for the Piano-forte,'^ and for some excellent exercises for students, formerly much a^ ,^^ used. ^'i<^ Berton, p. M., born in France; re- markable for musical talent from the age of four years; composer, organist, director, and opera singer from 1744 to 1780 in Paris ; died 1780. His son. Hen- rich, born in Paris 1767, composed thirty operas, several oratorios, and much other music. Best, W. T., pianist, organist, and teacher; known as the author of a ''Modern SchooV for the organ, and by some compositions. Bethune, Thomas Green (Blind Tom), born near Columbus, Geo., May 25, 1849; was blind from birth; from 1848^ 63-ceft=a infancy had the power of imitating sounds ; before he could talk could imi- e any muste Jie heard ; became f ami- u> n A DICTIONAKT OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. liar with the piano-forte at the age of five years ; composed his " Bain Storm " after hearing, as he said, "what the rain, wind, and thunder said to liim;" was a slave, and purchased by Perry H. Oliver, 1850, who brought him before the public as a pianist, 1858; has per- formed in the principal cities of Amer- ica, and has gone to Europe, where he has attracted attention. Bevin", Elway, an eminent English musician, flourished in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I., pub- lished a " Brief e and Short Instruction of the Art of Musicke,^' to teach how to make discant of all proportions that are in use, etc., 1631. Bexfield, Dr. W. R., an accom- plished composer and organist; author of the oratorio, ^'Israel Bestored,^^ a v^olume of church anthems, several glees, and other compositions; died Nov. 28, 1853, at his residence, Monmouth Road, Bay water, Eng., aged 28. Beyer, a Gei-man, invented the c/lass- chord at Paris, 1785 ; a new instrument like the piano-forte, with glass instead of strings. Anthony, musician and composer, died at St. Stephen, N. B., May 15, 1857, aged 76. Beyer, Fred, a well known com- poser and arranger of music, author of a celebrated " Method for Piano ; " died in Germany, April, 1863. Beza, Theodore, born atYezelai, in the Nivernois, 1519; revised "" MaroVs Psalms,''' 1545, and made additions to them; also "admirably fitted them to the violin and other musical instru- ments;" died Oct. 13, 1605. Bigot, Madame Marie, a German pianist, born at Colmar, March 3, 1786 ; was the first to introduce Beethoven's music into France ; political causes com- pelled her husband to reside in Paris, where she opened a school for instruc- tion in music, aided by Cherubini and Auber; died Sept. 16, 1820. Billings, William, born in Boston, Mass., Oct. 7, 1746; was the author of six books of church music, nearly all original : he composed much fugue mu- sic after the then English style, and ex- ceeded his models; his books were very popular ; he kept a music store in Bos- ton, was a zealous patriot, and the words to which he set many tunes com- bined religion and patriotism, and were sung in the tent by the soldiers as well as in the church, and were powerful in exciting the spirit of liberty; died in Boston, Sept. 26, 1800. BiLLiNGTON, Elizabeth, born in England, 1770; celebrated singer and pianist; several eminent composers wrote for her, and her fame was great in all Europe; died at St. Artien, near Venice, 1817. Thomas, her husband, a musician and composer, died at Naples, 1794. Bird, Joseph, Watertown, Mass., published, in 1849, " Gleanings from the History of Music,'' from the earliest ages to the commencement of the eigh- teenth century. He was unable to pre- pare all that he designed to publish in season to present his work at the time it was promised, and gave notice that he would resume his work and prepare a second volume. This he did not do, howevei-, for want of encouragement from publishers ; but he published some other musical works of value, and one singing book. Bird, William, organist of Lincoln Cathedral, born 1543, composed a vast quantity of vocal music between 1575 and 1611 ; died 1623, aged 80. His organ and virginal compositions are innumer- able ; nearly seventy of his compositions were in Queen Elizabeth's virginal book. Birmingham Musical Festival, established as a public charity, to found a hospital, September, 1768 ; none but English vocalists were engaged as prin- cipals; orchestra 70, chorus 40. The Triennial Festival was organized 1778; its second meeting was held in 1784 ; and since that time it has been held trienni- ally, except in 1793, when the theatre, in which the Festival was always held, was destroyed by fire. BiscACCiANTi (Eliza Ostinelli), born in Boston, 1825, became celebrated as an opera singer; now resides in Rome, where she has one son living, who is a subaltern officer of volunteers in Italy, stationed near Rome. The immense sums of money she had earned, the jewels and ornaments given her, and even the golden crown bestowed upon her, perhaps prevented her return to her native city. Bishop, Anna, wife of Sir Henry R. Bishop, born in London, was educated at the Royal Academy of Music, in Lon- don. Her first appearance in public was at a concert given by Bochsa, July 5, 1839; made a tour through Europe between 1839 and 1843; gave in that A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 4o^7^M^ ^^-^ time 260 concerts ; from 1843 to 1846 re- mained in Italy; went to England 1847, and tlience, 1855, to Australia; in 1858, af t«r visiting North and Soutli America, she returned to England ; in 1859 came again to the United States and visited Canada, remaining until 1805; in 1868 was in California ; from thence she vis- ited China, Egypt, etc., and has since been in California, Australia, and Eng- land. Her visit and reception in the large cities of the United States will be remembered by the thousands who heard and admired her. Bishop, Henry Rowley, born in London, 1782 ; in 1806 commenced the course of composition which distin- guished him; in 1809 produced the music for an opera; in 1810 became composer and director of the music at Covent Garden, where he remained until 1823, producing many operas and much music ; he composed more than seventy theatrical pieces, and a long catalogue of popular music of all kinds ; was pro- fessor of harmony and composition at the Royal Academy; in 1839 Bachelor of Music and conductor of the concerts of anelent music; earned more money than any English composer, and died poor ; no Englishman has composed so much music, and few better; was pro- fessor at the Universities of Edinburgh and Oxford, and was knighted by the Queen, 1842. In 1836 he married the well known Madame Anna Bishop, and they separated on account of her deter- ^ mination to sing in public; a son and ft daughter came of this marriage. Died ^ May 1, 1855. . BissELL, T., born in England ; known r^ as a music-teacher, organist, and com- :^ poser, Boston, Mass., published one or two collections of church music. "^ Black Letter Psalms were those of Cotton Mather, in blank verse, fitted unto the tunes commonly used ; so that while each psalm looks exactly like prose, and may be read as such, it is in fact modulated so that it may be sung as li/ric verse ; the measure was length- ened by words in black letter ; the cho- rister had only to say '■'■ siwj with the black letter,'^ or, " sing without it," and the choir could get along very well, using common or long metre. Blacklock, Thomas, born at An- nan, 1721 ; celebrated as a song-writer ; died at Edinburgh, July, 1791. Blake, Geo. E., born 1775; was, at the time of his death, the olde.^t music publisher in America; commenced the business in Philadelphia, 1802, and for many years engraved with his own hands all the plates of the music he published ; died Feb. 24, 1871, aged 96. Blake, Timothy, of Barnstead, N.H., fife and drum major for the five vears' war of 1812, died Dec. 30, 1872, aged 82. Blaze, F. H. J. C, born at Cavillon, December 1, 1784; celebrated as a critic and musical writer; adapted many Ital- ian and German operas to the French stage ; died 1853. Blewitt, John, composer of panto- mime music and popular comic songs ; wrote for Di'ury Lane and for Vauxhall Gardens, also for the English glee clubs : was the composer of upwards of two thousand original pieces of music, and a pianist; died in London, September, 1853, aged 73. Blind Tom. (See Thomas Greeit Bethune. ) Blow, John, doctor of music, born 1648, at North Collingham, England; was, in 1685, musician to James IL, and master of the choristers of St. Paul's Church; was a composer of anthems, church music, songs and other music (his compositions and his scholars who arrived at eminence have rendered his name venerable among the musicians of England) ; died in London, Oct. 1, 1708. Blumenthal, J., born at Hamburg, 1829; settled in London, where he be- came famous for orchestral compositions and other works. Board of Music Trade. In 1856, the music business of the United States had become of such magnitude and im- portance that parties engaged in the music publishing department found it necessary to form a Board of Music Trade, and to adopt a uniform plan of transacting business. The Board seeks first to protect the interests of dealers and teachers. BocHSA, R. N. Charles, born at Montmedi, France, 1789; a celebrated harpist and composer (among his com- positions are several operas ; went to England 1817, where he published much harp music ; in 1822 was director of the oratorios, and a life governor of the Royal Academy of Music) ; came to the LTnited States with Madame Anna Bishop ; visited Mexico, South America, A DICTIONAKY OF MUSICAL INTORMATIOK. California, and Australia ; he died at Sydney, Jan. 7, 1857, aged 68. BoEHM, Theobald," inventor of the "Boelim flute," so called, the most celebrated of German flutists ; was born in Bavaria in 1802, and belonged to the band of the king at Munich ; composed all forms of music for the flute, some with orchestral accompaniment. Bohemia. The music-loving Bohe- mians, in 1810, formed an association for the promotion of music, established a conservatory, which H. D. Weber di- rected 25 years, and introduced music in the lunatic asylum as a means of cure. BoiELDiEU, F. A., the world-renown- ed musician, born at Rouen, Dec. 15, 1775 ; excelled as a pianist and compo- ser; died at Jarcy, near Paris, Oct. 9, 1834. His second wife, a brilliant opera singer, died in Paris, January, 1854. BoNAwiTZ, J. H., born at Durkheim, Dec. 4, 1839 ; known as the composer of several operas ; came to this country 1872; his '^ Bride of Messina '' has been performed in Philadelphia. Bond, Capel, of Coventry, England, leader of the Birmingham Festival, 1768 ; organist ; died 1790. Bond, H. F., invented a machine for ruling paper and recording music as per- formed upon the piano-forte, 1840. BoNDiNi, a native of Bologna, pro- duced Italian opera at Dresden, 1776 ; Mozart wrote '^Don Juan " for him ; died 1796. His daughter, Marie Anna, born at Dresden, Oct. 18, 1780, pianist and vocalist, married L. Barilli, and died 1813. Terese, his other daughter, was court singer at Dresden, 1782. Bonnie Doon. Robert Burns says, " There is an air, 'The Caledonian IlunV s Belif/ht,' to which I wrote a song, ' Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Boon,'' &c. ; " letter dated November, 1794, It has been stated that one Mr. Clark composed the air, and that it could be played only on the black keys. Book of Psalms in metre, plain and easy for the tunes ; by William Barton, London, 1644. Books. One of the earliest books printed, known to have musical nota- tion, was bv Gafor of Lodi; printed 1487. (See Psalmody.) Boot, F., of Boston, Mass., composed some quartets for stringed instruments, and other compositions of merit, at Florence, Italy, 1853; also composer of -jiany songs. BoRGHi, Adelaide, one of the most accomplished singers on the lyric stage, was indebted to Rossini for her musical education ; became permanently located at Milan. Borneo Island Music. In their scale the semitones fall between the 2d and 3d, and 4th and 5th ; they use an instrument made of three reed pipes, and capable of producing harmony. BoRTNiANSKY, cliapel master to the emperor, in Russia, from 1782 to 1826, employed contra-bass voices in his choral masses, to sing an octave below the other basses; was a composer; died 1826. Bosio, Angiolina, an artist whose triumphs were brilliant, born at Turin, Aug. 20, 1829; visited this country 1850, and was one of the most accomplished singers who had appeared here ; died at St. Petersburg, April 12, 1859. Bottesini, born at Crema, Lombardy, 1823; known as a performer on the double bass, and as an orchestral con- ductor; has produced an opera, '' Ali Baba," in London, 1873; his visit to this country in 1853, with M. Jullien, and subsequent visit with Madame Son- tag to Mexico, will be remembered. Boucher, Alex., born in Paris, 1778; known as a violinist at the concerts of Catalan! ; director of music to Charles IV. of Spain, and well-known in Russia, Germany, and Poland ; died in Paris, January, 1862. Bourgeois, L., one of the first to set French psalms to music after Marot ; published 83 psalms at Paris, 1561. France soon became flooded with psalm- ody as America has since been. BowDiCH, M., wrote an account of African music and instruments. In which he describes the mandoline of five strings, and a harp of eight strings, upon which he heard a portion of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus performed. Bow-Harpsichord, invented by Gar- brecht, of Konigsberg ; it was performed upon by means of a bow under the strings. Bow Instruments in use have most- ly four strings, which are made to vi- brate by passing a bow over them, pro- ducing tones from forte to piano ; the strings are shortened by placing the fingers upon them and pressing them upon the finger-board, thus producing all required sounds possible with the compass of the strings. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 21 BowKER, Dextee, a member of the Handel and Haydn Society since 1846 ; died in Boston, 1873. BoYCE, Dr. William, ranks at the head of the English Cathedral composers of the last century. He was born in 1710. At the age of 24 he was elected organist at St. Michael's Church in Lon- don, and organist and composer of the King's Chapel. He died Feb. 17, 1779. . Bradbury, William B., born in .^ York, Me.^816, early became a teacher of music ; in 1847 went to Leipsic and studied there; returned in 1849, and devoted his attention to teaching, com- posing, and to the publication of church music books, glee books, Sunday-school books, and other musical works, to the number of more than thirty volumes; in 1849 commenced manufacturing piano-fortes, and died at Moiitclair, N. J., Jan. ^, 1868, aged 52. Brady, Nicholas, born at Bandon, Ireland, Oct. 28, 1659; celebrated in connection with Nahum Tate as a ver- sifier of the psalms, 1092 ; wrote an ode for the feast of St. Cecilia, performed in London, Nov. 22, 1852; died in Rich- mond, near London, May 20, 1726. Braham, John, born of Jewish pa- rents in London {Abraham), 1774; cele- brated as a concert, opera, and oratorio singer and composer; held during life the first rank among English stage sing- ers; came to the United States 1840, and, though then advanced in years, his power, compass of voice, and majesty of execution were astonishing; sang in opera, in oratorio, and in the concert room in Boston ; his success as a vocal- ist was without precedent, and he was also renowned as a composer ; he wrote many songs and operas ; died in London, Feb. 17, 1855, aged 81. Braham, A., son of John, born in London, 1821, became known as a tenor singer at Edinburgh, and came to this country with Catharine Hayes. Brainard, Silas, born at Lempster, N. H., Feb. 14, 1814; an excellent flute player; in 1834 went to Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1836 founded the house of S. Brainard & Sons ; he was author of a *^ Violin Instructor'^ and some other musical works; died April 8, 1871, aged 57. Brattle, Thomas, Esq., of Boston, Mass., in 1713 procured an organ from Europe, which he presented to the Queen's Chapel: but so great were the public prejudices then existing in Bos- ton that this organ remained seven months in the porch of the church before it was unpacked. Brazilian Music. Yocal and in- strumental music are cultivated, and some composers are known. The Em- peror has a fine band, and pianists and guitarists among this people excel ; the national songs are of Portuguese origin. Bridgman, Charles, foV eighty-one years organist at Hertford, Eng., a term unexampled in the annals of the musi- cal world; three generations of the inhabitants of that town were indebted to him for the cultivation of their musi- cal talents and tastes; died October, 1873, aged 95. Brignoli, a celebrated tenor singer, came to this country in 1855, and sang with success in New York and else- where. Bristow, George F., a talented pian- ist, violinist and composer, born in Brooklyn, New York^l825; his first ^^• symphony was performed by the Phil- harmonic Society ;. he composed some ^^ , ^a music for Jullien^ orchestra; ^^ Eip Van Winkle,^' for the Pyne and Harri- son troupe; an oratorio, '^Praise of God,''' 1860, and other music, performed in New York ; has written and published many orchestral works since 1870. Britton, Thomas, born 1654; from 1678 to 1714 he entertained the intelli- gent world of London at his musical weekly soirees, always gratuitously; died Sept. 15, 1714. Broadwood, . James, a celebrated piano-forte maker in London. His in- struments were considered as excelling in workmanship and tone. Broadwood, John, in 1773 entered into partnership with the son of Shudi, whose sister he had married in 1769. This firm was afterwards known as John Broadwood & Sons, and later as James Broadwood. Bromfield, Edward, Jun., born in Boston, Mass., 1723; at the age of 22 he built the first church organ made in this country; it "was accurate, had two rows of keys, and many hundred pipes ; it exceeded in workmanship any that had ever come herefrom Europe;" died in Boston, Aug. 18, 1746, aged 23. Bronson. Oliver, (also written Brun- soN and Brown jon), was a teacher of music in various parts of New England ; a composer of some excellent music, 22 A dictio:n'ary of musical information and publisher of " Select Tunes and An- thems,^^ 1783; also, ^'- Select Harmony. ^^ Brough, W. F., born in Ireland, 1787 ; famous bass singer; came to this coun- try with Mrs. Wood, 1847, and was in- strumental in bringing many operatic celebrities here ; died at Liverpool, Eng- land, 1857. Brown, Bartholomew, born in Ster- ling, Mass., Sept. 8, 1772; with K Mitchell, compiled the old ^''Bridge- water Collection ; " died in Boston, April 14, 1854, aged 82. Brunner, Charles T.,born at Chem- nitz, Saxony, Dec. 12, 1792, was cele- brated as a musician, composer, and teacher. Buck, DuDLEY,an eminent composer, teacher, and conductor; became known by his compositions, and as an organist ; removed to Boston, where he has pro- duced many valuable works ; was born in Hartford, Connecticut, educated in Germany, and ranks high as an organist and composer. BUCKMINSTER, JOSEPH StEVENS, WaS born in Boston, Mass., May 26, 1784; published a collection of hymns in 1808, in which those of Watts and others were mutilated without notice; died June 9, 1810, aged 26. BuELOw (or'BuLow), Hans Guido, Von, born in Dresden, Saxony, Jan. 8, 1830; made several musical tours in Europe ; became professor of the piano- forte department at the Berlin Conserv- atory, 1854 ; married a daughter of Liszt, and was appointed court pianist; was divorced 18(59, and went to Florence, w^here he received decorations and high honors. Bugle. The old instrument was lim- ited to a few tones, but by the addition of keys its capabilities are equal to many other wind instruments. The notes upon the bugle were anciently called mots, and are distinguished, not by mu- sical characters, but by written words, in the old treatises on hunting. Bugle with Pistons. This has a lower compass ; it is much better than the keyed bugle, and produces a good effect in playing certain melodies of slow movement. Bull, Dr. John, a celebrated musi- cian ; born in Somersetshire, Eng., 1563 ; was professor at Gresham Ccjllege ; after- wards settled at Lubec ; wrote more than two hundred vocal and instrumental compositions ; died at Antwerp, 1628. Bull, Ole Bornemann, the cele- brated violinist, born in Bergen, Nor- way, 1810; well known in all musical countries ; the excitement he created in this country, 1844, has been kept fresh in the memory of our people by his oc- casional appearance since; has resided much in this country, and is esteemed not only as a great violinist, but as a man and citizen. BuRDETT, Riley, vocalist and vio- linist; born in Putney, Vt., 1819; at present known by his reed organs. Burgmueller, Norbert, born at Dusseldorf, Ger., Feb. 8, 1810; was so highly esteemed as a musician, that, when he died. May 7, 1836, Mendelssohn wrote a funeral march for the occasion. BURGMULLER, FERDINAND, bom in Magdeburg, 1804; became celebrated as a musician ; went to Hamburg and com- posed much music. BuRNEY, Dr. C, born at Shrewsbury, 1726 ; author of a history of music and other works ; died 1814, aged 88. BuRRowEs, John Freckleton, pu- pil of William Horsley, Mus. Bac. Ox- on. ; born in London on the 23d of April, 1787 ; first became known to the public by the production of an overture and several vocal pieces, with full orchestral accompaniments, at the Hanover Square concerts, and subsequently by an over- ture at the '' Philharmonic," of which society he was one of the original asso- ciates. Busby, Thomas, doctor of music, was born in Westminster in 1755 ; his first essay in composition was an oratorio, called '■'The Prophecy,''^ performed with some applause at the Haymarket Thea- tre in 1799; the other principal works of Dr. Busby consist of a collection of sacred music entitled, " TJie Divine Hctr- monist.^' Dr. Busby has also published a small musical dictionary and a gram- mar of music; a ^'General History of 3Iusic,^' being an abridgment of those of Burney and Hawkins ; and in 1814, a '^Musical Biof/rajjhy, or Memoirs of the Lives and Writings of the most eminent Musical Composers and Writers who have flourished in the different Countries of Eurox)e during the last three Centuries.^' Butterfield, J. A., born in Hert- fordshire, Eng., May 18, 1837; became known as a vocalist and violinist; came to this country, and settled at Indian apolis, Ind., where he became a teacher, composer, and publisher ; he has written A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 23 vocal and instrumental music, and one or two popular cantatas. BuxTEHUDE, famous as an organist from 1035 to 1707 ; was a teacher in the Bach family. Died at Lubeck. BuxTEHUDE, D., celebrated organist, at Lubeck, from 1(390 to 1710; Bach vis- ited him to hear him play, and to study his method. o. C, the letter to which Guido applied the tone-name ut, now called do ; the first of the scale in C. Cadecasa, the original Zerlina in ^^ Don Giovanni," and for seventy years a celebrated singer ; died at Milan, No- vember, 1869. Caffarellt, Gaetano Majorano, a celebrated Italian singer, born in 1708; went to England in the year 173S; amassed much money by his jirofession, and purchased the duchy of Santo Do- rato, in the kingdom of Naples ; died in 1783, aged 80. Calamus, Pastoralis, a simple reed ; one of the first known musical instru- ments of antiquity. Calkin, G., inventor of an "Indica- tor," placed over the key-board, telling the names of the notes ; those on the lines red, those on the spaces black. Callcott, John Wall, born at Ken- sington, England, 1766; was self-edu- cated, and became an organist 1783; took his doctor's degree, 1800; wrote his ^^ Musical Grammar," 1805; wrote a mu- sical dictionary and a work on musical biography, and numerous compositions, besides anthems, services, odes, &c. ; died May 15, 1821, aged 55. Calliope, an invention by which steam-whistles are made to perform the office of organ-pipes; introduced by I. C. Stoddard of Worcester, Mass. ; it was improved upon by A. L. Denay of New Orleans, 1857; and a ^^ Steam Organ" was invented by James Burkett, of Eng- land, 1835. Calvin, John, born at Noyon, in Picardy, July 10, 1509. Until recently, no one has had the hardihood to dispute the statement made by Hullah in his History, and repeated in almost every recent lecture on sacred music, that " Calvin, unlike Luther, seems never to have recognized music as a means of religious expression; scarcely, even, to have appreciated it as an aid to devo- tion ; and the music of his followers has suffered accordingly." But the Euing Lecturer of the Anderson! an University has recently written a letter to an Eng- lish musical journal, in which he claims that Calvin labored harder even than Luther himself to introduce church music not only into France, but also into England. In 1538-40, Calvin, Miles Coverdale, and the Wedderburns met in exile in Saxony, and sat at the feet of Luther. The German singing of praise surprised and delighted them all ; and Calvin immediately set to work to do for his own people what Luther had done for the German-speaking people. He first put into French metre the 25th and 46th Psalms, and got them set to music at Strasbourg ; tliese he took to his congregation on his return to Ge- neva. They became so popular that he then engaged Clement Marot to render all the Psalms into French verse ; but the poet died after having completed fifty-one. Calvin then applied to Beza, who finished the woi-k. Luther had only rendered sixteen into German verse. Luther also set his Psalms to popular German ballad-tunes ; but Cal- vin employed Guilleaume Franc, of Strasbourg, to compose music which he considered more appropriate for the words. The first English Psalter was printed at Geneva in 1556, and bears on the title-page Calvin's name and his express sanction. Died May 27, 1564. Cambert, an organist and composer ; born at Paris, 1628 ; the first French mu- sician that set an opera to music, 1659 ; afterwards wrote several operas, but was rivalled by LuUi ; died in London, 1677. Cameron, D., the celebrated piper of Edinburgh, from 1838 to 1868. Died at Inverness, March, 1868. Campagnoli, B, violinist; bom in Italy, Sept. 10, 1751 ; died 1827. Campanini, Italic, born in Parma 1846; made his d^but in Russia, where he remained three years ; went to Milan, and achieved most signal success on the continent as a tenor singer ; appeared at 24 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Drury Lane, London, 1872; came to America 1873. Campbell, S. C, born in Hartford, Conn., 1830, barytone of the Parepa opera troupe; died at Chicago, Nov. 28, 1874. He had gained fame at home and abroad. Campenhout, Van, a Belgian musi- cian, Avho composed the music to the *' Brahanconne,^' or national hymn ; was promoted to the office of chapel-master, and presented with a gold snuff-box by the king. The words were written by Jenneval, a French actor, who died 1830. Campoeese, a famous singer in France and England, 1817 to 1823. Campea, a,, born at Aix, in Pro- vence, 1660; a composer for .30 years; died at Versailles, July 29, 1744. Cannabich, C, violinist, was in 1778 one of the best solo players in Ger- many. CajS^non were used as a musical ad- junct in Dresden, 1645; at St. Peters- burg, 1778 ; at Boston, by Burditt, 1858 ; by Gilmore, 1872. Cantus Ambrosianus, introduced at Milan in the 4th century. Canzonets, for four and five voices, were first introduced, 1560, by Alessan- dro Romano ; also the use of many in- struments as accompaniments. Capua, Rinaldo di, born at Naples, 1703; was the first who introduced in- strumental symphonies in Italy; it has been claimed that he was the inventor of accompanied recitative, because he used it. Caradoei. See Allan, Madame. She married Mr. Allan, August, 1823. Caeafa, Michel, born at Naples, Nov. 17, 1785; wrote in his youth, for amateurs, an opera called "IZ Fantas- ma,'^ and composed, about 1802, two cantatas, " II Natale di Giove,^' and ^^ Achille e Deidamla ;^' in 1814 pro- duced his first opera, called " II Vascelle V Occidente,^^ at the theatre Del Fonde; and many successful works afterwards to 1833; his " Semircwiis'^ and "■ Masa- niello^^ are among the best operas. A short time before the death of this old composer, his wife died ; and July 27, 1872, one of the most prolific writers of the century died also. Carey, G. S., son of Henry, born in England 1743; travelled forty years, singing his own compositions; died July 4, 1807. Carey, H., musician; born 1663; composer of " Sally in our Alley,'' and many other songs and cantatas ; died at Cold Bath Fields, England, 1743. Carhart, Jeremiah, widely and ex- tensively known as an instrument mak- er in this country, as early as 1836; while studying the construction of the accordeon, discovered that the tones were much better when the wind was drawn through the reeds than when it was expelled through them, and applied this knowledge in constructing the me- lodeon; took out a patent for his im- provements, 1846; died August, 1868. Carillons, a small instrument fur- nished with bells; also a number of bells so arranged as to give forth musi- cal sounds, and upon which music can be played by hammers striking the dif- ferent bells. The name has been given to the tunes played, as well as to the set of bells. Carlbeeg, Gotthold, born in Ber- lin, 1838 ; came to New York, 1859, and Avas engaged as a writer for the " Staats Zeitung ; " in 1865 was conductor of concerts in Berlin; in 1869 wrote two works on the culture of the voice, at Vienna ; became director of opera in Tri- este ; in 1870 conducted at Warsaw and St. Petersburg ; in 1871 returned to New York, with the concert company of Prince Galitzin. Carols. The custom of singing car- ols at Christmas dates from the time of Gilbert, 1521, or from the time when the common people ceased to under- stand Latin. Telesphorus, who died A. D. 138, ordered that an Angelic Hymn be sung in church the night before Christmas. Caereno, Teresa, born in Caraccas, Venezuela, Dec. 22, 1853, of Spanish parents; sang with correctness at the age of two years; at five, commenced playing the piano-forte; made her ap- pearance at Music Hall, Boston, Mass., Dec. 22, 1862, aged nine years, having previously played, a piece for four hands, with her teacher, in New York; she improvised with great facility, and her compositions are of remarkable beauty. Caeeoy, Eustache i)u, was born at Beauvais, and was chapel-master under Henry III. and Henry IV. ; he contrib- uted powerfully to the conversion of the latter, and, during the king's objurga- tion at the church of St. Dennis, caused a magnificent Te Deum to be executed. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 25 Gary, Annie Louise, born at Wayne, Me., 1842; could sing before she could talk plainly; went to Boston, 1859, and sang there and in other cities until 1866, wiien she went to Europe ; sang at Milan, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Ham- burg, Brussels, and other German cities, and later in Paris, everywhere with success ; returning to this country with Mile. Nilsson, she appeared in New York, Sept. 19, 1871, sharing the honors of the fair Swede, whose soaring soprano was well supported by Miss Cary's rich contralto. Castellan, born at Lyons, France, 1823; appeared in opera at the age of sixteen; was in Mexico, 1842; came to this country, 1843; sang in London, 1846, and returned here in 1855; since which she has remained in London and Paris. Meyerbeer wrote the part of Bertha, in " The Prophet,^'' for her. Castil, G., composer and author; born at Montefiascon, 1721 ; resided at the court of Joseph II. ; wrote several operas, the hero of one being Cicero, who sings a comic parody of his cele- brated speech " Quosque tandem,^^ &c. ; died in Paris, Feb. 7, 1808. Castello, Daeio, a composer of in- strumentaJt music, published at Venice, in the years 1627 and 1629. Catalani, Angelica, born at Sini- gaglia, near Rome, 1783 ; appeared as a singer at Venice when fifteen years old ; married Mons. Valebreque; sang in Spain, where the price of tickets to her concert was six ounces of gold; next sang in Paris ; and then remained in England until 1815, when she returned to Paris at a fabulous salary ; from this point she visited all parts of Europe, meeting with prodigious success ; for twenty-two years she held a high rank among musicians, and, having amassed a fortune, she founded a free music- school for girls at Florence, on condi- tion that they should add Catalani to their names ; in 1849 went to Paris, and died in Paris July 12, 1849, aged m, leaving $1,600,000 to her three chil- dren. Catel, C. S., a French musician, born 1773; famous for his ^^ Treatise on Harmony ;^' died at Paris, 1830. Cecilia, Saint, a Roman lady of liigh descent, doomed to suffer martyrdom; the chosen patroness of musicians ; from her skill in singing is especially regarded as the patroness of sacred music. Celtic Music. Like birds, the Celts delighted in tuneful melodies ; they did not practise part-singing, and used the Greek scales. Cervalet. a small bassoon, blown through a reed like that of the haut- boy. CiiA. A Chinese instrument having the chromatic scale. Channel, Maky, one of the singers that welcomed George Washington to Boston; died there June, 1855, aged 90; was born in England. CiiAPPELL, William, Esq., author of a collection of '"'■Ancient EwiUsh Melo- die/^,'' and other works, London. Eng. Characters, to indicate expression in singing, were introduced in this country 1812. Charity Music. The first instance of the introduction of music in aid of charity was in 1709, for the benefit of the sons of the clergy in England. Charles L, a famous performer upon stringed instruments. Charles IX., a violinist and vocalist; he had a viol of such capacity as to contain several sing- ers who sang inside while he played bass and sang tenor. Charles the Bold was, like his father and grandfather, a musi- cian and composer. Charles V. was a musician and critic ; his choir consisted of 15 good singers. Chauncey, Nathaniel, of Durham, Conn., published, 1727, an ''''Essay on singing the Songs of the Lord ; " after preaching in that place for fifty years, died there at an advanced age. Cheney, Moses E., born Dec. 10, 1812 ; known as a teacher for many years; was one of the " Cheney Family,^' who all acquired reputation as singers and musicians ; was a composer and le- gislator; had a method of his own, and repudiated that of the books; was the founder of musical conventions in Ver- mont, and a lecturer on music. Cheney, Simeon P., musician and teacher; went to reside at Dorset, Vt. ; well known as a musician in New Eng- land: there were also in the family, Joseph Y., Elizabeth E., and Nathaniel, all good singers. Cherub INI, Maria L. Z. Salvator, born at Florence Sept. 8, 1760; was a composer at the age of thirteen years ; wrote constantly for the theatre and the church ; went to London 1784, and set- tled in Paris 1788; wote many operas for France and England; in 1822, be- 26 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. came director of the Conservatoire; was invested with the Grand Cross of the LeG;ion of Honor, and died full of honors March 15, 1842. CiiE\^"s System substitutes numer- als for the letters ; the same as that of Rousseau and by Souhaitty, but aban- doned as useless. CiiiCKERiNG, JoxAs, bom at New Ipswich, N.H., April, 1797; spent much of his leisure in learning to sing, and to play such instruments as were in use; was very ingenious, and was employed to tune the first piano he ever saw, and succeeded; went to Boston, 1818, and was employed by Mr. Osborn, piano- forte manufacturer ; played the clarinet and bass-drum, and sang in church; became a maker of piano-fortes, and founded the well-known house of Chick- eri ng & Sons ; and was the friend and assistant of musical artists in Boston and elsewhere; in 1852 his establish- ment was destroyed by fire, but was soon rebuilt. He was a leading man in all musical improvements, and held offices in the societies of the city ; died at Boston, Dec. 9, 1853, leaving four chil- dren ; the sons continue the business. Chimes, a collection of bells struck with hammers. AVTien sevei-al bells are placed in the same tower, and are care- fully tuned to each other, they are called a peal of bells. At Antwerp, Holland, the chime of bells on the great cathedral are played upon, then; being a different tune for every hour of the day ; and they play the entire music of an opera, giv- ing a short strain at the quarter-hour, and a longer one at the half-hour. So the people hear music all day and all night. Chixese Flute, made of bamboo, and bound with silk to prevent its cracking. Chinese Music. It is claimed by tins people that music has been a study among them for 2,200 years, and that the empire is full of tunes : but their system is so elaborate that other nations cannot understand their notation. Chiroplast, guide for the hand in piano-forte playing. Chladni, Ernst Floeens Fried- rich, born at AVittenburg, 1756 ; wrote a ^'Treatise on Acoustics ;^' invented the euphon, 1789, which consists of glass cylinders to be rubbed longitudinally with the fingers moistened, somewhat like the harmonica; the clair-cylindre, 1800, contains a fingerboard and a cylin- der of glass, turned by means of a pedal and a wheel ; died 1827. Choir Organ is the smaller or softer- toned organ. Choir Singing was practised in the Jewish Temple, where alsh originated the antiphonal chant. In England 24 persons formed a choir, 1194. Choir of David consisted of 4,000 singers under 280 leaders, with instru- mental accompaniments. Chopin, Frederic, born in Warsaw, March 1, 1810; became a very celebrated composer and pianist; his piano-forte compositions are various and numerous ; many of them are notturnos, ballads, impromptus, scherzos, polonaises, ma- zurkas, waltzes, and boleros; has also written concertos and sonatas ; after a long and painful sickness, he died Oct. 17,1849. Chorley, Henry Fothebgill, was born in 1808, and when young went to reside in London, having studied music previously; he became connected with " The Athenoium,''^ and for thirty-five years conducted the musical department of that paper. Among his many pub- lished works, his '^ Modern German Mu- sic,'^ ^"Modern Operas,'' and " Thirty Years' Musical Recollections," are well known. He wrote many librettos and songs (which latter show a certain cul- ture and refinement remarkable; died of heart disease, Februa^'y, 1872, aged 64. Christ Church Chime, Boston ; a present from John Rowe, of England, 1744; it consists of eight bells, is over a century old, and perfect. Many tunes are performed upon this chime. Christ Church Chime, Philadel- phia, welcomed George Washington; rang the royal birthdays ; rang when independence was proclaimed; pealed joyfully when the Constitution was adopted ; and has heralded more than 100 Christmas festivals. Chromatic Musical Hand. Guido distinguished the sounds by the joints of the fingers ; five fingers representing the staff of five lines with the four inter- mediate spaces ; sharps are represented at the root of the fingers, and flats at the tips of the fingers. Chromatic Tuning-fork, an instru- ment consisting of two forks so marked, and adjusted with a movable slide, as to produce all the tones of the chromatic scale. Chute, Lionel, a music-master, came ' ' ' ' / ' T • A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMiVTION.' ^/r^> 27 .^^-T to this country, 1630. Thomas, born 1690, taught music in Salem, Mass. Andrew, born Sept. 15, 1789, was a composer and teaclier in Nova Scotia, 20 years; died in Canada West, Feb. 17, 1862. William E. , born in Nova Scotia, 18o2 ; a teaclier and composer, also col- lector of ancient books on music; has taught in New England, West, and South, and in Canada, where he now resides. CiMAROSA, DoMiNico, born at Naples, 1754 ; became early celebrated as a dra- matic composer, and wrote many operas between 1779 and 1792; was originally a baker, and had hardly finished his apprenticeship when he began to com- pose operas; died at Venice, Jan. 11, 1801. Circassian Music. Having no writ- ten language, this people have treasured up their history in music: their songs recount the traditions of antiquity, which are thus handed down, by sing- ing, from one generation to another. CiTHARA, an ancient instrument, like the lyre, with three strings, which were in time increased to twenty-four. CiTHARA HisPANicA. Spanish guitar. Clangor Tubarum, a Roman mili- tary trumpet : a sample of it was found at Pompeii. Clarinet, a wind instrument of the reed kind, the scale of which includes every semitone; invented by J. C. Denner, Leipsic, 1695. Clarion, a bugle-horn formerly used in cavalry music and in some orchestras ; a Moorish octave trumpet. Clarke, W^illiam H., author of a '^ New Method for Beed Organs,'''' is an organist and a church-organ builder at Indianapolis, Ind., 1874. Clarscu, or Clar-seach, one of the several Irish harps. Clavecin, Clavichord, Clavier, all names for an old keyed, stringed in- strument, superseded by the piano- forte. Clavicord, a name for the clavi- chord, a keyed instrument like the spinet. Clementi & Co., manufacturers of wind instruments, London. Their in- struments were considered as the best in their day. Their flutes were very popular in the day of Nicholson, after whose plan, and under whose immediate direction, they made great numbers. - Clementi, Muzio, a celebrated pia- nist and composer; born at Rome, 1752; early acquired a great reputation in all Europe ; resided mostly in London, but some in Paris ; composed nuich ; became wealthy, retired, and died at Worcester, Eng., March 10, 1832, aged 83. CoLsoN, Pauline, for several years the reigning and admired prima donna of the French Italian opera in New York, New Orleans, and Boston, where she came in 1858 with the Strakosch company. Comer, Thomas, born at Bath, Eng- land, 1790; went upon the stage 1818, and in 1821 appeared at the Covent Garden Theatre, where he played until 1827, when he came to this country, and made his appearance at the Bowery in New York ; two years later he came to Boston as musical director at the Tre- niont Theatre, where he prepared the operas in which Mr. and Mrs. Wood ap- peared ; was afterwards mvisical director at the Boston Theatre; many popular airs of his composition are still fresh in memory; was well known in Boston as " Honest Tom Comer; " was a member of the best orchestras and musical soci- eties; composed much music, and re- mained in Boston thirty-five years ; died July 28, 1862, aged 72. Concert in Action. On the 13th day of July, 1645, a concert in action was given at Dresden, and all the artists of Germany, Switzerland, ihe Vaud, Poland, and Italy, were invited to unite with their pupils in the great festival ; many thousands assembled, and a bat- tery of artillery assisted. A double fugue, representing the Assyrians flying before the victorious Israelites, closed the per- formance. Concert of Ancient Music, estab- lished in London, England, 1776, under the direction of a body of noblemen. Concert-giving originated in the reign of Charles II. The first were in ale-houses, then in taverns, and even- tually in public rooms and halls for the purpose of making money from entrance- fees. Italian singers were employed as early as 1676. Concone, M., well known in the musical world as a teacher of vocal music, and by liis writings; chapel- master of the king of Italy; died at Turin, July, 1861. Conservatory of Paris, founded by Sarette, 1795. Contra-Basso, the double bass ; an -v? ^ y-^ Y^* ^Atny^'^c. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. instrument in the form of the violon- cello. Contra Bassoon, very large, but in the form of the faqotto; one is used in the Grand Opera, Paris. Contra-Fagotto, an octave below the fagotto, or small bassoon ; made in the same form. I Conventions, called musical, ori- ' ginated in New Hampshire, with the Central Musical Society; the first one was held at Concord, N.H., September, 1829 ; it was conducted by Henry Eaton Moore. Moses E. Cheney claims to have held the first in Vermont. Cooke, Dr. Benjamin, a celebrated English musician, born 1734, and in 1780 was organist and master of tbe boys of Westminster Abbey. Dr. Cooke com- posed many beautiful vocal pieces ; died 179.3. CoRELLi, A., born at Bologna, 1653: founder of the Roman school of violin- ists ; composed much for his instrument ; died at Rome, Jan. 18, 1713. Corn de Chasse, the French horn, CoRNELLi, Adelaide, vocalist, widow of the celebrated tenor Rubini, died on the 36th of January, 1874, at Milan; left all of her large fortune to tbe town of Romano, in Lombardy, the birthplace of her husband, to be em- ployed in founding, 1st, an orphan asy- lum for boys, with a school-farm ; 2d, a college of eight classes ; 3d, a home for musical artists. CoRNETTiNO, a Small cornet or octave trumpet. CoRNO, OR CoRNi. French horn or horns. CoRNO Ingles'^. English horn, a reed instrument like the hautboy. CORNMUSE, OR CORNAMUSA, the old bagpipe. CoRRi, D., born at Rome, Oct. 4, 1746 ; famous composer; died at Hampstead, England, May 22, 1825 ; his wife was a celebrated vocalist. Natale, born at Rome, 1765; famous teacher; died at Weisbaden, June 24, 1822. Montague, burn at Edinburgh, 1785; celebrated composer of theatre aad military music. Hayden, composer and organist ; died In Dublin, Feb. 18, 1860, aged 75. Dus- sek, an opera singer ; died at Brompton, England, 1870. Costa, Michele, born at La Cerra, near Naples, 1810; but a resident of Lon- don, England, since 1830, when he be- came conductor of the orchestra at her Majesty's Theatre, and director of the Philharmonic Society; wrote ^'■Bon Car- los,'''' '^ Meiek-Adel,'' ^^ Eli,'' and other works, and became very popular and wealthy ; was director of Covent Garden Opera, 1847 ; since 1849, director of the Birmingham Festivals. Counterpoint was first applied as the name of polyphonic music, by De- muris. Previously it was the custom for musicians to improvise parts to accom- pany the melody ; and this practice be- came so offensive in church music that it was abolished by a papal decree. CovERDALE, MiLES, born in York- shire, England, 1487 ; was the first to pre- pare Psalms in verse for the purpose of being sung; his "GoosUy Psalmes and S})irltuall Sonr/es " were published in London, England, 1538; in tbis edition the first verse of each psalm is accom- panied by musical notes ; died 1568. Cramer, John Baptist, son of Wil- liam ; boi'n in Germany, but went to England when young ; became a pianist, and travelled on the continent, and gave concerts in the capital towns ; became known as a composer, 1791, and pub- lished some works at Paris; became celebrated as a teacher as well as com- poser ; was unrivalled as a pianist ; his works are very numerous and cele- brated ; died in London, April 16, 1858, aged 87. Cremonas, violins made at Cremona, in Italy. Croft, William, born at Nether Eatington, Warwickshire, 1677 ; became early known as an organist and com- poser; in 1711, published his '^ JDivine Harmony ;" in 1715 was made doctor of music in the university at Oxford ; pub- lished much choral music ; died Aug. 27, 1727, aged 50. Crotch, Dr. William, born at Nor- wich, England, July 5, 1775; was an extraordinary musical genius ; at the age of twenty-two was a professor at Oxford where he received the degree of doctor of music ; published much music, and was a profound theorist ; published, among many valuable works, several treatises on harmony and comiDosition; died at Taunton, England, Dec. 29, 1847, aged 72. Crouch, F. Nicholls, a popular Eng- lish composer; author of the song ^'■Kathleen Mavourneen;" born in Eng- land, July 31, 1808; was engaged as vio- loncellist in the King's Theatre, Lon- A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL mFORMATIOK. 29 don, in 1817; lie came to America about 1848, and was engaged in the same capacity in one of the Italian opera troupes about the year 1848; he has since been established as a successful teacher in Portland, Me., where he was at the head of several musical societies, and active in the getting-up of classical performances, such as oratorios, madri- gals, and chamber music; afterwards removed to Washington, D.C., and thence to Virginia. OuxNiNGHAM, Allaw, musician, born at Blackwood, Scotland, 1784 ; au- thor of "Relics of Nithsdale and Gallo- way Song;" died Oct. 20, 1842. Wil- liam F.," born at Kettering, England, Oct. 25, 1803 ; came to America, 1841 ; composer and director; died at Phila- delphia, Jan. 14, 1871. Peter, son of Allan, composer in London, 1847. CuEwiN, John, of London, England, known by his Tonic Sol Fa system, in which Do stands for the key-note of all keys. Cutler, Henry Stephen, Mus. Doc, born in Boston, Mass., Oct. 7, 1825; edited ''Trinity Psalter,'' 1863; J published " Trinity Anthems,'' original music, 186G; organist at Boston, and later of Trinity Church, New York ; now at St. Ann's, Brooklyn, and on Satur- days at the Temple Emanuel Synagogue, New York. Cutler, William Henry, Mus. Bac. Oxon., born in London, 1792 ; celebrated as a singer, organist, and teacher of music; composed much music for the church ; purchased the right to use Logier's system ; opened a school, and taught with great success. Cymbals were originally bells, and were struck from the outside. Cyrus, after the conquest of Babylon, established a number of Magi to sing in honor of the gods. Czerny, Carl, a highly gifted au- thor and composer; born at Vienna, Feb. 21, 1791 ; became celebrated as a piano-forte performer and teacher, 1805 ; continued to teach for more than thirty years ; produced a great number of compositions ; published many practical works ; wrote many exercises, and was author of a treatise on the composition of all kinds of music, both vocal and instrumental ; died at Vienna, July 15, 1857, aged GG. D. '•^ D is the second note in the scale of C, called Ee. Dab ABIE, M., of the Grand Opera, Paris; sang in the original caste of many works ; died 1853, aged 55. Dagomirsky, a., composer of op- eras ; born at St. Petersburg ; died 1869. Daifaori, S., an operatic singer, known favorably in London some years ; died there, Apri'l, 1870. Dalayrac, N., born at Muret, in Languedoc, June 13, 1753; composed several operas, one of which was per- formed at a festival in honor of Benjamin Franklin ; died at Paris, Nov. 27, 1809. Damon, William, set the whole book of psalms to music, 1579; one of the earliest collections of music in four parts. Damoreau, Laure Cinthie Mon- talant, born in Paris, 1801 ; was a famous opera singer ; visited this coun- try 1844; died in Paris, March, 1863. Danby, J., English glee composer; born 1758 ; died while a concert was per- forming for his benefit. Ij ^ Dance, Wm., born 1755, was one of the founders of the Philharmonic So- ciety, London; composer and director; taught music for forty-eight years. Dancing was practised by the early Christians in religious services ; psalm- tunes were danced in the time of Charles IX. Danican, P. A., established the "Con- j ^^ cert Spirituel" lit Faris, 1725; the per- v ^ formers were from the Royal Acad- %^ > emy. ^"^ '^ Danican, F. a., born at Dreux, Sept. { 7, 1727; chapel-master of Louis XV., and composer; died in Loudon, Aug. 30, 1795. Dannreuther, E., bom in Stras- ^^ bourg, 1844 ; came to this country 1853 ; 4 famous as a pianist. A ^ D'Aponte, L., born at Anoda (some^ (2! say Creda), 1748; writer of librettos for ^ Mozart; came to this country 1803; as- N' ii opera ^ , /Cw .JM^ lvr~ 2>^?>a.vw. ^. -4-t^ / ^^ sisted in bringing the Garcia vyi^v^xc.^ troupe to New York, 1825 ; died August, > / 1838, aged 90. f 6 Dareis, a bass singer, at Marseilles, >^ A 80 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL IKFORMATION". continued to sing until J 02 years of age, 1825. Dakius, M., a tenor singer at the fu- neral of Louis XV. ; died at Rouen, Feb- ruary, 1838, aged 103. Darley, W. H. W., born in New York, Sept. 9, 1801 ; director, composer, and organist; editor of cliurch music books; died July 31, 1872; was organist fifty years. Darley, F. T. S., composer and di- rector; born in Philadelphia, where his works have been performed. Darling, Geo. S., of Watertown, N.Y., invented, 1872, a new system of notation; the principle being to repre- sent iu the staff the key-board ; the spaces indicate the white keys, and the lines the black ones. Dauney, W. B., at Aberdeen, 1800; author of ^^ Ancient Scottish Melodies,'^ 1838 ; died July 28, 1843. Davenant (or D' Avenant), of Eng- land, wrote twenty-five o%)eras, the first produced after the Restoration, 1050; died in London, 1088. David, Felicien, born at Cadenet. France, March 8, 1810; chiefly known by his great composition, ** The Desert,''^ 1844. David, Ferdinand, was born in Hamburg, Jan. 19, 1810, and ranked among the first of German violinists ; was also a teacher and composer. At the age of thirteen he was studying under Spohr's guidance, and in 1825 became known as a performer. He played the first violin at the theatre in Berlin, Dorpat, and Leipsic; was the leader of the Gewandhaus band ; helped Mendelssohn to found the Leipsic Con- servatory, 18-13, and worked there many years as a professor, sending forth many violinists who became celebrated, com- posing many effective pieces and works — a " Violin School,^^ and one comic op- era, *' Hans Wacht,'' 1852. He suffered sickness for some time, and unexpect- edly died, July 19, 1873, at Kloster, a small village in Switzerland, where he was staying for the benefit of his health. David, M., established opera in New Orleans before it was known in any other place in the United States. Davies, Miss, born 1740; famous prima donna, and performer on the har- monica of Dr. Franklin ; died 1772, Ce- cilia, her sister, born 1757, an opera singer, second only to Billington ; died 1803. Dawson, C, of London, author of several works on music, 1844; con- structed the " Autophon,^' 1849, capable of performing mechanically any number of musical compositions. Debain, a., born 1809; in 1840 in- vented the mechanical pianist, and other wonderful mechanism; obtained damages of M. Alexandre for using his invention. De Beonis, Giuseppe, born at Lu- go, 1795 ; in 1813, sang in opera at Mo- dena ; became a favorite in Italy, France, and England ; came to this country, and was successful here; died in New York, August, 1849, aged .54. De Begnis, Madame, formerly Mile. Ronzi, was a celebrated singer, and after her marriage sang with De Begnis, everywhere with success ; died in Italy July, 1853, aged 53. De Beriot, M. Charles August, born at Louvain, Belgium, Feb. 20, 1802; at the age of nineteen went to Paris, and soon became known there and in London as a violinist; travelled with Malibran in Italy, and married her, March, 1830; after her death he settled at Brussels, where, in 1842, he was ap- pointed professor at the conservatory; became partially paralyzed and wholly blind, but to the last his violin was his constant companion ; was comparatively little known to the present generation, though one of the most talented violin- ists of the world ; died April, 1870, aged 08. Decani side, in the cathedral, is the left, where the dean is always seated; the opposite is the Cantoris. Deems, J. M., born in Virginia, Jan. 9, 1818; composer of an opera and an oratorio. New York. Degenhard, C. G., musician and composer, Buffalo, N.Y. ; died, 1870. Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm, born at Altona, in Holstein, Feb. 25, 1800; be- came conservator of the musical division of the Royal Library of Berlin, March 24, 1842; travelled to collect books, &c. ; played the violoncello many years at Leipsic and at Berlin; was director of the '*Do/7i C77^,'Ov>v>^, Cu^^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 38 an exhibition-room was opened, in which dancing and singing were permitted. Dkayton, Henri, born in Pliiladel- phia, Peun., 1822; went to Paris at an early age, and was soon engaged as 6a.s'8o of the Italian opera at Antwerp ; be- came well known in England, where he made his reputation ; in 1859, having written some plays and operas, he mar- ried, and returned to this country, and gave here entertainments known as "parlor operas;" in 1869 he was with the Richings Opera Company, in New York, where he died of paralysis, July 30, 1872. Drayton, Michael, horn at Ather- ston, England, 1568 ; wrote a description of England in thirty songs ; died, 1631. Dreyschock, Raimond, the well- known violinist; born in Zack, 1818; died in Leipsic, 1869. Alexander, his brother, a musician and composer, died 1870. Drouet, Louis, born in Holland; flutist in London ; chapel-master to the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, 1840 to 1855; author of " Part ant pour la Syrie,^^ commonly ascribed to Queen Hortense ; died at I3erne, Switzerland, October, 1873, aged 81. Drum. The great drum built for the Peace Jubilee, 1872, was twelve feet in diameter, thirty-six in circumference, and weighed about six hundred pounds ;' it was too large for use, but a curiosity, and was built in Farmington, Me., by Woodman & Williams. The first drums heard in France were used at the en- trance of Edward III. into Calais. First used in opera by Gluck ; used by Spon- tini, 1808 ; later by Rossini. DuBUisoN, a celebrated French com- poser in the reign of Louis XIV. ; died 1712. DuiFFOPRUGEAR, G., a Tyrolcse ; the earliest violin-maker at Bologna, 1510. Dulcimer, originally a pipe of reed; then two pipes connected by a leather sack or skin; now a triangular instru- ment, consisting of a chest with fifty wires over a bridge fixed at each end; the strings are struck with iron rods. DuLON, F. L., flutist and musician to the Emperor of Russia, 1796. DuNi, E., born at Matera, Naples; fa- mous composer at Rome and in Paris ; died 1775, aged 66. DuNSTAN, St., composed music in four parts, 940, though singing in parts was little known until some years after ; said to have invented counterpoint; maker of the ^olian harp, and maker of several organs for English churches. DuPREZ, G., one of the greatest tenor singers; born at Paris, 1805. Caro- line, his daughter, born at Florence, 1832, is a celebrated vocalist in Paris. Dupuis, T. S., celebrated organist; born in England, 1733; died 1796. DuRAND, GuiLLAUME, bom at Puy- misson, 1230; was made a doctor of music at Paris ; became a professor at Bologna ; wrote the first book published upon m<^tallic types, Feb. 6, 1496. DuRANT, W. F., a well-known bass singer; born at Fitchburg, Mass., 1820; died at St. Louis, Mo., March 8, 1860. Durante, F., the pupil and subse- quent rival of Scarlatti, was born at Grumo, 1693 ; died at Naples, 1755. He was not distinguished as a dramatic composer. His talent was exercised chiefly in church and chamber music, and he was more skilful as a contrapun- tist than as a melodist. DussEK, Adalbert, a distinguished performer upon the viola d^ amour, at Prague ; was a virtuoso upon that instru- ment, 1745; became a priest; died 1768. Dussek, F. B., born at Czaslau, March 13, 1766; became organist at Laibach, Germany ; has composed many- concertos, sonatas, and solos. Dussek, John Louis, teacher and music-seller, London; was born at Czaslau, Bohemia, Feb. 9, 1761 ; died at St. German-en-Laye, near Paris, March 20, 1812; was the composer of much piano-forte, harp, violin, and other music. Dussek, Wenzel, born in Bohemia, 1750 ; became celebrated as an organist and bass singer; died in Moravia (where he became school rector), 1801. DuvERNOY, J. B., pianist and com- poser, Paris, France; M. C. of the op- era comique ; died 1872. D WIGHT, John S., a graduate at Cam- bridge, Mass., 1832; a translator and publisher of German poetry, and well- known musical writer and critic; editor of " Dwiglit'.s Journal of Music, ^' and of many musical publications ; his life has been devoted, in a quiet way, to fostering and encouraging the highest forms of art. DwiGHT, Rev. Josiah, in 1725 pastor of the church in Woodstock, Mass. ; wrote "^n Essaij^^ in favor of regular singing, published in Boston. Dyer, Oliver, a composer of music, £,,Jlih^ 1 ifSS, /O O-i/Wvv^A-v/iVil ^^Yv-T- ^ u>uTk^ i *w^ " Zf-fe^ A DICTIOXAKT OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". first Italian opera, 1832; first music store ill Boston, 1791. Fischer, Joseph, basso at the Eoyal opera from 1810 to 1818 ; went to Italy ; became manager at Palermo ; returned to Manheim, where he had made his reputation, 1810, and sang there at the age of 60 ; died, Oct. 1862, aged 82. FiscHEE, Z.,born at Vv^urzburg, 1730; made instruments that were considered preferable to the Italian violins ; died 1812. FiscHOFF, Joseph, born 1804; ap- pointed professor in the Conservatorium at Vienna, and became famous as an instructor and collector of music; left many manuscripts and scores ; had the largest musical library (private) in Europe, containing more than 6.000 numbers ; died at Vienna, August, 1857, aged 53. Fish, W., born at Norwich, England, 1775 ; celebrated as a composer for the theatre and as a practical musician. Flagg, Josiah, celebrated as a com- poser, performer, and concert manager, in Boston, Mass. ; published a collection of music, 116 tunes, 1764; was the founder and leader of a hand of music in the town, Oct. 18, 1773, and gave sev- eral concerts in Faneuil Hall, at one of which there were over fifty performers. Flemish Music was anciently only a tissue of chords, destitute of ideas ; they made their music as they made their pictures, — a great deal of labor, a great deal of patience, and nothing more; yet the Netherlands during two centuries produced a succession of great musicians, whose labors and discoveries contributed much to the art from 1500 to 1700. Flexomi:n^us, invented in Philadel- phia, Penn., 1873, is a revival of the digi- torium, or mute piano-forte, intended to aid the fingers in becoming flexible. Flotow, FrviEDEicii VON, born in Mecklenburg, Germany, 1812; went to Paris Avlien young, and became a popu- lar composer of German operas ; '' Ales- sandro Stradella^^ first gave him celeb- rity; followed by ^^ Martha,^' which gave him a position and a lasting repu- tation; it was introduced in this coun- try by Madame Bishop, and the over- tures to these two Avorks are much played in this country. FoPvKEL, J. N., born 1749; his works are the highest authority among musi- cians ; he wrote from 1774 to 1800. FoPvMES, Theodore, a tenor singer, celebrated for his excellent voice, and for ability to sing English, German, French, and Italian words with fluency ; became insane at Dusseldorf, 1873. FopMES, Carl Jean, a German vocalist; born at Muhlheim, on the Rhine, Aug. 7, 1818; made his debut at Cologne, 1842 ; in 1844, became basso at the opera in Vienna ; sang in London, 1849, in opera and oratorio; came to this country, and sang in New York, Dec. 2, 1857. Forrest, Amos, of Hallowell, Me., invented tlie mechanism which enables the organist to face the congregation with the key-board, stops, &c., before him, 1849. r^K^A^^ Foster, S. C.,^born July 4, 1826, at Pittsburg, Penn. ; the finder of many melodies which have borne his name all over the world ; died Jan. 18, 1864. Four and Taventy Fiddlers all IN A Row. The common opinion of this band was, that it consisted of four and twenty treble violin;^, because it was thus ridiculously alluded to by De Urfey, in one of his songs ; but it was composed of bass, tenor, contra-tenor, and treble instruments ; though all were included under the general denom- ination of violins. A band of this kind was established by Louis XVI., and was at the time the most famous of any in Europe. Charles IL also had a band of this kind, John Bannister, leader. FouRNiER THE YouNGER, bom in Paris, 1712; improved the art of print- ing music with movable types, wrote an important essay on the art of music- printing ; died at JParis, Oct. 8, 1768. Fowler, J. A., born at Lebanon, Conn., 1822; known as the author of much vocal and instrumental music. Fra Diavolo was Michael Pozzo, a Neapolitan robber, and leader of the band who favored the Bourbons of Naples ; in his last battle he threw open the prisons, and was joined by the lazza- roni, but was taken prisoner, and was hanged. Many romantic tales are told of his chivalry. The opei'a is identified with the history of early -mysteries, and is exhilarating, peculiar, and enlivening. Franck, Johann Wolfgang was not an artist by profession, but a jiractising physician in Hamburg. Between the years 1679 and 1086, he brought four- teen operfts upon the stage in the- afore- A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 41 mentioned city ; is said then to have re- paired to Spain, where, at tlie court of Charles II. as favorite of the king, lie lost his life through the intrigues of those envying his position. Franco, a monk of Cologne, was the first who composed secular airs, called roundelays, in the eleventh century. Franklin, Mrs., a celebrated orato- rio singer; made the tour of the United States Avitli Braham, the English tenor; died in Washington, 1873, aged 70. Franklin, Benjamin, born in Bos- ton, Jan. 17, 1708 ; inventor of the har- monica, and a musical critic ; died 1790. Franz, Robert, born at Halle, June 28, 1815; known mostly by his songs; director of the Sing-Akademie and the university. Frazer, the vocalist who came to this country with the Seguins, many years ago, died in Philadelphia, June, 1863. Frederick the Great was a musi- cian and composer ; dedicated four hours a day to music ; composed 100 flute solos, and Quaiitz composed for him 300 con- certos. French Music. The French are the only people who have sustained a na- tional opera ; Paris has been for the last century the centre of the operatic world. There are great names among her composers ; though most of them have written for the comic opera, yet in grand opera they have excelled. They were distinguished as harpsichord play- ers earlier than either the Italians or Germans, and have done much for both vocal and instrumental music. In France there were minstrel kings as early as the thirteenth century. Frery, Desiree, celebrated at the age of sixteen as a violinist, was en- gaged at the conservatory, Paris, 1852. Freyburg Organ. This famous instrument, at Freyburg, Switzerland, has 7,300 pipes, some of them 35 foot; and 64 stops ; said to be very powerful and effective. Fribourg Organ, in the cathedral St. Nicholas, Switzerland, was built by Mooser, 1834; it has 4 manuals, 2 pedals, 68 registers, and 4,165 pipes. Froberger, J. Jacob, born at Halle, Saxony, 1631 ; celebrated in Europe as an organist, and for his works published from 1695 to 1714, after his death. Frost, Eben H.. was born at Grotoii, Mass., Dec. 7, 1825; his father was a music-teacher, and quite noted among musicians of his day. Eben early re- ceived musical instruction, and for several years was a teacher, choir-leader, and director in Boston ; married Frances Hurd, pianist and organist, born in East I3oston, October, 1826. For several years before his death, Mr. Frost was known as a compiler of psalmody, and as a conductor of musical conventions. Died at Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 7, 1866. Fry, William Henry, born in Philadelphia, Penn., August, 1815; be- came known as a composer, 1854; in 1849, went to Paris ; on his return settled in New York, where he wrote concert overtures, violin quartets, the opera '''Leonora'^ performed in Philadelphia, a " Stabat Mater,'' and other composi- tions; in 1853, he delivered a course of lectures on music, employing Italian vocalists, a chorus of 100 voices, an orchestra, and a military band, to illus- trate his topics; losing much money; died at Santa Cruz, Dec. 21, 1864. Fugue Music originated in England, and was introduced in this country about the time that choirs were general- ly formed, 1770; it was written by Claude Goudimel, 1565. Billings was the first to introduce fugue psalmody into iVmer- ican choirs. He said, "There is more variety in one piece of fuguing music, than in twenty pieces of plain song." FuMAGALLi, Adolphe, bom in Italy, 1829; began to attract attention as a pianist at Paris, 1853, when Berlioz spoke of him as " excelling upon his instrument. " He possessed fine taste, had the power of rapid execution, and promised to become one of the marvels of his time. He settled in Paris, but died at Florence, May, 1856, while on a musical tour in his native country, in the midst of his artistic triumphs, aged 27 years. Funeral Bells. It was an ancient custom in Brittany, to send boys round from door to door, with small bells, to announce when a death had occurred, and to give notice of the day and the hour at which the funeral was to take place. The boys were attired in blade cloaks, and attended the funeral proces- sion, tinkling their bells as they passed along, and asking the prayers of Chris- tians for the soul of the deceased. Funk, Joseph, author of several music-books, and composer of psalmody, well known in the South and West, died 42 A DICTIONAKY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION at Singer's Glen, Va., Dec. 24, 1863, aged 86. FuRSTENAU, Caspar, flutist, born at Munster, 1772; died 1819. Anton B., master of the flute, son of Caspar, born 1792. MoRiTZ, son of Anton, born at Dresden, 1824, famous as a flutist in all Europe. Fux, J. J. , a celebrated contrapuntist, born at Styria, 1660; his compositions were numerous. Charles VI. defrayed the expense of some of his works, and had him carried on a litter from Vienna to Prague, in 1723, to superintend an opera ; died 1750. G. G, the name of the fifth note of the scale of C. The lowest tone of Guido's scale, which commenced on G. Gablee, M., born at Spalt, in Fran- conia; known by his treatise on the tone of instruments ; died at Wemb- dingen, 18G5. Gacrieli, a., organist; composed much from 1572 to 1590. Cathabina, born at Rome, 1730; in 1775 considered the best female singer in the world. Feancesa, of Ferrara, second only to Mara in 1786. Gade, IST. W., composer; born in Co- penhagen, Denmark, Oct. 22, 1817; his productions have greatly occupied atten- tion in Germany since 1840. Gaelic Jacobite Songs have come down to our time ; but they are now a sealed book to their countrymen ; they are uniformly plaintive and melancholy. Gaeetxee, Cael, violinist ; came to Phi-ladelphia, Penn., 1858; was the first to introduce parlor concerts, on the plan of the European Court. Gafor, or Gafueius, F., born at Lodi, 1451; author of several books on music, which were standard works in all Europe ; died 1520. Gaillaed, J. E., born at Zell, 1687; famous composer; died 1749. Gaixsboeough, TnoMAs, born at Sudbury, 1727; known in England as the purchaser of every instrument that he heard well played. Galen, Pieeee, of Bordeaux, France ; taught music by the Meloplast method, using a board with ruled lines, without notes; upon the lines was a clef; pointing to a line or space, the pupils took tiie sound, as if an actual note was seen there. Galitzin, Geoege IST., an eminent Russian composer, who visited New York Math his orchestra, to perform Russian music, 1871, and gave a series of concerts there; died at St. Peters- burg, Oct. 2, 1872. Gallenbeeg, Hugo, celebrated as a musician; long a resident of Vienna; died, January, 1867. Beethoven dedi- cated his "■Moonlight Sonata^' to his mother, tlien Giulietta Guicciardi. Gallenbeeg, father of the above, was a composer of ballet music, and for many years manager of the San Carlos Theatre, Naples. Galleey Seats, known in this coun- try as singers' seats, 1779. Galli, F., a famous singer, born at Rome, 1807; went to Paris, 1821, and received from ten to thirty thousand dollars a year, yet died poor, 1853. Gamble, John, chapel-master and composer to Charles II., after H. Lawes ; author of several musical works, 1655 to 1659. Gamut Boaed, an invention of H. T. Merrill, of Galena, 111., to facilitate the learning to read piano-forte music, 1839. Gaebett, Richaed, of Boston, Mass., 1839, published Thomson's hymn of " The Seasons,^' to which he composed the music and orchestral parts ; it was performed by the Boston Musical Insti- tute. Garcia, J. R., a well-known musi- cian ; born at Dunkirk, France, but re- sided in England ; came to Boston, 1830, where he held a leading position as a musician for many years. He was a man of rare attainments and pleasing traits of character; died at the High- lands, Tuesday, April 9, 1872, leaving one son and five daughters, all well- known singers or musicians. Amelia, a native of the West Indies ; born 1848 ; became known as a singer in New York; died at New Orleans, 1871. Garcia, Manuel, celebrated tenor singer and teachei-; born at Seville, Spain, Jan. 21, 1775 ; came to America, Xj-jd , UO (iryi. ^ ^i '/V J A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 43 1824, with an opera troupe; died at Paris, Jufae 2, 1832. Manuel, jiin., born in MaVlrid, 1805 ; a professor at the conservatory, Paris. Pauline V., born in Paris, Jtily 18, 1821 ; accompanied her sister, Madame Malibran, to tlii» country ; a f a^nous singer ; died at Tu- rin, May, 187 GaPvDinee, \ William, of Leicester, England, borntlTG^^ well known as the author of " Gardlner\s Music of Na- i^}>^ iurc,'\^' Music and Friends,''^ ^'Sights in Tcahj,^^ and other musical works; died, Nov. 16, 1853, aged eighty-seven. Gaspeeini, an esteemed musical critic, scholar, poet, and musician ; died at Paris, May, 1868. His writings were perused with eagerness by amateurs of music. Gassiee, Pepita, a gifted artist, who sang in opera, 1858, at New York ; first made her appearance in London as El- vira, in "£rn«?ii,'' 1845; was a singer and actress ; died in Madrid, November, 1866. Gassiee, Signoe, known as a superb barytone in opera ; died, 1872. Gastoni, Abbe, invented, at Milan, 1786, what he called the ''Giaiifs Ilarp,''^ consisting of seven strong iron wires, stretched from the top of a tower sixty feet high, to another building, tuned to the notes of the gamiit ; its music, in a storm, was heard several miles. Gathy, August, author of a valua- ble "■Musical Lexicon,'''' a well-known German musical critic in Paris, who wrote much for the French and German papers; died in Paris, April, 1858. Gaztambide, an eminent composer of comic operas; born at Navarre, 1822; was a performer on the double bass at the theatre when twelve years old ; be- came leader of the orchestra, and then manager ; wrote much, and some of his operas reached their hundredth per- formance ; died at Madrid, 1868, aged forty-six. Gazzaniga, Marietta, was born at Yoghera, in Lombardy, Juiie 8, 1826; made her debut at La Scala, Milan ; in 1844 sang at Florence and Leghorn ; in 1845 and"l846, at all the Italian theatres ; in 1857, came to this country, appearing at Philadelphia, Boston, and New York; went to Havana, and sang there to crowded houses. Gazzaniga, born at Cremona, 1743; a voluminous composer; wrote a ^^ Don Juan, " performed in London, when D'Aponte Avas poet there; died 1817. Gebiiard, F. a., violinist; born at Moscow, 1779 ; performed there more than tbirty years ; died 1859. Geer, Joseph, born in Gosport, Eng., Aug. 30, 1768; went early to reside in London ; came to New York, 1820, and was of the orchestra at Park Theatre ; removed to Boston, 1824; was celebrated as a performer on the doulilo bass ; his solo, " The Harmonious BlacksmtUi,^^ was performed often by request; he played at the different theatres, and at orchestral concerts for more than twen- ty years, and was well known as " Old Geer " by all theatre-goers ; was crushed by a loaded team while crossing Milk street, Sept. 10, 1853, and died the same evening, aged eighty-five. Gelinek, G., a performer on the double bass at the Grand Opera at Paris, and composer of a collection of waltzes, &c., for the harp, published about the year 1798. Gelinek, Hermann Anton, called Cervetti, was born in Bohemia in 1709; was a celebrated violinist, and spent much of his life in France and Italy; died at Milan in 1779. Gelinek, Abbe Joseph, a good pianist, and admired composer for his instrument, was born in Bohemia in 1760 ; published much piano-forte music, especially airs with variations. Gellert, M., a celebrated poet and musician; wrote some for Mozart ; born at Hainichen, Saxony, 1715; died at Leipsic, 1769. Geminiani, Francesco, violinist; born at Lucca, 1666 ; went to London, published a number of valuable works upon music, some operas, canzonets, and concertos ; died in Dublin, Sept. 17, 1762, aged ninety-six. Geneeali, a famous composer of comic operas; born at Rome, Oct. 4, 1783 ; died at Navarre, 1832. Gensen Horn, made from the horn of a chamois, or wild goat ; its tone was like the hautboy. Gentleman and Ladies' Musical Companion. Daniel Bayley, Newbury- port, Mais. ; "collected, corrected, and made plain" by John Stickney, 1774. Gentleman's Harp. The king, the king's musicians, and all gentlemen owned and played the harp in Wales; a gentleman's harp could not be seized for debt, because the want of it would have 44 A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION reduced him from bis ranli to that of a slave. George II. set the example, never since departed from by English au- diences, of standing up during the per- formance of the '^Hallelujah Chorus.''^ He was a man of deep musical sympa- thies. j George III., of England, was a lover ! and patron of music, member of a quin- tet club, and performer upon the violon- 1 cello; composed some fine songs, and jwas a supporter of the concert of an- yCient music, of oratorio, and a performer iOn the harpsichord. j George IV., of England, sustained 'the best private band of music in Eu- 'rope, consisting of forty-two members, all first-rate artists. It was directed by Christian Kramer, a composer of great ability. George V., king of Hanover, born in Berlin, May 27, 1S19, was a composer and writer on music. Many of his com- positions were for piano-forte and for the voice. Gerbert, Martin, author of a his- tory of church music and other works ; born in Austria, 1720 ; died 1793. Germast CniME Bells, an instru- ment resembling the lyre in form, hav- ing, in the place of strings, steel bars tuned to various tones, which are struck with a hammer. German-Flemish Festival, insti- tuted in London, 1846. German Music. The Germans, un- til recently, have been more of a specu- lative than a practical people ; and in their effcrts to thoroughly grasp the principles that underlie the" dramatic art, and embody them in their works, they have generally failed to realize their aims. It cannot be said that Ger- man composers, as a class, have shown as much productivity in the opera as in other branches of music, notwitbstand- ing that the greatest representatives of the musical drama have been Germans. It may be truly afiirmed that the one opera of Beethoven is worth more to the life of music than a score of operas by Donizetti or Auber ; and that the serious, thougbtful efforts of Gluck have been more fruitful of good results to the art than the prolific routine of Italian ope- ratic composers. Yet it remains a cu- rious fact, that no German master has founded a dramatic school in his own country that might be compared with the Neapolitan school, or the French comic opera. Both Gluck and Mozart had more numerous followers among the French and Italians than at home. Mozart was undoubtedly influenced by Gluck, and Beethoven by Mozart : yet neither followed in the others footsteps so closely as to be identified as depend- ent. Beethoven's "Fidelio" marks a return of the opera in Germany from its universal height, accomplished by Mo- zart, to a national German character. Those who came directly after Beetho- ven in time did not follow this truly national and modern direction, but chose, instead, a more narrow and in- significant course, which led to the so- called "romantic opera." Germania Musical Society came to Boston, Mass., in 1848, with Carl Bergmann as conductor, and William Schultze as leader. This band was con- sidered the best that had yet visited that city ; and they stimulated and fixed that love of music in its highest form v.hich had just been implanted in the hearts of the people. Gernsheim, Frederic, born in Par- is, at the age of ten years was known as a remarkable pianist; but chiefly cel- ebrated for his skill at improvisation, playing full harmony. Gernsheim, Fritz, a rising Prussian composer; has already acquired reputa- tion as a writer for orchestra. Gervinus, one of the brightest liter- ary ornaments of Germany, and a fine musician ; wrote many valuable musical works ; died November, 1871. Gervold, a singer and teacher; in 787 established a music school in the monastery of St. Waudrille, after the manner of St. Gregory. Gestewitz, F. C., composer and di- rector ; born in Germany, 1753 ; died at Dresden, 1805. Gestours. Itinerant minstrels, who interlarded their songs with jokes and funny sayings. Gesualdo, C, an extremely learned, ingenious, and popular composer of Venosa, kingdom of Naples, 1595 to 1625. Gevaert, Vitus, of Paris, France, invented, 1872, an appliance, by the aid of which an organist touching but one key will produce a full chord ; it is called the "Harmonista."' Gevaert, M., a young Belgian artist, self-taught in music and harmony, com- A DICTIOKAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 45 menced writing in tlie sand upon the ground, thus forming a musical lan- guage which he could understand; fi- nally studied books, became a composer in 1852, and in 1844 one of his operas was performed in Paris; has written other successful works; has since be- come director of the Brussels Conserva- tory. Gewandhaus Concerts, established in Leipsic, 1743 ; has maintained one of the best orchestras in the world. Gheuses, the name of the party which, in 1566, demolished the organs and destroyed the music-books at Ant- werp and elsewhere. GiAPvDiNi, Felice, violinist and com- poser, born at Turin, 1716; went to Rome, Naples, and England, where he was orchestral leader ; composed for the theatres, and taught music; died at Moscow, Dec. 17, 1796, aged 80. GiBBOXS, Orlando, one of the most celebrated EngUsh musicians ; born at Cambridge, 1583, died 1628. Edward, organist and composer, Bristol, 1592, and Royal Chapel, 1604. Ellis, com- poser, London, 1600. William, Nov. 19, 1567, was one of the "wcmso acted as organist), was one of tjre composers of the psalms, in four jiarts, published in 1594, and some of the anthems in Bar- nard's collection;^ died in 1621. Hopkins, Charles J., organist. New York ; was instrumental in founding the '^American Musical Association,^^ 1856; which, wanting support, was disbanded 1858. Hopkins, E. J., of London, England; organist, and author of an elaborate work on the construction of the organ, ia55. Hopkins, John Henry, born in Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 30, 1792; came to the United States. 1800 ; became bishop of the diocese of Vermont, and presid- ing bishop of the P.E. Church in the United States ; of his musical composi- tions, the best known are " Tioelve Can- zonets.^^ Hopkins, Jerome, musician, com- poser, and editor of the ''■Philharmonic Journal,'''' New York; born at Burling- ton, Vt., April 4, 1836; became an organ- ist at the age of twelve years ; has written piano-forte pieces, songs, organ-concert fugues, church music, and orchestral and choral works; is well known for the establishment of '' Orphean Free Schools^' for tlie poor, and as a pianist. ; Hopkins, ^■tlie person engaged with .\^ Sternhold iiifll^troducing metrical psalm- V^ ody. V, HoPKiNSON, Joseph, born at Phila- delphia, Penn., Nov. 12, 1770; celebrated as the author of "Hail Columbia,'^ writ- ten 1798 ; died June 15, 1842. HoRMANN, J., a musician at Vienna, published there some music for the piano-forte in the year 180O; died at Copenhagen, 1870. Horn, C. F., a native of Germany; famous teacher in London from 1782 to 1811 ; also a composer. Charles E., son of C. F., born in London, 1786 ; com- poser and vocalist. Henry, harpist, born in Paris, 1789. Johann C, a famous writer on music. Charles E., an English vocalist and composer, born 1793; came to this country, and died in Boston, Oct. 21, 1849. ^ HoRSLEY, Charles Edward, son of William, the distinguished English glee- writer; came to New York, and was made director of the Church Music As- sociation, 1872; his ^'Comus" was per- formed for the first time in New York, April, 1874. HoRSLEY, William, born in London, 1774; was made organist of the orphan asylum, 1802; became celebrated as a composer, and wrote a great amount of vocal and instrumental music; died in London, June, 1858. HoTTEMAN, SiEUR, of France, was 4, ^c./^/i-: .f ^ Xa-uj^v^v, Irv I -Cvnv^HrK, i-'^ ' , ll/T) , Jh-Jiy^c- ry/i'CT' A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 61 the inventor of the tlieorho, an instru- ment with two necks and eight strings ; the long neck sustains the "four lowest strings. Hottentot Music, as well as their instruments, seems rude and harbarous ; it is generally connected with dancing. Tlieir instruments are, a triangular board having strings; a hollow portion of a tree, one end covered with skin; and an instrument played with a bow. Hough, Geokge, publisher of the *' Concord Observer," was a choir leader and singer at Concord, N.H., for many years; published, 1808, ^^ Modern Har- mony.'''' The music was written upon a new plan : for characters, A represented a whole note ; A, a half note ; a, a quarter note; the Italic capital A, the eighth note ; and a, the sixteenth. He used the wooden box intch-pipe in his choir. HousER, William, of Spiere's Turn- out, Ga., published at Philadelphia, Penn,, 1848, " TAe Hesperian Harp,'' 576 pages, using the j)<^t€nt notes of Smith and Little ; a composer and music- teacher of much reputation South. This is one of the largest books of church music published, and contains much of the popular music sung at the South. HowAiiD, Frank (Delos Gardner Spalding, his real name), born at Athens, Penn., 1833; a self-taught per- former upon several instruments ; after wandering in the world twenty years, settled in Chicago, 111., in 1853, and became known as a song-composer; wrote more than one hundred songs that were popular. Howell, Thomas, born at Bristol, England, 1783; was a celebrated flutist, and teacher of music; invented the Musical Game for teaching the degrees in the treble and bass clefs. HowsoN, Frank, an English singer, who was a member of the concert com- pany of Catherine Hayes and Anna Bishop, at Australia, 1842; died at San Francisco, Cal., March, 1870, aged 52. HowsoN, Frank, Sen., father of the above, barytone of the well-known Hoav- son Family of operatic singers, who originated English opera in Australia; died at Omaha", Neb., 1869. HucBALD was a monk at St. Ar- mand, in Flanders, who lived at the end of the ninth and the beginning of the tenth centuries. His ^' MusicaEn- chiriadio " is composed of nineteen chapters, most of which are specially devoted to hannony. He was the first author of the middle ages who treated of harmony with the necessary practical details. The ancient alphabets liad been succeeded by a notation in points, signs upon the absolute value of which the learned are not agreed. These signs had at first but the appearance of apos- trophes or accents; but, becoming too complicated, aliorizontal line was intro- duced, — the first element of the staff, — giving something of geometrical regu- larity to the quantitative signs, which still were in the main arbitrary in form. The art of reading the point notation has been lost, and tradition gives no method of learning the manner of exe- cuting such music. HuERTA, who enjoyed the reputation of being the best guitarist in Spain, at the age of seventeen, 1820, composed ^"Blerjo'sHymn,'' which has become the Spanish Marseillaise, and is heard at every patriotic manifestation in Madrid ; became a resident of Paris, 1809. Hughes, an Englishman, blind him- self, in 1847 invented a system of em- bossed music for tlie blind ; it represents all the musical signs, including fingering and every variety of chords ; the system makes use of raised dots which are read by the fingers ; in 1855, associated with Denman, he exhibited a piano-forte with two rows of keys, bringing twice the number of notes under the same stretch of liand. HuLLAH, John, composer and music- teacher, born in Worcester, England, 1812; first became known by his comic opera, "The Village Coquettes," 1836; produced two other operas, and then became famous for his popular singing schools in London; St. Martin's JEIail was built for liim ; wrote many songs, exercises, and studies of great value. Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, the great composer and pianist, born at Presburg, Nov. 14, 1778; played the violin at the age of four years ; as pianist became noted in all Europe, and composed much dramatic, church, and instrumental music ; died Oct. 17, 1837, at Weimar. Humphreys, Pelham, a celebrated English composer of anthems, was ad- mitted one of tlie gentlemen of Charles's chapel, 1066, and was a prolific com- poser ; died in 1074, aged 27. Hungarian Music is of Magyar origin; it has advanced from the time LI/ utxrt^(n->^, ii^ M^i, u/),,/0 , ^^vu^-g^;^'); A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. that people settled in Europe, and is noAv cultivated with care. IIuNTiNGToisr, Jonathan, a well- known teacher of music at Northamp- ton, Mass., in 1804 assisted William Cooper in preparing a music-book for publication; and in 1807 publisbed '* The Apollo Harmony,''^ with some new music. HuTCHiNSOif, Jesse, and Mary L., his Avife, were both singers, living in Milford, N.H., 1777: their family con- sisted of sixteen sons and daughters, all singers and musicians. The father died 1850, aged 73; the mother died Sept. 20, 1870, aged 83. Of the sixteen children, Jesse, the first son, died aged nine years ; David is a bass-singer, now living ; Noah, a tenor-singer, died 1873 ; Mary, the first daughter, died aged four years; Andrew was a good vocalist, and died in Boston, Mass., aged 52; Zephaniah acquired a musical educa- tion, and died in Illinois, aged 40; Caleb, a gifted vocalist, died aged 42; Joshua, the eighth child, a twin brother of Caleb, is well nown as a concert singer and the author of a Narrative of the family, resides at Milford. Jesse, the 2d, was educated a printer, and was also a musical director and writer for the newspapers; died near Cincinnati. O., May 15, 1853, aged 40, on a return concert trip from California. Judson wrote much music, and was a violinist and musician; died Jan. 11, 1854, at Lynn, Mass. ; Rhoda, a contralto, was one of the home branch singers ; John was a musician and composer of note, is living West; Asa had a voice of great compass and power; resides at Hutch- inson, Minn.; Elizabeth died young; Abby is well known as one of the trav- elling company, consisting of Jesse, John, Asa, and Abby. The whole tribe were musical ; and different members of the family have formed different com- panies, sometimes with relatives, thus keeping the number good ; David, Joshua, John, Rhoda, Asa, and Abby are yet (1875) living; Joshua and his friend Walter Kittredge now represent the family, and give concerts annually in the States. The compositions of the different members of the tribe are many and well known. Of the sixteen chil- dren, ten have died. Two of the com- panies, one led by Judson, and one by Joshua, were famous; Judson's com- pany travelled in Europe. HUTTENBRENNER, AnSELM, a COm- poser who was a contemporary of Bee- thoven ; died at Gratz, 18(38. HuxTABLE, Anthony, was an emi- nent musician and violinist at the opera and principal concerts in London. When he retired from London, he set- tled near South Molton, in Devonshire, as a professor of the violin and piano. He led all the public concerts in the neighborhood ; died in 1818. HuxTABLE, Christopher, began the piano-forte and violin under his father's tuition, and performed in public when very young. He was organist of Barn- staple, in Devonshire, and professor of the piano-forte and violin. HuxTABLE, William, professor of the piano-forte and harp at Barnstaple, shared the same musical education as his brother; was also one of the first violin performers at the public concerts in his neighborhood. Hyagnis, a native of Celeenae, the capital of Phrygia, and contemporary with Erechtheus, who instituted the Panathensean games at Athens, 1506 years before Christ, was the inventor of the flute and Phrygian mode, as well as of the names, or airs that were sung to the mother of the gods, to Bacchus, to Pan, and to some other divinities and heroes of that country. Hyde. A celebrated English per- former on the trumpet. Hydraulicon, a v/ater organ, acted upon by water, which, on being pumped, impelled the air into the pipes. Hydraulic Organs, used in Rome in the time of Plutarch ; they ceased to be used after the fall of the Roman empire. Hyer Sisters, Anna and Emma, colored ; successful in the States as con- cert singers ; went to Europe, 1874. Writers. That man has not lived in vain who has written one hjTun that lives in the hearts and on the tongues of the people. Just as music has touched chords that are common to all hearts, travels from land to land with its burden of harmony, so do different hymns find their home in different countries and languages. ^ i^-uJ~.;^lUcy>^^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFOEMATION. I. Iambics. In the ancient music there were two kinds of Iambic verses ; one of which was recited to the sound of in- struments, and the other sung. Ignatius, St., first introduced anti- phonal singing among Christians. ILGEN, K. i)., horn'in Thuringia 1768; a musical writer. Imbault, J. J., violinist; born at Paris, 1753 ; author of valuable works. Impkessixg Musicians. In 1454, it was so difficult to procure musicians, that Henry VI. gave orders to impress them; Heniy VIII. gave power to im- press good voices for the choirs ; and in 1550, Edward VI., and later Queen Elizabeth, impressed good voices, and educated them for the Church of St. Paul. Incledon, C, eminent vocalist ; born in Corn Avail, 1764; died at Worcester, England, Feb. 11, 1826. India has a system of notation, and a scale like that of Europe; but the tones are divided into semi and quarter tones. Hindoo and Brahmin works on music are met with, also fine voices. Indian Singing. The Psalms were translated into Indian verse, 1661, by John Eliot, and printed at Cambridge, Mass., by Mr. Green; in 1689 the In- dians had learned to sing; and in 1705 Jonathan George, an Indian, could pitch the tune for a psalm, and whole congregations of Indians could join in singing. Indian or Mohawk Version of the Psalms and Hymns was published in London, for the use of Christian Indian tribes, 1787 ; and a work with the same title appeared for the Six Nations of Indians, published at Toronto, Canada, 1839. Indicator Apparatus for telling the names of the notes of music, in- vented by George Calkin. Infantas, Ferdinand de Las, a composer of the sixteenth century. Several of his sacred compositions were published at Venice, between the years 1570 and 1583. Influence of Music. Baron Cu- vier asserted that the lion, savage and blood-thiisty as he is, could be entirely controlled by the notes of the flute or the guitar. Sir William Jones said music operates upon the lower animals by awakening uncontrollable instincts and sympathies. In Persia, a lutanist, playing, noticed that the nightingales in the trees vied with him until they fell to the ground in ecstasy, from which they were roused by a change in the music. Wilson says some officers con- fined in the Bastille with him, whenever they played upon their musical instru- ments, were surrounded by spiders and mice. An English naval officer, who, at the close of day, usually played more or less upon the violin, says a mouse came out of his hole regularly, to enjoy the music. In Eastern coun- tries musicians are employed to charm snakes, and lead them away from houses and streets, A New England flute-player, while in the mountain region, observed a huge black-snake in front of him, erect, and darting forth his tongue, pre- paratory to an attack ; seeing no chance of retreat, and having his" flute with him, he placed it to his mouth, and commenced a soothing strain, when the fire left the eye of the snake, and it lay quietly on the ground, as if dead. The Indian and Hottentot liave been known to weep under the influence of music. Some insane people have been restored to reason by music. A Grecian cured hypochondria by the melody of his flute; and removed sciatica, or rheumatism, by the notes of a trumpet. Ingalls, Jeremiah, born in Ando- ver, Mass., March 1, 1764; was a teacher, composer, and performer on the violon- cello; taught music in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont many years; published at Exeter, N.H., " T/ie Christian Harmony,^' 1805; married and settled in Newbury, Vt. ; in 1810, re- moved to Rochester, and finally to Han- cock, Vt., where he died, April 0, 1838. Ingegneri, Marco Antonio, a celebrated composer of the sixteenth century, chapel-master of the cathedral at Cremona; published several works of sacred music and madrigals at Venice, previous to the year 1592. Innocent XL, born at Como, 1611; after becoming pope, issued a bull, 1686, 64 A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". forbidding all women learning to sing, or play upon any instrument; and or- dered the nuns, who had for a century taken a part in the musical exercises of the church, to learn of no other than their sister nuns. Instruction in Composition, D. V. Adam, Madrid, 1786. Instrumental Concertos, intro- duced into the church at Rome, by A. Agazzari, 1510. Instrumental Music is such as is composed for instruments, in which the voice has no part. Instruments. The chronological his- tory of music and musical instruments, coeval with man, is lost in the labyrinth of fable ; but the oldest existing records mention instruments, as well as the voice, employed for the purpose of har- mony. Ancient instruments are occa- sionally found among the ruins of anti- quity, and we know when some of them were used. The first upright harpsi- chord was made by a person named Shudi, about 1770. The first (horizon- tal) grand piano-forte is attributed to a Mr. Bacckus, seven years later. In 1780 Robert 8toddart, England, "made the first upright grand piano-forte." Southwell, in 1790, produced the first cabinet piano-forte. Interrupted Marriage, an opera composed by J. R. Fairlamb. Intonation. All human passions, in all nations and in all states of society, are associated with certain intonations of voice ; and the great actors and musi- cians are those who can imitate these tones with the greatest perfection. Such is the law of nature; and upon this law the laws of expressive melody are built. Iperen, Josua van, a Dutch cler- gyman, who died at Batavia in 1780; published several musical works at Am- sterdam, 1778, Irish Harp. This had a greater number of strings than the lyre; yet for ages harpists only played melodies, as counterpoint was unknown. Irish Music. The Irish are essen- tially a musical people ; their songs are sung throughout the world, and are everywhei-e admired and applauded. The harp was early used, and music was early cultivated, in Ireland; the Italians derived the harp from this people; church music also flourished in Ireland previous to the seventh century, having been introduced from Gaul. Irish his- torians contend that their country is the celebrated Hyperborean Isle, and that music is the native production of the soil. Cambrenis, who did not admire the Irish, admitted their perfection in music, Handel declared that he would rather be the author of Carolan's *^ Ail- een Aroon,^^ than of all his own compo- sitions. Irish Pipes are different from the Scotch ; they can sound a strain almost as loud as the trumpet, and can breathe forth very soft tones; but the instru- ment is now little known. Irrig, Sebastian, a German musi- cian, published at Paris, in 1756, twelve sonatas for the harpsichord, in the style of Albertini. Isaac, Heinrich, chapel-master to the Emperor Maximilian I. ; born in the year 1440. In 1475 he held the situa- tion of chapel-master at the church of San Giovanni at Florence. Isabella, Queen, of Spain, was a performer upon the harp and piano- forte ; and a singer at private concerts, at one of which her mother assisted. IsAURE, Clemence, founded the Academy of the Jeux Floraux, at Tou- louse, 1824; one of the oldest musical institutions in existence. Isham, John, was the deputy of Dr. Croft for several years. He died in 1726, liaving met with very little en- couragement in his musical studies, though he wrote sundry valuable com- positions for the use of tlie church. IsiDOR, Rose, gained, 1874, great popularity as a singer in Spain ; made her debut at the Malta Opera House, and after repeated triumphs went to London, Eng. IsiNARDi, Paolo, a celebrated poet and composer, born at Ferrara, flour- ished there in the second half of the six- teenth century ; composed a great num- ber of sonnets and madrigals, as also sacred music. Ismenias, a celebrated musician of Thebes, who, according to Lucian, gave three talents, or £581 5s., for a flute, at Corinth. Iso, a French musician, brought out at the Academy of Music, in 1759, the two following operas: " Phetiise,^' and " Zemkle.'^ IsoLA, Gaetano, a Genoese com- poser, wrote in the year 1791, for the theatre at Turin, the serious opera, "ia Conquista del Velio d^Oro.^' A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 65 IsouAED, NicoLO, was born at Malta in 1775 ; after having composed for the different theatres of Italy and Malta, he established himself at Paris, where he wrote seventeen operas, both comic and serious. Nicolo played on the organ, harmonica, and several other instru- ments, with superior ability. He died in the midst of his career. Israel Restored, an oratorio. Dr. Boxfield, Baywater, England, 1849. Italian Music is characterized for its predominance of melody over har- mony. As Italy's climate, so is also her music. Both, however, often enervate. Italian music can easily be understood, it requiring but little thought or study to appreciate it. It will please at the first hearing, but often loses its charms by repetition. Hence it is welcomed by a class of persons who would receive German music coldly, for the very con- trary reasons. Italy's climate being favorable to the human voice and its culture, she educates many, and sends her singers, as she does her organ-grind- ers, to all capitals of Europe and to this country, taking with them their native operas. Were it not for this we should hear less of Italian music. Italian Opera was performed 1624, and the Italian school is yet unequalled in improving voices. Ives, E., of New York City, pub- lished, 1847, a series of music books for school use; also the ''Mozart Collec- tion," " Beethoven Collection," ''Musical Wreath," and "American Psalmody;" was a teacher and composer. Ives, Simon. Many catches and rounds of Ives's are to be found in "Hilton's Collection," and in Playford's " Musical Companion ; " as are also some songs, among the airs and dia- logues published in his time. He died in the parish of Christchurch, London, in 1662. IvoFF, General, composer of a Russian national hymn, very popular; an accomplished musician; died Dec. 28, 1870. IzAAK, Henry, author of a mass found in the library at Brussels, in 1842, entitled " De Assumptione Beatm Marias Virginis." He was chief musician to the Emperor Maximilian I., about 1430. J. Jackson, G. K. A manuscript book, containing 310 pages of miscellaneous works for instruments and singing, books of harmony, and a system of tuning, &c., used in his school, for the instruction of his scholars, has come down to us. There seem to have been three musicians and composers in this family: the volume contains "A Pas- toral Drama, 1753, set to Music by Joseph Jackson" and several compositions by George Jackson, 1755. Jackson, John B., of Pumkintown, East Tenn., published 1838, " Knox- ville Harmony," the tunes in which, it is stated, are original compositions. Jackson, Samuel, organist at St. Bartholomew's Church, in New York, published a " Te Deum " in E [? in 1851 ; and in 1848 a collection of music called ^'Sacred Harmony" was published in "Buckwheat" notes, which was com- piled by one of this name ; it may have been another Samuel Jackson ; it was printed by the Methodist Book Concern. Jackson, William, a native of York- shire, England, an eminent author and composer; chiefly known in this coun- try, since 1852, by his " Deliverance of Israel." Jackson, William, an eminent mu- sical composer, and a man of letters, was born in 1730, at Exeter, where he settled for life as a teacher, performer, and composer of music. His talents in musical composition were first made known in 1775, and it is by his vocal compositions that he has acquired the greatest reputation ; died 1803. Jacob, Benjamin, born in London, 1778; became organist of Salem Chapel at the age of ten years, and later was very much celebrated as a performer at all the great festivals; he was also a teacher, and conductor of concerts; composed some glees and psalmody, and wrote a work on harmony; died 1829. Jacob, G., a Benedictine monk, and famous composer. Jacob, the violinist of Paris, died 1770. Jacobi, Conrad, a director of music at Dessau ; died there in 1811. (,.Vb.i^./;;^ \^, kXf 2.V V A DICTIONARY OF MIJSICAL INFORMATION. Jacobi, Michael, a singer at Lune- burg ; he performed also on the violin, lute, and flute, from 1661 to 1663. Jacobi, Samuel Franz, conductor and organist at the Palace Church in Wittenburg in 1730. JACOBITUS, Petrus Amicus, pub- lished at Venice, in 1589, " Motetti a 4, 5, e 6 wet," Op. 1. J ACOPONUS, a monk in the fourteenth century, is the author of the text and first melody to the " Stabat Mater Dolo- rosa.^ ^ Jadin, Louis, eminent at Paris as a pianist and composer, 1796 to 1810. Jaeger, Johann, a violoncellist to the Margrave of Anspach, was born in 1745. Jaeger, Johann Zach arias L., born at Anspach in 1777, was only eleven years of age when he was named chamber-musician and violoncellist in the chapel of the Margrave of Anspach. Jaell, Alfred, born at Trieste, March 5, 1830, was a violinist at the age of six years, but became celebrated as a pianist in 1843; gave concerts throughout Europe with great success ; came to this country in 1853, and gave concerts in all the principal cities of the Union. Jaell, M., father of the above, was a violinist and leader of an orchestra in Vienna ; afterwards established a music school in Trieste ; died at Brussels, Sept. 1, 1849. J AHN, August WiLHELM Friedrich, born at Arnstadt in the year 1780, was considered an excellent pianist, and also a good performer on the violin, violoncello, flute, and hautboy. Jahn, Otto, published, 1856, in Germany, a new ''Life of Mozart,'^ made up from the Mozart letters pre- served at Salzburg, and extending from 1777 to 1784. Jamard, of Rouen, 1769, extended the theory of Balliere, built on the principle of the harmony of the column of air, from the sound of the French horn, until he arrived at the scale of the music of birds. James I., king of Scotland, an accom- plished musician, composed the ''Jolly Becfgar,'' and other works ; died Dec. 11, 1542. Increased the pay of musicians, and gave them an act of incorporation. James, John, an organist, and com- poser for his instrument, in London; died about the year 1745. The style of hi\ compositions was dignified and sci- entific. James, Mrs. C. Varian, born in Eastport, Me., after eight years in Italy sang atx Rome ; and returned to the United States, November, 1858, when she was\engaged for the opera at Havana. Jan, M. David, a Dutch composer at the beginning of the seventeenth cen- tury ; set the^ one hundred and fifty psalms of David to music for four, five, six, seven, and eight voices, which he published at Amsterdam in the year 1600. \ /4/s P c dh a m T-^fft6s., published "Harmonic Minstrelsy," 104 pages, 1807, containing sacred music in three and four parts. J ANi, Johann, a composer and court- organist at Aurisch, in Germany, died in 1728. Janievics. See Yaniewicz. Jannequin, Clement, composed, in the time of Francis I., the "Cries of Paris," a curious medley, treated with much art ; also the "Chant de la Bataille de Marignan" Jan SEN, W. G. M., published at Konigsberg, in 1800, "15 Deutsche Lieder mit Begleitiing des Klavier." Japanese Music is not very har- monious, and they have few instru- ments ; the lute is a favorite, and is in general use. They use their voices with considerable taste and skill. Jarnowick, G., violinist; born at Palermo, 1745 ; died 1804. Jarvis, Charles H., born in Phila- delphia, Penn., 1837 ; published, 1845, a " Collection of Chants;" in 1856, with J. A. Getze, ''Tip-Top Glee Book;" a composer of much music, and a noted teacher in that city. Jasper, a composer of some sonatas for the piano-forte and violin, published at Mentz between the years 1794 and 1797. Jassou, Joa. And., author of a work entitled " De Canioribus Eccles. Vet. et Novi Testamenti" published at Helm- stadt in 1708. Jast, F., a dramatic composer at Vienna, brought out several operettas and ballets in that city, about the year 1790. Jay, Dr. John, a teacher, composer, and performer upon instruments; set- tled in London, 1800, as a teacher; was made bachelor of music, and member of A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 67 the Royal Academy ; composed both vocal and instrumental music. Jay, Miss, eldest daughter of Dr. Jay, was celebrated as a performer on the harp ; received a medal from Prince Leopold ; the second daughter was a fine pianist. Jeep, Joiiann, a composer in the early part of the seventeenth century, was born in the Duchy of Brunswick. He published ^' Geistliche Psalmen und Kirchen Gesdng. D. M. Luihers und andererfrommen Christen, init 4 Stimmen dem Choral nach componirt durch,^' &c., Nuremburg, 1607. Jefferson, Thomas, the statesman, was a good violinist and tenor-singer; his wife was an excellent performer on the harpsichord ; visitors were often en- tertained at his house by music of the harpsichord, voice, and violin. Jeitteles, Aloys, author of the **Q/cZu.s' of Songs " by Beethoven, known under the name of "To the Distant Love," died May, 1858. Jelch, Vincentius, a countrapun- tist of the seventeenth century, pub- lished at Strasburg, " Parnassia militia Concertuum 1, 2, 3, et 4 Vocum,'^ 1C23; *^ Arion Primus,^^ 1628. This work contains twenty-one Latin motets for one, two, three, and four voices. And lastly, ^^ Arion Secundus,^^ 1628, con- taining psalms for vespers, arranged for four voices. Jeliotte, Pierre, a celebrated counter-tenor singer, born at Beam; composed ballet-music and many songs ; died in a state of great poverty, subse- quently to the year 1780. Jenkins, George, of High Holborn, Bloomsbury, published, 1791, eighteen airs for violins and bass ; also a collec- tion of new Scotch music, and a med- ley, on a new plan, with bass for violon- cello. Jenkins, John, a native of Maid- stone, in Kent, born in the year 1592, was a celebrated composer of music for viols in the reigns of Charles I. and II. His compositions are chiefly fantasias, in five and six parts, several of which have been greatly admired. He died in the year 1678, at the great age of eighty- six years. ^ Jenks, Stephen, of New Canaan, / Conn., published " The Delights of Har- I mony,'^ 1805 ; twenty-six of the tunes in I this book were composed by him, and \ the work was published by su'bsciiption. , /f^' 7u.Yy^sy^' ^• He removed to Thompson, O., and died there in 1856. ''Mount Calvary ^^ was composed by Jenks, 1798. Jennings, Mrs., daughter of Mr. Williams, British Consul at Seville, appeared in opera at Berlin, 1849, and sang in all the principal characters of the Italian stage ; in 1850, sang at Dres- den and Hamburg, and went to reside in London. Jennison, Samuel, jun., author of ''Mnsic in the past Half Century,''^ and other productions, 1851. Jerome de Moravie, a musical writer, about the year 1260, wrote a treatise "De3/u8ica." Jester, a native of Berlin, composed, about the year 1799, an operetta called "Der WunderigeU^ Jewit, Randolph, an English musi- cian, organist in Dublin, which city he quitted for England in 1639, and died at Winchester. Jews-Harp. This simple instru- ment is the only one practised by the inhabitants of St. Kilda. It came into notice, 1828, at the Royal Institution, where it was performed upon by Prof. Eulenstin. Joachim, Joseph, born in Hungary, 1831 ; became known as a violinist, at Paris, 1849; composed there four or- chestral overtures, and in 1856 became director of the court concerts for the King of Hanover; became chapel- master at the court of Weimar. JOANELLI BerGAMENSIS DEGARDI- NO, Petrus, a contrapuntist of the six- teenth century, published at Venice, iu 1568, ''Thesaurus Musicus for four, five, six, and eight voices." Joannes, Damascenus, a celebrated church composer in the first half of the eighth century; died in 760. Joannes, Paduanus, published at Verona in 1578 a work entitled " In stitutiones Musicce.'^ Joannes, Salesberiensis, a native of Salisbury, in England; died in 1182; wrote a work which treats " De Musica et Instrumentis, et Modis, et Fructu eorum.^^ JoBARD, M., afl5rms that those who, on shaking the head, hear two Id's (A's in perfect unison), are born musi- cians ; they have the voice and ear per- fectly correct ; but those who hear the la only in one ear have an imperfect appreciation of sound ; while those who perceive two different sounds, la and '^•^ ^^U^/k^ }^ri^ , o ■ ^6 IW-l ^ jV' Ai. ^^ ^U^ !>rt,<' J s^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. another tone, not only do not love music, but detest and avoid it. By this novel method he proposes to discover and decide who may become good musi- cians. [See Latotjb, M. C, Nickles, J., and article La.] JocELYN, Simeon, of New Haven, Conn., published a collection entitled '■'■ Chorister^ s Companion,''^ 1788; and in 1793 a supplement; was a teacher and composer of music; also published the '^Federal Harmony," at Boston, Mass. Joecher, Christian Gottleib, professor of history in Leipsic, published a treatise "De Viribus Musices in Cor- pore Humano." JoHANNOT, Tony, became famous in London, England, from a single comic song, the " Beadle of the Parish ; " also acted old men at the theatres ; died 1848. Johannsen, Mme., born in the duchy of Holstein, came to this country, 1857, and appeared in German opera at New York ; afterwards travelled in Germany, and settled at Berlin. John Brown Song originated with the Boston Light Infantry; the words were by different members of this com- pany ; the music, a very old hymn-tune, was adapted to the words by James E. Greenleaf, 1861. Johnson, A. N., born in Middlebury, Vt., early went to Boston, Mass., and became an organist there at the age of eighteen years ; became a teacher, com- poser, and author of a large number of books and works upon music ; was edi- tor of a musical paper, and a teacher in musical conventions ; was for some time professor in the Allegany Academy of Music, Friendship, N.Y. ; his works on harmony and thorough-bass were among the best of his publications. Johnson, Frank, a celebrated colored musician, and performer on the Kent bugle ; his reputation was not confined to this country; in 1834 he visited Eu- rope with his band, and gave a series of concerts in London ; he afterwards made the tour of the United States, perform- ing in all the large cities ; died in New York, April 5, 1844. Johnson, George W., published a very interesting work, " The Songs of the Bayaderes of Calcutta and of Delhi ; " which he noted from hearing of them. Johnson, Henry Philip, chapel- master and chamber-musician to the King of Sweden at Stockholm, com- posed for the theatre of that city the operas of "E'jyZe," 1774, and ^^Neptun und Amphitrit£," 1775; he wrote also a work on the organ, &c. Johnson, Ichabod, born in Wobum, Mass. ; a fifer in the army of the Revo- lution, and, for many years after the war, a teacher of vocal and instrumental music; used the vioUn in his schools; formed several bands in New England towns, and became a well-known band- master. Johnson, James, a music-seller and engraver in Edinburgh, Scotland, pub- lished between 1787 and 1803 six vol- umes of "T/^e Scot^s Musical Museum ; " he commenced the work of collecting and of setting to music such songs as had not been set to music previous to his time ; was the first who attempted to strike music upon pewter plates ; died at Edinburgh, Feb. 26, 1811. Johnson, J. C, teacher and composer of music, Boston, Mass., editor of " Jm- tenile Oratorios," ^^ Normal Song Book," ^^ School Song Book," and other works; was associated for many years with A. N. Johnson, assisting in his publica- tions. Johnson, Robert, a learned musi- cian, was one of the first of the English church composers who disposed their parts with intelligence and design. Jolly, an English composer of glees. Two of his compositions were much ad- mired at the British concerts. JoLY, a French musician, published at Paris, 1786, " Six Duos pour Violon." Jomelli, Nicolo, born at Aversa, near Naples, 1714; became a composer of operas at the age of twenty-three years ; was engaged at Rome, 1740 ; was celebrated in all Italy ; returned to Na- ples, 1768, where he continued to com- pose during life ; his works for the church and theatre are very numerous ; died at Naples, Aug. 28, 1774. Jonas, Carl, a celebrated composer and pianist, born at Berlin in 1770 ; was in the service of the King of Prussia, and a composer of merit. Jones, Darius E., published in New York, 1840, " Melodies of the Church,** " Temple Melodies," and other popular works. Jones, Edward, published, about the year 1785, a work entitled ^^ Musical a7id Poetical Belies of the Welsh Bards, pre- served by Tradition and Authentic Manu- scripts, never before published." Jones, E. T., for many years the or A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. ganist of Canterbury Cathedral; died 1872. Jones, John, an organist at St. Paul's, London, composed a chant which was sung in unison by four thousand chil- dren in the presence of Haydn, who said it gave him the greatest pleasure of any music he had ever heard. Jones, John Hilton, of Bingham- ton, N.Y., 1853, published a practical guide to '' Thorough-bass,^^ intended to teach harmony without the aid of a master. Jones, Rev. W., a manufacturer of jEolian harps, in which the strings are fastened to a sounding-board within a case, to which the wind passes through an aperture. Jones, Robert, a voluminous com- poser. Two of the works published by him are, "^ Musical Dreame, or the Fourth Book of Ay res; ^^ and *' The Mu- ses Gardin for Delights,'^ 1609. Jones, Rev. W. of Nayland, in Suf- folk, an English musical amateur, who published, 1784, '^ A Treatise on the Art of Music,'^ considered a work of some authority. Jones, W., bell-ringer at Pendleton, England, invented an apparatus worked by the simple turning of a handle, by which a peal of eight bells can be easily rung by a boy ; it is operated by levers and pulleys. Jongleurs. The jongleurs held a subordinate position; and they were sometimes compelled to play as many as nine different instruments, and to be skilful in the arts of rope-dancing and tumbling, in imitating the songs of birds, as well as to be of ready wit, and able to joke and play the fool. Hence the name jongleur is derived from joculato, a jester. The troubadours never sang for money, but for honor or love, while the jongleur was a paid servant. JoRTiN, Dr. John, vicar of Kensing- ton, was born in London in 1698. He published ^^ A Letter concerning the Mu- sic of the Ancients;^' died in 1770. Joseph, Georg, a musician in the service of the Bishop of Breslau in 1690, published some sacred compositions in that city. Josephine, wife of Napoleon, was a superior singer, and played several in- struments remarkably well, especially the harp, her favorite. JosQiHN, Des Pres, or Depres, the father of modern harmony, and one of the greatest supporters of ohurch-music ; was chapel-master to Louis XII. ; among musicians he was the giant of his age; composed much music; and his works were as well known in Europe as Han- del's have since been. Joubert, a violinist, and one of the best pupils of LuUi ; flourished at Paris about the year 1690. JoussE, J., a musician resident in London, born in France about 1760; published an introduction to the art of sol-fa-ing and singing, also published ^^ Harmonic Cards,''"' to teach the chords. JOVANELLL See GlOVANELLI. Jozzi, Giuseppe, an Italian sopranist, was in London in 1746, and performed in Gluck's opera "ia Caduta del Gi- ganti ; " settled as a singing-master at Amsterdam, where he published eight sonatas. Jural, a descendant of Cain, and a son of Lamech, played on musical in- struments before the deluge, and taught others to play on the harp and organ. He is called the father of such as handle the harp (kinnor) and the organ. Jubilee Singers. Eight colored people of Nashville, Tenn., who in 1869 commenced giving concerts to found a university; they were successful. The institution is Fisk University. Jubilees. There have been two great musical festivals at Boston, Mass., called Peace Jubilees: one in 1869, numbering 10,528 voices and an instru- mental force of 1,094 performers; 200,- 000 people attended. At the Jubilee of 1872, the chorus numbered 18,000; the orchestra, 2,000; buildings were erected for each of these festivals, capable of seating at one time 100,000 people. JuDELius, Joannes, a German mu- sician, published at Erfurt, in 1625, a work called '^Encomium Gamico-Har- monicumy JuDic, Mme. (Anna Damiens), born 1849; appeared in opera at the age of sixteen; married, and in 1867 made a great reputation in Paris. JuDicE, Caesar de, a composer of madrigals and motets, published at Mes- sina and Palermo between the years 1628 and 1666 ; was a native of Sicily. JuDKiN, T. J., published " Church and Home Psalmody,'" London, 1831. JuLiANUS Cesar possessed an organ which inspired the poet Graculus with the following lines: — " Tubes perceive I here, of another 70 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INTORMATION. species, formed in the brazen regions of earth, and of powerful sound. But their sound is not awakened by our breath. Out from within the hollow of a bellows of bull's hide, the wind penetrates, at their bases, the sounding tubes. Behold! a strong man, endowed with quickly-flying fingers, touches the row of keys; and now, simultaneously blending, or in playful alternation, they sound forth in charming song." JuLiEN, G., an organist at Chartres, in France, towards the end of the seven- teenth century, published in Paris a book of organ-music. Jui.iEN, N., published at Paris in 1780, under the name of ^'Julien I'ain^," a collection of comic opera songs for two violoncellos. JuLiEN, Pierre, a musician of the sixteenth century, born at Carpentras, in France, published in 1750, "ie Vrai Chemin pour apprendre a chanter toute Soi'te de Musique.'" JuLLiEN, George Louis, a French- man, born April 23, 1812, near Sis- teron, among the French Alps ; at the age of five years was a concert violin- ist ; in 1839 went to England, where his concerts and festivals for fifteen years made him very popular ; in 1856 he came to this country, and was immensely popular in New York, where he pro- duced some of the compositions of Fry and Bristow, Americans ; after his re- turn to England, he proposed to collect a monster orchestra, and make a tour around the globe, but did not succeed ; died March 16, 1860. JuLLiEN, G. L., jun., called Jullien 11. , son of George Louis, was a member of Jullien's band, and inherited much of his father's energy and talent. Jullien, Paul, born at Crest, France, 1841 ; remarkable as a violinist ; in 1850 gained the first prize against seventeen competitors, and thereafter became a concert-player; came to this country, and performed at the concerts of Madame Sontag. JuMiLHAC, Le PtRE DE, a Benedic- tine monk, published in Paris in 1673, "Xa Science et la Pratique du Plain- Chant" JuNGE, Joachim, a doctor of philos- ophy at Hamburg, died in 1657 ; among his published works is one entitled "■Harmonica Theoretical JuNGHAUTZ, J. A., organist at Arn- stadt, was born in 1745. He was known in Germany by some good compositions for the harpsichord. Junius, Adrianus, born in Holland in 1512, published a work, one of the chapters of which treats of ^^ Musica Instrumenta eoque spectantia." Junker, Karl Ludwig, a celebrated amateur musician in the north of Ger- many, died in 1797. He published many works on music between the years 1776 and 1786. JusDORF, J. C, a flutist at Gottingen, has published several operas of music for his instrument, at Offenbach, since the year 1799. Just, J. A., a musician at the Hague, born about the year 1750, was considered one of the best performers of his time on the harpsichord ; published at Am- sterdam, the Hague, and Berlin, much music for his instrument. Justin Martyr died a martj-^r during the persecutions of Antoninus, in 163; works published at Paris in 1636 and 1742 with excellent remarks on the church music used in his time. Justinian I., called "the Great," a Greek; was an excellent musician, and in the Greek Church they still sing a troparius, or hymn on the divinity of Jesus Christ, of his composition; died in 565. Justinianus, Leonakdus, a Vene- tian, lived about the year 1428; was cel- ebrated as a musical composer ; wrote a great number of amatory songs, which had much success. K. Kaa, F. I., a composer of instrumen- tal works at Cologne, 1783. Kaempfer, J., a celebrated Hunga- rian performer on the double bass, 1783. Kaleidoscope, Musical, consists of sixty sheets of music, twenty blue. twenty red, twenty black, printed notes ; any three sheets of one color furnish a piece of music, and any such piece changes character and form if you change one of the selected sheets. Kalkbrenner, C, a Prussian J«w, A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 71 born at Munden, Germany, 1755, and famous as an historian and musical author; died at Paris, 1806. Fried- rich, son of C, born at Cassel, 1784; famous pianist and composer; died at Paris, 1849. Kallenbach, G. E. G., organist and composer, Magdeburg, from 1787 to 1800. Kalliwoda, J. W., born at Prague, 1800; a distinguished instrumental com- poser; wrote much orchestra music. Kalozdy, one of a band of fifteen gypsies, and leader of the Hungarian orchestra formed in London, 1852 ; they know nothing of music, only as it is taught them by their leader. Kastner. M. Georges, of Paris, France, published, 1806, several musical works, among which one of some curi- osity is " The Cries of PariSy^^ and a collection of musical proverbs. Kastner, M. Frederick, invented, 1873, the ^^ Pyrophone,^^ an instrument sounded by the action of fire : a lighted jet of gas plays upon glass tubes, pro- ducing the tones as desired. Karasek, or Karausciiek, a Bohe- mian violinist, died in 1789; composed some instrumental music, among which are concertos for the bassoon and vio- loncello, and symphonies. On the lat- ter-named instrument he was an excel- lent performer. Karelin, Sila Dementiewitsch, by birth a Russian, was, in the year 1796, the director of the musique de chasse of some nobleman at St. Petersburg. He was considered the finest performer in Russia on the cor de chasse; and his in- strument is said to have cost, at Mos- cow, eight hundred rubles. Karr, Henri, an excellent pianist, resident at Paris, was born at Deux- Ponts, in 1784. He has published some music for his instrument. Karsten, a good tenor-singer at the opera at Stockholm, by birtli a Swede. He was in London in the year 1792, and sang with much applause in various parties of the nobility. Katow, Helena, a Russian, born in Riga, of a Polish family, at an early age became known as a violoncellist ; came to this country, and appeared in Boston and other cities, 1865. Kauer, Ferdinand, a musi<;ian at Vienna, published there much dramatic and instrumental music, between the years 1794 and 1809. He is said to have been an excellent pianist; died in 1830, after losing a large number of manu- scripts and his musical library by a freshet from which he escaped only to be exhausted by debility, aged 80. Kaufmann, Carl, an organist at Berlin, born there in 1706; published some instrumental music about the year 1790; died at Berlin in 1808. Kaufmann, Friedrich, the inventor of the harmonichord and other instru- ments, was born at Dresden, 1785; in 1818 was offered the position of harmou- ichord-player in the orchestra at Darm- stadt; in 1839 completed the Sr/mpho- nion, and with his son made a tour of Germany, Russia, Sweden, and Den- mark ; on their return voyage the instru- ments were lost at sea ; but father and son constructed others and better ones, and established a permanent depot for the sale of their instruments, with which was combined a manufactory ; died 1872, aged 87. Kaufmann, Friedrich Theodob, son of the above-named, was born at Dresden, 1823; constructed a complete self-playing, orchestra-like instrument in 1851, after five years' unwearied exer- tions; it was called the '^Orchestrion,'^ and, when exhibited, created much ex- citement; died in Dresden, 1872, aged 49. Kaufmann, Johann, a violoncellist at Stuttgard, born in 1760. Kaufmann, Johann Gottfried, born near Chemnitz, 1752 ; was the founder of a family distinguished for mechanical and musical talent; died at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1818. Kaufmann, Madame, wife of the preceding, was a celebrated singer at Stuttgard, in the service of the court. Kauth, Madame, an amateur com- poser of music for the piano-forte. Kayser, Elizabeth, celebrated for her talents as a singer. At the age of fifteen she sang with great success at the opera in Dresden. Keach, Benjamin, published, 1691, a tract proving singing to be a " holy ordinance of Jesus Christ." Keatinge, J. J., of Cincinnati, O., published " Singinfj Class Manual,^* 1857; was a music-teacher. Keeble, John, organist of St. George's, Hanover Square, from 1759 to 1787 ; published in 1784 a work entitled " The Theory of Harmonics." Keen, the dirge chanted at the Irist 72 A DICTIONAKY OF MUSICAL IKFORMATION. wake; the women who chant place themselves at each side of the corpse, and the chant is led by some talented singer. Keeper, John, of Harthall, an Eng- lish church-composer, published in 1574, " Select Psalms, in four Parts,^' Kehl, Johann B., a singer and organ- ist, was born at Coburg; published sev- eral sonatas for the harpsichord, &c., 1770, and left two oratorios in manu- script. Kehr, Charles Henry, bom in Eisenach, Aug. 29, 1820; came to America, 1883; became connected with the musical interests of Maryland, Penn- sylvania, and Virginia ; settled at Marion, Virginia, where he is a teacher and composer of reputation. Keifererus, Christianus, a monk and church-composer, published some sacred music at Augsburg and Ingolstadt, in the years 1612 and 1618. Keirt.eber was celebrated as a com- poser of canons; published one canon for five hundred and twelve voices and instruments. Keiser, R., born at Leipsic, 1673; composed one hundred and eighteen operas and much other music: died 1739. Keith, R. W., born at Stepney, 1787; author of many theoretical works on music. Keller, Carl, a German composer of flute-music at Vienna, born Oct. 16, 1774 ; wrote much for his instrument. Keller, Godfrey, was a celebrated English master of the harpsichord, about the beginning of the eighteenth century. He published several sonatas in five parts, for flutes, hautboys, &c. ; also a work entitled "J. Complete Method for attainiwf to pia?/ a Thorough Bass upon either Organ, Harpsichord, or Theorbo Lute.^^ Keller, H. M., a German organist; died in 1710; wrote some music for his instrument. Kellie, Lord Thomas Alexander, born in Scotland, Sept. 1, 1732; a great musical genius ; published at Edin- burgh, 1774, a volume of minuets ; died at Brussels, Oct. 9, 1781, aged 51. Keller, Matthias, born at Ulm, Wurtemburg, March 20, 1813 ; early be- came a band-master; came to this coun- try 1846; became a violinist in Phila- delphia, Penn., and a conductor of Eng- lish opera in New York; removed to Boston, Mass., and became celebrated as a song-writer, but chiefly as the au- thor of the ^^ American Hymn,''^ per- formed at the Peace Jubilee by a chorus of ten thousand five hundred voices and an orchestra of eleven hundred. Kellerman, Christian, violinist to the King of Denmark, who was accom- panist for Carlotti Patti. 1866; died at Copenhagen, January, 1867, aged 50. Kellner, David, a musician at Ham- burg, published there in 1732, " Treu- licher tlnterrichtim Generalbass,^^ which, in 1796, had arrived at its eighth edition. Kellner, Ernest Augustus, was born at Windsor, 1792; his compositions are chiefly manuscript, and consequently only known within the circle of his friends ; he has, however, written some masses and offertories, which have been sung at the Bavarian Chapel. Kellner, Johann Peter, cantor and organist at Grafenrode in Thu- ringia, was born there in 1705 ; composed much, including fugues, preludes, suites, passions, and other forms of church- music. Kellner, Johann Christophe, son of the preceding, was an organist at Cassel, and born in 1735; had published, up to the year 1785, fifteen operas of harpsichord music, together with some pieces for the organ. Kellogg, Clara Louisa, born at Charleston, S.C., of New England par- ents, 1840; removed to Connecticut when quite young, and made her first appearance in opera, at New York, 1861 ; fully established her fame as a singer and actress in *^Crispino,^^ ^^Faust,^' and other operas, 1865; in 1867, appeared with success at her Majesty's Theatre in London, and has since acquired the fame of a great artist. Kelly, Earl of, an eminent musical composer of vocal and instrumental music ; his works, for the space of nine- teen years, were published by Robert Bremner. Kelly, Michael, born in Dublin, 1764; celebrated as a tenor-singer at Venice ; in 1787 appeared at Drury Lane, London, and became musical director of that theatre; sang ai the Ancient Con- certs and at the principal music-meet- ings and theatres ; became celebrated as a composer, 1797; after which he wrote sixty pieces for the different theatres ; died in London, 1825. Kelz, Matth., a German musician in A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 73 the seventeenth century, published sev- eral sacred works, and wrote a treatise on composition, in the Latin language, between the years 1626 and 1669. Kemblk, Adelaide, youngest sister of Fanny Kemble, in early life, 1841, gained great celebrity as an operatic singer; but abandoned the stage after marrying Mr. Sartoris. Kemble, Rev. C, an amateur mu- sician: published in London, 1841, *' Church Psalmody," and other musical works. Kemp, Andrew, master of the music school at Aberdeen, Scotland, 1570, and composer of some excellent airs. Kemp, Dr., an English musician of much talent as a theorist; composed some very pleasing vocal music. Among his works are ^^ Musical Illustrations of the Beauties of Shakspeare.^^ Kemp, Joseph, born in London, 1778 ; a musical composer ; wrote songs, glees, and in 1810, '^Musical Illustrations of the Lady of the Lake ; " died 1824. Kempton, Jenny, known as a vocal- ist in New England, 1850; went to Flor- ence, and became connected with an opera company there. Kendal, John, an English organist, published, in 1780, some music for his instrument. Kendall, Edward, born in Ver- mont; early went to Boston, Mass., where he became celebrated as a per- former upon the Kent bugle; was equally celebrated in England, where he was at one time connected with a Lon- don band, but spent most of his life with the bands and orchestras of Bos- ton; died of consumption, Oct. 26,1861, aged 53. Kendall, James, brother of the above, was celebrated as a clarinetist; played with Edward in tlie Boston bands and theatre orchestras ; died in San Francisco in 1874. Kenn, a performer on the horn, was engaged, in 1798, in the orchestra of the Grand Opera at Paris, where he also pub- lished some music for his instrument. Kennis, William Gommar, director of tlie music at the Church of St. Peter, at Louvain, about the year 1768, was considered, in 1772, as the first of all violinists in the Austrian Netherlands; published nine works at Paris. Kent Bugle, a keyed instrument of such compass as to be used as a solo in- strument or as an accompaniment. Kent, James, born at Winchester, March 13, 1700; was organist at Cam- bridge and Winchester, England, for many years ; composed a large number of anthems and other churcli music; died 1776. Kepler, Johann, born at Wiel, in the Duchy of Wurtemburg, in the year 1571, and died in 1630; denies that the ancients had any idea of harmony; he compares their accompaniments to their melodies to the droning of a bagpipe. Kerana, a Persian wind-instrument of the trumpet kind, much used with other instruments. Keranim, a Hebrew sacerdotal trum- pet. Keras, the hydraulic or water-organ of the ancients. Keren, a horn; the first used were ram's horns. Kerl, Johann Caspar, born in 1625, was a native of Saxony ; settled in Ba- varia, where he became chapel-master to the Elector Ferdinando Maria. Kerl's principal work is his '■^Modulatio Organ- ica super magnificat, octo Tonis ecclesias- ticis respondens,'' printed at Munich in 1686. Kerle, Jacob de, was born at Ypres, in Flanders ; his compositions, which are chiefly for the church, were published in different parts of Europe, from 1562 to 1573. Kerlin, Jean, a native of Brittany, one of the oldest violin-makers, 1449. Kerpen, F. H. Freiherr von, a canon of the cathedrals of Mentz and Wurtzburg, was an excellent amateur musician, and published much vocal and piano-forte music between the years 1780 and 1800. Kerzel, or Kerzelli, Michael, a musician at Vienna, where he published, up to the year 1783, much violin music. About the year 1787, he went to Moscow, where he wrote some Russian operas. Kessel, Johann C. B., a singer at Eisleben, was born in 1766. In the year 1790, he published at Leipsic, ''Unter- richi im zum Gehrauchefur Lehrer und Lernende.^' Kessler, Johann Wilhelm, an or- ganist at Ileilbronn, published at Stutt- gard in 1793-4, " Wiirtembergisches vier- stimmiges Choralhuch ;^^ also at Dann- stadt, in 1796, '^ Divertissemens SociauXy ou six Anglaises pour le Clavecin avec leur Chore'graphiey Kette, Albrecht, a celebrated or- lU^ AWy^ lO^rH^ (nr^ J^j^^J 't^i^.rt>, i}r7.o , />y^i^ /U, 74 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. ganist of the court and cathedral at Wurtzburg, was born in 1726 ; composed much church music, and music for the organ ; died in tlie year 1767. Kettle-Drum, a drum the vellum head of which is spread over a body of brass ; very different from the military side-drum. Key, Francis Scott, born in Mary- land, Aug. 1, 1779; wrote "■The Star Spangled Banner; " died at Washington, Jan. 11, 1843. Key Harp is in appearance like the piano-forte; but tuning-forks are vi- brated, instead of strings, by the stroke of the keys. Keyp:d Violin, played like the parlor organ by means of a keyboard ; it has forty strings sounded by bows mechan- ically moved ; invented 1848. Khisel, Giovanni Giacomo, a con- trapuntist of the 16tli century, and prob- ably a German, resident in Italy, pub- lished at Venice, in 1591, "Libro I. de Madrir/ali et Mofetti a4 e 5 voci.^'' Khivans. This people, like other Orientals, have for centuries been cele- brated for their music and song ; from this place go forth the best singers, violin and guitar players, known at Con- stantinople and other cities. KiiYM, or Kyhm, Carl, an instru- mental composer; published much music at Augsburg and Vienna since the year 1798. Kiallmaek, E., born at Lynn Regis, Norfolk, 1781 ; became a teacher of the piano-forte, harp, and violin; subse- quently a composer; published a large number of pieces for the piano-forte and violin. Kieffer, Aldine S., of Singer's Glen, Va. ; was at one time connected with Joseph Funk & Sons, in Rocking- ham County, Va., and published, 1868, " The Song-Crowned King,'' 144 pages; was also concerned in publishing " The Christian Harp,'" 112 pages; was in company with one Ruebush, and was teacher of music. KiELBLOCK, Franz, a native of Gus- trow, Germany ; a composer of fugitive music and one opera, "Miles Standish;'' for seventeen years, after coming to this country, 1843, was a music-teacher in New Bedford, and one of the original members of the old Germania Band, Boston ; died Aug. 13, 1867, aged 43. KiESER, J. J., an organist at Erfurt about the year 1750, composed much music for his instrument. Kiesewetter, Chrlstoph Gott- fried, born at Anspach in 1777 ; was a very celebrated violinist, and spent much time in England since the winter of 1821, when lie performed at the Phil- harmonic Concerts in London; died 1827. Kiesewetter, Johann Friedrich, first violin at the Royal Chapel of An- spach, was born at Coburg. He obtained his public situation in the year 1754. Kilian, of Zurich, was the inventor of cast violin-strings ; the material from which they are manufactured becomes solid by being mixed with a varnish; claims that they rarely get out of tune, and never need rosin. Kimball, Jacob, jun., A.B., of Sa- lem, Mass., published at Exeter, N.H., 1800, "The Essex Harmony;'' was a com- poser and teacher of music, and at one time connected with Samuel Holyoke in his publications. Kimball, Jacob, born at Topsfield, Mass., February, 1761; a famous teacher and composer of music, and a poet who wrote some of the psalms in Belknap's collection; taught music in Massachu- setts, New Hampshire, and Maine ; was chosen " to sit in the Elder's seat, and lead the Psalms," at Topsfield; pub- lished "The Bural Harmony," mostly original music 1793; died in Topsfield, July 24, 1826, aged 65. Kin, a Chinese instrument having five silk strings, and played with a bow. Kind, Frederic, the author of the libretto of " Ber Freischutz," and coad- jutor of C. M. von Weber, died at Dresden, 1853, aged 66. Kindermann, Johann Erasmus, a celebrated organist at Nuremberg, died in 1655. He composed many practical works, both vocal and instrumental, the latter being chiefly for the organ. KiNDERVATER, JOHANN HeINRICH, died in 1726; wrote several works on music; among others one entitled "Be Musica litter at is necessaria." KiNDSCHER, L., a singer at the court church at Dessau, published there, in 1792, a collection of twenty-four songs, and at Leipsic, in 1801, a similar col- lection. King, a Chinese instrument with pendent stone, giving sixteen tones; the stones are struck with a hammer. King, Charles, educated in the A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 75 choir of St. Paul's, under Dr. Blow, was at first a supernumerary singer in that cathedral for the small stipend of iourteen pounds a year. In the year 1704, he was admitted to the degree of bachelor in music in the University of Oxford. King composed some an- thems and services. King, EuaEXE H., organist and teacher, Rochester, N.Y., died April 13, 1873, aged 21. King, Dr. Henry, was the author of a new metrical translation of the Psalms, Oct. 30, 1651. He was Bishop of Chichester, and son of Dr. John King, Bishop of London; died Oct. 1, 1669. King, M. P., born 1765; an English composer, chiefly of vocal music, since the year 1790 ; also published "^ General Treatise on Music, particularly on Har- mony, or Thorowjh-BassV King, Robert, bachelor in music of Cambridge, in 1696, was one of the band of William and Mary. He composed various airs, printed in " The Tripla Concordia,^ ^ and set to music many songs, printed in the " Theatre of Music." King, William A., a native of Lon- don, and son of M. P. King, was an organist of rare acquirements. He came to this country in 1835, and officiated as organist at several of the New York churches He published *' The Grace Church Collections^ of music, and ''Kinrfs Quartets;'' died May 11, 1867. Kino, William, organist of New College, Oxford, set to music Cowley's ^'Mistress,'' and published it with the following title: "Poe?n.s of Mr. Coioley and others, composed into Songs and Ayres, with a Thorough Basse for the Theorbo, Harpsecor, or Base Violl,'' Oxford, 1688. KiNGSLEY, George, born in North- ampton, Mass., July 7, 1811; published a number of excellent collections of music previous to 1853 ; was an organist and fine composer; his ^^Social Choir,'' three volumes, was very popular. KiNKEL, Charles, born in Germany, 1832; came to this country, 1849, as a teacher of music; married, and taught music at an academy in Shelbyville, Ky. ; has composed a large number of salon- pieces, variations, and instructive piano- forte pieces for young players. KiNKEL, Johanna, author of '■'■Eight Letters to a Friend on Instruction on the Piano Forte." These letters were popu- lar in Germany, and were translated by William Grauert, A.M., and published in this country in 1860. KiNNOR, the national instrument of the Hebrews; well known in Asia; an antediluvian invention like the harp. KiRBYE, George, an English musi- cian and good madrigalist at the close of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century. In the year 1597, he and Thomas Weilkes published their first books of English madrigals. KiRCHER, Athanasius, born at Fulda, 1601 ; chiefly celebrated as the author of '■'■Musurgia Universalis," in ten books ; in 1673 he published a work explaining the nature, properties, and effects of sounds; died 1680. KiRNBERGER, JOHANN PhILIP, a native of Berlin, born 1721. His knowl- edge of counterpoint and of all the laws and subtilties of canon and fugue was indisputable. He died in the year 1783. His principal works were theoretical and didactic. KiRSTEN, Friedrich, an organist at Dresden, published, between the years 1770 and 1797, several works of piano- forte music. KiRSTEN, Michael, organist at Bres- lau, died in 1742. lie wrote some church music. Kit, a small violin once used by dancing-masters. KiTCHiNER, William, born in Lon- don, 1775; wrote some valuable treatises on music, and a collection of the ''Loyal and National .Songs of England ; " died 1827. KiTTEL, Christoph, court organist and composer at Dresden, published there, in 1657, twelve canticles for four voices. KiTTEL, JoHANN CHRISTIAN, Organist at Erfurt, was born there in 1732. He was a pupil of the great Sebastian Bach, and in all respects worthy of his master. He published "6 Sons, fiirs Klavier,'^ 1787 ; died 1809. KiTTL, JoHANN Friedrich, born at Warlik, Bohemia, May 8, 1809; became celebrated as a composer; was chosen director of the Prague Conservatorium, 1843 ; after which he composed a num- ber of successful operas. Klackel, Stephan, or Paten", chapel-master at Prague, was bom in 1753. He was an excellent violinist, and was heard in most of the capitals of Europe ; died in 1788. 76 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Klengel, a. a., a German composer residing in Austria; his works are nu- merous. Kles, F., a German instrumental composer; published some violin con- certos at Breslau, since the year 1786. Kletzinski, Johanx, an instrumen- tal composer of some eminence ; resided at Vienna in the latter part of the last century, and published there several operas of violin music. Klingemann, Gael, musician and poet, furnished the words to many of Mendelssohn's songs; was the trustee of the scholarship fund, by which an English pupil is sustained at Leipsic; died in London, 1862 ; Mrs. Goldschmidt (Jenny Lind) was elected to fill his place. Klingenstein, Bernhard, director of the music at Augsburg in the year 1600; he published many sacred compo- sitions for the church. Klockenbring, Friedrich Ar- nold, published in 1787 a work enti- tled "• Aussetzungen verschiedenen,^' &c. ; died at Steinfurt, 1795. Kloeffler, Johann Friedrich, an instrumental composer ; published many works for the flute, violin, and piano- forte ; died at Steinfurt about the year 1792. Klose, F. J., a native of London, was an able instrumental performer, and a member of most of the orchestras in London, particularly of the King's Theatre and Concert of Ancient Music ; as a composer, he was most esteemed for facile works ; died 1830. Klots, Mathias, George, and Se- bastian, brothers, were apprentices of Jacob Steiner, at Absone, and after- wards, from his models, made instru- ments that were mistaken for those of the master. Klugling, organist of the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, at Dantzic, in 1782 ; he was considered among the best composers of his time on the organ and harpsichord, in the style of Schobert. Knafel, Joseph Leopold, a musi- cian resident at Vienna, known by the following compositions: '■'Sept Varia- tions pour le Clav. siir le Choeur des Paparjenos,^^ Vienna, 1799; "Six Vari- ations pour la Harpe, sur le Trio ' Pria c/i' io Vimpegno,^ ^^ Vienna, 1799; and ^' Eecueil pour la Harpe a Crochets, cah. 1," 1803. Knapp, Francis, born at Chilton, England, 1672 ; was a composer of mu- sic, and came to America. Knapton, Philip, was born at York in the year 1788; published '■'■ Three Sonatas for the Pia7io-Forte,^^ and vari- ous other works for the voice, the piano- forte, and the harp. Knecht, Justin Heinrich. master of a Lutheran school, and director of the music at Biberach in Swabia, was born there in 1752; became celebrated as a teacher, performer upon instru- ments, and composer. Knoep, Luder, an organist, and composer of light instrumental music, resided at Bremen in the middle of the seventeenth century. Knoop, George, whose abilities as a performer on the violoncello were highly esteemed in this country, died at Philadelphia, on the twenty-fifth day of December, 1849. The orchestras of the theatres performed a dirge at his burial in honor of him. Knorr, Julius, was born in Leip- zig, Germany, in 1799; he entered the University at the age of sixteen, and graduated with full honors. At the time he graduated he was a distin- guished pianist, and was much em- ployed by the noble and wealthy as an instructor and concert performer. He was for several years associated with Schumann as musical editor of the ''Leipsic Signale,'^ but frequently played at the Gewandhaus concerts. Excessive indulgence in the fashionable follies of the time ruined his health, and dis- sipated his earnings. He died at Leip- sic, June 17, 1860, aged 61 years ; known in this country by his piano-forte in- structor. Knox published, 1565, the first book printed in Scotland containing musical notation, "The Liturgy and Psalms;^' in this the Psalms are set to particular tunes, printed from music type. KxoxviLLE Harmony, John B. Jackson, Pumkintown, East Tenn., 1838. Knupfer, Sebastian, a singer and director of the music at Leipsic, was born in 1633. Some of his compositions for the church were much celebrated in Germany ; died in 1676. Knyvett, Charles, was appointed organist to the parish church of St. George, Hanover Square, in 1802. He afterwards engaged as a teacher of thor- ough-bass and the piano-forte, in Lon- A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. TJ don, in which capacity he was very eminent. Knyvett, William, was an eminent counter-tenor singer; first commenced orchestral singing at tlie Concert of An- cient Music about the year 1795 ; after which period he assisted in all the most important concerts and music meetings in London and the provincial towns. As a writer of glees, his produc- tions are airy and elegant. KOBELIUS, JOHANN AUGUSTIN, a German chapel-master at a town near Halle, was born in 1674 ; wrote several operas for the German theatres between 1716 and 1729; died at Weissenfels in 1731. KoBRiCHT, JoHANN Anton, organ- ist at Landsberg, in Bavaria, between the years 1748 and 1767; published at Nuremburg and Augsburg thirteen works, consisting chiefly of harpsichord and organ music. KoNiNCK, Servaas de, a Dutch composer, died at Amsterdam about 1720; published several collections of songs and some motets. KoNiZEK, a celebrated violinist at Prague, flourished about the year 1722 ; was the master of the renowned A. F. Benda. KoPF, Dr., overseer of the establish- ment for the reformation of youthful offenders at Berlin, where music is taught to expel obduracy. KoppiTZ, Charles, born in Hol- stein. North Germany, 1830, a talented musician ; came as director at tlie Boston Theatre, and was at the Globe from its opening to its destruction ; as a writer of melodramatic music he was skilled and esteemed; died at St. John, N.B., June 22, 1873, aged 43. KoppRASCH, a German performer on the bassoon, and composer for his in- strument, towards the latter end of the last century. KoRPONAY, Gabriel de, a native of Poland, and a soldier; came to this country after his nation was conquered by Russia; settled in Philadelphia, Penn., and there introduced the music and the dance known as the polka. Kosleck, Herren, leader of the Imperial Prussian Quartet, with Phil- lipzs. Sens, and Diechen, all cornet players of eminence, came to this coun- try in 1872, and performed at the Peace Jubilee, Boston. Kosleck is noted as the discoverer of the *' Bishop £Zonis/* one of which he found among the art treasures of Heidelberg. KospoTH, Otto Carl Erdmann Freyiierb von, was one of the most distinguished musical amateurs of Ber- lin. He published several vocal works for the church and theatre; also some instrumental music. KossLOWSKY, J., chapel-master to the last King of Poland at Warsaw ; was appointed inspector of the Imperial Chapel at St. Petersburg; published some songs, and collections of polo^ noises. KoTzwARA, Franz. This musician was born in Prague, and went to Lon- don about the year 1791; after which he published some songs and instru- mental music. KoTzscHMAR, HERMANN, bom in Finsterwald, Prussia, July 4, 1829; at the age of eight years made his appear- ance as a pianist and violinist, and at fourteen was member of the orchestra "8a.Tomfflns," which, after success in Germany, came to this country 1848. On the disbanding of this troupe, 1849, set- tled in Portland, Me., as organist and conductor of the Band and Orchestral Union ; composed much popular music, and is conductor of the Haydn Society of Portland. KozELUCH, JoHANN Anton, chapel- master at the Metropolitan Church at Prague, was born in Bohemia, in 1738- He is considered as having been one of tlie greatest masters of his time, both in his compositions for the church and theatre. KozELUCH, Leopold, was born in Bohemia in 1753, and resided during the greater part of his life at Vienna. He wrote a great number of concertos, sonatas, and other pieces for the piano- forte ; and his works first became cele- brated in England in the year 1785. Kracher, Joseph Matthias, an organist near Salzburg, in Germany, was born in 1752; composed some ex- cellent sacred music. Kramer, Christian, a Hanoverian musician, was leader of the famous band of George IV.; was a performer upon nearly every instrument then in use; the band played at the palace every day, and was made up of the best known performers. Kranz, Johann Friedrich, cham- ber-musician and violinist in the servicf of the Duke of Saxe- Weimar, was born 78 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION in that town in 1754; composed some plaasing vocal music. Kraus, Joseph, chapel-master to the King of Sweden, went to Mannheim in 1756. His compositions were numer- ous, consisting of dramatic and instru- mental music; died at Stockholm in 1792. KpvAuse, Christian Gottfried, born in Silesia; composed some vocal and instrumental music; among the former are some sacred pieces highly esteemed: died in 1770. Krauss, Benedict, a good German composer for the church and theatre, was chapel-master to the Duke Clemens of Bavaria, and chef-tV orchestre of the Court Theatre at Weimar, in 17S5 ; wrote many works. Krebs, Johann Lewis, born Oct. 10, 1713; court organist to the Duke of Saxe- Weimar, at Altenburg: died in the year 1780. Among his compositions are " CoUeciions of Exercisea for the Harpftichoi'd ;^^ '^ Easy Sonatas for the Harpsichord and Flute ;^' " ix Variations pour le Clav. sur une Bomance," 1800, at Vienna. Lilly, Edward, of Lancaster, O.; a natural contrapuntist; readily accom- panies on the piano-forte any piece of music, sung or played ; can make sudden transitions from one key to another, and has the power of extemporaneous com- position ; the slightest error in harmony he at once hears ; has never been taught only as nature has educated him. LiNC, OR Link, Wenzel, was born at Colditz in the year 1483 ; died in 1547. Among his numerous writings are some psalms, 1523. LiND, Jenny (Madame Gold- schmidt), born in Stockholm, Feb. 8, 1820 ; won her way to the head of soprano singers ; became famous in Europe; came to this country, 1850; married Otto Goldschmidt of Hamburg, in Boston, Mass., February, 1852 ; made a tour of the United States, and returned to Europe, fixing their residence at Dresden ; she was a great singer, and made a conscience of her art. Lindley, Robert, born at Rotheram, in Yorkshire, in the year 1777. In 1794 he succeeded Sperati as first violoncello at the King's Theatre; was considered as second to no violoncellist in Europe. He composed several concertos and other works for his instrument; died June 13, 1855, aged 78. Lindley, William, son of the pre- ceding, was bom in the year 1802 ; has regularly played at the Philharmonic, Ancient, and other concerts, and been engaged in the orchestra of the King's Theatre since the year 1819. Lindner, Adolf, a celebrated cornet- player and member of the orchestra of the Stadt Theatre ; died at Leipsie, May, 1867. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 85 Lindner, Feiedeich, born in Sile- sia, was celebrated as a singer and com- poser at Nuremburg; published three volumes, ^^ Musical Gems,'^ and much other music, 1590. LiNDPAiNTEE, Peter JOSEPH, born at Coblentz on the Rhine, Dec. 8, 1791 ; was conductor of music in London, 1853; composed for the theatre, the church, and concert-room; was the most prolific and successful composer of his time, and a member of nearly all the musical societies of Germany ; died Aug. 21, 1856, aged 65. LiNDPAiNTEE, JACOB, father of the above, was a celebrated opera-singer at Augsburg, where with his family he settled, 1795, and remained there during life. Lindsay, Lady Ann, born Dec. 8, 1750; celebrated as the author of "J.mM JRohin Gray,^' and other poems; died in London May 6, 1825, aged 75. Ling, W., a musician in London, about the year 1790, published " Three Sonatas for the Piano-Forte, with a Flute Obligato to one and two, with a Violin Accompaniment." LiNGKE, Geoeg Feiederich, Coun- sellor of the mines to the King of Po- land and Elector of Saxony, published at Leipsic, in 1779, ^^ Kurze Musiklehre,^^ &c. LiNiKE, JoHANN Geoeg, a composer of vocal music, violinist, and excellent chef d'orchestre ; became afterwards a member of the Chapel Royal and cham- ber-musician in Berlin ; was a composer of a variety of popular music. Lining out the Psalm had its ori- gin with metrical psalmody. The cus- tom came of necessity, and was not an American invention ; though among the Puritans a lack of books, want of skill to read, and a lack of conveniences for printing, made it necessary for one to parcel out the psalm or hymn, for others to sing. It was only practised until books could be obtained. LiNLEY, Maeia, daughter of Thomas Linley of London, England ; was in 1770 greatly admired and the most accom- plised singer in the country; she mar- ried the celebrated Mr. Slieridan, 1778. Linley, Thomas, born at Wells 1725 ; became distinguished as a composer at Bath, where he conducted oratorios and concerts; was also a teacher of music; returning to London, he con- ducted the music at the Drury Lane Theatre, and composed many operas and other works ; died in Southampton Street, London, 1795. Linley, Thomas, jun., son of the above, born at Bath 1756; performed upon the violin at Worcester Cathedral, Sept. 8, 1773; succeeded his father as leader of the concerts and oratorios at Bath; composed some music for the theatres ; died 1787, aged 31. Linley, William, born 1767; early became known as a composer of music; produced two comic operas in England 1795 ; afterwards published glees, songs, and the dramatic songs of Shakspeare in two volumes ; died 1835. Liszt, Feanz, was born at Raeding, Hungary, Oct. 22, 1811; in 1825 he pro- duced, at the Royal Academy of Music, an opera; in 1826 he and his father made a tour through the French prov- inces ; in 1830 he returned to Paris, and since then has become particularly celebrated as a pianist. He is the owner of the instrument played on by Beethoven ; and in 1853 he purchased the old harpsichord formerly belonging to Beethoven, which was offered for sale at Weimar, where Liszt now re- sides. Lithogeaphic Printing aided but did not supersede printing from en- graved or from pewter plates, and it is more uncertain than the rolling press. Lithophone, an instrument consist- ing of eighteen sonorous fossils, which, when struck with a piece of stone, give out tunes resembling those from musi- cal glasses. An instrument called Lith- ophone, or natural piano, was invented by M. Bordas of France, 3861. Litolff, Heney, born in London, 1820; at the age of nineteen procured the situation as pianist at the Brussels Conservatoire; from 1843 to 1848 trav- elled, visiting Frankfort, Leipsic, Dres- den, Berlin, and Vienna; produced two operas at Brunswick, and an overture ; returned to Brussels after an absence of fourteen years, wliere his works were received with great applause, and has since ranked with the greatest compos- ers and performers. Little, William, of Philadelphia, Penn., published " The Easy Instruc- tor,''^ 1798; used the patent notation; was a composer, as was his brother, N. Little; the book was printed from en- graved plates, and known as Little & Smith's Collection. d6 A DICTIOJTAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. LiVEEATi, Giovanni, born at Bo- logna, 1772; became famous as a per- former upon various instruments, as a singer and composer; wrote many op- eras and much vocal and instrumental music; settled in London, Eng., 1814. LiVERATi, Matteo, a distinguished professor of music at the court of the King of Prussia, and director of the theatre at Potsdam, 1790. Lock, Matthevt, the first in Eng- land to publish rules of thorough-bass ; born at Exeter, 1619 ; composer and au- thor ; died 1677. Lodee, the celebrated leader, died in London, September, 1845, in his fifty- eighth year. He was an excellent tenor, as well as violin-player. LoDER, Geoege, born at Bath, Eng- land, 1816; came to this country, and was conductor of the American Musical Institute, New York, 1846; business agent of Biscaccianti ; went with her to California, 1852, and became con- ductor of the San Francisco Philhar- monic Society. Died July 15, 1867. LoDER, John, a celebrated English vo- calist; died in London, April 14, 1853. Lodee, Kate, an English pianist of distinguished fame; retired from the profession, 1854. LoDi, Demeteio, a monk, born at Verona; flourished as a composer of church and instrumental music in the beginning of the seventeenth century. LoDi, Giov. LuiGi, called Sterkel. Through one of his works he became known in Germany, in 1798, as an ex- cellent and original composer for the piano-forte. LoEBEE, Johann Ernst, town or- ganist at Weimar about the year 1730; published at Erfurt, " Hochzeit-Conzert von 2 Stimmenund GeneralhanSy^ Erfurt, 1732. LoEHLEiN, Georg Simon, was born at Dnntzic in 1727 ; wrote several valua- ble instruction-books, some music for the theatre, twelve ballets, &c. ; was chapel-master at Dantzic, and died there 1782. LoEFGROEN, Anton, a Swcdc, was the editor of an academical work, pub- lished under the title, ^^ De Basso fun- damentali,^' Upsal, 1728. LoEHNER, Johann, a favorite com- poser and organist at Nuremberg, Avas born there in 1645; published several collections of music between the years 1682 and 1700. LoEiLLET, Jean Baptiste, of Ghent, a famous master of the flute, and the author of four operas of solos for that instrument; he was also a celebrated performer on the harpsichord; died 1728. LoEWE, Dr. Carl, produced, in 1855, a new oratorio, " f7o& ; " he had previously written two oratorios, ''■John //mss" and the ^' Seven Sleepers,'^ also " The Apostles at Philippi,'" " The Bra- zen Serpent,''^ and some other music. He also wrote a number of German ballads, of a wild, romantic character. Dr. Loewe is a German composer, pos- sessing a rich imagination, and great energy ; his song ^'■JephthaK s Daur/hter^* first brought him into notice. Loewe" Friedrich Aug. Leopold, born at Schwedt, in 1777, was a cele- brated perf oiTner on the tenor ; he also composed an operetta, called "Die JnseZ der Verfiihrunr/,^^ which was performed at Brunswick in 1797. Loewe, J. Heinrich, an instru- mental composer, and performer on the violin, tenor, and the piano-forte, resi- dent in Bremen, was born at Berlin in 1766; had written, before the year 1794, " Die Pfarrers Tochter von Tauben- heiin,'' for the piano-forte; also several sonatas for the piano-forte, and con- certos for the violin and bassoon, with several smaller operas of variations. Loewe, Johann Karl Gottfried, born at Lobejun, near Halle, Nov. 30, 1796; in 1817 became known as the composer of several popular ballads; was an organist and sight-singer at an early age; in 1819 settled at Stettin, and organized there orchestral concerts; was one of the most prolific composers of recent times; in 1826 published a vocal method for schools ; died April 20, 1870, aged 74. Loewe, Sophie, a distinguished singer of Germany, left the stage 1848, on her marriage, and died at Pesth, Nov. 28, 1866. Logan, John, born atFala, Scotland, 1748; published a revision of the ^'Psal- mody of Scotland,' ' 1781; died 1788. LoGiEE, B., was a performer upon various instruments, as is customary in Germany; in 1796 became the first violin at the chapel of Hesse-Cassel ; afterwards became concert-master at Gottingen, which place he retained du- ring life ; was also a composer. Logier, John Bernhard, bom at A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 87 Hesse-Cassel 1780, was a flute-player at the age of nine years ; went to England, joined a band, and went to Ireland ; be- came a composer of military band- music, and an organist at Westport, Ireland ; invented the diiroplast to as- sist the position of the hand in playing the piano-forte, and this led to his famous system of teaching; was also author of many musical works, and the composer of much music ; his diiroplast and method of teaching made his for- tune; died in Dublin, 184G, aged CO. LoLLi, A., violinist, born at Bergamo, 1728; died in Sicily, 1802. LoRiNi, ViKGiNiA Whiting, a native of Boston, Mass., became celebrated as a singer in the Mario company, 1855; in 1857 appeared in Florence, and in 1859 in Paris ; since which time she has been singing in Italy, enjoying a reputa- tion seldom awarded to an American singer. Louis, Madame, a Parisian amateur, published " Six Sonates pour le Clav. seul,^' Paris ; '' Recucii d^Ariettes choisis avec Ace. de Clav.^^^ Paris; ^' Fleur d'^'ptue," an operetta. Louis, Ph., composed music at Vien- na, 1799 ; some of which was published. Louis the Pious, successor of Char- lemagne, inherited his father's love for music ; he often joined his choristers in singing, and caused an organ to be con- structed for his church at Aix-la-Cha- pelle. LouLiE, FsANgois, a French musi- cian, was the author of an ingenious and useful book, published in 1698, by Estienne Roger, of Amsterdam, entitled " Elemens ou Prlncipes de Musique mis dans un Nouvel Ordre." LouvET, or LouvE, Alexandre, a composer and pianist at Paris, published there, about 1796, ^^Instructions the'o- riques et pratiques sur V Accord duPiano- forte." LouYS, Maitre Jean, a French con- trapuntist of the sixteenth century. Lover, Samuel, a famous song- writer and musical composer; gave en- tertainments in London ; he wrote some popular novels and several successful dramatic works; came to this country in 1840. Low, Edward, originally a chorister in Salisbury Cathedral, was organist of Christ Church, Oxford, and professor of music in that university; died in 1682. Lowe, Edwai^d, published at Oxford, England, 1664, *' Performance of Cathe- dral Service.^' Loyseau, a French composer, flour- ished, about the year 1679, as organist of St. Martin's Church at Tours. LozEK, the elder, organist at Prague in the year 1800. Lozenge -Form Note. This was adopted by the early engravers of music- plates in accordance with the mode of writing music, which had prevailed from the twelfth centui-y. LuBi, Mariane, an amateur, pub- lished in Germany, " 12 Lieder Jiirs Iflavier,^^ 1801, and "12 neue deutsche Liederfiirs Klavier," 1803. LucA, Severo de, a Roman com- poser, flourished in the year 1700, in which year his oratorio, " II Martirlo di S. Erasmo,^' was performed in the church Delia Pieta, at Rome. Lucatello, Giov. Battista, be- longed, according to Terreto, to the celebrated composers of Italy at the end of the sixteenth century. Lucca, Pauline, born at Vienna, April 25, 1840 ; became celebrated as a singer 1856 ; was soon engaged for opera at Olmutz; next appeared at Prague; and went to London for the Italian opera, 1863; in 1866 began her trium- phant journeys between Berlin and Russia, which made her so famous both in this country and Europe. LuccnESi, Andrea. His opera, "^cZemira," was represented at Venice in 1775. Lucchesi, J.M., made himself known 1794 by many pieces of instrumental music. LucciJiNi, Antonio Maria, flour- ished in 1730, at Venice, as one of the first composers for the theatre there. A concert-master of this name was also celebrated at Milan about the year 1750. LuciNDA, Francesco, chapel-master to the King of Sicily, was born in that island. He composed, in 1692, the opera " Gelidaura," for the theatre at Venice. LuciNi, Francesco. Walther calls him a bass-singer, and mentions the following of his works: ''■ C oncer ti di- versi, a 2, 3, e 4, con Partitura," Milan, 1616 ; and the sequel to this work, Mi- lan, 1617. LucoME, M., of Havre, France, in- vented an instrument of the violin tribe, called "-Baryton;^' its tones are be- tween the viola and the violoncello. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. LuDO\aci, Thomas, a contrapuntist of the sixteenth century. LuDwiG, JoH. Adam Jacob, wrote several works concerning the structure and use of organs, 1764. LuELLiN, Geoege, was author of the additional matter to the second edition of Purcell's Orpheus Brittanicus, 1702; died 1740. LuiDEES, a good violinist, was first in the service of Prince Ferdinand of Prussia, in Berlin. He then went, in 1785, to Moscow. LuiGi, an Italian composer, of whose composition the opera buffa, '* L^Alber- gatrice riuace," was represented at Dresden in 1782. LuiJA, C. F., an artisan in Paris, published in the year 1791, " Trois So- nates pour le F.," Op. 1, Paris. LuiTGEET, F. H., a musician in Ham- burg, published many valuable works, 1798. LuiTTicH, JoHANN, a musician of the seventeenth century, born in Plauen, published " Venusgloddein, oder neue tceltliche Gesdnge,'' Jena, 1610. Luiz, Feancisco, a Portuguese chap- el-master in the cathedral-church at Lis- bon, died there in 1693; was eminent both for his theoretical Icnowledge and practical talents in music. LuLLO, Antonio, a musician; flour- ished in 1550 ; wrote a treatise entitled *' L'Arie intiera della Ilusica.'' LuLLY, or LuLLi, Jean Baptiste, born at Florence, 1634; rose from the position of lady's page to that of a cele- brated musician and composer; wrote many operas, and. works for the theatre ; invented the overture, and became noted as a violinist ; died in Paris, March 22, 1687. LuMBYE, H. C, born at Copenhagen, 1808; composer of some very popular dance-music ; wrote " The Dream of the Savoj/ard," for grand orchestra, and much other music. LuPOT, Nicola, born at Stuttgard, 1758 ; went to Paris 1794, and was made instrument-maker to the conservatory in 1795 ; he wrote ''The Complete Musical Instrument Maker, ^^ published at Paris, 1806. LusciNiTJS, properly Nachtigall, Ottomaeus, born at Strasburg ; studied music first in his native town, and then at Vienna, where he first became known as a teacher of music ; wrote some valu- able musical works, 1515 to 1542. LusiTANO, YiNCENTrNo, a musician at Rome, about the middle of the six- teenth century. His principal work is entitled, " Introduzione facilissima et novissima di Canto fenno e figurato Con- trapunto semplice,'^ Rome, 1553; Venice, 1558 and 1561. LusTEiNi, Abbate, flourished in 1755, at Rome, as one of the first chapel- masters. Lute, a stringed instrument, formerly much used, containing many strings which are struck with the fingers. Lute Schools. Famous schools of this kind existed at Brescia, 1450 ; and later, at Venice, Bologna, and Mantua. LuTHEE, De. Maetin, bom at Isle- ben, Saxony, Nov. 10, 1483; wrote an ''Eulogium on Jl/it.sic," and a number of choral melodies ; also published several collections of psalms and hymns with music; would not suffer any one to take the ofiice of schoolmaster who was not acquainted with music. LuzzAscHi, or LuzzASCo. This mu- sician was considered one of the great- est organists of his time in Italy. Luzzo, Feancesco, an Italian com- poser for the church, published ""Motetti Concertati a voci 2 e 3 voci,^' Venice, 1650. Lavoff, Alexis, a native of Revel, Esthonia, composed the Russian na- tional anthem ; it dates from 1830, when the Emperor Nicholas ordered it per- formed at concerts and in representa- tions on the stage. Lynch, Dominick, a native of New York City, and a melodist of great pow- ers; assisted D'Aponte (Da Ponte), in bringing to this country the first Italian opera troupe, of which Garcia, tenor, Angrisano, basso, and Miss Garcia, then the greatest singers known, were mem- bers ; Lynch was manager and leader at the first performance in New York, 1825 ; died at New Brighton, Staten Island, 1844. Lyon, Richaed, an Englishman, as- sisted in preparing the Bay Psalm Book (1722) for publication. Lyon, Samuel Thomas, was born in the year 1776. In the year 1798, he was unanimously elected a member of the Royal Society of Musicians, and in 1819 elected as one of the court of assistants of perpetual governors of that institu- tion. Lyons, James, A.M., published at Philadelphia, Penn., 1761, a new book of A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. music, entitled " Urania ; or, a Choice Collection of Psalm-Tunes,^^ &c. ; in 1785, he published another book of Lessons for the Uranian Society, Philadelphia. Lyka Doppia, an instrument for- merly used, resembling the viol da gamba. Lyea Germanica. Catharine Wink- wortli, London, 1858. Lyra-Viol, in form like the common viol, and having six strings tuned harp way. Lyra Mendicorum, an instrument like the violin, with four strings. Lyre, one of the most ancient of stringed instruments ; it varied in size, and contained from three to eight or more strings. Lysaugiit, Edward, author of " Wearing of the Green,"" '* The Sprig of Shillalah," and other popular songs. Lysberg, Ch. B, von, for many years teacher of the piano-forte at the conservatory, died at Geneva, 1873. M. M, a letter much used as an abbrevia- tion, in connection with other letters ; as, M. G.,7nain gauche, left hand ; M.D., main droit, right hand. Mac Donald, John, of Dundee, Scotland, published nine minuets for the harpsichord or piano-forte; many of his compositions were afterwards used by Charles Duff; his " Treatise on the Violoncello" was published 1811. Mac Donald, Rev. W., in 1856, pub- Hshed the *' Wesley an Sacred Harp," at Boston, Mass., assisted by S. Hubbard. Mace, Thomas, born in England 1613; distinguished among musicians by a work entitled "Music's Monument" published in 1676 ; was a performer upon the lute ; his work contains much concerning instruments, making it very valuable ; died 1679. Macfarren, George Alexander, born in London, March 2, 1813, entered the Royal Academy 1829, and in Septem- ber, 1830, composed his first symphony ; was appointed a professor 1834; pro- duced ''TheBeviVs Opera" 1838; in 1846 brought out ^^ Don Quixote;" in 1849, "King Charles II.;" and since then a large variety of compositions in vari- ous branches of the art, among which his '*2?o5m Hood" became most popu- lar; besides his musical compositions has contributed extensively as essayist, critic, theorist, and biographer. Mac Gregor, John, author of ^''Eastern Music" and other works, 1851. Machalath, a kind of lute or guitar used by the Hebrews. Machul, a Hebrew musical instru- ment ; there were two of this name, one having six strings, the other of metal and hung roimd with little bells. Mackay, Dr. Charles, born in Perth, 1812; a poet and musician; came to this country, November, 1857, as a popular lecturer, and gave his first lec- ture in Boston, Mass. His songs have attained great popularity ; the music of several of them was of his own com- position. Mackay, John, an organ-builder, Boston, Mass., from 1810 to 1812, with Thomas Appleton. Maclean, Charles, composed and published, 1737, in England, two collec- tions of instrumental music. MACLEOD, H. P., was celebrated as a teacher of music at Edinburgh, Scot- land, where he published several col- lections of duets, &c. Macomber, Emma and Clara, born in Easton, Mass. ; known by tlieir con- certs ; are twin sisters ; Emma violon- cellist, and Clara violinist; travelled mostly in the South and West; were also good singers ; were successful, and in three years redeemed their father's farm, and remained upon it. Macraphe d'Aruchin, a Hebrew instrument consisting of several orders of pipes, supplied with wind by a bel- lows, and played with keys; it was a kind of organ. Madagascar has its wandering bards, as the Irish and Scotch formerly had their harpers, whose presence is required on all festival occasions; and music and poetry is here a distinct pro- fession. Madin, Henri, of an Irish family, was born at Verdun, in France, in 1698; a composer who succeeded Campra as master of the choristers in the Chapel Royal at Versailles, in which town he died in 1748. , V-t-vi-uvj: //^J-^ Au^,,^ ,/r^^J}. ^ ^ -^ ^ yi^^/li^^ , l^ 90 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Madonis, Giovanni, an excellent violinist, born at Venice. In 1731 he was invited to St. Petersburg, and in 1744 was resident there. Several concertos and sonatas of his composition were published at Paris. Madke 1)e Deos, Antonio Da, vicar of the choir of his convent in Lis- bon, where he died in 1090; composed several psalms, motets, responsoria, and other church music. Madre de Deos, Fr. Filippe Da, a canon and composer, born in Lisbon, flourished about the year 1620 ; left, at his death, several musical works in manuscript, which are preserved in the royal library at Lisbon. Madkigal, an elaborate vocal com- position in four, five, six, and sometimes seven or eight parts, of a rich and sono- rous character, comprising imitations, canons, and fugues ; it is also defined as a choral glee, and as a pastoral love- song, sung by shepherds. MadPvIGAL Singing has been gen- erally cultivated in Europe from the latter part of the fifteenth century. Maelzel, John, born at Regensburg 1772 ; went to Vienna 1800, and there constructed an instrument that imitated a band; he next invented the panhar- 7nonicon, and afterwards his automaton trumpeter; was also the inventor of the automaton chess-player and the metro- nome; was some time in Boston, Mass., where he exhibited his chess - player with the burning of Moscow; died in Philadelphia, Penn., 1838. Maelzel, Leonard, brother of John, born in Regensburg 1776, assisted his brother in butlding his automatons, and in exhibiting them; he also invent- ed several automatons ; died in Vienna, Sept. 7, 1855, aged 79. Magadis, an ancient Greek instru- ment with double strings, tuned in octaves. Magas. There were anciently two instruments of this name; one of the string kind, the other a kind of flute. Mahoney, Cornelius, teacher of music at the Institute for the Blind, New York, in 1858 invented a new system of notation; the name of the note is cut in the character, showing white in the black notes, and black in the white ones ; he is also the inventor of embossed music for the blind, by which music can be read b) the touch of the fingers. Maillard, M. Aime, composed many operas, the most popular one being " Lara,^^ which had a long run at the Opera Comique, Paris; his ^^ Dragons de Villars^^ was also very successful; he went to reside at Moulins, where he died September, 1871. Maillot, M., one of the editors of " La France Musicale,^^ a writer of much ability and honesty ; died at Paris, April 1867, aged 54. Main, Sylvester, born in Weston, Conn., April 18, 1817; became a teacher of music at the age of fifteen ; went to New York, 1853, and became associated with I. B. Woodbury in the work of compihng and publishing music books; he was also associated with W. B. Bradbury; published the New York Musical Gazette ; was an instructor, leader, and composer; was one of the house of Biglow & Main; died at his home in Norwalk, Conn., Oct. 5, 1873. Assisted in compiling more than twenty collections of music, and was an excel- lent conductor. Mainzer, Dr. Joseph, born at Treves, 1801 ; was a performer on sever- al instruments; a director of music in London and Manchester; known by his popular work, '^Singing for the Million;^^ published a work on musical education, and a musical grammar ; died in Man- chester, England, November, 1851, aged 50. Mairan, Jean Jaques Dortous de, born at Beziers, 1678; published, 1737, two important musical works; died at Paris, 1770. Maitland, Samuel K., born in Lon- don, England, 1792; known as the author of a valuable work on " Music and Painting,''^ 1852. Malanotte, Adelaide, became known as a concert singer at Venice, 1813; Rossini wrote for her the role of Tancredi, which made her famous throughout Italy; after a few years of triumph, this marvellous cantatrice for whom was written the air " Z)i tanti paljyitl,'' died forsaken and partially de- ranged, aged 47. Malcolm, Alexander, published at Edinburgh, 1721, "J. Treatise of Music, ''^ speculative, practical, and historical; replete with musical erudition. Maletti, Jean de, a French com- poser, born at St. Maximin, in Provence ; published some works at Paris, 1578. Mallbran, Madame, eldest daugh- l/V^fcJl^ MLc^JhLy,Aiar ; 6, ^(^ ///i-J^^/ZwO^^Jc^^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 91 ter of Manuel Garcia, first known as Maria Felicia Garcia, and then as Mali- bran ; afterwards married De Beriot, the violinist; was born in Paris, March 24, 1808; came to this country 1825, with the Garcia troupe, brought outbyDomi- nick Lynch, and D' Aponte. of New York ; Maria was then the leading genius of operatic song and a superior actress; she married Mr. Malibran, a merchant of New York, who failed soon after, and was imprisoned for debt; she gen- erously resigned all her property to re- lease him, "and afterwards they were divorced ; she then made her appearance in France, 1827 ; in 1829 she appeared in London as Madame De Beriot, continu- ing to sing there and at Paris until her death, at Manchester, England, Sept. 23, 1836. Malimba, a Mexican instrument formed of slats of wood, bound upon bamboo canes ; the tones run through three octaves. Malvezzi, Christoforo, chapel- master at the court of Medicis, in the middle of the sixteenth century. Malzat, Johann Michael, wrote (1799) many works for the English horn and for the hautboy. Manchicourt, Pierre, a native of Bethune, and director of music; some of his compositions, written 1580, are still extant. Maxcinelli, Dom., an Italian com- poser of flute music, 1775. Mancini, Francesco, born at Na- ples, 1691 ; composed several comic operas ; excelled as a composer and teacher. Mancini, Giov. Battista, published some valuable musical works, at Vienna, 1774 ; died 1800. Mandola was the name of a small lute formerly used in Italy. Mandoline, an Italian musical in- strument, furnished sometimes with catgut strings and sometimes with me- tallic ones, and was played by means of a quill or piece of wood. Manelli, Francesco, of Tivoli, composed the music of the first opera that was given at Venice, 1637; after- wai'ds wrote many other operas. Manenti, Giov. Pietro, ranked among the most eminent musicians, 1601. Manfredi, Ludovico, a minorite, and composer of church music at Ven- ice, 1038. Manfredi, Mutio, an Italian com- poser ; some of his works were published at Venice 1600. Manfredini, Vincenzio, chapel- master at the court of Russia ; born at Bologna ; published harpsichord and violin music ; also operas and motets. Mangean, a French violinist at the Concert Spirituel at Paris, in 1750; pub- lished several works of solos, duos, and trios for his instrument. Mangoni, Antonio, a composer of the seventeenth century, born at Caravag- gio, published ^''Missae Salmi," Milan, 1623. Manichord, a stringed instrument resembling the spinet. Maniere, Exupere de la, a pro- fessor of the harp and piano-forte at Paris, published there, in 1786, '^Sixieme Becueil des Airs var.pour la Uarpe." Manini, an Italian dramatic com- poser, wrote about 1733 in Rome, for the theatre there ; died 1785. Mankell, a German musician, has made himself known by instrumental music; composed and published at Hamburg, 1800. Manley, B., published at New York, 1851, ''The Baptist Psalmody." Mann, Elias, born in Weymouth, Mass., 1750; was a singing master at Northampton, where he published Nov. 3, 1778, ''The Northampton Collection'' of church music ; in 1805 he published some music books at Dedham, Mass. ; in 1807 he compiled ''The Massachusetts Collection; " he composed many church tunes; died at Northampton, May 12, 1825, aged 75. Mann, Johann Christoph, a pro- fessor of the harpsichord at Vienna, about the year 1766; wrote much music for his instrument. Manni, Dominicus Maria, a learned writer at Florence in the beginning of the eighteenth century; published "De Florentinis Inventis Commentarius," Fer- rara. 1731. Manni, Genaro, a Neapolitan musi- cian, and nephew of D. Sarro. In 1751 gave, at Venice, the opera "La Didone abbandonnata,'' of Metastasio; and, in 1753, ". ^i. 0^]^ ^ went to Paris; became not only famous, but immensely rich ; died at Paris, May 2, 1864, aged 70 ; his original name w^as Jakob Meyer Beer. Meyerbeer, Jaquez, was one of the most effective composers of his day, and was remarkable for his musical tal- ents and fine taste. Mietzke, Carl, leader of the cele- brated orchestra at the court of Meck- lenburg, Germany; though upward of sixty years old, came to this country to attend the Peace Jubilee, Boston, 1869, playing the violin in the orchestra; was an eminent musician among the Ger- mans ; died at Neustraliz, Germany, Oct. 19, 1871. Mill, John Stuart, one of the clearest thinkers and most luminous writers of his time, added music to his other acquirements ; was a critic, and celebrated for improvisation ; died June, 1873. , Millard^Harrison, born in Bos-AifV'^' ton, Mass., 1828; went to Italy; re- turned 1844, and appeared in opera, acquiring considerable reputation as a tenor; went to London, 1856, and was engaged to sing at Drury Lane Theatre ; a well-known writer of ballads ; con- ducted the performance of one of big own compositions at the Jubilee, 1872. Millard, James E., Oxford, Eng- land, published in London, 1848, ^'His- torical Notices of Choristers.''^ Miller, Abraham, compiler of the '^ Psalm-Singers' Companion," a work containing much of Ravenscroft's music. Miller, Edward, a teacher of music at Edinburgh ; editor of the Psalms in four parts, 1635 ; was made musician at the Chapel Royal for life. Mills, S. B., born in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England, March 13, 1838; made his debiit as pianist, Lon- , con'c^rts in England and in Germany ; donAl845; afterwards gave a series of ^^^ con'c6rts in England and in Germany ; came to this countrvK 1859 ; settled in L/^ . New York City, where lie has acquired / reputation as a composer, teacher, and pianist. Milton, John, father of the poet; born at Milton, England, acquired con- siderable reputation as a composer; wrote many psalm-tunes, 1683; also wrote madrigals and songs ; composed a fugue in forty parts ; died in London, 1647. Milton, John, born in I^ondon, Dec. 98 A DICTIOITARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 9, 1608; a celebrated epic poet; was a musician and performer on the organ and flute ; when a boy, sang soprano in his father's choir; died Nov. 8, 1674. Minerva was the inventor of the flute ; being a performer on the pipe of Pan (Pandean pipes), found that she could produce the same variety of tones from a single pipe, by means of holes ; it was made of box-wood first, after- wards of bone. MiNGOTTi, Catakina, a celebrated singer, born at Naples, 1726; sang in several countries, and was famous in Italy, Germany, Spain, and England ; in 1763, established herself at Munich; continued a favorite wherever she ap- peared until old age ; died 1807, aged 81. Minnesingers, of Germany, were knights as well as minstrels ; and were wanderers, living by the liberality that rewarded their songs. Minstrel. The name minstrel, or minestral, was a title given by Pepin, father of Charlemagne, to his chapel- master; and subsequently all through the middle ages the name was applied to travelling players and singers, a nu- merous class in Germany, France, Eng- land, and Italy, from the eighth to the eighteenth centuries, a period of a thou- sand years. The few relics of secular song now at hand, of a period earlier than the eleventh century, are only in "erse. rtir^' Mitchell, Nahum, born at Bridge- wat^r, Mass., 1769; became a composer and musician at an early age ; many of the popular tunes of 1800 were com- f)Osed by him ; he published several col- ections of church-music, among which the ^'Bridgeioater CoUection'^wsiS very popular; he wrote a grammar of music, a treatise on harmony, and a history of music ; contributed to the newspapers ^ of his day ; and died Scptcm b cF , 1853, '^ aged 84 years. t ,/U^- Mitzler, von Kolof, Lorenz Christoph, born at Vettelsheim, 1711 ; singer, violinist, and composer; pub- lished a large number of theoretical and practical works on music; assisted in founding a society for improvement in the theory of music ; resided mostly at Leipsic. Moat, Mr., of London, 1852, invented a new violin-bow; it has a metallic head, and a shoulder for the first finger and thumb to rest upon. Mohammedan Music. It is con- sidered beneath the dignity of a believer to have any thing to do with music ; servants and slaves are usually the only performers of music, such as is heard ; they have tambourines, cymbals, and flutes, which are used to accompany the voice in the galleries of mosques, and on festive occasions. MoLDER, or Mulder, Richard, an eminent pianist in Germany; came to this country, 1860; conducted the or- chestra in New York, for the concerts of Agnes Fabbri. MoLiQUE, Bernhard, violiulst, born at Nuremberg, Oct. 7, 1803; was music- director at Stuttgard, 1826; visited Paris, Vienna, London, and St. Peters- burg ; obtained a great European repu- tation ; became distinguished as a com- poser for his instrument; died June, 1869. MoLLENHAUER, Eduard, 1859, in- vented an apparatus for violinists, called '''Arm-Guide;''^ a metallic belt fastens around the waist, and ligatures extend from the belt to the arms. MOLLENHAUER, FRIEDRICH, HeIN- RiCH, and Eduard, brothers, distin- guished virtuosos who have given con- certs in Germany, were born in Erfurt, the first in 1818, the second in 1828, and the third in 1830. Friedrich and Eduard are violinists, and played in New York in 1853, in Jullien's concerts. The other brother is a violoncellist, and arrived in New York, June, 1856, when he ap- peared at Dod worth's Academy. MoMiGNY, Jerome Joseph, de, a Belgian by parentage, born at Phillippe- ville, 1776; composed at Lyons some twenty works ; went to Paris, and wrote there some works and much music, and a new theory of music. Moncoulteau, M., born blind in Paris, 1800 ; celebrated for his improve- ments on the organ ; wrote a treatise on harmony, a manual of musical trans- position, &c. MoNGiNi, SiGNOR, gifted with one of the finest tenor voices of his' time, and well known in Europe, especially in England ; died 1874. MoNiuszKO, M., a composer of great reputation in his own country; died at Warsaw, 1872. Monk, E. G., published in London. England, 1850, a ''Part Song Book:' MoNNiER, Albert Henri, a com- poser of vaudevilles, extravaganzas, and the like; also a writer for the A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. French journals ; died at Paris, July, 1869, aged 52. MoNsiGNY, Pierre Alexandre, the French Sacchini, was born at Artois, 1729; went in youth to Paris; became celebrated as a composer of operas, and director of the conservatory; in 1802, was pensioned as the composer of the Feydeau. Montague in 1580 travelled through Crermany, and wrote upon the music of that country ; he first heard interludes in Germany, and observed the custom of using violins and tabors at marriage ceremonies ; he heard here the bell- chimes of Bavaria. Montgomery, James, born at Irvine, Scotland, Nov. 4, 1771; wrote '^ Songs of Zion,^^ in imitation of the Psalms, and ''Christian Psalmist : " died April 30, 1854. Moore, Edward B., editor of " Tl^e Brooklyn (N.Y.) Union,^^ composed an opera, '' Mootla:^^ the scene is laid in Salem, Mass., during the days of witch- craft. Moore, Henry E., born at Andover, N.H., July 21, 1803; composer, teacher, and performer upon instruments ; pub- lished several collections of vocal and instrumental music; and composed psalmody, songs, and orchestral band- music; was celebrated as a teacher all his life; died Oct. 23, 1841. Moore, Hugh, born at Amherst, N.H., Nov. 19, 1808; a poet and musi- cian, and connected with several news- papers in New England ; his early com- positions were all addressed to John W. Moore ; died at Amherst, Feb. 13, 1837, aged 29. Moore, Jacob Bailey, M.D., born at Georgetown, Me., Sept. 5, 1772; a poet and musician; composed much vocal and instrumental music, published m Holyoke's and other collections; also a performer upon several instruments ; died at Andover, N.H., Jan. 10, 1813. Moore, Thomas, a celebrated poet and musical amateur ; born in Dublin, Ireland, May 28, 1779; wrote ''Irish Melodies^'' and "Sacred Songs ;^^ there never lived a poet that was more charged with musical sentiment; died at Sloperton Cottage, Wiltshire, 1852 ; in 1857, a bronze statue was erected to his memory in one of the squares of Dublin. MoosER, Aloyse, a celebrated organ- builder, born at Fribourg, Germany, 1769; completed the new Fribourg or- gan, 1834, an instrument more widely known, except the Haarlem, than any other in Europe ; died 1838. Moravian Music. The Moravians of Nazareth, Penn., were among the earliest pioneers of music in America ; they used the old Moravian and Luther- ran chants and hymiis, as early as 1745; and now this people have regular musi- cal organizations to play and sing the best procurable music. Bethlehem, Penn., is the chief settlement, and here the church-music is very perfect. Moreno, Benita, who, with her sis- ter, first introduced Italian opera into Spain, was a celebrated Italian prima donna ; died 1872, at Estremadura, aged 80. Morgan, George Washburne, born at Gloucester, England, April 9, 1822; became known as an organist, 1847; came to this country, 1853, and settled in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; was a soldier, and wounded at the battle of Bull Run; excelled as an organist, and had no superior as a pedal performer. Morgan, author of several psalm- tunes that have been popular, was a composer and music-teacher; but is better known on account of his excellent breed of Morgan horses than for his music ; was a resident of Randolph, Vt. Mori, Frank, son of the violinist, a well-known accompanist for the con- cert-room, in town and country, and composer of popular songs, died in London, 1873, at the age of 52. MoRLAccHi, Francesco, born in Perugia, 1784; became known as an instrumental performer and composer of music when a youth; became a member of the Philharmonic Academy at Bologna; wrote for all the great theatres of Italy; produced operas, masses, and every variety of church- music; also songs and instrumental compositions. Morley, Thomas, born 1563 ; bache- lor of music, and one of the gentlemen of Queen Elizabeth's chapel; celebrated for his "Plaine and Ea^ie Introduction to Practical iliisicke,^' aud as a musi- cian of merit; wrote much from 1593 to 1601 ; among his compositions are some madrigals ; died 1604, aged 41. MoRNABLE, Antoine de, a French contrapuntist of the sixteenth century, of whose works there are still extant, in the Munich library, "Motettce Muai- cales^'^ Paris. 100 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. MoRNiNGTON, the first earl of, was born in Ireland 1720, and composed many psalra-tunes and glees, some of which are yet used ; died 1781 ; he was father to the Duke of Wellington. MoRBisoN, William, of Inverness, was a noted musician, and a composer of marches, waltzes, and slow airs with variations ; published mostly at Inver- ness, Scotland. MoscHELES, Ignaz, pianist and com- poser; born at Prague, May 30, 1794; appeared in public at Vienna at the age of fifteen ; then went to Holland, Paris, and London; here he became famous; became a professor in the Royal Acad- emy of Music, and a concert director; his works are very numerous, and many of them celebrated; died at Leipsic, March 10, 1870. MosENTHAL, JOSEPH, bom at Cassel, Germany, December, 1834 ; musician and composer ; performer on the violin, viola, organ, and piano-forte ; a resident of New York; his compositions are grace- ful and learned. MosEB, August, son of the chapel- master Carl Moser, a native of Berlin, became celebrated as a violinist in Bel- gium, Paris, Algiers, and elsewhere, be- fore appearing in Berlin. Moser, Here, a voluminous com- poser for the violin, and a successful concert-master and teacher; died at Berlin, 1851, aged 77. MosEvius, JoHANN Theodor, One of the best musicians of Germany, cele- brated for his profound knowledge of the science ; died at Breslau, 1858, aged 70. MosKOWA, Prince, born 1803; be- came known as a musician and com- poser at the age of thirteen ; owned one of the best existing libraries of old sacred music ; with Adam, founded the Sacred Concert Society ; composed sev- eral comic operas, and much other music ; died in Paris, July 25, 1857. MosLEY, William W., of London, England, published a work on the quantity and measure of " The Greek Chorus,^^ discovered 1847. Motherwell, William, bom at Glasgow, Oct. 13, 1797; published *^ Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern,'''' 1827; was editor of "T/te Courier" newspaper; died Nov. 1, 1835. MoTTE, Gabrielle de LA, a teacher in Italy and France, came to this coun- try in 1854, and, after a concert tour, settled in Boston, Mass., as a teacher of the piano-forte. Mouret, a native of Avignon ; super- intendent of the music of the Duchess of Maine, 1707 ; produced many operas and ballets ; became insane, and died at Charenton, Dec. 22, 1738. Movable Music Types, of wood, were used at Venice, 1503. Moxley, for thirty years organist of the parish church of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, England, and a thoroughly educated musician, and performer of first-rate ability, died at his residence in London, December, 1852. MoYEs, Henry, born blind, at Kirk- aldy, Scotland, 1750; celebrated as a musician ; died 1807. Mozart, John George Leopold, born at Augsburg, Nov. 14, 1719 ; settled at Salzburg ; was an organist, violinist, composer, and teacher ; became court composer, and leader of the orchestra, 1762 ; wrote for the church, the theatre, and for solo instruments ; his " Violin School" was popular; died May 28, 1787. Mozart, J. C. W. G., the great com- poser, was born at Salzburg, Jan. 27, 1756 . So extraordinary was the child's progress in every thing appertaining to music, that, so early even as the age of six years, his father made professional tours with Mozart and his sister, five years older, to Munich, Vienna, Paris, and London ; and wherever they went the "infant prodigies" were enthusias- tically praised. It is said of him, that no musician ever embraced the art so extensively. He excelled in all styles, from the symphony to the dance, from operas to the most simple ballads. As a virtuoso, Mozart was one of the first pianists in Europe. But his most bril- liant and solid glory is founded upon his talents as a composer, in which the fertility of his ideas, and the clear and happy designs, are most striking ; died Dec. 5, 1792, aged 36. Mozart, Karl, son of the above, was a musician and composer ; he attended the centennial celebration of his father's birth at Salzburg, 1856; and died at Milan, Oct. 31, 1858, aged 80, leaving the bulk of his property to a religious society. Mozart, Maria Anna, W.I., daugh- ter of Leopold, was born in Salzburg, 1751 ; appeared as pianist in the musical tours of the family from 1762 to 1767 ; A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAt IK'P'ORMATION'. 101 married, and became a famous teacher ; died 1829. MuENscHER, Joseph, of Gambia, O., musician and composer, published, 18^0, ''The Church Choir,'' 432 pages ; Wi^fianr Muenscher, his brother, assisted in/fts preparation. / Muhlenberg, Rev. Dr. W. A., St. Paul's College, Flushing, Long Island ; organist and composer of great merit ; published 1852, in New York, besides many hymns, a book of ^'Church Music," generally used ; also the " People's Psalter." MuHLiNG, Aug., born in 1780 at Ra- guhne, distinguished himself as an ex- cellent soprano-singer, as also after- wards by his talents in composition both for the voice and orchestra; was an able pianist and violinist. Mulder, Richard, pianist and com- poser; came to this country, March, 1860, with his wife, Signora Fabbri of Maretzek's opera troupe, and settled in New York. MuLLER, Andreas, city musician at Frankfort-on-the-Main, in 1600, was born in Hammelburg. MuLLER, A. E., published "^ Method for the Piano-Forte;'' it was revised by Julius Knorr. MuLLER, August Eberhabd, chap- el-master, composer, organist, pianist, and flutist, at Leipsic; born at Nor- theim, in Hanover, 1767 ; composed very many works from 1797 to 1810, at which time he was immensely popular at Leip- sic. MuLLER, Christian Gottlieb, born in 1800; was conductor at Attenburg, Germany; composed five symphonies, which were performed at Leipsic ; died June, 1863. MuLLER, Robert M., a well-known pianist to his Majesty the King of Sax- ony; in 1853 he translated '•'■ Kiesewet- ter's History of Music." MiJLLER, Theodor, born in Leipsic, 1798; his father was the composer and organist, August Eberhard Muller ; and his mother was an excellent pianist and organist; the son composed many violin-pieces, overtures, &c. ; died at Weimar, 1846. MuLLER, Wilh. Adolph, published, 1830, a work concerning organs and their manufacture. MuLLiNGER, John, celebrated in 1677 for his work on '^ Periwigs and Music." Musical Academy. The first of ix^fA^vvvv^ /C/i-yx^-^y ^/t^iv-'V-v-, whicli^ we find a written account was established at Vincenza, 1500; the first in England was in 1710, in London ; one Was established in Paris, 1669; one in this country, at Boston, 1820, by Mr. Bailey; the Boston Academy of Music was organized 1833. Musical Characters, such as notes, rests, &c., were derived from the points used byGuido. Musical Chronometer, an instru- ment for measuring and keeping time, invented by Joseph Sauveur, 1700. Musical Conventions were held in New Hampshire, 1829. Moses E. Cheney claims to have held the first in Vei-mont. Musical Notes. Specimens exist of notes similar to those now in use, printed in 1300; books with musical notes were printed in 1453 ; notes were represented in the Bay Psalm-Book, by letters. Musical Short-Hand, devised 1874, by an Englishman ; it is merely phonog- raphy applied to music, and is based on Isaac Pitman's system of phonography. The signs used to represent the notes are twelve in number, corresponding to the black and white keys of the piano- forte ; and, owing to the ease with which a knowledge of them can be acquired, great speed may be attained by the learner, it being a very simple matter to take down any ordinary tune while it is being sung or played. Musical Sounds arise from equal vibrations of the air set in motion by whatever cause. These vibrations are palpable in the strings of a piano-forte, and the tremblings of the organ-loft when the deep tones are sounded. Musical Sticks, sixteen pine sticks about one inch wide, and from one to three feet long, laid upon ropes of straw, and struck with wood hammers to pro- duce sound; introduced in this country by Mr. Nelson, 1846. Music-bells, carillons, were used by King David ; prefixed to an ancient copy of the Psalms, he is represented as play- ing, with a hammer in each hand, upon five bells. Music Printing was commenced in this country about 1690, when under each note it was necessary to place the initial of the syllable to be applied in singing by note ; specimens exist, print- ed in 3698, badly done, with many errors, and with only bars to divide the lines of the poetry. Music was printed in Europe 1503. ^ JiCr <^-/^^/,y9^V-i^. ,./-v ^^t'^-? 102 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL ESTFORMATIOK. Music, Sacred. Previous to the reformation, 1720, church music tunes were supposed to be holy; and the people put off their hats, and put on a great show of devotion and gravity, whenever psalm-tunes were sung. MuxcEY Veksion. a small number of the Psalms were in 1847 prepared to be sung by the Munceys, a North American tribe, followed by sixty-eight hymns ; translated by Richard Flood. MuxRO, Alexander, 1782, published in France a collection of Scotch music for the flute, with variations; was a native of Scotland, residing at Paris. MuNROE, James, of Carclel, Scotland, published "J. New Gaelic Song-Book,''^ at Glasgow. MuNSON, R. D., of Williston, Yt., constructed a wonderful musical calen- dar clock, after spending many months labor; it is an eight-day clock, which besides marking the hours, &c., has a cylinder attachment, which will play seven tunes. MuRSKA, Ilma de, born in Hungary, 1848 ; won brilliant triumphs in all the cities of Europe, where she sang ; came to this country, and sang at Boston, Mass., October, 1878; in addition to her vocal greatness, she is an actress of marked dramatic power. MusARD, Philippe, the originator of the promenade concerts, and the popularizer of the bal masque^ loved his profession, and was the idol of Paris society; one of his sons came to New York, April, 1848, and while there com- posed several popular quadrilles and other dance-music; Philippe died at Auteuil, France, March 31, 1859, aged 68. There were several of this family name distinguished for dance-music. 1^. Nacaire, a kind of brazen drum, formerly much used by the Italians and French. N^xiA, the goddess of funeral songs. Nageli, Hans Georg, a composer and music publisher ; by birth a Swiss ; wrote many songs with harp, harpsi- chord, or piano-forte accompaniments, also choruses ; among his songs may be mentioned '■'■Life let us cherish; ^^ also wrote several vocal schools, and a work on singing on the Pestalozzian system, much used in Europe and in America ; died at Zurich, Dec. 29, 1836. Nairn, Caroline, born in Perth, Scotland, 1766; wrote seventy songs, which were arranged with symphonies and accompaniments for the piano-forte by Finlay Dun, of London, and pub- lished in *' Modern Scottish Minstrelsy.^' Naker, a species of kettle-drum. Nakokus, a musical instrument; two brass plates suspended by strings and struck together to beat time ; used in Mahometan processions, and by the Egyptians. Naldi, S., born 1770, a celebrated Italian singer at the King's Theatre, London ; died Dec. 16, 1820. Nannetti, Signor, barytone singer, made his debut in Italian opera, and was engaged at Covent Garden, Lon- don, 1872. Napier, William, distinguished for his musical skill, and for his collection of ^* Scotch Ballads,^' 1792; was for many years a member of his majesty's band, and a concert performer ; died at Somerston, Scotland, aged 72. Napoleon, Arthur, born in Oporto, Portugal, Sept. 6, 1844; at the age of six years could play the piano-forte at concerts; in 1852 visited Paris; 1854 was in London; made a tour of thirty- four towns with Clara Novello and other artists ; travelled through Germany and Italy; in 1857 gave concerts in Brazil and throughout South America.; came to New York 1858, and after successful con- certs in the States returned to Portugal. Nardini, Pietro, first violinist to the Duke of Tuscany at Florence ; born at Leghorn, 1725 ; among his works are six concertos, twelve solos, six quartets, six duets, and six solos for the flute; died at Florence, 1796. Nares, James, doctor of music ; born in England, 1715; organist and com- poser ; died Feb. 10, 1783. Nasard, a wind instrument of thick, reedy, nasal tone. Nash, F. H., teacher of singing and the cultivation of the voice, after seve- ral years, opened a school in New York for teaching music and elocution; author of " School Vocalist.^' A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 103 Nason, Edward, of Newbury port, Mass., a composer and teacher of music ; in connection with his brother, Elias S. Nason of Natick, pubUshed 1847, **Nason^s Vocal Class - Book,^' also ^^ Songs for the Schoolroom.^ ^ Natali, Agnes and Fanny, sisters, of Irish parentage, born in Philadelphia, Penn., commenced their career as 'sing- ers, with Morelli and La Grange, as the ^^ Heron Family;'^ they visited the principal cities of South America, and returned to Philadelphia 1859, where they sang in opera. Fanny married Enrico Testa, the tenor ; Agnes became a great favorite at Havana. Nathan, I., author of a work on music, 1823, also *^ Hebrew Melodies.^^ Nathan, Isaac, born at Canterbury, England, 1792; became a composer, per- former, and teacher of music ; his com- positions exhibit versatility of talent, and his songs were popular; he was also successful in his orchestral arrange- ments; wrote an ^' Essay on the Theory of Music, ^^ and some other works. National. Melodies are rather a growth than a creation, — the work, not of one maker, but of many ; they are in most instances anonymous, and, though originating in one mind, by the time they become accepted as national they receive additions, and are different from the original. National Music. The Russians, Danes, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, French, Germans, Italians, and some other peoples, are rich in the possession of national music, because it has been col- lected and preserved. The music of England and America will show a national character as distinct, when gathered and examined. National Songs appeal to the heart, stir noble emotions, and feed the fires of nationality; they have immortality, though the names of the authors or composers cannot be discovered. Nativity, a mystery. A. Bartholo- mew, 1550. Nau, Dolores, born in New York, became celebrated as a pianist, harpist, and vocalist; went to Paris, received the first prize for singing, and was en- gaged at the Royal Academy of Music. Naumann, Johan Gottlieb, one of the first composers in Germany; born at Blasewitz, near Dresden, 1741 ; went early to Italy, where he composed his first successful operas ; was for a time chapel-master to the king of Prussia, but preferred to reside as much as pos- sible in his own country ; late in life he composed much sacred music ; his works are very numerous; died at his native village, Oct. 21, 1801, aged 60. Neate, Charles, born in London, March 28, 1784; a distinguished pianist and violoncellist; one of the first mem- bers of the Philharmonic Society, of which he became director; has been known for his compositions, published since 1822 ; in 1855 wrote a work on fin- gering. Nebel, the ancient Jewish ten- stringed harp; its form resembled a bottle or flagon ; the strings are struck with a little iron rod. Necellini, Dom. Marco, chapel- master to the Duke of Parma about the year 1670, was in high repute as a com- poser. Necken, the spirit of the water; represented as an old man, who plays his harp or violin in the roaring cata- racts; his music is said to consist of eleven chords, which are the very es- sence of all music; and all music ap- peals to the human heart in the same degree as it partakes of the inherent qualities of old Necken' s chords. There is a Norwegian legend that mortals have attempted to learn these chords, and have succeeded; some having learned two, others tliree, but few more than six. He wlio is taught to strike the eleventli chord, the legend says, must give his own soul in exchange ; at the ninth chord, lifeless objects begin to dance ; and, when the tenth is struck, the player is seized with such a rapture that he can never sleep, but plays on forever. Needham, Elias P., a native of New York, born Sept. 29, 1812 ; was, in 1835, first interested in the manufacture of melodeons, with Mr. Carhart ; is the inventor of a pneumatic machine for conveying packages and passengers through tubes from which the air has been exhausted; he and his son suc- ceeded Carhart as melodeon-makers. Neefe, Christian Gottlob, chapel- master and court organist at Boim; born in Saxony, 1748; became con- ductor of the orchestra, and later a teacher of music; removed to Dessau as leader of a band there, and as or- chestral chief, where he died 1798. Neginoth, a general term for all J04 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION"* Bucli stringed instruments as were played with the hand or the plectrum. Negri, Dom. Francesco, an ecclesi- astic and pupil of Antonio Lotti at Venice, about the year 1740. Was eminent in his time as a performer on the harpsichord and violin. Negri, Giuseppe, musician in ordin- ary to the Elector of Cologne at the be- ginning of the seventeenth century, was born at Verona. He published " Madri- (jali e Arie,^' Venice, 1622. Negri, Luigi, for twenty years mas- ter at the Royal Academy of Music, died in London, June, 1855, aged 42. Negri, Marco Antonio, a composer, born at Verona, also flourished about the beginning of the seventeenth cen- tury, and published '' Salmi ci 7 voci,^^ Venice, 1613. Negri, Maria Catarina, an Italian singer, born at Bologna. She sang at the opera in London, under the direc- tion of Handel. Negro Minstrelsy was known in this country as early as 1814 ; and soon after the battle of Plattsburg a song was written intended as a negro's de- scription of that affair, called at the time *' Gubernor Prohose's Tea-Party^ Nehiloth, a general term for perfo- rated wind instruments of all kinds. Nehrlich, Johann Peter Theo- DOR, born at Erfurt, 1770 ; a singer, and professor of the harpsichord ; became music-master in a gentleman's family at Dorpat, in Esthonia, where he wrote some variations and songs ; removed to Moscow, where he devoted himself to teaching and to composition; wrote many preludes, odes, hymns, and piano- forte pieces. Neidhardt, Augustus, born Aug. 10, 1794, the founder and director of the Dom. Chor., 182.3, at Berlin ; an excellent composer and musician ; died April 18, 1861, aged 63 ; besides his national song many others were very popular. Neilson, Laurence Cornelius, born in London, went early to the West Indies, where his musical career began 1785 ; after the death of his father he returned to England, and became organ- ist at Nottingham and Derby ; composed a great variety of vocal and instru- mental music, and a book of psalms and hymns. Nelson, a famous performer upon the dulcimer, the rock harmonicon, and musical sticks; gave concerts in this country, 1846, with Mr. Harrison, a fine singer of comic songs. Nelson, E. H. and T., of London, England, in connection with F. R. Crampton, published ^'Church Psal- ter;' 1856. Nelson, Richakd J., was the dis- coverer of what are now known in some American orchestras as "musicaZ stones;''^ he found them in the limestone region of Kendal, England. Neruda, Franz, a young musician and composer, at present attracting much attention in Germany ; is acci'ed- ited violoncellist to the king of Den- mark. Neruda, Wilma, born at Brunn, Moravia ; a talented violinist of a family consisting of two brothers (pian- ist and violoncellist), and two sisters (pianist and violinist), who made sever- al excursions through Germany, and elsewhere; married Herr L. Normann, 1864. Nero, in 63, sang upon the stage at Naples; was a singer and player; ex- torted prizes at musical contests ; took great pains to preserve his voice; was a tyrant, and probably insane in regard to his musical accomplishments ; was detested, except by himself. Neubauer, Franz Christian, a Bohemian, became chapel - master at Minden, in Prussia, and was a conduc- tor there afterwards; wrote a number of excellent works for various instru- ments, and died 1795. Neubauer, Johann. Of this com- poser, residing at Vienna, many works are known. Neubebg, Von, for amusement, manufactured four violoncellos, five trombones, and twenty violins, in imi- tation of those by the old masters ; all of them excellent, and all given to friends in Germany, from 1800 to 1846 ; was a resident of Karlsbad. Neukomm, Sigismund, born at Salz- burg, July 10, 1778 ; composed his prin- cipal works in England, though he spent the latter part of .Is life in Paris ; his ^^ Mount Sinai^^ and "" David ^^ are known to the present generation; but his psalms, sacred music, and organ- pieces are not so much met with; he wrote a great many English songs, some of which are yet popular ; died at Paris, April 3, 1858. New Orleans, La., Opera, estab- lished by Davis, 1820. This city is tho A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 105 only one in America which has con- stantly maintained a regular lyric thea- tre; tile regular season of opera is for six months in every year; and in this opera-house nearly all the popular French operas have been produced; many well-educated musicians reside here, and opera has been performed for the last fifty years. Nev7 Veksion of the Psalms intro- duced Dec. 3, 169G, by order of King William III., when the old version fell into disuse ; the new was by Tate and Brady. Ney, Jenny, born in Presburg, Hun- gary, was engaged at the Imperial Opera, Vienna, 1851 ; was greeted throughout Germany, and wherever she sang, as the first singer on the stage ; sang in Lon- don, 1855, and became chamber-singer of the court of Saxony. NiCHOLO, O. M., invented, 1823, a small wooden pipe, which produces sub-bass tones to CCC ; it has been ap- plied by him to church organs with suc- cess. NiCHELMANN, Chrtstoph, chamber musician and professor of the harpsi- chord to the King of Prussia; born at Treuebriezen, 1717; resided much at Berlin, and there produced most of his compositions ; died 1761. Nicholson, father of Charles, was celebrated as a flutist, and much im- proved that instrument; died 1737, after having tauglit his son' all that seemed necessary for a performer to know. Nicholson, Henry D.,of Cambridge, England, came to this country, and, in 1866, wrote a brief work on the " His- tory and Construction of the Organ." NicuoLSON, Richard, organist; was the first professor of music at Oxford, England, 1595, and was the composer of many madrigals. He died 1639. Nickels, Clara, of Boston, Mass., a popular vocalist, soprano, known at concerts and conventions ; a pianist and teacher of music. NiCKLES, J., treating of several novel and interesting topics concerning the ''natural diapason," in a paper published in Paris, Feb. 28, 1858, re-affirms the statements which had been previously made concerning the hearing of La when agitating the head from side to side, and says: "M. Jobard became convinced, by experiment, of the fact ; and that any one can verify it if he will disencumber his neck of the cravat and collar, and place himself apart from all noise," NicoLAi, Carl Otto E., born June 9, 1810; was a son of Prussia, and began his career in Berlin as street musician; and, after wandering in many lands, became celebrated as a pianist, music- teacher, and composer of vocal and in- strumental music ; died May 10, 1844. NicoLAi, C. E. D., music-master at Kiinigsberg, Prussia, composer and author of a piano-forte school and other works ; died at Berlin, 1857. NicoLAi, C. S, T., son of David, was assistant organist to his father, 1795 ; so that the third generation of this family served at the same organ in the same place. NicoLAi, Friedrich, born at Berlin, 1733; celebrated not only as a musician, but for his account of music at Vienna, and his observations made during an extended tour; died at Berlin, 1811, aged 78. NicoLAi, Otto, the composer of sev- eral operas, was chapel-master and mu- sician many years ; in 1849 produced his "•Lustigen Weiher von Windsor," and, in two months after conducting this work, died. NiEDERMEYER, M. Louis, director of the school of sacred music, established at Paris, 1861 ; born April 27, 1802, at Noyon, Switzerland; at the age of 19 produced an opera; settled at Paris at the age of 21 ; has published a large number of melodies, and written much for the Italian theatres ; eight or ten of his operas were produced at Paris ; in 1856 he established ''La Maiirise," which he continued during his life ; died at Paris, April 14, 1861, aged 59. NiEDT, Friedrich Eriiardt, a mu- sical theorist and composer; born in Thuringia; became a composer for the court of Copenhagen ; wrote many the- oretical works, and died 1717. NiLssoN, Christine, known as the Swedish vocalist, was born near Vexio, Sweden ; became known as a singer at the age of ten years ; first appeared in opera in 1860; since then has attained an immense reputation. Nolrega, a Jesuit, introduced music in his schools in order to make friends of the Brazilians ; he set the catechism, creed, and ordinary prayers to music, and thus taught the gospel in song to the natives. Noedwall, Andrfas O., a Swed- 106 A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. ish writer on acoustics, wrote '^Disser- iatio de Sono Simplici Directo,^^ Upsal, 1779. Norman, John, an English contra- puntist, of whose composition some masses were in the music-school at Ox- ford ; flourished about 1490. XoiJMANN, L., born in Stockholm, 1831, a well-known artist and composer; teacher at the Royal Academy of Music in his native city, 1857; and kapell- meif'ter there, 1861. Norman Minstrels, after the con- quest, went to England from France, where they abounded ; and the kingdom swarmed with itinerant musicians and singers. NoRRis, Charles, born at Salisbury, England, 1740; at the great Commemo- ration of Handel, in 1784, he was one of the principal tenor-singers, and Burney speaks in high terms of his pathetic delivery; his last efforts in public were at the Commemoration of 1790, and at the Birmingham Festival of the same year; he died ten days after his last appearance in public, at Imley Hall, the seat of Lord Dudley and Ward. Norris was a good musician ; he left some fine anthems, glees, and songs, and also some examples of instrumental music. North, Francis, son of Lord North, born 1640; wrote an ^'Essay on 3fusic,^^ 1677, of considerable merit ; died 1685. North, Roger, a practical musician, both in singing and on the organ ; born at Rougham, England, 1650; was author of a work entitled " Memoirs of Music," with accounts of the celebrated British composers from 1650 to 1680 : he lived to the age of ninety years ; died 1740. Norton, John T., an English musi- cian of celebrity ; came to this country 1830, and was noted as a trumpeter; continued to perform on that instru- ment until incapacitated by age ; died in Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 1, 1868, aged 83 years. Norton, Thomas, an English writer who assisted Sternhold and Hopkins in their noted version of the Psalms, 27 of which he turned into English metre ; died 1600. Nose Flute. The Tahitians have an instrument of the flute kind, made of bamboo-cane, and blown from the nostrils : one nostril is used for blowing, the other being stopped. NOTGER, or NOTKER, Balbulus, a musician, composed a collection of hymns, 850, the melodies to some of which consisted of fourths and fifths; died 912. NouGARET, Pierre J. B., a French- man of letters, born in Rochelle in 1742; published a ^^Histoire Philosophique de la Musique, et des Observations sur les differ ens Genres regus au Theatre.^* There is also a dissertation on the opera seria. NovACK, Johann, chapel-master at Prague in 1756; was celebrated for his sacred compositions. NovELLo, Clara Anastasia, born in London, Jinie 35, 1818; at the age of nine years commenced singing and playing the piano-forte ; went to Paris, and sang there until 1830 ; returning to London, she sang at the Philharmonic concerts and festivals ; in 1841, she sang in Italy and Germany, but is best known as an oratorio-singer in England ; mar- ried Count Gigliucci, of Fermo, in the Roman states, 1848, and in 1860 retired from the stage. NovELLO, Sabilla, kuowu in Lon- don as a vocalist of great merit, has translated many theoretical works upon music. NovELLO, Vincent, born in Eng- land, Sept. 6, 1781 ; by descent an Ital- ian ; the larger part of his life and his professional career were passed in Lon- don, where his sound musical knowl- edge, and his command over the organ, enabled him to do valuable service to to his art. The masses of Mozart, Haydn, Hummel, and many writers less known, owe the largest share of their introduction in a complete form to Mr. Novello's editorship; died at Nice, Aug. 9, 1861, aged 80 years. Nugent, Thomas, a native of Ire- land, wrote, 1748, a work on music, which was noticed by Dr. Burney. NuMA, 715 B.C., maintained a com- pany of twelve young men whose duty it was to dance and sing hymns in praise of the god of war. Numeral Notation, claimed as the invention of R. F. Beal and H. W. Day, Boston, Mass., 1846; also by Harrison; was introduced by Rousseau, at Paris, France, 1742. Various systems of nu- meral notation have been invented ; but they have gone into disuse, never hav- ing received the sanction of the mass of musicians. The round-note system is easy and simple, and is adapted to the expression of music of all kinds. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 107 o. O. This capital letter was used by the ancients as the sign of triple lime ; it is also used by the Italians for or; SiS,flauto o violino, flute or violin. Oboe, a popular instrument in our orchestras ; it was the classical tibia mentioned by Horace, known as haut- boy. Octachord, an instrument of ten strings upon a hollow frame, about two feet long, intended to be used as an aid in teaching the scale and the intervals. Octave Flute, an instrument which ranges an octave above the flute. Octavino, an old stringed instrument resembling the spinet. Octo-Bass, an instrument that de- scends a third lower than the four- stringed double bass. Odington, Walter, of Worcester- shire, England, wrote much upon music in the reign of Henry III. ; mentions major and minor semitones and the comma ; gives rules for the proportions of organ-pipes and for casting bells ; uses the terms longs and breves, and gives rules for organizing chants. One of this name, of Evesham, England, was noted for his skill in music, and wrote some valuable works there. Odo, a monk of Burgundy, was a celebrated musician, and in 920 wrote music in parts ; was living at the same period with Hucbald. O'DoNNELL, of Fermoy, Ireland, was perhaps the last Irish piper who confined himself to the real Irish melodies; he was an exquisite performer on the Irish pipes, and died in 1840. Oeckelen, Van, organ-builder, of Holland, constructed an automaton fig- ure that could play upon the clarinet and cornet, after coming to this country ; died in Maine. Oeckelen, Charles, born in Hol- land, 1847, son of the above, a composer and teacher of music, Rockland, Me. ; died there 1809, aged 41. Oesterreich, Georg, born at Mag- deburg, 1664; a celebrated tenor singer at Hamburg ; went to Wolfenbuttel, and became chapel-master and also famous as a musician ; died 1735. Offenbach, F., a celebrated singer in the synagogue at Cologne ; published, 1838, a collection of Jewish chants and poems commemorative of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. Offenbach, Jacques, born at Co- logne, June 24, -i8i^; is of Jewish ex- / i'- traction; settled in Paris 1842; was a performer on the violin and violoncello; became leader of the orchestra at the Theatre Fran^ais, 1847, and there be- came known as a composer ; in 1855 was appointed director of the Bouffes Pari- siens ; he soon, with the troupe of this theatre, visited his native country and England, and became celebrated as an opera-composer; his compositions are numerous and popular. Ogden, J. R., of London, assisted by J. Martineau, published '■'■Holy Songs and Mudcal Prayers " for the piano- forte, 1842. O' Kelly, Cormac, of Ballynascreen, county of Derry, a district celebrated for the manufacture of harps and the preservation of Irish melodies, made the harp of Hempsen the harper, 1700; it is still preserved at Doonhill. Old Hundred may have been of French origin ; it was printed in France, 1550; in England, 1562; harmonized in France, 1565; in England, 1579; it has been claimed as the production of many different persons, and has held its place in the books of psalmody from ancient times. ^ Old Masters. The works of the -^ older masters, Haydn, Mozart, and par- ^ ticularly Sebastian Bach, whose compo- ^ sitions iiave become thoroughly known ^' even to musicians only during the last ^ forty years, have had a full share in ^ forming the musical life of the present ^^ age. But Beethoven is the presiding T genius of the century, and the grand } forms he perfected remain the ideal v^ types; inasmuch as the free, thematic ^ structure of the sonata and symphony ^ was made the vehicle of his conceptions. "^ He elevated the forms to match his grand I personality, and no successor has yet ''^ appeared to carry the dimensions of the ^^ art beyond the limits he set. Schubert, .7* Mendelssohn, Schumann, and others '^ have developed music in single, separate ^ points ; but no one of them has enlarged . $ the collective form as represented by 3 -s>. loa A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Beethoven's symphonies or Handel's oratorios. Oldest Notation. The oldest legi- ble notation of Christendom is in three or four parallel lines, the notes being square or angular, and variously colored ; the melodies are not divided into meas- ures by bars, though the notes are of different lengths. Old Oaken Bucket. This cele- brated old song was written, and adapted to an ancient Scottish melody, by S. Woodworth. Old Versions of Psalms. The early versions were made by men whose piety was better than their poetry, who had drank more of Jordan than of Heli- con; but the rhythmic form of the psalms is grateful to the ear, and facil- itated the retention of words in the memory. Experience shows that many persons draw their consolation in sick- ness and approaching death more largely from hymns than from any other species of meditation. Old versions are in existence dating from 1560 to 1636. Olimpus. There were two musicians of this name ; one invented the enhar- monic genus, was a composer of songs and elegies which were sung to the sound of the flute; the other was also a composer and flute- player. Oliphant, J., of London, England, wrote, 1838, *'Xa Musa Madrigalesca.^^ Oliver, Edward B., born in Boston, July 19, 1822 ; for many years a teacher of music at Farmington, Conn. ; estab- lished a musical institute at Pittsfield, Mass., 1856, and since a music school in Boston; has published a " Practical Text-Book ^^ for the piano-forte, '^ A Manual of Thorough-Bass,^' and many other compositions. Oliver, F. E., with Horatio South- gate, published the ^^ Psalter, with Chants,^' at Boston, Mass., 1838. l^til^ Oliver, Henry KEAiiit,E, born at Beverly, Mass., Nov. 24,' 1800 ; an ama- teur ; first began to compose music in 1832 ; *' Federal Street, '^ a widely known hymn-tune, was his earliest production ; has written much music, and published the ^^ National Lyre" with Dr. Tucker- man, and in 1860, " Oliver's Coll. of Church Music,'' and in 1875, " Oliver's Original Sacred Music." " Federal Street" was performed under his lead at the Peace Jubilee of 1872 by 20,000 singers, the audience of 40,000 joining. OiiERTi, a bowed instrument made of the cocoanut-shell ; the sounding-board is of skin or satin-wood, and the handle resembles the head of the violin. Onslow, George, a celebrated musi- cal amateur and composer, born at Clermont, in the Pay de Dome, France, July 27, 1784, of an English family; commenced his career as a composer for the piano-forte ; afterwards became known as a composer for stringed in- struments and for orchestra ; resided at Rouen after marriage, and died there Oct. 3, 1853, aged 69. Opera. A play resembling an opera was performed in London, England, 1409 ; French opera was performed 1645 ; and Italian opera in France, 1577 ; Italian opera in England, 16.56; in America, 1825. The following list mentions the number of operas composed by some of the gifted writers: Auber, 40 operas; Adam, 30; Balfe, 16; Bellini, 10; Bishop, 75; Boildieu, 31; Carafa, 31; Cherubini, 31 ; Cimarosa, 76 ; Donizetti, 63 ; Fiora- vanti, 25; Galuppi, 52; Gluck, .50; Gre- try, 60; Guglielmi, 80; Halevy, 31 ; Han- del, 42; Haydn, 25; Harald, 26; Isouard, 39; Jomelli, 40; Kreutzer, 30; Leo, 28; Lindpaintner, 26 ; Lulli, 45; Marschner, 20; Mehul, 49; Mercadante, 47; Meyer- beer, 18 ; Mozart, 18 ; Pacini, 60 ; Paer, 60; Paisiello, 150; Piccini, 175; Porpora, 24; Ricci (brothers), 26; Rossini, 50; Scarlatti, 200; Spohr, 12; Spontini, 25; Verdi, 20 ; Wagner, 8 ; Weber, 11 ; Weigl, 46 ; Winter, 54. Opera Buffe was invented by P. Guglielmi; he was born in Italy, 1729, and died 1804. Opharion, an instrument very much resembling the bass-viol. Ophicleide, an instrument which offers great resources for maintaining the low part of masses of harmony ; it is used as an alto and bass. Opitz, Martin, whom the Germans call the father of their drama, wrote some operas, and translated ''Daphne" from the Italian, 1627. Oratorio. Performances of sacred music were called Oratorios because they commenced with the fathers of the oratory, when, to draw youths to church, they had hymns and sacred Stories writ- ten in dialogue, and set to music. After the first part came the sermon, which the people were induced to stay and hear in order to be present at the per formance of the second part. The sub- jects, in early times, were the "Good A DICTIONAKY OP MUSICAL INFORMATION-. 109 Samaritan," "Prodigal Son," "Tobit's Story," &c. ; and by the excellence of the composition, the band of instru- ments, and the performance, the oratory came into great repute ; and this species of musical drama obtained the general appellation of oratorio. Orchestral Piano, an instrument constructed for Liszt, 1853; it has the orgue melodium attached to the body of the grand piano-forte in such a manner as to be used at pleasure. Orchestrion, an instrument in- tended to possess the combined power and variety of a full orchestra ; invented by F. T. Kaufmann, 1851. Organ. An instrument well known as the most complicated, most harmo- nious, and most capable of producing an almost endless variety of combina- tions and effects, very properly called the king of instruments. The organ was first introduced into France in 757, the first one ever seen in that country being sent to Pepin, the founder of the Carlovingian race, by the emperor Con- stantine Copronimus; and soon after- wards they were introduced into all the churches of the western empire. Organized Lyre, an instrument of fifteen strings, embracing four octaves ; it has keys like those of the piano-forte, and two necks, each with six strings, to be played with the fingers. Organized Piano-forte, an instru- ment consisting of an organ and piano- forte. Organolyricon, an extremely com- plex instrument of French invention, much on the principle of the organ, but combining a variety of instruments in imitation of a full band or orchestra. Organophonic Band, a Hungarian company, who without instruments, with the voice alone, imitate the wind and stringed instruments of a regular orchestra ; came to this country, 1848. Orloff, Gregorio, published "^ History of Music, ^^ 1822; was a Russian count, and a writer of ability. Orpheus was the inventor of the religious mysteries of the Greeks ; was a Thracian concerning whom number- less fables have been written. Oscar, King of Sweden, composed several hjTnns, and some marches which were very popular ; was in 1859 engaged upon an opera at the time of his death. Osgood, George L., tenor-singer of Theodore Thomas's orchestra, and teacher of music, Boston, Mass., pub- lished, 1874, ''Guide in the Art of Sincj- ing; " a work based on reliable traditions of the Italian school of vocalization. OsTEN, Theodore, born at Berlin, 1812, a pianist and composer of some note; died at Berlin, April, 1870, aged 56. His piano-forte music is well known in London. Oswald, James, a Scottish composer and editor of national music, was music- master at Dunfermline, 1730; taught in Edinburgh ; went to London 1741, and in 17G1 was chamber-composer to his majesty the king of England. Ottoman Instruments. Nineteen different instruments of music were early used, the most agreeable of which was the tambour, strung with eight cords, seven of steel and one of brass, with a long handle on which is a division for fingering the notes; and with this in- strument they can play any overture. They compose and execute music from memory; are rich in their semitones, of which they have twenty-four in num- ber. Music is reckoned essential in their education, and it resembles that of Persia. Oulibicheff, M., a celebrated Rus- sian amateur; author of ''The Life and Works of Mozart," and "The History of Music before Mozart," as also a work on Beethoven ; died Feb. 3, 1858, at Nijni- Novgorod, where he had long resided. OusELEY, Sir F. A. Gore," born 1827, a self-taucfht musician; at the age of eight years composed an operetta; in 1853 composed an oratorio; in 1855 was chosen musical professor in the Univer- sity of Oxford ; is the precentor of Here- ford Cathedral, and an acknowledged musician and composer. Overstrung Bass strings, running diagonally in respect to the other strings of the instrument, were noticed in a Russian piano-forte brought to New York, 1849. Owen, Morgan, an eminent "Welsh bard and antiquarian, born 1788; died 1868, aged 80. OxENFORD, John, born at Camber- well, England, 1812; published an illus- trated book of "French Songs," also poems and songs set to music. Ozi, Fran(;ois, born at Montpellier about the year 1750, was a celebrated perfonner on the bassoon. Ozi, Etienne, probably a son of the preceding, was born at Nismes, in Lan- 110 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. giiedoc, in 1784. He was professor of the bassoon at the conservatory in Paris, and also first bassoon at the Academy of Music ; published "Method for Bassoon,''^ and much masic for that instrument. P. This letter is used as an abbrevia- tion of piano; pp. means piu piano, or more soft; and ppp., as soft as possible. Pacha, Omer, wife of a Turkish general, a Transylvanian by birth ; came to America 1859 ; has composed several marches and some other music ; became a teacher in New York, after a short concert-tour, 1860. Pacini, Giovanni, born at Syracuse, 1796; went to Rome, and began his career as a composer of church-music ; at the age of thirteen composed for the theatre ; afterwards wrote operas for all the Italian theatres; his "Sa/fb" is known in this country ; he wrote masses and other religious and secular works later in life; died at Florence, Italy, December, 1867, aged 71. Packard, J. B., of Boston, Mass. published the " One Key Singer,'^ every tune being written in the key of C ; some of the music is composed by the publisher; also '■'■Musical Genis,^^ New York, 1849. Packeridge, M., an Irishman, was first to use the '^ Annonica^' in his country ; it was improved by E. Deleval, a member of the Royal Society, and further by Dr. Franklin, who perfected it and made of it an entirely different instrument. Paddon, John, for many years one of the most successful teachers of music in the city of Boston, Mass; died in Cambridge, April 27, 1846, aged 70. Padilla, Artot, wife of Padilla, a Spanish barytone at the Italian opera, Paris, has become celebrated as prima donna at Berlin. Paduana, Signora, a singer at Yen- ice. In 1768 she was considered to pos- sess the finest voice of any female in Italy. Paer, Ferdinando, born at Parma, 1771 ; became known at Yenice as a dramatic composer; chapel-master at Dresden, 1801 ; was engaged by Napoleon for the court of France; composed thirty operas and much other music; died at Paris, 1839. Paqanini, Nicolo, bom in Genoa, cA^ rhfuri^^TT^ *i/j„. Feb. 18, 1784; his life presented nothing remarkable until 1813, when he com- menced giving concerts at Milan, and became known as the most v/onderful violinist living; from that time until his death he had a world-wide fame; he composed much for his instrument; it was thought that he possessed some secret knowledge of the violin that no other person had. He died at Nizza in Italy, May 27, 1840. Paget, Alexis, published in London and Dublin the " Teachers' Crown,'* with "Minor Cadences.'^ Paget, Lord, born in London, 1839; published waltzes for the piano-forte, with cornet accompaniments, 1857. Paine, David, born at Portland, Me,, where his father was a musician and organ-builder; at the age of ten years he walked six miles every Sunday to play the organ at Limington, Me. ; and in 1829 became organist and teacher of music at Eastport, these two organs being the only ones in the State at that time, except the organs in Portland; went to Boston, Mass., in 1840, where he was organist at different churches for twenty-three years; and in 1873 was organist at the Cambridge-street Church. Published the " Portland Collection,'* 1839; "Social Minstrel,'' and "Jenny Lind Glee Book," Boston, 1851. Paine, John K., a composer and or- ganist of European as well as American reputation ; born in Portland, Me., 1839; made a professor in the Boston, Mass., University ; instructor of music at Har- vard College; his organ compositions, sonatas, string-quartets, and songs take high rank ; has composed one successful oratorio, "St. Peter." Paine, Thomas, born at Taunton, Mass., Dec. 9, 1773; had his name changed to Robert Treat Paine, jun., 1801 ; wrote "Adams and Liberty," one of the most popular songs of the Revo- lution ; the music was English, but has since been known as the "Star-Spangled Banner;" died in Boston, Nov. 13, 1814. Paisiello, Giovanni, bom at Ta- A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Ill rento, May 9, 1741 ; became known as a singer, 1754; and was an opera com- poser, 1703; went to Russia, 1770; was now famous as a composer; went to Warsaw and to Naples; wrote every- where for the courts, kings, emperors, theatres, and church; was celebrated in England, France, Italy, and Russia alike ; was a member of many learned societies; and died at Naples, June 5, 1810, aged 75. Palestrina, Giovan. Pietro Aloi- sio DA, a celebrated Italian composer, born in Palestrina, near Rome, 1524; became known as a writer of madrigals, 1559; was a chapel-master, 1502; and, having brought choral harmony to a degree of perfection that has never been exceeded, died in Rome, Feb. 2, 1594, aged 70; his works were numerous and of gi*eat value. Palfrey, Warwick, of Salem, Mass., published '^Evangelical Psalmodist,^^ 1802. Palmelodicon, an improvement upon Franklin's musical glasses. Palmer, William, a well-known musician of Washington, known South by his concerts; died June 30, 1850; gained much reputation under the name of Prof. Heller. Palmo, Ferdinand, erected a theatre in Chambers Street, New York, in 1843, where he made musical performances a conspicuous part of the entertainment; spent a fortune in the vain endeavor to make a permanent house for Italian opera in that city. His opera-house was sold to W. E. Burton in 1848, and was afterwards occupied by the United States Government. Born in Naples, 1785; came to New York, 1810; died there Sept. 5, 1809. Pandean Pipes, one of the oldest instruments, made of reeds of different lengths, and producing as many tones as there were reeds. Pandora, a stringed instrument re- sembling a lute, with brass strings. Panharmonicon, an ancient wind- instrument, consisting of pipes and in some degree resembling a small organ. Panna, Csinka, a Hungarian gypsy- woman; a singer and celebrated violin- ist, 1772 ; possessed much musical intel- ligence, and was long leader of an or- chestra of celebrity in Hungary. Panormo, Ferdinand Charles, son of Francis, was an eminent pianist; at the age of six years played in public, and at the age of fifteen became known as a composer and performer in London, Scotland, and Ireland. Panormo, Francis, born in Rome, began his musical career in Paris, where he acquired celebrity as a composer of songs and music for the violin and flute ; went to London, and taught music there and in Dublin ; wrote some works upon music of high repute. Panseron, M., a much-esteemed French composer of vocal and other music ; in early life, chapel-master to a French prince, and author of some use- ful works on the science of music ; died August, 1859. Papanti, Lorenzo, celebrated as a performer on the French horn, and a violinist; known in the orchestra of Ostinelli, in Boston; at one time a teacher of music and dancing at West Point, and later in Boston ; was born in Florence, Italy, 1799; came to Boston, 1824 ; was a musician on board ' ' The Constitution;" died May 7, 1872, aged 73. Paradies, Domenico, went to Lon- don in 1742 ; was a composer, and per- former upon instruments ; set an Italian opera to music, 1743. Pardoe, M., of Albany, N.Y., 1835, constructed an automaton • trumpeter, which performed several very difiicult pieces of trumpet-music finely; it was considered a rival of Maelzel's. Parepa, Eupiirosyne, was born in - Edinburgh, Scotland, May 7, 1831^ ; after f becoming known as a singer she mar- ' ried Capt. Carvil of the English army, and made her appearance in opera at Malta, 1855; sang in Spain, Italy, and England until 1805, when her husband died ; came to the United States in 1800, appeared in concerts, and married Carl Rosa, violinist, at New York, Feb. 20, 1807, and made her appearance in opera the same month at Springfield, Mass. ; sang at the first Peace Jubilee, Boston, in 1809 ; with her husband formed the Parepa-Rosa English Opera company, which became famous ; after a series of triumphs in this country, she went to England, and to Egypt; returning to London, she died, Jan. 2i, 1874, aged / 38. Parke, John, born 1745; was a per- former on the hautboy at the oratorios, 1770, and the successor of Fischer at Yauxhall Gardens ; became attached to the Carlton House band, and was en- 112 A DICTIONAEr OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. gaged at all the music meetings of the country, and continued to play until near seventy years of age ; composed a large number of concertos ; died at Lon- don, 1829. Pakke, Miss, afterwards Mrs. Beard- more, was born in 1775 ; among the first orchestral singers and most celebrated pianists ; died at an early age in the year 1822, her husband surviving her only four months ; published several sets of sonatas, besides detached pieces and some songs. Parke, William Thomas, a cele- brated performer on the hautboy ; born 1762 ; performed at the London theatres in 1776; acquired considerable reputa- tion as a composer ; wrote many songs, glees, and instrumental pieces; was made a member of the Royal Society of Musicians, and enjoyed the favor of George lY. ; died Aug. 2, 1829, aged 67. Pakker, Caleb, a well-known melo- deon manufacturer of Concord, N.H., firm of Parker & Secomb, born in New Hampton, Sept. 10, 1810; died at a cur- ative establishment in Providence, R. L, where he had hoped to gain in health, Jan. 19, 1874, aged 64. Parker, J. C. D., born at Boston, Mass. ; in 1857, succeeded Mueller as organist and pianist to the Handel and Haydn Society ; a sound musician, and author of a "^Manual of Harmony ;'^ professor in the College of Music of Boston University ; published ^'Musical Dramas," in numbers. Parker, John R., music-dealer, Bos- ton, Mass.; in 1820, edited ''The Eu- terpeiad, or Musical Intelligencer^''^ pub- lished every Saturday by Thomas Badger, jun. ; it was the first of its kind in New England. Parker, Luther, of Charlemont, Mass. ; a composer of church-music, and a singing-master for many years. Parker, Matthew, born at Nor- wich, 1504; composed the music to Queen Elizabeth's Liturgy; also trans- lated the Psalms ; died in 1575. Parker, W. T., of London, England, pnncipal oboist to the Royal Theatre, Covent Garden, was born 1784; wrote *' Musical Memoirs ^^ and other works; was oboist forty years ; died 1838. Parkhurst, Miss, of London, Eng- land, wrote *' Stepping- Stone to Music,'^ 1853. Parma, Nicolo, a contrapuntist of the sixteenth century, born at Mantua ; published '' Cantiones Sacrce, 5, 6-10, Vocum,'' Venice, 1580. Parmentier, Jean, born at Dieppe, 1494 ; composed loyal songs, ballads, ron- dos, "good and exceeding moralities," among which was one for ten actors, published 1531, at Paris. Parodi, Teresa, a native of Genoa, born Aug. 27, 1827; first appeared in opera at Bergamo, 1845, and at once be- came famous; sang in Italy, France, and England, everywhere with success ; came to this country in 1850, and re- mained in the United States, singing in all the principal cities, until 1854, when she was engaged at the Grand Opera, Paris; retured here in 1855, and gave concerts in the principal cities. Parran, Antoine, died at Bourges, 1650; published at Paris in 1636 and 1646, a work entitled "■Traitede Musique, contenant les Preceptes de la Composi- tion.^' Parry, John, London, England, au- thor of a " Manual of Musical Terms;'''' wrote much on the subject of music, 1863 ; was celebrated as a comic singer and pianist. Parry, John, born at Denbigh, North Wales, 1776 ; when a boy, made himself a fife, and learned to play such music as he heard; joined a military band, be- came leader, and could play upon three flageolets at the same time ; in 1807, went to reside in London, where he composed and published upwards of three hundred compositions, also books of instruction for several instruments, and many volumes of instrumental mu- sic for bands and orchestras; retired 1853. Parsley, R., author of the ''Fash- ionable Lyric Companion,^' published in London, England, 1787. Passion Plays. In the passion plays there was nothing spoken. The story and the dialogues were intoned, and the words of the people sung by a chorus. It was a common custom to give the words of the several characters in part harmony. Pasta, Giuditta, born at Serrano, near Milan, 1799 ; made her d^but, 1817 ; appeared in Paris, 1822, and in London, 1824 ; was much admired as an opera- singer and actress ; sang mostly in Italy and France ; retired 1853 ; was of a Jew- ish family named Negri ; had one child, a daughter, born in 1825 ; died in 1865, aged 66. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 118 Pate, William O., born at Mobile, Ala., February, 1850 ; became celebrated. South, as a pianist ; went to England, and received the appointment of pianist to the Prince of Wales ; composed many pieces for piano. Patent Notes, invented by Andrew Law of Cheshire, Conn., 1792; three, new-shaped, were invented by J. B. Aiken, Philadelphia, Penn., 184G; and three others by G. Hendrickson of Vir- ginia, 1849. Patterson, J. T., born at Augusta, Me., March 25, 1837 ; blind, but became noted as a pianist, violinist, organist, and composer; a teacher for many years. Patterson, John, of Albany, N.Y., author of ^'Preceptors'' for the fife, flute, and other instruments; a well- known musician. Patti, Abelina, born at Madrid, Spain, April 9, 1843 ; came to America, 1844 ; could sing before she could speak ; first appeared at the age of nine years, when she made the tour of the prov- inces with Strakosch and Ole Bull, clearing as her share of the profits $20,000 ; went to the West Indies with Gottschalk; visited Europe, where she was the leading prima donna several years ; married in London, and has since sung in Hamburg, London, and Paris. Patti, Amelia, was famous as a singer, and married Maurice Strakosch, the distinguished pianist and composer of New York. Patti, Carlos, was known in this country principally as a violinist, and leader of an orchestra at New Orleans, La. ; was born in the greenroom of the theatre, Madrid, 1842 ; was for a season director of Grand Opera in New York ; went to St. Louis, 1873, and died there, March 17, 1873. Patti, Carlotta, was born in Italy, but came here when a child ; appeared in New York, 1861, and soon after, at Covent Garden, London; sang in France, Belgium, Holland, Brussels, Liege, Antwerp, and Amsterdam ; went to nearly all the cities of Germany and Italy ; her success was immense, and in Paris she gave over one hundred con- certs; she visited Russia, Constantino- ple, Moldavia, Wallachia, and then re- turned to the United States. Patti, Salvator, married Madame Barilli, a celebrated prima donna and tragic actress ; he was an excellent tenor opera-singer of Milan, and came from Italy to this country in 1S44, bringing all his family with him ; they were all artists, and have since appeared in re- mote quarters of the globe. Died at Paris, Aug. 30, 1859. See Barilll Pattison, J. N., born at Niagara Falls, N.Y., 1840; first became known as pianist for a travelling concert troupe ; went to Europe, gave concerts in some of the Italian cities ; returning, appeared in New York, 18G2 ; since which, except when on protracted concert-tours, he has remained in that city, where he is well known as a pianist, teacher, and com- poser. Paulus, M., and M. Maury, com- posers and musicians ; first and second leaders of the French Band, " Garde Repiiblicaiiie," since 1854; visited Lon- don 1871, and gave concerts with great success ; came to this country 1872, and performed at the Boston Peace Jubilee ; the band consists of men who have served at least two years in one of the French regiments, and who enlist for twenty-five years; numbers fifty-five men. Payne, John Howard, born ic New York, June 9, 1792; known in this country and in Europe as an actor, and for his connection with several news- papers and periodicals ; celebrated as the author of ''Home, Sioeet Home;" was appointed consul at Tunis, 1841 ; died there April 1, 1852; his monument says he was born in Boston, Mass. ; he did live there when a boy, and there made his first appearance at the old Boston Theatre. Peacham, Henry, published, 1624, a work upon music and musical men, very useful to persons fond of musical history. Peacock, Francis, born at Aber- deen, Scotland, 1723; was a composer and instrumental performer; published a collection of " Scottish Music," and was a member of the Aberdeen Musical Society; played the violin and violon- cello in the public concerts for many years ; died June 26, 1807, aged 84. Peak, Mr. and Mrs., with four children, commenced giving concerts 1841 ; in 1854 the family, increased to eight, introduced hells, after the fashion of the Swiss bell-ringers, also the harp, violin, guitar, and other instruments. William H. became famous in another /l^c^ /O j-L-cy/cL [y^ ^ / i^^vvw , T/iyu^ /lA. ■ rrL^^z^j 114 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. company, 1858; Lisetta was famous as a singer ; Alfred Fays was the principal violinist. Peakce, James, Mus. Bac, Oxford, England, New College, came to this country, and was organist at Philadel- phia, and settled at Quebec, Canada; published " Chants and Besponses,'^ 1867, and has since written many church tunes and songs. Peaece, J., author of a work on violins and violin - players, Sheffield, England, 1866. PeaPvCE, T., of London, England, published, 1856, a " Collection o/" An- thems.^^ Pears ALL, R. L., known in London as an amateur composer of madrigals, died at his residence in Switzerland, September, 1856 ; was the author of many essays on music, and a composer of songs. Peaksall,, S., of London, England, author of " Hymns of the Church," printed 1843. Pease, E., of Cincinnati, O., author of " YoutKs Musical Lamp," and the *^ American School Song Book." Pease, Frederick N., in connec- tion with Edward A. Perkins, published in Boston, Mass., '' The Western Bell," glees, quartets, and choruses. Pease, M. H., published, 1852, at Pittsburg, Penn., the " Musical Instruc- tor ;" was assisted in the work by E. Pease and J. McMillen. Peasley, Aaron Merrill, in 1818 invented and patented *'a new and useful improvement in organs," and claimed reed instruments as an Ameri- can invention. He reaped little benefit from his invention, for it was not until after the expiration of his patent that it became popular. In 1873 it was esti- mated that forty thousand organs, in which the tones are produced by vibra- tors or reeds, are sold annually in the United States alone, and that ten times as many are annually exported as the whole amount of foreign instruments brought into this country. Peblis, David, one of the principal musicians of Scotland in his time ; set some of the Psalms in four and five parts, 1530. Peck, Daniel L., of Philadelphia, Penn., published, 1810, a valuable col- lection of sacred music, some of which was original ; 104 pages. Pecke, Edward M., published much music in connection with Thomas Hel- more, London, England. Pedalier, a new French instrument, making an addition of the keyboard for the feet, commanding deeply-toned bass strings to the piano-forte. Peebles, J. M., of Boston, Mass., in connection with J. O. Bassett and K. H. Bailey, published, 1867, the " Spirit- ual Harp" and other collections of vocal music. Peerson, Martin, a composer of madrigals, motets, and chamber-music, in London, from 1620 to 1630. Pellegrini, a singer attached to the London theatres for nearly fifty years; went there with Monck Mason to introduce German opera; died at Munich, his native place, 1858. Peloubet, C, became generally known, 1866, as a manufacturer of organs and melodeons at Bloomfield, N.J. ; the firm name is C. Peloubet and Son, and their instruments have largely sold West. Pena, John, of Paris, France, first published the " Introduction to Har- monics" by Euclid, 1.557; it went through several editions. Pentachord, made of leather, hav- ing five strings, struck with a plectrum made of goat's horn. Pentatonic Scale, C, D, E, G, A; it may be represented by sharps from F:j* and the black keys of the piano- forte; it was known early to the Chi- nese, and has been used in Ireland and Scotland. Pepin the Short, one of the kings of France, 750, organized a regular mu- sical establishment at his court; placed an organ, a present from Constantine, in his church, and obtained, for use in his choir, music from Rome, and a teacher who opened a singing-school at Rouen ; at this school the pupils sent into the provinces to teach were first called ** Masters of Music." Pepusch, John Christopher, a great theoretical musician, born at Ber- lin, 1667; at the age of fourteen was a teacher of the harpsichord; went to England 1700, and assisted in adapting operas to the stage ; became celebrated as a teacher and composer; was elected a fellow of the Royal Society ; and died in London, England, 1752. Perelli, Natale, born at Milan, Italy, 1816; early became known as a composer of operas ; came to this / kjuyHTiry-^ 2-^>nru / -t/v,Ou^.^ i^^l z;, /IT J/, /0/y.L^^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 115 country, 1847, with the Marti troupe; appeared in the principal cities and in Boston on the first production of " Er- nani ; " returned to Pliiladelphia, Penn., where he was urged to remain; was employed there in teaching, singing, and composing until his death, Febru- ary, 18G7. Perez, David, of Spanish extraction, born at Naples 1711 ; composed his first opera 1741, and gained great reputation in Sicily, where he resided; afterwards wrote his best works in Naples ; visited Rome, Portugal, and other places by invitation ; was blind during the latter years of his life; was a fine singer; composed much for the theatre and the church; died 1778, in the service of King Joseph, after living many years in Portugal, aged 67. Pergolese, or Pergolest, Giovan- ni Battista, born at Jesi, Jan. 3, 1710; became a composer of operas early, but did not gain much reputation at first, though a man of great abilities ; his popularity increased after his death ; and his compositions, which were nu- merous, rank among the best of his time; his ^^ Salve Ber/ina,^^ printed in England, was his last work; died 1736. Pericles was a musician, and built the Odeon, or music-room, at Athens, in which poets and musicians practised daily; invited Antigenidas to come there as a teacher, and procured for him many scholars. Perignon, H. J., in 1800 was ap- pointed first violinist in the Royal Academy of Music at Paris, and com- posed much music for his instrument. Perkins, C. C, a native of Boston, in 1853 presented a statue in bronze, of Beethoven, to the Boston Music Hall Association; was a composer of orches- tral music; and a cantata, ^^ The Pil- gruns,-^ composed by him, was per- formed in Boston, Feb. 17, 1855. Perkins, Julius Edson, bom at Stockbridge, Vt., became somewhat celebrated as a bass -singer; went to Europe 1867 ; appeared in opera there, and since in London, as primo basso, with success ; died in London, England, Feb. 25, 1875. .mA^^ I Perkins, Henry S.fborn in Stock- [ bridge, Vt., March 20, 1833; early be- > came a singer, and peiformer on instru- \ ments ; became member of a concert i company 1855, after which he made I teaching music a business for several years ; and since 1862 has been known as a conductor of conventions West, and as a publisher of singing-books, and composer of music. ^^'^ Perkins, William OT, born at Stock- bridge, Vt., May 23, 1831; in 1849 be- came a choir-leader, performer upon instruments, and music - teacher ; in 1848 commenced publishing church mu- sic books, and became celebrated as a conductor of musical conventions ; has held conventions in every State east of the Mississippi, and has become known as a composer of church-music, glees, and songs. Perret published at Paris, 1794, " Concertos, pour Basson,^^ and other music. Perronet, Edward, born at Shore- ham, England, wrote, among others, the inspiring and triumphant hymn, " All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name ; " died January, 1772. Persian Music, though not ad- vanced as in many other countries, has, within a few years, made wonderful progress. Persiani, Madame, born 1800, one of the most celebrated operatic singers of this century, is the daughter of the famous tenor Tacchinardi ; in the winter of 1852 she was engaged in the opera at St. Petersburg ; retired from the stage 1859; and died in Paris, May 27, 1867. Persiani, Signor, in 1846, after the dismissal of his wife from her Majesty's theatre, was instrumental in opening the Royal Italian Opera-House, 1847; he composed several operas, performed at Naples, Paris, Madrid, and Venice; died in Paris, 1869, aged 65. Perthaler, Caroline, born at Gries, in the Austrian Tyrol, 1805; celebrated as a pianist; died there December, 1873, aged 68. Peruzzi, Madame, daughter of the Russian consul at New York, became celebrated as a pianist, and was educated in this country. Peruzzini, Giovanni, editor of ^^V Italia Musicale,'^ died at Venice, 1869; was the author of various li- bretti. Pestalozzi, John Henry, bom in Zurich, Switzerland, Jan. 12, 1745; known throughout the world for bis system of teaching; his principles ot teaching have been applied in music schools with success; died at Brugg, Feb. 27, 1827, at the age of 82. 116 A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL I^^FORMATIO]S'. lA/n-c^ Pestalozzian System in music ; a system written by H. G. Nageli of Zu- rich, 1812 ; it was used by Lowell Mason in this country, as were many composi- tions by this Swiss writer. Peter the Great regularly attend- ed the concerts of the German chamber- musicians at St. Petersburg, and took lessons on the violoncello from one of the performers, who pleased him, and whom he presented with a snuff-box mounted with brilliants. Peters, Absalom, born at Went- worth, N.H., Sept. 19, 1793, was a composer and writer on music, and a teacher. Peters, W. C, of Baltimore, Md., published the " Catholic Harmonist,'' 1852, Petrella, the composer of ^^ lone,'' was born in -Italy, 1813 ; composed five or six successful operas ; has a large reputation in his own country; but ^''^)} only one of his works is yet known »^^( in America. 7" Petrides, Joseph and Peter, broth- ers ; Joseph was born 1755, and Peter 1766, at Prague; both celebrated per- formers on the French horn ; travelled through Germany, giving concerts, then through Italy, Sicily, France, Spain, and Portugal; after fifteen years' wander- ing, they settled in London, and became famous as composers and performers. Petrie, Robert, of Kirkmichael, Perthshire, Scotland, was a music- teacher, performer upon instruments, and a composer ; no less than four books by this author were published in London. Pettet, Alfred, teacher of music, and composer, London, England, pub- lished, 1827, a collection of "sacred mu- sic, all original. Pfeiffer, Charlotte Birch, au- thor of several musical dramas, and a well-known actress; died at Berlin Aug. 25, 1869. Pfeiffer, Michael T., bom m Sulcfelden, near Wurzburg, Nov. 1 1771; celebrated as a violinist; in M04 founded a school, and introduced the Pestalozzian method of teachine4nusic, at Aargau, and became a teacl)<^ of emi nence. Pfeiffer, Oscar, born/ in Vienna, Oct. 27, 1830; in 1844 gayfe piano-forte concerts, and in 1845 made the tour of Europe ; was in Paris 1846, and in 1848 many, and in 1850 came to this country; afterwards went to Spain, Portugal, and other countries, and came again to the United States, and settled in New York; his wife is a dramatic singer. Phemius, a poet and musician ; was employed to sing at weddings and feasts ; he was not only a singer, but a performer on the lyre. Philidor, Francois Andre Dani- CAN, born at Dreux 1726, became known as a composer in 1737; settled in Paris as a teacher and copyist ; trav- elled through Holland, England, Ger- many, and other countries, and in 1759 became famous as a dramatic composer ; wrote for all the theatres, and for the Academy of Music; died in London, 1795. Philis, Jean Baptiste, a celebrated professor of the guitar, at Paris, France ; one of his daughters was the wife of Boieldieu the composer; another, Ja- canna, became a most brilliant singer at the Opera Comique. Philippi, H., teacher of piano-forte, Troy, N.Y., 1859, invented the " Chro- matic Keyboard," which he claimed as opening a new field for brilliant effects which require a lifetime of practice on the ordinary keyboard. PniLLipps, Aj)ELAide, born in Bris- tol, England ; came to America by way of Canada, and was early engaged at the Boston Museum; went to Europe 1852 ; sang at some of the small towns in Italy, and returned to Boston 1855, at which time her mother died. Since, Miss Phillipps has continued an un- interrupted career of success ; has made frequent tours through the States, vis- ited Europe, been successful in London and in Paris, and constantly gained in reputation at home. Her father, Alfred Phillipps, died at Marshfield, Mass., Oct. 16, 1870. Phillips. Alic e, born 1844, daughter ofj ^enry PhilH p|) of Edgbaston, Eng- na7 Became Toiown as an excellent contralto-singer, 1861, at Birmingham, Oxford, and other places. Phillips, Austin, born in Bristol, England, Sept. 4, 1811, became cele- brated as an organist and composer; came to New York 1839, and was em- ployed there as an organist; died in 1849; his brother William was a musi- cian at the Opera House, London; his sister Josephine was a vocalist of repu- tation. in Russia; in 1849 wen^i^ through Ger- A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 117 Phillips, Charles E., born at Wo- burn, Mass., 1796 ; celebrated as a musician and teacher ; author of several popular songs ; died at Nantucket, 1836, aged 40, Phillips, Philip, was born in Jamestown, Chautauqua County, New York, Aug. 13, 1834; gave his time to music-teaching from the age of nine- teen years; settled in Cincinnati, O; became known as a composer and maker of singing - books ; removed to New York 1866, and since, as the '* Singing Pilgrim,''^ has given concerts in most of the States, in England, and has also visited France and Italy. Phipps, S. B., born in Otisfield, Me., April 30, 1828 ; commenced teaching music 1849; went to Boston 1851, and taught in Massachusetts until 1859, when he composed some church tunes and songs, but has made teaching his business; was author of the ^^ Musical Mirror.^' Phonomine, invented in Vienna, 1834; it resembles an organ, and imi- tates a chorus of male voices. PiANAUTOMATON, an clcctric autom- aton piano-forte player invented in New York; it will perform any music supplied to it on paper. Piano-forte Androides, invented by M. Maillardet of Switzerland, in the form of a lady pianist, which performed eighteen tunes. Piano-forte, a well-known stringed and keyed instrument of German ori- gin, now largely manufactured in this country. Piano-forte Transposer, an in- vention perfected 1870, whereby trans- position on the piano-forte has been obtained by moving the keyboard. PiATTi, a Turkish musical instrument, which does not produce pure musical sounds, but is very loud. PicciNi, Nicola, born at Bari, in the kingdom of Naples, 1728, was one of the most fertile and original composers of the Neapolitan school ; went to Rome, and was there considered the best com- poser of his age; in 1776 resided in Paris, where he became principal of the singing-school, and established an annual concert; was eventually pensioned by Bonaparte, and made inspector of the conservatory of music; died in Passy, near Paris, May 7, 1801, aged 72. Picco, Joseph, a Sardinian minstrel, boru blind, and brought up among the Apennines, where his father was a shepherd; became celebrated at the age of twenty-five years as a performer upon the tibia pastoral, or small flute ; has ap- peared upon the stage in Italy, France, England, and other countries; his in- strument is very short, and has only three holes. PiccoLiNi, celebrated as a whistler; he made whistling a profession, 1865; gave concerts in Italy and elsewhere; performed such music as the cavatina '^ Casta Diva,'' to full accompaniment of piano-forte, and can make double notes with distinctness, and most excellent shakes. PiccoLOMiNi, Maria, born at Sienna, 1835; was of an ancient Tuscan family; made her debut at Florence, 1852; be- came renowned in Italy, France, Eng- land, and elsewhere ; came to this coun- try 1858 ; made her first appearance in New York, where she was much es- teemed as a singer and actress. Pierce, Fargo J., published ^^ An- cient Harmony Revived,'' at Hallo well, Me., 1847; a book of 262 pages; he en- larged the work in 1855, at Boston, Mass., to 280 pages. Pierre, an opera, by Joseph Duggan, Philadelphia, Peun., 1853. PiERSON, H. H., born at Oxford, Eng- land, 1816; professor of music in the University of Edinburgh ; author of the opera ^'Leila," performed at Hamburg, and an oratorio, ^^ Jerusalem," 1856; re- ceived a medal from King Leopold, the first Englishman so honored. Pike, S. N., known as the proprietor and manager of an opera-house, Cincin- nati, O. ; died in New York, Dec. 10, 1872. PiLLSBURY, Dr. Amos, of Charleston, S.C., published, 1798, ''The United States Sacred Harmony," a compilation of the most popular tunes of the day. Pindar, born at Thebes, in Bceotia, B.C. 520; received musical instructions from his father, a flute-player ; became celebrated as a musician and poet; sang much at the temple of Apollo and at Delphos ; died at the age of 86. Pipe, a wind instrument, of which there have been many varieties; it is distinguished from the flute by being blown through one end, instead of the side. Pipe and Tabor Playing Andro- ides, invented by Jacques de Vaucan- son, 1738. /t-ii rVv-^am /'"t- i^x^c'l^ue^ f^-b 'i-J- f/yi^. •^-^'T-tTTA^ C-Uj 118 A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFOEMATION. Pitch. The pitch A has risen a full tone since 1799, and the French author- ities have ordered it lowered; the old tuning-fork, or A at 870 vibrations and C at 522 per second, is the standard. PiTCH-PiPE, an instrument used to ascertain the pitch or key in which to sing; the one first used in New England was a little box six inclies long, four wide, and one thick, furnished with a mouthpiece and slide, on which the letters of the octave were registered. PiTTMAN, JosiAH, of Loudou, Eng- land, a writer on music; published a collection of vocal music for the church, 1858. PiscHEK, a celebrated bass-singer at the Frankfort Opera, sung in London, 1846, at ninety musical entertainments in one season. Pixis, Theodore, a professor in the Rhenish music-school, a violin virtuoso of the first rank; died Aug. 1, 1856. Plaidy, born in Germany; teacher of the piano-forte at the Leipsic Con- servatory, 1843; author of '' TecJmical Studies.' ' Plain Song, or the old ecclesiastical chant, justly claims the admiration of all people as fitted alike for all ages. But modern harmony has made of these old songs something better ; and it would be as absurd to refuse to use the modern improvements as it would be to refuse to use the telegraph, gas, or railway, because they were not used by our fathers. Plantade, Charles M., a celebrated composer and performer; one of the founders of the conservatoire concerts, and of the society of authors, composers, and editors of music in France ; died in May, 1870, aged 84. Playford, Henry, published, 1700, an original book of Scotch tunes ; was the second son of John, and a composer of merit. Playford, John, born 1613 ; was a music-seller in London; was the pub- lisher of a great number of musical works between 1665 and 1685 ; was the first printer of music in London ; he and his son, for fifty years, supplied all the nation with music books, instru- ments, &c. ; his '^Introduction to the Skill of Music,'' and his ''Whole Book of Psalms," had great sales; died 169.3. Platt, Robert, an eminent teacher, published his "System of Vocal Music," in London, England, 1847. Plays. During the age of trou- badours in the 18th century, a kind of drama of secular origin was the fashion. It was a simple, unpretending play, something like the modern vaude- ville, a mixture of dialogue and songs. Adam de la Halle was the author of several of these little plays, one of which was "Robin and Marion." Pleyel, Ignaz, born near Vienna, 1757; was appointed chapel-master, 1777 ; became a composer, visited Italy, and in 1783 was chapel-master at Stras- burg, where he composed much church- music, and his best violin and piano- forte music; in 1791 commenced his concerts in London ; removed to Paris 1795, established a music-store and piano-forte manufactory ; he published a multitude of works, and died Nov. 14, 1831, aged 74. Plimpton, inventor of the "Apol- Hno," was a native of Massachusetts, and first exhibited his musical machine 1820; it combines the organ, orchestra, and military band. Plimptonia and Plimptonichord, names given to instruments made by Mr. Plimpton, similar to his Apollino. Pneumatic-Electric Organ, an or- gan to which electricity has been applied to form a connection between the keys and the valves, permitting the air to pass to the pipes. Poheman, David, of Lafayette, Ind., remarkable as a pianist ; executes very difficult music, though he cannot read a bar of simple music. PoLiPHANT, an instrument similar to a violin, used by Queen Elizabeth. Polka, a Bohemian dance, first known in England 1830, and in Vienna 1839. It means half-step, and in thia country is similar to the schottisch. Polyplectrum, an instrument fox striking the lyre ; also an ancient spinet. Pommers, the family of oboes, of which there has been a variety. PoMPLiTZ, August, a well-known or- gan-builder of Baltimore, Md,, died Feb. 3, 1874; was of high degree in the An- cient Scottish Rite. PoNiATOwsKi, Prince Joseph, was born in Rome in 1816, and was the son of Stanislas Poniatowski. The father, who resided at Rome, and afterwards at Florence, was a great patron of the fine arts. The young Joseph Poniatowski was naturalized in Tuscany, and in 1848 was made a prince of Monte-Rotondo by A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION, 119 the Grand Duke Leopold II. He was twice elected a member of the Chamber of Deputies of Florence, and subse- quently made minister plenipotentiary at Paris, London, and Brussels. He fixed his permanent residence at Paris in August, 1854. In the same year by an imperial decree he became a natural- ized Frenchman, and shortly after was elevated to the dignity of senator. Among the numerous operas which he composed, are the following: ''Jean de Proc^da,^' ''Buy Blas,^^ '''■La Fiancee d^Abydos,^^ '^ Esmeralda,^ ^ ''Don Deside- rio,^^ "La Comtesdma,^^ and "Pierre de Medicis.^^ He died in Paris, July, 1873. PoNTE, Adam De. A composer of the sixteenth century; his motets and other works were published at Venice, 1586. PoNTio, PiETRO, composer and prac- tical musician ; published a musical work, giving rules for learning to read music and to teach harmony, also giving directions for composing. Pool, David, in connection with Josiah Holbrook, Abington, Mass., pub- lished, 1813, at Providence, R.L, "The American and European Ilarmony,^^ a work much used, and known as " The Abington Collection.^' Mr. Holbrook was a native of Abington, and a teacher of music there, where he died; and Mr. Pool was a resident of the same town. Pool, Jabez, in 1854 published at Leeds, "The Pmlter, with Chants." Poole, Henry Ward, born at Salem, Mass., 1825; published, 1850, an "Essay on Perfect Intonation,'' connected with an account of the "Enharmonic Organ,'' invented by Alley and Poole 1848. Pope John XXII. inveighed strong- ly against the musical innovations in- troduced in his time (the 14tli century), and prohibited the use of counterpart, or music in parts, except on high festi- vals of the church ; and even then he directed that the same syllables should be uttered at the same time by all the singers of the different parts. Popular Airs, of different countries, were harmonized and introduced into the compositions of the old writers about 1650 ; and after that time the progress of music was rapid. PoRPORA, NicoLO, bom at Naples, 1687; gave his first opera at Vienna, 1717; in 1773 he was engaged in London to direct the opera, but soon went to Venice ; was the composer of fifty operas and much sacred music; was distin- guished as a singing master ; retired late in life to Naples, where he died in poverty, 1767, aged 80. Porter, William S., of Boston, Mass., in 1834, published "The Musical Cyclopedia," or the principles of music considered as a science and an art ; it was the first work of that kind printed in this country. PoRTEUs, James, of Scotland, was a composer of instrumental music; pub- lished one collection at Edinburgh. PoRTMAN, Richard, born in Eng- land ; early went to France ; on his return was organist at the Chapel Royal, and in 1633 of Westminster Abbey. Portuguese Hymn, known as "Oporto" and as "Adeste Fideles," was written by John Reading of London ; it was sung at the Portuguese Embassy chapel in England, 1785, and was called Portuguese Hymn; it has since come into general use, and is the regular Christmas Hymn of the Catholic churches. Potter, Cipriani, born in London, 1792 ; became celebrated as a composer at the age of fourteen years ; wrote violin quartets, symphonies, and piano- forte sonatas ; was for many years prin- cipal of the Royal Academy of Music ; was an eminent teacher; retired from office 1859; and died October, 1871, leaving many works for his own partic- ular instrument, the piano-forte. Potter, John, an Englishman, was the author of " Music and Musicians," published in London, 1763; also wrote a serenato, 1765, and "The Choice of Apollo." PouLTON, George R., born in Lan- singburg, N.Y., 1828 ; a composer, vocalist, and perfomier upon the organ, piano-forte, and violin ; became cele- brated as a teacher at Fort Edward In- stitute, 1857, and was well known by giving concerts with his sister Mary Anna Poulton. Powell, Thomas, bom in London, 1776 ; early became a member of the Royal Society of Musicians ; was a com- poser, violoncellist, and performer on the piano-forte, harp, and violin; went to Dublin, married, and became a music- teacher there, and composed much music ; afterwards resided in Edinburgli, where he met with great success, and , CA^^r^^i^'*-^ /^(i^iyi-^ "''-1 ' f^o l_y^L~, I <3 L/vj u->,^i^-^ I 120 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. composed largely every variety of popu- lar music. Power, Thomas, of Boston, Mass., musical editor of " The Boston Atlas,^' author of several Masonic odes; died at Framingham, Sept. 9, 1868, aged 82. Pkadher, Loins B,, born in Paris, 1781 ; professor of the piano-forte at the conservatory ; he formed many excellent pupils, and published a considerable number of musical works ; such as thir- teen collections of romances, many piano-forte works, and vocal rondos. Prangley, of London, was the in- ventor of ''The Trito-Dactylo-Gymnast,'' an instrument designed to render the third finger equal in power and pliancy to the others in learning the piano- forte. Pratt, Henry, of Winchester, N.H., during his life built fifty organs, doing most of the work with his own hands ; he was self-taught ; a good mechanic and musician ; died August, 1841, aged 70. Pratt, Marshall, organist, musi- cian, and builder of organs. New Or- leans, La., son of Henry, was born in Winchester, N.H. ; died at New Orleans, August, 1829. Pratt, S. G., of Chicago, 111., has composed several symphonies, and other orchestral works produced 1874. Prescott, Abraham, born in Deer- field, N.H., July, 1790; in 1810 com- menced to make violoncellos, and suc- ceeded ; was for many years celebrated for his instruments, and as a maker of double-basses ; moved to Concord, N.H., and there founded the house of Pres- cott Brothers, knov/n as manufacturers of melodeons and organs ; died May 1, 1858, aged 68. Prevost, Eugene, leader of the orchestra at Niblo's Garden, New York, 1842 ; was a composer of merit ; pub- lished a ''Musical Albwn,^^ " Cossirno,'' and some sacred music ; received from the Queen of Spain the cross of the Order of Charles III. ; afterwards be- came known as the author of some French operas ; died 1872. Prevost, H., of London, invented musical stenography, 1849, Prieds, Mme. Julia, a famous Spanish singer, widow of the tenor Caponi; died at Paris, 1872, aged 52. Prince, George A., of Buffalo, N. Y., made some important improvements in melodeons, for which he took a patent, 1846; employed at that time one hun- dred and fifty men, and finished seventy- five instruments a week. Pringle, John, of Edinburgh, Scot- land, was a composer of dance and other music; one of his collections is dedi- cated to Hon. Miss Elliott. Printing. This invention hastened the downfall of minstrelsy, not merely because of the greater diffusion of knowledge, and the more scientific cul- tivation of music, but because of the printing of the songs and ballads, which were sold for a penny. Printz, Wolfgang Caspar, born at Waldthurn, 1641 ; travelled through Silesia, Moravia, and Austria; settled at Sorau, Upper Saxony, as choir-master; was a violinist, organist, and composer ; wrote numerous works, musical and historical ; died at Sorau, 1717. Professor of Music was originally applied to learned musicians who held high positions in the universities; lat- terly has little significance. Prouty, E. K., born in Charlestown, N.H., 1801; was one of the pioneers in sacred music in Northern New Hamp- shire and Vermont; some of his com- positions were published, 1830; died at Newbury, Yt,, Sept. 26, 1869. Provenqal Music. The central object of Proven9al poetry and music was devotion to women. The oldest known Provencal melodies are by Chatelain de Coucy, a troubadour of the twelfth century; Thibaut, King of Navarre (1201-54); Gaucelm Faidit,"and Adam de la Halle. Prudent, Emile, born at Angou- leme, Feb. 3, 1817; took the second prize at the Paris Conservatory as pianist, and in harmony, 1833; settled at Nantes as a composer and teacher; gave concerts in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and England; died in Paris, April, 1863. Psalm-Book Music. Previous to 1690, much of it was written with a pen, and bound in with the Psalms for the purpose of singing ; and in some of the old music-books lea ves ruled for the purpose were bound in the books, for the new music that appeared from time to time. Psalmody. See list of books at end of volume. Psalm-Singing by Christians dates from the last supper of Christ and his disciples. Psalmody was used by Martin Luther, in public service, 1517, A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 121 and was made a college study by the Puritans. Psalm-Tune Dancing. In the time of Charles IX., in dancing, the feet were seldom lifted from the ground, and psalm-tunes were danced; the king's favorite dance was the melody of the 129th Psalm. Psaltery, a stringed instrument much used by the Hebrews. PsALTERioN, like the psaltery, and having thirteen wire strings. PuENTE, Giuseppe del, barytone, who has obtained reputation; born at Naples, 1843, of Spanish parents; first appeared in Russia; came to this coun- try, 1844. PuGNANi, Gaetano, viollnist ; born at Turin, 1727; in 1754 went to Paris and other capitals of Europe, and in England produced some of his best violin-music; he became celebrated as a composer, and director of orchestras ; published a great variety of music, and died at Turin, 1798. PuGNi, C^SAR, composer of ballet music at the Imperial Theatre, St. Petersburg; died November, 1871. PULLEN, H. W., of London, England, published some valuable papers on the '^ State of Music in Englandy" and the ''Choraf Servicer 1865. Punching Characters upon pewter plates caused a considerable advance in the production of musical works. PURCELL, Henry, born in London, 1658; at the age of eighteen was ap- pointed organist of Westminster Abbey ; in 1682 he became organist of the Chapel Royal, and was famous as a composer for the stage, the chamber, and the church ; comparatively few of his com- positions were published until after his death ; few musicians wrote more, and few as well ; died Nov. 21, 1695, aged 37. PuRCHAS, A. G., a teacher of music, London, England, published, 1849, " First Lessons for Siwjing-Classes.^^ PuRDAY, Charles H., published a collection of hymns, entitled " Sacred Musical Offering ;^^ much of the music was arranged from Beethoven. PuRKis, John, born in London, 1781 ; was blind from birth ; at three years of age he could sing, and at nine was an organist ; could play any thing that he heard once; at twelve years of age he commenced to compose, and had learned the use of several instruments ; at the age of thirty years his sight was par- tially restored, and he went to London, and gave concerts there ; settled in Lon- don, he became the performer upon the ApoUonicon in that city. Pusiiee, Abraham, of Lebanon, N.H., a celebrated violinist, and teacher of dancing; was not a composer, but arranged much music for quadrille and other bands ; no man in the State was more extensively known; died March 19, 1868, aged 76. PuTiNi, Bartolomeo, an excellent singer about the year 1755, performed, during several years, at the opera at Dresden, and afterwards at St. Peters- burg, Puzzi, a celebrated performer on the French horn, resided in England in the early part of this century. Pyne, Louisa, born in England, 1834 ; with a younger sister commenced singing in London, where they obtained considerable reputation before joining the "Pyne and Harrison Troupe ; " in 1847 appeared in Paris ; after this at the Princess's, Hay market, Drury Lane, and at the Royal Italian Opera, London ; came to America 1854; returned 1857, and again appeared on the London stage; and later, with Mr. Harrison, managed the Lyceum Theatre ; while in this country she gave free concerts to many of our schools, and at the asylums of New York. Pyne, Susan, came to this country with the Pyne and Harrison English Opera Troupe, October, 1854, and con- tinued to sing in that company until 1857. Pyrene, a famous singer, B. C. 709; was the daughter of Teiresias, and was considered superior to any vocalist that had ever appeared in public. Pyrophone, an instrument consist- ing of glass tubes, which are made to sound by the action of a jet of gas ; it was invented by M. F. Kastner, 1873. Pythocritus, a flute-player; won the prize six times as a solo-player at Delphos ; was one of the first composers of love-songs; was engaged to sing at Lacedsemon. 122 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Q. Q, sometimes used as an abbreviation of "quick;" as, Q. T., quick time. QuADKio, F. X., an Italian Jesuit, autlior of a valuable work on music, 1756. QuAGLiATi, P., a celebrated contra- puntist of Rome, 1695. Quakers. This community has been opposed to the introduction of music into its families; and in 1855 the yearly meeting in New York decided to ex- elude piano-fortes, and those using them, from the society; but since then B. B. Davis of Concord, N.H., has introduced vocal music among the Friends at Canterbury. QUANTZ, or QUANZ, JOHANN JOA- CHiM, born near Hanover, 1697; cele- brated as a flutist, and composer for that instrument; went from Germany to Rome, 1724, and thence to Prussia, and remained in service at that court until his death ; died at Potsdam, 1773, leaving a great variety of unpublished compositions ; composed three hundred concertos for Frederick the Great, one of which was performed every night. QuEEJs^ Charlotte of England sup- ported a famous band of music, of which C. F. Abel was leader, 1761. Queen Elizabeth founded a school of counterpoint when she ascended the throne ; was musically educated ; was a singer and lutanist. Queex Mary, in 1549, caused Eng- lish words to be used in singing and chanting, instead of the Latin; was a performer on the virginal and the lute. Queex of Navarre, the celebrated Marguerite de Valois, composed mys- teries and moralities, which were repre- sented by the ladies of her court ; pub- lished 1.547. QuERCu, or Yan Der Eycken, Sy- MONA, born at Brussels, flourished in the beginning of the sixteenth century, as a singer, at Milan; author of *' Opus- culum 3fusices,'" 1508. Quesna, or QuESDNA, Francesco, an Italian composer towards the close of the seventeenth century. In 1692 he brought out, at Venice, the opera of ''La Gelidauray QuESNEL, Joseph, born in France, 1750; came to Canada 1788; wrote musical operettas and popular French musical compositions at Quebec and Montreal, at which place he died, 1809. QuiDOR, George W., published, in New York, 1847, " The American Musi- cal Monthly ;^^ it was a valuable pub- lication, designed to encourage native musical talent. QuiGG, James, became known as a minstrel, under the name of Hughes; died in New York, Nov. 11, 1871. QuiNAULT, Philip, born at Paris, 1636; he was associated with Lulli in the composition of operas, for many years. Quinault was celebrated for his beautiful lyric poetry, and the gentle- ness with which he opposed the unjust satires of Boileau. It was long believed that Quinault entirely owed his success to Lulli ; but time appreciates all things, and it is now known that his poetry was greatly superior to the music of Lulli ; he died Nov. 29, 1688. QuiRSFELD, Johann, was born at Dresden, in 1642; published at Perna, in 1675, ''Breviarium Miisicuin ;" also wrote some other works on music. QuiTSCHREiBER, Georg, a musical author and composer, was born at Cranichfeld in 1569 ; died in 1638. He published several musical works. QuoiNTE, an ecclesiastic and esteemed church composer, flourished about the year 1720, and published many sacred musical works at Amsterdam. E. R, or R. H., the right hand in piano- forte music. Rabitp, a peculiar kind of fiddle used in Batavia, by the Bayaderes. Rachel, Mlle., born of Hebrew Jewish parents, at the Swiss village of Munf , March 24, 1820 ; attained a repu- tation as an actress rarely gained upon the modern stage ; with her sister Sarah, in 1833, was a singer at the caf^s on the A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 123 boulevards, Paris ; came to this country, 1855; died at Caunet, near Toulon, Jan- uary, 1858, aged 38. Rackett, an instrument related to the bassoon ; Prsetorius says had hardly any more tone than "one can get in playing on a comb." R AD AM A, King of Madagascar, was a musical amateur, and, to secure a good band of music for his own kingdom, sent twelve boys to France, and had them educated under a band-master there. Radeche, Robert, born in Silesia, 1828; was, in 1852, leader of the or- chestra at the Leipsic Theatre, and afterwards, at Berlin, became an or- chestral performer, and a composer. Radeker, IIeinkich, organist at Haarlem, published some harpsichord music at Amsterdam. Raff, Anton, a celebrated German singer, born near Bonn, 1714; did not sing in public until 1738, when he was engaged as tenor at the principal theatres in Italy, and later in Spain; finally settled at Munich, where he opened a school in 1779; died there, 1797. Raff, Joachim, born at Lachen, 1822; in 1843 published a great variety of piano-forte music; has resided at various towns on the Rhine, teaching, and writing for the musical journals ; when at Weimar, wrote ^ ^ King Alfred,^ ^ an opera; published many works at Wiesbaden, for orchestra, voices, and chamber ; in 1866 went to Vienna. Raimondi, Pietro, born at Rome, 1787; became chapel-master at the Vatican; devoted most of his life and energy to grave and intricate tasks; was the composer of many operas ; his triple oratorio, executed at Rome, Aug. 1852, was among his best works; died Oct. 30, 1853, aged GQ. Raisin, Jean Baptiste, a native of Troyes, and an organist, invented a curious spinet, went to Paris with his family, and exhibited his wonder, so contrived as to conceal inside a son of Baptiste, who there played unseen upon a set of keys connected with those in sight, and giving the appearance of a spinet, performing of its own accord any piece it was commanded to play. R ALSTON, Samuel, born in Donegal County, Ireland, 1756; came to this country in 1794, and settled in Pennsyl- vania; among other works, wrote a " Defence of Evangelical Psalmody ^^^ 1844; died 1851. Rameau, Jean Philippe, born at Dijon, Sept. 25, 1683 ; became celebrated as a composer, and as the author of many theoretical works on music ; died at Paris, 1764, aged 81. Ramsay, Edward B., born at Bal- main, Scotland, 1793; wrote lectures on the character of Handel, and proposals for providing a '*peal of bells" for Edinburgh, 1863. Rangoni, J. B., published at Leghorn, 1790, an '^ Essaij on Musical Taste.'^ R ANNIE, John, author of " Musical Dramas,^ ^ published in London, Eng- land, 1789. Rauscher, one of the best tenor- singers of Germany, died at Stuttgart, Dec. 16, 1866, aged 66. Rauzzini, Venanzio, born at Rome, 1747; was an opera-singer in Vienna; went to London 1774, and was then the best pianist known ; settled at Bath as a conductor of concerts ; was the com- poser of several operas and much other music ; died 1810, aged 62. Ravanastron, invented by Ravana, King of Ceylon, B. C, and claimed as the first bow-instrument; it is also claimed that India made bowed instru- ments known in Asia and in Europe. Ravenscroft, Thomas, born 1592; a chorister, and became bachelor of music at Cambridge, England, and in 1609 edited a collection of rounds, catches, &c. ; in 1611 wrote '■^ Melis- mata,''^ and some songs; chiefly known in this country by his '■'■Whole Booke of Psalms,^' 1621; composed much music, and the popular glee, " We be Three Poor Mariners.'" Read, Daniel, of New Haven, Conn., composer and teacher of music; 1806, published the ''Litchfield Collec- tion" of church music, 112 pages; it contained a large number of Read's compositions, with the dates when written; had previously, 1793, pub- ished "Columbian Harmony;" some of his tunes have continued in use to the present time. Rebec, an instrument with two strings, played on with a bow. Rebecca, a fiddle with three strings, formerly used in Italy. Reber, M., established his fame as a composer, by his symphonies, and be- came a member of the French Academy 1853. 124 A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATIOK. Recorder, an old wind-instrument resembling the flute. Recitative and Air. The honor of inventing the modern recitative be- longs to Jacopo Peri, a Florentine, who composed the text to a drama entitled *' Bafne,''^ performed 1594. Reed, Ephraim, a native and resi- dent of Taunton, Mass., prepared for publication ^^ North American Collection of Church 3Iusick,'^ a book of 200 pages, 1811. The manuscript of this work is in the possession of Moses E. Cheney, Barnard, Vt., 1874; in it are quite a number of compositions by the author ; he published ^^ Musical Monitor,''^ Ithaca, KY., 1827, 256 pages. Reeds, for instruments, were pat- ented in 1818, by A. M. Peaslee ; reeds were improved by Carhart, who em- ployed an exhaust bellows ; E. Hamlin improved the reed in shape and in voicing: they are now made by machin- ery, and afterwards finished by hand. Reeve, Cotton, born at Norwich, England, became celebrated as a violin- ist and leader of orchestra in London; was also a composer. Reeve, John, was for fifty years celebrated in England as a musician and composer of simple and plaintive melodies. Reeve, William, born in London, 1757 ; organist and composer ; his pieces for the theatre are very numerous ; but his chief forte was in the composition of comic songs. Reeves, Daniel M., London, Eng- land, wrote a valuable treatise on the *' Science of Music,'''' 1853. Reeves, J. Sims, born in Woolwich, England, 1821 ; was a performer upon a variety of instruments, but became famous as an oratoiio and ballad singer; created, in his own country, the greatest sensation of any tenor since Braham; made his first appearance at the Newcastle Theatre, 1838; is yet without a rival in England. Reeves, W. H., who came to this country, 1848, with the Madame Bishop Troupe, and sang in New York and Boston, was a brother of J. S. Reeves ; died in New York, April 17, 1857. Regal, a kind of portable organ, but different from the barrel-organ. Regnault, Charles, of New York, 1859, published a "iVeiy Theory of Music, ''^ advocating the expression of musical intervals by numerals. Reich, M., member of the Grand Ducal Chapel of Weimar, was particu- larly celebrated as a music-master; Weber was one of his pupils; died 1835, aged 70. Reicha, Anton, born at Prague, 1770; became celebrated as a composer, 1799; resided much at Vienna, but went to Paris 1808; his compositions were for instruments mostly, and were the admiration of the world ; died May 28, 1836. Reichardt, J. F., chapel-master to three kings of Prussia; was manager of theatres and conductor of orchestras also; travelled through Europe as a violinist; became celebrated as a com- poser of operas, and works on music ; was connected with many learned societies; and died 1814, leaving a great list of musical compositions. Reichel, J., attached to the opera at Darmstadt, was one of the first bass- singers of Italy and Cermany; was a Hungarian; died June 30, 1856, aged 55. Reichmeister, J. C, published, 1828, some very excellent papers concerning the organ. Reid, James, author of many popular songs ; died in Scotland, 1872, aged 73. Reinagle, Joseph, born at Ports- mouth, England, 1762 ; was a composer, and performer on the French horn and trumpet, but became more celebrated as a violoncellist, but finally became a violinist; resided two years in Dublin, and then settled as violoncellist in Lon- don. Reid, Gen. John, born in Perthshire, Feb, 13, 1721 ; removed to London, be- came a general, composed some music ; endowed a professorship of music in the Edinburgh University, and directed in his will, that, on the 13th of February annually, there should be " a concert by a full military band, which shall per- form some pieces of my music;" died in London, Feb. 0, 1807, aged 87. Reinecke, Carl, born in Altona, June 23, 1824 ; an excellent musician ; gave concerts at the age of eleven years ; visited the chief towns of Germany, and held various appointments at Co- logne and Breslau ; was director of the conservatory at Leipsic, where he set- tled 1870 ; his works are numerous in. every branch of the art, — secular, sacred, instrumental, and vocal. Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb, born at A DICTION-ARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 125 Betzig, Jan. 31, 1798; went to Vienna 1821, and became a composer; settled in Berlin 182o, and there wrote his best compositions ; died at Dresden, Nov. 7, 1859, aged Gl. Keiteb, Ernst, a German musician and composer; in 1846 became leader of a small orchestra and society at Basle, which soon became the best in Switzer- land; has composed much vocal and instrumental music. Relfe, J., of London, England, wrote " Principles of Harmony, Musical Science, and Musical Instruction,^' 1819. Relfe, John, born 1763; was early known as a composer ; professor at the *'■ Siwi-Akademie ;'' the organizer of a conservatory at the Hague, and later director of music at Dresden ; became chapel master 1827, and composed much dramatic and religious music. Rellstab, H. F. L., born at Berlin, April 13, 1799; was a musician, poet, and musical critic, connected with Paris papers ; died Nov. 28, 1860. Rellstab, J. C. F., printer, and pro- prietor of a music warehouse, Berlin; born in that city 1759; wrote a large number of valuable musical works, and composed a large amount of vocal and instrumental music; died 1813. Remack, Edmund, born at Posen, 1832; came to this country 1856, and became known as a writer for the public journals; settled in New York 1858, and became editor of the '"'■ Abend Zeltung ; " as a linguist he had few superiors ; was a cultivated musician and able writer ; died Sept. 18, 1868. Remack, Edward, musician, and known as a writer for most of the lead- ing German newspapers of America; died in New York, Nov. 5, 1868, aged 36. Remenyi, a Hungarian violinist, who performed for the benefit of the soldiers of Gen. Gorgey, until the army surren- dered to the Russians ; became a wan- derer, but appeared again in Paris, 1852. Restoration of Music. With the restoration of monarchy, in 1660, came also that of the church and its choral music; and with Charles II. a new style and a nobler school arose. Retail, Alphonse, entered the con- servatory of music, Paris, 1810; in 1834 was tenor-singer at the Opera Comique ; in 1849, professor of singing; and in 1860 was decorated with the cross of the Legion of Honor ; died 1871. Rey, Jean Baptist, born at Lau- zerte, France, 1734 ; was self-instructed ; became a member of an orchestra at- tached to the Toulouse Opera, and famous as a composer; conducted the opera orchestra in Paris thirty-five years; died 1810. Rey, brother of the above, was vio- loncellist at the Royal Academy of Music, and assisted in the composition of an opera; died of delirium, 1811. Reynault, Charles, of New York ; author of a new theory of music which expresses musical intervals by numerals ; upper octaves by dots above the figures, and the reverse by dots below ; sharps and flats, by lines through the figures. Rheineck, Christoph, composer, tenor-singer, and pianist; born at Memmingen, 1748; produced his first opera at Lyons ; became disgusted with his profession at Paris ; returned to his native town, and settled as an innkeeper there; had composed much music; died 1796. Rhenish Men Song Union. A Ger- man company of male part-singers of great excellence, visited this country 1853 ; gave concerts in the large cities. RiiiNEHART,W. H., of Cincinnati, O., published, 1848, the ^^ American Church Harp,'^ containing both hymns and tunes ; long 12mo, 132 pages. RiBiBLE, a small viol having three strings like the rebec. Ricci, or Rizzio, David, a celebrated lutist and singer, born at Turin, 1540; was the favorite of Mary Queen of Scots ; was the composer of some Scot- tish songs ; and was killed by being stabbed by the side of the queen, March 9, 1566; received fifty-six wounds. Rice, Phil., the celebrated American banjoist, was a remarkable performer; Thalberg took lessons of him ; he pub- lished some music and a " Banjo In- structor;" died at Grand Lake, Ark., Dec. 4, 1847. Rice, T. D., the originator of negro musical and terpsichorean delineations in this country ; he won great fame as "Ji/n Crow Bice,'' and died in New York, 1859, aged 52. Richard, a Parisian manufacturer of harpsichords, 1621, conceived the idea of substituting small slips of cloth in place of the quill, for producing sound, and was successful. Richards, Brinley, born in South Wales, 1821 ; went to reside in London, ■)L/^ J> l^l'lyV^^-^ U y^^'- 126 ':i /L^^ -iT' ff-<^-i/vJ /<^ -^ u^Jrln - /ffVv^ /U.c-^-(^ A^^^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATIOK. and has become celebrated in this coun- try and in Europe for his many com- positions for the piano-forte. EiCHAEDSON, Nathan, born at South Reading, Mass., 1823, has become fam- ous as the author of '' Richardson^ s New Method'''' for the piano-forte; failing health caused him to reside in Paris, France, where he died Nov. 19, 1855, aged 32. RiCHiNGs, Caroline, the adopted daughter of Peter Richings of Pennsyl- vania ; celebrated as a prima donna, and for organizing an English opera com- pany, 1867, which took high rank in this country. Rider, George T., born in Coventry, R.I., 1829; wrote '■'Plain Music ^^ for the Book of Common Prayer, 1854; author of '^Lyra Anglicana,-^ and '■'■Lyra Americana,''^ 1864. RiDDEi.L, Henry Scott, one of the native song-writers of Scotland, pub- lished 1831, " Sonfjs of the Ark ;" assid- uously cultivated the Muse all his life: died 1870, aged 72. RiDDELL, John, of Ayr, composed much music for violin, violoncello, and harpsichord; was a music-teacher, and had a small salary, 1776, from some gentlemen of musical note. RiEGLER, F. Xavier, profcssor of music at Presburg ; published three practical works for the harpsichord, at Vienna, 1779 ; was one of the best pianists of his time, and a composer of sonatas. Riego, Amalia, born in Stockholm, was a street-singer; attracting the at- tention of the Princess Eugenie, was educated, and 1870 became celebrated as a singer at Stockholm. Riel, J. F. H., born at Potsdam, 1775 ; famous as a music-teacher at Konigsberg; a pupil of Fasch. RiEM, W. F., composer and organist at Leipsic; published a large number of important works, quartets, quin- tets, &c. RiEPEL, Joseph, director, violinist, and composer; was the first German writer who explained the subject of rhythm, and rendered it intelligible; much of his music was published ; died %t Ratisbon, 1782. RiEs, Ferdinand, bom at Bonn in Germany, Nov. 29, 1784 ; composed mu- sic at the age of nine years; travelled through Sweden, Russia, and, after be- ing successful; went to England, where he became famous ; spent some time in Paris, but wrote most of his works in London ; died Jan. 13, 1838, aged 54. Ries, Franz, first violinist of the Electoral Chapel, father of Ferdinand Ries, was a music-teacher at Bonn ; be- came noted for assisting the Beethoven family in their time of need ; was con- cert-master at Cologne, and, at the age of ninety years, received the Prussian order of the Red Eagle ; died in his na- tive city, Bonn, 1845. Rietz, Maria Therese, a famous singer, and wife of the chapel-master; died at Dresden, Nov. 13, 1861. Righini, Vincenzo, chapel-master at Berlin; born at Bologna, 1756; became connected with the theatre at Prague, and a composer of vocal music and operas ; died Aug. 19, 1812. Rigoli, of Florence, invented the ver- tical harpsichord, 1620, which has since been imitated in a variety of the piano- forte. RiGOLL, an instrument consisting of several sticks separated by beads, and struck with a ball upon the end of a stick. RiGGS, Thomas Jefferson, born at Meredith, N.Y., Oct. 19, 1826; early became a performer upon instruments, and for many years has been a success- ful teacher and conductor; has com- posed songs and sacred music. Riley, E., of New York, published '■'■Vocal Melodies,'^ 1820; it was a collec- tion of foreign airs which he adapted to American words. Riley, William, of London, wrote ''Parochial Music,'' 1762. Rimbault, Edward F., a well-known I .J),^ writer and composer in London, Eng- ^ ^^ land ; has published some thirty distinct . musical works, and has composed much'^'^^f sacred and secular music ; was editor of ik'^6 " ChappelVs Musical Marjazine,'' and a contributor to the musical works of other publishers. RiNCK, Christian Heinrich, organ- ist and composer, born Feb, 18, 1770; was a learned and accomplished musi- cian, known in America on account of his organ-compositions ; died Aug. 7, 1846, at Darmstadt, Gennany; his father was a teacher of music, and pianist. Ring, John, born in London, Eng- land, 1751; known by his work, ''The Commemoration of Handel,'' 1786; died 1821. Rinks, C, published in London, 1840, A DICTIONAKY OF MUSICAL INFOllMATION. 127 '* Selections of Psalm and Hymn Tunes.^^ EiNUCCiNi, OCTAVIA, an Italian com- poser, born at Florence, who went to France on the marriage of Henry IV., first introduced Italian music into that country ; an Italian company appeared in Paris, 1577. Died 1621. Rip van Winkle, composed by Geo. F. Bristow, Brooklyn, N. Y., for the Pyne and Harrison troupe. RiSTOBi, Adelaide, born a gypsy; was a singer in a wandering company, in which both her father and mother were actors; her father was an instru- mental performer. Ritchie, Dr., and Dr. Porteus, be- came somewhat noted in London, 1856, by their controversy about the organ as a church-instrument. RiTSON, Joseph, born in Stockton- upon-Tees, Oct. 2, 1752 ; published, 1783, a valuable collection of ^^ English Songs;^' in 1790, ^'Ancient Songs,^^ from the time of Henry to the Revolution ; in 1794, a collection of ^^ Scottish Songs ;'^ died Sept. 23, 1803. RiTTER, F. L., born in Germany; came to this country, and settled at Cincinnati, O. ; is a well-known musi- cian and composer; has published a ''UUtory of Music,'^ and other valuable works. Roach, Thomas, a pauper child, 1854, was educated as a pianoforte-tuner by the Perkins Institution for the Blind ; died 1874, leaving $3,500 to that estab- lishment. Roast Beef of Old England. This celebrated old national song was com- posed by Richard Leveridge, 1720; he was the author of many songs. RoBBiNS, Charles, published " The Columbian Harmony," Portland, Me., 1805. RoBBiNS, Edgar A., teacher and composer of music, Boston, Mass. ; author of ''Practical Harmony,'' " The Art of Modulation,'' " Tlie American Method for Piano-Forte," and other works of value, 1872. Robert the Pious, King of France, 996, was fond of composing hymns and of singing; he would frequently assume a monastic garb, and preside over the choir of St. Denys. Roberts, E., published " The -^mte- a collection of music, at New York, 1869, in the compilation of which he was assisted by J. P. Morgan. r * Roberts, Henry, for many years choir-master in Cornwall, England; died there January, 1870. Robertson, Alexander, a song- composer, and for many years ringer of the music-bells, St. Giles' Church, Edin- burgh ; died Sept. 22, 1819. Robertson, Daniel, published at Edinburgh a collection of reels, &c., original, dedicated to Georgiana Scott of Seabank; this was for harpsichord with violoncello bass. Robertson, Lord, an amateur vo- calist of Edinburgh ; could sing Italian songs so well that none could distin- guish that he was a Scotchman, who did not know him ; died Jan. 10, 1855. Robertson, Thomas, of Dalraeny, Scotland, published, 1785, "T/ie History and Theory of Ancient and Modem Music." Robinson, Charles S., of Brooklyn, N.Y., published ""Songs of the Church,'^ 227 tunes, and ""Songs for Christian Worship" Robinson, Dr. F., musician and com- poser; vicar-choral of St. Patrick's, Dublin ; died 1872. Robinson, Edward B., of Portland, Me., in 1852 published some music, with the upper and lower lines of the staff made double thickness, — also the added lines, the fourth above and below, — on the supposition that this would assist in determining the letters, and render the reading of notes less difficult. Robinson, John, one of the choris- ters of the Chapel Royal ; an excellent performer on the organ ; an assistant of Dr. Croft's at the abbey, and in 3727 organist there ; died 1762, aged 80; was buried in the same grave with Croft. Robinson, John, celebrated as a music-teacher, died at York, England, July, 1855; he left a large library, and some instruments, &c., of such value as to be sold at auction in London. RoBYN, William and Henry, broth- ers, born at Emmerick: William, 1813; Henry, 1824; came to this country, and both settled as music-teachers in St. Louis, Mo. Rocco, L. T., a well-known harpist, and member of Thomas's orchestra; af- terwards connected with an opera com- pany in New York ; committed suicide there 1873. He was considered the best harpist in this country. Roche, Thomas, a blind musician, extensively known at Lynn, Mass. ; died 128 A DICTIONAET OF MUSICAL mFORMATION. Aug. 17, 1873, aged 35 ; could detect the slightest error in any music he had once heard. Rock Harmonicots", an instrument consisting of wooden bars across a frame, upon which certain sorts of rocks are placed, and made to give forth sounds when struck with wooden ham- mers. Rode, Pierre, a French violinist, born at Bordeaux, Feb. 26, 1774 ; went to Paris at the age of thirteen years; spent five years in Russia, and settled at Berlin 1814; later in life returned to his native town ; published much music for his instrument ; died Nov. 25, 1830. RODOLPHE, or RUDOLPHE, JeAN Joseph, born at Strasburg, 1730 ; was a performer on the French horn, violinist, and a leader of orchestras in France; became a composer of ballet-music, and in 1784 was professor of composition at the academy; wrote many important works, and some for the horn and violin. RoDWELT., George H., of London, England, musical director of the Adel- phi Theatre, and composer, was the au- thor of several operas and ballads, some of which were published in New York, 1849; died February, 1852. Roe, a singer of note, and author of songs, some of which were written for John Parry; died in London, April, 1843. Rogers, Benjamust, born at Wind- sor ; was made bachelor of music, 1658 ; became organist in Magdalen College, Oxford, England, and was removed by James II. ; published " Court Ayres,^' hymns, anthems, and other musical compositions ; went to Dublin as organ- ist ; composed much for instruments ; died 1685. Rogers, Charles, of Edinburgh, Scotland, edited ''Modern Scottish Min- strelsy,''^ six volumes, 1857. Roger, Gustave Hippolyte, born in Paris, Aug. 27, 1815, famous as a tenor-singer from 1837 to 1849; also celebrated in Germany since that time. Roger, M., the well-known tenor of the Grand Opera, Paris, one of the finest musicians of his time, and one of the best actors on the French stage, until the loss of his voice, 1859, was greatly celebrated ; after this, the artist lost the use of one arm, which was amputated ; and the government gave him the office of professor of singing in the conserva- tory. Rogers, Robert, born at South Anston, England, 1787 ; was a self-edu- cated musician, who devoted seven hours a day to the practice of the piano- forte and violin; joined a theatre or- chestra; became a teacher and organ- ist; published ^^ Selections of Sacred Music.^^ Rohner, G. W., of London, England, author of several highly-commended works on music, 1849; also ''Art of Singing,'' 1856. RoHR, J. H., professor of music, Phil- adelphia, Penn., and author of "First Lessons in Music.'' Roland, Alfred, a good musician and composer of France, being cured of disease by the waters and baths of the Pyrenees at Bagneres de Bigone, es- tablished there an asylum or hospital for the poor, in connection with a con- servatory of music ; for twenty years he was the leader of his band of musicians through Europe, France, Gennany, and Russia, giving concerts for the support of the institution; his band numbered eighty singers ; he at length became too aged to travel, but his band continued to do so under the name of "Les Mon- tagnards," six of them coming to America, 1858, and, going through the States, sang in Boston, Mass., April, 1859. Roller, Jean, the inventor of the Pianino; died in Paris, France, where he was exhibiting his new instrument, January, 1867. RoLT, Richard, born at Shrewsbury, England, 1724 ; early settled in London, where he composed operas and other music ; wrote more than three hundred songs and cantatas for the theatre. RoMAiKA. This famous Grecian dance requires a leader who gives as much liveliness and intricacy to the figure as possible, while the dancers must follow all the movements without breaking the chain, or losing the time of the music. Roman Decree, A.D. 679, " That no priest be a common rhymer, nor play on any musical instrument by himself or with any other men, but be wise and reverent as becomes his order." Romberg, Bernhard, violoncellist, born 1770 ; member of the orchestra at Hamburg, and chapel-master there; composed largely for his instrument, A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 129 and also much pleasing vocal music; died 1841. Romberg, Dr. Andreas, violinist, born 1767; began to compose music 1799; received the degree of doctor of arts, 1809; published thirty-three valu- able musical works ; died at Gotha, Nov. 10, 1821. Romberg, Heinrich, born at Paris, 1802 ; a violin virtuoso of celebrity ; was first violin at St. Petersburg, 1827 ; be- came a composer, and settled at Ham- burg 1848; died there, May 2, 1859. RoMiEU, of Montpellier, published, 1743, ^'A New Discovery of the Grave Harmonics,'''' the third sound resulting from the coincident vibrations of two acute simultaneous sounds. Tartini made the same discovery, 1714. VRoot, George F., born in Sheffield, Mass. A 1820; removed to Boston 1838, and to New York 1844, and to Chicago 1860 ; has given his time to composition, and the publication of his own produc- tions ; was made doctor of music by the Chicago University, 1872. Rootsey, S., of London, England, published ^'Notation of Music, '^ 1812. RoQUEPLAisr, M. N., whose name is intimately associated with the history of the opera in Paris, France, was a jour- nalist and musical director ; died April, 1870. RoRE, Cyprian, born at Mechlin, 1516 ; a celebrated composer and singer at Venice and at Parma ; composed for and had charge of the music at these places for many years ; died at Parma, 1565. Rosa, Carl, born in Hamburg, March 22, 1842; made his first appear- ance as a violinist 1850; went through Scotland 1854; thence through Italy, Germany, France, and England ; in 1865 played in concert with Mme. Parepa in London, and with her came to America, where they became soon well known ; married Parepa in New York, Feb. 26, 1867; after a concert-tour through the States, they returned to Europe, and organized an English opera company in London. Rosa, Salvator, born at Renessa, near Naples, 1616; painter, poet, and musician; eight cantatas and numerous songs of his composition were preserved ; he was a performer on the lute, and his songs in point of melody were superior ; died at Rome, 1673. RozscAVOLGY, a Jew, born 1787, was a composer of music in Hungary ; wrote the celebratedi2ar/oez?/ March; died 1848. Rose, Bernard, of Great Maddox Street, near St. George's Church, Han- over Square, London, published "^Twelve New EiKjlishCountnj-Dances, and Twelve of the most favorite Scotch ComKiry- Dances, for her lloyal Highness Princess Aw/usta's Birthday;'^ dedicated to the Duke of York. Price 2.s. Qd. Directions how to dance it accompany every tune in the book. Rose, J. H. Y., born at Quedlinburg, 1743; famous organist; published a col- lection of Psalms with new melodies, for four voices, 1792. Roseburgh, Ida, made her debut in New York, 1873, as Rosina in the ^'Bar- ber of Seville,'^ and in the lesson scene sang the variations on the Carnival of Venice. She is a highly cultivated American soprano, who has been study- ing in Italy. 'Roseingrave, Thomas, went to Rome 1710; in 1720 went to London as organist and teacher; published a col- lection of '^Lessons for the Harpsi- chord,'^ some songs, one opera, and some instrumental music; became in- sane, and died 1750. RosETTi, Antonio, born at Milan, 1744; was chapel-master and violinist; generally played the double-bass ; but his principal merits were as a composer, and leader of an orchestra ; his publica- tions are supposed to be numerous ; but as there were several composers of the same name, about the same period, it is uncertain to which some of the compo- sitions belong. RosEwiG, A. H., music-master in Philadelphia, Penn., published, 1874, ^%'anius Divinus," containing new masses, requiems, vespers, oft'ertoriums, hymns, and canticles, for all festivals and seasons. Ross, John, born at Newcastle, Nor- thumberland, Oct. 12, 1763; went to Aberdeen, Scotland, 1783; was organist there for 53 years ; was eminent as a composer and performer of music ; wrote much music at Aberdeen; died July 28, 1837, aged 74. Rossi, Laure, who was eight years in America as chef d^orchestre of an operatic troupe, had previously been director at Milan, Italy, and since at Naples, and died there September, 1871. Rossini, Gioacchino, born at Pesaro, on the Gulf of Venice, February;, 1792 ; 1 4 / 'h 130 A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. became director of an orchestra 1806, and was known as a composer 1808 ; his works include thirty-eight operas, an oratorio, two masses, nine cantatas, one *^Stabat Mater, ]A^a,nd many less impor- tant works ; he was the great composer / 3 of his time ; died Nov. 14, 1869, at Paris, where he had long resided, aged 77. Rote, the same as the English hurdy- gurdy, producing tones by the friction of a wheel. RoTT, H., a musical instrument maker of Prague, in 1861 invented a new wind instrument for military bands, called the ''c/lagoV ROUGET DE T.'ISLE, ClAUDE JoSEPH, born at Lons le Saulnier, 1760; first produced his ^^Marseillaise Hi/mn'' at Strasbourg, 1792 ; he was a poet and mu- sician ; became a soldier, was wounded in service, went to reside in Paris, where he lived many years; in 1830 he was granted a pension by Louis Philippe, and died at Choisy-le-Roi, 1836, the possessor of the cross of the Legion of Honor, but wiihout other property to defray the expenses of his funeral. RvtUNDHEADS, a class of people whose characteristics were not unlike those of Calvin, were very inimical to music, and, while they were in power, church-music and the surplice were both under the ban ; but, when the Stuarts returned to fame, church-music resumed its sway. Except during this brief interregnum, when the Roundheads frowned on church-music, it has always flourished in England, having been improved by ecclesiastics, who visited Rome to gain musical information. The Venerable Bede was an able musician ; and a treatise entitled "De Musica Theoretica Practica et Mensurata,^' has been as- cribed to him. Rouse, Francis, published a version of the Psalms in England, 1648, which is still used in Scotland to some extent, and has been used in this country, South ; was employed by the Westmin- ster Assembly, which insisted upon the duty of regular singing as a part of public worship. RoussEA-u, Jean Jacques, celebrated as an author and musician; born at Geneva, 1712; wrote many works on musi.^, and published nearly one hun- dred songs ; published a ^^Musical Dic- tionary,'' 1768. RowE, John, of England, 1744, pre- sented Christ Church, Boston, Mass., with a chime of eight bells ; they were cast by Abel Rudhall, of Gloucester, England, and the bells are still perfect in every respect. RowELL, John, born in Hopkinton, N.H., was a musician of the old school, made drums, fifes, violins, and other instruments, and finally a piano-forte, all without instructions. Royal Academy of Music, London, England, established 1823 by the efforts of Lord Burgharst, its object being to benefit English students. Royal Society of Musicians, es- tablished April 19, 1738, in London, England, for the relief of indigent musi- cians and their widows and orphans. RuBiNELLi, Giovanni, a celebrated contraltist, born at Brescia, 1752; in 1774 was a principal singer in Italy; went to London 1786 ; sang there with Mara. RuBiNi, Giovanni Battista, the most celebrated tenor of his time, born at Romano, April 7, 1795 ; was a violin- ist at the age of eight years ; sang mostly in Paris and London for many years, but later throughout Europe; died at Romano, in the province of Bergamo, March 2, 1854, aged 59, leaving an estate worth five million dollars. Rubinstein, Anton Gregory, born at Wechmotymetz, Russia, Nov. 18, 1829; was early admitted into the Con- servatoire, and at the age of twelve years began to compose music ; became known as a pianist at Moscow, where he gave his first concert; commenced to travel in 1839; in 1852 he founded the Conser- vatoire of St. Petersburg, where he wrote his best compositions ; visited this country in 1873, and was enthusiastically received. Rubinstein, Nicholas, elder brother of Anton, was musically educated, and devoted himself to teaching music ; be- came director of the conservatorium at Moscow. RucKERS, John and Andrew, re- nowned makers of the clavecin (harpsi- chord), or epinette (spinet), at Antwerp, 1569 to 1620; a son of Andrew, born at Antwerp, made great improvements in these instruments ; died 1670. Handel had one of Rucker's harpsichords. RucziTZKA, a Bohemian musician, wrote the first Hungarian opera, ^'Bela- futasaJ' RuDERSDORFF, Erminia, bom at Ivanowsky, Russia, Dec. 12, 1822; after A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 131 appearing in England and Germany as a concert-singer, made her debut in opera 1811 ; married Dr. Kuchenmeis- ter 1844 ; removed to London 1854, and was tUere an opera and oratorio singer ; came to tliis country, and sang at the May Festival, Boston, 1871, where she has since resided. Rudiments of Music, Andrew Law, Newark, N.J., 1783; his first book, ^^ Tunes and Anthems,^^ was published 1782. RuDOLFSEN was Well known as an admirable horn-player in the old Ger- mania Society, and in the Boston orches- tras; was a concert-singer under the names of Signer Rudolfo and Herr Ru- dolph ; in all places he won good opinions. RuFiNATSCHA, JoHANN, bom in Vienna; was a teacher of the piano- forte and harmony ; has produced over- tures, symphonies, and orchestral works since 1848, which are popular in Germany. RuMSEY, H. S., celebrated as a min- strel; died at Newburgh, N.Y., Sept. 9, 1872. Russell, William, was born in Lon- don, 1777 ; became known as an organ- ist, 1789; was organist till 1800, when he was appointed composer and piano- forte-player at Sadler's Wells; his com- positions are numerous for the theatre; he also wrote two oratorios, and some other music ; died 1813, aged 36. Russian Music. The Russian music and religion came from Greece; they are a musical people, possessing many native songs ; among them German and Italian opera flourishes, and the com- mon people cultivate music and dancing. Their national hymn was composed by A. Swoff. Most of the great musical artists of the world visit Russia; and some excellent composers and pianists of Russia have lately been known in Europe and in this country. RziHA, F. VON, came to Boston, Mass., 1847, as violinist, and leader of " The Steyermarldsche Musical Company,''^ of nineteen performers, constituting an orchestra of considerable power and variety. s. S. This letter is used as an abbrevia- tion of solo; as, or(j. s., organ solo. Sacchini, a. M. G., born at Puzzuoli, May 11, 1734, became principal com- poser for the theatre at Rome ; in 1769 was director of the Venice conserva- tory; went to England 1772, where he acquired additional fame ; went to Paris 1781, where he was pensioned by the queen and by the theatre ; died at Paris, Oct. 7, 1786. Sacellus, Leo., chapel - master of the Duomo Church at Vicenza in 1600. Amongst his works were published at Antwerp '^Flores 2, 3, et 4, vocum,^^ 1619. Sachs, Hans, a Nuremburg cobbler, with Michael Behaim, Hadlaub, and Muscatblut, were the most famous of the ^^ Master- Singer s,^^ a class of min- strels combining the qualities of poets and singers, in the sixteenth century ; their compositions were chiefly devo- tional. Sackbut, an ancient instrument identical with the trombone ; the mod- ern trombone was modelled from one excavated at Pompeii. Sacked Musical Drama was per- formed in Italy, at Padua, 1243; the Passion of Christ, at Friale, 1298. Sage, W. H., for many years organ- ist in New York, one of the originators of the Philharmonic Society, and a first violinist in the orchestras of that city, died in Orange, N. J., 1868. Saint-Am ANs, Louis Joseph, born at Marseilles 1749; in 1769 went to Paris, and became known as a composer; afterwards wrote operas and ballets for the theatre, and later became director of orchestra ; was celebrated mostly for his operas. Sala, Madame, long known as a lyric artist, made her appearance at Covent Garden, London, Dec. 14, 1827, in opera, and continued there until her death, July, 1860. Sale, J. B., bom at Windsor, Eng- land, 1779; was teacher of the piano- forte, singing, and the organ; also a composer of songs, glees, duets, and church music ; published a collection of psalmody, 1837, with alterations in melody and harmony; died 1856. Sale, John, bom in London, 1758, was chorister at Windsor; was a princi- pal bass at London, Liverpool, and the 132 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INTOEMATIOIIT. large towns, in oratorio, &c. ; died 1828. Salieri, Antonio, born at Legnano, Aug. 19, 1750; cliapel-master to tlie Emperor of Austria ; in 1784, after com- posing an opera, went to Paris, wliere it was performed before tlie royal fam- ily, the queen singing in it at every per- formance; he now composed for the theatres, and, on his return to Venice, produced many operas there, and other works ; was made leader at the Imperial Chapel ; and died in Vienna, 1825. Salinas, Francisco, born blind at Burgos, Spain, 1513; wrote '' De Mu- sica ; " died 1590 ; was a line singer and organist; was a professor of music at Salamanca. Salo, Gasparo di, supposed to have been the first maker of Italian violins, 1450, was a native of Brescia, where lutes and viols were manufactured ; he worked at his business in that town for fifty years, and died there. Salomon, Johann Peter, born at Bonn, 1745, became celebrated in Ger- many and France as a violinist, and for general knowledge of music; went to England 1781; was one of the pro- moters of the Philharmonic Society; the great Haydn wrote twelve sympho- nies for the concerts of Salomon ; died in London, 1824. Saltoun, Lord, an accomplished and energetic supporter of music, and a violinist, died in London, August, 1853. Salviani became celebrated in New York, 1855, as a tenor ; went to Flor- ence, and became an opera-singer there. Sambuca, an ancient stringed instru- ment used by the Greeks. Sambucus, a flute made of elderwood. Sampunia, a Hebrew instrument re- sembling the bagpipe, made of sheep- skin, and round ; it had two pipes, one to fill the belly with wind, the other to emit the sound; the lower pipe to be fingered. Sampson, Richard, published a col- lection of psalmody, 1800; was well known at Westminster as organist. Samuels, Edward A., a native of Boston, known musically by his course of lectures on music before the Lowell Institute, 1866. Sances, Giovanni Felice, chapel- master to the Emperor Leopold I., at Vienna, in the first half of the seven- teenth century; he composed many motets, and other vocal music. Sancho, Ignatius, bom of African parents, on board a slave-ship, 1729 ; be- came servant in England ; published an essay on music, and gained reputation as a composer ; died 1780. Sander, F. S., a Bohemian musician resident at Breslau in Silesia; a good vocal and instrumental composer from the year 1783 to 1797. Sanders, Charles W., bom in Her- kimer County, N.Y., 1805; wrote and published the " Young Choir, ^' " School Sinqer," " Young Vocalist," and, with B. F. Russell, the '' Bobin Redbreast.'' Sanderson, Harry, born in Phila- delphia, 1838, an esteemed musical artist and brilliant pianist; brother of Col. Sanderson, who died in London, Nov- ember, 1871 ; became celebrated as a performer and teacher in New York, where he died, Sept. 27, 1871, aged 33. Sanderson, James, a dramatic com- poser, born at Workington, 1769, was a violinist at the theatre and in concerts ; became a teacher of the violin and piano-forte; became celebrated for his compositions and dramatic music, also published much music for the violin; his theatrical works number 154; was self-instructed. Sandys, Edwin, born in Worcester, England, 1561 ; wrote fifty psalms and hymns, set to be sung in five parts by- Robert Tailour, 1615 ; died 1629. Sandys, George, born at Bishop- thorpe, near York, England, 1577; made a translation of the Psalms, which Bishop King said "was too elegant to be sung or for vulgar use;" came to America 1615, and settled in Virginia; returned to England ; and died in Kent, 1644. Sandys, William, of England, wrote ^'Christmas Carols,'' with music, ^^Fes- tivities and Carols," with their music, 1856 ; a history of the violin, assisted by Simon A. Foster, 1863 ; and other works. Sanger, Zedekiah, of Dedham, Mass., published, 1808, the ''Meridian Harmony," 112 pages ; was a music- teacher, and was assisted by some of the old American composers in pre- paring this work. Sangerbunde Societies, originated in Germany, by G. F. Bischoff. Santley, the English barytone, was born in Liverpool, and became early known as a singer in the societies there and in London; in 1866 appeared in Italian opera. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION 133 Saro, Heinricii, band-master and composer; the possessor of eight first- class decorations from rulers in Europe, one of which is the " Iron Cross,^' be- stowed on all the members of Kaiser Franz Garde-Grenadier Prussian Band, by Von Moltke, for bravery at the bat- tle of Gravelotte ; the band has been led by Saro for twelve years ; numbers sixty men, nearly all solo-players ; they came to this country 1872, and performed at the Peace Jubilee, Boston. Saroni, Adolph, organist and teach- er of music, New York, composed orchestral music and an overture which were performed in that city 1849. Saroni, H. S., was, in 1855, leader of the Philharmonic Society, Columbus, Ga. ; commenced in New York, 1850, the '^Musical Times ; " published ^' Marx Theory," and the '' Vade Mecum,'' 1852. Sarrette, Bernard, born at Bor- deaux, France, Nov. 27, 1765, though not known as a musician, was celebrated for the great service he rendered the musical art ; was the founder and earliest director of the Conservatory at Paris ; died March, 1858, aged 92. Sarrus, M., invented, 1849, a wind instrument, intended to take the place of the oboe and bassoon in orchestra, called the Sarrusophone ; he was a mu- sician of the 13th English Regiment. Sarti, Giuseppe, imperial chapel- master at St. Petersburg, born at Facu- sa, 1730; became celebrated by his " Te Deum,'' in which he introduced real firing of cannon; remained in Russia eighteen years, when he went to Milan in 1801 ; his compositions are numerous ; died at Milan, 1802. Satter, Gustav, pianist and com- poser, born at Vienna, February, 1831 ; became known as a composer 1851 ; com- menced travelling and giving concerts 1852; came to this country in 1854; gave concerts in Boston and New York 1855 ; published here quite a number of compositions, and in 1858 completed his third opera. Saunders, George, teacher of music and dancing, wrote a " Violin School,^^ Boston, Mass., 1857, and some original music. Saunderson, Dr. Nicholas, pre- sented a singular instance of delicacy of ear ; could readily distinguish the fifth part of a tone ; was celebrated as a flutist. Saust, Charles, born in Saxony, 1773; went to England 1800, and be- came celebrated as a teacher and per- former on the flute there and in Ger- many; published much music for his instrument. Sax Horns, invented by A. Sax, and improved by M. Distin of London. Saxon Illustrations prove their fondness for music, — existing illumina- tions used as frontispieces to copies of the Psalms, in which David is depicted seated upon his throne playing on a harp, surrounded by Saxon "gleemen" performing on various instruments. Saxonians, a musical company, came to this country with Kotzschmar, 1848. Saxony not only had different mu- sical instruments, but the people of that country delighted in the harp ; and **gleemen," or the professed poets and musicians, were venerated and courted by all ranks and conditions. Saxophone, an instrument combin- ing the qualities of the alt-horn, clari- net, and flute ; it has a mouthpiece like the clarinet; the body is a cone of brass, and keyed. Scalese, Malania p., a contralto of much talent, and an excellent buffo- singer, died at Paris, May, 1867. Scaletta, Orazio, chapel-master of St. Anthony's Church at Padua, was born at Bergamo. He died of the plague, at Padua, in 1630 ; wrote much music. ScANDELLi, Antonio, chapel-master to the Elector of Saxony, died at Dres- den in 1580; published several col- lections of songs at Nuremburg. Scarlatti, Allessandro, born at Trapani, Sicily, 1659, was the greatest harp-player of his day ; became a cele- brated composer; improved the over- ture, reformed the opera, perfected the ohlvjato or accompanied recitative, and composed many cantatas ; retained his faculties as harpist to advanced age ; died 1725. Scarlatti, Domenico, son of the preceding, born in Naples, 1683, in- herited the talents of his father ; became master of the Royal Chapel, teacher to the queen, and composer for the church, opera, and theatre ; died 1751, aged 68. ScHAUENSEE, F. J. L. M. De, bom at Lucerne, Switzerland, 1720; singer, composer, and organist; after com- posing much music, some operas, and 134 A DICTIONAKr OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". other works, became a priest of tlie Eoman Catholic Church. ScHEBEK, Edmund, one of the Aus- trian commissioners to the Paris Exhi- bition in 1855, published a work upon *' Orchestral Instruments," also a his- tory of the violin. ScHECHXER, Madame, in her time a very celebrated singer ; died at Munich, Germany, April, 1860, aged .56. ScHEiBE, J. A., chapel-master to the King of Denmark; born at Leipsic, 1708; published a periodical, ^^ The Critical Musician ;'^ was a voluminous composer, and wrote, in addition to his many works, 1.50 pieces of psalmody, 150 flute concertos, 30 violin concertos, 70 symphonies, and quantities of other music ; died at Copenhagen, 1776. SciiEiBEL, Louise, a famous singer. See Louisa Abel. SciiENCK, brother of Johann, born at Wien-Neustadt, in Lower Austria, 1761 ; assisted Beethoven in his early lessons ; died at Vienna, Dec. 29, 1836, aged 75 ; was author of " The Villa[/e Barber." ScHEPvR, Emilius, of Philadelphia, Penn., invented, 1868, a two -octave chime of bells, capable of performing tunes and overtures, called the '^Auto- matic Carillon." Schilling, Dr. Gustavus, born at Schwiegerhausen, Hanover, Germany, Nov. 3, 1805; a celebrated composer, musician, and writer upon music; au- thor of a "-Madcal Dictionary " a ''Bio- graphical Lexicon" of musicians, and other works ; came to New York, 1857, with the expectation of publishing in this country some of his works, and of founding a music-school there or in Boston, but did not succeed. ScHiNDLER wrote a life of Beethoven which was translated into English 1840, and went through three editions. ScHLEiNiTZ, Herr, director of the ** Conservatorium," Leipsic, was an ex- cellent musician, but gave his time to composition and teaching after 1855. ScHLiMBACH, G. C. F., author of some works concerning organ-building, 1825. ScHMiD, Anton, trustee of the Court Library in Vienna, and author of the Biography of Gluck, and other works, died there July 4, 1857, aged 71; he wrote the life of Hofhaimer, who was born 1459. Schmidt, Aloys, born at Erlenbach, on the Main, 1789, settled at Fraak^ fort; was court organist at Hanover; returned to Frankfort 1829 ; was an artist of good reputation as composer and pianist ; wrote many compositions, several operas, and two oratorios ; his studies and five-finger exercises are much used ; died July 26, 1866, aged 77. Schmidt, Bernard, went from Ger- many to London with two nephews, and commenced building organs there ; became famous for the excellence of his instruments. Schmidt, George A., early became known as a sound musician ; born at Frankfort ; and appointed chapel-master at Schwerin 1856. Schneckenburger, Max, an iron- founder at Burgsdorf, near Bern, pro- duced, February, 1840, a poem, " Die Wacht am Bhein ;" it was set to music by G. Mendel, 1852, but did not then attract attention ; in 1854 it was again set to music by Carl Wilhelm of Thurin- gia ; it became a favorite with the Ger- man soldiers, 1865, and was made a national song during the war with France. The author of the poem died Aug. 26, 1849, unknown : the Queen of Prussia conferred the dignity of poet- laureate on the author by having a medal struck to present him when found ; this after his death. See Wil- helm. Schneider, J. C. F.,.a celebrated composer, and writer upon music, born at Waltersdorf, near Zittau, Jan. 3, 1786 ; at the age of twelve was a distin- guished pianist, organist, and a per- former upon other instruments ; his great compositions date after 1813, and he owes his fame chiefly to his orato- rios; died at Dessau, Nov. 23, 1853, aged 67.^- ' \ Schoelcher, M. v., presented to the Conservatoire of Paris a curious collection of musical Instruments, con- sisting of forty-nine in number, few of which are known in Europe ; they are from Arabia, Egypt, Smyrna, Hayti, Mexico, Greece, and other parts of the world. Schreitzhoeffer, kettle-drummer of the opera at Paris, celebrated as the best performer on that instniment ever known, died 1852. Schroeter, C. G., organist; born at Hohenstein, Bohemia, Aug. 10, 1699; early travelled through Germany, Hol- land, and England; became organist at Nordliaus^n ; built_t here a p iano-forte,^ lyLw'W ^-(/Yi^i { A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 135 the first known in that country; wrote many musical works ; and died 1782. His instrument, with keys, strings, move- ments and hammers, 1717, was such that he could play j^icino and forte at pleasure; and this suggested the name "piano -forte." Schubert, Anna, mother of the composer Franz Schubert, and a lady of musical talent, died at Vienna, Feb- ruary, 1800, aged 77. Schubert, Ferdinand, brother of Franz Schubert, and the composer of some church-music; died at Vienna, 1859, aged 05. Schubert, Franz, born at Vienna, Jan. 31, 1797; was a singing boy at the age of eleven years ; became master of the piano-forte and other instruments ; early became a composer; wrote much and well, was at home in every variety of music; died Nov. 19, 1828, aged 31; was the great song-writer of Germany. Schuetz, Henry, born in Saxony, Oct. 8, 1591 ; was termed the father of German music; composed the first German opera, "Dap/me," 1028; died 1072. Schuler, Karl, pianist, teacher, and composer, came to New York from Ger- many, 1873. Author of ''Woodland Sketches,'^ in three books, 1874. SCHULTZE, JoHANN LuDWIG, fof more than half a century orchestra- musician at the Kassel Tlieatre, North Germany, was in 1874 publicly deco- rated with the order of the crown, of the fourth degree, in the name of Kaiser Wilhelm. ScHULz, J. p. C, born at Langen- salza, in Thuriugia, 1773 ; a composer, and conductor of orchestra, at Leipsic; died 1827. ScHULZ, Johann a. p., born in Lu- neburg, Prussia; was a composer and writer of some eminence, and chapel- master to the Prince of Prussia ; died at Schwedt, 1800. Schumann, Clara, born in Leipsic, Sept. 13, 1819, wife of the composer; formerly celebrated as a pianist, by her maiden name of Clara Wieck ; reached a high place as an artist in the sphere of instrumental music ; became a teacher at Leipsic after her husband died. ScHUNKE, LuDWiG, pianist and com- poser; was associated with Schumann in the "iVewe Zeitschrift fur Musik ;^' one of the cleverest musicians in Leip- sic ;^ died Dec. 7, 1834, aged 24. ScnuppANziGn, Ignaz, a celebrated violinist; born 1778; was one of the musicians at the house of Prince Lich- novvsky; died 1830. ScHUTZ, Heinrich, born at Kostritz, in Voightland, 1.585; went to Venice, and remained until 1012, where he pub- lished a collection of motets; in 1042 was music-director to the King of Den- mark, and died there 1072, aged 88; composed and published many noble works. Scotch Bagpipe, a national instru- ment, very popular in the Highland districts, and different from the Irish bagpipe. It is extremely imperfect in all its different kinds, of which there are four. Scotch Scale of five tones, the pen- tatonic scale of Carl Engel, though dif- ferent, resembles that in use among the ancients, as also in Mexico and Peru at the time of their discovery. Scotch Tunes. Some give David Rizzio the credit of being the inventor of this species of music; others say it was brought from Rome by John the Archchanter. Scott, John James, of London, England, pointed the Psalter for chant- ing, 1841. Scott, M. Leon, of France, in 18.59 discovered that musical sounds, like the light from visual objects, can be col- lected by means of scientific apparatus, and printed off. Scott, T. J., an American missionary, residing at Bareily, India, in 1809 pub- lished an account of the ''Music of Hin- dustan.^' Scott, Thomas, a celebrated Border bagpiper from 1733 to 1810; lived at Monklaw; Sir Walter Scott says, "he was a famous musician; on his death- bed, Jan. 27, 1823, in the ninetieth year of his life, he desired his son James to play one of his favorite tunes, that he might be sure the son knew it ; after- wards he hummed it over himself, cor- recting his son in several parts of it." Scottish Harp, an instrument much used by the Scotch ; it was introduced from Ireland ; and many of the High- land harpers became celebrated per- formers. Scottish Harpers were generally composers ; and they acquired great pro- ficiency in the use of the harp, and, as performers, were little if at all inferior to the Irish and Welsh. cr\^ , 136 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFOliMATION. Scottish Music. The Scotch scale, being different from that of other na- tions, gives a peculiarity to their music. This people were celebrated for their compositions, and as performers upon the harp and the bagpipe; they omit the chromatic degrees. The Scots have been, from the beginning of their his- tory, celebrated for musical genius ; the Scottish minstrels were much superior to the English ; their music is peculiar, and has commanded high esteem ; there is much beavity and simplicity in their melodies ; and their scale resembles the enharmonic of the Greeks, used by the Egyptians and other Eastern nations, but is not the same. ScKiBE, Eugene, born at Paris, 1791 ; a most prolific and successful dramatic writer; was associated with Auber, Donizetti, Halevy, Meyerbeer, and Ver- di; was author of 300 vaudevilles, 100 comedies, and 100 operas ; also of comic operas, ballets, dramas, and novels; died in Paris, 1861, aged 70. ScROFF, a composer and critic, some- what noted in Russia for his writings, composed two or three operas; died 1871 ; his works are of a national char- acter. Scull, Benjamin F., author of sev- eral musical compositions, sacred and secular; died at Little Rock, Ark., 1869. Sea Shells. An instrument made from sea-shells was invented by Mr. Freberhuyser, of Albany, N.Y., 1840; it is so contrived with keys and valves as to be capable of being used in con- certs. Sebastiani, Claudius, organist at Metz, published in 1.553 a singular work, entitled "Bellum musicale, inter plani et mensuralis canius reges, de principatu in musicce provinclce obtinendo conten- dentes.^^ Sebastiani, di Albano, P. L., an Italian ecclesiastic and musical writer, died at Rome in 1809; published, 1789, ^^Elements of the Theory of Music, ^^ and at Venice in 1802, 'Mn Easy and Sure Method of Composing Fugues J^ Secular Music in parts, 1185, is earlier found among the English annals than in any other records existing; that country was renowned for music before German genius suspected its own riches. Sechter, Simon, one of the learned contrapuntists of this century, enjoyed much reputation as a teacher and com- poser; his works number eighty; was court-organist and professor at the Vi- enna Conservatory ; died October, 1867, aged 79. Seguin, Arthur Edward Sheldon, born in London, 1808; having gained the honors of the Academy, appeared, 1831, at the Queen's Theatre; became a popular favorite at the Opera House; came to this country 1838, and appeared in New York; subsequently visited the principal cities of the United States; died at New York, Dec. 11, 1852, aged 44. Seguin, Elizabeth, Baroness Boy- eska, born in London, 1815; became famous as a singer before appearing in opera; married Baron Boyeska, 1838, from whose estate came the name Pa- repa ; her husband dying, she began her public career as a singer, 1841, appearing in Italy, Spain, and other countries; was the mother of Parepa-Rosa ; died in London, 1870, aged 55. Seguin, Mrs., a London, England, singer, known as Miss Childe, came with her husband to this country, 1838 ; was thoroughly educated, and made de- cided improvement in the States; left the stage 1852, and has since been a music-teacher in New York. Seguin, Zelda, contralto ; known as an opera-singer throughout the States. Seidenburg, Madame, who gave concerts with Ole Bull, in Europe, in 1852, came to New York for the Sontag opera there. Seiler, Emma, born in Germany; came to this country, and settled in Philadelphia, Penn., as a teacher of music; published there, in 1869, '^ The Voice in Singing ^ Selby, organist and composer, Bos- ton, Mass., 1780; performed at King's Chapel, April 23, 1782; at the oratorio concert when George Washington vis- ited Boston, Oct. 27, 1789 ; composed an original anthem for this occasion ; at a benefit-concert, 1772, had performed a portion of an opera, and an anthem in 22 parts ; was assisted, at his concerts, by the band of his Majesty's 64th Regi- ment. Seling, Hans, born at Prague, 1829 ; possessing remarkable talent as a pian- ist and composer, became celebrated at Paris, France, 1861; died at Prague, May, 1862, aged 33. Semicon, an ancient musical instru- ment of the harp family, having thirty- five strings. Sennefelder, a chorister of Munich, ^yiy\/\A--unA^^y^^\A^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION 137 who copied music for a living ; in order to lighten the labor he was forced to undergo, finally invented lithography; twenty years after the invention, he published an account of the process; and his method is still used to some extent in Germany. Sekingiii, a Hindoo instrument of the violin genus, with three wire strings, played with a bow. Sermiento, Salvator, director of the Neapolitan Chapel Royal, and an operatic composer of note, died July, 1869, aged 50. Seroff, born in Russia, wrote much national music ; he cultivated music as a recreation ; was a critical writer, and published many articles in the " Journal de St. Petersburg; ^^ died 1871. Serpent, a wind-instrument deriving its name from its form, and formerly much used in military bands. Servais, AdriEN F., born at Hal, near Brussels, June 7, 1807 ; was one of the most notable violoncellists of his time; in 1835 went to London, where he also became celebrated as a com- poser; in 1836 went to Paris; gave con- certs through Germany, and went to St. Petersburg 1839 ; in 1843 made an ex- tended concert-tour; and in 1848 was appointed professor at the Brussels Con- servatory; died at Hal Nov. 26, 1866, aged 59, the possessor of many decora- tions. Severin, John, a Scandinavian com- poser, whose symphonic works have been introduced in this country by Theodore Thomas, has acquired fame in'Germany as a writer of symphonies. Sewall, Frank, published at Phila- delphia, Penn., 1867, ''^Ilymns with Tunes,^^ for the service of the church. Seward, Louis, music-teacher, San Francisco, Cal., 1873, invented " The Objective 3fusical Instructor,^ ^ involving the use of movable notes ; it consists of a long white board, painted with black lines to represent the musical staff, and arranged for the use of movable notes. On an easel affixed to the wall, or sus- pended from the ceiling, is any required length of this objective staff. Sunk into it are numerous longitudinal grooves, imperceptible at a distance. A box filled with notes of all kinds and value, the various clefs, an assortment of sharps and flats, rests, bars, dots, &c., is at hand. Each note is cast of rubber, metal, or is of wood painted black, some two or three inches in length, and fitted with a staple which slides into the longitudinal groove before men-^' tioned ; and a note, any note, any dot, any rest, any character of music, is hung anywhere on the board |n a twinkling. Leger-Iines are pr(>vided, and fit in their respective grooves, either below or above the sta^ Seward, Theodore F\, born in Florida, Orange Co., N.Y., Jan. 25, 1835; teacher and composer; has published several collections of music since 1860, assisted by Lowell Mason and William B. Bradbury, New York. Shalishim, a Syrian instrument like the triangle; the rods charged with rings. Sharland, J. B., a well-known teacher of music, Boston, Mass., has published a '■'■School Chorus Book,'''' and some other works, and written some clever compositions. Sharp, Simeon, of London, England, wrote '■'Music, a Satire,''^ 1824. SiiARPE, Charles K., an accom- plished musical amateur of Edinburgh, published, 1839, the musical works of Lord Kelly with a portrait and notes; died October, 1851, aged 71. Shaw, O. J., son of Oliver, in 1851 became very popular as a teacher and composer at Utica, N.Y. ; published several hundreds of his compositions; died July, 1861. Shaw, Oliver, born in Middlebor- ough, Mass., 1779; became blind, but continued to practise and compose music during life; was one of the first members of the Handel and Haydn Society, Boston ; taught music, formed a society in Providence, R.L, of which he was president twenty-five years ; wrote many beautiful songs, and much music for the church; died at Provi- dence, Dec. 31, 1848, aged 09. Shawm, a Hebrew instrument similar to the horn. Sheale, Richard, an English min- strel, was the preserver of the heroic ballad of "■Chevy Chase;'''' he was robbed of his money on Dunsmore Heath, but escaped to sing for the last time this favorite ballad to a printer. Shell. The first ancient in strument known; second, the ram's horn; third, an oaten straw, avena. Shelton, C.T., of New Haven, Conn., in 1873 had constructed an '■'■Electro- Music Reporter j' which applies electri- 138 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. city to musical instruments, for the purpose of recording the inspirations of genius in musical composition. The recording apparatus is similar to that used in Morse's telegraph. SnEPARD, ANNE,"born in Cowes, Isle of Wight; wrote '^Around the Throne of God in Heaven ; " died 1857. Shepakd, Thomas, was an English clergyman, born at Towcaster, near Northampton, 1G05 ; became a Noncon- formist, and was consequently obliged to emigrate to New England, 1634 ; was settled at Cambridge, Mass., where he died Aug. 25, l(i49, aged 44 years. SiiEPiiEKD, William, musician, of Bristo, Scotland, in 1796, with Nathaniel Gow, carried on music-selling in Edin- burgh, and published two collections of dance-music of his own composition; died Jan. 19, 1812. Sherman, Rollin H., born in Weth- ersfield, Yt., March 10, 1832; teacher of music; published a ^'Musical Cate- chism,^^ and ^"Mechanical Exercises^^ for the piano-forte, 1859. Sherwin, William Fisk, born in c^. Ashfie ld, Franlilin Co., Mass., March 14, " 1826; a well-known teacher and com- poser ; also a popular conductor of con- ventions. Sherwood, E. H., solo-pianist, and author of many popular musical com- positions, became principal of the To- wanda, Penn., Musical Institute, 1873. Shield, William, born at Smalwell, 1754 ; became very celebrated as a com- poser ; was a viola-player at Covent Gar- den, London, eighteen years ; he then visited Italy and France, returning in 1792, and became master of musicians ; his works are very numerous ; died in London, Jan. 25, 1829. Late as he ap- peared, he struck out for himself a style of writing, pure, chaste, and original. His ^^Introduction to Ilar- mony,^^ a volume of glees, and a work on thorough-bass, are yet popular. Shophar, a silver trumpet made by the order of Moses; also made of a bent horn. Shore, Miss, an English singer of note ; daughter of the king's trumpeter ; a favorite joupil of Purcell. Short Hand, or abbreviated nota- tion, was first used by the immortal Handel, as his rapid imagination could not stop to lorite out its fluent fancies by the ordinary method; the idea has been useful to composer and copyist. Shindler, Mary S. B., born at Beaufort, S. C. ; author of '* Southern Harp,^^ '■^Northern Harp,'''' and many songs for piano-forte and guitar: her works, some of them, were written in the name of Mary S. B. Dana. Shultze, William, came to Boston, Mass., with the Germania Musical So- ciety as leader, 1848; it was the best band that had ever visited that city, and was directed by Carl Bergmann ; since connected with the Mendelssohn Quin- tette Club. Shumway, Nehemiah, of Phila- delphia, Penn., published, 1801, " The American Harmony, ^^ a book of two hundred and twenty pages, with a con- cise singers' manual ; some of the tunes and anthems were of his composition. Shuster, Joseph, a German com- poser, born at Dresden, 1748; was di- rector at the chapel and opera; pub- lished a large number of compositions, and died 1S\2. Shute, George, a well-known violin- ist and composer, died at Chicago, 111., May, 1856; was at the time with the Campbell troupe. Siamese Music. The Siamese have several rude instruments; the leading one resembling the hautboy, one the piano-forte, and several that are in- tended to represent other of the mod- ern instruments. Siccuma, Abel, B. A., of London, 1836, invented the ''Diatonic Flute,'' in which E and G are fingered with a key instead of from a hole : thus the tones are equalized throughout the instru- ment. SiEBER, Madame, widow of the celebrated publisher, and mother of the composer, died in Paris, 1852, aged 101. Side Drum, a common military drum. SiEDLER, Caroline, a celebrated vocalist, who sang in the first perform- ance of '' Der FreischUtz,'' died 1872. Siegert, born at Ernsdorf, May, 1789; became a singer at the Breslau Theatre, in opera; began to compose music in 1816; in 1847, became royal music-director; his compositions were few, but were excellent. SiLCHER, F., a well-known composer of songs, some of which enjoy immense popularity in Germany, died September, 1860. Silk Strings for bow-instrumenta A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION 139 were used by the Hindoos, Chinese, Arabs, and other nations, before they were introduced in Europe. SiME, D., compiled the ^^ Edinburgh Musical Miscellany,^* a collection of songs, and some other musical works, 1792. SiMMS (brothers), Bishop, James, Edward, Ashburn, Oakover, Samuel, and Henry, all musicians, for some time travelled with their father, mother, and two sisters, giving concerts. Their compositions, sacred and secular, are numerous. SIMMS, John, a native of Strafford- shire, England, was a self-taught manu- facturer of instruments, a performer on the organ and violin, and a tuner and repairer. Married a wife who was a good musician, and had a family of eight sons and two daughters, all musi- cal. Simon, Leonard Fitz, was the first stipendiary organist mentioned in Eng- land; was organist of Trinity College, Oxford, 1580, at a salary of 20s. a year. Simon, Jules, a writer on music, connected with '■'■ V Orpheon,''* died in Paris, 1869; is not to be confounded with the political economist. Simple Madrigals long antedated the opera, and were for voices only. Simpson. C. Florence, born in Mil- waukee, Wis., 1809; could play melo- dies which she had heard, upon the piano-forte, at the age of three years; will play a correct bass to any of the melodies she hears. Simpson, Christopher, an eminent English musician, born 1010; was a performer on instruments, but chiefly celebrated for his many works upon the subject of music; in his '■'■Compendium of Practical Music,'*'' he first applies the term ^^ degrees** to the lines and spaces, 1667. Simpson, Daniel, drummer for the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany of Boston, Mass , played for sixty- three years without missing a parade; the fifer, Si. Smith, played with Simp- son fifty-eight years ; the latter died in 1875. Simrock, a music-publisher of Bonn, whose name has been remarked on so much foreign music, died Dec. 13, 1808, aged 76. SiNA, a member of the Schuppan- zigh Quartet at Vienna during the lifetime of Beethoven; received from Paganlni the present of a violin and gold snuff-box, on which was a portrait of the great violinist ; died at Boulogne, France, 1859. Sinclair, John, born near Edin- burgh, 1790, became a singer at the Lon- don theatres, 1810; went to Paris 1819, and to Italy 1821 ; had an opera writ- ten for him by Rossini ; after singing in all the principal countries of Europe, came to this country 1830, and for some time gave concerts here; died in London, Sept. 22, 1857. His daughter married Edwin Forrest the tragedian, and appeared soon after in London. Sing and Fiddle. When the bass- viol, or " big fiddle," as it was called, was introduced into church, the holy men and the clergy opposed it, on the groimd that tlie human voice was the divinest of all instruments ; but the singers introduced the viol, and the minister rose and said, "The brethren will, if they please, sing and fiddle the Thirty-ninth Psalm." Singer, Otto, born in Dresden, Ger- many, 1835 ; became conductor of opera there; came to this country 1808, and settled in New York as a music-teacher; was drill-master for the chorus at the Cincinnati Festival, May, 1873, and is known as a composer. Singing in the churches of Scotland occupies an important place; generally there is no organ or instrumental music, except in some of the city churches, and the singing is performed by the whole congregation seated ; the music is such as was used in 1050 to 1781; and these tunes have been sung from age to age in public and in family wor- ship. Singing at Sight. Affilard, 1700. Paris, France. Singing by Note, when first intro- duced, was met by the following objec- tions : It was a new way, an unknown tongue, not so melodious as the old way ; it caused good men to be disor- derly ; was popish; would cause the use of instruments ; was blasphemous ; was only a contrivance to get money ; and kept young people from the proper influ- ence of the family. Singing from Notes. This art was known in 1523, as Pietro Aaron, of Florence, gives a list of such extraordi- nanj performers as were able to sing from notes at that time. Singing in Public Worship was 140 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. partially discontinued during the times of persecution, and consequently was so badly performed when attempted, that people of culture formed a distaste for it ; and hence arose the controversy whether singing was a Christian duty to be observed. Singing-Master's Assistant; or. Key to Practical Music; engraved by Benjamin Pierpont, June, 1778, 104 pages; published in Boston, Mass., by Draper & Folsom. Singing Societies were formed in this country as early as 1720. Sirens. Sea-nymphs who enchanted the listeners to their songs ; but Orpheus surpassed them in singing, and they became rocks: they had also been beaten in a musical contest with the Muses. SiRMEN, LuDOVico, chapcl-mastcr at Bergamo: six violin trios of his composition were published at Paris in 1769. SiRMEN, MADDALENA LOMBARDINI, a celebrated female singer, violinist, and composer; in 1782 she was principal singer at the court of Dresden; visited England and Paris, where her perform- ances were highly applauded. She com- posed much violin music, a great part of which was published at Amster- dam. SiSTRA, a class of brass instruments made in various forms, with rings upon bars, held upright and shaken. SiSTRUM, a brass or silver hoop fixed to the top of a long metal rod ; across the hoop were stretched three metal rods, passing through holes, on which hung many rings; and a slight shake produced a musical jingle of all. SivoRi, Camillo, born in Genoa, June 6, 1817; became celebrated as a violinist, and made the tour of France and England when ten years old; re- ceived the present of a violin from Paganini; came to America in 1846, and performed with Herz the pianist in many large cities, and then went to London. Skeffington, T. C, author of the ^^ Handy Book of Musical Art,'' Lon- don, England, 1858; wrote also some psalmody. Skeleton Automaton. A figure having the shape of a liuman skeleton was constructed in the 17th century, by one Alix, which, by means of concealed mechanism, played upon the guitar, moving its wooden fingers as if exe- cuting the music. Skeleton Guitarist, automaton, invented by Alix, in Provence, 1650. Skene, John, of Hallyards, was the original proprietor or compiler of the famous '* Skene Manuscript,'' 105 tunes, 1620; died 1644. Skene, Robert, author of " The Coji- cordia," a collection of sacred music, with choice and original tunes, Louis- ville, Ky., 1861 ; 415 pp. Slatyr, William, in the sixteenth century published a collection of " Christmas Carols." Slavic Music of Russia. The old- est records of the Slaves refer to their love of music, and to the plaintive melo- dies with which they lulled themselves to sleep in their camps of war. " Wher- ever a Slavic woman is," says a Russian writer, " there is also song." Their ballads tell of lovers and of heroes ; and the same story and music may have charmed their ancestors for genera- tions, yet the words and airs have never been committed to writing. Sloman, Jane, published in New York, 1850, " The Melodist," for the use of female seminaries; the work con- tains a number of the compositions of this lady. Smart, Sir George, born in Lon- don, Eng , May 10, 1776; was present at the Handelian Commemorations of 1784, 1785, 1786, and 1791; he directed the music at the coronation of William IV. and Queen Victoria; in 1811 he was knighted ; he was one of the founders of the London Philharmonic Society in 1813; the renowned composer. Von Weber, died in his house in 1826; in 1827 he was chairman of the banquet to the celebrated pianist and composer, Clementi, the teacher of Meyerbeer ; in 1836 he conducted the Manchester Fes- tival, during the progress of which Malibran died; he gave lessons both upon the piano-forte and in singing, but had the greatest repute in the latter; among his pupils were Sontag and Jenny Lind ; he continued giving instructions till he was 80; and in 1867, at the age of 91, full of well-earned honors, passed away from the scene of his labors. Smidt, a. L. C, born in Brunswick, Germany, 1770 ; was a celebrated violin- maker; down to the time of his death, for more than thirty years, he con- structed, on the average, one a week, A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATIOK 141 with his own hands; his instruments were prized by German orchestras for evenness of tone ; died March 26, 1835, aged 65. Smith, Benjamin, born in Needham, Mass., 1764, entered tlie army as a fifer at the age of 16, and played that instru- ment until the close of the war, when he settled at Grafton. Smith, Charles, born in London, 1786; was remarkable as a child on account of his ability to sing and play; performed much in public; became a concert-singer, and travelled more or less for some years, and became famous as a composer; wrote much for the London theatres; sang in oratorios; married in 1815, and accepted a lucra- tive situation in Liverpool. Smith, Dexter, born in Peabody, Mass., Nov._ 14, 1839; poet, musician, and composer; has written many popu- lar songs, both words and music, but is more known as a poet, and editor of musical publications ; is now the editor and proprietor of '^Dexter SmlWs Paper, ^^ IBoston, Mass. Smith, Dr. William, born in Scot- land, 1754; came to this country 1785; published a ^' Book of Chants,^' called the Churchman's Choral Companion, 1809 ; introduced chanting and singing of anthems in America at New York, 1813 ; built several small organs, which had wooden pipes made of cedar, ranging about four octaves ; died in New York, April 6, 1821, aged 69. Smith, Geo. D., born at Wayne, Maine, Dec. 20, 1834; has been a teacher of the piano-forte and har- mony, at Rockland, since 1856; author of some church music. Smith, George, of London, England, published, 1860, his lectures on church music. Smith, Henry, published, 1841, at Chambersburg, Penn., " The Church Harmony, ^^ 304 pages, also a " Musical Primer.^' Smith, Henry, a singer, in London, England, 1846, became famous as an imitator of Henry Russell, drawing full houses by singing the songs of that celebrated ballad-writer; so great was the desire to patronize this poor but talented artist, that Russell found it necessary to procure an injunction of restraint. Smith, J. Wesley, bom in Durham, C(mn. ; connected with music from childhood; became well known as a counter-tenor singer and excellent flutist, while with the " Smith Family,'" — father, mother, four sons, and three daughters, — afterwards known as ^^JEolian Minstrels" and ^^ American Vocalists ;" Mr. Smith was the origi- nator of the continental companies in the costume of the patriots of 1776. Smith, Jerome, a well known band- master of Sakm, Mass., died Nov. 7, 1854. Smith, John, of Dublin, Ireland, published a " Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Music," 1853. Smith, Josiah, of Lexington, Mass., commenced playing the fife in public at the age of eleven years, and was still a fifer at the age of 68; has always been connected with some band; died 1875. Smith, Mrs. H. M., a well-known Boston vocalist, was born in Wethers- field, Vt., and became known as a singer when Miss Greenwood ; since her mar- riage has resided in Boston. Smith, Mrs. M. F. H., published some music at New York, 1867; also the " Sparkling Stream," and " Temperance Melodies." Smith, Robert Archibald, born at Reading, Nov. 18, 1780; in 1812 went to Edinburgh, as teacher of music; pub- lished the " Scottish Minstrel," 1821, and various other works ; wrote many melodies and songs ; died at Edinburgh, Jan. 3, 1829, aged 49. Smith, Thomas F., of London, pub- lished '' The Devout Chorister " and other musical works, 1849. Smith, William, of Philadelphia, Penn., 1798, assisted William Little in publishing " The Ea^ Instructor; " was a teacher of music. Snegasius, Cyriacus, published at Oxford, in 1590, a tract upon harmonics, or the use of the monochord, an instru- ment for measuring and ascertaining the proportions of sounds by a single string. Snyder, William B., and W. L. Chapell, of Cincinnati, O., pub- lished, 1831, '* The Western Lyre," 184 pages, to which was added a supple- ment, in 1835, of 40 pages. SoBOLEWSKi, Edward, born in Ko- nigsberg, Prussia, Oct. 1, 1804; con- ductor of music at Konigsberg, Prussia, and at Bremen; came to this country 1859, and settled in Milwaukee, Wis., where he produced a musical drama. 142 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". *' Mohega;^^ died at St. Louis, July, 1872. SoBOLEWSKi, Miss, a concert-singer, daughter of Edward, came to America with a European reputation as an artist, and appeared in opera, 1860. SociETE DEs Concerts, founded at Paris, France, Feb. 15, 1828; gives ten or more concerts annually. Society of British Musicians, formed 1834, and consisted of three hundred professional members. SoDi, a Parisian harpist and dramatic composer, brought out several operettas at the Theatre Italienne, between the years 1753 and 1760. SoECK Pipe ; same as the bagpipe. Soerensen, Johann, was born at Holstein in 1767; published much ad- mired vocal music, in the North of Ger- many, since the year 1796. Sola, Charles M. A, born at Turin, 1786 ; was flutist at the theatre ; volun- teered as musician in the army for four years; wrote an opera 1816; went to London, and became known by his com- positions, vocal and instrumental. Solemn Feasts, called Adonia, were celebrated with musical lamentations, and date back to the days of Moses, and the slaughter of the first-born. Solo Singing was unknown, even up to the sixteenth century. All the speeches of single characters were sung in the form of madrigals by persons be- hind the scenes. There was a curious play of this period, wherein a servant accidentally pulls the spigot out of a wine-cask, and lets the liquor out. The master and servant grope on the floor, berating each other in five-part har- mony, until the unlucky spigot is found. It was toward the middle of the six- teenth century that a composer con- ceived the idea of giving the highest part of a madrigal to be sung by a single voice, and the other parts to be per- .formed on instruments. But this was not like the aria system of the present day. The melody had no beauty of its own disjoined from the accompaniment. Somerset, Lord, invented, 1649, a violin with eight strings, which in the hands of a master produced grand effects. SoNTAG, Henrietta, born at Cob- lentz. May 13, 1805 ; made her debut at Darmstadt, in opera, at the age of six years ; became famous in Europe ; mar- ried, and retired from the stage for nearly twenty years, when she returned, and, after a brilliant success in Paris, Lon- don, &c., came to the United States, 1852; after giving concerts in the prin- cipal cities, she went to Mexico, and died in that city June 18; 1854. J y Sound. A locomotive whistle can be / heard 3,300 yards, or nearly two miles ; the noise of the railway train, 2,800 yards ; the bark of a dog, or the report of a musket, 1,000 yards; the roll of a drum, 1,600 yards; the human voice 1,000 yards. If interrupted by obstacles of sufficient extent and regularity, sound is reflected, and produces an echo. Southard, L. H., of Boston, Mass., be- came known 1846, as an organist, pianist, and director of music; soon after, as a composer, and publisher of music- books; produced two or three operas, and in 1855 *'J. New Course of Har- mony,^^ and other works; has received the degree of doctor of music. South Sea Islanders. They use bamboo flutes having only two holes, giving four tones : they blow them from the nostrils. Dancers keep time by snapping the fingers. Southwell, William, of Dublin, in 1800 increased the dimensions of the piano-forte "sounding-board," and in- vented the damper since in general use. Spagnoletti, Pietro, born at Cre- mona, 1768; after visiting all Italy went to London, a violinist; one of the foun- ders of the Philharmonic Society, 1813, and was leader of the orchestra at the King's Theatre; died Sept. 14, 1834. Spanish Music. This people delight in romance; their music is pleasing, especially their serenades and dance- music. The guitar is generally used to accompany the voice. Speaight, James G., was born in London, England, 1866; was bright, vivacious, and possessed of such won- derful powers as a musician that he had been exhibited as a child violinist ; came to this country with his father 1872; Was then able to play solos with pre- cision and skill, and had conducted an orchestra many times; died in Boston, Mass., Jan. 10, 1874. Speaking-Machine, invented by M. Faber of Freiburg ; capable of singing. Spectacle, or Eye-Glass Notes, are those called brillen-bassen, struck in rapidly reiterated quarter-notes. Spencer, Charles C, Mus. Doc, London, England, wrote several musical A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 143 works of value, on composition, playing the piano-forte, and the theory of music, from 1840 to 1850. Spezia, Maria, a prima donna at La Scala, made her appearance in London, 1857. Spinet, a stringed instrument for- merly much in use, somewhat like the harpsichord. Spiritual Madrigals were origin- ally adapted to sacred words, and the music resembled that written for the church; tliey were written for voices only. Spofforth, Reginald, born at South- well, England, 1769; in 1793 received the prize from the Catch Club, London; in 1797 wrote for Covent Garden; in 1797 directed the Bowman's Lodge So- ciety, and commenced teaching music; wrote a large number of glees; died September, 1827, aged 57. Spontini, Gaspard, born at Jesi, in the Roman states, Nov. 14, 1778; began to compose at the age of seven- teen years ; wrote some fifteen success- ful operas for the Italian theatres, and went to Paris 1804, where he continued to compose for the academy many years ; died in Majolati, near Jesi, Feb. 24, 1851. p Spoiir,|Ludwig] Louis, concert-mas- ter, violinTst, and' composer; born at Brunswick, April 5, 1784 ; at the age of thirteen years was a musician in Chapel Royal at Brunswick ; became celebrated in Saxony and Prussia; went to Eng- land 1820 ; was not only a great violinist, but a composer of religious, dramatic, vocal, and instrumental music; cele- brated for his operas and his " Violin School;^' died at Btt tn o wick , Oct. 22, 1859. C^Uo^nOiA- / txlt-t-.t^ -MOvt*^ » ^\L,->^ 150 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. chanting into New York; is now (1874) aged 95. Taylor, Sedley, wrote a ^'Treatise on the Phi/ steal Construction of Musical Sounds and Harmony. ^^ Taylor, Mrs. Thomas, formerly Laura W. Barker of London, com- posed piano-forte music, and wrote ori- ginal melodies for the ^^ Ballads and Songs of Brittany. ^^ Taylor, Thomas R., of Sheffield, England, was the composer of the hymn *^Tm but a Traceller here ; " died 18^i5. Taylor, Virgil Coryden, born at Barkhamstead, Conn., 1817 ; removed to Hartford, Conn; became known as a composer and publisher of music, 1850; published several excellent works, most of the tunes, anthems, and chants being of his own production, and very popu- lar; in 1854, removed to Brooklyn, N.Y., and became organist and conductor of music in that city. Telle, Friedrich Wilhelm, born at Berlin, Sept. 9, 1798; became cele- brated as a pianist 1816; known as a composer 1820; became music-director at several theatres; wrote operas and other works, and visited all the large cities until 1845, when he returned to Berlin, and died there May 10, 18G2. Telemann, GeorCxE Philip, born at Magdeburg, 1681 ; became a composer at the age of twelve years ; in 1701 was director of the operas at Leipsic ; acted as chapel-master at several courts, and finally settled as music-director at Leip- sic; was a very voluminous composer, and considered the greatest church- musician in Germany ; died 1767. Telephone, an instrument by which certain sounds are telegraphed to any distance, was invented by Dr. Van der Weyde, 1869. Mr. Elisha Gray of Chi- cago, 111., a well-known maker of tele- graphic appliances, has iiivented a method of transmitting musical sounds by an instrument in the same manner, or in some manner, which he calls the Telephone ; and has succeeded, 1874, in transmitting tones through an unbroken circuit of 2,400 miles, reproducing them on a violin at the receiving end. Telesphorus, a pope in the reign of Antonius Pius, first ordered the singing of hymns the night before Christmas, from which arose the custom of singing carols ; and tambours, organs, and vari- ous stringed instruments were used to accompany the voices. Died A.D. 138. Temple, Charles W. H., bom in Claremont, N. H., 1801 ; commenced teaching music 1817; went to Cincin- nati, O., and thence to Oxford as a teacher; was associated with the musi- cal societies and interests in South-west- ern Ohio, where he taught for 55 years, and composed some music. Templeton, a distinguished tenor- singer of London, England, came to this country 1846, and gave concerts of story and song in the chief cities. Tenor- Violin, or Viola, having its lowest tone on C, and playing the tenor part in concert. Terpander, lived B.C. 671, and was much honored as a musician; was teacher and pei-former upon the flute and the lute ; added three strings to the lute, making seven; was noted as a writer of music, which had before been performed by memory ; set many songs to music. Terpodian, an instrument invented, 1833, by Buschmann of London, which in tone is a medium between the organ and musical glasses; it resembles the raelodeon. Terpsichore, the Muse of music, &c., presided over choral song, and dancing. Tesca, an excellent Italian bass-sing- er, who made his fame while a resident of England, sang at the commemoration of Handel in Westminster Abbey. Testa, Natali, contralto of the famed Natali Sisters, was a prominent singer before marriage, and has since appeared in opera. Thalates, of Crete, a poet and mu- sician, wrote and sang odes encouraging obedience and concord ; invented many new measures in verse ; his songs were very popular ; was the first to compose military dance-songs to flute accompani- ments. Thalberg, Sigismond, born at Ge- neva, Jan. 7, 3812; became known as a composer and pianist when sixteen years old ; made the tour of Germany 18.30; became famous at Paris 1835; afterwards made frequent tours in France, England, Germany, and Russia; came to this country 1856; remained here giving concerts in all the large cities until 1858; returned to Europe, and died April 29, 1871, aged 59. His compositions are numerous and greatly admired. Thamyris was celebrated as a per- A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 151 former on the cithara; was born in Thrace ; was the sweetest singer of his time. Thayer, Alexander W., of Boston, Mass., author of the "Li/e of Beethoven " written by him wliile in Europe, is well known at home and abroad as a musical critic and correspondent of American journals. Theatre. The first theatre in Amer- ica was opened at Williamsburg, Va., Sept, 5, 17.52; one was opened in New York, 1753; at Albany, 1769; at Balti- more, 177o; at Boston, Mass., 1792. Theatre Lyrique, built in Paris, 1846, by A. Dumas. French operas are here produced, and it is a training-school for artists. Theatrical Entertainments com- menced in Rome 365 years B.C. The modern theatre originated with the pil- grims to the Holy Land. Theorbo, a stringed instrument of the lute tone and form, having eight strings; it was invented in France, "by Hotteman. TiiiBAULT, Blanche and Gabri- elle, sisters ; the former received, 1869, the prize for singing for opera and for opera comic; the latter the prize for piano-forte playing at the Paris Con- servatoire : they are good musicians, and daughters of the chief of the band of the National Guard. Thiele, Louis, born in Germany, 1816 ; became known as a pianist at the age of seven years ; at the age of four- teen was master of the organ, and shortly after known as a composer ; died of cholera, 1848, aged 32. Thomas of Bayeux was celebrated as a poet and musician while archbishop of York. Thomas, Ambroise, of Paris, pro- duced his first opera, "/fa»i^ei," 1868. Thomas, Isaiah, of Worcester, Mass., procured from Europe the first music type used in this country, 1786, and in that year published the first edition of the " Worcester Collectionof Sacred Har- mony.'^ In August, 1788, he published another edition, with the prefix ^^Laiis Deo ! " This was in three parts, printed typographically, and dedicated " to the several musical societies in the "JVctu- Englancl States." Mr. Reed, probably Daniel the composer, is mentioned in this work as author of what is said about moods of time. Thomas, J. R., of New York, author of a collection of church music 18G3, a collection of sacred choruses in 1875, and a well-known writer of popular songs. Thomas, Theodore, born in the kingdom of Hanover, 1835; could play the violin at the age of six years ; came to this country, and settled in New York 1845 ; appeared directly in concerts, and visited the most prominent places of the Union ; was first violin to Sontag, Jenny Lind, Grisi, Mario, and others; con- ducted German and Italian opera, and travelled through the States with differ- ent troupes ; established symphony con- certs in New York; and finally organ- ized his orchestra, which has made him famous in this country and in Europe; is a self-educated musician. Thomson, George, born 1757; pub- lished 1793, a " Collection of Scottish Airs for the Voice,^^ the accompani- ments by Pleyel ; Burns assisted in pre- paring the work; died at Leith Links, Feb. 18, 1851, aged 94. Thomson, James, published at Edin- burgh, 1778, ''^Rudiments ofMusic,^^ with a collection of tunes and hymns. Thomson, William, appeared in concerts at Edinburgh when a boy, 1695 ; was celebrated for the quality of his voice ; went to London, and sang there when the opera and Handel's composi- tions were all the rage ; was the first to edit Scots tunes in England; published ^^ Orpheus Caledonius.''^ Thompson, Jemima, born in the suburbs of London, 1813; while jour- neying in a stage-coach, 1841, composed that famous hymn, "J Think, when I Bead that Sweet Story of Old^ Thompson, Thomas, organist, born at Sunderland, England, 1777; played the violin and French horn at the thea- tres when twelve years of age ; per- formed as organist at London in con- certs and churches ; became a teacher, and composed some songs and duets. Thompson, Thomas P., born at Hull, England, 1783; wrote a work, '^Enhar- monic Theory of Music,'' 1829; and ''Just Intonation,'' 1850. Thorbecke, Hermann, a native of Hanover ; came to this country 1838, and settled at Philadelphia, Penn., where he became celebrated as a composer and music-teacher ; on his return from Ger- many, where he had been on a visit, he perished at sea, September, 1858, aged 45. Thorne, E. H,, an English oiganist and composer ; published '* SacredMusic /^^ly\r%y-))\ 152 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. for the Home Circle,''^ consisting of standard tunes for four voices, London, 1859. Thoknton, B., born in London, 1724; wrote an *' Ode on St. Cecilia's Bay,'"' adapted to the ancient British instru- ments, — the salt-box, jews-harp, mar- row-bones, cleavers, and hurdy-gurdy, — with a history of those instruments. TnoTH, in the very earliest ages of the world, introduced the sistrum, lyre, and tambourine into Abyssinia from Egypt. Throope, or Troup, author of *' Christian Song,^' was a Vermont singing-master, and died at Chelsea in that State. TiBERiNi, a Roman musician, came to this country with the Strakosch con- cert company, and sang at Boston, 1856. Tibia Pares, a double flute; one played with the right, and the other with the left hand ; the flutes are united in the form of the letter A. Tii.LEARD, John, wrote several school music-books ; London, England, 1853. ^-'-- TiLLINGHAST, WiLLIAM, of NcW York, teacher of music, published, 1869, *' The Diadem,' ' with his system of teaching. Tillman, Samuel D., of the Ameri- can Institute, New York, in 1860 publish- ed a ''Musical Treatise,^' on sound, ac- companied by a new invention called ''Tonometer,'''' which accurately measures to the eye all musical intervals, however minute ; has written a new method of musical notation, made some change in the solfeggio, and patented a "Music Medal,' ^ showing the notes and common chords in the major and minor key of any given tonic. TiMBALE, a kettle-drum. Timbrel, an ancient drum, in form like the tambourine. TiMM, C. H., born at Hamburg, 1811; came to this country, and settled in New York, where he soon became connected with all the musical interests of the city. Tiresias, a musician mentioned by Homer; practised music many years, and was a compiler of music-books. TiTIENS, or TiETJENS, TERESA, born at Hamburg, 18:}4; appeared on I -j-) the Hamburg stage at the age of fifteen ; / became famous at Frankfort; went to Vienna, and thence to London, in 1856, where she found grace with the English critics, and became very popular in opera ; came to the United States in 1875. Toe Pedals. George Tolhurst, of Maidstone, England in 1870, arranged a set of pedals to an organ, to be played with the toes; he calls this machine " Pedaliera,'" and has demonstrated that the organ can be played by using the toes as well as the fingers. Tofts, Katherine, became known as an English vocalist 1703 ; became an opera-singer 1705 ; was made insane by her success, but, recovering, married the British consul at Venice, and died 1735; Mr. Smith, her husband, died 1771. TOMASCHEK, JOHANN WeNZEL, bom at Skutsch, Bohemia, April 17, 1774; lived chiefly at Prague ; was a member of the great societies, and composed many important and valuable musical woi-ks ; died 1849. ToMLiNsox, J. H., of London, Eng- land, author of a work on the piano- forte. ToMLixsoN, J. W., celebrated as a song-writer. ToMLiNSON, Kellom, a composer and publisher of dance-music in London. England, from 1735 to 1744. ToNOGRAPH, an instrument for print- ing music while in the act of impro- vising or composing on a keyed instru- ment an invention (1850) of Levi Wilder, teacher of music at Baltimore, Md. It was compact enough to be placed under the lid of a pfano-forte, and capable of transferring all expres- sions ; it was never made a public manu- facture as the principle was found to infringe on a French patent. TooLHOLos, wandering minstrels of Tartary, who go from place to place with a violin and a flute suspended from their girdles, and perform music in the first families ; they are poets and sing- ers ; are common in China, and popular in Thibet. ToPLADY, Augustus, author of "Rock of Ages cleft for Me,'' died, 1778, aged 38 ; Rowland Hill pronounced the funeral oration. Topp, Alide, is a German from Stralsund, Prussia ; beca:ne a successful pianist; performed much in Europe, and after coming to this country sus- tained her reputation in New York and other cities. ToRRiANi, OsTAVA, daughter of the Swedish consul, born at Hamburg, Ger- many, 1850; first appeared in public as a pianist ; made her debut as a vocalist at Milan ; after singing in Italy, Paris, A DICTIONAKY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 153 and London, with success, came to America; her real name is Tornquist; afterwards sang in the principal cities of Euroi3e, and came again to America 1873, with the Strakosch troupe, mak- ing her appearance at New York, in " Zwcirt." Toulon, for many years principal flutist at the Grand Opera, Paris ; a composer of much music for his instru- ment; died at Nantes, France, Sep- tember, 1805. TouKJEE, Dr. Eben, born at War- wick, R.I., June 1, 1834; became an organist at the age of thirteen years ; at the age of seventeen was editor of " The Key-Note,''^ and a conductor of con- ventions ; established a conservatory at Providence, R.I. ; in 1869 established the New England Conservatory, Boston, Mass. ; and in 1869 assisted in the first Peace Jubilee, as he did in that of 1872. Tourte, born at Paris 1747, was celebrated as a maker of violin-bows; died 1835. Traetta, or Trajetta, Tomaso, born at Naples, 1738; composer at the San Carlo Theatre, where he wrote many operas; went to St. Petersburg, and there composed seven operas and many cantatas ; went to England for a season, and died after returning to his own country, 1779. Trajetta, Filippo, born at Venice, January, 1776 ; was the son of Tomaso, and became celebrated as a musician and composer; joined the army, and com- posed many patriotic hymns for the sol- diers; was taken prisoner, and, escap- ing, came to America 1799; settled in Boston, Mass. ; wrote some music there; went to New York, and finally to Phila- delphia, Penn., where he produced sev- eral works, and died 1854, aged 78. Trastour, Eugene, a native of New Orleans, La. ; October, 1867, invented in New York, an electric automaton piano player, and two other similar instru- ments capable of performing any music written upon paper; is a pianist, and author of a work on the " Rudiments of Music, ''^ Travelling Companies, small troupes of musicians, vocal and instru- mental, of which the Hermanns, the Rayners, and others, were the pioneers in this country ; have, since 1840, been many in number, and have perhaps, on the whole, been instrumental in increas- ing a love for music, and promoting its development, throughout the United States. Trebelli, Zelia, born in Paris; made her debut in Madrid 1859, with an Italian opera troupe ; was a great favor- ite at Berlin 1860; is not only a great singer, but a splendid actress. Treffz, Henrietta (Jette), a Viennese ; born June 28, 1826 ; became famous in England 1850, at the Jullien concerts ; went with him through Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland, &c. ; accepted an engagement in Paris, and married John Strauss, jun., the great waltz-king of Vienna. Tremolophon, or Girardeon, an instrument something like a piano-forte, in which is machinery operated by a wheel, producing a trembling vibration and swelling tone; it was invented 1840, by M. Girard, who died in Paris, 1846. Trentin, a. G., of Venice, 1823, in- vented the violacembalo, an improve- ment upon the bow piano-forte. Treu, Daniel Gottlieb, born at Stuttgard, 1695; at the age of twelve years published three overtures for the violin and three other instruments ; be- came celebrated at Venice, where he produced many operas; was called to Prague, where he had the direction of chapel-music. Triangular Harp, an instrument of great antiquity, invented in Ireland. Trichoruen, an instrument formerly used to accompany vocal music. Trigon, an ancient instrument, played on by women, and used at feasts. Triton, a famous trumpeter em- ployed by Neptune. Trombone, a brass wind-instrument, patterned after the sackbut; it is capa- ble of splendid effects when used in the orchestra or in military bands : there are three kinds, alto, tenor, and bass. Tromp de Bearn, the same as the jews-harp ; a toy for children. Troubadours. Prior to the age of the Troubadours we are unable to judge of secular music by examples. Proven- cal poetry and song held universal sway in the eleventh and twelfth centuries; kings and princes rivalled each other in the profession of troubadours. The word "troubadour" comes from trobartrou- ver, to find or invent. Besides these royal inventors, there was another class of 154 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. A^i^ troubadours, who were held in the ser- vice of royalty as court poets. The trou- badours, unlike their contemporaries the (rerman minnesingers, frequently were unable to sing their own songs ; and for this purpose they held in their employ minstrels, or jongleurs, who were persons skilled in singing and play- ing. Trowbridge, Asa K., published at Boston, Mass., a collection of music all original, entitled " Temperance Melo- dies.'^ Trumpet, a musical wind-instrument of metal, which has been known in some form in all ages, and among all civilized people ; it is played through a mouthpiece, and within a few years has been supplied with keys. TscHUDi, BuRKHARDT, harpsichord- maker to the court of George II., was a Swiss, became famous, married in Lon- don. One of his instruments, with two manuals, made for the King of Prussia, 1765, was in the palace at Potsdam, 1862 ; died in London, 1773. Tubes, Mrs. F. C, published in Lon- don, 186.5, a translation of Joseph Schluster's " General History of Music, ^^ which is highly commended. TucKEKMAN, S. Parkman, born in Boston, Mass., 1819; organist and com- poser; was made doctor of music in England; in 1852 was created master of saci-ed music at Rome; many of his compositions were published in Eng- land, where he collected a valuable library of music: after his return to this country resided a few years in Greenfield, Mass. ; in 1855 went to re- side in New York; published several collections of music in this country, and a book of chants. Tufts, Rev. John, of Newbury, Mass., was a teacher of music; pub- lished the first singing-book printed in America, 1710; previous to which time all music was learned by rote. This book was opposed on the ground, that, if people " learned to sing by note, the next thing would be to pray by rule ; and then would come Popery. ^^ Tulley, J. H., a well-known English composer, and director of music at Drury Lane Theatre, died Jan. 28, 1868. TuLON, Jean Louis, a celebrated flutist; born at Paris, Sept. 12, 1786; in 1804 entered the orchestra of the Italian opera; in 1826 was made professor at the conservatory; in 1843 he estab- lished a flute manufactory ; his compo- sitions were very much sought for. TuNiNG-FoRK Harmonium; an in- strument resembling the piano-forte, which has, in the place of strings, tuning-forks; which, when struck by the hammers, produce the tones. Turkish Music. Music was first in- troduced into Turkey in the year 1047, under the reign of Amurath, by one Schahculi, who carried it to Constanti- nople ; and it was brought to perfection under Mohammed IV., as well instru- mental as vocal. Prince Cantimer in- vented some of the notes first used by the Turks in recording music; before him they made use of letters and fig- ures, such as the Greeks and Latins used. They compose and execute from memory, and it would be difiicult to re- duce to a regular scale their notation ; and yet their music has the times and sounds of ours, and has lately been much improved. TuRLE, James, of London, England, has published, by himself, and with E. Taylor, as many as six different collec- tions of music since 1846 ; is organist at Westminster Abbey. Turner, John, author of a " Guide to Vocal 3Iusic,^^ with an historical in- troduction and a dictionary of musical terms; published in London, Eng., under the direction of the Committee for Promoting Christian knowledge; republished in this country 1836. Tye, Dr. Christopher, musically celebrated for having set fourteen chap- ters of the Acts of the Apostles to elabo- rate music, consisting of fugues, canons, and other complicated artificial forms ; he also wrote an excellent anthem for four voices. Tympanum anciently comprised the tambour, tabour, kettle-drum, nacara, and some timbrels. Typographical Music Printing was introduced into the Roman States by Montona, a printer, 1508. Typophone, a new instrument, played like the piano-forte, but in effect resembling the harp; introduced in Paris, 1869 ; invented by the maker of the Mustel organs. Tyrt^us, an Athenian general and musician, is celebrated by all antiquity for the composition of military songs and airs, as well as the performance of them. Tytler, James, born 1747, at Edin- burgh; son of a clergyman; was the A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 155 author of many Scottish songs; came to America, and established a newspaper in Salem, Mass., which he continued until his death, 1805, aged 58. Tytler, William, of Woodhouselea, author of a ^^ Uissertation on Scottish Music," and other works, died Sept, 12, 1792, aged 81. u. TJiiLiG, Theodore, musical editor, Berlin, wrote eighty-four compositions, and was a violinist of great talent; died Jan. 30, 1853, aged 31. Ulrich, Hugo, born Nov. 26, 1827, at Oppeln, wrote two symphonies, which won the prize at Brussels, 1853 ; composed trios, quartets, overtures, piano-forte works, and songs ; died May 23, 1872, at Berlin. Unger, Caroline, called in Italy Ungher, one of the best singers of re- cent times, was born at Vienna in 1800; in 1825 she sang at Naples, Milan, Turin, and Rome'with great success; in 1840 she retired from the stage, having married happily, and settled in Dresden. Uxger, Johann Friedrich, coun- sellor of justice at Brunswick, was born there in 171G; he invented a machine to be attached to a harpsichord, which should write down every successive note performed on the instrument ; died at Brunswick in 1781. See Hohlfeld. Upham, Dr. J. B., originated the plan for procuring the Boston Music Hall organ, and in 1857 visited the principal factories of Europe, and gave the contract to Walcker of Ludwigs- burg; published, 1853, a work on ^''Acoustic Architecture;" was Presi- dent of Handel and Haydn Society of Boston many years, and chairman of committee on music in the public schools of Boston. Urban, Christian, first alto violin at the Royal Academy, an esteemed musician ; devoted his talents to sacred music, but, to live, was forced to be- come a theatrical musician. While ac- companying the dance, he would not view the spectacle ; and, though many years a member of the opera orchestra, never saw the performance, and did not know the vocalists whom he assisted. Urbani. Peter, an Italian composer, born at Milan, 1749; resided for many years in Scotland and Ireland from about the year 1784. Amongst his works were "li Farnace" op. ser., per- formed at Dublin, and "IZ Trionfo di Clelia" op. ser., also performed at Dub- lin, in which city he died in the year 1816, aged 67. Urena, Pietro D', a Spanish monk, flourished in the sixteenth century in the Milanese ; was born blind ; was the first who added a seventh syllable to the Guidonian scale. Urfey, Thomas d', a celebrated convivial songster in the reign of Charles II. He lived chiefly in the ale and wine houses of London, where he sang his own compositions with much humor. In 1719 there was pub- lished in London a collection of his songs, entitled " Wit and Mirth, or Pills to purge Melancholy." Urio, Francesco Antonio, chapel- master at Venice in the seventeenth century, published at Bologna, in 1697, ^' Salmi Concertati, a 3 Voci, con Vio- lini," Op. 2. Ursillo, Fabio, published at Am- sterdam, about the year 1748, three sets of violin trios ; he was a chapel-master at Rome. Ursini, Giacomo, an Italian com- poser, born at Pantremoli ; published, amongst other works, ^'Madrigali a 4 Voci," Venice; and " E'an anderes Werk," Venice, 1550. Urso, Camilla, born in Nantes, France, 1842; celebrated violinist; when a child, expressed the wish to learn the violin ; her success was won- derful ; she soon appeared in concerts, and everywhere with triumph ; came to this country 1852, and performed in all the principal cities; in 1854 was con- nected with the concert troupe of Mme. Sontag; in 1874 was giving concerts in Boston, assisted byGihnore's New York Band. Urso, Salvator, born at Palermo, 1810; was organist at the Church of the Holy Cross, at Nantes ; an excellent musician, and the father of the cele- brated violinist Camilla Urso; moved to Paris, in order to give his daughter a musical education in that city. ; < -^ 156 A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". Y is used for the word " violin ; " V. v., both first and second violin; also V. S., volti subito, turn over quick. Vallo, Signor, a resident of Phila- delphia, I?*enn., known as a violinist, and celebrated for his staccato and har- monic passages; has composed for his instrument some very excellent lessons. Valvis, Mlle. de, daughter of Philip of Orleans, who married the Duke of Modena 1719, introduced chorus into the Italian lyric drama; she brought a body of choristers from Paris, who appeared at tlie opera in Modena, being the first effective chorus heard in Italy. Van Alstyne, Frances Jane Crosby, born in South-east, Putnam 1> County, N.Y., March 24, 182/; wrote * •^ 7 ''^-'-v/?, o i-<^ . ^^- ^ Sr^jT ^/-^Ta-u, I'x^ S .c^ 160 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Wallace, William Yincent, born in Waterford, Ireland, March 11, 1815; was master of a band, and an excellent practical musician, playing nearly every instrument in the orchestra; was for many years music-director in Dublin; travelled extensively, giving concerts with great success ; came to this coun- try 1850; has published an immense amount of music, and some operas. In 1857 he went to Europe with the inten- tion of bringing out two operas, one for the German, and one for the English stage; in London he became almost blind, and was obliged to abandon com- position ; retired to France ; and died at his hotel in the Pyrenees, Oct. 12, 1865. Wallenhaupt, Hermann A., born at Schkenditz, Prussia, Sept. 27, 1827 ; came to this country 1845, when a young man of seventeen years ; was a pianist and also a composer; settled in New York, where his piano-forte com- positions became famous ; many of them were republished in Europe ; his songs were celebrated as most beautiful ; died in New York. Wallix, Johan Olof, born in Dale- carlia, Sweden, Oct. 1.5,1779; published a Swedish psalm and hymn book, 1811, in which appeared some of his own com- positions ; died .June 30, 1839. Walsh, J., musical instrument maker to the king, residing in London, pub- lished ^^ The British Musical Miscellany, ^^ a collection of vocal and instrumental music, in six volumes. Walsyngham, Thomas de, flour- ished about A.D. 1400, and says five musical characters were used in his day ; " the large, the long, the breve, the semi- breve, and the minim. A new charac- ter, the crotchet, has lately been intro- duced ; but beyond the minim no subdi- vision ought to be made." Walter, Thomas, of Roxbury, Mass., born 1696; in 1721 published "T/je Grounds and Bules of Music Ex- plained;'''' this was the fourth singing- book published in this country, and contained twenty-four tunes in three parts. Was a composer and teacher ; died 1728. Walter, William. H., Mus. Doc, published in New York, " Psalms, Can- ticles, and Anthems;'''' also a ^'■Manual of Church Music,'" &c., 1869. Ward, Thomas, of Franklin Grove, 111., invented, 1857, a machine for turn- ing the leaves of sheet-music for the performer. Ware, F., born 1775; tenor-player at Covent Garden, and leader at the Music Hall, Liverpool, England ; also known as performer at other places. War Music. From the earliest days down to the present, no band of soldiers of any extent has undertaken a march without the enlivening influence of music. At the present day the Aus- trian, Prussian, French, English, Irish, and American military music is only equalled by the orchestral bands of the same countries. Warner, Anna B., author of many popular works, wrote '''•Jesus loves me, this I know, ^^ and several other popular hymns. Warner, James F., published, 1841, at Boston, Mass., a translation of ^^ God- frey Weber^s General Music Teacher; " also '^A Dictionary of Musical Terms; ^^ in 1848 removed to New York, and there opened a musical academy, and taught music at sight. War-Songs. The soldier has always desired something more than military music, some vocal demonstration in which he can himself take part; and this feeling is manifested in the savage war-whoop, as well as in the world- renowned Marseillaise ; every country, every people, has had and continues to cherish its war-songs. Warren, Alfred E., a well-known pianist and composer, had one of his compositions performed at three differ- ent concerts at the Peace Jubilee, 1872. Warren, Charles, a noted teacher of music in Ohio, published, 1850, an edition of " The Missouri Harmony," with modern harmony ; 270 pages. Warren, E. T., an English musician who published a monthly collection of ancient music, and annual collections of glees and madrigals. Warren, George William, bom in Albany, N.Y., Aug. 17, 1828; became known as a teacher and composer in 1849; was an organist and director of music in the churches for many years. Warren, H., a celebrated organist at Montreal, Canada, died, as was sup- posed, from grief on account of the loss of the fine organ by fire ; after the loss he became ill, and died December, 1856. Warren, Henry, published ^'Notes upon Music," London, 1832. Warren, J. S., of Columbus, 0., ^ U . Hm^ hryy>t^ . l^- /^^ Jfr ^^(^ . Yr>5^ I, ^, r^^ lvru>v-vAv«-^ /^ iriA^ ' y ^-T^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 161 published, 1856, *' Warren^ s Minstrel,'^ 156 pages; a music-teacher in that State. Warren^, Joseph, of London, Eng- land, published ^^Hbits to Young Organ- ists,^' **A Dictionary of Musicians,'' and several other works on music, from 1844 to 1853. Warren, Samuel W., of Montreal, Canada, completed his large organ for the Parish Church, 1858 ; made impor- tant improvements in the construction of pedal-keys, which are concave at the centre. Wasielewski, Herr von, of Bonn, an able musician and violinist; pub- lished "J. History of the Violin," which gained for him a reward from Fine Arts Department of Prussia ; has also written "J. Life of Schumann." Water-Organ is the same as the hydraulic organ. Watkins, Thomas Philip, born in London, 1799, at the age of fifteen years was a performer in the orchestra at Covent Garden Theatre ; became a per- former at the king's concert of ancient music ; and in 1819 was engaged by Bishop for the Philharmonic Band, and was elected a member of the -Royal Soci- ety of Musicians. Watlen, John, musician, teacher, and composer, of London, England, had such reputation that he was also em- ployed in Scotland ; was also a music- seller. r Watson, Henry C, born in Balti - ) more, Mdv y— 18^ ; published '■'■Masonic \ \ Musical Manual," 1855; died 1669. -' Watson, J. Jay, known as the Amer- ican Paganini, was born in Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 23, 1830; became early cel- ebrated as a violinist and composer; in 1858 visited Europe ; on his return opened a music-school in New York, where he has since remained ; is known by his many concerts and his conser- vatory of music, as well as by his com- positions and newspaper writings. Watson, James, born in Dundee, Scotland, became blind when a boy ; a performer on the violin and violoncello ; finally succeeded, 1821, in playing both instruments at the same time ; con- structed machinery by which he could bow the violoncello and finger it with his leg ; could perform music in four I parts. I Watt, James, the engineer and in- ventor, was born at Greenock, on the V I) , /^nrv- V ' / ^}^ ■ '^-At/w , i^ . Clyde, Jan. 19, 1736; invented an im- proved dulcimer and an improved jews- harp ; died Aug. 19, 1819, in his eighty- third year. Watts, Isaac, born at Southampton, England, July 17, 1674; known wher- ever psalms and hymns have been sung; his hymns were published in this country by Benjamin Franklin, at Phila- delphia, 1741 ; his Psalms at Boston, Mass. ; they were sent in manuscript to Dr. Cotton Mather, of Boston, who en- couraged the work, and advised its pub- lication. Watts died Nov. 25, 1748, aged 75. Watts, John, London, England, pub- lished ^"Musical Miscellany," and other works, 1729, six volumes in all. Webb, George James, composer and t-c)"^^^ teacher of music; has published a num- /ir^3. ber of music-books at Boston, and later Vv%aa^ k; in New York ; was associated with Low- jf^ . ell Mason in many of his publications. Webb, T. S., of Boston, Mass., was the first president of the Handel and Haydn Society. Webb, Thomas S., of Rhode Island; author of some Masonic music, and a "Most Excellent Master's Song" in general use ; died 1819. Webbe, Samuel, born 1740; partic- ularly celebrated for his glees and part- songs; his compositions are known in all countries, and are many in number ; died 1817, aged 77. Webber, Isaiah, born at Hopkinton, N.H., 1793, was a teacher of music, leader of a choir, a performer upon sev- eral instruments, and a composer of music. His manuscript compositions form a volume of 150 pages. Mr. Web- ber had in his choir three viols, three clarinets, a Kent bugle, and sometimes other instruments, to support the voices. Weber, Albert, came to this country from Bavaria, and settled in New York, 1845; was a journeyman piano-forte maker; worked at his trade by day, and gave music-lessons at night ; was organ- ist at one of the churches for some time ; became wealthy, and is now at the head of an extensive manufactory of piano- fortes in the city of his adoption. Weber, Carl Maria von, born at Eutin, Holstein, Dec. 18, 1786; became a composer when a boy ; composed operas 1810, and his celebrated "Freischiitz" at Dresden, 1816 ; this made his fame and his fortune ; other operas followed, and in 1824 he wrote for the London theatres ; 162 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. was immensely popular in England, as he was everywhere; wrote a great amount of music ; and died in London, June 5, 1826, aged 40. Madame Weber died at Dresden, February, 1843. Weber, Edmund von, director of the music at the Court Theatre in Salz- burg in 1797 ; was elder brother of the celebrated C. M. von Weber. Some of his instrumental works have been pub- lished. He has also composed some dramatic pieces. Weber, Franz, instituted " The Co- logne Union of Men^s Voices,^^ in Lon- don, 1842, with the object of promoting a taste for German song. Weber, Gottfried, a composer and writer about music ; bom at Freinsheim, Bavaria, March 1, 1779; composed a large amount of music, and perfomed on several instruments, but was chiefly celebrated for his theoretical works ; such as, "Musical Compofiition,^' "Dic- tionary of Music," and '^Thorough-Bass Instructor; -^ died Sept. 12, 1839. Weber, Heinrich Dionys, born at Welchau, Bohemia, 1771 ; wrote much dance-music, and introduced orchestral music in the ball-room ; composed three operettas, songs, and instrumental music, as well as church music ; made improvements in keyed instruments, adding valves to horns, and invented a method of tuning the kettle-drum to any desired key ; resided at Prague. Weber, J., author of "The Church of England Choral Book,'' published in London, 1856. Weber, J.R., published "School Part- Songs,'' 1862, assisted by W. J. Unwin; and, in the same year, "J. Singing Method,^' from the German. Webster, J. P., became known in New England as director of a quartet company called " Euterpeans ;''' after- wards as a popular song-writer at New Albany, Ind. ; was born at Manches- ter, N.H. ; published ''The Signet Ring,'' for sabbath schools, Chicago, 1868. Weeden, C, a composer of anthems and other music, residing at London, England, 1702. Wehle, Karl, born March 17, 1825 ; has travelled in France, Spain, England, and Germany, giving concerts, and has written many piano-forte compositions ; went to reside in Paris, 1858. Wehli, James M., a celebrated pianist and composer; in 1866 gave concerts through the States with Madame Hoff- man; has written some fine composi- tions for his instrument. Wehran, Augustus, author of a ''Theory and Practice of Tuning in Gen- eral," published in London, 1853. Weichsell, Elizabeth, born in England, 1770; became famous, after marriage, as Mrs. Billington ; died 1817. See Billington. Weiprecht, Herr, a celebrated band-master and composer, died at Ber- lin, 1872. Weisenthal, T.V., of Boston, Mass., 1820, became known as the composer of several pleasing songs published there and at Philadelphia, Penn. Weiss, Carl R., born at Muhlhousen ; was a flute-player at the age of nine years ; settled at Naples, and soon gave concerts in Rome; travelled through Italy, and finally settled in London, where he published about seventy com- positions for the flute. Wels, Charles, born at Prague, 1830; came to this country, and settled in New York, where he is known as a pianist, teacher, and composer ; has pub- lished a collection of " Church Music " in New York, 1864, and many composi- tions for the piano-forte. Welsh Bards. The first musician or bard was an officer of dignity at the court of the Welsh king; and music, in Wales, was a royal accomplishment. Welsh Harp, an instrument of large proportions, of simplicity, and without ornament; it has two rows of strings, one of which gives the accidentals ; one of the Welsh harps has about a hundred strings. Welsh, Thomas, bom at Wells, Eng- land, 1770; was engaged as an oratorio- singer at the Opera House, London, when a youth, and sang in several operas written for his voice ; became a composer when twenty-three years of age, and also a teacher. Welsh Music was received from Ire- land about 1100; it differs from the Gaelic, and accords with the perfect scale. They did not sing in unison, but in parts. Some of the old Welsh music is very pleasing. Wely-Lefebure, M. Louis James Alfred, born at Paris, Nov. 13, 1817; knew his notes and the use of the key- board before he knew his letters; be- came an organist at the age of fifteen ; was noted for his elegant improvisations on the organ, as well as for his more pre- A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 163 tentious compositions; was celebrated as a composer of organ-music, much as yet unpublished ; died at Paris, Decem- ber, 1809, aged 52. M. Widor succeeded him as organist at the Church of Saint Sulpice. Weninqer, Francis Xavier, born in Austria, 1805; came to this country in 1830; wrote hymns and musical ac- companiments, a Te Deum, and other music, 1858. Werner, Anthony, for many years a well-known organist and teacher of music, Boston, Mass., died there Dec. 21, 1866, aged 50 years; was teacher at the N. E. institution for the Blind nine years, and a member of the orchestra at the old Academy; was author of " The Memorare,^^ a collection of Catholic music, 1857. Wesley, Charles, son of Charles the hymn-writer, and nephew of John ; born at Bristol, England, 1757; played the harpsichord when a child, and at the age of thirteen years few could excel him; went to London, where he became at once known as a performer and composer; in 1779 he commenced giving concerts; in 1784 published a collection of songs, and has since pub- lished much other music. Wesley, Charles, known as the hymn-writer, son of Samuel rector of Epworth, born 1708 ; came to this coun- try with his brother John as a mission- ary of the English Church ; returned to England 1736 ; was a musical amateur, and composed some psalmody; died 1788. Wesley, Samuel S., was a composer of sacred music, and wrote chants for the daily service, London, 1846. West, whose name is connected with many of the old psalm-tunes, was a teacher, and resident of Woodstock, Vt. West, Benjamin, of Northampton, England, published in London, 1759, "iSacra Concerto; or, The Voice of Melody.'' West, H., a teacher of vocal and in- strumental music, London, England, published "A Singing Preceptor,'' 1846, and a book for the accordeon. Westlake, Frederick, a member of the Royal Academy, London, Eng- land, was a composer of sacred music, and published one collection of part- songs, 1863. Westropp, E. J., a composer of mu- sic, published in London, 1857, five different collections of music, among which were *' Carmina Sacra" and the " Normal Singer." Westropp, T., published, from 1861 to 1863, 123 anthems, a violin-tutor, many sacred songs, and a complete organ-tutor. Westphal, Johann Christoph, of Hamburg, was appointed, in 1803, or- ganist of St. Nicholas's Church in that town. He was celebrated as a per- former on that instrument, also as a pianist and violoncellist. He has also composed some good instrumental mu- Wetmore, Dr. Truman S-voorn Aug. 12, 1774, in Winchester, Conn., was one of the old pioneers of music in New England ; a contemporary of Jeuks, and a composer of music popular in his time ; died in Winchester July 21, 1861. His '^Florida" and *^ America" are still popular tunes. /^3 '^ Weyde, Van der, the inventor of the Telephone, discovered that a mag- netic current sent through wires pro- duced a lengthening and shortening of them, and that the vibrations were mu- sical, and could be made audible by a sounding-board ; this led to the inven- tion. Weyse, C. E. F., an excellent pianist, resided at Copenhagen in 1798. He has published much instrumental music, of which four allegri di bravura for the piano-forte were republished at Berlin, in 1796, by the chapel-masters Schulz and Reichardt. He also produced a symphony, some sonatas, and several operas. Wheat, Dr. Nathaniel, born at Canaan, N.H., 1773; settled in Candia, N. H., and removed to Manchester; was well known as a singer and violin- ist, though an eminent physician; pub- lished some music, taught many free schools ; and died Jan. 25, 1857, aged 74 years. Wheatsone, M., 1829, invented an instrument of the accordeon family, in England, called ^^ Concertina ;" it was first introduced into America by Mr. Sedgwick, 1852 ; the tones are pro- duced as upon the accordeon. Wheeler, Miss, a singer at Covent Garden Theatre, London, procured for Mrs. Billington her first engagement of three years. Whichello, Abriell, organist in London, and celebrated as a teacher; 164 A DICTIONAET OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. composed many popular songs; and died 1745. White, A. Warren, bom at Barre, Mass., August, 1826; lias been engaged in the manufacture and sale of violins, in Boston, Mass., twenty -five years; and has gained a reputation for skill which has created a great demand for his instruments in this country. White, B. F., associated with E. J. King, published, 1844, at Philadelphia, Penn., " The Sacred Harp,'' 262 pages; an appendix, 1850, enlarged it to 360 pages ; a second appendix, 1859, made a book of 432 pages. White, Edward L., bom in New- buryport, Mass., acquired large celebrity as a teacher and composer of music; settled in Boston, where he published much music, vocal and instrumental, some books, and some instruction- books ; died 1851. White, George L., teacher in the school for colored people of Nashville, Tenn., established 1866, encouraged the scholars to practise the melodies of their race, and with a select number com- menced giving concerts ; in 1871, a com- pany of eight was formed, called '^Ju- bilee Singers,'^ who came North, giving concerts, and realizing in one tour the sum of $20,000; with which and later earnings was founded the school known as Fisk University of Tennessee. White, John, violin-maker, Boston, Mass., made one instrument which be- came famous from the fact that the top was made from a part of an organ pre- sented to the town of Cambridge 1761 ; the back and hoops from an old com- munion-table of the old church at Lex- ington. White, Robert, was an excellent composer of church services ; he died in 1581. The works of Wliite do not ap- pear to have been ever printed. Whitefield, the celebrated preacher, was the first person who adapted de- votional poetry to the old popular songs of the Scotch and English. His reason was, as he said, " because it was not right that the Devil should have all the good music." He was such a lover of old tunes, that, were he now living, he would probably be willing, rather than give up the best music, that some one should take the modern school of " pro- fessors." Whiting, George E., a well-known ♦organist and teacher at the New Eng- land Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass. ; his method of instruction is much esteemed. Whiting, S. K., born at East Win- throp. Me., 1831; organist, teacher, and composer, at Rockland; has con- tributed to several collections of music, and published one or two books of sacred music. Whiting, Virginia, under the as- sumed name of Lorini, sang at Venice, Turin, Edinburgh, Brussels, Cologne, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Leipsic, Dresden, and other places. Whitney, Myron W., born in Ash- by, Mass., Sept. 5, 1836; in early life went to Boston, Mass., and became known as a bass-singer, and teacher of music ; a solo-singer in the concerts and oratorios of that city ; went to Europe, was heard in London and elsewhere, when he became famous ; returning, he has been considered the leading bass- singer in this country. Whittlesey, Oramel, bom in Say- brook, Conn., Nov. 7, 1801; in 1836, he opened a seminary for instruction in music, called ^^ Music Vale Seminary,^' at Salem, Conn. ; ladies only are admit- ted to this school; as a composer of songs and other music he has become well known; is a bass-singer, and a per- former upon several instruments. Wiebe, Edward, born at Altona, Holstein, Nov. 17, 1816; early became a solo-singer in the school of "Ton- halle;" became a music-publisher and writer for the public journals ; came to America 1851, as a teacher of vocal and instrumental music; invented the " Scale Building Key Indicator,'^ the ^' Music Becorder,^^ and other useful things ; has been an organist, teacher, director, and composer at Brooklyn, N.Y., since his arrival in this country. WiECK, Frederick, born 1784, was educated for the ministry; became a performer upon the harp, piano -forte, violin, horn, and double-bass, without instruction; settled at Leipsic as a teacher of music ; became famous as the instructor of Chopin and Schumann; was known as a great worker in the cause of music ; in 1840 went to reside in Dres' den; and died at Loschwitz, Oct. 6, 1873, aged 89. He was the father of Clara Wieck, now the widow of Robert Schumann. Wiedemann, a German musician, and celebrated as a flutist, went to Eng- A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. f inn /'^v.^L. ) laud 172G; his quartets, trios, and duets were generally known in Europe, where he was long principal solo-per- fonner. WiENiAWSKi, Heinrich, bom at LubJin, Poland, June 10, 1835. There were two artists of this name, Heinrich the violinist, and Joseph the pianist; Joseph was born 1838; they performed at Munich, 1853 ; Heinrich took the first prize at the Paris Conservatory, and at the age of sixteen gave concerts at Ber- lin; in 1858 was with JuUien in Lon- don, and in 1859 was solo-violinist to the Emperor of Russia ; in 1860 was a professor in the conservatory at St. Petersburg ; came to this country 1872. WiEPKECHT,WiLHELM, bom at Asch- ersleben, Aug. 10, 1802; in 1824 en- tered the royal Kapelle at Berlin as violinist, but gave his attention mostly to military music, composing much, and making improvements in wind-in- struments ; invented the chromatic bass- tuba and an instrument of wood, called batyphon ; in 1838 became regimental band-director of all the military bands of Prussia; died Aug. 4, 1871, at Berlin. WiGHTMAN, Valentine, of Groton, Mass., published an " E'ssa?/ " concern- ing the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs ; undertaking to prove that singing was a duty. Wilder, Levi, born June 17, 1807, at Lancaster, Mass., commenced leading choirs, and teaching, at the age of twenty-two years ; went to Baltimore, Md., 1840, where he was a successful teacher in the public schools for seven years ; removed to Brooklyn, N.Y., and taught music in the schools there twenty-two years. (See "Tonograph.") Died at Brooklyn, July 28, 1874, and was buried at Paterson, N. J. Wilder, Philip Van, was author- ized by Edward VI. to take, in any place in England, 1550, as many singing children as he thought best, and teach them how to sing in the choirs of the cathedrals. Wilder, Solon, born in Princeton, Mass., 1831, was a composer and com- piler of musical works, a teacher in the Boston Academy of Music, and a well- known conductor of musical conven- tions ; died at Princeton, April 6, 1874 ; acquired his reputation as a teacher in Bangor, Me. y* Wilhelm, Carl, born at Schmalkal- / den, iu Thuringia, Sept.yS, 1815 ; was a teacher and director of singing societies ; composed much piano-forte music and some songs ; set to music, 1854, " The Watch on the Bhine;" and the music of this one song made him suddenly famous in 1865, when it became a favorite with the German troops ; and, during the war with France, it became a national song. See Schneckenbur- ger. WiLHORST, Cora de, born in New York, became known as a public singer after her marriage; made her cUbut at the Academy, 1857 ; gave concerts in the large cities, and went to Europe as an opera-singer. Willard, Rev. Samuel, published at Greenfield, Mass., 1814, " The Deer- field Collection of Sacred Music ;^^ it contained the music popular at that time ; 144 pages. William of Malmesbury, 1143, men- tions an organ, in playing which, " a wind forced out by the violence of water, passing through brass pipes, sends forth musical tones." This may have been something like the steam-organ, or calliope, which see. William II., King of Holland, was by instinct a musician and composer; composed when he rode about the coun- try on horseback; when he returned sang his melodies to his precentor, who added the accompaniments. William IX., Count of Poitou, was one of the earliest troubadours, who "sang new songs, and whose songs are not like the songs of any other." He was born in 1071, and died 1122. Williams, A., of London, England, ^./"jj a successful composer of psalmody, ^ wrote the first fugue-music introduced v , n^ into this country. T. Williams, proba- ^ bly a brother, was also a composer. His name became familiar in this coun- try as associated with William Tansur; they published " Williams' and Tansur' s Collection'^ of popular psalmody. A collection of music by these composers was published at Newburyport, Mass., by Daniel Bailey, 1769. Williams, George Ebenezer, cho- rister at St. Paul's, and in 1815 organ- ist at Westminster Abbey; died 1819, and was buried in the cloisters. Williams, W., of Boston, Mass., published, 1855, " Gloria in Excelsis," a collection of church-music entirely new ; also some other works. Willis, Richard Storrs, born in 166 A DICTIONAKY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Boston, Mass., Feb. 10, 1819; after graduating at Yale College, where he was president of the Beethoven Club, and where he organized the " Student's Concert," went to Germany; returned 1849; lectured in the States on church music; settled in New York, and be- came connected with the newspaper press; published the " Musical Worlcl;'^ became known as a composer, and pub- lished some books of sacred music and piano-forte compositions. WiLT^is, Robert, of Lexington, Ky., published, 1834, " The Lexington Cabi- net,^^ 200 pages; a collection of church psalmody. Wilson, Henry, of Greenfield, Mass., in 1855 became organist and director at Hartford, Conn., where he composed much of the music used by his choir. Wilson, James, known as the au- thor of " The London Musical Cyclo- pedia.^' Wilson, John, renowned as a singer of Scotch ballads ; born in the canon- gate of Edinburgh, Dec. 25, 1800 ; was for many years a teacher, and giver of concerts, but in 1830 appeared in opera, and became a great favorite in Scotland, England, and Germany; came to this country 1838; after making a tour of the States, went to Canada; died at Quebec, July, 1849; buried at Quebec, where a monument marks his grave, erected in 1853. Wilson, William, published in London a collection of '^ Scotch Songs,'' original, for voice and harpsichord, with violin or flute accompaniments ; one of these songs is *' Roy's Wife of Aldi- valloch." Winch, A. B., teacher of music at Taunton, Mass., in 18.59 produced a cantata entitled '■^Demetrius." WiNKw^oKTH, Catharine, authoress of a number of musical works; pub- lished the ^''Choral Boole," '''Christian Singers," and other collections of mu- sic, in London, England; also some music in New York, 1858. Winner, Septimus, born in Phila- delphia, Penn., known as a music- dealer, publisher, composer, and author of several instruction-books ; published in Boston and New York, 1874. Winter, Peter Von, the eminent composer and violinist, born in Mann- heim, 1754; was conductor of the or- chestra of the theatre at Munich, 1770, and vice chapel-master; celebrated for his many compositions for the theatres of his own country, and for the Italian stage ; died 1825, in Munich. Winterstein, Carl, editor of the ^'Deutsche Miisik - Zeitung ," Philadel- phia, Penn. ; successor of Philip Rohr, who was the editor after P. M. Wolfsie- per the founder, 1850. Withers, George, published " Songs and Hymns of the Church," 1624; but Sternhold and Hopkins' version was used, though the Bishop of Canterbury approved Withers' s book, with the alter- ation of only one word. Witt, Theodore de, born at Nieder- wesel, in the Netherlands, went to Ber- lin, where he became a pianist and composer; in 1850 went to Rome, and thence to Italy, where he was success- ful as a composer; and, after publishing some important works at JJdannheim, died Dec. 1, 1855. WocHNiNG, Carl, a fine musician, member of the New York Philharmonic Society, died in New York, 1848; about seventy of his fellow-musicians formed themselves into a military band, and performed funeral marches at his grave. Wolff, M. Auguste, of Paris, France, in 1858 invented an instrument named ^^ Pedalier ;" it is independent in itself, having its own strings and hammers, as well as mechanism; the pedals are for the feet, and the per- former uses them while his hands are upon the keyboard of the piano-forte, — combining the two instruments. WoLFSiEFER, P. M., editor of the ^^ Deutsche Musik- Zeitung," Philadel- phia, Penn. ; founder of the German singing societies of that city; director of musical festivals, and known as a composer of merit ; commenced his paper 1856. WoLFSOHN, Carl, a Hungarian, and superior pianist, gave concerts in the States, 1836; had resided mostly in Philadelphia, where he composed much music for his instrument. Women-Singers. Among the Ameri- can scruples of conscience, the second was, "whether women may sing as well as men; because woman may not speak in church, how, then, shall she sing?" It was decided that all must pray, and therefore all, including wo- man, may sing. Women were forbid- den to sing by the pope, 1686. Wood, Abraham, of Northborough, Mass., published a collection of original ^V/>v^ *^ P 0*.v/vv_^ ^AH---«-->^/'J~"t^'^V7^->r)'^>-v^ A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 167 » Woodman, J.'^ C, of New York, teacher and composer, published ** Mu- sical Casket,'^ and other works. Woods, Geokge, head of the firm of George Woods & Co., Cambridgeport, Mass., manufacturers of the Woods organs, is an inventor of many improve- ments in reed-instruments. WooDWORTH, Samuel, author of " The Old Oaken Bucket," was born in Scituate, Mass., Jan. 13, 1785; was con- nected with several newspapers in Bos- ton, New Haven, and New York ; died Dec. 9, 1842 ; his song will ever hold its place among the best of American com- positions ; was the author of an opera, " The Forest Rose.'' WooLETT, John, of Chicago, a solo tenor-singer, an enthusiastic musician, excellent conductor and voice-teacher, 1873. Worcester Collection. After five editions of this work had been pub- lished, 1786 to 1797, Oliver Holden altered, corrected, revised, and added to the sixth edition, which was printed at Boston, Mass . by Thomas & Andrews ; Holden became interested in the work, and edited the three later editions. Worcester Musical Association has held meetings since 1852 ; was or- ganized as a society 1863, and has held annual meetings regularly. WoRDE, Wynkyn de, published, 1521, a set of " Christmas Carrols ; " festal chansons for enlivening the mer- riments of Christmas. WoRGAN, Thomas D., author of some musical works, London, 1807 ; but chiefly known by his *' Games,'" con- structed on the principles of music. Wragg, J., of London, England, a flutist and composer; author of an excellent '■^ Flute Preceptor" which has gone through forty editions in Lon- don, and has been also published in this country. Wright, Charles, was very popu- lar among the singers and dancers of the Haymarket Theatre, London, and was called "Champagne Charley." Late in life he labored under the monomania that one of his legs belonged to Mme. Vestris, and refused to stand up or walk on that account ; from him origin- ated the name of the song, " Champagne Charley." Wright, Melvin, born at London- derry, Vt., Feb. 22, 1824; became well known as a singer, teacher, and com- psalmody, called ^^ Divine Songs," 1789; and a second edition in 1790. Wood, D. S., of Virginia, 1852, in- vented an attachment of a violin to the piano-forte ; it is played with four bows, producing soft and sweet tones when the piano-forte is used. Wood, David B., born blind, 1836, learned music, and became a teacher at the Institution for the Blind in Penn- sylvania, where he produced a number of compositions of rare merit, and a ^^ Dictionary of Musical Terms," in raised letters for the blind. Wood, Mrs. Mary, formerly Miss Paton, born at Edinburgh, Scotland, 1802; was first known as a singer when Miss Paton; composed several songs, which were publislied, when five years of age; gave concerts 1810, at which she performed upon the harp and piano- forte ; appeared at the Haymarket Thea- tre, as a theatrical singer, 1822 ; became famous as an opera - singer ; married Joseph Wood ; came with him to this country 1833 ; both were popular singers here ; in 1856 they were living at Wake- field, but afterwards settled at Man- chester, England, where she died, 1863. Wood, Thomas, author of the oldest manuscripts in Scotland containing secular music; he wrote four books, which consumed four years' time ; they were completed in 1566 ; each book con- tained a distinct part of the music used after the Reformation. WooDBRiDGE, WiLLiAM C, the emi- nent geographer, was tlie first to advo- cate the expediency and practicability of introducing vocal music as a branch of common-school education, in a lec- ture at Boston, Mass., before a conven- tion of teachers representing eleven States of the Union. , Woodbury, Isaac B., born at Bever- ^-' ly, Mass.A^1819, first became known in 1849, in connection with the '^Ba7j State Glee Club;" in 1851 visited Europe, and after liis return became known by the publication of a number of music- books and some popular songs; his church music books, sabbath - school books, glee-books, and instruction-books, were popular ; was connected with seve- ral musical papers as editor, and as con- tributor in New York ; held many mu- sical conventions; composed largely; and died at Columbia, S. C, Oct. 26, 1858, aged 39. 168 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. poser of songs and other music, after he settled at Proctorsville. Wright, Thomas, born at Stockton, England, 1763, resided at Croft ; author of a concerto, 1795, and a, '' Primer of Music ;^^ was the first to introduce a method of marking time by the oscilla- tions of the pendulum ; his father was the organist at Stockton. WUNDEBLICH, JOHANN GeORG, born at Bayreuth, 1755; was, in 1800, flutist in the orchestra of the Grand Opera at Paris; published various works for the flute ; died 1819. WuNDERLiCH, C. F., born at Culm- bach, 1722 ; a composer, and a performer upon the hautboy and clarinet from 1738 to 1770. WuRSCHAWSKi, P. I. J., author of ^^ Music of the Bible,^' and '^Specimens of Temple Music,'^ London, 1870. Wyat, Sir Thomas, of England, was the first of his countrymen who versified any part of the book of Psalms for the purpose of being set to music. Wyeth, John, of Harrisburg, Penn., published at Philadelphia, 1826, *' Wyeth'' s Repository^''' 144 pages; there were as many as five different collec- tions of music by this author. He was born at Cambridge, Mass., 1792; died 1858. Wylde, H., bom 1795; chorister at the Chapel Royal, 1805 ; organist at Wat- ford, 1809; published many songs and glees. Wyman, Addison P., born in Cor- nish, N.H., June 23, 1832; early be- came a violinist ; taught vocal and in- strumental music; in 1859 was em- ployed as a teacher at Wheeling, Va. ; in 1867 opened a music-school at Clare- mont, N.H., and became extensively known as a composer of piano-forte music; died at Washington, Penn., April 15, 1872 ; the body was buried at Cornish. His wife, Anne E., died in Boston, Sept. 24, 1871, aged 36 ; a good soprano-singer. Wyman, Chancey Milton, born at Rockingham, Vt., Dec. 20, 1835, became known as a teacher, and composer of church-music and songs, 1859; settled at Keene, N.H. vUi Wyman, Charles S., a native of New York ; wrote articles upon music and musical composition. Wynne, Miss Edith, a distinguished London vocalist, sang in Boston, Mass., 1874, at the Handel and Haydn Society festival ; returned to London, May, 1874. Wythorne, Thomas, wrote " Songs for Five Voices," with musical notes; published by John Daye, 1571. A de- scendant of this Daye afterwards came to America, and was the first printer who practised the art of printing in this country, printing here the ^^ Bay Psalm Book:' X. Xavier, Anton Maria, chamber- violinist to the Emperor Napoleon, and member of the Royal Academy of Music, was born at Paris in 1769; his violin-playing was greatly admired at Paris; he published several composi- tions for his instrument, and many ro- mances. XiMENES, Fran., cardinal, and Arch- bishop of Toledo, was born at Tordela- guna in 1457 ; he took a very active part in the organization of the Spanish church music of his time; and intro- duced the Mozarabic or Gothic chant, which differs in several respects from the Gregorian and Ambrosian chants. XiNDAVCLONis, a Greek, who married Angelina Bosio after her divorce from her Spanish husband, was formerly her courier and cook. On the death of the well-known opera-singer, lier Greek hus- band received a fortune of 600,000 francs, and was knighted by the King of Greece ; in 1870 he became insane, lost his prop- erty, and died a pauper in 1872, in Lon- don. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 169 T. Yaniewicz, Felicia, became distin- guished as an admirable pianist and singer; her public performances when quite young were creditable. Yaniewicz, Felix, was long well known in the musical world as a very eminent performer on the violin. His style seems to have been more the result of his own peculiar mode of feeling and expression than any scholastic imitation or predilection ; his concertos, trios, duets, and other compositions, gave proof of a fine and cultivated taste. Born at Wilna. Yaniewicz, Pauline, was also a vocalist of great reputation, and was chiefly educated by her father. YoNGE, Nicholas, author of a work entitled ^^ Musica Transalpina,^^ pub- lished in London in the year 1588. Yost, Michael. Under this name several pieces of instrumental music were published at Paris about the year 1790. Young, Andrew, of Scotland, while residing at Edinburgh, composed the famous Sunday-school hymn, " There is a Happy Land.^^ Young, Db., discovered that a lyre, from which he had removed all the strings but one, would, on being placed in a current of air, produce many notes and some chords. Young, Matthew, published at Dub- lin, in 1784, a treatise entitled ^' An In- quiry into the principal Phenomena of Sounds and Musical Strinr/s ; " he died at Whitworth, in Lancashire, in the year 1800. Young, Walter, wrote a dissertation on the influence of poetry and music on the Highlanders; was profoundly skilled in the theory of music ; died at Erskine, Scotland, Aug. 6, 1814. Yriarte, Don Tomas de, a Spanish author, published at Madrid, in 1779, a poem in five cantos, entitled "Za Musica.^^ YssANDON, Jean, a French musician, published at Paris, in 1582, a work en- titled, " Traite de Musique pratique, divisee en deux Parties,''^ &c. Yzo published in 1754, probably at Paris, two works, entitled ^^ Apoloyie de la Musique et des Musiciens franQais, contre les Assertio7is peu melodieuses, peu mesurees et mal fondees de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve,'^ and '* Let- tre sur celle de J. J. Rousseau sur la Musique.'* Z. Zabern, Jacob, published at Mu- nich, in 1500, a work entitled ^^Ars bene cantandi Choralem Cantum.^' Zaccariis, or Zachriis, Cesar de, born at Cremona, was musician to the Bavarian court, and flourished towards the end of the sixteenth century. Z ach, Johann, was born in Bohemia ; was chapel-master to the Elector of Mentz; and his instrumental composi- tions were much admired; he died in poverty in 1773. Zaccharelli, an Italian dramatic composer in the latter part of the last century. Zacharia, Justin Friedrich Wil- HELM, an eminent German poet and composer, was professor of belles lettres at the Gymnasium in Brunswick, where he died in 1777; his compositions were chiefly vocal. Zacharl^, of Switzerland, 1872, in- vented " The Art Pedal'' for the piano- forte; by it he claims that many fine and novel effects can be produced. Zachau, Friedrich Wilhelm, the son of a musician of Leipsic, was born in that town in 1C63 ; became a deeply- skilled proficient in the science of music, and likewise attained some excellence as a performer on the organ and other in- struments ; was organist of the Church of the Virgin Mary at Halle, in Saxony, where he continued until his death, in the year 1721; composed several pieces for the church, and some lessons for the harpsichord. Zacchini, Giulio, an organist at 170 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Venice, published in 1572 a work en- titled " Motetti a 4 vocV^ Zacconi, Ludovico, a musician in the service of the Duke of Bavaria, was the author of an excellent work, printed at Venice, first in 1591 and afterwards in 1596, under the title of ^^Pratica di Muslca.'^ Zahn, a celebrated performer on the bassoon, was born in Franconia ; he was engaged, in 1761, in the Imperial Chapel of St. Petersburg, and resided in Russia during twenty years. Zampieri, or Sampteri, a good Ital- ian violinist, resided for some time in England about the year 1795. Zaxciiius, court musician and organ- ist to the Emperor Rudolph II., was born at Treviso, 1570; flourished at Prague at the commencement of the seventeenth century, and published there, amongst other works, "5 Vesper- Psalmen von 8 und 12 Stimmen,^' 160.3. Zanetti or Zanettini, Antonio, a Venetian, was chapel-master to the Duke of Modena; he brought out at Venice six operas from 1675 to 1706. Zanetti, Francesco, chapel-master at Perugia, was born at Volterra about the year 1740; in 1790 he resided in England, where he published several compositions for the violin. Zanotti, Franc. M., an Italian au- thor, published at Milan, between 1770 and 1782, his famous musical letters. Zanotti, Giovanni Calisto, was in 1770 chapel-master at Bologna ; in 1791 he is named as a dramatic composer in the Milan theatrical calendar. Zapf, Johann Nepomuk, pianist at Gratz, published, chiefly at Vienna, many works for his instrument since the year 1800. Zappa, Francesco, a good violon- cellist and composer for his instrument, published some of his music at Paris about the year 1776. Zarlino, Giuseppe, a celebrated chapel-master of St. Mark's Church at Venice, was born at Chiaggia, near Venice, 1520; his theoretical works raised him to the rank of one of the first classical authors of the sixteenth century ; also celebrated as a composer ; died 1.590. Zeller, G. B. L., chapel-master to the Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and composer of some dramatic and violin music, died at Strelitz in the year 1803. Zellinger, a celebrated pianist of Vienna, published there, 1800, a number of works for his instrument, and died at an advanced age. Zelter, Carl Friedrich, born at Berlin, Dec. 11, 1758; was so fond of music that he would spend whole nights writing music, and playing the piano- forte and violin ; became celebrated as a performer, composer, and director of music; was a professor at tlie Berlin Academy, and connected with the vocal societies; died May 15, 1832, aged 74; his songs, especially the comic songs, are more celebrated than his church music. Zenaro, da Sal,o Giulio, a musi- cian of the sixteenth century, published at Venice in 1590, ^^MadrigaU Spirituali a 3 rod." Zeno, Apostolo, born at Venice, 1669 ; composed several musical dramas, 46 operas, and 17 oratorios ; died 1750, aged 81. Zerr, Anna, came to this country witli Jullien, 1853 ; had become famous as a singer at Vienna, previously ; re- turned after a sliort season. Zerrahn, Carl, the well-known or- chestral conductor in this country, was born in Malchon, in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg -Schwerin, July 28, 1826; came to America with the Germania Musical Society during tlie German revo- lution ; settled in Boston, but for six years played the flute and other instruments with the Germanians, travelling through the United States and Canada ; became conductor of tlie Handel and Haydn Society, 1857, and of the Harvard Mu- sical Association ; also directed the Or- chestral Union and the Philharmonic concerts ; has also had charge of other societies, and was a teacher in the high and normal schools of Boston from 1858 until 1867; is now a teacher in the New England Conservatory of Music, and conductor in town and country. Zetus, a son of Jupiter and Antiope, very expert in music. Zeuner, Charles, born at Eisleben, Saxony, Seril. 20, 1795; came to Boston, Mass. , 1824, wliere he was celebrated as an organist and composer; published several excellent musical works; his oratorio, ^^ Feast of Tabernacles,^' was performed in Boston several times ; was organist at the Handel and Haydn Soci- ety ; assisted Lowell Mason in his pub- lications, for which he wrote much music ; removed to Philadelphia, Perm., l^ f4• F- Hodges and G. W. Foster. Anthem Choir. Church Music ---------- wTTmi'inhiPv^' Alt of Reading Music R^han^viiner' Alt Life and Theories - t u w-.Lu^nr^* Anthem Thanksgivmg. Church Music - - - I- 1^- ^^ «o^^^ J^^- Accoideon Primer Sen W mer" :: St^th^o^^l -.----■-------■-■-■-■-■ leTwhuS Army Drum and fSc Book B A. Burditt and Cassidy O. W. Keach. Aida. Libretto of an Opera " ^.^f- :.,,pr;' Afiicaine. Libretto of an Opera - - - - - c^ Meje Deer. Anna Bolena. Libretto of an Opera --------- t^. Donizetti. lSt5fp°Sf?WsecondP.;W ------------ --F.B.Me„ae>.BoW. lX%fSS?p1c£rrsQ.e.- sabbath ScU-ools- ------ -- ^-fdKS^: iss^-v^rspSr-':*":""- ---------------„vi= Appendix to Encyclopaedia of Music domi w. ivioore. Baker's Modem Instructions for Piano ^^^'^T^r'^^J^t' Beck and Lawton's Piano Method - - f^,;^' ^4,^1^^^ BeUak's Piano-fort^e Method ----- "^ M^PrtSi* Beitini's Piano-forte Method - - - - -R^«,.H;„n;;fVRpvPr' Beyer's Prenminai-y School for Piano ■^^'^'^^' t wh^fl* Boston Piano-fort;e Instructor - - - -^ ' ' ,- " - " " wtspS* Beri^ini's Twenty-tive Studies for Piano. Opus 29, 32, and 100 H. Betim. Beitini's Self-teaching Catechism Tn.v?ll Mn«m!* Boston Academy's Manual of Music Lowell Mason. Baker's Theoretical and Practical Harmony irpipvw' BlSho^eJ's^St'eT-"'"-'^'"-" .■-■-'-■-"-■- Dr. Nohfand £ady Wallace! BaSSs S?e'iSSc Gems for Piano - lat SSacS- Baumbach's One Hundred Operatic Melodies Adolph Baumbach. Batiste's Organ Voluntaries -^ - - \ q\varren' Beauties for the Organ. Two Numbers ^^, T^vlffpr' Brauer's Primary Course. Organ ~ " ' " i^ Phnrlo^' Rochsa Bochsa's Harp Method ----- - N-^^^^^'Said Ballard's Guitar Method - - c iiiilnorH Brahiard's Melodic School for Violin »• :J^y,^J"f'^^- Brainard's Opera Melodies for Violin "rr T^!.St>r Beibiguer's Flute Method TowSfSon* ^^^^^"lS&^o?r^"-^ -.-.-.-.----■-■-■-■-"- LreiiMSo^m '« ChirufBook L. Mason and G.J. Webb. Bradbur'^j^rAntfemBook - - - WiUiam B Bmlbury. Bohemian Giri. Opera ^ R Demmte?* Beauties of Vocal Melody - - - ?" Sp3S* i?;tnGKe'Boor'^l'" Vocal Music -_-_-_-_-_ " j^. ^,,,,-„ ,„^^^^-^vtbb: iSnMeToSfom Glee Book B. F. Baker and L. H. Southard Baker's Church Music ^" v T^aWpr* Baker's Short Anthems and Sentences - - - - - - - - I ,.^.'^~i>^'J:^^^u' Baumbach's Sacred Quartets ------ " " " .," f^^J^^P^Vf^l'^^V^^^^^ Beethoven Collection of Church Music - - - E. Ives, W. Alfers, and H. ^- Jimm. Blessner's Floi-a Sacra. Church Music - r^^kii ^iac!f«' Boston Academy Collection of Church Music - -,' JfJl Os3' Bay State Collection of Church Music ^- ^- ^''^"'''^rPPnni.'n tIw^s Beauties of Harmony. 1813 ^ Tnlm S" Psalmody. 1805 w-ino'!^ r^^^^l^ Church Music. 1804 - - - ^'S^T^^Sl^i?.^* Billings and Holden CoUection. 1836- - - - ; "„- " ^ wmiJ^ -^'-Rrlnwv Book of Worship L. W. Bacon and William B. Bradbury. Boston Musical Institute's Collection. Church Music - , - „ " ^-, " ^ t'^^'^^L^iu"'!^' Boston Musical Education Society Collection. Chmch Music. B F. Baker and I- B. Woodbun^. ^n.iniiPf- Vocal Music - - li. H. Southard and George W. Pratt. iS-streerciuecti^^^^ 1810 Nahum Mitchell. A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 18i9 Bridgewater Collection of Church Music. 1824 - - - - Brown, Mitchell, and Holt. Buckley's New Banjo Method ----------- James Buckley. Burning Ship. A Cantata ------------ b. F. Baker. Beethoven's Sonatas. Two volumes ----___ Louis Van Beethoven. Bach's Forty-eight Preludes and Fugues --------- J.S.Bach. Baillot, Rode, and Kreutzer's Violin Method - - - - P. Baillot, P. Rode, Rud Krcutzer. Book of Cantatas -- ----W. B. Bradbury. Beauties of Caledonia. Scotch Melodies --------- Selected. Buhler's Messe in E17. - - - - - L. Buhler. Buclv's INIotet Collection for Choirs --------- Dudley Buck. Beren's New School Velocity for Piano ---------- h. Beren. Bonaldi's Six Studies of Vocalization. Soprano edition. Contralto edition - - Fr. Bonaldi. Bordogni. Thirty-six Vocalises, in Three Books ------- M. Bordogni. Bordogni. Twelve New Vocalises, in Two Books ---_-. m. Bordogni. Barnby's Eight Four-Part Songs ------____ j. Barnby. Buck's Six Four-Part Songs. Male Voices --------- D. Buck. Best's Morning Service ------------ W. T. Best. Baumbach's New Collection, Sacred Quartets ------ Adolph Baumbach. Buck's Second Collection, Motets ---------- Dudley Buck. Belshazzar. Sacred Cantata - --------- J. A. Butterlield. Beatitudes. Sacred Cantata, Sabbath Schools - - - - - - -J. P. Webster. Baker's Formation and Cultivation of Voice ------- B. F. Baker. Bassini's Cultivation of Young Voice --------- Carlo Bassini. Bagioli's Vocal Method ------------- A. Bagioli. Buds and Blossoms. Sacred arrangements for Piano. Two Volumes - - - - C. Grobe. Bochsa's First Six weeks at Harp ---------- N. C. Bochsa. Boehm's Flute Instructor ------------ G. Haslam. Bassini's New Vocal Method ----------- Carlo Bassini. Book of Praise - - - - - - -W. T. Eustis, jun., Edw. P. Parker and others. Baxter's Piano Technics ----------- James Baxter. Baxter's Technics for Voice ----------- James Baxter. Bugle Notes. Temperance Song Book ----- W. F. Sherwiu and J. N. Stearns. Brilliant Gems. Piano Pieces ----------- Selections. Baptist New Hymn and Tune Book --------- Philip Phillips. Beethoven, Life of------------ Richard Wagner. Beauties of Strauss for Piano -------- From Strauss's works. Banjoist - - - - - - - - - - - •> - - -C. C. Couverse. Back's Dictionary of Musical TeiTns --------- Dudley Buck. Bailey's Sacred Music ----------- Eben H. Bailey. Bottesini's Double-Bass Instructor --------- s. Bottesini. Boston Conservatory Method for Piano ---------J. Eichberg. Bride of Messina. Opera -----------J. H. Bonawitz. Bracket's Zither Duets ----------- Ph. Louis Bracket. Brightest and Best. Sabbath School Book - - - Rev. Robert Lowry and W. H. Doane. Bay State Psalm Book, 1640. Compiled by several Puritan clergymen. - - Henry Dunster. BurgmiUler's Elementary Instruction Book. Piano ------ Fr. Burgmuller. Burgmuller's Twenty-five Studies (Op. 100). For Piano ----- Fr. Burgmuller. Burrowes's Piano-forte Primer -----------J. F. Bun-owes. •' Thorough-Bass Primer - -- J. F. Burro wes. " Through-Bass Primer Companion- - - - - - - - J. F. Burrowes. Buckley's New Violin Method ----------- Jas. Buckley. Buckley's Banjo Guide Jas. Buckley. Briggs's Banjo Instructor ----------- Thomas F. Brings. Bugle Preceptor - B. A. Burditt. Bond's National Airs for Brass Band -----------A. Bond. Brass Band Journal. Twenty-four Numbers. ------ Arranged in Parts. Baker's and Southard's Vocal Method B. F. Baker and L. H. Southard. Baker's Elementary Music Book - ----B. F. Baker. Baker's School Music Book B. F. Baker. Bird's Vocal Music Reader - ------ Joseph Bird. Belle Helene. Libretto of an Opera Jaquese Offenbach. Barbe Bleue. Libretto of an Opera --- Jaquese Offenbach. Bohemian Girl. Libretto of an Opera - JI. W. Balfe. Barber of Seville. Libretto of an Opera .--- G. Rossini. Belshazzar's Feast. A Cantata G. F. Root. Beatitudes. A Cantata -------------J. P. Webster. Bird's One Hundred Single and Double Chants George Bird. Bohemian Gul. An Opera ------------ M. W. Balfe. Cjecilia, for High Schools ------- Sigismund Lasar and Lowell Mason. Canadian Church Psalmody ----------- J. P. Clarke. Cantata. Catholic Music. Two Volumes --------- A. Werner. Cantata Domino. Chants and Hymn Tunea - - - - - L. H. Steiner and H. Schwing. Cantica Laudis. Church Music ------ Lowell Mason and George J. Webb. Cantica Sacra. Patent notes ------------J. J. Tast. Cantus Ecclesiae. Church Muaic - - - - J. H. C. Stanbiidge and W. H. W. Darley. 190 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Carliart's Melodeon Instructor ---- T. E. Gurney. Carmiiia Sacra ; or, Boston Collection of Sacred Music ------ Lowell Mason. Cathedral Chants. Organ accompaniments -------- A. U. Hayter. Cathedral Chants. Gregoiian Tones --------- S.T. Tuckerman. Cecilian Glee Book -------- Edward L. White and A. N. Johnson. Celestina; or. Sacred Minstrel Virgil Corydon Taylor. Chapel Melodies ---- - Sylvester and H, P. Main. Chopin's Waltzes and Mazurkas Fi-ederic Chopin. Choir Chorus Book. Church Music - - A. N. Johnson. Choral Harmony. ----------- Handel and Haydn Society. Choralist. ----- -- Haiidel and H ay dn Society. Choralist ----- -._. William B. Bradbury. Choral. Church Music -------- B. F. Baker and I. B. Woodbury. Chorister's Companion, 1782 - - Simeon Jocelyn and Daniel Eeed Chorus Wreath. Oratorio Choruses, Glees, &c. - - - - - - -L. O. Emerson. Curtiss' Piano Jlethod N. P. B. Curtiss. Czerny's Piano Method - _--_- Carl Czerny. Catechism of Music James Clarke. Christian Hymn and Tune Book -- Amos Sutton Ilayden. " Harp. Patent notes -- - Ruebush and Kieffer. " Harmony, 1867. Patent notes William AValker, •* Harp. 1805 ------------ Jeremiah Ingalls. " Harp. 1836. Patent notes Samuel Waketield. " Melodies. 1807 ---------- George Barrell Cheever. " Harmonist. 1804. Baptist Hjnnns Samuel Holyoke. " Harmony. 1794. Patent notes Andrew Law. •' Psalmody. 1832 ---- E. Barrett and E. Coleman. •* L^Te. Church Music -- -_- Joshua Leavitt. " Minstrel. Patent notes J. B. Aiken. " Psalmist --------- Silas W. Leonard and A. D. Fillmore. Church ^lelodies ----------- Thomas Hastings and Son. " and Home. Anthems and select sacred pieces - - George Leach and II. C. Timm. «' Pastorals for Social Worship Nehemiah Adams. " Music in America. 1853 Nathaniel D. Gould. " Choir. 1839. Church Music - -- Joseph Muenscher. " Chant Book. Original _--.- William Staunton. " Harmony. 1848. Patent notes Henry Smith. " Chorals and Choir Studies .-- Richard Storrs 'Willis. Collection of Approved Tunes and Anthems. 1779 Andrew Law. " Chants. 1845 _-_-- Charles Jarvis. " Psalms and Hymns for the SLx Indian Nations _ - - - A Committee. Coronation of David. Cantata W. J. D. Leavitt. Coronation of Church Music Sylvester and H. P. Main. Curtiss's Method for Spanish Guitar - - - N. P. B. Curtiss. Cumberland Collection ---- Benjamin Sweetser. jun. Cumberland Harmony J. D. McCullum. Cooke's Vocal Method T. Cooke. Crescentina's Art of Singing -----------A. Panseron. Coronet. Vocal for Schools ------------ G. F. Ptoot. Carponlier's First Method for the Piano -- Adolph Carpentier. Child's First Book for the Piano J. T. Craven. Clifton's Piano Instructions ------------- Clifton. Catholic Vocalist Henry T Ilochol. Colman's Firet ISIass in F - II. S. Colman. Carmina Alterna E. E. Hale and O. B. Bro\vn. Chime. Churoh Music Virgil Corydon Taylor. Choral Harmony. Chm-ch Music B. F. Baker and W. O. Perkms. Choral Tribute. Church Music L. O. Emerson. Chorister. Church Music W. O. Perkins. Church Bell Church ]\Iusic W. O. Perkins. ♦« Choral Book ---------- B. F. Baker and J. W. Tufts. " Manual --------- J, C. Beckel. " IMelodist E. L. White and J. E. Gould. Classical Chorus Book B. F. Baker and L. H. Southard. Conceitina. Church Music - Vkgil C. Taylor. Caniillus. A Cantata - B. F. Baker. Carcassi's Method for Guitar M. Carcass!. CaruUi's Method for Guitar Fred. CaruUi. Convei-se's Method for Guitar C. C. Converse. Coupa's Instructions for Guitar -- ---J. B. Coupa. Campagnoli's Violin Method ---- --B. Campagnoli. Czerny's One Hundred Progressive Piano Lessons ------- Carl Czemy. Callcott'a Musical Grammar John W. Callcott. Cherubini's Counterpoint and Fugue ----------J. Cherubini. Carpentier' 8 Elementary School for Piano-forte ------ Adolph Carpentier. Carr's Analytical Instructor for Piano-forte ------ -- M. Carr. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". 191 Clialloner's Preceptor for Piano-forte --------- N. B. Challoner. Cramer's Instructions for Piano-forte - - - - - - - - - -J.B. Cramer. Cross's Piano-forte Method - - - - -M. H. Cross. Choruses of Eli M. Costa. Choruses of Elijah F. B. Mendelssohn. Carmina Collcgensia -----H. K. Waite. College Glee Book C. W. Stevens. Cabinet Organ Treasury ----- J. W, Elliot. Christian Heart Songs. Hymns and Tunes ---------J. Zuntlel. Charm. Sabbath Schools - - - P. P. Bliss. Coronation. Church Music T. F. Seward and C. G. Allen. Christian Songs. Sabbath Schools Selected. Clarke's Dollar Instructor for Piano W. H; Clarke. " " " Violin - - - W. H, Clarke. " " " Reed Organ W. H. Clarke. " Short Voluntaries for Organ W.H.Clarke. Campana's Solfeggi F. Caniijana. Coon's Brass Band Music. Six Numbers Oscar Coon. Cirillo's Twenty Exercises for Voice -----------V. Cinllo. Cirillo's Forty Exercises for Voice -----------V. Cirillo. Choice Trios. Female Voices W. S. Tilden. Cheerful Voices. School Song Book L. O. Emerson. Chorus Choir. Sacred Choruses, &c. Eben Tourj^e. Children of Jerusalem. Juvenile Cantata J. C. Johnson. Culprit Fay. Cantata J. L. Ensign. Casket. Sabbath School Song Book Asa Hull. Catholic Choir Book K- Garbett. Chants and Responses James Pearce. Chants and Responses L-O. Emerson. Carmina Yalensia J. O. Heald and S. T. Button. Carol. Sabbath School Music - - - W. B. Bradbury. Chorus Glee Book -- I. B. Woodbury and Thomas Hastings. Chime Bells. Piano Music Selections. Chapel Gems. Sabbath School Music George F. Root. Church Organ. Church Music B. F. Baker. " Singer. Church Music Karl Reden and Goodenough. " Psaltery, Church Music ------ E. Ives. Columbian Glee Book . - - I.B.Woodbury. Cottage Glees I. B. Woodbury. Cultivation of Voice without a Master _-- l, B. Woodbury. Clariona. Sabbath School Music W. B. Bradbury. Cythara. Church Music I.B.Woodbury. Chapel Melodies S. J. Vail and Robert Lowry. Cantilena. School Music Book G. F. Bristow. Cluster. Church Music - - - - S. W. Martin, J. M. Stillman, and T. INIartin Townie. Clarke's New Method for Piano Hugh A. Clarke. Clarke's Improved School Cabinet Organ -- Hugh A. Clarke. Crown. Sabbath Schools --------- Geo. F. Root and P. P. Bliss. Chaplet. Sabbath Schools ----H. Millard. Crown of Life. Sabbath Schools - - - W. A. Ogden. Choice. Four-Part Music James McGranahan and C. C. Case. Carmina Concordia Truman Weed. Cantus Divinns. Catholic Music A. H. Rosewig. Chickering Collection. Four-Part Songs. Male Voices Selected. Ciystal. Church Choirs F. H. Pease. Christmas Chimes. Carols W. Dressier. Christmas Carols John Stainer. Choralist. Twenty-three numbers. Sacred Choruses Different Authors. Choral Classics. In Numbers for Societies Different Authoi-s. Christmas and Easter Carols A. P. Howard. Czeniy's Studies in Velocitv- For Piano. Complete ------ Carl Czerny. " One Hundred Easy Lessons for Piano Carl Czerny. " Thirty Nouvelle Etudes for Piano Carl Czerny. " Letters to a Young Lady Carl Czerny. Corfe's Principles of Harmony Joseph Corte. Chit-Chat on INIusic H. C. \\ atson. Cabinet Organ Companion ^^,^r^%^';.,,' Clarke's New Method for Reed Organ w' „" 9, , ®* Clarke's New Reed Organ Companion - - - - - - - - - ^^ * -^i,; Clarke. Caledonia Collection for Violin - - t a r^' ^°,"'?* Cunnabel's Method for Accordeon ---------- J- S. CunnaV>el. Concertina Without a JLaster Case, Sedgwick, and Ruttiiiger. Converse's Method for Banjo ----------- C. C. Convei-se. Christmas Carols. From the German and English Selections. Classic Glee Book „ ^^^®,n^^^,"^- Concordia. Glee Book V. C. iayior. 192 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INTORMATION". Covert and Dodge Temperance Songs ------ B. Covert and O. E. Dodge. Crystal Spring. Temperance Songs - - - - - - - - - -S. K. Whiting. Chapel. Church Music ------------ L. B. Barnes. Cantica Ecclesiastica. Anthems, &c. --------- George J. Webb. Choral Selections for Conventions, &c. Two Books ------- Selections. Creation. An Oratorio --------------J. Haydn. Creation. Choruses alone -------------J, Haydn. Clarion. Church Music ------------ Leonard Marehall. Convention Chorus Book ------- Selections. Canzonetta. Cantata ------------ Author unknown. Columbia. Cantata ------------- Geo. A. Mietzke. Chapel Gems. Sabbath Schools -- G. F. Root. Cherub. Sabbath Schools ------------J. C. Johnson. Choral Mass inF-------------- Carl Greith. Concone's Mass inF------------- J. Concone. Crivelli's Art of Singing ------------- D. CriveDi. Carmina INIelodia. Schools - - - - - - - - -A. N. and J. C. Johnson. College Hymn and Tune Book - - - - - - - - - - -W. O. Perkins. Common School Song Book ------------ Asa Fitz. Concordia. School Song Book ---C. Grobe, Colonial Harmonist. 1832 - Mark Bundiam. Columbian Harmony -- Joseph Stone and Abraham Wood. " Song Book. 1854 I.B.Woodbury. " Harmony. 1830 - --J. A. Moore. " Hannony. 1793 - Daniel Read. " Repository of Sacred Harmony. 1809 ------ Samuel Holyoke. " Sacred Minstrel. Original --------- Joel Hannon. " Sacred Harmonist. 1808 O. Shaw, A. Albee, and H. Mann. " Harmonist. 1816 -- Timothy Flint. Compilation of Genuine Church Music ---------- Joseph Funk, Comprehensive JMusic Teacher ----------- John W. Moore. Complete Melody. Three Parts -- --- Thomas Bailey, Concert Harmony. Two Parts ----------- Benjamin Leslie. Concone's Fifty Lessons in Singing ----------J. Concone, Congregational Church Music ---------- Leonard W. Bacon. " Harp. Church Music ---------- L. B. Barnes. " Singer. Church Music ---------- Asa Fitz. " Tune Book. Church Music ..- Elias Nason. Constellation ; for Conventions. Select Anthems and Choruses Selections. Continental Harmony. 1794 ----------- WUliam Billings. " For Old Folks' Concerts. ----<»---- Selections. " 1794 I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews. " Vocalist's Glee Book. 1834 ---- John A. Sterry. Cramer's Fortj'-two Piano Studies. Complete - - - - - - - -J. B. Cramer. Czemy's One Hundred and Ten Piano Exercises -------- Carl Czeniy. Czemy's One Hundred and One Preparatory Lessons. Complete - - - - Carl Czeniy. Concone's Twenty-tive Lessons in Singing --------- j. Concone. Concone's A^oice Part alone. For Schools ---------J. Concone. Creation . Libretto of Oratorio --.------_- j. Haydn. Cinderella. Libretto of Opera --------__-. G. Rossini. Carnival of Venice. Libretto of Opera ---------A. C. Petrella. Come, Let us Sing. (95th Psalm.) - - - - - - - - -F. B. Mendelssohn. Coniopeon Preceptor ------------- B. A. Burditt. Capuletti e Montecchi. Libretto of Opera ----------V. Bellini. Crown Diamonds. Libretto of Opera - - - - - - - - -D. F. E. Auber. Centennial Collection of Brass Band Music. In Numbers - - - - - David's Harp. 1842 H.W.Day. Delights of Harmony. 1805 - Stephen Jenks. Deertield Collections. 1814. Church Music -------- Samuel WiUard. Devout Psalmodist. 1813 ----------- John Bun-oughs. Deutsches Choral buch. 1852 Samuel Wakefield. Devotional Harmonist. 1849 ---------- Charles Dingley. Dictionary of Musical Information ---------- John W. Moore. Dictionary of Musical Terms. 1836 ---------- John Turner, Dissertation on Scottish Music. 1800 --------- James Tytler. Dissertation on Musical Taste. 1822 --------- Thomas Hastings. Divine Songs. 1789 -.--.-- Abraham Wood. Dictionary of Five thousand Musical Terms John S. Adams. Dulcimer Instructor --------------- j. Low. Dulcimer without a Master --- --. e. Durand. Draper's Fife Melodies ---- Alonzo Draper. Distin's Tutor for the Saxhorn. ------------ M. Distin. Don Pasquale. Libretto. Opera ---...-.-. Q. Donizetti. Don Carlos. Libretto. Opera ------------g. Verdi. Dinorah. Libretto. Opera ------------ Meyerbeer. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL IKFORMATIOK. 193 Don Bucefalo. Libretto. Opera ----------- F. Cagiioni. Deems's Vocal Instructor ------------ J. M. Deema. Damoreau's Vocal Method ---------- Mme. Cinti iJamoreau. Drummer's and Fifer'a Guide ------- Geo. B. Bruce and Dan Emmett. De Monti's Mass in C ----------- Arranged by Peters. Derleth's Massin E[? ------------- Alois Derleth. Dielman's Mass ------------- Henry Dielman. Drobisch's Mass iuF C.L. Drobisch. Drobisch's Mass in C ------ C. L, Drobisch. Darley & Stanbridge's Chants of the Episcopal Church. - W. H. W. Darley & J. C. B. Stanbridge. Doctor of Alcantara. An Opera --- Julius Eichberg. Doctor of Alcantara. Libretto Julius Eich berg. Diapason. Church Music ------------ G. F. Koot. Dyer's Anthems -- Samuel Dyer. David, an Oratorio -- S. Neukomm. Der Freischutz. An Opera CM. von Weber. Der FreischUtz. Libretto ---CM. von Weber. Desert Flower. An Opera W.V.Wallace. Don Giovanni. An Opera - - - - -W. A. Mozart. Don Giovanni. Libretto W. A. Mozart. Dearborn's Flute Preceptor Nathaniel I^earbom. Dresslcr's Flute Instructor ----R. Dressier. Deems's Piano Method J. M. Deems. Duvemoy's Fifteen Studies for Piano - - - - - - - - -J. B. Duvernoy. Duvemoy's ficole du Mecanisme for Piano ------- J. B. Duvernoy. Duvernov's Ecolo du Stj-le for Piano J. B. Duvernoy. De Monti's Mass in B I? H. De Monti. Deems's Solfeggi J. M. Deems, David's Violin School Ferd. David. Ditson, O. & Co.'s Brass Band Music -- B. A. Burditt. Devotional Chimes. Hymns and Tunes ---------- Asa Hull. Danks' Anthem Services H. P. Danks. Day Spring. Church Music LB. Woodbury. Dodworth's Brass Band School ------ H. B. Dodworth. Dulcimer. 1849. Church Music LB. Woodbury. Dodworth's Cornet Instructor H. B. Dothvorth. Dyer's Sacred Choruses ------- Samuel Dyer. De La Motte's Piano and Musical Matter Gabrielle De La Motte. Dobson's New System for Banjo George C. Dobson. Dettingen Te Deum - George F. Handel. De Beriot's Violin School Charles De BerioL Daniel. Sacred Cantata - George F. Root and W. B. Bradbuiy. Diamond Hymns. Sabbath Schools -----------J. Rigg. Dinorah ; or. Pardon di Ploermel. An Opera G.Meyerbeer. Dame Blanche. Libretto of Opera Boieldieu. Don Giovanni. Complete Opera as Piano Solo ------- W.A.Mozart. Der Freischutz. Complete Opera as Piano Solo - CM. von Weber. Easy Instructor. 1798 William Little and William Smith. Easy Guide to Vocal Music. 1836 John Turner. Eastern Lvre --- David Paine and Edward Howe. Ecclesiastical Harmony. 1834 T. B. Mason. Education of the Voice. 1855 Carlo Bassini. Elementary Studies in Music. 1869 Benjamin Jepson. Encyclopcc'dia of Music. 1852 John W. Moore. Episcopal Harp, 1840 S. Parkman Tuckemian. Essex Harmony ; or, Musical Miscellany. 1785 - - Daniel Bailey. Essex Harmony. 1800 Jacob Kimball, jun. Euphonia. 1859 --- Charles F. Heuberer and E. Penibeau. Evangelical Music. 1834 ------- J. H. Hickok and George Fleming. Emani. An Opera G. Verdi. Ernani. Libretto. Opera G. Verdi. Excelsior. Church Music ----J. W. Suffern. Engedi. An Oratorio L. Van Beethoven. Easter Morning. A Cantata Dudley Buck. Excelsior Melodcon Instructor ----------- L. Warden. Everest's Piano-forte Instructor ----------- C Everest. Excelsior Piano-forte Instructor James Bellak. Ehlert's Letters on Music ------------ Louis Ehlert. Exercise Song Book - Asa Fitz. Emerson's New Method for Reed Organ - - - L. O. Emerson. Eaton's New Method for Cornet -----E. K. Eaton, Emerson's Singing School L. O. Emerson. •' Chants and Responses ---------- L, O. Emerson. " Episcopal Chants L.O. Emerson. -Empiro Collection. Church Music --------- A, N. Johnson, m, A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Excelsior School Song Book -- j?- J'J?*H®'** Enchanter. Glee Book V.O.Taylor. Echo of Happy Voices. Sabbath School ^ - Selected. Eichberg's Violin Method Juhus Lichberg. Elementary Music Reader ----------- ' , " ^; Jepson. Excursion. A Cantata J- ^I- ^^^^'^^il^'^ck. Every Sabbath. Sabbath School Book JF'^'J9 ^^''^V®' Echoes from Zion. Sabbath School Book W. F. Slierwm. Excelsior Collection for Flute - - " - - - - - ' ' . ' ,^- 7 ""^er. English Concertina Instructor Case, Sedgwick, and Faittniger. Etiquette of Ball Room ^"]^,.^^®'^- Ethiopian Glee Book. Three Volumes Publisher. Eli. An Oratorio ^}- Costa. Eli. Choruses - - ^„", M- Costa. Elijah. An Oratorio F- B. Mendelssohn. Elijah. Libretto F. B. Memlelssohn. Esther. Sacred Cantata; also Libretto alone W.B.Bradbury. Etoile du Nord. Opera Libretto G. Meyerbeer. ExceMor Glee and Chorus Book L-O. Emerson. Easter Carols ^ ^Av^' PP^'^J"^' Ehjah. Choruses alone F. B. Mendelssohn. Elements of Musical Composition "^„" ^,. ™®*"' Excelsior Collection for Flute -S;^*V^"®^ EUsire d'Amore. Libretto of Opera G. Donizetti. Emani. Complete Opera for Piano Solo -- G. Verdi. Foster's Social Orchestra --- Stephen C. Foster. Fi-esh Laurels. Sabbath School - W. B. Bradbury. First Year on Organ J. Zundel. Fairy Fingers ; a Collection of Piano Music Selections. First Music Reader L. W. Mason. Fireside Echoes. Vocal Music Selections. Fountain of Sacred Song. Church Music Leonard Marshall. Fauy Grotto. Cantata G. W. Stratton. " Echoes. School Songs "William Dressier. " Voices. School Songs William Dressier. Flute Bouquet. Flute Solos Se]>. \Vinner. Fairy Bridal. A Cantata JH. Hewitt. Festival Cantata Eugene Thayer. Festival of the Rose. A Cantata J-C. Johnson. Forty-Sixth Psalm. A Cantata Dudley Buck. Forty-Sixth Psalm. Orchestral Parts Dudley Buck. Forest Chou-. School Song Book George F. Root. FenoUosa's Piano-Forte Method M. Fenollosa. Feder's Guitar Method OttoFeder. Fountain of Gems for Piano-forte Enist Leslie. Faust An Opera Charles Goiniod. Faust. Libretto - Charles Gounod. Fifty Pieces for the Organ E. Batiste. Family Circle Glee Book. Two Volumes Elias Howe. Festival Glee Book G. F. Root and W. B. Br.idbury. Friedham's Instructor for Double Bass John Fnedhara. Festival Chimes. Glee Book S. W. Martin. First Steps in Thorough Bass. " By a Teacher of Music.'' Flute Made Easy „ Selected. Flute and Piano Duets -- ». Winner. Forty-Five Opera Choruses --- Edwin Brace. Flower Festival ; or, " Banks of Rhine." A Cantata J.C.Johnson. Franklin Harmonv. 1825 John Rothloust. FraDiavolo Libretto of an Opera D. F. E. Auber. Fruits and Flowers. Church Music. Patent notes William Walker. Funk's Genuine Church Music Joseph Funk. Family Mmstrel. 1830 Charles Dingley. Federal Hannony. 1788 - John Korman. " Harmony. 1793 - Simeon Jocel>Ti. " Hannony. 1788- - - - - Timothy Swan. Flagg's Collection (engraved). 1764 Josiah Flagg. Flora's Festival. 1847. A Cantata - - William B. Bradbury. Flower Queen. A Cantata -- - George F. Root. Forest Melody. A Cantata J^'J^- Ciutis. Fidelio. Libretto of an Opera L-V. Beethoven. Fleur de Th6. Libretto of an Opera F- R. Herve. Fille de Madame Angot. Libretto of an Opera Charies Lecocq. Favorita. Libretto of an Opera -- G. Donizetti. Fille du Regiment. Libretto of an Opera --- G. Donizetti. Flauto Magico. Libretto of an Opera - - - J. C. W. A. Mozart. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 195 Fireside Melodies. Glee Book -------_--._ ^gj^ pj^.^ Father Kemp's Old Folks Concert Tunes --------_ H.P.Kemp*. Fanner's Mass in B [7 - Henry Fanner! Fen-ari's Instructor in Singing ---------- _.q^ Ferrari French Horn Instructor ----- Author unknown! Faust. Complete Opera as Piano Solo --------- c. Gounod. Gems of Gennan Song -----------__. Selected. Gems of Strauss. Dance Music. Piano-forte ---_-. From Strauss' Works! German Four-Part Songs. Mixed Voices --------- N. H. AUen! Gounod's Clioral Music ----------.-_(_;_ Gounod! Golden Chain. Sabbath Schools -----------w'. B. Bradbury. *' Shower. Sabbath Schools - - - - - - - - - -W, B. Bnidbury' " Censer. Sabbath Schools - --------- W.B.Bradbury! " Promise. Sabbath Schools ---------- T. E. Perkins. Gems of Sacred Song ----------_-__ Selected! " Scottish Song - Selected. " English Song -. Selected. Golden Trio. Sabbath Schools ---------.. ■\;V'. B. Bradbury. Gi-andpa's Birthday. A Cantata -----------c. A. White. Goldbeck's Technics for Piano ---------- -Robert Golilbeck! Getze's School for Cabinet Organ ----------- j. a. Getze. Golden Treasury. Piano Music- -------.--. Selected! Gaertner's Violin School ------------ Qa,r\ Gaertner. Gaortner's Art of Singing Carl Gaertner. Golden Leaves. Vocal Music -.---.W. S. Hays. Golden Chimes. Piano-forte Music ----------- (j. Kinkel. Genevieve. An Operetta ----- -G. W. Stratton. Guiding Star. Hymn and Tune Book Rev. D. C. John. Golden Leaves and Blossoms. Piano Music --------- c. Kinkel. " Rule. Sunday Schools - S. W. Straub. " Curcle. Piano Music Selected. " Sunbeams. Sabbath Schools ----- D. F. Hodges and J. H. Tenney. Gospel Songs. Hymns and Tunes ----- p. p. bUss. Golden Gate. Sunday Schools --- Knowles Sliaw. Gleanings for Vocal Practice ----------- Mrs. J. H. Long. Gospel Siflger. Hymns and Tunes ---------- Philip Philhps. Golden Crown. Sabbath School Music --------- H. T. Merrill. Golden Harp. Sabbath School Music --------- L. O. Emerson. Guide to Musical Composition ---------- -h. Wohlfahrt. Grobe's New Practical Method for Piano-forte -------- c. Grobe. Gordon's Sliort Voluntaries - -- - - - - - - - - -S. T. Gordon. Guitar at Home ---------- k. Flint. Great Rebellion. A Cantata ------ jos. P. Webster. Gentlemen's Glee Book ----- Lowell Mason. Greeting. Glee Book -------L. O. Emerson. Generah's Vespers ----------- arranged by W. Dressier. GeneraU's Mass inG- -- - -- - - - - arranged by W. Dressier. Guignard's Mass ---- ----- Aug. Guignard. Garcia's New Treatise on the Art of Singing ------- - Manuel Garcia. Gems of Four-Part Songs ----------- Adolphus Jackson. Graumiar School Chorus Book - -- - - - - - - - -J. B. Sharland. Grammar School Vocalist - - - - - - - - N. P. B. Curtiss and F. H. Nash. Golden Chord. Piano-forte Music ----------- Selected. Guitar without a Master ----------- Author unknown. Genevieve de Brabant. Libretto of Opera - ------ - Jaquese OlTenbach. Grande Duchesse. Libretto of Opera -------- Jaquese Olfenbach. Gustavus Third. Libretto of Opera --------- D. F. E. Auber. Giuramento. Libretto of Opera ---------- s. Mercadante. Gazza Ladra. Libretto of Opera ----------- G. Rossini. Glee Hive -.--L. Mason and G. J. Webb. Gentle Annie Melodist. Two Numbers ---------- Selected. Gardiner's Music of Nature ---------- William Gardiner. Gentleman and Lady's Musical Companion. 1774 ------- John Stickney. German Glee Book. 1848. With Accompaniments ------- H. Meiggs. German Glee Book -------------- N. H. Allen. Germania Collection. Instrumental ---------BA. Burditt. Gleanings from the History of JMusic. 1849 -------- Joseph Bird. Gloria in Excelsis. 1855. Church Music --------- W. Williams, Golden Lyre. 1850. Church Music^ -------- Virgil Con-don Taylor. Gospel Harmonist. 1841 ----------- Thomas Whittemore. Grace Church Collection of Church Music. 1836 - - - - - - Wilham A. Khig. Greatorex CoUectioii of Church IMusic. 1851 ------- H. W. Greatorex. Grounds and RiUes of Jlusic. 1746 -------«- Thomas Walter. Godfrey Weber's General Music Teacher - -.- - -- - - - J. F. Warner. Graupner's Rudiments for. the Piano - -.-,-.- ^ - - - -G. Graupner* 196 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. German Concertina Instructor Williams and Coule German Conceitina Instructor -- -- A. 13. bedqwicK. Guitar Piimer S. Winner. Gounod's Messe Solennelle -,, L.Gounod. Giro 116 Girotla. Libretto of an Opera Charles Lecocq. Golden llobin. School Song Book - - W.O. Perkins. Golden Wreath. School Song Book , "^ -cT " " ^ t" -n iP' , !^?^^i* Glad Tidings. Sabbath School Music - - - - L. O. Emerson and L. B. Starkweather. Hallowell Collection of Sacred Music. 1817 - - „- - ^- " , ." " , ,>; v " ^?*?n^^®* Hallowed Souths - S. Main, T. E. Perkins, and Philip Phillips. Hallelujah. cWch Music - - Lowell Mason. Handel and Haydn Collection of Church Music. 1822 f^-^T^" Mason. Handel Collection. Church Music - - A. :n. Johnson. Harmonia Americana. 1701 - Samuel Holyoke. " Ecclesia. Patent notes ^- Jesse 15. Aiken. " Ccelestis. 1709. Figured bass Jonathan Benjanun. Sacra. Patent notes -^ -^.- ^^^^^P^^'™^' Sacra. Anthem Book E. L. White and J. L. Gould. Harmonic Minstrelsy. 1807 Walter Janes. Harmonicon. Sacred Music. 1849 t "x^ ' J- l^awson. Harmonist. Methodist. Patent notes L- Mason and G. Lane. Harmonist's Companion. 1807. Patent notes - Andrew Law. Hannonist's Companion. 1797 - - - - - - - - " " - Daniel Belknap. Harmony of Maine. 1794 Samuel and Supply Belcher. Harmony of Zion. 1818 - - Stephen Jenks. Harp of Columbia. 1848. Patent notes W. K. and M.L. Swan. " David. Church Music George Kingsley.. « Judah. Church Music '-.hS^i^^^^^F^^' « the South. Patent notes „%„ T . ' ^^ •*<•;), ^2, ^'* " the West J-F. Webster and A. T. Sharpe. " Praise. Church Music ^-,. ", Leonard MarshaU. Harpsichord. Church Music L. MarshaU and H. N. Stone. Hartford Collection. Church Music .;; t."-o ," 'it w"*^ /J"^* Haydn Collection. Church Music B. F. Baker and L. H. Southard. Haymakers. A Cantata - George F. Loot. Herald of Sacred Song. 1857 Henry^tone, jun. Hesperian Harp. Patent notes - Wilhani Houser. Hints concerning Church Music - James M. Hewens. History of Forty Choirs Thomas Hastings. Hosanna. Church Music Leonard Marshall. Hubbard's Anthems. 1814 John Hubbaid. Hmnorous Songs 7 "o +; u i2"' Hvmnist. Sacred Music. Patent notes Amos Sutton Harden. Hymns for Schools, and Tunes for aU Metres J^/ D. CJeveJana. Hymn of the Seasons. 1839 5'''^'^«?f ^^.v* Hymns and Songs of Praise R- !>• Hitchcock. Hymns and Tunes. 1782 Andiow Law. Howe's Leviathan Collection for Violin :^'?^^ ft^^^^'^- Howe's Circle of Brilliants for Piano-forte -^w II ^^' Hai-vard Collection of Sacred Music ,^*'-^; "eara. Hastings' Church Music Thomas Hastings. Havter's Church Music -r'u -^ir « i^'- Hopkins' Sacred Songs John H Hopkins. Howe's Drawing-room Dances .-.-------- ^^^^^^^^Y^' Home Recreations for Cabinet Organ ...------ vv. ±i. ciarKe. Hayden's Guitar Method Improved W. L. ilaycien. Henning's Practical Violin School ^^"tt^"'«"i^" HUl's Practical Viohn School *^' ^-.f^"^' Hamilton's Modern Instructions. Piano-forte d. 11 aniilton. Herz's Complete Method for the Piano-forte ■fj^^'^ ^^^i' Hummel's Complete Method for the Piano-forte J. JS. Hummel. Hunten'9 Method for the PianO-forte J^.Uunten. HistoiT of Music in New England. 1846 ^ ^^^^i'P -i?^ * Hamilton's Dictionary of Musical Terms •^•^ llamilton. Hastings' Musical Taste t "* ti -iV^^' Hamilton's Harmony and Thorough Bass J, A. Hamilton. Hamilton's Key to Harmony and Thorough Bass - - - - - - -J. A. Hamilton. Home Circle. Piano-forte IMusic. Three Volumes SelecteO. " Companion. Piano-forte and Vocal Music o i ^'t h " Treasure. Four-Hand Music -._-. - belectea. Hamilton's Organ Instructor J. A. Hamilton. Hamilton's Preceptor for Violoncello -- - - •'^;'^ o?' , ^5* Happy Hour. Juvenile Classes - J- B. Sharland. Hour of Singing. High Schools - - L. O. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. ' How shalll teach? Educational . - - - - - - - - - LoweU Mason. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 197 Hour of Singing for Higli Schools L. O. Emerson and W. 8. Tilden. Happy Hours. Sunday Schools Howard Kingsbury and A. A. Graley. Happy Voices. Sunday Schools -------____. -\v. \v. It, Harp of Zion. Church Music - - - - - - - - -A. D. and J. H. Fillmore* Hymnals. Church Music ---.--____. Philip Phillips. Holbrook's Quartets. Sacred ----------__ Selected. Hearth and Home. "Vocal Music ---------.__ Selected! History of the Peace Jubilee -----__.^ Gilmore. Household Book of Songs - Prancia C. Bowman and Charles A. Dana! Hour of Praise. Church Music ------____ George F. Root. Hymnary. Sunday Schools ---------____ 8. Lasar! Hour ill Fairy Land. A Cantata ---___>___ ji;^ Sciioeller. Headlight. School Songs H. S. PerkLas and C. A. White. Hymns and Harmonies for Catholic Sunday Schools - - - - - - J. F. LoughUn. Hermon. Church Music - -R. M. Mcintosh and T. O. Summera. Harp of David. Church Music --------___ George Kingsley. Hiawatha. An Opera Robert .stoepel. High School Vocalist ->.. a. J. Cleaveland. Hunter's Daughter. An Opera ----------- j. w. Turner. Howe's Songs of Scotland ------------- Elias Howe. Howe's Songs of Ireland ---_-_._____ Elias Howe. Holland's School for Guitar --------___ Justin Holland. Hymnal. Episcopal Church J. Ireland Tucker. Harp of Praise. Church Music --------- Leonanl Marshall. History of Music. Two Volumes ----------- pr. L. Ritter. High School Chorahst -------------- Selections. Hohmann's Practical Course of Singing --------- c. Hohmann. Home Melodist. Collection of words and melodies ------- Selected. Harmony of the Spheres. A Cantata --------- Andreas Romberg. Hymn of Praise. A Cantata ----------- f. IMendelssohn. Haydn's First, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Sixteenth, Masses - J. Haydn. Hear my Prayer ----- F. Mendelssohn. Huguenots. Libretto of an Opera ---------- g. Meyerbeer. Instructions in playing Church Music --------- A. N. Johnson. Instrumental Assistant. 1806 ---------- Samuel Holyoke. Instrumental Preceptor. 1807 ----------- j. Herick. Introduction to Sacred Music. 1838. Patent notes ------ A. S. Hrjden. Introductoi-y Lessons, Church Music. 1785 -------- Uranian Society. Irish Melodies ------- Thomas Moore. Arranged by John Stevenson. Instructions in Thorough Bass --____-__- A. N. Johnson, Indian or Mohawk Version. 1839 --------- For the Six Nations. Israel in Egypt. An Oratorio ----------- G. F. Handel. Ivanhoe Masonic Quartets ----------- Thomas C. Pollock. Instrumental Musician ----------.---J. H. Seipp. Institute Melodies -------_--___ N. B. Clapp. Institute Chorus Book ------------- F. H. Brown. Indian Summer. A Cantata -----------J. C. Johnson. Introit. Church Music ------------- John Zundel. Intermediate School Music Reader ---------- L. W. Mason. Imperial. Conventions, Choirs, &c. ----------J. R. Murray. Influence of Music on Health -----------Dr. H. Chomet. lone. Libretto of Opera ------------ Ricci Brothers. Israel in Egypt. Choruses from the Oratorio -------- G. F. Handel. Jubilant Voices ----------- B.F. Baker and D. F. Hodges. Jubilate. Church Music - - - - - - - - - - - -L. O. Emerson. Jubilee. Church Music ----------- William B. Bradbury. Jubilee. Glees and Choruses of Peace Jubilee -------- Selections. Juvenile Harmony. 1825. Patent notes -------- William C. Knight. Juvenile Minstrel. 1847. Patent notes -------- Jesse B. Aiken. Juvenile Oratorios. 1849 ------------J. C. Johnson. Judas Maccabgeus. An Oratorio. Also libretto alone - - - - - - G. F. Handel. JuUien's Music for the Million ------------ M. Jullien. Jarvis's New Improved Slethod. Piano-forte -------- Charles Jarvis. Jousse's Instruction for Piano-forte ---------- J. Jousse. Judas Maccabaeus Choruses ----------- G. F. Handel. Juive. Libretto of an Opera ------------ F. Halevy. Jewett's National Violin Teacher- ----------J. P. Jewett. Jewett's National Flute Teacher ---------- J, P. Jewett. Jewett's Flutina and Accordeon Teacher --------- J. P. Jewett. Johnson's New Harmony, Thorough Bass, Melodeon, &c. - - - - - A. N. Johnson. Jepson's Music Reader -------------- B. .lepson. Joy. For Conventions, Choirs, &c. -----------P. P. Bhss. Joyful Songs. Sabbath Schools ---------- James R. Murray. Johnson's Harmony Instructor -----------A. N. Johnson. S9^ A DICTIONAEY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Juniata Ballads - - - . - Marion Dix Sullivan. Jewel. Glee Book ------- E. Let^lie. Jarviri's Chants of the Protestant Episcopal Church -------J. C. Jai-vis. Knoxville Harmony. 1838 John B.Jackson. Kalkbrenner's Piano Method Fred. Kalkbrenuer. Kiiorr's Guide for Young Pianist *^"^iV^T^>^i?''^- Kelley's Companion for Guitar - ' ^ Z^}: i^e^ley. Kreutzer's Fortv Studies for Violin Bud. Kreutzer. Rummer's Practical Instructions for Flute --------- C. Kummer. Kummer's Amateur Instructions for Flute ------- - - C. Kummer. Key Note. Church Music William BBradhnry. King's New Collection. Chm-ch Music W A. lung. Knitze's Mass Pastoral Arranged by Peters. Kendall's Clarionet Instructor Ned. Kendall. Keystone Collection. Church Music A.N.Johnson. Kingsley's Social Choir. Three Volumes George Kingsley. Kimball's Organ Voluntaries ,, - H- 1^* i^'i^^fi" Kimball's New Method. Heed Organ Horace E. Kimball. Kinkel's Forty-three Scales. Exercises, and Solfeggios for Voice - - - Charles Kinkel. Kinkel'a New Method. Be ed Organ Charles Kinkel. Knon's Materials for Piano Julius Knorr. Knorr's Methodical Guide for Teachers --------- Juhus Knorr. Ladies' Glee Book. Translated from the French ------ Henry C. Watson. Laua Deo; or, Worcester Collection. 1786 Isaiah 1 horn as. Laus Deo. The Harmony of Zion. 1818 Stephen Jenks. Lexington Cabinet. 183-1 ---- Bobert Willis. Liberty Minstrel. 1844 George \y Clark. Life of Schumann. Translated by Miss A. L. Alger Wasialewski. Life of Haydn -------- L. A. C. Bombat and William Gardiner. Litchtield Collection. 1806 ^ Daniel Head. Lute of Zion. Church Music. 1855 I-B. W oodbury. Lvra Sacra. Church Music. 1832 - - - Lowell Mason. Linda di Chamounix. Libretto of an Opera G- Donizetti. Lohengrin. Libretto of an Opera K.\Vagner. Lucia di Lammermoor. Libretto of an Opera -------- G. Donizetti. Lucrezia Borgia. Libretto of an Opera --------- G. Donizetti. Luisa Miller. Libretto of an Opera ^ ,% ^ , . ' Leonora. Libretto of an Opera G. Mercadante. Laurel Wreath for High Schools -.-- W. O. Perkins. Lombardi. Libretto of an Opera - - " - - - - - - - '„ ^J" ^^"^ LilvBell. A Cantata ^^V^-,\?'ir°"^* Lui-Une. An Opera --^-.- W. V. Wallace. Love's Triumph. An Opera ^^,0'}, ,^®* Lauda Sion. Solo and Chorus --..- F. Mendelssohii. Lucia di Lammermoor. Complete Opera. Piano Solo ------ G. Donizetti. Lucrezia Borgia, Complete Opera. Piano Solo ------- G. Donizetti. Leader. Church Music - --..--.- - H. E. Palmer and L. O. Emerson. Lebert and Stark's Piano School. Part I. S. Lebert and L. Stark. Life of Von Weber. Two Volumes ------ Baron Max Maria von Weber. Legend of Don Munio. A Cantata --- D. I>uck. Legend of Don Munio. Choruses ----------- D. Buck. Loreley. Untinished Opera F. Mendelssohn. Liber Musica. Anthems, &c. I- B. Woodbury. Loud's Organ School ----- H. Loud. Lobe's Catechism of Music ------------ J. C. Lobe. Laila. Juvenile Opera ---- G. W. Stratton. Lejeal's Mass in D ---- .--- A.F.LejeaL Ludden's School for Voice t^ i\ n* Luminary. Church Anthems - - - -- - - - - - -J. P. I'owell. Life of Schubert C. F, Austin. Life of Beethoven. Edited by Ign. Moscheles F. Schmdler. Lablache's Method for Bass Voice Louis Lablache. Little Songs for Little Singers Lowell Mason. Little Sunbeam. Sabbath School Music W. H. Doane. Leslie's Duets for Violin or Flute and Piano ---------E. Leshe. Lablache's New Method of Singing Louis Lablache. LambOlotte's Mass D L. Lambillotte. Lyra CathoUca --- L. H. Southard and J. H. Willcox. Lacia di Lammermoor. An Opera ---------- G. Donizetti. Lucrezia Borgia. An Opera ----------- G. Domzetri. Laus Domino. Church Music. Anthems, &c. George Leach. Life of Mendelssohn. Translated by W. L. Gage W. A. Lampadius. Life of Handel Victor Schoelcher. Life of Rossini .-------- H. S. Edwards. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 19» Listeman's Method for Violin -------._. .jj, Listeman. Lenhart's Elements of Music -----------A. E. Lenhart Life and Lettsi-s of Gottschalk -------_._ Octavia llensel. Life of Chopin Franz Liszt. Latour's Improved Method for Piano-forte ------__. t. Latour. Logier's First Companion and Sequel for Piano-forte -----_ J. B. Logier. Mann's Piano Method ---------->._ Jean Mann, May's Practical Piano-forte School --------_._ a. May. Meuieke's Practical Piano-forte Instructor -_--____ q Meineke. Muller's Method for Piano-forte -----_____ A. E. ftluller. Marx's Musical Instruction ----------_. a. B. Marx. Materia Musica --.-_._. j q^ Engelbrecht. Music explained to the World -----.--__. J'. J. Fetis. Marx's Musical Composition ---------___ a. B. Jlarx. Mason's Musical Letters -------_-_._ Lowell Mason. Mendelssohn's Letters. Two Volumes ------- Felix B. Mendelssohn. Mozart. A Musical Novel ------------ _h. llau. Mozart's Letters -------- W. A. Mozart. Mendelssohn's Songs without Words - - - - - - - - -F. B. Mendelssohn. Mozart's Sonatas ----------___ \v, A. Mozart. Modern School for the Organ ---------__ John Znndel. Melodeon without a Master --.------_> e. L. White. May's New Violin Method - - - - - - - - - - - -D. M. H. May. Mazas's Violin Instructor ---------- -.p. Mazas. Musician's Companion for Flute or Violin ------- --E. Howe, jun. Musician's Omnibus. Instrumental --------_. e. Howe. Modern School for the Drum - . - - O. W. Keach, E. Howe, and B. A. Burditt. Moralt's Zither School -------- ^,Y Jloralt. Meigneu's Vocal Method ----------- Leopold Meignen. Millard's Vocal Text-Book H.Millard. Music Reader -- L. Meignen and W. W. Keys. Mason's Large Musical Charts ----------- L. W. Mason. Musical Casket for Schools -----------J, C. Woodman. Musical Spelling Book -------_--_- e. Ives, jun. Model Melodeon Instructor ------------ Selections. Musical Wreath --------------- E. Ives, jun. Martha. An Opera ------------- F. von Flotow. Madison Square Collection ------------- s. W. Coe. Mendelssohn's Four-Part Songs ---------- J. C. D. Parker. Mhinehaha Glee Book- -------------c M, Cady. Musical Lyra. Glee Book --------..-- F. H. Pease. Masonic Choir ------------- Jolm W. Dadmun. " Harp and Monitor ----------- George W. Chase. " Orpheus ------------- -Howard BI. Dow. Music of the Chapter ------------ John B. Marsh. MUlard's Sacred Quartets ------------- H. Millard. Mosenthal's Anthems ------------ Jos. Blosenthal. Moses in Egypt. An Oratorio - - - - - - - -.- - - -G. Rossini. Mount Sinai. An Oratorio ------------ S. Neukomm. May Queen. A Cantata ------------ W. S. Bennett. May Queen. Choruses alone ----------- w. S. Bennett. Mass for Three A'^oices ------------- Louis Selle. " in C-minor -------------- Charles Wels. "inC---------------- Alois Fusch. Memorare. Catholic Church Music --------- Anton Werner. Mercadante's Mass, Three Voices ---------- S. Mercadante. Missa pro Pace ------------- Theo. La Hache. Missa in D-major ------------- Henrj- Schwing. Mason's Book of Chants ------------ -*L. Mason. Melodeon Instructor -------------LB. Woodbury. Manual of Harmony ------------ J. C. D. Parker. Mason's Sacred Harp. 1834. Patent notes -------- T. B. Mason. Manhattan Collection. 1837 ----------- Thomas Hastings. Massachusetts Sacred Hannony. 1807 .--------- Elias Blann. •' Compiler. 1704 O. Holden, H. Gram, and S. Holyoke. " Harmony. 1778. With Fugue Music ------ Walter Janes. " Collection. 1840 --------- George James Webb. MeiTv Chimes -------------- L. O. Emerson. Sleriiliau Harmony. 1808 ----------- Zedekiah Sanger. Merrimack Collection. Instrumental --------- Henry E. Moore. Messiah. An Oratorio. Arranged by John Bishop - - - - - - -G. F. HandeL Mechanical Exercises for Piano-foite --------- R. K. Shemian. Middlesex Collection of Sacred Harmony. 1802 ------- Daniel Belknap. Middlesex Hannony. 1795 ----------- Samuel Babcock, Method for Voices ---------- Carlo Bassini and R. S. Willis. 200 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Methodist Harmonist. 1821 ------------ N. Bangs. Methodist Hymn and Tune Book ---------- Sylvester Mam. Melodia Sacra ---------- B. F. Baker and A. N. Johnson, Melodies of the Church. 1832 - -.-- -- - - --D. E. Jones. Melodies of the Church. Eight Hundred Hymns ------- Abner Jones. Melodia Sacra. Church Music ----------- Oliver Shaw. Melodist. A Collection Miss Jane Slowman. Mendelssohn Collection. Church Music - - William B. Bradbury and Thomas Hastings. Millard's S. S. Chaplet ------- George Cooper and Harrison Millard. Million's Glee Book. 1855 --- -- I. B. Woodbuiy. Minstrel. 1849. Much original ---------- V. C. Taylor. •' A Collection of Songs. 1812 --------- John Cole. " of Zion -------- William Hunter and Samuel Wakefield. Missouri Harmony ----- Allen D. Garden. Modem Harp. Church Music -------- E. L. White and J. E. Gould. " Harmony. Letters for notes. 1808 -------- George Hough. •« Instructions for Piano-forte ---- Thomas Baker. •' Psalmist. Partly Original ---------- Lowell Mason. " School for the Violin - - - - -- - - - - -L. G. Fessenden. Moore's Irish Melodies Thomas Moore. Moore's Complete Encyclopaedia- ---------- John W. Moore. Morninsc and Evening Service ----------- C. S. Elliott. Mountain Minstrel ------ T. D. Bonner. Mozart Collection. Sacred Music ----------- E. Ives. Mozart's Twelfth Mass. With Latin and English Text - - - - J. C. W. A. Mozart. Musician's Lexicon. 1850 ----------- John W. Moore. Music in Miniature. 1779 ------------ WiUiam Billings. " of the Church - - - - - - - - - - - -J. M. Wain w right. " Teacher's Assistant ------------- T. Cresset. " as it was and is------------ N. E. Cornwall. Musical Composers and their Works --------- Sarah Tytler. Musical Olio. 1805. Partly original T. Olmstead. Musica Sacra ---------- S. Warriner and Thomas Hastings. Musical Cyclopfetlia - ------------ William S. Porter. *' Grammar. 1833 ----------- John Wall Calcott, " Magazine. Church Music. 1805- Andrew Law. " Primer. Church Music. 1803 --------- Andrew Law. " Library ---------- Lowell Mason and G. J. Webb. " Monitor. 1827 ------- Wilham J. Edson and Ephraim Keed. '• Monitor. Church Music ----- George IT. Curtis. *' Instructor. 1808 ------- Nathan Chapin and Joseph Dickerson. " Instructor. 1810. Patent notes John Dickinson, jun. " Bouquet -----.------- William B. Bradbury. " Scale -------------- Horace P. Biddle. " Vade Mecum ------------ Herman S. Saroni. " Dictionary. 1795 -------- Hans Gram and Oliver Holden. Mack's New Meloileon Method ------------ E. Mack. Mason's Vocal Exercises and Solfeggios ---------- L. Mason. Musical Album for High Schools ----- G. F. Root. '• MiiTor for High Schools ----------- S. B. Phipps. " Pvecreations for High Schools -E. Ives, jun. May Festival. A Juvenile Cantata ---------- Unknown. Mendelssohn's Three Motets. Female Voices F. Mendelssohn. Musical Treasure. Vocal and Instrumental --------- Selections. 3Iespiah. Choruses Alone. Oratorio --------- G. F. Handel. Moses in Egvpt. Choruses Alone. Oratorio --- G. Piossini. Messe Solennelle G. Rossini. Messe Solennelle. Choruses alone ---------- G. Rossini. IMelodeon Primer S. Winner. Martha. Complete Opera as Piano Solo F. von Flotow. Musical Text Book E. B. Oliver. Mason and Hoadley's Easy Svstem for Piano. American and Foreign Fingering William Mason and E. S. Iloadley. Musical Treasure of Vocal and Instinimental Music ------- Selections. " Gariand for Violin and Piano Sep. Winner. " Flowers for Flute and Piano Sep. Wmner. Mouth Harmonica Instructor ----------- M. Wallach. Marchesi's Exercises for Voice M. G Marchesi. Mazzoni's SolfegM Edited by Emma Seller. Musical Enthusiast. Operetta John H. Hewitt Melodeon. Hvmns and Tunes - - - - - - - - - - - J. W. Dadmun. Metropolitan Glee Book William B. Bradbury. Musical Leaves. Hymns and Tunes Philip Phillips. Musical Bouquet. School Singing Book W. B. Bradbury. Miracle of the Roses. Operetta -L. Bordese. Music without a Master S. K. Whiting. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 201 Mount Zion Collection of Church Music --------- T. E Perkins. Magic Circle. Piano Tieces ---------___*_ Selected* Musical Cascade. Vocal and Instrumental Music -------- Selected! May Chimes. Catholic Hymns and Tunes ------« Sisters of Noti-e Dame '' May Blossoms. Catholic liymns and Tunes ------ Publisher's Selections. Mason's First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Intermediate School Music Readers. L. W. Mason.* Musical Gem. Vocal and Instrumental Music ----__-_ Selections. Mocking Bird. School Music Book -----.---_ w. o. Perkins! Musical Curriculum for Piano-forte - - - - - - - - - - - ' G. F. Hoot! " Pastime. Flute or Violin Solos -------__ s.' Winner! " Pastime. Flute or Violin and Piano ------._ s! Winner! Maud Irving; or, Little Orphan. Operetta -.-_--_- W. Dressier' Musical Gift. Piano Music ----------__' Selected! Mother Goose. Set to Blusic ----------- j, yy^ Elliott! Merry Voices. School Music --------_. .j;, (jo^ Stewart! Morning Star. Church Music D. F. Hodges and G. W. Foster! 31 ason and Hamlin Cabinet Organ Instructor -------- Euo-ene Thayer. Musical Blossoms. Piano Music ---------.-". Selections! Musical Gatherings Piano Music -------_-._ Selections! Mannerchor. For Male Voices -------__-- G. P\ Root! Mendelssohn's Four-Part Songs. Male Voices ------ Charles J Sprafrue! Mendelssohn. A Memoir ------------ Ferd. HiTler. Musical Hints Karl Merz. Musical Chimes for Female Schools, &c. -----_-__ -w. Dressier. Music and Morals --------_-___. Unknown! Mason and Hoadley's Piano-forte Method - - - - William Mason and E. S. Hoadley. Model School for Piano ---------.-_._ Unknown. Maritana. Libretto of an Opera ---------- "w, y. Wallace! Masaniello. Libretto of an Opera ---------- j), f. Auber. Martiri. Libretto of an Opera ----------- g. Donizetti! Man-iage of Figaro. Libretto of an Opera -------- W.A.Mozart. Martha. Libretto of an Opera ----------- f. von Flotow! Maria di Rohan. Libretto of an Opera ---_---_. q. Donizetti. Masked Ball. Libretto of an Opera --_----___ G. Verdi Moses in Egypt. Libretto G. Rossini. Magic Flute. Libretto of an Opera - - - - - - - - - -W. A. Mozart. Mignon. Libretto of an Opera ------__-_. Amb. Thomas. Messiali. Libretto of an Oratorio ------__-_ g. p. Handel. Miriam's Song of Triumph. Cantata -------___ p. Schubert- Morning. Cantata ---------_.__- p. Reis. Morning Stars. Sabbath School Music ----_-__. j. y. Blake. Mozart's First, Second, Seventh, Ninth, and Fifteenth Masses - - - - W. A. Mozart. Musical Friend. Vocal and Piano Music --------- Selected. Musical Fountain. School Songs -------_--_ g. F Root. Mass in G H. Millard, " for Four Voices .-S. Mercadante. "inC -------------- L. von Beethoven. "inF L. Bordese. Nason's Vocal Class Book --.--->.... Edward S. Xason. National Church Harmony ---__.___. Nathan D. Gould. " Choir. Select Anthems ---------- Henry E. INIoore. " Psalmist L. Mason and George James AVcbb. " Lyre - - S. P. Tuckermau, S. A. Bancroft, and H. K. Oliver. New American Melody. 1793 ------ Jacob French. '• Lute of Zion ----------- Sylvester and H. P. Main. " Carmina Sacra. 1841 ------------ Lowell Blason. " Selection of Sacred Music. 1820 ---------- Samuel Dyer. " Oratoiio Chorus Book - - - - - - - - - - - -J, E. Goidd. " Coui-se of Harmony ---___-_-.- L. H. Southard. " Brunswick Church Harmony ---------- Zebulon ICstey. Newburyport Collection. 1807 ----------- Daniel Bailey. New England Psalm Singer. 1770 -- -- William Billings. New and Complete Introduction to the Grounds of Music. 1764 - - - - Daniel Bailey. New Hampshire Collection. Church Music -------- Henry E. Moore. New York Collection of Sacred Music. 1827 -------- Samuel Dyer. " " Choralist -----_-. Thomas Hastings and W. B. Bradburv. " " Glee and Chorus Book --------- Wilham B. Biadbui^'. Nightingale. Vocal Music ------------ W. O. Perkins. Norfolk Collection of Sacred Music. 1795 --------- Amos Albee. Norfolk Compiler. Church Music. 1805 --------- Stephen .Jenks. Normal Singer. Church Music. 1854 ---------- Lowell Mason. Noi-mal Song Book --.--.-------J. C. Johnson. Northampton Collection. 1778 ---.------- Elias Mann. Northern Harp. Church Music. 1837 --------- Henry E. Moore. '« Harp --- ..- Mary S. B. Dana. 202 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". Northern Harmony. 1816 ------ Abram Maxim and Japheth C. Wa=libume» Numeral Harmony ----------- H. \V. Day and T. Beals. New York Normal School Song Book - - - - L. A. Benjamin and 1. B. Woodbiuy. New Templi Carmina. Church Music -------- George Kuigsley. Normal I 'iano Instruction Book -----_-_--_ - C. Hess. Novello's Organ Voluntaiies ----------- Vincent NoveUo. Nicholson's Flute Method ----------- Charles Nicholson. Norma. An Opera ------------- Vincent Bellini. New Odeon. Glees. &c. --------- L. Mason and G. J. Webb. New Sacred Star. Church Music ----------- L. Marshall. Naaman. An Oratorio ------------- M. Costa. Nightingale. A Cantata -----------J. F. Reichardt. Newlaiid's Vespei-s -------------W. A. Newland. Nursery Rhymes -------------- j. "W. Elliott. Normal. Singing Schools, &c. -----------J. W, Suffera. Normal Musical Handbook ----------- George F. Root, New Harp of Zion. Church Tune Book - - - - - - -A. D. and J. it. Fillmore. New Silver Song. Sabbath Schools - - - - - - - - - -\V. A. Ogden. New Eva. Singmg Schools ------------ G. F. Root. Nava's Rejiertoire de Solfegge. Vocal ---------- G. Nava. National Chorus Book. Sacred and Secular -------- Selected. New Comic Songster -------------- Selected. National Hymn and Tune Book. For Schools, &c ------- Selected. New Congregational Harp and Chapel --------- L. B Barnes. Ninety-Eighth Psalm ------------- F. Mendelssohn. Niedermeyer's Mass inD----------- L. Niedermeyer. National Orchestra. Five or SLx Instruments. Twenty-one Numbers - - B. A. Burditt. New Germania. Four, Five, and Six Instruments - - - - - - -B. A. Burditt. Ninety-Fifth Psalm. " Come, let us sing " ------- F.B.Mendelssohn. New IMethod for Melodeon ------------By Publisher. " and Complete Method for Accordeon -------- By Publisher. " Lute of Zion. Church Music ---------LB. Woodbuiy. " Jlelodeon. Hymns and Tunes ---------J. W. Dadmun. " Olive Bi-anch. Church ]\Iusic ------ T. J. Cook and T. E. Perkins. " Shining Star. Sabbath School Music -------- T. E. Perkins. Novello's Vocal School ------------- s. Novello, New Musical Fountain. Temperance Songs - - - - - - - - - G. 1"\ Root. New Standard Singer. H\Tnns and Tunes -------- Pliilip Pliillips. Notes of Joy. Sabbath Schools --------- Mrs. J. F. Knapp. New Coronet. Singing Schools. &c. --------- George F. Root. New England Conser\-atory Method for Piano - - - - - - N. E. ConserAatory. Notre Dame System for Piano --------- Sisters of Notre Dame. Nativity. Christmas Carol ----------- -J. CBockel. New Year's IZve. A Cantata ----------- H. Schoeller. Norma. Libretto of Opei-a ------------ G. Verdi. Naaman. Libretto of Oratorio - - - - - --- ---. -Ji. Costa. Naaman. Chomses from the Oratorio ---------- M. Costa. New Oratorio Chorus Book ------------ Selections. Nicholson's Preceptive Lessons for Flute ------- Charles Nicholson. Nava's Twelve Vocalises ------------- G. Nava. Nine o'clock in Morning. School Song Book -------- H. Tucker. New England ajid Bay State Glee Book - - - - I. B. Woodbuiy and J. C. Johnson. New Temperance Melodist ------------ S. Hubbard. New School for Piano ------------- Sep. Winner. " '* " Melodeon ------------ Sep. Winner. " " " Cabinet Organ ----------- Sep. Winner. " " " Guitar Sep. Winner. « « " Violin Sep. Winner. " " " Flute Sep. Winner. " " " Piccolo and Boehm Flute - -------- Sep. Winner. " " ** German Accordeon ---------- Sep. Winner. " " " Banjo Sep. Winner. •' «« a Fife Sep. Winner. " " " Flageolet Sep. Winner. ** " " Comet ------------ Sep. Winner. " " '* Clarionet ------ Sep. Winner. Norma. Complete Opera as Piano Solo ---------- G- Verdi. Organist. Music for Organ - - - - -- -L. H. Southard and G. E. Whiting. Offertorium. Catholic Church ----------- W. O. FLske. Original Hymn Tunes ------------- H. K. Oliver. Orpheon. Boys' High Schools, &c. ---------- W, O. Perkins. Osgood's Guide to Art of Singing ----------- G. L. Osgood. Orchestral Journal. Five or six'instruments. Twenty-four Numbers - - G. W. Friedrich. Organ Gems. For Church Organ ------_-__ F. S. Davenport. Organ at Home. For Reed Organ ----------- A DICTIONABY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 203 Oriola. Sabbath Schools ----------- W. B. Bradbury. Oriental Glee and Anthem Book --------_. Dr. t. Hastings. Organist's Companion. Church or Reed Organ -------- s. T. Gordon. Operatic Leaves. For Piano-forte ---------- Fr. Kunimer. Organist's Quarterly Review - - - - - - - - - - - -WIC. Tliayer. One Hundred and Ten Select Organ Pieces - - - - J. E. Trowbridge and J. W. Hill. Operatic Gems. Vocal ------------ George W. Tiyon. Outline of Musical Form ----------- "W. S. B. Mathews. Oliver's Thorough-Bass Instructor - - - - - -.- - - -E.B. Oliver. One Key Singer. Church Music ----------J. B. Packard. Ohio Sacred Harp. Church Music ------_-__ T.B.Mason. Ohio Harmonist. 1847. Patent notes --------- Alexander Auld. Offering of Praise. Church Music --------- Sylvester Main. Old Colony Collection. 1818. Three Volumes, quarto - - - _ H. and II. Society. Olive Leaf. Seven-shaped notes ---------- William Houser. Opera Chorus Book --------- E. L. White and John E. Gould. Oriental. Rare Jewish Melodies --------- William J. Wetmore. Organ Manual -------------- H. D. Nicholson. Original Hymn Tunes, Chants, and Sentences - - - - - - - - H. K. Oliver. Orphean Lyre. Glees and Catches -------- L. Mason and G. J. Webb. Our Saviour. An Oratorio ----------- William Williams. Oesten's Piano Method ------------- T. Oesten. Organist's Portfolio. Two Volumes --------- E. F. Rimbault. Operatic Album. Singing Book ------------ F. Ives. Offering. Church Music ----------- L. H. Southard, Oliver's Collection ------------- H. K. Oliver. Ohnevvald's Requiem Mass inF- - - - - - - - - - -J. Ohnewald. Opera Bouffe. Collection of Vocal and Instrumental ------ J. Offenbach. Ole Bull Violin Instructor ------------By Publisher. One Hundred Beautiful Melodies for Violin --------- S. Winner. One Hundred Operatic Au's for Flute ---------- S. Winner. Operatic Bouquet -------------- Edwin Bruce. Opera Choruses in fourteen Numbers --------- E. L. White. Orpheus. Libretto of Opera ----------- J. Offenbach. Othello. Libretto of Opera ------------ G. Rossini. Orphean Lyre. Two Volumes. English Glees ------- H. R. Bishop. Old Folks' Concert Tunes ------------ Father Kemp. Operatic Pearls. Vocal Collection ----------- Selections. Ossian's Harp. Vocal Collection --- Ossian E. Dodge. One Hundred Comic Songs ------------ Selections. " " Songs of Ireland ----------- -Selections. " " Songs of Scotland ----------- Selections. Oratorio Choruses, in single numbers ----------- Selections. Our Song-Birds. 1866, 1867. School Song Book - - - - G. F. Root and B. R. Hanby. One Hundred Voluntaries, Preludes, &c. Organ - - - - - - - Ch. H. Rink. Old Hmidredth Psalm Tune ------------ Havergal. Perkins's Singing School - - - - - - - - - - - -W. O. Perkins. Pure Diamonds. Sabbath Schools ---------- J. R. Muiray, Petersilea's Piano Method ----------- Carljie Petersilea. Pauline ; or. Belle of Saratoga. Operetta - - - - - - - - -H. P. Danks. Palmer's Concert Choruses -H. R. Palmer. Pearls of Melody. Instrumental Music for Piano-forte ------ Selections. Prometheus. A Cantata -----F. Liszt. Pure Li^ht. For Sabbath Schools ----------- Selections. Piano and Song __.-------- Translated from F. Wieck. Psahn King. Church Tune Book T. E. Perkins. Praise Offering. Clmrch Tune Book ----------V. C. Taylor. Palm. Church Tune Book -- C. M. Wyman. Priceless Gems, Vocal Music ._---By Publislier. Pearl Drops. Piano Pieces - By Publisher. Pleasant Memories. Piano Pieces ----------By Publisher. Pure Gold. Sabbath Schools Robert Lowry and W, H. Doane. Pearl. Sabbath Schools J. M. Kieffer. Peters's Parlor Comnanion. Two Violins and Piano ------ W. Dressier. Catholic Melodist W. C. Peters. " Catholic Choir Book W. C. Peters. " Sodality Hymn Book W. C. Peters. Palmer's Elements H. R. Palmer. Paine's Mass in D -- - John K. Paine. Palmer's Normal Collection. Sacred Music -------- H. R. Palmer. Piano at Home. Four-Hand Music Selections. Pestalozzian Music Teacher - Lowell Mason and T. F. Seward. Piano Teacher I-oius Plaidy. Primary Elements of IMusic ---------- Dr. H. R. Streeter. Pilgrim's Harp. Hymns and Tunes ----------- AsaHulL 204 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL DTFORMATIOK Perkins's Anthem Book ------__._._ yy. O Perkins Prodigal Son. A Cantata Arthur Sullivan! Passion Music according to St. Matthew ---_-_.._ joh. S. Bach Passion Music. Choruses -------____. JqIi. §,' Bach' Parker's Seven Four-Part Songs - - - - - - - - - _ J. C. D. Parker! Paige's New and Inductive Method for Piano -------- Mrs. J JB Pai^e' Piano without a Master -----E. L. White! Parlor Companion. Vocal and Instrumental Music ------_' Selected! Pianist's Album. Instrumental INIusic for Piano ----.___ Selected! Piano-forte Gems. Instrumental Music for Piano -----__ Selected! I'arty Dances. Viohn and Piano --------__. g Winner* Pleyel's Violin Duets ----___j pievel* Panseron's A B C of IMusic --------_-__a. Panseron! " A B C of Music abridged ----__.__ j^' Panseron' ■r, /o MeOiod of Singing. In Parts a! I'anseron! Part Songs for Female Voices --------_-__§ MUller Primarj' School Song Book L. Mason and G. J. W^ebb! Ireciosa An Opera - - - Carl Maria von Wcbcr. Pardon di Ploennel. Libretto of the Opera -----__. (j, Meverbeer. Puiitani. Libietto of the Opera - - - - - - - - - _ -*V 'Bellini' Piiata. Libretto of the Opera --------.._ y' BelUni* Prophete. Libretto of the Opera -------___ q. Meyerbeer* Perichole. Libretto of the Opera --------_-j Offenbach! Poliuto ; or, the Martyrs. Libretto of the Opera ---.-__ g. Donizetti. Psalms of Life. Hymns and Tunes --------__js Adams' Praise to God. Oratorio George' F.Bristow! Pupil's First Prinier Francis H. Bro\%Ti. Peters s Mass in D _- W.C.Peters. Peters s Jubilee Mass inG- - - - - - - - _ _ _ -WC Peters Perfect Guide for Piano --_-_._ 'g Winner' Piano Primer "g" dinner' Perfect G uide for Melodeon --------____g W'inner* !! !! !! ^ahinet Organ g.' Winner. ?.V"|.^r g. Winner. X'"?'' S. Winner. F?fe S. Winner. Fife - g_ Winner. German Concertina ------__-_g Winner u u .« Flageolet gl winner! Posthorn Preceptor B. A. Burditt. Parlor Melodies ^ - , - , - Miss M. E. Bailey. Parlor Harp and Social Melodist ---------__ A<^a Fitz. Palace of Industry. 1851 J.C.Johnson. Pestalozzian Song Book. 1844 j. C. Johnson. Plain and Easy Introduction to Music. 1712 John Tufts Pilgrim Fathers. A Cantata George F. Root. Practical Instructions in Hannony. 1854 -------_ AN Johnson !! Guide to Thorough Bass. 1853 John Hilton Jones! '/ Text book of Music Edward B. OUver. Province Harmony. 1809. Church Music Hezekiah Moore. Picnic. A Cantata J. R. Thomas. Pianist s Companion A. Schmitt and J. A. HamUton. Pittsourg Musical Instructor E. and M. H. Pease. Pitch. Intervals. Chords, and Scales Truman Crossett. Philadelphia Collection of Sacred Music -------__ Samuel Dyer Philosophy of Music E. and M. H. Pease! Polyhyinnia. Church Music Charles F. Heuberer. Portland Sacred INIusic Societv's Collection ----_-__ David Paine. Presbyterian Psalmodist. Patent notes - - - Thomas Hastings and W. B. Bradbury. Psalms of David, in heroic measure - --__ TTiomas Ciadock. Psalmodist. Church Music William B. Bradbuiy. Psalmodist s Companion. 1793 ------__-__ Jacob Fivneh Psalms and Hymns William Allen! ^, ^^ ^^ l-'^^O -----____._ Francis Greenwood. _ , _.. , . l'^95 -------_____ Jeremy Belknap. Psalm Singer's Amusement. 1781 WUliam Billings. Psalmista. Church Music William B. Bradbury. Psalmist; or, Chonster's Companion ----.___. -N. D. Gould. Psalmodist's Assistant. 1806 ----_-.__. Abijah Forbush. Psalmodist - Thomas Hastings and W-. B. Bradburj-. Psaltery. 1846 - LoweU Mason and G. J. Webb. Psalter. Canticles and Anthems. 1844 John Culvert. " Noted. From Helmore's Work -- Edward I\I. Pecke. ' Numeral Notation. New Plan. 1848 J. W. Morton. Parlor Lute. Glee Book ----__. __>_.hM Higgins Paiadise. A Cantata ------.._.. .._" Fawcett. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 205 Prize. Sabbath School Music -----.._--- g. F. Root. Plaiily's Technical Studies ------------ Louis I'laidy. Pollio's Musical Slcetches _---_------_ Elise Polko. Practical Organist ----------^-- Edward Travis. Panserou's Method of Singing -----------A. Panseron. Peters's Art of Singing ----------- William C. I'eters. Pardon di Plosrinel. An Opera ----------- G. Meyerbeer. Pacilic Gleo Book ---------- G. F. Hoot and J. II. Murray. Parlor Glee Book --------------J. p. Ordway. Patrio'ic Glee Book ------------- H. IM. Ili^gins. Philadelphia and New York Glee Book --------- S.B.Dyer. Parker's Sacred Chorus Book - - - - - - - - - - -J. C. D. I'arker. People's Tune Book ------------- Lowell Mason. Praise of Zion. Church Music ------- Solon Wilder and F. S. Davenport. Power of Song. A Cantata ------------A. Ilomberg. Praise of Friendship. A Cantata - - - - - - - - - -W. A. Mozart. Peters's Cathohc Harp -- -__-------- W. C. Peters. «' ** Harmonist ------------ W. C. Peters. Peters's Evening Sei-vice ------- W. C. Peters. Quarrel among Flowers. A Cantata --------- H. Schoeller. Quintet Orchestra. For two violins, clarionet, cornet, and bass ----- Selections. Quartet. Glees and Songs ------------- S. B. Dyer. Eesponsary. Introducing second trebles. 1795 -------- Amos Burr. Richardson's New Method for Piano-forte ------- Nathan Richardson. Richardson's IModern School for Piano-forte ------- Nathan Richardson. Rip Van Winkle. An Opera __-- George F. Bristow. Romberg Collection. Church Music T. M. Dewey and L. O. Emerson. Rover ; or, Happiness at Last. Pastoral, 1753 ------- Joseph Jackson. Rudiments of Music. 1783 Andrew Law. Rural Harmony. 1800 -------- Jacob Kimball and Samuel Holyoke. Rural Songster. Patent notes. 1851 ---- Lowell Mason. Rural Harmony. 1793 - Jacob Kimball, jun. Ruth and Naomi. A Cantata Leopold Damroch. Recreations for Cabinet Organ ----.----.- Selections. Root's School for Cabinet Organ George F, Root, Rules for Young Musicians ------------ R. Schumann. Richter's Harmony. Translated by J. C. D. Parker ------ E. F. Ilichter. Rossini's Vocal Exercises _____-- G. Rossini. River of Life. Sabbath School Music H. S. Perkins and W. W. Bentley. Recent Music and Slusicians ___.-- ign. Moscheles. Revivalist. Iljnnn and Tune Book ---------- Jos. Ilillman. Royal Diadem. Sabbath School Music - - - - - Robert Lowry and W. H. Doane. Rives' Vocal System Madam C. Rives. Rainbow. A Cantata Frank L. Bristow. Root's School of Singing - F. W. Root. Root's Model Organ School - George F. Root. Rush on the Voice -.- Benjamin Rush. Rajnnond's Organ Gems .-- R. F. Raymond. Revellers. A Cantata John II. Hewitt. Ritter's Art of Organ Playing Edited by John P. Morgan. Reward. Sabbath School Music ---. J. A. Kurzenlaiabe. Rudimontal Class Teaching H. R. Palmer. Reminiscences of Mendelssohn _------ Ehso Polko. Rimbault's Handbook for Piano E. F. Rimbault. Richardson's New Modern School for Piano-forte N. Rieliardson. Rohbock's Piano Instructor H. Rohbock. Richardson's Elements of Music at Sight N.Richardson. Rimbault's Handbook of Harmony Ed. F. Rimbault. Rink's First Three Months at the Organ C. H. Rink. Rink's Instructor for Beginners ----------- C. II. lank. Rink's Organ School. (Revised by Best) ----- C. II. Rink, Romberg's Violoncello School Bernard Romberg. Rounds, Canons, and Catches Heniy Carter. Runaway Flirt. A Cantata -- _ I^ail ^lerz, Rossini's Messe Solennelle ------------ G. A. liossim. ■Rossi's Vespers William Dressier. ■Rules for Young Musicians Robert Sclumiann. ■Rink's Twelve Preludes for Organ _-- C. H. Rmk. Rink's Forty Preludes for Organ ----- C. II. Link. Rice's Banjo Method ^]^",r^'^^,^- Rigoletto. Libretto of an Opera _p- V^^J- Romeo and Juhet. Libretto of an Opera --------- - V. Leliim. Romeo and JiUiet, Libretto of an Opera -------- - C. Gounod. Rose of Castile. Libretto of an Opera w-------- M. W. Balfe. 206 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION". Robert le Diable. Libretto of an Opera -.--G. Meyerbeer. Sabbath-School Melodies William B. Bradbury. «4 " Choir- ---------- -William B. Bradbury. « « Choir ------------ William Williams. Sabbath Harmony. Church Music L.O.Emerson. Sabbath Minstrel. Patent notes Jesse b. Aiken. Sacred Harp. Patent notes B. F. White and E. J. King. " Songs. Patent notes. 1842 Thomas Hastings. " Harmony. Patent notes. 1838 Alexander Davidson. " Harmony. Patent notes. 1848 SamuelJackson. " Minstrel. Chm-ch Music. 1848 John W. Moore. " Minstrel. Church Music. 1834 George Fleming. " Harp. 1834 ------------ James H. Hickok. " Minstrel. 1840. Chm-ch Music -N. D. Gould. " Praise. 1856. Church Music Thomas Hastings. " Melodeon. Patent notes Amos Sutton Hayden. " Minstrel. Church Music Virgil C. Taylor. " Lyre. Church Music. 1840 Thomas Hastings. " Choir. Church Music. 1838 -George Ivingsley. " Star, or Union Collection Leonard Marshall. " Harmonist. Church Music George Ivingsley. " Music. Patent notes -^ Sfh Ely. " Music, or Melodies of the Church A. S. Hayden. '« Lute. Church Music S. Main and T. E. Perkins. " Haiinonicon. Two-Line Numerals. 1842 ------- T. Hamson. " Choral. Patent notes Samuel Wakelield. Salem Collection. 1805 -- -, Joseph Prince. Sanctus. Church Music Edward Hamilton. Seraph. Church Music. 1827 John Cole. Sera ohina; or, Christian Librai-y George Fleming. Select Harmony. Original. ITbG Andrew Law. Singers' First liook J. and H. Bird. Singing-:\Iaster*3 Assistant. 1778 William Billings. Sin'nn'g-School Companion - - - -. Joseph and Horace Bird. Seasons. Thompson's Hymn. 1839 Richard Gaibett. Seasons. A Cantata William B. Bradburj'. Select Harmony. Engraved Music. 1783 Oliver Brownson. " Tunes and Anthems. 1783 Oliver Brownson. " Hannony. 1785. For the Psalm Books Daniel Bailey. Schumann's Ssventy-live Songs „*?.*^|P -^'X^'?-^*?"' School Operettas William OJiske. " Triad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -^V.F. Heath. " Vocalist ------------ E. Locke and S. Kourse. Shawm. Church Music Wilham B. Bradburj- and George F. Boot. Shawm. Church ]\Iusic Lowell and T. B. Mason. Social Woi-Lliip. 1854 .t" . J"" ^i^' ^^^*^5' ♦« Harmonv. 1823. Quarto -- Nathan D. Gould. " Choir, three Volumes. 1849 - George Ivingsley. " Glee Book. 1847 ------- WiUiam Mason and S, A, Bancroft. " Sin^-in'T. 1844 - WiUiam B. Bradbuiy. " Harp. "Patent not«s John G. McCurry. Songs of Sacred Praise. 1845 Edward Hamilton. " " Zion. Church Music - James C. Caixell. " " Zion. Church Music Thomas A\ hittemore. " " the Temple. Church Music Brown, Mitchell, and Holt. " •' Worship. Church Music T.O'Kane. Song Land. Church Music Ii;yin2 Emerson. Song (Tov/ned King. Church Music - Aldine b. Ivieffer. Snarkhn-r Rubies. Sabbath Schools. Asa HuU and Harry Sanders. Springfield Collection. Sacred Music. 1816 Thomas Hastings. Southern and Western Pocket Harmonist. 1845 ^V ilham \\ alker. Melodies. Church Music E. A. Blackmar. " Church Melodies. 1849 , ..G^oi'ge/^ood. Harmonv. Patent notes. 1835 Wilham U alker. Stabat IMater. Latin and EngUsh Words ^- G. Kossmi. Star Collection. Instrumental John W. Sloore. Supplement to Chorister's Companion. 1792 Simeon J ocelyn. Supplement to Kentucky Harmony. 1820 - - - Ananias Davidson. Sulfolk Hannony. 1786 ^V illiam Billings. Sunbeams. For Conventions ----------- B. i'. Ijaker. Sternhold and Hopkins' Psalmes. 1693 Amencan Edition. St. Louis Harmony. 1833 John L. beat. Storm King. A Cantata. 1S50 - , ' ,, V' -f u'^^^.^f ^• Stoughton Collection. 1828 - Stoughton Musical Society. Southard's Thorough Bass and Harmony -.- L. H. Southard. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 207 Schneider's Practical Organ School ---------- p, Schneider. Schneider's Oi-gan Voluntaries ------.--._ p. ScJnieider. Short Voluntaries for Organ ----- William II. Clarke. Schatzman' 8 Sax-Horn Instructor- ----.-.--_ J. Schatzman. Sax-Horn Preceptor --------- ---__m. Distin. Sax-Horn Preceptor B. A. Burditt. Spring Holiday. A Cantata ----------- c. C. Converse. Song-Book of the Schoolroom ---.---_--__ j^,. jjason. Sonnambnla. Libretto of an Opera -------___ y. iJellinL Sappho. Libretto of an Opera -------_--__q, Pacini. Semiraniide. Libretto of an Opera ----------- G. Rossini. Son and Stranger. Libretto of an Opera - - - - - - - -F. B. Mendelssohn. Samson. Libretto of an Oratorio ---------- q, i,\ Handel. Stabat Mater. Libretto of an Oratorio -----____ q Rossini. St. Paul. Libretto of an Oratorio ---------- f. Mendels.sohn. Shower of Pearls. Collection of Vocal Duets --------- Selected. Silver Chord. Collection of Songs -------___- Selected. Seasons. A Cantata --------__--__ j, Haydn. Song Festival. Church Music ----------- V. C. Taylor. Sacred Chorus Book --. E. L. White and J. E. Gould. Samson. An Oratorio ----_---_--_ g. F. Han Y; ^,*k ^?f Standbridge's Piano Instructor J. C. B. Standbndge. Scheidler's Piano School ^•-^•o^^^^'^i^^" Schneider's Harmony and Thorough Bass - *; ^^^".t!^®!* Southard's Course of Harmony L. H. boutnara. Stanton's Voluntaries -""""'' ^" H. btanton. Saunders' Self-Instructor, Violin ^..^^PI^^tt ^'^^•^* Spohr's Violin School Edited by U. C.HiU. Standard Singing School L. H. Southard. Shyrock's Miisic Charts ----- D. bhyrock. Song Garden. Three Books - - ^ Lowell Mason. Song Queen. Singiiig Book - - - - H. B. Pal"jer. Sonnambula. An Opera ^- o^f.^^„\?^- Southern and Northern Harp Mrs. S. B. Dana. •Sabbath Bell. Church Music ^-u" i ^^Ir iT Sabbath Harp. Church INI u sic Charles F.Heuberer. Sabbath Praise. Church Music ^J; W. bultem. Songs for the New Life - ^^"jl^ ^;,'^9?®^- Standbridge's Chants for the Church J-C. B. Standbndge. Spring. A Cantata ^^- ^enninges. Silver Chime. Sabbath-School Book - - - George F. Boot. Silver Spray. Sabbath-School Book »'"\itr" o f "«* Schmid's Mass, No. 1, in C Arranged by Peters. " " No. 2, in A . j i. tv i *.i, i< " No. 3, in C - - - - - - - - - - - Arranged by Derleth. " " No. 4, in D. " ^ |* " No. 5, in E^. :: :: s^- ?-?"?:• ' « - " " No. 7, m G. . -r^ . •Sanctuary Anthems - - - - A Kreissmann. Sonnambula Complete Operar as Piano Solo -------- - V. uemni. Thorough-Bass School - -------- ^JnTnrrt Torp's Guitar Instructor a S^^^iwS' Thalberg's L'Art du Chant. For Piano - - - - - - - - - . S- Thalberg. A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 209 Taylor's Violoncello Instructor --.-----_, James B. Taylor. Traviata. An Opera ------------__ (j. VerdL Treasured Tokens ------------- J. R. Fairlamb. Trovatore. An Opera -----.----_--_ q. Verdi. Trinity Collection of Church Music - - - - - E. F. Hodges and S. P. Tuckei-man. Triumph. Church Music ------------ George F. lloot. Tune Book of Protestant Episcopal Church ----- - Muhlenberg and Bedell, Tuner's Manual ----------- Sumner Hill and O. B. Brown. Tuner's Guide -------------- o. Ditson, Pub. Tabular Scheme to Plaidy's Studies ---------- Heman Allen. Ten Christmas Carols -------------a. P. Howard. Tribute of Praise. Hymns and Tunes --------- Eben Tourj^e. Thomas's Sacred Quartets ------------J. R. Thomas. Thayer's Mass No. l------------- Eugene Thayer. Tabernacle. Church Tunes --.----- B. F. Baker and W. O. Perkins. Temperance Chimes --------- W. B. Bradbury and J. N. Stearns. Temple Melodies. Hymns and Tunes --------- Darius E. Jones. Triad. Church Music ------------- A. J. Abbey. Tonart. Church Music -------- Edward Roberts and John P. Morgan. True Choir. Church Music -----------A. N. Johnson. Thesaurus Musicus -------------A. Brooks Everett. Thayer's Art of Organ Playing. Five Parts - - - - - --W. Eugene Thayer. True Psalmist. Church Music ---------- A. N. Johnson. Thayer's Cabinet Organ Instructor ---------- W. E. Thayer. True Singing School Text Book ---------- A. N. Johnson. Trowbridge's Mass InE----------- J. E. Trowbridge. Temple Anthems ---------- Robert Lowry and W. H. Doane. Trumpet of Reform. For Granges, &c. - - - - - - - - - - G. F. Root. Temperance Echoes ------------ William Dressier. Tidal Wave. Temperance Songs ------- R. Lowry and W. H. Doane. Triumphlied. A Cantata ------------ j. Brahma. Temple Emanuel. Hymn Book - - - - - - - - - - -A. J. Davis. Terpsichore. Dance Music. For Two Violins, Clarionet, Comet, and Bass - - - Selected. Technical Studies. Plaidy's. Translated - - - - - - - - J. C. D. Parker. Temple Choir ------- Theodore F. Seward and William B. Bradbury. Temple Harmony. Church Music ---------J. C. Washbume. Templi Carmina, or Songs of the Temple ----- Brown, Mitchell, and Holt. Templi Carmina. Church Music ---------- George Kingsley. Tennessee Harmony. Church Music - - - - - - - - -A. W. Johnson. Timbrel of Zion. Patent Notes. 1853 T. R. ColUns. Timbrel. Church Music -------- B. F. Baker and I. B. Woodbury. Tip Top Glee Book. 1856 -------- c. H. Jarvis and J. A. Getze. Trinity Anthems and Trinity Psalter -------- - Henry S. Cutler. Treatises on Musical Sounds. With Tonometer - - - - - - -S. D. Tillman. Trophies of Song, With Introduction by E. Tourjee ------ W. F. Crafts. Twenty-one Madrigals, Glees, and Part Songs ----- L. Mason and J. G. Webb. Twin Sisters. A Cantata ----------- Hermon S. Saroni. Tyi-olean Lyre. Glees, &c. _ - - E. L. White and J, E. Gould. Two Hundred and Fifty Voluntaries for Organ ------- John Zundel. Tucker's Guitar Manual -_-.-------- H. Tucker. Traviata. Libretto of Opera ----- G. Verdi. Trovatore. Libretto of Opera ------------ G. Verdi. Two Cadis. Libretto of Opera ------------J. Eichberg. Two Cadis. An Opera -------------J. Eichberg. Trumpet of Freedom. National Songs ---------- Selected. Tuneful Hours. Glee Book ------------- Selected. Twelve German Chorals -------------J. S. Bach. Transient and Eternal. Cantata -----------A. Romberg. Trastour's Rudiments - ---------- Eugene Trastour. Tara's Harp. School Songs ------------J. A. Getze. Trovatore. Complete Opera as Piano Solo --------- G. Verdi. Union Harmony, or British America's Sacred Vocal Music. 1810 - - - From the English. Union Harmony. Church Music .----.--- George Hendricson. Union Harmony. Church Music ----------- Oliver Holden. Union. Church Music -------------T. J. Cook. Union Haimony. Church Music. 1810 --------- S. Humbert. Union Haimony. Church Music. 1837 -------- William Caldwell. Union Glee Book -----B. F. Baker and L. H. Southard. Union Piano-forte Instructor ------------ F. Rasche. Union Collection for Violin and Piano --------- S. Winner. Union Drum and Fife Book ------ Henry Simpson and Ira Canterbury. Unison Mass -------------- Theo. La Hache. Union Star Glee Book B. F. Baker and W. O. Perkins. United States Sacred Harmony. 1798- - - .- Amos PUlsbury. United States CoUection. Church Music ---------A. N. Johnson. 210 A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. Cniversal Harmony. 1769 Thomas Bailey. Universal Dictionary of Musical Terms -----.-. James F Werner. Urania. Sacred Music James Lyons. Valley Harmonist. Patent notes --------«. J. "W. Steffy. Valuable Collection. Church Music. 1810 -------- Daniel L. Peck* Version of the Psalms. 1756 Thomas Cradock.' Version of the Psalms. 1751 -------.---_ John Barnard. Vespers. Catholic Church -----.----___ Louis Selle* Vineyard of Song. Singing Schools, &c. C. G. Allen and T. F. Seward! Village Organist. School for Cabinet Organ -----___ William Weber Voice Building " „ - - ,^.- H. R. Streeter.* Viohn Amusements, Solos for Violin ---_-__. ._g Winner, Vaccai's Practical Method of Singing --------__ n. Vaccai! Vocalist's Companion ----------__. E. B. Oliver! Vestiy Chimes. Hymns and Tunes --------.__ Asa Hull' Violin Complete By Publisher! Violin Made Easy By Publisher. Voice in bmging Emma Sailer. Victory. Church Music -W. B. Bradbury. Voice Culture George J. Webb and C. G. Allen. Vespers for Catholic Church ---------- -_aF Leieal Violoncello Method Wulf Fries and C. Suck! Violoncello Preceptor ------_-__. ___j, Riley. Violoncello Method -------_-.___ Thos. Morley! Vocalist - Lowell Mason and George James Webb! Vespei-s m C W. O. Fiske. Vespers mC W. A. Newland. Voice Buildmg H. R. Streeter. Violoncello without a Master ------____. Unknown. Violoncello, The. An abridgment of the Complete Method . _ - . b. Romberg! Venite. Church Music --------_.._. y. C. Taylor Vespers for Catholic Church H. Millard! Violin and Flute Duets -------._»_.. g. Winner. Victory. Church Music Sylvester and h! P. Main. Village Compilation, 1806 Daniel Belknap. Village Harmony. 1794. Many different editors to 1820 Selections. Village Organist, With Appendix William Weber. Virginia Harmony. 1831 David L. Clayton and J. P. Carrell. Vocal and Instrumental Instructor .-.-.-^_. John W. Moore, Vocal School, Pestalozzian ------.-__._ h, W Day. Vocal Companion. 1796 Matthew Carey. Voice of Praise, 1859 Edward Hamilton. Vepres Sicihennes, Libretto of Opera ---.-_..._(j. Verdi. Webb's Mass- Samuel Webb. Wilson's Sacred Quartets, Two volumes -------- Hemy Wilson Willnian's Clarionet Method Thomas L. Willman! Welcome Guest. Collection of Piano Music ------___ Selected. Winner's Easy System for Piano -------^-__S. Winner. Wright's Piano Manual ------ "W". C. Wrifrht. Woman of Samaria. Libretto of Oratorio ------ w. Stemdale Benn%tt. World's Peace Jubilee Music. 1872 ----------- Selected. Wreath of Gems. Collection of Songs ---------- Selected! William Tell. Libretto of an Opera ---------- .Q Rossini' Wreath of School Songs E. L. White! Winner's Dance Music. Flute and Piano ------- -- g Winner! Wragg's Flute Preceptor -------------j Wrac»g AVichtl's Young Violinist ---- q[ AVichtl! Wakelleld's Christian Harp. 1818 ---. Lazarus B * M'Lain" Waldenses. An Oratorio, 1849 ----- Asahel Abbot! Walter's Collection. 1721 ------------ Thomas Walter. Warren's Minstrel. 1856, Patent notes -- -- J, S. Warren! Williams and Tansur's Collection. 1769 --------- Daniel Bailey Wesleyan Sacred Harp W. MacDonald and S. Hubbard, Wesleyan Harmony. 1820 Heni-v Little. Western Harmonious Companion ---------- James W Palmer. '' Harp. Church Music Samuel Wakefield. Harmony. Church Music Allen D. Carden. • Lyre. 1831 W. B. Snyder and W, L, ChapeU, _ , Harp - Mary S, B, Dana. Worcester Collection. 1797 --.. Oliver Holden. Woodland Sketches. For Piano-forte -.-- Karl Sohuler. Wyeth's Repository. Sacred Music. 1820 John Wyeth. Weiland's New Guitar Method ---------_- f. Weiland, Worrall's Guitar School -----__-_._. Henry WorralL A DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL INFORMATION. 211 Wichtl's Practical Violin School ----- G. Wichtl. Western Bell. Glees and Songs ------ F. H. Pease and E. A. Perkins. Western Harp, Songs, &c. _-------- - Mrs. M. S. U. Shindler. Walter's Manual Church Music - ---------- W.H.Walter. Wels'8 Church Music -------- Charles Wcls. Winter Evenings' Entertainment. A Cantata -------- A. Cull. Walter's Ancient and Modern Music ---------- Jacob Walter. Weber's Mass in G ------------ C. M. von Weber. Witzka's Mass in C , C. D. Witzka. Weber's Mass in El? -, C. M. von Weber. Wels'8 Grand Mass in Bp» Charles Wels. Webb's Vocal Technics George James Webb. Winner's Bands of Four. For Violin, Flute, Clarionet or Comet, and Violoncello - S. Winner. Wilhem's Method of Teaching Vocal Classes John HuUah. War Songs of Freemen ------------- Selected. Walpurgis Kight. A Cantata F. Mendelssohn. Woman of Samaria. Sacred Cantata W. Stemdale Bennett. Wilson's Book of Chants ------------ Hein7 \Vilson. World's Peace Jubilee Music O. Ditson. Woodbury's Cultivation of Voice without a Master ------ I. B. Woodbury. Whiting's First Six Months at the Organ George E. Whiting. White's Clarionet Method. Two Parts --------- Jean White. Watchword. Sunday Schools -----------J. Astor Hroad. White's Sacred Quartets C.A. Wlute. Welcome. Sunday Schools J-^I- Kielfer. Wyman's Piano Text Book Addison P. Wyman. Winnowed Hymns -- C.C. McCabe and D. T. Wacfarlan. Welcome Home, Piano Music ------------ Selected. Wliite's Method, Reed Organ C. A. White. Woodbury's Piano Instructor -.--------I. B. Woodbury. Warner's Dictionary of Musical Terms --------- James S. Wanier. Weber's Musical Composition. Two Volumes - ------ Godfrey Weber. Woodbury's Musical Composition I. B. Woodbury. Woodbury's Viohu Instructor I-B. Woodbmy. Young Choir. 1841 William B. Bradbury. " Ladies' Choir. 1846 George F. Hoot. " Ladies' Haip. 1847 George Kingsley. " Melodist -------- William B. Bradbury. " Men's Singing Book G. F. Root and L. Mason. " Shawm. School Songs W. B. Bradbury. •« Catholic's Vocal Class Book Selected. •' Organist J. A. Getze. •' Organist's Album G- Blessner. '« Ladies' Album - C. D. G. Adam. " Ladies' Vocal Class Book George J. W ebb. " Folks' Glee Book Charles Jarvis. Youthful Voices. Sabbath Schools -"- B.J.Lang. Zion's Choral. Church Music ---- C. Jarvis. " Harp. Church Music Smieon Jocelyn. " Harp. Sabbath Schools .- -J- A. Getze. Zundel's Voluntaries. Organist, Melodeon Instructor, Psalmody, and Original Tunes - - -- - -- - - - John Zundel. Zither New Method N. P. B. Curtiss and Ch. Bohr. Zion. Church Music W. O. Perkins. Zimmer'sMass M. 1. Zimmer. Zundel's Piano-forte Instructor ^,.'^^"" Zundel. Zeuner's Organ Voluntaries Charles Zeuncr. Zundel's Melodeon Instructor - John Zunuei. Zampa. Libretto of an Opera L. J. 1^. Heroia. Zundel's Treatise on Harmony and Modulation -------- ''• ^""^^'^j* " Fu^t Year on the Organ «{• ^'"^^^j- " Four Hundred and Forty-four Voluntaries d.zunaei. Stereotyped by C. J. Peters & Sou, Boston, Mass. VALUABLE MUSICAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston, C. H. Ditson & Co., New York. H^'Anjf BooJc published b^ Ditson & Co. will be mailed to any address, post-paid, OH receipt qfthe Retail Price. RICHARDSONTS NEW METHOD FOR THE PIANO- FORTE. Price $3.75. This excels in popularity all otter iiistruction books; and its annual sales of 23,{)0t copies, amounting in the aggregate to about A Quarteb of a Million Copies, eslab- iish the fact of its appreciation by teachers and pupils- It has recently been enriched by the addition of Czekny's " Letters on the Art of Playing the Piano," and of Schumann's " Maxims." It now contains 260 large, well-filled pages. It is believed that there is hardly a homo in the country, containing a piano-forte, without this celebrated book. THE ORGAN AT HOME. Price, in Boards, $2.50; m Cloth, $3.00; iu Full Gilt, $4.00. The large pages of this admirable collection are filled with music of the most pleas- ing and genial character. As modern Reed Organs have generally a very prompt touch, many of the pieces can be played with good effect on a piano-forte, while others con- tain the most attractive kind of Organ music. The Table of Contents covers two whole pages, and includes Marclves, Waltzes, An- dantes, Sacred and Secular Airs, Nocturnes, Short Voluntaries, Serenades, Prehcdes, Rondos, Reveries, Transcriptions, Overtures, and Extracts from Oratorios and Operas. The list of composers contains many world-famous names, and the more distin- guished among our American writers are not forgotten. Pages Full Sheet-music Size. THE PIANO AT HOME. A Collection of Four-hand Pieces fQ^ the Piano-forte. Price, Boards, $2.50; Cloth, $3.00; Fine Gilt, $4.00. Teachers of the Piano-forte will, at first sight, be taken with this book. It containt a large number of pleasing duets, some very easy, and others easy, moderately easy, or of medium difficulty. AH are within reach of players of ordinary ability, and well calcu- lated to develop an ear for time, and a certainty in execution, which one who plays alone ■ometimes never attains. In addition, the duets are most pleasing things to hear in any homes where there is more than one piano-forte player, and afford a richness and fulness of harmony which does not belong to solo playing. P4XJES Full SHfCET-Masic Size. Valualile Collections of Bound Music PUBLISHED BY c®-Eitlxer Booli sent, post-paid., for tlie Retail IPrice. «©a The Home Musical Library. Each book of the series is quite complete in itself, and two, three, or more, will con- •titute a valuable Library. But should one possess the whole, the purchaser would own nothing less than the greater part of all the good music composed during the last one hundred years. Church Music, Orchestra Music, and LIusic for Schools, of course, is not included. !^^ The accompaniments in all the books of Vocal Music may be played either upon the Piano-forte or lieed Organ. ^^ All the pages in the books of this Library are large, of the ordinary Sheet Music size, and very compactly tilled. 51^=" Each book contains a quantity of music which, if published in Sheet Music form, would sell for from $20 to §40. In the present shape, the same quantity may be bought for §2.50. THE BOOKS OF THE HOME MUSICAL LIBRARY. THE MUSICAL TREASURE . 225 pages. Vocal and Instrumental. A great variety of popular vocal music, in con- nection witli about an equal quantity of Waltzes, Polkas, Quadrilles, and other pieces for the Piano-forte. SILVER CHORD. 200 pages. Vocal. A large number of the most popular songs. WREATH OF GEMS. 200 pages. Vocal Of the same general character as the '• Silver Chord," but with an entirely different list of songs. GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG. 232 pages. Vocal. A large number of the best and most successful songs of recent publication. The latest vocal collec- tion. GEMS OF SACRED SONG. 200 pages. Vocal. An admirable selection of sacred music for Voice and Piano. It furnishes excellent material for singing at liome on the sabbath. GEMS OF GERMAN SONG. 216 pages. Vocal. Truly German and truly Gems. The chief favorites of Deutsch- land, with English and Gennan words, GEMS OF SCOTTISH SONG. 200 pages. Vocal. They are all sweet songs of Scotland; and there are many of them. MOORE'S IRISH 31ELODIES. 200 pages. Vocal. By no means common Irish Songs, but sweet and classical pro- ductions, brought together by the genius of Moore and of Stephenson. A valua- ble collection of graceful music. SHOWER OF PEARLS. 240 pages. The very best Vocal Duets. OFERATIC FEARLS. 200 pages. Vocal. The most sung and the most often applauded of the airs of 50 favorite operas. ORGAN AT HOME. 200 pieces. For Keed Organs. Instrumental. All of a genial, interesting, popular nature. FIANO AT HOME. Four-hand pieces for Piano-forte. A book of great value to teachers and pupils, as duet playing is an admirable method of acquiring "cer- tainty "in time and execution. Pieces requiring power sound twice as weU with four hands as with two hands. GEMS OF STRAUSS. 250 pages. In- strumental. The most brilliant pieces of tlie most brilliant composer in the world. This book has been exceptionally sue- CGSsf 111 HOME CIRCLE. Vol. I. 216 pages. Instrumental. Contains a large number of pieces, all easy, and all universally popular. HOME CIRCLE. Vol, II. 250 pages. Instrumental. In addition to a tine list of piano pieces of all kinds, this volume has about twenty-five four-hand pieces. PIANIST'S ALB UM. 220 pages. In- strumental. Sometimes called "Home Circle," Vol. III. It is tilled with the best music in great varietv. FIANO-FORTE GEMS. 216 pages. Instrumental. The fourth of the " Home Circle" series, and full of fresh, bright, and not difficult music. Price of Each Book, — Boards, $2.50; Cloth, $3.00 ; Fine GUt, $4.00. C2) f)^ 1^1* a-h Valuable Theoretical Works PUBLISHED BY OliyerDitson & Co., Boston, C. H. Ditson & Co., New YorL HARMONY AND THOROUGH BASS. PRIMERS, DICTIONARIES, Sec, Guide to Musical Composition. For those who desire in a short time and with- out a teacher to acquire the art of com- posing the easier kinds of musical pieces. ByHEiXRiCH WoHLFAHKT. Translated by J. S. DWIGHT. Cloth, $1.25. Richter's Harmony. In extensive use in Germany, and considered by many a standard authority. Translated by J. C. D. Parker. §2.00. Baker's Theoretical and Practical Harmony. By B. F. Baker, who has long experience as a composer and teacher, and may be supposed to under- stand the best way of explaining Euro- pean theory to American minds. $2.00. Woodbury's Elements of Musical Composition. With rules for arranging Music for full Orchestra and Military Bands. By I. B. Woodbury. 75 cents. Burrowes's Thorough Bass Primer. 60 cents. Burrowes's Companion to Thorough Bass Primer. Being Fifty Preliminary Exercises, to which is added a Key to the Exercises. 75 cents. First Steps in Thorough Bass. In Twelve Familiar Lessons between a Teacher and a Pupil. 75 cents. Johnson's Harmony. Practical In- structions in Harmony, upon the Pesta- lozziau or Inductive System. The utmost simplicity of language has been used in the explanations. By A. N. JOHNSON. $1.25. A New Manual of Thorough Bass, and Text-Book of Musical Theory. By Edward B. Oliver. As a book of ref- erence it will be found invaluable. Cloth, 67 cents ; boards, 50 cents. Pestalozzian Music Teacher. Dr. Lowell Mason introduced a new epoch of music and music teaching, which he was enabled to do only by being the best liv- ing example of a teacher. The above book contains a minute description of his methods. By Mason & Seward. $2.00. How Shall I Teach? A pamphlet much sought after. The question asked is very satisfactorily answered by the author, Dr. Lowell Mason. 30 cents. Boston Academy's Manual. By Dr. Lowell Masox. 75 cents. Calcott's Musical Grammar. Contain- ing witliin a small com])ass the leading principles of Music. By Dr. Calcott. $1.00. Five Thousand Musical Terms. A complete Dictionary of English and For- eign Words, Phrases, Abbreviations, and Signs, that are found in the Works of Musical Composers. By J. S. Adams. Boards, 75 cents. Clarke's Musical Catechism. Designed for the assistance of Teachers of the Piano-forte. 38 cents. L.enhart's Elements of Music. A clear arrangement of Rules for the Piano- forte. To which are added Burrowes's Guide to Practice, and Czerny's cele^ brated Letters. 50 cents. Marx's General Musical Instruction. An aid to teachers and learners in every branch of musical knowledge. By Dr. Marx. Cloth, $2.00. Materia Musica ; or, Materials for the Pianist. A Class-Book containing the Principles of Music applied to Pianoforte Playing. By J. C. Englebrecht. 75 cts. Moore's Complete Encyclopiedia of Music, Embracing a complete history of the science from the earliest time to the present; a full and comprehensive biog- raphy of more than four thousand dis- tinguished musical celebrities. By John W. INIOORE. Cloth, $G.OO. Appendix to Moore's Encyclopaedia of Music. Containing items of musical information collected since 1854, the datd of the tirst publication of the Encyclopa;* dia. By J. W. Moore. 50 cents. Oliver's Text-Book. By E. B. Oliver, Cloth, G7 cents. Outline of Musical Form. A Treatise on SyniTuetrv and Musical Form. Rhytlim, Melodic Structure, &c. By W. S. B. Ma- thews. 60 cents. The Tuner's Guide. Containing a com- plete Treatise on Tuninpitlie Piano-forte, Organ, Melodeon, and Seraphine; to- gether with a specification of defects and their remedies. 60 cents. Bitter's History of Music. A condensed and very readable history, in the form of lectures. By Prof. Kitter of Vassar Col- lege. 2 vols. Each $1.50. Seni, Postage paid, on Receipt of Price.