4^K*3 F-4kK>3 1*99746 FROM THE LIBRARY OF •V. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY HYMNS 'designed for the use or THJ SECOND ADVENT BAND. .937 ^ "' In Eighteen Hundred F^orty-thre*. Will be the Year of Jubilee " * PUBLISHED BY N. STEVENS AND H. B SKINNER 1S43 ADVENT HYMNS. Hymn 1. The Advent. You will see your Lord a coming, You will see you-r Lord a coming, You will see your Lord a coming, To the old church yards, With a band of music, With a band of music, With a band of music* Sounding it through the air. Hear Gabriel with his trumpet, &c. At the old church yards, It's a band of music, &,c. He will sound it, &,c. He'll awake all the nations, &c. In the old church yards, It's a band of music, &c. Hear them sound it, &g. You will see the saints a marching, j SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. From the old church yards, With a band of music, &lc. Hear them sound it, &,c. We will march into the city, &c. From the old church yards, With the band of music, &/c. Hear it sounding, &,c. O sinners, you will feremble, &,c. At their sounding through the air ; Its a band of music, ^c. Hear them sound it, &lc. You will call for rocks and mountains, At the old church yards; - m It's a band of music, &c. They will sound it, &c. There will be a mighty wailing, &c. In the old church yards, It's a band of music, &,c, Hear them sound it, &c. We will shout our sufferings o'er, &c From the old church yards, With the band of music, 6lc. Hear them sound it, &c. second advent hymne. Hymn 2. The Pilgrim's Song. My Bible leads to glory, My Bible leads to glory, My Bible leads to glory, Ye followers of the Lamb. Chorus. Sing on, pray on, ye followers of Immanuel, Sing on, pray on, ye followers of the Lamb. Religion makes me happy, Religion makes me happy, Religion makes me happy ,- Ye followers of the Lamb, &c, I'm on my way to glory, I'm on my way to glory, I'm on my way to glory Ye followers of the Lamb, 6lc. I'm fighting for a kingdom, I'm fighting for a kingdom, I'm fighting for a kingdom, Ye followers of the Lamb, &e. King Jesus is my Captain, King Jesus is my Captain, King Jesus is my Captain, Ye followers of the Lamb, &,c. 8ECOXD ADVENT HYMN?. We'll have a shout in glory, We'll have a shout in glory, We'll have a shout in glory, Ye followers of the Lamb, &c. There we shall live forever, There we shall live forever, There we shall live forever, Ye followers of the Lamb, &c. Hymn 3. Sinners invited to the Saviour. Sinners come to Jesus, Sinners come to Jesus. Chorus. Come along, come along, Come along in love : And we'll all go together To praise him above, And we'll all go together To praise him above. Scoffers come to Jesus, Scoffers come to Jesus, &.e. Backsliders come to Jesus, Backsliders come to Jesus, 6lc. 9ECOND ADVENT HYMNS 7 Mourners come to Jesus, Mourners come to Jesus, &c. You may ail come to Jesus, You may all come to Jesus, &c You may now come to Jesus, You may now come to Jesus, &c Glory be to Jesus, Glory be to Jesus, &a Hymn 4. The Plain Truth. Send the glor)% send the glory., Send the glory just now. Send the power, send the power, Send the power just now. "• Christ is coming, Christ is cpming, Christ is coming this year. Taking vengeance, taking vengeance* Taking vengeance this year. On the wicked, on the wicked, Ojs the wicked, this year. '1 SECOND ADVENT HYMNS I believe it, I believe it r I believe it just now. I shall see him, I shall see hiiw„ r shall see him this year, Hallaluiah, HallaluiarV Hallaluiah, Amen; Hymn 5. Glory Hallaluiah., Is there any body here like weeping Mary ,, Call to my Jesus and he'll draw nigh, Chorus. O sing glory, glory, hallaluiah, Glory be to God on highc- Is there any body here like sinking Peter,, Call on my Jesus and he'll draw nigh, &-c Is there a%y body here like blind Bartimeus Call on my 3esus and he'll draw nigh, &,c. Is there any body here like faithless Thorn- as, Call on my Jesus and hell draw nigh, «fcc. 1§ there any body here like Saul o*TTar- •us, SECOND AdVENT HYMNS. $ Call on my Jesus and he'll draw nigh, &c Is there any body here that feel they are sinners, Call on my Jesus and he'll draw sigh, &x. Is there any body here that wants salvation, Call on my Jesus and he'll draw nigh, &lc Ik there any body here a poor backslider, Call on my Jesus ana* hq'll^draw nigh, &c. Is there any body here who (eels the glory, Sing, and shout, and cry aloud, &-C. Hymn 6. The Jubilee. I never shrill forget the day, When Jesus washed my sins awaf, Chorus. Now my soul is very happy, Will you go along with me 1 Now my soul is very happy, Go sound the Jubilee. I am happy in this house of clay. But what is this to_" perfect day 7 Ther.es a better day a coming: SECOND ADVENT HYMNS, Will you go along with me ? Now my soul, &e, Though sinners persecute me here, Through Jesus Christ I'll persevere ; Christ will ruin Satan's kingdom — Will you go along with me 1 Now my soul, &c. A little longer here below, Then home to glory we shall go : — I am on my way to glory — Will you go along with me 1 Now my soul, &c. Come on, come on, my brethren dear, We soon shall meet together there ; When we'll join the saints in glory, — Will you go along with me? Now my soul, &c. Hymn 7. % Jestcs, Jesus, He is my Friend. Jesus, Jesus, he is my friend, And will go with me to the end, For e^rery body is talking about That very same Jesns^ SECONB ADVENT HYMNS. That very same Jesus, Oh glory, halleluiah ! For every body is talking about That very same Jesus* He spoke to PeteT on the sea, Saying leave your nets and follow me, For every body is talking about That very same Jesus, &c. I love the Lord, I know I do, I hope my brethren love him too, For every body is talking about That very same Jesus, &c« Did you ever hear the like before, That Jesus preached unto the poor, For every body is talking about That very same Jesus, ifoc. Jesus spoke to me so sweet, <• Saying children have you any meet, And every body is talking about That very same Jesus, &c* Altho' you see me going along eo ? I have my trials here below, Yet every body is talking about That very same Jesus, &c. 12 second advent hymn*. Hymn. 8 Hosanna . My Savior's coming in the 6ky, I long to sing hosanna ; He'll take me up to Him on high,. I long to sing Hasanna. Chorus. — It's good enough, good enough , I long to sing Hosanna ; It's good enough, good enough, I long to sing Hosanna.. I'll dwell with Him forevermore, I long to sing Hosanna ; And shout his praises o'er and o *er fc I long to sing Hosanna, Chorus. — Fts good enough, &c~ # We'll dwell among the angels their,. ^And there we'll sing Hosanna,; And they'll repeat the loud Amen, Hosanna, oh Hosanna, Chorus. — It's good enough, &c And when we stand on that blest »hor*„ I long to sing Hosanna ; SECOND ADVENT H1MN9. 13 Wa shall be safe forevermore, I long to sing Hosanna. Choriis. — It's good enough, &,c. Oh blessed, blessed, blessed day, I long to sing Hosanna ; When Christ will call U3 hence away, And we shall sing Hosannai Chorus. — It's good enough, &c Oh blessed morning on us rise. We long to sing Hosanna, Aud gladden our uplifted eyes, And let us sing Hosanna, ■ Chorus, — It's good enough, &e> Then we will meet to part no more. And join our glad Hosanna. We'll shout it, shout o'er and o'er, A long, a loud Hosanna. Chorus, — It's good enough, &c. 14 SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. Hymn 8. We're travelling Home. We're travelling home to Heaven above, Will you go ? Will you go ? To sing the Saviour's dying love, — Will you go? Will you go? Millions have reached that bless'd abode, Will you go ? Will you go? We're going to walk the plains of light, Will you go ? Will you go ? I Where perfect day excludes the night, Will you go ? Will you go * Our sun will there no more go down, In that blest world of great renown, Our days of mourning past and gone — Will you go ? Will you go ? We're going to see the bleeding Lamb, Will you go ? Will you go ? In rapturous strains to praise his name, Will you go ? Will you go ? The crown of life we there shall wear, The conqueror's palm our. hands shall bear, And all the joys of heaven we'll share, Will you go ? Will you go ? SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. 15 We're going where tears will never flow, Will you go 1 will you go ? And sorrow we no more shall know, 'Will you go ? will you go 1 'Tis there the saints will die no more, But live with Christ in Heaven secure, Their God and Saviour to adore, Will you go ? will you go ? Ye weary, heavy laden, come, — ■ Will you go 1 will you go ? In the blest house there still is room, Will you go ? will\you go 1 The Lord is waiting to receive, If thou wilt on him now believe, He'll give thy troubled conscience ease, Come believe, O believe. The way to heaven is free to all-^ Will you go? will you go? For Jew and Gentile — great and small, Will you go ? will you go V Mak^e up your mind, give God your heart, With every sin and idol part, And now for glory make a start, — Come away ! Come away I O, could I hear some sinner say, 16 SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. I will go ! I will go ! I'll start this moment, clear the way, Let me go ! Let me go ! My old companions, fare you well, I will not go with you to hell, I mean with Jesus Christ to dwell, Let me go ! Fare you well ! Hymn 9. • Come to Jesus. You'd better come to Jesus, to Jesus, You'd better come to Jesus, in this our day. Chorus. So come poor sinner, You can't stand the fire, In that great day. You aaed a hope of mercv, in this our Come try a bleeding Saivor, in this our day. He offers you salvation, in this our day. Come, give your hearts to Jesus, in this our day. You'll see the Judge desending in that great day. You'll hear the trumpet sounding, in that great day. SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. 17 You'll see the dead arising, in that great day. You'll hear the thunders roaring, in that great day. You'll see the world a burning, in that great day. You'll hear the sinners crying, in that great day. You'll hear the Saints a shouting, in that great day. The Saints will shine in glory, in that great day. Hymn 10. Praise the Lord. When I am down in Egypt's land, Chorits. I want to wear the crown^ I hear about the promised land, \ Chorus. I want to wear the crown. my heart says praise the Lord, My heart says praise the Lord, My heart says praise theJLord, 1 want to wear the crbwn. Twas in the morning when I rose. I want, etc. His love came pouring in my soul. I want» etc. .8 SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. Twas just about the break of day, I want, etc. When Jesus washed my sins away, I want, etc. Little I thought he was so nigh, I want, etc. He spake, and sure I could not sigh, I want, etc. I know the time, I know the day, I want, etc. When Jesus washed my sine away, I want, etc. If ever I reach the other shore, * - I want, etc. I'll sinjfcnd shout forever more, i want, etc. And O the crown that we shall wear, I want, etc. "I • 3 Hymn 11. The Advent Band. Here is a band of brethren dear, I will be in this band, hallelujah; Their laaders*tell them not to fear; SECOND ADVENT HYMMS. 19 I will be in this band hallelujah ; I will be in this band, hallelujah, The second advent band, hallelujah. As Ijwas walking out one day, I will be in this band, hallelujah ; A studying about this good old way, I will be in this band, hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah, Sec. There was a voice which reached my soul, I will be in this band, halelujah, Fear not, I make the wounded whole, I will be in this band, hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah, &c. My dungeon shook, my chains fell off, I will be in this band, hajlelujahjgr My soul unfettered went aloft, I will be in this band, hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah. Now bless the Lord, I can rise and tell, I will be in this band, hallelujah ; That Jesus has done all things well, I will be in this band, hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah. 20 SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. O shout on children, shout, you're free, I will be in this band, hallelujah, For christ has bought your liberty ! I will be in this band, hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah, O bless the Lord, we need not fear, I will be in this band, hallelujah, For Daniel says he'll come this year, I will be in this band, hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah. Both prophet and apostle to®, I will be in this band, hallelujah ; Their writings show-this doctrine true ; I will be in this band, hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah. Then bless the Lord, we need not f£ar, I will be in this band, hallelujah. For we with Christ shall reign this year, I will be in this band, hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah. In granduer see the royal line, I will be in this b£hd, hallelujah, Ou| glittering robes the sun outshine I will be in this band hallelujah, I will be in this band, hallelujah, second advent hymns. 21 Hymn 12. The hast Trumpet. O get your hearts in order, order, order, O get your hearts in order, order, order, O get your hearts in order, order, order, O get your hearts in order, for the end of time. For Gabriel's going to blow, &.c. By and by, by and by, For Gabriel's going to blow by*and fc by. He'll encompass land and ocean, ocean, ocean, Encompass land and ocean at the end'of time ; You will*see the graves a bursting,' i &c. You will see the graves a bursting at the end of time. You will see this world on fire, &c. You will see this world on fire at the end of time : There will be an awful shaking, Sec. There will be an awful shaking at the end of time. How will you stand it sinner, &c. Z'2 SECOND *ADVENT HYMNS, How will you stand it sinner^at the end of time ? You will wish you were;forgiven, &c. You will wish you were forgiven at the end of time ; But saints will not be frightened, &x. But saints will not be frightened at the end of time ; They'll rise and meet their Jesus, &c. They'll rise and meet their Jesus at the end of time; He will lead them to his kingdom, Sec. He will lead them to his kingdom at the end of time ; Then the warfare will be ended, &c. Then the warfare will be ended at the end of time: We will shout above the fire, &c. We will shout above the fire at the end of time; O if I no more see you. &c. If I no more see you till the end of time, O Gabriel's going, &c. Hymn 13. Satan's kingdom is tumbling down. Servants of the living God, Halle-halle- luia. Now go forth and preach his word, glory Halleluiah. CHORUS. Shout, shout, we are gaining ground, Hallle-halleluiah. Take the Spirit's two edged sword, And fight the battles of the Lord. Tread the powers of darknes down, He that conquers, wears the crown. One praying soul will put to flight, Ten thousand blustering sons of night. Now let us all believe and pray Until the powers of hell give way. Hymn 14. Your Great Deliverer's Nigh, The cloud* at length are breaking, bless the Lord you can arise and tell. The wonders of Immanuel. Who took your feet from the mirey clay, Turned your darkness into day, Promised if you'd faithful be, He'd land your soul in glory. Glory be to the Lord most high, ,Glory beaming through the sky, I'll shout* his praises when I rise, And after this shout glory. second advent hymn* 29 Hymn 18. Blessi?ig of the New Covenant. Ye who know your sins forgiven. And are happy in the Lord. Have you read the gracious promise Which is left upon record : 1 will sprinkle you with water, I will cleanse you from all sin : Sanctify and make you holy, I will dwell and reign within. If you have obtained this treasure. Search and you shall surely find ■ All the Christian marks and graces, Planted, growing, in your mind. Perfect faith, and perfect patience, Perfect lowliness, and then Perfect hope, and perfect meekness, Perfect love for God and man. But be sure to gain the witness, Which abides both day and night ; This your God has plainly promised. This is like a stream of light. While you keep the blessed witness, All is clear and calm within ; God himself assures you by it That your heart is cleansed from sin. b2 10 »econd advent hymns Hymn 19. Fall of Babylon.— Rtv. 18. Hail the day so long expected, Hail the day of full release ; Zion's walls are now erected, And her watchmen publish peace From the distant courts of Shinah The shrill trumpets loudly roar, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, is fallen . Babylon is fallen, to rise no more. Hark, and hear the people crying, See the people disappear, Trade and traffic all a dying, So we sink and perish here ; Sailors that have bought her traffic, Crying from the distant shore, &lc. All her merchants cry with wonder, What is this that's come to pass ? Murmuring, like the distant thunder, Crying out, Alas ! Alas ! Swell the sound, ye Kings and nobles, Priests and people, rich and poor — &. c. Lo her captains are returning, Up to Zion, see them fly, While the smoke of Babel burning, 3, SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. Roils across the darkened sky : Now's the day of consummation, She must fall to rise no more, &x. Zion's children, raise your voices, And the joyful news proclaim ; Now the heavenly host rejoices, And re-echoes back the same ; See the ancients of the city, Terrified at the uproar, &c. Tune your harps, ye heavenly choir, Shout ye followers of the Lamb, See the city all on fire, Clap your hands and blow the flame ; Now behold this awful kingdom, All consuming in her gore, &c. Hymn 20. New Jerusalem. Lo, what a glorious sight appears, To our believing eyes ; The earth and seas are passed away, And the old rolling skies ! Chorus. O that will be joyful, i When we meet to part no more, ^ On Canaan's happy shore. 82 SECOND ADVENT HYMNS. 'Tis there we'll meet at Jesus' feet, When we meet to part no more. From the third heaven, where God re- sides, That holy, happy place, The new Jerusalem comes down, Adorned with shining grace. 'Attending angels shout for joy, And the bright armies sing, "Mortals, behold the sacred seat Of your desending King ! "The God of glory down to men Removes his blest abode ; Men are the objects of his love ; And he their gracious God. "His own soft hand shall wipe the tears From every weeping eye ; And pains, and groans, and griefs, and fears, And death itself shall die." How bright the vision ! O, how long Shall this glad hour delay ! Fly swiftly round, ye wheels of time, And bring the welcome day. second advent hymns. 3$ Hymn 21. The Cross. , Must Simon bear his cross alone, And all the world go free t No, there's a cross for ev'ry one, And there's a cross for me. How happy are the saints above Who once went mourning here ; But now they taste unmingled love And joy without a tear. We'll bear the consecrated cross Till from the cross we're free, And then go home our crowns to wear. For there's a crown for me. Hymn 22. Heavenly Union. I wonder why old saints don't sing, And praise the Lord upon the wing, And make the heavenly arches ring, ' With loud Hosannah to their king, Who brought their souls to Union. . O could I, like an angel, sound Salvation through the earth around. The devil's kingdom to confound, I 34 SECOND ADVENT H1MNS. And triumph on Immanuel's ground, And spread this heavenly Union. We soon shall leave, all things below, And quit this vale of pain and woe, , - And then we'll all to glory go, And then we'll see and hear and know, And feel this heavenly Union. There we the glorious Lamb shall see Who groaned and died upon the tree, And spilt his blood to set us tree, That we might his salvation see, And feel his heavenly Union. Almighty God, teach heart and tongue, To thee, to raise a greatful song, All praises to thy name belong. Let Zion sing thy "kingdom come" And fill this world with Union. Hymn 23. 1" wish you tvrll. My brother, I wish you well, M'v brother, I wish you well, When my Lord comes I trust I shall Chorus. Be mentioned in the promised land, SKCOND ADVENT HYMNS. 35 k mentionnd in the promised land, hen my Lord comes I trust I shall Be mentioned in the promised land. My sister, I wish you well, &c. My father, I wish you well, &c. My mother, I wish you well, &x. My neighbors, I wish you well, &c. My pastor, I wish you well, dtc. Young converts, I wish you well, &c< Poor iinner I wish you well, &,e. CONTENTS. You will see your Lord a coming, - ' - 3 My Bible leads to glory ----- 5 Sinners come to Jesus, - - - - 6 8end the glory, send the glory, - - 7 Is there any body here like weeping - 8 I never shall forget the day, - - - 9 Jesus, Jesus, he is my friend, - - 10 My Savior's coming in the sky, - - 12 We're travelling home to Heaven - 14 You'd better ceme to Jesus, to Jesus, 16 When I am down in Egypt's land, - 17 Here is a band of brethren dear, - - 18 get your hearts in order, order, - 21 Servants of the living God, - - - 23 The clouds at length are breaking, 23 See the Judge descending, - - - 25 What sound is this salutes my ear 1 - 27 Brethren you can arise and tell, - - 28 Ye who know your sins forgiven, - 29 Hail the day so long expected, - - 30 Lo, what a glorious sight appears, - 31 1 wonder why old saints don't sing, 33 My brother I wish you well, - - - 34 ill ;» . ■J U 1 %