oo — *# — /t^-v^ y^ ^^^z^..^^^. <£ ^. THE THIiEE WITNESSES, AND THE THREEFOLD CORD; BEING THE TESTIMONY OF THE NATURAL MEASURES OF TIME, OF THE PRIMITIVE CIVIL CALENDAR, AND OF ANTEDILUVIAN AND POSTDILUVIAN TRADITION, ON THE PRINCIPAL QUESTIONS OF FACT IN SACRED OR PROFANE ANTIQUITY. BY EDWAED GRESWELL, B.D. FELLOW OF CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, OXFORD. At the mouth of Two Witnesses, or at the mouth of Three Witnesses, shall the matter be established. — Dedteronomt xix. 15. A Threefold Cord is not quickly broken. — Ecclesiastes iv. 12. LONDON: RIVINGTONS, WATERLOO PLACE. PARKER, OXFORD. DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO., CAMBRIDGE. MDCCCLXII. OXFOED: PRINTED BY JAMES WEIGHT, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY. ADVEBTISEMENT. The reader of the following- pages is at liberty, if he pleases, to know no more of the historical Scriptures of the Old Tes- tament than the fact of the existence of such books, either in their own language, or in the authorized English version of the originals ; nor any thing more of the actual system of time and events, which constitutes the proper chronology and proper history of Scripture, than what may be learnt from an attentive study of each of these books by itself, and a careful comparison of one of them with another. Even after this liberal concession to the spirit of scepticism, which is so rife at the present day, and so ready to take ex- ceptions to every presumption of the character of these l)ooks beforehand, which can be called in question without a pal- pable absurdity ; it is still possible to shew that there are ra- tional and satisfactoiy grounds of belief in the simple histo- rical truth of those books, especially the oldest of them, not derived from themselves; and that the Providence of God has not left the accounts of his own Scriptures, not even the ear- liest and the most liable a priori to be made the subject of doubt and controversy^, destitute of confirmation from corro- Ijorative testimony of three kinds, each of them external to Scriptui-e, each of the highest order, and all together, where- soever they are applicable in their totality, in point of au- thority second only to insjjiration and infallibility itself. The object proposed by the following pages is therefore first and principally to give publicity to this argument of the Credibility of the Ancient Scriptures; and thereby to draw the attention not only of the friends, but also of the enemies, a 2 iv ADVERTISEMENT. of Revelation, to a species of evidence of its truth, which cannot be described as less than demonstrative, and yet has never hitherto been produced or appealed to in its behalf. Secondly, and as a possible consequence of this, to make more g-enerally known also the larger and longer work of the same Author, which, without professing to aim at any such result of its inquiries, and simply in the prosecution of its own proper subject, has nevertheless, in the hands of the Divine Providence, been made the instrument in bringing this evi- dence to light. The reader therefore must not be suprised to find perpetual references in " The Three Witnesses and the Threefold Cord" of Mr. Greswell, to his " Fasti Tetnporis CatJioUci" and " Ori- gines Kalendarice" also. And though these may often appear obscure, and sometimes even unintelligible, to one who has no previous knowledge of the work itself, this inconvenience, it is hoped, will turn out to be only temporary; and meanwhile, for the sake of an end, which could not otherwise be attained, (a moderate-sized and cheap publication like the present,) will be excused. Works by the same Author, referred to in ^' the Three JVitnesscs and the Threefold Cord.'* FASTI TEMPORIS CATHOLICI AND ORIGINES KALEN- darise, (History of the Primitive Calendar, Part I : Origines Kalendarife /Egyptiacse, Sinic.T, IndiccP, or History of the Primitive Calendar among the Egyptians, the Chinese, and the Hindus.) In four volumes, 8vo. Oxford, at the University Press, 1852. GENERAL TABLES of the Fasti Catholici, or Fasti Temporis Per- petui, from A. M. i B. C. 4004, to A. M. 6004 A. D. 2000. i Volume, 4to. Oxford, at the University Press, 1852.* SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES, AND INTRODUCTION TO THE Tables, of the Fasti Catholici, both the General and the Supplementary. I volume 8vo. Oxford, at the University Press, 1852. ORIGINES KALENDARIiE ITALICiE. (History of the Primitive Calendar, Part II.) Nundinal Calendars of Ancient Italy, Nundinal Calen- dar of Romulus, Calendar of Numa Pompilius, Calendar of the Decem- virs, Irregular Roman Calendar, and Julian Correction. Tables of the Roman Calendar from U. C. 4 of Varro B. C. 750 to U. C. 1108 A. D. 355. In four volumes 8vo. Oxford, at the University Press, 1854. ORIGINES KALENDARL-E HELLENICS; or the History of the Primitive Calendar among the Greeks, before and after the legislation of Solon; (Part III.) In six volumes Svo. Oxford, at the University Press, 1862. DISSERTATIONS UPON THE PRINCIPLES AND AR- rangement of an Harmony of the Gospels. Second Edition. In four volumes Svo. Oxford, at the University Press, 1837. PROLEGOMENA AD HARMONIAM EVANGELICAM, sive de primariis nonnullis, ad Chronologiam Evangelicam spectantibus, Disscr- tationes quatuor. Accedunt Kalendarii Anni Sacri, ab anno A. Cli. N. 151 1 usque ad A. D. 94, in annis expansis Tabulte lxxxv : Neomenia- rum Anni Sacri Tabulae Synopticse vi : Characterum Mensium Anni Sacri Tabula Generalis i. Oxonii, e Typographeo Academico. mdcccxl. * N. 11. These Tables, thougli published along with the First Part, arc equally necessary to every succeeding Part. One copy however is competent to servo for the wholf work. HARMON lA EVANGELICA, sive Quatuor Evangelia atque Actus Apostolorum Graece, pro temporis et rerum serie in Partes Sex distribiui. Editio tertia. i vol. 8vo. Oxonii, eTypographeo Academico, mdcccxl. Editio quarta. Oxonii, e Typographeo Academico. mdcccxlv. Editio quinta. Oxonii, e Typographeo Academico. mdccclv, AN EXPOSITION OF THE PARABLES, AND OF OTHER Parts of the Gospels. Five volumes in six. 8vo. Oxford, Printed by S. CoUingwood, Printer to the University, for J. G. and F. Rivington, &c. 1834. By the same Author. JOANNIS MILTONI FABUL^E, SAMSON AGONISTES ET Comus Graece. Interpretatus est Edvardus Greswell, S.T.B. Coll. C.C. apud Oxon. Socius. Oxonii, excudebat S. CoUingwood, Academiae Typo- graphus ; veneunt apud J. H. Parker, &c. mdcccxxxii. PRELIMINARY ADDRESS OF THE ORIGINES KALEN- dariae Italicfe, lately published at the Oxford University Press, with some further observations. Oxford, John Henry Parker, &c. 1854. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. On the principal questions of fact relating to the Mosaic account of the Creation, and to early Scripture history. Sect. I. On the epoch de facto, or actual beginning, of the succession of things going on at present, called the course of Nature or the course of Time. Testimony of the three Witnesses . . page i II. Whether the epoch of the proper measures of time of the existing system of things, thus determined, was the absolute beginning of those measures or not. Testimony of the three fVitnesses page 8 III. General inference from the preceding premises; and further con- firmation of the same conchisions l)y the succession of ^ons, according to the doctrine of Scripture, and by the discoveries of Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1 6 IV. On the antiquity of Man, and of social existence, whether greater or less than the date of the Mosaic Creation. Testimony of the three Witnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2 1 V. On the unity of origin of the Human race in all parts of the Earth. Testimony of the three Witnesses . . . . . . page 26 VI. On the Mosaic Hexaemeron, whether a succession of days of the ordinary length, or a succession of periods of indefinite extent. Testimony of the three Witnesses . . . . . . page 32 VII. On the admissibility or non-admissibility of an interval of indefi- nite length in any part of the first chapter of Genesis. Testimony of the three Witnesses . . . . . . . . . . page 41 VIII. On the ceconomy of the first three days of the Hexaemeron, in having had light before the appearance of the sun. Testimony of the Witnesses . . . , . . . . . , . . page 52 IX. On the Deluge of Scripture, and the diflficulties connected with it; and on the confirmation of the fact, in its proper order of time, by the testimony of the three Witnesses . . . . page 55 X. On the jEra of Scripture, and the Calendar of Scripture, from the Creation to the Eisodus, and from the Eisodus to the Gospel ^ra . . . . . . , . . . . . . . page 79 XI. On the ceconomy of Human Redemption; and the light reflected upon its progressive consummation by the true chronology of mundane and human time . . . . . . . . page 89 XII. On the two Miracles of Scripture, the standing still of the sun in the time of Joshua, and the going back of the sun in the time nf Hezekiah. Testimony of the three H7^7?e.'5se,« .. page 98 CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. On the Pseudo-Chronology of Mundane or Human time, that is, the account of either distinct from, and contrary to, that of the Hebrew Scriptures. Sect. I. On the Pseudo- Chronology of this kind, which calls itself Scrip- tural ; the Chronology of the Septuagint, the Chronology of the Samaritan Pentateuch, and the Chronology oi Josephus. page 139 II. On the Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane antiquity ; and first, of that of the Egyptians, and of the princijjal questions of fact, to the issue of which the truth or the falsehood of this in particular is reducible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 141 i. On the antiquity of the Principal objects of worship among the Egyptians ; the Osiris and the Isis of ancient Egypt. page 143 ii. On the antiquity of the Principal Sacred Animals of the Egyptians ; the Mneuis of On or Heliojmlis, the Apis of Memphis, and the Goat of Mendes . . . . page 146 III. On the Monumental and the Dynastic history of the Egyptians, its factitious character from the first, and its probable author or authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 160 IV. On the true Chronology of Mundane and Human time, discoverable among the ancient Egyptians .. .. .. .. page 172 V. On the Pseudo-History and Pseudo- Chronology of profane antiquity, distinct from that of the Egyptians . . . . . . page 184 VI. On the bearing of the investigations of the Fasti Catholici and the Origines Kalendarite upon the study of the earliest Profane Anti- quity ; and on tlie principle of the reliance which may be placed upon the results to which they have led . . . . page 189 VII. Illustration of the tests or criteria of truth or falsehood in ancient historical tradition, peculiar to the Fasti and the Origines, by their application and use in Four remarkable cases . . page 194 VIII. On the antiquity of the Alphabet, and of the use of Letters j and on the light reflected upon that question by the discoveries of the Fasti and the Origines . . . . . . . . page 202 IX. On the services rendered by the Origines Kalendarice Hellenicee to the study of Grecian antiquity . . . . . , . . page 213 X. On the services rendered by the Origines KalendaricB Italics to the study of Italian or Roman antiquity . . . . . . page 221 XI. On the services rendered by the Fasti and Origines to Astronomy in particular . . . . . . . . . . . . page 226 APPENDIX, Notes and Explanations page 241 ERRATA. Page 51. 1. 18. for "is simjily absurd" read " it is simply absurd' 93. Appendix, note R. read note S. I40. 1. 31. 1648, rcrtc/ 1668. THE THREE WITNESSES, AND THE THREEFOLD CORD. CHAPTER I. On the principal questions of fact relating to the Mosaic ac- count of the Creation, and to early Scripture History. Section I. — On the epoch de facto, or actual beginning, of the succession of things going on at present., called the course of Nature or the course of Time. Testimony of the three Witnesses. i. The mean Natural measures of Time. — The mean Na- tural measures of Time are three in number », mean Xocti- diurnal, mean Menstrual, and mean Annual. Of these, i. Mean Noctidiurnal is the revolution of the earth about its centre, commonly called the Diurnal Rotation; or the revo- lution of a given meridian from the mean sun to the mean sun again perpetually'': and the natural measure of this revolution is the period of 24 hours of mean solar time, reckoned from some one of the epochs of the mean Nocti- diurnal Cycle, sunset or sunrise, midnight or noon*^. ii. Mean natural Menstrual Time is the natural Mean Lu- nation ; and the natural Mean Lunation is the revolution of the moon from any state of the Phasis to the same again, — as for example, from the conjunction to the conjunction, or from the opposition to the opposition. And the natural mea- sure of Mean Menstrual Time is the length of this revolution in mean solar time and its aliquot parts, as determined de facto, for any assumed epoch, by observation, and for any other, before or after, periodically corrected f^. iii. Mean natural Annual Time, as entering, and always •■ Fu3ti Catholici, i. i6. 19. 47. 58. 71. •> [bid. i. 47 sqq. 51 s(|(|. c Ibid. i. 54, 55. '' Ibid. -iS. 62 : ii. 25 : iv. 672. 2 The /Arce "Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. having entered, the course of things which is going on at present, is of three kinds, mean Annual Tropical, mean An- nual Sidereal, and mean Annual Anomalistic^. Of these, i. Mean Annual Tropical is the revolution of the earth in its orbit from the mean equinoctial point, (the intersection of the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the equator,) to the mean equinoctial point again ; and the natural measure of mean Annual Tropical Time is the length of the mean Tro- pical year in mean solar days and nights, and their aliquot parts, ii. Mean Annual Sidereal Time is the revolution of the earth from a given point in its orbit to the same again ; or the revolution of the mean sun from a state of conjunction M^ith a given fixed star to the same again : and the natural measure of mean Annual Sidereal Time is the length of this revolution in mean solar days and nights, and their aliquot parts, iii. Mean Annual Anomalistic Time is the revolution of the earth, or of the mean sun, from one of the extremities of the axis major of the solar orbit, the apogee or the perigee, the aphelion or the perihelion, to the same again; and the natural measure of mean Annual Anomalistic Time is the length of this revolution in mean solar days and nights, and their aliquot parts f. Such being the actual existing distinctions in that com- plex system of things, which we call the course of nature or the course of time, as it is going on before our eyes at pre- sent; the matters of fact, established in the Fasti Catholici and the Origines Kalendarise, to which I would beg to direct the attention of the reader first of all, are these: — i. That mean noctidiurnal and annual time, traced back from the present day according to their proper law, and under their proper Julian style, respectively — (noctidiurnal in the form of hebdomadal, from a given feria prima, annual tropical from a given mean vernal equinox, annual sidereal from a given conjunction of the mean sun with the stars Beta and Zeta Tauri, annual anomalistic from a given conjunction of the mean sun with the apogee of the solar orbit — and all for one and the same meridian, that of the ancient Jerusalem — ) are found to meet together in one year of the JEra Before * Appendix, note A. f Fasti Catli. i. 71. ii. 130. iii. 250. 258. iv. 509- 513 Addenda. Introduction to the Tables, 202. s. 1. Actual epoch of the present system of time. 3 Christ, 4004, and in one month of that year, the month of April, and in one week of that month, April 25 to May 2, and on one day of that week, the first day or feria prima, and under the proper Julian style of that day and that fcria, April 25 at midnights. ii. That mean natural menstrual time, being similarly traced back from the present day and from the mean con- junction for the same meridian to the mean conjunction per- petually, to this same year, and to this same week in that year, April 25 — May 2 B. C. 4004 ; the last mean conjunc- tion in the retrograde order from the present day to this week, and the first in the forward order from this week to the present day, is found to be determined to the fifth day and fifth feria of this week, under the proper Julian style of that day, April 29 at midnight. And, with respect to all the mean natural measures of time, which enter the existing system of things, thus traced back in conjunction, but each according to its own law, from the present day to this year, J3. C. 4004, and to this month and this week in that year, April 25 — May 2, for one and the same meridian, the ultimate state of the case is found to be this, — That while mean noctidiurnal, and mean annual in each of its three kinds, were meeting together, and ready to set out together, on one day and one feria of this week, and that the first day and first /(?Ha of this week, and under the proper Julian style of that day and that/'cTic, April 25 at midnight, mean men- strual time was falling in with the rest, and ready to set out with the rest, in its proper place and order in the decursus of all in conjunction, on the fifth day and fifth feria of this week, and under the proper Julian style of this fifth day and fifth feria, April 29 at midnight, regularly derived from that of the first, April 25 at midnight '». ii. Primitive Civil Calendar. — The primitive civil calendar being of two kinds, the primitive solar calendar, and the pri- mitive lunar — with respect to the former, it has been the sole object and purpose of the Fasti Catholici and Origines Kalendariae from the first, to establish the following propo- n Fasti ('. ii. i.^o. iii. 258. iv. 50.^ sqcj. : Origines Kak-iilaria; Hclli'iiicii', Pro- legomena, i. s(|q. Ixvi. cxviii. 34(1. dii. sqq. ^ Fasti C. iv. Appendix, cli. v. Introduction, 40 : Origines Kalendariae Italiciv, Preliminary Address, xe. B 2 4 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. sitious, viz. that the civil year, in the sense of the solar year, was originally every where the same, and every where the equable solar year of 3G5 days ; and that this equable solar year itself was every where the same which is exhibited in the Tables of the Fasti (Division E) perpetually, and every where derived alike from one and the same epoch, the first of the primitive Thoth, Mva. cyclica 1, the 25th of the Julian April, B. 0. 4004, reckoned in each instance, according to the Julian rule, from midnight'. With respect to the latter, it has been shewn •« that the equable solar year had its proper lunar cycle, associated with it by the constitution of nature from the first, and, as the recognised measure of civil time in the sense of lunar, as- sociated with it in use and application among mankind also from the first, and in some instances, like that of the Egypt- ians, retained in use and observance, unchanged and unmo- dified, down to an historical epoch '. And it has also been shewn that, while the original solar epoch of this primitive Civil calendar was the 8th of the primitive Thoth, the Lunar epoch was the Luna quarta, dated from the change, the Luna tertia, dated from the phasis ; and the Julian style of both also, reckoned from midnight, was May 2, B. C. 4004. If the Luna 4'' of this primitive Lunar calendar was dated May 2 at midnight, the Luna 1* must have been dated April 29 at midnight. So that on this point the testimony of the primitive civil calendar and that of the natural mea- sures of time would be exactly to the same eflPect. And all being traced back, according to their respective laws, for one and the same meridian, to this one year, B. C. 4004, ^ra eye. 1, and to this one week in that year, April 25 to May 2, Thoth 1 — Thoth 8, at midnight, while natural noctidiurnal, and natural annual of every kind, and primitive civil nocti- diurnal, and primitive civil annual in the sense of equable solar, would all be found taking their rise on the first day of this week, in the proper Julian style of that first day, April 25 at midnight, and in the proper equable style of the ) i Fasti Cath. i. 542 sqq. : Introduction, 44 sqq. : Origg. Kal. Ital. Prelim. Add. iv. sqq. : Origg. Kal. Hell. clvi. jqq. Note B, Appendix. ^ Fasti, i. 97: iv. 368 sqq. : Origg. Kal. Ital. Prelim. Add. xciii. sqq. 1 Fasti, iv. 383. 384. 8. I. Actual epoch of the present system of time. 5 same day, Thoth 1 at midnight, natural menstrual or lu- nar time, and primitive civil menstrual or lunar, would be found taking their rise on the fifth day and fifth feria of the same week, in the proper Julian style of that day, as derived from that of the first, April 29 at midnight, and in the proper equable style, as derived from that of the first, Thoth 5 at midnight. iii. Testimony of Primitive Tradition. — The testimony of Primitive Tradition, on this point of the actual beginning of the present system of things, may be inferred from the follouing facts— the proper proofs of which having been as- signed as circumstantially as the nature of the case admitted in the Fasti and Origines, — may be only generally and sum- marily recapitulated at present. As i. The concurrence of the nations of antiquity almost every where to designate the season of spring as the natural beginning of their proper system of things — the ultimate foundation of which must have been a primitive and au- thentic tradition that the present world came into being in the spring — as it must have done, if it was actually created at the vernal equinox B.C. 4004'". ii. The graduation of the sphere every Avhere from 0° 0' 0", or the first point of Aries — which, from the nature of the case must have been either simply in accordance with a tradi- tionary and historical rule, founded originally on a matter of fact, that of the actual commencement of the existing mo- tions, of which the sphere is the representation, at the vernal equinox or 0^ 0' 0'' of the sphere itself, or capricious and arbitrary ; without any assignable reason at least, to de- signate this point as the epoch of the sphere, more than any other on its surface". iii. The relation of the sphere of Mazzaroth at the epoch of the first l*hoenix cycle, B. C. 1847, to tlie Mazzaroth sphere o of B.C. 4004; and the identity of the Tauron of Mazzaroth, April 25 B.C. 1817, with the Krion of Mazzaroth, April 25 B.C. 4004 P. m Fasti, ii. 67 sqq. : cf. Orifie;. Ital. Prelim. Add. Ixxxi. " Fasti, ii. 70. 80. and n.: iii. 2.S0 : Prfliiii. Add. Ixxxi. " Ai)peiidix, ni)te C. P Fasti, iii. 250. 25S sqq. 30.V 36S. 370: Introduction, 240, 2^ : ()rii;g. Ital. Prelim. Add. Ixxxi. Ixxxii. 6 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. iv. The traditionary date of the Natale Mundi, April 25 B.C. 4004, itself; attested i. By the Chinese doctrine of the beginning of the movement of the earth on the confines of the two lunar mansions Mao and Pi, April 20, and 21 q. ii. By the institutions of antiquity, expressly commemorative of the beginning of things, or intended in honour of the Cosmogonic Powers, and attached to this date of the Natale Mundi, or to some one approximating closely to an identity with it. As i. The Lyksean solemnity of the ancient Arca- dians, attached to April 25'". ii. The Panionia of the an- cient lonians, attached to April 24 «. iii. The Delia of clas- sical antiquity, attached to Ai)ril 25 t. iv. The Palilia of the ancient Italians, attached to April 24^. v. The Lupercalia of the ancient Etrurians, attached to April 24 x. Such are the facts, and such are the testimonies by which they are substantiated, which it is necessary to lay before the reader, preliminary to any decision on such a question as this, of the actual beginning of that complex system of things, still in existence and still going on, which we call the course of nature, or the course of time, and the origination of which we have been taught by the Bible to refer to the epoch of the Mosaic creation. It appears from them all, that no further back from the present day than 5865 years, in the very year, which, it has often been shewn, is designated by the chronology of the Hebrew Bible as the year of the Mosaic creation itself, B. C. 4004 — we find all the measures of time, both the natural and the civil, which have entered this system from the first, and are still making part of it, meeting together, and ready to set out together, in one week of that year, April 25 at midnight — May 2 at midnight, exactly in that subjection to the conditions of origination in which thoy must have met together, and must have set out together, in the very week of the Mosaic creation, if they ever met, and ever set out, in any such week at all — natural noctidiurnal and hebdomadal, and natural annual in each of its kinds, and primitive civil annual in the sense of solar, all on the feriu prima 1 Fasti, ii. 94 n. : iii. 352, r Origg. Kal. Htll. iv. 567 S(|q. » Ibid, iii. 365-386. t Ibid. vi. 86-120. *' Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 104. 289 sqq. 388 : ii. 608 : Fasti, ii. 102. " Origg. Ital. ii. 455 459 : Origg. Hell. iv. 627. s. I. Actual epoch of the present system of time. 7 of this week, April 25 at niidniglit, for the same meridian, and natural lunar, and primitive civil lunar, on the feria quinta of this week, April 29 at midnight, for the same meridian. If then this coincidence, as holding good of this one year, B. 0. 4004, and of this one week in that year, April 25 — May 2, is nevertheless to be considered too recent to de- signate this one year as the true year of the Mosaic creation, and this week as the true week of the Mosaic Hexaemeron itself; the question is, In what year before this, and in what week of that year, is the same coincidence again to be sought for, and again to bo found ? In any year later than B.C. 4001' no one would think of looking for it at present. And as to any year before B. C. 4001', whatsoever that may be supposed to be, and whereso- ever discoverable, its actual cliaracters must still be those which Scripture itself has stamped on the true year of the Mosaic creation, and on the true week of the Mosaic Hexae- meron ; and the various measures of time which have always entered and still do enter the existing system of things, wheresoever this new epoch of their origination may be discoverable, must still have taken their rise at that time also, under the very same conditions and the very same cir- cumstances, both absolutely in themselves and relatively to each other, which we have just been explaining. The dis- covery of this epoch then, if any thing distinct from this year. B. 0. 4004, and this week in this year, April 25 — May 2, is simply the question of the proper period of Resti- tution of one and all of the actual measures of time, which always have entered, and still do enter, the existing system of things, from a given state or condition of their being, both absolutely in themselves, and relatively to one another, to the same again. And with respect to such a question as that, though chro- nologcrs or astronomers only are competent fully to appre- ciate its bearing on the point which is under our con- sideration, yet ordinary common sense alone may be com- petent to understand that while an actual coincidence, such as I described above, even at no greater a distance of time from the present day than B. C 1004, might be very con- 8 The Mree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. ceivable, either for the first time, by the express appoint- ment of the Orderer and Disposer of the entire course and succession of things which is going on at present, or for a second, or a third time, or any number of times, as the natural and necessarj^ effect of the revolution of all and sin- gular the parts of such a system of things, in conjunction, and each according to its own law, for a sufficient length of time previously — yet to go back from B.C. 4001 to the begin- ning of such a revolution, for the first time, much more for the second or the third, — to find this annus magnus of all and singular these diff'erent component parts of the existing system of things, considered merely as the course of time — would almost exceed the power of calculation, and certainly in the present limited state of our faculties would far exceed the power of human comprehension. There is no alternative therefore, except either to acquiesce in this year B. C. 4004, and in this week of that year, April 25 — May 2, however near, comparatively speaking, to our own time, which unites, de facto, the threads of all these different lines of time, subject to every prescribed and every required condition of origination, both in themselves and relatively to each other, as the true year and tiie true week of the Mosaic creation itself, or to come to the conclusion that any such thing as the historical epoch of this Creation is beyond the possibility of discovery ; and the existing system of things, which we call the course of nature or the course of time, going on, as it is at present, in a certain way l)efore our eyes, so far as we are competent to discover or comprehend to the contrary, might never have had any beginning at all, — might have gone on in the same way from all eternity 7. Section IT. — Whether the epoch of the proper measures of time of the existing system of things^ thus determined, was the absolute beginning of those measures or not. Testimony of the three Witnesses, This question will be decided in the negative, if it can be shewn that, notwithstanding the coincidence and compre- hension of all these measures within the limits of this one week, April 25 — May 2, B.C. 4004, any one of them, or y Appendix, note D. s. 2. Actual epoch whether the Absolute. 9 any thing indispensable to tlmt one, goes back even a single year beyond this epoch of April 25, B. C. 4004. i. Mean Natural Measures of time. — i. Mean Noctidiurnal time, traced back, whether by itself or in the form of mean Hebdomadal, according to its proper law from the present day to B. C 4004, as we have seen, will not stop short of April 25, the feria pi'ima, that year. And if it passes regu- larly up to this point of time, April 25, the feria prima at midnight, B. C. 4004, there would be nothing in the nature of this measure of time itself to prevent its passing beyond it. But whether it did so or not, could be known only from testimony. And though testimony to this effect, viz. that the proper hebdomadal cycle of the existing system of things is older de facto than the Mosaic creation, may not be vpanting in Scripture ^, it is not necessary for the proof of the point with which we are concerned at present ; and therefore 1 shall not produce it, nor make any observations upon it. ii. Mean natural annual time, tropical, sidereal, and ano- malistic, traced back in like manner, for the proper meri- dian, from any assignable epoch, each according to its proper law respectively, will not stop short of April 25 at midnight, B. C. 4004 ; and any of these too, if it passed backwards uj) to that epoch, in its own nature would be capable of passing beyond it ; though whether it did so or not, must be deter- mined, in this instance also, either by testimony ab extra, or by necessary considerations of some other kind. iii. Mean natural lunar time, traced back in like manner from conjunction to conjunction for the proper meridian, will not stop short of the conjunction of April 29 at midnight B.C. 4004. And this being the fifth day of the Hexaemeron of Scripture, assumed to have borne date April 25 at mid- night the same year, and the visible appearance of the moon in that week being determined by the testimony of Scripture itself to the fourth day ^, the inference from these two facts is obvious, viz. that the first visible moon of the Hexaemeron was the last phasis of the old moon, not, the first of the new. In other words, the moon, which first became visible along with the sun, on the fourth day of the Hexae- z Fasti, ii. 371 n. a Ibid. ii. 14. 10 The /Aree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. meron, was 29 days old at least. And the bearing of this inference on the present question is obvious also, viz. that, though the epoch of the mean lunar time of the existing system of things, reckoned from the first conjunction, de facto was April 29 at midnight B. C. 400 i, for the proper meridian, the mean lunar time of the system itself must have gone 29 days at least beyond that epoch. ii. Primitive Civil time. Primitive Civil time, traced back, in the form of equable solar, in any quarter of the world, from any epoch in its decursus later than B. C. 4004, will not stop short of the first of the Primitive Thoth, ^ra cyclica 1 , the 25th of iVpril B. C. 4004 ^. But as civil time of any de- nomination, and under all circumstances, is necessarily human and social time, whether Primitive civil time in this form of equable solar will pass beyond this epoch of Thoth 1, April 25, B, C. 4004, depends on the further question. Whether human and social existence also, with which it was connected from the first, will pass beyond the same epoch or not. It has however been shewn in various parts of the Fasti and Origines that, as the natural form of the civil time of the existing system of things, both noctidiurnal and annual, is mean tropical, treated pro tempore as mean Julian, and the natural positive or conventional type of mean natural nocti- diurnal and annual time is mean Julian periodically equated to mean tropical ; so there is nothing in the nature of things to prevent our carrying back the mean natural noctidiurnal and annual time of the existing system of things from the present day to the very beginning, in a series of Types, such as are exhibited in the Tables of the Fasti, standing in an equal relation both to mean annual tropical time, treated pro tempore as mean Julian, and to mean Julian, periodically equated to mean tropicaP". And this being done accordingly, and mean natural noctidiurnal and annual time being carried back in this form of proleptical Julian, in one and the same cycle of leap-year, and one and the same cycle of 28 years, from the present day to B. C. 4004, an anomaly in the suc- cession, of great importance to the question under considera- tion at present, begins to appear just as we get up to this '' Cf. Fasti, i. 473 scjq. f [utroiUiction to the Tables. 29 S(j(|. (h'igg. Kal. Hell. Prolegomena, xxxiv! sqq. s. 2. Actual epoch whether the Absolute. 11 point ; viz. that, though the cycle of 28 years, reckoned from March ] at midnight perpetually, will not pass beyond this terra of March 1 at midnight B. C. 4004, the cycle of leap-year, similarly reckoned, will not stop short of March 1 at midnight B. C. 4005, and therefore the epoch of origina- tion of the former must differ from that of the latter by one year at least «i. We are made aware of this distinction by a nice and cri- tical discovery, the particulars and process of which were ex- plained in the Introduction to the Tables of the Fasti '^. And proleptical Julian time, as the conventional type of actual uatural annual time, measured by the same cycle of leap-year perpetually, and that the proper cycle of the existing system of things, thus passing one year at least beyond this epoch of March 1 at raidn. B. C. 4004, the inference from that fact is obvious ; viz. That natural annual time also, constantly re- presented by proleptical Julian, must pass one year at least beyond this epoch of March 1 at midn. B. 0. 4004. The first mean natural type, which enters our Tables, must have taken its rise, as much as the first mean Julian, according to the proper Julian rule, on March 1 at midn. B. C. 4005. If 80, the mean natural noctidiurnal and annual time of the present system of things must go back one year at least, be- yond the epoch of the INIosaic Hexaemeron, April 25 at midn. B. C. 4004. But this is not all, which we have to say on this point. The actual phenomenon, brought to light by this method of the Reditus retro with all the natural measures of time, and in particular with the mean natural, in the very same steps in which tliey came down, is not that, which we have hitherto supposed, of their meeting together at last, for the proper meridian, on April 25, B. C. 4004, at midnight exactly, but on April 25 at h. Om. 21-6 sec. past the point of midnight the same year ^. And though this may appear at first sight a trifling distinction, it i.s in reality truly significant and truly important on this question. Whether any of the natural mea- sures of time of the present system of things, and in parti- cular the natural tropical and the proleptical Julian, instead 'I Fasti, ii. 3;. 45-i>S. ' Pjv!;. 170-19.^. ' Fasti, iv. 50.V 50f;. 522, 52^. 12 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord, ch i. of stopping short at this epoch of March 1 or April 25 at midnight, B. 0. 4004, may not, or rather must not, pass be- yond it. It is capable of being proved from the necessary relations of mean annual tropical time of the standard of the Fasti (which, as we have shewn elsewhere s, is the true mean natural standard of the existing system of things), and mean annual Julian inter se, that if there was such a difference de facto between them, April 25 B. C. 4001, that mean Julian was entering the system at that time at midnight, and mean tropical was doing so at h. m. 21-6 sec. past midnight, mean annual tropical time of our standard and mean annual Julian could have set out together from the epoch of midnight only 129 years at least before B. C. 4004 ; and to find the true year, anterior to B. C. 4004, when both must have been setting out on the same Julian day at the point of midnight ^exactly, we must go back to B. C. 4133 at least. And it is further capable of demonstrative proof, that if they were not settiug out in conjunction, under such circumstances, even then for ihe first time, we must go back 516,000 years beyond B. C. 4133 itself at least, to arrive at the time when they could have been setting out at the point of midnight last before ''. iii. Primitive Tradition, i. It has been seen that, accord- ing to the scripture account of the ceconomy of the Hexae- merou, the first phasis of the actual moon of tlie present system of things was the last phasis of the moon of the Hexaemeron itself; and therefore that the actual lunar time of the present system, reckoned from conjunction to conjunc- tion perpetually, must have gone back one mean lunar con- junction at least beyond the fiftli day of the Hexaemeron. Now that is confirmed i. By the Egyptian tradition, which dated the Fe'reTts k6, that our own earth in parti- cular, instead of being the youngest of the material works of the Deity, (as it must be, if no older than the epoch of the Mosaic creation,) is very probably the oldest. That this was probably created first of all, and amidst the possible infinity of similar material productions, all alike the creations of the same God, but each in an order, and at a time, peculiar to itself, the rights of the firstborn, so to say, the vpcoToroKia of creation itself, the prerogatives attached to that relation, if » 2 Pet. iii. 8. y Fasti, Ji. 365 h. s. 3. Succession of Mow^ and Geology. 19 any sucli tliere are, belong de jure and de facto to our own earth. And not only so, but that tlic natural measure of the existence of our own earth, from the moment of its creation to the present time, the first, the simplest, and the most in- variable of the measures of duration by time, the instrumental means of which is the diurnal rotation of our own earth, the cycle of day and night, is, by appointment of the Creator himself, the positive measure of the duration of every other created existence of later date; and what is more, is the positive standard even of the unoriginated existence and the eternal duration of the Creator of all things himself, when he deigns to compare the continued existence of any even the oldest and most enduring of his creatures, with that of his own essence ; the standard of measure to which even the Ancient of Days himself, in such a comparison and contrast, condescends to appeal '-. And here, we are naturally reminded, by the course and tenor of our observations themselves, of the very decisive confirmation of such conclusions as these, respecting the antiquity of our own planet, which we have thus deduced from the chronology of Scripture, by the discoveries of Ge- ology*. I have said enough to convince the reader, that with respect to the past history of our earth, no inconsist- ency, no opposition, no contradiction, was ever to have been apprehended, between the testimony of Scripture and these discoveries — simply because Scripture goes no further back in the history of our planet than the Mosaic Hexaemeron, and B. C. 4004 — the field of geological discovery lies entirely beyond this epoch in its history of B. C. 4004. It was equally impossible a priori that the conclusions of geology respecting the antiquity of our earth should ever be at vari- ance with its true place and time in the order of created ex- istence, according to the chronology of Scripture — or that the largest inference of this kind which the scientific ge- ologist might feel himself compelled to draw from the phe- nomena brought to light by his own researches into the composition and structure of our globe, could possibly ex- ceed, or, to speak more truly, could even approach, within ' ('t'. Gen. viii. ^^ : Is. xliii. 13 : Dan. vii. g. 13. •22. » Cf. Fasti, ii. 341. ' C 2 20 The /Ardp(i>Tios, Adam, was preserved and perpetuated even lower down than the Christian fera. I hope too to have a similar opportunity of shewing that the first circumstantial particular in the history of the human race after the Fall, the murder of Abel by Cain his brother, was handed down and perpetuated also. iii. It has been shewn ^ that the sum and substance of the history of the other of the tivo lines of descent from Adam, the line of Cain in contradistinction to that of Seth, down to the Flood, has been embodied and come down to posterity in the Khodian fable of tiie Telchines ; and that the Scriptural history of both these lines, for the latter part of the period between the Creation and the Flood, has been perpetuated in " Orig};. Kal. Hell. vi. 57i-(M9. P Ihid. iv. _^67 ii. n li)i(l. V. 269-280. 28 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. like manner in the Egyptian fable of the Nr^o-cs 'ArAai^rts, recorded in the Timaus and the Critias of Plato ^ iv. I have had occasion also to shew that the Kecrops of Attic tradition in particular, and the Deucalion of Hellenic tradition in general, as the links of connection between the antediluvian and the postdiluvian world of the Greeks, and the patriarch Noah, were the sarae^ V. It has also been shewn* that the Heliadae of Rhodian mythology, the seven sons of Helius and Rhodus, (the two principles in the Cosmogonic Duad of Rhodes,) the founders of the postdiluvian race of the possessors of the island, and the seven sons of Japheth, among whom Scripture includes the ancestors of the Greeks, were very probably the same. vi. It has also been shewn^ that the division of the whole earth, according to the Egyptians, into 72 regions, was pro- bably founded on the division of the children of Noah, by whom the whole earth was known and believed to have been ultimately peopled, according to the apparent testimony of Sci'ipture itself, and certainly to postdiluvian tradition, into 72 Families >'. iii. Testimony of the Primitive Calendar. — On this ques- tion however of the oneness of origin of the human race, at all times, and in all quarters of the earth, the most important and most decisive testimony, next to that of Scripture, to which we could appeal, is that of the Primitive Calendar. To adduce this testimony in detail, and to substantiate it, as often as may be necessary, by the proper proofs of its truth, is the professed object of the Fasti Temporis Catholici and of the Origines Kalendarise, from the first The propo- sitions maintained in this work, as I have often had occasion to explain, are three at least. i. That the measures of time of our own system of things, both the .Natural and the Civil, took their rise in the He{)ta- emeron of Scripture, between April 25 at midn. and May 2 at midn. B. C. 4004. ii. That the first form of the civil vear amons: mankind ' Origg. Kill. Hell. iv. 10+-1 r f. ' Ibid. iv. 125, 126. v. 744. ' Ibid. v. ■280-284 n. " Fasti, ii. 556. " Cf. my E.xposition of the Parables, Vol. V. Part ii. 1 44-15 r : Dissertation"! on the Principles and Arrangcnii'nt of an Harmon}' of the Go.-peU, ii. 9.^ n. s. 5. Unity of Origin of the Human Race. 29 was every where that of the equable solar year, of 365 days and nights ; and this equable solar year was every where that which is represented and exhibited in the Tables of the Fasti from the first. iii. That every form of the civil year different from this, which is still in existence, or was so formerly, in any part of the world, was derived from it, and, being traced historically back to its origin, is found to have been identical with it. The process of proof however, by which only three sucii propositions as these admitted of being demonstrated, from the nature of the case, being that of the Inductive Syllo- gism ; I have been compelled to confine myself to a limited portion of this proof at a time. And three parts of the argu- ment having thus been successively treated of in detail, the particulars of the Induction, as far as it has yet proceeded, may be summarily stated as follows. i. The history of this one Primitive Type of the civil calen- dar among the ancient Egyptians, Ciiinese, and Hindoos, (and especially among the ancient Egyptians.) has been investi- gated and substantiated in the first Part, the Fasti Temporis Catholici, pi'operly so called, from B. C. 4004 to more than a thousand years lower than the Christian sera. ii. The history of the same primitive calendar, among the inhabitants of ancient Italy, from the first Nundinal correc- tion, directly derived from it, B.C. 1340, to the Julian cor- rection B. C. 16 and A. D. 225, has been traced and substan- tiated in the second Part, the Origines Kalcndariie Italica?. iii. The history of the same primitive calendar, and of its various corrections or modifications, among the ancient Greeks, before and after the legislation of Solon, (from B. C. 1342 to the second or third century of the Christian £era,) has been traced and substantiated in the third Part, the Origines Kalcndarite Helleuico. The premises of the Induction, which have still to be ad- duced in order to the confirmation of our General Inference from them by as many more proofs of the fact in particular instances, as 1 propose to comprehend in the fourth and last Part, may probably be found to be supplied by the history of the following calendars : The Phrygian Correction of Mi- das — The Samothraciau Corrections — The Correction of Dar- 30 The Mree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. danus — The Thracian Correction of Orpheus — The Lydian Correction — The Cyprian Corrections, (the Calendar of Pa- phus, the Calendar of Amathus, the Calendar of Salamis,) — The Syrian Corrections, (the Calendar of ByWus, the Calen- dar of Ileliopolis, the Calendar of Sidon, the Calendar of Tyre, the Calendar of Gnza, the Calendar of Ascalon, the Calendar of Syria Proper, the Calendar of Emesus, the Ca- lendar of Damascus, the Calendar of Area Cfesarea, the Ca- lendar of Batnre, the Calendar of Amida, the Calendar of Hieropolis, the Calendar of Palmyra, the Calendar of Seleucia on the Tigris,) — The Assyrian Correction of Semiramis — The Median Correction — The Babylonian Correction — The Bactrian Correction of Zoroaster — The Persian Correction of Gjeraschid, (including the Correction of Yezdejerd, and that of the Sultan Gelalo'ddin,) — The Armenian Correction — The Cappadocian Correction — The Punic or Carthaginian Calendar — The Nuraidian Calendar — The Arabian Correc- tions, (including the Calendar of Hejra,) — The Bithynian Correction — The Calendars and Corrections of the North of Europe, (the ancient British, Gallic, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and Icelandic, the ancient British Pas- chal Cycle,) — The ancient Ethiopic and modern Abyssinian Calendar — The Calendars of Spanish America, (the Toltec, the Aztec, &c.) It will thus appear, as the result of the most general and comprehensive review of the history of civil time every where, which could be instituted at present, that whatsoever the difference of country or climate, whatsoever the difference of complexion or colour, whatsoever the difference of speech or language, whatsoever the distinctions of civilization and re- finement, of manners and customs, of moral or intellectual characters or qualifications, in different quarters, and among different nations, on the Globe at present, one and the same measure of time for social purposes, one and the same Calen- dar at least, and that Calendar altogether the same with the equable solar Calendar of the Fasti, either always was, and still is, in existence among mankind every where both in Europe, and Asia, and Africa, and America ; or if it has ceased to exist itself, has been the source of every other, which has been substituted for it in particular instances, and s. 5- Unit If q/' Ori(/i II of t/ie llum?in Race. 31 is at this day in existence in the same countries and among the same nationsy. It appears too, as the result of the same survey, that, as no calendar of this kind, as ultimately re- solvable into the prototype of all in common, represented in the Fasti perpetually, traced back to its origin, can stop short of the epoch of that, — the Mosaic Hexaemeron, — so none can pass beyond it, unless that does too ; and there- fore, as matter of fact, the proper epoch of civil time among all nations under the sun, traced back to its original sources, can neither fall short of, nor yet pass beyond, the first day of the Mosaic Hexaemeron. Such is the state of the case into which, upon this parti- cular question of the unity or the diversity of the origin of mankind, as reducible to any such test as this of the parti- cular form of civil time which must have been in use among them perpetually, we are first of all bound to inquire ; and the fact being admitted, (as it must be, on the strength of its own evidence,) the explanation of the fact is as easy as the certainty of the fact is unquestionable, if we admit the simple Scriptural account of the derivation of all the inhabit- ants of the earth, (whether past or present,) from one pair, who came into being along with this primitive measure of Civil time itself, who used it themselves for all the purposes of social life, whose children received it from them, and used it also after them, and in the course of time carried it with them into all parts of the earth. On the other hand, if we reject this account of the simultaneous origin of human society, and of this primitive civil calendar, in one particular quarter of the earth — from which it was diffused by the dif- fusion of society itself over the rest of the earth ; the fact of the actual existence of a form of the civil calendar, not merely analogous to, but absolutely identical with, this, in all parts of the earth, and among all nations, and at all times, as far as its history can be traced at present, will not be more certain, than the cxplanatioti of the fact, upon any rational and probable principle, will be difficult, not to say impossible. For the calendar every where discoverable being still the very same which took its rise on the first of the pri- >■ Cf. Fasti, i. 542 s(((|., 6Sj s(|i|. Introduction to the Tables, &c. 44, 45. 33 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i . mitive Thoth, iEra cyelica 1, April 25, B. C. 4004; if it was not inherited every where by those who are using it every where still, from the same first parents, what will follow from that hypothesis, but that, instead of one pair of man- kind, who came into existence along with this calendar, at the time in question, in one locality of the surface of the earth, as many distinct pairs as there are distinctions of races and nations at present must have come into existence at once, in as many distinct regions and countries, yet each at the same point of time, along with the same civil calendar, — the epoch of the Mosaic Creation? Closely allied to this argument of the unity of origin of all mankind from the unity of the calendar of all mankind, is that which may be derived from the unitj^ of the rule of the Noctidiurnal cycle also, — originally at least. It has been shewn in the Fasti z, by a minute induction of the particular proofs of the fact, beginning with the rule of Scripture, that the primitive rule every where was to reckon the Noctidiurnal cycle from sunset to sunset. And it has also been shewn a^, that while a traditionary origin of such a rule in both Hemi- spheres, as inherited by the descendants of the same first parents every where in the shape of a positive institution, is competent to account for and explain the use of such a rule in both at once — nothing else can be. A simultaneous origin of such a rule in both Hemispheres at once, would have been impossible, because in the nature of things the point of evening in one must have been that of morning in the other b. Section VI. — On the Mosaic Hexaemeron, whether a suc- cession of days of the ordinary length, or a succession of periods of indefinite extent. Testimony of the three Wit- nesses, i. Testimony of the measures of time, both the natural and the civil. It may be safely assumed that no controversy could ever have been raised on this question in particular, had it always been known to Christian divines and chronologers, that in y Fasti, i. 143-218 a Ibid. 221.230 •' Ibid. 227. s. 6. Moauic Ilcptaemeron, ivhetJter an ordiiiarij AVcek. 33 one year of the /Era before Christ, and that one, designated by the chronology of Scripture itself as the first year of mundane time, B. C. 100 !•, and in one week of this year, April 25 — May 2, all the measures of time, both the na- tural and the civil, which enter de facto into the course of things, as it is going on at present and always has done, were meeting together and ready to set out together, each in its place and order as a constituent part of the system, and each according to its proper law, just as all and singular of them, according to the plain and obvious construction of the testi- mony of Scripture, must have done in the week of the Hexaemeron — noetidiurnal time in the simple cycle of day and night, the simple period of 21 hours, — hebdomadal time in the cycle of seven such periods, civil annual time in the cycle of 365, — natural annual ti'opical time from the point of the mean vernal equinox, natural annual sidereal from the intersection of the ecliptic and the arc of conjunction of Beta and Zcta Tauri, natural annual anomalistic from the apogee of the axis major of the solar orbit — all for the same meridian, all at the ])oint of midnight, all on the first day of the week, and all under their proper Julian style, derived from that of this day, April 25 — And lastly, mean lunar time, as reckoned from the line of conjunction of the centre of the sun, and the centre of the moon, and the centre of the earth, from the point of midnight for the same meridian, not indeed on the first day of the same week as the rest, but on the day designated by Scripture itself as that of the origin of mundane lunar lime, the fifth day of the same week, of which the rest met on the first, ami under the proper Julian style of this day, Ai)nl 29, regularly derived from tiiat of the first, April 25. These facts must be denied, and not only denied but dis- proved, if the inference from them, that April 2() at midu. must have been the second day, and May 1 at midu. must have been the seventh, of the proper noetidiurnal, the proper hebdomadal, the proper annual time, (both the natural and the civil,) of that system of all in common of which April 25 was the first, — or that April 30 at midn. must have been the second day, and May 1 at midn. the third, of the proper 34 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. t. lunar time of that system, of which April 29 was the first — can be denied also. It makes no difference to a regular succession of any kind whether it is traced from a given point of its decursus back- wards, or from a given point of its decursus forwards. With respect to the beginning or the ending of the succession, or to the order of the parts between, the result is the same in either case. But the natural course of time is forwards per- petually ; and the representation of mundane time in all its elements, in the Tables of the Fasti, is conformed to this natural law of the succession itself. I will beg leave therefore briefly to trace all and each of the parts of this great complex and scheme of things, from the week of its origination, ac- cording to Scripture and according to the Tables of the Fasti, down to the present day. JBeginning then with this week, as both the week of the Mosaic Heptaemeron, and as made up of seven ordinary days, and with the first day of this week under the proper Julian style of Api"il 25 at midnight B. C. 4004, i. the mean nocti- diurnal time of the system, measured (with one exception only, hereafter to be noticed) by the period of 24 hours per- petually, and the mean hebdomadal time, measured (with the same exception only) by seven such periods of 24 hours, or one period of 168 hours, perpetually, is brought down in the Tables of the Fasti for 6004 years; and, as so brought down, may be compared, at any point of its decursus meanwhile, with the actual course of the same two things going on at the time, known from testimony, or (as the test and touchstone of the truth of the whole from first to last,) with the actual course of both, going on before our eyes at present — with the actual noctidiurnal, the actual hebdomadal, cycle of our own day, — and it will be found to be nowhere contradicted, either by testimony in times past, or by the evidence of our senses at present '^. ii. The mean annual tropical time of the system is traced in the Tables from the first mean vernal equinox, for the proper meridian, to the 6004th ; and at any intermediate c Fasti, i. 384-541. cf. Oria;.e;. Kal. Hell. Prolegomena, lix-lxvi. s. 6. Mosaic Heptaemeron, whether an ordinary Week. 35 point between these extremes calculation is competent to test these eqninoxes of the Tables by the same phenomena^ for the same meridian, at the same points of time, as deter- minable from the best modern tables — for instance, those of Delambre. Yet it will never be found in any instance of this kind that the mean equinoctial time of the Fasti and that of the tables of Delambre differ moi-e than in proportion to the difference of the standard of mean annual tropical time as- sumed in each respectively, and to the cumulative amount of that difference from \\. C. 1001 to the epochs in question '^ iii. The mean annual sidereal time of the system is exhi- bited in the Tables, in a compendious form, from the first conjunction of the sun, for the proper meridian, with Beta and Zeta Tauri. April 25 at niidn. B. C. lOOt, to the G049th, June 2 A. 1). 20 15, or the 6105th, June 2 A. D. 2101 S and it is in the pow'cr of modern astronomy to test these sidereal ingresses also at any assumed epoch between these extremes; but it will not discover any difference between its own calcu- lations and the indications of our Tables, beyond the limits just pointed out in the parallel case of the mean equinoctial time of the Fasti, and that of the modern Tables. iv. The mean annual anomalistic time of the system in- deed has not been exhibited in the Tables, cither in annis evpansis, like the mean annual tropical, or in periods of a certain kind, like mean annual sidereal ; but that its epoch lias been I'ightly, or at least (considering the imperfection of even the modern formulae in this instance, carried back so far) allowably, assumed as 0" 0' 0" B. C. 4004, has been shewn f; and that the phenomena of the actual course and succession of mean anomalistic time at the present day are entirely in accordance with this assumption of its having set out originally April 25 B.C. 4004, at 0° 0' 0", has also been shewn s. V. The mean menstrual time of the system is traced in the Tables, in the Period of 301 years, from the first mean Innar conjunction, for the proper meridian, April 29 at midn. B.C. 4004, to the 71,441st, April 10 at midn. A. D. 1773. And ■^ Fasti, iv. 506-519. cf. Origg. Kal. Ital. Preliminary Add. cvii-rxi. •■ Orifig. Kal. Hell. i. Proleg. c.xlvi-cxlviii. f Fasti, ii. 130. Origg. Kal. Ital. Pri'limiiiary .\tld. rxi. I'xii. k Fasti, iv. 509. Introd. 207, 204. D 2 36 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. among these 71,440 mean lunar months it is impossible to designate any one, either in time past or at present, the date of which according to the Tables will be found to differ from the actual date, whether as known from testimony, or as de- termined b}' calculation, heretofore, or as assignable from observation of the heavens at present, except as the mean date of such a phenomenon is liable at all times to differ from the true, or as even the mean date, cyclically reckoned, is liable at stated times to differ from the natural date of the same kind t, vi. The equable Cyclical time of the system is exhibited in the Tables ' from the first day of the Primitive Thoth, iEra Cyc. 1, April 25 B. C. 4004 at midn. to the first of the Primitive Thoth. iEra Cyc. 6008, May] A.D. 2000 at midn. a period of 6007 equable years, 6003 natural or Julian. I say the equable Cyclical, because another form of equable time, the equable Nabonassarian, is incorporated in the Tables also'. But the true reckoning of mundane time in terms of equable is kept in terms of equable Cyclical. And of this in particular it may be observed that, among all the constituent parts of the great complex of mundane time from the first, of none is the proper reckoning more easily or more certainly traceable, either forwards or backwards, and in the decursus of none have so many points been fixed by testi- mouy ab extra. Every calendar of antiquity, the origin of which has been, or may be, historically determined in this very work of the Fasti and Origines, has served or will serve a purpose of that kind : and one such epoch in the downward course of this species of time in particular once determined, nothing is easier than to ascend from that, both in the noc- tidiurnal and in the hebdomadal style of equable annual time, to the week of the Hexaemeron itself. It is but a process of counting, as I have elsewhere observed ''. For as no year of this kind ever contained more or fewer than 365 actual cycles of day and night, nor consequently more or fewer than 52 cycles of seven such daj^s and nights complete, and one day •^ Cf. Origg. Kal. Ital. Preliminary Add. xc-xciii. Introduction to the Tables, pag. liv. Table xxii. Part xix. ' Fasti, i. 610-67.^. Origg. Kal. Ital. Preli- minary Addres?;, xliv-1. Kal. Hell. Proleg. chi-dxix. '* Preliminary Address, xc. cf. Introduction to the Tables, 132-137. s. 6. Mosaic Ileptaemeron, whether an ordhianj Week. 37 and night over and above of a 53rd, it is manifest that equable annual time in coming downwards must advance one term in the order of hebdomadal, and in going back must recede one term in the order of hebdomadal, perpetually. Notliing then is more easy than from a given hebdomadal date in any subsequent year of this denomination to ascend to the very first hebdomadal date in the first equable year itself— and that will never be found to be anything but the feria prima, the proper hebdomadal character of Thoth 1, ^ra Cyc. 1 April 25 B. C. 1001, reckoned according to the Julian rule from midnight'. viithly and lastly, along with and parallel to each of these other constituent parts of the system of mundane time, the Tal)les exhibit the proper Julian time also, in the proper cycle of leap-year, and in the proper solar cycle, or cycle of 28 years, of the system, through the Julian period sometimes of 112, sometimes of 1 10, and in two instances of 56 years, in length — first, as the Proleptical Julian time, the necessary, but still the conventional and positive, representative of the natural annual, treated pro tempore as Julian, from B. C. 4001' to A. I). 225 ; secondly, both as the actual Julian time of the system per se, in the form of simple Julian, and as still the conventional representative of the natural annual, in the form of Gregorian Julian, from A. D. 225 to the end of the Tables. And though this is confessedly the most intri- cate part of the system of the Tables, the explanations which have Ijeen given of it'" are competent, I hope, to render it in- telligible ; and once understood, it will be seen to be founded in the reason of things. Taken with these explanations, the Julian time of the existing system may be traced, in that of the Tables, either forwards, from the epoch of origination, April 25 at midn. B.C. 1001, to the present day, or back- wards, from the present day to the epoch of origination, with as much facility and as much certainty as the equable time itself, fulfilling too all the while an use and purpose, rela- tively to the rest, which none could fulfil but itself; that, viz. of serving as the standard of reference of all the rest — that of supplying the dyle or nomenclature of all the rest — ' Preliniiiiiiry Ailil. lxxxvii-.\c. Iiilnxlintion, i.^'-i.^j. '" Origg. Kal. Hill. i. i-lviii : Ixviii-clv. 38 The three Witnesses^ and the threefold Cord. ch. i. that of keeping the accotint of mundane time in the reckon- ing of each of the rest, in a language borrowed from itself, but common alike to all, and intelligible alike of all, the rest. ii. Testimony of Primitive Tradition. — With respect to the testimony of tradition, and its bearing on this question of the true nature and construction of the Mosaic Heptaemeron, the phenomenon, to which I would first of all direct the attention of the reader, is this; that, in tracing the succes- sion of primitive equable solar, and primitive equable lunar, time in conjunction from our assumed epoch of origination of both down to the latest times, we discover a remarkable dis- tinction ; viz. that the recognised epoch of equable solar time from the first must have been not the first but the 8th of Thoth, and the recognised epoch of equable lunar time from the first must have been not the Luna la but the Luna 4a, dated from the change, the Luna 3a, dated from the phasis". The fact of this distinction is established by the decursus of Primitive civil solar and lunar time from this epoch of origination, the Heptaemeron of Scripture, in the cycle of 25 years, combining both perpetually, down to the rise of the first of the cycles of the same kind, which are more properly to be called the Apis cycles, because they are connected his- torically with the worship of the Apis among the Egyptians. The first cycle of this latter kind is found to have taken its rise in the ninth lunar year of the cxxiind cycle of the former kind, and in the fourth month of that year, and on the regular epoch of the fourth month in the ninth year of that cycle, the 11th of Thoth, as regularly derived also from the regular epoch of the first month in the first year of the same cycle, Thoth 8. The inference from this fact is obvious; viz. That, if the regular solar date of the fourth month in the ninth year of this Primitive succession of the cycle of 25 years was Thoth ] 1, the regular solar date of the^r^^ month in the^r*^ year must have been Thoth 8". And this discovery of the true solar date of the succession of equable solar and equable lunar time, in the cycle of 25 " Fasti, iii. 354 n : iv. 368 sr)f|. Preliminary Adrlres?, xciii .\cviii. " t. 1 Kal. Hell. iv. 677 n : v. 376. ■]oG n. ' l-asti, i. ()0 » : 259: ii. 213 »i. IVflimiiiary Addrt-ss, xivii. .\c\iii. ()ri(;|i;. Kal. Ilcll. iv. xbd. 40 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. cliaracte)istic of the primitive or primary Lunar montli, must have been that of the Luna 4', may be inferred, ist. from the traditionary reverence of that Lunar term in particular among the Egyptians, as known from testimony, and older than their Apis calendar itself-. 2ndly, from the recognition among tliemjUevertheless^of three other lunar terms, esteemed sacred as well as the Luna \^, though in an inferior degree to that, the Luna P, the Luna 2^^. and the Luna 3« '. For the epochal term of the entire decursus of equable lunar time in the Primitive calendar, especially among the Egyptians, having been the Luna 4** ; these tliree terms, the Luna I", the Luna 2^, and the Luna 3'\ in relation to that must have been so many ante-epochal terms, each of them in its proper order of time and place necessary even to this epochal term itself, and each of them consequently deriving from that necessity a share in the sacredness of character of that epochal term itself Now these facts also being admitted, every unprejudiced person must see that of all the explanations of them which might be imagined, none is so natural, so obvious, so likely a priori to be the true one, as this, viz. That it must have been known to the antediluvian world from the first, and must have been for some time at least remembered in the postdiluvian, that the work of creation at the beginning of things had been spread de facto over six days ; and that, though equable noctidiurnal and annual solar time had come into existence on the fa^st of these days, and equable nocti- diurnal and lunar time on the fifth, Human time, as bearing date from the Creation of Man, had done so only on the sirth. And this having been the last day de facto of the work of Creation, and the next day that of the institution of the sabbath, and hebdomadal time having come to be mixed, by virtue of that institution, with noctidiurnal, men- strual, and annual, only on the very day after the earliest possible date of the origin of human existence, it could not have appeared consistent with the reason of things to begin the reckoning of hebdomadal time, as the proper measure from this time forward of human existence, in the cycle of s Fasti, ii. 523 : Kal. Hell. iii. 541. ' Fi-sli, iii. .;54 n.: iv. .^6y sqq. s. 7. Whether any iiulefiuitc Period in Gen. i. 41 (lay and night, from an earlier term than the J'eria prima of the first actual week, Thoth 8, reckoned from the first day of the week of Creation, Thoth 1. Such is probabl}^ the true account of the fixation of the epoch of the equable solar calendar of the beginning to the 8th of Thoth instead of the 1st, which bestowed on the Impersonation of this Calendar in after-times his characteristic title of the Lord of eight or the eighth. And this fixation of the solar epoch of the primitive calendar to the 8th of the solar month would necessarily involve that of the lunar cpocli of the same calendar to the 1th of the lunar mouth, dated from the change, Thoth 5, or to the 3rd, dated from the phasis, Thoth 6; in either case to the same solar term, Thoth 8. Section VII. — On the admissibility or non-admissibility of an internal of indefinite length in any part of the first chapter q/* Genesis. Testimony of the three Witnesses. The next question, which appears to present itself for con- sideration, at this stage of our inquiries, is this ; of the ad- missibilit}' or inadmissibility of an indefinite interval in any part of the Mosaic Cosmogony. And on this question too, if we must confine ourselves strictly to the testimony of matters of fact, and to such tes- timony of that kind as we have hitherto been adducing and explaining, the conclusions just established, respecting the true nature and construction of the Mosaic Heptacimeron in particular, must render it demonstratively certain that there can be no room for an interval of this kind in the Hepta- eraeron itself; i. c. from Gen. i. 3. where the first day of this week must be supposed to begin, to Gen. ii. 3, where the seventh may be assumed to end. It follows that, if such an hypothesis is admissible in any part of this first chapter, it must be between i. 1 and 2, or between i. 2 and 3. And as to these two alternatives — To assume the interposition of an indefinite interval between i. 2, which describes the condition of the earth up to the eve of the Heptaemeron itself, and i. 3, which begins the account of the proper work of the first day of that week, would be to sup[)osc this state of the earth, (the state, which Scripture itself calls that of Tour and Rour -the state of No >\'oHi.n 42 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. in contradistinctiou to that of a World, superinduced upon it by the six-day work of Creation itself,) a state of inde- finite length— continuing indeed in one direction no longer than the eve of the Hexaenieron, yet going back in the opposite direction to an indefinite extent — an hypothesis of the previous state of its being which might be admitted to be possible, but could not, in any point of view, be consi- dered probable. It follows then that, if such an interval is admissible any where in the details of this chapter, it must be between the first and second verses, Gen. i. 1 and 2. But as to the fact of such an interval even there ; it must be left to every one to decide on the question of its probability or its improba- bility, its truth or its falsehood, to the best of his judgment, for himself I freely confess that, when discussing this very question, in the Fasti Catholici "■', it did not appear to me at that time that there was any necessity for the hypothesis of an undefined interval in any part of the Mosaic account of the cosmogony. Further consideration however has modi- fied my former convictions on this point, and induced me to come to the conclusion that there probably is, after all, an interval of indefinite extent, passed over in silence, but not the less real on that account, between these two verses : and I shall now proceed briefly to state the reasons on which this change of opinion is founded. i. If the reference to "the beginning," in the first words of the chapter, is to be restricted to " the beginning" in the sense of the Jirst coming into existence of that system and complex of things, the details of which follow in the sequel of the chapter ; then there is no account in the Cosmogony of Scripture itself of that Avhich on every principle must be considered "the beginning," most properly so called — the first production of the vkr) or matter of things, and especially the vkt] or substance of every created world, the materials of which, as Scripture itself teaches-"^, were formed first of all out of nothing. No one could maintain that the Cosmogony which follows, as soon as it descends into particulars, is the account of such a formation of a worUi, e£ ovk Svtcov, and not (K -npov-napyiovrfav. No one could deny that, according to this V Fasti, ii. 337. >> F;isti, ii. 322. s. 7. Whether any indefinite Period in Gen. i. 48 accuunt, the material mass of the earth was previously in beiiij^, before the work of ///i^ Cosmogony had yet begun; nor that both the matter and mass of the sun, and the mat- ter and mass of the moon, had a real existence respectively, whether a visible one or not, prior to the fourth day of this Cosmogony, specially restricted to them as the work of this fourth day might be. It may therefore be confidently af- firmed, that if the first words of this cosmogony, " In the beginning," do not go back to the very first act of creative energy, it contains no account of that which, to our appre- hension, as enlightened and informed on this point by Scrip- ture itself, must always appear to be most properly, " the beginning" — the very first act in the process of creation, the production of the matter of the universe, before the formation of any thing out of the materials so produced. ii. If this simi)le historical statement, " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," premised as it is even to the account of our own Cosmogony, does in reality go back to the very beginning of all Creation, to the very first energy of creative Omnipotence, — it is sufficiently general and comprehensive to take in, not only the original production of the materials of our own world, but that of the matter of the whole visible universe besides ; and that too, whether brought into being simultaneously, as the effect of a simultaneous energy, operating in innumerable instances through the infinity of space at once, or as successively pro- duced in any order which might be considered probable ; and it is sufficiently precise and definite to be understood as affirming in all these instances this one great truth, that, irmumerable as these worlds might be in themselves, and differently as they might be constituted one in comparison of another, the matter or vKr] of all of them alike was produced by their common Creator out of nothing. iii. And though it must necessarily follow from this con- struction, and this reference, of the words in question, that the history of our own earth, thus supposed to have begun so long before, is taken up and continued in the next verse only on the eve of the Mosaic Ilcxaemeron itself, yet thus to join together distinct, but notwithstanding consecutive, events in the history of the same subject, — thus to affirm consequcn- 44 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Curd. CH. i. tiality ol" the particulars of such au history without affirming contiuuity, — is one of the idioms of inspired history in contra- distinction to uninspired — founded, no doubt, at bottom on the most characteristic ditt'erence between them, viz. that, to inspired history, though not to uninspired, the present and the future in one and the same series of cause and effect, of antecedent and consequent, are virtually the same, and the most distant links in a chain of this kind are as close to each other as tiie nearest. In illustration of this idiom, it may suffice at present to refer to one or two instances of it, which occur in Scripture, the same in principle with that which 1 am supposing in this particular case, though incomparably inferior to it in degree. As for example, i. Dan. ix 25, 26. "^^ Know therefore and understand that .... unto the Messiah the Prince (Leader) shall be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks .... and after (the) threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off." Here, prima facie, it appears to be predicted that the cutting off of Messiah (the Leader) would be directly conti- nuous on the end of the 69 weeks ; and yet it is plainly im- plied by the rest of the prophecy, and it is clearly demon- strated by the testimony of the event, that, between this first appearance of ^Messiah in this capacity of Leader, and this cutting off of the same Messiah the Leader by his death, an half-week, a period of three years and six months at least, devoted to his personal ministry and to that of his prede- cessor the Baptist, was to intervene >'. ii. What is still more to the point in the present iustuuce, j)an v. 30, 31. "In that night Avas Belshazzar, the king of the Chaldeans, slain ; and Darius the Mede took the king- dom." Here the prima facie meaning seems to be, that Darius succeeded to the kingdom the very night in which Belshazzar was slain ; and there is probably scarcely a com- mentator on the book of Daniel, ancient or modern, who has not put that construction upon it. And yet it is capable of proof, both from Dan. x. 13, xi. 1, and from the Canon of Kings, and from the true order and names of the kings of Babylon from Nebuchacbiezzar downwards, that between y Cf. my Dibscrtaliuiis on tliu I'liiifiiik:-, iS:<'. of an Ilairiiniiy, vol. iv. ,^72- 381 sqq. s. 7. Ulietlicr any indefinito Pcr'toil in CUn. I. 15 thoso two ovcnts thei'C was in reality an interval of 21 years. But with the knowledge of the idiom of inspired history, whieh I am attempting to illustrate, it is sufficient to account for the juxtaposition of the later with the earlier event of this kind, that they were in reality consecutive, though not con- tinuous; that the later really happened at the very same time of the year, and almost under the very same circum- stances, as the earlier^. The state of the case then at this period of the history of our earth, and of every thing connected with it, denoted by Gen. i. 2, just on the eve of the Mosaic Ilexaemeron, is this; viz. That, even at that moment the earth itself was in beingr, revolving round its own centre, and revolving round the sun; and its satellite the moon was in being also, revolving round the earth ; and the suu, the centre of attraction to both, was in being too. And even on the eve of the Mosaic He.xai'- meron, every thing was going on in these several respects, as it has gone on from the first day of the Hexaemeron to this day, only in the Dark. The earth was destitute of light, destitute of an atmosphere, destitute of life; covered with water, and shi'ouded on all sides in darkness''. And this being the actual state of the case just on the eve of the Mosaic Creation, the question wl.ich naturally occurs at this stage of the argument, is, How long before the beginning of the Mosaic Hexaemeron must this state and condition of things be supposed to have been continuing? In answer to which, I observe, 1st, It has been demonstrated, and may now be assumed as an incontrovertible matter of fact, that the proper cycle of leap-year of the present system of things, traced back from any epoch of that cjxle at the present day, whether March 1 at midnight or April 25 at midnight, will pass one year at least (whether it will neces- sarily pass more than one or not) beyond the epoch of the Mosaic Ilexaemeron itself. ii. It will be seen by and by, that the last three years of this first proper cycle of the leap-year of the system were de facto the measure of the duration of the state of Paradise, the state of innocence, beginning with the Creation of Alan, *■ .Vpiieiulix. Hole I. a Fiisti, ii. 55 si|t|. 46 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. and ending with the Fall ; and therefore, we may presume, were always intended to be so. It will also be seen that these last three years of the cycle, though necessarily the first three years of mundane existence, and the first three years of human existence, (as both dated from the Hexae- meron,) are nevertheless not reckoned in Scripture to the account of the Life of the first man ; which is therein dated not from the day of liis Creation, but from the day of his Fall. iii. From these distinctions, as matters of fact, it is an obvious inference, that this first cycle of the leap-year of the system must have been something sui generis, a cycle of that kind, which, for some reason or other, must stand mid- way between the decursus of Julian time, as measured or measurable perpetually by such a cycle before itself, and the decursus of Julian time, as similarly measured or measurable after itself; yet be equally isolated relatively to both. And this peculiarity of its nature and position perhaps could not be better expressed than by calling this first proper cycle of the true Julian time of the existing system of things, the last of a succession of that kind in the continued decursus of an ajra, when the law of existence even of such a creature as Man was not yet the law of Mortality — the law of a finite existence, whether greater or less in itself, between the be- ginning of being by Birth, and the termination of being by Death ; and calling the second such cycle the first of a succession of the same kind in the decursus of an jera, when the law of human existence was now the law of Mortality, the law of a finite interval, called Life, between the moment of birth and the moment of death ; and therefore necessarily dated from the Fall of Man'\ iv. The actual system of things then, which came into being at the epoch of the Mosaic creation, and has continued in being ever since, having taken its rise in the second year of \\\e first cycle of leap-year of the system, and on April 25 in this year, the state of things immediateh' prior to it, which Scripture calls Tohu and Bohu, must have come to an end on the same day : and it is an obvious inference from this coincidence, that, if the state of Tohu and Bohu came to '' Fiisti, ii. 2.',6-2-;o. 267 v. s. 7. Whi'tlicr anil indefinite Period in Gen. i. 17 an end just on the eve of the second year of this cycle, it must have begun just at tlie ingress of the fn^st; and if the second year began on April 25, the first must have begun on April 25 or 2 !• also. V. The Noctidiurnal, the Hebdomadal, the Natural annual, and the Julian annual, time of the system, which enter the Tables of the Fasti de facto in the second year of this cycle B.C. 4004, Dom.Lett. C, at Oh. Om. 21-6 sec. from midnight, for the proper meridian, April 25, the feria prima, set back, in the same relations to each other, to the first year of this cycle, B. C. 1005, Dom, Lett. D, must have been found en- tering the Tables at IS h. 11 m. 31-2 sec. from midnight, for the same meridian, April 24 the fena sexta, by the Julian rule, April 24 the feria fn^ptlma inennte, by the primitive rule. vi. And such being the state of the case at the ingress of this first proper cycle of leap-year of the proper Julian time of the present system of things, that just at this time, April 24 at 18 h, 11 m. 31-2 sec. from midnight on the feria septima ineiinte, according to the primitive rule, the earth was arrived, or on the point of arriving, at the mean vernal equinox for the meridian of the ancient Jerusalem ; let the place of the moon, at the same time and for the same meridian, be next inquired into. And this problem having been solved with all the exactness of which modern astronomy is capable, (for questions of this kind at least, which go so far back from the present day,) the result is found to be as fellows'^. B. C. 4005. ii. 111. s. Mean full moon, April 24 17 i 40 ni.t. Greenwich. April 24 19 22 27 m.t. Jerusalem. True full moon, April 24 19 59 2']' 4^6 m.t. Greenwich. April 24 22 20 I4"456 m.t. Jerusalem. That is, the moon also was at the full, for the meridian of Jerusalem, on this day, April 24 B. 0. 4005, about 1 h. and 40 ra. before the point of midnight. And that having been the case, the time of the year being that of the vernal equi- nox, aTid the length of the night equal to that of the day, and the siuj being on the lower meridian and the moon ou f Fasti, iv. 640-642. 48 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch, i. the upper, almost at the same moment, it cannot be consi- dered improbable that as the actual state of things this year, B.C. 4005, and on this day, April 21, the /ma septiina of the hebdomadal cycle by the primitive rule ineunte, at 18 h. from midnight, the sun was setting in the west, and the moon was rising in the east, at the very same time, or nearly so. vii. And this year, B. C. 4005, dated from April 21, hav- ing been the first year of the proper cycle of leap-year of the present system, and the year of Tohu and Bohu, as it has been shewn, having begun and ended with this year; it fol- lows that, whatsoever the state of things in and upon the earth, denoted by Tohu and Bohu, while it lasted, it must have begun on this day, April 21 B. C. 1005, and at this time of this day, 18 hours from midniglit. And one of the cha- racters of this state, defined by Scripture itself, being the absence of light, and another, similarly defined, being the predominance of the element of water, — it is a necessary in- ference from both these facts, that this state of Tohu and Bohu, dated from April 24 at 18 h. B.C. 4005, must have been ushered in first by an instantaneous extinction of the light of the sun just descending below the horizon in the west, and simultaneously with it, because a necessary conse- quence of it, of that of the moon just ascending above the horizon in the east ; and secondly, with a predominance of the watery element, equally instantaneous, in whatsoever manner brought about, whether by the instant precipitation of the atmosphere, with all the vapours before held in solu- tion in it, or the instant bringing up of the sea on the dry land, — or by both at once. viii. And here it is necessary to refer the reader to the explanation of 2 Pet. iii. 3-7, given in the first Part of this work 'J, and of the allusion, which occurs there, to an Earth, and an Heaven or Heavens, analogous to those of the present world, which had once existed, and had ceased to exist, before those of the present world, and to the instrumental means of their destruction, the element of water — and, through the analogy of this destruction of a former world, altogether the same in general witli the present, by AVater, •^ Fasli. ii. .545. s. 7. Whetkei' any indefinite Period in Oen. i. 49 to the inference, deiivable from that fact, of the certainty of tlic future destruction of the pi-csent world also, as predicted by the word of God, in due time, by Fire. It would Ijc a great misapprehension of the true drift and meaning of these allusions, as I shewed, to understand them simply of the Deluge of Noah, — which was indeed the de- struction of every kind of life upon the earth, but in no sense a destruction of the earth itself, a dissolution of tiie material texture of the earth, — much less a destruction of the heavens also, even in the idiomatic sense of that term in Scripture, whereby it is restricted to the atmosphere which surrounds the earth. This atmosphere was not dissolved by the deluge of Noah ; but tiie earth, as the subject of the deluge of Tohu and Bohu, could have had no atmosphere, or must have lost its atmosphere. It recovered its atmosphere only on the second day of the same Hexaemerou, which in its totality undid the work of that deluge in its totality also. But if this allusion to a prior destruction of the same kind of earth and the same kind of heavens, as the present, and through the instrumentality of water, is not to be referred to the deluge of Noah, to what can it be referrible, in the his- tory of the earth, earlier than the deluge of Noah, (and known, or capable of being known, even to the very scoffers and doubters addressed in this part of the Epistle,) except the deluge of Tohu and Bohu? or to what intervention ab extra, as the proper cause of such an effect on such a sub- ject, but that which, just at the ingress of this year, as we have seen reason to conclude, stepped in, and reduced the earth, perhaps in an instant of time, to that state in which it was found still existing on the eve of the Mosaic llexaemeron itself.' ix. This state of things in the Ante-Mosaic iEra of the Earth's existence, which Scripture designates as that of Tohu and Bohu, {without form, and void,) profane antiquity in general and classical antiquity in particular express by the name of Chaos ; understanding by that name the vkr] of material existences in an elementary state — the matter of a world, in a state of dissolution, and indiscriminately uiixed together. And it may be added to the other proofs of the truth of the Scriptural account of the origin of the present B 50 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. world, out of a state of which the two principal characteristics were the privation of light and the predominance of the ele- ment of water upon its surface every vvliere, that, according to primitive tradition also, as embodied in every Cosmogony of profane antiquity, the characters of the primordial state of things, older than any world, yet the matrix or cradle of every world, were these two more particularly, Darkness and the Deep ^ X. Lastly, if the light both of the sun and of the moon was suppressed, and the breath of life itself was withdrawn by the dissolution of the atmosphere, just at the ingress of this year of Toliu and Bohu ; it is a necessary interence from that fact that life of every kind, whether upon or in the earth itself, must have been extinguished at the same moment. And it will follow from this fact too that whatsoever, and how many soever, the forms and modes of animated material existence before in being up to the ingress of this year, none of thera could have continued in being through that year. It will follow from this fact also that no kind or variety of animated nature, which is now in being on the face of the earth, can possibly date its existence from an earlier epoch than the Mosaic Creation. And it follows from both these facts that it must be equally impossible to trace any kind of life, older than the Mosaic Creation, by natural descent lower down than this epoch of Tohu and Bohu, or any kind of life, younger than the Mosaic Creation, by natural ascent further back than the epoch of the Mosaic Creation. And this must be fatal to the newly broached hypothesis of the derivation of all the varieties of animal and sentient life with which naturalists are acquainted at present, from certain imaginary archetypal forms, (possibly the work of some creator ab extra to themselves,) endued with an in- stinct which this hypothesis calls that of Natural Selec- tion ; impelling each inferior order of such beings to aspire at, and to work out, its own perfection, in the way of what it also calls the Migration of Species ; as if on a graduated scale, from an inferior to an higher perpetually. This theory supposes an instinct of that kind, and tending in this direc- tion perpetually, whereby to account for the gradual deve- c Origs?- Kal. Holl. iv. 415. s. 7. ir/iefhrr ami iiulefinite Period in Gen. i. 7A lopment of the most perfect, out of the most rude and elementary and imperfect, of the same kind of beings in general ; but it does not dispense with the ordinary process of natural propagation also, as necessarily going along with this of the selection and migration of species. If so — grant- ing even that such an hypothesis per se were as probable a priori as it is improbable — granting that it was as capable of being confirmed by phenomena and the evidence of the fact, as it is incapable — granting that the genera and species of extinct life, brought to light by geology, and those which are in existence on the earth at present, were the same — granting the hypothesis also the utmost length of time, for the development and completion of its process of selection and migration, which it might demand — still, as a means of connecting life yet in existence in or upon our globe, with life which once existed in or upon it, by any process of selection and migration, in the way of uninterrupted natural propagation and descent also, is simply absurd, simply ridi- culous, because absolutely and totally impossible. The year of Tohu and Bohii has eflectually barred this hypothesis ; and interposed a chasm between all life before, and all life after, its own proper limits, which no hardihood of conjec- ture, or freedom of assumption, will ever bridge over and pass. Trace this process of selection and migration from the very first day of the Material Creation down to the very first day of that year, as you may, it must necessarily stop short there. The threads of life on the other side of that year can never be connected, in the same living tissues, with the threads of life on this side of it. All ante-Mosaic life must end with the ingress of the year of Tohu and Bohu, and all post-Mosaic life must begin only with the Hexae- meron ; and neither can have any thing in common with the other, except that possibly, (though, in my opinion, even that is by no means certain,) both might be the work of the same Creator ^ . f Apjiciulix, note K. E 2 52 The ^Aree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. Section VIII. — On the ceconomy of the first three days of the Hexaemeron, in having had light before the appearance of the sun. Testimony of the Witnesses, That, acccording to the prima facie construction of the Mosaic account of the Hexaemeron, there was something peculiar to the first three days of that week, in contradis- tinction to the last three, is universally admitted. We must begin therefore with endeavouring to ascertain in what that peculiarity consisted. Now, i. that it did not consist in the length of these first three days, or in the rule of the reckoning of these first three, as any thing different from the length of the last three, or the rule of the reckoning of the last three, is clear from the fact that one and the same measure of duration, that of a vv)(dr]fx€pov properly so called, and one and the same rule of reckoning that vv^dw^pov, from evening to morning — and from morning to evening — is applied by the Scriptural ac- count itself to both alike. And, ii. though this primitive rule of the noctidiurnal cycle itself was originally founded on the fact, (known to us at present from Scripture, and known to the antediluvian and the postdiluvian world from tradition,) that the ante- mundane state of things was one of darkness, and the first noctidiurnal cycle came into being out of the darkness of Chaos itself; yet that the peculiarity of thh first cycle, and of the tivo next to it, did not consist in the proportion of the parts of each, one to the other, as not equally divided be- tween light and dark, or dark and light, appears from the fact that the proper work of the first of these days, the very first act of Creation itself, was the production of light for the use of this day, and as a means of distinguishing the evening of this day from the morning of this day, and vice versa. In what then did it consist ? We may answer First, with certainty. In having had light, yet before any sensible mani- festation of the sun ; consequently not derived from the sun. Secondly, with much probability. In having had this light kindled in the first of these instances, at the middle point of the equinoctial day, 6 a. m., and extinguished again at the s. 8. First three days of the Hexaemerou. 53 end. 6 p. M., and rekindled and reextinguished on the second and tliird, at the same two times respectively, by the act of the Deity himself. Thirdly — there being as yet no atmo- sphere, on the first of these days, to refract the rays of this light, so kindled by the Deity himself — if it had emanated from the horizon alone — in the fact that the light of this first day, and (from the analogy of the case of the second and the third day, in other respects, to that of this first day,) the light of the second and the third day, thus made to ap- pear at a stated time in each instance inde])endently of the sun, in order that it might fall on every part of one and the same hemisphere of the earth at once, was probably radiated from the zenith as well as the horizon at once ?. And such, to the best of my judgment, having been the kind and degree of the anomaly peculiar to the first three days of the Hexaemeron, though from the nature and cir- cumstances of the case, neither the natural nor the civil meaures of time were calculated to reflect it in their own decursus, or to convey any sensible proof of it to posterity, yet it was one of those things, as every one must allow, which, if known to Primitive Tradition, was as likely to be kept in mind and handed down historically, as any thing in this whole cjcconomy of the week of Creation besides, which could be mentioned. Accordingly, account for the mode or channel of its trans- mission as we may, a very striking confirmation of this one circumstance of the Mosaic Cosmogony, the osconomy of the first three days in contradistinction to that of the last three, in those respects which have just been pointed out, is dis- coverable among the Creeks, in an institution of Hellenic antiquity, the AvKaia of the ancient Arcadians, of which I have given an account in the third Part of my work*'. It has there been shewn, i. that the name of this institu- tion, TO. AvKaia, on etymological principles, is derivable only from XvKT], and the proper sense of kvKi) in Greek, whether that of twilight in our language or not, yet under all circum- stances is that of light not derived (not sensibly at least de- rived) from the sun ; and consequently that to. AvKata, to. rf/v » Cf. Fasti, ii. 2-10. '' Origg. Kal. HcU. iv. 567-6.^1. 54 The Mjre Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. en i. AvKt^s Upa, was " The feast of liglit, not derived from the sun'." ii. That an instance of the actual observance of this solem- nity according to its proper rule, by the Arcadians^ to whom it was peculiar, B. C. 1-01, is recorded in the Anabasis of Xenophon ; from which we learn first, the length of time for which it lasted, three days; secondly, through the chrono- logy of the Anabasis ^, the Julian dates of these three days B. C.401, April 21, 2.2, and 23 ; thirdly, through these three Julian terms, the three lunar terms, corresponding to them, in the Arcadian calendar of the time being. Fourthly and lastly, (the observance having been an annual one.) from the proper lunar and proper Julian dates of the ceremony in a given year, and a given month of that year, of the proper cycle of the calendar, thus ascertained, we are enabled to ascend to the same three lunar dates, and their corresponding Julian dates, in the same month in the first year of the cycle. And the institution itself having been much older among the Arcadians than their proper Lunar Correction, when Ave have got to the Julian dates of this more ancient solemnity in the first year of the Correction, and in the pro- per month of that year, we have recovered its proper Julian dates from the first '. Now the Julian dates, so obtained at last, turn out to be these three, April 25, April 26, and April 27 — the very three Julian dates of the first three days of the Mosaic Hexaeme- rou, April 25, April 26, and April 27 also. And these three days, under these three Julian denominations respectively, having been the three in that week, which had light not de- rived from tlie sun, and those three Julian terms also having been the stated Julian dates of the three ferise of the Lyka?an institution, (i. e. of the feast of light, not derived from the SI/11,) what can be inferred from this coincidence except that, among the Aicadiaus, down to the institution of this festival, tradition must have perpetuated the fact, which we know at present only from Scripture, that the first three days of Mundane time, though not peculiar in having had light ex- ' Origg. Kail. HvU. iv. 572-58:. ^ Ibul. ii. 21^-164. :20. I Ibid. iv. 5f'7-572 5S^, 5,8.;. 580, ;8i. s. y. Deluge of Scripture. 55 clusively, were so, in having had light not derived from the Sim; and that this solemnity was purposely instituted as a meraorial of that fact ? This one of the traditions of the ancient Arcadians, relat- ing to the origin of light, is confirmed and illustrated by another, relating to their own origin, and that of their city of Lycosura ; of which also 1 have given an account"' — viz. That both came into existence on the first of the days which had light in the natural way— light derived from the sun — and along with the sun itself; i. e. on the fourth of the days of the Hexaemeron. And this too is illustrated by an- other, founded at bottom upon it, that the Arcadians were older than the moon, though not older than the sun. For so they must have been, if they came into existence along with the nun, four days before the recognised epoch of lunar time, the luna quurta ". These traditions derive much autiiority from their anti- quity ; being older among the Arcadians themselves than their own Lyksea, though the date of that too was B. C. 1260. Nor does it detract from their weight that they are probably to be traced to the land of Canaan, and were brought into Greece by a colony of Arkites, escaping from the extermiua- tion of the inhabitants of the nortii of Canaan, in the time of Barak, (about B. C. 1330^) — who there became the nation of the Arcadians. Not that even in Greece they appear to have been peculiar to the Arcadians. The name at least of the oldest settlement on Mount Parnassus, (older than Del- phi,) Au/ccripetaP, and the name of the Natalitial month of Mundane time in the calendar of Thessaly, AwKeoj'i, were very probably founded on the same or similar traditions in those quarters also. Section IX. — On the Ueluge of Scripture, and the difficulties connected with it ; and on the confirmation of the fact, in its pro}>er order of time, bij the testimony of the three Witnesses. The difficulty, whicii lies in the way of an unhesitating reception of the Scriptural account of the Deluge, is probably "> OrigR. Kail. 11.11. iv.577. CI', supra, 25. " IbUl. iv. 582. 585. " Iliid. 6o.i, 604. I' Ibiil. V. 67.V 'I ibid. ii. 4S0. 56 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. en. i . to be traced to two principal objections, the most likely of all to occur on reading this account. One, fi'om the supposed universality of the deluge, and its consequent extension to all parts of the earth, — implying a proportional increase in the human species, and a corresponding diffusion of mankind, over all parts of the earth, in the (comparatively speaking) short interval between the Creation and the Flood, — the other, the derivation not only of mankind, but of every kind of living animal besides, birds and beasts, insects and rep- tiles, (of every one in short but fishes, and the other inhabit- ants of the deep,) in all parts of the earth at present, from the individual representatives of each, preserved in the ark. Other stumblingblocks there may be, opposed to an implicit belief in this great Scriptural fact. But there are none, in my opinion, so naturally liable to occur even to minds not of a sceptical turn, as these two. If these two can be removed, every other prejudice which is likely to interfere with the full and entire effect of the testimony of Scripture itself, — so plainly given historically to this one great fact — or with that of the corroborative testimony of the three Witnesses, which comes in here to attest the truth of the history of Scripture in this one of its particulars, more directly perhaps and more unequivocally than any where else, will be in a great measure removed also. Let us therefore briefly consider these two objections ; beginning with the first mentioned, That of the universality of the Deluge, and the consequent universality of the subjects of such a visitation, in every part of the world, — the former affirmed, the latter implied, in the Scrip- tural account of the event. i. The foundation of this difficulty is the implicit assurap- T|B^that the antediluvian world in its external form and appearance, its superficial divisions and distinctions, its con- tinents and its seas, its islands and its lakes, and the like, was only the prototype of the postdiluvian; and that the post- diluvian world, constituted as it is in these respects, is only a reflection and counterpart of the antediluvian. But is that assumption agreeable to the matter of fact? To come to some decision on that question, we must proceed as follows : i. The total or complex of the visible universe, in the idiom and style of Scripture, (as the very first verse of Genesis is s. y. Deluga of Scripture. 57 competent to prove,) in order to render it intelligible to the human comprehension, is summed up and expressed in the general designation of the Heavens and the Earth — in which, from the necessit}' of the case, the heavens must stand for every part of the visible universe, (the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars,) which is not the earth, and the earth for every thing which is not the heavens. ii. The earth, in this sense, and this relation, is a congeries of particles of matter of various kinds, the most comprehen- sive division of which, on a superficial and merely sensible survey of its composition, is into so/Id and non-solid, i. e. fluid; and the name of the earth, as applied to the whole of its material mass in the complex, must be applicable to it at first sight, as made up of these two divisions of its substance in particular, more than of any thing else. iii. The idiom of Scripture, when speaking of the earth and of its component parts collectively, is agreeable to this distinction. The term which it uses for that purpose is !^lt^ or Arets, and the first instance of its use in Scripture is Gen. i. 1 and 2 itself; and its sense as so used there, by the con- text and by the necessity of the case, is restricted to the meaning of which I am speaking — that of a material mass, of some definite form and shape, made up of elements partly solid and partly fluid, but as yet not separated, nor distin- guishable, asunder. iv. And the earth, as a material body so constituted, being thus proposed under the name of .-1 rets, not only before the work of the Hexaemeron had been begun, but also through the first and second day of the Hexaemeron itself; it is very observable that the first work of the third day was the sepa- ration of the two component parts of this material body — such as they must have appeared until now — the fluid as such, and the solid as such, one from the other : and the separation having been effected by the retreat of the fluid, before distrjj^yited over the whole of the surface of the solid part, from^l^rtain part of that solid part, in contradis- tinction to the rest, the name, which Scripture gives for the first time to the part of the solid still covered by the fluid, is D''^^"' or seas, and the name which it gives to the part of the solid no longer covered by the fluid, first and properly is that 58 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. cii. i. of ntr'2"^n, He-ibeshe, "the dry land" — secondarily, it is that of arets, still ; i. e. the name of the whole, as a solid and a fluid mass indiscriminately, before, transferred by synecdoche to the principal part of the solid now separated from tiie fluid "". V. The command, which produced this change in the ex- ternal appearance of the earth on this one day, having been this ; " Let the waters under the heaven be gathered unto one place, and let the dry land appear/' — and the efiect, which followed upon it, being described accordingly ; the natural inference from the prescribed course, and the de- clared efl"ect, of this oeconomy is, that if the waters under the heaven, so commanded to be gathered unto one place, were the waters, before encompassing the earth, and covering its surface every where, as encircled by the atmosphere also, here called the heaven — then these waters, so commanded to be gathered unto one place, having obeyed this command accordingly, must actually have been gathered unto one place : and it must be a necessary inference also from that fact that, howsoever large the resulting collection of the watery element into one place, and howsoever ample and ca- pacious the receptacle provided for it, the former must still have constituted only one mass of watery particles, and the latter only one bed, as the appointed reservoir of them all s. And this conclusion is very materially confirmed by the names directly after given, and by the mouth of the Creator himself, to the two parts of the Terraqueous Globe, now^ apparently for the first time distinguished asunder, " And God called the dry la7ul Earth {arets), and the gathering together of the waters called he seas." For though the word, here translated seas, is certainly plural in the original, the gathering together of the waters, which as so gathered together were called seas, is spoken of in the singular. It is not many gatherings together of so many diftereut parts of the watery element into so many dirterent places, which were thus called seas ; but one gathering together of the whole of this element into one place, which was now for the first time called seas. And as to the word in the original, which is here rendered f ft'. Ps. xlv. ;. » Cf. Ps. .\x.\iii. 7. s. y. Deluge of Scripture. 59 hy seas, the word for water in Hebrew, in the singular, is ^^72, or mi, and the word for sea is CD"^> or im — and these are evidently so I'ehitcd that, on grammatical or etymological principles, no one could hesitate to conclude that one of them, merely by inverting the letters common to both. might have been, and probably was, derived from the other. And on this supposition — forasmuch as the element of water must have been prior in the order of being to any collection of itself into one mass called a sea, it must appear much more consistent to derive i/n from mi, than mi from im. In that case the principle or rationale of the name of the clement of water, thus modified, and transferred to the idea of a sea, Avill be simply the fact that, between the idea of a sea and that of the element of water, the dift'erence is one of degree not of kind. A sea is a congeries of tlie element of water: and no such congeries could have been called by the name of its elementary and individual parts, in its most intense signification, more justly than that which was now so de- signated, and apparently for the first time, on the third day of the Ilexaemeron •^. vi. It follows from these conclusions that, from and after the work of this third day, there could have been no visible distinction in the external appearance of the earth, as a body composed partly of solid partly of fluid materials, ex- cept that of a terraqueous globe, divided into tw o great sec- tions, one, that of the solid part of its substance as far as it was exposed to view, the other, that of the fluid. If so. one great and characteristic diflerence between the antediluvian and the postdiluvian world must clearly have been t/iis ; That, whereas the postdiluvian world, so far as its superficial and external appearance is concerned, always has been and still is divided into four main lands called continents, and four principal collections of the watery element at least, called oceans, besides innumerable islands and rivers and lakes, the antediluvian world, from the Creation to the De- luge, could have been distinguishable externally only into one main land or continent, and into one great receptacle of the watery element, called an ocean or sea. vii. Moreover, as the [jostdiluvian world is constiluLcil at ' Ajuiciulix, iiolu L. 60 The three \\\ixie^^es^ and the threefold Cor A. ch. i. present, and has been ever since the deluge, it was usual with the geographers of antiquity, and it has scarcely yet ceased to be the usage of modern, to divide its surface into that part, or those parts, which, as subjected to no immo- derate degrees either of heat or of cold, appeared to have been adapted by nature itself to the wants and necessities of animal and social existence, and into those other parts, which, from the excess of heat or of cold to which they were liable, appeared to have been disqualified, or only very im- perfectly qualified, for life and society. And this habitable part of the earth, as constituted and discriminated at present, the Greek geographers called the olKovixivq. Now the use which I make of the fact of this distinction between the habitable and the uninhabitable parts of the earth at present is to observe. That a similar distinction in the earth before the Flood is recognised in Scripture, and that what the Greek geographers called the oiKovixevrj of the post- diluvian world, Scriptural geography calls the Thebel of the antediluvian, from the Creation to the Flood. But I also observe that, between the ohovyiivr] of the postdiluvian and the Thebel of the antediluvian, there is this great difference ; viz. That whereas the olKovixivr] of ancient geography was but a quota pars of the whole terra firma of the postdiluvian world, the Thebel of Scripture was the whole of the terra firma, the dry land, or the mainland, of the world before the Flood. The whole of the earth, as a terraqueous globe, whe- ther before or after the deluge, being divided into two great Hemispheres, north and south of the equator respectively ; the southern Hemisphere, both before and after the deluge, is entirely ignored in Scripture — before, as covered all over with water, — as no part of the dr}^ land from the Ci'eation to the Deluge at least — after, whether part of the dry land or not, and whetlier habitable or inhabited or not, yet as in nowise concerned with the proper history of Scripture itself. The Thebel of Scripture, the oIkovix^vt) of Scripture, conse- quently both before and after the Flood is entirely confined to the northern Hemisphere ; and the point, which has to be established concerning it at present, is t/iis — That whatsoever the exteiit of the Thebel or oiKovfxivy] of Scripture, in compa- rison of tiiat of the entire surface of the terra Jirma or dry s. 9- Deluge of Scripture. 61 land, since the Flood, it was coextensive with this terra firma or dry land itself, before the Flood. Now that the Thebel of the antediluvian world must have been coextensive with the dry land, may be inferred, i. from the etymon and meaning of this name itself v, which, being derived, according to the best Hebrew scholars, from a verb in its own language denoting to be fertile, or productive, car- ries with it virtute termini the idea of the fertile and pro- ductive, and consequently the habitable part of the earth, under all circumstances, ii. From the characteristic distinc- tion of the whole of the Mosaic creation, just as it was left by the Creator on the last day of the Hexaemeron — that all was good, was verij good — good in itself, good for all the uses and purposes unto which it had been designated from the first. If so, either there could have been no Thebel of this £era, in contradistinction to the Arets, — no part of the Dry Land more fertile and productive, more habitable, than an- other, or, if there was one, from the necessity of the case, the Thebel and the Dry Land of such an earth and such an sera of its existence must iiave been convertible terms, and one just as extensive as the other. And with respect to the actual magnitude of this primitive Thebel or olKov\iivr], whatsoever it was^ yet, as designed ori- ginally by its Creator for one use and purpose only, that of the proper habitation of man, during the state of Paradise, or at the utmost between the Creation and the Flood, it is to be presumed that its limits would not be indefinitely large, but critically accommodated to those of the foreseen increase and diffusion of mankind between the same epochs also. Nor, if we may only assume (and on the authority of Scrip- ture too) that one of the localities certainly comprehended in this antediluvian Thebel was the Garden of Eden or Para- dise, and that one of the rivers of the postdiluvian world, traced up to its source, was a river of Paradise, and that three of the localities of the Palestine of after-times, mount Lebanon on the north, Jerusalem in the south, and Tyre in the west, were localities of Paradise also, would it be difficult perhaps to divine the extent of the antediluvian Thebel itself. It might be conjectured at least with great probability, even ' Apj>t'mlix, note M. 02 The i/tree Witnesses, and the threefold (,'ord. ch. i. from the superficial state and character of the circumjacent regions at present, that the sandy deserts of Libya, Arabia, and Syria of after-times probably made a part of it^ and that the whole of the Mediterranean sea, and part of the conti- nent of Asia, were comprehended in it also. X. That the Thebel of the antediluvian world at least, even as coextensive with the Ibeshe, or dry land, must have been from the first comparatively of limited magnitude, may be inferred from another remarkable character, peculiar to this world, viz. That while it lasted, it had no rain, and the phy- sical necessities of such of its inhabitants as could not subsist without water — its animals and its plants — were supplied not by rains, but by dews or mists. If such was the actual con- stitution of external nature, during this sera, it is a necessary inference from it, that a much greater amount of evaporation, and consequently a much greater expanse and surface of the watery element constantly exposed to the sun, must have been requisite while it lasted, than is so at present, when the same wants of animal or vegetable nature are chiefly supplied by rains. Nor perhaps, were such a problem as this, By what amount of the surface of water constantly exposed to evaporation, greater than at present, might the same physical needs of the animal and the vegetable kingdoms of nature be supplied even at present, independently of rain, to be pro- posed to the chymist or geologist, would it be difficult for him to solve it in a general way. It must be evident how- ever even to common sense, that, if four oceans at least, be- sides inland lakes and rivers innumerable, are not more than sufficient to keep up the constant supply of water, for plants and animals of every kind, and in every part of the habitable or inhabited world, constituted as it is at present, in the form of rains as well as of dews ; one ocean, as great as all the four, might not have been more than enough to supply the same wants for the animal and the vegetable inhabitants even of an earth not a fourth part perhaps so large as that which exists at present, in the form of dews alone. And with respect to the fact of the peculiarity in question, that the antediluvian world, while it lasted, in some manner or other was so constituted as to be independent of rain, it is expressly asserted of the heif'tnning of this world, and just s. 9- ])e\uge of Scripture. 63 Ijelbro the completion of the work of the Ilexaemeron, by Gen. ii. 1—6 itself. Again, if it be literally true as it is re- lated of the first pair of mankind. Gen. ii. 25 ; " And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed;" (and that it is literally true is proved by Gen. iii. 7. of the very first effect of the Fall, three years later;) it must follow from that fact that, as formed at first, they had no need of clothing; and it must follow from that fact, tliat they had no need of protection from rain ; for to have been exposed to the liability of rain, and to have been desti- tute of clothing, would have been incompatible with each other. It will follow from the same fact, that the tempera- ture of the external air, while this state of things lasted, must have been such as to dispense with the necessity of clothing ; and not at some times only, but uniformly, and at all times : and it would be a consequence of that fact too that a much greater quantity of vapour must have been at all times held in solution in the atmosphere ; and even though it might never rain, that much more of this vapour might be condensed and precipitated in the form of dew. And that this peculiarity of the physical constitution of the antediluvian w orld, thus apparently intimated of its very beginning, was still continuing, still unchanged, up to the very eve of its consummation, may be probably inferred from Gen. vii. 11, 12 — in which the beginning of the Flood, as brought about by the instrumentality of rain from the air, as well as of water from the sea, is designated by the phrase of the opening of the windows of heaven, and from Gen. viii. 2, M'here the cessation of this part of the agency, which brought about the deluge, is described in like manner by the stopping of these windows again. For what could be meant by the openinrj o^ these urindoiv.s for the first time with the setting in of the Flood, but the precipitation of the waters above the firmament", in contradistinction to the waters under the firmament, the waters of the atmosphere properly so called, for the first time since the Creation, in torrents of rain I But it is most reasonably to be inferred from Gen. ix. 12-17; the appointment of the Rainbow, as the sign and seal of the covenant, which it pleased the Deity to make with the sur- ^ Gen. i. 6, 7. 64 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. vivors of the deluge, just descending from the ark, for the future stability of that new world, on the possession of which, in order to replenish and people it again, like that which had just been destroyed, they were about to enter. For surely this was no old and familiar phenomenon, seen repeatedly between the Creation and the Flood, and destitute as yet of any such meaning as this, but a new phenomenon, destined to be seen thousands of times in the interval between the descent from the ark and the end of the world, but always with a recognised meaning of this kind, as the visible token of the covenant between God and all Flesh — descended from the inmates of the ark — the witness and seal of the pro- mise y, on which only man, and all the inferior orders of beings in his proper world at present, both have had, and still have, to rely for its continued immunity from any se- cond visitation, like that of the deluge, until it shall have served its time at least, and fulfilled every purpose contem- plated by its creation from the first. xi. Lastly, these conclusions respecting the constitution of the antediluvian world, as a terraqueous globe indeed, but divisible only into one main land or continent, and one main sea or ocean, are confirmed by primitive tradition. i. It has been shewn in my Origines Kalendarite Helle- nicje^-, that the N?](tos 'Ar \avTis of the Timseus and the Critias of Plato, the idea and knowledge of which were derived by both from Egypt, was neither more nor less than the tradi- tionary impersonation of this antediluvian world, (still pre- served among the Egyptians down to the time of Solon, if not of Plato) — an island, like this Ntjo-os, or a continent sur- rounded by the sea on all sides — and agreeing with this island, to a certain extent, even in its locality, the Atlantic ocean, and in the part of it close to the Mediterranean sea, which itself, as I observed above% was probably a principal part of the antediluvian Thebel, if not of the antediluvian Paradise itself. ii. It has been shewn '^ that the "Q-yvy or "ilyvyos of Hel- lenic tradition was simply this ocean of the antediluvian world, so called from its encompassing and embracing the y Cf. Ps. Ixxxix. 37. Isaiah liv. 9. '. Vol. iv. 104- 1 11. » Pag. 62. ^ Orig. Kal. Hell. v. 137. vi. ^-.z. s. 9- Y>c\ug(t of Scripture. 05 terra firma of that lera on all sides— treated as & person. The proper meaning of o}vy in Hebrew is that of a cincture, a girdle., a zone; any thing which goes round or encloses some- thing. Out of this, Hellenic tradition made "Hyvy or "Q.yvyos, as the eponym of this circumfluous ocean of the antediluvian world, and called the Flood of Scripture, effected througli the instrumentality of this ocean, the Flood of Ogygus. iii. It has been shewn ^ that this peculiarity of the consti- tution of the world before the Flood is the true explanation of the mistake and misapprehension of that of the postdilu- vian world, into which tJie oldest geographers among the Greeks and the other nations of antiquity appear to have fallen in common; that of assuming that the earth of their own world was surrounded by an ocean on all sides too. This fact was true of the earth before the Flood ; and having been handed down by tradition into the postdiluvian world, it naturally led to the mistake in question — until it was cor- rected by observation and experience of the matter of fact itself. Nothing was more likely to be assumed at first than that the postdiluvian world in its external constitution was nothing dift'erent from the antediluvian ; and that being as- sumed, if the former had been surrounded by an ocean on all sides, the latter must have been so too. We may now pass to the second question, proposed for preliminary consideration — The difficulty connected with the supposed perpetuation of all the species and varieties of ani- mal life, existing at present, through the individuals pre- served in the ark. This question is virtually that of the scope and comprehen- sion in general, and the specific kinds and distinctions in par- ticular, of the Zoology of the antediluvian world — and this, in its first and most proper relation, is the question of the zoology of the Hexaemeron — and that is neither more nor less than the question of the kinds and varieties of animal life, the genera and sjiecies, as first brought into being on two of the days of the Hexaemeron in particular, the fifth and the sixth. And with respect to these, it appears from Gen. i. 18. 21 : ii. 19. that, (if we pass over the proper inhabitants of the waters, ' •^^"gg. Kal. Hell. iv. io8 ?i. vi. 352. r 66 The Mree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. cii. i, with which we are not concerned in the present inquiry,) the proper creations of the fifth day consisted of none but "what are called f]iy or P]2D P]"iy Aoiiph, and Aouph-can- ouph — after their kinds; and, over and above the creation of man, those of the sixth day, it appears from Gen. i. 24. 26. 28. 30, were simply these three in general : HT^m or Behe- meh, after his kind, nHl}Jl HTf or Heith-heshedeh, after his kind, and tD?3") or Reraesh, after his kind. It does not appear from Gen. i. 24—26, that more kinds and varieties of animal life in general were brought into ex- istence on these tivo days, than these /bi> lli'liiTws i\ . ;-io. 74 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. account of the Deluge a jyrioi'i, having thus been removed, we may pass to that account itself, and to the confirmation and illustration of its principal circumstances^ by the testi- mony of our three Witnesses, the Natural measures of time, the Primitive Calendar, and Primitive Tradition. And 1st, with respect to the year of the event. It is very observable that, as the only data for the determination of the age of the antediluvian world at this time of its destruction are the details of the several Ptedogonia?, in Gen. v, 3. sqq. and the age of Noah, Gen. vii. 11. in the year of the Flood, so it makes no difference to the result, whether those details are reckoned in the Mv^ Mundana, from A. M. 1 B. C. 4004, the date of the Creation, or in the iEra Cyclica, from k. M. 4 B.C. 4001, the date of the Fall — allowance only, in this latter case, being made for the inherent difference between annual equable, and annual natural or Julian, time under all circumstances, and for the idiom of Scripture, in one or two of these instances, in the probable reckoning of current years as complete". The resulting year of the Deluge is the same in either case, in the ^ra Mundana 1657, in the zEra Cyclica 1658, in the ^ra Vulgaris B.C. 2348; and that B.C. 2348, thus determinable from the chronology of Scripture itself as the year of the Deluge, was known to have been so, among the Egyptians, 500 years after the event, has been shewn in the Fasti CatholiciP, and that it was still known among the Greeks to have been so, even 1507 years after the event, has been rendered, if not absolutely certain, yet highly probable, in the Origines Kal. Hellenicse ^i. ii. With respect to the month of the event, and the day of the month, the Scriptural date of this month and this day in the calendar of the time being was the 3 7th of the second month, the 17th of the primitive Phaophi ; and if the day of the month of the deluge of Scripture went down to posterity correctly represented, it must have been as the 17th of the month. And here too it is to be observed that much later indeed than the deluge of Scripture, yet very early in Greek history itself, we meet with the tradition of an event, handed down among the Greeks, the nature and circumstances of '1 Ct'. Fasti, ii. 2.,6-2<;o. P iii. 245. 249. 302. 'i v. 748 n. s. 9 Deluge of Sa'ijjture. 75 which resembled those of the Deluge of Scripture, though ou a much smaller scale ; that of the liberation of the waters of the great Plain of Thessaly, before an inland sea, accom- panied with an inundation of the neighbouring regions, espe- cially in the west and south : and the date of this too, we have it in our power to determine to the 17th of the primitive month •■. If so, this partial deluge, affecting the countries adjacent to Thessaly, which Hellenic tradition called the Flood of Deucalion, was liable a priori to be confounded with the deluge of Scripture, the Flood of Ogygus ; and it is cer- tain that in the later Hellenic Tradition it was so confounded, liut it would be a mistake to attribute this confusion merely to the similarity of the two events. Tlie true link of connection between them was as much the apparent identity of the day of tlie event in each instance, as that of the events them- selves. iii. With respect to the Julian and the hebdomadal date of the event. The equable date of the deluge, the 17th of the second month, ^Era Cyc. 1658, is shewn by the General Tables of the Fasti, May 5, B.C. 2348 «; and the true Do- minical letter that year having been D, May 5, reckoned from midnight, was the feria tertia. It follows that, if the waters of the antediluvian sea were brought up on the ante- diluvian Thebel on this day, they were again brought over it, on the same day of the week (and very probably at the same time of the day 6 a. m.') on which they had been sepa- rated from it in the week of the Ilexaemeron, To minds of a certain turn, this coincidence may seem to imply nothing; but to those whicli are habitually disposed to refer every thing even in the most ordinary occurrences of life, much more in the several steps of so solemn and serious an oeco- nomy as that of the Deluge, to the disposal and ordering of Providence, it will appear a truly significant circumstance that the same feria of the hebdomadal cycle should have been selected for the undoing of the work of the third day of the Ilexaemeron, which had been chosen for the doing of it. I have rendered it probable that the proper work of each day of the week of creation bore date at 6 a. M.t, and ■■ Ibid. ;i(; sf|r|. 74^1. " Cf. Fa-^ti, ii 168. ' Ibid. ii. 8. idy. 76 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. traditionary testimony is extant ^ that the Deluge of Scrip- ture itself began in the day as such — was reckoned at least from the day as such, and not from the night. Again, though the actual calendar date of the flood in this form of the 17th of the second month for the time being has not been handed down in terms, a tradition of very great antiquity, that the day of the deluge was the day of the full moon at least, is met with among the Greeks x. And that is easy to be tested by calculating the full moon of May, B. C. 2348 — which being done, the mean full moon, for the meridian of Jerusalem, is found to have actually fallen out May 5 that year, as nearly as possible eight hours later than 6 a.m.y, (and consequently on the 17th of the second month, reckoned from midnight,) and the true about ten hours later. iv. It appears from the Scriptural account of the circum- stances of the year, passed in the ark, that on the first of the tenth month, (just nine months after the beginning of the year of the Flood,) the tops of the mountains were first seen ^. A tradition is extant among the Greeks, concerning the flood of Ogygus, that, after nine months continuous darkness, light first broke on the world again in the tenth month, and the island of Delos was the first object in external nature, which became visible *. v. In the same Scriptural account of these circumstances, three intervals of seven days each are recognised between the different sendings out of the raven and the dove respec- tively — which have all the appearance of weeks, strictly so called. And that is proved to have been the case by the reduction of the true equable time of that year to the true Julian and the true hebdomadal also''; — while, as to the fact of these sendings out themselves, and whatever there was to distinguish them asunder, or to render any one of them more remarkable than the rest — the resort of animals of every kind, (both birds and beasts, both wild and tame,) two and two, to the ark, before the flood set in, is attested by Hellenic tradition in connection with the flood of Deuca- " <-)rigg. Kal. Hell. iv. no. " Ibid. v. is,!;. y Fa.*ti, ii. 173 : iv. 642-644. ' Ibid. ii. 170. '^ Origg. Kal. Hell. vi. 107 >i. ^ Fasti, ii. 169-173. cf. Origg Kal. Hell. Prolegomena, Ix. s. 9. Deluge of Scripture. 77 lion'', and the use made of the dove in particular, and the fact of the olive-leaf brought back by it on the third occa- sion, are confirmed by the traditionary respect ever after paid to that bird, and the estimation of the olive as the sym- bol of peace, every where in the postdiluvian world ^. vi. The drying of the earth not having been complete before the 27th of the second month in the second year of the sojourn in the ark, the command to descend from the ark could not have been given to Noah before this day ; and if it was not given on this day, it could not have been given earlier than the next, the 28th of the same month. Now that it could not have been given on this day, may be in- ferred from the fact that Phaophi 27, iEra eye. 1659, May 14-15, at 18 h. B. C. 2317, Dom. Lett. C. was a sabbath. But there is no reason why it should not have been given on the next day, Phaophi 28, May 16, the feria prima of the next hebdomadal cycle, and very probably at 6 a.m. that day. If so, the Natale Mundi of the postdiluvian state of things, dated from this descent, must have been as truly May 16 at 6 A. M. the/eria prima, B.C. 2347, as that of the antediluvian, April 25 at 6 a. m. the /ma j^rima, B. C. 4004. And here the Primitive Calendar and Primitive Tradition both step in, to confirm this conclusion in a very striking manner. I have given an account in my Origines Kal. Hellenicse® of the oldest, and in every respect the most singular and cha- racteristic, of the institutions of the ancient Athenians, their Athensea, more commonly called Panathensea, traditionally attributed among them to the first and oldest of their kings, Erechtheus or Erichthonius, whether that was his most pro- per name from the first, or not. I have shewn that this founder of the Athcnsca was the leader of a colony to Athens from Sais in Egypt, and that the date of his coming and of his institution was B. C. 1342. I have shewn that the four distinctive parts of his institution, the Athenaic Ship, the Athenaic Pcplum, the Athenaic Canephori, and the Athenaic Thallophori, were all founded on the Scriptural history of the ' Luciati, iii. 458. Dc Dea Syria, 12. cf. I'lutarcli, I)c Solkrtia Anim. xiii. d Fasti, ii. 184; Origg. Kal. HelJ. iv. 115: vi. 94-101. c jv. 79-138. 78 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. c. t . Deluge and the Ark ; and that the final end of the whole solemnity was to commemorate the fact of the preservation of one family of the human race^ amidst the general destruc- tion of the rest by the waters of a Deluge, through the in- strumentality of the Ark : and I have confirmed this ex- planation of the object of the solemnity by the original date of its institution, according to the appointment of its own Founder, Maj^ 16, B. C. 1342, the very day of the descent from the Ark, and of the Natale Mundi of the Postdiluvian world, May 16, B. C. 2347. vii. Hellenic tradition supplies yet other confirmations of the Scriptural account of the antediluvian and the postdi- luvian world respectively, and of the relation in which they stand to each other, according to that account. As i. — in the Pelasgi of its own earliest history — who never had a real existence as the actual possessors of any part of Greece, or in fact of any other country, later than the Deluge ; and yet, as their name itself would imply, (The men of the sea. The men beyond the sea,) were still tradi- tionally recognised as the former inhabitants of the world of the Greeks, or of such and such parts of it, whose relation to them in that capacity was confined to the period beyond the flood, ii. In the name of Theboe, given to so many of its oldest cities, in the sense of so many Arks f, — so many me- morials through their name itself of the Deluge, and of the preservation of the existing race of mankind from the general destruction, through the Ark. iii. In the Kecrops of Attic tradition, Kecrops 6 St^urj? — the connecting link of the ante- diluvian and the postdiluvian world, and equally related to bothg. iv. In the Deucalion, first of Thessalian tradition in particular, and then of Hellenic in general ; a type of the patriarch Noah, and, as I have shewn •>, very probably deriv- ing his name itself from one of the most striking, and the most likel}^ to be longest remembered, of the incidents in the Scriptural history of Noah. v. In the Auius, probably first of Phoenician tradition, and then of Delian ; another type of the patriarch Noah also, and both in his name, (meaning the f Fasti, iv. 244-249: Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. 100. « Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. 125, 126. li Ibid. v. 744. s. lo. TKra of Scriptvre, and Calendar of Scripttn'e. 79 Man of tlic sli'tj)) and in his reputed daugliters the OlvoTpo-noi — and in the reasons of that name — reflecting in the facts of his supposed personal history those of the Scriptural account of Noah also '. Section X. — On the Mv& of Scripture, and the Calendar of Scriptiu'c, from the Creation to the Eisodus, and from the Eisodus to the Gospel -^ra. The facts which have heen established necessarily lead to the inference that the proper ^ra of Scripture, from the Creation downwards to the Deluge, must have been the ^ra Cyclica, the reckoning of the age of the world and of human existence by the equable year of 3G5 days and nights perpe- tually ; and that consequently the proper Calendar of Scrip- ture, for the same interval of time, must have been the ca- lendar adapted to that reckoning, the Primitive Equable Calendar, consisting of twelve months, (each of them 30 days and nights in length,) and of five days, over and above the last of these months, completing the year, and making up a small and imperfect month by themselves'^. And along with this peculiar reckoning of civil annual time, that of the reckoning of civil noctidiurnal also in the form of hebdomadal having come into being from the first ; no one can fail to recognise in such a coincidence the pecu- liar adaptation of the annual reckoning of civil time to the noctidiurnal in the form of hebdomadi. Hell. iii. 462. 507 )i. a 82 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. interpreted by the observance and practice of the Jewish church ever after also ; not merely in the same month, and on the same day of the month, as this of the Exodus, but at the same season of the year as this perpetually : which the usage of the Jewish church shews to have been understood and applied from the first as not only restricting the celebration of the Passover to a certain day of the first month, but the first raoiith itself to a certain distance before or after the point of the mean or the true vernal equinox perpetually — which the learned of modern times, who have often had occasion to consider, and to come to some determination on, this ques- tion of the Paschal rule of the Jewish Church, understand by the limits of the Mensis Novorum. or the Termini Paschales, (the Paschal 14ths,) of the Jewish church. This standard of reference indeed, the mean or the true vernal equinox, being necessarily a variable one, if not in itself, yet in terms of any fixed calendar, like the Julian, at least ; the limits of the Me7isis Novorum, and of the Termini Paschales, so referred perpetually, were liable to vary also, but only in proportion to the same liability of the standard of reference itself. They fell back on any fixed term, along with the vernal equinox ; but always preserved the same re- lation to the verno-equinoctial term itself: so much so, that the rule of the Jewish church, in this respect, being known de facto from testimony, or in any other way, at a given time lower down in the history of the Paschal observance, it is easy to ascend mutatis mutandis merely from the actual rule of any later time, to the analogous rule of every former time, and even to the rule of the Exodus itself ». It is thus, that the limits of the Mensis Novorum, and the Termini Pas- chales, or Paschal 14ths, dependent upon them, once defined for the Gospel Mm, have been carried back, according to one and the same analogy, and one and the same rule, from the Gospel ^Era, to the very head of the calendar, proposed as tlie Sacred or Liturgic Calendar of the Jewish Church, and confirmed by proper evidence of the truth of that fact, in my Prolegomena ad Harmoniam Evangelicam. And the o Cf. Dissertations, &c. i. 329. Pri)legomena, 27-35- Origg. Kal. Ital. iv. 339 « : 350 » : Hell. iii. 462. 8. 10. Mra of Script ui't, and Calendar of Scripture. 83 epoch, de facto, of this calendar, B.C. 1511, having been only 49 years later tlian the lOxodus, the earliest and the latest limits of the Meusis Novorum, March 17 and April 15 re- spectively, and the earliest and tlie latest dates of the Ter- mini Paschales, March 80 and April 28 respectively, pre- scribed by the necessity of the case for the epoch of 13. C. 1511, must have been equally suitable for that of B. C. 15G0. On this principle, the actual date of the first Meusis Novo- rum, the first Abib, it might reasonably be assumed a priori, must be found somewhere between March 17 and April 15, and the actual date of the first Paschal 11th somewhere be- tween March 30 and April 28 B. C. 1560. iii. Notwithstanding this express appointment of one pro- per beginning of the year of the Israelites from this time forward, attached to the first of Abib, the evidence of an- other, recognised by the institutions of the Law itself, and attached to the first of the seventh month, reckoned from Abib as the first, is still discoverable even after this time. No ex- planation of this seeming inconsistency can be proposed so probable as this. That, though the preexisting reckoning of civil annual time, for certain special uses and purposes, was changed just on the eve of the Exodus, the old reckoning, for any uses and purposes but those, was left free to go on as before. And this being assumed as the true explanation of the phenomenon, it is necessarily to be inferred from the phenomenon itself that the old beginning of the year, and the new, prescribed just before the Exodus, were six months asunder. In the later calendar of the Jews the Abib of the Exodus was called Nisan, and the seventh month from Nisan Avas called Tisri ; and in that calendar too, while the sacred or Liturgic year began in Nisan, the civil began in Tisri, and while the seat of Nisan in the natural year was at or about the vernal equinox perpetually, that of Tisri was at or about the autumnal i'. These distinctions of later times were founded ultimately on corresponding distinctions which were holding good more or less completely even at the time of the Exodus itself; and on the strength of these distinctions of later times alone, we P C'f. Prolegomena, y.^, 74. Dissertation, i. 329: iv. 67,68. Ori(;K- Kal. Hell. iii. 464. G i 8t The three Witnesses, caul the threefold Cord. ch. i. might venture to infer that if, at the date of the Exodus, the new beginning of the year was attached to the season of the vernal equinox, the old beginning must have been falling at or about the autumnal. Now this is confirmed by the actual date of the Primitive calendar, brought down from Thoth 1 ^ra Cyc. 1, April 25 B. C. 4004 at midnight, to Thoth 1 ^ra Cyc. 2446, Sept. 10 B. C. 1561 at midn. in the year before the Exodus. The scheme of this calendar, for the first seven months, would stand as follows : Primitive Calendar, jEra Ci/clica 2446 B. C. 1561-1560. Month. Miflii. B.C. Montli. Widn. B.C. i 'J'hoih I Sept. 10 1561 iv Choeac i Dec. 9 1561 ii Phaophi i Oct. 10 v Tybi i Jan. 8 1560 iii Athyr i Nov. 9 vi Mecheiri Feb. 7 — vii Phamenoth i March 9 B. C. 1560. And this seventh month being that in which both the mean and the true vernal equinox, April 6 and April 5, were falling at this time, the several criteria of the Abib of the Exodus, M'hich we have just been considering, would conspire to fix it somewhere between the extreme limits of this seventh month, March 9 and April 8 : and that they would not con- spire to direct us amiss, will appear by and by from the proof of the fact that the actual date of the first Abib was March 27 B.C. 1560, the 19th of the viith month of the Primitive calendar, ^ra Cyc. 2446. As to the nature of the calendar thus prescribed for the use of the Israelites ; it was nothing in general different from what it had been before. It was the primitive reckoning of civil annual time, merely adapted to a new epoch, Abib or Nisan 1, yEra Cyc. 2116, March 27 B. C. 1560. It is to be observed however, that as the old primitive solar calendar had its na- tural lunar cycle, so had this new one ; and the epoch of this proper lunar reckoning of the new equable solar reckoning was the date of the first new moon later than the change of the style ; which, as oiir Lunar Tables shew, and as it may be proved by calculation), was April 9, B. C. 1560, the 14th of 1 Cf. Prolegomena ad Harm. j). }, : and A])i)endix, note R. s. lo. JEiVii of Sn'ipturi', and (Ji\\cndiir 0/ Srf/jj/i(rc'. H") Abib, reckoned from March 27. And this 1 Ith of the Abib of the Exodus having been also the date of the Passover of the Exodus, we are thereby made aware of another observ- able coincidence, viz. that though the date of the first Pass- over was not the 11th of the lunar month, like that of every later one, it was the 14th of the solar, and the first of the lunar, of the time being. It is worthy of notice also, that March 17 being supposed the earliest date of the Mensis Novorum of this epoch, March 27, the date of the first Abib, was just ten days later than March 17 ; and March 30 being assumed as the earliest Paschal term, April 9, the actual date of the first Passover, was ten days later than March 30. Fi'om this time forward, the dates, discoverable in the history of contemporary events, between the Exodus and the Eisodus, are to be explained and verified sometimes by the proper solar reckoning of this new calendar, and sometimes by the proper lunar jn'o re nata. But they will always be explained and authenticated by one or the other. The calendar itself however continuing all this time solar and equable, it could not fail to happen that in the course of the 39 years from the Exodus, B. C. 15G0, to the year before the Eisodus, B.C. 1521, it must be found to have dropped ten days, from March 27 at midnight to March 17 at midnight. The scheme of the calendar for that year will consequently stand as follows : Calendar of the Exodus, B. C. 1321 — 1520. vEra cyclica 2485 — 2486. i Abib March 17 li.('. 1521 vii Tisri Sept.13 B.C. 1521 ii Jar A|)ril 16 viii Marcliesvan Oct. 13 iii Sivan May 16 i.v Chisleu Nov. 12 iv Thamuz June 15 x Tebeth Dec. 12 V Ab July 15 xi Sebat Jan. 11 B.C. 1520 vi Elul August 14 xii Adar Feb. 10 Kpagomenae March 12. And it appears from this scheme, that the proceedings recorded in the book of Deuteronomy, beginning on the first of the 11th month, must have begun on January 11 B.C. 1520; and the Dominical Letter having been D, January 11 86 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. must have been the feria prima. The death of Moses, after all these events, having fallen out, according to the tradition of the Jews, on the first of the next month, Adar 1, must have happened on February 10, the feria tertia. And with this datum, and that of his age at his death, we are enabled to infer the date of his birth, March 10 Ji. C. lG40z. The passage of the Jordan, after all these things, on the tenth day of the first month, it is evident must have borne date March 26, i\\e feria quinta. And having brought down the history of this Calendar of the Exodus to the eve of the Eisodus, all that we need to observe further upon it at present is, that, from this epoch of March 17 B. C. 1520. to the division of the lands in the seventh year after, R. C. 1514, at least, it was also the calendar of the Eisodus ; but this division of the country, and this settlement of the Tribes in their respective inherit- ances, having been only the preliminary process of the inau- guration of a fixed state of things, under which the Israelites from that time forward were destined to live, it is to be pre- sumed that the erection of the Tabernacle also, on some determinate locality, and the commencement of the regular course of the Levitical service, would bear date from the same epoch, or from some other, as soon after, as the division of the lands and the settlement of 'the Tribes would permit. Now if the regular order of the Levitical oeconomj' was to bear date from this point of time, and if the three principal feasts, the Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, from this time forward were to be kept perpetually to their respective seasons in the natural year, — the Passover, to that of Barley- harvest and the Vernal Equinox, Pentecost, to that of Wheat- harvest, half way between the Vernal Equinox and the Sum- mer Solstice, and Tabernacles to that of Ingathering, and the Autumnal Equinox, — and if such stated observances as the new moon of every month, and the feast of Trumpets or the new moon of the seventh month in particular, from this time forward were to make a regular part of the ritual, — then, a fixed calendar, either solar or lunar, in contradis- •■ (f. Fa.iti, ii. 210-217. s. lo. A\rti of Scri])tiire, and Calendar of Scripture. 87 tinction to a moveable one, from this time forward would become indispensable. The calendar however, which would be wanted in this instance, from the nature of the case, being not only a fixed one. (within certain limits at least,) but both a lunar and solar one at once, — if the primitive solar and lunar cycle, as liable to recede perpetually through all the seasons of the natural, and all the months of the Julian year, was not competent to answer the purpose pro- posed by it, — it is evident there would be no alternative but that of adopting some one of the proper lunar cycles of the solar, in the sense of the Julian, year in its stead. Now there are only three lunar cycles of this kind, the Oc- taeteric, the ITckkaidecacteric, and the Metonic. And lunar time in both the former being liable to advance three terms in the order of solar in the sense of Julian, every sixteen years, it is manifest that for the use of the Tabernacle, and for the Levitical service, and by parity of reason, as the National Calendar also, from this time forward, the necessity of the case must have prescribed the Metonic cycle. And this is confirmed by the matter of fact, discoverable from this time forward also ; viz. That the National, as well as the Ritual and Liturgic, Calendar of the Jews, from the time of the settlement of the tribes, and the erection of the Tabernacle at Shiloh, (where it was first permanently set up,) was regu- lated by the Metonic cycle of 19 years, subject to the cor- rection required by it in the period of 304- years ^. I have given the necessary account of the structure and details and administration of this calendar, in my Prolego- mena ad Harmoniam Evangelicam '. It is sufficient at pre- sent to observe upon it that its proper epoch of origination having been April 8 the Feria 7» at midnight, B.C. loll, it was only three years later than the beginning of the division of the lands, B.C. 151 1 ; and this epoch itself having been derived from the lunar cycle of the equable year before in use, the lunar time even of this Metonic calendar might be said to have merely taken up and continued that of the cor- rection of the Exodus, April 9, B. C. 1560. The calendar of Scripture however, from this time forward, having been " ( f Fasti, i. 70. t Caiiut i. 1-84. ct'. Intnxliidiiin to the TabU's of f lie Fa^^ti. 79-96. 88 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch, i. changed from the equable solar and lunar one of primitive antiquity into the solar and lunar one of the Julian reckon- iug in the form of the Metonic cycle, the A^^jVh of Scripture also, from this time forward, must have undergone a change from the ^Era ^Equabilis or Cyclica to the ^Era Mundana or Vulgaris. The importance of this calendar, and the services which it is competent to render to the chronology of Scripture — through the Book of Judges, and the Books of Kings and Chronicles — (i e. in threading the mazes of what has hitherto been considered the most intricate and inexplicable part of its details.) cannot be overrated ; and may possibly some time be made to appear by circumstantial proofs of the fact. At present, I shall say no more about it than this ; That if the calendar of my Prolegomena is proposed as the actual calendar which the Jews must have had among them from the time of their settlement in the promised land, and must have used perpetually while they were still in possession of their own country, it rests its claims to be received, as well as proposed, in that capacity on the following grounds : — i. Because every date, which is given in terms in Scripture, or is inferentially deducible from it, is verified by this calen- dar in its proper order of time^. ii. Because the succession of the courses of the priests, from Sabbath to Sabbath, from B. C. 1004, the date of the dedication of the first temple, to B. C. 588, the year of its destruction; and from B. C. 536, the date of the return from captivity and of the restoration of the Levitical service, down to A. D. 70, the year of the destruction of the second temple, is verified by this calendar perpetually '''. iii. Because it is strikingly confirmed by the coincidences pointed out in the Fasti Catholici B.C. 973 y and B. C.594z. iv. Because it is the calendar recognised in the two Books of Maccabees ''. V. Because it is the Jewish or Sacred Calendar of the Gospel ajra, from B. C. 5 to the end of tiie Acts of the Apostles^. V Cf. Proleg. cap. i. 49-56. x Ibid. ii. 85-124. cf. Origg. Kal. Ital. iv. 294-305. >■ Fasti, ii. 537-542. ;' Ibid. ii. 550. » Proleg. 56, 57. Origg. Kal. Hell. iii. 474-480. •> Origg. Kal. Ital. iv. 284-308. Proleg. iv. 171-284. Jlarmonia Evangulica, cditio torlia, ct sequentcs. s. II. (Econovnj 0/ Human Redemption. 81) \ i. JJecausc it is the calendar of Josephus all through the Antiquities, and the History of the War, with merely the Macedonian names of the months, instead of the Jewish ^. vii. Because it was still the calendar of the Jews down to tlic end of the war witii Adrian, A. D, 135 'l — and because there is reason to believe that even the modern Jewish calen- dar is ultimately derivable from it<'. Slctiox XI. — On the wconomy 0/ Human Redemption; and the liyht reflected upon its progressive consummation by the true chronology of mundane and human time. Upon this mysterious subject of the Incarnation and Suf- fering, the Humiliation and Passion, of the second Person in the ever blessed Trinity, it is the doctrine of Scripture, and in particular that of the New Testament, that, as the appointed means of restoring a fallen world to its original place in the favour of its Creator, and among the rest of the works of his power and goodness, it was part of a plan and scheme of things, the origination of which went back into the depths of eternity, far beyond the beginning of duration as measured or measurable by the existence of any created being ; yet, until its revelation in its proper season, and in the fulness of time, it was a mystery or secret, conceived indeed in the Divine Mind, and consummated as well as planned in the Divine Counsels from the first, but concealed from, and un- known to, every intelligence but the Divinity itself. And this representation is both illustrated and confirmed by the Scriptural doctrine also, which I had occasion to ex- j)lain supra ^, of the succession of ^ons, prior, and incalcu- lably i)nor, to the awv et-earcos, which, from the day of the creation of man, has measured the duration of human exist- ence, yet posterior, and immeasurably posterior, to the first conception of this wonderful scheme, in which, long before the earliest of these ^Eons, (could the human eye look back so far,) the figure of the Son of God would still be discern- ible, standing forth in mingled Humility and Exaltation, as the Lamb slain and sacrificed 77^0 tQ)v amv^v, — -npo KaTaftoXijs KOiTflUV K. »^ ()r\i;)^- Kill. Hell. iii. 449-5:0. ■' Diss. iv. qS. Ainiuiul. Diss, xviii. OrJKK- Kal. Ital. iv. 302. '• ( f. I'rolig. 7 1-84. ' Page 16 sqc|. B C'f. Fasti, ii. ,^01. 90 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. The progressive development of a mystery like this, run- ning parallel to the decursus of aeons, from the time when the first of the number, prior to our own, began its course, even had it been circumstantially revealed in Scripture, would doubtless have been found too much for the grasp of the human comprehension ; and a course and succession of things such as this, which had its beginning so far back in eternity and its consummation so late in time, presented in its totality to such limited faculties as ours, from the very magnitude of the scheme, could have left only a vague and indefinite idea of its real greatness, and its essential claims to our wonder and admiration. Let us confine ourselves therefore at present to so much of the proper oeconomy of this scheme, as is discoverable, through the proper chrono- logy of our own system of things ; and while it is competent to illustrate, in a very striking manner, the preconceived and preordained methods and arrangements of all its preceding stages, through the analogy of those of this last of all — is calculated to do so intelligibly to ourselves. With this view then I begin with observing that no sooner do we go back to the beginning of our own system of time, and no sooner have we been made aware of the true ^ra by which the chronology of this system must have been reckoned from the first, than we find ourselves obliged to infer from that fact itself that the lives and deaths of the antediluvian Patriarchs, recorded in Gen. v, could not have borne date from the first year of the Mosaic creation, A. M. 1, but at the earliest only from A. M. 4 '\ And this discovery necessarily leads to another, that the life of the first of the number, that of Adam in particular, could not have been reckoned from the day of his Creation, but, at the earliest, only from some day three years later. And what explanation could be given of a distinction like that, except that the life of Adam, as the first of a scries of lives communis generis, summarily recorded in this chapter, must have been reckoned by the same rule as all the rest ? i. e. from the day when he too became liable to death like the rest of these patriarchs, and the length or duration of life in his case, as much as in that of any of the '1 C'f. Fasti, ii. 236-250. 242. s. II. (Economy q/'llumau Redemption. 91 rest, could now be reckoned only as the natural interval be- tween the beginning and the end of a mortal existence'. If so, and the actual life of the first man is thus reckoned in Scripture only from tiie time when he too became subject to the common law of a mortal existence, and yet is dated in Scripture itself de facto from A.M. 4; then, the true date of his creation, when he was not yet subjected to this law of mortality, being still A.M. 1, and the recognised date of the change in his nature, whereby he became subject to this law, being still A.M. 4, and the change itself, whensoever it took etiect, having been simply the consequence of the first act of transgression ; it will follow that between the Creation of man and the Fall of man, there must have been an in- terval of three yeais, A.M. 1 — A.M. 4 ; and these three years must have been the proper duration of the state of innocence — the state of Paradise — and of the ^ra of immortality, even as the measure of an human existence — so long as that too was commensurable with the duration of our own system of things. It is another observable circumstance of the first three years, A. M. 1 — 4, which thus measured the duration of the Mrs. of immortality in terms even of that of the present system of things, that they made up the last three years of the first proper cycle of leap-year of the system itself" ; that these three years in the decursus of the Julian time of the system were bounded on one side by the year o{ No-World, the year of Tohu and Boliu. the year immediately anterior to the Mosaic Cosmogony ' — as the first year of this first cycle — and on the other by the first year of the cycle next in order to this, carrying on the proper Julian time of the sys- tem according to the same law as before, but taking its rise in the first year of an iEra, the law of which, in contradis- tinction to that of the same succession until then, has been that of the existing course of things, dated from the day of the Fall, the law of mortality '". It is further remarkable of the history of these three years, that, though it clearly appears from the account of ' Fasti, ii. 24.^-247. ^ Sujira imfj;c ii sqij. ' S^upra pag. 45 !>f|eiulix, note H. 94 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. coincided with the 10th of Nisan that year, and this true date of the Passion A. D. 30, coincided with the 14th of Ni- san in that year, what is to be inferred from those coin- cidences, except that, for some reason or other, it was just as necessary the future Redeemer should be born on this day B. C. 4, when it was coinciding with Nisan 10, as that he should suffer on this day A. D. 30, when it was coinciding with Nisan 14? And what reason, common to both occa- sions, could there be except that as born both on this day and on the 10th of Nisan, he might answer to the Paschal T>ambs, as designated and set apart for the Paschal sacrifices, on the 10th of Nisan, — and as suffering both on this day and on the 14th of Nisan, he might answer to the Paschal sacrifices of that day themselves ? It confirms these con- clusions that, as the 14th of Nisan in the true year of the Passion must have fallen on the feria sewta of the Hebdo- madal cycle, so, A. D. 30 Dom. Lett. F, did April 5. And though the 10th of Nisan, in the year of the Nativity, it might be supposed a priori must have been free to fall on any feria of the Hebdomadal cycle, yet, from the recorded circumstances of the event, it may be collected that the article of our Saviour's birth must have been determined de facto to the beginning of its proper /en«, reckoned according to the primitive and still the Jewish rule, from sunset t. And if we may assume that its actual feria was the feria prima ineunte, B. C. 4 Dom. Lett. E, April 5, the actual Ju- lian date of the birth, was both the 10th of Nisan and the /ma prima ineunte too. Such then having been the case with Nisan 10 and April 5 B. C. 4, let us go back to the first Nisan or Abib 10, B. C. 1560, when the first Paschal lambs were commanded to be taken up and set apart for the first Paschal sacrifice destined to be celebrated on the eve of the Exodus. The first of Nisan B. C. 4, reckoned from sunset, was March 27 ; and the first of Abib B.C. 1560, as we have assumed^, reckoned from sunset, was March 26. On this principle, there could have been no difference between Nisan 10 B. C 4 ineunte and Abib or Nisan 10 B. 0. 1560 exeunte ". Both ahke * Dissertations, i. 402 : Prolegomena, iv. § x. 180. ^' Page 84. X CI". Prolegomena, iv. 181. s. II. CEcono77ii/ of Unman Redemption. 95 must have been the Julian April 5. It adds to the coinci- dence, that as April 5 B. C. !■ Dom. Lett. E was the feria septima, reckoned by the Julian rule, and the feria prima, reckoned by the Primitive or Jewish, so was April o B. C. 15(50 Dora. Lett. E also. It may however be objected to this coincidence that, though we have assumed, we have not yet proved, that the true Julian date of the first Nisan, (the A bib of the Exodus,) was March 27. This must be admitted ; and yet that the tenth of Nisan or Abib, in the true j'ear of the Exodus, B. C. 1560, was actually the feria septima of the Hebdomadal cycle, is one of its characters which may be demonstrated of it, independently of any assumption of ours, from the actual character of the 15th or 22nd of the Jar of the Exodus, (the month next to the Abib,) made known by the testimony of Scripture itself in connection with the dispensation of Manna. For if the 15th or the 22nd of the Jar of the Exodus was de facto the feria septima, so must the 10th of the Abib or Nisan, just 35 days before the 15th, or just 42 days before the 22nd, have been also. But with respect to this assumption itself, it may be shewn from the testimony of Scripture that, beginning with the day of the correction of the calendar, the 112th day in the course and succession of subsequent events is determinable to the day of the descent of Moses from Mount Sinai, at the end of the first period of 40 days, passed there ; and consequently to the day of the erection of the Golden Calf. It is discover- able also from data of a different kind, of which an account will be given by and by, that, the stated date of one of the principal national festivals of the Egyptians of this ?era and this epoch, that of the Natales Mneuidis, and the Panegyry of the waters, in the first year of the Mneuis cycle, was July 16; and the year of the Exodus, as I hope also to shew by and by, having coincided with the first year of a Mneuis cycle, and the calf itself, set up on this occasion, having been simply an image of the ^Incuis, nothing could be more pro- bable a priori^ than that the day of the erection of this idol, in the first year of the Mneuis cycle, and in honour of the Mneuis, and the stated date of the Natales Mneuidis, and of the Panegyry of the waters, must have been coinciding ; and 96 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. t, if so, all must have fallen this year on July 16. If so, the Julian date of the 112th day from the correction of the calen- dar, the day of the first descent of Moses from Mount Sinai, must have been July 16. Reckon then 111 days back from July 16 that year, and you come to March 27 ; or vice versa, reckon 111 days on from March 27 and you come to July 16. Let us next go back from B. C 1560 to B. C. 4001 A. M. 4, the end of the state of innocence, and of the sera of im- mortality, (as reckoned in the time of our own world, com- mensurable with it,) and the beginning of the sera of mortality as the actual law of human existence from the day of the Fall to the present day. This being done accordingly, the first observation which may be made on the state of the case at this point of time is, that did we suppose the Jewish calendar of our Saviour's time, B. C. 4, or one like it, to have come into being A. M. 4 B. C. 4001, and the new moon of March B. C. 4001, and the new moon of March B. C. 4, both to be calculated for the same meridian, that of the ancient Jerusalem, and compared together, we should find a surprising similarity between them. i. New moon of March B. C. 4001 >'. li. m. s. Mean N. moon March 27 i o 8 m. t. True N. moon March 27 6 55 58'7 m. t. ii. New moon of March B. C. 4 ^. li. m. s. Mean N. moon March 27 9 54 49 m. t. True N. moon March 27 5 54 9-5 m. t, the former only 1 h. 1 m. 49-2 sec. of mean time later than the latter. It follows, that the first of this moon B. C. 4001 being called the first of JVisan, as much as the first of the same moon, B. C. 4, there could absolutely have been no difference between Nisan 10 B. C. 4001, and^isan 10 B. C. 4. Each must have answered to the same Julian term, April 5, and each as completely as the other. ' Fasti, iv. 6^4. ' Fasti, iv. 6^0. kA s. II. CJ^'ro//o/y/^ &/ Human Redemption. 97 Now it appears to have been handed down in the Church by tradition » that, as the date of the Passion, which undid the effects of the Fall, was the /ma seata, so the date of the Fall, which entailed the necessity of that remedy, was the feria se.vta also ; and if we may assume that April 5 B. C. 1001 was the date of the Fall, as much as April 5 A.D. 3() the date of the Passion, it is just as certain that April 5 JJ. C. 4001 Dora. Lett. G F was the /ma sexta, as that April 5 A.l). 30 Dom. Lett. F, was so too. Suppose then this day, April 5, A. M. 4, B. C. 4001, to have been tlie date of the Fall — the date of the first act of Trans- gression, which put an end to the state of innocence, and to the -^ra of immortality as the measure of human existence also — on that principle, it must have been the date of the judgment of all the parties concerned in that first act of transgression ; and if it was the day of this judgment, it must also have been that of the promise of the future Seed. If so, we cannot fail to be struck by the coincidences thus brought to light; viz. that the very first promise of a Redeemer should have designated him even then, through the Lunar date of the day on which it was delivered, as the Lamb of the Exodus B. C. 1560, and the Lamb of the Nativity B.C. 4, and through the solar or Julian date of the same day, as the Lamb of the Passion A. D. 30. Lastly, it is still to be observed, in reference to this sub- ject, that as we come down with Scriptural history and the primitive calendar, from this date of the Fall, B. C. 4001, to that of the Exodus, B. C. 1560, other remarkable coinci- dences, distinctive of this day, April 5, above all others, and closely connected with the scheme and oeconomy of Human Redemption, are very probably, if not certainly, discover- able. As, i. There is reason to conclude that this day, April 5, A. M. 82, Thoth 1, ^ra Cyc. 83— at that time also the /ma sexta — was the date of the first sacrifice offered in Faith^ (i. e. with a clear and distinct apprehension on the part of the offerer of the relation of sacrifice, as a positive appoint- > Fasti, ii. 258, 359. ' H 98 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. ment, to the great vicarious sacrifice of the Atonement) — the sacrifice of Abel, Gen. iv. 3-5 ^. ii. There is reason in like manner to believe that this day, April 5, A.M. 2016, BO. 1989, was the date of the fifth Manifestation of the Deity to Abraham, Gen. xv. 1-21, and of the Promise nuide to liim at that time — the most solemn of all on record f". iii. There is still more reason to believe that the date of the birth of Isaac, (the principal type of the promised seed, under the Patriarchal and the Mosaic dispensations f^,) was specially determined to this day, April 5, B. C. 1966 — at that time also both the feria septima by the Julian rule, and the feria prima by the Primitive, like April 5, B.C. 4«. And there is equally reason to believe that this day, April 5, 33 years after, B. C. 1933, was the date of the sacrifice of Isaac, in the same capacity of the type of the promised seed — and on the feria se.vta at that time, as much as that of our Saviour, in the year of the Passion, A. D. 30 f. Section XI I. — On the two Miracles of Scripture, the standing still of the sun in the time of Joshua, and the going back of the sun in the time of Hezekiah. Testimony of the three Witnesses. A great deal has been said by sceptical reasoners about the laws of nature, and the course of nature ; and in order to get rid of the miraculous evidence by which the truth of the Mosaic or the Christian Dispensation is confirmed, it suits their purpose to represent these laws, once laid down, as so unchangeable, and this course, as a determinate series of antecedents and consequents, once originated, as so inva- riable, that a suspension or change of the laws or the order of such a succession would be impossible — something which could never happen — and consequently which no testimony could render credible. With respect to this reasoning and these assumptions in general — it does not enter into the plan of this present work to deal with any question, which it proposes to discuss, ex- b Fasti, ii, 156-163. > Ibid. 195. '' Ibid. 185 sqq. <" Ibid. ii. 202. 'Ibid. 202 sqq. cf. 257. s. 12. TItt two ^Miracles, uffectiiiy iht- Sun. 99 cept simply as one of fact. Granting therefore that a change or suspension of the hiws of nature, or of the course of nature, is not an ordinary phenomenon, yet whether those laws and that course are absolutely immutable, we may justly contend, will be decided in the negative, if it can be made to appear that one instance at least of a change, a suspension, a varia- tion of this kind, and one not the least remarkable a priori of all which might be imagined, has occurred de facto in time past, the effect of which is still existing, and still confirmed by the evidence of the fact, at the present day. Among these supposed unchanged and unchangeable laws of nature, there is probably none which the sceptic, if chal- lenged to specify that one of the number which answered most completely to his description of them, would be more likely to select than the law of the Diurnal Rotation — the constitution of Nature which carries a given line of points, all lying in the plain of the same great circle passing through the poles and tlie centre of the earth, from a given object in space called the mean sun to this object again, after a cer- tain interval of duration, measured by the period of 24 hours of mean solar time perpetually, and called in common lan- guage a Day and a Night. This law, and the constant operation and effect of this law, among all the laws or constitutions of nature themselves, and their proper effects, might be the one principal type of uni- formity, fixedness, invariability, not only in the opinion of the most competent among mankind to judge of such things, as men of science and astronomers in particular, but even in the opinion of Inspiration itself — which, when it would refer us to something the most immutable of its kind, appeals to this — " If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my co- venant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season — "." The proper measure of this cycle, the period of 24 hours of mean solar time perpetually, reck- oned from the absolute instant when our planet first received from its Maker the impulse of circumrotation, as 1 observed supra*', has probably served from that moment to the pre- B Jeremiah, xxjtiii. 10-25. cf. Job x. 5. xxvi. lo : Psalm Ixxiv. 16. btxxix. 29. h Page 19. H 2 100 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. t. sent, not only as the natural measure of its own existence, but as the positive measure of the existence of every other material world distinct from itself — if every other at least has been later than this in the order and time of its coming into being. Nay more, as I have also observed s, it has been purposely chosen as the measure even of the uncreated and underived existence of the Creator of all these worlds themselves, relatively to that of the oldest and most enduring of these creatures of his in general. If then even this one of the primary and elementary laws of the material universe, the most comprehensive of all, and the most invariable of all, to go no further back in its history than the Eisodus into the land of Canaan, between that epoch and the present day, has not once only but tivice been made the subject of a specific anomaly, followed by a corre- sponding effect — a permanent effect too, not a temporary one, as real at the present day, and destined to be as real at any future day which we can conceive of at present, as the very day on which it happened — if such an anomaly, and on such a subject, and with such an effect and consequence, as this, is upon record in Scripture, and is attested by the mea- sures of time themselves, and by their relations inter se, be- fore and after its occurrence — and is substantiated and au- thenticated l)y the tradition and testimony of integral divi- sions of mankind in all quarters of the world — the proof of our proposition, That one instance at least of the change or suspension of the laws of the material universe, one ease of the interruption of the course of nature, one miracle in short, (and that one not the least improbable a priori of its kind,) the evidence of which is still as real, and as significant, as ever, has truly occurred, will be abundantly made out; and the honest and simple-minded inquirer into the grounds and reasons of the assent which he is bound to give to every thing which he reads of in Scripture, satisfied on such assur- ances as these, of tlie fact of one miracle at least, and that one miracle such a miracle as this, may rest secure in the implicit belief of every other, recorded in the Bible — none of them more extraordinary, nor more incredible a priori than this, ff Page 1 8. s. 12. The two Miracles, affecting the Sun. 101 It will readily be understood that, when I speak of any such miraculous affection of one of the primary laws of nature, as this of the Diurnal llotation, I mean the standing still of the sun in the time of Joshua, and the going back of the sun in the time of Hezekiali. Each of these extraordi- nary occurences, as they stand on record in Scripture, was circumstantially considered in the first and second parts of these Fasti and Origines h ; with reference too to their sub- stantiation by each of the sources and kinds of proof — tlie use and application of which, over and above the testimony of Scripture, to such questions as these 1 am endeavouring to illustrate at present — the natural measures of time, the primitive calendar, and national tradition. In our reference then to these subjects again, it must be our business merely to recapitulate these several proofs, — as distinctly indeed, but as briefly, as possible. To begin then with the Testimony of Scripture ; and i. to the standing still of the sun in the time of Joshua. i. Assuming that the year of the event itself was the year of the Eisodus, and the year of the Eisodus was B. C. 1520, it has been shewn', or it may be shewn, that the day of the event, inferentially discoverable from the Scripture account — later than the pas.sage of the Jordan, on the tenth of the first month, March 2(5 — later than the circumcision of the people at Gilgal — later than the first Passover, kept in the land of Canaan, which, from the necessity of the case in this instance must have been that of the second month, on or about April 29 — later than the seven days compassing of Jericho — later than the capture of Jericho — later than the destruction of Ai — later than the recitation of the Law — (the 6th of the third month, May 20 or 21)— later than the covenant with the Gibeonites — later than the march to Gibcon — later than all these incidents and more besides, — could not possibly have been earlier in its proper order of time than some day towards the end of the mouth of May. ii. It has been shewn 's from the particulars recorded in Scripture, before and after the battle of Gibeon, especially from the fact of the march to Gibeon from Gilgal by night, '' Fasti (atli. i. ^37-38.^ ; iv. 5J4-6:2. Origg. Kal. Ital. ii. .mS 530, " Fasti, i. 251-276. ^ i. 261-2^)3. 102 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. before the battle, and that of the six days' operations, (includ- ing the battle on the first day,) continuously related after the battle, but no more — that Joshua must have received the message of the Gibeonites on the Sabbath^ and must have marched to their assistance, as soon as the Sabbath was over, on the evening of the first day of the week — and the six days' operations, the account of which follows without interrup- tion, from the day of the battle to the sixth day after inclu- sive, must have been those of these six days, from the end of the Sabbath of the preceding week, to the eve of the Sab- bath, next in order to it. iii. It has also been shewn ', that as moonlight would obvi- ously have been requisite, (or at least obviously must have been desirable,) for a march like this from Gilgal to Gibeon by night, so. if the march was actually made - as we have concluded it must have been — towards the end of May, B. C. 15.20, the moon was at the full in that month in that year, on the 30th of May — about 3.30 p. m. It has been shewn too that May 30, the day of the full moon, this year B. C. 1520, Dom. Lett. D, was the feria septima or Sabbath ; and if the march from Gilgal to Gibeon was actually made on the evening of this day, after the expiration of the Sabbath, be- tween May 30 at 18 h. and May 31 at 18 h. it was actually made on the feria prima, according to the primitive rule. iv. The distance from Gilgal to Gibeon having been fifteen Roman miles at least, it has been shewn "^ that, to make such a march by night, with an army so numerous as that which went up with Joshua on this occasion, expecting to encounter an enemy as soon as they arrived at Gibeon, and therefore proceeding in good or<^ler and leisurely all the way — even with the benefit of moonlight — would require nine or ten hours of noctidiurnal time at least ; and therefore, even if begun within an hour of the expiration of the sabbatic rest, May 30, could not have been completed much before the end of the eleventh hour of the night, May 31 — which, for the climate of Judaea, and the latitude of Jerusalem, that year and that day, would be between 3 a. m. and 4 a. m.— an hour and an half, or an hour and a quarter, before sunrise, and ' P'asti, i. 259 : iv. 557. "' Ibid. 25i-2-;(;. 266, 267 : iv. 5SS. 597, S. 1 2. The two Miracles, affecting the Sun. 103 couscqueutly just about the break of day — the ruost likely time to have been selected under any circumstances, for coming on an enemy in the morning, and by surprise. V. The battle under the walls of Gibeon being assumed to have begun, May 31, about this time; when it was over, as a contest in the field, and nothing remained, in order to complete the success of the day, except the pursuit, and the destruction of the fugitives ; it has been shewn that, as the command to the sun, followed by the miracle of this day, ap- peared to have been given by Joshua just at this time — ^just as the contest for victory was over, and the pursuit of the routed enemy was about to begin — so the motive to the command, (which Scripture itself attributes to the impulse of Joshua's own will,) was probably that which under such circumstances was a priori to have been expected, viz. a desire, on the part of Joshua, to lengthen the morning of the day just setting in with tlie beginning of the pursuit — i. e. to lengthen the period of the day, in such a climate as that of Judaea, and in such a month as the month of May, and on a day so near to midsummer itself, B.C. 1520, as May 31 -the most favour- able for pursuit, for the very purpose of this pursuit — which he foresaw would last through tlie greater part of the day. And if the Deity was pleased to give effect even to such a command, and as so originated in the impulse of the w ill of a man, it was, as .Scripture itself accounts for it, because God fought for Israel, and did that for Joshua by his Almighty Power, which Joshua, had he been able, under such circum- stances, would have done for himself". vii. The con)niaud to the sun then having been given, just as the morning of the day was about to begin, and the morn- ing, properly so called, being necessarily dated with sunrise; the command, on this supposition, must have been given about sunrise — which, at this time of the year, B. C. 1520, and for the latitude of Jerusalem, would be as nearly as pos- sible 5 A. y\. mean time. And that, if Johsua came upon the enemy an hour and an half, or even less, before sunrise, and none of them, as he was assured " before he set out on his march against them from Gilgal, was destined to stand before him — we should thus allow sufficient time for the discomli- " F«!■ A))in'iuU\, note V. y Fasti, i. 204-297. '" Ibid. i. 2*^9. " ProU'Comcna. page xliii. s. 12. The two Miracles, affectiny the Sun. 107 under the circumstances of the case, it could not have been the former, it must have been the latter, iii. From the great a priori probability that, if the miracle about to be wrought on this day was simply the counterpart, the continuation or complement, of that which had been wrought in the time of Joshua, among the other points of resemblance in their re- spective circumstances, one would be found to be this; viz. That the actual May 31. From which it appears that, if May 31 B. C. 1520 was the true Julian date of the first miracle, Paiini 4 (the 4th of the 10th month) of the same sera must have been the true equable date. Let us next inquire into the true Julian meaning of this Roman date in the Calendar of Claudius, Pridie nonas Au- gusti. Pridie nonas Augusti in the Roman style indeed never denoted any thing but August 4 Roman. August 4 Roman however did not always denote August 4 Julian. And in fact it has been shewn ' that the date of this compi- lation of Claudius' having been A. D. 51 — 52, both for those two years, and for some years before and after them, the proportion of the Roman Kalends of the time being to the Julian was such, that January 1 Roman denoted January 2 Julian, and every other term in the Calendar for the time being denoted a corresponding Julian term, one number higher in the proper Julian notation. On this principle the t Origg. Kal. Ital. iv. 142 sqi]. s. 12. The two Miracles, ajftctiny the Sun. 113 true Julian style of Priilie nonas Augusti in this calendar of Claudius was August 5, not August 4, A. D. 51. The proper Julian term therefore which succeeded some time or other among the Etrurians to the traditionary cha- racter of the equable date of the first miracle, Paiiui \, must have been August 5 ; and the time when this Julian term acquired that character must have been some time when Paiini 4 in the equable style was falling on August 5 in the Julian. And the last instance of any such coincidence as that between the virtual epoch of the compilation of Claudius, B. C. 1 131, and its actual one, A. D. 51--52, having been B. C. 280 — 282 ; though we have no proof from testimony of an actual correction of the equable calendar among the Etrurians at this time, yet neither have we any to the con- trary. And we know too little of their history either at this or at any former period, to make the mere absence of positive testimony to the fact of such a correction any in- superable objection to its probability, much less to its possibility. But this is not all. Another entry is discoverable in this calendar, attached to the Kalends of April : KaXeVdair ^ AnpiXiais . . . /cat 6 yjXios fxiav wpocTTldTjai fio'tpav^' — the prima facie meaning of which is, that, on this day, the Kalends of April, the sun, for some reason or other, doubled the usual extent of its diurnal movement — the sun moved through two degrees, instead of one. This character of the day therefore is apparently the very reverse of that which we have just been considering. Before, the sun was supposed to move only through the space of one day's motion in a day as long as two. Here it is supposed to move through the space of two days' motion in one day only. And yet, as it has been shewn ^, even this mode of de. scribing the phenomena of the second miracle, when the sun was seen to repeat exactly the same movement in space — through the next twelve hours after the miracle — which it had previously described once in the last twelve before it, was one under which it was very likely a priori to go down "■' f^rigg- Kal. Ital. ii.51'?. " Ibid. 519. 114 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. to posterity. And that being assumed, it is a natural infer- ence from it^ that this character, attached to the Kalends of Aprilis in this calendar of Claudius, does as probably mark and designate the Julian representative of the equable date of the second miracle, among the Etrurians, as the former, attached to Pridie nonas Augusti, did the Julian style of the equable date of the first. Let us therefore inquire into this equable date of the second miracle. Mra Cyclica 3297, Nab. 38, B.C. 710. Midi). B.C. Midi). i Thoth I Feb. 17 710 iii Athyr i April 18 ii Phaophi i March 19 iv Choeac i May 18 iv Choeac 14, May 31 at midn. Hence, if May 31 B. C. 710 was truly the Julian date of the second miracle, the 14th of the fourth month of the Primi- tive equable calendar, the 14th of the Primitive Choeac, must have been just as truly the equable date of the time being. And the Kalends of April Roman in this instance also de- noting April 2 Julian, nothing is necessary, to explain the occurrence of this Julian term April 2, in a Julian calendar like this of Claudius, compiled A. D. 51—52, with such a character attached to it, except to suppose that this was the Julian term, which was representing Choeac 14th, the tra- ditionary date of the second miracle in the equable style, when the equable calendar itself passed into the Julian. And if we go back in search of the last coincidence of this kind before A. D. 51-52, we find it in My?l Cyclica 3538, Nab. 279, B.C. 470; and I have produced proof >' that, at or about this time, an actual correction of the equable calen- dar, among the Etrurians, by some form or other of the Julian, a priori could not be considered an improbable con- tingency. iii. But neither is this all. The calendar of Columella is a compilation of the same kind in general as that of Clau- dius ; and I have had occasion to give a particular account of that too^. y\nd though it appears from this that there are y Origg. Kal. Ital. ii. 642. cf. 534 sqq. ' Ibid. ii. 465. cf. iv. 1^3 sqq. : also, Ori^g. Kal. Uoll. i. 450. 464. s. 12. The two Miracles, affecting the Sun. 115 many minute and circumstantial coincidences between these two compilations, and their respective authors must have been contemporaries, yet, as the sources or data of either, ac- cording to its own testimony, were totally different from those of the other, (Chaudiun', the records in the ten)ples of the Etrurians, Columella's, the Greek Parapegmata, especi- ally that of Meton and Kudoxus,) neither of them could have been derived from the other. Now in this calendar also an entry occurs, attached to the Kalends of Alay " — Hoc biduo sol unam dicitur tenere particulam — t\\G prima facie construction of which too is, that while this day, the Kalends of May, in some sense or other was a double day, the sun, in the space of this double day, for some reason or other, moved over no more than one degree, no more than one day^s motion. And it has been shewn* that this too would be one of the external or sensible character- istics of the day of the second miracle ; and perhaps the most likely of all to descend to posterity, because the most agreeable to the truth of all ; viz. that though the day of the miracle was rendered thereby really as long as two, yet the space actually described by the sun on that day was only the proper space of one day ; the fact being that, as the sun was set back 12 hours, just at the end of this day's motion, the proper space of that one day had to be described over again, but nothing more, in the same time at least, in addi- tion to it. Now the date of this calendar also having been A.D. 48- 49 '', and the proportion of the Roman to the Julian Kalends at that time, and for some years before and after, having been that of the first to the second of the month of the same de- nomination, the Kalends of May Roman at this time must have answered to May 2 Julian. And the sources of this compilation having been the data supplied by the Greek Parapegmata, and especially those of the calendar of Metou, nothing could be more probable a /priori than the assumption that this entry in particular must have been transfen-ed to the calendar of Columella, from that of Meton; nor yet, that, » Origg. Kail. Ital. ii. 516-5.^0. •• Ibid. iv. 14.{ 3(|(|. I 2 116 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. if it was to be traced to something of the same kind in the calendar of Meton, it was to be traced from the calendar of Meton itself ultimately to the older correction and calendar of Solon. Assuming therefore that the traditionary date of the second miracle in the equable style was Choeac 14 among the ancient Greeks as much as among the ancient Etrurians, let us inquire first of all into the Julian date of ChcEac 14 in the year of the correction of Solon. Scheme of the first four months in the Equable Calendar, jEra Cyc. 3415, B. C. 592. Midn. Midn. i Thoth I Jan. 19 iii Athyr i March 20 ii Phaophi i Feb. 18 iv Choeac i April 19 iv Choeac 14 May 2. It thus appears that the actual Julian style of Choeac 14 at this time was May 2. Let us next inquire into the relation of this Julian term May 2 B. C. 592 to the correction of Solon. Octaeteric Correction of Solon, Per. i. Cyc. i. 1. B.C. 592. Midn. Midn. i Gamelion 29 Jan. 19 iii Elaphebolion 29 March 19 ii Anthesterion 30 Feb. 17 iv Munychion 30 April 17 iv Munychion 16 May 2. It thus appears that the traditionary equable date of the second miracle in the first year of the correction of Solon, and in the style of his correction, must have been Munychion 16. In this form, and under that name, might it have been transferred from the calendar of Solon to that of Meton B. C. 432, and from the calendar of Meton to that of Columella, A. D. 48-49, even if it was not taken by Columella directly from the calendar of Solon itself. And yet that was evi- dently possible ; insomuch as A. D. 49, the date of his own compilation, and Cycle Ixxxi. 1. of the correction of Solon, supposed to have continued unchanged down to this time, were the same, and the stated Attic and Julian date of the s. 12. The two Miracles, affecting the Sun. 117 miracle in the correction of Solon, Cycle Ixxxi. 1, A. D. 49, and Cycle i. 1, B. C. 592, must have been the same, Mnny- chion 16, May 2, in both alike. iv. But even this is not the whole of the testimony, dis- coverable even at present, which the primitive calendar is competent to render to the fact of this second miracle. It has been shewn c^ that one of the eclipses of the sun, re- corded among the Chinese, in the Tchuntsieou of Confucius, described in that compilation as an ecliptic conjunction in the seventh month of a calendar, which it styles the Royal Calendar, but characterised also by the particular coinci- dence of its having fallen out on the 29th /en'a of the Sexa- gesimal cycle, (the Chinese name of which was Gintchin,) was in reality the solar and lunar conjunction of the day of the second miracle, Choeac 14, ^Era Cyc. 3297, Nab. 38 — May 31, B.C. 710 — which actually fell that year on the /5-.U2- •' \h\A. ^7:. i" Ibid. 377 : iv. (117. f Cf. Ibid. i. .^8.^ V. ' ^' Ibid. i. 327. 118 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. dotus ; That within such and such limits of time, the sun had been known twice to have risen where it was accustomed to set, and twice to have set where it was accustomed to rise. For this was simply the external or apparent phenomenon which characterised these two days, May 31 B.C. 1520, and May 31 B. C. 710, respectively, with no more of misrepresen- tation of the real state of the case on each occasion than was easy to be accounted for, by the interval between the date even of the second miracle and the time of Herodotus, and by the tendency of tradition itself to assimilate two such anomalies in the usual phenomena of the rising and the set- ting of the sun, as these. ii. The fact of the second miracle is attested by the tradi- tion of the Troglodytes, bordering on Egypt, recorded by Solinus ^, that the sun had once risen where it Mas wont to set — for that too was simply the phenomenon of the se- cond miracle, or what might easily come to be represented by tradition, as that phenomenon — May 31 B. C. 710. iii. The fact of the second miracle also is attested by the tradition, among the Greeks, referred to in Plato', of a re- cession of the stars, on a large scale, from west to east, some time or other known or supposed to have happened. For that was simply the apparent phenomenon of May 31 B. C, 710 itself, without exaggeration or misrepresentation of any kind — if at least the heavens were reversed at that time, 180 degrees from west to cast. iv. This fact of the second miracle, again, is attested even by the going back of the sun, in the tragic drama of the Greeks — connected as it is even there with the banquet of Thyestes. The banquet of Thyestes, as I have shewn ^, was a pure and simple fiction of the later Greek poets ; but the going back of the sun as the supi)osed effect of that ban- quet, if the second miracle really happened, even though con- nected with this banquet, is not to be treated as a fable too — on that account. The only question which should arise uiuler such circumstances is, How it might have happened that a real phenomenon of this extraordinary kind, and a fictitious banquet, however cvtraordinary too, might have h Fasti, i. 3,?,^, ^.u- ' Ihid. .^4.^ n. •< Ibid. 334. s. 12. The tivo Miracles, affecting the Sun. 119 come to be arbitrarily conuectcd ? and by whom first, and when? I have shewn that though the fable of the banquet was known to i^schylus, the oldest of the Greek tragedians, the going back of the sun, as a concomitant circumstance of it, was not ; and that, in fact, the first of the Greek dra- matists, who joined both together, for any thing which is known to the contrary at present, was Euripides. And that in so joining them together even Euripides was merely con- necting an older historical tradition with a dramatic fiction of comparatively recent d.ite — for the purpose of stage effect — may be fairly inferred from the date which he himself assigns it, even as so connected — that of the heliacal rising of the Pleiads ' ; which in the Parapegmata of his time dif- fered only accidentally from the traditionary date of the miracle itself. The former date in the calendar of Meton was iNIay () — the latter, as we have seen, was May 2. ii. Hy the change of the rule of the noctidiurnal cycle in various quarters — as the effect of the second miracle. With respect however to the nature of such an argument of the truth of either of the miracles as this, it must be ol)- served first of all, that the original rule of the noctidiurnal cycle every where having been to reckon it from sunset to sunset"", and the cycle itself being every where divided be- tween an evening half, and a morning half, nominally in Kairic time equal to each other at all seasons of the year — and such being still the case at the time of the first miracle, B.C. 1520 — it does not apj^ear that the occurrence even of such an anomaly, as that on the first occasion, was calculated a priori to disturb the preexisting rule of the cycle in the least degree ; insomuch as it made no sensible difference in the epochs of its two halves respectively, but left every thing apparently just in the same state, and in the same relation inter se, as before. But with regard to the second, B. C. 710, the first and most obvious eft'ect of the anomaly, then and there produced, must have been to confound the preexisting distinction of the parts of the Noctidiurnal cycle, by turning the evening half, for every meridian ISO degrees east of that of Jeru- salem, more or less completely into the morning half, and ' Fasti, i. .^41-34.?. '" 11)1(1. i4;^-jrS. 120 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. the morniug lialf, for every meridian 180 degrees west of it, more or less completely into the evening half. And that was very likely both a prioi'i in itself, and for special reasons, applicable in particular instances, though not in all — to lead to some permanent change in the rule of the noctidiurnal reckoning, as before in use ". The absolute instant of the miracle of this day. May 31, B.C. 710, must have Ijeen the same for all parts of the sur- face of the earth, both east and west of Jerusalem ; but the local time of the phenomenon in particular instances would vary for different meridians and different latitudes : and that would give rise to an almost endless variet}' in the circum- stances and phenomena of the miraculous anomaly itself, all round the globe in either direction. If the true time, as I have contended, in the succession of noctidiurnal time, as measured from the first by the pei'iod of 24 hours of mean solar time, reckoned from 6 p. m. to 6 p.m. perpetually — was 6 p. m. in the decursus of this period exactly — that would be 6 p. m. in the local time also only of the primary meridian*' — i. e. if, (as I have also contended, and as it is proved by this miracle itself,) the primary meridian was that of Jerusalem, only in the local time of Jerusalem, and of any other locality on the surface of the earth, which had the same meridian as Jeru- salem. In the local time of every other meridian, east or west of that, it would be later or earlier than 6 p. m. mean time, in proportion to the difference of meridians or longi- tudes ; four minutes mean time later for every degree of lon- gitude east of Jerusalem, four minutes earlier for every de- gree west of it. It is easy to see then that, owing to this difference of me- ridians alone, the reckoning of the noctidiurnal cycle, for every meridian but one. previously going on. from evening to evening in the local time of -each, was liable a priori, by the occurrence of such an anomaly as this of the second miracle, to be disturbed in a variety of ways. And as a consequence of this, it could scarcely fail but that, in some of these in- stances, a new rule of the reckoning would be found to have been substituted from this time forward for the old one — n Fasti, i. .^44: iv. ^qj. o Cf. Origg. Kal. Ital. Prcliminarv Address, page cxiii-cxvii. : Fasti, ii. 58-6;. s. 12. The tivo Miracles, affecting the Sun. 121 though probably as near to the analogy of the old rule, as the circumstances of the case would permit. The principal exceptions to the primitive rule of the nocti- diurnal reckoning, the evidence of which met us when we were collecting the proofs of the rule in the Fasti, were these /o//;',- the Babylonian rule, the Pei'sian rule, the Chinese rule, and the Roman or Julian rule P. Let us briefly review each of these at present, in order to see how far it admits of being explained and accounted for by the phenomena of the second miracle. i. The noctidiurnal cycle among the Babylonians, it ap- peared q, was reckoned from sunrise or morning. Now the meridian of Babylon having been 36 m. 35 s. east of that of Jerusalem, the instant of the miracle in Jerusalem time, May 31, at 18 h. mean time, in that of Babylon was May 31, at 18 h, 3G m. 35 s. mean time : and it has been shewn ', that the article of the miracle for this meridian and this latitude having been 56 ra. 336 sec. apparent time, in the xiith hour of the current diurnal time, that of the restitution of the sun was 35 m. 38-8 sec. in the second hour. So that for this latitude the miracle having anticipated the end of the twelfth hour of the day only by 13 m. 21 sec. — and the evening half of the cycle having thereby become the morn- ing half, — when we add to this coincidence the fact that ever since B. C. 1106, (the epoch of the Babylonian correction, as I hope to shew in the fourth Part of this work,) sidereal time had become so intermingled in the observatories of the Chaldees with mean solar time^, that the account of both must necessarily be kept together, we may well conclude that the wise men and star-gazers of Babylon, B.C. 710, would think that, in consequence of the recent anomaly, they had no alternative except that of carrying on the reck- oning of the noctidiurnal cycle, from this time forward, not from the old epoch of evening, but from this new one of morning, just substituted for it by the anomaly itself. ii. "^rhe Persian rule also, it appeared in like manner ^ was to reckon the cycle from sunrise, or morning. And this is still the rule of the Parsees at the present day. Now the V Fa-iti, i. 202-218. 1 Ibid. 204. r Ibid. i. .551 : iv. Ci04, 605. s Cf. Fasli, iv. 94-99. ' Fasti, i. 206. 122 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. meridian of the ancient Persepolis too having been 1 h. 12 m. 35 sec. cast of that of Jerusalem, it has been shewn v, that the instant of the miracle at Jerusalem, May 31, at 18 h. mean time, for that of Persepolis must have been May 31, at 19 h. 12 m. 35 sec. mean time — and the article of the mi- racle in the local time of Persepolis having been at 29 ra. 47 sec. in the first hour of night, that of the restitution of the sun was 3 m. 0-8 sec. before the end of the second hour of day. The correction of Gjemschid, (B. C. 702, as I hope to shew in the fourth Part,) could not yet have taken place in Persia, by B.C 710 — but an older correction, from which even this was derived, had taken place in Bactria 200 years and upwards before ; and the distinction of Principles, and the doctrine of Izeds, and of their relation to the months, and to the days of the months, introduced by the Bactrian reformer, the elder Zoroaster, along with his correction, were probably nothing new to the Persians even in B. C. 702. If so, the course of menstrual and noctidiurual time being now as much connected in Persia with the services of religion, and the influences of the Izeds, as in Chaldsea w^ith the in- fluences of the stars — the Persians were as likely as the Chal- deans to think that, when the evening half of the nocti- diurual cycle had just been turned into the morning half, they too had no alternative except that of continuing the proper reckoning of the evening half, already begun, with its proper services also, from the proper epoch of the morn- ing half. iii. With respect to the Chinese rule — it was found to stand distinguished from every other, in reckoning the cycle neither from evening, nor from morning, nor from noon, nor from midnight — one or other of which was the recognised epoch of the reckoning in almost every other instance -'^' — but from a certain point of time before the instant of midnight. That is, the period of 24 hours, the proper measure of the noctidiurnal cycle perpetually, being divided by the Chinese into 100 equal parts, called Ke, each of them consequently equal to 1 !■ 4 m. of mean or apparent time, it is the rule of the cycle among them at present, to reckon it from 14-4 m. or one Ke, past the 23d hour from midnight — or as it V Fasti, i. 349: iv. 6o.^ ^ Ibid. i. \^0,. s. 12. The two iMiracles, affect'uiy the Sun. 123 would be expressed in our style, at 11 h. 14 m. 21 see. p m. or 15 m. 30 sec. before the point of midnight)'. And this, as every one must allow, is a very singular rule — which no one could have expected a priori to meet with among any of the nations of antiquity, and in particular among the Chinese. Let us see then whether it cannot be accounted for by the miracle of B.C. 710, and by the peculiar circumstances under which it must have happened in China. First, it appears from the testimony of Gaubil, and others of the Jesuits who resided so long in China'', that the prin- cipal seat of learning and science in China for this a^ra was Cai-fong-fou, the metropolis of the province of Honau ; and the longitude of Cai-fong-fou, as determined by the same authorities, relatively to that of Pekin, appears to have been such that if the meridian of Pekin was 5 h. 25 m. 9 sec, east of that of Jerusalem, that of Cai-fong-fou might very pro- bably be assumed at 9 m. 48 sec. less than that of Pekin. And this being assumed accordingly, it has been seen'* that, while the article of the miracle for the meridian of Jerusalem was May 31, 18 h. mean time or May 31. 18 h. 9 m. 3302 apparent time, for that of Cai-fong-fou, it must have been May 31, 23 h. 2 1 ni. 52 9 sec. apparent time, \\ m. 24-8 sec. past the sixth hour of night, consequently only 08 sec. more than one Ke of 11 m. 24 sec. in length. This coincidence can scarcely leave it doubtful that the peculiar rule of the noctidiurnal reckoning among the Chinese, (into the origin of which we arc inquiring,) must have been due to the mira- culous anomaly of this very occasion — the nature of the event itself having been such as very probably to determine the Chinese to make the instant of its occurrence the epoch of a fresh rule of the cycle from that time forward — the better to con)pare (as they might pi-ojiose) any similar recur- rence of such a phenomenon with that of this day. The meridian of Pekin being 5 h. 25 m. 9 sec. east of that of Jerusalem, it has been shewn'' that the instant of the mi- racle for that meridian must have been May 31, at 23 h. 31 m. 10-8 sec. apparent time, or 22 m. 75 sec. in the sixth Iiour of night. And this having been 7 m. 13*5 sec. more > Vi\>\\, i. 3:3-.^/''; iv. (\\^. 7 Il)i(l. i. .^73-377: iv. (n^. a Ibid. iv. 6i;. i' Fl>ii6. 124 The ///ree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. advanced than one Ke of 14 m. 24 sec. would have been, it is manifest that tlie phenomena of the miracle for this lati- tude and this meridian could not have been so well calcu- lated to account for the peculiarity of the Chinese rule of the noctidiurnal reckoning ever after, as the same things for those of Cai-fong-fou. But they would be very well adapted a priori to explain and account for the Chinese tradition relative to the eclipse of Hi and Ho, to which I adverted supra*^; and to prove that this too is ultimately to be resolved into the miracle of this day. For, supposing Pekin to have been the Imperial city of this rera in Chinese history, the instant of the miracle there having been at 22 ra. 75 sec. in the sixth hour of the night, that of the restitution of the sun must have been at 47 m. 14'1 sec. in the sixth hour of the day'^, only 12 m. 46 sec. before the point of noon. And this having been the case, we may easily conceive what must have been the surprise and consternation of the Court, and of the rest of the inhabitants of the Imperial city, roused from their first sleep, at the deadest and darkest point of the night, to find themselves, without any warning beforehand, or reason to expect such an anomaly, in the midst of the full blaze of noon^. iv. With regard to the Roman rule, or the difference be- tween the Julian rule of the Noctidiurnal reckoning and the Primitive, let us now see whether that too may not be ac- counted for by the peculiarity of the phenomena of the miracle at Rome. The meridian of Rome being 1 h. 30 m. 58 sec. west of that of Jerusalem, the instant of the miracle at Rome, it has been shewnf, must have been May 31, 16 h. 38 m. 35-4 sec. apparent time, at 58 m. 217 sec. past the tenth hour of the current diurnal time ; and the article of the restitution of the sun must have been May 31 at 4 h. 38 m. 35-4 sec. ap- parent time ; only 57-3 sec. before the article of sunrise, for the latitude of Rome, the same day, May 31, at 4 h. 39 m. 32-7 sec. apparent time. The effect, consequently, of the miraculous anomaly of this day at Rome was to replace the centre of the sun almost critically in the very position, rcla- p Page 117. '' Fasti, iv. 6i6, 617. ^ Cf. Fasti, i. .^77. iv. f^i-;. f Fasti, i. 354-361. iv. Tii 1. s. 12. The two Miracles, affecting the Sun. 125 tively to the sensible horizon, which it had occupied at sun- rise the same day, 12 hours before. If so, it is very conceiv- able that the occurrence of such an anomaly there and then — attributable as it must appear at Rome, as well as every where else out of Judiea, to some natural cause — some fatal necessity — which might be expected in due course of time to produce the same effect again — might lead to a change in the preexisting rule of the Noctidiurnal cycle, at Rome in particular. Numa Pompilius was reigning there at this time, and the miracle fell out in the fourth year of his reign, dated from B.C. 713s. It migiit appear to those of the people of the time, who reasoned upon the phenomenon at all, that, if the natural cycle of day and night, from whatever cause, was thus liable to oscillate from evening to morning, and from morning to evening again, the epoch of the civil cycle of the same kind, the least likely to be disturbed by such periodical changes in that of the natural, would be that of midnight or that of noon. Of these two; some of Numa^s contemporaries might prefer that of noon''; and he himself that of midnight. And thus we should see reason to attribute even the rule of the cycle which we ourselves are observing at the present day, to the miracle of the time of Hezekiah, and to its par- ticular phenomena and effects at Rome. And yet, as I contended', it is far from improbable that this change of the rule, thus made even at Rome, was de- signed at first only for the services of religion. The earliest institution of a religious kind, historically attributed to Numa, to the rule of the cycle in which, as midnight, express testimony is extant at present, is that of the Lemuria^; and that having been professedly intended for the peace of the dead, it is very observable that both this, and another insti- tution of Xuma's also, similarly designed, and in its place in the calendar, and in the peculiar rule of its celebration, closely connected with this, when traced up to their true moving cause, and referred to their true final end, appear to have arisen out of the miracle of this day, and out of the acci- dental association even of that with another event, of recent occurrence at Rome, and very likely a priori, in the appre- P Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 191-197. '' Ibid. i. 360. iv. Tii:. ' Ibid. ii. .^60. iv. 613. i. 210 sqci. •' Fasti, i. 354 sqq. ; Urigg. Kal. Ital. i. 303 sqq. 126 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. hension and modes of thinking of the people of the time, to be connected with it^. Tliis event was the death of llomulus ; and the circum- stances of connection between that death and this miracle were the following. The year of the death was B. C. 715, that of the miracle was B. C. 710, only five years later. The lunar date of the death of Romulus was the new moon of May B. C. 715, that of the miracle was the new moon of May B. C. 710. The Julian date of the former was May 26, that of the latter was May 31, only five days later. The death of Romulus, it was well known to Numa Pompilius, had been the effect of treason and violence "^ ; yet his death was still an unexpiated act of violence, so late after it as B. C. 710. When therefore the sun, which had been in conjunction with the moon at the time of the death of Romulus, in the same month of May, and within five days, on the same day of the month, B.C. 715, when approaching to the conjunction again on this day, May 31 B.C. 710, was seen to start back, as it were, and to recede over the entire space of the visible hea- vens, from the western horizon to the eastern, what was more likely than that such a phenomenon would be construed at Rome into a palpable mark of the displeasure of the gods, and especially of the sun, at the still unexpiated death of Romulus ? And hence the institution of the Lemuria, ex- pressly intended for the appeasing of the manes of the dead in general, with their very peculiar rule — and hence also the institution of the Sexagenarii de Ponte, expressly intended for the satisfaction of Romulus in particular — and taking up and carrying on the rule of the Lemuria, in this first instance, over two days more — a vicarious sacrifice to the Manes of Romulus, through the images or likenesses at least, though not in the persons, of those who were most responsible for his death, his 6/u,7j\iKes or equals in years ". And these o\J]- AtKes of his, contemporaries of the institution, having by their own age at the time given its name to the ceremony, we learn from that coincidence a fact of much importance to the personal history of Romulus ; viz. that he too, if he had 1 Fasti, i. 355. Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 303 sqq. 3 1 1 sqq. «> Cf. Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 331. ° Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 3H-326. s. 12. Tilt two Miracles, affectiny the Sun. 127 been living B. C. 710, would have been sixty years of age, and therefore must have been born B C. 7G9. V. To conclude then with an instance of the probable effect of the second miracle in the new world, as well as the old ; among the Aztecs or Toltccs of Spanish America". The most peculiar and characteristic of the opinions or doctrines of these nations, when the Spaniards first came among them, was found to be that of a succession of ages, each of them terminated by the extinction of its proper sun; and the most peculiar and characteristic of their institutions and customs was that of the secular fire ; tlic origin of which must be traced up to the above belief, as may probably appear more clearly from the fourth Part of the present Work. Now the meridian of Anahuac or Mexico having been 8h. 57 m. 7 sec. west of that of Jerusalem, it has been seenP that, for this latitude and this meridian, the instant of the miracle must have been May 31 at 28 m. 434 sec, in the fourth hour of current diurnal time, and the instant of the restitution of the sun must have been 50 m. 39 7 sec. in the third hour of night. And the former having been only 2 h. 47 m. 35 3 sec. before the point of noon, and the latter only 2h. 47 m. 35-3 sec. before the point of midnight, and the oeconomy of the miracle having been the same every where, viz. the in- stantaneous reversion of the heavens 180 degrees from west to east, the phenomenon at Mexico would be that of an ap- parent instantaneous extinction of the light of the sun at noonday. And this fact would be a sufficient foundation, in the course of time, for the peculiar doctrine of the succession of ages, discriminated asunder by the extinction of suns, and for the cognate institution of the secular fire P. And as the Aztecs, when the Spaniards came among them, were using a division of the noctidiurnal cycle into eiylit parts, each of them three hours in length ; even that might have been founded on the coincidence just pointed out, viz. that the actual in- stant of the miracle, for the meridian of Anahuac, was only 28 m. 434 sec. later than the end of the third hour of the day 'I. o Fasti, i. 361. l> Ibid. i. j,Ut,. '1 Ibid. \\. 610. 128 The //iree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. There are yet other confirmations of the miracle of this day, May 31 J3. C. 710, supplied by tradition, though not so striking as these; to which I refer the reader ''. That it at- tracted attention at the time, (as it could not fail to do,) in quarters distinct from Judsea, appears from the embassy of Merodach-Baladau, the contemporary king of Babylon, men- tioned in Scripture^, the object of which was to inquire about " the wonder that was done in the land,^^ as much as to con- gratulate Hezekiah on his recovery from his sickness. iv. Testimony of the Natural JNleasures of Time. The testimony of the natural measures of time, on such a question as that which we are considering at present, is the proof of the effect which the occurrence of the two miracles has produced de facto on the decursus of these measures, whether in themselves, or with respect to any thing else to which they may have been referrible from the first, before and after that occurrence respectively. To enter however into the particulars of that proof here, to go into all the necessary explanations, and to point out the rationale of the process in each instance, would take up too much time ; and would require Tables. It is sufficient to remind the reader that this has been done with all the minuteness and circum- stantiality which the nature of the case demanded, in my General Work, and especially in the Prolegomena to the third Part*. The natural measures however being only these three, of the noctidiurnal, the menstrual, and the annual — and Julian annual, in contradistinction to natural, being only another form of noctidiurnal ; it is to be observed that the addition of 12 hours to a given noctidiurnal cycle, though necessarily implying a similar addition to the length of a given Julian year, by no means implies the same thing of the correspond- ing natural} ear. Nor indeed, whatever reason there may be to conclude that the proper Julian annual time of the existing sj'stem of things must have been twice affected in a certain way, is there any to suppose that the natural annual was in the least degree affected in the same way. It was to be ex- ^ pected therefore a priori that in whatsoever manner the ' Fasti, i. 373 n. 325, 32671. » 2 Clivon. xxxii. 31. t Origg. Kal. Hell. i. olxx-cxciv. s. 12. The two Miracles, ujlj'i'ct'nig the Sun. 129 miraculous anomaly might be reflected in the proper Julian and proper hebdomadal style of the noctidiurnal succession, it would be differently reflected in the proper .Julian and proper hebdomadal style of the annual, in the sense of the natunil ; and if, under the circumstances of the case, the stress of the anomaly even in the former must fall, not on the succession of the period of 24 hours in its proper hebdomadal style, but on the Julian style of the succession, in the latter, this state of the case must be reversed, and the stress of the anomaly must fall, not on the Julian style of the succession of the period of 21 hours in the annual, but on the hebdomadal: that is, some one actual Julian term must have become the proper Julian style of two hebdomadal ferine in the one case, and some one actual hebdomadal feria the proper hebdoma- dal style of two Julian terms in the other. These observations having been premised, and the natural measures of time, as befoi'e stated, being reduced to these three, the noctidiurnal, the menstrual, and the .annual, the menstrual being reserved for consideration by itself, and the effect of the two miracles, though produced at trvlce, yet, for the purpose of the present argument, being assumed to have been produced at once, and the epoch of this joint effect of both to have been B. C. G72 ; the general or the particidar operation of the miraculous anomaly in question, on the different component parts of the existing system of time, evidenced by their state per se, and by their relations infer se, even at present, as explained more at large, and demon- strated iu my general work ^ , may be summarily stated as follows : i. The specific effect of the miraculous anomaly on the decursus of the period of 2i hours, as the measure of the noctidiurnal cycle of the system perpetually, has l)een this, That two periods of 21 hours have gone to one noctidiurnal cycle; and the specific effect of the same anomaly on the same period, as the measure of the hebdomadal cycle of the system perpetually, has been this, That eight periods of 2 1 hours, eight feria' so measured, instead of seven, have gone to one hebdomadal cycle. ^' Origg. Kal. IIi-ll. i I'l-itlfgoiiieim, cl.w. stm. K 130 The three VVitnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. ii. The specific efl'ect of the same anomaly ou the proper style of the period of 24 hours, as eiiteriug into aud mea- suring the iioctidiurual and the hebdomadal time of the system under some Julian denomination or other perpe- tually, has been this, That seven Julian terms, March 28 — April 3, have been rendered the Julian representatives of eight hebdomadal ones, the Feria 1—8: and the specific eflect of the same anomaly on the proper style of the period of 2 t hours, as entering the noctidiurual aud hebdomadal time of the natural annual time of the system, under some Julian designation or other, has beeu tliis, That eight Julian terms, March 26 to April 2, have been rendered the proper Julian representatives of seven hebdomadal ferice^ the Feria 1 — 7''. And the consequence of these things has been that, from B. C. 672 down to the present day, the proper hebdo- madal style of the simply Julian time of the system has come to be one term higher in the order of ferice, and the proper hebdomadal style of the natural annual, has come to be one term lower in the order of fericB, than either would have been at the present day, if neither of the miracles had happened. Every simply Julian term, since B. 0. 672, has represented aud is still representing an hebdomadal feria greater by unity, and every natural term or Gregorian-Julian term has represented aud is still representing an hebdomadal feria less by unity, than it would otherwise have done, or would now be doing. iii. The specific eflect of the miraculous anomaly on the natural annual and the Julian annual time of the system inter se, as exhibited in the Tables of the Fasti before and after this epoch of B. C 672, has been this, To necessitate the change of the Julian type of the natural annual on two occasions half a period, or 56 years, at least, earlier than otherwise would have been required : i. e. to necessitate the use of 49 types of Julian time as the conventional representa- tive of natural, from April 25 A.M. 1. B.C. 4004 to March 9 A.M. 6049 A. D. 2045, instead of 48. iv. The specific efl'ect of the same anomaly ou the equable annual time of the system has been this; The distinction of kinds in this form of the annual time of the system, into ^ Cf. Origg. Kal. Hell. i. Proli-goim-na, clxxviii. clxxvi. s. 12. Tlie two Miracles, nffectiny the Sun. 131 equable cyclical and equable Nabonassarian, remaining the same — the reference of each to the Julian annual, (that of equable cyclical to positive or Gregorian-Julian, and that of equable Nabonassarian to the sim|)ly Julian form of this Gregorian.) remaining the same — the absolute epoch of both, April 25 at midnight 15. C. 4004 remaining the same — the epochal distance of origination between them, 2() terms in the regular order of the equable notation remaining the same — the impossibility of reducing this epochal difference to 0, or a relation of equality, in less than 20 changes of the Julian type of the time of the system, and 20 corresponding changes of the equable type, remaining the same — the effect of the anomaly on the equable annual and noctiditirnal time of the system, I say, has been litis; To abridge the lengtli of these types in two instances by 56 years, and thereby to bring about the equalization of the Nabonassarian to tlie cyclical time of the system B. C. 728, instead of J], C. 072. And both forms of the equable time of the system having set out together in a state of equality or identity, from this epoch of B. C. 728, and having gone on together each in sub- jection to its proper law, down to A. D. 225, when both became amenable alike to the rules of the simply Julian calendar of the present day, another specific effect of the anomaly on the relation of these two kinds of the annual and the noctidiurnal time of the system inter se has been this ; To leave them A. D. 225, permanently fixed relatively to each other, in such a manner, that Thoth 1 cyclical from that day to this has been perpetually the equivalent of Thoth 9 Nabo- nassarian, and vice versa; though otherwise Thoth 1 eye. from A. D. 225 downwards would have been fouiul an- swering perpetually to Thoth 8 Nab. and Thoth 8 Nab. to Thoth 1 cyc.y V. With regard to the question reserved for a distinct consideration ^, that of the specific effect, (if any there was,) of both the miracles or of either of them, on the monstrual, in the sense of the lunar, time of the system, we may observe first of all, that whereas there were two new moons in the month of May B. (\ 710, but one on the 1st, the otlit'i- on >■ Oritji;. Kal. Ilill. i. I'lolit;. clxxvii. ' Pagt- i 2y. K 2 132 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. t. the 31st, the latter alone was that with which we are con- cerned at present. And this being calculated from our own Tables, for the meridian of Jerusalem, is found to come out as follows a : B. C. 710. h. m. s. Mean new moon, May 31, 7 17 4013 mean time. True new moon, May 31, i 33 47. 3 meantime. It may therefore reasonably be inferred that, if the sun's ap- parent place at 6 p. m. mean time for the meridian of Jeru- salem this day was set back 180 degrees, that of the moon, (though an invisible object at the time,) must have been set back to the same extent also. But whether the moon in particular was the subject of any further anomaly — espe- cially whether the natural length of the lunation just begin- ning was any ways affected by this reversal of the heavens — is a question of fact which may best be determined by the testimony of actual lunar dates, older than the date of this miracle ; if any such there are, handed down from observa- tion at the time, and capable of being tested by calculation at the present day. Now three data at least of this kind are extant, that of the full moon, March 19 B. C. 721, that of the full moon, March 8 B. C. 720, and that of the full moon, Sept. 1 B. C. 720 also — all observed at the time at the ancient Babylon, and recorded in terms in the Magna Compositio of Ptolemy^. And these too have often been calculated by modern astro- nomers, p.nd they have generally been verified within 30 or 40 minutes of the recorded times at the utmost — and the more the modern tables have been improved, the nearer the results of these calculations have come to an absolute agree- ment with testimony in these instances. All the ecliptic full moons of the Magna Compositio, in fact, have been calcu- lated from my own tables, and with the formulae for the secular corrections both according to Damoiseau, and ac- cording to Mr. Adams c — and with the latter, in these three instances, (to say nothing at present of any more,) the re- sults have come remarkably close to the dates of Ptolemy — as the following scheme will shew : — a Fasti, iv. 564, .s^'5- '' l^id. ii. 411. <" Fasti, iii. 514: iv. 670, 671. Introduction, 2 2 1. 223. 225. Advertisement, pag. iii, iv. s. 12. The two Miracles, affectiny the Sun. 133 i. Ecliptic Full Moon, March, B.C. '] 21'^. I'TOLEMY. DAMOISEAU. MR. ADAM.S. h. 111. Ii. 111. s. h. 111. s. Mar. ly. 21 30. Mar. 19, 21 o 36-46. Mar. 19, 21 41 49 m. t. ii. Ecliptic Full Moon, March, B. C. 720 <=. I'TOLEMY. DAMOISEAU. MR. ADAMS. ll. 111. 1). 111. s. ll. III. »• Mar. 9, o o. Mar. 8, 23 18 59. Mar. 8, 23 56 41, iii. Ecliptic Full Moon, September, B. C. 720'. I'TOLEMY. DAMOISEAU. MR. ADA.MS. h. in. ll. ni. 8. ll. 111. s. Sept. I, 20 30. Sept. I, 19 54 49-1. Sept. i, 20 24 57. It was not possible that calculations, carried back in the usual manner from the present day beyond the epoch of May 31, B.C. 710, and the lunar conjunction of that day, to the dates of full moons, like these of B. C. 721 and 720, should find themselves so entirely in harmony with contem- jiorary observation, if any one natural lunation, between tiie latest of these years and the present day, had been either longer or shorter than the natural standard of the mean or the actual lunar month s. JSo such anomaly therefore, as an affection of the moon's real motion would have been, having ensued on the miracle of May 31, B. C. 710, let us proceed to inquire whether something of the same kind might not, nevertheless, have been the consequence of the miracle of May 31, B. C. 1520. It is certainly an observable distinction in the circum- stances of the two miracles, each in its proper place and time respectively, that the moon is set forth by Scripture itself, as the subject of the former, as much as the sun, but <* Fasti, ii. 41 I. IntrodiiitioH, .Vdv. iv. 281 . ■■ Ihid. ii. 41 1 . Adv. iv. 284. ' Fasti, 411, Introduction, iv. 286. K (f. Fasti, iv. 554 s(i(|. 134 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord, ch. i. not as the subject of the latter. And yet, though we have the express testimony of Scripture that the moon was impli- cated in the first miracle as well as the sun, we have no testimou}' of that kind, direct or indirect, that the moon was concerned in it, or affected by it, any more than the sun, i e. to any greater extent than the sun Let us then pro- ceed to consider first of all the words actually addressed by Joshua to the sun. Now, with respect to these, it is very observable that^ though they are rendered iu the authorised version by " Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon ; and thou, moon, in the valley of Ajalon f and though tliey have always been treated by both the friends and the enemies of Revelation, as if they stood in the original. " Sun. stand thou still," &e. the literal terms of the address in the Hebrew are, " Sun, be thou dumb upon Gibeon, and thou. Moon, in the valley of Ajalon." The verb, which is rendered by ' stand still,' in the original is Dll or Doum — and Doum in the Hebrew, both in sound and in meaning, is just the same as Be dumb in English. Now, a command to be dumb, which must have meant first and properly be silent, addressed to any object, must have presupposed that this object was previously speaking some language — was not naturally dumb, but endued with a faculty of speech, of some kind, or in some sense, or other. What language then could such an object in external nature, as the sun, be supposed to have been speaking, when it re- ceived this command to cease to speak it, to become dumb, so far as the utterance of that language was concerned, for a season at least, if not for ever? I answer, the language of time — that language, of which the expressions or utterances were those steps or degrees of the shadow on the dial, alluded to in the account of the second mii'acle, correspond- ing to similar steps of progression in the actual motion of the sun, first from the horizon in the east to the meridian, and then from the meridian to the horizon in the west — making up, in their totality, at all seasons of the year, the twelve hours of Kairic diurnal time, and yet in their indi- viduality discriminating one of these hours from another, at all seasons also. The meaning therefore of the command, addressed to the s. 12. The two Miracles, affectiny the Sun. 135 sun, yet couclied in such terms as these, must have been thist, That the sun should cease to speak this language of time — i.e. give any indication as usual — furnish any means as usual of judging, of the lapse or distinctions of diurnal time, through his own sensible or apparent change of [)lace in the heavens, at least, for a certain prescribed interval of time ; and as necessarily implied in such a command — that it should continue motionless in the heavens, for tlie same length of time, just as it \yas, and where it was, when it re- ceived this command. Such, 1 say, is the rationale of the language used on this occasion. It requires only to be stated, to satisfy any unprejudiced person that a more ap- propriate form of words could not have been selected ; and it is greatly to be desired that, what more than any thing else made it so, "Be dumb,^' instead of •' Stand still/' had been retained in the authorised version ''. Now, as the apparent motion of the moon also from east to west is the same kind of indication of the lapse of Kairic time by night, as that of the sun by day, and conse- quently the moon might be said to speak a language of this kind almost as much as the sun ; it is no wonder that, if the moon too was a visible object in the heavens just at the time when Joshua pronounced these words, the moon also should be found to have been included in the command to be silent, as far as this language was concerned — Sun be thou dumb upon Gibeon, and thou Moon in the valley of Ajalon. And such having been the command addressed in terms to both, the effect expected to follow upon it must have been the same in the case of both, viz. the stoppage or suspension of the motion of both, from east to west — for the prcscril)("d interval of time in question — and this stoppage of an appa- rent motion in the case of both, which both of them derived oidy from the actual motion of the earth round its own axis in the opposite direction from west to east, in the very sup- position of such an effect, and in the mode of operation, by wliich only it could be brought about, must necessarily have implied and involved the stoppage of the motion of the earth round its own centre, for the same length of time also. '> .\i>|i(n(lix, .\o(c V 136 The three Wituesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. It is here, however, to be observed that, besides this appa- rent motion from east to west, derived from the real motion of the earth from west to east, the sun in particular has no other, known to astronomy at present, which could possibly be supposed to have been included in the scope of such a command as this ; but the moon, in addition to this motion, and so derived, which it has in common with the sun, has another peculiar to itself, its motion of translation in space, along the ecliptic, from west to east, derived from its projec- tion by its Creator round its own primary, at the same time, it must be presumed, when this primary itself received its own impulse of rotation round the sun — and this motion is such that at a mean rate it carries the moon over 13° 10' 35""027 of the ecliptic, every 24 hours of mean solar time, and over 6° 35' 17"-5135 every twelve'. It may therefore be made a question whether this real motion of the moon from Avest to east round the earth, as much as its apparent motion from east to west round the heavens, was included in the scope of the command, as addressed to the moon, as well as to the sun, or not. And this question at first sight it might not be easy to decide. I myself was long of opinion that the moon's real motion of translation in space must have been suspended, on this first occasion, as well as its apparent motion ^ ; but further reflection has at length satisfied me that this suppo- sition, besides involving insuperable difficulties of another kind, would imply a greater degree of the exertion of the Divine power, in the miracle of this day, than the circum- stances of the case would justify — that Joshua could not reasonably be supposed to have intended more, or expected more, as the result of his command, as addressed to the moon, than as addressed to the sun — i. e. more than the sus- pension of the apparent motion of each from east to west, for a certain length of time — and that all the conditions and all the requirements of the case would be strictly and plenarily answered, if the sun was a visible object in a certain part of the heavens, opposite to Gibeon, and the moon was a visible ' Introduction to the Tables, xi. Favt ii. page xix. "^ Cf. Origa;. Kal. Hell. i. cxciv. Prolegomena ad Harmoniam, 5. Fasti, iv. 554. s. 12. The two Miracles, affecting the Sun. 137 object in ;i certain other part of the heavens, in tlie valley of Ajaion, when the words were addressed to both ; and the sun was still a visible object in the same quarter, opposite to Gibeon, and the moon in the same quarter, in the valley of Ajaion, at the end of the time prescribed, as well as at the beginning. To the proof of this fact therefore I shall now ))roceed. For this purpose, let us begin with calculating the time of sunrise for the latitude of Jerusalem, which will serve equally well for that of Gibeon, on the morning of the miracle, May 31, B. C. 1520. Now sunrise, calculated as it has been in the Fasti Catho- lici, for this latitude, and in this year, and on this day, is found to have been as follows '— ll. III. s. True sunrise, May 31 5 10 8-7 apparent time. Equation of time — 11 24-1 True sunrise, May 31 4 58 44-6 mean time. And this comes so near to May 31, 5 h. m. s. of mean time exactly, that it may well be supposed the actual time of sunrise this day, for this latitude and meridian, was May 31, at 5 h. from midnight exactly. And that being assumed, then, if 5 a.m. m. t. for the meridian of Jerusalem was also, as I have contended"", the actual date of the miracle of this day, it requires no argument to prove that the sun must have been a visible object, at that very time also, just rising above the sensible horizon in the east. Let us next calculate the full moon of May, last before the day of the miracle, for the same meridian — and that too having been already done in the Fasti", the result may be summarily stated as follows : B.C. 1520, for the meridian of Jerusalem. ll. III. .K. Mean full moon. May 30 23 52 59 m. t. True full moon, May 30 15 26 5897 m. t. So that this moon, at 5 .v. .m. m. t. the next morning. May 31, must have been 13 h. 33 m. past the full, and conse ' i. 267 : iv. 5S.V. nQj. ni Supra, 120. " iv- .^.^7-.^'''0- 138 Tlie three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. i. quently could not have failed to be still a visible object in tlie west just as the sun was beginning to be so in the east, on the morning of this (\x\\\ And this is confirmed by the locality assigned to each re- spectively, at the same time and on the same occasion, by Scripture itself — that of the sun over against Gibeon, and tluit of the moon in the valley of Ajalon ; for Gibeon and Ajalon, according to the best accounts of the geography of the ancient Palestine, were east and west of each other", and Eljib the modern Gibeon, and Yalon the modern Ajalon, are so still P. It is confirmed also by my own calculation of the sun's azimuth on the morning of this day, May 31 B. C. 1520, 22^ 4G' 13" east from north, and the moon's, about 30° 4()' 13" west of south 'i. Such then having been the state of tlie case, with respect to the common visibility of the sun and the moon, at the precise time of the miracle of this day, 5 a. !\i. m. t., let us next proceed to consider what would be the state of the case with respect to the visibility of the moon in particular, left free to its natural motion of translation in space, while its apparent motion round the heavens was suspended, at the end of the next 12 hours. And this being simply a question of the time when the moon would set on the morning of this day. May 31, B.C. 1520, for the latitude of Jerusalem or Gibeon, we calculate first the sun's true place at sunrise 5 a.m. May 31, and find it (SL.) = 54° 17' 16"-1 ■•. From which it follows that, as 54° 17' 16"-1 of the ecliptic was rising at 5 a. m. with the sun, the opposite point 54° 17' 16"1 + 180°, or 234° 17' 16" must have been setting precisely at the same time. We calculate next the moon's true place in the ecliptic, (the moon's true longitude.) ML. for the same day, and the same time the same day^, and find it about 242°: and this being 7° 42' 44" at least cast of the setting point at the same moment, 234° 17' 16", it is manifest that the moon, at sunrise this day, must have wanted 7° 42' 44" x 4, or 30 m. 57 sec. of the time of setting. And if its motion from east to west was now suspended, and its motion from west to east " I'asti, iv. 5S9. 11 Ibid. 51; i ti . q Ibid. 589. '■ Fasti, iv. .sS.S. 59;. " Ibid. 569. s. I. Pseu(\oC\n'ono\o'^\(iii j/rofessiii(/ to be ^^cri]JturaL 139 \vas left free still, at the end of the next twelve hours it would be 7° 42' 41-" + G° 35' 17", or 14° 18' 1', at least uiore advauccd to the east than the setting point 234° 17' IG" ; and even when the earth began to revolve again would be a visible object in the valley of Ajalon, for the best part of an hour before it would set. CHAPTER II. On the Pseudo-Chronology of Mundane or Human time, that is, the account of either distinct from and contrartj to that of the Hebrew Scriptures. Section I. — On the Pseudo-Chronology of this kind, which calls itself Scriptural ; the Chronology of the Septuagint, the Chronology of the Samaritan Pentateuch, and the Chronology o/ Josephus. From the facts established in the preceding chapter, it is a necessary inference that the only chronology of mundane and human time, which is or can be attested perpetually by the three kinds of evidence which we have hitherto been considering — The natural measures of time, The primitive civil calendar, and antediluvian and postdiluvian tradition in its most genuine form, must be that of the Hebrew Bible ; and consequently that no chronology, even calling itself Scriptural, different from this, can possibly be true. Such chronologies however, pretending to be tiiat of Scripture, and claiming, as if in their own right, the au- thority of Revelation, yet totally distinct from and opposed to, that of the Hebrew Hible, do exist, though they are only three in number — That of the Septuagint version of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, that of the Samaritan Pentateuch, and that of the Antiquities of Josephus, which profess to have been based on that of the Hebrew Scri{)turcs of their own time, however much they may differ from that of the Hebrew text at present. Hetwccn these antagonistic systems of mundane and luunan time, all alike calling tiicmselvcs the Sciiptui-al. and 110 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. the true, in the sense of that of the Hebrew Scriptures of the present day, the difference lies principally in the length of the interval from the Creation to the Flood on the one hand, and from the Flood to the Exodus on the other. This interval, in the first of these cases, according to the Hebrew Verity, was 1656 years : according to the Septuagint, 2242, according to the Samaritan Pentateuch, 1307, according to Jose[)hus, 2256 or 2656 s. To enter on a particular examination or confutation of each of these rival systems, so far as each of them differs from the Hebrew Scriptures, is superfluous for our purpose at present — the nature of the test of truth or falsehood in these respects, which we are illustrating and applying, both enabling and justifying us, in summarily disposing of all of them. For, if the true characters of the year of the Flood, for instance, could not possibly hold good of any year but A.M. 1657 B. C. 2348, for an indefinite length of time before or after, it is self-evident, that even if these so called Scriptural chronologies of any other kind agreed with that of the He- brew Bible, in their year of the Creation, they must differ as widely from the truth, as from the Hebrew Bible, in their year of the Flood. And again, if the true characters of the year of the Creation, as I have shewn ', could not possibly hold good of any year but B. C. 4004, even if these so called Scripture chronologies agreed with the onh^ true chronology of that kind in their year of the Flood, they must differ as widely from the truth itself as from this in their year of the Creation. The interval again in the second of these cases, according to the Hebrew Verity, was 788 years, (B. C. 2348—1560), according to the Septuagint 1648, according to the Sama- ritan Pentateuch 1438, according to Josephus 1489 ^^ And in deciding between these different data also we have nothing to do at present except with the same simj)le test of truth or falsehood as before. The true year of the descent from the ark, the true Natale Mundi of the Postdiluvian state of things, being determined by infallil)lc characters of its own to Ji. C. 2347, and the true year of the Exodus, in ^ AiijiLiidix, note Z. t Suina 6 sqq. ^ Appendix, liott- Z. s, 2. Pseudo-Clironologies of Profane Antuftti/t/. Ill like maiinei', by similar characters to B. C. 15G0, even if these other .systems of so called Scriptural Chronology agreed with that of the Hebrew Verity in the year of the descent from the ark, the first year of their Postdiluvian time, they must differ as widely from the truth as from the Hebrew Bible in tlieir year of the Exodus ; or if they agreed with the true chronology of Postdiluvian time in the year of the Exodus from Kgypt, they could not possibly agree with it in the year of the descent from the ark. In a word, every system and scheme of jNIundane and Human time from the Mosaic Creation to the Exodus from Egypt, whatsoever its professions or its claims in its own behalf, yet being tried by this touchstone perpetually, and reduced to those tests which have been brought to light, and applied to the chronology of the Hebrew Bible, in the preced- ing cha])ter, none, it is evident, which is not the same with this, can possibly be true. Section II. — On the Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane anti- quity ; and first, of that of the Egyptians, and of the prin- cipal questions of fact to the issue of which the truth or the falsehood of this in particular is reducible. With regard to any other systems of !Muudane or Human time, which do not profess to be Scriptural, and yet are still more opposed to the only true Scriptural system of this kind, than those which do, they are of course the Pseudo-histories and Pseudo-chronologies of the world, and its inhabitants, discoverable any where, external to and independent of the Hebrew Scriptures. And though there is no system of that kind, in which Profane antiquity in general can be shewn to have agreed, even in contradiction to that of the Hebrew Verity — particular systems and schemes of this kind, among the nations of antiquity, were almost innumerable — every people of former times, which had any literature, and any tradition of the past, at all, having had one of its own — all alike opposed to the Scriptural — yet each different from the rest, and each as incapable of being reconciled with the rest as with that of Scripture; which may very reasonably be considered a common mark of the fictitious character of all of them alike. 142 The ///ree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. en. ii. The principal systems of this kind however, (those at least which have always exerted and are still exerting the greatest influence to the prejudice of the truth,) arc these five, That of the Egyptians — that of the Chinese — that of the Hindoos — that of the Bab^'lonians or Chaldeans — and that of the Assyrians. Of these, the Pseudo-history and Pseudo-chro- nology of the Babylonians or of the Assyrians, may possibly come under consideration in a future Part of my Origines. That of the Chinese and that of the Hindoos, and more espe- cially that of the Egyptians, have already occupied a consi- derable share of attention in the first Part. Among these five too, the Egyptian in reality is that which is most autiior- itative and most influential either to create or to confirm the unhappy sceptical bias of the present day ; and to make men doubt of the truth of Scripture history and Scripture chro- nology, as opposed to this in particular, in spite of them- selves. And in fact, when the history of these systems of Pseudo- mundane history and chronology in all parts of the ancient world comes to be narrowly investigated, and one scheme of this kind to be compared with another, that of the ancient Egyptians turns out to have been the first of its proper class ; the very first which was contrived by men to serve an interested purpose of their own : and, as might na- turally have been expected under such circumstances, it was the example thus set by the Egyptians, which, on the prin- ciple of imitation or rivalry, ultimately led to the same falsi- fication of history and chronology for similar purposes of their own, among the rest of the nations of antiquity. I3y way of specimen therefore of the use and application of that peculiar test of truth or falsehood in the history or chrono- logy of the past, which is supplied by the inquiries of the Fasti and Origines into such subjects as the history of opin- ions, on points of universal importance and interest — (the origin of the world, the origin of society, the origin of the gods — ) or the history of institutions and ceremonies, for the national observance, which took their rise out of such opin- ions — and more especially the history of tiie corrections of the common calendar of all mankind in particular instances, expressly for ti)e sake of these institutions and these o])serv- ances — -I cannot do better than brieflv advert to some of the s. 2. Psciulo-Clironologies of Profane /l/iti(/uifi/. 1 lo luaiiy (|iicstioiis of l";ict on which tiiis pseudo-histon' aiul pseudo-ciironology of the Egyptians in particular^ accor(ling to its own pi'ofcssions, and the conclusions established in the Fasti and Origincs. are diametrically o[)poscd to each other, and therefore cannot possibly both be true. i. On the antiquity of the Principal objects of worship among the Egyptians; the Osiria and the his of ancient I'^gvpt. First then let me begin with testing the truth of the state- ments and professions of the Egyptians, cither founded on, or confirmed, as it is supposed, and substantiated by this history and this chronology, respecting the only two objects of worship among them, in the recognition of which the whole nation agreed alike" — the Osiiiis and the Isis of an- cient lOgypt — and the age assigned to these in particulai- — older incomparably than the oldest of their human Dynasties, and the first of their human kings — older even than the oldest of their divinex. In opposition and contradiction to all this, it has been shewn in the Fasti Catholici, i. That the real antiquity of the Osiris and the Isis of the Egyptians could not have been greater than that of the fable of the Cosmogonic Egg — as was necessarily to be inferred, first, from the first and true name of Osiris even among the Egyptians, Suiri — in Greek, ^vipis or''Ta'ipis — and the true meaning of that name, the Son of the Egg^; secondly, from the positive testimony of the Stele in the Arabian Nysa, in which Osiris was actually set forth as this Son of the Egg=^ Thirdly, from the Ge- mini of the sphere, (Osiris and Isis themselves,) and the symbols of that sign, the two ends of this cosmogonic egg, from one of which Osiris originally came forth, and from the other Isis''. ii. That the real antiquity of Osiris and Isis could not have been older than the first Sothiacal period, known to history among the Egyptians, the date of which commonly recognised at present is B. C. 1322, and the true was B. C. 1350 <=, For, as the proper epoch of this period, whether one * Fasti, iii. 7S. y Ibid. 74. cf. Huiislmi, Standiiif; of Kl;vI><^, '• .i^'2 S(iq. 114. 423. ' Fasti, iii. 165 s(|(|. '» ll)i(l. 174. '' Il)iil. iii. .37.?, .U-4' '■ Fasti, iii. 71. 110. 144 T/te three Witnesses, atid f he tIi7'eefoId Cord. cii. ii. of its kind, or more, among the Egyptians was never any thing but that of the heliacal rising of Sirius, and the Egyptian name of Sirius was never any thing but that of Sothis'l, that one of the members in this duad of divine principles, the first and oldest of their kind according to the profession and belief of the Egyptians, (and by parity of reason, the other also, as they always went both together,) could not have been older than the first heliacal rising of Sirius or Sothis, nor consequently than the first Sothiacal period — is proved first by the name of Isis, identical with that of this star, Isis-Sothis^'. Secondly, by the inscription at Nysa, in which tlie rising and appearance of Sothis every year was identified with that of the rising and appearance of Isis, in and through that of this star every year also'. Thirdly, by the meaning of tliis name of Sothis, the star of conception g, as illustrated by the fable, explained supra '', and by the translation of the first historical rising of Isis in this form and under this name of the conceiving star, from July 20, B. C. 1350, to the very first rising which could have taken place under the same circumstances, within the period of time embraced by the duration of their own proper system of things, July 20, B. C. 4006 — in order that she might be manifested both then, as appearing for the first time, and yet even then, as conceiving that, which, as the mother of the universe, as the parent of the existing system and scheme of things, she was to be supposed to have brought forth 280 days afterwards, April 25, B. C. 4005. iii. That the real antiquity of Osiris and Isis could not have been greater than that of the Isia, which came into being along with them also, and as their proper and charac- teristic solemnity from the first ; nor, (as it was shewn, by a variety of circumstantial proofs') the antiquity of this insti- tution, as attached to its proper date Athyr 17, from the first, older than the time when Athyr 17 in the primitive Calendar was falling on October G in the proleptical Julian calendar, and October G on the earliest seed-time for the climate of Egypt, the mean autumnal equinox : nor these •i Fasti, iii. 29. e Ibid. 31. no. f Ibid. :^r. in. e Ibid. 31. 1> Pa^e 14. ' Fasti, iii. 81-90. 109. 1 18-140. 160-165. s. 2. Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane Antiqtnty. 145 coincidences in general, earlier or later, within any assign- able historical limits, than ^ra Cyclica 2()57, B.C. 1350 k. iv. And these conclusions were further confirmed ' by the testimony of a remarkable fact, or rather a series of remark- able facts comimmis yeneris, — that of the appearance of the same kind of fable as this Egyptian one of Osiris and I sis, the same kind of conceptions as these, only under different names — the same kind of institutions as that of the Isia, with similar rites and ceremonies — attached to the same date in the calendar for the time being, the ITth of the third month, (the 17th of the primitive Athyr,) — as we may pos- sibly see hereafter, within 12, or 20, or 28 years of the insti- tution of the Isia, and as we have already seen in the first and the third Parts of this work, within 40 years among the Greeks "', and within 4L among the Hindoos " ; and, as we may also hope to see hereafter, among others of the nations of antiquity, attached to this same equable term Athyr 17, in the descending order of such a term in the Julian reckon- ing, all round the primitive calendar. Nothing of this kind is discoverable any where, before B. C. 1350; and if so much, in its first conception evidently borrowed from the Egyptian Isia, and in its first expression evidently conformed to the Egyptian Isia, is discoverable immediately after, and so long after, B.C. 1350 — in quarters too so ditl'erent, and most of them so remote, from Egypt — who can hesitate to conclude that the jjriimwi mobi/e, the first cause of this movement, thus propagated in the course of time through the rest of the ancient world, must have been something which took its rise in Rgypt B. C. 1350? and if so, the introduction of the national fable of Osiris and Isis, and the institution of the national solemnity of the Isia. This conclusion then respecting the true date of the na- tional fable and institution of the Isia. and the consequent real antiquity of the Egyptian Osiris and Isis among the I'^gyp- tians themselves, obtained from such premises as these, is decisive of the truth or the falsehood of the monumental, or the dynastic, history and chronology of the ]!lgy[)tians — if, k Fasti, iii. i.u-'40- 'f- '+o- '9''^- ' "'•'^ '"■ ■'-• '" Origg. Kai. Ih-ll. iv. if>C>-,^,',^. " Fasti, i\ . .^i yo. 146 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. even according to its own professions, however far back it might go in itself — it still fell incomparably short of the antiquity of Osiris and Isis. It is superfluous after this, to insist on particular inconsistencies which might be pointed out between this history and the actual course of things — such as the occurrence of names, the elements of which would recognise these of Isis or Osiris, before they were yet in be- ing — or acts historically related, which presuppose the ex- istence of Isis or Osiris — yet older than B. C. 1350. All these absurdities might be expected a priori to characterise a purely factitious system of history, invented long after B. C. 1350 — and purposely set back to any distance before it which suited the views of its own authors — but it is impos- sible that any such inconsistencies could have appeared in a real history, whether contemporary with the events related by it, or written after them. No real history of that kind could ever have recognised — could ever have alluded to — could ever even have known of, Osiris and Isis, before \\. C. 1350 at least. ii. On the antiquity of the Principal Sacred Animals of the Egyptians ; the Mneuis of On or Heliojjolis, the Apis of Memphis, and the Goat of Mendes. It so happens (providentially for the discovery of the true character of the dynastic history of the Egyptians, but most unfortunately for its own pretensions) that almost at the very beginning of its decursus, it has ventured on one circumstantial statement, viz. That the Mneuis, the Apis, and the Mendes or Goat, of their animal worship, were simultaneously proposed as divine, and simultaneously recog- nised as objects of worship among them, under one of the kings (Kaiechos") of the second dynasty, only 263 -f 38 or 301 yeai's after the supposed beginning of this dynastic chronology itself, B. C. 316-f 3555, or B. C. 3901 P— that is, as early as B. C. 3600. On this principle the Mneuis of Heliopolis, the Apis of Memphis, and the Goat of jNIendes, were all coexistent in Egypt, and all as old as, B. C. 3600. And this statement has been received by the Egyptologers " Bunsen, Standing of Egypt, i. 77. 224. 612. l' Ibid. i. 86. s. 2. Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane Antiquity. 1 17 of the present day, as they style themselves, on the authority of the dynastic history, as implicitly perhaps and undoubt- ingly as any : and yet on each of these points, as a question of fact, I am ready to join issue with this history and this chronology, and on each I hope to convict it of a deliberate falsification of the truth. i. Then, with respect to tlie true age of the Mneuis. I begin with observing i. that, though the Bull of Heliopolis according to testimony must have been blacky mention occurs repeatedly on the Monuments of a bull of Thebes or Diospolis, the characteristic colour of which was white *■. This being the case, I observe in the next place that though of these two sacred bulls the only one real of its kind was the black bull of Heliopolis, and this white bull of Thebes is unknown to history, or testimony, any where except on the Monuments and Sculptures, yet, as the first idea even of a fictitious representation of this kind at Thebes must have been derived from the reality of the same kind at Heliopolis — there is no reason a priori why the proper cycle of this white bull, if recoverable from the Monuments, should not be supposed to have been taken from that of the black bull, nor why from the facts of the one we should not be per- mitted to argue those of the other. But if not, then, as repeated allusions to the period of this cycle of the white bull arc found on the Monuments, which represent it as a TptuKovTaeT-qph, or cycle of thirty years % we may infer from that fact that the cycle of the black bull was one of thirty years also. ii. I observe, in the next place, that a period of thirty years is noticed in one instance lower down, in the Ptolemaic xra of Egyptian history itself, when contemporary testimony may be implicitly trusted ; the epoch of which is determin- able to the date of the birthday of the reigning king, Pto- lemy Epiphanes, Mcsorc 30, Nab. 538, /lOra Cyc. 3797, October 9, at midnight, B.C. 210'. With this datum, sini- ply assuming that the cycle itself — like many others among the Egyptians both at this time and long before it — was a t, i. 4.;o. P Fasti, ii. 501 sfiq. 533. 151 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. cii. ii. the equable solar year, as still unassociated with an animal type of itself, l)y the name of the Eicosipenteteris, and to restrict that of the Apis cycle to this period of 25 equable years, as associated with, and represented by, the Apis. What we at least have to investigate and ascertain at present is, not the age or antiquity of the primitive lunar and solar cycle of 25 years, but that of the Apis cycle. ii. And even for this purpose, I pi'oceed to observe, two data only (both of them as it happens supplied by testi- mony) in strictness would be necessary — one, the natural prejudice of the Egyptians in favour of one particular lunar epoch, the lunar 4' or lunar 3% the other, the first year of any one Apis cycle. The former would help us to the pro- bable lunar date of the Apis cycle from the first; the latter would fix a cardinal point in the decursus of the cycle, either backwards or forwards. The former of these is known from the testimony of Pliny the Elders, and is confirmed by the true explanation of the preference itself, brought to light by our inquiries f supra. The latter we learn from Herodotus' account of the ^thiopic expedition of Cambyses^. And these two data, thus supplied by difterent autho- rities, independently of each other, work together towards the desired discovery as follows : The year of the expedition, as I have shewn *, having been either B. C. 524 or B. C. 523, the traditionary epoch of lunar time among the Egyptians, applied to the former, gives the epoch of the first year of the current Apis cycle Thoth 20; applied to the latter, gives it Thoth 11^: between which we cannot hesitate to fix on Thoth 11 B.C. 523, as the true epoch of such a cycle. And though it must be admitted that even Thoth 11 this year, Nab. 225, must have fallen on the Luna 5^, not on the liuna 4=1 or 3=^ ; yet as even that was the case at this time, simply as a consequence of its having fallen some time or other before this, on the Luna 4^, and the Luna 3' — to find that time we go back, ist. 200 equable years, eight Apis cycles, from Thoth 11, Nab. 225, B. C. 523, to Thoth 11, Nab. 25, B. C. 723 — and there we get to the epoch, when Thoth 11 was first beginning, in the first year of the cycle, 1 Fasti, ii. 52.^. Origg. Kal. Hdl. iii. ^p. •■ Page .^9. s Fasti, ii. 519. » Ibid. 51.1-522. ^ Ibid. 520-522. s. 2. I^seudo-Chroiiologies of Profane Antiquity. 155 to fall on the Luna 5^. ii. We go back next 125 equable years, five Apis cycles, from Thoth 11 of this epoch, to Thoth 11, ^ra Cyc. 3159, B.C. 848, and there we get to tlio time when Thotli 11 first began to fall on the Luna 4^ iii. We go back another 125 equable years, five cycles, from this epoch also, to Thoth 11, iEra Cyc. 3034, B. C. 973, and there we get to the time when this same equable solar term was first beginning to fall on the Luna 3^ ^. And at this stage of the Reditus retro with the historical Apis Cycle, let us compare the decursus of the Primitive Eicosipenteteris, brought down to this same point of timo^ yEra Cyc. 3034, B. C. 973, from /Era Cyc. 1, B. C. 4004. I have drawn out the scheme of this decursus, in my Fasti y. It will be seen from it that this year, /Era Cyc. 3034, B. C. 973, was the ninth year of the cxxiind cycle, from the first ; the solar epoch of which was still the same as it had been all along, Paiini 17, and the lunar, at this time too, was only one term lower than what it had been at first ; the Luna 3=' at this time, as it was the Luna 4^ at that. And Pauni 17, the Luna 3a, being the regular date of the first month in this year of the cycle, ^ra Cyc. 3034, Thoth 11, the Luna 3'S May 1, B. C, 973, would be that of the fourth month. Now if, for any conceivable reason, the Egyptians of this time were thinking of instituting a new reckoning of the cycle of 25 years, intended indeed to be derived from the old one of the time being, but ever after to go on by itself, in conjunction with something which had not accompanied it before — viz. a living animal representative of the cycle in the person of the Apis — there is no reason, discoverable at pre- sent, why they might not take the first year of this new suc- cession from the ninth year of the old, and the first day of the first mouth in this new reckoning of the cycle, from tiie first of the fourth in the corresponding year of the old. That would depend on circumstances, over which they themselves niiii,ht have had no control. This assumption however is the only thing necessary to connect the decursus of the Primitive Eicosipenteteris, traced uninterruptedly downwards, accord- ing to its pro|)c'r law, from Thoth S, rEra Cyc. 1, May 2, N f'f. Fasti, ii. n 23-528. >• iv. ^ftS-.^Sfi. 15f) The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. B. 0. I'OOl', (the Luna i^ of that epoch dated from the change, the Luna 3* dated from the phasis.) with the course and succession of the Apis cycle, traced back from Thoth 11, ^:ra Cyc. 3483, Nab. 225, Jan. 11, B. C. 523, (the Luna 5* of that epoch dated from the change, the Luna 4* dated from the phasis.) to Thoth 11, ^:ra Cyc. 3034, May 1, B.C. 973. And as to the reasons which might possibly have influenced them to think of a fresh institution of this kind, at this time in particular, one might have been the correction required at this time, by the mean lunar standard of the Primitive cycle itself, which, by B. C. 973, had come to be one second of mean solar time at least in excess of the trnth^. Another, and a more influential one, might be the return of solar and lunar time, as combined in this cycle perpetually, in the ninth year of the cxxiind cycle, as nearly as possible to the relations of origination. The original solar date had been Thoth 8, the original lunar one, the Luna 4^, ^Era Cyc. 1 — both, j\Lay 2 Julian, B. C. 4004. The solar epoch of the fourth month of this year of the cxxiind cycle, regularly de- rived from the original one, was Thoth 11, the Lunar, simi- larly derived, was the Luna 3'^, ^ra Cyc. 3034, Both were the Julian May 1 of this time, B. C. 973, as both had been the Julian May 2, B. C. 4004 a. A third, and very probably the principal, reason might have been a political one, arising out of some revolution in Egypt itself — some change of dynasty there, from the old Pharaonic succession, to a totally different Hne b, the com- mencement of which it might have been proposed to inaugu- rate, by the foundation of a city, destined to be the capital of all Egypt, and by the consecration of this new city to Osiris, through the supposed incarnation of Osiris, in the person of the Apis, as the future guardian, patron, or tutelary genius of this new capital of Egypt ; and consequently with a corres[)onding reckoning of the cycle of 25 years, as the measure of the life of the Apis in this his relation to Osiris. For that these must have been the circumstances under which the city of Memphis came into being originally, will be seen I hope l)y and by ^. * z Fasti, iv. 386- .^95. a Ibid. 395 sqq. '• Ibid. iv. 445. <■ Fasti, ii. 53^ : iv. 443 sqq. s. 2. Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane Antiquity. l-IT iii. The epoch however of this first Type of the historical Apis cycle, having; been fixed, for whatsoever reason, de facto to Thoth IL .Era Cyclica 3031, May 1, B. C. 973 '', I have traced it downwards from this epoch of origination, according to its proper law and proper rule of administration, and have confirmed it at the various periods of its decursus by the necessary proofs from the matter of fact; as, i. By the testi- mony of Scripture, and the Scriptural date of the idolatrous feast of Jeroboam, taken from the very first Natales Apidis in Egypt — those of this year of the epoch, B. C. OT^^'. ii. By the date of the viiith cycle of this Type, ]}. C. 798, recovered from the zodiac of Denderah f. iii. By the Natales Apidis of the xiiith cycle, B.C. G73, just before the beginning of the reign of Psammitichuss. iv. By the contemporary testimony of Ezekiel viii. 1-18. to the proper reckoning of the xvith cycle, B. C. 594-593 •». v. By the cycle of the time of Cambyses, xix. 1. B. C. 523, alluded to supra^, vi. By other arguments and considerations ''\ iv. The first Type of the Apis cycle having thus been traced and verified as low down as the ingress of cycle xix. 1, and the first Natales Apidis of this cycle' ; the death of the Apis itself in this first year, so soon after, as I have already observed "', compelled the Egyptians to begin a new reckon- ing, and consequently to institute a new Type, of the cycle in the second year of the old cycle. x\nd the regular solar date of that year in this type having been Epagomene 5, (as that of the first year was Thoth 11,) the recognised epoch of this second reckoning and second type of the historical Apis cycle tuins out to have been Epagomene 5, Nab. 225, Dec. 31, B.C. 523". And this type too has been traced by me, from this time forward, and verified by the necessary proofs, i. Both by particular ones of their kind, cycle ix. 1. Ji. C. 323°, and cycle ix. 18. B.C. 3()G \> ; and, ii. By general proofs, cycle XX. 1 B.C. 498 Ibid. ii. 550 sqq. i Face 154. if. Fasti, ii. 559. ^ Cf. Fasti, iv. 262-.^48. 368-403. ' Fasti, ii. 559. .S64. m Pago 152. ■' Fasti, ii. ^M. <> Ibid. i' Hiid. li. 567. OrigR. Kal. Hi-11, iii. 5^0-545. * Ibid. ii. 572. 158 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii, V. And this second type also having been prematurely brought to an end, not indeed by any violence from without, but by the act of the Egyptians themselves*, in order that a new reckoning of their own national cycle might begin and proceed pari passu with the Macedo-Egyptian correction of the sixth type of the old TTellenic Octaeteris, just coming into being in Egypt, at the same time, under the auspices of the first of the Macedonian kings, Ptolemy Soter or Lagi — a third type is found to have taken its rise on Mesore 30, Cycle ix. 18 of the preexisting type, iS^ab. 442 — the Julian date of which, and that of the Macedo-Egyptian Dius 1, Pe- riod i Cycle i. 1 of its proper calendar, were absolutely the same. iS^ov. 2, B.C. 306 v. And this third type too has been traced from this epoch, and verified by a great variety of proofs ; as, i. By the testi- mony of Theon, the commentator on Ptolemy": ii. By that of the Rosetta stoney, B. C. 196 : iii. By the institution of the Sarapea, Pachon 2, Cycle ii. 1, B. C. 281 ^ : iv. By Cycle xii. 1, Nab. 717-718^: v. By the date of the Nativity, Cycle xiii. 2, Nab. 743, 744^ : vi. By Cycle xiv. 1, Nab. 767, A. D. 20 J; vii. By the date of the Passion, taken from this type, A. D. 30^ : viii. By the Marnior Tripolitanum, and the Jewish feast of Tabernacles at Berenike, A.D. 25^: ix. By the date of the feast of Tabernacles in Egypt, A.D. 38g: x. By the date of the Nativity, A.D. 127, taken from this type^: xi. By the correction of the Thesmophorian dates among the Athenians, A. D. 127' : xii. By the Natales Apidis, Cycle xvi. 1 of this type, A.D. 70-71'^: xiii. By the xviiith Cycle, in the time of Adrian, A. D. 120'. vi. In addition to these three types, the succession of which, one after another, is capable of being thus traced his- torically from B. C. 973 to A. D. 120, where contemporary testimony to the existence and actual use of the last of them first begins to fail us ; should that failure be supposed attri- ' Fasti, i. 604-607. ii. 573-581 : Origg. Kal. Hell. iii. 540 sqq. " Fasti, ii. 573 : Oi'igg. Kal. Hell. iii. 540. '^ O^'g- ^^^al. Hell. iii. 555. >' Ibid, iii. 545 : Fasti, ii. 581. z Ibiil. iv. 404 sqq. 1' Fasti, ii. 585. <^ Ibid. 5X6. tl Ibid", ii. 587. e Jbid. ii. 589. ef. Origg. Kal. Hell. iii. h^—^bA- ' fasti, ii. 5S8: Origg. Kal. Hell. iii. 584-5S9. rf. Prolegomena ad Ilannon. iii. i5'2-i67. K Fasti, ii. 589 Prolegomena, iii. 167 : Origg. Kal. Hell. iii. 554. •• Fasti, ii. 590 : Origg. Kal. Hell. iii. 554 : Prolegomena ad Harmo)). iii. 145. ' Fasti, ii. 590: Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. 274 sqq. ^ Fasti, ii. 593. 1 Ibid. ii. 596. s. 2. Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane Antiquity. 159 butable, as it probably is, partlj^ if not principally, to the increasing spread of Christianity in Egypt as well as every where else — ^yet it is to be remarked, as a curious coincidence, that no sooner had Julian the Apostate succeeded to the throne of Constantine, and the old paganism felt itself em- boldened to lift up its head once more, and to shew its face openly in its old haunts, than we discover the proof of an attempt to revive the worship of the Apis, and to begin a fresh reckoning of its proper cycle, in the very first year of the reign of Julian™ — which, if the attempt had succeeded, would probably have been found bearing date Mesore 25, Cycle xxvii. 18 of the third type, xXab 1109, May 11, A. D. 36.2. ]}ut the death of Julian the next year no doubt extinguished the hopes of the projectors of this scheme ; and from this time forward both the Apis and the Apis cycle, so far as 1 know, disappear from the page of history for ever. iii. With respect to the deification of the (joat of Mendes ; we have not the means of putting the tradition of the dy- nastic history on that point to the same crucial test as on each of the other two; but only because, of the particular history of this one of the sacred animals of the Egyptians, nothing- is discoverable at present in any other quarter, be- yond the mere fact of its existence among the Egyptians, and of the class of animals to which it belonged. I have shewn however" that the first idea of the Arcadian Pan (the Hermo-Pan or jl^gipan of classical mythology), which came into being among the Arcadians along with their proper octa- eteric correction, Dec. 26, B. C. 193, was probably derived from that of the Egyptian Chemmis, whose animal type or symljol was this Goat of Mendes. And both these ideas being ultimately resolvable into that of the ^gipan or Ca- pricorn of the sphere", it is far from improbable that, even among the I'-gyptians, the goat was not conceived or pro- posed in this relation of the type of the sun at the winter solstice, before the time when the first of Thotli was falling at the winter solstice, and even on the winter-solstitial day itself. And that, by a singular coincidence, was the epoch of the Arcadian lunar correction itself, Dec. 26, B. C. 493. '" See Fasti, ii. 599 s(i(|. " Oritjp. Kal llcll. i\ . 619. " Fasti, iii. i,t)2 and iiott:. 160 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. n. It is observable however that while these three animals, the Bull of lleliopolis, the Apis of Memphis, and the Goat of Mendes, were recognised as if in existence and esteemed sacred thus early in the dynastic history, nothing appears to have been said of the Ram of Thebes, No-Amraon or Diospolis, though that was as remarkable an animal, belonging to the class of sacred among the Egyptians, and stood in as par- ticular a relation to the sun, as any besides. I have no doubt this silence was intentional — and I think I have probabh' assigned the true explanation of itP in the fact that the deifi- cation of this animal in particular, as the symbol of the sun of the vernal equinox, though made as early as B. C. 889 — and made at Thebes, and probably intended to be confined to Thebes and the Thebaid — was accompanied also with an innovation of another kind, of which the priests of lower Kgypt — and those of Memphis in particular — did not, and could not approve ; that, viz. of the substitution of the Ju- lian solar year and the jMctonic lunar cycle, instead of the Primitive equable solar and lunar reckoning. There were other grounds of discord between the two principal divisions of the sacerdotal caste, in Egypt, (and of much older stand- ing too.) at this time ; but this alone was reason sufficient why the priests of Lower Egypt — to whom the author of the dynastic history, as we may see by and by, belonged — shoxild studiously ignore the very existence of the Ram of Thebes. And I have little doubt, it is from the time of this innovation also, that we are to date the introduction of that particular clause into the coronation oath of the kings — which made a stated part of the ceremony of the h-dpovLaubs or installation, as regularl}' celebrated at Memphis M — whereby the}' bound themselves never to introduce the intercalary day, (that is, the principle of the Julian reckoning,) into the old equable year. Section III. — On the Monumental a)td the Dynastic histori/ of the Effij/itians, its factitious character from the Jirst, and its probable author or authors. The veracity of the Dynastic history of the Egyptians is so completely and unequivocally committed on no one point, as P I'asti, iv. 2 1.^, iiciq. i.^o-:;,;. 'i F:i>ti, ii. ,^!S^. s. 3- 'Pseudo-Chrouo\o^ies of Profane Antiquify. Kil on that of the origin and the antiquity of Memphis — and this too is a simple question of fact, on which I do not hesitate to join issue with it. According to this History, Menes, the founder of the Dy- nasties, was the founder of ^Memphis also ; and Memphis consequently was as old as the first of the Dynasties, which, according to their own chronology went back as far as B. C. 3901 — only 103 years short of the' Mosaic creation itself i. In objection to this account of its antiquity generally, it might be demanded, If Memphis was thus incomparably the oldest city in Egypt — and yet the greatest of all, and the capital of the country, from the first — by what accident it could have happened that its very existence should be un- known, even to Greek mythology, before the rise of the fable of lo and Epaphus "" ; and unknow n to Girreek history even so late as the time of Homer, B.C. 910 s; and unknown to, or at least unnoticed by. Scripture history, though among the Jews so near to Egypt, before the time of Hoshea or Isaiah, one or two centuries later even than that of Homer*? ii. In objection to the same representation specifically, it may be observed, i. That even as recognised in history — as known to its contemporaries or to posterity — even as a real city, the greatest in Egypt of the time being, the residence of the kings, and the metropolis of the country — still Mem- phis is never alluded to except by the name of Memphis ; and we may take it for granted never had any name but that of Memphis. It came into existence under this name, and as long as it continued in existence, it never ceased to retain this name. ii. That as an actual city, and under this name of Memphis, it was never known either in Egypt or out of Egypt, except as standing in a peculiar relation to the Apis, and through the Apis to Osiris — i. e. as the city of the Apis, and through the Apis, the city of Osiris. That the Apis, in short, and Memphis, were connected from the first, and in the same kind of relation to each other, as the Mneuis and On or Ilcliopolisv. iii. That this traditionary account of the relation of the Apis and Memphis to each other from I Cf. Fasti, iv. 453 sqq. s Ibid. 442. Origg. Kal. lIcU. vi. 289-500. ' Fasti, iv. 453 n. " Ibid. 438 sqq. 162 The Mree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. the first is confirmed by the name of Memphis itself, from the first also — That Memphis, the name best known to his- tory both at present and in all former times, is simply the Greek form of the native Egyptian name, which occurs on coins in that of MeiJ^is also ^ — That this native Egyptian name was ]Menofri, out of which the Greeks made MeV^iy and Mf'/u<^ti% J^nd Scripture, Nof y — and of the truth and reality of which, as the vernacular name of Memphis from the first, I have myself pointed out a singular confirmation in that of the Italian Minerva, derived from it ^ — That this native Egyptian name of Me-nof-ri, resolved into its com- ponent parts, is explained to mean, "The abode of good »" — or, as some of the learned in the language of the Monuments and Sculptures ^ at the present day contend it should be ren- dered, " The abode of the good one,'^ " The abode of the beneficent one" — a name which could not have been given it except as the abode of Osiris. It follows from these facts that, unless Memphis was older than its own name, and older than every relation to some- thing else implied in its own name, it could not have been older than the time when it first became the abode of Osiris in the person of the Apis, nor consequently than the rise of the Apis cycle, B.C. 973. And this leads us at once to the inference that, if this city was really founded by one of the kings of Egypt, it must have been by that one in particular who was reigning when the fable of the incarnation of Osiris in the person of the Apis, and the cycle which measured the existence of the Apis in that relation to him, both came into being together. And if the date of this fable, with its ac- companying institutions and circumstances, was B. C. 974 and 973^ — and the king who was reigning in Egypt both in the reign of Solomon, before B. 0. 974, and in that of Re- hoboam, four or five years after at least, according to the testimony of Scripture was Shishak — Shishak, and Shishak only, as having been contemporary with the rise of the fable of Osiris and the Apis, and the institution of the Apis cycle, must have been the founder of Memphis. And that fact, as X Bunsen, Standing of Egypt, ii.53. >' Fasti, iv. 453 n. cf. Jeremiah, ii. 16: xlvi. 19. z Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. 143 W.-145. » Fasti, iv. 439,440. *■ 3Iarietti, for instance. •" Fasti, ii. 528 sqq. s. 3- Pseudo-Chronologies ofProfane Antiquity. 163 I have shewn <*, supplies the best explanation of his motive to the invasion of Judwa, in the fifth year of Kehoboam, B. C. 970, and consequently four or five years after the beginning of the foundation ; viz. a desire to get possession of the means of finishing an undertaking of sueh magnitude as the building of "Memphis, by seizing, and carrying away to Egypt, the treasures of Solomon. iv. From these facts then, and others of like kind, ad- duced and substantiated in the Fasti and Origines, no one, I think, can hesitate to draw the inference, That before B. C. 973, both the Apis and the Memphis of the Egyptians must have been simply nonentities — before B.C. 1350, the Osiris and the Isis of the Egyptians must have been simply nonentities — before B. C. 1G81, the Mneuis of the Egyptians must have been simply a nonentity — while, as to the Dynasties of the ancient Egyptians, at no period of their supposed decursus, could they have been any thing but mere and simple non- entities. And the historical existence of the pretended founder of these imaginary Dynasties, (himself the first in the whole series of the kings of whose reigns they were supposed to con- sist) being thus necessarily liable to be called in question ; it becomes an obvious conjecture that, after all, this conception and this name of the Mcnes of the Dynasties were simply the idea and name of the first and oldest of the sacred animals of the Egyptians, in this fictitious history treated as a person, and represented as the first and oldest king and legislator of the Egyptians '^. Certain at least it is that the proper name of this oldest of their sacred animals in the ancient Egyptian was MN or MNE ^ And from the latter of these MNE, with no change in it but that of the addition of a proper termi- nation, it is certain the Greek language might easily get MNETI2 or MNETMS; or by simply reading it backward, MEN for MNE, and with or without the addition in question, might get both NUIN and MHNH2. It is certain too that under one or other of these appellations, MHN or MHNHS, MNETI2 or MNETMi:, must this pretended first king or first legislator of the Egyptians have first become known to '' Fasti, iv. 443 sqq. ^" C'f. Diodorus, i. 94. ' Fasti, iv. 170. Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. 473. M 2 164 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ir. the Greeks ; for they call him by no other but one of these. Herodotus calls him MHNs, Diodorus MNETHSh. V. And with respect to the Dynastic history in general, if its most fundatnental assumptions are thus demonstratively proved to have had nothing to rest upon, we have no alterna- tive but to conclude that the whole superstructure of pre- tended history, based on such assumptions, can have as little claim to the name and authority of real, as the foundation on which it is built. And though it would make no differ- ence to this conclusion respecting the true character of a system which must stand or fall in its totality, and is flatly contradicted by real history at its very outset, whether, at this distance of time, we could explain the motives out of which it arose, or conjecture the author to whom it was to be attributed, it so happens that in the present instance there is not much difficulty in doing either of these things. And first with respect to the author — there are two rea- sons which incline me to be of opinion that, if this whole system of ancient history and chronology, which goes by the name of the Egyptian Dynasties, is a pure and simple fabri- cation from first to last, and therefore, as it must be pre- sumed, the work of some Egyptian in general, that native Egyptian was probably Manetho the Sebennyte' in particular. One is, the character of the man himself, which stands branded in contemporary history by complicity with another scheme of fraud and imposture, not indeed on so great a scale as this, yet a fit prelude even to this ; and a more de- cisive proof of the want of principle and of the disregard of truth and honesty in an accomplice of such a scheme, even than this : the scheme concerted B.C. 281, between theGreek and the Egyptian priests in Egypt, of which I had occasion to give an account in the history of the Sarapea's for palm- ing the Pluto of the Greeks on the native Egyptians as their own Osiris of the Amenthes, and for introducing the worship of Sarapis as that of an old and familiar divinity under a new name, merely to humour the caprice or superstition of the second Ptolemy. The other reason is, that no such system of Egyptian his- B ii. 99. h i. 94. i Cf. Bunspii, i. ^f). k Fasti, iv. 422, 423. s. 3- l^seudo-Chronologies 0/ Profane Antiquiti/. 10.5 tory as this of the Dynasties, in its totality, appears to have been known to tlic ancients, except as the work of Manetho; and none such, whether entire or in part, whether in the remains of Josephus, or of Africanus, or of Eusebius, or of Syncellus, exists at present, except as the work, or part of the work, of Manetlio. If a system and complex of so called ancient Egyptian history, like this of the Dynasties, the in- ternal evidence of which convicts it so clearly of having been the work of some impostor, never existed heretofore, nor is still known to exist, except under the name of Manetho, and Manetho himself is known to have been capable of the con- ception and execution even of such a forgery as this, I am persuaded we shall do his memory no great injustice at the present day if we attribute it chiefly to him. I say however chiefly ; because it may still admit of a question, whether even Manetho is really answerable for the first idea of a Pseudo-history and a Pseudo-chronology like this ; whether every thing contained in the compilation which went by the name of the Dynasties of Manetho was first invented by him — and whether some of his materials at least might not have been previously in existence, and ready to his hand, before he set about this scheme of embodying every thing which bore on such a subject, in one complete and comprehensive system of his own. So-called lines and series of early Egyptian kings, as they are supposed, are discover- able (in the hieroglyphical character) on the Monuments and Sculptures also : those especially which must have been most closely connected with the ancient Thebes, and the Thebaid ' ; and these too the learned in Egyptian antiquities, and in the language of the hieroglyphics, pretend to identify with corre- sponding parts of the Dynasties of Manetho. And though there is probably no more of reality in the Monumental his- tory of the Sculptures than in the Dynasties of Manetho, yet the invention of the hieroglyphic, as the vehicle of such an history in particular, B.C. 889'", was much older than Manetho ; and it is far from improbable that the use to which it had been put from the first, with an interested ob- ject in view, first suggested to Manetho his own scheme of a ' Bunsen, Standiiif; of Kgypt, i. 35-37. 45. 48. (if. 97.) 50, 51. 117, 118: ii. 37. 113. '" (;f. Fasti, iv. 222: iii. 168. 166 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch, ii. much more comprehensive system of" the same kind, and supplied him even with many of the materials which he must otherwise have invented for liimself. And this brings us to the second question, which we pro- posed to consider, the probable end and design of this facti- tious system of Egyptian history and chronology in general, and the motive in which it originated. With respect to which I observe that, if the first idea of the Dynasties is thus to be traced up to the hieroglyphical history of the Monuments and Sculptures, I cannot help thinking that, unreasonable as it must appear to call upon any one at the present day to explain all the acts of human fraud or folly, done in time past, yet in this particular case of a fabrication of history to serve a particular purpose, and whether on a greater or a larger scale, supposed to have taken its origin among the priests of Upper Egypt, I have already assigned a matter of fact, abundantly competent to account for it, in the rise of Memphis, B. C. 973, under the auspices of Shi- shak, the reigning king, and with the cooperation of the priests of Lower Egypt, and even with the pretended appro- bation and sanction of Osiris himself, as the future capital of all Egypt, and in the scale of grandeur and magnificence on which it was coming into being, worthy to be so — and in the jealousy which that fact alone was calculated to excite in the priests of Upper Egypt, and especially of Thebes, which \mtil then was the principal city, and in point of size, and wealth, and population, as well as of influence and importance, was without peer or rival in all Egypt, and the acknowledged metropolis of the whole country. There might have been other reasons of a political kind, for which the acts of Shishak in particular might have been off'ensive to the priests of Thebes ; especially if his accession to the throne at this time had been the efiect of a revolu- tion, which had deposed the old Pharaonic line of kings, and had installed an usurper in its stead. And certain it is that Shishak is the first of the kings of Egypt, of whom mention is made in Scripture history under a proper name, and no longer under that of Pharaoh, or " the king"." But it is " Fasti, iv. 446. s. 3- Vsewdo-Chronologies of Profane Antiquity. 107 enough to know that through this project of founding, and raising to the dignity of the capital of all Egypt, a new and unheard of city in the heart of the Delta, the ancient rights and privileges, the long established and long acknowledged preeminence, of Thebes was seriously endangered. We should understand little of human nature did we suppose that the pride, thej vanity, the self-interest and self-love, of the ruling caste in Upper Egypt, under such circumstances, would not take the alarm, and impel them to do something possibly even as extravagant, and to our own apprehensions at present ^as unaccountable, as what they apjjear to have actually done, viz. invent the hieroglyphic character, and cover their temples, their public buildings of all kinds, and even their rocks and caves, and sepulchral vaults, far and wide, with those mysterious symbols. It is at least a matter of fact, and a remarkable one too, that the Monuments and Sculptures, properly so called, and every thing upon them, which when decyphered is found to relate to ancient Egyp- tian history, have been discovered chiefly, if not exclusively, in Upper Egypt, and amidst the dependencies of ancient Egyptian Thebes — and little or nothing of the same kind has been found in the Delta. This is a strong ground of presumption that the whole of this monumental history, in its original conception, was a contrivance of the sacerdotal caste in Upper Egypt to answer an end and object of their own — in which the priests of Lower Egypt, especially those of On and Memphis, knowing it to be directed against themselves, as much as in behalf of the priests of Thebes, and the Thebaid — could not concur with them, at least at first. This is explained, if its true motive and its sole object originally was to keep up the claims to priority of place and estimation, of Thebes, against those of any rival — to exag- gerate its antiquity — its power, and its preeminence — from the first— above those of any city in Egypt besides. The earliest settlement in Egypt, according to Scripture ", was Zoan or Tanis : the next might have been On or Helio- polis — though we do not know for certain th.'it it was so P. If On however was in existence before the Descent into " Fasti, iv. 44S /). i> Wh\. 448 v. 1(58 Tht three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. h. Egypt, and Thebes in Egypt was probably founded in the time of Joseph, and by Joseph himself "^i, it was certainly younger than On Yet notwithstanding that, through its name of Thebes, meaning the "city of the ark*"," it would never Maut a foundation for a plausible cUiim of its own to the highest antiquity of any city in the country — and little short of the descent from the ark, and the second Natale Mundi itself. And this leads me to observe that even when advancing a claim of this kind, and professing to find the proofs of it in their hieroglyphical history and chronology, tlie priests of Tliebes seem to have had something in view^ which was mo- derate and reasonable, in comparison of the similar claims afterwards put forward by Manetho in behalf of Memphis. Their highest ambition does not appear to have aimed at more than the attachment of the beginning of the history of their own city in particular to that of society itself in Egypt in general. There is reason to believe, as I have shewn s, that they professed to have kept an account of 44 cycles of the period of the white bull of Thebes, 1320 years, but no more — and these, if reckoned back from B. C. 889, the date of their Julian and their Metonic correction, and very probably of the whole of their hieroglyphical system, would reach to B.C. 2209 — within 38 years of the Scriptural date of the Dispersion, B. C. 2247, but no more. Now, it is self-evident that it must have taken some time to bring the first settlers in Egypt, from Mesopotamia to that country. It is evident too that, to get to Egypt by land, they would have to pass through Canaan ; and it may be collected from Scripture ^ that the nearest part of Canaan to Egypt, (where Hebron was situated,) must have been occupied seven years at least before the nearest part of Egypt to Canaan, (where Zoan or Tanis was situated,) could have been. To mention no other possible causes of delay in the first settlement in Egypt in particular, the annual phenomenon of the rise of the Nile, until its nature and its laws had come to be understood, would make the first n Fasti, iv. 242-250. r lbi,l. iv. 24.^ sqq. : Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. loo. *< Fasti, iv. 225-227. ' Numbers, xiii. 22. S.J. Vseudo-ChronologieB of Profane Antupiifi/. 109 comers, still fresh from the ark, and under an awful recol- lection of the deluge, shy of advancing into the interior of a country, so liable to he visited every year with something in appearance so like a second deluge. The phonetic hieroglyphic, as first invented and intended, having been, in my ojjinion ^. simply an alphabet of another kind substituted for an alphabet of the common kind, (sim- ply in fact the enchorial alphabet in cypher.) and having been first contrived and applied by the priests of Upper Egypt as a means of conveying to posterity their pretended esoteric history and chronology ; it is no wonder that the priests of Lower Egypt, aware both of its factitious origin, and of its intention, should have carefully at first eschewed the use of it themselves. The time indeed did come when they too adopted it, and as the same kind of recognised channel of their earliest history ; but not before the ca- lamities brought on their country in general, first by Esar- haddon, next by Nebuchadnezzar, and lastly by Cambyses, (the instruments of the Deity in the infliction of his judg- ments on Egypt.) had taught all classes of men among them that it was no time to be disputing among themselves about the point of honour, and vying with each other for an ima- ginary distinction, when the existence of the nation itself was at stake ; and if the ancient renown and prestige of Egypt were still to be maintained in the eyes of strangers, all parties must concur in tlie use of the same means for the same end, whatsoever miglit be best calculated to pro- mote it. The paucity of sculptures at least, discovered in Lower Egypt, compared with the number and variety of those which have been found in the Thebaid, is something remark- able. Nor do they appear to have been very abundant in that quarter, when the Greeks first became acquainted with it — any more than at present. The allusions in Herodotus to the hieroglyphical figures or characters, observed there by himself, are very few-''. But the strongest confirmation of my assertion that such characters and sculptures for a long time were treated in tlie Delta as e.xotic, is the fact that nothing of that kind appears to have made i)art of the Pyramids, at ^' Fasti, iv. i6S &c\([. ^ ii. 124. i.^fi. 148. 15.V 170 The /Aree Witnesses, mid the threefold Cord. ch. ii. least at first. No hieroglyphics, as old as the oldest of the Pj'raraids, have yet been discovered either without or within them. Stones indeed have been used in the building of some of them, which had hieroglyphics upon them before they were so applied y, but nothing is known of the age of these in particular. Repositories too have been found in them, with inscriptions in the hieroglyphic upon them, implying that these repositories were sarcophaguses or sepul- chres, containing the bodies of the builders of these Pyraqiids themselves. But to suppose a structure like the Great Py- ramid of Gizeh, for example, intended simply as a colossal sepulclire, if not confuted by its own improbability, would be so by the internal evidence of its own end and purpose, fur- nished by the building itself — particularly by the innermost chamber — the architectural beauty, proportions, and execu- tion of this chamber, the careful provision made for its ven- tilation, the exquisite cistern of porphyry contained in it, the communication between this chamber and the Nilc^, and its other remarkable peculiarities. To suppose a chamber like that never to have had any destination, nor any use. from the first, except as a sepulchral vault — enclosing a dead body and a tomb — would be simply absurd ; but not so to conceive it planned and laid out, as the innermost shrine and sanctuary of a temple, for the sake of which all the rest of the same structure was built — to explain it in short, and understand it, of the mystical dakafxo^, dedicated to the union of the two great principles of the Cosmogonic Dnad of the Egyptians, Osiris and Isis, and to the tirst effect of their union in the development of the first and simplest form of life, that of the vegetable kingdom, in and through the element of water, and especially that of the Nile. The artistic finish and execution, the pains and labour, bestowed on such a chamber, would be only in harmony with its character and design, its destination and use, from the first. On this principle however the first idea of the Pyramids themselves could not have been earlier than that of the Osiris and Isis of the National Fable, B. C 1350. And it is far from improbable that the very first realisation of such an y Bunscn, ii. 381, 382. " Appendix, note DD. 8.3- Pseudo-Chronologies o/ Pro/awe ^w^i^wi/y. 171 idea in effect, as I have contended «, was the two Pyramids, erected in the centre of the Lake of Moeris '', but not before B. C. 1350. On this principle too, we may probably explain the form of the pyramid itself, or why a building of that shape in particular should have been selected as the fittest to enclose such an innermost sanctuary, such a mystical 6d\a- fjLOs, of the two Cosmogonic powers, as we are supposing. This mystical union of the Cosmogonic principles in the development of vegetable life being effected in every instance through the element of water, and some one or other of the seeds of plants; the seed made choice of for the example and illustration of this process and its effect, above all others, was that of barley or wheat. And what is a grain of barley in its natural state, but a double pyramid ? Divide a corn of barley crossways into two equal parts, and you will have two pyra- mids in miniature —one for each of the two Cosmogonic powers, in this view of their first relation to each other, and first union with each other. The Pyramids of Egypt — those colossal and stupendous structures — are only exaggerated expressions of this simple idea of the divided barleycorn ; and even the great Pyramid of Gizeh must own to a prototype in nature, older than itself, yet the same iu shape and outline, if not in bulk, with itself; and that simply this half of a barley- corn. Nor is it more extraordinary a priori, that the Egyptians should have borrowed the idea of this mystical 6aKa\xos^ in the inmost core of the greatest of their pyramids, as the proper seat of the principle of vegetable life in general, from the idea of the same principle of life and activity in the heart of the barleycorn in particular, than that they should have taken the first idea of the aophs of Osiris, and of the KaOap^fi eis ttiu aopov, which makes so conspicuous a figure in the fable of Osiris and Typhonf, from the cuticle or skin of the grain of wheat or barley also, which, while it is entire, confines the principle of life, and prevents its acting according to its natural tendencies. The Pyramids too, on these suppositions, could not have been older than 1>. C. 1850, and proljably must have been some centuries later ; for ideas like these could not have » Fasti, iii. n;;, 19S. •> C'f. lleiod. li. lot. 149. ■' Fasti, iii. i!S6-i89. 172 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. been conceived and realized simultaneously with the in- vention of the Fable of the Isia, though it is very possible they might ultimately have grown up out of it. As to their actual age — though doubtless all are not of the same anti- quity — no testimony is extant, entitled to any deference, which would make even the oldest of them a thousand years older than the Christian yEra. And as I have hinted in the Fasti Catholici •', it is far from improbable that the principal pyramid was projected, and begun to be built, at the same time as Memphis, near which it is situated ; and very possibly in the reign of Shishak too, and with the treasures brought away from Jerusalem by him. Section IV. — On the true Chronology o/ Mundane and Hu- man Time, discoverable among the ancient Egyptians. Such then being the history, and such the chronology, consigned to the Monuments under the hieroglyphical cha- racter, or circumstantially drawn out in the three books of the Dynasties of Manetho, so ostentatiously too paraded be- fore the eyes of the strangers who came among the Egypt- ians, and so confidently appealed to as a standing proof of the antiquity of their name and nation — and such being the bias and tendency of scepticism at the present day, to rest and to insist upon this, as a real and matter of fact confuta- tion of the Scriptural account of Mundane and Human exist- ence; it is. in every point of view, a Providential circum- stance that, even among these Egyptians themselves, another system of chronology is discoverable, as different from this, as this is from that of Scripture ; and good reason why, in- somuch as this other scheme of Egyptian chronology and that of Scripture are absolutely the same. If then it be demanded, Where is this chronology to be found? or. How has it happened that so little should have been known of it hitherto? I answer — It is the chronology embodied in the Cycles of the ancient Egyptians — the chro- nology whicli we enucleate from the history, the analysis, and the explanation, of their principal cycles, the Mneuis cycle, the Aris cycle, and especially the Phcenix cycle — and, ^ iv. 4+7. s. 4. Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane Anfu/ui/i/. 1 73 if nothing has hitherto been known of this chronology, it is because nothing, or next to nothing, has hitherto been known of these cycles. Add to which, that this chronology itself, unlike that of which wo have just been treating, was not one which the Egyptians were likely to have proclaimed to all the world. There was nothing in it calculated to flatter their national pride, to keep up the prestige of their pretended antiquity and greatness from the first, in comparison of that of all their contemporaries elsewhere : it would simply, if known, have put them on a level with the rest of the world. It was something therefore which they carefulh^ kept to themselves — the most esoteric part of their traditionary knowledge of the past — the greatest of all their secrets, con- fined to the schools and colleges of the priests, and disclosed even there only to the most trustworthy of their disciples. The account, which has been given of the Mneuis cycle, is demonstrative that, from the proper epoch of this cycle, A.M. 232 i, B.C. 1681, downwards, the Egyptians must have had as correct a reckoning of Mundane time in the regular de- cursus of that cycle, as that of Scripture itself; and that the true year of the Exodus from Egypt, B. C. 1561—1560, is as capable of being ascertained from this cycle as from Scripture itself. The account of the Apis cycle, in like manner, proves that in the reckoning of the cycle of 25 years from its histo- rical epoch, Thoth 11, /Era Cyc. 3034., May 1, B. C. 973, as taking up and continuing the cxxiid cycle of that kind from the first in the ninth year, and the fonrth month of the 7nnth year, of its decursus, they had as true a chronology of the JEra, Mundana in primitive solar and primitive lunar time as that of our own Fasti, or, in other words, as that of Scrip- ture itself. But that one of their cycles which does most to bring out in the clearest light, and in the most striking manner, the true and correct idea of their own system of things, and of the past history of their own world, which must have been possessed by the Egyptians, until they themselves came deli- berately to ignore it, and to substitute a false and factitious counterfeit, of tiieir own devising, in its stead, is their Phce- Nix cycle. The history of this cycle was the principal subject of the 174 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii, first Part of this work, to which I have so frequently had occasion to refer, under the name of the Fasti. It was in fact, if not the exclusive subject of that Part, yet the most important, the most prominent, the most circumstantially treated of, of the whole of its proper argument. The reader therefore, who is desirous of knowing the entire history of this cycle, as far as my own inquiries have succeeded in bringing it to light, and the proofs by which it is substan- tiated throughout, must necessarily be referred to my Fasti. All that can reasonably be expected from me at present, in recurring to the same subject here, is to go over the ground again as summarily, but as intelligibly, as the nature of the case may permit ; stating the results of my former inquiries, on every point of real importance to a complete knowledge of the history, the rule, the administration of the cycle, and, in a general way, the steps of the process also by which I arrived at them. i. Then, to begin with the question of the epoch of the cycle ; and first, in terms of the year. It has been shewn ^, i. That three appearances, or supposed appearances, of the Phoenix itself having been all which even the Egyptians themselves professed to have on record historically, and the Phoenix never having been supposed to be seen at all, except at the end of one of its proper cycles and the beginning of another ; we were justified in inferring from this admission that the number of distinct Phoenix cycles also, of which the Egyptians had kept an actual account, could not have been more than three, ii. That as the third of these appearances professed to be connected historically with the reign of the third Ptolemy, (Ptolemy Euergetes I.) the historical limits of this one appearance in particular must be restricted to that of his reign also, B. C. 247-222 f — and as restricted to that in general, very probably, as there was also reason to con- clude f, to the 21st year of his reign, B. C. 227 in particular. iii. Assuming consequently this year of the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes I., B. C 227, as the supposed historical date of the last of these recorded appearances of the Phoenix, and consequently of the fourth Phcenix cycle, and the period "■ Fasti, iii. 224 sqq. 230 sqq. ' Ibid. iii. 131. 234. g Ibid. iii. 2^?. 222. s. 4- Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane Antiquily. 175 of tl»c cycle, as thus historically connected iu a particular instance with this epoch, as that of Soliuus, 540 years, we get the epoch of the first, (1(520 years before B. C. 227) B. C. 18475. iv. Assuming the period of the cycle, according to another of the measures of its length, handed down from antiquity, that of Mauilius, at 509 years '', and the epoch of the period of tliis kind, current in his time, according to his own testi- mony, reported by Pliny '>, B. C. 321, and the period itself, the fourth, as before, in the decursus of such cycles from the first, we get the epoch of the first, (509 x 3 or 1527 years be- fore B. C. 321,) B. C. 1848. V. Assuming the interval between the epoch of the Tables of Ptolemy, (A. D. 1.'58,) and the date of two sidereal obser- vations attributed to the Egyptian Hermes, according to Abraham Zachut, (1985 years') to have been really intended of the interval between the epoch of the Tables of Ptolemy and that of the first Phoenix cycle, we get the epoch of that first cycle, 1985 years before A. D. 138, B.C. 1847. vi. These difterent dates of the epoch, though obtained in such different ways and from such difterent data, being never- theless so nearly identical — one of them, it was evident, con- firmed another ; and the coincidence of each of tliese modes of proceeding in the same result at last, could leave little or no doubt of its truth. I say the same result ; for that was strictly the case, in the epoch obtained from the first and the third, B. C. 1847. And though the epoch obtained from the second dift'ered apparently from this, tliat diflcrence was limited to one year, B.C. 1848 instead of B.C. 1847. And even that would be explained, if the Phoenix cycle had in reality, from the first, a double epoch ; one taken from the first of the Primitive Thoth for the time being, a certain day B. C. 1848, and the other from the date of the mean vernal equinox, B. C. 1847. vii. And that this was actually the case, and that this is consequently the true explanation of this seeming difference, was made to appear by the history of the discovery and the application of the principle of the Julian reckoning, by the ^ Fasti, iii. 22.^-:,56. ' Ibid. iii. 24: : iv. Adilciida, 660. 176 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. ancient Egyptians also i^ ; and of the two principal types of this reckoning, whicli they had among them, one of which took its rise on the first of the civil Thoth, /Era Cyc. 2159, Nov. 18, B.C. 1848, and consequently on the epoch of the first Phoenix cycle according to Manilius — the other, along with the first Sothiacal period, Thoth 1, My2l Cyclica 2657, July 22, B. C. 1350 1. And this distinction was further con- firmed on the one hand, by tlie division of the natural year in terms of the civil, among the Egyptians, into three sea- sons of four months each, (the season of Vegetation or Gar- dening, the season of Housing or Reaping, and the season of the Waters "\) founded on the actual relations of the natural and the civil year inter se, Nov. 18 B. C. 1848, and strictly applicable at that time — and on the other, by a similar divi- sion of the civil year, among the Egyptians also, into three pei'iods of 120 days, four mouths of the equable standard, each, in length, founded on the relations of the Sothiacal type, as coming into being July 22 B.C. 1350, to the Phoenix type, of so much older date, Nov. 18 B.C. 1848. For this was such that from the first of a given month in the former to the first of the month of the same name and the same place in its proper calendar, in the latter, in the same year of the Julian cycle of leap-year, all round the calendar in both types, the interval was just 120 days". ii. With respect to the epoch of the Phoenix cycle in terms of the Day. It has been shewn ", that the traditionary cha- racter of the epoch, in terms of the natural year, having been that of the mean vernal equinox for the proper meridian, and the traditionary lunar character having been the Luna septima P, both these characters met in the Julian April 8 B. C. 1847. And that tlds must have been the actual Julian date of the first Phoenix cycle, has been further confirmed, i. By the rule of the Mysteries of Minos in Crete, and the stated interval of 24 days between their proper date in the correction of Minos, at the epoch, Sept. 23 B. C. 1260, and their date in a corresponding Octaeteric cycle, brought down from this epoch of the first Phoenix cycle, April 8 B. C. ^ Fasti, iv. 1 71-183. ' Cf. supra, page i3sqq. m Cf. Bunsen, "i- ?>^-> 39-4.S- Herod, ii. 92. » Cf. Fasti, iv. 175. o Fasti, iii. 238. P iii. 339-349 71. 509-524. s. 4- V'!iem\o-Chrouo]og\cii of Profane Antiquitif. 177 1847, to that of the correction of Minos — August 30 'i. ii. By the Lunar character of the epoch of the second cycle, the Luna 15^, as necessarily deducible from the Lunar cha- racter of that of the first, the Luna 7^ ; and the coincidence of the former character with the Julian April 8 B. C. 134'7, as much as that of the latter with the same term, April 8, B. C. 1847^ iii. By the history of the sphere of antiquity, or that modification of the sphere of the beginning of things itself, which came into existence along with the first Phoe- nix cycle ; and by that of the two other types of tliis sphere, which came into being along with the two other Phoenix cycles, later than the first. And of all the confirmations of our account of the Phoenix cycle of the Egyptians to which we could appeal at present, this is the most complete and the most decisive ; for even this cycle itself, in its first conception and first intention. was nothing more or less than a combination of two spheres, just at the epoch of this cycle; one, an abstract idea of its kind, fixed and invariable, and consequently not liable to be affected by Precession, the other, the sphere of nature, neces- sarily subject to Precession, and consequently shifting and variable — the former of which 1 have called the Sphere of Mazzaroth^, the latter the Tropical or Natural. So that, from this time forward, the history of the Phoenix cycle was in reality that of the sphere, and tlie history of the sphere was as truly that of the Phoenix cycle. And as no more than three appearances of the Phoenix professed to be known of historically, from which I argued that no more than three Phoenix cycles could have been known of historically also ; so, it is very observable, have no more than three types of the sphere been handed down, as known of de facto, from all antiquity, yet each with a character of its own, derived from the varying relations of a moveable to an im- moveable exemplar of its kind, (such as I suppose to have been originally combined at the epoch of the first Phoenix cycle,) at equal periods in the subsequent decursus of both together *. Of each of these then in its turn. i. The traditionary character of the first and oldest of 1 Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. 487-49 r. r Fasti, iii. 530. Origg. Kal. Hell. v. 160: vi. 6.^2 sf|f|. » Fasti, iii. ^.so. • iii. 287. 178 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. these spheres was that of the sphere laid down in guintis- decimis partibus'^ : and that was simply the description of the original combination of the moveable with the immoveable sphere, at the epoch H. 0. 1817, when the first degree of the Tropical, reckoned from April 7 at m. n. to April 8 at m. n., the date of the mean vernal equinox for the meridian of He- liopolis, was actually falling in the 15th degree of the sphere of Mazzaroth, reckoned from March 24 at m. n. to March 25 at m. n.^ ii. The traditionary character of the second type of the sphere of antiquity was that of the sphere laid down in duo- decimis partibusY: and that was simply the description of the relation of the moveable and the immoveable spheres inter se, at the epoch of the second Phoenix cycle, B. 0. 1317, when the first degree of the Tropical, reckoned from April 4 at m. n. to April 5 at m. n., the mean vernal equinox for the meridian of Heliopolis, was actually falling in the 12th degree of the sphere of Mazzaroth, reckoned, as before, from March 24 at m. n. to March 25 at m.n. iii. The traditionary character of the third type of the sphere of antiquity was that of the sphere laid down i?i octa- vis 2'xirtibus'^ : and that too was simply the description of the relation of the two spheres to each other at the epoch of the third Phoenix cycle, B. C. 848, assumed for B. C. 847, when the first degree of the Tropical, March 31 at m. n. to April 1 at m. n., the date of the mean vernal equinox, as before, was falling in the eighth degree of the sphere of Mazzaroth, reck- oned from March 24 at m. n. to March 25 at m. n., as before also. These different relations of the two principal terms in this combination, the sphere of Nature and the sphere of Mazza- roth, and the difterent epochs in the decursus of both toge- ther, at which they were actually holding good, have been illustrated and confirmed by other corroborative coinci- dences. As, i. The relations of the epochs of origination, (i. e. at the first combination of the two spheres themselves,) inter se, first, by the Genitura Mundi, or the supposed position of the V Fasti, iii. 284-287. * iii. 280-299. 299-^24. V iii. 287. 349-361. ^ iii. 287. 420 s(i([. s. 4- Vseu(\o-Chror\o\og\es of Profane Antifjuity. 179 sun, the moon, ftnd tlie planets, ench in the xvth degree of their respective Houses, characteristic of this Genitura, yet founded on the actual relations of the two spheres to each other, at the mean vernal equinox, B. C. 1817**. Secondly, By the traditionary horoscope of this Genitura — Aries on the meridian at noon, the first point of Cancer rising, and the first point of Capricorn setting, at the same moment of time; characters these, actually those of the state of the case on this very day, April 8, at mean noon, for the meridian of Heliopoiis, H. C. 1847^. ii. Those of the epochs of the second and third of the same combinations, first, By the fable of the Dragon and the Sparti or sown men of Cadmus, explained in the third Part of my Origines <= ; and by a supposed modification of the sphere of the first type, laid down in quartisdecimis parti- bus, and assumed as the sphere of Cadmus, B.C. 1427. Se- condly, By the Etruscan spliere, laid down in tmdecimis par- tibus, B. C. 143 1^'. Thirdly, by the Chaldee sphere, or astro- logical sphere of antiquity, laid down in decimis partibus^ B. C. 1106^'. Nor is it any difficulty that, though the proper epoch of the third Phoenix cycle would have been B. C. 847, that of the second revision or third combination of the spheres, de facto, (but for particular reasons,) assumed by the Egyptians, was B.C. 818''. iii. By the history of the Lunar Mansions, wliich came into being along with the first type of the sphere, at the epoch of the first Piioenix cycle, and were revised and laid down afresh, along with each fresh type of the sphere, at the epoch of successive cycles. As, first — the Julian date of the first type of these mansions having been that of the first Phosnix cycle, April 8, perpetually — it has been shewn < that, as the lunar character of the mansions, handed down by testimony from the first, was the Luna septima, so the lunar character of April 8, B. C. 1847, for the meridian of Heliopoiis, was the Lu?ia septima also^. Secondly, the Julian date of the epoch of the mansions being supposed to have remained the same •■' Fasti, iii. 447 sqq. ii. 75. •> iii. 451-459 •■ Origg. Kal. Hell. v. 144 sqf|. d Origg. Kal. Ital. ii. 492 sqq. ^ Fasti, ii. 76. iii. 4^)4 sqq. f iii. 420. 531. K iii 328 sqq. 55 1 S(|q. •< iii. .^28-.^48 and « 502.520 iv. Appendix, 67 1 n. 180 IVie three Witnesses, and f.he threefold Cord. en. ii. in every type, the true lunar character of this epochal date in the first instance having been the Luna septima, that of the same epochal date in the second instance must have been the Luna quint ade cima'^ ; and that the proper lunar character of the second Phopnix cycle, April 8, B. C. 1347, was the Luna lo'S is proved by testimony discoverable even among the Greeks '«. Thirdly, the proper lunar time of the man- sions, regularly brought down from April 2, the Luna 1^ or April 8, the Luna ?», B. C. 1817, the epoch of the first type of the sphere, to B. 0. 848, that of the third, as anticipated by one year, has been connected, at that particular period of its decursus, with the proper lunar time of the Apis cycle, brought down, in the period of 125 equable years, from its epoch of origination, Thoth 11, JEra, Cyc. 3034, May 1, B. C. 973, to this period, and its proper epoch at this, Thoth 11, -^ra Cyc. 3159, April 1, B.C. 848 — and a reason has thereby been assigned for the anticipation itself ^. iv. By the history of the Zodiac, in contradistinction to the Ecliptic — and by that of the Zodiacal figures, in contra- distinction to the Signs. It has been shewn m that the first combination of the two spheres, and along with it the first idea of the division of the ecliptic into a certain number of equal spaces (28), like those of the lunar mansions, at this epoch of B. C. 1847, led in its consequences to the conception of the Zodiac in con- tradistinction to the Ecliptic — to the imposition of Zodiacal names on the Signs — and ultimateh^ to the introduction of the Zodiacal figures, as the representatives of the Signs, into the sphere itself — That this was not done at random, but after a certain order, the most natural and probable, under the circumstances of the case, which could a pi'iori have been expected — and spread altogether over an interval of 1000 years, from the epoch of the first Pha?nix Period, B. C 1847, to that of the third, B. C. 847 or 848— That the first type of the sphere consequently had simply the ecliptic and the signs ; the second had the signs under the zodiacal names, but not the zodiacal figures ; the third had the signs Fasti, iii. 530. '' Origier. Kal. Hell. v. 160. ' Fasti, iii. 531 sqq. •" iii. .^24-419. s. 4. Pseudo-Chronologies of Profane Antiquity. IHI both under tlie zodiacal names and with the zodiacal figures. And these names too have been explained"; and in more than one instance have been shewn to have been critically adapted to the place of the sign so called, in the natural year. And in like manner, it has been shewn », that, though each type of the sphere had its proper type of the Mansions also, names were first given to the mansions only of the third type. And these names too have been explained, and in repeated instances shewn to have attested, by their meaning itself, the relations of the mansions, under their proper Julian dates in this third type, to their places in the natural year, at the same period ; especially the name of the cubit mansion, under its proper Julian date of this epoch, June 17, and the tradition still connected in Egypt with this Julian term in particular, as late as the time of Prosper Alpinus at least P. V. By the subsequent history of the sphere, after the se- cond revision, 13. C. 848, as that wliich passed from the Egyptians, in the state in which it was left by this revision, to the rest of the ancient world, and as that which has de- scended to posterity, retaining at this very day, mutatis mutandis merely, the impress stamped upon it B.C. 818 'i. And more particularly by the history of its passage, along with the signs, the zodiac, the zodiacal names, and the man- sions of this third and last type, to the Hindus, B.C. 699"", and to the Chinese, B. C. 657 ^ vi. By the history of the doctrine of the alternate Preces- sion of the cardinal points of the sphere, (both the sphere of Mazzaroth, and the Tropical sphere.) to a certain extent in consecjucntia, and the alternate Recession, to the same ex- tent in antecedentia^ ; a doctrine originally broached in Chaldaia, (and probably in B.C. 1106,) and adopted by the Egyptians in B. C. 798, as the law of the relation of the two spheres to each other from that time forward perpetually — entailing consequently a change in the Phoenix Period from one of 500 years to one of 6 10. An history, confirmed by the examples of spheres of later date, in repeated instances, " Kiisti, iii. 361 -4i(^. (. 11)1(1. .^30.551 s(|ij. i' Ibid. 572-580. 1 Ibid. 165-268. 4:0-435. r Ibid. iv."47-9o. s |bid. "iv. I'^o. ^ Ibid. iii. 43Q_44r,. oVim;. Kal. Ifal. iv. 56^66: Hdl. vi. 63S s(|(|. 183 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. acoommodated to this doctrine : as, i. tlio sphere of Thales, B. C. 60.2V: ii. the sphere of Eudoxus, ]i. C. (587 and B.C. 398 '^r iii. the sphere of Hcsiod, B.C. 570-5G9y: iv. the sphere of Sosigenes, aud of the Julian correction, B.C. 45 ^. Such being in brief ray account of the Phoenix cycle — its original constitution — its subsequent administration accord- ing to its proper law as long as that was still observed — the abandonment of this law and this rule of administration at last, and witli it, the corruption of the traditionary astronomy of the postdiluvian world, iulierited from the antediluvian — (an astronomy too as true to nature as that which was now substituted for it in Egypt was false — ) let us pass to the use and application, proposed by this whole account, as supply- ing the proofs of the true chronology of their own world, which must have been possessed by the ancient Egyptians up to the date of the institution of this cycle. And here I begin with observing, i. that the ascertained epoch of this in- stitution, B. C. 1847, reduced to its place in the true ^Era Mundana as the same with that of the Hebrew Bible, before and after the Deluge, was just 500 years later than the year of the Descent from the ark, and the second Natale Mundi, B. C. .2347. Secondly, that the proper Period of the Phoenix cycle from the first was 500 years also ^. Thirdly, that being the case, on the principle of the reditus retro, of which every cyclical reckoning in its own nature is capable, it would have made no difference to the decursus of the cycle itself, whe- ther it had come into existence at the mean vernal equinox B. C. 1847 or at the mean vernal equinox B. C. 2347. ii. I observe in the next place, i. that though the fable, relating to the Bird called the Phoenix, no doubt was asso- ciated with the Cycle and Period so called too, from the first ; this Phoenix Bird, as the living and sentient type of the Period, was a very diflerent thing from the Phoenix Period ; and the idea and conception of the former must have had a very different origin from that of the latter, ii. That for the origin of the idea of the Phoenix Period, just at this epoch of B. C. 1847, nothing is necessary in the way of explanation, ^' Hell. vi. 630-646. " Fasti, iv. 1 14-130. 131-143. OriRg. Kal. Hell, ii. 657 : i. 614 Sf|f|. >' Ibid. i. 275 sqq. z Origg. Kal. Ital. iv. 56-66. Hell. vi. 638 sqq. » Fasti, iii, 219-224. s. 4- Pseudo- Chronologies 0/ Pro/owe ^n/?//«/7?/. 183 but the actual relations inter se of the various kinds of time incorporated in the Period, Tropical, Lunar, and Julian, ob- taining de facto at that very time, and the end proposed by the institution of the Cycle itself^the fixation of those rela- tions, either absolutely or relatively, just in the same way, throuL'h successive Periods. liut how shall we account for the origin of the idea of the Phoenix Bird just at the same time also, except from the accidental coincidence that, while the epoch of the institution of the Phoenix Period de facto was B. C. 1847, virtually it was B. C. 2347, the very first year of the postdiluvian world ? The virtual, if not the actual, epoch of the Phoenix Cycle and Phcenix Period being thus the very first year of the new world, just coming into being out of the destruction of the old, yet resembling the old in every essential respect, and taking up and continuing the same succession of things called the course of nature, after the flood as before ; wiiat is wanted, but that coinci- dence, to connect the Phoenix Bird with the Phoenix Cycle, both at first and ever after, yet in the particular way sup- posed by the Fable, of its coming into being at the begin- ning of every fresh Period out of the destruction and death of its predecessor, at the end of the one just before ^ ? iii. T proceed to remark on the same subject further, i. That though the Krion of the sphere of Mazzaroth, March 24 to April 24, and the Aries of the Tropical sphere, was the epochal sign de facto at every combination of the two spheres, from B.C. 1847 to B.C. 818; proofs are discover- able, and have been adduced <=, that the true Krion or Aries of the beginning, the true Xatalitial sign of the existing system of things, (the Verno-equinoctial sign of B. C. 4004.) was known to have been the Tauron of Mazzaroth, xVpril 25 ^May 25. ii. That, according to the annual rate of the precession in mean longitude, assumed in the Tables of my Fasti, 50"-0G9, in 2157 years it would amount to 30° degrees, or one entire sign complete ; and consequently, if the two stars, Beta and Zeta Tauri, A. M. 1, B.C. 400I, were stand- ing in 0' 0", and 2r Arietis was standing in 330 •, A. M. 2158, B.C. 1817, the former must l)e standing in 30^ 0' 0", '■ Fasti, iii. 245. Origg. Kill. Ital. I'rclini. AiUirt'ss, c. •■ Fasti, iii. 253 scm. Prelim. Aildn-ss, Ixx.xii. 184 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. and the latter in 0° 0' 0" ^. iii. That, in adapting, the asterism of the Kani to the sign of the Ram, and that of the Bull to the sign of the Hull, whensoever that was done be- tween these epochs of B.C. 1847 and B.C. 848, the Egyp- tians laid down 2r Arietis and Beta and Zeta Tauri just 30 degrees asunder, the former in 0' 0' 0", and the latter in 30° 0' 0" — and what is very observable, the latter in the very first degree of the sign of the Bull, one on the top of one horn, the other on that of the other e. From such coincidences as these, which are much too critical to be accounted for by chance, we are justified in arguing that whosoever they were, who first conceived the idea of the combination of the moveable and the immoveable sphere, at the epoch of the first Phoenix C3'cle, they must have had as distinct an apprehension of the true relations of Tropical, Sidereal, and Julian time^ A. M. 1, B. C. 4004, as A.M. 2158, B.C. 1847; and therefore must have had as exact a chronology of their own world from the beginning- down to the institution of the Phoenix Cycle, as from that epoch down to any later period, for which nothing would be necessary but the decursns of this Cycle itself. This point then having been cleared up, and my assertion that the Egyptians were once in possession of as true a Chro- nology of the antediluvian and the postdiluvian world, as we ourselves at the present day, having thereby been made good, before I take my leave of this subject, let me say a few words on the Pseudo-Histories and Pseudo-Chronologies of other nations of antiquity, as well as that of the Egyptians. Section V. — On the Pseudo-History and Pseudo-Chronology of Profane Antiquity, distinct from that of the E(/yptiaiis. It is just as probable a iiriori that a true chronology of Mundane and Human History must have been possessed by all mankind, as by any particular people, at first. In fact, if the Scriptural account of the origin of all nations first from Adam, and then from the three sons of Noah, is true, it is scarcely conceivable that any kind or degree of knowledge could have been the birthright of any of them, which was fl Fasti, iii. 2(19-274. 4.^2-43;;. ^ Fasti, iii. 25.S. 265 : Introduction to the Tables, 240, 24I. 8.5- Vsexi(\o-CAirono\oQ\es of Profane A ntiquitT/. 185 not shared at first, and for a longer or a shorter time after- wards retained in its integrity, by the rest. In the case indeed of those other nations, individually dis- tinct from the Egyptians, who are known to have set up ex- travagant claims to an antiquity of their own, or in behalf of their proper system of things — we have it not in our power to confront these pretensions, at present, with any more ra- tional systems of the same kind, and more consistent with what we know from Scripture to have been the truth — dis- coverable among them, from any more trustworthy but more recondite; sources of information, as among the Egyptians ; but that truer and more rational ideas even on such points as these did once exist very generally in the ancient world, after the Deluge as much as before, may be argued from various considerntions, some of them briefly noticed supra*'. As i. The general concurrence of the postdiluvian world to date the proper origin of the measures of time of their own system of things at that one season of the natural year, at which in fact they did actually take their rise, viz. that of the vernal equinox s. ii. The knowledge and recollection of the true NataJe Mu)idi of the antediluvian world, so long and so correctly retained among them S, even after the Flood, as well as that of their own world in particular ^, which from the nature of the case could bear date only from the year after the Flood, and the Descent from the ark. iii. The evi- dent desire and anxiety of the reformers of the calendar, in the postdiluvian world, in repeated instances to attach the epoch of their civil time to the epoch of natural from the first, through such remarkable terms as April 25 or 2 I, the traditionary date of the Natale Mundi of the beginning, or March 2 !•, 25. or 2(5, the epoch of the sphere of Mazzaroth, so closely connected with it'. And besides these, we can appeal in particular instances to well attested matters of fact, as demonstrative proofs of the still continued retention of a true and legitimate tradi- tion of the real auticpiity of their own world, and of its past history and chronology, in quarters distinct from Egypt, or Judaia. in \vl)ich no traces of it are discoverable at present ; ' Pa:i- 5. "j: Fasli, ii. 70 Miq. i' SiipiH. p. 77. 7S. ' Fasti, iii. .5I.^ 186 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. having long been overlaid or obliterated by very diflferent assumptions and theories of later date. As i. Among the Hindus, according to Mr. Bentle}' '^, there was an Mr?i of Creation, older far than the invention and adoption of their monstrous system of the Kalpa, (which in his opinion is not older than A. D. 538') — the epoch of which was remarkably in accordance with the Scriptural date of the Deluge — and would therefore imply that by this ^Era of Creation, they meant that of the new world, after the destruction of the old by the Flood, ii. The Arabians, as 1 had occasion to shew '", have handed down a tradition, received indeed from the Egyptians, but accepted also by themselves, that, at the epoch of the Deluge, the star Re- gulus, or Cor Leonis, was standing on or about the summer solstitial colure ; and such was its actual position in mean longitude B.C. 2348. iii. It has been shewn" that, at Ba- bylon, the Chaldees must have been aware of the true date of the Dispersion, as late as B. C. 1106. And what is more, there is reason to believe" that, so late even as the epoch of the sera of Nabonassar, B. C. 747, they were aware of a fact which was strictly holding good at that time, viz. the return- ing of equable time, there and then, to the same relation to Julian or Natural, in which it had stood to them at the Dis- persion, iv. It has been shewn too, in the Origines Kal. ItalicsePj that the return of equable time, B.C. 980, within one or two days, to the traditionary date of the Natale Mundi, April 25 or 24, in Italy, was the probable motive to the institution of the first of the two Etruscan types of the Nundinal correction, tliat of Vulsinii, and along with it, that of a remarkable ceremony, peculiar to ancient Italy, the Clavifighan, or Driviny of a Nail, with much solemnity, every five equable, every six nundinal, years, as the means of keeping the account of mundane time, from that time forwards, in terms both of equable and nundinal time, per- petually. V. It has been shewn in the Origines Kal. Hel- lenicieH, that the return of equable time, B.C. 841, to the same relation to Julian as at the epoch of the Deluge, B. 0. t« Fasti, ii. 29. 1 Hindu Astronomy, 8: scjq. m Introduction to the Tables, 200. " Fasti, iii. 478 n. " ii. 77. l> ii. 445. 458. '' ^' 747-7-19- s. 5- PseuAo-CUronologies of Profane Antiquity. 187 2318, did not escape contemporary observation even among tlie Greeks; but led to the fixation of what were called the Mtapai i]iJL€pai„ (the traditionary days of tlie flood.) through the 17th of the primitive month of the time being, and with no other error in that assumption, except that of the 17th of the last month, instead of the 17th of the second, to their proper Julian date, as recoverable from their place in the Correction of Solon, B C. 592, March 1. The falsification of the true history and true chronology, like that of the true religion also^ of the Postdiluvian w orld, there is every reason to believe began with the ancient Egyptians; but a beginning having thus been made, and an example in this respect set, by so influential a people as the Egyptians, nothing is necessary, in order to account for the same phenomenon in any other instance, beyond the force of this first example; and the authority of this precedent. Among the Egyptians the first idea of this false history and chronology must have been self-originated ; among the rest of the world it is probably to be resolved into the principle of imitation or rivalry, — the desire to do what those whom they looked up to as their masters and teachers were seen to have done, or the ambition of not being outdone in the affectation of antiquity of origin, and of intellectual and moral superiority from the first, which thus seemed to be necessary to put them on a level with their masters and teachers themselves. And the means, which it was very well known, or with good reason suspected, that the Egypt- ians had adopted, as the best suited for this purpose of exag- gerating their own antiquity or preeminence from the first, having been the invention of the phonetic hieroglyphic, other nations, in the same spirit of emulation or of rivalry, set their wits to work to contrive a mysterious language of their own, which should serve the same purpose of recording and perpetuating, and yet concealing from all but tlie initiated few, their own esoteric history and chronology. Hence in all probability the first conception of the arrow-headed or cuneiform character of the Babylonians, Assyrians, or Per- sians, which the learned are so eagerly intent on making out ' Fasti, iii. 116. 1 :6. 188 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. at present ; and probably too the still undeciphered and un- intelliaible character of the ancient Umbria or Etruria. But the most remarkable of all those consequences, which are ultimately perhaps to be traced to what the Egyptians were known or suspected to have done in the same way so long before, in my opinion, is the Sanskrit language. I do not scruple to declare my conviction, in spite of all the ridi- cule with which it will probably be received in certain quarters, that the first idea even of the Sanskrit language is to be traced buck to the example of the invention of a lan- guage for a particular purpose, first set by the Egyptians ; and that even the Sanskrit of ancient or of modern India, as much as the Hieroglyphic of the I'^gyptians, or the Cunei- form of the Assyrians, belongs to the same category of a purely factitious and artificial, instead of a real and genuine, specimen of the use of words as the vehicle of ideas and thoughts of every kind — differing only from its congeners, first, in being probably much younger than either of them, or any thing else of the same kind which might have once existed elsewhere ; secondly, in its nature and composition, as made up of elements or materials, not invented for the purpose, but supplied by languages previously existing and in use — the native or veniacular languages of India, called the Prakrit, on the one hand, and the Greek, and the Latin, and the other European languages, on the other — and thirdly, very probably in the use and purpose for which it was in- tended ; that is, not as the vehicle simply of the history or the chronology of India, whether true or false in itself, hut as a dominant and privileged language, destined to become in due time (as in fact it has become) the only authorized vehicle, the only repository, of all the history, all the philo- sophy, all the theology, all the science, all the poetry, in a word, all the literature, of its own country, both before and after its invention ^ ' Appendix, Note EE. s. 6. Method of Investiyation in the Fasti and Origines. 1K9 Section VI. — 0/? the heariny of the investigations of the Fasti Catholici and the Origines KaleiularicC npon the study of the earliest Profane Antiquity ; and on the principle of the reliance which may he placed upon the results to which they have led. The most common objection of the modern school of" his- torical scepticism to tiie accounts of the ancients, (those especially which go furthest back in the annals of a parti- cular people,) is, that there is no proof, known of at present, that such accounts were derived from contemporary sources of information, — from the testimony of eye-witnesses or ear- witnesseSj fixed at the time, and preserved in its integrity ever after, in some permanent record. If this objection means only that, for any thing known to the contrary, these ancient accounts must have been trans- mitted to posterity traditionally, and not in writing ; without denying the possible truth of this assumption, still we may contend that even tradition, traced up to its sources, must originally have been founded on contemporary observation. Granting too that history, handed down by oral tradition alone, must always have been liable to corruption, and the more so the further it receded from the centre of origination, still we may justly maintain that even the corruption of his- torical truth is not necessarily the destruction of its essence, but at the utmost only an unwarranted addition to, or sub- traction from, some of its accidents and circumstances ; and that the proper duty of a rational and sober criticism, sitting in judgment on the traditions of the past, is not to reject such accounts in toio, because of the ol)jectionable character of some of their particulars, but assuming that all history, unwritten as much as written, uniformly handed down, must have been founded in some matter of fact or other, to deal with the traditions submitted to its cognizance, as the chymist would do witli the precious metal submitted to his analysis in the ore ; i.e. separate, if possible, the golden grains of truth and fact, from the adscititious matter which has gathered around them in the course of their transmission from mouth to mouth. It may justly be contended that, altiiough an historical account of any kind, however truly consigned to tradition from contemporary oljservation at 190 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. it. first, yet handed down ever after by oral testimony alone, without any change in its circumstances, would be an unex- ampled phenomenon ; the fact of an uniform, a consistent, and an undoubting tradition, handed down among a whole nation from age to age with the same unvarying belief in its truth, would be a yet more extraordinary phenomenon, and in its origin still more inexplicable. "^rhe natural tendency' of the human mind is to defer to testimony of every kind as true. If we have any predispo- sition, independent of, and prior to, the habits acquired from observation and experience, and founded in the very neces- sities of social existence, it is that of a prejudice in favour of the truth of every thing which comes recommended by testi- mony. The innate bias of our minds is not to doubt of the good faith of testimony, but to believe in it too easily and implicitly. A man must do violence to his first impressions, and to his spontaneous instincts and impulses, not to be in- clined to defer to testimony merely on its own account. We all feel instinctively that for the knowledge of every thing passing, which lies beyond the limited sphere of our own senses, we must rely upon others ; and we have all common grounds of confidence, in the common sense, the common honesty, and the common regard for truth, which are pro- perties and qualities of human nature every where — to justify this reliance on each other. Every man in his own time is thus perpetually dependent on his contemporaries, for all that he can know of the present, beyond the reach of his own eyes and ears ; and every later generation of men is still more dependent on an earlier, for all that it knows or can know of the past ; and whether that knowledge, so de- rived, is obtained through oral and traditionary, or through written and historical, testimonj^ is after all only an acci- dental distinction, and makes no real difference to the abso- lute dependence of all the knowledge and all the certainty which later times can have of the past, on the good faith and credibility of former. Written testimony itself, so far as regards the grounds of the deference due to it, rests much on the same foundation as traditionary. Both must be received, if at all, on autho- rity. Written testimony has no recommendation a priori s. 6. Method of Investiyation in the Fasti and Origines. 191 over traditionary, in respect of the ultimate foundation of both, contemporary observation, except the accidental ad- vantage which it seems to possess, of having been fixed at the time, according to actual observation, and secured by the very mode of its transmission ever after from the risk of change either in its substance or in its accidents. And yet even written history is not exempt from the possibility of corruption, in the coiu-se of its descent downwards; and even as the record of contemporary observation, how much must tliere be in all history, not written under the guidance of inspiration, which must have rested at first on testimony ah extra to its author, on the reliance which one man must after all place on another, for the knowledge of every thing beyond the sphere of his own observation ! With respect to those traditions of profane antiquity, which the modern school of historical criticism so summarily dis- poses of, it is as unreasonable as it is arrogant in any even the most sagacious of modern critics to pretend to know more of the true grounds of credibility on which such tradi- tions might have rested, than the wisest and best informed of former times — or even than any of the ancients, all of whom, whether competent judges of truth or falsehood in history on other grounds, or not, lived so much nearer at least to the origin of such traditions, and possibly even to the still continued existence of sensible proofs of their truth. The right mode of dealing with these ancient traditions at the present day is not to pronounce them incredible a priori, by an ipse di.rit of our own, but to confront them, if pos- sible, with a contrary tradition, equally ancient and equally well authenticated as an actual tradition of its kind, within the same sphere of circulation as these, yet repugnant to these. Quod semper, ubiqiie, et ab omnibus, is as good a test and criterion of truth or falsehood in history as in theology, and it is the same spirit of heresy which leads to the rejec- tion of a fact in ancient history, authenticated by an uniform tradition, as to the denial of a dogma in religion, attested by an uniform belief. It is peculiar however to the historical inquiries of the Fasti and the Origines, that they have to do with the events of general history among any nation, and at any time whe- 192 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. ther more or less remote, only through ana of the circum- stances of all events, and that one the most precise and defi- nite of all — their time ; and even with their time through its connection with some form or other of the measures of time. And in this relation the proper expression of their time is their date. And to this one of the circumstantial criteria of all events, at the time of their happening, (as capable a priori as any of being handed down by tradition,) it must always, from the nature of the case, be peculiar, to be either totally true or totally false. There is no such affection of a circum- stantial criterion of passing events, like this, as that of its being partly true and partly false. Nothing can be added to, nothing can be subtracted from, the date of a passing event, which will not in either case be equally destructive of the truth of the relation between them. Every date there- fore, handed down traditionally as one of the proper circum- stances of a passing event, in that connection with it must be either totally true or totally false, and must be received or rejected in its totality accordingly. It is another felicity of our inquiries also that they have to do even with this one traditional circumstance and crite- rion of passing or past events, only as derived directly or in- directly, primarily or ultimately, from the natural measures of time, or from the primitive civil calendar. It requires no argument to prove that the testimony of the natural measures of time, wheresoever it comes in, and can be appealed to, to authenticate passing events, is contemporary testimony ; and not only so at the time, but as recoverable even at the present day, in the same relation, by calculation. It is equally unnecessary to prove that the testimony of the civil calendar also, (especially that of all mankind from the first, or that of the particular calendars of individual nations, de- rived from this at different points of time in its descent downwards,) is contemporary testimony — that a calendar, the nature of which, the constitution and laws of which, and the epoch of which are all known, so long as it continues to pro- ceed from that epoch, and to be administered according to those laws, is to all intents and purposes, at every period of its decursus, through the dates of passing events supplied by it, a perpetual source of contemporary testimony. s. 6. Method of Investigation in the Fasti and Origincs. 193 Thus among the notes and criteria of passing events, sup- plied by the natural measures of time, \^ e have it in our power to appeal sometimes to the cycle of the seasons, the equinoc- tial or solstitial ingresses — both the mean and the true — peculiar to Natural Tropical time : sometimes to the risings or settings of the stars, the conjunctions of the sun with such and such stars — peculiar to Natural Sidereal time — some- times to new or full moons, solar or lunar eclipses, lunar dichotomies, whether the first or the second of their kind — ■ peculiar to Natural Menstrual or Lunar time. Among those which are derived from the Noctidiurnal cycle, wc can appeal to some one or other of the measures of that cycle in terms of itself, which have run parallel to the course and succession of history also from the first, or from some known period in its decursus ; the Hebdomadal, for instance, of the former kind, both the Patriarchal, from B. C. 4004 to 13.0.1500, and the Patriarchal and the Levitical, from B.C. 1500 to B. C. 798, and the Patriarchal, the Levitical, and the Pla- netary, from B. C. 798 to the present dayt. The Nundinal of the latter kind, among the ancient Italians in general, from B. C. 1340 to B. C. 750, and among the Italians in general and the Romans in particular, from B. C. 750 to A. D. 355. The Sexagesimal, among the Chinese, from B.C. 742 or 057 to the present day ^'. The 13 days' cycle or Tonalli among the Toltecs and Aztecs of the new world, from A. D. 700 at least. And among the same kind of criteria supplied by civil annual time, as the representative of natural, we can appeal, as often as there is occasion, to those which are peculiar to Julian, both Gregorian- Julian, the proper representative of natural annual time in the form of Julian from the first, and simple Julian, as borrowing its epoch of origination, at a given time, from the proper Gregorian term of the same jera, but subjecting it ever after to the law of the administration of simple Julian time. And among those which are peculiar to Equable Annual as perpetually refcrrible to Juhan, we can ajjpcal pro re nata, either to Equable Cyclical, constantly referrible to Gregorian- Julian, or to Equable Nabonassarian, t Fasti, iii. 4S9. Origg. Kal. Hi 11. PrDletjomena, lix-lvviii. ^ Fasti, i. 501. 530. O 194 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. as deriving its epoch, at a given time, from Equable Cyclical, but subjecting this terra, and every other dependent upon it, ever aftei*, to the proper law of the relations of equable annual time to simply Julian. Section VII. — Illustration of the tests or criteria of truth or falsehood in ancient historical tradition, peculiar to the Fasti and the Origines, by their application and use in Four remarkable cases. I cannot do better perhaps, in illustration of these different tests and criteria of truth or falsehood in ancient history, which are employed in my Fasti and Origines perpetually, and of the unexpected and striking confirmation thereby supplied even of such historical traditions as those which modern scepticism treats without scruple as simply legends and myths, than appeal to fouk actual examples of this kind, which are as unhesitatingly set down at present to the score of fable as they were formerly to that of reality — i. The tra- ditional account among the Greeks of the capture of Troy, ii. The traditional account among the Romans of the founda- tion of Rome. iii. The traditional account among the Ro- mans of the conception of Romulus, iv. The traditional account among the Romans of the death of Romulus. i. The tradition of Hellenic antiquity with respect to the capture of Troy, and the circumstances under which it took place. ^ Three criteria or characters of the date of the capture must have been handed down among the Greeks by tradi- tion ; as three are discoverable in the remains of classical an- tiquity even at present ^. i. The twelfth of the equable solar month of the time being ; and that month the fifth, the pri- mitive Greek Thargelion. ii. The lunar dichotomy ; and that the first of its kind in every month, the Luna octava. iii. The cosmical setting of the Pleiads — which means the setting of the Pleiads, on the morning of the day of the cap- ture, as the sun was rising. A fourth is discoverable among the Romans, not derived from Hellenic tradition, but from their own Trojan ancestors, in the October equus of the X Origg. Kal. Hell. vi. 50I-524 aqq. s. 7. Method of Investigation in the Fasti and Origines. 195 Roman calendar ; and so far, with respect to the month, (the month of October, the month of the cosmical setting of the J*Ieiads at this icra in the history of the world, for every latitude,) reducible to the same category as the third of the Grecian — and with respect to the day of the month, the ides of October, reducible to the same category as the second of the Grecian ; the ides of the month having been the seat of the Lnnn octava, the first lunar dichotomy, all round the calendar of Numay. From these diflferent criteria then of the date of the event, lianded down by tradition, it must be inferred that, if the capture of Troy was a real event in its proper order of time, and these were the characters which it derived from its actual circumstances, the true year of the event must have been some year, and some day in the proleptical Julian month of October in that year, in which the 12th of the primitive Thargelion, the 8th of the Lunar month, and the cosmical setting of the Pleiads, for the latitude of the ancient Troy, met together. Now with respect to the year, we may assume that, if there was ever such a year in early Greek chronology at all, it must have been either that which the two most sagacious and best informed, as well as most diligent, of the chronologers of antiquity, among the Greeks, Eratosthenes and Apollodo- rus, assigned it, B. C 1183 or 1181', or one very near it^. With respect to the month and the day of the month — i. A given equable date cannot fall on a given Julian date for more than four years in succession ; and. if it has once ceased to fall on a given Julian date, it cannot begin to fall on it again, in less than 1161 equable years, ii. A given equal)le solar term having once fallen on a given lunar term, it cannot fall on it again in less than 25 equable solar years ; and having once fallen on a given lunar and a given Julian term both at once, it cannot fall on both together again, in less than 1161x25 or 36,525 equable solar years. And if this Julian term is also the supposed date of a sidereal phe- nomenon of a given kind, equable solar, equable lunar, and sidereal time, having once met on that Julian terra and once y Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 27,\--'.i.i. ' Origcr. Kal. Hell. vi. 529. 196 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. ceased to do so, could not meet on it again, except after a period of enormous length ». It is evident therefore that the actual year and month and day of an event, which was truly distinguished at the time by such characters as these, must lie within very narrow limits indeed. It has been shewn accordingly in the Origines Kalendarise Hellenicfc'', that they did all meet together in one year, B.C. 1181, (only two years later than the date of Eratosthenes, and only three later than that of Apollodorus,) and in one month of that year, the month of October, and on one day of that month, the 19th — That October 19, reckoned accord- ing to the Julian rule from midnight, 13. C. 1181, was the 12th of the primitive Greek Thargelion, similarly reckoned, ^ra Cyc. 2826— That October 12 having been the actual date of the new moon of that month in that year, October 19 was the actual date of the Luna 8^ — and the date of sunrise October 19, B. C. 1181, for the latitude of Troy, having been 6 h. 21 m. 2 sec. apparent time, and the Pleiads having set, for the same latitude, on the same day, at 61i. 16 m. 384 sec. apparent time, October 19 was the Julian date of the cosrai- cal setting of the Pleiads also. ii. The traditionary account among the Romans of the foundation of Rome. The most circumstantial particular of this event, handed down by tradition, was the lunar character of the event ; that Rome was founded on the day of a lunar and solar con- junction, and, what is more, an ecliptic conjunction^. To put this tradition to the test, two data, it is evident, are ne- cessary ; i. the true year of the Foundation — ii. the true day in that year. i. With respect to the year of the Foundation, we might, if we pleased, assign it at once from the testimony of Poly- bius, resting on what must have appeared to him a compe- tent autliority, though singular of its kind, the -nCva^ of the people of Anchise in Italy, B. C, 750^^. But, according to the mode of arriving at the truth on such question's of fact as this, which ive profess to adopt in our Fasti and Origines, and which I am proposing to illustrate at present, we should a Cf. Fasti, iii. 44 n. •■ vi. 548. « Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 107. •1 Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 53. s.y. Method of Investigation in the Fasti a«c?Origines, 197 be bouud to get at it through the history of the Nundinal corrections of ancient Italy, of which that of Romulus, coeval with the Foundation, was the last, yet regularly derived from those which had preceded it. i. Then, this succession of the types of the Nundinal cor- rection has been traced^", in the proper Nundinal period of 120 equable years, from the first of the number, the Um- brian, July 19, B. C. 1340, to the fifth in the general succes- sion, the second of the Etruscan types in particular, March 25, B. C. 8G0, when a change was made in the period, from 120 years to 110, destined from that time forward to be the measure of the Etruscan sa^culum also f. ii. It has also been shewn s, that the Nundinal correction of Romulus, intended for the use of his own city, and coming into being along with it, was simply the calendar of this second Etruscan type, as it was standing at the end of its first secular Period, Feb. 4, B. C. 750 — unchanged except in the names and the lengths of its months. It followed from these premises that the true year of the Foundation must have been the first year of the second Etruscan sa'culum, B.C. 750: and that was confirmed by the doctrine peculiar to this period in connection with the destinies of cities ; and also by the discovery of a decursus of Roman s;pcula, from this epoch of the Foundation, run- ning parallel to tiie Etruscan, but bearing date with the second of the Etruscan as the first of the Roman h. ii. With respect to the day of the Foundation. The Roman date of this day in the style of the calendar from Nunia downwards never was any thing but that of the xi Kalendas Maias'; but the meaning of the xi Kal. Maias, it is to be observed, both in the calendar of Numa, and in every state of the calendar later than Numa's, before the Julian cor- rection, was April 20, not April 21 : and xi Kal. JNIaias, or April 20, in the calendar of Numa, was the 80th day in every year of the cycle of that calendar also, from the kalends of Januarius, as the first. And that being the case, forasmuch as the calendar date of the P^oundation in the correction of Numa must have been derived to it from the calendar of * Origg. Kal. Ital. ii. 341-558. ' Ibid. 594. k \\m\. i. 1^5-158. '■ Ibid. ii. 594 5(^9. 604. 617. ' Ibid. \. /,. 198 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. Romulus ; if it was the 80th day in the calendar of Nuraa, it must have heeu the 80th day in the calendar of Romulus, And that being assumed, it follows that if the 80th day in the calendar of Romulus, B. C. 750, was the 80th day from Feb. 4, it must have been April 21; and if the 80th day at that time was the day of the Foundation, April 24, B. C. 750, must have been the day of the Foundation. And this too was confirmed by the relation of the day of the Foundation to the Palilia, or feast-day of Pales, traditionally handed down from the first ; and by the relation of the feast-day of Pales to the Natale Mundi ; and by the relation of the Natale Mundi to this Juban term of April 24 k. iii. The year of the Foundation then being now known, and the day of the Foundation in that year being also known, we are in a condition to test the truth of this date, and that of the tradition relating to it, by its agreement or its dis- agreement with the character handed down of it, the ecliptic conjunction on that day. This has been done in the Origi- nes Kalendarise Italicae. It appears from actual calculation that there was an eclipse of the sun, for the latitude of the ancient Rome, on the morning of April 24, B. C. 750, the middle of which was about an hour after sunrise ; and con- sequently just at the time when the ceremonies of the Foundation were most likely to be going on '. So that a truer and more genuine character of the event than this, That Rome was founded in the midst of a solar eclipse, could not have descended to posterity. iii. Traditionary account among the Romans of the Con- ception of Romulus. Roman tradition has been constant and uniform to this one point in the personal history of the founder of Rome, that his conception took place in the midst of a solar eclipse'". The data required for the verification of this tradition also are not necessarily more than two^ i. the year of the birth of Romulus, ii. the day of the birth of Romulus. i. With respect to the year of the birth, — it might be ob- tained from the year of the Foundation, now known, B. C. 750, and from the age of Romulus, at the Foundation, handed ^ Oriiiji. Kal. Ital. i. 102-105. 108, ioq. :~,^^. • Ibid. 111-117. '" I hid. 3:6. s. 7. Method of lavestigaiion in the Fasti and Origines. 199 down also, 18 or 19"'; for if he was 19 complete B.C. 750, he must have been born H. C. 769. But I prefer to ol)tain it from those matters of fact, at the knowledge of which we arrived through the history of the second miracle", as its effects or conseciuences of a permanent kind at Rome — more especially that of the institution of the Se.iugenuni de Fonte ; the explanation of which necessarily led to the inference that, if Romulus had still been living May 31, B.C. 710, he too must have been 59 years old complete — from which it fol- lowed that he must have been horn on or before May 31, B. C. 769. ii. With respect to the day of the birth this year, we arrive at the discovery of the truth through the history of the (-iuirinalia of the Calendar of Numa". For i. These Quirinalia, it appeared, were instituted by Numa, in honour of Romulus, yet after his death, ii. As so intended and so instituted, they were attached not to the day of the death, but to the day of the birth^ of Romulus, iii. The stated date of the Quirinalia in the Calendar of Numa, xiii Kal. Januarias, under the circumstances of the case, must have fallen in the first instance on Feb. 5 P. If so, the birthday of Romulus, still fresh in the recollection of the Romans in the first year of Numa Pompilius, must have been Feb. 5, B. C. 769. And this was confirmed by the traditionary cir- cumstances of his birth, in other respects, in general ; espe- cially that of the season of the year, the early spring, and the state of the Tyber, at the time, overflowing its banks 4. The birth of Romulus then having been thus determined to Feb. 5, B. C. 769, we are in a condition, with the help of one more datum, to test the truth or the falsehood of the tradition relating to the conception. Nothing is now wanted for that purpose except the natural standard of the interval between birth and conception, or conception and birth, in the case of the human subject. And though the actual in- terval of this kind may not be the same in every instance ; there is a general and approximate estimate of it, consistent with experience and observation every where — which might be assumed a priori in any given instance, as the most likely ""• Origg Kal. Itul. i. 326. " Sujtra. \2f\ 127. o Origg. Kal. Ital i. 329 ^^<|(^. V Ibid. i. 329-332. i(l. i. .^33. x Ibid. i. 12c. I2j. V IbiH. i. 125. 202 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. And the sun"'s true distance from the node, at this time also, having been about 5° 40' 9" — there must have been on this occasion too a very great eclipse of the sun. If so, it must have been that which Roman tradition uniformly con- nected with the disappearance of the Founder of Rome. It is observable also that, as all the other traditionary circum- stances of the event conspire to determine it to the evening of its proper day ^-j so this eclipse likewise was at its maxi- mum about sunset the same day. The sun set May 26, B.C. 715, for the latitude of Rome, about 19 h. 7 m. 21 sec. mean time, from midnight — the eclipse was at its middle about 1 h. 44 m. before. Section VIII. — On the antiquity of the Alphabet, and of the use of Letters ; and on the light reflected upon that question by the discoveries of the Fasti and the Origiues. The confirmation of Traditional History by the natural measures of time, and by the civil calendar of the time being, in four such instances as those which have just been con- sidered, is well calculated to open a question of great moment and equal interest ; viz. Whether the knowledge of the past, however remote, among the several generations of later times, did not ultimately rest on some more substantial and per- manent foundation than that of oral testimony? And this question would soon be decided in the affirmative, might it only be assumed, on certain or highly probable grounds of belief, that, howsoever far back it might be necessary to go, to arrive at the fountain-head of traditional history, the pos- session of the Alphabet, the knowledge of Letters, the art and use of Writing, among mankind, went still further back. If the means of fixing the circumstances of passing events always existed among men, it is gratuitous and un- reasonable to assume that no use was ever made of them ; that nothing, for a long time, went down from generation to generation, but oral traditions of the past ; that written con- temporary records in short may not have been after all the ultimate authority for much, if not the whole, of the un- written tradition of subsequent primitive antiquity itself. '^- Origg. Kill. Ital. i. 126. » Ibid. i. 125, 126. s. 8. Antifjuity of the W^hahet. 203 And with respect to this question, of the possession or non-possession of the alphabet by mankind, from the first, as a simple question of fact ; the first and most indispensable of the necessities of social existence was, no doubt, the faculty of speech, and the possession and use of an articulate lan- guage, by means of which the members of such a society might at all times converse together by word of mouth. The next, and scarcely a less indispensable one, must have been the means of communicating with each other at a dis- tance — the means of conversing with their posterity as well as with their contemporaries — the means of recording pass- ing events for the information of future ages, and future generations. Each of these most indispensable of the condi- tions of that social state, which the Creator himself appointed for his own rational creatures in particular from the first, was equally well known to him beforehand ; and each of them was as likely a priori to be provided for by him as the other. And if he did himself give mankind the faculty of speech and the use of a J^aiKjuuye from the first, on the strength of that fact alone it might be assumed that he must also have given them an Alphabet and the knowledge of Letters from the first. It has often been argued that, if the invention of Language had been left to mankind themselves, though endowed by their Maker with the organs of speech, and with the capa- bility of using them, neither one man, nor any number of men, could have succeeded in the attempt. And if the first invention of a language under such circumstances would have been an impossibility, how much more the invention of an Alphabet, the language of language itself! how much more impossible the discovery by men for themselves, the distinc- tion asunder, and the classification, of those simple sounds, the primary elements of all articulate utterance, and the same at bottom for all languages alike ! What remains then but to conclude, (and to accept the conclusion with thankful- ness,) that, as the first spoken language was certainly the immediate gift of the same Creator, who made the first pair of mankind, so the first alphabet must have been his gift too? I have always persuaded myself that, if we would think most worthily as of the power and greatness so of the 201 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. wisdom and goodness of the common Creator of all things, and yet most becomingly as of the place and dignity so of the qualifications and perfections of that one of his creatures, who was appointed to be his own representative among the rest, we should be l)ound to assume on the strength of the reasonableness and consistency of the assumption itself, a priori to all proof of the fact, that the mind of a creature, like Adam, formed in the image and after the likeness of his Creator himself, must have reflected, in its proper measure and degree, the knowledge and wisdom, and the other per- fections, of the Divine intellect itself; and must have found itself stored from the very first with every description of knowledge, which was best adapted to the conditions of his being — as designed for the equal and associate of beings like himself, but as the head and superior of all the inferior crea- tures of his own world — and yet compatible with the original innocence and purity of his moral nature. And though it might not be every kind or degree of the intellectual furni- ture of the human mind at present, which would appear to have been suitable for the still unsullied and heaven-attem- pered air of Paradise, no one could say that the possession of the alphabet, and the knowledge of letters, would not have been as compatible with the laws of Man's moral nature even in Paradise, as the possession and use of language. And as to the preservation, and the transmission to pos- terity, of such a primitive Alphabet, if it really existed from the first, there is no reason why natural means should not be considered sufficient for that pm-pose, from the Creation to the Deluge — and from the Deluge to any conceivable extent downwards. Even the confusion of Babel, however much it might affect the unity of language, from the nature of the case could have no such eftect on the unity of the Alphabet. The simple elementary sounds, of wdiich the Alphabet is the digest and compendium, run through all languages alike, and fire limited everywhere to the number of the letters of the alphabet. Articulate speech, language properly so called — these primary elements of all language in the shape of the various combinations of which they are capable ^ — may be '■ Apiunilix, note FF. s. 8. Antiquity of the Alphabet. 205 diversified and multiplied to any extent. A primitive alpha- bet therefore, if any such actually existed, along with a pri- mitive language, might be expected a priori to have survived even such a shock to the unity and integrity of a primitive language, as the confusion of Babel itself; and, if notwith- standing the dissolution of that unity, thus miraculously brought about, a community of origin is still discoverable in postdiluvian languages, how much more to be expected would it be, that a community of origin and even an unity of essence should still be discoverable in postdiluvian Alphabets ! And yet, from the nature of the case, to admit even the probal)ility of such a discovery — the principle of unity thus perceptible, it might be expected a priori also, would be found not in the simple sounds of which the alphabet is com- posed everywhere, but in the artificial distinctions and cha- racters, of which even those sounds themselves were capable of becoming the subjects in different instances. These simple sounds, in themselves, are the primary elements of all articulate utterance, and in every form and shape — older than speech or language — older than the alphabet itself, everywhere ; those external distinctions and characters are the names, the order, the numerical value, the figures, and the like, of the letters of the alphabet themselves, all artificial and positive in their origin, and liable consequently a priori to be determined in a variety of Avays. All at least which can be assumed a priori of the connection between language and the alphabet from the first, is that, if there was a primi- tive language as well as a primitive alphabet, these charac- teristic distinctions of the component parts of this primitive alpliabet would probably be borrowed from that primitive language ; and if this primitive alphabet, with such charac- teristic distinctions of its own from the first, survived the primitive language, these proper notes and characters of all alphabets, through those of some one or other of the postdi- luvian alphabets, may still serve as a clue to the discovery of the primitive language. Now the comparison of the oldest alphabets formerly in use or still in use, inter se, with respect to such distinctions as these of the signs, the names, the order, the phonetic or 206 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. numerical value, of the letters in each, leads to an inference of this kind ; that, if more or less of a common type in these respects runs through them all, it is that of the old Hebrew alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet, with its charac- teristic distinctions, must have been the prototype of all, more especially of all the oldest of their kind. And if this conclusion too leads to another inference, (as it naturally does,) that the Hebrew language, on this principle, must have been the primitive language, without going any further at present into the consideration of that question, I will merely observe, in confirmation of the presumption thus suggested, that, if every terra which occurs in the first chapter of Genesis, as the name of something imposed on its proper subject, for the first time, by the Creator himself — loum for day, Lileb for night, Ibesheh or Arets, for dry land or earth, Im for sea, Shemesh for heaven, was taken from the Hebrew ; and if every proper name which occurs in the history of the Old Testament down to the confusion of lan- guages itself, with an explanation of its meaning, Adam, and Eve, and Cain, and Seth, and Noah, and Babel, as the ex- planation in each instance shews, is Hebrew also ; the con- clusion from these facts seems to be inevitable — That, if the language which supplied these names and etymons was that of the antediluvian state of things, that language must have been the Hebrew. The strongest proof, however, of this fact is Gen. iv. 26, which, understood and translated as it is, in the authorised English version — Then began men to call on the name of the Lord — has given, and must continue to give, so much trouble to commentators — as if it could reasonably be supposed that men began to acknowledge their relation to their own Creator by prayer, or by other acts of worship, only at the birth of Enos, the grandson of Adam through Seth. But the words of the original should be rendered, "Then was it begun to invoke by the name of Jeliovah^' — and their meaning in that case will be simply that, from and after the birth of Enos, in the third generation from Adam, bore date also the introduction and use of that name, which had long been the recognised style and title of the Supreme Being, as the one proper object of prayer and praise, before s. 8. A ntiqidty of the A\[iha.het. 207 the book of Genesis itself was written, the name of Jehovah c. And tlie first solemn adoption of this most expressive and significant name for the object of all the offices of religion, especially those of prayer, being here described as the common act of the Antediluvian world of that epoch, it is almost superfluous to observe that the language which fur- uisiied this name must have been the common language of that epoch : and if the Hebrew, and the Hebrew only, could Lave supplied that name, the Hebrew, and the Hebrew only, could have been the Antediluvian language. if these considerations then have had any effect in predis- posing the reader for the admission of the fact that the pos- session and the use of tlie letters of the alphabet may possibly have descended along with human society from the first, he will be better prepared to receive and appreciate the evidence of the fact itself, if any thing of that kind is dis- coverable, which, beginning from a time when there can be no doubt of its truth, is capable of being traced further and further back, until it ascends almost up^to the beginning of things. Let us then see what grounds there may be for a general induction to this effect, from proofs of the fact in particular instances, more and more ancient of their kind, the further the investigation is continued. First, then, to begin with the ancient Italy. It may be taken for granted on the strength of such facts as these, that the possession of the alphabet, and the art of writing, must have been older in Italy i. Than the laws of the Twelve Tables, B. C. 41-9 d; ii. Than the Sibylline oracles, B. C. 531^: iii. Than the institution of the census, and the com- mentaries of Servius Tullius, B. C. 552 * : iv. Than the date of the second miracle, B. C. 710": v. Than the laws and consti- tutions of Numa, the songs of the Salii, and the beginning of the Annales Maximi. B. C 712 1^: vi. Than the iriva^ of the people of Anchisc, B.C. 750': vii. Than the rise and appearance of Tages, and the Tagetic books and doctrines, B. C. 800 1<; viii. Than the date of the first miracle, B. C. '' Appendix, note GG. <• Origt^. Kal. Ital. i. 397 410. f Ibitl. ii. 613. ' Ibid. ii. 26J. 2H0. K Ibid. ii. 518. '■ Ibid. i. 27. lOG, 172 «. i Ibid. i. 53. k Ibid. ii. 581. 208 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. h. 1520, — among the M?conians of Asia first, and among the Etrurians of Italy, their descendants next™. Secondly, The knowledge and use of writing among the ancient Greeks, in like manner, must have been older, i. Than the Hymns of Homer, B. C. 504": ii. Than the Works and Days of Ilesiod, B.C. 569°: iii. Than the Axons and Kyrbs of Solon, B.C. 593 P: iv. Than the sphere of Thales, B. C. 002 1 : V. Than the poems of Archilochus, Sappho, and Alkseus, circa B. C. 650 — 620'": vi. Than the Olympic Disc, B. C. 880s: vii. Than the Laws of Lycurgus, B.C. 881': viii. Than the poems of Homer, B. C. 910 and 909 v; ix. Than the foundation of Halicarnassus, circa B. C. 1041 ^•. x. Than the last year of the siege of Troy, B. C. 1181 y: xi. Than the temple of Dionysos kv Aiixvais at Athens, circa B. C. 1206 =5 : xii. Than the Titanomachia of Melampus^, and probably the "^avlhes of Orpheus, B. C. 1230 : xiii. Than the time of Belle- rophon, circa B. C. 1241 b; xiv. Than the Laws of Miuos in Crete, B.C. 1260 c: xv. Than the neVpwjua of Naos at Phenese, circa B. C. 1300 d; and the Laws of Triptolemus, and the Thesmophorian 0eo-/xot, B.C. 1310 e; xvi. Than the founda- tion of Argos, and the succession of Priestesses of lo, Isis, or Hera, B. C. 1346 f: xvii. Than the -niva^ of Cadmus, B. C. 1347 s. Thirdly, in like manner, to judge from the allusions which occur in the Bible from the Eisodus upwards, the use of let- ters, and consequently the possession of the alphabet, among the people of Israel, or the Egyptians, or the contemporaries of both, must have been older, i. Than the book of Jasher, B. C. 1520 h : ii. Than the book of the Wars of the Lord, B.C. 1522 i; iii. Than the book of Job, contemporary pro- bably with the interval, between the Exodus and the Eiso- dus, B. C. 1560-1520"^ : iv. Than the first numbering of the people, B. C. 1560 ' : v. Than the record of the oath of Jeho- "1 Origg. Kal. Ital. ii. 518. 564 n. " Origg. Kal. Hell. i. 319. o 1 Ibid. i. 196-318. P Ibid. i. 42 n. 1 Ibid. vi. 630. ' Ibid. i. 22S n. s Ibid. V. -^Gi,. 568. ' Ibid. v. 563. '' Ibid. vi. 289-500. " Ibid. iii. 370. y Iliad. H. 186. z Origg. Kal. Hell. v. 30, 31. » Ibid. iv. 536 n. b Iliad Z. 168-170, cf. Orig. Kal. Hell. iv. 558. <^ Ibid. iv. 409-414. ^ Ibid. iv. i.*^3. « Ibid. iv. 290. 294. f Ibid. i. 130: ii. 195: vi. 204. K Ibid. V. 142-144. h Joshua x. 13, cf. 2 Sam. i. 18. ' Numbers .\xi. 14. •< Job xiii. 26, 27 : xix. 23, 24 : xxxi. 35. • Numbers i. 2 sqq. : xxvi. 64. s. 8. Antiquity of the Alphabet. 209 vah-nissi, B.C. 15G0'": vi. than the seven years' of plenty in Egypt, cir. B. C. 1787 ". Thus far, of the possession and use of the alphabet and of letters, araon<^ the ancient Italians, the ancient Greeks, the ancient Idunurans, the ancient Egyptians, and the people of Israel — as possible to be collected from the testimony of facts recorded in the Bible, or discoverable in profane antiquity. Let us now pass to the particular proofs of the same fact in all parts of the ancient world in general, supplied by the corrections of the calendar, and by the cycles of antiquity, which the researches of the Fasti and the Origincs have brought to light. In the first place, though they have brought to light no instance of the use of the first and simplest of the measures of time, the Noctidiurnal cycle, by no greater a measure of itself perpetually than one cycle of day and night at a time, they have discovered many of the reckoning of this cycle by a certain number of repetitions of itself; in particular, the Hebdomadal, of Patriarchal and Levitical antiquity, a cycle of seven such terms ; the Nundinal, of Italian antiquity, a cycle of eight ; and the Sexagesimal, of Chinese antiquity, a cycle of sixty. And of each of these, and especially of the longest, it might very well be questioned, whether it could have been uniformly observed, according to its proper rule, (as it appears to have l)een de facto all along,) without some written scheme and delineation of its order perpetually. If not — then the use of the se.Kagesimal cycle in China will argue the possession of the art of writing by the Chinese from as far back as B.C. 742 at least"; that of the Nun- dinal in Italy will imply the same thing among the Italians as far back as B.C. 13J0P; and the use and observance of the Hebdomadal will imply the existence and use of letters among the Patriarchs from the beginning of things itself. hi like manner it may admit of a question, whether the reckoning of civil annual time in the form of the primitive solar year of 3G5 days and nights, and neither more nor less — or that of civil menstrual time in the form of the primitive solar month of thirty days and nights, could have been kept '" Kxoil. xvii. 14. " (iiii. xli. 49. " Fasti, i. ,67 e,oS. 52S : iv. I .',0. liitroiliK'tiiin, 7',. I' Origjf. Kal. Ital ii. 370 »<)((. 210 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. every where, as it is seen to have been, without any error, either of excess or of defect, perpetually, if there was no where any check to the possible error of observance in prac- tice — any help to the memory — in the shape of a written ac- count and order of the same things. But secondly, to come to the cycles of antiquity, in which Noctidiurnal time, and Menstrual in the sense of Lunar, and Annual in the sense of Solar, were blended and combined together in various ways — as, i. the primitive solar and lunar cycle — consisting of 25 equable solar years, 309 lunar months, and 9125 days and nights 4, perpetually. It must have been impossible to keep such a reckoning from the ist cycle of this kind, ^ra Cyc. 1, to the cxxiind, ^Era Cyc. 3026, (3025 equable years,) as the Egyptians are seen to have done'", without the use of tables, and consequently the use of letters. ii. The Phoenix cycle and Phoenix period s — in which 500 mean tropical years, 500 mean Julian, 6184 mean lunar months, and 500 cycles of the lunar mansions, (each of them consisting of an order of 28 terms,) wei'e combined in the same proportion inter se perpetually. The mere statement of such a case as this is sufficient to prove the fact for which I am contending — that of the knowledge and use of letters and the art of writing, among the ancient Egyptians, from B.C. 1847 at least, as indispensably necessary, if for no other purpose, yet for this, of keeping the Phoenix reckoning per- petually. And that tables of this reckoning did exist among them from the first is proved by the ■niva^ of Cadmus, and tlic '\>oiviK€ia ypdixjjiaTa, brought by him into Greece, at the epoch of the second Phoenix cycle, B. C. 1347*. iii. Sim[)ly Julian corrections of the Primitive calendar, and the proper cycle of leap-year of each. Indispensable as an uniform rule of this cycle is to the very essence of the simply Julian reckoning; it may bo doubted whether in any given iiistance of such a reckoning its proper cycle of leap- year could always be kept true to itself, with no safeguard of the rule perpetually but memory — whether it could be, even at present, without our almanacks. And yet the F.gypt- 1 Fasti, ii. 4'|0. "■ Supra, j). i.s.s s(|<|. s Fasti, iii. 4998(14. 532 sqq. ^ Origf;. Kal Jlell. v. 1 12-144. s. iS. Antiquity of the Alphabet. 211 ians, as we have already explained^', had two Julian types, one of which went as far back as B. C. 1818, and the other as B. C. 1350, each with a proper cycle of leap-year of its own, the relations of wiiicli inter xe, and to their proper standard of reference, never varied ; aud of which tiie latter is still true to its original relatious, and to the proper Julian cycle of the same kind from the first, through its agreement with that of the Julian or the Gregorian calendar of the pre- sent day. iv. Cyclico-Julian corrections of the Primitive calendar, with a cycle of leap-year of 120 years, instead o^ four; a still more numerous family of such corrections, and yet one, which begins to be discoverable as early as the xivth century before the Vulgar iEra, and is capable of being traced from that point of time almost round the whole of the Primitive calendar itself. It is scarcely conceivable that so long a cycle, aud in so many distinct and independent instances, could have been accurately reckoned every where, (as it ap- pears to have been'',) without tables. v. Octaeteric corrections of the Primitive calendar ; the simplest form indeed of the combination of lunar aud solar, in the sense of Julian, time — yet still in a period of 8 Julian years, two cycles of the Julian leap-year, 99 lunar months, and 2922 days and nights — a much longer and more intri- cate one of its kind, than could have been trusted to memory solely perpetually. Yet we discover one cycle of this kind among the Greeks, which must have been regularly kept from B.C. 1260 to B. 0. 468 y; and another, which we can trace from B. C. 1222 to B. 0. 541 z ; and a third, which we can trace from B. C. 1206 to B. C. 566 » — each in exact con- formity to one and the same rule of administration from the first. vi. The 59 years' cycle ; both in the simple period of 59 solar or Julian years, 730 lunar months, 21,557 days aud nights; and in its period of a.-noKaTacnaai'i — four of the simple periods, 236 Julian years, 2920 lunar months, 86,229 days and nights. The mere description of such a cycle is enough to convince any one that it could not possibly have »■ Page i.^ ami i;5. ^ Iiitnuhution, ji. 20. y Origfi. Kal. Holl. iv. 548. ' Ibid, vi ;i. " Ibid. iv. 4.V ^O- p i2 212 The Mree* Witnesses, imd the fhi'eef old Cord. ch. m. been kept true to its own principles and assumptions" perpe- tually, without tables ; and yet there was certainly one cycle of this kind among the Greeks, which must have been so kept from B. C. 1250 to B. C. 306 b. vii. Nundinal corrections of the Primitive equable calen- dar — in the period of 120 equable, 144 Nundinal, years. 1484 lunar months of the Nurulinal standard ^' — the very supposi- tion of which is a sufficient ground of inference that to keep such a reckoning perpetually must have required the con- stant assistance of tables. Yet five types of this particular kind of reckoning are discoverable in ancient Italy, each of them alike derived from the Primitive calendar, each of them, after the first, at intervals of 120 equable years asunder, each of them borrowing its own distinctive characters from those of the one before it, and all the last four, theirs from those of the first — extending too from B. C. 1340 to B. C. 860, or, (if we include the correction of Romulus itself de- rived from the fifth,) to B. C. 750. viii. The correction of Numa Pompilius, a solar period of 24 Julian years, a Lunar one of 299 lunar months, a nocti- diurnal one of 8766 days and nights, a Nundinal one of 1095 Nundinal cycles, and six Nundinal ferije over; which re- turned to the relations of origination in all respects, only in one greater period of four of these, 96 Julian years, 1196 lunar months, 35,064 days, 4383 Nundinal cycles the Tahli's of till' Fiwfi, 79-«)f>. ProlPKomoiia ad Harmon, cap. i. 9 8«|<|. ' Fiisti, ii. S^ : iv. ,^i -yo. •« Ibid. iv. 217-^42. ' OiixR. Kal Hell, i 4.^S. . 214 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. 8h.) 223 lunar months, ii. This period tripled, and called the Saros or Exeligmus — 51 equable years, 46 days, (19,756 days,) 669 lunar months >". It is absurd to conceive for a moment that either of these could have been used and applied perpetually, without tables ; yet we know the fact from testimony, (and I have myself verified testimony in that respect,) that eclipses were observed and recorded among the Egyptians in the former, from B. C. 848 to B, C. 324, and among the Chaldees, in the latter, from B.C. 794, and among the Etru7-ians in the latter also, from B. C. 019''. xii. The Chaldean Sossus, Nerus, and Sarus, successive periods, designed for the adjustment of mean sidereal to mean solar time, and one talcing up another in the administr.ition of the process — the first, the period of 60 years, in which the anticipation of 365 mean solar, on 366 mean sidereal, days, on the assumptions of the Chaldees, amounted to 21 minutes, the 60th part of a day ; the second, the period of 600 years, in which it amounted to four hours, or the sixth part of a day; the third, the period of 3600 years, in which it amounted to 24 hours, or one mean solar day. It is inconceivable that a reckoning of so much nicety as this, and of two such dif- ferent kinds of time simultaneously, could have been kept correctly in both its parts without tables; and if not, these three periods alone, which are confessedly of Chaklaic origin", and were peculiar to the Chaldees, and intimately connected with their astrological system from the first, ai-e demonstra- tive of the use of letters among them in particular, from as far back as the institution of that system at least, and the date of the correction of the Primitive calendar, which ac- companied it, B. C. 1106. xiii. After this, it is superfluous to insist on the Planetary cycle and Planetary houses, a cycle of seven terms circula- ting in one of twelve perpetually ; or on the cycle of Planets and cycle of Decania, a cycle of seven terms circulating in one of thirty-six — characteristic also of the astrological sphere of antiquity, whether among the P]gyptians, from B. C. 798, or among the Chaldeans, from B. C- 1106 P. Neither could these have been independent of tables — and tables, in all '" Fasti, iv. '. iii. I have assigned the probable date of the foundation of Boeotian Thebes —that of the KaS/itia at least — April 8, B.C. 13-1'7 ''■ ; and the probable date of that of tiie FloXis of Erecli- theus, as well as of the entire series of early Attic kings, be- ginning with Erechtheus as the first, in the date of his Athe- mra, May 10, B.C. 1312 '. iv. I have fixed an epoch in the personal history of Pelops, later than tliat of his coming into Greece, through the date of his CroniuTi institution, June 25, B.C. 1201''. V. I have fixed an epoch in early Arcadian history, and in the personal history of one of the reputed founders of tlie Arcadian name and nation, through the date of the Lykiean institution of Lycaon^, April 25, B. C. 1260. vi. I have fixed an epoch in the earliest history of Crete, and in the personal history of JNIinos, and in the history of his reforms and legislations in Crete, through the date of his Octaeteric correction, Sept. 23, B.C. 1260''. vii. I have fixed an epoch in early Boeotian history in the date of the fifty-nine years' cycle of Alalcomense, July 5, B.C. 1250 e. viii. I have probably recovered the date of the institution of the Panionia, among the lonians of the Peloponnese, April 21, B.C. 1248 f. ix. I have fixed one epoch in early Attic history in the date of the death of Androgens, May 15, B.C. 1216, and an- other, in the date of the first of the three d^aojxol, Sept. 23, B. C. 12 1 1 K. " X. I have fixed an epoch in the personal history of tlic Hercules of Greek antiquity, in the date of his Olympian cor- rection of the Cronia of Pelops, Jmie 25, B C. 1240 '». xi. I have fixed three epochs in the personal history of Theseus ; the first, in the date of liis Isthmian institution, y OrigfT. Kal. Hfll. v. 128. 5H): iv. 42. cf. Fasti, iii. 192 sqq. ' Ibid. V. iiS-rfi;. I Ibid. iv. 6i-i?8. ^ Ibid. v. 510-547. c Ibid, iv. 567-591. '' Ibid. iv. 388-457. 458-547. ^ Ibid. iv. r)6o-68S. ' Ibid. iii. ^7<. 1-' ll)i(l. \\ 500-507. •' Ibid. v. 547-5^10. 218 The /Aree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. June 17, B.C. 1228; the second, in that of the third Aatr/xos, Sept. 23, B. C. 1228 ; the third, in the date of his Panathe- naic institution, July 20, B. C. 1206 '. And I have probably fixed the Natales of the Athens of Theseus, in contradistinc- tion to the rio'Ats of Erechtheus, in the date of the ^vvoiki- (Tfxhs, July 8, B.C. 1206k. xii. I have fixed the date of the first expedition against Thebes, through that of the Nemean institution. May 17, B. C 1222 ; and that of the second expedition, through the date of the second Nemea, May 17, B.C. 1202". xiii. I have probably fixed the date of the colony from Argos to Rhodes, under Tlepolemus, and of the foundation of the three cities, Lindus, Jalysus, and Camirus, on or about July 27, B.C. 1206 m. xiv. 1 have verified the tradition of Hellenic antiquity re- lative to the War of Troy ; both in the date of the prepara- tions, B. C. 1200, and in the date of the expedition, B. C. 1190, and in the date of the capture, B.C. 1181, and in the date of the return, B. C. 1180^. XV. I have recovered the probable date of the Delia of clas- sical antiquity, April 25 B. C. 1181". xvf. 1 have fixed an epoch in the early history of Rhodes, in the date of the Haleia, August 25 B. C. 1181, and that of the Tlepoleraeia, August 25 B. C. 1180 P. xvii. I have fixed an epoch in early Bceotian history, that of the return from Thessaly, and the recovery of Thebes, through the date of the Parthenian institution, June 1, B.C. 1117M. xviii. I have fixed the year of the return of the Heraclidae, B. C. 1097, through the date of the Carnean Ennead, August 19 B.C. 1096'"; and that of the final settlement of the Spartans by the reduction of Amyclse, through the date of the Hyakinthian or Amyclsean Ennead, July 17 B.C. 1072s. ii. With respect to the Theogonia of the ancient Greeks, i. I have traced the \)yKa[a or "Oy/ca of Boeotian antiquity up to the Isis of the Egyptians, brought into Boeotia by Cadmus, ' Origg. Kal. Hell. vi. 240-265 : iv. 43-60 : 507-526 : v. 266. •< Ibid, iv. 60. 1 Ibid. vi. 157-175. ™ Ibid. v. 263-268. « Ibid. vi. 454-478 n. 501-567. " Ibid. vi. 86-120. r Ibid. v. 235-'26S. '1 Ibid. V. 346-361. ^ Ibid. v. 3S1 406. s Jhid. v. 428-452. 8. 9- Origines Kalendarice Hellenicae. i2 1 9 B.C. ISJ;/*; and the lo or Hera of Argive antiquity to the Isis of Danaus, B.C. 1316^; and the Athena of Attic anti- quity to the Neith of Sais, B. C. 134-2 ><; and the Demeter of Eleusis to her prototype also in the Egyptian Isis, B. C. 1310 y; and the Athena of Alalcomenje to the Athena of Krechtheus, and through that the Neith of Sais, B. C. 1250 ■'■ ; and the Itonia of Thessaly (probably of equal antiquity with the Athena of Alalcomen?e a) to the Egyptian Isis also. ii. I liave ascertained the birthplace of the Cronos and the Khea of the Greek Theogonia, the island of Crete ; and the date of the first introduction there of the name and the wor- ship of both, Sept. 23 B. C. 1300^. iii. I have traced the first conception of the idea of the gods and goddesses of the classical Olympus itself, to the island of Crete also, and to the six Cosraogonic powers or principles of Minos, B. C. 1260, Histia and Pluto, Deo and Posidon, Hera and Zeus<^. iv. I have probably assigned the date of the introduction of the name and worship of the Posidon of classical antiquity into the Peloponnese, through the date of the Panionian institution, April 24 B. C. 1248 '». V. I have assigned the date of the introduction of the name and worship of the Olympic Zeus into the Pelopon- nese, through the date of the Olympic institution of Hercules, June 25 B.C. 1240 «. vi. I have assigned the date of the introduction of the name and worship of the Hellenic Dionysos, through that of the Dionysian correction of Mclampus, Sept. 7 B. C 1230f. vii. I have ascertained the date of the first conception, and first introduction of the name and worship, of the Hel- lenic Apollo, the Hellenic Artamis or Artemis, and the Hellenic Lato, through that of the Pythian institution, Au- gust 20 B.C. 1222f?. viii. I have pointed out the mode, and probably the time, of the adoption of the Athena of Erechtheus, the Athena of t OripR. Kal. IIill. v i6r. * Iliid. v. 96: vi. ^04-208 n. ^ Ibid. iv. 5-21. y Ibid. iv. 212-22S. /. Ibid. iv. 66.? 11. a Ibid. ii. 482-4S8. >> Ibid. iv. .{54-388. 4.^6-441. c \hu\. iv. 414 4^7. '' Ibid. iii. ^,f^^-}fi^. r Ibid. V. 547 560. f Ibid. V. ;H-io.i;. ' Ibid. v. 6?.<;-7i9. 220 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ir. the earlier Greek suitiqiiity, into the lamily of the Olj'mpic gods, and in tlie relation of the daughter of Zeus, B. C. 12{)6f ix. I have probably fixed the time of the introduction of the name and worship of the Arcadian Pan, properly so called, in the date of the Arcadian correction, Dec. 26 B. C. 493 ^'. iii. With respect to the mythology of the ancient Greeks. It did not come within the proper scope and comprehension of any part of this present work to enter ex professo on the explanation of the fables of antiquity : but such of those of Greek mythology as fell in the way of this third Part, in the prosecution of its proper argument, it has explained. And among these will be found some of the most singular of the number, and the least capable, at first sight, of am' rational explanation. As i. The fable of the devouring of his children b}' Cronos, all but Zeus, and their I'estoration by him to life again'' ii. The fable of the Minotaur i. iii. The fable of the War of the Gods and the Titans ^. iv. The fable of the Dragon and the teeth of the Dragon, and of the Sparti, of Cadmus; and through the analogy of that, the cognate fable of the Dragon and the Sparti of ^Eetes, and the Golden Fleece 1. v. The fable of Ino and ^Melikertes, Phrixus and Helle™. vi. The fable of the Telchines, and that of the Fleliad.T, of Rhodes", vii. The fable of the Pytho°. viii. The fable of the cow of Cadmus p. ix. The fable of TityusM. X. The Delian fable of Anius and the OlvoTp6-noi ••. I.astly, to specify the services rendered by this Part of the Origines to Greek literature in particular, as well as to Grecian antiquity in general, i. it has recovered the calendar of the Anabasis of Xenophon, with the help of which we are enabled to trace the chronolog}' of the expedition from day to day, almost from first to last ^ ii. It has recovered the calendar, and with tlic calendar, the chronology, of the Argonautica of Apollonius Khodius also', iii. It has recovered the calendar, and through that the chronology, and tlie date of the com- ' Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. 135-14V 443, 44+: v. 266. \; Ibid. iv. 619. h Ibid. iv. 421-441. • Ibid. iv. 469. ^ Ibid. iv. 527. ' Ibid. V. 144-15.^. 167 sqq. Ill Ibid. vi. 249. " Ibid. v. 269-280. 2S0-2S4. " Ibid. V. 634-672. I' Ibid. v. 154. . C. 909, and the annual civil time of the corresponding years of the primitive y3^ra Cyc. 3097 and 3098 respectively, — and by the inference which necessarily follows from those facts, that these two poems were either written in these two years, (one of them in 13. C. 910, the other in B. C. 909,) or, whensoever they were written, must have been purposely adapted to thcm^. Section X. — On the serinces rmdcred bi/ the Origines Kalen- darite Italicee to the study o/" Italian or Roman Antiquity. i. The Origines Kalendarije Italicse, (the second Part of tlie Fasti and Origines in general,) have rendered the student of Italian or Roman antiquity an essential service, by ascer- taining the date of the first of the corrections of the primitive equable calendar, peculiar to ancient Italy, the Umbrian type of the Nundinal correction, July 19 B. C. 1310, and thereby fixing the probable beginning of society or civiliza- tion itself in Italy — with the arrival of the first body of settlers in that country from abroad. And not the less so, by having traced also the first idea of this peculiar cor- rection, which I have called the Nundinal, through its resemblance to the Phoenix period of the Egyptians, ulti- mately to l^gypt; and thereby confirming the native tradition of Italy itself, that the oldest of its inhabitants, the Umbrians, came originally from ICgyptx. ii. They have rendered him a similar service by tracing the idea of the Nundinal correction, thus originated, from the V Orig^. Kal. Hell. iii. 2G-j-2i)t. « Ibid. \i. 28(;-3r)i'. 400-500. >' Oritjq. Kal. Ifal. ii. 341-370. ?,lo-y,},. 373-3»!^- 222 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. cii. ir. Umbrian type, with which it began, through four more, each of them peculiar to and characteristic of a different people of ancient Italy ; the first, of the ancient Sabini ; the second, of the Prisci Latini ; the third and the fourth, of the ancient Etrurians : and by means of the dates of these subscqnent types respectively, enabling him to approximate to the probable date of the rise of these national distinctions in Italy themselves, and to judge of their comparative antiquity — of that of the Nomen Sabinum, through the date of the second type, as not younger in Italy than B. C. 1220 ; of that of the PrisciLatini, through the date of the third, not younger than B. 0. 1100 ; and of that of the Etrurians, through the dates of the fourth and the fifth, not younger than B. 0. 980 or 860, in any case, and in reality, (under the special circum- stances of the case,) not younger than B. 0. 1220 z. iii. The Origines Kalendaria3 Italicse, along with the Hel- lenics also, have brought to light a very probable proof of the derivation of the Prisci Latini of Italy, (and thereby the only true explanation of their peculiar name on any rational principle,) as a colony from Latos in Crete — which migrated to Italy, in consequence of the innovations of Minos, in B. 0. 1260 ^ iv. They have ascertained also the date of the supposed first appearance of the Etruscan Tayes, and of the rise of the Tagetic doctrine and discipline, at tlie epoch of the fifth type of the Nundinal correction in general, that of the second of the Etruscan in particular, March 25, B. C. 860: and along with it that of the decursus of Sa)cula, in the period of 110 equable years. And they have traced this decursus from the first of the number, vEra Cyc. 3147, B. C. 860, to the end of the last, ^ra Cic. 4246, Nab. 987, A. D. 239 ^>. V. They have demonstrated the derivation of the Nundinal correction of Romulus from the second Etruscan type, at the end of its first period of 110 years, /Era Cyc. 3257, B.C. 750 c. vi. They have traced the succession of the Nundinal day, " Origg. Kal. Ital. i. Prelim. Add. .\-.\v : ii. 388-558. " i. 374-377- cf. Origg. Kal. Hell. iv. 563 n. •' Origg. Kal. Ital. ii. 558. .S81-599. 604-636. c Ibid. i. 102-133. 133-J51. s, lo. Origines Ktdendaria' Italics. 223 in the Nundinal cycle of 8 days perpetually, through these five types of the Nundinal calendar in general (including that of Romulus also), and the different forms of the Roman calendar, from the correction of Xuma downwards, without interruption or discrepancy of any kind, either inter se, or as referrible to contemporary testimony, from the epoch of ori- gination, July 19, B.C. 1310, the /eria 1'' of the Nundinal cycle, the feri a 7* of the Hebdomadal cycle, down to Jan. 1, A. D. S5~), the ferin 1* of the Nundinal and the feria 1^ of the Hebdomadal cycle, known from testimony at that time«i. vii. They have verified the traditionary account of the conception of Romulus'". They have verified the tradition- ary date of the Foundation '. They have verified the tra- ditionary account and traditionary date of the death of Romulus S. viii. They have fixed an epoch in the personal history of Numa Pompilius, through the date of his correction of the Primitive calendar, Feb. 17, B. (J. 712''. IK. They have brought to light the fact of the revival of the Nundinal calendar of Romulus, (yet without any change in the calendar of Numa, previously in use,) by Servius Tul- lius. along with the institution of tlie Census, and the Lustral cycle, B. C. 552 ; and tliey have traced the Lustral cycle in this Nundinal calendar, as well as in the Civil calendar of the time being, from its first epoch, B. C. 552, to its second, B. C. 304.; and from its second, B. C. 304, to its third, B. C. 80; and from its third, B.C. 80, to its transition into the cycle of Indiction, A. D. 315 '. X. They have fixed the date of the Rcgifugc, June 29, B. C. 508, and the date of the first consulship, the next day ; and consequently the interval taken up by the reigns of the kings of Rome, from the Foundation, April 24, B. C. 750, to the Regifuge and first consulate^ June 29 and 30, B. C. 508 k. xi. They have recovered the Julian dates, (June 20-23,) and traced the cycle, of the Ludi Saecularcs of the Romans, '• C)rigg. Kill. Ital. ii. 341-710. ii. 144-156. n jj. 'S7~i74 " "■ '78' 207. 234. 243. P ii. i sqq. 51 sqq. '1 i. 420-433. r ii. 29 sqq. 51 sqq. s i. 456-477. s. lo. Origines KalendaHa Italicie. 225 in the Kalendarium Vagum, Dec. 29, B. C. 209, to the first Kalendse Januariae in the Julian correction, Dec. 30, B. C. 46 — verifying each by the necessary proofs, at almost every point of the intermediate period *. XX. They have traced the cycle of Kalends and the cycle of the Nundinal day from the Kalendae Jannaria? in the first year of the Julian correction, U. C. 709, Dec. 30, B. C. IG, to the Kalendic Januariae in the 270th, U. C. 978, Jan. 1, A. D. 225 ; and they have thereby established a fact, as yet unknown to, and even unsuspected by, chronologcrs, that the Julian correction itself, for the first 269 years of the Julian fera, was scai'cely less irregularly administered than the Ka- lendarium Vagura last before it — the motive to the irregu- larity in this instance also having been the same as in that, viz. the still continuing dread of the Nundinal incidence on the Kalends of Januarius ^. xxi. They have consequently, as the result of this whole history of the Roman calendar from the first, established the fact beyond the possibility of disproof, that the true date of the Julian correction — as that of a Julian calendar, admini- stered perpetually according to the true law of a simply Julian reckoning, and that, in this case, the proper law of the Julian reckoning of the present system of time from the first — was not the historical date of the correction, the Kalendaj Janua- riie, U.C. 709, (Dec. 30, B. C. 16,) but the Kalendre Janua- ria), U. C. 978; when the actual Julian time of the correction, in the 270th year of its decursus at Rome, and the proper Julian time of the present system of things from the first, in the first year of the xxxvth Julian period of the Tables of the Fasti, both met together, in a state of absolute coinci- dence and equality, in the same Julian term, Jan. 1, A. D. 225. And they have pointed out the remarkable concurrence of circumstances, (too plainly indicative of a superintending and controlling Providence, to be overlooked,) by which this coincidence was brought about, not a moment sooner, nor a moment later, than the time when it was necessary it should be". * Origg. Kal. Ital. i. 495. ^cx). 518. ii. 30. iii. i -.s;*^. ii. 51 sqq. ' Ibid, ii. 39. 4S. .s'- 'V. 1-306. » Ibid. i. Preliminary Address, xxvi. sqq. ii. 706. jv. 273 : Origg. Kal. Hell. i. Prolegompna, rvi. sqq. Q 226 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. Section XI. — On the services rendered by the Fasti and Origines to Astronomy in particular. i. If the principal work of astronomy, even in its most im- proved and perfected state, according to Baillyv, is the deter- mination of the true standard of mean annual, in the sense of mean tropical, time, then the Fasti and Origines, without professing to be the work of an astronomer, or an astrono- mical work at all, and merely in the prosecution of their own inquiries, may claim to have done more for the solution of this problem, than has yet been done ; and among other dis- coveries made b}' these researches, to have supplied for the first time this greatest of all desiderata, according to Bailly, even to the perfection of modern astronomy, the true standard of the mean natural or tropical time of the existing system of things. This discovery is the necessary result of the account which was given supra 2, of the constitution and the rule of ad- ministration of the Phoenix Cycle and Phoenix Period of the Egyptians. It appears from that account that 500 mean tropical years and 500 mean Julian years were combined in that cycle perpetually ; the former, of such a standard in comparison of that of the latter, that the epoch of the mean tropical time of the cycle fell back on the epoch of the mean Julian, at the rate of 3 days 21 hours of mean solar time, every cycle of the Period. To find this standard therefore nothing is necessary except to diminish the sum of mean solar time in 500 mean Julian years, (182,625 days,) by 3 days 21 hours, and to divide the remainder (182,621 days 3 hours) by 500. The quotient of this division is 365 d. 5 h. 48 m. 504 sec, or 365-24 225 days. This must consequently have been the standard of mean tro- pical time combined in the Phrenix Period with the standard of mean Julian, (365-25 days.) perpetually'': and the reader cannot fail to observe it is neither more nor less than the standard of the mean tropical time of the Tables of the Fasti, the standard in which and by which the mean tropical time of the Fasti is brought down in Division B, and the Solar Cycle of the Tables, from the first. >■ Fasti, i. 73. z Page 173 sqq. a Fasti, iii. 504. iv. 144. s, 1 1. Services rendered by the Fasti to Astronomy. 227 This standard therefore of mean annual tropical time must have been familiar to the ancient Egyptians, when they con- ceived the idea, and digested the scheme, and adjusted the details, of their Phoenix Period, B.C. 1847: and yet there is no reason to suppose they had only just discovered it, and for themselves, there and then. There is no reason to believe that either this, or any other, assumption of postdiluvian astronomy, however true to nature, and however agreeable to the opinions or conclusions of modern astronomy on the same points, was self-originated ^\ There is no reason to suppose that the earliest postdiluvian astronomy, in any of its assumptions, however rightly made, rested on any thing but an authority and a prescription derived to the postdilu- vian from the antediluvian world <^. That it must have done so in this particular instance is proved by the readiness with which this standard itself, however true to nature, and how- ever faithfully retained for more than a thousand years, yet, within 50 years of the second revision of the Phoenix Cycle, B. C. 848, was discarded by the Egyptians themselves, to make way for an ideal and imaginary standard of the same kind, founded on purely subjective and arbitrary assumptions. For that never could have been done, if this true standard, instead of having been received on authority, and handed down from one generation of astronomers to another pre- scriptively, had been origiuall}' discovered by observation, and confirmed by observation ever after. It is demonstrated also by the fact that the Mazzaroth sphere, and the Tropical sphere, even as first combined de facto at the epoch of the first Phoenix Cycle, B. C. 1847, were after all only the Maz- zaroth sphere and the Tropical sphere of the beginning; and the actual relations of mean tropical time and mean Julian time inter se, B.C. 1847, were those of B. (J. 4004, 2157 years before, simply as modified by time and precession mean- while*^. If so, this standard of mean tropical time, embodied de facto in the first Phoenix Period, 13. 0. 1847, must have been the traditionary standard of that kind received by the post- diluvian from the antediluvian world. And as to its recogni- b Fasti, iv. 145. c (f. Origg. Kal. lIcU. iv. 404 : Ori!,'^. Kal. Ital I're- liininary Addri'ss, xxiii. xxiv. << I'ajc*' iS.',, supra. 228 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. tion iu the antediluvian world itself, if it really went back even in that to the beginning of mundane time, — if it was neither received from any older tradition, nor yet even then discovered by men for themselves — it must have been one of those Koival ivvoiai, communicated to mankind by their Creator, of which they found themselves in possession, with- out any consciousness of having acquired them for them- selves, from the very moment of their existence^. And what original or archetypal idea of that kind could the Maker of the universe, the Orderer of the solar system, the Author of all its laws, and the Originator of all its movements, commu- nicate to his rational creatures, if he communicated any, except the true? Now, though this particular standard of mean annual tro- pical time has never yet been adopted in any of the modern Tables, it is not unknown to modern astronomy ; and one of the greatest of modern astronomers, La Place, has left his deliberate opinion on record, that all modern astronomers, for practical purposes, might agree in the recognition and use of this '. And besides this opinion of one of the greatest of modern authorities on such a question, there are many properties of this standard in particular, which I myself have often had occasion to advert to, and which are well calculated to draw the sttention of astronomers and men of science to a moi'e particular consideration of it, than they have yet bestowed upon it. As i. The proportion of the mean equinoctial time of this standard to the most carefully determined by observation among those of the modern Ta- bles — for instance, that of the Tables of Delambreg; which, B. C. 4004, as I have shewn s, for the same meridian, that of Jerusalem, at 0° 0' 0", was that of absolute equality and identity ; and at the present day, for the same meridian, is only accidentally different — only in proportion to the dif- ference of standards, this of the Fasti and that of Delambre, and the cumulative amount of that difference, between B. C. 4004 and any given epoch of the present day. ii. The proportion of mean natural tropical time of this standard, e Fasti, iv. 145. f Ibid. iv. 521 : Origg. Kal. Ital. Preliminary Address, cxxii. cxxiii. K Fasti, iv. 303-523: Origg. Kal. Ital. Preliminary Address, cvii. cxviii. cxxiii. s. II. Services rendered by the Fasti to Astronomy. 229 and mean natural sidereal time, inter se ; the equality of 36524 225 d. the mean tropical year of this standard, in mean solar time, to 36624 225 d., the corresponding mean sidereal year, in mean sidereal time''; and the equality of 25,885 mean tropical years of this standard to 25,884 mean sidereal years', iii. The mean annual value of the arc of precession, which makes the difference between mean natural tropical time of this standard and mean natural sidereal, 50"*069 541 ^ ; and the proportion of this in particular to the average value of a number of determinations of the same kind, according to modern astronomy, 50"-07 also '. iv. Of all the arguments however which might be urged in favour of this one standard of mean annual tropical time, as designated by nature in that capacity from the first; that on which I sliould be most disposed to insist, and that of which the unscientific and popular reader is almost as com- petent to judge as the man of science himself, is the singular adaptation of tiiis standard of mean annual tropical time, above all others, and that of mean annual Julian, inter se — pre- disposing and qualifying both to go along with each other, in one and the same system of things, like that of the course of time, from the first, and mean natural annual time of this standard in particular to be accompanied and represented by mean Julian perpetually. To make this appear, it is necessary simply to explain that mean annual tropical time of this standard of 365 d. 5 h. 48 m. 504 sec. and mean Julian of the standard of 365 d. 6h. being assumed to have set out together at any epoch; the former must fall back on the latter at the rate of 11 m. 96 sec. every year, and at that of 23 h. 59 ra. 384 sec. every 129 years — 21 6 sec. less than the entire period of 24 hours of mean solar time in 129 years, and 21 6 sec. x !•, or 86-4 sec. in 129 X Is or 51(5 years. It follows from this fact that, if mean natural time of that standard and mean Julian set out together at any conceivable epoch of the noctidiurnal cycle, h Fasti, iv. 147, 148. Preliminary Address, cxxii. > Ibid. iv. 147, 14S. 556 n. : Introduction to tlic TulWos, 2.»2. 240. 25.^ s(|q. k Introdurtion, 242 sqq. ' Fasti, iii. 274 u. : Origj?. K;il. Ilcll. i. Prolfi,'onioiia, xxxiii. n» Fasti, ii. .?.v Introduction, 30. cf. Orij;g. Kal. Ital. Preliminary .Address, cxix.: Origg. Kal. Hell. i. Prolegonit-na, xx.xviii. 230 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. (say the epoch of midnight), for any meridian (say the me- ridian of the ancient Jernsalem), and in any year (say B. C. 400-1), at the end of 510 mean tropical and mean Julian years, while mean Julian time must be found setting out still at the point of midnight, as at first, mean tropical time must be found doing so, ut 86-4 sec. short of the point of midnight. Now this defect of mean annual tropical time of this standard on the epoch of origination, the point of midnight, 210 sec. every 129 years, 80 4 sec. every 510, would accu- mulate to a day and a night, or one period of 24 hours of mean solar time complete, only in 129 x 4000, or 510 x 1000 years, that is, 510,000 years ; 21 6 s. x 4000 or 80-4 s. x 1000, both alike being = 80,400 sec. 24 hours of mean solar time". It follows that mean tropical time of this standard, and mean Julian, once set together at the epoch of midnight, for any meridian, would be predisposed and qualified to go on to- gether, subject to one and the same law of administration — that of returning to the epoch of midnight, in the same year of the cycle of four years, and in the same year of the cycle of 28 years, within 24 hours of mean solar time at least — for 510,000 mean tropical years treated as mean Julian perpe- tually ; and even at the end of that great Period — in order to the rectification of this diff'erence at last, and the adapta- tion of the same two kinds of time for the decursus of an- other Period of the same kind also in conjunction, nothing would be necessary except to retain the last Julian type of the first period, as the first Julian type of the second °. It is another necessary consequence of the relation of mean tropical time of this standard to mean Julian, that if the diflference between them in one year is 1 1 m. 9"0 sec, in 4000 years it must be 11 m. 9 sec. x 4000, or 31 days ex- actly. And this being in the proportion of 3 d. 21 h. every 500 years, it is manifest that they who devised the Phoenix Period, and assumed the recession of mean tropical time on mean Julian at 3 d. 21 h. in one of those Periods, could not have been iguoi'ant of the cumulative amount of that reces- sion in 8 periods, or 1000 years. And that they were not n Fasti, ii. 27-3,s : iv. 522. 52,^ o Ibid. ii. 35 : iv. 550. s. 11. Services rendered by the Fasti to Astronomy. 231 ignorant oi" it, but must have coutemplated it from the first, appears not only from other proofs of the fact, (calcuhitcd at least to raise a strong presumption of it P,) but also, and more especially, from the great period of 96 Phoenix cycles, 48,000 years, (4000x12), 373 days (31x12), destined to comprehend and to measure the entire recession of mean tropical on mean Julian time all round the calendar of Maz- zaroth ; which, as I have shewn 'i, there is reason to believe the Egyptians must have had in view, at the very first com- bination of the spheres, (the sphere of INIazzaroth and the sphere of Nature,) B.C. 1817. It follows too from these relations of mean natural tropical time of this standard to mean Julian, that, if the authors of the Gregorian correction, A.D. 1582, had adopted this stand- ard of 365 d. 5 h. 48 m. 50 4 or 365-2 1 225 d. as the standard of the mean natural year, instead of that which they actually adopted, 365 d. 5 h. 49 m. or 365 2425 d., they would have escaped the excess of a day and a night, to which the mean tropical time of the Gregorian correction, in comparison of mean Julian, is liable every 4000 years. The equation of mean Julian time to mean natural of the Gregorian standard requires only the supi)ression of 30 leap-days every 4000 years ; and the Gregorian rule of the administration of the civil calendar through that length of time provides for no more'". ii. Another important service which the Fasti and Origines may very prol)ably claim to have rendered to astronomy is the discovery of the Pkimarv Meridian. In explanation of this, I observe, that the first absolute beginning — the actual instant of the origination — of one and all of the measures of time which enter the present system of things, as destined to be subject from the first to the proper measure of one of their number, (the Xoctidiurnal cycle,) viz. the period of 24 hours of mean solar time, at whatsoever epoch of the Xocti- diurnal cycle it took cftect, must have been adapted to the local peculiarities of some meridian or other — and that meri- dian, of which such a coincidence was liolding good at the P Ajipcndix, note HH. i P'asti, iii. .^o.v Fasti, ii. 25. iii. 502. iv. 388. 670-67,^ 8. II. Services rendered by the Fasti to Astronomy. 235 any former or any later epoch may be obtained, with ap- proximate, if not with absolute, certainty, from that of any epoch at the present day, (for instance, A. D. 1801,) as de- termined by observation. We have therefore for the epoch of 11. C. 1004, d. Ii. m. a. i. From the period of 6oo years 29 12 44 4-660 194 From the formula; of Mr. Challisc 29 12 44 4-535 3^'° Difference 0124834 ii. From the period of 600 years 29 12 44 4660194 From the formulae of Mr. Adams <1 29 12 44 4-475 Difference o-lSs And this difference in either case is so small, that no one could undertake to say it was not to be'aCcounted for a priori by the still existing imperfection of formnlse for so remote an epoch as B. C. 4004-, quite as much as by the possibly in- herent excess of the mean lunar standard of the period of GOO years. iv. Among the services rendered by the Fasti and Origines to astronomy, and especially to the history of astronomy, may justly be enumerated the discovery made by them for the first time of such important and interesting facts in that history, as that of the combination of the two spheres, the sphere of nature and the sphere of Mazzaroth — the division of the ecliptic into the lunar mansions — the ultimate deve- lopement of the zodiac, with the zodiacal constellations, and zodiacal figures, out of that division — the names and symbols of the signs, and the reasons on which they were founded. Nor can modern astronomy be indifferent to such facts in the history of its own science in former times, as those of the origin and progress of the corruption of the pure and un- adulterated tradition derived to the postdiluvian astronomy from the antediluvian, by such arbitrary and subjective as- sumptions as those of the doctrine of the Genitura Mntidi, and of the alternate Recension and Precession of the corre- sponding points of the sphere — and the rate of each, one degree in 80 years, and the period of the movement in either «■ Fasti, iv. 389. ■• Ibid. 670. 6;.^ 236 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord, ch. ii. direction, 10 degrees, 800 years, in the Chaldee sphere, 8 de- grees, 6 10 years, in the Egyptian ^. Nor can it be uninterested in the history and explanations of such celebrated periods as the Chaldaic Sossus, Nerus, and Sa7'os — which also has been given in the Fasti^; implying by their proper relation to each other, on the part of those who first conceived the idea of such periods and iu such relations, a clear apprehension of the distinction of mean solar and mean sidereal time. Nor yet in the discovery to which it leads of the origin of the sexagesimal division of the period of 24 hours, and to what people of antiquity it must have been dues, Nor can the modern astronomer be indifferent to the his- tory of a still more celebrated period of antiquity, peculiar to his science, that of the ecliptic cycle, commonly called the Sarus — out of what concurrence of circumstances the disco- very of this period, in its simple form, came to be made, and by w hom ; and when it began to be applied to its proper use and purpose, the calculation of solar and lunar eclipses ; and the epochal dates of either kind, assumed by it ; and how far down from those epochs the series of each is capable of being traced. Nor yet to the history of the modification of this simple ecliptic period, more properly to be called the Sarus, subsequently discoverable; first among the Chaldees, B.C. 794, and then among the Etrurians, B, C, 619ii. Nor yet to the history of the 465 ecliptic Panselena of Eudoxus'; or to the history and explanation of the sphere of Eudoxus'^; or to that of the sphere of Thales' ; or to the discovery which we are thereby enabled to make of the true time and date of the memorable eclipse of Thales°^ — on all and each of which points nothing is yet know^n, wjiich has anticipated the dis- coveries and explanations contained iu the Fasti and Ori- gines, V. Perhaps however the most essential service which they have rendered not to astronomy only, but to chronology in <• Fasti, iii. 446. 461. 475 : Origg. Kal, Ital. iii. .^47 sqq, iv. 168. ' Fasti, iv. 94 sqq. e Ibid. iv. 94. 9,s, h Ibid. 99. 103 : Oiigij. Kal. Ital. ii. 480-490. iv. 237 : Origg. Kal. Hell. vi. 647. i Fasti, iv. 1 14 sqq. : Hell. vi. 653. •< Fasti, iv. 131. ' Urigg. Kal. Hell. vi. 630. m Ibid. vi. 654. s. 1 1. Services rendered by the Fasti to Astronomy. 237 general, will be found to reside in those explanations of the true nature and the i)ropcr rule of administration of pro- leptical Julian time (Julian time which can only be supposed to have had an hypothetical existence), in contradistinction to historical time of the same denomination — whatsoever its epoch, whether B.C. 45 (that of the Julian correction), or A. D. 225 — which have been given, and for the first time, in the Fasti and Origines. i. With respect to its nature. It has been clearly esta- blished in this work, i. That Proleptical Julian time, as thus explained, is simply the conventional representative of natural annual time, treated, from the necessity of the case, })ro tem- pore, as Julian : ii. That Julian annual time, thus substituted pro tempore for natural annual, neither was, nor could have been, from the first, any thing but Gregorian Julian": iii. That even simple Julian time, supposed to have come into actual existence at the very beginning of things, must still have set out from the same Julian epoch as this Gregorian, and must have accompanied it ever after as the proper Julian form of this Gregorian": iv. That simply Julian time, coming into being at any epoch in the subsequent decursus of this Gregorian type of natural annual time perpetually, must borrow its epoch of origination from the Gregorian of the time in question, though only to subject it ever after to the law of the simply Julian administration p; v. That the Julian time of the Julian correction itself did not and could not pass into the true Julian time of the present system of things at last, except by conforming to this law, and borrowing its own epoch, the kalends of January, U. C. 978, in the 270th year of its decursus, from the proper Julian, in the sense of Gregorian, epoch of the xxxvth type of the natural Julian time of the Tables, Jan. 1, A. D. 225 — subjecting it ever after to the law of the simply Julian administration of the civil calendar'!. And as a necessary consequence of these distinctions in the true proleptical Julian time of the system, it has also been shewn, i. That the equable time of the system, as ne- " Origg. Kal. Hell. i. Prolegomena, xlviii. cliii. " Ibid, cliii. f Ibid, clxii. n Oripe;. Kal. Mill. i. Froleg. civ. 238 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. cessarily referrible to the Julian of the system perpetually, was of two kinds also from the first, Cyclical-Equable, the standard of which was the Gregorian - Julian time of the system, and Nabonassarian-Equable, referrible to the simply Julian form of that Gregorian perpetually, ii. That Cyclical- Equable consequently from the necessity of the case was liable to stand still at stated times, (those of the egress and the ingress of our Julian Periods,) in terms of its proper Julian time, eight years instead of four, before A. D. 225 as much as after, while Nabonassarian-Equable must descend one day in terms of its proper Julian time every four years perpetually, whether before or after A. D. 225. iii. That Nabonassarian-Equable, coming into existence at any parti- cular time in the subsequent decursus of both, must borrow its Julian epoch of origination from the corresponding Julian date of the Cyclical-Equable of the same epoch, and therefore a proper Gregorian date; though merely, in this case also, to subject this equable epoch, and every other dependent upon it, to the law of such terms in the decursus of equable time in simply Julian time perpetually''. ii. With regard to its administration while it was still pro- leptical Julian time, simply the positive or conventional type of natural annual time, treated pro tempore as Julian, in- volving the question of the proper decursus of annual time, so understood, in noctidiurnal and hebdomadal also, and in the proper Julian style of each — though this is confessedly the most difficult problem with which a retrospective chronology at the present day can have to deals, yet this too, I hope, has been satisfactorily cleared up and explained in the Prole- gomena prefixed to the Origines Kalendariae Ilellenicie *. This question has now been treated in every conceivable way. i. It has been treated as one of the relation from the first of mean annual Tropical time to mean annual Sidereal ; and the law of the decursus of both in conjunction, in that relation, has been shewn to be that of the descent of mean annual tropical on mean annual sidereal, (which, under the circumstances of the case, was the same thing as the descent •■ ()rit{g. Kal. Ili-ll. i. Prolour. clvi-clxix. '^ Ibid. Preface, ]>ago ix. ' Pa^e xxi sq(|. s. II. Services rendered by the Fasti to Astronomy. 239 of mean annual tropical time on itself,) two terms, cyclically reckqncd, in the order of noctidiurnal or hebdomadal, and two terms in the order of the Julian notation, from period to period, down to A. D. 225 at least v. ii. It has been treated as a question of the relation of mean tropical time and mean sidereal alike to mean Julian ; and the law of the dccursus of both, in that relation perpetually, lias been found to be that of the law of recession in the epoch of tropical time, and the law o( precession in the epoch of sidereal, on the epoch of Julian, (remaining stationary and the same with itself perpetually,) at the rate of one feria, cyclically reckoned, in the oider of noctidiurnal or hebdo- madal respectively, and of one term in the order of the Jnlian notation respectively, from Period to Period''. iii. Lastly, it has been argued y as simply a question of the reckoning of noctidiurnal and hebdomadal time, as what it is per se, and consequently reckoned agreeably to the law of the noctidiurnal in the hebdomadal succession, from the same epoch of the noctidiurnal cycle, or the same feria of the hebdomadal perpetually — and as what it is as making part of natural annual time, and reckoned agreeably to the law of the decursus of noctidiurnal time in annual, from the head or epoch of the natural year perpetually. And these two conditions (that of the reckoning of noctidiurnal and hebdo- niadal time per se, from a given epoch of the noctidiurnal cycle on a given feria of the hebdomadal perpetually, and that of the reckoning of noctidiurnal and hebdomadal time, as entering into and making part of annual, from the head of the natural year perpetually) being incompatible with each other, except at the beginning and the end of our Periods respectively, — it is manifest that, under the cir- cumstances of the case, the rule of administration of both in practice conjointly must be of the nature of a com- promise, whereby noctidiurnal and hebdomadal time, as making up the proper annual time of every period, for the first half of its decursus in that relation, should be reckoned from midnight on the feria of origination, and for the second " Orii^i;. Kill Moll. I'loloij. xxi-xxxi : li-lviii. x Ibid. I'lolcs^. p. rxviii-clii. y Iliid. r\] )i. 240 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. ch. ii. half from midnight on the feria next before that of origina- tion. And this, it is manifest, must be the true explanation of the phenomenon for which we have to account — the actual descent of mean natural annual time, so long as this rule of reckoning its proper noctidiurnal time was still the only one which, under the circumstances of the case, could apply to it and be in force — two terms instead of one, in the order of hebdomadal, from period to period perpetually z. z Appendix, note LL. APPENDIX. NOTES AND EXPLANATIONS. Note A, page 2. The tlifferent kinds of annual time, which have made part of the existins; system of things from the first, being assumed as Five in number, two of them positive or civil, the other three natural — (the two former, Kcjualjle solar and mean or actual Julian, the three latter, mean 'lVo])ical, mean Sidereal, and mean Anomalistic — ) Equable solar is the cycle of 365 days and nights ; mean Julian is the cycle of 365 days, 6 hours, (365-25 d.); actual Julian is the cycle of 365 days and nights every three years in succession, and of 366 every fourth year : mean Tro- pical, in the standard of the Fasti, is the cycle of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 50-4 seconds, or 36524225 d. ; mean Sidereal is the cycle of 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9567 454 798 331, or 365256 360 734 53"; mean Anomalistic is the cycle of 365 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes, 53-482 430465 seconds '^ Of these three kinds of Natural annual time, the true measure of mean natural annual time, in the sense of an entire revolution of the earth about the sun, or from a given point in its orbit to the same again, perpetually, is the mean sidereal year ^ ; in the sense of the revolution of the seasons, or of the cycle of natural jjroduction, (and consequently of that in which mankind always have had and still have the greatest interest,) it is the mean tropical year. Mean anomalistic too is as much an integral constituent part of the natural annual time of the existing system of things as mean sidereal or mean tropical, and perhaps to the unity and integrity of the system the most essential of all*'. Mean annual tropical time is reckoned from the intersection of the plane of the equator and the jjlane of the ecliptic, or o o'o" of the sphere, per- petually. Mean annual Sidereal is reckoned from some fixed point in the orbit of the earth or the sun to the same again, perpetually ; which point, as the ei)och of the true mean sidereal time of the present system of things, may be assumed to have been the intersection of the ecliptic, and an arc of the sphere, connecting the two stars Beta and Zeta Tauri, at the mean vernal eijuinox, li. ('. 4004 ; one of which (Beta) was standing at that time about 4 N. of the ecliptic, and the other (Zeta) about 4 S. of the same^. Mean annual anomalistic time, as I have already explained, is reckoned " CI', (hitic.. Kill, llfll. i. Prnlcj;. cxxii. '• (f liilioiluctiim to tlic 'I'iiIjIcs, r40-24.^ 202 ;o6. ■■ Origg. Kul. Hell. i. I'rolfg. xxi-.wvii. '' C'f. Introduction, 202-206. 243. Fa^ti, iv. 509-512. 520 (v v'lQiv TOV 06oO OTTf (cSe^^frat. Trj yap paraio- TTjTi T] KTiais iinfrayq, {ovx (Kovaa, dX\a 8ia tov viroTa^avTa,) en eXnldt oti Koi avTTi fi KTicris eXevdepaOrjcreTai otto tiJs SovKeias ttJs (fidopas els rrjv eXev- depiav TTJs 86^rjs Totv TtKvcov tov Qeov' o'idapev yap oti nacra fj ktIctis avaTf- va^et Ka\ cvftoSiWi a)(pi tov vvv. ov povov he, aXXa Ka\ avTol, k,t.X.: the meaning of which may be represented in the words of the authorized ver- sion, somewhat modified, as follows : " For I reckon that the sufferings of the season which now is are not worth taking into account, in compari- son of the glory about to be revealed in reference to us. For the longing expectation of the creation is earnestly awaiting the revelation of the sons of God. For the creation hath been subjected to the Principle of vanity, (not willing to have been so, but because of him who hath subjected it,) in hope that the creation itself shall be freed from the slavery of destruc- tion into the freedom of glory of the children of God. For we know that all the creation is groaning together and travailing together up to the time that now is. And not only so, but we ourselves," &c. From this description we learn that, for the whole of the interval in question, the positive law of the relations of that, which is here called tj KTia-is, (the creation, in the limited sense of our own world,) to any thing superior to itself, and so far the normal state of its existence, has been that of an absolute subjection, through the will and appointment of its own Creator, to what is here called t] p,aTat.6Tr]s — and, (as necessarily implied in such a subjection,) that of a slavery of destruction or destructiveness ; a slavery, (the consequence of such a subjection,) both in its tendencies from the first, and in its effects, ever after, destructive of the essence, injurious to the being and wellbeing, of the subject itself. The key to the right understanding of this remarkable passage, in my opinion, is to be found only in the revelations of Scripture on another mysterious topic, the relations of the invisible to the visible world ; and APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 217 more especially those of a part, and possibly a j>rincipal part, of the angels in general, to this earth of ours in particular, before and after their defec- tion from that state of submission and obedience to the will of their com- mon Creator, and consequently of goodness and innocence, in which they were originally created. It may be collected from Scripture that the material world in general was created for the spiritual in general ; and our own earth in particular for this order or class of the angels in particular : and the proprietorship, so to say, the ownership and jurisdiction of our earth having been once made over to them by the ('reator i)oth of it and of them, when they were yet in the enjoyment of their original goodness and innocence, it was not re- sumed by its Creator, nor taken away from them all at once, even in con- secpience of their defection itself; but for wise and adequate reasons, (connected, no doubt, with the ceconomy of the scheme of Redemption,) even after their fall from obedience, and the change in their moral nature entaik'd thereby, it was still reserved to them, for a certain length of time, as absolutely as before. The Scripture sense of a/iaraioi/ (of that which is called in Hebrew bl'n, or Hebel), and especially of to fidraiov, or ra fiaraia, kot e^oxr]i>, is that of an hlol or Idols — that of any of the objects of the religious worship of the Gentiles'" — that of any created being, however excellent in comjiarison of other creatures like itself, yet setting up itself not only as independent of, but as superior to, its own Creator, not only in opposition to, but instead of, its own Creator — as the proper object of religious honour and reverence, rel'gious faith and trust. The abstract idea of this common iirlnciple of opposition to and rivalry of the one great First Cause of all things, on the part of some one or other of its own creatures, in my opinion, is that Principle of Vanity (17 naratoTrjt) alluded to in this passage of the Epistle to the Romans. This Principle of Vanity, in its widest and most comprehensive sense, is that of the Poly- theism of the Gentile world, the Gods many and the Lords many, recog- nised every where except among the Jews at first, and the Christians after- wards^, in opposition to, and instead of, the one true (lOO and the one true Lord — the individual distinctions and personalities of which might all be summed up in the general notion of the common Pseiido-tfieisni and com- mon Anti-theism of the (ientile world in its unconverted state. The principle of unity however, which pervaded this system of the ancient idolatry, being, after all, the concentration and impersonation of this abstract idea of a common Antitheism in one living exemplar and type of the whole, the Chief of the fallen angels himself, the Satan of Scripture, deriving his name from his essential antipathy to the one true God, subjection to the Princi|)le of vanity, as such, of whatsoever it might be predicable, must ultimately be xmderstood of subjection to this one great adversary of God. And it requires no argument to prove that what- r C'f. l)c\it. xxxii. 21 ; I Kings xvi. 13, 26 ; 2 Kings xvii. 15 ; Jcr. ii. 5 ; viii. ig ; X. .V 8. 15 ; xiv. 2; ; xvi. 19 : li. 18 : Acts xiv. 15. • Cf. 1 Cor. viii. 5, 6. 248 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. soever the nature, and whatsoever the disposition, of such a Being before his Fall, the fact of his fall itself must have made a very great difference, if not to the physical, yet to the moral, perfections and attributes, even of the greatest and best of the angels, possibly the one Archangel — the ap- pointed link of connection and mediation between the unoriginated source of hfe and good, and all the creations and dependencies of his bounty and goodness ; and almost as much superior to all other created beings as he was himself inferior to the Supreme Creator himself : and that consequently subjection to the Principle of vanity kut f^oxrjv, in this sense of subjection to the will and control of this Being — once so great and so good, and now so changed by his defection itself — after his Fall, must be subjection to the Principle of destructiveness. From the date of this change then in the moral nature and disposition of the angels, who before their defection stood to that jiart of the material universe, which is to be understood of our own earth, and its proper system, in the relation of masters and rulers, and, even after their defection, were still permitted (for certain jjurposes, worthy of the wisdom and the benefi- cence of the Supreme Source of Good himself), within certain prescribed limits, and for a certain preordained time, to retain their jurisdiction over it, (a doctrine clearly taught in Scripture,) it was to be ex])ected a priori that two Principles or Powers of Causation should be found perpetually at work, in and upon the subject of their action, our own earth, each as actively and each as extensively as the other — one of them the Principle of Disturbance, the other the Principle of Rectification — one of them the Principle of Destruction, the other the Principle of Conservation — one of them the Principle of Mischief, the other the Principle of Remedy — one of them ever intent on the production of evil in every way and every form, the other not less constantly employed in making evil itself the means of good. Now howsoever far back into the history of our planet, the researches of Geology may extend, it must be clear, from the nature of its discoveries themselves, that they still fall short, (and very possibly immeasural)ly short,) of the date of this first transgression and first defection of the spi- ritual and immaterial creatures of God ; and of the consequent change in the moral nature of the angels, without any change in their jiower — impelling them from that time forward as naturally to seek the evil of every thing, with which they were ])reviously connected in the relation of superior and inferior, as before, the good. Of the opposition and conflict of Principles, such as I have described, from this time foruard. Geology has l)rought j)roofs in abundance to light, in the physical history of our own earth ; but it has never yet even suspected the opposition and dualism of the Prin- ciples of causation also, to which they must have been due resj)ectively, much less thought of distinguishing between them, and referring each to its proper author and source. And in consequence of this oversight, in reasoning upon the phenomena thus brought to light, Geologists, unwit- tingly perhaps and unconsciously, have nevertheless fallen into the very grave and sprious inistJike of ascribing to God the proper acts and func- APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 249 tions of his great adversary, and treating physical evil, pain and suffering, of every kind, as if it was as compatible with the Divine nature and per- fections, and as cajiable of being proposed on its own account as the end and aim of the Divine plans and operations, as the contrary. Note H, page 23. It may be objected to the above coincidences, that they hold good in each of these cases only by mean motion, apd that, the mean motion of my Tables. But with respect to the distinction of mean and true motions in general, as I have more than once had occasion to observe ', at the absolute epoch of all motion, there could have been no difference between mean and true ; and both being assumed to have set out from this epoch together, at no period of their subsequent decursus in conjunction, could there be any material difference between the mean motion, and the true, of the same kind respectively. In illustration of this relation between the mean motions of the Tables and the true, even aftiT this epoch of April 25, B.C. 4004 — let us compare, i. the mean longitude of A])ril 25, old style, at mean midnight, for the meridian of Greenwich, at any epoch of the present day, (for instance, A. D. 1 801,) according to our own Tables, and according to Delambre's — i. By the Tables we have the mean longitude of April 25 at mean midnight A. D. 1801, , , „ for the meridian in question" . . . . 44 25 53-448 ii. By Delambre's Tables .. ., .. 44 21 5-82 Difference 4 47-63 And this, as I have shewn ^, is simply the difference of the mean motion of the Tables, and the mean motion of Delambre, in 5804 years, from April 25, B. C. 4004, to April 25, A. D. 1801 : and that this difference, for the same meridian, (that of Jerusalem,) was nothing, April 25, oh. om. 21-6 sec, B. C. 4004 — has also been shewn ^. ii. Let us compare the mean and the true longitude of the inters- ction of the arc of conjunction of Beta and Zeta Tauri, with the ecliptic, at mean noon May 30, old style, A. D. 1801. i. By the Tables, we have the mean longi- tude of this point, at the e])och in , question y .. .. .. .. . . 80 43 34-6 ii. By the calculation of Prof. Challis, we have the true, at the same . . . . 81 21 59'8 Difference 38 25-2 iii. Let us compare the mean and the true longitude of the solar aj)ogee, Jan. I mean noon, new style, for the meridian of Greenwich, A. D. 1801, according to the Tables, and according to Bessel, rcsjjcctively ^ : ' <(■. Fasti, ii. iiG. 1 55, 1^6. " Cf Oriiji,'. Kal. It.al. Prelim. Add. cix, ex. V Ibid. Gen. vii. 21. Levit. xi. 29 41-43. APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. '1^7 ii. Behemeh- This word, Behemeh in the sinf^ulur, Behimoulk in the ])lural, accordinj? to (ieseiiius, is derived from an obsolete root Bein. to shut, especially the mouth, and therefore to be mute, to l)e dumb. And as so derived, it must be equally applicable to every kind of animal, as alike distinf/uished by this want of the faculty of speech. The o' have rendered it fifteen times by rerpciTrouf, a cpiadniped, and twelve times by 6rn)iou, u wild animal, in Greek; but in a ^reat majority of instances by /ct^vos. And, according to (Jesenius, besides the (generic sense just explained, of every dumb creature, its specific senses in the Hebrew are i. and chiefiy, that of ktt]vos in Greek, pecus in Latin, cattle in English, — domestic animals of every kind. ii. That description of domestic animals, which in our language are called beasts of burden, in (ircek vno^vyia, and in Latin jumenta — horses, asses, oxen, camels, Hcc, iii. lieasls of the field as such, wild animals in contradistinction to tame, whatsoever their dis])ositions and habits in other respects. It is in the first and the second of tliese senses only that the word is used in the Mosaic account of the creation, and of the work of the sixth day in particular. iii. Heith-heshedeh. Heieh, according to Gesenius, is derived from the verb in Hebrew which denotes to live, and properly to breathe. As so derived, rirtute tennh}i, it must include in its com])rehension every thing in which there is the !)reath of life — all animals at least, as living by breathing. The o' render it fourteen times by C^ov, (which comes very near its literal meaning,) sixty-two times by 6t]piov, once by kttjvos (Lev. xi. 2) and once by ipntrov. Gen. i. 28. Under the generic sense of an animal or animated creature, denoted by this term, Gesenius distinguishes the specific sense i. Of beasts of all kinds, and water animals as much as land. ii. Quadrupeds, as ojijiosed to bipeds, iii. Wild animals, as op- posed to Behemoth or tame, including those which are beasts of prey, as well as those which are not. It is to be observed however, that in this particular sense of a wild animal, which is also a beast of prey, the word is commonly accompanied with an epithet expressive of its nature, as an evil beast ', a ravenous l)east'', a no/so7«e beast ' ; from which, in my opinion, it is a legitimate inference that even the Hebrew language itself at first had no word lor a beast of jjrey as such, and therefore (if the Hebrew was the antediluvian language, of which more hereafter) in the antediluvian world there could not yet have been such a thing as a beast of prey : and consequently this word, as used in the account of the Mosaic creation, and of the work of the sixth day, could have been intended of none but sim|)ly uild animals in contradistinction to tame, beasts of the field in opposition to beasts of the homestead. It is no objection that in hiter allusions, as Hosea xiii. S, Job xxxix. 15, the style of beasts of the field is applied also to beasts of prey. For beasts of prey are beasts of the field too, just as much as animals which are not beasts of prey, yet cannot be domesticated, nor ' (jcii. xxxvii. 20. 33. Livit. .\xvi. 6. k Uuiah xxxv. ij. ' F^zc'k. xiv. I ^. 2 1 : xxxiv. 22;. 258 The ^Aree Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. brought up and live with man. 'J'he Ileith-heshedeh of the Mosaic creation is an irreclaimable animal of this kind, but not one inimical or dangerous to man. iv. Remesh. — Remesh the verb is rendered in the o six times by epTrw, and seven times by Kivtoi ; and remesh the substantive seventeen times by fpTTfTov. According to Gesenius the verl) denoted both the motion of the smaller animals, which have four feet or more, such as mice, lizards, crabs, &c. (which would be properly expressed by creeping), and that of such as have no feet, and are consequently obliged to trail themselves along on the ground, as serpents, worms, &c. The substantive, as so derived, denoted reptiles, properly so called — all living creatures whose j)roper motion is by creeping or crawling. And besides these Gesenius would include under it all such creatures as trail or drag themselves along on the ground. And it must be admitted that, in subsequent instances of the use of this term in Scripture, it did include animals of this descrip- tion ; and also that Remes or Ermes in this sense, with the iEolic digam- ma prefixed to it, may have been the original of the Latin vermis, and even of the English worm. Yet it may be doubtful, (as we shall see by and by,) whether, as making up, along with Behemoth and Heith-heshedeh, the whole of the antediluvian zoology, and as classed with, and yet opposed to them. Gen. i. 26. 28. 30 : vi. 7. 20 : vii. 14-23 — it is to be understood of any description of animal, without feet. Gen. ix. 3 (cf. Ezek. xxxviii. 20), it is so used as to include all land animals : so that there must have been something in common to these, and the other two, more si)ecific than the nature of animals merely, something in common in their motions, and in their organs of motion, res])ectively — as there would be between the smaller animals of every kind, which had feet, and the larger. Note O, page 68. From the first part of the sentence, pronounced on the serpent. Gen. iii. 14, " Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, (Behemoth,) and above every beast of the field," (Heith-he- shedeh,) it seems to be a natural inference that up to the time of this offence, it was to be classed, in some sense or other, with Behemoth, and Heith-heshedeh, not with Remesh — and from the second ])art, " Upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shall thou eat, all the days of thy life" — it seems to be still more naturally inferrible, that, up to this period of its existence it must have had feet to walk upon — it could not have been formed originally for no other kind of motion, than that of trailing along the ground. If so, its feet must have been taken off by this very sen- tence. The serpent must first have begun to go upon its belly, as it does at present, only from the day of the Temptation and Fall of man. Comparative anatomy Efppears to confirm this inference, by bringing to light the rudiments of feet, as still a part of the organization of the ser- pent. The rudiments of feet are still discoverable under the skin of the serpent — and that seems to be a natural argument that it must have once had feet. It will follow furtlier from this inference, that, up to the time when a APPENDIX. Notes and Explnnations. 259 change was made in the organic structure and habits of hfe of this one of the creatures of God, and as a specific punishment for a specific ofience, there could have been no creature as yet ordained to the same mode of life, and organised accordingly, by the Creator himself. There could have been no creature which trailed, in opposition to those which went on feet, up to the date of the Temptation and Fall, nor any after it, in the antediluvian world at least, but the serpent. If so, this fact as I hinted supra "\ is very important to the proper sense of the name of the third of the classes or orders of the antediluvian zoology, Remesh, in contradistinction to Behemoth and Heith-heshedeh. It must now appear it could have in- cluded nothing which trailed, at first at least. It must have been re- stricted, virtute termini, to such creatures as crept or crawled, even as distinct from those which icalked or ran. Note P, page 69. A change in the temperature of the air may or may not have been a consequence of the Fall, and on that point every one is free to have his own opinion. It cannot however be inferred simj)ly from Gen. iii. 21, the i)rovision of clothing for the first human Pair, by their Oeator, though immediately after the Fall: for that might have been done in condescension merely to the consciousness of nakedness, and to the sense of shame, awakened in them by the first act of transgression itself". Note Q, page 72. Of that class of the antediluvian zoology, which Scri])ture has called Aouph, the only extant testimony to the existence of any particular species before the F'lood, is Gen. viii. 7, 8-12. ni- Areb, and n:v, lounek. The latter of these, it is generally agreed, must have been the same bird which is designated by the same name in the later books of Scripture, and in the English Bible, wherever it occurs, is ren- dered Dove. We may take it for granted then that the well known bird, so called in our language, is meant in this first allusion to it in Scripture ; though as to its name, in the Hebrew, and its etymon, Gesenius declines to give any opinion about it : and the Dove being a seminivorous or granivorous bird even at present, it may well be presumed it must have lived on vegetable food from the first. As to the bird, mentioned along with it, as one of the inmates of the ark also, and called Areb in the Hebrew, it is rendered in the English Bible both here, and wheresoever else it occurs, as the name, or supposed name, of a bird, by Raven ; and Gesenius also is of opinion that as the name of a bird of some kind in the Hebrew, it must have been that of Corvus in Latin, K6pa^ in Greek, or Raven in English — though he declines to assign any etymon of this too. He admits however that the use of this term in the Hebrew is not restricted to the Raven, but takes in kindred species of birds, as the Crow in English, {Kopi>vr^ more properly tiian Kopa^ in Greek, Cornix in Latin,) the Rook, the Daw°, &c. And from "' Page 258. " Gen. iii. 7. 10, 11. " Cf. Levit. xi. 75. Dciit. xiv. 14. S "2. 260 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. the supposed consecration of the bird called Kdpa^ in Greek, (whether the Raven or the Crow,) to Ajjollo, among the gods of classical mythology in particular p, and as his prophet or oracle too, it may be presumed that this incident in the year of the Flood, relating to Noah and the Areh, must have been handed down traditionally as something which passed between him and the Kopo^ in (ireek, either the Raven or the Crow. With res))ect then to the habits and diet of this class of birds at pre- sent, though it must be admitted that they prefer animal food, and some of them dead animal food, none of them has the peculiar organism of birds of prey, the beak, and the talons. And as to their food itself, the true description of this family of birds is that of omnivorous — eaters of every thing which comes in their way. There is no antecedent improba- bility therefore that, from the creation to the flood, even these subsisted on a vegetable diet, and that the change in their instincts, which makes them ])refer animal food at present, dates only from the fresh beginning of things after the Deluge. Note R, page 84. The calculations in the Prolegomena, here referred to, as was there explained, were all set back 12 hours, under an idea of the necessity of that correction, which I have since seen reason to aban- don 1. These 12 hours being restored, the new moon of April B.C. 1560 comes out April 9 at 6 a.m., instead of April 8 f.t 6 p.m. Note S, page 93. In addition to the other proofs of this date, col- lected in my former works, the reader should by all means be made awara of one more, brought to light by the history of the Lustral Cycle, the Census, and the Censorship, of Roman antiquity ■", The powers of the Censorship at the period of the Nativity were concentrated in the person of Augustus ; and it has been shewn from the decursus of the Lustral Cycle, down to this period in its history, that the order, which enjoined the census of the empire, having been issued critically at the beginning of the current cycle, the autumnal quarter of B. C. 5 — the time when it would naturally be beginning to be executed in the provinces would be the spring of the next year, B.C. 4. Note T, page 104. I was once of opinion that if the final end of the addition of 12 hours to the noctidiurnal cycle in this first instance was simply to lengthen the morning half of the cycle ; no epoch could have been so proper for it as the middle point of the period of 24 hours, reck- oned from 6 P.M. mean time to 6 p. .m. mean time perpetually; which, of course, would have been 6 a.m. mean time for the proper meridian, ex- actly. But further reflection, and the difficulties (of another kind) in which we should be involved by such an hypothesis, have satisfied me P Cf. Pot'tae Min. i. llosiod. Fragm. xxix. Piiular, Pythia, iii. 44-54, and Schol. in loc. and ad ver. 41. Ovid, Fasti, ii. 243-2^6. Hyginus, Poet. Astron. ii. xl : Fabulse, ccii. 'I Cf. infra, chap. i. sort. .xii. p. i ,6 sc)(j. ^ Origg. Kal. Ilal. ii. 291 , 292. APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 2(>1 that this couhl not he assumed as a necessary condition of the case; and tliat every end, contemi)lated hy the miracU-, as far as we can judf^e of it, wouhl be answered, whether the diurnal rotation was suspended at the mitldle point of the noctidiurnal cycle, reckoned from May 30 at 6 p.m. mean time for the proper meridian, to May 31 at 6 p.m. mean time for the same — or at the middle point of the same cycle, reckoned from sunset May 30 to sunset May 31 — which, reckoned in Kairic time, would of course he the moment of sunrise May 31 : and especially, if it so hap- pened in this particular instance that the moment of sunrise, the beginning of the morning half of the cycle, reckoned by Kairic time, was coinciding as nearly as possible with an integral division of the period of 24 hours in mean time, like 5 a.m. mean time. And that was actually the case. Sunrise, May 31, B.C. 1520, for the latitude of Jerusalem, is found by calcidation * — li. in. N. May 31 5 10 87 apparent time Equation of time — 11 24-1 May 31 4 58 44-6 mean time. Anil this might very probably be assumed May 31 at 5 a.m. mean time exactly. Now that the actual time of the miracle must have been the beginning of the morning half of the noctidiurnal cycle, dated from the first appear- ance of the sun, may be inferred from Josh. .x. 13, " So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, [the heavens, the two hemispheres, each of them an heaven,) and hasted not to go down {to (jo on) for a whole day" (n perfect day:) for this clearly implies that the sim, at this time, was on the horizon, and consequently just rising. I argued before ^, and I still con- tend, that CD''Dti;il >yn3 Beetsi hessimim, the phrase employed in this instance, never could have been intended, never could have been used with propriety, of any thing but the great circle, visible to the senses, which divides the heavens every where into two equal parts — the hori- zontal circle. The meridian circle, which the authorized version, (to judge from its language,/// the midst of heaven,) seems to have thought intended by this allusion, in the first place, is not a visible or sensible circle ; in the next place, does not divide the heavens into two halves, but simply bisects one of these halves, the upper hemisjihere ; and if it divides the heavens themselves thereby, it is into quadrants, not into halves. If the sun then, at this time, was in the midst of the heavens, (I)etween the upper and the lower hemispheres,) i. e. on the line of bisection of the entire cir- cumference of the heavens, — on the line of separation of the upper and the lower hemispheres — it must have been critically on the horizon in the east — and consequently, if that was the moment of the stopi)age of the iliurnal rotation, the diurnal rotation must have been stopped critically at suiuise in Kairic lime, and .■^ a.m. in mean time. " Fasti, iv. -.SS. 597, fyS ' Ibid. i. 271. 262 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. And here the situation of the ancient Gibeon would require to be taken into account. The modern name of Gibeon is Eljib ; and I extracted Dr. Robinson's account of the modern Eljib, in illustration of the site of the ancient Gibeon, from the first edition of his Geography of Palestine, on the former occasion ^'. It appeared from it that Gibeon stood in the midst of a level plain, on an oblong, isolated ridge, the direction of which was east and west, or rather, at one of its extremities, east by north, and at the other, west by south. And this being the case, allowance being made for the sun's azimuth at the time, as we shall see hereafter, it was very possible that the rays of the sun, as first appearing on the morning of this day. May 31, B.C. T.520, might be levelled directly on Gibeon — and so explain the language of Joshua, " Sun be thou dumb upon Gibeon." It appears from the same account that the high road from the west of Judaea to Jerusalem passes at present on the north side of the ridge on which Eljib is situated ; and it appears from Eusebius and Jerome ^, that it did so in their time too. It appears also from Jerome y, that a traveller, coming by this road from Nicopolis to Jerusalem, could see both Ajalon (the modern name of which is Yalon) and Gibeon on his right. We may reasonably therefore suppose that it was by this high road on the north, or some similar one, that the besieging army had approached, and laid siege, to Gibeon; and by this also, that Joshua would come upon them from Gilgal for the relief of the place. In this plain therefore, on the north, the battle would most probably be fought under the walls of Gibeon. And from the same locality, as soon as the contest was over, and nothing remained but the pursuit, Joshua must have addressed the sun, just rising at the time above the horizon in the east, and the moon, just sinking at the same time into the horizon in the west. "With respect indeed to the precise time of the miracle on the first occa- sion, it would have made no difference, for any thing which we can dis- cover to the contrary, at what time on this day. May 31, B. C. 1520, the Diurnal Rotation might have been stopped — provided it was only twelve hours before the point of 6 p.m. mean time for the proper meridian. The natural termination of the merm noctidiurnal cycle for the primary meri- dian, according to the primitive rule, having been 6 p. m. mean time per- petually ; no addition to the length of a given cycle, it was to be expected a priori, would be made at any period in its decursus, reckoned from which it would end later than 6 p. m. mean time. On the first occasion the ceconomy of the miracle was such that the additional twelve hours ended one hour of mean time before 6 p. m. m. t. On the second it was such that, though the addition was made precisely at 6 p. m., the twelve hours ended at 6 p.m. too, because the reversal of the heavens from 6 p.m. m. t. to 6 A. M. m. t., on that occasion, was instantaneous. V Fasti, iv. 59 r. Cf. Second Edition, i. 452 sqq. X Robinson, i. 452, 453. )' Ibid. i. 456. APPENDIX. Notes and E.vpla7iatiom. 263 Note V, page io6. Of this idiom of Scrii)ture in j)articular, or of the Jews in general, in the case of an integral number and a fraction, small in comparison of the integral number, whereby the whole number was put for the whole and the fraction, and especially in merely general references to both at once — see the examples collected in the Dissertations on the Principles and Arrangement of an Harmony^; and, in fact, the whole of the explanation of the Prophecy of the 70 weeks, there given* — that Pro- phecy itself, (nominally one of 70 weeks, in reality one of 70A,) being the best instance of the idiom in question, to which we could appeal. Note X, page 108. Ferguson (Astronomy, edited by Brewster, 181 1, vol. i. 6^. § 1x8.) has the following observation : " If the earth turned round its axis in 84 m. 43 sec, the centrifugal force would be equal to the power of gravity at the equator ; and all bodies there would entirely lose their weight. If the earth revolved quicker, they would all fly off, and leave it." But what is an increase of the actual rate of the circumrotation from 24 hours to i h. 24 m. 43 sec. itself, in com- parison of one at the rate of half an entire revolution in less than an in- stant of time ? 'Hie question. What would be the consequence of a stoppage of the diurnal rotation ? was once put by myself to one of the most eminent of modern astronomers. The following is an extract from his reply to it. " A suspension of the laws of motion, such as appears to be under your consideration, is to us {the astronomers) entirely inconceivable. I do not mean that we cannot form a metaphysical conception of such a thing; but I mean that the consequences, without an infinity of miracles of dif- ferent kinds, and some of a continued nature in regard of time, are so numerous, and so destructive of the existing order of things, that any other explanation of the Scripture difficulty is to be sought in i)reference. For instance, the earth is suddenly stopped in its rotation — are the ani- mals &c. stopped at the same time, or are they instantly projected (with reference to the earth) with a velocity as great as that of a cannon ball? Suppose the former — that requires only an addition to the instantaneous miracle. But what is to sui)j)ly the place of the centrifugal force, now destroyed ? The water from the equator would immediately rush to the j)oles ; and if the interior of the earth be something like fiuid lava, (as we have very strong reason to believe,) a burst of lava would crack the solid crust at the equator, and would rush to the poles. These effects could be prevented only by a continued miracle ; that is, by the suspension of the laws of matter during a long time. . . . Mechanics is a continued sequence of causes and effects, and one link in the chain cannot be broken without deranging or destroying all the rest." 'i'he misapprehension involved in this reasoning is very apj)arent ; viz. That the same Power which was adecpiate to the production of such an effect as this, of the instant suspension of the diurnal rotation, either could ' ii. 6 si|(i. "ii. 1-81. iv. 117-414. 264 The three Witnesses^ and the threefold Cord. not, or would not, prevent the consequences of that suspension. These consequences might he regarded as possihle, coidd we conceive the possi- hility also of such a thing as an instantaneous stoppage of the motion of the earth about its axis, as an act of I)lind Power ah extra, and nothing more. They are purely imaginary of the process and effects of an ano- maly, however extraordinary, in which the agent was Infinite Power, guided and directed hy Infinite Wisdom. Such objections as these ought to shake no one's confidence in the fact of these miracles, the evidence of which remains just the same, just as strong as ever. They prove only that there was something in the o'conomy of both, and especially in that of the second, over and above the apparent and sensiide effect, infinitely more calculated to excite our wonder and astonishment than the sensible effect itself. They should have no effect therefore upon us but that of exalting our ideas of the Power, the Wisdom, the Foresight, the Goodness of the great Creator and Preserver of all things ; and, in a special manner, our conviction of the absolute dependence of all the laws of matter, and laws of motion, and of the whole of that succession of antecedents and consequents, which we call the course of nature — not only for its first originat.on, but for its constant continuance in the same way, every mo- ment of its duration, simply and solely on the will of God. Note Y, page 135. It is far from imj)robable that, if the words in question had been rendered literally, " Sun I be thou dumb upon Gibeon !" we should never have heard of the ignorance or simplicity of Scripture ; as if the sacred Penmen really believed the sun was capable of standing still. The most captiously disposed sceptic could scarcely have fastened such an inference on the actual terms of the address — " Sun, be thou dumb," and not " Sun, stand thou still." It is no objection that in verse 13, directly after, summing up the effect of the words, the moon is said to luive stayed — since even there, just be- fore, the sun, as coupled with the moon in the same result, is said not to have stayed, but to have been duml) — implying that the staying, next sup- posed, in the case of the moon, could have been nothing different from this being dumb in the case of the sun. For the same reason, in the final allusion to the miracle as })rincipally affecting the sun, in the sequel of this same verse'', even the sun might now be said to have stood still, and to have hasted not to f/o on for a perfect day ; for there could be no dan- ger of mistaking this standing still or going on, now predicated of the sun, for any thing different from that being dumb, or ceasing to be dumb, predicated or imphed of it before. With respect to any subsecjuent reference to the miracle of this day, and the terms in which it may be found alluded to, nothing is discoverable in the later books of Scripture, which woiM prima facie imply such a refer- ence, except Is. xxviii. 21, and Ilabak. iii. 11. With regard to the former, as the allusion to Gibeon is associated there with another display of the APPENDIX. Notes and Ea^planations. 266 Divine Power in behalf of its own jjeople, the scene of which was Mount Perazim — and that too of earlier date than this of (iibeon, it is clear, in my opinion, that the occasion referred to. Is. xxviii. 21, was not the battle at (iibeon, and the miracle of this day, May 31, B. C. 1520, but a later in- cident, the scene of which was the valley of Gibeon also, recorded histo- rically, I Chron. xiv. 16^, in the reign of David. With regard to the latter, if it is rijiihtly rendered in the English Bible, and rightly supposed to refer to this day, then the language of the refer- ence would seem to be open to the cavil of which we are speaking — as if on the authority of this passage, it was to be supposed the sun and the moon were both alike endowed with a motion of their own, which on this day and for this occasion was suspended. In my opinion, however, it is a total misapprehension of the reference of this text, to suppose it to con- tain any allusion to the miracle of the sun at all. The words should not be rendered, " The sun and moon stood still in their habitation," but "Sun-moon was the pillar of his habitation." There is nothing in the original to answer to the and between sun and moon, nor to the in between stood still and their habitation. The context of the passage is competent to satisfy any one, who will consider it carefully, that what the prophet was intending to describe in this sublime hymn, was chiefly the circum- stances of the march of the people of God, when they set out from Mount Sinai, in the second year after the Exodus, on their way to the borders of (^anaan for the first time, preceded by the visible symbol of the presence of the Deity, as their Leader, in the Pillar of the cloud '^ : and it is this Pillar, and the phenomena connected with it, which are the subjects of the allusion in verse 11 — That this Pillar — the visible token of the Presence of the Leader and Guide of the Israelites in this march both by day and by night — was to them both Shemesh and Iree — both sun and moon — both a sun by day and a moon by night — or rather, a Shemesli-Iree, both a sun and a moon at once, and either pro re natn. The words therefore should have been rendered, " Sun-moon was the Pillar of his habitation" — and should it be objected that, on that prin- ciple, his habitation in the original should have been Zabelou, not Za- beleh (ib^t not nb^)) we may answer that objection by referring to verse 4 — "And there was the hiding of his j)ower;" which in the original also is Azeh not Azou (Hii' not "Wj). And if it should also be objected that to judge from the description which Scripture itself gives in other in- stances of the phenomena of this Pillar, it exhibited the appearance of a cloud by day, and that of fire only by night ^ — while we admit the truth of that distinction in general, still, on the strength of the more particular specification of the actual phenomena of its appearance, which is given only in this hymn of Ilabakkuk's, and especially from verses 4 and 1 1 — we may justly contend that the essential brightness of the Divine Presence <: Cf. .\i. !•;. 2 i>am. v. 18-21-2:;. 1 C'lnoii. xiv. 9-12. '• Cf. Dcuteron. xxxiii. 2. .ludges v. 4,5. Ps. Ixviii. 7,8. p Exod. xiii. 21, 22 : xiv. 20 : xl. 34-.?8. Numb. ix. 15-23 : xii. 510: xiii. .^3-_^6 : xiv. 14. Joshua xxiv. 7. Ps. Ixxviii. 1^ : cv. _^<)- Nihcmiah i\. 12. ig. 266 The three Witnesses, mid the threefold Cord. was not, and could not be, so entirely shrouded even by the cloud pur- j)()sely assumed as its covering by day, but that coruscations of glory were perpetually streaming out from it — " the brightness of which was as the light^" (i.e. of the sun, or of day, itself) — and the appearance of which, as streaming forth from the sides of this pillar, is compared to horns — ^just as the Pillar itself, in verse 1 1 — as the visible symbol of the Divine Presence marching at the head of its armies to war — is compared to the bow and the spear of such a leader, and these coruscations, by the light of which his armies followed in his train, to the flashing of the arrows of that bow, or to the glittering of the blade of that spear. Note Z, page 140. The following is a synopsis of these different sys- tems of Scrijitural chronology, first from the Creation to the Deluge — next from the Deluge to the Birth of Abraham — lower than which it is ni)t necessary to trace them ; the interval from the Birth of Abraham to the Exodus being much the same in them all. I take the numbers, in the Septuagint, from Carpzovius' edition, the text of which is that of the Vati- can MS. — with the various readings of the Alexandrine also. The par- ticulars of the Samaritan chronology are taken from Dr. Blayney's edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch. The numbers, which represent the chro- nology of Josephus, are those which are read in Havercampius' edition. Josephus' numbers, even in the same work, are frequently inconsistent with each other. But there can be little doubt that, though he professes to have followed the chronology of the Hebrew text of his own time, it must have differed from that of the Hebrew at present, by little less than a thousand years between the Creation and the Deluge, and as much as 700 years between the Deluge and the Birth of Abraham &. Chronology of Scripture. Gen. V. i. Fronc Hebr. I the Creation to the Deluge. Joseph. Sam. Sept. ^ Adam 3 130 130 230 230 Ant. i. ii. 3. Seth 6 105 105 205 205 — iii- 3- 4. Enos 9 90 90 190 190 — iii. 4. Cainan 12 70 70 170 170 — — Mahalaleel 15 65 65 165 165 — — Jared 18 162 62 162 162 — — Enoch 21 65 65 165 165 — — Methuselah 25 187 67 167 or 187 187 — — Lamech 28 182 ,53 188 182 — — Noah 32* 600 600 600* 600 i. iii. 3. 1656 1307 2242 2256 or 2656. f Uabak. ii 1.4. « Cf. Hales, A nalysis of Ancient C'hrono logy, i. 95 sqq. APPENDIX, Notes and Explanations. 267 ii. From the Deluge to the Birth of Abraham. ar/fli7, achev^. Cette langue parait avoir ete parlee anciennement dans la plus grande partie de I'Inde ; elle ne Test plus, depuis bien des siecles, et y est actuellement apprise par les Brahmanes et les Indiens les plus instruits, comme chez nous on apprend le Grec et le Latin. C'est la langue religieuse, celle des lois, et d'un grand nombre de livres ; les Brahmanes les plus savans s'en servent encore dans leurs compositions de haute litterature. . . . Le Sanskrit, que la plupart des philologues considere comme la souche de la pretendue famille Indo-Germanique, a beaucoup d'analogie avec le Slave, le Malais, et autres langues ; et une bien ])lus grande avec le Zend, le Persan, le Grec, le Latin, et tons les idiomes Germaniques, surtout avec le Meso-Gothique, et I'lslandais. . . . Aussi antique que celle des Chinois, la htterature Sanskrite lui est in- fcrieure en tout ce qui a rapport a I'histoire, a la geographie, et aux sciences naturelles ; elle est, apres la litterature Chinoise, Arabe, et Persane, la plus riche de I'Asie, se distinguant surtout par ses ouvrages de philosophic, de morale, de grammaire, d'arithmetique, d'astronomie, et de pot'sie. . . . No. 41. Langues Vivantes — que jdusieurs savans Indiens appellent avec une denomination generate Pracrit. Plusieurs de ces langues pa- raissent ctre derivees du Sanskrit; elles sont ])arlees dans I'Inde. dans les re'gions limitrophes, et dans les iles adjacentes. Dans plusieurs de ces idiomes, la moitie des mots sont Sanskrits purs ; le reste se comjjose ou de mots, dont une partie appartient a des langues elrangeres connues, surtout au Persan, et une partie a d'autres qu'on n'a pas encore pu re- connaitre, ou de mots Sanskrits changes et corruinpus d'apres un systems r^gulier de ])ermutation, en alti-rant plus ou moius certaines lettres. Les Saraswata, nation Indienne (jui a disparu depuis long- temps, et qui vivail le long du Siiraswati dans le Penjab, parlaient une langue particidiere d^- rive'e du Sanskrit, et qu'on indiquait sous la denomination de Puacrit. This testimony too is sufficiently clear to the jioint that half the real 278 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. elements of the Sanskrit are common to the Prakrit, and the other half to the languages which are not Prakrit, in the sense of vernacular at least. The last observation, that the Prakrit itself was properly the language of a former nation of the Punjab, on the borders of the Saraswati, is impor- tant ; for the Punjab was probably the birthplace of the Sanskrit, (if it was, after all, a factitious language), at a time when these Saraswata might have been not only living and flourishing, but the principal people of that part of India. In a word, if there is any other language, which in such distinctive particulars as these of being a dead language, spoken by no people nor in any country of the world, at present, yet the language of religion, and learning, and literature in general, within its own sphere of circulation, (and that a very extensive one,) like the Sanskrit, and almost as polished and perfect of its kind as the Sanskrit — it is the Pali, the language of Buddhism all over the east, as Sanskrit is of Brahminism. But the pa- rallel between the two languages goes no further. Of the Sanskrit we can assign neither time nor place, neither when nor where, it was once a living and spoken language — without begging the point in dispute. The Pali, on the contrary, has an history. It can be traced to the country in which, and the people among whom, Buddha and Buddhism themselves both took their rise. The following is Adrien Balbi's account of it. No. 41. Bali ou Pali, dit aussiMAGADHA. . .Cette langue, qu'on pent considerer comrae sceur du Sanskrit, etait parlee anciennement dans le Magadha ou Magudha (partie dix Bahar au sud du Gauge), regarde par plusieurs savans Indiens comme le pays natal de Bouddha. Apres avoir ete tres repandue dans ITnde avant la naissance de Jesus-Christ, elle s'est eteinte . . depuis tres long-temps, quoiqu'il soit reste la langue lithurgique et htteraire des iles de Ceylan, de Bali, de Madura . . Le Pali est aussi la langue religieuse de tous les nombreux habitans des empires Chinois et Japonais, qui professent le Lamisme et le Bouddhisme. Le Pali a la force, la richesse et I'harmonie du Sanskrit. Sa litterature est tres riche, et on pourrait la nqmmer Bouddhique, parce qu'elle contient les ouvrages au- thentiques qui forment la doctrine des Lamistes et des Bouddhistes ; elle est la source de la litterature des Birmans, des Pegouains, des Tonquinois, des Cochin-Chinois, des Siamois, des Japonais, des Cingalais, et des Ti- betains. Dans tous les pays peuples par des Lamistes, et des Bouddhistes, les gens instruits apprennent celte langue, comme dans ITnde et en Europe on apprend le Sanskrit et le Latin. Again, speaking of the Magadha language. No. 76. Parlee dans le Bahar meridional, &c. Le territoire oil Ton parle cette langue est celebre dans la mythologie et I'histoire de ITnde, parce qu'il est la patrie de Bouddah, et parce qu'il faisait partie de ce puissant royaume de Magadha, qui embrassait anciennement toutes les provinces situees sur le Gauge. Quelqiies savans orientalistes considerent le Magadha comme la souche du Pali, d'autres le regardent mcme comme identique a cette derniere langue, qui ne serait autre chose que le Magadha poli ct pcrfectionne |)ar les sa- vans Bouddhistes. APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 279 V. There is one question however, directly connected with this of the claims of the Sanskrit to the character and estimation of a genuine lan- guage, on which, without professing to know anything of it as a language, I may consider myself competent to express an opinion, and even entitled to s])eak with some authority. And that is, the question of the Anti- quity of the oldest remains of the language at the present day. It seems to be agreed that the best entitled to that character, among them., is the Rich or Rig-veda ; and the first four Ashtakas or Books of the Rig-veda itself having been translated by the late Professor Wilson, from the text of the original as restored and edited by Mr. Max Miiller, and having been published at the expense of the East India Company, these oldest and hitherto most esoteric of the extant remains of Sanskrit literature have been brought within the cognizance even of those who know nothing of the Sanskrit itself, and may be judged of in these translations by English readers, as much as in the originals by Sanskrit scholars. The question indeed of the age of any of the extant remains of Sanskrit literature, and that of the claims of the language itself to be considered as once a living and spoken language of its kind, are not the same — but every one must admit that they are intimately connected ; and every one also must admit, that, when we consider the high degree of antiquity which modern Sanskrit scholars do not scruple to claim in behalf of such of its monuments at present as this of the Rich — if it can be shewn that even this is not entitled to //«//" the antiquity so confidently challenged for it, the proof of that fact will be well calculated to give additional strength and probability to the suspicions, otherwise suggested, about the languuye of these supposed most ancient compositions themselves — as very pos- sibly, after all, an invention of comj)aratively recent date. i. With respect to the First Book of the Rig-veda-Sanhita (Collection), the English version of which appeared in i8.-,o, ami for which an antiquity of twelve or thirteen, or fourteen or fifteen, centuries before the Christian aera, appears to be claimed by the learned translator* — it was shewn in And again. No. 41. Bali ou Pali En resumant tout ce que Ton a public jusqu'a present sur cette langue, encore tres pen connue, il nous semble qu'on pourrait bien y distinguer les dialects suivans, qui dif- ferent pen du Sanskrit, et encore moins entre eux ; le Mayadha, qui est la langue littcraire et religieuse de I'intcTieur de I'ile de Ceylan, ou Langa ; le Pali ou Bali, proprement dit, qui est la langue lilteraire et reli- gieuse des emjnres Birman et Annamitique, ainsi i^uq du royaume de Siam, et la langue lithurgique de tons les Bouddhistes de I'empire du Japan ; le Fun, qui est la langue religieuse de tons les nombreux Boud- dhistes de la Chine propre, &c Le Kawi, qui etait la langue de la littc'rature et de la religion d'une grande partie de Java, avant I'intro- duction dc I'lslatnisme, et qui Test encore de Tile Bali, ct d'unc partie de cclli" lie Madoura." " I'n-facc, xlvii. xlviii. IVofare of scrnnd .\slitaka, jvifrc i. 280 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. the Fasti Catholici ^, from the internal evidence of the work itself, that though it must have been older than B. C. 699, and older than B.C. 710, it could not have been older than the date of the Lunar correction of the Hindu calendar, B.C. 946 — recognised by itself as in existence in its own time : and, in fact, that its true age was most probably to be assumed about B. C. 800. ii. With regard to the second Ashtaka, the translation of which ap- peared in 1854 — to judge of the age of this too from the same kind of in- ternal evidence as that of the antiquity of the first, and, i. from the rule of the >s'octidiurnal cycle, recognised in it — allusions, which at first sight might require to be understood of the primitive rule of the cycle, do cer- tainly occur in it ; as, for instance, page 73, ver, 7 : " Beautiful night and morning — page 78, ver. 4 : Worship night and day — page 89, ver. 6 : Both at evening and at dawn — page 190, ver. 4 : I approach you . . . with reverence night and day." But by far the greatest number, which occur in it, run in the style of rfay and night, morning and evening, not vice versa j that is, of the rule of the cycle among the Hindus at the present day ; a change of the primitive idiom in that respect, (once, no doubt, as com- mon in India as every where else, and the only one recognised as yet in the First Ashtaka,) the origin of which I have already traced up to the second miracle of Scripture, B. C. 710. Thus, page i, ver. 2 : Animated by our diversified praise, hasten morn- ing and 7iight to attend to our first invocation — page 8, ver. 7 : The two- fold day proceeds unseparated ; one (part) going forwards, one back- wards ; one of these two alternating periods eifects the concealment of things, &c. — page 10, ver. 2 : . . . The Dawn shines, the similitude of the (mornings) that are passed, or that are to be, for ever, the first of those that are to come ; cf. ver. 3. 5 — page 12, ver. 8 : The sister [Night) has prepared a birthplace for the elder sister (Day), and having made it known to her, departs ; cf. ver. 9 — page 39, ver. 6 : Our morning rite — page 40, ver. 2 : Wakes at dawn, and celebrates pious rites — page 46, ver. 3 : Lights up the dawn — page 49, ver. 3 : Radiant along \vith the sun — page 52, ver. i: The most excellent dawn — page 55, ver. 2 : At the awakening of the dawn — page 60, ver. 5 : Grant us by day and night — page 89, ver. 10: The days with the nights have not attained your divi- nity — page 100, ver. i : The spreading dawn — page 162, ver. 5 : Rays of the ever-recurring mornings — page 173, ver. 2 : W^hich the sisters (Day and Night) — j)age 174, ver. i : Both day and night — page 185, ver. i : W^hen the morning dawn — page 187, ver. i : And the days (and nights) revolve as if they had wheels — page 188, ver. 4 : Of the divine days (and nights) — page 196, ver. 6 : Let the brilliant and beautiful Day and Night — page 214, ver. 2: The mornings and evenings — page 218, ver. 6 : Day and Night — l)age 286, ver. 5 : Mutually contemplating Day and Night ; cf. page 307, ver. 4, 5 — page 330, ver. 6 : The adored Day and Night. In all these instances, the precedence is given to day or morning, not to night or evening, and evidently as matter of course, as an order long esta- b iv. 60 n. APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 281 blished, and well understood in the time of the speaker. They shew there- fore the habitual association of these ideas in the Hindu mind of the ara of this Ashtaka. If so, judging from this criterion only, we should be justified in concluding that the author or authors of such allusions could not have been older than B. C. 710, and in fact must have been a good deal later. ii. Though no allusion to the Mansions of the Hindu sphere was dis- coverable in the first Ashtaka, one is discoverable in this second, page 31, ver. I : Come to us, India, from afar . . . like the royal lord of the constel- lations, (when going) to his setting. This lord of the constellations, it appears from the scholia on the place, was the Moon, and the constella- tions themselves were the lunar houses or mansions {Nakshatrdndm). There is another reference to the constellations, page 151, ver. 11: Maruts . . .manifest afar off, as the gods (are made manifest) by the constellations. Though then allusions of this kind are not frequent in this Ashtaka, yet as even one to the mansions by name is competent to prove that the author of it must have been aware of their existence, we may argue even from a solitary instance of this kind, that the work in which it appears must have been younger at least than the first introduction of the Man- sions along with the sphere, into India, from Egypt — B. C. 699 c. iii. Allusions however occur in this second Ashtaka, from which we can approximate still more nearly to the probable date of the work, or of parts of it at least, some time between B. C. 452 and B. C. 348. i. The author or authors of this Ashtaka seem to have been aware of the three spheres, of which I gave an account supra ^, as all which were known to the ancients, and, in fact, all which ever existed — two of them, (that of B. C. 1847 and that of B. C. 1347, respectively,) older than that which passed to the Hindus (B. C. 848 or 847). We may infer this from the peculiar allusions which occur in Siikta (Hymn) xv and xvi of Anu- vaka (Chapter) xxi of this second Ashtaka. i. Ch. XV. I, page 93 : Earnestly I glorify the exploits of Vishnu, who made the three worlds, who sustained the lofty aggregate site (of the spheres), thrice traversing the whole .... Ver. 2. Vishnu is therefore glorified . . . because that in his three paces all worlds abide. Ver. 3. May acceptable vigour attend Vishnu . . . who alone made by three steps this spacious and durable aggregate (of the three worlds). Ver. 4 : Whose three imperishable paces . . . dehght (mankind) . . . who verily alone upholds the three elements, (or, as it is in the note, the three jieriods of time, i. e. the three measures of duration of these three spheres. ) ii. Ch. xvi. (addressed to Indra as well as to Vishnu) i)age 97.4: Therefore verily we celebrate the manhood of that lord (of all) . . .who tra- versed the three regions with three wide steps, in different directions, for the many-praised preservation of existence. '' Fa?ti, iv. ^j'sfirj. <1 Papp 177 s«|r|. 282 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. Ver. 5 : Man, glorifying (Vishnu), tracks two steps of that heaven-be- holding (deity), but he ajjprehends not the third ; nor can the soaring- winged birds, (that is, Garuda, and other birds,) (pursue it). Of these allusions to the three paces or steps of Vishnu, to the three worlds or regions on earth, defined thereby, and to the three spheres simi- larly defined in heaven, and the three elements, or rather, i)eriods of time, connected with each, the scholiasts give no explanation, which can be con- sidered satisfactory. The truth is, there is a reference in them all to the three editions of the sphere, each of them in point of duration commensu- rate with one cycle of the Phoenix period. Nor is anything necessary to the understanding of them, but that we should regard these spheres both in themselves, and in relation to everything else, from the same point of view, from which the author of these allusions himself regarded them, viz. That the three sjiheres were so many firmaments or heavens, each defined by one of the paces of the sun, or Vishnu ; and every state of the heavens supposing a corresponding state of the earth, the three worlds defined by the same paces also, were three states of the earth below adjusted to those of the heavens above, and the three elements or periods were the respective measures of the duration of each of these spheres above, and of each of these worlds below. With this clue to its meaning, the language of these allusions, however enigmatical at first sight, becomes intelligible. On this principle too, it is easy to explain the distinction pointed out in verse 5 of the xvith Siikta, " That man, glorifying Vishnu, could track two of these steps of his, but could not apprehend the third, which even the soaring on wings, the birds, and such birds too, as the bird of the sun itself, Garuda, could not pur- sue to its end." Understand this too of the three spheres in question, and there is no mystery in it. The two first, men were capable of comprehend- ing, i. Because both of them were now historical, having long since an- swered their purpose, and served their time. ii. Because both had been subject to the same Jaw, the proper law of the Phoenix cycle, from the first, both simple and uniform of its kind. The third was beyond human com- prehension, i. Because it was not yet at an end, it was still fulfilling its purpose, and serving its time, and how it would ultimately terminate, and what would succeed to it, could be known beforehand only to Vishnu. ii. Because this in particular was the proper subject of a different law, a different measure of its duration, from either of the preceding — which is imderstood, as soon as it is exi)lained that, between tlie date of the publi- cation of the third type of the sphere, in Egypt, in B. C. 848, and its re- ception among the Hindus, B.C. 699, the rule and administration of the Phrenix cycle had undergone a change. The doctrine of the alternate Recession and Precession of tlie cardinal points, and with it a new Period of the Cycle, had been introduced into Kgyj't in B. C. 79S — and in this state everything had passed from the Egyptians, and been received else- where. And this is jjrobably the reason why not only men, but even the bird of Vishnu itself, could not keep pace with this third step of his. For this l)ird of Vishuti. the Indian Garuda, was the Egyptian Phwnix, translated APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 283 to India; and even the Egyptian Phoenix, which had come into existence along with its own period of 500 years, and the first of these steps of Vishnu, and had accompanied the second of these paces through a second period of the same kind, might well he supposed at a loss to recognise its projjer correlative in this new period of 640 years, or to keep pace with this third step of Vishnu's, as the new measure of its own existence*. From these allusions then it must he inferrible that, whosoever was the author of them, he could have been no stranger to the Phoenix cycle and period, nor to the three types of the sphere, of the epochs of B. C. 1847, * Allusions, kindred to the i)receding, and referrible apparently to the same things, occur in the first Ashtaka also, as the following quotations will shew. Vol. i. p. 53. V, 16 : May the gods preserve us from that portion of the earth, whence Vishnu, aided by the seven metres, stepped. — lb. 17 : Vishnu traversed this (world); three times he planted his foot, and the whole (world) was collected in the dust of his (footsteps). — lb. 18: Vishnu the j)reserver, the uninjurable, stepi)ed three steps, approaching thereby righteous acts. — i. 96. 8 : Come Aswins, . . .rising above the three worlds, you defend the sun in the sky. — lb. 12 : Borne in your car that traverses the three worlds. — 98. 2 : (Of Savitri or the sun) Beholding the (several) worlds. — Ibid. 6 : Three are the spheres, two are in the proximity of Savitri, one leads men to the dwelling of Yama (i. e. the Ruler of the Dead). — 99. 7 : Suparna (the solar ray). . .has illuminated the three re- gions (cf. 100. 11). — P. 264. 8 : . . .Protector of men, thou art more than able to sustain the three spheres, the three luminaries, and all this world of being, cf. 265. 1. — P. 271. 5 : Gods who are present in three worlds, who abide in the light of the sun. Cf. 288. 3. There is no reason why these allusions also should not he supposed to have had their ultimate foundation in something which their author, or authors, had heard of the three spheres of the Egyptians, by B. C. 800, 48 years at least later than the publication of the third s])here, B. C. 848. This sphere indeed was not formally received and adopted in India, before the termination of the first period of 247 years, reckoned from E. C. 946 — that is, B. C. 699 — but that is no argument that nothing w;is known in India either of this third type of the spheres, or of the first and second, before B. C. 699 nlso. Allusions still more akin to those in the second Ashtaka occur in the third and fourth also ; which it will be sufl'icient to point out, without entering upon any particular consideration of them ; the same explanation which has been given of those in the second being apphcable also to these. The reader who is curious to see them, will find them in the third Ash- taka, vol. iii. 93. 14: roo. 2. 5. 8 : 204. 4: 212. siikta v. i : 218.5,6. (cf. ii. 275. 8) : 222. 3 : 238. 3 : in the fourth Ashtaka, vol. iii. 3,-,,-,. 2 : 371. 4. cf- 3'>7- 3 '111 calc: 394. 3. 4 : 399. 2 : 404. 9: 461. 23 : 470. 4 : 473. 19 : 484. 13 : 4S8. 2 : -,06. 12. 284 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. 1347, and 847, or 848 respectively; and also that, with such a knowledge of them as this, he could have been writing only between B.C. 848 and B. C. 348, the beginning and the ending of the third Phoenix cycle in par- ticular. And this conclusion may be confirmed by another allusion, in this xvith Sukta, which takes up that in the 5th verse, and concludes the chapter. Ver. 6: He (scil. Vishnu) causes by his gyrations ninety and four periodical revolutions, like a circular wheel, vast of body, and evolving in many forms. This allusion has given much trouble to the commentators on the Vedas, and they have been put to their shifts to make out these 94 revolutions of Vishnu. They solved the problem, as it appears from the Professor's note, by identifying Vishnu here with Time, (i. e. dropping his personal relation to the Sun altogether,) and then finding, as they supposed, 94 different kinds of periods, in the essence of Time. 1 in the year. 2 in the solstices. 5 in the seasons. 12 in the months. 24 in the half months. 30 in the days. 8 in the watches. 12 in the signs of the zodiac. 94 in all. It can scarcely be necessary to dwell on the exposure of such an arbi- trary explanation as this. Let me pass at once to what I take to be the true one. It has been seen that the author of these Suktas must have been aware of the Phoenix cycle and period of the Egyptians. If so, it may well be presumed he was aware also of that general scheme and succession of those cycles which they appear to have contemplated from the first, through the Great Period of 96 Phoenix cycles, 48,000 years, in which the recession of mean tropical time on mean Julian, in such a combination of both together as that of the sphere of Nature and the sphere of Mazzaroth, was destined to make an entire revolu- tion of the heavens, and an entire revolution of the calendar, until it came round to the same point at the end from which it set out at the be- ginning '=. This revolution however having begun with the first type of the sphere, B. C. 1847, two of these periods of 500 years (two of the 96) had already elapsed by B. C. 848 ; and when the sphere of that epoch passed to the Hindus, 94 were all that still remained to be completed. These 94 cycles of 500 years, still necessary to complete the great period of 96, are the 94 gyrations of Vishnu alluded to above. The exi)lanation requires only to be stated, to command the assent of every unprejudiced person. The in- f" Suj)ra, 230, 2.^ I. APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 285 ference from it, of the date of the allusion to it, is the same at which we have aheady arrived. The revolutions of this kind, already completed, in the reason of things, must be excepted from those which Vishnu was still causing or destined to cause ; and those being represented as two out of the original number of 96, this allusion to the 94 still remaining must have come some time between B. C. 848, the date of the third, and B. C. 348, that of the fourth. But to proceed. It cannot indeed be taken for granted that the various Hymns, which make up the Sunhitd or collection of the Riy-veda, were all the work of the same author, or all written at the same time; no more than it could be of the Psalms in the Hebrew Bible. Nor though we might have succeeded in determining the time of some one of these Hymns, would that be necessarily any criterion of the age of the rest. Still, to have fixed the date of any one, with certainty or probability, is a consi- derable step towards the discovery of the age of the whole collection, which, as the work of kindred minds, employed on kindred subjects, it may be presumed, must have been conceived and composed much about the same time. I shall therefore endeavour to shew that there are parts of this second Ashtaka, which could not have been written before B. C. 452, and were very probably written in that year, must have been adapted at least to that year; and there are others, which could not have been written before B. C. 205, and in all probability were actually written in that year. i. Then, that parts of this Ashtaka could not have been written before B. C. 452. In order to the proof of this fact, I begin with referring the reader to the account given in the Fasti ^^ of the peculiar rule of the ad- ministration of civil time, laid down and acted upon by those who had the direction of the calendar in India, de facto from B. C. 699, virtually from B. C. 946, (the date of the adoption of the lunar correction,) down to A. D. 538 — when it attained at last to the object proposed by it from the first, the attachment of the head of the calendar to March 22, the Luna 7*, A. D. ,538, the nearest epoch at that time to the date of the sphere of Mazzaroth, March 25, B. C. 946. It made part of the details of this administration, to have a fresh beginning of the civil year, a fresh type of the calendar, a fresh type of the Mansions, a fresh type of the Sphere, every 247 years ; and there were six of these types in all, (con- templated too and provided for from the first,) between the beginning of this process, B. C. 946, and the end, A. D. 538. Now in the viiith siikta of the xxiid Anuvaka of the second Ashtaka, are three verses, 4, 5, 6. p. 127, 128, as follows. Ver. 4. "Who has seen the primeval being, at the time of his being born ? what is that endowed with substance, which the imsubstantial sustains ? From earth are the breath and blood, but where is the soul ? Who may repair to the sage, to ask this ? " This verse is such as might express the feelings and sentiments of one, who was contemplating and meditating upon such a scheme as this of the d iv. 31-47- 286 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. administration of civil time, which I have just described, extending so far into the future, yet all calculated beforehand, and already laid down, through these six types of tlic Sphere, and types of the Calendar, as the fore-ordained course of time, and of the motions of the sun, for 247 x 6 or 1482 years to come. It serves therefore as a natural introduction to the verses which follow, relating to these types themselves, still indeed unrealized, yet as certainly known and delineated even then, as if they were already passing or past. Ver. 5. " Immature (in understanding), undiscerning in mind, I inquire of these things which are hidden (even) from the gods; (what are) the seven threads which the sages have spread to envelope the sun, in whom all abide ? " Ver. 6. " Ignorant, I inquire of the sages, who know (the truth); not as one knowing (do I inquire), for the sake of (gaining) knowledge : What is that one alone, who has upheld these six spheres in the form of the unborn ?" The scholia, as usual, give no real assistance in either of these cases. But the questions in both these verses are substantially the same. Both relate to this one, so long before contemjjlated and forecast, scheme of the course of time, and of the motions and phenomena of the heavens. We learn from Professor Wilson's note on ver. 5, that the word rendered there by sun, might just as well have been rendered by time ; and in that case the question will be, What are the seven tlireads which the sages have spread to envelope (to encompass, to comprehend, to contain) that, in which all other things are comprehended, time f and it will evidently point to those seven types of the calendar, from the first, B. C. 946, to the seventh, A. D. 538, intended to comprehend the whole course of time through these 1482 years, and to connect by one continuous thread the time of B. C. 946 with that of A. D. 538. And as the question in verse 5 will thus inquire about the future types of the calendar, individually indeed different from, but essentially the same with, the first of the kind of all, so will that in verse 6 about the different types of the sphere, destined to accompany these types of the calendar — What was that one arche- typal, primary, absolute and invariable idea and form, pervading them all, and making a reality of each, even before it was yet born? One who could answer such inquiries as these in verses 5 and 6, respecting the Time of all Time, and the Sphere of all Spheres, might be competent to answer the question in verse 4, respecting the Being of all Beings, and the Substance of all Substances. It is a just inference then from these passages of the Sukta in question, that the author of these allusions must have been well aware of the pe- culiar rule of the administration of the Hindu calendar, and the Hindu sphere, from B. C. 946 downwards. And this is confirmed by another allusion which occurs in this Sukta. It made part of the rule in question, in regard to the calendar, that every 247 years an extra month of 28 or 29 days should be intercalated, and the head of the calend^ir be advanced one month. And the relation of the civil months to the natural solar APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 287 months in the Hindu calendar being such, from B. C. 946 downwards also, that every month in the calendar and the corresponding sign of the echjjtic began together, it is manifest that, under such circumstances, to intercalate an extra month at stated times in the calendar, would be to intercalate an extra sign at the same time in the sphere. Now page 131, verse 13 of this Siikta, it is observed, "All things abide in this five-spoked revolving wheel ....;" and ver. 15 : " Of those tliat are born together, sages have called the seventh the single-l)orn : for six are twins, two are moveable and born of the gods : their desirable (pro- perties), placed severally in their proper abode, are various (also) in form, and revolve for (the benefit of) that which is stationary." It is here to be explained, that the sage, or the sages, so often alluded to in these Siiklas, (as it may be inferred from the context,) are commonly to be understood of those who first conceived and laid down that admin- istration of the calendar and of the sphere which I have described, and (as it will thereby be implied") long before the time of the authors of these Siiktas. As to the class of beings, abiding in this all-comprehending five-spoked wheel, thus su])posed to have been born in the shape of twins, two and two together, and born of the gods, not of men, and move- able, and various in their desirable properties, yet all revolving for the benefit of that which itself was stationary — there cannot be much doubt that it is to be understood of the signs of the eclijjtic, as of Divine origina- tion, not of human ; as liable to be affected by Precession ; as revolving round the earth, (itself immoveable and stationary,) and regulating the cycle of its productions : which signs the Egyptian division of all things into masculine and feminine ^ associated together as male and female (cf. v. 16), and the astrological system of the Chaldees as twins in ])0wer and influence ; and which Nature itself had united by two and two in the scale of ascent and descent in the sphere at least — a character expressly attributed to them in the 19th verse of this Sukta, p. 133: "Those which (the sages) have termed descending, they have also termed ascend- ing; and those which they have termed ascending, they have also termed descending." The allusion then in verse 15 being thus clearly determined, by that in verse 19, to the signs of the ecliptic, as divisible into pairs ])erpetually, — (though the scholia, with their usual infelicity, imderstand these six twins of the six seasons of the Hindu year,) it is very observable that besides these six thus born in couples, and born of the gods, a seventh is supposed to have an existence of its own, single-born of its kind, (i. e. without mate or jieer,) not of divine appointment, and consequently of human, yet a sign of the ecliptic notwithstanding, like all the rest. Now what could this be but that 13th sign, which, as I have explained, must have come in at stated times in the Hindu sphere, to answer to the 13th month, which came in at the same times in the Hindu calendar ? This therefore may be added to the proofs of what I am contending •■ Fasti, iii. loS ».-. iv. 66'^. 288 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. for ; that, whosoever was the author of this Sukta, he could not have been ignorant of the pecuHar administration of the calendar from as far back as B. C. 946. And as to any intimations, discoverable in this Sukta, from which it might be inferred at what period in this administration he was probably living — the Siikta begins as follows : — Page 125, ver. i : " I have beheld the Lord of Men with seven sons : of which delightful and beneficent (deity) . . . there is an all-pervading mid- dle brother, and a third brother, well fed with (oblations of) ghee. ver. 2 : " They yoke the seven (horses) to the one-wheeled car ; one horse, named seven, bears it along ; the three-axled wheel is unde- caying .... ver. 3 : " The seven who preside over this seven-wheeled chariot (are) the seven horses who draw it ; seven sisters ride in it together ; and in it are deposited the seven forms of utterance." Here, it is observable, this Lord of Men, (the sun,) is described as one of a series of brothers, three in number, one, next older than himself, called the middle brother, and one, next older than this, called tlie third. Now the six types of the sphere, as contem[)lated by the reformers of the calendar from the first, might all be spoken of in this figurative relation to each other of brothers, scions of the same stock — members of the same family — the first and oldest, the sun of B. C. 946, the second, the sun of B. C. 699, and the third, the sun of B. C. 452. And these being all which the author of this allusion recognises as historical, it is a just infer- ence, in my opinion, from that fact, that he must himself have been living and writing in the time of this Third Type, B. C. 452 — B. C. 205. Con- sequently though he miaht have been younger, he could not have been older, than B. C. 452. A little lower down, page 129, ver. 10 — we meet with another allusion — "The one sole (sun), having three mothers and three fathers, stood on high." The one sole sun, or rather, being, here in ver. 10, and the one alone, alluded to in ver. 6, may well be supposed to have been meant of the same thing; and the latter, as we have seen, being the common informing and pervading principle of the six spheres, the former must have been the common pervading and informing principle of the first three, concentrated and summed up in the third, now current — figuratively described as the son of three fathers and three mothers ; that is, of the three spheres, with their respective assortment of male and female signs. Cf. ver. 16. It is also to i)e observed that, as the jjeriod of 247 years, which mea- sured the duration of each of these types of the calendar in its turn, was a lunar and solar period of thirteen Metonic cycles, the epochal term of the first type having been the Luna 7*, that of every other in its turn was the Luna 7* also. And tl at circumstance of distinction is competent to explain the allusion in the first verse of this Sukta (p. 125, 126) to the seven sons of the Lord of Men (the sun, the presiding and informing principle of all these types). It is also to be observed that, as the epochal mean longitude of the mansions, in each of these types of the sjjhere, set- ting out from o" o' o" in the first, went (m increasing in each succeeding APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 289 one by 3 20', the epochal longitude of the third, that of B. C. 452, would be 6' 40' ; and the graduation of that type might naturally be said to have begun in the 7th degree. And that is competent to explain the next allu- sion in this Siikta (ver. 2). " They yoke the seven (horses) to the one- wheeled car : one horse, named seven, bears it along" — that is, it sets out in the seventh degree. And again, in ver. 3 : " The seven, who preside over this seven- wheeled chariot, (are) the seven horses who draw it : seven sisters ride in it together, and in it are deposited the seven forms of utter- ance." To reconcile the imagery of this 3rd ver. with the figurative lan- guage of ver. 2, which spoke of a one-wheeled, not a seven-wheeled, car, and of one horse which drew it, not of seven, we must suppose this seven- wheeled car to be meant of the seven types of the sphere, summed up in this common idea of a chariot, applicable to all alike ; to each however as drawn by an horse of its own, that is, setting out from its own projjer epochal degree of mean longitude. The seven sisters, who ride in this chapter, are the seven spheres themselves ; and the seven forms of utter- ance deposited in it also, (though differently explained in the scholia.) are the seven differences of epochs and longitudes in each of these spheres respectively, both ititer se and relatively to every thing referrible to them. It is also to be observed that, p. 130, ver. 12, the sun, both as Ptinshin, (the sun of the northern hemisphere,) and as Arpita, (the sun of the southern,) in either case, as the twelve-footed parent of the twelve months or the twelve signs, is termed the Jive-footed ; and further on in the book, (page 311, ver. 3,) Soma and Piishan, (the former the moon, the latter the sun in Capricorn, cf. p. 56, ver. 1-4 : Rig-veda, iii. 496. 3 : 498. 3 : 499. 2,) are apostrophised as follows : " Soma and Piishan, showerers (of benefits), direct towards us the seven-wheeled car, the measure of the spheres, un- distinguishable from the universe, ev^ery where existing, (guided) by five reins, and to be harnessed by the mind." Here too the seven-wheeled car is put forward as the idea of the seven types of the sphere in the ab- stract. But the thing to be observed is that this car is now said to be guided by five reins ; just as it was said to have five feet before. Now either of these would be a very suitable metaphor for the epoch of one sphere as laid down in i\\e fifth degree of another ; and that would be the relation of the Trojiical sphere to the sphere of Mazzaroth, B. C 452 — when the mean vernal equinox was actually falling on March 2S, five days later than March 23 or 24, the epoch of the sphere of Mazzaroth. ii. With regard to the proof of my second proposition ^, that there are parts of this second Ashtaka which cannot have been older than B. C. 205 — it is supplied by two of the hymns in it, which Professor Wilson pronounces the most remarkable of alls, the subject of which is the Asuumedha, or " Sacrifice of the Horse" — page 112, Anuvaka xxii, Siikta vi, and page 121, Anuvaka xxii, Siikta vii. It is evident from these two hymns, (pag. 113. 2: 121. i. (cf. 300. 6.) 121, 122. 2 : 123, 124. 9.) that this horse is the horse of Inilra, the liurse ' Supra, ^H5. B Iiitruduction, \ii. 290 TJie three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. of the sphere, the horse of Sagittarius, and that what is celebrated in these two hymns, is not so much the Sacrifice of this horse, as the Apotheosis ; the translation of this horse of the sphere, as soon as its proper connection with, and proper office in relation to, the sphere was over, to the gods from whom it originally came. This appears very clearly from p. 112. i : 115. 7 : 119. 16. 18 : 120. 20, 21 : 123. 6, 7, 8 : 124, 125. 12, 13. That we are right in this inference, and that the sacrifice of this horse was simply his return to "the original source of his being, as soon as his term of service for the uses and purposes of the sphere was over, may be collected from ver. 19: "There is one immolator of the radiant horse, which is Time; there are two (other immolators) that hold him fast." This first and proper immolator, it seems, was Time — i. e. as soon as his term of service in behalf of the sphere was at an end, he must necessarily be immolated — i.e. released — but not before. The two others, which held him fast, are some two which enforced his relation to the sphere, and kept him to his service in that capacity as long as it lasted. And these two the scholiast explains of the cycle of day and night ; but in my opinion it would be more consistent to explain them of the two signs of the sphere, which hem in, as it were, on either side, and confine Sagittarius to its proper jilace in the sphere perpetually ; Scorpio, as the one next before it, and Capricorn, as the one next after it : or of the two corrections of the calendar and the sphere, B. C. 946 and B. C. 699, by which, first Libra, and then Scorpio, became the leading sign respectively — which must pre- cede that of B. C. 452, whereby Sagittarius became so. And that this service of the horse was not confined to one sphere, appears from 122. 3 : "Thou, horse, art Yama. . .thou art associated with Soma, (i. e. the moon, as every sign of the Hindu sphere was, through the man- sions, and the Lunar reckoning of the calendar). The sages have said there are three bindings of thee in heaven,. . .three upon earth, and three in the firmament." These three bindings of the horse in heaven, on earth, and in the firmament, respectively, are so many addictions of the horse of the sphere to the service of so many spheres, each of which had its own type for the time being both in heaven, and in the firmament, and on earth; and each of these addictions must be served out in its turn, before the sub- ject of them could be finally liberated from the same kind of service any longer. Now all this is easily imderstood, if we bear in mind the jjeculiar rule of the administration of the Hindu calendar from Oct. 1 B. C, 946 to March 22 A. D. 538 — how the head of the calendar was advanced one month of 28 or 29 days every 247 years — how there was consequently a fresh type of the calendar, and a fresh type of the sphere, every 247 years — how the first having borne date with Kartika in the calendar, and Libra in the sphere, October i B. C. 946, the next bore date with Margasirsha in the calendar, Scorpio in the sphere, October 29 B. C. 699 ^, the third bore date with Pausha in the calendar, Sayiitarius in the sphere, Nov. 27 '' Fasti, iv. ^(t. 64 s(i(|. APPENDIX. Notes and E.rplanafionn. 291 B. C. 452, and the fourth with Mayha in the calendar, Capricorn in the sphere, Dec. 25 B. C. 205 — which, by a singular coincidence, was also at that time the date of the winter solstice. It is an obvious inference from these premises, that the service of the horse of the sphere to each of these types in its turn, never could have been supposed to be over, until the third type had served its time, as much as the other two — with Saf/ittarins, the leading sign in the sphere, and Pausha, the principal month in the calendar. In these exj)lanations therefore we have everything, which could be re- quired, to account for the first idea of these two hymns, devoted to such a subject as that of the Apotheosis of the horse of the sjjhere in particular. It must have been conceived just at that period in the administration of the calendar, when Sagittarius was ceasing to be the principal sign in the ecliptic, and Pausha the principal month in the calendar, and Capricorn was beginning to be the former, and Mayha to be the latter; i.e. critically, Dec. 25 B. C. 205— and it is very probable that it was suggested, at this very time, by that coincidence itself.. And this is confirmed by another remarkal)le coincidence, which may be inferred from these hymns to have characterized the same time and same occasion ; \\z. That along with this sacrifice of this horse of Indra, the horse of Sarjittarius, the sacrifice of the Goat of Pushan, the Capricorn of the sphere, was going on also. It appears from pag. 56. 1-4. of this second Ashtaka, that the sun in Capricorn was called Pushan, and that his emblem was the Goat ; and one of his synonymes, 56. 4, Ajaswa, is explained by the scholiast, of " Him who was drawn by goats," or "had goats for his horses :" cf. the third Ashtaka also, 496, 3, 4. 6 : 498. 3 : 499. 2. Now that the Goat, in this relation to Pushan, is supposed to be associated in this sacrifice with the horse, aj)pears from 113.2,3: and 124. 12 : and the sacrifice in the case of the horse, as I have shewn, having more of the nature of a consecration than of a sacrifice, on the principle of analogy it must have meant something of the same kind in the case of the Goat. And that too is explained, if the Goat, for the next 247 years, was destined to be recognised as the leading sign in the sphere, and Maylia, the corresponding month, as the principal month in the calendar. These two hymns then appear to authorize the inference that there are parts of this second Ashtaka of the Riy-veda which are probably neither older nor younger than B. C. 205. It is very observable too, that as the beginning of the civil year from this time forward would be fixed to the winter solstice for 247 years at least, so references occur in this Ashtaka more than once to the year itself, under the name of winter — for example, 212. II : Thou art Ila, of a lumdred winters — 276. 10: Vakun.\,. . grant to us to behold a lumdred years,. . lives such as were enjoyed by (ancient) sages — 290. 2 : May I live a iumdreil winters*. * An allusion to the standard of human life, which represents it at one hundred years, as I obseiveil in the Fasti, (iv. 62 ;/.) occurs in the first U 2 292 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. Again, page iix. 13. the following occurs : Ribhus, reposing in the solar orb, you inquire, Who awakens us, unapprehensible (sun), to this office (of sending rain)? The sun replies, "The awakener is the \vind ; and the year (being ended), you again to-day light up this (world)." The rainy season was ushered in by the southern monsoon ; and as the year was now beginning at the winter solstice, the light of the sun itself might now be book of the Rich, pag. 230. 9 : " Since a hundred years were appointed (for the life of man);" and for the aera of this compilation, which I believe to have been cir. B.C. 800, that might be consistent with experience and observation. The ancient Etruscans, only 60 years before, assumed it at 110 equable years. But if the antiquity of this first Ashtaka was truly such as modern Sanskrit scholars would make it, 14 or 15 centuries at least before the vulgar aera, why should not this standard have been assumed at 120 years by the author or authors of this Veda, as much as by the authors of the Nundinal Correction, B.C. 1340? especially as the true standard of human life, about that time, (as it may be inferred from the testimony of Scripture,) and this assumed measure of the sceculum, were actually the same. The measure of human existence, thus assumed in this first and oldest of the Vedas, at one hundred years, seems to have determined the same thing in the opinion and idiom of the subsequent Vedas. Thus in the third Ashtaka, vol. iii. 60, v. 10, in the Prayer which there occurs, "Opu- lent Indra, . . . grant us to live an hundred years" — i. e., no doubt, for the utmost extent of human life. The most observable circumstance however is that a prayer of this kind, for the prolongation of existence to its utmost possible extent, first expressed in this form of an hundred years, in the oldest Veda itself, in two other instances of the same kind, (Fasti, iv. 62 n.) ran in the form of an hundred Winters — and in the later Vedas, especially in the fourth, runs still more regularly in the same form. Thus, iii. 334. 15 : " By the efficacy whereof may we pass over a hundred win- ters — 398. 7 : Enjoy hajjpiness for a hundred winters — 400. 6 : Enjoy happiness for a hundred winters — 402. 2 : Enjoy happiness for a hundred \vinters — 417. 15 : May we . . be happy for a hundred winters — 433. 10 : May we . . be happy for a hundred winters — 478. 8 : Agni . . grant me a hun- dred winters." This peculiar idiom, in speaking of years, is explained even of the First Veda, by the fact that the head of the calendar in its time was falling between October i and 29 — almost at the end of the autumnal quarter — and still more so in the case of the later Vedas, if none of them was older than B.C. 452 — when the head of the calendar began to fall on Nov. 27 — and possibly even than B. C. 205, when it began to fall on Dec. 25. That the calendar was lunar in the time of the third Ashtaka, see iii. 30, ver. I, the allusion to the month, and the half month, and iii. 75. i. the allusion to the Titkis, or liniar days. The Veda is alluded to by name, iii. 41. 17, in a prayer to Indra, Cast upon the enemy of the Veda thy consuming weapon. APPENDIX. Notes and Ea^planations. 293 said to begin to be rekindled just as the year was ended. Cf. also 141. 44 — which speaks of shearing the ground (reaping the harvest also) at the end of the year, cf. 163. 3: and that, for the climate of India, would be the case just after the winter solstice, rather than just before *. * There are frequent allusions in the Veda also to some nine months' or ten months' rite ; which, in order to form a better idea of what was probably intended by it, it is desirable to bring together. Thus, i. in the first Ashtaka, (i. 167.4) — Powerful Indra, who art to be glorified with an hymn by the seven priests, whether engaged for nine months or for ten." The proper style of these priests, as we learn from the scholia in loc, was that of the Angirasas, the descendants or the dis- ciples of Angiras, of whom see the note, vol. i. page 3. 4 : 136. 3 : 187. 2 : 212. 4: 325, 326 — and the scholia in loc. — from which it will plainly ap- pear that these Angirasas must have been the first institutors of the sacri- fice of fire itself. Cf. i. 212. 4, and ii. 296. 12, and the note. ii. In the third Ashtaka, iii. 65. 5 : " A friend, accompanied by the faithful friends who had celebrated the nine months' rite, (and these too are explained in the note of the Angirasas,) and tracking the cows upon their knees, and in like manner, accompanied by those ten, who had ac- complished the ten months' rite, Indra." iii. iii. 215. 4 : " Divine Dawns, may your chariot . . be fre(|uent at this day's (worship), wherewith . . (you shine) upon the seven-mouthed (troop of the) Angirasas, (see i. 167. 4,) the observers of the nine or ten days' rite." This recognises an alternate sacrifice every nine and every ten days. iv. iv. 277.12, in the fourth Ashtaka: "The observers of the nine months' celebration, those of the ten months', pouring out libations, worship Indra." V. iv. 314, 7 : "At this sacrifice, the stone (i. e. with which the Soma was bruised), (set in motion) by the hands (of the priests), makes a noise, whereby the nine months' ministrants celebrate the ten months' worshij), when Saraina (the bitch of Indra)," &c. Cf. ver. 6. lb. 315. 11: "I oflTer to you (gods) for the sake of water, an all-bestow- ing sacrifice, whereby the nine months' ministrants have com])leted the ten months' rite." This is the first intimation which has yet occurred, that the final end of this nine or ten months' ministration was for the sake of the rain, in its season. vi. iii. 427. 2 : " To him, (Indra) the seven sages (cf. Xo. i. supra), our ancient progenitors, i)erforming the nine days' rite (cf. No. iii.) were of- ferers of (sacrificial) food." Cf. the second Ashtaka, ii. 296. 12: " May they (the Maruts or Winds — addressed in this Siikta,) who, the first celebrators of the ten months' rite, accomplished this sacrifice, reanimate us at the rising dawn." Also ii. 103. 4 : " i-et not the ten times kindled fire consume me," &c. From the figurative language of these allusions, in wlucli these sacrifices 294 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. are represented as instituted in order to the recovery of some cows and .their milk, which had been lost, it may he inferred that their real object was to insure the recurrence of the blessing of rain in its proper season. And from the circumstance of their being supposed to last, with that ob- ject in view, sometimes for nine months, sometimes for ten, we may infer they must have been intended for a climate in which for nine months in the year, at least, rain was more or less of natural occurrence, and for the other three, there was no rain, or none which could be taken into account. And this sujiposed state of the case would suit the chmate of India, from the beginning of April to the end of December, and from the beginning of January to the end of March, respectively; see Dr. Buchanan, Journey from Madras, i. 317 : ii. 433. The.se sacrifices, we see, are represented in these allusions, as sometimes for nine months, and sometimes for ten, with a different set of ministers" for each. The calendar being supposed to be lunar, it would require at stated times an intercalary month ; and ten months in such years would be only equivalent to nine in common years. And the intercalary year of the cycle might purposely be appointed to have a different order of ministers from those of the common year. From the tenor of other allu- sions to them it may he. inferred, that these sacrifices were performed by the same number of ministering priests, seven, sometimes for nine days together, and sometimes for ten ; and that too might be explained, if the calendar was now lunar, and it was the rule with intercalary years in par- ticular to have the usual sacrifice every nine days, by its proper order of ministers, and an extra one every ten days, by another order. It is observable however, that in the first allusion of this kind, in the first Ashtaka, (No. i. supra,) the ministers, whether for nine months or for ten, are described as seven, in either case; but in the first allusion in the third Ashtaka, (No. ii.) the ministers in the former are represented as seven, and those in the latter as ten. It may perhaps be inferred from this distinction, that the rule in question was first introduced when the calendar was Cyclico-Julian, and the intercalary month was liable to come in only once in 1 20 years, — and that the rule was to perform the rite every nine days by the ministry of seven priests, in each of the common years, and to signalize the intercalary year by doing the same every ten days by the ministry of ten. And this rule, though first adapted to the intercalary rule of the Cyclico-Julian correction, B. C. 1306, might easily be accom- modated to the Lunar Correction, B. C. 946. It is also to be observed, that if the Bactrian Correction of B. C. 947 may be supposed to have had any influence on the Indian of B. C. 946, or at least, if the fire worship of the Vedas may have bad any connection with the fire worship of Bactria, introduced by Zoroaster, B. C. 947 — this Bactrian correction bore date April 10 ; which, for the climate of India, would be a very proper time for the beginning of a ceremony like that of the ten times kindled fii-e, alluded to ii. 103. 4, destined to be renewed every month, all through the rainy season, from the beginning of April to the end of Deceinljer. APPENDIX. Notes and Explanations. 295 I will not add to the length of these observations, by proceeding to in- quire circumstantially into the chronology of the Third and the Fourth Ashtukus, translated and published in 1857. The allusions which occur in these indeed are only general, and very indeterminate, in comparison of those which I have just been considering. It is agreed however, among Sanskrit scholars themselves, that the third and fourth books of the Rig- veda are of much later date than the first and second ; and the internal evidence of these two, as far as it goes, to the best of my judgment, confirms that conclusion in various ways. Let me revert then, before I make an end of these remarks, to the original subject of our observations, the probable origin of the Sanskrit language. There can be very little doubt that, after the invasion of the Punjaub of India by Alexander the Great, B. C. 327 and 326', and his conquests in that quarter, and after the rise of the two Greek kingdoms in Upper Asia, that of the Bactrian princes, and that of the SeleucidiP, the native princes in general, or those of the Punjaub in particular, would be laid under the necessity of keeping up political relations with the Greeks ; and therefore that it must have become a principle of state with them — a regular part of their policy — from B.C. 326 downwards, to have the most talented and promising of their youth trained up in the knowledge of the Greek lan- guage. And in the course of time, when not only the kingdoms of the Diadochi, but almost the whole of the inhabited or inhabitable world to the west of India, had succumbed to the ascendancy of Rome, and had been formed into one great empire under Augustus and his successors, the same motives of policy would incline the native governments of India to cultivate relations of amity with the Roman empire, and to educate some of their youth in a knowledge of the Roman language also. It is upon record that a communication of this kind passed between the native princes of India and the Roman government, both in the reign of Au- gustus '' and in that of Antoninus Pius'. And as the Hindus, though not ajjparently endowed with much originality of invention, have shewn themselves, whenever they had the opportunity, remarkably quick of ap- j)rehensioTi, and apt to improve upon an idea once suggested to them, it is far from improbable that, among these more talented of their youth, thus for reasons of state educated in the knowledge of the Greek and the I«itin, and very j)ossil)ly of more of the European languages, and made as thoroughly masters of these as of their own native tongue, some one, or more, aware of what the Egyptians had done by the invention of their Phonetic hieroglyphic, and of what the Babylonians had done by the invention of their arrow-headed character, and possibly of what many others of the nations of antiquity were also known to have done, in the same spirit of emulation or of rivalry of the examj)le first set by the ' OriL'i;. Kal. IKU. ill. i;,8-isS. k C'f. Stral.o xv. i. 1:50 a. Dio, liv. 9. 7. .Siii'ton. Aug. xxi. 7. Florus, iv. 12, 62. Aurelius ^'i(•tl>r, ('lesaros, .\iip;ustii8. Kpitomi', Augustus. Kutro]). vii. 5. and our Orisi;. Kal. Hell. ii. 118. ' Au- ri'lius Victor, C'K.sarcs, Antoninus Pius. Kpilonuv l'(>ri)liyry, ajiud Euscb. Prsep. Evangel. 296 The three Witnesses, and the threefold Cord. Egyptians — might have been led to conceive the idea in which the Sans- krit, if after all a factitious thing of its kind, must have originated ; that viz. of l)lending the vernacular languages, or Prakrit of India, and the Greek and Latin, and the other European languages, with which they had been obliged, for reasons of state, to make themselves famihar, into one language, the same with neither in its totality, yet in its elements composed of both. And it is very possible also that, even in conceiving an idea of this kind, they had no deceptive purpose in view ; they did not intend to make this new language the vehicle of a factitious system, whether of history or of chronology ; but merely to contrive a language which, as far as they could render it so, should be the only authorized channel of every thing which was worth preserving, every thing which was worth teaching and knowing, in India. It would enter into the plan of such a scheme to translate every thing of this kind before in existence, from its own language into this, and to destroy the originals. So that, when the scheme should have been fully carried out, (as in fact in the course of time it appears to have been,) the whole of the literature of India should be confined to this one language. It would be part of the same project, and of the policy and management, by which only it could be realised, to edu- cate the privileged and dominant classes in India, the priests, the nobility, the military, in the knowledge of this one language ; and to accustom them to the use of this one on all the more solemn occasions, in preference to the Prakrit or vernacular languages, every where. Such a language, so conceived and so formed, might exhibit all the phenomena which the Sanskrit does at present, in contradistinction to any other, which is known to have been the growth of time and circum- stances, and yet occasion no surprise. Its elements, derived as they were partly from the vernacular languages of India, partly from the European languages of the same aera, might be blended together in any proportion, which suited the views of its authors, or the rules which they might choose to prescribe to themselves, for the execution of their own work. It might be free from all the anomalies, all the deficiencies, all the redundancies, of languages formed in the natural way — if its authors chose to make it so. It might have such a name given it, as that of the consummated, the finished, the perfected — for this very reason that it had been purposely made complete of its kind ; and it might have borne this name from the first, and yet never have been spoken by a Sanskrit people, or in a Sans- krit country *. * The form of civil government in India having always been the regal, and that country consequently having always been subject to kings or queens ; it might very well be presumed a priori that if any one term was more likely than another to have run unchanged through all the phases of language in India, it must have been this, for so common and familiar an idea as that of king or queen. Now it so happens that my own in- APPENDIX. Notes and Erplanations. 297 It is not however to be supposed that a scheme hke this, though easy perhaps of conception, could have been easy of execution. Supposing the dirticiilty of the formation of such a language to have been successfully overcome — yet to substitute this as the only recognized vehicle of all the learning and literature of India, to install it at once, without a peer and witliout a rival, in the schools, the colleges, the courts of law, and the palaces, of the country every where — would be no very easy task. It is far from improbable, in my opinion, that this new language of all the learning, and science, and philosophy of India, and the religion of modern India, went hand in hand together from the first — and that, if the truth were known on this subject, the first idea of the Sanskrit arose out of the struggle in India between the more modern Braminism and the older Buddhism of that country — a struggle which, as Indian history itself, through its own traditions, seems distinctly to intimate — was not finally decided by the establishment of Braminism in its present dominant po- sition, until long after the beginning of the Christian sera. qiiiries in the Origines Kalendariae have brought to light the Indian for King, B.C. 1230, in Deunus, the etymon of the Greek ^fvvvaos, or ^i6w(Tos, (Origg. Kal. Hell. v. 80-90,) and I hope will bring to light, in Hke manner, the Indian for Queen, B.C. 1138, in the Indian Aterga. I would demand then, of Sanskrit scholars, if this language was the living and spoken language of India, and in the acme of its perfection, at each of these epochs, B.C. 1230, and B.C. 1138, how it has come to pass that neither Deunus, in the sense of King, nor Aterga, in that of Queen, occurs in the Sanskrit of the present day? but instead of the former, Riijan, and instead of the latter, RCijnl ? the former so evidently the same with the Latin Rex, Regis, and the latter with the Latin Reginn, that no one could hesitate to say that if the Latin Rex was not derived from the Sanskrit R'ljan, or the Latin Regina from the Sanskrit R MontfaiiLOii, lli'.\a)>la, i. 20.