mpSTER USED IW THE GREAT m EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN FOR ''Ji Million Souls for Jesus*' in Korea THE POSTER TRANSLATION OF POSTER i 잘 성염 1 T>adin9 1 1 Cb< Road to Salvation j pimii 1 i 3 fSr»t 6«rtiom r B for 6od 80 {ovtd the world, that R* gave !i n FMo only begotten 8on, that wboooever b<- || K limth in TMm should not perieh, but have ij 3 cTcrUeting life. || [( Boond 6cction Kj i| for what is a man profited, if b< ehatl 8 1 gain the rchoU world and lcs€ hie own r 1 eouU or what eball a man give in exchange 0 tflllliilil for Me ooul? g Chird Section ij for whosoever eball call upon the naim of g ttx Lord eball be saved. ^ 1 ■는 르 홈 유 t 궁 N«xt to Ust Urn t If you wuld hnow more clearly thie QU)?, g consult ttx 6oep.* 1 요시 보옴복 가마면 t 켜 묘 달허봄 Hi •질어 1 1 요서보 러부켜 tKi 으 t 이러온 inquiry. PAYING INVESTMENTS IN KOREA Every dollar invested in this work will accomplish as much as ten dollars in a similar enterprise in America. $500 will endow a perpetual scholarship in the Union College at Pyeng Yang or in our Theological School or our College at Seoul. $700 per year (guaranteed for three years) will sup- port a new unmarried missionary. Ten are needed. $1,200 per year (guaranteed for three years) will sup- port a new married missionary. Thirteen are iseefied $1,500 to $5,000 will erect a substantial brick ac- commodation for 1,000 to 3,000 people. Ten are called for. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED TO $2,500 will erect a Bible Training School. Three are needed. $2,500 to $3,500 will erect and equip a High School. Three are needed. $3»000 will build plain eight-room Mission House for a missionary and his family. Thirty-one are needed. $5,000 to $12,000 will erect and equip a hospital which can minister to 10,000 patients each year. Five are needed. BRING KOREA TO CHRIST ASK KOREA'S REPRESENTATIVES WHAT YOU CAN DO- WRITE FOR INFORMATION TO KOREA QUARTER-CENTENNIAL MOVEMENT OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 150 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY