is LIBRAEY OF THE Theological Seminary, PRINCETON, N. J. BR 45 .H84 1838 \ ~ ' Parkinson, Richard, 1797- 1858. The constitution of the visible church of Christ t->t-> it- tt n / TOOO CONSTITUTION OF THE VISIBLE CHURCH OF CHRIST UNDER THE HEADS OF AUTHORITY AND INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE; CREEDS (TRADITION) ', ARTICLES OF RELIGION; HERESY AND SCHISM; • STATE-ALLIANCE, PREACHING, AND NATIONAL EDUCATION: In <£tcj!)t ®i$tauvgcg, PREACHED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE IN THE YEAR 1838, AT THE LECTURE FOUNDED BY THE REV. JOHN HULSE. BY THE REV. RICHARD PARKINSON, B. D. OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE, AND FELLOW OF CHRIST'S COLLEGE, IN MANCHESTER. LONDON: JOHN W. PARKER, WEST STRAND. CAMBRIDGE: J. AND J. J. DEIGHTON. OXFORD: J. PARKER. MANCHESTER: BANCKS AND CO. MDCCCXXXIX. ■ r£R8, EXCHANGE-STREET, MANCHEE HULSEAN LECTURES MDCCCXXXVIII. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE VISIBLE CHURCH OF CHRIST CONSIDERED. (Extract from Mr. Hulse's Will.) "Clause from the Will of the Rev. John Hulse, late of Elworth, in the county of Chester, Clerk, deceased, dated the 21st day of July, in the year of our Lord, 1777, expressed in the words of the testator, as he, in order to prevent mistakes, thought proper to draw and write the same himself, and directed that such clause should be every year printed, to the intent that the several persons whom it might concern and be of service to might know that there were such special donations and endow- ments left for the encouragement of piety and learning, in an age unfortunately addicted to infidelity and luxury, and that others might be invited to the like charitable, and as he humbly hoped, seasonable and useful benefactions." LECTURER. " I direct that four parts out of six (of his property in Clive) shall be paid on St. John the Evangelist's day following the preaching the lectures or sermons after-mentioned annually, to such learned and ingenious clergyman in the said university of the degree of Master of Arts, and under the age of 40 years, as shall be duly chosen or elected on Christmas-day, or within seven days after, by the Vice-Chancellor then for the time being, and by the Master or Head of Trinity College, and the Master of St. John's College, or by any two of them, in order to preach twenty sermons in the whole year, (i. e.) ten sermons in the following spring in St. Mary's great church in Cambridge, namely, one sermon on the Friday morning, or else on Sunday after- noon, in every week during the months of April and May, and VI the two first weeks in June, and likewise ten sermons in the same church in the following autumn, either on the Friday morning or else on the Sunday afternoon in every week during the months of September and October, and during the two first weeks in November. The subject of which discourses shall be as followeth — that is, the subject of five sermons in the spring, and of five sermons in the autumn shall be to shew the evidence for revealed religion, and to demonstrate in the most convincing and persuasive manner the truth and excellence of Christianity, so as to include not only the prophecies and miracles general and particular, but also any other proper or useful arguments, whether the same be direct or collateral proofs of the Christian religion, which he may think fittest to discourse upon, either in general or particular, especially the collateral arguments or else any particular argument or branch thereof, and chiefly against notorious Infidels, whether Atheists or Deists, not descending to any particular sects or controversies (so much to be lamented) among Christians themselves, except some new or dangerous error either of superstition or enthusiasm, as of Popery or Metho- dism, or the like, either in opinion or practice, should pre- vail, in which cause only it may be necessary for that time to preach against the same. Nevertheless the preacher of the ten sermons last mentioned, to shew the truth and excellence of revealed religion and the evidence of Christianity, may at his own discretion preach either more or fewer than ten sermons on this great argument, only provided he shall in consequence thereof lessen or increase the number of the other ten remain- ing sermons which are hereinafter directed to be on the more obscure parts of Holy Scripture in a due proportion, so as that he shall every year preach twenty sermons on those subjects on the whole. And as to the ten sermons that remain, of which five were to be preached in the spring and five in the autumn, as before mentioned, the Lecturer or Preacher shall take for his subject some of the more difficult texts or obscure parts of the Holy Scriptures, such as might appear to be more generally useful vn and necessary to be explained, and which might best admit of such a comment and explanation without presuming to pry too far into the profound secrets and awful mysteries of the Almighty ; and in all the said twenty sermons such practical observations shall be made, and such useful conclusions added, as may in- struct and edify mankind. The said twenty sermons shall be every year printed, and a new preacher every year elected, (except in the case of the extraordinary merit of the preacher), when it may be sometimes thought proper to continue the same person for five, or at the most six years together; but for no longer period, nor shall he ever afterwards be elected to the same duty." Substance of tbe order of the Court of Chancery in the matter of the Hulsean Lectureship, in the university of Cambridge* dated 21st December, 1830: — On the Petition of the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the university of Cambridge. After reciting the property left by Mr. Hulse for the en- dowment of a Lectureship in Cambridge, and the conditions attached to the office, tbe petition states that owing to the number of lectures required to be delivered and printed by the Lecturer within the year, no sufficiently qualified person could be induced to hold the office, and suggests that the number might be conveniently reduced to eight, which was the number appointed by Mr. Boyle, or to any other which the Chancellor might think fit. "Whereupon," to use the words of the order, "all parties concerned were ordered to attend his lordship on the matter of the said petition ; and counsel for the petitioners this day attending accordingly, upon hearing of the said petition, and of the said Will of the said John Hulse, dated the 21st day of July, 1777, read, and what was alleged by the counsel of the petitioners, this court doth order that the number of the lectures in the petition mentioned be reduced to eight ; and it is ordered that the time limited for printing the said lectures be enlarged for the term of one year from the deliveiy of the last of such lectures." Vlll And he directed that such clause should always be concluded with the following prayer: " May the Divine blessing for ever go along with all ray benefactions ; and may the greatest and best of Beings, by his all-wise Providence and gracious influence, make the same effec- tual to his own glory and the good of my fellow-creatures ! Amen.' * \t LOGIC: CONTENTS ^ Preface 17 LECTURE I. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. Galalians i. 8, 9. Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. THE ARGUMENT. Foundations now the subject of controversy — difficulties of defence increased by the ignorance and self-confidence of the adversary — likewise by the Church's long peace, and reliance on her cause — in addition, defective clerical education, hasty demand for new labourers, and the distrac- tions of all-absorbing practical duties — attempts on the part of the Church to symbolize with Dissenters in these duties — failure, and wider divisions in consequence — equally assaulted by Romanists and Dissenters — con- solations in the present position of controversy — more decisive results may be expected from discussing great questions — the Truth has nothing to fear ultimately — great mistake of supposing that indefinite Truths are b X CONTENTS. PACK therefore indifferent — proposal, in these lectures, to pro- pound the Truth with regard to some leading points, by seeking out the elementary idea — these leading points stated — good results to be hoped for from pursuing this line of argument 3 LECTURE II. AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE. Hebrews viii. 4, 5. There are priests that offer gifts according to the law : who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things ; as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle ; for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount. THE ARGUMENT. Difference as to claims to authority and inspiration between the Old and New Testaments — the Old Testament literally a law, both as to instrument, written laws, and administrators of it — the New, in each of these respects, less definitely so — the Old laying more positive and express claims to direct inspiration than the New — no inferiority in the New on these accounts proved; first, because these differences are those of omission — those principles in the Old which are continued in the New, are not expressed because implied — secondly, because even changes may be enforced by type as strongly us by direct precept — this illustrated by the change of the Sabbath day, and also by the continuance of the Priesthood, and the legal power of the Gospel, under forms adapted to the new condition of things — Summary of the Argument 29 CONTENTS. XI LECTURE III. INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE. 1 Corinthians ii. 12, 13. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God ; that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, hut which the Holy Ghost teacheth. THE ARGUMENT. Importance of the subject — question here confined to the inspiration of the Written Word — distinction between in- spired writings and inspired men — Verbal theory advocated — Verbal accuracy necessary when the thing recorded was unknown or unintelligible to the writer — words of the utmost moment because we think in them — Verbal inspi- ration as necessary for writing as speaking — indispensable in some cases, therefore possible in all — entire knowledge of languages, in some instances, through inspiration — Scripture testimony to Verbal inspiration — the testimony of the Fathers — and of later Divines — objections answered from inelegance of style — from discrepancies in accounts of the same transaction — from various readings — advan- tages arising from the Verbal theory — important points of faith often involved in single words — some misconstructions of the doctrine guarded against — Conclusion 53 XII CONTENTS. LECTURE IV Jets \in. 30,31. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest ? And he said, How can I, except some man should have been in common use in the University. They are remarkable for perspicuity and elegance, and retained their place in the University system of education longer perhaps than any similar treatises — written, as they are, on subjects which, from their nature, admit of progressive improvement. His sound and cautious understanding, seconded by un- remitting diligence, by remarkable punctuality, and rigid adherence to order in all his arrangements, particularly qualified him for the able discharge of the practical duties of life. Being seconded also by a firm and equable temper, and by never-failing courtesy of man- ners, it qualified him in the same high degree for govern- ment : — his authority being always uniformly and tem- XXX PREFACE. perately exercised, so that there was no need of abrupt transitions from excessive indulgence to severity. His judgment was most excellent, both as to matters of speculation, and practical measures in the common business of life. To the same correct judgment we must refer the exact propriety of his demeanour towards superiors, equals, and dependants, and the regard which he paid to outward decorum; even in matters compara- tively trifling and minute, such as dress, equipage, and style of living, he always observed a propriety suitable to his station, equally removed from mean parsimony and extravagant display. We must add to the above, moral qualities of the highest order and value., — purity of conversation and con- duct, integrity, benevolence, humility. Never was he known, in his freest moments, to make the least un- becoming allusion, or do otherwise than discountenance the like in others ; still less, if possible, was he ever known to violate moral purity in his conduct. To mention his integrity would scarcely be necessary, were it not that it was in him of so strict a character. While he was firm in maintaining his own rights, he was equitable and liberal in respecting those of others. In transacting business with him, there was no need to guard against trickery, subterfuges, or evasive interpretations. In the exercise of authority, he paid great deference to established rules and precedents. Hence all who were subject to him lived in perfect security, not afraid of any fanciful and arbitrary innovations. They knew what they PREFACE. XXXi had to rely upon, and were fully assured that they had no wrong to apprehend under so mild and equitable a ruler. Benevolence, in a very high degree, was another of his qualities. His natural disposition was exceedingly affectionate. He was strongly attached to his near relatives, to numerous friends, and to his native county. No caprice or groundless suspicion ever interfered to disturb his friendships : those which he had once formed, were con- tinued, with scarcely any exception, till they were termi- nated by death. As he was not of a sanguine tempera- ment, or a lively imagination, this quality of benevolence, in the high degree in which he possessed it, was probably little perceived by those who had only an ordinary acquaintance with him. But his intimate friends will not hesitate to bear testimony that he had great kindness of heart, which was not restrained, but withdrawn from com- mon notice, by his calm and cautious reserve of manner. — His charitable donations were to a very large amount. His whole desire seemed to be, to be doing good. Durino- the last months of his life, when he was in very indiffer- ent health, his thoughts were constantly occupied in devis- ing acts of kindness to his friends, or plans for the public improvement. In the interchange of friendly services, he was almost too scrupulous in his anxiety that the balance should not remain in his own favour; and the instances were very few, if any, in which he did not so manage matters as to place it on the other side. When any little service was rendered to him, he was apt to magnify it, and keep it in mind as what it would be a dereliction of duty XXXii PREFACE. if he failed to repay. If his discernment as to the charac- ter of individuals ever erred, it was owing to his being always inclined, through the kindness of his affections, to form too favourable an estimate. — To all who had inter- course with him, his attention was respectful and un- remitting, yet far removed from insincere professions or adulation. It must have been a rare excellence of natural disposition, aided by a long course of self-discipline, which gave him such serenity of temper, and such invariable readiness in consulting the comfort and paying respect to the feelings of others. Seldom was he heard to utter an angry expression, or give a rebuke to any person whatever ; and yet few have ever lived whose authority was so readily obeyed. He was of a most humble, unpretending spirit. Pros- perity never elated him beyond measure, nor did increase of power cause any alteration in his temper or manner. He had a happy facility in repressing undue familiarity, not by morose severity, but by his calmness, self-possession, and the real dignity of his character. In conversation, he carefully abstained from censorious and disparaging remarks ; nor did he ever seem desirous to mortify and depress others, with the view of making them sensible of his own superiority. If he ever expressed an unfavourable opinion of an individual, it was of him as acting in some public capacity, and then with such modera- tion and good temper, as to make it manifest that his dis- approbation was not embittered by personal ill-will. As he took a very decided part in religion and politics, and especially in the affairs of the University to which he PREFACE. XXX111 belonged, it would be too much to expect that he had no enemies. Let us hope that their hostility, if any existed, has been buried along with him. Of this they may be assured, that there was no return of it on his part, with any mixture of malice and resentment. He gave many proofs of a forgiving disposition. If, in the course of his long life, and the multiplicity of affairs in which he was engaged, he ever did injury to any, let them be willing to believe that it was owing to some inadvertence, (how- ever rare in him,) or to a mistaken sense of duty ; and consider also how difficult it is, amidst many conflicting claims and interests, for the most accurate judgment to discern invariably the exact line of rectitude, and pursue it without deviation, never warped by any partial affection. When we see such an example of excellence, we are naturally led to inquire into the peculiar causes of it, with a due and grateful acknowledgment of the primary Source of all good. Undoubtedly his natural disposition was very favourable; he had been also carefully brought up by honest Christian parents and teachers ; and, above all, as his firm foundation and constant guide, he had a stedfast belief in the truth of the Holy Scriptures. Though he never introduced the subject of religion into common conversation, yet those who were intimate with him could not fail to discover, from undersigned indications and casual remarks, that his religious faith was truly sincere and unwavering. Hence, relying upon the Bible, as the sole ground of his hopes, and as the guide of his life, he seemed to live under an habitual consciousness of obli- gation, and to be impressed with a practical conviction d XXXIV PREFACE. of being accountable ; and his constant study and desire seemed to be, to do his duty towards God and man. He was firmly attached to the Established Church of England, highly approving of its scriptural doctrines, decent ceremonial, and moderate discipline, both as dis- tinguished from bigotry, and from enthusiasm, laxity, and indifference. With all his moderation and forbearance, he was entirely free from that spurious and worthless candour which leads men to speak with equal favour of all individuals, sects, and parties. He was punctual in attending the outward services of religion, both of pub- lic and private worship. During his last illness, which continued with greater or less severity through half a year, he never uttered the least expression of impatience : his fortitude and cheerfulness remained unshaken, and his faculties almost unimpaired to the end of his life. He frequently intimated his entire resignation to the Divine will. In reviewing the labours of his exemplary life, the in- calculable services which he rendered to his own college in particular, cannot pass unnoticed. Having devoted to it the chief part of his care for sixty yeurs, and made the most strenuous exertions, by his instruction, example, and authority, to promote its welfare, he gave further proof of his attachment by munificent liberality, partly bestowed in his life-time, and partly (in the final disposition of his property) providing for its permanent benefit. It was impossible for the members of it to regard him, while he lived, otherwise than with the most grateful affection and reverence ; and these are the feelings with which his memory will long be cherished by them. And certainly, PREFACE. XXXV while they, in common with all his friends, lament their own loss in his departure, they have, with regard to him- self, strong grounds of comfort. His earthly course was not terminated till he had arrived at an age beyond which our strength is but labour and sorrow ; and they may entertain the consoling hope that the blessings which he experienced here, with much thankfulness to the merciful Author of them, were but a foretaste of eternal and more ample manifestations of the Divine goodness, in the state to which he has been transferred. If any think that the account above given of this great and good man is extravagant in commendation, let not a strained interpretation be given to it, as if it were meant to represent him as immaculate, or the highest human virtue as being otherwise than imperfect. But, with every proper admission, it will still remain true that, though Dr. Wood was held in very great esteem; and though numerous friends were strongly attached to him, yet, from the reserve and simplicity of his manners, he could not be adequately appreciated, except by those who were very intimately acquainted with him. It was also necessary to know him long ; because a remarkable characteristic of his excellence was the continued uniformity of it. Indeed, the apprehension that an accurate description of him must appear partial and overcharged to people in general, has caused a doubt whether any attempt to describe him ought to be made ; especially remembering how adverse he himself was to ostentation, and how little his virtuous actions were prompted by the mere love of fame. Never- theless, on the whole, it seems right that a just tribute XXXVI PREFACE. to the memory of the deceased should not be withheld, from a fear that some may be slow in giving credit to it ; and therefore this representation, made with a sincere desire of adhering to the truth, is offered as an imperfect memorial of him, in the hope that it may afford some satisfaction to his friends, and perhaps be serviceable in recalling to their thoughts his bright example of piety and virtue. LECTURE I. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. THE ARGUMENT. FOUNDATIONS NOW THE SUBJECT OF CONTROVERSY— DIFFICULTIES OF DEFENCE INCREASED BY THE IGNORANCE AND SELF-CONFIDENCE OF THE ADVERSARY— LIKEWISE BY THE CHURCH'S LONG PEACE, AND RELIANCE ON HER CAUSE— IN ADDITION, DEFECTIVE CLERICAL EDUCA- TION, HASTY DEMAND FOR NEW LABOURERS, AND THE DISTRACTIONS OF ALL-ABSORBING PRACTICAL DUTIES— ATTEMPTS ON THE PART OF THE CHURCH TO SYMBOLIZE WITH DISSENTERS IN THESE DUTIES- FAILURE, AND WIDER DIVISIONS IN CONSEQUENCE— EQUALLY ASSAULTED BY ROMANISTS AND DISSENTERS— CONSOLATIONS IN THE PRESENT POSI- TION OF CONTROVERSY— MORE DECISIVE RESULTS MAY BE EXPECTED FROM DISCUSSING GREAT QUESTIONS— THE TRUTH HAS NOTHING TO FEAR ULTIMATELY— GREAT MISTAKE OF SUPPOSING THAT INDEFINITE TRUTHS ARE THEREFORE INDIFFERENT— PROPOSAL, IN THESE LECTURES, TO PROPOUND THE TRUTH WITH REGARD TO SOME LEADING POINTS, BY SEEKING OUT THE ELEMENTARY IDEA— THESE LEADING POINTS STATED— GOOD RESULTS TO BE HOPED FOR FROM PURSUING THIS LINE OF ARGUMENT. LECTURE X. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. Galatians, i. 8, 9. Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As ice said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel tmto you than that ye hare received, let him be accursed. These are days for " stirring foundations." Men are not contented, now, with hewing off branches from the Tree of Life ; they lay the axe to its root. It cannot be denied, that there is a simplicity and a boldness in this proceeding, which are always in favour of the assailant. In former days, there were certain given principles, some common concessions, at least tacitly agreed upon by the combatants, which one party did not hold himself justified in assailing, nor the other deem it necessary to defend. This was holy ground ; and both sides took their shoes from off their feet, when they ventured near its precincts. But this inclosure, hitherto so sacred, has, in later times, been broken in upon, and defiled. The discovery having once been made, that it is 4 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. possible to deny in one hour what it would take a whole century to prove, — an instrument so effectual has never since been neglected ; nor have the effects of it been unimportant in securing some apparent and temporary advantages to the enemies of Re- velation. The presumptions hereby become, from the very first, in their favour. The doubter seems to occupy higher ground than his antagonist till his doubts are removed : while the truth may be all along against him, and his very ignorance may be the sole ground Of his triumph. Meantime the difficulties of the friend of Revelation are increased by this ignorance or obstinacy Gf his adversary. The more the one denies, the more the other has to prove ; till the struggle comes at last to be one rather to try the skill of the champion than to determine the merits of the contest. How easy is it for any individual to gather together all the objections, while how difficult it is for any indivi- dual to compass all the answers ! Besides, the advocate of the truth is never taken at so great a disadvantage as when that is unex- pectedly denied of which he has the firmest convic- tions. His implicit faith in his cause leads to his very betrayal of it. There are certain conclusions sometimes so strongly impressed upon the mind — the evidence for them seems so plain and undeni- able — that we deem it no longer necessary to retain 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 5 in our recollection the processes by which we have arrived at them ; they assume rather the form of axioms than deductions ; they are taken for granted by us, in all our reasonings, as undeniable verities, which, having been once established, as we hold, on arguments universally satisfactory, it would be superfluous in us to demonstrate, and useless for our adversary to deny. When, therefore, these truths are denied — and of this we have now no lack of experience — we are surprised into the discovery that the arguments on which they rest, clear and obvious as they once were, have now escaped us. The proposition, indeed, remains, but the demon- stration has vanished : and at least a momentary triumph is afforded to error, by a too confiding reliance on the goodness of his cause on the part of the advocate of the truth. What is thus true of individuals, is true, also, of general churches ; and from no cause more than this, has the Church of England " suffered loss" during its later contests with its combined (however personally irreconcileable) foes, of superstition and bigotry on the one hand, and laxity and scepticism on the other. She had possessed so long and so peaceably her vast mass of inherited truths, that she had forgotten the necessity of being able to shew her title to them. This might be perhaps the very best position for a triumphant Church — 6 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. the most favourable to personal piety, and internal peace. The tree of the gospel never throws out its branches in such spreading and fruitful luxuriance, as when, healthy within, it is checked by no blights and storms from without. But this is not the natural, nor perhaps, in the long run, the most beneficial condition of the Church of Christ. It is through much tribulation that communities as well as individuals must enter into the kingdom of heaven. Even in the apostolic age, whole churches tottered in their fidelity, and some " left their first love;" and all required "rebuke and chastening," that they might learn to "be zealous and repent." 1 But when we, like the church in Sardis, were called upon to " be watchful, and to strengthen the things which remain, that were ready to die," we had not, like them, an Apostolic monitor to warn us of the way, as to whether we had turned to the right hand or to the left. Hence for assaults, whe- ther from the right hand or from the left they came, we were equally and almost fatally unprepared. Our spiritual ancestors had done our work so well for us, that we fancied we had nothing left to do for ourselves. We were reposing on their fields of victory, instead of training ourselves, after their example, for a renewal of the contest ; when, there- fore, the struggle came, " was there a shield or spear 1 See Revelation, Chap. ii. v. I.; Chap. iii. v. 2. 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 7 seen among forty thousand in Israel ?" 2 The Dissen- ter found an argument in our laxity, the Romanist in our ignorance. A race of divines had sprung up, for more reasons than one, (and those abundantly suffi- cient to remove from them the charge of any special culpability), but little prepared for the emergency in which they found themselves, perhaps somewhat unexpectedly, involved. Our schools of divinity — (it will not now be denied) — however pure in their fountains, had become corrupted in the stream. Our Professors' chairs, indeed, continued to be occupied (as they have, with few exceptions, all along been occupied) with men of profound and accurate erudi- tion, and unwearied industry ; but they were but as leaven hid in three measures of meal ; and neither the distracting, however important, secular studies of the pupil, nor the urgent circumstances of the time, permitted their disciples to tarry till the whole was leavened. They were thus like the apostolic fishermen while still on the lake of Galilee, well, indeed, and usefully employed, even with a view to their ultimate destination, yet not in a course of direct training to become fishers of men. But they differed from them in this, that they were sent forth to preach the word from city to city, before they had companied with their master as the Apostle's did, if not in his bodily presence, at least in study- 2 Judges, v. 8. 8 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. ing his word, and weighing and digesting the full purport of his mission. 3 There was a reason for this " taking," as it were, " the kingdom of heaven by force," 4 which, however it may be lamented, cannot justly be gainsaid. The fields were already white to harvest while the labourers were few. What seemed most wanting was rather strong and willing hands to gather in the fruits, than skilful and prudent heads to cultivate the ground, and sow the seed. Numbers who were 3 It has long been lamented that the Church of England has no fixed school of Divinity ; and to this we may safely attribute the unscientific treatment of Doctrinal points of Theology, which is too often observable, even by men of the greatest ability, and the most strict, yet irregular, training. Her best divines are, at the present day, necessarily, in a great measure, self-taught men : and how many, left to such an instructor, unavoidably go wrong ! Some take up popular and ready eloquence as an easy substitute for sound knowledge. Some follow the track of a great name, instead of the decisions of the Church at large ; and some venture to strike out a path for themselves, and fancy they are original while they are simply ignorant. Our theological professors, in both our Universities, are beginning to do more towards giving full efficacy to the ends of their respective foundations, than pre- vious circumstances enabled them to do ; and it is to be hoped the day is not far distant, when sound knowledge shall be as easily attainable on questions of divinity, as it is already in all the other learned professions. Much of the want of discipline in the ranks of the Church lias sprung from the irregular education of her officers. 1 Matthew, \i. 12. 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 9 nominally of our own flock, and who had no wish to stray from the fold of our Church, were standing without our enclosures simply because they were too narrow to contain them, or because our shep- herds were too few even to extend to all a simple invitation to enter. What, therefore, was in the first instance required, was to lengthen the cords and strengthen the stakes, and to proclaim to all, in broad and general terms, the rich pastures to be found within. Our population had rapidly, and almost hopelessly outgrown our means of religious instruction; and utter ignorance, not only on doctrinal questions, but even on first principles of faith and morality, had been advancing step by step along with it. Hence, therefore, the emergency of the occasion perhaps almost justified the clergy in postponing the nicer distinctions of creed and formulary ; and in rushing boldly, without rejecting any casual auxiliaries who might be willing to join them in the work, y.pon the masses of glaring ignorance and open depravity, with which the whole moral surface of the country was overrun. They had to preach, like John the Baptist — " the kingdom of heaven is at hand," before they could obtain an audience willing to hear, or capable of understanding the mysteries of it. ' And if, in the discharge of this preliminary mission, they were too ready to say, 10 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. " would God that all the Lord's people were pro- phets" 5 — if they somewhat misapplied the text — " he that is not against us is on our part" 6 — if they were too prone to symbolize with men of ambiguous doctrines and hostile creeds in their assaults upon an evil which was alike obnoxious, and common to all, — their plea was that the pressing urgency of the occasion swallowed up minor points of difference, and that when all the kings of the nations are combined against Israel, Israel may take Gibeon into alliance with them, and be blameless. Thus they proceeded, in simplicity and godly sincerity, to preach, on the broadest basis, the more obvious and practical truths of the Gospel ; in hope that the wider the foundation, the firmer as well as loftier might be the Temple which it was their office to raise to the living God. But the excellency of a foundation, as well as the beauty of a superstruc- ture, consists essentially in its being " fitly framed together ;" and a fatal variety of handiwork soon appeared, in the gold and silver, mixed with wood, hay and stubble, of which the Temple, thus erected, was necessarily composed. No number of points of agreement can remove an original difference, how- ever small ; nor can any terms as to silence con- cerning questions which rather pervade others than have a separate existence, be over kept. The only « Numbers, ii. 2',). ,; Mark. i\. 40. 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 11 effect of a peace secured on such conditions, is to disqualify the party sincerely observing them, for war. And this appeared in the result. The essential distinctions which existed between the Anglican Church and those who differed from her, were still not only in existence, but in active operation, not- withstanding the cloak which a conventional charity had spread out to hide them ; and while she was labouring for peace they were but seizing the occa- sion to make themselves ready for battle. It might have been honied, that that battle was one in which, from the relation of the combatants to each other, she had all to gain, and little to lose. It might reasonably have been expected, that the Dissenter would have exposed the arrogant pretensions and un-catholic exclusiveness of the Romanist, while the Romanist would have demonstrated the utter want of all system, and discipline, and order in the Dissenter ; and so the conclusion would have been, a mutual accordance in the primitive discipline, scriptural doctrine, and practical charity, of the Church of England. But no ! — the result was alto- gether contrary to this most reasonable expectation ; and they seem at once to have merged their own irreconcileable differences in their mutual hostility towards a common friend. They say to the Church, as the Egyptian did to Moses, " Who made thee a 12 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. ruler and a judge?" — and the peacemaker among the brethren is treated as one that stirreth up strife ! In this position stands the Church of England at the present time. And it cannot be denied, that it is one of infinite disadvantage. One enemy has gained strength by her contempt, the other by her indulgence. She had supposed that the Church of Rome was so beaten down and utterly demolished, in former contests, as never to rise again. That having been once dragged into the light, while darkness was her natural element, she would open her eyes no more in the sunshine of modern intelli- gence and intellectual advancement. But Dagon has been set once more on his feet, and he standeth ; and the Church is driven hastily to search for the instruments by which he was prostrated before. Happily they are still preserved in the armouries of our reforming Fathers ; and we have still among us some who have never neglected to practise the use of them, and who are prepared to apply them with the skill of their original owners to the some- what altered circumstances of the present time. These will doubtless maintain the ground which they occupy, and the character for learning and intrepidity which has always hitherto attached to their Church, till the rising generation, nursed in their principles and animated by their example, come forward in well-organized and irresistible array 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 13' to sweep this modification of error effectually and finally from the field. With respect to the Dissenters, the grounds of our present disadvantages are altogether different, though our relative position with regard to them is nearly the same. There is so much in common between them and ourselves, and especially in those points which necessarily bring men of differing opinions most into connection with each other — such as an open and earnest appeal to the judgment and conviction of the people at large — a mutual zeal for the general diffusion of knowledge, as an instrument which, rightly used, cannot but conduce to the propagation of those religious principles, the evidence and excellencies of which are based on knowledge — and a common hostility to an ecclesi- astical tyranny, which made mental darkness its strong-hold, and sought to rule by superstition, formality and fear, rather than intelligence, light and love — these were points of so strong mutual agreement, between the Church and those who dissent from her communion, as led them for a time to forget their essential differences in the pursuit of a common and paramount good. 7 Still the day was 7 These, it is painful to have to remind the reader, are the excellencies of dissent considered in a strictly religious point of view, and totally disjoined from any political considerations, which, in the early and best days of dissent were disclaimed, by 14 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LeGT. approaching, and every step in their harmonious progress brought them necessarily nearer to it, when the tacit conditions on which they had hitherto acted in concert must be explained. A period must arrive, in the cycle of all sciences and systems, when a rehearsal of first and fundamental principles must be resorted to, or all science and system will speedily disappear. That period has already arrived in the career which we have hitherto run, on so many points in union with those, who differ from us in so many others : we can no longer say to them, as Abram did to Lot, " Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen ; for we be brethren." 8 Nor do they, indeed, all stand in the same near and every section of non-conformists, as beneath a really pious man's consideration ; and her necessary connexion with the political position of the country being one of their strongest, most reiterated, and most plausible objections against the Church of England. Now, all this is totally changed : to be a dissenter and a political parti zan are now almost synonymous terms : and some degree of stigma will soon, I fear, attach itself to the very designation of dissenter, should any more of their leading characters follow the melancholy example which a once leading name amongst them has lately afforded to the astonished world, of the advocacy of the cause of laxity in religious doctrine and religious education, by one whose only distinction from his Christian brethren was the profession of extraordinary rigour as to religious opinions. 8 Con, xiii. 8. 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 15 recognised relationship towards us as Lot did to Abra- ham — they are of various and discordant creeds — " Gebal and Amnion and Amalek ; the Philistines, with them that dwell at Tyre ; Assur also is joined with them ; and have holpen the children of Lot." 9 Discordant, however, as they may be among them- selves, they all agree in this : to deny to us 10 those spiritual privileges, and that ecclesiastical authority, both in doctrine and discipline, of which the Roman- ist, though for very different reasons, would seek equally to deprive us. Hence, therefore, as I began with asserting, the contest is about foundations. And well, perhaps, it may ultimately be found to be for the Church, 9 Psal. lxxxiii. 7, 8. 10 This will not be assented to, by some classes of dissenters, who will maintain that they do not hesitate to allow to the Church of England this authority over her own people. But to limit the Church thus, is to deny her Catholicity. Such rules of the Church as we hold to be essential, we hold also to be universally applicable, and to be binding alike upon the whole visible Church of Christ ; and if it could be shewn that the Church of England maintains as vital, doctrines which are not so applicable, she would be bound, on her own professed principles, to retract them. Catho- licity is her profession ; and for any sect of Christians to make for their body rules by which they are necessarily withdrawn from her community, is to limit her power, and deny her truth, however it may appear, at first sight, to leave her at full liberty to enjoy and disseminate her religious opinions. If she is not Catholic, she is nothing. 16 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LiECT. however startling and momentous may be the immediate crisis, that the questions now in agita- tion are of such a nature, that no man of a deeply religious spirit, whatever may be his opinions, can be indifferent as to the issue. Minor points of controversy men of pious minds may be content to waive, the loss in christian charity being greater than the possible gain in the establishment of truth ; and truth itself becomes undervalued, when the points in question are of so trivial a character that the disputant, when defeated, can always fall safely back upon the main question ; or when the discus- sion has been so long protracted, that the world has had time to discover, by experience, of how little practical importance is the decision of the controversy. But when the question is one of fundamentals, the case is different. Here all men feel the importance of the result ; and none can have so much reason to rejoice in such a decisive, however critical, conjuncture of affairs, as those who believe sincerely, that the truth is with them. For though the saying, that " Truth is great and will prevail," is, unfortunately, not a text of scripture, but is, in too many instances, contradicted both by the divine Word, and by human experience ; yet, with respect to the Church of Christ, " we have the more sure word of prophecy," 11 that " the gates of i» 2 Peter, 1. 10. 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 17 bell shall not prevail against it. 12 Though, therefore, the victory ma} 7 be long doubtful, it will not at last be given to error ; whether it shall be assigned to any particular generation of the church, will depend upon the use which that generation makes of the opportunities and graces assigned to it ; — it being the peculiar attribute of the Almighty, to make the final accomplishment of his own purposes con- sistent with the administration of equitable and moral justice, both to individuals and communities. 13 We see nothing in the aspect of things around us 12 Matthew xvi. 18. 13 It is melancholy to reflect of how little value are the lessons of experience, to churches and nations as well as to individuals. It may he well that the experiment of joining hand in hand with an opponent even by advancing over dangerous ground to meet him, should have been once more tried ; for it proves at least the mo- deration of the Church, and her anxiety for that greatest of all earthly as well as spiritual blessings, religious peace. But we have no scriptural authority for, or example of winning men over to the gospel by conceding one iota of the truth; and when the system was tried before, in the Church of England, though conducted with infinitely more skill and judgment than the ill- considered and irregular compromises of the present day, the failure of the pious attempt was even more conspicuous than it is now. Jeremy Taylor, in his invaluable tract on " the Liberty of Prophesying," has approached in his concessions the extreme verge of liberality ; though he has perhaps taken up no positions which are absolutely untenable, yet, to be maintained, they must constantly be considered as the very slenderest ties which can, in the view of the author, hold a visible church together. A small portion of the admirable abstract of Bishop Heber will give the B 18 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. to make us for a moment doubtful as to the final issue of the great struggle between truth and error ; while if we see reason to fear that the vic- tory may not come in our day, we perceive, at the same time, that the blame, and therefore the punishment, may justly belong to ourselves. The course of the external wave is often in one direc- tion, while the main tide is stealing silently on reader a clear insight into the bearing of his general argument. " In pursuit of this great scheme of general union, he begins by proving that " the duty of faith is completed in believing the articles of the apostles' creed," the composition of which, (with the exception of the article of Christ's descent into hell,) he ascribes to the apostles themselves, or to apostolical men in the first ages of Christianity, and which, as it contains nothing superfluous or which does not relate to those truths " which directly constitute the parts and work of our redemption," so must it have been necessarily esteemed sufficiently minute by its composers, and by that primi- tive church which adopted it as "the characteristic note of a chris- tian from a heretic, or a Jew or an infidel." He admits, indeed, that it is neither unlawful nor unsafe for any of the rulers of the church, or any other competent judge, to extend his own creed to any further propositions which he may deduce from any of the articles of the apostles' creed. But he denies that any such deduc- tion or exposition (unless it be such a thing as is at first evident to all), is fit to be pressed on others as an article of faith, or can " bind a person of a differing persuasion to subscribe under pain of losing his faith or being a heretic." " For," he urges, " it is a demonstration that nothing can be necessary to be believed undei pain of damnation, but such propositions <>l which it is certain that God hath spoken and taught them to us, and of which it is certain that this is their sense and purpose. For, if the sense he uncertain, 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. If) against it ; and the gracious influences of the Gos- pel, in the midst of every discouragement, are, as we believe, gradually, but surely, ameliorating the opinions and hearts of men, preparatory to a wider extension and more open establishment of the visible kingdom of Christ. The very circumstance that the contest is now about essentials, is not of itself a disheartening consideration ; for it is only thus that any general agreement on fundamental questions can ever be effected ; and it ought rather to be a stimulus to the advocates of the truth to seize upon and improve an opportunity of accom- plishing great and permanent good, which, if now neglected, may not soon be again vouchsafed. we can no more be obliged to believe it in a certain sense, than we are to believe it at all, if it were not certain that God delivered it. But, if it be only certain that God spake it, and not certain to what sense, our faith of it is to be as indeterminate as its sense, and it can be no other in the nature of the thing, nor is it consonant to God's justice to believe of him that he can or will require more." And he concludes the section with a quotation from Tertullian, that, if the integrity and unity of this rule of faith be preserved, " in all other things men may take a liberty of enlarging their knowledges and prophesyings, according as they are assisted by the grace of God." Taylor's work, conceived and acted upon in this comprehensive spirit, might have been expected to answer the holy end proposed in it. Yet it is well known that it neither obtained toleration to his own church, then in persecution, nor did the principles which it advocates secure peace for her, either within or without, when she once more regained the ascendancy . 20 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. To such advocates of the truth, and who are as well prepared as they may be disposed for the con- troversy, we must be content to leave the discharge of a duty, which it is so much easier a task to recommend than to execute ; confining ourselves to an undertaking, which our office seems especially to indicate — that of tracing, among contrariety of opinions, a simple outline of the truth. This is at least the most profitable and peaceful, if not the most convincing method, of conducting any argu- ment on religious questions. It is best, for our- selves, to recount the broad and substantial articles which we do believe, in order to ascertain the pre- cise limits where debateable points of faith begin. And it is best for those who differ from us, that such views as we hold to be essential, should be distinctly and unequivocally announced, in order that they may neither be induced to join us on mistaken con- ditions, nor continue to differ from us on points concerning which no substantial difference actually exists. This openness of dealing has, in fact, been always the characteristic of our Church. In her creeds, articles, and liturgies, she has expressed the substance of her faith with a clearness which it is impossible to mistake. And well would it be for many of her opponents if, in this, they would follow her example; and instead of making the very essence of their belief to consist almost entirely in 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 21 dissent from her doctrine, 14 would so specifically state the points of their difference or agreement with us, as to afford an opportunity, at least, of bringing such questions to a decisive, if not satisfactory issue. That such a consummation is desirable, no man of any religious creed can doubt. When scripture speaks of the general character which ought to attach to the visible Church of Christ, there is no virtue more strongly enforced than that of unity, nor any sin more severely condemned than that of schism. 15 Our Saviour's last emphatic prayer for the members of his collective Church was, that they 14 It seems to be a great disadvantage to the Dissenters them- selves that they should have constantly to exert the best energies of their minds rather in opposing the Church than establishing the truth. Surely a life-time should not be exhausted in proving a negative — no man can hope to be saved upon a non credo. Let those among our opponents who are sincerely anxious for truth, never state their objections to our creed without explicitly pro- pounding their own. Who now hears any thing of the Racovian Catechism from the Socinian controversialist ? He wishes it to be thought that every man among them is his own interpreter of scripture, — than which it would probably be not easy to find a worse. This is uniting the worst evils of Popery and Latitudina- rianism ; it is " every man his own Pope," and that Pope without Rule or Council ! It is of infinitely more value to every individual to ascertain truth than to confute error ; the one concerns others, the other affects ourselves. 15 1 Cor. i. 10. 1 Cor. xi. 18. 1 Cor. xii. 25. 22 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. all might be one, even as He ami his Father were one. lG Now though doubtless the spirit of this unity is perfectly consistent with much variety of opinion on questions which minister little to godly edification ; yet it cannot be denied that it is the duty of every individual Christian to advance towards the fulfilment of it to the letter ; and not to deviate, except upon strong and well-considered evidence, even from the minuter rules and ordinances of the Catholic Church of Christ. It is indeed a very great, even though it be a very common error, to suppose, that because a doctrine is indefinite, it is therefore indifferent. Such a notion strikes at the root of some of the most essential truths of scrip- ture; which, momentous as they are, are often con- veyed to us rather by implication, and through the processes of sound induction, than in the lan- guage of direct revelation. And indeed, all truth, whether natural or revealed, which goes beyond mere matters of fact, and partakes of the nature of the abstract, the conditional, or the infinite, must, at the same time, partake of that indefinite charac- ter which belongs at once to its own nature, and the varying and limited faculties of man. But it does not on that account become indifferent ; nor does the right, however feeble, apprehension of it, be- come less essential to our salvation. The text 10 See John, xvii. 1 1. at/Jin. 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 23 pronounces, in strong and reiterated terms of memorable condemnation, the sentence of those who preach any other gospel than that which Paul preached. Yet, though nothing can be clearer than the punishment, nothing can be more indefinite than the offence. And the object of this appears to have been, to shew that no wilful deviation from the strict truth would be pardoned — that our obedience to the revealed will of God admits not of limitation or degree — and that in the minutest parts of the Gospel there is the truth, con- cerning which it at least behoves " every man to be fully persuaded in his own mind." 17 With these views, then, with regard to the pre- sent aspect of religious affairs ; and with the humble hope of doing no dis-service to the cause of truth by adopting such a course of argument, — we propose to take a cursory (for it can only be a cursory) view of some of the main questions on which the integrity and even existence of the Catholic Church may be said to hinge, and in which all minor debates and controversies will be found ultimately to merge. Our attention, then, shall in the first instance, be directed to the foundation of all revealed truth — the inspiration and authority of scripture. Upon this will naturally follow an enquiry into the neces- sity and validity of Creeds. Then, as a modification 17 Romans, xiv. 5. 24 A GENERAL VIEW OF THE [LECT. and extension of the same principle, we are led to the consideration of Articles of Religion. This brings us directly to the subject of Rituals and Li- turgies; and our inquiry would not be complete, without some explication of the sin of Schism ; and the authority which the Catholic Church ought to possess, to guard itself from external injury, and to propagate its doctrines by education or other public instruction. All these are vital questions ; they are all the subject of much doubt and earnest debate; and concerning each there is the truth, to which we may doubtless be permitted to approximate, by the help of sincere and sober investigation. The learn- ing and research with which each of these subjects has been discussed, must be left to be sought in those voluminous and standard works where they are readily to be found. It is with results rather than processes that we are at present compelled to deal ; and if from some patient and unbiassed thought on topics concerning which absolute cer- tainty is not attainable, we can in some measure simplify these complex questions, and at least ascer- tain the strong and weak points of each of them, such a summary view as we now propose will neither be deficient in interest nor in practical utility. May, then, the blessing of God rest upon these our labours ! May I be enabled to speak in such lan- guage as best becomes the momentous import of 1.] PRESENT POSITION OF THE CHURCH. 25 these questions — and the weakness of him who thus ventures to approach them ; and may you be dispos- ed to hear in such a spirit, as, while it may most profit by these inquiries, will be the readiest to pardon such deficiences as spring rather from the feebleness of the advocate, than the want of import- ance in his subject, or of truth in his conclusions. END OF LECTURE I. LECTURE II AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE. THE ARGUMENT. DIFFERENCE AS TO CLAIMS TO AUTHORITY AND INSPIRATION BETWEEN THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS— THE OLD TESTAMENT LITERALLY A LAW, BOTH AS TO INSTRUMENT, WRITTEN LAWS, AND ADMINISTRATORS OF IT -THE NEW, IN EACH OF THESE RESPECTS, LESS DEFINITELY SO— THE OLD LAYING MORE POSITIVE AND EXPRESS CLAIMS TO DIRECT INSPIRATION THAN THE NEW— NO INFERIORITY IN THE NEW ON THESE ACCOUNTS PROVED, FIRST, BECAUSE THESE DIFFERENCES ARE THOSE OF OMISSION— THOSE PRINCIPLES IN THE OLD WHICH ARE CONTINUED IN THE NEW, ARE NOT EXPRESSED BECAUSE IMPLIED— SECONDLY, BE- CAUSE EVEN CHANGES MAY BE ENFORCED BY TYPE AS STRONGLY AS BY DIRECT PRECEPT— THIS ILLUSTRATED BY THE CHANGE OF THE SAB- BATH DAY, AND ALSO BY THE CONTINUANCE OF THE PRIESTHOOD, AND THE LEGAL POWER OF THE GOSPEL, UNDER FORMS ADAPTED TO THE NEW CONDITION OF THINGS-SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENT. LECTURE II. AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE. Hebrews, viii. 4, 5. There are priests that offer gifts according to the law : who serve unto the example and shadoiv of heavenly things ; as Moses ivas admonished of God when he tvas about to make the tabernacle ; for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount. In turning to the consideration of the Authority and Inspiration of the Scriptures, it is important to observe, that there are sundry points of great apparent difference, in these respects, between the Old and New Testaments ; which, though not generally dwelt upon, seem material to a distinct understanding of the question, and are too obvious to escape the notice of even the most hasty enquirer. The terms Old and New Law — Old and New Testament, or Covenant, so often used in connexion, suggest a correspondence between them, in form and character, as well as object, of which few traces are discoverable on examination. The Old Tes- tament certainly supplies us with a Law, according to the strict meaning of the term. An instrument 30 AUTHORITY OF [LECT. is there selected by the Almighty, for the purpose of communicating this law to his creatures, who is authorized and accredited for the office by undeni- able credentials. This law deals not in generals, but in particulars the most definite and minute. With respect to moral acts, it lays down specific rules of conduct, which, at least in their direct bearings, are plain and intelligible to all. And with respect to acts ceremonial and civil, it details every thing to be done or avoided with a studied clearness of language, which might indeed be neglected, but could not possibly be misunderstood. Again, all these laws were written laws, (some, in fact, by the finger of God himself, which betokens the weight and importance of even their verbal form,) and all by the hand of the immediate Law- giver, in a book whose integrity was to be most carefully guarded throughout all generations, 18 and with the additional security of the most severe denunciations against those who should hereafter presume to "add thereto, or diminish from it." Nor did its correspondence with laws in general, rest here. Administrators of this law were likewise appointed ; and specified witli as much minuteness, and protected from corruption or change with the same solemn sanctions, as the law itself. The order, and mutual subordination, and several offices i s See Deut. xvii. 18. L9 II.] SCRIPTURE. 31 of the priesthood, were all most distinctly pre- scribed. They had their rules of conduct in the discharge of their administration (and these rules likewise well known to those over whom they pre- sided) from which they could not deviate without the most serious punishments. Here, then, was a law complete in every requisite : an infallible law- giver — a written and unchangeable statute — and a fixed and responsible administration of it. But, as far as this deiiniteness of character extends, we discover little corresponding to it in the new Law of the Gospel. We find, indeed, a Lawgiver, of a much more exalted character, and entrusted with powers far less limited and defined, than was Moses. But the mode of legislation adopted by him differed in almost every respect from his, who was, in several important characteristics, his forerunner and prototype. He propounded no system to his followers at all approaching, in form, to our notions of a legal code. He not only did not write, or any where direct his disciples to write, 19 any systematic account of the rules of his J 9 Of course this assertion will be understood in its literal and broad acceptation, that no writer of the New Testament has in- Conned us that he composed the volume of which he is the author at the express command of his Lord. Nor is any reference made to the book of Revelation — a work sui generis. We can well con- ceive that, in the forty days after the resurrection, during which period our Lord had frequent and familiar intercourse with his 32 AUTHORITY OF [LECT. revelation, or the principles and precepts by which his followers were to be guided, but it is only in the most incidental shape possible, that we are enabled to collect what these principles and pre- cepts were. The first four Books of what we style the New Testament, consist principally of memoirs of his life, with miscellaneous notices of his doctrines, written by men, who nowhere say, like Moses, that they wrote at the express command of their Master, or that their works contain all that it is necessary to know on the subjects which they profess to treat. The book of the Acts is, in like manner, a short record of some leading events in the early history of his Church, and the lives of a few of his disciples, written as it professes, in continuation of a work, which had been undertaken rather to remind him to whom it was addressed of the main facts of which he had previously been informed, than to comprise a full and complete narrative of the early fortunes of the infant Church of Christ. Again, with respect to the Epistles, they would seem to be the most accidental productions in the world. Apostles, and gave them full instructions with regard to every thing relating to the kingdom of God, this duty, of recording its history and doctrines, would not fail to he prescribed. But such prescription is not asserted by them in their works ; it is rather, like many other important truths, taken for granted; it being doubtless concluded, and reasonably so, by the Apostles, that all who held their writ- ings to be inspired, would hold, likewise, that they were written from n divine mofirr. II.] SCRIPTURE. 33 Some addressed to local Churches, and some to individuals ; apparently occasioned by slight, and not a few of them by forgotten occurrences ; mostly confining themselves to the point immediately in hand, and seldom indeed entering formally and systematically on the great and fundamental prin- ciples of the gospel — not arrogating to themselves the character of being all-sufficient teachers and expounders of the faith — making no appeals to posterity — and not distinctly professing to have any object beyond the immediate occasion which called them forth. Neither St. Paul, nor any other writer of the New Testament, gives any precept to his readers that his works shall be accurately copied, or carefully treasured up, as a possession for ever to the Church, and as a future standard of religious faith and practice. And as with the Law, so with the administration of it. We have no family of men set apart, as in the Mosaic dispensation, for the purpose of exclu- sively guarding or expounding this new religious system ; there is as little minuteness in the execu- tion as in the legislation. And though an order of men to whom an analogous and perpetual authority is committed, be carefully instituted, yet their func- tions are apparently as indefinite, as the law of which they are the constituted guardians and inter- preters. 34 AUTHORITY OF [LECT. A difference, similar to this, may be traced between the authority and inspiration severally claimed by the writers under the old and new dis- pensations. Moses never forgets, and never permits his readers for one moment to forget, that he is constantly speaking, acting, and writing under the immediate suggestive influence of the Almighty. " Thus saith the Lord," occurs at every turn. He is not satisfied with generally asserting his divine commission, but, with every separate revelation with which he is intrusted, he minutely records the manner in which it was communicated, and generally the very words in which it was conveyed. This is likewise true of every succeeding prophet. With perhaps the single exception of David, who sometimes mingles together his human and divine inspirations, the prophet distinctly separates his own language from that which he propounds to his hearers as coming from " the mouth of the Lord." He does not stand forth as a man rendered wiser and better than his audience by the general influence of the Spirit, but as one to whom some fact is revealed or office committed concerning which he is but a humble and passive instrument. Apart from his duty, he is an ordinary man. Now here again, we observe a striking difference between the writers of the Old and New Testa- ments. The authors of the Gospels and Acts hardly II.] SCRIPTURE. 35 appear at all in their personal characters ; and, with the exception of St. John, afford no internal clue to their identity. They lay no distinct claim to in- spiration; they give few hints as to whence they derived their knowledge of what they record. And the writers of the Epistles, also, rather take for granted that none of their readers would dispute their divine authority, than attempt, for one moment, to vindicate it to themselves. With the exception of St. Paul, and there are obvious reasons, in his his- tory, why he should be an exception, 20 they all rather imply than assert that they " had the Spirit of God." It is not once declared by them that they write by the command, and under the immediate superin- tendence of the Holy Ghost — or that what they record is all that is necessary for man to know — or that what they write, it is a religious duty of the church to reverence and preserve. Unlike the 20 " St. Paul, of all the Apostles of Christ, met with the greatest opposition and contempt from the false Judaizing apostles, that troubled the Church in his time. The true reason whereof was, that he first of all openly and everywhere proclaimed the utter abolition of the Mosaic law, both as to Jews and Gentiles. But the pretence seems to be this, that he was none of the twelve apostles, called by Christ himself when on earth ; nor afterwards duly elected in the room of any of that number, as Matthias was : but an odd thirteenth apostle, thrusting himself into that office, they knew not how, or by what authority. For the relation of Christ's glorious appearance to him from heaven, and sending him to preach his 36 AUTHORITY OF [LECT. writers of the Old Testament, they seem to trust entirely to their readers' knowledge of their personal character and office, for the reception and reverence which may be given to their writings. It cannot be denied, then, that in these two res- pects, both as to their authoritative and legal form, and their internal claim of being the immediate result of divine inspiration, there is, apparently, a wide difference between the books of the Old, and those of the New Testament. It may be possible to account for this difference without conceding any inferiority in either of these respects, of the New Testament to the Old. In the first place then, it will be perceived, that the differences which we have remarked upon, are chiefly those of omission. The same fulness of detail, accuracy of form, and removal of all ground of mistake, are not observed in the New as in the Old Testament. And the first and most obvious gospel among the gentiles, (which indeed was a higher call than any of the other apostles had,) donhtless they rejected as a mere fiction Against these calumniators he strenuously vindicated his divine mission and authority. He excellently and fully demonstrates, that he was not in any respect inferior to the very chiefest of the aposties, neither in his sufferings, nor in his miracles, nor in his generous charity and unwearied diligence in the discharge of his office, nor in the success of it ; nay, that in the three things last mentioned he exceeded all the other apostles; nor in the point of revelations made known to him." Bull. Sermon 4. Works. II.] SCRIPTURE. 37 reason for this is, that they were not necessary. Christianity is not a new religion, but a more com- plete revelation of one already partially disclosed ; nor is the form which it assumes, or the books in which it is recorded, intended to supersede, but to continue and complete those which had already been long known to the world. Now that distinctness of statement, which is absolutely necessary in the promulgation of any new system, is by no means re- quisite in a scheme which assumes an earlier one as its substantial basis, and general outline. In this latter case, the minuteness required is rather to specify what is not approved and adopted, than to point out what is continued ; as all bequests in a human tes- tament are held good and binding, unless specially revoked in the codicil which may be appended to it. Taking then this view of the Gospel, with reference to the Law of Moses, we are not surprised, but, on the contrary, hold it to be just what we ought to expect, that no allusion should be made to those points in which the analogy between them is not broken ; and maintain that analogy to be even the more binding, because the new law has not thought it necessary to guard against the possibility of ne- glecting it. Thus the writers, the books, and the priesthood of the Gospel, are not fenced about with the same safeguards, and recommended by the same 38 AUTHORITY OF [LeCT. irresistible testimony, as those of the Old Testament; for they were built upon the old as a foundation — were addressed to those who were perfectly familiar with it, and were sure to be at once admitted in all their pretensions, provided the substantial grounds of their claims to credit could not be impugned. The Epistle to the Hebrews shews, at once, how far this analogy between the two covenants might be carried, and how unnecessary the writer held it to pursue the argument through all its branches. But it may reasonably be alleged, that though this argument goes far towards accounting for the omission of all notice of the continuance of such portions of the Old Covenant, as are alike essential to both ; yet it makes little towards the justifica- tion of those silent changes which were adopted, and in matters, too, as we have seen, of very consi- derable moment, in the construction of the New Covenant. To account for this, and to shew that these changes were not only justifiable, but even compulsory ; and so much so, as to supersede any necessity for even alluding to, or recording them, let us consider that the Mosaic Law was the type, as well as the commencement, of the Christian system, and that it prefigured it, not only in what was to be continued, but also in what was to be done away. Now a typo is of the nature of a precept. The II.] SCRIPTURE. 39 Almighty, in the primitive ages of the world, com- manded as often by signs as by words ; and when these signs had their accomplishment, men were as much bound to fulfil the anti-type, to the very letter, as they had previously been to fulfil the out- ward sign, or obey any other distinct command of God. Hence these changes to which we have alluded, were made silently, and without express direction ; because they w T ere necessarily implied in that out- ward form to which they succeeded, and had been already included in the command which established that which went before. To illustrate this by an example. It has always been matter of some sur- prise that a change so great as that of the Sabbath from the last to the first day of the week, should have taken place, without any express command on the subject, or even any distinct record of the trans- action, in the word of God. We find there, indeed, that the change did, and that very early, take place in the Church ; but it is always alluded to, rather as a matter of course, than as being, as in truth it was, a momentous deviation from the precept of the Law. Much more satisfactory reasons can be as- signed for the change itself, than for this profound silence concerning it. But we seem to perceive one in the preceptive character of a type, which will account for the non-necessity of prescribing or re- cording this change, by the utter impossibility of 40 AUTHORITY OF [LECT. avoiding of it. 21 The observance of the Sabbath, as is well known, was imposed on the Jews for a two- fold reason : they were commanded to observe one day in seven, to commemorate the creation of the world — they were commanded to observe a particu- lar day in seven, to commemorate their own deli- verance, on that particular day, from the bondage of Egypt. When Moses rehearses the Law to the people, he adds, after the fourth commandment — " And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy God brought thee out hence, through a mighty hand, and by a stretched out arm : therefore the Lord thy God commanded thee to keep the Sabbath day." 22 As 21 There are, of course, various other good and cogent reasons for this change, which are familiar to every student of divinity. This is here assigned, not as heing the sole, hut as a sufficient reason. 22 Dcut. v. 15. Bishop Horsley, in one of his admirable sermons on the Sabhath, has the following remark : " It has been imagined that a change was made of the original day by Moses — that the Sabbath was transferred by him from the day on which it had been originally kept in the patriarchal ;iges, to that on which the Israelites left Egypt. The conjecture is not unnatural ; but it is, in my judgment, a mere conjecture, of which the sacred history affords neither proof nor confutation." The change of the day by Moses may be doubtful ; but had the Bishop sufficiently weighed the force of the text above quoted, he would not have hesitated to allow, that the reason assigned by him for the observance of the particular day, was to commemorate the Egyptian deliverance. II.] SCRIPTURE. 41 far then as the first reason for observing the Sab- bath, and therefore one da) T in seven, is concerned, it is immutable ; as far as regards the second, which specified the particular day, it was not only mutable, but inasmuch as the reason on which it was found- ed was itself a type of something to follow, it was necessarily to be changed when the anti-type arrived. The deliverance from Egypt fore-shadowed the deliverance of all mankind from more than Egyptian bondage ; and as the commemoration of the former of necessity passed away when the actual deliverance had been completed, so was the day on which it was celebrated as necessarily changed, for that on which the real and effectual transaction took place. If it would have been absurd to continue to offer the Paschal Lamb after the real Lamb of God had been slain, which took away the sins of the world ; it would have been not less so, to observe the day on which their earthly deliverance took place, when the day of their spiritual liberation — that of the resurrection of our Lord — was known. The type was, in this case, a precept ; and com- manded the change as clearly, as, in the first instance, it had commanded the observance. The same mode of reasoning may be applied, and with undiminished force, to the two other important differences between the Old Law and the New, to which we have specially alluded ; viz., the estab- 42 AUTHORITY OF [LECT. lishment of fixed administrators, or a prescribed succession in the Priesthood ; and also the strictly legal form in which the writings of the respective legislators under the two systems are couched. In both these cases, a silent but essential change took place under the scheme of the Gospel ; and the principle which we have just laid down, will shew that this silence arose not from the indifference of the matter, but the very contrary — from its being- taken for granted that the changes were absolutely necessary, to maintain the identity of character which existed between the two systems. With respect to the Priesthood. The Law of Moses was of such a character, as necessarily to require a considerable number of men, and those of various grades and offices, to put it into execution. The services of the Temple, at once incessant and multifarious, could only be conducted by a large body of public servants, well trained for their several offices, and enabled to devote the whole of their time to the duties of their ministry, by absolute freedom from all secular cares and occupations. Hence the propriety of an office so minute and complicated being hereditary in a particular family, and the necessity, also, for a public provision for their maintenance. 23 And though that department of 23 That provision, we may remark, was very equitably propor- tioned to their numbers— the secular tribes contributing one-tenth II.] SCRIPTURE. 43 the priestly office which had reference to the public instruction of the people, (if it ever strictly belonged to the priesthood), seems to have been encroached upon in our Saviour's day, by the inter- ference of the Scribes and Pharisees, yet the ceremo- nial observances of the Law were still, as at first, committed entirely to that order ; neither the Baby- lonian captivity, nor successive subjugation to foreign powers, having been able to obliterate the Jewish accuracy of genealogical descent. Indeed, an here- ditary priesthood was essential to the very existence of the Jewish Law. Now in this, as in other respects, the law was a type of the gospel: and here, also, as in the case of the Sabbath, not only implied its own cessation, but indicated, nay enforced the precise character of its substitute. With the change in the law came a strictly analogous change in the admi- nistration of it. The religious rites, and ceremonial observances passed away, when they had been ful- filled in the advent of Him to whose office and ministry they all referred : and with them ceased all necessity for the peculiar qualifications of that order, whose principal duty it was to administer them. Though, while none but Jews were admissible to the full privileges of the law, it was evident that none but a Jewish family could be permitted to put it into of their produce to the support of those who ministered to them in spiritual things. 44 AUTHORITY OF [LECT. execution, 24 yet when that law became so expanded as to include the whole world, it was equally clear that this condition must at once be obsolete, and the .priesthood, by strict analogy, become co-extensive with the covenant. But that the order itself should absolutely cease and pass away, >vas no more con- templated, than that the promises, and prophecies, and spiritual meaning of the law should fail. From that law neither one jot, not one tittle shall pass, till all be fulfilled, — but the administration of the law, as now spread out and fully revealed in the Gospel, can never be fulfilled, till sin and error and ignorance be rooted out of the world, and there shall be new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. Neither, then, can the priesthood of such a law pass away. And this view of the subject is strengthened, if not confirmed, by the conduct of our blessed Sa- viour, in instituting the outward ceremonies of his 24 "The only or chief cause (if I am not deceived) why God restrained the Priestly Function to one Tribe, was for a sign and hand of the restraint of his Church to one People. For as the Church cannot he without the sacred Function of the Ministry ; so likewise the condition thereof must follow the condition of the Ministry. As long, therefore, as none could he a Priest hut of the Trihe of Levi, so long there could be no Church hut of that People whereof Levi was a Trihe. A point of Sacred Policy, so to order the choice of Ministers, as shall be most fit to uphold the present state of an established Church." Mede, Disc. 35. II.] SCRIPTURE. 45 own religion. He strictly enjoins that the Sacra- ments shall be perpetually administered in his church, without, at the same time, specifying, except in general terms, by whom that administration shall be performed. Now, as the observance of a perpe- tual rite necessarily pre-supposes the existence of a perpetual order of men who shall be responsible for the execution of it, nothing would seem to be clearer than that, in his intention, a modified form of priesthood followed as necessarily upon the expiration of the old, as his own significant and spiritual rites did upon the now lifeless ceremonies of the typical law of Moses. We can no more conceive a breach in the succession of the priest- hood, than a suspension of the administration of the sacraments. Lastly, with respect to the deviation from the strictly legal form which is observable in the code of the Gospel, when compared with the law of Moses. This difference not only arises necessarily out of the different character of the two dispensa- tions, but is typified and shadowed forth in the Old Testament itself. The formal regulations, and pre- cise rules of the Mosaic Law did not, as it would appear, meet all the wants of the Jewish people ; and more especially when they began to come in contact with the mightier nations around them, and more complex rules of action were required, which, 4(j AUTHORITY OF [LeCT. though doubtless comprehended in the law, were not easily deducible from it, especially by ignorant and unwilling minds. Hence arose the necessity for a succession of Prophets, whose office it was not merely to predict, to threaten, and exhort ; but also, as it were, to give a more spiritual tone to the legal pro- visions of the law, and prepare the people, gradually, for taking a more comprehensive view of the latent truths which lurked under its ritual and ceremonial forms. 25 It is in this strain that Isaiah opens his mission : " To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me ? Saith the Lord. — Wash you, make you clean ; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes ; cease to do evil ; learn to do well ; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow." 26 And language of this spiritual character runs through all the prophets. They constantly generalize and expand 25 " This then is the reign of predictive revelation, and the proper age of the Prophets. It is the middle period of the first dispensation, standing equally removed, in time, and in some of its characters, from the Law, and from the Gospel ; and the service of Prophecy during this period forms a great connecting link of divine information between the two." Davison's Discourses on Prophecy, Disc. v. No student in Divinity ought to overlook this invalu- able work, which, notwithstanding some peculiarity and apparent obscurity of style, is full of matter calculated to awaken deep and profitable thought in the mind of even the most ordinary reader. *> Isaiah, i. II, 16, 17. II.] SCRIPTURE. 47 those great and comprehensive principles, which in the law, are often couched under a single practical case ; and gradually prepare the mind to expect a system of things which shall step beyond the " beg- garly elements of the law," to embrace and regulate all the springs and motives of human action. We have only to read our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount, which is, in fact, a spiritual comment on the text of Moses, to see this principle of the prophets carried out to its full extent, and the Mosaic law placed under that point of view which its Founder intended it to assume towards those who were able to bear it. When, therefore, the new revelation was fully developed, the grand characteristic of which consisted especially in the sublime doctrines which it unfolded — when, moreover, it is considered that its object was to legislate for man in all his relations, and guide the heart and will as well as the outward life — it was clearly impossible that the original form of a Law could any longer be retained : nor can we conceive of any other adequate to the occasion than that which was adopted ; — ends so infinitely various could not have been attained, except through the infinite variety of the Gospel. And therefore its les- sons are not the less binding upon our consciences, because they are promulgated to us, not directly in the form of a legal system, but through channels which convey them to every faculty of man, — whether 48 AUTHORITY OF [LECT. they come in the shape of instruction, allusion, or example ; whether addressed to the reason, the ima- gination, or the heart. The great principle of Faith, on which the whole fabric of the Gospel rests, and which mainly distinguishes it from the more obvious and tangible motives of the law, rendered it impos- sible to legislate, under the Gospel scheme, with the same formality and minuteness as under the Old Dispensation : it was a principle which, in action, was to adapt itself to each individual character, and could therefore be fully illustrated and enforced, only by examples and rules as various as there are diversities of the human mind. In this point of view, what St. Paul asserts of scripture in general is especially characteristic of the New Testament : it thus becomes " profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness : that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." 27 If, then, we have established our point, we have shewn that there are reasons for those changes, which, at first sight, appear to give a character of greater laxity to the new law as compared with the old — whether with regard to the priesthood, the alteration of the sabbath and other ordinances, or the strictly legal form of the law itself — reasons which shew, that the authority of the second law is not -~ 1 i Tim. iii. 1<>, 17. II.] SCRIPTURE. 4.9 less strict and absolute, than that of the first. For it appears that the first pre-supposes, nay commands, the changes of the second ; and thus not only sanc- tions such alterations, but gives to them all the force of the original statute. The text puts this notion in a striking point of view. It represents the Law as being itself a copy and transcript of the Gospel, as it already existed in the divine mind — as being a distinct shadow, thrown forward from a pre-existing substance : — " See," saith he to Moses, when he was about to make the tabernacle, (an abstract expression for the Jewish economy) — " see that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the Mount." This is a consider- ation which appears to relieve the mind of much anxiety, when the New Testament evidence on some of the points above alluded to, is brought under discussion. We can then fall back upon the original constitution of the Mosaic Law, and argue from its acknowledged Plenary Authority to that of the New Testament, with a degree of confidence which grows stronger the more closely the connection between the Old Testament and the New is estab- lished. " What," says Justin Martyr, "is the Law? the Gospel predicted : What is the Gospel ? the Law fulfilled." 28 Or as Hooker expresses it : " The general end, both of Old and New, is one ; the dif- 28 Qiuest. etResp. 101. D 50 AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE. [LECT. II. ference between them consisting in tins, that the Old did make wise by teaching salvation through Christ that should come ; the New, by teaching that Christ the Saviour is come, and that Jesus whom the Jews did crucify, and whom God did raise from the dead, is he." 29 The question of Inspiration, on which, as we have already stated, a similar discrepancy exists between the records of the two Dispensations ; and which is also, in itself, a subject not only of the deepest importance, but also involving much difference of opinion; will form matter for the succeeding Lecture. When we trust it will appear that the apostle's words may be taken in their widest and strongest acceptation — " All scripture is given by inspiration of God." 2 9 Book 1. $ 14. END OF LECTURE II. LECTURE III. INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE. THE ARGUMENT. IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT— QUESTION HERE CONFINED TO THE INSPIRATION OF THE WRITTEN WORD— DISTINCTION BETWEEN IN- SPIRED WRITINGS AND INSPIRED MEN— VERBAL THEORY ADVOCATED— VERBAL ACCURACY NECESSARY WHEN THE THING RECORDED WAS UNKNOWN OR UNINTELLIGIBLE TO THE WRITER— WORDS OF THE UTMOST MOMENT BECAUSE WE THINK IN THEM— VERBAL INSPIRA- TION AS NECESSARY FOR WRITING AS SPEAKING— INDISPENSABLE IN SOME CASES, THEREFORE POSSIBLE IN ALL— ENTIRE KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES, IN SOME INSTANCES, THROUGH INSPIRATION— SCRIPTURE TESTIMONY TO VERBAL INSPIRATION THE TESTIMONY OF THE FATHERS— AND OF LATER DIVINES— OBJECTIONS ANSWERED, FROM INELEGANCE OF STYLE— FROM DISCREPANCIES IN ACCOUNTS OF THE SAME TRANSACTION— FROM VARIOUS READINGS— ADVANTAGES ARISING FROM THE VERBAL THEORY— IMPORTANT POINTS OF FAITH OFTEN INVOLVED IN SINGLE WORDS — SOME MISCONSTRUCTIONS OF THE DOCTRINE GUARDED AGAINST— CONCLUSION. LECTURE III INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE. 1 Corinthians, ii. 12, 13. Noiv we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God ; that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God. Which things also ice speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth. The question of Inspiration is one of the most important in the whole range of Theology, because it lies at the very root of all scriptural interpretation ; the views which are taken of it affect every doc- trine of Christianity, and are the main source of all the various lights in which such doctrines are regarded, by different sects of Christians. It is in this field that the learned liberalism of Germanv has laboured most diligently, and that the laxity of our own country has most faithfully followed in its steps ; both justly conceiving, that to introduce doubt and uncertainty into the revealed word of God, was the best mode of defending the utmost latitude both in the faitli and practice of man. 54 INSPIRATION OF [LECT. We have no space, nor would it answer our present purpose, to take into consideration all the various kinds and degrees of Inspiration ; we shall confine ourselves to that in which the existing church has the most direct interest, and which bears immediately upon our professed design ; viz. The Inspiration which was concerned in the written word of God. Upon this question depends the degree of authority which we assign to that word, and the extent of latitude which may be taken in the inter- pretation of it. The range of our inquiry will be much narrowed as well as simplified, if we at once allow the course of argument which was pursued in the last Lecture to be applicable in this case also ; and consider all the proofs and declarations of Inspiration which appear in the Old Testament to belong with no less force to the New. The mere silence which is sometimes observed, on this point, in the latter, is more than counterbalanced by the greater num- ber and magnitude of its miracles, its more minute history of the operations of the Holy Spirit, and the more important character and general concern- ment of its revelations. Our subject, then, we would wish it to be borne in mind, is the Inspired writings of Scripture, and not the Inspired men. These, it will at once be evident, are almost entirely distinct questions. III.] SCRIPTURE. 55 The actors in Scripture might have been plenarily inspired, both in words and ideas, and yet the Scripture record of their actions may be imperfect ; while on the other hand, the Scripture may supply a most accurate account of the results of their imper- fect inspiration. I trust it will appear in the sequel, that, whatever different degrees of inspiration might have been vouchsafed to the several instruments of revelation, the Scripture report of the original pro- mulgation of that revelation is not only accurate, but, in the substantial sense of the word, verbal. In the first place, with respect to the matter which the writers of Scripture had to record, it cannot be denied, that verbal accuracy was some- times indispensable. Many of the communications from heaven were delivered by God to the prophet in a precise form of words, and were repeated by him, as having been so delivered, to the people. Moreover, many of the prophecies were of such a nature as to be totally unintelligible to the prophet himself; they referred to periods and events long posterior to his own times ; and were not intended to be understood till the time of their fulfilment drew nigh, or even till that time was past; and were often so worded as to have a two-fold and most apposite reference to events the most distant, and even the most apparently incongruous. Here, it was absolutely necessary that the prophet should 56 INSPIRATION OF [L.ECT. be inspired, not only with the general sentiment, but with the very words also. The application of the prophecy, in such cases, mostly turns upon the aptness of the phraseology ; and the prophet could not himself express that which he did not compre- hend. In this case verbal inspiration is required in the prophet, 1 and, to the same extent, verbal accuracy in the recorder of the prophecy. In truth, it is not easy to conceive how any one, in the capacity of a prophet, or a teacher of new doctrines, can be inspired genemlly with religious sentiments, (according to the present prevalent notion), without any guidance or control as to the words in which they are to be conveyed. We can indeed easily understand that this may be the case 1 " ' Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation.' And the reason is this, — that the pre- dictions of the prophets did not, like their own private thoughts and sentiments, originate in their own minds. The prophets, in the exercise of their office, were necessary agents, acting under the irresistible impulse, of the omniscient Spirit, who made the faculties and the organs of those holy men his own instruments for convey- ing to mankind some portion of the treasures of his own knowledge. Futurity seems to have been delineated in some sort of emblema- tical picture, presented by the Spirit of God to the prophet's mind, which, preternaturally filled and heated with this scenery, in describing the images obtruded on the fantasy, gave pathetic utterance to wisdom not its own. "For the prophecy came not at. any time by the will of man ; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy (J host.' " llorslei/s Sermons. III.] SCRIPTURE. 57 with regard to the ordinary influences of the Holy Spirit. They are rather infused into the existing character of the man, than form a distinct and separable element. They convey no new informa- tion. They enlighten and invigorate and direct his natural powers, not so much influencing the developement without, as the principle within. But with respect to the extraordinary influences of the Holy Spirit, the case is altogether different. They were given for specific purposes, and those to whom they were vouchsafed, had distinct doctrines to reveal, or prescribed actions to perform ; and we can no more conceive them left to their own dis- cretion as to the language in which they propound- ed these doctrines, than to their own time and manner in exhibiting their miraculous powers. If the task was momentous enough to require mira- culous assistance to perform it, it was equally so to require a like aid as to the method of discharging it. " We think in words." No one has any very distinct notion of the sentiments of his own mind so long as they are permitted to float about in vague generalities, and have not been clothed in the definite shape of language. And, even then, whether they at all realize his own conceptions of them depends entirely upon the phraseology in which he is enabled to clothe them ; a single inappropriate, or even misplaced word often giving 58 INSPIRATION OF [LECT. an altogether different complexion to the sentiment which it is intended to embody. And if this be true of our own ideas, how much more is it true of those which belong to another ; and if we cannot realize, even to ourselves, notions which originate in our own minds, without the help of language, how can we, except through the same instrument, receive them from an outward source, or, still more, convey them accurately to others ? Precision of language is not only a mark, but it is also an instrument, of precision of thought ; and if it be indispensable for even the ordinary intercourse between man and man, how much more is it requi- site when we treat on subjects which in themselves are as abstruse as they are important ? Turning, then, from the oral to the written word, it will not be denied that verbal inspiration was at least as necessary to him who recorded, as to him who first gave utterance to, the very words of the Almighty. If an accurate knowledge of these words was necessary for one generation, it was equally so for all posterity. When he who spoke and he who wrote were the same person, it cannot be doubted that the same infallible guidance would be vouchsafed to his pen as to his tongue ; when they were different, an additional revelation would be required for him who had to register with the utmost accuracy, language which lie had never III.] SCRIPTURE. 59 heard, and which had never hitherto been revealed to him. And we are justified in saying " the utmost accuracy," — for where the writer professes to give the very words of the prophecy or narrative, there is no alternative between the strict truth and positive error. Granting, then, that verbal inspiration was as ne- cessary to him who wrote as to him who spoke, in certain cases — such as in recording matters imme- diately enunciated by the Almighty ; or prophecies at the time involved in total mystery ; or revela- tions beyond the comprehension of the writers themselves ; granting so much, we shall lind that all the difficulties which are supposed to lie against the hypothesis of verbal inspiration must be encoun- tered ; while, if we ask no more, almost all the benefits which evidently arise out of it will at once be sacrificed. But the arguments in favour of ver- bal inspiration, whether from reason, revelation, or external testimony, seem far to outweigh any objec- tions that have hitherto been alleged against it. Confining our attention, for a moment, to the Gospels, it is at once evident that they could not possibly have been written without the aid of in- spiration. Whether we consider the condition of the authors, the times when they were composed, or the nature of their contents, it is clear that the human intellect alone could not have produced 60 INSPIRATION OF [LECT. them in such a shape as to command our unreserved credence and respect. But if the Holy Spirit in- terfered at all, why not effectually ? If we allow that Mark and Luke, not being eye and ear wit- nesses, would require supernatural assistance as to the matter of their books, it does not seem any very additional degree of credulity to suppose that they had similar assistance as to the manner of composing them. If St. John required such aid, as he must needs have done, to recall, after so long an interval, the conversations which our Saviour had with the Pharisees and his disciples — conversa- tions given with the greatest minuteness, and in themselves of the utmost doctrinal importance, why should we suppose that he was not enabled to do that in which their main value consists, viz. to give them exactly as they were first uttered ? It was, indeed, one of the predicted offices of the Holv Ghost, that he should give this power to the Apos- tles : " He shall bring all things to your remem- brance, whatsoever I have said unto you :" J and if the Apostles remembered " what he said," doubtless they would not fail to record it exactly as it was spoken. Another probable argument in favour of verbal inspiration, in all cases, is, that we know that it must have taken place in some, viz. when the know- J .lolni xiv. 26. III.] SCRIPTURE. 61 ledge of the language itself was communicated by inspiration. Here every word was the direct sug- gestion of the Holy Spirit ; and it would be a gratuitous limitation to the operations of that Spirit to suppose that He who supplied the words did not also direct and regulate the use of them. It is more than probable, when the history of the Apostles is considered, that some of the books of the New Testament were written in language thus divinely communicated. It has sometimes appeared to myself, that the most valuable of them all (if we may venture in such a case to make comparisons) the Gospel of St. John — bears internal marks of this heavenly origin. The total absence of all trace of dialect, or idiom common to any other writer — the simple sublimity of its style — the striking paucity of synonymes — the fitness of the language to sub- jects in themselves the most spiritual and abstruse — and the almost Homeric repetition of the same idea in the same phraseology, might all be expected to mark a language, precisely adapted and limited to the purpose to which it here applied, and com- municated by a Power, which at once omits nothing, and does nothing in vain. 3 3 The question as to which of the Writers of the New Testa- ment received the language in which they wrote from direct inspi- ration, has not yet been discussed with the earnestness which the indefinite extent, and (perhaps it should be added) the unprofitable 62 INSPIRATION OF [L.ECT. With respect to the scripture evidence on the subject of verbal inspiration, it will create no sur- prise that the universality of the immediate sugges- tion of the words is no where therein asserted ; nor is this a doctrine which it is necessary for a moment to entertain. For where the facts are such as not to require the aid of inspiration, it is unnecessary to call in that aid as the instrument of conveying them. The ewact truth is all that is requisite in any verbal communication ; and when that is within the compass of ordinary means, no extraordinary assist- character of the question might have been expected to provoke ! It is worthy of the deep attention of the Germans. Milman has said something on the subject in his Bampton Lectures. It is much more to be regretted that the Gospel of St. John has hitherto met with no commentator capable of doing justice to the inestimable value of that most evangelical of all the books of the New Testament. Critics seem to exhaust their powers on the three first Evangelists, and to give up St. John in despair. Yet it is there that the very spirit of the gospel is embodied. Titmann's Meletemata Sacra is the only book that enters with any degree of fulness into the doctrinal spirit of this gospel ; and, with all its excellencies, it is far too neological, and too little embued with that manly and scholar-like spirit of criticism, which would certainly have been infused into such a work by the best of our own divines. A separate commentary on this book would have been worthy of the matured intellect and ample theological stores of the late Principal of King's College, the lamented H. J. Rose ; it is worthy of the author of the History of the Reformation, the Rev. I. J. Blunt. III.] SCRIPTURE. 63 ance can be hoped for, or required. With respect to the Old Testament evidence, which supplies in- numerables instances of strictly verbal inspiration, we must again content ourselves with observing, that the argument derived from thence may be carried on with undiminished force to the New ; and shall, in reference to it, refer but to a single passage — "all scripture is given by inspiration of God." Now when we call to mind that the Greek word here used, is one of singular and most apt construction — divinely breathed ; and that reference seems therein to be distinctly made to the injection, as it were, of the divine and life-giving word, as animal and mental life was originally injected, from the same source, into the hitherto insensate clay which composed the living man ; we can hardly hesitate to allow that the "scripture" here alluded to, which must embrace at least the whole of the Old Testament, was conveyed full-formed and perfect, and not merely in the snape of substantial and un- developed suggestions, into the minds of those who were commissioned to utter or to record it. But perhaps it will be sufficient to refer to our text alone — especially directing your attention to the passage as it stands in the original — as being a por- tion of scripture, which, to every unprejudiced mind, must be at once decisive of the question. " Now «>e"have received," says St. Paul — in the phrase in- 64 INSPIRATION OF [LECT. eluding all his brethren, — " Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth." 1 Here we find distinctly ascribed to the Spirit, not only the knowledge of divine things, but the words also in which that knowledge was embodied. And if, when he spoke, doubtless when he wrote also, St. Paul might safely adopt the words of our Sa- viour's promise — " It is not ye that speak ; but the Spirit of your Father, which speaketh in you." 5 On a question like this, the testimony of the early Fathers is not only a matter of curiosity, but of the utmost value ; because it is a question on which, even if Scripture had been silent, from their know T - ledo-e of the impression under which that Scripture was at first received, they may safely be pronounced to be altogether competent judges ; and it is satis- factory to find, that, as far as they treat on the sub- 4 Dr. Henderson has attempted to soften the force of the apparently ohvious meaning of this passage, hy shewing that the apostle is not referring to u single terms" but " the entire character of the style." How the character of the whole can be affected, and not that of the parts, is not very clear ; it seems but a timid mode of sliding, by the use of a phrase, out of an ohvious difficulty. Page 408, &c. ' Matt. x. 20. III.] SCRIPTURE. 65 ject at all, they appear to be almost unanimous in favour of the verbal inspiration of Scripture ; and agree in sentiment with the decisive language of Origen — " There is not one jot or one tittle, written in the Scripture, which, to those who know how to estimate the force of words, does not work its own work." 5 To this testimony we may add that of Hooker. Athenagoras had said, respecting the Inspiration of the Prophets, that "the Spirit of God moved their mouths like instruments, making use of them as a musician does of his flute ;" and Hooker, after quoting the words of our text, adds — " This is that which the prophets mean by those books written full within and without ; which books were so often delivered them to eat ; not because God fed them with ink and paper, but to teach us, that so oft as he employed them in this heavenly work, they neither spake nor wrote any word of their own, but uttered syllable by syllable as the spirit put it into their mouths, no otherwise than the harp or the lute doth give a sound according to the discretion of his hands that holdeth and striketh it with skill, &c." 7 Erasmus 6 Origen, Philocal. Cap. ii. 7 Hooker, two sermons upon part of St. Jude. We find also in Hooker, Book I. § 13, the following passage on this subject : " After the lives of men were shortened, means more durable" (than tradition) " to preserve the laws of God from oblivion and corrup- tion grew in use, not without precise direction from God himself. 06 INSPIRATION OF [LeCT. indeed seems to have been the first to dispute the primitive doctrine on this subject, in which he was afterwards followed by Luther ; but both became soon perplexed with the inconsistencies in which thdr theories involved them, and appear to have partially reverted to the ancient system. From that time, views more or less strict have been enter- tained on the subject, from an unnecessary and superstitious reverence for points and particles, down to those lax notions which would brino- the o authority of Scripture to the same level with an ordinary history. The theory now maintained, of substantial verbal inspiration, is doubtless liable to objections, — the most weighty of which it may be necessary briefly to notice. In the first place : It is said, that the various styles of thought and expression, and the different degrees of purity of language, which are clearly First, therefore, of Moses it is said, that he wrote all the words of God ; not by his own private motion and devise : for God taketh this act to himself, / have written. Furthermore, were not the Prophets following, commanded also to do the like ? Unto the holy Evangelist St. John, how often express charge is given, Scribe, ivrite these things ? Concerning the rest of our Lords disciples, the words of St. Augustine are, Quicquid ilk- de suis factis et dictis nos legere voluit, hoc scribendum illis tanquam snis manibus imperarit." See also Pearson on the Creed. Art. I. " In like manner the succeeding Prophets were the instruments of Divine Revelation, which they lirst believed as revealed to them, HI.] SCRIPTURE. 67 observable in the works of the several authors of the New Testament, are a proof that they were left to express the sentiment suggested by the Holy Spirit in their own manner ; it being supposed that solecisms in composition are inconsistent with the doctrine of verbal Inspiration. No one who con- siders the force of these two propositions, — that the Holy Ghost does nothing in vain, — and that that language is always the best which is most intelligi- ble to the reader, — will attach much weight to an objection, which savours more of sophistry than of and then the people as revealed by them : for what they delivered was not the testimony of man, hut the testimony of God delivered by man. It was he who spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which have been since the world began : the mouth, the instrument, the articulation was theirs ; but the words were God's. The spirit of the Lord spake by me, saith David, and his word was in my tongue. It was the word of the Lord which he spake by the hand of Moses, and by the hand of Ahijah the Prophet. The hand the general instrument of man, the mouth the particular instrument of speech, both attributed to the Prophets as merely instrumental in their prophecies. The words which Balaams ass spake were as much the ass's words, as those which Balaam spake were his; for the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and the Lord put a ivord in Balaams mouth ; and not only so, but a bridle with that word — only the word that I shall speak unto thee, that thou shalt speak. The Prophets, as they did not frame the notions or conceptions themselves of those truths which they delivered from God, so did they not loosen their own tongues of their own instinct, or upon their own motion, but as. moved, impelled, and acted upon by God." 08 INSPIRATION OF [LeCT. sound reason. It was not the object of the Holy Ghost to supply the world with a model of purity in composition, (which, after all, is rather a question of conventional taste than of strict demonstration), but to enable each teacher of the gospel to address Greek or Barbarian alike in his own tongue in which he was born. The language of Demosthenes would have been as unintelligible to their audience, as it would have been incapable of expressing the new combinations of thought and feeling which the gospel introduced into the world. All we con- tend for is, that in whatever tongue a divine author wrote, whether in his own native dialect, or in a language communicated from heaven, he was so far guided by the Holy Spirit, as to be directed to the use of such expressions as could not possibly mis- represent his meaning. If we look at the list of nations who are represented to have heard their own tongues spoken on the day of Pentecost, we shall probably be led to conclude that some of the gifts then vouchsafed, consisted rather in variety of deeply corrupted dialects, than in radically distinct languages. The next objection is of a more formidable nature ; and rests upon a fact concerning which there has been much learned controversy. 9 We 8 Sec some sensible remarks on tins subject 1>\ Dr. Nares, the late Archdeacon of Stafford. III.] SCRIPTURE. 69 refer to the differing accounts which are recorded by different writers of the same transaction. These, it is said, while they do not affect the general fidelity of the statement, are inconsistent with the theory of verbal Inspiration. We may reply, that, when they occur in the record of what was said, they are equally inconsistent with accuracy ; for the truth, in that case, can be but one. When, how- ever, these differences are. minutely examined, they will, in general, be found to be such as do not affect our proposition ; which does not exclude the use of terms perfectly synonymous — or the change, either by omission or addition, of some circumstance which was important to the object of one writer and not to another — or a variation in case or tense, which the structure of a sentence might render necessary. Differences like these, and they are the main differ- ences, prove nothing against the theory that each writer was guided, as to substantial verbal accuracy, by the Holy Spirit of God. With respect to the differences, — minute, indeed, but still obvious dif- ferences, — which exist in the reports which three of the evangelists often