LIBRARY OF PRINCETON SEP 16 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BS 1562 .H37 1905 Bible. The structure of the text of THE STRUCTUEE OF THE TEXT OF THE BOOK OF HOSEA LIBRARY OF PRINCETON SEP 16 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BY WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER PEOFE9SOE OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS 1905 Copyright 1905 BY WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER PREFATORY NOTE The aim of the following arrangement of the text of Hosea is (1) to present the strophic structure of the various logical units; (2) to indicate clearly later accretions; and (3) to embody such emendations as seem necessary to an understanding of the original thought. The justification of the modifications here presented and of the logical divisions suggested may be found in the author's Amos ((ud Hosea ("International Critical Commentary," 1905), where are presented also the views of others upon the logical or strophic structure. In those cases of verbal modification which are supported by other students of the text, the principal authorities are here cited. The arrangement of the Hebrew text has already appeared in the American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Vol. XVII (1900), pp. 1-15; XX (1904), pp. 85-91; XXI (1901), pp. 1-21; while the translation appeared in the Biblical World, January, 1905. But it has seemed worth while to put text and translation together, and to issue it in revised form as a companion piece to the author's recently published Structure of the Text of the Boole of Amos (University of Chicago Press, 1904). The translation aims to follow closely the Hebrew idiom, and inasmuch as it was important to have text and translation correspond line for line, the idiom is sometimes, perhaps, more Hebraic than English. The original text of the prophecy is printed in large type, explanatory glosses and other later additions being in small type on the margin. The place of the gloss in the Massoretic text is indicated by a star (*), except [a) where the gloss is an entire clause or verse, and as such receives a verse number as in the main text, and (5) within later additions, where the glosses are enclosed in parentheses. Square brackets are employed to indicate words or phrases supposed to have been lost from the Massoretic text and here conjecturally supplied. Missing lines or portions of lines, that cannot be restored, are indicated by stars (*****). The following abbreviations are employed : f^QL = the Massoretic text ; (3 = the Septuagint version; IP = the Vulgate; C = the Targum; §> = the Peshitto; 1 = the Old Latin version. THE STRUCTURE OF IHE TEXT OF THE BOOK OF HOSEA 5J1. THE SUPERSCRIPTION, 1:1 "bx T^'^r^ -irs mrT^"im •'zb'a n"^pTn"i Tnx cnT^ "■n n3?n-i"> "iTa^m n-nn-* § 2. THE HARLOTRY OF GOMER, THE PROPHET'S WIFE, 1 : 2-9. d^jIDt n"Ci< -b-np -|b 1:2 6, c i >^ ^ n7jx''i : p lb -ibnn nnni D^bm-nn n-^s-n.s npn -bn 3, 4 « vb« nin^ bt^ynr rr^r j<^p 4 6.c n bxynr rjTn^^ ^mpsi 5' ^-aj^'i-i^ ^^"^<^ "CD ^iry niT'^rn ^b n^sxi 2 ^b ^-irn D^nn nr^-" ■j:^«b ^^nn 5 is suggested liore instead of the i&E IjS ; an Emendationes, etc. (1893) ; Wem.hausen ; Loftman, Kritisk exact i)aralJel for tliis construction is found in (Jen. 31 : 5 = UndersOknhig af den Masoretiska Texten till Pro/eten Ho- iby "I'^iV "13 . seas Bok (1894) ; Nowack, Oettm, Hal^vy, Marti. HOSEA 7 7 But I will have pity upon the house of Judah, and will 8 And she weaned No-pity, and conceived and bore a son. deliver them by Yahweh . T 1 . ■, their God ; and I will not Ana lie said: deliver them by bow, nor - -. by sword, nor by equip- IV 9 Call Ins name, Not-my-people; ment, nor by horses, nor by For ye are not my people, And I am not your God. horsemen. §3. THE PURCHASE OF GOMER AS A SLAVE, AND HER RETENTION "MANY DAYS," 3:1-5 I 3:1 And Yahweh said unto me: Once more go love (this) woman, Beloved of a paramour, and an adulteress, As Yahweh loves the sons of Israel, Although they turn to other gods. And are lovers of cakes of grapes. II 2 And so I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver. And a homer of barley and a lethek of barley; 3 And I said to her: Many days shalt thou sit still for me; Thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not have a husband; Nor will I be thine. in 4 For it is through many days. That the sons of Israel shall sit still, Without king and without prince, Without sacrifice and without pillar. Without ephod and teraphim. 5 Afterward the sons of Israel shall return and seek Yah- weh their God, and David their king, and they shall tremble before Yahweh and his goodness in the end of the days. 8 The Minor Prophets 4. ISRAEL'S HARLOTRY AND HER PUNISHMENT THEREFOR, 2:4-7, 10-14, 15, 19 :n'J2n z"^:i:t ■':3""'D bynb iiry* 12^T D:-i": Sinn DT^n rrrn is : ^byn -ny ^b ■'snpn 11 III u in^'n ^]jT ^nnpbi nrl•^^ -pb :nnrmw^ niciT'b *^b rr^n r;:ni< n^-ix t::^^ : Tiiv:n n^n onb^jii r;:.r: rri-rr^ b^^ ^nz-i-ni 13 iv Dnb n^r:pn n"i-j< n^nn^-^ -nrs -bni ;nin^-DX] nr.r-r ^nxi HOSEA 9 4. ISRAEL'S HARLOTRY AND HER PUNISHMENT THEREFOR, 2:2-5, 8-12, 13, 17 [Hebrew: 2:4-7, 10-14, 15, 19] I 2: 2a Strive with your mother, strive. 2c,d That she put away her whoredoms from her face, And her adulteries from between her breasts; 3 Lest I strip her naked. And set her as in the day of her birth, And make her like the wilderness, And set her like dry land, And slay her with thirst. II 5 For their mother has become a harlot. She that conceived them has behaved shamefully, for she said: I will go after my lovers. Who give me my bread and my water My wool and my flax, my oil and my drink. 8 For she has not understood, That it was I who gave her The corn and the wine and the oil. And multiplied her silver and gold.* Ill 9 Therefore I will take back again my corn in its time, And my wine in its season, And I will rescue my wool and my flax. Given to cover her nakedness. 12 a, ft And I will lay waste her vines and her fig trees, Of which she has said: these are my rewards. i2d, e And I will make them a thicket. And the beasts of the field shall eat them. 2 b For she is not my wife. And I am not her husband. 4 Anduponher children I will have no mercy, Because they are the chil- dren of whoredom. * which they have used for the Baal. 10 And now I will uncover her shame In the presence of her lovers, And none shall deliver her out of my hand. 12 c Which my lovers have given me. IV 11 13 17 And I will also cause to cease all her mirth, her feasts, Her new moon and her sabbaths and all her festal assemblies ; And I will visit upon her the days of the Baalim, In which she made offering to them, And decked herself with her earrings and her jewels. And went after her lovers, And forgot me; it is the oracle of Yahweh. And I will remove the names of the Baalim from her mouth. And they shall no more be mentioned by their names. 16 And it shall be at that day, it is the oracle of Yahweh, thou shalt call me Ishi, and shalt call me no more Baali. 10 The Minor Prophets § 5. LATER VOICES DESCRIBING ISRAEL'S RETURN TO YAHWEH, 2 : 8, 9, 16, 17, 20-25, 1-3 A. ISRAEL'S RETURN, 2:8. 9 D^n-cn 'nr"--ni< --i— ;:n -pb 2=8 ■p-i'^^^n ^■i•"^5 bj5 nzvi-i^i n^b^^ invirc 75< "b nit: ^s B. ISRAEL'S RESTORATION TO FAVOR, 2:16, 17 n^ns^j "-:x r;:n pb 2=16 : riab-by "n"a-n ^m-^n n^ nw-2 nri^^-n.s nb "nn:i n nipn nnsb nis^" p'^y-n52'rr\ j^b-n^ ^n^^nm m nni<-^72y rj3?-& as a vocative, while Beck reads "jriDn as a vocative at tlio end of vs. 4. " So Wellhausen, Nowack, Oettli, Marti. Note the absence of tlie article in tlio correspondiiiK nb"^b and the difficulty of rendering Ql^n by day, as the context roijuires. *ist2n -p Dn-^D 7 III :'"iTrn -ibpn mini rsnn rb:? "mpsi nb n^'i"« rbby7ji lyn-::'' i^bi ibDSl 10 :'-h7-:^b] inT>" nin-'-ni<-^D lb Tj^ ibpn "So many MSS. and naost commentators. 'JSDS'DiiT of iHiE is a copyist's error. 1" So 5, ST; andGEioER, Urtext, p. S16; RovTan A, Theolo- gi.tch TijViscfcrt/^, Vol. IX, p.60;Oort;Valeton; Ruben ; G. .A.. Smith; Marti; c/. Buhl. Zeitschrift fUr kirchliche Wis- senschaft, 1881, pp. 227 sg. iHST, T^'JOX . is unsuitable here. "So (5; and Wellhausen, Oort, Valeton, Bach- .maxn, Nowack. iHJT, '12I'1D'^< is unintolligiblo hero. •'•iTliis ouglit perhaps to be omitted; for (1) it is super- fluous to the sense and rhythm, (2) no other case occurs of b with the infinitive following 2T7 • HOSEA 15 2 But swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery; They break into (houses), blood striking blood. 3 Therefore the land mourns, And every denizen in it languishes. Even to the beasts of the field and the fowl of the heavens, While even the fish of the sea are taken away. II 4 Still let none find fault. And let none reprove, Since my people are but like their priestlings; 14 e Yea, a people stupid (and) falling to ruin. 5 O priest, thou shalt fall by day. And the prophet also shall fall with thee, And by night I will destroy thy mother. 6 My people will be destroyed by reason of their lack of knowledge. Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I reject thee from being priest to me; And because thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will forget thy children, even I. Ill 7 According to their number so they sin*; *againstme. They have exchanged their glory for shame. 8 They feed on the sin of my people. And unto their iniquity they lift up their souls. 9 And so it becomes like people, like priest: And I will visit punishment upon his ways, And his deeds I will requite to him. 10 And they shall eat and not find satisfaction. And they shall commit adultery and not find satis- faction : For they have left off heeding Yahweh. 12 a, 6 Yea, my people ask counsel at their wood; Their staff declares to them the oracle. 16 The Minor Prophets n52i mis ^D* *nb5^ ^pnb *iib^ e :nn7j ybn i5For iHiS: i;XT ; so Cheyne, op. cit. 2rtFor iHJE npy ; so Wellhausen and Oettli. 21 iH JT, 'TIX n^3 . is a later term of reproach applied to Bothol ; so HiTZiG, Wei.lhausen, and Nowack. The inser- tion of the preposition is justified by the parallels in the two preceding linos. 22 Cf. (5 and Old Latin ; so Wellhadsen, Graetz, Ruben, Nowack, Oort, Marti. {BE, T^inK. yields no satisfactory meaning. HOSEA 19 §7. THE GUILT OF PRIESTS AND PRINCES, 5:1-14 I 5:1 Hear this, O priests. And hearken, O house of Israel, And, O house of the king, give ear; Because for you is the judgment. For a snare ye have become at Mizpah, And a net spread on Tabor. 2 The pit of Shittim they have made deep. And there is no correction for any of them. 3 I know Ephraim, And Israel is not hid from me. Yea, thou, O Ephraim, hast played the harlot; Israel is defiled. II 4 Their doings do not permit them To return to their God: For the spirit of harlotry is within them. And Yahweh they do not know. 5 And the pride of Israel shall testify to his face. And Ephraim* shall stumble in his guilt. *and Israel. Judah also shall stumble with them. 6 They will go to seek Yahweh* *With their flocks and with And they will not find him — he has withdrawn from them. 7 They have dealt faithlessly with Yahweh, For they have begotten strange children : The (next) new moon may destroy them with their portions. Ill 8 Blow the trumpet in Gibeah, The cornet in Ramah; Cry aloud in Bethel; Make Benjamin to tremble. 9 Ephraim shall become a desolation, In the day of punishment. Against Israel's tribes I make known that which is sure. 20 The Minor Prophets t:5"j:/j '"'pin D^nsx "p-ucij' n : ''M1l2:-^-l^^< ibn b^j<^n"^D rbn-nx n^^ss 5 ***** bsT::^b '' "j^snn ■pnn ^in:; t:"j:3 nnnbn ''iT^y^ bni "n^DT omn biD Dn"bby:^ nin:nc nny Vn ^j3 133 D-'Si^j"^ Dbs D^nir on^'j^nsni ibnn I35b7j di^ ■frj n^in D^^^ D"i2::b-n^5 IT .j^^j nnnxn Dzb ni:n:D ''i^yn-^s "D-Ey; -jTu^ nb^bn-bs :nnnb 'ir'x:: ^3>n ieton, Nowack. Marti; but c/. Oettli. me has irTQTC. DH^nbi^ nin^-bi^ in-:: 5'bn^ d^-it tizT ^b^^ nTj;« lb::? n'zri ^D 9 lb -n^u «ns : Nt^nb ninnT7j ib-rn ibD^^l "iiaa inni^ ^nnnn ^rai 13 D:in xb niH" Dnj^tiH ips^i DDi:? ^DT^ nn3? 57 jKJC ^I'jjjy ; for above, soe ^mos and Rosea, p. 314. s»;fflE: JIjT ; as above, Ookt, Wellhausen, Valeton, NOWACK. ii«iHE X^m ; as above, S, Wellhausen, Geaetz, Guthe, Nowack, Oettli, Gardner, Maeti. BOjHJT QI^^TD 13; as above, OoRT and Now ACK. til ^2E "lb ; as above, Wellhausen and Marti. 021KIE i{JS'52')p tSya ^bn^l; asabove, CS, e.WELL- hausen, Goet, Kuenen, Geelli, Cheyne, Ruben, Geaetz, Valeton, Loftman, G. A. Smith, Nowack, Hal^vy, Marti. 63 So Knhlbh; Q^rl, 13"1. *>*£&E irnlr\ ; as above, ffi, F, and most modem commentators. HOSEA 29 *That they may be cut off. *How long will they be in- capable of punishment? §10. ISRAEL'S KINGS AND IDOLS DISPLEASING AND DESTRUCTIVE, 8:4-14 18:4 Since they have made kings but not from me, And since they have made princes but I knew (them) not. With their silver and their gold made by them into idols,* 5 6 Mine anger is kindled against them, 5 a I loathe thy calf, O Samaria,* 6 For out of Israel is it, A smith made it and it is not God ; Like splinters Samaria's calf shall become. II 7 For they sow wind and they reap whirlwind: A seed which has no stalk. Which yields no grain. If perchance it were to yield, strangers would devour it. 8a, 6 Israel is swallowed up; already are they among the nations. 9 For they have gone up to Assyria, A wild ass taking his way by himself : Ephraim gives love gifts. 8 c Like a vessel in which there is no pleasure. Ill 11 13 For Ephraim has made many altars — They are to him altars — for sinning. Were I to write for him by myriads my laws. As those of a stranger they would be accounted. My offerings of * * * :f: * they sacrifice flesh and they eat it, Yah well having no delight in them. Now must he remember their guilt and visit their sin, Since to Egypt they shall return. 10 If they give themselves among the nations, I must now gather them in; And they must cease for a while from the anointing of kings and princes. 14 And so Israel forgot his maker and buUt palaces, And Judah multiplied fenced cities; And so I will send fire upon his cities; And it shall devour his palaces. 30 The Minor Prophets §11- ISRAEL'S EXILE A BREAKING UP OF SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS HABITS, 9:1-9 b-i:i~5i«* irk-^ ■^nbs-Dy* :Dnxi:n -iipDi eijBE D?"!^ ; as above, (5, Houtsma, Wellhausen, Ooet,(tUthe, Ruben, G. A. Smith, Nowack, Oettli, Marti. >M^E n3 ; as above, (5, V, S, SE, Dathe, Ewald, Bauer, Wellhausen, Geaetz, Oort, Loftman, Ruben, Guthe, G. a. Smith, Nowack, Oettli, Marti. li' SHE ^2"iy'i ; as above, Kuenen (Hibbert Lectures, 1882, i>i). 312 .sf/'.V.'ooRT, Valeton, Wellhausen, Guthe, Loftman, Ruben, (t. .V. Smith, Nowack, Marti. esfHJT nnb ; as above, Kuenen (op. cit.), Ooet, Wellhausen, Valeton, Guthe, Ruben, Loftman, G. A. Smith, Nowack, Oettli, Marti. W'iHE ^Dbn ; as above, Wellhausen, Nowack. ^oiSlE "^WIQ ; as above, WELLHAuaEN, Valeton, Nowack, Oettli, Maeti. II i*ni3-i3-bD-b3' ■;:n^< rani< V^'niM^b ^jc^-xb 4 nn^nnT ib-'''^j^r t^bi "'D-^nb D^jix Dnbi ^^57Jt:^ rb^s bD DirsDb W2rb ^i :nin^ n^n i^2i; nb^ntj ; as above, Houtsma; cf. Ewald, Oettli, Scholz. sf'^JE rnZD ; as above, G, Tueodotion, Houtsma, Wellhausen, Nowack, G. A. Smith, Gort. si^E; 3"in~bS< ; as above, (5, S, Houtsma, Well- hausen, Nowack, G. A. Smith, Gort. sziHJE 1"l^TU2l ; as above, Hitzig, Ewald, Simson, Guthe. HosEA 33 §12. ISRAEL IS CORRUPT; THE LIFE OF OLD AS WELL AS YOUNG LICENTIOUS, 9:10-17 I 9:10 Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel; Like the first fruit on a fig-tree,* I saw your fathers ; * in its first season But they came to Baal-peor and separated themselves to Baal, And they became abominations like the object of their love. II 11 Ephraim — his glory flies away like a bird; There shall be no more birth, no more motherhood, no more conception. 16a, 6 Ephraim is smitten, their root withered; Fruit they cannot produce. III 16 c Yea, though they beget children, I will slay the darlings of their womb. 12 a, 6 Yea, though they bring up their sons, I will bereave them that there be not a man. 13 Ephraim* — for a prey are his sons destined ! * as i have seen Yea, Ephraim must lead forth his sons to slaughter. IV 14 Give them, O Yah weh: what wilt thou give?* * Give them. A miscarrying womb and dry breasts. All their evil being in Gilgal — yea, there I conceived hatred for them. For the evil of their doings I will drive them out of my house. V 15c I will no more love them; all their nobles being rebels. 12 c Yea, even woe upon them when I look away from them. 17 My God will cast them away, for they have not hearkened to him ; And they shall become wanderers among the nations. 34 The Minor Prophets §13. ISRAEL IS WICKED IN PROPORTION TO HER PROSPERITY; BUT AN END IS COMING OF ALL THAT SHE HAS FALSELY TRUSTED, 10:1-8 b^^'^" ppH -B^ 10:1 I riinnT?jb rann v^sb-n^D Dnb ''pbn 2 mn''"nx i:si'' sb ""D XI© mbx D^nm nim 4 by uDWTa Tri«nD nnsn nstttt nbr-'D innD'by* -p5< r\^ZL ''bj^b i^y rbV bnx-^D *«'^b^n; vb:? vt^si bnv nrii^ 13 mrxn bx-nr"^ "iny^i i2tjH?r piljyb ; as above, Wellhadsen, Nowack, i-'iH?n XUn ; as above, (5, Wellhacsen, Graetz, Marti. Beer, Valeton, Nowack, Oettli, Marti. V2i £B.E. lyiy'f ; as above, (5, Wellhausen, Graetz, i2»iHjr nyba CX ; as above, 5, Wellhausen, Beee (2.4 ir., Vol. XIII, p. 288), Valeton, Nowack, Nowack, Marti! Oettli, Marti. 129 ^jt r^i;-; ; as above, Wellhausen, Marti. i25j3aj[; lb ; as above, (5, Graetz, Nowack, Marti. i.wi^iS: Qn^^TlJ ; as above, Hitzig, Wellhausen, v.!6iSl2r ^17; as above, fflE "^nX ; as above, ffi, S, Graetz, et al. HosEA 47 IV 7 And so I will be to them like a lion; Like a leopard on the way to Assyria. 8 I will fall upon them like a bear robbed of its young, And will tear the enclosure of their hearts, And there will I devour them like a lion, While wild beasts tear them, 9 I am thy destruction, O Israel ! Yea, who is thy help? 10 Where is thy king now, that he may save thee? Or all thy princes, that they may rule thee ? Those of whom thou hast said. Give me kings and princes. 11 I give thee kings in my anger. And I take them away in my wrath. §18. EPHRAIM CONDEMNED TO SHEOL, 13:12—16 I 13:12 The iniquity of Ephraim is gathered up; His sin is laid by in store. 13 The pangs of childbirth come upon him. He is an unwise son; For at this time he should not stand In the mouth of the womb. II 14 Shall I deliver them from the hand of Sheol? Shall I redeem them from death? Where are thy plagues, O death? Where thy destruction, O Sheol? Repentance is hid from mine eyes. 48 The Minor Prophets iry^j ■2^'rr^ ^nip-j ■^'-irx'^i 15 III "pn^j^ D'^rj^n 14:1 IV §19. LATER WORDS OF HOPE, 14:2-9 Tnbs mn-^'ny bsmr-' nmiD ii:2 i O'lnm CD'ay inp 3 a iibx TTas 3 6 II mt2 npn 117 xirn bs nrriETT '■•-"■'ip rrabTr:"! ^zy•^1D^•^ ^b -mux 4 a, b m nrnbs nir n-asrsbi in-' mrr^ab cnniTDTa xsns 5 iv ra"i: nnns bKiTcb bi2D nins? 6 a i^iKJE Q^nijt ]'^5 ! '''^ above, Wellhausen, e< at. iwffi and =S contain this word; it is also necessary to the moasuro. H'iHE TtJIi'^T ; as above, Wellhausen, Nowack, ^^ ^^l •■ isuiKS; Q^'^p ; as above, «5, ,S ; Duhm, Theologie der Propheten, p. 132; OoRT, Wellhausen, Valeton, Loft- us ^E ■ijj'ii^ ; cf. G. A. Smith. man, Nowack, Maeti. HosEA 49 ni 15 Although he, as does the reed-grass in the midst of the water, show fruitfnlness, There shall come an east wind, Yahweh's wind. Coming up from the wilderness; And his fountain shall dry up, and his spring shall be parched ; While he will strip the treasure. Consisting of all precious vessels. IV 13:16 [14:1] Samaria shall bear her guilt ; For she has rebelled against her God ; They shall fall by the sword. Their children shall be dashed in pieces. And their women with child shall be ripped up. 19. LATER WORDS OF HOPE, 14:1-8 [2-9] I 14:1 [14:2] Return, O Israel, unto Yahweh thy God. For thou hast stumbled in thine iniquity. 2 a [3 a] Take with you words And return unto Yahweh thy God. II 2 6 [3 6] Say unto him: Do thou wholly remove iniquity and accept that which is good ; So will we pay the fruit of our lips; 3c [4 cj For in thee the orphan finds mercy. III 3 o, 6 [4 a, 6] Assyria shall not save us. We will not ride upon horses (from Egypt) ; And we will no more say "our God," To the work of our hands. IV 4 [5] I will heal their backsliding; I will love them freely. Now that my anger is turned away from them, .5 a [6 a] I will be as the dew unto Israel. 50 The Minor Prophets i52]aD ^iTini inn^-i nnrTOD n-ist 6 6 v mn n^TD ■'n-'i 7 D"'32yb Tir '■■nb"n'a o'^nsx 9 vi §20. THE LESSON TO BE LEARNED, 14:10 nbx p^T Dsn ■''a :d3 nbicD'' D-^yTDsn 14:10 151 ^C ''ytD^ ; as above, <5, S, 5E, and Gort, Well- HAusEN, Valeton, Loftman, G. a. Smith, Nowack, Oettli, Hal^vy, Makti. '^-15T ^'^n'' ; as above, (S and G. A. Smith. TT T - ■■ i53j©jr np ; as above, (5, Newcome, Ewald, Orelli, Wellhausen, Graetz, Loftman, G. A. Smith, Nowack, Gort (.Emendationes), Gettli, Marti. HOSEA 51 V 56 [6 6] He shall blossom as the lily And his roots shall sprout like Lebanon.* 6 [7] And his beauty shall be like the olive tree, And his smell like Lebanon. VI 8 [9] Ephraim, what more has he to do with idols? I respond to him and look after him. I am like an evergreen cypress ; From me is thy fruit found. ♦And his saplings shall spread. 7 [8] They shall return and dwell in his shadow, And they shall live well watered like a garden ; And they shall sprout like the vine; Their renown like the wine of Lebanon. 120. THE LESSON TO BE LEAKNED, 14:9 [10] 14:9 [14:10] Whoso is wise, let him discern these things; Prudent, then let him know them. For Yahweh's ways are straight. The righteous walking in them, But sinners stumbling by them. 41B9TH„ 561 09-01-05 32180 MS I Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries 1 1012 01354 8146 DATE DUE 0^3^ Ih W9W HIGHSMITH #45115