A Dir HR — LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, N. J. B PURCHASED BY THE Mary Cueves Duties Fund — 71336 —4 j hi —4 we ud RN EA KENNT } m — ee ee EEE eS, = E ——— ee SPECIAL AND CHO- | SEN SERMONS OF D. MARTIN VLVTHER, COLLEETED OVT OF HIS writings and preachings for theneceflary inftru€tion and edification of fuch,as hunger and feeke after the perfe@ knowledge and ine» ftimable glorie which isin Chril Iefu,to the comfort and faluation of their foules. Englished by V. G. | Philip. 3.8.9. | I thinke all hinges but loffe for the excellencie of the knowledge of Chriff Ieſus | my Lord,for whom I haue counted all thinges loffe , and doe indge them but vile, i shat I may winne Chrift,aud be found in him,nor haning myne owne righte- onfnes,which is of the lawe,but chat which is shrough the faith * chriſt, euen she righteou{nes which is of God | through faith. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier dwelling in the Blacke Friers by Ludgate. CVM PRIVILEGIO, | \ | 1578. | | | | NT, Ua GR ln GY be Rees bbl TIER Rk) i 32 pa Seen > RER AN * rer ey LOO eis — 4 DIR. I ee H 5 —* — ln I 1. Io BASED na2 PEO: aa tai. LOO) SH TY png old Au alge otf 5 ai tg bias aol: —— u — a u SE Dee ‚Hahn 2) on ult sta mer Herpa, soda elke) wii lo sobald Me 4 TOR vd dase a a \ 3 — * ie? — suit —* Va) ve DEAR it shaw Rene yh Se 7h * ran! Brand ec My TN So ken NOS FL ar ee) paid wt ENT EHETE ZRANET NER ria pais eng WG Hh aol: a ¥ an x Yu Ave — 9 — —— —J— SR Aber ie rim WAS ren wi Bray n dys Äh teh Hee, : — * i - I — ’ u 7 u + tah Heats ——— J— vo Saobtiod’ Tas Karnitr _ phd ae abi er 4 „gras IVEAT MV 7 3 — N TUNG ver Me Hes | at f if. aa Aa! us r "A CATALOGVE OR REHEAR- 12 13 fallof the Sermons conteined iv this booke, SER Sermon ofthe natiuitie of Chrift. —— pag.t A Sermon ofthe Epiphanie orA p- )pearing of Chrift. 19. 4 — — the Genealogie or Pedegre of Chrift. 35. A Sermon of the Hymne of Zacharias commö- ly called Benedi@us. | A Sermon of the Meditation of Chriftes pth on. A Sermon of the frute and vertue of Chrift he "refurredtion. 74. A Sermon of the good fhepcheard. 79. - A Sermon of the loft fhepe. 92. - ASermonofthe womanofCanaan. . 122. A Sermon of faluation freelyby grace without ‚ the workes and merits of men. 129. A Sermon of the kingdom of God. 158: A Serinon of Prayer. 161. A Sermon concerning the bidding of Guefts to ‚the great fupper. 164. A Sermon of the workes of charitie. 170, 14 15, 16 17 £ 13 19 A Sermonofthe fumme of Chriftian life, 182. A Sermon of the queftion of the Pharifees and aunfwer of Chrift concerning giuing tribute to (o> Ea 1.2134 A Sermon of faluation by Chriftalone. 2 25. A Sermon ofgood workes the frutes of faith. A Sermon of toy in God, and a patient mind — * ij 22 23 25 23. N Vo wv 4 — men. 254. A Sermon of eh I vnderthe Sr and them that bevnder grace. 274. A Sermon of faith and diffidence i in Auge & trouble. 316, A Sermon of the life of a Chriftian. 324. A Sermon of tentation. 6 A Sermon of the leading ofa godly life. : —* A Sermon of Gods prouidence and care for his children. 463. A Sermon of truftein God in penutie and di- ftreffe. 371. A Sermon againft the contemptof Gods word. 79. A Sermon of the Law and the Gofpel. : 391. A Sermon of the exercife and increafing of faith. 406, A Sermon of remiffion of ſinnes to the contrite and broken in hart, & terrible indgement to a indurate and obftinate.' A Sermon oftruftandhope in Chrift, * him we fhall obtaine all good thinges. 431. A Sermon of the workes which Chrift hathe wroughtfor vs,wherinis contained a moft {weet confolation againft the — — Satan. A Sermonvpon the Gofpellon S. Matchigp iy A Sermon vponthe Gofpell on the feafte oes, S. Philip and lames, 469. TO — QELELELELELE LSE ZS ERES ES SEE ES TO THE RIGHT WOR SHIPFVLL SYR THOMAS HEN- NEAGE KNIGHT, TREASVRER OF HER MA- iefties priuie chamber, VV. Gace wisheth peace and faluationin Chrift, SR CpOnfydering (right VVorshipfull) 2X that faying of Danid alleaged by YBarhe Apoftle Paul,that there isnone that underjtandeth,none that ſee 2 ]keth after God, that all are gone DAFT out of the vvay and become va- A A profitable: me thinkes it doth line- 7 Iy fet forth the blindneſſe of mans oe SS"? underftanding, the vvickedneffe of his vvill, and his peruer[nes and unhabilstie unto that vvhich ts good. VV hereof if uve had not many testimonies of Scripture,yet common experience vvere able to confirme the ſame, vvhen vve daily fee men fo carefull to line,and fo careleffetoline vvell. Hovvbeit this isno meruell : for asa tree vvhoſe roote is rotten and infected vvith venimous fappe,bringeth forth none but corrupt andnaughty frute: fo from mans hart vvhich iscorrupt and infected vvith the venim of finne,can proceede nothing that is good. Novv mans vaderftanding being blinde , he is not able of him [elfe toattainetotheknovviedge of God, andconfe- — quently uvithout fome other meanes or helpe cannot be ſa- ued: for this,as our Saniour inthe Gofpell [ayth, islefe ener- lafting,to knovv one onely true God,and him vvhom he hath [ent Iefus Christ Againe,mans vvill being corrupt,he is not * ꝛ Jie EPISTER able to [erue-God as his dutiereguireth , as to honour hime as his Lord,to obey him as his father, to truft in him as his Pro- tector andpreferner , to be thankefull to him for his infinite benefites,c>e. Vithereforelefte man being rgnorantof God shouldbe excluded from falnation, or left through the vvte- kednes of his vvill and inclination to euill , he should disho- pour [ohigh a Lord,difobey [o gooda father, dsftruft ſo care- full apreferuer , and be unthankefullto fo gractonsaginer, — vuho doth not [ee hovv requifite and needefull it ts, that he should by good inftructons be brought tothe knovvledge of the Lorde God, and by godly exhortations and admonitions bereclaimed from his vvicked vvayestothe performance of his dutie? Novv forafinuch as God hath inhis vvord, renea- led fo much of hum felfe as is expedient for man to knovv, hath therein alfo preferibed that maner of feruing him uvhereof he accepteth, man muct out of it learne the true knovuledge and right feruice of God,and therefore moſt ne- cejJary it is that this vvord be preached & tanght,that ther- by man may learne to knovv God,and truely to vvorship & ferue him being knovune.So shall his minde be enlightened vvith dinine knovvledge,and his vvill reformed according to Gods vvil,fo shall this vvord be alanterne vnto his feete, and alight vntohispaths,uvhereby he may be directed zm al his vvayes.But (alas) thisisathing to be lamented, that the — harueſt isgreat,but the labourers arefevu. For among them vubich ſuppiy the places of labourers inthe Lordes haruest, fore there be vuho doe vvith diligence ee du- tie,many moe there are, vvho albeit theybe able,yet doe ey- ther quite neglect it,or very felederly executeit,but greateft is the number of themyv who for lacke of [kil & knovvledge are not able at alltoperforme it . VVherefore there is great neede to pray the Lord of the harueft,that he vvill fend forth labourers into his haruefl, vvhereby many moe then doe may receine the Gofpell of Chrift Ieſus euen to the falwation of | their as SE IF DEDICATORIE. their foules. zart The premiffes vvellvveyed, Ithinke (right VVorship- full) there may a fufficient reafon be gathered, vuhylaid purpofe the publishing of thefe Sermons of D. Martin Lu- ther in our vulzar tongue, anduvbhy at the laft Thane by fomelabour andpaynes brought the ſayd purpofed publishing topafje.Luvasin deede at the first procured thereunto bya learned Father of this lande,vvhofevvordes and indgement Imake no finall account of but aftervvard entring into dee- per confideration of the matter; andvveying on the one fide the ‚great ignorance of many eucnin matters of faluation,to- either vvith the dayly dishonouring of God by ungodly life: andon the other fide the diuine doctrine and moft vvholfom. . exhortations vvhich thefe Sermons conteine, I vvas more forcibly flirred up thereunto, and thought that the painefull perufingof them, and frutefull follovving of that vuhereof they entreat,vvoyldbe a ſouereigne falue to help to cure ſuch daungerous difeafes. For by them may they learne to knovv one onelytrue God,and vvhom he hath [ent Iefus Chrift,and the infinit riches vvhich are comprifed in him, and offered vutavs through him of God his Father:that he humbled hin felfe toexalt vs,that he became.a feruaunt to fet vs at lber- tie,that he vvasemponerishedtomake vs rich, that he dyed for our ſinnes, & rofe again for our iuftification,that through his meanes mercie hath fuvallovved up miferte, and bounty hathouercome allenill, finally that vvithout him there ts no. joy nor confolation,nopeace nor guietnes, no felicitie nor ſal- uation , but that he is theonely meanes by vvhich all good thinges are attained: ſo that they uvhich enioy him receive : pot one gift alone,as vvith Salomon vvifedom vvıth Sam- ſon firengthvvith lob patiencevvith Paule zeale, cre: but. for pouertie they recezue riches, for vveakenes firength , for folly vvifedom ‚for feruitude freedom, for græefe toy, for Sinne righteoufnes,for death life,yea all good thinges uvhat- ¥ iy JTHE EPISTLE ſoeuer. | | PVherefore if the fatthfull man be preffedvvith pouer- tie,he may here learne that by Christ he is adoptedto be the Sonne of God, and ſo may be comforted, faying to him felfe: Hovv can he be poore vvhich hath God to his Father? vvho both is ableto gine all thinges necejfary, for his is the earth and all that therein ts,and alſo vvill gine the fame, becanfe he is moft lowing and graciousto his children. Againe,if he feele in himfelfe vveaknes,he may learne here that he is not able of him felfeto attaine unto ftrength , but that it is the gift of Chrift,vvho ftrenetheneth fuch as beleene inhim,& fomay be flerred up by — to af ke the fame of him, that he vvill vouchfafe by his holy ſpirit to flrengthenand confirme him,that he may be able toperforme that by grace, — vvhich by nature and of him felfe he shall neuer be able to doe sas mightely to fubdue the rebellious flesh, firongly to re fit,and at the laft valiauntly to onercome the tentations of Satan,patiently to beare the troubles of the vvorld, and con- ftantly tocomtemne the allurements of the fame. Moreouer,if be thirft after dinine and heanenly vvifedom, (vvhichts to _ knovv God aright and thofe thinges that are neceſſary to be knovune to the attaining of [aluation) he may finde here largely and liuely fet forth,that Chrift came his Fathers Em- baj]adour and Meſſenger tomen, that by him they might be brought to the right knovvledge of God,and into all truth,fo that by him vveare enlightened vvith the knovvledge of God,by him vve are inftruttedin alltruth, and confequently by him vve obtaine dinine and heanenly vvifedom. Here al- fe chall he learne that Chrift vvas made under the lavve, that he might redeeme them vuhich vvere in bondage vn- der the lavve,c of fernile bondmen make them free fonnes, euen the children of God. / Furthermore, if griefe and heanines come upon him, he is here taught vvhere true ioy may be had, enen in Chrift Ieſus DEDICATORIE. Tefüs alone, that in him onely he may fynde fire comfort , ſo- uereigne medicines , prefent remedie, true ioy of heart and quietnes of conftience . Finally,uvhereas vve are fynnefull, and haue by our [ynnes iuftly deferucd Gods eternall vvrath and moft heanie vengeance ‚he shall here learne that Chrift hath payed the ranfome for our [ynnes,and pacified Gods moft ‚grienous vurath and difpleafure inftly conceiued againft vs. And becaufe it is not [uf ficient that due [atisfaction be made for fynnes, andGods uvrath appealed, but uve muft alfo ap- peare righteous before God, it is here shevved, that as by one mans difobedsence many uvere made [ynners , (o by the obe- dience of one , namely of Ieſus Chrift , 25 many as beleeue in him shalbe made righteous, inafmuch as his righteon{nes is imputed to them as their ovune,vuhereby they appeare per- fecth righteous before God, and are accepted of him: forhat uvhereas they had of themfelues deferued eternall death, chey are through Chrift accounted vvorthie of euerlafling life. But uvhat doe I goe about to rehearſe the infinite trea- fures vvhich the faithfull enioy through Chrift ? it shall be fofficient to conclude vvith the — Paule‘, and fay: If God fpared not his ovune Sonne, but gaue him for vs allto death, hovv shall he not vvith him gine vs allthinges alfo? Novv forafimuch as thefe thinges,and the right meanes to attaine unto them, are in theſe Sermons of that moft lear- ned Dinine Martin Luther moft learnedly, yea enen dinine- by fet forth , they may vndoutedly be a fingular meane , not onely to inftruct them vuhich beignorant in matters of fal- uation , but alfo toincreafe and confirme the knovvledge of uch, as haue already vvell profited in Chriftian religion. Hovvbeitthere is annexed hereunto found and abfolute do- crime concerning good vvorkes and godly conuerfation, as being moft nece[]ary to be of all re perfectly knavune, and effectually follovved. For Chriftians through Chrift being become the Sonnes of God, hovu vameete, yea hou ‚EHE 'EPISTEE! abhominable athinge isit that they should refemble Satan ‘intheir doinges ? being nove made the members of Chrift, hovv deteftable a thing ts it that they should be inftruments of iniquitie ? being novv the temple of the holy Ghoft,ovv beaftly athinge vvere it to defyle the fame vvith the filthi- nes of [ynne ? Finally hauing receined fo many and fo great benefites of God through Chrift , hovv vvicked and shame- full a thinge should ıt be ‚to be untbankefull to fo gracionsa God ‚to be difobedient to fo louing a Father ‚in any vvife to difpleaje fomercifull a Sauiourꝰ But it shalbe needele/fe much to ftand upon this point , [eeing it is not unknovune tothe faithfull vvith houy great endeuour they ought to auoyde ‚that uvhich ts enill, and embrace that vvhich is good, and therefore shall fyucere & perfect doctrine concerning good vvorkes be unto them no leſſe commodious ana profitable, thea needefull and nece/farie.. 4 For. the caufes aboue [pecıfied efpectally among other, I baue (right VVorshipfull ) though not finely , yet faithfully tranflated thefe Sermons ınto our vulgar tounge , and haue done myne endeuour for the publishing of the fame, vvhich [doe humbly dedicate to your VV orships protection „by your zealous goalines and godly zeale chiefly moued thereunto, vvhereby Lam induced to thinke that youvvilluvell ac- — cept of them.F or as the godly do vvith Danid delight 12 the Arke of the Couenant,in the Tabernacle of the Lord, in the holy Mount Sion,that ts, in the Church of God oh doe they vvith the fame Danid defyre the building of this houfe of God, the florishing of this vine ‚the peace and profperitie of this heanenly lerufalem, and therefore that vvhich is a meane and furtherance hereunto they doe not onely lowe and like , but alfo hiely efteeme , and hartily praye for . V/here- fore (right VV orshipfull ) I thinke it altogether [uperfluous — to goe about vvith uvordes to procure your vvellliking and accepting of thefe Sermons , forafimuch as they tend onely to this | kn A ’ DEDICATORIE, this ende, that the Church of God may by them be edified; as in the premi(fes is of me declared . VV heres in tranflating them Ihaue vfed a plaine kynde of flile (yet [uch as ſuſſi- ciently expreffeth the meaning of the author ) and not ftu- died for curious vvordes & eloguet phrafes,the canfe there- of is, for that Ipreferre plainnejfe vvithprofit,before much curiofitie vutth [maller commoditie, fothat Inothinge at all feare that in this reſpect they shalbe mifliked of the godly, vvhofe mifliking onely I endeuour to auoide. | Thus (as it [eemes unto me) haning intreated [uffeient- ly of thofe thinges vvhich I thought pertinent to my pre- ſent purpofe, Idoe here conclude, defyring the Lord God, that he vvill by his holy Spirit aluvayes gouerne and direct you inthe true obedience of his bleſſed vvorde, to the glorie of his diuine Name, to the profit of your neighbours, and comfort of your confeience , [o shall you ajfuredly hane pro- Jperous ſucceſſe in all your affayres , and at the laft obtaine euerlafting ioyes and endleffe felicitie , by the onely meanes of Chrift Icſus our Saniour. | Your Worfhips humbiy at com- maundement VV. Gace. AN —— an oa wt xr % Ya IN —J + 4 | r IE — ae’ be — THE CHRISTIAN READER. „OÖ x the commendation of this worke, and a the Author thereof,there fhall notneede Id truft at this prefent any great difcourfe to bemade , forafmuch as fo many good *bookes of the fame writer be already fet abroad, whereby may fufficiently be coniedtured what isto be thoughrof this allo. Againe becaufethe worke it felfe is {uch,conteining fuch matter of heauenly con- folation , that without any further commendation of other, 'it yeldeth caufe {ufficient tocommendit felfe. Onely this then remaineth , to intreatand exhort the reader,but to perufe &reade the fame,who info doing fhall fyndeI doubt not, neither tolacke great caufe in ys to fer forth thefe Sermons, nor lefle neceflitie in the readers to beftow paines in perufing andreading them, for the dignitie of the matter, and fingular frutetherein to be found. For what more worthie matter can be,thé to let forth Chriftin hisright glorie , in his full riches atid royall eftate to the hearts and foules of men, efpe- cially {uch as are heauie laden and diftreffed in fpirit ? what more comfortable hearinge, or doétrine ‘more true, then of forgiuenes and remiffion of fynnes, fo — purchafed, fo freely offered by our Sauiour, o cleerely preached by his minifters ? or what riches more excellent,then faith fixed in Chrift,and hope fta- blifhed in the promifesof life. ?. or what ftudie more — frutefull, then to feeke the kingdome of God 2 For TO THE READER. ~ where the frute of all other ftudies.decayech and hath his ende, the frute of this ftudy abydeth for euer. And therefore not without caufe we be fo willed by our Sa- uiour him felfe, firft to feeke for this kingdome and tighteoufnes thereof , promifing wichall in an other place,that he which feeketh (hällfynde. In the fecking of which kingdom two fpecial notes we haue to learne and fearch, firft the.glorie & grace of the King, fecondly the welth and felicitie of the ſubiects. In which two partes as the whole fumme of all our fpirituall comfort moft principally confifteth , groũded in the holy Scrip- tures:(o of allexpofitors of the fame Scriptures,I know none or fewe , inthefe ourdayes , more liuely to open - thefe comforts vnto vs out of Gods worde, then this Doétor and Preacher of thefe Sermös here following: which as he hath done moft effe&tually firftin his owne tounge to his contrypeople, then in Latintothe lear- ned: fo this tranflator hath no leffe plainly and faithful- ly englifhed the fame for the commoditie and vfe of our contryfolke of England. By whofe means and in- duftrie this vantagewe haue now gayned, that we haue gotten vnto vs one good preacher in England more then wehad before, to the comfort and edification of all {uch as be difpofed to read and learne. So that in fuch townes and.villages , wherein before were mute minifters , xw9d apico7re ‚this Preachernow may fupplie the lacke,and there be receiued as their pier tae hie “ pleafe,preaching now in their owne ſpeech vnto them and putting them to no charges ofany tythes. And in other places wheremore plentie of learned teachers is, yet — 5— no hurt ſhall come to admit this ftranger ds a coadiutor, or felowhelper vnto them. Whereby Inothingdour, butin fo doing, allfuch as . fhalbe willing to gine eare to this Preacher, as well —* that ui “pe, T WE“ ww) * TO THE READER. that be learned, (hall fynde wherein to growe in more perfection, as alfo the vnlearned wherein to be inftruc- ted fufhciently to their foules helth in Chrift Iefu. In whom I with to thee and to all true Chriftian readers all fpirituall grace and heauenly wifedom ‚to bleffe thy ftudies , to profper thy labours, to ftablifh thy faith ‚to multiplie thy confolations, to direct thy wayes, and &- nally to glorifie thee both body and foule in his bleffed kingtomeforeuer. Amen. ie Fox. ae DIR. —— Bart bs Neid, asl apie has — iq —— (aod gie: er oer oe Sys SERMON OFD. MAR- TIN LVTHER, OF THE NATIVI- TDIE-.OE'CHRIST; Luke2. SHAN d it came to pafle in thofe daies, YAN) that there came a decree from \ € Auguftus Cefar,thatall the world eS thould be taxed. ( This firftetaxing was made, when Cyrenius was gouernour = Syria.) Therefore went allto be taxed euery man to his owne citie. | And Iofephalfo went vp from Galile out of a citie called Nazareth,into Iudea, vnto the citie of Dauid,which is called Bethlehem (becaufe he was ofthe houfe and linage of Dauid,) To be taxed with Marie,that was giuen him to wife,which was with childe. And fo it was, that whilethey were there, the dayes were accomplifhed thatfhe fhoulde be deliuered, FERN AL Andfhe brought forth her firft begotté fonne, and wrapped him in fwadling clothes, & layed him ina manger, becaufe there was no roome for them in the Inne. 4 oN And there were inthe fame ERS fhepe-, — A SERMON OF THE heards,abiding in the field, and watching their flocke by night. 9. And loe,the Angell of the Lord came vppon them, andthe glory of the Lorde fhoneabout them,and they were fore afrayd. 10. Thenthe Angel faydvnto them,Be not afraid: for beholde, I bring youglad tydinges of great ioy,that fhall be to all people. } 11. Thatis, that vntoyouis borne this day in the citie of Dauid, a Sauiour, whichis Chrift the Lord. 12. +» Andthis fhallbeafigneto you: ye ſhall finde the babe {wadled and laydin a maunger. 13. And ftraight way there wastwiththe Angella ° multitude of heauenly fouldiers prayfing God, and faying: i 14. GloriebetoGodonhigh , and peace in earth, andtowards men goodwill. The fumme of this text. # Hereas the Euangelift here deferibeththetime and . place of the natiuitie of Chriſt, first herein ts requs- red faith of vs,to witte, that we beleue thisto bethe fame Chrift,ofwhom thefe things be recorded, Moreouer,the honfe and ftocke of Dauidis here notified and fhewed forth , whereof our Meffias fhould rife. 2 The fhepeheardes which are here mentioned, are the firſte frutes ofthofe Lewes, which come vnto Chrift, asthe Wifemen from the Eaft are the firft frutes of the Gentiles, andtheinnocent snfants of all hem, which muff beare the croffefor Chriftes Jake. 3? Wherew. a the glory of God. Fir/t in deede it maketh vs afraide , for it condem- neth our darkenes and what ſoœuer is in ds, untill we heave the com- fortwhich ts here declared unto the foepehedrds wärhef& comſirta- . ble. Angel of the Lord appeareth tothe fhepeheards _ in great glory, it fenifieth, that the Gofpell commeth unto men with. — A —<— © NATIVITIE OF CHRIST. 3 blewordes: Be notaftaide,behold, I bring youtidinges of great ~ joy,which shall be to all people, becaufe vnto youis borne this daya Sauiour,which is Chrift the Lord. 4 Moreouer , whereas one eAngell firſt preacheth unto the foepeheards,that noteth to vs the Prince of allpreachers C raft him felf.Secondly, whereas many Angells are gathered together tt |igni- fieth the multitude of preachers, who all fay with one mouth : Glorye be to God,and peace unto men, 5 Thefruteand profit wherefore Chrifttooke flefb vpon him, is here expreſſed tobe Enangelicall peace & good will to men,wher= of the hymne of the eAngells maketh mention; Glory beto God on high,and in earth peace, good will towards men. The expofition of the text. ee € haueoftentpmeg heard this hittorp aps before , and mutt eave it ſtill both this "> peate,andeuerp peare, though to flugs I gith edroulie Chrifkiang, chat are foone > / wearp and claped with good things, the > fame peraduenture map feeme tedious, 7.3 Butto them that are endued with true VS Sa faith, it almates commeth againe ag newe. Fortheholp Ghoſt can ſpeake fodtuerfly of one thing, thatto them which be bis, it alwayes feemeth newe, Moreo: ver we might (peake at large of this hiſtorie, for itis very full ef matter , tf we fhoulde not wanttpme, and if it mere not pes rilloug leaſt we ſhoulde fomewhere ſtraye from the purpofe ; Meuertbeleg me willentreate fomewhat thereof, ag God hall permit. De-hauealreadp heard inthe tert, bow the Angell him ſelſe expꝛeſſeth all this hiſtoꝛy, giuing vs to vnderſtand, that the fame is publiſhed for our cauſe: and that the frute thereof doth redounde and appertaine to bs onelp, and is wrought to our ſal⸗ uation, And therefore the Angell {peaking tothe hepebeards, fayth in thefe wordeg: Be not aftaide, behold, | bringe you ty- dings of great ioy which shall be vnto all people, thatis, that vnto you is borne this day in the city of Dauid a Sauiour;which ; A ij a. wi WE Zu Zu x Be a re Le EINER be ee a 2 — Dae ANISERMON, (OBST HE j 4 | pale Chriftcame is Chriftthe Lorde: Dere isdeclared ſirſt, that his natiuitie doch notforhis pertaine vnto vs, when be fapth: vnto youis bornea Sauiour. owne caufe, Foꝛ the Loꝛd Chꝛiſt came not for his owne caufe onelp, but that i en be might beipe and ſuccour vs. Therefore let bs moſt diligent Ip endeuour, that webeleue the Angell, and we thalleniop the whole benefic. A hate heretofore oftentymes ſayd, thatthe Gos fpell preacheth noching elfe but fatth , thatthe Angel alfo bere _ doth and this muſt all preachers vor, otherwile they be not true mintifers, For the Angell was here a beginning and example ta all preachers, Mow we mull in this place ſpeake of a double naz tinitie,namely of our owne and of Chotttes, Gut before J begin. to entreathereof,g will handle the hiſtorye briefly , that pe map lay it bp tn pour bart,and map be partakerg of thetop which che Angellhere boingeth. Firt therefore the Cuangelitt ſayth: + Andit came to paffe in thofe dayes,that there came a decree from Auguftus Cæſar, that all the world should be taxed. This firft taxing was made when Cyrenius was gouernour of Syria. Therefore went allto betaxed euery man to his owne citie. Thetimeof We know right wel,chat the Jewes hav a pꝛomiſe mane of the $comming Patriarch Jacob, that a Prince, lawgiuer oꝛ ruler,of the boule of the Mefli- of Juda, fhould not be wanting in Judea,bntil the Meſſias which — — „ was pꝛomiſed them did come, Foz the wordes of Jacob to Juda sh lacod, ate plapne after this {opt : The fcepter shall not depart from Iu- Gen.49.10. da, & alawgiuerfrom betwene his feete,vntillSilo come. Row at hig time the cafe was fo,thatthe Romanes poſſeſſed Judea, and had {ec a Liuetenant over it, whom the Cuangelt here cals {eth Cprenius. Che Jewes before for along tyme had bled pote: ftes for Kinges when as the Wachabees had obtapned the king: bom, fo that chedominion of the boule of Juda was alreadp tas ken away and ſuppreſſed, neither was there anp prince or rus ler, ok the ſtocke and blood of Juda, gouernour ouer the people, But that Chritt o2 the Meſſias Houlde nowe come, that wag a great ſigne, thatthe prophecie at that tyme elpeciallp might be fulfilled. CÜhereforethe Euangeliſt ſayth here, that at the tpme \ when Chri was boone, Auguſtus Cefar bad fet a Liuctenaunt ouer Judea, under whom the Jewes hould offer them ſelues to be taxed. As if he ſayd: Euen at chat tpme at which be ſhould be boqne,be is boone, All that lined onder the Romane Emperour Were Azu 4 NATIVITIE ‚OF .CHRIST. were compelled to pap tare, for ateftimonie that thep were fub- ‘tect onto him. This the Tewes knew. but they Did not vnderſtand the Pꝛophecie. Jacob had fapd thas: The fcepter shal not depart from,luda, anda lawgiuer from betwene hisfeete, vntill Silo come: That is, a Pꝛince and ruler of the ftocke of Juda thall not be wanting in Judea,bneil Chꝛiſt come. Jacob viv (ufficiene- Ip hewe in thele wordes, thache ſhould be wanting at the com: ming of Chrilt. Woxeouer, whereas they vnderttoon itfo, ag The Iewes mifinterpret though (uch a Silo ſhoulde come, ag ſhoulde beare rufe wich the fworp,it is a fatle vnderſtanding thereof, neither can ic be gathe- be done, It followerh mozeouer inthe tert : __ And Iofephalio went vp from Galile out of a citie called Na- zareth,into ludea,vntothe citie of Dauid,whichiscailed Beth- lehem, (becaufe he was of the houfe and linage of Dauid) tobe taxed with Marie that was giuen him to wife, which was vvith childe. | Tofeph alfo and Marie obeyed this commaundement of Cee | far,and fubmittes them felues ag other honeft and obedient men, and went to Bethlehem, which was the chiefe ana head citie of the boule of Juda, and {ufferen them ſelues to be tared, Warie, in: almuch as the was with chiin,¢ neare her veliuerie, might haue ercufed ber ſelle, that the ſhould not take this ioꝛney bpon her,buc the doth not ſo they will not be an offence to others, Woreouer ie ought thus to be that thep ſhould come ta Bethlehem, becaufe of the praphecie of the Prophet Wicheas chap.5, which foretoloe ~ that Chꝛiſt thoulve be borne in Bethlehem of Tuva, Marke prap pou,bow that tare muſt ferue hereunto, which neither Ce⸗ far nor bis Wieuetenant din 'knowe, Thus God dealeth in bis workes,in which he vleth the meanes of Heathen and euill men, whereby be map make bg, which are miferable € wretched men; and fo Deepelp dꝛowned in fleſh andblood ; certaine of our faith, which the Euangeliſt Luke bere ſpecially ſetteth foith,inafmuch ashe eftlooneg veclareth th the Hiftonie , the places andeimeg, leat that we ſhouls be deceiued concerning this Chriſt. Che mae ner of bis birth he Euangeliſt ſheweth ——— yah ttt, cie of Iacob red out of thattert. Foꝛ he fapth thus, that atthe comming of concerning Chri the cemporall kingdome of the Hewes ſhoulde ende, So the comiag Luke alla here thewet) that verp time, when it behoued this to os BIER te Comfort a- 6 ss MA ASERMON OF THE - And fo it was,that while they werethere,the dayes were ac- _ complished, that she should be deliuered:and she brought forth her firft begotten fonne,and wrapped him in fwadling clothes, & layd himin a manger, becaufe there was no roome for them in the Inne, ; Letit nothing moue bs, or be any offence vnto vs, that the Loꝛde commech into the wold info great pouertie and milerie. For (tought to be a great top and comfort vnto bs,rather then in anp wile to dilcomfort ¢ difcourage bs. It may ſeeme a fFraunge thing, and hard and ſtrait dealing, thata Cirgin which was new marıed,and that peare topnedtoberhulband, might not be pers mitted to bying forth her childe at Mazarech in ber owne boule, but wag enforced in pooꝛe effate to goe aloft three dates iornep being great with chilo ? And when the came at her iorneyes end, fhe had not fo much place inthe Inne, as chat he might be deli: uered in fome parlour 02 chamber. The Inne being full, there was none that would vouchſafe to giue place to thie woman be- ing great with chilve,that the might baue the vſe of cheir cham: - ber but (he was enforced to go into a Kable, thac there he might boing forth che Treater of all creatures. Here map be plainly percetued what is the knowledge and wifedom of the world con: cerning Divine matters,namelp,that itts blinde, and vaine in ons derſtanding, that it ſeeth not che works of God, and if it be fo chat it feeth them, that it knoweth not what chep meane. Dereof let bs learnenotto be moued or difcouraged, tf we be gainft world pooze and miferable,and forlaken of the woꝛld, for we bauchere ly miferic & great comfort. Jf Chait the maker of all hinges, wich his belo _ contempt. ued mother, was caft into fo great milerie , and fo contemmed of the woꝛlde, whp map notthe fame alfo come bnto bs ? 02 why fhould not we being inmiferie, and compalled about with all ca- lamitieg,beare them patientlp, peaif God will at any time kill be wich aduerlitie and diſtres? But this ching is to be Tamentep, that we doe exclude {uch an eramplefrom ourepes , butmuch farther from our hart, Ge ould eaſily (uffer aduerfitie and.con: . tempt,il ſo be that we beleued, and had a {ure truſt and.confivence in Gods when as we fee thatthe Lorn, Chaté {uffered this mile: rie,pouertic,and calamitic, berefoze this is fir thooughly to | be N NATIVITIE OF) | CHRIST, ‘7 be marked and conſidered of tis, how Chaiſt came into the world info great pouertie,and foundnot fo much as one inſo great a ci· tie. which mas butifulland beneficial toward him. Chus this na- tiuitie was recetuedin the earth,ouer which notwithſtanding all the beauenlp ſauldiers nid exceeding lpretopce,as tt followeth: And there were inthe fame contrey shepeheards, abiding in the field,and watching their flocke by night, And loe the Angel - ofthe Lordecame vponthem,and the glory of the Lorde shone about them,and they were fore afraide. Here isdeclared, bow God in heaven letteth fopth thig natini: How God tie, which the world eontemneth,pea knowech not, neither ſeeth. (ettech forth : This ioy is fo great inhbeauen,that it can not be contained there: — in but burſteth forth, that it may be declared and communicates“ lonne: tothe world, Foꝛ the Angell bere bꝛingeth tydings of greatiop tothe ſhepeheardes, which to chen is great comfort, which che tvoride notwithſtanding contemnech and reiecteth; but is of the Angells had in greate admiration, pea andif they might, they wouldwith greater prapfes, and more goodly pompe haue fette forth fo wonderful a thinge, But tt was not meete it ſhould be ſo. Foꝛ God would ferforch an erample in thts his Sonne; chat ihe oſtẽtatiõ ¢ gloꝛping of the woꝛld might at the laſt be neglected, and that it might be knowne what the world is. Dansreafon ſe⸗ meth alwayes very wile vnto it ſelkfe, it alwayes looketh vnto thinges that are aloft, it conſidereth onely high matters, it hum⸗ bleth not it felfe to thoſe thinges that are below. This now is an excellent comfort,that the Angels and all the heauenly ſouldiers doe eſteeme him fo much, whom the world contemneth, whereby Wwe map learne that albeit we be outtaſts inthe worlde , there be notwithſtanding that haue regard and tare of bs, Datwbeit we do hardly beleeue this, we doe nor Falten vur eyes ther eupon, but looke vnto great. prectous, and high thinges,accopuing to the tr: ample ofthe world and ate diſmayed as ſoone as a litle misfor; tune commeth neither thinking no? knowing, ik any aduerlitp al: ſaileth bs ;thatitis pone by the wilt of ov. Beleue thou this vn⸗ poutedlpsifit ban not fo pleaſed Goo, he wouls not haut fufferer this his belouen fonne to belay in a manger, he would not hane ‘permitted him to be bogne info great pouertte, milerie, and con tempt. But the pooꝛer and moꝛe he is befoze the ti, Theblind & vaine deuo- 8 “A SERMON OF’ THE: RS world;fomntch greater care and regard God and all the heauen: Ip ſouldiers haue of him; fo that we map conceiue comfort heres by , andbeleeucallurenip, that the more we are reiected of the woꝛld the more we are efteemed before God. 11952 eh Sn Shou map finde manp which. doe bere thinke thus, and are touched with fuch deuotion as this: D,if Jhad bene therethen, — tion of many With howe great diligence woulde J haue ſerued this childe and : thou wouldeſt be ready to doe choſe duties, when thon knoweſt done for him? pea I wouloe haue wathen euen bis ſwadling clothes. O, ik Jhad bene fo happy as the thepeheards,chat I alfo might haue ſeene the Lord lying ina maunger. Nowe mn deede " Chritk co be lo high and noble. Surely thou wouldelt haue bene " ag flacke in thy dutie at that time ag the Citisens of Bethlehem were. Chouretioluck in thy mind childiſh anv altogecher foolifh Masth.25.40 cogitations. Ahy dooſt chou net performe the like duties nower — | Behold Chꝛilt walking befoze thee in thy neighbour,vofor him, | & bettowe benefies vpon him, whatloeuer thou hale beſtow bpon thy neighbour which ts needp and deftitute of helpe, that thou halt bettow vpon Chritt him ſelfe, as be ſhall fap in thelatt de to theelect: VVhatfoeuer ye haue done to oh&öf the leaſt thefe my brethren, ye haue done it tome. Therforett is @ vane and verp foolith thing to admit ſuch chilvith cogitattons. Lets therefore atthe lat open our eyes, let vs not heare eramplegof - fo great impoꝛtance in vaine, otherwiſe the time willcometwhen we thall be grieuoully puntthen. But with what wopdes did the ‘Angell Speake onto the hepeheards ? che Euangelilt layth after . thistopes . Then che Angell {faydvntothem ;Be.not afraid: for behold, Ibring you glad tidings of great ioy, that shall be to all people, thatis,that ynto you a bier this dayinthe citie ofDauid,a Sas viour,vvhich is Ghriftthe Lord.And this shall be afigne to yous Yeshall find the babe {vvadled,and laydin a a maunger. Learne bytheſe woꝛdes of the Angell, how to ole rightip tbe natiuitie of pod Cit neither lec it fuffice pou to heave them onelp, A greattreafure hidden inthe earth or fome other there, is ta no vſe, but ifit be opened, and occupied, thentsitprafitable and precious, Caherefore giue beedehereunto , that thou map vſe this natiuitie otherwiſe it hal beno commoditic atid comfort iy vnto NATIVITIE OF CHRIST, 9 nto thee, For whereasthou knowett the bare bittorie onely, to mitteswhas came to palle in his natiuitie, and chat he wag borne . Needy and poore, thou fhalt take no greater commoditie hereby, then tf thou heare a hiftorie wpitten of the king of Fraunce,or of fome other puiſſant Jörince , whereby no commoditic o2 comfort ſhould comebvntothee, =~ But how mukk we dle this natiuitie rightly and wich frute E⸗ wh st icis to uenas Jhaue ſayd, if we be thus perſwaded that he was boꝛne vic the nati- fo2 bs, thathis natiuitie ts ours, Dur natiuitie is (uch, that it al- vitie of chrikt together aboundeth with finne,as Dauid ſayth Wfal,s1:Behold ane Iwasshapenin wickednes , & in finne hath my motherconcei- tie of ued me. Agif he would fap: here ts nothing but finne,as well in what fort ie the conception as in the birth, whatfoeuer I bring with me from is. mp mothers wombe, cis wholly damnable, tt is due to death, Satan, ¢ hell. Foralmuch then ag our natiuitie, (kin ¢ beare are befiled , what good can come therof? Chis is our title which we have receiued from Adam, in thigone thing we map glorp and in nothing elfe at all,namelp, that euerp infant that ig borne into this wozld,ts wholp in the power of finne,veath, Satan,bel,and eternal danination:our natiuitie is altogether milerable, and on euerp five tobe lamented. To veliuer vs from this natiuitie, God {ent another natiuitie, which tt beboucd to be pure ¢ without all {pot, that it might make chis vncleane ¢ finnefullnatiuitie pure, This is that natiuitie of the Lorde Chik bis onelp begotten The natiuity fonne, MAherefore he woulde not haue him borne of fleſh ¢ blood of Chrift. infected with ſynne, but it behoued that he ſhoulde be boꝛne ofa pure Girgine, De luffered no {pot at allor finne in bis fleh „but replenifyen it with che holy Ghoſt, x permitted nothing to Ficke - therein, but thofe milerieg which proceede of flefh and blood, ag hunger thirſt, aduerſitie, and veath,finne excepted, as the Epiſtle tothe Heb.chap.4.witneſſeth, chat he was in all things tempted in like fort,yct without finne. Chis tg that moſt ercelient thing, which the Lord our God bath vone for vs, whereofnone taketh anp frute, but be that beleeueth, And none will ealily beleeue: this; buthe that feeleth of what forte bis owne natiuitie ts. De that hath no feeling of his owne miſerie, taſteth not of this na- tiuitie of Chzi, Wucif we feele our milerie, it followerh forth: wich chat we cry with the Prophet Dautd and fap:Behold I was: shapen in wickednes, and in finne hath my mother conceiucd Chritt is borne vnto vs, and is made wholy ours. 10 A SERMON OF — me: fy we feele our Anne and our euill natinitie, 0 feet TMhen death Hall come vponvs, and our heart fhalbe eh with anguith ¢ grief che at the lak it map be, that we would tak ofthis happy ¢ pure natiuitie , and will ercedinglv thirlt after it to entoy it, But now when as we feele not our finnes neither doe as pet taft of the bitternes of finne,it ſſideth cololp to the bart,we heare tt in deede, buttruelp tt doth not throughly enter bnto the bart. For tfa man did beleuc, chat this natiuitie was for bis com: moditie, be would feare neither finne „nor death, CAberefore J baue ſayd chat a Chꝛiſtian mu belecue,and dout nothing , chat the natiuttie of Chri is as well bis , as it ts the Lord Chꝛiſtes. And as he hath of the virgin pure blood and eth , fo that he him: felfe allo ig pure, and that this virgin is bis mother {pirttuallp, as (he was the mother of Choi carnallp. Let the bart have lure confidence in this perfwafton,otyerwile it will be in an euil cafe. This the Angeli ſignifieth in thele wordes. when he lapch; Tinte pou he ig boyne,ag if be fapd, what focuer be ig and hath, pemap ryalenge itte your ſelues. Alfo he ig your Sauiour , not that pe. fhould onelp looke bppon bint, but which ig able to deliver pou: from the tprannie of (inne , death , Satan, and all euell: pea: and bow great ſoeuer be be, be ig bone bnto pou, anv is pours with all that he bath. Nowe koraſmuch as he is mpne , and hath chaunged his natiuitie into mpne, bis flefh ¢ blood alla is nipne, be him felfe is mypne wich all wherewith he ig endued, ſo that J dare {ape onto his mother : Beboloe „that child which thou haſt brought forth,ig mine, his fleth and blood are mp fleth and bloop, : pea and thou are mp mother , and I will be counted of thee for thy fonne , for whatfocuer Chri bringeth with him , tt mult be mpne, euen ashe himfelfe is myne. If fobe that bis natiuitie be mpne , being of a birgin, and without ſynne, repleniſhed with: the holy Ghott, mp nattuitte alfo mutt be of a virgin, and pure from ſynne. Dere now Eue the firft mother is ne more mp mother, for it mult needes be that that natinitie doe btterlp die and perith, that there map be no finue remapning, Dere this mother Marie is to be fet again chat mother , of whome J was borne in inne, And: thus the Angel bꝛingeth with bim great top, fo; it can not be, but that the hart ſhould be made glad, when it eniopeth this autour as bis snc. TCL hen we come te band ttrokes , thatis, suo cele NATIVITIE OF CHRIST, 11 feele our miſerie and calamitie, there remayneth no comfort o helpe, then mp hart can not likt it ſelle aboue the heauy burden, wherewith it is pꝛeſſed downe, but it muff needes faint and be diſcouraged. But ik Iconceiue atruſt, and doute nothing that Chꝛiſts natiuitie ig mine, that mp ſinnes be taken away bp him, I become erceding topfull,¢ am confirmed with comkoꝛt, where⸗ bp all heauines and forrow is fhakenof, Chis onelp ts that com: True com- fort, and no other , which maketh a good confcience , which fea: forcand ivy. reth neither death nor heil, for it alwapes reſteth vpon the word of God, which giueth Chꝛiſt vnto vs. Therefore it is athinge altogether miferable and lamentable , tf fuch a good confcience be fought in any other chinges then bere. Chou ſhalt find no top, no peace of confcience neither in heauen, noz in earth but inthis Chri, be thou certaine and {ure thereof, Therefore let all other thinges palle, and cleaue vnto him onelp,ifchou defire to be bold and couragious again finne, death the deutll,bell,¢ all thinges that are againſt thee. He is the Loꝛde € Qauiour,We vnderſtand Itruſtthis right wel,forxalmuch ag pe baue now beard it To ofte, But J doe with fo great earneſtnes ag ft were beate it into pour mindes, that pe map (ee, that there ts but one thing taught in the whole Scripture „which J would baue to ficke firmelp and bn: Doutedlp in pou, this ts that which Jhaue ſayd; that the ofe of this natiuitie be knowne. They which ſeeke anp other thing, and ble not chis natiuitie, are in a de(perat cale,ag pe haue heard. Ahich pe haue verp wel . expreflen in this longe , the author mbereof whoſoeuer be was, bid nothing erre from the purpofe, to witte, that the onelp chiloe Chrikis our comfort, Mhich wordes furelp are of berp great importance, and Deferue moft diligently to be weped, Foꝛ pe div fing after this forts A child highly to be pꝛayſed ig boone vnto vs ’ this dap of a chatt virgin, to che comfort of us wꝛetches. If that child had not bin borne,we had periſhed all. Is it not {apd here, that there ts no comfort befinde only Chott? which in deed is moſt true. Aithout dout che holy Ghoſt taughe him that made this fong to finge after this fort, Jif the cafe ſtand thus , it followerh that Wonkes, Nunnes, Sacrificing Pꝛieſtes, and all which ieaue this child, and fecke to come to heaucn bp other wayes ann works, be cõdemned. Foꝛ (uch fap that they neede not this child, otherwiſe thep woulde confelle, that their owne workeg be no- — 12 A SERMON OF THE . thing worth, Chele therefore do nothing but veceiue and {eouce, — oftuboin mens barts are procured to Depart from Chꝛiſt, and are led awap bnto Satan, In the afozelapd fong ig contapned moze: ouer: Deis the faluattow of vs all, ob fweete Jeſu Chzitf, foral- much as thou art borne man, defende vs from hell, F greatly de⸗ ~ fire that pe did well underffand this. It is foong abꝛoade euerp -where,but here is none that thꝛoughly beleuech it. CAhereupon it commeth that fone doe oppugne thele chingg,elpeciallp thep, which know, fing , and babble very much of them, that truely J feare, that Chrifk is neuer more blaſphemed, then at this feat of bis natiuitie,and at other great feafteg , that it (hould be no mar» uel, ik, when be is fo blafphemed,he ſhould fuffer the whole worla to be (wallowed bp : but the laſt day is at hand, TAherefoze enve: uour that pe map found chig excellent fong inpourhart, and ag pe fing it in mouth, ſo pe map alfo beleue it. - Afche cafe ſtande thus, that all thinges withoue this child are No meanes baine, what neede is there then of much bulines ? why dooſt thay but by Chrift rynne this wap € that wap, and endeuoreft to do workeg, wheres bp thou mayſt prepare thee aleate in heauen? which chep efpes _ to come Vn- ro heauen. ctallp doe,that murmure bp manp Rolaries, and doe continually ertoll che mother of Gov in mouth onely, but inharc thinke moze euil of her then of all others: ¢ not onelp of ber, but of Chrik him felfe alfoche Lord and Sauiour. Therefore. commit this foto memozie, that ye map be certainly perſwaded, that whatloeuer Dependeth of any other then of that child, it ig alldammable , o⸗ therwife che Angell had lved. Chis mutt be compted for mo certaine without anp addition,neither are thefe tvifles to be weis ed, to witte , that chis fufficech not that thou dooſt beleeue, moe thinges are to be added. Foꝛaſmuch then as the Angell (apch, that this child both all, and that he is the Sauiour,andifbebe — not, that all labour is tof, tell me, how ean tt follow, that fome thing is to be done of chee, when it is already none before ? Dooſt thou goe about ta doe anp thinge that thou map obtaine him ? That ehilo (ufferech not him lelfe to be apprehended and obtay⸗ ned bp workes, for albeit thou heape together woꝛkes, notwith⸗ ſtanding thou dooſt not pet eniop the child, Woreauer thp works be vncleane, by which lich a great treafure cannot be gotten, no though thep were cuen boty, Gut he is tobe appꝛehẽded in hart. ſo that thou beleeue, and fap tothe Angel: I beleeue thaticis true = | which NATIVITIE OF CHRIST. 13 which thou layelt, and nothing at all douting I count this childe for a Sautotir borne vnto me, And this part wherof we haue nom fgoken,pertainerh to faith, Row we haue here allo an other part pertapning to Chꝛiſti⸗ an life,namelp charitie,that mozkes may not be reiected. If thon wilt doe workes, doe them not in chat refpect,that thou perſwade thy felfe thatthou dooſt obtapne anp thing of Godby them. Wut A moh ex- follow this erample: {uch a oneag Chꝛiſt hath ſhewed him felfe cellent ex- tothee be thou allo towarde thy neighbour. Sf thou doe moze ample co be nearelp confiver the example of Chait, thou Halt finde nothing a but meereloue , TÜbereag he humblech him ſelle and ig borne in „ns in doine fo great pouertic,chat declareth nothing, butlouetowardthee, ofgood ~ which mouedhimto become aferuaunt forchp fake, as Paule workes. Pobiltp.2.fapth who knew that he might remayne in diutne glo⸗ rp, Now this be aid for thy commoditie, he bowed hig etes to thp miferie and calamitie,wbich art fo miferable aman, wholy dam⸗ nable ¢ abounding with finne,thp natiuitie is vncleane, thy miſe⸗ rp ig on euery fide moſt great, thou batt deſerued nothing but the wath of God € eternall damnation. Tf thou hadſt bene a Carthu⸗ lian Monke a thowland peares, thou couldeſt nor veliuer chp felf from this miferpe and damnation, But Chpitt is able to helpe thee, he is rich anv hath ſtrength {ufficient: ſeeing therefore be candoe fuch thinges, be doch them willingly and wich pleafure, Loue enforcech him ſo farre, that he emplopeth all hinges for — thy fake, and beftoweth whatfocuer he hath for thee, Foralmuch then as Chꝛiſt ſheweth fo great loue coward thee, and giueth vn⸗ to thee whatſoeuer be is able, do thou likewile to thy neighbour, Wilechou morke workeg ? derive them to thy neighbour, who is compatled with troubles ¢ mileries, Chou mul doe nothing for this caufe,that Chit bath neede thercof,wherebp thou maift ens tich him,foz neither was he bountiful to chis ende, that he might - any thing profic bis father thereby, 02 thathe might recetue any commobitie ofhim,but he div it onely fo this caufe, that therein the father might be well pleafed, inalmuch ag be fubmittech him felfe wholp tobis fathers will, andloueth os with fo great affes ction? - After the fame fort we alfomutt doc in our works toward our neighbour, which we ought thetefore onelp to doe, that we map giue thanks to the father,chat he ſheweth his fauonr onto ve, for se. „in, 14 | A* SERMON OF THE that be hath giuen bis beloued fonne unto me,to beffombponme whatſoeuer be hath, TAhen I beleue this vndoutedly, I burtk forth and ſay: Ik Goo fhewweth onto melo great benefits and fa- uour in his beloued fonne, p he ſullereth hint to beſtow all things vpon me, I alfo will doe the like againe, and beſtow all hinges whereby I map doe good tamp neighbour and louehim, And fo J Doe not lift bp mpne epes buto heauen,but I gothether,wbere — my neighbour ts oppꝛeſſed th aduerſitie, pouertie, ſicknes, ſinne, ox errourjand Thelpe him wherein foeuer Jam able. Thus poe thou whofoeuer chou art, which mindeſt to do true good works: as thou wouldeſt haue done to thy feife, if thou were troubled with pouertie,fo doc thou to thy neighbour being pooge. A caine, ik thy neighbour be a ſinner, and thou ſeeſt tt, but thou thy (elf art without ſinne, and haft a holy natiuttte , gac,preach puto him, whereby he alfo map be delivered. But thou mutt doe all theſe things freely imeuerp reſpect, as Chott bach done for thee with: out all workes and merits,of pure grace,loue,and mercy. Such - woꝛkes fee thou doc, if thou wilt doe good and Chziftian workes indeede, God hath noncede of them,neuertheles thou muſt doe them in reſpect of him, inaſmuch ag it fo pleaſeth bim,and he will haue tt to belo, Chis onelp is rightly to doe good workes, which thoſe hypocrites do not, which will merit heauen by their chaſti⸗ tp,pouertie,# obedience. Tinto whom I] pray pou are fuch works oftheirg good? Jmy felfe neede them not, neither doe thep profit my neighbour, wherefore it is mere deceit, whereas aname ig giuen to workes as though they did merit beauen; when as thep are nothing worth,neither profitable ta others, Lape vppe thete thinges in pour hartes,and do allo according tothem, In all this text being diſcuſſed from the beginning tothe ending, pehaue thefe two thinges, namely faith and loue. If pe thal keepe thele, „then both the holp natiuitie of Chait thallbe abelpe, commodi⸗ tie,and comfort unto pouand allo pe hall be ſpiritually the chil: dren of bis mother,as Chaiſt Jeſus ig ber childe carnall. An expofiticn of the fong ofthe Angelks, Glory be to God onhigh, &c. Glory be to God on high,and in earth peace, goodwill to- wards men. Foralmuch as this fang is berp common, and there be fewe that rightly onderfanvett, when ag notwithſtanding it con: - h NATIVITIE OF: CHRIST. | 15 | contapneth manp thinges init, Ithinke good to handle ic fomes what at large. Che Angells in this hymne apply three things to three: glory to Gov, peace tothe earth, and qood will unto mer. The firk is the honour oz gloꝛy of God, with which we muti be: Glory due ginne, thacinall thinges prayſe and glory map be afferiben to 7° Coda- God,as to him which doeth, giueth, and hath allehinges, fo that ~~ none map chalenge anp good thing at all once bimdelfe, neither ought to count ithis omme, Glory ts fo duc to Gov onely.that no | parttherofmap be deriued to anp other, Adam being perſwaded of Satan,went about to take this gloꝛy to him felfe,whereby all men fell into the vifpleafure of Gon, ¢ haue that vice fo through: ip fired in their mind, that no other thing can be fo havolp pluckt | awap from them. Cuerp man pleafech him felfe, no man can a⸗ | bide tofeeme that bets nothing,or ig able to noe nothing, where: of come aloft all eutils,fo many contentions, warres,and innu⸗ merable other diſcommodities. Chis glory Chrik gaue to God | bis father, teaching that all our thinges are nothing before Gov vbut finnes, which veferue bis wrath and indignation,and nothing lelſſe chen glory. Ciitherfore there ig nocaule, that we fhould euen neuer fo title pleafe our ſelues or glorp inthem, but rather that we fhould be athamen and feare, being fet info great perilt anv | confufion, thatfo ail our gloꝛy and pleafing of our ſelues map | pafleamap and come to nothing,and we may retopee being deſti⸗ * of our owne glozie, that we map be found ſaued in Chꝛiſt alone, | : | « Theferond is peace in earth, Foꝛ, as where the gloꝛy of Gow Where true | isnot,and where euery one fecketh bis owne glopp,there can not PF?® — be peace, accoꝛding as Salomon ſayth Pꝛouerbn q. Among the ete t | “ proudethereiseuerftrife: forontrarimtle, wheretheglonpof BGod is knowne,there true peace alfo mutt needes bes Foꝛ why | thould thep contend? why ſhould they vifagrees which voe know - euetpone of them, thatthey haue no good thing oftheir owne, but that all hinges which are, which chep haue, and which thep . ave able to doe, come from Oov's to whole power alſo thep com: mitall thinges, they in themeane feafon being berp wel content, : that they haue Gon fauoꝛable vnto cyem? Howe alfe canit be, that when one counteth nothing of bim (elfe and che thinges that be his, be ſhould be fo cavefull ofbim (eife and his thingeg , that be ſhould moue contention with anp becaule of them? Such be: i TE U Se... ra Va a _ Hee ey a 16 A SERMON OF THE leeue that Chait onely ig mane all hinges vnto them, him they thinke on,and for him alone thep contend. Hereupon it certainlp followeth that there can be no contention oꝛ diſcoꝛd at al among The peace true Chꝛiſtians: which maner of peace of Chpittians Efap ve: ——— clareth,¢ ſayth: No man shall doe euill vnto an other, noman Fai. Y shall deftroy an otherin my holy hill, that is, inthe Church of Efa.trg. Chritt. Che caule hereof he addeth nert after: The earth is full _ of thekaowledge of God, that ig,for all know God, as to whom all good thinges poe belong, and all their owne things thep cons fefle tobe nothing but finnes , thep map ealilp therefore haue ; peace among them ſelues. Aherefore the fame Clap fapth in an Ht oeber places They shall breake their fwordes into mattocks, & their {peares to make fythes,and one shall not lift vp a weapon againſt an other, neither shall they learne ro fight from thence forth. Dereupon Chit ts called che King of peace, oꝛ the prince of peace,ofiabom Salomon was a figure, who ts called peace: able, For Chꝛiſt is trulp called our king Salomö, that is,peace- able, which bath reftored peace vnto bs inwardly wich Gov through faith in him, and outwardly w our neighbours through loue, whereby we live friendlp with all men: and fo by him we hai peace euerp where both inwardly, and outwardly in che earth. ‘Goodwill. The third is good will of men, Not that good will, whereby we worke good workes, but wherebp we take in good part all thingesthat happen, whether thep be good 02 euill , ſweete or fower,and do receiue them with a quiet hart, The Angells knew that che peacewhich thep div fing of,Choulo be onlp among Chris ſtians, which inall thinges doe Depend bpon Chri, and nfurpe nothing to them (elues as their owne, Butin the meane fealon the world and Satan, which doc erceedingly enuie them, doe on euerp fide procure trouble vnto them, and perfecute them euen onto the death, fo that thep map looke for no peace or quietnes at all of chefe, for Chritt ſayth Joh. 1 6, Inmeyeshall haue peace, » but in the world ye shall haue affliction. Therefore it was notes nough for the Angellstohaue foong, peace inearth, but tt wag to be added; and good willtowardesmen, that whenthep, ag much as they are able,haue peace with all men, and neuercheles - ave continually bated of all men,and doe fuffer perfecation, thep map alwaies kecpe a goon mil, wherby thep map take all chings in NATIVITIE OF CHRIST. . 17 in good parte,and giuethankes to God, howeloeuer he dealeth eons ~ with them, or fuffereth chem to be dealt wich,thep map not mur: Me one mure, butrefiqne and commit themfelues wholp to the will of a — God,pea (foꝛaſmuch as they knowe that God doch diſpoſe € go⸗ pariendy. uerne all thinges, whom they are ſure, that they haue a mercifull and moſt fauoꝛable father vnto them thꝛough Chꝛiſt) they map euenreiopce € be glad in perfecutiong , according to that ſaying of Pauleinthe Epiſtle tothe Romaneg : VVereioyce in affli- ctions and perfecutions. For inalmuch ag thep baue a topfull canfcience and a {ure truſt ofthe fauour of God, they can not but count all thinges for the belt, whatfoeuer happen. Behold what kinde of good will it is in all chinges , whether thep be profperous or bnprolperous,which the Angellsdoe here with bnto men, ¢ fing to be propper to the beleuers, bere fuch Wherecood good willis wanting,there peace cannot long be, en take all willis * thinges in the worſe part, they take nothing tn good part, but do there peace alwapes increafe and Double the euil,bereupon howfoeuer God can notcon- dealeth with them, they like it not, but require that thep map be tnue. dealt otherwife with,and fo it falleth out as it ig tn JPfal, ı 8,wich the pure thou shale be pure,and with the froward thou shalt be froward, that is,with him that counteth all thinges pure to him felfe,and bath that good will in all thinges, whereof we haue ſpo⸗ ken, thou allo dooſt well agree, inäfmuch as he pleaferh thee and all good men, Gut he that is froward, fo that neither thou, nor thofe thinges that are thine doe like him, cannot but difpleafe both thee and all good men. Of this well pleafing one another Paule fpeakerh 1.02.10. Endeuour to pleafe all men,euen as I pleafe all. By what meanes hall this be done > Tfthoutake all thinges in good part,and fuffer others to pieafe thee thou alfo a- gaine fhalt pleafe others, Che matter map be comprehended in one woꝛd: Jf thou wilt be liked ofnone,nothing thall be liked of thee: Sf thou wilt be liken of ail,fuffer that all hinges map be al: ‚ foliked of thee,butfo, that thoudoe not neglect the worde of the How fare Lo. Foꝛ that ought to be preferred before all, without any re- pleafe men gard had ofall mẽ, what pleafech them, oꝛ what difpleafeth them, and fubmic But whatloeuer map be done without tranfgrefling the word of our felues God. qiue place to all, ¢{ubmit thy iudgement to che iudgement vnto them. _ bf others, that thou map take every thing in good part, which Hall chaunce vnto thee, g fo thou thalt haue the good bil, where⸗ 18 A SERMON OF THE ofthe Angelisvinfing, = == . Gy this fong tt may be vnderlkood, what nature the Angelle baue, J omit thole thinges which the Philolophers haue drea⸗ med hereof: berets fo vefcriben what the Angells are, chat it can not be moze fullp done, their bare and cogitations being de: Thesit ‘clared, Fir with great top they fing prapfesto God , acknow- thing to be ledging all thinges to be Due vnto him,and therefore doe with an confidered ardent mind, and finging alozifie him, Ag therefore thou woul: a a An: deft chinkeof arightlowip , pure, andobedient bart, prapfing pian God, and alwapes enioping perpetuall gladnes in him, ſo chinke alfo of the Angellg : and thou bak now the nature of Angellg,ag Thefecond much ag thep haue to doe with God, Che ſecond thing to be con: thing which fevered inthemis their loue towardes bs, Thinke chat thep are othe the MOf Louing toward vs, which deſire that tt map goc as well with Angels. 0888 with them (elues, they doe noiefle reiopce for our ſafetie - then fo their stone, ¢ euen in this hymne full of loue to vsward, they declare them felues fo affected toward bs, that ſurely, we map thinke and reiopce ofthem, as of moft loutng friends, Chis isto knowe the Angellstruelp , not according to their effence, whereof the Philoſophers doe foolifhip € without frute babble many thingeg,but according to their bart and mind,fo chat albes ft J know not, what their nature is in ic felfe,pet J know what is their chiefe defire,and their continuall worke. Thus much (hall fuffice at this tpme concerning thelong of the Angells,and the frute of the natiut: tie of che child Jeſus Chik. God graung be bis grace, that we may print chele thinges in our hart, according onto them al: foamend our life. - . Amen, RS A SERMON OF D. MAR- TIN LVTHER, OF THE EPIPHA- NIE OR APPEARING OF CHRIST. . Matth.2. Verfe.1. Hen Iefus then was borne at Beth- lehem in Iudea, in the dayes of He- rod theKinge, beholde there came wife menfrom the Eaft to Ierufalem, 2. Saying, whereis that king of the Iewes that is borne? for we haue feene his ftarre in the Eaft, and are come to worfhip him. 3 When kinge Herod hearde this, he was trou- bled,and all Ierufalem with him: 4. And gathering together all the chiefe Prieftes and Scribes of the people, he askedof them, where Chrift fhould be borne. ; 5. And they fayde vnto him, at Bethlehem in Iu- dea : for fo itis written by the Prophet, 6. And thou Bethlehem in the lande of Iuda, art nottheleaft amonge the Princes of Iuda: For _ out of thee fhall come the gouernour,that fhal feede that my people Ifraell. re Then Herod priuily called the wife men , and diligently inquired of them the tyme of the ftarre that appeared. “ 8. And fent themto Bethlehem,faying: Goe and ferch diligently for the childe,& when ye haue found him,bring me worde againe, that I may B ij = Br: 7 on = 20 A SERMON OF THE EPIPHANIE come alfo and worfhip him. 9. Sowhen they had heard the king, they depar- 3 ted: and loe,the ftarre which they had feene in the Eaft,went before them,till it came & ftood. ouer the place,where the childe was, 10. - And whenthey fawe the ftarre, they reioyced with an exceeding greatioy. it. And went into the houfe, and found the childe with Marie his mother,and fell downe,& wor- fhipped him, and opened their treafures and prefented vnto him giftes,euen golde, & fran- kincenfe,andinyrrhe. | ARES € celebrate this day anoble, and moff comforta: W Of) vie feat, concerning the appearing of the Lorde RAW Telug,wbo appeared,a {pectal comfort to al them — NIG which feeke him with a fronge faith: firk ta the K wife men which came from the Ealt: fecondip ta John the Baptiſt, when being about thirty yeares okage be was baptized of him in Joꝛdane, and the holy Ghoſt and voyce of the father gaue teſtimonie of him, that be is the ſonne of God: third⸗ lp when be ſhewed his glorp and power tna miracle, wherein he turned water into wine at amariage, whereby he would procure reverence and eftimation to matrimonp,which now/ Alas )is af ter a fhamefull fort togne,contemned, and retected of the ope € big adberents as acertaine miferable and wpetched fate. For whatfocuer God hath odained, that of the world is concemned: whereof at conuenient time we willfpeake more, and we haue als ready ag Ji thinke waitten {ufftcient therof, ow we will fpeake in few woꝛdes of the fir appearance, The wile menof Arabia, which were induſtrious men, and without all dout gouernours of that countrie (as it was at that timethe maner in thoſe partes) when they bad feene the ſtarre in the Catt, boeaking ofalldelape, made hatte co Jeruſalem, dili⸗ rently fecking for the kinge of the Jewes being newe borne, Ahere we ought to marke, that they could neither eeke nop finde u Au a A nn | Fy al i al Tas OR APPEARING OF CHRIST. 21 finde out this king, the Lorde Chꝛiſt, but bp che ſtarre going be: fore them,which atthe lat ledde them fo farre, that by the word of God they were certified, where this king wasto be found. Do alfoisit with vs: we cannot finde Chptt without the Gofpeil, Wihoveths Without the word. of God. Chat muk ſhew him onto vg, ¢ bringe sued by hg thither, where we may finde him: which then onelp ig Done, faich,we can when we recetue the fame Golpell by faith , otherwiſe, although not finde we haueit,beare it,and know tt, it profiteth bs nothing at all,we Chriſt. ſhall not therefore finde him, no moze furelp then the Scribes founde him , whonotwithanding had the Scriptures reanily, and ſhewed the wap to other , not comming into tt them felues, for the thing did not touch their harts. Chey did droulily neglect thatking , whom with great fighes they bad looked for manp a: ges. Ciherefoze itis not enough chat we baue the Golpeil, o2 that we beare it,but we muff beleue it, and lap itp inthe fecretg of our bart otherwife we hall neuer finde Chit. Here alfo pou fee,that it doth not (kill, whether one be learned 02 unlearned, in- firucted inmanp places of Scripture,o2 in few, onto whom Gon giveth the grace, he eniopech Chait. Derelpecterh not the per: fon, but whom be mawerh be ts dꝛawne, although inthe meane feafon he pꝛouideth chat the Golpell be alwayes preached. After therfore that thefe wife men had found the child Chriſt, the king of the Hewes at Bethlehem, together with Joſeph and Warie.by the ſhewing of the Scripture ¢ guiding ofthe farre, The wife thep were nothing offended at the poore eftate of the childe , but men are not being taughe bp che woꝛd, acknowledged that Chita for the Bel: ee at fiag and king ofthe Tewes , whom the Jewes had looked for fo Pc“ Many peares,¢ opened their treafures before him, offering unto cate of bim golde,frankincenfe and mparhe, Therein agatne we ought Chritt. to marke the nature of faith , that it isoffended at nothing, but cleaucth to the word onelp and nothing efteemeth thofe thinges that thine outwardly. Theſe wile men doe not therefore difvapne neither turne backe, becaule the child together with bis parents were withoutall pompe in pouertie and miferie, and nothing lefle chen a kinglp child appeareth onto them , but they nor on, and vndoutedly acknowledge him for a king, ag thep had learned concerning him out of the Scriptures. Wozeouer thep giue vnto him the honour meete for a king, they offer moſt prectous gifts, which they had brounht,being even of the bet ion , outoftheir " ttt, How the world dea- leth with the poore and afflicted. We muft not efteeme thofe things which feeme precious to the world, but thofe which to rhe world feeme conrempti- ble and of no value. 4 Asian, A a ae rt re en Dil N ’ en ee 22 A SERMON OF THE EPIPHANIE owne countrie, owe the world would haue done no fuch thing, but according tothe maner thereof, would haue looked for gar⸗ ‘ments of purple,and refozt of feruaunts, and handmaydens. In ſuch places it ig wont to beſtow bis giktes, to wit, where there is great plentie and abundance of thinges before: pea itis of that qualitie,that it vepriueth the poore and afflicted of thofe thinges that thep haue, it taketh bꝛeade out of the mouth of the hungrp € needie, which haue nothing, but as thep get it hardly, by labous ring fore all that they ave able, Cibereof we haue colearne, that ik we will honour Chik wich thefe wife men, we mutt hut our etes, and turne themfrom all that which feemech fapze, goodly and noble before the worlo; Neither mult chou be offended o2 abhorreic , tf anp thing feeme vile contemptible and ridiculous bnto the world: : let this (uffize thee that thou knoweſt that ic pleafech God, which is inbeauen, Cake heede bnto thy felfe concerning thofe thinges, which thine before the world exerciſe thy felfe inthole workes, which feemz vnto reafon foolith and light, as are,to belpe the needie , to com: foot the afflicred,¢ to count the calamitie of thy neighbour, thine owne. If thou thale be diligently erercifen in thele , and faith bes ing chp guide, ſhalt endeuour rightly co apply thy felfunto them, then other workes which haue a fayre ſhewe, as to inſtitute mals fes,to be occupied in vigils and peares mindes,to build cemples, and fuch like follies, (hal by them felueg be pluckt out of chp hart tbhanifh away, vnto which workes, furelp now almoſt the whole world ts addicted : thep are in deede fayre in the berp outwarve ſhew, and fecme to be very prectous , when as notwithſtanding they are an abhomination bute God, But whatlacuer Goo hath commaunded, as to Doe gaod to our neighbour,and to be touched | with bis aduerfities no lefle then wich our own,to beare a friends Ip and well willing minde toward him , thele ave neglected , aud tn che epes of the world appeare trifling and foolith : whereupon we doe greatly abhorre them, Dow commeth this to paſſe? Euen therefore becaufe they haug no goodly thew sutwardip, Ano the common people of Germante are wont to fap: Chae which ſhi⸗ neth not, oꝛ bach not afapze ſhew, is nothing fet bp. Woreouer God doth looner fuffer him felfe to lacke his owne honour and due ferutce, then that he woulde have vs to leaue of from doing our dutie coward our neighbour, as Chit ee Matth, u. ul OR APPEARING OF CHRIST. 23 Matth.5.1f chou bringthy giftto thealtar, and there remem en breft that uy brotherhath ought againft thee,leauethere thine the feruice offering before the altar, and goe thy way: firltbe reconciled which we to thy brother, andthen come, and offer thy gift. Here pedoe offer him, if moft plainly both beare and fee,that Gov will not be ferued, vn⸗ eee leg we firſt goe to our neighbour, andbe reconciled to him. For yuraour the fame caufe alfo Gov reiecteth the facrifices of the Jewes, ag neighbour. it igin p Prophelie of Clay chap, 1 for that thep div neglect thoſe thinges which were moze neceflarp,namelp mercy anv faich: for thug be fapth : VVhy offer ye fo many facrificesvnto me? Iam ful of the burnt offerings of weathers, & of the fat of fed beatts, Ihaue no pleafure in the blood of bullocks,lammes,& goates, VVhen ye cometo appeare before me treading in my courts, who hathrequired this at yourhandes ? Offer me no mo obla- tions, for it is but loftlabour: incenfe is an abhominable thing vnto me. I may notaway with your newe moones, your fab: bathes, & folemne meetings, your folemne affemblies are wic- ked.] hate your new moones and appointed feaftes euen from my very hart,they make me weary,] can not abide them. V Vhé ye hold out your handes, Iwill turne mine eyes from you: and though ye make marty prayers , yet I will heare nothing at all, feeing your handes are full ofblood. VVashe you, make you cleane,put away your euil thoughts out of my fight, ceafe from doing of euill.Learne to doe well, apply your felues to equitie, deliuerthe oppreffedghel pethe fatherles to his right, defend the widow, € fo forth ag is there rebearfen of Efap, By thele woꝛds of Efay pe fee what God requireth,¢ what be allowech, Tihen we neglect thole workes, by which our neighbour ts ferued,he as gaine will neglect bs. For whatfoeuer benefit we beftow vppon our neighbour,that we beſtow vppon God and Chriffhimfelfe, as he all pronounce inthe laſt iudgement: VVhatfoeuer ye Mash.25 40 haue done to one of the leaft of thefe my brethren, ye haue done it vnto me. God will Chen thou hearet this, thou wilt not gloꝛy much, ofthe tem: coor, noc the ples which thou hatt builded, 02 males which thou batt founded, works which For then he witlfay: whathaue J to noe with thy temples and we haue in- Wailes ? what with chine altar and bells ? thinkeft chou that J vemted.buc am delighted with fones,and wood, with bells and banners?Are hie DS not all thinges mine fit: Heauen is mp ſeate, andthe earth ig pach com- kit, maunded. 24 A SERMON OF THE EPIPHANIE mp footeftoole, Cio commaunded thee to build tempieg?T baue fet liuing temples before thee,thele are to be edified,nourithen,e relieued but thou hat bene occupted wit other triflles,which I] Haue not commaunded,3| know thee not, awap with thy temples and mafles : pe ought to haue put pour truff in me onelp, but all pour Delight conſiſted in {uch workes,as though it had bene pour purpofe by ſo doing to wꝛeſt heauen from me, &€ that J map com: prehend all in a bꝛiefe fumme : whatloeuer I bane commaunded, that hath bene of pou neglected: and whatſoeuer J haue deteſted and alfhorren,that pe haue viligentlp done : this therefore I will requite pou with again, J know pou not, pc map relort onto that god Which hath commaunded pou to doe thele thinges. Dere therefore let vs learne, how the wife men did nothing ab- horre the pooree on euery fine miferable appearance of this ine fant and big parents, that we alfo map be fo affected toward the miferable and pieifull effate of our netahbours,¢ may be perfwa- ded that we doe find Chari tn them, that whatſoeuer ts beſtow⸗ ed bpon them, Chꝛiſt doth acknowledge it ag beſtowed bpon him Thekingdé felfe. Dis kingdom conſiſteth in the pooꝛe, deſpiſed ¢ abiects, vea of Chri in the bolp croffe,in contempt, in perfecution, in affliction + mi: wherein it ſerie, as Paule fapth out of the Plalme: for thy fake we are kil- confifteth. led all the day long,and are counted as sheepe appointed to be — flaine.Jn an other place alſo he ſayth: we are made as the filth dc, ; H of the world, the ofskowring of all thinges. Ttherefoze Chꝛriſt fapd to bis difcipleg, when he {ent them forth to preach in Judea: Maith.10.16 Behold I fend you forth as sheepe in the middes of the vvolues. Thep now that ſeeke Chzift anp orher where then infuch a con- téptible forme, inp croffe,® in perfecution,do not find hin. Che wife mé did find Fking Chat being newly borne, notin Herons court,not among the Pꝛinces # prieſts, not at Dierulalem, in fo noble and famous a city, but at Bethlehem in a Table,with poore and defpifed creatures, namelp Joſeph and Marie, In a ſumme, Chriftwillchere be foũd, where aman would leat ſeeke for him, But we mull diligentip confiver alſo, what chefe wile men fig: nified bp cheir giftes.. For aflureolp thep fhewedby them, that tied ie this child is a king, and not a king onelp,but alfo God and man. —— 5 In offering gold they acknowledged him for a king, ag ikthey their offting Would fap : Lie bring vnto thee gold,not that we would thereby ef gold. enwich thee. For gold, Gluer, and whatlocuer is made is — be⸗ | | ort, OR APPEARING OF CHRIST, 25 fore, but hereby we acknowledge thee to be a mot mighty king ’ ouer all thinges. So we alfo offer gold vnto Chꝛiſt, when we ac: How & she knowledge him for our king and Lord: bur vnto this is required nn avery ttronge faith, For tf J ought to acknowledge him tor mp 1 king and Loꝛd, all mine owne willmuft be ertinauithed , thatit reine nothing atallinme: for Chait onelp mut reigne ¢ rule in me,thathe may doe whatloeuer tt plealech himin me,and con⸗ cerning me,all chinges mult be committed unto him. So the le- per in Matthew did,which ſayd onto Chriſt: Lord, ifthou vvilt thou canft make mecleane. Therefore mp will mut be vtterly ertinguifhed in me,ifp I willhaue Chik to reigne in me. Chik alfo fuffered not his owne will torule, but he alwayes ſubmitted bimlelfe co the will of his father , which be teftifieth tn the fire chapter of the Goſpell by S,Tohn: 1 came dovvne from heauen, notto doe mine ovyne wvill , but his vvill yvhich hath fent me. Dea he obeped his father euen vnto death, and fubmitted him felfe wholp to his will, THe imitating thigerample, which ts waitten for our fingular confolation, ought tofubmit our willto God and his Chritk and to reſt confiventlp ppon him, De know: eth howe to bꝛinge the matter notably wellto pafle , ag it ts ſayd yp fal. 2 7. Commit thy vvay vnto God, and pur thy truftin him, and he shall bringeitto pafle.. And alitle after: Hold thee fill "in God, and fufferhim to vvorkevviththee. Such fentences ought to prouoke bs , patiently to fuffer the willof Gon in bs, whether ſweete hinges oꝛ ſowꝛe, commodities o2 diſcommodi⸗ ties come bnto bs: for be knoweth with what temperature to lap. | them bpon vs. Bleſſed is he chat beleueth thele thinges from bis bart. Aho being fuch a one,canbe troubled with. {agow’Such a manbowloeuer be be hädled, whether he be burned o2 Drowned, caſt into prifon,o otherwife grieuouflp delt with,be taketh all in Hood part» For he knowerh that chele hinges hall turne to hig commoditie. After this fort doe we allo offer golde with the wile men „when we take away rule from our owne will, and do ſuffer Chri to worke in bs accopdinge to bis. will ¢ pleafure. CTAhere⸗ fore thep arehppocrites, which knowe not to fuffer the will of God, but howſloeuer he vealech with them, haue alwapes,where: of thepdoecomplapne. Thep forfooth ſuppoſe, that whatfoe- uet thep thinke,tt hall haue fuccefle according to their thinking, Ff it fall out otherwiſe, they are angrie,thep do not patiently [uf Frankincefe whatit fig- nified,and when we of- fer the fame vnto Chrift. JIob.1.21. Myrrhewhat it fignitied. 36: A SERMON OF THE EPIPHANIE fer perfecution and contempe: they murmure , they finde fault, and bere when thofechinges happen, no otherwiſe then horſes being firred vp with furie o2 rage. Qo therfore by refitting thep ftape the kingdome of Chri fromthem, and deprive Chit of gold, which notwithſtanding thep ought to offer and prefent un: to him,that is,thep them felues will beare rule,¢ doe not vouchs fafe to acknowledge Chꝛiſt for their king and od, Gy frankincenfe they refemblen diuine honour, which we thé offer vnto him, when we confetle, that whatfoeuer we haue, me muff acknowledge it to haue come from God, and that wehaue it freelp , and without anp merit of ours : Therefore all theſe thinges are to be afcribed unto him, as tothe true Lord, neither mutt we glorie one whitte inthe goodthingesrecetued, but hig glorie istobe ſought in them, And ik he take them from bs as gatne, we ought to (uffer him with quiet mindes, and to bleſſe him with the beloued Job in chefe woꝛdes: Naked came J out of my mothers wombe,and naked shal Ireturne thither again: ~ the Lorde gaue, and the Lorde hath taken away, bleffed be the name of the Lord. Ant fo we ought to (uffer all misfortunes and aduerſities, as if Goo him (elfe id caſt them bppon our necke, fo that none thall be able to offende vg , vnles he take aap Chꝛiſt from bs. JQot fomuche as a heare of our heades that periſh, ag Ch ꝛiſt ſayth to his Difciples Luke 21. Therefore whatloeuer thal moleſt bs, what aduerfity focuer (hal come bnto vs,‚we ought neuer to fecke anp other God, we ought no where to ſeeke any o- ther belpe and-.comfozt,then of Chpitt alone, Chis ts he which ig made bnto bs of Gon the father, wiſedom, righteouſnes, ſanctifi⸗ cation and redemption, Chenonelp we offer unto Chꝛiſt that right frankincenfe of Arabia, when we flie vnto him alone in our calamities afflictions,and anguithes , But they chat ſeeke after fraunge helpes and comforts, ag of Sorcerers, Hitches, and fuch like , they doe not offer frankincenle unto Chik, but fin: . king brimffone, whereinthey hall be burned fo2 euer, for that they bate not beleued and truſted in Chꝛiſt. By mprrhethep fianifiev a mortall man: for with mparbe bead bodies were anointed , that for certaine peares they ſhould not putrifie, Now myꝛrhe ig aftronge and bitter iutce, which diffillech fram the trees of Arabia, like bnto gumme, oꝛ ag wich vs rofen iſſueth out of the pine tree, the firre tree,ec, But then we OR APPEARING OF CHRIST. 27 When we weoffer mprrbe bnto Chꝛiſt, when we firmelp beleeue that he "Sie bp his death hath nuercome finne, Satan and bell, And this is Varo Chain ſpeciall faith. Ifwe doe but a litle dout here, it ig not well with bs. But ifF beleue from mp hare.that death, ſinne, the deuill, and bell are ſwallowed vp inand bp the death of Chott, J hall not be afraiy of chem all. I thali eafilp ve preferued from rottennes which death beingeth, when J hauempzrbe, that ts, che death of inp Loꝛd Chꝛiſt in my body and ſoule, this will not fuffer me to peri), So ſtronge and valtant a ching ig faith, onto which euen all chinges are pollible,ag Chꝛiſt fapth War.o, Mere muſt we fearne datlp mith our Lord Chit to bring onder our old Adam, and co moztifie his concupifcences, by the croffe,and tentationg, not that crofle which wedoe chofe, but which Chait lapech on b8, let bs beare tt patientlp and with a willing mind, that fo our body map be fubdued, and made ſubiect to the ſpirit, that being fo buried wich Chꝛiſt through baptifine, we map be rayſed bp a: gaine with him, and be alone may reigne and liue in bs, Dereun- to vehemẽt ighing ig required, which the halp Ghott doth make in vs for our fake, as Paule ſayth Rom,8, that Chri willbelpe bs,to keepe under this pnrulp and obftinate fleth,that ic prefume not too licentioully,¢ thrutt the noble fouleintothe mpre, Chis our baptiſme Doth fiqnifie, to wit, no other thing then that that olde and finking Adam be moptifies, and buried, which we ale wapes ought to reuolue in our minde, feeing that ag long ag we liue here.finnes doe remapne in vs. Therefore altwapeg fome thing muff be repapzed in vs without all intermillion, thaough the cogitation of baptiſme as it were ina boule decaped through oldnes euen bntillfuch time ag we depart thislife, Mhereof . Waule entreateth in very goodly woꝛdes Rom.6, which are dili⸗ gently tobe marked of vs, now he fapth thus :Knovv ye not that all vve,vvhich haue bene baptized into Iefus Chrift, haue bene baptized into his death? VVe are buried then with him by ba- ptifme into his death, that like as Chrift vvas raifed vp from the dead tothe glorie of the Father, fo vve alſo shoulde vvalke in -nevvnes of life,For if vve be planted wvith him,to the fimilitude ofhis death : euen fo shallvve be to the fimilitude of his refur- rection, knovving this, that our old man is crucified vvich him, that the bodie of finne might be deftroyed, that henceforth vve should not ferue finne.For he that is dead, is freed from finne. Three thigs to be confi- dered in Chriftes Ba- ptifme. 28 $A SERMON OF THE EPIPHANIE VVherefore,if we be dead with Chrift,we beleue that we shal live alfo with him, knovving that Chrift being rayfed from the dead, dieth no more : death hathno more dominion ouer him; For in that he died, he died once to finne, butin thathe liucth, he liueth to God. Likevvilethinke ye alfothat ye are dead to finne,but are aliue to God in Jefus Chrift our Lord. Thus much concerning the firft appearance. Now we will {peake fomewhat of the ſecond, that is ofthe ba- peifine of Chik, Inthe baptiſme of Chꝛiſt three chinges are to beconfidered: Chefirk, thatthe heaucns were opened, when be was baptized. The ſeconde, that the holy Ghoſt was ſeene in the likenes of a doue, Thethird, that the voice of the father was heard, which fapd : Thisis my beloued ſonne, in vvhome I am vvellpleafed. WWbereas Chriff vouchſaued to be baptiſed with water,he bath hallowed baptifme, ¢ made che water there- of holp, p he which is baptised inbis name , might become like⸗ wife holy and cleane fromfinne , and might baue the beauens o- pen, JRow Chri was not baptized for himfelfe,for he was not infected with the {pot of any ſinne, ag S. Peter lapth 1. Pet.2. De behaued him felfelike vnto good Wbifitian, which before the ficke doth frft vxinke fone bitter potion , that the ficke map more gladly and boloIp doe the fame afterward. Foꝛ we in bap- tiſme drinke a bitter potton,namelp,the moatification of the olde Avam, which with the bitternes thereof doth greatly trouble vs, Foz that dipping into the water or fprinkling wich it doch ſigni⸗ fie nothing elg but that that old Adam ſhould perifh edie. Chis is greatly furthered hy the crofle, which Gov according to his Diutne will lapeth pponvs, which we ought not to catt from vg, but beare tt willingly € wich a patient mind, But that this might be eafier for bs to doe cuen Chꝛiſt hath taken tt vpon him felfe, he fuffered him felfe to be baptizcd , and tooke his crofle and caried itnothing reſiſting or gapnefaping , and fo mas obedient to hig father vnto the death, euen the death of the crofle, as Paule ſaych Pbilip,2.that he might deltuer vs from finnes,and might againe appeafe bis heauẽly father, which furelp he div of big mere grace without any deſert ofours; whereof we haue baptifine a figne € pledge,ag Paule ſayth onto Titus: But vvhen chat bountiful- nes and that loue of God our Sauiourtovvard man appeared, not by the vvorks of righteoutnes, yvhich yve had done, but ac- cording —— 4 OR APPEARING OF CHRIST. 29 cording to his mercy he faued vs, by thevvashing of the nevve birth,and the renuing of the holy Ghoft , yvhich he shed on vs aboundantly,through lefus Chrift our Sauiour, that vve being iuftified by his grace , should be made heires according to the hope of cternall life. Hecondlp the holp Gholt appeareth here in the ltkencs of a Doueswhen Chꝛiſt is baptised, whereby ts fignified that we alfo doe receiue the holy Ghoſt in our baptifme, which ruleth and quis Deth bs according to the will of God, which ts prelent with vg, € helpech vs inbearing the burden of the holy crofle, which exhor⸗ teth vs,is inffant bpon bs,enfo2cerl vs,and when we peld tothe burden of the crofle, is prefent and helpeth vs: if we fall,rapfeth bs bp againe,and ts with bs ag a certeine faichfull companion in out iornep, He alfo maketh the burdenof the crofle light, which we were verp bnable to beare,ifhe did not put to his helpe. If ſo be that thou fall into finne, remember to goe backe vnto thy Ba⸗ ptifme,for chis is the onelp hip, wherein we pafle ouer,ZUihere: fore take heede of them which make two tables, wherbp we paſſe ouer the fea of finnes,namely baptifine and repentance. Beleeue them not, whatloeuer they handle, itis mere deluſion: baptifme ig the beginning of repentance. As often therefore ag thou fallett intofinne, haue recourſe vnto thp baptifine, there chou ſhalt a: gaine obtaine the holy Ghoſt, wha may be prefent with thee, For repentance is nothing elfe,but a diſpleaſing of him ſelfe, a dete⸗ fing of his wicked life, and arenuing of the man, which ts re- prelented in baptifine. After luch arenuing of the life, followeth the praple of God, and thankesgiuing onto him for the grace res ceiued, then {uch a man burſteth forthe bebaueth hjm (elf friend: Ip toward bis neighbour,¢ doth good to him in all hinges, Chis is fiqnified bp that,that the holy Ghoſt appeared ppon Chꝛiſt in thelikenes of adoue: for adoue wanteth the gall, Such they aifo become, which recetue the holy Ghott inbaptifme,to witte, they are gentle and without ali bitternes toward ail, The fecond thing to be confidered in the bap- tifme of Chrift. Thirdly, the vopce of the father isheard inthe baptiſme of The third Chꝛiſt, which faprh : Thisismy beloued Sonne, invvhom lam thing to be confidered well pleafed. This is that Sauiour, which oeliuereth os from in che bap- the tyrannie offinne, death, Satan, and hell. And here we muſt tile of learne,bo we mut come vento Gov, Me that oefireth tobe the Krations € deare childe of God the father, muſt attaine onto this Chrift, Pe Ls ont A SERMON OF THE EPIPHANIE through Chritt, through bim alone the beloued fonne,who fitteth inthe bofom of bis father: vnto whom alone the father looketh, without whom he alloweth nothing, and whatfoeuer pleafeth the father,ic pleafeth bimt in re(pect of this bis fonne. Therefore be that defireth co moe to p father,mutt cleaue to this beloued fonne, muft lay bim (elfe bpon bis backe, For by this voice all tities ale beit they ſeeme very goodly and holy, are taken away, nothing ig of value or eftimation with the father but onely this his beloued fonne,he is in bigs efpeciall fauour, Now be that delireth to be in fauour wich the father,and to be beloued of him, lec him flie into the bofom ofthe fonne, bp whom aftermard be findeth accefle to the father, as JDaule ſayth Ephe. 1. that thꝛough Chrit we are a- vopted without this Chaꝛiſt we are the enemies of Gon, Ahoſo⸗ euer therefore cleaueth to Chꝛiſt through faith, he abidech inche fauour of God, he allo fhall be made beloued and acceptable, ag Ci rift is,and Hall haue felowhip with the father and the fone, Gut where this is not done,there ts nothing but math, there no honeſtie, no bertue,no free will,neither praper,nor fatting.no2 o- ther workeg thall profitschou (hale but trifle with all thele, For this ig a mot mighty, and mott ercellent voice: Chis is mp be- loved fonne, in whom all thinges confift and are comprehended, which are extant in the whole Scripture, Euen as all things are deliuered into the handes of Chet, and gathered into one, that they may obey him, as S. Paule ſayth. Foꝛ when God fapth: This is my beloued fonne, bp fhewing Chrift only, and ſhewing and naming no other, he maketh it plaine enough, that none ig big beloued fonne belide him, If fo be chat other are not beloued fonneg,it ig certaine that they are the chilozen of wath and indigs nation, For if there were moe beloued fonnes, be would not lo fee forth ¢ thew this fonne alone, ſaying: This is my beloued fonne, neither would turne his epes onto him onelp,and glorp of him as lone, as though be knew no other, Foꝛ the words feeme to Hew, that be did viligentip looke about, € pet founde none,befive him, of whome he ſayth: this ts be, as il he ſayde: Here at the lat II haue founde (uch a one ag pleafech me, and is mp beloved fonne, all other generallp are not fuch. MPoꝛeouer, theſe woꝛdes are not fo onelp to be vnderltood, that itis ſhewed by them that Chꝛiſt is very God, asthe Epiflleto the hebꝛewes ſayth: Vnto which of the Angells faydheatany — time, | | | Ne oO eee. —~ ——— * ‘bi dint: pune tobi + at a .OR APPEARING OF CHRIST. - 31 time, Thou art my Sonne, thisday begat I thee? andagaine, I will behis father,and he shall be my fonne,&c. ff 0} itis mot certaine that Chit in thefe wordes ig declared to be the true and _ natutallfonne of God, ſeeing that this word was never ſayd to as . np creature, Howbeit he hav bene ag well the fonne of God, aud | han foremapned for euer, as be bath bene from euerlaffing , al- though this had not bene (poken vnto vs from heauen,neicher ig anp thinge added or taken alway from him bp this name, but we mutt chus thinke ¢ perfwade our ſelues, that fo ercellent a praiſe, | and fo noble honour of Chott was {fpoken for our caule.. $02 he him felfe witneſſeth in John, that this came not becaufe of him Lh. 12.30. ‚ Telfe,but for our fakes.De hath no neede that tt ſhould be fapd on: | tobim,that be is the fonne of Gon, De knew this before, hath from euerlafting & bp bis nature,that which be beareth.cabere- fore when thatis conceiued bp bopce and word, it pertaineth to | be,and not bnto Chik. Chpitk without che woꝛd, ts (uch ag bets | faidto be,@Tie haue che word without him,of whom it ig ſpoken. Wiherefoge we muſt lap laſt holo vppon che word without the el« | fence,euen as be bath the effence without the word, But what doth his word? it teacheth bs to know Chit, in | which knowledge our faluation confifteth,as Elap, Paule, and | Peter doe witnes. But how doth it teach vg to know him? ſo· that bets the fonne of God, and doth efpectally pleale Gov his father, — by which wordeg Gon cheereth the hartes of atl the fatthfull,and - greatly delighteth them with mere comfort, and heauenly ſweet⸗ nes. Dowetsthisdone >TUhen I knowe,and am (ure. that this man Chiff ts the fonne of God and doch in all chings pleale the father, whereof I mutt be mot fully perſwaded: forafinuch a8 the diutne maieſtie doth confirme this by bis voyce from heauen, which can noclpe,wherebp Jam certatne , that whatloeuer that man doth Ipeake and worke, thep are the mere wordes € works of the beloued fonne, which are aboue mealure approucd of Gov, |, This therefore F doe ſingularly well marke,and lay vppe tn the bottom ofmy harte. Ahen as therefore J doe hereafter heare Chꝛiſt ſpeake, oꝛ ſee him doe any thing, and that for mp commos bitte, which furelphe euerp where doth, (for he ſayth, that he both and fufferech all chinges for vs, chat be, came to ferue and not that he ſhould be ferued, ) then I] remember thele wordes of | thefather, thathets the beloued fonne, then J am enforced to Er re ome F Tee bie. | Pu r — 32 A SERMON OF THE EPIPHANIE thinke,that all that Chait ſpeaketh, doth, and fuflereth, and that for my fake,both finqularly well pleafe Goo, Rowe howe can God poure out him felfe more iiberally, orꝛ ſhew him ſelke more louingly and ſweetely, then by ſaying, that it doth pleaſe him from ᷣ hare, that Chꝛiſt his ſonne doth {peake fo gently with me, Doch with fo great affection looke vnto mp commoditie, and with fuch vnuſuall louc fuffer,dpe,and do whats foeuer for mp fake, Doeſt thou dout, chatif mans hart did with vue fenfe feele {uch fauour of Gon in Chꝛiſt, to wit that he doth ſo much for our fakes,it would not for top burt into moſt ſmall pee- ces? for then tt wouldve looke inta the depth of the diuine breaſt, pea and into the exceeding and eternal goodnes and loue of ¢ God, which be beareth toward vs, and hath borne toward vs from e⸗ uerlaſting. But we are too hard yarted anv cold, the fleſh noth Ipe moze heaup bpponds, then that we are able to comprebend fuch wordes, We doe not wel confider of them with our {elues neither doth aur bart come neare to feele how maruelous and vnſpeake⸗ ableloue and top thep contapne in chem , otherwiſe without pout we ſhould perceiue , thatheauen and earth are full of che fire of the diuine loue,of life and righteoufnes,full of honour and praife, whereunto the fire of bel, whereunto finne, & death being compa= red,are nothing but as it were a thing painted o2 pictured, Bue we are colde, fluggith x vnthanklull wꝛetches, koꝛ we pafle ouer ſuch pꝛecious woꝛds, as things ofno impoptance,¢ as vttered of man, as being contayned in a booke,or writté in paper,as things vtterly decayed, and now long ſince growne out of vſe by long cu⸗ ſtom, as though they pertayne onely to Chrift,and to vs nothing at all: And being dull and ſenſeles, we doe not ſee that they be⸗ long nothing to Chriſt, but were committed to wꝛiting and are extant enelpfor our fake, Seeing therefore that Chri che belouen fonne, being in fa Kreatfauour with God in all chinges that he doth, ts chine, and doth inthe ſame, ſerue thee, ag he him felfe wirnellech , without pout thou art in the fame fauour and loue of God that Chriffhim felfe is in. And againe, the fauour and loue of Gov are tnfinuacen to thee as deepely, as to Chott, that now God together with his beloued fonne,doth wholp poſſeſſe thee,and thou haſt him againe wholp that fo God, Chꝛiſt, and thou doe become as one certaine thing. Hereunto makemanp fentences of the Gofpell,but eines | p OR APPEARING OF CHRIST, 33 allp in Jlohn ‚as this; If any man loue me, my father will loue John 14, 23. him, and we will come ynto him, and will dwell with him. Al: : fo: Where I am, there shall alfo my feruaunt be. Againe:I pray robe 12.26. that thep map be one tnbs agthauand T are one, Jinthee „and lohn 17. thou in me, and thep in me, But where is Chait ? In the fauour of God, inthe depth of his hatt,there allo are we , tf fo be that we knoto and loue Chriſt, there Ithinke we are (ure enough, there out refuge ts placed high enough, whither no euill can come, ag itisinthe 91.jafalme, oo But chou (eek that faith is required hereunto, and that onto thele thinges nolaw,na worke,no merit doth pꝛeuayle. Hereupõ tt commeth to palle ‚chat fo pyectous wo2des are fo abftrufe and bnknowen toreafon, Foꝛ tt bath bin gouerned of Satan from p creation ofthe wopla, when as in Paradiſe tt would be ag God, € pꝛeſumed after honoyr , which Goo bere attributeth to Chꝛiſt alone, foralinuch as be is his fonne, wherunto it is pet alfo prone and inclined, and ſetteth ic felfe again chefe words, ¢ the words againe are againtt it. For becaule Chꝛiſt is here sectared the on- Ip fonne of God, it ig mightelp ouerthꝛowne, whatſoeuer makech it felfe god; But who be thep.chac make chem felues gov? furelp Satan and man, which pleafe chem ſelues, and loue chem ſelues, thep ſeeke not after God, but ffriue to attaine nto thig,that thep alfo map become gods. But what will Gov fap onto chele: Tru: Ip acertaine contrarp.thinge to that which be ſayde vnto Chꝛiſt: Chꝛiſt is my beloued fonne , in whom F am well pleafed, teeing that he glorifiech not him felfe,and maketh not bim felfe God, al⸗ though bebe God, But pe are-wpetches,in whome J allowe nox thing, leeing that pe glopifie pour felueg , and make pour felueg gods,albeit pe be creatures and men, and not God, So this fentece giuen of Chꝛilt doth humble the whole world, doch thew themto be all voyd of Diuinicie , anv alcribeth it to Chrift,and chat all for our commoditie, iftwe will, and do admit his fentence : 02 to our condemna ⸗· tion, fine will not, and do contemne this fen: tence.fo that Jmay fap at once: without Chrift there is no fauour , nor anp FR beloued ſonne. but very wꝛath el and ſoꝛe pifpleatite = Br “ of Gov, u | * C - trae q 34 A SERMON:OF THE EPIPHANIE certaine fentences out of the Scripture concerning — vvhereby is declared that through him ve are loued of the Father, and vvithout hima: are wu, Ioh.1.16.17. He Of his fulnes,(to wit Chriftes) haue al we — and grace for grace. For the law was giuen by Motes: but grace and truth — by IefusC rift o ——— No man aſcendeth vppe to heauen Bue he had Hach. defcended from heauen, euen the Sonne of man which is in heauen. Ir 3 loh. God fo loued the world,that he ae giuen his * begottẽ fonne,that whofoeuer beleueth in him, hould not perifh, but haue euerlaſting lite. For God fent t not his fonne into the world, that he fhould condemne the world, but chat the would through him might be ſaued. He that beleuethi in him,is not condemned,but he that beleeueth not, is condemned already , becaufe he hath not — in che name of that onely i * of God. * 3.353 iy The Father loueth the — * tail einen alt thinges into his hande.He that beleeueth in the Sonne, hath euerlafting life, & he chat obeyeth not the Sonne, fhall not fee life, butthe wrath of God abideth on him. loh.G. 40. This is the willof him thatfentme, that euery man which feeth the Sonne,& beleueth in hans ‚(houldhaue euerlafting life,and I will rayfe him vp at the laf day. f0h.7.37.38. Now in the laftgreatday of the feaft, elas ftoode & cried, faying: Ifany'manch irft, let him come vnto me, | and | . ; = N | ee - OR APPEARING OF CHRIST. 235 and drinke. He that beleueth in me, asfayth the Scrip- ture, out of his belly fhall flow rivers of water of life. Tit. 3. But when that bountifulnes and that loue of God our Sauiour toward man appeared, not by the workes of righteoufnes, which we had done ‚but according to his mercy he faued vs, by the wafhing of the new birth, and the renuing of the holy Ghoft,which he fhed on vs aboundantly,through IefusChrift our Sauiour,that we being iuftified by his grace , fhould be made heires ac- cording to the hope of eternall life. Many other fuch fen: tences there be, eipeciallp out of the Epiftles of Paule, which e⸗ uerp one map gather bp him {elfe, LERCLELERGLELRE EELS EERE ESE A SERMON OF D.MAR- TIN LVTHER, OF THE GENEA- LOGIE OR PEDEGREE OF CHRIST, Math, * Nis is the booke of the generation FW eptof Iefüs Chrift the fonne of Da- 2. ® „a Abraham begat Ifaac, Ifaac begat Jacob, Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren. 3. Iudas begatPhares and Zara of Thamar, Pha- res begat Efrom, Efrom begat Aram. 4. Aram begat Aminadab,Aminadab begat Na- ae affon , Naaffon begat Salmon. He yj 36 A SERMON OF THE GENEALOGIE 5. . Salmon begatBoöoz. of Rachab,Boozbegat Or bed of Ruth, Obed begatlefle. 6, Ieffe begat Dauid the king,Dauid the king ber gat Salomon of her that was the wife of Vrias. 7 Salomon begat Roboam,Roboam begat Abia, Abia begat Afa. ; 8.» Afa begat Iofaphat,Tofaphat — Io- A ram begat Hoziası! ' _ 9: Hozias begat loatham, loatham bega Achaz, Achaz begat Ezekias. : 10. Ezekiasbegat Manafles , Manafles begat A- mon, Amon begat lofias. tz. Iofiasbegat lechonias and his brethren,about the time they were caried away to Babylon. 12. And after they were brought to Babylon, Ie- chonias begat Salathiel, Salathiel begatZoro- babel. 13. Zorobabel begat ‘Abind, Abiud begat Elia- r cim, Eliacim begat Ator. 4 14. Axor begat Sadoc, Sadoc begat Achim, " A- chim begat Eliud. 15... Eliud begat; Eleazar, Eleazarı begat Matthan ‚Matthan begat Iacob, . 16. lJacobbegatlofeph the husband of Marie , of whom was borne Iefus thatis called Chrift. The fumme of this text. fi yes beginneth his booke with a sible or infcription, Ms which the belener is proucked with greater pleafare to heare andreade st. For hefarchthus much in effelt: whomthe Law and Prophets hane hetherto promifed & preached, Te fits, that is,a Sauiour. and Chrift,that is an eternall king, that he according to thepromifeof God. frould fpringe-and comb of the feede of Abraham and Dauid, enen him doe I defcrsbe in this booke , to we ee, OR PEDEGREE OF CHRIST. 37 mitsthat be is now borne,andmade man’, and already come into the menddi This Ihandlethrouchthiswholebooke. 2 Three lines or degrees are here rehe ar ſed. In the fief ts con- — the ſtocke ofthe fathersun the ſecond of the kings,inthe third tscontained the decajmeiftocke of Dänid: after the decay whereof it behoued that Chrift ſpould come.For (ithe goodnes of Godis wont tadoe,when allthinges feeme enen pa bape and recouerte , then at the laſt becommerh: ©... 4) .,32 a Marchem amitterh ane hn — but that en nomattersfeeing thar he obfernethrhisonething'sthat he counteth Syrherighrihne, “frome Danidiby, Salomon-t01ofephthe hufband of ene te — örhermije,and wfeth an aber — Ju 103 5 — expofition of thet text. 2 * sungen I | 2 EI — our lirlt father — fallen heed anos RN 9) Hf} table offerice, was gilty of death with all his chile N A by HA wenzaswellin body as infoule, it wae notwith⸗ A Standing promiled onto him, althoughobfcurelps SEW athatbork be and bis pofkericie Hould be veliuered, in chofe waynes which Goo fpake toche Serpents 1 will put en⸗ Gem3.25. mitie betwenetheeand the woman ,: betwene thy feede & her feede,and itshall treade downe thy head. DF thele mordeg A⸗ Dam tuoke comfort, thata woman thould come, by whoſe frute ſuch guile ann fureeltieof the Serpent ſhoulde be againe amen: Ded, and Adam redeemed. Chis comfort div vphold Adam wich bis poſteritie until FRoe, For chenthe promife was renucd, whe God madea couenant with chefounes.of Moe, and {et the raine⸗ bomefora fine of the couenant, whereby men might conceiue a truſt and confidence, that Gon ig petfatorable onto them, and Doth not purpole their deſtruction: wherebp mankinde was ae Buheld andcomfozten euen vntill Abraham 505 of Sit thetimeof Abꝛaham Gad did ſomewhat fhewe forth his ae merco,bepeclaren that be would ſend a Sauiour, tuba hould de: ;., liuer vs againe from each both of body and loule: ‘fop albeit the bopp fhouladpespetithould nor alwayes remapnein death, but rile againe With the Loꝛd Chrift: Che wordeg which Gon fpake Abraham Gen,22¢ are thus: ln chyfeedeshallall the nations | etin? € tit, ö——— a PA au a a 38 ° A SERMON OF THE GENEALOGIE of theearth be blefled. Dere miſerable men hava caufe ta hope and looke for a Sauiour which Hould veliner them, From that time all the Prophets did vinerfip foretell of this abou meafure: flowing fountaine of all mercp,thatts,of this ſeede, of the Loy Chꝛiſt., how chat he at the lati Hhould come,that all which beleued in him, might obtaine faluatton by that promife which can not be revoked, If fo be that men would now open their epes,thep muft needes confeile and ſay, that a ftraunge and incredible chinge ts done with vs,that man being in the Tate of vanmation;curled, € deſperate, ſhould be reftozen bp the natiuitic ofone man. Dereupe on the Pzophets crpedout with ardent papers and vnſpeake⸗ able groning , that Gov would vouchlale to fende the Sauiour whom be bad promilen. By faith inthis Saviour the Ifraeliteg afterward obtained the lawe, and this honour befope all people, that they were callen the elect peaple of et which opdinans ces written of Moſes the anointed was plainelp figured and figs nified, whom this tert which we baue now in hand ſetteth forth, what he is,from whence he is, andby the afore {apo fateh all ob- tapned faluation from Abraham vnto Dauid, euen as manp as mwereilauen, Gn che time of Dauin Gov mane the —S of che Bestia ave tobe more manifettly veclared,that it night be certainly knowne 2.549.7.12. Pfal.132.11. Pfal.435.6. of what ttocke he ſhould comes namely of the ſtocke of Dautv; ag when God layd bute Dauid: VVhen thy dayes be fulfilled, thou shale fleepe with thy fathers,and I will fer vp thy feede af- ter thee,which shall proceede out of thy body,andwil {tablish his kingdom.He shall build anhoufe formy name} and I vvill ftablish the throne of hiskingdom for euer. I will be his father, and he shall be myfonne.Qnd peomore platnelp th the Plalme: The Lordhath madea faithfull othe vito Dauid, and he'shall not shrinke fromit: Of the frute of thy bodye shall I fet vppon thy ſeat. Here Chr is delcriben, chat he Hall bea king, and an eternal king,ag it is mentioned of him in an other Pſalme: Thy throne,O Lord endureth for euer the ſcepter of righteouſnes is Who pertai the fcepter ofthykingdome,. Wowebeic he isa ſpirituall king, neth tothe Whichruleth the monive by his morde : and whoſoeuer receiuech kingdom of Chrift, an whoto len of Satan. his word, pertaineth cobis Kingdom. Buche thatis not under this ſcepter, neither heareth his woꝛde, ig not of Gov, neither percaineth to his kingdom, b ut is lubiect to chekingvon of Da can, | | | SOR PEDEGREE OF CHRIST. 39 tan, bnder whole tprannie we all are, vntill the Lord doth deliuer be from tt, defend vg with bis ſcepter, which is then done when Webeleeneinhim, Foꝛaſmuch therefore as our faluation doth come meetly bp the ppomife of God, leteuerp one allurevty pers ſwade bins felfe,b he Hal newer obtaine faluation wout this pro» mile: although be houlo do the workes of all Sainctes, pet they fhould profit him nothing hereunto, Contrariwife,tf we lap holo on the fcepter ofthis king, that is,of the promile of God, we hal not periſh, although the finnes of the whole world ſhould lye vps onvs;thep thal be all ſwallowed bp in him, albeit no good worke bevone of vs. As we fee inthe cheeſe,chhich hong bp the Low on the croffe.wholapd hold on the wozu of Gov,¢ beleued in Chꝛilt, and therefore be obtayned the pꝛomiled Paradiſe. Here is no dout left, let vs onely beleue char it is ſo, and it ig fo indeede, all thinges which men teach‚ez which we haue done or can woe, bes ing (et afide. Dere all hinges muſt giue place,at che comming of this new king, that he alone map rule € reigne ins. Let a man intermedle with thofe thinges that are written of this king , as being his owne matters , and as pertatning all vnto him. Foꝛ Wharfoeuer whatloeuer ig written anp where of Chik, it is wꝛitten far our hn — of comfort,thätwe map thereby feede and chertth our faith. Tothe ehror efablithing of (uch faith God hath mercitullp left vnto vs hts our comfort, promife written, and hath fuffered to be publiſhed, that he will performe that which be hath promifed. Ahoſoeuer appreben: deth this in bis hart, te muſt needes be that with ſighing be thir for fuch Scripture and promife of Goo, who of his grace being not prouoked of bs, offereth onto bs and beffowech vpon ve ſi uch goddnes and mercy. But let bs now come to our prefent text, which noc with woꝛds only, but alfo with a certetne force pearlech the hart,and poureth intoitloue;pleafure,iop,glapneg,€c. As if an Angell ould now come from beauen, and fay bnto bs miferable and convemned ‘wietchesafter this fort: Behold D man,thou bhatt finned, wher: fore thou batt deferued to be condemned for euer, (Chis being ‘heard the hart mutt necdes tremble.) Mow although all this be true, yet neuettheles God of bis race hath mercy vppon thee, € fenveth to chee Sautour, ashe pꝛomiſed to Abraham and hig feede, Be ofa good cheere,and giue thankes to God. Loe.bere is the booke of the generatton of Jeſus Chiff, ay is the fonne of itit, Luke 1.32. Why Mat- thew ferteth Dauid be⸗ fore Abra- ; am. Luke,t.54, : Gen.49.10. 40 A SERMON OF THE GENE ALOGIE Daud the fonne of Ahrabam, fo thacthis is noconelp sone, but allo written , that thou mayſt be certaine thereof: Neicher will He neither can he deceiue: beleue onelp, and thou ſhalt haue all things, Now it is ta benotep that Matthew ſetteth Dauid before Abꝛaham, although the pꝛomiſe was firft made to Abꝛaham, and caine afterward to Dautd 5 which ppomiſe niade to Dauid the Pꝛophets did afterward publity moze abꝛoad, and did bp it con⸗ fort the people. Asinthe ña. chapter of Clat, where the 1920- phet lapth thus: There shall comea rod forth of the ftockeof leſſe, and a graffe shall growe out-of his roote. Jeremie likes wile ſayth thus chap.23. Behold the time commieth,, fayththe Lord,thatI wilraifevp the righteous braunch of David,which king shall bearerule, and he shall profper with wifedom, and shall feevp equitie & righteoufnes againein the earth. Aud maz np other füch prophecies there ave to be found in the wꝛitings of the Pꝛophetes, which thep foretold of Dautd,thathis kingdom - ſhould be rayſed vp, as ¶ Angell alfa declared unto Marie, wher be ſayd: The Lord God shall giue vnto him the throne of his fa- ther Dauid, & he shall reigne ouerthe houfe of Iacob for euer, and of his kingdome shall be none ende. CMherefore Matthew a | thought good hereto ſet Dauid fir ag the better knowwnesenert _ punto him, Abraham, bnto whom the promile was firfi made, ag Marie inher fong ſayth: He remembring his mercy hath hol- pen his feruaunt Ifraell,as he promifed to our fathers, Abraham & his feede foreuer. And that pꝛomiſe is nom performed, and in this our text delcribed, as we thal {ce hereafter. Datthew mas keth acviple difference of fathers,of whom, Chꝛitt came, foures teene Patriarkes, koureteene Kings, ¢ koureteene Pꝛinces. For it behoued that the ſcepter Ekingdom Mould be taken from Ju⸗ Ba,according to p prophelie of Jacob, which ts thus: The fcepter shall not depart from Juda, and a laweginer from betwene his feete,vntill Silo comt: andynto him shall the gathering of the people be. Were all hinges muſt be fulfilied; and there are thaiſe foureteene gencrations,cuen as Matthew rehearſecth thenufrom Abraham to Dautd koureteene gencrationg, trom Dauid til they were caried awap into Babplonlikewilefoureteeng generatiög, Dowbeitthere is a perfon omitted in Mätthew,thacis Takim,t it ought thus to be wꝛitten: Tofias begat lakim, &lakim begat Iechonias and his brethren, this the Chronicies witnes, Aun af- zis ter © ınOR: PEDEGREE: OF. CHRIST. . 41 ter they were caried away into Gabplon ontill Chaiktsfonreteene generations, CAbich triple diſtinetion hath a great myſterie as Wag all ſeee. His nn eng Ts don comin os tk Che Jewes among other Lawes were commaunded fo obferue thelethace precepts 5 namely, to worfhip char Gad wham cheir fachers han woplhipped. Secondly to choofe no Pzieſt ot anp o- ther ftocke then. of their olonetharis,ofp,tvibe of Leui. Thirdly to chooſe no king but of their ownepeoptesChelesheee prerepts Bid berp welagree in out Loꝛd Chriſt, to wit, thathe ts chatone Gov, that he is ancternall Brief of oun fled ¢ blooaye a Ring. our bꝛother. who hath taken our nature vpon him: Tho by. bis diuine power ts able to help # ſaue vs being an eternal Pꝛieſt. continually maketh interceſſion forvs· He is a King alſo,that he mapaefond # preſerue vs, who is not to be fearen afvasfeing tbat he is a man as we arespea was made a moſt contemptibleman; that our hart might be wholy quieted gappeaſed in him our Sa⸗ uiour, who can neuer foꝛſake bs, Cibo were able ta fand inche fight of God, ¢ not be terrified, if that Pꝛieſt did not ſtand before Gode Aho ſhould defend vs, ilhe were not a King? ẽ Uho ſhould ſaue vs, it be were, not Gon? Dow ſhould he haue care of basi he ——— our bꝛother ? with whom we map ſpeake ag velas we may ene with an other among our ſelues. D moll gra⸗ cious Sautour, how wiſely hat thou done all thinges ? Iknowe 7 A that thou art my brother, ag it is in the Pſalme: Iwill declare Pfalzz.2n thy nameyntomy brethren, as it is alleaged in the Epiſtle ta the Hebr. Albeit thou art God, my Lord Chziftzand king ofheas uen and earth, vet Ican not be afraide of thee: fog thou art amp friend and bꝛother This is no hinderance vnto me, chat Jana finner, and thou holy. Foꝛ tf Jhad not bene a ſinner there had bene no neede that thou ſhouldeſt ſuffer puniſhment for me, Fi fee allo in thy genealogie that both good and euill are rehearfen , of whole poſteritie thou wouldeſt come.that thou mighteſt comfozt timorous and weake conſciences, that thep ſhould confidentiy.& hearted in eoodande- cheerefullp pus their truſt in chee, which hat tahen awap our the gencalo- finnes.Anv that we might be certaine hereof, thoubatt left unge sic of Chriſt. bs thy word, which allureply declareth it vnto vs. . Among) Kings € Princes which Matthew rehearſeth, ſome were exceeding euil, as we may read inthe bookes of the Rings. ‘Det Gor ſuſterech them to be rehearlenin bis gencalogic, as il 4% A SERMON- OF THE GENEALOGIE thep were worthy, that be ſhould come of them. Buche fuffered not fo much ag one honeſt woman to bevebearfen therin, Fower | women are named, which all had an euill rep oꝛt, and were courte - Gen.z8. ted lewd. As Chamar,of whom Judas the father of her hulband, begat Phares and Zara, as inthe fir ft booke of Moles it is men⸗ loſ.a. i. tioned, Rahab is called an harlot in the booke of Joſua. Ruth was a heathen woman,of whom. although Wwe read no euill write fen, pet foralinuch as the was a heathen; the was deſpiſed of the Jewes as adogge,and was deteſted of chem. Bethfabe the wife of Tirias was an adulterefle before the wag maried to Dautd, € of her he begat Salamon. Thich women are vndoutedly —* fore rehearten,that we may fee howGod hath fet forth ag te were a certaine glafle vnto all finners, wherein thep map fee that be would be borne of the potteritie of Tinnerg | that the greater fin? - ners webe,fomuch more certaine and greater refuge ‘we might baue to fo gracious 4 Goo, Pꝛieſt, ¢ Hing, who is cur bꝛother in whom onely anv it none other we are able to fulfill che law, € obtaine the grace of Gov: he came downe from heauen there: foze,neither doth he require any thing ofvs, but that we aflured: — lp beleue that he is out God, priett t Ring and ehen all thinges Chehwe Walde wel with vs Bp him alone we become the ſonnes of Gov, becomethe Ceites ofthe heauenly kingdait, ag &.jpaule fapth ‘tothe Ga: fonnesof lathtang; Ye areall che fonnes of God by faith in Chrift Tefus. God, and. Were the hartes of all inners map leape for top , that thep are 4 — counted worthy of ſuch a Sauiour. Wulk not he needes be rege⸗ kingdom. Nevate, whofe hart vnderltandeth and feeleth this ? yea he is carte Gal3.26. ed with amoft ardent loue to leade a newe life , for he is inſpired with the grace of Gov,inatinuch ag be ayerh hold ofthe p jomile ofremiffion of all his ſinnes. JE we will count bppon our fingers the perfons rebearfen itt thig tert , we (hall finve them tobe forcp and two, which were it time patt firuren bp the two and forty manlton places, which the childzen of Iſraell bad, before they came into the pꝛomiſed land, as it is written inp fourth booke of Moles. If we alla will come into che promifen land, which our Loꝛde Jeſus Chit hath pres pared for be bp bis natiuttie,we mutt alfo occupie two and fortp manfiorplaces that ig,ine mutt cealle from our owne purpole, € be regenerate man bp mar, ontill we come to Marie and Telug, ‘there at the lat we thatl finde ret onco aur ſoules. But this nati⸗ uitie my ep ee OR PEDEGREE OF: CHRIST. 43 uitie is hard : for our euill € coxrupt nature ig very loth ta leaue ber owne wil and purpofe, And againe the cale of nature is fuch, . that no natiuitte canbe without griefe,pet one hath moze gricfe, tentatton and affliction then an other, Che theefe on the crofle leapt atone leap two and forty degrees , and came fovainelp to Chik, So did many Martyꝛs alfo, and other holy men, Not⸗ withſtanding none can goe fo greataiornep with ſmall griefe, vnleſſe be be caried wich a great winde,that ts bp the holy Ghott, qe mut goe fapre and foftly from Abrabamto Iſaac, from I⸗ faacto Jacob and fo forth. But we mul begin at Abraham, that we map be found endued with like faith ag he was, and obtaine theblefling pꝛomiſed butobim , then we ſhall moze eafilp anv cheerefullp goe from one patriarch to another, Chat is, we thal pafle ouer one affliction after another, vntill me be called oucof this trauell and ioꝛney vnto our reſt. Foꝛ a man muſt be falong Why the exerciſed with afflictions, and ſo oft renounce his owne will, vn⸗ godly muft till at the laſt he bebroughtunder „ anv bis fleſh by this meanes aeg be {ubdued,thatit map obey the fpirit, and walkeiopfullp inthe n;; world willand obedience of Gov. TÜherefore let no man purpofe with him felfe to come vnto heauen bp leading a quiet life, and follow: ing pleature, thus Chrift fapth in Luke: It 1s eafier fora camell 24:1825- to goe througha needles eye, then fora rich man to. enter into the kingdomof God. Anð inthe Actes of the Apottles Paule 7” 14+-- teacheth that we muſt through many tribulations enter inta the i kingdom of Gov, Agatne, in uke Abraham ſaydto the rich glutton: Sonne, rememberthatthow in thy lifetime receiuedft Taha, 23. thy pleafures,andllikewife Lazaruspaines: nowethereforehe = bce svol iscoiforred,and thow art tormented: So it behonen Chailtal: > = foto fufferebp the croſſe to enter into his gloꝛie. AnoSjgaule ſayth »Allchatwilkliue godly in Chriftlefus, shall ſuffer petſe⸗ꝰ · m 3. 12. cution. PIC? et Lot or Dereupon we maplearne,that allthatis popfon which ig ac: coping tothe luſt of the fleih,Tiherfore Paule ſayth to Rom. Rom.8 If ye liue afterthe flesh,ye shal die, but if ye mortifie the deedes —— of the bodye bythe ſpirite ye shall liue . Che ſpirit which ig of The fleſh ſtri God, is readyto ſuffer, but che fleiyrefifteth. Chis Telus fignifi- veth againſt ed bp his aunſwer vnto Peter : when he ſhewed vnto his Dilci⸗ the lpirit. ples,that be mutt goe vnto Jeruſalem, and ſuffer many thinges — of the Jewes, and be llayne alto, eter tooke him alive, and (ap "9°" Ba + A a CU. Ba Act. y. 41. Iam. I. 2. 44 A SERMON. OF ‘THE ./GENEALOGIE &c. vnto him : Waitter,pitte thy felfe,ehig Hall not be vnto thee. Bue Chri turned him backe, anv ſayd bato peters Ger hee behtad mesSatan for chou ſauereſt not the chin gesſthat are of Gov, but thethinges that ave oſ men. Were it is manifeſt chat thereaſonof mat doch flatly ſtriue againt the will ol Gov, God will have og enter.into glory by the crofleand perlecution, but the fleſh reli: ſteth, and is troubles in atflicttons. Morcouer they chat are endu⸗ ed with the ſpirit of God. doe reiopce,ifehep be afflicted fo, Gov bis fake, as tt ie wpitttofthe Apoſtles: They departed as Luke fapt)jftom the councell;reioyeinwthatchey Were cofredwor- thy to fuffer rebuke for hisname . Uherekore James ſaych in bis Epiſtle: My brethren; count it exceeding isy, when ye fall into diuerferentations , knowing that thetrying of your faith bringeth forth patience ;ı Aiadilet patience haue her perfect 1) worke, chat yemaybe perfect and entier lacking nothing. D Luk.21:19. Godeuen when he chafteneth and.corre- how neceflarp is patiencefon a Chꝛiſtian mane chat we mao poſ⸗ ſeſſe our ſoules by patieuce; as Chxiſt ſaych in Luke, otherwiſe we ſhall loſe chem. Ahereforꝛe we mulſt enter into anew kinde of life,and tf at any time calamitie commeth,wermuft not by and by burit forth into euillfpeecheg; ¢ take itunpatientlpjbut we muſt alwayes lift vp our batt to Gon, anv beare his willwich a paris ent minde he will well deliuer vs in his time, when te ſeemeth good to hin; any we mutt alwayes thinke, that he bearech a fa⸗ therly afſection toward vs, euen when be ſendeth perſecutions, anguiſhes, afflictions jand aduerſities, ag the Epiſtle tathe es &cıh vs,doth baewes ſayth: Ne hauc forgotten the.exhortation; which {pea= loue vs,and care for ys. Heb.12. e ET. keth vnto-you as vnto children: My fonne;defpifennot the cha fteningiöfthe Lord;neitherfaint whé chawart rebuked of him. Forwhoathé Lord loucth,he chafteneth: and he ſeoutgeth e⸗ uery ſonne that he receiueth, If ye eiidure chaftening, Gad oſfe⸗ reth him felfe vnto you as vnto fonnes: for vvhat fonneis:it, yvhom the father chafteneth not ?Iftherefore ye be vvithout _ corre Gionsvvhereof all are partakers;chen are ye baftards:. 2 251,0: aud;net fonnes, God gine bs his diuine arace,chat | ou |! we may couragcoully palle chefe twoana, od oti: ovals To Mfogep Degreess¢ with the Lord Chꝛilt oD es be regenerate into anew life u. nn om povhoh ies teoGineny. acc sop Twnrsd tae \ CR — Vee . 4 ‘ * AR ‘ — bord eine rat) — * * tee ei pr ö f 2 fir ih? 4 iS JUDE iit Waa ye J bi oe sy can: 13% si J —*4 za Be‘ Debits ce en Eh BT), Mora: | 45 EELSIATTNTTDLEN A SERMON OF D. MAR- TIN LVTHER VPON THE HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, COMMONLY CALLED BENEDICT VS. Luke 1. Verfe 68.1) Lefled betheLordGodof Ifaell,becaufe Sue. he hath vifited and redeemed his people. 9 bat godly man Zacharias (peaketh hereof things X OP ag already Done, when be fapth: he hath vifited and R yi ey redeemed his people, &c. Foꝛ he was certaine of eh Gy them; now the chilve Tohn twas come,being about FE cobecinto preach of ourredemption,as the Angell had foretold of him, that he ſhould goe befoze the Lod in the {pis rit and power of Elias, toturne the hartes of the fathers tothe chilozen, and the difobedtent to the wifedom of the iuſt men, to make readp a people preparen for the Lore: this promile he | knew fheuld afluredIp come to paſſe. . Mberinthigrenemption confiteth, I thinke itis already (uf ficiently knowne bnto pou, namely in this, that Gon vifiteth and deliuererh vs. Ahich vilttation and deliverance ig accomplifhed neither bp ſwoꝛde nor biolence, but bythe worde alone wherein confifteth moze, then in the blood and death onthe crofle. * fo, That the - becauleof the wopde Chpitt he his blood on the croffe, Fe was “ors & Pro the word that John preacher, when he ſhewed theX ambe of Gon might be ac- which taketh away the ſinnes of the woꝛlde, that ts,nben he de: complithed slared our bifitation and redemption, which Chrift hath patcha: and fulfilled. ſed with his blood. Chis Fobn was the fir Wellenger which preachen the Golpel. therefore to vs,to whom the Golpel was not before preached, it is, as if John him felfe vin. nowe preach it, for now ig firft fet forth vnto ng redemption. ſweete confolation, Beliuerance from finnes,death, helland all euill, To vilit ig no- 46 A SERMON YPON THE thing elfe,thento come vnto bs, to bꝛing and declare bnto bg che wo20 of faluation,by which we are faued, Zachariagconceiued fo great idpand pleafure in big bart,that he coulo not cõtaine him felfe, but he mult needes burft forth into chofe words which in this Hymne he betereth not onely becaufe of che infant newly bogne , although cuen this bought great top pnto him, but alfo for that by the birch of chis chilo he beholdeth a farre greater iop,foralmuch as be was a Mellenger (ent of Gov to preach his word to the world. He reioyceth cherefore becaufe of {uch a word which he ſhould beare,and for that he ſhould be ag it were altered from an olde man to a ponge man, and ſhoulde bes come a(choler ofan infant now Iping in the cradle, whom he cone kelleth tobe a Prophet better learnedthen him ſelle. Wanifek — , naturalli top is here,foy that that infant was borne after a merue⸗ 1 fous fort. Woreouer here is top ofthe ſpirit, inafmuch as that in: ! fant (hould become a Pꝛeacher of the word of Gov, And Jam of that mind that Ithinke that there was neuer any facher , which fonne Iohn. conceiued fo great top of bis childe, as this Zacharias did of his ſonne being fo meructoufly bopne by the power of Goo , and fo2 that efpecially in the time of olde age, whenbe was nowe neare punto death,be is made a father of fo great a Sainct, which ſhould be amaifter and teacher of the world. It is a delight and plea: fure vnto vs.ifwe beget a childe that ts found, fapre,and wel pi0- portioned in bony ‚that J map fap nothinge, what top it woulde bring,tfour childe ſhould be an Apoſtle anv Preacher of p worn of Gov to the world, Tihatfoeuer ignominie therefore and con: tempt be div fuffer before when he was barren together with hig wife Elilabet, be is now mot abundantly recompenfed with plẽ⸗ tifull honour and top, fo great bleſſings doth Gov beffowe, if we patiently abide bis lepfure. For if he at anp time come, he com⸗ . meth verp rich and plentiful in giftes, and doth rive much more then we euer either wilhed 02 hoped for, Verſe 69.And hath rayfed vp thehorne of faluation vn- to vs,in the houfe of his feruaunt Dauid. Chele worves are not ſpoken of John , for that he is not an horne rapfed bp inthe boule of Dain, fo} he was borne of the tribe of Leui: but Chꝛiſt our Loꝛd is of the houfe,and of the roy⸗ all ſtocke and blood of Dauid. Aherefoꝛe Sachariag de not " finge 1 5, ee aa > Ya ı : HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, 47 fine bere,in the houfe of L eui,but that in the houfe of Dauid an ' Hone ts rapled andlifted bp:and when Chꝛiſt wag not per borne, he neuertheles fingeth fo, asif he were boone, neither was the hozne offaluation pet come, notwithtanding ye knew bp there: uelariö of the holy Ghoſt, chat it ould foꝛthwith come.An hoꝛne Anhorne among the Debrewes {ignifieth power, confivence,dominion,and Na fig- that wharfoener,thereih anp man map truff,¢c. As wereadein ·. r. Daniel chay.7.twhere the jo2opbet firk (eech kingdoms, then be: nn. holdeth beatks,fome hauing one horne,fome two hornes, And he afterward interpreting him (elf,erpoundech them for kingdoms and Kinges: and this is a phrafe and maner of (peaking peculiar tothislanguage. Mowe Zacharias fiqnifiech that Chait ig our head, pea our God, whole kingdom is his hone, | ‚Ihe addeth: the horné offaluarion, oꝛ bleffennes. Some king: Whatdiffe- doms are famoug in name and power, other are large, aboun: — Ding with plentie of greate treafures , much people, honours, her king- and all tempoꝛall thinges: Butthisis called a kingdome of fale doms & the uation, grace, life, righteoumeg, truth, and ofeuerp thinge that kingdom of pertapneth tofaluation,whereby it differeth from all other king: — 4 poms, Foralbeicthepbelarge „riche oꝛ mightic , petare they poi. cea counted the kingdoms of death , for they that gouerne them mutt», atthe laft fall, pe, perith , and leaue their power and riches be: hind them, Neyther was there euer anp wogldely kingdome which might be called a kingdom of life, wherein istife, peace, and ſaluation, for onelp the kingdome of Chak doth glory and triumph in this ticle,inafmuch ag God hath rapfed itoppe, that there may be nothing in it but faluation and felicitie. Moꝛeouer 3 finde nothing here fpoken of maners and trades of life , 02 of workes: Foꝛ this kingdome confifterhnepther in outward life nor workes,butin the boone, in Chrift, ano his Gofpell, Chis kingdom ig ours,whereof pe haue heard, that itis a kingdom of grace,life, righteoufnes; faluationand mercy, fothatwhofoeucr _ is init,although be beinferionto Tohninholineg ; and farre un: like Chzitt inperfection, pet beliuech in a kingoom wheretnis nothing but faluation and bleffeones, whereof alfo it hath and re- ſerueth the nane. PRTONIERFEITT EL HOT + Sie ta ſayd moꝛeouer that this kingdom is rayſed vp in p boule of Daud: but bp what meanes was it rayſed vpe eugn bp the holy Ghoſt, and bp his woꝛde. De ſayth, in che houfe of Dauid, g A SERMON. YPON THE for it mutt be a kingdome inthe earth, and peta kingdome of fat | uation. Nowe conferre chefe two one with an ocher , The houfe -of Dauid is the tribe and ſtocke of Dauiv , who was aman, ag the fubiccts of bis kingdom , So that thou canft not fay, that be doth bere make mention of an heaugnlp kingdome amonge the Angells, when ashe doth noching lefle, buche ſpeaketh of a cers taine kingdome Which ig amonge men , which live clothed with fleſh Dauid wag aman, the ſubiects of big kingdome alfo were mei, ſubiect to death. Foz as the Scripture witneſſeth, man that ig boyne ofa woman liueth but a {mall time, he cannot paffe the boundes appopneed him . Ihowe is it hen chat honour and diſho⸗ nour come together inthis klngdom? Ahat agreement and con: fent appeareth bere, where moztall menare delivered from the power of death, where thep that are worthy of death , eniop-life, — the snbappp are happp, and they that are {ubtect to Satan, be: come the ſonnes of God ? In che reafon hereof J hope that pe are fuffictently inftructed, pea I thinke that pe vnderſtand itas well as T mp lelfe. But becaule the cert fo renairedh it mult be eft: A Chriftian is deliuered from death, finne,& Sa-: fan. A Chriftian . after a fore fubiect to ſoones repeated, TAe baue affirmed ehevetoresthat a a Chriftian mbich liueth in ‘this kingdom, Mall neuer vpe,forafmuch as he can not dye Foꝛ Chri hath therefoze fuffered veache , thathe might ouercome © death, and deliuer vs from it. Detooke our finneg alfobponbim felfe,that we might not necde to beare them. Qozeouer be ſubdu⸗ ed and ouerthꝛew Datan, that we might not be fubiect vnto him, ‘Therefore tt is giuen to a Chꝛiſtian that he cannetier ope, he can neuer be fubiect te ſinne and cheveuill, For that mutt needes be true whtch be fayththat be bach rapfen bp an horne of bleſſed⸗ “nes or faluation And in whatfoeuer place that hone (hall be, there is no acceffe neither for death, neither for firme, nor the dex will, And that inthe boule of Dauid. Wherefore a Chaiſtian ig ‘both. defiled and pet without fine, and free from Satan, Howe commeth chig co pafle ? After his forte, Dour brotherly chavitie hach oftentimes beard heretofore , that Goo leaueth in vs an ap- death,finne, pearance and feeling of death and the veuill, fo that mp finne diſ and Saran,& quieteth me and troublech my confcience,and would dine me bie why. todelperation. Moꝛeouer the iudgement of God terriſieth me, death affatlech me, as if it would Deuoure me, Satan ig at ande and ſeekech to ſuppreſſe me, God ſuffereth hele to remaine t ket HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS. 49 keth chem not quite away, Foꝛ this appearance muff continue, that we map perceiue and feele that we are nothing elle of our felues but finners,fubiect to inne and Satan. And pet onder this appearance lieth bid. life, innocencie, and Dominion and bictorie ouer finne, Satan, belljec, as Chrit him felfe fapth Matth. 16, Thou art Peter,and vpon this rocke will] build my Church, & the gates of hell shall not preuaile againftic, hefapth not, thep hall noc aſſaile it, nor fight again tt: for thele two remayne to ſinne and death. owe ttts alloerpevient that I feele the biting of ſinne, the terrour of the wrath of God, the hoꝛrour of death, pea and death it {clfe. But all this is a certaine outward appearance before mp fight and the fight of the world, which knowe and tudge none o⸗ J therwife,but that finne,death,and Satan are prefent, Motwich: Thee ftanzing in the meane feafon onder that affaule and terrour the oo inn Gone word and {piritare,encouraging me,pzeleruing me, ¢ alluring death,and me,that God ig not angrp with me, that mp ſinne is forgiven me, Satan, that I (hall neither dye, noꝛ be forlaken ; Cipon this foundation € hopempbart doth wholy reſt. And no man hauing fuch a confi: dẽce in God remaineth under finne, neither ts dꝛowned indeath, butis made aconquerour of finne and death. Chis ig,not to pre: uaile oz auercome,for that albeit Satanattemptech, pet be doch not get the bictorie, Ge call the boule of Dauid,a moptal boule, finnefull,and ſubiect ta the deuill, according to the maner of all fleſh and blood, and pet notwith tanding the boone of ſaluation is rapled bp in the ſame, that men of that kingdom map enioy fal: uation and kelicitie. Hereby pe fee that this kingdom is the king: — en pom of faith, which can not be touched nor outwardly perceiuen “on ofanp, which one cannot ſhewe to another, but euery one mult haueit inbimlelfchat when be hall daw neare vnto death, hal feele ſinne, oꝛ eucn fee death before him, be map then in faith lap hold onthig kingdom, € beleue that bis ſinnes areforniuen him, Foꝛ Chik therefore died, thatthou mightett be in this kingdom of faith. herefoꝛe finne thal encounter, with chee in baine, death is taken away, Chꝛiſt is wich thee, who can burt thee, who can do any euill vnto thee? ere life and death, finne and innocencie, Chri and Satan doe fight one with an orherzbut Chꝛiſt, life, € innocencie doe ouercome and conquer. This ig foone {poken,but hot fo calilp feltpea the contrary ſurely ta rather a » bere: x Euenymolt holy are not free from finne. Rom.7.18. a ren © 5 da . 50 A SERMON VPON THE fore tfthou wilt efteeme anv confiver this kingdom accorping to the iudgement of the world, thou thalt vtterly erre and be decei⸗ ued, The world calleth that a good ¢ peaceable kingvom, where all thinges are quiet,profperoug and goe well fopward, where ig fafetie, peace, and innocencie outwardly, But bere is the king: dom of faluation and grace, although it alwayes appeare other- wife, MAhereloꝛe all thele chines are to be vnderſtood in ſpirit and faith, € not to be iudged according to the perfon or outward appearance, Meither ought tt to ſeeme ſtraunge that this kingdom doth flourifh in the middes of finnes,the force of Satan & death, wher: of Zacharias here fingeth euen from the bottom of bis hart, and knoweth well how it commech to palle, faith and the ſpirit reuea⸗ ling it. Concerning finne Jhaue feene o2 knowen none in whom itis not, Mhomſoeuer thou ſetteſt before thee, finne will bp and bp appeare. Paule a moſt holy Aportle affirmeth of him felfe, that be feelech finne in bis members. V Vill, fapth he, is prefent with me, but I find no meanes to performe that whichis good. For I doe notthe good thing which I would, but the euil which I would not,that do I. De wiſhed tn deede to be free from finnes, but pet he could not but liue in them, And J atid fuch like are alfo defirous to be erempted from finnes: but that can by no meanes be bought to paflewe doe onelpreprefle and keepe them under; when we haue fallen into finne, we riſe againe. But as long ag toe are clothed with this fleſh, and beare the burden thereof about with vs ſo long ſinne is not extinguiſhed nor can be wholp ſubdu⸗ ed. DMe map well goe about and endeuour to ſubdue tt, notwith⸗ ſtanding old Adam will leade his lile alſo, vntill he hall dye and come vnto the graue. CAhat hall J neene to ſay any more? The kingdom of Chꝛiſt te a certaine ſpeciall kingdom,wherein euerp one of the Sainctes is compelledta make this confeſſion: Als mighty God, vnto whofe power allthinges acknowledge them feluesfubiect, Iconfeſſe my (elf to bea miferable finnerzreuenge not, I heleech thee mp old iniquities, Al alfo mutt fing this fongs Dur father, ec. koꝛgiue vs dur trefpalles jas we fordiue them that treſpaſſe againſt vs Other righteous t holy ones, which knowe no mealure or ende oftheirrighteoufnes and holines,doe bnder- ſtand nothing hereof, anv therefore this' Golpell ts not preachen vnto them, ſeeing that hep thinke the kingdom of Chit : * uc HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, 51 ſuch, that there is no ſinne at all in ft, but that all chinges in ic are cleane # pure: thep require ſuch a Chꝛiſtian ag ig wholp cleane from all filth offinne,and without finne ag Chꝛiſt him ſelfe, fuch aone thep hall neuer be able to finde, . Pow he is a Chritian, who being a finner,confellech him (elf afinner, who hateth the feeling of finne, friuing agatnt tt from bis hart. Deis nota Chꝛiſtian which chinketh that be hath no finne,neither feeleth any. But if thou knoweſt any (uch, be is an QAntichriftian,and not a true Chꝛiſtian. Che kingdom of Chak therefore conſiſteth among finnes,tt ts eftablithen there where be hath fet it,that ig,in the boule of Dauid.Wea fet Dautd him felfe before pour epeg,and pe thal finde him to haue bene a ſinner:who notwithanding ts bold to glorp, thache is aferuant acceptable to his Loꝛd. There is none of p faithfull which ought to be atha: med of this maner of praying vnto God. oꝛ of any other not much vnlike bnto it; Lorde forgiue bs our finne: is it therefore true that thep baue finne, becaufe thep fap fo’ pea truelp, for tf they ſhould Ipe,thep thould be the children of Satan, But godly Chꝛi⸗ fiang are weary of thislife, greatly defiting the life to come, Now itis not giuen bnto chem in this earth to goe fo farre, that they map fap : AMe are {ubiect to no vices,we ave cleane from all finne ; if they thall goe ſo farre, itis Satan chat deceiueth them, MotwithFanding thep are {opie for heir finnes, and doc lament them, peatt gricueth them tothe bart, thatthep mutt beare the miferable burden of this fleth, and thep crie out together with &,}Paule Rom,7,0 wretched man that] am,who shall deliuer me from the body of this death ? Chis thaite ¢ crie all the faith: fulldoe giue,for that feeling finne, thep doe moſt carnefflp defire to be delivered from it. And in this feeling eknowlenge offline, the kingdom of Chriff conſiſteth, fo, thatenenin finne there is ‘no finne, Chat is,albeit J doe both acknowledge and feele finne, Though the petfaluation and the kingdom doe fo firmelp abive in mp confci- godly haue ence,that Gov faych ontome: Twillforgine thee thy inne , for mein he that thou hatt faith , and beleeueſt in Chriſt my elpeciallp belo- grieuoufnes ued fonne, who was delivered to death forthee , neither fhallthp chereoß,yer finnes burt thee. Dtbers which feele not their ſinnes, but truſt in it doch not their workeg, and complaine nothing of their faultes and offen: burt them. ces, thinking them felues cleane : Tuch are giuen to Satan, € not receiued 02 admitted Into the kingdom of Chriſt: for thep which Brel) D ti, +> * * 4 AR EI . - re 52 A SERMON VPON- THE are partakers of this kingdom can notbe without conflicts and tribulation, | | Death,Sa- And that J map lpeake mone plainip,recken J pray thee,anp a ai of the Sainctes, whom death doth not troubles pad know thon fomewhar walt not finde one,which isnotafraty, and trembleth not atthe trouble the hozrible fight of death. Wut the confcience taketh comfort here godly,bur by the Jrophet Dauid, who ſayth: The Lorde hath chaftened the godly at and corrected me , but he hath not giuen meouer vnto death: the laft ouer- je ſfighteth againſt bs in deede, but it preuaileth not. hus a Chei⸗ come them. Pfalai8.18, Alan wrapped in ſinnes, is both under ſinnes and aboue finnes, € at the lat notwithſtanding obtainech the victozie. After the fame fort alfo mut he haue to doe with Satan, with whom be muſt wattle all bis life,and at the lat ouercome him. So in the woꝛld alfobe mutt {uffer many conflicts andtroubles,and pet at length become victor, For although ithe a kingdom of faluation, which bach neither rett noz quietnes,but fuffreth the force. of bel, death, the deuill, ſinne, and all maner of aduerfitte and tribulation, pet they which be init, poe with an inutncible courage endure,and at length overcome all euills. But God therefore permitteth thefe thinges, that our faith map be erercifed , and thew fogth ie ſelle. Moꝛeouer that is apleafure to the confcience, and bꝛingeth vnto it comfort andiope, that it hath {uch a kingdont,that it map fap: Bleſſed be the Lo» God, who hath viſited and redeemed bs, and hath railed vp a kingdom inthe boule of Dauid, Chat is,for that be vifitech vg bp bis word, deliuereth bs from ſinnes, and maketh he conquerours ouer death and Satan, ar Thus he haue heard both char a kingdom is rapfed vp in the houfeof Dauid, and alſo that a Chritktanis both dead and pet ae liue, is innocent inthe middes of finnes, and although be be lub: {ect ta Satan, pet notwith landing bath vominion ouer Satan, For both ave true, for that finne, death, bell doe affatle the fleth, but doe not ouercome, forafinuch ag this Kingdom of faluation triumpbeth ouer chem all, Tülherefore ag tt were with a cextaine great bolones 02 confidence he callech it a horne, that is a ſtronge and puiffant kingdom: Which bath no reſt or truce, but being allailed of many ania fronge enemies, ts alwapes viligentlp oc⸗ cupied in defence of it ſelle, anddoth notably repel the force of — penemie Soa Chꝛiſtian laying bold on this borne, overthrow: sch finne,beath and Satan, Reicher conliſteth this hone in our : ſtrength. I | HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, 53 ſtrength, neither are we makers thereof; for God hath made and rayſed it vp by the minifterie of bis wo2d, whereby we are laued, Wibherefore Zacharias fo fingeth, chathis ſonge hath refpect not to his own fonne but to Chꝛiſt. Pea he celebrateth this kingdom ag pertaining to the Jewes onely, and declareth chat tt ſhall be gloꝛious, and maketh no mention of the Gentiles, how they alfo fhould come onto it,as belive others, Simeon in his long,the be: ginning whereof is, Lorde nowe letteft thou, &c.did prophecie, that we Gentiles alfo are chofen into that kingdom, But here he foretelleth of a kingdom rayſed bp of God to the Jeweg, euena kingdom of faluation and bleficdnes, and that inthe boule of his feruaunt Dauid. CAherefoꝛe he ſayth moꝛeouer: Verſe 70. As he fpakeby the mouthof his holy Pro- | phets: which haue bene fince the world be- gan, Therefore he hath railed op chig kingdom, that be might con: firme bis ppamife , whereby he had foretolo that he would ſome⸗ time rapfe bp a kingdom ec. Ind now that timeis come, where: _ in he will fulfill that bis pꝛomiſe.So Zacharias reduceth § hone offaluation, the kingdom of Choitt,co the olde Teſtament, that out of ithe map bring witneſſes of fa trong and puiflant a king: dom. For the Pꝛophets from the time of Dautd did all prope: The Pro- fie,that the feede of Dauid ſhould haue a kingdom in che earth, Phets fore- pet alpirituall kingdom : and aboue the reſt Efai and Jeremie pie ae fopetola, that it fhould be {uch a kingdom, that the gouernment gould be thereof thould confit tn the ſpirit & woꝛde to thefe efpectallp 3a: rayfed vp in J charias bath here reſpect. The other ag Oſee, Micheas, and the the houle of reft,poe ſpeake ofthefame kingdom, but not fo manifettly, Dauid, Verfe71. Thathe would deliuer vs from our enemies, and fromthe handes of all that hatevs. The Cuangelit hath hitherto generally rehearſed, whatthat kingdom of Chit is, whereof the Prꝛophets prophelien, owe 4 be fpeakerh of tt atfojbut particularly, declaring wherein it con- oe Hitech. Fick inchis.that he deliuereth vs from the handés of out aon oral. enemies, yea and from all them that bate vs. We lee here and vie uation con- derſtand, moſt dearelp beloved, that this verle doth witnes emo (eth. ) D tit, ee, i TE nie. 2 ee en re 54° «A SERMON VPON THE | plainely declare,that we which are bis people and kingdom, doe liue among ft enemies, and that no other is to be looked fo? of be The godly mutt looke for no peace! or quietnes in the world. but to be hated of them: Chat allo the force, qualitie, and nature of this kingdom confifterh in this, that tt deliuereth bs out of the handes of all them that hatebs, as the Pꝛophet Dauid fapth jofal, 1 10, The Lord shall fend the rod of thy power out of Si- on: bethouruler in the middes of thine enemies. And ypfal.45, Thine arrowes are very sharpe,euen in the middes of the Kings enemies. It is a delight vnto Chꝛiſt that his kingdom ts fer in the middes ofthe fight,pea and in the midbes of the haters there- of, Chele things are wzttten for our comfort,that we which mind toferue vnder the Prince of this kingdom, be ſo tnftructed, that we looke for no other then is bere prefcrived and fer forth vnto bs: that we ſeeke not here to get onto vs the fauour of the world, neither that we ferue the world, andlabour tohaue no enemies therein. For the words of Zacharias declare that tt ts the quality of this kingdom to deliver from enemies, ow if it deliuereth bs from enemieg,and as it were dꝛaweth bs out of the hands of them that hate bs, furelp it cannot be a kingdom of peace, but lucha kingdom as is {ubiect to che hatred and malice of the world. Ag peleeatthig bape, that our enemies beare a deadly hatred vnto thelight, which bath alittle thined forth, thankes be to Chait therefore, No man te anp where fo hated asa Chrittian, Both the Pope, and the furtous Bilyops with cheir falle Apoſtles, al⸗ fo the raging Pꝛinces, moreouer the holy, learned, and wile of the world, all at thig dap Doe moft bitterly hate Chꝛiſtians. Rei: ther are chep content,that they be killed ¢ flatne, but thep would. baue them extinguiſhed and vtterly rooted out, that there may be no memozie ofthem,ag they chinke,left among men. And this ig the ftate, theſe are the badges, and cognifances of Chꝛiſtians: that when Satan by his minifters perfecuteth os, bethinkech quitetoroste vs out. Chis verſe allogiuech bs to vnderſtand. that Chritt ts our King, chat he map ſaue and deliuer vs out of the handes of our enemies: which he notably performech , and ſheweth his pomer inthe mindes of the worloe, in the middes of the force of fleſh and Satan, when as peace and quietnesis no where lefttoa Chriftian , butin his Chrik alone, Chis alfo we mutt marke,that there is not one but many, which aflaple & per: ſecute Chrifkiang : but pet that we hall not therefore be deſtroy⸗ ed, Ir x 7 ” u: 2 3 ™ 7 , — u he | HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, 55 ed, foralmıe) as we haue one, which is ſtronger both then the woꝛld andthe prince thereofas John ſayth. Nowe whereas be promifeth bs,we know certainly,that be both will and is able to performe : we hall in deede feele the aſſault, but be will not {utter _ bs to be deffroped o2 overcome, fo chat we hope and truſt in hin, It followeth mozeouer: vVerſe 72. That he might ſhewe mercy towards our fae | thers,and remember his holy couenant. | Verfe73. Thatis,the oth which he {ware to our father Abraham that he would giue vs. | De will deliver vs, not onely from all euill both of bodp anv | efpeciallp of foule,but allo from our enemies, Satan,and men, as a Chriftian mul be as ic were ouerwhelmed wich all euillg ‚ together, fo alfo be thal be ayaine wholp deliuered from all euils. | Anup be theweth chat this grace and blefling was pꝛomiſed ca . their fathers,2uch is the maner of the Apoſtles alſo, that thep | oftentimes baue recourle tothe old Cekament , as Jhaue {apy | before, that God ſpake and promifed by the mouth of the Pꝛo⸗ | phets,¢c.euen as Zacharias doth in this place, Some man map An obiediö. | now fap : Chey are dead, how therefore will be Hew mercy vnto | them? Againe, what neene ig there to rehearſe, that he woulve thew mercy tothe kathers, when ag itis declared in p Wrophetg? Gut this is thereloꝛe vone, that che truth of God map be ſhewed The aüfwer. | forth, and map be allo approued vnto bs , that we ſhoulde not be | ignozant,that thofethinges are not due to our merits. In the fir | booke of Moles is mentioned, how God promifedto Abraham, Ger.22.18, | that in his ſeede all p nations of the earth fhoul be bleſſed. That | t8,that by Chꝛiſt hould come peace, nrace,and blelfing to all na: | tions, TAhich promife was aifferred fo longa time, that tt ap: > | peared,that it wag inbaine and abolifhed , So vnwilſe, as tt {ees meth tothe worlve, doth Gov fhewe him lelfe in hig matters, ag | though all chinges went backward, Notwithſtanding howſoe⸗ uer tt was Delaped and feemed , petitis fulfilled and performed whatſoeuer was promiledto Abraham, and Gov hath not onelp deliuered bim from bis enemies, but hath beffowed bpon him all | good thinges,pea hath giuenhim felfe onto him, and all that he | bath, Gud all this ig therefoze done, foz that (as 2 achariag here ’ ; ttt, X, TEEN EA Be yy ‘ “ m Bu a an —— + ' 7 +’ em r e — a J 56 A SERMON’ VPON! THE: ſayth) this mercy and goodnes twas before promifevand confirs med by anoch vnto thein, which are lang ſince dead, when as we pet were not, ets mercitull thevefoze andfauouradle , not be⸗ caule of ourmerits , as though be vid owe it vnto aur righteout ues, but of big onelp grace, fauour, and merep, f Thele are horrible thunnzings again our merits « worked, | God bot, thacwecannorglorp, that we baue delivered our felues from Plilledhis ũnnes, oꝛ that we Hane deſerued his goodnes, and the preaching promifenot Of the Gofyell, No, it ts not {o,Dere ts no place for boating: but moued this tert fapth that thou,D O Loꝛde, didſt promife certaine chow⸗ through any ſands of peares before I] was boone , that thou wouldelt doe it, asia CU ho vid then delire him, thache would gine vs chole chinges, men,butof when he had determined with him ſelfe to gine them? And upon hismeere this promile the Pꝛophets are bold and doe fap them {elues,for graceand by it we attatne nto true goodnes, thatthe mouth of euery one | N map be flopped,thathe thac wil gloꝛy, may glory i inp Lo, For thus the Loꝛd may ſay:that thou liueſt in mp kingdomy;that thou enioyeſt mp goodnes grace,tt is not to be imputed to thee, but vnto mes Apromiled, and determined wich mp lelfe to fulfill mp | promifes, thou being ignorant thereof, And here the mouth of e- . — ooo \ perp one is Topped, So at this dap alfoncne of vs onto whom, | | thankes be to God the Golpel hath ſhined, can glorp that we obs tained it by our owne meanes labour, endeuour, 02 good conuer⸗ fation. Foꝛ thoſe which were counted che beſt woꝛkes, and the moſt excellent ſtudies are diſallo wed and ouerthꝛowne as to celes bꝛate Walle , to ioyne him ſelfe to this o2 that hypocriticall fect, | which they call an oxder;ec, Chele the Gofpell condemneth and h ‘vetecteth, and bow can 9 attainetothe Golpell by that which ie relecteth? CTUherekoze this ſtandeth fure and certaine, thatall that tue haue, is of the meere grace and goodnes of God, fothat with bis honour and praife we map confefle, that we haue veler- uedfarre otherwiſe, namely hell fire, ikbeſides this be beffowerh any thing sponds, itisthe giftofbis qrace and goodnes. And this tg that which Zacharias ſayth, that is was foꝛetold bp the Pꝛophets, and bath promifed and confirmed by an oth to che fa- thers, that he would performe bnto bs the couenant made to A⸗ Gen.22.16, bꝛaham. Chus he fapth co Abꝛaham:By my felfe haue i fwerne, fayth the Lorde, thatin blefling Iwill bléffethee. Andinthy feede,&c. — wordg che jorophets diligently help, "at, andled, — HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS. $7 haivled,¢ alwaies truſted onto them,fo2 that be doth bere ſolemn⸗ Ipfweare , thathe might wholp allure vs , thathe would poure forth bis blefling vpon vs, And now the time ts prelent;the how⸗ eriscome, wherein,be bath worne, that ſaluation ſhould come -bntobs,as it is Declared Mar. 16. Goe yeinto allthe world & preachthe Gofpell to euery creature: he that’shall beleue & be baptifed,shall be faued: buthe that will not beleeue, shall be damned. Men lurely haue not merited it, no not Abꝛaham him Abraham fclfe,who was not made partaker ofthe pꝛomiſe, leeing thathe pe Died long before che fullling thereof, In lpiritinvecoe and faith e rowie. be was pattaker of it,but he lined not fo long, til the Goſpel was reucaled to p whole world. Che promife therfore was made vnto him, although, as J haue fapd, he looked not for p fulfilling ther: ofin this life, Chat ts hislife was not prolonged bntill the prea: ching ofthe Golpell in the whole world, although in faith be ob- tained the Golpell for himfeife, Ciherefore it can not be ſayd, that that premife mas due to his merits, otherwiſe he mutt bane liued inthe earch untill the fulfilling thereof, and a due price o2 reward muffhanebene payd vnto him, Butnow the performing ofthe promife was after bis death fo that euerp one mutt needes confefle, that that promile was not made to Abraham becauſe of his merits, union) if ul edd re A Againe, it cannot be fapd, thatthe Gentiles which enioy thig The Gen- promile, haue obtained ic bp their merits, which then were not, A alee God pꝛomilech to the fathers and perfogmeth not,be performeth joving of | to the Gentiles,to whom notwith Fading no promile wag made, the promife. who all at that time werenot, Gen will alwaves retayne to him felf his honour,and be che fame God although the wicked world. cannot be fo perſwaded. De chaftenethi, reproueth , rebukech,: prouoketh, ſtirreth, allurech, doch whatſoeuer is to be Done, but the worldlings rob bimof his honour, and attribuce itto them felues.that is,chep will not acknowledge, that whatfocuer thep poſſeſſe or haue,tt commeth onto then bp the ouly grace of God. Chen therefore we glory of ſuch good thinges, wacknowlenge - not God to bethe auchor and giuer of them we make our ſelues as God, and himag our feruaunt, Sohe is diſhonoured, andthe honour attributed vnto vs. Wut albeit me make marchandise . Of bis honour, yet he hath affirmed in che Scriptures, thao, he will keepe his honour and alorpg onelp to him delle that & u. | A Chriftian how he li- — 58 A SERMON’ VPON THE he may be acknowledged to giue all things of bis meere and one Ip grace. Chele thinges he that beleueth, doth allo receiue thems: be that doth not beleue, thall at the lẽgth receiue bis * reward. Zacharias ſayth moꝛeouer: Verſe 74. That we being deliuered outof the — of ourenemies, might ferue him without feare, Verfe75. Allthedayes of ourlife, inholines and tigh- teoufnes before him. De hath vefined the nature and propertic of this kingdom:that ig,the couenant made with Abꝛaham, that in his ſeede all the na⸗ tiong of the earth ſhould be bleſſed, xc. Thich woꝛds ofbleflings thus fapth he, I will interpzet onto you,thac being deliuered out of the hanves of our enemies, we map ferue him without feare all our lifelong inholineg anv righteoulnes before him, Mhich to the world and our fleth ſauoureth not well. Foꝛ the woꝛ ld thus murmureth here: J had thought chathe woulde haue giuen bs fome pretions thing, ag a purfe well ſtuffed with money, arich wife,fap2e and bewtifull childꝛen, goodly houfeg , and whatloes uet the world is delighted in, But now | perceiue ‘it to be others wile, Iheare that we mu without feare ferue him inbotines € righteoufnes,and fo pleafe him, ctherefoze it Hall be meete chat we apply hereunto {pirituall epes and cares , that we map moe rightly confiver and onderftand che woꝛdes. Mhereas be fapth, that be will deliuer vg from all our enemtes, it ts againe thus ta be under food, that this kingdom ts placed in the middes of ene: mies and notwithſtanding that it tg not cherefore deſtroyed, but that alwayes all the enemies and aduerfaries thereof are ouers come. AUAe muff vnderſtand alfo that the veliuerance from our e⸗ nemies tendeth hereunto, that we thould alwapes obey him chat deliuereth bs, without anp feare. And chis isa Chꝛiſtian thing an amiable kingdom,that a Chpittian ſhall leade his life without feare, Dowbeit Gon hath beſtowed this bpon bs, that we ſhould hereafter ſerue him alone, The words without feare, include in them, that we ſhall guts etly eniop the wood thinges of this prelent world , ¢ of the world tocome, for a Chꝛiſtian fs {ure and certaine of the foꝛgiuenes of uerh without DIE finneg, although be as yet keeleth them, ag ine baue ſayd a li⸗ fearc. tie HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, 59 tle before, De is certaine that death hath no power in him: that Satan doth notouercome him: that the woꝛlde can not preuatle againſt him.Such a bartis without all perill and feare, ¢ plains ip free from them. Ahich doe not thou fo vnderſtand, as though we Do not feele finne at all,but that we are greatly grieued when finnes trouble vg, when the image on ſight of death terrifiech ug, when as being repzochen and ſclaundered of the wozld, we and ag deſtitute, and haue none tn this earth, to whom me map turne vs or refort for fuccour,but God alone , Chele thinges indeede are felt, but they doe not pꝛeuaile nor ouercome bs: for the hart notwithſtanding remainerh fafe and quiet in God, So poucrtie alfo is felt, when thou art pinched wich bunger,¢ haft not where- withall to fill chp belly, to maintaine thy wife any botnge bp thy childꝛen, noꝛ anp certatne place where to dweil and abive, but all thefe thinges hall not burt thee : thou mutt aske of God whatlos euer thou neevdeff, € ferue him without feare, ag our prefenetert declareth, But herein we doe for the moft part bebaue our felues notas Chꝛiſtians, we iudge after our one affection and ſenſe, according ag the woꝛld doth blame vs, oꝛ report euill of vg, Allo when our fielveg haue no corne, ne monepig nour purle, we thinke our ſelues vtterly deftitute and forfaken. But a true Chꝛi⸗ ftian with (hut epes and eaves fapth with Paule {peaking tothe Galathians : D few, finne,death, pe are dead nto me: and Ja⸗ gaine am dead onto pou.that Chꝛiſt map line inme, Che worlo Gal.2.¢7 6, is crucified vnto me,and Jvnto the woꝛlde. Chatis.the worlde _ hath no care oꝛ regard ofme , and mp preaching and life is moc: kev and ſcorned of tt, But with the fame meature that thou mea- ſureſt vnto me, 3 will mealure to thee againe: tf thou deſpiſeſt me Jalſo will deſpiſe thee : ik thou makeſt no account of me, I againe will make fmallaccouns of thee, bat care, if the worldhate me, when ag J diſpleaſe not - himebatdwelleth inheauen ? ikthis hatred continue euen dayly, iffinne rave andthe worlve talke and prate manp thinges, what then ẽlet it do fo pntilliche weary, I wil paffe ouer theſe things as I heard thenwnot. Chis is in deede to forlake che woplo, and - to die unto it,to line without feare, to be occupied about no other _ thing, but that which ts accoyping to Gods will, to fpeake no- thing at all but chat which thall pleafe him, and which Iſhall know tobe agreeable to big worde: that I may live fo, and dog Tr ee = Oo Pay. * a 60 ‚A SERMON VPON THE thoſe workeg, which 3 knowe certainly ave acceptable before _ him, thatin mp wholelife whatfoeuer Idoe either outward< — Ip, or inwardelp , 3 map be certaine that I feeke bts glorye, and endeuour to fulfill bis will. So Namfeparated from the world. and notwithſtanding doe Hill line in che worloe, IQoman is leſſe tuthe worlds then a ſincere Chaiftian sand againe, no man ig more occupied and bath to noe with che world then anentire Chꝛiſtian. Chat isthe woꝛlde doth moze intentittelp looke outa him, and atau more often anv vehemently affallech him, then him that is ignorant of Chꝛiſt, of grace,and of faith. Chrift anv Paule bad erperience hereof: thep had combate ¢ conflicts with the worlo: thep were troubled and moleſted, yea the whole world was agatn® chem. Againe,arıue Chaiſtian ts not tn the wozlde, albeit che world rage ¢ free cruelly agatnit him: for be alwayes trufteth in God, and ſayth: Loꝛd, J am thine thou thalt deale wel - With me, graunt thou that mp matters map goe forward accop- bing to chp will,onelp be thou on my fine,and I hall be in ſakety. Allthe dayes of our liſe.All our life long, that ts continually, without ceafing, Inholines and righteoufnes before him. Here S. Luke diui⸗ beth righteouſnes and holines into two foptes : of which one ts acceptable before Gov: p other before him is of no value: wher: by we haue to bnderitand , that both the righteoulnes # holines of Gov are inno eftimatton before the world, euen asthe woꝛlde is wont nothing toeffeeme God, and againe Goo litle to efteeme Hypocritic al holines and sighteoufnes religion. And thus Ficking i ina colourable bey of good works, the world, For that which Gon calleth iuſt, the world calleth on: iu sand that which it callech right, Gov callech crooked: and fo thefe two Champions are continually at nariance betwene them ſelues. Chat which God callech holy, feemeth to the wogld deui⸗ lifh andonvighteous, Ciherefore be comfortech vs here, decla⸗ ring that there be two fortes of righteoufnes and holines: Due, which we oughtco obferue diligently: An other which we ought to auotde.Ditherto tt hath bene the chtefe bolines and righteouſ⸗ nes of all, which coulo be inuented,to runne into Wonafteries,to put onmonkith apparel, to be fhauen,to weare a hempten girdle, to giue him felfe to fatting and praper , tobe clothed with beare cloth,tolpe in wollen garments, to obferue an auftere maner of Tiuing: and inalumme', totake ppon him monkth Holines and we * HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, 61. we Knetwe none other but that we were holp from top to toe: has | wing regarde onelp to workes andthe bodp, and not to the hart, where we were full of hatred,feare,¢ tncrevulitie, troubled with an euil confcience, knowing almoft nothing rightly of God, Che | the wold cried openip: D that holy man: D help and cha wo: man, which baue incluved them felues withinthe walls of Mo⸗ I | nafferieg, Which dap t night kneeling vpon their Knees fap ma- | nprofaries,agthep callthem.D,whatholines is there, where e- uen God him felfe dwelleth, where the holy Ghott the comforter | abineth prelent ? Chele hinges che world boatteth of, and greats | | t | Ip efteemeth. Gut belive thele thep doe not marke, how they prap with no earnefineg of hart, howe they teach and inffruct no man, howe they giue nothing toany , but catch onto them felues both the blood and ſweat of the poore , and leaue true fincere workeg vndone. Chis righteoufhes ¢holines the worldertolleth, which notwithfanding fincketh and is wholp uncleane before Gov, which be will haue euen to be vnknowne bato bs, pet the woglde _ refuteth to admit anp other, But there is an other maner ofrighteoufneg then thig where: of Gon effeemeth € accepteth, which alfo we mutt conliver, now it is ok this forte: It conſiſteth not in a grape garment, not ina blacke or white coule, but in pure confcience, Co wit, when I beleeue , that Chri is my faluation, andthatmp morkes can preuatte nothing hereunto: but that he doth all thinges which God hath regarde vnto. Chen J fay no moze: a gray garment is holy a ved garment is pꝛophane, foꝛaſmuch as Iknow, that not ina gray or any other garment;but in Chri all thinges confit. Foꝛ no man can attaine tathis , that a gray garment may clenle bis hart from Fich, or that a monaſterie may purifie its fo2 it is | neceflarp that God onely purifie the hart bp faith , and the holy Ghoff,ag Jeter witneſſeth Act,1 5. Chen the hart is now pure, the houfe ig onto it ag the fielve, and the ficloe ag the boule: Che market ig as much eſteemed of it ag the Donafterie; and contra: riwife, either remainech there vnto me any worke , place, 02 garment,which I count prophane : for all chinwes are alike vnto me, after thatholines hath fully poſſeſſed mp bare. Chat euen God fapth untome : Chou art godly, Jamthy father, thou are mp fonne, And herein we ought cto perfitt, that webebolp, and | without feare doe obey anv ferue him, Were the ticle and bapgeg The righte- oufnes wher of God ac- cepteth,of what fort ie is, Pr —5— . ae en | 62 A SERMON VPON THE of a Chrittian arefeene,¢ this is his cognifance; to wit, that * ing holy, he ts the Winttter of God without feare, But what fine ner ig there which dareth challenge to him felfe this title? Lee one come forth, which varech auouch him felfe to be godly, righ⸗ teoug,holp,and the feruaunt of God, deſtitute of no good thinges either of mind or body, ow he chat ca not glorp of chele chings, isnota Chꝛiſtian. Foꝛ of chelethinges muta incere Chꝛiſtian be partaker, Wut whatlettech that onedareth not challenge ta him felfe chig title? Cuen a timoꝛous conlcience : for we alwaies feele finne,and our Itfe ig euer fraile, Ji {ee nothing but an honeſt ~ life,alchough God require thts alfo of vs, pet he will not be cons tent therwith, but there ts neede that there be pet acertain high⸗ er thinge, that A dare be bolve to fay: Loꝛde Gon maker of the whole worde, Jam certaine that J am bolp before thee,and am. chp feruaunt, not for mpne owne fake, who do ag pet feele ünnes in mp felfebutthrough Chat, whe bath taken away my inne, and made latigfactionfor me. Chele chines lurelp I ought to glory of, ik I be a true Chꝛiſtian. But this {eemech difficult and hard: God anmittech na finne, mp fearefull and weake confcience ig againt me, Dow am F bis feruaunt, when ag notwithttanding J feetein my felfe, that J ferue the deutll and doe not knowe that F am holy? J (peake noe bere ofthe common fort of Chrittians , {uch as J, and ſuch like are: but of fincere Chꝛiſtians, which haue a good conlcience,and ' in whoſe hartes the fpiric of Gov abideth, whole confcience albe- it it be fraple and weake, and they feele their finneg, petthepare enforced tofay : Dowfoeuer finne ts, pet I know no finne kp mp felfe , neither am Ji fubtect to death and hell, and for this caule they ſtriue, and at the laſt ouercome, that therefore thep would e- uen die, in that confivence, But J finde tt farce otherwile, tf Iſet my life before my ſight. Derelife and the word muſt be feparas ten farre aſunder. Ff thou wilt confiver life, J will {ec aliobefore thee the liues of S, Peter ,jPaule, or John, thou thalt finde euen them not to haue liugd without finne , TÜbenchou delivek to be Wemut holy before Gov, truſt not to thy life, vnleſſe chou wilt perith for truft,not:o euer, For thou mutt truſt to onelp mercp and grace, and not to our rag oi life 0p workes,othertoife thp cafe will be berp il.@Liherefore our vhermere Hate mutt be fo affected that it ſay: Loꝛde, if chou ſhouldelt call mercyand me to an account, JIſhould not be able either by life 02 workesto grace of God ſtaud gr; ——————==<@<«= SO du LULU HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, 63 ftande in thy fight,no although J were euen Hohn the Baptilt. Neuertheles therefore I glory that J am godly, € thy feruaunt, for that thou doeſt give vnto me continually, and alfo for that, as thow batt ppomifen co Abraham, thoudock for thy Chrifts fake, vouchlafe to (hewebp mercpuntome: if fo be that Sof my felfe be not godly andrighteous, petheis godly and righteous for me : If Ibe prophane, he is holy: if Jbe not § ſeruaunt of Gov, he is the ſeruaunt of God: tf Ibe not without feare and careful⸗ neg, petheis voyd of all feare and carefulnes: that ſo J may as it were trangferre mp felfe from mp felfe,and perfe into him, € alorp,thacin Chrit e bp Chri Tam good, Thus he will haue vs to gloꝛy, that we are godty and holp,but not by our owne mes rit: for we muſt gloꝛy of our {elues , ag of moffvelperate wet: ches. And that this may be plaine, marke our life,confiver our good conuerlation and maners, wepe how kooliſhly men apply them felues to the Golpell, that I am almof in dout, whether Jſhould preach anp moze oꝛ no. For ag Toone as thefe hinges are taught in a fermon,that faluation confifterh not in our works oꝛ life, but inthe giftes of God, 'euerp one is flow todoe good, roman will Line an honettlife,and be any moze obedient , they falfly affirme euery where, that good workes are inhibited, JQeuertheles God - requireth of vs,that we lead an honeſt life outwardly and herhat doth not fo,fhall atlength finde his due puniſhment. Mowe tfit happen that we liue godlily and honefilp outwardly , Satan bp and by frameth bis wickednes, Meither doe I know at this dap howto order. mp felfe inthis mattey not becaule of mp owne pers fon;but becaufe of Ife, For if we preach of an bonett anv godly fife! the worlde bp by kurioully attempteth mithouriuagement, to build ladders to heauen: which Gov neithertan, neither wil + They en- by anp meanestuffer : Againcsa diſhoneſt and ignominiouglife deuour by both not become Chꝛiſtians, neither doth a delicate life become their good them, bat therefore mutt we then doe? They which haue ves Works to2- {pect onelpta an honetandfappe life, it were better kor them to be adulterergand adulterefles, andaltogether to wallowinthe We muft nei myꝛe. And pet notwithitanding Gov will not haue vs to lead our cher prefiime life Klchilp and diſhoneſtly. For neither canbe fuffer that, adiud- of tay ging thee euen neo bell therefore, ikthou fonoe, And ifrhoulean eats anhoneff life, thou wilt ſticke init, and arrogate vnto thy felfes 1cade a god- Bin f | ly life. ——— WR ww. PR On Oo a ee ha a We a 64 A SERMON VPON THE which againe be can not {uffer. Chou mutt therefore fo pꝛouide that thourematne inthe middle pathe, declining neither tothe right hand, noꝛ to the left, and that chou lead a quiet‘, fapıe, and amtable life tn che fight of the world; which alfo map be accepta- bie before God , and pet that thou noe not therefore fo greatly e- ſteeme it,no2 count lo ofit, as though thou doeſt merit anp thing of Goo thereby, Thus a Chrittian continueth the holy ſeruaunt of Gav with: out feare,not by bis good woꝛkes and holy life, but by the grace Blafphe- ol Chꝛiſt. But he that allirmeth chathe ts holy by bis worꝛkes, is moustoaf- · hlalphemous againſt God, robbeth Gov of his honour, and denis a eth Chritk;for whom it mere berter,thache were ten times an ho⸗ by our ee micide, oꝛ an adulterer ; then that be ſhould therebp affirme him felfetobea Chrittian,yea godly and holp: for be noch plainly at: fhonour Chk, and it is as much as to affirme that there ts na Chri: for he istherefore called Chꝛiſt, foꝛ chathe ig our grace, mercy, redvemption,and holines, If J ould not attribute to the Dinine mercp,that Gov him ſelfe doth faue me , what ſhould thts be elfe,buttofap,thacheig neither holy nop blefled ? Tüherefore if 3 bea Chriftian, I mutt confefle, chat Jam holy anda Chꝛiſti⸗ an for this caufe,for chat Chꝛiſt him lelfe is holy. And albeit mp confcience doth reproue me of Inne, pet I mutt till perleuer in this , that bis holines ig greater then my ſinnes hus I mul i liue honeſtly outwardly but inwardly ret and truſt in him alone, | Je followeth moreouer how 3 achariag —* his fpeech to Be 1 child, and ſayth: 76. Andthouchild halt be Lalfed the — of the moft High: forthou fhalt goe before the face of the Lord to prepare his wayes. | This hall be thy office: Thou ſhalt be the Art; and thalt firk begin: chatis,chou halt be the Prꝛophet of the moft High: But ‚ what manerofprophecie hall that be,bow hall tt bedone: Alter forerunner efchrit, Pate biswapes. Ahen any yprince comineth , certaine goe be: "fore bim,to prepare way and place for bim,and fap: Give place, Depart out of the way: John doing the like, runneth before and. criech vnto the people: Gor afive , turne out of the he 5 rine | place,the Love him (elf comimerh Such aſeruaunt is se | wyom — | 3 ~ . \ * 2% . Be | | | Tohn the his fort: Chou fhalche the forerunner of the Lobe, ¢ chalt pze⸗ "U WYMNE OF ZACHARIAS, 65 —* Loꝛd by and bp followeth. Such thinges no Prophet at any time bath ſpokẽ, but they baue prophelted oftheſe things, that a Prophet ſhould ſomtime come, which ſhould erect a king: dom that ſhould continue for euer,tc. But all dyed, not one re⸗ mayned, which id behold this being aliue. But this prophet Doth line euenatchattpme, when the Lord him ſelfe commeth, | and bp and bp followeth him. For the Gofpell was begon to be | preached, Baptiſme was begon to be miniftred, by the comming and miniũ ery of John, who ceafling, Chit began, both almoũ in the fame peare. Row what thall be his office? This truely, to The office prepare a way for the Lo. Which preparation is nothing elle, of loha. butte bring people to p Love the Sauiour, Chrift is che grace, gift King and horne of cur faluation, Chis Lorde and King ne ‘man rereineth,unleg be be firſt humbled, that he ehinkenoching im felf, for he cannot otherwile attaine bute Chriſt, neither tan and together, torecetue the grace of Gop by gift, anvalfa ‘Lorteritthe fame, John therefore inthis part teacheth men nos ‚thing elfe, but that they are finnerg and altogether nothing , De now which acknowlengeth hint {elfe , and feelech him felfe a fin: ner befoze,pea and to be nothing, tell vnderſtandeth the boice of edie hich ig, prepare pe a wap for the Loꝛde: Giue placeto ‚him: Weis at hanne that followeth me, whois greater then Ft, "him; pe thal heare, him pe thal obey. Theother office of John which followerh, is, that be bꝛingeth mento the knowlege of faluation 5 and fhewerh with hie finger that pafcall Lambe,that ‘taketh away our fitmes, tharhe map fatten chem tothe croffe, “with him ſeite ano abolifh them. Güihereof Zacharias now goech ‘onto ifpeake, " © sind ne ze 77 ropiue knowledge of faluati vnto his peo- ple,ty the remiffion of their finnes. seed canteen begin the office and miniſtery of the word, is taught ait learned how one is ſaued Thich ſaluati⸗ et m 02 — = eee. “not howe ‘we map be famous arg ia nce.of viches, glopp,and power inearth, ANE free — onderſttoobe it: but that we may ob- on bf finnes, ant be made partakers of the grace of Er pow — remiſſion of ſinnes ig, there is no merit, no re⸗ ward oz ſatislaction, otherwiſe it could. notbe za: remiflion of at 66 A SERMON VPON (THE finnes , 0 that this knowledge ig, to pnderftand, bow Gov fo: giueth be our finnes without workes and merits, andfaucth vs bp mieere grace and mercp,as it lollowech vndes aez a Verfe 78. Through the téder mercy ofout God, wher- by the day {pringe from an high hath vifited vs. TSiON £2 ings Here it appearech thacthep which teach and oblerue lawes, wonꝛkes And merits, doe ſtriue againlt both ehe mercy of Gade Forgiuenes, knowledge offaluation,. Foꝛ be fapth not p fopgivenes of ſinnes of fines co- hath come bp the papers or woꝛkes of the fathers, 02 of any of meth not by the Spainctes,but through the bottomles mercy of Goo, which any mere or Luke calleth the tender mercy,and fuch mercy as commeth from ours,but We mofk inward affection and bowels, Notwithſtanding chis through the forgiueneg of finne, which commeth bnto bs bp mercyxe, ts not tender mer- {without merit, although it conmeth ca palſe without our merits cyofGod. fut a Mediatout commeth betwene, who bath in our ſteede de⸗ ferued it for bs, which is Chzilt our Lorde. soz God would chat fatisfaction ſhould be made bnto him foz our ſinnes. and that bis honour and lawe (houldg be perfoymed,here we were able tone Ba », But Chꝛilt alone both wag able „and fatisfied for vs uho.of che infinit mercpof the father, was (ent for) fame caufe, andthattobs , thathemight vilpatche tt. Cherefore he ſayth, Through which infinit € boccomles mercy the day Ipzinge froh anbigh bath viftcen us, Kichous all bout it was no merit,but ons “Ip onmealurable.merep , that Chritt came tods,and merited and obtained for bs (uch remiflion of finnes vnto eternall {aluation, Row be calleth him, the day fpringe from an hie, which fignifi« eth vnto ts bis Bininicie, And chie is his meaning: on hie, that is, aboue all creatures, tobere nothinge ts bier, but eighth alone, there ig Chit in hig diuinitie, asthe mazning o2 day ſpringe. #02 he proceedeth from che father, ag the beames doe from che {unne, whereof we haue gllewhere ſpoken at large. Verde 79. Togiue IE en thatfitin darkenes, & in the fhadow of death, & to guide our feete into. the way of peace... a? a Many ofthe fathers vnderltood this of Lymbusy ag they call : its : HYMNE OF ZACHARIAS. 67 tt: but Luke agrecth here with p faping of lai, where befapch: The people chat walked in darkenes, haue feene a great light, Efaig. r. &c. Mis meaning therefore is this: Chiſt cherefope came, that How Chrift he might be thelightofthe world, and by the Goſpell might en: ® me light lighten mens hartes , and allure them to himfelfe, which were ° is held captiue vnder Satan in the blindnes and darkenes of incre: dulicie ; thatfobe might guide our feete into the way of peace, How Chrift that is;he might gouerne our confetcnce well, quietly and chere⸗ pie. our fullp inthe kingdom of grace, that we may be afraivnettherof pc Satan, neither of ſinne, Death; hell, nop of anp abuerfitte,who — heretofore baue refted,parte of bs in filthy vices, parte in good woꝛkes, notwithſtanding we could on neither five eniop any qui» etnes op peace,but were compelled to deſpeire under Satan, and ‘thefeare of death, ngither din we knowe howe to fine that wap wyhich leadeth onto peace, according to the faping of the foures teenth Pſalme: The way of peace haue they not knowne, &c. Thus pe baue heard how Zacharias doth in mo goodly ann fit woꝛdes moſt liuely paint out the Goſpel and kingdom of Chꝛiſt, with all the frutes colours ¢ conditions thereof, that it is a woꝛd and kingdom of grace ot forgiuenes of finnes, allo kingdom of ‘ peare;iop.quictnes,faluation and all goopnes, Gov graunt,chat ‚we — throughly know and keele che ſane. Amen. A SERMON OF 5 MAR “TIN: LY THER OF THE MEDI- irae OF —— ‘HIS PASSION. sm; ley era j = = ces ‘Giekesfome doe te thinke upon $paffion of chit, cthat they are incenſed with anger againt the rd Fetes, and doe inucigh again& wꝛetched Tus IN) paginfonges and reprochfull woꝛdes: and thus they ate contents and chinke this tobe fufficicnt, sent opheard eier cafe oforher,to take pity: ar € tt, q | } iy 68 A SERMON OF THE, MEDITATION on them, andıto accuſe and convemme theit aduerſaries But . that can not be called a remembꝛing ofthe patti ou af Chuttvit rather of Ju and Judas his wickednes. > Secondly, lome haue noted in thete mindegviuerfe commoddi⸗ ties and frutes proceeding of the meditation of Cheiſtes paſſion, that ſaying which ig alcribed to Albertus being commonly in their remembrance, that it is better to thinke vpon che paſſien of * ia Chritt ſuperfitially o2 once 5 then if one ſhould faſt che {pace of& How the — baſhlulnes. WMhich feare notwit whole yeare; and daily i pꝛaying goe ouer the whole Plſalter rc. Chat ther follow hitherto, being blind and iuſtly tumbling, contrary to the true frute of the Loꝛdes paſſion. Moꝛeouer they feeke their owne thinges therein and therefore thepbringe mith - them images, bookes letters and crofles. Some alfo go fofarre, that thep thinke thep thallanakethem felues fafe from waters, terrors, fire,and from all daunger; ag thoughthe Loves fuffe- ring fhould be without fuffering inthemcontrary to the auautx and nature thereof. Thirdly, ſome haue compallion of Chritk, lamenting, t wees ping forbimas being an innocent: man, like bnto the Women: which followed Chriſt from Jeruſalem, who were reprehended and admoniſhed of hin, that they paul — teluese: kor their chen am) adios dann man ioc) Gant ICH Fourthly,fome fo call to mind the pattion of the Lin: and ſo conſider Chri that inwardly they are foze afraid, pea their reas fon alfo o2 underffanding ig pad om a certaine aftoniednes or thitar — 35 — from hente eſpecially in chat pee be put in mind thereby ot thetogach and.immutable feueritie of Ged prepared for unnese ſinners, foꝛaſmuch as he would not graunttahig onelp begotten and beloued fonne that inners hould be abfolued and pardoned, vnles he piv make fo great a fatisfartionfor them, ashe ſpea⸗ keth bp Elap.chap.5 3 For the transgreflion of my people haue I fnitten him. @Ubhat thall come vnto the firmer, when a fonne lo exceedingly beloued ia finitten ẽ It muſt needes be that there is: an vnſpeakeable and a molt rious and carnett matter, where fo greatandercellent a perfon doth befcend to vor good wvcahine fufferech and dyeth for him cis ‚Fiftipsreuoluepeepeip ————— — togmmencerrCipgitt,; lozalmuch as thp — + }. sea Id, > BZ A a a ee ae > —— ~~ ——⏑ ah, il en san SG | — se ; N: ue | OF CHRIST HIS PASSION. 69 tere moft certainly the caule thereof, Thus S.jpeter in the fer cond okthe Actes, div ftrike ¢ terrific the Jewes ag it were with a certain lightning, when as be fapd bnto them generallp:whom you haue crucified, fo that the berv fame bay thee thowfand mẽ were greatlp terrified, and being pricked in cheir hartes {apd vn⸗ ‚ to the Apofties : Men and brethren, what shall we doe? T1her- | fore when thou conſidereſt that his handes were pearfen with | naples,thinke that it was thp worke: when thou rememboett bis crowne of thoznes, perfwade thp (elfe that it was thy wicked co⸗ gitations, which caufed it,¢c. Sixtly, thinke with thy ſelle, that whereas one thorue pric⸗ | ken Chꝛilſt, thou oughtelt worthely to be pricked with an hun: | Dred thowſand chornes, & that without intermiſſion, yea x much | moze grieuouflp : and chat whereas one naple pearlen the hands and keete of Chit, chou oughteſt to be grieued ¢ moleſted with | Many moc and fatre moze ſharpe naples continually , euen as it - fhall come atthe laft onto thoſe, in whome the paflion of Chꝛiſt bath not bene effeccuall but fruftrat. For Chott who ig the truth it lſelle, will lye to no man,twill velude no man, and that which be | attemptech mutt needes be a matter of exceeding great impo- tance and wonderfull high. Seuenthly, ſuch feare Bernard had conceited hereof when be fapd: Idid play abroad in the ſtreete, andinthe Ringes pꝛiuie chamber fentence of death was giuen bponme, Che Kingeg ones Ip begotten fonne hearing this, layd of bis diademe € came forth, | clothedin fackcloth,hig head {prinkeled with athes,t barefoote, | Weeping and crping out that hig feruaunt mag condemned to | | peath, 3 bebolding him ſodenly comming forth am amafed at the ſtraungenes thereof, Jaske and harken after the caule, Chat ſhall Idoe? hall T plap fill and velude bis teares ? Alas (fapth | bejitis no time now to plap, it is no time to befecure, when fo | wweightpe a matter is in hande. So be bad the women that they | fhould not weepe for him, but for them (clues and for their chil: | Dren,and be adiopneth the caufe : For ifthey doe thefe thinges to a greene tree,what sha! be done to the drie?ag if be ſayd: learne what peobtaine bp mp pallion , and howfoeuer thinges fall out, _ | pet this ts true and knowne among pou,that the whelpe is ſome⸗ _ time fmitten,that the bandogge oꝛ maſtiue map be terrifted, So | allo the Prophet hath ſpoken: All Keks the earth shall it, Mi - Aust 0, Ze ar 70 a OAL ry na, > in Kr a a an | ‘ ( 2 70 A SERMON OF THE MEDITATION waile before him. De ſayd not, they hall bewaile him, but, they shal waile before him. Wopeouer thep were fore afraid, of whom it is beloꝛe ſpoken, fothatthep ſayde onto the Apoftles Actı2: Men and brethren,what shall we doe? Eightly, that this affection map be wzought inbg,the Lords _. pallion ig very diligently to be confiveren of and meditated upon, By contide- Foratmuch ag the moft certaine proficthercof doth much contitt Chriftes pat. herein, that aman map come to the knowledge of bimfelfe, and fion we tremble and be troubled before him (elfe : whereunto be that doth oughtto not come, hath not pet attatned unta the due profitofthe Loꝛdes Bu paſſion. Foꝛ the pallion of Chait hath chis proper and narurall Four fees Vette, to makea man like vnto him, that euen as he was grie⸗ uouflp toꝛmented both in boop and mind for our finnes : fo we al- foto imitat him mutt be afflicted in the knowledge of our ſinnes. Howbeit the matter is not here Done in many words, butindepe Afimilitude, cogitation and earneſt weping of finnes, Cake a imilitudes ag thou batt great caufe to feare and cremble,if, when fome malefa- ctor ig condemned, for that he hath killen the fonne of che Hing o2 prince , thou tn che meane feafon, finging and playing lecurelp as being tnnocent, artterriblp apprebended and conuicted, that _ thou dideſt fuborne the homicive: So thou oughteſt to become much moze fearefull when chou doet revolve in thp minve the pallion of Chꝛiſt. For albett the wicked Jewes be now iudged of God and Difperfed,pet were thep Minilters of chy tranſgreſſi⸗ ong „ andthou fora certainty arthe, which wich thy finnes hak crucified and flapne the fonne of God,ag tt hath bene ſayd. 3Rinethlp,he that feelech him felfe fo bardned and dull, that * the paſſion of Chꝛiſt doth not terriſie him, neither bring him vn⸗ tothe knowledge of him ſelle, is in ant and lamentable cafe: for Chriltes pallion tg not efiectuallinbim, Butnowe itis a harde ur thing for chee to be occupied in theſe chinges, and earneſtly bene — dhs: tothe medication of them: wherefore thou thalt pray God that our medita. He wil mollifie thy hare, and giue thee grace profitably to medte tionvpon tate bponthe paflion of Chott, becaufeit can not tn any wife be, ° Chrifts paf- that the paſſion of Chat ſhould be inwardly and rightlp thought ted ay be Hyon and conſidered of vs, vnles God infpire it intoour hartes. " Dea, neither chig meditation nor any other Doctrine ts therefore: fet forth vnto thee, that thou ſhouldelt boldly ruſhe nponicof thy ſelle co fulfill it, but that thou ſhouldeſt firſt aske and defire the | grace OF CHRIST HIS PASSION. 71 grace of God, that thou map fulfil it, not bp chine own ſtrength, put by Gods race. For hereof it commeth.that thep of whom te ig before ſpoken,do not meditate on the paſſion of Chꝛiſt arighe, becauſe they vefire not helpe of Godthereunto, but rather tre: | fting vnto their owne ſtrength, and following their owne inuen⸗ tien, meditate bpon it altogether after the falhion of men, and af: ter a ſclender and onfrutefullmaner, Tenthip,ifone ſhould through § grace of God meditate right⸗ Ip vpon the paſſion of Chꝛiſt, by thefpace ofone dap, op of one hower,pea or the pace of a quarter of an bower, we would faith: fullp pronounce ofbim,that he bath done better, then tf he bad pi⸗ ned him felfe with fatting the {pace of a whole peare,or had runne ouer the Pſalter euerp day, For this maner of meditation Doch ag tt were chaunge a man, and almoſt regenerate him anewlike vnto baptiſme. Then in deede the Lordes paflion doch his natu: rall,due and noble office,ickillech the old Adam, it dpiueth awap all pleafure,top and confivence. which map be bad of creatures,e- ven as Cheik was forlaken of all,pea euen of bis father, Eleuenthly, feeing that {uch aching ts not in our olwne pow: er, it commeth to pale chat we doe oftentimes agke it,and yet do We mut notby and bp obtaine it, notwithſtanding we mutt noc therefore — — diſpeire or ceale, For that is ſometimes giuen for which we haue pouch at not pꝛayed, and that ſometimes isnot graunted for which WE the fr we haue prayed, euen as it is che pleaſure sf Hod, and as he know⸗ obtayne not eth to be bett fo2 vs, koꝛ God will haue this gilt to be free € with: ey we pay, out conffraint. 10 * Twellthly, when as aman thus knowing his ſinne doth wholy tremble in him felfe,he mutt eſpecially endeuour, that ſinnes doe not ſtill remaine tn bis confcience , otherwife meere defperation will come thereupon,but he mutt thake them of and cat them vp⸗ on Chꝛiſt and fo vnburden bis confcience, Therefore lee againe and againe that thou Doe not that which peruerfe mendo, which within chefecrets oftheir hart do vere diſquiet them ſelues bes | eaufe of chetr finnes,e ſtriue wich chem, that by good workes 02 fatisfactiong,bp farre going on pilgrimage, 02 elfe bp pardons they map become fafe,and map be made free fromfinnes, which tan not be. And (alas )fuch a falfe confivence tn fatisfactions and | pardons bath preuatled very farre. | Moreouer , thenthou dock cat thy ſinnes or thee bppon iili. sae ee Prey Ben, ye bey fr wire > A ey ET EEE 72 A SERMON OF THE MEDITATION nip 1 so Chritt,when thou firmely beleuelt that he fufferen € was woun⸗ Spon Chin, ded fog thp fines, and that he hath payd the ful ranfom an Tatil: - 2 kaction for tht,as Eſaias ſayth chap,5 3, The Lord hath thrown 1. Per.2.24, Vponhim allour finnes. And &, peter fapth: who his owne felf 2.Cor.s.21. bare our finnes in his body onthe tree.S. Paule fapth: He hath made himtobe finneforvs, which kneweno finne, that we should be made the righteoufnes of Godinhim , Jn thele anu fuch like autbopities thou mutt repole thy hope with all boldnes, and that fo much the moze,as thy confcience doth moze grieuou⸗ fly bere and trouble thee. But ifthou thaltnot doe this, but pres ſumeſt that thou thale be quiet by thy contrition and fatisfacti- on,then thou thalt neuer come onto quietnes, but at the lat ſhalt fall euen into deſperation. For our finnes kept and medled with mithin our confcience , and fette before the epes of our hart, are farte ffronger then we, and docliuetmmortallp, Butwhen ag we ſee themlapd upon Chrifk , anv to be bictoziouflp conqueres of bimby bis relurrection,and doe confinentlp beleeue this, then thep are dead and bꝛought vnto nothing, And pet being layd vp⸗ on Chꝛiſt, thep mult not remapne fo: for they are ſwallowed bppe inthe triumphe of his reſurrection. Soe ſayeth Sainct Paule: Chrift was deliueredto deathefor our finnes, and is sifen agayne for our iuftification, thatis., be bath taken vppon bim our finnes in his paflion , ano hach therebp payed the raun« fome for them, but bp bis relurrection be tuftifiech os, and maketh vs free from all finne, tf fo be that we doe beleeue this, Ifthou cant not attaine nto this faith,thou mulſt ag te is alts Whatwe tle before ſayd, reſoꝛt vnto God by prayer, foralmuch as this gift yt isin the Hand of Gov only, who beſtowech it when € bpon whom can not at- Me Plealeth him. Chou matt alla irre vppe thy lelfe hereunto; zainevnto fit not now confivering the paflion of Chrift outwardly , (fo2 thisfaith,o thathath nowe fulfilled big function and bath terrified thee) but Ber that rather bp pearling inwardly and contemplating bis mott louing for our finns hart, with how great loue towards theeit isreplenithen , which androfea. bꝛought him hereunto , that he did beare thy confcience together gain for our with thy finnes with lo great and patnefull difficultie, Sothy _ tnftifcation. hart thatl ware fweete towards him, and the ſtrength € boldneg of thy faith hall be incercafed , Chen hauing entred onto che hart of Chꝛiſt, alcend higher euen bnto the bart of God, and confider that the loue of Chait could not haue bene ſhewed onto thee, ex⸗ crepe OF CHRIST HIS PASSION, 73 cept thewill of Gon by bis eternall loue had lo appointed, wher⸗ unto Chꝛiſt bp his loue towardthee div obey. There thou halt find a diuine hart, a good bart, afatherip bart, and (as Chꝛilt fapth) chou thalt be dꝛawne vnto p father by Chꝛiſt. There thou - fhaltonverttand this laping of Chꝛiſt: So Godloued the world !ohn.3.16. _ that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne, that whofoeuer belee- uech in him,should not perish, buthaue euerlafting life. For this isto know God aright,when he is vnderſtood of vs, not bn- ber the nameof power o2 wiledom (which isa terrour vnto bs) but buver the name of goodnes # loue. Chen faith ¢ confivence map fand confantlp, x man hin (elfe is ag it were regenerate a new in God. Chen thp hart is thus eftablilhed in Chri, fo chat thou art now become an enemp of {inne and that bp loue and not through feare of punifhment,then afterward the paflion of Chriff oughe to be an example onto thee inthp whale life,and ts now to be cons fivered of inthp mind after a farre other maner then before, For bitherto we haue confidered it ag an outward thing which ould morke inbs, but now we will wep it ſo, thar fomething is to be done of bs allo, For examples fake: when griefe or infirmity doth In themedi- molet thee, thinke howe light chele ave being compared to the Brion of crowne of thognes and the naples of Chriſt. When thou mut ei⸗ —— ther do oꝛ leaue of that which is grieuous vnto thee todo oꝛ leaue Funde reme- of, thinke how Chꝛiſt was taken and bound, and led bp downe. dyagainft Ahen pride tempteth thee, conſider with chy ſelkhow thy Lord ig was mocked, and reputed among theeues.CCiben tut ¢ pleafure '" —— pricke thee, thinke with how great harpenes the tender fleth of Foti ae. Chritt wag torne with whippes,and pearſed thꝛough. Ahen an- ; ger, enupe,delire of reuenge moue thee, thinke with how areat teareg and crpes Chꝛiſt did pape euen for his enemies, to: mard whom he might more iuſtly haue ſhewed him felfe tharpe and rigoꝛous. TMhen ſadnes 02 any aduerfitie whatſoeuer either coppozall o2 {pirituall troubleth thee, ſtrengthen thy hart, & fap: well, why ſhould not I alfofuffer a litle forrotwfulnes; whenas mp Loꝛde din ſweat blood in the garden for anguiſh x heauines Surely be were a lluggiſh and an ignominious ſeruaimt, who, his matter {ping at the popneof death, would be held from bint with a {oft and eafte ben. ay Lo,thus amanmay find ſtrength € remedie in Chritt againſt — ee Pe ee ER ee oe ee ni, TEN eo Ss a oe © \ R . | ER | 74 A SERMON OF THE FRYTE | | all crimes and offences. This is truely in deede to meditate vp⸗ on the paſſion of Chꝛiſt: theſe are the frutes of the Loꝛdes pafli- | on,in which he that doch after this (ope erercife bimfelfe, doch furelp without comparifon better then if be heard all paſſions or all ſuperſtitious Wales. Such allo are called true Chꝛiſtians, which doe forepzelent the life and name of Chꝛiſt in cheir life, Gal5.24 as &,aule fapth: They chat are Chriftes, hauecrucifiedthe — flesh with the affections and luftes with Chriſt. Foꝛ the paſſion of Chri is notte be handled in wordeg and outward ſhewe, but — Heb.t2.3. in deede and veritie, SoS. Paule admoniſheth bs: Confider | him: that endured fuch {peaking againſt of finners , leaft ye | should be weariedandfaintein yourmindes. And S.Beter _ | 1.Per.gr. ſayth: Forafmuch then as Chrift hath fuffered for vsintheflesh, — | arme your felues likewife with chefame minde. Butfuch medi⸗ | tation is now qrowen out ofhfe and begon to ware rate, where: © F | with norwich tanding the Epifkles of Peter and Paule are mol . aboundantly replenthed, | 3 Beare ee re. —— . = REESE S | ASERMON OF D. MAR- | | mon aes fy papers ie ty ys Bah cath it AS E haue beard in the treatife of the Lobes palſi⸗ It is not· ·’/- M on, that it is not ſuſſicient co know onely the bare noughio RXX biftorie thereof, After che fame maner itis not e⸗ io Be A nough hereto know, how and when Chriffrofe a⸗ cies pak SY gaine,but borh the vfe and the profit ag well ofbis fonandre- Pallion ag of hig relurrectionmuft be preached and knowne, to ſurrection, wit, what Chart obtained for vg bp them. For where che onely .. vie deene of the hiſtozie ig preached, it is a friuolous preaching and herman Without all fruce, which both Satan andthe wicked doe as well bepreached know, reade, and vnderſtand, ag we doe, But when ag the vie of and knowen then * 7 ; fie: f $7 * J er * zu ~ The inheri- tance of Chrift. What they enioy that cleaue to Chrift by faith. 76 ae “SERMON: OF THE FRYTE ler, but in this poꝛtion of the (pivit.the cafe isfuch , that be that. hath gotten part thereof hath obtained the whole, TAhat is ther: fore the inberitance of Chrift ? Jn his power are life and death, finne and grace, and whatfoeuer is. contained inheauen and in . earth, bis are eternailveritie, frength, wiſedom, righteoufneg, AU power ts given vnto him, be bath rule over all hinges , over hunger and thir, pꝛoſperitie and aduerfitie,ec.be reigneth ouer all chinges that canbe thought, whether thep be in heauen 02 in earth, ſpirituall oꝛ coꝛpoꝛall, and that I map (peake atonce: all thinges are in bis power, ag well ecernall hinges. as temponall, Now tf F hall cleaue vnto him by fatth , I Mall be made parta- ker of allhig goon thinges , and ſhall not obtayne a part of the inberitance onelp, but I hall poſſeſſe euen with him euerlafting wiledom,eternall ſtrength. Wy belly ſhall not be grieued with hunger, ſinnes ſhall not opprefle me, neither ſhall Jbe afraid of the face of death, neither Hall Idread the ſight of Satan,. neither {hall J want the plenty of anp thing that ig good, euen as be wan⸗ teth itnot. Derebpnow we may eafilp vnderſtand che ſayinges betered commonly in the Prophets ,¢ eſpecially in che Pſalmes. a8 where Dauid ſayth jplal, 3 4: The Lions doe lacke and fuffer hunger , but they that feare the Lorde shall want no maner of thing thatis good: and where be ſayth inan other place: The Lord knoweth the wayes of the righteous, and their inheritance shall endure for euer.They shall not be confounded in the peri- loustime, and inthe dayes of dearth they shall haue enough. And againe : Ihaue bene yonge and now am old, and yet faw I neuer the righteous forfaken, nor his feede begging bread. All which chinges Chrit bringeth wich him, for that we are,and are callenhis brethren, not becaufe of anp mertt but of meere grace, Tf we would print chele things in our hart, p we might thꝛough⸗ Ip feele them, it (houln goe well with bs , but thep goe in at one eate and out at an other. Chis is that wherof S. Paule lo great⸗ Ip glorieth Rom.8.As many as are led by the {pirit of God,they are thefonnes of God. For ye haue not receiued the fpirit of bondage to feare againe: butye hauereceiued the fpitit of a- doption, whereby wecry Abba, Father: The fame fpirit bea- reth witnes with our fpirit, that we are the children of God: if we be children,we are alfo heires,euen the heires of God, and heires annexed with Chrift,iffo be that we fuffer wich him,that we ee a "a u ms © 5 IE ll / ui I. - z * yi 7 : OF CHRIST “HIS” ——— 77°: wemay alfo be glorified with hin, 2 | Mojeouer this title afcenveth fo bigb, that mana mind is not able to compꝛehend it Foꝛ hules the ſpirit che comloꝛter did im⸗ parcthis grace vnto vs. no man iſhould euer beable to ſay: Chrilt is my bꝛother. Foꝛ reaſon can not be bold foto fay, albeit one re- peat it in worden berp oſten, as the new ſpirits doe, It is a high: erthing then that it can be fofpoken,for except the hart leele it, asttisrequifiteit hould, it hall be nothing but onelp Hatterie, But if choufeele it inwardlp in chp hart, it will be ſo excellent a thing vnto thee, that thou wilt much rather (ap nothing of it, chen {peake and talke of it,pea bp reafon of the greatnes of fo good a thinge, thou wilt perbaps Dout ag yet and be in an sneertaintpe whecher it be ſo or not, Chey which onelp crp out thus : Chrik is my bzother,are fanatical {pirits, whobainlp pronounce wordg without any frutey Che cale ſtandeth farre otherwile and’ farre moze marucloufly with a true Chrifkian,forhat be is thereby en- forced to be amaled, neither vareth be either fap o2 confefle any - thing fuffictentlp thereof. Cai berefore we mutt endeuour, that we doe not heare this onelp with fleſhly cares, but that we feeleic in out hare,for chen we will not be fo rath but we hall be forthwith caried.intoan admirationthereof, Crue and incere Chriſtians enter into the biewing anv feare of them ſelues, thinking thus:D wretched and defilen creature, which am dawned in finnes , am J now made worthp,that the tonne of Gon ſhould be my brother? how noe Imiſerable wretch attapne to [uch aching ? Chus he is by anv by aſtonied, and doch nos well vnderſtand che thing, But a great ſtudie and endeuour (urelp is required, thataman may bee Icuethis,peatf it were keltzas it ought in very veedeza ma ſhould - forthwith dpe thereupon, For he cannot vnderſtand it according tobis fleſh anv blood, and the hart of man inthts lifets move nar: ' row and fraight, thenithat it ig able to comprehend fo great: thinges. But inveath when the hart tall be ſtrecched out, ithe a fay we ſhalltrie what we haue heath bythe won, > In the Gofpelof John chap,20.C itt doth farve m one plates Bs Ip declare onto Marie Dayvalenthis ble: and fruce both of bis! Death and alfo of his refurrection,when he fayths Goe vnto my brethren and'tell them : Tafcende vnto my father and yourfa- ther,vncomyGad& yourGod, this is one ofthe moit comfor: | — we map nlorp and boaſt/ As though Chit Chrift like vnto vsin allıhinges except finne nn ae \ » € 73 A SERMON ‚OF: THE FRYTE © fhould fap: Parie,wet chee hence anv declare vnto mp Diſciples | “Which did flee from me, which bane thzꝛoughly deſerued puniſh⸗ ment and eternall condemnation , that this refurrection ofmpne ig for their good, chat is,p I haue by mp relurrection bꝛought the matter to that pafle,that mp father is their father, and mp God is their Goo. Chey are but a fewe € verte ſhoꝛt wordes in Deede but thep containe great matter inchem,namelp,that we baue as great hope g confidence repoled in. Gov ‚as his owne fonne him felfe, Abo. cancompzebend (uch exceeding ioye, A will nor fap, beter it ẽ that ampetched anddefilen ſinner map be bolve to call: God his father € his God euen as Chꝛiſt bim lelfe. Che author of the Cpittleto the Debzues chap.2, Din well remember the woꝛdes of the Plalme, and weied with him ſelle how it ſpeaketh of Chpift,who,as be ſayth, is not aſhamed to call the beleeuers, bꝛethꝛen, faping s Iwill declare thy name vnto my brethren, in; the mated of the Church or congregatien⸗ willl fing pram to thee IE anp worldiy Pꝛince 0 noble man chould humble him felfe: folow,that he woulo fap toa cheefe ap robber 5 02 to one that is infecten with che french pocks : thou art my brorber,it would be: acetiaine notable thing which every one would maruell at. But whereas this king which ſitteth in glory at the right handof his father, ſayth oflome pooꝛe man: this is mp brother, that no man layeth vp in the boſome of bis bꝛeſt, neither both anp man confi« der of it in bis mind, wherein notwithtanding our chiefe comfort: and. confidence conſiſteth againſt finne,veath,the deutls, hell the law,and againft all Gnifter ſucceſſe of thingesas well of the bo⸗ bp ag of the mind. Moꝛeouer, foꝛaſmuch as we are fleſh ¢ blood, and therefore fubiect to all kindes of adueriitie, it followeth,that thecale ſhould ftand fo alfo with ourbrocher,otherwife he hhould not be like vnto bs in all thinges, TMherefore, that hemight be: made, conformable ann like vnto vs, he tated and bad erperience | of all chings euen as we hauesfinne only excepted, that he might be our. true bꝛother, and exhibite him felf apenlp vnto va, Mhich the Epiftle tothe Debmesvorh linelp (et forth chap.2. where it fapth ; Forafmuchthen asthe children are partakersiof flesh & blood, he alfo him felfe likewife tooke part with them, that he might deftroy throughdeath,him thathad the powerof death, : thacis,the deuil,& that he might deliuer all ae or - < Tr ee, a > 5 A re ) —— u OF CHRIST HIS RESVRRECTION, 79 of death were all their life time fubiect to bondage. For he tooke not on him the Angells nawure, burhe tooke on him the feede of Abraham, VV hetefore in all chinges it behoued him, to be madelikevato his brethren,that he might be mercifull,& a faichfull hie Prieft in thinges concerning God, that he mi ight make reconciliation forthe finnes of the people. For in that he fuffered and wastempted , heis ableto fuccourthem that are tetnpted. Che profit,vie and frute ofthe Loades paffton € refur- The frute of rection &. Paule bach garherew Herp bafeflp and ag it were into Chriss pe one (hort fumme, when be fapth Rom, 4:Chrift was deliuered to (ure&ion. death for our finnes , andis mfen againe for our iuftification. Thereof thus much at this time tha (uffize, 28 SESE SID «TIN LVTHER OF: THE Good. | —R ‘SHEPEHEARD. frie „169 ‚John 10, hap 3 ee Be ate N “Eft —— Tanks: 1. * NL ‚ia goodfhep cheard: chat good R 5 —— gluchhile for his Verfer1. 1g 12,0 pre an — le which i isnotthe fhepe- heard, neitherthe fheepeare his owne, feeth > the woulfe comming, and leaueth the (heepe, it andfleeth,and the woulfe eatcheth them, and feattereththefheepe. | oe _. Sothe Nee fleeth, becaufe he is an, Mir ———— nots forthe. fheepes: 1.0. a The prea- ching ofthe law. The prea- ching ofthe Gofpell. Towhom the Jaw muft be preached 80 A SERMON OF THB. 3. > | 14. -Lam that good fhepeheard , and know myne, andam knowne of myne.' 201) oi Dun 15. As the Father knowerhme, foknow ItheFa- | thet :and 1 lay downe my life for my fheepe. * 16. Other fheepe haue alfo which are not of this | folde: themalfo muft Ibring , and they fhall hearemy voice,and therefhallbe one fheepe. _ foldjand onefhepeheards «ss sfrer Sime | AD His tertis full of confolation, which in agoodiy | go parable ſetteth torch Chath our Lord; eceacheth >, what maner of perlon be is, whathe bis workeg, em and of what affectionbe is toward men. Neuer⸗ Ta thelesit can not be vnderltood, but by comparing | togither light and darkenes, day anpnight,thatis,agoodandan | | euill fhepcheard,ästhe Low alfodothinebis place.s = De haue howe oftentimes beard chat Gov hath inffituten any opdeined in the woplde two maner of preachings? Dneis, when the woꝛd of Gon ig preachev, which fayth Cxod. 20; Thou shale haue none othet gods before me. Alfa: Thou shale not kill, | Thoushalt not commit adultetie , Thou shale not fteale,& path | | | | dpe, But chat preaching doch iuffifienoman, Foꝛ although a man be thereby compelled co ſhew him {elfe godly outwardly bee fore men, notwithſtanding inwardly bis hart is offended at the law, and had leuer there mere no lane. ‘Che other minilterie ol the morn is che Gafpell, which ſhewech where that is to be recei⸗ ued, which the lawe requireth , tt ira nor thzeatneth, but allureth men gentlelp, iefapth not: doethis oz that, but it fayth thus; Goetoo, J will thew wherethou mapfkteceiueand | take, wherebythou maptt become righteous: Behold here is Je⸗ ſus Chritt be will giue it thee. AMherfore theſe two diſagree one with an other, as much as to receiue and giue to exact and re⸗ ward , And this difference is to be tell vnderſtood and marked, | To hardened and vntractable men, which feele not the Golpell, the lawe is tobe pꝛeached, and they are fo long to be vrged, tlt they begin co be mollifien and humbled, and doe acknowled their dileale, which when it is done’; there is then place ta beam | allothreaten , thathe which Doch not keepe thole precepts hall | | BR | rs pr N | ah GOOD SHEPEHEARD, 81 to preach the Golpell. Theſe two fortes of preachinges were ins ſtituted and oꝛdayned of God, belives thele there are other which Were not oxdapned of God, but are traditions inuented by men, ordained of the Pope and his Prelats, wherewith they baue pers uerted the Goſpell. Theſe are not worthy to be called either thepeberds or birelings but thep are thole which Chk callech ‚theeues, robbers and wolues, F 02 tf we will rule and guide men ‘rightly and well, chat muft needes be Done by the worde of God: wyhereby if it be not done , we ſurely labour inbaine , Further: ‘moze Chꝛiſt encreateth here of chat ſecond minifterie of p word, ‚and defcribeth of what forte ttiss he maketh him felfe the chiefe, ‚peatheonely ſhepeheard, for that which be dorh not feede , Doch ‘furelp remapne vnfed. Ai » Debaue heard that our Loꝛde Jeſus Chpitt after bis paſſion ‚and death was rayſed from the dead, is entred into, and placed in immoꝛtalicie, not chat be might fit idle in heaven, and reiopce With him felfe,buc that he might receiue akingdom , might eres cute the function of a gouernour and king, of thom all the Pro⸗ ‘phets,pea ¢ the whole Scripture doe ſpeake berp much. (Liber: ‘fore be is to be acknowledged to be vnto vs continually a pzeſent ‚gouernour and ruler, neither mutt we thinke that he is idle in 'heauen, but that he doth fromaboue both filland gouerne all thinges as Paule ſayth Ephel,4. who hath an efpectall care of biskingdome, whichisthe Chrittian faith , hereupon it mutt needes be,that his kingdom doe flozith amonge bs here in earth. Df this kingdom we haue elfewhere fapd, that it is fo oꝛdeyned, The king - that we allencreafe euerpdap and become purer, and that it ig dö of Chrift not gouerned at all bp any force or power, but by outward prea- sae ) ching alone, that is,bp the Gofpell, And this Gofpell commeth „na EA not from man, but Telus Chritt him felfe brought tt, and after: bur by prea- ward put it into the hartes of the Apottles, and their ſucceſſors, ching of the that they might compzchend it, and into their mouthes that thep Solpell might ſpeake and publith it. Hereby is his kingdom gouerned, wherein he lo reigneth, that all the power thereof conſiſteth in the word of Gav, Now whofoeuer Hall heare + beleeue this, doe pertainetothiskingdome. Moreouer this wordeig afterward The force & ‘made fo effectual, that ic giueth all chinges which are necefarp Ares ee toman,t byingerh a certain abundance of all good things which Go map be bad, Foꝛ it ig the power of God which is able to laue e- he | F 1 © — 82 — “SERMON OF THE nerp one that — Paul witneſſeth Rom,ı:7Uhen thou beleueſt that Chart died for thee; co deliuer thee from ail euill, x fo cleaueſt vnto the worde, it is {ure and certaine that no creature is able to overthrow thee. Foꝛ as none is able to ouerthꝛow the woꝛd, ſo none ts able te hurt chee, when thou ſtickeſt vnto it, Bp the word therefore thou dooſt ouercome finne,veath,Satan,bell, and thither thou mutt refort and flic, where the word ts, that ig,to eternall peace,top,anp life,and brieflp,choufhali be made parta- ker of all uch goon things as are pꝛomiſed in p word. Aherkoze the gouernment of this kingdom ts maruelous: che woꝛd ts pubs lifhed € preached through the whole worid, bunche power there: of is berp fecret,neither Doth anp man marke thar te ts ſo effectus al, that tt fo much profitetb them chat velene:bowbeitit mut be felt and taſted in the hart. Ae therfore of the miniſterie are able to performe no moze , thenthat we are the mouth of our Lope Chꝛiſt, and ehe intrament whereby he openly preacheth p word, Foꝛ he ſuffereth the word to be publiſhed abroad, that euerp one map heare it. But faith makech chat it ig felt inwardly inp hare, yea and itis the fecret worke of Chat, whenfocuer any knoweth that it ig bis duety, and is alfo willing to doe accoꝛding to bis dir uine will and good pleaſure. But that this map be the better perceiued we wil now intreat of our tert wherein Chrift firſt ſayth: 1am the good shepeherd, And what tg a good ſhepeheard? A goon (hepebero, fapth Chit, giveth bis life for bis heepe. And I leaue my life for my theepe, ere the Lord declareth what his kingdom ts, bringing a good: ‘Tp parable of the heepe. De knowe that it is a beat of all liuing creatures moſt fooltth and moſt {imple , fo that thereupon itis commonly fpoken ag a mouerb,ifwrhaueto (peake of a fimple one: Deis atheepe. Neuertheles it is of chat nature more then other liuing creatures , that tt quickly knoweth the vopce of bis fhepeheard ‚neicher followerh it any belive bis owne thepebeard, being alwates ofthat qualitie that tt cleauerh to him, and feekerh for belpe of him alone,being not able to belpe it ſelfe, neicher to feede it (elfe , neither to bealete(elfe, norkeepe it felfe from the woltteg , but doth wholp confit inthe belpe of another. Chꝛilt therefore bringeth the qualitie and nature of the theepe in mas net ofa patable , and transformeth him felfe into a heepebeard, — whereby be doth verp well howe , what bis kingdome is, and wherein | 1 | GOOD SHEPEHEARD, 83 wherein it conſiſteth, and big meaning is this: My kingdom ig nothing els, but chat Imay feeve theepe,that ig, milerable, nee - Dp,and wꝛetched men inthe earth , which doe well perceiue and feele, that thep baueno belpe or counfell anp other where, but im me alone, - D But that we map declare this moze plainely, we will adde hereunto aplace out of Ezechiel chap. 34. which ſpeaketh of e⸗ uill ſhepeheards that doe contrary vnto Chriſt, @ fapth: Ought not the flockes ſuffer them felues to be fed of cheshepeheards? VVhy therefore doe youfeede yourfelues? Yehaueeatenthe __ milke ofthe sheepe, ye haue clothed your felues with the woll, me * the beſt fed ye haue ſſaine, but my flocke haue ye not fed. The ea weake haue ye not firengthned, the ficke haue ye not healed, them felues the broken haue ye not bound together, the driuen away haue and gouerne yenorbroughtagaine, the loft haueyenorfought , bur with their flocke, force and crueltie haue ye ruled them. And now my sheepeare. fcattered,forthat they are deftitute of shepeheards , yea all the beaftes of the field devour them, and they are difperfed ouer | allmountaines,and ouer the whole earth. Chat which he bere fap ig well to be marked: bis berp meaning in this place is, that he will haue the weake,ficke, broken, abiectg, and loft,to be | Mrengthned, healed, cured, fought, not ſpoyled and deftroped, - Ahele tbinges pe ought to voe , ſayth be coche thepebeards, but. pe haue done none of them, therefore I my ſelfe (as he after: Ward fapth ) will deale thus with mp heepe: That which is loft will I fecke againe, that whichis driuen away will I bringe a- om , and tothat which isnot well will] giuearemedieand ealeit. Derethou feck chat the kingdom of Chiſt is ſuch as hath to doe with thofechat be weake, diſeaſed and broken, g hath |. tareofthem tobelpe them. Cie preaching whereof indeede is very full of comfort , but this is wanting in bs, that we doe not chꝛoughly feele our miferie and weakenes , which if we felt, we | would forthwith runne vnto him: But how did thole ſhepeheards bebaue themfelues? Chep ruled in rigour and ſtraightly erac: - ted obedience of thelawe Woreouerzchep added their owne tra: Ditions , as they doe allo at this vay, which if thepbe not kepe, | thep ctp cut, and condemne him that tran(qretlerh them, ſo that _ thep doe nothing elle 5 but braze more and more and commaund their owne inuentiong, But this ts not to feede wel oꝛ to gouerne - ER nd / Sad 84 A SERMON OF THE a ſoule, as Chott ſayth, who hin (elf ig not {uch a ſhepeheard, for by fuch maner of feeding none ts holpen, but the Iheepe ate vtter⸗ Ip loft ag we (ball vnderſtand. . Now we will handle the place of the Pꝛophet in opder. Five Weake con- be fapch that the weake fheepe are to be ſtrengthned, thatis, the fciences how confcienceg which are theake in faith, ano haue alorrowfull ſpi⸗ they muftbe rit, and are of a faint courage,are not to be enforced, that it ſhould shea be fapd onto them: Chis thou mutt doe, thou mutt be ſtrong. For if chou be fo weake , thouart oꝛdayned to eternall puniſhment: This ig not to ſtrengthen pᷣ weake. Chus laith Paule Rom.142 Him that is weake in the faith recciue vntoyou, & entanglenot conſciences.And bp € by after he addeth Rom.15: VVewhich are ftronge ought to bearethe infirmities ofthe weake. (hers fore thep are not tobe feucrelp compelled, butte be comfopten, S that although thep be weake, thep may not therefore vefpeire, a for afterwards they thall become ſtronger. Eſaias the Pꝛophet did thus foꝛeſpeake of Chꝛiſt cap.42: A broofed reede shall he not breake,& the fmoking flax shall he not quenche. Che bꝛoo⸗ fed reede fignifieth miferable, meake, and bꝛooſed confcienceg, which are ealily ſo thaken, that thep tremble, and lofe hope and truft in God, MAith theſe Gon doch noc forchwith deale rigoröu« | fly and after abiolent maner , but be dealeth gentelp with chem; | | lett he reake them. Woreouer the fmoking flay, which doth ag pethurne alitle,¢ nouritheth moze ſmoke then fire, are the fame | confciences,, which ought nat againe tovelpeire , for he wil not btterlp extingutth them, but alwayes kindle them,and moze and | more firengthen them. €cthich eruelp to him that knowech it, is a | great comfort, Tilherefore he which doth not gentlelp handle | weake conlciences after this fort, doth not, without dout execute the office of a true thepebeard, Afterward the Pprophet ſayth: That which was difeafed,ye oughtto haue fuccoured . Wibo are chofe Dilealev ones? Thep which in their maner ofliuing, and. in their outward works haue certain diſeales, and vices. The firſt pertaineth to che conſcience when as it is weake: the other to the maners oꝛ conditions of lile, when ag any being caried wich a wilfull mind and wayward braine, doth offend here and there, to wit bp path ¢ other fooliſh doings, as euen the Apoſtles fel ſometimes grieuouflp, Such ag, are ſo vitious inthe fightof men, thatthey ave an offence. Pe o⸗ thers. ie ae WETTEN Pe u ’ GOOD SHEPEHEARD. 85 thers,and are iudged obftinate and wapward, God will not haue to be reiected and deſpeired of, For his kingdom ig not ordered after fuch amaner , that the range and whole onelpfhoulo liue therein (which pertainech to the life co come) but Chꝛiſt is ther- ~ fore fet init,chathe map haue a care offuch ehelpe them. Aher⸗ - fore athett we are fo weake and icke , notwithffanding we mutt “ not fonefpeire , that we ſhould fay , that we are not inthe king: . Bom of Chriff,but d more we feele our vifeale, fa much che moze The more remedie andheale bs, JQow if thou be weake and oppreſſed with $ : ; we feele our we muff come onto him, for be therefore is at hande chat he map Soluce dit 2 ‘ a fed,the grea faintnes,fecling great affliction,bereby thou bak gotten a grea- — we ter occafion to goe bnto him, ¢ to fap on this maner : Moſt fineete have to flic Chꝛiſt, I therefore come onto thee becaule Jam a finner, that vnto Chrift. thou matt helpe and inttifie me: yea very necellitiedoth compel theebereunto, For the greater thy diſeaſe ts, fo much moze need: fullis it for thee to be healed, And Chait him felfe requireth the - fame ofos,and doth allure vs to come vnto him bololp and chere- fully, But others which ave not ſuch thepebeards,do thinke that they thall make menrighteous , if thep eract much of hem and braethem much, whereby they onelp make that which ts euill worle, ag we ſee it to be done at this day, whereas itis come cto that diſorder, that all thinges are moſt miſerably bꝛought out of rourle,as in this place the Pꝛophet ſayth. 3 The broken haue ye not bound togither. To be broken is, as ‘when ones legge is bꝛoken, o2 atwoundfome where elfe giuen bin, Chat is,when as a Chrifkian ig not onely weake and vifea- - fen, that he ſtumbleth fometime , but alforunneth intofa great fentations, that he bꝛeaketh fome part, and fo ts brought to that ; pallesthat be kalleth and venieth the Goſpell, after the maner of They yatta: Peter, who did forfweare Chꝛiſt. Now if any ſhould fo fumble, \ourlychar thathe fhould be compelien to goe backe,¢ be vtterly cal Downe they cuen in minde,neuertheles we muk not ag pet cae him of, as though deny the he Did neuer anp moze pertaine to the kingdom of Chritt: for we Golpel, muft muffleaue Chꝛiſtes propertie to him felf,thathig kingdom map ‘heat a remapnebnto bin felfemecre grace and mercy , whole delire is °F to helpe them onelp,which are grieued with their calamitie and milerie,and Doe greatly defire tobe deliuered fromit, Chat his Kingdom map altogither abound with comfort, and he him ſelle be thecomfopcable and gentle hepebeard, which prouokech and F itt, ra a I ar AD ai ae 86 A SERMON OF THE alluveth euerp oneto come onto him. And allthig is pone by the © ofpell, whereby the weake are to be ftrengthned , the ficketo be healed, For it is {uch a word ag is fit for all iftres of confciens ces giuing aboundant comfort to all,chat none diſpeire although he be a great finner, Chrifk therfore alone tsp wood hepebeard, which healeth all fortes of vifeafes, and helpech them that are fallen: which be chat doth not, is not a hepebeard, The Prophet thus goeth forward: That which was driuen a- way,ye haue not brought againe. Chat ts that that ts daꝛiuen a- wap? Che deſpiſed foule,whtch is fo ſcoꝛned and contemned,that it is thought to be done in vaine, whatloeuer Chrifkian doctrine is beſtowed vpon it, Notwithſtanding Chꝛiſt doch not pet fuffer, that it ſhould be dealt roughly mich, Dis kingdom ts not compaſ⸗ fed with fo ſtraight boundes , that onelp the ſtronge, whole and perfect doe floꝛiſh therein, for this pertatneth to the heauenly life to come,now tn this bis kingdom onelp gtace and fweetnes mut abound.Ag Gon promiled to p childꝛen of Iſraell Exod. 3, thatp appointed land of Canaan ſhould flow only milk & honp, euen as Paule 1.€02,1 2, affirmeth, that bpow thofe members of the bony which we thinke moze vnhoneſt, we put moze honeffie on, De concluderh; The lofthaue yenot fought. That is lok They which which ſeemeth to be condemned, of the returne whereof there ig ia ve fearce any hope, Df which fort in the Gofpell were Joublicanes e muft not be harlotg,and at this dap thep , whabaue not fa much aga {parke quite caft of. Of godlines , but are bnivactable and vnruly. Meither are thep j notwithanding tobe left, but all meanes are to be affaped chat atthe laſt they map be reclaimed and bꝛought againe into the right way. CAhich S. Paule eftfoones did,as when he deliuerey two of this force nto Satan, 1, Tim.I. Ihaue deliuered them vnto Satanthatthey mightlearnenorto blafpheme. And 1. Coꝛ.5. Ihaue determined,fapth he, to deliuerthem toSatan for the deftruction ofthe flesh , that the ſpirit may befaued in the day ofthe Lorde Iefus. Chem be caſt of ag condemned, and pet notwichffanding did not delpeire of them, Chꝛiſt therefore ts fo to be preached, that he retecteth no mi although be be weake,but that he willingly receiueth , comforteth and ſtrengthneth euerp man, fothathe alwayes appeareth to be the good thepebeard, Dereupon it commeth to pafle , chat men willingly reſort vnto him, and that ic is no neede anp moze to compel them, Che mal pe | i ) 7 | GOOD SHEPEHEARD. 87 ſpell fo allureth, and maketh them willing, that they come with The Gofpel ‘acertaine loue and pleafure,and wich all boldnes, CRhereupon a — deſire and loue vnto Chꝛiſt ts increaſed in them, fo that they doe „Icafure to any thing willingly, who before were to be vrged and compelled, come vnto Of we be conſtrayned, we doe grudgingly r vnwillingly, which Chrift. God plainly abhoꝛreth. But when as J thall perceiue that God dealeth fo louingly and gentlely with me, mp hart ig ag it were rauiſhed, ſa that I can not tap mp felfe , but I mutt euenrunne onto him,leauing allother things, wherupon afterward all pleas fure and toy enfirech vnto me, Now confider how great an euillicis, when one iudgeth an other, The kingdom of Chꝛiſt, as we haue heard, ig fo opveined, that tt bealeth and iuſtifieth onelp ficke and miferable confcien- ces wherefore all they are farre decetued. which haue regard on- 1p to the ſtronge and whole. It is great therefore and very effec: tuall knowledire whereby Chritt is well knowne. It is graffed in bs bp nature co be alcogither euill and wicked, € pet nocwith- ſtanding we would baue euerp one to be honeff, we earneſtly res gard ftronge Chriftians , not looking theremithall to the ficke and weake, thinking them not tobe Chrifttans, tf thep are not ſtronge, and iudge others euill, tf thep benot altogither holy, when as we our felueg inthe meane fealon erceede the ref in naughtines, Now the caule hereofis our moſt corrupt nature, € —— our blind reaſon, which will meafure the kingdom of God accop= bi. Ding to her one opinion, whereby tt thinketh that thofe things cauſe vsto are uncleane before God, which ſeeme vncleane onto tt lelfwhers erre & iudge fore that opinion muff be remoued out of our minde. Foꝛ if thou amille. batt verp much regard thereunto, thou ſhalt at the laff come into the mind to thinke : alas, what thal become of me, ifall Chpifti- ang muff be ſuch, namely, ſtronge, whole, and godly? hen hal TI once attapne fo farre ? And fo thou fhalt bringe thy felfe into fuch aperpleritie, thatthou ſhalt hardely euer attapne unto true comfort andiope, Chou therefore mutt be fo affected,that thou fay: Wok gractous Jeſu, although I finde mp felfe altogether weake diſeaſed, and in a wꝛetched ſtate, pet F will not therefore caf of allhope,but wil fliebnto thee,that thou maptt fuccourme, - Foꝛ thou onelp art the hepebeard, e the good Ihepeheard, ſuch aone I am perſwaded that thou are,wherfore J will not deſpeire oz be difrouragen . although I come vnto thee being voyde of F itt, Chriftian wifedom is occupied a- mong the vnwife. 88 A SERMON OF-THE workes, Ce mutt therefoze beſtow our diligence that koch un wilelp x well know Chꝛiſt, that in bis kingdom onelyp the weak and diſeaſed are conuerfant, andthat it is nothing elfe, but as it were an hoſpitall, wherein onelp theficke and feeblenoelic, of — tobom a care mutt be had, Burfewmen haue this knowledge, for chis wiledom is exceeding hard to.be attapned bhto,fo that it ig wanting euen vnto them fometimewho haue the Golpel and thelpirite, neither can anp wifedome come vnto men whichis — greater then it. Küherfore,albeit men looke into the Scripture, ; which ſetteth forth the kingdome of Chrift, affirming tt ta be moſt precious, neuerthelesthep haue not fuch acave what the — modes fignifie, neither doe they marke that true wiſedom ig hidden therein, which ercelleth our wiledom by many degrees, Fortis not Chꝛiſtian wifedom to haue to doe with men which are accounted wile,and (hilfull,and to make mention, anv talke - of them, but to be occupied among the vnwiſe and themthatlack — vnderſtanding, not that delight epleafure ſhould be takenthere: — of, but that thep map come from finne and foolithnes to rightee oufnes and found vnderſtanding. Dereof it appeareth that Chꝛi⸗ ſtian wiſedom doth conſiſt in this, not that we looke aloft, con: | fiver chofe chinges which are high and wile, and bebold ano fee our felues tn thé as tt wereina glaſſe, but that we looke to thoſe things that are belawe, ¢ marke that which te humble ¢ fooliſh. De which knoweth this let him giue chankes vnto God, Forbp this knowledge he becommeth {uch aoneas is able to prepare and apply him felfe co euery thing which ts inthe world, But ye ſhall finde many, pea euen among them that preach the Gofpell, which are not per come thus farre , Hitherto we haue benefoine ſtructed € accuſtomed, that none mult come onto Chak , before bebe altogether cleane, thou mutt therefore forlake that opint: on,that thou mattt attaine to true buderftanding, that thou maiſt knowe Chait aright, howe bets the true and good hepebeard, whereofwe haue heard fuflicient. Nowe he comparerh the good ſhepeheard with the euill, or / bireling, and ſayth: Agoodshepeheard giueth hislife forthe — . sheepe: butan hirelin BR he which isnotthe shepeheard, nei- therthe sheepe are his eee the wolfe comming, & lea- uerhthesheepe, & the wolfe catcheth & ſcattereth thesheepe. So the hireling fleeth becaufe he isan hireling, & careth not for the PS GOOD SHEPEHEARD, 89 the sheepe. It ig true in deede that Chriftis properly the onelp fhepebeard, euen as p name of Chpitt doth belong to him alone, pet he communicateth the fame vnto vs, that we alfo map be cal: led Chziftians.So although be be che onelyſhepeheard, pec he imparteth the fame name to them that be of the minifterie, After the fame maner ae. 3.be forbioneth,that we call no man fa- ther bpon the earth , forafmuch ag there is one onely our father, which is in heauen,notwithtanding Paule callech him felfe che father of the Coꝛinthians 1.02.4, when he ſayth: In Chrift Ie- fus I haue begotten youthrough the Gofpell . So therefore tt feemeth agthough Gon alone wouls haue thename of a father, and in the meane lealon notwithanding be qraunteth che fame name to men, that thep alfo map be fathers, howbeit that thep haue notof thentfelues but by Chꝛiſt. Euen as we are caller Chrilfiang,becaufe we haue nothing of our felueg,but for that all thinges are giuen bnto bs thꝛough Chꝛiſt. Mozeouerzthe hireling, ſayth Chꝛiſt, which is not the shepe- heard, neither the sheepe are his owne,when he feeth the wolfe tie comming,leaueth the sheepe & fleth,&c. This furelpis a hard The rie faping chat thep which truelp preach the Golvel,anditrengehen 87 € heale the theepe, neuertheleg at the laſt doe fuffer the heepeto commeth be caught and torne in peeces, and doe then flie awap , when the lcauech the theepe haue neevde of greateſt helpe. As long as the wolues doe fheepe. not appeare, they do their butte carefully diligẽtly, but ag foone ag thep fee the wolfe Ineake in, they forthwith leaue the ſheepe. Ikthey chenhaue fed chem well,that chep be fat, ſtrong, whole, they are the better liked ofthe wolues , for whome they haue fev them. But what is the hiddẽ meaning of thig parable? Che mea: ning of Chrik is this: In my kingdome (which conlittech inno: thing elſe, but that the weake be ſtrengthned, the ficke healen,the fapnt harted encouraged) the holy crofle Mall not be wanting, The croffe For when it is preachevthat Chak only, whole tillp Heepe we accompani- are, hath care of be,ffrengthneth, healeth and helpeth bs, € that eth the prea our owne ſtrength and our owne workes are of ne Importance at ching ofthe - all, (whereby all workes of the world, andebediuerfe forte of Soſpell. wozrhipping God which it inuehtech are vtterly vifallowed) the woꝛld cã not abide ſuch maner ofpzeaching,fa chat itiganatural propertie ofp Goſpel,to bring ᷣ croſſe 1 it as vnſeparably accõ⸗ panping tt, he that willonfeincdlp profes it bekoꝛe the mono, ‘ u. 90 A SERMON OF THE mutt noedeg veld him felfe to beare perfecution. sFozatinuch ag the cafe ſtandeth thus, tt is not hard co perceiue how great diffe: | rence there is betwene the true ſhepeheards and the birelinges, The hireling He that is anhireling preachech the Golpell as long as he is re⸗ how he be- haueth him felfe. What the true shepe- heard doth, ported among men to be a learned, godly € holp man, But when ag he ts reppoucd o2 {ec vpon as anberetike and wicked fellow, oꝛ moued to make a recantation, then he etther recanteth,o2 ta- keth bim (elfe to bis feete , leauing the miferable theepe alone without athepebeard, then their cafe becommeth woꝛle then tt was before. Ahat doth it then auatle the hheepe ifthep were wel fen before ? Sf thep were true thepebeardes , thep would {pend their life before thep woulde fo Teaue the theepe to the tawes of the molueg , and would be readp alwapeg to offer theitnecke to the are for the Golpells fake. Chey therefore ave neuer good ſhepeheards, which fo preach the Golpell, that thep map theres by get vnto them {elues honour, riches, and profit, without all bout they are hirelings, who ſeeke after their owne thinges euen in found doctrine,pea and inthe wordof God, Tiberefore thep > abide no longer,then while thep map haue honour, pꝛaiſe & come moditie thereby. but ag foone as the wolfe commech, goe backe, denye the worde,and get them ſelues amap, leauing the fheepe, which very carneftlp ſeeke for pafture and their thepebeard, who map keepe them from theinturie of the wolues, but that good thepebeard can no where be found, who fliech amap euenat that time, when the theepe haue moft neede of a Defender and firengihner, The fame hall happen to bs intime to come , when we fhall once begin to be touched in deede. Chen che Preachers will hut their mouthes, and proutde for their fafetie by flying, and the fheepe hall be miferablp diſperſed, ſo that one thall be carien this wap,an other chat wap, God graunt that fame of them map ſtand baliantly in defenie of the Golpell, and ſpende their blood, ifthe cale fo require in delivering their theepe, Chus Chꝛiſt hath painted forth p hirelings in their colours, who thus fapth mozes ouer: Iam that good shepeheard, and knowe mine, andam knowne of mine. Ghee word&g doe containe much, I fhoulde {pend ouer much time, tf Iſhould handle them feuerally. De {peaketh here of the peculiar dutie that belongerh to him felfe, A know mp heepe,fapth he, and they againe kuowme, JQowethe fume 4 2 P F ware & GOOD SHEPEHEARD, 91 ſumme is this : Chrift knoweth vs to be his heepe, # we againe know him to be our ſhepeheard. He knoweth vs to befuch fheepe ag are weake and diſeaſed, which he doch not caſt of but hatha care of them,and bealeth them although thep be fo diſeaſed, that all the wozlde thinketh that they are not big theepe, and this in deede is the knowledge of P world, But Chott doth not fo know them, neither doth be greatly regard what maner of ones thep be, but confiverech whether they be ſheepe. Chey therefore are the true thepebeards, who following Chꝛiſt, doe fo know their fheepe,that theplooke unto the perfons,not to the diſeaſe. $y father knoweth me, fapth Chritt, but the world knoweth The world me not, Chen as therefore the hope thall come,that I thal die knoweth not an ignominious death bpon the crofle,all wich one voice will erp Chrilt. out: was this che fonne of God? he mutt needes be a condemned man,and giuen bp onto Satan, both infoule and alfoin body. Sa the world will confiver and knots me , Wut my father will fap in this ſort: this is mp welbeloues fonne, my king and Sautour, De beholoeth not mp affliction, mp woundes, my crofle ¢ death, but be confivereth mp perfor, that is,me berp felfe , Therefore ff 3 were inche mivdett of hell, or in theiawes of Satan, per I Mould come out againe, foꝛ the father will not forfake me, Like: wife J know my theepe, and thep knome me, Chey are certaine that J am a good Hhepebheard,thep know me,therefore they come tome for fuccour, andcleaue vnto me, neither doch tt any thinge fearethem , thatthep are fubiectte manifold infirmitieg and di⸗ feales , thep knowe berp well that J would haue ſuch maner of fheepe to reſort vnto me. OrhersheepeIhauealfo, which are not of this folde: them alfo muft i bringe and they shall heare my voice,and there shall be one shepefold, & one shepeheard. Some haue fohandled this place , that they aflirme tt hall be fulfilled before the latter dap, when Antichrit, Tohn,and Deltas thall come, hich is flatly agatnt the truth, and forged of Sas tan, that men might beleue,that the whole world thall at the fat become Chrifkian, TÜhich Satan therefore div that be mighe darken the found voctrine, that we might neuer rightly under: fand it, Beware therefore of this velufion. For bp and by after the afcenfion of Chpift this was done and fulfilled , and is pet at this bay fulfilled, As foone as the Gofpell was publiſhed, it was _ preached co the Jewes, and this people wag the Hepetold, Mow e 7 7s u * se, NIT WERE u. 7 — ⁊ 92 ASERMoNoF THE he ſayth,that he hath certaine other ſheepe alfo, which are not of this kold, which allo he mutt gather together , whereby he thew: eth that the Golpell mut be preached tothe Gentiles that chep allo may beleue in Chi, thardüche Tewes and Gentiles may be made one Church, TUhich he performed afterward by the A⸗ pottles, who preached the Golpell co the Gentiles , and brought them tothe faith, So there is now one boop, one Church , one faith, one hope, one loue, one baptifme, anv fo of the Itke, which continueth at this day, and thal fo continue euen to the ende ofthe world, Ci herfore poe not fo vnderſtand it as though all men hall beleue in Chrifk,for the crofle mut alwapes be borne of ug, fo: almuch ag the greatet parte is alwapes of that faction, which perlecutech Chrftians. Che Golpell alfo mult be continually preached , thar alwapes {ome may be broughtto Chꝛiſtianitie. And thus mach for a compendious erpofition of this tert, PLELECLELG LG HG ee RO ORO A SERMON OF D. MAR- TIN LVTHER OF THE LOST SHEPE Luke 15. Verfer. Hen reforted vnto him all the Publicans and finners to heare him. 2. © Therefore the Pharifesand Scribes mur- mured,faying: He receiueth finners and eateth with them. ed Then fpake he this parable to them fay- ing: | 4 What man of you hauing an hundred fheepe, ifhe lofe one of thé , doth not leaue | 3 LOST SHEPE, 93 N leaueninety and nineinthewildernes, and go - after that which is loft,vntill he find it? 5. And when he hath foundit, he layeth it on his fhoulders withioy. 6 And when he commeth home,he calleth togi- , cher his friendes and neighbours, faying vnto them: Reioyce with me: for I have found my ſheepe which was loft. 9 I fay vnto you,thatlikewife ioy fhall be in hea- | uen for one finner that repenteth, more then | ~~ for ninetie & nine iuftmen, which neede none | amendement of life. 8 jAthis tert, dearelp beloued, euenthatdocttine hat Kinde 4 ig contapned,which we are perſwaded, and glo2p of do@rine BRS tobe our chiefe doctrine, and which bp be right chis text cö- Yop delerueth to be calied chriffian doctrine, to wit of taineth. . Roe» grace and forgiuenes ofinneg,fet downe againſt the doctrine of the law, and of woꝛkes. But it is avery ſhamekull thinge, that a ſermon ſo excellent, and repleniſhed with ſo great comfort and ioy, ſhould beheard of aman that is wicked + a cons temner of the word of Gov. Chis is much more miferable , that _ allthinke they baue ſo ſoone thꝛoughly learnedit, to che know⸗ ledge whereof cuerp one will ſeeme to baue attained, thinking that there is nothing in it, which be Doch not perfectly onder tan, and that there ig no neede to ſpend any moze ſtudie in learning it, Although ithe not grievous to God him felfe , neither doth it prkeor wearie him, euerp peare repeating it, or rather enerp Dap ererciling it,as though be knewe to preach nothing elſe, bes ing buf kilfull and ignozant of all other kindof doctrine, And we miferable and wretched men doe fo [oone ag we thinke attaine to the knowledge of the chiefett doctrine, that loꝛthwith itis wear rifom and tedious bnto bs torepeatit, whereby all pleafureand loue of che monde of Gon dteth and ig extinguiſhed in vs. | But before Iveclare the article oꝛ chiefe point heretaught, J thinke it good, thatthe beginning of this chapter be diligently confidered, which S.Luke ſetteth in ſteede of appeface,¢ thew: eee f ee 94 A SERMON OF THE . AIR eth what gaue Chrift caufe co make thig fermon, where he fapch: Then reforted vnto him all the Publicans and finners to heare him.In which wozdes be plainly fignifiech with what mẽ Chꝛiſt With whar Kept companie, namely with them, which in che fight of all men kind of men liued ag it did not become them, and were openly called ſinners Chrift was and euell perfons, Thereby it appearech that the Phariſees fe: conuerfant. mento haue fufficient caufe to finde faule with Chpitt , for char be,which would be counted Holy vid familtarlp keepe companie Publicans with fuch men. Foꝛ chey were commenlp called Publicans at what they that time,to whom the Romäs did let out (ome citie op cuftome, were. or lome charge 02 ouerfight in matrerg , for a certain fumme of money sas che Turke or Uenerians do now commit to fome one fome citie o2 oflice,for which a certain ſumme of monep ig pear: Ip to be paped,ano what foeuer chep ſhall {crape togither bp uns iuſt exactions aboue chis ſumme, thatis their owne. So alfo the afozefaid JOublicans div, which fo gathered thofe tributes and monep wherewith thep were charged, that thep chemſelues alfo mighthaue fome game thereby. Andleing that a ſumme of mo: nep tobe paide for (ome citte o2 office was not ſmall, thep defi- tous to gaine thereby, did bp all meares deale vniuſtly, and vſed extortion in all hinges , in all places, and with all perfong, For the Loꝛdes and maifters held them fo hardly and ſtraightly, that thep could not wer much thereby, tfthep would deale rightly and iuftlp, and opprefle no man with vniuſt exactions. Tibereupon thep had a verie euellrepozt ab20ad , that thep were moſt vniuſt eractorg , and endued with fmall hon: fie and integritie of life, - Likewife che reſt in generali were called finners, which other: wile linen diſhoneſtly and wretchedlp,e were defiled with filchie offences,as with couetoufnes, with whozedome, with furfetcing and vyunkenneg,and fuch like. Such refort bere vnto Chꝛiſt, and come to hearc him , when ag before thep had knowen him bp re: port to be ercellent and famous both in woꝛdes and Deedes. — Howbeit itig certaine that inthem although chep femed euen defperate , there was a (parke of vertue and boneftie,in afmuch asthey longed after Chriſt both coueting to beare his doctrine; and allo earnefflp defiring to fee che workeg which he dtd, when before they knewe him to be a good man , and heard no ill report either of his doctrine 02 workes, fo that their life Did farre Differ from bis. Neuertheles they are fo wel diſpoſed, chat thep are * bis LOST SHEPE 95 bis enemies , neither refule oꝛ flie bis company, but runne vnto bim, not of any euell purpofe op intent,but to fee and heare fome good thing, whereby thep map amend their Itie, Contrariwiſe The maliti⸗ the Phariſes and Scribes, which were counted moſt righteous ous dealing and poly, are {uch popfonfull beattes, that thep are not only ſoꝛe of y Scribes vifpleaten at Chriſt, uhom thep cã abide neither to fee nor brave, & Pharılecs, but allo chep can not be content, thac miferable finners ſhould come bnto him,and heare him, whereby thep being led by repen- tance might amend : Dea they do alfo belive this, murmur, and reproue Chꝛiſt, for thathe admitted vnto him, and recetued Pu⸗ blicäg and finners,faping : Bebold,is this that holp and famous man? Mho will now fap that be is of God, when as be hath fo: ciety with fo wicked mretches’pea rather eis a dꝛiuker of wine and a glutton , as they fap elſewhere, a fteind to PPublicang and Luke 7. 34. Such a report he is cõſtrained to beare of the holy Jobharifes, not for that he giuing bimfelfeto gluttonie and furfecting , accu: ſtomed ro feede ercefliuelp and followe riotous pleafure togither with them, but onelp becaufe he admitted fuch into bis company, and did not contemptuoutly reiect them. Foꝛ in thei opinion be ſhould haue gone with a (ad and auftere countenance,in bale aps paretl , ¢ baue remained feuered from the conuerfation and com: pante of men, and refulen their felomthippe, left chat by familiar cuffome with them , be fhould be defiled, and ſhould haue Done ag thep were accuffomed to do after p maner ofholp men. Of whom Efaie writech , thatthep ſtudied for (uch puritie, chat thep div feare and ſuffer againt their will eucn the touching of a ſinner. Which in deede plainly appeareth Luke 7, inche Phariſe mur⸗ muring again Chr, becaufe be fuflred bimielfetabe touches — of che finfull woman. And it was they, chat would altwap be bis maiffers,# prefcribe vnto him rules wherebp to liste and bebaue himſelle in thislife. Therefore tathis place chep murmur , for that he did not applie hiinfelfe vnto thé, neicher vindifdaine cõ⸗ pany # conuerfation offuch {inners according oleae example. Now Chaiſt alſo is ſomewhat ſtout, plainly ſhewing here, that The ſtout ne be can fuffer 5 maiſterſhip ofnone , but thar he ig altogither free of Chriſt. € exempt from the commaundementg of all, as commonly inthe Golpels we fee him tobe at his owne will ¢pleafure,who neuer: theles otherwiſe wag both gẽtler and allo moze feruicgable then FP. u a4 Karls ua * u a Te 2s. 96 A SERMON OF THE all che vet, But when as they would veale with him bp lawes, € be hig maiſters, thẽ all friendthip ceaſſed, for he vid not otherwiſe leape back,then che adamant layd vpon anuple ¢ ſtriken, (pea: king ano doing onely the contrary of chat whtch they require of bim,although chep feemetofpeake euen rightly and well, alleas ging thereunto alla the worde of Gon, As thep doe bere, where they come and fap: thou mut toe thus, thou mutt follow the con: uerfation of honeſt men, thou mutt flee the companpe of wicked men. Chis trulp is a ſubſtantial voctrine, and confirmed bp teſti⸗ ‘mony ofthe Scripture, For Wales him felfe commaunveth the Jeweg,to audio euill men, t take away eutl from amonge them, Bp this tert thep confirme their fapings, € come wich their Mo⸗ Chrift com. ſes, and mould make Coyttt ſubiect to cheir lawes, and haue him pared to the ruled bp them. Vnicorne. Gut Chri neuertheles will be at his owne libertie. And he ig not vnlike the Unicorne, which bealt men deny that he can be ‘taken aliue, with what kind of hunting ſoeuer be be allayled. De ss fuffereth him felfe co be wounded, to be ſtriken with darts, and co Chriftisim- he flapne, to be taken he noch not fuffer him felfe . Mo otherwife paieneof doch Chpitt alfo,who although be be let vpon by lames, yet doch ; he not {uffer them, but bꝛeaketh through as through a ſpiders web, rebuking them moft ſharpely. As Matth. 12. where thep found fault with bis Difctples,becaule thep had plucked p cares of cone on the Sabbath dap , alleaging the commaundement of God that che Sabbath was to be kept holp,c, be auoucheth ehe > cleane contrarp,tearing in funder § commaunvement,affirming the contrarp both tn wordes, and alla by examples, Aifo Matth. 16, where he declareth to his Apoſtles chat be hall fuffer and be crucified but Peter admoniſheth him to be of a good chere, and ſetteth before bimthe precept of charitie, ſaving: Mailter, pitie thy felfe, there againe he doth earneſtly and tharpely blame and rebuke his admoniſher, and faptht Get thee behinde me, Satan: thou vnderftandeft not the thinges that are of God, but the thinges that f men. | And in a lumme,be is moſt impatient of all lawes wherewith — thep deale with bint, be will be mot free from all commauınde: ments, and acknowledged to be the Loyd ofthem, De alway gi: - ueih fuch aunſwers, a8 with which be repreffech the eractorg, | neicher wil he keepe any law as though he were compelled to do it. — a LOST |SHEPE, 97 1 it. Contrariwife, when be doch anp thinge of bis owne accorde, chen no law isfalitte oꝛ fo light, whereunto he doth not willing ‘Ip obep,and doth much moze then it requireth. Therefore there can none be founde moze gentle and ferniceable then he , ifbe be breed with the controlement o2 eraction of none, Wozeouer he both (o farre humble him felfe , that he watheth the feete of Ju: Chrifthum- das which berraped him, according as he him felfe ſpeaketh of be ov him felfe: Icame not to be ferued, but to ferue, others, &c, — ine | which ts manikeſt to them that confider bis life , howe he walked | abjoade in Judea, Samaria, Galile, and inthe night flept on the ground , fafted forty dayes, and tooke no reſt at all , but patient: ip ſuſtained fo much labour, that chep feared left be ſhould be ras uifhed in minde „or finallp bringe fome burt to bis body. He doth all thinges that he can, but that he refuleth to be compellev,and fuffereth nolawes to be prelcribed bunte him, which if anp fee | before him, be moft ſtoutely reſiſteth and ſtriueth againſt chem, | Sobheisbothof amoft Toute and of a moſt milve fpirit , nep- Chrift both ‘ther tg there anp moze Toute, nor move feruiceable then be , ofa moft whoe can abide to doe none of thoſe thinges that are exacted of m a 4 him, and neuertheles doth all chinges euen moſt aboundant: O14 circ Ip ,andas it were ouerfloweth with afloud of rood workeg, and * watereth all thinges, noman commaunding him, opbpwapof . 4. oy rontrolement eracting and requiring any thinge of him, but - ls) be beinge permitted to doe boluntartly and of big owne ate C020, ! Thele hinges are one for out example, that we map ee that a true Chꝛiſtian manis after the ſpirit, leſt we tudgebim according to thelawe, and according to our owne wiſedom and buderitanding. For Chait i is therefore our Lorde, thathe map make fuch menofyssas he ishim felfe. And ag he cannot fuffer him feife co be tied and bound wich latwes, but will be Loꝛde of lawes,pea and of allchinges,fo allo ought not the conſcience of a Chrittia co fuffer them, For we are fo much made free by Chath, The confci- that our confcience map know nothing cocerning any law,wihole coc ofa iudgement ¢ controlement it map abive to fuffer. Meither ought Fre | we any otherwile to be affectev according to the fate ofp inward pound wich conſcience,then ifno lawe had bene giuen oꝛ made: pea as tf net: lawes. ther x. cõmaundements.noꝛ one, either of God, oꝛ of Bifhop,or of Ceſar were giuẽ to vs, that we map plainly fap; I a nothing U 93 A SERMON ‘OF THE of anp law, nepther wil I know anp thing. Foꝛ inthat ſtate and condition, wherein we Chꝛiſtians are our workeg, ¢ the workeg of all mendoe ceafe,pea and alllaweg alfo. For where there is no wopke, neither can there be any law, requiring a woke and laps ing: this ching was to be done ofthee,thig to be left vndone. But we though Chill are whollp free from all woꝛkes, and righte- dus by meere grace and mercy, whereby we live onely before A Chriftian muft not fuffer his cö- Gov. And this ts our treaſure, wherebp weare Chpiftians, and live and and before God, For how we ought tolinein outward contierfation , to wit in flefhe and blood before the wonld⸗ it doth nothing pertaine vnto this place, Mberefogea Chrittian muſt learne fo to rule his confcience, that be {utter it not to be held capttue op entangled wich any lam, But whofseuer will bind and hold te with anp law, lee him out: fcience to be Iy any boldelp ſtriue thereagatnit,and doe as he ſeeth Chriſt noe held captiue of any lawe, here and elfe where , where he vſeth fo great ſtoutnes and earne⸗ finesof minde , thatno Moſes or Exactoꝛ of the lawe can pres natle any chinge with bin, although otherwiſe he be moft hum: | bie,moft ſweete and gentle ‘of allmen, Howbeit this artis aboue ~ Weofour felues are notable to pacitie and appeafe the lawe. meafure high anvercelient , which none buche underflandeth, whereol he is the Waiter, ‘who knoweth howe to appeafe all fawes and teachers of lawes.Cde ave not able to doe fo : Forthe Deutll mightely alatlech og, and ag often as he ſetteth upon the confetence of man, he driueth him to that point that be entreth diſputation with him, what he hath done or nocdone, Chen uch a difputation beginneth, ag wherein is debated of our finne and | righteouſnes, euen then man is brought intoadanngerous cale | and into the myre, where be fficketh, neither can be efcape oꝛ rid him {elf out, but is forthwith deeper and deeper plunged in, For | be is laden with a heauy burden, which bets not able to beare, | wherefore he walketh muting guawing Feonfuming bis minde, | neither canbe get anp quietnes thereof, CAhich I doc plainelp | feele in mp felfe, neither can J mpattle out, and deliver mp felfe | by anp trauell, although Ji labour almapes, allaying allmeanes | to efcape outof this goulfe, that 3 map aunfwere the lawe , and obtaine fo much. that it may keepe ſilence, and ſay, now at length thou batt one fo much, wherewith Iam conſtrayned to be con: tent. But all endeuour and ſtudy is in vapnes for {uch a deepe pit and daungerous goulfe tt is, out OF which no man ts able tack cape HY BOSTIOSHEPE A 99 cape, although be topne the helpes ofall men to him ſelf, as thep Canbeare me witnes which haue made triall hereof, and dog ag pet daily trie te, The caule is our nature, which will haue to doe with workes andlawes, and heare what they fay, and followe them that fap: Thy doth he cate with Publicanes and finners? tf he did eate and v2inke with vs, be fhoulo do wel, Alfo ; why do thy Dilciples plucke the cares of copne on the Sabbath dap ? ec. with whom ie will baue todo fo long, cil the law fapth: now thou artrighteous, Forit can attaine to no higher vnderſtanding, chen that the do: ctrine of the law is che chiefelt doctrine, and chat the righteoul: nes thereof ts the bet life before God. Jn it it continually remat: neth fo captiue pea and bound, neither cantt by anp meanes deli ver it (elfout of thts pꝛiſon, being not able to pacifie and appeafe the law,that tt doe not exact any thinge of it, oꝛ reprebend te in a- np thing,but itis compelled to be captiue therein ag tna perpes tuall pꝛiſon, and the longer tt ſtriueth and fightech with che lawe, into fo much woꝛſe cale doth it alwapes come, ontill at the laſt te be wholp ſubdued. | What therfore mutt I do,the law allailing € vrging mp. con: What a Chri fcience,efpeciallp when Jperceiue my felfe not to do that which ſtian mult do “itrequiveth ? I aunwere,euen chat which Chpit noth beve,who rer es . get abmitteth or acknowledgeth no law, although brought out of the pis conkci - law of God.So learnethou alfa to voc, that thou mayeſt boldely ence. fap tothe lawe, leaue of lawe to diſpute wich me, baue nothing ‘to doe with thee. And for that verp fame caufe , for which thou ‚sommefk to difpute wich me,and to enquire of me, bow geod and Righteous Jam, J will notheare thee, Forithere maketh no - matter, what Jam, oꝛ what Jought to doe, and what not to doe, but what Chik him feife tg ougheto doe,and doeth . For nowe Wwe are inthe bꝛidechamber, where onelp the bꝛidegrome and the bride mult hauetodoe, and tt behoueth not thee ta come thither, noꝛ to intermeddle anything there, But neuertheles it now and then knocketh and ſayth: inthe meane ſeaſon notwithſtanding good workes mutt be done of thee , the commaundements of God mult be kept, tf chou wilt obtaine faluation. Aunfwere againe: but chou heareſt that it is — = not nowe tyme to ſpeake of chem: fornow J haue obtayned mp the jay whe xrighteouſnes and the ſumme of all mp ſaluation without mp ic isinftane 5 ii, vpon vs. 100 A .SERMON OF THE qworkes in Chriſt mp Love , and am already Caued before thou camel, therefore J haue no neede of thy prefence. For as A baue lapd , where workes preuaple nothing , neptheris the law there of any impogtance oꝛ weight, and where there isno law, neitheris thereany ſinne. Che bride therefore alone, all the reft beinge excluded, mut reigne in che byivechamber with Chit, in whom thee hath all hinges at once , nepther needeth fhee any thinge moze, which ig neceffarp to ſaluation. Ahere⸗ fore the lawe mutt be excluded and vtterly reiected , pea and caf of, ag often ag ic willinuade and fet vpon the conlcience, Foꝛ furelp ic ought not to medle therewith, neither commeth tt in tyme, whenit willhaue muche to doe there , where it ought to baue nothing to doe and whither tt ought inno wile to come. For the confcience rettech in this article of aur Ch2iftian faith, Jbe⸗ leue in Jeſus Chaiſt mp Lord, which ſuffered, died, was buried for me,¢c.bnto whom both Woles law,¢ Cefars,t diuine lawes ought to give place. All that cherfore is boldly to be chaſed from me, whatloeuer will ——— wich me of finnes, righteoufneg,and fuch like hinges, Beboloe, Chꝛiſt would i inthis place refemble this libertie bn: fobs, thatas Chꝛiſtians we ſufſer no matiter in our confcience, trufting moft conſtantly to this one thinge, that we are baptts fed, and called onto Chꝛiſt, and bp him tuftifien and fanctifieo, tobereupon we map flap: He is mp righteoulnes, mp treafure, my worke, andin a fumme, what not? againſt finne and vn⸗ righteoufnes (whereof ehe lawe indeuourech to accule me) TE it pleafe pou to haue other righteouſnes, woꝛkes, lawe, ec. then map pe take them from whence pe will , furelp pe fhall finde no place for them in me. Thus may aman defend him felf, and ftande againt the ſuggeſtions and tentations of the Deuill, and of finnes either paft o2 prefent . TUherefoꝛe Moſes and Chri are farreto befeparated afunder, ag alfo woꝛkes and faith , the confcience andthe outward life , fo that if the lawe will {etre bpon me , and make mp bart afrapde , thents it tyme to ſende it away, andif it will not give place, to thzuſt ttout bp force, and to fap : I will willingly doe good workes,and will goe forward as much as Jam able for that time that Jliue amonge men,but here I wil know nothing at al ofthemin mp cofcience, & therefoze let me alone,e pzate nothing ofthem, Forbere J will bouchfaue | . . LOST, SHEPE, 101 vouchſafe to heare neither Moſes nor the Phariſees, but Chri alone Doth obtaine place to reigne here, J will like vnto Marie, fit at bis feete to heare bis worde, but let Wartha tarp abzoade, and buſie her felfe inthe kitchin and about the houſhold aflapzes, —* in a ſumme, I will not trouble the quietnes of mp con: cience. But what tall Tfap, whereas in the meane feafon J poe nat: An obiectioa Ip finne,which fürelp is euill ¢ J aunfwere, in deede itis true, I The aunfwer ama finner;and I do vniuftlp,but J muff not therefore vefpeire, as though J were (ubiect to condemnation , pea o2 tremble bes caufe of the rigour of thelawe. For by faith J apprehend him, which bath apprehended me,and apply mp felfe vnto him, which hath embraced me in baptilme , and bath put mein bis bofom, and bp the preaching of the Golpell hath called me tothe com: — munton of all his good hinges, bidding meto beleeue in him. jRowe when as J have apprehended himbp faich,then map T be bold to bid the Phariſees, anv Moles with his tables, all Law⸗ pers with cheir bookes , all men wich cheir wogkes holve their peace and giue place. Ro law hath chen anp power to conuince op accufe me: for inthis Chꝛiſt Jhaue all thinges abounvantlp, whatloeuer can berequired nme. This, lap;ig the doctrine and arte of Chpittians » the (cope and endetwhereot is this, euen to reigne with Chait. But bloc: ⸗ kiſh men boe not vnderſtand it , taking bereupon occalion to liue moze freelp.as they liſt, ſayving:what neede ig there that I hould po good works, forafinuch as Chott bach abꝛogated the law,ec, There foolith babbling ig in no wile to bebogne, foz Chrittig on A “api webe - the other part alſo to be confivered of thee, and thou mutt marke 4 shelaw.we what he doth more. For here be him (elfe lapch > that he is that. woſt neuer- man which fecketh the miſerable and lof fheepe which alfo he theles doe witneſſeth bp bis prefent deede, bp receiuing finners and Pub⸗ good — licanes , and by preaching buco them. Tülherebp chou {eek that mith eres he doth fulfill much moze then the law commaundeth to be Done, Chriß, and teacheth thee to doe the fame bp bis example, Deis offuch ‚an berotcall fomacke, thathe willnotbe under the lawe, pet doch he of bis owne accoꝛde moe thinges thenthe law requiveth, Doe thou fo alle, neither looke when thou halt be forced and driuen on bp thelawe,but without the lawe and of thine owne acs ame poe that which ig needefullto be tr sa Heter 1. Pet.2 iii. a TEE u u Way FF" An 1A > u Su | Be 1023 A SERMON OF THE admoniſheth laping : as free,and not ashauingthelibertie fora cloke of malitioufnes,but asthe feruaunts of God. And Paule Romi6: Being made tree from finne, ye are made the feruaunts of righteoufnes, Chele ave thep, which do all thinges with a free confcience without the lawe, and vnconſtrained. Foꝛ where the Golpell ts truely tnthe hart, itmakerh aman to be fuch a one,ag doth not looke while the law commech, but is fo full of top in Chri, thathets with ſpeede caried vnto goon works, doing well to all men,as much ag be ts able, ethat of bis owne accorne before the law commeth into his minde. Woreouer - he bettoweth both body and life, hauing no regard, what he mutt therefore fuffer, and fo he is fullof good workes which volunta⸗ rilp flowing as it were out of a continuall fountaine are deriued vnto many: As Chꝛiſt being compelled, doch not abide to take — pp fo much asa frame, but vncompelled giuech him felfe tobe crucified fo2 me, and fo2 the whole woꝛlde, dying for the lok fheepe, hovebeit it is bery neceffarp todifcerne thefe thinges mell, whenitiscome to hand Qrokes and withinthethrowing of che dart, as it is ſaid, the law and finnes difputing now with thp con: {cience,then (ce that thou doe boldly repꝛeſſe Moſes, and bin him: The old ma keepe filence, fending him abroade to the olve man. Dpiue him muftbe dri · into Moſes ſchole that he may dilpute with him and fap: Dook Mate —_- thou beare? thow art roo lowe and lluggiſh in giuing and feruing fehole. thy neighbour, (then Chit is to be ferued of thee , thou mite ; moꝛe willingly ferue thy bellp: thou wilt come in no peril for Chꝛiſtes fake, thou dooſt vecettfullp robbe thy neighbour circũ· venting bith bpwhat meanes foeuer thaucant. Fo? that fuqgih — affe flying fabour. and following onelp idlenes and wantonnes vſe the tables of fone, whom euen againt bis will,confrayneta: goe on in his duety. | i Ciherefore when thou (halt fet upon me, inthat chinge which We muftad- ig right and meete (chou muſt fap unto Wofes ) I will willinglp mit Moles heave thee, and follomthp admonitions, namelp according to the the onward outward man,andinoucwardlife, where thou matt beare rule man,but not like a ſcholemaiſter, ¢ ag one gouerning a familie: There thou with thecé- hat power to cõmaund ine, cobe obedient, modeſt, patient, good Gience. — comp neighbour, dutifull and liberal toward the poore,¢ to celes bate Gov with prailes pouredforch to his glozie: mozeouer to be I ee mi a Auer ee Zul ee le eee ee in 2 A * bie Boe ti [PR - *] LOST SHEPE, 203 be content for his words fake to abive the contumelies € fclauns berg of all perfons,¢ to (ufler euerp kind of iniurte of the woꝛld. MAith ali which T am not greatly moued, peal would doe moe 4 thinges then I! am able to do accopding to the outward man. Fo) the fpirit,bp the teftimonpe of Thrill, ig willing, and readp,al« though the flefh be weake. But if thou wilt go fo farre, whither it is unlawfull for thee to come, that ig, into mp hart and confcience, there will J neither fee thee,noz vouchfafe robeare thee. Forthere Jhaue an other both great ¢ bulpcakeable treafure ‚whole name is Chri. Ann in a ſumme, whatloeuer pertaineth to bꝛidle p outward man,tbou | cant not lay on afuffictent burden thereof: but chou mutt burden the confcience nothing at all, Foꝛ he that enioyeth Chꝛiſt, isa- boue alt lawes,as Paul ſaith: che laweis nor giuen forthe iuft, who norwithtanding in the meane time Doth moze thinges,then he is able to fulfillin the fleth, For according to thelawe we are finners,and concerning our perfon we muft abide vnder it, But | theougd Chꝛilſt we are farre aboue the lawe, | So Woles without, Chit mul exerciſe bis groffe workes, whereby be may compel men which are not pet Chrifkiang,ta be bonett ciuelp before the woꝛld: for he doth not make Chrifkiang | righteous ¢ honed, Dowbeit I will not deny p be doth this , that be cheweth vnto them their duties, which ocherwile thep mould willingly fulfil ¢fatisfie,pea ¢ doe moe things alfo, but chat the | fleth doth not fo willinglp € th thatreadines wberwich it ought, | followthe ſpirit. In which relpect they are to be admoniſhed and | brged,the confcience neuertheles remaining free.fo that the law | baue no power to accufe them. Ciberfore fuch doctrine ¢ anno: nition ought to be among Chpiftians (as tt ts certainep among _ the Apotties there wag) wherebp euerp man map be admonithed of bis fate e office.As for the reft which are not Chpiftians,chep | ei, mutt beruled bp Woles lawes , ¢ burdened wich them both out: · warblp ¢ inwardlp,wherbp thep map be forced and afflicted,thät der che dif chep map do that which is right,fozlaking that which is euill,al- cipline of though they do tt not with a patient and willing mind. Df which Moles. | Sind p rath muleteude of p vnruly comms fort ¢ p obftinat people is, who Do not regard or underffand p libertp of Chꝛiſt, althougb chey can babble ¢ gloꝛy ofmanp things concerning the Goſpell, | € thep notwithanding Do abufe it onlp to p luſt of their mind:let iar G itt. 4 2 5) » NT, ve un u: var TE > = ~ 7 > af T “a 4 vo 104 'SERMON OF THE them know that sepa are uber the difeipline and coprection of. IH ole es. 0 Forthep are not (uch: men 5 as are capable of this ‘Doctrine, which live with fuch afecure mind chat thep thinke they baue no neede of the Golpel,o2 that they otherwiie do (ufficientlp knowe it, But they onelp are capable hereof, which are buſied with the diſputation of the confcience € the law,of finnes ¢ of the wrach of God, by conliveration whereofthep become affonied, feeling che words of the hart {peaking thus: Glas, hom wꝛetchedly haue J led mp life? what account hal J make vnto Gov? ¢ fo they be too ‘much fearful ¢amafed, the reſt being moze then ts meete fecure and prelumptuous,feeling nolawe no} finne, no nor anp trouble at all, And the cafe ſtandeth verp vnequally with both , for chep which thould haue nothing to de wich the law, Do moſt of all wꝛa⸗ {He th'tt,¢ atone feele it, But athers of whom onelp p {aw ſhould be felt,are nothing moued with tt: yea the moze grieuouflp thep are terrified bp the late & the wrath of God, by fo much thep be» come more indurate. Chere mutt therfore be an other mater to amend thefesnamelp,the flaper ¢ tozmento2, wha may teach the, being vnwilling to do wel inthe name of the Lord ¢ with fauour, inthe nameof an other to do that that becommeth them, wich no fauour.the reward alfo of hell ive and of all mifertes being fer be: fore them, Dowbeit Chritt both here and euerp shove elle (as it is fait) both by doctrine ¢ alfo bp bis owne example teachethbs, which feele our finnes and the burden of thelawe, and would willinglp be Ch2iftians,to accuftome our felues to fight againſt it, dꝛiue it from vs vnto others,to giue no place tothe Denil, who would by thelawe bꝛeake vppe the brivechamber of Chꝛiſt, and thoutk him ſelfe inco bis place, thatis, take away fromthe confcience her top and comfort , wherebp be map Drawe man tnto delperas - tion, that he map not be able cheerefullp cokift vppe bis hare and heade befoꝛe God. Forthis ts the arte of Chptfians whom Chriftians it behouethto knowe and learne moe thinges, thenthat pros muftknowe phane and blockiſhe common forte knoweth and underffandeth, howto kENt chat we map knowe well the maner bow to fight with thedeuill, N ‚anntobearehisaflault,as often ashe thal fet bpards, edifpute - tobearehis With vs out of Doles, With whame when he goeth about fuch aflaulıs. inate mut not Difpute in many wozdes, but mutt forthwith appeale | weg ERSTEN PO ee TS) ee WO 134 : LOST SHEPE, '105 ‘appealefrom Moles to Chꝛiſt, and cleaueto him. Foꝛ all bis trauaills ¢ deceits tend bnto this end, that he map craftelp plucke ps from Chrift , and dꝛaw vs bnto oles. For be knowerh full Well, the matter being bꝛought to chat point „the victozie (halbe on his ſide. f Therefore thou mu againe and againe take heeve that thou We mut fuffer not thp (elfe to be plucked out of chishauen, neither to be we net ie entilen out of this circle, And although be ſhall lay manp things Pu. ae. againt thee out of the lawe , euen inaſmuch ag itig the woꝛd of uell plucke God, whereunto itis meete that thoudo obep, pet matt chou vs nor from aunſwere bint and fap: doet thou not heare, chat Twill now Chriſt to know or heare nothing concerning the lawe ? for we are now in Noles. that circle and hauen , wherein ic is not enquired what I muk do, or leaue vndone, but bp what means we obtaine to haue God gentle and fauourable vnto bs , and bow we cet remtffion of ſinnes. Dere J will abiveinthe armes of Chri, cleauing vn⸗ feparablp about bis necke, and creeping into his bofome, what: foeuer the lawe thal fay, and mp heart Hall feele: neuertheles, fo that we keepe the principall pare of our faith ſyncere, and che chiefe point fafe, outwardly J will willingly do and fuffer, what burden focuer it hall lap bpon me. Beholde, he that vnderſtood this art well, fhould be aright and perfect man, as Chꝛiſt mas, fo farre aboue all lames, that he might be bold to call Peter - Satan, and the Phariſees fooles, and leaders of the blpnde,and put Moſes himfetfe to Alence , and fo liue altogecher without che lawe, and pet inthe meane feafon fulfill all lawes: further: more be obffinate and Tout again all that will enforce and rons ſtraine him, and vet notwithſtanding of his owne accord profite and obey all, But truly herein confifteeh all the vefect , shat we do neuer fully and perfectly learne this arte, the veuell fo letting and hindering bs, that we go prepofferouflp to worke, being too ‚readp and willing to heare all things whatfoeuer the lawe ſayth. - Qt whole threatnings allo we are nota litle aſtonied, which it had bin better for bs not to haue heard, Againe in outward things alfo we giue our (clues to libertie more then ts conuenient, whereas the bodp ſhould be kept onder € brtdled with workes, whereby it might be compelled to beare what foeuer fhould be gricuous bnto it , when ag pet te oftentimes finnerh , pet fo, that finne abide without, where it mut abide, ¢ baue bis Woles, wha SSS Thee 106 A SERMON OF THE alwaies map be neve bnto it with bis exactiõs. Howbeit inwards ly letno finue or law beare rule, oxreigne, butlet Chit alone rule and reigne bp mere grace „iop and comfort, So all hinges fhould be done rightly , and man (hould be apt and fii to all good thinges, both todo, and alfo to {uffer, with a glad and obevient heart bp faith not fepnedi in the grace “of God through Chat. Therefore let the confcience beare rule ouer all lames let the fleſh be fubiecttoeuerie law, Mow he that is ſkilkull of chis arte, let him gine thankes ta God, and take heede that he be not too wile in it,and chat he con: cetue not a falſe perfuaionofknowledge. For I and mp like do not pet vnderſtand it,ag we ought to vnderſtand it, although we be moſt expert of all, and bauc bin longeſt erercifed therein, For (ag haue faiv) itig fuch an art, ag no man knoweth , but hep which are Chriftiang, to H learning wherof nocwwith doing thep are compelled to be (cholers all there life longe.CCtherefore mol farreof from the knowing bereof are thoſe fecure (piritg , who alone know all chings, bue who in very deed belive that falle per: ſwaſiõ of knowledge, know nothing at all,and bp this verie pers fwafton they are fartheſt of all mawne from this art and from the whole Golpell, Neither ts there any thing more grieuous, to noꝛ a greater hurt canbe brought onto Ehpifkianitie, then by thele pettie doctours and matters which feeme vnto themlelues to haue ſome wiſedome. For they fill all cornerg of the woꝛld wich fects and factions being (uch men,as ferue neither God nor men, beare neither chelawe nor the Golpell, but contemne the lawe with a fecure mpnde,and loath the Gofpell with bearing it, alwapes feeking after new doctrine. But trulp we teach nothing fo, their fakes,tnalinuch as they are not woꝛthie of our doctrine, and are lo punithed of God, chat thep can neuer learne tt,¢ boing forth any frute thereby, although thep beare it. Cherefore let os only keepe it, whercofthep do take away nothing at all from bs, but that thep beare a vaine nopfe and founde of it. Gnd thus much for the firt pare of this fermd,in which Chailt teacheth by his owne crample, bow euerp man ought to keepe his confcience free from all diſputation of the lame, and terrour of the wath of God and of finnes. Nowe conlequentlp I chinke it good diligently to confiver this excellent and goodlp parable of Chriſt, where he beginner) and ſayth: Whatman of youha- ung oo 5 ih sere vu a 4 Try, LOST SHEPE 107 uing an hüdreth sheepe, if he lofe onc of them, doeth not leaue ninetie and ninein the wildernes, and go after that which is loft vntill he find it ? Cheiſt isnot onelp of a ſtout mynde, who will not follow the wordes and maiſterſhip ofthem , but be bringe) probable caufes alfo of hrs ſſoutnes, with great cunning refel- ling their obiections , and Topping their moutheg , fo, that they can murmure nothing againſt him. Woreouer be conuinceth _ them by their owne erample and deede and concludech, that chep dudht for good caufe to be vtterly aflhamen, being bold to fpeake bute him, a reprehẽd that in him in fo great amatter, which thep themfelues do in a much leſſe. For by what meanes could he bet: ter and more readilp aunfwere them, then if be thout fap: Aill How Chrift pou, Dercellene and moſt wife matters, commaund this ching, aunfwered and teache me to Drive awap and alienate from me miferable fin- * En ners, which long after me,and come to heareme, when as there when they is nothing that pou pour felues do not for one loft thepes fake, murmured who leauing ninetie and nine in che wildernes (that is in the field for that he | anvatthe fold) do runne to ſeeke that which isto, neither do !eceiwed fin- pe leaue of ſeeking, vntill fisch time, aspe haue foundit, and po | bpougheithome ? And poucount it to be well and commendadlp ‚ Done „for which ifany ſhould finde faule with pou, without dout | pe would reproue him as mad and belive himfelfe, And ſhould not J aga Sauiour of ſoules do likewile with men, ag pou do with aloft thepe ? feing there ig no comparifon even of one foule | toall the creatures lining & bpeathing inthe earth, Thp there: | fore ave pott not beterlp aſhamed of pour doings , preluming to repꝛehend me inthis worke, which pou pour felues commend, | andarefozcedto commend? Aherefoꝛre if pe reppoue and finde ‚ faule with me 5 pow pour fetues arc fir to be reppoued and found | faule with. Chis ts rightlpto baue aunfwered, and with honour ta haue fopped the mouthes of thefe controllers # fault finders, the caules being fufficientlp hewed, why thep ought not hereto finde faule with him oꝛ controllehim , hep baue well furelp peelded vnto him with fhame enough, ag it ig meete , and 'haue gained nothing ets by their maiſterſhip and controllement then btter fhame and innominie, For itis a thame to fuch matters, peaand anereeeding great abomination, that they ſticke not to arrogate fo much onto themfelues,as to teache that matt.and av- moniſh him ol his dutie, who of Gon ig appointed a maiſter auer 108 A SERMON OF THE all, But tt ought fo to fall out, as A haue faid, that he which will rule and iudge a Chꝛiſtian bp bis maiſterſhip, and endeuoureth to being him from his baptiſme and the article of Chꝛiſt, to be ruled by his wiledome or law, doth not onelp become a foole,but is allo the author of extreme abomination and homicive, Fo) be worketh ſhame to the temple andfanctuarte of God, and with deueliſh rahnes tnuadeth bis kingdom, where he alone with che holy Ghok mul reiqne. Therefore he verie well veferueth, that God againe bring him to thame and ignominie before the whole world , feing chat be taketh to himfelfe maiſterſhip in that place, where only Chrik ought to be maifter,and not vnwoꝛthe⸗ lp to his great euell he kicketh again the pricke. WLiherefoze it ts not good to ieſt wich Chrtttians, for thep are Saincts,and let him chat ig wife, not be too buſie with that man, whofe name is Chott, foꝛ he can get no gaine thereby, for Chpitk is moſt impatient of all cheir maiſterſhip and Doctrine.So alloa Chꝛiſtian mut bp nomeanes fuffer them, o2 tf be fuffer them, giving place to {uch {uggettions , co wit , thou oughteſt to haue bone this o2 that, o2 ag pet thou oughteſt co do it, then is bis cafe become exceeding ill, inaſmuch as be bath fallen from Chiff, Wemufin Cherefore we mutt endeuour to hold Chpitt fat, hauing no ree ante — gard, although all the worte ſhall teach bs. For if we hall abive vato Chritt, With him ‚and hold the true vnderſtanding of the article concers ning him, we ſhall eafilp ouercome all {uch maifters and teas chers. Foꝛ this Chri wilbe moft free from all controlement € maifterfhip, contending to be the onelp matter and controller of allmen, that either in fauour thep map reuerentlp acknowledge him fo2 the Loꝛd and maiſter, andthemfelues for fooles , 02 tn furie and indignation being fubiectto che repꝛoch of all men, map vtterly perifh. But F haue fain before, that che prefent doctrine for the ber rieerceeding goodnes, ſweetnes and confolation thercof, ts not to be {et forth to the rude, blocktth, and vnrulely common fort, ta whom we donot preach it, but to thoſe onelp, which ſtriue with terrour and anguith of confcience, or ſtand in perill and Daunger of death, and diſpute with the deuell cöcerning their finnes com: mitted, whereby he would driue them onto defperation, Before thefe this amiable image is tobe fet, eee thep map recetue comfort and cheerefulnes of minde. As for otbers which ms wit | . LOST SHEPE, 109 with a ani mind, and do litle know what anguiſh and ſpiritual forowfulneg ig, thep are to be ledde to Moſes to the tormentour. For itis an image mo pleafaunt and amiable, and moze arti⸗ - ficiallp painted, then anp Apelles ig able to paint with bis pen- FU, Neither doth anp man excell in (uch eloquence of ſpeeche, that he ig able fuifictently co declare E comprehend it in woꝛdes. Tberefore it is tobe apprebendedin the hearte bp fayth, ag much a3 map be, Meuertheles we muft ſpeake fomething of it, that we map gine caufe and occafion to other to thinke and confi: Der more earneſtly thereof, I allo,lapth he, haue anhundzed ſheepe, that is.that litle flock of all Chrittiandom,of which number one tg loft, and fallen from the communion of Chꝛiſtians. Row therefore doeſt thou defire to know the affection of mp minde ?chen mutt thou beſtow thp dt- ligence, to paint out well and cunningly both the thepebeard and thelott theepe. For that thepebeard, whichis butaman, and guideth the flocke, which ig created to be flatne , bath great re: gard to pzelerue itin fafetie , andignotalitle carefull, bow he map finde che heepe when itis lott, and boing it home againe, How the and with no leffe deſtre the ſheepe longeth after the ſhepehearde. theep is affe- Chom ifit vnderſtand to be his owne thepebeard ( ag by nature “ed towarde it Doth vnderſtand) it feareth him not, but runneth vnto him with his fhepe- great confidence, and being full of good hope, goech before him, ee Wea as foone ag ever it heareth his voice, it aunſwereth bp blea- ting. Onthe otherfive allo the ſhepeheard hath greate care and Delite to finde againe the lott (hepe , which hath ftraped fröhim, Te affect Borh be himfelfe feeketh.e fendech fopch (eruaties to fecke there, cs MP kohitherfoeuer be thinkech tt is raped, neither doth be leaue ward his Teeking, vntill hauing found it,be bach brougbei it home, For be fheepe. is not ignoꝛaunt bow miferable aliuing creature a lolitarp theep is, whoſe life confiftech onelp inthe belpe an fafe keeping ofthe fhepeheard, inaſmuch as it can nothinge at allhelpeitfelfe, but being dettitute of a hepebeard, is conftrapned to perith. Moꝛe⸗ ouer ‚itis alfo fearfull and ready to goe fray , and as ſoone as it hath wandered out of the way, and from the hepebeard , forthe: with commeth into perill of life, ¢ cannot carp, although being brought, it commeth to an other flocke , anda ſtraunge thepe: heard calleth itsneuertheles it goeth on chrough thornie and ſed⸗ gie places, theotigh waters and fenneg,untilliccome in daunger 110 A SERMON OF THE of p woulle, oꝛ waſted by fome other milchiefe otterly periſheth. | — ñ — — And although it be brought into bywayes and deſerts, and ig — now thought to be loſt,notwithſtãding ichath his hope.ag much — ~ a3 nature hath put into tt, thatific might heave bis ſhepeheard, it ould forthwith exceedingly reiopce being veliuered from all — euell, Moꝛeouer neither voth the ſhepeheard therefore {ecke it, that when he hath found tc, be map weathfullp fight with tt, op handle it tli for that tt bath gone aſtray, or caſt it tothe woulfe to be tonne in pieces, but all big care and thoughtis, thathe map — mot gentielp allure ttto bimfelfe, and map deale with ie moſt louinglp,ta wit lap it on bis ſhoulders and carte it, vntill he hath bought it bute the rett of the flacke, Chis ts that picture,refembled in chis creature € ſilly beatt, wherebp Chri theweth onto vs, what affection of mynde be beareth, and what he doth toward bs ‚and alla what we ought to pꝛomiſe our felues concerning him. For leeing this is mantic: Ip true ti nature, the fame is much moze true in the Kingdom of Chrik , which ts che kingdom of grace, loue, and conlolation, Therefore lee that thou alla do (et before chp felfe the ſheepe per⸗ tatning to this thepebeard then hale thou truly vnderſtand, bow much greater and behementer care he hath taken to preferue it, allo with how great ſtudy and diligence , pea and from the heart he is carefull for it, that he map finde ic and boing it home againe. Foꝛ be will haue hig marueloug and continual kindenes , and the unfpeakeable flames of hts moft feruent loue to be fhewed,or rather poured forth bpon miferable,fearefull and trembling con: feiences , which vnkeynedly lament their finneg , and defire to be delivered from them,and fuch are his true ſheepe. The parable Foꝛ with a man that hath lot this ſhepeheard, and hearech ofthe fhepe- him not, the caſe ſtandeth ag with the lot ſheepe, which being heard & the eſtraunged from bis ſhepeheard, ſtrayeth more and moze from — re him, And although tt be called bp the voices of others, and run: Chil & the Neth vnto them, thinking that it thal kynde bis owne ſhepeheard, Chriftia that pet failing of bis purpofe it finveth bimnot, but alwap runneth is trayed out from corner to coyner,ffraping bp and Downe,and fil wandrech ofthe way. farcher out of the wap, Meither itts fuccoured with anp com: fort oꝛ belpe, before ic heare the botce of the true thepebeard founding againe in big cares: euen as welearne the fame to be ttue by daily erperience , and euerie man triech it in bis owne heart, | ae ch Isa bike bs LOST SHEPE, 111 heart. For the Golpell of Chꝛiſt being taken away or not exer⸗ vifen, bere Come falle maitter, or author of Come fect, nan other place fome fanaticall felowe thoutteth in himfeife , one peruer- teth the Supper of the Lon, the other baptilme , oneteachech this che other chat,of a fingular holines of life, both which allu: reth to himfelfe the miferable and fraping theepe , and theweth himlelfe fo , ag though be were be true Hhepebeard. But bp the means of thefe the theepets entangled onely with greater er- yours onetll tt wandzeth quite and altogither out ofthe wap. Ta thefe commeth the veuillalfo with bis comitations , which be ‘craftelp putteth into che heart : Alas , if thou hadſt done this oz that, oꝛ hadſt not Done, ec, with all which be practizeth nothing ele, but that be map make it fall into greater errours, that it map not know where to abpoe. And thts trulp fallech out, Chrift ‚being remoued out of faht,and the article of him being ertingui- Med, Tihatfocuermozeouer ſhalbe taught, counleled,¢ Hewend, ‘bp what meanes foeuer , all thingesneuertheles become worfe and dꝛaw nere bnto deftruction , vnles the true hepebeard come —* bis boice, and call backe and bring againe the ſtraying epe. ‚Abereupon it appeareth that it ts exceeding neceſſarie & con: Ir is very ne⸗ ‚uenient , thatwelearne to know Chꝛiſt well, that we do not be: ceffarie to hold him ag a cruelleppanne op ag an angrie iudge Cas the prea: learne to hers hitherto haue let him korth cathe people, and thedeuel him: Cae felfe heweth him tothe hearts of mẽ no ocherwile to be thought "> vpon and cõſidered) who hath dꝛawne his fivord already again ‘bs: But asthe theepe doth naturally looke on the thepebeard, not a3 on him, of whom it hall be terrified, chafed,and flaine sbut ‘fo foone ag it beholdeth him, is cheered and put in hope ofhelpe, Eis no moze in feare op folicarines, but foꝛthwith ſpeedely goeth to him with allbolones: So alfo when we delire to concepue a ‘ttuft and hope of beipe, and to be ftrengthenedand eafen with comfort, then the votceof our thepeheard, that is of Chait, mus be knowne and learned well of vg , all voices of other ſhepe⸗ beards not regarded, which Draw vs only into errourg, and tolle vs bp anddowne, and that onely article mutt be beard and com: prehended inminde , which Crit foloutnalp and comfortably painteth in our heart, as by anpmeanes it can be painted, that J “map with all confivence and bolones lapsChe Loyd Jeſus Chriſt 112 A SERMON OF THE ig mp onelp ſhepeheard, and I] (alas) the lott ſhepe, which hath ſtrayed in the defert, but am troubled with no fmall anguith of mpnde for my wretched life,velpring with moft feruent affectio, both to hatte God fauourable vnto me,¢ allo to haue peace in my confeience. Gut truely Jvnderſtand here, that heig no leſſe ves firous of me, then J am of him, F labour with great carefullnes to come vnto him, and be ts carefull and deſyrech greatly that he map bring me acaine unto bimlelfe, Sif we were certainly thus perfwaded of his affection towarde vs, and did Krane in our minde that tt fo greatly delirech after vg, andis ſo ſweetely poured forth vpon vs, tt cannot be, that we fhould abhorre and feare him, but we would with a cheerefull minde runne onto him, and tarp onlp with him, abpding to beare No peace or quietnes but in Chrift a- lone. the doctrine 02 Voice of no other, For the doctrine of an other cos ming betweene, either of Moſes or of any one what foeuer , doth nothing els but trouble and difquiec the confcience, fo that it can neuer fpnde any peace op quietnes. Cherefore Chꝛiſt fapch Matth,rı. Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and laden,and I will eafe you. Take my yoke on you, and ye shall fyndeireft vnto yourfoules, &c. As though he ſaide: runne and ſeeke in what places focuer pe will , beare and learne what focuer canbe preached vnto pou, pet thall pe fpnde no quietnes of heart, pe fhall fynde no peace but tn me alone, Cie wil eaſily permit good workes to be preached , arighteous life to be caught, che ten cõ⸗ maundements to be delivered bp inffruction, andall things els which ferue to the amendement of fife , but fo farre onely, as they are caught to the vnrulely and intractable commonfort, alloto force and bordle the wantonnes of our old Adam. But thep which preach to the confcience wrapped in anguithes and terrourg bes caule of ſynne, ought to preach no other word then of Chꝛiſt. For thigis that loft and milerable ſhepe, of whom no other mate ffer tg to be boone or had, but that onelp hepebeard Chꝛiſt, who neither vrgeth it wich the lawe , nor is eger vpon it, but mok (weetelp and rently bandleth it,and layeth the miferable and fins full ſheepe bpon his fhoulverg , voing that of his owne acco2d, which was tobe pone of the theepe, ag we ſhall heare byandby more at large. | But lurely inthis place the doctrine of both (as ts before alfa fapde at large) 02 the voice of Poles and of Chai, mutt " we LOST SHEPE, 113 well Difcerned. For Moſes ought to haue no entrauncetotheloff Thedifferéce fheepe , no no2 bp anp meanes is to be admitted to it, although betwene the he preach bett of allother. For if confounding theſe, we will ee * comfozt and erect the troubled conſcience by the lawe after this coin mun fore:beofa good cheere „for thou haſt not committed homicide, be chroughly neither haft chou vefilen thy ſelle with adulterte, netther batt knowne of thou perpetrated any other haynous offence, or done it with a Chriftians. good will,ec. Chis alfois a comłoꝛt, but which can endure a ve: riefinall cime , neither can it ſuſtaine che affaults and biolence of the enemie , neither baingerh ie 02 containech anp thing els but confivence of it {elfe, wherewith the milerable theepe is holpen nothing, For tt remapnech ag much wandzing and loft ag before, neither can ichelpe it {eife,o2 come to his owne ſhepeheard. But ifwe will belpe ¢ ſuccour tt, we muſt thew vnto it the true hepe: heard, who commeth to fecke it , that hauing found it be map bring it home againe, and exhibit bis botce vnto it to be heard, Hereby it map obtaine true andeffectuall confolation, and be bold to aunfwere Moleg ‚and fap: Row truclp J baue not anp care either ofthy comfort oꝛ terrour, and if it pleafe thee, ampli: fie mp ſynnes as much ag poffiblp thou can®, make me a man« flaper and parricide,o2 the worft man of all men. Foꝛ now J will neither beare thee with an aftonted minde, no? follow thee, But this is the (umme of mp comfort and faluation,whereunto alfo I do confiventlp truft, that Jhaue {uch a ſhepeheard ag ſeeketh me of his oiwne accoꝛd, and hauing layd me on big fhoulvers ca< rieth me. Let vs enter difputationbercof ifthou art ſo diſpoſed, not how righteous or burighteoug Jam, but how Ahauecome at Wberefore we mutt alwayes preach according to the capas ritie and qualitie of the beavers, For J haue {apd that this doc» trineis not fit for a blockifh and untractable man. Ag it ig not meete p alaborious thꝛeſher ſhould be fed with velicateg, where- with the ficke are to be ſtrengthened and refrethed, but che hyze⸗ ling is to be fed with bꝛoune bꝛead and chele, € with water, Che other daintp meates and ealp of digeſtion thou mu referue for theficke 02 chiidyen,, which are able to vigeft no groffe meat:So ! inthis thing allo thou mutt obferue the fame differéce , that thou en Dorightly diftribute thefethings; and gine vnto euerie one big uf be prea portid ag a pꝛudẽt houleholoer, Forthou mutt er the doctrine ched, Ee x 9) 114 A SERMON OF THE | of Poles and of the Lawe,vntill chou light vpon vnruly, hardes ned, and bntractable men, which lead their life fecurelp and with: out feare , {et before thele onelp trong and common meates of theethers to be eaten,that is,offer angrie Doles vnto them tobe beard, who lighteneth and thundzeth from che mount Stna,who terrifiech the people of Iſrael,bꝛingeth them into the deſert, and How weake dꝛowneth king Pharao tn the red lea, But when thou halt light ash nn vpon troubled heartg,and weake and afflicted conferences, which muftbe prea Abe now became lott theepe , then ſpeake not a word concerning ched vnto. ales and all the workes of God done in the lawe, but Tec thy talke be only of the workes Done bp Chꝛiſt nthe time of grace, well and diligentlp repeate to the miſerable confcience , bow be ſheweth bimflelfe toward the lot fhepe,to wit, chat he ts the gẽtle € good fhepebeard, which is ercecding careful for the lof (hepe, fo that leauing all the reſt, be tvaueleth to fpnde that one, and to bring tt agatne into the wap, neither voth be leaue of till be hath brought tc home. Foꝛ itis a berte great griefe vnto him,that anp man thould be in ſynne, and therefore be troubled and feare, nets ther mould be that any ſhould vematne therein, and fo perilh, Üherefore be doth mot loutnglp allure ¢ prouoke thee bp bis fweete Golpell to came vnto him, ¢ fuffer thp felfe to be layd bps: big ſhoulders and catied, and to be callen his welbeloued ſheepe. As for chem that line fecurelp and pleafauntlp , ¢ haue no re: gard whether God be angtie or pleafed,thep are noe to be called loft ſheepe but rather wilde goats , which ſuffer not themſelues The loft either to be fen op ruled, But he, to whombis ſynnes area burs | fheepe. nen, who lighteth inthe fight of faith, where he isnot in daũger to lofe Moſes, but Chꝛiſt hunfelfe,and che principall article, chat’: ig, where the confcience is in anguiſh, and feare, whether icharh God yenile and fauourable, this ts that nerie man, who wich ı groning and fiches feekech out ann crieth for bis hepebeard ; € befireth to be holpẽ, as Dauid doth JPlal, x 1 9.Ihaue gone aftray | like a sheepe that is loft:oh feekethy ſeruaunt, &c.n the mouth! ofthelc this fuger + thele pleafaunt velicates baue a good taſt, with which the heart is refrethen,that it fall not into defperation, : but being againerecreated with lucha confolation, is lifted vp/ not bp Moles bur by Chri. Mot thar tt bach Moſes a freind o7 ts able to pacifte him, bur becaufe it hath Gov fauourabte through Chzilt, wherefocuet Moſes remapneth with his mene oe | though | — — LOST SHEPE . 115 though it be bery well, as alfo it ig meete, that we vo not cötrarp to che lawe practise theuerie, that we fteale not,that we commit not homicide, oꝛ otherwile do inturie and hurt to our neighbour. Howbeit that is not the right comfort of the heart , but onelp a No true com momentane tickling ofthe btmoft fkinne,notduring € pearling. BE, of er Foꝛ the deuell comming ¢ ferting vpon the heart, all comfort is hal by 6 btterlp taken away, And although in fome point thou haft done jawe. well and rightly „he neuertheles againe boingeth ten fold more, wherein thou batt done amifle,pea euen inthe moft pure workes be can finde much impuritie,and turne all into finne, Ciberefore we muſt inno wile truſt vnto ſuch comfort, but We muſt not muff rather refule it and fap: whether J be good or euell at this truſt to the prefent J do nordifpute,but wil reſerue it rather vnto that place, wert of A where it (halberaugbt and entreated con cerning workes. But in cc. und this circle wherein I now fand, there isnoplace toentreat of jeaue fat workes and integrity of life, bucof Chri and his wornes,which voro Chrik. he dooth toward me aloft fheepe. Ciberefore if thou demaund whether J be good or honeſt, Jaunſwere plainly, no, but ifthou demaund whecher Chri be good and righteous, that vndouted⸗ Ip J am able to confirme,and him F fet for mp goodnes and righ: teouſnes, vnto whom allo alone J couragiouflp appeale. For in ‘bis name J am baptised of which ching I) baue aleale and teffi« monie, to wit, that J am his thepe , ¢ that be is that good ſhepe⸗ beard, ſeeking his lott hepe,t vealing with me without all lawe, eracting nothing ofme,neither as Poles breech, troubleth, and fozceth me , but ſheweth onto me his meere € moft ſweete grace, wbile be fubmitteth bimfelfe to me,$ lapeth me on bis fhoulverg, and carieth me. TUbp therefore ſhould F fearethe thundzings of Poles and of the deuell, whẽ as J ret in hts fate cultody, which hath giuen onto nic his righteoulnes aud all other things, which holdech and carieth me,fo that there is now no moze daunger lett TI perifh, Tremaining a heepe and denping not mp (hepebeard, but repofing my felfe wholp in him ? Thus hak thou Chri molt louinglp (et forth,onto thee, om onelp faith is required, mhereofthereig great neede, For this Doctrine is excellent, ¢ replenithen with molt fweete confolarion A hard thing and comfort, but this is wanting, that the ble thereof is not felt, une ur where ft ought tobe felt. For when the ſhepe goeth aftrap , that confcience. fg, when a man feclech bimfelfe grieued with his Sytem can 1) How a Chri- ftian muft fpcake vnto his owne heart. 116 A SERMON OF THE not tell where to abyde, and ig catt of che deuell into a great feare of minvde,then be alwapes runneth onto the contrarp neither can he comprehend o2 concepue tnininde,that this is true, all things falling out of bis minde, which be heard here, becaufe of the pres fent feeling and feare. Foꝛ the deuell hath vafeled his epes, net: ther canbe percetue any thing els but the wrath and indignation of God, Mherewith bis heart is ſo burdened, thathe is not able to raiſe vp bimielfe in minde, and to turne bis epes any other " where. Rap he lpeth fo drowned in tt, that Chpiff appeareth no otherwife bnto him butag an angrie tudge, as be bath hitherto beene painted out, and is ſo beaten into the hearts ofall bp the wicked Papiſts, ficting on the tapne bowe , with a ſwoꝛd com: ming curof bis mouth. Forthis is one of che moſt deciecfull crafts of che veuell, pea and of his mifchietes which be practt: seth againſt che miferable ſhepe, todafle bis epes, that be map not know anp moze his owne ſhepeheard, ¢ondera pretence of Chril co leave aman to Moles,vifputing as much of Chiff, ag be had accuftomed todo before of Doles . Wiherefore we haue neede of a ftrong ¢ firme faith, that we map beteeue thefe things to be true, whena man himfelfe mutt diſpute euen again him: Aelfe. For ‘the fenfe is vehemẽt of it (elfe, whereunto the deuil alfo commeth marueloullp amplifying ſynne & terrour, the greatnes and angutth whereofis able co conſume euen the marrow in the bones, pea and the heart in the bodp, Ft can not therefore be per- fectip learned fo foone ag fome thinke, In profperitie tt ts eafilie beleeued that Chritt ts ſweete and amiable but angurſh and ters rout comming upon + ouer whelming the minde, man is blinde — and without good pnderftanding, and will iudge onlp according tothe ſenſe and vnderſtanding of bis owne heart , which he fol- loweth „and confirmerh bimlelfe in bis owne errour. For bets taken therein, and can thinke no otberwiie, but that tt ig true, and nevertheles itis not true, jNow it were a point of this art,for a man thus to fap bnto big heart, iftbou confes thp felfe co be a lott theepe,thou ſayeſt right: but that chou wile therefore runne from Chriff „and fo thinke of bimin thy minde, as though be were a man, which would chafe | and terrifie thee, it ig a ſuggeſtion and tentatton of the deuel. For if chou didſt rightly confivee him; and confeg him as thp true ~ fhepebeard „then wouldeſt chou not flie from bis fight, — woulde il LOST SHEPE, ile) wouldelt conceiue terrourinthp minde , but with all cheerefuls | neg and bolones wouldeſt runne vnto him. Foꝛ furelp he ig not therefore ready at hand that he map condemne thee , but he come | meth tothee ,(ecking thee „that hauing layde thee on his fhouls ders , be map carie thee „and erempt ¢ deliuer thee from finnes, - grrourg, the veuill and bis power,pea and from all perill, Thou perceiueſt therefore that thou arta {inner , and haſt deferued ins - Dignaciö,lo much more earneftly ig that hepebeard to be Loughe - and called for of thee, that be map deliuer thee fromit:of whom confider no otherwiſe inthp minde, then the thepe doth of bis owne fhepeheard, whome it cannot feare, but feing and bearing him becommech glad and cheereful although ic bath runne from him, fo that for this deede it bath a fuffictent caufeco feare, Che whole matter therefore conſiſteth onelp in this, that thou do per- fectly learne Chk aright, € cofider.bim accopding to the woꝛd we mug cö- of God, and not according to the proper comitatios of thy minde, fider Chrift and thine owne ſenſes. Forthe cogitattons of men are falle and according to Iping, buthig wozdes are true and cari not deceiue. Therefore !he u, of the worde alone is to beengrauen in our heart, and we mutt “°° cleaue vnto it with aconftant mpnde, wherebp we map reproue - sur owne heart of Iping. For it alone muff be true, and all things els chat are contrarie to it, falle and vaine. But trulp chis ig an arte, whereof F am ignoꝛaunt, but much moze thofe other liebt fpirites, who boaſte manp thinges of it, ag they that knom all things, when as thep haue euen once heard anp ching thereof, and neuertheleg thepdo nota litle perceiue op trie fo much ag any whit ofit, Foꝛ itis an eaſie thing to ſpeake and preach of it, but how harda thing itis to proue itin deede, they onelp haue experience, who earneſtly make triall thereof. - - This is amok amiablevemonfration of our Chꝛiſt, deſcri⸗ bed bp himfelfe in this Golpell, wherein be hath mo aboun⸗ dantly poured forth the flames of his moft feruent heart , and af: fection toward bs, fhewing that be hath exceeding great care and regard to recoucr bis hepe, which alone leauing ninety and nine be feeketh and enquireth diligently for,ust to terrifie it and beate it, but chathe map belpe it, andhauing found it , map being tt home , and with his louing and fweete voice and {peaking vnto it map chere it being miferable and afflicted in confcience. By ali which thou feet, bow acceptable a thing mee thalt vo vnto DW “—.'° A 118 A SERMON OF THE If we beleue afluredly in Chrift tefus, we need not feare the de- uell, rage he eerie fore. him , tf thou trutte and cleave onto him with thy whole heart, and promite to thy felfe front him all goodnes and loue, “Secondly thou plainly feet this allo, how by all maner of putiward fiqnes a meanes he poureth forth bis top and vnſpeake⸗ able goodnes, and alfo hauing found his theepe how louing be ſheweth himfelfe , For lurelp he vealerh nor with tt bp anp law, as by bis right he might deale,and driue it before him ag he doth the reft, 02 {uffer it to go bp him. Dowbeit he doth none ofthefe, but lapeth it vpon his ſhoulders, and all the tournp carieth tt throunh che deſert, taking all the labour and trouble bpon him: Teife,that at the lett wile the heepe may ref, Neither doth he tt grudginly but willingly, for bets full of iop for bis theepe re- couered, Row marke this alfo,bow wel it goeth with the hepe, with how great quietnes and eale it Ipeth on bis thepebearde ſhoulders, neither doth it vnwillingly (ee it felfe refting fo ſweet⸗ ip being deliuered from the difficulty of the iourney, as alfo boyd of all feare both of dogs anv woulues, that ts, of all errours and lyes, pea and of all perils and mifchiefes. And this furelp defers ueth to be called a very pleafaunt picture,erceeding amiable ane comfortable to be looked upon. No otherwife doch our Lord Jeſus Chri oeale with u, whiles be veliuerech bs, which he hath once done coppozallp bp his pallion and death, but now noth eftfoones the fame by big power, and(piritually by che preaching of his word. CAheres fore he Tapech vs upon bis ſhoulders, carieth, and vefenderh vs, fo that we are fafe from all perils of death andthe deuell, which albett thep tervifie bs, and thew themfeluesfo, ag though thep | would denour bs , pet preuatle thep nothing. For whereas we are carted, itis a fafegard vnto vs, and the fame erempteth bs fromall daungers, and putteth awapeall feare, As che thepe {ping vpon the thepebeards thoulders ts litle careful, chough che dogs barke much , and the-woulfe craftily goeth bp and vowne, — but rather hanging downe the bead ig quiet and fleeperh founds — Tp.oo we allo,ifiwe and and abpoe vnmoueably in chis article, I beleeuein Jelus Chik our Loyd, who ſuffted, vied, vofe againe for bs, ec. there is no caufe why we ſhould be carefull let Wwe periſh, 02 be deuouredofche veuell, chough be open his iaws neuer fo wide. Forweare not chen in our own wape, neither — walke we bpon our owne feete , but we hange bpon the neckeof sur J or — ee a | 27 0. 40m Zn Er — J | LOST SHEPE 119 our (hepeheard , and lye vpon his thoulvers, where we are fate enough. For finne, death,and hell,although tn deede thep be ters rible, pet dare thep not {et upon him, orherwife if it were not for | this, we thould be milerable ſhepe, which ſhould forthwith be brought into a lamẽtable and wꝛetched cale. For euen asa thepe can not take beede and forefee to it felfe, that it trap not out of the wap, vnles it be len of the ſhepeheard, x when it hath ſtrayed and is loff, can not bp it felfe come againe to the thepebeard , but mutt be fought and enquired for of him, vntill he hath found tr, and fo mutt be lapd vpõ his fhoulverg and brought home againe, leſt that it be agatne fraped and chaſed from him, o2 catche of the | woulfe and rent in pieces: So we alfo our {elues can profite our | felues neither bp helpe, noꝛ counfel,that we might obtaine peace | aud quietnes of confcience „and efcape out of the bands of the de: well, death, and bell, except Chriffhimfelfe repeat bis word on» to vs, and call bs againe vnto him. Ano although we come vnto him, and now ſtand in faith, yet is it not inour powꝛe to keepe our felues therein, 02 to and bp our owne frenach , onles be eftioones by the power of bis CMoꝛrd/ bold, lift bp , and carie bs, fozthat the deuell alwayes imagineth and purpofech decett and Deflruction toward hs, and goech about Itke a roping Ipon, fees king whom be map deuour, as S, Peter witneſſeth. Aherekore here is no place to boaſt of free will, 02 of our owne frength, which ig none, neither inbeginning any thing, neither in going forward therein, much leſſe in perfeucring o2 continuing in it, but Chꝛiſt our (hepeheard alone doth all things. . 3howbeitwe are {ure hereof, that whties welpe bponthe fhoulders of Chri, we thallremapne fafe from all terrour and miffortune. Foꝛ he will not {uffer vs to be plucked or taken from his necke, neither will he himfelfe caſt vs of, being fo glad and topfull, chat be bath found bis lot hepe , and brought it againe tothe reft of the flocke, Anvinafunine, bere ig no terrour , 02 trouble, or eraction , but mere life and grace , whereby be hand: lech his ſhepe mot louingly and gently, Gut onthe contrarie ‚ Boles ‚nor as a thepeboard of miferable and weake hecpe ; but as a maiſter of frougercattell , iueth bis beards wich a ſtaffe and a rod thee dayes iourney through the deſert, vntill they be tyꝛed and wearie with walking : of this ſhepeheard thofe harde⸗ Dened and wilde ones are to be tamed and a ‚ And we alfo, iiij — BR“ 120 A SERMON OF THE when we halbe under Woles , to wit, according tothe fle and — the outward life , mutt goesAnd do that which the law requireth, — Gut in that weare, and are called Chriffiang, wemuit bp na meanes (uffer , that anp woke be layed bponbs , pea or exacted ofvs, burmuf giue our {clues onelp to Chꝛiſt to be caried and gentlely lifted bp , not bpon hoꝛſes and charrets, but eucn bpon wheChrit bis onelp thoulders. Mhich commeth to pafle , as J bane fapd; carieth vs v- when be ſuftreth the ward ta be preached vnto vs, and we alfa po his thoul- peleeue the fame ‚that he vied fag vs, that onthe crofle be bare ger, our finnes in bis boop, that be bath ouerthgowne the deuell, death, and fpnneg , and putthem vnder bis feete , and bath mane and opened buta bs entraunce toeternall life, Tiberefore we muff not haue refpect to our owne life, bow righteous and rong we are, but we muff ftudie vpon bis one thing , that we may reſt Iping bpon his fhoulverg. In this circle we mu haue no care of ſynne, death ‚life , 02 penfiueneg , inaſmuch ag we baue all things tothe full in eChrift, who beareth and keepech be. Now he ig not content with all chefe things , both that with fuch great trauell be ſeeketh bis thepe, and alfo that hauing Exceeding foundit,be carteth it with incredible top, but it being brought a⸗ ioy becaufe gaine, be maketh feſtiual dayes, ¢ exceedingly reioyceth, calling of the theepe togicher his neighbourg and friendes that thep map reiopce He “er with him, Dea he affirmech , that Go» alfo in heauen with the Feidaraine. Whole heauenly hoff do reiopce ouer one (pnner that repenteth, I Tn which wordes he ſheweth and declareth, who he is, which dee feruerh to be called his lott thepe,namelp {uch afpnner, as being fed bp repentaunce of bis former life, voch amend , moſt ferucnts lp deſyring tobe deliucred from (pnnes , and earneſtly endeuou⸗ ring to come vnto Crit: {uch aone hath a miferable and trou: bled, pea and acontrtte and humbled heart , and an afflicted cons fcience, which the deuell bp all meanes fighteth again, and ſo prefleth ic , that te ts almott ouercome with diftrefles ,rc . But Chri alliltech and comforterh him, for be tg fuch a man, ag {ees kech no thepe but that which ig loft, and cannot helpe tt felfe, Daw map Chat be preached with greater gentlenes , and more effectuall confolatié-of words? o2 what thinker thou fhould he do more to cheerethe mind of a inner, and to confirme in him afure confivence toward himlelfe ? Foꝛ we fee him fet forth bp himlelle co bg miſerable ſynners ag a moſt louing nnn wha Par ee ee ME ee I ee 0 tn Po N F LOST SHEPE, 121 who moft lozrowlully ſeeketh his theepe being loſt. and mot top: fully bꝛingeth them againe being found, and taketh fo great top, that with bimallthe Angells allo and Sainctes doe veiopce o- uer bs, Now be that could firmelyp beleeue thefe thinges,ſhould with: out Dout through Chꝛiſt receiue true comfort and top, foꝛaſmuch as here be bath a certaine pꝛomiſe, thatif befurelp cleaue onto Chꝛiſt, and ref bpon his ſhoulders, he thall be an acceptable and welcome gueſt inthe kingdom of beauen, and thall be recepued with erceeding great tope. But we being troubled with forrowe and anguith of canfcience , haue a farre other feeling and affecti- on, when as the hart can thinke nothing elfe, but that all che An- gells dog and behind bs with adgawne word, which feare fo troubleth vs, that we can concetue no cheerefulnes in our minde, neither of God, nor of the Angelis, Andthere are fome allo, which can behold no creature with a glad minde , fearing the be- holding of the funne , pea being fore afraid atthe nople of a leafe. Alt which proceeve from hence, for that thep trouble and vere them felues wich their owne thoughtes, out of which thep would willingly waffle, (paring no labour , thatshep might feele that bprightnes and integritie in chem, th ich would be abathen with no feare, Bucif chou be deſirous to concetue true comfort and ioye inthy hart, then fee that thou doe diligently and well print and fatten therein this amiable image of the moſt louing ſhepe⸗ Heard,and the word. of the Gofpell,and feske it, where it is tobe fougbethat ig, in Chait and no where elle + for inchis manthou In Chriſt ſhalt find all chinges,fo that thou abide in bis fate cuſtodie and Be — Le = Hpon bis poulvers.Bucwhatloenercomfozt canbe ob=° when kim tained without him, it commeth not from the hart, ——— although thou callta belpe thee all the crea« - ~ no true ioy tures,and ſhouldeſt atfo be partaker of at all. the plealure and top ‘of the — woꝛlde. 5 N re sl ERERTLELEIEIDR. — OO ROR A SERMON OF D. MAR- TIN LVTHER OF THE WO- MAN OF CANAAN. Matth, 15. Ver[e.21. SRO GANG lefts wentthence,and depar- DAN, ted into the partes of Tyrus and \ & Sidon, ae Andbehold,awomä a Cananite came out of the fame coaftes ‚and cryed, fay- - ing vnto him,Haue mercy on me,O Lord; the fonne of Dauid: my daughter is miferably ve: xed witha Dewi a sie; 23... Butheaunfwered her nota word. Then came to him his Difciples & befought him, faying: Send her away,for fhe cryeth after vs. | 24. Butheaunfweredandfayd: Iamnotfentbut vnto the loftfheepe of the houfe of Ifraell. 25. , Yet fhe came & worfhipped him, faying,Lotd helpeme. ann — | 26, Andheaunfwered & faid,itis not goodto take the childrens bread,and to caftitto whelps. 27. But fhe fayd,truth Lord: yetin deed the welps eate of the crommes , which fall from their maifters table. 28. Thenlefus aunfwered and fayde vnto her, O © woman,great is thy faith: be it to thee as thou defireft.And her daughter was made whole at that houre. | 22. eee ee oR pe, eae TRAG Pe en ee ge -* YVOMAN OF CANAAN, | 123 S38 IQ this tertis fet forth onto vs an erample of a AS] conttant and ftevfatt faith. For this woman din fo ARK perleucr,that the ouercame thee mot yarpe con: Sap flicts,and notably teacheth bs, what ts the qualitie SAG KS and proper bertue of atrue ¢ right faith. Cibich Faith what ie An deede ts a certainetruft,and moſt deepelp fetledin the mind,of '- the Diuine goodnes and grace, knowne and made manifer bp the wode of God. For Marke menttonech that the heard che report of Telus, without dout good and topfull, thathe is a bountiful man,and maruelousreadp to helpe euerp one. That report was good tidings ¢ the worde of grace vnto ber, whereupon allo this ber faith did begin, For vnles the had beleued that healfo might be mave partaker of Chriftes bountifulnes and goodnes , thee would not haue fo followed him, oꝛ cried after him, Uhich is that wherof we haue often anmenifhed,F which we are taught Rom, Faich com- 10,that faith tg bp hearing. Aherefore the word ought almapeg meth by to noe before,aud wine the beginning of faluation. But how came hearing. it to pafle, whereas many other alfo heard the fame report of our Sauiour Jeſus,yet thep followed him not, peathep quite delpt- {ed that reportẽ J aunfwere, Thep that are not ficke,as thep baue noneede of the Phiſitian,ſo neither are they defirous of him, But this woman was afflicted and felt her neceſſitie, peathat report - was fo iopfull puto her,that the being firred vp thereby, did fol- low Chꝛiſt,running after {uch a pleafant fauour.Cant.1,.di ber: We muſt — fore oles mut alway goe before, who may teach vs to feele un by the Ainne, whereby grace map be withen for and deſired of vs. It is in Won. baine therefore, although Chriftbe preached co be lowing, and to \edoc & fec- be delired and longed fo2,tf a man be not before humbled though ling of inne, knowledge of him felfe,and manedefiroug of Chꝛiſt, according before weca to the fonge of Marie: The Lorde hath filled the hungrie with * —* 8 good thinges,and the rich he hath ſent emptie away. Nowe all ut thele thinges are mitten for the confolation ¢ lifting bp of them which be miferable,ponre, needie,oppreffed with finnes, and ab- tects, that they map knowe to whom thep map flie in all diſtres, and where thep map fecke for helpe and fafetic. Beaut lee home Chr vrgeth anv inflamech faith in chem that be his, whereby they map become ſtronger and moze confirmed, For fir, whereas hig woman being encouraged with that al- luring fame ofhig,gocch after him, and cryeth for belpedouting 323 ; + — =" 14 PETE 124 _ A: SERMON OF THE nothing but the thouto trie him to be [uch aone, ag the had heard bimrepoarted to be, and that the ſhould forchwich entreat him for the recouerie of ber daughter: Chritt in all refpects ſheweth him felfeunto ber fo 5 as though he would deceiue all her tru, and make his report falle, fo char (he might thinke with ber felfe: Is this that man whichis fo bountiful and readie to helpe all? Doth - he fo (uläliche moſt commendable report which goeth of him? Chere doth there appeare fo much as any thing like onto thofe thinges, which men haue told me of him? Chey were deceiued them ſelues and deceiued me alfo, De heweth him felfe an ene: mie tather then a friende. TUhy doth he not fo much as (peake a word, and friendly dente me belpe,if I be vnworthy thereof? be holdeth bis peace like vnto a blocke, Evouchlafeth not to fpeake a word,neicher offererh his help. Here furelp Chrikk gaue a gries uous blow to the minve ofthefilip woman, So itig an incompas rable torment to them that beleeue, being indiffres, when Gov ſheweth him felfe fuch a one at cheir prayers, like vnto one that ig angrie,and whom they pray vnto in vayne, hiding fodeepelp bis grace , that hep now percetue nothing els, butchat he will not performe thofe thinges which be bach promiſed, and that fo be will thew his owne wordes to be falle, Chat truely hapnen to the Iſraelites atthe rev lea, and to manp other ercellent holy The conftä- men. But what doch this woman to theſe things ? She remoueth cieofthis out of her fight € mind, that Chrift themed him felfe fo bugentle comater amp hard tobe intreated , the being conttant and nothing moued hereat, perleuereth in the truft of bis goodnes, whereof the ban Heard, and which he had conceiued in ber minde, fuffering ber We muft not felfe in no wife ta be turned from it.So alla mutt we do, we mut ceaſſe totruſt trutt vnto the word alone, although God him felfe anv all creas u zur tures pretende orherwile then the worde preacheth . Gut this ts ee. thpife mott hard to nature ¢ reafon,to be fo vtterly detticute, and che firft not to Depend onthe word of Gov without any feeling of comfort, e- ro heare our tren when a man feeleth and trieth all things to be contrary. God prayers,nor giue onto bs (uch a mind and fatth,that we map fo doe, eſpecially co fultllhis a+ ehe point of death and in extreme neceflities. pare. Secondly, whereas the crp and faith of this woman feemeth to haue fuffered repulfe, the vifcipies come with their faith, dou⸗ ting not but that thep thal entreat the Loꝛd, but when they chinke that they hall make him moze ealie to be entreated, thep find him J to 4 Da WOMAN OF -CANAAN, 125 | tobe much moꝛe harde, repelling as it appeared, and as thep | thougbt,the faith and prayers boch of the woman ¢ allo of them felucs. either doth Chrüft here hold his peace, and leaue them in doubte, as before, but he ſeemeth plainelp to deny that which they afke , fayıng: Jam not fent burto the loft sheepe of the thoufe of Ifrael. This ſtroke is much more grieuous chen that for: ‘mer, where not onely the perfon of che intreater is repelled, but alhope alfo which is wont to be left,ig cut of namelp the comfort | ofthe interceflion of all the other Saintes and elect. For tt ts al: | moft che laff refuge to them that fuffer diftres and feele the indi- gnation of Gov,to get chem (clues to govly € holy men, ſeeking for comfogt and hilpe,whereunto,ag charitie requireth they find them ready and willing, but euen thep alfo fome time doe tn vaine _ afke belpe and ‘uccour,foz neither are thep heard, and fo the cale _ of chem that be in orftres becommeth worfe and more lamenta- ble. Soche afflicted and delolate map truely obiect vnto Chik allthoſe woꝛdes, wherein be bath promifen that he will heare bis Sainctes,as: lfrwo of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing Mazth. 18.19 _ whatfoeuer they shall defire, itshall be giuenthem of my Fa- _ therwhichis in heauen. Againe, Vhatfoeuer ye shall aske,be- Marke 11.24 leeue, and ye shall receiue ir. And many fuch like. But if eo him that obtecteth chele thinges , and afketh him howe be can goe from bis wordes and promifes , be aunfwere thus: J goe not front my promifes , Thaue not promifen that J will heare all prapers,but the prayers efthem that be myne, which arc of the boule of I (ractl not of all whatſoeuer. That thinkett thou map the hare then thinke hauing taken uch arepulle ? Such anaun- - fwere ig ag it were a flath of lightning , wherewith the bart and | all truſt is ſeuered and bꝛoken in thoufand peeces , For what ctrult can there be left, when be heareth that that doth not percaine vnto him, which becaufe of the word of Gov he truſted to haue ob: tapned, but vnto others. Dere not ſo much ag a worde can be left, ifone doe accopding ag he feeleth , But whatvorh chig woman? She doth not fo fall from hope, the ill ſticketh to the waynes The great | + Which (he bad heard of Chꝛilt, albeit he went about by this ether haat 5 repulle ag with a certaine foꝛce to wꝛeſt chem out of her hart, Qe vomen of - fuffereth not her {elf to be fraied away neither tb that vngentle f Canaan. lence, neither with chis hard aunſwere, thee continueth ſtedfaſtly in a lure confivence , belceuing that onder chig difficuitie which 126 A SERMON OF THE . 4 Chrik did pretend, that grace was ag pet hidden and Tapd bp for her, which the had beard reported of him, thee cannot be bꝛought ag pet to iudge Chik not to be bountiful and gracioug, and that be can denp the helpe which thee delireth. Chis was to perleuer ſtrongly in kaith. Mozeouer the kolloweth Jelus euen into the houfe, as Marke, writeth,the ig infant bpon him, fallech vowne before him , and fayth : Lord helpe me, Were the Loꝛde giuech a deadly ehe lat blow faping vnto ber face,that the is adogge, and batwopthp to be partaker of thebgeadofthe chiloren. Mhat map the aunfiwere hereunto? For he ſeemed to ſigniſie in theſe woꝛdes that fhe is of the number of the damned and delperat , which canlooke for no part with the elect. Chis word ſeemeth eternall and chat cannot be gainefapd: For he which doth nor pertaine to the companie of the elect by the oxdinaunce of Gov, what map be hope to be leſt for him? This moman ts not per oifcouraged and pak hope, but peloeth to this tudgement of the Lord,the confelleth of ber owne accoꝛde, that ſhe is a dogge, neither vefirech the anp thing but that which ig wont to be giuen to dogges, namely the crummes which fall from cheir matters table, Seemeth the not co haue be fed maruclous cunning ? Sbe taketh Chrift in bis owne wordes. De had made her like vnto a dogge, theacknowlengeth it, and deſireth that be will onelp fuffer herto bea dogge according to bis owne (aping : what Mould he here do? how ſhould be elcape? he was now as it were euentaken, For the crummes bnder the table are graunted tothe dogge, foꝛ vnto dogges thep are fapd to The frute of be Due. Were therefore Chriff being ag it were ouercome, Doth o» conftant per pen him ſelfe wholp,and graunteth che delires of the woman,and feucrance & maketh that the is not now a dogge, but a true Iſraelite. ruft in Chrift. Thele things are wꝛitten fo che inſtruction and comfort of all vs, whereby we ought tolearne, howe decpelpfometime Chek | hideth his grace from vs, and bow we muff not iudge of God ac⸗ cording to our owne fenfe and opinion, but onelp according tobis | wordes, For we (ee here, that albeit Chꝛiſt chewed himfelfeverp | hard to this woman,pet he did not plainelp deny to belpeberjbut | whatfoeuer be aunfwered , howfocuer it ſeemed to pꝛetend a de⸗ niall,pet was it nota denial , but dip hange indout , andieft an | entraunce fo faith , although but fimall, Forbe (app not at her fir petitions J will not heare ber, buche held bis peace, neither | peu | DS ei OE A nn a nnd —————— —— esse a a ns VVOMAN OF CANAAN, 127 promifing nor denping belpe, So to the fecond petition , which the Apotties mave,be fapth not: the is not of the houfe of Hfracl, J can not therefore performe that which the deſireth, buche one: Ip ſayth: lam notfent, butto the loft sheepe of the houfe of I- fracll leaning all thinges indoute, and in the middeſt betweene a plaine graunt and a dental, Do when the had the third time deli- red him, he fapth not: thou art adoage,get thee hence, the bread of the children is not due onto thee,but he fapth: It isnot good to take the childrens bread, &c.againe leauing in dout, whether the was a dogge oꝛ no. Neuertheles all chefe fapinges doe pretende outwardly rather a deniall of helpe, thenprouoke ber to hope, but in very deede they did containe in them rather a promife and bope,thenadeniall.Deathere was nothing but a pꝛomiſe and a certaine expectation of belpe, (howbeit moſt deepely hid and al: togicher {ecret) onder that lence and aunfwerg , although thep were hard,and a deniall onelp founded outwardly. By chefe itis ſhewed hom our bart is wont to be affected in tentation, For ace cording as that feelech in tentation, fo Chriſt here behaueth bun felfe. It feelech all hinges to be Denied, when as tt tg farre other: wife. Wherefoꝛe it ts requifite ‚char leauing it owne feeling, by afure faith in the word of God it concetue anv hold fat the pro» mile ofhelpe,deepelp hidden under the veniall,and peels vnto the Py fentence of God toward bs, as this woman did, fo ſhall we ouer⸗ come and take the Lord in hiswordes, that he can not but helpe bs. So that if we feele inour confctence at anp time God rebu: hing bs,pronouncing vs finnerg, and unworthp of the Kingdom of heauen, thentwe feele ag it were heil, and it {eemeth vnto vs that we are patt all hope and recouerie for euer : then if anp hat When God the kill of this woman, thathe could take the Lord in bis owne pronounceth iudgement and fap: pea IL og, I ain afinner, and altogither vn: — iwopthp of chp grace, but thou hatt pꝛomiled forgiuenes to fin knowledge ners,neither didſt chou come to call the righteous but as Paule and confefle fapth, tofaue finners : he truely ſhoulde bringe to paffe that che our Gnnes,&. Love Hhould be enforced, euen bp his owne indgemene to haue Pry pon mercp bpon him. odio Wanafles, when being penitẽt he prap- 3? ae ed for pardon,as ine read in bis praper: De peelven tothe tudgQe- promifedto ment of God, acknowledging him felfe a moſt grieuous finner, them that be and fo be bound Gor with his pꝛomiſe, which bad pzomiſed fop- penitent for giuenes offinne to Ünners, not tothe righteous, Che ame alfo "hei Snnee. 128 A SERMON OF THE VVOMAN &c, a did Dauid obferue Plal,5ı: Againft thee onely,fapthhe,hauel J finned,and done this euill in thy fight,that thou mighteft be iu- ftified in thy faying,and found pure when thou art iudged, Fog that doth purchafe vnto v3 all diſpleaſure, that we Dilpapne to — fuffer the tubgement of the Loꝛd, and doc again our wills yeeld vnto bis fentence,when he pronounceth bs ſinners.Such agreat | thing ig tt to acknowlenge finnes, and to embrace the tuogement — of God, Ce all conteſſe our felues {inners in wordg,but ag ſoone as che Borde (peaketh chat inour hart , and pronounceth bs fins - nerg,we doe not abide bp that which before we confeflen, we hay leuer be counted righteous and free from that iudgement. But it mult needes be, if God mutt be iuffin bis wordeg, that thoubea a⸗ finner,then alfo mattt thou ble the right of finners, which Gov bim felfe bath giuen onto them, namely to pray with a fure erpe- station of foꝛgiuenes of finnes, Then is tt not permitted vnto thee onelp to feede under the table of crummes after the maner of dogges, but being a child of the houſhold, thouthalt fit at thebe: rp table, bautng Good nowe boweltreat foeuer be be, giuen vnto thee accopding to thp delire. Ibereof alfo we haue anhiffozicall erpofition of this tert accoꝛding to p allegozies. For ag itchaune ceth to this woman her daughter being ficke, for whom through faith he obtapned health bp a miracle: fo alfo fallech it out with vs, when we are deliucred froin p {pirituall icknes to wit finneg, which truely area moſt grieuous and troublefom Deuill vnto be, Foꝛ as ſhe acknowledged her lelfea dogge , fo mutt we ace knowledge our (clues inners and iudged unto hell,the Lord pro⸗ nouncing it, which tf we can doe ag the coulde, we thall be fafe, Te haue already ſpoken elſewhere of other thinges , whereof there might be occafion to ſpeake aut of this tert, as howe one ; map obtaine grace and fafetie bp Betatth of an other , as here it Chrift,the fell out to the daughter of this woman. Chis thinge alfo (that Difciples,& Chit bis Difciples,and the woman are here eramples of loue, a, foꝛaſmuch as none of them prap for , feeke 02 doe thofe thinges arcexamples eat are their owne, but euerp one that which is anothers)ig of loue. perp manifelt bp it (clfe,and calilv acknowledged of cue: - rp ong,elpectall y ſeing that we haue folargelp :; entreated bercof in another place, hg PP e ’ = = A SERMON OFD.MAR- TIN LVTHER, WHEREIN IS TAVGHT THAT WE ARE SAVED freely by grace, without the workes and me- ; rits of men. Tie. 3. appeared, Not by the workes of righteouf- nes, which we had done , but ac- cording to his mercie he faued vs, by the wa- fhing of the newe birth,and the renuing of the holy Ghoft, | 6, Which hefhed on vs aboundantly, through IIeſus Chrift our Saviour, | 7. _Thatwe,beingiuftified by his grace,fhould be . — heires according to thehope of eternall | ife. | Stie, and readp to euerp good morke, tofpeake euill 2 >) of no man, tobe no fighters, but gentle , theming ae all meekenes onto allmen, tc: thele fee wordeg being put betweene , that we our ſelues mere in times pall uns - wile diſobedient, deceiued, ſeruing diuers luſtes and boluptuouls neg,&c : he added thole wordeg which we haue already mentio⸗ ned, as ifhe ſhould fap: Tiherfore ſhould it grieue vs to deſerue A moft fo well of all men, when as Goo hath before dealt fo bountifuflp, “shy caufe to kindely, and gendly wich vs, with whom without — mous vs to | a 130 A SERMON OF SALVATION Bea doc goodto are leſſe, and haue leſſe of him veleruied , then anp being compa: our neigh- bours. redto bs canbe, 02 can deferucof vg? As therefore God hath with exceeding bountifulnes and kindenes moit gently behaued him (elfe toward bs,of bis mercy graunting and giuing vnto vs allthinges : fo ought we to doe all thinges with all charitic and good will toward our neighbours, albeit thep haue otherwife de: ſerued, koꝛaſmuch ag me were like vnto them,fubiect co all finnes and euill defires. Dere we fee how the Apoftle will haue bs to be Howwe affected toward men: De will baue bs {ubtect to them that be in ne authoritie,kinde vnto others, and readie to Doe well vnto chem coward men. With all gentienes.although thep be euill, blinde, and in errour, that we grudge not to beare thele thinges, and as much as Ipeth in bs, endeuour co doe them good, taking all things in good part, conlivering that God hath lo dealt with vg, when we were euill and wicked, like bnto them, This word, appeared, we haue elfewhere declared to fiqnifie the revelation of the Gofpell, whereby Chꝛiſt appeared inthe world: Albeicthe wnt kilfulnes of Miniſters hath weeſted it to the carnall nattuitie of Chꝛiſt. De vſech not here the word grace, Tit.2.11. which he vled before, but hath fet in eed cherof two other wozds of maruelous comfort , [ bountifulnes, and loue toward men] which be attributeth to our Gov. Che firft ig called ofthe Greci⸗ Bountifulnes ang Chreftotes,and ig that kindnes, gentlenes and ſweetenes of conditions, wherewith thep that be endued, with them all ofng are with pleafure conuerfant,¢ marueloufly delighted with chete compante,fo that thep doe wich this their gentlenes and kindnes allure ¢ greatip prouoke all mentoloue them. For fuch can uf: fer all without griefe: they contemne no man: thep repell or put none from them with bitter, hard, and diſordered conditions: ac: ceſſe vnto them is not hard. but thep are fo open,and readp for al, that euerp one dare refort onto them and defire their helpe. And to conclude: thepare {uch men as the Golpells delcribe Chik vnto bs, whom thep declare to be gentle to all, a deſpiſer of none, which denieth no benefit to any, pliatit, prepared and readp to do rood to all. So Godallo by the Golpell ts preached and offered ‚ bnto bs wholp good, bountiful and fweete, opento all, retecting none, bearing allour finnes and offences, repelling no man from him with ercelfiue feueritie, For we read and heare norhing tobe detlared tn the Golpell but meete grace, and meere — where⸗ 3 = BY GRACE WITHOYT: VVORKES, 13%: vwdhereby be doth mot mercifully beare bs, ¢ moft gently handle vs , and not any man according to his deſerts. Chis ig che time of grace, whereinitis graunted to-all to goe with great bolbnes pnto the thꝛone of grace, as it is mitten Deb.4, and Plal. 34: ‘Come ynto him,and be enliglktened ‚ and your faces shall not be ashamed, that is , be wtlinot fuffer poßto pray and comein | baine,neither to returne with confulion being fruſtrate. The other word ts Philanthropia,loue of men,ag couctoulhes Loue toward map be calleddoue of monep,ag Dauid 2.Dam. ı.calleth the de· men. fire of women,the loue of women, And the Philoſophers cal cer- ‚ taine liuing creatures Philanthropa, that ig louing coward men, as are hoꝛſes, dogges, dolphins. Forthefe creatures are by na» ‚ ture delighted with man,thep defire bis company, ¢ do willingtp ſerue him , as though thep were moued with fome reafon + fenfe | pf humanity. Chis name, t ſuch loue the Apoftle here actributerh to dur God, which Moles allo div before him, Deut.33: where he ſpeaketh thus of God: The Lord appeared hauing in his right | hand alaw offire,and helouedthe people. Che meaning theres ſoꝛe of the Apoftie is this: Dur God hath inthe Golpell ſhewed | him felfe unto bs not onelp bountifull,kinde, gentle, and fiveete, | which canbeare,and will receive all,but alfo be ſo louech vs, that | wf bigs owne accord be adioyneth him felf onto bs,fecketh to baue | toDoe with bs, voluntarily ſheweth ano offereth his grace and | bountifulnes nto bs,and mof gently embꝛaceth as manp ag on- Ip doe not refufe bis grace and loue, and defire to dzawe nie vnto him. CG bat ſhould he oe moze? The can noc lee hereby, why | ine count the Golpell a preaching, topfull and full of all confola- | tionof Godin Chik? For what can be fpoken moze louingly | and fweetelp to a finnefull and afflictev confcience,, then thefe | wordes? O lamentable cafe, how miferabip hath Satan bp che lawes of bis Pope opprefled and obfcured this fonereigne ſynce⸗ | zitie of the woꝛd of Gov, | „u SRowlet no man reftraine thefe two wordes[ bountifulnes, & _ louetowardmen] ta the perfons, fox God ig plainly without re: No reſpect | fpectofperlons bountifullto all, and a louer ofall, otherwife if of perfons | we houldebere make a difference berweene men, we honloe ac: "Got | knowledge thatfomeching is receiued through our merits, and : | not all thinges thaough bis mercp, bere it mutt be well mar: | ked,that Gon ig fapd tobe a louer of men, nocof this oꝛ that na: | | 132 A SERMON OF SALVATION. me | ture onely, Jot held with loue of the perfon, and — theſe Wo bountifulnes, and loue toward men, muſt be taken after a geuerall ſort, that in all chinges the chiefe praile map be attribu⸗ ted to hig mercy, that no mantruf in his owne merits, neither be terrified with fiunes, but that al togither doe truft to bis grace, which be voluntarilp offereth vnto bs with fo great kindnes and loue toward bs. JFor if any reſpect of perfon might be bad bere, it ſhould furelp be bad of them, which are rich inthe works of righ: teoufneg,but Paul erprellelp reiecteth thefe,faping: Notby the wotkes of righteoufnes,which we had done. Howe much leſſe then thall this bountifulnes and loue of our Gad toward men ap⸗ peare,becaufe of anp mang wifedome, power,nobilitie,riches 02 any fuch thing, when ag no relpect ts had of monks of righteoul: nes ? Great isthe grace of Gov toward bs, which appeareth in the Golpell,pea and nothing but grace, which admitteth no merit at all of ours, utterly taketh away all boating and glorping,and ferteth forth che gloꝛy of Govalone, who freelp giuethit vnto vs being onworthy, So in this tert theſe two, faith and loue, are taught toreceiue benefits of God, and beſtow them on our neigh= hours, which the Scripture doth verp often repeate, fo thac euen The do&rin the pactrine of faluation canfittech wholp tn them,neither can one of our — be ſeparaced from the other, Foꝛ be that doth not firmely truſt in si the dittine grace, can not but be remiſſe and flow to doe well to bis andloue, Neighbour, andfo witnes che faintnes and weakenes of fatth, which is the, fountaine of all duties and benefites: As contrati- wile the ſtronger faith that one is endued with, fo much moze Bue tifullp and with readter minde be endeuoureth to deferue well of bis netahbours, All both doctrine anv life worthy of Chit , (that all thinges map be declared moft briefly, manifeſtly and fuffictently) confit By faithand of thefe two, faith and loue. CUhereby manig made as it werea loue man is. meane betwene Gov and his neighbours, that he map receine.of en God fromaboue, and map giue co bis netghbours beneath, ¢ be meanebe- agit were a conduit pipe, through which the founcaine of the di⸗ rwene God wine goodnes doth continually flow co his neighbours: Ano {uch & his neigh- men are likeunto Gav ‚wbichi in Chriffreceine of God wharfoes Rous. uer bebath, and doe againe bp their good deedes declarethem felues as tt were the gous of other, and fullfill the pꝛophecie af the Wrephet jlalme 823/11 haue fayde, ye are gods, and Ber: “ W — ⸗ 77. ¥ “2 ae " owt” ee Er — °° BY GRACE WVITHOVT WORKES, 133 ye all are children ofthe moft high. (Ce are childgen of the moſt vk bp faith, wherebp of nothinge we are made the beires of God. And we are gods bp loue, which maketh ve beneficial to our neighbour: fopafmuch as the nature of Gad ts nothinge Dut bountifulnesjand 9 ulhere fapth : the bountifulnes and loue of God toward mew, wich $e Doch with incomparable plencie daily poure forth vpon euery one, as we fee . Te mut onelp en: Deuour,that eucrp one doe nothing Doubt hac theſe chingeg are he meanes to be parta- ker of the fpokentobim, thar che boumzifulneg and loue of God to Man: pountifulnes ward is reuealen and offered'to euerp one, that bp thefe wordes and loue of he map eſtabliſh, exerciſe, and ſtrengthen his faith, being certain Godisto that thep are mofktrue,and that Gov both vndoutedly is, ann at. beleeue. wapes will be bountifull and loutng toward him, HE thou cank beleeue this,tt will aſſuredly fo come vnto thee: thou maiſt then with afull confivence pray and defire of him whatloeuer thou wilt,and complapne bnto him of whatlocucr doth grieue thee 02 other. But tfthou want this fatth , it had bene berter for thee nes uer tobauc heard any thing bercof. ‚for that by chp infivelicp thou repzoueſt offalfhoon thefe wordeg fo precious and full of conſo⸗ lation and grace making fo light account of them, ag not belee: uing thatthep betrue. Which furelp is a great contempe anv Difhonour of God, chat {carce a more grieuous finne can be committed of thee, Contrariwiſe if thou be endued with this faith,tt camnotbe,but that thp bart being therebp cheered, ſhould euen as tt were laughe and leape for holy top in Gov, being void of allcare and trouble, and be made aboue mealure confivent, For how can any difcouragement, any whit of ſoꝛrowe remayne in that hart, which douteth not that God is gracious and bounti⸗ full vnto it,and beareth a ſingular affection of loue toward it,that it is a delight and pleaſure vnto him to doc it good , and entoy it ag a friende ? Surely che hart is neceſſarily delighted with this ſpirituall ioy and pleafure,o2 vndoutedly it wantech faith JPaule inthe Epittleto the Gal. callech this, to recetue the holy Ghoſt bp the Golpell. For the Golpell is fopleafant a preaching of che grace and Koodnes of God,that while itis preached and heard, it bꝛingeth chebolp Ghoſt with it, no otherwiſe chen the beames of the ſinne doe naturally bring heat with chem. . Dow could the Apottle ple more pleafaunt and ſweete words? 3 pare fap that Ihaue in the whole — redde none more : itt. 3 134 . A ‘SERMON OF SALVATION pleafaunt,and fo fincete words of the grace of Gan, as thefe two, Chreftotes,& Philanthropia, that is,bountifulnes and loueto- How louing Ward men,in which p avace of God is lo vefcriben,ag wherbp be Godisto- doth not onelp forgive our finnes , but doth alla Defire to be con: wardvs. uerſaunt with bs, and fs ready to Doe the part of a berp friend to⸗ ward bs, voluntarily offering him (clfe to helpe vs tn al thinges, alfo to beſtowe moze bencfits vpon bs then we can deſire 02 ake, that we map prelume of him no otherwife then ofa molt neare & familiar friend of whom we may obtapne ali thinges,in whole epes we are moſt deare, andeuen velightfull, Thinke in thy minde of a moſt perfect friend, which hath fulftiled all che partes of friendihip toward thee , & thou ſhalt haue after a fore a forme, although pet farre onlike, of the diuine goodneg and kindeneg, which ts here attributed ta our God, by the name of bountiful: nes andloue toward men, But when thou bafta founde faith in this bounttfulnes and loue to manward, and thereby Dooft liue in thy Gov, fo bounttfull, gractous , and gentle to thee, reiopcett, and art full of all good chinges, being certapne of bis continual grace, what ſhouldeſt thou doc any longer in earth ? what inthis life? He thatis Thou cant not in this cafe be idle, as ſurely thatloue of Gov | Banker and pleafure which thou entopett inhim will not (uffer thee to be fulnesandg (le. Chouthale be enflamed with a marueiloug udp and deſire ‘ loue of God to Doe what things foeuer thou canft know will be an honour vn⸗ cannotbe to thy God, ſo louing and bountifull vnto thee , and will curne to idle. pratfe,glorp, andthankes giuing onto him, Chou hale haue no chotfe ofwoꝛks, thou halt pafle for no preceptsthou ſhalt feele na compuliton of the law , Hauing amoff readp will and pleaſure to Doe, whatfoeuer thinges thou Malt know to be acceptable buts Gor, whether hep be contemptible or noble, fmall or great,chou {halt count chem alike, Gut firfFof all it hall be chy defire, that this blefleo knowledge of God map be common alfo to the reff, whereupon by and by thy loue will here thew te felfe, anv will afs fay all meanes,to make this truth of faluation manifeft vnto all, it will publith and. repete it, wherefoeuer it (hall be able, reie: cting and condemning wharfoeuer other either teach or fay, that Satan & the @tveeth not with this truth.CCtherebp it will come to pafle, that worldcan DataneEcheworloe, which heare nothing fo vnwillingly as this not abide — truth.¢ can not abide that their things thoulp be condemned, wil falthood to rife BY GRACE WITHOYT VVORKES, 135 | rile again chee with all their might, wil bp @ bp trouble thee, ail be reproucd | the great,tearned,vich ¢ mightie of the worlo wil condemne thee ro. be prea- ofherelie and madnes, and willleaue no meane bnattempted bn: ched,& ther | tillif they be able chep haue diſpatcht thee of thy life. Thus with fore they Chꝛiſt thy Lor thou Halt be perfecuten, € fuffer extreme ıgno: A —* — minte,thp bodp, lile, goods, name, friendes, and all things being „reach che bꝛought into perill, vntill hep haue thruft thee from them out of truck. this life into the eternal ¢ bleflen life: Inthe meane feafon thou mult (affer all chefe chins with a patient mind, and take them in good part,lofing none of p ſpiritual ioy, which thou haft of Chꝛiſt inthp Gov, for thy part ſhewing to chy perfecutors all kindnes anv loue, being alwapes mindful, that thou a litle before waſt nor much unlike them before Gov. All which thinges thou halt doe through fatth eloue, albeit thep erceede che ſtrengch of nature, And this in deede is a true Chrifktanlife, wherein thou dooſt en: deuour to doe fo to cther,as God hath done to thee. Not by theworkes of righteoufnes, which we had done. In thefe words the Apottle fignifierh that which we haue now ſayd, and proueth it as it were by rendzing a reafon. For tf the boun: we mutt do tifulnes and loue of God to manward hath appeared, a he bath well vnto faued vg of hig mercie, and not becaufe of our owne righteouß men;ycac- nes,pea we being by allmeanes unwozchy, and fubiect to innue Yen Lhough merable finnes,it is meete that we alfo do good to them that haue ys not delerued fo much of bs, are vnwoꝛthy therof. For we which yed of vs. are become the fonnes of God, muffrefemble God our father, and beffow benefits according to our abilitie as well bpon our e⸗ nemies and perfecutours,as bpon our friendes and them that da good vnto vs. Aherof Chri alfohath admoniſhed bs Watth.5: Loue your enemies, that ye may be the children of your Father which isin heauen , whomaketh his funne ro shine vppon the good & euill, & fendeth raine on the iuft & vniuft. For if ye loue them which loue you,vvhat revvard shal ye haue?vvhen as euen the heathen & Publicans doe the fame. Nowe the Apoffle noth notonelp expꝛeſſely condemne vs for eutll works,but fapth: Nor by the works of righteoufnes,02, which vve haue done in righ- teoufnes.@Ülhere he alfo reiecteth thofe workes,which we coun- ted righteous, and were thought both of ng & others to haue bin done in righteoufnes. whe as thep were fo farre from being righ: teous,that thep made hs moze vnwoꝛthy ofthe ET ofGod,aud itit, 136 A SERMON OF “SALVATION more bnfit to recetueit.for thep are deceitful warkeg, wbereuns to we adde this finne,that we thinke chem righteous,and truſt in them, whereby Godis pꝛouoked to anger moze then can be faid, euen ag our enemies are Wont to moue vs to anger, when as hep will auouch thofe hinges tobe iuff , wherein chep (inne and doe We ought to be bene- moucd him te anger, counting our finnes workes of righteouf: ficiall to o- ; : ; : 3 thersof nes, did not therefoze reiect vs, but ofhis mercie delinercd bs meerclouc, from this errour aud ſinnes: fo we neglecting the kooliſhnes and hauingno dotage ot our aduerlarieg , wherebp they contend that ſinnes are refpectto eg be counted for righteouſnes, ought neuertheles of meere loue, good or euil ici bauing no refpect of eutll o2 good deferts, tobe beneficiall vnto them,and endeuour to Doe them good tn all thinges, looking for — vniuſtly. But euenas God, whenwe being bnwile , by erreur: { x | | | frute of our benefits not of tht, but of Gov alone. Let thefe things — {uftise to haue bene ſpoken for a DOREEN and generall erpas fiction of this tere. . JRowe let vs alfa briefly wep the wordes wherein he ſetteth forth and commenderh the grace of God. Firſt he fo greatly ex⸗ The good . tolleth it,that in refpect of tt he condenmerh ali our good workes workes and andri ighteouſnes: neither doth he condenine a {mall ching, mber righteoufnes He condemneth our righteoufnes 07 rightesus workes 4 the mo - ar hice how Hevea: excellent thinge that man can haue in earth, Forif allmen with fteemed of, their might ſhould labour and endeuour to attapne to moſt ex⸗ act pꝛudence, wiſedom, and libertie of minde and will, which we reade thatfome Philoſophers and princes bauedone, ag So⸗ crates Traianus, and many other, whofe fame the whole wold bath long fince ſpꝛed abzoave both by wordes and writinges: nes uertheles all fuch wiſedome, and allluche vertues are nochinge but finnes before God, forafinuch as thep be not done in and bp the grace of God, Doers of {uch vertues are ignoyaunt of Goo, and therefore thep can not honour him bp their ſtudies and en⸗ deuours, they thinke they haue all thinkes of chem felues, when ag no man can haue anp goovthinge at all, butof this grace as lone, which the Golpell preacheth, Go Paue clorieth, that be, before heknewe Chꝛiſt, liued a blameleffe life, and, was more zealous towarde thelawe then chofe of bis age, that he alfa thought , that he viva thing acceptable to Gov bp “perfect: ting the Chzittians, which condemned that blameles life which he ledde, but afterinarde when he had learned Chat, he fapth, | | > that. BY GRACE WITHOVT WORKES, 137 shat he coũteth chat righteonines to be but Dounce, that he might be found notin {uch righteouſnes, but in Chꝛiſt by laith. Philip. 3The lame thing be witnelſeth and entreateth of at large in the Epilles to the Galathians and Coloſſians. Were therefore is candemned all boaſting of free will, mans ſtrength, righteouſ⸗ nes and good workes and it is concluded, that they are all no⸗ |. thing but ſinnes, and certaine deſtruction, although they haue a fayre ſhew: that we are ſaued bp the onely grace of God, as ma⸗ ny of bs ag beleeue, and call foꝛ it, with acknowledging of our one vanitie and perditton, Row we mult accuſtome our felues tothe Scripture, which Tow fortes - maketh mention oftwo ſorts of rigteouſnes, one humane, which of righteout- - Yaul here and in many other places hath mentioned, the other es. diuine,euen that grace of faluation, which iuſtilieth bs by faith, pe rich. - whereof he fpeaketh inthe ende of this tert: That being iuftified ‚.oufnes _ by grace, we should be heires of erernall life. eve thou ſeeſt whereby we platnip that the grace of God is our true righteouſnes, whereby are iuſtfied. we are tuftifien, which is therfore called } righteoufnes of Goo, for that it is giuen vnto vs of God, and ts made ours , when we are made partakers thereof by faith. Of this he ſpeaketh alfo Rom. 1 : Inthe Gofpell is reuealed the rıghteoufnes of God from faith to faith, as itis written : The iuft shall liue by faith. Gnd Gen. v5 : Abraham beleeued , and it wascountedto him forrighteoufnes. Mhereupon the Scripture concludeth , that no man is counted righteous before Gor, but he that belecueth, as the Apofkle teftifiech , where be recitech chat ſaying of Aba: uc: The iuft shal live byfaich.Soit appeareth chat fatshjgrace, mercye, truth „righteoufneg, that all thele are that fame whith . Gor worketh inbs bp Chrift and the Golpell . hercupon tt ig faid ypfal. 2 5: All the wayes ofthe Lord are mercie andtruth. #02 thole are the wapes of the odin which we obſeruing big fLommaundements , do walke , and he againe tu vg , now thole mapes mult be directed by his mercie and truth alone, not by. our ſtrength and induffrie , forafimuch ag our wapes being: oyde- rep herebp „are nothing but vanitie before Gon, and do deſerue his wath, Accopding to that which the Loꝛd ſayth Eſai 55: As farre as the heauen ishigher then the earth, fo farre do my waies. exccede yours. As tf he thould fap: our righteouſnes ig earth: Ip and of no value, wherefore pe mutt bid ic farewell and walke ~ - 8 — oe x 138 A SERMON OF ‘SALVATION inmpne , ifpe hope for faluation, — BREUER NETTE yar Fat But according to his mercie he fauedvs. It is maruell how the credit of thefe wordes can fand , wherein the Apoftle affir- meth that we are alreadie faued, although liuing pet inearch, and therefoze tn continual miferie, But be div fo (peake,that be | might more fully erpreffe the power ofthe diuine grace, and che nature of faich againt hppocriteg, who ag though faluatio were — petfarre of, do inbatne endeuour to met and obtaine icbp thew | We are al- workes. For Chritt hath alreavy faucd vs: he bath perfourmen | coe ie all things which are required hereunto,that we map be faucd:he mee Gath oueccome and ſubdued ſynne, death, hell, xc. ſo chat he bath — left noching,for anp man to care for, he bath alfo given all chele things bnco vs in Baptilme, that who [neuer beleueth in Chri, that he bath perfourmend them, bath them togither inthe fame moment, ſo that he bath neevde of nothing moze vnto faluation, but faith alone, that he map firmelp beleeue that theſe things are fo perfourmed, Bue marke how incdparable riches of his avace God hath poured vpon bs in Baptifine, who hath deliuered ug even from thofe workes , whereby thole foolith holy ones go a- bout to merit heauen,and to befaued, For we muſt haue beaten, ‚and be ſaued before we can Do any good morkes,for that workes cannot merit heauen , but heauenbeing before giuen of meere grace, gaufech bg todo good workeg,and that for no hope of mes rit o2 reward, but onelp tothe commoditie of our neighbour, and the alerie of God, vntill chig bodie allo be deliuered from finne and death, th eae bi Sy SUS Whacthelife „, Wiherefoge all ehe life of a Chriftian after Baptifme ig nos of a Chritia thing els, but anerpectation of faluation and felicitp to be re- is after bap- uealed, which they that beleeue in Chait do now poffelfe, al- tifme. though hidden. Chey haue all chinges nowe certainlp, but they are pet hid in faith , which when ag itis chaunged, know: lenge being revealed, all chings ag thep now haue them, thall ape peare , which hall come to pafle, when pleafaunt-and wiſhed 1.Ich.z3... Death commeth „according tothat ſaying of John: Dearely be- loued ‚now ate wethe fonnes of God, and yet it doth not ap- peare what we shall be; But we knowthat when he shall ap- peare, we shalbe like him. And cuerie man that hath this hope in him, purgeth himfelfe , euen ashe is pure. Tüberefore fuer not chp felfe to be deceiued , and to be feduced from this — | ths .* bes 5.5 #0 i an |» ans m5 T . ee a ae ee BY GRACE WITHOVT WORKES, 139 thoſe hppocrites, which contemning kaith do fallelp affirme that faluation ig farre from thee, and teach thee to endeuour in baine | toattaine bnto itbp chp workes. It ts tn thy lelfe, if chou beleeue that all things are perfourmed by Chꝛiſt, euenas he bimfelfe witneſſeth: The kingdome of God is within you, Luke 17. So | that all our life after Baptilme ought to be nothing els but an» ~ expectation, that that ſhould be reucaled which ts already inves, and that we map compꝛehend, as we are compꝛehended, as Paul fapth Philip. 3. I follow, if that Imay comprehend that, for _ whofe fake alfo Iam comprehended of Chrift, that ig, that J map atlength feethole things which are giuen me, being ag pet in the thut clofet of faith. De coueteth , and burnech wich vefire to ſee the treafure which by fateh be receiued both giuen and ſea⸗ led in Baptiſme. Whereupon he addeth in che fame place: Our conuerfation is in heauen, from whence alfo we looke for our Sauiour Iefus Chrift, who shall chaunge our vile bodie, that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body. Derewith alfo agreeth that which be faith Gal.4 : Ye know God, and byandby be noth ag tt were correct that which behav ſayd, Yea , fapth be, rather are ye knowen , both which aretrue , although noe after the like ſort:Ae are now knowen of God, fo that he compzeben- Deth vs, and we in Deede know God, but we do not pet compre- hend, for that our knowledge ts ag pet hinden and cloſed bp in | fapth, De ſayth moreouer Rom,8 : We are faued by hope, that | is, we are faued, although we perfee it not, for that which one feeth , be hopech not for, but if we hope for thofe thinges which ine fee not, we do wich patience abive foz them, Chꝛiſt confir- meth thig Luke 12+ Let your loines be gird about, and your lights burning , and ye your felues like vnto men that wait for their maifter,when he will returne from the wedding,that when hecommeth, and knocketh , they may open vnto him imme- diatly. Jn which words he onelp biddech them that be his to be ready tolooke for him the brivenrome as which are alreadpfa: ued being admitted into che number of hts mintfters, Dereunte — alfo pertaineth that which the Apofkle fapth Tit. 2: Ler vs liue foberly, and righteoufly, and godly in this prefent world , loo- ‘King forthat bleffed hope, and appearing of the glorie of that mightie God, and of our Sauiour Iefus Chrift. In thele and fuch like places whereof thou maiſt reade many bere and therein the ie i i J * * fe 3 140 A SERMON OF SALVATION © — holy Scriptures, he witnelleth that we are already ſaued, and | that ic doth not beboue,that a Chꝛiſtian man ſhould ſirſt ſeeke to attaine to ſaluation by his woꝛkes. Chis opinion and deueliſh Doctrine blyndeth the eyes of Chꝛiſtiãs, extinguiſheth the know: ledge of faich , and carieth men front the waye of truth and ſal⸗ uation, THe mui cleaue bata that which the Apoſtle here faith: . He hath faued vs according tohis mercie , and that which je ads deth inthe ende of this tert, thatwe are heires according tothe _ hope of eternall life. Cle are now heireg , but chatis hidden in fayth , but we looke with a certaine hope , that heveafter ic halbe Why God reuealed. And Gov will haue vs fo to looke for the reuelation of | will haue vs “to looke for {bis inberitance,and to line a certaine time after Baptifme, that the reuelaus be map chaftife our body bp our miniſtery, and declare the power of ou inberi- of hig grace in fight againk the fleth che world and the deuil, but raunce a cer- eſpecially for this caule, that bp va be map helpe our neighs fain rime. pours, and both bp doctrine , and alla by our life which he liuech in bg, map bring them to che communton of fapth, And albeit he cando this bp Angels,pet it pleafeth him rather that it ſhould be done by vs men, that bach the maner of fapch map be the better - knowen, and that all things may be done ſweetely and louingly. For tf Angels ſhould alwapes baue todo with vs, there ſhould not be fo much fayth, neither fhoulvit be ſo pleafaunt , as when ine are taucht and guided by them that are partakerg of our naz ture, whom we do better know , and with whom we do more fas miltarlp aſſociat our ſelues. And fo, that there map be fome, bp whom ocher alfo may be conuerted both bp doctrine , and good examples it is not meete chat we ſhould byandby after Baptifine be taken into beauen, wherein notwith®anding we are alreadp — adinitted citizens, | Apraäizeof Bereuponifone wepe all chings rightly, it cannot be dous Satan & An- ted, thatit ig a pzactise and miracle of Satan and Antıichzift, — that ſo much ig {pent for Purgatoꝛies (ake, ſuch faith as this Purgatory. Peing put quite out of mens mpndes, Formen are taugbt by their workes to fane themfelues from Purgatoꝛie oꝛ at che teak to deliuer themfelues out from thence,as though faluation were not pet giuen vs, and tt were neceflarie to come vnto ic. bp other meanes then bp faith alone, which bowe it vifagreeth with the Scripture anda Chaittian life there ig no man that doch not fee , buche that ſeeth nothing in the Scripture. For thus the bolp © , ‘ 5 wet per a 2 PLN NR N A a a en ’ ; I : BY GRACE WITHOVT WORKES, . 141 holy Scriptures do teach euerie where, that who ſoeuer doth not receiue ſaluation hp meere grace, through fapth before all woꝛkes, be hail neuer be partaker thereof. And that who ſoeuer referre their good workes,not to the profite oftheir neighbours, but to their owne commoditie, being more carefull of thetr owne | faluationthen of their neighbours , haue no goon workes at alt, All the workes of thele are voide of fayth, and infected with pers | nitioug errour, It had bin qreatlp to be withed that Purgatoꝛie had neuer bin inuented , and neuer mention made thereof inthe pulpit, for it hach bin caufe of fuch hinderance to Chꝛiſtian vert tie and ſyncere truth, ag cannot be recouered. For we fee it now bꝛought to paſſe by the meanes of Satan,that almof al pꝛayers are Divected to onelp Purgatoꝛie, with this vngodly and pefkis Ient opinion, whereby milerable men thinke that they fhalbe re- Deemed from thence, and obtaine fatuation bp the workes of men, Thereby the riches of Baptiſme and fapth are had inno repu- tatiõ, and they atthe laſt of Chꝛiſtians become Deachen, D moſt pernitious abomination, Chpiftians ſhould be taught ag Chꝛiſt and Paul teach them, that after Baptilme and abſolution from ſynnes they ſhould fo liue , that thep ſhould be readp euerp haure toreceiue death, with deſire looking for the revelation of ſalua⸗ tion already received. Now by the opinion of Purgatoꝛie thep ‚are made {ecure andfloehfull , fo that thep differre the ſtudy of godlines cuen to their death , and chinke bp contrition and cons feffion thep ſhall amend all things, ag though there were Come ſynnes rematning for which ehep mutt Ko inte jpurgatopie, thep hope that by Wales for che departed, and other bequetts that thep.are perfuaded to make in thetr teſtamẽts 02 lat willes,thep fhalbe reveemen out of purgatopie, but theſe miferable menare inthele chings btterlp decetucd , and thal at length trie them ta be farre otherwile, Bythewashing of the new v birth, He ſetteth forth the grace of Goo giuen to vs J in Baptifine,wich wordesweriefullofpraie and commendation. Ibe callecy Baptiſme awathing , whereby not the feeteant hades, bucithewhole man is at once wafhen} purificd and ſaued, fo that to che ſumme and inberitaunce of fal: uation there is neede of nothing bucanelp fapth inthis: qraceof Gov, that it map remaine and be acknowledged the morke of grace alone, that weare ſaued without allour mogkes and mes 12 } . eh | 142 A SERMON OF SALVATION ~~ | tits, and fo alfochere map remaine in ba pure loue, pzaiſe giuing otthankes, and glorie of che diuine mercie, without all glopie and | pleafing of our felueg in our. owne frength andendeuour, as it bath bin already fapd often and atlarge. Dumane righteoufnes | is allo awathing , but not whereby the whole man ig fo wathen, but that Phariſaicall wahing , whereby onelp the apparelland veſſells which are outward, are made cleane , whereof itis ſpo⸗ ken Watth. 23, CUhereby it commech to pafle chat men ſeeme bnto themſelues pure,but inwardly neuertheles thep remaine ful Baptifme of filthines. Therefore he called Baptiſme not a copporall op out⸗ what maner ward walhing, but the wathing of regeneration oꝛ new birth,bp g wathing it which not thoſe thinges that are outward,are malhen;and onelp ; the outward man made cleane, but che whole nature ofman is al: fered and changed into an other nature , that ts „the carnall nati: uttie is thereby deftroped, with all the inberitaunce of ſynnes Saluation cö- AND perdition, i herebp be againe witneſſeth, that our faluation meth not by is giuenbs at once, ſo that itis notto be gotten by woꝛkes. For workes. not one oꝛ two members are mont to ke boone yas the handes or feete, but the wholeman, which can not worke this that be map be bonne aman, but is firſt boꝛne that he map worke Likewile out workes donot purifie 02 faucds , but when as before we are pute, iufified , and faued , we worke freeipthofe things, which map be profit to our neighbour, and honour to God, And this is the fimple and pure knowledge of thediuine grace, whereby a manlearneth to know both God and himfelfe : to praiſe God a lone, to bumble and cat downe himfelfe sto truft in God/ to deſ⸗ peire of himfelfe, Chis doctrine of faluation thep maruelouflp binder, which vꝛge men wich lawes, precepts, and workes, and teach them to ſeeke thereby to be ſaued. 99911, And the renewing. Chatthis walhing aud new birth map be He chat is moze fully vnderſtood, be hath added , the renewing, that thou iad — maieſt onderftand, that be that ig truly baptized, is become anew come a new Matt; and a new creature,enbuedwith anew difpofition, which creature. nowis farre otherwiſe affected, loueth, liueth, ſpeaketh and vorh farre otherwife,chehe was wont oꝛ could before So the Apoſtle fapth,@al. 6: In Chrift neither circumcifion auaileth anything, nor vneircumcifion; that is, no woꝛkes ofthe awe areofanp value oꝛ importaunce, butanew creature. Asif he ſhould fap: Saluatiõ can noc be perfected by topning togither certaine goon * workes, i BY GRACE WITHOVT WORKES. 143 Mworkes, but the whole man mutt be at onte renewed, and bis na: ture chatiged, whereupon true good workes will follow of them⸗ felues, not bp peecemeale „but togither wich great plentic, OF this new birch, whereby the whole man ig renewed, Chꝛiſt (pea: ketb Joh. 3: He thatis not borne againe, can not fee the king- dome of God. ere againe it manifeſtly appeareth, that na: thing ts here done by our workeg, but chat it behoucth that man, how great foeuer he be, muff die, and be chaunged into another, which is Done in Baptilme , if we beleeue. The condenmed allo The cödem- halbe borne againe in the laſt dap, but they hal not be renewen, at halbe they thall remaine vncleane, as thep were here,andasthepwere porno ce” boone of Adam. Therefore that he might {peake rightly of Bap: newed, tile, be calleth it the wathing of the new birth , whereby thep that are boone againe are alforenewed. Df this new birth many things are to be found bere and there inthe Scripture, becaufe of which alfo Gov callech bis word and Golpetl a wombe and mattir, ag Elai 46: Dearken all pe that remaine of the houfe of Ilraell, whom I haue borne in my mombe,ag mothers are wont to ſpeake oftheir childꝛen. De therefore that beleeuech the Goſ⸗ pell, is ag tt mere conceiued in the Wombe of Gon, ¢ from thence bone a new man, and like vnto God +: TÜhereof we will in an other place {peake moze, Row it ſhalbe fufficiene,tohaue lear⸗ ned by thele mords,how our workes are nothing in fulfilling the cOmaundements of Gov, and that it is amad thinge to attribute here neuer ſo litle co our owne ſtrength; ſeeing that it ig kayth a⸗ lone, wherebp man is at once boꝛne againe,e renewed, There: fore bnderſtand this that good workes muſt folow a new creas tire, but to attaine onto righteouſnes, ¢ that new creature thep are able to belpe nothing at all, . ST ¥ Mo otherwile ig the grace of Gon wont-to renew man, then How the as if God Hould turne fome drie and withered blocke into a new. an greene ‚and florifhing tree, which may afterward bringe forth man, feute plentifullp, For the grace of God is agreat, trong, verie mightiesandmeruclous effectual ching, iclpeth not in the minde, The grace of asthe Schoolemendjeamed: tt ſſeepeth noe , 02 ts Horne, ava God excee- painted table beareth a picture : it (elfebeareth.quiveth, bꝛgech, ding —— dꝛaweth; chaungeth , and worketh all thinges in men, fo, that a —— ; peration. euerie one map feele and baue experience of it. It felfe in deede ig Hyd but the workeg of it can not be hyd, but do witnes of it, as tai : ely 3 144 A SERMON OF SALVATION h theleaues and frutes po of the tree, of what nature it ig; There: fore the Scholemen Thomas and Scotus do vngodlily detrace from it , who attribute no moe Onto it, then that it Doch adorne the workes of nature „and is a helpe chat they be brought to pers fection. For itdorh not adoꝛne or helpe onclp , but ic alone woꝛ⸗ keth thoſe thinges that be good, neither doth it worke them ones Ip , but doth rather chaunge and renew the perfon, For it exhi⸗ biteth the walhing of the new birth, and of renewing ‚not of workes onelp, but much rather of the whole man, De that hall preach thele things of grace, ſhall trulp and fullp commend it, Which Paul endeuoured todo when be (aid: He hath faued vs by.the washing of the new birth, and renewing of the holy Ghoft. MRothing can be done here bp topning of workes togt- ther, the nature mutt needes be chaunged, whereupon it cometh to paile , that thep that truelp beleeue mutt {uffer manp thinges: for grace woꝛketh in them, ¢ declarech it {elfe prelent, Dereunta pertaineth chat laping of the ı ı 1.1Plal. The workes ofthe Lord are great , fought out of all themthat haue pleafure therein. What ave thele workeg ? Cie are thep, by grace in Baptilme made the great, new, and regenerate workeg of God. Is it not a great thinge fog a man byandby to be faued, and delivered from Ipnnes,death,and bell ‘therefore be ſayth: ſought out of all chem that haue plealure therein, For by this new birth Gon hath found aut, and done what focuer men can deſire. For what els bo men couct anddelire, but ta obtaine faluation, tebe delinered from ſynne, death, and bell? ; thee Of the holy Ghoft. Lattly,that he map the moze expꝛeſſe che greatnes and beriue of grace, he attributeth this wathing of the new birth,and renewing,to the holp Ghoſt. For this waſhing is fo great , and of {o weightie impoꝛtaunce, that no creature but the holy Ghoſt alone is able to perfourme it. But how much, moſt excellent Paul, Doo thou condemne free will, the great good workes of the proud holy ones, chat ig, the merits of hypo⸗ critesꝰ In how bie a place doett chou ſet our faluation,and again, how doeſt thou bring it downe to vg, and placeft it neere vs, pea euen within bs? bow purely ¢ (pucerely doeſt thou {et forth grace oe the in thele worwes ? Ciberefore worke what ſoeuer and haw much ¥newe birch loeuer thou wilt, it is vnpolſible for a man to be renewed, and che & renewing perfon chaunged (without which no woꝛkes acceptable to Gov can „uk BY GRACE WITHOVT W-ORKES, 145 ‘can be done) but bp the wathing of the newe birth, and the re- newing of the holy Ghoſt. Chat we map plainly {ce in thofe hy» pocriticall counterfattours of workes. For thou thalt fynde none harder, none pzouder ‚none ſo rath and haſtie {pirits. For thep are bꝛoken, and noc renewed, invurate „obffinate, confirmed bp ‘continuance, coucring in Deeve and fome what adorning that old Adam by thofe their counterfaite good workeg , but in che meane feafon there doth not any whit appeare any chaunge of naturein chem, thep continue fill in the clones of their cop- rupt fleſh. D, what a pettilent people ts this , and in how great indignation of God are they , when asin the meane tyme thep thinke that chepficin Gods Tappe? Mowe whereas the Apo: Wathing of ftle attributeth this wathing of the newe birth , and renewing the new birth tothe holy Ghoſt, be ſayth the fame which Chri doth John 3 , where be fapths Except a man be borne againe of water ‚ne holy and of the Spirit, he cannotenter into the kingdome of God, Ghof. For that which Chrik fignified by water, the Apoftle cal: leth the wafhing , fo both made mention of newe birth and of the bolp Ghoſt. And we mutt marke that that which is ſpoken bere of the holp Ghoſt both bp Chri, and the Apoftle , mutt not be referred to that Papiſticall confirmation, ag they call te, for both of them referred to Baptiſme that whichis bere men: tioned concerning the holy Ghott , who when the bodp is was fhed with water , noth himfelfe worke the newe birth , and res newing by faith which Chat called, to be borne againe of the ſpirit. (Hie read inthe Actes ofthe Apoſtles, thafthe Apottles bid eftfoones lap their handes on them that were baptiſed, and that fo the holp Ghott came Spon them bp aviliblefigne , which the Papiſtes alfo {natch to their confirmation. But ag that was Done, that the beleeuers might by a vifible fiqne be endued with the holy Ghoſt, to preach the Golpell in Diners languas Kes ‚To it continucd onely the time thereof, vntill the doctrine of the Gofpell was commended to the worlve bp fufficient fignes , wherefore it ig nowe long fince worne out of ble: but that a certaine ceremonie hath come from thence euen vnto bs , of laping banves on them , which are ordained Mi: nifters 02 Pꝛeachers, which is nowe brought into an on: godly and pernitions vſe: but of chefe thinges in-an other. place, ade | Kk > 4 146 A SERMON OF SALVATION VVhich he shed on vs aboundantly. See how notablp the Apofkle fertech forth grace. He fapth not that the holy Ghoft was giuen „but (hed , and not that onelp , but then aboundantly. For be cannot fufficiently extoll and magnific grace, and the worke thereof, and we, alas, count it fo vile in refpect of our The workes workes, Tt were a dithonou to God and to his holp Spirit, if of — when he hath plentilully ſhed it ppon vs, there chould as pet be Pe our (alu, Lome thing wanting neceflarie to righteoufnes anv faluation, tion without Which we are able to perfourme, ag though the workes of fo any addition incomparable grace could not be fufficient. And Paul furelp — our owne might be reproued of lying, which had not ſpoken all thinges orbes whereby we mutt be iuſtified and faued, when be afftrmeth that he doth it. But ag he wpitech , fo it is: no man can attribute ſo great thinges to this wathing and regeneration, no man can fo much prefume of them, but greater thinges map he attri⸗ buted vnto them, andthou oughteſt to promife to thp f{elfe moe * thinges of them: noman ſhall beleeue fo great thinges, but be ſhall recetue greater. Foraſmuch as thoſe good thinges which God hath giuen, are fo great and ſo vnſpeakeable, he would haue them bere come vnto bs being included and bpd in his words and kayth. For the nature ofour prefentlife cannot beare them being manifeft , andtherefore it mult perifh , when thep beginne to be reuealev, that man mape bp thefe ineffimable | | riches , which be nowe pofleffeth by fapth, beasit were final: | lowed bp, and banith awape, Hie are already abounbantly i tus Tificd by fapth without all our owne merit, therefore Ohpitt fayth, Soh, 3 : God fo loued the world, that he hath giuen his | only begotten Sonne, that who foeuer bekeeuerkit inhim,should | not perish , buthaue euerlafting life. Bebalo, thep that beleeue, haue already euerlaffing life, ı and therefore vndoutedly are iu⸗ | ffified and holp without all their owne labour ormeaneg! that | thou maieſt (te, that nothing but grace and mercie is plenti- | fully powꝛed bpon bg, and that our wozkes could auaile nothing | | hereunto, Thou wilt perhaps fay: Thou canſt net preach fufficiently, An obiedtiö. that the grace and mercie of Gov doth morke all things in bs, | and that no refpect is to be had of our workes, to the attaining | of faluation , but how commeth it co pafle chen, that the Scrip: ture fo oft? wimeliech that they ſhalbe which haue wzꝛought goon | | | a } — BY GRACE WITHOVT WORKES. 147 N goon workeg? As John. 5: Theyshall come forth, that haue done good, vnto the refurredtion of life, but they chat haue done euell vnto the refurrection of condemnation. And Rom,2: Honour and glorietothem that dowell, wrath and indigna- tion torhem that do ill. ie read many fentences here and there inthe Scripture like ontothefe. Jaunſwere: Asthe woꝛdes The anfwere. - found, fo take them without all glofle, fo2 it ig euen fo, chep that | do well fhalbe faued, thep which vo otherwile , ſhalbe condem: ned, But herein many erre from the truth of che Scripture, in _ that they iudge workes according the outward appearance, con- trarie to the Scripture, which teacheth that no man can do good, wbhoe is not himſelfe goop before, and by workeg no man can ged good ac- Works muft not be iud- become good, but workes take their goodnes of the worker,and cording to he becommeth good bp the wathing of the new birth, and bp no the outward thing els, Thig Chꝛiſt meant Wath, 7. ſayng: A corrupt tree “PPearancss _ can not bring forth good frute , neithera good tree euell frute. Giherefore make the tree either good o2 euctl , and it will bring ſoꝛth like frutes. Dppocriteg oftentimes do workeg like to the workes of the Godly, pea fomettme hauing a goodlier thewe, — fo they diligently prape , fatt , giue almeg , and pretend a mer: uelous bolines, but Chrift callech hele heepes clothing, where: with mot burtfull wolueg are clothed anv hidden. Foꝛ none of them is of a true bumble, meeke, and bountiful heart, which chey chiefelp declare when thep are rebuked , when their boli: | nes isreproued: for chen being thep forth their naturall frutes, whereby thep are knowen. Cole are, rathe iudgementes, impatiencie, ftubburnnes, obffinacie , fclaundering , and {uch like, It is true therefaꝛe, he that voth well, ſhalbe faued, that ig, bis faluation halbe manifest, but he can doe no good at all, if be be not before regenerate bp the wathing of the newe “birth, For what good workeg can one worke in the olvenes of the fleihe , and bp the ſtrength proceeded from Adam , they are the good morkes which Paule here condemneth , faping: Not by the workes of righteoufnes which we had done. hep ate in deede good workes done inrighteoutnes , but not before God, who fire hath refpect to the perfon, & then tothe workes, ag we read Gen, 4, that he had reſpect fir to Abel, then to bis facrifice, ag be firft curneth himfelfe from Cain 5 and then ftom bis facriüce , although according to the ontwarn appea- Ki ) 148 A SERMON OF SALVATION : * it was as good a facrifice and werte- as the Berifip Through Iefüs Chr —— This be: added that be map krepe bs vnder the winges of Chatk ,agchickensarewmonttobe — preferucd under the winges of che hen: for thus Chꝛiſt fapty MPatth.23 : Ierufalem, lerufalem , how often would I haue ga~ | thered thy children togither, asthchen ¢ gatherethher chickens _ vnder her wınges , and ye would not? Ann herebp the nature of | a truc and right faith is taught, For tt ts nothing which fome fay: Sbeleeve in God almightie, as the Tewes and manporher arc wont, and do therefore recetue cozpozall benefitesofGov, | What a true It is a true and liuelp faith, whereby thou belecuett in God, | & lively faith howbeit bp Telus Chait, irk that thoudsut not that God is belccueth. | come a merciful father bnto thee, which hath pardoned all chp finnes , tin Baptilme bath adopted thee for his fonne and heire, that thou maieſt certatnip know that thou art ſaued. Againe, thou muff alfo knowe tbis,that that was nor bone freelp,neicher with» out fatiffaction made tothe diuine tuftice, Fortbere canbe no | place in thee for the diuine grace and merep toworke ſaluation, and Co giue thee eternall good thinges, vnleſſe the tuftice of Gop be before moſt fullp facifficd, For Choi wirneflech Watth. 5: One iote,oronetitle of the Lawe shall not ſcape, till all thinges be fulfilled. Chat which ig {poken of the grace and qoodnes of God, can not come but to thom which vo moſt purelpanderactip obferue his commaundements , according to that laping Wich, 2: Tühenäasche Jewes did Prefume of the goodnes of God to⸗ ward them, and did alwapes promile bnto them felues peace, | faping : Dow can God be alwapes angrie, ts the fpirit of the | Hod MHhoptened ? It ig aunfwered them: Are not mp wordes — good bnto Lim that walkech bpatabtly ? Ciberefore tt ſhalbe lawfull for none co attaine vnto the aboundance of grace ‚unleg | Thouch we Be bath before mott exactly fatiffied the commaundemits of Gov. coulde and Mowichathbin ſpoken at large „that our wozkes arenothing fhould fulfil befoge God, whereby we can not fulfill fo much as the leat coms | the commati- maundement of God, how much leffe hall we be able fo to fa= — — of tiftie the iuttice of Gov, thac we map become worthie of bis | Toul pe Stace? Moꝛeouer, ik we were ableto fulfill all the commaunde⸗ ae nothig ments of God, andin all hinges to fariftie his tuftice, notwiths ofhim, fanding we hadnot ag pet beferuen grace andfaluation , 99— | ould —— ——— | BY GRACE WITHOVT WORKES, 149 Wwould be therefore owe it vnto vs, foz that be map bp the right of creation require as Due (eruice,all chofe things ofvs bis creas tures, created to liue vnto him. therefore it ſhould pet come of grace and mercie , what foeuer ſhould come from him to bs. This Chrit : rm verie well Luke 17. ger in a pata: ble : VVhich of you hauing a feruaunt plowing orfeeding cat- tell, would faye vntohim byandby , when he were come from the ficld: Go, and fitdowne atthe table? and would not ra- ther fay tohim, dreſſe wherewith I may ſuppe, and girde thy felfe , and ferue me, till Ihaue eaten and dronken,-and after- ward eat thou and drinke thou ?Doethhe thanke thar feruaunt, becaufe he did that which was commaunded vnto him ?Itrowe not. So likewife ye , when ye haue done all thofe things which are commaunded you, fay, VVe are vnprofitable feruaunts:we haue done that which was our dutie to do. Seing thenthat heauen is giuen of grace, and for no merit, euẽ onto thole,if there were any ſuch, which haue done all things that were commaunded them, according to that promife : Ifthou wilt enter into life, keepethe commaundements : what hall we . boatt of our good workeg , which although thep were moſt abs folute,pet hould thep be vnwoꝛthie ofheauen,butinafmuch ag it is giuen bs bp the free and mercifull pꝛomiſe? Dereupon (für __ that we mut fo fatiftie the diuine iuttice , ano pet notwithttan: We had Ding out workes arenot able to attaine thereunto, whereunto if no gous they ſhould attaine,pet hould thep deferue no grace 02 faluatib, fatisfie the for that they are before due) God ſirſt gaue vnto bs aman, which divine iuſtice ſhouid fatiffie che diuine iuftice for vs tn all thinges. Againe, he for vs. Hath bp the fame man beſtowed this grace and bountifulnes v⸗ ponds, that albeit we without our owne merit and worthines, pea hauing eueldeferued and being unwozthie,do recetue grace, Not by our pet it conuneth not onto bs altogither freelp and without all me⸗ our by Oe rit, for we haue it thꝛough the merit and ſatiſfaction of Chꝛiſt. Chun Wihereupon aul ſayth Wom, 5: As by the offence of one finne are we fayed. came onall mento condemnation : fo by the iuftifying of one, thatis,of Jeſus Chait, the benefiteaboüded toward all mento the iuftification of life. Chat is: As without all our merit , and otwne worke we fell into fpnne, being bogne ſynners, ſo againe Without all our merit and meanes, we are redeemed from: finneg, bp the wathing of the {pirit bogne againg che * of Gdd, pars + | iij 150 . & SERMON OF SALVATION takers of grace and ſaluation. And this isthe caule why the A⸗ poftle where be {peaketh of faith and grace, ig wont ta adde, bp Jeſus Chriſt: whereby (urelp he would giue bs to bnder and, that none ſhould count tt ufficient , if belay : 3 beleeue in Gov, Chꝛiſt being neglected. De thattrulp beleeueth, mu acknow⸗ ledge, that bis faith can notbe acceptable to God,pea that it can be no fatth at all, ik allthe commaundements of God be not be: fore fulftilen, which feeing it is aboue thp abilitie, (and if it were not, petnotwichianding thou hadit perfourmed nothing , but that chou aughteſt, and hadſt ag pet merited nothing, hauing ful- filled cuen ailthe commaundements of God ) thou hat neeve of another, which in all chinges map fatiffte the diuine iuſtice for thee, and map alfomertt beauen for thee. Now this other is our Loyd and Sauiour Telus Chait, whohach for thee fulällen che whole Lawe, and merited for thee, that God now according to bis tuftice cannot but giue heauen vnto thee, andinall hinges acknowledge thee for bis fonne and heire, And this is atrue and found kaith, which trufteth in God bp Chꝛiſt, and is cers taine that by his merit tt hath already receiued of God faluar tion, which ſhortly after halbe reuealed with bleſſed aboundance of felicitie. Chriftian Meither can any other be called Chriftian faith , but that, faith. wherebp itis beleeued , that by Chꝛiſt do come onto vs both fa: tiffaction , which we oweto the tuftice of Gon, and the gift of faluation, which we our {elues by no meanes, if the Lawe could even be fulfillen of bs, canmerit, CAhereupon Paul Rom, 4, We haue all apt): Chriftwas deliuered to death for our fynnes, and rofe things necef- againe for our iuftification. Chatis, bp Chri we baue receis fary to falua- ued, not onelp remiflion of fpnneg , but mozeouer alfo , that bes tion, not by fore God we are accounted righteous,¢ che fonnes of bis grace. a owen. To the lame effect alfo tendeth that which he fapth Rom, 3 + but by the Whom God hath fet forth to bea reconciliation through faith merit and = inhisblood.C@ibere agatne me tearnt, that it is true faith which aay of truſteth intheblood of Chꝛiſt, and beleeuech that therebp tt hall clus Chrift. opraine race, Tübereag thou beleeuct that he hath then big blood for thee, thou recetuett fatiltaction: in that thou acknow⸗ ledgeſt him the reconciliation , thou conſfeſſeſt that bp bis merit the diuine grace and faluation Do come vnto thee, Ce haue all things without our owne merit and meanes, but not without the merit © il BY GRACE WITHOVT WORKES, t5r mæerit and meanes of Chri, who hath for this caufe then hig bloov, Ülherefore chat we map allude vnto p parable of Chit, we mutt containe our ſelues onder bis winges , and not bpon trult in our felues flie our, and contend to come vnto God, other: wife we thalbe a prape to the hellith kite, For as tt hath bin oftẽ ſayd, ourrighteoufnes , our merits , pea and our faith Hall prec naile nothing without this our medtatour Chit. And therefore he fapth Joh. 1 4: Noman cömeth vato the Father, but by me. And in the whole Golpell what other thing doth he, but enve: uour to take bs out of our ſelues, and to tranfferre vs to himfelfe bnder bis winges, that we map trult onelp in bis faciffaction © and merit? The fame the Apoltle alfo teacherh in che wordeg That we being iuftified by his grace, should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life. De {apth that we are iuſti We arc iufti- fied,not bp our owne workeg, but by the grace ofthe fame Jeſus fied by the “ Chik, Chat is, we are therefore tultifien , for that Chritt hach a * * the grace of the Father, hauing kulfilled his will in all thinges, hriſt Ielus. and thereby mericed eternall life. For ſeeing that he hath no needeof this merit, be giveth it onto vs which beleeue inbim, that before God all his thingeg may be imputedto vs, and by them we mapreceinefaluation, See, how rich a thing found faith is, and how gréat good things it bꝛingeth with it, See alla — How precious a thing the Gofpellis, and how great atreafure it is to baue tepurely preached: and contrariwife , how great a diſcommoditie there ig, there itis not preachen , o2 not rightly > preached, the'tnuentions of men being mingled with it,o2 chruft in ſtede of it. Cake heeve therefore of füch veceiuerg,and of their counterfet fatth, reſt not in chp felfe,buc get thee under p winges — of Chik, keepe thy lelfe unver bis protection , trut that chou art heire of eternall life, not by thy owne righteouſnes, 02 grace | Which chou bak receiued , but whereby he ig righteous and ac: ceptable before Goo, Dereunto pertaineth this laping JPfal.gr. He willcouer thee vnder his winges , and thoushalc be fafe vn.. _ derhis fechers. And in the Songe of Salomon it ts fain: My | fpoufe isa doue, building her neaft in the caues of the rockes, and in theholes ofthe wall , that ig, in the woundes of Chit. And thig in deede iga true Chaittian faith, which reſteth not in ic felfe ag the Scholemendzeamed , but repolech it felfe wholy in | K ij | | > RUE » gi * Pr . ai. 152 A SERMON OF SALVATION BY GRACE &c. Chꝛiſt, and asic truſteth in him ‚fo it veftech in him, hauing re: ceiucd eternallfaluation. Cihereas be faith that we are made ' heires of eternal life according to hope, befive thache proucth, tiat we without all our owne merits, by onely bope of grace are bone againe beires of eternall life, and bo not become beires bp woking , whereof we haue already {poken at large, be alſo tea⸗ cheth his, that our faluation and eternall Life ig as per bid, ak though, it we beleeue, we do verely polſeſſe it, andthis body being put of, andthe kingdome of Chzilt revealed , all thinges fhalt appeare mantfettlp, ; The weapons of this text. Ourowne This text fighteth moſt mightilp,and with molt plaine woꝛds sehr againt all rightcoufnes and good workegof mans reafon and workes are free Will, For the woꝛdes are plaine.Not by the workes of righ no power to teoufnes , which we had done, but according to his mercie he faue vs. faucdvs, by the washing, &c. AU which wordes do vtterly ouerthꝛow our righteouſnes, attributing all things top wathing of the newe birth, and the renewing ofthe holp Ghott, to Cyrik and bis grace. Dow can there notwithftanding anp prefumptton as pet remaine in vg ? Cüherefore let all lacred and prophane lawes haue a fapre thew : let all facrificing pꝛieſts, monkes, and nunneg boaft ofthemfelueg: let all religion’ and Honeft men and women ſeeme goodly in outward appearaunce: let them euen raple the dead: if faith in Chrift be ablent.whereof we haue now fpoken {o much, all theſe things aretono purpofe, Theſe mot? falle ſhewes do ag pet deceiue the whole world, and ſeduce almoft euerte one. Chey makethe Gofpellobfeure, and ertinguith the faith of Chꝛiſt: AU their workeg and orders, although thep ape peare goodly, and thep thinke them to baue merited neuer {a much do auaile no mozerunto faluation, then the workes of beaſtes, 02 of artificers , whereby thep do maintaine themfelueg and theirs , pea thep do moſt hurtfullp hinder it. Therefore that JI map conclude , take heeve ag much as thou art able, of thele wolues, Which under a faire pretence counterfet themfelues fhecpe , and learne and accuftome thp felfe with a found faich to cleaue brite Chak alone, = SERMON OF D. MAR. TIN LVTHER OF THE KING DOM OF GOD. DERE he Drafinuch ag there is often mention made in the N Pye new Tefkament of thefe wordeg, the kingdom of | A \d heaué,the kingdomof God,} Kingdom of Chrift, OR Cae and it is berp profitable and expedient for a Chris od SS tian to know thele, to wit, chat they are nothing ela, but remiffion offinnes,and grace preached and offered by the Golpell, For inthis kingdom chou Halt finde nothing but grace and goodnes, pardon and forgiuencs of ſinnes, loue and gentle: nes: J therefore thinke it good to entreate fomewhat at barge of the fate of this kingdom, and of foꝛgiuenes of finnes. The king: Dom of Gov, whereby he reignech ouer all che Faithfull; and ag a faithful king vefenveth,punilhech,rewardech;guineth,and pire? cteth them, ec.chep againe from their hart truſt in bim,(uffer bis fatherly chattifement and coꝛrection with a patient mind, and al⸗ wayes ferue him through obediense,ig not wozldlp op tempopal, but fpiritwal, Meicher conſiſteth it in meate and dzinke, 02 in ann The kingdd Outward thing, but onelp iniuftification, quicting and confolati+ of God wher onof the bart and confctence of man. IAherfore itis nothing els, imitconi- but forgiuenes and taking away of finneg, bp which sonfrienceg g Heth. t aredefiled, troubled, and Difquieted . For cuen ag a woꝛldly and A fimititude. temporal kingdom tg oꝛdayned to this ende, that men map tine quietly € peaceably one wich an other: So che kingdom of Gov giueth thefe thinges {pirituallp , and deſtroyeth the kingdom of finne,and is nothing elfe, but an aboliſhing and pardoning of of: fences, God reigueth inthe hartes, inaſmuch as be workerhin them bp bis 02d, peace quietnes and conſolation: euen as inne worketh the contrarp,namelp;unguietneg,anguifh,and all kinve . of euills Derein God theweth bis maieſtie anngraceinthistife; ~ °° that he taketh away anv pardoneth mens finneg : and this is the kingdomeof grace. Nowe when as finne with his gard, that is Satan death, and heil, hall trouble man no moze, then at che laſt Thekingdö of God is gouerned, not by the law, but by the Gofell. How Chrift reigneth in the kingdõ ofGod. Chrift put- teth away finne after two fortes. 154 A SERMON OF THE the kingdomofglorp,and abfolute felicitie hall be, | Hereupon tt followeth: firk chat the kingdom of Gon ig culeb oꝛ gouerned bpno law, no not bpthelawof Gon, much leſſe by the lawes of men, but onely bp the Golpell,and faich i inGod, bp which harts are purified,comforted,and quieted, whiles that the holy Ghoſt pourech loue andthe knowledge of Gov intothem.¢€ maketh man ag tt were one thinge and one {pirit with God: fo that bis affectton ig {et bpon the fame thinge, he willerh and def: rech che fame thinge,be feekcth and louech che fame thinge „that God doth. either ſtandeth the cafe orherwife here, then tt doth betweene two frendes, which beare good wil one to an otber,and agree one wich an other in all thinges. Hereot it commerh;chata man inthis kingdome of Gov ts perfect, mercifull, pitifull anv bountiful toward bis neighbour , feeing that he knoweth by the inftinct ofthe holy Ghott,chat God is of p Came affection toward him,and coward all men and doth poure forth bis. goodnes plens tifullp. Such affection of Gono man can know bp the lawe, but onely by the ſpirit, and word of the Golpell. jane therefore thal obtaine guiietnes,comfozt, and peace of the bart, 02 attaine vnto the kingdom of God by anp law: And they which prefcribe manp lawes,doe withdꝛaw men from the kingdom of God,to the king» Donvof finne,wherein is nothing elg,but vnquietnes, anguiſh af⸗ fliction, aduerfitie, and all kind of eutlls toꝛmenting the conſci⸗ ence. Like ag on the contrary, in the kingdom and knowlege of God;there ismeere toy peace,and confolation of harts. Secondly:In this kingdomof Gon the Lor Chꝛiſt reignech no otherwile,thenas a Matfer of an Dolpitall among the fickes. poore,anddifealed, For vnto this kingdome none pertaine,but finnefull and miferable men, vnto whome their finnes are foygia ven. Dereupon Chpitt ſayth inthe Golpell Luke 6: VVobero youthatare riche, which hauereceiued your confolation. But contrariwife,the pooze, miferable, and {uccourles receiue com= fort and top bp the Golpel: for Chrift came to call innere onelp, and not the righteous, that all gloꝛy map: be referred to God a⸗ fone | for that He foꝛgiueth ſinnes of his grace and meere merepy Such aboliſhing oꝛ putting away of finne, wherein Chꝛiſt reig⸗ neth as King of the kingnome.of Gov, isvone of bimafter two fortes: fir thus, in that he remitteth, pardoneth and couereth linnes.lo that Gon will not regard, remember oz reuenge them | although q er Di WE ie ar ar? a» 2 KINGDOM OF GOD, “195 although thep be ina man. As it is in the 32 Plalme: Bleffed are they whofe iniquities are forgiuen, and whofe finnes are coue- red.Bleffed isthe man to whom the Lord wil notimpute finne, in whofe fpirit there is no guile. And in Eſay cap.43 God ſayth: Jam,euen I am he,that formyne owne felfs fake do awaythine offences,and forget thy finnes, fo that I vvill neuer thinke vpon them. Secondelp thus, inthat he purgech o2 rather froureth finnes bp diuers crofles and afflictions. For they are two things, toremitfinnes, andto weaken the body of finne that it map noc . teigne invs. Ifa man belceue, and ig baptized,then all hig finneg are forgiuen hiin. But afterwarde ſinne mut be fcoured or aba- ted by manifolo afiliction and moptification, as long as be hall liue. Sinne ickech in vs, as long ag the moꝛtal body remainerh, but for Chrittes fake it ts not imputed inthe wrath of God, but freelp remitted, andthe force thereof diminiſhed bp his fatherip h chattifement. In fuch chaftifement foꝛ their amendement , true True Chri- Chꝛiſtians haue had great comfort, peace, andiope, ag yaule jer fapth Roms : Then beingiuftified by faich,vve haue peaceto- en ward God,through our Lord Iefus Chrift,by vvhö alfo through faith,vve haue had this accefle into this grace,wherin we ftand, and reioyce vnder the hope of the glory of God. Neither that onely,but alfo vve reioyce in tribulations, knovving that tribu- lation bringeth forth patience, and patience experience, & ex- perience hope. And hope maketh not ashamed, becaufe the loue of God isshed abroad in our harts by the holy Ghoft vvhich is giuenvnto vs. So thou haſt two thinges to be confivered: Che rſt, that in this kingdom of Gon we are iuttified. Che feconve, that by tribulation and affliction we are glorified, without which ine cannot attaine buto glory. re Thirdly, good Chrittiang are not knowen by this , when anp fuffer manifold tribulation € chafifement, that the body of finne map be weakened, and chep brought to amendement. For berein they doc altogither differ amonge them {elues,one ſuffereth this, another that: one is chattiled thus, another otherwile, fo that e⸗ ten the very Apoſtles did not loue and fuffer altke Wut hep are knowen tn forgiuenes of finnes,o2 iufificacion bp fatth, wherein Gor turneth hig anger fromthem, ereceiucth them vnto grace, and counteth them for bis deare childgen , and imputeth no firme to them bnto condemnation, Herein are all alike, euen ag all —ã a 1: de. 156 | A SERMON OF THE liue onder one beauen. Therefore they poe moſt groffelp erre ¢ fumble, which mealure Chriffians bpmaners, workes, and the outwarde maner of liuing, even as the Pharifees were wont to Dog, and Did therefore finde fault with Chri, for that be did noe obferue their ceremonies, but was a frend of Publicanes and fin: ners, 4s that joharife ſayd within him felfe Luke 7: Ifthis man were a Prophet,he would furely haue knowne who, and wvhat maner of vvoman this is, vvhich toucheth him : for she is a fin- AGmilitude Mer. Heare nome anerample of thole thinges which are befoze fapd : 4 Phiſitian which goeth about to cure che ficke , doth firk promile him health bp the aſſiſtance and helpe of Gov, whereby ‘be putteth him in great hope and comfort, Afterward he begin: neth topurge, ta clenfe and ſtrengthen, and fuch like thinges, which make to che recoucring ofhealch: So Gon allo, whenhe _ bath remitted finnes, and recetued man into the bofom of grace, Doth lay on him all kind of afflictions, and doth ſcoure him, anv renue him from day to Dap, inthe knowledge and loue of Good, vntil he become fafe,pure and renued, which then at che Talk com: meth to paile, when this moztall boop opeth, Fourthly inchefe two partitions of the kingdom of Gon, tivo Two fortes ſoꝛtes of men.are founde, which abule the fame kingdome of the ofmena- grace of God, and the Golpell. Some become ſluggiſh and Hochs bufethe full, faping : Telli finnes be pardoned freely of meere grace, grace. and be wathed awap in baptifme, thereis no neede that I fhoulv adde any thinge of mine owne. Other thinke contrariwife, that thep thal put away their finnes by works, and fo trufting to their owne merits,thep are proud and arrogant,and tn refpect of chem felues contemne other , which voe not fo, Che firlt of theſe cons - temne Gods grace : che other oppugne it, as not {uificient,and fo they reprefent {wine and dogges. Now all this appeareth by the Golpell,by which Chri reigneth inthe kingdomof God, For fome abufe it vnto carnall liberties other contrariwile are pers fwaned,chat it ig not {ufficient tofaluation,but that their woꝛkes alfo vor helpe fomewhat,and by chis thep Deny and contemne the grace of Gop. Hereof thou map read more in the Cpittle co the Romanes,whereinthele two ſoꝛtes of men are plainly fee forth, Fiftlp, this kingdomaf Goo , op remiſſion of finnes hath no bounde oꝛ meafure , as that place of the Golpell doch verp well fhew, where Peter al keth the Loꝛd: Lord, how oft shal my * ther Macch. i8.2 1. 22. KINGDOM “PF GoD, 197 ther finne againft me,and I shall forgiue him? vnto feuen times? "Telus fayd vnto him, | fay norco thee,vnto feuen times, but vnto feuenty times ſeuen times, that is, ag often as thall be needefull, "After this follometh aparable, which the Loꝛde there puttech we mut forth wherein be mot ſeuerely anmonifhech vs,if we will not fal forgive our outof the fauour of God , that we forgiue our neighbour bis of, neichbour, ‘fences without all delay or grudging. Fopafinuch as God al: Coa wapes forgineth vg innumerable finnes.Dur dette, whereby we +0 forgiue "are bound vnto God,is ten thouſand talents, thatis, fo unmeafu: vs. rable and great, that we are not able to pay tt with allour fub: ftance,all our frength and workes, For we can put awap no one ‘fnne. although ithe euenverp litle. Seeing therefore that God ‘doth remit fo many finnes of bis grace tnhis kingdome, it ts | meete,that we ſhould forgiue our neighbour afew offences, OF | this kingdom of Gov, wherein finnes are forgiuen, the Scrip: ' tute euerp where maketh mention,and ſayth, that the kingdom & ‘dominion of Chꝛiſt doch extend from one ende of the lande to che other. Solapth Dauid yofal.7 2: His dominion shall be from the one featothe other, and fromthe fludde vnto the ende of the earth, And a litle after be fapth x All nations shall ferue him. | This alloche Angell Gabptell declared tothe Uirgine Marie | Luke 1.where be ſayth thus of Chriff : The Lord shall giue vn- "to him the throne of his father Dauid , and he shall reigne ouer | the houfe of Iacob for euer,and of his kingdom shall be no end. Theſe and fuch like places vo ſhew that the foꝛgiuenes vf finnes, | teberin che kingdom of Gov doch efpeciallp conſiſt, bath no meas ı fure 02 bound, | | Sirtlp.bereofiwe map ſee, how bnchriſtianly thep poe, which Anvnchri- „bringe forgiuenes of finnes toa certaine meafure , agchep doe, fıan thinge | which meafure out their indulgences for prefcribev peares, with °° beste ‘forgiuenes of the third, fourth, or halfe part. Foꝛ hereby thep nn bringe the kingdom of God into a narrow and {ratte roome,and or Bose ‚are iniurious to hismercy, forafinuch as there ig no ende of bis kingdom, noꝛ meafure of his mercy. But whoſoeuer halin faith call vpon thename of God, ſhall be faued,asoften asthe doth tt, | Woreouer, when che finner Mall be ſoꝛy foy his finnes, the Lorde Will no mozeremember them , as tt ts in che Pꝛophecie of Eze⸗ chiel, chap. I 8. : V4 Seuenthly , ag this kingdome of God hath no mealure or ti: | Id I 4 E-. ie | NR Be] _ 358 A SERMON OF THE | mits of forgiueneg of finneg, fo alfo ic hath no ende,but potato | continually without cealling : albeit the fubiects of this king: Dom Doe not abide init continually. firmely and faithfully, but do often times forfake it, 20 the fauour and grace of God were cone | tinually with jeter although he denied the Lorde, and reuolted kfrom him. Cathe lame effect tendeth the parable in the Goſpell whereof me haue now ſpoken. For the feruaunt,which would not baue pitie of his felow ſeruaunt, did make him felfe vnworthy of the mercy of God, div depriue him felfe of the kingdom of Goo, which confifkech in pardontug of offences,as it te aboue mentio- nev. Mere Ciniuerlitic Diuines of apregnant wit, ag they feeme bnto them ſelues, and puffed vp wich knowledge, haue Difputen, whether, and how forxiueneg of ſinnes doth come againe , when man iterateth o2 renuech his finne , not knowing what thep fap, But follow chou the plaine and fimple wognes of the Gofpell, to Wit, that thy finnes are fo often foꝛgiuen thee, ag thou dooft fors gtue thy brother, whom thou mutt fo often forgiue as he ſhall of fend again thee. TAherefore in this parable, thereof J haue e⸗ We mußt for yen now made mention, Chait doth admoniſh vs all,that we pars — ris bon and korgiue all chem that haue offenven bs. Asif be would chey ofend fap: Asin mans affapres,he which ts beneficial to an orher,bath againtvs. other alla beneficial onto him againe, fo fapth Chritt,in p kings dom of heauen.which conlitteth ſpecially in for qiuenes of finnes, that isin Chꝛiſtianity or among Chrittians,be which pardonech an other his offences, 3 alfo will pardon bimbis, And on the contrarp.be that ig not merciful coward an other , tobim Jalſo will Denp grace.J am ouer pou ag Loꝛd and King, and pe are fe low feruaunts and compantons one with an other.Sceing theres foxethac J pour Loꝛde doe readily forgiue pou, pou allo ought moze readily to forgiue one another. After the fame fort allo be bath commaunded vs to prap in the Lords praper, Watth,6:For- giue vs dur dertes : which be would not haue done, if be dit not promile and would not merctfullp forgiue vs, Gut neuertheleg be added a condition oz figne to this promtfe, when he ſayth: If ye forgiue men their trefpafles, your heauenlyFather will alfo for- giue you. ‚The firk ig afigne,p other appomile, Marke that tt is bere eniopned vs, to forgiue one an other his ſinnes and offences, fo,that we mutt be merciful. and bountifull towarde our neigh: bours , tf we will haue the heauenly father gentle and “ama toma < KINGDOM OF GoD. “159 toward bs. And lec bs be moft certainly perſwaded hereof, when “wwe thall interpret at the beſt, and excuſe/ ag much ag equitie doth | fuffer,the offences and trefpattes of other, although they be euen - een and gricuous, that we allo thall haue a bountifull and mer: rrkull facher toward be in heauen, CCthercfore it ig a thinge moſt A moft vn- abhorring from Chzittianitie,and euen blafphemoug, when it ig chriftian ſayd: Ican not, neicher will J forgine him chat whieh he hath aes | committed again me, I wil be reuenged,#c.Durelp thofe blind Pes * mẽ are ignorant, that they doe take from God his gloꝛy, to whom to beare ma- alone vengeance belongeth, and chalenge it to them ſelues, and lice in our ſo they giue bp tothe deuill their owne loules, which they haue hare & fecke receiued of God,¢ ought co render them Uno him againe,where: 0 7° Fuse unto thep are perbaps pꝛouoked euen with fome {mall o2 trifle: © Ting’ matter, Such kind of men as thefe ought to ſette before the epes of their hart,chefe woꝛdes of the Gofpell, Watth,18; Oc- uill feruant, 1 forgaue thee all that dette , becaufe thou prayedit me: oughtelt not thou alfo to haue had pitie on thy fellow fer- uant, euen as I had pitie on thee ? So his Lord was wrath, & de- liuered him to the tormentors,tilhe should pay all chat was due to him: So likevvife shall mine heauenly Father doe vnto you, -except ye forgive from your harts eche one to his brother their trefj pafles, Meither ts it (ufficient.tfin relures, fignes, mouth 02 tongue thou ſhew thp ielle a frend vnto him, and foꝛgiue him, but thou mutt doe it from thy hart, otherwife God will not forgiue thee,pea thou thalt be dꝛiuen out of the Kingdom ofgrace, ber: foreif at any tyme we haue tryed the mercy of God towarde bs, we muſt alforeadily pardonour felow brethren, which baue of: © fended vg, For in that refpect the mercifull Father forgtuerh bs out finnes,chat ne alfo fhould forgive our brethren, # ſhew mer- cxytoward them, euen ag he is merciful coward vs, and remittech finne,veath,the fault and the punifhment,dGben we hal dothis, then are we receiued into the kingdom of God. Foꝛ the goodnes of God liueth in our hartes,and maketh vs alfo goon, Chritk fits teth at the righthand ofthe Father, pet neuertheles be reignech inthe hartes and confciences of the farthfull, fo that thep loue, feare, reuerence, and diligently obephim, no otherwile chen obe: dient fubtects doe their King , and inalltheir voingeg are made like to him, euen as be him felfe fapth, Watth.5 : Be ye perfect,as _ your Father vyhich isin heauen,is perfect. Now God ig perfect | L | | | 160 A SERMON OF THE KINGDOM &c, 4 inthis, that he taketh away and pardoneth our wickednes, Des fect,finne, and imperfestion,that we alfo map doe the like to our bꝛethꝛen. But when ag we hall not doe the like, we are dpinen outofbis kingdom, ¢ are made (ubiect tothe kingvom of finne, death, and the deuill, as diflopall and difobedient inbabitants of fome countrie , arethaut out, Cibich God of his mercy turne fromos, Amen. * All thefe thinges may be comprehended in the prin- cipall poyntes follovving. : Chriſt reigneth,when by fasth of the Gofpell, he worketh the go * and grace of Godin our hartes, and maketh them lihe vnto Goa. * 2 Infuch akingdom the conſcience enioyeth peace, confolation and reſt, when it underftandeth andkuoteth that God is mercsfull unto tt,and imputeth not finnes. . | 3 Therefore man beareth all kind of tribulation and affisttion, by which [inne is (coured,and the force thereof abated, He alfo ende- noureth to be beneficiall unto other , as he him felfe hath bene asit were onerwhelmed of the benefits of God, ’ 4 And fothe Lord reigneth after two fortes: Firft, for that he maketh the fasthfull cert ame of the grace of God,and remiffion of finnes Secondly for that he layeth the croſſe vpon them,that the bo- ay of finne may be weakened,and they brought to amendement. 5 Hethat forgiueth his detters pertaineth ro the kingdom of God,but he that doth not forgine them , remaineth under the king= "dom of finne. Theſe things I thought good to fpeake in this prefent place concerning the kingdom of beauen, the kingdom of God,or the kingdom of Chik, whichis the fame: to wit,that it is nothing elle but a kingdom, tn which thou ſhalt finde nothing but forgiues nes of finnes. TUbich kingdom ig preached and offered unto bs by the Gofpell, God graunt that we map ſo receiue tt, Amen, A tf if 7 LELGLG LG IE ILL SES REESE ESS A SERMON OF D. MAR- TIN LVTHER OF PRAYER. . { } Dat prayer map be good indeede, and map alfo be heard, we nut firſt confiver that twothinges are Ga neceflarte thereunto: one, that we firſt meditate 7 | G vpon the ppomile of God,and doc ag it were aduer: Teen | *" tize God thereof, and truſting bneo tt, be embold- 6-0 ro be | nedand made cheerefull co pray ; forunles God had commaun: confidered | Ded vs to prap,and had promiled alfo chat he will heave vs , euen ofin prayer. all creatures could not obtapne fo much ag a grapne by their pe- titions. MAhereupon it followerh, that na man doth obtapne anp | thinge of God for his owne wozthines, or the wogthines of his - praper,but bp the onelp goodnes of God, who preuenting all our | petitions and defires , prouoketh bs to pray and defire of him, ' by bis gentle and bounteous promife and commaundement, that - i me map learne howe great care he hath ouer bg, and is ready to giue bs moe thinges, then we durſt enterpzife to af ke, and that we map alfolearneto pray boldely, inaſmuch ag be giueth bs all thinges euen in more ample maner then we doe afke them. tig We muft no neceilarte that we doe no whit doute of the promife of the true thing doure | and fapehfull Gon , for therefore be hath promifed that he will of ot God heare vs, pea and hath commaunded vs to pray, thatwemight 7... haue a ſure and ftronge fapth, that our praper ſhall be ſo heard, ge ashefapch March, 21. and Marke 11: VVhatfocuer ye shall | aske inprayer, ifye beleeue, ye shall receyueit. Andin Luke i chapt. 11: And! fay vnto you, Aske,and it shall be giuen you: | feeke, and ye shall finde: knocke, and it shall be opened vnto | you. Forenery one that asketh, receiueth: and he that {eeketh, _ | findeth and to him that knockethit shall be opened, If afonne | shall askebread’ofany of you that is afather, will ye giuehim a | tone? or if he askea fish, willye for afısh, giue hima ferpent ? | orif heaske anegge , willye giue hima fcorpion? If ye then | wyhich are euill,can giue good giftes ynto your children, how - | L le ei eT Vref an Oh as ty 0 162 A SERMON ~ much more shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Ghoft to them that defire him? Te muf bololp truſt to chele , andfuch like pꝛomiſes and commaundements , and pray with trie confis pence, | Hethatdou- fonefloprapeth, thathedout whether God heare him, anv tethofthe maketh bis praper onelp at aduenture, caring not greatly mbe- De of ther itbehearde oꝛ nothearde: be committeth adouble offences, ee Dne,foz chat he him felfe maketh his pzaier fruttrate,and labou⸗ SEN Gm reth invaine. Foꝛ ſo James fapth chap.ı : He that vvill aske of finne. the Lord.let him aske in faith, and vvauer not: for he that vva- uereth,is like a vvaue of the fea, toft of the vvinde, and caried a- vvay,lec not thatmanthinke that he shall receiue any thinge of che Lord Such a mang bart ig not quiet ¢ ſetled, wherefoge God can gtue bim nothing. But faith maketh the hart quiet, and ca: pabic of the gifts of God, The other offence is, that be counteth the moft faithfull and true God, as alping,paine, and vnconſtant man, as he which netthez ts able neither will fulfill bis promifes, fo by his douting be robbeth God ofhis honour, ¢ name of faith: fulnes,and truth, Mhereby it ts fo grieuouflp offended, that e- uen that offence being committed, a Chꝛiſtian ts plainlp chaun- - gedinto an Deathen,and deniech and lofech his true God, fo that if be continue cherein,be is Damned for euer without all comfort, And ifany thing be gtuen vnto him, which be af kech, it is giuen him not to good, but to eutll, as well tempozall ageternall, not for bis prayers fake, but from the wrath of God, that he map rez compente thofe goodly wordes, which are vttered in finnes, uns Y beleefe, and to the diſhonour of Goo, Wemuttnor Dome fay: J would truſt in deede chat mp prayers ſhould be therefore beard if were worthy.or if J could pap well, Chen, lap Ft doutinour thou wilt not pray, before chou thalt knowe and finde thy felfe fie. in ers for to yap, that chou (halt neuer pꝛay. Foꝛ as it is before ſayde, our m — pꝛayer muſt not reſt vpon our worthines , oꝛ the woꝛthines of tt ye , “ felfe,o2 be grounded thereon, but vpon the immutable truth ofthe -promife of God, JF ſo be chat tt truſt to it felfe op anp other thing, and ground tt felfe thereon, itis falfe, and deceiueth thee. albeit thy hare ſhould euct be burt bp reafon of the ardent affection of godlines, and thou ſhouldeſt weepe nothing bur dꝛopps of bloop, For therefore we pray , becaufe we are bntworthp to prap, and hereby (urelp we are made worthy to pray, and fitto be heard, | inafinuch OF PRAYER, 163 J inaſmuch ag we thinke that we are unworthp, and doe boldly any How we are cheerelully truſt co the fatthfulnes and eruch of God, Although