r k if > MAR 21 1907 •; ST f+~r<~^ .j\\ ^M'CAL SW^? DivrskwL Section So* It* »v ( 7 ) ' THE V. Confess! . .' O F Songs, FAIT i am thc :acy ou^ he Confe. c Firft agreed upon ^y the^^oie, (which of Divines at Weflmd^\* J ~<'*tion,the \ the .<#* * his Will unto his Church c, and af- 'he better preferring and propagat- ruth, and for the more fure Eftabhfh- Conafort of the Church againft the an of the Flcfli, and the Malice of Sa- of the World, to commit the f?me *nto Writing d; which maketh trie holy to be moll: neceflkry e; thofe former 'od's revealing his Will unto his Peo- w ceafed /. 14, if. Rom. 1'. 19,10. Tfal. 1 19- *. 32. toith ch. 2. 1. b \ Cor. i« .2.15, 14. c Heb. 1. 1. dProv. n- 21. L«/re 1. 3, 4. Row. iy.4. Mdtf. 4- o. I/a. 8. 19, 20. ez Tim.%. if. zP^. . fHeb. 1. 1,2. Under the name of the holy Scripture, or ord of God written, are now contained ail the Books of the Old and New Taftament, which are thefe j o F y%eConfe$onofFat * O F T H E Old Teftament. GEnefis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Dmteronotny, Jofhua, Judges, Ruth, I , Samuel, II. Samuel, I. Kings, II. Ki»^, J. Chronicles, II. Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Efther, Job, Ffalms, Troverbs, Ecclejiajles, The Seng cf Songs, Jfaiah, ft Jeremiah, . '< W Lamentat" > * N . the ^*ft ]?£*$&• Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephamah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. r *tion,the the Aj O UBt«P O F T H E New Teftamenf. The Gospels according to \\Atthexo, II. Tijefj'alomans, 1V1 Mark, I. To Timothy, Luke, II. Timothy, Vol To Titus, "theApoJlles, To EhiUmm, to the Ro- The Epijlle to the He- brews, ns, The Epijlle of James. W» The firjl and fecond E- s, pifiles of 'Peter, jjians, Thefirjl, fecond, & third hilippians, Epijlles o/John, Colojpans, The Epijlle o/Jude, I. Thejfaloniam, The Revelation of John. All which are given by Infpiration of God, to be the Rules of Faith and Life^. g Luke 16. 29, $\.Ephef. 2. 20. Rev. 22. 18, 19. iTim. 3. 16. III. The Books commonly called Apocrypha, not being of Divine Infpiration, are no l-art of the Cannon of the Scripture; and therefore are of no Authority in the Church of God, nor to be any otherwife approved or made ufe of, than ^ther human Writings h. h Luke ia..i^_ 9 j^. -n. 3.2, I ¥rt,l, zu ^" The Confeffion of Faith x IV. The Authority of the holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed and obeyed, de- pendeth not upon the Teftimony of any Man, or Church j but wholly upon God (who is Truth it felt) the Author 'hereof : and therefore it is to be received, becauu it is the Word of God i. i a Tet i. 19, iv.^Tim. 3.16. \Jchnf, 9. iTheff. a. 13. V. We may be moved and induc^ b« tne Teftimony of the Church, to an high a^ reve . rend Efteemof the holy Scripture £ j aw t ^ c Heavenlinefs of the Matter, the Efficacy oWL e Doctrine, the Majefty of the Stile, the Conifc. c of all the Parts, the Scope of the whole,(which is to give all glory to God) the futl.Difcovery it makes of the only way of Man's Salvation, the many othef incomparable Excellencies, and the intire Perfe&ion thereof, arc Arguments, where- by it doth abundantly evidence it felt to be the Word of God 5 yet notwithstanding our full Perfuafion and AiTuranceof the infallible Truth and Divine Authority thereof, is from the in- ward Work of the holy Spirit, bearing Witnefs by and with the Word in our Hearts /. k 1 Tim. 3. if. / 1 John z.zo, 17. John i6\ 13, 14. 1 Cor. i, io,a 1, iz. If*. 5*9. it . VI. The whole Couniel of God, concerning all things neceflfary for his own Glory, Man's Salvation, Faith and Lite, is either exprefly fer. down in Scripture, or by good and neceffary Conference may be deduced from Scripture : unta n Ihe ConfeJJion of Fait hi tipto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new Revelations of the Spirit, or Traditions of Men m : Neverthelefs We acknow- ledge the inward Illumination of the Spirit of God, to be necelTaryfor/hefaving undemanding of fuch things as are revealed in the Word n : And that there are 0me Circumftances concer- ning the Worflv °f God, anci Government of .the Church common to human Actions and Societies, ^hich are to be ordered by the Light of Natu-> anc * Chriftian Prudence, according to the p-'ieral P.ules of the Word, which are al- wa ^to beobferved o. /» iTim. 5. iy, \6tif.Gal. 1. S, y.iTbeff. .. 2. njohn 6". 4^. 1 Cor. 2.9, 10, 11, 12. l Cor. 1 1. 15,, 14. 1 Cor: 14. 26, 40. VII. All things in Scripture are not alike plain in themfelves, nor alike clear unto all^. yet thofe Things which are neceiTary to be known, be- lieved and obferved for Salvation, are fo clearly propounded and opened in Tome place of Scrip- ture or other, that not only the learned but the unlearned, in a due ufeofthe ordinary Means, may attain unto a fuiiicient understanding of fthemg. • j> zPet. 3. 1 6. qFfal 119. loy, 130. VIII. The old Teftament in Hebrew (which was the native Language of the People of God or old )and the new Teftament in Greek (which at the time of the writing of it was moll: ge- nerally known to the Nations) being immedi- acy infpired by God. and by his lingular Care an4 7 he Confeffion of Faith* and Providence kept pure in all Ages, are there fore Authenticalri fo -as in all Cjntroverfies or. Religion the Church is finally to appeal unto them/. . But becaufe thefe c lginal Tongues are not known to all the People or God, who have Right unto and Interest in the Scriptures, and arc commanded in i he Fear of God, to read i and fearchthemi, therefore tljm are to he tranf-. lated into the vulga- L.-^uage of every Nation unto which they conic «, that the word of God dwelling plentifully in all, they may worPnip him In an acceptable manner w, and through. • Patience and Comfort of the Scriptures may' have Hope'*.' r Mat. f. i8.fl/a. 8. to.ABs if. \f.Jdhri f. 39, 46 tjohnf. 39. u 1 Cor 14.6, 9, 11, iz, 24, 27, iS, j»CoL 3. \6 xRom. if. 4. , IX. The infallible Rule of Interpretation of Scripture is the Scripture it felfj and therefore when there is a Queftion about the true and full Scnfe of any Scripture ( which is not manifold, but. one ) it mull be fearched and known by other Places that fpeak more clearly y. y \Tet. 1. 20, 21. Afts \f . if, 16. X. The fupreme Judge by v/hom all Con- troversies of Religion are to be determined, and all Decrees of Councils, Opinions' of ancient Writers, Doctrines of Men, and private Spirits are to be examined, and in whofe Sentence we are to reft; can be no other but the Holy Spirit fpeaking in the Scripture z. ' &M4t,ii.iq, zi,Eth,z t z o, with Acts %$ 25-. CHAP. A 1 he Confejfion of Faith, 14 CHAP. II. Of GOD, and of the holy Trinity. I. *npHere is bat one only a living and true JL God b, who is infinite in being and Per- fe€tionc, a moft pure Spirit*/, in vilible e, with- out Body, Parts /, or Paflions^, immutable h, immenfei, eternal k, incornprehenfible/, almigh- ty m, mod wife n, moftholy o, moll free^, moli abfolute q, working all things according to the Council of his own immutable and moft righte- ous Willr, for his own Glory/, moft loving/, gracious, merciful, long fuffering, abundant in Goodneis, in Trurh, forgiving Iniquity, Tranf- greflion and Sin «, the Rewarder of them that diligently feek him w,and with a moft juft and terrible in his Judgments x, hating all Siny, an4 Who will by no means clear the guilty z . a Dent. 6.4. 1 Cor. 8.4, 6. b 1 Thejf. 1. 9. Jer. 10. 10. cjob 11.7,8,9. 6c 26. 14 J John 4. 24. eiTom. 1. ij.fDeut. 4. if, \6.John%. 24. withZ,«&<$• zN*k. ?• a, 3. £*^. II. Cod ,T 1 5 The Confejpm of Faith y II. Godhathall Life*, Glory b, Goodnct ^ Bleirednefs d, in and of himfelf,and is alone i and unto himfejf all -fufficient, not (landing need of any Creatures which he hath made nor deriving any Glory from them f, but onl) manifefting his own Glory, in,- by, unto, and upon them. He is the alone Fountain of all Be- ing; of whom, through whom, and to whom are allthingsj", and hath moll fovereign Domi- nion over them ;-to do by them, for them, or up- on them, whatfoever himfelf pleaferh h. In his Sight all things are open and manifeft i, his Knowledge is infinite, infallible, and indepen* dent upon the Creature k, fo as nothing is to him contingent or uncertain /. He is mott holy in all his Counfels, in all his Works, and in all his Commands m. To hira is due from Angels and Men, and every other Crearure, whatfoever Worfhip, Service or Obedience he- is pleafed to require of them n. a John $\ 26". b Afts j.z. c Pfel. 119. 68. d 1 Tim. 6. 17. Rom. 9. 5-. e ABs 17. 24, 23-. fjob 22. 2. 2. g Rom. 11. 36. h Rev. 411. 1 Tim. 6. 1 j\ Daw, 4.25-, if.iHeb.4. iz.kRom* 11.53, 34--PM l 47'T' lA&s \f. \%.Ezek. 11. 5*. mPfal. 147. 17. Rom. J, 11. nRev. $. 12, 13, 14. III. In the Unity of the Godhead there be three Perfons of one Subftance, Power, and Eternity ; God eke Father, God the Son, to H The Confef/ion of Faith. iod the holy Ghoft n, 12, Ma;, 11. The Confejfion of Faith. 17 forefaw it as future, or as that which would come to pafs upon fuch Conditions e. e Ro?n.<). 11, 13, 16, 18. III. By the Decree of God, for the Manifes- tation of his Glory, fome Men and Angels / arepredefKnated untoeveilafKng Life,and others fore-ordained to everlafting Death g. f\ Tim. 5*. 11. Mat. 15-. 41. g Rom. 9.22,23. Ephef. 1.5*, 6. Prov. 16. 4. IV. Thefe Angels and Men thus predefti- nated and fore-ordained, areparticularly and un- changeably defigned, and their Number fo cer- tain and definite, that it cannot be either increafed or diminifiied h. hi Tim. 2. 19. John 12. 18. V. Thofe or Mankind that are predeflinated unto Life, God, before the Foundation .of the World was laid, according to his eternal and immutable Purpofe.and the fecret Counielund good Pleafure of his Will, hath chofen in Chrift unto everlafting Glory i, out of his mecr free Grace, and Love, without any Forefight of Faith or good Works 5 or perfeverance in either of them i or any other thing in the Creature j as Conditions or Caufes moving him thereun- to £,and all to the Praife of his glorious'' Grace /. iEphef. 1 . 4, 9, 1 1 . Ram. 8. 30. 2 Tim. 1.9. 1 Thejf. 7. 9. kRom. 9. 1 1, 13,16. Ephef. 1 4, 9. iEphef. 1.6, 12. VI . As God hath appointed the Elecl: unto Glo- ry, fo hath he, by the eternal and moft free Pur- poic iS Tks Confeffion of Faith. pofe of his Will, fore-ordained all the means thereunto m. Wherefore they who were elected, being fallen in Adam, are redeemed by Chrift », are efTe&ually called unto Faith in Chrift, by his Spirit working in due Seafon, are juftified, adop- ted, fan&ified 0, and kept by his Power through Faith unto Salvation p. Neither areany other re- deemed by Chrift,efre&ually called,juftified,adop- *ed,fanclirled, and faved, but the Ele& only q. m i Ret. i . 2. Rfh. 2. 4, ?■ Eph. 1 . 1 o . 2 Thejf. 2. 12. n 1 Thejf. c 9, 10. Tit. 2. 14. oRom.S. $.EJ>h. 1. f. zTheJf. 2. 1 3 . /> I Ret . i.f. ({Job 17.9. Rom. 8. 2S to the end. John 6.64, 6j-. John 10. i6\ 4«*/8. 47. 13^/? l. 19. VII. The reft of Mankind God was pleaTed, according to the unfearchable Counfel of his own Will, whereby he extendeth, or withhold- eth Mercy as he pleafeth, for the Glory of his Sovereign Power over his Creatures, to pafs by, and to ordain them to Difhonour and Wrath for their Sin to the Praife of his glorious Juftice r. r Mat. 11. 2j-, 16. Rom. 9. 17, iS, 21, 22.' lTim.i. 19, 20. Jude 4. 1 Ret. 2. 8. VIII. TheDo&rine of this high Myftery of Predeftination is to be handled with fpecial Pru- dence and Care /", that Men attending the Will o,f God revealed in his Word, and yielding Obe- dience thereunto, may from the Certainty of their efTe&ual Vocation, be aflurcd of their eter- nal Election t. So (hall this Doarine afford mat- ter {Rom. 9. 20. Rom. it. 33.DMtf.19. *9- 1 z Vet. 1. 10, The Confeffion of Faith. 23 harden themfelves,even under thofe means which God ufeth for thefoftning of others b. b Exod. 7 . 5 . with Exod. 8. if, 52. 2 Cor. 2. if, 16. Iftt.S. 14. 1 Vet. 2. 7, 8. Ifa. 6. 9, 10. AftsiS. 26, 27. VII. As the Providence of God doth in ge- neral reach to all Creatures, fo,after a more fpecial manner ittaketh Care of his Church, and difpof- eth all things to the good thereof c. c 1 Tim.$. 10. Amos o. S, o. Rom. 8.28. Ifa. 43-3>4> ?> »4- CHAP. VI. Of the Tall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punifh- ment thereof, I. /^\Ur firft Parents being feduced by the V^/ Subtilityand Temptation of Satan, fin- ned in eating the forbidden Fruit a. This their 'Sin God was pkafed according to his wife and holy Counfel, to permit, having purpofed to order it to his own Glory b. a Gen. 1. 13. 2 Cor. 11. 3. b Rom. 11. 32. II. By this Sin they fell from their original Righteoufnefs and Communion with God c t and fo became dead in Sin d, and whollydefil- ed in all the Faculties and Parts of Soul and Body e. c Gen. 3, 6, 7, S. Eccl. 7. 29. Rom. 3. 23, 4Ge». 2. ij.Eph. 2. 1. eTtt.i. i$-. Gen. 6. f. ftr.ij. 5?. Rw.$. 10, to 1$. Ill, They \ The Confejfion of Faith. III. They being the Root of all Mankind, the Guilt of this Sin was imputed/, and the fame t)eathin Sin and corrupted Nature, conveyed to all their Pofterity delcending from them by ordinary Generation £. f Gen i. 27, iS. Sc 2. 16, 17. Acts 17 .26. Rom.$.n,iy, 16, 17, 18, 19. 1 Cor. 17. 21, 22, 4.7,40. gTfil.fi.f. Gcnj. ^.Job 14.4. 6c ch. 17. 14. IV. From this original Corruption whereby we arc utterly indifpoled, di fabled, and made oppofue to all good h, and wholly inclined to all evil/*, do proceed all actual Tranfgreflions k. bRom.f.6.& 8. 7.&C7. iS. Col. \. 11. iGen. 6. j. 5c 8. 21. Rom. 1. 10, it, ii. k James 1. 14, if. Eph.i. 2, 2. Mtf£. if. 19. V. This Corruption of Nature during this Life, doth remain in thofe that are regenerated /j and although it be through Chriit pardoned and mortified, yet both it felf and aH the Motions thereof are truly and properly Sin m. I 1 John 1.8, 10. Rom. y. 14, 17, i$,iy Ja. 3. 2. Frov. 20. 9. Ecclef.j. iy.mRom.~ .f,~, 8, 2f. Ga/. 7. 17. VI. Every Sin, both original and adtual, be- ing a TranfgrelTion of the righteous Law of God, and contrary thereunto n, doth in its own Na- ture bring Guilt upon the Sinner 0, whereby he is bound over to the Wrath of God p, and Curfe of the Law q f and fo made fubject to Death r, with \r, 1 John 3.4.0 Rom. 2. if. pEpb.z.zciGftl, . 1©. r Rom, 6. 23. T*ke Confefjion of Faith I 1 $ With all Miferies fpiritual / temperalf, and e- ternal u. f Epbef. 4. i3. t. Rom. 8. 10. Lam. 3. 59. n Mat. zf. 41. 2 Thef. 1. 9. CHAP. VII. 0/ God's Covenant with Man. I. T"* 1 H E Diftance between God and the Crea- JL tuxes is fo great, that altho reafonable Creatures do owe Obedience unto him as their Creator, yet they could never have any Fruition of him as their Bleffednefs and Reward, but by fome voluntary Condefcenfion on God's part, which he hath been pleafed to exprefs by way of Covenant a. alfa.40. 13, 17. Jobg. 32,53. 1 Sam.i* 25*.' Tfal. 113.5-, 6. and 100. 2, 2. fob 22.2, 3. and 3/. 7,8. Luke 17. 10. Acts 1-j. 24, zf. II. The flrft Covenant made with Man was a Covenant of Works b, wherein Life was promt- fed to Adam, and in him to his Pofterity c, upon Condition of perfect and perfonal Obedience d. b Gal 3. 1 z. c Rom. 10. f. and f. 12, to a a." dGen. 2. 17. Gal. 3. 10. III. Ma/i by his Fall having made himfelf ua-i capable of Lite by that Covenant, the Lord was pleafed to make a Second e, commonly called, The Covenant ef Grace; wherein he freely offer- B ed tGal. 3.2 \,Rom,\.. iQ t zi.Gt»> 3. i$.Ifai&A. 6 7 he (Jonfe/Jton cf Faith. '' /i unto Sinners, Life and Salvation by jefus Chrifc, requiring of theni Faith in him, that they may be faved/, and promifmg to give unto all thofe that are ordained unto Life, his holy Spi- rit, to makftthem willing and able to believe £. /Mark 1 6. i"r, \b.John 3. 16. Rom. 10.6, 9. Gal. 3. 1 i.gEzek. 36. 26, 27. j^tftf. 44,45-. IV. This Covenant of Grace is frequenrly fee forth in the Scripture by the Name of 3 Tefh- mentj in reference to the Death of Jefus Chriir. the Teftator, and to the everlafting Inheritance, with all things belonging to it, therein bequeath- ed h. hHeb.9. 15% i6,ij.He&. 7. 21. Ltiksiz. 20. 1 Cor. 11.25-. V. This Covenant was differently adminiftred in the time of the Law, and in the time of the Gofpel i : Under the Law it was adminiflred byPromifes,Prophelies,Sacritices,Circumcifion, the Pafchal Lamb, and other Types and Ordi- nances delivered to the People of the Jews, all fore-lignifying Chrilt to come h, which were for that time fufficient and efficacious, through the Operation of the Spirit, to inftrudf. and build up the Eie£f. in Faith in the promiied MeJJhh /, by whom they had full Remiifionof Sins, and eternal Salvation, and is called, The Old Tejl*~ went m. VI. Un- 1 2 Cor. 3. 6*,7,S,o./,:He£.8.o,io. ch. Rom. 4. 1 1. Col. 1. 11, 12. 1 Cor.f.7. 1 1 Cor. 10. 1, 2> 3,4. #e£. 1 1. 13. JohnS. $6. mGal, 3.7,8. The Confeffion of Faith. 27 VI. Under the Gofpel, 'when Chr'ift the Sub- fiance » was exhibited, the Ordinances in which his Covenant is difpenfed, are the preaching of the Word, and the Adminiftration of the Sacra- ments, Baptifmandthe Lord's-Suppero; which, tho' fewer in Number., and adminiftred with more Simplicity, and lefs outward Glory, yet in them it is held forth in more Fulnefs, Evidence, and fpiritual Efficacy p, to all Nations, both Jews and Gentiles q, and is called, The New Ta fitment r. There are not therefore two Covenants of Grace differing in Subftance, but one and the fame, un- der various Difpenfations/". nCol. a. 17. Mat.iS. 19,20.1 Cor. it. 23^ 24, 2j\ p Heb. 12. 22, toiS.Jer. 31.33, 34. q Mat. 28. 19. Ehpef. 2. ij*, 16, 17, 18, 19. rLuke tr. 10. fG&l. 3. 14, 16. Rom.$. 21, 22, 23, 30.P/W. 32. 1. Hc£. 13.8..^ ij*. 11. CHAP. VIII. 0/ G&mj? /& which Office he took not unto himfelf, but was thereunto called by his Father u, who put all Power and Judgment into his Hand, and gave him Commandment to execute the fame w , qCol. 2. 3. rCol. 1. ly.fHeb. 7.26. John 1. 14. Acts 10. 38.H^. i2.24.&7.22.«H^. f.fyf. w John f. 22, 27. Mat. 28. 18. Acis z. 36. IV. This Office the Lord Jefus did moft wu- lingly undertake x ; which that he might dil- charge, he was made under the Law)', and did perfectly fulfil it a, endured moft grievous Tor- ments immediately in his Soul a, and mod: pain- ful Sufferings in his Body h; was crucified, and died c j was buried, and remained under the Pow- er of Death, yet faw no Corruption d ; on the third day he rofe from the dead e with the fame Body in which he furTered /with which alfo he afcended into Heaven, and there fitteth- at the right hand of his Father g t making IntercciTi- B 3 on h > x Pfal. 40. 7, 8. Heb. 1 o. 5% to 1 o. John 1 o. 18.P/W. z.S.yGal.^.^.zMat. 3. ij-SC)**. 17. a Mat. 26. 37, 38. Luke 22. 44. Mat. 27. ^6. h Mat. i6.iy.c VhiL i.S.d Acis 2 . 2 3, 24, 27 . &3- ij.Rom.6.9. e 1 Cor iy. 3, 4 f John 10. *5> Z V gMark ljjL 19.J %o 1 "be Confeffion of Faith. on hi and fhall return to judge Men and An- gels at the end of the World i. h Rom. 8.34. Heb.cf 24.8c 7.2$". i .Row. 14. 0,10. Afts i . 1 1 . Atts 10.42. Mat. 1 3 . 40, 4 1 , 4z. ^wtfe 6. 2 Pe*. 2.4. V. The Lord Jefus, by his perfect Obedience, and Sacrifice of himielf, which he, through the eternal Spirit, once offered up unto God, hath fully fetisfied the Juftice of the Father h, and purchased not only Reconciliation, but an ever- lading Inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven, for all thofe whom the Father hath given unto iiim /. kKom.f. ig.Heb.f). 14, 16.8c KtA^.Epb.f. i. Rom. 3. 25*, 16. I Dan. 0.14, 26. Col. 1. 19, 20. Iph. 1. 1 1, i\.John ii.z.Heb.y. 12,15". VI* Although the work of Redemption was not actually wrought by Chrift till after his In- carnation, yet the Venue, Efficacy, and Benefits thereof were communicated unto the ElecT: in all Ages fuccemvely, from the beginning of the "World, in and by thofe Promifes, Types, and Sacrifices, wherein he was revealed, and figni- fled to be the Seed of the Woman, which fhould fcruife the Serpents Head ; and the Lamb {bin from the beginning of the World 3 being Yefter« day, and to Day the fame ; and for ever m. wGal.^.d,,y.Gsn.^.\^.E.ev. 1 3.8.ffe£.i2..8. VII. Chrift in the Work of Mediation a&etri according to both Natures, by each Nature do- ing that which is proper to it ielf j yet by reafon gf n lief/, o, 14. 1 &t, $« i8« 'fbe Confeffion of Faith. 3 1 ©f theUnity of the Perfon; that which is proper to one Nature, isforoetimesin Scripture attributed to the Perfon denominated by the other Nature 0. Acis 20. r%.Jehn 3. 13. 1 John 3.16. VIIT. To all thofe for whom Chrift hath pur- chafed Redemption, he doth certainly and effect- ually apply and communicate the fame/?, mak- ing Interceflion for them q, and revealing unto them, in and by the Word, the Myfteries of Salvation r, effectually perfuading them by his Spirit to believe and obey, and governing their Hearts by his Word and Spirit f; overcoming all their Enemies by his Almighty Power and Wifdom, in fuch manner, and ways, as are moil confbnant to his wonderful and unsearch- able Difpenfation t. pjohn 6. 37, 59. John 10. i_f, 16. q ijohn 2, 1, r.Rom. S.-^^.rJohn if. 13, \f. Eph: 1.7, 3, Q.John 17. 6, J 'John 14. \6.Heb. 12. 2. zCor.^. 12. Rom. 8. 9, 14. Rom. if. 18, 19. John 17. 17. tPfal. no. 1. 1 Cor. if. if, 26, Mal.^. 2,3. Col. 1. if. CHAP. IX. Of Free Will. O D feath indued the Will of Man with that natural Liberty, that is neither for- ced, nor by any obfolute Necefiity of Nature de-* termined to do Good or Evil fo that he might Fall from it c. bEcclef. 7. 20. Gen. 1. 26. c Gen. 2. 16, 17. Gen. 3. 6. III. Man by his Fall into a ftate of Sin, hath wholly loft all Ability of Will to any fpiritual Good accompanying Salvation d, fo as a natu- ral Man being altogether averfe from that Good e, and dead in Sin/, is not able, by his own Strength, to convert himfelf, or to prepare himfelf there- unto g. d Rom.f. 6. Rom.S. 7 .John if. f. eRom. 3. 10, 1 i.fEpb. 1. i,f.#ol. 2. 13. 'g John 6.44, 6$. Ephef. z. 2, 3, 4, 5-. 1 Cor. 2. i+.Tit. 3.3, IV. When God converts a Sinner, and tran- fiates him into the ftate of Grace, he freeth him from his natural Bondage under Sin h\ and by his Grace alone enables him freely to will and to do that which is fpiritually good i ; yet fo as that by reafon of his remaining Corruption, he doth not perfe&ly, nor only, will that which is good, but doth alio will that which is evil k. hCol. 1. 13.^^8.34, 36.1 P&/.2. 13. R and may have fome common Opperations of the Spirit , yet they may by their Sins fall under God's fatherly Dii- pleafure, and not have the Light of his Counten- ance $ Mat. 6.12. \John 1. 7, 9. 1 Jobni, r,2, f Luke 11, ^.Jahn 1 0. 28, Heb. 10. 1 4 - Ihe ConfeJJton of Faith. 3 7 ance reftored unto them, until they humble themfelves, confefs their Sins, beg Pardon, and ;renew their Faith and Repentance q. q PJal, 89. 51, 32, 33.P/W. fi. 7.8,9,10, ii,ii. Pjal.^z. f. Mat. 26.75-. l Cor - ll - 3°* 132, Luke 1. 20. VI. The Justification of Believers under the Old Teftament, was in all thefe refpe&s one and the fame with the Justification of Believers un- der the New Teftament r. r Gal. 3.9, 13, 14. Rom. 4.22,23,24. Meb. ,3.8. CHAP. XII. Of Adoption. I. \ LLthofe that are jufh'fied, God vouchfaf- x\ eth in and for his only Son JefusChrift, to make Partakers of theGraceof Adoptions, by which they are taken into the Number, and en- j joy the Liberties and Privilcdges of the Children of God b, have his Name put upon them e, re- ceive the Spirit or Adoption d f have accefs to the Throne of Grace with Boldnefs e, are enabled to cry Abba Father f, are pitied £, protected h % provided for t, and chaftned by him as by a Fa- C ther, a Fpb. i.f.bGal.^.^f.Rfim.S. 17 .John r. 12 *cjer, 14,9.2 Cor. 6. i$.Rev..$. h.Rq?k.$, jy.eEph. 3. 1 r.Rom.f. 2. fGal.^.6.^Pf. 103. J 3, h Prov. 14. x6. i Mar, 6. 30, 3 1, 1 Pet f. 7 rrp. "Tnrcunjejjton oj taitb. Jrther k, yet never caft off /, bat fealed to the Day " of Redemption tn, and inherit the Promifes w, as Heirs of everlafting Salvation o. kHeb. 12. 6. 1 Lam. 5. 31. mEpb. 4.30.1* Heb. 6.11.0 1 Vet. 1.3,4. Heb. 1. ^4. CHAP. XIII. 0/ Santtification. I. "IT H E Y who are effectually called and re- X generated, having a new Heart, and a new Spirit created in them, are further dandifi- ed really and personally through the Vertue of drift's Death and Refurre&ion a, by his Word and Spirit dwelling in them b ; the Dominion of the whole Body of Sin is deftroyed c, and the feveral Lufts thereof are more and more weakned and mortified d y and they more and more quickned and ftrengthned in all faving Graces e, to the practice of true Holinefs, with- out which no Man fhall fee the Lord f; a 1 Cor. 6., 1 i.Atis lo.-ii. 2hil. 3. \o:Rom.6. perfe6ting Holinefs in the Fear of God ». k Rom. 7.25. iRsm. 6. 14. 1 John f. 4. Eph. 4. if, \6.mzVet. 3. 1 8. 2 Cor. 3.18. nz Cor. 7. 1 . CHAP. XIV. Of Saving Faith. I.T'HE Grace of Faith, whereby the Elect JL are enabled to believe to the faving of their Souls a, is the Work of rJie Spirit of Chrift in their Hearts b, and is ordinarily wrought by the Miniftry of the Word c j by which alio, and by the Adminiftration of the Sacrament's and Prayer, it is encreafed and ftrengthened d. aHeb. ro. 39. bzCor.^. 13. Eph.i. 17, 18, / ig.Eph. 2. 8. cRom. 10. 14, 17. d 1 Vet. 2. 2 I Aciszo.i$.Rom. 4. 11. Luke i-j.f.Rom. 1. 1/ i II. By this Faith a Chriftian believeth t£ / true, whatfoerer is revealed in the Word^ ,,e ' ^ ' C a ^ e h, 40 Ihe Confejficn of Faith. the Authority of God himfelf fpeaking therein e , and acting differently \ipon that which each par- ticular PaiTage thereof contained^ yielding Obe- dience to the commands f, trembling at the Threatnings g, and embracing the Promifes of God for this Life, and that which is to come £. But the principal A&s of faving Faith are, Ac- cepting, Receiving, and Refting upon Chrift. a- lone for Juftification, Sanctification, and eternal Life, by virtue of the Covenant of Grace/. ejohn 4.42. 1 Tbejf. 3. i^.fohn f. \o.A8s 24. 14. f Rom. 16. 26. g Ifa. 66. 2. h Heb. 1 1. 13.1 Tim. 4. 8. * John 1 . 1 2. Acls 16. 3 1 . Gal. 220. ASts if. 11. III. This Faith is different in degrees, weak or ftrong k ; may be often and many ways &f- failed and weakned,but gets the Victory / j grow- ing up in many to the attainment ot a fullafm- rance through Chrift, who is both the Author and Finiflier of our Faith n. h Heb. f. 1 3, 14. Rom. 4. 19, 20. Mat. 8. 10. Mat. 6. 30. I Luke 22. 31, 32. Eph. 6. 16. 1 John f. 4, f. mHeb. 6. n, 12. Heb. 10. 22. Col. 2. 2. n Heb. 12. 2. CHAP. XV. 0/ Repentance unto Life. Epentance unto Life, is an Evangelic*.? Grace a, the Doctrine whereof is to be preached a Zech. 12, la, Aft? 11, 18, R The Cmifejjion of Faith. qt preached by every Minifter of the Gofpel, as well as that of Faith in Chrift b. bLuke 24. 47. Mark L.iy. ABs 20. 21. II. By it a Sinner, out of the Sight and Senfe, not only of the Danger, but alfo of the Filthi- nefs and Odioufnefs of his Sins, as contrary to the holy Nature, and righteous Law of God j ' and, upon the Apprehenfion of his Mercy in Chrift to fuch as are penitent, fo grieves for, and hates his Sins, as to turn. from them all un- t6 God c, purpofing and epdeaypuring to walk tvith him in all the Ways of his Command- ments d. n ° cEzek. iS. 50, 31. 8c 36. %i.ya. 30. 22. Tfal. fi. 4. Jer. 31. 18, 19. Joel 2. 12, 13. Amos*;. if.Pfal. 1 19. 128.2 Cor. 7 .fi.dTfal. 119. 6,5-9, 106. Luke 1. 6. 2 Kings 1*3 . 25-. III. Although Repentance be not to be refted in, as any SatisfadHon for Sin, or any caufeof the Pardon thereof e, which is the Act of God's free Grace in Chrift/, yet is it of fuch neceftity to all Sinners, that none may expect Pardoa without it g . e Ezek. 36.31,32. 8c 16.61,62,63. / #. p Luke ij.i o.Neh. 1 3 . 2 2 . Job 9. 2,3. Gal. V. We cannot, by our bell: Works, merit Par- don of Sin, or eternal Life at the Hand of God, by reafon of the great Difproporrion that is be- tween them and the Glory to come ; and the in- finite Diftance that is between us and God ; whom, by them,, we can neither profit nor fa- tisfy for the Debt of our former Sins g,but when we have done all we can, we have done but our Duty, and are unprofitable Servants r\ and be- caufe as they are good, they proceed from his Spirit /, and as they are wrought by us, they are defiled and mixed with fo much Weaknefs and Imperfection, that they cannot endure the Seve- rity of God's Judgment t. q Rom. $.20. Rom. 4.2, 4, 6. Ephef. 1.8,9. T/*. 3. j, 6,7. Rom. 8. iS.Ffal. 16. z. Job 22.2, 3* & 35"- 7» 3- r Luke 17. 10. f Gal. f. n, 23. t Ify. 64. 6. Gal. 5-. i-j. Rom. -j. if, iS.Ffal. 143. i.Tfal. 130.3. VI. Yet notwithstanding the Perfons of Be- lievers being accepted through Chrift, their good Works alfo are accepted in him w, not astho* they were in this Life wholly unblameableand unre- st Ephef. 1. 6. 1 Vet. 1. f. Exod. 28. 38. Gw. 4.4. wtthHeb. 11. 4. 7 he Confeffion of Faith. 45 unreproveable in God's Sight w j but that, Ji& looking upon them in his Son, is pleafed to ac- cept and reward that which is fincere., altho ac- companied with many Weakneflfes and Imper- fections x. to Job 9. 20. Vfal. 143. 2. xHeb. 13.20,21. 1 Cor. 8. 12. Heb. 6. 10. Mat. if. 21, 23. VIT. Works done by unregenerate Men altho for the matter of them, they may be things which God commands, and of good Ufe both to themfelves and others y j yet becaufe they proceed not from a Heart purified by Faith z, nor are done in a right manner, according to the Word a, nor to a right end, the Glory of God b t they are therefore finful, and cannot pleafe God, or make a Man meet to receive Grace from God c. And yet their Neglect of them is more finful and difpleafing unto God d. y 2 Kings 10. $o, 3 1. 1 Kings 22. 22, i^.Thili. iy, 16, 18. z, Gen. 4.5-. withHeb. 1 1.4.^ 1 1.6. a 1 Cor. 13. i.Ifii. 1. 12. bMatth. 6. 2, f, 16. cHag.i. 14. Tit. 1. iy. Amos f. 21, 11. Hof. 1. 4. Rom. 9. 16. Tit. 3. 5-. */P/a/. 14. 4. $» 36. j. Jobi\. 14, if.Mfii. 2^.41, ^45- -6*23.23. CHAP. XVII. Of /£* Perfeverance of the Saints. I. '"I"" 1 HEY whom God hath accepted in hit A Beloved, effe&ually called and fanctified by his Spirit, can neither totally, nor finally fijjj C ^ away ^6 "The Confejpon of Faith. away from the ftate of Grace : but fhall certain- ly perfevere therein to the End, and be eternally faved#. aThiL 1.6. zTet. i.io. John 10.28,29. 1 John 3.9. 1 Fet. 1. 5-, 9. II. This Perfeverance of the Saints depends not upon their own free Will, but upon the Im- mutability of the Decree of Election, flowing from the free and unchangeable Love of God the Father b j upon the Efficacy of the Merit and Intercefiion of Jefus Chrift^; the abiding of the Spirit j and of the Seed of God within them d i and the Nature of the Covenant of Grace e ; from all which arifeth alfo the Certain- [ ty and Infallibility thereof/. b 2 Tim. 2. 18, 19. Jer. 31. 3. c Heb. 10. 10, 14. $* 13. 20, n.0> 9. ii, to i$\ Rom. 8. I 33, to the end. John 17. n, 24. Luke 22. 32. Heb. j. if. djohni^. 16, 17. 1 Johni. 27. 1 John 3. 9. ejf*r. 32. 40. f 'John 10. 28. z 7#*?j//". 3-3.1 y^/;» 2.19. III. Neverthelefs they may, through the Temptations of Satan, and of the World, the Prevalency of Corruption remaining in them, \ and the neglect of the Means of their Preferva- fj tion, fall into grievous Sins g ; and for a time ' continue therein h; whereby they incur God's £ Difpleafure i, and grieve his holy Spirit k, come to be deprived of iome meafureof their Graces and I gMat. 16. 10,71.74. h?fal.$i.theTitle& v. 14. % Ifa. 64. j-, 7, 9. 2 Sam. 11.27.* E ^ : 7*he Confeffton of Faith. 47 and Comforts /, have their Hearts hardened m, and their Confciences wounded n, hurt and fcan- dalrze others 0, and bring temporal Judgments upon themfelves/>. IP/at. fi. -2, 10, ii.Rev.i.j,.Catit.f.i,i, 4. i 6.mTfa.6$.ij.Mark6.fz.& 16. i^.nTfal. 32. 3, 4, & 5*i. 8. Sam. 12. 14. pFfal. 89. 31, 32. 1 Or. 1 1.32. CHAP. XVIII. Of the Ajfurance of Grace and Salvation'. I. A LTHO Hypocrites, and other ut rege- ii nerate Men, may vainly deceive -hem- felves with falfe Hopes, and carnal Preempti- ons; of being in the Favour of God, and Eitats of Salvation a, which Hope of theirs fhall pe- rifh£: Yet iuch as truly believe in the Lord Je- fus-, and love him in Sincerity, endeavouring to walk in all good Confcience before him, may, in this Life be certainly afllired that they arc in the ate of Grace c ; and may rejoice in the Hope of the Glory of God, which Hope fhall never make them afhamed d. a Job 8. 13, 14. Mic. 3. it. Dmt. 29. 19. John 8. 41. bMat. 7. 22. 23. c 1 John 2. 3. & 3. 14, 18, 19, 2i, 24.^ $. 13. d Rom. f. 2, f. II. This certainly is not a bare conjectural and probable Periuafion, grounded upon a fallible Hope e, but an infallible Afiurance of Faith, ,. ~ rounded j e Heb. ^. n, m» ^ 48 7 he ConfeQton of Faith. founded upon the divine Truth of the Promifes of Salvation f\ the inward. Evidence of thofe Graces unto which thofe Pi omifes are made^, f .the Teftimony of the Spirit of Adoption wic- i nefTeth with our Spirits, that we are the Chil- f dren of God h : which Spirit is the earncft of \ our Inheritance, whereby we are fealed to the , Day of Redemption i. fHeb.6. 17, 18. gxVet. 1.4., J", 10, 11. 1 Johnz.i.<& 3. 14. iCor. 1. ix.bRom.S. if, 16. , iEph. 3.13, 14.6*4. 30.x G?r. 1. 21,22. III. This infallible Aflurance doth not fobe- flong totheEiTenccof Faith, but that a true Be- liever may wait long and conflict with many ' DifTkukies, before he be. Partaker of it k: Yet e beii:g inablsd by the Spirit to know the things t which are freely given him of God, he may h .without extraordinary Revelation, in the right I Ufe of ordinary Means, attain thereunto/. And I therefore it is the Duty of every one to give !» all Diligence to make his Calling and Election I fure m, that thereby his Heart may be enlarged in Peace and joy in the holy Ghoft, in Love and Thankfulneis to God, and in Strength and Cheer fuinefs in the Duties of Obedience, the .proper Fruits of his Aflurance 95 iofar is it from inclining Men to. Loofnefso. IV. True k 1 John 5. 1?. If a. 5°- *o. Mar\ 9. zA-Ffal 38. throughout : ^r.77. 1.. to zz. 1 1 Cor. z. 1 z- ,1 John 4. 13. tick. 6. n,jz.Eph. (.17, t8, 19. mzPet- i.ic.nRom. I s- »,-ar, S- Rom. 14- 17- ^'1 S.i 5- Epb. 1.3,4.^.4. */ <5, 7. 45* n9-?2. 1 7; yet are they never utterly deftitute of that Seed of God, and Life of Faith, that Love of Chrift and the Brethren i that Sincerity of Heart, and Con- fcience of Duty, out of which by the Operation of the Spirit, this AfTurance may in due time be revived q, and by the which in the mean time they are fupported from utter Defpair r. pCant.f.z, 2,6. Tfil.fi.%, 12, 14. Eph.4.. 1 1 . 2 2 . & 88 . throughout, Ifa. f o . 1 o. q 1 John $. 9. Luke zz.-iz. Job i*.if.Pfal.j2.if.$>f\. S, 1 z.Ifa.fo. lo.rMich. 7. 7,8, 9. Jer. 32.40, 7/0.4$-. 7, 8, 9, 10. Ffal.zz.i.&iS. throughout. CHAP. XIX. Of the Law ef God. I. JT~^ OD gave to Adam a Law, as a Cove- VJ venant of Works, by which he bound him, and all his Pofterity to perlbnal, entire, exact, and perpetual Obedience ; promifed Life upon the fulfilling, aiid threatned Death upon the k breach $0 Ihe Confejjion of Faith. breach of it; and endued him with Power and Ability to keep it a. a Gen. i. i6, 17. with Gen. 2. 17. Row.*. 14, 15-. & 10. f. & f. 12, 19. Gal. 3. 10, 12. EccL 7.29.^28.28. II This Law, after his Fall, continued to be a perfect Rule of Righteoufneis, and men as was delivered by God upon Mount Sinai, in ten Com- mandments, and written in two Tables b, the four firft Commandments containing our Duty towards God, and the other fix, our Duty to Man c. bjam. 1.1.5.& 2. 8,10,1 i,i2.R(?w. 15.8, f. Deut.f.3ii& 10. 4. Exod. $4. 1. c Mat.z. $j, to 40. III. Befidethis Law, commonly called Moral, God was pleafed to give the People of Ifrael, as a Church under Age ; Ceremonial Laws, con- taining feveral typical Ordinances, partly of Worfhip, prefiguring Chrift, his Graces, Acti- ons, Sufferings and Benefits d, and partly holding forth divers Inftructions of moral Duties e. All which ceremonial Laws are now abrogated un- der the New Teftament/. dHeb. 9, chap.Heb. 10. 1 . Gal. 4. 1, 2, 3. C0/.2. ij.eiCor.f.j. 2 Cor.6.\^.j-udev.ri. fCol. 2. 14, 16, 17. Dan. 9. ij.Epb.z. if, 16. IV. To them alfo, as a Body politick, he gave fandry Judicial Laws, which expired together with the ftate of that People not obliging any other 7 he Confeffion of Faith. 5 1 |©ther now, further than the general Equity thereof m?y require^. g Exod. 3 1 } chap. Exod. 3 3 . 1 , ft> 29 . Gen. 40. ; 1 o. with 1 Ret . 2 . 13, 14. Mat. f. 17 . jw/& t> w. ! 38, 39. 1 Cor. 9. 8, 9, 10. V. The Moral Law doth for ever bind all, as I well juftificd Perfons as others, to the Obedience thereof h : and that not only in regard of the Matter contained in it, but alfo in reipeflt of the Authority of God the Creator, who gave it i. Neither doth Chrift in the Gofpel any way diff- olve, but much ftrengthen this Obligation k. h Rom. 13. 8> 9, io.Eph.6. 2. \Johm. 3,4, 7,8. 1 James 2. 10, 11. kMat. f. 17, 18,19. James 2.8. Rom. 3. 31. VI. Altho true Believers be not under the Law, as a Covenant of Works, to be thereby juftifled or condemned /, yet it is of gre it ufe to them, as well as to others, in that as a Rule of Life informing them of the Will of God, and their Duty, it directs and binds them to walk accordingly m ; difcovering alfo the iinful Pollu- tions of their Nature, Hearts and Lives n ; fo as examining themfelves thereby, they may come to further Conviction of, Humiliation for, and Hatred againft Sin 0, together with a clear Sight of the need they have of Chrift, and the Per- fection lRom.6. 14. Gal. 2. 16. Gal. 3. 13. G^.4.4, f.A&s 13. 39. Rom. 8. i.mRom.j. 12, 22,25-. ?fal. 119. 4, y y 6. 1 Cor, 7. 19. Gal. f. 14, to {0**3. nR.am.-j. 7. Rom. 3.10. James l.i' 24, 2^*/ Row. 7. 9, 14, 24. A}' \d 5 2 The Confeffion of Faith. fection of his Obedience p. It is likewife of Ufe to the Unregenerate, to reftrain their Cor- ruptions, in that it forbids Sin q, and the Threat- nings of it ferve to fhew what even their Sins deferve ; and what Afflictions in this Life they may expect for them i altho freed from the Curfe thereof threatned in the Law r. The Promifes of it in like manner (hew them God's Approbation of Obedience, and what BleiTings they may expect upon the Performance there- of /, altho not as due to them by the Law, as a Covenant of Works t. So as a Man's doing Good, and refraining from Evil, becaufe the Law encourageth to the one, and deterreth from the other, is no Evidence of his being under the Law and not under Grace u. pGal. 3. 24. Rom. 7. 24, if. Rom. 8. 2,4. q Jam. 2. 1 1 . Vfal. 1 19. 101, 104, 128. rEzra 9. 1 3, 14. Vfal. 89. 30, to 34. / Levit.6. 1, t» 14. withzCor.6. i6.Ephef.6.2,-}.Ffal. 37.11. Mat. f.f.Tfil. 19. 1 1. tGai.z. 16. Luke 17.10. uRom.6. 12,14. 1 Pet.$.8,to i2.wi/£.P/a/. 34. 12, to the 17.^^.12.28,29. VII. Neither are the fore-mentioned Ufes of the Law contrary to the Grace of the Gofpel, but do fweetly comply with it », the Spirit of Chriflrfubduing and enabling the Will of Man to do that, freely and chearfully, which the Will of God revealed in the Law requireth to be done x. to Gal. 3. 2i. jc Ezsk. 36. 27. Htb. 8. 10, with fer. 31. 33. J ** CHAP- The Confeffion of Faith. 5 3 CHAP. XX. Of ChriJliarT Liberty, and Liberty of Confcience. I. •T 1 H E Liberty which Chrift hath purchaf- X cd for Believers under the Gofpel coniifts in their Freedom from the Guilt of Sin, the condemning Wrath of God, the Curfe of the Moral Law a, and in their being delivered h om this prefent evil World, Bondage to Satan and Dominion of Sin b > from the evil of Afflicti- ons, the Sting of Death, the Victory of the Grave and everlafting Damnation e ; as alfo, in their free Accefs to God d, and their yielding Obedience unto him, not out of flavifh Fear, but a child- like Love, and willing Mind e. All which were common alio to Believers under the Law f. But under the New Teftament, the Liberty of Chriftians is further enlarged, in their Freedom . from the Yoke of the Ceremonial Law, to which the Jewifli Church was fubje&ed^ , and in great Boldnefs of Accck to the Throne of Grace h, and in fuller Communication of the free aTit. 2. 14. 1 Thef. 1. lo.Gal. 5. i^.bGal 1. 4. Col. 1. i$.ABsz6. \%.Rom. 6. t^.cRcm.S. zS.rfal. 119. 71. 1 Cor. if. 5-4, 57,^6, 57. Rom. 8. 1. dRom. f.\ y 2. eRom. S. 14, if. 1 John %: 18. f 'Gal. 5.9, \^.gGal./^. i, 2, 3, 6, 7, &$. i.Acls 1 f. 10, 1 1. hH.eb.6f. 14, 10. & 1©. 10, 20, 21, 22. 54 *ihe Confefflon of Faith. free Spirit of God, than Believers under the Law did ordinarily partake of i. i John -j. 38, 39. iCor. 3. 13, 17, 18. II. God alone is Lord of the Conference k t and hath left it free from the Doctrines and Commandments of Men, which are in any thing contrary to his Word, or befideit, in Mat- ters of Faith or Worfliip /. So that, to believe fuch Doctrines, or to obey fuch Commands out of Confcience, is to betray the Liberty of Con- science m, and the requiring of an implicit Faith and an abfolute and blind Obedience, is to deftroy Liberty of Confcience, and Reafon alfo n. k James 4. n. Rom. 14.4. lAfts^. 19.& f. *o. 1 Cor. 7. 13. Mat. 23.8,9, 10. zCor. 1.24. Mat. if.&y. m Col. 2.20,22,23. Gal. 1. 10. *j4, $\'J&PIm nRom 10. 17.^ 14. 23.7/^.8. lo.Acis 17. 1 \.John^. zi.Hof.f. 11. Rev. 13. 12, 16, ty.Jer. 8, 9. III. They, who upon pretence of Chriftian Liberty, do pradtife any Sin, or cherim any Luft, do thereby deftroy the End of Chriftian Liberty, which is, that being delivered out of the Hand of our Enemies, we might ferve the Lord without Fear, in Holinefs and RighteouP- nefs before him all the Days of our Life 0. Gxl.f. 13. 1 Pet. z. 16. 2 Vet. 2.19. John 8. 24.. Luke 1. 74, 7f. IV. And becauie the Powers which God hath ordained, and the Liberty which Chrift hath purchafed, are not intended by God to deftroy, but mutually to uphold and preierve one another : They, "The Confeffion of Faith. 55 They, who upon pretence of Chriftian Liberty fliall oppofe any lawful Power, or the lawful Exerciie of it, whether it be Civil or Ecclefiafti- cal,refift the Ordinance of God p. Andfortheir publifhing of fuch Opinions, or maintaining of fuch Practices, as are contrary to the Light of Nature, or to the known Principles of Chrifli- anity, whether concerning Faith, Worfhip, or Converfation, or to the Power of Godlinefs, or fuch erroneous Opinions or Practices, as either in their own Nature, or in the'manner of pub- lifhing or maintaining them, are deftruftive to the eternal Peace and Order which Chrift hath elhblifhed in the Church, they may lawfully be called to account, and proceeded againft by the Cenfuresof the Church q t and by the Power of the Civil Magiftrate r. pMat- 12. 25.1 Pet. 2. 13, 14,. 16. Rom. 13. i.to 8. Beb. 13. 17- <{Rom. 1. 32. with 1 Cor. 5. 11, 13. zjohn 10. 11. z Theft. 3. 14. fa 1 Tim. 6. 3, 4, 5. to tit 1. 10, ir, 13. to Tit. 1. ic.veitb Mat. 18. 15, 16. 17. 1 Tim 1. 19, 20. Rev. z. 2,14, 1 5» 20.^5- 3. 9. r Deut. 13- 6, t§ 12. Rom. 13. 3,4. with zjobnv. 10, 11. E%ra7..z$, se, to 28. Rev. 17. i2, 16, 17. Neb. 13.15,17,2.1, 2.2, 2?, 30. 2 Kings 23. 5, <$. 91 20, ar. 2 ckrw?. 34. 33. ^5* c^- 1?. 12, i3> ifi. ^d». 3- *?• > 7"iw. 2. 2. //*. 49. 25. Zecb.13. 2,3. CHAP. XXI. 0/ V^eligiom Worfhip, and the Sabbath Dayl I. '"IP HE Light of Nature flieweth that there X is a God, who hath Lordlhip and So- vereign tv ■3k 5 6 The tyrfeffion of Faith. vcreignty over all, is good and doth good unto all, and is therefore to be feared, loved, praifed, called upon, trufted in, and ferved with all the Reart, and with all the Soul, and with all the Might a. But the acceptable way of worfhip- ping the true God, is inftituted by himlelf, and iq limited by his own revealed Will, that he may not he worlbipped according to the Imagi- nation and Devices of Men, or the Suggeftions of Satan ; under any vifible Rcprefentation or any other way not prefcribed in the holy Scrip- ture h. a Rom. i.io. Acis 17. 24. Tfal. \ 10. CS.Jer. 10.7 .Pfal. 3.1. 23. & iS. 3. Rom. 10. 12. Pfal. 62.8. Jofh. 24. 14. Mark 12. 23. bDeut. 12. 32. Mat. if. 9. ABs 17. if. Mat. 4. 9, 10. Deut. 15*. to 20. Exod. 20. 4,5*, 6.C0/.2.23. II. Religious Worfhip is to be given toGcd ,the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and to him alone c, not, to Angels Saints, or any other Crea- ture d\ and fmce the Fall, not without a Media- tor ; nor in the Mediation of any other but oi Chrift alone e. cMat.4.. \o .with John f . r^.&iCor. 13. 14. d.Col. 2. 1 8. Rev. 19. lo.Rom. 1. 25*. e John 14. 6. 1 Tim. 2. 5*. Eph. 2. 18. Gol. 3. 17. III. Prayer with Thanl:fgiving being one fpecial part of Religious Worfhip f, is by God required of all Men g; and, that it may be ac- cepted, it is to be made in the Name of the Sen f Phil 4. d. gPfal. 6?. 2. m tin t n.:i u\ i t ny/ 7TT / « t . i l/j. Ike Confeffion of Faith. Son h, by the help of his Spirit i, according to his Will k, with Underftanding, Reverence, Humility, Fervency, Faith, Love, and Perfeve- rance /, and if vocal, in a known Tongue m. h John 14. 13, 14. 1 Tet. 2. f. iRem.S.i6. k 1 John $. 1 4. I Pfal. 47 . 7 .Ecclef. f. 1 , 2 . He£. 12. 21. Ge#. 18.27. Lam. f. 16. James 1.6,7. M^trA 1 1. i4.M<»?.6. 12, 14, ij\ Col.^.z Eph. 6. 18. w* 1 Cor. 14. 14. IV . Prayer is to be made for Thing? lawful », and for all forts of Men living, or that fhall live hereafter 0, but not for the dead p, nor for thofe of whom it may be known, that they have fin- ned the Sin unto Death q. n 1 John f. 14.5 i Tim. 2.1,2. John 17. 20. 2 Sam, 7. 1 9. Ruth 4. 1 2. pi Sam. 1 2. 21, 22,23. withLulce i6.if,i6.Rev.i^..i^.q 1 Joh.f. 10. V. The reading of the Scriptures with godly Fear r, the found preaching /i and confcion- able hearing of the Word, in obedience unto God, with Underftanding, Faith and Reverence t, linging of Pfalms with Grace in the Heart u, as alfo the dueAdminiftration and worthy receiving •of the Sacraments inftituted by Chriftj are all Parts of the ordinary Religious Worfhip of Godw; betides Religious Oaths x, Vows y, fo- iemn Fallings z, and Thankfgivings upon fpe- cial t A3s 5.21. Rev. 1. 3. / a Tim. 4. 2. t James r. ;.;. /Ms 10. $f. Mat. u. 19- Hei. 4. 2. Ifa. 66. 2. uCol. 3. \6.Epkef. 5. *9- y^wfi 5- 1?. n> Mat. 28. 19. ; Cor. ir. s3j ftfzo. /4tfi 2. 42, .r i?^wt.- 6. 13. with Nehem. jo. 19. > Ifa. 19 21. witb £cc&/. 5.4, $.ZJoelz,iz. EftbsrA^ i^. Afaf, 9, 15- J C(?r*7. 5. \ir?~ '-ifievcnjejjion oj Faith. ci .1 Occafionsa, which are in their feveral Times and Seafons to be ufed, in an holy and religious Manner b. a Tfal. 1 07 . throughout, JEfiher 9. 1 2. £ Heb. .2.38. VI. Neither Prayer, nor any other Part of Religious Worfhip, is now under the Gofpel, either tied unto, or made more acceptable by a- ny Place in which it is performed, or towards which it is directed c ; but God is to be wor- fhipped every where d, in Spirit and Truth e, as in private Families/, daily g, and in fccret, each one by himfelf h > To, more folemnly in the publick AfTemblies, which are not careieily or wilfully to be neglected or forfaken, when God by his Word or Providence calleth thereunto *. c John 4. 2 j . dMd. 1 . 1 1 . 1 Tim. 1 . 8 . 8 John 4. 23, i^.fjer. 10. 2 5* .Dent. 6.6,7. J ^ l 'f* 2 Sam. 6. 18, zo. 1 Vet. 2. 7. ABs lo.z.gMat. '6. 11. h Mac 6. 6. Ephef. 6. 18. i I/a. f6.6,j. Heb.io. 2 f. Prov. 1. 20. 2.1,14.. &$. 24.. A3i 13. 42. £«fo 4. 16. A&s 2. 42. VII. As it is of the Law of Nature, that, in general, a due Proportion of Time be fet apart for the Worfhip of God, io, in his Word, by apofitive, moral and perpetual Commandment, binding ail Men, in all Ages, he hath particular ly appointed one Day infevenfor a Sabbath, to- be kept holy unto him k, which from the be- ginning of the World to the Refurcection ot Chrift, was the laft Day of the Week 5 and from the k Exod, zo, 8, io, 11. Ifa. ^6.2,4,6,, 7. lM Loajtywrt bj jl u he Refurre&ion of Chrift, was changed into he firft Day of the Week /, which in Scripture s called the Lord's Day tn, and is to be continu- ed to the End of the World, as the Ckrijlian Sabbath n. I Gen. 2. 2, 2. i Cor. t6. i, 2. ABs 20. 7. \\mRev. 1 . 1 o. n Exod. 8. 1 ©. vith Mat. j*. 1 7, 1 8. VIIL This Sabbath is then kept holy unto the i'Lord, when Men, after a due preparing of their Hearts, and ordering of their common Affairs before hand, do not only obferve a holy Reft all the Day from their own Works, Words, and Thoughts, about thejr worldly Employments and Recreations 0, but alfo are taken up the whole Time, in the publick and private Exercifcs of his Wormip, and in the Duties of Neceflity and Mercy p. oExod. 10. 8. $> 16. 23, 25*, 16, 29, £0. $» ji. i>-, \6 y 17. Ifa. f$. i$.Nek 13. \$>to 23. /8. 1 5. Mat. 12. 1, to 13. CHAP. XXII. Of lawful Oaths and Vows. I. A Lawful Oath is a Part of Religious Wor- xL fhip *, wherein, upon juft Occafion, the Perfon {'wearing £>lemniy, calleth God to witneis what he aflerteth, or promileth, and to judge a Dent. 10, 20, 60 The Confefjton of Faith. judge him according to the Truth or Fallhood of what he fweareth b. b Exod. 20. j. Lev. ip. 12. iCor. 1. 23. 2 Chron. 6. 22, 22, II. The Name of God only, is that by which Men ought to fwear, and therein it is to be ufed with all holy Fear and Reverence c. There- fore to fwear vainly or raftily, by that glorious and dreadful Name, or to fwear at all by any o- ther Thing, is finful and to be abhor'd d. Yet, as in Matters of Weight and Moment an Oath is warranted by the Word of God under the New Teftament, as well as under the Old e ; fo a lawful Oath, being impofed by lawfui Au- thority, in fuch Matters ought to be taken /. cDeut.6. i$.dExod. 20. j.Jer.f.y.Mat.f. 54, %•}. Jam.f. 12. eHeb.6. 16. iCor. 1.25. Ifa.6f.i6.f 1 Kings S.^i.Neh. 1 5.25- .Ezra io.j\ III. Whofoever taketh an Oath, ought duly to confider the Weightinefs of fo folemn an A£t ; and therein to avouch nothing, but what he is fully perfuaded is the Truth^: Neither may any Man bind himfelf by Oath to any thing but what is good and juft, and what he believeth fo to be, and what he is able and reiolved to per- form h. Yet it is a Sin to refufe an Oath, touch^ ing any thing that/is good and juft, being impo- fed by lawful Authority 1. gExod. 20. 7, — Jer. 4. 2. h Cm. 24.2,2, 5, 6, 8, 9. i Numb. j'. iq 2 21, Neb, f. 12. Exod. 22. 7, t» 11, IV. An 7 he Confeffion of Faith. 61 IV. An Oath is to be taken in the plain and ommon Senfe of the Words ; without Equi- vocation, or mental Refervation k. It cannot ;)blige to Sin : But, in any thing not finful, be- ng taken, it binds to Performance, akho to a jvlan's own Hurt / ; nor is it to be violated, al- ho made to Hereticks, or Infidels m. kjer.^.i. Tfstl. 24.4. Ji&iw. if. 22, 32, J53, i^.Tfal. if. 4. m Ezek. 17. 16, iG, 19. ofb. 9. 18, 19. with 2 Sam. 22. 1. V. A Vow is of the like Nature with a pro- TtifTory Oath, and ought to be made with the ike religious Care, and to be performed with :he like Faithfulnefs n< f%Ifa.i^.xi.Ecd.f.^,f > 6.TfaL6i.2.&66.\j\,. VI. It is not to be made to any Creature, but to God alone : And, that it may be accepted, it Is to be made voluntarily, out of Faith and Con- science of Duty, in way of Thankfulnefs for Mercy received, or for the obtaining of whac live want, whereby we more ftrickly bind our felves, to neceflfary Duties, or to other Things, fo far, andfo long, as they may fitly conduce hereunto f. oTfaLj6. n.Jer. 44. if, 16.pDeHt.z3.il, n^i^.Tfal. 5-0. 14. Gen. 28. 20, to zi. 1 Sam. [.11. Tfal. 66. 13, 14. & 132. x t to6. VIL No Man may vow to do any thing for- bidden in the Word of God, or what would binder any Duty therein commanded, or which s not in his own Power, and for the Perfor- riance whereof he hath noPromifcof Ability D from 6z The Confeffion of Faith. from God q. In which refpect, popifh monafti- cal Vows of perpetual fmgle Life, profefTed Poverty, and regular Obedience, are fo far from being degrees of higher Perfe&ion, that they are fuperftitious and linful Snares, in which no Chriftian may intangle himfelf r. qAfis 13.11, 14. Mark 6. 16. Numb. 50.5-, 8, ii, 13. rMat. 19. 11, 12. 1 Cor. 7. 2, 9. Eph. 4. iS. iP^.4.2. iCor.7.22. CHAP. XXIII. Of the Civil Magijirate. I. /^ OD, the fupreme Lord and King of all vJ the World, hath ordained Civil Magift- rates to be under him over the People, for his own Glory, and the publick Good ; and to this end hath armed them with the Power of the Sword, for the Defence and Encouragement of them that are good, and for the Punifhment of evil Doers a. a Rom. 13. 1, to 5-. 1 Vet. 2. 13, 14. II. It is lawful for Chriftians ro accept and execute the Office of a Magiftrate when called thereunto b ; in the managing whereof, as they ought especially to maintain Piety, Jufticeand Peace, according to the who'efom Laws of each Commonwealth c j fo, for that end they may lawfully b Vrsv. 8. 15,16. Rom. 1 3. 1, a", 4. cffal. :, 10, ir, sz.x Tim. z.z,ffai. 8;. 3,4. 2 Sam. 25.5. 1 Pet.z.i$* Ike ConfeJJton of Faith. 6$ 1 iwfully now, under the New Teftament wage War upon juft and necefiary Occaiion d. dLuke 5. 14. Rom. 13.4. Mat. 8. 9, 10. Acts 10. 1, 2. Rev. 17. 14, 16. III. The Civil Magiftrate may notaflumeto himfelf the Adminiftration of the Word and Sacraments or the Power of the Keys of the Kingdom 4f Heaven e j yet he hath Authori- ty, and it i, his Duty to take order, that Unity and Peace j* preferved in the Church, that the Truth of God be kept pure and intire, that all Blafphemief and Heretics be fupprefTed, all Cor- ruptions aril Abufes in Worfliip and Difcipline prevented, or reformed ; and all the Ordinances of God duly fettled, adminiftred and obferved/I For thebeter effecting whereof, he hath Power to call Syiods, to be prefent at them, and to provide, tlat whatsoever is tranfacted in them. be according to the Mind of God^ . e2Cbronk6. 18. with Mat. 18 17. fa 16. 19.^ j Cor. 12. 21, 29. Epbef. 4. n, 12. 1 Cor. 4. 1, 2. Rom, 30. 15. HeB$. 4- / Ifa-49- -?• Pfal- "« 9- Ezra 7. 2.3, 25, to p. Rev. 24. 16. Deut. 13. 5, 6, 12. 1 Kings 18.4. 1 Ction. 13. 1, to 9. z Kings 23. i,to i.6. zCbr. ?4- 33- te^s- u, 13- gzCbron. 19. 8, totz. fcr ~9* zo Chapter Mat. 2.4, 5. IV. It is the Duty of People to pray for Ma- gistrates >, to honour their Perfbns ;, to pay them Tuute and other Dues It $ to obey their lawful mh to Mixture and Error k j and fome have fo degenerated, as to become no Churches of Chrift, but Synagogues of Satan /. Never- thelefs there fliall be always a Church on Earth to worfhip God according to his Will m. k i Cor. 13. iz.Rev. 2, 3, Chap. Mat. 13.14, to i_o. 4,7. iRev. 18. i.Rom.ii.z$,to zz.mMat. 16. iS.Pfal. 1.6. & ioz. 28. Mat. 28. 19,20. VI. There is no other Head of the Church, but the Lord Jefus Chrift w, nor can the Pope of Rome, in any Senfe, be Head thereof, but is that Antichrift, that Man of Sin, and Son of Perdi- tion, that exalteth himfelf in the Church, a- gainft Chrift, and all that is called God 0. nCol. 1. iS.Eph. 1. 22. Mat. 23. 8,9, 10. 2X^.2.3,4,8,9.1^.13.6. CHAP. XXVI, Of the Communion of Saints. I. A LL Saints that are united to Jefus Chrift -£*• their Head, by His Spirit, and by Faith, have Feilowihip with him in his Graces, Suffe- rings, Death, Refurrection, and Glory a\ And, being united to one another in Love, they have Communion in each others Gifts and Graces £, and a 1 John 1.3. Epb. 2. 16, tffip- John 1. iC.Eph.z. c, y 6.fhil.z. 10. Rom. 6.5,6. a Tim. z. sz.hEpb.d, IS, 16. iCor. ia. 7.^3, si, ss, S3'. CqU z. 19' 7 be Confejjton of Faith. 69V and are obliged to the Performance of fuch Du- ties, publick and private, as do conduce to their mutual Good, both in the inward and outward Man*:. c iTbeff.f.itti^.Rom.i. ti, 12, 14. \Joh. 3. 1 6, to 19. Gal. 6. jo. II. Saints by Profeffion are bound to main- tain an holy Fellow fhip and Communion in the Worfhip of God 5 and in performing fuch other fpiritual Services as tend to their mutual Edifi- cation*/, as alfo, in relieving each other in out- ward things, according to their feveral Abilities and Neceflities. Which Communion, as God offereth Opportunity, is to be extended to all thcfe, who in every Place call upon the Name of the Lord Jefus e. dHeb. 10.24, if. Acls 2.41, 46. Ifa. 2. 3. 1 Cor. f j. 20. e AEis z. 44, 45-. 1 John 3.17* 2CV.8, 9 Chapters. Acis 1 1.29, 20. III. This Communion which the Saints have with Chrift, doth not make them in any wife Partakers of the Subftance of his God-head, or to be equal with Chrift many refpecl, either of which to affirm,. is impious and blafphemous/. Nor doth their Communion one with another as Saints, take away, or infringe the Tftle or Propriety which each Man hath in his Goods and PoneiTions^. , fCoi t.18,19. 1 Cor. $.6. Ifa.^i.K.iTim. 6. ijVi6\ Pfal: ^t.j.rrithHeb. 1.8,9. £^xod, 20, ijv Eph. 4. 28. Acts 5-. 4. CHAP. 70 The Confeffion of Faith. CHAP. XXVII. Of the Sacraments. I. O Acraments are holy Signs and Seals of the *3 Covenants of Grace a, immediately in- ftituted by God b, to reprefent Chrift and his Be- nefits 5 and to confirm our Intereft in him c y as alfo to put a vifible Difference between thofe __ that belong unto the Church, and the reft of the , World d : And fo'emnly to engage them to the Service of God in Chrift, according to his Word e. a Rom. 4. 1 1. Gen. 17. 7, 10. bMat. 28. 10. 1 Cor. n.ij.n Cor. 1 o. 1 6. .& 11.25-, z ^- Ga ^- 3. 17. APTISMisa Sacrament of the New JD Teltament, ordained by Jefus Chrift a, not only for the folemn Admiflion of the Party baptized into the vifible Church b ; but alfo to be unto him a Sign and Seal of the Covenant of Grace c, of his ingrafting into Chrift J, of Re- generation e, of Remiflion of Sins /, and of his giving up unto God through Jefus Chrift to walk a Mat. 28, 19. b 1 Cor. 12. 13. c Rom. 4, 1 1. vith Col. 2. 1 1. 12. d Gal. 3, 2j<£ tm t $, /, \eTit.$.f.fMarki. 4. 7 2 7 he Conjejjion of Faith. walk in Newnefs of Li&g ; Which Sacrament! is, by Chrift's own Appointment to be continu- ed in his Church until the End of the World h. g Rom. 6. 3, 4. hMat. 28. 19, 20.. II. The outward Element to beufed in this Sacrament is Water, wherewith the Party is to be baptized, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, by a Mini- fler of the Gofpel, lawfully called thereunto i. iMat. 2. 1 \.John 1.25. Mat. 28. 19, 20. III. Dipping of the Perfon into the Water, is not neceflary ; but Baptifm is rightly admini- ftred, by pouring, or. fprinkling Water upon the Perfon k. k Hob. 9. 10, 19, to n.Affs l. ^i.& 16. 33. Mark 7. 4. . IV. Not only thofe that do actually profefs Faith in, and Obedience unto Chrift/; but alfo the Infants of one, or both believing Parents, are to be baptized m. iMark 16. 15-, 16.^^8.37, %%.mGm. 17. y, 9. with Gal. 3.9, i+.&Col.z.n, \i.& ABs 2. 38. ly.&Rom, 4. 11, 12. 1 Cor. j. 14. Mat. 28. 19. Mark 10. 13, to 16. Luke 18. 15*. V. Altho it be a great Sin, to contemn or neglett this Ordinance n, yet Grace and Salva- tion are not fo infeperably annexed unto it, as that no Perfon can be regenerated or faved with- out it j or, that all that are baptized, are un- doubtedly regenerated p. n Luke 7 . 30. with" Exod. 4. 24, 25-, 26. Rom. 4,w, A8s 10. 2,4.22,3 1,45*747 -M^' 8 - l *' * 3 ' TJieConfeffibn of Faith. 73 VI. The Efficacy of Biptifm is not tied to that Moment of Time, wherein k is aJinint- ftred $ yet notwithstanding by the right Ufe of this Ordinance, the Grace promifed is not only offered, but really exhibitedVand confer- red by the Holy- Ghoft, to fuch (whether of Age, or Infants) as that Grace belongcth unto, accordingto the Counfel of God's own Will, in his appointed Time r. " : '. : 1 John 3 . c, 8 . r Gal 3 . 17 . Ttt. 3 f . Zfhef. if, 16. ABs 1. 38,41. VII. The Sacrament of Biptifm is but ones to be adminiftred unto any Perfon / ■ ' . ' " ' ' ' ' ' ■■ '' ■ ' r ^~" CHA P. 'XXIX, Of the Lord's Supper. I. /^U R Lord Jefus, in the Nighe wherein \J he was betrayed, inftitutcd the Sacra- ment of his Body and Blood, called the Lord's Supper, to be obferved in his Church, unto the End of rhe World, for the perpetual Re- membrance of the Sacrifice of himfelf, in his Death : The fealing all Benefits thereof un- to true Believers, their fpiritual Mourifhment, and Growth in him ? their further tngagement in, and to all Duties which they owe unto him, and to be a Bond and Pledge of their Commu- " *E nion ■<■/ 74 The CottfeQim of Faith. nion with him, and with each other, as Mem- bers of his myftical Body a. a i Cor. 1 1. 23, to x6.& jo. 16, 17, %u 1 Cor. ii. i}. II. In this Sacrament, Chrift is not offered up to his Father, nor any real Sacrifice made at all for RemiiTion of Sins of the Quick or Dead, b but only a Commemoration of that one offer- ing up of himfelf, by himielf, upon the Croii, once for ail, and a fpiritual Oblation of all poi- iible Praife unto God for the fame c : So that the Popifh Sacrifice of the Mafs (as they call it ) is moft abominably injurious to Chrift's one - only Sacrifice, the alone Propitiation for all the Sins of the E!e& d. b Hub. 9. 21, 25-, 26, 28. c 1 Cor.ri.m 24,, if, 26. Mat. 26.26,27.. dHeb.-j.i}, 24., 27. $» io- »*> 12, 14, iS. Ill* The Lord Jems hath in this Ordinance appointed his Minifters to declare his Word of Institution to the People, to .-pray ardblcfsthe Elements of Bread and Wine, and thereby to ' fet them apart from' a common, to an holy Ufe, and to take, and break the Bf'ead, to take the CJup, and (they communicating" alio them- felves) to give both' to the Communicants e, but to none who are not then prefent in the Congregation /'. ^ TV. Private e Mat. 16.16, to 19. '&Mark.\\. \i* *3. &Luke 22. 19, 20. mi!) 1 Cor. 1 U ^r*ft Aftsxo. 7, 1 Qor;ii, to. 1*1 7 he €onfejJlon of Faith: 7 y IV. Private Maffes, or receiving this Sacra- ment by a Pried* or any other alone £v as like- wife the Denial of the Cap to the People h, wor- shipping the Elements, the liking them up, or carrying them about for Adoration, and there- ferving them for any pretended Religious Uie, are all contrary to the Nature of this Sacrament, and to the fnftimtion of Chriftt. g iCor. 10.6. h Mark 4. 2$. 1 Cor. 11.1/, to 30. i Mat. if. 9. V. The outward Elements in this Sacrament, duly fet apart to the Ufes ordained by. Chrift, have fuch relation to him crucified, as that! truly, yet facramentally onlv, they are fomet-imes cal- led by th<, Names of the Things they reprefent, to wit, the Body and Blood of Chrift k, albeit iu Subftance and Nature they (till remain truly and only Bread and Wine, as they were before /. kMat. a6.z&.taio. I iCor. 11. rS. 27, iS. Mat. 26. 29. VI. That Doctrine which maintainsa Change of the Subftance of Bread and Wine into the Sub- ftaneeof Chrift'sBody and Blood (commonly called Tranfubftan'tiation ) by Confecrationof a Pdeft, ok by any other way, is repugnant, not to Scripture aione, but even to common Senfeand Reafon ; overthroweth the Nature of the Sacra- ment, and hath been, and is the caufe of mani- fold Superftitions 5 yea, of grofs Idolatries m. m Acis 3. 21. rrith 1 Cor. 11. 24, to 27. Luke %-$. 6, 39. £2 VII. Worthy i J 6 77je Confefpon of Faith. VII. Worthy Receivers outwardly partaking of the vifible Elements, in this Sacrament », do then alfo, inwardly by Faith really and indeed, yet not carnally and corporally, but fpiritually receive and feed upon Chrift crucified, 1 and all Benefits of his Death j the Body and Blood of Chrift being then, not corporally, or carnally, in, with, or under the Bread and Wine, yet, as really, but fpiritually, prefent to the Faith of Be- lievers in that Ordinance, as the Elements them- fclves are to their outward Senfes o. nCor. 1 1. 18. o i Cor. 10. \6. VIII. Airho ignorant and w icked Men rece: ve the outward Elements in this Sacrament, yet, they receive not the Thing fignirted thereby -, but by their unworthy coming thereunto, arc guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord, to their own Damnation. Wherefore al) ignorant and ungodly Perfons, as they are unfit to enjoy Communion with him, fo are they unworthy of the Lord's Table j and cannot, without great Sin againft Chrift ; while they remain fuch, pir- take of thefe holy Myfteries p, or be admitted thereunto q. f i Cor. 11.17,18,19. iCor.6. 14, if, 16: 4 1 Cor.f. 6, 7, 1 5. i Thejf. 3. 6, 14, if. M*r, 7 *• CHA?„ 7 be Conjejjion of Faith. 77 G H A P. XXX. O/ Church Ctnfures. I. 'T* H E Lord Jefus, as King and Head of JL his Church, hath therein appointed a Government in the Hand of Church Officers, diftincl: from the Civil Magiftrate a. a I/a. 9. 6, 7. 1 Tim. 5". 17. 1 Thejf. y. it. jittsio. 17, 18. Heb. 13. 7, 17, 14. 1 Cor. 12. 28 M*;. 28. 18, 19, 20. II. To thefe Officers the Keys of the King- dom of Heaven are committed, by virtue where- of, they have Power refpeclively to retain and remit Sins, to fhut that Kingdom againft the Impenitent, both by the Word, and Cenfures ; and to open it unto penitent Sinners, by the Mi- ni dry of the Gofpel, and by Abfolution from Cenfures, as Occalion (hall required. hMat, 16. 19. 8c 18. tfy.iS.John 10. 21, to 25. xCor. 2.6, 7,8. III. Church Cenfures are neceflary for the reclaiming and gaining of offending Brethren, for deterring of others from the like Offences, for purging out of that Leaven which might in- fect the whole Lump, for vindicating the Hon- our of Chrift, and the Holy Profcffion of the Gofpel, and for preventing the Wrath of God, which might juftly fall upon the Church if they (hould fufTer his Covenant, and the Seals thereof E 3 to / 75 Ttie ■tonfejfion Qj Faith v to be profaned by notorious and obftinate Offen- ders c. c i Cor s c^4p. i Tim. 5. 2.©. /Vfdt.- 7.6. 1 Tim. r. so. t Cor 11.27. rotheend. with jfofe. 7>rr. 23. IV. For the better attaining of thefe ends, the Officers of the Church are to proceed by Ad- monition, Sufpenfion from the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper for a Seafon ; and by Excom- municatjon from the Church, according to the Nature of the Crime, and Demerit of thePer- £ond. d 1 Tbcff 5. \i. 7 Theft. 3. 6, 14, 15. I Cor. 5.4, 5, .^. Mat. iB. \j. Tit. 3. 10. CHAP. XXXI. Of Synods and Councils. I. T7 OR the better Government, and further JL Edification of the Church, there ou^ht to be fuch Aflemblies as are commonly called Synods or Councils a . t a 4cls.\.f. 1,4., 6. II. 'As' Magistrates may lawfully call a Synod of Minifters, apd other fit Perfons to confult and advife with, about Matters of Religion £; So, if Mogifiratcs be open Enemies to the Church, the Minifters of Chr-ift, of themfelve?, by virtue of their Qffice, or, they, v/ith other fit Perfons, upon Delegation from their Church- es "j-Bwy me et together in fuch Aflemblies c. III. It h Jfa. 49. 23. 1 Tim. 2. 1, z. 2 Cbrcn. 19. 8, tow, \^o Chapters. Mat. 2.4,5. Ptov. 11.14. C ABs '^22,23,25. The Coftfeffton of Faith. 79 I II . It belongeth to Synods and Councils, mi- nisterially to determine Controverfies of Faith, and Cafes of Confcience, to fdt down Rules and Directions for the better ordering of the pub- lick Worfliip of God, and Government of hip Church 5 to receive Complaints in Cafes of Mal-adminiftratipn. and authoratively to deter- mine the fame ; which Decrees and Determina- tions, if confonant to the Word of God, are to be received with Reverence and SubmilTion s not only for their Agreement with' the Word, but alio for the Power whereby they are made, as being the Ordinance of God ; appointed there- unto in his Word d. d ABs 1 $'. if, 19,14,17, fo 31. Afts 16". 4. Mat. 18. 17, to 2d. IV. All Synods and Councils fince the Apoftles Times, whether general or particular, may err, and many have erred. Therefore they are. not to be made the Rule of Faith or Practice : but to be ufed as an Help in both e. eEph. a. io. Acis 17. 1 1. 1 Cor. 1. f. 1 Cor. 1. 24. V. Synods and Councils arc to handle or con- clud nothing but that which is Eccleiiaftical ; and are not to intermeddle with Civil Affairs which concern the Commonwealth, unlefs by way of humble Petition in Cafes extraordina- ry, or by way of Advice, for Satisfaction of Confcience, if they be thereunto required by the Civil Magiftrate /. fluke ii. 13, 14. John 18.. 36. E 4 CHAP. J A 8o 7fo Confefiton of Faith. — • - CHAP. XXXII. Of the State of Men after Death ; and of the Refurre&ien of the Deaa'. I. "T 1 HE Bodies of Men after Death return X to Duft, and fee Corruption a, but their Souls (which neither die nor fleep) having an immortal Sublicence, immediately return to God, who gave them b ; the Souls of the Righ- teous being then made perfect in Hoiinefs, are received into the higheft Heavens, where they behold the Face of God in Light and Glory, waiting for the full Redemption of their Bo- dies c . And the Souls of the Wicked are caft in- to Hell, where they remain in Torments and utter Darknefs, referved to the Judgment of the great Day d. , BeGdes theft two Places for Souls feparated from their Bodies, the Scripture ac- knowledged? none ?, aGitt. .19.^113,36. bLuke^^.^. Ecd 12.7. c Heb. 12.23. 2Cor - *>' i»^> 8. Tkti. 1. 23. with ASs 3.21. Epb, 4. 10. dLu^e 16. 23, 24. ASs 1.25. Juie v.6,7. 1 Ptt. 3. 19; II. At the laftDay, fuch as are found alive, fhallnotdie, but be changed e, and all the Dead (hall be railed up with the felt- fame Bodies and none other, altho with different Qualities,which fhall be united again to their Souls for ever /.' III. The e t Tbef 4. 17, 1 Ccr. 15. $r, ; 5$ / J& » 9- A &7» ? Cor. 1 5. 4t } 43) 44- The Confefjion of Faith. Si ITT. The Bodies of the Unjuft (hall, by the Power of Chrtft, be raifed to Diihonour: The Bodies of the juft, by his Spirit, unto Honour j and be made conformable to his own glorious Body g. gAcis 24. \f.John f. 28, 29. 1 Cor, 15^41. Phil. 3. ii. CHAP. XXXIII. Of the Ufi Judgment. I. /"""* OD hath appointed a Day, wherein he Vj will judge the World in Righteoufnefs, by Jefus Chritl a, to whom all Power and Judg- ment is given of the Father b. In which Day not only the apoftate Angels (hall be judged c, but likewile all Perfons that have lived upon Earth, (hall appear before the Tribunal of Chrift, to give an account of their Thoughts, Words and Deeds, and to receive according to what they have done in the Body, whether good or evil d. a Acis 17. 51. bfohn $\22, 17. e 1 Cor. 6. 5: Judev.6. iFet. 2.4. d iCor. y. 10. Ecclef. 12. 14. Rom.i. \6. & 14. 10, 12. Mat. 12.56, 37. II. The End of God's appointing this Day, is for the Manifeftation of the Glory of his Mer- cy, in the eternal Salvation of the Elecl: ; and of his Juftice in the Damnation of the Reprobate, 3vho are wicked and difobedint. For then (hall E / the 82 7 he Confejfion of Faith. the Righteous go into everlafting Life, and re- ceive that Fulnefs or Joy and refreshing, which (Hal) ceme from the Prefence of the Lord : Bur the Wfcked, who know not God, and obey not the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift, (nail be cafl: into eter- nal Torments, and be punilhed witheverlafting Deftruction from the Prefence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power e. e Mat. i f. 3 1 , to the end, Rom. i.f : 6. ^» 9. 2.x, 23. Mat. if, 21. Acis 3. 10. xTheJf. 1. 7, tO lO. III. As Chriil would have us to be certainly perfuaded, That there fhall be "a Day of Judg- ment, both to deter all Men from Sin, and tor the greater Coniolation of the Godly in their Adveriity /j fo will he have that Day unknown to Men, that they may fhake off all carnal Secu^ rity, and be always watchful, becaufe they know not at what Hour the Lord will come, and may be ever prepared to fay, Come Lordjefw, come quickly. Amen g. f % Pet. 3. 11, 14. 2 Cor.f. 10, 11. ilhejf. 1. f> 6, 7. Luke 21.27, 28. Rom. 8. 23, 24. % Mat. is. 36,42,43. Mark 13. 3f,-$6.Luke iz. 3j, 36. Riv. 22. 20.. FINIS. THE Larger Catechism; Firft Agreed upon by the Aflembly of Divines A T WESTMINSTER. And now Approved by the General AiTembly O F THE Kirk of Scotland, To be a Part of Uniformity in Religion between the Kirks of Chrift in the three Kingdoms. Printed Jnno Dom. M,dcc,xxix. 8j _ — ; c 1 ; — — ! — THE A C T OF THE ■ General Affembly Approving of the LARGER-CATECHISM. THE General Aflembly, having exactly examined and ferioujly considered the Larger Catechifm, agreed upon by the Affembly of Divines fitting at Weftminftcr, with Ajjiflance of Commtjfioners, from this Kirk, Co- pies thereof being printed, andfent to Presbyteries ffr the more exaft Trtal thereof and publick In- timation being frequently made in this Affembly >, that every one that had any doubts er Objections aton it t might put them in : Do find upon due jLxami- ( 8* ) Examination thereof. That the faid Catechifm ii agreeable to the Word of God, and in nothing contrary to the received DoBrine, Worfnip, T>i[- cipline, and Government of this Kirk, a neceffary Part of the intended Uniformity in Religion, and * rich Treafurefor increafmg of Knowledge arrong the People of God: And therefore the AffemMy, a* they blefs the Lord, that jo excellent a Catechifm is prepared, fo they apfrovf the fame as 4 Part of Uniformity; agreeing for their Pari, that it be a common Catechifm for the three Kingdoms, and a Directory for catechifing fitch as have made fome Proficiency in the Knowledge of the Grounds of Religion. , A. Ker, THE \ *7 T H E Larger Catechism, FirJI agreed upon by the Ajjembly of Divines at Weftminfter. And now approved by the General AJfem- bly of the Kirk of Scotland, to be a part of Uniformity in Religion between the Kirks o/Chrift in the three King-* doms. Queftion. YT/HATis the chief and highejt End ef Vr Manf Anfwer. Man's chief and higheft End, is to glorify God *, and fully to enjoy him for ever b. a Rom. 11.^6. i Cor. 10.31. bFf*l.71-*b totheZnd. John 17. n, iz, 13. ' Q. How doth it appear that there is a God. A. The very Light of Nature in Man, and the Works of God, declare plainly that there is 88 The Larger Catechifm. a God c , but his Word and Spirit only, do fuffi- ciently, and efFe&ually reveal him unto Men tor their Salvation d. cRofn. i. 19,20. Vjal. 19. 1, 2, 3. Afts 17. zS.diCor. 1.9, 10. 2 2iw. 3. Ij, 16, 17. If*. S9- *"- Q. Wto m fj&, and Perfection x, All-fufficient. y, Eternal z, .Un- changeable a, Incompreheniible 6, every where prefent c, Almighty iL knowing all Things e, moft wife /, mod holy g, moft juft h, moft merciful, gracious, lbng-fuffering, and abundant in Goodnefs and Truth i. f Jcbn 4. 14. t Exod. 3. 14. Job. 11. 7, 8, 9. u Acts 7. t. t». 1 Tim. 6. i>. a Afar 5. 48. j» Gf/7. 17- i. %?{a\. 90. i. rfMa/: $.6: James i. 17. £ 1 Kmgi 8. 2,7. c Pfa/. 1 £9. t, fa 13. fcfef. 4. is- fi'at. 147-. 5- f Kom. 16. -7. g //«. 6. .3. ***. 15. 4. b Deui. ?^.,4- i Exod. 54. 6. Q. ^fr« */*re jwr* Go*. i.i. / Mat. 2S.19. 2 Or. 13. 14. Q^ What are the Decrees of God ? A. God's Decrees are the wife, free, and ho- ly Acis of the Counfel of his Will f, whereby from all Eternity he hath for his own Glory un- changeably foreordained whatlbever comes to pafs in time «, efpecially concerning Angels and Men. Q. What tEph. 1. 11. Rom. 11. 33. 6*9- T 4> l f> »8. uEpb. 1.4, 11. Row. 9.12,23.?/*/. 33. 11. l*he Larger Cateehifm. 9 1 (^ What hath God effect ally decreed concerning Angels and Men} A. God by an eternal and immutable Decree, out of his meer Love, for the Praife of his glo- rious Grace to be manifefted in due time, hath elected fome Angels to Glory w, and in Chrift hath chofen fome Men to eternal Life, and the Means thereof x: and alfo according to his fovereign Power, and the unfearchable Coun- sel of his own Will, ( whereby he extendeth or withholdeth Favour as he pleafeth ) hath pafTed by and foreordained the reft to Difhonour and Wrath j to be for their Sin inflicted, to the Praife or the Glory of his Jufticey. to 1 Tim. $. n. xEph. 1.4,5,6*. a T&e/. l£ 15, 14. yRom. 9. 17, 18,11, rr.Mat. \ 1.25, 16. r Tim. x.io.Judev.^. 1 Vet. i.S. Q. How doth God execute hk Decrees ? A. God executeth his Decrees in the Works of Creation and Providence, according to his infallible Fore-knowledge, and the free and im- mutable Counlcl of his own Will z,. z, Eph. 1 . J 1 . Q. What U the Work of Creation* ■ A. The Work of Creation is that, wherein God did in the beginning, by the Word of his Power, make of nothing the World and all Things therein, for himfelf, within the Space of fix Days, and all very good a. a Gen. 1 chap. Heb. 11. 5. Vrov. 16. 4. Q. How did God create the Angels? A. God $i The Larger Catecbifm. A. God created all the Angels b, Spirits c, im- mortal d, holy e, excelling in Knowledge /, mighty in Power g, to execute his Command- ments, and to praile his Name b> yet fubjed to Change i. b Col. I. 16. cTfal. 104. 4. dMatth. 22. 30. e M*f. ijT- 5 X -/ 2S/W1. 14. 17. Ma*. 24. 36* £ i T/;e//'. 1 . 7 . £ Tfal. 1 03 . 10, 1 1 . i 2 Pef . 1.4. Q_. How did God create Man ? X After God had made all other Creatures he created Man Male and Female *, formed the Body cf the Man of theDuft of the Ground /, and the Woman of the Rib of the Man m\ in- dued them with living, reafonable, and immor- tal Souls n t made them after his own Image 0, in Knowledge/*, Righteoufnefs and Holinelsqr; having the Law of God written in their Hearts r, and Power to fulfil it/, with Dominion over the Creatures f, yet fubjeS ro fall a. kGen.x. 27./GM. 2.7. mGen.x.xx.nGen. 2.7. with Job Zf.ii.Eccl. 12.7. &Mat. 10. 28. Luke ftp 45. oGen. 1. 27. p CoL 3. 10. entering into a Cove- nant of Life with him, upon condition of per- gonal, perfect and perpetual Obedience », of which the Tree of Life was a Pledge o, and for- bidding to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil upon pain of Death p. h Gen. 2.8,15-, l< *. iGen. 1. 18. kGen.i. 18. iGen. 1. 16, to 30. & x..%.mGen. 2.3. nGal. 5, ti.RoTriiiQ.f.oGen. z.y.pGcn.i. 17. Q. Did / 94 ^he larger Catechifm. Q. Bid Man contmue in that Efiate tfhertin God at firfi created him ? . . A. Our Firft Parents bemg left to the Free- dom of their own will, through the Temptati- on of Satan tranfgrefled the Commandment or* God, in eating the forbidden Fruit, and thereby fell horn the Eftate of Innocence, wherein they were created q. qGen.%.,6,1,%, i $.Ecc!ef. 7. 29.2 Cor. 1K3. Q. Did all Mankind fall in that firfi Tra»f- greffion ? A. The Covenant being made with Adam as a publick Perfon, not for himteif only, but for hisPofterity, all Mankind defending from hint by ordinary Generation r, finned in him, and fell with him in that firft Tranfgretfion f r Ads 17. z6. {Gen. 2. 16, 17. with Rom. f. Q. Into what Ejiate did the Tall bring M*r.~ , kind? A. The Fall brought • Mankind, into an E- ftate of Sin and Mifery t. . tRom. f. 12. & 3. 25. Q. What is Sin ? A. Sin is any want of Conformity unto, or, Tranfgrefiion of any Law of God, given as a- Rule to the reasonable Creatures u. u 1 John 5. 4.. Gal. 5. 10, 12. Q. Wherein confifteth the Sinfulmfs of that E^ Jiate ivhereinto Man {ell} A. The Sinfulnefs of that Eftate wherein to Min feii. confifteth in the Guilt of Ad&n's firft "the Larger Catechifm. 9 5 iin to, the want of that Righteoufnefs where- n he was created, ^nd the Corruption of his Mature, whereby he is utterly indifpofed, dif- bled, and made oppofite unto all that is fpi- itually good, and wjiolly inclined to all Evil -, md that continually x, which is commonly cal- ed Original Sin, and from which do proceed all. i&ual TranfgrelTionsj/. voRom.f. 12, 19. x Rom. 3. 10, to 10. Eph. f. -1,1,1. Rom.? 6.&$.'] } S.Gen*6.f.yJam. 14, ij\ Mat. \f. 19. Q. How is Original Sin conveyed from our Tirfl I'arents unto their Fcfterity ? A. Orignal Sin is conveyed from our Firft 'arents unto their Pofterity by natural Genera- ian, fo as all that proceed from them in that' way, are conceived and born in Sin z.. z.Vfal. fi.f. Jo!j\\,4 i '.& 15-. 1 4. John 5.6, Q. Whstt Mifery. did the Fall bring upon Man^ ftinji" A. The Fall bipught upon Mankind Lofs of Communion with God a, his Difpleafure and jCurfe, fo as we. are by Nature Children of Wrath b, Bond- Haves to Satan c, and juftly liable to all PunifnmeiKf in this World and that which is to corned. &Gsn. 3. 8, iq, 24. bEph. 2. 2, 3. cl Tim, 2. %€. dGzn, 2. 17. Lam. 3. 39. Rom. 6. 23. Mat. if. 41, 46. Jude y. 7. Q.. tVh*t Are the funijfmnnts of Sin in this 9 6 7 he Larger Catechifm. A. The Punifhments of Sin in this World are either inward, as Blindnefsof Mind e, a repro- bate Senfe /, ftrong Delufions g y hardnefs of Heart h, horror of Conference i and vile Affecti- ons k, or Outward as the Curfe of God upon the Creatures for our fakes 7, and all other Evils that befals us in our Bodies, Names,. Eftates Re- lations, and Imployments m, together with Death it felf ». e Eph. 4. iS.fRorh. 1. 2S. g'lTheff. 1. 1 r. hRom. l.f.ilfa. 33. 1 4. Gen. 4. 13. J£«*. 17.4V kRom. 1. 26. iGen., 3. 17. m Deut. 28. 1 f.to the End. n Rom, 6.21,13. Q. What are the Vmifljments of Sin in the World to come ? A. The Punifhments of Sin in the World to come, are everlafting Separation from the com- fortable Prefencc of God, and moft grievous Torments in Soul arid Body without Intermifli- on, in Hell-fire for ever 0. iThtJf. 1.9. Mark 9. 44, 46, 48 . Luke 1 6. 14. Q. Doth Cod leave all Mankind to perift in the St ate of Sin And Mifery ? A. God doth not leave all Mankind to perifti in the State of Sin and Mifery p, into which they fell by the breach of the firft Covenant, com- monly called the Covenant of Works q, but of his' rneqr Love and Mercy delivered his Elect out of if, and'bfingeth them into an Eftate of Salvation *y , p a Treff. f, 9. g Gal. x. 10. 1 % . *The Larger Catec hi/ml 9 J the fecond Covenant; commonly called thd ovenant of Grace r. rtit.^.^jo 8. Gal.- 3.21. Ro#z, 3.*o,*a 23. Q. With nhom was the Covenant of Grace made ? A. The Covenant of Grare was made with Chrift, as the fecond Adam- y and in him with all the Eleft, as his Seed ft /Gal. 3. 16. Rom.?. if.totheEnd. ifa.fp 10, II. • Q. How is the Grace of God manifefied in the fec$nd Covenant f A. The Grace of God is manifefted hatha fecond Covenant, in that he freely pravideth and dffereth to Sinners a Mediator t, and Life and Salvation by him u ; and requiring Faith as the Condition to intereff. thern-inhirriw; pro- mifeth and giveth his Holy Spirit x, to all his Elec-1, to work -in them that Faith y, with all other faving Graces z, and to enable them unto an holy Obedience a, as the Evidence of the Truth of their Faith b, and Thankfulnefs tif God c, and as the Way which he hath appoin- ' ted to Salvation d. t Gen. 3. « ?. Ifa. 42. 6. John 6. 27. u 1 John 5". ? 1, ia. wjohn 3. 16. & 1. 12. tfProz/. «. 23, yrCor.^t^.z Gal. ?. 21,23. a E ~^' ?6. 27, bjamesz. tS, 22. c 2 Cor. 5*. 14, xf.dEphA.io. Q_. Wo* the Covenant of Grace always admi~ r.ijlred after one and the fame Manner ? A. The Covenant of Grace was not always adminiflred after the fame Manner > but the Ad- miuiilra- 9 8 Tie Larger Catechifm. ' miniftf at ions of it under the Old Teftament were diffei ent from thofe under the New e. e iCor. 3, ,<*, 7, 8, 9. Q. How was -the Covenant of Grace admini- Jlred under th e Old Teflament ? ' A* The Covenant of Grace was'adrniniftred under trie Old Teflament by Promifes/, Prophe- cies g> Sacrifices h> Circumcifion r, the PafT- over k, and other Types and Ordinances, which did all fore-iignifie Chrifl: then to come, and were for that- time furrkient to build up the E- left in Faith in the promifed MeJJiahl, by whom they then had full RemiiTion of Sin and eternal Salvation m. f Rom. if.S.gAZlsi. *°' *4» hHeb. ro. r. iRorn.^. 1 1. k 1 Cor.? 7. lHeb.8.9, 10. chap, and 11. 13. m G^/. 3 . 7, Sj 9, 14. Q. How « the Covenant of Grace adminijlred wider the New Teflament t A. Under the New Teftament, when Chrift the Subftance was exhibited, the lame Covenant of Grace was, and ftill is to be adminiftred in the preaching of the Word 77, and the Ad mini-- flrauon of the Sacrament of Baptifm 0, and the Lord's Supper f>, in which Grace and Salvation is held forth in more Fulnefs ; Evidence, and Efficacy to all Nations 4. nMark i6.if. oMat.iS. 19, 10. p \C»r.i 1. 15,24,15". qiCor.$.6. to the End. Heb. 8.6, 10, 11. Mat. 18. 19. Q: Who it tkft Mediator of 4 he Covenant of Gract I The The Larger Catec hifnf. 99 A. The only Mediator of the Covenant of Grace, is the Lord Jeius Chriit r, who being the eternal Son of God, of one Subftance and equal with the Father/, in the Fulne fs of Time be- came Man r, and fo was, and continues to be God and Man, in two intire diftinet Natures, and one Perfon for ever ». r 1 Tim. 2 . f. (John 1.1,14 & * °- >°* ^^il. 2 . 6. t Gal. 4. 4. n Lute 1 . 3/. Rom. 9. f. Col. X. 9. Hh. \.6.Mat. 3.17. loo ihe Larger Catechifm. pie d, give his Spirit to tliem e, conquer all their Enemies/, and bring them toeverlafting Salvation g. (lTtt.1. 12, 14. e Gal. 4. 6. f Luke 1.68,69, .71, j^.gHeb.jM,^. Heb. 9. 1 1, to 16. Q. Why teas it reqtiifite that the Mediator JJjpuld be Man ? A. It was requifite that the Mediator fliould be Man, that he might advance our Nature /?, perform Obedience to the Law r, fufier, and make Intercefilon for us in our Nature h, have a Fellow-feeling of our Infirmities /, that we might receive the Adoption of Spnsw, and have Comfort and Accefs with Boldnefs unto the Throne of Graces. h Heb. 2. (6. iGal.^.4. kHe&.i.i^.Heb.j. 24, if. I Heb. a,,, ij-. mGal.$.$. nHeb.4.. \6. Q^Wty \ras it reqxijite that the Mediator fljould be Gcd and Man in.one Verfou ? A. It was requiiite that the Mediator, who was to reconcile God and Mom fliould himfdf be •both God end Nzn, and ttiis in one Perfon,that the proper Works of each Nature might be acr cepted of God for us 0, and relied on by us, as the Works of the Whole Ferfon p. oMat. 1. 2-r, 13.^3. iJ.Heb.9. 14. pi Vtt. Q; Why wcistmr Mediator called Jefas > A. Our Mediator was called Jefus, becaufe he he faveth his People from their Sins q. ' q Mat. 1 . 21. Q. Why was cur Mediator called Chrifi ? A. Our 7 he Larger Catechifrn. 101 A. Our Mediator was called Chrift, becaufe he was anointed with the Holy Ghoft above meafure r, and fo fet apart, and fully furnifhed ;with all Authority and Ability/, to execute the Offices of Prophet f, Prieft «, and King of his Church v>, in the Eftate both of his Humilia- tion and Exaltation. r Jebn 5. ?4- rjal. 45-7- f John 6,-vj. Mat. t8. 18, 39, pp. t ARs 3. zt r %% Lul^e 4.18,11 u H^. s- 5» 6. 7. is" 4- i4» *5« » ^- S* 6 « A^<»f. - 1 ' 5. #«. S>.' 6 7. Wif. a. 6, to 11. Q. Jffrw /£ C&nj? execute the Office ef a, Prophet ? A . Chrift executeth the Oifice of a Prophet, in his revealing to the Church #, in all Ages, by his Spirit and Word^, in divers Ways of Ad- ministration z y the whqle Will of God a, in all things concerning their Edification and Salva- tion b. x John 1.18.^ 1 ?et. 1. \o,to 15. * Heb. 1. 1 ,2. a John if. if. b Acfs 29, jz. Eph.$. ii, to 14. /^w 20. 31. Q. Haw //> C/;r/tf Execute the Office of a Trie/i ? A. Chrift executeth the Office of a Prieft ir his once offering himfelf a Sacrifice without Spot to God r, to be a Reconciliation for the Sins of his People i5) 16. Ija- cs. 4, 5. Gen. 49. jo, Tfal ^ IO - 3- g Epk- 4- J i }-■ * Cox- 1 a. ^b. b Ija. 33. zt, 1 Mat if. 17.1 ffi. 1 0\ 5.-4' 5- ^i4flf 5- ,1- iRfti. 2a 1 a. Fw. t. 10. *r\ jfiaw. ?• 19- n //*• Gg- 9 01 Cor. r§. c.5. F/i/. 1 10. throughout, p Rom. 14. 1 3, 1 1. qRom. $, sb. r 2 7^.1.8, i,. /yi/. 2. 8, 9 Q. What was theEfiateofCbrijl's Eumiliati- 0*? ^f. Trie. Eftate of Chrift's Humiliation wi.-, that low Condition wherein he, for our fakes, emptying himfelf of his Glory, took upon him the Form of a Servant in his Conception and Birth., Life, Death, and after his Death until the P^efurredion /. [Pbil.z.6,7, 8. Lukei^i. iCor.S.y.Atis %. 14. Q. How did Chrift bumble himfelf in his Conten- tion and Birth ? A. ChriO: humbled himfelf in his Concepti- on and Birth, in that being from all Eternity the Son of God j in the Bofam of the Father, he y/as pleafed in the FuJnefs of Time to become f "the 7 be Larger Catecbifm. 103 the Son of Man, made of a Woman of alow Eftate, and to be born of her, with divers Cir- cumstances of more than ordinary Abafements t. tfohn 1. 14, 18. Gal. 4. 4. Luke 2.7. Q. Hoxo did Chrift bumble himfelfin hit Life ? A. Chrift humbied himfelf in his Life, by fubje&ing himfelf to the Law u, which he per- fectly fulfilled v>, and by conflicting with the Indignities of the World x y Temptations of Sa- tan^, and Infirmities in his Flefh, whether common ro the Nature of Man, or particular- ly accompanying that his low Condition z.. uGal.+.q. v> Mat.f. 17. Rom.f. 10. x Pfal. %%.6,Heb. iz.x.i.y Mat. 4. 1, to 12. Luke 4. 12. zHeb.z. 17, 18. ^4. x S^f A 'S r ' x 3> , 4- Q. How did Chrift bumble himfelfin hit Death ? A. Chrift humbled himfelf in his Death in that having been betrayed by Jtdas a y forfaken by his Difciples by icorned and rejected by the World c, condemned by Pilate, and tormented by his Perfecutors d 5 having alfo conflicted with the Terrors of Death, and the Powers of Darknefs, felt and born the Weight of God's Wrath e, he laid down his Life an Offering for Sin, enduring the painful, fhameful, and curfed Death of the Crois^. a Mat. 17, 4. bMat. 16, f6. c Ifa. 5-2. 2, 5. dMat.ij. z6* to fo. John 19.34. e Luke n. 4$,Mat. 27,46. / Ifa. $ 3. 10. gfhil.z,%.Htb, 12. 2. Gal. 3. 13. Q. Wherein eonftfteth Chrift' s Humiliation after hn Death ? A. Chrift's 104 Ike Larger Catechifm. A. Chrift's Humiliation after his Death con- firmed in his being buried b, and continuing in the Srate of the Dead, and under the Power of Death till the third Day i : which hath been o- therwaysexprefled in thefe Words, Hedefcend- ed into Hell. h i Con \$. 3, 4. i Tfal. 16. 10. withAfts 1. 24,, to 18," 31. Rom. 6. 9. Mat. 12.40. Q. What was the Eftatt of Chrift's Exaltation ? A. The Eftate of Chrift's Exaltation compre- hendeth his Rcfurrection k, Afcenfion /, lifting at the right Hand of the Father m, and his com- ing again to judge the World n. k 1 Cor. 15-. 4. / Mark 16. 19. mfyb. 1. 20. n Acfs 1. r i. ty> 17, 3 K Q. How wasChrift exaltsdin his Refurrtclio n ? A. Chrift was exalted in his Refurrection in that, not having feen Corruption in Death, of which it was impoflible for him to be held o, and having the very fame Body in which he fuffered, with the eflential Properties thereof/*, but without Mortality, and other common In- firmities belonging to this Life, really united to his Soul q \ he rofe again from the Dead the third Day by his own Power r, whereby he de- clared himfelf to be the Son of God /, to have Satisfied divine Juftice t y to have vanquifhed Death and him that had the Power of it », and to be Lord of Quick and Dead w. All which oABst. 24, 27. pLuke 24. 39. qRcm.6.9. Rev. 1. 18. rjohn 10. iS./Rom. 1.4. tRom. 8. 34. uHeb. 2. 14. w Rom. 14. o. ~ / The Larger Catechifm. i o f which he did as a publick Perfbn a;, the Head of his Church y, for their Juftification z, quick- ping in Grace a, Support againft Enemies b, and to allure them of their Refurre&ion from the De.;d at the laft Day c,. i tk i Cor. 15.11,11. yEpkef. i.io,zi,i$.Col. 1. iS. £Rom. 4. if. aEpb.i. 1, f, 6.Col.%. 12. b 1 Cor. if. if, to 18. c 1 Cor. 1 f. 20. Q. How w*w C^ri/? exalte J in his Afcenfion ? «4; Chrift was exalted in his Afceniion, in that having after his Refurreftion often appeared un- to, and converfed with his Apoftles, fpeaking to them of the Things pertaining to the King- dom of God d, and giving them Commiilioh to preach the Gofpel to all Nations e : Forty Days arte: his Refurre&ion, he in our Nature > andfi-s-Gur Head/, triumphing -over Enemies g, vifihly went up into the higheft Heavens, there to receive Gifts for Men h, to raifeup our Af- fe£tions thither i, and to preparea Place for us k, where himfelf is, and fhall continue till his fe- cond coming at the End of the World I. dABs 1.1,5. e Mat. 28. 19, 10. fHeb. 6. so, gTLph.Af. S.hAffs 1.9, ro, ir.Eph.4.. 10. Pfal, 62. 18. iCol.'^.i, Lkfohni^.l Atis $.11. Q. How is drift exalted m his fitting at the T'ght Hand of God ? A. Chrift is exalted ip his fittingat the right Hand of God j in that as God-man he is advan- ced to the highefl: Favour with God the Fa- ther m, with all Fulnefs of Joy », Glory 0, and Power m Fbil 2. ?.n A8t z.zS.mtbPf. 16. u.ojcbn ty, $'. io6 Ike Larger. Cat echifm. Power over all Things in Heaven and Earth p t and doth gather and defend his Church, and fubdue their Enemies, furnilieth his Minifters and People with Girts and Graces q, and maketh Interceifion for them r. - pEph. 1. 22. i.Pf/. 3. 22. qEph;^. 10, 1 r, 12. Tfrl. 1 io; throughout. rRom.S. 34. Q. How doth Chrift make Inter cejfton ? A. Chrift maketh Interceffion by his appear- ing in our Nature continually before the Fa- ther in Heaven /, in the Merit of his Obedience and Sacrifice on Earth t, declaring his Will to have it applied to all Believers «, anfwering all Accufations againft them tv, procuring for them quiet of Conference, notwithftanding daily fail- ings x, Accefs with Boldnefs to the Throne of Grace y y and Acceptance of their Perfons z, and Services a. fHeb. 9. i'i, 24. tHeb. 1. 3. ujohn 3. 16. & 17. 9,20, 24. tv Rom. 8.23, 34. xRom.f. 1, 2. \John 2. 1, 2. y Heb. 4. 16. z,Eph. \,6. * 1 Pet.i. 5% Q. How U Chrift to be exulted in hit coming again to judge the World ? A. Chrift is- to be exalted in his coming a- gain to judge the World, in that he who was unjuftiy judged and condemned by wicked Men b y fhail come; again at the laft Day. in great Power c, and in the full Manifeftation of his own Glory and of his Father's, with all his b Acis 3, 14, iy. c Mat. 24. 30. The Larger Catechifm. 107 his holy Angels d, with a Shout, with the Voice of the Arch-Angel, and with the Trumpet of God e y to judge the World in Righteoumefs/. dLuke 9. 26. Mat. if. 3 1. e 1 The([. 4. \6. f A8s 17.51. Q. Jjpfefr Benefits hath Chrift 'procured by his Mediation > A. Chrift by his Mediation hath procured Redemption g, with all other Benefits of the Covenant of Grace h. ' ' g Heb. 9. 12. h z Cor. I. 20. Q. iftny , be they never fo deligent to frame their lives according to the Light of Nature q, or the Law of that Reli- gion which they profefs r ; neither is there Salvation in any other, but in Chriit alone /, who is the Saviour only of his Body the Church t. nRom. 10. 14. otTksJf. ». S, 9. tph. 2. n. John i. 10, to 1.3. pjohn S. 24. Mark 16. 16. g 1 Cor, Uio.zi.rjohn^. 22. Rom. 2. 31,31. P&Z. 3 . 4, /o 1 o.fUcts 4. 12./ £/£. y. 2 ;. .-Qj .^rg a# they faved who hear the Geff el and live in the Church ? ^f. All that hear the Gofpel, and live in the vifible Church, are not faved, but they only who are true Members of the Church in vifible u . tijohn 12.38,39,40. Rom. 9, 6. Mat. 22 14. & 7- -*• Rom. 11. 7. Q. JFr£0* if the vifible Church ? -rf. The vifible. Church is a Society madeup of all fuch as in all Ages.and Places of the World do profefs the true Religion ■», and of theiir Children x. vf> 1 Cor.i. 2, iffji. it. Horn. j\. 9. t» 1?. Rfv. 7. *?. T/d/. z: 8. '15 22. t 7 , to ?2. ^ 45. 17- Mat. 28. 19, 20. //a. S9 . zr . xx Cot. 7. 14. A8s 2. 39. Rom. 1 r\ 16: Gen. i-7. y] Q; What are the fpecial 'Privileges of *the vifible Church ? A. The vifible Church hath the Privilege of being under God's fpecial Care and Govern- ment 7 he Larger Catechifm. 109 ment y, of being protected and preferved in all Ages, notwithstanding the Oppofitionof all E- nemies z,, and of enjoying the Communion - of Saints, the ordinary Means of Salvation a, Offers of Grace by Chrift to all the Members of it in the Miniftryof the Gofpel, teftifying that whofoe- ver believes in him fliall be faved£, andexclud* ing none that will come unto him c. yjfa.^..f y 6.\ Tim. 4.10. z,-Tfal.i if. through- out. If*. 31. 4, f.Zech. 12. 2, 3,4,8, y.aAtfs 1. 39, \i.bEfal 147.19, 20. Rom. y.^.Epht 4. ii,i2. Mark \6.if t i6 t cjohn 6. 3 7. Q. What is the invifible Church ? A. The. vnvifible Church is the whole Num- ber of the Eled, that have been, are or fhall be gathered into one, under Chrift the Head . 3.4,?. Epb. z. 4*, 5, 7. 8, 9. Rom. 9- n. IzCor.s* zo. mtbcbap.6. 1,2. John 6. 44. zTbeff. z. 13, 14. to ABs 26.18. 1 Cor. 2.10,12. n Ezel^ 1 i*i9- f to 36. 26, zy . John*. 45. Epb. z. 5. Pbil.z. 13. Deut. 30. 6. Q; ^rs /Ae £/, altho others may be and often are ; outwardly called by the Miniftry of the Word q-i and have ibme common Operations of the Spi- rit r, who for their wilful Neglect and Contempt of the Grace offered to them, being juftly left in their Unbelief, do never truly come to Jefus Chrift/. pAcis 13.4s. tjMat. 22. 14. r Mat. 7.11. & 13. 10, i\.Heb. 6. ^5. (John 1:. 3S, 39, 40. Acls zS. 2/, 26, 27. John 6. 6^6j. Ffal. 81. 1.1, 11. Q. What it the Communion in Grace which the Members of the invisible Church have with Chrifl ? A. The 7 he Larger Catei ujm. 131 Q. What are the Duties required in the fecond Commandment ? A. The Duties required in the fecond Com- mandment, are the receiving, obferving, and keeping pure and entire all fuch religious Wor- ships and Ordinances as God hath inftitnted in his Word 0, particularly Pra>er and Thankfgiv- ing in the Name of Chnft p, the reading, preach- ing, and hearing the Word q, the Adminiftration and receiving of the Sacraments r, Church- Government and Difcipline s, the Minifiryand •Maintenance thereof t, religious Fallings u y fwearing by the Name of God w, and vow- ing unto him x, as alfo the dilapproving, de- tefting, oppofing all falfe Worfhip_y, and accord- ing to each ones Place and Calling, removing it, and all-Monuments of Idolatry z. oDeut. 32.46,47. Mat. 28.20. ABs z. 42. 1 Tim. 6. 13, 14, p Phil. 4. 6. Epb. 5. 20. qDeut. 17. 18, 19. ABs 15. zi. 2 Tim 4*2, James i.zi, zz. ABs 10, 33* rMat. 28. 19. 1 Cor. ij, 23, to ?o. sMat. j6. 15, »6, *7> & 16.19. iCtr. ?. chap. }ff 12.26. tEph.q. n» 12. 1 imj.s. 17,18. j Car. 9. 7. .10 15. ujoeli. 12, 13* 1 Car. 7. 5. vDeut, 6. 13. * #2*. 19. 21. Pfal.76. Si. y ABs 17 t i6ji7. Fjal. 16 4. zDeut. 7. $. Jfa. zc.zz* Q_ JT/?#* * re th^Sins forbidden in the fecond Commandment ? ^. The Sins forbidden in the fecond Com- mandment, are, all devifing a, counfelling b t commanding c t ufing d, and any ways approv- ing any religious Worlhip not inftituted by Goi him- a Kumb. 15. 39- BDei.. 13. 6, 7> 8. Cllof. 5., jt t 3flSti $. iS. df 1 K//7gj 11, 33. ^)T ia. 33. j I 7 fie Larger Catechifm. himfelf e ; tolerating a falfe Religion /, the mak- ing any Reprefentation of God, of all, or of any of the three Perfons,either inwardly in our Mind, or outwardly in any kind of Image, or likcwife of any Creature whatfoever g, all worfhipping of it h, or God in it, or by it i, the making of feigned Deities k, and all Worfhip of them, or Service belonging to them /, all fuperftiti- ous Devices m, corrupting the Worfhip of God n, adding to it, or taking from it o, whether inven- ted and 'taken up of ourfelves p, or received by Tradition from others q, tho under the Title of Antiquity r, Cuftom s, Devotion t, good In* tent,. or any other Pretence whatfoever u, Si- mony re, Sacrilege x, all Neglect y, Contempt z, hindering a, and oppoiing the Worfhip and Or- dinances which God hath appointed b. e Deut. iz. 3°> ?i, 32. fDeuc.iz,, 6, toiz. Zecb.*i, z, $. Rev.z. z, T4,ix,,zo. fo ij. iz, 16, ij.gDeut. 4. 1?, to 19. ABs 17. 29. Kan. j. zi, 22, 23, zz.b Dan. 3. 1 8. Gal. 4. »• * £*«*• S-. 5; k Exed. 32. 8. 1 1 ti'rngs 18.26* 28. ]fa. 6s. 11. m ABs 17. 22. Coh , 23- n Mai. 1.7, 8, 14. aDeut. 4. a. pPfali ic6. 39-. ^ Mat. ic. 9. r 1 /> A$s 8. -18, ^.2 Row. 2. ;i A1W.3. 8. y £^.4.24, - c i -6* £ Ma;, 22.5. A^/. 1. 7, 13. a Mat.zf.iz. b A8s'.$. 44,45-. 1 Theft, z. 1?, 1 6., Q. What are the Reafons annexed te the fee on 4 Commandment, the more to enforce it ? A. The Reafons annexed to the fecondCcjm- Tnandrnent, the more to enforce it, contained in ifftffe Words [ Tor I the Lord thy God apt a jeal- ous God, vtftinrthetniqttitiesef the father /% The Larger Catechifm. 1.3 3. on the Children, mto the third and fourth Gene- ration y of them tbfikbtte me ; and f jewing Mercy, unto thoufwds of them that love me, and keep my Commandments c, j are beiides God's Spve- reignty over us, and 'Property in us d, his fer- vent Zeal for his own Worfhip e, and his re- yengeful Indignation againft all talfe Worfhip, as being a fpiritual Whoredom / ; accounting the Breakers of this Commandment fuch as hate him ; and threatning to punifh them unto di- vers Generations g, and eftceming the Obfer- vers of it, fuch as love him, and keep his Com- mandments, and promihng Mercy to them un- to many Generations /; : c Exod^io.f y 6. dVfd.\<). I i.Rei/. if. 3,4. eExod.^^'ri^, 14. f 1 Cor. 10. xo, to f$.fer..j. iS, 19,20. Ezek. 16. 26, 27. Dem."$z. 16, to 20. £#0/2.2,2,4. £ Deut.f, 19. Q. Which is the third Commandment t A. The third Commandment is, Thou flialt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain : For the Lord will not hold him guiltlefs that taketh his Name in vain i. i Exod. 20. 7. Q. What is required in the third Command- ment ? A. The third Commandment requires, that the Name of God, his Titles, Attributes /?, Or- dinances /, the Word m, Sacraments n } Prayer o t H Oaths, k Mat. 6, 9. Dent. 28. 5-8. Vfal. 29,2.^68.4. Rev. 1 f. 3,4. iMal. 1.14. Eccl. f.i.m Pftl. 138, a.ni Cor, 1 1. 14, z/, 18,29, 9 iTiw.i,8. 1 34 The Larger Catechifm. Oaths p> Vows q, Lots r, his Works j, and what- fbever elfe there is whereby he makes himfeltT known, be h'olily and reverently ufed in Thought t, Meditation «, Word tf, Writing x, by an ho- ly Profemon y-, and anfwerable Converfation z, to the Glory of God a, and the Good of* our felves 6, and others <:. p Jer. 4. a . fl Jftjfl! J\ 2, 4, f , 6. r Atts 1 . 24, 26*. sjob 36. 24. f Ma/. 5.16. « Pfal. 8, through- out. WC0/.3. 17. Pfal. io£. 2,5-. #P/#/. i'oi. 18. ^ 1 Pf/.$. 15-. Mic. 4. 5-. &PA/7. f .27. /* i Cor. 10. 31. bjer. 32. 39. c 1 Pee. 2. 17. Q. JPfcaf are the Sins forbidden in the third Commandment ? A. The Sins' forbidden in the third Command- ment are, the not uiing of God's Nome as k required d, and -the Abuie of it, in an ignorant e, vain fy. irreverent'prophane £, iuperltitious hi or wicked mentioning, or otherwife uiing his Titles, Attributes 1, Ordinances k, or Works/, by Blafphemy m, Perjury «, all iinful Curfings 0, Oaths? f, Vows q, and Lots r, violating of our Oaths and Vows, it' lawful s, and fulfilling of # them, A Hal. x.i.eActs ij.r^.fProv. 30. o. glial. i. <5, 7, ia.^» 3. *4- ^ 1 Sam. 4,. 3,4, j.Jer.j. ' 4 9> 10, 14, 3 1. Col. a"; 20, /o 23. i 2 Knag; 18. 30. 35-. Exod.f.z. Pfal. 139. 20. kPfal.fo. 16, 1 7/1 2/4. y. 1 2. w 2 Kiwfj 19. 22. Lev. 24. 11. » Zer/?. ^-.4. ^»8. 17. 1 5/jw. '7.43. 2 &»»« ^•i*- Pf er T- 7. 6*23. 10. qDeut. 23. i'8..<#fc 25. 12, 14. rJEflhc'r 3.7. ^ 9. 24. P/4/. 2Z, J 8. ;?/«/. 24.4. £**/;. 17.' 16, i&, 19. I he Larger Latecbijm. 135 them, if .qf Things unlawful t, murmuring and quarrelling at», curious prying into to, and rnif- applying of God's Decrees^, and Providences y, mifinterpreting z,, mifapptying a, or anyway perverting the Word, or any part of it b, to prophane Jefts c, curious or unprofitable Quefti- ons, vain Janglings, or the ma : ntaining of falie Dodrjnes d, abufing it, the> Creatures, or any Thing contained under the Name of God, to Charms e y or finful Lufts and Practices f, the maligning £, fcorning h, reviling/, or any ways oppoiing of God's Truth, Grace and Ways k ; making Profeflion of Religion in Hypocrify, or for unifier Ends / ; being afhamed of it nt y or Shame to it, by uncomfortable ?;, unwile 0, unfruitful/), and offenfive walking q, or back- Hiding from it r. H 2 Q. What t Mark 6. 16, 1 Sam. 1?. 22, 32, 33, 34. » Rom. 9. 14, 19, io. to Deut. 29.29. x Rom. 3, S7-& 6. i.yZcclef. 8. 11. & 9. 3. T/al. 39, throughout, z Mat. f.i\>to the erj. a Ezek. 1 3 . 22. b 2 Pet. 3. 16. Mat. 22. 24, to 3 1. clfa.iz. '3. Jer. 23. 34, 36, 38. "> 2 4- ^ith 3. 15. Q. Which is the fourth Commandment t A. The fourth Commandment is, Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, fix Days /halt thou, labour, and do all thy Work, but the feventb Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: In it thou fialt not do any Work, thou, nor thy Son, nor thy DaugJ. ter, thy Man-fervant, nor thy Maid- fervant, nor thy Cattel, nor the Stranger that is within thy Gates •■, for in fix Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is, and refled the feventh Day, -wherefore the Lord blejfed the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it x. X Exod. 20. 8, fo 1 1. Q. What is required in the fourth Command- ment ? A. The The Larger Catechijm. 137 A . The fourth Commandment requii eth of all Mcnthefanctifying, or keeping holy to God, fuch fet times as he hath appointed in his Word, exprefly one whole Day in feveh, which was the feventh from the beginning of the World to the Refurreclion of Chrift, and the firft Day of the Week ever fince, and fo to continue to the End of the World, which is the Chriftian Sabbath ^y, and in the New Teftament called the the Lord's Day z. y Dfiit. f. 12, 13, 14. Gen. 2. 2, 3. 1 Cor. 16. 1, 2. A&s 20. 7. Mat. J. 17, 18. Jfa. f6. 2, 4,6, 7. zRev. 1. 10. Q. How is the Sabbath* or Lord's-day to be fanciified ? A. The Sabbath or Lord's-day is to be fan- ctified by an holy reftingall the Day a, not on- ly from fuch Works as are at all times iinful, but even from fuch worldly Employments and Re- creations as are on o.her Days lawful b, and making it our Delight to fpendthe whole Time (except fo much of it as is to be taken up in Works of Neceflity and Mercy c.) in the pub- lick and private Exercife of God's Wormip*/: And to that end we are to prepare our Heart?, and with fuch Forefight, Diligence, and Mode- ration to difpofe and feafonably to difpatch our H 3 worldly aUxod. 20. 8, lo.bExod. \6.zf,toiS. Neh. 13. 15-, to 22.fer. 17. 21,22. c Mat, 12. 1, to 12. d Ifa. 5*8. 15. Luke 4. 16. Acts 20. 7. 1 Cor. 16. i, 2. Ffal, 92. Title. Jfa. 66. 23, Lev. 23. 3. 138 The Larger Catecbifm. worldly Bunnefs, that we may be the more free jj and fit for the Duties of that Day e. e Exod. 20. 8. Luke 23, 5-4,5-6. Exod. 16". 22, 25-. 26, 29. Neb. 13. 19. Q. J^fcy ft the Charge of keeping the Sabbath •more efpecially dirtied to Governor s of Families and other Superiors ? A. The Charge of keeping the Sabbath is more efpecially directed to Governors of Fami- lies and other Seperiors, becaufe they are bound not only to keep it thcmfelves, but to fee that it be obferved by all thoie that are under their Charge, and becaufe they are prone oft times to hinder them with Employments of their own/. / Exod. 20. 10. Jofli. 24. 15-. Neh. 13. ifi 17. Jer. 17. 20, to 22. Exod. zj. «2. Q. What are the Sins for bidden in the fourth Commandment ? A. The Sins forbidden in the fourth Com- mandment, are, all Omiflions of the Duties re- quired g, all carelefs, negligent and unprofit- able performing of them, and being weary of them h' 9 all prophaning the Day by Idlcnefs, and doing that which is in itfelf finful i ; and by all neediefs Works, Words, and -Thoughts about our worldly Employments and Recreations k. gEzeh. 11. 16. h Acts zo. j y 9. Ezek '.-$!. 30, to 33. Amos 8. 5*. Mai. 1. 13. i Ezek. 23. |o. kjer. 17. 24, i7 . jfa. 5-8. 13. Q; What are the Reafons annexed to the fourth Commandment, themort to enforce itl A. The tfie Larger Catechifm. 1 39 A. The Reafons annexed to the fourth Com- mandment, the more to enforce it, are taken from the Equity of it, God allowing us fix Days of feven for our own Affairs, and referving but one for himfelf, in thefe Words [ Six Days /halt thou labour and do all thy Work I ] from God's challenging a fpecial Propriety in that Day, £ The/eventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God m j from the Example of God, who in fix Days made Heaven andEarthy theSeaandall that in them is y and refted thefeventh Day : And from thatBlefling which God put upon that Day, not only in fan&ifying it to be a Day for his Service, but in ordaining it to be a means of Bleifing to us in our fanttifying it} [Where- fore the Lord bleffed the Sabbath-day and hai- letoed it n.] / Exod. 10. 9. m Exod. 20. io.nExod.io.it, Q. Why U the Word ( remember ) fet in the beginning of the fourth Commandment ? A. The Word {remember) is fet in the begin- ning of the fourth Commandment 0, partly be- eaufe of the great Benefit of remembring it; we being thereby helped in our Preparation to keep it p, and in keeping it, better to keep all the reft of the Commandments . 49, 23 Q_. Why are Superiors fliled Father and Mother ? A. Superiors are ftiled Father and Mother, both to teach them in all Duties towards their Inferiors, like natural Parents, to exprefs Love and Tendernefs to them, according to their fe- veral Relations h, and to work Inferiors to a greater Willingnefsand Cheerfulnefs in perform- ing their Duties to their Superiors as to their Pa- rents i. h Epk.6.4. 1 Cor. 12. 14. 1 Thejf. 1. 7, 8, 1 1. Numb. 11. 1 1, 12. 1 1 Cor. 4. 14, 1 j*, 16. 2 Kings?. 13. Q. What is the general Scope of the. fifthCom-- mandment ? A The general Scope of the fifth Command- ment, is, the Performance of thofe Dirties which we mutually owe in our Several Relations, as Inferiors, Superiors, Equals k. k Eph. f . 2 1 . i Pet. 2. 1 7. Rom. r 2. 10. Q. What is the Honour that Inferiors owe to their Superiors* A. The ij\.i 7 be Larger Catechifm. A. The Honour which Inferiors owe to their Superiors, is all due Reverence in Heart/, Word m, and Behavior w, Prayer and Thankfgiving for them o, Imitation of their Virtues and Gra- ces p; willing Obedience to their lawful Com- mands and Counfels q y due SubmiiTion to their Corrections r, Fidelity to s, Defence?, and Main- tenance of their Perfortsand Authority, accord- ing to their feveral Ranks, and the Nature of their Places u, bearing with their Infirmities, and covering them in Love w>, thatfo they may be an honour to them and to their Govern- ment x. 1 Mat. j. 6. Lev. 19 3. m?r$v.n.z$. 1 Vtt. ?.A nLev.'io. ?.. 1 Kings *. 19. 1 Tim. z. 1, -• pHcb. 1?. 7. Phil. ?. 17. q Epb, 6. 1, to 7. 1 Vet. z. is>J4- Rom.-Ui. J, to s.htb is. 17. Vrov. 4. 3, 4. \$z$.zz. Exbi. 18. 19, 24. rfitb. 12.9. 1 Pel. 2. Jb, T9, zc. sTit. z. 9^ 10. 1 1 Stf*it'26.j5. zSam. 18. g. Ejlbert. z. u Mat. 2;, 2i. Rtfm. 1?. 6, 7. 1 P?f. ?. 17* lt« Gcj/. 6.-6.' G*n. 45. 11.^747. 12. j»i P provoking them to Wrath », or any way dishonouring themfelves or leflening their Authority, by any unjuft, indifcreet, rigorous or remifs Behaviour o. b Phil. i. 2 \.c Johnf./M&j. 18.dlfa.f6. 10, « i.Deut. 17. 17. eDan, 3.4, f f 6.Acls^. 17, \%.fExod. f. 10, to 1.8. Mat. 23. 1,4. I Mat. 14.8. with Mark 6.24. hi Sam. 12^28. i 1 Sam. 3 . 1 3 . k John 7. 46, to 49. Col. 3.21. Exod.f. if. 1 1 Fet.x.iS, 19, 20. Heb. 12. 10. Deut. 27. %.m Gen. 38. 11, 26. Afts 18. 17. nEph. 6.4. oGen. 9. 21. 1 Ki^ 12. 13, to \6. 1 Kings 1 . 6". 1 Sam. a. 29, 30, 31. Q. What are the Duties of Equals ? A. The Duties of Equals are to regard the Dignity and Worth of each other />, in giving Honour to go one before another q 3 and to re- joice in each others Gifts and Advancements as in their own r. p 1 Vet. 2. 17. qRom. 12. 10. r Rom. 12. .iy, 16. Mil. 2. 3, 4. Q. What are the Sins of Equals t * > The Sins of Equals are beiide the neglect duties required s, the undervaluing of the 15 \ 13. 8. Worth, TJoe Larger Catechifml 145 Worth *, envying the Gifts u, grieving at the Advancement or Profperity one of another w % and ufurping Pre-eminence one over another x. tzTtm.$. ^.uABsj.<). Gd.?.z6.T»Nutn; u. i.Efth. 6. 11, 12. x %Johnvy. Luke 22. 24." Q_. What is the Reafon annexed to the fifth, Commandment, the more to enforce it ? A. The Reafon annexed to the fifth Com-' mandment, in thefe Words, {That thy Days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee y ) is an exprefs Promife of long Life and Profperity, as far as it fhall ferve for God's Glory, and their own Good, to all fuch as keer* this Commandment *. y Exod. 2©. !2. x Deut. f. 16. 1 Kings $1 if. Eph.6. 2,3. Q. Which is the fixth Commnndmm ? A. The iixth Commandment is, Thou fhdt not hill a. a Exok. 20. 12; Q. What are the Duties required ht the fixth Commandment ? A. The Duties required in the fixth Com- mandment, are, all careful Studies, and lawful Endeavours to preferve the Life of ourfelves b± and others c, by refitting all Thoughts and Pur- pofes d, fubduing all Pafikms e, and avoiding^ all Occafions f, Temptations g, and Practices, which tend to the unjuft taking away of the I Life hEph. 5.-3, ^9. ci Kings iS. 4. d 7er. 16. x^ *£. /.3s 23.1a, 16,17, ir, zy.'eEpb.^.zG, -.•..-. fiSam. z.- 5». Vsu;,i~ t 8, g Afar, 4. 6, r- from u 10, 11,15, »*. )i^6 7 he Larger Catechifm. Life of any h : by juft Defence thereof againft: Violence i, patient bearing of the Hand of God k, Quietnefs of Mind /, Chearfulnefs of Spirit m, a lbber Ufe of Meat », Drink o, Phyfick />, Sleep q, Labour r, and Recreations s: by cha- ritable Thoughts t, Love u, Compaffion w, Meeknefs, Gentlenefs, Kindnefs x peaceable y, inild and courteous Speeches and Behaviour z, 3 Forbearance, Readinefs to be reconciled $ patient bearing and forgiving of Injuries, and requiting Good tor Evil a : comforting and fuccouring the DiftrefTed and prote&ing and defending the Innocent b. b t Sam. zft. 12. 1 Sam. z6. 9, to 12. Gen. 37. 21, 22. iPful. 82.4. Prov. 24. 11, 12. 1 Sam. 14.45. \James 5. 7> to 11. Heb.yz. 9. / 1 Thejf. 4. ii* 1 Pet. $.'4* P/d* 37.8, to 11. mProv. 17. 22. nPro%. 25. 16, 27. 01 Tim.z. 23. p J/ 5« \st zz ' r 3> x 4* «R*«»« x 3' *o. vZfi^eio. s?, 34, 35. xCol. 3. is, 13. y James 3. 17. « 1 P*f. 3- 8, to 11. Prov. 15. 1. 7«4g. 8. i, a, ?. <3 Mat. «;. 24. Efibet 4. 2, 3a. Rem. 12. 17, 20, si. 6 i Tbejf. 5. 14. Jc5 31.19,20. Mrff.ss. 35, 36. Pr0*. 31. 8, 9. Q. What are the Sins forbidden in the fixth Commandment ? JL. The Sins forbidden in the fixth Command- ment, are.all taking away the Life of ourfelves c t or of others d, except in cafe of publick Juf- rice e, lawful War f, or neceflary Defence £, the neglecting or withdrawing the lawful and ne- celTary cAttsi6.i§.dGen.c>.6.eNHmb.3r.3i,l3' fjer. 48. i6.Dem. iQth Ghfifrz&tfA *?• h. 3 : The Larger Catechifm. 147 ceflary Means of Prefervation of Life h, finful Anger i Hatred fc" Envy /, Defire of Revenge m, all excefTive PafTions n, diftra&ing Cares 0, im- moderate Ufe of Meat, Drink p, Labour q, and Recreations r, provoking Words s, Opprefli- on f, quarreling u, flriking, wounding w, and whatfoever elie tends to the Deftruction of the Life of any x. h'Mat. 17.41, 4*. James 1. 15-, \6.Eccl.6. 1,2. »M^. 5*. 22. /? \ John 1. if .Lev. 19. 17. IVrov. 14.30. mRom. 12. 19. nEpbef. 4. 31. *Ma*. 6. 31, 34. />£«&* 21. 34. Row. 13. 13. qEcclef. 11. n. &i. ii y i$. rlfa. f. 11. sTrov. 1 5-. i.$» t*. 1 8- * £*,*&. 18. 18. e#0//. 1. 14. ttGal.f.if. Pr^.23.29. wNum. 35-. 16, 17, 18, ii. # £.roi. 21. 18. to the end. (^ Which is the feventh Commandment? A. The feventh Commandment is, Thou JJjalt not commit Adultery y. y Exod. 20. 14. Q. What are the Duties required in the feventh Commandment ? A. The Duties required in the feventh Com- mandment, are, Chaftity in Body, Mind, Affecli- on z, Words a, and Behaviour b> and the Prefer- ration of it in ourfelves and others c, Watchful- nefs over the Eyes, and all the Senfes d, Tempe- rance e 3 keeping of chafie Company/, Mode- % in Apparel^, Marriage by thole that have not I 2 the •t 1 Theff.\. 4. Job 31. 1, 1 C&r. 7. 34. aCol 4. ( b\?et.%.i.c\ Cor.7.-2,y,,i6.dJobv. i.e d8s? Hi 25- fProv. 2. 1 6, to 20, g I Tim. 3- 9. i 48 Ihe Layger Catechifm. the Gift of Continency /?, conjugal Lovei, and Cohabitation k : diligent Labour in our Callings /, fhunning all Occafions o£ Uncleannefs, and re- lifting Temptations thereunto m. b 1 Cor.-;. l^.tFrov.?. 19, 20. k 1 P^.3.7. lProv.31.il, i-j,i$.tnFrov.f. 8. Gen. 39. 8, 5?. 10. Q. What are the Sins forbidden inthefeventh Command??ient ? 'A. The Sins forbidden in the feventh Com- mandment, beiides the negledb of the Duties re- quired n 5 arc, Adultery, Fornication 0, Rape, Iriceft p, Sodomy, and all unnatural Lulls u, all unclean Imaginations, Thoughts, Purpofes and AfFedlions r, all corrupt or filthy Communica- tions, or liftening thereunto s : wanton Looks/-, impudent or light Behaviour, immodeft- Appar- el #, prohibiting of lawful b\ and difpenfing with unlawful Marriages x, allowing, tolerat- ing, keeping of Stews, and reforting to them^j intangling Vows of fingle Life «, undue Delay of Marriage a, having more Wires or Husbands than one at the fame time b \ unjuft Divorce c, ©r Defertion d : Idlenefs, Gluttony, Drunken- nefs, « Prev. 5. 7. 'i Hd\ 13. 4- Gal. «». 19* P 2 Sam.i^ 14- I Cor. 5. r. «? Raw. 1.24,26, 27. Lev. ',0 15,16- v Afct. 5. ;S & 1 s. ip. C W V- lO, II. «i Ct?T. 7. 7, $> 9. Gf». 38. 26- , 1 5-. /tor. ip *?iUd- & J 6. M#. 5.32.. 12, I}, The Larger Catechifm. , 149 nefs e, unchafte Company/^ lafcivious Songs, Books, Pi&ures, Dancings, Stage- Plays g, and all other Provocations to, or Adls of Unclean- nefs, either in our felves or others h. eEzek. i6.^.frov. 23. 20, ft? 33./ Gen. 39. 10. Trov.y. 8. g Eph. 5*. 4. Ezeh. 23. 14,^0 17. Jfa. 23. 1 JV018. £5 3. 16. Mark 6. zz.Rom. 13. 13. 1 P^.4. 3. /; 2 Kings 9. 30. with Jer. 4.30. Ez,ek. 23. 40. ■ Q. Which is the eight Commandment ? A. The eight Commandment is, Thou fialt not fie, il i. 1 Exodv 20. if. Q. What are the Duties required in f he eighth Commandment ? -^. The Duties required in the eighth Com- mandment, are, Truth, Faithfulnefs, and Juftice in Contracts, and Commerce between Man and Man k, rendring to every one his Due/; Refti- tution of Goods unlawfully detained from the right Owners thereof m : giving and lending free- ly, according to our Abilities, and the Neceili- ties of others n : Moderation of our Judgments, Wills, and Affections, concerning worldly Goods o\ a provident Care and Study to get/?, keep, ufe, and difpofe thofe things which are f^-edary and convenient for the Suflentation of t ■ ' I 3 our * Pfal. rjr. t,4.Zech. 7.4, 10. & 8. 16, 17. lRom.13, 7- mLev.6.i,td6.withLuke 19. S. n Luke 6. 30,38. t John 3. 17. Eph. 4. 28. Gal. 6 - f o. 1 X/w. ^.6,fo 10. G#/. 6. 14. * 1 T/tfz. f. 8. 150 1 he Larger Catechifm* our Nature, and fuitable to our Condition q ; a lawful Calling r, and Diligence in it s j Fruga- lity, avoiding unneffary Law-futes u, and Sure- tifhip, or other like Ingagements w, and an En- deavour by all juft and lawful Means to procure, prefer ve and further the Wealth and outward E- ftate of others as well as our own x. q Trov. z-;. -3- to the end- EccL 2. 24. ^j" 3. 12, 13. 1 Tim. 6.1;, 18. Jfa. 58.1. Mat- it. B. riCor. 7.20. Gen. z. 15. if 3. i> sEpb. 4. 28. Frov. 10. 4. t John 6. lz. Frov. 2.8,2,0. « 1 Cor. 6. i, to 9. w Frov. 6. i,t*6. Pro: 11. 15. xDeut. 22.1, to 5. Ecrod. 23.4, s.Cfoi. 47.14, 20. Pfo7. 2.4. Afctf.as.33. Xe^. 25.35. Q. /#$#? are the -Sins forbidden in the eighth Commandment ? A. The Sins forbidden in the eighth Com- mandment, befide the negle£fc of the Duties re- quired y, are Theft z., Robbery a, Man- deal- ing b, and receiving any Thing that is ftolen c, fraudulent Dealing ; as likewifeldlenefsa;, Pro- digality, wafteful Gaming, and all other Ways whereby we do unduly Prejudice our own out- ward Eftate^ \ and defrauding our felves of the due Ufe and Comfort of that Eftate which God hath given us z. pVrov. 11. 16. q ASls 19. 19, 24,25*. rjob 20. 19. fames ^.4. Vrov. zi.6. sLuke n. iy. / 1 Tim. 6. f.Col. 3. 2. Vrov. 25. f. Vfal. 6t. 10. uMat. 6.2^,31,34. Ecdef.f. 12. wVfal. 73. 3. 6*37- l > 7- xxTheJf. 3. 11. Vrov. 18. 9. y Vrov. 21. 17.$* 20. 21.^ 2S. 19. zEccl; 4.8. &6. 2. iTim.f.S. Q. J^iV/? # *£* ninth Commandment ? -^. The ninth Commandment is, Thou {halt not bear falfe Witnefs again ft ihy Neighbours. a Exod. 20. 16. A. The Duties required in the ninth Com- mandment, are, the preferving and promoting of Truth between Man and Man b, and the good Name of our Neighbour, aswellas our ownr, appearing and (landing for J,and from the Heart e, I 4 fincere- b Zech. 8. \6. c % John v. 1 2. d Vrov. 3 1 . B.eVfal. i?.i. 15 & The Larger Catechifm. fincerely/, freely £, clearly h, and fully *', fpeak- ing the Truth, and only the Truth, in Matters of Judgment and Juftice k, and in all other Things whatfoever /, a charitable Efteem of our Neighbour m, loving, deliring, and rejoicing in their good Name n, forrowing for e, and co- vering of their Infirmities p, freely acknow- ledging their Gifts and Graces q> defending of their Innocency r, a ready receiving of a good Report*, and Unwiilingnefs to admit of ane- vil Report concerning them t, difcouraging Tale-bearers u, Flatterers w, and Slanderers x, love and care of our own good Name, and de- fending it when Need requireth y, keeping of lawful Promifes z, ftudying and pra&iitng of •whatfoever Things are true, honeft, lovingly, and of good Report a. f 2 Chren. 19. 9. g \Sam. 19.fyf.hJ0fh.yl 19. i iSam. 14. 18, 19, 10 kLev. 19.if.Frov. ^4.5-, if. 1 2. Cor. 1. 17, 18. Eph.^.zf.mHeb. 6. 9. 1 Cor. 13. 7. n Rom. 1. 8, 24. John 3. 4. 1 Cor.r. 4. $» 12. n.pFrov.ij.9. iFet. 4. Z.q 1 Cor. 1.4, 5*7. 2 Tim. 1.4,5-. r J Sam - 22. 14. si Cor. 12. 6, 7. f P/a/. i|-. 5. # Pr<)i/. 2^. 25. «j Frov. 16. 24, 25". a: Ffal. 10 1. f. ^ Pw, 2 2 . i jfy/.w 8 . 49. z, Ffal. 1 j. 4, f. a Phil. 4.8. Q. What are the Sins forbidden in the ninth Commandment ? A. The Sins forbidden in the ninth Com- mandment, are, all prejudicing the Truth and the good Name of our Neighbours as well as our Ihe Larger Catechifm, 153 our own b, efpecially in publick Judicature c ; giving falfe Evidence d ; fuborning falfe Wit- nefles e, wittingly appearing and pleading for an evil Caufc, out- facing and over-bearing the Truth i /pad ing u'njuft Sentence £ s calling Evil Good, and Good Evil j rewarding the Wicked according to the Work of the Righteous, and the Righteous according to the Work of the Wicked h j Forgery i, concealing the Truth, undue Silence in a juft Caule k j and holding our Peace when 1 niquity calleth for either a Reproof from our felves /, or Complaint to others m, fpeaking the Truth unfeafonably n, or malici- oufiy to a wrong End 0, or perverting it to wrong Meaning p, or in doubtful and equivocal ExpreiTions, to the Prejudice of Truth or Juft- ice q t fpeaking Untruth r, Lying s, Slandering t , Back-biting «, detracting w, Tale-bearing x, Whifpering y, fcoffing z, reviling a, rafla h, harfh c, and partial cenfuring d, mifconftruing I 5* Inten- b 1 Sam. 17. 28. z Sam. r 6 » 7.^ lev.:. i.Deut. 13. £. A*r.f <;. 3, 8, 9. 2 Titt. 4. 16. / 1 Kzi7£J 1. 6. Iw. 15. 17- ;n //2C'59- 4- nProx. 19. it. 1 i"am. 2?. 91 i°- *'£* Fp/. 5:. J, -, 3, 4. ppfat. $6.6. John2. 19. mtbLMat.'ap.Ca,6i. qGen. 3. £;.fo" z6. 7, 9. r //2/. =9. IJ. >' 1^. !';. I f. Col. ?. 9. f P/d/. ?o. 20. w F/rf/. f 5 . ? . w James 4. 1 1 . Je r. x Lev. 19. \6. y Rom. r. 29, 50. z G«i. 2i. 9. Xf'r.b G4I 4. -9. tf 1 C <$• £ Mat. 7. 3,4, 5. / Prov. 28. 13. Trov. 30. 20. Gen. 3. 12, 1?. jer.z. 35. 2 Kings 5. 2 5. Gen. 4. 9. m Gen. 9. zz. Trov. 2?. 9, jo. n Exod. 23. 1. Trov. 29. iz. p ASs 7. s6, 57* 7*6 *3- *4- ? 1 Cor. 13. 5. 1 Tim. 6. 4. r Numb. 11. z^. Mat. 21.15. j£zr<*4. 12, 13- tJer.4b.z7.ttT/al. 35« i f » ai. A&rt. 27.^8,29. vjudev.16. Ads iz. zz. x Rom. j. 31. 2 7>'/7i. 3. 3. _y 1 &hh. 2. 24. x 2 &»n. 13. 12, 13. Trov. s- 8, 9 . fcf 6. 33. Qi Which is the tenth Commandment ? ' A. The tenth Commandment is, Thou jh alt not covet thy Neighbour's Houfe, thou jhalt not covet thy Neighbour's IVfo, nor hisMan-fervant y nor Ihe Larger Catechifm. 155 nor his Maid-fervant, nor his Ox, nor his Afs y nor any Thing that is thy Neighbour's a., a Exod. 20. 17. Q. What are the Duties required in the tenth Commandment ? A. The Duties required in the tenth Com- mandment, are, fuch a full Contentment with our own Condition b y and fuch a charitable Frame of the whole Soul toward our Neigh- bour, as that all our inward Motions and Affecti- ons touching him tend unto, and further all that Good which is his c . b Heb. i$.f. 1 Tim. 6. 6. e Job 51.20. Row?: 12. ij-, P/al, 122. 7,8, 9. iTim, 1. y. Ejiher 10 ^. 1 Cor. iz.4,/0 8. Q Wh&t are the Sins forbidden in the tenth Commandment ? A. The Sins forbidden in the tenth Com* mandment, are Discontentment with our own Eftate d, envying e, and grieving at the Good of our Neighbours/, together with all inordinate Motions and ArTedlions to any thing that ig hlsg . d 1 Kings 21.4. Efiher f. 13. 1 Cor. 10. 10. e Gal. z.i6, James $. 14, \6.fVfal. 1 12.9, 10. Neh.i. 10. g Rom. 7.7, 8. ^> 13. 9. Col. 5.5*. Deut. 5*. 2 1 . Q. Is any Man able ferfettly to keep the Com- mandments of God ? A. No Man is able either of himfelf h, or by any Grace received in this Life, perfectly to keep h James 3 . i.John 1 $•'. ji. Rom. S. 3 . i Ecd. 7. zo, 1 John i.ZiiQ, Gal, $,\-[.RQm.l.i% t 19. i$6 e Ihe Larger Catiechifm. keep the Commandments of God i,but doth dai- ly break them in Thought k, Word and Deed/. k Gen. 6. 5-. & 8. 21. / Rom. 3. 9, to 21. James 3. 2, *o 13. Q. Are all Tr.ro/greJJions of the Laroof Gode- qually heinous in themfehes, and in the fight of God ? • ^f. AH TranfgrefliQns of the Law of God are not equally heinous, but fome Sins inthem- felves, and by reaibn of feverai Aggravations, are more heinous in the fight of God than others m. m John 19. 11. Ezek.S,6, 13, ij\ ijohnj. [iC.PfaLjS. 17, 32,76. Q. V/hat are thofe Aggravations that make ■ fome Sins more heinous than others ? A. Sins receive their Aggravations 1 . From the Perfons offending », if they be of riper Age o, greater Experience, or Grace p, eminent tor Profeflion 3, Gifts r, Place s, Office t % Guides to others *r,. and whofe Example is likely to be followed by others w. nJer.i.S. Job ^z. 7,9. EccL^.i^.p 1 Kings 1 1.4,9. $z&w». 12.14. 1 Cor.f. 1. r James 4. ij .Luke 12.47,48. sjer.f .$,f. tiSam. 12. 7, 8,9. Ezek. 8. 11, 12. uRom.*> 17, *0 ^j*- jpG/*/. 2. 1 1, fa 14. 2. From the Parties offended *, if immedi- ately againfl Qod y> his Attributes z, and- Wor- ship a> againft Chrift, and his Grace b, the holy Spirit, x Mat. zi. 38,39.7 1 £/*>». z. i.f.Aftsf.+. TfaL 5- 1 . 4. 2: R 15-. hZeph. 2. 8, 10, 11. Mat. 18. 6, 1 Cor. 6. 8. Re^. 17. 6. * 1 Cor. 8. 11, 12. Row. 14. 13, iy, 21. kEzek. 13. 19. 1 Cor, 8. 12. Rev. 18. 13. Mdtf.23. 15*./ 1 Tbejf.i.if, 16. Joflj. 22. 20. 3. From the Nature and Quality of th® Oflence m, if it be agaiafl the expreis Letter of the Law n, break many Commandments, coir tain in it many Sins ; if not only conceived in the Heart, but breaks forth in Words and Acti- ons/) ; fcandali^e others q> and admit of no Re- paration r ; if againft Means s t Mercies t, Judg- ments u, Light of Nature ip, Conviction of Cenicience x, publick or private Admonition y, Cen- m Vrov. 6. 3 o, to the end. n Ezra 9. 1 o, to 1 3 . 1 Rings 1 1 . 9," 1 o . Col. 3 . f. 1 Tim. 6.10. Prov. f.S,to 13. &6.$i,'$s*f0fh.j i .ii.pjfaines t, 14, if. Mat. f.n t Mich. 2. i.qMat. 18. j. Rom. 2. 23, 24.rl)e#f. 2 2.22. wirier. 2 8, 29. Prov. 6. 32, fo 36. ;M4f. 1 1 . 21, tt t^.fohn if. 22. /I/?. i» }.Deut. 32.6. uAmos^.i.toii.Jer. j. 3. wR$m. f. 26, 27. xRom. 1. 32. D#». y, 2.2. .2Vr. 3,10, u.y Prov. 19.1. 158 l7je Larger Catechifm. Ccnfures of the Church », civil Punifhments/?, and our own Prayers, Purpofes, Promifes b, Vows c, Covenants d, and Engagements to God or IVJan e, it done deliberately /, wilfully g, pre- fumptuoufly h, impudently j, boaftingly k, ma- licioufly /, frequently m, obftinatcly n, with De- light 0, Continuance p j or relapiing after Re- pentance q. z Tit. 3. 10. Mat. 18. 17. aTrav. 27. 22, Trov. 23. 35-. bpfal. 78. 34, ?o 38. ^er. 2. 20. ^er. 41. f, 6, 20, 11. cEcclef. $\ 4, 5-, 6. Prox*. 10. 25-.^ Im/. 26. 2$\* Pro^.2. 17. Ese/c. 17. 18, 19. fPfal. ^6.^.gjer.6. 16. h Numb. i$\ 30. Exod. 21.14. ijer. 3.3. Prox/. 7.13. jfeP/fc/. ji. 1. fa John v. 10. mNumb. 14. 11. nZech. 7. 11, 12. oTrov. 2. 14. pjyk. 5-7. 17. ^f^r. 34. 8, fo 11., 2 P**. 2.20,21,21. 4. From Circumftances of Time r, and Place s, if on the Lord's Day t, or other times of Di- vine Worfliip u, or immediately before w, or after thefe x, or other Helps to prevent or re- medy fuch Mifcarriagesjf ; if in Publick,or in the Prefence of others, who are thereby likely to be provoked or defiled z. r 2 Kings f. 26. s Jer. 7. 10. I/a. 26. 10. tEzek. 23. 37, to^o. ulfa. 5 8.3,4.5-. Numb, if. 6, 7. w 1 Cor. 1 1.20, 21. x Jer. 7.8.9, 10. Prov. 7. 14, 'i$\ Jo£# 13.2,7^ 30. y Ezra 9. 13, 14. z 2 Saw. 16. 22. 1 Sam. 2. 22,70 Q. What doth every Sift deferveat the Hands ofQod> A, Every The Larger Catechifm. i ^p A. Every Sin, even the leaft, being againft the Sovereignty a, Goodnefs b, and Holinefs of God c, and againft his righteous Law d, deferv- eth his Wrath and. Curie e, both in this Life /, and that which is to come^j and cannot be ex- piated, but by the Blood of Chrift h. a James z.io, if .b Exod. ao. 1,1. cHab. i. \r.Lcv. 10. 3. <£» n.44,4)-. d 1 John 2. 14 ~Rom. -j.\%. e Ephef.f. 6. Ga/. 3. 10. f Lam. 3.39. Jbe#f. 2.8. if,to the end. gMat.zp. 4.1, hHeb.y.zi. 1 Pe?. 1. 18, 19. Q. £?&*? doth God require of as that we may efcape his Wrath and Curfe, due to us by reafoti fif the TranfgreJJlon of the Law ? A. That we may efcape the Wrath and Curfq of God due to us by reafon of the Tranfgreffioii of the Law, he requireth of us Repentance tf*>' V wards God, and Faith towards our Lord Jefus Chrift i, and the diligent Ufe of the outward Means whereby Chrift communicates to us the Benefits of his Mediation k. i Acts 20. XI,. Mat. 3. 7, 8. Luke 13. 3, ^. A8s 16. 30, 31. Job 3.. 16, 18. kFrov. 2.1, to 6. & 8. 33, to the end. Q^. What are the outward Means whereby Chrifi eommmucatesto us the Benefits of his Mediation ? A. The outward and ordinary Means whereby Chrift communicates to his Church the Benefits of his Mediation, are, all his Ordinances : efpeci- ally the Word, Sacraments, and Prayer, all which are made effectual to theElecl: for their Salvation/. lMxt.lt, / 9, 2.0, Acts z, 42,46,47. Q.. How 160 The Larger Catechifm.' Q. How is theWord made effectual to Salvati- on? A. The Spirit of God maketh the reading, but especially the preaching of the Word, an effectu- al Means o+ enlightning m, convincing, and humbling Sinners n, of driving them out of themfelves, and drawing them unto Chrifto; of conforming them to his Image f, and fubduing them to his Will q, of ftrengthning them againft Temptations and Corruptions r, of building them up in Grace s, and eftabliiTiir.g their Hearts in Holinefs and Comfort through Faith unto Sal- vation t. mNeb. 8. 8. ABs 26. 18. Tj'al. 19. 8. n 1 Ccr, id. 4, :.<. 2 Cbron. 34.. 18, 19, 26, 27, 2i>. /8s 2. 57, \ ^j* 8. 27, to 39. p 2 Cor. 3. 1S. q 2 Cor. 10 4., s, '(. m.6.\j, r Mat. 4. 4.7? 10. Epb.6. 16, \7.ffal. ic. . 1 Cor. 10, 11. s Acts 20.31. 2 rira. 3. 15, 13', i : . t Rotr. 16. 25. 1 7"i;JJ' 3. 2, 10, 11, 13, R5w. 17. 1 9. Rev. 1.3. Jchnf.sy. lfa. 34. i6.z,Deut.6.6,to 10. Gen. iS. 17, 19.P/W. ;8.f,6,7. y 1 Ccr. 14. 6,9,11,12, 1^, 16, 24, 27,2.8, The Larger Catechifm. 161 Q. Hov> is the Word of God to be read} A. The holy Scriptures are to be read with an high and reverend Eileem of them z, j with a firm Pcrfuafion that they are the very Word of God a, and that he only can enable us to under- stand them b } wiih defire to know, believe, and obey the Will of God revealed in them r; with Diligence d, and Attention to the Matter and Scope of theme ; with Meditation/, Applica- tion g, Self-denial /;, and Prayer i. z Ffal.ig. 10. Neb.$.$, to to.Exod. 24. 7. zChron. 34. 27. ifa. 66. 2. a iPet. 1. 19, 2.0, 21. bLuke 24. 4$\ 2 Cor. 3. 13, to 16. cDeut. 17. 19,20. dActsi-j. 11. eActs 8.;o,2,4.L«fo! 10. z6,toig.fP/al. 1. 2.$> 1 xy.yf.gxChron. 1 34.21. hFrov.2.. f.Deut. 33. %.iProv, *•!**', to6.Vfal. up. iS.N^. S. 6,3. Q; £y w^w & ffo #W 0/ Go*/ /0 £;.f 14. iT/ky.n. Q. Hon' « the Word of God to be preached by thofe that are called thereunto ? A. They that are called to labour in the Mi- ni dry of the Word, are to preach found Doct- rine /«, diligently «, in Seafon, and out of Sea- tnTit.%, 1. 8. nAcis 18. if. ' i6z The Larger Catechifm. Seafon a, plainly />, not in the enticing Words of Man's Wifdom, but in Demonftration of the Spirit, and Power q : faithfully r i making known the whole Counfel of God s , wifely t, applying themfelves to the NecefTities and Ca- pacities of the Hearers w, zealoufly w, with fer- vent Love to God x, and the Souls of his Peo- ple^ - y fmcerely z, aiming at his Glory a, and their Converfion b, Edification c , and Salvation d. o z Tim. $. z.p \ Cor. 14. 19. q 1 Cor. z. 4. rjer. 25.28. i Cor. 4. t , 2 . s Acis 20. 27 . / Col. 1. 28. 2 Tim. z. 1 y. u 1 Cor. 2. 2. Heb. f, 12, 15, 14. Lukt 12.42. to Acis 18. zf. x 2 Cor. f. 15, kj.. Phil. 1. 15-, 1 6, 17. j Col. Of. 12. 2 Cor. ,12. ij-. z, 2 Cor. 2. 17. 2 Cor. 4. 2. a 1 X/ke/7". 2. 4, y, 6. John 7. 18. £ 1 Cor. 9. 19, ft> 23. r 2 Cor. 12.19. Eph.^.iz. d\ Tim. if. 16. Acis 26. 16, 17, 18. Q. W&a* is required of thofe that hear the Word preached ? A. It is required of thofe that hear the Word preached ; that they attend upon it with Dili- gence e, Preparation/, and Prayer £, examine what they hear by the Scriptures h ; receive the Truth with Faith /*, Love k, Meeknefs /, and Readinefs of Mind ?», as the Word of God n : meditate 0, and confer of it />, hide it in their Hearts, eFrov. 8. 34. / 1 Tet. 2. 1,2. Luke 8. 18. gVfal. 1 19. 18. Eph. 6. 18, 19. h Acis 17. 11. i Heb. 4. 2. k 2 Theff. 2 . 1 o. / James i.zi.m ABs 17. 11. n 1 Theff. 2. 13. £#/:e 9. 44. He£. i.pLukez^. 14. D«*/. 6.6,7. The Larger Catechifm. 16^ Hearts q, and bring forth the Fruit of it in their Lives r, qTrov. 2. i. Tfal. no. n. r Luke S. if. James 1. 2j*. Q. How do the Sacraments become effectual Means of Salvation ? A. The Sacraments become effectual Means of Salvation, not by any Power in themfelves, or any Vertue derived from the Piety and In- tention of him by whom they are adminiftred : but only by the working of the holy Ghoft, and the .Bleiling of Chrift, by whom they are insti- tuted.?. •t 1 ttt . 3. 2 1 . Acis 8.13. with v. 2 3 . 1 Cor. 3.6,7. & 12. 15. . Q; What is a Sacrament ? A. A Sacrament is an holy Ordinance infli- tuted by Chrift in his Church t, to fignify, fea!, and exhibit «, unto thofe that are within the Co- venant of Grace w, the Benefits of his Media- tion x, to flrengthen and increafe their Faith, and all other Graces y, to oblige them to Obedi- ence z j to teftify and cherim their Love and Communion one with another a } and to diftin- guifh them from thofe that are without b. tGet2.ij.jy.io. Exod. nth Chap. Mat. 16. 26, to 29. & 28. 19. uRom. 4. n. 1 Cor. it. 24. 2)-. vf Rom. iy. 8. Exod. 12.. 48.*^c7* a. 3 8. 1 Cor. 10. \6.yRom.$. 1 1. Gal. 3. 27. *Row. 6.3,4. l C° r - 10.21. aEph. 4. 2,/ and whereby the Parties Baptized are folemnly admitted into the viiible Church /, and enter into an open and profefTed Ingagement to be wholly and only the Lord's ag. e Mat. 18. 19. f Gal. 3. 27. g Mark 1.4. Rev. x.j.h Tit. 3. y. Eph. y. 26. i Gal. 3. 26, zj.k iCor. iy. 29. Rom. 6.y. I 1 Cor.n. 13. m Rom. 6. 4. Q; Unto whom is BaptifmtobeAdminifind 7 . A. Bap- *ihe Larger Catechifm. 16$ A. Baptifm is not to be adminiftred to any that are out of the' viiible Church, and fo Strangers from the Covenant of Promife 5 till they prof efs their Faith in Chrift, and Obedience to him », but Infants defending from Parents either both, or but one of them profemng Faith in Chrift, and Obedience to him, are in that refpeft with-, in the Covenant, and to be baptized 0. n ABs 8. 36, i 7 .& L3S. oGen. 17. 7,9- withGd,i. 9> 14- & Colii*U\*. &<*#* i - 38,39. & RcOT.4.11, 11. * Cor. 7. i^.Mat. aS. 19. Luke 18. if, 16. Rom. 1 1. 16. Q. Hovt> it our Baptifm to be improved hfUA* A. The needful, but much neglected Duty of improving our Baptifm, is to be performed by us all our Lifelong, efpecially in the time of Temp- tation, and when we are prefent at the Admi- niftration of it to others p, by ferious and thank- ful Confideration of the Nature of it : and or. the Ends for which Chrift inftituted it, the Pn- viledgesand Benefits conferred and fealed there- by, and our folemn Vow made therein q, by being humbled for our finful Dehlement, our rai- ling (hort of, and walking contrary to the Grace of Baptifm, and our Engagements r, by grow- in* up to AlTurance of Pardon of Sin, and of sdfo<- her -Bleffings fealed to us in that Sacrament s, by drawing Strength from the Death and Refur- Te&ion of Chrift, into whom we are baptized >% for pCol.z.it,i*~'&>m-6-4> 6 > il - € L Rom ' 6 ''$ 9 4,f.r\Cor. 1. 1 W i^.Rom.6.1, 3. fRom,*. \66 "the Larger Catechifm. for the mortifying of Sin, and quickning of Grace t, and by endeavouring to live by Faith «, to have our Converfation in Holinefs and Righ- teoufncfs w, as thofe that have therein given up their Names toChrift x and to walk in brother- ly Love, as being baptized by the fame Spirit into one Body y. t Rom. 6. 3, 4, f. u Gal. 3. 26*, 27 .roRom, 6. 22. xAtts 1. 3S. y 1 Ccr. n. 13, if,toz$. Q. What is the Lord's Supper} A. The Lord's Supper is a Sacrament of the NewTeftament z,, wherein, by giving and re- ceiving Bread and Wine according to the Ap- pointment of JefusChrift; his Death is mewed forth, and they that worthily communicate, feed upon his Body and Blood, to their Spiritual Nour- ifhmentand Growth in Grace #, have their Uni- on and Communion with him confirmed b y teftify and renew their Thankfulnefe c, and In- gagementto God 4ffi ;. 46,47. •» 1 tar- ?. 8. 1 Cor. u. 18, 20. r Aftft. 5. 23, 24. « 7/J. 5?. 1. John 7. 37. n> 1 Cor. 5. 7, 8. a: 1 Cor. 11. 25, 26,28. /&>£. 10. ci, 22, z$.'?fal. 26.6. y 1 Cor. 11. 24,2$. z 1 Cfcroff. 30. iS, 10. Afaf. 26.26. Q. Af notwithstanding their Profeflion of the Faith, and Defire to come to the Lord's Supper, may and ought to be kept from that Sacrament by the Powers which Chrift hath left in his Church 1, until they receive Inftru&ion, and manifeft their Reformation k. *s i 1 Cor. 1 1. 17, to the end. with Mat. 7. 6} and 1 Cor. f. chap, andjude v.z$.& 1 Tim.fi 22. kiCor. 2.7. Q. What is required of them that receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the time of Ad* minijlration of it ? A. It is required of them that receive the Sa-i crament of the Lord's Supper, that during the time of the Adminiftration of it, with all holy Reverence and Attention they wait upon God in that Ordinance /, diligently obferve the facra- K mental I Lev. 10*3. &£ 12, 38. tfai. 5*, 7, 1 Cor, !•- 17, 26, 27. ' . 170 Tfie Larger Catechtjm. ' mental Elements and Actions m t needfully dif- ' cern the Lord's Body n, and affectionately me- ditate on his Death and Sufferings 0, and thereby ftir up themfelves to a vigorous Exercife of their Graces/*, in judging themfelves q, andforrow- ing for Sin r, in earneft hungering andthirfting after Chrifl: s, feeding on him by Faith t, receiv- ing of his Fulnefs «, trailing in his Merits w, rejoicing in his Love x y giving Thanks for his Grace y, in renewing of their Covenant with God a, and Love to all the Saints a. m Exod. 24. 8. with Mat. 26. 28. n rCor. 1 r ^ 29.0 Luke 22. io./> 1 Cor. 11. 16. ^» 10.3,4, f 9 1 1, 14. q t Cor. 11.3-1. rZech. 12. to.sRev. 22. 17. t John 6. 35-. tijobn 1. \6. rvFhil. 3. 9. «P/a/. 63.4,5*. iChron. 30. 11 .y Pfal. zi. 26. zjer.fo.f.Pfal.fo.f. a Acts z.^i. Q^. WW « /£e JDw/y 0/ Chriftians /?//er f£fy &we receive:! the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ? ^f. The Duty of Chriftians after they bavere- ceived the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, is, fcrioufly to confider how they have behaved themfelves therein, and with what fuccefs b\ if they find Quickning and Comfort, to blefs God for it c, beg the Continuance of it d, watch jagainft Rdapfes e, fulfil their Vows/, and in- .courage themfelves to a frequent Attendance on ■ that Ordinance g, but if they find no prefent Be- nefit, ' h Pfxl. c8. 7. ^05. s. 1 Car. it. 17* 3°i 3*- C2 Cferon. 30. zi, fg z t. A8$z. 42, 46, 47. dPJaL sS^c. C^nr. ?. 4. 1 Cbron. 29. is. n Cor- i°- ?» 4> 5> *-• Py2r/. 50. 14. £ * C 4. 1. Heb.f.^.qMat. 28. 19, 20. 1 Cor. 11. 25. Q. Wherein do the Sacraments of Baptifm and the Lord's Supper differ ? A. The Sacraments of Baptifm and the Lord's Supper differ, in that Baptifm is to be admini- ftred but once, with Water, to be a Sign and Seal of our Regeneration and ingrafting into K 2 Chsift, J .'iji 7 he Larger Catechifm. Chrift r, and that even to Infants s, whereas the Lord's Supper is to be adminiftred often in the Elements of Bread and Wine, to repreient and exhibit Chrift as fpirkual Nouriftiment to the Soul t y and to confirm our Continuance, and Growth in him «, and that only to fuch as are of Years and Ability to examine thcm- ielves to. r Mat. 1. 1 i.Ii'fcj, f. Gal. 5. 27. sGen. 17. 7,9. Acts 2. 38, 39. iCor.y. 14. t iCor. 1 1.23, to 16. u 1 Cor. ro. 16. w 1 Cor. 1 1. 28, 29.' Q. Jfto # Prayer? A. Prayer is an offering up of our Defires un- to God x, in the Name of Chrift. y, by the Help of his Spirit z,, with Confeflion of our Sins a, and thankful Acknowledgment of ijis Mercies b. x Vjld. 8z. S.yjobn \6. z^.z-Rom. 2. 16. fiPfal.$r. f,6. Dan.y.^.bPhil.^.6. Q_. Are toe to fray unto God only > A. God only being able to fearch the Hearts r, hear the Requefts d, pardon the Sins e, and ful- fil the Defires of all fi. and only to be believed in g, and worfhipped with religious Worfhip k> Prayer, which is a fpecial part thereof /', is to be made by all to him alone k> and to noneo- ther I. c 1 Kings 8. 39. Acts r. 24. Rom.%. 27. dPful. 6f.*.eMu:h.-j. \S.fPfal. 145*. 18, 19. g Rom. to. 14. bMat. 4. 10. 1 1 Cor. 1.2. fcp/fc/. jro. ^ ij*. I Rom. 10. i. t f) **%* Q^. Jffta* « it to pray in the Name of Chrift ? \ A. To 1 he Larger Cat echifm. ij% A. To pray in the Name of Chrift, is in O- bedience to his Command, and in Confidence on hisPromifes, to ask Mercy for his fke m % not by bare mentioning of his Name n, but by drawing our Incouragement to pray and our Boldnefs, Strength and hope of Acceptance in Prayer, from Chrifl and his Mediation o. mjohn 14.13, \%.John \6. 14.. Dan. 9. 17; , n Mat. -j .21.0 Heb.^. 1 4, 1 5-, 1 6. 1 Joh.f. i^jo\6. Q. Why are we to pray in the Name of Chrift ? A. The Sinfulnefs of Man, and his Dirtance from God by reafon thereof ; being fo great, as that we can have no Aecefs into his Prefence without a Mediator p, and there being none in Heaven or Earth appointed to, or fit for that glorious Work but Chrifl: alone , and enlarg- ed Hearts 3, with Understanding r, Faiths, Sin- cerity t , Fervency », Love w, and Pcrfeverance x, waiting upon him y s With humble Submifiioa to his Will *, Q; What \Ecckf. 5. t. iGcn.iS. zj. fa '"• l0 * ; " L "H l5 * 37,18,19. nLul^e 18. 15, 14. /7Zd. Si- '7- pPbd. 4- ^6. tf 1 Saw. 1. 15. ^ s. 1. r 1 C/4- Q. Hoxo Is the Lord's Frayer to be ufed> A. The Lord's Prayer is not only for Directi- on, as a Pattern, according to which we are to make other Prayers } but may be alfo ufed as a Prayer, fo that it be done with Under (landing, Faith, Reverence and other Graces neceflary to the right Performance of the Duty of Prayer c* cMat.6, 9. with Luke 1 1. 2. Q. Of how many Farts doth the Lord's Frayer confifi ? A. The Lord's Prayer confifts of three Parts $ a Preface, Petitions, and a Conclusion. Q. What doth the Freface of the Lord's Frayer teach m> A. The Preface of the Lord's Prayer (^con- tained in thefe Words ; Our Father which art in Heaven d ? ] teacheth us when we pray, to draw near to God with Confidence of his fatherly Goodnefs, and our Intereft therein e j with Re- verence and all other Child-like Difpofitions /, heavenly Affections £, and due Apprehenfions of d Mat. 6. 9. e Luke u. 13. Rom. 8. if. flfa. 6 \6.Neh. i . 4, y, 6. i Acts 12. $. Q. What do we pray for in thefirft Petition ? A. In the firft Petition, [ which is, Hallowed be thy Name k ~] acknowledging the utter In- ability and Indifpoiition that is in ourfelves, and all Men to honour God aright /, we pray that God would by his Grace inable and incline us and others to know, to acknowledge and highly to efteem him m, his Titles », Attributes 0, Or- dinances, Word />, Works and whatfoever he is pleafed to make himfelf known by q, and to glorify him in Thought, Word r, and Deed s, that he would prevent and remove Atheifm t, Ignorance u, Idolatry w, arid Prophannefs x, Whatsoever is dilhonourable to him y\ and by his over-ruling Providence direct and difpofe all Things to his own Glory z, . 4 Mat. 6, 9. / 1 Co,'. ?. 5. PfaL 51. *$• mPfal.67. 2, ?. nFfal.Sz.r2. oPfal. 36. to, 11,1^,13,15. p2 Tbcfl.- 3. :. Pfil. 147. *9> io. & 158. t, 2, ?. zCOr. z. 14, is. q Pfal. 14?. throughout, fa 8. throughout. rPfat. 10;. t. y 19. 14. s Phil. 1.9*11. f PfaL 67. i> to 5. » Epk 1. 17,18. t»f/rt/. 07.7- *?/<*(• ^4. 18.cz,' 23- y ztiingsiy. :?, 16. % 2 Cbron. 20. 6, 10, u, 12. F/d/« S3, throughout, fa 140. 4, 8. Q. What do we pray for in the fecond Petition ? A. In the fecond Petition { which is, Thy Kingdom come a ~] acknowledging ourfelves and all Mankind to be by Nature under the Domi- nion The Larger Catechifm. 177 nion of Sin and Satan b i we pray that the King- dom of Sin and Satan may bedeltroycd c, the Gofpel propagated throughout the World d ; the Jews called e, the Fulnefsof the Gentiles brought in /, the Church furnifhed with all Gofpel Offi- cers and Ordinances g, purged from Corrupti- on b, countenanced and maintained by the Ci- vil Magiftrate i, that the Ordinances of Chrift may be purely difpenfed and made effectual to the converting of thofethat are yet in their Sins, and the confirming, comforting, and building up of thofe that arealready converted k ; that Chriil would rule in our Hearts here /, and haften the Time of his fecond coming, and our reigning with him forever m ; and that he would be plea- fed fo to exerciie the Kingdom of his Power in all the World,as may beft conduce to thefe Ends n, a Mat. 6. 10. b Eph. 2. 2, 3. c Tfal. 68. 1, 18. Rev. 12. 10, 11. d 2 Tbejf.i. 1. eRom. \o^\.fjohn 17. 9, 20. Rom. 11. \f, 26, Ffal. 67. throughout, g Mat. 9. 38. 2 Thef. 3. 1 . h Md. 1 . 1 1 . Zeph. 3.9. i 1 Tim. 2. 1, 2. k Acts 4.19, 30. Eph. 6. 18, 19, to. Rom. if. 29,30, 32. zTbejf. 1. ix.e^t. 16, 17. lEph. 3. 14, to z\.m Rev. 22. 20. n If a. 64. 1, 2. Rev. 4. 8, to 11. Q. What do we pray for in the third Petition ? A. In the third Petition {_ Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven "] acknowledging that by Nature we and all Men are not only utterly unable and unwilling to know and to do the Will Mat, 6. 10. 1 78 Ihe Larger Catechifm. Will of God p, but prone to rebel againft Ins Word q, to repine and murmur againfr his Pro- vidence r, and wholly inclined to do the will of the Flefh and of the Devil s 1 We pray, that God would by his Spirit take away from our- felves and others, all Blindnefs t, Weaknefs //, Indifpofednefs no, and Perverfenefs of Heart x, and by his Grace, make us able and willing to know, do, and fubmit to his Will in all Things/, with the like Humility z, Cheerfulnefs a, Faith- fulnefs b, Diligence c, Zeal d y Sincerity e and Conftancy / as the Angels do in Heaven £. pRom. 7. iS.y^n. 14. 1 Cor.2.14. qMat. 8. 7.. rExod. 17. 7. Numb. 14. i.sEph. 'i. - i. i ~Eph. :. 17, 18. « Eph.^. 16. roMat. 26.40, 41. xjer. 31.18, 1 9.^ P/fe/. 119.1,8, 2f,26. Acts if. 14. zMic. 6. 8. a-Ffal. 100. i.Job 1. ai. 2&*;». if. 25-, 26. £1/4.38. 3. rP/fe/. 1 19. Ot^.dRom. 12. 11. eP/*/. 119.80. fvfal.i 19. m.glfa.C. 2, $.Pfal. 103.20, 2i.Ma?.j8. 10. Q.. £T^t? , we pray for ourfelves and others, that both they and we, waiting upon the Providence of God from Day to Day in the ufe of lawful Means, may, of his free Gift, and as to his fatherly Wifdom fhall feem belt, enjoy a competent Portion of them q, and have the fame continued and bleffed unto us in out holy and comfortable Ufe of them r, and Content- ment in them s, and be kept from all things that are contrary to our temporal Support and Com- fort t. kDeut.B.$.lGe».$2. 10. mDeut.8. 17, 18" njcr. 6. 1 3 .Mark 7. 2 1, zt.oHof. 11. j.pjam. 4. 3. qGen.41. 12, r 3, 14. ©* z8. ao. Ephef.4.. 28. zT^/j. 1 1, ii.Phil.$.6.r 1 Tim.^.T,,^ f. s 1 Tim. 6. 6, 7,8. t Prov. 30. 8, 9. Q. What do ive pray for in the fifth Petition ? A . In the fifth Petition [_ which is, Torgiie va mr Debts ^ as voe forgive our Debtors u ~] ac- knowledging that we and all others are guilty both of original and actual Sin, and thereby be- come Debtors to the Juftice of God, and that neither we, nor any other Creature, can make the leaft Satisfaction for the Debt w ; we pray for cur felves and others, that God of his free Grace would, through the Obedience and Satis- faction of Chrift apprehended and applied by Faith; u Mat. 6. 11. wRom. 3. 0, to 21, Mat, 18% 2^1?. Pf*!, 130, 3, 4, i8o jT/;r/d j acknowledging that the moft wife, righ- teous, and gracious God, for divers holy and juft Ends, may fo order things, that we may bea- ffaulted, foiled, and for a time led captive by Temptations e, that Satan f, the World g, and the Flefh are ready powerfully to draw us afide and infhare us h, and that we, even after the Pardon of our Sins, by reafon of our Corrupti- on /*, Weaknefs, and want of Watch fulnefs k, are not only fubjeel: to be tempted, and forward to expofe ourfelves unto Temptations I, but3l- £0 of ourfelves unable and unwilling to refift them, to recover out of them, and to improve them d Mat. 6.13. e XtChron. 31.31./ 1 Chron. 21 . 1. g Luke % 1.1*4.. Mark 4.. 1 9. h James 1. 14. iGal.f. 17. kMat. 26. 41, lM*P. 16. 60,7?, 1,71, 1 Chron, 19. a..- them m y and worthy to be left under the Power of them n, we pray, that God would io over- rule the World and all in it o, fubdue the Flefh />, and reftram Satan a, order all Things, beftov/ and bl«Ts all Means of Grace s, and quicken us to Watchfulnefs in the Uie of them, that we and all his People may by his Providence be kept from being tempted to Sin t j or, if temprcd, that by his Spirit we may be powerfully fup- portcd and enabled to ftand in the hoar of Temp- tation u ; or, when fallen, raifed again and re- covered out of it w, and have a ianctjfied Uie I and Improvement thereof x, that our San&i- cation and Salvation may be perfected y, Satan ! trodden under our Feet &, and we fully freed from Sin, Temptation, and all Evil for ever /». mRom. 7. 2.3, ~4« iCbron. 21. 2, 3, 4. (Sal, 2. 11, to 15. z Cbrcn. 18. 3. vritb z. 3,4. zCbron. 16.7,8,9, 10. n r/al. 81. 11, 12. • z JohTir. 1$. pPfal. §?.; 10. fo 119. 133. q zCor. 12.7, 8. 1 Cor- 10. 12, 13. j Heb 33. to. 21. rAfar. 26.41. Ffal.19 1?. uEpb. 3. 14, r« 17. 1 T^ 3. 13- Judev. 24. n? f/d/. 51. 12. 2: 1 P,e k \ c. 8, 9, 10. yzCor. 137, 9. « Rem. 16. 20. Zecb. 3. 2. Xw^e 22, 31, 32. ajobn 17. 15. 1 7bejf.s.zs. Q_. £F3?#f dsth the Conclusion of tin Lord'r Pray- er texch m ? A. The .Conclusion of the Lord's Prayer £ which is, Tor tbbie is the Kingdom, and the? jv*~ er and the Glory for ever, Amen b, j teacheth us to enforce our Petitions with Arguments and Endeavour after new Obedience/. g Acts 11. 18. hAfts 2. 57,38. ijoeli. ti^ Jer. 3. 22. k Jer. 31. 18, 19. Ezik. 36. 3». / 2 Car. 7. 1 1. Ifa. 1. 16, 174V Q.. What are the oatvoard Means whertiy Chrift communicateth to m the Benefits of Rcr dtixption ? A. The outward and ordinary Means where- by Chrift communicateth to us the Benefits of Redemption, are his Ordinances, '-especially the Word, Sacraments and Prayer, a!! which a r e made effectual to the Elect for Salvation m. m Mat. 28. 19,20. AEts 2.42,46,^7. Q. Hoto is the Word made effectual to Salvatoin } A. The Spirit of God, maketh the reading t?ut especially the preaching of the Word an M efie&ual io6 The Shorter Catechijm. effectual Means of convincing and converting Sinners, and of building them up in Hoiinefsand Comfort through Faith unto Salvation n. n Neh. 8. 8. i Cor. 14. 24, zj.Atls 26. 18. Tfal. 19. 8. Acts 20. 32. Rom. ij\ 4. %Tim. 3. j j, 16, 17. Rom. 10. 14. $* 1. 16. Q. How is the Word to be read andhtard that it may become effectual to Salvation ? A. That the Word may become effectual to Salvation, we muft attend thereunto with Dili- gence 0, Preparation p, and Prayer q, receive it wi th Faith and Love r, lay it up in our Hearts s, and praclife it in our Lives t. oProv. 8.34. p 1 Pet. 2. 1,2. q Pfal. 1 19. 18. rHeb.\. 1. iTheff. 2. 10. 5 Pfal 1 19. 11. (Luke 8. 15. James 1. 25*. Q. How do the Sacraments became effeStual fdeans of Salvation ? A. The Sacraments become effectual Means of Salvation, not from any Virtue in them, or in htm that doth adminfter them, but only by the BleiTing of Chrift /*, and the working of his Spirit in them that by Faith receive them w. « 1 Pet. 3. 21. Mat. 3. 11, 1 Cor. 3. 6, 7. » 1 Cor. it. 13. Q. What is a Sacrament ? A. A Sacrament is an holy Ordinance inftitut- cd by Chrift, wherein by ienfibie Signs, Chrift and the Benefits of the New Covenant are repre- fented, pealed and applied to Believers x. x Gen. 17.7,10, Ezod, 1 ith Chapter. 1 Cor. 1*. 23, 16. Q. W The Shorter Catechifm.' 207 Q. Which are the Sacraments of the New Tefia- tnent? A. The Sacraments of the New Teftament are, Baptifm y, and the Lord's Supper z.. yMat. 28. 19. z,Mat.i6. 26, 27,28. Q. What is Baptifm ? A. Baptifm is a Sacrament, wherein the wafli- ing with Water in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft a, doth figni- fy and Seal our ingrafting into Chrifl, and par- taking of the Benefits of the Covenant of Grace, and our Engagement to be the Lord's b. a Mat. 28. 19. b Rom. 6. 4. Gal. 2. 27. Q. To whom is Baptifm to beadminiftredt A. Baptifm is not to be ad mini fired to any that are out of the vifible Church till they pro- fefs their Faith in Chrift, and Obedience to him e\. but the Infants of fuch as are Members of the vifible Church are to be baptised d. c ABsB. 36, 37.0*2. 38. dA&s 2. 38, 39. Gen. 17.10. with Col. 2. 11, 12. 1 Cor. 7. 14. Q. What is the Lord's Supper ? A. The Lord's Supper is a Sacrament where- in by giving and receiving Bread and Wine ac- cording to Chrift's Appointment, his Death is fhewed forth ; and the worthy Receivers, are not after a corporal and carnal Manner, but by Faith, made Partakers of his Body and Blood, with all his Benefits, to their fpiritualNouriihment, and Growth in Graxe e. A eiCor.w. 22, to 16. & 10. \6. t . htm M 2 Q. W^ Re* m *o8 . 71)e Shorter Catechifm. Q. What is required in the worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper* A. It is required of them that would wor- thily partake of the Lord's Supper > that they examine themfelves, of their Knowledge to dif- cern the Lord's Body /, of their Faith to feed upon himf, of their Repentance/?, Love i, and new Obedience k, left coming unworthily they eat and drink Judgment to themfelves/. f i Cor. i x,i8, zo. g xCor. 13.5% An Cor. 11.51,1 1C0r.1o.16y ij.k 1 Cor. jr, 7, 8./ 1 Cor. 1 1.28, *o. Q. What ii Prayer ? A. Prayer is an offering up of our Defires to God «*, for things agreeableto his Will », in the Name of Chrilt 0, with Confeflion of our Sins/?, and thankful Acknowledgment of his Mercies q. mPftl.6t. 8. n \Jchn$. 14. ojolm 16. 23. fPfal. 51.5-, 6. Dan. 9 4. q Phil. $.6. Q. What Rule hath God given m for our Di- rection in Prayer ? A. The whole Word of God is of Ufe to di- rect us in Prayer r, but the fpecial Rule of Di- rection is that Form of Prayer which Chrift taught his Difciples, commonly cz\\cd,The Lord's Prayer s. r 1 John 5". 15-. s Mat 6. 9, to 1 3. with Luke 11. 2, 3.4. Q. What doth the Preface of the Lord's Prayer tenh us ? A. The Preface to the Lord's Prayer which j s [ Our Father which art in Heaven 1 3 teacheth *jMat.6.9. 1 he Shorter Catechifm. 2 op us to draw near to God with all holy Reverence and Confidence, as Children to a Fathqfr'abie and ready to help us #, and that we fhoul3 pray with and for others to. u Rom. 8. 15". Luke 1 r, 13, p Acls la. 5*. ! TiW. 2. I, 2. Q. flpto do pray for in the firfi Petition'? A. In the firft Petition, which is, [Hallowed be thy Name x\\ we pray, tKat God would ena- ble us and others to glorify him in all things whereby he maketh hi mfelf known y, and that he would difpofe all -things to his own Glo- ry z. x Mat. 6. 9. y Pfal. 6j. 2, | f . p Pfal. 83, throughout. Q. What do we pray for in t.he fecond Petition t A. In the fecond Petition, which is, [ Thy Kingdom come a] we pray that Satan's Kingdom may be deilroyed b \ and that the Kingdom of Grace may be advanced c, ourfelves and others brought into it, and kept in it d } and that the Kingdom of Glory may behaftened e. a Mat. 6. 10. b Pfal. 6%. 1, 18. e Rev. r.2. 10. 11. dxTheff. 3. 1. Rom. 10. x.John 17.9,20, eRev. 22. 20. Q. What do we pray for in the third Petition ? A. In the third Petition, which is, [Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven f, j we pray, that God by his Grace would make usrd able and willing to know, obey and fubnvkhn flUf: 6, 10. iY t Re* i m * no The Shorter Catechifm. to his Will in all Things g, as the Angels do in Heaven h. g Pfal. 67, throughout. Pfal 1 f 9. 36. Mat. 26. 39.2 Sam. 15*. zf.Job 1. xx.hPfal. 103.20,2 r. Q. #$** J.^-Dan.^. \-j : 18, 19. n fyke 11.4. Mat. 1$. jf„ Q. What de roe pray for in the fixth Petition ? A. In the fixth Petition, which is, {^Andlead tti.not i'ito Temptation, but deliver us from Evitb J we pray, that God would either keep us rrom being tempted to fin p, or fupport and deliver us when we are tempted q. ' Mat. 6. 1 3 . p Mat. 26. 4 1 . q 2 Cor. 1 2 . S . Q_ What doth the Conclufion ef the Lord's Pray* er teach us? A. The Conclufion of the Lord's Prayer, which is, £ For thine ts the Kingdom the Power and The Shorter Catechifm. 21 i and the Glory, for ever, Amenr ~] teacheth us to take our Encouragement in Prayer from God only s, and in our Prayers to praifehim, afcrib- ing Kingdom, Power, and Glory to him t, and in Teftimony of our Defire and AfTurance to be heard, we fay, Amen u. r Mat. 6. 13. s JD^.9.4, 7,8,9, 16, to 19. t 1 Cor. 29. 10, to 13. « 1 Cor. 14. 16. Rev. 22. 20, 2 1. The Ten Commandments. EXODUS xx. GO D fpake all thefe Words, faying, I am the the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, out of the Houfe of Bondage. I. Thou ftalthave no other Gods before Me. II. Thou {halt not make unto thee any gr**> ven Image j or any Likenefs of any Thing that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth be- math, or that is in the Water under the Earth ; thou [Jjalt not bow down thy felf to them, nor ferve them: For I the Lord thy God am a jeal- ous God, vifiting the Iniquities of the Fathers upon the Children unto, the third and fourth Ge- neration of them that hate me, and flawing Mer- cy unto Thcufands ef them that love me, and keebmy Commandments. III. Thou fhaitnot take the Name of the Lord thy^ God in vain j for the Lord will not hold him guiUlefs that taktthhU Name in vain. IV. Re- IV. Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it ho- ly : Six Days fljalt thou labour, and do all thy Work ; but iM feventh Bay is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God x in it thou /halt not do any Work, thou, nor thy Son, nor thy Daughter, nor thy Man- fervant, nor thy Maid-feavant, nor thy Cattel, ncr the Stranger that is within thy Gates : For in fix Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is, and refted the feventh Day; wherefore the Lord bkjfed the Sab- bath-day, and hallowed it. V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, that. thy Days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy Gqdgiveth thee. VI. Thou fljalt not kill. VII. Thou /halt not commit Adultery. VIII. Thou fljalt not Steal. IX. Thou fljalt not bear falfe Witnefs againfi thy Neighbour. X. Thou fljalt not covet thy Neighbour's Houfe, thou fljalt not covet thy Neighbour's Wife, nor his Man-fervant, nor his Maid fervant, nor his Ox, nor his Afs, nor any Thing that U thy Neigh- bour's. The. Lord's Prayer, Mat. vi. QUR Father, which art in Heaven, hollowed be thy Name : Thy Kingdom come : Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven : Give us this Day our daily Bread : And forgive us our Debts, as we forgive our Debtors: And lead us not C "3 I not into Temptation, but delievtr m from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever. Amen. The Creed. I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth : And in Jefos Chrifi hu only Son our Lord, which was conceived by the Holy Ghofi, born of the Virgin Mary, fujfered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried : He defcended into Hell *, the third Bay he aro/e again from the Dead; He afcended into Heaven, and ptteth on the right Hand of God the Father Almighty ; from thence he Jhallcome to judge the jguick and the Dead. I believe in the Holy Ghoft, the holy Catholick Church, the Communion of Saints, the Forgivenefs of Sins, the Refurreftion of the Body, and the Life ever' lafting. Amen. * /". e. Continued in the State of tl^e Dead, and under the Power of Death, till the third Day. SO much of every 6)ucftion, both in the Lar- ger and Shorter Catechifm, is repeated in rhe Anfwer, as maketh every Anfwer an entire Pro- portion, or Sentence in it felf, to the end the Learner may further improve it upon all Oc~ cailons, for his Increafe in Knowledge and Pie- ty, even out of the Courfe of Catechifing as well as in it. An4 C »4J And albeit the Subftance of the Do&rine comprifed in that Abridgment commonly cab- led, Jhe Apoflles Creed, he fully fet forth in each ©f the C^techifms, ib as there is no Neceflity ofinfertingtheCreedit felf, yet it ishereannex- ed not as tho it were compoied by the Apoftlcs, or ought to be efteemed Canonical Scripture, as the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Vrayer, ( much lefs a Prayer, as ignorant People have been apt to make both it and the Decalogue) but becaufe it is a brief Sum of the Chriftian Faith agreeable to the Word of God, and ancient- ly received in the Churches of Chrift. FINIS, A Brief SUM of Chriftian Do'&rine, CONTAINED IN HOLY SCRIPTURE, and holden forth in the Confejjion of Faith zsA.Catechifms : Agreed uporrby the Aflembly of Di- vines at Weflminfier, and received by the General Aflembly of the Kirk of Scotland : With the pratli- cal Ufe thereof. The Sum of Saving Knowledge may Be taken up in thefe four Heads : i . The woful Condition to herein all Men are by Nature, through break- ing of the Covenant ef Works. 2 . The Remedy provided for the Elect in Jefus Chrift, by the Covenant of Grace. 3 . The Means appointed to make them Partakers of his Covenant. 4. The BleJJtngs which are effectually conveyed unto the Elect by thefe Means. Which four Heads are fet down each of them in fome few Tropofitions. HEAD T C 215] HEAD I. Our woful Condition by Nature, through breaking the Covenant of Works, Hof. xiii. p. O Ifrael, thou haft deftroyed thy [elf. I. I I "I H E Almighty and Eternal God, the the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, three diftinft Perfons in one and the fame undivided God-head, equally Infinite in all Perfections *, did before Time mod wifely decree, for his own Glory, whatsoever cometh to pafsinTimej and doth mod holily and infallibly execute all his Decrees, without being Pertaker of the Sin of any Crea- ture. II. This God in fix Days made all Things of Nothing, very Good in their own kind, in fpe- cial he made all the Angels holy ; and he madcour firft Parents Adam and Eve, the Root of Man- kind, both upright and able to keep the Law written in their Heart ? Which Law they were naturally bound to obey under pain of Death : but ,God was not bound to reward rheir Service, till he entred in a Covenant or Contract with them and their Pofterity in them, to give them eter- nal Life upon Condition of perfect perfonal Obe- dience, withal threatning Death in cafe they feould fril : Thii is the Covenant of Works. III. Bolk r»7 j 111. Both Angels and Men were fubjcd to the Change of their own free Will as Experience proved (God having referved to himfclf rhe in- communicable Property of being naturally un- changeable.) For many Angels of their own ac- cord fell by Sin from their nrft Eftate, and be- came Devils : Our fir ft Parents being enticed by Satan one 1 of thefe Devils fpeaking in a Serpent, did break the Covenant of Works, in eating the forbidden Fruit, whereby they and their Pofteri- ty being in their L'oyns, as Branches in the Root, and comprehended in the fame Covenant with them, became not only liable to eternal Death, but alio loft all Ability to pleafe God : yea did be- comeby Nature Enemies to God, and to allfpi- ritu.il Good,and inclined only to Evil continually . This is Original Sin, the bitter Root of our a&ual Tranfgreflioiis, in Thought, Word, and Deed. HEAD II. The Remedy provided in Jefus Chrifl for the Elecl by the Covenant of Grace, Hop xiii. 9. Olfrael ! thou h.ijl deflroyed thy Jelf ; hut in me is thine Help. I. A LBEIT Man having brought himfclf in- aa to this woful Condition, being neither able to help himfelf, nor willing to be helped by God out of it, but rather inclined to lie ftill un- I- — J fcnfible of hj till he perifli : Yet God, for the Glory of his rich Grace, hath revealed in his Word a Way to fave Sinners, to wit, by Faith in Jefus Chrift, the eternal Son of God, by virtue of, and according to the Tenor of the Covenant of Redemption made and agreed upon, between God the Father, and God the Son, in the Coun- cil of the Trinity, before the World began. II. The Sum of the Covenant of Redemption is this, God having freely chofen unto Life a cer- tain Number of loft Mankind, for the Glory of his rich Grace, did give them, before the World began, unto God the Son, appointed Redeemer, that upon Condition he would humble himfelf fo far as to alTume the Human Nature of a Soul and a Body, unto perfonal Union with his Di- vine Nature, and fubmit himfelf to the. Law as Surety for them, and fatisfy juftke for them, by giving Obedience in their Name, even unto the luffering of the curfed Death of the Crofs, he fhould ranfom and redeem them all from Sin and Death, and purchafe unto them Rightcoufneis and eternal Life with all faving Graces leading thereunto, to be effectually by Means of his own Appointment, applied in due time to everyone of them. This Condition the Son of God (who is Jefus Chrift our Lord ) did accept before the World began, and in the Fulneis of Time came into the World, was born of the Virgin Mary, iubje£ted himfelf to the Law, and compleatly payed the Ranfom on the Crofs : But by virtue ©f the foresaid Bargain made before the World. began, [ 2IP j began, he h in all Ages, fince the Fall of Mam, ititl upon the Work ol ; applying actually the pur- chafed Benefits unto the Elect : And that he doth by way oftnter taming a Covenant of free Grace and Reconciliation with them, through Faith in himfelf, bj which Covenant he makes over to every Belie/er a Right and Intereft to himfelf, and to all his Ble flings . III. Foi the Accomplishment of this Cove- nant of Redemption, and making the Elect Par- takers of :he Benefits thereof in the Covenant of Grace, drift Jefus was clad with the threefold Office of 'rophet, Prieft, and King, made a Pro- phet to re/eal allfaving Knowledge" td his Peo- ple, and toyerfuade them to believe and obey the fame : Made a Prieft to offer up himfelf a Sacri- fice onceft/r them all, and to interceed continu- ally with the Father for making their Perfons and Serriices acceptable to him : And' made a King, tofubdue them to himfelf, to feed and rule them by his own appointed Ordinances^ and to defend uem from their Enemies. HEAD III. The oujward Means appointed to make; the Elect Partakers of this Covenant, and all the reft that are cai'edto be inexcufable, Mat. xxii. 14. Many are called ; , N » THP- > I fern; t «o ] TH E outward Means and Ordnances for making Men Partakers of the Covenant ■Of Grace, are io wifely difpenfed, astheEledk 'mall be infallibly converted and favecjby them, v and the Reprobate among whom thcr are not, be juftly humbled. The Means aret fpecially thefefour : r. The Word of God. z. ihe Sacra- ments. $. Kirk Government. 4. Prayer. In the Word of God preached by fen} Meffenvers, the Lord makes Offer of Grace to all Sinners, upon condition of Faith in JcfusChriit; andwhofo- ever do confefs their Sin, accept of Chiift offer- ed, and fubrrrit themfelves to his Ordinances, he will have both them and their Children received into the Honour and Priviiedges of^ the Cove- nant of Grace. By the Sacraments, God will have the Covenant fealed for 1 onfirmingthe Bar- gain on the afarefaid Condition. By Kifk- Go- vernment he will have them hedged in end help- ed forward unto the keeping orthe- Covenant. And by Praver he will have his own gorious Grace promifed in the Covenant, to bp daily dr.- wp forth, acknowledged and employed. All' which Means are followed either really J or in Profeflion only, acco. ding to the Quality of the Covenanters, as they are true or counterfeit Be- lievers. II. The Covenant of Grace, fet down In the Old Xeffament before Chrift came, and h the j New lince ^e came, is one and the fame mSub- R anc*,a Ibeit different in outward Ad m m ; l\ . ?.t i on . For the Zovenmt in the Old Teftameat being fealed {_ I'll J ^*v ealed with the Sacrament of Circumcifion an< :he Pafebtl fcamb, did fet forth Chrift's Death to come and tbe Benefits purchafed thereby, under n X the Shadow of bloody Sacrifices, and fundry Ce- remonies : J3ut fince Chrift came, the Covenant being felled, by the Sacraments of Baptifm and the Lord's Supper, do clearly hod forth Chrift al- ready crucified before our Eyes victorious over Death and ihe Grave and gloriouily ruling Hea- ven and Earth for the Good of his own People. HEAD IV. The Bieflitvgs which are effectually conveyea by thefe Means to the Lord's E!ect or chofen Ones, Mat. xxii. 14. Many are called ; but jevi are chafm, Y theft outward Ordinances as our Lord makes the Reprobate inexcuiable fo in the Power of his Spirit, he applies unto the Elecl e- rfeelually all faving Graces purchafed to them in the Covenant of Redemption, and makcth j_ Change in their Perfons. In particular, H ., ( doth convert or regenerate them, by giving fp s , ritual Life to them, in opening their Un dings, renewing their Wills, Affe&ions, ana ^ culries ; for giving fpiritual Obedience to'^ Commands. 2. He gives unto them ^ ut if Frith, by making them, in the fen'e of dtC T 2 ^ N 3 a Grace j from de- J L B Condemnation, to give their Confent heartily to the Covenant of Grace, and to embrace Chrift . Jefus unfeignedly. 3 . He gives them Repentance, by making them wirh godly Sorrow in the Hat- red of Sin, and Love of Righteoifnefs, turn from ail Iniquity to the Service Of God . And, 4. He fan&incs them, by making them go on and perfevere in Faith, and Spiritual Obedience of the' Law of God,manifefted by Fruitfuhefsinall Du-i ties, 2nd doing good Works, as Goc offereth Oc-i cafion. I II. Together with this inward Change of their Perfons, God changes alfo their State. For £0 foon as they are brought by F.iith into the Co- venant of Grace, 1. He juftines them, by im- pu ; ing untdthem thatperfedr. Obedience which Chr:il gave to the Law, and Satisfaction alfo which upon the Crofs Chrift gave unto Juitice in their Name. 2. He reconciles them, and makes them Friends to God, who before were Ene- mies to God. 3 . He adopts them 1 , that they fhall % be no more Children of Satan, but Children of \ God, enriched with all fpiritual Priviledges of \his Sons. And hit. of all, after their Warfare Ijn this Life is ended, he perfects the Holinefs, 'Wad BlefTednefs ; firft of their Souls at their Death, tfcnd then both of their Souls, and their Bodies, Shing joyfully joined together again in the Re- Areciion at the Day of his glorious coming to j augment, when all the Wicked fhall be fent a- v . ' 1 'Jell with Satan whom they haveferved : But Chi ill's own chofen and redeemed Ones, true* [ "3 ] true Believers, Students of Holinefs, fl : And main with himfelf for ever, in the Sta o D Glorification. < oc j The Practical Ufe of Saving Knowledge, Contained in Scripture, and hold en forth briefly in the forefaid Con- feflion of Faith and Catechifms. THE chief general Ufe of Chriftian Do&rine is, to convince a Man of Sin ? and of Righteoufnefs, and of Judg- ment, John 1 6. 8. Partly by the Law or Covenant of Works, that he may be humbled and become penitent ; an& partly by the Gofpel or Covenant of Grace, that he may become an unfeigned Believer in Jefu s C hrift ; and be fh egth- ned in his Faith upon folid Grounds and War- rants, and give Evidence of the Truth of his Faith by good Fruits, and fobefaved. The Sum of the Covenant of Works, or of t!ic Law, is this, If thou do all that u commanded and , not fail in any Point, thou fralt be faved: But if thou fail thouflmlt die, Rom . i o . $■ . Gal. 3 ."> o, 1 2. . The Sum of the Gofpel or Covenant of Grace .and Reconciliation is this: If thou flee from de- . N 4. fervf/ /i Con C 224 ] / the Wrath , to the true Redeemer, Jefm Chrift, Je.fi is able to fave to the utmofr. all that come ryod through him ) thou fialt not ferifl), but ive eternal Life, Rom. 10. 8, 9, it. For convincing a Man of Sin, of Righteouf- nefs and of Judgment by the Law, or Covenant of Works, let thefe Scriptures among many more be made Ufe of. I. For convincing a Man of Sin by the Law, confider, Jer. xvii. 9, 10. THE Heart is deceitful above all Things and defperately wicked, who can know it ? I the Lord Jearch the Heart, I try the Reins, even to give every Man according to his Ways, and accord- ing to the Fruit of his Doings. Here the Lord teacheth thefe two Things ; 1 . That the Fountain of all our Mifcarriage and actual finning againft God is in the Heart, which I comprehended the Mind, Will, Atfe&ions, and \ all the Power of the Soul, as they are corrupted and defiled with Original Sin. The Mind being not only ignorant and uncapnble of SavingTruth, but alfo full of Error and Enmity againfl: God, and the Will and Affections being obftinatelydif- obedient unto all God's Directions, and bent to- ward that only which is Evil: The Heart, faith he, is deceitful above all Things, and defperately •wicked; Yea and unfearchably wicked, that no I Man can know it . And Gen. 6.5-. Every Imagina- tion of the Thoughts of Man's Heart, ts only Evil conti- continually (iaith the Lord) whofc Teftimony we muft trufi: in this and all other. Matters : And Experience alfo may teach us, that till GOD make us deny ourfelves, we never look to God in any thing, but flefhly Self-Intereft alone doth rule us, and move all the Wheels of our Actions. 2. That the Lord bringeth our Original Sin, or wicked Inclination, with all the aaual Fruits thereof, unto reckoning before his Judgment- feat: Tor he fearcheth the Heart, and trieth the ■Reins, to give every Man according to bis Ways, *nd according to the Fruit of his Doings. Hence let every Man reafon thus > What God and my guilty Conferee bear Wit- nefs of, I am convinced that it is true. But God and my guilty Conference bear Witnefs that my Heart is deceitful above all Things anddef- terately wicked, and that all the Imaginations of my Heart fa Nature, are only Bvu continually. Therefore I am convinced that this is true. Thus a Man may be convinced of Sin by the Law. II. For convincing a Man of Righ- tepufnefs by the Law, confider Gal. iii. 10. AS Many as are of the Works of the Law, are under the Curfe. For it it written, CurfedU everyone that couinueth not in all Things which are written in the Book of the Law, to do them. N r Here [ «j* 3 Here the Apoftle teacheth us three Things. i . That by reafon of our natural Sinfumefs, thelmpoiTibilityof any Man's being juftified by 'the Works of the Law is fo certain, that who- soever do ieek Juftincationby the Works of the ''Law, are liable to the Curfe of God, for break- : ing of the L aw j Tor as many tvs are of the Works ' of the Law are under the Curfe, faith he. 2 . That unto the perfecl fulfilling of the Law, ' the keeping of one or two of the Precepts, or do- ing of lome, or of all Duties ( if it were poiTible) for a time, is not fufficient •■> for the Law requi- reth, that** Man continue in allThings which are 'Written in the Book of the Law to do them. 3. That becaufe no Man can come up to this Perfection, every Man bf Nature is under the Curie, For the Law faith, Curfe d is every one that contumeth not in all Things which are written in the Book of the Law, to do them. Now to be under the Curfe comprehendeth 'all Difpleafure of God, with the Danger of the breaking forth more and more of his Wrath, up- on Soul and Body, both in this Life, and after Death, perpetually, if Grace do not prevent the full Execution thereof. Hence let every Man reafon thus ; Whcfoever, according to the Covenant of Works, is liable to the Curfe of God, for breaking the L&w, times and ways out of Number, cannot be juftified, er find Right eoafnefs by the Works of the Law. But I (may every Man fay) according to the Covenant of Works, am liable to the Curfe of God f ~ ^ „ 1 .(1 c "7 y Go^ /or Breaking the Law, time and ways out of Number, Therefore I cannot be juftifieJ or have Righte- oufnefs by the Works of the Law. Thus may a Man be convinced of Righte- oufnefs, that it is not to be had by his own Works, or by the Law. III. For convincing a Man of Judg- ment by theLaiVjConfider i Thef.i.j, THE Lordfefus fliall be revealed front Heaven with his mighzy Angels ; Ver . 8 . In flaming Fire, taking Vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gofpel of our Lord Jefm Chrijl: Vcrfe 9. Who flj 'all be punifhed with ever- lafling Deftrutlion from the Vrefence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Tower ; Verfe 10. When he fhdll cvme to be glorified in his Saints, and to be admired in all them that believe. Wherein we are taught, that our Lord Jefus, who now offers to be Mediator for them who believe in him, (hall, at the laft Day, come, arm- ed with flaming Fire, to judge, coi.demn, and deftroy all them who have not. believed God, have not received the Offer of Grace made in the Gofpel, nor obeyed the Doctrine thereof; but re- main in their natural State, under the Law or Co- venant of Works. Hence let every Man reafonthus; TAfhat the YtnU+onuA ^fijJ- ■> Ua.tU fn^otnj-^ * t '-' t r - 3«f /A* righteous Judge hath forewarned me that ;f I do net believe God in time, and obey not the Doclrine of the G of pel, I flail be fecluded from hk Frefence and his Glory at the laji Day, and be tormented in Soul and Body for ever. Therefor el am convinced that thU i& juft Judg- ment. And 1 have reafon to thank God heartily, who i hath forewarned me ro flee. from the Wrath which is to come.- Thus every Man may be, by the Law or Cove- nant of Works, convinced of Judgment, if he {hall continue under the Covenant of Works, or \ {hall not obey the Gofpel of our Lord Jefus . { IV. For convincing a Man of Sin, Righteoufnefs, and Judgment, by the Gofpel. S for convincing a Man of Sin, and Righte- ouihefs, and Judgment by the Gofpel or Co- I venant of Grace, he muft underftand threethings. i . That not believing in Jefus Chrift. or retu- ; fing of the Covenant of Grace, offered in him, is a greater md more dangerous Sin, than all o- ther Sins againft the Law - y becaufe the Hearers jtof the Gofpel not believing in Chrift, do reject VCod's Mercy in Chriil, the only way of Free- dom from Sin and Wrath, and will not yield to be reconciled to God. i. Next, he muft underftand, that perfect Re- mi 1T1 on of Sin and true Righteoufnefs, is to be A C 2*9 3 had only Ky Faith in Jefus,becaufeGodiequireth no other Conditions but Faith, and teftifies from Heaven ; that he is well pleated to juftifie Sinners upon this Condition. 3 . He muft understand, that upon Righteouf- r.eis received by Faith, Judgment (hall follow on the one hand, to the deftroying of the Works of the Devil in the Believer, and to the perfect- ing of the Work of Sanciification in him, with Power :and that upon refufing to take Righte- oufnefs, by Faith in Jefus Chrift, Judgment ihall follow 3 on the other hand, to the Condemnati- on of the Misbeliever, and deftroying of him with Satan and his Servants for ever.. For this end let thefe Paflages of Scripture, a- mong many others, ferve to make the Greatnefs of the Sin of not believing in Chrift appear, or to make the Greatnefs of the Sin of refilling o'i the Covenant of Grace offered to us, in the offering of Chrift unto us : let the fair offer of Grace be looked upon, as it is made, Ifa. lv. ^. Incline your Ear, and come unto me, (faith the Lord ) hear, and your Soul fljalllive, and I will make an ever- hifting Covenant with you, even the fure Mercies of David. That is, if you will believe me, and be reconciled to me, I will by Covenant give unto you. Chrift, and all laving Graces in him } repeat- ed Acts xiii. 54. Again, conlider that this general Offer in Sub- ftance is equivalent to a ipecial Offer, madetoe- j very one in particular, as c.ppeareth by the Apo-,. ftk's making Ufe of it, 4#£xvl 5 1 . £?/" r [ 2 3° ] the Lord Jefus Chrifi, and thou fi alt be faved, arid thy Houfe. The Reaibn of which Offer is given, John \ii. \6. For Gcdfo loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in him fljould not peri/Jj, but have ever- lading Life. Seeing then this great Salvation is ©fl'er'd in the Lord Jefus, whofoever believeth not in him, but looks for Happinefsfonie other way, what doth he elfebut obferve lying Vani- ties, and forfake his own Mercy, which he might have hadinChrift,y0»#/? ? ii.8,9. What doth he elfebut blafpheme God in his Heart ? as it is laid, 1 John v. 10. He that believeth not God, hath made him a Liar, becaufe he believeth not the Re- cord that God gave of his Son 5 and this is the Re- cord that God hath given to us eternal Life, and, this Life is in his Son : And that no Sin againll the Law is like unto this Sin, Chrift teftines, John XV. ii. If I had not come andfpoken to them, they had not had Sin ; but now they have no Cloak for theirSin. Thismay convinceaManoftheGreat- nefsof this Sin of not believing in Chri£. For convincing Men of Righteonf- nefs to be had only by Faith in Chrift : Confider how, Rom.x. 3, 4. ^ |T is faid, that the Jews being ignorant of God's ° A Righteoufnefs, and going about to eflablifh their .; ^ron Righteoufnefs have not fubmitted themfelves nni "mo the Righteoufnef of God j (and fo they perifh- ft C hi 3 nefs to every one that be/ieveth. And, AcJs xiii. 19- By Chnft Jefas, all that believe are juflified from all Things, from which ye could not be jufii- fied by the Lavs of Moles. And, i John i 7 . The Blood of Jefm Chrifl his Son, cleanfeth us from all Sin. For convincing a Man of Judgment, if a Man embrace this Righieouihefs : Coniider, 1 John iii. 8. Tor this purpofe the Son of God was mani- fefled, that he might deftroy the Works of the De- "vil: And, Heb. ix. 14. How much more fliall the Blood of Chrifl who through the etemalSpirit offered him fel\ without Spot to God, purge your Confcience from Dead Works, to ferve the Living God. But if a Man embrace not this Righteoufnefs, his Doom is pronounced, Johniu. 18. He that believeth not is condemned already, becaufc he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the Condemnation, that Light is corns into the World, and Men love Darknefs ra- ther than Light. Hence let the Penitent, defiring to believe, rea- fon thus : What dothfuff.ee to convince all the TUB in the World, of the Greatnefs of the Sin of not believing in Chrifl, or refuflng to flee to him for Relief from ' Sins done agcinfl the Law, and from Wrath due thereto \ and what fiiffceth to convince them that Righteoufnefs and eternal Life is to be had by Taith injefus Chrifl, or by confenting to the Covenant of ' Grace in him ; and what fujficeth to convince them of judgment to be exercifedby Chrifl for deftroy- ing the Works of the Devil in a Man, andfancti- /'* i feek C 232 ] fyingandfavingall that believe in him, mayfu- ffice to convince me alfo. But what the Spirit hath (aid in thefe or other like Scriptures fufficeth to convince the Ele& World ot theforefaid Sin and Righteoufnefs, and Judgment. Therefore what the Spirit hath faid in thefe and other like Scripture, ferveth to convince me thereof alfo. Whereupon let the Penitent defiring to believe, take with him Words, and fay heartily to the Lord, Seeing thou fayeft , Seek ye my Fa.ce, my Soul anfwemh unto thee, Thy Face, Lord, will I I have hearkned unto the Offer of an ever- lafting Covenant of all faving Mercies to be had in Chrift, and I do heartily embrace thy Offer. Lord, let it be a Bargain ; Lord, I believe, help my Unbelief: Behold I give my felf to thee, to ferve thee in all Things for even and I hope, thy Right- Hand flmllfave me 5 the Lord will perfecl that which concerneth me, thy Mercy, O Lord,en- dureth for ever, forfake not the Works of thine own Hands. Thus may a Man be made an un- feigned Believer in Chrift. For ftrengthning the Man's Faith who hath agreed unto the Cove- nant of Grace. ■• BECAUSE many true Believers are weak, and do much doubt if ever they lhall befufe oi the Soundness of their own Faith and effectual Calling, [ *13 ] Calling, or made certain of their Justification and Salvation, when they fee that many, who pro- fefs Faith, are found to deceive themielves ; let us fee how every Believer may be made ftrong in the Faith, and fure of his own Election and Salvation upon folid Grounds, by fure Warrants and rare Evidences of Faith. To this End, among many other Scriptures, take thefe following : i . For laying folid Grounds of Faith, confider, i Vet. i. io. Wherefore the rather Brethren, give Diligence to make fure your Calling and Election \ for if ye do thefe things, ye fh all never fall. In which Words the Apoftle teacheth us thefe four Things, for Help and Direction, how to be made ftrong in the Faith. i . That fuch as believe in Chrift Jefus, and are fled to him for Relief from Sin and Wrath, albeit they be weak in the Faith, yet they are in- deed Children of the fame Father with ^he A- poftles; for fo he accounteth of them, while he calleth them Brethren. 2. That albeit we be not fure, for the Time, of our effectual Calling and Election, yet we may be made fure of both, if we life Diligence ; for this he prefuppofeth, faying, Give Diligence to make' your Calling and Election fure. 3.Thatwemultnotbedifcouraged,whenwe fee many feeming Believers prove rotten Branch- es, and make De faction, but we mult the rather take the better Heed to our felves ; PVhe v efore the rather, Brethren, faith he, give all Diligence. 4. That c4h /4- That the way to be (lire both of our effeA'u' It! Calling and Election, is to make fure Work o* our Faith, by laying rhe Grounds ofitfolidly, and bringing forth the Fruits of our Faith in new O- bedience confbntiy. For if ye do thefe Things, faith hcyeftaUnever fall ; understanding by thefe Things what he hath faid of found Faith ; ver. 1,2,5,4. And what he had faid of the bringing out of the Fruits of Faith, ver. f, 6,7,8,9. To rhis fame Purpole, confider, Rom. viii. 1 . There is therefore now no Condemnation to them that are in Chrifi jfefm, who walk not after the Flefij> but after the Spirit. Ver. i. For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Chrifi Jefws, hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death. Ver. 3 . For what the Law could not do, in that it was weak through the FlefJj, God fending fa own Son, in the Likenefs of finful Flefl), and for Sin condemned Sin in the Flejh. Ver. 4. That the Right eoufnefs of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the Flefl), but after the Spirit. Wherein the Apoftle teacheth us thefe four Things for laying or the Ground of Faith folidly. 1. That every one is a true Bejiever, who in the feufe of his Sin, and fear of God's Wrath doth flee for full Relief from both, unto Jefus Chrifi alone, as the only Mediator, and all-fufficient Redeemer of Men: And being fled to Chrift, doth ftriveagainft hisownFiefh, or corrupt Inclinati- on of Nature, and fludieth to follow the Rule of God's Spirit, fet down in his Word ; for the Man whom the Apoftle doth hereblefs as a true 1 C 2 35 ] * the firft Believer, is a Man in Chrift Jefus : Who Jotfftbll walk after the Flefh , but after the Spirit. z. That all fuch Perfonsasare ried to Chrift, and do drive againft Sin, howfoever they may be poffibly exercifed under thei fenfe of Wrath, and fear of Condemnation, yet they are in no Danger j For there is no Condemnation (faith he) to them that are in Chrift Jefus. -who walk not after the Flefh, but after the Spirit. 3. That albeit the Apoftle himfelf (brought in here for Example's Caufe) and all other true Believers in Chrift, be by Nature, under the Law of Sin and Death.or under - he Covenant of Works (called the Law of Sin and Death, becaufe it bind- eth Sin and Death upon us till Chrift let us free) yet the Law of the Spirit of Life in Chrift Jefus, or the Covenant of Grace (fo called, becaufe it doth enable and quicken a Man to a fpiritual Life through Chrift,) doth let the Apoftle and all true Believers free from the Covenant of Works, or the Law of Sin and Death $ fo that every Man may fay with him, The Law of the Spirit of Life, er the Covenant of Grace, hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death, or Covenant of Works. 4. That the Fountain and firft Ground from whence our Freedom from the Cur fe of the Law doth flow ; is the Covenant of Redemption, pad betv ixt God, and-God the Son, as incarnate; wherein Chrift takes the Curfeof the Lawupor J hinvfor Sin, that the Believer who could not therwife be delivered from the Covenan'" - - Works, may be delivered from it. An '3* r P? c ni ] Do<3xine the Apoftle holdeth forth in thefe four- Branches, (i.) That it was utterly impoflible for the Law, or the Covenant of Works to bring Righteoufnefs and Life to a Sinner, becaufe it was weak. (2..) That this Weaknefs and Inabi- lity of the Law or Covenant of Works, is not the Fault of the Lavv, but the Fault of iinful Fiefli, which is neither able to pay t^he Penalty of Sin, nor to give perfect Obedience to the Law, (prefuppofe by-gone Sins were forgiven) The Law wcu weak ( fail h lie ) through the FlefJ). ( 3 .) That the Righteoufnefs and Salvation of Sinners, which was impofiible to be brought about by the Law, is brought to pafs by fending God's own Son, Jefus Chrift, in the Flefh, in whofe Flefh Sin is condemned and punifhed, for making Sa- tisfaction in the behalf of the Elect, that they might be let free. (4.) That, by his Means, the Law lofeth nothing, becaufe the Righteoufnefs of the Law is beft fulfilled this Way ; Firft, by Chrift's giving perfect active Obedience in our Name unto it in all Things: Next by his pay- ing, in our Name, the Penalry ( due to our Sins) in his Death. And,laftly,by his working of San- ctification in us, who are true Believers, who ftrivetogive new Obedience unto the Law, and walk not after theFlefi, but after the Spirit. Wary ants to Believe. FOR building our Confidence upon this folid Ground, thefe four Warrants and fpecial Mo- tives [ 2 37 1 tives to believe in Chrift .may ferve ; the firft whereof is God's hearty Invitation, holden forth Ifa. lv. i, 2, 3,4, f. Ho ! eve^y one that thirfteth, come ye to the Wa- ter S, and he that hath no Money, come and buy without-i&oney , and without Trice. Ver. 1. Where- fore do ye fpendyour Money for that which is not Bread, and your Lvbour for that which fatisfieth not ? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat that 'which is good, and let your Soul delight it felf in F.it- ■nefs. Ver . 3 . Incline your Ear and come to me, hear, and your Soul fhall live, and 1 will make an ever- lafting Covenant with you, even the Jure Mercies of David. Ver. ^.Behold, 1 have given him for a Witnefsto the People, a Leader and Commander to the People, &c. Here (after letting down the precious Ranfora of our Redemption by the Sufferings of Chrift, and the rich Bleflings purchafed to us thereby in the two former Chapters) the Lord, in this Chaper, 1 . Maketh open Offer of Chrift and his Grace, t>y Proclamation of a free and gracious Market of Righteoufnefs and. Salvation, to be had thro* Chrift to every Soul without Exception, that truly defires to be laved from Sin and Wrath > Ho every one that thirfteth, faith he. 2. He inviteth all Sinners, that for any Rea- jfon ftand at Diftance with God, to come and take from him Riches of Grace, running in Chrift as a River, to wafh away Sin, and to flack- en Wrath : Come ye to the Wtters, faith he. 3. Left 5 . Left any fhould ftand aback, in the Senfe of his own Sinfulnefs or Unworthinefs, and Inabili- ty to do any Good, the Lord calieth upon fuch Perfons ia fpecial, faying, He that hath no Money , come. 4. He craveth no more of his Merchant, but that he be pleafed with the Wares offered, which are Grace, and more Grace j and that he heartily confent unro, and embrace this offer of Grace, that fo he may clofe a Bargain and formal Cove- nant with God, Come buy without Money f (faith he) come eat ; that is, confent to have, and take unto you all faving Graces, make the- Wares your, own, poffeis them and make afe of all Bleffings in Chrift, whatfoever makethfor your fpiritual Life and Comfort, ufe and enjoy it freely ; with- out paying any thing for it : Come, buy Wine and Milk without Money, and without Price, faith he. f. Becaufe the Lord, knoweth how much we are inclined to feck Righteoufnefs and Life by our •own Peiformances, and Satisfaction to have Righteoufnefs 2nd Life, as it were by the way of Works j and how loath we are to embrace Chrift Jefus, and to take Life by way of free Grace, through Jefus Chrift, upon the Terms whereupon it is offered to us; therefore the Lord lovingly calls us off this our crooked and unhappy Way.wuh a gentle and timcous Admonition, gi- ving us to underftand, that we (halibut lofe our Labour in this our Way Wherefore do y el pendyour Mciycy ( faith he) for that which « not Bread, and your Labour for that which fatitfieth not ? 6. Th« 6. The Lord promiieth to us folid Satisfa&ion in the way of betaking ourfelves unto the Grace of Chrift, even true Contentment, and Fulnefs of fpiritual Pleafure, faying, Hearken diligently unto me, and eat that which H good, and let your Soul delight it/elf in Fainefs. 1 . Becaufe Faith cometh by hearing, he calleth for Audience unto the Explication of the Offer ; and calleth for believing of, and liftning unto the Truth which is able to beget the Application of faving Faith, and to draw the Soul to truft in God, Incline your Far, and come unto me, (faith he). To which'End the Lord promifes that his Offer, be- ing received, Avail quicken the dead Sinner, and that upon the welcoming of his Offer, he will clofe the Covenant of Grace with the Man that fhall confent unto it, even an indiffolvable Cove- nant of perpetual Reconciliation of Peace : Hear- ken and your Souljhali live, and I wiH make an everU fling Covenant with you. Which Covenant, he declareth fhall be in Sub/lance and Aflignation, and the making over of all the faving Graces, which David [[which is Jefus Chrift, Acls xiii. 34. ] hath 'bought for us in the Covenant of Re- demption ; I vptU make a Covenant -with you ( faith. he) even the fur e Mercies of David ; &yfure Mer- cies, he means faving Graces, fuch as are Righte- oufnefs, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghoft j A- doption, Sanclification, and Glorification, and whatfoever belongs to Godlinefs and Life eternal. 8. To confirm andaffureusof the real Grant of thefe faving Mercies, and to perfuade us of the Realit/ I 2 4° J Reality of the Covenant betwixt God and the Be- liever of this World, the Father hath made a four- fold Gift of his eternal, and only begotten Son. Firft, To be incarnate and born for our Sake, of the Seed ofDavidhte Type, for which Caufe he is called here, and Acts xiii. 34. David the true and everlafting King of Ifrael. This is the great Gift of God to Man, John iv. 10. And here, / have given him to be David, or born of David, to the People. Secondly, He hath made a Gift of Chrift to be a Witnefs to the People, both of the fure and fav- ing Mercies granted to the Redeemed in the Co- venant of Redemption, and alfoof the Father's Wi!iingnefs, and purpofe to apply them, and to make them faft in the Covenant of Reconciliati- on made with fuch as embrace the Offer. I have given him (faith the. Lord here) to be a Witnefs to the People ; and truly he is a fufficient Witnefs in this Matter in many refpeel:?. t. Becaufe he is one of the Perfons of the Bleffed Trinity, and Party-ContracTrer for us in the Covenant or Re- demption, before the World was. 1: He is by Office as Mediator, the Meflengcr of the Cove- nant, and has gotten Com million to reveal it. 3 . He began actually to reveal it in Paradife,vvhere he Promifes that the Seed of the Woman mould bruife the Head of the Serpent. 4. He fet forth his own Death and Sufferings, and the great Be- nefitsthat (hould come thereby to us in the Types and Figures of Sacrifices and Ceremonies before his coming. ^ . He gave more and more Light about C H' ] about thisOovenant, fpeaking by his Spirit, from f Age to Age, in the holy Prophets, 6. He came himfelf, in the Fulne(s of Time, and did bear Wirnefs of all Things belonging to this Cove- nant, and of God's willing Mind to take Believers unto it, partly by uniting our Nature in one Per- fon with the Divine Nature ; partly by preach- ing the good Tidings of the Covenant with his own Mou'h, partly by paying the Price of Re- demption on the Crofs, and partly by dealing {lili; with his People from the Beginning to this Day, to draw in and to hold in the Redeemed in this Covenant. Thirdly, God hath made a Gift of Chrift, cud Lender to the People, to bring; us through all Diffi- culties, all Afflictions and Tentations, unto Lite by this Covenant. And he it is. and no other, who doth indeed lead his own unto the Covenant, and in the Covenant all the way on unto Salvati- on, i . By the Direction of his Word and Spirit.. 2. . By the Example or" his own Life, in Faith and Obedience even to the Death ©f the Crofs. 3, By his own powerful Working, bearing; his Re- deemed Ones in his Arms, and caufing them to lean on him, while they go through the Wildcr- nefs. _ Fcurthtyt God hath made a Gift of Chrift unto. his People as a Commander, which Office he faithfully exercifcth by giving to his Kirk and People, Laws and Ordinances, Pallors and Go- vernors, and all nccefiary Officers* by keeping Court.-: and AfTcmMies among them to fee that c ^> bis ) [,242 ] his Laws be obeyed ; fubduing by his Word, Spi- rit and Discipline, his People's Corruption j and by his Wifdom and Power guarding them againft all their Enemies whatfocver. Hence he, who hath clofed the Bargain with God, may ftrengthen his Faith by reafoning after this manner ; Whofoever doth heartily receive the Offer of free Grace made here to Sinners, tbirfting for Righteoufnefs and Salvation, unto him by an e- verlafting Covenant belongeth Chrift, the true David, with all his fureand faving Mercies. But 1 ( may the weak Believer lay ) do heartily receive the Ojfer of free Grace, made here to Sin- ners thirflingfor Righteoufnefs and Salvation. Therefore unto me, by an everlafling Covenant belongeth Chrifijefws, with all his fun and fav- ing Mercies. The fecond Warrant and fpecial Mo- tive to embrace Chrift, and believe in him, is the earned Requeft that God maketh to us to be reconci- led to him inChrirt : holden forth, 2 Cor. v. 14, 19, 20, 21. GO D wai in Chrifl reconciling the World unto himfelf, not imputing their Trefpaffes unto them, and hath committed unto m the Word of ReeoneiHation.Vcv. 20. Novo then we are Ambaffa- dors for Chrifl j as though God did befeech you by C H3 1 us, we pray you in Chrifi*s flea J be ye reconciled to God. Ver. 2, 1 . Tor he hath made him to be Sin for us, tx>ho knew no Sin, that we might be made the Right eoufnefs of God in him. Whereupon the Apoftle teacheth thefe nine Doctrines. Firfl, That the Eleft World, or the World of redeemed Souls, are by Nature in the Eftate of Enmity againft: God ; This is purpofed in the Word Reconciliation ; for Reconciliation, or re- newing of Friendfhip, cannot be, except be- twixt thofe that have been at Enrrtity. Second, That in all the time by paft, fince the Fall of Adam, Chrift Jefus,T:he eternal Son of God, as Mediator, and the Father in him, hath been about the making Friendfhip ( by his Word, and Spii it) betwixt himfelf and the ElecT: World ; . God ( faith he ) was in Chrifjt reconciling the World to himfelf. Third, That the Way of Reconciliation was in all Ages one and the fame in Subftance, viz. by forgiving the Sins of them who do acknow- ledge their Sins and Enmity againft God, and do feek Reconciliation and Remiflion of Sins in Chrift ; For God ( faith he ) was in Chri/l, reconci- ling the World to himfelf by Way of not imputing their Trefpaffes unto them. Tourth, That the End and Scope of the Gof- pel and whole Word of God is threefold. 1 . It ferveth to make People fenfible of their Sins and of their Enmity againft God, and of their Dan- ger* if they (bould ftand out and not fear God's O 1 Dif- [ 2 44 3 ♦Difpleafure. i. The Word of God ferveth to fnake Men acquainted with the Courfe which God hath prepared for making Friendfhip with him through Chrift. viz* That if Man (hall ac- knowledge the Enmity, and fhall be content to enter into a Covenant of Friend fhip with God through Chrift, then God will be content to be •reconciled with them freely. 3. The Word of God ferveth to teach Men, how to carry them- felves towards God as Friends after they are reconciled to him, 'viz.. to be loath to fin againft him, and to itrive heartily to obey his Com- mandments: And therefore the WordofGodhtre is ca\\cdtheW r ordofReconciliation,bccau(e it teacheth us what need'wehaveof Reconciliation,and how to make it, and how to keep the Reconciliation or Friend fhipbeing made with God through Chrift. Fifth, That albeit the hearing, believing, and obeying of this Word, doth belong to all thofe to whom this Gofpel doth come, yet the Office of Preaching of it with Authority belongerh to *none. burto fuch only as God doth call to this Miniftry, and fendeth out with Com million for this Work. This the Apoftle holdeth forth, *Ver. ?8. in thefe Words, He hath committed to id the Word of Reconciliation. Sixthly, That the Minifters of the Gofpel "fhduld behave themfelves as Chrift's MelTengers, andftiould clofely follow their Commtflion let down in the Word,M«*.xxviii. 1 9, lo.and when they do fo, theyfhouldbereceived by the People, as AmbafTadors from God : For here tie Apoftie [ *45 3 in ail their Names, faith, We are Ambajfadors for Chrift, as though Goddidbefeechyou by us. Seventh, That Minifters in ail Earneftneis of Affection fhould deal with People to. acknow- ledge their Sins, and their natural Enmity againft. God, more and more i ei ioufly : and to conient to the Covenant of Grace and Ernbaffage of Chrift more and more heartily > and to evidence more and more dearly fheir Reconciliation by a holy Carriage before G6d . This he holdeth forth when he faith, we pray you be reconciled to God. Eight, That in the Minifter's affectionate Deal- ing with his People, the People mould confider, that they have to do with God and Chrift requeu- ing them by the Minifters to be reconciled : Now there cannot be a greater Inducement to break a Sinner's hard Heart, than God's making Requeft to him for Friendfliip : for when it became us, who have done fo many Wrongs to Qod, to feek Friendfhip of God, he preventcth us : And (O Wonder of Wonders !) he requefteth us to be con- tent to be reconciled with him j and therefore mod fearful Wrath muft abide them who do fet light by this Requeft, and do not yield when they hear Minifters with Com million, faying, We are ambajfadors forChrift as that Goddidbefeechyou by ua, we pray you inChrijVsJiead beye reconciled toGod. Ninth, To make it appear, how it cometh to pafs that the Covenant of Reconciliation fhould be fo eafily made up I etwixt God and a humble Sinner fleeing to Chrift, the Apoftle leads us un- to the Cajufe of it, holder* forth* in tkc Covenant O 3 of {*¥ ] of Redemption, the Sum whereof is this, Itk, Agreed behvixt God znd the Mediator feftvs Ghrijl, the Son of God, Surety for the Redeemed as Parties Contraclers, that the Sins ef the Redeemed fljotdd- be imputed to innocent Chrtfl, and he both condem- ned and put to Death for them uponthii very Con- diii<*n, that rrkofoever heartily tonfents unto the Co- tenant of Reconciliation offered through Chrifi, pall by the Imptitauov. of his Obedience unto them be juf lifted- and holden righubits before God, for God ha th made Chrifi, -who knew no Sin , to be Sin for u4, (ia'th the Apoftle ) tharwe might be made ~tht > Right eotifnefs of God in him. Hence may a weak Believer ftrengthen his Faith, by realbning from this Ground after this Manner. ' He that upon the loving Requeft of God and * Chrift made tc him by the Mouth of his Mi- * miters {having Commiffion to that Effect) hath * imbraced the Offer of perpetual Reconciliation * through Chrift, and do purpofe by God's Grace, ' as a reconciled Perfon, to ftrive againft Sin, * and to f-rveGod to his Power confhntly, may * be as futc to have Righteoufnefs and eternal ' Life given to him, for the Obedience of Chrfft * imputed to him, as it is fure that Chrift was '*. condemned and fut to Death for the Sins of '« the Redeemed imputed to him. < But I {may the weak Believer fay) upon the « loving Requeft bf God andChriit, madeto me « by the Mouth of his Minifters, have imbraced ' the Offer of perpetual Reconciliation through 1 Chrift, [ 2 47 1 c Chrift, and do purpofe by God's Grace, The Wrath of God a^ bideth on him, faith he. , Hence may the weak Believer ftrengthen his Faith, by reafoning from this Ground after this Manner ; Whofoever believeth the Doctrine delivered by the Son of God, and findeth himfelf partly drawn powerfully to believe in him by the Sight of Life in him, and partly driven by the Fear of God's Wrath to adhere unto him, may be fare of Right and 14* terefi to Life eternal through him. But finful and unworthy I ( may the weak Be- liever fay ) do believe the Doctrine delivered by tht t Son of God, and do feel myfelf partly drawn P / .: trfitUy to believe in him by the S'rght of J '-\. thtot they may fee your good Works. 2 . He induceth them fo to do, by fhewing that albeit they be not juftified by Works, yet SpecTra- F x tor [ **« ] Ver. 7. And to Godlinefs, Brotherly-kindnefs; and to Brotherly-kindnefs, Charity . Ver. 8. Forifthefe Things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye- frail neither be barren, nor unfruitful in the Knowledge of our Lord Jefia Chriji. Wherein, 1. The Apoille teacheth Believers, for evidencing of precious Faith in themfelves, tb endeavour to add to their Faith ieven other Sifter-Graces ; The rirft is Vertue, or the a&ive Exercife and Practice of all moral Duties, that fo Faith may not be idle, but put forth itfelf in Work. The fecond is Knowledge, which ferv- eth to furry fh Faith with Information of the Truth to bfe believed, and to fumifh Vertue with Direction what Duties are to be done, and how to go about them prudently. The third is Tem- perance, which ferveth to moderate the Ufeof all pleafant Things, that a Man be not clogged there- 2 5? ] therewith, nor made unfit for any Duty whereto he is called. The fourth is P;m'e»c holden forth, i 7im.i 5. "^T O W the End of the Commandment U Love x\ out of a pare Heart, and a good Confcience, #nd of Faith unfeigned. Wherein the Apoftle tcacheth thefe feven Do- ctrines : 1 . That the Obedience of the Law muft flow from Love, and Love from a pure Heart, and a puie Heart from a good Confcience, and a good Conscience from F/«>&#n/ei£?^: This hemak- eth the only right Channel of good Works ; The End of the Law U Love, &c. 2. That the End of the Law is not that Men may be juftified by their Obedience of it, as the Jewtf]) Doctors did falily teach ; for it is impo-. ftiblethat Sinners can be juftified by the Law, who tor every Tranfgreflion are condemned by the Law j For the End of the Law U (notfuch as the Jewifh Doctors taught, but ) Love out of a pure Heart, &c. 3. That the true End of the Law, preached unto the People, is, that they, by the Law, be- ing made to fee their deferved Condemnation, fhould fleetoChrift unfcignedly, to be juftified by Faith in him : So faith the Text, while it makcth Love to flow through Faith in Chriji. 4. That C »*i ] 4. That no Man can fet himfelf in Love to o- bey the Law, except in as far as his Confeience :s | quieted by Faith, or in feeking to be quieted in Chrift i for the End of the Lav a Love, out of* good Confeience, and Faith unfeigned. f. rhat/W^e^F/wV^goeth to Chrift without reckoning with rhe Law, and Co wants an Er- rand : but unfeigned Faith reckoneth with the Law, and is forced to flee for Refuge unto Chrift, as the End of the Law for Righteoufnefs, fo often as it finds itfelf guilty for breaking of the Law ; Tor the End of the Lav is Faith unfeigned. 6. That the Fruits of Love may come forth in A& particularly, it isnecejfary that the Heart be brought to the Hatred of all Sin and Unclean- nefs, and to a ftedfaft Purpofe to follow all Holinefs univerfally : For the End of the Lav U Love out of a pure Heart. 7. That unfeigned Faith is able to make the Confeience good, and the Heart pure, and the Maa lovingly obedient to the Law: For when Chrift's Blood is Ceen by Faith to quiet juftice. then the Confeience becometh quiet alfo, and will not fuffer the Heart to entertain the Love of Sin, but fets the Man on Work to fear God for his Mercy, and to obey all his Command- ments out of Love to God for his free Gift of Juftirkarion by Grace beftowed on him : For this is the End of the Lav indeed, where- by it obtaineth of a Man more Obedience than any other Way. • ^ P 5 the C if* ] /The fourth Thing require to Evi- dence true Faith, is the keeping of ft rait Communion with Chrift ^ the Fountain of all Grace, and of all good Works; holden forth, John xv. 5- I A M the true Vine, ye are the Branches ; he that abidethin me, and I in him, the fame bringeth forth much Fruit 5 for reithcut me ye can do no- thing. Wherein Chrift, in a Similitude from a Vine- tree, teacheth us, 1 . That by Nature we are wild barren Briars, till we be changed by coming unto Chrift, and that Chrift is that noble Vine-tree, having all Life and Sap of Grace in himfeif, and able to change the Nature of every one that coineth to hinr, and to communicate Spirit and Life to as many as (hall believe in him. I am the true Vine (faith he) and ye are the Branches. 2 . That Chrift loveth to have Believers fo unit- ed unto him, as that they be not feparated at any Time by Unbelief: And that there may be a mu- tual Inhabitation of them in him by Faith and Lave,; and of him in them, by his Word and Spi- rit , for he joineth thefe together, If ye abide in mt> and I in you, as Things infeparable. 2. That except a Man be ingrafted in Chrift, and united to him by Faith, he cannot do any the Icaft I i*3 ] leaft good Works of his own Strength, yea, ex. cept in as far as a Man doth draw Spirit and Life from Chrift by Faith, the Work which he doth ts naughty and null in the Voint of Goodnefs in God's Estimation : For without me (faith he) ye can do nothing. 4. That this mutual Inhabitation is the Foun- tain and infallible Caufe of conftant continuing and abounding in Well-doing : For, hethttabid- eth in me, and I in him ( faith he ) the fume bear- ith much Fruit : Now as our abiding in Chrift prefuppofeth three Things, 1. That We have heard the joyful Sound of the Gofpel, making Offer of Chrift to us, who are loft Sinners by the Law. 2. That we have heartily embraced the gracious Offer of Chrift. 2 . That by receiving of him we are become the Sons of God : John % 12. And are incorporated into his myftical Bo- dy, that he might dwell in us as hk Temple, and we dwell in him as in the Refidence of Right e- oufnefs and Life, fo our abiding in Chrift import- cth other three Things . 1 . An imploying of Chri ft in all our Addreffes to God, and in all our Under- takings of whatfoever Piece of Service to him. 2. A Contentednefs with his Sufficiency, with- out going out from him to ftek Righteoufnefs, or Life, or Furniture in any Cafe, in our own, or any of the Creatures Worthinefs. 5. A Fixcd- ncfs in our Believing in him, a Fixednefs in our Imploying and making Ufe of him, and a Fixed- nefsin our Contentment in him, and adhering to him, fo that no Allurement, no Temptation of | C 2*4 1 atari or the World, no Terror nor Trouble may e able to drive our Spirits from firm Adherence fumo him i or from conftant avowing of his Truth, and obeying his Commands ; who hath I loved us, and given hi mfelf for us ; And in whom ! not only our Life is laid up, but alfo the Fulnefs of the God-head dwelleth bodily, by reafon o£ the fubftantial and perfonal Union of the Divine and FVman Nature in him. Hence let every watchful Believer, for {lengthening himfelf in Faith and Obedience, reafon after thi$ Manner ; !C X T THofoever doth daily imploy Chrift Jefus VV « forclcanfmghisConfcienceand AfTe- l '*■ &ions from theGu'.ltinefsandFilthinefsof Sins ■ againft the Law, and for inabling of him to I f give Obedience to the Law in Love, he hath , « the Evidence of true Faith in himfelf. * But I ( may every watchful Believer fay) do • daily imploy Jefus Chrift, for cleanfing my « Confcience and AfYe&ions from the Guiltinefs « and Filthinefs of Sins againft the Law: And « for enabling of me to give Obedience to the < Law, in Love. * Therefore I huve the Evidence of true Faith 4 in my felf. And hence alfo, let the fleepy and fluggiiri Believer reafon for his own Up-ttirring, thus j 4 Whatib- t *** a ' Whatfoever is neceflary for giving Evidence « of true Faith, I muft ftudy to do it, except I « would deceive myfelf and perifli. * But, to imploy Chrift Jefus daily for clean- * fing of my Confcience and Affections from * the Guiltinefs and Filthinefs of Sins againft the 1 Law, and fer enabling of me to give Obedi- ' cnce to the Law, in Love, is neceflary for evi- * dencingof true Faith in me. * Therefore, this I muft ftudy to <3o, except I « would deceive my felt and perifli. And Lafily, Seeing Chrift himfelf hath pointed this forth, as an undoubted Evidence of a Man e- le£led of God unto Life, and given to Jefus Chrift to be redeemed, if he come unto him, that is, clofe Covenant and keep Communion With him, as heteacheth us, John vi. 37. faying, Ail that the Father hath given tne, jJjall come to me y and him that cometh to me, I will in no wife cafl out : Let every Peribn who doth not in Earneft make ufe of Chrift, for RemifTion of Sin, and Amendment of Life, reafon hence, and from the whole Premifles, after .this Man- ner, that his Confcience may be awakened j * Whofoever is neither by the Law, nor by « the Gofpel, fo convinced of Sin, Righteouf- « nefs and Judgment, as to make him come * to Chrift, and imploy him daily for Remifii- * oh of Sin, and Amendment of Life 3 he want- * eth not only all Evidence of faving Faith, * but alfo all Appearance of his Election, fo « long as he remaineth in this Condition. 1 But • Bat I ( may «i/«ry impenitent Perfin fay ) am neither by the Law nor Gofpel lb con- vinced, of Sin, Righteoufnefs and Judgment, as to make me come to Chrift, and imploy him daily for Remimon of Sin, and Amend- ment of Life. * Therefore I want not only all Evidence of faving Faith, but alfo all Appearance of my Election, fo long as 1 remain in this Condi- tion. The I 26' 7 ] The National Covenant;^ ,or, The Confeffion of Faith ; fubfcribed at firfl by the King's Majejly and hi* Houfhold, in the Year of God if 80 j thereafter by Perfons of all Ranks, in the Tear \$%\,by Ordinances of the Lords of the Secret Council, and Aft s of the General Af- fembly j fubfcribed by all Sorts of Perfons in the Tear if 90, by a new Ordinance of Council, at the Defer e of the General Affembly j with a ge- neral Band for Maintenance of the true Religi- on, and the King's Perfon j and fubfcribed in the lear 1638, by US, Noblemen, Barons, Gentle- men, Burgeffes, Minifters, and Commons, then under fubfcribing : Together with our Refolution and Promifes for the Caufes after fpecified, to maintain the faid true Religion, and the King's Majejiy, according to the Confeffion for ef aid, and Afts of Parliament, And now, upon the Suppli- cation of the General Affembly to his Majejiy 's high Commiffiomr., and the Loras of his Majejly* s honourable Privy Council, fubfcribed again in in the Tear 1639, by Ordinance of Council, and Act of the General Affembly . WE all, and every one of us under- writ- ten, proteft, that after long and due Examination of our own Confer- ences in Matters of true and falfe Religion, we ire now throughly refolved of the Truth, by the < 7 C a<# 3 Wor,d and Spirit of God : And therefore we be- lieve with our Hearts, confefs with our Mouths, fubfcribe with our Hands* and conftantly affirm before God and the whole World, that this only is the true Chriftian Faith and Religion, pleafing God, and bringing Salvation to Man, which now is by the Mercy of God revealed to the Wc rid, by the Preaching of the blefled Evangel; and re- ceived, believed, and defended by many and fun- dry notable Kirks and Realms, but chiefly by the Kirk of Scotland, and the King's Majefty, and three Eft ate s of this Realm, as God's eternal Truth, and only Ground of our Salvation, as more particularly isexprefTed in the Gonfeflion of our Faith.eftablifhed, and public kly confirmed l*y iudry Acts of Parliaments, and now of a long Time hath been openly profeiTed by the King's Majefty, and whole Body of this Realm, both in Burgh and Land. To the which ConfeiTion and Form of Religion, we willingly agree in our Confciences in all Points, as unto God's undoubt- ed Truth and Verity, grounded only upon his written Word: And therefore, we abhor and de- teft all contrary Religion, and Doctrine : But chiefly all Kind of Vapiftry in general and parti- cular Heads, even as they are now damned and confuted by the Word of God, and Kirk of Scot-, land. But in fpecial we deteft and refufe the uf- urped Authority of that Roman Antichrift upon the Scriptures of God, upon the Kirk, the Civil Magiftrate, and Conferences of Men : All his ty- rannous Laws made upon indifferent Things a- gainft. I 169 1 gainft our Chti ftian- Liberty : His erroneous Do- I <&rine, agamft the Sufficiency of the written Word, the Perfection of the Law, the Office of Chrift, and his blefled Evangel : His corrupted Doctrine concerning original Sin, Our natural In- ability and Rebellion to God's Law, our J unifi- cation- by Faith only, our imperfect San&itica- f-ion and Obedience to the Law, the Nature, Number and Ufe of the holy Sacraments, with all his Rites, Ceremonies, and falfe Doctrine, ad- ded to the Adminiftrationof the true Sacraments without the Word of God : His cruel Judgment againfl: Infants departing without the Sacrament : his abfolute Neceflity of Baptifm > blafphemous Opinion of Tranfubitaruiation, or real Prefence of Chrifrs Body in^rhe Elements, and receiving of the fame- by the Wicked, or Bodies of Men : His Difpehfationswith folemn Oaths, Purjuries, and Decrees of Marriage forbidden in the Word : His Cruelty again ft the Innocent divorced : His devilifh.Mafs: His blafphemous Priefthood : His ]3rophanc Sacrifice for the Sins of the Dead and the Quick: His Canonization of Men j calling ppon Angels or Saints departed". Worfbipping of Imagery, Relicks and Crofies j Dedicating of Kirks, Altars, Days ; Vows to Creatures : His Purgatory, Prayers for the. Dead ; Praying or fpeaking in a ftrangc Languages with his Pro- ceil'iops, blafphemous Letany, and multitude of Advocates or Mediators : His manifold Orders >d auricular Confeffion : His defperate and uncer- tain Repentance : His general and doubtfolVice, Fa and - C 2 7 o 3 Faith : His Satisfactions of Men For their Sins : His Juftification by Works, opus op er at urn. Works of Supererogation, Merits, Pardons^ Peregrina- tions, and Stations: His Holy- Water, Baptiimg of Bells, Conjuring of Spirits, Crofiing, Sayn- ing, Anointing, Conjuring, Hallowing of God's good Creatures, with the fuperftitious Opinion joined therewith : His worldiy Monarchy, and wicked Hierarchy : His three folemn Vows, with all his Shavelings of fundry Sorts: His er- roneous and bloody Decrees made at Trent , with all the Subfcribers and Approvers of that bloody Bond, conjured againfl: the Kirk of God. And finally, we detoft all his vain Allegories, Rites, Sign and Traditions brought in the Kirk, with- out or againfl: the Word of pod, and Do&rine of this true reformed Kirk : To the which we joinourfelves willingly, in Doftrine, Faith, Re- ligion, Difcipline, and Ufe of the holy Sacra- ments, as lively Members of the fame, in Chrift our Head : promiling and fwearing by the Great Name of the L O R D our G O D, That we (hall continue in the Obedience of the Doctrine and Difcipline of this Kirk, and fhall defend the fame, according to our Vocation and Power, all the Days of our Lives ; under the Pains contained in the Law, and Danger both of Body and Soul in the Day of God's fearful Judgment. And feeing that many are ftirred up by Satan, t^nd that Roman Antichrift, to promife. fwear, M a tbfcribe, and for a Time ufe the holy Sacra- raiincjts in the Kirk deceitfully, againfl: their own Con- C 271 ] Conferences ; minding thereby, Firfi:, und*r the external Cloke of Religion, to corrupt and Sub- vert fecretly God's -true Religion within t» e Kirk; and afterward, when Time may ferve, to become open Enemies and Perfecutors of the fame, under vain Hopes of the Pope's Difpenfa- tion, deviled againft the Word of God, to his greater Confufion, and their double Condemna- tion in the Day of the Lord Jefus : We therefore, willing to take away all Sufpicion of Hypocrisy, and of fuch Double-dealing with God 8c his Kirk, proteft,and call the Searcher of all Hearts for Wit- nefs, that our Minds and our Hearts do fully agree with this our ConfeJJio?t, Promife, Oatb,in&Sttb~ fcriptioni f o that we are not moved for any world- ly Reipect, butareperfuaded only in our Confci- ences, through the Knowledge and Love of God's true Religion, printed in our Hearts, by the Ho- ly Spirit, as we fhall anfwer to him in the Day when the Secrets of all Hearts fhall be difclofed. And becaufe we perceive, that the Quietoefs and Stability of our. Religion and Kirk, doth de- pend upon the Safety and good Behaviour of the King's Majefty, as upon a comfortable Inftru- ment of God's Mercy, granted to this Country for the maintaining of his Kirk, and Mimftrati- on of Juftice amongft us, we proteft and pro- mife with our Hearts, under the fame Oath, Hand-writ, and Pains, that we fhall defencl his Perfon and Authority, with Goods, Bodies, and Lives, in the Defence of Chrift, his Evangel, Li- berties of our Country, Miniftration of Juftice, and [ mil and Punifhment or Iniquity, againft all Enemies wit Mn this Realm, or without j as we defire our C^rfttobeaitrong and merciful Defender to us, the Day of our Death, and Coming of our Lord [efus Chrift : To whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all Honour and Glory eternally. LI K E as many A&s of Parliament, not only in general do abrogate, anul, andrefcindall Laws, Statutes, A£ts, Conftitutions, Canons, civil or municipal, with all other Ordinances and praclick Penalties whatfoever, made in Preju- dice of the true Religion and Profeflbrs thereof, or of the true Kirk, Difcipline, Jurifdi&ion, and Freedom thereof: Or in Favour of Idolatry and Superftition j Or of the papiftical Kirk, as Aft 3, Aft 3 1, Pari. 1, Pari. z^,Parl. 1 1, Aft 1 14, Pari, iz of King James VI. That Papiftry and Superftition may be utterly fuppreffed ac- cording to the Intention of the A els of Parlia- ment/ repeated in Aftf, Pari. 10, King James VI. r! And to that End they, ordain all Papifo and Priefts to be punifred by manifold Civil and Ecdoliaitical Pains, as Adverfaries to God's true Religion, preached, and by the Law eftablifhcd within this Realm, Aft 24, Pari. 1 1, KingJ^. VI. as common Enemies to all Chriliian Govern- ment, A3 18. Pari. 16..K. Ja.VV as Rebels and Gain-ftandcrs of ©ur Sovereign Lord's Au- thority, Aft 47, Pari. 3, King Ja. VI. and as Idolitors, Aft to4, Parl.j. King Ja.Vl. But alio in particular ( by and at our Confeflion ot Faith) Faith) do abolifh and condemn the Pope's Au- thority and Jurifdiction out of this Land, and ordain the Maintainers thereof to be punifhed, Aft i,Parl. t. Aft fi, Pari. f a Aft io;6, Pari. 7, Aft 114, furl. iz. King fa. VI. do con- demn the Pope's erroneous Doctrine, or any o- Ither erroneous Doctrine repugnant to any of the Articles of the true and Chriftian Religion publickly preached, and by Law eftablilhed in this Realm, and ordain the Spreaders and Makers .of Books and Libels, or Letters, or Writs of that Nature, to bepunifhed, Act 46, Pari. 3, Aft 1 oo\ Pari. 7, AH 14, Pari. 1 1 , King J a. VI.*do con- demn all Baptifm conform to the-Pope's Kirk, and the Idolatry of the Mafs,and,ordainali Sayers, wilful Hearers, and Concealers of the Mafs, the Maintainers and Refettcrsof the Priefts, Jefuits, traffiquing Papifts, to be punifhed without any Exception or ReftricHon, Aft f\ Pari. 1, Aft 110, Pari. 12, Aft 164. Pari. 13, Aft 193, Pari. 14, Aft 1, Pari. 19, Aft f,Parl. '20, King Ja. VI. do condemn all erroneous Books and Writs, containing erroneous Doctrine againii the Religion prefently profefied, or containing fuperftitious Rites and Ceremonies papift'fcal, ■■whereby the People are greatly abufed; and or- dain the Home-bringers of them to be punifhed, Aft if, Pari. 11, King Ja. VI. Do condemn the Monuments and Dregs of by-gone Idolatry, as going to CrolTes, obierving feftival Days of Saints,and fuch other fuperftitious and papiftical Rite/j to the Difhenour of God, Contempt of true • L ^74 J tnic Religion, and foftering of great Errors a- mongthe People; and ordains the Ufersof them to be punifhed for the fecond Fault as Idolaters, Actio^ Pari. 7, King^. VI. Like cm many Acts of Parliament are conceived for Maintenance of God's true and Chriftian Re- ligion, and the Purity thereof in Dodrine and Sacraments of the true Church of God, the Li- berty and Freedom thereof, in her National and Synod ical Affemblies, Presbyteries, SelTions, Po- licy, Difcipline, and Juriidiclion thereof : As that Purity' -of- Religion and Liberty of the Church was ufed, profeffed, exercifed, preach- ed and confefted, Recording to the- Reformation of Religon in this Realm: As for Inffance, ASt yy.Parl. y.Aci^^.Pari. 1 1. Act 11$. Pari iz. AH 160. Part \+. of King Ja. VI. ratified by the .4 Aft of King Charles. So that Ail 6. Pari 1 . and Aci tifc Pari. 6- of King Ja. VI. in the Year of God i>"79, declares the Minifters of the blciled Evangel, whom God of his Mercy had railed up,' or hereafter mould raife, agreeing with them that then lived in Doctrine and Adminiftra- tion of the Sacrament* j and the People that pro- feiTed Chriftas he was then offered in the Evan- gel, and doth communicate with the holy Sacra- ments, (as in the reformed Kirks of this Realm they were publickiy adminiftred) according to the Confeflion of Faith, to be the true and holy Kirk of Chrift Jeius within this Realm.' And difcerns and declares all and fundry, Who either gainiay$ the Word of the Evangel, received and approved -, L *75 J Approved; ,4s the Heads of the Confeflion of Faith profefTed in Parliament in the Year of God -i 5-60, specified alfo in the firft Parliament of K. Jam-. VI. and ratified in this prefent Parliament, moreparticularly do exprefs ; or thatrefufeth the Adminiftration of the holy Sacraments^ as they were then miniftrated. to be no -Members of the faid Kirk within this Realm, and true Religion,, preiently profeffed, fo long as they keep them- ielves ib divided from the Society of Chris's Body: And the fubfequent^# 69. Farl. 6. of K. Jam. VI. declares, that there is none other Face of Kirk, .nor other Face of Religion, than was prefently at that Time, -by the Favour of Go4 eftabli Hied within this Realm : Which therefore is ever, ft i led, God's true Religion, Chrift's trueRe r ifgiotj, the. true and Chriftian Religion, and* per- feci-jRdfgtm j which, by manifold Acts of Par- iwmejttvialLwitJnn this Realm are bound to.prx> -refs, to lubfcribetheArticles^thereot^theConfe- •fiiOft of Faith, to recant all Doctrine and Errors repugnant to any of the faid Articles, Aft 4 and ig.Parl.v.iAft 45% 46, 47. Pari. 1.AZI7I. Farl. tir.AB'ioO. Farl. 7. A3 24. Farl. 11 . Aci iz$ , .Pari, \r. Aft 194, 197. Far 1. 14. of K.Jam. VI. And all Magistrates, Sheriffs, &c: on the. one Part are ordained to fearch, apprehend, and pu^ niflvali Contraveeners •. For Inftance,^ 5-. Fari. 1 . Att 1.04. Farl. j.Ati if. Farl. 1 1 . K.Jam. VI. And that notwithstanding of the King's Ma» jetty's Licences on the contrary, which are di£ charged and decked to be of no Force, in Co far L *7« J far as they tend in any Ways to the Prejudice and hinder the Execution of the Acts of Parlia- ment againft Papiftsand Adverfaries of true Re- ligion, Aft iofr.Tarl.j.K.Jam.Vl. On the o- ther Part, in Act 47. Varl. 3. K. Jam. VI. It is declared and ordained, feeing the Caufe of God's true Religion, and his Highnefs Authority are fo joined, as the Hurt of the one is common to both i that none fhall be reputed as loyal and faithful Subjects to our Sovereign Lord, or his •Authority, but be puni fhed as Rebellers and Gain- fhnders of the fame, who fhall not give their Con fe (lion, and make their Profefilonofthe faid true Religion j and that they who after Defecti- on fhall give the ConfefTion of their Faith of new, they fhall promife to continue therein in Time coming, to maintain our Sovereign Lord's Au- thority j And at the uttermoft of their Peuter to fortify, afllft, and maintain the true Preachers and Profeflbrs of Chrift's Evangel againft what- Ibever Enemies-and Gain-danders of the fame: and namely againft all fuch (of whatfoever Nati- on/ Eftate or Degree they be of) that have joined and bound themfelves", or have afiifted, orafiift toYet forward, and execute the cruel Decrees of •the Council of Trent contrary to the true Preach- ers and Profeflbrsof the Word of God ; which -is repeated Word by Wcrd, in the Articles of Pa- cification at Perth, the 23d of February ffl*, approved by Parliament the laft of April 1 57 3 » raft fled in Parliament *f$f, and related, A3 U 3 . Pari 1 1 . of K. . Jam , V J . wit h this Ad- [*77] jiition, That they are bound to refifl all treafonalh Uproars and Hojiilitics, raided aiatnjl the true Re- ligion, the Kings Majefy, and the true ProfejJbrJ. Like as all Liedges are bound to maintain the King's- Majefty'syjloyal Pe fon and Authority ; the Authorhy,of ^Parliament, without the which neither any Laws or lawful Judicatories can be jeftablifhed, Act. 1 50, and 1 5 1 , Pari. 8. K.fa.Vl. and the Siibjerts L\betties> who ought only to" live 8c be governed by the King's Laws,the common Laws of this Realm allanerjy,^£7 j&.Parl, 3 . K. Jam. \. Art 7 9. Pari 6.. l^.Jam. IV. repeated in Act 131. p*r/,. 3. K. Jam- VI. Which, if they be innovated, or prejudged* the GommitTion a- nentthe U,nionof, the two. Kingdoms of Scd't- laid and England, which is the iole Aft ctfiarl. 17. of K. jam. VI. declares, fucii. Confufion wouldi' enfue, as this Realm could be no m or e a free Monarchy, becauie by the found 2 mental Laws, ant'ent Privileges, Offices, apd Liberties, of this Kingdom, not only the prjpjtely Autho- / rity of his-~iMajeft)< 3 s Royal Defeat, hath been' Jrhefe many; Ages .'maintained,. bufalj.o,f he Peo- ples Security of their Lands, Livings, 'Rights, •.Offices, Liberties and Dignities prefer ved. And therefore for the fyefervation of the laid true Religion, Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom, it is Statute \yy,4tt 8 . Pari 1 . repeated in 4899. Pari. 7. repeated in Art 2^. Pari. 1 i . 3nd Ad 1 1-4. Pari. 1 2. of K. Jam. VI. and Act 4. of K. Char. I. That ail Kings and Primes, at their Co- reunion, and Reception of their princelv A a1 ~ q. * id*.' A [ >7% ] thoi ity, fhall make their faithful Prorhife by their foleinn Oath, in thePrefenceof the Eternal God, That, enduring the whole Timeof their Lives-, they fhall ferve the fame Eternal God to the ut- ter moft of their Power, according: as he hath requited in. his rnoft holy Word, contained in the Did and NewTeftarneftfs. Andaceordingtothe fame "Word, fhall maintain the true Religion of Chi (ft Jefus, the preaching of his holy Word, the due and right Miniftration of the Sacraments, now received and preached within this Realm (according tx> .the Confeflion of Faith immedi- ately proceeding ) and fhall abolifhahd gain-ftand ailfalfe Religion contrary to the lame, and ftlsll rule the People committed to their -Charge, ac- cording to the Will and Command of God,- re- vealed in hi'sforefaid Word, and according to the lauclable I. aws and Confirmations received in this Realm, no way repugnant to the faid Will of the ' Eternal OM : And fhall pror me; to' theuttermoft of their rlfycr, to the Kirk of God, and whole i Chviftian People, true and perfe& Peace in- all \ "Time coming, and that they (hall be -careful to ; root out of their Empire all Hereticfcs, and Ene- ' niies td the true Worfhip of God, who fhall be convicted by the true Kirk of God, of the ' forefaid Crimes : Which was alfo cbferved by hi* ' Majefiy at his Coronation in Edenburgh 1 6 33, fH r/jay be feen in the Order of the Coronation. In Obedience to the Commandment of God, \ conform to the Practice of the Godly in former Times,[snd according to the laudable Example of L Z79 J 4 be of our worthy and religious Progenitors, arid c many yet living amongft us, which was war- ranted alio by Aft of C °™ c ^ fTTfu.lu acneral Bond to be made, and fufcnbed by his Majefty's Subjeftsof all Ranks, for two Caufes : I One was for defending the true Religions it was then reformed, and isexpreiTedin the Con- feffion of Faith, above written, and a former arge Confellion eitablilhed by fundry AGs of law- ful General* Afembliesmd of Parliaments, unto which it hath Relation, fet down m publick ua- techifms; and which had been for many Years with a ffiejflTing from Heaven preached and pro- fefTed in this Kirk and Kingdom, as God s un- doubted Truth, grounded onlyupon his written Word The other Caufe was for maintaining the King's Majeftv, hisPerfon andEftate the true Worfhipof God, and the King's Authority be- ing fo ftraitly joined, as that they had the fame Fnends, and common Enemies, and did ftand and fall together. And finally, being convinced in our MiSds, and confeffing with our Mouths, that the prefent and fucceeding Generations in this Land, arebound to keep the rorefaid Nation- al Oath and Subfcription inviolable. We Noble- men. Barons, Gentlemen, Burgefles, Mimfters and Commons under fubferibing, confidering divers Times before, and efpecially at this Time, the Danger of the! true reformed Religion, ot the Kin|s Honour i and of the pubhek Peace of the Kingdom, -by the manifold Innovations and • Evils generally contained, and particularly men- to ' Qi tioned [ 280.] foncd in our late Supplications, Complaints, ana Voteftations : Do Hereby profefs, and before Cod, his Angels, and the World, folemnly de- clare, Yi~ at with our whole Hearts we agree and refolve all the Days of our Life conftantly to ad- here unto, and to defend the forefaid Religion, and (forbearing the Practice of all Novations, already introduced in the Matters of the Worihip of God,. or Approbation of the Corruptions of the pubiick Government of the Kirk; or civil Pla- ces and Power of Kirkmen, till they be tried and allowed in free AlTemblies, and in Parliament) to labour by all Means lawful," to recover the Purity and Liberty of the Gofpel, as it was eflablim- ed and profelTed before the fo> efaid Novations And beeauie after due Examination, we plainly perceive, and undoubted 1 y believe, that the In- novations and Evils contained in our Supp'icati- ons, Complaints, and Prbteftations, have no Warrant of the Word of God, are contrary to the , Article cf the forefaid Cpnfeflions, to the Intention ana Meaning of the bleiTed Reformers of Religion in this Land, to thcabove-wri'ten AcTtsof Parliament, and do fenfibly tend to the re-efrablifhing of the P^/'V Religion and Ty- ranny, and to the Subveriion and Ruin of the true Reformed Religion, and of our Liberties, Laws, and Eitates : We al'fp declare, ■ That the forefaid ConfeiTions are to be interpreted, snd ought to be underftood of the forefaid Novati- ons and Evils, no left than ifeyeryoneof them, had been exprefied in the forefaid Confefilons ; and [ *8i J. and that we are obliged to deteft and abhor tftem, amongft other particular Heads of Fapi/lry abju- red therein. And therefore, from the Know- ledge and Confcience of our Duty to God, ro our King and Country, without any worldly Refpecl: or Inducement : fo far as human Infir- mity will fuffer, wifhing a further Mea'fure of the Grace of God for this ErTecl:: We promife and fwear by the GREAT NAME OF THE LORD OUR GOD, to continue in the Pro- fefiion and Obedience of the fbreiaid Religion; and that we mall defend the fame, and retifl all theie contrary Errors and Corruptions, accord- ing to our Vocation, and to the uttermoit of that Power that God hath put in our Hands all the Days of our Life. And in like manner with the fame Heart, we declare before God and Men, that we have no In- tention nor Delire to attempt any thing that may turn to the Difhonour of God, or to the Diminution of the King's Greatnefs and Autho- rity : But on the contrary, we promife and fwear, that we lhall, to the uttermoit of our Power, with our Means and Lives, Itand to the Defence of our dread Sovereign the King's Majefty, his Perfonand Authority, in the Defence, and Pre- fervation of the forefaid true Religion, Liber- ties, and Laws of the Kingdom : As alfo to the mutual Defence and Affiftance, every one of us of another, in the fame Caufe of maintaining the true Religion, and his Majefty'x Authority, with our beft Counfel, our Bodies, Means, and whole Power, againft all forts of Perfons what- Q. 5 ibever > i ,82 j foefer ; So" that whatfcever lhall be done to the leaitof us for that Cauie, mall be taken as done to us all in general, and to every one .of us in particular: And that we ihall neither directly nor indirectly fufrer.ourfelves to be divided or with- drawn by whatioever Suggeltion> Allurement, or Terror, from this blcfied and loyal Conjuncti- on, nor (hall ca# in any Lett or I mpediment.that may fray or hinder any fuch Reiblution as by common Conient ihall be found to conduce for fo good Ends. But on the contrary, mall by all lawful Means labour to further and promote the fame. And if any fuch dangerous and diviiive Motion be made to us by Word or Writ, we and every one of us, {ball cither fupprefs it, or if Need be, ihall incontinent make the fame known, that it may be timeoufly obviated. Neither do we fear the foul Afperfions of Re- bellion, Combination, or what elfe our Adverfa- rics from their Craft and Malice would put up- on us ; feeing what we do is well warranted, and arifeth from an unfeigned Deiireto maintain the true Wor(hip of God, the Majefty of 1 our King, and Peace of the Kingdom, for the common Happinefs of ourfelves and Pofterity. And becaufe we cannot look for a Blefling from God upon our Proceedings, except with our ProfeiTion and Subfcription, we join fuch a Life and Converfation, as befeemeth ChrifH- ans, who have renewed their Covenant with God ; we therefore faithfully promife for our felves, our Followers, and all others, under us j both in publick, in our particular Families, and perfonal C ^3 1 .£ ! perfonal Carnage, to endeavour to keep oi?n iclv.es within the Bounds of Chriftian Liberty,-, j and to be good Examples to others of all Godli- nefs, Sobernefs and Rightebufnefs, and of every Duty we owe to God and Man. And that this our Union and Conjunction may be obferved without Violation, we call the LIVING- GOD THE SEARCHER OF OUR HEARTS to witnefs, who knoweth this to be our fin - cere Defire and 'unfeigned Reiblution, as we {hall anfwer to JESUS CHRIST in the Great Day, and under the Pain of God's evcr- lafting Wrath, and of Infamy, and Lofs of ail Honour and refpeclt in this World, moit hum- ble befeeching the Lord, to flrengthen us by his holy Spirit for this End, and to blefs our De- firesand Proceedings with a happy Succefs, that Religion and Righted. fnefs may flouriih in the band, to the Glory of God, the Honour of our King, and Peace and Comfort of us all : In wit- nefs whereof we have fubfcribed with our Hands all the PiemifTes. TH E Articles of this Covenant, which was at 4 the firfi Subfcription referred to the Deter- mination of the General AiTembly, being deter mi- ned; and thereby the five Articles of Yerth, the Government of the Kirk by Bifhops, and the civil Places and Power of Kirkmen, upon the Rmfons and Grounds contained in the Acls of the General AfTembly, declared to be unlawful with- in this Kirk. We fubfcribe according to the De- termination aforefaid, A [ »«♦ ] A Solemn League and Co- venant, for Reformation, and Defence of Religion, &c. WE Noblemen, Barons, Knights, Gentlemen, Citizens, Burgefles, Minifters of the Gofpel, Com- mons of all Sorts in the King- doms of Scotland, England and Ireland, by the Providence of God living under one King, and being of one Reformed Religion, having before our Eyes the Glory of God, and the Advance- ment of the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, the Honour and H3ppinefs of the King's Majefty, and his Pofterity, and the true publick Liberty, Safety, and Peace of the King- doms, wherein every ones private Condition is included : And calling to mind the treacherous and bloody Plots, Confpiracies, Attempts, and Practices of the Enemies of God, againft the true Religion, and Profeflbrs thereof in all Places, c£ pecially in thefe three Kingdoms ever fince the Reformation of Religion, and how much their Rage, Power and Prefumption, are of late, and at this Time increafed and excrcifed, whereof the deplorable Eftate of /the Church and King- dom otIreland,the difti-efled Eftate of the Church & Kingdom of England, 8c the dangerous Eftate of the Church and Kingdom of Scotland, are pre- sent & publick Teitimonies. We have now at laft \ .'■• (after [ 285 ] v be ("after other Means of Supplication, "Reraofg n ftrance, Proteftations, and Sufferings) for thi !S I Prefervationofourfelvesand our Religion from utter Ruin and Destruction, according to- the commendable Practice of theie Kingdoms in former Times, and the Example of God's Peo- ple in other Nations, after mature Deliberation* refolved and determined to enter into a mutual and lblemn League and Covenant ; wherein we all fubferibej and each one of us, for himfelf, with our Hands lifted up to the moft High GOD, do fwear ; I. Tp HAT wc mall fmcerely, really and con- A flantly, through the Grace of God, en- deavour in our feveral Places and Callings, the Preservation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland, in Doctrine, Worihip, Dif- cipline and Government againft our common Enemies; the Reformation of Religion in the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, in Doftrine, Worihip, Difcipline and Government, accord- ing to the Word of God, and the Example of the beft reformed Churches. And mall endea- vour to bring the Churches of God in the three Kingdoms to the nearefi: Conjunction and Uni- formity in Religion, Confemon of Faith, Form of Church-Government, directory for Wor- fhip, and Catcchiiing: That we and our Pofte- rity after us may as Brethren, live in Faithand Love, and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midft of us. II. That [ ,86 ] II. That we fhall in like Manner, without Re- aped of Perfons, endeavour the Extirpation of Popery, Prelacy, ( that is, Church-Government;' by Arch-Bifhops, their Chancellors and Coni- miflaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Arch-. Deacons, and all other Eccleiiaftical Officers de- pending on that Hierarchy,) Superftition, He- refy, Schifm, Prophannefs, and whatfoevep fliall be found to be contrary to found Doctrine, and the Power of Godlinefs j left we partake in other Mens Sins, and thereby be in Danger to receive of their Plagues > and that the Lord may be one, and- his Name one, in the three Kingdoms. III. We mall with the fame Sincerity, Reality, and Conftancy, in our feveral Vocations, endea- vour with our Eftates and Lives, mutually to preferve the Rights and Privileges of the Parlia- ment, and the Liberties of the Kingdoms, and to preferve and defend the King's Maj c fry's Per- fbn and Authority, in the Prefervation and De- fence of the true Religion, and Liberties of the Kingdoms ; that the World may bear Witnefs with our Confciences of our Loyalty, and that; we tave no Thoughts or Intentions to diminifh- his Majefty's jufl: Power and Greatnefs. IV. We fhall alfo with all Faithfulnefs endeav- our the Difcovery of all fucfa as have been, or fliall be Incendaries, Malignants, or evil Inftruments, by hindering the Reformation of Religion, di- viding the King from his People, or one of the Kingdoms from another, or making any Facti- on or Parties amongft thcPeople, contrary to. this . I *8 7 J ;this League and Covenant, that they may be i brought to publick Trial and receive condign Punifhment, as the Degree for their Offences fhall require or deferve, or the fupreme Judica- tories of both Kingdoms refpe&ively, or others having Power from them for that Effect, mail J judge convenient. V. And whereas the Happinefs of a blefled Peace between thefe Kingdoms, denied in for- "mer Times to our frogenitors, is by the good 'Providence of God-granted untous,and hath been 'htely concluded and fettled by both Parliaments, ■'we fhall each one of us, according to our Place "and Interest, endeavour, that they may -remain, -conjoined in -a firm Peace, and Union, to all Poflerity : and that juftice may be done upon the wilful Oppoiers thereof, in Manner exprdfc ed in the precede%»&&rEide. , •'• VI. U'e fhall aifo.according to our Places and 'Callings, in this common CauTe of Religion, "Liberty y r : nd Peace of the Kingdoms, afiiftar*d . defend all thofe that enter into this League and 'Covenant iuthe maintaining thereof •■, and (hall not fufrer oUrfelv'es direcrlyi or indirectly by * whatfoever Combination, Periuailon or .Terror, to be divided and withdrawn, from this blefled Union and Conjunction, whether to make De- fedticn to the contrary Part, or to give oui felvcs to a detefhble Indif&rency or Neutrality in this Caule, which £o much concerneth the Glory of God j the Good of the Kingdoms, and Ho- nour of the King j but ihall all the Days of our L 5 5SS J oi:r Lives 'zealouily and conftantly continue - therein againft all Lets and Impedients whatfo- ever ; and what we are not able ourielves to fup- prefs or overcome, we fha'i reveal and make known, that it. may be timely prevented or re- moved : All which we-fttaildo as in the Sight of God. And becaufe thefe Kingdoms arq guilty of many Sins and Provocations againft God, and ins Son Jefus Chrift, as k if too manifcft by our prefent Dilrreflfesand Dangers, the Fruits where- of, we profefs and declare before God and the World our unfeigned Defireto be humbled for our own Sins and for the Sins of thefe King- doms s efpecially that we have got as we ough,r> valued the ineftimable Benefit of the GofpeJ, that we have not laboured for the Parity and Power thereof, and that we have riot -endeavoured -to le- cei veChrift in our Hearts-, nor to walk v^qrthy of him in our Lives, which are the Caufes of o- thcr Sins and Tranfgreffions fo much abound- ing am ongft us, and our true and unfeigned Pur- poie,. Deiire, and Endeavour, for ourfelvesand all orher under our Power and Charge both in pub- lick and in private, in all Duties we owe to God and- Man, to amend our Lives, and each one to go berore another in the Example of a real Re- Formation ; that the Lord may turn away his * Wraith and heavy Indignation, and eftablilh theie ''X&iurches and Kingdoms- in Truth and Peace. - And this Covenant we make in the Prefcnce of Afoiigfoy God, the Searcher of all Hearts, with a [ ,3 9 ] a true Intention to perform the fame, as we fhall anf wer at that Great Day, when he Secrets of all Hearts fhall be difclofed, moft humbly befeech- ing the Lord to ftrengthen us by his holy Spirit for this End, and to blefs our Deiires and Pro- ceedings with Succefs-, as may be Diliverancc and Safety to his People, Encouragement to o- ther Chriftian Churches groaning under or in Danger of the Yoke of Antichriftian Tyranny, to join in the fame or like Aflbciation and Co- venant to the Glory of God, the Enlargement of the Kingdom of Jefus Chrift, and the Peace and Tranquility of Chriftian Kingdoms, and Common-wealths. A Solemn Acknowledgement of Publick Sms y and Breaches of the Covenant: And a Solemn Engagement to aU the Duties contained therein, namely t ho fe which in a move fpecial IVay relate unto the Dangers oj thefe limes, WE Noblemen, Barons,Gentlen\en,Bur- gefTes, Minifters of the Gofpel, and Commons of all Sorts within this Kingdom, by the good Hand of God upon us, taking into ferious Confideration the many fad Afflictions and deep Diftreffes, wherewith we KiU r c1^en sxcrcifed for a long time paff> and that R th« the Land, after it hath been fore wafted with the Sword, and the Peftilence, and threatned with Famine, and that Shame and Contempt hath been poured out from the Lord againft many Thou- sands of our Nation, who did in a finful Way make War upon the Kingdom of England, con- trary to the Teftimony ot his Servants, and De- fires of his People, and that the Remnants of that Army returning to this Land, have ipoiled and opprefTed many of our Brethren, and that the malignant Party is ftill numerous and retaining their former Principles, wait for an Opportuni- ty to raife a new and dangerous War, not only unto the rending of the Bowels of this Kingdom, but unto the dividing us from England, and over- turning of the Work of God in all the three King- doms : And coniidcring alio that a Cloud of Cala- mities doth ftill hang over our Heads, and threat- en us with fad Things to come; we cannot but look upon thefe Things as from the Lord, who is righteous in all his Ways-, feeding us with the Bread of Tears, and making us to drink the Wa- ters of Affii&ion until we be taught to know how evil and bitter a Thing it is to depart away from him by breaking the Oath and Covenant which we have made with him > and that we may be humbled before him by confefling our Sin, and forfaking the Evil of our Way. Therefore being preffed with fo great Necefii- ties and 'Straits, and warranted by the Word of God, and having the Example of God's People ©f ojd, who in the Time of their Troubles, and when C 191 ] when they were to feek Delivery and a right Way for themfelves, that the Lord might be with them to profper them, did humble themfelves before him, and make a free, and particulir Con- feflion of the Sins of their Princes, their Rulers, their Captains, their Priefts and their People, and did ingage themfelves to do no more fo, buttp reform their Ways and be ftedfaft in his Cove- nant : And remembring the Pra&ice of our Pre- deceiTors in the Year 15-06, whereinthe General Afifembly, and all the Kirk Judicatories, with the Concurrence of many of the Nobility, Gentry, and Burgefles.did with many Tears acknowledge before God the Breach of the National Covenant, and ingaged themfelves to a Reformation, even as our Predeceflbrs and theirs had before done, in the General Aflembly and Convcnfion of Eftates in the Year 15*67, And perceiving that this Duty when gone about out of Confcience, and in Sin- cerity, hath always been attended with a reviving out of Troubles, and with a Blefling and $uccefs from Heaven, we do humbly and iincerely, as in his Sight, who is the Searcher of Hearts, acknow- ledge the many Sins and great Tranfgreflions of the Land 5 we have done wickedly, our Kings, our Princes, our Nobles, our Judges, our Offi- cers, our Teachers, and our People : Albeit the Lord hath long and clearly fpokcn unto us, we have not hearkened to his Voice : Albeit he hath followed us with tender Mercies, we have not been allured to wait upon him, and walk in his Way ; And tho' he hath ftricken us, yet we have R 2 not [*9* 3 not grieved : Nay tho' he hath confumed us, w< have refuted to receive Correction : We have no remcmbred to render unto the Lord according t< his Goodnefs and according to our ownVows anc Promifes j but have gone away backward by : continued Courfeofbackfliding, and' have broker all the Articles of that folemn League and Cove- nant, which we fwore before God, Angels, and Men. Albeit there be in the Lands many of all Ranks, Who be for a Teftimony unto the Truth, and for a Name of Joy and Praife unto the Lord, by liv ing godly, itudying to keep their Garments pure, and being fled raft in th« Covenant and Caufe of God } yet v/e have reafon to acknowledge, that moftof us have not endeavoured with that Re- ality, Sincerity and Confhncy that did become us, to preferve the Work of Reformation in the Kirk of Scotland; many have fatisfied themfelves with the Purity of the Ordinances, and neglect- ing the Power thereof 5 yea, fome have turned a- iide to crooked Ways deftrudtive to both. The prophane, loofe and infolent Carriage of many in our Armies, who went to the AtTiftanceof our Brethren in England, and theTamperings and un- ftraight Dealing of fome of our CommifTioners and others of our Nation in London, the I fie of Wight and other Places of that Kingdom, have proved great Lets to the Work of Reformation, and fettling of Kirk-Government there,whereby Error and Schifm in that Land have been increaf- ed, and Sc&ar ic* hardened in their Way. We have [ *P3 ] have been fo far from endeavouring the Extirpa- tion of Prophannefs, and what is contrary to the Power of Godlinefs, that Prophanity hath been much winked at i and prophane Perfonsmuch counrenanced, and many Times employed, un- til Iniquity and Ungodiinefs hath gone over the Face of the Land as a Flood : Nay fufficient Care hath not been had to feparate betwixt the preci- ©us and the vile, by debarring from the Sacra- ment all ignorant and fcandalous Perfons, ac- cording to. the Ordinances of this Kirk. Neither have the Privileges of the Parliaments, and Liberties of the Subject been duly tendered, but fome among ourielves have laboured to put into the Hands of our King an Arbitrary and un- Kmitted Power, deftru&ive to both. And many ©f us have been accefTary of late to thofe Means and Ways whereby the Freedom and Privileges of Parliaments have been encroached upon, and the Subje&s oppreflfed in their Confciences, Per- fons and Eftates: Neither hath it been our Care to avoid thofe Things which might harden the King in his evil Way : But upon the contrary, he- hath not only been permitted, but many of us have been inftrumenral to make him exercife his Power in many Things tending to the Prejudice of Religion ,and of the Covenanted of the Peace and Safety of thefe Kingdoms j which is fofar from the right Way of prcierving hisMajeft'y Perfon and Authority,that it cannot but provoke the Lord againft him unto the Hazard of both : Nay under a Pretence of relieving and .doing R 3 ^ C *94 1 for the King, whilft he.refufes to do what was neceflary tor the Houfe of God, fome have ran- verfed and violated moll of ALL the Articles of the Covenant. Our own Consciences withstand God's Judg- ments upon us without, do convince us of the manifold wilfulrenewed Breaches of that Article, which conccrneththeDifcovery and Punifhment ot Malignants, whofe Crimes have not only been connived at, but difpenfed with, and pardoned, and themfelves received unto intimate Fellow- ship withourfeIves,and entrufted with our Coun- sels, admitted into our Parliaments, and put in Places of Power and Authority, for managing the publick Affairs of the Kingdom j whereby in God'y Juftice they got at bit into their Hands thewholePower and Strength of the Kingdom, both in Judicatories and Armies, and did' employ the fame unto the enacting and profecuting an unlawful Engagement in War againft the King- dom of TLnglcmd, notwithstanding of theDiflent ©r many considerable Members of Parliament, who had given conftant Proof of their Integrity in the Caufefrom the Beginning, of many faith- ful Teflimonies and free Warnings of the Ser- vants of God, of the Supplications of many Sy- nods, Presbyteries and Shires, and of the Decla- rations of the General Affembly and their Com- miflioners to the contrary : Which Ingagement, as it hath been the Caufe of much Sin, io al- fo of much Mifery and Calamity unto this Land, and holds forth to us the Grievoufnefs ot our ■_. C *?* ] our. Sin, of complying with Malignants in the Greatnefs of our Judgments, that we may be taught never to fplit again upon the fame Rock, upon vrtiich the Lord hath let fo remarkable a Beacon. And after all that is come to pafs unto us, becaufe of this our Trefpafs, and after that Grace hath been (hewed unto us from the Lord ©ur God, by breaking thefe Mens Yoke from off our Necks, and putting us again into a Capacity to act for the Good of Religion, our own Safe- ty, and,the Peace and Safety of this Kingdom, fhould we again break his Commandment and Covenant, by joining once more with the Peo- ple of thefe Abominations, and taking into our Bofomthofe Serpents which had formerly flung us almoft unto Death : This, as it would argue great Madnefs and Folly upon our Part, fo, no doubt if it be not avoided, will provoke the Lord againft us to confume us until there be no Rem- nant, nor efcaping in the Land. And albeit the Peace and Union betwixt the Kingdoms be a great Blefiingof God unto both, and a Bond which we are obliged to preferve un- violated, and to endeavour that Juftice may be done upon the Oppofers thereof: Yet fome in this Land, who have come under the Bond of the Co- venant, have made it their great Study how to difTalve this Union, and few or no Endeavours have been ufed by any of us for punifhing of fuch . We have fuffered many of our Brethren, in fe- veral Parts of the Land to be opprefTed of the common Enemy, without Compaflion or Relief; R 4 There L 196 J There hath been great murmuring and repining, becaufe of Expence of Means, and Pains in doing of our Duty : Many by Perfuafion or Terror have fuffer ed themfelves to be divided and withdrawn, to make Defection to the contrary Part*? Many have turned off to a deteftablelndifferency and Neutrality in this Caufe, which fo much con- cerneth the Glory of God, and the Good of thefe Kingdoms : Nay many have made it their Study to walk fo as they might comply with all Times, and ail the Revolutions thereof. It hath not been our Care to countenance, encourage, intruft, and imploy fuch only 3S from their Hearts did effect and mind God's Work. But the Hearts of iuch many times have been difcouraged, and their Hands weakried, their Sufferings neglected, and themfelves flighted : And many who were once open Enemies, and always fecret Under miners, countenanced and employed. Nay, eventhofe who had been looked upon as Incendaries, and upon whom the Land had fet Marks of defperate Malignity, Falfhood and Deceit, were brought in as fit to manage publick Affairs : Many have been the Lets and Impediments that have been cafl in the Way to retard and obftrudr. the Lord's Work, and fome have kept fecret, what of themfelves they were not abkJ to fuppreis and overcome. Befidcs thefe and many other Breaches of the Articles of the Covenant, in the Matter thereof, which concerneth every one of us to fearch out and acknowledge before the Lord, as we would wifhhis Wrath to be turned away from us ; fo have [ *91 ] have many of us failed exceedingly in the Manner of our following and^urfuing the Duties con- tained therein, not only fee king great Things for ourielves, and mixing of private Interefts and Ends concerning ourielves, and Friends, and Fol- lowers, with thofe Things which concern the Pdblick Good, but many Times preferring fuch to the Honour of God, and Good of His Caufe, and retarding God's Work until we might carry along with us our own Interefts and Derigns. It hath been our Way to truft in the Means, and rely upon the Arm of Flefli, for Succefs. Albeit the Lord kath many Times made us meet with Dif- appointment therein, and ftained the Pride of all our Glory, by blafting every carnal Confidence unto us: We have followed for the moll Part tke Counfels of Flefh and Blood, and walked more by the Rules of Policy than Piety, and have hear- kened more unto Men than unto God. Albeit vve made folemn publick Profcfllon be- fore the World, of our unfeigned Defires to be humbled before the Lord for our own Sins, and the Sins of theie Kingdoms, efpecially for our undervaluing of the inestimable Benefit of the Gofpel, and that we have not laboured for the Power thereof, and received Chrift into our Hearts, and walked worthy of him in our Live?, and of our true and unfeigned Purpofe, Deiire and Endeavour forourfelvcs, and all others under our Power and Charge, both in publick and pri- vate, in all Duties which we owe to God and Man, to amend our Lives, and each one to go he- ft S for* 1 [ =9S ] f fore ajiether in the Example of a real Reformati- on, that the Lord might^urn away his Wrath aniieavy Indignation, andeftablifh thefe Kirks aruUCingdoms in Truth and Peace. Yet we have rifufed to be reformed, and have walked proudly and obftinately againtl the Lord, not valuing his Gofpel, nor Submitting ourfelves to theObedi- I ence thereof, nor feeking after Chrift, nor ftudy- f ingto. honour him in the Excellency of his Per- fon, nor employ him in the Ver rue of his Offices, nor miking Confcience of Publick Ordinances,- nor private nor fecret Duties, nor ftudying to e- cify one another in Love : The Ignorance of God and of his Son Jefus Chrift prevails exceedingly in the Land ; the greateft Part of Mailers of Fa- il) ihesamongft Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Burgefles and Commons neglect to ieek God in their Families, and to endeavour the Reformati- on thereof: And albeit it hath been much preiT- ed, yet few of our Nobles and Great Ones ever to this Day could be perfuaded to perform Fami- ly-Duties themfelves, and in theirown Perfons, which makes fo neceffary and ufeful Duty to be mifrcgarded by others of inferior Rank : Nay marry of die Nobility, Gentry and Bsrons, who fhould have been Examples of Godlinefs and fo- ber Walking unto others, have been Ring- leaders of Excefs and Rioting. Albeit we be.the Lord's People, ingaged to him in a fciemn Way, yet to this Day we have not made it our Study, that Judicatories and Armies fhould confift of, and Places of Power and Truft be filled with Men ot a C 199 ] a blamelefs and Chriftian Converfatfon, and of known Integrity and approved Fidelity, Affecti- on and Zeal unto the Caufe of God : But not pnly, thofe who have been neutral and indifferent, but difaffe&ed and malignant } and others who riave been prophane and fcandalous, have been intruded . By which it hath come to pafs that Judicatories have been the Seats of Injufticeand Iniquity : And many in our Armies, by their Mif- carriages have become our Plague, unto the great Prejudice of the Caufe of God, the great Scandal of the Gofpel, and the great Increafe of Loofnefs and Prophanity throughout all the Land. It were: impoflible to reckon up all the Abominations that areintheLand,buttheblafphemingoftheName of God, i wearing by the Creatures, Frophanati- on of the Lord's Day j Uncleannefs, Drunken- nefs, Excefs and Rioting j Vanity of Apparel, Lying and Deceit, Railing and Curfing, arbitra- ry and uncontrouled Opprefiion, and grinding of the Faces of the Poor by Landlords -and others in Place and Power, are become ordinary and common Sins. And befides all thefe Things, there be many other Tranfgreffions, whereof the Land wherein we live are guilty : All which we deilre to acknowledge, and to be humbled for, that the World may bear Witnefs with us, that Righteoufnefs belongeth unto God, and Shame and Confulion of Face unto us as appears this Day. And becaufe it is needful for thefe who find Jylerc/j roc only to confefs, but alfo to forfake [ 3°° ] their Sin, therefore that the Reality and Sincerity of our Repentance rniy appear, We do reiolve andiolemnly engage ourielves before the Lord, carefully to avoid, for the Time to come, all thefe Offences, whereof we have now madefolemn publick Acknowledgment and all the Snares and Tentations which tend thereunto : And to tcfti- fy the Integrity of our Refolution herein, and that we may be the better enabled in the Power of the Lord's Strength to perform the fame : We do again renew our Solemn League and Cove- nant, promiling hereafter to make Confcience of all the Duties, whereunto we are obliged in ail the Heads and Articles thereof j particularly of theie which follow. i . Bccaufe Religion is of all Things the moft excellent and precious, the advancing and pro- moting the Power thereof againft all Ungodli- nefs and Prophanity, the fecuring and preferving the Pu'.ity thereof againftall Error, Hereiae 3nd Schifm : And namely, Independency, Anabaptifm, Anunomianifm y ArtniKia,nifm, Socinitmifm, Fami- lij'm, Libert'mifm, Scepticifm, and Eraftianifm, and the carrying on the Work of Uniformity (hall be ftudied and endeavoured by us before all world- ly Interefts, whether concerning the King or ourfelves, or any other whatfoever. i. Becaufe many have of late laboured to iupp'ant the Liber- ties of the Kirk, we mall maintain and defend the Kirk of Scotland, in all her Liberties and Privileges, again!! all who (hall oppofc «r under- mine the fame, or encroach thereupon under any Pretext \ C 301 ] Pretext whatfoever. 3. We (hall vindicate and maintain the Liberties of the Subjects, in all thefe Things, which concern their Confciences, Per- fons and Eftates. 4. We fliall carefully main- tain and defend the Union betwixt the King- doms, and avoid every Thing that may weaken the fame, or involve us in any Meafure of Ac- cefllon uiito the Guilt of thofe who have invad- ed the Kingdom of England, f. As we have bsen always loyal to our King, fo we fliall ftill endeavour to give unto God that which is God's, and to C&far the Things which arc C&far s. 6 . We mall be fo far from conniving at, complying with, or countenancing of Malignancy, Injuft- ice, Iniquity, Prophanity and Impiety, that we fliall not only avoid and difcountenance thole Things, and cherifh and encourage thefe Prions, who are zealous for the Caufe or' God, and walk according to the Gofpel, but alfo fliall take a more effectual Courfe than heretofore in our re- ipettive Places and Callings for punifhing and fupprefling thefe Evils, and faithfully endeavour that the beft and fitted Remedies may be appli- ed for taking away the Gaufe thereof, and advan- cing the Knowledge of God, and Holinefs, and Righteoufnefs in the Land. And therefore in the laft Place, as we (hall earneftly pray unto God that he would give us able Men fearing God, Men of Truth and hating Covetoufnefs, to judge and bear Charge among his People, fo we fhall according to our Places and Callings endea- vour that Judicatories, atid all Places of Power and C i¥ ] and Trufl, both in Kirk and State, may confift of^and be filled with fuch Men as are of known good Affedtion to the Caufe of God, and of a blamelefsand ChrifHan Convcrfation. And becaufe there be many, who heretofore Ijave not made Confcience of the Oath of God, byt fomc through Fear, others by Perfuafion, and upon bafe Ends, and human Interefts have qptred thereinto, who have afterwards difco- vered themfelves, to have dealt deceitfully with the Lord in fwearing falfly by his Name : There- fore we, who do now renew our Covenant in reference to thele Duties, and all other Duties centained therein, do in the Sight of him who 1 and becaufe it is a Duty of great Weight and Confequence, Minifters after the Sight hereof fhould be careful to take Pains in their Doctrine and other wife, that their People^ may be made fenfibie of thofe Things wherein they have broken the Covenant, and be prepa- red for the renewing thereof with iiiitable A fife ■ .§iyns [ 304 ] and ifpofuions : And that thefe Things -j. better performed, we have thought ' to condefcend upon a folemn Ac- tit of publick Sins and Breaches of d a folemn Engagement to all ed therein ; namely, thole fecial Way relate unto the * : And this folemn Ac- cent fent herewith, , ano-wle League and Cove- . encwcd in fuch Manner as follows. There /hall be Intimation of a folemn pub- ,ick Humiliation and Faft the fecond Sabbath of December, to be kept upon the next Thurfday and Lord's Day thereafter. At which Intima- tion the League and Covenant, and the publick Acknowledgment of Sins, and Engagement un- to Duties are to be publickly read by theMini- fterin the Audience of all the People, and they are to be exhorted to get Copies thereof, that they may be made acquainted therewith. And the Humiliation and Faft is to be kept the next Thurfday thereafter, in reference to the Breaches of the Covenant contained in the folemn pub- lick Acknowledgment as the Caufes thereof: And the next Lord's Day thereafter, which is al- fo to be fpent in publick Humiliation and Faft- ing. Immediately after the Sermon, which is to be applied to the Bufinefs of that Day, the publick Acknowledgment and Engagement \i again to be publickly read ; and tkerefore Prayer ifc to be made, containing the Confeflion of the Breaches 1 305 J Breaches mentioned therein, and begging lv cy for thefe Sins, and Strength of God for , newing the Covenant in Sincerity and Trim After which Prayer, the Solemn League and Co- venant is to be read by the Minifter, and then to be {Worn by him and all the People, who are to engage themfelves for Performance of all the Duties contained therein : Namely, Thefe which are mentioned in the publick Acknowledgment and Engagement, and are oppofite unto the Sins therein confefled : And the AdHon is to be clofed with Prayer to God, that his People may be enabled in the Power of his Strength to do their Duty according t© their Oath now renewed in fofolemn a Way. It is alfo hereby provided, That all thofewho renew the League and Co- venant (hall again fubferibe the fame. And that none be admitted to the renewing orfubferibing thereof, who are excluded by the other Ad and Direction fent herewith. A. Ker. Edinburgh, O&ober 14, 1648. THE Committe of Eftate, being very fen- fible of the grievous Backflidings of this Land, in the manifold Breaches of the Solemn League and Covenant, made and fworn to the rnoft High GOD; do therefore unanimoufly and heartily approve the ieafonable and pious Refolution of the Commimon of the General Affembly /. C S°6 ] ifttembly for a Solemn Acknowledgment of pubiick Sins and Provocations, efpecially the breaches of the Covenant, and a .Solemn En- gagement to a more confcionable Performance of the Duties therein contained, and for renew- ing the Solemn League and Covenant : And do require and ordain, that the Directions of the faid Commifiion of Affembly, in their Act of the {ixth of this Month for a publick Acknow- ledgment of Sins, and Engagement to Duties, be carefully followed, that the Faft and Humi- liation appointed by them, be rcligioufly obfer- ved, and that the Solemn League and Covenant befincerely and cordially renewed and fubferib- ed in the Manner they have prefcribed in their faid Ad, Extrnttum. Mr. Tho. Henderfon, www »4?mi -A (A*t DIRECTORY For the Publicfc Worfhip of God, Throughout the three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. < ■ ii i m i. i !■ m WITH PROPOSITIONS CONCERNING Church-Government, And Ordination of Minifters. Printed Anno Dom. MjDec^xxu:. 3°J. THE PREFACE. IN the Beginning of the Bleffed 'Reformation, our wife and pious Anceftors took Care to fet forth an Order, for Redrefs of many Things which they then by the Word difcovered to be vain, erroneous, fuferftitiows, andidolatromin the Pub- lick Wbrflnp of God. This cccajioned many godly And learned Men to rejoice much in the Book of Common- Prayer, at that Time fet forth ; be* caufe the Mafs, and the reft of the Latin Service •being removed, the Publick Worfhty was celebrated in our own Tongue : Many of the common People jstlfo received Benefit by hearing the Scriptures read in their own Language, which formerly were unto them at a Book that is fealed. Howbeit, long and fad Experience hath made it manifeft that the Liturgy ufed in the Church of England (notwithfianding all the Pains and religi- on* Intentions of the Compilers of it) hath proved an Offence not only to many of the Godly at home, hut P.lfo to the Reformed Churches abroad. Tor net to rpztk of urging the Reading of aU the Pray JZ en The PREFACE. /which very greatly increafed the Burden of it* Am any unprofitable and burdenfom Ceremonies contained in it, have oc caponed much Mif chief, a* well by dif quieting the Confidences of many godly Minifiers and People, who could not yield unto them, as by depriving them of the Ordinances of Cod, which they might not enjoy without con- forming or fubferibing to thefe Ceremonies . Sundry good Chrijlians have been by Means thereof kept from the Lord's Table, and divers able and faith- ful Minifiers debarred from the Exercife of their Mi'tiflry ( to the endangering of many thcufand Souls, in a Time of fitch Scarcity of faithful Pa- flors) and fpoiled of their Livelihood, to the un- doing of them and their Families. Prelates and their Fafiion have laboured to raifi the Efima- tion of it to fuch an Height, as if there were no other Worfinp or Way of Worfinp of God among fi us, but only the Service Cook; to the great hin- drance of the Preaching of the Word, and (in form Place, efpe daily of latt) to the juftiing of it out, at unneceffary, or (at befit) *at far inferior to the reading of Common- Prayer, which was made no better than an Idol by many ignorant and fu- perflitiom People, who pUafing themfelve sin their Prefence at that Service, and their Lip-laboufin bearing a Part in it, havt thereby hardned them- f elves in their Ignorance and Carelefnefs of Saving Knowledge and true Piety. In theme^n time Papifls boafied, that the Booh ,u-^rt Compliance with them in a great Part of frice : and fo were not a little confirmed in th^t The PREFACE. 51 their Super fiition and Idolatry ; expecting rather our Return to them-, than endeavouring the Refor- mation of themfelvts : In which Expectation they "were of late very much encouraged, when, upon tlye pretended ' Warrant abknef of impofing of the former Ceremonies, new ones were daily obtruded upm the Church. And hereunto ( which was not forefeen, butfince hath come to pafs) that the Liturgy hath been & great Means, us on the one Hand to make and en- creafe an idle and unedifying Minijlry, which con- tented itfelf with fet Forms made to their Hands by others, without putting forth themfelves to Ex- ercife the Gift of Fray er, with which our Lordje- fits Chrifi pleafeth to furnifi all his Servants whom he calls to that Office : So on the other fide it hath been ( and ever would be, if continued) a Mat- ter of endkfs Strife and Contention in the Church, and a Snare both to many godly and faithful Mi- nijlers who have been perfecuted and filenced up- on that Occafion j and to others of hopeful Farts, many of which have been, and more ftill woud be diverted from all thought of the M'mifiry, toother Studies j efpecially in thtfe Utter Tunes, wherein Cod vouchfafeth to hit Feople more and better Means for the Difcovery of Error and Superfiition, and for attaining of Knowledge in the Myfteries of Godlinefs, an For averting the Judgments that we [ 3*3 J we cither feel or tear, or are liable unto ; as Fa mine, Peftilence, the Sword, and fuch like. And, with Confidence of his Mercy to his whole Church, and the Acceptance of our Pcr- fons through the Merits and Mediation of our great high Prieft, the Lord Jefus ; toprofefs that it is the Defire of our Souls to have Fellowfhip with God, in the reverent and confcionable Ufc of his holy Ordinances * and to that Purpofe to pray earncftly for his Grace and erTeclual Aifill- ance to the Sanctification of his holy Sabbath, the Lord's Day, in all the Duties thereof publick and private, both to ourfelves, and to all other Congregations of his People, according to the Riches and Excellency of the Gofpel this Day celebrated and enjoyed. And, becaufc we have been unprofitable Hea- rers in times paft, and now cannot of ourfelves receive as we lhould,the deep Things of God,the Myfteries of Jefus Chrift, which require a fpiri- tual Diicerning,to pray that the Lord who teach- eth to profit, would gracioufly pleafe to pour out the Spirit of Grace together with the outward Means thereof,caufing us to attain fuch a Meaiure of the Excellency of the Knowledge of Chrift Je- fus our Lordland in him of the Things which be- long to our Peace, that we may account all things but asDrofs in Comparffon of him : And that we tafting the firft Fruits of the Gloty that is tone revealed, may long for a more full and perfect Communion with him, that where he is we aiay be alfo, and enjoy the Fulnefs of thole Joy* and L SH J Pleafures which arc at his right Hand for l:rmore. More particularly that God would in 2 fpecial banner furnifh h;s Servant ( now called to dii- penfe the Bread of Life unto his Houfhold ) with Wifdom, Fidelity, Zeal and Utterance, that he may divide the Word of God aright, to every one his Portion, in Evidence and Demonftration of the Spirit and Power 5 and that the Lord would circumcife the Ears and Hearts of the Hearers, to hear, love and receive with Meeknefs the in- grafted Word, which is able to fave their Souls, make them as good Ground to receive in the good Seed of the Word, and ftrengthen them a- gainfl: the Temptations of Satan, the Cares of the World, the Hardnefs of their own Hearts, and whatfoever elfe may hinder their profitable and faving Hearing ; that fo Chrrfr may be formed in them, and live in them, that all their Thoughts may be brought into Captivity, to the Obedience pf Chrift, and their Hearts eftablilhed in every good Word and Work for ever. We judge this to be a convenient Order, in the ordinary Publick Prayers ; yet fo, as the Mirri- iter may defer (as in Prudence he (hall think meet) ibme Part of thefe Petitions, till after his Sermon, or offer up to God fome of the Thanksgivings, hereafter appointed in his Pray- er before his Sermon, of t r-> 1 Of the Preaching of the IVord. P Reaching of the Word being the Power of God unto Salvation, and one of thcgreateft and moft excellent Works belonging to the Mi- nistry of the Gofpel, fliould be lb pei formed, that the Workman need not be afhamed,but may fave himfelf and thole that hear him, It is prefuppofed ( according to the Rules for* Ordination) that the Minifter of (Thrift is in ibme good Meafure gifted for ib weighty a Service, by his Skill in the Original Languages, and in fuch Arts and Sciences as are Hand- maids unto Divini-* ty, by his Knowledge in the whole Body of The- ology, but moft of all in the holy Scriptures, Hav- ing his Senfes and Heart exercifed in them above the Common Sort of Believers, and by the Illu- mination of God's Spirit, and other Girts or E- diiication, which (together with reading and ftudying of the Word ) he ought ftili to ieek by Prayer, and an humble Heart, refolving to admit and receive any Truth not yet attained whenever God fhall make it known unto him. All which he is to make ufe of, and approve in his private Preparations, before he deliver in Pubiick what he hath provided. # Ordinarily, the Subject of his Sermon is to be fome Text of the Scripture, holding forth fome Principle or Head of Religion * or iif table to ibme fpecial Occaixon emergent, or he may go on in lome Chapter; Pfglrri, or Book »f the Scripture, as ke {hall fee fit. T Lit L $<■" J Let the Introduction to his Text be brief and , per fpicuous, drawn from the Textitfelf, or Con- text, or fome paielleU'd Place or general Seatencc of Scripture. If the Text be long (as in Hiftories and Parables it fometimes muft be) let him give a brief Sum of it i if fhort, a Paraphrafe thereof, if need be : in both, looking diligently to the Scope of the Text, and pointing at the chief Heads and Grounds of Doctrine which he is to raife from it. In analiling and dividing his Text, he is to re- gard more the Order of Matter, than of Words, and neither to burden the Memory of the Hearers in the Beginning, with too many Members of Diviiion, nor to trouble their Minds with ob« fcure Terms of Art. In railing Doctrines from the Text, his Care ought to be, Firfr, That the Matter be the Truth of God. Secondly, That it be a Truth contained in, or grounded on that Text, that the Hearers may difcern how God teacheth it from thence. Thirdly, That he chiefly iniift upon thofe Doct- rines which are principally intended, and make moft for the Edification of the Hearers. The Doctrine is to be exprefled in plain , Terms : or if any Thing in it need Explication, it is to be opened, and the Confequence alio from | the Text cleared. The parallel Places of Scrip- lure confirming the Doctrine, are rather to be Main and pertinent, than many, and ( if need be ) Ynewhat infifted upon, and applied to the Pur- \e in hand. The I 3 1 ! ] The Arguments or Reafons are to be folid, and as much as may be convincing. The Uluftrati- ons of what Kind Ibever, ought to be full of Light, and fuch as may convey the Truth into the Hear- ers Heart, with fpiritual Delight. If any Doubt, obvious from Scripture, Rcafon or Prejudice of the Hearers, feem to arife, it is very requifite to remove it, by reconciling the feeming Differences, anfwering the Reafons, and discovering and taking away the Cauies of Preju- dice and Miftake : Otherwise it is not fit to detain the Hearers with propounding or anfweringvain or wicked Cavils, which as they are endleis, Co the propounding and anfwering of them doth more hinder than promote Edification. He is not to reft in general Doctrine, although never fo much cleared and confirmed, but to bring it home to fpecial Ufe, by Application to his Hearers : Which albeit it prove a Work of great Difficulty to himfelf, requiring much Pru- dence, Zeal and Meditation, and to the natural and corrupt Man will be very unpleafant, yet he is to endeavour to perform it in fuch a Manner that his Auditors may feel the Word of God to be quick and powerful, and a Difcerner of the Thoughts and intents of the Heart, and if that any Unbeliever or ignorant Perfon be prefent. he may have the Secrets of his Heart made mani- feft, and give Glory to God. In the Ufe, or Inftru&ion, or Information in the Knowledge of fome Tf uth,which is a Confe- quence from his Doctrine, he may ( when con- T i venienr) C 3i8 3 venient) confirm it by a few firm Arguments from the Text in Hand ; and other Places of Scrip- ture, or from the Nature of that common Place of Divinity, whereof that Truth is a Branch. In Confutations of falfeDocTxines,he is neither to raife an old Herefy from the Grave,nor to men- tion a blafphemous Opinion unnecefTarily : But if the People be in Danger of an Error, he is to con- fute it ibundly ; and endeavour to fatisfy their Judgments 8c Conlciencesagainft all Objections. In exhorting to Duties, he is, as hefecth Caufe, to teach alfo the Means that help to the Perfor- mance of them. In Dehortation, Repreheniion, and publick Admonition ( which require fpecial Wifdom) let him as there fhall be Caufe, not only difcover the Nature and Greatnefs of the Sin,\vith the Mifery attending it. but alfo fhew the Danger his Hearers are in, to be overtaken and furprifed by it, toge- ther with theRemedies and bed way to prevent it. In applying Comfort, whether general agamft all Tentations, or particularly againftfomc ipeci- al Troubles and Terrors, he is carefully to aniwer fuch Objections, as a troubled Heart and affiidtei Spirit may fuggeft to the contrary. It is alfo fbmetimes requifite to give Tome Notes of Trial ; which is very profitable, efpe- cially when performed by able and experienced Minifters, with Circumfpeftton and Prudence, and the Signs clearly grounded on the holy Scrip- ture, whereby the Hearers may be able to exa- mine themfelves, whether they have attained thofe C r : ? 1 tliofe Graces, and performed thofe Duties to which he exhorteth ; or be guilty of the Sin re- prehended, and in Danger of the Judgments threatncd : Or are luch to whom the Confolati- ons propounded do belong, that accordingly they may be quickened and excited to Duty, humbled for their wants and Sins, affe&ed with their Dan- ger, and flxengthned with Comfort, as their Condition upon Examination {hall require. And, as he needeth not always to profecute e- very Doctrine which lies in his Text, fo is he wifely to make choice of iuch Ufes,as by his Re- fidcnceand Converfing with his Flock he findeth moft needful and ieafonablej and, amongft thefe, fuch as may moft draw their Souls to Chrifl, the Fountain of Light, Holinefsand Comfort. This Method is not prefcribed as neceflary for every Man, or upon every Text i but only recom- mended, as being found by Experience to be very much blefTed of God, and very helpful for the Peoples Understandings and Memories. But the Servant of Chrifl:, whatever his Me- Hod be, is to perform his whole Miniftry, r . Painfully, not doing the Work of the Lord negligently. 2. Plainly, that the meanefl: may underftand, delivering the Truth, not in the enticing Words of Man's Wifdom, but in Demon Axation of the Spirit and Power, left the Croft of Chrifl: fhould be made of none ef&ft : Abftaining alio from an unprofitable Ule of unknown Tongues, ftrange Phrafes, and Cadences of Sounds and Words, T 3 fpa- C 530 ] fpiringty, citing Sentences of Ecclefiaftical or ci- ther human Writers, ancient or modern, be they never \o elegant, 3 . Faithfully looking at the Honour of Chriir, the Convention, Edification and Salvation of the People, not at his own Gain or Glory : Keep- ing nothing back which may promote thefe ho- ly Ends, giving to every one his own Portion, and bearing indifferent Refpect unto all, with- out neglecting the Meaneft, or fparingtheGrea- teil in their .Sins. 4, Wifely, framing all his Doctrines, Exhorta- tions, and especially his Reproofs, in fuch a Man- ner as may be moft likely to prevail, fhewing all due Refpect to each Man's Perfon and Place, and not mixing his own Paffion or Bitternefs. f. Graveiy, as becomerh the Word of God, fhunning all fuch Gefture, Voice and Exprefii- or.s. as may Occalion the Corruption of Men to delpife him and his Miniftry. 6 . With loving Affection, that the People may fee all coming from his godly Zeal, and hearty Defire to do them Good. And, 7*. As taught of God, and perfuaded in his own Heart, that all that he teacheth is the Truth of Chrift} and walking before his Flock as an Ex- ample to them in it: Earneftly,both in Private andPublick, recommending his Labours to the Blcfling of God, and watchfully looking to him- felf, and the Fiock, whereof the Lord hath made him Overfeer. So fhall the Doctrine of Truth be preferved incorrupt, many Souls converted and buile [ 33i ] built up, and himfelf receive manifold Comforts of his Labours even in his Life, and afterward the Crown of Glory laid up for him in the World to come. Where there are more Mini iters in a Congre- gation than one, and they of different Gifts, each may more fpecially apply himfelf to Do&rine or Exhortation, according to the Gift wherein he moft excelleth, and as they (ball agrcebetween themfelves. Of publkk Prayer after the Sermon. THE Sermon being ended, the Minifter is, To give Thanks for the great Love of God in fending of hi* Son J-efwsChrift unto m\ Tor the Com- munication of his holy Spirit \ Tor the Light and Liberty of the glorious Gofpel, and the rich and hea- venly Blejfings revealed therein, as namely Electi- on, Vocation, Adoption, Juflification, Sanclifcati" on and hope of Glory : Tor the admirable Goodnefs cf God in freeing the Lund from Antichrijiifin Darknef and Tyranny, and for all other National Delivenances ; Tor the Reformation of Religion ; Tor the Covenant, and for many temporal Blejfings. To. pray for the Continuance of the Gofpel, and all Ordinances thereof, in their Vurity, Power, and Liberty. To turn the chief and mofl ufeful Heads of the Sermon into fome few Petitions, and to pray that it may abide in the Heart and bring forth Truit. T 4 To I ?3* J To pray for Preparation for Death and Judg- ment, and a watching for the Coming of our Lord Jefus Chrijl. To intreat of God the Forgfaenefs of the Iniquity of our holy Things, and the Accept ; tation of our ffmtual Sacrifice though the Merit find Mediation of our great high Vriefl and Savi- our, the Lord Jefo Chrijl. Andbecaufe the Prayer which Chrift taught his Difciples, is not only a Pattern of Prayer, but is it feif a molt comprehend ve Prayer ; we recom- mend it alfo to be ufed in the Prayers of the Church. And whereas at the Adminiftration of the Sa- craments, the holding publickFafts and Days of Thankfgiving, and other fpecial Occaiions, which may afford Matter of fpecial Petitions and Thankigiving, it is requifite to exprefs i'ome- Vv-hatinourpubliek Prayers (as at this Time it is our Duty to pray for a BlefTing upon the Af- fembly of Divines, the Armies by Sea and Land ; tor the Defence of the King, Parliament and Kingdom) every Minifler herein is to apply himfelf in his Prayer before or after his Sermon, to thofe Occafions ; but for the Manner, he is left to his Liberty, as God fliall direct and enable him, in Piety and 'Wiflom to difcharge his Duty. The Prayer ended, let a Pfalm be fung, if with Convenicncy it may be done, after which (un- Iefs fome other Ordinance of Chrift that concer- neth the Congregation at that Time be to fol- low) let the Minifler difmifs the Congregation with a folemn Blefling. The C 333 3 'The Adininiflration of the Sacraments, And fir ft of Baptifm. BAPTISM, as it is not unnecefTary to be delayed, io is it not to be adminiftred in any Cafe by any private Perfon; but by a Minifter of Chrift, called to be the Steward of the Myfteries of God. Nor is to be adminiftred in private Places, or privately, but in the Place of publick Worfhip, •and in the Face of the Congregation, where the People may mod conveniently fee and hear ; and not in the Places where Fonts in the Time of Popery were unfitly and fupeiftitioufly placed. The Child to be baptized, after Notice given to the Minifter the Day before, is to be pi eiented by the Father, or (in cafe of his neceiTary Abfence) by fome Chriftian Friend in his Place, profefTing his earned Defire that the Child may be baptized. Before Baptiim, the Minifter is to ufe fome Words of Inftruction, touching thelnftitution, Nature, Ufe and Ends of the Sacrament : Shew- ing' That it k in ft tinted by our Lord J efts Chrift, That it is a Seal of the Covenant of Grace, of our ingrafting into Chrift, and of our Union -with him, of RemiJJion of Sins, Regeneration, Adoption, and Life eternal. That the Water in Baptifm repre- fenteth andfignifieth both the Blood of Chrift, which $akethaway all Guilt of Sin original and actual* T; and [ 334 1 and the fanftifying Vert He of the Spirit of Chrifi a- gainfi the Dominion of Sin and the Corruption of our jinful Nature : That baptizing or fprinkltng and waflnng with Water fighifieth the cleanfing from Sin by the Blood and for the Merit of Chrifi , together with the Mortification of Sin, and rifing from Sin to Newnefs of Life by Virtue of the Death and Kefurreciion of Chrifi : That the Promife is made to Believers and their Seed, and that the Seed and Pofterity of the Faithful bom within the Church have by their Birth, Interefi in the Covenant, and Right to the Seal of it, and to the outward Privi- leges of the Church under the Go/pel, no lefs than the Children of Abraham under the OldTefiament : The Covenant of Grace for Subflance being the fame, and the Grace of God and the Confutation of Believers more plentiful than before : That the Sen of God admitted little Children into his Prefence, embracing and blefjtngthem. faying, For of fuch is the Kingdom or God. That Children by Bap- tifm are folemnly received into the Bofo'tn of the vi- fible Church, difiinguifljed from the World and them that are without, and united with Believers ; and that allwho are babtizedin the Nameof Chrifi do renounce, and by their Baptifm are bound to fight againfl the Devil, the World, and the Flefij j That they areChriflians, and federally holy before Baptifm, and therefore are they baptifed; that the inward Grace andVertueof Baptifm is not tied to that very Moment of Time wherein it is admini- ftred, and that the Fruit and Power t hereof reach- eth to the whole Courfe of our Life, and that out- ward C ??y 3 ward Baptifm is not fo necejjkry, that through the want thereof the Infant is in Banger ef Damna- tion, or the Parents guilty, if they do not contemn or negleci the Ordinance ofChrift, when and where it may be had. In thefe or the like Inftru&ians the Minifter is to life his own Liberty, and godly Wifdom , as the Ignorance or Errors in the Doctrine of Baptifm, and the Edification of the People fhall require. He is alio to admonifh all that are preient : To lookback to their Baptifra, to repent oi their Sins againft their Covenant with GOD, to ftir up their Faith, to improve and make the right U(e of their Baptifm and of the Covenant fealed thereby betwixt God and their Souls. He is to exhort the Parent, To confider the great Mercy of God to him and his Child ; to bring up the Child in the Know- ledge of the Grounds of the Chriftian Religion, and in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord, and to let him know the Danger of God's Wrath to himfelf and Child, if he be negligent, requi- ring his folemn Promife for the Performance of his Duty. This being done, Prayer is alfo to be joined with the Word of Inflitution, for fanciifying the Water to this fpiritual Ufe, and the Minifier is to pray to to this or the like Ejfeci. That the Lord, who hath not left us as Stran- gers without the Covenant of Promife, but cal- led us to the Privileges of his Ordinance, would gracioufly vouchfafe to fan&ify and blefs his own Ordi- n-3*l Ordinance, of Baptifm at this time : that he would join the inward Baptiim of his Spirit with the outward Baptiim of Water, make this Bap- tifm to the Infant a Seal of Adoption and Remi- flion of Sin, Regeneration and eternal Life, and of ali other Promifesof the Covenant of Grace, that the Child may be planted into the Likneisof the Death and Reliirredtion ohChrift; and that the Body of Sin being deftroyed in him, he may lerve G O D in Newnefs of Life ali his Days. Then the Miniiter is to demand the Name of the Child, which being told- him, he is to fay, ( calling the Child by his Name) 7 baptize thee in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the holy Ghofl. As he pronounccth thefe Words, he is to bap- tize the Child with Water ; which for the Man- ner of doing, it is not only lawful hue fufticient, and mod expedient to be, by pouring or fprink- lingof the Water on the Face of the Child, with- out adding any other Ceremony. This done, he is to give Thanks, and pray, to this or the like Purpoie. ' Acknowledging with all Thankfulnefs,That * the Lord is true and faithful in keeping Cove- . * nam and Mercy : That he is good and gracious, * not only in that he numbretn us among his ' Saints, but is pleated alio to beftow upon our * Children this lingular Token anc] Badg of his * Love in Chrift : That in his Truth and fpecial ' Providence, he daily bringetli fome into the I Bo/bm. of his Church, to be Partakers of his « inefii- C 337 ] ineftimable Benefits, purchaled by the Blood of his dear Son, for the Continuance and Incrcafe of his Church. * And praying, that the Lord would ftill con- tinue, and daily confirm more and more this his unfpcakable Favour : That he would receive the Infant now baptized, and folemnly entred into the Houlhold of Faith, into his fatherly Tuition and Defence, and remember him with the Favour that he (hewed to his People ; that if he (hall be taken out of this Life in his Infan- cy, the Lord who is rich in Mercy, would be pleated to receive him up into Glory ; and if he live and attain the Years of Diicretion,that the Lord would fo teach him by his Wordand Spi- rit, and make his Baptifm effectual to him , and fo uphold him by his divine Power and Grace, that by Faith he may prevail againfl: the Devil, the World, and the Flefh, till in the End he ob- tain a full and final Victory, and fo be kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvati- on, through Jems Chrilt our Lord. Of the Celebration of the Communion^ or Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Til E Communion or Supper of the Lord, is frequently to be celebrated : But how oft - en, may be confidered and determined by the Mi- mfters and other Church-Governors of each Congregation j as they (hall find moll convenient for [ 338 ] for the Comfort and Edification of the People committed ro their Charge. And when it (hall be adminiftred, we judge it convenient to be done after the Morning Sermon. The ignorant and the fcandalous are unfit to receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Where rhi,|Sicrament cannot with Con venien- cy be frequently adminiftied, it is rcquiiite that publick Warning be g; ven the Sabbath- day before the Adminiftration thereof: And that either then, oronfomeDay of that Week, fomething con- cerning that Ordinance and the due Preparation thereunto, and Participation thereof be taught} that by the diligent Ufe of all Means fan&ified of God to that End, both in Publick ana Private, all may come better prepared to that heavenly Feaft. When the Day is come for Adminiftration, the Miniiter having ended his Setmon and Prayer, (hall make a fhort Exhortation : ' Exprefling the ineftimable Benefit we have * by this Sacrament } together with the Ends and * Ufe thereof : Setting forth the great Ncceflity ' of having our Comforts and Strength renewed * thereby in this our Pilgrimage and Warfare. * How necefTary it is that we come unto it with « Knowledge, Faith, Repentance, Love, and * with hungring and thirfting Souls after Chrift « and his Benefits. How great the Danger to eat c and drink ua#rorthily. « Next, he is in the Name of Chrift on the one ' Part, to warn all fuch as are ignorant, fcandal- ous, prophane, or that live in any SinorOfF- « ence [ 339 ] 1 ence againft their Knowledge or Conference, ' that they prefume not to come to that holy » Table, fhewing them, That he that eateth and ' drinkethunworthi'y.eatet.hand drinkerh Judg- < ment unto himfelf : And on the other Part, he « is in fpecial Manner to invite and encourage all * that labour under the Senfe of the Burden of 1 their Sins, and Fear of Wrath, and Deiire to « reach out unto a greater Progrefs in Grace, than « yet they can attain unto, to come to the Lord's « Table ; alluring them in the fame Name, of « Eafe, Refrefhing and Strength to their weak « and wearied Souls. After this Exhortation, Warning and Invitati- on, the Table being before decently covered, and fo conveniently placed, that the Communicants may orderly fit about it or at it : The Minifter is to begin the Action with fan&ifying and bleffing the Elements of Bread and Wine fet before him, (the Bread in comly and convenient VefTels, fo prepared, that being broken by him and given, it may be distributed among the Communicants ; the Winealfo in large Cups, having firft in a few Words (hewed, That thole Elements, otherwife common, are now fet apart and fandtified to this holy Ufe,by the Word of Inftitution and Prayer- Let the Words of Inftitution be read out of the Evangelifts, or out of the firft Epiftle of the ApoftleP#«/to the Corinthians, ch. i i.ver. 23. 1 Jyave received of the Lord, &c. to ver. 2- which the Minifter may when he feeth requifi^ explain and apply. ^ C 34° 3 Let the Prayer, Thanfgivingor Blefllr.g of the Bread and Wine be to this Effedfc: 1 With humble and hearty Acknowledgment * of the Greatnefs of our Mifery; from which * neither Man nor Angel was able to deliver us ; * and of our great Unworthinefsof theleaft of all * God's Mercies, to give Thanks to God for all « his Benefits, and efpecially for that great Benefit * of our Redemption, the Love of God the Fa- « ther, the Sufferings and Merits of the Lord Je- « fus ChrifttheSonofGod,by which we are de- < livered j and for all Means of Grace; the Word * and Sacraments, and for this Sacrament in par- * ticular, by which Chrift and all his Benefits are « applied and fealed up unto us, which notwith- ■ ftanding the Denial of them unto others, are « in great Mercy continued unto us, after ib « much and long Abufe of them all. 1 To profefs that there is noother Name under * Heaven by which we can be faved, but the * Name of Jefus Chrift, by whom alone we re- « ceive Liberty and Life ; have Accefs to the- « Throne of Grace, are admitted to eat and drink * at his own Table, and are fealed up by his Spirit * to an Afiurance of Happinefs and everlafting ' Life. « Earneftly to pray to God the Father of all « Mercies, and God of all Coniolation , to vouch- * fafe his gracious Preience, and the effedrual « Working of his Spirit in us, and fo to ian&ify « thefe Elements, both of Bread and Wine, and-to 4 blefs his own Ordinance, that we may receive by C 54' 1 * by Faith the Body and Blood of Jefus Chrift cru- ' cifiedfor us, and £0 to feed upon him, that he ' may he one with us and we with him, that he ' may live in us, and we in him, and to him, who ' hath loved us, and given himfelf for us. All which he is to endeavour to perform with futable Affections, anfwerable to fuch an holy Action, and to ftir up the like in the People. The Elements being now fan&ified by the Word and Prayer, the Minirter being at the Table, is to take the Bread in his Hand, and lay in thefe Expreflions ( or other the like, ufed by Chrift or his Apoftles upon thisQccaiion. ) According to the holy Inflitution, Command, and Example of our blejfed Saviour Jefus Chrift, I take this Bread, and having given Thanks, I break it, and give it unto you ; ( There the Minifter, who isalfo himfelf to communicate, is to break the Bread, and give it to the Communicants) Take ye, eat ye, this U the Body of Chrift -which is broken for you; do this in Remembrance of him. In like Manner, the Minifter is to take the Cup, and fay in thefe ExpreiTions, (or other the ike, ufed by Chrift or the Apoftle upon the fame Occafion. ) According to the Inflitution Command and Example of our Lord Jefus Chrift, I take this Cup, zndgive it unto you : ( Here he giveth it unto the Communicants ) This Cup is the Neve Teftament in the Blood of Chrift, -which is Jhed far the Remifii* m of the Sins of many : Drink ye all of it. After all have com municated,the Minifter may n a few Words put them in mind Of C 34 2 U Of the Grace of God in Jtfm Chrifi, held forth in this Sacrament, and exhort them to walk worthy efit. The Mimfter is to give folemn Thanks to God, For his rich Mercy and invaluable Goodnefs, vouchsafed to them in that Sacrament, and to in- treat for Pardon for the Detects of the whole Ser- vice, and for the gracious Afiiftance of his good Spirit whereby they may be enabled to v/alk in the Strength of that Grace, as becometh thofe who have received fo great Pledges of Salvation. The Collection for the Poor is fo to be ordered, that no Part of thepublick Worfhip be hindred. Of the SanElification of the LorcCs-day. TH E Lorc's-day ought to be fo remembred before hand, as that all worldly Bufinefs of our ordinary Callings may be fo ordered, and fo timely and feafonably laid afide, as they may not be impediments to the due fan&ifying of the Day when it comes. The whole Day is to be celebrated as holy to the Lord, both inPublickand Private, as being the Chriftian Sabbath. To which End it is requifie, thatth^rebe a holy CefTation, or Reftingall the Day f om nil unneceff -i-v Labours.and an a ! flam- ing not only from all Sports andPaftimes; but alfo from all worldly Words and Thoughts. That the Diet on that Day be fo ordered, as that neither Servants be unnecefTarily detained from the publick Worfhip of God, nor any o- ther [ 34? ] ther Perfons hindrc^j from the fanftifying that- Day. That there be private Preparation of every Per- fon or Family, by Prayer for themfelves, and for God's AlManceof theMiniiter,andfora Blefling upon ins Miniftry ; and by fuch holy Exercifes, as may further diipofe them to a more comfort- able Communion with God in his publick Ordi- nances. That all the People meet fo timely for publick Worfhip, that the whole Congregation maybe prefent at the Beginning, and with one Heart fo- lemnly join together in all Parts of the publick Worfhip ; and not depart till alter the Blefling. That what Time is vacant, between or after the folcmn Meeting of the Congregation in Pub- lick, be fpentin Reading, Meditation, Repetition of Sermons, ( efpecially by calling their Families to an Account of what they have heard ) and Ca- techifing of them ; holy Conferences, Prayer for a BicfTingon the publick Ordinances, fingingof Pfalms, vifiting the Sick, relieving the Poor, and fuch like Duties of Piety, Charity and Mercy, ac- counting the Sabbath a Delight. The Solemnisation of Marriage. ALthough Marriage be no Sacrament, nor pe- culiar to the Church of God, but common to Mankind, and of publick Intereft in every Common- wealth ; yet, becaufe fuch as marry are to marry in the Lord, and have fpecial need of In- ftrudion, Direction and Exhortation from the Word L 344 J Word of God at their Entering into fuch a new Condition j and of the Bleffing of God upon them therein ; we judge it expedient, that Mar- riage be folemnized by a lawful Minifter of the Word, that he may accordingly counfel them, and pray for a Bleffing upon them. Marriage is to be betwixt one Man and one Woman only j and they fuch as are not within the Degrees of Confanguiniry or Affinity prohi- bited by the Word of God. And the Parties are to be of Years of Difcretion, fit to make their own Choice, or upon good Ground to give their mutual Confcnt. Before the Solemnizing of Marriage between any Perfons, their Purpole of Marriage mail be publi flied by the Minifter three feveral Sabbath- days in the Congregation, at the Place or Places of their moll ufualand conftant Abode refpeclive- ly . And of this Publication, the Minifter, who is to join them in Marriage, (hall have fufficient Teftimony, before he proceed to folemnize the Marriage. Before the Publication of fuch their Purpofe ( i f the Parties be under Age ) the Confent of the Parents, or others, under whole Power they are, (in cafe the Parents be dead) is to be made known to the Church-Officers of that Congre- gation, to be recorded. The like is to be obferved in the Proceedings of all others, although of Age, whofe Parents are living, for their firft Marriage. And in after Marriages of either of thefe Parties, they mail be [ J4J ] be exhorted not to contract Marriage without firft acquainting their Parents with it, (if with Conveniency it may Ledone) endeavouring to obtain their Confent. Parents ought not to force their Children to j marry without their free Confent, nor deny their I own Confent without juft Caufe. After the Purpofe or Contract of Marriage hath been thus publifbed, the Marriage is not to be long deferred : Therefore the Minifter hav- ing had convenient Warning 3 and nothing being objected to hinder it, is publickly to folemnize it in the Place appointed by Authority for publick Worfhip,before a competent Number of credible WitnelTes, at fome convenient Hour of the Day, at any Time of the Year, except on a Day of publick Humiliation : And we advife that it be not on the Lord's Day. And becaufe all Relations are fan&irlcd by the Word and Prayer, the Minifter is to pray for a Bleillng upon them to this Effect > Acknowledging our Sins, whereby we have made ourfelves lefs than the leaft of all the Mer- cies of God, and provoked him to imbitter all our Comforts ; earneftly, in the Name of Chrift, to intreatthe Lord (whofe Prefenceand Favour is the Happinefs of every Condition, and fweetens every Relation) to be their Portion, tooWnand accept them in Chrift, who are now to be joined in the honourable Eftate of Marriage, the Cove- nant of their God . And that as he hath brought them together by his Providence, he would fan- ctify L 1<\" J &ify them. by his Spirit, giving them a new Frame of Heart, fit for their new Eftate j enrich- ing them with all Graces,whereby they may per- form the Duties, enjoy the Comforts, undergo the Cares, and refill: the Temptations which ac- company tha: Condition, as becometftChriftians. The Prayer being ended, it is convenient that the Minifier do briefly declare unto them out of the Scripture, The InfHtution, Ufe and Ends of Marriage, with the conjugal Duties, which in all Faithful- r.efs they are to perform to each other, exhorting them to ftudy the holy Word of God, that they may learn to live by Faith, and to be content in the midit of all Marriage, Cares and Troubles, fan&irying God's Name in a thankful, fob cr and holy U fe of all conjugal Comforts, praying much with and for one anor her,watching o ver,and pro- voking each other to Love and good Works, and to live together as the Heirs of the Grace of Life. After iblemn charging of the Perfons robe married, before that great God, who iearcheth all Hearts, and to whom they muft give a (brick Account at the laft Day, that if either of them know any Caufe by Precontract or otherwife, why they may nor lawfully proceed to Marriage, that they now diicover it: The Minifier ( if no Impediment be acknowledged ) fhall caufe fir ft. the Man to take the W'oman by the right Hand, , faying thcfe Words, /N Do take theeN. to be my married iVife, r. hi do m the Prifence of God, and before this Con- grega- L 347 J gregation, promift and covenant to be a loving land Faithful Husband unto thee, until God fljall feparate us by Death. Then the Woman fhall take the Man by his right Hand, and fay thefe Words, I N. Do take thee N. to be my married Hus- band, and do in the ?re fence of God, and before this Congregation, promip and covenant to be a loving, faithful and obedient Wife unto thee, until God fhall feparate us by Death. Then without any further Ceremony, the Mi- nifter fhall in the Face of the Congregation pro- nounce them to be Husband and Wifeacco- iing to God's Ordinance, and fo conclude the Action with Prayer, to this Effect. That the Lord would be pleafed to accompany his oven Ordinance with hits BleJJi»g, befeeching him to enrich the Perfons novo married, as with other Pledges of his Love, fo particularly with the Com- forts and Fruits of Marriage, to the Praife of his abundant Mercy in and through Chrifl Jefus. A Rsgifter is to be carefully kept, wherein the Names of the Parties fo married, with the Time of their Marriage, are forthwith to be fairly re- corded in a Book provided for that Purpofe, for the perufal of all whom it may concern. > Concerning Vifitation oj the Sick. IT is the Duty or the Minifter not only to teach the People committed to his Charge in Pub- lick, but, privately, and particularly toadmomlh, exhort, 1 343 J jiort, reprove and comfort them upon all fea- fonable Occafions, fo far as his Time, Strength and perfonal Safety will permit. He is to admonifh them, in the Time of Health to prepare for Death j and for that Pur- pofethey are often to confer with their Minifter about the Eftate of their Souls; and in Times of Sicknefs to deiire his Advice and Help, timely and feafonably, before their Strength and Under- ftanding fail them. Times of Sicknefs and Affliction, are fpecial Opportunities put into his Hand by God to mi- nifter a Word in Seafon to weary Souls ; becaufe then the Confciences of Men are, or mould be more awakened, to bethink themfeives of their Spiritual Eftates for Eternity : And Satan alio takes Advantage then to load them more with Sorrow and heavy Temptations. Therefore the Minifter being fent for-, and repairing to the Sick, is to apply himfelf with all Tendernefs and Love, to ad minifter fome fpiritual Good to hisSQul,,to this Effect: He may, from the Confederation of theprefent Sicknefs, inftrucl: him out of Scripture, that Dif- eafes come not by Chance, or by Diftempersof Body only, but by the wife and orderly Guidance of the good Hand of God,, to every particular Perlon fmittert by them. And that whether it belaid upon him out of Difpleafure for Sin, for his Correction and Amendment, or for Trial and Exercife of his Grace*, or for other fpecial and excellent En:-- all his Suffering'; fhall-rvtrnlto his Preht" \ [ 349 ] J Profit and work together for his Good, if he fin- jjcerely labour to make a {anclified Ufe of God's | Vilitation, neither defpifing his Chaftening, nor waxing weary of his Correction. If he fufpedt him of Ignorance, he (hall exa- |j mine him in the Principles of Religion, efpeci- jally touching Repentance and Faith, and as he i feeth Caufe, inftrudt him in the Nature, Ufe, Ex- i cellency and Necemty of thofe Graces : Alfo touching the Covenant of Grace, and Chrift the Son of God, the Mediator of it, and concerning ILcmilTion of Sins by Faith in him, He (hall exhort the lick Perfon to examine himfelf, to fearch and try his former Ways and his Eftate towards God. And if the fick Perfon (hall declare any Scru- tele, Doubt or Temptation that is upon him, Inftru&ions and Refolutions fhall be given to fa- lisfy and fettle him. If it appear that he hath not a due Senfe of his *-Sins s ™ Endeavours ought to be ufed to convince him of his Sins, ofthe Guilt and Defart of them, of the Filth and Pollution which the Soul con» traces by them, and of theCurfe of the Law and Wrath of God due to them : That he may be tru- ly afTe&ed with, and humbled for them : And withal to make known the Danger of deferring Repentance and of Salvation at any Time ofter=- ed, to awaken his Confcience, and roufe him out of a ftupid and fecure Condition, to ap- prehend the Juftice and Wrath of God, be- fore whom none cap ftand ; but he that be- U in* L 35° J ing loft in himfelf, layeth hold upon Chrift by Faith. If he hath endeavoured to walk in the Ways of Holinefs, and to ferve God in Uprightnefs, altho not without many Failings and Infirmities, or if his Spirit be broken with the Senfe of- Sin, or caft down through want of the Senfe of God's Fa- vour, then it will be fit to raife him up, by fet- ting before him the Freenefs and Fulnefs of God's Grace,the Sufficiency of Righteoufnefs in Chrift, the gracious Offers in the Gofpel, that all who re- pent and believe with all their Heart in God's Mer- cy through Chrift, renuoncing their own Righ- teoufnefs, fliajl have Life and Salvation in him. It may be alfo ufeful to fhew him that Death hath in it no spiritual Evil to le feared by thofe that are in Chi iff, 1 ecaufe Sin,the Sting ot Death, is taken away by Chriif., who hath delivered ail that are his from the Bondage of the Fear of Death ; triu mphed over the Grave, given us Vict- ory, is himfelf entered into Glory, to prepare a Place for his People: So that neither Life nor Death fhah be able to feparate them from God's Love in Chrift, in whom luch are lure, tho' now they mud be laid in the Dull, to obtain a joyful and glorious Refurreftion to eternal Life. Advice alio may be given, as to beware of an ill grounded Perfuaiion on Mercy, or on the Goodneis of his Condition for Heaven ; fo to difclaim all Merit in himfelf, and to call himfelf wholly upon God for Mercy, in thefole Merits and Mediation of Jefus Chrift, who hath engag- ed i m J ed himfelf never to caft them off, who in Truth and Sincerity come unto him : Care alio mull: he taken, that the lick Perfon be not caftdown into Defpair by iiich a fevere Reprefentation of the Wrath of God due to him for his Sins, as is not mollified, by a feafonable propounding of Chrift and his Merit, for a Door of Hope to every pe- nitent Believer. When the fick Perfon is bed compofed, may beleaft dillurbed, and other neccfiary Offices a- bout him leaft hindred, the Minifter, if deiired, fliall pray with him and for him to this EffecT: > Conf effing and bewailing of Sin. original and aclu- aUtbc miferabk Condition of all by Nature ; as being Children of Wraths and under the Curfe 5 acknow- ledging that all Difeafes,Sickneffes, Death and Hell itfelf are the proper Iffues and Effects thereof im- ploring God 3 s Mercy for the fick Perfon, through the Blood of Chrift, befeeching that God would 0- penhis Eyes, difcoverunto him his Sins, caufehim to fee himfelf loft in himfelf, make known to him the Caufe why God fmiteth him, reveal Jefus Chrift to his Soul, for Righteoufnefs and Life, give unto him his holy Spirit to create and ftrengthen Faith, to lay hold upon Chrift, work in him Comfortable Evidences of his Love, to arm him againft Temp- tations, to take off hif Heart from the World, to fanclifyhis prefeut Vifitation, tofumifli him with Patience and Strength to bear it, and to give him P er fever an cein Faith to the End. That if God fhall pleafe to add to his Days, he would vouch-fafe 10 blefs and fan&ify all Means U 2 of L 35* J of his Recovery to remove the Difeafe, renew his Strength, and enable him to walk worthy of God, by a faithful Remembrance, and diligent obferving of fuch Vows and Promifes of Holi- nefs and Obedience as Men are apt to make in 1 imes of Sicknefs, that he may glorify God in the remaining Part of his Life. And if God have determined to finifh his Days by the prefentVifitation, he may find fuch Evi- denceof the Pardon of his Sins, of his Interefl in Chrift, and eternal Life by Chrift, as may caufc his inward Man to be renewed, while his out- ward Man decayeth ; that he may behold Death without Fear, cafthimfelf wholly upon Chrift:, without doubting, defire to be difTolved and to be with Chrift, and fo to receive the End of his Faith, the Salvation of his Soul, through the only Merits and IntercelTion of the Lord Jefus Chrift. our alone Saviour and all- fufficicnt Redeemer. The Mtnifter fhalladmonim him alfo (ast&ere (hail be Caule) to fet his Houfe in Order, thereby to prevent Inconveniencies, to take care for the Payment of his Debts, and to make Reftitutiori or Satisfaction where he hath done any Wrong. to be reconciled to thole with whom he hath been at Variance, and fully to forgive all Mer their Trefpafies againft him, as he expects For- givenefs at the Hand of God. Laftly, The Minifter may improve the prefent Occasion to exhort thofe about t he lick Per Ion, to conlider their own Mortality, to return to the Lord and make Peace with him, in Health to pre pare [ 353 ] pare for Sicknefs, Death and Judgment, and all the Days of their appointed Time, Co to wait un- til their Change come 5 that when Chrift who is our Life fhail appear, they may appear with him in Glory. Concerning Burial of the Dead. WHEN any Perfon departeth this Life, kt the dead Body, upon the Day of Burial, be decently attended from the Houie to the Place appointed for publick Burial, and there immedi- ately interr'd without any Ceremony. Ar-A becaufe the Cuflom of kneeling down and praying by or towards the dead Corps, and other iuch Ufages in the Place where it lies, before it be carried to Burial, are fuperilitious, and for that praying, reading and ringing, both in going to and at the Grave, have been groAy abufed, are no way beneficial to the Dead, and have proved ma- ny Ways hurtful to the Living, therefore let all fuch Things be laid afide. Howbeit, we judge it very convenient., that the Chriftian Friends which accompany the dead Body to the Place appointed for publick Burial, do apply themfelvesto Meditations and Confer- ence, futableto the Occaiion ; and that the Mini- Iter, as upon other Occasions, ioatthis Time, if he be prefent, may put them in Remembrance of their Duty. That this fhall not extend to deny any civil Re- ipe&s or Deferences at the Burial, futable to the V 3 Rank L.354 J Rank and Condition of the Party deceafed, whiift he was living. Concerning publick folemn Fafting. WHEN fome great and notable Judgments are either inflicted upon a People, or ap- parently imminent, or by fome extraordinary Provocations notorioufly deferved j as alfo,when fome fpecial Bletfing is to be fought and obtained, publick folemn Fafting (which is to continue the whole Day) is a Duty that God expecteth from the Nation or People. A religious Faft requires total Abftinence, not only from all Food ( unlefs bodily Weaknefs do manifestly difable from holding out till the Faft be ended, in which Cafe fomewhat may be tak- es, yet very fparingly, to fupport Nature when ready to faint) but alio from all worldly Labour, Difcourfes and Thoughts, and from all bodily Delights, (altho at other Times lawful) rich Ap- parel, Ornaments, and fuch like, during the Faft; and much more from what-ever is, in the Na- ture, or Ufe, fcandalous or offenfivei as gayilli Attire, laicivious Habits and Geftures, and other Vanities of either Sex; which we recommend to all Minifters in their Places, diligently and zeal- oufiy to reprove, as at other Times, fo efpecial- ly at a Faft, without rdpeft of Perfons, as there fhallbeOccafion. , ■ Before the publick Meeting, each Family and Perfon apart are privately to ufe all religious Care to X 355 ] V to prepare their Hearts to fuch a folemn y ^ and to be early at the Congregation . / So large a Portion of the Day, as convex may be, is to be fpent in publick reading a. preaching of the Word,with iinging of Pfalms fit to quicken Affe&ions futable to fuch a Duty; but efpecialiy in Prayer, to this or the like EfYec* : k Giving Glory to the great Majefty of God, c the Creator, Preferver, and fupreme Ruler of all « the World, the better to arTecl us thereby with « a holy Reverence and Awe of him ; acknow- « ledging his manifold, great and tender Mercies, « efpecialiy to the Church and Nation, the more * effectually to foften and abafeour Hearts before « him : Humbly confefTing of Sins of all Sorts, « with their feveral Aggravations, juftifying « God's righteous judgments, as being far lets < than our Sinsdodeferve* yet humbly and ear- « neftly imploring his Mercy and Grace for our « felves, the Church and Nation, for our King « and all in Authority,and for all others for whom < we are bound to pray ( according as the prefent « Exigent requireth ) with more fpeciallmpor- < tunity and Enlargement than at other Times, « applying by Faith the Fromifes and Goodnefs of « God, for Pardon, Help and Deliverance from « the Evils felt, feared, or deferved, and for ob- « taining the BleiTings which we need and ex- « pe&j together with a giving up of ourfelves < wholly and forever unto the Lord. In all thefe, the Minifters, who are the Mouths of the People unto God, ought fo to fpeak from their ' their Hearts, upon ferious and thorow Premedi- tation of them; that both themielves and their People may be muchafte&ed, and even melted thereby j efpecially with Sorrow for their Sins, that it may be indeed a Day of deep Humiliation and afflicting of the Soul. Special Choice is to be made of the Scriptures to be read, and of fiich Texts for preaching, as may beft work the Hearts of the Hearers to the fpecial Bufmefs of the Day,and moftdifpofethem to Humiliation and Repentance; infifting mofl on thofe Particulars, which each Minister's Ob- fervation and Experience tells him, are moil con- ducing to the Edification and Reformation of that Congregation to which he preacheth. Before the clofe of the publick Duties, the Mi- nifter is in his own and the Peoples Name to en- gage his and their Hearts to be the Lord's, with profefTed Purpofe and Refolution to reform whatever is arnifs among them, and more parti- cularly fuch Sins as they have been mere remark- ably guilty of: and to draw nearer unto God, and to walk moreclofely and faithfully with him in new Obedience, than ever before. He is alfo to admonifh the People with all Im- portunity, that the Work of that Day doth not end with the publick Duties of it, but that they are fo to improve the Remainder of the Day, and of their whole Life, in re-inforcingupon them- felves and their Families in private.all thofe godly AfTe&ionsand Refolutions which they prorefTed in Publick, as that they may be fettled in their Hearts [ 357 ] Hearts for ever, and themfelves may more fen- fibly find that God hath fmelt a fweet Savour in Chrift from their Performances; and is pacified towards them, by Anfwers of Grace in pardon- ing of Sin, in removing of Judgments, in avert- ing or preventing of Plagues, and in conferring of Bleflings, ilitable to the Conditions and Pray- ers of his People by Jefus Chrift. Bende folemn and general Fafts enjoined by Authority, we judge that at other Times, Con- gregations may keep Days of Fafting, as divine Providence fhall adminifter unto them fpecial Occafions : And alfo that Families may do the fame, fo it be not on Days wherein the Congre- gation to which they do belong, is to meet for Fafting, or other publick Duties of Worfhip. Concerning the Obfervation of Days of publick Tbankfgiving. WHEN any fuch Day is to be kept, let No- tice be given of it, and of the Occafion thereof, fome convenient Time before, that the People may the better prepare themfelves there- unto. The Day being come, and the Congregation (after private Preparations) being affembled, the Minifter is to begin with a Word of Exhortation, to ftir up the People to the Duty for which rhey are met, and with a fhort Prayer for God's Affi fi- ance and Blc fling, as at other Conventions for public! r 35s ] publick Worfhip, according to the patticular Occaiion of their Meeting. Let him then make fome pithy Narration of the Dcliverence obtained, or Mercy received, or of whatever hith occasioned that affembling of the Congregation, that all may better underftand it, or be minded of ir, and more afTecled with it. And becaufe tinging of Pfilmsisofallother the moft proper Ordinance for exprefimg of Joy and Thanklgiving, let fome pertinant Plalm or Pfalms be fung for that Purpoie. before or after the reading of fome Portion of the Word, fina- ble to the prefent Bufinefs. Then let the Miniiter who is to preach, proceed to further Exhortation and Prayer before his Ser- mon,with fpecial Reference to the prefent Work: After which let him preach upon fome Text of Scripture pertinent to the Occalion/ The Sermon ended, let him only pray, as at o- ther Times after preaching is directed, with Re- membrance of the Neceflities of the Church, King and State ( if before the Sermon they were omitted ) but enlarge himfeif in due and foTemn Thankfgiving for former Mercies and Deliver- ances, but more efpecially for that which at the prefent calls them together to give Thanks j with humble Petition for the Continuance and renew- ing of God's wonted Mercies, as need fhall be, and for faadlifyfrig Grace to make a right Ufe thereof. And fo having fung another Pfalm futa- ble to the Mercy, let him difmifs the Congrega- tion with a BieiTing, that they may have fome conve- C V9 ] convenient Time for their Repaft and Remon ing. jc Butthe Minifter ( before their DifmifTion ) h folemnly to admonifh them, to beware of all Ex- ccfs and Riot, tending to Gluttony or Drunken- ness, and much more of thefe Sins themfelvcs, in their eating and refrefliing, and to take care that their Mirth and Rejoicing be not carnal, but Spi- ritual, which may make God's Praiie to be glo- rious, and themfelves humble and fober, and that both their Feeding and Rejoicing may render them more Cheerful, and Enlarged further to ce- lebrate his Praifes in the midft of the Congrega- tion, when they return into it, in the remaining Part of that Day. When the Congregation (hall be again alTem- bied, the like Courfcin praying, reading, preach- ing, tinging of Pialms, and offering upof more Praiie and Thankfgiving, that is before directed for the Morning, is to be renewed and continued fo far as the Time will give leave. At one or both of the publick Meetings that Day, a Colie&ion is to be made for the Poor, (and in the like Manner upon the Day of publick Hu- miliation ) that their Loyns may bleis us, and re- joice the more with us : And the People are to be exhorted, at the End of the latter Meeting, to fpend the Refidue of that Day in holy Duties, and Teftifications of Chriftian Love and Charity one towards another ; and of rejoicing more and more in the Lord, as becometh thofe who make the Joy of the Lord their Strength, ,1 L 3*o ] Of Singing of Pfahns. IT is the Duty of Chriftians to praife God publickly, by finging of Pfalms together in the Congregation, and alfo privately in the Fa- mily.' In finging of Pfalms, the Voice is to be tune- able and gravely ordered : But the chief Care muft be to fing with Underftanding, and with Grace in the Heart, making Melody to the Lord. That the whole Congregation may join here- in, every one that can read is to have a Pfalm Cook j and all others, not difabled by Age or o- therwife, are to be exhorted to learn to read : But for the prefent, where many in the Congregati- on cannot read, it is convenient that the Mini- frer, or fome other fit Perfon appointed by him and the other ruling Officers, do read the Pfalm Line by Line before the finging thereof. An Appendix touching Days and Places forpublick Worihip. THERE is no Day commanded in Scrip- ture to be kept holy under the Gofpel, but the Lord's Day, which is the Chriftian Sab- bath. Feftival Days, vulgarly called Holy Days, hav- ing no Warrant in the Word of God, are not to W continued. Never- 1 3©i J Neverthelefs, it is lawful and necefTary, upon fpecial emergent Occafions, to feparatea Day or Days for publick Failing or f hankfgiving , as thd feveral eminent and extraordinary Difpenfations of God's Providence (hall adminifter Caufe and Opportunity to his People. As no Place is capable of any Holinefs under pretence of whatfoever Dedication or Confecra- tion, fo neither is it fubjedr, to fuch Pollution by any Superftition formerly ufed, and now laid a- fide., as may fender it unlawful or inconvenient for Chriltians to meet together therein for the publick Worfhip of God : And therefore we' hold it requifite that the Places for publick aiTembling for Worfhip among us, ihould be continued and employed to that Ufe. X t0 L 5oz j To the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons Aflembled in Parliament ; The humble Advice of the Aflem- by of Divines, now fitting by Ordinance of Parliament at Weft- mhiftery Con cerning Church-Government. 7he

C ?*4 ] f Faith and Life taught by Chrift'and his A- foftles, and of their Children, Acts 2. 38, 41 . A3s 2. laft, compared wkhABs y.v. 14. 1 Cor. i.i. compared with 2 Cor. o.f. 13. Aflsz.v. 39. 1 Cor. j.v. 14. Rom. 11. 16. and fo for- ward, Mark 10. 14. compared with Mat. 19. ip. 13, 14. La/ce i3. 14, 1 $\ The Office of the Eider, that is, the Pa- ils to pray for the fick, even in private, to Yh a Staffing is efpecially promifed,. much' \ move L 3*5 J ' w more therefore ought he to perform this in the ^ publick Execution of his Office, as a part thereof. To read the Scripture publickly ; for the Proof of which, i . That the Priefts and Levites in the Jewim Church were trufted with the publick Reading of the Word, as is proved Dent. 3 1.^.9, 10, 1 1. Nefiem. 8. 1, 2, & 13. 2. That the Ministers of the Gofpel have as ample a Charge and Commiffion to difpenfe the Word, as well as other Ordinances, as the Priefts and Levites had under the.Law, proved, If a. 66. v. 21. Mat.i^.v. 34. Where our Saviour en- tituleth the Officers of the New Teftament, whom he will fend forth, by the fame Names of the Teachers of the Old. Which Proportions prove, that therefore ( the Duty being of a moral Nature) it followeth by juft: Confequence, that the publick Reading of the Scriptures belongeth to the Paftor's Office. To feed the Flock by preaching of the Word, according to which he is to teach, convince, re- prove, exhort and comfort, 1 Tim. 3.2. 2 Tim. 3. 16, 17. Tit. 1. 9. To catechife, which is a plain laying down the Principles of the Oracles of God, Heb. f. v. 1 2. or of the Doctrine of Chrift, and is a Part of Preaching. To difpenfe other civineMyfteries, 1 Cor. 4. v. 1, 2. To adminifter the Sacraments, Mat. 1 S.i 9, 20. Mark 16. if, 16. 1 Cor. 1 1 .23, 24, 2 ?. compared with 1 Cor. 10. 16. X3 I 166 j foblcfi the People from God, Num. 6. 23, 24, 15*, 26. compared with Rev. 14. 5*. (where the fame Bleffings and Perfons from whom they come, are exprefly mentioned ) Ifx.66. 2 j . Here under the Name of Pr lefts and Levites, to be con- tinued under the Gofpel, are meant Evangelical Paftors, who therefore are by Office to blefs the People, Deut. 10. 8. 2 Cor. 13. v. 14. Eph. 1. i>. 2. To take care of the Poor, Acts 11. 50. & eh. 4. v. 54, if, 36, 37. 8c 6. 2, 3,4. 1 Cor. to. 1,1,3,4. Gal. 2. 9, 10. And he hath alfo a ruling Power over the Flock as a Paftor, 1 Tim. f. xj.Afts 19. 17.8c t$.x.i Thejf. f m 11. Hsb. 13.7, 17. Teacher or DoEicr. TH E Scriptures doth hold out the Name and Title of a Teacher, as well as of a Pa- iior, 1 Cor. 1 2. v. 28. Epb. 4. 1 1 . Who is alfo a Minifter of the Word as well as the Paftor, and hath Power of Adminiftration of the Sacraments. The Lord having given different Gifts, and di- vers Exerciies according to thefe Gifts in the Mi- niftry of the Word, Rom. 12.6,7,8. 1 Cor. 12. 1 , 4, f, 6, 7 . Though thefe different Gifts may meet in, and accordingly be exercifed by one and the fame Minifter, 1 Cor. 14. 3. 2 Tim.$. 2. Tit. 2 '.v'.f. yet where be feveral Minifters in the fame Congregation, they may be deligned to feveral Employ- 5*7 ] ^\ Employmcnts,according to the differe, ^ . which each of them doth moll excel, : * ts fa 6, 7, 8. i Pet. 4. 10, 1 1 . and he that do * 'a. excel in Expofitfon of Scripture, in t£or e found Doctrine, and in convincing Gaining than he doth in Application., and is accordi,, employed therein, may be called a Teachei Dodtor : the Places alledged by the Notation the Word doth prove the Proportion ; Nevei thelefs, where is but one Minifter in a particular/ Congregation, he is to perform fo far as he is abia the whole Work of the Mini-ftry, as appeareth in %Tim.$.z.Tit. i. 9. before alledged, 1 Tim. 6.2. A Teacher or Do&or is of molt excellent Vie in Schools and Universities, as of old in the Schools of tke Prophets, and at Jerufdem, where Gamaliel and others taught as Doctors. Othe* Church-Governors. AS there were in xhtjerviflj Church Elders of the People joined with the Priefts and Le- vites in the Government of the Church, as ap- pearethin tChvon. 19.^. 8,9,10.) SoChriir, who hath inftituted a Government, and Gover- nors Ecclefiafticalinthe Church, hath furnifhed fome in his Church, befides the Miniftersof the Word, with Gifts for Goyernment, and with Commiffion to execute the fame when called thereunto, who are to jo, with the Minifrer in .- the Government of the Church, Rom. n.v.y^j, 1 Cor. 1 2 .v . 2 8 .which Officers refor medChurch eg commonly call Elders. X 4 Dr p< / [ 368 ] Deacons. THE Scripture doth hold out Deacons as di- ning Officers in the Church, Fhtl. i . v. i . i Tim. $. 8. whoie Office ir perpetual, i Tin:. 5. 8. to v. 1 5. Acts 6.1,2, 3 , 4. To whoie Office it belongs not to preach trie Word, or adminifter the Sacra meats, but to take ipecjal Care in diftri- buting to tie Neceffities of the Poor, Acis 6. i> I, 3, 4. and rhe Verfes following, Of particular Congregations. f T is lawful and expedient that there be fixed •*• Congregations, that is, a ce cam Company of Chrifuans ro meet in an Afiembly ordinarily forpul- : ckWorihip. When Believers multiply to fucha Number, tbat.thev cannot conveniently meet, in one Place, it is lawful and expedient that they fliould be divided into diftincl: and fixed Cong for the better Adminiftration of fuch Ovc. ai ce,s as belong unto them, and the Difcharge or mutual Duties, 1 Cor. 14.26. Let all Things be done unto Edifying ; and Verfes 33.40. The ordinary way of dividing ChriiTians into diftincl: Congregations, and moft expedient for Edification, is by refpective Bounds of their Dwellings Firft, becaufe they who dwell together, being bouiid to all kind of moral Duties one :o another, have C 369 1 have the better Opportunity thereby to difcharge them, which moral Tye is perpetual > for Chrift came not to deflroy the Law, but to fulfil it, Dent. \f.v 7, 1 1. Mat. a. v. ig.Mat.y.v.iy, Secondly, The Communion of Saints muftbe fb ordered, as may Hand with the mod conve- nient Ufe of the Ordinances, and Difcharge of moral Duties, without Reipetl: of Perfons, 1 Cor. 14. 16. Let all Things be done unto Edify- ingy Heb. 10. 24,, if. Jam. 1. 1, 1. Thirdly, The Paftor and People muft fo nearly cohabit together, as that they may mutually per- form their Duties each to other, with moft Con- veniency. In this Company fbme muftbe fet apart to bear Office. Of the Officers of a particular Congrega- tion. FOR Officers in a fingle Congregation, there ought to be one at the leaft, both to labour in the Word and Doctrine, and to rule, Prov. 20. 18. 1 Tim. f. 17. Heb. 13.7. It is alfo requisite that there (hould be others to join the Government, 1 Cor. \i. 28. And likewife it is requiiite that there be o- thers to take fpecial Care for the Relief of the Poor, Acts 6. v. 2.3. The Number of each of which is to be pro- portioned according to the Condition of the Congregation. . X s Th*e I 37° J Thefe Officers are to meet together at conve- nient and fet Times, for the well ordering of the Affairs of the Congregation, eich according to his Office. It is mod expedient, that in thefe Meetings, one whofc Office is to -labour in the Word and Doftrine do moderate in their Proceedings, 1 Tim.f.v. 17. Of the Ordinances of particular Congre- gations. THE Ordinances in a fingle Congregation, are Prayer, Thankfgiving, and finging of Pfalms, 1 Tim. i. 1. 1 Cor. 14.x;. 15% 16. The Word read, (although there follow no immedi- ate Explication of what is read ) the Word ex- pounded and applied, Catechifing, the Sacra- ments adminiftred, Collection for the Poor, difc miffing the People with a Bleffing. Of Church-Government, and the fever at Sorts of Ajfemblies for the fame. CHRIST hath inftituted a Government, and Governors EccleiiafTical in the Church, to that Purpofe the Apoftles did immediately re- ceive the Keys from the Hand of Jefus Chrift, . and did ufe and exercife them in all the Churches of the World upon all Occafions. And Chrift hath fince continually furnimed fomc in his Church with Gifts of Government, and [371 ] and with Cornmiffion to execute the fame when called thereunto. . It is lawful and agreableto the Word of God, that the Church be governed by feveral Sorts of Aftemblies, which are Congregational, Claflica!, and Synodical. Of the Power in common of all thefe Affemblies, IT is lawful and agreeable to the Word of God that the feveral Affemblies before mentioned, have Power to convene and call before them any Perfon within their feveral Bounds, whom the Ecclefiaftical Bufmefs which is before them doth concern, proved by Mat. 18. if, to *i. They have Power to hear and determine fuch Caufes and Differences, as do orderly come be- fore them. It is lawful and agreeable to the Word of God that all the faid Affemblies have fome Power to difpenfe Church Cenfures. Of Congregational Affemblies y that is] the Meeting of the ruling Officers cf a particular Congregation for the Go- vernment thereof TH E ruling Officers .of a particular Congre- gation have Power authoratively to call be- fore them any Member of the Congregation, as they {hall fee juft Occafion. To [ m 3 To enquire into the Knowledge and fpiritual Kit: :t of the ieveral Members of the Congrega- tion . To ad monifh and rebuke. Which three Branches arc proved by Htb. 1 3 . 17. I Ttikfflf. 12, 13. 2i*ffc. 34e-4t Authoratativc Sufpenfion from the Lord's Ta- ': of a Per on not yet eaU out of the Church, i : agreeable to the Scripture. Firfr. becaufe the Ordinance it felf mud not bePrcpnaned. Secondly, Becaufe we are charged to with- drawfrom thofe that walk di {orderly Thirdly, Becaufe of the great Sin and Danger both to him that comes unworthily, and alio to the whole Church, Mat. j.6.i Tbejf. 3.6, 14, if. 1 Cor. jr. i 7. to the End of the Chapter ; compared with Judc -v. 2 ?, . t Tim. f . ^^. And there was Power and Authority under the Old Teftament; to keep unclean Perfons from holy Things, Lev. i$.f. Num. 9. 7* rChrdn.r$. \g. The like Power and Authority by way of Ana- logy continues under the New Teftament. The ruling Officers of a particular Congrega- tion have Power authoratatively to fufpend irom the' Lord's Table a Perfon not yet cafl: out of the Church. Firft, Becaufe thofe who have Authority to judge of, and admit fuch as are fit to receive the Sacrament, have Authority to keep back fuch as fhali be found unworthy. Secondly, Becaufe it is an EcclefiaftLcal Buil- nefs, of ordinary Practice belonging to that Con - gregatiou. Wher: I 373 ] "When Congregations are divided and fixed, t. r need all mutual Help one from another, both Regard of their intrinfical WeakneiTes, and mu tualDependancej as alfo in Regard of Enemies from without. Of Clafjical Affemblies. TH E Scripture doth hold out a Presbytery in a Church, both in the firft. Epiftle to Timo- tby, chap. 4. ver. 14. and in Acis 1^.2,4, 6. A Presbytery confifteth of Minifters of the Word, and'fucb other publick Officers as area- ereeabie to, and warranied by the Word of God, to be Church-Governors, to join with the Mini- flers in the Government of the Church, as ap- peareth, Rom. 12. 7,8. 1 Cor. 1 1.28. The Scripture doth hold forth, that many par- ticular Congregations maybe under onePresby- teriaj Government, This Propofition is proved by Inftances. I. Firft, Of the Church of JtrufaUm, which coniifted of more Congregations than one, and all thefe Congregations were under onePresby- terial G'ovei nment. This appeareth thus j \ . Fh ft, The Church of Jerufalem coniifted of more Congregations than one, asismanireft, Firft, By the Multitude of Believers, before trie Difperiion of the Believers ther* by Means of the Periecution mentioned in the Afls of the A- •Roftles, chap. 1. in the Beginning thereof i wit- C ffi 3 nefs chap. i. ver. 1 1. and chap. 1. ver. 41, 46", 47. and chap. 4. ver. 4. and chap. f. ver. 11. and chap. 6. of the lame Book of the Acts v.ij. And alfo after the Difperiion, ABs 9. ver. 32. and chap. 1 2 . ver. 14. and f£^. 2 1 . ver. 20. of the fame Book. Secondly, By the many Apoftles and other Preachers in the Church of ferufalem; and if there were but one Congregation there, then each Apoftle preached but fcldom j which will not confift with chap. 6. ver. 2. of the fame Book- of the Afts of the Apoftles. Thirdly, The Diveriity of Languages amongft the Believers, mentioned both in the fecond and forth Chapters of the Atis, doth argue more Con- gregations than one in that Church. 2 . Secondly, All thofe Congregations were un- der one Presbyterial Government j becaufe, Firft, They were one Church, A&s 8. 1, and 2. ver. 47. compared with chap. f. 1 i.and 12* f. and if. ver. 4. of the fame Book. Secondly, The Elders of the Church are men- tioned A&s 1 1. 50. and \f. 4, 6", 22. and 21. 17, 18. of the fame Book. Thirdly, The Apoftles did the ordinary Ads of Presbyters, as Presbyters in that Kirk, which proveth a Presbyterial Church before the Difper- iion AMs 6. Fourthly, The feveral Congregations mjerti- falem being one Church, the Elders of that Church are mentioned as meeting together for Adfc of Government, Afts 11. 30. and if- 4> 6* C 375 1 \ 6, ir. and n. ver. 17, 18. and fo forward, Which proves that thofe feveral Congregations Were under one Presbyterial Government. And whether thefe Congregations were fixed or not fixed, in Regard of Officers or Members, it is all one as to the Truth of the Proportion . Nor doth there appear any material Difference betwixt the feveral Congregations in J-erufnlem, and the many Congregations now in the ordina- ry Condition of the Church, as to the Point of Fixednefs required of Officers or Members. 3 . Thirdly, Therefore the Scripture doth hold forth, that many Congregations may be under one Presbyterial Government. II. Secondly, By the Inftance of the Church of Ephefas : For, 1 . That there were more Congregations than one in the Church of Epkefut, appears by Acis ao 3 1 . ivhere is mention of Paul's Continuance vxEphefu* in preaching for the Space of three Years j avAAcis 11. ver. 18, 19, io. where the fpccial EffecT: of the Lord is mentioned j and ver. 1 o, and 1 7 . of the fame chap, where is a Di- (tinclion of Jews and Greeks : And 1 Cor. 16. ver. 8,9. where is a Reafon of Paul's Stay at Ephefus until Pemicofi; and ver. it. where is mention of a particular Church in the Houfe of AquiU and Prifciila then at Ephefus ; as appears AMs i 8. 19, 24, 16. All which laid together, doth prove, that the Multitudes of Believers did make more Congregations thai? one in the Church of EpheCw, ['37* ] 2. That there were many Elders over thefe many Congregations, as one Fleck, appeareth Atis 20. 17, 25-, 28, 50, 56, 57. 3 . That thefe many Congregations were one Church, and that they were under one Presbyte- rial Government, appeareth, Rev. 2. thefirftiix Veries joined with Acis 20. 17, 18. Of Synodic at Affemblies. TH E Scripture doth hold out another Sort of AiTembiies for the Government of the Church, befides ClaiTical and Congregational, all which we call Synodical, Acis if. Paftors and Teachers, and other Church-Governors, (as alio other fit Perfons, when it fhall be deemed expe- dient) are Members of thofe AiTembiies which we call Synodical, where they have a lawful Call- ing thereunto. Synodical AiTembiies may lawfully be of feva- ral Sorts; as Provincial, National, and Oecume- nical. It is lawful and agreeable to the Word of God, that there be a Subordination of congregational, claiTical, provincial and national Afiemblies for the Government of the Church. Of Ordination of Minifters. UN D E R the Head of Ordination of Mini-. Iters, is to be conlidered either the Dod> ; ne of Ordination, or the Power of it. Tfuch- C 377 ] Touching the DoBrine of Ordination. NO Man ought to take upon him the Office of a Minifterof the Word, without a law- ful Calling, John 3. ver. 27. Rom. 10. 14, iy. Jer. 14. 14. Heb.f.j.. Ordination is lawful to be continued in the Church, Tit. 1. f. 1 Tim. y. 11, 22. Ordinatioa is the folemn fetting a-part of a Perfon to fome publick Church-Office, Num. 8. 10, ( 1, 14, 19, zz. Arts 6. 3, j-, 6 f Every Miniffer of the Word is to be ordained by Impofition of Hands, and Prayer with Fail- ing, by thofe preaching Presbyters to whom it doth belong, 1 Tim.f .21. Acis 14.. 2;. 8c 13. 3. Ir is agreeable to the Word of God, and very expedient, that fuch as are to be ordained iMini- fters, hedeiigned to fome particular Church, or other minifterial Charge, ABs 14, 25. Tit. 1.5*. Acts io.'ver. t 7, £c 28. He that is to be ordained Minifter muff, be duly qualified both for Life and minifterial Abilines, according to the Rules of the Apoftle, 1 Tim. 3. 2, to 6. Tit. 1. -6, 7, 8, 9. . He is to be examined and approved by thofe by whom lie is to be ordained, 1 Tim. 3.7, 10. and f.ver. 22. No Man is to be ordained a Minifler for a par- tieular Congregation, if they of that Congrega- tion can fhew juft Caufe of Exception againft hi.n\ 1 Tim. 3.2. Tit. 1.7. Touch'm \ C 378 ] Touching the Power of Ordination. ORDINATION is the Act of a Presbyte- ry, i Tim.^.ver, 14.. The Power of ordering the whole Work of Ordination is in the whole Presbytery, which- when it is over more Congregations than one, whether thofeCongregations be fixed or not fixed in Regard of Officers or Members,it is indifferent as to the Point of Ordination, 1 Tim. 4.. 14. It is very requisite that no fingle Congregation that can conveniently afTociate, do afTume to itfelf all and fole Power in Ordinatfon. 1 . Becaufe there is no Example in Scripture, that any lingle Congregation, which might con- veniently afTociate, did afTume to itfelf all and fole Power in Ordination ; neither is there any Rule which may warrant Tucha Practice. 2. Becaufe there is in Scripture, Example of an Ordination in a Presbytery over divers Con- gregations, as in the Church ofjferufakm y whcrc were many Congregations, thefe many Congre- gations were under one Presbytery, and this Pres- bytery did ordain. The preaching Presbyters, orderly aflociated either in Cities or neighbouring Villages, are thofe to whom the Impofition of Hands doth appertain, for thofe Congregations within their Bounds respectively. Some [ 119 ] Some other Particulars concerning Church- Government^ do yet remain unfinifoed 9 which /ball be with all convenient Speedy prepared and presented to this honourable Houfe. To the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons Affembled in Parliament ; The humble Advice of the A£- iembly of Divines, now fitting at Weftminjfer ; CONCERNING 'The DoElrinal Part of Ordination of Minifiers. . J "% TO Man ought to take upon him theO- l^k ffice of a Minifter of the Word, with- -L ^ out a lawful Calling , J@hn 3.27. Rom. 10.14, \$.Jer. 14. i^.Heb.f. 4. 2. Ordination is always to be continued in the Church ; Tit. 1 . f, 1 Tim. f.n^i. .1, 3 .Ord ; I 3S0 J 3 . Ordination is the folemn fetting apart of a Perfon to ibme publick Church-Office: Num. 8. io,t*z%. A&slb ,\ 3, j", 6. 4. Every Minifter of the Word is to be ordain- ed by Impofition of Hands and Prayer, with Fail- ing, by theie preaching Presbyters to whom it doth belong: 1 Tim. $. 21. ABs 1.4. 23. & 13.3. f. The Power of ordering the whole Work of Ordination is. in the whole Presbytery, which when it is over more Congregations than one, whether theie Cong! egations be fixed or not fix- ed in regard of Officers or Members, it is indiff- erent as to the Point of Ordination : 1 Tim. a,. 14. 6. It is agreeable to the Word of God, and very expedient, that jfach as are to be ordained Miniflers be defigned ro ibme particular Church, or other minifterial Charge ; ABs 14. 23. Tit. i.f. Acts 10. 17,6c 28. 7. He that is to be ordained Minifrer, muftbe duly qualified both for Life and minifterial Abi- lities, according to the Rules or' the Apoftle ; 1 Tim. 3. z, to 7. Tit. 1. f ro 9. 8. He is to :;>e axamined and approved by thofe by whom he is to be ordained: 1 Tim. 3. 7, 10. d?. a. 0. No Msn is to be ordained a Minifter for a particular Congregation, it they of that Con- gregation can iV.ew juft Cauie of Exception a- gainfthim, j Tim. 3.2. Tit. 1.7. 10. Preaching Presbyters orderly aflbciated Cither in Cities, or neighbouring Villages are \thoie to whom the Imposition of Hands doth \ apper- \ [ 38i ] appertain, for thofe Congregations within their Bounds refpectively : i Tim. 4.17. r 1. In extraordinajy Cafes, Something extra* ordinary may be done, until a fettled Order may be had : Yer keeping as near as paffible may be to the Rule, 2 Chron. 19. ver. -$$.$$, "$6.i&>cbap. 30. ver. 1. 3,4,5-. ia.ThereisatthisTime (as we humbly con- ' ceive) an extraordinary Occafion for a way of Ordination for theprefent Supply of Minifters. 7%e DireBory, for Ordination of Mini- fters. IT being manifeft by the Word of God, that no Man ought to take upon him the Office of a Minifter of the Gofpel, until he be lawfully call- ed and ordained thereunto : And that the Work of Ordination is to be performed with all due Care, Wifdom, Gravity, and Solemnity : We humbly render thefe Directions as requifite to be obferved. i. He that is to be ordained, being either no- minated by the People ; or otherwife commend- ed to the Presbytery , muft addrefs him (elf to the Presbytery, and bring with him a Testimonial of his taking the Covenant of. the three Kingdoms, of his Diligence, and Proficiency in his Studies : What Degrees he hath taken in the Univerii- ty : and what hath been the Time of his Abode there: And withal, of his Age, which is to be twenty four Years : But especially of his Life and Cpnverfation* 2. Which L 3«2 J a . Which being coniidered by the Presbytery, they are to proceed, to enquire touching the Grace of God in him, and whether he be offuch Holinefs of Life as is requiiite in a Minifter of the Gofpel, and to examine him touching his Learn- ing and Sufficiency, and touching the Evidences of his Calling to the holy Miniftry, and in parti- cular his fair and direct Calling to that Place. Ihe Rules for Examination are thefe. i. HT HAT the Party examined be dealt withal JL in a brotherly Way, with Mildnefs of Spirit, and with fpecial Refpect to the Gravity, Modefty, and Quality of every one. 2. He (hall be examined touching his Skill in the Original Tongues, and his Trial to bemide by reading the Hebrew and Gr^fcTeftaments, and rendering fome Portion of fome into Lm- tin: If he be defective in them, Enquiry fhalL be made the more ftri&ly after his other Learning, and whether he hath Skill in Logick and fhilcfo- phy. 2. What Authors in Divinity he hath read and is beft acquainted with : And Trial fhall be made in his Knowledge of the Grounds of Religion, and Ability to defend the Orthodox Doctrine contained in them againft all unfound erroneous Opinions, efpecially thofe of the prefent Age : Of his Skill in the Senfe and Meaning of fuch Places of Scripture as (hall be propofed unto kjru in, Cafes of Conscience, and in the Chro- nology L 5*3 J nology of the Scripture, and the Ecclefiaitical Hiftory. 4. If he hath not before preached in Pubiick, with Approbation of fuch as are able to judge, he fhall, at a competent Time aligned him, ex- pound before the Presbytery fuch a Place of Scripture as fhall be given him. f. He mall alfo, within a competent Time, frame a Difcourfe in Latin, upon iuch a common Place or Controverfy in Divinity as fhall be af- figned him, and exhibit to the Presbytery fuch Thefes as exprefs the Sum thereof, and maintain a Difpute upon them. 6. He (hall pi each before the People, the Pres- bytery, or fome of the Minifters of the Word appointed by them being prefent. , 7 . The Proportion of his Gifts in Relation to the Place un.ta which he is called, (hall beconfi- dered.* * 8 . Befide the Trial of Gifts in preaching, he fhall undergo an Examination in the Premifes two fever a! Days, and more if the Presbytery dial! judge it r.eceflary. 9. And as for him that hath been formerly ordained a Minifies and is to be removed to a- nother Charge* he fhall bring a Teftimonial of lis Ordination, and of his Abilitiesand Conver- sation, whereupon his Fimefs for that Piace fhall ?e tried by his Preaching there (if it fliall be udged ncceffiry) by a further Examination of urn. 3. la I 3*4- J 3 . In all which he being approved, he is to be 1 fent to the Church where he is to ferve, thereto preach three feveral Days, and to converfe with the People, that they may have Trial of his Gifts for their Edification, and may have Time and Occafion to enquire into, and the better to know his Life and Converfation. 4 . In rhe laft of thefe three Days appointed for the Trial of his Gifts in Preaching, there fhallbe fent fom the Presbytery to the Congregation, a publick Intimation in Writing,- which (hall be publickly read beiore the People, and after affix- ed to the Church-Door, to iignify that fuch a Day a competent Number of the Members of that Congregation, nominated by themfelves, (hall appear before the Presbytery, to give their Confent and Approbation to fuch a Man to be their Minifter, or otherwife to put in with all Chriftian Difcretion and Meeknefs, what Ex- ceptions they have againft him ; and if upou the Day appointed, there be no juft Exception againft him, but the People give their Conient, then the Presbytery fhall proceed to Ordination, f. Upon the Day appointed for Ordination, Which is to be performed in that Church where \ he that is to be ordained is to ferve, a folemn Faft mail be kept by the Congregation, that they may \ the more earneftly join in'Prayer for a BlefTing Won the Ordinance of Chrift, and the Labours of his Servant for their Good . The Presbytery fell come to the Piace ; or at leaft, three or fou* Miiuft«rj [ 335 ] Miniflers of the Word (hall be Cent thither froru the Presbytery of which one appointed by the Presbytery ftiall preach to the People, concern- ing the Office arid Duty of Miniflers of Chrift, | and how the People ought to receive them for I their Work fake. 6. After the Sermon, the Minifter who hath preached, (hall in the Face of the Congregation demand of him who is now to be ordained, con- cerning his Faith in Chrift jefus, and his Perfua- fion of the Truth of the Reformed Religion, ac- cording to the Scripture j His fincere Intentions and Ends in defiring to enter into this Calling 3 His Diligence in Praying, Reading, Meditation,, Preaching, Mimftring the Sacraments, Difcip- line, and doing all ministerial Duties towards his Charge ; His'Zealand Faithfulnefs in maintain- ing the Truth of the Gofpel, and Unity of the Church againft Error and Schifm ; His Care that himfelf and his Family may beunblameable, and Examples to the Flock $ His Willin^nefs and Hu- mility, in Meeknefs of Spirit to fubmit unto ths Admonition of his Brethren, and Difcipline of the Church j and his Refo'ution to continue in his Duty againft all Trouble and Perfecution. 7. In all which having declarecthtmfelfj pro- felled his Wiilingnefs, and promi{ed his Endeav- , ours by the Kelp of God : The Minifter likewife fhall demand of the Peot>!e. concerning their Wiftingnefi to receive and acknewiedge him as the Minifter of Chrifl, and to obey and and fub- mit unto him.- as having Rule over them in the Y Lord [ 3 85 ] Lord, and to maintain, encourage and ailiit him in all the Parts of his Office. Which, being mutually promifed by the Peo- ple, the Presbytery, or theMrftifters lent from them for Ordination, fhall folemnly fet him a^ part to the Office and Work of the Miniftry, by laying their Hands on him * which is to be ac- companied with a fhort Prayer or Bleffing to this ExtccT:: 8. Thankfully acknowledging the great Mer- cy of God. in lending Jefus Chriftfor the Re- demption or his Peop'e, and for his Afcenfion to the Right Hand of God the Father, and thence pouring out his Spirit and giving Gifcs to Men, Apoffies, Evanreliils, Prophets, Pallors and Tcicrers, for the gathering and building up of his Church, and for fitting and inclining this Man to this greaV Wo: k ; to intreat him to fit him with his holy Spirit, to give him (who in his Name we thus fet apart to his holy Service) to fulfi 1 the Work of the Miniftry in all Things that lie may both fave himielf and his. People committed -o his Charge. 9. This or the like Form of Prayer and Bleff- ing bbiryg ended,- let the Minifter who preachetH, briefly exhort him to coniider of theGreatnefs of his Office and Work, the Danger of hisNe- otl: to himielf and his People, the] 'Bieiling which will accompany his Faithfulnefs.j in this Lite and that to come: And withal, ex- Jhori . to csrry thcir.felves to him as t< their Miniver in the Lord, according to their fc lerm C 387] lemn,Promife made before: And fo by Prayer commending both him and his Flock to the Grace of God, after ringing of a Pfalm, let the AflemWy be difmiiTed with a Blefling. 10. If a Minifter be defigned to a Congregati- on who hath been formerly ordained Presbyter, according to the Form of Ordination which hath been in the Church of England, which we hold for Subftance to be valid, and not to be difclaun- ed by any who have received it, then there being a cautious Proceeding in Matters of Examinati- on, let him be admitted without any new Ordi- nation. 1 1 . And in cafe any Perfon already o'dained Minifter in Scotland, or in any other Reformed Church, be defigned to a Congregation in Eng- land, he is to bring from that Church to the Pres- bytery here, within which rhat Congregation is, fufficientTeftimonal of his Ordination, of his 'Lifeand Converfation while he lived with them, and of the Caufes of his Removal, and to under- go fuch a Trial of his Fitnefs a^d Sufficiency, and to have the fame Courfe held with him in o- :her Particulars, as is fet down in the Rule im- mediately going before, touching Examination md Ad million. it. That Records be carefully kept inthefe- (reral Presbyteries, of the Names of the Perlons brdained,. with their Testimonials, the Time and p lace of their Ordination, of the Presbyters who lid impofe Hands upon them, and of the Charge p which they are appointed. Y2 13. Tha [ 3 88 ] 15. That no Money or Gift, of what Kind foever, (hall be received from the Peribn to be prdained, or from any on his behalf, for Ordina- tion, or ought elfe belonging to it, by any of the Presbytery, or any apptertaining to any o£them, Upon what Pretence foever, Jhw far of ordinary Rules and Courfe of Ordi- nation in the ordinary Way : That which con- cerns the extraordinary Way, reyuifte to be 7iet» praciijedy folicweth. 1 . In thefeprefent Exigencies, while we can- not have any Presbyters formed up to their whole Power and Work, and that many Mini- iters are to be ordained for the Service of the Ar- mies and Navy, and to many Congregations where there is no Minifter at all, and where ( by reafon of the publick Troubles ) the People can- not either themfelves enquire, and find out one who may be a faithful Minifter for them, or have any with Safety fent unto them for fuch a fo- lemn Trial as was before mentioned in the ordi- nary Rules, efpecially when there can be no Pres- bytery near unto them, to whom they may ad- drefs themfelvei, or which may come or fend to them a fit Man to be ordained in that Congrega- tion, and for that People; 2nd yet notwithstand- ing it is recjuifite that Miniftersbe ordained for them by forne, who being fet apart themfelves for the Work of the Miniftry, have Power to join in the letting apart of others, who are found lit and worthy. In thofe Cafes, until by God'a Blefling C 389 ] Blefling the aforefaid Difficulties may be in fome good Meafure removed,let fome godly Minifters, in or about the City of London, be defigned by publick Authority, who being aflbciated, may ordain Minifters for the City, and Vicinity, keep- ing as near to the ordinary Rules forementioned, as poflibly they may : And let this Afibciation be for no other Intent or Purpofe, but only for the Work of Ordination. 2. Let the like Afibciation be made by the fame Authority in great Towns, and the neigh- bouring Parifhes in the feveral Counties, which are at the prefent quiet and undifturbed, to do the like for the Parts adjacent. 3 . Let fuch as are chofen or appointed for the Service of the Armies or Navy be ordained as a- forefaid, by the aflbciated Minifters of Lendon, or fome others in the Country. 4. Let them do the like, when any Man fhall duly and lawfully be recommended to them for the Miniftry of any Congregation, who cannot enjoy Liberty to have a Trial of his Parts and Abilities, and delire the Help of, fuch Miinifters fb aflbciated, for the better furnifhingof them with fuch a Perfon, as by them fhall be judged fit for the Service of that Chucch and People. THE [3?o] ... r •■:.-< — — _ I .:-•... » .» , J THE DIPvECTIONS OF THE General Affembly, Concerning Secret and Qrivate, Worfhip) and mutual Edificati- on, for cherijhing c Piety, for maintaining Unity, and avoid- ing Schifip, and D'wifion. BESIDES the publick Worlhip in Cpn* gregations, mercifully eftablifhed in this Land, in great Purity j it is expedient and neceflary, that decree Worlhip of each Perfon alone, and private Worlhip of Fama- lies, be preflfed and fet up ; that with national Re- formation, the Profeflion and Power of Godli- ^4 botJi peribnal and domeftick, be advanced. I. And E 391 3 . I. And firft for fecret Worfhip : It is moft ne- ceflary that every one apart and by themfelves, be given to Prayer and Meditation, the unipeak- able Benefit whereof isbeft known to them who are moft exercifed therein, this being the Mean whereby in a fpecial Way Communion with God is entertained, and right Preparation for all other Duties obtained. And therefore it becometh not only Paftors within their feveral Charges, to prefs Perfons of all Sores to perform this Duty Morning and Eve- ning, and at other Occafions, but alfo it is. in- cumbent to the Head of every Family, to have a Care that both themfelves and all within their Charge be diligent herein. II. The ordinary Duties comprehended under the exercife of Piety, which mould be in Fami- lies when they are convecned to that Effect, are thefe : Firft, Prayer and Praifes performed, with a fpecial Reference, as well to the publick Con- dition of the Kirk of God and this Kingdom, as to the prefent Cafe of the Family, and every Member thereof. Next, Reading of the Scrip- tures, withCatechilingin a plain Way, that the Underftandings of the fimpler may be the better enabled to profit under the publick Ordinances, 3nd they made more capable to underftand the Scriptures when they are read, together wirh Godly Conferences, tending to the Edification of all the Members in the moft holy Faith ; as alfo Admonitionand Rebuke upon juft Reafons from thofe who have Authority in the Family. ni. As III. As the Charge and Office of interpreting the holy Scriptures is a Part of the minifteriai Calling, which none ( howfoever otherwife qua- lified) fhould take upon him in any Place, but he that is duly called thereunto by God and his Kirk. So in every Family where there js any that can read, the holy Scriptures fhould be read ordinarily to the Family : And it is commend- able that thereafter they confer, and by way of Conference make fome good Ufe of what hath been read and heard : As for Example, if any Sin be reproved in the Word read, Ufe may be made thereof, to make all the Family circumfpe£t and watchful againft: the fame : Or if any Judgment be threatned or mentioned to have been inflicted in the Portion of Scripture which is read, Ufe may be made to make all the Family fear, left the fame or a worfe Judgment befal them, unlefs they beware of the Sin that procured it. And finally, if any Duty be required, or Comfort held forth in a Promife, Ufe may be made to ftir up themfelves to implore Chrift for Strength to enable them for doing commanded Duty, and to apply the offered Comfort : In all which the Ma- tter of the Family is to have the chief Hand : And any Member of the Family may propound a Queftion or Doubt for Refolution. IV. The Head of the Family is to take Care that none of the Family withdraw himfelf from any Partof Family Worfhip, and feeing the ordinary Performance of all the Parts of Family Worfhip , Mongeth properly to the Head of the Family, chi L 393 J the Minifter is to ftir up fuch as are lazy, and train up iuch as are weak, to a Fitnefs for thefe Exer- cifes j It being always free for Perfons of Quali- ty ro entertain one approved by the Presbytery ifor performing Family Exercife: And in other Families, where the Head of the Family is unfit, that another constantly reliding in the Family, approved by the Minifter and Sefiion, may be imployed in that Service i Wherein the Minifter and Sefiion are to be countable to the Presbyte- ry. And if a Minifter by divine Providence be l brought to any Family, itisrequifitethatat no Time he conveen a Part of the Family for Wor- fliip, fecluding the reft $ except in Angular Cafes fpecially, concerning thefe Parties, which (in Chriftian Prudence) need not, or ought not to be imparted to others. V. Let no Idler, who hath no particular Call- ing, or vagrant Per fon, under Pretence of a Call- ing, be fuffered to perform Worihip in Families, to, or for the fame ; feeing Perfons tainted with Errors, or aiming atDivifion, may be ready (af- ter that Manner) to creep into Houfes, and lead captive filly and unliable Souls. VI. At Family Worfhip a fpecial Care is to be had that each Family keep by themfelves, neither requiring, inviting, nor admittiug Perfons from divers Families, unlefs it be thofe who are lodged with rhem, or at Meal, or otherwife with them upon fome lawful Occafion. VII. Whatsoever hath been the Effe&s and Fruits of Meetings of Perfons of divers Families, in L 394 J in the Times of Corruption or Trouble (in which Caies many Things are commendable* which otherwife are not tolerable) yet when God hath blefled us with Peace and the Purity of the Goipel, fuch Meetings of Perfons of .divers Famil'es (except in the Cafes mentioned in thefe Directions) are ro be disapproved, as tending to the Hindrance cf the religious exercife of each Family byitielf, to the Prejudice of thepublick Miniiiry, to the renting of the Families of parti- cular Congregations, and ( in Progreis of Time) of the whole Kirk, beiides many Offences which may come thereby, to the hardning of the Hearts of carnal- Men, and Grief of the godly. VIII. On the Lord's Day. after everyone of the Family apart, and the whole Family toge- ther, have fought the Lord ( in whofe Hands the Preparation of Mens Hearts are ) to fit them for the publick Worftiip, and to blefs to them the publick Ordinances ; the Matter of the Family ought to take Care that all within his Charge re- pair to the publick Worfhip, that he and they may join with the reft of the Congregation. And, the publick Worfliip being finilhed, after Prayer, he (hould take an Account what they heard j And thereafter to fpend the reft of the Time which they may fpare, in Catechiling, and in fpiritual Conferences upon the Word of God , Or elfe ( going apart ) they ought to apply them- felves to Reading, Meditation, and fecret Prayer, that they may cosfirm and increife their Com- - munion with God , thatfo the profit which they found L 395 J bund in the publick Ordinances may be che- ifhed and promoted, and they more edified un- o eternal Life. IX. So many as can conceive Prayer, ought to make Ufeof that Gift or God : Albeit thofe who ire rude and weaker, may begin at a let Forjm of Prayer; but fo as they be not fluggifh in ftirring bp in themfelves (according to their daily Ne- jceffi'ies ) the Spirit of Prayer, which is given to {all the Children of God in fome Meafure : To [which EfTecT: they ought to be the more fervent land frequent in fecret Prayer to God, for enabling !of their Hearts to conceive, and their Tongues to exprefs convenient Defires to God for their Fa*- mily. And in the mean time, for their greater Encouragement, let thefe Materials of Prayer be meditated upon, and made Ufe of, as follow- eth. * Let them confefs to God how unworthy they are to ccmein his Prefence, and how unfit to worfhip his Majefty ; and therefore earnest- ly ask of God the Spirit of Prayer. * They are to confefs their Sins, and the Sins of the Family, accufing, judging and condem- ning themielves for them, till they bring their Souls to fome Meafure of true Humiliation. ' They are to pour out their Souls to God, in the Name of Chriil , by the Spirit, for For- givenefs of Sins, for Grace to repent, to be- lieve 2nd to live foberly, righteoufly, and god- { ly, and that they may ferve God with Joy and ' Delight, walking before him . < Th'n. 1 39c J ' They are to give Thanks to God for his ma- * ny Mercies to his People, and to themfelves j 1 and efpecially for his Love in Chrift, and for 4 the Light of the Gofpel : 4 They are to pray for iiich particular Benefits, * fpiritual and temporal, as they (land in need of * for the Time ( whether it be Morning or Eve- * ning ) as Health or Sicknefs, Profperity or Ad- « verlity. 4 They ought to pray for the Kirk of Chrift 4 in general, for all the reformed Kirks, and for ' this Kirk in particular, and for all rhat fuffer * for the Name of Chrift:; for all our Superiors,! 4 the King's Majefty, the Queen, and their Chil*> * dren. for the Magiftrates, Minifters, and whole.; * Body of the Congregation, whereof they are « Members, as well for their Neighbours abfent « in their lawful Affairs, as for thofe that are at < home. 4 The Prayer may be clofed with an earneft De- 4 fire, that God may be glorified in the Coming 4 of the Kingdom or. his Son, and in th* doing « of his Will: And with Aflurance, that them- 4 felves are accepted, and what they have asked « according to his Will (hail be done. X. Thele Exercifes ought to be performed in great Sincerity, without Delay, laying afide all Exercifes of worldly Bufmefs or Hinderances, netwithftandingthe Mockings of Atheifts, and prophane Men ; in refpeft of the great Mercies of God to this Land, and of his fevere Correcti- on, wherewith lately hehathexerdtedur. An« t< C 397 } :o this EffecT:, Perfons of Eminency (and all EU &ers of the Kirk ) not only ought to ftir upthem^ felves and their Families to Diligence herein, but ilfo to concur effeaually, that in all other Fami- lies, where they have Power and Charge, the jfaid Exercifes be confcionably performed. I XI . Befides the ordinary Duties in Families, jwhich are above-mentioned, extraordinary Du- ties, both of Humiliation and Thankfgiving, are to be carefully performed in Families, when the Lord by extraordinary Occafions (private or publick) calleth for them. XII. Seeing the Word of God requireth, that we fhould confider one another to provoke unto Love and good Works j therefore, at all Times, and efpecially in this time, wherein Prophanity abounds, and Mockers, walking after their own Lufts, think it ftrange that others run not with them to the fame cxceCs of Riot j every Mem- ber oT this Kirk ought to ftir up them felves and one another to the Duties of mutual Edification, by Inftru&ion, Admonition, Rebuke, exhort- ing one another to manifeft the Grace of God in denying Ungodlinefs and worldly Lufts, and in living godly, foberly, and righteoufly in this pre- sent World, by comforting the feeble minded, and praying with or for one another : Which Duties refpectively are to be performed upon fpe- cial Occafions offered by divine Providence ; As namely, when under any Calamity, Crofs or Difficulty, Counfel or Comfort is fought, or when any Offender is to be reclaimed by privtee & Adnto- I 3PS ] Admonition j and if that be not effectual, by join- ing one or two more in the Admonition, accord- ing to the Rule of Chrift, that in the Mouth of two or three Witneffes every Word may be efta- bli fried. XIII. And becaufe it is not given to every one to fpeak a Word in Seafon to a wearied or dift- reffed Confcience, it is expedient, that a Perfon (in that Cafe) finding no Eafe after the Ufe of ordidary Means, paivate and publick,: have their Addrefs to their own Paftor, or fome experien- ced Chriflian : But if the Perfon troubled in Con- fcience, be of that Condition or that Sex, that Difcretion, Modefty or Fear of Scandal, require' eth a godly grave and fecret Friend to be prefent, with them in their laid Addrefs, it is expedien thatfuch a Friend be prefent. XIV. When Perfons of divers Families are brought together by Divine Providence, being abroad upon their particular Vocations, or any necefiary Occafions, as they would have the Lord their God with them whitherfoevcr they go, they ought to walk with God, and not neglect I the Duties of Prayer and Thankfgiving, but take Care that the fame be performed by fuch as the] Company fhall judge fitted ; and that they like J wife take heed that no corrupt Communication proceed out of their Mouth, but that which is good, to the Ufe of edifying; that it may mini- fter Grace to the Hearers. The Drift and Scope of all thefe Dire&ions i no other, but that upon the one Part, the Pow an - [ 399 J land Pra&ice of Godlinefs among all the Minifters and Members of this Kirk, according to their fe- ver al Places and Vocations, may be cherifhed and [advanced, and all Impiety and Mocking of reli- gious Exercifes fuppreifed : And upon the other Part, that under the Name and Pretext of religi- ous Exercifes, no fuch Meetings or Practices be tallowed, as are apt to breed Error, Scandal, Schifm, Con fern pt, or Mifregard of thepublick Ordinances and Minifters, or Neglect of the Du- ties of particular Callings, or fuch other Evils as are the Works not of the Spirit, but of the Fleih, and are contrary to Truth and Peace. A. Ker. POSTSCRIPT. A Very learned and godly Divine having be* loaded the great Di'ftractions, Corrup- tions, and Diviiions, that are in th» i Church , he thus reprefents the Caufe and Cure.: ' Among others, a principal Caufe of thefe Mif- chiefs, is the great and common Neglect of the Governors of Families, in the Difchargc of that Duty which they owe to God for the Souls that are under their Charge, efpecially in teaching them the Doctrine of Chriftianity, Families are Societies that muft befan&ified to God as well as Churches j and the Governors Z z * o£ I 400 J of them have as truly a Charge of the Souls that are therein, as Paftors have of the Church- es. But alas ! how little is this confidered or regarded ? But while negligent Minlfters are (defervedly) caft out of their Places, the ne- gligent Matters of Families take themfelves to be almoft blamelefs : They offer their Chil- dren to God in Baptifm, and there they pro- mife to teach them the Do&rine of the Gof- pel, and bring them up in the Nurture of the Lord, but they eafily promife, and eafily break itj and educate their Children for the World and the Flefh, and they have renounced thefe, and dedicated them to God. This Covenant breaking with God, and betraying the Souls of their Children to the Devil, muft be heavy on them here, or hereaftei . They beget Children.^ and keep Families, meerly for the World and* the Flefh j but little confider what a Charge is committed to them, and what it is to bring up a Child for God, and govern a Family as a fan- ctified Society. O how fweetly and lucceflive- ly would the Work of God go on, if we would but all join together in our feveral Places to promote it. Men need not then run without fending, to be Preachers. But they might find that Part of the Work that belongeth to them to be enough for them, and to be the bed that they can be imployed in . Efpecially Women fhould be careful of this Duty, becaufeas they are mod about their Children, and have early and frequently Opportunities to inftrud them, • £0 C 401 ] ' fo is this trTe principal Service they can do to * God in this World, being reftrained from more 4 publick Work: And doubtlefs many an excel- * lent Magift rate hath been fent unto the Com- * monwealth, and many an excellent Paftor into * the Church, and many a precious Saint to « Heaven, through the happy Preparations of a ■ holy Education, perhaps by a Woman, that * thought her felf ufelefs and unferviceable to * the Church. Would Parents; but begin be- * times, and labour to affect the Hearts of their * Children with the^reat Matters of everlafting * Life, and to acquaint them with the Subftance * of the Doctrine of Chrift, and wnen they find * in them the Knowledge and Love of Chn#, * would bring them then to the Paftors of the * Church to be tried, confirmed, and admitted * to the further Privileges of the Church, what * happy well-ordered Churches might we have ? 4 Then one Pallor need not be put to do the * Work of two or three hundred or thoufand 4 Governors of Families, even to teach their * Children thofe Principles which they {hould * have taught them long before : Nor mould * we be put to preach to fo many miferable ig- * norant Souls, that be not prepared by Educa- * tion to underftand us : Nor (hould we have * need to fhut out fo many from Holy Com mu- * nion, upon the account of Ignorance, that f yet have not the Grace to feel it, and lament * it, nor the Wit and Patience to wait in alearn- * ing Sta^e, till they are ready to be Fello a-ci- % 3 l tizr C 4 02 ] ♦ * tixens with the Saint?, and of the Houmold of * God. But now they come to us with aged ' Self-conceitednefs, being paft Children, and ' yjt worfe than Children, ftill having the Ig- * nor3nce of Children, but being overgrown the * Teachablenefs of Children j and think them- * felyes wife, yea, wife enough to quarrel with « the wifeft of their Teachers, becaufe they have * lived long enough to have been wife : And the « Evidence of their Knowledge is their aged Ig- ' norance j and they are readier to fly in our Faces ' for Church Privileges, than to learn of us, c and obey our Inftru&ions till they are prepared ' for them, that they may do them good j like ' fnappifh Currs, that will {hap us by the Fin- ' gers for their Meat, and fnatch it out of our * Hands i and not like Children, that ftay till we * give it them. Parents have foufedthem to * be unruly, that Minifters have to deal but with « too few but the unruly. And it is for want * of this laying the Foundation well at flrfi:, that « Profeflbrs themfelves are Co ignorant as mofc * are, and that fo many efpecially of the youngs * er Sort, do fwallow down almoft any Error * that is offered them, and follow any Sc& of * Dividers that will entice them, fo it be but « done with Earneflneis and Plaufibility. For * alas ! tho' by the Grace of God, their Hearts f may be changed in an Hour, ( whenever they * underfband bat the EiTentials of the Faith) * yet their Understandings muft have Time and * Diligence to larnifh them with iuch Know- : ledge [ 4°* 1 1 ledge, as muft ftablifh them and fortify "them * againft Deceits. Upon thefe and many, the ■' hke Consideration, we fhould intreat all Chri- ' ftian Families to take more Pains in this ne- ' cefTary Work, and to get better acquainted f with theSubftances of Chriftianity : And to ' that End ( taking along Tome moving Treatifes ' to awake the Heart ) I know not what Work ' fhould be fitter for their Ufe, than that com- f piled by the Affembly at Wefiminjier : A Sy- ' nod of as godly, judicious Divines (notwith- ' Handing all the bitter Words which they have * received from difcontented and felf-conceited * Men) I verily think, as ever England faw, 1 tho 5 they had the Unhappinefs to be employed c in calamitous Times, when the Noife of Wars f did flop Mens Ears, and the Licentioufnefs of * Wars did fet every wanton Tongue and Pen ' at Liberty to reproach them : And the Profe- cution and Event of thofe Wars did exafpe- £ rate partial difcontented Men, to difhonour ' themi'elves by feeking to difhonour them ; I ' dare fay, if in the Days of Old, when Coun- ' cils were in Power and Account, they had had but fuch a Council of Bifhops, as this of Presbyters was, the Fame of it for Learning and Holinefs, and all Minifterial Abilities j ' would with very great Honour have been ' transmitted to Poflenty. ■ I do therefore Defire, that all Matters of « Families would firft ftudy well this Work * themfclves, and then teach it their Children ' ar>r ! t 4°4 1 and Servants, according to their feveral Ca- pacities, and if they once underftand thefc Grounds of Religion, they will be ahle to treat other Books more underftandingly, and hear Sermons more profitably, and confer more judicioufly, and hold faft the Doctrine of Chrift n^ore firmly, than em- you are like to do, by any other Gourfe. Firft, let them read and learn the Shorter Catechifm j and next, the Larger : And, laftly, read the Confefiioh of Faith. FINIS. Books fruited and fold by James Blow, at his Shop in Belfaft. THE Holy Bible in feveral Vofomes : Both with Englifh and Scotch Pfalms : And alfo bound with Prayer-books. New Teftaments. Tiftaments bound with Pfalms. Pfalm Books in feveral Volumes. Pfalters with the Addition of Morning and Eve- ning Prayer. Common-prayer Books, in feveral Volumes. The whole Duty of Man. The Practice of Piety. Grammars, ConftruSions, and feveral School Authors. Chrift's Famous Titles; or, a Believer's Golden Chain : By William Dyer. Vincent upon Judgment. Vincent's Explication of the Aflembly's Shorter Catechifm. Guthry's Trial of a faving Intereft in Chrift. Allain's Explication of the AfTembly's Shorter Catechifm. The Pilgrim's Progrefs (adorn'd with Cuts) by John Bunyan. Doolittcl on the Sacrament. Campbel's Sacramental Meditations. Fiavel upon the Heart, or a Saint indeed. 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