Mary Cueves Duties Fund
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writings and preachings for theneceflary inftru€tion and edification of
fuch,as hunger and feeke after the perfe@ knowledge and ine»
ftimable glorie which isin Chril Iefu,to the comfort and
faluation of their foules.
Englished by V. G.
| Philip. 3.8.9.
| I thinke all hinges but loffe for the excellencie of the knowledge of Chriff Ieſus
| my Lord,for whom I haue counted all thinges loffe , and doe indge them but vile,
i shat I may winne Chrift,aud be found in him,nor haning myne owne righte-
onfnes,which is of the lawe,but chat which is shrough the faith *
chriſt, euen she righteou{nes which is of God
| through faith.
Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier dwelling
in the Blacke Friers by Ludgate.
\ | 1578.
| |
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fallof the Sermons conteined iv this booke,
SER Sermon ofthe natiuitie of Chrift.
A Sermon ofthe Epiphanie orA p-
)pearing of Chrift. 19.
4 — — the Genealogie or Pedegre of
A Sermon of the Hymne of Zacharias commö-
ly called Benedi@us. |
A Sermon of the Meditation of Chriftes pth
A Sermon of the frute and vertue of Chrift he
"refurredtion. 74.
A Sermon of the good fhepcheard. 79.
- A Sermon of the loft fhepe. 92.
- ASermonofthe womanofCanaan. . 122.
A Sermon of faluation freelyby grace without
‚ the workes and merits of men. 129.
A Sermon of the kingdom of God. 158:
A Serinon of Prayer. 161.
A Sermon concerning the bidding of Guefts to
‚the great fupper. 164.
A Sermon of the workes of charitie. 170,
£ 13
A Sermonofthe fumme of Chriftian life, 182.
A Sermon of the queftion of the Pharifees and
aunfwer of Chrift concerning giuing tribute to
(o> Ea 1.2134
A Sermon of faluation by Chriftalone. 2 25.
A Sermon ofgood workes the frutes of faith.
A Sermon of toy in God, and a patient mind —
* ij
N Vo
wv 4
— men. 254.
A Sermon of eh I vnderthe Sr and
them that bevnder grace. 274.
A Sermon of faith and diffidence i in Auge &
trouble. 316,
A Sermon of the life of a Chriftian. 324.
A Sermon of tentation. 6
A Sermon of the leading ofa godly life. : —*
A Sermon of Gods prouidence and care for his
children. 463.
A Sermon of truftein God in penutie and di-
A Sermon againft the contemptof Gods word.
A Sermon of the Law and the Gofpel. : 391.
A Sermon of the exercife and increafing of
faith. 406,
A Sermon of remiffion of ſinnes to the contrite
and broken in hart, & terrible indgement to a
indurate and obftinate.'
A Sermon oftruftandhope in Chrift, *
him we fhall obtaine all good thinges. 431.
A Sermon of the workes which Chrift hathe
wroughtfor vs,wherinis contained a moft {weet
confolation againft the — —
A Sermonvpon the Gofpellon S. Matchigp iy
A Sermon vponthe Gofpell on the feafte oes, S.
Philip and lames, 469.
iefties priuie chamber, VV. Gace wisheth peace
and faluationin Chrift,
SR CpOnfydering (right VVorshipfull)
2X that faying of Danid alleaged by
YBarhe Apoftle Paul,that there isnone
that underjtandeth,none that ſee
2 ]keth after God, that all are gone
DAFT out of the vvay and become va-
A A profitable: me thinkes it doth line-
7 Iy fet forth the blindneſſe of mans
oe SS"? underftanding, the vvickedneffe
of his vvill, and his peruer[nes and unhabilstie unto that
vvhich ts good. VV hereof if uve had not many testimonies
of Scripture,yet common experience vvere able to confirme
the ſame, vvhen vve daily fee men fo carefull to line,and fo
careleffetoline vvell. Hovvbeit this isno meruell : for asa
tree vvhoſe roote is rotten and infected vvith venimous
fappe,bringeth forth none but corrupt andnaughty frute: fo
from mans hart vvhich iscorrupt and infected vvith the
venim of finne,can proceede nothing that is good.
Novv mans vaderftanding being blinde , he is not able
of him [elfe toattainetotheknovviedge of God, andconfe-
— quently uvithout fome other meanes or helpe cannot be ſa-
ued: for this,as our Saniour inthe Gofpell [ayth, islefe ener-
lafting,to knovv one onely true God,and him vvhom he hath
[ent Iefus Christ Againe,mans vvill being corrupt,he is not
* ꝛ
able to [erue-God as his dutiereguireth , as to honour hime as
his Lord,to obey him as his father, to truft in him as his Pro-
tector andpreferner , to be thankefull to him for his infinite
benefites,c>e. Vithereforelefte man being rgnorantof God
shouldbe excluded from falnation, or left through the vvte-
kednes of his vvill and inclination to euill , he should disho-
pour [ohigh a Lord,difobey [o gooda father, dsftruft ſo care-
full apreferuer , and be unthankefullto fo gractonsaginer, —
vuho doth not [ee hovv requifite and needefull it ts, that he
should by good inftructons be brought tothe knovvledge of
the Lorde God, and by godly exhortations and admonitions
bereclaimed from his vvicked vvayestothe performance of
his dutie? Novv forafinuch as God hath inhis vvord, renea-
led fo much of hum felfe as is expedient for man to knovv,
hath therein alfo preferibed that maner of feruing him
uvhereof he accepteth, man muct out of it learne the true
knovuledge and right feruice of God,and therefore moſt ne-
cejJary it is that this vvord be preached & tanght,that ther-
by man may learne to knovv God,and truely to vvorship &
ferue him being knovune.So shall his minde be enlightened
vvith dinine knovvledge,and his vvill reformed according
to Gods vvil,fo shall this vvord be alanterne vnto his feete,
and alight vntohispaths,uvhereby he may be directed zm al
his vvayes.But (alas) thisisathing to be lamented, that the —
harueſt isgreat,but the labourers arefevu. For among them
vubich ſuppiy the places of labourers inthe Lordes haruest,
fore there be vuho doe vvith diligence ee du-
tie,many moe there are, vvho albeit theybe able,yet doe ey-
ther quite neglect it,or very felederly executeit,but greateft
is the number of themyv who for lacke of [kil & knovvledge
are not able at alltoperforme it . VVherefore there is great
neede to pray the Lord of the harueft,that he vvill fend forth
labourers into his haruefl, vvhereby many moe then doe may
receine the Gofpell of Chrift Ieſus euen to the falwation of
| their
as SE
their foules. zart
The premiffes vvellvveyed, Ithinke (right VVorship-
full) there may a fufficient reafon be gathered, vuhylaid
purpofe the publishing of thefe Sermons of D. Martin Lu-
ther in our vulzar tongue, anduvbhy at the laft Thane by
fomelabour andpaynes brought the ſayd purpofed publishing
topafje.Luvasin deede at the first procured thereunto bya
learned Father of this lande,vvhofevvordes and indgement
Imake no finall account of but aftervvard entring into dee-
per confideration of the matter; andvveying on the one fide
the ‚great ignorance of many eucnin matters of faluation,to-
either vvith the dayly dishonouring of God by ungodly life:
andon the other fide the diuine doctrine and moft vvholfom.
. exhortations vvhich thefe Sermons conteine, I vvas more
forcibly flirred up thereunto, and thought that the painefull
perufingof them, and frutefull follovving of that vuhereof
they entreat,vvoyldbe a ſouereigne falue to help to cure ſuch
daungerous difeafes. For by them may they learne to knovv
one onelytrue God,and vvhom he hath [ent Iefus Chrift,and
the infinit riches vvhich are comprifed in him, and offered
vutavs through him of God his Father:that he humbled hin
felfe toexalt vs,that he became.a feruaunt to fet vs at lber-
tie,that he vvasemponerishedtomake vs rich, that he dyed
for our ſinnes, & rofe again for our iuftification,that through
his meanes mercie hath fuvallovved up miferte, and bounty
hathouercome allenill, finally that vvithout him there ts no.
joy nor confolation,nopeace nor guietnes, no felicitie nor ſal-
uation , but that he is theonely meanes by vvhich all good
thinges are attained: ſo that they uvhich enioy him receive
: pot one gift alone,as vvith Salomon vvifedom vvıth Sam-
ſon firengthvvith lob patiencevvith Paule zeale, cre: but.
for pouertie they recezue riches, for vveakenes firength , for
folly vvifedom ‚for feruitude freedom, for græefe toy, for
Sinne righteoufnes,for death life,yea all good thinges uvhat-
¥ iy
ſoeuer. | |
PVherefore if the fatthfull man be preffedvvith pouer-
tie,he may here learne that by Christ he is adoptedto be the
Sonne of God, and ſo may be comforted, faying to him felfe:
Hovv can he be poore vvhich hath God to his Father? vvho
both is ableto gine all thinges necejfary, for his is the earth
and all that therein ts,and alſo vvill gine the fame, becanfe
he is moft lowing and graciousto his children. Againe,if he
feele in himfelfe vveaknes,he may learne here that he is not
able of him felfeto attaine unto ftrength , but that it is the
gift of Chrift,vvho ftrenetheneth fuch as beleene inhim,&
fomay be flerred up by — to af ke the fame of him,
that he vvill vouchfafe by his holy ſpirit to flrengthenand
confirme him,that he may be able toperforme that by grace, —
vvhich by nature and of him felfe he shall neuer be able to
doe sas mightely to fubdue the rebellious flesh, firongly to re
fit,and at the laft valiauntly to onercome the tentations of
Satan,patiently to beare the troubles of the vvorld, and con-
ftantly tocomtemne the allurements of the fame. Moreouer,if
be thirft after dinine and heanenly vvifedom, (vvhichts to
_ knovv God aright and thofe thinges that are neceſſary to be
knovune to the attaining of [aluation) he may finde here
largely and liuely fet forth,that Chrift came his Fathers Em-
baj]adour and Meſſenger tomen, that by him they might be
brought to the right knovvledge of God,and into all truth,fo
that by him vveare enlightened vvith the knovvledge of
God,by him vve are inftruttedin alltruth, and confequently
by him vve obtaine dinine and heanenly vvifedom. Here al-
fe chall he learne that Chrift vvas made under the lavve,
that he might redeeme them vuhich vvere in bondage vn-
der the lavve,c of fernile bondmen make them free fonnes,
euen the children of God. /
Furthermore, if griefe and heanines come upon him, he
is here taught vvhere true ioy may be had, enen in Chrift
Tefüs alone, that in him onely he may fynde fire comfort , ſo-
uereigne medicines , prefent remedie, true ioy of heart and
quietnes of conftience . Finally,uvhereas vve are fynnefull,
and haue by our [ynnes iuftly deferucd Gods eternall vvrath
and moft heanie vengeance ‚he shall here learne that Chrift
hath payed the ranfome for our [ynnes,and pacified Gods moft
‚grienous vurath and difpleafure inftly conceiued againft vs.
And becaufe it is not [uf ficient that due [atisfaction be made
for fynnes, andGods uvrath appealed, but uve muft alfo ap-
peare righteous before God, it is here shevved, that as by one
mans difobedsence many uvere made [ynners , (o by the obe-
dience of one , namely of Ieſus Chrift , 25 many as beleeue in
him shalbe made righteous, inafmuch as his righteon{nes is
imputed to them as their ovune,vuhereby they appeare per-
fecth righteous before God, and are accepted of him: forhat
uvhereas they had of themfelues deferued eternall death,
chey are through Chrift accounted vvorthie of euerlafling
life. But uvhat doe I goe about to rehearſe the infinite trea-
fures vvhich the faithfull enioy through Chrift ? it shall be
fofficient to conclude vvith the — Paule‘, and fay: If
God fpared not his ovune Sonne, but gaue him for vs allto
death, hovv shall he not vvith him gine vs allthinges alfo?
Novv forafimuch as thefe thinges,and the right meanes
to attaine unto them, are in theſe Sermons of that moft lear-
ned Dinine Martin Luther moft learnedly, yea enen dinine-
by fet forth , they may vndoutedly be a fingular meane , not
onely to inftruct them vuhich beignorant in matters of fal-
uation , but alfo toincreafe and confirme the knovvledge of
uch, as haue already vvell profited in Chriftian religion.
Hovvbeitthere is annexed hereunto found and abfolute do-
crime concerning good vvorkes and godly conuerfation, as
being moft nece[]ary to be of all re perfectly knavune,
and effectually follovved. For Chriftians through Chrift
being become the Sonnes of God, hovu vameete, yea hou
abhominable athinge isit that they should refemble Satan
‘intheir doinges ? being nove made the members of Chrift,
hovv deteftable a thing ts it that they should be inftruments
of iniquitie ? being novv the temple of the holy Ghoft,ovv
beaftly athinge vvere it to defyle the fame vvith the filthi-
nes of [ynne ? Finally hauing receined fo many and fo great
benefites of God through Chrift , hovv vvicked and shame-
full a thinge should ıt be ‚to be untbankefull to fo gracionsa
God ‚to be difobedient to fo louing a Father ‚in any vvife to
difpleaje fomercifull a Sauiourꝰ But it shalbe needele/fe much
to ftand upon this point , [eeing it is not unknovune tothe
faithfull vvith houy great endeuour they ought to auoyde
‚that uvhich ts enill, and embrace that vvhich is good, and
therefore shall fyucere & perfect doctrine concerning good
vvorkes be unto them no leſſe commodious ana profitable,
thea needefull and nece/farie.. 4
For. the caufes aboue [pecıfied efpectally among other, I
baue (right VVorshipfull ) though not finely , yet faithfully
tranflated thefe Sermons ınto our vulgar tounge , and haue
done myne endeuour for the publishing of the fame, vvhich
[doe humbly dedicate to your VV orships protection „by your
zealous goalines and godly zeale chiefly moued thereunto,
vvhereby Lam induced to thinke that youvvilluvell ac- —
cept of them.F or as the godly do vvith Danid delight 12 the
Arke of the Couenant,in the Tabernacle of the Lord, in the
holy Mount Sion,that ts, in the Church of God oh doe they
vvith the fame Danid defyre the building of this houfe of
God, the florishing of this vine ‚the peace and profperitie of
this heanenly lerufalem, and therefore that vvhich is a
meane and furtherance hereunto they doe not onely lowe and
like , but alfo hiely efteeme , and hartily praye for . V/here-
fore (right VV orshipfull ) I thinke it altogether [uperfluous —
to goe about vvith uvordes to procure your vvellliking and
accepting of thefe Sermons , forafimuch as they tend onely to
| kn A ’
this ende, that the Church of God may by them be edified; as
in the premi(fes is of me declared . VV heres in tranflating
them Ihaue vfed a plaine kynde of flile (yet [uch as ſuſſi-
ciently expreffeth the meaning of the author ) and not ftu-
died for curious vvordes & eloguet phrafes,the canfe there-
of is, for that Ipreferre plainnejfe vvithprofit,before much
curiofitie vutth [maller commoditie, fothat Inothinge at all
feare that in this reſpect they shalbe mifliked of the godly,
vvhofe mifliking onely I endeuour to auoide. |
Thus (as it [eemes unto me) haning intreated [uffeient-
ly of thofe thinges vvhich I thought pertinent to my pre-
ſent purpofe, Idoe here conclude, defyring the Lord God,
that he vvill by his holy Spirit aluvayes gouerne and direct
you inthe true obedience of his bleſſed vvorde, to the glorie
of his diuine Name, to the profit of your neighbours, and
comfort of your confeience , [o shall you ajfuredly hane pro-
Jperous ſucceſſe in all your affayres , and at the laft obtaine
euerlafting ioyes and endleffe felicitie , by the onely meanes
of Chrift Icſus our Saniour. |
Your Worfhips humbiy at com-
maundement VV. Gace.
AN —— an
wt xr % Ya
IN —J + 4
| r IE —
ae’ be —
„OÖ x the commendation of this worke, and
a the Author thereof,there fhall notneede
Id truft at this prefent any great difcourfe
to bemade , forafmuch as fo many good
*bookes of the fame writer be already fet
abroad, whereby may fufficiently be coniedtured what
isto be thoughrof this allo. Againe becaufethe worke
it felfe is {uch,conteining fuch matter of heauenly con-
folation , that without any further commendation of
other, 'it yeldeth caufe {ufficient tocommendit felfe.
Onely this then remaineth , to intreatand exhort the
reader,but to perufe &reade the fame,who info doing
fhall fyndeI doubt not, neither tolacke great caufe in
ys to fer forth thefe Sermons, nor lefle neceflitie in the
readers to beftow paines in perufing andreading them,
for the dignitie of the matter, and fingular frutetherein
to be found. For what more worthie matter can be,thé
to let forth Chriftin hisright glorie , in his full riches
atid royall eftate to the hearts and foules of men, efpe-
cially {uch as are heauie laden and diftreffed in fpirit ?
what more comfortable hearinge, or doétrine ‘more
true, then of forgiuenes and remiffion of fynnes, fo
— purchafed, fo freely offered by our Sauiour,
o cleerely preached by his minifters ? or what riches
more excellent,then faith fixed in Chrift,and hope fta-
blifhed in the promifesof life. ?. or what ftudie more —
frutefull, then to feeke the kingdome of God 2 For
where the frute of all other ftudies.decayech and hath
his ende, the frute of this ftudy abydeth for euer. And
therefore not without caufe we be fo willed by our Sa-
uiour him felfe, firft to feeke for this kingdome and
tighteoufnes thereof , promifing wichall in an other
place,that he which feeketh (hällfynde. In the fecking
of which kingdom two fpecial notes we haue to learne
and fearch, firft the.glorie & grace of the King, fecondly
the welth and felicitie of the ſubiects. In which two
partes as the whole fumme of all our fpirituall comfort
moft principally confifteth , groũded in the holy Scrip-
tures:(o of allexpofitors of the fame Scriptures,I know
none or fewe , inthefe ourdayes , more liuely to open -
thefe comforts vnto vs out of Gods worde, then this
Doétor and Preacher of thefe Sermös here following:
which as he hath done moft effe&tually firftin his owne
tounge to his contrypeople, then in Latintothe lear-
ned: fo this tranflator hath no leffe plainly and faithful-
ly englifhed the fame for the commoditie and vfe of
our contryfolke of England. By whofe means and in-
duftrie this vantagewe haue now gayned, that we haue
gotten vnto vs one good preacher in England more
then wehad before, to the comfort and edification of
all {uch as be difpofed to read and learne. So that in
fuch townes and.villages , wherein before were mute
minifters , xw9d apico7re ‚this Preachernow may fupplie
the lacke,and there be receiued as their pier tae hie
“ pleafe,preaching now in their owne ſpeech vnto them
and putting them to no charges ofany tythes. And in
other places wheremore plentie of learned teachers is,
yet — 5— no hurt ſhall come to admit this
ftranger ds a coadiutor, or felowhelper vnto them.
Whereby Inothingdour, butin fo doing, allfuch as
. fhalbe willing to gine eare to this Preacher, as well —*
T WE“ ww)
that be learned, (hall fynde wherein to growe in more
perfection, as alfo the vnlearned wherein to be inftruc-
ted fufhciently to their foules helth in Chrift Iefu. In
whom I with to thee and to all true Chriftian readers
all fpirituall grace and heauenly wifedom ‚to bleffe thy
ftudies , to profper thy labours, to ftablifh thy faith ‚to
multiplie thy confolations, to direct thy wayes, and &-
nally to glorifie thee both body and foule in his bleffed
kingtomeforeuer. Amen.
ie Fox.
ae DIR. —— Bart
bs Neid, asl apie has
— iq
(aod gie:
oer oe
SHAN d it came to pafle in thofe daies,
YAN) that there came a decree from
\ € Auguftus Cefar,thatall the world
eS thould be taxed.
( This firftetaxing was made, when Cyrenius
was gouernour = Syria.)
Therefore went allto be taxed euery man to
his owne citie. |
And Iofephalfo went vp from Galile out of a
citie called Nazareth,into Iudea, vnto the citie
of Dauid,which is called Bethlehem (becaufe
he was ofthe houfe and linage of Dauid,)
To be taxed with Marie,that was giuen him to
wife,which was with childe.
And fo it was, that whilethey were there, the
dayes were accomplifhed thatfhe fhoulde be
deliuered, FERN AL
Andfhe brought forth her firft begotté fonne,
and wrapped him in fwadling clothes, & layed
him ina manger, becaufe there was no roome
for them in the Inne. 4 oN
And there were inthe fame ERS fhepe-,
heards,abiding in the field, and watching their
flocke by night.
9. And loe,the Angell of the Lord came vppon
them, andthe glory of the Lorde fhoneabout
them,and they were fore afrayd.
10. Thenthe Angel faydvnto them,Be not afraid:
for beholde, I bring youglad tydinges of great
ioy,that fhall be to all people. }
11. Thatis, that vntoyouis borne this day in the
citie of Dauid, a Sauiour, whichis Chrift the
12. +» Andthis fhallbeafigneto you: ye ſhall finde
the babe {wadled and laydin a maunger.
13. And ftraight way there wastwiththe Angella °
multitude of heauenly fouldiers prayfing God,
and faying: i
14. GloriebetoGodonhigh , and peace in earth,
andtowards men goodwill.
The fumme of this text.
# Hereas the Euangelift here deferibeththetime and
. place of the natiuitie of Chriſt, first herein ts requs-
red faith of vs,to witte, that we beleue thisto bethe
fame Chrift,ofwhom thefe things be recorded, Moreouer,the honfe
and ftocke of Dauidis here notified and fhewed forth , whereof our
Meffias fhould rife.
2 The fhepeheardes which are here mentioned, are the firſte
frutes ofthofe Lewes, which come vnto Chrift, asthe Wifemen from
the Eaft are the firft frutes of the Gentiles, andtheinnocent snfants
of all hem, which muff beare the croffefor Chriftes Jake.
3? Wherew. a
the glory of God. Fir/t in deede it maketh vs afraide , for it condem-
neth our darkenes and what ſoœuer is in ds, untill we heave the com-
fortwhich ts here declared unto the foepehedrds wärhef& comſirta-
. ble.
Angel of the Lord appeareth tothe fhepeheards _
in great glory, it fenifieth, that the Gofpell commeth unto men with.
— A
—<— ©
blewordes: Be notaftaide,behold, I bring youtidinges of great
~ joy,which shall be to all people, becaufe vnto youis borne this
daya Sauiour,which is Chrift the Lord.
4 Moreouer , whereas one eAngell firſt preacheth unto the
foepeheards,that noteth to vs the Prince of allpreachers C raft him
felf.Secondly, whereas many Angells are gathered together tt |igni-
fieth the multitude of preachers, who all fay with one mouth : Glorye
be to God,and peace unto men,
5 Thefruteand profit wherefore Chrifttooke flefb vpon him,
is here expreſſed tobe Enangelicall peace & good will to men,wher=
of the hymne of the eAngells maketh mention; Glory beto God on
high,and in earth peace, good will towards men.
The expofition of the text.
ee € haueoftentpmeg heard this hittorp
aps before , and mutt eave it ſtill both this
"> peate,andeuerp peare, though to flugs
I gith edroulie Chrifkiang, chat are foone
> / wearp and claped with good things, the
> fame peraduenture map feeme tedious,
7.3 Butto them that are endued with true
VS Sa faith, it almates commeth againe ag
newe. Fortheholp Ghoſt can ſpeake fodtuerfly of one thing,
thatto them which be bis, it alwayes feemeth newe, Moreo:
ver we might (peake at large of this hiſtorie, for itis very full
ef matter , tf we fhoulde not wanttpme, and if it mere not pes
rilloug leaſt we ſhoulde fomewhere ſtraye from the purpofe ;
Meuertbeleg me willentreate fomewhat thereof, ag God hall
permit. De-hauealreadp heard inthe tert, bow the Angell him
ſelſe expꝛeſſeth all this hiſtoꝛy, giuing vs to vnderſtand, that the
fame is publiſhed for our cauſe: and that the frute thereof doth
redounde and appertaine to bs onelp, and is wrought to our ſal⸗
uation, And therefore the Angell {peaking tothe hepebeards,
fayth in thefe wordeg: Be not aftaide, behold, | bringe you ty-
dings of great ioy which shall be vnto all people, thatis, that
vnto you is borne this day in the city of Dauid a Sauiour;which
; A ij
a. wi WE Zu Zu x Be a re Le EINER be ee a 2 — Dae
4 | pale
Chriftcame is Chriftthe Lorde: Dere isdeclared ſirſt, that his natiuitie doch
notforhis pertaine vnto vs, when be fapth: vnto youis bornea Sauiour.
owne caufe, Foꝛ the Loꝛd Chꝛiſt came not for his owne caufe onelp, but that
i en be might beipe and ſuccour vs. Therefore let bs moſt diligent
Ip endeuour, that webeleue the Angell, and we thalleniop the
whole benefic. A hate heretofore oftentymes ſayd, thatthe Gos
fpell preacheth noching elfe but fatth , thatthe Angel alfo bere _
doth and this muſt all preachers vor, otherwile they be not true
mintifers, For the Angell was here a beginning and example ta
all preachers, Mow we mull in this place ſpeake of a double naz
tinitie,namely of our owne and of Chotttes, Gut before J begin.
to entreathereof,g will handle the hiſtorye briefly , that pe map
lay it bp tn pour bart,and map be partakerg of thetop which che
Angellhere boingeth. Firt therefore the Cuangelitt ſayth:
Andit came to paffe in thofe dayes,that there came a decree
from Auguftus Cæſar, that all the world should be taxed. This
firft taxing was made when Cyrenius was gouernour of Syria.
Therefore went allto betaxed euery man to his owne citie.
Thetimeof We know right wel,chat the Jewes hav a pꝛomiſe mane of the
$comming Patriarch Jacob, that a Prince, lawgiuer oꝛ ruler,of the boule
of the Mefli- of Juda, fhould not be wanting in Judea,bntil the Meſſias which
— — „ was pꝛomiſed them did come, Foz the wordes of Jacob to Juda
sh lacod, ate plapne after this {opt : The fcepter shall not depart from Iu-
Gen.49.10. da, & alawgiuerfrom betwene his feete,vntillSilo come. Row
at hig time the cafe was fo,thatthe Romanes poſſeſſed Judea,
and had {ec a Liuetenant over it, whom the Cuangelt here cals
{eth Cprenius. Che Jewes before for along tyme had bled pote:
ftes for Kinges when as the Wachabees had obtapned the king:
bom, fo that chedominion of the boule of Juda was alreadp tas
ken away and ſuppreſſed, neither was there anp prince or rus
ler, ok the ſtocke and blood of Juda, gouernour ouer the people,
But that Chritt o2 the Meſſias Houlde nowe come, that wag a
great ſigne, thatthe prophecie at that tyme elpeciallp might be
fulfilled. CÜhereforethe Euangeliſt ſayth here, that at the tpme
\ when Chri was boone, Auguſtus Cefar bad fet a Liuctenaunt
ouer Judea, under whom the Jewes hould offer them ſelues to
be taxed. As if he ſayd: Euen at chat tpme at which be ſhould be
boqne,be is boone, All that lined onder the Romane Emperour
Azu 4
were compelled to pap tare, for ateftimonie that thep were fub-
‘tect onto him. This the Tewes knew. but they Did not vnderſtand
the Pꝛophecie. Jacob had fapd thas: The fcepter shal not depart
from,luda, anda lawgiuer from betwene hisfeete, vntill Silo
come: That is, a Pꝛince and ruler of the ftocke of Juda thall
not be wanting in Judea,bneil Chꝛiſt come. Jacob viv (ufficiene-
Ip hewe in thele wordes, thache ſhould be wanting at the com:
ming of Chrilt. Woxeouer, whereas they vnderttoon itfo, ag The Iewes
though (uch a Silo ſhoulde come, ag ſhoulde beare rufe wich the
fworp,it is a fatle vnderſtanding thereof, neither can ic be gathe-
be done, It followerh mozeouer inthe tert :
__ And Iofephalio went vp from Galile out of a citie called Na-
zareth,into ludea,vntothe citie of Dauid,whichiscailed Beth-
lehem, (becaufe he was of the houfe and linage of Dauid) tobe
taxed with Marie that was giuen him to wife, which was vvith
childe. |
Tofeph alfo and Marie obeyed this commaundement of Cee |
far,and fubmittes them felues ag other honeft and obedient men,
and went to Bethlehem, which was the chiefe ana head citie of
the boule of Juda, and {ufferen them ſelues to be tared, Warie, in:
almuch as the was with chiin,¢ neare her veliuerie, might haue
ercufed ber ſelle, that the ſhould not take this ioꝛney bpon her,buc
the doth not ſo they will not be an offence to others, Woreouer ie
ought thus to be that thep ſhould come ta Bethlehem, becaufe of
the praphecie of the Prophet Wicheas chap.5, which foretoloe ~
that Chꝛiſt thoulve be borne in Bethlehem of Tuva, Marke
prap pou,bow that tare muſt ferue hereunto, which neither Ce⸗
far nor bis Wieuetenant din 'knowe, Thus God dealeth in bis
workes,in which he vleth the meanes of Heathen and euill men,
whereby be map make bg, which are miferable € wretched men;
and fo Deepelp dꝛowned in fleſh andblood ; certaine of our faith,
which the Euangeliſt Luke bere ſpecially ſetteth foith,inafmuch
ashe eftlooneg veclareth th the Hiftonie , the places andeimeg,
leat that we ſhouls be deceiued concerning this Chriſt. Che mae
ner of bis birth he Euangeliſt ſheweth ——— yah
cie of Iacob
red out of thattert. Foꝛ he fapth thus, that atthe comming of concerning
Chri the cemporall kingdome of the Hewes ſhoulde ende, So the comiag
Luke alla here thewet) that verp time, when it behoued this to os BIER
Comfort a-
- And fo it was,that while they werethere,the dayes were ac- _
complished, that she should be deliuered:and she brought forth
her firft begotten fonne,and wrapped him in fwadling clothes,
& layd himin a manger, becaufe there was no roome for them
in the Inne, ;
Letit nothing moue bs, or be any offence vnto vs, that the
Loꝛde commech into the wold info great pouertie and milerie.
For (tought to be a great top and comfort vnto bs,rather then in
anp wile to dilcomfort ¢ difcourage bs. It may ſeeme a fFraunge
thing, and hard and ſtrait dealing, thata Cirgin which was new
marıed,and that peare topnedtoberhulband, might not be pers
mitted to bying forth her childe at Mazarech in ber owne boule,
but wag enforced in pooꝛe effate to goe aloft three dates iornep
being great with chilo ? And when the came at her iorneyes end,
fhe had not fo much place inthe Inne, as chat he might be deli:
uered in fome parlour 02 chamber. The Inne being full, there
was none that would vouchſafe to giue place to thie woman be-
ing great with chilve,that the might baue the vſe of cheir cham: -
ber but (he was enforced to go into a Kable, thac there he might
boing forth che Treater of all creatures. Here map be plainly
percetued what is the knowledge and wifedom of the world con:
cerning Divine matters,namelp,that itts blinde, and vaine in ons
derſtanding, that it ſeeth not che works of God, and if it be fo chat
it feeth them, that it knoweth not what chep meane.
Dereof let bs learnenotto be moued or difcouraged, tf we be
gainft world pooze and miferable,and forlaken of the woꝛld, for we bauchere
ly miferic & great comfort. Jf Chait the maker of all hinges, wich his belo _
ued mother, was caft into fo great milerie , and fo contemmed of
the woꝛlde, whp map notthe fame alfo come bnto bs ? 02 why
fhould not we being inmiferie, and compalled about with all ca-
lamitieg,beare them patientlp, peaif God will at any time kill
be wich aduerlitie and diſtres? But this ching is to be Tamentep,
that we doe exclude {uch an eramplefrom ourepes , butmuch
farther from our hart, Ge ould eaſily (uffer aduerfitie and.con: .
tempt,il ſo be that we beleued, and had a {ure truſt and.confivence
in Gods when as we fee thatthe Lorn, Chaté {uffered this mile:
rie,pouertic,and calamitic, berefoze this is fir thooughly to
| be
be marked and conſidered of tis, how Chaiſt came into the world
info great pouertie,and foundnot fo much as one inſo great a ci·
tie. which mas butifulland beneficial toward him. Chus this na-
tiuitie was recetuedin the earth,ouer which notwithſtanding all
the beauenlp ſauldiers nid exceeding lpretopce,as tt followeth:
And there were inthe fame contrey shepeheards, abiding in
the field,and watching their flocke by night, And loe the Angel -
ofthe Lordecame vponthem,and the glory of the Lorde shone
about them,and they were fore afraide.
Here isdeclared, bow God in heaven letteth fopth thig natini: How God
tie, which the world eontemneth,pea knowech not, neither ſeeth. (ettech forth
: This ioy is fo great inhbeauen,that it can not be contained there: —
in but burſteth forth, that it may be declared and communicates“ lonne:
tothe world, Foꝛ the Angell bere bꝛingeth tydings of greatiop
tothe ſhepeheardes, which to chen is great comfort, which che
tvoride notwithſtanding contemnech and reiecteth; but is of the
Angells had in greate admiration, pea andif they might, they
wouldwith greater prapfes, and more goodly pompe haue fette
forth fo wonderful a thinge, But tt was not meete it ſhould be ſo.
Foꝛ God would ferforch an erample in thts his Sonne; chat ihe
oſtẽtatiõ ¢ gloꝛping of the woꝛld might at the laſt be neglected,
and that it might be knowne what the world is. Dansreafon ſe⸗
meth alwayes very wile vnto it ſelkfe, it alwayes looketh vnto
thinges that are aloft, it conſidereth onely high matters, it hum⸗
bleth not it felfe to thoſe thinges that are below. This now is an
excellent comfort,that the Angels and all the heauenly ſouldiers
doe eſteeme him fo much, whom the world contemneth, whereby
Wwe map learne that albeit we be outtaſts inthe worlde , there be
notwithſtanding that haue regard and tare of bs, Datwbeit we do
hardly beleeue this, we doe nor Falten vur eyes ther eupon, but
looke vnto great. prectous, and high thinges,accopuing to the tr:
ample ofthe world and ate diſmayed as ſoone as a litle misfor;
tune commeth neither thinking no? knowing, ik any aduerlitp al:
ſaileth bs ;thatitis pone by the wilt of ov. Beleue thou this vn⸗
poutedlpsifit ban not fo pleaſed Goo, he wouls not haut fufferer
this his belouen fonne to belay in a manger, he would not hane
‘permitted him to be bogne info great pouertte, milerie, and con
tempt. But the pooꝛer and moꝛe he is befoze the
Theblind &
vaine deuo-
world;fomntch greater care and regard God and all the heauen:
Ip ſouldiers haue of him; fo that we map conceiue comfort heres
by , andbeleeucallurenip, that the more we are reiected of the
woꝛld the more we are efteemed before God. 11952 eh Sn
Shou map finde manp which. doe bere thinke thus, and are
touched with fuch deuotion as this: D,if Jhad bene therethen, —
tion of many With howe great diligence woulde J haue ſerued this childe and
: thou wouldeſt be ready to doe choſe duties, when thon knoweſt
done for him? pea I wouloe haue wathen euen bis ſwadling
clothes. O, ik Jhad bene fo happy as the thepeheards,chat I alfo
might haue ſeene the Lord lying ina maunger. Nowe mn deede
" Chritk co be lo high and noble. Surely thou wouldelt haue bene
" ag flacke in thy dutie at that time ag the Citisens of Bethlehem
were. Chouretioluck in thy mind childiſh anv altogecher foolifh
cogitations. Ahy dooſt chou net performe the like duties nower — |
Behold Chꝛilt walking befoze thee in thy neighbour,vofor him, |
& bettowe benefies vpon him, whatloeuer thou hale beſtow bpon
thy neighbour which ts needp and deftitute of helpe, that thou
halt bettow vpon Chritt him ſelfe, as be ſhall fap in thelatt de
to theelect: VVhatfoeuer ye haue done to oh&öf the leaſt
thefe my brethren, ye haue done it tome. Therforett is @ vane
and verp foolith thing to admit ſuch chilvith cogitattons. Lets
therefore atthe lat open our eyes, let vs not heare eramplegof -
fo great impoꝛtance in vaine, otherwiſe the time willcometwhen
we thall be grieuoully puntthen. But with what wopdes did the
‘Angell Speake onto the hepeheards ? che Euangelilt layth after
. thistopes
. Then che Angell {faydvntothem ;Be.not afraid: for behold,
Ibring you glad tidings of great ioy, that shall be to all people,
thatis,that ynto you a bier this dayinthe citie ofDauid,a Sas
viour,vvhich is Ghriftthe Lord.And this shall be afigne to yous
Yeshall find the babe {vvadled,and laydin a a maunger.
Learne bytheſe woꝛdes of the Angell, how to ole rightip tbe
natiuitie of pod Cit neither lec it fuffice pou to heave them
onelp, A greattreafure hidden inthe earth or fome other there,
is ta no vſe, but ifit be opened, and occupied, thentsitprafitable
and precious, Caherefore giue beedehereunto , that thou map
vſe this natiuitie otherwiſe it hal beno commoditic atid comfort
iy vnto
nto thee, For whereasthou knowett the bare bittorie onely, to
mitteswhas came to palle in his natiuitie, and chat he wag borne
. Needy and poore, thou fhalt take no greater commoditie hereby,
then tf thou heare a hiftorie wpitten of the king of Fraunce,or of
fome other puiſſant Jörince , whereby no commoditic o2 comfort
ſhould comebvntothee, =~
But how mukk we dle this natiuitie rightly and wich frute E⸗ wh st icis to
uenas Jhaue ſayd, if we be thus perſwaded that he was boꝛne vic the nati-
fo2 bs, thathis natiuitie ts ours, Dur natiuitie is (uch, that it al- vitie of chrikt
together aboundeth with finne,as Dauid ſayth Wfal,s1:Behold ane
Iwasshapenin wickednes , & in finne hath my motherconcei- tie of
ued me. Agif he would fap: here ts nothing but finne,as well in what fort ie
the conception as in the birth, whatfoeuer I bring with me from is.
mp mothers wombe, cis wholly damnable, tt is due to death,
Satan, ¢ hell. Foralmuch then ag our natiuitie, (kin ¢ beare are
befiled , what good can come therof? Chis is our title which we
have receiued from Adam, in thigone thing we map glorp and
in nothing elfe at all,namelp, that euerp infant that ig borne into
this wozld,ts wholp in the power of finne,veath, Satan,bel,and
eternal danination:our natiuitie is altogether milerable, and on
euerp five tobe lamented. To veliuer vs from this natiuitie, God
{ent another natiuitie, which tt beboucd to be pure ¢ without all
{pot, that it might make chis vncleane ¢ finnefullnatiuitie pure,
This is that natiuitie of the Lorde Chik bis onelp begotten The natiuity
fonne, MAherefore he woulde not haue him borne of fleſh ¢ blood of Chrift.
infected with ſynne, but it behoued that he ſhoulde be boꝛne ofa
pure Girgine, De luffered no {pot at allor finne in bis fleh „but
replenifyen it with che holy Ghoſt, x permitted nothing to Ficke
- therein, but thofe milerieg which proceede of flefh and blood, ag
hunger thirſt, aduerſitie, and veath,finne excepted, as the Epiſtle
tothe Heb.chap.4.witneſſeth, chat he was in all things tempted
in like fort,yct without finne. Chis tg that moſt ercelient thing,
which the Lord our God bath vone for vs, whereofnone taketh
anp frute, but be that beleeueth, And none will ealily beleeue:
this; buthe that feeleth of what forte bis owne natiuitie ts. De
that hath no feeling of his owne miſerie, taſteth not of this na-
tiuitie of Chzi, Wucif we feele our milerie, it followerh forth:
wich chat we cry with the Prophet Dautd and fap:Behold I was:
shapen in wickednes, and in finne hath my mother conceiucd
Chritt is
borne vnto
vs, and is
made wholy
me: fy we feele our Anne and our euill natinitie, 0 feet
TMhen death Hall come vponvs, and our heart fhalbe eh
with anguith ¢ grief che at the lak it map be, that we would tak
ofthis happy ¢ pure natiuitie , and will ercedinglv thirlt after it
to entoy it, But now when as we feele not our finnes neither doe
as pet taft of the bitternes of finne,it ſſideth cololp to the bart,we
heare tt in deede, buttruelp tt doth not throughly enter bnto the
bart. For tfa man did beleuc, chat this natiuitie was for bis com:
moditie, be would feare neither finne „nor death, CAberefore J
baue ſayd chat a Chꝛiſtian mu belecue,and dout nothing , chat
the natiuttie of Chri is as well bis , as it ts the Lord Chꝛiſtes.
And as he hath of the virgin pure blood and eth , fo that he him:
felfe allo ig pure, and that this virgin is bis mother {pirttuallp,
as (he was the mother of Choi carnallp. Let the bart have lure
confidence in this perfwafton,otyerwile it will be in an euil cafe.
This the Angeli ſignifieth in thele wordes. when he lapch; Tinte
pou he ig boyne,ag if be fapd, what focuer be ig and hath, pemap
ryalenge itte your ſelues. Alfo he ig your Sauiour , not that pe.
fhould onelp looke bppon bint, but which ig able to deliver pou:
from the tprannie of (inne , death , Satan, and all euell: pea:
and bow great ſoeuer be be, be ig bone bnto pou, anv is pours
with all that he bath. Nowe koraſmuch as he is mpne , and hath
chaunged his natiuitie into mpne, bis flefh ¢ blood alla is nipne,
be him felfe is mypne wich all wherewith he ig endued, ſo that J
dare {ape onto his mother : Beboloe „that child which thou haſt
brought forth,ig mine, his fleth and blood are mp fleth and bloop, :
pea and thou are mp mother , and I will be counted of thee for
thy fonne , for whatfocuer Chri bringeth with him , tt mult be
mpne, euen ashe himfelfe is myne. If fobe that bis natiuitie
be mpne , being of a birgin, and without ſynne, repleniſhed with:
the holy Ghott, mp nattuitte alfo mutt be of a virgin, and pure
from ſynne.
Dere now Eue the firft mother is ne more mp mother, for it
mult needes be that that natinitie doe btterlp die and perith, that
there map be no finue remapning, Dere this mother Marie is to
be fet again chat mother , of whome J was borne in inne, And:
thus the Angel bꝛingeth with bim great top, fo; it can not be, but
that the hart ſhould be made glad, when it eniopeth this autour
as bis snc. TCL hen we come te band ttrokes , thatis, suo
feele our miſerie and calamitie, there remayneth no comfort o
helpe, then mp hart can not likt it ſelle aboue the heauy burden,
wherewith it is pꝛeſſed downe, but it muff needes faint and be
diſcouraged. But ik Iconceiue atruſt, and doute nothing that
Chꝛiſts natiuitie ig mine, that mp ſinnes be taken away bp him,
I become erceding topfull,¢ am confirmed with comkoꝛt, where⸗
bp all heauines and forrow is fhakenof, Chis onelp ts that com: True com-
fort, and no other , which maketh a good confcience , which fea: forcand ivy.
reth neither death nor heil, for it alwapes reſteth vpon the word
of God, which giueth Chꝛiſt vnto vs. Therefore it is athinge
altogether miferable and lamentable , tf fuch a good confcience
be fought in any other chinges then bere. Chou ſhalt find no top,
no peace of confcience neither in heauen, noz in earth but inthis
Chri, be thou certaine and {ure thereof, Therefore let all other
thinges palle, and cleaue vnto him onelp,ifchou defire to be bold
and couragious again finne, death the deutll,bell,¢ all thinges
that are againſt thee. He is the Loꝛde € Qauiour,We vnderſtand
Itruſtthis right wel,forxalmuch ag pe baue now beard it To ofte,
But J doe with fo great earneſtnes ag ft were beate it into pour
mindes, that pe map (ee, that there ts but one thing taught in the
whole Scripture „which J would baue to ficke firmelp and bn:
Doutedlp in pou, this ts that which Jhaue ſayd; that the ofe of
this natiuitie be knowne.
They which ſeeke anp other thing, and ble not chis natiuitie,
are in a de(perat cale,ag pe haue heard. Ahich pe haue verp wel
. expreflen in this longe , the author mbereof whoſoeuer be was,
bid nothing erre from the purpofe, to witte, that the onelp chiloe
Chrikis our comfort, Mhich wordes furelp are of berp great
importance, and Deferue moft diligently to be weped, Foꝛ pe div
fing after this forts A child highly to be pꝛayſed ig boone vnto vs ’
this dap of a chatt virgin, to che comfort of us wꝛetches. If that
child had not bin borne,we had periſhed all. Is it not {apd here,
that there ts no comfort befinde only Chott? which in deed is moſt
true. Aithout dout che holy Ghoſt taughe him that made this
fong to finge after this fort, Jif the cafe ſtand thus , it followerh
that Wonkes, Nunnes, Sacrificing Pꝛieſtes, and all which
ieaue this child, and fecke to come to heaucn bp other wayes ann
works, be cõdemned. Foꝛ (uch fap that they neede not this child,
otherwiſe thep woulde confelle, that their owne workeg be no-
thing worth, Chele therefore do nothing but veceiue and {eouce,
— oftuboin mens barts are procured to Depart from Chꝛiſt, and are
led awap bnto Satan, In the afozelapd fong ig contapned moze:
ouer: Deis the faluattow of vs all, ob fweete Jeſu Chzitf, foral-
much as thou art borne man, defende vs from hell, F greatly de⸗
~ fire that pe did well underffand this. It is foong abꝛoade euerp
-where,but here is none that thꝛoughly beleuech it. CAhereupon
it commeth that fone doe oppugne thele chingg,elpeciallp thep,
which know, fing , and babble very much of them, that truely J
feare, that Chrifk is neuer more blaſphemed, then at this feat of
bis natiuitie,and at other great feafteg , that it (hould be no mar»
uel, ik, when be is fo blafphemed,he ſhould fuffer the whole worla
to be (wallowed bp : but the laſt day is at hand, TAherefoze enve:
uour that pe map found chig excellent fong inpourhart, and ag
pe fing it in mouth, ſo pe map alfo beleue it.
- Afche cafe ſtande thus, that all thinges withoue this child are
No meanes baine, what neede is there then of much bulines ? why dooſt thay
but by Chrift rynne this wap € that wap, and endeuoreft to do workeg, wheres
bp thou mayſt prepare thee aleate in heauen? which chep efpes _
to come Vn-
ro heauen.
ctallp doe,that murmure bp manp Rolaries, and doe continually
ertoll che mother of Gov in mouth onely, but inharc thinke moze
euil of her then of all others: ¢ not onelp of ber, but of Chrik him
felfe alfoche Lord and Sauiour. Therefore. commit this foto
memozie, that ye map be certainly perſwaded, that whatloeuer
Dependeth of any other then of that child, it ig alldammable , o⸗
therwife che Angell had lved. Chis mutt be compted for mo
certaine without anp addition,neither are thefe tvifles to be weis
ed, to witte , that chis fufficech not that thou dooſt beleeue, moe
thinges are to be added. Foꝛaſmuch then as the Angell (apch,
that this child both all, and that he is the Sauiour,andifbebe —
not, that all labour is tof, tell me, how ean tt follow, that fome
thing is to be done of chee, when it is already none before ? Dooſt
thou goe about ta doe anp thinge that thou map obtaine him ?
That ehilo (ufferech not him lelfe to be apprehended and obtay⸗
ned bp workes, for albeit thou heape together woꝛkes, notwith⸗
ſtanding thou dooſt not pet eniop the child, Woreauer thp works
be vncleane, by which lich a great treafure cannot be gotten, no
though thep were cuen boty, Gut he is tobe appꝛehẽded in hart.
ſo that thou beleeue, and fap tothe Angel: I beleeue thaticis true
= |
which thou layelt, and nothing at all douting I count this childe
for a Sautotir borne vnto me, And this part wherof we haue nom
fgoken,pertainerh to faith,
Row we haue here allo an other part pertapning to Chꝛiſti⸗
an life,namelp charitie,that mozkes may not be reiected. If thon
wilt doe workes, doe them not in chat refpect,that thou perſwade
thy felfe thatthou dooſt obtapne anp thing of Godby them. Wut A moh ex-
follow this erample: {uch a oneag Chꝛiſt hath ſhewed him felfe cellent ex-
tothee be thou allo towarde thy neighbour. Sf thou doe moze ample co be
nearelp confiver the example of Chait, thou Halt finde nothing a
but meereloue , TÜbereag he humblech him ſelle and ig borne in „ns in doine
fo great pouertic,chat declareth nothing, butlouetowardthee, ofgood ~
which mouedhimto become aferuaunt forchp fake, as Paule workes.
Pobiltp.2.fapth who knew that he might remayne in diutne glo⸗
rp, Now this be aid for thy commoditie, he bowed hig etes to thp
miferie and calamitie,wbich art fo miferable aman, wholy dam⸗
nable ¢ abounding with finne,thp natiuitie is vncleane, thy miſe⸗
rp ig on euery fide moſt great, thou batt deſerued nothing but the
wath of God € eternall damnation. Tf thou hadſt bene a Carthu⸗
lian Monke a thowland peares, thou couldeſt nor veliuer chp felf
from this miferpe and damnation, But Chpitt is able to helpe
thee, he is rich anv hath ſtrength {ufficient: ſeeing therefore be
candoe fuch thinges, be doch them willingly and wich pleafure,
Loue enforcech him ſo farre, that he emplopeth all hinges for —
thy fake, and beftoweth whatfocuer he hath for thee, Foralmuch
then as Chꝛiſt ſheweth fo great loue coward thee, and giueth vn⸗
to thee whatſoeuer be is able, do thou likewile to thy neighbour,
Wilechou morke workeg ? derive them to thy neighbour, who is
compatled with troubles ¢ mileries, Chou mul doe nothing for
this caufe,that Chit bath neede thercof,wherebp thou maift ens
tich him,foz neither was he bountiful to chis ende, that he might -
any thing profic bis father thereby, 02 thathe might recetue any
commobitie ofhim,but he div it onely fo this caufe, that therein
the father might be well pleafed, inalmuch ag be fubmittech him
felfe wholp tobis fathers will, andloueth os with fo great affes
ction? -
After the fame fort we alfomutt doc in our works toward our
neighbour, which we ought thetefore onelp to doe, that we map
giue thanks to the father,chat he ſheweth his fauonr onto ve, for
se. „in,
that be hath giuen bis beloued fonne unto me,to beffombponme
whatſoeuer be hath, TAhen I beleue this vndoutedly, I burtk
forth and ſay: Ik Goo fhewweth onto melo great benefits and fa-
uour in his beloued fonne, p he ſullereth hint to beſtow all things
vpon me, I alfo will doe the like againe, and beſtow all hinges
whereby I map doe good tamp neighbour and louehim, And fo
J Doe not lift bp mpne epes buto heauen,but I gothether,wbere —
my neighbour ts oppꝛeſſed th aduerſitie, pouertie, ſicknes, ſinne,
ox errourjand Thelpe him wherein foeuer Jam able. Thus poe
thou whofoeuer chou art, which mindeſt to do true good works:
as thou wouldeſt haue done to thy feife, if thou were troubled
with pouertie,fo doc thou to thy neighbour being pooge. A caine,
ik thy neighbour be a ſinner, and thou ſeeſt tt, but thou thy (elf art
without ſinne, and haft a holy natiuttte , gac,preach puto him,
whereby he alfo map be delivered. But thou mutt doe all theſe
things freely imeuerp reſpect, as Chott bach done for thee with:
out all workes and merits,of pure grace,loue,and mercy. Such -
woꝛkes fee thou doc, if thou wilt doe good and Chziftian workes
indeede, God hath noncede of them,neuertheles thou muſt doe
them in reſpect of him, inaſmuch ag it fo pleaſeth bim,and he will
haue tt to belo, Chis onelp is rightly to doe good workes, which
thoſe hypocrites do not, which will merit heauen by their chaſti⸗
tp,pouertie,# obedience. Tinto whom I] pray pou are fuch works
oftheirg good? Jmy felfe neede them not, neither doe thep profit
my neighbour, wherefore it is mere deceit, whereas aname ig
giuen to workes as though they did merit beauen; when as thep
are nothing worth,neither profitable ta others, Lape vppe thete
thinges in pour hartes,and do allo according tothem, In all this
text being diſcuſſed from the beginning tothe ending, pehaue
thefe two thinges, namely faith and loue. If pe thal keepe thele,
„then both the holp natiuitie of Chait thallbe abelpe, commodi⸗
tie,and comfort unto pouand allo pe hall be ſpiritually the chil:
dren of bis mother,as Chaiſt Jeſus ig ber childe carnall.
An expofiticn of the fong ofthe Angelks,
Glory be to God onhigh, &c.
Glory be to God on high,and in earth peace, goodwill to-
wards men. Foralmuch as this fang is berp common, and there
be fewe that rightly onderfanvett, when ag notwithſtanding it
| contapneth manp thinges init, Ithinke good to handle ic fomes
what at large. Che Angells in this hymne apply three things to
three: glory to Gov, peace tothe earth, and qood will unto mer.
The firk is the honour oz gloꝛy of God, with which we muti be: Glory due
ginne, thacinall thinges prayſe and glory map be afferiben to 7° Coda-
God,as to him which doeth, giueth, and hath allehinges, fo that ~~
none map chalenge anp good thing at all once bimdelfe, neither
ought to count ithis omme, Glory ts fo duc to Gov onely.that no
| parttherofmap be deriued to anp other, Adam being perſwaded
of Satan,went about to take this gloꝛy to him felfe,whereby all
men fell into the vifpleafure of Gon, ¢ haue that vice fo through:
ip fired in their mind, that no other thing can be fo havolp pluckt
| awap from them. Cuerp man pleafech him felfe, no man can a⸗
| bide tofeeme that bets nothing,or ig able to noe nothing, where:
of come aloft all eutils,fo many contentions, warres,and innu⸗
merable other diſcommodities. Chis glory Chrik gaue to God
| bis father, teaching that all our thinges are nothing before Gov
vbut finnes, which veferue bis wrath and indignation,and nothing
lelſſe chen glory. Ciitherfore there ig nocaule, that we fhould euen
neuer fo title pleafe our ſelues or glorp inthem, but rather that
we fhould be athamen and feare, being fet info great perilt anv
| confufion, thatfo ail our gloꝛy and pleafing of our ſelues map
| pafleamap and come to nothing,and we may retopee being deſti⸗
* of our owne glozie, that we map be found ſaued in Chꝛiſt
alone, | :
| « Theferond is peace in earth, Foꝛ, as where the gloꝛy of Gow Where true
| isnot,and where euery one fecketh bis owne glopp,there can not PF?® —
be peace, accoꝛding as Salomon ſayth Pꝛouerbn q. Among the ete t
| “ proudethereiseuerftrife: forontrarimtle, wheretheglonpof
BGod is knowne,there true peace alfo mutt needes bes Foꝛ why
| thould thep contend? why ſhould they vifagrees which voe know -
euetpone of them, thatthey haue no good thing oftheir owne,
but that all hinges which are, which chep haue, and which thep
. ave able to doe, come from Oov's to whole power alſo thep com:
mitall thinges, they in themeane feafon being berp wel content, :
that they haue Gon fauoꝛable vnto cyem? Howe alfe canit be,
that when one counteth nothing of bim (elfe and che thinges that
be his, be ſhould be fo cavefull ofbim (eife and his thingeg , that
be ſhould moue contention with anp becaule of them? Such be:
TE U Se... ra Va a _ Hee ey a
leeue that Chait onely ig mane all hinges vnto them, him they
thinke on,and for him alone thep contend. Hereupon it certainlp
followeth that there can be no contention oꝛ diſcoꝛd at al among
The peace true Chꝛiſtians: which maner of peace of Chpittians Efap ve:
——— clareth,¢ ſayth: No man shall doe euill vnto an other, noman
Fai. Y shall deftroy an otherin my holy hill, that is, inthe Church of
Efa.trg. Chritt. Che caule hereof he addeth nert after: The earth is full
_ of thekaowledge of God, that ig,for all know God, as to whom
all good thinges poe belong, and all their owne things thep cons
fefle tobe nothing but finnes , thep map ealilp therefore haue
; peace among them ſelues. Aherefore the fame Clap fapth in an
Ht oeber places They shall breake their fwordes into mattocks, &
their {peares to make fythes,and one shall not lift vp a weapon
againſt an other, neither shall they learne ro fight from thence
forth. Dereupon Chit ts called che King of peace, oꝛ the prince
of peace,ofiabom Salomon was a figure, who ts called peace:
able, For Chꝛiſt is trulp called our king Salomö, that is,peace-
able, which bath reftored peace vnto bs inwardly wich Gov
through faith in him, and outwardly w our neighbours through
loue, whereby we live friendlp with all men: and fo by him we
hai peace euerp where both inwardly, and outwardly in che
‘Goodwill. The third is good will of men, Not that good will, whereby
we worke good workes, but wherebp we take in good part all
thingesthat happen, whether thep be good 02 euill , ſweete or
fower,and do receiue them with a quiet hart, The Angells knew
that che peacewhich thep div fing of,Choulo be onlp among Chris
ſtians, which inall thinges doe Depend bpon Chri, and nfurpe
nothing to them (elues as their owne, Butin the meane fealon
the world and Satan, which doc erceedingly enuie them, doe on
euerp fide procure trouble vnto them, and perfecute them euen
onto the death, fo that thep map looke for no peace or quietnes at
all of chefe, for Chritt ſayth Joh. 1 6, Inmeyeshall haue peace, »
but in the world ye shall haue affliction. Therefore it was notes
nough for the Angellstohaue foong, peace inearth, but tt wag
to be added; and good willtowardesmen, that whenthep, ag
much as they are able,haue peace with all men, and neuercheles -
ave continually bated of all men,and doe fuffer perfecation, thep
map alwaies kecpe a goon mil, wherby thep map take all chings
in good parte,and giuethankes to God, howeloeuer he dealeth eons
~ with them, or fuffereth chem to be dealt wich,thep map not mur: Me one
mure, butrefiqne and commit themfelues wholp to the will of a —
God,pea (foꝛaſmuch as they knowe that God doch diſpoſe € go⸗ pariendy.
uerne all thinges, whom they are ſure, that they haue a mercifull
and moſt fauoꝛable father vnto them thꝛough Chꝛiſt) they map
euenreiopce € be glad in perfecutiong , according to that ſaying
of Pauleinthe Epiſtle tothe Romaneg : VVereioyce in affli-
ctions and perfecutions. For inalmuch ag thep baue a topfull
canfcience and a {ure truſt ofthe fauour of God, they can not but
count all thinges for the belt, whatfoeuer happen.
Behold what kinde of good will it is in all chinges , whether
thep be profperous or bnprolperous,which the Angellsdoe here
with bnto men, ¢ fing to be propper to the beleuers, bere fuch Wherecood
good willis wanting,there peace cannot long be, en take all willis *
thinges in the worſe part, they take nothing tn good part, but do there peace
alwapes increafe and Double the euil,bereupon howfoeuer God can notcon-
dealeth with them, they like it not, but require that thep map be tnue.
dealt otherwife with,and fo it falleth out as it ig tn JPfal, ı 8,wich
the pure thou shale be pure,and with the froward thou shalt be
froward, that is,with him that counteth all thinges pure to him
felfe,and bath that good will in all thinges, whereof we haue ſpo⸗
ken, thou allo dooſt well agree, inäfmuch as he pleaferh thee and
all good men, Gut he that is froward, fo that neither thou, nor
thofe thinges that are thine doe like him, cannot but difpleafe
both thee and all good men. Of this well pleafing one another
Paule fpeakerh 1.02.10. Endeuour to pleafe all men,euen as
I pleafe all. By what meanes hall this be done > Tfthoutake all
thinges in good part,and fuffer others to pieafe thee thou alfo a-
gaine fhalt pleafe others, Che matter map be comprehended in
one woꝛd: Jf thou wilt be liked ofnone,nothing thall be liked of
thee: Sf thou wilt be liken of ail,fuffer that all hinges map be al:
‚ foliked of thee,butfo, that thoudoe not neglect the worde of the How fare
Lo. Foꝛ that ought to be preferred before all, without any re- pleafe men
gard had ofall mẽ, what pleafech them, oꝛ what difpleafeth them, and fubmic
But whatloeuer map be done without tranfgrefling the word of our felues
God. qiue place to all, ¢{ubmit thy iudgement to che iudgement vnto them.
_ bf others, that thou map take every thing in good part, which
Hall chaunce vnto thee, g fo thou thalt haue the good bil, where⸗
ofthe Angelisvinfing, = == .
Gy this fong tt may be vnderlkood, what nature the Angelle
baue, J omit thole thinges which the Philolophers haue drea⸗
med hereof: berets fo vefcriben what the Angells are, chat it
can not be moze fullp done, their bare and cogitations being de:
Thesit ‘clared, Fir with great top they fing prapfesto God , acknow-
thing to be ledging all thinges to be Due vnto him,and therefore doe with an
confidered ardent mind, and finging alozifie him, Ag therefore thou woul:
a a An: deft chinkeof arightlowip , pure, andobedient bart, prapfing
pian God, and alwapes enioping perpetuall gladnes in him, ſo chinke
alfo of the Angellg : and thou bak now the nature of Angellg,ag
Thefecond much ag thep haue to doe with God, Che ſecond thing to be con:
thing which fevered inthemis their loue towardes bs, Thinke chat thep are
othe the MOf Louing toward vs, which deſire that tt map goc as well with
Angels. 0888 with them (elues, they doe noiefle reiopce for our ſafetie
- then fo their stone, ¢ euen in this hymne full of loue to vsward,
they declare them felues fo affected toward bs, that ſurely, we
map thinke and reiopce ofthem, as of moft loutng friends, Chis
isto knowe the Angellstruelp , not according to their effence,
whereof the Philoſophers doe foolifhip € without frute babble
many thingeg,but according to their bart and mind,fo chat albes
ft J know not, what their nature is in ic felfe,pet J know what
is their chiefe defire,and their continuall worke. Thus
much (hall fuffice at this tpme concerning thelong
of the Angells,and the frute of the natiut:
tie of che child Jeſus Chik. God graung
be bis grace, that we may print
chele thinges in our hart,
according onto them al:
foamend our life. -
. Amen,
Verfe.1. Hen Iefus then was borne at Beth-
lehem in Iudea, in the dayes of He-
rod theKinge, beholde there came
wife menfrom the Eaft to Ierufalem,
2. Saying, whereis that king of the Iewes that is
borne? for we haue feene his ftarre in the Eaft,
and are come to worfhip him.
3 When kinge Herod hearde this, he was trou-
bled,and all Ierufalem with him:
4. And gathering together all the chiefe Prieftes
and Scribes of the people, he askedof them,
where Chrift fhould be borne. ;
5. And they fayde vnto him, at Bethlehem in Iu-
dea : for fo itis written by the Prophet,
6. And thou Bethlehem in the lande of Iuda, art
nottheleaft amonge the Princes of Iuda: For
_ out of thee fhall come the gouernour,that fhal
feede that my people Ifraell.
re Then Herod priuily called the wife men , and
diligently inquired of them the tyme of the
ftarre that appeared. “
8. And fent themto Bethlehem,faying: Goe and
ferch diligently for the childe,& when ye haue
found him,bring me worde againe, that I may
B ij
= Br: 7 on
come alfo and worfhip him.
9. Sowhen they had heard the king, they depar-
3 ted: and loe,the ftarre which they had feene in
the Eaft,went before them,till it came & ftood.
ouer the place,where the childe was,
10. - And whenthey fawe the ftarre, they reioyced
with an exceeding greatioy.
it. And went into the houfe, and found the childe
with Marie his mother,and fell downe,& wor-
fhipped him, and opened their treafures and
prefented vnto him giftes,euen golde, & fran-
kincenfe,andinyrrhe. |
ARES € celebrate this day anoble, and moff comforta:
W Of) vie feat, concerning the appearing of the Lorde
RAW Telug,wbo appeared,a {pectal comfort to al them
— NIG which feeke him with a fronge faith: firk ta the
K wife men which came from the Ealt: fecondip ta
John the Baptiſt, when being about thirty yeares okage be was
baptized of him in Joꝛdane, and the holy Ghoſt and voyce of the
father gaue teſtimonie of him, that be is the ſonne of God: third⸗
lp when be ſhewed his glorp and power tna miracle, wherein he
turned water into wine at amariage, whereby he would procure
reverence and eftimation to matrimonp,which now/ Alas )is af
ter a fhamefull fort togne,contemned, and retected of the ope €
big adberents as acertaine miferable and wpetched fate. For
whatfocuer God hath odained, that of the world is concemned:
whereof at conuenient time we willfpeake more, and we haue als
ready ag Ji thinke waitten {ufftcient therof, ow we will fpeake
in few woꝛdes of the fir appearance,
The wile menof Arabia, which were induſtrious men, and
without all dout gouernours of that countrie (as it was at that
timethe maner in thoſe partes) when they bad feene the ſtarre in
the Catt, boeaking ofalldelape, made hatte co Jeruſalem, dili⸗
rently fecking for the kinge of the Jewes being newe borne,
Ahere we ought to marke, that they could neither eeke nop
u Au a A nn |
Fy al i
al Tas
finde out this king, the Lorde Chꝛiſt, but bp che ſtarre going be:
fore them,which atthe lat ledde them fo farre, that by the word
of God they were certified, where this king wasto be found. Do
alfoisit with vs: we cannot finde Chptt without the Gofpeil, Wihoveths
Without the word. of God. Chat muk ſhew him onto vg, ¢ bringe sued by
hg thither, where we may finde him: which then onelp ig Done, faich,we can
when we recetue the fame Golpell by faith , otherwiſe, although not finde
we haueit,beare it,and know tt, it profiteth bs nothing at all,we Chriſt.
ſhall not therefore finde him, no moze furelp then the Scribes
founde him , whonotwithanding had the Scriptures reanily,
and ſhewed the wap to other , not comming into tt them felues,
for the thing did not touch their harts. Chey did droulily neglect
thatking , whom with great fighes they bad looked for manp a:
ges. Ciherefoze itis not enough chat we baue the Golpeil, o2
that we beare it,but we muff beleue it, and lap itp inthe fecretg
of our bart otherwife we hall neuer finde Chit. Here alfo pou
fee,that it doth not (kill, whether one be learned 02 unlearned, in-
firucted inmanp places of Scripture,o2 in few, onto whom Gon
giveth the grace, he eniopech Chait. Derelpecterh not the per:
fon, but whom be mawerh be ts dꝛawne, although inthe meane
feafon he pꝛouideth chat the Golpell be alwayes preached.
After therfore that thefe wife men had found the child Chriſt,
the king of the Hewes at Bethlehem, together with Joſeph and
Warie.by the ſhewing of the Scripture ¢ guiding ofthe farre, The wife
thep were nothing offended at the poore eftate of the childe , but men are not
being taughe bp che woꝛd, acknowledged that Chita for the Bel: ee at
fiag and king ofthe Tewes , whom the Jewes had looked for fo Pc“
Many peares,¢ opened their treafures before him, offering unto cate of
bim golde,frankincenfe and mparhe, Therein agatne we ought Chritt.
to marke the nature of faith , that it isoffended at nothing, but
cleaucth to the word onelp and nothing efteemeth thofe thinges
that thine outwardly. Theſe wile men doe not therefore difvapne
neither turne backe, becaule the child together with bis parents
were withoutall pompe in pouertie and miferie, and nothing
lefle chen a kinglp child appeareth onto them , but they nor on,
and vndoutedly acknowledge him for a king, ag thep had learned
concerning him out of the Scriptures. Wozeouer thep giue vnto
him the honour meete for a king, they offer moſt prectous gifts,
which they had brounht,being even of the bet ion , outoftheir "
How the
world dea-
leth with
the poore
and afflicted.
We muft
not efteeme
thofe things
which feeme
precious to
the world,
but thofe
which to rhe
world feeme
ble and of
no value.
4 Asian, A a ae rt re en Dil
N ’ en ee
owne countrie, owe the world would haue done no fuch thing,
but according tothe maner thereof, would haue looked for gar⸗
‘ments of purple,and refozt of feruaunts, and handmaydens. In
ſuch places it ig wont to beſtow bis giktes, to wit, where there
is great plentie and abundance of thinges before: pea itis of that
qualitie,that it vepriueth the poore and afflicted of thofe thinges
that thep haue, it taketh bꝛeade out of the mouth of the hungrp €
needie, which haue nothing, but as thep get it hardly, by labous
ring fore all that they ave able,
Cibereof we haue colearne, that ik we will honour Chik
wich thefe wife men, we mutt hut our etes, and turne themfrom
all that which feemech fapze, goodly and noble before the worlo;
Neither mult chou be offended o2 abhorreic , tf anp thing feeme
vile contemptible and ridiculous bnto the world: : let this (uffize
thee that thou knoweſt that ic pleafech God, which is inbeauen,
Cake heede bnto thy felfe concerning thofe thinges, which thine
before the world exerciſe thy felfe inthole workes, which feemz
vnto reafon foolith and light, as are,to belpe the needie , to com:
foot the afflicred,¢ to count the calamitie of thy neighbour, thine
owne. If thou thale be diligently erercifen in thele , and faith bes
ing chp guide, ſhalt endeuour rightly co apply thy felfunto them,
then other workes which haue a fayre ſhewe, as to inſtitute mals
fes,to be occupied in vigils and peares mindes,to build cemples,
and fuch like follies, (hal by them felueg be pluckt out of chp hart
tbhanifh away, vnto which workes, furelp now almoſt the whole
world ts addicted : thep are in deede fayre in the berp outwarve
ſhew, and fecme to be very prectous , when as notwithſtanding
they are an abhomination bute God, But whatlacuer Goo hath
commaunded, as to Doe gaod to our neighbour,and to be touched |
with bis aduerfities no lefle then wich our own,to beare a friends
Ip and well willing minde toward him , thele ave neglected , aud
tn che epes of the world appeare trifling and foolith : whereupon
we doe greatly abhorre them, Dow commeth this to paſſe? Euen
therefore becaufe they haug no goodly thew sutwardip, Ano the
common people of Germante are wont to fap: Chae which ſhi⸗
neth not, oꝛ bach not afapze ſhew, is nothing fet bp.
Woreouer God doth looner fuffer him felfe to lacke his owne
honour and due ferutce, then that he woulde have vs to leaue of
from doing our dutie coward our neighbour, as Chit ee
u. ul
Matth.5.1f chou bringthy giftto thealtar, and there remem en
breft that uy brotherhath ought againft thee,leauethere thine the feruice
offering before the altar, and goe thy way: firltbe reconciled which we
to thy brother, andthen come, and offer thy gift. Here pedoe offer him, if
moft plainly both beare and fee,that Gov will not be ferued, vn⸗ eee
leg we firſt goe to our neighbour, andbe reconciled to him. For yuraour
the fame caufe alfo Gov reiecteth the facrifices of the Jewes, ag neighbour.
it igin p Prophelie of Clay chap, 1 for that thep div neglect thoſe
thinges which were moze neceflarp,namelp mercy anv faich: for
thug be fapth : VVhy offer ye fo many facrificesvnto me? Iam
ful of the burnt offerings of weathers, & of the fat of fed beatts,
Ihaue no pleafure in the blood of bullocks,lammes,& goates,
VVhen ye cometo appeare before me treading in my courts,
who hathrequired this at yourhandes ? Offer me no mo obla-
tions, for it is but loftlabour: incenfe is an abhominable thing
vnto me. I may notaway with your newe moones, your fab:
bathes, & folemne meetings, your folemne affemblies are wic-
ked.] hate your new moones and appointed feaftes euen from
my very hart,they make me weary,] can not abide them. V Vhé
ye hold out your handes, Iwill turne mine eyes from you: and
though ye make marty prayers , yet I will heare nothing at all,
feeing your handes are full ofblood. VVashe you, make you
cleane,put away your euil thoughts out of my fight, ceafe from
doing of euill.Learne to doe well, apply your felues to equitie,
deliuerthe oppreffedghel pethe fatherles to his right, defend the
widow, € fo forth ag is there rebearfen of Efap, By thele woꝛds
of Efay pe fee what God requireth,¢ what be allowech, Tihen
we neglect thole workes, by which our neighbour ts ferued,he as
gaine will neglect bs. For whatfoeuer benefit we beftow vppon
our neighbour,that we beſtow vppon God and Chriffhimfelfe,
as he all pronounce inthe laſt iudgement: VVhatfoeuer ye Mash.25 40
haue done to one of the leaft of thefe my brethren, ye haue
done it vnto me. God will
Chen thou hearet this, thou wilt not gloꝛy much, ofthe tem: coor, noc the
ples which thou hatt builded, 02 males which thou batt founded, works which
For then he witlfay: whathaue J to noe with thy temples and we haue in-
Wailes ? what with chine altar and bells ? thinkeft chou that J vemted.buc
am delighted with fones,and wood, with bells and banners?Are hie DS
not all thinges mine fit: Heauen is mp ſeate, andthe earth ig pach com-
kit, maunded.
mp footeftoole, Cio commaunded thee to build tempieg?T baue
fet liuing temples before thee,thele are to be edified,nourithen,e
relieued but thou hat bene occupted wit other triflles,which I]
Haue not commaunded,3| know thee not, awap with thy temples
and mafles : pe ought to haue put pour truff in me onelp, but all
pour Delight conſiſted in {uch workes,as though it had bene pour
purpofe by ſo doing to wꝛeſt heauen from me, &€ that J map com:
prehend all in a bꝛiefe fumme : whatloeuer I bane commaunded,
that hath bene of pou neglected: and whatſoeuer J haue deteſted
and alfhorren,that pe haue viligentlp done : this therefore I will
requite pou with again, J know pou not, pc map relort onto that
god Which hath commaunded pou to doe thele thinges.
Dere therefore let vs learne, how the wife men did nothing ab-
horre the pooree on euery fine miferable appearance of this ine
fant and big parents, that we alfo map be fo affected toward the
miferable and pieifull effate of our netahbours,¢ may be perfwa-
ded that we doe find Chari tn them, that whatſoeuer ts beſtow⸗
ed bpon them, Chꝛiſt doth acknowledge it ag beſtowed bpon him
Thekingdé felfe. Dis kingdom conſiſteth in the pooꝛe, deſpiſed ¢ abiects, vea
of Chri in the bolp croffe,in contempt, in perfecution, in affliction + mi:
wherein it ſerie, as Paule fapth out of the Plalme: for thy fake we are kil-
confifteth. led all the day long,and are counted as sheepe appointed to be
— flaine.Jn an other place alſo he ſayth: we are made as the filth
dc, ; H of the world, the ofskowring of all thinges. Ttherefoze Chꝛriſt
fapd to bis difcipleg, when he {ent them forth to preach in Judea:
Maith.10.16 Behold I fend you forth as sheepe in the middes of the vvolues.
Thep now that ſeeke Chzift anp orher where then infuch a con-
téptible forme, inp croffe,® in perfecution,do not find hin. Che
wife mé did find Fking Chat being newly borne, notin Herons
court,not among the Pꝛinces # prieſts, not at Dierulalem, in fo
noble and famous a city, but at Bethlehem in a Table,with poore
and defpifed creatures, namelp Joſeph and Marie, In a ſumme,
Chriftwillchere be foũd, where aman would leat ſeeke for him,
But we mull diligentip confiver alſo, what chefe wile men fig:
nified bp cheir giftes.. For aflureolp thep fhewedby them, that
tied ie this child is a king, and not a king onelp,but alfo God and man.
—— 5 In offering gold they acknowledged him for a king, ag ikthey
their offting Would fap : Lie bring vnto thee gold,not that we would thereby
ef gold. enwich thee. For gold, Gluer, and whatlocuer is made is — be⸗
| | ort,
fore, but hereby we acknowledge thee to be a mot mighty king ’
ouer all thinges. So we alfo offer gold vnto Chꝛiſt, when we ac: How & she
knowledge him for our king and Lord: bur vnto this is required nn
avery ttronge faith, For tf J ought to acknowledge him tor mp 1
king and Loꝛd, all mine owne willmuft be ertinauithed , thatit
reine nothing atallinme: for Chait onelp mut reigne ¢ rule
in me,thathe may doe whatloeuer tt plealech himin me,and con⸗
cerning me,all chinges mult be committed unto him. So the le-
per in Matthew did,which ſayd onto Chriſt: Lord, ifthou vvilt
thou canft make mecleane. Therefore mp will mut be vtterly
ertinguifhed in me,ifp I willhaue Chik to reigne in me. Chik
alfo fuffered not his owne will torule, but he alwayes ſubmitted
bimlelfe co the will of his father , which be teftifieth tn the fire
chapter of the Goſpell by S,Tohn: 1 came dovvne from heauen,
notto doe mine ovyne wvill , but his vvill yvhich hath fent me.
Dea he obeped his father euen vnto death, and fubmitted him
felfe wholp to his will, THe imitating thigerample, which ts
waitten for our fingular confolation, ought tofubmit our willto
God and his Chritk and to reſt confiventlp ppon him, De know:
eth howe to bꝛinge the matter notably wellto pafle , ag it ts ſayd
yp fal. 2 7. Commit thy vvay vnto God, and pur thy truftin him,
and he shall bringeitto pafle.. And alitle after: Hold thee fill
"in God, and fufferhim to vvorkevviththee. Such fentences
ought to prouoke bs , patiently to fuffer the willof Gon in bs,
whether ſweete hinges oꝛ ſowꝛe, commodities o2 diſcommodi⸗
ties come bnto bs: for be knoweth with what temperature to lap. |
them bpon vs. Bleſſed is he chat beleueth thele thinges from bis
bart. Aho being fuch a one,canbe troubled with. {agow’Such a
manbowloeuer be be hädled, whether he be burned o2 Drowned,
caſt into prifon,o otherwife grieuouflp delt with,be taketh all in
Hood part» For he knowerh that chele hinges hall turne to hig
commoditie. After this fort doe we allo offer golde with the wile
men „when we take away rule from our owne will, and do ſuffer
Chri to worke in bs accopdinge to bis. will ¢ pleafure. CTAhere⸗
fore thep arehppocrites, which knowe not to fuffer the will of
God, but howſloeuer he vealech with them, haue alwapes,where:
of thepdoecomplapne. Thep forfooth ſuppoſe, that whatfoe-
uet thep thinke,tt hall haue fuccefle according to their thinking,
Ff it fall out otherwiſe, they are angrie,thep do not patiently [uf
whatit fig-
when we of-
fer the fame
vnto Chrift.
it fignitied.
fer perfecution and contempe: they murmure , they finde fault,
and bere when thofechinges happen, no otherwiſe then horſes
being firred vp with furie o2 rage. Qo therfore by refitting thep
ftape the kingdome of Chri fromthem, and deprive Chit of
gold, which notwithſtanding thep ought to offer and prefent un:
to him,that is,thep them felues will beare rule,¢ doe not vouchs
fafe to acknowledge Chꝛiſt for their king and od,
Gy frankincenfe they refemblen diuine honour, which we thé
offer vnto him, when we confetle, that whatfoeuer we haue, me
muff acknowledge it to haue come from God, and that wehaue
it freelp , and without anp merit of ours : Therefore all theſe
thinges are to be afcribed unto him, as tothe true Lord, neither
mutt we glorie one whitte inthe goodthingesrecetued, but hig
glorie istobe ſought in them, And ik he take them from bs as
gatne, we ought to (uffer him with quiet mindes, and to bleſſe
him with the beloued Job in chefe woꝛdes: Naked came J out
of my mothers wombe,and naked shal Ireturne thither again: ~
the Lorde gaue, and the Lorde hath taken away, bleffed be the
name of the Lord. Ant fo we ought to (uffer all misfortunes and
aduerſities, as if Goo him (elfe id caſt them bppon our necke, fo
that none thall be able to offende vg , vnles he take aap Chꝛiſt
from bs. JQot fomuche as a heare of our heades that periſh, ag
Ch ꝛiſt ſayth to his Difciples Luke 21. Therefore whatloeuer
thal moleſt bs, what aduerfity focuer (hal come bnto vs,‚we ought
neuer to fecke anp other God, we ought no where to ſeeke any o-
ther belpe and-.comfozt,then of Chpitt alone, Chis ts he which ig
made bnto bs of Gon the father, wiſedom, righteouſnes, ſanctifi⸗
cation and redemption, Chenonelp we offer unto Chꝛiſt that
right frankincenfe of Arabia, when we flie vnto him alone in our
calamities afflictions,and anguithes , But they chat ſeeke after
fraunge helpes and comforts, ag of Sorcerers, Hitches, and
fuch like , they doe not offer frankincenle unto Chik, but fin: .
king brimffone, whereinthey hall be burned fo2 euer, for that
they bate not beleued and truſted in Chꝛiſt.
By mprrhethep fianifiev a mortall man: for with mparbe
bead bodies were anointed , that for certaine peares they ſhould
not putrifie, Now myꝛrhe ig aftronge and bitter iutce, which
diffillech fram the trees of Arabia, like bnto gumme, oꝛ ag wich
vs rofen iſſueth out of the pine tree, the firre tree,ec, But then
When we
weoffer mprrbe bnto Chꝛiſt, when we firmelp beleeue that he "Sie
bp his death hath nuercome finne, Satan and bell, And this is Varo Chain
ſpeciall faith. Ifwe doe but a litle dout here, it ig not well with
bs. But ifF beleue from mp hare.that death, ſinne, the deuill, and
bell are ſwallowed vp inand bp the death of Chott, J hall not
be afraiy of chem all. I thali eafilp ve preferued from rottennes
which death beingeth, when J hauempzrbe, that ts, che death of
inp Loꝛd Chꝛiſt in my body and ſoule, this will not fuffer me to
peri), So ſtronge and valtant a ching ig faith, onto which euen
all chinges are pollible,ag Chꝛiſt fapth War.o, Mere muſt we
fearne datlp mith our Lord Chit to bring onder our old Adam,
and co moztifie his concupifcences, by the croffe,and tentationg,
not that crofle which wedoe chofe, but which Chait lapech on
b8, let bs beare tt patientlp and with a willing mind, that fo our
body map be fubdued, and made ſubiect to the ſpirit, that being
fo buried wich Chꝛiſt through baptifine, we map be rayſed bp a:
gaine with him, and be alone may reigne and liue in bs, Dereun-
to vehemẽt ighing ig required, which the halp Ghott doth make
in vs for our fake, as Paule ſayth Rom,8, that Chri willbelpe
bs,to keepe under this pnrulp and obftinate fleth,that ic prefume
not too licentioully,¢ thrutt the noble fouleintothe mpre, Chis
our baptiſme Doth fiqnifie, to wit, no other thing then that that
olde and finking Adam be moptifies, and buried, which we ale
wapes ought to reuolue in our minde, feeing that ag long ag we
liue here.finnes doe remapne in vs. Therefore altwapeg fome
thing muff be repapzed in vs without all intermillion, thaough
the cogitation of baptiſme as it were ina boule decaped through
oldnes euen bntillfuch time ag we depart thislife, Mhereof .
Waule entreateth in very goodly woꝛdes Rom.6, which are dili⸗
gently tobe marked of vs, now he fapth thus :Knovv ye not that
all vve,vvhich haue bene baptized into Iefus Chrift, haue bene
baptized into his death? VVe are buried then with him by ba-
ptifme into his death, that like as Chrift vvas raifed vp from the
dead tothe glorie of the Father, fo vve alſo shoulde vvalke in
-nevvnes of life,For if vve be planted wvith him,to the fimilitude
ofhis death : euen fo shallvve be to the fimilitude of his refur-
rection, knovving this, that our old man is crucified vvich him,
that the bodie of finne might be deftroyed, that henceforth vve
should not ferue finne.For he that is dead, is freed from finne.
Three thigs
to be confi-
dered in
Chriftes Ba-
VVherefore,if we be dead with Chrift,we beleue that we shal
live alfo with him, knovving that Chrift being rayfed from the
dead, dieth no more : death hathno more dominion ouer him;
For in that he died, he died once to finne, butin thathe liucth,
he liueth to God. Likevvilethinke ye alfothat ye are dead to
finne,but are aliue to God in Jefus Chrift our Lord. Thus much
concerning the firft appearance.
Now we will {peake fomewhat of the ſecond, that is ofthe ba-
peifine of Chik, Inthe baptiſme of Chꝛiſt three chinges are to
beconfidered: Chefirk, thatthe heaucns were opened, when
be was baptized. The ſeconde, that the holy Ghoſt was ſeene
in the likenes of a doue, Thethird, that the voice of the father
was heard, which fapd : Thisis my beloued ſonne, in vvhome I
am vvellpleafed. WWbereas Chriff vouchſaued to be baptiſed
with water,he bath hallowed baptifme, ¢ made che water there-
of holp, p he which is baptised inbis name , might become like⸗
wife holy and cleane fromfinne , and might baue the beauens o-
pen, JRow Chri was not baptized for himfelfe,for he was not
infected with the {pot of any ſinne, ag S. Peter lapth 1. Pet.2.
De behaued him felfelike vnto good Wbifitian, which before
the ficke doth frft vxinke fone bitter potion , that the ficke map
more gladly and boloIp doe the fame afterward. Foꝛ we in bap-
tiſme drinke a bitter potton,namelp,the moatification of the olde
Avam, which with the bitternes thereof doth greatly trouble vs,
Foz that dipping into the water or fprinkling wich it doch ſigni⸗
fie nothing elg but that that old Adam ſhould perifh edie. Chis
is greatly furthered hy the crofle, which Gov according to his
Diutne will lapeth pponvs, which we ought not to catt from vg,
but beare tt willingly € wich a patient mind, But that this might
be eafier for bs to doe cuen Chꝛiſt hath taken tt vpon him felfe, he
fuffered him felfe to be baptizcd , and tooke his crofle and caried
itnothing reſiſting or gapnefaping , and fo mas obedient to hig
father vnto the death, euen the death of the crofle, as Paule ſaych
Pbilip,2.that he might deltuer vs from finnes,and might againe
appeafe bis heauẽly father, which furelp he div of big mere grace
without any deſert ofours; whereof we haue baptifine a figne €
pledge,ag Paule ſayth onto Titus: But vvhen chat bountiful-
nes and that loue of God our Sauiourtovvard man appeared,
not by the vvorks of righteoutnes, yvhich yve had done, but ac-
cording to his mercy he faued vs, by thevvashing of the nevve
birth,and the renuing of the holy Ghoft , yvhich he shed on vs
aboundantly,through lefus Chrift our Sauiour, that vve being
iuftified by his grace , should be made heires according to the
hope of cternall life.
Hecondlp the holp Gholt appeareth here in the ltkencs of a
Doueswhen Chꝛiſt is baptised, whereby ts fignified that we alfo
doe receiue the holy Ghoſt in our baptifme, which ruleth and quis
Deth bs according to the will of God, which ts prelent with vg, €
helpech vs inbearing the burden of the holy crofle, which exhor⸗
teth vs,is inffant bpon bs,enfo2cerl vs,and when we peld tothe
burden of the crofle, is prefent and helpeth vs: if we fall,rapfeth
bs bp againe,and ts with bs ag a certeine faichfull companion in
out iornep, He alfo maketh the burdenof the crofle light, which
we were verp bnable to beare,ifhe did not put to his helpe. If ſo
be that thou fall into finne, remember to goe backe vnto thy Ba⸗
ptifme,for chis is the onelp hip, wherein we pafle ouer,ZUihere:
fore take heede of them which make two tables, wherbp we paſſe
ouer the fea of finnes,namely baptifine and repentance. Beleeue
them not, whatloeuer they handle, itis mere deluſion: baptifme
ig the beginning of repentance. As often therefore ag thou fallett
intofinne, haue recourſe vnto thp baptifine, there chou ſhalt a:
gaine obtaine the holy Ghoſt, wha may be prefent with thee, For
repentance is nothing elfe,but a diſpleaſing of him ſelfe, a dete⸗
fing of his wicked life, and arenuing of the man, which ts re-
prelented in baptifine. After luch arenuing of the life, followeth
the praple of God, and thankesgiuing onto him for the grace res
ceiued, then {uch a man burſteth forthe bebaueth hjm (elf friend:
Ip toward bis neighbour,¢ doth good to him in all hinges, Chis
is fiqnified bp that,that the holy Ghoſt appeared ppon Chꝛiſt in
thelikenes of adoue: for adoue wanteth the gall, Such they aifo
become, which recetue the holy Ghott inbaptifme,to witte, they
are gentle and without ali bitternes toward ail,
The fecond
thing to be
in the bap-
tifme of
Thirdly, the vopce of the father isheard inthe baptiſme of The third
Chꝛiſt, which faprh : Thisismy beloued Sonne, invvhom lam
thing to be
well pleafed. This is that Sauiour, which oeliuereth os from in che bap-
the tyrannie offinne, death, Satan, and hell. And here we muſt tile of
learne,bo we mut come vento Gov, Me that oefireth tobe the
Krations € deare childe of God the father, muſt attaine onto this
through Chritt, through bim alone the beloued fonne,who fitteth
inthe bofom of bis father: vnto whom alone the father looketh,
without whom he alloweth nothing, and whatfoeuer pleafeth the
father,ic pleafeth bimt in re(pect of this bis fonne. Therefore be
that defireth co moe to p father,mutt cleaue to this beloued fonne,
muft lay bim (elfe bpon bis backe, For by this voice all tities ale
beit they ſeeme very goodly and holy, are taken away, nothing ig
of value or eftimation with the father but onely this his beloued
fonne,he is in bigs efpeciall fauour, Now be that delireth to be in
fauour wich the father,and to be beloued of him, lec him flie into
the bofom ofthe fonne, bp whom aftermard be findeth accefle to
the father, as JDaule ſayth Ephe. 1. that thꝛough Chrit we are a-
vopted without this Chaꝛiſt we are the enemies of Gon, Ahoſo⸗
euer therefore cleaueth to Chꝛiſt through faith, he abidech inche
fauour of God, he allo fhall be made beloued and acceptable, ag
Ci rift is,and Hall haue felowhip with the father and the fone,
Gut where this is not done,there ts nothing but math, there no
honeſtie, no bertue,no free will,neither praper,nor fatting.no2 o-
ther workeg thall profitschou (hale but trifle with all thele, For
this ig a mot mighty, and mott ercellent voice: Chis is mp be-
loved fonne, in whom all thinges confift and are comprehended,
which are extant in the whole Scripture, Euen as all things are
deliuered into the handes of Chet, and gathered into one, that
they may obey him, as S. Paule ſayth. Foꝛ when God fapth:
This is my beloued fonne, bp fhewing Chrift only, and ſhewing
and naming no other, he maketh it plaine enough, that none ig
big beloued fonne belide him, If fo be chat other are not beloued
fonneg,it ig certaine that they are the chilozen of wath and indigs
nation, For if there were moe beloued fonnes, be would not lo fee
forth ¢ thew this fonne alone, ſaying: This is my beloued fonne,
neither would turne his epes onto him onelp,and glorp of him as
lone, as though be knew no other, Foꝛ the words feeme to Hew,
that be did viligentip looke about, € pet founde none,befive him,
of whome he ſayth: this ts be, as il he ſayde: Here at the lat II
haue founde (uch a one ag pleafech me, and is mp beloved fonne,
all other generallp are not fuch.
MPoꝛeouer, theſe woꝛdes are not fo onelp to be vnderltood, that
itis ſhewed by them that Chꝛiſt is very God, asthe Epiflleto
the hebꝛewes ſayth: Vnto which of the Angells faydheatany —
Ne oO eee. —~
——— * ‘bi dint: pune tobi
+ at a
time, Thou art my Sonne, thisday begat I thee? andagaine, I
will behis father,and he shall be my fonne,&c. ff 0} itis mot
certaine that Chit in thefe wordes ig declared to be the true and
_ natutallfonne of God, ſeeing that this word was never ſayd to as
. np creature, Howbeit he hav bene ag well the fonne of God, aud
| han foremapned for euer, as be bath bene from euerlaffing , al-
though this had not bene (poken vnto vs from heauen,neicher ig
anp thinge added or taken alway from him bp this name, but we
mutt chus thinke ¢ perfwade our ſelues, that fo ercellent a praiſe,
| and fo noble honour of Chott was {fpoken for our caule.. $02 he
him felfe witneſſeth in John, that this came not becaufe of him Lh. 12.30.
‚ Telfe,but for our fakes.De hath no neede that tt ſhould be fapd on:
| tobim,that be is the fonne of Gon, De knew this before, hath
from euerlafting & bp bis nature,that which be beareth.cabere-
fore when thatis conceiued bp bopce and word, it pertaineth to
| be,and not bnto Chik. Chpitk without che woꝛd, ts (uch ag bets
| faidto be,@Tie haue che word without him,of whom it ig ſpoken.
Wiherefoge we muſt lap laſt holo vppon che word without the el«
| fence,euen as be bath the effence without the word,
But what doth his word? it teacheth bs to know Chit, in
| which knowledge our faluation confifteth,as Elap, Paule, and
| Peter doe witnes. But how doth it teach vg to know him? ſo· that
bets the fonne of God, and doth efpectally pleale Gov his father, —
by which wordeg Gon cheereth the hartes of atl the fatthfull,and -
greatly delighteth them with mere comfort, and heauenly ſweet⸗
nes. Dowetsthisdone >TUhen I knowe,and am (ure. that this
man Chiff ts the fonne of God and doch in all chings pleale the
father, whereof I mutt be mot fully perſwaded: forafinuch a8
the diutne maieſtie doth confirme this by bis voyce from heauen,
which can noclpe,wherebp Jam certatne , that whatloeuer that
man doth Ipeake and worke, thep are the mere wordes € works
of the beloued fonne, which are aboue mealure approucd of Gov,
|, This therefore F doe ſingularly well marke,and lay vppe tn the
bottom ofmy harte. Ahen as therefore J doe hereafter heare
Chꝛiſt ſpeake, oꝛ ſee him doe any thing, and that for mp commos
bitte, which furelphe euerp where doth, (for he ſayth, that he
both and fufferech all chinges for vs, chat be, came to ferue and
not that he ſhould be ferued, ) then I] remember thele wordes of
| thefather, thathets the beloued fonne, then J am enforced to
Er re ome F Tee bie. |
Pu r
thinke,that all that Chait ſpeaketh, doth, and fuflereth, and that
for my fake,both finqularly well pleafe Goo,
Rowe howe can God poure out him felfe more iiberally, orꝛ
ſhew him ſelke more louingly and ſweetely, then by ſaying, that
it doth pleaſe him from ᷣ hare, that Chꝛiſt his ſonne doth {peake
fo gently with me, Doch with fo great affection looke vnto mp
commoditie, and with fuch vnuſuall louc fuffer,dpe,and do whats
foeuer for mp fake, Doeſt thou dout, chatif mans hart did with
vue fenfe feele {uch fauour of Gon in Chꝛiſt, to wit that he doth ſo
much for our fakes,it would not for top burt into moſt ſmall pee-
ces? for then tt wouldve looke inta the depth of the diuine breaſt,
pea and into the exceeding and eternal goodnes and loue of ¢ God,
which be beareth toward vs, and hath borne toward vs from e⸗
uerlaſting. But we are too hard yarted anv cold, the fleſh noth Ipe
moze heaup bpponds, then that we are able to comprebend fuch
wordes, We doe not wel confider of them with our {elues neither
doth aur bart come neare to feele how maruelous and vnſpeake⸗
ableloue and top thep contapne in chem , otherwiſe without pout
we ſhould perceiue , thatheauen and earth are full of che fire of
the diuine loue,of life and righteoufnes,full of honour and praife,
whereunto the fire of bel, whereunto finne, & death being compa=
red,are nothing but as it were a thing painted o2 pictured, Bue
we are colde, fluggith x vnthanklull wꝛetches, koꝛ we pafle ouer
ſuch pꝛecious woꝛds, as things ofno impoptance,¢ as vttered of
man, as being contayned in a booke,or writté in paper,as things
vtterly decayed, and now long ſince growne out of vſe by long cu⸗
ſtom, as though they pertayne onely to Chrift,and to vs nothing
at all: And being dull and ſenſeles, we doe not ſee that they be⸗
long nothing to Chriſt, but were committed to wꝛiting and are
extant enelpfor our fake,
Seeing therefore that Chri che belouen fonne, being in fa
Kreatfauour with God in all chinges that he doth, ts chine, and
doth inthe ſame, ſerue thee, ag he him felfe wirnellech , without
pout thou art in the fame fauour and loue of God that Chriffhim
felfe is in. And againe, the fauour and loue of Gov are tnfinuacen
to thee as deepely, as to Chott, that now God together with his
beloued fonne,doth wholp poſſeſſe thee,and thou haſt him againe
wholp that fo God, Chꝛiſt, and thou doe become as one certaine
thing. Hereunto makemanp fentences of the Gofpell,but eines
| p
allp in Jlohn ‚as this; If any man loue me, my father will loue John 14, 23.
him, and we will come ynto him, and will dwell with him. Al: :
fo: Where I am, there shall alfo my feruaunt be. Againe:I pray robe 12.26.
that thep map be one tnbs agthauand T are one, Jinthee „and lohn 17.
thou in me, and thep in me, But where is Chait ? In the fauour
of God, inthe depth of his hatt,there allo are we , tf fo be that we
knoto and loue Chriſt, there Ithinke we are (ure enough, there
out refuge ts placed high enough, whither no euill can come, ag
itisinthe 91.jafalme, oo
But chou (eek that faith is required hereunto, and that onto
thele thinges nolaw,na worke,no merit doth pꝛeuayle. Hereupõ
tt commeth to palle ‚chat fo pyectous wo2des are fo abftrufe and
bnknowen toreafon, Foꝛ tt bath bin gouerned of Satan from
p creation ofthe wopla, when as in Paradiſe tt would be ag God,
€ pꝛeſumed after honoyr , which Goo bere attributeth to Chꝛiſt
alone, foralinuch as be is his fonne, wherunto it is pet alfo prone
and inclined, and ſetteth ic felfe again chefe words, ¢ the words
againe are againtt it. For becaule Chꝛiſt is here sectared the on-
Ip fonne of God, it ig mightelp ouerthꝛowne, whatſoeuer makech
it felfe god; But who be thep.chac make chem felues gov? furelp
Satan and man, which pleafe chem ſelues, and loue chem ſelues,
thep ſeeke not after God, but ffriue to attaine nto thig,that thep
alfo map become gods. But what will Gov fap onto chele: Tru:
Ip acertaine contrarp.thinge to that which be ſayde vnto Chꝛiſt:
Chꝛiſt is my beloued fonne , in whom F am well pleafed, teeing
that he glorifiech not him felfe,and maketh not bim felfe God, al⸗
though bebe God, But pe are-wpetches,in whome J allowe nox
thing, leeing that pe glopifie pour felueg , and make pour felueg
gods,albeit pe be creatures and men, and not God, So this
fentece giuen of Chꝛilt doth humble the whole world, doch
thew themto be all voyd of Diuinicie , anv alcribeth it
to Chrift,and chat all for our commoditie, iftwe will,
and do admit his fentence : 02 to our condemna ⸗·
tion, fine will not, and do contemne this fen:
tence.fo that Jmay fap at once: without
Chrift there is no fauour , nor anp
FR beloued ſonne. but very wꝛath
el and ſoꝛe pifpleatite =
Br “ of Gov, u |
* C
- trae q
certaine fentences out of the Scripture concerning —
vvhereby is declared that through him ve are loued
of the Father, and vvithout hima: are wu,
Ioh.1.16.17. He
Of his fulnes,(to wit Chriftes) haue al we —
and grace for grace. For the law was giuen by Motes:
but grace and truth — by IefusC rift o
No man aſcendeth vppe to heauen Bue he had Hach.
defcended from heauen, euen the Sonne of man which
is in heauen. Ir 3
God fo loued the world,that he ae giuen his *
begottẽ fonne,that whofoeuer beleueth in him, hould
not perifh, but haue euerlaſting lite. For God fent t not
his fonne into the world, that he fhould condemne the
world, but chat the would through him might be ſaued.
He that beleuethi in him,is not condemned,but he that
beleeueth not, is condemned already , becaufe he hath
not — in che name of that onely i *
of God.
* 3.353 iy
The Father loueth the — * tail einen alt
thinges into his hande.He that beleeueth in the Sonne,
hath euerlafting life, & he chat obeyeth not the Sonne,
fhall not fee life, butthe wrath of God abideth on him.
loh.G. 40.
This is the willof him thatfentme, that euery man
which feeth the Sonne,& beleueth in hans ‚(houldhaue
euerlafting life,and I will rayfe him vp at the laf day.
Now in the laftgreatday of the feaft, elas ftoode &
cried, faying: Ifany'manch irft, let him come vnto me, |
and |
ee -
and drinke. He that beleueth in me, asfayth the Scrip-
ture, out of his belly fhall flow rivers of water of life.
Tit. 3.
But when that bountifulnes and that loue of God
our Sauiour toward man appeared, not by the workes
of righteoufnes, which we had done ‚but according to
his mercy he faued vs, by the wafhing of the new birth,
and the renuing of the holy Ghoft,which he fhed on vs
aboundantly,through IefusChrift our Sauiour,that we
being iuftified by his grace , fhould be made heires ac-
cording to the hope of eternall life. Many other fuch fen:
tences there be, eipeciallp out of the Epiftles of Paule, which e⸗
uerp one map gather bp him {elfe,
Math, *
Nis is the booke of the generation
FW eptof Iefüs Chrift the fonne of Da-
2. ® „a Abraham begat Ifaac, Ifaac begat
Jacob, Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren.
3. Iudas begatPhares and Zara of Thamar, Pha-
res begat Efrom, Efrom begat Aram.
4. Aram begat Aminadab,Aminadab begat Na-
ae affon , Naaffon begat Salmon. He
5. . Salmon begatBoöoz. of Rachab,Boozbegat Or
bed of Ruth, Obed begatlefle.
6, Ieffe begat Dauid the king,Dauid the king ber
gat Salomon of her that was the wife of Vrias.
7 Salomon begat Roboam,Roboam begat Abia,
Abia begat Afa. ;
8.» Afa begat Iofaphat,Tofaphat — Io-
A ram begat Hoziası! ' _
9: Hozias begat loatham, loatham bega Achaz,
Achaz begat Ezekias. :
10. Ezekiasbegat Manafles , Manafles begat A-
mon, Amon begat lofias.
tz. Iofiasbegat lechonias and his brethren,about
the time they were caried away to Babylon.
12. And after they were brought to Babylon, Ie-
chonias begat Salathiel, Salathiel begatZoro-
13. Zorobabel begat ‘Abind, Abiud begat Elia-
r cim, Eliacim begat Ator. 4
14. Axor begat Sadoc, Sadoc begat Achim, " A-
chim begat Eliud.
15... Eliud begat; Eleazar, Eleazarı begat Matthan
‚Matthan begat Iacob, .
16. lJacobbegatlofeph the husband of Marie , of
whom was borne Iefus thatis called Chrift.
The fumme of this text.
fi yes beginneth his booke with a sible or infcription,
Ms which the belener is proucked with greater pleafare
to heare andreade st. For hefarchthus much in effelt:
whomthe Law and Prophets hane hetherto promifed & preached,
Te fits, that is,a Sauiour. and Chrift,that is an eternall king, that he
according to thepromifeof God. frould fpringe-and comb of the feede
of Abraham and Dauid, enen him doe I defcrsbe in this booke , to
mitsthat be is now borne,andmade man’, and already come into the
menddi This Ihandlethrouchthiswholebooke.
2 Three lines or degrees are here rehe ar ſed. In the fief ts con-
— the ſtocke ofthe fathersun the ſecond of the kings,inthe third
tscontained the decajmeiftocke of Dänid: after the decay whereof
it behoued that Chrift ſpould come.For (ithe goodnes of Godis wont
tadoe,when allthinges feeme enen pa bape and recouerte , then at
the laſt becommerh: ©...
4) .,32 a Marchem amitterh ane hn — but that en
nomattersfeeing thar he obfernethrhisonething'sthat he counteth
Syrherighrihne, “frome Danidiby, Salomon-t01ofephthe hufband of
ene te — örhermije,and wfeth an aber —
Ju 103
5 — expofition of thet text.
2 * sungen I |
2 EI — our lirlt father — fallen heed anos
RN 9) Hf} table offerice, was gilty of death with all his chile
N A by HA wenzaswellin body as infoule, it wae notwith⸗
A Standing promiled onto him, althoughobfcurelps
SEW athatbork be and bis pofkericie Hould be veliuered,
in chofe waynes which Goo fpake toche Serpents 1 will put en⸗ Gem3.25.
mitie betwenetheeand the woman ,: betwene thy feede & her
feede,and itshall treade downe thy head. DF thele mordeg A⸗
Dam tuoke comfort, thata woman thould come, by whoſe frute
ſuch guile ann fureeltieof the Serpent ſhoulde be againe amen:
Ded, and Adam redeemed. Chis comfort div vphold Adam wich
bis poſteritie until FRoe, For chenthe promife was renucd, whe
God madea couenant with chefounes.of Moe, and {et the raine⸗
bomefora fine of the couenant, whereby men might conceiue a
truſt and confidence, that Gon ig petfatorable onto them, and
Doth not purpole their deſtruction: wherebp mankinde was ae
Buheld andcomfozten euen vntill Abraham 505
of Sit thetimeof Abꝛaham Gad did ſomewhat fhewe forth his ae
merco,bepeclaren that be would ſend a Sauiour, tuba hould de: ;.,
liuer vs againe from each both of body and loule: ‘fop albeit the
bopp fhouladpespetithould nor alwayes remapnein death, but
rile againe With the Loꝛd Chrift: Che wordeg which Gon fpake
Abraham Gen,22¢ are thus: ln chyfeedeshallall the nations |
etin? € tit,
ö——— a
PA au a a
of theearth be blefled. Dere miſerable men hava caufe ta hope
and looke for a Sauiour which Hould veliner them, From that
time all the Prophets did vinerfip foretell of this abou meafure:
flowing fountaine of all mercp,thatts,of this ſeede, of the Loy
Chꝛiſt., how chat he at the lati Hhould come,that all which beleued
in him, might obtaine faluatton by that promife which can not be
revoked, If fo be that men would now open their epes,thep muft
needes confeile and ſay, that a ftraunge and incredible chinge ts
done with vs,that man being in the Tate of vanmation;curled, €
deſperate, ſhould be reftozen bp the natiuitic ofone man. Dereupe
on the Pzophets crpedout with ardent papers and vnſpeake⸗
able groning , that Gov would vouchlale to fende the Sauiour
whom be bad promilen. By faith inthis Saviour the Ifraeliteg
afterward obtained the lawe, and this honour befope all people,
that they were callen the elect peaple of et which opdinans
ces written of Moſes the anointed was plainelp figured and figs
nified, whom this tert which we baue now in hand ſetteth forth,
what he is,from whence he is, andby the afore {apo fateh all ob-
tapned faluation from Abraham vnto Dauid, euen as manp as
Gn che time of Dauin Gov mane the —S of che Bestia
ave tobe more manifettly veclared,that it night be certainly knowne
of what ttocke he ſhould comes namely of the ſtocke of Dautv;
ag when God layd bute Dauid: VVhen thy dayes be fulfilled,
thou shale fleepe with thy fathers,and I will fer vp thy feede af-
ter thee,which shall proceede out of thy body,andwil {tablish
his kingdom.He shall build anhoufe formy name} and I vvill
ftablish the throne of hiskingdom for euer. I will be his father,
and he shall be myfonne.Qnd peomore platnelp th the Plalme:
The Lordhath madea faithfull othe vito Dauid, and he'shall
not shrinke fromit: Of the frute of thy bodye shall I fet vppon
thy ſeat. Here Chr is delcriben, chat he Hall bea king, and an
eternal king,ag it is mentioned of him in an other Pſalme: Thy
throne,O Lord endureth for euer the ſcepter of righteouſnes is
Who pertai the fcepter ofthykingdome,. Wowebeic he isa ſpirituall king,
neth tothe Whichruleth the monive by his morde : and whoſoeuer receiuech
kingdom of
Chrift, an
len of
his word, pertaineth cobis Kingdom. Buche thatis not under
this ſcepter, neither heareth his woꝛde, ig not of Gov, neither
percaineth to his kingdom, b ut is lubiect to chekingvon of Da
tan, bnder whole tprannie we all are, vntill the Lord doth deliuer
be from tt, defend vg with bis ſcepter, which is then done when
Webeleeneinhim, Foꝛaſmuch therefore as our faluation doth
come meetly bp the ppomife of God, leteuerp one allurevty pers
ſwade bins felfe,b he Hal newer obtaine faluation wout this pro»
mile: although be houlo do the workes of all Sainctes, pet they
fhould profit him nothing hereunto, Contrariwife,tf we lap holo
on the fcepter ofthis king, that is,of the promile of God, we hal
not periſh, although the finnes of the whole world ſhould lye vps
onvs;thep thal be all ſwallowed bp in him, albeit no good worke
bevone of vs. As we fee inthe cheeſe,chhich hong bp the Low on
the croffe.wholapd hold on the wozu of Gov,¢ beleued in Chꝛilt,
and therefore be obtayned the pꝛomiled Paradiſe. Here is no
dout left, let vs onely beleue char it is ſo, and it ig fo indeede, all
thinges which men teach‚ez which we haue done or can woe, bes
ing (et afide. Dere all hinges muſt giue place,at che comming of
this new king, that he alone map rule € reigne ins. Let a man
intermedle with thofe thinges that are written of this king , as
being his owne matters , and as pertatning all vnto him. Foꝛ Wharfoeuer
whatloeuer ig written anp where of Chik, it is wꝛitten far our hn — of
comfort,thätwe map thereby feede and chertth our faith. Tothe ehror
efablithing of (uch faith God hath mercitullp left vnto vs hts our comfort,
promife written, and hath fuffered to be publiſhed, that he will
performe that which be hath promifed. Ahoſoeuer appreben:
deth this in bis hart, te muſt needes be that with ſighing be thir
for fuch Scripture and promife of Goo, who of his grace being
not prouoked of bs, offereth onto bs and beffowech vpon ve ſi uch
goddnes and mercy.
But let bs now come to our prefent text, which noc with woꝛds
only, but alfo with a certetne force pearlech the hart,and poureth
intoitloue;pleafure,iop,glapneg,€c. As if an Angell ould now
come from beauen, and fay bnto bs miferable and convemned
‘wietchesafter this fort: Behold D man,thou bhatt finned, wher:
fore thou batt deferued to be condemned for euer, (Chis being
‘heard the hart mutt necdes tremble.) Mow although all this be
true, yet neuettheles God of bis race hath mercy vppon thee, €
fenveth to chee Sautour, ashe pꝛomiſed to Abraham and hig
feede, Be ofa good cheere,and giue thankes to God. Loe.bere is
the booke of the generatton of Jeſus Chiff, ay is the fonne of
Luke 1.32.
Why Mat-
thew ferteth
Dauid be⸗
fore Abra- ;
Luke,t.54, :
Daud the fonne of Ahrabam, fo thacthis is noconelp sone, but
allo written , that thou mayſt be certaine thereof: Neicher will
He neither can he deceiue: beleue onelp, and thou ſhalt haue all
things, Now it is ta benotep that Matthew ſetteth Dauid before
Abꝛaham, although the pꝛomiſe was firft made to Abꝛaham, and
caine afterward to Dautd 5 which ppomiſe niade to Dauid the
Pꝛophets did afterward publity moze abꝛoad, and did bp it con⸗
fort the people. Asinthe ña. chapter of Clat, where the 1920-
phet lapth thus: There shall comea rod forth of the ftockeof
leſſe, and a graffe shall growe out-of his roote. Jeremie likes
wile ſayth thus chap.23. Behold the time commieth,, fayththe
Lord,thatI wilraifevp the righteous braunch of David,which
king shall bearerule, and he shall profper with wifedom, and
shall feevp equitie & righteoufnes againein the earth. Aud maz
np other füch prophecies there ave to be found in the wꝛitings of
the Pꝛophetes, which thep foretold of Dautd,thathis kingdom -
ſhould be rayſed vp, as ¶ Angell alfa declared unto Marie, wher
be ſayd: The Lord God shall giue vnto him the throne of his fa-
ther Dauid, & he shall reigne ouerthe houfe of Iacob for euer,
and of his kingdome shall be none ende. CMherefore Matthew
a |
thought good hereto ſet Dauid fir ag the better knowwnesenert _
punto him, Abraham, bnto whom the promile was firfi made, ag
Marie inher fong ſayth: He remembring his mercy hath hol-
pen his feruaunt Ifraell,as he promifed to our fathers, Abraham
& his feede foreuer. And that pꝛomiſe is nom performed, and in
this our text delcribed, as we thal {ce hereafter. Datthew mas
keth acviple difference of fathers,of whom, Chꝛitt came, foures
teene Patriarkes, koureteene Kings, ¢ koureteene Pꝛinces. For
it behoued that the ſcepter Ekingdom Mould be taken from Ju⸗
Ba,according to p prophelie of Jacob, which ts thus: The fcepter
shall not depart from Juda, and a laweginer from betwene his
feete,vntill Silo comt: andynto him shall the gathering of the
people be. Were all hinges muſt be fulfilied; and there are thaiſe
foureteene gencrations,cuen as Matthew rehearſecth thenufrom
Abraham to Dautd koureteene gencrationg, trom Dauid til they
were caried awap into Babplonlikewilefoureteeng generatiög,
Dowbeitthere is a perfon omitted in Mätthew,thacis Takim,t
it ought thus to be wꝛitten: Tofias begat lakim, &lakim begat
Iechonias and his brethren, this the Chronicies witnes, Aun af-
zis ter
ter they were caried away into Gabplon ontill Chaiktsfonreteene
generations, CAbich triple diſtinetion hath a great myſterie as
Wag all ſeee. His nn eng Ts don comin os tk
Che Jewes among other Lawes were commaunded fo obferue
thelethace precepts 5 namely, to worfhip char Gad wham cheir
fachers han woplhipped. Secondly to choofe no Pzieſt ot anp o-
ther ftocke then. of their olonetharis,ofp,tvibe of Leui. Thirdly
to chooſe no king but of their ownepeoptesChelesheee prerepts
Bid berp welagree in out Loꝛd Chriſt, to wit, thathe ts chatone
Gov, that he is ancternall Brief of oun fled ¢ blooaye a Ring.
our bꝛother. who hath taken our nature vpon him: Tho by. bis
diuine power ts able to help # ſaue vs being an eternal Pꝛieſt.
continually maketh interceſſion forvs· He is a King alſo,that he
mapaefond # preſerue vs, who is not to be fearen afvasfeing tbat
he is a man as we arespea was made a moſt contemptibleman;
that our hart might be wholy quieted gappeaſed in him our Sa⸗
uiour, who can neuer foꝛſake bs, Cibo were able ta fand inche
fight of God, ¢ not be terrified, if that Pꝛieſt did not ſtand before
Gode Aho ſhould defend vs, ilhe were not a King? ẽ Uho ſhould
ſaue vs, it be were, not Gon? Dow ſhould he haue care of basi he
——— our bꝛother ? with whom we map ſpeake ag
velas we may ene with an other among our ſelues. D moll gra⸗
cious Sautour, how wiſely hat thou done all thinges ? Iknowe
that thou art my brother, ag it is in the Pſalme: Iwill declare Pfalzz.2n
thy nameyntomy brethren, as it is alleaged in the Epiſtle ta
the Hebr. Albeit thou art God, my Lord Chziftzand king ofheas
uen and earth, vet Ican not be afraide of thee: fog thou art amp
friend and bꝛother This is no hinderance vnto me, chat Jana
finner, and thou holy. Foꝛ tf Jhad not bene a ſinner there had
bene no neede that thou ſhouldeſt ſuffer puniſhment for me, Fi fee
allo in thy genealogie that both good and euill are rehearfen , of
whole poſteritie thou wouldeſt come.that thou mighteſt comfozt
timorous and weake conſciences, that thep ſhould confidentiy.& hearted in
cheerefullp pus their truſt in chee, which hat tahen awap our the gencalo-
finnes.Anv that we might be certaine hereof, thoubatt left unge sic of Chriſt.
bs thy word, which allureply declareth it vnto vs.
. Among) Kings € Princes which Matthew rehearſeth, ſome
were exceeding euil, as we may read inthe bookes of the Rings.
‘Det Gor ſuſterech them to be rehearlenin bis gencalogic, as il
thep were worthy, that be ſhould come of them. Buche fuffered
not fo much ag one honeſt woman to bevebearfen therin, Fower
| women are named, which all had an euill rep oꝛt, and were courte -
Gen.z8. ted lewd. As Chamar,of whom Judas the father of her hulband,
begat Phares and Zara, as inthe fir ft booke of Moles it is men⸗
loſ.a. i. tioned, Rahab is called an harlot in the booke of Joſua. Ruth
was a heathen woman,of whom. although Wwe read no euill write
fen, pet foralinuch as the was a heathen; the was deſpiſed of the
Jewes as adogge,and was deteſted of chem. Bethfabe the wife
of Tirias was an adulterefle before the wag maried to Dautd, €
of her he begat Salamon. Thich women are vndoutedly —*
fore rehearten,that we may fee howGod hath fet forth ag te were
a certaine glafle vnto all finners, wherein thep map fee that be
would be borne of the potteritie of Tinnerg | that the greater fin?
- ners webe,fomuch more certaine and greater refuge ‘we might
baue to fo gracious 4 Goo, Pꝛieſt, ¢ Hing, who is cur bꝛother
in whom onely anv it none other we are able to fulfill che law, €
obtaine the grace of Gov: he came downe from heauen there:
foze,neither doth he require any thing ofvs, but that we aflured:
— lp beleue that he is out God, priett t Ring and ehen all thinges
Chehwe Walde wel with vs Bp him alone we become the ſonnes of Gov,
becomethe Ceites ofthe heauenly kingdait, ag &.jpaule fapth ‘tothe Ga:
fonnesof lathtang; Ye areall che fonnes of God by faith in Chrift Tefus.
God, and. Were the hartes of all inners map leape for top , that thep are
4 — counted worthy of ſuch a Sauiour. Wulk not he needes be rege⸗
kingdom. Nevate, whofe hart vnderltandeth and feeleth this ? yea he is carte
Gal3.26. ed with amoft ardent loue to leade a newe life , for he is inſpired
with the grace of Gov,inatinuch ag be ayerh hold ofthe p jomile
ofremiffion of all his ſinnes.
JE we will count bppon our fingers the perfons rebearfen itt
thig tert , we (hall finve them tobe forcp and two, which were it
time patt firuren bp the two and forty manlton places, which the
childzen of Iſraell bad, before they came into the pꝛomiſed land,
as it is written inp fourth booke of Moles. If we alla will come
into che promifen land, which our Loꝛde Jeſus Chit hath pres
pared for be bp bis natiuttie,we mutt alfo occupie two and fortp
manfiorplaces that ig,ine mutt cealle from our owne purpole, €
be regenerate man bp mar, ontill we come to Marie and Telug,
‘there at the lat we thatl finde ret onco aur ſoules. But this nati⸗
my ep ee
uitie is hard : for our euill € coxrupt nature ig very loth ta leaue
ber owne wil and purpofe, And againe the cale of nature is fuch,
. that no natiuitte canbe without griefe,pet one hath moze gricfe,
tentatton and affliction then an other, Che theefe on the crofle
leapt atone leap two and forty degrees , and came fovainelp to
Chik, So did many Martyꝛs alfo, and other holy men, Not⸗
withſtanding none can goe fo greataiornep with ſmall griefe,
vnleſſe be be caried wich a great winde,that ts bp the holy Ghott,
qe mut goe fapre and foftly from Abrabamto Iſaac, from I⸗
faacto Jacob and fo forth. But we mul begin at Abraham, that
we map be found endued with like faith ag he was, and obtaine
theblefling pꝛomiſed butobim , then we ſhall moze eafilp anv
cheerefullp goe from one patriarch to another, Chat is, we thal
pafle ouer one affliction after another, vntill me be called oucof
this trauell and ioꝛney vnto our reſt. Foꝛ a man muſt be falong Why the
exerciſed with afflictions, and ſo oft renounce his owne will, vn⸗ godly muft
till at the laſt he bebroughtunder „ anv bis fleſh by this meanes aeg
be {ubdued,thatit map obey the fpirit, and walkeiopfullp inthe n;; world
willand obedience of Gov. TÜherefore let no man purpofe with
him felfe to come vnto heauen bp leading a quiet life, and follow:
ing pleature, thus Chrift fapth in Luke: It 1s eafier fora camell 24:1825-
to goe througha needles eye, then fora rich man to. enter into
the kingdomof God. Anð inthe Actes of the Apottles Paule 7” 14+--
teacheth that we muſt through many tribulations enter inta the i
kingdom of Gov, Agatne, in uke Abraham ſaydto the rich
glutton: Sonne, rememberthatthow in thy lifetime receiuedft Taha, 23.
thy pleafures,andllikewife Lazaruspaines: nowethereforehe = bce svol
iscoiforred,and thow art tormented: So it behonen Chailtal: > =
foto fufferebp the croſſe to enter into his gloꝛie. AnoSjgaule
ſayth »Allchatwilkliue godly in Chriftlefus, shall ſuffer petſe⸗ꝰ · m 3. 12.
cution. PIC? et Lot or
Dereupon we maplearne,that allthatis popfon which ig ac:
coping tothe luſt of the fleih,Tiherfore Paule ſayth to Rom. Rom.8
If ye liue afterthe flesh,ye shal die, but if ye mortifie the deedes ——
of the bodye bythe ſpirite ye shall liue . Che ſpirit which ig of The fleſh ſtri
God, is readyto ſuffer, but che fleiyrefifteth. Chis Telus fignifi- veth againſt
ed bp his aunſwer vnto Peter : when he ſhewed vnto his Dilci⸗ the lpirit.
ples,that be mutt goe vnto Jeruſalem, and ſuffer many thinges —
of the Jewes, and be llayne alto, eter tooke him alive, and (ap "9°"
Ba + A a CU. Ba
Act. y. 41.
Iam. I. 2.
vnto him : Waitter,pitte thy felfe,ehig Hall not be vnto thee. Bue
Chri turned him backe, anv ſayd bato peters Ger hee behtad
mesSatan for chou ſauereſt not the chin gesſthat are of Gov, but
thethinges that ave oſ men. Were it is manifeſt chat thereaſonof
mat doch flatly ſtriue againt the will ol Gov, God will have og
enter.into glory by the crofleand perlecution, but the fleſh reli:
ſteth, and is troubles in atflicttons. Morcouer they chat are endu⸗
ed with the ſpirit of God. doe reiopce,ifehep be afflicted fo, Gov
bis fake, as tt ie wpitttofthe Apoſtles: They departed as Luke
fapt)jftom the councell;reioyeinwthatchey Were cofredwor-
thy to fuffer rebuke for hisname . Uherekore James ſaych in
bis Epiſtle: My brethren; count it exceeding isy, when ye fall
into diuerferentations , knowing that thetrying of your faith
bringeth forth patience ;ı Aiadilet patience haue her perfect
1) worke, chat yemaybe perfect and entier lacking nothing. D
when he
how neceflarp is patiencefon a Chꝛiſtian mane chat we mao poſ⸗
ſeſſe our ſoules by patieuce; as Chxiſt ſaych in Luke, otherwiſe
we ſhall loſe chem. Ahereforꝛe we mulſt enter into anew kinde of
life,and tf at any time calamitie commeth,wermuft not by and by
burit forth into euillfpeecheg; ¢ take itunpatientlpjbut we muſt
alwayes lift vp our batt to Gon, anv beare his willwich a paris
ent minde he will well deliuer vs in his time, when te ſeemeth
good to hin; any we mutt alwayes thinke, that he bearech a fa⸗
therly afſection toward vs, euen when be ſendeth perſecutions,
anguiſhes, afflictions jand aduerſities, ag the Epiſtle tathe es
&cıh vs,doth baewes ſayth: Ne hauc forgotten the.exhortation; which {pea=
loue vs,and
care for ys.
keth vnto-you as vnto children: My fonne;defpifennot the cha
fteningiöfthe Lord;neitherfaint whé chawart rebuked of him.
Forwhoathé Lord loucth,he chafteneth: and he ſeoutgeth e⸗
uery ſonne that he receiueth, If ye eiidure chaftening, Gad oſfe⸗
reth him felfe vnto you as vnto fonnes: for vvhat fonneis:it,
yvhom the father chafteneth not ?Iftherefore ye be vvithout
_ corre Gionsvvhereof all are partakers;chen are ye baftards:. 2
251,0: aud;net fonnes, God gine bs his diuine arace,chat | ou |!
we may couragcoully palle chefe twoana, od oti:
ovals To Mfogep Degreess¢ with the Lord Chꝛilt oD
es be regenerate into anew life u. nn om
povhoh ies teoGineny. acc sop Twnrsd tae
CR — Vee
. 4 ‘ *
AR ‘ — bord eine rat) —
* * tee ei pr ö f 2 fir ih?
4 iS JUDE iit Waa ye J bi oe sy can: 13% si
J —*4
za Be‘ Debits ce en Eh
BT), Mora: | 45
Luke 1.
Verfe 68.1) Lefled betheLordGodof Ifaell,becaufe
Sue. he hath vifited and redeemed his people.
9 bat godly man Zacharias (peaketh hereof things
X OP ag already Done, when be fapth: he hath vifited and
R yi ey redeemed his people, &c. Foꝛ he was certaine of
Gy them; now the chilve Tohn twas come,being about
FE cobecinto preach of ourredemption,as the Angell
had foretold of him, that he ſhould goe befoze the Lod in the {pis
rit and power of Elias, toturne the hartes of the fathers tothe
chilozen, and the difobedtent to the wifedom of the iuſt men, to
make readp a people preparen for the Lore: this promile he |
knew fheuld afluredIp come to paſſe.
. Mberinthigrenemption confiteth, I thinke itis already (uf
ficiently knowne bnto pou, namely in this, that Gon vifiteth and
deliuererh vs. Ahich vilttation and deliverance ig accomplifhed
neither bp ſwoꝛde nor biolence, but bythe worde alone wherein
confifteth moze, then in the blood and death onthe crofle. * fo, That the
- becauleof the wopde Chpitt he his blood on the croffe, Fe was “ors & Pro
the word that John preacher, when he ſhewed theX ambe of Gon might be ac-
which taketh away the ſinnes of the woꝛlde, that ts,nben he de: complithed
slared our bifitation and redemption, which Chrift hath patcha: and fulfilled.
ſed with his blood. Chis Fobn was the fir Wellenger which
preachen the Golpel. therefore to vs,to whom the Golpel was
not before preached, it is, as if John him felfe vin. nowe preach it,
for now ig firft fet forth vnto ng redemption. ſweete confolation,
Beliuerance from finnes,death, helland all euill, To vilit ig no-
thing elfe,thento come vnto bs, to bꝛing and declare bnto bg che
wo20 of faluation,by which we are faued,
Zachariagconceiued fo great idpand pleafure in big bart,that
he coulo not cõtaine him felfe, but he mult needes burft forth into
chofe words which in this Hymne he betereth not onely becaufe
of che infant newly bogne , although cuen this bought great top
pnto him, but alfo for that by the birch of chis chilo he beholdeth a
farre greater iop,foralmuch as be was a Mellenger (ent of Gov
to preach his word to the world. He reioyceth cherefore becaufe
of {uch a word which he ſhould beare,and for that he ſhould be ag
it were altered from an olde man to a ponge man, and ſhoulde bes
come a(choler ofan infant now Iping in the cradle, whom he cone
kelleth tobe a Prophet better learnedthen him ſelle. Wanifek
— , naturalli top is here,foy that that infant was borne after a merue⸗
1 fous fort. Woreouer here is top ofthe ſpirit, inafmuch as that in:
! fant (hould become a Pꝛeacher of the word of Gov, And Jam of
that mind that Ithinke that there was neuer any facher , which
fonne Iohn. conceiued fo great top of bis childe, as this Zacharias did of his
ſonne being fo meructoufly bopne by the power of Goo , and fo2
that efpecially in the time of olde age, whenbe was nowe neare
punto death,be is made a father of fo great a Sainct, which ſhould
be amaifter and teacher of the world. It is a delight and plea:
fure vnto vs.ifwe beget a childe that ts found, fapre,and wel pi0-
portioned in bony ‚that J map fap nothinge, what top it woulde
bring,tfour childe ſhould be an Apoſtle anv Preacher of p worn
of Gov to the world, Tihatfoeuer ignominie therefore and con:
tempt be div fuffer before when he was barren together with hig
wife Elilabet, be is now mot abundantly recompenfed with plẽ⸗
tifull honour and top, fo great bleſſings doth Gov beffowe, if we
patiently abide bis lepfure. For if he at anp time come, he com⸗
. meth verp rich and plentiful in giftes, and doth rive much more
then we euer either wilhed 02 hoped for,
Verſe 69.And hath rayfed vp thehorne of faluation vn-
to vs,in the houfe of his feruaunt Dauid.
Chele worves are not ſpoken of John , for that he is not an
horne rapfed bp inthe boule of Dain, fo} he was borne of the
tribe of Leui: but Chꝛiſt our Loꝛd is of the houfe,and of the roy⸗
all ſtocke and blood of Dauid. Aherefoꝛe Sachariag de not
" finge
1 5, ee aa >
fine bere,in the houfe of L eui,but that in the houfe of Dauid an
' Hone ts rapled andlifted bp:and when Chꝛiſt wag not per borne,
he neuertheles fingeth fo, asif he were boone, neither was the
hozne offaluation pet come, notwithtanding ye knew bp there:
uelariö of the holy Ghoſt, chat it ould foꝛthwith come.An hoꝛne Anhorne
among the Debrewes {ignifieth power, confivence,dominion,and Na fig-
that wharfoener,thereih anp man map truff,¢c. As wereadein ·. r.
Daniel chay.7.twhere the jo2opbet firk (eech kingdoms, then be: nn.
holdeth beatks,fome hauing one horne,fome two hornes, And he
afterward interpreting him (elf,erpoundech them for kingdoms
and Kinges: and this is a phrafe and maner of (peaking peculiar
tothislanguage. Mowe Zacharias fiqnifiech that Chait ig our
head, pea our God, whole kingdom is his hone, |
‚Ihe addeth: the horné offaluarion, oꝛ bleffennes. Some king: Whatdiffe-
doms are famoug in name and power, other are large, aboun: —
Ding with plentie of greate treafures , much people, honours, her king-
and all tempoꝛall thinges: Butthisis called a kingdome of fale doms & the
uation, grace, life, righteoumeg, truth, and ofeuerp thinge that kingdom of
pertapneth tofaluation,whereby it differeth from all other king: — 4
poms, Foralbeicthepbelarge „riche oꝛ mightic , petare they poi. cea
counted the kingdoms of death , for they that gouerne them mutt»,
atthe laft fall, pe, perith , and leaue their power and riches be:
hind them, Neyther was there euer anp wogldely kingdome
which might be called a kingdom of life, wherein istife, peace,
and ſaluation, for onelp the kingdome of Chak doth glory and
triumph in this ticle,inafmuch ag God hath rapfed itoppe, that
there may be nothing in it but faluation and felicitie. Moꝛeouer
3 finde nothing here fpoken of maners and trades of life , 02 of
workes: Foꝛ this kingdome confifterhnepther in outward life
nor workes,butin the boone, in Chrift, ano his Gofpell, Chis
kingdom ig ours,whereof pe haue heard, that itis a kingdom of
grace,life, righteoufnes; faluationand mercy, fothatwhofoeucr _
is init,although be beinferionto Tohninholineg ; and farre un:
like Chzitt inperfection, pet beliuech in a kingoom wheretnis
nothing but faluation and bleffeones, whereof alfo it hath and re-
ſerueth the nane. PRTONIERFEITT EL HOT
+ Sie ta ſayd moꝛeouer that this kingdom is rayſed vp in p boule
of Daud: but bp what meanes was it rayſed vpe eugn bp the
holy Ghoſt, and bp his woꝛde. De ſayth, in che houfe of Dauid,
for it mutt be a kingdome inthe earth, and peta kingdome of fat |
uation. Nowe conferre chefe two one with an ocher , The houfe
-of Dauid is the tribe and ſtocke of Dauiv , who was aman, ag
the fubiccts of bis kingdom , So that thou canft not fay, that be
doth bere make mention of an heaugnlp kingdome amonge the
Angells, when ashe doth noching lefle, buche ſpeaketh of a cers
taine kingdome Which ig amonge men , which live clothed with
fleſh Dauid wag aman, the ſubiects of big kingdome alfo were
mei, ſubiect to death. Foz as the Scripture witneſſeth, man that
ig boyne ofa woman liueth but a {mall time, he cannot paffe the
boundes appopneed him . Ihowe is it hen chat honour and diſho⸗
nour come together inthis klngdom? Ahat agreement and con:
fent appeareth bere, where moztall menare delivered from the
power of death, where thep that are worthy of death , eniop-life,
— the snbappp are happp, and they that are {ubtect to Satan, be:
come the ſonnes of God ? In che reafon hereof J hope that pe are
fuffictently inftructed, pea I thinke that pe vnderſtand itas well
as T mp lelfe. But becaule the cert fo renairedh it mult be eft:
A Chriftian
is deliuered
from death,
finne,& Sa-:
A Chriftian .
after a fore
fubiect to
ſoones repeated,
TAe baue affirmed ehevetoresthat a a Chriftian mbich liueth in
‘this kingdom, Mall neuer vpe,forafmuch as he can not dye Foꝛ
Chri hath therefoze fuffered veache , thathe might ouercome ©
death, and deliuer vs from it. Detooke our finneg alfobponbim
felfe,that we might not necde to beare them. Qozeouer be ſubdu⸗
ed and ouerthꝛew Datan, that we might not be fubiect vnto him,
‘Therefore tt is giuen to a Chꝛiſtian that he cannetier ope, he
can neuer be fubiect te ſinne and cheveuill, For that mutt needes
be true whtch be fayththat be bach rapfen bp an horne of bleſſed⸗
“nes or faluation And in whatfoeuer place that hone (hall be,
there is no acceffe neither for death, neither for firme, nor the dex
will, And that inthe boule of Dauid. Wherefore a Chaiſtian ig
‘both. defiled and pet without fine, and free from Satan, Howe
commeth chig co pafle ? After his forte, Dour brotherly chavitie
hach oftentimes beard heretofore , that Goo leaueth in vs an ap-
death,finne, pearance and feeling of death and the veuill, fo that mp finne diſ
and Saran,& quieteth me and troublech my confcience,and would dine me bie
todelperation. Moꝛeouer the iudgement of God terriſieth me,
death affatlech me, as if it would Deuoure me, Satan ig at ande
and ſeekech to ſuppreſſe me, God ſuffereth hele to remaine t
keth chem not quite away, Foꝛ this appearance muff continue,
that we map perceiue and feele that we are nothing elle of our
felues but finners,fubiect to inne and Satan. And pet onder this
appearance lieth bid. life, innocencie, and Dominion and bictorie
ouer finne, Satan, belljec, as Chrit him felfe fapth Matth. 16,
Thou art Peter,and vpon this rocke will] build my Church, &
the gates of hell shall not preuaile againftic, hefapth not, thep
hall noc aſſaile it, nor fight again tt: for thele two remayne to
ſinne and death.
owe ttts alloerpevient that I feele the biting of ſinne, the
terrour of the wrath of God, the hoꝛrour of death, pea and death
it {clfe. But all this is a certaine outward appearance before mp
fight and the fight of the world, which knowe and tudge none o⸗ J
therwife,but that finne,death,and Satan are prefent, Motwich: Thee
ftanzing in the meane feafon onder that affaule and terrour the oo inn Gone
word and {piritare,encouraging me,pzeleruing me, ¢ alluring death,and
me,that God ig not angrp with me, that mp ſinne is forgiven me, Satan,
that I (hall neither dye, noꝛ be forlaken ; Cipon this foundation €
hopempbart doth wholy reſt. And no man hauing fuch a confi:
dẽce in God remaineth under finne, neither ts dꝛowned indeath,
butis made aconquerour of finne and death. Chis ig,not to pre:
uaile oz auercome,for that albeit Satanattemptech, pet be doch
not get the bictorie, Ge call the boule of Dauid,a moptal boule,
finnefull,and ſubiect ta the deuill, according to the maner of all
fleſh and blood, and pet notwith tanding the boone of ſaluation is
rapled bp in the ſame, that men of that kingdom map enioy fal:
uation and kelicitie. Hereby pe fee that this kingdom is the king: — en
pom of faith, which can not be touched nor outwardly perceiuen “on
ofanp, which one cannot ſhewe to another, but euery one mult
haueit inbimlelfchat when be hall daw neare vnto death, hal
feele ſinne, oꝛ eucn fee death before him, be map then in faith lap
hold onthig kingdom, € beleue that bis ſinnes areforniuen him,
Foꝛ Chik therefore died, thatthou mightett be in this kingdom
of faith. herefoꝛe finne thal encounter, with chee in baine, death
is taken away, Chꝛiſt is wich thee, who can burt thee, who can do
any euill vnto thee? ere life and death, finne and innocencie,
Chri and Satan doe fight one with an orherzbut Chꝛiſt, life, €
innocencie doe ouercome and conquer. This ig foone {poken,but
hot fo calilp feltpea the contrary ſurely ta rather a » bere:
holy are not
free from
a ren © 5 da
fore tfthou wilt efteeme anv confiver this kingdom accorping to
the iudgement of the world, thou thalt vtterly erre and be decei⸗
ued, The world calleth that a good ¢ peaceable kingvom, where
all thinges are quiet,profperoug and goe well fopward, where ig
fafetie, peace, and innocencie outwardly, But bere is the king:
dom of faluation and grace, although it alwayes appeare other-
wife, MAhereloꝛe all thele chines are to be vnderſtood in ſpirit
and faith, € not to be iudged according to the perfon or outward
Meither ought tt to ſeeme ſtraunge that this kingdom doth
flourifh in the middes of finnes,the force of Satan & death, wher:
of Zacharias here fingeth euen from the bottom of bis hart, and
knoweth well how it commech to palle, faith and the ſpirit reuea⸗
ling it. Concerning finne Jhaue feene o2 knowen none in whom
itis not, Mhomſoeuer thou ſetteſt before thee, finne will bp and
bp appeare. Paule a moſt holy Aportle affirmeth of him felfe,
that be feelech finne in bis members. V Vill, fapth he, is prefent
with me, but I find no meanes to performe that whichis good.
For I doe notthe good thing which I would, but the euil which
I would not,that do I. De wiſhed tn deede to be free from finnes,
but pet he could not but liue in them, And J atid fuch like are alfo
defirous to be erempted from finnes: but that can by no meanes
be bought to paflewe doe onelpreprefle and keepe them under;
when we haue fallen into finne, we riſe againe. But as long ag
toe are clothed with this fleſh, and beare the burden thereof about
with vs ſo long ſinne is not extinguiſhed nor can be wholp ſubdu⸗
ed. DMe map well goe about and endeuour to ſubdue tt, notwith⸗
ſtanding old Adam will leade his lile alſo, vntill he hall dye and
come vnto the graue. CAhat hall J neene to ſay any more? The
kingdom of Chꝛiſt te a certaine ſpeciall kingdom,wherein euerp
one of the Sainctes is compelledta make this confeſſion: Als
mighty God, vnto whofe power allthinges acknowledge them
feluesfubiect, Iconfeſſe my (elf to bea miferable finnerzreuenge
not, I heleech thee mp old iniquities, Al alfo mutt fing this fongs
Dur father, ec. koꝛgiue vs dur trefpalles jas we fordiue them that
treſpaſſe againſt vs Other righteous t holy ones, which knowe
no mealure or ende oftheirrighteoufnes and holines,doe bnder-
ſtand nothing hereof, anv therefore this' Golpell ts not preachen
vnto them, ſeeing that hep thinke the kingdom of Chit : *
ſuch, that there is no ſinne at all in ft, but that all chinges in ic are
cleane # pure: thep require ſuch a Chꝛiſtian ag ig wholp cleane
from all filth offinne,and without finne ag Chꝛiſt him ſelfe, fuch
aone thep hall neuer be able to finde,
. Pow he is a Chritian, who being a finner,confellech him (elf
afinner, who hateth the feeling of finne, friuing agatnt tt from
bis hart. Deis nota Chꝛiſtian which chinketh that be hath no
finne,neither feeleth any. But if thou knoweſt any (uch, be is an
QAntichriftian,and not a true Chꝛiſtian. Che kingdom of Chak
therefore conſiſteth among finnes,tt ts eftablithen there where be
hath fet it,that ig,in the boule of Dauid.Wea fet Dautd him felfe
before pour epeg,and pe thal finde him to haue bene a ſinner:who
notwithanding ts bold to glorp, thache is aferuant acceptable
to his Loꝛd. There is none of p faithfull which ought to be atha:
med of this maner of praying vnto God. oꝛ of any other not much
vnlike bnto it; Lorde forgiue bs our finne: is it therefore true
that thep baue finne, becaufe thep fap fo’ pea truelp, for tf they
ſhould Ipe,thep thould be the children of Satan, But godly Chꝛi⸗
fiang are weary of thislife, greatly defiting the life to come,
Now itis not giuen bnto chem in this earth to goe fo farre, that
they map fap : AMe are {ubiect to no vices,we ave cleane from all
finne ; if they thall goe ſo farre, itis Satan chat deceiueth them,
MotwithFanding thep are {opie for heir finnes, and doc lament
them, peatt gricueth them tothe bart, thatthep mutt beare the
miferable burden of this fleth, and thep crie out together with
&,}Paule Rom,7,0 wretched man that] am,who shall deliuer
me from the body of this death ? Chis thaite ¢ crie all the faith:
fulldoe giue,for that feeling finne, thep doe moſt carnefflp defire
to be delivered from it. And in this feeling eknowlenge offline,
the kingdom of Chriff conſiſteth, fo, thatenenin finne there is
‘no finne, Chat is,albeit J doe both acknowledge and feele finne, Though the
petfaluation and the kingdom doe fo firmelp abive in mp confci- godly haue
ence,that Gov faych ontome: Twillforgine thee thy inne , for mein he
that thou hatt faith , and beleeueſt in Chriſt my elpeciallp belo- grieuoufnes
ued fonne, who was delivered to death forthee , neither fhallthp chereoß,yer
finnes burt thee. Dtbers which feele not their ſinnes, but truſt in it doch not
their workeg, and complaine nothing of their faultes and offen: burt them.
ces, thinking them felues cleane : Tuch are giuen to Satan, € not
receiued 02 admitted Into the kingdom of Chriſt: for thep which
Brel) D ti,
* * 4 AR EI
. - re
are partakers of this kingdom can notbe without conflicts and
tribulation, | |
Death,Sa- And that J map lpeake mone plainip,recken J pray thee,anp
a ai of the Sainctes, whom death doth not troubles pad know thon
fomewhar walt not finde one,which isnotafraty, and trembleth not atthe
trouble the hozrible fight of death. Wut the confcience taketh comfort here
godly,bur by the Jrophet Dauid, who ſayth: The Lorde hath chaftened
the godly at and corrected me , but he hath not giuen meouer vnto death:
the laft ouer- je ſfighteth againſt bs in deede, but it preuaileth not. hus a Chei⸗
come them.
Pfalai8.18, Alan wrapped in ſinnes, is both under ſinnes and aboue finnes, €
at the lat notwithſtanding obtainech the victozie. After the fame
fort alfo mut he haue to doe with Satan, with whom be muſt
wattle all bis life,and at the lat ouercome him. So in the woꝛld
alfobe mutt {uffer many conflicts andtroubles,and pet at length
become victor, For although ithe a kingdom of faluation, which
bach neither rett noz quietnes,but fuffreth the force. of bel, death,
the deuill, ſinne, and all maner of aduerfitte and tribulation, pet
they which be init, poe with an inutncible courage endure,and at
length overcome all euills. But God therefore permitteth thefe
thinges, that our faith map be erercifed , and thew fogth ie ſelle.
Moꝛeouer that is apleafure to the confcience, and bꝛingeth vnto
it comfort andiope, that it hath {uch a kingdont,that it map fap:
Bleſſed be the Lo» God, who hath viſited and redeemed bs, and
hath railed vp a kingdom inthe boule of Dauid, Chat is,for that
be vifitech vg bp bis word, deliuereth bs from ſinnes, and maketh
he conquerours ouer death and Satan, ar
Thus he haue heard both char a kingdom is rapfed vp in the
houfeof Dauid, and alſo that a Chritktanis both dead and pet ae
liue, is innocent inthe middes of finnes, and although be be lub:
{ect ta Satan, pet notwith landing bath vominion ouer Satan,
For both ave true, for that finne, death, bell doe affatle the fleth,
but doe not ouercome, forafinuch ag this Kingdom of faluation
triumpbeth ouer chem all, Tülherefore ag tt were with a cextaine
great bolones 02 confidence he callech it a horne, that is a ſtronge
and puiffant kingdom: Which bath no reſt or truce, but being
allailed of many ania fronge enemies, ts alwapes viligentlp oc⸗
cupied in defence of it ſelle, anddoth notably repel the force of —
penemie Soa Chꝛiſtian laying bold on this borne, overthrow:
sch finne,beath and Satan, Reicher conliſteth this hone in our
: ſtrength.
ſtrength, neither are we makers thereof; for God hath made and
rayſed it vp by the minifterie of bis wo2d, whereby we are laued,
Wibherefore Zacharias fo fingeth, chathis ſonge hath refpect not
to his own fonne but to Chꝛiſt. Pea he celebrateth this kingdom
ag pertaining to the Jewes onely, and declareth chat tt ſhall be
gloꝛious, and maketh no mention of the Gentiles, how they alfo
fhould come onto it,as belive others, Simeon in his long,the be:
ginning whereof is, Lorde nowe letteft thou, &c.did prophecie,
that we Gentiles alfo are chofen into that kingdom, But here he
foretelleth of a kingdom rayſed bp of God to the Jeweg, euena
kingdom of faluation and bleficdnes, and that inthe boule of his
feruaunt Dauid. CAherefoꝛe he ſayth moꝛeouer:
Verſe 70. As he fpakeby the mouthof his holy Pro-
| phets: which haue bene fince the world be-
Therefore he hath railed op chig kingdom, that be might con:
firme bis ppamife , whereby he had foretolo that he would ſome⸗
time rapfe bp a kingdom ec. Ind now that timeis come, where: _
in he will fulfill that bis pꝛomiſe.So Zacharias reduceth § hone
offaluation, the kingdom of Choitt,co the olde Teſtament, that
out of ithe map bring witneſſes of fa trong and puiflant a king:
dom. For the Pꝛophets from the time of Dautd did all prope: The Pro-
fie,that the feede of Dauid ſhould haue a kingdom in che earth, Phets fore-
pet alpirituall kingdom : and aboue the reſt Efai and Jeremie pie ae
fopetola, that it fhould be {uch a kingdom, that the gouernment gould be
thereof thould confit tn the ſpirit & woꝛde to thefe efpectallp 3a: rayfed vp in J
charias bath here reſpect. The other ag Oſee, Micheas, and the the houle of
reft,poe ſpeake ofthefame kingdom, but not fo manifettly, Dauid,
Verfe71. Thathe would deliuer vs from our enemies,
and fromthe handes of all that hatevs.
The Cuangelit hath hitherto generally rehearſed, whatthat
kingdom of Chit is, whereof the Prꝛophets prophelien, owe 4
be fpeakerh of tt atfojbut particularly, declaring wherein it con- oe
Hitech. Fick inchis.that he deliuereth vs from the handés of out aon oral.
enemies, yea and from all them that bate vs. We lee here and vie uation con-
derſtand, moſt dearelp beloved, that this verle doth witnes emo (eth.
) D tit,
ee, i TE nie. 2 ee en re
plainely declare,that we which are bis people and kingdom, doe
liue among ft enemies, and that no other is to be looked fo? of be
The godly
mutt looke
for no peace!
or quietnes
in the world.
but to be hated of them: Chat allo the force, qualitie, and nature
of this kingdom confifterh in this, that tt deliuereth bs out of the
handes of all them that hatebs, as the Pꝛophet Dauid fapth
jofal, 1 10, The Lord shall fend the rod of thy power out of Si-
on: bethouruler in the middes of thine enemies. And ypfal.45,
Thine arrowes are very sharpe,euen in the middes of the Kings
enemies. It is a delight vnto Chꝛiſt that his kingdom ts fer in
the middes ofthe fight,pea and in the midbes of the haters there-
of, Chele things are wzttten for our comfort,that we which mind
toferue vnder the Prince of this kingdom, be ſo tnftructed, that
we looke for no other then is bere prefcrived and fer forth vnto
bs: that we ſeeke not here to get onto vs the fauour of the world,
neither that we ferue the world, andlabour tohaue no enemies
therein. For the words of Zacharias declare that tt ts the quality
of this kingdom to deliver from enemies, ow if it deliuereth bs
from enemieg,and as it were dꝛaweth bs out of the hands of them
that hate bs, furelp it cannot be a kingdom of peace, but lucha
kingdom as is {ubiect to che hatred and malice of the world. Ag
peleeatthig bape, that our enemies beare a deadly hatred vnto
thelight, which bath alittle thined forth, thankes be to Chait
therefore, No man te anp where fo hated asa Chrittian, Both
the Pope, and the furtous Bilyops with cheir falle Apoſtles, al⸗
fo the raging Pꝛinces, moreouer the holy, learned, and wile of
the world, all at thig dap Doe moft bitterly hate Chꝛiſtians. Rei:
ther are chep content,that they be killed ¢ flatne, but thep would.
baue them extinguiſhed and vtterly rooted out, that there may be
no memozie ofthem,ag they chinke,left among men. And this ig
the ftate, theſe are the badges, and cognifances of Chꝛiſtians:
that when Satan by his minifters perfecuteth os, bethinkech
quitetoroste vs out. Chis verſe allogiuech bs to vnderſtand.
that Chritt ts our King, chat he map ſaue and deliuer vs out of
the handes of our enemies: which he notably performech , and
ſheweth his pomer inthe mindes of the worloe, in the middes of
the force of fleſh and Satan, when as peace and quietnesis no
where lefttoa Chriftian , butin his Chrik alone, Chis alfo we
mutt marke,that there is not one but many, which aflaple & per:
ſecute Chrifkiang : but pet that we hall not therefore be deſtroy⸗
Ir x 7 ” u: 2 3 ™ 7 ,
— u
ed, foralmıe) as we haue one, which is ſtronger both then the
woꝛld andthe prince thereofas John ſayth. Nowe whereas be
promifeth bs,we know certainly,that be both will and is able to
performe : we hall in deede feele the aſſault, but be will not {utter
_ bs to be deffroped o2 overcome, fo chat we hope and truſt in hin,
It followeth mozeouer:
vVerſe 72. That he might ſhewe mercy towards our fae
| thers,and remember his holy couenant.
| Verfe73. Thatis,the oth which he {ware to our father
Abraham that he would giue vs.
| De will deliver vs, not onely from all euill both of bodp anv
| efpeciallp of foule,but allo from our enemies, Satan,and men,
as a Chriftian mul be as ic were ouerwhelmed wich all euillg
‚ together, fo alfo be thal be ayaine wholp deliuered from all euils.
| Anup be theweth chat this grace and blefling was pꝛomiſed ca
. their fathers,2uch is the maner of the Apoſtles alſo, that thep
| oftentimes baue recourle tothe old Cekament , as Jhaue {apy
| before, that God ſpake and promifed by the mouth of the Pꝛo⸗
| phets,¢c.euen as Zacharias doth in this place, Some man map An obiediö.
| now fap : Chey are dead, how therefore will be Hew mercy vnto
| them? Againe, what neene ig there to rehearſe, that he woulve
thew mercy tothe kathers, when ag itis declared in p Wrophetg?
Gut this is thereloꝛe vone, that che truth of God map be ſhewed The aüfwer.
| forth, and map be allo approued vnto bs , that we ſhoulde not be
| ignozant,that thofethinges are not due to our merits. In the fir
| booke of Moles is mentioned, how God promifedto Abraham, Ger.22.18,
that in his ſeede all p nations of the earth fhoul be bleſſed. That
| t8,that by Chꝛiſt hould come peace, nrace,and blelfing to all na:
| tions, TAhich promife was aifferred fo longa time, that tt ap: >
| peared,that it wag inbaine and abolifhed , So vnwilſe, as tt {ees
meth tothe worlve, doth Gov fhewe him lelfe in hig matters, ag
| though all chinges went backward, Notwithſtanding howſoe⸗
uer tt was Delaped and feemed , petitis fulfilled and performed
whatſoeuer was promiledto Abraham, and Gov hath not onelp
deliuered bim from bis enemies, but hath beffowed bpon him all
| good thinges,pea hath giuenhim felfe onto him, and all that he
| bath, Gud all this ig therefoze done, foz that (as 2 achariag here
’ ; ttt,
X, TEEN EA Be yy ‘ “ m Bu a an —— + ' 7 +’ em
r e — a
ſayth) this mercy and goodnes twas before promifevand confirs
med by anoch vnto thein, which are lang ſince dead, when as we
pet were not, ets mercitull thevefoze andfauouradle , not be⸗
caule of ourmerits , as though be vid owe it vnto aur righteout
ues, but of big onelp grace, fauour, and merep,
f Thele are horrible thunnzings again our merits « worked, |
God bot, thacwecannorglorp, that we baue delivered our felues from
Plilledhis ũnnes, oꝛ that we Hane deſerued his goodnes, and the preaching
promifenot Of the Gofyell, No, it ts not {o,Dere ts no place for boating: but
moued this tert fapth that thou,D O Loꝛde, didſt promife certaine chow⸗
through any ſands of peares before I] was boone , that thou wouldelt doe it,
asia CU ho vid then delire him, thache would gine vs chole chinges,
men,butof when he had determined with him ſelfe to gine them? And upon
hismeere this promile the Pꝛophets are bold and doe fap them {elues,for
graceand by it we attatne nto true goodnes, thatthe mouth of euery one
| N map be flopped,thathe thac wil gloꝛy, may glory i inp Lo, For
thus the Loꝛd may ſay:that thou liueſt in mp kingdomy;that thou
enioyeſt mp goodnes grace,tt is not to be imputed to thee, but
vnto mes Apromiled, and determined wich mp lelfe to fulfill mp |
promifes, thou being ignorant thereof, And here the mouth of e-
. — ooo \ perp one is Topped, So at this dap alfoncne of vs onto whom,
| | thankes be to God the Golpel hath ſhined, can glorp that we obs
tained it by our owne meanes labour, endeuour, 02 good conuer⸗
fation. Foꝛ thoſe which were counted che beſt woꝛkes, and the
moſt excellent ſtudies are diſallo wed and ouerthꝛowne as to celes
bꝛate Walle , to ioyne him ſelfe to this o2 that hypocriticall fect,
| which they call an oxder;ec, Chele the Gofpell condemneth and
h ‘vetecteth, and bow can 9 attainetothe Golpell by that which ie
relecteth? CTUherekoze this ſtandeth fure and certaine, thatall
that tue haue, is of the meere grace and goodnes of God, fothat
with bis honour and praife we map confefle, that we haue veler-
uedfarre otherwiſe, namely hell fire, ikbeſides this be beffowerh
any thing sponds, itisthe giftofbis qrace and goodnes. And
this tg that which Zacharias ſayth, that is was foꝛetold bp the
Pꝛophets, and bath promifed and confirmed by an oth to che fa-
thers, that he would performe bnto bs the couenant made to A⸗
Gen.22.16, bꝛaham. Chus he fapth co Abꝛaham:By my felfe haue i fwerne,
fayth the Lorde, thatin blefling Iwill bléffethee. Andinthy
feede,&c. — wordg che jorophets diligently help, "at,
haivled,¢ alwaies truſted onto them,fo2 that be doth bere ſolemn⸗
Ipfweare , thathe might wholp allure vs , thathe would poure
forth bis blefling vpon vs, And now the time ts prelent;the how⸗
eriscome, wherein,be bath worne, that ſaluation ſhould come
-bntobs,as it is Declared Mar. 16. Goe yeinto allthe world &
preachthe Gofpell to euery creature: he that’shall beleue & be
baptifed,shall be faued: buthe that will not beleeue, shall be
damned. Men lurely haue not merited it, no not Abꝛaham him Abraham
fclfe,who was not made partaker ofthe pꝛomiſe, leeing thathe pe
Died long before che fullling thereof, In lpiritinvecoe and faith e rowie.
be was pattaker of it,but he lined not fo long, til the Goſpel was
reucaled to p whole world. Che promife therfore was made vnto
him, although, as J haue fapd, he looked not for p fulfilling ther:
ofin this life, Chat ts hislife was not prolonged bntill the prea:
ching ofthe Golpell in the whole world, although in faith be ob-
tained the Golpell for himfeife, Ciherefore it can not be ſayd,
that that premife mas due to his merits, otherwiſe he mutt bane
liued inthe earch untill the fulfilling thereof, and a due price o2
reward muffhanebene payd vnto him, Butnow the performing
ofthe promife was after bis death fo that euerp one mutt needes
confefle, that that promile was not made to Abraham becauſe of
his merits, union) if ul edd re A
Againe, it cannot be fapd, thatthe Gentiles which enioy thig The Gen-
promile, haue obtained ic bp their merits, which then were not, A alee
God pꝛomilech to the fathers and perfogmeth not,be performeth joving of |
to the Gentiles,to whom notwith Fading no promile wag made, the promife.
who all at that time werenot, Gen will alwaves retayne to him
felf his honour,and be che fame God although the wicked world.
cannot be fo perſwaded. De chaftenethi, reproueth , rebukech,:
prouoketh, ſtirreth, allurech, doch whatſoeuer is to be Done, but
the worldlings rob bimof his honour, and attribuce itto them
felues.that is,chep will not acknowledge, that whatfocuer thep
poſſeſſe or haue,tt commeth onto then bp the ouly grace of God.
Chen therefore we glory of ſuch good thinges, wacknowlenge -
not God to bethe auchor and giuer of them we make our ſelues
as God, and himag our feruaunt, Sohe is diſhonoured, andthe
honour attributed vnto vs. Wut albeit me make marchandise
. Of bis honour, yet he hath affirmed in che Scriptures, thao,
he will keepe his honour and alorpg onelp to him delle that & u.
A Chriftian
how he li-
he may be acknowledged to giue all things of bis meere and one
Ip grace. Chele thinges he that beleueth, doth allo receiue thems:
be that doth not beleue, thall at the lẽgth receiue bis * reward.
Zacharias ſayth moꝛeouer:
Verſe 74. That we being deliuered outof the — of
ourenemies, might ferue him without feare,
Verfe75. Allthedayes of ourlife, inholines and tigh-
teoufnes before him.
De hath vefined the nature and propertic of this kingdom:that
ig,the couenant made with Abꝛaham, that in his ſeede all the na⸗
tiong of the earth ſhould be bleſſed, xc. Thich woꝛds ofbleflings
thus fapth he, I will interpzet onto you,thac being deliuered out
of the hanves of our enemies, we map ferue him without feare all
our lifelong inholineg anv righteoulnes before him, Mhich to
the world and our fleth ſauoureth not well. Foꝛ the woꝛ ld thus
murmureth here: J had thought chathe woulde haue giuen bs
fome pretions thing, ag a purfe well ſtuffed with money, arich
wife,fap2e and bewtifull childꝛen, goodly houfeg , and whatloes
uet the world is delighted in, But now | perceiue ‘it to be others
wile, Iheare that we mu without feare ferue him inbotines €
righteoufnes,and fo pleafe him, ctherefoze it Hall be meete chat
we apply hereunto {pirituall epes and cares , that we map moe
rightly confiver and onderftand che woꝛdes. Mhereas be fapth,
that be will deliuer vg from all our enemtes, it ts againe thus ta
be under food, that this kingdom ts placed in the middes of ene:
mies and notwithſtanding that it tg not cherefore deſtroyed, but
that alwayes all the enemies and aduerfaries thereof are ouers
come. AUAe muff vnderſtand alfo that the veliuerance from our e⸗
nemies tendeth hereunto, that we thould alwapes obey him chat
deliuereth bs, without anp feare. And chis isa Chꝛiſtian thing
an amiable kingdom,that a Chpittian ſhall leade his life without
feare, Dowbeit Gon hath beſtowed this bpon bs, that we ſhould
hereafter ſerue him alone,
The words without feare, include in them, that we ſhall guts
etly eniop the wood thinges of this prelent world , ¢ of the world
tocome, for a Chꝛiſtian fs {ure and certaine of the foꝛgiuenes of
uerh without DIE finneg, although be as yet keeleth them, ag ine baue ſayd a li⸗
tle before, De is certaine that death hath no power in him: that
Satan doth notouercome him: that the woꝛlde can not preuatle
againſt him.Such a bartis without all perill and feare, ¢ plains
ip free from them. Ahich doe not thou fo vnderſtand, as though
we Do not feele finne at all,but that we are greatly grieued when
finnes trouble vg, when the image on ſight of death terrifiech ug,
when as being repzochen and ſclaundered of the wozld, we and
ag deſtitute, and haue none tn this earth, to whom me map turne
vs or refort for fuccour,but God alone , Chele thinges indeede
are felt, but they doe not pꝛeuaile nor ouercome bs: for the hart
notwithſtanding remainerh fafe and quiet in God, So poucrtie
alfo is felt, when thou art pinched wich bunger,¢ haft not where-
withall to fill chp belly, to maintaine thy wife any botnge bp thy
childꝛen, noꝛ anp certatne place where to dweil and abive, but all
thefe thinges hall not burt thee : thou mutt aske of God whatlos
euer thou neevdeff, € ferue him without feare, ag our prefenetert
declareth, But herein we doe for the moft part bebaue our felues
notas Chꝛiſtians, we iudge after our one affection and ſenſe,
according ag the woꝛld doth blame vs, oꝛ report euill of vg, Allo
when our fielveg haue no corne, ne monepig nour purle, we
thinke our ſelues vtterly deftitute and forfaken. But a true Chꝛi⸗
ftian with (hut epes and eaves fapth with Paule {peaking tothe
Galathians : D few, finne,death, pe are dead nto me: and Ja⸗
gaine am dead onto pou.that Chꝛiſt map line inme, Che worlo
Gal.2.¢7 6,
is crucified vnto me,and Jvnto the woꝛlde. Chatis.the worlde _
hath no care oꝛ regard ofme , and mp preaching and life is moc:
kev and ſcorned of tt, But with the fame meature that thou mea-
ſureſt vnto me, 3 will mealure to thee againe: tf thou deſpiſeſt
me Jalſo will deſpiſe thee : ik thou makeſt no account of me, I
againe will make fmallaccouns of thee,
bat care, if the worldhate me, when ag J diſpleaſe not
- himebatdwelleth inheauen ? ikthis hatred continue euen dayly,
iffinne rave andthe worlve talke and prate manp thinges, what
then ẽlet it do fo pntilliche weary, I wil paffe ouer theſe things
as I heard thenwnot. Chis is in deede to forlake che woplo, and -
to die unto it,to line without feare, to be occupied about no other
_ thing, but that which ts accoyping to Gods will, to fpeake no-
thing at all but chat which thall pleafe him, and which Iſhall
know tobe agreeable to big worde: that I may live fo, and dog
Tr ee = Oo Pay. * a
thoſe workeg, which 3 knowe certainly ave acceptable before _
him, thatin mp wholelife whatfoeuer Idoe either outward< —
Ip, or inwardelp , 3 map be certaine that I feeke bts glorye,
and endeuour to fulfill bis will. So Namfeparated from the
world. and notwithſtanding doe Hill line in che worloe, IQoman
is leſſe tuthe worlds then a ſincere Chaiftian sand againe, no man
ig more occupied and bath to noe with che world then anentire
Chꝛiſtian. Chat isthe woꝛlde doth moze intentittelp looke outa
him, and atau more often anv vehemently affallech him, then
him that is ignorant of Chꝛiſt, of grace,and of faith. Chrift anv
Paule bad erperience hereof: thep had combate ¢ conflicts with
the worlo: thep were troubled and moleſted, yea the whole world
was agatn® chem. Againe,arıue Chaiſtian ts not tn the wozlde,
albeit che world rage ¢ free cruelly agatnit him: for be alwayes
trufteth in God, and ſayth: Loꝛd, J am thine thou thalt deale wel -
With me, graunt thou that mp matters map goe forward accop-
bing to chp will,onelp be thou on my fine,and I hall be in ſakety.
Allthe dayes of our liſe.All our life long, that ts continually,
without ceafing,
Inholines and righteoufnes before him. Here S. Luke diui⸗
beth righteouſnes and holines into two foptes : of which one ts
acceptable before Gov: p other before him is of no value: wher:
by we haue to bnderitand , that both the righteoulnes # holines
of Gov are inno eftimatton before the world, euen asthe woꝛlde
is wont nothing toeffeeme God, and againe Goo litle to efteeme
Hypocritic al
holines and
religion. And thus Ficking i ina colourable bey of good works,
the world, For that which Gon calleth iuſt, the world calleth on:
iu sand that which it callech right, Gov callech crooked: and fo
thefe two Champions are continually at nariance betwene them
ſelues. Chat which God callech holy, feemeth to the wogld deui⸗
lifh andonvighteous, Ciherefore be comfortech vs here, decla⸗
ring that there be two fortes of righteoufnes and holines: Due,
which we oughtco obferue diligently: An other which we ought
to auotde.Ditherto tt hath bene the chtefe bolines and righteouſ⸗
nes of all, which coulo be inuented,to runne into Wonafteries,to
put onmonkith apparel, to be fhauen,to weare a hempten girdle,
to giue him felfe to fatting and praper , tobe clothed with beare
cloth,tolpe in wollen garments, to obferue an auftere maner of
Tiuing: and inalumme', totake ppon him monkth Holines and
we Knetwe none other but that we were holp from top to toe: has
| wing regarde onelp to workes andthe bodp, and not to the hart,
where we were full of hatred,feare,¢ tncrevulitie, troubled with
an euil confcience, knowing almoft nothing rightly of God, Che
| the wold cried openip: D that holy man: D help and cha wo:
man, which baue incluved them felues withinthe walls of Mo⸗
| nafferieg, Which dap t night kneeling vpon their Knees fap ma-
| nprofaries,agthep callthem.D,whatholines is there, where e-
uen God him felfe dwelleth, where the holy Ghott the comforter
| abineth prelent ? Chele hinges che world boatteth of, and greats
Ip efteemeth. Gut belive thele thep doe not marke, how they prap
with no earnefineg of hart, howe they teach and inffruct no man,
howe they giue nothing toany , but catch onto them felues both
the blood and ſweat of the poore , and leaue true fincere workeg
vndone. Chis righteoufhes ¢holines the worldertolleth, which
notwithfanding fincketh and is wholp uncleane before Gov,
which be will haue euen to be vnknowne bato bs, pet the woglde
_ refuteth to admit anp other,
But there is an other maner ofrighteoufneg then thig where:
of Gon effeemeth € accepteth, which alfo we mutt conliver, now
it is ok this forte: It conſiſteth not in a grape garment, not ina
blacke or white coule, but in pure confcience, Co wit, when I
beleeue , that Chri is my faluation, andthatmp morkes can
preuatte nothing hereunto: but that he doth all thinges which
God hath regarde vnto. Chen J fay no moze: a gray garment is
holy a ved garment is pꝛophane, foꝛaſmuch as Iknow, that not
ina gray or any other garment;but in Chri all thinges confit.
Foꝛ no man can attaine tathis , that a gray garment may clenle
bis hart from Fich, or that a monaſterie may purifie its fo2 it is
| neceflarp that God onely purifie the hart bp faith , and the holy
Ghoff,ag Jeter witneſſeth Act,1 5. Chen the hart is now pure,
the houfe ig onto it ag the fielve, and the ficloe ag the boule: Che
market ig as much eſteemed of it ag the Donafterie; and contra:
riwife, either remainech there vnto me any worke , place, 02
garment,which I count prophane : for all chinwes are alike vnto
me, after thatholines hath fully poſſeſſed mp bare. Chat euen
God fapth untome : Chou art godly, Jamthy father, thou are
mp fonne, And herein we ought cto perfitt, that webebolp, and
| without feare doe obey anv ferue him, Were the ticle and bapgeg
The righte-
oufnes wher
of God ac-
what fort ie
Pr —5— . ae en |
of a Chrittian arefeene,¢ this is his cognifance; to wit, that *
ing holy, he ts the Winttter of God without feare, But what fine
ner ig there which dareth challenge to him felfe this title? Lee
one come forth, which varech auouch him felfe to be godly, righ⸗
teoug,holp,and the feruaunt of God, deſtitute of no good thinges
either of mind or body, ow he chat ca not glorp of chele chings,
isnota Chꝛiſtian. Foꝛ of chelethinges muta incere Chꝛiſtian
be partaker, Wut whatlettech that onedareth not challenge ta
him felfe chig title? Cuen a timoꝛous conlcience : for we alwaies
feele finne,and our Itfe ig euer fraile, Ji {ee nothing but an honeſt
~ life,alchough God require thts alfo of vs, pet he will not be cons
tent therwith, but there ts neede that there be pet acertain high⸗
er thinge, that A dare be bolve to fay: Loꝛde Gon maker of the
whole worde, Jam certaine that J am bolp before thee,and am.
chp feruaunt, not for mpne owne fake, who do ag pet feele ünnes
in mp felfebutthrough Chat, whe bath taken away my inne,
and made latigfactionfor me. Chele chines lurelp I ought to
glory of, ik I be a true Chꝛiſtian.
But this {eemech difficult and hard: God anmittech na finne,
mp fearefull and weake confcience ig againt me, Dow am F bis
feruaunt, when ag notwithttanding J feetein my felfe, that J
ferue the deutll and doe not knowe that F am holy? J (peake noe
bere ofthe common fort of Chrittians , {uch as J, and ſuch like
are: but of fincere Chꝛiſtians, which haue a good conlcience,and '
in whoſe hartes the fpiric of Gov abideth, whole confcience albe-
it it be fraple and weake, and they feele their finneg, petthepare
enforced tofay : Dowfoeuer finne ts, pet I know no finne kp mp
felfe , neither am Ji fubtect to death and hell, and for this caule
they ſtriue, and at the laſt ouercome, that therefore thep would e-
uen die, in that confivence, But J finde tt farce otherwile, tf Iſet
my life before my ſight. Derelife and the word muſt be feparas
ten farre aſunder. Ff thou wilt confiver life, J will {ec aliobefore
thee the liues of S, Peter ,jPaule, or John, thou thalt finde euen
them not to haue liugd without finne , TÜbenchou delivek to be
Wemut holy before Gov, truſt not to thy life, vnleſſe chou wilt perith for
truft,not:o euer, For thou mutt truſt to onelp mercp and grace, and not to
our rag oi life 0p workes,othertoife thp cafe will be berp il.@Liherefore our
vhermere Hate mutt be fo affected that it ſay: Loꝛde, if chou ſhouldelt call
mercyand me to an account, JIſhould not be able either by life 02 workesto
grace of God ſtaud
——————==<@<«= SO du LULU
ftande in thy fight,no although J were euen Hohn the Baptilt.
Neuertheles therefore I glory that J am godly, € thy feruaunt,
for that thou doeſt give vnto me continually, and alfo for that, as
thow batt ppomifen co Abraham, thoudock for thy Chrifts fake,
vouchlafe to (hewebp mercpuntome: if fo be that Sof my felfe
be not godly andrighteous, petheis godly and righteous for
me : If Ibe prophane, he is holy: if Jbe not § ſeruaunt of Gov,
he is the ſeruaunt of God: tf Ibe not without feare and careful⸗
neg, petheis voyd of all feare and carefulnes: that ſo J may as
it were trangferre mp felfe from mp felfe,and perfe into him, €
alorp,thacin Chrit e bp Chri Tam good, Thus he will haue
vs to gloꝛy, that we are godty and holp,but not by our owne mes
rit: for we muſt gloꝛy of our {elues , ag of moffvelperate wet:
And that this may be plaine, marke our life,confiver our good
conuerlation and maners, wepe how kooliſhly men apply them
felues to the Golpell, that I am almof in dout, whether Jſhould
preach anp moze oꝛ no. For ag Toone as thefe hinges are taught
in a fermon,that faluation confifterh not in our works oꝛ life, but
inthe giftes of God, 'euerp one is flow todoe good, roman will
Line an honettlife,and be any moze obedient , they falfly affirme
euery where, that good workes are inhibited, JQeuertheles God -
requireth of vs,that we lead an honeſt life outwardly and herhat
doth not fo,fhall atlength finde his due puniſhment. Mowe tfit
happen that we liue godlily and honefilp outwardly , Satan bp
and by frameth bis wickednes, Meither doe I know at this dap
howto order. mp felfe inthis mattey not becaule of mp owne pers
fon;but becaufe of Ife, For if we preach of an bonett anv godly
fife! the worlde bp by kurioully attempteth mithouriuagement,
to build ladders to heauen: which Gov neithertan, neither wil + They en-
by anp meanestuffer : Againcsa diſhoneſt and ignominiouglife deuour by
both not become Chꝛiſtians, neither doth a delicate life become their good
them, bat therefore mutt we then doe? They which haue ves Works to2-
{pect onelpta an honetandfappe life, it were better kor them to
be adulterergand adulterefles, andaltogether to wallowinthe We muft nei
myꝛe. And pet notwithitanding Gov will not haue vs to lead our cher prefiime
life Klchilp and diſhoneſtly. For neither canbe fuffer that, adiud- of tay
ging thee euen neo bell therefore, ikthou fonoe, And ifrhoulean eats
anhoneff life, thou wilt ſticke init, and arrogate vnto thy felfes 1cade a god-
Bin f | ly life.
——— WR ww. PR On Oo a ee ha a We a
which againe be can not {uffer. Chou mutt therefore fo pꝛouide
that thourematne inthe middle pathe, declining neither tothe
right hand, noꝛ to the left, and that chou lead a quiet‘, fapıe, and
amtable life tn che fight of the world; which alfo map be accepta-
bie before God , and pet that thou noe not therefore fo greatly e-
ſteeme it,no2 count lo ofit, as though thou doeſt merit anp thing
of Goo thereby,
Thus a Chrittian continueth the holy ſeruaunt of Gav with:
out feare,not by bis good woꝛkes and holy life, but by the grace
Blafphe- ol Chꝛiſt. But he that allirmeth chathe ts holy by bis worꝛkes, is
moustoaf- · hlalphemous againſt God, robbeth Gov of his honour, and denis
a eth Chritk;for whom it mere berter,thache were ten times an ho⸗
by our ee micide, oꝛ an adulterer ; then that be ſhould therebp affirme him
felfetobea Chrittian,yea godly and holp: for be noch plainly at:
fhonour Chk, and it is as much as to affirme that there ts na
Chri: for he istherefore called Chꝛiſt, foꝛ chathe ig our grace,
mercy, redvemption,and holines, If J ould not attribute to the
Dinine mercp,that Gov him ſelfe doth faue me , what ſhould thts
be elfe,buttofap,thacheig neither holy nop blefled ? Tüherefore
if 3 bea Chriftian, I mutt confefle, chat Jam holy anda Chꝛiſti⸗
an for this caufe,for chat Chꝛiſt him lelfe is holy. And albeit mp
confcience doth reproue me of Inne, pet I mutt till perleuer in
this , that bis holines ig greater then my ſinnes hus I mul
i liue honeſtly outwardly but inwardly ret and truſt in him alone,
| Je followeth moreouer how 3 achariag —* his fpeech to Be
1 child, and ſayth:
76. Andthouchild halt be Lalfed the — of
the moft High: forthou fhalt goe before the
face of the Lord to prepare his wayes. |
This hall be thy office: Thou ſhalt be the Art; and thalt firk
begin: chatis,chou halt be the Prꝛophet of the moft High: But
‚ what manerofprophecie hall that be,bow hall tt bedone: Alter
efchrit, Pate biswapes. Ahen any yprince comineth , certaine goe be:
"fore bim,to prepare way and place for bim,and fap: Give place,
Depart out of the way: John doing the like, runneth before and.
criech vnto the people: Gor afive , turne out of the he 5 rine |
place,the Love him (elf comimerh Such aſeruaunt is se |
wyom —
| 3 ~ .
\ *
2% . Be |
| Tohn the his fort: Chou fhalche the forerunner of the Lobe, ¢ chalt pze⸗
—* Loꝛd by and bp followeth. Such thinges no Prophet
at any time bath ſpokẽ, but they baue prophelted oftheſe things,
that a Prophet ſhould ſomtime come, which ſhould erect a king:
dom that ſhould continue for euer,tc. But all dyed, not one re⸗
mayned, which id behold this being aliue. But this prophet
Doth line euenatchattpme, when the Lord him ſelfe commeth,
| and bp and bp followeth him. For the Gofpell was begon to be
| preached, Baptiſme was begon to be miniftred, by the comming
and miniũ ery of John, who ceafling, Chit began, both almoũ
in the fame peare. Row what thall be his office? This truely, to The office
prepare a way for the Lo. Which preparation is nothing elle, of loha.
butte bring people to p Love the Sauiour, Chrift is che grace,
gift King and horne of cur faluation, Chis Lorde and King ne
‘man rereineth,unleg be be firſt humbled, that he ehinkenoching
im felf, for he cannot otherwile attaine bute Chriſt, neither
tan and together, torecetue the grace of Gop by gift, anvalfa
‘Lorteritthe fame, John therefore inthis part teacheth men nos
‚thing elfe, but that they are finnerg and altogether nothing , De
now which acknowlengeth hint {elfe , and feelech him felfe a fin:
ner befoze,pea and to be nothing, tell vnderſtandeth the boice of
edie hich ig, prepare pe a wap for the Loꝛde: Giue placeto
‚him: Weis at hanne that followeth me, whois greater then Ft,
"him; pe thal heare, him pe thal obey. Theother office of John
which followerh, is, that be bꝛingeth mento the knowlege of
faluation 5 and fhewerh with hie finger that pafcall Lambe,that
‘taketh away our fitmes, tharhe map fatten chem tothe croffe,
“with him ſeite ano abolifh them. Güihereof Zacharias now goech
‘onto ifpeake, "
© sind ne
ze 77 ropiue knowledge of faluati vnto his peo-
ple,ty the remiffion of their finnes.
seed canteen begin the office and miniſtery of the word,
is taught ait learned how one is ſaued Thich ſaluati⸗ et
m 02 — = eee. “not howe ‘we map be famous arg
ia nce.of viches, glopp,and power inearth,
ANE free — onderſttoobe it: but that we may ob-
on bf finnes, ant be made partakers of the grace of
Er pow — remiſſion of ſinnes ig, there is no merit, no re⸗
ward oz ſatislaction, otherwiſe it could. notbe za: remiflion of
finnes , 0 that this knowledge ig, to pnderftand, bow Gov fo:
giueth be our finnes without workes and merits, andfaucth vs
bp mieere grace and mercp,as it lollowech vndes aez a
Verfe 78. Through the téder mercy ofout God, wher-
by the day {pringe from an high hath vifited
vs. TSiON £2 ings
Here it appearech thacthep which teach and oblerue lawes,
wonꝛkes And merits, doe ſtriue againlt both ehe mercy of Gade
Forgiuenes, knowledge offaluation,. Foꝛ be fapth not p fopgivenes of ſinnes
of fines co- hath come bp the papers or woꝛkes of the fathers, 02 of any of
meth not by the Spainctes,but through the bottomles mercy of Goo, which
any mere or Luke calleth the tender mercy,and fuch mercy as commeth from
ours,but We mofk inward affection and bowels, Notwithſtanding chis
through the forgiueneg of finne, which commeth bnto bs bp mercyxe, ts not
tender mer- {without merit, although it conmeth ca palſe without our merits
cyofGod. fut a Mediatout commeth betwene, who bath in our ſteede de⸗
ferued it for bs, which is Chzilt our Lorde. soz God would chat
fatisfaction ſhould be made bnto him foz our ſinnes. and that bis
honour and lawe (houldg be perfoymed,here we were able tone
Ba », But Chꝛilt alone both wag able „and fatisfied for vs
uho.of che infinit mercpof the father, was (ent for) fame caufe,
andthattobs , thathemight vilpatche tt. Cherefore he ſayth,
Through which infinit € boccomles mercy the day Ipzinge froh
anbigh bath viftcen us, Kichous all bout it was no merit,but ons
“Ip onmealurable.merep , that Chritt came tods,and merited and
obtained for bs (uch remiflion of finnes vnto eternall {aluation,
Row be calleth him, the day fpringe from an hie, which fignifi«
eth vnto ts bis Bininicie, And chie is his meaning: on hie, that is,
aboue all creatures, tobere nothinge ts bier, but eighth alone,
there ig Chit in hig diuinitie, asthe mazning o2 day ſpringe.
#02 he proceedeth from che father, ag the beames doe from che
{unne, whereof we haue gllewhere ſpoken at large.
Verde 79. Togiue IE en thatfitin darkenes, &
in the fhadow of death, & to guide our feete
into. the way of peace... a? a
Many ofthe fathers vnderltood this of Lymbusy ag they call
: its
tt: but Luke agrecth here with p faping of lai, where befapch:
The people chat walked in darkenes, haue feene a great light, Efaig. r.
&c. Mis meaning therefore is this: Chiſt cherefope came, that How Chrift
he might be thelightofthe world, and by the Goſpell might en: ® me light
lighten mens hartes , and allure them to himfelfe, which were ° is
held captiue vnder Satan in the blindnes and darkenes of incre:
dulicie ; thatfobe might guide our feete into the way of peace, How Chrift
that is;he might gouerne our confetcnce well, quietly and chere⸗ pie. our
fullp inthe kingdom of grace, that we may be afraivnettherof pc
Satan, neither of ſinne, Death; hell, nop of anp abuerfitte,who —
heretofore baue refted,parte of bs in filthy vices, parte in good
woꝛkes, notwithſtanding we could on neither five eniop any qui»
etnes op peace,but were compelled to deſpeire under Satan, and
‘thefeare of death, ngither din we knowe howe to fine that wap
wyhich leadeth onto peace, according to the faping of the foures
teenth Pſalme: The way of peace haue they not knowne, &c.
Thus pe baue heard how Zacharias doth in mo goodly ann fit
woꝛdes moſt liuely paint out the Goſpel and kingdom of Chꝛiſt,
with all the frutes colours ¢ conditions thereof, that it is a woꝛd
and kingdom of grace ot forgiuenes of finnes, allo kingdom of
‘ peare;iop.quictnes,faluation and all goopnes, Gov graunt,chat
‚we — throughly know and keele che ſane. Amen.
irae OF —— ‘HIS PASSION.
sm; ley era j
= = ces ‘Giekesfome doe te thinke upon $paffion of chit,
cthat they are incenſed with anger againt the
rd Fetes, and doe inucigh again& wꝛetched Tus
IN) paginfonges and reprochfull woꝛdes: and thus
they ate contents and chinke this tobe fufficicnt,
sent opheard eier cafe oforher,to take pity:
ar € tt,
| }
on them, andıto accuſe and convemme theit aduerſaries But
. that can not be called a remembꝛing ofthe patti ou af Chuttvit
rather of Ju and Judas his wickednes. >
Secondly, lome haue noted in thete mindegviuerfe commoddi⸗
ties and frutes proceeding of the meditation of Cheiſtes paſſion,
that ſaying which ig alcribed to Albertus being commonly in
their remembrance, that it is better to thinke vpon che paſſien of
* ia Chritt ſuperfitially o2 once 5 then if one ſhould faſt che {pace of&
How the — baſhlulnes. WMhich feare notwit
whole yeare; and daily i pꝛaying goe ouer the whole Plſalter
rc. Chat ther follow hitherto, being blind and iuſtly tumbling,
contrary to the true frute of the Loꝛdes paſſion. Moꝛeouer they
feeke their owne thinges therein and therefore thepbringe mith
- them images, bookes letters and crofles. Some alfo go fofarre,
that thep thinke thep thallanakethem felues fafe from waters,
terrors, fire,and from all daunger; ag thoughthe Loves fuffe-
ring fhould be without fuffering inthemcontrary to the auautx
and nature thereof.
Thirdly, ſome haue compallion of Chritk, lamenting, t wees
ping forbimas being an innocent: man, like bnto the Women:
which followed Chriſt from Jeruſalem, who were reprehended
and admoniſhed of hin, that they paul — teluese:
kor their chen am) adios dann man ioc) Gant ICH
Fourthly,fome fo call to mind the pattion of the Lin: and ſo
conſider Chri that inwardly they are foze afraid, pea their reas
fon alfo o2 underffanding ig pad om a certaine aftoniednes or
thitar — 35 —
from hente eſpecially in chat pee be put in mind thereby ot
thetogach and.immutable feueritie of Ged prepared for unnese
ſinners, foꝛaſmuch as he would not graunttahig onelp begotten
and beloued fonne that inners hould be abfolued and pardoned,
vnles he piv make fo great a fatisfartionfor them, ashe ſpea⸗
keth bp Elap.chap.5 3 For the transgreflion of my people haue
I fnitten him. @Ubhat thall come vnto the firmer, when a fonne lo
exceedingly beloued ia finitten ẽ It muſt needes be that there is:
an vnſpeakeable and a molt rious and carnett matter, where fo
greatandercellent a perfon doth befcend to vor good wvcahine
fufferech and dyeth for him cis
‚Fiftipsreuoluepeepeip —————
— togmmencerrCipgitt,; lozalmuch as thp —
}. sea Id, > BZ A a a ee ae > —— ~~ ——⏑ ah, il en san SG
| — se ;
N: ue
tere moft certainly the caule thereof, Thus S.jpeter in the fer
cond okthe Actes, div ftrike ¢ terrific the Jewes ag it were with
a certain lightning, when as be fapd bnto them generallp:whom
you haue crucified, fo that the berv fame bay thee thowfand mẽ
were greatlp terrified, and being pricked in cheir hartes {apd vn⸗
‚ to the Apofties : Men and brethren, what shall we doe? T1her-
| fore when thou conſidereſt that his handes were pearfen with
| naples,thinke that it was thp worke: when thou rememboett bis
crowne of thoznes, perfwade thp (elfe that it was thy wicked co⸗
gitations, which caufed it,¢c.
Sixtly, thinke with thy ſelle, that whereas one thorue pric⸗
| ken Chꝛilſt, thou oughtelt worthely to be pricked with an hun:
| Dred thowſand chornes, & that without intermiſſion, yea x much
| moze grieuouflp : and chat whereas one naple pearlen the hands
and keete of Chit, chou oughteſt to be grieued ¢ moleſted with
| Many moc and fatre moze ſharpe naples continually , euen as it
- fhall come atthe laft onto thoſe, in whome the paflion of Chꝛiſt
bath not bene effeccuall but fruftrat. For Chott who ig the truth
it lſelle, will lye to no man,twill velude no man, and that which be
| attemptech mutt needes be a matter of exceeding great impo-
tance and wonderfull high.
Seuenthly, ſuch feare Bernard had conceited hereof when be
fapd: Idid play abroad in the ſtreete, andinthe Ringes pꝛiuie
chamber fentence of death was giuen bponme, Che Kingeg ones
Ip begotten fonne hearing this, layd of bis diademe € came forth,
| clothedin fackcloth,hig head {prinkeled with athes,t barefoote,
| Weeping and crping out that hig feruaunt mag condemned to
| peath, 3 bebolding him ſodenly comming forth am amafed at the
ſtraungenes thereof, Jaske and harken after the caule, Chat
ſhall Idoe? hall T plap fill and velude bis teares ? Alas (fapth
| bejitis no time now to plap, it is no time to befecure, when fo
| wweightpe a matter is in hande. So be bad the women that they
| fhould not weepe for him, but for them (clues and for their chil:
| Dren,and be adiopneth the caufe : For ifthey doe thefe thinges to
a greene tree,what sha! be done to the drie?ag if be ſayd: learne
what peobtaine bp mp pallion , and howfoeuer thinges fall out, _
| pet this ts true and knowne among pou,that the whelpe is ſome⸗
_ time fmitten,that the bandogge oꝛ maſtiue map be terrifted, So
| allo the Prophet hath ſpoken: All Keks the earth shall
Mi -
Aust 0, Ze ar 70 a OAL ry na, > in Kr a a an |
‘ ( 2
waile before him. De ſayd not, they hall bewaile him, but, they
shal waile before him. Wopeouer thep were fore afraid, of whom
it is beloꝛe ſpoken, fothatthep ſayde onto the Apoftles Actı2:
Men and brethren,what shall we doe?
Eightly, that this affection map be wzought inbg,the Lords
_. pallion ig very diligently to be confiveren of and meditated upon,
By contide- Foratmuch ag the moft certaine proficthercof doth much contitt
Chriftes pat. herein, that aman map come to the knowledge of bimfelfe, and
fion we tremble and be troubled before him (elfe : whereunto be that doth
oughtto not come, hath not pet attatned unta the due profitofthe Loꝛdes
Bu paſſion. Foꝛ the pallion of Chait hath chis proper and narurall
Four fees Vette, to makea man like vnto him, that euen as he was grie⸗
uouflp toꝛmented both in boop and mind for our finnes : fo we al-
foto imitat him mutt be afflicted in the knowledge of our ſinnes.
Howbeit the matter is not here Done in many words, butindepe
Afimilitude, cogitation and earneſt weping of finnes, Cake a imilitudes ag
thou batt great caufe to feare and cremble,if, when fome malefa-
ctor ig condemned, for that he hath killen the fonne of che Hing o2
prince , thou tn che meane feafon, finging and playing lecurelp
as being tnnocent, artterriblp apprebended and conuicted, that
_ thou dideſt fuborne the homicive: So thou oughteſt to become
much moze fearefull when chou doet revolve in thp minve the
pallion of Chꝛiſt. For albett the wicked Jewes be now iudged
of God and Difperfed,pet were thep Minilters of chy tranſgreſſi⸗
ong „ andthou fora certainty arthe, which wich thy finnes hak
crucified and flapne the fonne of God,ag tt hath bene ſayd.
3Rinethlp,he that feelech him felfe fo bardned and dull, that
* the paſſion of Chꝛiſt doth not terriſie him, neither bring him vn⸗
tothe knowledge of him ſelle, is in ant and lamentable cafe: for
Chriltes pallion tg not efiectuallinbim, Butnowe itis a harde
ur thing for chee to be occupied in theſe chinges, and earneſtly bene
— dhs: tothe medication of them: wherefore thou thalt pray God that
our medita. He wil mollifie thy hare, and giue thee grace profitably to medte
tionvpon tate bponthe paflion of Chott, becaufeit can not tn any wife be, °
Chrifts paf- that the paſſion of Chat ſhould be inwardly and rightlp thought
ted ay be Hyon and conſidered of vs, vnles God infpire it intoour hartes.
" Dea, neither chig meditation nor any other Doctrine ts therefore:
fet forth vnto thee, that thou ſhouldelt boldly ruſhe nponicof thy
ſelle co fulfill it, but that thou ſhouldeſt firſt aske and defire the
| grace
grace of God, that thou map fulfil it, not bp chine own ſtrength,
put by Gods race. For hereof it commeth.that thep of whom te
ig before ſpoken,do not meditate on the paſſion of Chꝛiſt arighe,
becauſe they vefire not helpe of Godthereunto, but rather tre:
| fting vnto their owne ſtrength, and following their owne inuen⸗
tien, meditate bpon it altogether after the falhion of men, and af:
ter a ſclender and onfrutefullmaner,
Tenthip,ifone ſhould through § grace of God meditate right⸗
Ip vpon the paſſion of Chꝛiſt, by thefpace ofone dap, op of one
hower,pea or the pace of a quarter of an bower, we would faith:
fullp pronounce ofbim,that he bath done better, then tf he bad pi⸗
ned him felfe with fatting the {pace of a whole peare,or had runne
ouer the Pſalter euerp day, For this maner of meditation Doch
ag tt were chaunge a man, and almoſt regenerate him anewlike
vnto baptiſme. Then in deede the Lordes paflion doch his natu:
rall,due and noble office,ickillech the old Adam, it dpiueth awap
all pleafure,top and confivence. which map be bad of creatures,e-
ven as Cheik was forlaken of all,pea euen of bis father,
Eleuenthly, feeing that {uch aching ts not in our olwne pow:
er, it commeth to pale chat we doe oftentimes agke it,and yet do We mut
notby and bp obtaine it, notwithſtanding we mutt noc therefore — —
diſpeire or ceale, For that is ſometimes giuen for which we haue pouch at
not pꝛayed, and that ſometimes isnot graunted for which WE the fr we
haue prayed, euen as it is che pleaſure sf Hod, and as he know⸗ obtayne not
eth to be bett fo2 vs, koꝛ God will haue this gilt to be free € with: ey we pay,
out conffraint. 10 *
Twellthly, when as aman thus knowing his ſinne doth wholy
tremble in him felfe,he mutt eſpecially endeuour, that ſinnes doe
not ſtill remaine tn bis confcience , otherwife meere defperation
will come thereupon,but he mutt thake them of and cat them vp⸗
on Chꝛiſt and fo vnburden bis confcience, Therefore lee againe
and againe that thou Doe not that which peruerfe mendo, which
within chefecrets oftheir hart do vere diſquiet them ſelues bes
| eaufe of chetr finnes,e ſtriue wich chem, that by good workes 02
fatisfactiong,bp farre going on pilgrimage, 02 elfe bp pardons
they map become fafe,and map be made free fromfinnes, which
tan not be. And (alas )fuch a falfe confivence tn fatisfactions and
| pardons bath preuatled very farre. |
Moreouer , thenthou dock cat thy ſinnes or thee bppon
sae ee Prey Ben, ye bey fr wire > A ey ET EEE
nip 1 so Chritt,when thou firmely beleuelt that he fufferen € was woun⸗
Spon Chin, ded fog thp fines, and that he hath payd the ful ranfom an Tatil: -
2 kaction for tht,as Eſaias ſayth chap,5 3, The Lord hath thrown
1. Per.2.24, Vponhim allour finnes. And &, peter fapth: who his owne felf
2.Cor.s.21. bare our finnes in his body onthe tree.S. Paule fapth: He hath
made himtobe finneforvs, which kneweno finne, that we
should be made the righteoufnes of Godinhim , Jn thele anu
fuch like autbopities thou mutt repole thy hope with all boldnes,
and that fo much the moze,as thy confcience doth moze grieuou⸗
fly bere and trouble thee. But ifthou thaltnot doe this, but pres
ſumeſt that thou thale be quiet by thy contrition and fatisfacti-
on,then thou thalt neuer come onto quietnes, but at the lat ſhalt
fall euen into deſperation. For our finnes kept and medled with
mithin our confcience , and fette before the epes of our hart, are
farte ffronger then we, and docliuetmmortallp, Butwhen ag
we ſee themlapd upon Chrifk , anv to be bictoziouflp conqueres
of bimby bis relurrection,and doe confinentlp beleeue this, then
thep are dead and bꝛought vnto nothing, And pet being layd vp⸗
on Chꝛiſt, thep mult not remapne fo: for they are ſwallowed
bppe inthe triumphe of his reſurrection. Soe ſayeth Sainct
Paule: Chrift was deliueredto deathefor our finnes, and is
sifen agayne for our iuftification, thatis., be bath taken vppon
bim our finnes in his paflion , ano hach therebp payed the raun«
fome for them, but bp bis relurrection be tuftifiech os, and
maketh vs free from all finne, tf fo be that we doe beleeue this,
Ifthou cant not attaine nto this faith,thou mulſt ag te is alts
Whatwe tle before ſayd, reſoꝛt vnto God by prayer, foralmuch as this gift
yt isin the Hand of Gov only, who beſtowech it when € bpon whom
can not at- Me Plealeth him. Chou matt alla irre vppe thy lelfe hereunto;
zainevnto fit not now confivering the paflion of Chrift outwardly , (fo2
thisfaith,o thathath nowe fulfilled big function and bath terrified thee) but
Ber that rather bp pearling inwardly and contemplating bis mott louing
for our finns hart, with how great loue towards theeit isreplenithen , which
androfea. bꝛought him hereunto , that he did beare thy confcience together
gain for our with thy finnes with lo great and patnefull difficultie, Sothy
_ tnftifcation. hart thatl ware fweete towards him, and the ſtrength € boldneg
of thy faith hall be incercafed , Chen hauing entred onto che hart
of Chꝛiſt, alcend higher euen bnto the bart of God, and confider
that the loue of Chait could not haue bene ſhewed onto thee, ex⸗
cept thewill of Gon by bis eternall loue had lo appointed, wher⸗
unto Chꝛiſt bp his loue towardthee div obey. There thou halt
find a diuine hart, a good bart, afatherip bart, and (as Chꝛilt
fapth) chou thalt be dꝛawne vnto p father by Chꝛiſt. There thou
- fhaltonverttand this laping of Chꝛiſt: So Godloued the world !ohn.3.16.
_ that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne, that whofoeuer belee-
uech in him,should not perish, buthaue euerlafting life. For
this isto know God aright,when he is vnderſtood of vs, not bn-
ber the nameof power o2 wiledom (which isa terrour vnto bs)
but buver the name of goodnes # loue. Chen faith ¢ confivence
map fand confantlp, x man hin (elfe is ag it were regenerate a
new in God.
Chen thp hart is thus eftablilhed in Chri, fo chat thou art
now become an enemp of {inne and that bp loue and not through
feare of punifhment,then afterward the paflion of Chriff oughe
to be an example onto thee inthp whale life,and ts now to be cons
fivered of inthp mind after a farre other maner then before, For
bitherto we haue confidered it ag an outward thing which ould
morke inbs, but now we will wep it ſo, thar fomething is to be
done of bs allo, For examples fake: when griefe or infirmity doth In themedi-
molet thee, thinke howe light chele ave being compared to the Brion of
crowne of thognes and the naples of Chriſt. When thou mut ei⸗ ——
ther do oꝛ leaue of that which is grieuous vnto thee todo oꝛ leaue Funde reme-
of, thinke how Chꝛiſt was taken and bound, and led bp downe. dyagainft
Ahen pride tempteth thee, conſider with chy ſelkhow thy Lord ig
was mocked, and reputed among theeues.CCiben tut ¢ pleafure '" ——
pricke thee, thinke with how great harpenes the tender fleth of Foti ae.
Chritt wag torne with whippes,and pearſed thꝛough. Ahen an- ;
ger, enupe,delire of reuenge moue thee, thinke with how areat
teareg and crpes Chꝛiſt did pape euen for his enemies, to:
mard whom he might more iuſtly haue ſhewed him felfe tharpe
and rigoꝛous. TMhen ſadnes 02 any aduerfitie whatſoeuer either
coppozall o2 {pirituall troubleth thee, ſtrengthen thy hart, & fap:
well, why ſhould not I alfofuffer a litle forrotwfulnes; whenas
mp Loꝛde din ſweat blood in the garden for anguiſh x heauines
Surely be were a lluggiſh and an ignominious ſeruaimt, who,
his matter {ping at the popneof death, would be held from bint
with a {oft and eafte ben. ay
Lo,thus amanmay find ſtrength € remedie in Chritt againſt
— ee Pe ee ER ee oe ee ni, TEN eo Ss a oe ©
\ R . |
ER |
| all crimes and offences. This is truely in deede to meditate vp⸗
on the paſſion of Chꝛiſt: theſe are the frutes of the Loꝛdes pafli-
| on,in which he that doch after this (ope erercife bimfelfe, doch
furelp without comparifon better then if be heard all paſſions or
all ſuperſtitious Wales. Such allo are called true Chꝛiſtians,
which doe forepzelent the life and name of Chꝛiſt in cheir life,
Gal5.24 as &,aule fapth: They chat are Chriftes, hauecrucifiedthe —
flesh with the affections and luftes with Chriſt. Foꝛ the paſſion
of Chri is notte be handled in wordeg and outward ſhewe, but —
Heb.t2.3. in deede and veritie, SoS. Paule admoniſheth bs: Confider
| him: that endured fuch {peaking againſt of finners , leaft ye
| should be weariedandfaintein yourmindes. And S.Beter _
| 1.Per.gr. ſayth: Forafmuch then as Chrift hath fuffered for vsintheflesh, —
| arme your felues likewife with chefame minde. Butfuch medi⸗
| tation is now qrowen out ofhfe and begon to ware rate, where: ©
| with norwich tanding the Epifkles of Peter and Paule are mol
. aboundantly replenthed, | 3
Beare ee re. ——
| | mon aes fy papers ie ty ys Bah cath it
AS E haue beard in the treatife of the Lobes palſi⸗
It is not· ·’/- M on, that it is not ſuſſicient co know onely the bare
noughio RXX biftorie thereof, After che fame maner itis not e⸗
io Be A nough hereto know, how and when Chriffrofe a⸗
cies pak SY gaine,but borh the vfe and the profit ag well ofbis
fonandre- Pallion ag of hig relurrectionmuft be preached and knowne, to
ſurrection, wit, what Chart obtained for vg bp them. For where che onely
.. vie deene of the hiſtozie ig preached, it is a friuolous preaching and
herman Without all fruce, which both Satan andthe wicked doe as well
bepreached know, reade, and vnderſtand, ag we doe, But when ag the vie of
and knowen then
* 7 ;
fie: f $7 * J er * zu ~
The inheri-
tance of
What they
enioy that
cleaue to
Chrift by
ler, but in this poꝛtion of the (pivit.the cafe isfuch , that be that.
hath gotten part thereof hath obtained the whole, TAhat is ther:
fore the inberitance of Chrift ? Jn his power are life and death,
finne and grace, and whatfoeuer is. contained inheauen and in
. earth, bis are eternailveritie, frength, wiſedom, righteoufneg,
AU power ts given vnto him, be bath rule over all hinges , over
hunger and thir, pꝛoſperitie and aduerfitie,ec.be reigneth ouer
all chinges that canbe thought, whether thep be in heauen 02 in
earth, ſpirituall oꝛ coꝛpoꝛall, and that I map (peake atonce: all
thinges are in bis power, ag well ecernall hinges. as temponall,
Now tf F hall cleaue vnto him by fatth , I Mall be made parta-
ker of allhig goon thinges , and ſhall not obtayne a part of the
inberitance onelp, but I hall poſſeſſe euen with him euerlafting
wiledom,eternall ſtrength. Wy belly ſhall not be grieued with
hunger, ſinnes ſhall not opprefle me, neither ſhall Jbe afraid of
the face of death, neither Hall Idread the ſight of Satan,. neither
{hall J want the plenty of anp thing that ig good, euen as be wan⸗
teth itnot. Derebpnow we may eafilp vnderſtand che ſayinges
betered commonly in the Prophets ,¢ eſpecially in che Pſalmes.
a8 where Dauid ſayth jplal, 3 4: The Lions doe lacke and fuffer
hunger , but they that feare the Lorde shall want no maner of
thing thatis good: and where be ſayth inan other place: The
Lord knoweth the wayes of the righteous, and their inheritance
shall endure for euer.They shall not be confounded in the peri-
loustime, and inthe dayes of dearth they shall haue enough.
And againe : Ihaue bene yonge and now am old, and yet faw I
neuer the righteous forfaken, nor his feede begging bread. All
which chinges Chrit bringeth wich him, for that we are,and are
callenhis brethren, not becaufe of anp mertt but of meere grace,
Tf we would print chele things in our hart, p we might thꝛough⸗
Ip feele them, it (houln goe well with bs , but thep goe in at one
eate and out at an other. Chis is that wherof S. Paule lo great⸗
Ip glorieth Rom.8.As many as are led by the {pirit of God,they
are thefonnes of God. For ye haue not receiued the fpirit of
bondage to feare againe: butye hauereceiued the fpitit of a-
doption, whereby wecry Abba, Father: The fame fpirit bea-
reth witnes with our fpirit, that we are the children of God: if
we be children,we are alfo heires,euen the heires of God, and
heires annexed with Chrift,iffo be that we fuffer wich him,that
ee a "a u ms © 5 IE ll /
ui I. - z
: OF CHRIST “HIS” ——— 77°:
wemay alfo be glorified with hin, 2 |
Mojeouer this title afcenveth fo bigb, that mana mind is not
able to compꝛehend it Foꝛ hules the ſpirit che comloꝛter did im⸗
parcthis grace vnto vs. no man iſhould euer beable to ſay: Chrilt
is my bꝛother. Foꝛ reaſon can not be bold foto fay, albeit one re-
peat it in worden berp oſten, as the new ſpirits doe, It is a high:
erthing then that it can be fofpoken,for except the hart leele it,
asttisrequifiteit hould, it hall be nothing but onelp Hatterie,
But if choufeele it inwardlp in chp hart, it will be ſo excellent a
thing vnto thee, that thou wilt much rather (ap nothing of it, chen
{peake and talke of it,pea bp reafon of the greatnes of fo good a
thinge, thou wilt perbaps Dout ag yet and be in an sneertaintpe
whecher it be ſo or not, Chey which onelp crp out thus : Chrik
is my bzother,are fanatical {pirits, whobainlp pronounce wordg
without any frutey Che cale ſtandeth farre otherwile and’ farre
moze marucloufly with a true Chrifkian,forhat be is thereby en-
forced to be amaled, neither vareth be either fap o2 confefle any
- thing fuffictentlp thereof. Cai berefore we mutt endeuour, that we
doe not heare this onelp with fleſhly cares, but that we feeleic in
out hare,for chen we will not be fo rath but we hall be forthwith
caried.intoan admirationthereof, Crue and incere Chriſtians
enter into the biewing anv feare of them ſelues, thinking thus:D
wretched and defilen creature, which am dawned in finnes , am
J now made worthp,that the tonne of Gon ſhould be my brother?
how noe Imiſerable wretch attapne to [uch aching ? Chus he is
by anv by aſtonied, and doch nos well vnderſtand che thing, But a
great ſtudie and endeuour (urelp is required, thataman may bee
Icuethis,peatf it were keltzas it ought in very veedeza ma ſhould
- forthwith dpe thereupon, For he cannot vnderſtand it according
tobis fleſh anv blood, and the hart of man inthts lifets move nar: '
row and fraight, thenithat it ig able to comprehend fo great:
thinges. But inveath when the hart tall be ſtrecched out, ithe a
fay we ſhalltrie what we haue heath bythe won, >
In the Gofpelof John chap,20.C itt doth farve m one plates Bs
Ip declare onto Marie Dayvalenthis ble: and fruce both of bis!
Death and alfo of his refurrection,when he fayths Goe vnto my
brethren and'tell them : Tafcende vnto my father and yourfa-
ther,vncomyGad& yourGod, this is one ofthe moit comfor:
| — we map nlorp and boaſt/ As though Chit
Chrift like
vnto vsin
except finne
nn ae
\ » €
fhould fap: Parie,wet chee hence anv declare vnto mp Diſciples |
“Which did flee from me, which bane thzꝛoughly deſerued puniſh⸗
ment and eternall condemnation , that this refurrection ofmpne
ig for their good, chat is,p I haue by mp relurrection bꝛought the
matter to that pafle,that mp father is their father, and mp God
is their Goo. Chey are but a fewe € verte ſhoꝛt wordes in Deede
but thep containe great matter inchem,namelp,that we baue as
great hope g confidence repoled in. Gov ‚as his owne fonne him
felfe, Abo. cancompzebend (uch exceeding ioye, A will nor fap,
beter it ẽ that ampetched anddefilen ſinner map be bolve to call:
God his father € his God euen as Chꝛiſt bim lelfe. Che author
of the Cpittleto the Debzues chap.2, Din well remember the
woꝛdes of the Plalme, and weied with him ſelle how it ſpeaketh
of Chpift,who,as be ſayth, is not aſhamed to call the beleeuers,
bꝛethꝛen, faping s Iwill declare thy name vnto my brethren, in;
the mated of the Church or congregatien⸗ willl fing pram
to thee
IE anp worldiy Pꝛince 0 noble man chould humble him felfe:
folow,that he woulo fap toa cheefe ap robber 5 02 to one that is
infecten with che french pocks : thou art my brorber,it would be:
acetiaine notable thing which every one would maruell at. But
whereas this king which ſitteth in glory at the right handof his
father, ſayth oflome pooꝛe man: this is mp brother, that no man
layeth vp in the boſome of bis bꝛeſt, neither both anp man confi«
der of it in bis mind, wherein notwithtanding our chiefe comfort:
and. confidence conſiſteth againſt finne,veath,the deutls, hell the
law,and againft all Gnifter ſucceſſe of thingesas well of the bo⸗
bp ag of the mind. Moꝛeouer, foꝛaſmuch as we are fleſh ¢ blood,
and therefore fubiect to all kindes of adueriitie, it followeth,that
thecale ſhould ftand fo alfo with ourbrocher,otherwife he hhould
not be like vnto bs in all thinges, TMherefore, that hemight be:
made, conformable ann like vnto vs, he tated and bad erperience |
of all chings euen as we hauesfinne only excepted, that he might
be our. true bꝛother, and exhibite him felf apenlp vnto va, Mhich
the Epiftle tothe Debmesvorh linelp (et forth chap.2. where it
fapth ; Forafmuchthen asthe children are partakersiof flesh &
blood, he alfo him felfe likewife tooke part with them, that he
might deftroy throughdeath,him thathad the powerof death, :
thacis,the deuil,& that he might deliuer all ae
or -
< Tr ee,
a >
5 A re ) ——
of death were all their life time fubiect to bondage. For he
tooke not on him the Angells nawure, burhe tooke on him the
feede of Abraham, VV hetefore in all chinges it behoued him,
to be madelikevato his brethren,that he might be mercifull,&
a faichfull hie Prieft in thinges concerning God, that he mi ight
make reconciliation forthe finnes of the people. For in that he
fuffered and wastempted , heis ableto fuccourthem that are
tetnpted. Che profit,vie and frute ofthe Loades paffton € refur- The frute of
rection &. Paule bach garherew Herp bafeflp and ag it were into Chriss pe
one (hort fumme, when be fapth Rom, 4:Chrift was deliuered to (ure&ion.
death for our finnes , andis mfen againe for our iuftification.
Thereof thus much at this time tha (uffize,
| —R ‘SHEPEHEARD. frie „169
‚John 10, hap 3
ee Be ate N “Eft —— Tanks: 1. *
NL ‚ia goodfhep cheard: chat good
R 5 —— gluchhile for his
Verfer1. 1g
12,0 pre an — le which i isnotthe fhepe-
heard, neitherthe fheepeare his owne, feeth
> the woulfe comming, and leaueth the (heepe,
it andfleeth,and the woulfe eatcheth them, and
feattereththefheepe. |
oe _. Sothe Nee fleeth, becaufe he is an, Mir
———— nots forthe. fheepes: 1.0.
The prea-
ching ofthe
The prea-
ching ofthe
the Jaw muft
be preached
80 A SERMON OF THB. 3. > |
14. -Lam that good fhepeheard , and know myne,
andam knowne of myne.' 201) oi Dun
15. As the Father knowerhme, foknow ItheFa-
| thet :and 1 lay downe my life for my fheepe. *
16. Other fheepe haue alfo which are not of this |
folde: themalfo muft Ibring , and they fhall
hearemy voice,and therefhallbe one fheepe.
_ foldjand onefhepeheards «ss sfrer Sime |
AD His tertis full of confolation, which in agoodiy |
go parable ſetteth torch Chath our Lord; eceacheth
>, what maner of perlon be is, whathe bis workeg,
em and of what affectionbe is toward men. Neuer⸗
Ta thelesit can not be vnderltood, but by comparing |
togither light and darkenes, day anpnight,thatis,agoodandan |
euill fhepcheard,ästhe Low alfodothinebis place.s =
De haue howe oftentimes beard chat Gov hath inffituten any
opdeined in the woplde two maner of preachings? Dneis, when
the woꝛd of Gon ig preachev, which fayth Cxod. 20; Thou shale
haue none othet gods before me. Alfa: Thou shale not kill, |
Thoushalt not commit adultetie , Thou shale not fteale,& path |
dpe, But chat preaching doch iuffifienoman, Foꝛ although a
man be thereby compelled co ſhew him {elfe godly outwardly bee
fore men, notwithſtanding inwardly bis hart is offended at the
law, and had leuer there mere no lane. ‘Che other minilterie ol
the morn is che Gafpell, which ſhewech where that is to be recei⸗
ued, which the lawe requireth , tt ira nor thzeatneth,
but allureth men gentlelp, iefapth not: doethis oz that, but it
fayth thus; Goetoo, J will thew wherethou mapfkteceiueand |
take, wherebythou maptt become righteous: Behold here is Je⸗
ſus Chritt be will giue it thee. AMherfore theſe two diſagree one
with an other, as much as to receiue and giue to exact and re⸗
ward , And this difference is to be tell vnderſtood and marked, |
To hardened and vntractable men, which feele not the Golpell,
the lawe is tobe pꝛeached, and they are fo long to be vrged, tlt
they begin co be mollifien and humbled, and doe acknowled
their dileale, which when it is done’; there is then place ta beam |
allothreaten , thathe which Doch not keepe thole precepts hall |
BR |
rs pr
to preach the Golpell. Theſe two fortes of preachinges were ins
ſtituted and oꝛdayned of God, belives thele there are other which
Were not oxdapned of God, but are traditions inuented by men,
ordained of the Pope and his Prelats, wherewith they baue pers
uerted the Goſpell. Theſe are not worthy to be called either
thepeberds or birelings but thep are thole which Chk callech
‚theeues, robbers and wolues, F 02 tf we will rule and guide men
‘rightly and well, chat muft needes be Done by the worde of God:
wyhereby if it be not done , we ſurely labour inbaine , Further:
‘moze Chꝛiſt encreateth here of chat ſecond minifterie of p word,
‚and defcribeth of what forte ttiss he maketh him felfe the chiefe,
‚peatheonely ſhepeheard, for that which be dorh not feede , Doch
‘furelp remapne vnfed. Ai
» Debaue heard that our Loꝛde Jeſus Chpitt after bis paſſion
‚and death was rayſed from the dead, is entred into, and placed in
immoꝛtalicie, not chat be might fit idle in heaven, and reiopce
With him felfe,buc that he might receiue akingdom , might eres
cute the function of a gouernour and king, of thom all the Pro⸗
‘phets,pea ¢ the whole Scripture doe ſpeake berp much. (Liber:
‘fore be is to be acknowledged to be vnto vs continually a pzeſent
‚gouernour and ruler, neither mutt we thinke that he is idle in
'heauen, but that he doth fromaboue both filland gouerne all
thinges as Paule ſayth Ephel,4. who hath an efpectall care of
biskingdome, whichisthe Chrittian faith , hereupon it mutt
needes be,that his kingdom doe flozith amonge bs here in earth.
Df this kingdom we haue elfewhere fapd, that it is fo oꝛdeyned, The king -
that we allencreafe euerpdap and become purer, and that it ig dö of Chrift
not gouerned at all bp any force or power, but by outward prea- sae )
ching alone, that is,bp the Gofpell, And this Gofpell commeth „na EA
not from man, but Telus Chritt him felfe brought tt, and after: bur by prea-
ward put it into the hartes of the Apottles, and their ſucceſſors, ching of the
that they might compzchend it, and into their mouthes that thep Solpell
might ſpeake and publith it. Hereby is his kingdom gouerned,
wherein he lo reigneth, that all the power thereof conſiſteth in
the word of Gav, Now whofoeuer Hall heare + beleeue this, doe
pertainetothiskingdome. Moreouer this wordeig afterward The force &
‘made fo effectual, that ic giueth all chinges which are necefarp Ares ee
toman,t byingerh a certain abundance of all good things which Go
map be bad, Foꝛ it ig the power of God which is able to laue e-
he | F
1 © —
nerp one that — Paul witneſſeth Rom,ı:7Uhen thou
beleueſt that Chart died for thee; co deliuer thee from ail euill, x
fo cleaueſt vnto the worde, it is {ure and certaine that no creature
is able to overthrow thee. Foꝛ as none is able to ouerthꝛow the
woꝛd, ſo none ts able te hurt chee, when thou ſtickeſt vnto it, Bp
the word therefore thou dooſt ouercome finne,veath,Satan,bell,
and thither thou mutt refort and flic, where the word ts, that ig,to
eternall peace,top,anp life,and brieflp,choufhali be made parta-
ker of all uch goon things as are pꝛomiſed in p word. Aherkoze
the gouernment of this kingdom ts maruelous: che woꝛd ts pubs
lifhed € preached through the whole worid, bunche power there:
of is berp fecret,neither Doth anp man marke thar te ts ſo effectus
al, that tt fo much profitetb them chat velene:bowbeitit mut be
felt and taſted in the hart. Ae therfore of the miniſterie are able
to performe no moze , thenthat we are the mouth of our Lope
Chꝛiſt, and ehe intrament whereby he openly preacheth p word,
Foꝛ he ſuffereth the word to be publiſhed abroad, that euerp one
map heare it. But faith makech chat it ig felt inwardly inp hare,
yea and itis the fecret worke of Chat, whenfocuer any knoweth
that it ig bis duety, and is alfo willing to doe accoꝛding to bis dir
uine will and good pleaſure.
But that this map be the better perceiued we wil now intreat
of our tert wherein Chrift firſt ſayth: 1am the good shepeherd,
And what tg a good ſhepeheard? A goon (hepebero, fapth Chit,
giveth bis life for bis heepe. And I leaue my life for my theepe,
ere the Lord declareth what his kingdom ts, bringing a good:
‘Tp parable of the heepe. De knowe that it is a beat of all liuing
creatures moſt fooltth and moſt {imple , fo that thereupon itis
commonly fpoken ag a mouerb,ifwrhaueto (peake of a fimple
one: Deis atheepe. Neuertheles it is of chat nature more then
other liuing creatures , that tt quickly knoweth the vopce of bis
fhepeheard ‚neicher followerh it any belive bis owne thepebeard,
being alwates ofthat qualitie that tt cleauerh to him, and feekerh
for belpe of him alone,being not able to belpe it ſelfe, neicher to
feede it (elfe , neither to bealete(elfe, norkeepe it felfe from the
woltteg , but doth wholp confit inthe belpe of another. Chꝛilt
therefore bringeth the qualitie and nature of the theepe in mas
net ofa patable , and transformeth him felfe into a heepebeard, —
whereby be doth verp well howe , what bis kingdome is, and
wherein |
wherein it conſiſteth, and big meaning is this: My kingdom ig
nothing els, but chat Imay feeve theepe,that ig, milerable, nee
- Dp,and wꝛetched men inthe earth , which doe well perceiue and
feele, that thep baueno belpe or counfell anp other where, but im
me alone, - D
But that we map declare this moze plainely, we will adde
hereunto aplace out of Ezechiel chap. 34. which ſpeaketh of e⸗
uill ſhepeheards that doe contrary vnto Chriſt, @ fapth: Ought
not the flockes ſuffer them felues to be fed of cheshepeheards?
VVhy therefore doe youfeede yourfelues? Yehaueeatenthe __
milke ofthe sheepe, ye haue clothed your felues with the woll, me *
the beſt fed ye haue ſſaine, but my flocke haue ye not fed. The ea
weake haue ye not firengthned, the ficke haue ye not healed, them felues
the broken haue ye not bound together, the driuen away haue and gouerne
yenorbroughtagaine, the loft haueyenorfought , bur with their flocke,
force and crueltie haue ye ruled them. And now my sheepeare.
fcattered,forthat they are deftitute of shepeheards , yea all the
beaftes of the field devour them, and they are difperfed ouer
| allmountaines,and ouer the whole earth. Chat which he bere
fap ig well to be marked: bis berp meaning in this place is,
that he will haue the weake,ficke, broken, abiectg, and loft,to be
| Mrengthned, healed, cured, fought, not ſpoyled and deftroped,
- Ahele tbinges pe ought to voe , ſayth be coche thepebeards, but.
pe haue done none of them, therefore I my ſelfe (as he after:
Ward fapth ) will deale thus with mp heepe: That which is loft
will I fecke againe, that whichis driuen away will I bringe a-
om , and tothat which isnot well will] giuearemedieand
ealeit. Derethou feck chat the kingdom of Chiſt is ſuch as
hath to doe with thofechat be weake, diſeaſed and broken, g hath
|. tareofthem tobelpe them. Cie preaching whereof indeede is
very full of comfort , but this is wanting in bs, that we doe not
chꝛoughly feele our miferie and weakenes , which if we felt, we
| would forthwith runne vnto him: But how did thole ſhepeheards
bebaue themfelues? Chep ruled in rigour and ſtraightly erac:
- ted obedience of thelawe Woreouerzchep added their owne tra:
Ditions , as they doe allo at this vay, which if thepbe not kepe,
| thep ctp cut, and condemne him that tran(qretlerh them, ſo that
_ thep doe nothing elle 5 but braze more and more and commaund
their owne inuentiong, But this ts not to feede wel oꝛ to gouerne
ER nd
a ſoule, as Chott ſayth, who hin (elf ig not {uch a ſhepeheard, for
by fuch maner of feeding none ts holpen, but the Iheepe ate vtter⸗
Ip loft ag we (ball vnderſtand.
. Now we will handle the place of the Pꝛophet in opder. Five
Weake con- be fapch that the weake fheepe are to be ſtrengthned, thatis, the
fciences how confcienceg which are theake in faith, ano haue alorrowfull ſpi⸗
they muftbe rit, and are of a faint courage,are not to be enforced, that it ſhould
shea be fapd onto them: Chis thou mutt doe, thou mutt be ſtrong. For
if chou be fo weake , thouart oꝛdayned to eternall puniſhment:
This ig not to ſtrengthen pᷣ weake. Chus laith Paule Rom.142
Him that is weake in the faith recciue vntoyou, & entanglenot
conſciences.And bp € by after he addeth Rom.15: VVewhich
are ftronge ought to bearethe infirmities ofthe weake. (hers
fore thep are not tobe feucrelp compelled, butte be comfopten,
S that although thep be weake, thep may not therefore vefpeire,
a for afterwards they thall become ſtronger. Eſaias the Pꝛophet
did thus foꝛeſpeake of Chꝛiſt cap.42: A broofed reede shall he
not breake,& the fmoking flax shall he not quenche. Che bꝛoo⸗
fed reede fignifieth miferable, meake, and bꝛooſed confcienceg,
which are ealily ſo thaken, that thep tremble, and lofe hope and
truft in God, MAith theſe Gon doch noc forchwith deale rigoröu«
| fly and after abiolent maner , but be dealeth gentelp with chem;
| | lett he reake them. Woreouer the fmoking flay, which doth ag
pethurne alitle,¢ nouritheth moze ſmoke then fire, are the fame
| confciences,, which ought nat againe tovelpeire , for he wil not
btterlp extingutth them, but alwayes kindle them,and moze and
| more firengthen them. €cthich eruelp to him that knowech it, is a
| great comfort, Tilherefore he which doth not gentlelp handle
| weake conlciences after this fort, doth not, without dout execute
the office of a true thepebeard,
Afterward the Pprophet ſayth: That which was difeafed,ye
oughtto haue fuccoured . Wibo are chofe Dilealev ones? Thep
which in their maner ofliuing, and. in their outward works haue
certain diſeales, and vices. The firſt pertaineth to che conſcience
when as it is weake: the other to the maners oꝛ conditions of
lile, when ag any being caried wich a wilfull mind and wayward
braine, doth offend here and there, to wit bp path ¢ other fooliſh
doings, as euen the Apoſtles fel ſometimes grieuouflp, Such ag,
are ſo vitious inthe fightof men, thatthey ave an offence. Pe o⸗
ie ae WETTEN
Pe u ’
thers,and are iudged obftinate and wapward, God will not haue
to be reiected and deſpeired of, For his kingdom ig not ordered
after fuch amaner , that the range and whole onelpfhoulo liue
therein (which pertainech to the life co come) but Chꝛiſt is ther-
~ fore fet init,chathe map haue a care offuch ehelpe them. Aher⸗
- fore athett we are fo weake and icke , notwithffanding we mutt
“ not fonefpeire , that we ſhould fay , that we are not inthe king:
. Bom of Chriff,but d more we feele our vifeale, fa much che moze The more
remedie andheale bs, JQow if thou be weake and oppreſſed with
$ : ; we feele our
we muff come onto him, for be therefore is at hande chat he map Soluce dit
2 ‘ a fed,the grea
faintnes,fecling great affliction,bereby thou bak gotten a grea- — we
ter occafion to goe bnto him, ¢ to fap on this maner : Moſt fineete have to flic
Chꝛiſt, I therefore come onto thee becaule Jam a finner, that vnto Chrift.
thou matt helpe and inttifie me: yea very necellitiedoth compel
theebereunto, For the greater thy diſeaſe ts, fo much moze need:
fullis it for thee to be healed, And Chait him felfe requireth the
- fame ofos,and doth allure vs to come vnto him bololp and chere-
fully, But others which ave not ſuch thepebeards,do thinke that
they thall make menrighteous , if thep eract much of hem and
braethem much, whereby they onelp make that which ts euill
worle, ag we ſee it to be done at this day, whereas itis come cto
that diſorder, that all thinges are moſt miſerably bꝛought out of
rourle,as in this place the Pꝛophet ſayth. 3
The broken haue ye not bound togither. To be broken is, as
‘when ones legge is bꝛoken, o2 atwoundfome where elfe giuen
bin, Chat is,when as a Chrifkian ig not onely weake and vifea-
- fen, that he ſtumbleth fometime , but alforunneth intofa great
fentations, that he bꝛeaketh fome part, and fo ts brought to that ;
pallesthat be kalleth and venieth the Goſpell, after the maner of They yatta:
Peter, who did forfweare Chꝛiſt. Now if any ſhould fo fumble, \ourlychar
thathe fhould be compelien to goe backe,¢ be vtterly cal Downe they cuen
in minde,neuertheles we muk not ag pet cae him of, as though deny the
he Did neuer anp moze pertaine to the kingdom of Chritt: for we Golpel, muft
muffleaue Chꝛiſtes propertie to him felf,thathig kingdom map ‘heat a
remapnebnto bin felfemecre grace and mercy , whole delire is °F
to helpe them onelp,which are grieued with their calamitie and
milerie,and Doe greatly defire tobe deliuered fromit, Chat his
Kingdom map altogither abound with comfort, and he him ſelle
be thecomfopcable and gentle hepebeard, which prouokech and
F itt,
ra a I ar AD ai ae
alluveth euerp oneto come onto him. And allthig is pone by the
© ofpell, whereby the weake are to be ftrengthned , the ficketo
be healed, For it is {uch a word ag is fit for all iftres of confciens
ces giuing aboundant comfort to all,chat none diſpeire although
he be a great finner, Chrifk therfore alone tsp wood hepebeard,
which healeth all fortes of vifeafes, and helpech them that are
fallen: which be chat doth not, is not a hepebeard,
The Prophet thus goeth forward: That which was driuen a-
way,ye haue not brought againe. Chat ts that that ts daꝛiuen a-
wap? Che deſpiſed foule,whtch is fo ſcoꝛned and contemned,that
it is thought to be done in vaine, whatloeuer Chrifkian doctrine
is beſtowed vpon it, Notwithſtanding Chꝛiſt doch not pet fuffer,
that it ſhould be dealt roughly mich, Dis kingdom ts not compaſ⸗
fed with fo ſtraight boundes , that onelp the ſtronge, whole and
perfect doe floꝛiſh therein, for this pertatneth to the heauenly life
to come,now tn this bis kingdom onelp gtace and fweetnes mut
abound.Ag Gon promiled to p childꝛen of Iſraell Exod. 3, thatp
appointed land of Canaan ſhould flow only milk & honp, euen
as Paule 1.€02,1 2, affirmeth, that bpow thofe members of the
bony which we thinke moze vnhoneſt, we put moze honeffie on,
De concluderh; The lofthaue yenot fought. That is lok
They which which ſeemeth to be condemned, of the returne whereof there ig
ia ve fearce any hope, Df which fort in the Gofpell were Joublicanes e
muft not be
harlotg,and at this dap thep , whabaue not fa much aga {parke
quite caft of. Of godlines , but are bnivactable and vnruly. Meither are thep
notwithanding tobe left, but all meanes are to be affaped chat
atthe laſt they map be reclaimed and bꝛought againe into the
right way. CAhich S. Paule eftfoones did,as when he deliuerey
two of this force nto Satan, 1, Tim.I. Ihaue deliuered them
vnto Satanthatthey mightlearnenorto blafpheme. And 1.
Coꝛ.5. Ihaue determined,fapth he, to deliuerthem toSatan for
the deftruction ofthe flesh , that the ſpirit may befaued in the
day ofthe Lorde Iefus. Chem be caſt of ag condemned, and pet
notwichffanding did not delpeire of them, Chꝛiſt therefore ts fo
to be preached, that he retecteth no mi although be be weake,but
that he willingly receiueth , comforteth and ſtrengthneth euerp
man, fothathe alwayes appeareth to be the good thepebeard,
Dereupon it commeth to pafle , chat men willingly reſort vnto
him, and that ic is no neede anp moze to compel them, Che mal
ſpell fo allureth, and maketh them willing, that they come with The Gofpel
‘acertaine loue and pleafure,and wich all boldnes, CRhereupon a —
deſire and loue vnto Chꝛiſt ts increaſed in them, fo that they doe „Icafure to
any thing willingly, who before were to be vrged and compelled, come vnto
Of we be conſtrayned, we doe grudgingly r vnwillingly, which Chrift.
God plainly abhoꝛreth. But when as J thall perceiue that God
dealeth fo louingly and gentlely with me, mp hart ig ag it were
rauiſhed, ſa that I can not tap mp felfe , but I mutt euenrunne
onto him,leauing allother things, wherupon afterward all pleas
fure and toy enfirech vnto me,
Now confider how great an euillicis, when one iudgeth an
other, The kingdom of Chꝛiſt, as we haue heard, ig fo opveined,
that tt bealeth and iuſtifieth onelp ficke and miferable confcien-
ces wherefore all they are farre decetued. which haue regard on-
1p to the ſtronge and whole. It is great therefore and very effec:
tuall knowledire whereby Chritt is well knowne. It is graffed
in bs bp nature co be alcogither euill and wicked, € pet nocwith-
ſtanding we would baue euerp one to be honeff, we earneſtly res
gard ftronge Chriftians , not looking theremithall to the ficke
and weake, thinking them not tobe Chrifttans, tf thep are not
ſtronge, and iudge others euill, tf thep benot altogither holy,
when as we our felueg inthe meane fealon erceede the ref in
naughtines, Now the caule hereofis our moſt corrupt nature, € ——
our blind reaſon, which will meafure the kingdom of God accop= bi.
Ding to her one opinion, whereby tt thinketh that thofe things cauſe vsto
are uncleane before God, which ſeeme vncleane onto tt lelfwhers erre & iudge
fore that opinion muff be remoued out of our minde. Foꝛ if thou amille.
batt verp much regard thereunto, thou ſhalt at the laff come into
the mind to thinke : alas, what thal become of me, ifall Chpifti-
ang muff be ſuch, namely, ſtronge, whole, and godly? hen hal
TI once attapne fo farre ? And fo thou fhalt bringe thy felfe into
fuch aperpleritie, thatthou ſhalt hardely euer attapne unto true
comfort andiope, Chou therefore mutt be fo affected,that thou
fay: Wok gractous Jeſu, although I finde mp felfe altogether
weake diſeaſed, and in a wꝛetched ſtate, pet F will not therefore
caf of allhope,but wil fliebnto thee,that thou maptt fuccourme, -
Foꝛ thou onelp art the hepebeard, e the good Ihepeheard, ſuch
aone I am perſwaded that thou are,wherfore J will not deſpeire
oz be difrouragen . although I come vnto thee being voyde of
F itt,
wifedom is
occupied a-
mong the
workes, Ce mutt therefoze beſtow our diligence that koch un
wilelp x well know Chꝛiſt, that in bis kingdom onelyp the weak
and diſeaſed are conuerfant, andthat it is nothing elfe, but as it
were an hoſpitall, wherein onelp theficke and feeblenoelic, of —
tobom a care mutt be had, Burfewmen haue this knowledge,
for chis wiledom is exceeding hard to.be attapned bhto,fo that it
ig wanting euen vnto them fometimewho haue the Golpel and
thelpirite, neither can anp wifedome come vnto men whichis —
greater then it. Küherfore,albeit men looke into the Scripture, ;
which ſetteth forth the kingdome of Chrift, affirming tt ta be
moſt precious, neuerthelesthep haue not fuch acave what the —
modes fignifie, neither doe they marke that true wiſedom ig
hidden therein, which ercelleth our wiledom by many degrees,
Fortis not Chꝛiſtian wifedom to haue to doe with men which
are accounted wile,and (hilfull,and to make mention, anv talke -
of them, but to be occupied among the vnwiſe and themthatlack —
vnderſtanding, not that delight epleafure ſhould be takenthere: —
of, but that thep map come from finne and foolithnes to rightee
oufnes and found vnderſtanding. Dereof it appeareth that Chꝛi⸗
ſtian wiſedom doth conſiſt in this, not that we looke aloft, con: |
fiver chofe chinges which are high and wile, and bebold ano fee
our felues tn thé as tt wereina glaſſe, but that we looke to thoſe
things that are belawe, ¢ marke that which te humble ¢ fooliſh.
De which knoweth this let him giue chankes vnto God, Forbp
this knowledge he becommeth {uch aoneas is able to prepare
and apply him felfe co euery thing which ts inthe world, But ye
ſhall finde many, pea euen among them that preach the Gofpell,
which are not per come thus farre , Hitherto we haue benefoine
ſtructed € accuſtomed, that none mult come onto Chak , before
bebe altogether cleane, thou mutt therefore forlake that opint:
on,that thou mattt attaine to true buderftanding, that thou maiſt
knowe Chait aright, howe bets the true and good hepebeard,
whereofwe haue heard fuflicient.
Nowe he comparerh the good ſhepeheard with the euill, or /
bireling, and ſayth: Agoodshepeheard giueth hislife forthe —
. sheepe: butan hirelin BR he which isnotthe shepeheard, nei-
therthe sheepe are his eee the wolfe comming, & lea-
uerhthesheepe, & the wolfe catcheth & ſcattereth thesheepe.
So the hireling fleeth becaufe he isan hireling, & careth not for
the PS
the sheepe. It ig true in deede that Chriftis properly the onelp
fhepebeard, euen as p name of Chpitt doth belong to him alone,
pet he communicateth the fame vnto vs, that we alfo map be cal:
led Chziftians.So although be be che onelyſhepeheard, pec he
imparteth the fame name to them that be of the minifterie, After
the fame maner ae. 3.be forbioneth,that we call no man fa-
ther bpon the earth , forafmuch ag there is one onely our father,
which is in heauen,notwithtanding Paule callech him felfe che
father of the Coꝛinthians 1.02.4, when he ſayth: In Chrift Ie-
fus I haue begotten youthrough the Gofpell . So therefore tt
feemeth agthough Gon alone wouls haue thename of a father,
and in the meane lealon notwithanding be qraunteth che fame
name to men, that thep alfo map be fathers, howbeit that thep
haue notof thentfelues but by Chꝛiſt. Euen as we are caller
Chrilfiang,becaufe we haue nothing of our felueg,but for that all
thinges are giuen bnto bs thꝛough Chꝛiſt.
Mozeouerzthe hireling, ſayth Chꝛiſt, which is not the shepe-
heard, neither the sheepe are his owne,when he feeth the wolfe tie
comming,leaueth the sheepe & fleth,&c. This furelpis a hard The rie
faping chat thep which truelp preach the Golvel,anditrengehen 87
€ heale the theepe, neuertheleg at the laſt doe fuffer the heepeto commeth
be caught and torne in peeces, and doe then flie awap , when the lcauech the
theepe haue neevde of greateſt helpe. As long as the wolues doe fheepe.
not appeare, they do their butte carefully diligẽtly, but ag foone
ag thep fee the wolfe Ineake in, they forthwith leaue the ſheepe.
Ikthey chenhaue fed chem well,that chep be fat, ſtrong, whole,
they are the better liked ofthe wolues , for whome they haue fev
them. But what is the hiddẽ meaning of thig parable? Che mea:
ning of Chrik is this: In my kingdome (which conlittech inno:
thing elſe, but that the weake be ſtrengthned, the ficke healen,the
fapnt harted encouraged) the holy crofle Mall not be wanting, The croffe
For when it is preachevthat Chak only, whole tillp Heepe we accompani-
are, hath care of be,ffrengthneth, healeth and helpeth bs, € that eth the prea
our owne ſtrength and our owne workes are of ne Importance at ching ofthe -
all, (whereby all workes of the world, andebediuerfe forte of Soſpell.
wozrhipping God which it inuehtech are vtterly vifallowed) the
woꝛld cã not abide ſuch maner ofpzeaching,fa chat itiganatural
propertie ofp Goſpel,to bring ᷣ croſſe 1 it as vnſeparably accõ⸗
panping tt, he that willonfeincdlp profes it bekoꝛe the mono,
mutt noedeg veld him felfe to beare perfecution. sFozatinuch ag
the cafe ſtandeth thus, tt is not hard co perceiue how great diffe: |
rence there is betwene the true ſhepeheards and the birelinges,
The hireling He that is anhireling preachech the Golpell as long as he is re⸗
how he be-
haueth him
What the
true shepe-
heard doth,
ported among men to be a learned, godly € holp man, But when
ag he ts reppoucd o2 {ec vpon as anberetike and wicked fellow,
oꝛ moued to make a recantation, then he etther recanteth,o2 ta-
keth bim (elfe to bis feete , leauing the miferable theepe alone
without athepebeard, then their cafe becommeth woꝛle then tt
was before. Ahat doth it then auatle the hheepe ifthep were wel
fen before ? Sf thep were true thepebeardes , thep would {pend
their life before thep woulde fo Teaue the theepe to the tawes of
the molueg , and would be readp alwapeg to offer theitnecke to
the are for the Golpells fake. Chey therefore ave neuer good
ſhepeheards, which fo preach the Golpell, that thep map theres
by get vnto them {elues honour, riches, and profit, without all
bout they are hirelings, who ſeeke after their owne thinges euen
in found doctrine,pea and inthe wordof God, Tiberefore thep >
abide no longer,then while thep map haue honour, pꝛaiſe & come
moditie thereby. but ag foone as the wolfe commech, goe backe,
denye the worde,and get them ſelues amap, leauing the fheepe,
which very carneftlp ſeeke for pafture and their thepebeard,
who map keepe them from theinturie of the wolues, but that
good thepebeard can no where be found, who fliech amap euenat
that time, when the theepe haue moft neede of a Defender and
The fame hall happen to bs intime to come , when we fhall
once begin to be touched in deede. Chen che Preachers will hut
their mouthes, and proutde for their fafetie by flying, and the
fheepe hall be miferablp diſperſed, ſo that one thall be carien this
wap,an other chat wap, God graunt that fame of them map ſtand
baliantly in defenie of the Golpell, and ſpende their blood, ifthe
cale fo require in delivering their theepe, Chus Chꝛiſt hath
painted forth p hirelings in their colours, who thus fapth mozes
ouer: Iam that good shepeheard, and knowe mine, andam
knowne of mine. Ghee word&g doe containe much, I fhoulde
{pend ouer much time, tf Iſhould handle them feuerally. De
{peaketh here of the peculiar dutie that belongerh to him felfe, A
know mp heepe,fapth he, and they againe kuowme, JQowethe
ſumme is this : Chrift knoweth vs to be his heepe, # we againe
know him to be our ſhepeheard. He knoweth vs to befuch fheepe
ag are weake and diſeaſed, which he doch not caſt of but hatha
care of them,and bealeth them although thep be fo diſeaſed, that
all the wozlde thinketh that they are not big theepe, and this in
deede is the knowledge of P world, But Chott doth not fo know
them, neither doth be greatly regard what maner of ones thep
be, but confiverech whether they be ſheepe. Chey therefore are
the true thepebeards, who following Chꝛiſt, doe fo know their
fheepe,that theplooke unto the perfons,not to the diſeaſe.
$y father knoweth me, fapth Chritt, but the world knoweth The world
me not, Chen as therefore the hope thall come,that I thal die knoweth not
an ignominious death bpon the crofle,all wich one voice will erp Chrilt.
out: was this che fonne of God? he mutt needes be a condemned
man,and giuen bp onto Satan, both infoule and alfoin body. Sa
the world will confiver and knots me , Wut my father will fap in
this ſort: this is mp welbeloues fonne, my king and Sautour,
De beholoeth not mp affliction, mp woundes, my crofle ¢ death,
but be confivereth mp perfor, that is,me berp felfe , Therefore
ff 3 were inche mivdett of hell, or in theiawes of Satan, per I
Mould come out againe, foꝛ the father will not forfake me, Like:
wife J know my theepe, and thep knome me, Chey are certaine
that J am a good Hhepebheard,thep know me,therefore they come
tome for fuccour, andcleaue vnto me, neither doch tt any thinge
fearethem , thatthep are fubiectte manifold infirmitieg and di⸗
feales , thep knowe berp well that J would haue ſuch maner of
fheepe to reſort vnto me. OrhersheepeIhauealfo, which are
not of this folde: them alfo muft i bringe and they shall heare
my voice,and there shall be one shepefold, & one shepeheard.
Some haue fohandled this place , that they aflirme tt hall be
fulfilled before the latter dap, when Antichrit, Tohn,and Deltas
thall come, hich is flatly agatnt the truth, and forged of Sas
tan, that men might beleue,that the whole world thall at the fat
become Chrifkian, TÜhich Satan therefore div that be mighe
darken the found voctrine, that we might neuer rightly under:
fand it, Beware therefore of this velufion. For bp and by after
the afcenfion of Chpift this was done and fulfilled , and is pet at
this bay fulfilled, As foone as the Gofpell was publiſhed, it was
_ preached co the Jewes, and this people wag the Hepetold, Mow
7 7s u * se, NIT WERE u. 7
— ⁊
he ſayth,that he hath certaine other ſheepe alfo, which are not of
this kold, which allo he mutt gather together , whereby he thew:
eth that the Golpell mut be preached tothe Gentiles that chep
allo may beleue in Chi, thardüche Tewes and Gentiles may
be made one Church, TUhich he performed afterward by the A⸗
pottles, who preached the Golpell co the Gentiles , and brought
them tothe faith, So there is now one boop, one Church , one
faith, one hope, one loue, one baptifme, anv fo of the Itke, which
continueth at this day, and thal fo continue euen to the ende ofthe
world, Ci herfore poe not fo vnderſtand it as though all men hall
beleue in Chrifk,for the crofle mut alwapes be borne of ug, fo:
almuch ag the greatet parte is alwapes of that faction, which
perlecutech Chrftians. Che Golpell alfo mult be continually
preached , thar alwapes {ome may be broughtto Chꝛiſtianitie.
And thus mach for a compendious erpofition of this tert,
Luke 15.
Verfer. Hen reforted vnto him all the Publicans
and finners to heare him.
2. © Therefore the Pharifesand Scribes mur-
mured,faying: He receiueth finners and
eateth with them.
ed Then fpake he this parable to them fay-
ing: |
4 What man of you hauing an hundred
fheepe, ifhe lofe one of thé , doth not
| 3
N leaueninety and nineinthewildernes, and go
- after that which is loft,vntill he find it?
5. And when he hath foundit, he layeth it on his
fhoulders withioy.
6 And when he commeth home,he calleth togi- ,
cher his friendes and neighbours, faying vnto
them: Reioyce with me: for I have found my
ſheepe which was loft.
9 I fay vnto you,thatlikewife ioy fhall be in hea-
| uen for one finner that repenteth, more then
| ~~ for ninetie & nine iuftmen, which neede none
| amendement of life.
8 jAthis tert, dearelp beloued, euenthatdocttine hat Kinde
4 ig contapned,which we are perſwaded, and glo2p of do@rine
BRS tobe our chiefe doctrine, and which bp be right chis text cö-
Yop delerueth to be calied chriffian doctrine, to wit of taineth.
. Roe» grace and forgiuenes ofinneg,fet downe againſt
the doctrine of the law, and of woꝛkes. But it is avery ſhamekull
thinge, that a ſermon ſo excellent, and repleniſhed with ſo great
comfort and ioy, ſhould beheard of aman that is wicked + a cons
temner of the word of Gov. Chis is much more miferable , that
_ allthinke they baue ſo ſoone thꝛoughly learnedit, to che know⸗
ledge whereof cuerp one will ſeeme to baue attained, thinking
that there is nothing in it, which be Doch not perfectly onder tan,
and that there ig no neede to ſpend any moze ſtudie in learning it,
Although ithe not grievous to God him felfe , neither doth it
prkeor wearie him, euerp peare repeating it, or rather enerp
Dap ererciling it,as though be knewe to preach nothing elſe, bes
ing buf kilfull and ignozant of all other kindof doctrine, And we
miferable and wretched men doe fo [oone ag we thinke attaine to
the knowledge of the chiefett doctrine, that loꝛthwith itis wear
rifom and tedious bnto bs torepeatit, whereby all pleafureand
loue of che monde of Gon dteth and ig extinguiſhed in vs. |
But before Iveclare the article oꝛ chiefe point heretaught, J
thinke it good, thatthe beginning of this chapter be diligently
confidered, which S.Luke ſetteth in ſteede of appeface,¢ thew:
eth what gaue Chrift caufe co make thig fermon, where he fapch:
Then reforted vnto him all the Publicans and finners to heare
him.In which wozdes be plainly fignifiech with what mẽ Chꝛiſt
With whar Kept companie, namely with them, which in che fight of all men
kind of men liued ag it did not become them, and were openly called ſinners
Chrift was and euell perfons, Thereby it appearech that the Phariſees fe:
conuerfant. mento haue fufficient caufe to finde faule with Chpitt , for char
be,which would be counted Holy vid familtarlp keepe companie
Publicans with fuch men. Foꝛ chey were commenlp called Publicans at
what they that time,to whom the Romäs did let out (ome citie op cuftome,
were. or lome charge 02 ouerfight in matrerg , for a certain fumme of
money sas che Turke or Uenerians do now commit to fome one
fome citie o2 oflice,for which a certain ſumme of monep ig pear:
Ip to be paped,ano what foeuer chep ſhall {crape togither bp uns
iuſt exactions aboue chis ſumme, thatis their owne. So alfo the
afozefaid JOublicans div, which fo gathered thofe tributes and
monep wherewith thep were charged, that thep chemſelues alfo
mighthaue fome game thereby. Andleing that a ſumme of mo:
nep tobe paide for (ome citte o2 office was not ſmall, thep defi-
tous to gaine thereby, did bp all meares deale vniuſtly, and vſed
extortion in all hinges , in all places, and with all perfong, For
the Loꝛdes and maifters held them fo hardly and ſtraightly, that
thep could not wer much thereby, tfthep would deale rightly and
iuftlp, and opprefle no man with vniuſt exactions. Tibereupon
thep had a verie euellrepozt ab20ad , that thep were moſt vniuſt
eractorg , and endued with fmall hon: fie and integritie of life, -
Likewife che reſt in generali were called finners, which other:
wile linen diſhoneſtly and wretchedlp,e were defiled with filchie
offences,as with couetoufnes, with whozedome, with furfetcing
and vyunkenneg,and fuch like. Such refort bere vnto Chꝛiſt, and
come to hearc him , when ag before thep had knowen him bp re:
port to be ercellent and famous both in woꝛdes and Deedes. —
Howbeit itig certaine that inthem although chep femed euen
defperate , there was a (parke of vertue and boneftie,in afmuch
asthey longed after Chriſt both coueting to beare his doctrine;
and allo earnefflp defiring to fee che workeg which he dtd, when
before they knewe him to be a good man , and heard no ill report
either of his doctrine 02 workes, fo that their life Did farre Differ
from bis. Neuertheles they are fo wel diſpoſed, chat thep are *
bis enemies , neither refule oꝛ flie bis company, but runne vnto
bim, not of any euell purpofe op intent,but to fee and heare fome
good thing, whereby thep map amend their Itie, Contrariwiſe The maliti⸗
the Phariſes and Scribes, which were counted moſt righteous ous dealing
and poly, are {uch popfonfull beattes, that thep are not only ſoꝛe of y Scribes
vifpleaten at Chriſt, uhom thep cã abide neither to fee nor brave, & Pharılecs,
but allo chep can not be content, thac miferable finners ſhould
come bnto him,and heare him, whereby thep being led by repen-
tance might amend : Dea they do alfo belive this, murmur, and
reproue Chꝛiſt, for thathe admitted vnto him, and recetued Pu⸗
blicäg and finners,faping : Bebold,is this that holp and famous
man? Mho will now fap that be is of God, when as be hath fo:
ciety with fo wicked mretches’pea rather eis a dꝛiuker of wine
and a glutton , as they fap elſewhere, a fteind to PPublicang and Luke 7. 34.
Such a report he is cõſtrained to beare of the holy Jobharifes,
not for that he giuing bimfelfeto gluttonie and furfecting , accu:
ſtomed ro feede ercefliuelp and followe riotous pleafure togither
with them, but onelp becaufe he admitted fuch into bis company,
and did not contemptuoutly reiect them. Foꝛ in thei opinion be
ſhould haue gone with a (ad and auftere countenance,in bale aps
paretl , ¢ baue remained feuered from the conuerfation and com:
pante of men, and refulen their felomthippe, left chat by familiar
cuffome with them , be fhould be defiled, and ſhould haue Done ag
thep were accuffomed to do after p maner ofholp men. Of whom
Efaie writech , thatthep ſtudied for (uch puritie, chat thep div
feare and ſuffer againt their will eucn the touching of a ſinner.
Which in deede plainly appeareth Luke 7, inche Phariſe mur⸗
muring again Chr, becaufe be fuflred bimielfetabe touches —
of che finfull woman. And it was they, chat would altwap be bis
maiffers,# prefcribe vnto him rules wherebp to liste and bebaue
himſelle in thislife. Therefore tathis place chep murmur , for
that he did not applie hiinfelfe vnto thé, neicher vindifdaine cõ⸗
pany # conuerfation offuch {inners according oleae example.
Now Chaiſt alſo is ſomewhat ſtout, plainly ſhewing here, that The ſtout ne
be can fuffer 5 maiſterſhip ofnone , but thar he ig altogither free of Chriſt.
€ exempt from the commaundementg of all, as commonly inthe
Golpels we fee him tobe at his owne will ¢pleafure,who neuer:
theles otherwiſe wag both gẽtler and allo moze feruicgable then
u a4 Karls ua * u a Te 2s.
all che vet, But when as they would veale with him bp lawes, €
be hig maiſters, thẽ all friendthip ceaſſed, for he vid not otherwiſe
leape back,then che adamant layd vpon anuple ¢ ſtriken, (pea:
king ano doing onely the contrary of chat whtch they require of
bim,although chep feemetofpeake euen rightly and well, alleas
ging thereunto alla the worde of Gon, As thep doe bere, where
they come and fap: thou mut toe thus, thou mutt follow the con:
uerfation of honeſt men, thou mutt flee the companpe of wicked
men. Chis trulp is a ſubſtantial voctrine, and confirmed bp teſti⸗
‘mony ofthe Scripture, For Wales him felfe commaunveth the
Jeweg,to audio euill men, t take away eutl from amonge them,
Bp this tert thep confirme their fapings, € come wich their Mo⸗
Chrift com. ſes, and mould make Coyttt ſubiect to cheir lawes, and haue him
pared to the ruled bp them.
Vnicorne. Gut Chri neuertheles will be at his owne libertie. And he
ig not vnlike the Unicorne, which bealt men deny that he can be
‘taken aliue, with what kind of hunting ſoeuer be be allayled. De
ss fuffereth him felfe co be wounded, to be ſtriken with darts, and co
Chriftisim- he flapne, to be taken he noch not fuffer him felfe . Mo otherwife
paieneof doch Chpitt alfo,who although be be let vpon by lames, yet doch
; he not {uffer them, but bꝛeaketh through as through a ſpiders
web, rebuking them moft ſharpely. As Matth. 12. where thep
found fault with bis Difctples,becaule thep had plucked p cares
of cone on the Sabbath dap , alleaging the commaundement of
God that che Sabbath was to be kept holp,c, be auoucheth ehe >
cleane contrarp,tearing in funder § commaunvement,affirming
the contrarp both tn wordes, and alla by examples, Aifo Matth.
16, where he declareth to his Apoſtles chat be hall fuffer and be
crucified but Peter admoniſheth him to be of a good chere, and
ſetteth before bimthe precept of charitie, ſaving: Mailter, pitie
thy felfe, there againe he doth earneſtly and tharpely blame and
rebuke his admoniſher, and faptht Get thee behinde me, Satan:
thou vnderftandeft not the thinges that are of God, but the
thinges that f men. |
And in a lumme,be is moſt impatient of all lawes wherewith —
thep deale with bint, be will be mot free from all commauınde:
ments, and acknowledged to be the Loyd ofthem, De alway gi:
- ueih fuch aunſwers, a8 with which be repreffech the eractorg, |
neicher wil he keepe any law as though he were compelled to do
it. Contrariwife, when be doch anp thinge of bis owne accorde,
chen no law isfalitte oꝛ fo light, whereunto he doth not willing
‘Ip obep,and doth much moze then it requireth. Therefore there
can none be founde moze gentle and ferniceable then he , ifbe be
breed with the controlement o2 eraction of none, Wozeouer he
both (o farre humble him felfe , that he watheth the feete of Ju: Chrifthum-
das which berraped him, according as he him felfe ſpeaketh of be ov
him felfe: Icame not to be ferued, but to ferue, others, &c, — ine
| which ts manikeſt to them that confider bis life , howe he walked
abjoade in Judea, Samaria, Galile, and inthe night flept on the
ground , fafted forty dayes, and tooke no reſt at all , but patient:
ip ſuſtained fo much labour, that chep feared left be ſhould be ras
uifhed in minde „or finallp bringe fome burt to bis body. He doth
all thinges that he can, but that he refuleth to be compellev,and
fuffereth nolawes to be prelcribed bunte him, which if anp fee |
before him, be moft ſtoutely reſiſteth and ſtriueth againſt chem, |
Sobheisbothof amoft Toute and of a moſt milve fpirit , nep- Chrift both
‘ther tg there anp moze Toute, nor move feruiceable then be , ofa moft
whoe can abide to doe none of thoſe thinges that are exacted of m a 4
him, and neuertheles doth all chinges euen moſt aboundant: O14 circ
Ip ,andas it were ouerfloweth with afloud of rood workeg, and *
watereth all thinges, noman commaunding him, opbpwapof . 4. oy
rontrolement eracting and requiring any thinge of him, but - ls)
be beinge permitted to doe boluntartly and of big owne ate
C020, !
Thele hinges are one for out example, that we map ee
that a true Chꝛiſtian manis after the ſpirit, leſt we tudgebim
according to thelawe, and according to our owne wiſedom and
buderitanding. For Chait i is therefore our Lorde, thathe map
make fuch menofyssas he ishim felfe. And ag he cannot fuffer
him feife co be tied and bound wich latwes, but will be Loꝛde of
lawes,pea and of allchinges,fo allo ought not the conſcience of a
Chrittia co fuffer them, For we are fo much made free by Chath, The confci-
that our confcience map know nothing cocerning any law,wihole coc ofa
iudgement ¢ controlement it map abive to fuffer. Meither ought Fre
| we any otherwile to be affectev according to the fate ofp inward pound wich
conſcience,then ifno lawe had bene giuen oꝛ made: pea as tf net: lawes.
ther x. cõmaundements.noꝛ one, either of God, oꝛ of Bifhop,or of
Ceſar were giuẽ to vs, that we map plainly fap; I a nothing
of anp law, nepther wil I know anp thing. Foꝛ inthat ſtate and
condition, wherein we Chꝛiſtians are our workeg, ¢ the workeg
of all mendoe ceafe,pea and alllaweg alfo. For where there is no
wopke, neither can there be any law, requiring a woke and laps
ing: this ching was to be done ofthee,thig to be left vndone. But
we though Chill are whollp free from all woꝛkes, and righte-
dus by meere grace and mercy, whereby we live onely before
A Chriftian
muft not
fuffer his cö-
Gov. And this ts our treaſure, wherebp weare Chpiftians, and
live and and before God, For how we ought tolinein outward
contierfation , to wit in flefhe and blood before the wonld⸗ it doth
nothing pertaine vnto this place,
Mberefogea Chrittian muſt learne fo to rule his confcience,
that be {utter it not to be held capttue op entangled wich any lam,
But whofseuer will bind and hold te with anp law, lee him out:
fcience to be Iy any boldelp ſtriue thereagatnit,and doe as he ſeeth Chriſt noe
held captiue
of any lawe,
here and elfe where , where he vſeth fo great ſtoutnes and earne⸗
finesof minde , thatno Moſes or Exactoꝛ of the lawe can pres
natle any chinge with bin, although otherwiſe he be moft hum:
| bie,moft ſweete and gentle ‘of allmen, Howbeit this artis aboue
~ Weofour
felues are
notable to
pacitie and
appeafe the
meafure high anvercelient , which none buche underflandeth,
whereol he is the Waiter, ‘who knoweth howe to appeafe all
fawes and teachers of lawes.Cde ave not able to doe fo : Forthe
Deutll mightely alatlech og, and ag often as he ſetteth upon the
confetence of man, he driueth him to that point that be entreth
diſputation with him, what he hath done or nocdone, Chen uch
a difputation beginneth, ag wherein is debated of our finne and |
righteouſnes, euen then man is brought intoadanngerous cale |
and into the myre, where be fficketh, neither can be efcape oꝛ rid
him {elf out, but is forthwith deeper and deeper plunged in, For |
be is laden with a heauy burden, which bets not able to beare, |
wherefore he walketh muting guawing Feonfuming bis minde, |
neither canbe get anp quietnes thereof, CAhich I doc plainelp |
feele in mp felfe, neither can J mpattle out, and deliver mp felfe |
by anp trauell, although Ji labour almapes, allaying allmeanes |
to efcape outof this goulfe, that 3 map aunfwere the lawe , and
obtaine fo much. that it may keepe ſilence, and ſay, now at length
thou batt one fo much, wherewith Iam conſtrayned to be con:
tent. But all endeuour and ſtudy is in vapnes for {uch a deepe pit
and daungerous goulfe tt is, out OF which no man ts able tack
cape, although be topne the helpes ofall men to him ſelf, as thep
Canbeare me witnes which haue made triall hereof, and dog ag
pet daily trie te,
The caule is our nature, which will haue to doe with workes
andlawes, and heare what they fay, and followe them that fap:
Thy doth he cate with Publicanes and finners? tf he did eate
and v2inke with vs, be fhoulo do wel, Alfo ; why do thy Dilciples
plucke the cares of copne on the Sabbath dap ? ec. with whom ie
will baue todo fo long, cil the law fapth: now thou artrighteous,
Forit can attaine to no higher vnderſtanding, chen that the do:
ctrine of the law is che chiefelt doctrine, and chat the righteoul:
nes thereof ts the bet life before God. Jn it it continually remat:
neth fo captiue pea and bound, neither cantt by anp meanes deli
ver it (elfout of thts pꝛiſon, being not able to pacifie and appeafe
the law,that tt doe not exact any thinge of it, oꝛ reprebend te in a-
np thing,but itis compelled to be captiue therein ag tna perpes
tuall pꝛiſon, and the longer tt ſtriueth and fightech with che lawe,
into fo much woꝛſe cale doth it alwapes come, ontill at the laſt te
be wholp ſubdued. |
What therfore mutt I do,the law allailing € vrging mp. con: What a Chri
fcience,efpeciallp when Jperceiue my felfe not to do that which ſtian mult do
“itrequiveth ? I aunwere,euen chat which Chpit noth beve,who rer es
. get
abmitteth or acknowledgeth no law, although brought out of the pis conkci -
law of God.So learnethou alfa to voc, that thou mayeſt boldely ence.
fap tothe lawe, leaue of lawe to diſpute wich me, baue nothing
‘to doe with thee. And for that verp fame caufe , for which thou
‚sommefk to difpute wich me,and to enquire of me, bow geod and
Righteous Jam, J will notheare thee, Forithere maketh no
- matter, what Jam, oꝛ what Jought to doe, and what not to doe,
but what Chik him feife tg ougheto doe,and doeth . For nowe
Wwe are inthe bꝛidechamber, where onelp the bꝛidegrome and the
bride mult hauetodoe, and tt behoueth not thee ta come thither,
noꝛ to intermeddle anything there,
But neuertheles it now and then knocketh and ſayth: inthe
meane ſeaſon notwithſtanding good workes mutt be done of
thee , the commaundements of God mult be kept, tf chou wilt
obtaine faluation. Aunfwere againe: but chou heareſt that it is — =
not nowe tyme to ſpeake of chem: fornow J haue obtayned mp the jay whe
xrighteouſnes and the ſumme of all mp ſaluation without mp ic isinftane
5 ii, vpon vs.
qworkes in Chriſt mp Love , and am already Caued before thou
camel, therefore J haue no neede of thy prefence. For as A
baue lapd , where workes preuaple nothing , neptheris the law
there of any impogtance oꝛ weight, and where there isno law,
neitheris thereany ſinne. Che bride therefore alone, all the
reft beinge excluded, mut reigne in che byivechamber with
Chit, in whom thee hath all hinges at once , nepther needeth
fhee any thinge moze, which ig neceffarp to ſaluation. Ahere⸗
fore the lawe mutt be excluded and vtterly reiected , pea and caf
of, ag often ag ic willinuade and fet vpon the conlcience, Foꝛ
furelp ic ought not to medle therewith, neither commeth tt in
tyme, whenit willhaue muche to doe there , where it ought to
baue nothing to doe and whither tt ought inno wile to come. For
the confcience rettech in this article of aur Ch2iftian faith, Jbe⸗
leue in Jeſus Chaiſt mp Lord, which ſuffered, died, was buried
for me,¢c.bnto whom both Woles law,¢ Cefars,t diuine lawes
ought to give place. All that cherfore is boldly to be chaſed from
me, whatloeuer will ——— wich me of finnes, righteoufneg,and
fuch like hinges,
Beboloe, Chꝛiſt would i inthis place refemble this libertie bn:
fobs, thatas Chꝛiſtians we ſufſer no matiter in our confcience,
trufting moft conſtantly to this one thinge, that we are baptts
fed, and called onto Chꝛiſt, and bp him tuftifien and fanctifieo,
tobereupon we map flap: He is mp righteoulnes, mp treafure,
my worke, andin a fumme, what not? againſt finne and vn⸗
righteoufnes (whereof ehe lawe indeuourech to accule me) TE
it pleafe pou to haue other righteouſnes, woꝛkes, lawe, ec.
then map pe take them from whence pe will , furelp pe fhall
finde no place for them in me. Thus may aman defend him felf,
and ftande againt the ſuggeſtions and tentations of the Deuill,
and of finnes either paft o2 prefent . TUherefoꝛe Moſes and
Chri are farreto befeparated afunder, ag alfo woꝛkes and
faith , the confcience andthe outward life , fo that if the lawe
will {etre bpon me , and make mp bart afrapde , thents it tyme
to ſende it away, andif it will not give place, to thzuſt ttout bp
force, and to fap : I will willingly doe good workes,and will goe
forward as much as Jam able for that time that Jliue amonge
men,but here I wil know nothing at al ofthemin mp cofcience,
& therefoze let me alone,e pzate nothing ofthem, Forbere J will
bouchfaue |
. .
vouchſafe to heare neither Moſes nor the Phariſees, but Chri
alone Doth obtaine place to reigne here, J will like vnto Marie,
fit at bis feete to heare bis worde, but let Wartha tarp abzoade,
and buſie her felfe inthe kitchin and about the houſhold aflapzes,
—* in a ſumme, I will not trouble the quietnes of mp con:
But what tall Tfap, whereas in the meane feafon J poe nat: An obiectioa
Ip finne,which fürelp is euill ¢ J aunfwere, in deede itis true, I The aunfwer
ama finner;and I do vniuftlp,but J muff not therefore vefpeire,
as though J were (ubiect to condemnation , pea o2 tremble bes
caufe of the rigour of thelawe. For by faith J apprehend him,
which bath apprehended me,and apply mp felfe vnto him, which
hath embraced me in baptilme , and bath put mein bis bofom,
and bp the preaching of the Golpell hath called me tothe com: —
munton of all his good hinges, bidding meto beleeue in him.
jRowe when as J have apprehended himbp faich,then map T be
bold to bid the Phariſees, anv Moles with his tables, all Law⸗
pers with cheir bookes , all men wich cheir wogkes holve their
peace and giue place. Ro law hath chen anp power to conuince
op accufe me: for inthis Chꝛiſt Jhaue all thinges abounvantlp,
whatloeuer can berequired nme.
This, lap;ig the doctrine and arte of Chpittians » the (cope
and endetwhereot is this, euen to reigne with Chait. But bloc: ⸗
kiſh men boe not vnderſtand it , taking bereupon occalion to liue
moze freelp.as they liſt, ſayving:what neede ig there that I hould
po good works, forafinuch as Chott bach abꝛogated the law,ec,
There foolith babbling ig in no wile to bebogne, foz Chrittig on A “api webe
- the other part alſo to be confivered of thee, and thou mutt marke 4 shelaw.we
what he doth more. For here be him (elfe lapch > that he is that. woſt neuer-
man which fecketh the miſerable and lof fheepe which alfo he theles doe
witneſſeth bp bis prefent deede, bp receiuing finners and Pub⸗ good —
licanes , and by preaching buco them. Tülherebp chou {eek that mith eres
he doth fulfill much moze then the law commaundeth to be Done, Chriß,
and teacheth thee to doe the fame bp bis example, Deis offuch
‚an berotcall fomacke, thathe willnotbe under the lawe, pet
doch he of bis owne accoꝛde moe thinges thenthe law requiveth,
Doe thou fo alle, neither looke when thou halt be forced and
driuen on bp thelawe,but without the lawe and of thine owne acs
ame poe that which ig needefullto be tr sa Heter 1. Pet.2
a TEE u u Way FF" An 1A > u Su | Be
admoniſheth laping : as free,and not ashauingthelibertie fora
cloke of malitioufnes,but asthe feruaunts of God. And Paule
Romi6: Being made tree from finne, ye are made the feruaunts
of righteoufnes, Chele ave thep, which do all thinges with a free
confcience without the lawe, and vnconſtrained.
Foꝛ where the Golpell ts truely tnthe hart, itmakerh aman
to be fuch a one,ag doth not looke while the law commech, but is
fo full of top in Chri, thathets with ſpeede caried vnto goon
works, doing well to all men,as much ag be ts able, ethat of bis
owne accorne before the law commeth into his minde. Woreouer -
he bettoweth both body and life, hauing no regard, what he mutt
therefore fuffer, and fo he is fullof good workes which volunta⸗
rilp flowing as it were out of a continuall fountaine are deriued
vnto many: As Chꝛiſt being compelled, doch not abide to take
— pp fo much asa frame, but vncompelled giuech him felfe tobe
crucified fo2 me, and fo2 the whole woꝛlde, dying for the lok
hovebeit it is bery neceffarp todifcerne thefe thinges mell,
whenitiscome to hand Qrokes and withinthethrowing of che
dart, as it is ſaid, the law and finnes difputing now with thp con:
{cience,then (ce that thou doe boldly repꝛeſſe Moſes, and bin him:
The old ma keepe filence, fending him abroade to the olve man. Dpiue him
muftbe dri · into Moſes ſchole that he may dilpute with him and fap: Dook
Mate —_- thou beare? thow art roo lowe and lluggiſh in giuing and feruing
fehole. thy neighbour, (then Chit is to be ferued of thee , thou mite
; moꝛe willingly ferue thy bellp: thou wilt come in no peril for
Chꝛiſtes fake, thou dooſt vecettfullp robbe thy neighbour circũ·
venting bith bpwhat meanes foeuer thaucant. Fo? that fuqgih —
affe flying fabour. and following onelp idlenes and wantonnes
vſe the tables of fone, whom euen againt bis will,confrayneta:
goe on in his duety. | i
Ciherefore when thou (halt fet upon me, inthat chinge which
We muftad- ig right and meete (chou muſt fap unto Wofes ) I will willinglp
mit Moles heave thee, and follomthp admonitions, namelp according to the
the onward outward man,andinoucwardlife, where thou matt beare rule
man,but not like a ſcholemaiſter, ¢ ag one gouerning a familie: There thou
with thecé- hat power to cõmaund ine, cobe obedient, modeſt, patient, good
Gience. — comp neighbour, dutifull and liberal toward the poore,¢ to celes
bate Gov with prailes pouredforch to his glozie: mozeouer to
I ee mi a Auer ee Zul ee le eee ee in 2 A * bie Boe ti
[PR - *]
be content for his words fake to abive the contumelies € fclauns
berg of all perfons,¢ to (ufler euerp kind of iniurte of the woꝛld.
MAith ali which T am not greatly moued, peal would doe moe 4
thinges then I! am able to do accopding to the outward man. Fo)
the fpirit,bp the teftimonpe of Thrill, ig willing, and readp,al«
though the flefh be weake.
But if thou wilt go fo farre, whither it is unlawfull for thee to
come, that ig, into mp hart and confcience, there will J neither
fee thee,noz vouchfafe robeare thee. Forthere Jhaue an other
both great ¢ bulpcakeable treafure ‚whole name is Chri. Ann
in a ſumme, whatloeuer pertaineth to bꝛidle p outward man,tbou
| cant not lay on afuffictent burden thereof: but chou mutt burden
the confcience nothing at all, Foꝛ he that enioyeth Chꝛiſt, isa-
boue alt lawes,as Paul ſaith: che laweis nor giuen forthe iuft,
who norwithtanding in the meane time Doth moze thinges,then
he is able to fulfillin the fleth, For according to thelawe we are
finners,and concerning our perfon we muft abide vnder it, But
| theougd Chꝛilſt we are farre aboue the lawe,
| So Woles without, Chit mul exerciſe bis groffe workes,
whereby be may compel men which are not pet Chrifkiang,ta be
bonett ciuelp before the woꝛld: for he doth not make Chrifkiang
| righteous ¢ honed, Dowbeit I will not deny p be doth this , that
be cheweth vnto them their duties, which ocherwile thep mould
willingly fulfil ¢fatisfie,pea ¢ doe moe things alfo, but chat the
| fleth doth not fo willinglp € th thatreadines wberwich it ought,
| followthe ſpirit. In which relpect they are to be admoniſhed and
| brged,the confcience neuertheles remaining free.fo that the law
| baue no power to accufe them. Ciberfore fuch doctrine ¢ anno:
nition ought to be among Chpiftians (as tt ts certainep among
_ the Apotties there wag) wherebp euerp man map be admonithed
of bis fate e office.As for the reft which are not Chpiftians,chep | ei,
mutt beruled bp Woles lawes , ¢ burdened wich them both out: ·
warblp ¢ inwardlp,wherbp thep map be forced and afflicted,thät der che dif
chep map do that which is right,fozlaking that which is euill,al- cipline of
though they do tt not with a patient and willing mind. Df which Moles.
| Sind p rath muleteude of p vnruly comms fort ¢ p obftinat people
is, who Do not regard or underffand p libertp of Chꝛiſt, althougb
chey can babble ¢ gloꝛy ofmanp things concerning the Goſpell,
| € thep notwithanding Do abufe it onlp to p luſt of their mind:let
iar G itt.
4 2 5) » NT, ve un u: var TE > = ~ 7 > af T “a 4 vo
them know that sepa are uber the difeipline and coprection of.
IH ole es.
0 Forthep are not (uch: men 5 as are capable of this ‘Doctrine,
which live with fuch afecure mind chat thep thinke they baue no
neede of the Golpel,o2 that they otherwiie do (ufficientlp knowe
it, But they onelp are capable hereof, which are buſied with the
diſputation of the confcience € the law,of finnes ¢ of the wrach of
God, by conliveration whereofthep become affonied, feeling che
words of the hart {peaking thus: Glas, hom wꝛetchedly haue J
led mp life? what account hal J make vnto Gov? ¢ fo they be too
‘much fearful ¢amafed, the reſt being moze then ts meete fecure
and prelumptuous,feeling nolawe no} finne, no nor anp trouble
at all, And the cafe ſtandeth verp vnequally with both , for chep
which thould haue nothing to de wich the law, Do moſt of all wꝛa⸗
{He th'tt,¢ atone feele it, But athers of whom onelp p {aw ſhould
be felt,are nothing moued with tt: yea the moze grieuouflp thep
are terrified bp the late & the wrath of God, by fo much thep be»
come more indurate. Chere mutt therfore be an other mater to
amend thefesnamelp,the flaper ¢ tozmento2, wha may teach the,
being vnwilling to do wel inthe name of the Lord ¢ with fauour,
inthe nameof an other to do that that becommeth them, wich no
fauour.the reward alfo of hell ive and of all mifertes being fer be:
fore them,
Dowbeit Chritt both here and euerp shove elle (as it is fait)
both by doctrine ¢ alfo bp bis owne example teachethbs, which
feele our finnes and the burden of thelawe, and would willinglp
be Ch2iftians,to accuftome our felues to fight againſt it, dꝛiue
it from vs vnto others,to giue no place tothe Denil, who would
by thelawe bꝛeake vppe the brivechamber of Chꝛiſt, and thoutk
him ſelfe inco bis place, thatis, take away fromthe confcience
her top and comfort , wherebp be map Drawe man tnto delperas -
tion, that he map not be able cheerefullp cokift vppe bis hare
and heade befoꝛe God. Forthis ts the arte of Chptfians whom
Chriftians it behouethto knowe and learne moe thinges, thenthat pros
muftknowe phane and blockiſhe common forte knoweth and underffandeth,
howto kENt chat we map knowe well the maner bow to fight with thedeuill,
N ‚anntobearehisaflault,as often ashe thal fet bpards, edifpute -
tobearehis With vs out of Doles, With whame when he goeth about fuch
aflaulıs. inate mut not Difpute in many wozdes, but mutt forthwith
| weg ERSTEN PO ee TS) ee WO
134 :
‘appealefrom Moles to Chꝛiſt, and cleaueto him. Foꝛ all bis
trauaills ¢ deceits tend bnto this end, that he map craftelp plucke
ps from Chrift , and dꝛaw vs bnto oles. For be knowerh full
Well, the matter being bꝛought to chat point „the victozie (halbe
on his ſide. f
Therefore thou mu againe and againe take heeve that thou We mut
fuffer not thp (elfe to be plucked out of chishauen, neither to be we net ie
entilen out of this circle, And although be ſhall lay manp things Pu. ae.
againt thee out of the lawe , euen inaſmuch ag itig the woꝛd of uell plucke
God, whereunto itis meete that thoudo obep, pet matt chou vs nor from
aunſwere bint and fap: doet thou not heare, chat Twill now Chriſt to
know or heare nothing concerning the lawe ? for we are now in Noles.
that circle and hauen , wherein ic is not enquired what I muk
do, or leaue vndone, but bp what means we obtaine to haue God
gentle and fauourable vnto bs , and bow we cet remtffion of
ſinnes. Dere J will abiveinthe armes of Chri, cleauing vn⸗
feparablp about bis necke, and creeping into his bofome, what:
foeuer the lawe thal fay, and mp heart Hall feele: neuertheles,
fo that we keepe the principall pare of our faith ſyncere, and che
chiefe point fafe, outwardly J will willingly do and fuffer, what
burden focuer it hall lap bpon me. Beholde, he that vnderſtood
this art well, fhould be aright and perfect man, as Chꝛiſt mas,
fo farre aboue all lames, that he might be bold to call Peter -
Satan, and the Phariſees fooles, and leaders of the blpnde,and
put Moſes himfetfe to Alence , and fo liue altogecher without
che lawe, and pet inthe meane feafon fulfill all lawes: further:
more be obffinate and Tout again all that will enforce and rons
ſtraine him, and vet notwithſtanding of his owne accord profite
and obey all, But truly herein confifteeh all the vefect , shat we
do neuer fully and perfectly learne this arte, the veuell fo letting
and hindering bs, that we go prepofferouflp to worke, being too
‚readp and willing to heare all things whatfoeuer the lawe ſayth.
- Qt whole threatnings allo we are nota litle aſtonied, which it
had bin better for bs not to haue heard, Againe in outward things
alfo we giue our (clues to libertie more then ts conuenient,
whereas the bodp ſhould be kept onder € brtdled with workes,
whereby it might be compelled to beare what foeuer fhould be
gricuous bnto it , when ag pet te oftentimes finnerh , pet fo, that
finne abide without, where it mut abide, ¢ baue bis Woles, wha
alwaies map be neve bnto it with bis exactiõs. Howbeit inwards
ly letno finue or law beare rule, oxreigne, butlet Chit alone
rule and reigne bp mere grace „iop and comfort, So all hinges
fhould be done rightly , and man (hould be apt and fii to all good
thinges, both todo, and alfo to {uffer, with a glad and obevient
heart bp faith not fepnedi in the grace “of God through Chat.
Therefore let the confcience beare rule ouer all lames let the
fleſh be fubiecttoeuerie law,
Mow he that is ſkilkull of chis arte, let him gine thankes ta
God, and take heede that he be not too wile in it,and chat he con:
cetue not a falſe perfuaionofknowledge. For I and mp like do
not pet vnderſtand it,ag we ought to vnderſtand it, although we
be moſt expert of all, and bauc bin longeſt erercifed therein, For
(ag haue faiv) itig fuch an art, ag no man knoweth , but hep
which are Chriftiang, to H learning wherof nocwwith doing thep
are compelled to be (cholers all there life longe.CCtherefore mol
farreof from the knowing bereof are thoſe fecure (piritg , who
alone know all chings, bue who in very deed belive that falle per:
ſwaſiõ of knowledge, know nothing at all,and bp this verie pers
fwafton they are fartheſt of all mawne from this art and from
the whole Golpell, Neither ts there any thing more grieuous,
to noꝛ a greater hurt canbe brought onto Ehpifkianitie, then by
thele pettie doctours and matters which feeme vnto themlelues
to haue ſome wiſedome. For they fill all cornerg of the woꝛld
wich fects and factions being (uch men,as ferue neither God nor
men, beare neither chelawe nor the Golpell, but contemne the
lawe with a fecure mpnde,and loath the Gofpell with bearing it,
alwapes feeking after new doctrine. But trulp we teach nothing
fo, their fakes,tnalinuch as they are not woꝛthie of our doctrine,
and are lo punithed of God, chat thep can neuer learne tt,¢ boing
forth any frute thereby, although thep beare it. Cherefore let os
only keepe it, whercofthep do take away nothing at all from bs,
but that thep beare a vaine nopfe and founde of it.
Gnd thus much for the firt pare of this fermd,in which Chailt
teacheth by his owne crample, bow euerp man ought to keepe
his confcience free from all diſputation of the lame, and terrour
of the wath of God and of finnes. Nowe conlequentlp I chinke
it good diligently to confiver this excellent and goodlp parable
of Chriſt, where he beginner) and ſayth: Whatman of youha-
oo 5 ih sere vu a 4 Try,
uing an hüdreth sheepe, if he lofe onc of them, doeth not leaue
ninetie and ninein the wildernes, and go after that which is loft
vntill he find it ? Cheiſt isnot onelp of a ſtout mynde, who will
not follow the wordes and maiſterſhip ofthem , but be bringe)
probable caufes alfo of hrs ſſoutnes, with great cunning refel-
ling their obiections , and Topping their moutheg , fo, that they
can murmure nothing againſt him. Woreouer be conuinceth
_ them by their owne erample and deede and concludech, that chep
dudht for good caufe to be vtterly aflhamen, being bold to fpeake
bute him, a reprehẽd that in him in fo great amatter, which thep
themfelues do in a much leſſe. For by what meanes could he bet:
ter and more readilp aunfwere them, then if be thout fap: Aill How Chrift
pou, Dercellene and moſt wife matters, commaund this ching, aunfwered
and teache me to Drive awap and alienate from me miferable fin- * En
ners, which long after me,and come to heareme, when as there when they
is nothing that pou pour felues do not for one loft thepes fake, murmured
who leauing ninetie and nine in che wildernes (that is in the field for that he
| anvatthe fold) do runne to ſeeke that which isto, neither do !eceiwed fin-
pe leaue of ſeeking, vntill fisch time, aspe haue foundit, and po
| bpougheithome ? And poucount it to be well and commendadlp
‚ Done „for which ifany ſhould finde faule with pou, without dout
| pe would reproue him as mad and belive himfelfe, And ſhould
not J aga Sauiour of ſoules do likewile with men, ag pou do
with aloft thepe ? feing there ig no comparifon even of one foule
| toall the creatures lining & bpeathing inthe earth, Thp there:
| fore ave pott not beterlp aſhamed of pour doings , preluming to
repꝛehend me inthis worke, which pou pour felues commend,
| andarefozcedto commend? Aherefoꝛre if pe reppoue and finde
‚ faule with me 5 pow pour fetues arc fir to be reppoued and found
| faule with. Chis ts rightlpto baue aunfwered, and with honour
ta haue fopped the mouthes of thefe controllers # fault finders,
the caules being fufficientlp hewed, why thep ought not hereto
finde faule with him oꝛ controllehim , hep baue well furelp
peelded vnto him with fhame enough, ag it ig meete , and 'haue
gained nothing ets by their maiſterſhip and controllement then
btter fhame and innominie, For itis a thame to fuch matters,
peaand anereeeding great abomination, that they ſticke not to
arrogate fo much onto themfelues,as to teache that matt.and av-
moniſh him ol his dutie, who of Gon ig appointed a maiſter auer
all, But tt ought fo to fall out, as A haue faid, that he which will
rule and iudge a Chꝛiſtian bp bis maiſterſhip, and endeuoureth
to being him from his baptiſme and the article of Chꝛiſt, to be
ruled by his wiledome or law, doth not onelp become a foole,but
is allo the author of extreme abomination and homicive, Fo) be
worketh ſhame to the temple andfanctuarte of God, and with
deueliſh rahnes tnuadeth bis kingdom, where he alone with che
holy Ghok mul reiqne. Therefore he verie well veferueth,
that God againe bring him to thame and ignominie before the
whole world , feing chat be taketh to himfelfe maiſterſhip in that
place, where only Chrik ought to be maifter,and not vnwoꝛthe⸗
lp to his great euell he kicketh again the pricke.
WLiherefoze it ts not good to ieſt wich Chrtttians, for thep are
Saincts,and let him chat ig wife, not be too buſie with that man,
whofe name is Chott, foꝛ he can get no gaine thereby, for Chpitk
is moſt impatient of all cheir maiſterſhip and Doctrine.So alloa
Chꝛiſtian mut bp nomeanes fuffer them, o2 tf be fuffer them,
giving place to {uch {uggettions , co wit , thou oughteſt to haue
bone this o2 that, o2 ag pet thou oughteſt co do it, then is bis cafe
become exceeding ill, inaſmuch as be bath fallen from Chiff,
Wemufin Cherefore we mutt endeuour to hold Chpitt fat, hauing no ree
ante — gard, although all the worte ſhall teach bs. For if we hall abive
vato Chritt, With him ‚and hold the true vnderſtanding of the article concers
ning him, we ſhall eafilp ouercome all {uch maifters and teas
chers. Foꝛ this Chri wilbe moft free from all controlement €
maifterfhip, contending to be the onelp matter and controller of
allmen, that either in fauour thep map reuerentlp acknowledge
him fo2 the Loꝛd and maiſter, andthemfelues for fooles , 02 tn
furie and indignation being fubiectto che repꝛoch of all men,
map vtterly perifh.
But F haue fain before, that che prefent doctrine for the ber
rieerceeding goodnes, ſweetnes and confolation thercof, ts not
to be {et forth to the rude, blocktth, and vnrulely common fort, ta
whom we donot preach it, but to thoſe onelp, which ſtriue with
terrour and anguith of confcience, or ſtand in perill and Daunger
of death, and diſpute with the deuell cöcerning their finnes com:
mitted, whereby he would driue them onto defperation, Before
thefe this amiable image is tobe fet, eee thep map recetue
comfort and cheerefulnes of minde. As for otbers which ms
| .
with a ani mind, and do litle know what anguiſh and ſpiritual
forowfulneg ig, thep are to be ledde to Moſes to the tormentour.
For itis an image mo pleafaunt and amiable, and moze arti⸗
- ficiallp painted, then anp Apelles ig able to paint with bis pen-
FU, Neither doth anp man excell in (uch eloquence of ſpeeche,
that he ig able fuifictently co declare E comprehend it in woꝛdes.
Tberefore it is tobe apprebendedin the hearte bp fayth, ag
much a3 map be, Meuertheles we muft ſpeake fomething of it,
that we map gine caufe and occafion to other to thinke and confi:
Der more earneſtly thereof,
I allo,lapth he, haue anhundzed ſheepe, that is.that litle flock
of all Chrittiandom,of which number one tg loft, and fallen from
the communion of Chꝛiſtians. Row therefore doeſt thou defire
to know the affection of mp minde ?chen mutt thou beſtow thp dt-
ligence, to paint out well and cunningly both the thepebeard and
thelott theepe. For that thepebeard, whichis butaman, and
guideth the flocke, which ig created to be flatne , bath great re:
gard to pzelerue itin fafetie , andignotalitle carefull, bow he
map finde che heepe when itis lott, and boing it home againe, How the
and with no leffe deſtre the ſheepe longeth after the ſhepehearde. theep is affe-
Chom ifit vnderſtand to be his owne thepebeard ( ag by nature “ed towarde
it Doth vnderſtand) it feareth him not, but runneth vnto him with his fhepe-
great confidence, and being full of good hope, goech before him, ee
Wea as foone ag ever it heareth his voice, it aunſwereth bp blea-
ting. Onthe otherfive allo the ſhepeheard hath greate care and
Delite to finde againe the lott (hepe , which hath ftraped fröhim, Te affect
Borh be himfelfe feeketh.e fendech fopch (eruaties to fecke there, cs MP
kohitherfoeuer be thinkech tt is raped, neither doth be leaue ward his
Teeking, vntill hauing found it,be bach brougbei it home, For be fheepe.
is not ignoꝛaunt bow miferable aliuing creature a lolitarp theep
is, whoſe life confiftech onelp inthe belpe an fafe keeping ofthe
fhepeheard, inaſmuch as it can nothinge at allhelpeitfelfe, but
being dettitute of a hepebeard, is conftrapned to perith. Moꝛe⸗
ouer ‚itis alfo fearfull and ready to goe fray , and as ſoone as it
hath wandered out of the way, and from the hepebeard , forthe:
with commeth into perill of life, ¢ cannot carp, although being
brought, it commeth to an other flocke , anda ſtraunge thepe:
heard calleth itsneuertheles it goeth on chrough thornie and ſed⸗
gie places, theotigh waters and fenneg,untilliccome in daunger
of p woulle, oꝛ waſted by fome other milchiefe otterly periſheth. |
— ñ
— —
And although it be brought into bywayes and deſerts, and ig —
now thought to be loſt,notwithſtãding ichath his hope.ag much —
~ a3 nature hath put into tt, thatific might heave bis ſhepeheard,
it ould forthwith exceedingly reiopce being veliuered from all —
euell, Moꝛeouer neither voth the ſhepeheard therefore {ecke it,
that when he hath found tc, be map weathfullp fight with tt, op
handle it tli for that tt bath gone aſtray, or caſt it tothe woulfe to
be tonne in pieces, but all big care and thoughtis, thathe map —
mot gentielp allure ttto bimfelfe, and map deale with ie moſt
louinglp,ta wit lap it on bis ſhoulders and carte it, vntill he hath
bought it bute the rett of the flacke,
Chis ts that picture,refembled in chis creature € ſilly beatt,
wherebp Chri theweth onto vs, what affection of mynde be
beareth, and what he doth toward bs ‚and alla what we ought to
pꝛomiſe our felues concerning him. For leeing this is mantic:
Ip true ti nature, the fame is much moze true in the Kingdom of
Chrik , which ts che kingdom of grace, loue, and conlolation,
Therefore lee that thou alla do (et before chp felfe the ſheepe per⸗
tatning to this thepebeard then hale thou truly vnderſtand, bow
much greater and behementer care he hath taken to preferue it,
allo with how great ſtudy and diligence , pea and from the heart
he is carefull for it, that he map finde ic and boing it home againe.
Foꝛ be will haue hig marueloug and continual kindenes , and
the unfpeakeable flames of hts moft feruent loue to be fhewed,or
rather poured forth bpon miferable,fearefull and trembling con:
feiences , which vnkeynedly lament their finneg , and defire to be
delivered from them,and fuch are his true ſheepe.
The parable Foꝛ with a man that hath lot this ſhepeheard, and hearech
ofthe fhepe- him not, the caſe ſtandeth ag with the lot ſheepe, which being
heard & the eſtraunged from bis ſhepeheard, ſtrayeth more and moze from
— re him, And although tt be called bp the voices of others, and run:
Chil & the Neth vnto them, thinking that it thal kynde bis owne ſhepeheard,
Chriftia that pet failing of bis purpofe it finveth bimnot, but alwap runneth
is trayed out from corner to coyner,ffraping bp and Downe,and fil wandrech
ofthe way. farcher out of the wap, Meither itts fuccoured with anp com:
fort oꝛ belpe, before ic heare the botce of the true thepebeard
founding againe in big cares: euen as welearne the fame to be
ttue by daily erperience , and euerie man triech it in bis owne
| ae ch Isa bike
bs LOST SHEPE, 111
heart. For the Golpell of Chꝛiſt being taken away or not exer⸗
vifen, bere Come falle maitter, or author of Come fect, nan other
place fome fanaticall felowe thoutteth in himfeife , one peruer-
teth the Supper of the Lon, the other baptilme , oneteachech
this che other chat,of a fingular holines of life, both which allu:
reth to himfelfe the miferable and fraping theepe , and theweth
himlelfe fo , ag though be were be true Hhepebeard. But bp the
means of thefe the theepets entangled onely with greater er-
yours onetll tt wandzeth quite and altogither out ofthe wap. Ta
thefe commeth the veuillalfo with bis comitations , which be
‘craftelp putteth into che heart : Alas , if thou hadſt done this oz
that, oꝛ hadſt not Done, ec, with all which be practizeth nothing
ele, but that be map make it fall into greater errours, that it
map not know where to abpoe. And thts trulp fallech out, Chrift
‚being remoued out of faht,and the article of him being ertingui-
Med, Tihatfocuermozeouer ſhalbe taught, counleled,¢ Hewend,
‘bp what meanes foeuer , all thingesneuertheles become worfe
and dꝛaw nere bnto deftruction , vnles the true hepebeard come
—* bis boice, and call backe and bring againe the ſtraying
‚Abereupon it appeareth that it ts exceeding neceſſarie & con: Ir is very ne⸗
‚uenient , thatwelearne to know Chꝛiſt well, that we do not be: ceffarie to
hold him ag a cruelleppanne op ag an angrie iudge Cas the prea: learne to
hers hitherto haue let him korth cathe people, and thedeuel him: Cae
felfe heweth him tothe hearts of mẽ no ocherwile to be thought ">
vpon and cõſidered) who hath dꝛawne his fivord already again
‘bs: But asthe theepe doth naturally looke on the thepebeard,
not a3 on him, of whom it hall be terrified, chafed,and flaine sbut
‘fo foone ag it beholdeth him, is cheered and put in hope ofhelpe,
Eis no moze in feare op folicarines, but foꝛthwith ſpeedely goeth
to him with allbolones: So alfo when we delire to concepue a
‘ttuft and hope of beipe, and to be ftrengthenedand eafen with
comfort, then the votceof our thepeheard, that is of Chait, mus
be knowne and learned well of vg , all voices of other ſhepe⸗
beards not regarded, which Draw vs only into errourg, and tolle
vs bp anddowne, and that onely article mutt be beard and com:
prehended inminde , which Crit foloutnalp and comfortably
painteth in our heart, as by anpmeanes it can be painted, that J
“map with all confivence and bolones lapsChe Loyd Jeſus Chriſt
ig mp onelp ſhepeheard, and I] (alas) the lott ſhepe, which hath
ſtrayed in the defert, but am troubled with no fmall anguith of
mpnde for my wretched life,velpring with moft feruent affectio,
both to hatte God fauourable vnto me,¢ allo to haue peace in my
confeience. Gut truely Jvnderſtand here, that heig no leſſe ves
firous of me, then J am of him, F labour with great carefullnes
to come vnto him, and be ts carefull and deſyrech greatly that he
map bring me acaine unto bimlelfe,
Sif we were certainly thus perfwaded of his affection towarde
vs, and did Krane in our minde that tt fo greatly delirech after vg,
andis ſo ſweetely poured forth vpon vs, tt cannot be, that we
fhould abhorre and feare him, but we would with a cheerefull
minde runne onto him, and tarp onlp with him, abpding to beare
No peace or
quietnes but
in Chrift a-
the doctrine 02 Voice of no other, For the doctrine of an other cos
ming betweene, either of Moſes or of any one what foeuer , doth
nothing els but trouble and difquiec the confcience, fo that it can
neuer fpnde any peace op quietnes. Cherefore Chꝛiſt fapch
Matth,rı. Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and laden,and
I will eafe you. Take my yoke on you, and ye shall fyndeireft
vnto yourfoules, &c. As though he ſaide: runne and ſeeke in
what places focuer pe will , beare and learne what focuer canbe
preached vnto pou, pet thall pe fpnde no quietnes of heart, pe
fhall fynde no peace but tn me alone, Cie wil eaſily permit good
workes to be preached , arighteous life to be caught, che ten cõ⸗
maundements to be delivered bp inffruction, andall things els
which ferue to the amendement of fife , but fo farre onely, as they
are caught to the vnrulely and intractable commonfort, alloto
force and bordle the wantonnes of our old Adam. But thep which
preach to the confcience wrapped in anguithes and terrourg bes
caule of ſynne, ought to preach no other word then of Chꝛiſt.
For thigis that loft and milerable ſhepe, of whom no other mate
ffer tg to be boone or had, but that onelp hepebeard Chꝛiſt, who
neither vrgeth it wich the lawe , nor is eger vpon it, but mok
(weetelp and rently bandleth it,and layeth the miferable and fins
full ſheepe bpon his fhoulverg , voing that of his owne acco2d,
which was tobe pone of the theepe, ag we ſhall heare byandby
more at large. |
But lurely inthis place the doctrine of both (as ts before alfa
fapde at large) 02 the voice of Poles and of Chai, mutt "
well Difcerned. For Moſes ought to haue no entrauncetotheloff Thedifferéce
fheepe , no no2 bp anp meanes is to be admitted to it, although betwene the
he preach bett of allother. For if confounding theſe, we will ee *
comfozt and erect the troubled conſcience by the lawe after this coin mun
fore:beofa good cheere „for thou haſt not committed homicide, be chroughly
neither haft chou vefilen thy ſelle with adulterte, netther batt knowne of
thou perpetrated any other haynous offence, or done it with a Chriftians.
good will,ec. Chis alfois a comłoꝛt, but which can endure a ve:
riefinall cime , neither can it ſuſtaine che affaults and biolence of
the enemie , neither baingerh ie 02 containech anp thing els but
confivence of it {elfe, wherewith the milerable theepe is holpen
nothing, For tt remapnech ag much wandzing and loft ag before,
neither can ichelpe it {eife,o2 come to his owne ſhepeheard. But
ifwe will belpe ¢ ſuccour tt, we muſt thew vnto it the true hepe:
heard, who commeth to fecke it , that hauing found it be map
bring it home againe, and exhibit bis botce vnto it to be heard,
Hereby it map obtaine true andeffectuall confolation, and be
bold to aunfwere Moleg ‚and fap: Row truclp J baue not anp
care either ofthy comfort oꝛ terrour, and if it pleafe thee, ampli:
fie mp ſynnes as much ag poffiblp thou can®, make me a man«
flaper and parricide,o2 the worft man of all men. Foꝛ now J will
neither beare thee with an aftonted minde, no? follow thee, But
this is the (umme of mp comfort and faluation,whereunto alfo I
do confiventlp truft, that Jhaue {uch a ſhepeheard ag ſeeketh me
of his oiwne accoꝛd, and hauing layd me on big fhoulvers ca<
rieth me. Let vs enter difputationbercof ifthou art ſo diſpoſed,
not how righteous or burighteoug Jam, but how Ahauecome at
Wberefore we mutt alwayes preach according to the capas
ritie and qualitie of the beavers, For J haue {apd that this doc»
trineis not fit for a blockifh and untractable man. Ag it ig not
meete p alaborious thꝛeſher ſhould be fed with velicateg, where-
with the ficke are to be ſtrengthened and refrethed, but che hyze⸗
ling is to be fed with bꝛoune bꝛead and chele, € with water, Che
other daintp meates and ealp of digeſtion thou mu referue for
theficke 02 chiidyen,, which are able to vigeft no groffe meat:So !
inthis thing allo thou mutt obferue the fame differéce , that thou en
Dorightly diftribute thefethings; and gine vnto euerie one big uf be prea
portid ag a pꝛudẽt houleholoer, Forthou mutt er the doctrine ched,
Ee x 9)
of Poles and of the Lawe,vntill chou light vpon vnruly, hardes
ned, and bntractable men, which lead their life fecurelp and with:
out feare , {et before thele onelp trong and common meates of
theethers to be eaten,that is,offer angrie Doles vnto them tobe
beard, who lighteneth and thundzeth from che mount Stna,who
terrifiech the people of Iſrael,bꝛingeth them into the deſert, and
How weake dꝛowneth king Pharao tn the red lea, But when thou halt light
ash nn vpon troubled heartg,and weake and afflicted conferences, which
muftbe prea Abe now became lott theepe , then ſpeake not a word concerning
ched vnto. ales and all the workes of God done in the lawe, but Tec thy
talke be only of the workes Done bp Chꝛiſt nthe time of grace,
well and diligentlp repeate to the miſerable confcience , bow be
ſheweth bimflelfe toward the lot fhepe,to wit, chat he ts the gẽtle
€ good fhepebeard, which is ercecding careful for the lof (hepe,
fo that leauing all the reſt, be tvaueleth to fpnde that one, and to
bring tt agatne into the wap, neither voth be leaue of till be hath
brought tc home. Foꝛ itis a berte great griefe vnto him,that anp
man thould be in ſynne, and therefore be troubled and feare, nets
ther mould be that any ſhould vematne therein, and fo perilh,
Üherefore be doth mot loutnglp allure ¢ prouoke thee bp bis
fweete Golpell to came vnto him, ¢ fuffer thp felfe to be layd bps:
big ſhoulders and catied, and to be callen his welbeloued ſheepe.
As for chem that line fecurelp and pleafauntlp , ¢ haue no re:
gard whether God be angtie or pleafed,thep are noe to be called
loft ſheepe but rather wilde goats , which ſuffer not themſelues
The loft either to be fen op ruled, But he, to whombis ſynnes area burs |
fheepe. nen, who lighteth inthe fight of faith, where he isnot in daũger
to lofe Moſes, but Chꝛiſt hunfelfe,and che principall article, chat’:
ig, where the confcience is in anguiſh, and feare, whether icharh
God yenile and fauourable, this ts that nerie man, who wich ı
groning and fiches feekech out ann crieth for bis hepebeard ; €
befireth to be holpẽ, as Dauid doth JPlal, x 1 9.Ihaue gone aftray |
like a sheepe that is loft:oh feekethy ſeruaunt, &c.n the mouth!
ofthelc this fuger + thele pleafaunt velicates baue a good taſt,
with which the heart is refrethen,that it fall not into defperation, :
but being againerecreated with lucha confolation, is lifted vp/
not bp Moles bur by Chri. Mot thar tt bach Moſes a freind o7 ts
able to pacifte him, bur becaufe it hath Gov fauourabte through
Chzilt, wherefocuet Moſes remapneth with his mene oe |
though it be bery well, as alfo it ig meete, that we vo not cötrarp
to che lawe practise theuerie, that we fteale not,that we commit
not homicide, oꝛ otherwile do inturie and hurt to our neighbour.
Howbeit that is not the right comfort of the heart , but onelp a No true com
momentane tickling ofthe btmoft fkinne,notduring € pearling. BE, of er
Foꝛ the deuell comming ¢ ferting vpon the heart, all comfort is hal by 6
btterlp taken away, And although in fome point thou haft done jawe.
well and rightly „he neuertheles againe boingeth ten fold more,
wherein thou batt done amifle,pea euen inthe moft pure workes
be can finde much impuritie,and turne all into finne,
Ciberefore we muſt inno wile truſt vnto ſuch comfort, but We muſt not
muff rather refule it and fap: whether J be good or euell at this truſt to the
prefent J do nordifpute,but wil reſerue it rather vnto that place, wert of A
where it (halberaugbt and entreated con cerning workes. But in cc. und
this circle wherein I now fand, there isnoplace toentreat of jeaue fat
workes and integrity of life, bucof Chri and his wornes,which voro Chrik.
he dooth toward me aloft fheepe. Ciberefore if thou demaund
whether J be good or honeſt, Jaunſwere plainly, no, but ifthou
demaund whecher Chri be good and righteous, that vndouted⸗
Ip J am able to confirme,and him F fet for mp goodnes and righ:
teouſnes, vnto whom allo alone J couragiouflp appeale. For in
‘bis name J am baptised of which ching I) baue aleale and teffi«
monie, to wit, that J am his thepe , ¢ that be is that good ſhepe⸗
beard, ſeeking his lott hepe,t vealing with me without all lawe,
eracting nothing ofme,neither as Poles breech, troubleth, and
fozceth me , but ſheweth onto me his meere € moft ſweete grace,
wbile be fubmitteth bimfelfe to me,$ lapeth me on bis fhoulverg,
and carieth me. TUbp therefore ſhould F fearethe thundzings of
Poles and of the deuell, whẽ as J ret in hts fate cultody, which
hath giuen onto nic his righteoulnes aud all other things, which
holdech and carieth me,fo that there is now no moze daunger lett
TI perifh, Tremaining a heepe and denping not mp (hepebeard,
but repofing my felfe wholp in him ?
Thus hak thou Chri molt louinglp (et forth,onto thee, om
onelp faith is required, mhereofthereig great neede, For this
Doctrine is excellent, ¢ replenithen with molt fweete confolarion A hard thing
and comfort, but this is wanting, that the ble thereof is not felt, une ur
where ft ought tobe felt. For when the ſhepe goeth aftrap , that confcience.
fg, when a man feclech bimfelfe grieued with his Sytem can
How a Chri-
ftian muft
fpcake vnto
his owne
not tell where to abyde, and ig catt of che deuell into a great feare
of minvde,then be alwapes runneth onto the contrarp neither can
he comprehend o2 concepue tnininde,that this is true, all things
falling out of bis minde, which be heard here, becaufe of the pres
fent feeling and feare. Foꝛ the deuell hath vafeled his epes, net:
ther canbe percetue any thing els but the wrath and indignation
of God, Mherewith bis heart is ſo burdened, thathe is not able
to raiſe vp bimielfe in minde, and to turne bis epes any other "
where. Rap he lpeth fo drowned in tt, that Chpiff appeareth no
otherwife bnto him butag an angrie tudge, as be bath hitherto
beene painted out, and is ſo beaten into the hearts ofall bp the
wicked Papiſts, ficting on the tapne bowe , with a ſwoꝛd com:
ming curof bis mouth. Forthis is one of che moſt deciecfull
crafts of che veuell, pea and of his mifchietes which be practt:
seth againſt che miferable ſhepe, todafle bis epes, that be map
not know anp moze his owne ſhepeheard, ¢ondera pretence of
Chril co leave aman to Moles,vifputing as much of Chiff, ag
be had accuftomed todo before of Doles . Wiherefore we haue
neede of a ftrong ¢ firme faith, that we map beteeue thefe things
to be true, whena man himfelfe mutt diſpute euen again him:
Aelfe. For ‘the fenfe is vehemẽt of it (elfe, whereunto the deuil alfo
commeth marueloullp amplifying ſynne & terrour, the greatnes
and angutth whereofis able co conſume euen the marrow in the
bones, pea and the heart in the bodp, Ft can not therefore be per-
fectip learned fo foone ag fome thinke, In profperitie tt ts eafilie
beleeued that Chritt ts ſweete and amiable but angurſh and ters
rout comming upon + ouer whelming the minde, man is blinde —
and without good pnderftanding, and will iudge onlp according
tothe ſenſe and vnderſtanding of bis owne heart , which he fol-
loweth „and confirmerh bimlelfe in bis owne errour. For bets
taken therein, and can thinke no otberwiie, but that tt ig true,
and nevertheles itis not true,
jNow it were a point of this art,for a man thus to fap bnto big
heart, iftbou confes thp felfe co be a lott theepe,thou ſayeſt right:
but that chou wile therefore runne from Chriff „and fo thinke of
bimin thy minde, as though be were a man, which would chafe |
and terrifie thee, it ig a ſuggeſtion and tentatton of the deuel. For
if chou didſt rightly confivee him; and confeg him as thp true
~ fhepebeard „then wouldeſt chou not flie from bis fight, —
il LOST SHEPE, ile)
wouldelt conceiue terrourinthp minde , but with all cheerefuls
| neg and bolones wouldeſt runne vnto him. Foꝛ furelp he ig not
therefore ready at hand that he map condemne thee , but he come
| meth tothee ,(ecking thee „that hauing layde thee on his fhouls
ders , be map carie thee „and erempt ¢ deliuer thee from finnes,
- grrourg, the veuill and bis power,pea and from all perill, Thou
perceiueſt therefore that thou arta {inner , and haſt deferued ins
- Dignaciö,lo much more earneftly ig that hepebeard to be Loughe
- and called for of thee, that be map deliuer thee fromit:of whom
confider no otherwiſe inthp minde, then the thepe doth of bis
owne fhepeheard, whome it cannot feare, but feing and bearing
him becommech glad and cheereful although ic bath runne from
him, fo that for this deede it bath a fuffictent caufeco feare, Che
whole matter therefore conſiſteth onelp in this, that thou do per-
fectly learne Chk aright, € cofider.bim accopding to the woꝛd we mug cö-
of God, and not according to the proper comitatios of thy minde, fider Chrift
and thine owne ſenſes. Forthe cogitattons of men are falle and according to
Iping, buthig wozdes are true and cari not deceiue. Therefore !he u, of
the worde alone is to beengrauen in our heart, and we mutt “°°
cleaue vnto it with aconftant mpnde, wherebp we map reproue -
sur owne heart of Iping. For it alone muff be true, and all
things els chat are contrarie to it, falle and vaine. But trulp chis
ig an arte, whereof F am ignoꝛaunt, but much moze thofe other
liebt fpirites, who boaſte manp thinges of it, ag they that knom
all things, when as thep haue euen once heard anp ching thereof,
and neuertheleg thepdo nota litle perceiue op trie fo much ag
any whit ofit, Foꝛ itis an eaſie thing to ſpeake and preach of it,
but how harda thing itis to proue itin deede, they onelp haue
experience, who earneſtly make triall thereof. -
- This is amok amiablevemonfration of our Chꝛiſt, deſcri⸗
bed bp himfelfe in this Golpell, wherein be hath mo aboun⸗
dantly poured forth the flames of his moft feruent heart , and af:
fection toward bs, fhewing that be hath exceeding great care and
regard to recoucr bis hepe, which alone leauing ninety and nine
be feeketh and enquireth diligently for,ust to terrifie it and beate
it, but chathe map belpe it, andhauing found it , map being tt
home , and with his louing and fweete voice and {peaking vnto
it map chere it being miferable and afflicted in confcience. By
ali which thou feet, bow acceptable a thing mee thalt vo vnto
“—.'° A
If we beleue
afluredly in
Chrift tefus,
we need not
feare the de-
uell, rage he
eerie fore.
him , tf thou trutte and cleave onto him with thy whole heart,
and promite to thy felfe front him all goodnes and loue,
“Secondly thou plainly feet this allo, how by all maner of
putiward fiqnes a meanes he poureth forth bis top and vnſpeake⸗
able goodnes, and alfo hauing found his theepe how louing be
ſheweth himfelfe , For lurelp he vealerh nor with tt bp anp law,
as by bis right he might deale,and driue it before him ag he doth
the reft, 02 {uffer it to go bp him. Dowbeit he doth none ofthefe,
but lapeth it vpon his ſhoulders, and all the tournp carieth tt
throunh che deſert, taking all the labour and trouble bpon him:
Teife,that at the lett wile the heepe may ref, Neither doth he tt
grudginly but willingly, for bets full of iop for bis theepe re-
couered, Row marke this alfo,bow wel it goeth with the hepe,
with how great quietnes and eale it Ipeth on bis thepebearde
ſhoulders, neither doth it vnwillingly (ee it felfe refting fo ſweet⸗
ip being deliuered from the difficulty of the iourney, as alfo boyd
of all feare both of dogs anv woulues, that ts, of all errours and
lyes, pea and of all perils and mifchiefes. And this furelp defers
ueth to be called a very pleafaunt picture,erceeding amiable ane
comfortable to be looked upon.
No otherwife doch our Lord Jeſus Chri oeale with u,
whiles be veliuerech bs, which he hath once done coppozallp bp
his pallion and death, but now noth eftfoones the fame by big
power, and(piritually by che preaching of his word. CAheres
fore he Tapech vs upon bis ſhoulders, carieth, and vefenderh vs,
fo that we are fafe from all perils of death andthe deuell, which
albett thep tervifie bs, and thew themfeluesfo, ag though thep |
would denour bs , pet preuatle thep nothing. For whereas we
are carted, itis a fafegard vnto vs, and the fame erempteth bs
fromall daungers, and putteth awapeall feare, As che thepe
{ping vpon the thepebeards thoulders ts litle careful, chough che
dogs barke much , and the-woulfe craftily goeth bp and vowne, —
but rather hanging downe the bead ig quiet and fleeperh founds —
Tp.oo we allo,ifiwe and and abpoe vnmoueably in chis article,
I beleeuein Jelus Chik our Loyd, who ſuffted, vied, vofe
againe for bs, ec. there is no caufe why we ſhould be carefull let
Wwe periſh, 02 be deuouredofche veuell, chough be open his iaws
neuer fo wide. Forweare not chen in our own wape, neither —
walke we bpon our owne feete , but we hange bpon the neckeof
J or — ee a | 27 0. 40m Zn Er —
our (hepeheard , and lye vpon his thoulvers, where we are fate
enough. For finne, death,and hell,although tn deede thep be ters
rible, pet dare thep not {et upon him, orherwife if it were not for
| this, we thould be milerable ſhepe, which ſhould forthwith be
brought into a lamẽtable and wꝛetched cale. For euen asa thepe
can not take beede and forefee to it felfe, that it trap not out of
the wap, vnles it be len of the ſhepeheard, x when it hath ſtrayed
and is loff, can not bp it felfe come againe to the thepebeard , but
mutt be fought and enquired for of him, vntill he hath found tr,
and fo mutt be lapd vpõ his fhoulverg and brought home againe,
leſt that it be agatne fraped and chaſed from him, o2 catche of the
| woulfe and rent in pieces: So we alfo our {elues can profite our
| felues neither bp helpe, noꝛ counfel,that we might obtaine peace
| aud quietnes of confcience „and efcape out of the bands of the de:
well, death, and bell, except Chriffhimfelfe repeat bis word on»
to vs, and call bs againe vnto him. Ano although we come vnto
him, and now ſtand in faith, yet is it not inour powꝛe to keepe
our felues therein, 02 to and bp our owne frenach , onles be
eftioones by the power of bis CMoꝛrd/ bold, lift bp , and carie bs,
fozthat the deuell alwayes imagineth and purpofech decett and
Deflruction toward hs, and goech about Itke a roping Ipon, fees
king whom be map deuour, as S, Peter witneſſeth. Aherekore
here is no place to boaſt of free will, 02 of our owne frength,
which ig none, neither inbeginning any thing, neither in going
forward therein, much leſſe in perfeucring o2 continuing in it,
but Chꝛiſt our (hepeheard alone doth all things.
. 3howbeitwe are {ure hereof, that whties welpe bponthe
fhoulders of Chri, we thallremapne fafe from all terrour and
miffortune. Foꝛ he will not {uffer vs to be plucked or taken from
his necke, neither will he himfelfe caſt vs of, being fo glad and
topfull, chat be bath found bis lot hepe , and brought it againe
tothe reft of the flocke, Anvinafunine, bere ig no terrour , 02
trouble, or eraction , but mere life and grace , whereby be hand:
lech his ſhepe mot louingly and gently, Gut onthe contrarie
‚ Boles ‚nor as a thepeboard of miferable and weake hecpe ; but
as a maiſter of frougercattell , iueth bis beards wich a ſtaffe
and a rod thee dayes iourney through the deſert, vntill they be
tyꝛed and wearie with walking : of this ſhepeheard thofe harde⸗
Dened and wilde ones are to be tamed and a ‚ And we alfo,
— BR“
when we halbe under Woles , to wit, according tothe fle and —
the outward life , mutt goesAnd do that which the law requireth, —
Gut in that weare, and are called Chriffiang, wemuit bp na
meanes (uffer , that anp woke be layed bponbs , pea or exacted
ofvs, burmuf giue our {clues onelp to Chꝛiſt to be caried and
gentlely lifted bp , not bpon hoꝛſes and charrets, but eucn bpon
wheChrit bis onelp thoulders. Mhich commeth to pafle , as J bane fapd;
carieth vs v- when be ſuftreth the ward ta be preached vnto vs, and we alfa
po his thoul- peleeue the fame ‚that he vied fag vs, that onthe crofle be bare
ger, our finnes in bis boop, that be bath ouerthgowne the deuell,
death, and fpnneg , and putthem vnder bis feete , and bath mane
and opened buta bs entraunce toeternall life, Tiberefore we
muff not haue refpect to our owne life, bow righteous and rong
we are, but we muff ftudie vpon bis one thing , that we may reſt
Iping bpon his fhoulverg. In this circle we mu haue no care
of ſynne, death ‚life , 02 penfiueneg , inaſmuch ag we baue all
things tothe full in eChrift, who beareth and keepech be.
Now he ig not content with all chefe things , both that with
fuch great trauell be ſeeketh bis thepe, and alfo that hauing
Exceeding foundit,be carteth it with incredible top, but it being brought a⸗
ioy becaufe gaine, be maketh feſtiual dayes, ¢ exceedingly reioyceth, calling
of the theepe togicher his neighbourg and friendes that thep map reiopce
He “er with him, Dea he affirmech , that Go» alfo in heauen with the
Feidaraine. Whole heauenly hoff do reiopce ouer one (pnner that repenteth,
I Tn which wordes he ſheweth and declareth, who he is, which dee
feruerh to be called his lott thepe,namelp {uch afpnner, as being
fed bp repentaunce of bis former life, voch amend , moſt ferucnts
lp deſyring tobe deliucred from (pnnes , and earneſtly endeuou⸗
ring to come vnto Crit: {uch aone hath a miferable and trou:
bled, pea and acontrtte and humbled heart , and an afflicted cons
fcience, which the deuell bp all meanes fighteth again, and ſo
prefleth ic , that te ts almott ouercome with diftrefles ,rc . But
Chri alliltech and comforterh him, for be tg fuch a man, ag {ees
kech no thepe but that which ig loft, and cannot helpe tt felfe,
Daw map Chat be preached with greater gentlenes , and
more effectuall confolatié-of words? o2 what thinker thou fhould
he do more to cheerethe mind of a inner, and to confirme in him
afure confivence toward himlelfe ? Foꝛ we fee him fet forth bp
himlelle co bg miſerable ſynners ag a moſt louing nnn
Par ee ee ME ee I ee 0 tn Po N
who moft lozrowlully ſeeketh his theepe being loſt. and mot top:
fully bꝛingeth them againe being found, and taketh fo great top,
that with bimallthe Angells allo and Sainctes doe veiopce o-
uer bs,
Now be that could firmelyp beleeue thefe thinges,ſhould with:
out Dout through Chꝛiſt receiue true comfort and top, foꝛaſmuch
as here be bath a certaine pꝛomiſe, thatif befurelp cleaue onto
Chꝛiſt, and ref bpon his ſhoulders, he thall be an acceptable and
welcome gueſt inthe kingdom of beauen, and thall be recepued
with erceeding great tope. But we being troubled with forrowe
and anguith of canfcience , haue a farre other feeling and affecti-
on, when as the hart can thinke nothing elfe, but that all che An-
gells dog and behind bs with adgawne word, which feare fo
troubleth vs, that we can concetue no cheerefulnes in our minde,
neither of God, nor of the Angelis, Andthere are fome allo,
which can behold no creature with a glad minde , fearing the be-
holding of the funne , pea being fore afraid atthe nople of a leafe.
Alt which proceeve from hence, for that thep trouble and vere
them felues wich their owne thoughtes, out of which thep would
willingly waffle, (paring no labour , thatshep might feele that
bprightnes and integritie in chem, th ich would be abathen with
no feare, Bucif chou be deſirous to concetue true comfort and
ioye inthy hart, then fee that thou doe diligently and well print
and fatten therein this amiable image of the moſt louing ſhepe⸗
Heard,and the word. of the Gofpell,and feske it, where it is tobe
fougbethat ig, in Chait and no where elle + for inchis manthou In Chriſt
ſhalt find all chinges,fo that thou abide in bis fate cuſtodie and Be — Le =
Hpon bis poulvers.Bucwhatloenercomfozt canbe ob=° when kim
tained without him, it commeth not from the hart, ———
although thou callta belpe thee all the crea« - ~ no true ioy
tures,and ſhouldeſt atfo be partaker of at all.
the plealure and top ‘of the —
woꝛlde. 5
N re sl
Matth, 15.
Ver[e.21. SRO GANG lefts wentthence,and depar-
DAN, ted into the partes of Tyrus and
\ & Sidon,
ae Andbehold,awomä a Cananite
came out of the fame coaftes ‚and cryed, fay-
- ing vnto him,Haue mercy on me,O Lord; the
fonne of Dauid: my daughter is miferably ve:
xed witha Dewi a sie;
23... Butheaunfwered her nota word. Then came
to him his Difciples & befought him, faying:
Send her away,for fhe cryeth after vs. |
24. Butheaunfweredandfayd: Iamnotfentbut
vnto the loftfheepe of the houfe of Ifraell.
25. , Yet fhe came & worfhipped him, faying,Lotd
helpeme. ann — |
26, Andheaunfwered & faid,itis not goodto take
the childrens bread,and to caftitto whelps.
27. But fhe fayd,truth Lord: yetin deed the welps
eate of the crommes , which fall from their
maifters table.
28. Thenlefus aunfwered and fayde vnto her, O
© woman,great is thy faith: be it to thee as thou
defireft.And her daughter was made whole at
that houre. |
eee ee oR pe, eae TRAG
Pe en ee ge -*
S38 IQ this tertis fet forth onto vs an erample of a
AS] conttant and ftevfatt faith. For this woman din fo
ARK perleucr,that the ouercame thee mot yarpe con:
Sap flicts,and notably teacheth bs, what ts the qualitie
SAG KS and proper bertue of atrue ¢ right faith. Cibich Faith what ie
An deede ts a certainetruft,and moſt deepelp fetledin the mind,of '-
the Diuine goodnes and grace, knowne and made manifer bp the
wode of God. For Marke menttonech that the heard che report
of Telus, without dout good and topfull, thathe is a bountiful
man,and maruelousreadp to helpe euerp one. That report was
good tidings ¢ the worde of grace vnto ber, whereupon allo this
ber faith did begin, For vnles the had beleued that healfo might
be mave partaker of Chriftes bountifulnes and goodnes , thee
would not haue fo followed him, oꝛ cried after him, Uhich is that
wherof we haue often anmenifhed,F which we are taught Rom, Faich com-
10,that faith tg bp hearing. Aherefore the word ought almapeg meth by
to noe before,aud wine the beginning of faluation. But how came hearing.
it to pafle, whereas many other alfo heard the fame report of our
Sauiour Jeſus,yet thep followed him not, peathep quite delpt-
{ed that reportẽ J aunfwere, Thep that are not ficke,as thep baue
noneede of the Phiſitian,ſo neither are they defirous of him, But
this woman was afflicted and felt her neceſſitie, peathat report -
was fo iopfull puto her,that the being firred vp thereby, did fol-
low Chꝛiſt,running after {uch a pleafant fauour.Cant.1,.di ber: We muſt —
fore oles mut alway goe before, who may teach vs to feele un by the
Ainne, whereby grace map be withen for and deſired of vs. It is in Won.
baine therefore, although Chriftbe preached co be lowing, and to \edoc & fec-
be delired and longed fo2,tf a man be not before humbled though ling of inne,
knowledge of him felfe,and manedefiroug of Chꝛiſt, according before weca
to the fonge of Marie: The Lorde hath filled the hungrie with * —* 8
good thinges,and the rich he hath ſent emptie away. Nowe all ut
thele thinges are mitten for the confolation ¢ lifting bp of them
which be miferable,ponre, needie,oppreffed with finnes, and ab-
tects, that they map knowe to whom thep map flie in all diſtres,
and where thep map fecke for helpe and fafetic.
Beaut lee home Chr vrgeth anv inflamech faith in chem that
be his, whereby they map become ſtronger and moze confirmed,
For fir, whereas hig woman being encouraged with that al-
luring fame ofhig,gocch after him, and cryeth for belpedouting
323 ;
— =" 14 PETE
nothing but the thouto trie him to be [uch aone, ag the had heard
bimrepoarted to be, and that the ſhould forchwich entreat him for
the recouerie of ber daughter: Chritt in all refpects ſheweth him
felfeunto ber fo 5 as though he would deceiue all her tru, and
make his report falle, fo char (he might thinke with ber felfe: Is
this that man whichis fo bountiful and readie to helpe all? Doth -
he fo (uläliche moſt commendable report which goeth of him?
Chere doth there appeare fo much as any thing like onto thofe
thinges, which men haue told me of him? Chey were deceiued
them ſelues and deceiued me alfo, De heweth him felfe an ene:
mie tather then a friende. TUhy doth he not fo much as (peake a
word, and friendly dente me belpe,if I be vnworthy thereof? be
holdeth bis peace like vnto a blocke, Evouchlafeth not to fpeake
a word,neicher offererh his help. Here furelp Chrikk gaue a gries
uous blow to the minve ofthefilip woman, So itig an incompas
rable torment to them that beleeue, being indiffres, when Gov
ſheweth him felfe fuch a one at cheir prayers, like vnto one that
ig angrie,and whom they pray vnto in vayne, hiding fodeepelp
bis grace , that hep now percetue nothing els, butchat he will
not performe thofe thinges which be bach promiſed, and that fo
be will thew his owne wordes to be falle, Chat truely hapnen to
the Iſraelites atthe rev lea, and to manp other ercellent holy
The conftä- men. But what doch this woman to theſe things ? She remoueth
cieofthis out of her fight € mind, that Chrift themed him felfe fo bugentle
comater amp hard tobe intreated , the being conttant and nothing moued
hereat, perleuereth in the truft of bis goodnes, whereof the ban
Heard, and which he had conceiued in ber minde, fuffering ber
We muft not felfe in no wife ta be turned from it.So alla mutt we do, we mut
ceaſſe totruſt trutt vnto the word alone, although God him felfe anv all creas
u zur tures pretende orherwile then the worde preacheth . Gut this ts
ee. thpife mott hard to nature ¢ reafon,to be fo vtterly detticute, and
che firft not to Depend onthe word of Gov without any feeling of comfort, e-
ro heare our tren when a man feeleth and trieth all things to be contrary. God
prayers,nor giue onto bs (uch a mind and fatth,that we map fo doe, eſpecially
co fultllhis a+ ehe point of death and in extreme neceflities.
pare. Secondly, whereas the crp and faith of this woman feemeth
to haue fuffered repulfe, the vifcipies come with their faith, dou⸗
ting not but that thep thal entreat the Loꝛd, but when they chinke
that they hall make him moze ealie to be entreated, thep find him
| tobe much moꝛe harde, repelling as it appeared, and as thep
| thougbt,the faith and prayers boch of the woman ¢ allo of them
felucs. either doth Chrüft here hold his peace, and leaue them
in doubte, as before, but he ſeemeth plainelp to deny that which
they afke , fayıng: Jam not fent burto the loft sheepe of the
thoufe of Ifrael. This ſtroke is much more grieuous chen that for:
‘mer, where not onely the perfon of che intreater is repelled, but
alhope alfo which is wont to be left,ig cut of namelp the comfort
| ofthe interceflion of all the other Saintes and elect. For tt ts al:
| moft che laff refuge to them that fuffer diftres and feele the indi-
gnation of Gov,to get chem (clues to govly € holy men, ſeeking
for comfogt and hilpe,whereunto,ag charitie requireth they find
them ready and willing, but euen thep alfo fome time doe tn vaine
_ afke belpe and ‘uccour,foz neither are thep heard, and fo the cale
_ of chem that be in orftres becommeth worfe and more lamenta-
ble. Soche afflicted and delolate map truely obiect vnto Chik
allthoſe woꝛdes, wherein be bath promifen that he will heare bis
Sainctes,as: lfrwo of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing Mazth. 18.19
_ whatfoeuer they shall defire, itshall be giuenthem of my Fa-
_ therwhichis in heauen. Againe, Vhatfoeuer ye shall aske,be- Marke 11.24
leeue, and ye shall receiue ir. And many fuch like. But if eo him
that obtecteth chele thinges , and afketh him howe be can goe
from bis wordes and promifes , be aunfwere thus: J goe not
front my promifes , Thaue not promifen that J will heare all
prapers,but the prayers efthem that be myne, which arc of the
boule of I (ractl not of all whatſoeuer. That thinkett thou map
the hare then thinke hauing taken uch arepulle ? Such anaun-
- fwere ig ag it were a flath of lightning , wherewith the bart and
| all truſt is ſeuered and bꝛoken in thoufand peeces , For what
ctrult can there be left, when be heareth that that doth not percaine
vnto him, which becaufe of the word of Gov he truſted to haue ob:
tapned, but vnto others. Dere not ſo much ag a worde can be left,
ifone doe accopding ag he feeleth , But whatvorh chig woman?
She doth not fo fall from hope, the ill ſticketh to the waynes The great |
+ Which (he bad heard of Chꝛilt, albeit he went about by this ether haat 5
repulle ag with a certaine foꝛce to wꝛeſt chem out of her hart, Qe vomen of
- fuffereth not her {elf to be fraied away neither tb that vngentle f Canaan.
lence, neither with chis hard aunſwere, thee continueth ſtedfaſtly
in a lure confivence , belceuing that onder chig difficuitie which
Chrik did pretend, that grace was ag pet hidden and Tapd bp for
her, which the had beard reported of him, thee cannot be bꝛought
ag pet to iudge Chik not to be bountiful and gracioug, and that
be can denp the helpe which thee delireth. Chis was to perleuer
ſtrongly in kaith.
Mozeouer the kolloweth Jelus euen into the houfe, as Marke,
writeth,the ig infant bpon him, fallech vowne before him , and
fayth : Lord helpe me, Were the Loꝛde giuech a deadly ehe lat
blow faping vnto ber face,that the is adogge, and batwopthp to be
partaker of thebgeadofthe chiloren. Mhat map the aunfiwere
hereunto? For he ſeemed to ſigniſie in theſe woꝛdes that fhe is of
the number of the damned and delperat , which canlooke for no
part with the elect. Chis word ſeemeth eternall and chat cannot
be gainefapd: For he which doth nor pertaine to the companie of
the elect by the oxdinaunce of Gov, what map be hope to be leſt
for him? This moman ts not per oifcouraged and pak hope, but
peloeth to this tudgement of the Lord,the confelleth of ber owne
accoꝛde, that ſhe is a dogge, neither vefirech the anp thing but
that which ig wont to be giuen to dogges, namely the crummes
which fall from cheir matters table, Seemeth the not co haue be
fed maruclous cunning ? Sbe taketh Chrift in bis owne wordes.
De had made her like vnto a dogge, theacknowlengeth it, and
deſireth that be will onelp fuffer herto bea dogge according to
bis owne (aping : what Mould he here do? how ſhould be elcape?
he was now as it were euentaken, For the crummes bnder the
table are graunted tothe dogge, foꝛ vnto dogges thep are fapd to
The frute of be Due. Were therefore Chriff being ag it were ouercome, Doth o»
conftant per pen him ſelfe wholp,and graunteth che delires of the woman,and
feucrance & maketh that the is not now a dogge, but a true Iſraelite.
ruft in
Thele things are wꝛitten fo che inſtruction and comfort of all
vs, whereby we ought tolearne, howe decpelpfometime Chek |
hideth his grace from vs, and bow we muff not iudge of God ac⸗
cording to our owne fenfe and opinion, but onelp according tobis |
wordes, For we (ee here, that albeit Chꝛiſt chewed himfelfeverp |
hard to this woman,pet he did not plainelp deny to belpeberjbut |
whatfoeuer be aunfwered , howfocuer it ſeemed to pꝛetend a de⸗
niall,pet was it nota denial , but dip hange indout , andieft an |
entraunce fo faith , although but fimall, Forbe (app not at her
fir petitions J will not heare ber, buche held bis peace, neither |
peu |
DS ei OE A nn a nnd
—————— —— esse a a ns
promifing nor denping belpe, So to the fecond petition , which
the Apotties mave,be fapth not: the is not of the houfe of Hfracl,
J can not therefore performe that which the deſireth, buche one:
Ip ſayth: lam notfent, butto the loft sheepe of the houfe of I-
fracll leaning all thinges indoute, and in the middeſt betweene a
plaine graunt and a dental, Do when the had the third time deli-
red him, he fapth not: thou art adoage,get thee hence, the bread
of the children is not due onto thee,but he fapth: It isnot good to
take the childrens bread, &c.againe leauing in dout, whether the
was a dogge oꝛ no. Neuertheles all chefe fapinges doe pretende
outwardly rather a deniall of helpe, thenprouoke ber to hope,
but in very deede they did containe in them rather a promife and
bope,thenadeniall.Deathere was nothing but a pꝛomiſe and a
certaine expectation of belpe, (howbeit moſt deepely hid and al:
togicher {ecret) onder that lence and aunfwerg , although thep
were hard,and a deniall onelp founded outwardly. By chefe itis
ſhewed hom our bart is wont to be affected in tentation, For ace
cording as that feelech in tentation, fo Chriſt here behaueth bun
felfe. It feelech all hinges to be Denied, when as tt tg farre other:
wife. Wherefoꝛe it ts requifite ‚char leauing it owne feeling, by
afure faith in the word of God it concetue anv hold fat the pro»
mile ofhelpe,deepelp hidden under the veniall,and peels vnto the Py
fentence of God toward bs, as this woman did, fo ſhall we ouer⸗
come and take the Lord in hiswordes, that he can not but helpe
bs. So that if we feele inour confctence at anp time God rebu:
hing bs,pronouncing vs finnerg, and unworthp of the Kingdom
of heauen, thentwe feele ag it were heil, and it {eemeth vnto vs
that we are patt all hope and recouerie for euer : then if anp hat When God
the kill of this woman, thathe could take the Lord in bis owne pronounceth
iudgement and fap: pea IL og, I ain afinner, and altogither vn: —
iwopthp of chp grace, but thou hatt pꝛomiled forgiuenes to fin knowledge
ners,neither didſt chou come to call the righteous but as Paule and confefle
fapth, tofaue finners : he truely ſhoulde bringe to paffe that che our Gnnes,&.
Love Hhould be enforced, euen bp his owne indgemene to haue Pry pon
mercp bpon him. odio Wanafles, when being penitẽt he prap- 3? ae
ed for pardon,as ine read in bis praper: De peelven tothe tudgQe- promifedto
ment of God, acknowledging him felfe a moſt grieuous finner, them that be
and fo be bound Gor with his pꝛomiſe, which bad pzomiſed fop- penitent for
giuenes offinne to Ünners, not tothe righteous, Che ame alfo "hei Snnee.
did Dauid obferue Plal,5ı: Againft thee onely,fapthhe,hauel J
finned,and done this euill in thy fight,that thou mighteft be iu-
ftified in thy faying,and found pure when thou art iudged, Fog
that doth purchafe vnto v3 all diſpleaſure, that we Dilpapne to —
fuffer the tubgement of the Loꝛd, and doc again our wills yeeld
vnto bis fentence,when he pronounceth bs ſinners.Such agreat |
thing ig tt to acknowlenge finnes, and to embrace the tuogement —
of God, Ce all conteſſe our felues {inners in wordg,but ag ſoone
as che Borde (peaketh chat inour hart , and pronounceth bs fins -
nerg,we doe not abide bp that which before we confeflen, we hay
leuer be counted righteous and free from that iudgement. But it
mult needes be, if God mutt be iuffin bis wordeg, that thoubea a⸗
finner,then alfo mattt thou ble the right of finners, which Gov
bim felfe bath giuen onto them, namely to pray with a fure erpe-
station of foꝛgiuenes of finnes, Then is tt not permitted vnto
thee onelp to feede under the table of crummes after the maner of
dogges, but being a child of the houſhold, thouthalt fit at thebe:
rp table, bautng Good nowe boweltreat foeuer be be, giuen vnto
thee accopding to thp delire. Ibereof alfo we haue anhiffozicall
erpofition of this tert accoꝛding to p allegozies. For ag itchaune
ceth to this woman her daughter being ficke, for whom through
faith he obtapned health bp a miracle: fo alfo fallech it out with
vs, when we are deliucred froin p {pirituall icknes to wit finneg,
which truely area moſt grieuous and troublefom Deuill vnto
be, Foꝛ as ſhe acknowledged her lelfea dogge , fo mutt we ace
knowledge our (clues inners and iudged unto hell,the Lord pro⸗
nouncing it, which tf we can doe ag the coulde, we thall be fafe,
Te haue already ſpoken elſewhere of other thinges , whereof
there might be occafion to ſpeake aut of this tert, as howe one
; map obtaine grace and fafetie bp Betatth of an other , as here it
Chrift,the fell out to the daughter of this woman. Chis thinge alfo (that
Difciples,& Chit bis Difciples,and the woman are here eramples of loue,
a, foꝛaſmuch as none of them prap for , feeke 02 doe thofe thinges
arcexamples eat are their owne, but euerp one that which is anothers)ig
of loue. perp manifelt bp it (clfe,and calilv acknowledged of cue: -
rp ong,elpectall y ſeing that we haue folargelp :;
entreated bercof in another place, hg
e ’
= =
freely by grace, without the workes and me-
; rits of men.
Tie. 3.
Not by the workes of righteouf-
nes, which we had done , but ac-
cording to his mercie he faued vs, by the wa-
fhing of the newe birth,and the renuing of the
holy Ghoft, |
6, Which hefhed on vs aboundantly, through
IIeſus Chrift our Saviour, |
7. _Thatwe,beingiuftified by his grace,fhould be
. — heires according to thehope of eternall
| ife. |
Stie, and readp to euerp good morke, tofpeake euill
2 >) of no man, tobe no fighters, but gentle , theming
ae all meekenes onto allmen, tc: thele fee wordeg
being put betweene , that we our ſelues mere in times pall uns -
wile diſobedient, deceiued, ſeruing diuers luſtes and boluptuouls
neg,&c : he added thole wordeg which we haue already mentio⸗
ned, as ifhe ſhould fap: Tiherfore ſhould it grieue vs to deſerue A moft
fo well of all men, when as Goo hath before dealt fo bountifuflp, “shy
caufe to
kindely, and gendly wich vs, with whom without — mous vs to
doc goodto are leſſe, and haue leſſe of him veleruied , then anp being compa:
our neigh-
redto bs canbe, 02 can deferucof vg? As therefore God hath
with exceeding bountifulnes and kindenes moit gently behaued
him (elfe toward bs,of bis mercy graunting and giuing vnto vs
allthinges : fo ought we to doe all thinges with all charitic and
good will toward our neighbours, albeit thep haue otherwife de:
ſerued, koꝛaſmuch ag me were like vnto them,fubiect co all finnes
and euill defires. Dere we fee how the Apoftle will haue bs to be
Howwe affected toward men: De will baue bs {ubtect to them that be in
ne authoritie,kinde vnto others, and readie to Doe well vnto chem
coward men. With all gentienes.although thep be euill, blinde, and in errour,
that we grudge not to beare thele thinges, and as much as Ipeth
in bs, endeuour co doe them good, taking all things in good part,
conlivering that God hath lo dealt with vg, when we were euill
and wicked, like bnto them,
This word, appeared, we haue elfewhere declared to fiqnifie
the revelation of the Gofpell, whereby Chꝛiſt appeared inthe
world: Albeicthe wnt kilfulnes of Miniſters hath weeſted it to
the carnall nattuitie of Chꝛiſt. De vſech not here the word grace,
Tit.2.11. which he vled before, but hath fet in eed cherof two other wozds
of maruelous comfort , [ bountifulnes, and loue toward men]
which be attributeth to our Gov. Che firft ig called ofthe Greci⸗
Bountifulnes ang Chreftotes,and ig that kindnes, gentlenes and ſweetenes of
conditions, wherewith thep that be endued, with them all ofng
are with pleafure conuerfant,¢ marueloufly delighted with chete
compante,fo that thep doe wich this their gentlenes and kindnes
allure ¢ greatip prouoke all mentoloue them. For fuch can uf:
fer all without griefe: they contemne no man: thep repell or put
none from them with bitter, hard, and diſordered conditions: ac:
ceſſe vnto them is not hard. but thep are fo open,and readp for al,
that euerp one dare refort onto them and defire their helpe. And
to conclude: thepare {uch men as the Golpells delcribe Chik
vnto bs, whom thep declare to be gentle to all, a deſpiſer of none,
which denieth no benefit to any, pliatit, prepared and readp to do
rood to all. So Godallo by the Golpell ts preached and offered
‚ bnto bs wholp good, bountiful and fweete, opento all, retecting
none, bearing allour finnes and offences, repelling no man from
him with ercelfiue feueritie, For we read and heare norhing tobe
detlared tn the Golpell but meete grace, and meere —
vwdhereby be doth mot mercifully beare bs, ¢ moft gently handle
vs , and not any man according to his deſerts. Chis ig che time of
grace, whereinitis graunted to-all to goe with great bolbnes
pnto the thꝛone of grace, as it is mitten Deb.4, and Plal. 34:
‘Come ynto him,and be enliglktened ‚ and your faces shall not
be ashamed, that is , be wtlinot fuffer poßto pray and comein
| baine,neither to returne with confulion being fruſtrate.
The other word ts Philanthropia,loue of men,ag couctoulhes Loue toward
map be calleddoue of monep,ag Dauid 2.Dam. ı.calleth the de· men.
fire of women,the loue of women, And the Philoſophers cal cer-
‚ taine liuing creatures Philanthropa, that ig louing coward men,
as are hoꝛſes, dogges, dolphins. Forthefe creatures are by na»
‚ ture delighted with man,thep defire bis company, ¢ do willingtp
ſerue him , as though thep were moued with fome reafon + fenfe
| pf humanity. Chis name, t ſuch loue the Apoftle here actributerh
to dur God, which Moles allo div before him, Deut.33: where
he ſpeaketh thus of God: The Lord appeared hauing in his right
| hand alaw offire,and helouedthe people. Che meaning theres
ſoꝛe of the Apoftie is this: Dur God hath inthe Golpell ſhewed
| him felfe unto bs not onelp bountifull,kinde, gentle, and fiveete,
| which canbeare,and will receive all,but alfo be ſo louech vs, that
| wf bigs owne accord be adioyneth him felf onto bs,fecketh to baue
| toDoe with bs, voluntarily ſheweth ano offereth his grace and
| bountifulnes nto bs,and mof gently embꝛaceth as manp ag on-
Ip doe not refufe bis grace and loue, and defire to dzawe nie vnto
him. CG bat ſhould he oe moze? The can noc lee hereby, why
| ine count the Golpell a preaching, topfull and full of all confola-
| tionof Godin Chik? For what can be fpoken moze louingly
| and fweetelp to a finnefull and afflictev confcience,, then thefe
| wordes? O lamentable cafe, how miferabip hath Satan bp che
lawes of bis Pope opprefled and obfcured this fonereigne ſynce⸗
| zitie of the woꝛd of Gov,
| „u SRowlet no man reftraine thefe two wordes[ bountifulnes, &
_ louetowardmen] ta the perfons, fox God ig plainly without re: No reſpect
| fpectofperlons bountifullto all, and a louer ofall, otherwife if of perfons
| we houldebere make a difference berweene men, we honloe ac: "Got
| knowledge thatfomeching is receiued through our merits, and :
| not all thinges thaough bis mercp, bere it mutt be well mar:
| ked,that Gon ig fapd tobe a louer of men, nocof this oꝛ that na:
ture onely, Jot held with loue of the perfon, and — theſe
Wo bountifulnes, and loue toward men, muſt be taken after a
geuerall ſort, that in all chinges the chiefe praile map be attribu⸗
ted to hig mercy, that no mantruf in his owne merits, neither be
terrified with fiunes, but that al togither doe truft to bis grace,
which be voluntarilp offereth vnto bs with fo great kindnes and
loue toward bs. JFor if any reſpect of perfon might be bad bere, it
ſhould furelp be bad of them, which are rich inthe works of righ:
teoufneg,but Paul erprellelp reiecteth thefe,faping: Notby the
wotkes of righteoufnes,which we had done. Howe much leſſe
then thall this bountifulnes and loue of our Gad toward men ap⸗
peare,becaufe of anp mang wifedome, power,nobilitie,riches 02
any fuch thing, when ag no relpect ts had of monks of righteoul:
nes ? Great isthe grace of Gov toward bs, which appeareth in
the Golpell,pea and nothing but grace, which admitteth no merit
at all of ours, utterly taketh away all boating and glorping,and
ferteth forth che gloꝛy of Govalone, who freelp giuethit vnto vs
being onworthy, So in this tert theſe two, faith and loue, are
taught toreceiue benefits of God, and beſtow them on our neigh=
hours, which the Scripture doth verp often repeate, fo thac euen
The do&rin the pactrine of faluation canfittech wholp tn them,neither can one
of our — be ſeparaced from the other, Foꝛ be that doth not firmely truſt in
si the dittine grace, can not but be remiſſe and flow to doe well to bis
andloue, Neighbour, andfo witnes che faintnes and weakenes of fatth,
which is the, fountaine of all duties and benefites: As contrati-
wile the ſtronger faith that one is endued with, fo much moze Bue
tifullp and with readter minde be endeuoureth to deferue well of
bis netahbours,
All both doctrine anv life worthy of Chit , (that all thinges
map be declared moft briefly, manifeſtly and fuffictently) confit
By faithand of thefe two, faith and loue. CUhereby manig made as it werea
loue man is. meane betwene Gov and his neighbours, that he map receine.of
en God fromaboue, and map giue co bis netghbours beneath, ¢ be
meanebe- agit were a conduit pipe, through which the founcaine of the di⸗
rwene God wine goodnes doth continually flow co his neighbours: Ano {uch
& his neigh- men are likeunto Gav ‚wbichi in Chriffreceine of God wharfoes
Rous. uer bebath, and doe againe bp their good deedes declarethem
felues as tt were the gous of other, and fullfill the pꝛophecie af
the Wrephet jlalme 823/11 haue fayde, ye are gods, and
Ber: “ W — ⸗ 77. ¥ “2 ae " owt” ee Er — °°
ye all are children ofthe moft high. (Ce are childgen of the moſt
vk bp faith, wherebp of nothinge we are made the beires of
God. And we are gods bp loue, which maketh ve beneficial
to our neighbour: fopafmuch as the nature of Gad ts nothinge
Dut bountifulnesjand 9 ulhere fapth : the bountifulnes and loue
of God toward mew, wich $e Doch with incomparable plencie
daily poure forth vpon euery one, as we fee . Te mut onelp en:
Deuour,that eucrp one doe nothing Doubt hac theſe chingeg are
he meanes
to be parta-
ker of the
fpokentobim, thar che boumzifulneg and loue of God to Man: pountifulnes
ward is reuealen and offered'to euerp one, that bp thefe wordes and loue of
he map eſtabliſh, exerciſe, and ſtrengthen his faith, being certain Godisto
that thep are mofktrue,and that Gov both vndoutedly is, ann at. beleeue.
wapes will be bountifull and loutng toward him, HE thou cank
beleeue this,tt will aſſuredly fo come vnto thee: thou maiſt then
with afull confivence pray and defire of him whatloeuer thou
wilt,and complapne bnto him of whatlocucr doth grieue thee 02
other. But tfthou want this fatth , it had bene berter for thee nes
uer tobauc heard any thing bercof. ‚for that by chp infivelicp thou
repzoueſt offalfhoon thefe wordeg fo precious and full of conſo⸗
lation and grace making fo light account of them, ag not belee:
uing thatthep betrue. Which furelp is a great contempe anv
Difhonour of God, chat {carce a more grieuous finne can be
committed of thee, Contrariwiſe if thou be endued with this
faith,tt camnotbe,but that thp bart being therebp cheered, ſhould
euen as tt were laughe and leape for holy top in Gov, being void
of allcare and trouble, and be made aboue mealure confivent,
For how can any difcouragement, any whit of ſoꝛrowe remayne
in that hart, which douteth not that God is gracious and bounti⸗
full vnto it,and beareth a ſingular affection of loue toward it,that
it is a delight and pleaſure vnto him to doc it good , and entoy it
ag a friende ? Surely che hart is neceſſarily delighted with this
ſpirituall ioy and pleafure,o2 vndoutedly it wantech faith JPaule
inthe Epittleto the Gal. callech this, to recetue the holy Ghoſt
bp the Golpell. For the Golpell is fopleafant a preaching of che
grace and Koodnes of God,that while itis preached and heard, it
bꝛingeth chebolp Ghoſt with it, no otherwiſe chen the beames of
the ſinne doe naturally bring heat with chem. .
Dow could the Apottle ple more pleafaunt and ſweete words?
3 pare fap that Ihaue in the whole — redde none more
: itt.
pleafaunt,and fo fincete words of the grace of Gan, as thefe two,
Chreftotes,& Philanthropia, that is,bountifulnes and loueto-
How louing Ward men,in which p avace of God is lo vefcriben,ag wherbp be
Godisto- doth not onelp forgive our finnes , but doth alla Defire to be con:
wardvs. uerſaunt with bs, and fs ready to Doe the part of a berp friend to⸗
ward bs, voluntarily offering him (clfe to helpe vs tn al thinges,
alfo to beſtowe moze bencfits vpon bs then we can deſire 02 ake,
that we map prelume of him no otherwife then ofa molt neare
& familiar friend of whom we may obtapne ali thinges,in whole
epes we are moſt deare, andeuen velightfull, Thinke in thy
minde of a moſt perfect friend, which hath fulftiled all che partes
of friendihip toward thee , & thou ſhalt haue after a fore a forme,
although pet farre onlike, of the diuine goodneg and kindeneg,
which ts here attributed ta our God, by the name of bountiful:
nes andloue toward men, But when thou bafta founde faith in
this bounttfulnes and loue to manward, and thereby Dooft liue in
thy Gov, fo bounttfull, gractous , and gentle to thee, reiopcett,
and art full of all good chinges, being certapne of bis continual
grace, what ſhouldeſt thou doc any longer in earth ? what inthis
He thatis Thou cant not in this cafe be idle, as ſurely thatloue of Gov |
Banker and pleafure which thou entopett inhim will not (uffer thee to be
fulnesandg (le. Chouthale be enflamed with a marueiloug udp and deſire
‘ loue of God to Doe what things foeuer thou canft know will be an honour vn⸗
cannotbe to thy God, ſo louing and bountifull vnto thee , and will curne to
idle. pratfe,glorp, andthankes giuing onto him, Chou hale haue no
chotfe ofwoꝛks, thou halt pafle for no preceptsthou ſhalt feele na
compuliton of the law , Hauing amoff readp will and pleaſure to
Doe, whatfoeuer thinges thou Malt know to be acceptable buts
Gor, whether hep be contemptible or noble, fmall or great,chou
{halt count chem alike, Gut firfFof all it hall be chy defire, that
this blefleo knowledge of God map be common alfo to the reff,
whereupon by and by thy loue will here thew te felfe, anv will afs
fay all meanes,to make this truth of faluation manifeft vnto all,
it will publith and. repete it, wherefoeuer it (hall be able, reie:
cting and condemning wharfoeuer other either teach or fay, that
Satan & the @tveeth not with this truth.CCtherebp it will come to pafle, that
worldcan DataneEcheworloe, which heare nothing fo vnwillingly as this
not abide — truth.¢ can not abide that their things thoulp be condemned, wil
falthood to rife
| rile again chee with all their might, wil bp @ bp trouble thee, ail be reproucd
| the great,tearned,vich ¢ mightie of the worlo wil condemne thee ro. be prea-
ofherelie and madnes, and willleaue no meane bnattempted bn: ched,& ther
| tillif they be able chep haue diſpatcht thee of thy life. Thus with fore they
Chꝛiſt thy Lor thou Halt be perfecuten, € fuffer extreme ıgno: A —* —
minte,thp bodp, lile, goods, name, friendes, and all things being „reach che
bꝛought into perill, vntill hep haue thruft thee from them out of truck.
this life into the eternal ¢ bleflen life: Inthe meane feafon thou
mult (affer all chefe chins with a patient mind, and take them in
good part,lofing none of p ſpiritual ioy, which thou haft of Chꝛiſt
inthp Gov, for thy part ſhewing to chy perfecutors all kindnes
anv loue, being alwapes mindful, that thou a litle before waſt nor
much unlike them before Gov. All which thinges thou halt doe
through fatth eloue, albeit thep erceede che ſtrengch of nature,
And this in deede is a true Chrifktanlife, wherein thou dooſt en:
deuour to doe fo to cther,as God hath done to thee.
Not by theworkes of righteoufnes, which we had done. In
thefe words the Apottle fignifierh that which we haue now ſayd,
and proueth it as it were by rendzing a reafon. For tf the boun: we mutt do
tifulnes and loue of God to manward hath appeared, a he bath well vnto
faued vg of hig mercie, and not becaufe of our owne righteouß men;ycac-
nes,pea we being by allmeanes unwozchy, and fubiect to innue Yen Lhough
merable finnes,it is meete that we alfo do good to them that haue ys
not delerued fo much of bs, are vnwoꝛthy therof. For we which yed of vs.
are become the fonnes of God, muffrefemble God our father,
and beffow benefits according to our abilitie as well bpon our e⸗
nemies and perfecutours,as bpon our friendes and them that da
good vnto vs. Aherof Chri alfohath admoniſhed bs Watth.5:
Loue your enemies, that ye may be the children of your Father
which isin heauen , whomaketh his funne ro shine vppon the
good & euill, & fendeth raine on the iuft & vniuft. For if ye loue
them which loue you,vvhat revvard shal ye haue?vvhen as euen
the heathen & Publicans doe the fame. Nowe the Apoffle noth
notonelp expꝛeſſely condemne vs for eutll works,but fapth: Nor
by the works of righteoufnes,02, which vve haue done in righ-
teoufnes.@Ülhere he alfo reiecteth thofe workes,which we coun-
ted righteous, and were thought both of ng & others to haue bin
done in righteoufnes. whe as thep were fo farre from being righ:
teous,that thep made hs moze vnwoꝛthy ofthe ET ofGod,aud
more bnfit to recetueit.for thep are deceitful warkeg, wbereuns
to we adde this finne,that we thinke chem righteous,and truſt in
them, whereby Godis pꝛouoked to anger moze then can be faid,
euen ag our enemies are Wont to moue vs to anger, when as hep
will auouch thofe hinges tobe iuff , wherein chep (inne and doe
We ought
to be bene-
moucd him te anger, counting our finnes workes of righteouf:
ficiall to o- ; : ; : 3
thersof nes, did not therefoze reiect vs, but ofhis mercie delinercd bs
meerclouc, from this errour aud ſinnes: fo we neglecting the kooliſhnes and
hauingno dotage ot our aduerlarieg , wherebp they contend that ſinnes are
refpectto eg be counted for righteouſnes, ought neuertheles of meere loue,
good or euil
ici bauing no refpect of eutll o2 good deferts, tobe beneficiall vnto
them,and endeuour to Doe them good tn all thinges, looking for —
vniuſtly. But euenas God, whenwe being bnwile , by erreur:
{ x
frute of our benefits not of tht, but of Gov alone. Let thefe things —
{uftise to haue bene ſpoken for a DOREEN and generall erpas
fiction of this tere.
. JRowe let vs alfa briefly wep the wordes wherein he ſetteth
forth and commenderh the grace of God. Firſt he fo greatly ex⸗
The good . tolleth it,that in refpect of tt he condenmerh ali our good workes
workes and andri ighteouſnes: neither doth he condenine a {mall ching, mber
righteoufnes He condemneth our righteoufnes 07 rightesus workes 4 the mo -
ar hice how
Hevea: excellent thinge that man can haue in earth, Forif allmen with
fteemed of, their might ſhould labour and endeuour to attapne to moſt ex⸗
act pꝛudence, wiſedom, and libertie of minde and will, which we
reade thatfome Philoſophers and princes bauedone, ag So⸗
crates Traianus, and many other, whofe fame the whole wold
bath long fince ſpꝛed abzoave both by wordes and writinges: nes
uertheles all fuch wiſedome, and allluche vertues are nochinge
but finnes before God, forafinuch as thep be not done in and bp
the grace of God, Doers of {uch vertues are ignoyaunt of Goo,
and therefore thep can not honour him bp their ſtudies and en⸗
deuours, they thinke they haue all thinkes of chem felues, when
ag no man can haue anp goovthinge at all, butof this grace as
lone, which the Golpell preacheth, Go Paue clorieth, that
be, before heknewe Chꝛiſt, liued a blameleffe life, and, was
more zealous towarde thelawe then chofe of bis age, that he
alfa thought , that he viva thing acceptable to Gov bp “perfect:
ting the Chzittians, which condemned that blameles life which
he ledde, but afterinarde when he had learned Chat, he fapth,
| | > that.
shat he coũteth chat righteonines to be but Dounce, that he might
be found notin {uch righteouſnes, but in Chꝛiſt by laith. Philip.
3The lame thing be witnelſeth and entreateth of at large in the
Epilles to the Galathians and Coloſſians. Were therefore is
candemned all boaſting of free will, mans ſtrength, righteouſ⸗
nes and good workes and it is concluded, that they are all no⸗
|. thing but ſinnes, and certaine deſtruction, although they haue a
fayre ſhew: that we are ſaued bp the onely grace of God, as ma⸗
ny of bs ag beleeue, and call foꝛ it, with acknowledging of our
one vanitie and perditton,
Row we mult accuſtome our felues tothe Scripture, which Tow fortes
- maketh mention oftwo ſorts of rigteouſnes, one humane, which of righteout-
- Yaul here and in many other places hath mentioned, the other es.
diuine,euen that grace of faluation, which iuſtilieth bs by faith, pe rich.
- whereof he fpeaketh inthe ende of this tert: That being iuftified ‚.oufnes
_ by grace, we should be heires of erernall life. eve thou ſeeſt whereby we
platnip that the grace of God is our true righteouſnes, whereby are iuſtfied.
we are tuftifien, which is therfore called } righteoufnes of Goo,
for that it is giuen vnto vs of God, and ts made ours , when we
are made partakers thereof by faith. Of this he ſpeaketh alfo
Rom. 1 : Inthe Gofpell is reuealed the rıghteoufnes of God
from faith to faith, as itis written : The iuft shall liue by faith.
Gnd Gen. v5 : Abraham beleeued , and it wascountedto him
forrighteoufnes. Mhereupon the Scripture concludeth , that
no man is counted righteous before Gor, but he that belecueth,
as the Apofkle teftifiech , where be recitech chat ſaying of Aba:
uc: The iuft shal live byfaich.Soit appeareth chat fatshjgrace,
mercye, truth „righteoufneg, that all thele are that fame whith .
Gor worketh inbs bp Chrift and the Golpell . hercupon tt
ig faid ypfal. 2 5: All the wayes ofthe Lord are mercie andtruth.
#02 thole are the wapes of the odin which we obſeruing big
fLommaundements , do walke , and he againe tu vg , now thole
mapes mult be directed by his mercie and truth alone, not by.
our ſtrength and induffrie , forafimuch ag our wapes being: oyde-
rep herebp „are nothing but vanitie before Gon, and do deſerue
his wath, Accopding to that which the Loꝛd ſayth Eſai 55: As
farre as the heauen ishigher then the earth, fo farre do my waies.
exccede yours. As tf he thould fap: our righteouſnes ig earth:
Ip and of no value, wherefore pe mutt bid ic farewell and walke
~ -
— oe x
inmpne , ifpe hope for faluation, — BREUER NETTE yar Fat
But according to his mercie he fauedvs. It is maruell how
the credit of thefe wordes can fand , wherein the Apoftle affir-
meth that we are alreadie faued, although liuing pet inearch,
and therefoze tn continual miferie, But be div fo (peake,that be |
might more fully erpreffe the power ofthe diuine grace, and che
nature of faich againt hppocriteg, who ag though faluatio were —
petfarre of, do inbatne endeuour to met and obtaine icbp thew |
We are al- workes. For Chritt hath alreavy faucd vs: he bath perfourmen |
coe ie all things which are required hereunto,that we map be faucd:he
mee Gath oueccome and ſubdued ſynne, death, hell, xc. ſo chat he bath —
left noching,for anp man to care for, he bath alfo given all chele
things bnco vs in Baptilme, that who [neuer beleueth in Chri,
that he bath perfourmend them, bath them togither inthe fame
moment, ſo that he bath neevde of nothing moze vnto faluation,
but faith alone, that he map firmelp beleeue that theſe things are
fo perfourmed, Bue marke how incdparable riches of his avace
God hath poured vpon bs in Baptifine, who hath deliuered ug
even from thofe workes , whereby thole foolith holy ones go a-
bout to merit heauen,and to befaued, For we muſt haue beaten,
‚and be ſaued before we can Do any good morkes,for that workes
cannot merit heauen , but heauenbeing before giuen of meere
grace, gaufech bg todo good workeg,and that for no hope of mes
rit o2 reward, but onelp tothe commoditie of our neighbour,
and the alerie of God, vntill chig bodie allo be deliuered from
finne and death, th eae bi Sy SUS
Whacthelife „, Wiherefoge all ehe life of a Chriftian after Baptifme ig nos
of a Chritia thing els, but anerpectation of faluation and felicitp to be re-
is after bap- uealed, which they that beleeue in Chait do now poffelfe, al-
tifme. though hidden. Chey haue all chinges nowe certainlp, but
they are pet hid in faith , which when ag itis chaunged, know:
lenge being revealed, all chings ag thep now haue them, thall ape
peare , which hall come to pafle, when pleafaunt-and wiſhed
1.Ich.z3... Death commeth „according tothat ſaying of John: Dearely be-
loued ‚now ate wethe fonnes of God, and yet it doth not ap-
peare what we shall be; But we knowthat when he shall ap-
peare, we shalbe like him. And cuerie man that hath this hope
in him, purgeth himfelfe , euen ashe is pure. Tüberefore fuer
not chp felfe to be deceiued , and to be feduced from this —
| ths
bes 5.5 #0 i an
|» ans m5 T . ee a ae ee
thoſe hppocrites, which contemning kaith do fallelp affirme that
faluation ig farre from thee, and teach thee to endeuour in baine
| toattaine bnto itbp chp workes. It ts tn thy lelfe, if chou beleeue
that all things are perfourmed by Chꝛiſt, euenas he bimfelfe
witneſſeth: The kingdome of God is within you, Luke 17. So
| that all our life after Baptilme ought to be nothing els but an»
~ expectation, that that ſhould be reucaled which ts already inves,
and that we map compꝛehend, as we are compꝛehended, as Paul
fapth Philip. 3. I follow, if that Imay comprehend that, for
_ whofe fake alfo Iam comprehended of Chrift, that ig, that J
map atlength feethole things which are giuen me, being ag pet
in the thut clofet of faith. De coueteth , and burnech wich vefire
to ſee the treafure which by fateh be receiued both giuen and ſea⸗
led in Baptiſme. Whereupon he addeth in che fame place: Our
conuerfation is in heauen, from whence alfo we looke for our
Sauiour Iefus Chrift, who shall chaunge our vile bodie, that it
may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body. Derewith alfo
agreeth that which be faith Gal.4 : Ye know God, and byandby
be noth ag tt were correct that which behav ſayd, Yea , fapth be,
rather are ye knowen , both which aretrue , although noe after
the like ſort:Ae are now knowen of God, fo that he compzeben-
Deth vs, and we in Deede know God, but we do not pet compre-
hend, for that our knowledge ts ag pet hinden and cloſed bp in |
fapth, De ſayth moreouer Rom,8 : We are faued by hope, that |
is, we are faued, although we perfee it not, for that which one
feeth , be hopech not for, but if we hope for thofe thinges which
ine fee not, we do wich patience abive foz them, Chꝛiſt confir-
meth thig Luke 12+ Let your loines be gird about, and your
lights burning , and ye your felues like vnto men that wait for
their maifter,when he will returne from the wedding,that when
hecommeth, and knocketh , they may open vnto him imme-
diatly. Jn which words he onelp biddech them that be his to be
ready tolooke for him the brivenrome as which are alreadpfa:
ued being admitted into che number of hts mintfters, Dereunte —
alfo pertaineth that which the Apofkle fapth Tit. 2: Ler vs liue
foberly, and righteoufly, and godly in this prefent world , loo-
‘King forthat bleffed hope, and appearing of the glorie of that
mightie God, and of our Sauiour Iefus Chrift. In thele and fuch
like places whereof thou maiſt reade many bere and therein the
ie i i J *
* fe
holy Scriptures, he witnelleth that we are already ſaued, and |
that ic doth not beboue,that a Chꝛiſtian man ſhould ſirſt ſeeke to
attaine to ſaluation by his woꝛkes. Chis opinion and deueliſh
Doctrine blyndeth the eyes of Chꝛiſtiãs, extinguiſheth the know:
ledge of faich , and carieth men front the waye of truth and ſal⸗
uation, THe mui cleaue bata that which the Apoſtle here faith: .
He hath faued vs according tohis mercie , and that which je ads
deth inthe ende of this tert, thatwe are heires according tothe _
hope of eternall life. Cle are now heireg , but chatis hidden in
fayth , but we looke with a certaine hope , that heveafter ic halbe
Why God reuealed. And Gov will haue vs fo to looke for the reuelation of |
will haue vs
“to looke for {bis inberitance,and to line a certaine time after Baptifme, that
the reuelaus be map chaftife our body bp our miniſtery, and declare the power
of ou inberi- of hig grace in fight againk the fleth che world and the deuil, but
raunce a cer- eſpecially for this caule, that bp va be map helpe our neighs
fain rime. pours, and both bp doctrine , and alla by our life which he liuech
in bg, map bring them to che communton of fapth, And albeit he
cando this bp Angels,pet it pleafeth him rather that it ſhould be
done by vs men, that bach the maner of fapch map be the better -
knowen, and that all things may be done ſweetely and louingly.
For tf Angels ſhould alwapes baue todo with vs, there ſhould
not be fo much fayth, neither fhoulvit be ſo pleafaunt , as when
ine are taucht and guided by them that are partakerg of our naz
ture, whom we do better know , and with whom we do more fas
miltarlp aſſociat our ſelues. And fo, that there map be fome, bp
whom ocher alfo may be conuerted both bp doctrine , and good
examples it is not meete chat we ſhould byandby after Baptifine
be taken into beauen, wherein notwith®anding we are alreadp —
adinitted citizens, |
Apraäizeof Bereuponifone wepe all chings rightly, it cannot be dous
Satan & An- ted, thatit ig a pzactise and miracle of Satan and Antıichzift,
— that ſo much ig {pent for Purgatoꝛies (ake, ſuch faith as this
Purgatory. Peing put quite out of mens mpndes, Formen are taugbt by
their workes to fane themfelues from Purgatoꝛie oꝛ at che teak
to deliuer themfelues out from thence,as though faluation were
not pet giuen vs, and tt were neceflarie to come vnto ic. bp other
meanes then bp faith alone, which bowe it vifagreeth with
the Scripture anda Chaittian life there ig no man that doch not
fee , buche that ſeeth nothing in the Scripture. For thus the
bolp ©
, ‘ 5 wet
per a 2 PLN NR N A a a en
holy Scriptures do teach euerie where, that who ſoeuer doth
not receiue ſaluation hp meere grace, through fapth before all
woꝛkes, be hail neuer be partaker thereof. And that who ſoeuer
referre their good workes,not to the profite oftheir neighbours,
but to their owne commoditie, being more carefull of thetr owne
| faluationthen of their neighbours , haue no goon workes at alt,
All the workes of thele are voide of fayth, and infected with pers
| nitioug errour, It had bin qreatlp to be withed that Purgatoꝛie
had neuer bin inuented , and neuer mention made thereof inthe
pulpit, for it hach bin caufe of fuch hinderance to Chꝛiſtian vert
tie and ſyncere truth, ag cannot be recouered. For we fee it now
bꝛought to paſſe by the meanes of Satan,that almof al pꝛayers
are Divected to onelp Purgatoꝛie, with this vngodly and pefkis
Ient opinion, whereby milerable men thinke that they fhalbe re-
Deemed from thence, and obtaine fatuation bp the workes of men,
Thereby the riches of Baptiſme and fapth are had inno repu-
tatiõ, and they atthe laſt of Chꝛiſtians become Deachen, D moſt
pernitious abomination, Chpiftians ſhould be taught ag Chꝛiſt
and Paul teach them, that after Baptilme and abſolution from
ſynnes they ſhould fo liue , that thep ſhould be readp euerp haure
toreceiue death, with deſire looking for the revelation of ſalua⸗
tion already received. Now by the opinion of Purgatoꝛie thep
‚are made {ecure andfloehfull , fo that thep differre the ſtudy of
godlines cuen to their death , and chinke bp contrition and cons
feffion thep ſhall amend all things, ag though there were Come
ſynnes rematning for which ehep mutt Ko inte jpurgatopie, thep
hope that by Wales for che departed, and other bequetts that
thep.are perfuaded to make in thetr teſtamẽts 02 lat willes,thep
fhalbe reveemen out of purgatopie, but theſe miferable menare
inthele chings btterlp decetucd , and thal at length trie them ta
be farre otherwile,
Bythewashing of the new v birth, He ſetteth forth the grace
of Goo giuen to vs J in Baptifine,wich wordesweriefullofpraie
and commendation. Ibe callecy Baptiſme awathing , whereby
not the feeteant hades, bucithewhole man is at once wafhen}
purificd and ſaued, fo that to che ſumme and inberitaunce of fal:
uation there is neede of nothing bucanelp fapth inthis: qraceof
Gov, that it map remaine and be acknowledged the morke of
grace alone, that weare ſaued without allour mogkes and mes
} . eh
| tits, and fo alfochere map remaine in ba pure loue, pzaiſe giuing
otthankes, and glorie of che diuine mercie, without all glopie and |
pleafing of our felueg in our. owne frength andendeuour, as it
bath bin already fapd often and atlarge. Dumane righteoufnes |
is allo awathing , but not whereby the whole man ig fo wathen,
but that Phariſaicall wahing , whereby onelp the apparelland
veſſells which are outward, are made cleane , whereof itis ſpo⸗
ken Watth. 23, CUhereby it commech to pafle chat men ſeeme
bnto themſelues pure,but inwardly neuertheles thep remaine ful
Baptifme of filthines. Therefore he called Baptiſme not a copporall op out⸗
what maner ward walhing, but the wathing of regeneration oꝛ new birth,bp
g wathing it which not thoſe thinges that are outward,are malhen;and onelp
; the outward man made cleane, but che whole nature ofman is al:
fered and changed into an other nature , that ts „the carnall nati:
uttie is thereby deftroped, with all the inberitaunce of ſynnes
Saluation cö- AND perdition, i herebp be againe witneſſeth, that our faluation
meth not by is giuenbs at once, ſo that itis notto be gotten by woꝛkes. For
workes. not one oꝛ two members are mont to ke boone yas the handes or
feete, but the wholeman, which can not worke this that be map
be bonne aman, but is firſt boꝛne that he map worke Likewile
out workes donot purifie 02 faucds , but when as before we are
pute, iufified , and faued , we worke freeipthofe things, which
map be profit to our neighbour, and honour to God, And this is
the fimple and pure knowledge of thediuine grace, whereby a
manlearneth to know both God and himfelfe : to praiſe God a
lone, to bumble and cat downe himfelfe sto truft in God/ to deſ⸗
peire of himfelfe, Chis doctrine of faluation thep maruelouflp
binder, which vꝛge men wich lawes, precepts, and workes, and
teach them to ſeeke thereby to be ſaued. 99911,
And the renewing. Chatthis walhing aud new birth map be
He chat is moze fully vnderſtood, be hath added , the renewing, that thou
iad — maieſt onderftand, that be that ig truly baptized, is become anew
come a new Matt; and a new creature,enbuedwith anew difpofition, which
creature. nowis farre otherwiſe affected, loueth, liueth, ſpeaketh and vorh
farre otherwife,chehe was wont oꝛ could before So the Apoſtle
fapth,@al. 6: In Chrift neither circumcifion auaileth anything,
nor vneircumcifion; that is, no woꝛkes ofthe awe areofanp
value oꝛ importaunce, butanew creature. Asif he ſhould fap:
Saluatiõ can noc be perfected by topning togither certaine goon
* workes,
Mworkes, but the whole man mutt be at onte renewed, and bis na:
ture chatiged, whereupon true good workes will follow of them⸗
felues, not bp peecemeale „but togither wich great plentic, OF
this new birch, whereby the whole man ig renewed, Chꝛiſt (pea:
ketb Joh. 3: He thatis not borne againe, can not fee the king-
dome of God. ere againe it manifeſtly appeareth, that na:
thing ts here done by our workeg, but chat it behoucth that man,
how great foeuer he be, muff die, and be chaunged into another,
which is Done in Baptilme , if we beleeue. The condenmed allo The cödem-
halbe borne againe in the laſt dap, but they hal not be renewen, at halbe
they thall remaine vncleane, as thep were here,andasthepwere porno ce”
boone of Adam. Therefore that he might {peake rightly of Bap: newed,
tile, be calleth it the wathing of the new birth , whereby thep
that are boone againe are alforenewed. Df this new birth many
things are to be found bere and there inthe Scripture, becaufe
of which alfo Gov callech bis word and Golpetl a wombe and
mattir, ag Elai 46: Dearken all pe that remaine of the houfe of
Ilraell, whom I haue borne in my mombe,ag mothers are wont
to ſpeake oftheir childꝛen. De therefore that beleeuech the Goſ⸗
pell, is ag tt mere conceiued in the Wombe of Gon, ¢ from thence
bone a new man, and like vnto God +: TÜhereof we will in an
other place {peake moze, Row it ſhalbe fufficiene,tohaue lear⸗
ned by thele mords,how our workes are nothing in fulfilling the
cOmaundements of Gov, and that it is amad thinge to attribute
here neuer ſo litle co our owne ſtrength; ſeeing that it ig kayth a⸗
lone, wherebp man is at once boꝛne againe,e renewed, There:
fore bnderſtand this that good workes muſt folow a new creas
tire, but to attaine onto righteouſnes, ¢ that new creature thep
are able to belpe nothing at all, . ST ¥
Mo otherwile ig the grace of Gon wont-to renew man, then How the
as if God Hould turne fome drie and withered blocke into a new. an
greene ‚and florifhing tree, which may afterward bringe forth man,
feute plentifullp, For the grace of God is agreat, trong, verie
mightiesandmeruclous effectual ching, iclpeth not in the minde, The grace of
asthe Schoolemendjeamed: tt ſſeepeth noe , 02 ts Horne, ava God excee-
painted table beareth a picture : it (elfebeareth.quiveth, bꝛgech, ding ——
dꝛaweth; chaungeth , and worketh all thinges in men, fo, that a ——
; peration.
euerie one map feele and baue experience of it. It felfe in deede ig
Hyd but the workeg of it can not be hyd, but do witnes of it, as
: ely 3
theleaues and frutes po of the tree, of what nature it ig; There:
fore the Scholemen Thomas and Scotus do vngodlily detrace
from it , who attribute no moe Onto it, then that it Doch adorne
the workes of nature „and is a helpe chat they be brought to pers
fection. For itdorh not adoꝛne or helpe onclp , but ic alone woꝛ⸗
keth thoſe thinges that be good, neither doth it worke them ones
Ip , but doth rather chaunge and renew the perfon, For it exhi⸗
biteth the walhing of the new birth, and of renewing ‚not of
workes onelp, but much rather of the whole man, De that hall
preach thele things of grace, ſhall trulp and fullp commend it,
Which Paul endeuoured todo when be (aid: He hath faued vs
by.the washing of the new birth, and renewing of the holy
Ghoft. MRothing can be done here bp topning of workes togt-
ther, the nature mutt needes be chaunged, whereupon it cometh
to paile , that thep that truelp beleeue mutt {uffer manp thinges:
for grace woꝛketh in them, ¢ declarech it {elfe prelent, Dereunta
pertaineth chat laping of the ı ı 1.1Plal. The workes ofthe Lord
are great , fought out of all themthat haue pleafure therein.
What ave thele workeg ? Cie are thep, by grace in Baptilme
made the great, new, and regenerate workeg of God. Is it not
a great thinge fog a man byandby to be faued, and delivered from
Ipnnes,death,and bell ‘therefore be ſayth: ſought out of all chem
that haue plealure therein, For by this new birth Gon hath found
aut, and done what focuer men can deſire. For what els bo men
couct anddelire, but ta obtaine faluation, tebe delinered from
ſynne, death, and bell? ; thee
Of the holy Ghoft. Lattly,that he map the moze expꝛeſſe che
greatnes and beriue of grace, he attributeth this wathing of the
new birth,and renewing,to the holp Ghoſt. For this waſhing is
fo great , and of {o weightie impoꝛtaunce, that no creature but
the holy Ghoſt alone is able to perfourme it. But how much,
moſt excellent Paul, Doo thou condemne free will, the great
good workes of the proud holy ones, chat ig, the merits of hypo⸗
critesꝰ In how bie a place doett chou ſet our faluation,and again,
how doeſt thou bring it downe to vg, and placeft it neere vs, pea
euen within bs? bow purely ¢ (pucerely doeſt thou {et forth grace
oe the in thele worwes ? Ciberefore worke what ſoeuer and haw much
¥newe birch loeuer thou wilt, it is vnpolſible for a man to be renewed, and che
& renewing perfon chaunged (without which no woꝛkes acceptable to Gov
‘can be done) but bp the wathing of the newe birth, and the re-
newing of the holy Ghoſt. Chat we map plainly {ce in thofe hy»
pocriticall counterfattours of workes. For thou thalt fynde none
harder, none pzouder ‚none ſo rath and haſtie {pirits. For thep
are bꝛoken, and noc renewed, invurate „obffinate, confirmed bp
‘continuance, coucring in Deeve and fome what adorning that
old Adam by thofe their counterfaite good workeg , but in che
meane feafon there doth not any whit appeare any chaunge of
naturein chem, thep continue fill in the clones of their cop-
rupt fleſh. D, what a pettilent people ts this , and in how great
indignation of God are they , when asin the meane tyme thep
thinke that chepficin Gods Tappe? Mowe whereas the Apo: Wathing of
ftle attributeth this wathing of the newe birth , and renewing the new birth
tothe holy Ghoſt, be ſayth the fame which Chri doth John
3 , where be fapths Except a man be borne againe of water ‚ne holy
and of the Spirit, he cannotenter into the kingdome of God, Ghof.
For that which Chrik fignified by water, the Apoftle cal:
leth the wafhing , fo both made mention of newe birth and of
the bolp Ghoſt. And we mutt marke that that which is ſpoken
bere of the holp Ghoſt both bp Chri, and the Apoftle , mutt
not be referred to that Papiſticall confirmation, ag they call te,
for both of them referred to Baptiſme that whichis bere men:
tioned concerning the holy Ghott , who when the bodp is was
fhed with water , noth himfelfe worke the newe birth , and res
newing by faith which Chat called, to be borne againe of the
ſpirit. (Hie read inthe Actes ofthe Apoſtles, thafthe Apottles
bid eftfoones lap their handes on them that were baptiſed, and
that fo the holp Ghott came Spon them bp aviliblefigne , which
the Papiſtes alfo {natch to their confirmation. But ag that was
Done, that the beleeuers might by a vifible fiqne be endued
with the holy Ghoſt, to preach the Golpell in Diners languas
Kes ‚To it continucd onely the time thereof, vntill the doctrine
of the Gofpell was commended to the worlve bp fufficient
fignes , wherefore it ig nowe long fince worne out of ble: but
that a certaine ceremonie hath come from thence euen vnto
bs , of laping banves on them , which are ordained Mi:
nifters 02 Pꝛeachers, which is nowe brought into an on:
godly and pernitions vſe: but of chefe thinges in-an other.
place, ade |
VVhich he shed on vs aboundantly. See how notablp the
Apofkle fertech forth grace. He fapth not that the holy Ghoft
was giuen „but (hed , and not that onelp , but then aboundantly.
For be cannot fufficiently extoll and magnific grace, and the
worke thereof, and we, alas, count it fo vile in refpect of our
The workes workes, Tt were a dithonou to God and to his holp Spirit, if
of — when he hath plentilully ſhed it ppon vs, there chould as pet be
Pe our (alu, Lome thing wanting neceflarie to righteoufnes anv faluation,
tion without Which we are able to perfourme, ag though the workes of fo
any addition incomparable grace could not be fufficient. And Paul furelp
— our owne might be reproued of lying, which had not ſpoken all thinges
orbes whereby we mutt be iuſtified and faued, when be afftrmeth that
he doth it. But ag he wpitech , fo it is: no man can attribute ſo
great thinges to this wathing and regeneration, no man can
fo much prefume of them, but greater thinges map he attri⸗
buted vnto them, andthou oughteſt to promife to thp f{elfe moe
* thinges of them: noman ſhall beleeue fo great thinges, but be
ſhall recetue greater. Foraſmuch as thoſe good thinges which
God hath giuen, are fo great and ſo vnſpeakeable, he would
haue them bere come vnto bs being included and bpd in his
words and kayth. For the nature ofour prefentlife cannot beare
them being manifeft , andtherefore it mult perifh , when thep
beginne to be reuealev, that man mape bp thefe ineffimable | |
riches , which be nowe pofleffeth by fapth, beasit were final: |
lowed bp, and banith awape, Hie are already abounbantly i tus
Tificd by fapth without all our owne merit, therefore Ohpitt
fayth, Soh, 3 : God fo loued the world, that he hath giuen his |
only begotten Sonne, that who foeuer bekeeuerkit inhim,should |
not perish , buthaue euerlafting life. Bebalo, thep that beleeue,
haue already euerlaffing life, ı and therefore vndoutedly are iu⸗ |
ffified and holp without all their owne labour ormeaneg! that |
thou maieſt (te, that nothing but grace and mercie is plenti- |
fully powꝛed bpon bg, and that our wozkes could auaile nothing | |
Thou wilt perhaps fay: Thou canſt net preach fufficiently,
An obiedtiö. that the grace and mercie of Gov doth morke all things in bs, |
and that no refpect is to be had of our workes, to the attaining |
of faluation , but how commeth it co pafle chen, that the Scrip:
ture fo oft? wimeliech that they ſhalbe which haue wzꝛought
N goon workeg? As John. 5: Theyshall come forth, that haue
done good, vnto the refurredtion of life, but they chat haue
done euell vnto the refurrection of condemnation. And Rom,2:
Honour and glorietothem that dowell, wrath and indigna-
tion torhem that do ill. ie read many fentences here and there
inthe Scripture like ontothefe. Jaunſwere: Asthe woꝛdes The anfwere.
- found, fo take them without all glofle, fo2 it ig euen fo, chep that |
do well fhalbe faued, thep which vo otherwile , ſhalbe condem:
ned, But herein many erre from the truth of che Scripture, in
_ that they iudge workes according the outward appearance, con-
trarie to the Scripture, which teacheth that no man can do good,
wbhoe is not himſelfe goop before, and by workeg no man can ged good ac-
Works muft
not be iud-
become good, but workes take their goodnes of the worker,and cording to
he becommeth good bp the wathing of the new birth, and bp no the outward
thing els, Thig Chꝛiſt meant Wath, 7. ſayng: A corrupt tree “PPearancss
_ can not bring forth good frute , neithera good tree euell frute.
Giherefore make the tree either good o2 euctl , and it will bring
ſoꝛth like frutes. Dppocriteg oftentimes do workeg like to the
workes of the Godly, pea fomettme hauing a goodlier thewe,
— fo they diligently prape , fatt , giue almeg , and pretend a mer:
uelous bolines, but Chrift callech hele heepes clothing, where:
with mot burtfull wolueg are clothed anv hidden. Foꝛ none
of them is of a true bumble, meeke, and bountiful heart, which
chey chiefelp declare when thep are rebuked , when their boli:
| nes isreproued: for chen being thep forth their naturall frutes,
whereby thep are knowen. Cole are, rathe iudgementes,
impatiencie, ftubburnnes, obffinacie , fclaundering , and {uch
like, It is true therefaꝛe, he that voth well, ſhalbe faued, that
ig, bis faluation halbe manifest, but he can doe no good at
all, if be be not before regenerate bp the wathing of the newe
“birth, For what good workeg can one worke in the olvenes
of the fleihe , and bp the ſtrength proceeded from Adam , they
are the good morkes which Paule here condemneth , faping:
Not by the workes of righteoufnes which we had done. hep
ate in deede good workes done inrighteoutnes , but not before
God, who fire hath refpect to the perfon, & then tothe workes,
ag we read Gen, 4, that he had reſpect fir to Abel, then to
bis facrifice, ag be firft curneth himfelfe from Cain 5 and then
ftom bis facriüce , although according to the ontwarn appea-
* it was as good a facrifice and werte- as the Berifip
Through Iefüs Chr —— This be: added that be map
krepe bs vnder the winges of Chatk ,agchickensarewmonttobe —
preferucd under the winges of che hen: for thus Chꝛiſt fapty
MPatth.23 : Ierufalem, lerufalem , how often would I haue ga~ |
thered thy children togither, asthchen ¢ gatherethher chickens _
vnder her wınges , and ye would not? Ann herebp the nature of |
a truc and right faith is taught, For tt ts nothing which fome
fay: Sbeleeve in God almightie, as the Tewes and manporher
arc wont, and do therefore recetue cozpozall benefitesofGov, |
What a true It is a true and liuelp faith, whereby thou belecuett in God, |
& lively faith howbeit bp Telus Chait, irk that thoudsut not that God is
belccueth. | come a merciful father bnto thee, which hath pardoned all chp
finnes , tin Baptilme bath adopted thee for his fonne and heire,
that thou maieſt certatnip know that thou art ſaued. Againe, thou
muff alfo knowe tbis,that that was nor bone freelp,neicher with»
out fatiffaction made tothe diuine tuftice, Fortbere canbe no |
place in thee for the diuine grace and merep toworke ſaluation,
and Co giue thee eternall good thinges, vnleſſe the tuftice of Gop
be before moſt fullp facifficd, For Choi wirneflech Watth. 5:
One iote,oronetitle of the Lawe shall not ſcape, till all thinges
be fulfilled. Chat which ig {poken of the grace and qoodnes of
God, can not come but to thom which vo moſt purelpanderactip
obferue his commaundements , according to that laping Wich,
2: Tühenäasche Jewes did Prefume of the goodnes of God to⸗
ward them, and did alwapes promile bnto them felues peace, |
faping : Dow can God be alwapes angrie, ts the fpirit of the |
Hod MHhoptened ? It ig aunfwered them: Are not mp wordes —
good bnto Lim that walkech bpatabtly ? Ciberefore tt ſhalbe
lawfull for none co attaine vnto the aboundance of grace ‚unleg |
Thouch we Be bath before mott exactly fatiffied the commaundemits of Gov.
coulde and Mowichathbin ſpoken at large „that our wozkes arenothing
fhould fulfil befoge God, whereby we can not fulfill fo much as the leat coms |
the commati- maundement of God, how much leffe hall we be able fo to fa=
— — of tiftie the iuttice of Gov, thac we map become worthie of bis |
Toul pe Stace? Moꝛeouer, ik we were ableto fulfill all the commaunde⸗
ae nothig ments of God, andin all hinges to fariftie his tuftice, notwiths
ofhim, fanding we hadnot ag pet beferuen grace andfaluation , 99— |
—— ——— |
Wwould be therefore owe it vnto vs, foz that be map bp the right
of creation require as Due (eruice,all chofe things ofvs bis creas
tures, created to liue vnto him. therefore it ſhould pet come
of grace and mercie , what foeuer ſhould come from him to bs.
This Chrit : rm verie well Luke 17. ger in a pata:
ble : VVhich of you hauing a feruaunt plowing orfeeding cat-
tell, would faye vntohim byandby , when he were come from
the ficld: Go, and fitdowne atthe table? and would not ra-
ther fay tohim, dreſſe wherewith I may ſuppe, and girde thy
felfe , and ferue me, till Ihaue eaten and dronken,-and after-
ward eat thou and drinke thou ?Doethhe thanke thar feruaunt,
becaufe he did that which was commaunded vnto him ?Itrowe
not. So likewife ye , when ye haue done all thofe things which
are commaunded you, fay, VVe are vnprofitable feruaunts:we
haue done that which was our dutie to do.
Seing thenthat heauen is giuen of grace, and for no merit,
euẽ onto thole,if there were any ſuch, which haue done all things
that were commaunded them, according to that promife : Ifthou
wilt enter into life, keepethe commaundements : what hall we .
boatt of our good workeg , which although thep were moſt abs
folute,pet hould thep be vnwoꝛthie ofheauen,butinafmuch ag it
is giuen bs bp the free and mercifull pꝛomiſe? Dereupon (für __
that we mut fo fatiftie the diuine iuttice , ano pet notwithttan: We had
Ding out workes arenot able to attaine thereunto, whereunto if no gous
they ſhould attaine,pet hould thep deferue no grace 02 faluatib, fatisfie the
for that they are before due) God ſirſt gaue vnto bs aman, which divine iuſtice
ſhouid fatiffie che diuine iuftice for vs tn all thinges. Againe, he for vs.
Hath bp the fame man beſtowed this grace and bountifulnes v⸗
ponds, that albeit we without our owne merit and worthines,
pea hauing eueldeferued and being unwozthie,do recetue grace, Not by our
pet it conuneth not onto bs altogither freelp and without all me⸗ our by Oe
rit, for we haue it thꝛough the merit and ſatiſfaction of Chꝛiſt. Chun
Wihereupon aul ſayth Wom, 5: As by the offence of one finne are we fayed.
came onall mento condemnation : fo by the iuftifying of one,
thatis,of Jeſus Chait, the benefiteaboüded toward all mento
the iuftification of life. Chat is: As without all our merit , and
otwne worke we fell into fpnne, being bogne ſynners, ſo againe
Without all our merit and meanes, we are redeemed from: finneg,
bp the wathing of the {pirit bogne againg che * of Gdd, pars
+ | iij
takers of grace and ſaluation. And this isthe caule why the A⸗
poftle where be {peaketh of faith and grace, ig wont ta adde, bp
Jeſus Chriſt: whereby (urelp he would giue bs to bnder and,
that none ſhould count tt ufficient , if belay : 3 beleeue in Gov,
Chꝛiſt being neglected. De thattrulp beleeueth, mu acknow⸗
ledge, that bis faith can notbe acceptable to God,pea that it can
be no fatth at all, ik allthe commaundements of God be not be:
fore fulftilen, which feeing it is aboue thp abilitie, (and if it were
not, petnotwichianding thou hadit perfourmed nothing , but
that chou aughteſt, and hadſt ag pet merited nothing, hauing ful-
filled cuen ailthe commaundements of God ) thou hat neeve of
another, which in all chinges map fatiffte the diuine iuſtice for
thee, and map alfomertt beauen for thee. Now this other is our
Loyd and Sauiour Telus Chait, whohach for thee fulällen che
whole Lawe, and merited for thee, that God now according to
bis tuftice cannot but giue heauen vnto thee, andinall hinges
acknowledge thee for bis fonne and heire, And this is atrue and
found kaith, which trufteth in God bp Chꝛiſt, and is cers
taine that by his merit tt hath already receiued of God faluar
tion, which ſhortly after halbe reuealed with bleſſed aboundance
of felicitie.
Chriftian Meither can any other be called Chriftian faith , but that,
faith. wherebp itis beleeued , that by Chꝛiſt do come onto vs both fa:
tiffaction , which we oweto the tuftice of Gon, and the gift of
faluation, which we our {elues by no meanes, if the Lawe could
even be fulfillen of bs, canmerit, CAhereupon Paul Rom, 4,
We haue all apt): Chriftwas deliuered to death for our fynnes, and rofe
things necef- againe for our iuftification. Chatis, bp Chri we baue receis
fary to falua- ued, not onelp remiflion of fpnneg , but mozeouer alfo , that bes
tion, not by fore God we are accounted righteous,¢ che fonnes of bis grace.
a owen. To the lame effect alfo tendeth that which he fapth Rom, 3 +
but by the Whom God hath fet forth to bea reconciliation through faith
merit and = inhisblood.C@ibere agatne me tearnt, that it is true faith which
aay of truſteth intheblood of Chꝛiſt, and beleeuech that therebp tt hall
clus Chrift. opraine race, Tübereag thou beleeuct that he hath then big
blood for thee, thou recetuett fatiltaction: in that thou acknow⸗
ledgeſt him the reconciliation , thou conſfeſſeſt that bp bis merit
the diuine grace and faluation Do come vnto thee, Ce haue all
things without our owne merit and meanes, but not without the
mæerit and meanes of Chri, who hath for this caufe then hig
bloov, Ülherefore chat we map allude vnto p parable of Chit,
we mutt containe our ſelues onder bis winges , and not bpon
trult in our felues flie our, and contend to come vnto God, other:
wife we thalbe a prape to the hellith kite, For as tt hath bin oftẽ
ſayd, ourrighteoufnes , our merits , pea and our faith Hall prec
naile nothing without this our medtatour Chit. And therefore
he fapth Joh. 1 4: Noman cömeth vato the Father, but by me.
And in the whole Golpell what other thing doth he, but enve:
uour to take bs out of our ſelues, and to tranfferre vs to himfelfe
bnder bis winges, that we map trult onelp in bis faciffaction ©
and merit? The fame the Apoltle alfo teacherh in che wordeg
That we being iuftified by his grace, should be made heires
according to the hope of eternall life. De {apth that we are iuſti We arc iufti-
fied,not bp our owne workeg, but by the grace ofthe fame Jeſus fied by the
“ Chik, Chat is, we are therefore tultifien , for that Chritt hach a * *
the grace of the Father, hauing kulfilled his will in all thinges, hriſt Ielus.
and thereby mericed eternall life. For ſeeing that he hath no
needeof this merit, be giveth it onto vs which beleeue inbim,
that before God all his thingeg may be imputedto vs, and by
them we mapreceinefaluation, See, how rich a thing found
faith is, and how gréat good things it bꝛingeth with it, See alla
— How precious a thing the Gofpellis, and how great atreafure
it is to baue tepurely preached: and contrariwife , how great a
diſcommoditie there ig, there itis not preachen , o2 not rightly
> preached, the'tnuentions of men being mingled with it,o2 chruft
in ſtede of it. Cake heeve therefore of füch veceiuerg,and of their
counterfet fatth, reſt not in chp felfe,buc get thee under p winges
— of Chik, keepe thy lelfe unver bis protection , trut that chou
art heire of eternall life, not by thy owne righteouſnes, 02 grace
| Which chou bak receiued , but whereby he ig righteous and ac:
ceptable before Goo, Dereunto pertaineth this laping JPfal.gr.
He willcouer thee vnder his winges , and thoushalc be fafe vn..
_ derhis fechers. And in the Songe of Salomon it ts fain: My
| fpoufe isa doue, building her neaft in the caues of the rockes,
and in theholes ofthe wall , that ig, in the woundes of Chit.
And thig in deede iga true Chaittian faith, which reſteth not in ic
felfe ag the Scholemendzeamed , but repolech it felfe wholy in
| K ij |
| > RUE » gi * Pr . ai.
Chꝛiſt, and asic truſteth in him ‚fo it veftech in him, hauing re:
ceiucd eternallfaluation. Cihereas be faith that we are made '
heires of eternal life according to hope, befive thache proucth,
tiat we without all our owne merits, by onely bope of grace are
bone againe beires of eternall life, and bo not become beires bp
woking , whereof we haue already {poken at large, be alſo tea⸗
cheth his, that our faluation and eternall Life ig as per bid, ak
though, it we beleeue, we do verely polſeſſe it, andthis body
being put of, andthe kingdome of Chzilt revealed , all thinges
fhalt appeare mantfettlp, ;
The weapons of this text.
Ourowne This text fighteth moſt mightilp,and with molt plaine woꝛds
sehr againt all rightcoufnes and good workegof mans reafon and
workes are free Will, For the woꝛdes are plaine.Not by the workes of righ
no power to teoufnes , which we had done, but according to his mercie he
faue vs. faucdvs, by the washing, &c. AU which wordes do vtterly
ouerthꝛow our righteouſnes, attributing all things top wathing
of the newe birth, and the renewing ofthe holp Ghott, to Cyrik
and bis grace. Dow can there notwithftanding anp prefumptton
as pet remaine in vg ? Cüherefore let all lacred and prophane
lawes haue a fapre thew : let all facrificing pꝛieſts, monkes, and
nunneg boaft ofthemfelueg: let all religion’ and Honeft men and
women ſeeme goodly in outward appearaunce: let them euen
raple the dead: if faith in Chrift be ablent.whereof we haue now
fpoken {o much, all theſe things aretono purpofe, Theſe mot?
falle ſhewes do ag pet deceiue the whole world, and ſeduce almoft
euerte one. Chey makethe Gofpellobfeure, and ertinguith the
faith of Chꝛiſt: AU their workeg and orders, although thep ape
peare goodly, and thep thinke them to baue merited neuer {a
much do auaile no mozerunto faluation, then the workes of
beaſtes, 02 of artificers , whereby thep do maintaine themfelueg
and theirs , pea thep do moſt hurtfullp hinder it. Therefore that
JI map conclude , take heeve ag much as thou art able, of thele
wolues, Which under a faire pretence counterfet themfelues
fhecpe , and learne and accuftome thp felfe with a found faich to
cleaue brite Chak alone,
DERE he Drafinuch ag there is often mention made in the
N Pye new Tefkament of thefe wordeg, the kingdom of
| A \d heaué,the kingdomof God,} Kingdom of Chrift,
OR Cae and it is berp profitable and expedient for a Chris
od SS tian to know thele, to wit, chat they are nothing
ela, but remiffion offinnes,and grace preached and offered by the
Golpell, For inthis kingdom chou Halt finde nothing but grace
and goodnes, pardon and forgiuencs of ſinnes, loue and gentle:
nes: J therefore thinke it good to entreate fomewhat at barge of
the fate of this kingdom, and of foꝛgiuenes of finnes. The king:
Dom of Gov, whereby he reignech ouer all che Faithfull; and ag a
faithful king vefenveth,punilhech,rewardech;guineth,and pire?
cteth them, ec.chep againe from their hart truſt in bim,(uffer bis
fatherly chattifement and coꝛrection with a patient mind, and al⸗
wayes ferue him through obediense,ig not wozldlp op tempopal,
but fpiritwal, Meicher conſiſteth it in meate and dzinke, 02 in ann The kingdd
Outward thing, but onelp iniuftification, quicting and confolati+ of God wher
onof the bart and confctence of man. IAherfore itis nothing els, imitconi-
but forgiuenes and taking away of finneg, bp which sonfrienceg g Heth. t
aredefiled, troubled, and Difquieted . For cuen ag a woꝛldly and A fimititude.
temporal kingdom tg oꝛdayned to this ende, that men map tine
quietly € peaceably one wich an other: So che kingdom of Gov
giueth thefe thinges {pirituallp , and deſtroyeth the kingdom of
finne,and is nothing elfe, but an aboliſhing and pardoning of of:
fences, God reigueth inthe hartes, inaſmuch as be workerhin
them bp bis 02d, peace quietnes and conſolation: euen as inne
worketh the contrarp,namelp;unguietneg,anguifh,and all kinve .
of euills Derein God theweth bis maieſtie anngraceinthistife; ~ °°
that he taketh away anv pardoneth mens finneg : and this is the
kingdomeof grace. Nowe when as finne with his gard, that is
Satan death, and heil, hall trouble man no moze, then at che laſt
of God is
not by the
law, but by
the Gofell.
How Chrift
reigneth in
the kingdõ
Chrift put-
teth away
finne after
two fortes.
the kingdomofglorp,and abfolute felicitie hall be, |
Hereupon tt followeth: firk chat the kingdom of Gon ig culeb
oꝛ gouerned bpno law, no not bpthelawof Gon, much leſſe by
the lawes of men, but onely bp the Golpell,and faich i inGod, bp
which harts are purified,comforted,and quieted, whiles that the
holy Ghoſt pourech loue andthe knowledge of Gov intothem.¢€
maketh man ag tt were one thinge and one {pirit with God: fo
that bis affectton ig {et bpon the fame thinge, he willerh and def:
rech che fame thinge,be feekcth and louech che fame thinge „that
God doth. either ſtandeth the cafe orherwife here, then tt doth
betweene two frendes, which beare good wil one to an otber,and
agree one wich an other in all thinges. Hereot it commerh;chata
man inthis kingdome of Gov ts perfect, mercifull, pitifull anv
bountiful toward bis neighbour , feeing that he knoweth by the
inftinct ofthe holy Ghott,chat God is of p Came affection toward
him,and coward all men and doth poure forth bis. goodnes plens
tifullp. Such affection of Gono man can know bp the lawe, but
onely by the ſpirit, and word of the Golpell. jane therefore thal
obtaine guiietnes,comfozt, and peace of the bart, 02 attaine vnto
the kingdom of God by anp law: And they which prefcribe manp
lawes,doe withdꝛaw men from the kingdom of God,to the king»
Donvof finne,wherein is nothing elg,but vnquietnes, anguiſh af⸗
fliction, aduerfitie, and all kind of eutlls toꝛmenting the conſci⸗
ence. Like ag on the contrary, in the kingdom and knowlege of
God;there ismeere toy peace,and confolation of harts.
Secondly:In this kingdomof Gon the Lor Chꝛiſt reignech
no otherwile,thenas a Matfer of an Dolpitall among the fickes.
poore,anddifealed, For vnto this kingdome none pertaine,but
finnefull and miferable men, vnto whome their finnes are foygia
ven. Dereupon Chpitt ſayth inthe Golpell Luke 6: VVobero
youthatare riche, which hauereceiued your confolation. But
contrariwife,the pooze, miferable, and {uccourles receiue com=
fort and top bp the Golpel: for Chrift came to call innere onelp,
and not the righteous, that all gloꝛy map: be referred to God a⸗
fone | for that He foꝛgiueth ſinnes of his grace and meere merepy
Such aboliſhing oꝛ putting away of finne, wherein Chꝛiſt reig⸗
neth as King of the kingnome.of Gov, isvone of bimafter two
fortes: fir thus, in that he remitteth, pardoneth and couereth
linnes.lo that Gon will not regard, remember oz reuenge them
| although
q er Di WE ie ar
although thep be ina man. As it is in the 32 Plalme: Bleffed are
they whofe iniquities are forgiuen, and whofe finnes are coue-
red.Bleffed isthe man to whom the Lord wil notimpute finne,
in whofe fpirit there is no guile. And in Eſay cap.43 God ſayth:
Jam,euen I am he,that formyne owne felfs fake do awaythine
offences,and forget thy finnes, fo that I vvill neuer thinke vpon
them. Secondelp thus, inthat he purgech o2 rather froureth
finnes bp diuers crofles and afflictions. For they are two things,
toremitfinnes, andto weaken the body of finne that it map noc .
teigne invs. Ifa man belceue, and ig baptized,then all hig finneg
are forgiuen hiin. But afterwarde ſinne mut be fcoured or aba-
ted by manifolo afiliction and moptification, as long as be hall
liue. Sinne ickech in vs, as long ag the moꝛtal body remainerh,
but for Chrittes fake it ts not imputed inthe wrath of God, but
freelp remitted, andthe force thereof diminiſhed bp his fatherip h
chattifement. In fuch chaftifement foꝛ their amendement , true True Chri-
Chꝛiſtians haue had great comfort, peace, andiope, ag yaule jer
fapth Roms : Then beingiuftified by faich,vve haue peaceto- en
ward God,through our Lord Iefus Chrift,by vvhö alfo through
faith,vve haue had this accefle into this grace,wherin we ftand,
and reioyce vnder the hope of the glory of God. Neither that
onely,but alfo vve reioyce in tribulations, knovving that tribu-
lation bringeth forth patience, and patience experience, & ex-
perience hope. And hope maketh not ashamed, becaufe the loue
of God isshed abroad in our harts by the holy Ghoft vvhich is
giuenvnto vs. So thou haſt two thinges to be confivered: Che
rſt, that in this kingdom of Gon we are iuttified. Che feconve,
that by tribulation and affliction we are glorified, without which
ine cannot attaine buto glory. re
Thirdly, good Chrittiang are not knowen by this , when anp
fuffer manifold tribulation € chafifement, that the body of finne
map be weakened, and chep brought to amendement. For berein
they doc altogither differ amonge them {elues,one ſuffereth this,
another that: one is chattiled thus, another otherwile, fo that e⸗
ten the very Apoſtles did not loue and fuffer altke Wut hep are
knowen tn forgiuenes of finnes,o2 iufificacion bp fatth, wherein
Gor turneth hig anger fromthem, ereceiucth them vnto grace,
and counteth them for bis deare childgen , and imputeth no firme
to them bnto condemnation, Herein are all alike, euen ag all
—ã a 1: de.
liue onder one beauen. Therefore they poe moſt groffelp erre ¢
fumble, which mealure Chriffians bpmaners, workes, and the
outwarde maner of liuing, even as the Pharifees were wont to
Dog, and Did therefore finde fault with Chri, for that be did noe
obferue their ceremonies, but was a frend of Publicanes and fin:
ners, 4s that joharife ſayd within him felfe Luke 7: Ifthis man
were a Prophet,he would furely haue knowne who, and wvhat
maner of vvoman this is, vvhich toucheth him : for she is a fin-
AGmilitude Mer. Heare nome anerample of thole thinges which are befoze
fapd : 4 Phiſitian which goeth about to cure che ficke , doth firk
promile him health bp the aſſiſtance and helpe of Gov, whereby
‘be putteth him in great hope and comfort, Afterward he begin:
neth topurge, ta clenfe and ſtrengthen, and fuch like thinges,
which make to che recoucring ofhealch: So Gon allo, whenhe
_ bath remitted finnes, and recetued man into the bofom of grace,
Doth lay on him all kind of afflictions, and doth ſcoure him, anv
renue him from day to Dap, inthe knowledge and loue of Good,
vntil he become fafe,pure and renued, which then at che Talk com:
meth to paile, when this moztall boop opeth,
Fourthly inchefe two partitions of the kingdom of Gon, tivo
Two fortes ſoꝛtes of men.are founde, which abule the fame kingdome of the
ofmena- grace of God, and the Golpell. Some become ſluggiſh and Hochs
bufethe full, faping : Telli finnes be pardoned freely of meere grace,
grace. and be wathed awap in baptifme, thereis no neede that I fhoulv
adde any thinge of mine owne. Other thinke contrariwife, that
thep thal put away their finnes by works, and fo trufting to their
owne merits,thep are proud and arrogant,and tn refpect of chem
felues contemne other , which voe not fo, Che firlt of theſe cons
- temne Gods grace : che other oppugne it, as not {uificient,and fo
they reprefent {wine and dogges. Now all this appeareth by the
Golpell,by which Chri reigneth inthe kingdomof God, For
fome abufe it vnto carnall liberties other contrariwile are pers
fwaned,chat it ig not {ufficient tofaluation,but that their woꝛkes
alfo vor helpe fomewhat,and by chis thep Deny and contemne the
grace of Gop. Hereof thou map read more in the Cpittle co the
Romanes,whereinthele two ſoꝛtes of men are plainly fee forth,
Fiftlp, this kingdomaf Goo , op remiſſion of finnes hath no
bounde oꝛ meafure , as that place of the Golpell doch verp well
fhew, where Peter al keth the Loꝛd: Lord, how oft shal my *
Macch. i8.2 1.
ther finne againft me,and I shall forgiue him? vnto feuen times?
"Telus fayd vnto him, | fay norco thee,vnto feuen times, but vnto
feuenty times ſeuen times, that is, ag often as thall be needefull,
"After this follometh aparable, which the Loꝛde there puttech we mut
forth wherein be mot ſeuerely anmonifhech vs,if we will not fal forgive our
outof the fauour of God , that we forgiue our neighbour bis of, neichbour,
‘fences without all delay or grudging. Fopafinuch as God al: Coa
wapes forgineth vg innumerable finnes.Dur dette, whereby we +0 forgiue
"are bound vnto God,is ten thouſand talents, thatis, fo unmeafu: vs.
rable and great, that we are not able to pay tt with allour fub:
ftance,all our frength and workes, For we can put awap no one
‘fnne. although ithe euenverp litle. Seeing therefore that God
‘doth remit fo many finnes of bis grace tnhis kingdome, it ts
| meete,that we ſhould forgiue our neighbour afew offences, OF
| this kingdom of Gov, wherein finnes are forgiuen, the Scrip:
' tute euerp where maketh mention,and ſayth, that the kingdom &
‘dominion of Chꝛiſt doch extend from one ende of the lande to che
other. Solapth Dauid yofal.7 2: His dominion shall be from
the one featothe other, and fromthe fludde vnto the ende of
the earth, And a litle after be fapth x All nations shall ferue him.
| This alloche Angell Gabptell declared tothe Uirgine Marie
| Luke 1.where be ſayth thus of Chriff : The Lord shall giue vn-
"to him the throne of his father Dauid , and he shall reigne ouer
| the houfe of Iacob for euer,and of his kingdom shall be no end.
Theſe and fuch like places vo ſhew that the foꝛgiuenes vf finnes,
| teberin che kingdom of Gov doch efpeciallp conſiſt, bath no meas
ı fure 02 bound, |
| Sirtlp.bereofiwe map ſee, how bnchriſtianly thep poe, which Anvnchri-
„bringe forgiuenes of finnes toa certaine meafure , agchep doe, fıan thinge
| which meafure out their indulgences for prefcribev peares, with °° beste
‘forgiuenes of the third, fourth, or halfe part. Foꝛ hereby thep nn
bringe the kingdom of God into a narrow and {ratte roome,and or Bose
‚are iniurious to hismercy, forafinuch as there ig no ende of bis
kingdom, noꝛ meafure of his mercy. But whoſoeuer halin faith
call vpon thename of God, ſhall be faued,asoften asthe doth tt,
| Woreouer, when che finner Mall be ſoꝛy foy his finnes, the Lorde
Will no mozeremember them , as tt ts in che Pꝛophecie of Eze⸗
chiel, chap. I 8. :
V4 Seuenthly , ag this kingdome of God hath no mealure or ti:
| NR Be]
mits of forgiueneg of finneg, fo alfo ic hath no ende,but potato |
continually without cealling : albeit the fubiects of this king:
Dom Doe not abide init continually. firmely and faithfully, but do
often times forfake it, 20 the fauour and grace of God were cone |
tinually with jeter although he denied the Lorde, and reuolted
kfrom him. Cathe lame effect tendeth the parable in the Goſpell
whereof me haue now ſpoken. For the feruaunt,which would not
baue pitie of his felow ſeruaunt, did make him felfe vnworthy of
the mercy of God, div depriue him felfe of the kingdom of Goo,
which confifkech in pardontug of offences,as it te aboue mentio-
nev. Mere Ciniuerlitic Diuines of apregnant wit, ag they feeme
bnto them ſelues, and puffed vp wich knowledge, haue Difputen,
whether, and how forxiueneg of ſinnes doth come againe , when
man iterateth o2 renuech his finne , not knowing what thep fap,
But follow chou the plaine and fimple wognes of the Gofpell, to
Wit, that thy finnes are fo often foꝛgiuen thee, ag thou dooft fors
gtue thy brother, whom thou mutt fo often forgiue as he ſhall of
fend again thee. TAherefore in this parable, thereof J haue e⸗
We mußt for yen now made mention, Chait doth admoniſh vs all,that we pars
— ris bon and korgiue all chem that haue offenven bs. Asif be would
chey ofend fap: Asin mans affapres,he which ts beneficial to an orher,bath
againtvs. other alla beneficial onto him againe, fo fapth Chritt,in p kings
dom of heauen.which conlitteth ſpecially in for qiuenes of finnes,
that isin Chꝛiſtianity or among Chrittians,be which pardonech
an other his offences, 3 alfo will pardon bimbis, And on the
contrarp.be that ig not merciful coward an other , tobim Jalſo
will Denp grace.J am ouer pou ag Loꝛd and King, and pe are fe
low feruaunts and compantons one with an other.Sceing theres
foxethac J pour Loꝛde doe readily forgiue pou, pou allo ought
moze readily to forgiue one another. After the fame fort allo be
bath commaunded vs to prap in the Lords praper, Watth,6:For-
giue vs dur dertes : which be would not haue done, if be dit not
promile and would not merctfullp forgiue vs, Gut neuertheleg
be added a condition oz figne to this promtfe, when he ſayth: If ye
forgiue men their trefpafles, your heauenlyFather will alfo for-
giue you. ‚The firk ig afigne,p other appomile, Marke that tt is
bere eniopned vs, to forgiue one an other his ſinnes and offences,
fo,that we mutt be merciful. and bountifull towarde our neigh:
bours , tf we will haue the heauenly father gentle and “ama
toward bs. And lec bs be moft certainly perſwaded hereof, when
“wwe thall interpret at the beſt, and excuſe/ ag much ag equitie doth
| fuffer,the offences and trefpattes of other, although they be euen -
een and gricuous, that we allo thall haue a bountifull and mer:
rrkull facher toward be in heauen, CCthercfore it ig a thinge moſt A moft vn-
abhorring from Chzittianitie,and euen blafphemoug, when it ig chriftian
ſayd: Ican not, neicher will J forgine him chat whieh he hath aes
| committed again me, I wil be reuenged,#c.Durelp thofe blind Pes *
mẽ are ignorant, that they doe take from God his gloꝛy, to whom to beare ma-
alone vengeance belongeth, and chalenge it to them ſelues, and lice in our
ſo they giue bp tothe deuill their owne loules, which they haue hare & fecke
receiued of God,¢ ought co render them Uno him againe,where: 0 7° Fuse
unto thep are perbaps pꝛouoked euen with fome {mall o2 trifle: ©
Ting’ matter, Such kind of men as thefe ought to ſette before the
epes of their hart,chefe woꝛdes of the Gofpell, Watth,18; Oc-
uill feruant, 1 forgaue thee all that dette , becaufe thou prayedit
me: oughtelt not thou alfo to haue had pitie on thy fellow fer-
uant, euen as I had pitie on thee ? So his Lord was wrath, & de-
liuered him to the tormentors,tilhe should pay all chat was due
to him: So likevvife shall mine heauenly Father doe vnto you,
-except ye forgive from your harts eche one to his brother their
trefj pafles, Meither ts it (ufficient.tfin relures, fignes, mouth 02
tongue thou ſhew thp ielle a frend vnto him, and foꝛgiue him, but
thou mutt doe it from thy hart, otherwife God will not forgiue
thee,pea thou thalt be dꝛiuen out of the Kingdom ofgrace, ber:
foreif at any tyme we haue tryed the mercy of God towarde bs,
we muſt alforeadily pardonour felow brethren, which baue of: ©
fended vg, For in that refpect the mercifull Father forgtuerh bs
out finnes,chat ne alfo fhould forgive our brethren, # ſhew mer-
cxytoward them, euen ag he is merciful coward vs, and remittech
finne,veath,the fault and the punifhment,dGben we hal dothis,
then are we receiued into the kingdom of God. Foꝛ the goodnes
of God liueth in our hartes,and maketh vs alfo goon, Chritk fits
teth at the righthand ofthe Father, pet neuertheles be reignech
inthe hartes and confciences of the farthfull, fo that thep loue,
feare, reuerence, and diligently obephim, no otherwile chen obe:
dient fubtects doe their King , and inalltheir voingeg are made
like to him, euen as be him felfe fapth, Watth.5 : Be ye perfect,as
_ your Father vyhich isin heauen,is perfect. Now God ig perfect
inthis, that he taketh away and pardoneth our wickednes, Des
fect,finne, and imperfestion,that we alfo map doe the like to our
bꝛethꝛen. But when ag we hall not doe the like, we are dpinen
outofbis kingdom, ¢ are made (ubiect tothe kingvom of finne,
death, and the deuill, as diflopall and difobedient inbabitants of
fome countrie , arethaut out, Cibich God of his mercy turne
fromos, Amen. *
All thefe thinges may be comprehended in the prin-
cipall poyntes follovving. :
Chriſt reigneth,when by fasth of the Gofpell, he worketh the
go * and grace of Godin our hartes, and maketh them lihe vnto
Goa. *
2 Infuch akingdom the conſcience enioyeth peace, confolation
and reſt, when it underftandeth andkuoteth that God is mercsfull
unto tt,and imputeth not finnes. . |
3 Therefore man beareth all kind of tribulation and affisttion,
by which [inne is (coured,and the force thereof abated, He alfo ende-
noureth to be beneficiall unto other , as he him felfe hath bene asit
were onerwhelmed of the benefits of God, ’
4 And fothe Lord reigneth after two fortes: Firft, for that
he maketh the fasthfull cert ame of the grace of God,and remiffion of
finnes Secondly for that he layeth the croſſe vpon them,that the bo-
ay of finne may be weakened,and they brought to amendement.
5 Hethat forgiueth his detters pertaineth ro the kingdom of
God,but he that doth not forgine them , remaineth under the king=
"dom of finne.
Theſe things I thought good to fpeake in this prefent place
concerning the kingdom of beauen, the kingdom of God,or the
kingdom of Chik, whichis the fame: to wit,that it is nothing
elle but a kingdom, tn which thou ſhalt finde nothing but forgiues
nes of finnes. TUbich kingdom ig preached and offered unto bs
by the Gofpell, God graunt that we map ſo receiue tt, Amen,
} Dat prayer map be good indeede, and map alfo be
heard, we nut firſt confiver that twothinges are
Ga neceflarte thereunto: one, that we firſt meditate 7 |
G vpon the ppomile of God,and doc ag it were aduer: Teen
| *" tize God thereof, and truſting bneo tt, be embold- 6-0 ro be
| nedand made cheerefull co pray ; forunles God had commaun: confidered
| Ded vs to prap,and had promiled alfo chat he will heave vs , euen ofin prayer.
all creatures could not obtapne fo much ag a grapne by their pe-
titions. MAhereupon it followerh, that na man doth obtapne anp
| thinge of God for his owne wozthines, or the wogthines of his
- praper,but bp the onelp goodnes of God, who preuenting all our
| petitions and defires , prouoketh bs to pray and defire of him,
' by bis gentle and bounteous promife and commaundement, that -
i me map learne howe great care he hath ouer bg, and is ready to
giue bs moe thinges, then we durſt enterpzife to af ke, and that
we map alfolearneto pray boldely, inaſmuch ag be giueth bs all
thinges euen in more ample maner then we doe afke them. tig We muft no
neceilarte that we doe no whit doute of the promife of the true thing doure
| and fapehfull Gon , for therefore be hath promifed that he will of ot God
heare vs, pea and hath commaunded vs to pray, thatwemight 7...
haue a ſure and ftronge fapth, that our praper ſhall be ſo heard, ge
ashefapch March, 21. and Marke 11: VVhatfocuer ye shall
| aske inprayer, ifye beleeue, ye shall receyueit. Andin Luke
i chapt. 11: And! fay vnto you, Aske,and it shall be giuen you:
| feeke, and ye shall finde: knocke, and it shall be opened vnto
| you. Forenery one that asketh, receiueth: and he that {eeketh, _
| findeth and to him that knockethit shall be opened, If afonne
| shall askebread’ofany of you that is afather, will ye giuehim a
| tone? or if he askea fish, willye for afısh, giue hima ferpent ?
| orif heaske anegge , willye giue hima fcorpion? If ye then
| wyhich are euill,can giue good giftes ynto your children, how -
| L
le ei eT Vref an Oh as ty
~ much more shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Ghoft to
them that defire him? Te muf bololp truſt to chele , andfuch
like pꝛomiſes and commaundements , and pray with trie confis
pence, |
Hethatdou- fonefloprapeth, thathedout whether God heare him, anv
tethofthe maketh bis praper onelp at aduenture, caring not greatly mbe-
De of ther itbehearde oꝛ nothearde: be committeth adouble offences,
ee Dne,foz chat he him felfe maketh his pzaier fruttrate,and labou⸗
SEN Gm reth invaine. Foꝛ ſo James fapth chap.ı : He that vvill aske of
finne. the Lord.let him aske in faith, and vvauer not: for he that vva-
uereth,is like a vvaue of the fea, toft of the vvinde, and caried a-
vvay,lec not thatmanthinke that he shall receiue any thinge of
che Lord Such a mang bart ig not quiet ¢ ſetled, wherefoge God
can gtue bim nothing. But faith maketh the hart quiet, and ca:
pabic of the gifts of God, The other offence is, that be counteth
the moft faithfull and true God, as alping,paine, and vnconſtant
man, as he which netthez ts able neither will fulfill bis promifes,
fo by his douting be robbeth God ofhis honour, ¢ name of faith:
fulnes,and truth, Mhereby it ts fo grieuouflp offended, that e-
uen that offence being committed, a Chꝛiſtian ts plainlp chaun-
- gedinto an Deathen,and deniech and lofech his true God, fo that
if be continue cherein,be is Damned for euer without all comfort,
And ifany thing be gtuen vnto him, which be af kech, it is giuen
him not to good, but to eutll, as well tempozall ageternall, not
for bis prayers fake, but from the wrath of God, that he map rez
compente thofe goodly wordes, which are vttered in finnes, uns
Y beleefe, and to the diſhonour of Goo,
Wemuttnor Dome fay: J would truſt in deede chat mp prayers ſhould be
therefore beard if were worthy.or if J could pap well, Chen, lap Ft
doutinour thou wilt not pray, before chou thalt knowe and finde thy felfe fie.
in ers for to yap, that chou (halt neuer pꝛay. Foꝛ as it is before ſayde, our
m — pꝛayer muſt not reſt vpon our worthines , oꝛ the woꝛthines of tt
ye , “
felfe,o2 be grounded thereon, but vpon the immutable truth ofthe
-promife of God, JF ſo be chat tt truſt to it felfe op anp other thing,
and ground tt felfe thereon, itis falfe, and deceiueth thee. albeit
thy hare ſhould euct be burt bp reafon of the ardent affection of
godlines, and thou ſhouldeſt weepe nothing bur dꝛopps of bloop,
For therefore we pray , becaufe we are bntworthp to prap, and
hereby (urelp we are made worthy to pray, and fitto be heard, |
inaſmuch ag we thinke that we are unworthp, and doe boldly any How we are
cheerelully truſt co the fatthfulnes and eruch of God, Although
Ff for the Go-
: ittt,
u * WON END bs, 12 A 9 Pio |
{pells fake thou lofe chis tempopalilife, Gov will giue thee an o⸗
ther favre better,to wit, ecernall life, as Chrift fapth Matth. 103
He that will finde his life, shall lofeit, and he that lofeth his life
for my fake, shall finde ic. Jf chou be compelled to forfake thy
wife togtther with chy children,remember that Gov hatha care
-ofthem,be will bea better father vnto them then thp felfe, which
bndoutedlp commeth to pafle, if fo be thou belecue, For we haue
berp great rich promifes that he wil not fufler his word to fail,
but will alwapes fulfiilic , tf we can freelp and confidently truſt
inbim, and commit our ſelues wholy vnto him. Chaiſt fapth af⸗
ter this fore Watth.r9: VVhoſoeuer shall forfake houſes, or
brethren, or filters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children or
landes, for my names fake, he shallreceiue an hundreth folde
more,and shall inherit euerlafting life: (ie hane here bis words
and pꝛomiſe: what mould we haue more ? oꝛ what can we defire
: moꝛe? wherein therefore doe we faple?onelp in our faith. CAher⸗
Afound faith foe naman commeth tothis fupper , but he that byingech with
en him a ſincere faith, which God preferrech and loueth aboue all
ae food creatures, But how doth the Lord recompenfe them which excu⸗
led chem ſelues that hep could not come to the (upper ? Che cert
it elfe declareth. asia tin) | Een
‚Thenvvasthe goedmanofthe houfe angry, and faydto his
feruaunt : Goe out quickly into the ftreetes andlanes of theci-
tie,and bringin hither the poore,and the maimed, and the hale,
The Gofpell and the bliad. To goe into the freetes and Taneg is nothing elle,
fs ‘ohn 1 but that whereasthe Jewes made them ſelues buworthy of the
vo the Lewes Golpell, and div refute it, the Dilciples turned to the Gentiles,
who becaufe: FO? it as entopned themof Chꝛiſt, that thep ſhoulde not ture
they refufed them felueg to che Gentiles, nor preach the kingdom of Gop in
in. the Apo- the cities of the Samavitanes, but thould goe onely to the fheepe
A i of the boufe of Iſraell, and ſhould feede them onelp, as thep div,
tes Mom the Jewes ſtriuing againk this woꝛde; and by no meanes
recetuing it, the Difciples fapd, Act.13 : Ie was neceflary thar
the word of God should firfthaue bin {poken vnto you:butfee-
ing ye putit ftom you, and iudge your felues vnworthy of cuer-
latting life,lo,we turne to the Gentiles: for fo haththe Lord cé=
“ maunded vs, faying 1 haue made thee alight of the Gentiles,
that thou shouldeft be the faluation vnto the ende ofthe world,
But what meaneth chat which be fapch mozeouer to p —
—TJ Pin. ‘ N
Goo out into the hie wayesand hedges, and compel! them
‘to come in,thatmyne houfe may be filied. Chis ig to be unver:
‘food of deſperat and weake con{ciences,which alfo pertaine un:
‘tothis {upper,and are compelled vnto it, butthis compullion ig a
not outward, but inward and fpieituall, andig done after thig Whatitis to
fort. Qaen the law is preachev, finnets fer before our eyes anv OPP"
reuealed,that aman map come to knowledge of him felfe, fo chat ‘
fo compel,to enter o2 come tn,doth rightly fignifie, to dꝛiue finne
into the confcience,wherby a man map know that heig nothing,
that all his workes are finnes, and fubiect to damnation, and ſo
fodainlp bis-confcience map become defperate,and bis hart faint
and terrified, that all that confivence and opinion of belpe map
‘Depart, and manbim lelfe be able no where to comfort him felfe
in any thinge,and at the laf be priuen ta deſpeire of him felfe, IE
fo be chat one be once after this fort compelled, then doe not long:
‘Belay to let him come in, but deliuer the man out ofdelperation.
Shat commeth to pale, when thou comloꝛteſt him by the Go⸗
ſpell, and declareſt that be is deliuered from bis finnes , fap-
‘tng: Beleeue in Chr, chat he hath made thee free from thp
finnes, then thalt thou be deliuered and free from finne, And
thisis the meaning of that which be fapth : Compe!l them to.
come in, It is notto be vnderſtoode of outwarde compulfion ,
as fome interpete it, that wicked and vngodly ones ſhoulde
be violently diuen to. the ſupper, for this preuaplech nothing,
nepther ig it fo meant in this place, therefore itis to be
referred onelp to the conlcience, and is inwarde and fpiritu:
all, Nowe be gocth on to {peake to the feruaunte and the
For I fay vnto you, that none of thofe men which were bid-
den, shall taft of:my fupper. This tg the conclufton, that thep h
which thinke themſelues off tertaine that they fhall come to
the ſupper, and talt-of it; hall uot taſt of ic: Chereafon pe haue
beard, Now bꝛiefly the quetts that are bidden and vo not came,
are thep, which thinke that thep Hall obtaine the fupper bp their
Diune workeg, berie much wearping themſelues, thinking al⸗
ſuredly, that thep thall taft of it. But che Lord mightelp conclu:
Deth and ſayth: Hot one of thefe men (all talk of mp fupper, Why they
Wiberefore mot gentle Lord? Thep baue competed no wicked may
thinge.neither haue bin occupied about vniuſt matters. Bebold, nor * of
the fuppes.
Ver /e.36.
this ig the reafon, for that thep haue forfaken fapth and hate noe
confelled it freely before euerie one, neither baue preferred that
rich and ſumptuous {upper before all creatures, For ſeeing it is
ſumptuous, itrequirech chofe men that do iudge it to be (o „and
do put anp thinge in daunger, what foeuer it be, chat they map be
partakers of tt. Chus pe haue the compendious meaning of this
text, which J haue onelp briefly runne ouer , ifanp will expound
tt more at large, J am well content be fo do.
RER bl Pgs P= ON ah Ob
Luke 6,
JEſus faid. vnto his difciples: Be ye
SS 13>4mercifull as your father alfo is mer-
: ys cifull. |
37. » Iudge not, and yefhall not be iudged :con-
demne not, and ye hall not be condemned:
' forgiue, and ye fhalbe forgiuen.
38. Giue&itfhalbe giuen vnto you: a good ieee
fure,prefled downe, fhaken togither, and run-
ning ouer {hall men giue into your bofom: for
with what meafure ye meat, with the fame
{hall men meat to you again.» 3
39. And he fpake a parabale vnto them: Can the
blynde lead the blynde ? fhall they not both
fall into the ditch ?
40. ° The difciple is not aboue his maifter: but who-
foeuer.wilbe a perfect difciple, fhalbe as his
„mailter. | er
; 41. And
41: And why feeft thou amote in thy brothers
eye, and confidereft not the beame that is in
—E thine owne eye?
42. Either how canft thou fay to thy brother,Bro-
ther, let me pull out the mote that is in thine
eye, "when thou feeftnot the beame that is in
thine owne eye?Hypocrite,caft out the beame
out of thine owne eye firft,andthen fhalt thou
fee perfectly to pull out the mote thatis in thy
brothers 2
Pnetabbourg intempozall thinges and in coꝛpoꝛall
ite A neceflitic, are diſcribed vnto vs in thig teres which
gy the Lore thendeclared, when be layde a litte be:
EN fone in the fame chapter, that we mutt vo well vnto
sur enemies,and beftow benefits vpon them which bate bs : that
he mutt bleffe chem that curfe vs: chat we mutt prap for them
which perfecute bs : if anp man {nite bs on the one cheeke , we
muff offer vnto him alfo the other: and tfanp man take away our
cloke,we mutt not forbid hint to take away our coate alfo.¢c, AU
which he comprebending in a bpiefe fumme , fapth: Be ye mer-
cifull, as your Father alfo is mercifull. Dere pe fee all good
workes ſummarily delcribed which we muſt erercife among our
ſelues, ag our beauenly father bath erercifed them towardds,
De haue oftentimes heard, that tt is not needefull to do good
workes toward God, but toward our neighbour onelp, God can
be made neither ffronger nor richer bp our workes:but man map
be ftrengthened and enrichen by chem , vnto whom alfo thep are
neceffarie , vnto whom onelp thep are to be directed, and riot vn⸗
to Gov, which pe haue verpoften beard, and which ig now in
pour cares: but would to God tt would at the laff burſt forth both >
into pour handes and warkes. Warke therefore how peruerfean We muft
order itis, when anp deale with Gov bp workes , with whom deale with
notwithfanding thep mutt veale by onely faith, and when faith God by faith
fs directed bnto man, whereas itis to be placed in Gov'alone, 4 MD our
Turne thele contrariwife, and thep halbe riaht, after this forts id cepa
let bs fit repofle faith in God alone, and let vs then gine our workes.
; y 214 Bi |
felues toferue our neighbours , and to direct all our wozkes fo,
that chep map turne to their commoditie, Cie muff deale before
Gon by no other ching but by faith alone, becaule none is ableta —
belpe vs but God onely, whatfocuer we pollelle either in mind
oꝛ bodp,that commeth wholp to vs from Godalone,inwhomwe —
ought to trut,vpon whom we ought to {et our hare. jQowe fome
ble fuche a prepotterous onder , that thep repole faithe, which
ought to yauerelpect unto God onelp,in them felues and others,
they ret vpon their traditions, and whatloeuer their great mats
ſters haue inuented , in that thep put their tru. Of uch Gov
fapth in Jeremie ? My people hath done two euills: one, for that
they haue forfaken me the well of the water of life, and digged
them pitts, yea vile and broken pitts that can holdeno water: —
An other, forthat thou dareft fay: lam without finne and gile-
les,tush,his wrath can not come vpon ine: beholdI willreafon
with thee, becaufe thowdareft fay,] hauenot offended. _
Fivt he ſayth, that bis ſpouſe ts curned into an harlot, and
hath eftraungen her {elie from Godthe kountaine of life, from —
tobom life, faluation ¢ euerp good thing dotneb, bim they haue —
forfaken, Secondly they {et bp their owne traditions, and digge
Onto themielues a fountatne of their owne, which can holoe no
mater. Do our Papiſtes tru to.cheir owne inuentiong , to their
founding of Wafleg, to their fattinges, pꝛayers, and {uch like
things. cCibich appeare to be ag afountaine, out of which thep
would draw life,and bleſſednes oꝛ faluation, when as notwith:
ſtanding it ig able to hold no water: they koꝛſake God the founs
taine oflife, Afterward he ſayth: they dare rife againſt me,.chat
Jſhould not be angrie with them, alleging that their woꝛkes be
te Een
an i a —
iult, and they will goe to law with me. Bebolve thisig another —
finne,that thep goe about to nefende their workeg, Ahereupon
God allo fapth:1 wil cétend wich thee in iudgment, & wilshew
how thou gaddeft hither and thither to change thy wayes. So
Faith obtai- faith pertaineth to God alone, whereunto it belongeth to obtaine
neth all good all whatſoeuer thinges are neceflarp, ag well tempozallthinges
thinges of
ag eternall,and foto obtaine them, that itthinke not that it hath
merited in any ching. Alſo it muſt againe applp it ſelfk down ward
toward our netabbour,with out looking for anp recompente,not
that bleſſednes confiftech inthat deriuing offaich,to wit charitp,
for neither doth God require that, who will haue the conſcience
(to reft onelp in him: euen ag the ſpouſe mutt cleaue onely to ber
8 and to no other: fo alſo God requireth of bs that we
‘tru inbim alone, Thele things Chath oeclareth when be laich:
Beye mercifull as your father is mercifull. Ciherefoze 3 mutt
ſo order mp confcience toward Gon, that F undoutedlp belecue,
‘that Jhaue him a bountifull and mercifull father, ag I will
afterward vechare , and that Jalſo da few mercp toward mp
neighbour. Which fatth mut be inward,ard caried bpward pn-
‚to God, but workes mutt be without, and deriued Downward to
Jour neighbour. After this fort Abraham div, when at che moun:
taine in the countrie of Moꝛia he alcended to God, he left his
ſeruaunts and affes below at che bottome of the mountaine ‚ta:
king onelp Ifaac with him, Che fame mutt be done of vs if we
"till afcend bnto God, that we map come to him with Iſaac one-
| Ip, that is , with faith , feruauntg and afleg, thatis workeg, are
to be left below. Chus much for the entraunce of this tert con:
| cerning faith and wopkes , to wit chat faith mu pearce inward
‘and bpiward, but workes mutt go without and downeward,
‘whereby at che length it commeth to pafle, that we ave righteous
| before God and men, for that we giue due honour unto God, anv
‘ beleeue according to bis word, and fatiffie our neighbour in
‘ thedutie of loue. Nowe let vs lee the herp worveg of the tert
‘never, -
| Be yemercifullas your Father is mercifull. Dow therefore How our hea.
ig. our heauenty father mercifull? after that fore, that he giueth venly Father
vs all good thinges, coppozall and ſpiritual, tranſitoꝛie and eter: * pee
| nall, freely and of hismercp. For tf he ſhould giue vnto vs ac. vs.
| gopding to our delert, he ſhould gine vnto bs nothing but hell fire
| and eternall vammation, CCthatfoeucr therefore good thinges
| be beftoweth vpon vs, he beffowerh them of bis meere mercy,
Heſſeeth vs ſticke fak in death , therefore be hath mercp bpon
| bs and giveth bs life: be teeth bs to be the chilogen of bell,
| therefore he taking pitie bpon vs, giuerh vnto bs beauen: De
ſeeth vg to bemilerable and naked , bungerie and thirſty, it pi⸗
| tying bimbereof, be clotheth bs, and.refretheth bs with meat ..
Minke,t maketh vs full of all goodthings s So what foeuer we
haue either in body oꝛ in ſpirit, he giueth ichs of bigmeere mers
"fp, without any merit or defere of ours.Cibereupon Chrikt bere
ſaith:Imitate pour father,¢ be pe merciful like vnto him, This
What kinde is not ſimple mercy, ſuch as reaſon teacheth, fo that is greeny of
of mercy rea- her owne commoditie, which giueth onelpto great and learned
fon tercherh men, and to them chat delerue its it laueth them that be kayre and
Or heautifull: ie giueth onto them,of whom it looketh for profit and
commoditie againe, which is amercy diuided, bea ging, and ag
it were torne and bꝛoken in peeces. For if F hall gtue to bum
that bath veferued, o FI thall regard fapzenes 02 friendihip , it
ig a bargaine oꝛ det ‚and not mercp. Dereof Chit (peaketh in
Luke6 the lame chapter before this tert in thig wife: If ye louethem
“ whichloue you, what thanke shall ye haue ? and.if ye do good
for them which do good for you , what thanke shall yehaue? |
for euen the fynners do the fame: and if ye lend to them of
whom ye hope to receiue, what thanke shall ye haue ? for euen
the fynners lend to fynners to receiue thelike. But the mer⸗
cy of Chattians mutt not fecke ber owne, but ſo behaue ic felfe,
that tt be indifferent, that it regard all alike wich open epes;boch
freinds and foes, euen as our heauenly father doth.
Where trueAnd where foeuer this mercp is not, netther ts there faich al-
mercy is not, fü, Foꝛ thy heart being ſetled in faith, fo that thou knoweſt Gov
— is tohaue ſhewed himlelfe thy God, fo gentle and bountifull, withe
uch Sut thy delert and of mere grace, when thou watt as pet bis enes
‘tute, and the chilve of eucrlatting malediction, thy heart I fap
‚being ſetled in this faith, thou canſt not containe thy felfe, but
that chou thew thy (elfe againe fo to thy neighbour, x that wholp
for the loue of Gov , and for thy neighbours commodities fake,
Take heeve therefore what difference thou make betweene a
friend and an enemie , betweene the worthp and bnworchp: for
pe lee all which are in this text rehearſed, to haue otherwiſe ve:
ferued of vs,then that we ſhould loue them, oꝛ do well bnto them,
And the lame thing the Loꝛd meaneth when he fapeth Luke 6:
But loue your enemies, do well vntothem , lend, looking for
“ nothing againe and yourreward shalbe great, and ye shalbe
the children of the moft High:for he is kinde vnto the vnkinde,
and to the euell. HR
An obieGié. But how commethit to patlethat a certain contrarie thing to
Pinbich we haue taught {eemeth to appeare in this tert.where be
faith ?Be ye merciful, as your heauély Father is merciful:againe,
Judge not,and ye shal not be iudged : condemne not, & ye shall
not be condemned : forgiue and it shalbe forgiuen you. All
which authorities found ſo, that we mult deale before God wich
our workeg, and by them deferue the mercy of God, when ag
“notwithfanding pe haue verp often beard, that taith alone Dach
all? and both Paul and the whole Scripture do commonly fap
and affirme , that we muft beleeue in God alone, and deale by
onelp mere faith before bun, It is requifite here to vnderſtand The anfver,
that good workes are onelp a fecting forth and commendation of
faith, fo that if J belecue, I mutt be mercifull , I mutt not iudge
no? condemne my neinhbour, I mul forgive , and giue nto mp
neighbour, TCihereof fet an example before pour felues, Mhat
Did Abraham being commaunded to offer his fonne ? he obeped Gen.z2.
the commaundement, and drew forth the (word to kill bis fonne:
what enfued therevpon ? the Angell of the ozo ſtayed him,
faping ;lap not thy band vpon the child, neitherdo anp thing vn⸗
to him: for now I know that thou feareft God, forafmuch ag for
mp fake thou batt not {pared thine onelp fonne,
' Dowbeit this ts here to be knowen and marked of bs, that we we muh re-
mutt fir receiue, before we gine: before we thew mercy, WE ceiue mercy
mutt receiue mercy of God: we do not lap the firſt fone, netther before we
doth che thepe fecke the thepebeard, but the hepeheard the ſhepe. ew mercy-
Ciberefore lo beftom chp workes ineuerie refpect , that thou
Tooke fo nothing at Gods hand beraufe of them: for. we obtaine Wecbtaine
euen euerie thing of God without merit or delerts fo God fapth 3) ood
Elay 65 : lam found of them that fecke nor for me, I haue ap- thinges of
peared to them thataske not forme. And in the endeof thefame god through _
chapter: Thetime shall come (fapth God) thar of euer they his meere
call will aunfwerethem, andwhile they are yet but thinking "7"
how to fpeake, I willhearethem. for indeede before we {eeke
him, be fpndech vs, before we alke him he heareth vs. Likewile
&, Paul fayth Rom,z': There isno difference: forall haue fin-
ned, and are depriued of the glorie'of God, and} are juftified
freely by his grace, through the redemption thar isin Chriſt le-
fus whom God hath fet forth to be a recéciliatié through faith
inhisblood, todeclare his, righteoufnes, in that he forgiueth
thefynnestharare paft, through the patience of God , to shew
‘at this time his righteoufnes ; that he mi ghr beiuft ‚and a iufti-
fier of him which is of the faith of Ieſus. And in the chapter fos
lowing be fapeth s Now to him that worketh the wages is nor
‘counted by fauour but by dette: but to himithat worketh not,
Our good
workes muft
be fignes and
of our fin-
cere faith,
but beleeucth in him that iuftifieth the vngodly, his faith is coũ-
ted for righteoufnes, For if it be of Grace, it is no more of works,
orels were grace no more grace, ag be faith afterward in the
eleuenth chapter. t
Againe, Jmuſt beſtow mp woꝛkes ſo, that they maye bea
certaine ſigne, and as it were a ſeale grauen with letters, wheres
by I map be allured that my fatth is{pncere, Forif J feele in
mp heart, that mp worke procecdeth fromloue, Nam fire con:
cerning the integritie and foundneg of my faith. IE Iforgiue,
the fame forgiuenes doth allure me concerning the finceritie of
mp faith ‚doch declare mp faith , and certifie me, that God hath
alfo pardoned my fynne, and doth daily moze and mare pardon
me, So it fell out with Atrabam , bis worke made his faith
knowne bnto him, Godin deede knew that he Bid beleeue, but it
beboued that Abꝛaham alfo ſhould know, and thew forth bis
faith, Tiberefore morkeg folowing onelp freelp as fruites of
fatth, are declarations of fuch a faith. For what ſhould it profit
me, if J bad euen a rong fatch , but vnknowen onto me? euen
as ik I hould haue a chest full of gold, pec J being ignoraunt
thereof, fhouls take no commopitie thereby, But ifanp would
thew it onto me, be ſhould Do me ag greata pleafure 5 ag if be
gate it me. So it Jhaue faith and pec be ignoꝛaunt thereof,ic ig
no profit onto me. Therefore it mut burſt forch „and be fhemen
bp the workes that enfue, which are bach ſignes and fealeg of the
prelent faith. Soe Sainct Peter meaneth, when {peaking of che
workes of charitie, anv the vertues of fatth, he concludeth thugs
Wherefore brethren , giue rather diligence, to make your cal-
ling and election fure , which if ye do, ye shall not fall. For by
this meanes an entering shalbe miniftred vnto you aboundant-
ly into the euerlafting kingdome of our Lord and Sauiour Ieſus
Chrift. De fapeth net, do good workes, that by them pe map be
called, but that pe map more aflure pour felues of pour calling,
Accuttome pour felues therefore well puto the phraſes and ma⸗
ner of fpeakinges bfed in the Scripture , that pe ruth not vpon
them like blinde moules, and confirme workes in {uch places ag
this: for herein workegare retected if we thinke, that we are
iufified by them: but herein thep are extolled and commen:
ped, in chat thep are profitable to our neighbour and frutes
and figneg of Faith , Behold, ic wag meete that II ſhould *
digrelſſion, leaſt I Gould cöfirme che meaning of 5 japitts.
» Row if it Hould be demaunded whp God oftentimes ſetteth Why God
downe ſuch contrarie fentences, and diſagreeing one wich an il haue fen- _
ueber; as itfeemeth tons € our reafon, % aunfwere, that be map —
teile bs in reading, and that we ſhould not thinke that we un: which — *
| Derftand che whole Scripture, when we fcarce vnderſtand one contraric.
"place. Some fapinges do guide the (pirit, how we ought to be-
i ‚baue our felues toward God, onelp by faith, as this: VVeare Rom.3.24.
tified freely. Againe left the boop fhould be ſſuggiſh outward⸗
Ip, there nel ineencek alfo fet forch unto vs , which do guide and
| erercile the bony „ag thele which we haue heard here rehearſed:
| Forgiue,and ye shalbe forgiuen:alfo where as Chri affirmetb,
| that be will require workes tthe lat day, and will {ay after this
‘fort unto the condemned. Matthew 25 : Iwas an hungred, and
| Ye gaue me no meat: J thirlted,& ye gaue meno drinke: I was
' aftraunger, and ye rooke me notin vntoyou: I was naked and
ye clothed me nor, &c. lhich {entences, whiles ignogaunt and
Tight ſpirits labour to wꝛeſt and applic to workes , thep fee not
how greateuellchep commit. Bue fpirituall menreferre them
(totheverp bony onelp, they chem felues tanding naked before
God in ſpirit , which ig both iuſt and neceſſarie. sor there are
wo thinges in man, the Spirit and the Fleſh. Hereupon there
are ſome places which bo guide onelp faith in the ſpirit: ſome,
| Which da direct onelp workes in the bodp : for one place can not
Direct bath the boop ann the ſpirite togither. Te mutt fo vo with
fabEance,; that webe willing to part from it, to lend „and ta
giue to surneighbour.when it ſhalbe requiſite. Ano tf we fee anp
| Noe to haue wherewith to make refticution,we mutt releate him,
a id forgiue the dette according tothe erample of Mehemiag,ag
we read in Eſdꝛas.i Eſd.5. For Gon hath giuen many things
onto bs, who is able to giue vs moe thinges alſo tf we beleeue.
And thus we heare that tf we will be Chrilkiang , we ought to
nS giue, andte be willing to part from that which we haue,
ther wife we ſhall not thew the frutes of a liuely faith. TMhere⸗
me lay by this tert inwardly in pour mindes , that pe deale bp
other thing before God, bur by onelp faith and referre and
se pour woꝛkes to the only {erutce-and mofit of pour neigh:
ut. Thus much thal {uffice to haue-bin ſpoken concerning the
mer patt . Jaw what ig to be ſayd moꝛeouer ‘oF tert , 0
what doth follow we will afterward confder. In the! ve
bir lowingche Loꝛd incerpreceth himielfe , what kinde ol m | e
vbnuderſtandeth, ſaying after this ſott..
Judge nor,andye shall not be iudged: : condemne not;anc dye
shall not be condemned : forgiue,and ye shalbe forgiuen:Giue,
and it shalbe giuen vnto you. In this place the Loꝛd diuideth
Three pares mercy into three partes , that we maye not be gona» wat
ef mercy. maner of mercy chat ought to be, which te behoueth vs to ſhewto
out neighbours Firſt iudgement and condemnation ig taken
from vs. Then thou muſt forgiue chp neighbour tf be hath com:
mitted any thing againſt thee, Laſtly thou mutt helpe the needy.
Theſe thinges this word (Mercie) ſignifieth, where ſoeuer tt ch
meth in theScriptures , Av all chele muff pꝛocecde from a
ſyncere heart , all colouring and flatterie being taken away, that
there be no refpect havofthe perfon. For itk thou deſireſt to
well and to with wellto chem, which will wellto thees oꝛ to do
well to them, which do well to thee oꝛ to. hurt them which burt
thee thou art utterly deceiued. Gut thou muſt do lo, as Chritt
ſaith a litle before : Imitate chy heauenly father, lonethine
mie:do wel to him, which doth euel to: thee:fopgiue him that hur⸗
wie ar tech thee lend to the needy, and ſo of the ret. That cheretore me
of mercy not Map (peake of the former pare, that we muſt not iudge 0p:
to iudge demne, we mult marke, that Go hath ordained che ſword otthe
condemne magiffrate,to the punithing of publike offences, forbat ithe pꝛo⸗
another. uided chat it be not done again the pꝛecept and commaundemẽt
of, God, as that the innocẽt be noe erecuted:foz whereas the iudge
dealeth vniuſtly, he ts ag well an homicide as an other, oftwbicl
iudgement Chꝛilt ſaith nothing here. Els where he maketh
tion thereof, when as he fata co him, which deſired, that he would
Luk,12.14. bpd his brother diuide the inheritance with him: Whomademe
aiudge ora diuider oyer you ?gForthecare € gouerning of outs
ward thinges vo not belong tothe kingdome of Chꝛiſtt
Of what But Cheilt (peakerh bere af an other iupgement , namelonf
ann apent that whereby one reputeth and compteth an orher good 02 enell,
keth in this Ybenasnotiwithftanding hefeech no good or euell to be done of
place. him. Cibich iudgement belongeth onlp vnto God. For it may be
that chou fee thy bꝛother offend to day, whom notwithſtam ing
to moꝛow God doth recetue, thE map be both bey ans alſo ſeen
vnto thee to be goon, neither nud thou remember iat tare |
bat Chꝛiſt hath forbidven. For there can not be either anp loue,
oꝛ Concord, where this tudgement and condemmation ig bluallac ·
“mong men. To iudge + condemne an other is nothing els,then -
to haue a beame in his owne epe, which allhppocrites do without
Dout beare intheirepeg. Forthepthatiudge themfelues good,
are offended at their brother , what foeuct dthers do, it diſplea⸗
feththem , forafmuch as thep will not acknowledge their owne
fpnne.But it commeth to palſe, that when thou (eet manp finneg
mothers ; thou {ec not the beame that ts tn chine owne epe, and
fo falleſt into che iudgemẽt of Gov. Dereof ic commeth,tbat thou
which iudgeſt an other, art made worle thẽ p mot wicked baude,
orthe mot vnchaſt harlot, before God, who alone knowerh wha
is to befaued,and who to be condemned. Such hypocrites are of Iudgers. of |
that nature, that it is a pleafure vnto them, and thep take no (mal other.
delight thereof, ifthep reafon and talke-etther of the adultcrie or
fault of an other man, pea they increafe a final thing 02 trifle in
their neighbour , and what ſoeuer others do, thep interpret it at
the wortt,(o that no ma ts able todo that which pleafeth or liketh
them. And although they themfelues do not fuch things,pet thep
Willinglp bere that other men do them, whereas a godlp man
belpeth as much ashe ts able, that hele thinges may be couered
And amended. But it many times fallech out that thep are moſt
filthie adulterers euen according tothe fleth, which vo fo iudge
“and condemne others, bowbeit thep do not iudge man onelp, but
euer God himfelfe,Tüherefore if thp brother be a finner,cöceale
bis ſynne, and pap for himtoche 1020: ifthoureueale bis inne
and reiopce thereat , furelp thou art not the child of the mercifull
father, for ifthou were,thou wouldeſt be merciful according ag
he ts. This ts athing moſt certaine,that we are not able to thew
‘fo great mercy to our neighbour , as God both hath g doth ſhew
fobs. But that ts the practise of Saran, that we do thofe things
which are quite cötrarie vnto mercy, which ig an bndouted figne,
that there ts nomercy at all in bs,
Df thele iudgers of other Chritt ſpeaketh in the Goſpell whe
befapth: Can the blinde lead the blinde? shall they not both fall Luke 6. 39.
into the ditch? The difciple is not aboue his maifter: but who
focuer wilbe a perfect difciple , shalbe as his maifter. And why
feet thou a mote in thy brothers eye , and confidereft not the
, Ban ah ees) inthine owne eye? either how canft thou fay to
80 | A SERMON OF THE) 00
thy brother,Brother,let me pul out the motethatis in thine eye,
when thou feeft not the beame thatis in thine owne eye? Hypo= '
crite,caft outthe beame that isin thine own eye firſt, & thé shale
thou fee perfectly to pul out the mote thatis in thy brothers eie.
As ifhe latd s thou thinkeft that thy brother ts blinde, andtathp
minde doeſt fpnde fault with an other,thatis, thou wilt guide an
other, whe notwithtiving thou thy feife art blind. Chou iudgeſt
him afpnner, ethpfelfeanhoneff ¢ iuſt man, That other thing |
is this,thé for thp heart ta be fo affected, chat thou count thy felfe
better? Cibich ts nothing els, chen that thou wilt lead e guide
other, whẽ thou chp felfe art blinder thé a moule, fo that be which
foloweth thee,voth fall with thee into the ditch. Of fuch as iudge
themfelueg to excell others, ¢ thinke themfelues to be followed
moje thé p ward of God, \, paul ſpeaketh Rom.2:Behold (fateh
be)thou art called a lew, & refteftin the law, & glorieftin God;
& knoweft his will, and tricft the thinges that diffent from it, in
that thou artinftrudted by the law, & perfwadeft thy felfe, that
thou arta guide of the blinde,a light of them which are in dark-
nes,an inftructer of them which lackediferetiö, a teacher of the
ynlearned, which haftrhe forme of knowledge; Sof the truth in
the law. Thoutherefore which teacheft an other teacheft shod
not thy felfe ?thou thatpreacheft, A mã should norfteale,doeft
thou fteale?rhou tharfa yeft, A man should not cömitadulterie,
doeftthou cömit adulterie ? thou that abhorreftidols,cémitteft
thou facrilege?chou thar glorieftin the law through breaking the
law, dishonoureft thou God ?Tühereupähe allo fapth in the bez
ginning of the fame chapter to hypocrites : Thereforethouare
inexcufable, O man,who foeuer thou art,that cödenineft:forin
that that chou condemneft an other, thou condemneft thy felfe:
for thou that condemneft doeft the fame thinges. But we know
thatthe iudgement of God is according to truth , againft them
which commit fuch things. And thinkeft thou this,O thou man,,
that cSdemneft thé which do fuch things, & doeftthe fame,that
thou shalt efcape the iudgement of God ? Loe, this ig tofpeake
Ptruth to hypocrites, who go about to thew p way to other. which
they themfelues know not, leading fo other mẽ into p ditch wich
the. Cherfore p Lord faith: The difciple is not aboue his maifter,
but who foeuer wilbe a perfec difciple , shalbe as his-maifter.
This is a common prouerbe:3| can learne no moze of mp matter
then he knoweth himfelfe,Qiherefore vorh the Lozd ſpeake this
ouerbe? becaufe of two fortes of maitters : the one is blynde,
whomif F hail follow , T alfo my felfe (Hall became blynde: he
- Bimfelfe fallech into the ditch , and J follow. Che other matter
ig the mercifull facher,ofwhon we mu learne mercy : whom tf
~ we follow, we allo vo become mercifull like as he is: tf we were
mercifull vailp , we ſhould alfo become perfect, as he ig perfect,
but that commech not to patie, ag long ag we are in this life,
The lecond part of mercy is, that we forgive them which haue The fecond
endamaged vs, oꝛ hurt vs by any meaneg.A Chriftian can neuer PA of Be:
be fo hurt, but he ought to forgiue, not onelpfeuen times, but fee 7° ot
uenty times ſeuen times , ag the Loꝛd ſayd nto Peter. Matth.
- £8, Uiherefore God forriuetha Chotttian his ſynne o2 infirmi⸗
fie, that he alſo map foꝛgiue other their infirmitie : which Chrift
fetteth forth els where tna moſt goodly parable, which he cõclu⸗
Deth in theſe wordeg: So likewife shall mine heavenly Father do Matth.18.3§.
vnto you,except ye forgiue from your hearts,ech one to his bro-
ther their trefpafles. And fo we prape daily tn the Loꝛds prayer,
With an addition laping : forgiue bs our treſpaſſes, as we forgiue
them that treſpaſſe againſt vs. Is this a hard matter,if Ja wꝛet⸗
ched fpnner ; do forgiue mp neigbbour bis treſpaſſes and bis in:
firmitie , whereas the Lord willforwiue me my ſynnes and mp
infirmities ? It one had killed mp father, what were this being
- compared to mpfpnne, wherewith A haue offended God, anv
prouoked himto anger ?
The third part of mercp ts, that we niueto them thatbein The third
miferie and neede, and that we helpe them,Ca hereof John ſpea⸗ part of mer-
keth thug 1. John 3 + VVhofoeuer hath this worldes good,and ei Ei “
ſeeth his brother haue neede, and shutreth vp his compaffion he
from him,how dwelleth the loue of God in him ? For where the
loue of Gon is,tt is moued to ſhew it felfe eufin outward works,
Dereunto alfo pertaineth the ſaying of Chri Matth. 5: Bleſſed
are the mercifull, for they shall obtaine mercy. CUiberefore the
- Lord addeth a promile inthe Gofpell,faping:Giue and it shalbe
giuen ynto you: a good meafure, prefled downe , shaken togi-
ther,& running ouer shall men giue into yourbofome.And con:
tinting on bis ſpeech be fapth: For wich what meafure ye meat,
_with the fame shall men meat to youagaine. (hus much thall
fuffice concerning the partes of mercy which we ought to thew
to our neighbours: into which the {peciall wordes of Chri: _
Matth7.12 ought to exhort vs,who when in the Golpell of WMatthewhe had
{poken much of a Chꝛiſtian life, andofloue co be ſhewed to our
brethaen, thus concludeth faping : VVhat foeuer ye woul
that men should do to you, euen fo doyeto them: forthis is the.
Law and the Prophets. Row euerie one ts fo affected, that being
caft downe 5 and in diffreg, be would with all the wold to belpe
him, Sif J be a miferable finner , d2owned in finnes, bearing a
burdened and troubled conſcience, would that the whole world
fhould comfoꝛt me, ſhould helpe andfuccour me, ould coucr mp
ſinne aad fhame, So J alfo ought to behaue mp felfe coward mp
neighbour, not to tudge him, not to condemne bim,but to forgiue
4 bim bis offences ‚to belpe him, to pzouive for him, to lend vnto
bun,t gtue him, euen as J would with to be done onto my felfe if
I were driuen into diſtres, neceſſitie, exile, oꝛ pouerty. And here⸗
in truly Chꝛiſtians are knowne, tf they loue one an other, tf one
do ſuch workeg of mercy vnto another, ag Chꝛiſt ſayd vnto bis
diſciples at his laſt Supper: I giue you anew commaunde-
ment,that ye loueone an other, as i have loued you. By this shal
all men know that ye are my difciples, ifye haue loue one to an
other. hus pe haue the meaning of this tert, it remaiueth chat
we call bpon God for grace, t
I. Tam, 1.
® Hz ende of the commaundement
Mis loue out ofa pure heart , and of
A ae as
* 6. From the which thinges fome haue erred, and
naue turned vnto vaine —
the Lawe, and yet
_ 9. They would be doctours o
0% -ynderftand ‘not what they {peake , neither
whereof they affirme.
VEIT is well knowne bnto pou vearelp beloued bre: Gods worde
QP thren, with how great feueritie God hach com: mußt be
| Disk maunded his woꝛde tobe heard andlearned. Foꝛ heard and
SY be mot highly effeometh it, and bath befkowen learned.
x Rasy much labour indefending tt, and publifhing tt to
* — De hath fuffred all che 1rophets to come into perils
and daungers, at the laft alfo be fent his owne fonne becaufe of
bis worde), whom he {uffered to die euen the Death of the croſſe.
And what perfecutions haue not the Apoſtles chemfelues abode
- foz the wordes fake? what afflictions haue not all Chriſtians (uf:
fered? vnto ſome of which be hath committed the mintfterte of
| “his word faithfullp to be erecuted, and to other fome bath entop-
ned the charge ofbearing the fame, If there were no other caufe
ce beſide chis, whereby we might be moued to heare ¢learne Gods
Wwoꝛd, but for chat itis the good pleafure, will, and commaundes
ment of God, pet this one ought to be (ufficient great ¢ weightp,
Fyoꝛ it ts our dutie ag creatures to obep our Lorde and Creato2,
| Jand that with all readineg of mpnde, inaſmuch ag be bah giuen
hs fo many good thinges , and Dach as pet daily gie vs moe,
“for which we thall neuer beable to giue him Babes worthie
Dowbeit be is not content, onelp to haue commannbed bs to
Bo this,o2 torequire it ofhs ag bounden dutic,but promiferh alfo
that great fruits and commodities fhall redound to vs thereby,
affirming that bp this meanes his greateft and higheſt worſhip
is giuen vnto him Foꝛ bets the great Lo; whom welerue;who God is fer-
hath manpand divers kinves of ſeruice and manifold maners of ued divers
Sworhip, and whom we map ferue divers wayes. But this onelp ceil We ef
| feruice which ts giuen to him by hearing the word, doth ercell Pree eine &
| all the reff, For ifanp where a fateh full man of che countrie, 02 A hearing his
titizen, 02 anp wbich is otherwife tn fubiection Doth ferue hig worde-
oꝛde ormaiſter he doth bp the fame feruice alfoferue Good,
N, Aikewile a chiloe ya maneruaunt 02 amapofernaunt.if they be
obevient , and do diligently chat which —* to their dutie:
alſo a Prince and parents if they gouerne well, and ba their du⸗
tie kaithlully: they all do ſerue God. Foꝛ it is his will and cost:
maundement which be requireth co be fulfiten of ug. Df {uth
Teruices and kindes of worſhip the world igfull. Foꝛ to euerie
one in bis ſtate his workes are committed and iniopned of Gov,
wherebp he daily both ought and map ferue him: that there map
be left no place for ercule vnto any man,as though be were igna-
raunt how „and wherefore be mutt ſerue God, neither thatanp
leeke after other thinges „and inuent peculiar maners offeruing
God, which be hath neither oxdained nor commaunded, and in
the meane (eafon neglect that which hehath commiaunded,ag we
baue bithertodone inour blindeneg, — RT
But before allocher.feruices ann doinges of duties, he bath
moſt highly efteemed and extollen this feruice both of them that
heare, and them that preach bis word: And therefore hath or⸗
God ri ap pained alſo a ſpeciall bap thereunto euerie werke, in which we
Pace, perfon MUSE applic our ſelues to no other bufines : Albeit we ferue Gad
and what fo allo bp other labours all the weeke, which be bath bound tous
euer is requi- time 02 certaine dape , But he hath chofen this pape {pectallp,
fire that his which he hath ſeuerely commaunded to be kept, whereby. men
ae hei g, Maye haue time and Tepfure to performe this feruite 3 tefanp
heard, . Might flie vnto this complaint, that be hath no leylure by rea⸗
fon of bis labours and bufines. Woreouer he bath appointed
fpeciall places allo for this fernice., ag among vs temples and
houſes, where we doe come togither, Dea be hath inſtituted
and kept the whole order of minifters hereunto, giuing alfo
other thinges which pertaine tothe performing of the charge
of this office , ag the knowledge of manpe tounges, and Dis
uers giftes befides And baiefelp, be hath commaunded the
whole world by a certaine {peciall precept, that it thinke thig
woꝛſhip or ferutce holy, and farre moze excellent then the re,
TUbich be will haue fo tobe delighted in of all Chritians,
| thatit mapebe manifelt, howe much be Doeth efteeme it, and
| howe acceptable vnto him the erercile and handlyng of his
: Whe word ts, —
Moft weigh- Thele things I {peake to irre pou vp,and to admonifh por,
tie caufes | WHp pe ought willingly to heare the word. of God, beraufe tt ig
which ough: tot only the commaundementof God, whercunto we mutt obep,
j vut we baie alfo moft ainple pꝛomiſes, that itis a — to moue v⸗
‘tablets God,andthe greateſt woꝛſhip/ cwhereby we can doe bo: EEE 4
(nour onto him Ana it ſo farre exceedethother kindes of worſhip,
as the bꝛightnes of che ſunne exceedeth the bꝛightnes of theo
ther ſtarres,and the Sabbath dap ce other dayes, ein afumme,
as much as the heauenly kingdom excelleth the kingdoms of the
woꝛrlde Foꝛ here all thinges are holy and ſpecially chofen, the
-time,place,perfon and that becauleiotithe woꝛde, which fernctifi
eth aĩi thinges bnto be: CAherefore we mut earneltly endeuour,
that we take heede vnto our felues, that we fall not into ſſuggiſh⸗
nes, ¢ flothfulnes neither that we be caried away with contempt
and lochfomnes of bearing the mord;ag thofe delicate and cloyed
ſpirits, which feeme unto them ſelues already to be) Waiters,
aud exactly to know all thinges, pea farre more perfectly then ae
inp canteachethent. D2 as others allo, which are ſoone cloyed
with it, thinking, why J haue beard this verp often, wherefore
ſhould I eftloones heare thefame ſonge? Chep knome not howe
great € merueloug a ching it is, allo howe qreatworthip of Gov,
which they do ſo greatly contemne, eneglect wich fo great ſſoth⸗
* fulties CUherefore thep doe afterunlpeakeablemeanespaouoke
God to wrath hating his commanndement ſo in contempt, and
fuffering his promife tobe made voyd in them,and ag much as ig
in them impayzing and hindering by theit example fo wmnmen⸗
dable a woꝛthip and ſeruice of God.
But adinit it to be trues which, nortnithfanving is not; that
| “thou dooſt bnderitandalt hinges perfectlpjand ag cunningly’ and
» fhilfully as Chritt him felfe = pet thou feel hom earnelttyhe pers
formeth the office of preaching, «and applyeth himfelfeunto this
woꝛke, whereofnotwithſtanding be was moſt (hilful befope,and > >
"had not any whit neene thereof, as we doe greatly neede t,o °° >»
"aule alla a Prince of Apotties albeit he was exceedingly well ey
earned e fo excellent a Doctor, vet going though many.coun-
-tries videftloones and euery wherepreach, neither was be wea:
ovied oz cloped, CUiherefore tt is mecte thatthou be nothing atiall We maft noe
wearie of hearing this worde, inaſmuch as the ayde and helpe be wearie of
thereofis exceeding necellarp fog thee, both againtethe heudl any "ring the
sallocher tentations, Au although fox thp inſtruction chou foul: Gey.
deff nor needett, pet oughteſt thou mot tobe mertienorclaped,
he ſhouldeſt not beſtowe a fewe howʒes in a day euery weeke
vpon this worhipand ſeruice of Gon: ſeeing that befoye, appips
ing thy lelke to falfe worſhip when thou Dink pafle che whole dap
in temples;and didſt runne from temple to temple, from altar ta
caltar, thou felſt no tediouſnes or wearineg, neither didſt ſay as
‘thou dooſt at this Dap 22D, A haue heard na newe thinge, I haue
heard theſe thinges before: But didſt thinke this’: this Day and
peſterday Jwent to heare Maſſe, and to moꝛow J mind to goe to
heare it agatne, Dow much moze dughteſt thou todoe this now,
knowing alurenly that this is che right ferutceand worhip of
i Gorjet teifap Albeit I knew moſt perfecily,as Idoe not know,
yet to giue honour and ſhew obedience vnto Gov, A will doe this
“ferutcesany becauſe of bis lone and pꝛayſe Iwill heare his word,
that my Bord may lee by this chtefe worhip., wherewith Jam
eſperially delighted, that Jam willing to: ferne bi: Forals
though to other krute or profit come vnto me therebp; pet Amay
-yeiopor that Jhaue performed a mot holy ahvacceptableworke
vnto him’, whereunto other kindes of wophhips and leruices be⸗
ing compären;are of ſmall inportance.
Mow, be chat doth not care for theſe chinges neither i is moued
‚mich: them, reuerently eöichinke and highly co eſteme ofthe mon
“of God willingly andearnettip to heare and leatno it; whenſoe⸗
uer opportunitie and meanes thall be offered, Jwil haue nothing
todo wich hin, Foꝛ neither map T;neicher will Ivraw any man
~ ‘hereunto violently. He that contemnech, let him contemne frill,
and remainea ſwine as bets, euen bneill that day, vhen God wil
Kkill him and throw him downe hedlong to bel. JF 02 fuch aone can
mot bea Yoon man,neither is it a humane finne, but a certaine dee
A deuilith @ullityobttinacie ; fo greatlyto romemne that, whereunto Gos
obſtinacie to hath appoynted äplace,verfon, time, xc. CAhereunto moreouer
ea be moueth vs by his commaundement.touingly prouokech ve bp
ofGods ° bis promiles, irreth vs vp, and anmonitherh bs by wopdes, and
vi, iofferech alithefeof His ovine accorde, and to be bought with no
(price Op treattre, which ts to be farre fetchen, oꝛ hardlycome by,
the ercellensie'wheteof canin deede be coutiteruatlet with no
Sale, Adde hereunto mopeouer that itis a woꝛſhip or ſeruice very
‘eafieto be Done , which map be performed wichnut all labour 02
griele but'chat thou mutt attentiuelp heare che Preacher, oꝛ ap-
‘ply thymouth to (peakeand read, then which labournone fürelp
e meje ealtey And albeit it isto befearen, that thou ſhalt —
N dig ARE = $
“fore beare the troſſe and ſutler perfecucion, pet the wojkedt felfe
is faiopned with no difficultie, as nowiber labour is, no not euen
that that is mot eafte! Sf fo be that tt be not grieuons ynto thee,
to fit che whole dap ina tauerne op an alehouſe, oꝛ otherwile with
hp companiong to trifle and {port thy felfe wich filthy anv vn⸗
feemelp geſtes and pattimes , allo to finge and prate, and pet art
not wearic, neither feeleſt anp labour: chou mayſt with as lide
paine fit inthe temple, and beare the Jreacher, whereby thou
ſerueſt God,and doof chat which is acceptable onto him, Tibhat
wouldeſt thou doe, if thou ſhouldeſt at his commaundement carp
tones in quarries,o2 goe armed on pilarimage to S, James?oꝛ
if fome other laboꝛious and painefull worke thould be enioyned
thee ? as hitherto itbath bene the cuftomiamong bs, when as we
would vocallthinges willingly , whatfocuer was eniopned vg,
wyhen we were decetued with meere trifles , and mo impudent
deluſtons. ci
But ſo doth the Deuill blinve mens in whom alle he workerh
a ſatietie antlothing of the word of Gon, wherebp it commer to .
paſſe chat thep baue no regard, what a treafure the word. of Gov
is, but liue after a beaſtly ſoꝛt, contemning all good doctrine. Let
vs therfore at the laſt delight in thele things, thinking thus with
out felues.that ag often as we reade or heare the word of God gi:
ther prinatlp oz publikely, ofwhom ſoeuer tt be preached; we ape
ply our felues to the chiefe feruiceof Gov, which pleaferh Goo é
exceedingly well, After this fort thou mayſt inflame thp felfz co
heare, and God will infpire thee with his grace, that the ſeede of God maketh
bis word be not ſowne in vaine, but may bring forth plentiful the ſeede of
frute, Foꝛ the word is neuer caught without frute, whenfoeuer it ee
chal be diligently and attentivelp heard,neither canitbe,but that che diticens
by eftloones bearing it,thou ſhouldeſt become better. And albeit hearers ther
for the prefent time thou ſeeſt op feelett no frute,per in proceſſe of of.
time thou ſhalt plainly percetue¢ feele ic, Wut tt were long here
to rehearfe the frutes proceeding ofthe worde, nay, in deede thep
can not be all rebearfen,
Thele hinges I thought good to {peake in ſteede of a preface
before the woꝛdes of S. Paule, tothe intent to fkirre vs bp more Exhortation
diligently to heare the worde of God: and furelp therets great to y hearing
needeoffuch an erboztation datlp in euerp fermon, whith alfo ig of Gods
| much pertinent pnts the tere which we preſently haue in bande, oo”
| a
For Paule inthis placereprehenveth curious ſpirits which ge
about bp their owne wifevom to be maifters of the woꝛd of Gov,
and doe bp and by falfely perſwade chem felues, that they knowe
it well,and that they neede not anp moze the help of any teachers
butturne them (elues to erifleling and vaine tangling, that thep
may bring forth fome new thing, which the common ſort map be
deſirous to heare, pꝛeſuming alfo to be Waiters of the Scrip-
ture and of allmen ; labouring to teache euery one, and yet not
bnverftanding what thep fpeake, or wbhereüfthepafficme For
chis is a plague and calamitierhat followeth, where the word of
God is not handled diligently and ferionfip the learners being
wearie of hearing, and the teachers flothful in preaching. Dereof
it commeth that fo greatcompanies of bearers fide awap, and
Churches become vefolate s OF which calamitie vaine talking
ſpirits ave the caufe,wbich pꝛomiſe new thinges, that thep map
winne the bartes of the multitude onto them felues,boatting that
they ave Waiters of the Scripture, and pet are alwayes ſuch
men,ag are ignorant, koꝛalmuch as they haue neuer tried, what te
is to teach other: which we dor nowe plainly fee, and the mach
of Godis at hand readp to puniſh our contempt and onehankefule
nes. Therefore Paule beginneth his Epiſtle to his Difeiple Ti«
Vaine & cu Mothe fo,that he ſhould take heede , that {uch teachers doc nota:
rioustea~ vile, which can talke many thingesof the lawe, bringing manp:
chers. nein queftions and doctrines, what ts to be done, How righteouſ⸗
nes tg to be obtained, all which chep do for offentationg fake; that
they map be feene and prayſed, and ſeeme to be moze learned then’
other, and pet thep neuer came fo farre ag to teach any certapne’
thinge, 02 that which might be counted to be of anp importance,
‘but doe all thinges confuledly anv out of good order ; Such bab⸗
- . fers vfe onelp thefe wordes , that we mult be honeſt, that goon
woꝛkes mult be done, and Gon mutt be ferued, ec, but thep bu:
derſtand not the fenfe of thole wordeg, what thep meane, And be-
ing af kev how we mutt doe good workeg , nowe they teach this
particular worke to be Done,an other time an other morke,as,ofz
fer fo much facrifice at this altar , get thee into this or that Mo⸗
nafterie,runne vnto this Sainct, here erect a chappell to the ha:
nour of {uch a Sainct, in an other place founde a Walle, light tae!
pers, eate fhe, bup indulgences, ec. AMhich being done, they by
and bybzinge another worke, and forchwich after that an _
| - Sorhep kn Eds not how to tnftruce anp after a conffänt # certapn
maner of teaching, much lelle can thep ſayſthis is, op inthis noth
the ſumme of Chrittian life confityee. Any yet in the meane fea:
fon chofe thinges mutt be counted verpercellent that thepteach,
fo much doe thep boat, and pꝛomiſe almoſt golden mountapnes,
as though they alone were Doctors chat might not be gainfayd,
and controulers and Waiters of ali other.
i But he is tobe counted an excellent Spaifterzand highly tobe
| efteemed, which teacheth the chiefe pomt and whole ſumme of
|‘ Dbetrine.to wit, how the hart and confcience, pea and the whole
man mult liue. Chep knownothing of hatching, although chep
be vbery full of woꝛdes, but doc altogither etre from the lumme
pꝛincipall poine of the lawe. In the meane fealon they intangle
cthe mindes of p heaters with ſuch a confuled company of woꝛds
| thatthep know neither how to make a beginning no end of (pea-
king. and itis vncertaine whereunto that diſordered companie of
wordes Doth ſerue, whereby no man canbe made better ; much
leſſe can he confirme bis conſcience therebp, ag we hitherto haue
enough and too niuch ſeene and triedinthe Papacie amonge our
Pꝛeachers ofnzeames,. hat therefoꝛe is thẽ ſumme of hat oe
| cevine, whichisto — to the people A Saince joan a aum
ſwereth: a
The ende of the Abuatitaddde wees is Ihn out
J ofa pure hart, and of a good confcience zane
| of faith vnfeyned.,
i deli
This ig that, Delen;, ete’ thou batt: the ſumme of Ehpittion The fumme
| life molt excellently and fully compzchenoedscompendfantip ann of Chriſtian
| baiellpnttered , and which maybe nothnfitlpprutedin chy me: If“
| mopie, ChoumutEendeuour, ithouwilenocerte fromrbedawe, 0.
|. butattaine to the chiefe point therof (that thonmmapthnowinbat © >> oo
is to bedoneand what to beleft undone): to hayelouepreceeping
| outofa pure bart, froma good confciener,amfaithiimfepned. If , 5.
chy loue be of this fort.thé ts it right, other wile theu erreit ftom
the meaning of the whole lain. ow theſe wores.are profound,
and comprehend muche matter in chem: Therefore we muff
partly erpound them, that thep map be the better underffonde,t
that we may accuttom cur felucs co Pauls mance of ipeech. F irk
he attributeth to loue che ſumme of the whole lawe, wherein it
if ‘ { hing cere
Whatitis wholly conſiſteth. And to laue ig nothing els (as thinke it ig
loue. knowne to, all) butte fauour and embpace one from thebare, and
to ſhewe and perfoyme vnto him all the duties of friendfhip and
good will. Nowe thole tangling Doctors alfo vfe (uch wordes,
preaching and boafting many thinges of Ioue , but all bp peeces
meale and particularly appipedto their owne trifles and follies,
Cuen as heretikes, wickedmen, and ungracioug wretches haue
loue alfo,but that which conſiſteth onelp amonge themfelucs, €
then that are of the fame forte with chem , inthe meane fealon
they hace and perfecute all goon Chriſtians, whom thep would
willingly accufe of murder, tf thep could, tc. But this doth not pet
deferug ta be called true loue,tf I choofe one o2 two, whofe condi⸗
tions like ¢ pleaſe me,twhom I do friendly¢ louinglp embꝛace, x
noman befive then. Iris called a parcicularloue, which procees
deth not out ofa pure hart, but from aninfected and filthte bart,
Foꝛ truetoue floweth out of apure bart, when Jendeuour ag
God hath commaunded me , to poure forch my loue toward mp
neighbour;and to fauour all without difference, whether they be
friendes or enemies, euenas our beauenlp father him felfe dath,
| who {uffererh his Sunne to arife onthe goon andeuill „andlen;
—J deth his raine ta che thankfulland vnthankfull makecth the earth
| to bring forth many good thinges,giuech money, riches, fruites,
| cattell, and many times elpecialip unco them that are che wort
of all other. But from whence commeth p doing of thele things?
truely from pare loue, whereof his hart is moft ful, Chis be pous
| reth forth abundantly spon ail,ontitting no man, whether he be
good oꝛ euilwogchp oꝛ vnwoꝛthy. And this is called true diuine,
entire, and perfect loue; which loueth no one, neglecting thereft,
Loue flow-
ing out of a
pure hart.
a neither cutteth op diuiverh it felfe, but imbꝛaceth all indifferent«
Louethat Ip. Che other is loue of cheeues and Publicanes, if Iloue him,
proceedeth which ig foꝛ my turne , and map doe mea pleafure) and whiche-
Sate a ſteemeth welliof me; and defpile him that contemnerh me‘, and
Phat foreit Wbichigioton my five. Foꝛ that Doth not proceede froin the hart
is. which ought wholp to be good and pure, indificrently toward al,
but be thatis endued with fuch loue, (eekech bis owne chinges,®
is full of loue of him felfe,and not of loue toward others, Meicher
doth be loue anpman,but for bis owne commodities fake,regar:
bing onelp that, which map {crue for his owne vſe, ſecking bis
ouvwne profit bp euery man,and not the profit of bis neighbour: *
_ 4 ‘ = wats 9
4 hebe prapled andhonoured,belaugherh , but being looked bpon
| ‘with fower countenaunce, op an onchankfull woꝛd being ſpoken
-pnto’him;be tomacketh,curfech findech fault, ſo chat al friend⸗
hip forthwith ceaſſeth· Contrariwiſe he chat bata pure bare
mut be lo affected according to the woꝛde of God;and his exam⸗
- ‚ple,that he fauour eucry one, and beſtow liberall and friendly be:
neſlits bpon them,cuen.as Gon hath fauoured bums and of bis u
uine loue bath beſtowed benefits vpon him.
But ſome man will fap be is myne enemie, and Doth euill into We muft nor
me,Sourelp he is an enemie alfo to God; onto whom he doth ma- —
np moe thinges difpleafant vnto him, then be can doe either tome Pihane 10
or thee, Wut therefore mp loue ought not to be extinguiſhed oꝛ ro be a
cealle,becaufe hets cuill,and altogicher vnwoꝛthy thereof, If he caufe he is
heeuill, be hall atthe lat {uffer puntthment according ta big our enemie
Deedes; but his wickeones mult not cuercome me. Wut il Fean oreuil.
chꝛough loue rebuke and admonith him, 02 prap for bim.thathe
‚map amend, and efcape punifhment,I| mut do it readily: 3 mut
not be an enemie vnto him,o2 Dog euill vnto him in anp wile, For
what profic ſhould redound vnto me theredp zneichet am I made
‚better therebp, and Ih make him fo much che worſe ‘This there- Ä
foze ought to delightinesif A hall fauour him, and beſtowe bene- *
fits vpon him, if ſo be that he will ſufſer them to be beſtowed on
him, and prap vnto God foꝛ him, ſo Jmay enioy peace, and haue
no trouble oꝛ contention with any man, and perhaps Imay fe
ofit him chat be wil change bis life punto che better,and amend,
Dehenwile furelp love,being diuided op feparated,,-Sbavle more
Ditternes and (oprow by thein, whem: Spates then Jhaue toy and
profit by them, whom J loue and keepe eompanie with: Ano this
ig ſayd to trouble the fountaine op water, froin whence pure Ioue
cannot flowe, As it is certainethat the Hewes alſo did againt
whom Paule fpeakech in this places fog they loued them onely
of whom chep were loned ; whereby: they vehlediche ſynceritie of
Joue with mans affections, ad cherelore cheir —— be
pure. pat ern ie!
3 But. whereby i ig che hatt sous in 2 I — * not be Wherby the
purified. bpanp other thing better,then by that foucraine puritie, * is purifi-
> mbich isthe mod of. Gen Baceiue chat into thy mind, ame eader
thy life,accogding to the rule theresfiand chpbart is purifies. ds
wi⸗ place, fee thou ſet the woꝛd before benz Thon shaltlone
192 EN SERMON’ OF zus SYMME | |
thy neighbour asthy felfe, ¢ follow chat which ie commaundeth,
and by and by thot thaltfee whether i¢purgeth € clenfech what:
foeuer delire thereig in chee of thpne owne profit,or whatloeuer
loue of thy elf, For commatmding thee to loue thy neighbour, it
maketh erception- of none,ctther friend,o2 for , Albeit ſome man
be euill;and bath bene oftentiines iniurioug vnto chee, notwith⸗
ſtanding he doth not cherefoze lofe this name, chache is not to be
called thy neighbour, butneuertheles réemaineth chp Hehe anv
blodd and is compꝛehended intheſe wordes, thou ſhalt lone thy
True louc.
‘neighbour ec; Therefore A (ay, if thou thalt confiver him and fo
behaue chp (elftoward him, as the word teacher) thee,thenis thy
Hart made pure,and loue fincere, fa that thou makett no falfe vite
ferenceof perfons ; neither otherwite conſiderelt him, then an o⸗
thers which is good/ and one of thp familiats , Tu deede we can
- nor Denp this tobe true, that an hone mants more worthy tobe
doued, ‘onto whome allo euerp one doth moze willinglp applye
him ſelle bp nature, then vnto the conuerfationof wicked men,
whoſe familiarttie there ig no good man that doth not ahhorre,
howbeit fleſh and blood tarhecaule that true and Chꝛiſtian tone
is not among vs Foxa Chꝛiſtian muſt noe veriue his loue from
the perfon,asthe woꝛld doth: as ſome pong man ſeeing a maide,
is in loue with ber becaule of her kayrenes and beautie, and a co⸗
uetous man taketh bis loue and deſire of his monep, a Lorde 02
Pꝛince of honour and power, xc. Foꝛ all ſuch loue ts fap tobe
feyned and proceeding not from whence tt ought, He
Hood thinges., wherewith he ſeeth the perſon adorned, neiche
both it continucanplonger; thenchat whith beloweth, continu: —
eth and ag long as he may eniop it mit"
But true loucought to be ſuch ag flowerh ont of acontinuall
fountaine,and pꝛoceederh from the bottom of the hatt, asia kreſh
‘and continuall water alwayes ſpꝛinging fosch, whith can nee be
Hoppedzand is never dꝛyed vp. This lore ſayth atter his ores A
{due theenot fo} chy honeſtie oꝛ dichoneſtie for Mood noe deriue
mp loue from thy bonettic, as from a range fountaine, brit oft
of mipne owne fountaine that isout ofthe word of God whieh is
planted in my hart, tohich tommaundeth meta loue my neigb:
hour, From hence loue plentifullpflowethjopencoanwhich hate "
neede thereof, 'watering allborh friendes ahd foes: péarchiellp
prepared and ready for foes, inaſmuch as they haue moze neede,
thatthep map bp mp meanes be brought to amendement,T prays
ing for them, and Doing according to mp abilicie that which J
amiable, that they alfoleauing their euill wapes, map be deliue⸗
red from ſinnes, and che ſnates of the Deuill, And this ig ſayd ta
be loue flowing from che hart, and not deriued from without: for
be thatts endued with (uch loue, findeth nofuch ehinge in him
whom beloueth from mbence he ſhould vertue tt: But becaufe be
isa Chpiftian,becaufe he lapeth Holo on che word, which is alto:
gitber pure bp it ſelle, by the power of it his bare allots mabe
pure, and repleniſhed with erueloue, CAhereupon he poureth
forth the treafures of bisloue toward eucty man, nepther is be
Mould op turned awape with the perfonof any, whether be be
good areuill, Behola chus ſhould they preach which will right
Ipteachloue required of thelawe, whereof our bablers knowe
nothing neither haue anp regard thereof, albeit they talke manp
thinges of the lawe,and vifpute much of loue. They doe noc lee,
no they doe not ſo much agoncethinke „tharloue mutt be fuch,
chat tt flow out of the hare, ¢ thatthe fountaine mutt be firt pure
. and cleare. Chis neuer defcenderh into their bart, although thep
* Hearesveabyand teach many things of tt, Chey are occupied wich
erp vncertayne; and vnproſitable cogitariong , pea rather with
dead dꝛeames.
CTAhhertefore whatſoeuer is preached of workes and of a good
liſe that onely is well done which proceeverh from the worde of True good
- &09 5 apure bart, and a truefatth , Chis thou mapfkfee in all workes.
fldtes,bow euerp one oughtin bis calling to doe the office intop-
ned him aud erercife the workes of love. A feruaunt labouring. €
thinking no moze thenthus: Wp Lorde, Maiſter papechme
my Wages, for which onelp J ferue him, orherwife J would not
bonchſafe to looke spon him, xc: bath not a pure hart, for he doth
notleruc but for a peece of bꝛead. oꝛ for bis hyꝛe, which being ta-
kenatbap,btsferutce alfo ceafleth, Burifhe were aright ¢ true How agood
Chpittian,be would rather be thus affected: J will nor therefoze feruaunt
feruesbecaufe mp Waiter papeth me wages , becaule he tg ho⸗ ousbt to be
neſt orꝛ vnhoneſt tc: but therefore beceule the word of God doch Pe
thus fpeake bnto me: Seruaunts be obedient vnto your Mai- Ephef.6.5.
ſters as vnto Chriſt; &c. This ſeruite proceedeth of tt owne ac-
coꝛd out of the hart. which layeth hold on che woꝛd and greatly e⸗
‘Heemeth tt, laping: wil ſerue mp Maiſter, and take mp wages,
* IR
but this thal be the chicfett thing, for which Jdo this fer uice‚that
Amapferue mp God and Loy Telus Chzitt, who hath layd the
condition and ftate of a {eruaunt vpon me, which I knowe doth ‘
pleafe him in me, ec. Dere thou feck a true worke proceeding out
ofa pure hart So alſo let a 1020 oꝛ Pꝛince, and they which baue
the charge of gouerning § common weale,thinke thus: Gon hath —
committed vnto me the office of a Waniftrate, that Ihoulobea a
ruler snow if J will haue regard punto this onelp, that mapen-
iop mp dignitie,riches, and power, itts certaine that mp hartis —
not pure,and pet inthe meane feafon J doe che works of aruler, —
fo;rhatthe world cannot complaine of me, neither Ceſar, oꝛ the
Lawpers can blame oꝛ finde faule with me by their lawes. Cuen
as neither aferuant {eruing onelp for mages can be reprebended
ofthe world, whether be {eeketh bis one thinges 02 not, Sure»
lp the worde of Govis not regarded in the office of aruler that
doth fo, but his omne idoll,bis owne glorie,monep and power Ec.
Howy hart Bucif this affection be tn his hart:becaule Fam occupied in this ©
ofagodly. office, wheretti Gon hath placed me, and the word commaundeth '
el him that beareth rule to be carefull, it is meete that Wooeerecnte |
rad, thefame with all faithfulnes and diligence; co the ppaife and glas
rp ofmy God: Che erecution of the office of fuch arulerenvuey
with fuch a mind, commeth out of a pure and fincere hartjwheres
with both God and good men are delighted. There is moꝛeauer
in him lone, which doth not cleaue to p perfon or outward things,
but beginneth in the hart, which che wordenf God maketh mans
feſt, which foꝛaſmuch as itis pure ¢ cleane , vothalfo purifiethe
bart. Ano fo his gouernment and works are the mecre feruices of
God, moſt acceptable {acrifices onto him, feeing that hep are
Done onelp according to the word of Gov, and for God his faken
But our talkers cannot teach this, neitherare able to iudge of
it, only crping out when they teach beſt of all,that we mult be ho⸗⸗
nett. They bring a certaine iuridiciall fermon out of the lawes |
of men,as Cefar and bis Clerkes teach. But how the hart is pu⸗
riſied, they haue neuer ſo much ag vnderſtoode oꝛ thought any
thing thereof ‚or how loue ts to be derived to all tates and condi⸗
tions of men according to the word of God, 01 nn. a
Thus mutt chou fap moꝛeouer even in ſpiritual offices ae ftates
alfo: TE Joꝛ any orber ſhall ppeache to get fome goon benefice,
whereas otherwiſe I would eaſily ceafle from doing this office,
en |
map preacherhe Gofpell, but mp hartis not pure, but mo
plainiy polluted. Therefore although I doe longe and much af:
firme,that it ig a good worke and a weighty office, pet doe J not
performe it aright,foralmuch ag I doe ttnot from the hart, But...
then onelp itis rightly vone when che bart hath this affection: al: How) hart
beit Imuſt get my liuing thereby; yet this ought nottobe the preacher &
chiefe ende thereof, but becaule God hath called me vnto it, and Miniſter
Hath committed it vnto me diligently to be done, it remaineth, ougbr to be
that A doc wich all viligence labour cherein cathe gloꝛy of Gov, fretted.
and faluation of foules , which:3 doe otherwife allo for the loue
“of che word, willingly and frommy bare, Hereby F leeke nepeber
Joue oꝛ friendihip,no2 honours no? chankefulnes of men, but mp
workescome from the bart, which J ſirſt doe, before Jobtayne
any honour, gloꝛie, rewarde , money, 02 fauour, although if
thofe come and followe, I may haue and receiue chem without
finne, .
Lo, thus the word is the caule,foundation, ground, fountapne
and {pzinge of loue comming out ofthe bart,¢ of all good works
that pleale Gon, which becan bp no meanes awap with , tthe God requie
hart be not pyre before: for neither are workes acceptable to reth the
men, which are done without che hart bp viffimulation , Howe if hare.
Ceſar and men require che hart, although they cannotlee it, of
howe muche greater effimation tsthat hart bekoꝛe God, which
poeth all hinges for the wornes fake ? Therefore he allo ſufſfe⸗
reth bis word to be preached, that we map order all our life ace
coꝛding to the prelcription thereof, And let not vs fufler our
felues to be hindered, fraped from it, or diſcouraged with che let
op binderance of any thinge, although for it we fhall fuffer all
kinde of loffes, pnebankefulues, contempt, €c but let vg
bꝛeake and goe through all byuncs wich a boulde and manly cous
rage, and fap thus: webeganne nochinge for any mans fake,
neither will weleaue of anp thinge becaufe of any man, but that
we map Doe that which ts acceptable to God, we will xoe on Tl,
howſoeuer chinges fallout with vs. Chep which doe chus, be _
come men excellent and moft highly tobe eſteemed, who are
ready to doe allduties,and ſerue God with all reavines of minve
and loue not fepned. For the fountaine and fpringe is good, not
Beriued and bꝛought in from without.
» ‘Chel thinges Ithought good brieflp to Tpeake of che firk
a RP it,
The fecond
A good and
quict con-
Science to-
ward men.
part howe the hart ig purified bp che worde alone, and not as the
Munkes haue dreamed, bp afight taken vpon them agaialt euill
‘cogitations,t by fepning of good thoughts, For what thoughts
ſoeuer thou ſhalt fepne, the bart hal remainvncleane,iftbe wor
of God be not in tt,although tt precende a areat ſhewe of a godly
like, as Paule wirnefferh, But this purenes.wherof heſpeaketh,
path ertend farther then outward € corporalpurenes doth which —
tie Jewes did ble;eating e Dptnking their hands being oftenwa⸗
fhed, which our religious menalfo vſe in their fatting, diuerſitie
of apparel, orders and rites ec: fo2 this ts called purenes ofthe
ſpirit, which we then haue, whenbeing inftructed bp the word of
God, we know thereby howheis to bederued in eueryſtate t val:
ling ,and endeuour to frame our lines according thereunto,
Rewe followerh che feconde parte concerning a good conſti⸗
ence, whereof alfo we muft intreate: to wit, that loue mutt come
from fuch a hart,ag bath atopful ¢ quiet confcience, both reward
God, and alfo toward men, Coward men fojas Paule glorieth of
him ſelle, that he liued ſo, thatheoffenvet no many wroubleong
man, was an euill example and burden to no man, buralichat did
{ee and heare him, muſt needes witnes; that be indiſterently fer:
ued all, helped all;counfelled all, delt friendly and gently with
all.Such a conſcience Moles alſo gloꝛieth of againſt p feditioug,
Numb. 16: Thou knoweſt that Ihaue hot taken fo muchas an
aſſe from them, neither haue I hurt any of them. And Jeremie
chap.18: Remember,O Lorde, how that Iſtood before thee t6
Jpeake good for them, and to turne away thy wrath from them.
Likewile doth Samuel 1. King. 12: Ihaue walked before you
from my childhood ynto this day: beholde here 1am beare re»
cord:of me before the Lord, & before his anointed: whofe oxe
haue I taken? or whofe afichaue I taken? whomehaue J done
wrong to? whom haue I hurt? or of whofe hand haue J receiued
any brybe?ann fo forch as followech tn thefame place. Such boas
fing ¢ glorp euerp Chriftian muſt attaine vnto, that he do fo line
toward euerp man,and fo erercife and fhew bis lone,that no man
can worthelp complaine anp whit ofhim,wherebp he thal trouble
02 diſmay bis confcience,buc thatall that wil confes p cruth,map
be enforced to ſay, that be hath ſo liued, p be bath bin an example
to euerp man of lining wel, which will onelp but follom him, And
this is called a good cõſcience befoꝛe men, oj agaiuſt p ciplaines
, and
= J
| andreprebenfions of men. And albeit (uch a confcienceig not a»
bie to and before the tudgement of Gov, nonor any purenes of
‚ the hart ın the outward life and works of foue (we continuing in ——
finning often times before God) pet we muſt attaine vnto fuch a
hart, that we mayp-com‘opt our felues before him alfa, and fap:
this God hath bioden and commaunded to be done, therfore J do
it with a pure hart anda goon confcience, netther would F wil:
lingly doe otherwile neither of purpofe burt 02 trouble any man,
_ but whatfoeuer I fap and doe, that is willed and commaunded of
| Gov. Letno Chꝛiſtian fuffer fuch a conſidẽce to be wꝛeſted from
him, that be map boat him felfe bp the worde of Goo againt the
~ whole world, For be that hath noregard how he leadeth his life,
that be map foppe the mourhes of all blamers and accufers, and
cleare him felfe before all,and teftifie that he hath liued , ſpoken,
| and done well,be J fap is not peta Choifian , bauing not in him
- felfe a pure bart and love. For we wil not prefuine of the doctrine
| of faith, as though chat being had , eueryman map doe what be
| Ui, whether it be profitable 02 vnpꝛoſitable to bis netabbour,
that we muſt in no caſe doe, Orherwifethatdoctrinefhouldbaue _
_ thenameto giue licence and freelibertie for euerp oneto Doe
' whathe will. But we muff fo behaue our felues, that we map ob-
taine loue out ofa pure bart anda good confcience , that noman
- nap accufe bs of anp crime.
And although ehele thinges be Tpoken of our life and works,
anda Chꝛiſtian is an other maner of man befoge, God, as we
ſhall heare, pet we muß earneſtly endeuour our felues tn this ale
| fo, that we map be without blame befoxe God. And when we
| fhallnot attapne thereunto, we muff flie to praper , and fap be-
fore God and men: forgiue vs our trefpafleg , ec: that at che
lealſt wile , our life map remapne without blame, and we map ob»
taine a good confctence before mẽ. And ifchis can not be brought „A aoe
to palle bp perfect loue and pureneg of the hart, pet let it be when we
done by humilitie , chat me may pꝛaye for, and delite of all men fayle in our ’
pardon of cur offences, when as we haue not purely anv.porfe- dutic coward
| ctlp done our dutie, or are notable to doe it, fo that thy, neigh: out neigh
bour map be enforcedtofap , albeicchou haf qreatlp hurt me, r
oꝛ haft not done thp dutie toward nie, asit was meete, pet for:
almuch as thou bumble&.thp felfe, J will willingly forgive
‘thee, and take tt inthe be parte, And for this humilities fake
An | re Oo ee a 7— — ‘md Seed, a} 59 JJ ie) ee
A fay that thou art a good man, which dooſt not ſtande obſtinat⸗
iy, ag. though thou wouldeſt aduiſedly and of purpoſe offende a⸗
gaint me, but dof turne thy ſelle vnto Toue » Therefore that
life ig ag pet ſayde to be without blame, which albeit it was ſub⸗
iect to repꝛehenſion, is with bumilitie couered, and reformed,
thatno mancan wozthelp complapne thereof, Chus the lame
ſhould be expqunded and bandeled, that both loue toward euerp
man may rightly proceede, out of. apure hart for Gon bis fake,
and the coulcience map ftande before che worlds And this ought
to baue bene practiled of thole bapne talkersin their Sermons,
their. colve erifles and baine follies ‚being neglected and left of,
But that all theſe thinges map ſtande and be of force before Gow
alfo,there pet rematneth one inge,wbleh —— —
which tg that that kolloweth.
i And of faith vnfeyned. 1%
Foras J hauelapoe , albett F haue a good conlcience Define ‘
Our olde A- Men,and Doe exerciſe loue out of a pure hart, yet the olde Adam, |
damdoch that is,fleſh and blood remaine tn me fubtect to finneg , wherebp
— vs itcommeeh to palle chat Jam not altog ither oly anv pure. And
ne as Paule layth Gal5: The flesh lüftech agaiuſi the fpitit; &e
to perfeét pu And Rom.7, be affirmeth chat he mutt fight a daily fie againtt
ritie and ho- him felf,becaule be can not do that which ts good,e pet he would
lines. willingly vo it, The ſpirit in deed wotild berp willingly liue pure»
Ip x perfectly according to the worde of God, but the rebellioug
fleth refifteth the deftre thereof,affatling bs twith many and great
tentations,thacwe fhouls feeke Honour, wealth,viches,pleafure,
€ ſhould become flothful € negligent in our fate ¢ duty. So there
remaineth a continual fight tn bs,becaule of the unpurenes ofour
Although perſon, wherein there is not pet ſincere purenes, nor a good con:
wehauea ſcience # perfestloue, vnles there be perhaps fomewhat before
— — men. But before God many thinges are found lacking in vs ma⸗
exercifeloue NP things are worthy of blame, although ail things be perfect be⸗
out ofa pure fore men. For eramples fake : although Dauid can obtapne that
hartbefore conftvence before men, that he canbe reprebended ofno man,and
igi the the holy prophets Clap. Jeremie, ee: do glorp € are {ure, whats
Rand before (oeuer thep haue done according to their dutie, is right and well
God. done, ſeeing tt is the Ward and commaundement of Gov, wherein
Re thep haue erercifed them felues with a pure bart ¢ a good confci-
| ence, petcan they not Lande by this confivence before the iudge⸗
| * ment
i J
# ‘ment of God , but are compelled to fap : if we chould ſtriue with
thee in fudcrementsthen no man {hall haue fo good a confcience 0}
fo pure a bart,which doth not dꝛead thy iudgement, and acknow:
ledge bim felfe tobe wozehp of reprehention and blame. For Gov
hath referued that prerogatiue onto him felfe , that be map con-
tend intudgement with euerp one, albeit he be holp, and accufe
him of veadip finnes neither ts there anp ſo holy, whombe map
not tudge and condemne as worthy of deſtruction. Aherefore al-
though both the bartbe pure ¢ the confctence good before men,
petmuft thou endeuour to attaine vnto this alfo, thatthe fame
map be likewife good before God, that he map not find fault with ~
them, but that they map be fafe and quiet from his tudgement, ag
thep are before men.
Dereunto now pertapneth che chirde parce; that ts faith. And The third
this tg the paincipall part and chiefe precept, contapning all the part.
reff in it;that we map knowe, that where loue ts not pet perfect,
the barcnot fufficienelp pure , and the confcience not quiet, and
God doth pet findefome thine which is worthp blame, where
the wozlde can finde fault with nothinge , fatth muſt mozeouer
come, andfuch afaith, which isnot fapned , and defiled with
confinenceof a mans owne holines, For whereſoeuer this ts not,
there the hart is neuer purified before God, neither ſhallthe con-
fcience be able to ftande , if they be eramined by feuere iudge⸗
ment, anderact cenfure. Men indeede Hall nottulllp blaine me,
albeit Aalorp, that Jhaue ferued them bp preaching helping, _
gouerning, and by doing cheoutie of an ouerfeer or tuler, ac:
with all fatthfulnes, And tf Jhaue done any thing more op leſſe
then Jougbt , Jam ſorie at my hare; for Jwould bery willing: |
Ip baue done all hinges that J ought. TAherekdre I am quiet €
already erculed, neither haue thep any mdr which thep map
rightly require of me, but are enfoꝛced to acquite and diſcharge
me. But here J mutt attapne vnto this alſo, that my bart be fo
pure, and mp conſcience ſo good before God 5 that he map not by
anp meanes accuſe and condemne me, Howbeit we linde not this
in our ſelues, althaugh we map gloꝛie ſomewhat thereofibefore We cannot
the world. I mutt therefore obtapne fome och er thing whereunto of our felues
A may trutt,t€F hall come into perilt ‚and within the throwing 27¢ co
' pfthe dart, as it is commonly fapd,and J mutt fay to my feareful —
and terrified confcientey I haue Done that which Jhaue bene a: (rence be-
N itit, fore God.
ble,and who knoweth how often A haue done leſſe then Jought?
for J coulde-noc ſee and marke allthinges, as Dauid alfo ſayth
jalal.to : VVho can ynderftandhisfaltes? Therefore I canlap
no foundation of truſt bpon mp owne holines and purenes.¢Ciel,
Ihaue the word,loliue,louezand haue a good ronlcience, which
is pure aud holy, Buschig A mant,that Scan not conclude, that
that ig inmpbart;neither doe IT finde ſo good a confcience in me,
as the lawewequireth of me. For thereisno manliuing in the
earth, which can ſay this truely, Iknowe that I have done all
thinges, and that J dee ome nothinge befoꝛe God. But the mot
holy ones mutt fay thus: Ichaue done ſurely according to mp abi⸗
litte that which Jhaue bene able ;-but I haue offended muche
oftner then J knowe . TÜberefore our owne confcience doth
witnes againſt vs, acculing and conuincing bs , although be-
fore the worlde we are moſt free from reprebention oꝛ blame,
For it muti followe the woꝛde which fayth: thisıchou ſhouldeſt
baue done, chisthou ſhouldeſt haue left vndone. It can not a:
uoyde the iudgement of.chigz nor aunſwere to the accuſation
thereof, but is at the leat wife enforced to ſtande in an vncer⸗
taintie, being wholy wrapped in douting. Buc if it dout, then ig
it by and by aunced: fo} it ſtandeth not before Gov; donc Herts
and trembleth,
By what Tiberefore the — part of our doctrine muſt bere belpe
meancswe bs,to wit, that oux Loꝛd Telus Chait being fent of the father, did
attaine to come into the world and hath ſuffered and died for ns. Ahereby
pi purenss.gg hath reconctlea the good will and fauour of che father tovs,
ce Vis wꝛath being appealed, and doth nowe fitte at che right hanve
ascanftand Of the father bauing regardeof bs as our Sautour, and as a
before God. continuall Mediatour and Interceflour for vs , making intercel:
fion for vg „-agfor them which cannot baueand obtapne of chem.
felues fuch purenes and a good confcience, Therefore bp his
belpe and benefice we map fape before God: although J am not
pure, nepther baue a good confcience , pet Icleaue to bim bp
faith , which bath perfect purenes and a good confcience, which
he wanech for me, oprather which be giueth vntome, For he
alonets he , of whome we reade wpitten, ag Peter, and E⸗
faie chapt 53 fapes vvho.did no: finne, neyther vvas there guile
founde in his mouthe . And this maple belongeth onelp vnto
him, nepther hath be any neede to praye, foꝛgiue vs our dettes,
neither ofthat article of the Creene , Jbeleeue the forgiueneg of
| finnes, tc : but be is free and quiet in perpetuall,puce and perfect
_ tighteou(nes and purcnes, onto whofe charge none can lap anp
thing, nor accule his conlcience of anp crime, not man , not the
Deuell ,no not Goo himſelfe: for he bimfelfeis God, who him-
felfe cannot accufe himielie,
And this is called faith neither coloured nog fained,which.the
conſcience ttrining and trembling dareth come forth in the fight
of Gods and fay: Almightie Goo, I am innocent before the
world and quiet inminde, fo thatnoeman can lap any thing to
mp charge, 02 fpnde fault withme. For alveit I baue not done
allthings,pet I alke pardõ of euerie one,that be will forgiue me
for God his (ake eut as Jagaine foꝛgiue all.Bp this meanes I
baue cut of the complaints of all , who haue no more which chep
may rightlp lap againf me, Wut before chee J mutt lap afive
this truft and confivence,and muft wholy acknowledge the auil-
tines of innumerable (pnnes, and fap as Dauid {apd Pſal. 143:
Lord enter notinto iudgemét with thy feruaunt: forin thy fight
shall no man lining be iuftified. (Uberefore I can not contend
with thee, tf chourequireft an account of mp life. But J appeale we mut ap-
from p tudgemet feat to the mercy feat 5 Jdo cafilp fuffer,char J peale frõ the
be dealt with accordıng tolaw ¢ right before the iudgemẽt (eat iudgement
ofthe wold, and I will willingly auntwere, and will do what J fear vf Hi
amable: Dowbeit before thee I will not come into iudgement, Pcch leat.
but Woelire grace, which J cake holve of on euerie five. For thus
the Scripture teacheth me, that Gon hath ſet cwo feates before The iudge-
mensthe one a iudgement feat, for them which are pet fecure anv Ten Kar
- bntractable,t acknowledge not their finnes.netiber wil confeffe
- andacknowlevge them: the other amercy feate, for miferable The merey
& fearfull confctences, which fecle their finnes, dꝛead the iudge⸗ leat.
ment of God, and do earneſtly make requeſt for grace. And this
mercy feat ig Chritt himlelfe.as Paul witneflech Rom. 3.whom
God hath let forth onto vs, that we might haue refuge vnto bim,
heing not able to and before God by our owne power, Cinta». -
him I wit applie my felfe if Jhaue done 0 vo lefle thé ig meetes
and how great pureneg and goodnes foeuer mp heart and con:
ſcience baue before men, I will haue it here to be altogither no:
thing, and hidden, and covered as it were with avant, pea with
a fayze heauen, which map mightelp defend it, whichis catter
grace and remiflid of ſynnes. Cinder the defence thereof mp heart
and,sonfcience muſt creepe , and remapne fafe and quiet. Foꝛ ſo
he commaunded bis Apoftles to preach € publith , that thꝛough
bis name all that beleeue in him, thal receiue remiffon of fpnnes,
Againe, Hethac shall beleeue and be baptized, shalbe faued,
And Joh. 3 he faich:God fo loued the world, that he hath giuen
his onely begotten Sonne, that who foeuer beleeueth in him,
should not perish, but haue euerlafting life. Cherefore Goo
hath {et forth the mercy (eat bnto vs, whereunto he leadeth vs
from the iudgement feat. Let vs leaue other before the iudgemẽt
feat,namelp thoſe proud holy ones, contemners and perlecuters
of the word of Gon, where thep ſhall heare fentence according to
their deedes. Cte will (uffer chefe to abyde in their circle, vntill
thep haue humbled themfelues : but we will not abpde in thig
circle, but will vepart from it ag farre ag we ſhalbe able, into che
circle of the mercy (eat , vnto which wedo appeale, Meither
baue we inuented this of our otone braine, but it is the word of
Gon himfelfe , which chreatneth horrible iudgement to them,
which come with their owne bolines, and trutting thereunto, da
hope that thep thalbe able to ſtand before God the iudge, negle⸗
cting the mercy featof Cyritt. Foꝛ the fentence ſtandeth; that
they thalbe (et before che tudgement feat, ag Chꝛiſt fapth Bob, 3:
He that beleeueth not is condemned alreadie, becaufe hehath
not beleeued inthe name of that onely begotten Sonne of God.
He that beleeueth in him is not condemned, that is, fhall not
come to the iudgement {eat,but to the mercy feat, wherethereig
no wrath o2 rigour, but grace ¢ foꝛgiuenes of ſynnes all thinges
being remitted which be not pure, peabeing blotted ont anv fo
confumed , ag adzoppe of water is conlumed of the heat ofthe
funne, For where the mercy feat reigneth, there ts nothing els,
but meere forgeuenes and remiflion of ſynnes. EHE
This cherefore being knowne, we muſt exactly vnderſtãd the
difference betweene the Lawe and the Goſpel, whereofwe often
The office of teach, Che lawe dꝛaweth bs to the iudgement feat, requiring of
the Lawe.
bs integritie of life, loue out ofa pure heart ¢ a good confcience,
it makech vg alfo to evercife our {elues therein, and muſt goe no
further, Bur when tt Hall come and accule thee, and will reaſon
with thee, and haue thoſe things to be performed which it requi⸗
reth ‚chen hale chou be greatly troubled, For albert thou batt
2% Ale
' pone ehem,pet art thou not able to ſtãd before God, before whofe
7 iudgement feat, manp thinges are pet found wanting in thee,
which ſhould haue bin done of thee, and thou bhatt left them on:
| Done,neicher are thep knowne bnto thy felfe, Mhither then wile
thouturne thee ? Mere che Lawe vrgeth thee by all meanes, anv Han Law wil
Er : ; , rue VS vnto
thine owne conlcience being witnes, accufech thee,requiring the defperation,
fentence of the tunge againſt thee. Chen muſt thou Delpetre,there voles we can
ig no countell oꝛ helpe tobe had, except thou knoweſt to flie from appcale frõ
the iudgemẽt ſeat to the mercy ſeat, as for erample ; Admit fome ¥ wdgement
Bithop die inhig owne holines,who while be liued was as it ſee⸗ ig fo the
med, ofa goondlife, and acknowledged Chrift no otherwile then Br
acruell tudge (asithath bin hitherto preached of him, netther
bath be bin otherwile fet forth, ag he is alfo wont to be vnto fuch,
not of his owne nature,fo2 tn deede be is moſt gracious and com:
fortable,but becaufe thep effeeme him for no other tn their heart)
bebold this man is abinderaunce vnto himfelfe , that be can not
obtaine anp grace, For be knoweth no difference of the iudge⸗
ment feat and the mercy feat, peabe is altogether ignozaunt,
mbether there be a mercy feat, from which be fo erreth, and mut
be bound ta che iudgement ſeate.
But we teach thus, that Chri is foto be learned and conf How Chri
Dered, that we be moſt certainlp perfinaded that be fitteth before mutt be lear-
miferable and trembling confciences,that beleeue in him, not ag Medand con-,
an angrie iudge, which commaunderh fo2thwith to carie violent: "44 of
Ip them that be giltie vnto punifhment , but as a gentle, fouing,
and comfortable Mediatour, becweene mp fearefull confcience
and God, which fapth unto me: If thou be alinner,and affonien,
and the deuell laboureth to dꝛawe thee to the iudgement feat,
then {ee that thou flie vnto me, and feare no wrath or anger,
Wiherefore? Cuen becaule I fie here ‚that , tf thou beleeue in
me,I map make intercellion for thee to mp father ‚that no anger
andleueritie map burt thee: for all anger and punifhment (halbe
fooner layde bpon me, then be boyne ofthee, Howbeit that can
not be :for be is the onelp beloucdfonne , in whom all grace and.
fauour diwelleth , whom as oftenas the father doth behold , be
can not but replenit both heauen and earth with grace and fa-
uour, and forget all wrath and difpleafure. And what foeuer he
thall afke of bis father , that be Halt forthwith obtaine with ous
all repulle or dental, Sa by faich we are made wholp bleſſed and
Wemult ef-
pecially take
heede , chat
our faith be
not falle or
fafe, fubtect no moꝛe to any Damnation, pet not for our owne has |
lines and purenes, but for Chꝛiſtes fake , to whom we cleaue bp |
faith as to our mercy leate,being aſſuredly perſwaded, that wich
bim there rematneth no anger, but meere loue , and pardon anv
forgiuenes of ſynnes. Thus the heart is purified before Gon,
anv the contcience made good and quiet, not in reſpect had of
mine owne purenes or life led before the world, but by truff and
confioence of that excellent treafure , which mp heart apprebene
deth, which is vnto me in ſteede of a pledge and fulneg , when ag
before God F am not able to pape. -
But herein the whole force of the matter conſiſteth, that we
Doagaine and againe take heede, that dur faith be not falſe, oz ag
paul (peaketh fained. For if chiserre,and veceiue vs, all things
deceiue hs, Foꝛ there haue bin many tn all ages, as there be alfa
at this Dap , which can {peake many chinges of faith, and wilbe
maifters not onely of thelaw, but euen of the Golpell alſo. CAho
fap the fame that we do, that faith performeth doth all things,
but that the Law and good workes are alfo to be topned onto it,
and that otherwile, if thele benot added, faith auaileth nothing,
In which words thep mire ¢ mingle togither our life x Workes,
and Chr, But this ts not purelp and ſyncerely ro haue taughe
faith, but to haue coloured, defiled and coprupted faith, fo that it
can no moꝛe be called faith , but a feined colour ¢ counterfecting
of faith, the truſt and confidence of the heart ſtanding not purelp
toward Chꝛiſt, as the onely mercy feate, but being grounded
bpon our one holines, ag being able to and before the tudgemée
feat, Therefore doing thus, we are moſt rightlp raft of before
God,and condemned vnto deftruction whereof we are moſt woz:
thie, For if faith mutt be pure and voyd of all counterfecting and
faining „then thele two thinges, Chatt and mp workes mut be
rightly diſcerned and feuered one from the other. Foꝛ this is
platne evento him that is blinde,that Chrift andhis workes are
not mp life and mp workes, but are feparaten from the Law and
from the workes of all men, pea and that by a greater diftaunce,
then man ig vnlike or differeth from man, Foꝛ neither can I fap,
that J and Cefar o2 the Bilyop of Rome are the fame thing,
pet I am much neerer and liker buco either of them , then amoy-
tall man and a finner is vnto Chott the Lord, whoe is not onelp
a pure and holp man, free from all por and bloc, but ig moꝛeouer
: Gor
God alfo, Therefore lee che Lawe and the purenes of thy hearts
“pea and thp good confeienceauäile in varth onelpitoward mens
But where the mercy ſeat is; sto wit at the right hand obthe ta⸗
‘ther and the Mediatour betweene thee ¢ Gov; chither no mans
woꝛrkes ¢ meritsought tahaue accefle, much leſſe be thep there
of dnp force or value, Therefore Chꝛiſt is purelyto be lepara-
tedfrom all mp life, deedes and workes,and we mulkwichouter-
ception conchiwe , thathetsan other ching them our; life led be⸗
' fozemen with a pure heart and a good conirience, albeit it be tes
euen perfectly and without blame, Forst beingprefented before
Gov, and by the lawe brought coche iudgement feat, Fam con
demned aridteth Bur Chit ts the mercy {eat aw all tharcleaue
vnto him by faith 5 cannot be condemned and iudged. Spo the
iudgement ſeat ogither with the lawe and all mp life goe into
one part:but mp faith muſt flie and lep farre vnto an other part.
and topnedtifelie vnto him which ts piteyand.hach no one; of
whom the Scripture ſpeaketh: he chat beleeueth in him ſhal net
be confounded. Gecaule he ts preſent in the ſight of the father,
_ andynakechainterceflion forime,. Doreouer he giueth me bis
owne purenes and bolinessthatbeirigiclathed and. adorned theres
wich; Jmay be able toftand before Gods and all mach and diſ⸗
ꝓleaſure map be taken away 5 in ſteede whereof 3] map enioy
meere loue and favour, © gagadır:
Loe, thus faith remainech pure and free from counterfecting,
for it reſteth not opengup workes;tbat becaule ofthemit ſhould
behoue Godte be gentleand fauourable vnto me as a fale and 6.0 y
fained faith dot) swhieb mingleth togither mans merits and ehe © oo
grace of God andalthough it holdche words of Chꝛiſt, perhath |S
itthe confivence and truſt of the heart repoſed in it ſelle, ſo that A pina:
itis certaine, that it is onely a colout which can not long conti· pith is noo
nues Foꝛ the matter eommechat the laſt to this points that be⸗ fure founda-
leeuingthat Gov ts:fauourable vnto thee becatfeoh thy tiſe ded tion, bur fai-
without fault or blame thou mutt deſpeire and &ipätulre kuoweth nche chat
what haue done? whereby ant J certaine that Ihaue neglec⸗tbit nto u.
ted nothing through carele nes, 02 that nothing tssmanting in
me? Iu this doutſulues of minde the foundation failech, ſſideing
aap bnder thee like vuto ſand moued vatirvedoaud fo fates is of
no force or value at all. CAherefoze it is mot. unity called fained
and painted faich through which one faeth axr it were thzough a
hir 4
Only Chrift
lattis 02 painted glaſſe, through which the thinge thatis feene
repzeſenteth the colour of the nlafle, and pet isnotin deede of
that colour, So thep allobeleeue that thataflectionis in Gov, |
that hevouchfauech co regardour workes and merits, Ahich
thep pain forth according to their owne opinion and dpeames,
which are vtterly falie rath and vnaduiſed. And ſo tudgeing Gov
€allehingsaccopding to them, thep {ee only ag it were thꝛough
alattis 02 patted glafle. But ſo onely chou halt behold hrm
mith pure and cleere epes, if thou bo wel feparate the iudgement
feat andthe mercy (eat one from che other, that beauen with the
ftarres thereof map remaine pure to grace €remillion of Ipnneg
obtained by the Mediareurı; where Cyt reigneth with his
workeg , and the earch allo with her trees and herbeg 5 whither
we mutt be referred with our workes Che matter Iſay mu
he brought of vs to thar paſſe jif we will and withia right and
‘an vntained fateh before God, that we vo purely diſtinguiſh and
feuer ourfelues , our life, and Chott oꝛ the mercy feat: and he
that wtil mot do this , ‘hut preſenteth himfelfe before the iudge⸗
ment feat with a bolo courage , thall feele thereward of his rath:
nes. Imy ſelle haue bin in that daunger, and as it were amoufe
hauing taſted pitch baue runne awap , reiopling greatlp chat lt
bertie was giuen me to attaine to che mercy feat, and now Jam
enforced to lap, chat albeit I haue liued verp well before men,
pet ail things cömittev of me contrariwile , do remaine beneath
bndet theiudgement feat, to be puniſhed according to the fens
tenceiand iudgement of Gov, Mow J haue no other comfore,nop
is our cofort no other helpe and counfell of mp faluation , then that Chꝛiſt is
and meanes
whereby we
attaine falua-
mp mercy leat, who hath neuer offended, hath vefiles himfelfe
‘with no fpnne „who died and rote againe for me , and fictech now
at the right hand ok che father, ¢ defendeth me Onder bis ſhadow
and protection, that Ji neede not doute, chat am by his benckite
and interceſſton ſale before Goo from all wrath and terrour of
fuogement . Thus faith rematnech in all chinges pure , ſetting
no other thing befoge t itfelfe , whereunto it ai — * truſt but
Chꝛiſt alone.. 0-.
Now he that knew this well, would be aman of a relolute
minde. For allocher haue to do wich a fained faith, boafting ma:
npthingesof faith, butmingling all hinges together 5 like as
vintners mire wine with water, bp this that thep —* tine
thus, God wilbe fauoutable vnto therzand thep make the iudge⸗
ment ſeat of the mercp feat, and the niercy feat ofuthe inogement
“deat, which bp no meanes can be; for the iudgement feat fhall re-
matne, tc, Ciherefore {eparate theferwo one from the other ag
farre as thou halt be able, that thep come not togicher , namely,
thp life and bolines togither with the inogement feat inte one
place, which map driue € enforce thee to haue a good confcience,
and colead an bpriehrlife before mem. But offer thy fpunes co
the mercy feare to be tranfferred into another place , where Gov
uinglpreceiuingthee, willembzace thee ag abeloucd fonne,
and will neuer remember mone anp wrath ox ſynnes. IE fuch
Doctrine of faith were fet forth Unto men, then Mould tt be excel:
lently well done, and all other thinges ſhould follow of heir
owne accord, as purenesof heart and goodnes of confcience,
throughright and perfect toue, For who ſoeuer is by faith quiet
in bis heart, and aflured that he bath God fanourable bnto him,
who is not angry with him, albett he bath deferucd his wath
Diuers wapes , be doth all thinges with a glad and cherefull
minde, Moꝛeouer he liveth fo alfo toward men that he is douing
and beneficial toward all, although thep benot wapthie of Joue.
De ts quiet toward Gon thꝛough Chik che Wediatonr, whe
will not thꝛow him downe hedlong into hell, but voth louingly
fauour him, and lifteth him vp into heauẽ. And this ts the chiefe
quietnes, and principall point and foundation of our ſaluation.
Afterwardes he doth in his life thew himlelfe dutylull alſo to-
ward bis neighbour, Doing allthe beſt thinges he is able vnto
him, what ſoeuer his ſtate oꝛ dutie commaundeth 02 requireth.
And when be doch leſſe chen ts meetey be afketh pardon of his
negligence befoze God and men, fo: that there is left occafion
neither to him, nor tothe world afterward torebuke him; power
allo to deuoure him istaken from heil, gtoteare him in pgeced,
from the devel, Thus a man is ſaide to be in all things perfect, Bi me mb
foward men by loue, and toward God not by the lawes.büt bp.came, per⸗
Chri, whom he apprebendeth by his faith 5 as the mercy feats fect.
TAhich gageth his holines forthe beleeuers, or rather: giueth
it to them, fo, thati in him they haue all thinges that are neceflas
rptofaluation, «435.
Now this is a and pure doctrine, which gout en ererti
fed, and taught vnto men diſtinctly Ithat they might know gow
they may be able to and both before: Gov any men, chat faith
and loue be not mingled togither; op life veferred both to God
and men. This dught to haue bin perfourmes of thoſe gloꝛious
and arrogant teachers, ſeeingthat they wilbe counted maiſters
ofthe law, chat chedifferenceiof the law and faith might be well
Very hard to knowen vnto all)’ Foralthough tebe taught and repeted with
leacne 5 crue neuer fo great diligence; yernocwichſtanding it ig very hard to
doctrine of “he wel and thꝛroughly learnede elpeciallp to ve which haue bin ine
faith. ſtructed and trained vp tnthe Doctrine of workes, and led onelp
fo che lawe and our owne workes, To theſe map be added our
nature allo, verie prone and ready by tt felfe hereunto; and now
brought into a cuſtome, whereby it is confirmed; and in conti⸗
nuaunce of time turneth the heart alſo into exerciſe and bie, fo,
hae we can not abſtaine; nor chinke ocherwiſe, buts that Gov
wilbe fauourablevnto vs,which baud done fo great warkes; and
haue lev our life fa without blame op fault, Therefore we mutt
ſtriue againt bothour nature € cuftome x. Foꝛ furelpicis a very
hard thing to chinke o2 be perſwaded ocherwile , and fo purely to
put a difference betweene faich and lone, che filch ſtill hanging
vpon bs and cleaning vnto vs ;albeit we be now ini faith 5 fo chat
wir heart can fcarce rule it ſelſe, that it ſay noe) fo long time
haue Itaught the Golpell; fo haue F lives’, fach great woꝛkes
baue J pone, tc, Andine would very willingly haue Govito re
gard our life, andturne bis mercy feat for our cauſe into a indgo⸗
‘ment feat, Chouinap dle this boatting coward mien; Fi hate
Mone well to allag Ihadebin able and if any thing be wanting,
Jas pet wilendettour to make a recompente. Bur tf thou be mine
Dev fo gobvnto Gov, Jaduiſe chee to ceaſſe from {uch arrogant
shoatting, and chinke to appeale fromiudgementto grace.) 9°"
Let who willbegin and proue this thing, be hall at length
Ahard thing C2 and trie’, how grieuous and beard itis, for a man that hath
| va uf no bin occupted all bis lifécime inthe workes of hts owne holines,
| thing co our to eſcape out, and with all bis heart by faith to cleaue to chis one
owne workes Mediatour; Imy felfe haue now preached the Goſpell almoſt
and holines. twentie peareg, and haue bin exerciſed in the ſame daily by reäs
bing x writing, ſo that JI map wel ſeeme to be ryd olthis wicked
opinion. Notwithſtanding I pet now and chen feele the ſame old
filth to cleaue to np heart, whereby it commech to paſſe that I
ould willingly fo haue to da with God, chat] —
—* thing with mp ſelle, becaufe of which be ſhould for mp hae
Hines fake giue me bis grace, And I can {carcecbe brought ta —
commit mp felfe with all confivence co meere grace, which J
ſhould doe; for we ought to flie onelp to the mercte feate , foraſ⸗
much as God bath fer itbefore vs for a fanceuarie; which mutt
‘betherefuge ofallıhem that thalbefaued. CCiberefore it is not
to be merucled at, if it be grievous vnto orherg , fo purelptoap:
prebend and lap holde of faith: but eſpecially to (uch ag be pet
- hindered and entangled of veuelifh preachers, of whom Paul
fpeaketh , which crie out again the doctrine of faith , and in
thefe wordes vꝛge the workeg of the Lawe Doe thts and thou
ſhalt liue: Alfo, if thou wilt enter inca life, keepe the commaun:
dements, tc. TAhich in decde are true and right, if chou didſt
alfo rightly onderftand them. Declare vnto me the true mea:
ning of chefe wordes;otherwile Jknow ſufficiently alreadp,chat
- Foughe to be righteous and keepe the commaundements. But
pow mutt I attatne hereunto? m whatts it:ta be righteous? If
thou ſaieſt that it is, ta bane a good vonfcience and a pure beare,
and te doe all chinges, that God hath commaunded: Tell, be it
fo; but beare pe then, oe to, performe methat , 02 at Ieatt thew
ones that dareth fap that he hath perfourmedit, Forthou thale
not pet fo purifie mp heart and confcience with thp doctrine, that
- God cannot accufe and condemne me, Wut now the Lawe( as
ithath bin {uffictently declared ) requireth (uch aheart, ashath _
a good con(cience before Gov. How therefore do we obtaine ſuch
atonfcience? Chis is the queftion anv the caufe, whereof the
controuerfte is, Trulp it commech not hereof, becaufe thou tea: How we ais
chett the iudgement feate, thatis, the Lawe, but from ence, foꝛ taine a good
that we haue a pure and unfained faith, with Tapeth hole of °
| 213
— ——— SESE EES
aunfwere of Chrift concerning
giuing tribute to Cefar.
CMatth, 22.
Perfers. 3 Hen went the Pharifees , & tooke
AG xcounfell howe they might tangle
Shim in talke,
ete Sot) And they fentvnto him their dif-
éiples vith the Herodians, ying: Maifter,we
know thatthou art true,and teacheft the waye
of God truly , neither careft for any man: for
thou confidereft not the perfone of men.
17. + Tellvs therefore,how thinkeft thou > Is it law-
. full to giue tribute vnto Cefar or not ?
18. Butlefusperceyued their wickednes and faid:
Why temptye me, ye hypocrites ?
19. Shew me the tribute une And they brought
him a penie. |
20.. Andhefaidvnto them: Whofe is this image
and fuperfcription ?
21. They faidvnto him,Cefars, Then faid he vnto
them : Giue therefore to Cefar the thinges
which are Cefars , and giue vnto God, thofe
_ thinges which are Gods.
22, And when they heard it, they ER and
| left him,and went their waye.
O ij
Mans wife- EEE IR thistert is let forth vnto vs, bow ſubtil reafon
dom & rea- KGS) RP and mans wiledome agree with the wiſedome of
oh a not a- Ras vi < Gov, and how foulp reafon ſtumbleth, when it
ce to pre~- >
— friuech to be euen moſt fubtil and wile, as it here
the wifedom I ‘ falleth out with che Phariſees, who notwithſtan⸗
ofGod ding were the bet and moft wife of the Jewes, which euen bp
this cheir ſubtiltie chep declare : neuertheles their wifedame is
_ here proued to be foolifhnes. Chep could blame Chriff neither
for bis preaching nor for bis tworkes, and per would thep wil:
lingly baue had occafion to put him to death , wherefore thep
thought ta let spon him moſt craftelp and wilelp , propounding
a fubtil queſtion onto him , the fubtiltte whereof was fuck, that:
mansrealon twas not able to comprebendit, then which alfoa
fubtiller could not be inuented : and thus thep [peake vnto him:
The fubtill Maifter , we know that thou arttrue, and teacheftthe waye
ee 2 of God truly , neither careft for any man: for thou confidereft
propounded DOF the perfone of men. Tell vs therefore , how thinkeft chou?
ynto Chiift, Is iclawfull to giue tribute vnto Cefar or nor. Here thinke thep,
we (hal entrappe him, Foꝛ he (halbe compelled to aunfwere that
tribute ts either co be giuen, oꝛ not to be giuen.Afhe affirme that
itis to be giuen, me baue overcome him : but ik he vente thatit is
to be giuen, then is he giltie of death. Mhereas thep fap,Mai-
{ter ‚they will thereby moue him, and as tt were conftraine bim
to aunſwere the truth. But whereas they fay , We know that
thou art true,thep Do therebp put him in minde of his burp. CAhi⸗
ther therefore fhould Chzift eurne bimfelfe ? for there ſeemeth to
be no way for bim to efcape; pet be would not for all that fall inca
their net. Nas not this a fubtit queftia? Do thep not thew thems.
felues to haue bin fufficient craftie and wily ones?for which wap
foeuer the Lord had aunfwered, be had bin taken. Mas not this
done allo full warelp and circumfpectlp ? for thep affoctate ta
themfelues the mintfters of erode, thinking no other but to ens
trappe him with deceit, tha: be ould not by any means efcape,
thus cafting intheir mindes: Row we will meete wich him well
enough, (fhe dente that tribute is co be given, the Herodians are
prefent, which Hall forrhwith put him todeath as a (editioug
felow. and cne that refttech che Romane Empire, Buc if he aß
firme that tribute ts tobe wien „he (peaketh againſt the libertie
_ af the ewes, then will we titre vp the people again him. For
z ; the
che Fewith people would be free, and haue their king of their
dune ffocke, euen as it was promifen them boch of Wofes and
God „that their kinadome ſhould continue vntill the time of the
| true king, that is, of Chri. Cuen as the patriarch did prophe:
pie thereof: The fcepter shal not depart from Iuda and a lawgi~ Gen.49 16,
uer from betweene his feete.vntil Silo come. And therefore Gon
pid choole this people fpeciallp to himlelfe,and made a kingdom
of chem, onelp for Chriftes caule. Moreouer there were many .
fentences in the Scripture which declared that thep ſhould ſerue
none , For they should be the chiefeft and not the loweft , &c, Deut.28.13.
This and fuch like fapings the Scribes had beaten into the peas
plesheads , wherewith thep were greatly diſturbed: eucn as at
this day ttig put into the peoples minvde, that che Church cannot
erre. Dereupon che Phariſees thought thus: TE be affırme chat
tribute mutt be giuen, be blafphemeth Gov, be halbe giltie of
Death, as one iniurioug to God, and then (halbe ftoned of the peo:
ple, For God hath graunted and promifed libertie onto this peas
ple,and-thep were all euen in the middeſt of captiuitie the people
of Gon, Dowbeit at that time chep wanted a king , as thep Do at
this day. Aherefoꝛe diuers tumults, feditiong, x bpꝛoꝛes were
‘ftitred bp among them. Foꝛ thep were taught bp the lawe, that
they ſhoubd haue a king of their own fleſh and ffocke, ag it is ſaid
before , wherefore thep vid vnceſſantly friue again ftraunge
‘kings and gouernmentg , vntill nota fen of them at times were
besten # flaine. Meither div this happen ſeldom times, for thep
were a Miffenecked, obſtinate, and vnruly nation, ¢ therefore the
Romaines which at that time did beare rule outer them, div verte
circumſpectly gouerne them, and diuived the land into foure
charges of gouernment, that being on euerie five kept in awe
bp the gouerners and prelivents ,thep might not fo foone flocke
together and mote (edition, and thatthep might alfo be moje -
ealilp refitten ifat anytime thep ſhould rife againfk the Homane
Empire. Aherekore Pilate was appointed of the Romaing
lieftenant of Judea, Derove Cetrarch of Galile , his brother
Philip Cetrarch of Iturea, and of the countrie of Trachont:
tis, and Lyſanias the Terrarch of Abilene, as Luke rebear:
feth them. And all this was done that they might keepe the
Jewes onder, whereupon the Jewes mere inflamed with an:
ger , andinarage and furie, but {peciallp in the time of Chritt
; D itty
thep would willingly baue bad a king.
The fubrilt „Uberefoge che Phariſees hauing foũd out this venite,choughe .
imaginations thus with themfelues: Cell, we haue the matter now at a good
of the Phari- tap. Che Romanes chalenge to chemfelues the gouernmẽt, now
fees againit if he aunlwere onto the queftion that tribute ts not to be giuen,
Chriſt. the Lieftenant ig at hand and readp to put him to deaths if he auns
fwere that tt mutt be giuen, be fhall ftirre bp the people againſt
himfelfe, and fo we hall aſſuredly by this meanes entrappe bims
thus they ſuppoſed that either thep ſhould fpnde caufe of death in
the Lord, 02 at the leaſt make bis doctrine to be nothing fet by
of the people. Ag the Hewes here do, fo alfo do we,the chiefe and
veceflarie thinges being left , we are occupied aout other mats
ters not neceflarte, Che Phariſees here mone a queion , whe:
ther thep be free or otherwile: loꝛaſmuch as they bad the Lame
and the word of God, thep ſuppoſed that they ought tobe ſubiect
to none, but ta their owne Kinge, petchep were now compelled
to obep Cefar Emperour of Rome, Chey had Scripture con:
cerning the loue of Godand their neighbour, but chat being left,
thep are occupied about other matters. It was promiled vnto
them,tithey obeped the precepts and commaundements of Gad,
that they ſhould then be a freepeople, thep difobep and neglect
Gods commaundements, and per notwithtanving hep willbe
frce,and baue their owne king. In like maner fallech it outwith
bs,we earneftly chalenge to our ſelues Chriftian tibertp and pet
me thinke, that if we doe thole thinges that feeme goed in our
owne b2aine and fantaffe, we are therebp Chriftians , both faith
‚and charitie being of bs neglected, Gut what oth Chzik , the
Pbarilees fo ſubtilly fetting vpon him? he Irtketh them with
their owne ſword, and entrapperl them in their otone Deuife,
whereby they thought to baue extrapped him, aunfwering nei⸗
ther of thole hinges which they hoped be would, as the Cuane
gelift doth moze at large vetcribe, faping:
But lefus perceived their wickednes & faid: VVhy tempt ye
The wifdom Mie, ye hypocrites’Shew methe tribute mony. .And they brought
of Chrift in him a peny. Andhe faid vnto thé:V Vhofe is this image & fuper-
aa {criptio ? They ſaid vnto him, Cefars. ere thou platnlp feet the
fable a wiledom + meruelous derteritie of Chit, be willeth the tribute
the Pharifees Money to be thewed vnto him,and alketh of the image and fuper-
{cription therof, They aunlwering that itis Celars,be verp well
ind moft freelp inferreth,that they are under Cefar , uno whom
p were compelled to pap tribute. As if he ſayd: Tf pe haue ſo
| in Ceſar, that his moncp ts copned with pou, furelp he beas
reth rule oucr you, as though be ſhould fay: It is come to palle
through pour owne fault that Telarrulech ouer pou, What
— fhould they fap 02 doe vnto this queftion? Chep merueiled and
went their wapes, thep thought that they ould notablp haue o⸗
uercome bint, but for all their ſubtiltie and wiſedom they were
This is written for our comfort, chat we which are Chri: py. wilden
ans map know that we baue {uch wiſedom, as erceedeth all wile: & ſtrenech
‘pom, fuch ſtrength andrighteoufnes, as whereunto no ſtrength of Chuiftians
Frighteoufnes of mantis like. Foꝛ againk the holp Ghoſt there
ig no counfell: this power and frength we obtaine through
Ehrilt, chat we map tread finne vnder foote , and triumph ouer
death. dCiben Chritt dwelleth tn vs by faith, we haue him which
bringerh to palle (uch hinges , howbeitthep are not throughly
felt but in time of tentation. Caberefore when J ftandin neede,be
ts pꝛeſent, and giueth unto me frength 5 that J map courageou:
Alp paffe chꝛough. THe mu not therefore be aftaide that our do:
ctrine Hall perifh and be put to ignominie and fhame. For let all
‘the wile men of the worlo rife againſt the worde of God, pea and
‘be neuer fo eircumfpect, and ſet them ſelues againt it, pet hall
they baue the fople ann be overcome, Tt may be chat thep barke
‚and bite, fo that it feemech vnto men, as though thep would de-
‘trop the Golpell; but whenthep baue fet them ſelues agatntt tt
to ertinguith it,thep fhall ne whit pꝛeuaile, but in the ſnare that
they haue layd for others , chep them felues thall at length be tas
ken. As we (ee here in this tert and commonly in Paule,but [pes
crially in the. hiſtorie of &. Sreuen, where we read how bainelp
bis aduerſaries vſed p Scriptures, pea thoſe that they vſed mere
againſt them felues. for the Jewes did accuſe Steuen, that he
han ſpoken both againſt the temple, and againſt God wohl ch com:
maunded the temple to be builoed , bringing € alleaging Scrip:
tures, whereby thep thought to conutnce and condemne him. Bue
Steuen being fullof the holy Gholt, thewed them in order out of
the Scripture, How that God dwelleth notin tẽples made with
handes : Dautd would haue built him an boule, but Gor refuſed
ra was the caule hereof? Along time before Dauid was
boꝛne, God dwelt among his people.De furelp thould be amifee
rable Gov which ſhould neede a houle, And ſo he confirmerh bp
manp hiltories that God doth nor dwell in houfes or temples
made with handes. That Hhould the Jewes doe here ? chep div
manikeſtly acknowledge their owne Scripture, which they bad —
brought again Steucn.So all they all be put to ſhame and os
ee fet themſelues agatnft the wiledom € worde
of Gov.
The wiledd Whereloꝛe let no man be afraide, albeit all the wifevom and
& power of power ol the woꝛld ſtriue againt the Golpell, alhougb it would
$ world thall extinguiſh it euen bp ſheding of blood. For the moze blood that is
= neuer bea- ſhed, ſo much mope isthe number of Chriftians increaſed. Che
ble to extin· hlood ot Chꝛiſtians ſayth Tertullian, is ſeede whereof Chpittis
echt gi ang growe, Satan mutt be owned in the blood of Chrittiang,
Gofpell, Ciberefoze it is not violence and force that ig ableto ſuppzeſſe
the Golpell; fo2 it ts like vnto palme tree, which bath chis na-
ture and qualitie , thatalbeit a weight be layd bponit, yet it al⸗
wayes riſeth and likteth vp it felfe again the wetghe.Quch ana:
ture allo hath the Goſpell, for the mone it is ſtriuen againſt, ſo
much moze are the rootes thereof {ped abrnade, and the moze
mightely that it is oppꝛeſſed, byfomuch doth it more and more
grow and increaſe. Tühereforecherg ts no cauſethat we ſhould
Not perfe- beaftaid of power, but rather that we ſhould feare profperitie €
_ cutionand merie dayes, which are able to hurt vs more then anguifh & per:
rea fecution, Neither let vs be afraid of che ſubtiltie and wiſedom of
profperitic is the world,fo2 thep cannot hurt vs, yea the moze that thep ſtriue
to befeared againſt the truth, fo much moe pure & cleare is che truth made,
of Chriftians Nothing therefore can come better tothe Goflpel,then when the
world with bis force and wifedom ſetteth it felfe agatnt it. Che
moze vehemently finne and Satandoe fight again mp confcie
ence, fo much fronger is mp righteoufnes made. For if finnes do
vrge and difquiet me, J Doe then moze ardentip prap and crp vn⸗
to God, and ſo my faith ig more and moze tnerealed and ſtrength⸗
2.Cor.12.9. nev, Chisis that which S. Paule meaneth when he faith:Power
ismade perfect through weakenes. Foꝛaſmuch therefore as we
baue fo great atreafure , which igincreafed and ſtrengthned by
perfecutiong and aduerlitie,there is no caule that we ſhould be a-
fraid, but rather that we fhoulo with a cheerefull mind reiopee in
tribulation, as &, Paule fapth Rom.5. accoyding as the Apo:
3 ‘files did, who with great top Departing from the councells, gaue 475-41
God thankes, that they were counted worchp to fuffer rebuke for
the name of Ielus,
IFkthe deuill were endued with fuch wiledom, that be would
be quiet,and fuffer the Gofpeil to haue free courte, he ſhould nor
~ fuffer fo much loffe. For when the Golpellis not impugned, te is
as it were walten with ruff, neither hath it occafion to thew forth
the vertue and power thereof, Ae line cherefoze here lecure as
pet,for no man ſtriueth again vs.wheretoꝛe we continue fillag
we were before,pea (alas) we become worfe and worfe. Ci here:
as lome of our aduetlaries haue fet bpon bs by writing, that per:
taineth toa few. For inafinuch as thep haue mitten againſt bs,
they haue therebp done nothing els, but as it were blowenthe
fire, but if we bat bene thaowne into the fire , 02 flapne mith the
ſworde, the number of Chꝛiſtians would be greater amonge bs,
Gübherefore this ts a comfort vnto bs,if we at anp time be temp: The com-
ted, that Chꝛiſt is readp to helpe vs,¢ reigneth among bs, pea he fort of Chri-
ig fo neare unto vs,that alwates through him we map ouercome, fans in ven-
as long as we belecue and truſt in him: Howbeit when weare roo.·
touched with no aduerfitie,he doth litle or nothing, but when we
ave fought again and oppꝛeſſed, he ig prefent „and bringech all
‘our enemies to confufion,
.- Mie haue moꝛeouer to learne here that thep which are wife ¢ The woſt
mightier chen other , which are enducd with che chiefe giftes of we & migh
pnderfanding and nature more then other, which ercell in grea- hele
fer induttrie learning and readier capacitie then other.whtch are ofentimes
fit to ouerfee other,and can gouerne all thinges bet , that thep I ſtriue moſt
fap doe many times moff of all other reift God anv faith, etruft againit God.
more totheir owne ſtrength andreafonthento God, Foꝛ thep
are caried fo farre bp their venimous nature, that thep neither
~ can no? will vſe thofe things to the commoditte and profit of their
neighbour: but trufting to their owne giftes and abilicie , thep
hope that now they thall obtaine this now that, netther doe thep
thinke that thep thallhaue neeve of Gods heipe alſo thereunta:
As tt appearerh here inthe Phariſees and Scribes , who mere
certaine, as they fuppofed, thatif they fo fet bpon the Lorde, it
could not be,but that: they ſhould then entanale him. For tt ts vn⸗
poſſible thought thep,that be (houlo here elcape bs,we thal bere
holo him as it were falne into anet , whetherhe allitme o) deuy
that tribute mutt be giuen. Marke mozeouer how ſubtle and per⸗
As, uerfe p wit of mans nature is,which is here verp liuely fet fopch,
Sree Chere is nothing els inman but wickednes, delufion, guile,
heberege. ceits,tping, fraude,and all kind ofeuill,pca ofnature manist
nerateby5 lyes and vanitie as the 1167Plalıne ſayth. Te mutt not truſt a
fpirit of God ny man in anythinge, doe not perſwade thy ſelfe, that any man
is een! cor ſpeaketh the truth vnto thee, for whatfoeuer man ſpeakech itis
sure, Alpe. hp ſoꝰ Che fountaine oz (pringe bead, that ig,the bart ig
not ſincere, wherfore neither can the riuers be pure, And fo? this
caufe the Lord both commonly call men the generation of pipers
and bꝛoode of ferpents.Js not this a goodly title ofman? |
Letanp mannowe goe, and glory ofhigownerighteoufneg,
firength 02 free will. Before che worlo in veede fome man map
be,and gloriouſly appeare goodly, righteous, and holp, but there
isnothing els,but a generation of vipers and bꝛoode of ferpents,
and that efpeciallp in thofe that ſeeme moft excellent, moft pꝛe⸗
tious, moſt wife, ¢ of greateſt vnderſtanding. Ikthou go through
euen all the biftoztes of the Greekes, Jewes , t Romanes, thou
fhalt find the beft and wiſeſt JPrinces of all, which haue gouerned
the affapzeg of their Empire profperouflp, thou halt find chem
Slay co haue thought nothing of Goo, but onelp truſting to them
felues , to baue acknowledged nothinge ag receiued from Gov,
Wereupon itis gathered, chat the leſſe a man excelleth in wifes
dom before the world, ſo much leſſe doth he commit again Gov,
Foꝛ they that excell in counſell and auch opitie before the fightof
the world, doe for the moft part vecetue and Ipe moze then others.
thinking, that if thep deale by deluftons and deceit their fraude €
iniquitie ig not perceiued: for thep canaftera pꝛety forte cloke
‘their craft and ſubtiltie. Buc the holy Ghok hath amok cleareg
bright fight, which they can not auopde, but thep thall be eſpied.
The Scripture doth often times call (uch. Ipong,wolues,beareg,
fwine, and cruell beaftes,inalmuch as chep rage,and Deuourc ann
confume all hinges with their fraude and deceit. Tühereforein
the old Teſtament the Jewes were forbidden to zarte of certaine
beaſtes, as of thofe already rebearfed, and of others, fo2 this one
caule eſpecially, that it Hoult be atppe and erample to vs, where
bp we micht percetue.that chere are fome mé, which are ftrona,
mighty rich, wittp, learned, ſkilfull, and wile, which are to be as
wopoed and efchewed as a certaine vncleane thing,and ag ne ag
ſeduce and deceiue others with their fapre thew, might, and wile:
De im. Foꝛ neither ſhallthey be counted for fuch, neither will anp
man thinke chem to befuch, as doe ſo much as thinke any cutll in
their hart, much leſſe doe it. Aherefore thou mut put no truft &
conſfidence in any man, truſt not vnto him,for he will deceiue thee
wherein ſoeuer he is able. Againe tf chou truſteſt man,thou art a
gainlt God,in whom thou putteſt not thy truk. ets mitten in
che 17 chapter of Jeremie: Curfed be the man that puttech his
truft in man, and, Blefled iscthemanthar purteth his truſt in the
Some man may now fap: Dow thall we doe then? One man
mult haue dealing with an other , otherwife howe canthe life of
man continue: Cle muſt bup , we mulk fell, we mutt otter and
chaunge our wares with men: Now if one fhould not truft an o-
‘ther.the whole trade of mang affaires ſhould be in perill,pea and
periſh. 3 fay that no man can deny, but that there mutt be mutual
Dealings among men, and that one doth neede the helpe and tra:
uell ok an other. But this T willhaue, that whatſoeuer dealing
_ thou haft with men, either tn buying oꝛ felling, thou count tt fo2 a
thinge vncertaine; which thou muſt neither truſt, noz build vpon
it. For this ts certaine,as ſoone ag thou ſhalt truſt to man he will
feeke to deceiue thee,fozalinuch as the nature of man, as it ig of
itfelfe, candoenothing but lye and deceiue. Pea all hinges in
man are vncertaine, both bis works and words, there is nothing
‚inhim,butlightnes and pnconftancie , which thou mayſt bololp
vbeleeue tobe true, CUberefore all our hope and confidence muff
be repolſed in Godalone, and after this fort we muſt fap : Loꝛde,
giue thou me grace that J map direct € oder mp life, my foule,
mp bony, my ſubſtance and goods, and whatloeuer is mine , ac:
coꝛding to thy vinine will,for J beleeueinthee , Itruſt in thee,
doe not thou korſake me in ſo perilous dealing with this oꝛthat
man: Iput no truſt in man. TE thou knowelf that it is good for
me, makehimtoveale faithfully wich me: if thou knoweſt that
it will be to mp hinderance andburt, belpe me to aucivit, for
thp will onelp pleafeth me;which J with almapes tobe done,
98 foone as thou thinkeſt in thy mind: De is a good man,and
one that wil keepe his promife, J am fore that be wil not deceive
me,but wil veale faithfully cuen then hai thou fallen from Gov,
and woꝛſhipped an idoll, putting thy truſt inalpar , CCtherefore
An obiediö
The aunfwer
We muft put
all our hope
and truftin
God onely..
when thou bak anp dealing with man,thinke bololp : Ifhe veale
faithkully, it ig well, if he doe other mile, in the name of God, let
him goe, I will commit all thinges tothe will of Gov , he ſhall
profperoullp bring them to pafle, Df {uch a falfe and vngodly
How ywor- confidence repofed inmen,that euill crept in among Chꝛiſtians,
— of namely the worthipping of Sainctes, whereby the Chꝛiſtian
in amonge Church, that is, the true congregation of the faichfull, hath fuffe-
Chriftians. ted erceeding greathurt and incomparable ruine. For what os
ther was the feruice and worſhipping of Sainctes but a deuiliſh
thing ?&Uhen as men vled to reafon after thislorte: Chis man
was verp holp,that which be taught,be did, whom we wil follow,
and doe the like, Hierome, Auguſtine, Gregozie ſayd this,there-
fore is it true,e therefore will I] beleeue it, Frauncig, Benedict,
Dominicke, Bartholomewe liued thus, they div this and that, J
will imitate their life and workes. Woreouer Auguſtine was fa:
ued by this rule, wherefore I allo thall be faued bp it, Fy, howe
vnltable anv miferable a thinge is this, they are onelp Ipes and
Dreames of men, there ig not in one word mention made here of
Chri and his woꝛd, but thep are onelp the baine inuentiong and
trifles of men, I would vtterly bꝛeake the rule of Auguftine,tf be
therefore ordapned it,thinking to be faued thereby. So blind and
Without bnderftanding ts reafon, that wt receiueth the dotages €
baine inuentions of men, when as notwithſtanding the worde of
God onelp ts to be recetued tn matters of ſaluation, as if Deron,
ppilate,Catphas, € Dannas thould preach the Golpell, A oughe
fo receiue it, Againe,ifchofe that are counted holy, thould rife and
preach Ipeg, alfo rules, habits, thauings, ceremonies, and fuch
like vaine inuentions of nen,3] ought inno wile to receiue them,
for we mutt here haue reſpect, notte the perſons, butto that
which they preach,
Dookk thou pꝛeſume to be wifer then all che fathers ¢ fainctg,
then allthe Bihhops and Pꝛinces of the whole worlde ? Chus
map fome man obiect again me, Farre be that fromme. For
Doe not contend to be wiler then they. But this without contra:
uerlie is thus,that whatſoeuer is wile, great, liberal, mighty €
frong before the woꝛld, doth feldom or neuer agree wich woꝛd
of God, Foꝛ ſo it falleth out , chat chep that are {uch doe for the
moff part perfecute the Gofpel,anv ifthep were not fo great,the
Golpell ſhould not fo greatly thine fozch and criumphe, The Ro-
mane Emperours Hadrian, Traian, Diocletian were the moſt
wile Celars of all, whole gouernment was fo liked of. that it was
prapled of the whole wold, pet thep perfecuted the Golpell, and
could not abive che truth. Che fame we find written of the Kings
of the Jewes, agof Achag and others, which gouerned their .
kingdom berp well,pet deſpiſed the word of God and vifobeped
bis commaundements . Tie in our time bad neuer fuch Empe⸗
routs or Pꝛinces, as are comparable to them. Wut it ought to be
- berified in thele, that Gon would by foolith preaching confound
the wiledom of this wozlde, as Paule ſayth 1. 02,1, Ali theſe
thinges are themed vnto bs inthis tert which we bauetn band,
which bath alimple and a {clender thewe and appearance of ic
felfe , but pet containech many thinges in it mo worthy the no-
ting. JQow bow the Lord concluded with tbe Phariſees, when
thep had thewed him the tribute money, and had aunfwered that
it was Cefars image and (uperfeription, the Cuangelift decla⸗
_ Giue therefore to Cefarthe things which are Cefars,and piue
vnto God thofe things which are Gods, Although thep bad de:
ferued no fuch thing of the Lore , neuertheles be teachech them
the right way. And inthele mores he confirmech che ſword and — [word :
office of che Magiſtrate: chep hopen that he would condemne a —
reſiſt him, but he doth nothing leffe,for he commendeth and pray: arate 3
feth him, commaunding thatthep giue vnto him thofe thinges med by
that are his.CCthereby be plainly will haue, that there be Magi⸗ Chrift
ſtrates, Pꝛinces, and Rulers, onder whole gouernment we mutt
line, Neither mult we care whether thep vlſe and erercife their
rule and authoꝛitie well or ill, we mul haue regard onelp to their
power and office, for their power ¢ suchoriticts good inafıruch
ag It ig oꝛdained € infituced of God, Neither ts thereanp caufe
why thou hhouldett find fault with power, if at anp time thou be
oppreſſed by Princes and tprannes : for whereas they abufe che
power giuen bnto them of God, they thall {urelp be compelled co
giue an account thereof. Che abule of a thing doth not make that
thing euill, which is tit {elfe good, A chapue of golde ts good, A fmitiude.
neither is it therefore made worfe, for that a harlot weareth it a
bout her neck,o2 if one fhould put out mpne eye with tt, ſhould J
finde fault in the chapne therefore ? In like maner the power of
the Prince mutt be borne for ifhe abule his office, he is not to be
‚gounted of me ag noe JPrince, neither belongeth it vnto me to res
enge 02 punthh it in him. II mul obey him for God his caufe ons
ly, for herepzefenteth the place of Gov. How gricuous thingeg
foeuier therefore Magiſtrates thall eract, Imuſt foꝛ God hig
caufe beare chem all,and obep them, fo farre ag thep be not cons
trarp to Gods commaundements, TE they doe iuſtly o2 vniuſtly,
it hall in due time appeare. @üherefore if chy (ubftance, life and
body, and whatldeuer thou haf ſhould be taken from thee by the
Wagifrates,thou mayſt ſap thus: J willingly peeld them vnto
pou,and acknowleoge pou for Rulers oner me, I will obep pou,
but whether pe vle pour power and authozitie well o2 il, fee pou
to that,
Moꝛeouer whereas Chꝛiſt ſayth: Giue vnto Cefar the things
that are Cefars,and vnto God thofe thinges thatare Gods. Lie
What things muff vnderſtand that onto God pertaineth honour, we muſt ac⸗
muftbegi- knowledge him for che liuing, omnipotent, and wile God, and als
Gad & char cribe vnto him what good thing foruer can be named, And albeit
yntoCefar, We doe not giue him this honour , be notwithltanding calilp kee⸗
peth it,for nothing ig either added co, or taken fron him bp our
honouring Dowbeicin bs he ig true,omnipotent,and wife,when
as we count himfo, and beleeue thathe ts fuch a one, as be {uffes
reth him lelfe to be fapd to be, Nowe vnto Celar and the Magi⸗
{trate feare, cuffome, tribute, obedience, €c: aredue. God requi⸗
reth efpectally the bart,the Magiſtrate the bodp and goods,ouer
which be erecuteth bis office in p place of Gov, which S. Paule
doth moft notably in plaine and mantfett wordegveclare Rom,
13 : Let euery foule be fubiedt vnto the higher powers:for there
is no power butof God: andthe powers that be, are ordained
of God. V Vhofoeuer therefore refifteth the power,refifteth the
ordinance of God: and they thatrefift, shall receiue to them
felues condemnation... For Magiftrates arenotto be feared. for
good workes, but for euill. V Vile thou thembe withourfeare of
the power? doe well: foshalt thou haue prayfe ofthe fame.For
he isthe Minifter of God forthy wealth, butif thou doe euill,
feare: for hé beareth not the {word for nought: for hes the mi-
nifter of God to take vengeance on him that doth euill. V Vher-
foreye muft be fubieét, not becaufe of wrath onely, buralfo for
confcience fake. For,for this caufe ye pay alfo tribute: for they
are Gods Minifters , applying them felues for the fame thinge.
Giue to all men therefore their dutie tribute, to vvhom ye ovve
ibute : cuftome,to vvhom cuftome : feiacito vvhom feare:ho-
nour,to vvhom ye ovve honour. And therefore alfo are Waris
rats oꝛdayned of God,thac thep map pefende € maintaine pubs
e peace, which alone erceedeth all worldly good thinges: we
elt a litte in che tat cõmotion of the common people, what loffe,
miſerie, calamitie and grieuous ſoꝛrow confpiracie and {edition
baingeth inthe world. Gon graunt that it map fo continue, that
we trie it no moꝛe. Chus much ſhall {uffise to yaue bene ſpoken
| fo the erpolition of this text,
ri by Chrift alone.
Ioh. 6.
>) man can cometome except
4) fa the Father which hath fent me,
j\'as draw him’: 81 will rayfe him vp
| | ® at the laft day.
ass Ors. It is writtenin the Prophets;And
| — thall be all taught of God. Euery man,
et. therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of
| dodo: 2 che Father,commeth vnto me: | '
46. ' Nötthat any man ‘hath ſeene the Father, fine .
Bree He which is of God, he hath feenethe Parbee”
| a J I fay vi vnto "ag that beleueth
seep dn me,hath ey ierlafting, Tee uni: —*
J 9* am the bread oflife.· nun vorn: f
49. © Yourfathersdideae — the wildernes
eft vandaredeads! 2} ou hod | |
50. This is that bread which cOmeth downe from
| heauen,that he which eateth of it, fhoulde not
31. I am that liuing breade which came downe
from heauen: if any man eate of this bread,he
fhall liue for euer: andthe breadethat I will
giue,is my flefh, which I willgiue for the life
of the world.
The ſumme of this text.
4 C Hrift is knowne of none,but of him whom the Father
drameth , thats , except the Father teache vs that
* knowledge inwardly im the bart. Therefore Christ
fayıhto Peter Marth, 16: Flesh and blood hath notreuealed
| it vnto thee,but my Fatherwhichisinheauen. ~
2 Chrift is the wifedom of God,which is of more price then pre-
cious ſtones, and whatſoe uer can be wiſbed, is not to be compared un=
‘Pro8.1t. 031,4 Salomon fayth inthe Pronerbs,
3 Theoldheauenly bread,that is, the righteou/nes of the lawe
doth not iustifie: But Christ, if we beleeuc in him, iuſtifieth for
| The expofition of the text.
H His tert teacheth vs nothing els but chriftian faith,
AQ and ſtirreth it vp in vs, as furelp John though bis
©, Golpel noch almolt no other thing but inſtruct bs,
0 M How we mu beleeue inthe Lord Chꝛiſt. And ſuch
Onely faich rg SER a faith as ig grounded on the true promile of God
in Chrif'fa- made wnto vs in Chritt, all Caue vs , asthistert plainly veclas
" reth. Allo thep are here all pꝛoued fooles , which haue taught ug
| another way and meanesto obtaine righteoulnes . Wlhatfoeuer
| mas minde ca inuét, alehough it be holy although it baue a fapze
| . hewbefoge men, it mutt cr ssp Mab that He wil haue (ale
/ yatlon to come therebp.sFo} älbeiechan man is exerciſed with che.
duties ofgoplines,be (hall not be able to attaine vnto heauen. om
1 2
Ee ZU u m nd
| {es God preuent him with bis worn, which map offer hig diuine
grace vnto him, andlightenbis bart, that be map walke inthe
- right wap, Mow this wap is the Loꝛd Telus Chit, he that will Chrift che
ſecke an other wap, asthe moft part of men with their outward right way.
woꝛrkes commonly doe, hath now erred fromthe right and high
wap. For Paule fapth Gal, 2: If riphteoufnes be by the law, that
is, by the workes of the lawe, then Chrift died withouta caufe.
ı Therefore I ape, that aman mull bp the Golpeli be ag it were
bꝛuſed and broken,# humbled euen from the bottom of bis hart,
| ag being fratle ¢ weake, which can mauve neither hands no feete,
butonelp Ipeth proftrate and cryeth: Pelpe me D omnipotent
God, merciful Facher, I am not able tobelpe mp felfe; Delpe D
Lord Chꝛiſt, mpne owne belpe ts nothing. Chat fo agatutt this
coꝛner fone which is Chꝛiſt al may be broken, ag he latch of htm
| felfein Luke,when be af ken the Jdharifees and Scribes:VVhat Luke r0. 17.
meaneth thisthenthat is written: The ftonethat the builders
_ refufed,that is made the head of the corner ? VVhofoeuer shall
| fallvpon thatftpne,shall be broken : & on whomfoeuer it shal!
_ fall,ic wil grinde him to pouder.dUiberetove either let vs fal vp⸗
onit bp our imbecillicie and weakenes, bp denping out ſelues, ¢
fo be bꝛoken, oꝛ els he will bꝛeake bs for euer in bis ſtraite iudge⸗
ment, Gut it ts better chat we fallppon it, then that it fall vpon
bs, Upon this foundation Ch ttt ſayth bere inthis tert.
Noman can come vntome, except the Father which hath
fent me,draw him: and] will rayfe him vp at the laft day. Mow
he whom the Father draweth nor, thall furelp periſh. Jets alfo
| concluded that be which commeth not to this fonne,thall be dam⸗
| nedfopeuer, Mets che onely Sonne giuen vnto bs, which map
| faue vs, withouthim there is no faluation: if he belpe not,our Without
cale is moft miferable: Df himPeter alfo (peaketh to the fame Chrift there
effect inthe Acts of the Apoftles chap, 4: This isthe ftone caft is no faluati-
afide of you builders, which is become the head of the corner, °™*
neither is there faluation in any other: for amonge men thereis
giuen none other name vnder heauen , whereby vve muft be
faued. Cd hither would our Diuineg and Scholementurne them
felues bere, which bauc taught vs that by many morkeg we mult
attaine bute righteoufnes * Here is that high Waifter Arittorle
| confounded whe bach caught bs, that reafon endeuoureth to doe
| the ded chings, ¢ is alwayes ready tothe better, But this Chik
| 4 P ti,
doth here deny: for vnles the Father pofleile and drawebs, we
thall perith for euer. Here all men mutt confefle their imbecillity
and flownes to good thinges. Hf fo be that any perſwade him feif
that be ts able to doe any good thing by bis owne ftrength, trues
Ip be hath reproued Chit of falhhood , and with great arrogans
cie pꝛeſumeth to come to heauen, albeit he is not mawnofp Far
ther. therefore where the word of God is in bis courfe,¢ found:
Ip preachen , wyatloeuer thinges arehig and great, it caftcth
them downe, tt maketh all mountaines euen with the valleies,
and ouerthzoweth allbilles , ag the Prophet Cfat fapth.that all
barts bearing the worde may delpeire of them ſelues, otherwile
thep cannot come vnto Chr. Che workes of God are fuch, that
while thep kill,chep make aliue, while thep condemne,thep faues—
as Manna the mother of Samuel fingeth of the Loꝛd: The Lord
killeth,and maketh aliue.bringeth dovvne to the graue, & fet-
cheth vp againe, The Lord maketh poore, & maketh rich,brin-
How the Fa- geth lovv,and heaueth vp on hie. Ciherefoze if a manbe thus
ther draweth ftriken of Gon in his hart, that be acknowleogeth him felfe fuch
vs vnto
1.loh. 5.10.
aone ag ought for bis finnes to be condenmed , helurelp is euen
that berp man, whom God by his word hath Ariken, and by this
ftroke bath faſtened vpon bim the bond of his dtutne grace, wher-
by he draweth him, that be map proutde for bis foule,F baue care
of bim. De could firk find with him felfe no helpe no2 counfel, nei:
ther did he with for any, but now be bath found the fpectall confo:
lation € ppomife of Gad, which ts after this fort: He chat asketh
receiueth,he that feeketh findeth,& to him thatknockethitiso-
pened. Bp fuch a promife man is more moꝛe lifted pp in mind,
ft concetueth a greater truft and confidence in God, For as foone
as he beareth chat this is the worke of God alone, he defireth of
God, as at the hand of his merctfull father,that be will vouchlafe
to dꝛawe him. If fo be that be be dꝛaawne of God onto Chil, vn:
voutedlp that allo hall come vnto him, wheresf the Lord maketh
mentionbere,namelp that he wilraife him bp at the iat dap, For
helapech hold on the word of Gor, ¢ truftech in God, whereby he
hath a certatne teſtimony, that he is he, whom God hath dꝛawne:
As John layth in his rt Epiſtle: He that belecueth in that
Sonne of God hath the vvitnesin him felfe. Dereupon it muff
neeves follow,thache ts taught of God, and in berity now know
eth God to be no other;buta heiper,a comfogter,and a Sautour,
Hereby itisnowmanifek, that if we belceue, God will be no o⸗
_ ther toward bs but a Sautour, helper, and gtuer of all felicitie,
wha requircch and af keth nothing ofbs , but will onelp giue and
Offer brio vs, as he him (elf ſayth vnto Iſrael PſCal.81: l am God
thy Lord,which broughr thee out of the land of e#pypt : open
thy mouth wide, & I will fill it. Aho would not loue fuch a Gov,
which ewert him elffo gentle and Jouing vnto vs, and offercth
- foreadilp bis grace and goodnes?
They hall not be able to elcape the feuere and eternall iudge⸗
mentof Gov, which do vnaduiſedly neglect fo great grace, as the
Epiftle tothe Hebrues ſayth: Ikthey chat tranſgreſſed the lawe
of Moles, eſcaped not vnpuniſhed, but oped without mercy,bowe
much moze grieuouflp thal God puniſh them, which coũt p blood
ofthe Teſtament as an vnholy thinge , and tread under foote the
fonne of God? D howe diligencis Paule in all his Epiſtles to The know-
teach how the knowledge of God may rightly be concetues ? D ledge of
howoften doth he with encreafe tn the knowledge of Gon? As if God.
he would fap : If pe onelp knew and bnderftood what God ig, pe
ſhould then be fafe. Then pe would loue him, and do all hinges
pareapproued of him. Chus he lapth Colof, 1:V Ve ceafenot to
, pray foryou,and to defire that ye might be fulfilled with know-
ledge of his will,in all wifedom, & fpiritual vnderftanding : that
je might walke vyorthy of the Lord, & pleafe him in all things,
being fruteful in al good works, & increafing in the knowledge
of God;ftregrhened with al might through his glorious power,
vnto all patience, & long fuffering with ioyfulnes:giuing thanks
vnto the Father, whichyhath made vs meete to be partakers of
the inheritance of the Saindtesin light . And Pſal. I19 Dauid
- fapth : Inftruct me, & I will keepe thy lawe,yea I will obferue it
vvith my vvholehart. And thus pe haue out of che firft ſentence
of this tert,thatthe knowledme of God doth come from p father.
It is needeful that he lap the firk ftone in cur building, otherwiſe
we fhallabour tn vaine. Burthat is done thus : Gon fendeth vnto
Ds Preachers whom he hath taught, and proutvech chat his will
‚be preached onto vs. Firk that all our life and cödition, although ide preas =
“it baue afapre hew € be holy outwardly, is ofno eftimation be, chios of the
fore him, pea is abbozred and lothed of him. And this ig callen °””
the preaching ofthe law. Afterward he maketh grace to be prea: —.
ched onto bs, to wit, that be will not haue bs viterlp condemned
and caff of,but chat he willreceiue vs in bis beloued fonne , and
not ſimply receiue vg, but alfo make bs beires in his Kingdom,
yea and Loves over allthinges which are in heauen and earth,
This nowe is callen the preaching of graceor of the Goſpell.
And all this is of God, which rayſeth bp and fendeth forth Pꝛea⸗
chers, Chis ©. Paule fiqnifiech when be fapth thus Rom.1o:
Faith is by hearing,andhearing bythe word of God. This alfa
the wordeg of the Lode Meane here inthe Gofpell, when be
fayth :
‘te is written in the Prophets: And they shall be all taupht of
God.Euery man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of
the Father,commeth vnto me : Not that any man hath feene the
Father, faue he whichis of God,he hath feene the Father. TUbhe
as we beare the firſt preaching, that is the preaching of thelam,
Whatthe Howe we are condemned with all our workeg, then man figheth
preachng ynto God, and knowerh not what co doe, bis conlcience és euitll
vorkethin and fearefull, and ercept heipe ſhould come in time, be fhouloe
man. deſpeire for euer. TÜberefore the other preaching muft not be
long differred , the Golpell mult be preached vnto him, and the —
wap onto Chꝛiſt mut be he wed, whom God hath giuenbntong
a Wediatour,that through him alone we map be fauen, bp meere
grace and mercy, without all our owne works and merits. Chen
Theprea- the hare ts made iopfull,anv hafteth onto fuch grace, as the thite
ching ofthe ſty hart runneth unto p water, Dautd had anotable feeling heres
Gofpel what of when be fapd thus Pſal. 42: Like asthe hart defireth the vva-
EN ee gerbrookes, fo longeth my foule after thee, O God: My foule
thirfteth for God, yea euen for the living God. When therefore
aman commeth ta Chriff, though the Gofpell, thenhearerh be
the vopce of the Lord Chꝛiſt, which ſtrengthneth the knowledge
that God hath taught him : to wit,that God is nothing els but a
Sautour abounding with grace , who will be fauopable and
metcifull toall chem, which callppon him inthis bis Sonne,
Therefore the Lord lapch mozeouer: t
Verely,verely I fay vnto you,He that beleeuethin me, hath
euerlafting life. Iam that breade of life. Your Fathers did eate
Manna in the vvildernes,and are dead, This is that bread vvhich
cometh dovvne from heauen,that he vvhich eateth of it should
not die,lamthat living bread , vvhich came dovvne from hea-
ven: if any man eate of this breadshe shall line for euer: andthe
| breadthatIvvillgiue,ismy flesh, vvhich I vvill giue forthe life
ofthe world. Inthele wordes the foule ſindeth a table daintily
furnifhed,twberebp it map flake all hunger, For it knoweth aſſu⸗
redly chat be that fpeakech theſe wordeg can not Ipe, Therefore
itit commit ic felfe confidently vnto him, and cleaue to che wor,
it relteth upon him, and fo vepartech not from this goodlp table,
This is that ſupper, to che preparing whereof the beauenlp Fa:
| ther killed bis oren and fatlings , and hath bidden be all vnto it,
CThe liuing bꝛeade whereof the Loꝛde here maketh mention, is Chrift the li-
Chyailt him felfe,wherebp we are fo feode. Tf we lap hold but of a ving bread,
~ mopfell of this bread in our harts, and keepe it, we ſhall be fatif: en we
| ften for euer, neither can we euer be plucked fram God. Worco: pean
uer (uch an eating is nothing elg, but to beleue in p Loꝛd Chꝛiſt, {
thatheig made vnto bs of Gov, as Paule ſayth ı.Cor 1. wiſe⸗
bom,righteoulnes.fanctification,and redemption. De chat eateth
this meat, liueth for euer , Therefore bp and bp after chig tert,
when the Jewes were at contention about thefe bis wordes, be
| fapth : Verely,verely I fay vntoyou, Exceptye eate the flesh of
che Sonne of man and drinke his blood , ye haue no life in you.
| VVhofoeuer eateth my flesh, & drinkerk my bloud hath eter-
nall life, I vvillrayfe him vp atthe laft day. Wanna which the
| fathers div eate ta the defert (as Chꝛiſt here ſayth) could not ſaue
from death but this bread maketh vs immoꝛtall. Itwe beleeue
in Chꝛiſt,death hall not hurt vs any thing at all, pea there tg no
moꝛe death. This the Lord meaneth by thele wordes in another
place, where be ſayth to p Jewes: Verely, verely l fay vnto you, 10h.8.51.
| ifamankeepe my word,he shall neuer fee death:where it tg cet
taine chat be ſpeaketh of the word of fatth,and of the Goſpell.
But fome man may fay chat holp men die notwithſtanding, foꝛ An obickiö.
Abraham ¢ the bolp Prophets are dead, as the Jewes ſayd unto
| him. Jaunſwere: Che veath of Chzifttans ig onelp a ſſeepe, ag The aunfwer
| the Scripture alfo commonly calleth it: for a Chꝛiſtian tattech €
| feeth no death, that is, he hath the feeling of no death. For this
Sauiour Chꝛiſt Jeſus, in whom he beleeuech , bach ouercome
| death, pafterwarns he ſhoulde not fecle or taſt it,but death ishne
| tobim onelpa paflage and mate tolife, as Chri him felfe wit:
| neffeth Joh.5: Verely,verely I fay vnto you, he that heareth my
| vvord,& beleeueth in him that fent me,hath euerlafting life, &
| shall not come intocondemnation,but hath pafled from death
| P iijj
The will of
the heauen-
ly Father.
to life. iherefore the life of a Chꝛiſtian is merie , andoneuerp —
five repleniſhed with iop,and che poke of Chrif is ealie elweete,
But that it ſemeth heaup and grieuoug bnto bs, this ts the caute,
for thatthe Father hath nor pet mawne vs:hereupon it commeth
to pafle chac we take no pleafure thereof , neither is the Gofpell
comfoztable vnto vs. Tf lobe chat we would lap vp the woꝛdes of ©
Chri well in our hart, they would be vnto bs an exceeding com:
fort. And thus pe haue beard howe we muft feede on this bꝛeade
which came vowne from heauen, that is, onthe Loꝛd Chrift;to
wit by fach, which we then do when we beleeue in him, that be ts
our Sautour,
The wale chapter outof which this tertis taken, commen:
deth vnto vs nothing els but (pirituall meat. For when the multt-
tude followen Chꝛiſt, chatthep might againe cate and dpinke,
which the Lord him felfe fignifiech,be taketh occafton of the cor⸗
poral meat which chep fought,¢ almof thaough the whole chap:
ter ſpeaketh of {pirituall meat, ag he fapo: The wordeswhich I
fpeake are fpirit and life. CH herby he would fignifie,that be ther-
fore fed them, that they ſhould beleeucinbim: € as thep did cate
the bodilp meat, fo thep ought alfo to feede of the {pirituall. bere
let bs weie and marke this, that the Loꝛd doth fo gently and gra=
ctoully apply him ſelke to vs, and offer him felfe infuch gentle
Wordes , that it ought worthelp to moue our hartes to belecue im
him,to wit,that that bread, was therefore giuen for vs, inalmuch
agit was bebouefull thathe ſhould caft death and fuffer helliſh
paines : Alfo ſhould beare finnes which he neuer had committed,
as though be had committed them, and bad bene bis owne: and:
be dio alfo che fame willingly for our fakes,and tooke bs as bye:
thren and fitters. Chis tfwe beleeue, we doe the will of che hea⸗
uenlp Father, which ts noching els but to beleeue in his Sonne,”
elobefaued. As Chit him felfe fapth a litle before: Thisis the
will of him thatfent me,that every man which feeth the Sonne,
and beleeueth in him, should haue cuerlafting life. It now ther:
fore appeareth that he that hath fatth doth the will of Goo, and
eatech of this heauenly bzead. As Anguttine fapth: That Dott
thou prepare thy mouth, beleeue,and thou haſt eaten. Df this (pi: -
ritual fupper the whole new Teſtament fpeaketh,but efpeciallp
in this place of Tohn, Che Sacrament of Chꝛiſtes hoop ¢ blood
is a certaine teſtimonie and pledge of this true (upper, whereby
) we
| we oughe to ſtrengthen our faith,and to be aſſured, that this boop
an tis blood, whereof we feedein the Sacrament, deltuercth
vs from (pre, death, Satan, and alleuell,
Baut how may aman percetue and know,that be allo noth per: How a man
taine to this beauenlp bread, and ig called tothis fpirituall up: maye know
> perAler him confiver the cafe in bis owne heart, which if he fpnde whether he
" foaffectev,that tt doth as it wore feele afweetenes in the promife sly reat,
of God, and is vndoutedly perfwanen, that he is of the companie aw
of them which pertaine to his [upper „ be ig aſſuredly (uch a one
in deede, For as we beleeue, ſo commeth tt vnto vs. Such aman
hath allo byandby a regard of bis neighbour,and belpeth him ag Charitie ro-
his brother , caveth for him, giueth vnto him, lendech him, com: Warde our
fortech bim, baieflp doth no orherwile to him then he defirech to —
be done vnts himleife. And all chis pzoceedeth from hence, for vruc Rich,
that the bountifullnes and goodnes of Chꝛiſt hath replenithen
bis heart wich ſweetnes and loue,that tt ig a pleafure and top bn:
to him to do good to bis neighbour, pea and he ts grieued tf there
be none toward whom he map be ſeruiceable. And beſide all this,
he is tractable and lowly towardes all men, be doth not effeeme
the tempoꝛall pleafure and pine of life, be iudgeth no man, be
pefamech no man , be interpzerech all things i in.the. better part,
Tuhẽ as he ſeeth chat the matter goeth not well with bis neigh:
bour, as that be fatneech in faith,wareth cole in toue , and that
bigtife i ig not on euerie five approueable, ke prapeth fo, bim, and
is ſoꝛe grieuedif any commit anp thinge again God and bis
neighbour. In a ſumme, the roote and ſappe are found, for chep
are in a flouriſhing bine, to wit, Chi, and therefore fuch frutes
come forth. But if any be votde of faith, and not taught of Gov,
fuch a one doth not feede on this heauẽly bread , neither bꝛingech
forth thefe frutes. Foꝛ where a right fatth is nor, there fuch
frutes are alwayes wanting, Andtherefore S, Peier teacheth
vs to make our calling vnto faluation, fure bp good workes,
where hefpeakerh property of the workes of toue, namely , that
we do good to our neighbour, and be affected toward him, as to⸗
ward our owne fleih and blood, Thus much hall futlize concer⸗
ning tots text. Let bs calito God for bis grace,
234 |
SEE See.
Rom. 13.
Verfe11. Rule
12. . Thenightis paft, and the day is at hand, let
vs therefore caft awaye the workes of darke-
nes, and let vs put on the armour of light.
13. Letvs walke honeftly, asin the daye: not in
gluttonieand dronkennes , neither in cham-
bering and wantonnes , nor in ftrife and en-
14. Butputyeon the Lord Iefus Chrift, and take
no thought for the flefh,to fulfil the luftes of it,
Whereof che DE Apottle inthis tert teacheth, not of faith, but of
EEE morkes the frutes offaith,thewing how the life of a Chꝛi⸗
‘ ian ought to be opdered and framed according tothe fleſh
outwardly among men. For how we mutt liue inthe {pire and
before Gan, faith doch teach , whereof aul a litle before this
place bath atlarge and euen apoftolikely entreated. Dea ifwe
confiver this tert well, it voth not fo much teach, as prouoke, ers
hort, moue, and firre bp chem which are alreanp taught, what
The —— chey mutt do, Foꝛ Paul diuideth the office of preaching into two
Pied nyo parts, into Doctrine and exhoꝛtation. Rom.12.Doctrine is, whẽ
twopartes. one teacheth that which wag not knowne befoze , whereby men
are inſtructed ¢ come to vnderſtanding. Exhoꝛtation iss when p
' preacher moueth ¢ pꝛouoketh vnto p which is alreadp knowne,
| Either is neceflarie to be done of bim , who will chyittianly
perkourme the duty of preaching, wherefore Paul doth verie
earnettlp appip himfelfe to both and that hig erhortation map be
moꝛe effectuall, € map moze acceptably enter into the mindeg of
cthem whom be hath purpofed to erboot.be vſeth certaine elegant
and figurative {peches.and doth wich an adogned maner of {pea:
king allure their mindes bnto him. For the wozdes,fleepe, dark:
| nes, light, waking, armour, workes , the dap, the night, which
be bere vfech, are all (poken ſiguratiuely, by which other thinges
| are fiqnifien ‚then their nature and propeictic doe beares for he
ſpeaketh not of the natural night, daye, darkenes, atmour, was
| Ring, fleepe, ec: but he relembleth bp thele naturall chinges a
| certaine lıkenes to our mynde, whereby be map moye fozciblp
| -prouoke and bring bs to thofe ſpirituall hinges. Ag ifbe faive.pe
fee how men to get the righes ofthe prelenttime , which do foone
| perith, rife earlp, and laping aſyde the workeg of parkenes, aps
plie themfelues to the workes of the dap, after the night is pal-
Men, and the day is come: with how much greater diligence ought
| We, fhaking ofourfleepe , to riſe early, and caſting awape the
| §workes which me div while it was pet Darke, to applie our
ſelues now to thoſe workes which are agreable co our light, kor⸗
| almuch ag the night is now palled, and the vape of our faluation
bath appeared? = Nonnen
- Bp fleepe be ſignifieth euel workes which are voide of fatth:
| fo2 fleepcis a woꝛke properly mecte fog the night, and-that he
| meaneth thus, be lufficientlp declareth; when be bpandby after
| abdveth : Letvs caftawaye the workes ofdarkenes.&o contrati-
wife ‚to wake and torife fignifie goon workes which come of
faith, Foꝛ as fleepe pertainech properly co the night, ſo to rife is
properly agreableto che mogning and daye. Tbereupow itis
| fapo ı. Thefl, 5 : Beloued brethren, ye are notin darkenes, byt
ye are all the children of light and of the daye : we are not of the
night, neither of darkenes , whereforelet vsnot fleepe as do
other, but let vs watch and be fober. For they that fleepe,fleepe
in the night, and they that be dronken, are dronken in the night.
But let yswhich are ofthe day, be fober , puttingon the breft
_ plate of faith and loue,and the hope. of faluation foran helmet.
ire |
What the
Apoftle mea~
neth by the
words, flepe,
> >
For God hath not appointed vs vnto wrath , but to obraine fal»
uation bythe meanes ofour Lord Jefus Chrift,which died for vs,
that whether we wake orfleepe, we should liue togither with
him. It is {uffictentlp mantfe,that the Apottle doth not intheſe
woꝛdes forbid bs the fleepe ofnature, neuertheles be drawerh a
fimilitude from natural fleepe and waking, to {pirituall that ig,
toa good and euelllife, And to be briefe, to rife out of ſſeepe is
bere the verp fame thing that the Apoſtle wpiteth , Cit, 2: That
gtace of God, thar bringeth faluation vnto all men,hath appea-
red, & teacheth vs that we should denie yngodlynes & worldl
luftes , and that we should liue foberly and righteoufly, and
godly in this prefent world : looking for that bleffed hope and
appearing ofthe glorie of that mightie God, and of our Sauiour
Tefus Chrift, For that which be calleth in chefe wordeg , to deny
vngodlines and worldly luſtes, he callech in the tert which we
haue in hand, to atifefrom fleepe , and chat which hetermech to
line ſoberly, andriahteoufip, and godly, thathe calleth in our
prefent tert, to watch, and to put on the armour of light, and
whereas he ſayth: the grace of Gav chat bꝛingeth faluation,bath
appeared, that he calleth herve che bay andlight, of whith we wil
hereafter (peake moze atlarge, 8 Me Sus
oe a fue 2.
Naturall and Now let vs fee what likenes there is betweene naturall and
ſpiritual fle
cöpared t
pe fpirituallfleepe . De that fleepeth naturally, neither feech , no2
°" feeleth anp of thole good thingeg that are inthe world, but lieth
among thole thinges which are euen next adtopning onto him,
ag it were dead, ſeruing to no vſe, neither regarding any thing at
all, so) albeit belinein bimlelfc, pet is be ag dead to all other.
Againe in Fede of true chinges.be ig indpeames wholy occupied
with baine images and formes of thinges , which appeare true,
and is fo foolith that be embzaceth chofe baine formes, and thin:
keth them to be true thinges. But when he waketh,thofe images
do togither vaniſh awaye, and che man beginnech to be occupied
with true thinges. After the fame maner almoft it is, when one
ig ag it were ſwallowed op of vngodlines, for be fleepech , andis
like a dead man before God,neither ſeeth he, neither feelech anp
of the good thinges , which are good thinges in deede, namelp,
thole ſpirituall good thinges, which are promtfed ¢ offered him
by the Goſpell, albeit they betult by him. For thoſe thinges are
ſeene and felt by faith alone, otherwiſe chep are remoucd rn
all fight and feeling. Ci berefoze as tong as bp reafon of the fleep
_ of bis unbeleefe , be cam haue neither any regard 02 ſenſe of true
good thinges, which are verie neere him though the Gofpell,
he bulieth himfelfe with the falfe rood thinges of this world, as
| riches, promotiong, and plealures, which being compared vnto
“eral life , vnto heauenlp top, and chat perfect faluation which
" commeth tothe godly, are altogither as Dpeames , and ag chofe
vaine bifiong compared to natural thinges , whereof they are
onely repꝛeſentations. Gut when man awakech, and bach recet-
uecd kaith, all regard and deſire of thole falle good thinges of his
pꝛeſent life vaniſheth awape,and he acknowledgech that they are
nothing els but meere vanitie and falſhood, euen ag thofe viſtons
Do quite fade away as foone asa man awaketh out of naturall
fleepe, Dereofthe 76. Pſalme fpeaketh ? They haue flept their
fleepe, and they whofe handes were mightie , haue found no-
thing. And ]Plal. 73 : Like as a dreame when one awaketh, fo
_ shalt thou make their image to vanish out of the citie. And Clap
29: As whé ahungrie ma dreameth thatheis eating, & yet whé
he awaketh his foule is emptie : or as when a thirftie man drea-
meth that he is drinking , and whenhe awaketh he is yet faint,
and his foule hath appetite: even fo shall the multitude of all
nations be, that fighteih againft mount Sion. Qee how con:
temptuoufp and difoainfullp the Pꝛophet fpeaketh of the chicfe
power, riches, pleafures and promotions of the worlo,and like:
neth them to dzeames and moft baine vifions wherewith thep
Awhich are afleepe are deluded. Tihat other durf fap, that the
good thinges riches and power of thele Kings, Pꝛinces, and
rich men, are nothing els but neameg , when as for them men
mingle earth with heauen, fyer with water, raging without
mealure andende in the world ? But the caufe hereof ts, for that
they pet fleepe „therefore thep do pet fee nothing hereof, as thep
want fayth, fo allo are thep deſtitute of this light.
For nowis our faluation neerer,then whé we beleued. (Ghat
meane thele wordeg ? din we beleeue before , and do we not be: The promife
leeue now! Dere we muft call to minde that which Paul writech of God Eh
Rom. 1: that God promiled the Gofpell by his Jrophets inthe —— his
holy Scriptures,cocerning bis Sonne Felus Chrift our Loꝛd, Sonne.
that all ſhould bp him be faued, according to that which was faid
vnto Abraham Gen, 22: Inthy ſeede shal all the nations of che
earth be blefled. This bleffing pꝛomiſed to Abraham in bis
ſeede, ig nothing els , bur.grace and laluation in Chit offeren
to che whole worlo by the Sofpell, which Paule fo interpzeterh
Rom, 4, and Gal. 3. For Chꝛiſt is thatleede of Abraham, that
is, ag he is man,bis fich and blood, bp whom and tn whom thal:
be bleflev, ag many ag beleeue in him, and call vpon him. Chis
promife mas afterward by the Prophets continually more and
moze Declared and preached, for ıhep did all weite of the com:
ming of Chait, of che grace which be houtd boing , and of the
Golpell, which peter allo witnelleth Act. 4. Chis promife of
Gon all the faithfull veleeuen which vied before Chrilk was
borne, whobp this faith were ſaued, and obtained faluation in
Chꝛiſt and thꝛough Chꝛiſt. Dereunto Paul now had relpect
when he ſaid:Our faluation is now neerer, then when we belee-~
ued. For that which be ſaith ts thus much in effect: Te belees
ued intime paſt that the promife made unto Abraham , thould be
fulfilled, now is it fulfilled, and thofe thinges that we beleeued
ſhould come to pafle, are now prefent : Chott ts come, the Gals
pell is reuealed and publifhed , and the blefling which we looked
foꝛ, is (pred ouer the world, allthinges which we taried for, and
| beleeued being promifen , are come, And herebp the Apoftle
| fignifien the fpirituall vape, whereof he {peaketh afterward,
| which ig properip the beginning and mantfettation of the Gols
pell, whereof we will hereafter ſpeake.
Now by this, that hole hinges which we beleeued ſhould
be fulfilled, are now fulfilled , our faith tg not anp whit made
boide or fruffrate, but much more found and perfect, Foꝛ as they
of the olde time before Chꝛiſtes tnearnation belecued the pro:
mife of God which fhould be fulfillen , fo da we beleeue that the
The faith of fame ig fulfilled , andthe faith ig altoxether the fame in ic felfe,
— — but chat our kaith followed theirs, ag the fulfilling followeth alfa
Chriftes in. tbe promile, Foꝛ either faith truſteth in the ſeede of Abyaham,
carnation & that is in Chꝛiſt, theirs before bis incarnation, ours after it,
theirs which CAherefoze he that thould at this dap beleeue with the Hewes
lie after it, chat Chpitt is co come, ould make God a lyer, as though he had
felfe, "not pet fulfilled bis promıife , which he bach fulfilled, and being
fulfilled would baue it publiſhed and preached, Soalfo fhouls
faluation be pet farre from the beleeuers, which we thould looke
for being ag pet tacome, inthe time that Hall hereafter —
er R
Ok his double faith Paul ſpeaketh Rom, ı : By the Gofpell
tighteoufnes, which God giueth, is reuealed from faith to faith.
That meaneth this, from faith to faich nothing els, but chat
lbeit the faith of the Fathers and our faith is the fame, whereby
it isbeleeued in Chri either to come, oꝛ which hath already ap:
arcd: pet the Bofpell doth lead from their faith to ourg,fo that
it is now neceflarte not onelp to belceue the promife chat was to
be fulfilled but alfo that it ts fulfilled, which tt viv not beboue A⸗
braham and the other Fathers to beleeucalthough thep had the
ſame Chri which we haue. For there is one faith , one fpirit,
one Chiff, one communion of all Saincts, this difference one-
Ipthereig betweene bs, that thep went before Chꝛiſt, we fol:
Tow him,
He baue therefore beleeued, and we do alfo belecue, to wit
the Fathers and we, with alike and common faith in the fame
Chꝛiſt, although not after the fame maner,as it ts ſaide. And ag
by reafon of this communion of faith which we haue alike inthe
fame Chaift,we fap : we baue belecued, 02 we did beleeue , when
as not we, but the Fathers haue beleeued or did beleeue : fo thep
againe vid fap , that they Hould heare, ſee, and belecue in Chr,
when as not thep, but we do liue in that time. Ae read notina
few places ofthe Scriptures, that they which were before the
incarnation of Chꝛiſt, tooke vpon them the perfon of them which
are after it, and thep which are after it, of them which were bes
fore tt, becaule of the communion of faith , and the fame Chak,
which thep haue in common, and fo there is ag tt were one com-
panie of beleeuers. Now whereas the Apoftle faith , that falua- How ſaluatiõ
tion ig now neerer bnto vs then when we beleeued, that is „when is neerer vn-
our Fathers thofe auncient beleeuers did looke for it to come, ‘O¥S Ben it
Wwe mult not bnder tad it of the neerenes of poſſeſſion, as though pejeucrs be-
Ave now badit neerer and more certainlp then thep ; for the Fa⸗ fore Chriftes
thers bad altogither the fame faith , agit ig ſaid, andthe fame incarnation,
“Chr, wherefore faluation was as neere vnto them as vnto vs.
For Chpitk veſterday, and to dap, the fame alſo is for euer. Heb.
13. Chꝛiſt continueth the fame from the beginning of the woꝛld
euen vnto the end, bp whom all arefauev alike. Gut Paul (peas
Reth of the neerenes of reucaling, that what ſoeuer thinges were
{aide before concerning Chritt; they were now fulfilled, death
being oucrcome, the Lozd din Gitte at the right hand of the Fa:
rer oS
ther, the Golpell was preached abzoad in the world, by which
Chiſt vin come vnto all in che whole world , for this caufe Paul
fapth chat our faluation ig neerer then when it was hidden, and
knowne bnto few men: becaule that Chott being not pet glopts
fied, it was not meete that the preaching of faluatton ſhould be
made publike or common, We
Tbhereas therefore the Apottte fapth here, Our faluationis —
now neerer vs, he ſayth the fame thing inthe Epiſtle to Titus
in other wordeg: The grace of God , which bringeth faluation,
hath appeared , thatis , bath (prong forth , and is euerie where
commonly preached: alibough it was nor hin before tn anp of the
Saincts, notwithſtãding it was not pet commonly knowne vnto
the worid. After the fame fort che Scripture fpeakerh in manp
places,when tt fometime faith char Chit ig co come, fometime,
that he ts come, although be alwapes bath bin, and ts in all the
elect. Howbeit becaufe he had not before bis refurrection come
to all bp publike preaching , the Scripture ſpeakech viuerflp of
bis comming. Forbecaufe of this publike preaching be came in
the fleth, being made man, for his incarnation had not bin pꝛofi⸗
Thecöming table to anp , ifthe Golpell had noc chereupon bin preached, bp
of Chrift by hich be came into the whole woꝛld, and whereby tt is commit
y | op Ip knowne , why he was made man, wherebp chat bleffing pos
ell, miled tO Abzaham is now publifhed ‚and made common to all
which by the Golpell beleeue in Chꝛiſt, Wereupon Paul fapt
berie well, Rom. ı that the Gofpel was promifed of Gov, ec,ag
though he would fap, although God hath promilen euerie where
in the mritinges of the Pꝛophets his fonne tn the fleſh, pet foraſ⸗
much ag all that Hould be done , that the Goſpell might be prea«
ched abzoad in the world ,wherebp he commech (piritually to the
myndes of the beleeuers , (which comming onelp bringech fale
tration, and ts farre to be preferred before that comming in the
fleſh, inafinuch ag it wag done becaufe of this ) I fap rather that
God promilen bp the Prophets in che Seriptures che Goſpell
concerning his ſonne. For God confivered the Gofpell and our
faith in all thefe thinges, for which be would allo haue him tobe
made man,that the Golpel might be preachen of him, chat bein:
made man , be bath ſaued vs by his death, and that the ſaluati
which he hath wrought, might go into the whole word, and be
made neere untoall, Some Hane tanghe ſower comminges of
» Chit,
Chꝛiſt ‚according to the fower ſundayes in Aouent ag they call
ie, but this comming of Char by the Golpell,which is moſt ne⸗
ceſſarie of all, and of which allvo depend, ef which Paul bere
Apeakerh this cöming Flap. chep could nat feesinalimuch as they
"are tqnozaunt, both what the Golpell is, andto what end it was
| giuen, They bavhiemanp things ofthe comming of Chrift, and
"neuertheles they dꝛiue him further from themfelues, the beaucn
igdiftaunt fram theearth, For whatcan Chꝛiſt profit. any man,
which doch not poſſeſſe him bp faith 2 og how can anp man pol:
{elle him bp faith „where the Golpell isnor preached ?
The night is paſſed and the day is at hand : Dig meaning in By the daye
| effectis, that faluationis at hand. Foꝛ bp the dap Waule bn: what is figni-
derſtandeth the Gofpell ,namelp, that itis thacdape , whereby Fed-
‚ our hearts and mindes are enlightned, therefore fuch a dap being
| fprong, our faluation tg certainly at hand, that is, Chri and his
grace promifed in time paft to Abraham, hath thined forth bp
| preaching in the whole world, giueth light vnto all men, raifech
| all out of ficepe, ſheweth true and eternall good things,wherein
ne map be hereafter occupied, and map walke honefklp in this wre ishere
| bap. Contrariwile, by the night all voctrine is to be underffood, ment by the
| lich is not the Goſpell, beſide which none can bring faluation. night.
But if chou doa litle more eractlp wep the wordes, thou fhalt
| fee that Paule deſcribeth chat part of the dape, which is moff des
| lectable of all, and moſt full of all pleafauntnes , namelp the fap:
full and amiable morning , and the rifing of the funne. For itis
the morning when the night ig gone and ended, and the pape
is nowe come, whereupon all thinges are merueloufip cheered
| andrecteated the birdes fing, other Ipuing creatures Doe irre
| bp with alactitie and topfulues + men being ag it were made
| alive againe, doe goe forth to their labours: all thinges, the
| Dape {pringing, andthe morning fhining , are ſo aflected, ag
| though the wozld were renucd, and all chinges reſtored to life
againe, istiord ur H
| Wüherefore inmanp places of the Scripture, che top full,p20- The prea-
| fperous , and quickning preaching ofthe Gofpell ts likenedito ching ofthe
| the morning, and che rifing ofthe ſunne, ag itis bere, of Paule CoPell like-
who callech che Gofpell the bap (prinking 02 arifing. Alle yoratur®s to, Fa
| 110 : Inthe daye of thypowersh all the people offerthee free” ‘ R
will offeringes , ofthe wombe of th emearning shallıhe dewe of!
oo; Dia 2.5 Aue = TEEN. W * u = nn |
thy children {pring . ere allo the Gofpell tg plainly called the
wombe of the morning , and the daye ot the power of Chill,
wherein we are conceiued and boone the chilnren of Gov as
Deaw, to wit, without che labour of men, bythe onelp graceaf
the holy Ghott from heauen. Che moft plealaunt and comfortas
ble funne Jeſus Chꝛiſt maketh this bape , whom the Scripture —
Chrit the bereupon callech the ſunne of righteoufnes. God fapth Wala.4:
funne of | Toyou that feare myname, shall that funne of righteoufnes
righteouf- arife,andhelch shalbe vnder this winges. Forag manp as bee
ware leeue in Chꝛiſt, do receiue of him the beames of bis grace and
tighteoufnes, and doe obtaine faluation under bis winges.
CUbereupon tt ts ſaide Pſal. 118: This is the daye which the
Lord hath made , we willreioyce andbe gladinit, ag though
he ſaide: Chis coppozall ſunne maketh the corpozall dape, but
God himfeife maketh chis pape, euen he is that funne, from
whence thofe beames and that Daye come, wherewith the whole
world is enlightned, Finally, bereupon he calleth himlelfe
the light of the world , Ich. 9, And Jpfal, 19 : The heauensde-
clare the glorie of God , thatis, euenas theſe bodily heaueng
do bring the ſunne andthe dap, andthe funne ig cartedin them,
fo the Apoftles haue in chem(clues, and bring by preaching, the
true funne, which ts Chrift,ecs Tühereupon tt followeth : Inthe
heauens he hath fet a tabernacle for the funne, which com-
meth forth as a bridegrome out of his chamber, and reioiceth as
a giant torunne his courfe. His ferting forth is from the vemoft
part of heauen, and his circuit vato the vtmoft part thereof: and
there is nothing hid from hisheat. All this ig {atv of the ercees
bing pleafaunt beginning oꝛ rifing of this dap, that ts ofthe Got
pel, which the Scripture euerp where meruelouflp ſetteth forth,
Foritisaword which quicknech, maketh qlav, willing, cheeres
full, and ready fo DO good wozkes, and finally it bꝛingeth wich ie
all goon thinges. Citherefore it is called the Golpell op glad
tybinges, for that it tga pleafaunc, and pꝛoſperous meſſage of
The Gofpell De grace of God, and of all good thinges. iy
reucalah But whois able to rehearle all thale thinges, which this day
vnto vs all ftenealech ¢ maketh manifett vnto vs? Foritteacherh allthings, —
thinges that what Good ig; what we are, whatloeuer is palt, andto come , of
are needtall’ heauen, bell, theearth, Angels and Deuels, By this lampe is
know. -SHelwed bute ua, how we ought to behaue our lelues in i theſe
| thinges.and toward all,from whence we are,and whither we go,
. Det neuertheles Satan bath deceiued vg milerable creatures,
that neglecting {uch adap, wherebp all thinges might be cleere
* manifett vnto vs, we ſeeke the truth of Philoſophers and
heathen men, who haue not fo much ag bp a dꝛeame knowne anp
whit ok theſe hinges, and fo we haue fuffereo our felues to be
© bipnded with mens traditions , and co be thoutt backe againe in:
to the night. For it is notlight, whatfoeuer ig not this dap,
otberwile Paul and che whole Scripture ſhould tn baine ertoll
| this dap alone, and call all other beſide ttthe night. Surely the
_ burpen of Gong dilpleafure mu needes be moft grieuous , for
that contrarie to fo plaine and manifeft places of Scripcure,
we haue foughe an other light, although che Lord bimfelfe cal:
lech bimfelfe the light anv funne of the worlve, Gnd tf other
proofes tere wantinge , this one is (ufftctent, that vniuerſi⸗
ties Doe lo impudently both ſet bpand glerie of Ariffotle as a
light bnto them, in whom they erercife themfelues much more
| then in Chik, pea nothing in Choi, but altogither in A-
_ riffotle,
| Let ystherefore caft awaye the workes of darkenes, andlet By licht is
| vsputonthe armourof light. Ag Chꝛiſt ig che ftinne , and che here fenified
Golpell the vape , fo fapth is the light whereby tolee and watch and ment
inthis dape, Foꝛ it would not profic, albett the funne did thine, faith.
| and make the dap, ifthe epes did nor perceiue the light, Mhere⸗
fore although the Golpell be begon and preached in the whole
world, pet none arelightencd, butthep that recetue ic, and bp
| fapth being made capable of the light, Doe arife out of ficepe,
| But cochem that ag pet fleepe this funne anv daye bring no pꝛo⸗
fite , of which they receine no light, no more then if no ſunne
oꝛ daye had fhined. And this is that feafon and bower , where:
of he {peaketh: V Velbeloued brethren, forafmuch as we know
this ‚that itis now time that vve should arife out of fleepe, &c.
Idc is a ſpirituall time and feafon, although begun in this out:
_ ward time, agit doth daily alfo come, wherein we ought to
| arife out of fleepe,and lap alive the woꝛkes of Darkenes, (there:
| by Paule ſheweth that be voth not{peake to them , which are pet
voide of fapch: for as itis fatne, be teacheth noc faith bere, but
| the wapkes and fruces of fapth, whenas be faith: Te know
| that che time is come, and that the night being paſſed, the bape
a. Q jj
een I 2. dia ~*~ ¥ * * =a
is at hand: thep which beleeue not cannot know theſe thinges.
. ow tf chou obtect and fape, what reafon or caufe isthere that
he fhould write thele hinges tothe fatrhfull, inafmuch as thep
know thatitistime? wc. Thou muſt call to mynde that in the
beginning of the erpofition of this tert ofthe Apottle, we baue
{aide that the office of preaching ig of two fortes, one of teas
We have ching, another of erhorting and mouing. Now a mancan not
necde of cö- attatne nto that knowledge , that it ſhould not be needefull that
tinuall ex- he be alwayes moued, andkept in a continual and freth me:
hortation. ditation of thofe thinges which be hath learned, teatt the de⸗
uell , the world, and the flethe ( which are enemies that ne-
ver graunt truce, neither flacke theivaffault) doe make bint
wearie and flouthfull, that be maye ar the laft fleepe , and be-
come altogicher negligent tn good thinges. For the deuell,
fapth Peter, is fuch an enemie, as goeth about continually
like a roving Lion, ſeeking whom he mape deuoure: TÜlbere-
fare be fapth: VVatch and be fober. Paule alla will haue vs
poe tie fame thinge bere. For feeinge that the Deuell, the
flefhe , and the morloe keepe no meane, nor make no ende of
fightinge againſt vs, neither mutt there be anp meane kepe
‚m ende made of erbortinge, prouokinge, and moninge vs
to watche and worke, Wereupon the holie Ghotk ts cal-
len an exhorter, inalmuch ag be inuitech and moueth bs vnto
| nis #02 the fame caufe Paul alfo vſeth bere chofen wordes : the
| che workes Morkes ofdarkenes he calleth not armour , but the workeg of
of light ar- tight he callech arntour , not wopkes ; vndoutedly that he might
mour,and fhewe, that there is afiahbt, that labour and trauell is requi⸗
why. red, andthat it cannot be obtained without perill , to wacche
| and line well, fralmuch ag fomightie enemies , tbevdeuell ‚che
fieth, andthe world do without ceafling fight againſt vs, wheres
fore Fob layth chapter 7 : The lifeof man vpon earth isa fight
and tentation. Nowe tt is not a ſmall matter to ftand all our
| life long inthe battaill, wherefore there is neede of verie ſhrill
| trumpets and warlike pummes ; that is of carneft admonitions.
and erhortationg , whereby we mape be ffirred bp and encouras
red to perfeuer valliauntly in the fight, Dereupor nowe tt aps
peareth , whp be callech good workes armour or weapons, and
| callech not the morkes ofparkenes fo, which ine
| ; pitas t
f f we confent vnto them are alfo weapons, Rom. 6: Giue
PR ‘not en as weapons of vntighteoufines Againe, tt
the bape of the Gofpell by the funne Chriſt, Hhinech into OUY The armow
beartes, and enlightnech them, therefore the armour 02 wea: of light what
| pons of light are aoching elfe but the workes of this fapch,Con. is.
" teariwile, Darkenes ig infivelitie or vnbeleefe , which is bp rea:
fon of the abfence of the Goſpell as of the daye, and of Chꝛilt ag
| of thefunne. Chis darkenes the deuell doth rule , Which come
' mech from che doctrine of men,and the tudgement of mans owne
| reafon: wherefore the workes.of varkenes , are the workes of The workes
| infivelttic. For as Chꝛiſt ts the Loꝛd and gouerner ofthe light, of darkence
Which we faideto be fapth : 0 Paule Ephel, 6, calleth Satan "bat they
| the prince of Darkenes ‚that is, of them which are without faith, "
and reluſe to be obedient to God, as the fame Apoſtle witneſſeth
2. Coꝛinth.a: four Gofpell bethen hyd, itis hyd to them that
are loft, inwhomthe god of this world (namelp the deuell )
| hath blyndedthe myndes, that is, of the infidels, that the light
of the glorious Gofpell of Chriftshould not shine vnto them.
| Buc what both this armour or weapons of light, and woprkes of
i derkenes are, it is now taught of the Apoftle,
| « \Letyswalke honeftly asinthe day. No man wopketh thofe
| things inthe day, vohich beig wontto worke in darkenes,cuerte
| one fearech an other, and endeuourerh himfelfe to tine honeſtly.
It is commonly layd: The night is boid of fhame,which is true,
and therefore men doe, thole hinges in the night, which thep
| mould be aſhamed to do inthe dape, butthe daye is not without
| ame; and requireth an honeſt conuerfation, After the fame ſort
| oughta Chrikian lifets bes a Chꝛiſtian ought to commie nor The life of a
| thing ‚wbereofhemap be ahameo , although the whole wozld Chriftian.
| thould {ce bis workes ¢ doinges. For hetharliuech and morkech
| fo, that he is unwilling thacall bis workes-and doinges ſhould
\ be feene and heard of allmen, and his whole life be manifeſtly
- Knotone vnto all, liueth a line vnwoꝛthie of Chait, according to
| that which our Sautour himſelfe ſayth Toh. 3’: Euerie man chat
| dotheuell, hateth the light , neither commeth tolighr ,leafthis) = °'*
| deedes should-be seproued. Burhe that doth truth , commeth Pa
f tothe light, that hisdeedes might be made mianifett; that they
Excess accordingto God. Hereby it aueh how nes
[ en iij
ceſſarie it ig, that we fhould be pꝛouoked and exhorted to match
and to put onthe armour of light, For what oneis there at this
Bap among Chriftiang , which can abide, that all his workes
fhoulo be publithed openly tn the light. Row whata Chpiftia |
lifets chig, howhppocriticallp do we line, whenas we cannot ©
fuffer our Life fo much ag to be difclofed before men, which nom
is diſcloſed before God andall bis Angels, and in the lak dap
fhalbe diſcloſed before all creatures ? Therefore it behoueth ⸗
Chꝛiſtian co liue fo, ag he deſireth co appeare inthe lak vap „and
Eph.s. 89. before all, Dereupon Paul fatth;WWalke as the children of lights
the frute of che Spirit is goodnes, and righteoufnes , and truch.
And Rom, 2 : Procure thinges honelt, not onely inthe fight of
God, but alfoin the fight of all men. And 2. Coꝛ. 1 : Our reioi-
cing is this, the teflimonie of our confcience ‚that in fimplicitie
and godly purenes, and not in fleshly wifedome, but by the
grace of God we haue had our conuerfation in the wor!d.Dotus
beit fuch a life ſhall nothing at all appeare, where faith is not,
but where aliuelp, a cheerefull and a ſtrong faith ig, there fuch a
life can not be wanting, forafmuch as fuch a fateh is not weatied,
Preaching & With well doing neither fleepeth. iberefore tt is no leſſe neceſ⸗
exhortation [arie, to preach to them that haue recetued the doctrine of faith,
nr a wherebp thep mape be prousked and ſtirred vp to go on in the
already be- $000 life which chep haue embꝛaced, and that they fuffer not
an themfelues to be ouercome by the allaults of the raging fich,
the craftie world, and moſt ſuttle Satan, then itis meete that ®
the doctrine of faich be preaches to them that be as pectqnozant
of Chꝛiſt.
Notin gluttonie and drunkennes, neither in chambering and
~wantonnes, nor in irife and enuying. Dere be rebearferh the
workes of varkenes by name, one of which be named allo bes
» ope,ta wit,fleepe, according to that laping 1.Cbeflal,s : Let vs
not fleepe as do other, but let vs watch and be fober. Not that
be forꝛbiddeth naturall feepe, but fpirituall , which ts infivelitie,
whereof thofe workes of the fleth proceede : howbeit naturall -
fizepe alſo is a wopke ofvarkeneg , if tt be vſed for pleafure, and
bas by fix chꝛough immoderate filling of the belly,(o that it ig a hinderance
Jorkenes „a. to the light , thatis,fatth, and to the armour thereof. Moꝛeouer
prehendeth thele fir workes of darkenes which he bere rehearferh , Do com⸗
allche teſt. prebendalltberc®, Foꝛ Gal, 5. and Coloſſ. 3, be reckneth op
wir eo > = u a ur A u
— moeof them, But we wil diuide hole which he bere rehearfech,
into two fines , che right and the left. On the right five thefe
- fower fight with che ſpirit, gluttonie, prunkenneg , chambering
and wantonnes : on theleft {poe ( foꝛaſmuch as the left ſyde in
the Scriptures fignifiech aduerfitie ) thofe thinges which pro:
ceede from thencedo fight, as are wrath, contention and fuch
dike sbut the right {pve fignifiech profperitie , and thofe thinges
which enlucthereof, ag delighteg , wluttonie ,dyunkenneg „and .
ouermuch fleepe , tc. Mow it is fufficientlp manifeft, that Paul
bnder two workes of Darkenes here rehearſed, namelp, concen:
tion and enuping , doch comprehend the ret alfo of that fort „a:
mong which are bitternes , anger, wrath, crping , and euell
- (peaking. Epbe. 4. And thoſe which be rehearfech in the Epis
fle to the Galathians: Hatred, vebate , emulations „feditiong,
herelies, murthers, tc, Inalumme, hereunto pertaine what
ſoeuer come of euell anger, either in woꝛdes 02 Deedes, all which
cannot be numbed, After the fame fort under thofe fower, glut⸗
tonie , Yunkennes, chambering and wantonnes , he compres
bendeth the vices of tuft, which are wont to be committed ag
well in wordes as workes , which alfono man is ableto num:
ber, Ando the prelent wordes of the Apoſtle doc thewe , nets
ther needech it any further veclaration , that bp thefe fir workes
all hinges are to be vnderſtood, whereby thep that are bopd of
fapch, andare pet in darkenes, doe live unpurelp ag concerning
themfelues, and vniuſtly toward their neighbours ‚whole whole
Aife ig diſordered and out courfe bath toward themfelues and to-
‚ward others. Forthereisno man that knoweth not what itis
tobe qluttonoug and dꝛonken, thatis , either to eate oꝛ dꝛinke
aboue a mealure neceflarte for the body, itis ag well knowne,
what itis to fleepe in chambers, andto be wanton, thatis, to
follow the pleafure of the body , both with fieeping aboue meas
fure, and with other lewd and vnchaſt geſtures and workes,
which are wont to be committedin chambers of fullfeove , well
tipled ‚ idle and flouchfull bellies , ag well inthe vape , as in che
night , a3 well when thep are alone, as in che relort and compa:
nie of others, All which chinges do require euen naturall Darke:
nes,and (ecret places, and are fignificd of Paule by chambering
_ and wantonnes,
Bur put ye on the Lord Iefus Chriſt. In rs BER agit
. iij
wereinalumme, be fheweth all the armour of
Chrift is put he exhoꝛteth vs to put on Chꝛiſt. Now Chit is
on wo ms” after two fortes : firft when we are clothed with his
ner of Way neg, which is done by fapth, wherewith hetharts ¢
leeurth that Chattt for him Died , and fulfillev all chit
not ours, but Chꝛiſtes righteouſnes hath reconciles
Father, and deliuered bs from ſynnes. And (oto puton Chek
pertatneth tothe doctrine of fatth , which teacherh that 6
was giuen vnto vs, anvis vnto vs in fede ofa pledge.
of Paule ſpeaketh Galat. 3 > All ye that are bapti
Chrift, haue put on Chrift. The other maner of putt
Chꝛiſt is, when we wep and confiver, that he ts giuen
alſo tn feede of anerample, that we ſhould ſhewe our felv
uiceable toward our neighbours, being endued with ch
vertues, with which we by fapth acknowlenge that-he
abozned, Bid ferue vg, that fo we map refemble him in all pointes
and of this maner of putting on Chꝛiſt Paule (peaketh Were,
Che fame allo he wiileth bs to doe 1. Copinth, 151
faith: Aswe have borne the image of the earthly, foleth
beare the image of the heauenly. And Ephel, 47°C
of, concerning the conuerfation in time paft, tharkölde
which is corrupt through the deceiuable luftes, and be refie
in the fpirit of your mynde, and put on the new nianij'w
after Godis created vntorighteoufnes, and true holines. 3
in Chꝛilt we fee nothing but the armour of light, no glutto⸗
nie, no dꝛunkennes, but fating ,temperancie, Keeping vnder
of the fleſh bp diners labours, traueling , preaching paying
and Doing well to all men, in him was no place for Houcbf
nes or ſuperfluous fleepe , much leſſe for wantornes, buta
uelous chaftitie and purities he accuttomed himfelfe ton
to rife early, to {pe on the ground in the field, hauing
Houle, neicher chamber, nor bedde : in him was noe wꝛath
contention 02 brauling , but altogether gondneg, ſweecues
meekenes , chatitie, mercp, patience, #c. Therefore where
a3 Paule fapth here byiefip: Pur ye on the Lord Jefus Chrift,
itisas much ag that we ſhould fer him before vs ag an eraniple
to follow. Hure! oT ae
Colof3.12, De teacheth che Colofliang the fame thing infomewhatma;
wordes after this fort : Now therefore as the ele& of God ‘holy
me ASS
— |
| sand beloued;put on the bowellsofmercie, kindnes, humblenes
if minde;meckenes,long fuffering : forbeating one ah other, &
rgiuine one an other, if anyman hauea quarrel! to an other:
uen as Chriltforgaue , euen fo doe yes Andiaboue all thefe
inges put on loue which isthe bond of perfeétnes : and let the
| peace of God rule in your harts,to the which ye are called in one
- *body,andbe yechankefull . And Philip, 2. after chat he had ep:
hoꝛted them to Toueone another, and that euerp man ſhoulde e-
ſteeme other better then hin felfe , anv feeke to pleafure «do for
other „ be alſo ſetteth Chat before them as anerample, who
ſhewed him felfe to vs our feruaunt,® ſayth: Ler the fame minde
‘be imyouthat was euen in Chrift Iefus, who beinginthe forme
tof God thought it no robberie tobe equall with God: But Ke
made him felfe of no reputation, and tooke on him the forme of —
a feruaunt,and was madelıke vnto men, & was found in shape
as aman, Che ſumme therefore is this: thearmouroyweapons
of light are good woꝛkes, contrarp to thole workes of Darkenes,
gluttonie, o2unkennes chambering, wantonnes,contention,and
enuping {uch workes are; to faft, to watch to pap, tolabour, to
ſuffer hunger;thirſt colde, heat, to be chatt, to vſe modeſtie, tem:
perancie goodnes and that Idoe not thruſt in too many of myne
owne woꝛdes let bs heare Paule him ſelfe rehearſing chem in or⸗
‚der Gal.5; The frute of the ſpirit is loue, ioy , peace, long ſuffe-
ring, gentlenes, goodnes, faith, meckenes, temperancie. But he
rehearſeth them farre moze at large 2, €07.6,fapings: V Ve be-
ſeechyou that ye receine northe grace of Godinvaine for he
“fayth, I Haue heard thee in atime accepted,andin the day of fal-
uation haue l fuccoured thee: behold nowethe accepted'time,
_ behold now the day of faluation,ag ifhe fapd : Dur faluation ig
- now nearer bnto bs then when we beleeued, to wit, that it would
come td palle,thatthefe dayes of faluation, tn which the Goſpell
is preach enabpoad to the whole worlve,fhoulve appeare;s It is
time therefoze ito arile outof fleepe’s Let vs giue no occaſion of
offencein'any thinge’, that ourminifterie be not repreherided.
But in allthinges, lecvs approue our’ felues asthe Minifters of
"God, in much patience, in afflictions, ininecefhties;imdiftrefles,
in ftripes,in prifons,intumults.in labours : by watchings, by.fa-» "©
ftings,by EEE bylong fuftering; bykindnies,
by the hely Ghoit, by loue vnfeyned:: By the'word of ‘truth, by
The armour
the powerof God ‚bythearmour of righteoufnes on the tight
hand and onthe left, By honour, and dishonour, by euill report
and good report,as deceiuers,and yet true: asynknowne, and
yetknowne : as * behold we liue: as chaſtened, and
yet not killed: as forrowing,and yet alway reioycing: as poore,
and yet making many rich : as hauing nothing, and yet poffef-
fing all chinges.. See what aplentifull and very golden Kreame
floweth out of p mouth of Paule Hereof J think we moft plaine:
1p perceiue,what is the armour of light, wherewith we mut be
fenced and foptificd both on the richt band, and onthe left,
Amoftexe ROW this moſt fitly agreeth with the matter, whereas he fet-
cellentand teth before vs a moſt excellent and perfect example, namely the
perfecex- = Loꝛd himlelfe.fapings Put ye onthe Lord Jefus Chrift. Foꝛ he
raat ay isafluggih beat andnotaman, who when be {eeth his Lope
follow, falt, fuffer hunger, labour, watch and cobe wearie, pet giueth
! him felfe to aluttonie,fleepe,and pleafures , That Lorde could
take thele things at his feruaunts hand, nap what feruaunt durſt
prelume to doe thefe thinges ? So it can not be that a Chꝛiſtian
man ſhould not be athamed, when hebeholvech Chꝛiſt, and ſeeth
bim {elf fo vnlike vnto him, pea occupied in quite cõtrary things.
For whom che erample of Chat him ſelfe doth not irre bp, er:
hort, and moue, who can bꝛinge oꝛ flirre him bp unto goodnes ?
What would the leaues of wordeg doe with their ſmall noyce, if
~ thefe thundgings of the erample of Chꝛiſt doe not mone ? And
furelp for.chig caufe Pauleofpurpofe adiopned this woꝛd, Lord,
faping : Putye onthe Lord lefus Chrift,ag ifhe ſayd: count it no
great nor burdenous thinge „to and and fightin this armour of
light,pe chat are feruaunts,behold pour Loꝛd, who when he had
no neede, did notwithſtãding ſo wel e valiantly vſe this armour,
and fought init for pou, tf
And take nothought for the flesh, to fulfill the luftsofit. Che
Lawfall care Apoſtle in theſe few wopds hath noted two cares of the fleth: One
for the den. is naturall, whereby neceflarp foove and appareliits prouiden
for the body, that it map line, and be able to ſuſtaine bistabour,
left that it be bp ouerinuch abflinence weakened, and made bi
Volawfull profitable to woꝛke. Che other care ts ioyned with finne, when
prouifion& the body is prouided forto fulfill theluttes hereof, anv that tt
Ach forthe map be delighted: this cave the Apottle here forbinvech,for tt in⸗
a gendzeth the workes ofdarkencs, {ato pamper and make ofche
| > aaa
fleth which is continuallp to be chattifen,that it map be obedient
to the fpirit,and map not ſhake of the ficter, like unto an vntamed
hoꝛſe, albeit char chaftiling is foto be tempered, that the boop
notwithſtanding map doe bis dutie,and beare the fitter. Forag
the fodder,the whippe and che burden belongeth unto the alle: fo
meat, cozrection, and worke vnto the feruaunt. Eccleſiaſtic. 33.
‘De doth not fap chat chou thale flea o; flap the alle , neither chat
thou thalt kill the feruaunt , 02 caft him into pꝛiſon: fo vnto the
body the chattifing and labour thereof ts due,and neceflarp foode
is notto be withheld from it, Paule him felfe fapch : Itame my 1.Cor.9.17.
body, and bringe itinto fubtection. De fapth not, J cat itinto
ficknes,o2 J kill it, but I fubdue ie to che ſpirit, that it map ferue,
and be obedient thereunto.
Moꝛeouer chefe wozdes,to fulfil the luftes chereof, joaule avs
bed becaule of two lortes of men, whereof the firtt unver a pre-
tence of naturall neceflitie,voe fatiske their pleafure , and couer Weare
that practise unver this falle pretence. Tie are fo prone anv rea- prone and
Dp onto chig , that euen manp of the Sainctes baue verp much ready to
complapned of this euil,and becaufe of it,baue oftentimes aboue fulfill che
meafure afflicted their bodies : for the flcth ts fo craftie and mer- — of the
uelous (utle to prepare delights for itfelfe, thacno man canfufli: ~~
ciently take heede of it,pea it is needefull chat aman bere doe nes,
uer leaue to care and feare. Che other fore of men are thofe blind
"holy ones, which thinke that the kingdom of God anv the righ⸗
teoufnes thereof confitteth inmeates anddrinke , and in choſen
apparell,and doe befide their clone wopke regard nothing:when
they haue fo fatten, that thep baue made their head difealed,and
their fomacke diftempered, and doe bring vnto their bony fome Superftitious
great infirmitie opficknes, thepthenthinke thatthep baue bene fafting & ab
merueloug holy, and haue wrought incomparable qood workeg, *nence fro
But Paule fapth : Meat maketh notvs acceptable to God; for en 55
neitherif we eate,haue we the more:neitherif we eate not,haue ©
we the lefle. And Colof.2. be writeth thus much ineffect: Bee
_ ware of the woꝛſhipping of Angells, which path a hewof wife
dom becauſe of humblenes and fuperkition , wherebp they fpare
not the bodp , while thep Wichoram from it the meafure of foode
due Unto it, beffowing nothing ppon it wyerebp tt map be feode,
This pꝛepoſterous worhipping of Anyells,pea in deede ſuper⸗
Kition,did fo deceive Gexſon, otherwile anogabte man, that he
prapledthe Charterhoufe Wonkes, for that thep did ſo conftants
Ip abfkaine from fet, that euen when they were ficke thep would
eate none, although they might preferue. them felues euen from
death therebp. But what, if God halliudgethem as killers of
their owne bodp? Fortherecanbe none at all either opdinaunce
oꝛ oꝛder, pea oꝛ vow contrary to the commaundementof God, €
if there be anp ſuch, ſurely it ought to be of no force, euẽ ag tf —
haddeſt vowed adulterie.
Now God bach here by Paule, and elswhere bath ———
ital ded, that neceflarpippouifion ſhould be made forıche boop, and
nis bach forbinden that we ould procure the death of tt: wherefore
made for the thofe thinges that are proficable to prelerue ic, whether thep be
body. fleth or egges, oꝛ any thing elle , mutt be giuen vnto it, inwhat
dayor time foeuer, whether it be the firt or firſt day of the weeke,
whether it be Lenco. after Caftersin che meane ſeaſon whatſoe⸗
ucr o2ders,lames,andvowes spea euen of the Pope being negle:
cted. For itis not lawfullfor any man , no not fo2 the Angels to
fogbid any thing again che commaundementof God, Dowbeit
this madnes proceendeth from that barkenes and blinones, wher:
' Dp miferable men doe regarde che worke onely, and thinke that
* they thall obtainefaluation through the greatnes and multitude
— true end of woꝛkes. But Paule willeth chat our faſtings and other chaſti⸗
offafting. ſings ofthe fleſh be the weapons of light, whereby the workes of
parkenes map be ouercome,and not che body deſtroyed: where:
fore there ought to se no orher vie among Chꝛiſtians of fattings,
watchings andlabours,Asitis al oue before Gov, whether thou
eate fith 02 fleth: whether choudzinke wine 02 water: whether
thou weare redde or greene garments: all: chefe are the goon
creatures of God, made onto this ende, that we map ble them:
haue regard only to this that thou mayſt bfe them with ameane,
and mapft abfkaine chp felfe.fo much from them, as thall luffize ts
ouercome the workes of darkenes. LÜherefore itis vnpoſſible
One com- that a common mancr of this abſtinence thould be appopnted tne
monmancr pifferentlp to alls for the confituttomof all mens bodies ts not
of fafting can slike. itis aboue meafure to one, which to an other ig under meas
hi ‘o fate: one hath neede ok much, another of licle,andherefoze is it
all. meetethateuerp one haue regard of him (elfe, and gouerne his
owne bodp, according to che prefent doctrine of Paule, whereas
be fapth : Take nothought for the flesh, to fulfil the luftesthere-
| | Medi is Ty: Pete >
| ofthat is,obep the wiſcdom theroffo farve.that pe denp not $ nee
7 ceflary things which itrequireth but graunt it noc thoſe things,
which itrequireth to the fulfilling of pluites thereof, moze chen
ceffitte.to plealure onely. Ifa better rule of moderation could
hatte bene giuen befive this, Paule would not haue concealed it.
Hereby thou leek.chat the popiſh ordtnaunces , which forbid Popith ordi-
"the eating of fleſh and certaine meates, are quite contrary to the naunces for-
| Golpell: Thich Paule hath plainlp foꝛetolde 1. Tim,4: The biddiog *
Spirit, ſayth he, ſpeaketh euidently, chat in the latcer times ſome ee
shall depart from the faich,& shall giue heede vnto fpirits ofer- ty tothe
_ rour,& doctrines of deuils, which {peake lyes through hypocri- Gofpell-
| fie, forbidding to mary, and commaunding to abftaine from
| meates, which God hath created to be receiued with giuing
thankes. Moman furelp candenp that theſe wordeg doe briefly
repꝛoue the opders of Monkes and facrificing Prieſtes, ſo cleare
anv manifelt are both thefe wordes, and alfo their prepofferoug
" religion. Woreouer thou ſeoſt here alſo,godly Reader,that paul
| poth not teach that dotage € womanly holines of certaine, which
choole onto themfelues certaine dapes , wherein to fat to cer:
taine Sainctes.one to this, an other to that, all which are blinde
' proceedings,and builded bpon their owne woꝛkes. Crue religt:
on ts without chopce of meates and dayes, all the life long to vſe
| modeftie and fobpietie, Foꝛ leeing chat thele mut be che armour
| oflight.anditis requifite that afl our life be vndefiled and chat,
| it behouech vg ſurely neuer to put of this armour, bar we mutt be
found alwapes fober,temperate, watching, labouring and praps
‘ing. But chole doting holp ones one dap tak nothing but bꝛead €
water,¢ afterward, three whole moneths thep daily be Drunken
and eate ercellinelp,euen vntill thep be not well inthetr wits, De
| thers faft ſo, that at > eucning they eate no meate, but inp meane
‚ feafon thep make them felues dpunke with dpinking . Tbe is a⸗
ble to rehearle all their dotages and all chetr works ofvarkeneg?
| “all which proceede fromhenee,for that foolih men conliver ¢ re⸗
| gard the worke, ¢ not the ole of the werke, thep make of armour
a glaſſe, they are altogither ignoꝛant, whereunto tt ts profitable
to fat and abſtaine: they are like vnto him which caried a (word
tothis ende,that be might looke bponit,and bnew nothow to vſe
it.when be was beaten, Chele thinges may {uffise to haue bene
Token far the erpofitton ofthis text,
un ur u 0.2.0 Ba — Du u _ 3 m % ~~ — TF v. Lau Zum
— SS
ought to reioyce in God, & let their
patient mind be knovvne vn-
Philip. 4.
tEioyceintheLordalway, againe
bof | fay,reioyce,
ln, Let your patient mind be knowne
N \yvntoallmen. The Lord is at had.
oe Be nothinge carefull , but in all
thinges let your requefts be fhewed vnto God
in praier & fupplication with giuing of thanks,
7» And the peace of God which paflerh all vn-
derftanding,fhallpreferue your harts & minds
in Chrift Iefus.
by cmoft plentifullp abound with right Chrifkian do⸗
Vi RAGA ctrine, inftructing frit, howe we ought to bebaue
Gy our felues toward God, fecondlp, bow toward our
Toy in the psa : : Sais Bes.
Leda hare Way-Thisiop is a frute of faith, molt certatnlp following it,ag
offaich, Waule witneflech Gal.s where be ſayth: Thefrute of the Spirit
without is loue, ioy , peace , longe fuffering, gentlenes, goodnes, faith,
isnouue ſhould reioyce inthe Love, which bath not pet belecued in him,
— fad- Ahereupon it commeth to paſſe, that where no fatth is,there can
nes &icare- fe nothing but feare,trembling,bogrour,and fapnes,as often ag
fuch either remember 600,02 heave bin named: pea hatred and
| enmitie
enmitie of God remaineth in fuch barts,the caule whereof is, for
that p hart voyd of faith, findeth it felfe defiled with finnes, wher
vby it douteth not but chat it hath deſerued the vengeance of Gon,
that Ginnes can not but be hated of God which ig tuk, ¢ fo,when
it voth not beleeue that God will be mercifull and fauourable
imo it, bow can it not but deteſt all memopie of him ? fo farre is
ttof that ic can reiopce in the Ho2d,the reuenger of finnes. Thefe
two things, the knowledge of finne,and of the vengeance of Gop
prepared for finnes are in the hart of the onbeleeucr , which hart
as itis bnbeleeuing,fo bath it no hope of pardon, and therefore
what other thing can chefe hinges worke init, but caufe it to be
troubled,caff downe and alwapes fearefull,and greatly terrified,
and to thinke chat p vengeance of God doth euerp moment hang
ouer it.that fo that map be verified which Salomon fapıh: The p,..:8.:.
yngodly fleeth when no man purfuethhim. And that which ig
fapd Deut.28: The Lord shall giue thee a fearefull hart,and thy
life shall hang in dout before thee. If a man will much perfiwade
fuch ahart,to haue top in the Lod. be hall doe euen ag tf be pers
waded the water that it ſhould burne like nto the fire, for tt can
taſt none of thts ioy, it alwayes feeleth in confctence, that the re-
uenging bande of God ts heauie vpon it. Cihereupon the Pro⸗
phet fapth alal.3 2, Be glad O ye righteous , and reioyce inthe
Lorde: and be ioyfullall ye that are true of hart: for this top in
the Lorde can not be but inthe righteous and them that are vp⸗
right in hart. And therefore itis mantfett that this part of Scri⸗
pture was waittẽ not to finners, but to the righteous t Saincts.
Sinners mul fir be ſhewed, how they map be delivered from
finnes, and map obtaine God to be fauozable yntothem, which
when chep haue learned and fo obtained, tt followeth that thep da
of their owne accord retopee inthe Lozoe, being delivered from
remoꝛſe of confcience.
But ifanp demaund, how one may be velinered from remozle
of con{cience,and haue God mercifull vnto him, chat is declared
before at large, and fhall hereafter be copioufly Spoken of, De How aman
which feekerh to haue a free and glad confcience, and Gov gentle may be deli-
and fauourable,let him not begin at bis owne workes, ag the de- peat
ceitfull Papiſts teach,onelp tozmenting confciences,and inerea: .onfeience,
fing the w2ath of Gov,but let him defpeire of him ſelfe and ofall and be afu-
bis owne workes let him embzrace God tn Chriſt, hating a lure * ah Gods
faith inthe Golpell, thathe ſhall receiue whatſoeuer te promi:
The belee-
uing hart re-
ioyceth in
the Lord.
fech. But the Golpell promiferh chat Chꝛiſt is giuentovs, that
be map take away our finues,and be our bigh Prielt, Mediatour
and Aduocate before Gad.that fo we map nothing dout, but chat.
out finnes thꝛough Chott onclp and his woꝛkes are foogiuenys,
and that we are reconciled to Gov, andthat bp this meanes our
confcience is Deltuered and comfozted.
Mhen {uch a kaith poſſeſſeth che hart, and the Goſpell is fo res
ceiued in decde,then Gov appearech fweete € altogicher loving,
neither feeleth the bart any thing but the fauour € grace of Gop,
it ſtandeth with a ftronge and bold confidence, tt feareth not lett as
np euill come vnto it, tt being quiet fromall feare of vengeance
and difpleafure,is merie,and glad of ſo incemparable grace anv
goodnes of God giuen bnto it freely and mol aboundantlp in
Chik, Citherefore there mull needes forchwich proceeve from
fuch a kaith, loue ioy, peace, gladnes, giuing of thankes, papfe,e
a certaine meruelous delight in God, as in a moſt deare and fauo⸗
rable father, which dealeth fo fatherip with bs, and poureth forth
big giktes lo plentifullp and info great a meaſure, vpon them that
doe not deſerue them, Behold of fuch top Paule ſpeaketh here,
which truely where itis, there can be no place for ſinne, oꝛ feare
of death or heil, pea nothing is there but a ioyfull, quiet and om⸗
nipotent truſt in God and in his fauour. Therefore it ig called
iop inthe Lor, notin gold oꝛ ſiluer, gluttonie o2 dꝛunkennes,
Vaine ioy.
in delicates oꝛ finging,health,knowledge, wiſedom, power, glo⸗
ry, friendſhip, kauour, no nor in good workes, holines, oꝛ whatſo⸗
euer ig without God. Dfthefe chou ſhalt take but a deceitfull and
vaine top which cannot pearle the hart, o2 enter vnto the bottom
thereof, whereof chou map rightly fap that whichis wont to be
fpoken ag a prouerbe amonge the Germanes: Chis manreiop-
ceth but be feclech not any top in bis hare, Chere is one ful + per:
fectiop,which the beleeuers take of and in the Loꝛd, which is nos
thing els,then to commit ehem ſelues vnto him, and of him alone
to reioyce, truſt and prelume , as ofa moft fauourable and louing
father. Mhatſoeuer top ig not after this fort, the Lord doth con:
temne and reiect it, whereof Jeremie {peaketh chap.g: Lernor
the wife man reioyce in his wifedom, nor the ftronge man in his
ftrength, neither cherich manin his riches : but whofo willre-
ioyce,let him reioyce in this, that he ynderftandeth and know-
| ethme.Qnd Paule 2.€02.10.fapth : Let him chat reioyceth re⸗
> De addeth,chac we mu reioyce alwapeg, where be toucheth We mutt al-
| them, which onelp balfe che time doe reiopce in the Loꝛde, anv Wayes re-
pꝛaiſe ee i all thinges fall out accopding to their de: 77-5 si
’ fite,but when atuerfitie commeth, thep chaunge top with fannes
snd (or0w, -of whom the 48 Pſalme ſpeaketh: So longe as thou
| dooft well vnto him he willfpeake good of thee. But the Pꝛo⸗
| phet him felfe fapth not fo: I willalway blefle God, his prayfe
shal ever be in my mouth. jpfal.3 4.4 nv he hath a iuſt caufe fo co
| Doe,for who ſhall hurc him, vnto whom God ig mercifull, furelp
‚ finne hall not burt him, neither death nor hel, wherfoze the 1920:
phet fapth inan other place; Yea though | walke through the
| valley ot the shadow of death, I will feare no euill.33lal,23, And
| Paule ſayth Rom.8: VVho shall feparate vs fromthe loue of
Chriſt ?shal eribulation or anguish, or perfecution,or famine,or
| nakednes,or peril,or {word? I am perfwaded that neither death
nor life,nor Angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor thinges
prefent,northings to come,nor heigth nor depth,nor any other
creature shall be able tofeparate vs from the loue of God which
isin Chriſt Iefus our Lord.
|. Againe I fay reioyce. Chis repetition ofp Apoftle confirmeth
‚ bis exhoꝛtation, and truelp not without a caufe,forafmuch as we
| Tine inthe middes of finnes, and therefore inthe midoes of tribu⸗
lationg,both which vo mote vs onto fadnes heauines. There:
fore the Apoftle purpofingto comfort bs againſt thefe,erhorterh:
vs that we thould alwayes reioyce inp Lod, albett we fometime Though the
| fall into finnes, For itis meete,the more God with bis goodnes —
exceedeth the euttl of ſinne: fo much moze alwayes to reioyce it ;„co Gone,
him, when we are ſorowfull becauſe of our finnes ; which albeit yerchey
by nature they bring ſadnes and ſoꝛow with them, pet foꝛeſmuch mult not
as they can not bringefo much hurt, as Chit, if me beleeue in therefore
him.bꝛingeth profit and ſafetie, ioy tn the Loꝛd ought alwayes to nr.
haue the firſt place with vs, and farre to ouercome the ſoꝛow and Lord. ‘
| favnes commeth bp realon of our fines, sFo2 we mutt alwapes
| thinke on that which Tohn writech: If any man finne,we haue an
| Advocate withthe Father, lefus Chriftrhe righteous, and he is
| the reconciliation for our finnes.1,30h,2.
Let your patient minde be knowne:vnto ya ‚men; Debath
= I A | F * er re oD a = Ye > |
already taught, howe men ought to behaue them ſelues toward
God, namely chat thep mut ſerue him with a cheerfull hart and
continual i iop: now be declareth in few woꝛdes, how the belee-
uers ought to bebaue them {clues toward men,faping : Let your
What it is to
let our pati-
ent mind be
knowne vn-
to all men.
patient mind be knowne vntoall men. Ahich wordes are
much in effect: Be topful coward God, alwaies reiopcing ino
him but toward men be of a patiẽt mind,¢ pliant,appiping pour
felucs to all,¢ fo behauing pour felues,that pe be readp todo and
fuffer all things,¢ to yeeld in euery thing, as much as map be bp
any meanes without tranfarefling the commaundement of God,
wherebp pe map approue pour felues to all men,and pleafe allin
that which is good: not onelp hurting none, but alfo taking in
good worth all things of al men, interpreting aright the fapings
of al mien,@ accepting them in p better part, that me map plainly
fee pou tobe them,unto whom all things are alike, which take in
good part whatloeuer betideth pou, whieh fick in nothing, which
would not difagree with any man for any caufe, which be rich w
the rich.poore with the poore,retoycing with them that reiopre,
weeping with them that weepe, ¢ to be boiefe, which be made all
things to all men, that all men mutt needes acknowlenge that pe
are grieuous to none,but agreeable,of a patient mind, pitant,and
obedient coward all in all thinges, The Greeke wopve epicices
which the Apofkle here vleth, meanech che fame, which fignifiech
in our congue a patient and pliant mind, whereby one doth fo ap:
plp and thew him felfe nvifferent to others that be ts the fame ta
one that he is to another, applping him felfe indifferently to the
will of all,not requiring him felfe to be counted for a tulestoberes
unto the reft ought to applp and onder them felues, ii
An old Interpreter tranflaceth it modeſtie, which, ifthou ine
derſtand it aright, and not for the onelp moderation ¢ temperans
cie of meate and apparell,ag tt ts wont commonly to be taken, ig
not altogither onfitlp tranflared, namelp,if thou vnderſtand it to
be avertue,wherebp one thinking moveftip of him elf, endeuou⸗
reth to opder and apply him felfe vnto all, accoꝛding tothe capa:
eitie and abilitie of euerp one, readp to permit, totake in goon
part, to obep,to giue place, to doe, to omit, to fuffer all hinges,
ashe thall fee tt wilt profit bis neighbour, albeit he mutt ful:
fer hinderance and lofle of bis ſubſtance, name, and body theres
bp, That hele hinges map be made more plapne , it hall be
| goon to declare them bp examples. Paule ı,C02,9 writeth thug Ar example
f him (elf; Vnto the lewes | become asa lew, that J may winne ofa patient
the Iewes: tochem that are vnder the lawe , as though I were Si oy
ynder the lawe: tothem that are without lawe, as though I h
were without lawe (when 1 am not without lawe as pertaining
© God, but &m inthe lavve through Chrift) Iam made all
hinges to all men, that J might by all meanes faue fome, Bee
holo,chou {eek here the patient € pliant minde rightly cbferuing
thofe things which are here commaundend, For thoſe things that
he writetl of him felfe baue this. meaning: Sometimes he did
| eatesdpinke,and doe all hinges as a Jewe, albett it was not ne:
| ceflary thathe thould fo doe: fometimes he did cate and dzinke
| with the Gentiles, and did all hinges as free from the lawe. For
| onelp faith in God , and loue toward our neighbour , are necef:
farilp required.all other thinges are free , fo that we map freelp
_ obferue them for one mans fake, ¢ omit them fo2 an othermans
| fake,as we Hall percetue tt to be profitable to euery one.
| > Row itis contrary to this modeſtie oꝛ meckenes,ifonehae —
| uing animpatient mind,trutteth to bis owne wit,and concendeth A" —
that one thing among } rett is neceflarp,which chou mut either har doch.
omit or. obferue,and fo applying him felfe vnto none, but conten:
Ding tobaue allotherto apply them {elues vnto him , be neglec⸗
teth € peruerteth chefoftnes ¢ meekenes which ts here taught,
‘pea the libertie of faith alfo : (uch fome of the Jewes were,unto
whom we muff giue no place, euenas Paule peelded not onto
theme feethefame erample commonly in Chꝛiſt, but ſpecial⸗
| Ip Batth.12,8 Mar. 2. where wereade that hefuffered bis Dil:
| ciples to bpeake the Sabbath , Ehe bimlelfe allo, when the cafe
| forequired,oid bꝛeake it, when tt was otherwife, be din keepe it,
whereof he gaue this reafon: The Sonne of man is Lord,euen of
| theSabbath.adthich is as much to ſay ag: the Sabbath is free,
_ that chou map ft bꝛeake tt for one mans fake and commoditie, and
| fop the fake and commanitie of an other thou mapft keepe it. So
Paule caufev Cimoche to be circumciſed becaufe of the Fewes,
| for that they thaught chat it was of impoꝛtance to their faluatt-
| on: againe be would not bane Titus circumetled,becaufe certain
| Iewes did bniuflp vrge it.fo that p circumcifion of Tieug would
i haue bene rather a confirmation of errour bnto them, then bane
| profited them anp thing, Paule therefore me keepe circumci⸗
(a tt,
ne men
ſion free, that he might fometime bfe it, and fometime not bſe it,
How the or-
decrecs of
men mutt be
obferued or
fe al
as be ſhould perceiue it to be commodious and proſitable to eue⸗ |
rp one,
So,to come to other matters, when the {ope commaundech
dinaunces & to make confeflion,to ſaſt, to abſtaine from, oꝛ vſe this oꝛ that kind
of meate, ac and cxacteth theſe thinges ag neceſſtery to ſaluation,
they are to be vtterly contemned, and thoſe thinges that are cons
not obferued trary to thefe,are moſt freelp to be Done: but tf be ſhould not com:
maundchen as neceflarp, ik any man might beholgen o2 edifices
in any thinge by djeobleruationof them, furelp thep were to be
obferued, but freelp,and ofloue onelp,as alſo thep are ta be omit:
ted, tf the omitting of them map be profitable to anp. The reafon
ofthis liberties this: Che Sonne of man ig Lord of the Sab⸗
bath: if of the Sabbath, howe much move of the traditions of
men? Cibatfoeuer thou fhait obferue vpon this libertie, it can
not hurt anps but toobferue themof neceſſitie, it extinguiſheth
faith andthe Golpell, Likewife, if one liue as pet in a Monaſte⸗
rie, Uf he obferue the vowes and opdinaunces of that life vpon
Chꝛiſtian libertie, and of loue to his bꝛethꝛen that he map enifie
them, and of noneceflitie, neither with the hinderance of his
owne or other mens faluation, he ſhall doe godly, for bets frees
but tf thole chinges be ſtraitly required as neceflarp tofaluation,
then before thou (utter thy felfe to be baouaht into this errour,
Monatteries, Hauings, hoods, bowes, rules, ordinaunces, and
all {uch like muft be left, and the contrary muff be Done, to wit⸗
nes, that onelp faith and loucare neceſſary for a Chꝛiſtian/ and
that all other thinges are free, fo that be map epther omit oꝛ doe
them for the edifping and caute of them with whom be liveth,
CUbatfoeuer thou thalt obferuc vpon libertie and of loue,is god⸗
dp: butifthou obferue anp thing of neceflitie it is vngodly. Che
fame ts to be ſayd of allother opdinaunces and decrees of men,
which are wont to be obferued in Wonafteries , that wharloeuer
both not Dilagree with the worde of God, thou map being free
epther obferue o2 omit it,accopding as thou fhalt knowe tt to be
profitable and acceptable to them, with whom thouart conuers |
fant: but tf thep be required as neceflary, retect them all —5
and tread them vnder thy keete.
Hereupon thou now leek, what a deuiliſh thing the Papacie 4
Ponatteries be. For whatloener things be fre Eto be permitted
| udn v (pn Tage tht ide) A 7— ~ i—
| tofree loue onelp,thep make chem neceſſary, and fap the leeeping Chriftian li-
| of them i is ofimpoptance to faluation, wherbp truely as much as ey cp,
[isin chem, they togicher peruertand ertinguilh the Golpell and rises into
| “ faith.7 pale oucr with ftlence that thep hereupon fee and fell che mecre ne-
eofthe bellie in ſteede of the feruice of God. Foꝛ how many a: ceſſitie.
mene them at this day do for Gods caule, + not rather for the bet:
lies fake,take vpon them cobe Monkes oꝛ Clerkes, do frequent
| the quier.fing, pzap, fap alle, op doe any (uch thinge, where
thep counterfait and corrupt the true worlhip x ſeruice of God?
The common fubuerfion of all Wonafteries were the beffrefor:
matton of allthefe chinges , from which fo much difcommopitie
and no whit of profice map be looked for. Before one Monaſterie
could be perfwasen concerning true Chrikianlibertie , infinite Spite
| thoufands of foules in others ſhould pevith, wheretoꝛe foꝛaſlmuch
ag thep bringe no commoditie at all, neitheristhere anyneede ; ,
| of chem, and thep are cauie of greater hinderance to a Choiftian
| common weale,then can be thought, and can not bp anp meanes ©
| berefopmed, what can be moze profitable.then that ws be uteri
ly ouerthꝛowne andabolilhed?
Moꝛeouer that we map admoniſh here concerningithe ciuilt Obedience A
| Magistrate, whenhe commaundeth oꝛ requireth anp thing,pea tf ‘prea
| becompel thereunto, we mutt obep,for there commeth no loſſe of doch not hin-
| Chatitian libertieor of faith berebp , forafinuch ag thep doe not der Chriftian.
| contend that chofe thinges are neceflarp ro faluation which they libertie.
| Do ordaine o) require; but onelp to maintaine outward rule, pubs '
Iikesranguillitie and qoueraments ¢ fo theconfcience remaineth’ —
|. free. Mherefore forafınuch as it doth nothing binder faith to do
| thole things which the ciuill Magiſtrate commaundeth, but doth
| alfo profit the common weale; it Halbe without dout a point of
| Chpifkian obedience to endeuour co do chem with a willing mind,
| that we may be ſuch as are plianteagreeableto-all men, willing ı
to doe all chings,readp to deſerue wellof euery one, eto gratifiel!
all. Howbeit if any ſhould contend that thoſe commaundements
_of the ciuill Magiſtrate be neceffarp to faluation, then,as it is
fapd of the traditions of the Papiſtes, the contrarpratherwere | >
to be done , 02 at the leſt it were tobe mitneficd, that thoudooſt — 34 —— Sp
them onelp for the common weales fake, becaule ſo itis paofita — ,,...,,.
bie to otherg,and not,tl at chou map. obtaine ſaluation by then, jo Stuns,
which webaue, gottenbp Chit ——— asmanpofpgag) nom
beleeue in him. Accoꝛding to this voctrine a the cramples before
mentioned euerpone ought to bebaue him lelfe in euerp thinge €
toward allmen,ag Paule bere teacheth, chat he ſticke not to bis
owne tudgement or right, but that he thew him felfe pliant vnto
» others, ano haue regard of thofe thinges, which be hall knowe
will be acceptable and profitable to bis neighbours.
+ Hben therefore it doch nothing hinder chp kaith, and profitech
thy neighbour to peels fomewhat of thine owne right, if thou doe
itnat thou art without charitie, ¢ neqlectett that Chriſtian foft:
nes # patient mind that Paule here (peaketh of: Dea ifthou haft
regard hereof, as be that trulpbeleeucth in Chrift oughe to haue,
thou muff take tt patiently euen when anp man doth tnturie vnto
thee,o2 endamagethee,and fo interpzete it in the better part, and
A moft wor-
peers ee was taken from him, fapo: But they hall noc take away Chrilt
. ftian Martyr. from me. So whatloeuer chaunceth unto chee, fap thou: Jhaue
as pet {uttered no lofle of my faith, why ſhoulde I not take it in
good parte , which mp neighbour hath vones why thould Jnot
peeld vnto him,and apply mp felfe tobis will? Thou cant ſcarce
An example findamore manifet erample hereöf,then betwene two vnfeyned
which Chri- friendes: for asthey behaue them felties one toward an ocher, fo’
; ep * oughta Chrikkian co behaue him felfe toward euerp one, Eicher
ollow ir: . : RR t
behauine’ Ofthemendenuozety co gratifie other, either of them giueth place
them felues toother, {uffereth, doch, and omitreth whatfocuer he feeth to be
toward their fog the, profite and commoditie of the other, & that freelp mithout
neighbours. aitegnitraine, Citherof them voch diligently apply him {elfe to
the will of theother, neither of them compelleth other to follom
big mind, ¢ if one ſhould vfe the goods of an other, p other would
not be offended, but would take it in good part , and would not
grudge rather to giue more, and that 3 may (peake brieflp , be:
tweeneluch there is no eraction of lawe, no grudging, no con:
ſtraint no neceſſitie, but libertie,fauour and good will,
» Contrariwifejfuch as be impatient and obfkinate, which take
nothing in good part of any man, but go about to make all things
___ fabiect to their owne will, and to order all thinges according to
————— their owne iudgement ſuch Flap trouble che world , and are the
raule ot all dilcordes, contentions, warres, ¢ tuhatfocuct dilcom ·
caufeof moditie there is, they ſay afterward, that chep die thoſe hinges
much euill, fo the loue of tuftice,and for that they endeuoured fünefend ie
— w hich
alwaies think on that, whtch that arty? when all his ſubſtance
vrbich is right. So thatthat heachen man ſayd not amiſſe · Ex ·
- tremerigour igertreme iniurie, And Salomon allo layth Ces
clel.7. Be thou neither too righteous nor ouer wife. For ag exe
treme rigour is extreme iniurie, ſo too great wiſedom ig extreme
folly. MAhich alfois meant bp this common ſaying: when wife
men dote thep dote beyond mealure, Surely if Gov ſhould veale
With vs according to right, we ſhould perth ina moment, where-
| fore a3 Paule prapferh inbim this moderation of right, and in⸗
_ comparable patience and gentlenes faping 2.Cor.10: I befeech
| you by the meekenesand gentlenes of Chrift, fo ig it alfo meete
_ that we doe obferue a mealure of our tudgement,right,wifevom,
| prudence,and in all chinges applp our felues to the profit ¢ com:
moditie of others.
| . Bucleevs weie the mordes of the Apoftle,for they are placev
| not withouta {pirituall Ckilfulnes,be ſayth: Lec your patient
| minde or foftnes be knownevnto allmen. Tübere thou mutt
| not thinke that he commaundeth theetobe made knowne unto How our pa-
| allmen, 02 that thou oughteſt to tell chp patient mind oꝛ foftnes "T —
beloꝛe all men. Foꝛ be fapth not, tell it forth, but let ic be inowne, knows
that is, endeuour to practize tt coward men, J Doe not commaund ynto all men
| that pe thoulve thinke or {peake of it, but chat pe labour that tt
| may be knowne indeede,while all men doe trie and feele ic, that
| nomanmap fap anp other thing of pau, then that pe be of a pati
| ent minde,and pliant, applying pour felucs to all men, being en:
forced ſo to ſay euen bp manifet experience. So that ifanp man
were neuer fo much bent to (peake otherwile of pou , bis mouth
might be topped bp p teſtimonie ofall other; witnefling of pour
patient mind and meekenes.So ſayth Chri Watth.5. Let your
light fo shine before men, that they may fee your good workes,
and glorifie your Father whichis inheauen. And peter ſayth: 1.Per.2.
Haue your conuerfationhoneft among the Gentiles, thatthey
which ipeake euill of youas of euill doers/ may by your good
workes,which they shall fee, glorifie God inthe day of vifitati-
on. It is not furelp inour power,that our patient mind (houlo be
knowne and acknowledged of all menbut it hal be fuflicient fo2
bg, tf we endeuour chat all men map haue triall thereofin vs, and
- that noman.map finde ic wanting in our life,
Moꝛeouer [all men] is not foto be taken, that thou ſhouldeit
buderand hereby allmen which are in the world, but ratherall
' . R iit,
forteg of men, that we haue regard to be of a patient mind ag wel
toward enemies as friendes', as well toward feruaunts as Wat:
ferg, {mall ag greatjpoore as rich, ſtraungers as them at home,
toward them that we know not,as toward them with wham we |
ave familiar. For there are fome, which behaue them {elues berp
gentlely and patiently toward fraungers, but toward them that
ave ta the boule with them, 02 with whome thep almapes keepe
company , there are none moze obffinate oꝛ froward then thep,
Themot And bow manpare there, which at great and rich mens handes
-partarerea- take all thinges in wood part, interpret euerp thinge at the beſt,
dytomake and moft gently beare , whatfoeuer they [ap 02 doe, buttomara
a ane: the pooze and abiects thep fhewe no gentlenes 02 meekenes, nei-
tothe rich ther take anp thinge of chem in good part, So we are all readp to
andtheir doe fo? our chilozen,parents,friends,¢ kinfmen,and moſt fauou⸗
friendes,bur rably interpꝛete and willingly Beare whatfoeuer they haue com:
— * mitted: Dowe often.voe we euen prayſe the manikeſt vices of our
3 friemd, oꝛ at the lealt winke at them,and apply our ſelues molt fit-
—— Ip onto them? but to our enemies g aduerſaries Wwe impart none
of this fauour, inthem we can find nothing that ig good, nothing
that is to be borꝛne, nothing that can be tnierpretedin thebetter
part,but we diſprayſe every thing, take it at the mop! Againſt
fuch parted and vnperfect patient mindes Paule bere {peaketh
ſaying: Let your patient mind be knowne vnto all men: be wit
haue our ꝓatient mind and right Chriſtian meekenes to be per:
fect and entire toward all, whether thep be enemies 02 friendes,
be will hate be fufter and take in good part all thinas of all men,
without all refpect cicher of perfons or deferts. And {uch without
dout will our patient mind be, ik it be true and not counterfet : na
otherwiſe chen gold rematnerh gold, whether a godly or vngod⸗
Ip man poffeffe it, and the fluer, which Judas,wbo betraped the
Loꝛde, had, wag not turned into athes, bucremapned that which
itwag;as truelp all the good creatures of Gov, wholneuer haue
them,doe continue toward all hinges, that which they are: So
a patient mind which ts ſyncere comming of thefpirit, continu:
etl like it felfe, whether it light ppon enemies 0} friends , poore
men oꝛ rich. But our nature which is full of deceit & plainly cop;
rupt,voth fo behaue it ſelfe, as if that which is goldi inthe bande’
of Jeter j Were turned into a cole inthe hanvde of Tudag, and it
is wont to be 5 and plyant toward riche men, a
ares, (Fraungers, freinds, and not toward cuerte one, where⸗
pe it is falle, vaine, tying , bypocriticall , and nothing but ve:
ceitand mockerie before Goo, Wereofnow learne how unpoffi:
pile found and entire, that is, {pirttuall meeknes and a patient
minde is vnto nature, andbow few there be which marke thig
euell, by reafon of that deceitfull meekenes and patient minve,
though in outward thew herie goodly, which chep thew vnto cer:
- tatne,thinking that thep do well and iuſtly, in that thep are more
hard and impatient toward fome. For fo their defiled and filthie
nature teacheth them, bp ber goodly reafon, which alwapes
iudgeth and doeth againft the fpirit and thofe chinges that are. -
of the {pirit, becaufe as Paul fapth : Rom,8:They chat are after
the flesh, fauour the thinges of the flesh.
> Butts concluve, itis manifett chat the Apoſtle hath compre:
hended in theſe fein wordes the whole life worthy of a Chriftian,
which be ought to leade toward his neighbour. Foꝛ be that ts of
apatient minde , pliant and meekeindeede, Mudiceh to deſerue
well of all men, as well concerning the bodp ag concerning che
foule , as wellindecde ag in wordes , and doth alfo beare with a
moff patient minde, the offences and malice of others. There
fuch aminde is , there is alfo loue, iope, peace, long fuffering,
grentlenes,qoodnes, ¢ what ſoeuer ts the fruteof the ſpirit Gal. 5.
But here lei murmureth:Ifwe fhould endeuour to be fo merke
and patient, faith the flet chat we ſhould take all things in goon
- patt of all men,tt would come to pafle, that noma fhould be able
fokeepe apeece of breade lafelp kin peace for the vniuſt which
would abuſe our meekenes # patiẽt mind, thep would take away
all things, pea thep would not {uffer vg to line. Parke how con:
‘foptablp ¢ aboundatlp the Apofkle vorh ſatiſũe thts diſtruſting ¢
foolifh cogitation,euen from this place bnto the ende of this tert,
© The Lordis athand. As though be lain:if there were no Loꝛd We mul
6)'6 God, one might feare, when bp his meekenes and patient make our
mitide be compteth all hinges alike, and taketh all thinges in,“ On
good part, that chat would be damage and hurt pnto him, but co all wich-
now there not onelpis a Lord, which gouernech all thinas moſt out feare leak
iuſtly, but be is alfo athand, be can nat forget oꝛ forfake thee, beany abufe it
you onelp of a patient minde and gentle coward all et him Haue (oor hurt &
the care cf thee,nourith,and preferue thee DC hath giuen Chyitt
the eternall good, bow Mould not he alfe gine thing es neceſſarie
P — Ei
for the belly ? He hath favre moze , then can be taken aa
thee, and thou forafmuch as thou batt Chait, haft much
then the whole world. Hereunto pertaineth that which i
yPfal.5 5 : Caft thy burden vponthe Lord, andhe shall not
thee. And 1. Pet.5: Caft all your careon him: forhe carethfor
you. And Chritt fapth Matth. 6: Behold the foules of theaier
and lilies ofthe field, &c. all which agree with the prefent cons
folation ofthe Apoſtle, and baue che fame meaning which the
wordes bere baue : The Lord is athand. Stag
Chriftians Be nothing carefull. Chatis, cake no care at all for pour
mutt not be ſelues, {et God care for pou, whoe knotweth and ig able todo it,
— whom pe haue now knowne that he is good and gracious. Che
| cheir care on heathen haue not without a caufe care of this pzefent life, inafe
| God who much as they are ignoyant and do nat belecue that thep baue &
carethfor God who hath care of all, ag Chott Matth.6. ſaid: Be notcare=
them. full for your life, what ye shall eat, or whatye shall drinke: nor
yet for your body,what ye shall put on:for after all thefethinges —
feeke the Gentiles, but your heauenly Father knoweth, that ye
haue neede of all thefe thinges. (iherefoze let the whole more
take from thee, and do thee tniurie, thou (halt alwapes haue {ule
ficient, and it can not be chat thou ſhouldeſt perith with anp ave
uerfitte , vnles thep haue firtt taken from thee thy God, butwho
can take him from thee, if thou thp felfe dooſt not catt bimof?
There is no caule therefore that we ſhould be carefull, ſeing that
be is our father and prouiverh for v8, which hath all chinges in
bis own hand,euen thole,which feeme to take away tholethings
that be ours from bs , and to endamage andburtbs wherein fos
euer thep areable Gut we haug exceeding great caule alwapeg
toretopceinthe Lod, when we areof apatient mpnde toward
all men, koꝛaſmuch ag we ave certaine, if fo be that we beleeue,
that it can by no meaneg come to pafle, that good thinges fouls
be wanting onto bs, hauing Almightie God our faucurable and
- carefull father: whom thep chat haue nots let bs fuffer chem to
be troubled wich carke and care, It ought to be our, onelp.care,
bow we may be voyde of care, and be found alwapeg topfull in
| Gov, and mecke and of a patient mpnde towardmen, SDatwithe
Pfal.37. 25. Out dout we thall trie that which Dauid tried faying 3] have
been young & now am olde, and yet faw I neuer the ti |
forfaken, nor his feede begging theirbread. And each
|) om
he ſayth Pſal. 40: The Lord careth for me.
But in all thinges let your requeftes be shewed vnto God in
prayer & fupplication with giuing ofthankes. In thefe wordes
the Apoftle teacheth „how our careistobe call vbpon God, and
the meaning of chat which be fapth ts this: Onelp be not care: ian 2 *
full but if any thing chaunce, which may make pou carefull (a8 gy cir care v.
in deede innumerable fuch are wont to come onto thofe that liue pon God.
inthe world) fo bebaue pour ſelues, that pe attempt nothing at
all with pour care, what ſoeuer that halbe which chaunceth unta
you, but cafting of care, turne pour felues with prayer and ſup⸗
plication vnto God, and defire him that he will bꝛing to paffe anv
finith that which pour felueg otherwiſe ſhould in vaine haue at:
tempted with pour care to accomplifth, Dombeit defire this with
giuing ofthankeg,forafmuch as pe bane {uch a Gow as hath care
«BF pou, and vnto whom ye may fafelp commit all carke and care
fo2 pou. But he that will not fo behaue himfelfe when any ching
bappeneth , but will fir wepe all thinges bp his owne reafon,
and order them according to bis owne tudgement, and fo take te.
bimtelfe the care of bis thinges , be hall wꝛap himfelfe in innus
merable difcommodities, he Mall loze all top and qutetnes there:
by, and vet thall pꝛeuaile nothing, but labour in baine, x plunge
himfelfe fo much moze in troubles and milerieg, that be Hall not
be able to efcape out of them againe, which ing Tearne daily both.
by our owne and by other mens erperience. Now that which.
Paule here avmonifheth concerning praper tendeth unto this.
end, left that any man ſhould neglect all hinges € commit them:
fo Gov, and he himfelfe fleepe anv oo nothing at all, no not ſo
much ag once pray for them sto he that ſhould ble this flouthfut-
neg, albeit be were now quiet, hall cafilp be weappedin cares,
thereof he chall not be able to ridde himfelfe : we muſt do our ene
Detour And not fleepe , and therefore it ig that manp thinges be
incident, which ate wont to boing carefulnes,wherchp we might
be ag tt ‘were compelled to pray vnto Gov, Wiherefore Wale:
bath not in baine iopned togither thefe two: Be nothing carefull,
and: In all thinges let your requeftes be shewed vnto God in:
prayer and fupplication with giuing of thankes. Nothing ant
Alldo indeede greatly differ, howbeit the Apottte therefore put:
them togither’, thathe might — that it cau not be , but that
manp and innumerable thinges be incivene, which are want te:
A petition
or requeit.
Giuing of
baing cavke and care, but that in altthem we ought toa
carefulnes , but alwapes flie unto prayer , and commit th
onto Gov,¢ defire of him thole thinges whereof we ha
Row we mutt here fee bow our DIR: mutt be fram
ten 02 petitions, qoaper is thofe ‘wordes 02 rete 4 : Fi
ag fometimes fome thing ts deſired, fo alla other chinges are es
clated, as is the Logos Prayer and the Plalmes. Suppli
is, when the petition is vꝛged oꝛ made more earneft bp. fome |
thing, ag when one prapeth for bis father, o2 for fome other
thinge which is deare and excellent vnto him, as when we
vnto God bp hig mercy, bp bis fonne, by bis promife, —
name, tc. Ag Salomon pplal, 1 32: Lord reomeaaiaes Dauid,
all his trouble, And Paule Rom.12: Ibefeech you by the mer⸗
cies of God. And 2. Coꝛ.ro:ꝛ l beſeech you by the mekenesand
gentlenes of Chrift, &c. 4 petition o2 requeft is, when we
that which ig vefired , and for which paper and —
made, as in the Loves Pꝛaper, all that compofition of
is called pꝛayer, but chole (euen thinges for which we PLD a
halowed be thy name,thp kingdome come, te, are petitio +
cording to that faping Watth.7 : Aske, and it shalbe giuen you:
fecke, and ye shall fynde:knocke, and it shalbe opened ypto
you. For whofoeuer asketh, reac : and hethat feeketh fy
deth : and tohim that knocketh , it shalbe opened. Gi nie J
thankes is when the benefites of God are rebearied , wherebp,
faith in God is ſtrengthened, and firred vp fo much mopec
dently to looke fox that which is delired,¢ for which we do pꝛaie.
bherefore praper vꝛgeth op earneſtly alkech bp fupplicatior
but ig ſtrengthened and made ſweete € acceptable bp giuing
thankes, and fo bp this Grength and fweetnes it preuailerh , and,
obtaineth, what focuer it alketh. Chis mance of praper we read
to baue bin vſed inthe Church,and among the holy la
old Teſtament, which mere wont almapes in their praperg cu:
afke with fupplication and giuing ofthankeg. Che fame alla
fee in the Loꝛrdes Pꝛayer, which beginnerh, wi — i
thankes and with praple, when ag euen in the begtt of
we confes Goda father, bnto whom the godly ihr
. celle bp bis fatherlp Tone and bp the lane of hig rms
pplication nothing map be compared, wherefore it ts both che
and moft excellent praver of all which map be han.
Mgꝛeouer in thele woꝛdes JDaule hath verte well erprelled The myfte-
empfteric of the golden cenfer of the old Ceftament , whereof ry of the gol-
we read many thinges inthe bookes of Poles, It was lawfull ride —
the Pꝛieſtes only co burne incenſe, now all we which beleeue R8nted.
in Chꝛiſt, are Pꝛieſtes, wherefore it islawfull for all bs, and
for vs onelp to burne the incenfe of prayers, Che cenfer that
golden veſſel, isthe wordes which we beter in prayer, furelp
golden and precioug , asthole are, whereof the Loꝛdes praper
conſiſteth, the Pſalmes and other prayers of che Scripture.
For commonlp tu the Scripture veflels fignifie wordes,for that
our meaninges are contained in wordes as in a veffell, and bp
woꝛdes are bttered and recetued as out of abellell, as wine, wa:
ter , burning coles „and fuch like , are contained in deflels, and
taken out ofvellels. So bp the cuppe of Babplon Apoc. ı 7. the
Doctrine of men is vnderſtood, and by the cuppe wherein the
blood of Chrift ig dꝛonke the Gofpell,
Furthermore burning coles, whereupon the frankincenfe wag What is f-
layne , ſignifie giuing of thankes, and rebearfing of benefitesin grified by
prayer, which we are wont to doin making fupplication. For, ——
that bp fierie coles benefites are ſignified it is manifeſt euen out on the incéie
of the 12, tothe Rom. where the Apoſtle reciteth che faptng of was layde.
Salomon J9rouerb. 25 : If thine enemie hunger, feede him: if
he thirft, giue him drinke:for in fo doing thou shalt heape colcs
of fire onhis head, And benefits map be rightlp called coles of
fire, fralmuch ag they inflame the heart with loue, although it
be cold, In the Lawe tt was prohibited to Tape the frankincenfe
vpon any other coles, but them that were of the altar of p Lope,
which fignifierh,that we muft not rebearle our own good veedes
inpraper, ag that Pharife did, Luc. 1 5 : but onelp the benefits of We muft
God beſtowed vpon vs in Chik, Deis ouraltar, bp him we give thankes
mut offer, for the benefits receiued by him we mutt give thakes, Chrift oor
and make mention of them in prayer for the increafing of our
faith. This Paule teacheth Colofl, 3. where he ſayth: Doall
thinges inthe name of the Lord Iefus, giuing thankes to God
theFather by him. For God can noc lufter , that thou ſhouldeſt
glorie ofany thing elsinbis fight, which be declaredin atppe
op figure Leuit. 10, where we read that Nadab and Abihu the
fonneg of Aaron were taken and confumed of the flame from th
altar of God „becaufe thep burned incenfe taking other f
of the altar of the Lord, Che workes of Chꝛiſt only are
ble ta God, wherefore for thele onely we muſt both Siue
aud reiopce in praper, mr
The petitids he incente fignifteth the petitions mave inpeaper, for pe
made in pray titiong are , whereof praper conliftech , and which afcend bute
“a & — sf God, according ag Paul fapth: Let your petitions be shéwed
layd on the YIt0 God, therein be leemech ta haue confvered and interppes
burning tedthemas afauour afcending from the cenfer, As though he
coles. had faid : when pe will burne incenfe fweere and acceptable bute
the Low, make, that pour petitions be ſhewed bnto Gov with
{upplication and giving of thankes, this incenfe and this Tauoue
ag itis moft (weete vnto God,fo vorh te afcend ſtraight onto hea⸗
uen,like vapoures of finoke, and entreth euen vnto the throne of
Gov, And as burning coles do giue a frong fauour and make it
afcend vpward: ſo the memoꝛie of the benefites of Gov, which
we rehearſe by giuing of thankes , and whereof we do as it were
aduertise Gov anv our ſelues, both make praper ſtedfaſt and.
bold, which cheerefullp and glavip afcendeth into heavens wich“
out which trulp praper fainteth, is cold and ofno force. Ahere⸗
fore whofoeuer thou art, before thou prap with faith and effec⸗
tually , thep heart muft be inflamed with the memozie of the be
nefits, which God hath beffowedvponvsinGhrik,
But perbaps fome man will vemaund „how our petitions be
themed or become manifett vnto Goo , Teeing that thep be not
onelp knowne vnto him before we prape,but be alfo doth ſend vs
that which we aſke? CAhereunto I aunſwere: the Apoſtle ade
ioyned this, that he might teach, of what fort true paper ought
We mutt not tobe, to wit, aflured and hauing confivence and truft in Gov,
praye at,ad- which paflech not away into che winde, neither is mabe at ave
be cena; aly Uenture, as their praperis, which pray, and haue noregard,
perfwaded ” MHether God heareth or not, pea rather belectethat be doch not
that we fhal- beare, which bndoutedlp is notto prape or to alke of Gov, but
be a of to tempt and mocke God. For if any man dtd deſire inonep of
God me, whom I certainly knew , not to perſwade himſlelle that he
“fhould receiue it, I coulo not fuffer fuch an afker, of whom J
might allure mp felfeto be mocked: bow much moze ig Gov of⸗
fended at our much erping out and babbling, when we do conti⸗
nually Babble much # crie out, Edo Not thinke at all whether be
heareth vs. Learne therefore here, that thep petitions mult be How our pe-
ſhewed unto Gon, that is, that chou mult fo ake, that thou dour “Hos are
not, that they petitions be knowne and accepted of God, and be: ea vato
ue certainlp „that thou halt obtaine whatfoeuer thou voce =
tke with which faith ik thou be endued, it hall fo come unto thee
deede. Foraswe belteue , ſo it commeth buto bs, There:
fore, as the fmoke carieth the fauour vpward from the cenfer : fo
faith cartech the petitions of the beleeuers into the fight of God,
wyhereby we aflurenlp beleeue,chac our petitions Mall come vnto
God, and that we thall vndoutedly obteine thoſe chinges that we
afke, Paul bp thele wordeg | be shewed ] pid vndoutedlymeane
_ that, which ts eftfoones inthe Jpfalmes ; God hath heard my
petition, Giue care Lord ynto my prayer, and {uch like, Dereof
_ Chrift (peaketh Match, 21, and War, ı 1. Wharfoeuerye shall
aske in prayer, if ye beleeue,ye shall receiue it. And James faith
chap.1 : Aske in faith and wauer not, for he that wauereth shall
receiue nothing of the Lord. Mho map not now hereof perceiue,
that that much babbling and crping out, which ig made common:
Inchrougb the world in monafterieg, ig a mocking and veluding
of Goo ? Che prayers of thele, if thep may be called prapersjare
aboundantly themed before men, for thep crie out and Dabble too
much, butchereigno regard of them with Gov, they are not
knowne of him, neither come they onto bis eares, that is, be
doth by nomeanes heare them, for that thep do not beleeue , 02
areaflured, that their crping out 02 much babblingis heard of
Gor, wherefore as thep beleeue, fo do thepreceiue. It was time
therefore long fince, thatthofe mockingeg and blafphemieg of
God fhould be aboliſhed. Gut if we prape ag we are here taughe,
there halbe nothing furelp which we map not obtaine, Row we Why we af.
prape for many things continually, and receiue nothing, neither pe pe praie
is it anp meruell , feeing we pꝛaye fo, that our petitions be not °° CCS
ſhewed vnto God, for that we do not beleeue that thep be mant:
fet onto him, Tito to our diffinence and incredulitie.
And the peace of God which paffeth ail vnderftanding, shall
preferue your hearts and myndes in Chrift leſus. In how qoonlp
an order Both Paul here inſtruct a Chrifkian man? irk he tea
cheth bimto be glad and iopfull in the Lord by faiths ſecondly te
thew himfelfe meeke and gentle to all bis neighhourg, Ann if
The peace
of God.
The peace
which the
faithfull en-
thou fap, bow can Jdo that without loſſe op hinderance ? he aune
fwereth: The Lord ig at hand. Tf thou againe obiect : But what
ifinen perlecute me , and even bereue me of that J haue? He ave
beth: be nothing carefull , but let thp petitions be fhewed onto
God, MAhere if che eth againe murmut, what if inthe meane
feafon I be opprefled and (pailed ? he concludech that there ſhal⸗
be nothing lefle, the peace of Gov Mall ppelerue and keepe thee,
whereof I mutt now entreat fomembat. Wy che peace of God
is not meant bere that peace, whereby God ig peaceable anv
quietin himfelfe, but that which he giueth vnto vs, and poureth
_ into our beartes, euenas alla te is called the word of God which
he giueth vg, that we map preache tr and belecue it. So whenbe
giuech this peace vnto vs, tt is called the peace of God, euen bee
caufe we baue the fame with hin, when in the world notwith⸗
ſtanding we fuffer affliction,
Now this peace paflech all vnderſtanding, reaſon, and know:
ledge of mans which is nor fo to be vnderſtood, as though man
can not at all perceiue oꝛ know it,for if we haue peace with Gov,
truly icmuft be felt in our heart and confcience , otherwile our
heartes and mpndes could noc be preferued by te „ but it is thus
to be vnderſtood: Tilhen tribulation commeth bpon them which
know not to flie vnto God with prayer and [upplication,but truſt
to their owne wiledome and care, whereby thep feeke peace, but
that which reafonis able to know, which ts that, whereby tribus
lation taketh an end, and ig chaunged with outward tranquilli«
ties this peace doth noc pafle reafon, but ig agreable onto it,
inafmuch ag it is ſought and found out of it. Cberefore thep
that ave vopd of fapth are erceedinglp difquieted, and trou:
bled vntill according to the reafon of the fleth they obtaine thig
peace bp heardly deliuering o2 ridding themlelueg of aduerlicie,
not regarding whether thep bring that co pale by force or bp
crafte, as he that bath receiued a wound fecketh co haue tt hear
ied,tc. Butthep that reioyce ſyncerely in the Lord,ic is ſufficiẽt
for them , thatthep know that thep baue God fauourable vnto
them ‚and baue aflured peace with him, thep abyde willingly in
tribulation, being nothing carefull for chat peace of reafon bp
theremouing of outward troubles, but thep endure them ba⸗
liantlp ‚looking to be ſtrengthned inwarolp bp faich „taking no
cate whether the anduerfitieg which they full er 9 thall u a
ft ont 07 along time whether they Halve tempopall or cdtinuing,
neithet are vifgquierev wich caring what enve they Hall haue.
‘They timirall chings to Bod,feeking not toknow, when,how,
tobere,o} bp whom be wil give rhenvquietnes. Myerefoꝛe Gov
againe He weth them this fauour, that he maketh the end of theic
triali to be.luch, and with fo qceat commoditie, as uo man could
ther ſuſpect oꝛ mith for. Woes this is that peace ofthe croſſe,
the peace of God, the peace oftonſcience true Chrikian peace,
which maketh tata man outwardly alfo, as much as ts in bint,
liueth quiedlpämupeareablp with allmen, g troubleth no nian,
This peace reaſon is not able by anp meanes to know 02 com:
prebend,tharaman vnder the crofle indy hate quietnes of minde
and top of heart sant peace euen inthe very inuafton of hig iene:
mies : this is the gift and worke of Gon, Rnowen to none, butte
him that hath it, and hath tetewicis i097 Woon vod) Ned»
AMhereas paul aid sNowthé God ofhöpe fil you with al} Rom.15.13.
joy & peace in beleeuing ‚chat whichhe callethinthele wordes,
peace in beleeuing he callech imoutr'pgefent cere ppeace of Gov,
Moꝛeouer Sail ſigniſieth ih thefe wordes, that whoſoeuer will
reioyce in che Lord bpfaieh and be meeke andof a patient minde
towardiall by loue:stheDeuell vndoute diy is ag aint bint yang The Devell
will raiſe vp lome trofleschac be map dzive kim from fo Chꝛiſtian inder and
apurpofe , wherefore the Apoſtle will haue eueric one to be pꝛe ftay the god-
pared againt this aſſault of Satan, and to place bis peace there ly ey
re Satan can not.troubleitenamelpin Gods, and northinke dings of the
Be — en the anherfarie to cakeon, ">"
>, ti — fs
feafori patiently looking for
pron e an ende ofaduerlitie and
a fap Bp ih the mpribe, heart and conſcience are
* erue ither can patience endure,wbere
the She br —— peate for that he oniy which
hath this peace doch chzouſehly perſwade himlelfe that God ig
fauourable — rERAP FOP him and maketh no accompt
what chaunceth onto him from creatures. Moꝛeouer tet noman
toa bere the heartes aho 8 to be the will ant che
ek har ic het Het
— e hearteg and 5*
Br ln nen hich they that ——— do
bebaue themfelues moſt godly toward God, anv moſt louinglp
and gentlp tomard their neighbour. Coward Goo they fo bebaue
themſelues, that they beleene in him „and loue him: with heit
whole heart, and are alfo moff ready; with their whole heart and
with all their cogitations co do thoſe thinges which halbe ac:
reprable to God and their neighbours , as much ag, pea more
then they are able, Such beartes and mindes the Deuell goech
about with the feare of death and other troubles to terrifie, and
deiue fronnehig godlines, erecting a falſe hope there againſt bp
the deuiſes and imaginations of meri; wherewith the minde ts
feduced, that itmay ſeeke tobe comforted: and holpen of; itfelfe
or other creatures, which tf it do; ſurely he hath dꝛawne ſuch a
manfromehetare.of God, and wrapped him in bis owne vaine
~ Thus haft thou godly readerownof chis Hhopt text a moſt plen
soe!) ¢ifall inſtruction of Chaꝛiſtian life, bots thou muſt line coward
Gov and thy neighbournamelp chat thou mult belecuc that Gov
is all thinges pnto thee,and thou againe mutt be all thinges vn⸗
to thy neighbonrg 5 that thou mutt theme chpfelfe.furh aonete
thy neighbours as Gov bath ſhewed himſelle to chee, chat chau
contained in faith and loue the whole ſumme ot all Chꝛiſtianitie.
es a Bie aids ‘ la asatneenelt ~ Par
3:3 SHEU TI sDouk 245 321013 sauur, vit 97
‘ Tale Tees
30 oT gmuft recetyeof God arte ginern:tbpıneighbour : Al woieh are
s vet JA
BER au 1 GS NBS to HS ets Uap s PTR
— —
EB Der % te bis RER x = U3
vl : Nee SiR eas AS EIER ER |
Iyimey 3 ‚Law,andthemtharbevnder Grage; {da 1103 7
SERINE Fig Ei] 2 rigen mare
strand area Fre 39790 0 Gal... eMmasrinsd ods alt
QT ON Pt SB 3 d
ad , Sonia 3d RAINE ugh,
— 37T
=. © But is vndertuters'atid gouerners , vnuill the»
peer? «=the appointed of the'färher. s ne
Ben w Eyen fo , we when we were children , werein
bondage "under the rudiments.ofthe Wort
4 Butwhen the fulnes of time was come, God
Wis 3 fent forth his Sonne made of a woman ; sand
+ amadewnder the Lawe, >
5. That he might redeeme them WNW were vii-
der the Lawe, that we might receiue the ado-
ss ption of —
6. "And becaufe ye are fonnes; God hath, fent
ae forth the; Spirit of his Sonne;into your IEAKER,
yc. which eryech, Abba, Father.
7. Wherefore now thou artnora feruaunt, * a
fonne:if thou be a ſonne, thou art alſo an heire
of God through ( Chrift.
ss Dis tert toucherh the very Sic of eines ehiefe
Dhdoctrine; the caufe whp tt is well vnderſtood of fo
Ass few, isinot, for that it is fo obfcure and hard, but
X gm becaule there is almoſt noknowlenge of faith leſt
tga in the World’, without which it can not be that one
— — who euerie where intreaterh
of faith with (uch force of the ſpirit ag he ig able... Imult there:
ſoꝛe ſpeake ſomewhat/ that this tert map be made plaine, and
that Jmay moze conueniently boing light vnto ir in expounding
it Awill ſpeake afew woꝛdes in maner ofa preface. F it there:
fore we mutt vnderſtãd that thactreatife, wherein is intreated of
good workes; doth farre Differ from that whereimis intreated of
— ag there is verie great difference betweene the ſub⸗
face and the wopking , betweene a man bis morke; Now tu:
ftification is of manjand not of woꝛkes:foꝛ man is either iuttified
ano faned 502 fudged and condemned, and not workes. Neither
is it in controuerfie among the godly, that man is tuftified bp
no worke,, but tighseoufnes muft come vnto him from fome
other where, then frombisowne workes . For Woles writech
of Abel after this ſoꝛt: The Lord hadrefpe& vnto Abel , and to
“$94 & tj
God firft re--his oblation. Firtt he had reſpect a ir
gardeth the oblation, ‘becaute that Abel was fir sone i
man,andthé and acceptable unto Gad , and then fog bis fake soba
the worke. ag alowed, and not he becaute of bis oblation ine,
bav no refpect to Cain, and therefore — to a oblatic
where againe thou feb tt, that regard is hav fit tof the worker
of the worke, Df this place itis verie plainipgatheren , that no
worke can be allowed of God, avbereashe whicly morkerh that —
worke, was not firſt acceptahle to him :aud\agatye, that
werke ts dilalowed of him, vnles che authour thereol be Dial
lowed before. Ichinke that theſe thinges wilbe ft ut concer:
ning this matter in thts place, of which it ts ealie to vnderſtan
tijat chere are two foptes Of wozkes $ ſame going befupe iuttificas
ton; and forme following IE, and ina chee lat ‘ave good workes
in deede, but that cholo other Do onelpappeate to-b¢ geod. Dereof -
comuneth fuch difagreemét betweene Gon; and thoſe counterfect
holy ones, for this caule nature and reaſon rife and rage again
the bolp Shoft, this is that whereof almoſt all che whole Scrip⸗
ture intreateth, The ord in his word definech , chat all workes
that qoe.befoxe \tuftification 5 are eucll, and of npertannee,
and requirethithat man himnlelfe before: all chinges be tettifie
Man before Qeaine, be pꝛonounceth allnıen; which are wot pet reg ener
Au 75 HUD haue not chaungedichatnatiire, which theyrecciue ic
nothing thar DareHites , withthe newe creatuveof Chart to he vnrighteous
isgood. and wicked; according: to tharLaping: —— —
lyars, that is, vnable to perfaꝛme theinourie), and ta doe choſe
thinges, which by right they ought.) And Gen 6: The heart
of manis alwayes ready vito euell wherebp vndoutedly it com⸗
mechto paſſe; that he ts able to do nachingthat ts yond which
bath the fountaine ofactions,thacis his heatt,coprupres And ic
God hath re- ‘be Do many workes which in outward new feeme good chey art
gard fir co ¥ no beteer them the oblation of Catan.» I noah
worker — Here againſt commeth forth reafon out’ reuerend maiftres.
roy work’? leeming to her felfemeruclous wile, yet in deede is wnwifeand
quite cötra- blynde and is not afhamen to gainlap her Gov, ¢ to reproue him
rie, affirming of lping, the being furnifhed with her-follieg anv verie ſtrawie
that by his armour, to wit, che lightof nature, free will; che firengtofna
— — cure , alfo with the bookes ofthe heathen and with the dortrines
fied. OF men, She dareth wich her euell founving —
noyce againt God, that the woꝛkes of aman euen not pet iutti·
‘fied, are good workes, and not workes like vnto Cains, (which
God pronounceth ) pea and lo good, that he that worketh chem °
is iuftifien bp them, Foꝛ ſo Ariftotle hath taught, that he that
pketh well is made good. Into this faping the leancth anv
icketh bnmoucablp, and weeſteth the Scripture cleane contra:
tie, contending that God will haue relpect fir to the workes,
thé to the worker. Such berie deueliſh doctrine veareth che ſway
now euerie where in (choles, colleoges # monafterieg , wherein
no other faincts,then Cain was, baue rule and authoꝛitie. Row
of this errour an other immediatly (pringech. Thep which atert
bute fo much to workes, do not according lp efteeme the marker
and found juftification, go fo farre, that thep afcribe all merit and
foueraigne righteoufnes to workeg done before tuftification,ma:
king almoft no account of faith, alleaging that which James
faith „chat without workes itis dead. Ahich (entence of the A
potle when chep litle vnderſtand, chep attribute almoſt nothing
tofaich , thep alwapes ſticke to workes, whereby thep thinke
thep do merit erceedinglp of God, and are perſwaded that for
their workes fake thep thall obtaine the fauour of God, and bp
this meanes do thep continually Dilagree with God, thewing
themfelues to be the right pofferitieof Cain. God hath refpece
panto man, thefe to che workes of man: God alowerh the workeg
for his fake that worketh , chele require that for the morkes fake
the worker map be crowned. Mow God goeth not from bis fen:
tence, agit ig meete and tu, and thefe will feeme nothing leſſe
thétoerreinany relpect. Thep will not haue their good workeg
contemned, reafon to be nothing efteemed, free will ta be coun:
ted bneffectuall, 22 lurelp, if chou Dock here Ariue againſt them,
thep beginne to be angrie with God, and count it a {mall matier
to kill chetr brother Abel.
But here perhaps thou wilt fap: what is needful to be pone ?
by what meanes hall Ti firtt ofall become righteous,and accep-
table to Goo? Mow hall T attaine to this perfect iufification ?
She Golpell aunfwererh , preaching that it is neceflarie that
thou heare Chri , and repofe thp felfe wholp in him, denping
thy (elfe, ¢ diſtruſting all thine owne ſtrength. Bp this meanes
‘thou thalt be chaunged from Cainto Abel, ¢ being thy felfe ac:
| — offer acceptable giftes tothe Lop this faith, ag
— bh |
itis preached vnto thee for no merit of chine owne „lo (sit giuen
onto chee for no deſetuing of thine, but of meere grace, Aid. this
faich tutifiech thee.thou being endued herewith the Lo remit⸗
teth allthp ſynnes, and that bp the contemplation of Chritt bis
fonne, in whom this faith beleenerh and truſteth. Woreouer he
giueth vnto {uch a fatth his (pirit, which doch chroughip chaunge
aman and make him new, fo that now be hath other reafon, and — |
an other will,chen before, nameiy that which ig readp unto good,
ouch a one worketh nothing but qood workes , neither can tt be
but good, which be being good before, hall da, whereof FJ haue
What is ver [poken fomewhat befoze. Ciherefore norhing els is requires
quiredto iu- vnto iuſtificatiõ, then co heare Jeſus Chri our Sautour, andta
fication. beleeue inhim, howbeit neither of thele ig the worke of nature,
but both of onelp grace. Detherefore that goerh about to attaine
bereunro bp workes , fhuttech the wap tothe Golpell , to faith,
grace, Chat! , God, and all thinges chat helpe onto faluation,
Againe, onto good workes there is neeve onelp of tuftification,
which be that bath attained poth worke onelp good workeg, and
befive {uch a one none.Dereofit ſufficiẽtly appeareth that che bes
ginning, the thinges following, and the order of mang faluation
are after this fort, Firſt of all is required, that thou beare che
word of God , next that chou beleeue, chen that thou do worke,&
fo at the laft become faued and happie, De which chaungerh this
order,wichout Doute ts not ef God, Paul alfo vefcribech this ops
der Rom. 10,faping: VVhofoeuer shall call vpon the Name of
the Lord,shalbe faued.Bur how shal they callon him,in whom |
they haue not beleeued ? and how shallthey beleeue in him sof
whom they haue not heard ?and how shall they heare vvithnieg
preacher?and how shal they preach, except they be fent? Theres
fore Chritt teacheth vs to prap the Loꝛd of the haruett , chat be
would fend forth labourers into bis harueſt, that is,{pncere peas
chers.dCihé we beare thele preach the true word of God, we map
beleene, which fateh tutifiech a man, and maketh him godly in
deede, that he now caileth bpon God in che ſpirit of the fonnes,
and workerh nothing but that which ts good, and thus becömeth
aman ſaued. MAhich ts no other thing, then tf I fap: De that bee
teeueth (halbe faued. Againe , be that workerh without faich is
condemned, as Chuck fatth : De chat doth not beleeue (halbe cone |
demned, from which no — (hall deliuer him,
a “
Mr Confer new herewith thole things which are wont common:
‘Ip tobe {poken of honeſtie and righteouſnes. Are thep not wont
thus to fap ? J will endenour , that Jmay pee become honeſt. It
ig meete furelp that we udp to lead an honeſt life and to do goon
woꝛhes. Mell, admit this co be ſo. But if one che afke them bow
we map applie out felues vnto honeftie,and bp what meanes we
map attaine vnto it: chey aunſwere, that we mutt faft, praie, fre:
| quent cemples , auoide fpnnes #6: Hereupon one becommeth a Hypocriticall
Charterhouſe Bonke , an other chofech fome other opver of & ‚counterfet
| monkes:an other is confecrated a Wrielksfome tormet their Alem bolines.
by wearing beare cloth:otber (courge their bodies with whipps,
| other afflict themfelues after other lorts. But thefe are euen of
Cains broove, ¢ their workes are no whit better then p workes
| of Cain, Forche man bimlelfe continuech the fame that he was
| before, ungodlp,and wirhout all tuttification ; there ts a certaine
| ehaunge made onip of outward woꝛkes of apparell,of places ec. _
| either are chele anpother thé very apes of ſaincts, for thep do
| prepotteroufly imitate che maners # warkes of fainees, when ag
| theptbem@lucs are nothing leſſe che ſaincts. They ſcarce thinke
of faith they prefume onely of [uch workes ag feeme good vnto
| éhefeluesith inking by thé to come vnto heauen. Df whom Chꝛiſt
Bid Enteri inatthe ſtraight gate:foꝛ J fap vnto pou,manpfeeke
| toenter in atit, ¢ cannot, (iby ts this? becauſe they knownot
| what this narrow gate is. For itis faith, which doth altogicher
annihilate o2 make asnan nothing in his owne eyes, erequireth
phe put no truſt in any of bis owne works but that he leane only
top grace of God, rhe prepared fo) it to leave ſuffer all ehings.
| Burthofe hoip ones of Cains bꝛoode thinke their goodmmkes ta
| bethenatrow wate , tare not cherefopeertenuaced; oꝛ made Iefle;
| whereby. thep might enter 2 thep vo not leaue confidence in their
| orkes, but gathering themtogitbher in great coulcs:, they hang
| em about them, and ſo go about toenter in being burdencd, and
| agit were, ſwollen bigge which is as poſſible for them, as fox a
camellwich bis bounchesbarke to go through p epe of a needle,
\ CAbE thouthalebegin-to preach vntothele of faith;thep laugb
and hiffe at thee : Dock thou count vs, fay they; for Curkesiand
Heathen, whom it behoueth now firt colearne faith? Js there
| {uch a.companie of Pꝛieſts/ Monkes and JQunnes,t is not faith
| Bruns Aho knoweth not what he oughe arial
| ittj
Biss, BEE Sk
nileſt ſynners know chat, And being after this fort animated and
ſtiirred vpzthey thinke that they be aboũdantly endued with kaith,
A true faith.
and that the reit is now to be ſiniſhed € made perfect by woꝛkes.
CU hereupon thep make too fmall ¢ felender account of faith, as
Jhaue ſaid, becaufe chep are iqnozant both what faith is, ¢ that
tt alone doth iuftifie, They call it faich, when thep beleeue thoſe
things which chep haue heard of Chrik, which kynde of faith the
Deuelsalfo haue, yet are noching therefore tuftified: butthia —
delerucch to be called rather an opinion of men then fapth. Forag
we do oftenttines admonifh, tt is noc fufficient „chat thou maick
worthelp be called a Chꝛiſtian,to beteeuethole things to be true, |
which are preachen of Chak which kinde of faith they of Caing
bꝛoode alſo haue Ong
one by faith ig certaine of bis faluation, but conttantly to ſtand
F and perfeter, as itis the ift-ofthe Loꝛd, and not inte owne
Mrengeh,foougbe wealwapesrohaueacareänd feare thereof. -
Whẽ thep of Cains bꝛoode heare faith co be entreated of after’
this fort „thepean notfuffictentlp maruell at our madtes , agit
feemes vnto chem. God turne this awap from me, ſay they, that J
fhould affitme mp felfe holy and godly, farre be this arrogancie
andrathnes from me. J animany wapes a miferable inner; J
fhould be mad, if J Hould arrogate holines vnto inp (elfe | And >’
‘thus they mocke at truc faith,and coutit (uch doctrine as thig fox °
execrable errour, and goe about with might and mayne to extinn.
guith the Golpell. Theke arc tbey that deny the taith of Chrit « 320
perfeciite tt in the whole woꝛld of whom Paule ſpeaketh 1. Tim. Gig
In the latedrtimesmany shall depart fromthe faith; &c. For ong
we (ee it bꝛought to paſſe bp che meanesofthele’, chat true faith
Ipeth euery where oppreffed,ts not onelp nor preached, but alfo
commronty difallowed and condemned, with all hem that either
teach or profes te. Che ope, Biſhops, Colleges, Wonatteries,
ane Ciniuérlities haue now aboue fine hundꝛed —* perſetu·
ted it with due mind and ronſent, pea and that marueloius Hitfely’
and obſtinately, and ane done No other thing bio the world biſt
euery where as much as they were able driuen many bnto heli
Thich truely Both hath bene! and is that Tad and moſt hurtfülll
perlecution of Antichrilt: The Lordat the laſt bꝛing inteanenvi! ="
‘OM Panp obiect agatutt the admiration oꝛ rather mad Tenflefnes’
_ OF thefemieny that we doe noching but that that is meeteS ifthe |... 0:
count one ſelues chen liolpy trating to ehe goodnes of Be 0 ©
fping vs ſeeing that Dauid pzayed chtig # Preferuc thou me, O P/a186.x
Evtd,for lath Holy. Aud Tor that Paule ſayth · The Spirit of God Rem 8G! ©
béareth witnes vvith dir Spirit that we are the childrest of God; -
They aunſwer that che ppepherand Apoſtle would ot teach vg
incheſe wordes oꝛ giue vs an example; which we ſhould follow,
but chat they being pecutiarlp and ſpeciall enlightened, receiuei
ſuch reuelatiõ of them ſelues chat they were holy. And after this
(HIE hep milinterp icc and Ww cE whatſdeuer place of che Scrip·
tures affirmeth that we are Yolp, faping shat ſuch docttines are:
‚nöt waꝛitten loꝛ vs bite that thepare rather peculiar mixadley and’
prerogatiues ag they eall Henk > whieh Doe not belonge thal’
hich for hen imagination we abedunt Bias hatuing come keom
tbeirfick bzaine, who when ag thep be chem {clues void of faith,
and fauournothing of che ſpixit/ thinke and contend:, that chere
be none which haue founde faith, and.the fpirit, whereby furelp
thep-beleeue chem ſelues to be thognes. and thiſtles, not Chritté:
ang. butrather enemies and deſtroyers of Chrifkiang, ‚and perles
cutours ofthe Chꝛiſtian faith.
oj) Againe they are of this beleefe,that they ſhall be righteous &
holy by their. owneworkes, ‚and that becaule of them Gov will
The Papittes Give vnto chem fatuation and eternal bleſſednes. But here (ee che
attribute madnes of mens in their opinion and iudgement itis a Chꝛiſtian
phate to thinge, to thinke that we fhall be righteous and ſaued becaule.of
ata „ Surworkes , andto beleeue chat thele chinges are given bp the
to Godhis . Stace of Öod;thep condemne as bereticall. Chep attribute that
grace. to. theit owne workes, which thep attribute not tothe! grace of
Gad: chep,aflirme thatthey doc ſaue vs, and not chis: ther tra
to works, thep can not tru to Gods grace: which blindnes wor⸗
help-commeth unto.chem , inaſmuch as they will not build vpon
the rocke, let them build vpon the ſand, ¢ ſo be dꝛowned by theit
alone meanes,chat by their olune wozkes and ſatisfactions they
may torment cham ſelues euen bnta-neach,ogratiiping; Satan
herein, louthat chey will not reſt vpon the grace of Gen, ſexue
They thar the Lord with a gentle and ſweete ſeruice. Foꝛ theythat are ens
arcendued dued With true laich, and doe reſt vpon the grace of· the opnyitis
wichatrue meruelous, how they are in God bp his goodnes, of moſt quiet
— mindes, and greatly reioycing with holy tops, whereupon they
inGodand Boe alfa wich;pleafure appiy them ſelues to good woy aes, not co
dutifullro- {uch as theſe of Cains bꝛoode doe as to fayned pꝛayers, fattings
ward their· bale ¢ filthy apparell, ¢ ſuch like trifles,but to true + right good
neighbours workes,whereby their neighbour is paoſited, and from whence
no ſmall commoditie redoundeth vnto men. Wozeouer,thep are’
oſt ready mindes to ſuffer whatſoeuer thinges, inaſmuch as
thepare certaine that God doth faugur.them, and bacha care of
them, Thele are right, honeſt and profitable men, of wuhom bath
Gop is glopified, a men much pꝛofited. CAhen as thoſe af Gang,
bꝛoode ſerue to no ble, either befoꝛe God. oꝛ before men, nosthep
bog nor fo much ag pzofit them ſelues, but are onely anunppaßte-,
bie lumpe of earth, yea not onely vnproſitable, but exceeding per⸗
nitious and hurtfull alſo both to chem felues,and.to others, Sop,
maſmuch as they are deſtitute of true faith, they can nos giue un:
10 Gon hig due glory, noz doe thofe good workes which map tru» Where true
Ap pnofit their neighbour. For thoſe wopkes thatthepapply them — pore
ofelnes vnto, are their owne innentions,contting in gefturessap: neuherCod
i ‚parell.places,timesimeates and (uch like trifles, wherebp cheir con be duly
neighbour can be bolpen neither in boop, no minde, no? in anp glorifed,nor
chinge els. For what can it profit me that thp crowne és (hauen TU< good
perp broad : that thou wearett a grap coule: what profit bringerh “O47
it that thou faſteſt to Dap, and keepett hoipvaptomorrom: that |
thou abfainet from this meate,and care that s that thou remai⸗
nett inthis place : hat chou readeſt and mumblef up datly fo mas
ny wordes Surely thou dooſt nothing els by chef, but torment
thp ſelle to pleaſe Satan, and to be a pernictons and burtfull er:
ample to chp neighbours : for there ts no Chꝛiſtianitie in thy life
being ſuch. Thou beleeueft not as it behoueth a Chꝛiſtian to be:
‚leeue,andtherefoze neither dooſt thou pꝛay Chaikianip: Thy fas
fting alfo ig not true chaftifing of thy body, but rafhlptaken bpon
‘thee tn fteeve of a good wozke: Ina lumme,this thp feruice and
ſtudy of religion isno other thing, then in time pat amonge the
Tewes mas che religtonof Woloch and Baal, inthe honour of
whom they did kill and burne euen their owne chilezen. So pers
nitious and peffilent an erample ts this chp bolines , which {ees
“meth fo goodly onto thee, which when it meruclouflp counter fate
tech a thew of godlines , it dꝛaweth miferable men to the follows
ing thereof,and vtterly extinguiſheth true religion,
ere perhaps fome godly man will thinke : TE the matter be
fo,and our workes voe notſaue bs , but onelp to heare Chri and
- beleue in him, whois giuen onto bs ofthe Father to be our righ:
teoulnes and faluation , ts what ende then are fomanp precepts
giuen bnto bs,and why doth God fo feuerelp require that thep be
obeyed? The prefent tert of the Apottle hall giue vnto vs the ſo⸗
lution ofthis queſtion, and vpon this fit occafton we witl now en:
ter into the erpofition thereof, Che Galathfans being caught of
Paule the faich of Chꝛiſt, but afterwards {eouced by falle Apa:
files,thought that the matter of our faluation mutt be finthen ®
made perfect bp the workes of thelaw, and chat onelp faith doth
not {uffise. Theſe Paule callech backe againe from woꝛkes bnto
faith with greatdiligence,and words meruelous effectual, plain
Ip prouing that the workes of the law which goe befoze ſaith, doe
"make vs onelp feruaunts, and be of no impoptance to godlines x
ſaluation: but that faith doch make vs the fonnes of Gov, ¢ that
from thence true good workes doe without conftraint forchwich —
mot plencifullp lowe, But bere we mug accuftom our ſelues to
Whom Paul the wopdes of the Apoftle : the calleth him aferuaune that is oc·
callechafer- cupied in wozkes without faith, wyereof we haue already increas —
uaunt, and. ted at large: he calleth him a fonne , whichis righteous and li:
ries ch uth by faith alone, without workes. The realon hereot is this:
text which is Cts feruaunt, although be apply him felfe ta good workeg,pet
hereintrea- be doth it not with that minde, with which afonne doch , thatis
ted of. with a minde that is free, willing,¢ certaine that the inheritance
and all the good thinges of che Father are bis: but doth te as he
that is hyped with a Kipend in an other mans boule , who hopeth
not that che inberitance (hal come vnto him, Che works in deede
of the fonne and the feruaunt are like, ¢ almoft all one accopding
ga the outward appearance, but their mindes do differ exceeding
much , and their hope is nothing like, cuenas Chꝛilt him felfe
fayth: The feruaunt abideth not inthe houfe foreuer: but the
fonne abideth foreucr.Joh.8. Chele of Cains bꝛoode want the
faith of fonnes, which chep them lelues confefle,fo2 they thinke it
a moſt abfurd thing,¢ wicked arrogancte,to affirme them felueg
to be the ſonnes of God and holy, therefore ag thep beleeue , euen
fo are thep counted befoꝛe God, thep neuer become the fonnes of
God, oꝛ holp, neuerthelesthep are exerciſed with che workeg of
the law,and are well wearted, wherefore thep are and rematne
feruaunts for euer. And they recetuens ether reward, but theſe
tempozall things,namely,quietnegoftife aboundance of goods,
Dignitie and honours, xc. Thich welee tobe vſuall among the
followers of Popiſh religion, chen whomehere is none at this
day that liueth moze pleafauntlp,moze welthily, moꝛe gloriouflp
and honorably, But this is their reward, thep are feruaunts ana
notfennes, wherefore in death thep Hall be chruf from all good
thinges , neither ſhall anp poꝛtion of ecernall inheritance come
punto them, whoin this prefentlife would beleeue nothing there:
of. Sotherefore it is that leruaunts and fonnes are not much on:
like in workes, but in minde and fateh chep are moſt unlike,
Row the Apoftle endeuoureth here to proue, (which indeede
is the verp matter) that the law with all the workes thereof doth
make bs no other then feruaunts,if this faith in Chait, whereof
we haue ſpokẽ, be away. Foꝛ that alone doth make bs the war‘
; 0
—=——“‘( tS
of God. Neither the law nop nature can giue it, onelp che Golpel
boingech it,when it is beard with anbolp filenceof minde. Tris
Fc nies ence, tubieh the holy Ghoſt doth forchwith followe,
as icis ſhewed in very manp places;and fpeciallp Act. ro: where
we read, that the holy Gholt did by and bp fall on Coꝛnelius and
bis familie bearing the preaching of Peter Moꝛeouer the lawe The lawe
was given for this, chat we might learne by it, bowe boyd we are why it was
ot grate and howe farre from being of che minde of fonnes, pea 84°"
| that weare plainly of a fermleminde. Foꝛ we being left te ouv
felues,can inno wile be free from the lawe,ncither if we doe anp
good thing,doe we it willingly koralmuch as that kaith offonnes
is Wanting, whermith be that ig enducd,knowerh alluredly, that
theieternalkinberttance thall come vnto him, and is of bis owne
accord inslinedand bent, with a willing and readp{pirit to doe
thoſe thinges that are good. Nowe theſe men doe willingly con:
felſe chat they are void of this faith and ifthep would confeſſe che
truth in deede; they ſhoulde alfo plainly confeſſe, chat chep had
farre rather be without all awe , and chat thep are again thers
wills fubiectthercunto, Cütherefore all hinges are among them
conſtrained, and void of faith,and thep are tn very Decde compel:
led to conſeſſe that bythe lawe they can not attaine anp further,
CUbich one ching they aught to te wne bp the law,and know,that
thep are ſeruaunts, and haue nothing belonging to fonnes, wher:
bp thep might be enflamed wich vefire to come from feruitude to
the ftate and condition of fonness.and might make no account of
their ome thinges;as tn deede thep ought to doe that God of his
grace might aduaunce them vnto another ate by faich . JQome
this were a found vnderſtanding of the taw, and thetrue vſe thers
of, whereofthis ts the office , to repꝛoue and conuince men here: The office
ofthat thep are feruatints and not fonnes, as manp as follow the of the lawe.
law withourfaith, and that they doe erercife themſelues therein
plainly again their wills; and with no confivence of grace. Fr
it caufeth and maketh fuch to be offended at ft 5 andilearne bp te,
how unprepared and vnwilling thep are to that whichis goon,
inafmuch as thep ate void of faitir, wherebp it mouech them to
feeke helpe fome other where , anv notte pꝛeſume of their owne
ſtrength to ſatisſie it. For it requireth aready wilkauDhartes of
fonnes, which alowe can fatisfiotes tt vtterly m. ſeruaunts.
and them that be vnwilligg.
Ry ;
No man is
iuftihed by
the lawe.
by thefe their vnwilling and conſtrained 'workes. Chep wil
righteous, ſeeing that he wanceth chis faith and beleefe 5) that be
But thefeof Cains bꝛoode doe noe onely of their owne area
confefle, that thep want this faith, which maketh the fonneso
God, but alla they perſecute ic: chep feele and know alfo fi
bow unwillingly they beare che lawe, ‘and bad rather co betes
from it.neuercheles thep thinke chat thep thal become righteous
tinue (eruauntg,& will not be chaunged into fonnes, and per ehe
would eniop the gaods ofa ſtraunge father. They do all hinges
cleane out of oꝛder: wheras by the law thep ought to learne,that
thep are ſeruaunts, and vnwilling to doe chat which is good an
therefoze ould bp faith alpire to the face. of fonnes
by their owne works onelp. And therebp tbep poe alt rich: er |
per che ende of thelaw,and rive againg fatth and avace; vhere⸗
unto if chep were not blind the law would direct and dꝛiue chen
And fo they continue älwapes; a blinde, blockithy and miferabie
people. Thele chinges Paule teacheth Rom.3. and 7, and de
freely pronounce that no man is iufkified before Goobpp u
of che lawe, adding noother caufe hereof, then — 55
knowledge ofſinne only commeth bp che law, Ilthou wilekiow
howe this commeth to pafle , conſider well fome one of Ca
brood, and chou (halt byandbp fee it verifien, Firſt he worker) bis.
workegaccording to the Tawe, with great griefe and la
pet be therewith confeltech, that heis uncertaine whether he
the ſonne of God, and holp. Dea he condemneth and curfeth
faith, as the moft pernitious arrogancie and errour of all others
and will continue in bis doucing vntil be be mate certaine bp hi
workes Here thou {eek plaintp chat (ach amaw ts not gor
ig counted acceptable before God, and his ſonne, pea he is
nemie of this faith ‚ and therefore of righteouſnes alſo:
fore neither can his workes be counted good, although thep
tend a faire thew of fulfilling the lawe. And thusisicealie:
derſtand that which Paule fapth: that no man is iuſtiſied befo
Gor by the workeg of the lawe. Foꝛ che worker mutt be tutities
before God, before he woꝛketh anp goodthing, although beter
men, which efteeme aman bp outward thinges, and not bp
mindsthep are counted righteous which applpthem feluesta:
boing of good wozkeg, For men iudge the worker bpt
| *
God iudgeth che woꝛkes by the worker. Nowe the lirſt precepe
xequireth,that we acknowledge ¢ worihipone Gon, that ig, that
Ame truf and reſt in hun alone, which ta deede is the true faith,
Wwobhereby we become the fonnes of God. But how eafie ts it bp
this precept to know, chat une ts borh in bimof Cains baood, t
inchp ſelle, inaſmuch as both of pou wane ſuch a faith, euen by
pour one nature! which thou couldeſt not know but bp meanes
ofthistam, And thisisthat whith aul meaneth when be ſaych:
„That by the lauscommeth the knowledge of (inne. JQow thou Row. 3.20.
cant be deliuered from this euill of infivelitie, neither bp thyne
owne power , nop by the power of the lawe , wherefore all chp
workes whereby thou goeſt about to fatisfie the lawe, can be no:
hing but morkes’of the lawesoffarre leffeimpoprance, then that
‘they are.able to iuſtiſie thee before God: mbho counterh them on:
Ap righteous, which trulp betecue in him, for thep onelp acknow-
ledge him the true God,are bis fonnes, and doe truelp fulfill the
Maw. But ifchou ſhouldeſt euen kill thp felfe with workes, yet is
it ſo farre of, that thy bart can obtaine this faich thereby, that thp
woꝛkes are euen a hinderance that thou cannot knowe it, pea
they area cauſe thatthoudoot perfecuteit. ccs. 9
Herceupon itis, that he that ſtudieth to fulfill the law without
faith, ts affltcten for the deuils fake, and not for Gods fake sand
‚continuerh a perfecutour both of faith and of the lawe; vntill he
come to bint felfe,and doth plainly ceafle co truſt in him felfe and
vin bis omne workes;voch giue this glorp vnto Gen, mıho iuſt iſi⸗
eth the vngodly, atknowledgeth him felfe to be nothing, and ſigh ⸗
eth foꝛ Goo his grace, whereofhe doth now know, being taught
bp thelaw,that be bath ueede. Chen faith and grace come,and ſil
him being emptie, fatisfie him being hungry, bp and bp follow
mood wozkes,which are truely good: Neither arethey now the
woꝛkes of the lata, but of che ſpixit, of faith and. grace, and thep
mre called in the Scripturesithe workes of God , which be wor⸗
keth in vs Foꝛwhatſoeuer wedo of omrowne power a ſtrength, All chat we
and is not wrought in vs by his arace,mithout poutitis a worke ; > Er
Iofche lawjanv auatleth nothing to tuffification , butis betheuill vere ae
and hated of God,becaufe of the infivelitie wherein it is done. A⸗ by the prace
gaine, whatfocuer be of Cains boop workerh, he Dott) nothing of God,is
fest — hart nothing freetp and wich a wilting mind. except he evill
‚heagiewerchpred with fonie reward, ‘op be commanuded to doe
fome fuch thinge , whereunto be ought orberwile to be ready of
him felfe : Euen ag’ an eutll and vnthziktie feruaunclutfereth him
felfe co be brought tons woke, vnles he be hyrꝛed with ateward,
oꝛ commaunded , whercunto be oughe ocherwile to be willing of
him elf. Nowe how unpleafaunt ts tt to a man to haue (uch fers
aunts? Gut chepof Cains brood be plainly ſuch, they would do
tia good woke at all, if they were not either compelled bpp feare
of bell,o2 allured bp the hope of pꝛeſent gosdthingesi@äiherebp
againe thou feek,thatthele haue nomindto p taw,thep gape on:
lp for gaine,or are moued with fearezwherebpthep bewyay them
felues that they doe rather hate the law from their bart; and hav
lever that there were no law at all: CAherefore it ig plainly mas
nifett,that they are not good,andconlequentlptharneicher their
‘wopkes be good: for bow Hould eiull men woke good worked?
Moreouet thofe heir woꝛkes, which in apparance.¢ thew feeme
to be good, are either wꝛeſted from them by feare), 02 ave bought
‘with promifes, An eutll bare can doe nothing that f fs good, But
this naughtines of the bart ¢ bnwillingnes to doe good,the lawe
-bempapeth when itteachech, chat God doth not greatly eteeme,
whatche hand doth, but what the hart doth: which, teeing it ha ·
tech the law chat is good, who wil deny it to be molt cattl? Sure⸗
Ip it is afinne to be againſt che lawe, which is verp oon, Chus
- therefore finned ts knowne bp thelawe jaccopding as ypaule teas
What the beth, forafinuch as we learne therebp, bowe our affection isnot
knowledge {et on that whichis good, which ought to terriſie vs, anv dꝛiue ds
offinne to ceaffe co truttin our (elues,and tolong afterche grareaf Gov,
< mind map become fu ch, asi igofit felfe reav⸗ to good things, and
workein vs. loueth the lawe, which voluntarilp, nocfor anp fearciof pimich⸗
ment, oxreſpect of reward, bunbecaufe tevoth of it omneatcow
dike well of the law, and loue righteouſnes workech thoſe thinge
which are truelp good: By this meanes omelpione is made ofa
ſeruaunt a ſonne, of a ſſaue an heire. T TAhich mind and ſpirit thou
alt receiue by no other meanes, then by faich in Chꝛiſt as it is
‚ before fpoken at —* * —* come to — * tert ot
Paule. 3060 One
Yerfei. “The heirc.as long, as hei isa ie ane
thing froma feruant,though hebe Lordofall.
@ De
, De propoundeth a ſimilitude taken of the cuftom ofmen. For
toe fee that the childꝛen, onto whom their parents haue left {ome
ance,be brought bp no otherwiſe therif they were ſeruants.
Thep are fende andclothed wich their qoovs ; butthep arenot
permitted to doe with chem, nor to vſe them accopding to their
owne minde, but are ruled with feare ¢ Difctpline of manerg,that
fo euenin their owne inheritance thep liue no otherwile chen ag
feruaunts. After the fame {opt is it alfo in (pirttuall things. Goo The fimili-
made vnto the elect acouenant, when he promifed that it Houlde van of Paul
come to pafle thatin the feeve of Abraham, thatis in Cheiſt, alt PPS
nations fhoulve be biefled, Gen,22, Chat couenant was after:
ward confirmed bp the death of Chiff, and revealed and publi:
he abzoad by the preaching of the Gofpelt. Foꝛ the Golpell ig N“ hes
no other thinge, then an open and generall preaching of this °P"
grace, that in Chritt bleſſing and grace ts layde bp for all men,
which fo many onelp thallreceiue ag hallbelceue, Nowe before
thatthis couenant ts trulp opened and made manifeft to men, the
fonnes of God liue after the maner of feruaunts under the lawe,
and are erercifed with the workes of the law, although thep can
not be tuftified bp them, tnafmuch as thep are ſeruile, and doe no:
thinge auaile to iuftificationas itis fapde befoꝛe: Notwithſtan⸗
Ding , becaufe they are euen then predeftinate to life, when thep
are after the maner of feruaunts helde under the lawe, thep are
true heires of heauenly good thinges,that ts, of this blefling and
grace of this coucnant: albeit thep as pet doe not know, 02 enioy
it,but are wearied with workes no otherwiſe then other that are
bopoe of fapth, So at this dape thou mayeſt finde nota fetve 5:
which nowe hauing faith , as thep are the fonnes of Gov, fo doe
thep alfo eniope the grace of God inthe libertie of the fonnes,
when ag alitle before being downed in workes, thep knewe no:
thinge at all of faith „being in all thinges like vnto other hypo⸗
trites. JReuertheles , becaufe they were before the foundation
of the woꝛlde appopnted of God vnto this fapth and ftate of
fonnes., thep were euen: then the fonnes of Gov before, wher
‘thep were as petaltogither ignoꝛant of faith. Chere are lome
alfo which being as pet as tt were dꝛowned inworkes, are like
to feruaunts and thofe of Caing bꝛood, who notwithffanding be⸗
‘fore God are formes snd heires ‚which ſhall be brought onto che
faith of fonnes, leauing che fare of (eruaunts > fhall em:
am, j
Ba |
brace thelibertie and right of fornes, (hall ceafle fromthe works
ofthelaw,and come unto the inherirance of tuft fication, that be:
ingiuskßen bp gracesthep may worke freelp thofe things that be
geod;to the gloyp of God, and commoditie of their neighbours,
being farre from all feare,oz hope,as well of iuſtiſication, ag of
alliocher goodtbhings. Forthep hall then haue and poffeflei it by
the couenant of the Father confirmed by Chꝛiſt, x reuealed, pub⸗
liſhed, and as it were deliuered into thew handes by the Goſpell,
The faithful
before Chri-
ftes cöming
had the fame
which we
"> through the onelpigrace and mercy of the Father,
This couenant doth Abraham and all the fachers,which were
endued with true faith, bad no ocherwife then we bane , although
before Chrik was glorified, this grace was not openlp publiſhed
and preached, Thep liued in like faith, and therefore they obtay⸗
ned alſo like good things. They bad the fame grace, bleſſing and
couenant withhg,for there is one Father, and the ſame God of.
all, Zhou ſeeſt cthereſoꝛe that paul, ag almott i in all ober places,
fo here allo Doch entreat much of faith,that we are not iuſtified by
out works, but bp fatth alone, whereby not certaine good things
by peecemeale, but all good thinges atonce doe come vnto vs.
Foꝛ there is no good thing whith this couenant of God doth not
contapne init, tt giueth and brꝛingeth righteouſnes, faluation,
and Good hinrfelfe.Torkes caw not be done at once, but bp faith
the whole inheritance of God is togither recetued. From hence
alfo good workes doe come,bowbeit not meritorious , wherebp
thou mapft feeke faluation, but which with a minde alreadp pol: —
felling righteouſnes, thou mutt doe with great pleafure to the
profit ofchy neighbours. Forthou halt nowehauencede of nos
thing, being endued with fateh, which bꝛingeth all thinges , pea
furelp moe thingesthen one dare wih , much lefle can deferues
wherefore it isno meruell if (uch worke all thinges freelp , and.
fo vo unto their neighbour,as thep both beleeue and reiopce, that
Gon of his goodnes # bpp merit of Chri bath pone ontochem.
hat rewarde (houlde thep hope for , which alreadp baue all
things ? che ſhadow whereof thofe mott miferable ones of Caine
brood feeke bp their workes,but thep thal neuer find it, thep fob
low tt, but thep ſhall neuer come vnto it.
Ferfe.2. But is vnder Tuters and Gouenmers;' vntill the
ume — of thefather. |
Tuers |
. Tuters and Gouerners are they which doe bringe bppe che
heire, and ſo rule him, and aber bis goods, thacneither he walk
Dis inheritance bp tiotous liuing, nepther bis goods otherwiſe
periſh o7 be confumed,, Chep permit him not to vle his goons
at his owne will 02 pleafure, but fuffer him to eniope chem as
thep hall be needetull and profitable vnto him. Sirk, wbere-
as thep keepe bim at home , and informe him with good manerg,
what doe they elfe but prepare and inſtruct him, wherebp be
_ map mofte commodioufly andlonge enioye bis inheritance ? A⸗
| grapne , the moze ſtraitely and feuerelp thep bringe him vppe, fo
muche greater deire thep irre vppe and enflame in him to come
| to, and eniope bis inheritance. Foꝛ as ſoone as he beginueth
' to beof anp difcretton and tudgement., it can not be but grie:
| pousbnto him, to liue at che commaundementand will of an o⸗
ther. Alter the ſame ſoꝛte ſtandeth the cafe of che elect, which The clea
are bꝛought vppe and.inftructed under che lawe, as under a Mai: sae 2
fter , to thelibertieof rhefonnes. Firſt che lawe profiterh chem pei as.
inthis , that bp the feate of it, and of the punilyment which tt vader a Tue
theeatneth, they are dꝛiuen from finne, at the leatt from the ter or Go-
outwarde worke ; leaſt chac the libertie of finning encreale a verner,.
uermuche, and remoue them from all religion of God, that
hope of faluation being pate, and God quite contemned, thep
fhoulderunne beadlonge without all feare into all kinves of e⸗
uill, as {ome defperate perfons are wonttodoe. Agapne , the
lawe ig profitable to chem inthis, thatbp itthep are brought
vnto knowledge of them felues, and learne howe vnwillingly
they Itue onder che lawe , and that thep doe no goon at all with a
willing and readie mpnde agit becommeth fonnes, but with a
feruile and bnwilling minde ; wherebp thep mape eafilp fee,
what is the roote of this cull, and what ts efpeciallp nceoefull
vnto faluation, to wit a newe anda willing ſpirit to chat which
ig good. AMhich Turelp nepther the lawe , nor the woꝛkes of
the lame are ableto giue , pea the lenger and che more that thep
appipe them feiues vnto them, fo much moze bnwilling hall
thep finde themfelues, and with ſo muche moze griefe to worke
thofe thinges thatare good. Wereupon nowe they iearne, that
thep doc not latisfie the lawe, although outwardly they liue ace
copding ta the paelcript rule thereof: foꝛ as thep doe pretend co
obepe Ic in morke, fo inminde thep doc hate & wberefore in
minde allo J remayne {inners , ‘although thep pretende them
feluesrighteougbp workes , thatis, thepare like vnto chofe of
Cains bꝛoode, andtobppocrites , ‘whole hande in Deede is com:
pelled to good 5 butthep haue a bart’, which as tt ig anenemie to
. the lawe, fo doch it verelp confent onto finnes , and ts miferablp
fubiect vnto them, Co knowe this —— them ſelues is not
dire lomet neater te telnet ae
' Dereofiallo we map fee , howe fitlp Paule calleth ſuch con⸗
The workes fkrapned. workes the workes of chelawe.- Forthep flowe not
ofthelawe. from a readp and willing hart , but ate enforced bp the lawe, the
harte declpning an other wape, Howebeit the lawe dothe not
require workeg alone 5 bat muche rather the barte it felfe, fo
that we might ſaye, notonely the wonkes , but rather the hatte
of the lawe: not onelp the handes of the lawe, but rather the
mynde, will; and all che frengeh of the lawe. Tthereupon it
is layde in the firtt yolaline of ehe bleſſed man : But his delightis
inthe lawe of God, and inhislawe doth he exercife him felfe
daye and night. Suche a mynde the tawe requirech in peeve,
but it giueth tt not, nepther can it giue tt of it owne nature,
‘ wherchp tt commeth to paſſe chat whple the lawe continueth to
eractitof aman, andto condemnebim ag longe as be hath not
fuche a minde, as diſobedient to God, he isin anguiſh on eue⸗
rp fide, bis confcience is qrieuouflp errified and wichout atl
countell and belpe. Chenin deede he is moſte readpe for grace,
Thetime and this is that tyme appoynted of the Father , when his ſerui⸗
appoynted ype fhould ende; and he ſhould enter into the ftate of the fonnes,
of tic Far op being thus in diltrelle and terrified , feeing that bp no other
meanes he can audpde the condemnation of the lawe, be tur:
neth bintlelfe wholly to prape tothe Father for grace, be acs
knowlengeth bis frapltié, be confeſſeth his finne , be ceafterh.
to truſt in workes, and doth altogither , as it is meete, bumble
bim:felfe, perceiuing nowe full well, that betweene him and
a manifelf finer there ts no Difference at all but of workes,
that he hath a wicked harte, euen as euerpother finner bath.
Deait map be that ſuch hypocrites doe farre moze hate the lawe
in their harte, then thoſe famous ſinners, which are euenag
it were Drowned in finnes $02 whple thete are euen weary⸗
ed with the wozkes of ſinnes, and doe trye the filthines of
ehem, it oſten tymes commeth topalte, that ebep doe infome
fi partloath and detett chem, then as thofe righteous ones doe al
waies thinke thofe chinges that hep haue not tried, to be more
fweete,neither can they beleeuep there is fo much wall in finneg,
whereof thep are bp nature inflamed with fuch a defire ; & there:
foreag thep Doe moze carneftlp loue finne , fo confequentlp chep
Doe much woꝛſe bare the law, which ag a certaine (cholematter,
is alwapes againft cheir deſire.
Moꝛeouer forafmuch ag che condition of mans nature is (uch,
that it igable to giueco the lawe workes onely, and not the
hart, who doth not fee howe greatly it is contemmed of ug ? An Hypocritical
bnequall diuifion truclp , ta devicate the bart, which doth incom: dealing.
parablp ercell all other chinges, tofinne, andthe bꝛutiſh hanve
to the lawe: which ts nothing els,but to offer chaffe to the lawe,
and the wheat to finne: the ſhell to God, and the kernell to Sa:
tan, So that commech to pafle which is inthe Golpell, that the
wickednelles of him, which is in thy iudgemẽt a defperat inner,
are counted as a more, and thine , which ſo plapel the bppocrite
are counted as a beame. Ff this eutll be added hereunto,that luch
bppocrites doe not fee abeame in their epe,but being blinded Doe
perleuer in their accuffomed woꝛkes, not marking this their in-
ward abhomination of the bart, thep byandbp burt forth to iudge
€ condenine others,thep deſpiſe finnerg,ag he did in the Gofpell,
thep thinke them felueg not like onto chem, thep are not ag other
men are, thep thinke them (clues alone godly and righteous.
Chole vngodlines ifone reproue,¢ ag it ig meete,bemrap, thep
byandby are in arage and furie,and fticke not to kill innocent A⸗
bel,and to perfecute allchofe that follow the truth. And thep will
- feeme to doe that tonefend good wozks,and to obtaine righteoufs
nes , neither doe chep promife to them felueg a finall reward for
this,inafmuch ag thep doe, as they fap, perfecute heretikes ‚bla:
{pbemers, them which befenuced ¢ doe ſeduce with mifchicuous
errour , which labour to ſeduce and plucke euen them from goon
works. Here thou maiſt {ee chat that (heweth it {elfe, whatfocuer
the Scriptures attribute to chefe men being ſurely moſt peftilent
fpiritg,to wit, that thep are a generation of bipers,and ſerpents.
They areno other but of Caing bꝛoode, and lo they doe continue,
feruauntg thep are,and eruauntsthep doe remaine.
But thep whom God bath cholen Abels and fonneg,dolearne what the
bp thelawe,bome vnwilling a hart thep en ehelawe ‚tbep! * workerh
he cle,
* =
kall from their arrogancie, and are bpthis knowleogeofehem
felues which the lawe bꝛingeth; brought euen vnto nothing in
their owne eyes. Then byandby commeth the Goſpel, and lifteth
them vp being humbled, whereby the. Lord giveth bis grace vn⸗
to them thus catting downe them felues, and endueth them wich
faith. Dereby they recetue that coucnant of the eternall bleffing,
and the holy Ghotk, which renueth their hart, that noweitis de⸗
lighted with chelawe, bateth finne, and ts willing and readp ta
poe thole thinges that are good: And bere nowe thou maf fee
not the workes, but the hart ofthe law. And thts ta the verp time
appointed to the betre af the Father, whenhe mu be no lenger
aferuaunt but afonne, and doth now begin to be led by a free {pts
rit, being no moze kept infubiection onder Cuters and Gouer:
ners, after the maner of a ſeruaunt. Ahich is euen that that Paul
teacheth inthe wordes following,
— —
Verſe 3. Euen ſo, we when we were children, were in
| bondage vnder the rudiments oftheworld.: :
Whatisto . Bpthe wozve rudiments chou mapt vnderſtand here che firſt
bevnder- Principles 02 lawe written, which are as tt were the firſt exerci:
ftood by this fes and inftructiong of holy erudition, whereof itis ſpoken alfa
word,rudi- ¥)eh,5;As concerning the time ye ought to be teachers, yet haue
—— yeneede againe that we teach you whatare the firſt principles
orrudiments of the word of God. And Coloſ.2: Bewareleaft
there be any that fpoyle you through philofophie and vaine de-
ceit, through the traditions of men, according to the rudiments
of the world. Again Gal.4:How turne ye againe ynto impotent
& beggerly rudıments,whereunto as from the beginning ye wil
be in bondage againe ? ye obferue dayes & moneths, &c. ere
The law cal- as it Were in contempt he callech che lawe rudiments „he addeth
led beggerly alfo,impotent,¢ beggerlp, both becaule it is not able to perform’
rudiments, that righteouſnes which i¢requireth, and allo fo2 that it maketh
andwhy. men indeede poore & impotent, For whereas it earneſtly requis
vech a hart and mind giuen to godlines, and nature ts not able ta
fatisfie it herein,it plainly maketh man to feele bis pouertie,and .
to acknowledge his infirmitie, thatrhat is bp righe required of
bim, which be not onlp bath not but alfo ts not able to haue. Here
unte pertainerh that which aut hath lett written 2,€02.3: The
lecter killeth, bat the {pirit giuech life. J ER
| ai
Moꝛeouer Paule calleth chem che rudiments ofthe woꝛld, foꝛ The rudi-
that all chat obleruing ofehelawe, which men not pet renued by Mere >
> thelpivicdoeperforme, doth confit in woꝛldly chiiges , to wit, pated.
inplaces, times, apparell, perfons , veſſells, and fuch like.
But faith rekech inno woꝛldly thinge , but in the onely grace,
wooꝛde, and mercy of Gov, neither voth it make aman righte:
; aus and late by anp outward thing, but onelp bp the inuifible and
eternall grace of God: Wherefore ic counteth alike, dayes,
meates , perfons, apparel, and all chinges of this woꝛlde. For
none of thefe bp tt felfe noth epther further 02 binder godlines
efaluation , as it doth the righteoufnes of thale of Cains brood,
which is ag tt were tpedto thefeoutward chinges. Faith there:
fore velerueth nothing leſſe then to be called the rudiments of the
worlde, by which we obtapne tye fulnes of heauenly good
thinges: and albeit it be occupied alfo in outward thinges , pet
is it addicted ta no outward thinge,but doth freelp in all thinges
that which it ſeeth map be done tothe glorieof God, and profit
of ourneighbours, alwapes continuing free and the fame, and
pet is made all thinges to all men, that fo the conuerfatton theres
of map-want all pecultar refpecte and difference, Tith thofe
of Cains bpoovit agreeth nepther inname, nor in anp thinge:
one oſ them eateth fleth , another abftapneth fromit: one wea-
reth blacke apparell, another white: one keepeth this dap ho-
Ip,another thatzeuerp one hath bis rudiments, onder which be is
in bondage: all of them are addicted to the chinges of the world,
which are fraple and perth in an houre. Tiberefoze thep are no
other but ſeruaunts of the rudiments of che worlue , which thep
call holy orders , godly opdinaunces, and wapes to goe to bea:
uen. Againſt thele Paule Tpeakech Colof.2 : V Vherefore ifye
be deade with Chriftfcom the rudiments of the worlde, why
as though ye liued in the worlde, are ye burdened with traditi-
ons? As, Touchnot, Taft nör, Handle not: which all perish
wich the-vfiig , and’are after the’ comtnaundements and do-
ctrines of men. VVhich thingeshaueindeede'a shewe of god-
lines , when as they. are meere fuperftition., whereby the mind
isin vayneprefled downeto thefe outward thinges, &c. Bp
thisand other places aboue mentioned it ig plapne, that all Mo⸗
nafferies and Collexes , whereby we mealule the fate of fpiri-
twuall men as toe:calithem:j doe plaintp Bier with the Golpel
ae iiii.
and Chꝛiſtian libertie, and chat therefore it tg much moze daun⸗
gerous toliue in theſe kindes of life, chen among mo propbane —
men, Foꝛ all cheir things are nothing but rudiments ¢ ordinaun:
ces of the world, confifting inthe difference and vſe of apparell, —
places,times,and other prefentchingeg, whereunto fleeing thep —
are fo addicted, that thep hope bp them to attaine righteouſnes ¶
faluation, faith is made no account of amongett them,netther are
they Chrilkiang,but in name, wherefore all their life and holines
is meere finne,and moft deteftable hppoerifte,
Stig needeful therefore, that thep that are oceupied infuch 0%
They 9 dinaunces, fhould aboue all other men moft diligently looke onto
she rudimers them (elues,that they truff not co thefe opdinaunces, that they be
of the world, NOt too much addicted vnto them, but that thep doe perfeuer in &
oughtmof free faith which ts typed to none of thofe outward thinges, but re⸗
diligently to. ffeth in the onelp grace of Gov. For the fayꝛe ſhewe of life € fap-
—— ned holines, which ig in thoſe oꝛdinaunces, doth wich a merues
Rem NS" qus and ſecret force witho2aw from faith,moze then thofemani-
feft and groffe finnes,wherof open finners are gilty, and doth ea⸗
filp make men fuch ag Paule here (peakech of: VVhenwewere
children,we were in bondage vnder the rudimäts of the world,
that ig, when we were ag pet ignozant of faith and mere exerciſed
onelp with the workes of the law, we did thoſe outmard works of
the law,cöfiffing in woꝛldly things, but with an vnwilling mind,
and with no faith, hoping that bp thefe rudiments of the worloe
we ſhould obtaine faluation,wherfore we were no other then fer:
uaunts. Rewe this falle and feruile opinion faith alone taketh as
wap, and teacheth bs co truſt vnto, and ref vpon the onelp grace
of God, whereby at once is giuenfreeln that which is needekull
to worke allthinges. For thele workes of the lawe, tf that falfe os
pinion were awap,were not til of chem ſelues.
Verfe4. But when the fulnesof time was come, God
fent forth his Sonne made of a a woman, ane
made vnderthelaw. :
Verfes. hat he might redeeme them which werevn-
ler the law,that we might receiue the ———
on of she fonnes, , |
After ipa * beaut gi ——— faith exiles
| ‚come to bs bp the Law,neither that we can deferue it bp nature,
he thewerh bimby whom weobraine true righteoutnes # faith,
and which is the autho? of ont iuftification, Now this could nat
come vnto bs Without anp price, for it coft a berie great pice,
euen the fonne of Gon: The Apottle therefore fapth : When the
fulnes of time was come, thatig, when the time wag ended, that ;
The fulnes
of time hcw
it is to be vn-
| time, 3 fap, wherein it behoued vs to line childꝛen and feruaunts derftood.
vnder the vifcipline of the Lawe, Cibherefore the Waifter of fene
- tences bath erred here, who interpreted the fulnes oftime , the
time of grace, which began at the birth of Chriſt, plaine contra:
rie tothe Apoſtle, who whereas he bath wꝛitten, the fulnes of
_ time, this man bath interpzeted it,the time of fulnes. For Paul
fpeakerh of thetime , which was appointed of the father to the
fonne, wherein be thould tiue under tuters, Now as this time
Was full cometo the Jewes and ended, when Chzift came inthe
fleſh, fo is tt vatlp fulfilled to others , when they come bnto the
knowledge of Chri, and do chaunge the feruitude of the Lawe
with the faith of the fonnes, And this in deede is that comming,
whereby alone we obtaine the libertie of fonnes , without which
that eorpozall comming would auaile nothing, For Chrift euen
forthis cauſe hath come vnto vg , tharbelceuing inhim ‚we map
- bereftored to true libertie,bp which faith thep of the aunciẽt time
alfo abtainen the tibertie of the (pirit. And fo, whereas he houla
come to the holy men of olde tiine,be cameeuen then, foralinuch
ag bp kaith they felt him to be their crue Sauiour and Deliuerer,
howbeit he is not per come to our Hewes, alchough bets gone
awaye againe in body long fince = for they? do not beleeue in him,
All from the beginning of the world toche end mutt truſt vnto
the comming of Chai, whereby alone ſeruitude ts: chaunged
with libertie, but pet by fayth, either in Chait being:to come, -
agit wae before he mas bozne: iorinhimbeing come, ait ig « 6h
now. therefore as fone as thou beginneſt to beloenein Chaiſt ·
he commeth vnto thee a veliuerer and autour ; now the time
of bondage is ended, that: is, as the: Apottle Gpeakeh 3 ——
thereokis come. ) 3.3
This place furelp ig verie copfoug,and —— init diuers 2!
thinges mott wopthie to be knowue, fo chat Igreatly feare, that
Aalen be handled of vs according zo:cheoopchinds thereof.
Foz it teachech that it isnot ſuſſicient tobelegue tyar-Ch pais
Why it was
God fhould
be made ma,
Chrift a di-
ſtinct perfon
from the Fa-
Chrift verie
requifite that
come , but that we muff alfo beleeue thathe wagfent of Gov, is
the fonne of God , and alfo verieman, bozne of a: Cirgine, who
alone hath fulfiHlen. the Lawes and that not for himfelfe, but fog
ve, thatis,for our faluations fake: Let vs wep and conſider theſe
thinges inorder. Firkitig fuffictentlp taught inthe Gofpell of
Iohn, that Chꝛilt is the fonne of Gov, and wag fent of Gov,
which he that beleeueth nat ig ina mott miferable caſe, as Chriti
bimfelfe pronounceth Joh. 3: Except yebeleeue charılamche,
ye shall dye in younfynnes, And Joh. : Init washfezandxhar —
life wasthe light of men. Foꝛ this:caufe the mynde ofmannei«
ther may nor ought co entoy any otherthing then that ſoueraigne
good, fo, that it fhould be ſatiſfied wich anp other then with it,
whereof it was made ‚and which de che fountaine of all good
- thinges swbereforedt isnot che williof God that we ſhould hes
leeue or repofe our truſt in any otherthing, neither doch this hae
nout belong, to any other, And therefoge Gov himfelfe ioyned
bimfelfe taman, being made man schat he might moze fopciblp
alluremen into him ,and ftirte chem: bpto beleeuc in him . Mo
Good, could come vnto Goo hereby ; huc it was necellarie for ve
that be ſhould be made man, leſt that we ſhould beleenertwanp.
other thing thẽ in God alone. Foz if we ſhould belteue in Shit,
and not in Gop 5 as: Gov ſhould be vepriued of his honousy-fo
fhould we be peprinen of life and faluation, For we mutt belecue
inone God, who isthe berte truth , and we without hin can net:
ther liue, noꝛ obtaine faluation. Tihbereas thereforeithe Apottle
Tapth’s God fent forth his Sonne, tt is thereby mantfett, that he
was, before he came and mas mademan, Now if he be a fonne,
he is moze then a man oꝛ an Angell, which ſeeing they are the
biabeft creatures, ſurely he ts allo true God. Foꝛ to be the fonne
of God is moꝛe then fo be an Angell, as it is els where declaren,
Againe ,feeing that beis (ent of Gor, anvishis ſonne, be mu
needes be another perfon, And ſo the Apoſtle teacheth heresthat
the Fatherand the Donne are one Gov, and two — ‘of
the holp Ghoſt it ſhalbe ſpoken hereafter.
The fecond thing which ought here to be confivered,, bes
Cit is veriemanandthe fonne of man. This Paul teacheth,
when he fapth: madeofawoman. Forfurelp that thatig made
oꝛ borne of awoman, is man: moman by nature bꝛingeth forth
noching but vente man⸗ Chis it is neceſſarie a
| the Loy himfelfeveclareth Joh. 6, inthefe woꝛdes: Except ye
| eate the flesh of the fonne ofman,and drinke his blood,ye haue
nolifeinyou. Burto cate and dpinke his ich and blood, ig no: What itis co
thing els but tobeleeue, that Chꝛiſt tooke thele vpõ him in Deed, cat & drinke
and did alſo yeeld them to veath fozcur fake, This te that coue: (P< Hs! and
naunt which was pꝛomiſed to Abꝛaham: In thy feede shall all 3
; the nations of the earth beblefled. Gen, 22, Chꝛiſt is this feede,
" and therefore the true fonne of Abꝛaham, bis fleſh and blood,
VHereupon it appeareth that they preuaile nothing; which make We muft
- @proper waye onto themfelues to God, bp their owne workeg come voro
and goblines , and neglecting Chrilt ſtriue to come directly vnto ape
Gon, asthe Curkes and Jewes doc, This Chait alone is the -
inediatour ¢ bleſſed feede , bp whom thou mul receiue bieffing,
ocherwile thou thale continue for euer in malediction, Thig coues
- nat of Gon thal not be violated ofbecaufe any. Chus Chri him:
felfe ſayth, Joh.6: No man commeth to the Father, but by me.
The nature of Godis otherwile bigber ‚chen that we are ableca
attaine bnto tt, wherefore be bath humbled himfelfe to bs , and
taken bponbim that nature, which is beſt knowne and mot fa
. miliär bntobg, to wit, euen our owne, Were he looketh for vs:
bere he will receiue vs: he thacwill ſeeke him bere, thall ſynde:
be that will afke bere hall be beard: here is the throne of grace
and the true mercp feate, from which none ig dziuen a2 thouft
which 1 true faith reſorteth onto tt. Chep which do here neglect
him ‚as though he were made mar for nought, and in the meane
fon do without aniedtatour pꝛaie unse Goo, wha hath created
eauenandearth , they thall pray in deede but none thallbelpe
them: they thall crie, but none ſhall heare them.
The third thing which is here fetforth onto bs to beleeue, ig,
that Marte the mother of Jeſus is a virgine. Chis Paule affir- er —
meth when heLaprh, that he was made of a woman, not oka man Yysine,
as other are wont. Chis ts that one man, which was boꝛne one?
ly of awoman. De would not fay, ofa virgine, for charabirgine wy Ponte
ig nota name of nature, but a woman ſignifieth a ſex and certein rather (aide
conditions whereuntott belongeth tobe with childe, and to bꝛing that Chritt
forth, that is , todo the partes of a mother. Seeing therefore "2° made Hr
that Marie was a mother inveeve,the is rightly called a womã. Sr une
For the bꝛought forth fruite una ng, which belongeih to a mo —
ther, and not to a virgin, although ſhe bꝛought te torch alone,
inithoutthe meanes of man, wherein the was declared both a
fingular virgin and woman. But becaule it tg of greater impoze
taunce to the Apoſtle, and onto all vs, that Marie is a woman,
and thereby the mother of Chait, chen that the isa birgine ‚for
that this is onelp an opnament onto her, but in that the was a wor
man the broughe forth him which is faluation vnto all, for this
caule Slap ‚che Apoftle callech her rather a woman then a vir:
gine, Neither waste conlidered in choofing ber, that the was a
birgine, but that (he was a woman : fo2 that the being a virgine
Why it be- became amather „the caufe wag ‚for thattt behoued that Chꝛiſt
- houed that ſhould be boone without ſynne, and therefore without the coms
A mirtion of man, Foꝛ of the ſeede of a ſinfull man, nothing could
be avirgine, be bozne, but that which ts deliled with ſynne: hut it behoued chat
Chait ſhould be chat bleſſed ſeede, whole blefling ſhould be pous
ren forth bpon all, ag the maner of che diuine couenant required,
Ahereupon it is gathered, that Chik could not be borne of che
feede of man, for that all men are bp nature under the curfe, for
how thould bleiling be pꝛomiſed to come unto all bp Chait, if all
were not fubiect to the curfe ?
Foralmuch chen as the couenant of Gov promifen to Abꝛa⸗
ham, did requive hele two thinges , both that Chr ould be
the crue fonne of Abraham, chat is, bis feede , bis true fleth anv
blood, ¢ that alfo he ſhould be boone pure from ſynne:this meane
wag inuented, that he ſhould of Warie being verie woman anv
the daughter of Abraham , be boone verie man, andthe right of:
Ipring of Abraham: and alla that he ſhould be borne without the
commixtion ofman, abirgine being conceiued with child bp che
onelp meanes of the holy Ghoſt; that being full of blefling , be
might deriue the fame vnto all beleeuerg , So was the couenant
of Gon fulfillen on either finesand it came to pafle,that Chpit bee
came both the true ſeede of Abꝛaham, and pet free from all con<
- tagion of Adam ‚and is alfo the autho2 ofeternallbleffing to thé
thatbeleeue, CCiberefore although Marie be holily to be reues
renced bp the name of virgine, pet byno comparifon greater ree
uerence ig Due Onto her then bp the name of woman, for thather
mo bolp members,inalmuch ag (he was a woman, were aduati-
ced vnto chis dignitie „ehat they were ag meanes toward the fule
filling ofthe holp coucnant of God, and bp them be was brought
forth , which was to put awape all curfe from them that —
in him „that fo he mighe be both thebleflen feede of Abraham,
and the bleffen frute of che wombe of Marie. Unto which benes
Fite the onely virginitie bad not bin (uflicient, pea te bad bineuen
che fourth hing whereof the prefent place of the Apottle
Doth avmonith bs, is, that Chri hath ſatiſſied che Lawe for ve,
hich be allo wirneflech of himſelfe Matth.5: Jam not come
couenant requireth: for tfbp thts leede of Abraham all men muft
beveliuered from the curle , ic is neceflarie that bp it the Lawe
be fulfilled. For asmenarebp nature the children of math,anv
ſubiect to the curſe, fo it muff needes be accurfed, whatſoeuet
thep doe „for itis before proued at large, thathe which is euell
bimnfelfe’, can worke nothing that is good: likewiſe that we can
do nothing that God will approue, vnles we our felues be appro:
ued of him before sand feeing that the Lawe requireth the heart,
which can not be performed of them , which are not ag pet rege:
nerate bp che {pivit, it mutt neeves be, that all che fonnes of Adam
are giltie oftranfgrefling the Lawe, and vnles, whereas thep
themfelueg are not able,an other,to wit Ch rift, ſhould performe
that which the Lawereguirerh, and fo ſaciſfie the Law for them,
thep thould altogicher perith bp che curfe of the Law. But when
as Chrift, going about ta fhewe, that the heart ts required of the
Lawe,/ did condemne the workes which proceeded not from a
heart thatis godlp and confenting unto the Lawe , be was accu:
fer of the Pharilees that he was come to deſtroie the L awe. Bes
cauſe therefore he would take awaye this falle opinion of him⸗
felfe, he ſayd: Thinke not that lam cometo deftroy the Lawe,
for lam not come to deftroie, but to fulfill the Lawe: pea and I
Will giue a ſpirit onto them that be tine, which thal tultifie their
heart bp faith, and incline it vnto true good warkeg , Che fame
is vſuall with Paul allo, tho, Rom. 3, when he had reiected che
wopkes of the Lawe , and extolled faith , aunfwering fuch an ob⸗
tection; faich : Do we then make the Lawe of none effect ? God
forbid: yea we eftablish the Lawe. For we teach that the true
fwlfilling of the Lawe is bp Chait. Che like alfo is wont to be
obiected to bs , as though we did forbid good workeg , when we
diſallow monatteries with their workes ; # teach that they mu
fit bp faith become goon and approned of God; whereby thep
to deftroye the Lawe, bur to fulfillic. This alfo che reafon of the Ic was need-
map afterward do true good workeg , by which both their flech
wi ‚map be chafiled,and their neighbours edified, se
here we mu note mozeouer , chat the Lawe can be fulfillen
of noman, but of htm which being free fromthe Lawe, isıno
Moe vnder it. Te mut accuome our felues alfotothe maner
of Paules (peeche, that we map know afluredlp who ig under
Who be vn- the Lawe, and who is nor under the Lawe. As manp cherefoze
derthe Law. ag worke good wopkes, becaufe the Lawe bath (ocommaunded, —
| being brought thereunto eicher with feare of puniſhmẽt, op hope
of reward, are vnder the Lawe, and are compelled to bo good
thinges andtobe honeſt, being not brought hereunto of cheir
owne voluntarie will,CUiperefore the Lawe bath vominion ouer
them, whole feruaunts and captives thep are, Mowfuchareall
men, that.are not pet regeneratebp Chri , which eucrie one
map ealilp learne with himfelfe bp erperience, euerie mang own
conſcience ſhewing tt vnto him, Gite allfinde our felues fo affecs
ted, that if no Lawe did bege vs, & both che feare of punifhment,
and hope of remard were awaye, and it were plainly free for bs
todo what we liſt, we would Do altogether chofe chinges that are
euell, and omit che chinges that ave goon, efpecially either tens
tation mouing bg „or occalion prouoking bs, But now, foraß
much asthe Law flapech vg with che threatninges and pꝛomiſes
thereof, we do oftentimes abftatne from euell thingeg , and Do
thofechinges that be good , howbeit we do them not for the loue
of goodnes,and hatred of euel,but onelp for feare of puntthment,
and relpect of reward; wherefoze being left wholy to our ſelues,
we are feruauntg of the Lawe ‚neicher do we heare it anp other.
wile,then feruaunts do their bard and cruell maiſter. Ha
They which But they chat are not under the Lawe , thatis, are not fo a
are not vn- aint their wills in{ubiection under the dominion thereof , thep
der theLawe of thetr owne accord Do good workes , and abftaine from euell,
defcribed , of heing neither terrified with p threatninges of the Law, noꝛ allu⸗
J— red wich the pꝛomiſes thereof, but euen for that they do of their
eye ¶ voluntarie will beare a loue cobonettie , and hate that which is
diſhoneſt, and are allo from their heart delighted with the Lawe
of God, fo that if there were no Lawe made, notwithtanding
thep would defire to line no otherwile then the Lawe commaun-
beth: as , to ſhun thofe chinges that be euell, and applie them:
{elues to honeſt ſtudies and erercileg. Chep that are ne ‚are
ſonnes, whom not nature , but that onely bleſſed feede of Abas
bam, that is, Chrift, could make ſuch, renuing by bis grace anv
fpirie the beartes of them that beleeue in him, Mherelore not to What ic is,
be vnder the Lawe , is not, to be free from che Lawe, that they nottobe vn-
map do thofe things that are contrarie thereunto , and omit thofe der the Law.
_ thinges that are good, but itis to do good thinges and abftaine
p from wicked thinges, not through compulfion or neceflitie of
the Lawe, but by free loue and with pleafure,euen ag ifno Law
commaunded them, and thetrowne nature bꝛought them bereun:
to, agin deede it doch , howbeit che new nature of the ſpirit, not note
that olde nature of the fey. Foras there is neede of no Lawe A Gimilitude.
for the body, which map compell it co eate,to dꝛinke, to digett, to
fleepe, to go, toftand , tofit, andto do the other workes of na:
ture, for that itis readp co do them of it one nature, when the
cafe fo requireth,and when it ig meete, without all reſpect either
‚ofreward o2 puniſhment: and map not bnfitip be ſaid, as concers
ping thefe thinges, nottobe onder a law notwithtanding there.
upon nothing lefle folowerh , then that ic doth therefore abftaine
fromfuch workeg , vnto which indeede it fo much move appliech
it felfe as they are leſſe connnaunded,and are moze naturall vnto
it: Alter the fame fore altogither doth the godly man behaue hime
felfe concerning the workeg of godlineg,he is carted to the Doing
of chem bp that big new nature of the ſpirit, albeit there were no
late at all,and all both hope of reward, and feare of punithment
were awape, This onelp is the true libertte of a Chriftian man,
and the veliueraunce of htm from the lawe , whereof Paul (pear
keth 1. Tim,ı: The Lawe is not giuen vnto a righteous man.
Cbich is as much ag if he had fato: A righteous man of bis
owne accord Doth good thinges, and abffainerh from evell, ha:
uing no regardeither of reward or of punifyment, Che fame
thing alfo be meaneth by that faping Rom. 6: Ye are not ynder
the Lawe, but vnder Grace, that is, ye are fonneg,not ſeruaunts:
Pe liue holilp, being compelled 07 enforced with nothing, but of
pout free and of it felfereadp will. To the fame edect pertatnerh
that faping alfo Rom.8: Ye haue not receiuied the fpirit ofbon-
_ dageto feare againe, but ye haue receiued the Spirit of adop-
tion of the fonnes. Che Lawe maketh a fearfult, that is, a right
fertile and cainith ſpirit, but Grace gineth the free (pirte of
fonnes, like vnto Abels,bp Chik the bleſſed (eede of Abraham.
re 4
* rc? —
Mhereol the 51. Plalme ſpeaketh: Stablish me-with thy free —
{pirit.CCibereupon in the 118. Plalme eChriftian people are fain
to be of a free will, (3 jaca Beas otal
Moꝛeouer Chritt hath lo fulfilled the Lawe, that he onely of
all mankpnoe bath of bis owne accozd larılficd it , being with no
thing compelled o2 enfozced thereunto,neither is any other able
to do the fame, vnles be receiue tt of him, and by him: And there:
fore aul fateh here ; He was made, vonder the Lawe, thathe
might redeeme them , which were vnder the Lawe, The fifte
thing therefore that Paul bere commendeth vnto vs to be belees
Why Chrift ued, ig, that Chrift for our fake was made under the Lawe, chat
was madevn- be might deliuer vg from the bondage of the Law, and of vnwil⸗
derthe Law. ting feruauntg make bs free onnes: whereupon be faith: Thar
he might redeeme them which were vnder the Lawe, that is,
might deliver them from the Law. Now he deliuerech from the
Lawe bp the meaneg aforefatd, not by deſtroying or vtterly abo»
HowChrift liſhing the Lawe , but by fulfilling ie, and giuing a free fpirie,
deliuereth Which Hhall do all thinges willingip , without anp refpect either
ro the Law. pF the thꝛeatninges 02 the promifeg of the Lawe, no otherwile
then if chere were no lawe at all giuen,and ts carted thereunto of
his owne nature, After which [ort Adam and Cue were effected
How the fpi- before thep bad Ipnned, But bp what meanes is this ſpirit giuen
rit of libertie Jihercie gotten ? No otherwife then by fatth. For he chat truly
isobtained. Heleoueth, that Chrilt came for this caule, that he might veliner
bs fromthe Lawe, and that he hath deliuered him already, be, J
fap, hath in deede receiued the ſpirit of libertie, and doth berilp
obtaine that which be belzeueth : for both faith and this ſpirit of
fonnes come togither.C Ahereupon Paul ſayth here: chat Chik
hath delivered bs from the Lawe,for chis,that we might recetue
the avoption of che fonnes : both which come bnto vs bp faith,
Thus therefore we haue chole fiue thinges, whereof paul admo⸗
nithed vs tn this fo plentifull and fruitfull a place, | —J—
Aqueſtion. But here riſeth a queſtiõ:Foñoꝛaſmuch as to be vnder the Law;
ig to be ſubiect to the Lawe by compulſion, and to obey the Lam
no otherwiſe then vnwillingly, fo chat none of them which are
vnder the Lawe, are able to latilfie che Lawe , why Paulfapch,
The anfwer, at Chri was made onder the Lawe, I aunfwere,that the A⸗
Great diffe. Potle maketh a berie great piffertce betweene Chaiſt, who was
réce between Mabe under the Lae, and other men which are boone von the
Lawe. For whereas he ſayth that Chriſt wags made under the Chriftes be-
Lawe, he would fignifie, that Chait vin put himſelfe vnder the ing vader the
Lawe of bis owne accozd and was with his will made fubiect Law & ours.
‘nto it of tbe Father; when ashe might not haue bin under the
awe, But we were onder the Lawe , being: the feruaunts of
the Lawe bp nature , and bearing the dominion thereof vnwil⸗
Hinglp: as Chuk was willingly, not by nature, andagaint bie =
will. Wbverefore chere is as great difference betweene, Co he It is one
made vnder the Lawe, and, Co be under che Lawe by nature, Pr Tint ny
as betweene thele, Co be ſubiect ta the Lawe of free will, and, che Lawe , &
Co be {ubiect to the awe bp (erutle conſtraint. It was free bw an other to
to Chꝛiſt, to be under the Law, oꝛ not to be buder it, and he madg be vader the
bimtelfe fubiect to it of bis owne accord, that he might moſt dili Las by na-
gentlp do all hinges that the Law requireth: but we were vn 8*
der the Lawe,cucn againft our will, ; race an
Thou mapft ee arelemblaunce.bereof in Peter, andthe An: Ours, and
gell which came into che priſon to Peter to deliner him. Both of hts cing
them were thenin the prilon, but Peter wasthere being calkin: „nd on deln.
toitofiberobde ‚not. ofhig owne accord „wherein he was alloto ueraunce frö
abide, for be could not go forth when he would. But the Angell'y fame molt
went into the. prifon-of his owne accord, whereupon it was free Excellently
for him alſo to go forth when he would: be was there onelp for Fefembled.
peters fake and not for his: owne, and freely euen at bis owne
will , whom when Peter beard and folowed, tt was free for him:
allo toga foꝛth of che paifon , whereas before it was not. Chis:
ppifon is, the Lames. Peter is our ronſciente: Che Angell is:
Chk. Chrit-being ablent, our confcience is, held captiue of
the Lawe, and being bnwilling of it ſelle, is moued unto goon.
thinges bp the theeatninges.and, promiles thereof, and ig tied’
and bound vnto honeſt thinges with thele 5 as with wo chaines.
‘The keepers of thispationare the tcachergotcbe Lawe ; which
Declareshe force af the Lamebntons. Some being bound in che
prifonot the Lame, Chaiſt commeth ontovs, sap willingly mas’... »
Kerth bimlelte tubiect to the Rawe, and doth the workes of the
Lawe of bis owne accoꝛd, which we Did bend our {eluesta do
againour willg , pea and doth them for our fake , thathe map
iopne bs vnto him, and allo bring, bs outtogither with bimfelfe.:
Foꝛ he map eaſily go foꝛth, who is held in the-pyifon by no ne⸗
ceſſitie. Afnow we cleaue vnto him, and follow wins alfo do
us %
oh > gee forth, But chis Meaning to himand following him ig noe
0 ching els, then to beleeue in bind, and not ¢6 dout that he betaine
man / and was made ſubiett tothe lawe fo? thy ſaluations fake,
Togither with this kayth commeth the ſpirit, be byandby mas
keth thee ready and willing to do with pleafure all thinges that
che Laweregutrech Hand fo truly deliuereth thee from the caprt?
nitte of the awe ; thole chaines of threatninges aud promifes
kall ol from thee and thou mapt now go whither thou litt, that
ig, thou maylt lide accopoing’te thine swine will, oꝛ rather acco:
ding to che wil ofthe holy Ghoti tating all chinges in thee: finals
Ip what good thinges euer thou doe, thou doe chem from the
| heart, and withigteat pleafure: SERS Se OE DE
Chriftmade* | QDopeouer,that it map be made more plane , after what fort
—* y Law Chꝛiſt made Hihfelfe ſublect to che X awe , we mult vnderſtand
PA WO that be was made vnder the Lawe after two forts: both for that
be did perfectly petforme the workes of the Lawe', and alfo for
that be fuffered and overcame the curfe and puniſhment thereof
‚for ourfake, Foꝛ he was circumciſed, prefented inthe temple,
and the time of the purification being finithed , was obedient co
one. Hig parents nl Which hinges he might haue omitted, being
Xoꝛdofthe Lawe and ouer all: Howbeit He applied himferfe ta’
thele thinges kreely dkhis dwne Willnot being either rompelled
by anp feare, op alluved by any hope. In outward wopkes be was
in the meane ſealon alconether Tike unto thein which meré vnder
the Baw that is, which Via che workes dkthe Law arate cheir
wills; inalmuch as Yis free Tg was hiken ſrom others; euen
as alſo the ſeruile and tontirainrd itl oF othets is hidden Any
lo he both was prides the Wl awe} arin not buder the Lawe! Ye ber
haued himlelle vutwardiß in vorkes as they which are vnwil⸗
lingly held vnderthe Lute | when as notwithſtanding be wag!
not vuder che Laweas hop, bat ot his dvne free wih There⸗
fore in reſprtrotht⸗oghco ie he was buder the Lawe. but in re⸗
How we are ſpoct WEES win de as free frden the A wine. Biit we Wo
vader 5 Law. will ds bp iongkogare pfiper the aule bp nature, for that we da
woꝛkes aecording vor) ¢ rule of theL awe, ofneceflitie ‚pehane
me ba them with thal will which che Lawe conttraineth and bp
gethin alniith as we do not diideridurtd do chemdf our owne
aocded. Choitt made himſelte ſehit et Lathe punthment ot che
Lawe allo kon dur ſakes ol hiz owne will) De did not — t
z forme
gr A —
| forme thofe workeg which the Lawecommaundech , but he ſuf⸗
fered the punithment alfo whith was due tobsbeing, ranfgref; i
ſoꝛs thereof!; The Lawe condemnech to death and the eternall >
curſe all thoſe thar continue noc in All chinges thatsarewpicren in
the booke of the Lawe topo them sas Paule Gal, 3, recitety dut
ot oles Leuit.1 8. Now it ts veclared at large before , that the
Labwe is fulſilled oſ noman, buc thatath mien are againſt their
willes belo captiues ofthe Law, wihetefojelenerieone ig ſubiect
to death and co the curſe, fo that thereis: noman ſubiect to the
awe inrefpect of workẽs, and willy which is not alſo ſubiett to
itinrefpectofthe curle, Foꝛ it curſeth and condemneth all chat
Do not performe te mith their whole heart + Gut here Cheiſt ma-
keth interceflion for them that be bis; and the indgement which
we haue veferued , he taketh bpon himlelfe', be fufferen tiie pur
niſhment due vntobs,willinglp making himſelle ſubiert to death
and the curle „that is, to eternall damnation/ no other wiſe chen
ifhe had tranſgreſſed the whole: Lawe, and bad moꝛe then all,
delerued the fentence thereofagaint tranſgreſſours, when ashe
bo not onelp not byeake the Lawe, but himfclfe alone fulfillen
it, pea an fulfilled it mhenas he ought nothingto tc ; ſo that be
ſuffered otherwile thenbe defernedin twa refpectts boch for that
he hadought nothing to the Late, if he had not vbferuen ie,
and allo for that mozeouer he moſt diligently obferued it , fo that
ifrhe Law had had eſpeciall dominion ouer him, yet had be come
inno vaunger thereof, Gut onthe other five whereas we fuffer,
we {uffer bp double right: both for that bp the tranſgreſſion of
the Lawe we haue deſerued all the puniſhment thereof, ¢ alfo for
that , ikwe bad deferucd nothing , pec being creatures we ought
tobe obedientto che wiilofour Creatoz, 2
- Dercof it now plainly appeareth , what this meaneth that
Chik was made vnverthe Lawei, that he might redeeme them Why Chriſt
wich liue onder che lawe:fo our fakes; foꝛ our’ fakes, fapyang was made vn-
not for bis owne be performenthat, and that ofno necefiriey.dug 4°" the Law,
of bis great loue toward vs: and thereby he hath declared bis
vnſpeakeable both goodnes and mercy towards, being made
accurfed for bs , thathe might deliucr bs from the curle of the
lawe , De willingly made bimfelfe fubiect to the: tudqement of
the lawe,€ Did himfelfe beare thefentéce pronounced again bs,
that as many of vs as do heleeue inhim, might — free for euer,
nl ij
Bid ch, AKA u Zr A ea ee u a a
By faych we Glhereby Maukensharmrininphrdbli treafure faith bringech
enioy an in- vntothee gwereby thaw enioxeſt Chꝛiſt and allhis workes:that
comparable thou mayſt txuſt vntd thein no otherwiſe then if chou thy Telfe
treafurc. ¶ hadlt done them’: Por Choi them noe forhimtelte), whom
furelp;thep conlo profit hochinge. ; hechauing no-neede of any
thinge, but by them he layd vp thetreafiire of faluation for vs,
wbereunto we ſhould tial, aun being made bleſſed might: en
tope it: ith which kayrh alle the ſpirit ol the ſonnes commeth,
which beareth witnes wich oiur ſpirit chat we are the ſonnes
and heires of Gon. Tibhar ſhouid God nowe adde vnto thele ?
Dow can a mynde hearing theſe thinges containe itfelfe,chat —
it ſhould not loue Goo againe with a moſt ardent aflection, and
be moſt ſweetely delighted in him 2 Thar in any wiſe maye
come tobe done oz.ſuſffered which thou wouldeſt wor willing: —
Ip take bpon thee with exceeding tope) and moſt high prayſe of |
God, witha reioycing and triumphing mpnde? TAhich mynde
if chou wantett, it is a certaine argument of a faint oꝛ ſurely
a dead fayth: fos! thequeater thy fapth is fomuch more readp
alſo and willinge is thy mynde to thofe hiuges: „which Genie’
therfenticth opscommaundeths Chis in neeveiis.che true detiue·
raunce fromthe awe, andthe damnation cf the Lawoythat is,
from fpnne and death; which deliueraunce commeth to vg bp
Chik, Wee not le, chatthere is nowe no lawe oꝛ death , but that
they do not now trouble thebeleeuers any thinge that ig, thep
are as thoughthey were not, Foꝛ the awe can uot conuince
them of ſynne; netther can veath confound them: but by fayth
— happily palle from (pnne and beach te righteoutnes
and life.
Here Munes Nunnes acrwere to be erhortcd.if there were
ag pet leftanp place with them for counfell and admonition, that
piste mens. thep wouloblerue their opdinaunces, ceremonieg;prapers, ay:
ceremonies, Datell, and uch like, as Chuitt ob{erucn the lawe, bp which
&c.are to be Meanes fürelp hep ſhould bring vnto them no damnation : Chat
‚oblerued. 185 thatthey would fee the faith of Chrittin the rt place, and
commit the rule of theirbeart vnto him, acknowlengeing that
by chat fapth onelpebep do obtaine righteouſnes and faluation;
and that altcheir opdinaunces ¢ workes do auaile nothing -beres
unto, Againe that thep mould make themfelues fubiectto chem
of their owne accord, in no other reſpect, thenthatby them they
d ; might |
might ſerue their neighbours, and{uboue the arrogancie of the
| fleth. But now feing thep are occuptedin them with this double
erroneous opinion , ag though thep were neceflarte to faluation
| andrighteoulnes , anv if chep Did not obſerue them, they ſhould
gricuouflp ſynne, they are vnto them a moſt certaine deftruction,
nothing but delufion and {pune , wherebp with their great afflic«
tion thep draw vnto bell, where they thall fully (uffer the vera:
tions and torments vnder the Abbat che deuell , which being mi;
ferable and fooliſh menthep baue bere begon. Foꝛ all their life
doth vtterlp difagree with the fapch of the ſonnes, and that which
belongeth onelp to fapch, to wit to iuffifte and ſaue vs,thev attrts
| butetotheit workes. Tühereforethele men can not both thus
ſticke vnto their opdinaunces,and therewithall baue faith, which
fufferech tc felfetobe andictedto no.certaine workes 5 but what
thinges foeuer cheiGopd either ſendeth o2 commaundech , 02. the
necellitie and neede of our neighbour, requireth y ie ſuffreth and
both them with great willingnes € top, Chele he chat ts enduen
mith faith, counteth bis woꝛkes, bauing inthe meane feafon na
regard of Maſſes; az fatting „ which fome appoint to certaine
_ Bapeszefcheifeofappargli; of meates,of petfons, of places and
| fach likes peabe greatiy aifallowerh of thele,, inatniuch as thep
‚ trouble Chzitianlibercie. hele thinges thall fufiseto haue bin
| fpoken concerning the expoſition of this place of Paul, where a:
bout the matter tt felfe requiredto ſpend fo many morveg , toraſ⸗
much ag thenatureof faith is ſo vnknowen. For oulesithou dar -
well vnderſtand the nature of — dale —— nothing
op bery litte in the wettinges of aul·
Vere 6. And becaufe ı ye are Hohen God fal fent
" ‘forth the Spirit of his Sonne into HACE RAT
__ which cryeth,Abba,Father.. , dun ROI
iene! we fer berie plainly that che polpBboticormmerh unt?
the Daincts by noworkes but by kaith alone foꝛ paul faith:And
| becaufe yearefonnes,God hath fent forth the Spirit, & c.Sõnes
| beleeues wher ſeruaunts onely worke: fonnes are free fromthe
| Lawe, ſeruaunts are belo under the Lawe, as appeareth plainty ©
| by thole hinges that are before ſpoken But haw commeth icc .
| pale that he faith: Becaufe ye are forines pGodshath fenc forth A PAARE
— — —
theSpisit,&cc.leeing it ig befoje fain ¢ that bp wane ofthe
N 9613
The arfwer.
know “ A
ther %
in ¥s or not.
How we may
ſpirit we are chaunged from leruaunts onto the fkate.of fonnes,
fo that the ſpirit muf be firtt (ent vnto vs, before we are fonnes ?
But here as though we could be ſonnes before the comming of
the (pivit, he fapth : Becaufe ye are ſonnes & c· Co this quettion
we muff aunfwere. 5 that aul peakerh bere after the fame fone
that be ſpake before: Before che fulnes of time came , we weare
in bondage bnder the rudimẽts of the world, Ail the elect,wbich
are pꝛedeſtinate of the Lord chat.chep Hall become fonnes , are
counted inp place of ſonnes with God. Therefore he fateh rights.
Ip : Becaufe ye are fonnes, that ig, becaule the ftate of fonnes ts
appointed unto pou fre euerlatting,God hath fent forth the Spi-
rit of his Sonne, to wit, thache might finith it in pou,¢ make pou
ſuch, ag be bath long fince of bis goodnes determined that be
fhould make pou, Moreouer he callech him the ſpir it of Sonne
of Gon, that he might continue in commending vnto vs this bee
nefit of Gov.that be bath chofen vs to be lonnes, Fr Cheilt is the
SDonne of God, and that moſt beloued. Pow ifthe father giue vn⸗
to bs bis ſpirit, he wilt make bg like to bis onelp begotten fonne,
big crue fonnes and heires,that we map with certaine confivenios
erie mith Chꝛilt, Abba, Father’ being bis bꝛethyen and lelow
beires with him. TMherinÿ Apowle lurelp hath notable fee forch
the goonnes of Gov, which maketh vs partakers with Chik,
and cauleth vs to haue all chinges commonwith him, fo that we
liue, and ave ledde bp the fame ſpirit. Moꝛeduer thele mordes of
the Apottle do thew , both thatthe holy Ghotis another from
Chri, and pet noth proceede from him, whenias he calleth him
bis ſpirit. Che ſpirit in deede dwellech in he conlp, aro no man
will fap that be ts their ſpirit, as here Paul maketh him the holy
Cpirit of Chriſt, ſaving God hath lent korthy ſpirit of his Sonne,
that is of Chaift, For he is the fpiritof God e cometh from God
tos, andisnot surg; vmes one will fap alter this forts mp holy
ſpirit, as we laps mp Gon, wiv i421! CAherefore whereas he ig
here faio to bef holy ſpirit of Copy ic pꝛouech him to be Gov,
ag of whom that {piric tefentseis peculiarlp counted bis ſpirit.
Furthermoꝛe; Chꝛiſtians may perceiue vychis place; whee
cheuchephauei in themlelues the holy Gholt, to wit, this ſpirit of
,, tae fonneswbetber thepheare bis votteinthemletues. Foꝛ Paul
Ghöh EN faith that be crpech in the hearts which be poſſeſſeth; Abba, Pas
chen: accogbing as he.fapch alle Rom,:3 3 Viehaue. a
the Spirit ofadoptiö,whereby we crie Abba, Father. Row thou
heareſt this bopce, when thou fpnvett fo much faich in thy felfe,
that thou dock afluredlp without anp doutinge prefume,not only
that thp fpnnes be forgiuenchee, but alfo that thou art the belo
ued fonne of God, which being certaine of ecernal faluatid dareſt
both call him father, and be delighted in him with a topfull and
moft confident beart. Chou mult be fo certaine hereof, that thou
cant not be more certain of thp life, a mutt fooner fuffer death,
and bellith togments , then fuffer this tru and confivence to be
takenfrom thee. For to dout anp thing herein were no fmall re-
proch and contumelic to che death of Chꝛiſt, ag though chat had
not obtained all thinges for vs, and ought not farre moze effec:
tuallp to prouoke and encourage bs to haue a good truff in God,
then all our ſynnes and tentations are able to put vs out of hope
‘and frap vs from it. It map be indeede that thou (halt be fo temps
ted, that thou ſhalt feare and Doute of thine adoption, and thinke
plainip that God ig not a fauourable facher,but a wpachfull reuẽ⸗
‘ger of ſynners, agit fell out with Fob and manp other fainces,
but infuch a conflict chis truſt ¢ confivence that thou are a fonne
ought to preuaile and ouercome, oꝛ els thou (halt come into a mi:
{erable and delperate cafe,
When one of Cains broode hearech chele thinges , he is ag it
were belive himfelfe bp reafon of admiration and aſtoniſhment.
F pe, ſayth he , awape with this arrogancie,and this moft pernis
tious errour, God turne this mpnde from me, that J do nat pre«
ſume to thinke that Jam the forme of God: J ama ſynner, moſt
miferable and wretched, and 3 will neuer effeeme more of mp
felfe, But thou which delireſt to belong onto Chrift , flie this
kpnoe of men, no otherwile then moft burtfull enemies of Chat
ftian faith , and aluation, (Ge alfo know that we are pn: Though of
ners, andveriemiferable and wretched; but bere we muſt not our felucs we
wepeo2 confiver, what we either de, or are, but what Chpift is, De iis ei
and what he bath vone for aur fake, It is not fpokenhere of our „may all.
nature, but of the grace of God, which fo farre erceedeth our redly per-
ſynnes, as heauen is higher then the earch ‚and che eaſt ts diffant {wade our
from che weft, as the 103,Jofalme ſayth: Now if it feeme vnto “lucs. char
theea great honour chat thou art the fonne of God, agin deede it rauch >
is verie great, cõſider that it is no lefle meruelous, that the fonne ‚he fonnes
of Gop fo; this caule Din come, was boꝛne of a EN made of Ged.
: u)
ftirreth vp
the Spirit,
The crie of
the fpirit.
vnder the Lawe , that thou minhteft become the fonne of Goo,
Chele are great benefites of Gov, ¢do caule in che elect a great
trult and confidence in the goodnes of God, and a ſpirit whichis
‚afraide of nothing, but ts bold anv able to do all thinges. Con
trariwile the religion of thofe of Cains b2oode , as it ig aching
meruclous ſtrait and carefull , fo Goth it make beartes exceeding
fearfull, which ferue tono ole, but are vnapt to all hinges, fic
neither co fuffer 02 do anp thing, which tremble andare afraine
even at the thaking of theleafe of attee „agit was before *
of them Leuit. 26.
(Aherekoꝛe thou muſt lap bp shee wordes of the Apoſtle well
inthp minde, thou mutt feele this crie of the {pirtt, which criety
{fo in the hearts of al p faithful. sFo2 bow ſhouldeſt thou not heare
the crie of thine owne heart ? Reither doch the Apoftie fap thar
he doth whifper, ſpeake, yea oꝛ ſyng, tris greater then all thefe
which che ſpirit doth in chp heart, he crieth out a maine, that is,
with all the heart. Ahereupon it ts fatde Rom.3,that he maketh
requeft for vg with fighes that can not be expꝛeſſed, and that he
beareth witnes wich our ſpirit that we are the childꝛen of Gov:
bow therefore can tt be,that our heart ſhould not beare this crie,
ſighes, and teffimonie of the pirit’Dowbeit hereunto tentätiong
and aduerfitte are very profitable,chep moue to crie, and do excee⸗
dinglp ſtirre bp the ſpirit. Motwichlkanding we foolifh menda
greatly feare and flie the croile , wherefore itis no meruell if we
do neuverfeele the crie of the{pirit, and do continually remaine
like them of Caing bꝛoode. Wutif thoudoeſt not feele this crie, |
take heede that thon be noc idle and florhfull,netther fecure,prap
inſtantly, for chou art inaneuell cafe, And pet do not defire, that
thou matt feele nothing but this crie of che {pirit,thou mut feele
alls an other terrible crie made, wherebp th u mapf£ be pro:
uoked and vrged to thisicrie of the ſpirit, which bappencth to all
the ſaincts: That tg the crie of ſynnes, which call mok ſtrongly
and infkantlp punto vefperation, but his crie muſt be overcome of
the ſpirit of Chpitt, by godly calling bpa the Father, and crping
for bis grace, that the trutt and confidence of grace map become
greater then delperation, TAberefoe this.crie ofthe fpirit is no⸗
‘thing els,but to be with all our heart touched with anerp rong,
‘firme „and unmoueable truſt of moft Deare tonnes toward ‘Gedy
ag our oft tender and faucurable Father. >
hereby we map ſee howe farre a Chriftian life exceedeth na; A Chriftian
Puce, wbieb can doc nothing leſſe then truſt fo in Gov,and call vp: | ife farre ex~
ceedcth na-
_ onbimas a Father, but ts alwapes afraide,and vttereth a vopce cure,
‘which is a witnes of exceeding feare : Tio ig me,how cruel and The crie of
vntolerable a Judge art thou, Goo ? howe heaup is thp tudge: them which
| ment onto me? As Cain ſayd Gen, 4: My iniquitie is more then !"uf in their
| thatitmay be forgiuen. Thou haft caft me out this —* from the
owne works,
and notin
vpperface of the earth, and fromthy face shall I be hid, yeaitchriß.
shal come to pafle that euery one that findeth me shall flay me,
&c. Thisis aterrible and readfullerpe, which ts neceffarilp
beard of all {uch ag be of Cains brood, foralmuch ag they trutt to
them felues and their one workes, and put not their truff inthe
fonne of God, neither weie and confiver that he was fent of the
Fatherjmade of amoman,made under thelawe, much leſſe that
altchefe thinges were done for their faluation, hep are conti:
nually copmented in their one works, the miferable mendoein
baine goe about bp them to helpe them felues, and to obtaine the
grace of God, Andtwhile their vngodlines tg not herewith con:
tent,it beginneth co perfecute euen the fonnes of God,as itis als
wayes wont to doe, vea at the lak they growe bute {uch crueltic,
that after the example of their father Cain they tan not reſt, vntil
they flap their righteous brother Abell, in whome thep Doe alfo
kill vnto them ſelues Chak. Chen the bloove of righteous Abel
crieth unto heauen againt vnrighteous Cain, neither ceaflech ie
tocrp vntillthe Lord hath reuenged it. He afketh thofe Cains of
their bꝛother Abel, pea of Ehrift: but hep deny all knowledge of
Chit; which labour not to become the fonnes of God and heires
by Chꝛiſt but to become righteous by their owne woꝛkes. In the
meane {eafon the bloode of Chꝛiſt continually crieth out againſt
them,euen nothing but punifhment and bengeance , wheras for
theelect, itcriech by the Ipiricof Chu for nothing but grace =
reconciliation, J
he Apottle vſeth here aHirian,anda Greeke woꝛd, ſaying:
Abba, Pater.Foꝛ this word Abba tn the Sprtan tongue ſignifi⸗
etha Father, by whicth name at this vay the chiefe of Monalte⸗
ries are wont to be calle , and bp the fame name Heremites in
time paft being holy men did calf their Pꝛeſidents, at che latt bp
bfe it was alfo made a Latin word. Therefore that which Raul
ſarchi is as much as: Henbess Father, ov if thouhadſt rather.as,
Why the A. Dy father, But what isthe caule why the Apottle voth dauble
oftledou- the word, Father, chatis, the crie of the ſpirit? A will bp pour
ledthe leaue bringe forth mp iudgement and opinionhereof. Fr
word, Father thinke chat he would hereby (ewe the force and Fraining of his
holy crp. For when as we cal any with great affection,e chrounb
no (mall neceflitie , we are wont eft(oones to Double bis name,
Nowe becaule thatfinne, and Cain doe alwapes goe about with —
deſperation to ffoppe this crie of the ſpirit for the grace of che fa-
ther,it is neede ſurely to crie moſt ſtrongly, and with a voice both
Doubled, and exceedingly frained forth, thatis, the tru of the
grace of the Father ought to be moſt ſtronge and not abletobeo: —
uercome. Againe {uch te the maner of the Scripture, to witnes
the certaintie of a thing,lometime to double or tterate che wo2d¢,
as Toleph did to Pharao Gen.41, So here alfo the fpiric twiſe
calleth bponthe Fatber, wherebp tt map thewe the certaintie of
bis fatherly fauour and grace. For the truſt hereof ought to be no
lefle certaine,chen great and vnmoueable. Finally itis meete als
fo to perſeuer, which againe this doubling of the name of facher
both note vnto bs. For asloone as we begin to call God Father,
Satan with all his band moucth warre againt vs, and omittech
no meanes to weft from vs this truft of fonnes totvard God our
Father, whereforechoeher Father muſt be diligently doubled,
that is,our truſt and confidence mutt be confirmed, neither muk
we euer ceafle from calling bpon this Father, but mutt moft ear:
neſtly continue in this crie of the Ipirit,wherebp we map obtaine
a certen {ure experience of bis fatherly goonnes , by which our
tru in him may be made mot certaine and ſafe. And perhaps
paul had reſpect hereunto, when be firſt ſet downe Abba, which
is a word ſtraunge to them,to whom be tote, after avding Pa-
ter,that is father, a familiar word and oftheir olwne lanquare,
meaning to fignifte berebp that the beginning of fo great trutin
God is vnaccuſtomed and euen raunge vnto men, but that when
the mind bath a while erercifed ic, and continued in ic although
aſſayled with tentations it becommeth euen familiar and almoſt
naturall, that we now eniop God as a domeſticall father, and
boe in euerp thing moft confiventlp call vpon him,
Per/e 7. Wherefore now thouart nota feruaunt,bura
fonne:if thou be afonne,thou artalfoan heire
173 - of God through Chrift.
_. Nowe, fapth be, that is after the comming of the ſpirit ofthe |
i fonnes , after the knowledge of Chꝛiſt, chou art not aferuaunt,
For agitis fapd,a fonne and a ſeruaunt are fo contrary one to an isa and
© other, thatthe fame man cannot be both a fonne anda feruaunt, jo. neat
9 fonne is free and willing, a feruaunt is compelled and vnwil⸗ dif y
fing: afonne liueth,and refteth in faith: feruaunt in works. And We can not
fo by this place allo tt appeareth, that we can obtaine no faluati: obtaine fal-
onof God by workes, but before thou workeft that which is ac- sks by
> ceptable bnto him , it is neceflarp that thou haue receiued of him bc⸗.
and pofleile faluation and all things, that thereupon works map
" freely flow forth, to che honour of fo gratioug a father,and to che
| «profit of thp neighbours, without any feare of puntthment,o2 Io:
| king for reward. Chis, that which Paule ſayth, pꝛoueth: Ifthou
bea fonne,thou art alſo an heire. For itis fapd before, that we
become the fonnes of Gon bp faith. without any woꝛkes, ¢ there:
| fore heires allo,as this place witneffeth: for bp nature they that
are lonnes.the fame alfo are heires. But tf this inberitance of the
> Hatherbe nowe thpne by fapch , ſurely thou art riche in all good
' things, before thou haft wrought any thinge, For howe ould it
be, p bp faith chou-art the beire of Gov, wou anp works through
sonelp grace, and chat thou mayſt againe fir merit tt bp works?
| W€ibherefore the cafe ſtandeth, as T often times fap; Coa man
that is baptised and beleucth in Cori, the heauenip inheritance
| ofthe Father is alreadp giuenaronce; thatts, all goon thinges,
| tbep are onlp hiv ag pet by faith,for that che maner of the prefent
life cannot fufler , that be fhoulde eniope them being reuealed,
Thereupon Paule ſayth Rom.8; He are ſaued, but by hope,
ſoꝛ pedoe not as yet ſee it, but doe perwaite, when the pols
ſeſſion of pour good thinges ſhall be reuealed. And 1.jpet.1, itis
| fapd: Dourfaluatiomig reſerued in heauen and prepared fo? pou,
| to be fhewed in the laſt time TCAherefore the morkes of a Chaiſti· VVhereunto
an ought not to haue regard of merit, which isthe maner offer: the forkcs
| uaunts, but onelp of the vſe and commoditic of bis netghbours, ofa Chrifli-
| thathe doc not line and worke to binrfelfe. butto bis neighbour, ” her
| wherebp be map truely liue to the gloꝛy of God. For by faith be ;
as rich in all good thinges,and truely bleſſed. owe the Apottte
addeth,throutzn Chrift, leſt that any thinke thar(o great inheri⸗
TE FT u ne en a Slr
Alchough we cance commeth onto bs freelp,and without al coft, For although
—— it be giuen vnto vs without our coſt, and without all our merit,
BR me- Peticcoft Chait a deare price,who,thache might purchale it for
sit in refpet ¥S,Was made unver the lawe, and fatigfied it for vs both by life €
of our felues alfo bp death. So thofe benefits which of loue we beffowe upon
— our neighhour, doe come vnto him kreely, and without anp char⸗
v con ges 0 labour vnto him, notwichltanding chey colt bs ſome thing,
adeare price inaſmuch ag we beſtow vpon him, although freelp and ofmeere
purchafed goodnes, yet thoſe thinges that are our owne, whether it be la⸗
faluation for Pour oꝛ part of our ſubſtance, euen as Chꝛiſt hath beſtowed thoſe
* thinges that be his vpon vs. ass,
And thus hath Paule called backe his Galathians from th
teachers of woꝛkes, which preached nothing but the Tai, peruer:
ting che Golpell of Chꝛiſt. All which chinges are verp neceflarp
to be marked of bs alſo. Forthe Pope with bis Pꝛelats ‘and
Wonks, hath now toc long atime wich intruding and brging bis
lawes, which are foolith anv moft pernitioug , inafmuch as thep
Doe euerp where difagree with the worn of Gov, ſeduced almoſt
the whole world from the Gofpell of Chrift, € plainly extingui⸗
fhen the faich of fonnes, according as the Scripture hath in bie
uers places verp manikeſtly propbelied of bis kingdom. TAhere⸗
fore let euerp one that deſireth to obtaine faluation,moft diligent
Ip take heede of him andall bis Apoſtles, no otherwiſe chen of
Satan him lelfe,and his chiefe and moft pernitioug Apoſtles.
daunger and trouble,
Matth. 8.
Verfe 23. Henlefus was entered into the thip,
his Difeiples followed him, =.
24 And
4. And behold, there arofe a great tempeft in the
fea, fo that the thip was couered with waues,
fr. but he was afleepe. til
25. | Thenhis Difciples came,and awoke him, fay-
2... ing,Maifter,faue vs,we perifh.
26. Andhe fayd vntothem ; Why are yefeareful,
Oyece otf litle faith? Then he arofe,and rebuked
ee othewindes andthe fea; & fo there was a great
BRD 33 SCR Hn. a
27. Andthe men merueiled,faying: What man is
chis, that both the windes & the fea obey him?
gr Ceopding tothe hitorie this tert fetteth before vs
fF >\anerample of faith and diffivence : wherof we map
sf learne both what a range andinuincible thinge
TC \3 faith is, and that it muff be exerciſed ¢ trped even
Ain creat matters,and full of perilf: and alfo howe
deſperate a thing on the other five diffinence is , and bowe full of
wel. This doth erpertence moſt liuelp fet forth in the Difciples, How defpe-
Shep, when they entered into the hip with Chri, and whiletk sate & fcare-
there was calmnes in the lake,were nothing Bıfquieted in mind, (ul a ings
neither fele any feare. Thenif one heulo haue aked them whe: i. cs, pea
ther thep belecued,thep would haue aunfwered without dout that rech by the
they Did beleeue. For thep did not know that their hart did truſt example of
in that quietnes, for that all troubles were abfent, and therefore Chriftes Dil
bid reſt upon a chinge biſible, and not ppon the inuifible grace of ciples.
God. Wibich then was made mantfett, ag foone as the tempeſt
was riſen, and the waues did couer the, fhip: for bpant bp all their
ruft and confioence ceafled „for that the quiernes and calmnes
hereunto they truſted was taken away, and diffivence , which
before when al things were profpcrous didlurke in their minds,
Din then appeare. For this ts the nature of diffivence, that it be⸗
leeueth oꝛ knowerh no more then it feelech. Forafınuch therefore
ag it had poſſeſſed the bꝛeſtes of the Apottics., they fele nothing
now but the fearefull tempeſt, and the waues conering the ſhip,
thep law the (ea ſwelling and greatly raging to thacaten nothing
but death, Chele thinges onely viv thep thinke bpon, theſe onelp
pin thep conliver,and therefore could there be no mealure or ende —
offeare and trembling in their mindes: the moze thep weyed in
their mind che perill,fo much moze were they tervified, and fees
med euen now to fticke in the berp iawes of death, boping for no
life 02 Deliverance. And as they could not fo much as thinke anp |
thing els becauſe of cheir unbeliefe, fo all comfort alfo was farre
fromthem. Forbiflivence oꝛ unbeliefe hath nothing whereunto
it may truſt o2 flee, wherfore when outward aduerfitiecommeth,
it admitteth nothing into the mind butit, and therefore tt cannes
uer feele anp peace o2 quietnes while this remaineth.So in bell,
where diffidence exerciſeth full typrannie, there cat neuer be anp
intermiflion of defperation,trembling and terrour,
What faith But tf che Dilciples bad bene then endued with a found fateh,
doth in trou- AND tf it had ruled inthis baunger 5 it world haue remoued from
ble &daun- the mind che wind and all this tempeft,t in ſteede of thele would
ger. wholp haue thought vpon the power of God and bis grace proc
mifed , whereunts it vould no otherwile haue truſted, chen ifit
had fate bpon a molt range rocke farre from the fer and fronval
tempeſt. Foꝛ this ig the chiefe bertue and cunning of faithsthat it
(eeth chole thinges which-are not feene or felt,ann feech not thofe
thinges which are felt,pea which are now fore vpon vs, and doe
pretle ¢brge bs, As on the contrarp five diffivence feeth nothing
but chat which it feeleth neither can it reſt vpon anp other thing
but that which it feeleth, Foz this caufe chofe hinges are of God
layd vpon faith, which the whole world ig notable to beare , ag
finnes,veath, the world and the deutl seither {ufferech he it to be
occupied with (mall matters. For who flieth not death ? who ig
The force of not terrified ¢ ouercome of it ? Againſt chis inuincible faich ane
faith,where- deth, yea it couragtoufly fertech bpon it, which otherwife tameth
by — sthe all thinges, and ouercommeth and fwalloweth vp chat bnſatiable
iter — deuourer of lile So euen the whole world is not able to bring um:
der and ſubdue the fleth, bucit rather bringech unver and niaketh
the world ſubiect onto it, ¢ beareth rule ouer tt, fo chat he liveth
carnallp whofoener is of the world, But faith ſubdueth this fub-
duer of all other, holveth it in fubiection, and teacheth tt not one⸗
Ip to beruled,but allo to obey. Likewiſe who is able to beare the
hatred and furie , ignominie and perfecution of the woꝛlde + who
doth not peelde Unto it and ig opprefled mith tt? Bugfaich euen
_ ;
| Kangheth at all che iniquitie, rage, and furie thercof, and maketh
|" ghat unto it felfe matter of (pirituall top, wherewith other are es
men killed, Fe oth no otherwife behaue tt felfe again Satan al:
' fo, Wiboisable toouercome him, which practizeth fo manp
craltes and wiles, ,wherbp be ſtayeth and bindereth the truth,the
‚Morde of Gov, faith, and hope, and ſoweth againfghem innu:
merable errours, fects, delufions, herefieg, defperations, fuper:
ſitions, and fuch kind of abominations without number ? All the
vodꝛlde fs to him ag a ſparke of fire toa fountaine of water , itis
| Wwholp ſubdued vnto him in theſe euillg,as(alas) we both fee and
_ trie. But it is faith which troubleth him, for it is not onelp not
| made fubtect te bis deluſions, but it alfo difcouereth and confoun-
Beth them,that they be no moze of any importance,that thep are
| able to doe nothing but doe vaniſh away, as we haue erperience
| acchis day by the decaping and banithing of the Papacie and in:
dulgences. Finally finne hath that force, that that which ig euen
| theleatt, cannot be appeafed or ertinguithen ofanp creature,that
it doth not gnawe and teare the conlcience, pea tfall men fhould
goe about togither to comfort the confcience wherein finne bath
vdegun to liue they ſhould aoe about it in baine. But faith ts that
| noble Champion , which ouercommeth and ertinguifheth euerp
Ainne yea if all the ſinnes which the whole world hath commitced
| from the beginning were lapde bponone heape , it would ertin:
guilh and abolith chem all togither. Is not faith therefore moſt
mightie and of inconiparable ſtrength, which vareth encounter
With fo many and fo mightie enemies and beareth alway the cer⸗
taine victoxie? TAhercfoze John ſayth in his irk Cpitte chap.
faith. . &, reds /
“|! Dowbeit this bictoꝛie commeth not wich reſt and quienes, twe a obtay-
muũ tei@the fine, not witout blood and wouttdes, rat ig me ME nor the
| §#This ischat victoriethathath ouercome this world, euen our
| |
victorie ouer
mult nerdes keele ſinne beath che ſleſh che deuill, And che WOND, ho enemies
vxea and that allayling bsfo id np with fo great i bg of our foules
| that che hare of man doe thitke thar he is palt all hope that
2 withourfore |
| Path ouercomesand the deuill gotten bhhe vpper ative, and on the Fehr & cos ·
Contrarp ſide very litle fecle the force of faith Teiler an erample —
OP thisfight here inthe Diltiples, lorthe wies did not onelp
Arike the hip, but did euen couer it that adthing could be now lo
d for, but that it lhould he Dlowneds eſperialip Crit heme a-
| a
fleepe,and knowing not ofthis perill ; all hope was then palt,life
feemed to be ouercome, and death appeared to yaue thebictogie,
But as tt fel out with the Dilciples in this tentation, ſo alſo doth
it fall out, and mutt fall out wich all che godly in all kind of tenta⸗
tions, which are of ſinne ‚the deuill, and che worlo. In the tentati⸗
on of finng we mutt needes feele the conleience chrallunto finnes,
the wrathof God and hellith papnestohange ouerbs, andall
thinges to be in that cafe , ag though we were pat allrecouerie,
- Likewile when we baue conflict with che deutll,it mut appeare,
az though truth ſhoulde giue place to errour, and Satan ſhoulde
driue the worde of God out of the whole wozlde, and he him ſelle
reigne for a Gov with his deluſions €deceits. either Kanveth
che cale anp ocherwife, when it commeth to pafle that we are trp:
ed ofche world, it mu needes be, chat it hould greatly rage any
cruellp perfecute bs, fo that it hall ſeeme that no man at allig.a-
ble to ſtand, that no man is able to obtapne fafetie, oꝛ profes his
fatth : that Cain onelp ſhall beare rule , and lufter bis brother in
no place, | ar
Albeitwebe But we mult natiudge according to füch feeling and dutward
in daunger & Appearance of chings, but according to faith. Che prefenc exam⸗
great dıltres, Ple ought to firre bs bp hereunto,& to be receiued of vs in ſteede
yetmuftwe offpectall comfort. For we learne hereof, chat albeit finnes doe
not be er vrge vs. death dilquiethg,che worlorage againſt vs, and chede«
horbelecue UllHlap ſnares for bs, that is, although the wanes doe couer the
char we hall Sip, pet we muff not be vifcouraned. For although thy conſci⸗
be deliuered ence being wounded doth fecle finne, and the wrath and indignas
tion of God, pet ſhalt chou not therefore be plunged in hell, Nei⸗
ther (halt chou therefore die although euenthe whole worlu hate
and perlecute thee,and gape fo wide to deuoure thee, as the mors
ning ſpreadech forch itfelfe: Thep are onelp waues 5 which fale
ling bpon thy thip doe terrifie thee, and compel chee to crie out,
we perith, Lov ſaue vs. Chou hat therefore in the fopmer pare
of this tert.the nature of faith let foꝛth, how itis wont and ought
to bebaue it felfein tentation, allo howe deſperate athinge viffis
dence is, and nothing to be counted of, Che other part commen:
eth unto vs loue in Chik, whereby he was brought lo Farce,
that be brake of his fleepe, arofe, and counted the daungerthat —
bis Dilctples were infor his otone, andhelped them freelp ak
king 02 looking for nothing of them thereloꝛe. Cucnagicische —
| | ' nature
ns of Chaittian Tone to noe all things freelp and of good will The nature
tothe gloꝛie of God, and profit of our neighbours, feeking to it —
felfe nothing therebp, Foꝛ the erercifing of which loue man avo: N
ted of God, is left in che earth, euen as Chrik being made man
lined in the earth that be might do for vs, as be witneſſeth of bin
elfe: Icame not to be ferued; butto ferue, and to give my life Massh.20.28
ortheranfome of many,
The Allegories of. this dcede.
In this deede Chꝛiſt hath fer forth the life of Chattiang, and
the ftate of fuch as preach and teache the woꝛde of Goo. The hip
fignifiech the Church,the fea the woꝛld, the winde the deuill, the
Ditciples of Chꝛiſt are the Pꝛeachers and godly Chriftians:
Chꝛiſt che eruch,che Golpell and faith, ow, before that Chit
and his Difcipleg enter into the hip, the lea is caline, tthe wind
quiet,buc when Chꝛiſt with bis Diſciples are entred in, byandby
arifeth atempet, Chis is that which he fayd : I came notto fend Marth.10.34
peace but the{word. For if Chat would (uffer the woꝛld to liue 4 Deo
after bis owne maner, and would not rep2oue the workes there: yi. che
of,it would be quiet enough. Bucnowleeing that he pꝛeacheth found and
that thep which are counted wife men, arefooles: thep that are Sincere prea-
counted righteous,are finnerg: they that are counted tich,are not Chine 1 the
bleffen,but miferable,it ragerh €ig in great furie,So thou maitt "°P
at this dape finde wife men of this woꝛlde, which in deede would
fuffer the Golpell to be preached, if the wordeg of the Scripture
ſhoulde be fimplp declared , and inthe meane feafon the fate of
Eccleſiaſticall perfons not reproued: butas foone as thou fhale
begin to condemne by the Scriptures all thofe chinges which
baue bene hitherto bꝛought in unver a falfe name of religton,and
toteach that they are to be reiectedasbeing of no importance,
thou preachett feditioufip,aud troubleſt the woꝛld wich vnchziſti⸗
But how doth che prefent tert pertaine bnto bs! A great tem:
peſt div arile,wbere that htp went, herein Chzift and his Dit
tiples were. Deber hips did paſſe the {ea quietly nothing toſſed
of che windes, this Hip onelp muſt be tollev and couered with
Wwaues,becaule Chrift wae caried in it. Forthe world can fuffer
anp kind of preaching belive the preaching of Chik: thecaule 1.
is,fo2 that be condemneth all hinges of the world , and chalen: wort can
€ not abide § y
Tu u
—— Of geth all righteoulnes to him ſelle, accoꝛding to chat which he
RR faith: He that isnor with me, isagainftme: andagaine: The
10h.16.8. Spirit willreproue the worlde of finne, ofrighteoufnes, and of
iudgement. He fapeh not : will preach, but,willreproue,and not
this 02 that man,but,the world,and Whatfoeuer ig in the world, —
Acaint this hip of Chait allthis tempettis rapfed, anditis |
brought into daunger. Forthe world doth not fuffer his owne —
_ thinges to be condemned, but Chrift can not allowe them, ttfbe
ſhould allow them, he bad come tn batne, For tf the world mere
wile by it felfe, and did knowe and followe the truth, what neede
bad there bene chat Chait bis Difciples thould pꝛeach? (Aher⸗
A ao foreic is not a ſmall comloꝛt to Chpittians , eſpecially to Prea⸗
na chers,that chey are certaine befoze,that ag foone as they thal be⸗
theyknowe ginto preach Chait to the woꝛld, they mutt fuffer perfecution,¢
beforethat that it can not be orherwile, So that ic ig a lure figne,and there:
they thal fuf- foye to be wiſhed, that it fs true Chꝛiſtian pꝛeaching, if it be tried
fer perfecu- wrth perfecucion, efpecialtp of the holy, learned and wile men of
i the worlde. As itis an bndouted figne alfo, that itis unchziftian
preaching, if it be prayed commonly and honoured of the wopin,
accopding to that faping Luke 6: Bleffed are ye when men hate
you, and put out your name as euill,for the Sonne of mans fake:
for fo did their fathers to the Prophets. Row marke how our {pis
rituall men do bebaue them felues and of what fort their doctrine
is: They haue got into their (ubtection the riches, gloꝛie, and.
power of the woꝛld, and thep that praple them, entop the honour
and pleafures thereof, their cafe in allthinges agreeth wırh the
cafe of the falſe Pꝛophets, and pet thep dare boaſt them ſelues to
be JPreachers and Ceachers of Chet , and worfhippers of
Ob The next chinge,wherebp chis deede doth comfort and encous
thePrea- ragethe Dreachers of Chꝛiſt, is, chat it ſheweth where helpe ig
chersof — to be af ked, when a tempelt is riſen: co wit,not ofthe world, for
En a not mans wiſedom or power,but Chit him felfe,and be alone ig
for Sedefre le tobelpe them. Dim chep mutt call vpon in euerp dittres with
helpe in the full confidence, in bim thep muff trutt, as bis Difcipleg here
time of trou- DID, Foꝛ bales thep had beleeued that Chꝛiſt wag able to take a:
bleand per- way the daunger wherein they were , thep would not haue awa⸗
fecution. ked him, and prayed him to fane them: although their faith chen,
was berp weake,and verp much diftivence wag in them, for that
- they nid not confivenelp commit them felues with him unto vaun:
‘ger , Douting nothing but he was able ta deliver them out of the
middelſt of the fea,and from death it ſelfe. ereof therefore lec it
E be acknowledged ag certatne , chat as no Judge or Mopverator
can be giuen to the word of Gov, but God onelp , fothere can be
ee no other maintainer op defender thereof: who ashe fendeth
it out whether he will without anp merit 02 counfell of men, fo he
alone allo will defende # preferue it without the apde o2 ſtrength
of men; and therefore he that (eeketh ayde vnto this word of men,
Hall without out fall,being forlaken ag well of men as of Gov.
Ahereas Chat ia fleepe,it giueth vs to vnderſtand, that in
the time of perfecucton he voch fometimes withdraw him felfe, @ Chrift fome-
feemeth as though beflept , whiles that he giucth not trengeb = mes the
power valiantly to relite,the peace and tranquillitie of minde be: · 3
ing now diſturbed, butfuffereth vs to waffle and labour with trouble with
our infirmitie for a mhile,chat we map acknowledge how we are deaweth him
altogither noching; and that all thinges doe Depend on bis grace {lf & differ-
and power. As Paule confellech of him felfe 2.07.1. that ttbe- ——
houed that he houtve be fo prꝛeſſed and troubled out of meaſure, ‘
that we fhould not eruff in cur felues but in Gon, which rapfeth
the deat Such fleepe of God Daud oftentimes felt,and maketh
mention thereof inmanp places; Arife, awake, O Lorde: why
fleepeft thou? why dooft thou forget vs ? &c.
In alumme , the prefent tert oflereth vnto bs two principall
thinges full ofconfidence and godly bolones. The firſt, that when
perfecution is rifen for the woꝛd of God, me may fap: Tie knew
that it would fo come to pafle,Chrifk ts in the thip, therefore the
ſea ſo rageth, thewindes trouble vs, the waues fall vpon bs ag
though thep would dꝛowne bs. But let them rage and be furioug
as much ag thep map: itis certaine, the fea and the windes doe
obey Chrift which is the other principal hinge which this tert -
offereth.{perfecution thall extend no farther,nor rage any lenger
then he will, and albcit the waues doe euen ouermbelme bs , pet
mutt thep be obedient at his becke . De is Loꝛde ouer all. where-
fore nothing thallburtos: be onelp endue vs with bis grace,
that we be not overcome bpbnbeliefe and ſo deſpeire, Amen,
Ahereas the men merueilev and prapfed the Lorde, ag vnto
whom the fea and windes doe obep, tt fignifieth that the Gufpell The Gofpel
and woꝛd of God is fo farre from being — by perſecu⸗ —
BE: ; ii. N
ri |
* 4,
broadand tion, that cherebp it ig fpread farther abroad, and faith alſo is in⸗
ahnen ereafen and becommeth dronger ¶ Cherein it appeareth howe
fecution, Divers thenature of this Diuine good thinge ig from the goon |
thinges of the worlo, which decay by calamitie and migfortune, |
and are increafen bp profperitie and fortunate affapres : Butthe —
kingdom of Chꝛiſt is increaſed and ftrengthened by tribulation —
and aduerfitie: but is diminifhed and weakned bp peace and tran:
guillitie, TAbereupon Paule fapch 2,672.12: The Lordes
power ismade perfect through weakenes: which Gob performe
in vs alſo, Amen,
AP CR YS T VANE 1 10980 NG Tae
6 |
2.Cor. 6.
Verfer. NO we therefore as workers togither
| ee befeech you, that ye receiue not the
| (CRY) grace of Godinvaine. | 1...
N 2. ee For he fayth : | haue heard thee in a
| timeaccepted,and in the day of faluatiomhaue
| Efuccoured thee : beholde nowethe accepted
| time,beholdinow the day of faluation. 19"
| 3. Letvs giue no occaſion of offéce in anything,
that our minifterie be notreprehended.
4 But in allthings let vs behaue our felues as the
Minifters of God,in much patience,in.aflidi-
ons,in.neceflities,in.diftrefles. soa u sum
Eur | 5 In
58. Inftripes,in prifons,in tumults,in labours.
PB oy 0 sp tee intone in faftings, i in puritie) in know-
Be edge,in Ion ng fuffering, in kihdnes, in the holy
N * prt lou vnfeyned,
7, Inthe word of rruth,in the power of God, by
* the armour of zighteoufnes on the night hand
zn. c and onheleft, | man
8. By honour and diſhonour, by euill repott atid
on m ogoodreport,as deceiversand yet true:
9. °° Asvhknowne;and yet knowne: as dying, and
| Ba we litte:'as chaftened, & yernot killed,
.10,., sade —* fortowing,& yet alway reioicing:as poore,
i ite —X sa ke many rich: Sambi aeons
| aye BO ale elongall sings. 1 9g348
pater era VIB
Fea austin on m9 zarten’ yw ot sits ot findings Ir
B | aa ber somanition: and — to athe Co
FORK bh eeu tinbians:, to apply them ſelues to thoſe thinges,
1 HY Ss which they did already knowei «Che wordes ſurely
AAG) arecalie te be vnderſtood, buchard tobe danesand
bg oan ole mot rare... Foꝛ tn (uch merueilous oper and
"colours bepatieeth out Chꝛiſtian tie pas tt can not be pleafaunt
2 — ti behold. Firſt be faptbxAs;workers togicherwe bet The Mini-
ech you} ie callechthe Miniſters of pᷣ woꝛd tagitberwairkersäifters of the
a8 1.6053 she alfo fapeh :V Veengithes are Goidslabourers;yes"0r4 pie?
| | ate Gadshusbandrie,and Gods building: Cibichis thus mücht, A ood. *
in efleet: Cie preach and labour inthe woꝛde among pou by teas’
| chine erhorting but God tnwardlp with bis ſpirit dorh.blefle,
| and glue * encreafeslefithatıthe outward labour in the mon bei
in vaine. And ſo God is the inward and. true Maiſter, which brine
geth to pafle all hinges, whom me ſerue in thelofficeof outward
| preaching, Row hecalleth him ſelfe ¢ bis fellowes {uch togither
| workers.tett they thould contemne che outward word.ag though
| thep either had notneede of it,o2 ban already fufficiétly attayned
to che knowledge therof. For although God can alone by hig ſpi⸗
\ zit, without cbe outward word worke all things inthe mindes of
| i= elects pet be will noc doe it, but —“ vſe togither woon ·
(8 >
king preachers, x wonke bp their word) where where it pleafech
bim, Fopalinuch therfore.as it ſeemeth good vnto God to giue to |
reachersthis: ablice panies Mamitestbat thep,becounted woꝛ⸗
kets togither with him, it is not lawt ull in anp an ha chalenge
either thatlearning 02 holines vncohimlelf, thathe nealecteuen
teuer fo fimple a fermon wherein the wor of God is pieachety |
much letle that he contemne its for we know not when that time
will come, when Good bp his Pꝛeacher — to accom⸗
pliſh bis morke in bs, CIO MO chit bit 3101 only a 8
The Br Decondip.the Apoſtle admoniſheth J the daunger oflofing d
u doth fight of the Goſpel, when be ſayth: that ye receiue not the grace
ds fong c- of God in vaine. iberbp be giveth vs to underkan that } ‘preae
tnueinone ching ofthe Gofpelt ig nota erpetual, continuing & permanent
place fincere ggettitie,but rather that ft’ if ‘tke ratne that fopain!y commeth #
& vncorupr foone palleth away when as the Sunne and heat come byandby
and take away al the moittite that is Iefethereof,ätibiafterwaro
fcorch and hurt hinges neuertheles, This herp experience proc
ueth,foz no man fhall be able to bꝛinge forch euen one place in the
world, where the Golpell hath remained pure and fincere aboue
the age ofone man, but continued and increaſed while thoſe
bywhoſe miniſterie ithegan; they departing bente that alſoa
moft wholy departedrand byandby after followed herttikes and
falfe teachers, withtheir deluſions anv kalſe doctrine peruerting
and enruptingiallchinges. "So Woles fopecalo his Iſraelites
that byandby alter bis death it (houldcomeito patie, chat chey
in our depart from the wap ofthe Roꝛde, and corrupt their o
Ne wayes, which the bookeof Judges toicheflech to haue come te
; >" paffe: Boj eonee che fame booke faprh;that.as often as anpiudge
which had calied againe the word ofthe Loin vie, they fell a-
gäineforchwich tacheir vngodlines, @made all things worfe and
wore. So Joas the king continued in bis dutie fo long as Telos
tada the Pꝛieſt lined, who being vead, be began byandby to be’a
King vnlike him felkcze lekt the office of a good and godly Kings
“AZ20.29. Meicher fell icout otherwile after Chrit had receiued his’ Apoe
ſtles to him felfe. almott the whole world was ſilled with herefieg
and falle dactrine.d21 hich Paul pronounced before; 1 know this,
fapth-be,that after: my departing shal! grieuous wolues enter inl
among you, not fparing theflocke (Sic; Softanvelh whe cafe at
this dap allo the büneam fincere Golpethach chined vnto vs che
d 5 OF A CHRISTIAN, 4% 327
napof grace and faluacton, aud the acceptable tine are prefent,
" put chep thall thoptly beendedifthe world anv, >
{ Moreouer,to receiue grace in vaine canbe nothing els , ‘then Whatitis to
|" tobeare the pure and ſincere woꝛd of God ; whereby the grace of tecciue the
God is preached and offered, and notwithtanding to embrace it ee ee
“With no diligence; neither tobe chaungewoy alterevinlife ; Wp °°o vaine
“this unchankfullllechfulnes we deferue to haue it taken awap a:
gaine as being, vaworthp of it Fortwe making ſo light of the
Goſpell are vndoutedly they which are bidden and called to the
mariage,but whiles being bulied about other matters we vefpife
‚ this grace,the goodmawof the boule is angrie with vs, (weä-
| keth that wefhallneuer tak of bis fupper, Che fame voth Paule
now bereadmomth of,that we take heede do our felues, leaſt that
| Werecetuethe Golpell vnthankfully & without frute.Dea Chit
| alfoadmonithed bs of the fame: V Valke while ye haue the light, 124. 12.33.
leaſt the darkenes come vpon you‘, It ought furelp to make vs
moꝛe warie and heevefull, euen for chat we fuffered fo gricuous
| and pernitiousbarkenes under the Pope. But we haue now for«
gotten all uchthinges,nothankfulnes,no amendement ts found
| among bs; mhich bow greatly to out owne hurt we negtecty we
| hall thoatlp feele,
| Forhefayth: Ihaue heard theeina tyme accepted, and in the
| day of faluation haue Ifuccoured thee: beholde nowe the act
| cepted tyme . De deſcribeth here the merueilous feltcitic which |
| isthere where the Golpell flaurithech, there is no wath, nore
uengement, all chinges are repleniſhed wich grace and faluatt:
| Dit, pea itis vnſpeakeable howe great felicitte thefe woꝛdes doe
| fpeake of. Cdtyereas he firſt ſayth: atyme accepted;it ig fpoken A time ac-
by an hebrewe figure, and is as much agifthoufap: a graci. cepted.
| ous tyme and repleniſhed with the fauour of Gon ‚ wherein Goo
| turneth away bis anger, and declareth nothing but loue toward
bs, audareadp millto helpevs. Dur finnes are blotted out;
| noconelp tholethat be paft , but thoſe alfo which as pec ſticke in
our fleſh, and that I map ſpeake in a word: the kingdom of mets - 4» thelemenare, pea and verie wicked wretches, the doctrine of
lile which they follow mußt needes be euell and pettilent: Do our
inkamie and crimes are occalion of offence to others, and of ha⸗
tred and deteftation of the moſt holy woꝛd of Gov, Foꝛ whereas —
we ought fo to know, preach and folow tt, that thereby both our
neighbours might be brought onto God ,and-tothe leading ofa a
godly life,and allo the gloꝛte of Gov fet forth, we by our naugbtp —
and flouchfull life bring to pafle that it doth not onelp bring, no
profit and commodity to our neighbours, butis bꝛought into bas
tred and made detettable throug) our meanes, bearing our igno⸗
minie and reproche. ow it is amoft hoprible fpnne and wicked⸗
nes bp our naughtines to make the word of Gov which ts moſt
holy and boingeth faluation, tomake it J fap, fo odious, and to
repell and dꝛiue men from it, to our owne; and their mott cets
taine deffruction,
But in all thinges letvs behaue our felues as the minifters of
God, in much patience, in afflictions, &c. Here be deleribeth in
order the fiqnes € proper tokens of a Chꝛiſtian life, wherewith
it ought to be adogned in outward conuerſation: Not meaning
that one ig made a Chꝛiſtian and govlp herebp , but as he fayth,
that by thele ag by proper frutes and fignes of Chꝛiſtianitie, we
fhould thew our ſelues to be bach , and behaue our ſelues as che
minifters of God, that is as Chꝛiſtians ¢ godly men, And marke
well that befapths as the minifters of God. It map feeme berp
ftraunge, that the miniſterie of Gov conſiſteth in thele „in many
afflictions, tn neceflitieg , in diftcefles, in ſtripes, in pꝛiſons, in
tumults, in watching, infatings ; ¢c. Among thefe be num:
breth not Maſſes, and prapers forthe dead, oꝛ other triflesof
fatned worſhip of Gon. He rebearferh chole things that pertaine
to the true and right leruiceof Gov, whereby the body is chafki:
(ed, and the fleth tamed. di hich is well to be nored, left thataup
neglect fattings „ watchingg andlabour, and make no count of
them foz that thep do notiuttifie, Chep bring noe righteouſnes
in deede, pet are thep frutes of righteoulnes being obtained,
wherein thou map be erevcifed, and whereby thou mayſt keepe
thy fleth in ſubiection and enforce it to do bis duties. uni ono)
‘In tumults. De rebearfeeh tumults oꝛ ſeditions among the
reſt, not that tt becrommeth vs te teach 02 moue them,who ought
to obep Magiſtrates, and with quietnes to live obedient vnto all
in chacmbich is good, as Päuleteacherh Rom.13, and Chik -
Watth,2 2: Giue vnto Cefarthofe thinges that are Cefars': but
— that we mutt beare tumultes of others , a8 alfo neceffities , vt:
ftvefles ; tripes, and imprifonments , which we mut caule or
| procute bnto none „but ſuffer being procured and layde bpon bs
by others. Therefore in the fir place be lettech much patience,
which ſurely moueth no (edition oꝛ cumultjbut rather ſuffreth it,
and appeaterh tt, itk it can. Gut ithe meane feafon it ſingularly
comfozteth bg at this time, when as tumults are commonly int se *
puted ato vs, for that this is incident toa Chꝛiſtian life that for secured co
the preaching ofthe Golpell it is acculed to raiſe ſedition, which raife {edition
ie rather {affereth being raifen of other againſt che word of Gov, and tumults,
For asin time paſt Achab accuſed the moſt holp Jrophee Elias he WA fut
Bfifevition, affirming that it was he that tronblev Ifraell; when pine raited
as be himſelfe in deede did trouble it: fo isit neichera thamefull ofocher.
hoz new thinge ‚for bs to be accuſed of the fame when we preach
thefame word. Let bs rhinke when the enemies of Gon lap this
repoche anv ſclaunder bpon bs, that not onelp Cliag, not onelp
the Apotties, but Chik himſelle wag counted of the Hewes a fe-
Ditious felow,¢ crucified, a title being wꝛittẽ in chꝛee languages
and put om hecrowle 5 that he Mould of all be counted as a ſedi·
tious king of the Tees 5 which would haue moued that people
again Cefat, and adtoinen them to himſelfe, who in deeve bp
woꝛd and example of his life taught noching moze then ſubmiſſiõ
and obedientẽe and liued (0 that he was ready to profit and mini⸗
. Keronto all, ‘as for che reft whereof the Apottle bere maketh
mention, as patience, affliction’, neceflitie, diſtres, ſtripes, pri:
fons, labour; watchinges,fatting, puritiesttig raſie to vnderſtand
how they pertaine to the miniſterie of Gov, who truely diſdai⸗
neth to haue flouth full, tole, gluttonsus and dronue miniſters,
and ſuch ag can not abide aduerſitie and trouble. Buche ſpecially
reproucth our delicate ones, which quietly entoy reuenues and
rents, and take their velightanvpleafire, thinking that it is an
bntooxchie thinge that they ſhould labour); fox thepiare hauen,
weare long gowmnes,, and crie out in compiles’ we! Howbeit theſe
fhall not be abletoapppoue themielacs before Goo wha mini Cod wi
‘Haut all to labour, andeste cheir ombe and not other mens DAD; be idle, bur
* is vnitten by Paule co the Cy cMaloniane,, Thð thetelore all ro labour,
and fo este teacheth here allo, that God is ſerued bp labour, anv not that
their owne ‘pnelp, but that we alfo are, thereby InpuM, and. commended to be |
bread. =the miniffergof God. ose
“ Inknowledge: Pau⸗ taketh knotoledge here for that which |
me call prudence o2 wifedom,wherby we vfe things withreafon, —
behauing our felues with dilcretion anv. comelines DF which —
knowledge p faping alfo of Paul Kom. ı o.is vnderſtood: They
hauethe zeale of God but not according to knowledge, that
is , thep beare a zeale to the lawe not prudently „not weying and
— 7* cðſidering all things well, that they might do no vndetent thing.
Chtiſtians Ahereloze whereas be here expreſſely requireth knowledge in
muſt frame the miniſterie of God; be thereby admoniſheth bs, that we frame
theit life pru- our fife with reaſon, and opder it prudenelp,inallchingg keeping
— ameane; and hauing an aduifen rebard ofourncighbours 5 det
diferction, that inanp thing we offende p weaker fort, with vnſeaſonabie vſe
| of Chꝛiſtian libertie, and that we do all thinges to the enifping of
| all. So we muß labour, fat, watch, and applie our ſelues to cha⸗
| ſtitie and fuch other-thinges ;not aboue mealure , that eicherthe
body map be indaunger bp coo much honger and watching, 02
the true puritie of life, by ouermuch abftinence trom macttimar
niall companie, but we mutt vſe thele hinges wich knowlenge,
that is with conuenient wiledome anv difcretion, that they map
| not anp whit hurt, but alwayes edifie »:CUlhereupon Pauleır.
J Coꝛ:7.expꝛeſſely admoniſheth maried folkes, that thep abſtaine
not ouermuch from mutuall companie, left chat they be tempted
of Satan. In all hele cherefore, in fakingg,watchings;Taboung,
thattitie ec: the Apoſtle would pzefcribe and appoint no rule,
{awe or mealurey Which the councels of the Pope and, Monkes
bo, butthemeane op mealure to be obſerued inthem be left-free
to eueriemang knowledge and difcretion , that euerie one map
confiver with bimfelfe hom much or long be mutt labour ; fat,
Watch; or abfkafne, tothis ende that tbe fiehh * be same and
made obedientto thefpirit, 0.
Inlong {uftering,in kindnessin the haky San Tibattherwo
former are the Apoftle bath aclarge (ufficiently declared Rom,
2.@al.5. But whereas he faith s Inthe holy Spirits { it map be vn⸗
derſtood after two ſorts, either that be fpeakethofp holy Ghoſt
: Gophimfelfe,or that he meancth by the holp ſpirit the crue fogce
and maner ofa ſpirituall life 5 as. chough be would —*
J bd “
“this maner: Beware of anbppocriticall ſpirit, which wilbe coun
ted for abolp ſpitit though a merueldus ſhew and craftie coun.
erfaiting of (pivituall chinges , wher'ttis in Decde an bncleane,
prophane, and an euell ſpirit, and bringeth in nothing but fects
and hereſies. Gut liue pe inthe true € holy ſpirit which is giuen A true ſpiri⸗
of God, which giueth and maintaineth vnitie, one mpnde, heart Wall bie.
amd affection, whereof he fpeaketh alfo Eph. 4: Endeuour ro
keepe the vnitie of the fpirtt in the bond of peace. They there«
fore which perfeuer in the fame true faith , mynde and fentence,
behaue themſelues ag the miniffers of God in the holp ſpirit,
being trulp (pirituall, and lining afpirituall life. Fora ſyncere
{piritualllife’s which ig Ted bp the alfittaunce of the holy ſpirit of
God, is alfoled in the dnitte of myndes, che hearts bp fateh being
afſfected after the ſame ſoxt. — kl ple
n loue vafained, nthe word oftruth. As be fer the holp foe:
rit agaiuſt heretikes and falle Prophets ‚To be lettech pnfainen
foue againſt flouthfull and ſſuggiſh Ehriftiang , woo albeit thep
haue the fame meaning and mynde tu the true ſpirituall life, as
concerning opinions ofdoctrine, pet are they remifle, colde and
fait inloue, Sb he letterh the word oftruth again them which
abuſe the Word of God and interpret it according te their owne
allectiẽs that thereby chey may ret them a name and profit. For
ag falle ſpirits bo contemue the word of the Scripture, and pre=
ferre themfelues before tt4%o chefe no in deede boaffof the worn,
and wilbe counted matters of the Scripture , but bp their inter:
pretations do peruere che fenfe and meaning thereof, Againſt
thele Peter (peaketh : Ifahy man ſpeake, let him fpeake as the
wordes of God , that is, let him take heede that bebe certaine
that thofe 3 which be fpeaketh , be the modes of Good, and
not hig owne bainetmagination, Now Jaule calleth that here
the word of truth, which ig ſyncere word of Gov, not whcih ig The word of
vnſyntere ¢ fained, which koral much ag itis ours, is falflp called truth.
the word of Gon, sor chat which ine call the true ¢ sight word,
the Hebrewes call the word of truth.
“Inthe power of God, Df this power Peter alfo ſpeaketh 1, In fpirituall
Pet.⁊ . any manminiffer, let him do it as of the abilitie which factions —
God miniftreth, And Paule Tolofl, 1:Whereunto I affo labour ————
and ſtriue, according to his working ‚which worketh in me muf do no-
mighrely. Againe Rom.ız: Idare not ſpeake of any thing which thing bus
that which Chrift hath not wroughtby me,to make the Gentiles obedient,
we arecer- &c, Chꝛiſtians muſt be certaine that thep are-the kingdome of
pean REE God, and do nothing at all,efpeciallp in ſpirituall functiong,and
ve, shofe thinges that pertaineto the faluation of foyles , whereof
thep are not certaine, that itis not thep which woꝛke , but Gop
that worketh bp chem, Foꝛ inthe kingdome of God itis meee,
that Good alone do (peake,commaund,do,difpofe, and worke all
thinges, Chis Chat ment wen he ſaid Watth, 5: Let yout light
{o shine before men , that they may fee your good workes, and
glorifie your Father which is in heauen, ag the author of them, —
which doch them and not pou.
By the armour of righteoufnes on the right hand, and on the
left, by honourand dishonour, &c, Thig armour be delcribech
of God, boch are ca chis ende, that be map turne Chrifkiang from
corporal and propbane armour, and admonifhthem,, chat thep
area ſpirituall people, and therefore mutt be furniſhed with ſpi⸗
rituall armour , wherewith they mufkalwapes fight a ſpirituall
fight with {pirttuall enemies , which, bere be rebearfeth, and
ſheweth that they do allaile bs bath en the right hand and onthe
The enemies left, On the left hand be fettech vifhonour, euell report, and that
of Chriftians tye are-counted ag Decetuers, vnknowen, Dping , chattened, ſor⸗
——— rowing, popze, hauing nothing. Foꝛ all thele thinges come pn.
- lefchand, 0 Cheiftians, thep are openly defamed, being reproched to their
| face „and bp infamie falfly accufed and ratled on , counted ag des
ceiuers and followers of moft wicked trades. Chey are ag vn⸗
knotone although noble, all refuling to be friends with chem bes
caufe of the perilous confeflion of the name of Chri, pea tt mas
nie times commeth to pafle that thep chat were their moſt famt-
liar friends are afhamend of them, for that they baue fo euell ates
port, anv are verie tll ſpoken of among the chiefe,ticheft, wiſeſt,
and mightieſt ofthe world, Chey are dying, thatis, as theepe
appointed to che laughter, they looke for death euerp moment,
by reafon of the great hatred and enuie which che euell beare to⸗
ward them, being alwapeg perfecuten of the chiele ofthe ie
They ate chaffenen , for it often times falleth out that they are
ſtriken and beaten, and do bp other difcommovities trie bow thep
ave enuied of the world , and how gre ——— the mightie
of the world beare againft them, They areas forrowing ‚for all
outward thinges are againft them, and the whole world giueth
manp caufes of gricfes vnto them. Thep are ag poore, for there
is no man of the worlo which will gtue them any ching , euerie
man is ready to bure and envamage them. Meitherdorhep poß
ſelſe any thinge,for although all thinges be not taken from them
at once , pet are chep in that ftate chat they daily Tooke for it, A⸗
paint thele aduerfities ¢ as enemies affatling bs on the left hav,
itis neenfull that we be fortifien ¢ fenfed with p armour of Gov,
left that we either deſpeire or faint, Now this armour is a fare The armour
and inuincible faith 5 continual confolation and erhozration of of God,
the word of God , and aliuely hope and bndouted erpectation of
the belpe of Gov. hen being furnithen with thefe, we {utter
all thinges patiently , ffanding fevfatt in our dutie, we declare
out felues the ſyncere minifters of God, which the falle Apo⸗
files and hppocrites can neuer do, alehough tbep faine a ep
ferue Good,
Dun the right hand be fetteth gloyie,paifes,char we arecoun: Where a-
ted true, knowne,doliue „are not killed, do reioyce, enriching gainft Chri-
many poffeffing all thinges. Foꝛ it alwapes falleth out, that ie rm ji
there be fome which make account of Chꝛiſtians, and reuerence ee icvall ar-
them ‚among whom they are well repopted of, and counted true mour on the
in Doctrine , wherefore fome are not wanting which topne them: right hand.
felugs bnto them, and do openlp ppetend friendthip with them,
freelp pronouncing them to be the minifters of God. Meither do
thep die fo oft as they are brought into vaunger , and being chas
ſtened are not alwapes killed. Finally it commeth to palle bp
the confolation of the {pirit, chat they vo then moft of all retopce,
when thep are in greateſt affliction. For their heart retopceth in
God, which iop burlteth forth, and vttereth it {elfe in worded,
workes,and geftures, And albeit thep be poore in corpozall lub:
ftaunce , pet are they neuer famiſhed with hunger , but withthe
woꝛd of God do enrich verie many in fpirit , ¢ and not in neede
‚ofanpthing , although thep baue nothing ‚for all thinges are in
their handeg, for that all creatures muft ferue the belecuers , as
Chaiſt fapth: To him that beleeueth all thinges are poflibie.
map lerue him, and. that moſt dutiſfullp, Amen.
CMatth. 4
§ Hen was Iefus led afide of the fpi-
@fxrit into the wildernes, to be temp-
(0 Dted of the Deuell. Bert
033 And whé he had fafted forty daies
rtie nights,he was afterward hungrie.
3. Then came to him the tempter & faid, ifthou
. be the fonne of God commaund that thefe
ftones be made bread.
4. But
4. But he aunſwering, ſaid, it is written:Man shall
‘~~ not liue by bread only, but by euerie word that
_ proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
5. TThen the Deuell tooke him vp into the holy
+ Citie,and fethim ona pinacle of the temple,
6. And faid vnto him: If thou be the Sonne of
God caft thy felf dewn:for itis written,that he
| will giue his’ Angels charge ouer thee , & with
their hads they thal lift theevp,leftat any time
thou fhouldeft dafh thy foote againft a ftone.
7, Iefus faid vnto him,it is written againe: Thou
fhaltnottempt the Lord thy God.
8.. Againthe Deuell tooke him vp into an excee-
ding hie mountain, &fhewed him all the king-
domes of the world,and the glorie of them.
9. And faidtohim: All thefe willl giue thee, if
thou wilt fall downe, and worfhip me.
To. The {aid Iefus vnto hin, Avoid Satan, for itis
| written : Thou fhalt worfhip the Lord thy
God, and him onely fhalt thou ferue.
11. Then the Deuelleft him: and behold,the An-
gels came,and miniftred vnto him.
g ibis tert hath therefore bin appointed to be redde
TAY inche beginning of the folemne fa which bath bi-
ss therto bin commaunded for fortie dayes, that the
Fa example of Chri being commẽded to Chrifkiang,
eg” thep might thereby be prouoked to keepe that fat
fo much more religtouflp , which furelp was nothing but a vaine
Chritt rather followed the erample of Woles herein , chen gaue
vnto vs any erampfe to follow. Doles receiving the Lawe ; was
foptie vapes x foptic nights in the mount Sina without meat; fo
lie time would Ghrtt allo fat, coming tobring ¢ publiſh anew
law, Againe,this fatting ig a peruerle thing inaſmuch ag ic was
mae 3D
ed abufe of all herein wag,that we tooke vpon vs, and vſed faſtin
338 A SERMON ° —
oꝛdained of men. Foꝛ albeit Chaiſt fatten fortiebapes,:
Wwe no word of his whereby he hath commaunded bs
the fame. De div many other hinges belive notwitht
will not haue be alfo todo them: thofe chinges thathe
maunded bs todo, thofe thinges, Jſay, we muſt ender
A moft wic- that thereby we map obey bis wit. But the moft veſtile
fafting. and meritorioug woꝛke, not to came che fleth cherebp,but to fat
fic fox [pnneg sandte procure the tauour of God vnto our felues.
TAhich wicked opiniö made our fatting fo foute, filthie and abo⸗
minable before Gov, that na fealtings , bankets , gluttonie and
bronkennes are ſo filthte and deteftable before hime tt were b
ter to dꝛinke and bibbe pape ¢ night, chen fo to fat. And alth
this ungodlp ¢ wicked intenthad not defiled our fafting, but that’
Fafting mutt it had bin oꝛdained for chattifing p body , neuertheles foꝛaſmu
beleftfrec. agit was not left free, that enerie one might baue taken tt vpo
him of his owne accord , but was enforced bp the lawesofman
fo that most which fatten, fatter againtt thew willes , and toi
grudging mpnde, it coulduot be but vaine and ynacceptable to
God, Ff {peake not what other burt tt did tn women with chito,t
vong chilozen, inthe weake and aged, Ti berefoze we will moze
rightly confiver this tert, and fee what maner of faſting it a
cheth bp the erample of Chritt, 2
Two forts of The Scripture commẽdeth vnto bs two fonts of fatting which
fafing, w are laudable: one, which ts taken bpon bs of our one accor, t ‚tt
are allowa- tame the fleth, whereoftye Apottle fpeaketh 2. Cop. 6, where he
bie & ro Pe erborteth vs to behaue our felues as the miniſters of God, bp ta
hours, watchings.¢ fattings among the rett, Another, which a
deede ig nottaken vpon vs willinglp, petis willingtp bone ©!
bs when by reafon of neede and pouertic we haue not whereas
tofeede, Mhereof Paule ſpeaketh allo in che ſirſt Epiſtle to ch
Coꝛinthians, the fourth chapter: Vnto this houre we both hua
ger and thirſt. Au Chꝛiſt Watth. 9: VVhenthe bridegrome
shalberaken fromm them,then shall they fat. Chis fatting Cpt
teacheth bs by his prefenterample, whe being alone inthe dele
and hauing na meat, did {uffer that neede and hunger patiently.
The fir of chele two fates map when we pleaſe be left and bre
ken with eating of meat; but this lalt mut be ſuffted gncilt chi
‚Lord ende and bꝛeake it. Nana
| Rowthe caule why the Cuangelttt did fo diligently firtt ve:
Clare ‚that Fefus was led afide of the {pirit into the wilderneg,
that be ſhould chere fat and be tempted, is this leſt that anp tas
Ring vpon him to fa of bis owne mpnde and for his owne com:
modities fake , ſhould in vaine endeuour to follow this erample
OE CHE. Foꝛ hemuttlooke for che leading aſyde of the (pt: y). muftnoc
‘tite, be will caufe fating and tentation enough : for be that procure ten-
without the leading aſyde of the (pivit, ſhould voluntarily bring tation to our
bimfelfe into Daunger of hunger , oꝛ anp other tentation , when flucs, but |
bp the bleffing of God be bath what co cate and dpinke, and Patendy fe
whereby toliue quietly, be, J faye , houlo plainlp tempt the jc piestech §
Loꝛd. Cie mulſt not procure to our felueg pouertte and tenta- Lord to fend
tion, thep will came loone enough of themfelues , onelp when ic.
they are fent of che Lord we mult endeuour to beare them pa-
tientlp. Iefus , as the Euangeliſt wpiteth, was led afide of
the fpirite into the wildernes , he Div mot choofe ta himfelfe the
wildernes. They are led with the Spirite of Gad, which are
the fonnes of God, Romans 8; The good chinges which che
Love giueth, be giueth for this , that we mape eniope them
with thankes giuing , not that we ſhould neglect them ‚temp:
ting him.
Moꝛeouer. this hiſtoꝛy is wꝛitten bnto bs both to inffruct,and The hiftorie
alfo to exhort. To inſtruct, that we map learne hereby, that Chritt of Chriftes
by this bis fatting, bunger, tentation and victopie againſt Satan harh
Did ſerue vs, # furthered our {aluation:that whofoeuer beleeucth infrugion &
in him, may neuer neede, 02 be hurt by any tentation, but rather exhortation,
fhall abound with good thinges in che middeg of pouertie,and be
fafe in the middes of tentation, for that his bead and Lord Chꝛiſt
hath ouercome ail thele thingeg for him, whereof by fapch be ig
moſt certain, according as p Lord himfelfe ſayth Joh. 1 6:Be ye
of good comfort, | haue ouercome the world, And if God couly
without meat nouriſh his Chrift fortiedapes € lo many niches,
fo be can alfo Chpiftians, Ue are exhoꝛted allo here,that accor⸗
Ding to this erample of Chꝛiſt, we fuffer hunger, tentation , and
other neceflitieg whe thep come, and when che cafe fo requireth,
to the gloꝛie of Bod # profit of our neighbours. And ſurely if we
Do earnefflp confefle and fticke to the word of God,thele hinges
‘Will vndoutedly come vnto bs. Che prelent tert therefore contat:
neth ameruelous confolation and ſtrengthening of faith again
4 D jj
the lthie and incredulous bellie, which being diligẽtly
fullp weped, our confcience fhalbe verie much ic
ſtrẽgthened;that we map not be carefull for lining sby
a full confivence, that God will giue ds plencifutly th
that be neceflarte. Now, that this tentation alfo ts in
be ttismanifelt. Foꝛas Chꝛiſt wasted afioeintn the
Hatis, was left alone of Gov, Angels, men, and alle
How we are, which might belpe bim: fo allo falieth it outwith bs. Ces
e led toy aſide into che wildernes, we are fozſaken and left alone Ai
Ale: this indeede is it, which etpecially grieuetb v8, tofeele on pe
ceiue nothing whereunto we map truft, o2 from ‘whence w
looke for helpe. As when it lyeth vpon me to. prepare ſuſten
for me ano mine, and I haue nothing at alt of mp ſelfe nett ithe
perceine anp elpe comming from anp man, neither know whet ©
to looke for any, Chis is to be led aſide into the deſert, andto be
left alone, J being tn this cafe, am inche true erercife of fated,
then J learne how Ff my felfe am nothing, a faith
is,bow great and rare a thing founde faith is, and howe deepe a⸗
bominable incredulitie is fecled inthe harts of all. Buch
bath) as pet a purfe heauie with monep,a (eller ful oftninesa ia
nar replentthed with graine, bets not per led afive intothew ,
dernes ‚or left alone, and therrian can not feele tentation whilt
thele hinges remaine. ro
DHecondip , Satan commeth , and tempteth Chꝛiſt with ehis
eh, care for the bellie, and Diffivence of the goonnes of God, ſaying
wich care for | thou be the Sonne of God); commaundrhar'thefe‘ ftones be
tle bellyand made bread. As if he fhould fap according top Dutch prouerber
diffidence of (ruff in God, andin the meane feafow neglect to bake heat
Gods good- @avie till aroften chicken flie into thy mouth, Go now, and fap
Bs: that thou hafta Gov, who ig carefull for thee, Wihere is'ne
that chp heauenly Father. who bath fo great a care of thee? at th
be not goovlilp forfaken thee? Cate now and drinke of thy fatt r
andletys fee how thou (halbe ſuffiſed: it were well With thee,
thou couloett feede on ones. Wibat a goodly ——
thou? Dow fatherlp doth he behaue himfelfe. toward thee? Di
ſendeth chee not fo much asa peece of breane „but ſuffreth thee
bere to be pined with Hunger, Go now, and beleeue petel ae thot |
art the fonne of Gon, and he thp Father. Surely with theſe and
fuch like cogitations be tempteth allthe childꝛen of — J
Chritt alfo vndoutedly felt.for be was nor a blocke op fone, but
berie man, although pure from ſynne, as be alfo continued,
which ig not given vnto vs. Now that the Deuel tempted Chrift
with care df the bellie,piffidence and wicked defire, the aunfwere
of Chrift doth {uffictently declare; Man liveth not by breade
alone. hich is ag much as fhe had (aid: Thou wilt baue me
haue regard tobzead alone, thou dealett with me, as though J
ought to haueno other care but of meate and foode for the bellie.
This tentation is verie common, euen among men that are of An vfuali
the moſt perfect fort , but thep efpeciallp feele ic, which when thinge to be
thep are pooꝛe, hate notwithitanving a wife and chilozen to tepted with
nourify and maintaine, and therewichall an emptie houfe. Were: Sir forthe
upon yaule calleth couctoufnes the roote of alleuels, for that 7”
itis the right ofſpꝛing of difſidence. And what thinge els, but
this diffivence and care of the bellie, is the caufe that many are
foloath to marie? whatels doch hold fo many thoufand men in
whoꝛedom € vnchaſt lining , and detaineth chem from matrimos
nie, but this immmoderate care of the bellie, and vngodly feare
left they ſhould be pined and perich with hunger? But the pre:
fent becde and example of Chꝛiſt thould be thought vpon, wha
although be bad bin without meate fortie vayes and fo manp
nights,pet twas he not quite forlaken and lefe deſtitute, buc the
Angels at the Tat came, and miniſtred all hinges neceflarie
vnto him,
Thirdly , we map lee here how Chꝛiſt meeteth with this ten:
tation of the bellie,and ouercometh tt. De ſeeth nothing in deede
but ones and that which can not be eaten, therefore from thofe
thinges that were before bis epes be remoueth his minde to che
worde of God, therebp both ftrengthening himfelfe , and over:
throwing the Deuell. On which word Christians, eſpecially oe I
when pouertie pꝛelſeth chem, and all thinges ſeeme to be turned nen ze sn
into ſtones, and che minde Dach now tremble for feare of hunger, pted with
ought with a trong Faich to lap holo, and aunfwere the tentation pouerty and
that would quite difcourage thé: CAhat ifthe whole world were neede mutt
full of bpead ? pet doth not man line by bꝛead alane, there is neede Coınfortih£-
of an other thinge, that is, of che word of Gov. Mow forafmuch ‘Soe
as thefe wordes are of meruelous force and efficacie , we mu a tentation.
litle and vpon them,and endeuour to declare them, not lightlp
pate them ouer. Chele wozves therefore Chritt tooke out of
. p wy
Deut.8.3. tothe Iſraelites: The Lord thy God humbled thee,and
— te
242 A SERMON >
"the firtt booke of Moles chap.S.where Poles Mennen bus tke
thee tohunger, and fed thee: with Manna , which neit
nor thy fathers knew of, to make thee. know thata m
not liue by bread onely,but by euerie word that proce
of the mouth of the Lord ..CGibich ts ag much ag if be
TUbereas he {uffered thee tohunger, and yet thou did
rif, thou mayſt thereby eaſily know,that ttts Gop which
neth chee by bis word euen without bread. Foꝛ tf we did liue and
were nouriſhed bp b2cad alone, it were necellarte that we ould
be alwapes filled with bread, But it ts the word of Godrbhat ne
riſheth vs, whteb be will baue preached, that we map knowe that
be is our Gov, and that he will hew himfelie bountifull and gra⸗
He that be- cious Into bs. Ce are taught therefore bp this aunfwere
leucthin the Ch fit, and teftimonte of Poles, chat he which beteeneth inthe
ae gS word of God, thall vndoutedly have experience oftwothingesy
fuftainedin J itl, that when meate ig wanting, and he ig pinched with hun⸗
the time ef Ket heis as well ſuſtained and ſtrengthened bp this word, that
hunger, and he die not or pertth with hunger, as ifhe might aboundantlp ene
re ue al- jopg meate, this word of Gad, which be obtatneth inbeare, nou⸗
foode faz. Fülbing and ſtrengthening him without meat and drinke es
inde he haue but a litle meat , be hall perceiue that litle, althou
‚were buteuen one peece of bꝛeade, to feede and noutith him n
leſſe, then if be Did eniop princely fare. For not bp bread, but |
bp the word of Gon the body ts nourifhed and preferued ; like as
‚bp it it was made, as allo all other thinges „like as by the wort
thep were createn, fo alfo bp it are they pꝛeſerued. Che ether
thing , which we are here taughe chat the beteeuer Hall haue ex⸗
perience of,is,that at the length be thal aſſuredly receiue bꝛead,
from whence fo euer it come, pea although it thould raine Downe
from beaucn, as Wanna did to the Iſraelites, ina place where
no other breade could be gotten. Leta Chꝛiſtian quietly prow
mile to himfelfe and looke for chele two thinges , bis hope cam
not be fruftrate ‚either he (ball haue in hunger ſomewhat to eate,
from whence focuer it be giuen him, op bis hunger halbemade
fo tolerable unto him, that be halbe no leſſe feovesthen if he were
feode with brzade, the power of the word of God nouritht ing
and fuaining hin, ‘Thole thinges that Ihaue ſaid of bzead
thatis, of meat, are alſo to be vnderſtood of drinke; apy are tt,
boule, and all hinges neceflarie vnto this life, ©
© Siemap be in deede that a godlpman do neede apparel , 02 att sinoutar com
boufe „ec, but at lenath.be hall haue chem, Che leaues falling fore acaintt
- fromthe trees thal fooner be turneviinto coats and clokes , then pouertic and
we can be left naked, oꝛ ſurely chofe garments which we haue neede.
Mall not wax olde, which the Iſraelites cried, whole clothes and
ſhoes in the deſert were not tome, as allo a moſt wide wildernes
was unto chem tn ſteede of houfes, places vnpaſſable, palfable,
vnwaterie, waterie, finallp the Monte roeckes, fountäineg of
water, For the Aord of God ſtandeth (ure anv vnmoueable:
‘The Lordiscarefullforvs.. And Paule fapth : God giueth vsa- Pet. 5.7.
boundantly all thingesto enioye. Alſo Chꝛiſt fapth Batch, 6: 1.Tim.6.17.
Seeke firftthe kingdome of God , atid al! thinges shalbe mini-
ftred:vntoyou,onely be carefull for nothing. Such woꝛdes and
promifes of God mul needes rematne true for euer, and there:
fore no good thingercan be wanting to them that beleeue. Chis -
euen dailp experience map teach bs. THe fee comntonlp poore
folkes and.their chilozen to be becter liking thé many rich folkes
and their children, for that the vſe of their ſmall ſuſtenaunce ts
by the blefingof Gon encreafed, and doth much more feeve and
nouri® thentthen all that mot aboundant ſubſtaunce doth feeve
and nourich the rich, Row, whereas the wicked do ſometime
- fuffernerde, oꝛ in the time of famine fone da euen die through
hunger’, that te the fpectall vengeance of Gon , as ig alfothe pe:
~ ftilences warre and luch like, Deherwife it. pläinip appearech,
that not meat hut: God doch feene anv {uftainevs.) 9m
Powbeit whereas Govicenech the moto with byeadj and not ,, 1..crh
with his woꝛd alone without bread, be therefore Doth it, athe God to work
may ſo hide hisiworke, and exerciſe our faith, Soe cömmäun: by ordinarie
ped the Iſraelites, thatchep ſhould pꝛepare themſelues to bat: meancs , yet
taile and pet be wouldinot haue the victozie to be gotten bp their * no necel-
ſword and labour ⁊ but he himſelle would by meanes of chety “~
ſword and dabour ouercomt and vanquiſhe the enemies. Dere at-
fo it might be ſaid, thatthe ſouldier doth ſſaie and overcome the
enemie, not by his for alone, but by the word which procee⸗
deth out of the mouth of Gon CA hereups Dauid ſayth Plal 44:
hLvill nox cruftin my bow , itis not my {word that can ſaue me. 1933
And againe Heissiöt delighted in any matislepges: a man of Pal. 147-10.
- greapmight isinotdeliuered by much {tiength ° ahotfeis buts
608 in) =
vaine thing tofaue aman, &c. Meuertheles Gov vſeeh ‚men,
fworves ; horleg, and bowes > howbeit not bp the power and
ſtrength of them, butby them as bp certaine meaneg or inffrur
ments, he himfelfe fighteth ¢ ouercometh, Chis he hath ſuſffici⸗
gnilp declared oftentimes, when he hath ouerthrowenthe ene
mies, and delivered bis people, whtch ſuerly he daily doth, when
the cafe fo requireth „ After the ame ſort God vſeth bread alfo,
by it, foꝛaſmuch agit is mate for that vſe be feeneth vs, how⸗
ie beit when itis wanting be nevertheles feederhthem thathe his,
auen bp bis word, withouthead, as he doth at other times bp
bread, fo that bꝛead doth ag tt were worke under God as the Gs
poftles and preachers of the word in ſpirituall and euangelicall
meat ferue buder him, agitis mentioned 1. Coꝛ.. Forag Gov
A fimilitude. pfeth their minifterie to teache men, be bimlelfe bp bis ſpirit
fpeaking in their hearts chrough it,and doing allthinges alone,
which he both gable todo , and often times wont ro do without
the minifterie of the preachers of his word, although be will
and fo bimfetfe tempted: fo to the nourtthing of our outward
man, be outwardly vſeth bread, although he doth make by big
can as welldo , and is wont to do when bpeadis awaye’ that all
our nourifhmene may be attributed tothe wopd.and not te bead,
which be vfech ag an inffrument, but pet of no neceflicie. Chat J
map ipeake briefty, all creatures Do ag it were ferue under him,
and are big inftruments , without which notwithitanding he is
able,and. often times wont to worke by. this meanes prouiding.
that we map depend on bis word alone, neither trufting more vn⸗
tobin, when we haue breade anv ocher thinges which our life
bleth, neither lefle when we want them , but may vſe them with
gluing of thankes when he beſtoweth chem bpon vs, when others
that we hall line and be nourifhen in both times, both when we
bain and vngodly care ofthe belie, greedie Delite Kr ein
carefulnes of life are ouercome, ©).
Tentation . IhentheDenell rooke him vpinto the holie Cities 8c. Chie
whereby we ne tentation is quitecontravie tothe former, He alſſaileth vs with
are moued to luch tentation allg eg aboutto move vs to tempt
word inwardly, chat we be nouriſhed and ſtrengthened, which he
wile, may patiently be without them, being certain neuertheles,
haue them, ann when we haue them not. And by this kaith that
not inthe meane feafon baue the minifterie of his ta bevefpifeo,
| @od,enenag he willetb Chait co cae him fell vowne froma pin; temp: God
onacle of che temple, and ſo temper God when there were landers, ~ ya
bp which be might delcenn, Aud that this tentation proudketh to foe
tempt God, itis manifelt euen bp the aunſwere of Ch pitt, who
aunſwereth Satan in hig maner: Tcis written: Thou shalt not
stemptthe Lordethy God. Hereby hefignificeh thatthe deuill
| would prouoke him to tempt God, Row this tentation doth noe
amis follow the former, Fox when the deutl perceiueth che hart,
‚ that in pouertie and neceflitie ie truſteth in Gov,be byanobp mac
| kethan end of cempting bp care of the bellic and vefire of things,
as being weaker then that by ithe mapiouerthyowoneloltronge °°
in kaith. He thinketh therefore with him ſelfe: Tf be profetle him
felfe to be of fo religious and aflured aminde, I will on this five
allo giue accafion to finne, And ſo befeteeth vpon him on the
right Gide, affirming that chat is to be beleeued, which the Lowe
hath neither ſpoken, nor commaunded to be beleeued, As ts thizs
‚se he ſhould bꝛing theetofuch madnes, that whẽ thou haſt bꝛead
at home giuencher of God, as he ofhis goodnes giueth vnto vs
euery dap, thou wouldelt not ble it, but wouldelt procure to thp
lelke neceſſitie and hunger ſaping: J muſt truſt in Gov,F wil not
eede on this earthly bꝛe ad Iwill tarye till Goo giue me other
from heauen. This were to tempt Gon. Foxhe doth not com:
maund thee to beleeue.that that thing hal come vnto thee wher⸗
| ofthou bat neede, ifit be already come of his liberalitie. Foꝛ
why fhoulveft thou beleeue: that be will gine that,which thou
haft already of his gift? Chou ſeeſt thereloꝛe that che deuill doch
| bereobiect a certaine neceffitie and neede vnto Chet, where
| thereignone, Foꝛ there was afufficient meane to deſcende from
| ithe pinnacle of the temple; neither was it reaſon to attempt ehis
| newe bnaccuffomed an bungnellary meane iohereunte Satan
ne u
0 SPoreouer ellegoricafip ine may tp this boing of Satan pers Lise 3
“serine his craft and futdletie « He tookelefus;fapth the Cuanges
“id, intothe oly Citie, and fet him ona pinnacle of thetemple,
| Gp chis tentation Ye replenitheth men with’ cogitations that Satan remp~
| deememok holy , that they map. thinke them ſelues molt plenti⸗ tech men vn-
| fully endued with faith, andcoftanve in avery hoin plate, tube ee
as notwithſtanding they are ſette not in the temple, butor the 0:0
| temple, that is, notin the ſyneeritie of fapthybur Ina vayne
346 S\o At (SERMON >
imo outward thetwof faith: Renercheles he ts in the meane ſeaſon in
0 holx xitie becauſe that this kind of men is wont to be no where
I, ron Cheiſtians. where the woꝛd olthe Lord and the prea⸗
chingok faith is daily heard; who allo like vnto Satan baue fen:
tences oſ Scxripture dina readines as concerning. the woꝛdes als
though they alwayes peruert € wꝛeſt them to cheirbwne errour
and falſe imaginations a So Satan xecited here vnto Chailt out
ofth ogi lalme that God doth commaund bis. Angels cancer:
ping bisebliojens thatthey keepe thenns liftingehem vp wich
their hands But the deceiuer roncealed that which is added that
Pfalgt-tt. is, in theit mapesa Fopthus bath che Jaſalme: He will giuchis
‚Angellscharge ouerthee,to keepe thee in all thy wayes; & c· So
othag the cuſtodie of: Angels is not bythe commaundement pꝛo⸗
smiled untd vs, vnles we waſke in our wayes vohich he hath pres
sfpeibed hal Ilwe walke in chem we ſhalaſſuredly be kept of An⸗
gells Howbeit the deuill fapth nothiux ef the wayes of ᷣLord.
but ꝓromiſech bp coꝛrupting the ſaving of che Pſalme chat it is
commaunded to the Angells, to keepe vs in what wayes ſoeuer,
whereofthe Lorde hath commaunded nothing· Aud this ts Sa⸗
statis ſeducing, and perſuaſion totemipt Gap! 606 91. Nova asso
But this eentation doth not eaſilp happen te thele outward
chinges, as are bꝛead,apparell, houſes, ext. Thou mayſt finde in
deed ſome raſh heavsswhrchforno cauſe do put there life,goong,
good name in great daunger z:asıthep doe which goe on warfare
oftheir owne accoꝛd which leaperaſhly into moſt deepe Waters,
or goe voluntarily into other no ſmall daungers Df wom Jeſus
Eccle.ʒ.27. the ſonne ofSprach fapchiscHe thatloueth potill, shall perishin
it. Mhereofthe Germanes haue a prouerbe:Selle do ſelf haue:
what euery one followech that he rommeth onto; Sd is it almoit
bfuall,chatnone are oftner dꝛowned then theychat are moſt egers
cifed in ſwimming, and none fal more periloufip,then hep which
Weare (el. biſe to attempt bie matters: But bethalbehardlp founde; which
dé brought hauing a falfe'and ouermuch confidence th Goo; taccempr a
totéptGod ſuch thing, dr vſeth noe the thinges prefent, a8 bꝛead, “apparel
oy nor, boule,andfuchtike,teking wich peril, wh tle Gor ppoutve oever·
a 2 wife fo? him bp miracle. Ce read of a certaine Heremite; who
things which becaule he had vowed to take bꝛead of no men broitght iniſtite
he hath gi- unto perill by hunger and ed and vnddutediy went rait
ucnvs. vndo hoell becauſe dfthat fa — — ©
helearned no other where but of } veuill,fo that bis manneg wag
altogither like that, whereunto Sata bere perſuadeth Chriftjto
wit that he ſhoulde cat bun telfe downe from a pinnacle of the
temple. Dowbeit thouthalt finde verp few which ove follow this
Deremite,and doe differre to eniop coꝛpoꝛall hinges prelent for
- that thep hope thar Gov will giue them other from beauen,
But in (pirituall things, which concerne the nouriſhment, not We are eafi-
* ofthe bopp,but of j foulesthis tentat ion is wont to be both migh: Iy and often
by the tenta-
tp anv often. In thele ‘God hath: appoynted a certayne maner, tion of Sa-
| wberbp the foule may be fedde,nourithed and ſtrengthened, both van brought
moft commodioufly,and alfo moſt bleſſedly, ſo that no good thing to refufe the
at all can be wanting vnto it, This nouriſhment, this ſtrength, true ſpititual
this faluation,is Chꝛiſt our Sauiour , tn whom the Father hath — ofour
| mofabundantly oflerevand giuen all good thinges. But there ee other.
areverp few which defire him, the motte parte ſeeke fome other contrary to
| where, whereby their fouleg may liue,# obtaine ſaluation. Such the will and
‚ are allthey which fecke faluation bp their works, Chele are chep word of God
whom Satan hauing fetteon a pinnacie of the temple . bidpeth:- -
. them caft them felues Downe,and thep obep him. Chep defcende
| (where asis no ap: that is, they beleenc and truft in God, pet fo,
as thep trutt alle in their owne works, in which ig no place at all
| for faith and truft.no wap or path vnto God, wherefore thaowing
them felues downe headlong they breake their necke, falling in-
tobtterdefperation. © 9 oe
Now Satan perfuadeth miferable men onto this madnes,as
alfo he perſuaded Chriffto cat him felfedowne froma pinnacle
of the temple, by places of Scripture peruerted and mifayplied,
whereinworkeg are commaunded,wherebp he maketh them ve:
leeue,that the Angells hall keepe them,that ig,that thep ſhall be
approuedof God, when ag in deede thep can bp nothing fo offend
him, as by that madde truſt ano confivence inworkes, For thep
acknowledge not,p the Scripture doch nowhere require works
without faich, or that it doth euerp where require a found ¢ line:
Ip faith from which works proceede.d@ie haue at large declared
| tnbo are fuch,namelp,incredulous hypocrites, which are giuen
to workes without fatth,which fallelp boat of the name of Chri-
ttians chalenging to them ſelues tobe chiefe in p lock of Chriſt:
Foꝛ this tentation mull be inthebotp citie. Mow theſe two ten:
| tations and the caules ofthem doe greatly difſer; Iuthe fogmer
the caufe why men doe not belecue is neede and hunger, for thep
ave therebp moued to diſtruſt Gon, and velpeire of his goodnes.
Juche latter the caule why thep doe not beleeue is ouermucha: ·
bundance,for that miferable men are full of moft plentiful! and a:
bundant trealure, ſo chat thep loach tt, coueting to bane fome o⸗
ther (pectall hinge, whereby thep map procure the faluationof
their ſoules.So our cale ſtandeth ill in both refpects: If we baue
| mathinge woe defpeire, and diſtruſt Gov: If we have pientie of
thinges, we loath chem,and require orher, being then allo voyde
of fateh, Concerning che firſt, we flie and hate fcarfitie aud feeke
plentie: concerning thelatter,we ſeeke {carfitie, and fie plentie.
Dowfoeuer God dealech with vs, we are not content: our incre:
dulitie ts a bottemles pit of malice and vngodlines.
Againe the deuil tooke him vp into an exceeding high moũ-
Tentation caine. ere he tempteth wich vatne glozie € power of che works,
PH — as bp the woꝛdes of the deuil doth plainly appeare, wha ſhewing
and delights Chꝛiſt p kingdoms of che woꝛld, offered chem to him, ikhe would
of the world. worfhip him, Bp this tentation hep are ouercome which reuole
from faich,that thep map eniop gloꝛie and power here, oꝛ at leak
noc fo temper their faith chat they lofe not thele hinges , Inthe
number of thele are all. heretikes and troublers of the Church,
which do cherfoze either Teaue,02 oppugne the finceritie of faith,
that being erempted out of the common number thep map be exe
tollen. on bie. So we map place this tentation on the righbchand,
as the fir aflalech vs ontheleft. For as the firſt tentation ig of
Adueriitiewherebp we are moucd to indignation, impatiencie,&
bifftdence, fo thig third tentation is of profperitie , wherebp we
are prouoked to delights, qlorp,plealures,and whatfoeuer ts er:
cellent and delectable inthe worlo, Thefecond tentation is altos
gither {pirttuall,whereby Satan by veceit,and meruclous ¢ {ee
cret ſuttlety goeth about ta withdꝛaw man from faith. For whore
be can not ouercome with pouertie,{carfitie, neceſſitie, miferp,
them be tepteth wich riches, ſauour, gloꝛie, delights, power, te:
¢ lo be allapleth vs on either five, pea when he preuailech bp net:
ther way, be goeth about,as Peter faith, ¢ attöptech all meanes,
that whom he can ouercome neicher by aduerfitte, thatis, by the
firſt tentation,no2 by profperitie, that tg, bp the thirde tentation,
he map auercome either by errour, blindnes, 02 falle vnderſtan⸗
bing of the Scripture, chat is, bp che ſecond tentation which is
| *
| fpititualt,anp —— moft hurtfull. By which ik he pꝛeuaile a⸗
"gaint anp,thep are alſo ouercome both onthe left ide and onthe
_ Fight. $02 whether chep fuffer fuch pouertie , oꝛ enioy plentp of
thinges, whether thep cantend,or pecide vnto all thinges,both is
nothing: whilethep are tnerrour, either patience in aduerlitie or
| confancie in pꝛoſperitie can be of no impoztance, For in both e⸗
| wenberetikesiaften tymes doe notably ercell, and tt is. a practize
_ of the deuill eftfoones to fapne him ſelfe ouercome in the firſt and
- third tentation,evat he may reigne victour by the fecond, He can
be content that they that be bis doe oftentymes fuffer pouertie
| patientlysand doe alfo contemne the wozld,alchough they do net:
ther.of both wich afimple hart,and fincere faith Euery one ther:
ſloꝛe of theſe thꝛee tentationsis grieuoug andbverphard, but the
middle one is moſt pertlousiof all, fo tt aſſayleth che doctrine of
| faith,and is {pirituall,and wont to Deceiue in ſpirituall thinges.
The other two alſo doe aſſayle faith ; howebeit inthefe outward
thinges,as aduerſitie € pꝛoſperitie, although they doe alſo vrge
vs very ſoꝛe. For it can not be aditle grieuous to fuffer pouertp,
to want bread,andfuch other thinges neceflary , Agapne it is no
| leſſe grieunus tonegtect,¢ wholp to denpe fauout, glogp.riches,
| friendes , conipanions; and other commodities which we baue,
But an entire and found faith inthe woꝛde of Gov can performe An entire &
both notably, and il it bes frong faith, thep leeme berp eafie and found faith »
| Delectable vnto it. Sieger
| Cecannot certainly know ỹ oper of. thele tentationg which Zauerhtic:&
happened to Chnift, for chat the Cuangetifts baue notdeferibed contemne
them after one opders Foꝛ Luke hath lec chat lak, which Mat: the vaineglo
| thew hath fet in themiodes, € that which Matthern bath fet laft, 7 ee
| Luke bach placed inthe middes. But there doch not ſo much con: °
| fit in the order. Notwithltanding when any wil teach the people
| concerning thele tentations:: it were better to follow the order of
| Luke. Fon he may fitlp fay, aud thus rehearſe, that Satan doth
| fir tempt bs with pouertie and aduerſitie ‚uherby if he preuaile
| not,that be tempreth vs with profperity and glory, which if he do
invaine,that be aflatleth vg with ali hig might, and tempteth bs
with errour,lpes deluſion, and other {piritual ſuttleties. Det net:
ther tg thig order alwaves obferued of Satan: buche tempteth
Chritians fometime with che fir , ſometime with the third tens
| tation,ag he bath and ſeeth occafion. Batthew was not carefulra
a di
rehearſe chem inthat oxder, which thep baue alot bp their own
nature, and which map be commodious for him that hall teach
of them. Wea it map be that thep happened not vnto Chrilt bp ac
ny certain opder, but that he was aflatled of Satan one dap with —
this,an other dap with that, during the {pace of thole foptp daies,
as Satan thought it moſt conuentent and meete for bis purpoſe.
And behold,the Angells came, & miniftred vnto him, This
I thinke was done coppozallp, that thep hauing taken bobies,
appeared,and miniſtred vnto him meate and drinke, as his ſerui⸗
ters at the table, and Piniſters of all other thinges neceſſary
for bislife, Hea and I chinke chat the deuill allo appeared vnto
him ina corporallforme,perhaps as an Angell, Forin that he
tooke Chaiſt, and fet him on a pinnacle of the temple: alfo where
ag ina moment be ſhewed him all che kingdoms of the world, he
fufficientlp declaved,that he was moze then aman, ¢ {uch aone
furelp he themed him felfe openlp, when be offeren that be would
giue vnto him thoſe kingdomg,and required that he would ino2-
hip him. And vndoutedly he did noe appeare like a deuill when
he did thele thinges,for he loueth ta appeare after a fapze foxt,el
1.Cor.12.14. pectallp when he willie and deceiue: for thenbe transfoomech
him felfe into an Angell of light,as Paule witnelleth. ow this
Inthe time jg wꝛitten chiefly for our confolation,that we map not dout, that
aha manp Angells hall minitter vnto vs, when one deuill tempteth
thingdoue vs ik we fight valiantly, For il we ſtand fall in faith, it is fo farre
of Gods help of that Good will fuffer bs to be troubled and pinched with pouers
anddeliuc- tie, more thenis meete , that he will fooner (end bis Angelle ta
—— miniſter vnto vs,to be our Butlers, our Cookes, and to helpe ve
with their minifferic in all neceſſitie. Neither are theſe thinges
waitten for Chꝛiſtes cauſe, whome they can not profit, but they
are written for bs,that we map learne to beleeue,that tf the Ane
gells miniftred vnto him,thep (all alfo when the cafe fo ree
quirech minifter vnto bs bis bꝛethꝛen ano meme
berg, The Lor = vs faith to belecue
| ‚351
Bee Sees
Ephef. 5
Eyc therfore followers ofGod
0) asdearechildren. |
Je, giuen him felfe for vs , to bean
| offering &afacrifice of afweet
| finelling fauour to God.
13: But fornication,& all vncleannes,or couetouf-
| ia nes, let it not be once named among you, as it
becommeth Saindes.
4. Neither filthines, neitherfoolifh talking, nei-
cher iefting,which are things not comely, but
| rather giuing ofthankes.
5. Forthis ye know, that no whoremonger, ney⸗
ther vncleane perfon, nor couetous perſon,
which isan ıdolater , hath any inheritance in
the kingdom of Chrift,and of God.
6... Letnoman deceiue you with vaine words:for,
N, ‚for fuch thinges commeth the wrath of God
un wpon thechildren of difobedience. |
gi oso Benoteherefore.companions with them. |
| 8. For ye were once darkenes , but are now light
©" © inthe Lord: walkeas children oflight. |
(9. Forthefrute of the Spiriris in all goodnes,and
_ righteoufnes,and truth,
Ais tert is exhoꝛtatoꝛie; wherein Paule, accoꝛding to big
ff maner, andaccuffomen care for the bꝛethꝛen, erbopeerh
Chyꝛiltians not to leaue op flack the ſtudy anv care of gov:
lines, and giue them felues to flochfulnes, but todeclare by cheit —
Wworke the:word that they hauelearned of him, thatis, ta ſhew it
forth by the frutes of faith,and make it plaufible and yonozable,
to the edifping ofthe Deathen, left that bpp vices of them which —
profeile the doctrine of the Golpell, thep take occafion to hate
that Doctrine,and fo be offended bp chem , whom it did behaue ta —
winne them bnto Chait.
Be ye therfore followers of Godas deare children; F irſt there
fore be exhoꝛteth bg , fozalmuch ag we arebp Chriff made the
fonnes of God,to tmitate {uch a father, as veare childꝛen. Wer:
uelous gently € alluringly be fpeaketh unto ng, calling bs Deare
childzen, that by the loue of God our father cowardys, be map
Ä prouoke bs to loue him again,and chem whom he commaundeth
The loue of gg to loue,enen as be hath loucd vs firſt. Buchowe hath helouen
| — toward ye 2 Surely nat after that common fort alone,wherbp in chis like
: he nouriſheth and ſuſtaineth bs being vnworthy, togither with al
the vngodly, making bis {unne to ariſe on the good, and on the e:
nil, and fending rapne on the tuff and vniuſt: wherof Chrik {peas
keth Watth.5 : Be ye perfect as your Father is perfect. But he los
ueth vs alfo after another ſpeciall maner, inebat he bath giuen
bis fonne for b3. Job. 3. Foꝛ be hath aboundantlp beffowed vpon
bs all tempoꝛall and allo eternal good things, pea bis owne lelf,
and bath agit mere poured him felfe,mith all chat he is, hath, and
can,tntobs who were finners,bnWworthp,enemies,and feruauntg —
of Satan, fo that he could not doe and give vnto bs more € grea⸗
ter thinges, ow he, whom this diuine fire of loue, which fillech
beaten and earth, and yet is not comprehended, doth not kindle ¢
inflame to loute likewiſe his neighbour, whoſdeuer be be, friend,
oꝛ enemp,be I (ap; wil neither bp laws, preceptsjpocttine, threat.
nings and force be euer moued to govlines x lone, VValke,fapth
the Apofkle,iu loue, whereby he ſignifieth thacaur life (hould be |
In what kind nothing elg,but meere loue. Dowbeit he will not haue vs walke
oflouewe in the loue of the woꝛld, which in loue ſeeketh thoſe things which
mult walke. are his owne, and loueth (olong ag there is any thingy wherbp it
looketh for commobitie and lucre. Therefore he fapth: Euenas |
- Chrift hath loued vs, wha netiper fought nor couild lobke for 2
OF: A. :GODLY : LIFE, 253
| “profit 02 commoditie of bg.and pet he loued bs fo greatly that he
gaue him felfe for vs, and nor onelp his other good things which
de giueth vs dailp, and be fo gaue him felfe for ug , that he might
be an oblation anv facrifice, ta obtapne the good will and fauour
ofthe father toward vs, and to bring to palle, chat me might now
baue Goda mercifull and fauourable facher , being become hts
| true childzen and heires, ec, So alfo te behoucth vs to giue anv
end ‚not onelp to our friendes, but alfo to our enemies, neither
to countthis ſufſicient, but to be teadp alfo euento dye both for
| friendes anv foes , thinking nothing elfe, but that we map ſerue
‚and profit our neighbours both in body and goods, as long as we
ſhall be in the pilgrimage of this life, ſeeing that we poſſeſſe all
hinges being gıuen vnto bs bp Chriff,
To be an offering and afacrıfice ofja fweete finelling —
* God, Chis maner.offpeech Paul borowen out of the > olo Te⸗
ſament wherein thofe corporall facrifices are: written eftloones
‚to baue peelden tothe Lorde afweete ſauour, thatis , tobaue -
bene acceptable bute him, QNotwithſtanding that was not be: The facrifi-
-tauleof the worke and facrifice in it ſelle, as.the Jewes falfelp ccs of the
thought..¢ therefore were verp oftenreproued: of the Prophets, craters j
‚but foꝛ Gbeiftes fake who was to come, the one and onelp lacti- zed fo: Citi -
ifice.of a gaod fauour, whom all thofe facrifices of the lawe DID ſtes fake,
havow forth, and repreſent. CAherefore that which Paule here who was ro
fapth, is as muchas if be bad ſayd: All chefacrificcs of rhe olde Settee
Reitamen: haue an ende.y they can uowe be ofnoprices Chait Aa Ei
ifeife is the pnelp' facritice,which peeibeth vnto Gov a ſweete which
elling ſauour, that is, is pleaſing and acceptable. vnto him, God accep-
nbereby we are aſſured that we are acceptable vnto God, and po tech, & wher
pleale him. Wherefore there is no other facrifice in che Church e —
hich map be offered for bs.beline this onely facrifice,wbich be: „him.
I once. offered hath at ouce, ſatisfied for the finnes of all thee:
ts, Andalehough we after che, erample of. this facrifice, doe
‘offer our; bodies to God, as Paule teachech Rom. 12, pet we
‘offer, them not either: for ourfelues oꝛ for other ; koralmuch as
that is proper to Chꝛiſt, theonelpfacrifice , mbereby the ſalua⸗
tionaf ali is-obtapned. Therefore thofe hinges finell motte
inkingly before Gon , whatloeuermen offer with this mind, as
ithoundaber woul farisfie ſortheir own finnes,o2 fo the finmes
df- other, wyereof we both haus ann will — ſpeake moze,
een: GB
But fornication,and all vneleannes, or couetoufnes, lerit not
Vacleannes. be once named among you. By p name of bncleannes befide for-
nication he vnderſtandeth allluft, + lecherous filthines, which is
committed out of matrimonie, which for the filthines of them be
doth net vouchfafe to rebearfe bp name, as Rom.1, hefpeaketh
perp groſſely of them, Although in matrimonie allo ameane map
be exceeded, Fitig che dutie of Chriftians foto moverate the bie
of mariage, that thep require ¢ performe due loue ¢ benenoléce
only for auoiding fornication,but we are fallen fo farre.that thep
ate moſt rare, which come togither onelp for procreation af chit:
dzen and ts auotd fornication, which {urelp were bef, and ſhould
berp well becomevs. Mowe the Apoftle ſayth, let it not be once
named among you, that is,be fo farre from thefe euils,chät thep
There is of- Map not fo much agbefpoken of of pou. Albeit tt will neuer come
ten falling to pafle in thts erile, chat none among Choi ftians be weake,t do
among Chri not oftentimes fall,pet true Chifttans will never winke at thofe
er things :they will reprone,amend,püt awap,couer, & cure what⸗
howtrue focuer fuch thing thal burt forth among ft them, that the heathen
Chriftians ‘map not be offended and fap: Dee what vices the Chriftiang lub:
deale in this -fer among them ſelues, Howe vncleane and lewde alife dae thep
ale. leade ẽ thinking that alltheir whole life is vefilen with like bices
ag is their owne. Tle mutt needes confelle that among Chꝛilti⸗
ang ſome doe eftfoones fal, which we mult needes beare.it is wel
if onely the better part liuech well, x winketh not at their finnes,
neither teacheth them,but rather repꝛoueth and amendeth chem,
So Paule erhorteth Gal. 6. chat they which are ſpirituall wil'te:
ſtore them that offend with the fpirit of meekenes, And he charp⸗
Ip reproueth the Corinthians, fop chat thep did lightly pafle ouer
maany ſinnes of certaine perfong, Foꝛ ſinne being reprehended &
punifhed,is now counted as nofinne, neither can the Church be
blamed becaule of tt. After the ſame ſort heede mutt be taken, that
couetouſnes be not named among Chrittians, that és, that they
become not infamous by the name thereof, which thep thal bꝛing
to palle, if, when tt chaũceth that couccous me be among them,
oꝛ one vſeth deceit toward an oeher in heir bulines and raf]
oꝛ fome contend in iudgement fo thole outward things, if 9]
thep doe not winke bereat, but be reproue ¢ correct fuchsthact
linceritie of che doctrine of the Golpell may obtaine duc eſtim }
tion among — people,e there may be no caule opelp ta —
our miniferie,2,€02.6, Theſe things I baue ſpoken becaufe of
them, who as foone as they (ee that all thinges do not refemble €
- thew fozth a holineg among Chꝛiſtians, & thac fome doe tumble
¢ fall,do thinke that there is no Chpiftian left.that che Golpel is
to no purpole,¢ that all things are taught and bone in vaine. As
though the life of Chꝛiſtians were nowe without fabe,viccorte &
- Due triumph over finne being obtained, whe ag rather itis a wars
- fare and acontinuall fight.cQ bereas therefore thep do now fight
and are inthe campe,it is no meruell if fome flie awap,iffomebe /
wounbded,iffome fal,pea € be euen flaine outright.CClarre ig not
“ made without perili and burt,ifit be earneſt warre,
Asit becommeth Saincts. Chis be addeth to his erbortation, Chriftians
as areafon € caule hewing why it lieth upon Chꝛiſtians, to takd are Saints,
beede that they be not diffamen bp thefe names: Forthep are —
SHaincts,now it becommeth {uch to be chafl,bountiful,® readp to „ure,nor.de-
giue,to teach and doe the fame. Thou ſeeſt here, that Paul cal: fled with
lech Chrittians Saincts, while thep remain pet in this life,¢ are vacleannes,
preflen with fleih € blood, from which nothing cometh but finne, Couetoufnes,
which be Doth vndoutedlp not for their good wozkes, but be:
caule of p (anctifping bloode of Chꝛiſt, as he witneffeth 1.202 6:
But ye are washed, but ye are sactified,but ye are iuftified in rhe
- name ofthe Lord Iefus,& by the Spirit ofour God. Forafmuch
therefore as we are Saincts, it ig meete pwe ſhould hew p fame
inout workes,¢ albeit we be as pet weakz, neuertheles we mutt
_bailp endeuour to line purelp,¢ farre frõ couetoutnes, to p pꝛaiſe
€ glory of God, ep edifping of our neighbours, euen p Deathen,
Neither filchines. Al vnchaſt ¢ lewd words of bauderie, vnclean⸗ Lewd, vn-
nes,¢ lecherous matterg,he calleth filthines,of which woꝛdes a: cleane and
bounvdance ig wont to be poured forth in Innes € victailing hou⸗ pa A san:
fes,inthe time of eating, drinking, « playing. Chele the Greci:
ang bfed very freeip and accuffomablp more then others,as their
owne Poets & other writers do fufficientlp witnes. But he efpe-
cially reproueth bere thoſe lewde and wanton wordes, which are.
{poken openip without thame, which ſtirre vp wicked and bn:
chat thoughte,and are caufe of manp offences , efpectallp being
fpoken amonge pout), according to that faping ; Enill fpeakings 1.Cor.15.33,
corrupt good manners, ag the Apoftle weiteth to the Corinth:
ans. Andif anp Chꝛiſtians fhould be fo careles of their tongue.
that {uch wozdes ſhould come from them, ng mul be chaltiſed
| il,
u 34 „u Au rn We
— — u A VEWEFT aaa: u
= —
of che Church and ifthep doe not amend, they muff not be fuffes
red, leſt becaufe ofthem the whale Church be ill reported of,ag
thou) chele things were either taught among Chriſtiãs oꝛ ſuf⸗
fered to be bnpunithed as it ts wont to be among the Heathen.
Foolifhtal- Neither foolish talking. Fables and other trifling fpeeches €
re Bag iefts are calle fooltth talking which p Grecians alfo were wont
to vſe moze then other nations , being verp witty to inuent ſuch
paine ſpeeches. OF this fort are thoſe tales, which our women €
maidens are wont to tell, fpinning at the diftatle, alfoche termes —
and verfes of tuglers and {uch like feilowes , and many common
ſonges, which are partly euen filthy, « partly containe other tr
fling and baine things, Gur efpectally it ts vnſeemely and vncon⸗
uenient for Chꝛiſtians co vſe ſuch fooliſh and trifling talke, when
they came togither to heare the word of God, oꝛ to read and ſerch
the Scriptures, and pet notwithſtanding almoſt euen (uch fotip
hapneth among them, whẽ many come togither, Foꝛ albeit they
begin with ſerious matters, neuertheles they are meruelous gas
ſily bꝛought vnto trifles: from earneſt and holy matters, to ridi⸗
culous and vaine ſpeeches, wherewith both ehe time is ſpent in
palne,and better things are neglected, So haue they bene wont
certaine peares hitherto, at euery featt of Eaſter tn the tyme of
preaching to tel ſome ridiculous tale co ſtirre bp the people from
fleepe, Chey did not bulike at the feaſt of the natiuitie of Chait,
vſing fonges or carrolls, wherein they ſayd, they made difcourfes
of the birch and tnfancie of Jeſus, howbeit riviculoug meeter and
wordes,mouing rather laughter then deuotion ag thep called its
Alto they ſoong many fatned fables of the wife men. whom thep
j x made 3. Kings,ofp paflion ofp 1 od, of the puniſhmẽt of Doꝛo⸗
thea,t many other,all which were nothing but foolth talking €
hain inuẽtions, altogither vnwoꝛthy of Chꝛiſtians. Co the nũber
of thele Jmight weil adde thoſe hiſtozies of Saincts, which they
call the legends, and that Hood of lies, of miracles and pilgrima⸗
hes to images, and montments of Saincts, Wafles, and wos
ſhippings of Saincts,tudulgences and tnnumerable other, not ſo
much foolifh as vugodlp inuentions , which in the allemblies of —
the Church, were wont to be chiefly extolled inthe pulpit, which
were fo contrary to godlineg, that they deſerue much rather to be
called the wicked tnuétions of Satan, chen foolith imaginations
of mé, Foꝛ thep did not as ridiculous lies are Wont to dvo,corrupt
{ood maners onely, of which Paule ſpeaketh efpeciallp here, but
thep did wholp oucrthzow faith, and put out of place the word of
God, ſo that hep Did not onlp nat befeme Saincts, but did plaine
lp aboliſh all Sainctes. Chole former therefore were fables anv
tales of men, which are not beleeued, neither eſteemed anp thing
of, but rather laught at,alebough in the mean ſeaſon thep coprupe
food maners , withdraw Chrittians from ferioug matters, anv
make them flack and flothful. Bue hele latter are veuilith fables,
which are beleeued for a truth „and counted for ferioug , pea and
heauenly matters when ag notwithFanding thep be nothing els
but fained deutfes of Satan, whereby he with his angells velu:
deth and mocketh vs.
Neither ieſting. Hereby he vnderſtandech all pleaſaunt ſpee⸗
ches, which they whom thep call ieſters are wont to vſe, to make
men mery, which bp pleafaunt difcourfes and mery tearmes dog
moue laughter ¢ ſtirre bp mens minds to mirth ¢ cheerefulnes,
which is wont to be bfuall in ctutll bankets, and when ciuill coms
pantons meete togither, Chis ieſting the Heathen counted for a
bertue,efpeciallp Ariftorle, But aul among Chꝛiſtians giueth Tefting nei-
it place among vices, For Chpifttang haue other (peeches, wher: thet allowed
by they map recteatand cheere them felues in Chpitt, which alte N Rd
bo bring fome profit with them, although it eafilp bapneth, that Alan
manp Chailkiang do offend oftentimes herein, But they that are
true Chꝛiſtians, doe neuer praife it, neither voc ſuffer chat anp
fhoulo give him felfe to this ieſting, and ſtudy to erceede therein,
but thep reproue and probibithim,efpeciallp inthe Church,in p
time of preaching and teaching. For Chat bath witnefled, that zueen. 12. 36
ine fhall in the lak dap giue an account of euerp idle worde. Tt is
meete in deede that Chriſtians be an elegant ¢ amiable people,
but therewithall graue, that there map be ſeene inthem afeucre
gentlenes,and a gentle leueritie,ag the life of Chaiſt ig deſcribed
vnto vs in the Golpells, bails
Things whichare not comely, but rather giuing of thankes,
This comprebhendeth all tole words, which want a proper name, Idle wordes.
Row F call them tole wordg which make neither to the edifping
of faithnoz to the bfe of our coꝛpoꝛall life. Foꝛ there be things e⸗
now both profitable and pleafaunt , which when te pleafech vs ta
fpeake,we map talke of in the hope time of thislife,as of Chik,
of loue;and other chings either neceflarp 02 sr
t; itt,
Paule admonitheth when he fapth: bur rather giuing of thankes.
Foꝛ our daily (peech oughtto be the pratfe of God, and giuing
of thankes to him, as well priuatly,as publikelp in lermong, foꝛ
fuch infinite good thinges,as he hath giuen vnto os in Chꝛiſt, e⸗
uen vnſpeakeable. But fuch is the maner of ourrealon € nature, —
that necellarp and profitable thinges are neglected, and fooliſh ¢ —
frivolous things are chiefly regarded. ow marke bere,if paul
doth not (ufferin Chꝛiſtians (peeches that be onely pleafant anv
. tending to mitch, what thinkett thou would he fap of chat peſtilẽt
A fornicat or
an vneleane
perfon and
a couetous
perfon haue
denied the
1.Tım.s 8.
meanes to
backebyting and {claundering, which reigneth now in all compa⸗
nies of men,euenthem that be priuate, when two oftentimes doe
talke togither ¢ Dea what would be fap of them, which openty in
fermons do a8 it were bite and rent one an scher with reprochful
wordes,and malicioufly accule and fpeake euill one of an other?
For this ye know,thatno whoremonger,neither vncleane per-
fon,nor couetous perfon, which is anidolater, hath any inheri-
tance inthe kingdom of Chrift and of God. In thefe wordeg he
both verp plainly pronounce agatntt them which are infected ih
fuch vices, that thep are heathen onber the name of Chriftiars,.
how many foeuer do not bring forth the frutes of faith. This is a
batefe anda certaine ſentence:He chat ts a forntcato2 bath denied
p faith an vncleane perfon hath dented p faith,a couetous perfon
hath vented p faith, all (uch are Apottataes, periured,¢ traitours
towards God:as aul waiteth alſo vnto Timsthe,ofhim p neg:
lecteth chem that be of hia familie: Ifthcre beiany, fapth he that
prouideth not for his owne,& namely for them ofhis houshold,
he denieth the faith,and is worfe then an Infidell. Dow could he
‘moze feuerelp and terriblp frate bs from vices ? For be ſayth:
For this ye know, as tf he fapd: Donot fo much as dour, count it
not for a plapnetther let it be a ſport vnto pou, neither comfort
your ſelues with bathe hope ofa Chꝛiſtian name, and for chat pe
are counted Chꝛiſtians, thelethinges thall profit pouno more,
thenitproficen the Jewes, thatthep werethe children of Abra:
ham,and Dilciples of Moſes. It was fpoken to all which Chri
fayth Matth.7: Not euery one that fayth vnto me,Lord, Lord,
shallencer intothe kingdome of heauen , but he that doth the:
will ufmy Father whichis imheauen: there ts neede of doing, and
our fatth mutt be proued by workes. KUhom therefore hat great:
force of heauenly fire hall not enflame vnto godlines, that isjthe
| admonition of the incomparable loue of God toward ng, which fire vs vp
be fet inthe fr place.bim let chefe hozrible chreatnings of bell °° gots
_ fire moue,to wit whereas he witneſſeth, that ag many ag wil not ‘
follow Gov, and walke in loue, and ſhew forth their faith by their
workes, arenetthcr the fonnes of God, no? heires of bis king:
Dome, whereupon it follawerh, that thep are vndoutedly beires
with Satanof hell fire. TUhom therefore thele two fo mightie
mouokements (hail not irre vp to the feare of Gov € godlines,
with all diligence to doe the dutie of a Chꝛiſtian, be is plainly a
on and a ffone, J a hart harder then the anuill as Job
De particularly reproueth a couetous perfon , and pꝛonoun⸗ The coue-
ceth him an Idolater 07 worhipper of images , wherebp lurely Ae ey a
be veclarech, how greatly he is difpleafed with chem that are in:
fected with this vice,and tn the third chapter of his Epittle to the
Coloflians he ſayth allo the fame thing of him. Che caule hereof
Ithinke tobe this: other finners vſe onelp chat thinge, wherein
thep offend,ano make tt {erue their tuft and vefire: fo che foꝛnica⸗
toz and vncleane perfon vſe their body to pleafure:the proud pere
fon vſeth riches,learning,, the fauour of men, and fuch like, vnto
glorp: onelpchis miferable Idolater ts a flaue to his monep and
richessanb bis {inne is,thathe ſpareth bis money and goods kee:
peth ann hourderh thembp, vareth not apply them neither to big
owne bfe,nor tothe vfe of other, but doth plainly ferue and wop-
fhipthem as his god,and fo much eteemeth them,that be would
fooner lofe and fuffer to perith the kingdome of Good, then be
would {pende his monep 5 02 giue the value of arulh toward the
maintaining either of a preacher,o2 an infructer of youth, wher:
by the word of God andhis kingdom might be furthered, Foraſ⸗
much therefoze as all the truſt and hope of fuch a man is repofed
in monep, and notin Gov alone, who giveth him aboundantlp
whereby to liue, money is worthelp called big god,and he bim
felfe fatd to be an Idolater, ano hath no inheritance tn the king:
dom ofheauen, That can beinuenten more filthy and peſtilent
then this diſeaſeꝰ Ao vnto thee, incredulitie, Howe anabomina-
ble and burcfull euill are chou? We muft
» Let nomandeceiue youwithvaine wordes. Theſe are the take heede
baine wordes of them which ertenuate and make light of fornica⸗ —
tion and luch like ſinnes, as though they were not greatly euifl, „ich vaine
7 x 3 litt, wordes.
oꝛ did fo much offend God, There were nor wan
phers and poets among she Deathen, which counte
lecherte belive oncly aduiterie lawiuil,as a thing na
to bſe meate and drzinke. So fapth Terence: It is ne
nes, beleeue me ‚tor a pong man to follow pattors, ae.
to be ignorant of God,and co line according ty the fore a
pilcence, as the Gentiles were wont to dor. Moreouer *
words are thoſe, which albeit they haue ſome likelihood
pet in deede are teifling, and ſhall not excuſe any· So coue
doth not want acloke and pzetence for ir ſelfe: fod hin
Beth ots owne with the sifcommeditie of others, thep call
bul band induſtrious one chat looketh co bis bufineg,alchou
the meane while the poore perth with hunger, 02 are other
aflicted aboue their frength. Whereloze luch ſpeeches are:
phane anv heathniſh, by which loue is extinguiſhed, e thep u
giue eare to them € beleeue them are deluded witha baineh
For, for fuich things commerh the wrath of God vponth
dren ofdiichrtichce: This isan other light which we oug
follow, leauing the obſcure light ofrealon, which dath not gre
Thewrath Tp condemne fognication,yncleannes,coueroufnes,ec, | This
&végeance light witnefiech, chat for fuch things the wach of —
‚of 2. han- vpon unbeleeuers,whom be calleth che childzꝛen of diſch
Pornicätors, ANDtherefore can not abide to beleeue the word of God, ** gi
vncleane & them felues to the obedience of faith, Chis Paule declarett
couetous per €02,10 bp manp eramples , where he ſayth that agreat par
fons. the people was flaine foz fornication of which deede ts fpoken
fo Qum.25. Fer violence allo, couetoufneszand vncleannes che
whole worin was deftropen bp the flood. Ahere ſore a fufficten
tharpe,pea and a certaine vengeance abinech —— **
cted with theſe wickedneſſes. Row be calleth them the child?
of vifobedience that is, of incredulitie, which is as er 2
bad ſayd: of chem that baue reuolted from che faith, and h
nounced Chri. Hereby therefore we lee annlearnestharhechat :
Both not approue his faith bp workes, is no —— Dr *
then,pea wozfe,inafmuchas be hath renounced Chritt and des =
nied the fatth once receiued. For this cauſe therefore thee ge⸗
ance and wath of God (hat come vpon them that are ſuch a
Germanes do now trie‚vnto whom God fendeth abut
pettilcnce, famine cruell marres, Let men cake heeded
|| a * > (OF A GODLY LIFE. © | 361 ,
| o eare to thofe deceiuers,which with baine woꝛds promiferbat Far
| thofe finnes that efcape vnpuniſhed:Let thoſe flacke and flachtull © °°"?
Chaꝛiſtians beware , who although thep benor blinde Deathen, |. ;
" put know well that uncleannes and couetoufnes are finnes , and
thinke or teach no otherwiſe, do neuertheles liue wickedly ‚re:
> fing vpon faith. wherebp thep hope that they ſhall obtaine (alua-
_ tion without workes,foralmuch as wozkes Do not faue : Dea al:
_ beit chep verie well know, that faith, without wopkes is a fained
| faith, and that worthie fruteg and good workes mutt needes fol-
low, where a true and found faith is,pet notwithſtãding they liue
- fecurelp in their fpnnes, preluming of the grace and mercy of
God, nothing fearing God and his iudgement, when as notwith⸗
ftanding itis certaine, that God doth require the moptificatton
ofthe olde Adam, and good frutes of good trees .. Alchough per:
haps Paule fpeaketh not bere pꝛoperly of chefesburofcht which
thinke, andin baine waydes teach, that fornication, couctouf{nes,
and fuch like are not ſynnes, as the blpnde heathen did. many
do at this Dap under the name of Chꝛiſtians:yet is it to be feared,
feing they liue no better then the heathen do,¢ be themſelues foꝛ -
nicatours Ecouctous perfons, pthep hallfeele plike vengeance
of God with them.vea ſo much more nticuiushigeanteasthep _
doeknow more cerfainlp that thoſe avefpnnesjaccoiding tathat ©
- Aaping Rom, 22 Thinkeftthouthis , Othou man, that condem-
-neftthem which do fuch thinges; and:doeftthe ſame, thatthou
sshalt efgape the iudgement of God? iafter;thiné hardness and
heart that can not repent, thomheapeftvintd thyifelfewratha-
gairifl the daye of wrathy:& of chedeclagation of hamftindge-
mept of God. Seat ai ri corto tor: atttataasd ons Ir ad
Be. nottherefore companions with them :\Fonyewere once
darkenes, bur ate now light inthe Lord: walke 4s children of
light. Saypetenallefapth zichar it is ſuſſicient fozos, that we
haue (pent the time pattof onviifeatcer che luſtof the Gentiles,
but from bence forth ſhould baue nothing conmion with them,
but {pend the reit of our liſe in the ſeruice and woꝛſhip of Gov. They which
Then we were Gentiles we knew not that chele were (pnnes, are not yer
we were fo blynded through incredulitic and ignozance of Gov. lightned by
But after chat we are made light in the Lord, that is, lightned by ——
Chꝛiſt, we do not onelp weil vnderſtand what God is, and what noranz,bur
herequireth ofvg, what ſynue and iniquitie is, but are alfo able shey whom
*F aS
hehath ligh- now to be in ſteede of light unto others , and to teach them thoſe
iene, dee binge which we haue learned. Such Paul (aid che Philippiang
God & their Were ,. that thep ſhined as lights inthe world in the middes ofa
duty coward naughtie € crooked nation, So before we were not onelp varke,
him. but darkenes it {elfe, inaſmuch ag we were not onelp ignorant
and erred , but did allo boing other into the fame darkenes, both
bpwozdes and deedes. Let ve be thankefull therefore to bim,
"which bath calleb vs ouc of this varkeneg into bis meruelous
lighe; walking as the — of light, wbich Peter alfo amo:
niſheth vs to do.
Forthefruite ofthe Spirici is in ail — and ———
and truth, Forafmuch as he hath bere ſpoken ok light, it had ben
moꝛe agreable to haue added, for the truce of light, as the Latin
editions hate, then ofthe Spirit, as it is readin che Grecke,
TAho knoweth, whether the qreckes coppies were here chaun«
ged vpon this otcaſton, for that Paule tn the Epiſtle to che Ga:
Jathiangentreätech. of che frutes of che (pirit ? But this ſkilleth
litle, of the Spirit, andoflight are all one in this place. Good:
Goodnes. nes therefore is a fruice either of the Spirit oxoflight , contra⸗
rie to couetouſnes, whereby a Chꝛiſtian man isgoon , thatis,
“profitable and beneficiall to others; ready to gratitic anode well
Righreouf- »¢9 hig neighbours. Righteouſnes being a fruce of the Spirit ig
int contrarie to couetouſnes. For it maketh that no man doth take
awaye fronvan other that which ts bis, either by violence,either
obp craft op guile but that be endeuour rather to giue puto euerie
Troch. miauchat ih ich is his omnes Truthiga fruceof the Spirit con⸗
trarie to hypocriſie a lying, which requirech ren
be true and vncoꝛrupte not onelp in woꝛdes, but alfo tn:
; his whole ttfes that he doe not glorie of thenameof..
tonsihl a Chpittian without workeg, that be be not cal«
zu RU? ¢ RCTed ACH pitian, epetline after'the maner Ss: - 46
hes DS 900 obebetpeathen in fopnication; one 5 2. sou
En Ps notte oleannesjcouecoufnessanye sear sre
ide yooh ft gaan iptherbices,te, > > an man
av Jon sie ae alas’ nt tre ER EIERN £5 J ZELLE
nd) lit luileal intiiiaca N 3 un Hoda tan
ndud ans RD th ru glaue zott og gett fh 9
Ir» aller awn 4 = ¢ FREE
aiw vada 8208 GUE WR DL J 39400—630 RyRy at ia Iaymin DITIE
—— aN dnd —— forthem * be his, ye
| Luke 5. —*
Hen it came to paſſe as the people
Apreaſed vpõ him to heare the word
® of God, that he ftood by the lake
i u of Gennefaret.
3 And fi two fhips ftand by the Take fide, but
the fifhermen were gone out of them, & were
wafhing their nettes,
3; A & ‚And he entered into öne of the, fhips whieh“ NIE
oe 7 was Simonssandrequired him that he would °'*
thruft of a litle from the land: & he fate dows 7
— and taught the people out of the ſhip.
4. * Now when he had left {peaking , he (aia vnto
Simon lanehe ourinto thedeepe, & let down
our nettes to makea draught, .
5... Then Simon aunfwered and fayd vnto Ki.
_. Maifter, we haue trauailed fore all night, and
hauetaken nothing , neuertheles at thy, word
© Iwilllerdowneithener. nr.
6. And when they had ſo done, they’ ‚inelofed
| x Be multitude of fifhes, fo that their net
= the — HR did finke,
8. Nowwhen Simon Peter faw it, he fell downe
| at Iefus knees faying: Lord go from me, forl-
ain afynfull man, | ——
9. Forhewas veterly'aftonied and all that were
with him, for the draught of fifhes which they
tooke. _
Io. And fo was alfo lames. and Iohn the fonnes of
Zebedeus, which were companions with Si-
mon. Then Iefus faid vnto Simon: feare not
«0... from hence forth thou ſhalt catch men.
11. And when they had brought the fhips to ld,
> aid falleth inca the tentation and fiidres of the Deuehls But we
| cannot (ee that, foraimuch as itts ſpirituall. If we could as well _
fee the burt which it bringeth co ſpirituall chinges.,ag we can ſee
that which it bꝛingeth co corporal and outward hinges, then.
were it an ealie matter to pꝛeach vnto vs. Jap weelee plainelp
in outward thinges, how be that is giuen to the deſire of money,
ſcrapeth and gatherech togither, doch iniurieto allmenzthat be
alone map gather togither and heape by many thinges where⸗
untd he map truſt and fap: Tell, nome haue Jgoodes enough,
Thereby we map gather how vnkinde Fuhmerciiul a couetous
man is: for he doech good tons man, be ſhewech himſelfe gentle
and kynde to no man, be giueth nothing to any man , but lookech
vnto his owne lucre and commobitie, | BEN. 1G J
Now this is a curſed thing, that we cannot fo much as truſt
vnto the Lord , that be will feede our belly y thinking alwapes
- that we thall perith with hunger , when ag notwithſtand ing we
fhall haue thinges neceflarie and chat which ts ſufficient for os,
as Chritt fapth Warth.6:1 fay vnto you, be not carefull for your
life, what ye shall eate,or what ye shall drinke: nor yet for your
bodie, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more worth then
meate ? and the bodie then rayment? Behold the foules of the
ayre: forthey fow nor, neither reape, norcarie into the barnes:
_ yet your heauenly Father feedeth them. Are ye notmuch better
thenthey ? Which of you by taking care, is able to adde one
- cubitynto his ftature ? And why care ye for rayment? Learne
how the lillies ofthe field do grow : they are not weried, neither
fpinne: yet I fay vnto you, that euen Salomonin all his glorie;
was not afayed like one of thefe. VVherefore if God {0 clothe
the graffe of the field ‚which though it {tad to day, is to morow
caftinto the ouen, shallhenot do much more vnto you, O yeof
litle faith? Therefore take no thought, faying: what shall we eat?
orwhat-shall we drinke ? or wherewith shall we be clothed? -
- (For afterall thefe thinges feeke the Gentiles~) For your hea-
uenly Father knoweth that ye haue neede of all tiefe thinges,
‘ ~
” to wit,tharit traucleth co get ſubſtance, and labourech to be rich, credulity.
a. |
But feeke ye firft the kingdome of God and his righteoufnes,
and all chefe thinges shalbe miniftred ynto you. Care not then
for the morow : for the morow shall care for itfelfe: the daye
» hath enough wich his owne griefe. We {ee in this place, how
Govd hath a care for the foules and flowers , ¢ oth adoꝛne them
after a mot goodly fore: bow much moze will God giue vnto vs
thole thinges that be neceflarie ? and pet we cannot put our tru
Where trot in him, ſo hath the Deuell entangled ng in bis Mares Chen one
in Godis not gommeth fo farre,chat be is not content with chat be hath netther
there chari- exuſteth tn Gov, then charitie mutt needes fopentp ceaſſe, ſo that
ueccallech. he doch good to no man, but onelp prouideth that his owne heape
be encreaſed. Dereupon came the {pirituall ace of ſacrificing
Pꝛieſts and Monkes , that they might onelp helpe chemfelues,
feede their. bellp, auoide labour, enter into Wonafferieg „that
thereof div rife atrue prouerbe : Delperation maketh a Wonke,
pea not only aWonk;butlacrificing Pꝛieſts, Bithops + popes:
for they eruff nor in God , that he is able to feeve chem, but thep
ſtudie bpon this onelp, thatthep map be delivered from all mis
ferie andinfirmitie, which is altogether to liue in incredulitie:
they neuer truſted in God, thathe igableto gine them nouriſh⸗
ment and thinges necellarie , tf anp of chem Mould marp a wife
and remaine without that fate of Antichriſt.
Moreouer, here is anerample fee forth unto vs, which pꝛouo⸗
keth and allureth vs to confidence, and firſt that we commit our
bellieto God: for he hath a care of bs, euen in tempoꝛall things.
Thich {ufficientlp appeareth in Peter, whereas hetookelucha ⸗
great multitude of fies , which ranne bp great companies into |
his nettes. CÜlherebpig plainly fiqnified that God will forfake ©
no man, but that euerie one hall haue enough, tf that we hall
onelp truſt in him, ag the 3 7. lal, affirmech : I haue bin yong,
and nowam olde, and yet faw I neuer the righteous forfaken,
nor his feede begging bread: Things necellarie thal not be wans
ting onto bg, if faich be not wanting :for befoze we fhould want, —
the very Angels (hould come,€ miniffer bnto bs foode.Tülhereag —
therefore men are commonly oppꝛeſſed with fo great miferie,
VVe muttla- onelp wnbeliefe ig the caufe thereof, Anv albeit Gon be with vey |
bour,& not notwithſtanding be requireth pet of vs , worke or labour, and
a hope ‚ifheat anytime nifferre ſomewhat tobelpevs. De coms
the {ucceffe Mmaundeth Jeter here, that fog the taking of liſhes, he lhould cat
ynto God. lozth
: di Be 7
fe forch his nettes: Lanche out intothe deepe, fapth he, and let
i -dovyne your nets to makea draught , ag if the Loꝛd fain: Da
thou that which belongech to a filyer,calbthp net into the beenez
and commit the fuccelle pnto me, leaue the care bntome. God
leaueth not the care vnto thee, butthe worke and labour: bows N
| beit we after a cleane contrarie oyder , udp to commit the care
to our felues and thelabour tohim.; Thereby it commech to
palle, that euerie one for himfelfe appliech his mynde earneſtly
to gatne ‚and to gather money vnto himfelfe , that he map not be
_ enforced by anp meanes to take paines and labour, But ifthou
wilt liue a Chotttian life , leaue vnto thy God tocare howe: the
- fifbes fhall come inte the nets « and gee thou, and cake bpon thee
the fate wherein thou mäpfklabour, Dowbeit fo2 the moft parr,
Wwe wilh fuch Mates of life ; ag in which chere is no neede of Ia:
hour, which ts altowetber a deueliſh thing’, And therefore bane
we bin conlécraten Wonkes and ſacriſicing Prieſts Ithat we
might liue onelp like gentlemen , wotthoutlaboary Ano forthe
fame caufe parents haue fet their chilozen to ſchole, that at pdatt
theymight liue merie dayes, and ſo ſerue God; as thep thought,
Thereby it rame to that paſſe chat they div not know, whatfa
vood lile was· forafmuchias God eſpetiallp conunendeth: chat,
‘and chat in deed is acceptable vnto him whichis gotten withthe
Tear olthe bꝛowes/ ashe commaunved Adam Gen, 3. In che
Hyeat of thy face shaltthou eate breade. And the deeper thou
art occupied tn this lawe, in ſo much becter caſe chy thinges are,
whereloꝛe follotschyworke)dabour: sand crutt in God aitcare:
| fulnes being catt of.) waere yallilıme
Now ſome murmurs ano fay sie faith. be preacher, that we
mutt irutt in Gov, anbleatıe thevare vnto him, I might tong
enough lay thep 3! \ belecite oꝛ truſt before Iſhould haue where-
‘withalted be fen and fatteined; tf) ſhould notdaboir· Wea ic ig
| plaine enough thacchoumutt labour; foꝛaſmuch as lahout is cõ⸗
Maunded thees Ypowbeit fufter Bodıro rare tosabee'sideleene V mu ll
thou and labour, then thalethoualturenly bane thoſe chinges hope,though
“that be netellarié Tor the ſuſtentation of shy lites Ann this igan Ged Giffer-
“Spther thing: thatwe muſt hope notwich tantipg ; shouth Gop rit His hetp
itſerreth ſo atima Cherefche he ſuffreth themao labeur allche £t —
A zam torakemonhingsand theweeb bünkeliftope Üuchanne, |., "areas
Be fufferthemtoperith wich bungens eabinbimight baue heipe vs,
pd + EN = w Fr ae er 444 in we —
come into the minde of Peter, when be had filhed fo long andtas
ken nothing , fo chat be might baue ſaid: now God will (uffer
mp belly to periſh with pining and famine. Dowbeit he doch not
fo, but goeib on fill in bis labour, he pliech bis werke, € hoperh
that God at the lat will gine bim fiſhes, albeit be differreth a
time. God therefore is prelent, and giueth him fo manp fithes in
oneday,as be coiuld fcarce take inp (pace of eight dates. Ahere⸗
foie theſe chines are to be learned well of thee, that thou labour
and bope,alth ough Goo diſferreth his bleſſing a litle. Fozalbeit
bedifferreth awhile,and (uffrer; thee to labour fore, fo that chou
now thinke chp labour to beled speomut chou not therefore pel
peire, but repofe thy hope in him , trufting affureslp thathe will
at Platt giue thee prolperdus ſueceſſe. a2 he wil rersainip. come
# giue moꝛe chen thou didſt neede; as be did bere once, Sijpeter,
EUberefore tf God delapech with thee aditieis chinke with thy
felfe, he delayed alfo with ©. Peter, petafterward gaue vnto
¢ Him aboundamdip. Commit thy master therefore to bis: good will
and pleafure, anddeaue not of thp woꝛke, but hope fill, ana then
chall not thy hopede fruſtrate· Thus much concerning: the: for:
merpart ofthe cept , nomen here the laser. After cherefore
that they had taken fiſhes, and taſted che frute of faich, theit faich
ig iubreaſed and augmented. Lie therefore muſt qo ſo faere, that
we may commituur Bellic to Gon: for be that can nor. rommit ſo
much as his bellie to bith; wilb neuer eommit his loule vnto him,
Howbeit that is onelxachildiſhifaith: Hert weleguine ſieſt to go
bybeuches and ſettles: here mend feede on milkelas pet} but we
muſt likewiſe learne bp theſe ta commit our doute alſo te Gop,
The Euangeliſt ſo meaneth when he ſaypth;:
Nuuvo when Simon Petenfawit,ihefckdown&atlcfusknees,
faying sLotdgoeftömmne; fat Tamia finriefillapan, ;Eorihe was
. icerlyäftonied; and atkthar were withthian; farthe!draaghtof
Ohaus. Sehesiwebichetheytooke! Let pecer here he a cype oa agure oſ
cthem w hith beleeur eternal good thingesjanomounte binvas one
vexrily looking fez ſeeing the good things to come. Acinful con:
| Tb, BAER Teience is of chat nature chat it ſo behauerh te lelfesias Peter here
| ora vane” Dids taberdas beiliech bis Sauiapr and chinkech.:dlorpgkam
moꝛevnworthygtthen chat J Houle be fave, aun fihamangıhp
Sametes and Angels: for chat good .iamoatt exreeving vig
—— abecedsrenigoccontcionce tande ale tu gonıpachenniNchgrent
‘ite goo
good thinges, but it thus thinketh: NET were ag Peter # Paul,
could ealily beleeue: Ahich ig altogether a foolifh and vaine
thinge. For if thou wouldeſt place chy felfe accoꝛding to thine
ouwne holines,thou ſhouldeſt build vpon thefande. Thou muff not
do fo, but bebaue thy ſelfe like vnto Peter, for in chat be eſteemed
imfelfe vile , and iudged himfelte unwazthp of fo great grace,
he rightly became worthy, Anu therefore, whereas chou art a Though we
ſynner, thou mutt truft in God, and dilate and open wide chp con: fecle ¥ burdé
ſcience and heart, that grace map enterin, After thou haff now of our fianes
knowne God, thou muſt reiect none of bis giftes , chat ig , when
as thou {ect the great good things thou mutt not deſpeire. It is
we muft not
defpeire , but
truft in God
| good chat we know our felues,¢ the deeper we know our felueg, chat he will
‘fo much the better. But that grace ts not tobe cefulen becaule of remic che &
| thy {pnnes, Far when thou ſhalt fynde thp confcience tatremble, ccUc =
| fo that it would dꝛiue awap ſynnes, chen art chou moſt ready and
moſt fitte to receiue grace, then thalt thou fpnve comfort tn thy
‘confcience and fay with Micheas: V Vho is fucha God as thou, Mich.r.
that: pardoneft wickednes, & cafteft all our fynnes into the bot-
‘tome of the fea ? Ahoſoeuer take not away Ipnneg ; thep arena
‘Gods, but idols : whereupon be fapech rightly, chat none ts like
Pntoour Gos. oz other gods willfpnde and not bring godli⸗
‘nes, but the Almightie God doth not finde it, but being it: where⸗
fore thou mutt not forthwith vefpeire , ikthy confcizce tremblech
and feelesh (pnne, Foꝛ the moze defiled that thou art, fo much
ithe fooner doeth the Loꝛd poure in bis grace, if fo be thou be re:
pentant and thirfteft after tt, A great part goe ſo farre that chep
ape thep merit grace , whiles they diſpoſe them (elues thereuns
which is, as thep interpzet, whiles thep do that which Ipech
them,and alfo that thep poe fatiffie for their ſynnes. But itis
not lo. The Scripture teacheth ns that it ig God that taketh a:
| not put away ſynnes bp our woꝛkes, netther thall we be iuſtiſied
of our {elues, God himfelfe, and none but he halldo the chinge,
formyne owne felfes fake doe take awaye thine offences, and
de thy fynnes, fothat1 will neuer thinke vpon them more.
Ano ſo muſt thou belecue, otherwile thou thalt neuer obtaine a
iopfull confcience. AMherefoꝛe, when as Peter fapd, I am a fyn-
Iner, he {aide right, It is true in deede , there * ren why
| imap ſynne and cafkethit inte the bottome of the fea. Te ſhall
ynto prace.
| of bis meere grace as Clap fapth ;T am, euen J am he onely,that Eſa.a3. 25.
God fuftey-
neth y faith-
full both in
body & fpi-
be might be afrayde of himfctfe, and bumble bimlelfe, buche |
sucht not to refule God, but mot willingly recejue him? Taber:-
fore whenthou fhalt feele thy fpnne „like ag derer did, and alt
perceine that chou wouldeſt now flie from God, thenig ie ncede
that choudo forthwith turne thy felfe, and come moze and more
bnto him, For if God (hould goe awap,and would not take awap
thy ſynne, would not come unto thee,nop feeke thee, pet the moze
thou percetuett chp felfe afpnner , the more bat thou oughtett to
make vnto him, which fee thou marke well, andlapit vpina
mypndefull memorie. For as Sainct Peter vocch here,fo all con:
ſciences do, Which are terrified of ſynnes, and would flie front
God,t fecke another god, do not thou leaue fo, but come boldly,
and topne thy felfeneereriunto Gov, Otherwiſe tfone goe away
to fecke workes,and belpe of an other gov , be is then found like
the foolith Girgines, which while they goe to get themfelues
ople , are inthe meanefeafonthut out, But what doeth Chik,
when derer fo humbleth himfelfe ? and by reafon of his great
feare and terrour , defirech the Loꝛd to Depart from hin? vin he
feaue bim in ſuch ve(peration of himfelfe ? Mo truly, but he come:
forteth him, faying thus: *
Feare not, fromheceforth eho shalt catch mé. Chis is a ioy⸗
full word, wherebp weake heartes recetue comfort. Now there:
fore, that God hath acare foꝛ bs, pea euen inchofe hinges that
pertaine tothe body, ye lee bp this,chat he giueth Peter fo manp
filhes : be maketh him allſo fo full anv rich in Tpirit,chat be ought
to beſtow fome of bis plenty vpon others. De makech him a fiſher
both in body and in {pirte : in body, for that be taketh many filhes
whtch he map fell: but in ſpirit he is a fither of men. Foꝛ be bach
the Golpel, whereby other men muff be brought to God bp him,
and the kingdome of Chrift beinereafed. Loe, it commech to
palle, that where men beleeue, the Loꝛd giveth fo much, as ſuc⸗
coureth and belpech all men. Che faithfull man outwardly hel ·
peth the needy with bis fubftaunce and goods: And from within
he breaketh forth , teacheth other, and enricherh them alfo ine
wardly. For ſuch a man can not hold his peace, but ig enfor-
red to ſhew and declare to others, how he is delt wich, ag it is in
the 5 1.]9fal, Make me acleane heart, OGod, and renue aright
fpirit within me, Caft me novaway from thy prefence, and take
not thy holy Spirit from me, ® giue me the comfort of thy helpe
ee: 9 ‘
-againe, and {tablish me with thy free Spirıt, Then shall Iteach
_ thy wayes vntothe wicked , and fynners shalbe conuerted vnto
thee. And in an other Pſlalme allo Dautd ſayeth: I belecued, Pfal.116. 10
and therefore will I fpeake. Tibich is thus much in effects when
TF beleeuc, J knowe God, and tal of his goodnes , then F confi:
der the cafe of other men, and go and declare fuch knowledge and
goodnes of God vnto them, Te (ee therefore in thig text, Howe
carefull God is for them that be bis, and that be doth fulteine
them both in body and in ſpirit. Bucif be doth fometime differre
anp thinge, without all doute it is through the fault of our tn:
credulitie, oꝛ becaule we haue now new begon to beleeue. For
twhere faith is new and litle, there ts fomerime {mall ano fclen-
der belpe, chat we map learne to Know the 1o20, and totruff in
him, But when we bane gone fo farre that we truſt ſtrongly in
God, then nothing can be wanting to bs,then God poureth vpon
vs both coꝛpoꝛall and fpirituall good chinges, and fo aboundant
trealures that we map be able to helpe others. Chis in deede ts
to entich the pooꝛe and to fill che bungrie, Chus much thal (uf:
fixe concerning this text,
Marc. 3.
Werfe 1. TN thofe dayes, when there was a verie
great multitude, and had nothing to eate,
| Iefus called his difciples to him, and faid
| vnte them: *
| Ä AA ij
Pea Fri 7 ne ae 7 42 ee 2 and
a ¥
2 Ihaue compaſſion on the multitude, becaufe
00° they haue now cötinued with me th: rec —
and haue nothing to eate.
3. And if I fend them awaye fafting to the i irow
~ houfes,they would faint by the way.e: fo rome
_ -of them came from farre.
4. . Then.his:difeiples aunfwered him, ——
‚can aman fatishiethefe with bread here in the |
wildernes ? |
5. - ‘And he askedthem , how many loaues haue
ye? and they faid, feuen. |
6. Then he commaunded the multitude to ‘fit
downe onthe ground sand he tooke the feuen
loaues, and gaue thankes, brake them, and
gaue to his difciplesto fet before them,& they
did fet them before the people.
2 They had alfo a few {mail fishes : and when he
had giuen thankes,he commaunded themalfo
tobe fet before them. |
8. So they did eateand were fuffifed., and they
tooke yp of the broken meate that was left,
.. feuenbaskets full: |
9 And they that lad eaté , were about 4. thou-
fand: > he ſent them awaye.
= Hope dearely beloued, that ye doe well vnder⸗
2 ftand the meaning of this tert .: For pour vnder⸗
R —— is {uffictentip well groundedin theſe my⸗
© tteries, fo that pe doe eafily perceiue what good
we soe ——— be looked for inthe Gofpell,and what is pres
feribed unto bs therein, namelp the true nature and qualitieof
fapth. Aud thisis the caule, why Chrift is of all che Cuanges
lifes {ce forth to be fo louing and gentle:for although the doings
and workes delcrived of them doe oftentimeg barie,neuertheleg
the limplicitie of larth remapneth alwayes alike, Mozeouer
| his tert doeth folinely fet forth Cheiſt vnto vs in bis colours,
| that iemap be manifetrand well knowen vnto euerie onébhOs, 8"
wyhat we ought to pꝛomiſe our fehteb concertina him 5 to-wit:
| thar he is mercifull, bountifult, gentle) Wharferrcourech all that
‘fie vnto him for helpe. And füch ought to be the image offapıb.
Fox the Stripeure fetteth befoje be d Dowdle’ finage sone ar By ‘De Lave
| feareswhich reprefenteth to our eyes the Horrible wiath FEW, -4and can
before which no man is able to Rand , but rathet we are WN downe, but
fortedto Ve caſt downe in minde, when we Tee Mt ponies we be by the Gol
ſtrengthned bp kayth. Howbeit againlt tists ſette the othet Pell we are
image namely of grace: which kaych doeth actentinely behold, cmon’? &
| arid taketh from hente principles of comfoit j and Tonceiücch a
‚ ttuft and confidence inchefausu of God, hauing this hope , that
| than can toe promile to him Telfe from God fo manpe good
| thinges; bat that he hath infinite moe trealures in a rradines
| ‘for bim, °' NOT) RI BH SRE . BIA Git
| Pe hatre now oftétimes heard, that there are two ſoꝛts of good The tempo-
chinges; piritualt and coppopall | Che Gelpell vp chele ccm. "all and our-
_ potall and coppopall good thinges teacherh vs the faith of chil- Fo eGo
| Den, and they are nto che weake asa cerraine meane 02 helpe, ought to be
| Mbherebp thep may learnethe goodnes of Gon; how bouintifullhe as meancs to
is in beſtowing his riches bpon Hg), and that we ought in (piri: make vshope
tuall thinges alfo to place all out hope and truft invim. Foꝛ tf —* ree
we be now infructed by the Golpell , that God will giue foode „ll allo be-
to our bellie , we may theteupor account with our felues , that Row vpon vs
be will nouttth cloath dur foules With (pirituall good thinges. fpiricuall and
SE F can not commit mp body vnto Hin that he may fecve it, — good
much lelſe can commit mp foulewnte him chat he may alwapeg “> .
preferueit. Oꝛ if Ican not be brought to beleeue, that acrowne
of golde thalbe giuen bite me of him; bow 7 pray pou, hall I
bope for tenne of crownes of goldeof him? from whom Idare
not pꝛomiſe co my ſelfe ſo much as a peece ofbrcad , truly much
lelſſe Hall Ibe perſwaded to beleeue , chat he will giue a fearıne
vnto me, or his whole mberitaunte. Now he that is not able to
atteine vnto this tender), and as it were as pet fucking faith, to
him fuvelp tt is verie hard to beicene 5 that Goo will pardon his
ſynnes, Oy prelerue his ſoule for euer , Foꝛaſmuch as we are
| perfinaden ; that che ſoule ig bp infinite degtees to be preferted
wveſore ihe bellie, toward which notwithſtandiug bets couched
Ag ii,
— — —
; with compaffion ag: this our prefent tert teacherh, Therefore
Pers. Saint Weter hath :righlp-avmontthep,s;Beloued brechren, as
‚new; borne babes,defire that fingeremilke ofthe word, tharye
maygrovv thereby... 03 dt is not, enough that the infant being
put to theteate Dog fucke , buthe mutt alfo war greater, and —
‘gather. frength., that be imap accuftome bimfelfe to feede on
bacade, and ſtronger meate Now to cate milke ig to taſt of the
fauour and graceiof Gov, which igthen tattedof when atrial —
thereofis han in our lile/ ‘fon although I ſhould preach an bun:
dred peares af the-bountifulnes;;fauour , ineralitie and gentle⸗
nes of God tomardvg.it would profit me nothing onlefle Jhaue
atriall and tafte of thole commodities , neither could IJearne
rightlp to truſt in, God therebp. Dereof alfo thou mayſt coniec-
ture bow rare a Chꝛiſtian man is. Chere are manp which fap,
that: thep commit their bellte to God; but that ſticketh onelp
in the tounge and lippes ; when ag rather it ought to perce to
the heart.
‘Let bs nowe 1 confiver an example teaching be the qualitie
The. tice and, nature of faith . Che Apoſtle Deb.11, hath maitten chuss
and nature baithis the ground of thinges, which are -hoped for,,and the
of faith. © evidence. of thinges which; arenotfeene, which 18 thug much
Ineffect : faith ts. che foundation , whereby J looke for that good
thinge, which ts neither ſeene with the epes, noz beard with
the cares, but which I mut onelp hope for, Cuenas in our pze⸗
fent text ic plainly appeareth,; wherein we reabe that there were
. about foure thouſand men, whotogicher with ‚their wiues and
chiloren had now fuftven hunger thaee vayes( wagmorthisia noe
’ table kpnde of faſting?) pet mere notfamithed wich hunger, be-
ing farre from their honles, and deſtitute of thofe neceflaries, —
whereby the bodie tsfuftcined .) Row Paule ſayth that faith is
athinge whereby aman bopeth foxthole hinges which appeare —
not, toebe epes +: Such a fayth had this multitude, which ale —
though they ſee no meate , nevertheles.thep truft in Gov, that
he wil! feede them: TAbat doeth Chri bere? heigmoued with
compallion, be demaundeth of the difciples with what vittatles,
oꝛ with what hinge their hunger map be taken awap. To whom
bis difciples aunfwere : whence cana man ſatiſſie duch a multi ·
tude bere in chewiloernes? Deve pe fee hom mans reafon and
fapeh actee Apacer >that the wiſet reoſon is, ſo much leſſe can
ie fubmit itfelfe cothe workes of Gon, For this caule therefore
Did he afke his diſciples, that euerie one of them might trie theit
owne reafon,and learne bow much the capacitie of nian and faith
“Bo differ one from another. Kay
Here itappearethunto bs how reaſon is blpnde, andhow, Reafon muß
when faith commech , tt ought-co gine place. Thereof lec this give placcıe
be ag anerample: Jf J were a maried man, hauing a wife and fach.
- acompante of childꝛen, and had nothing wherewith to nourith
them, neither would anp man giue me anp chinge : pet ſhould
it be mp dutie to beleeue and hope‘, that God will’ proutve for
me. But whenas J (ee mp hope tobe tn vaine, and that J-am
not fuccoured byandby with nourifhment and cloathing „then tf
I be faithies ‚I peeld onto defperation, and goe and purpofe an
other chinge with mp (elfe, J applie mp mpnde to vnhoneſt
trades „that I may ger fometwhat therebp , as theft, deceit, and
otherfuch practises , and bp all meanes that J am able 5 J pafle
through the formes of aduerfitie. See what filthie incredult:
tie beingeth vnto man. But tf J be endued wich kaith, I thue
mine eyes and fap: Moſt gentle father, Jam thy creature, and
thp worke, it can not be denied but thou ha created me, J
will put all my truſt in thee, which haft greater care af my wel! ·
fare then Imyſelte. Thou wilt well nouriſh, feene, cloathsand . ...,
helpe, where and when thou ſhalt know beſt. So faithiga'fure
fourtdation, whereunto J trufting , doe locke for thefe thinges No maner of
which F (ee not , and that I map ſpeake at once, it hall not want thing thar ie
thofe thinges that be neceſſarie Surely the Angels themfelueg 8004 shalbe
chould come vowne from Heauen,eiuiebreandiggeueuenontof end.”
the earth, vnto ſuch a fatthfull man ‚that be might be nourithen,
rather chen he fhould be pined with hunger, pea heauen and
earth (Hall pafle, before Goo will {uffer a man endued with fuch
faith to want either clothing ozꝛ any other neceffarie thinge.
This fingulartruk and confivence in God, the confortable anv
effectual worde of the diuine pꝛomiſe Doethrequire . TUhereof
Dauid glozieth Plal, 37% I haue been young and nowe am
olde, and yet fawe I neuer the righteous forfaken, nor his feede
begging bread. And againe: God knoweth the dayes of the
_ righteous’, their inheriraunce shall continue for euer. They
_ shallinot be'¢onfounded inthe perilous time; and in the dayes
_ of dearth they shall haue enough. But tf we thall afke counlell
| aa itty
of reafon,it will forthwith fap (as the diſciples Did before) thid
thinge is onpotlible :fo2 it looketh for nothing ‚it truſteth to nos
thing, when nothing is pꝛeſent Oblike difftoence were the df:
tiples,who thought thus wich thöfelues show cantt be that ſuch
, great multitude of men ſhould be bere refreſhed with meate ?
truly it exceedeth our capacitie . Jf thep bad feene an beape of
money, fore of bꝛeade, and ſhambles full of fichh they could then
baue eafily religued chis pꝛeſent necellitie:, thep could haue put
all ina good hope, and filp haue diſpoſed all binges, accoꝛding
sorbe,capagitie of their reaſon.
And thus much ſhall ſufſtze to be ſpoken concerning the faith
of cempozall good things:now we will entreat of ſpirituall goon
thinges, which hall come vnto ug when we (hail die, Chen halk
we [ee death fet before.our eyes, when as notwirhtanding we
would willingly line, then hall bell appeare vnto vs when we
ratherdefire for beauen, then hall we behold che iudgement of
God, noiwithanding his grace would be much moze accepta-
ble onto bs. Ina fumme 4 wharfoeuer we would defire to fee,
ſhalbe taken out of our fight, peaandno creature ſhall belpens
Faith ceaf- again death, hell, andthe iudgement of God. Butif-T bee
feth not to leeue, Jſaye chug vnto my felfeswelt;faith is a ſure foundactone
crue in befewith J being Haped vps {hall attaine unto chole thinges
arcareft ex. Which are verie farre out: of mp fight, albeit chole thinges be
ccemitie and hoꝛrible which be. in mp fight,pet Hall they noe bure him that
diftieffe. , beleeueth. Atihoush therefore J doe prefentip {ee nothinge, bug
> Death, bell, andthe twogement of God, pee mutt I confer
none of chele, but rather, mp mynde is to be conſirmed wich
an vndouted truſt, that God bythe vertue of bis promife, nor,
in reſpect of mp merites oꝛ workes, willgeue onto me life, bleſ⸗
ſednes, and grace. This in deede ts to cleaue vnto Gov bp {pus
cere fapth, whichis bere verie well painted forth in this. groſſe
and bodily image of.foure chouland men 5 who cleauing to Gov
onelp by faith, did not doute that chep — * berefrethen oflıim.
Ff chep had iudged according to! the capacitie of thetr-reafony
they would bauc murmured, and fato after this fopts furely we,
area berie great multicude; we arehere in the wide wildernes,
we haue einptie and hungrie ſtomackes, here is nothing that ts
able to Gli che. Howbeit thep murmured of none of hele things,
but conceiuing 4 lure confivence,teafoning othing againtt >
after the affection of menzthep commende them felues wholy to
* good will of God, and commit vnto him this vrging necelſi⸗
tie of hunger, thep themfelues being quiet from all care, Then
God, before this care commeth vpon them,and before chep begin
to aſke of bim,is pzefent,being moze carefull for them,then thep
are for them felues,e ſayth on this fort + Iam moued with com-
paffion toward the multitude: if Ifendıhem away fafting ,it is
- adaungerleittheyfaint by the way. Behold how gentle € boun:
tilull we baue God coward vs, who hath euen a care to feede the
pneleane belly, Pere now our hope is erected, and the wordes of
Chrifk are comfoztable toa man, when be fapth : Thep haue nom
continued with me thee dapes, tt now behoueth me to giue (ufli-
cient vnto them to eate. ere we map fee, that all chat doe licke
diligently tothe word of Gad, are feo of Gov him (elfe.
Therefore let vs dearly beloucd, at che lak begin to beleeue,
for onely diffidence and incredulitic is the mother of all finnes g Treredulitie
vices. which at this day reigne in all forts of men. Dow commeth —
it to pafle,that euerp where , whetherſoeuer we turne bg , there
ate fomany barlots.and baudes „Such plenty of veluders and de-
ceiuers ſo many theeues,pillersolerers , robbers, Simonifts,
asthey call chem,and {ellers ofbenefices ? All hele diffivence tas
ward God baingeth fozth onto bs, F 02 luch kind of men do iudge
onely according to humane reafan, and reafon lookerh vnto that
— which is pꝛeſent: but that which it ſeeth not, it ig not able to com:
prebend: wherefoze while it oth not repoſe ber truſt by faith in
Gor, itis enforced to Defpeire; which Defperation afterward caus
feth fuch naughtie and.wickes men. Behold thus tt goech out of
frame with bs, wher we cõmit our {elues ta be ruled notto falths
but to our owne vealon, |
Mozeouer,aspe have now learned faith, fo mutt pe alfo learne
ones For Chri is ſette forth vnto vs in adouble fozme,inone,
of faith that we ſhould not be ouer carefull: in an other, of loue, Chrift an ea
that we map learne, that as be bath cave of bs, giuing bs meate, ample of
drink, apparel, ¢ that of meere € bountiful loue, not for bts one „low.
commodities fake, oꝛ becaufe of our merits : To alfo we ought to
doe Wwellto our neighbour, andthat freely , onelploue mouing
bs thereunto,chat as Chꝛiſt is tovs , fo we map be toour neigh:
bour.Dereupon now we may perceiue,that all works of Wonks
and Nunnes are vaine and \co be vtterlydiſallowed, wher they
are not directed to that end,that they map ferue their neighbours: —
but are oꝛdeined onely vnto chisende, that they may merit much
at Gods hanves by them, Jor the true workes of Chriftiansy —
which thep defire to be accepted of God, mull be done lo, that
they cend tothe proft of aur neighbour,and not to this ende,that
we ſhoulde thinke that we fhall merit many thinges of God by
them, thep mutt be cheerefullp and freelp beowed upon all,euen, -
as Chrilt hath Done, who hath [prev abroad and frcelp beſtowed
bis goodnes vpon all, Thele thinges haue T bpieflp Tpoken cone
cerning this tert.that pe map thereby learne,that Goo requireth
this elpeciallp of ng , that we doe Grmelp and conſtantly truſt in
him, and that we freelp doe good and be benefictall to our neigh⸗
hours,according ag God bath of his meere goodnes and mercie
bettowed infinite benefits and bleſſings vpon vs. Che Pꝛophet
fapth Pſal.50: Heare O my people and I will fpeake, I my felf
willteftifie vnto thee O Ifraell,] am the Lord,euen thy Lorde. I
_ willnotreprouethee , becaufe of thy facrifices,or for thy burnt
offerings, forthat they be not alway before me , Iwill takeno
bullocke outof thy houfe’, nor goates out of thyfoldes/f6t alf
the beaftes of the foreft are mine, and fo are'thé ‘eattell vpon a
thoufand hills. know all the foules vpon the mountaines: and
the wild beaftes ofthe field are at my commaufidément. If Ibe
hungrie, I will not tell thee: forthe whole worldis mine,and all
that is therein. Thinkeft thou that I will eate bulls flesh, and
drinke the blood of Goates ? After the fame fort he fapth vnto
os: Behold Iſraell, thatis, thou faithfull man, Jam thy Gov
thou art not np E00, will giue vnto thee, chou'gtuett nothing
tome, J will not be angrie with thee, for chat thou offeret not
many things unto me, For whatlocuer is inthp-fkable,inthp hous
fes,in thp courtit was all mine before, for Jhaue fene it thither,
Thereby he briefly reproned the Jewes, whe div meruelouſſy
pleafe them felueg in their lacrificeg. Now becaule he reiectech
thefe fäcrifices , what will he baue to fupplp the place of them?
truelp euenthat which followerh inthe fame place : Offer vnro
me praife,and thy vowes, call vpon me in the time of trouble,&2
I yvil heare thee,and thou shalt glorifie me. Chat is, J wil haue
thine bart, giue ouer chp (elf to me, € account me for a gentle; fas
uourable,pea and for thy God, and it hall ſufſize me. CUherefore
place thp faith, truſt and hope in him, count him for a sar
—— —
| Aouing Gov, cleauc buto him, and in extreme anguifh fife onto
him fo2 fuccour, and to none belive him. Beleeue and looke for
| belpe of bim, then be will belpe chee, thou needelt not anp whit
| “pout, Afterward doe good to thy neighbour with acheereful hare
| and freelp. Thefe two things are fet forth in this our tert, as alfo
n many other places beſide.
ners of his word. -
Luke 19.
Verfear. SOON D when hewascome neareto
INNE Ierufalem,he beheld the city, and
Ss \& wept for it,
9-2 Saying,Ifthou hadft eué knowne
at the leaft in this thy day thofe thinges which
belongevnto thy peace,.thou wouldeft take
i heede:but now are they hid from payne eyes.
i 1143. For the dayes {hal come vpon thee,t
palſſe thee round, and keepe theé in on euety
—J a 11 Aa |
dd... Andfhallmakethee euen with the ground,&
hy children which are inthee, and they fhall
(eas not leaue in thee a ftone vpona ftone, becanfe
at thine
1 © enemies ſhal caſt a trench about thee,& com⸗
thou kneweft not that feafon of thy vifitation.
45. He went dlfo into the temple, and bepahi
~. .caftout them that fold thereif,aid them that
46. — vnto them, it is written :Mine houſe is
the houſe of prayer, but ye haue made it a
denne oftheeues.
47. And he taught daily inthe temple. And the.
high Prieftes and the Scribes, and the chiefe
| ofthe people fought to deftroy him, =.‘
48. Butthey could notfind what they might doe
to him, for all the people hanged. vpon him
when they heard him, |
~ Oh E (umme and (cope of thig tert is this: The
AN; 1.020 ts troubled and lamentech for the euils which
N hs were to come bpon the contemners of the worde of
fy Gov.We haue often times heard, what che word of
EN Gov is,what is che fruce and commoditie thereof,
allo what Difcipleg ithath , of which nothing ig bere done, 02
fapd:but the puniſhment and miferie onelp ig ſhewed, which was
to come bpon the Jewes;foꝛ that thep knew not the time of their
bifitation. Tibich thing let vs well confiver of, for tt pertaineth
onto bs alla. If thep be puniſhed which know not p time of their
bifitation, what thal come onto chem, which perfecute,blafpheme
_ and rep2ebend che Golpell and C020 of Goo ?howbeiche Tpea-
keth here onelp of them which know not thefeafon of their vificas
Two wayes
to preach
againft che
of Gods
tion. The contemners of Godare preached againt after two
- fortes: firt by thꝛeatnings, as Chri thꝛeatneth them Matth.
11¢VVobetothee;Corazin: VVo beto thee Bethfaida : forif
the great works which vvere done in you,had bene done in Ty-
rusand,$idon,they had repented long. agone in {ackecloth and
ashes. But Ifay to you, it shall’be eafier for Tyrus and Sydonat
the day ofiudgement, thenforyou. Andthou, Capernaum
‚(which was bis owne citie, wherein chiefly he wrought mira=
tles) vvhich att lifted vp vnto heauen shalt be brought dovvne
‘to hell: forif the great vvorkes yvhich haue betiedone in thee,
Br were. es SE =_ a od
} “had bene done among them of Sodom, they had remained to
this day. But I fay vnto you,that it shall be eafier forthem of the
land of Sodom inthe day of tudyement,then for you. Theſe are
- thethreatnings wherewith he terrifieth them, that thep Houlve
not ſo neglect the woꝛd of Goo, Che other way the Lorde here
- Hheweth, when as he ſhedeth teares, and is couched with pitie to»
- ward miferable and blind men, he voth not terrifie oꝛ thacaten
- them,as being indurate and obfkinat, but is rather wholp moued
with loue and taketh pitie on his enemies , and would willinglp
call them backe.but that be could preuatle nothing with them, «
che meanes which be vſed to reclatme them were in vaine. Before
in Watthew,whereas he fharplprebukerh them , he dealeth nor
bp loue,but bp rigour, but bere ig pure loue and pitie, as we thall
alterwards ſee.
Firſt,when he dꝛew neare to the citie, fome went before hin,
and fome followed him, wich great toy finging and faping : Ho-
ſanna the fonne of Dauid, thep fpred their garments in theway,
| thep cut downe branches fromthe trees, and ſtrawed them inthe
way, and all thinges were done after a goodly maner, butin the
middelt of this iop Chri beginneth greatly to weepe,he ſuffreth Chriſt lamẽ
| alltoretopce, notwithanving bis epes guſhed out with teares, tech for Ie-
then be beheld the citie,andfapd: Ifthou haddeft euen knowne rufalem.
atthe leaftin this thy day thofe things vvhich belonge vnto thy
| peace,thou vvouldeft take heede: but novve are they hid from
| thine eyes. As if the Loꝛde ſhould fap: D, if thou knewelf what
belongeth onto thy peace that thou mighteſt not be deſtroyed, but
| " Hand fill,chou wouldeft pee at this day confiver ofit and beware,
| JRowit were time for thee to know chat which ſhould be beit foz
_ thee,bucthou art blinde,® wilt neglect the time, then ſhall there
| be no place neither for helpe noꝛ counfetl, Asif heflapo: Thou
| ftandeft bere adoꝛned with ſumptuous and goodly builoings,and
| thereareinchee mighty citisens, which are both fecure and me:
| rie, thinking that no daunger hangeth ouer them, but after the
| fpace of forty peares thou halt be veftroped, Which the Loꝛde
‚ plainly foꝛetelleth in chefe woꝛdes. :
© The dayes shall come vpon thee,that thine enemies shal} caft
| atrench about chee,and compaffe thee round, and keepe thee in
| oneuery fide,and'shallmake thee even vvith the ground, and
| thy children yvhichare inthee, and they shall not leane in thee
a ftonevponaftone,, becaufethou knevveft not that. feafonof
Thecareles thy vifitation, aw the Jewes, as thep fuppofen,ttoave vnmoue⸗
— of able e lale, reſting vpon the pꝛomiſe of God, ſo that they thought
the lewes· no otherwile , but chat they Moulo perfeuerantly continue fo for
euer,thep were fecure and chought thus with them {elues: God |
will not (end (uch hinges vnto vs: we haue the temple, wherein —
God him ſelke is reſident. CAe baue alfo plentpof excellent men,
money, and other thinges, Goe to then, whocan doc any burt og
harme to vs ¢ Moreouer the Emperour and people of Rome ha⸗
uing taken the citie,leeing tt furnifhed with fo many and fo great
munitions and goodly and ercellent builaings, meruetled great:
{py and confeſſed, that tt was vnpoſſible chat fo great a citie ſhould
be taken, vnleſſe it had bene che (pectaliwillof Gov. Cheir boas
fing therefore, and confidence in their omne falle opinion decei⸗
ued them,Dowbeitthe Lord did moze earneſtly and deepelp cone
fiver the matter then thep, whenhelapd: D Jeruſalem, if thou
kneweltthofe chinges that are knowne to me,thou wouldeſt baue
acate.of chp peace (peace inthe Scripturesis, when che mat:
ters and affaires of anp haue good fuccefle) thou chinkefk that
thou bat glad and merie dapes,that it ig well with chee,and that
thy affaires ave in a pꝛoſperous ftate: bucif thou knewelt howe
thine enemies thall bp ſiege afflictthee , keepe thee inon euerp
fine, and boing thee into {uch diſtreſſe, that chey hall make thee es
ven with che ground, deſtroy allchp buildings . and leaue not a
ſtone vpon a ftone, thou wouldeſt ſurely conuenientlp receiue the
word, wherehy chou mightet eniop both true peace,and all good
thinges. The reading of che hiſtorie of the deſtruction of this city
doth make much to the right vnderſtanding of this tert... (
Adeferivti- God hav plainip fo ordained, that at the featt of Ealter, at
onofGode Which time they came to Jerulalem out of all quarters, the citie
wrathand {hould-be beſieged, and there were then gathered togither, as Jo⸗
moftgrie- fephusrepoptech,about thirty bundzen thoufand mẽ vpon whom
uous venge- the Loꝛde would ſhewe big grieuous indignation and wꝛath. AR
he the Apoltles and Chꝛiſtians were departed and gone into the
en for cuntrie of Herod, not farre from Jeruſalem. Che Low tooke out
their contépe the wheate, and put the chaffe togither on an heape, nowe there
anddifobe- was fo greata multitude of people, thatthep might ſeeme to ex⸗
dience. ceede not onelp a citie,but euen a kingdom And thep weve dpiuen
into fo great calamitie,that all their bittells were (pent, andnone
od TFT:
| atalleft vnto them.fo that thep were conftrained to cate $ rings
oftheir bowes,¢ olde (hoes,prelling them in (uch maner as thep
- could,pea thꝛough the exceeding famine, thep were driuen to kil
- their owne childꝛen: the ſouldiers tooke the fleth of children ro⸗
ſted from the mothers, fmelling che fauour of the roſted fleſh two
ſtreetes of: pigeons Dunge Was bnto them in ſteede offalte , and
was allo very deare : finallp there wag fo great miferie, fo great
‚ laughter and ſhedding of blood, that it would nor hane bene mer:
| well for. a Fone to haue bene moued with pitie. De hat had ſeene
it, would haue thought that God could not haue bene ſo grieuou⸗
AUly angry, and ſo greatly haue afflicted a people. Both houſes and
| ffrects were filled with carkaſes dead through famine. Notwith⸗
- Manving the Jewes remained fil fo obſtinate and without vnder⸗
| Hanping, that they glopten of God, and mould nor yeelde chem
| feluesipuncilche Emperourfer spon eben with his whole power,
| anv tocke the citte, which thep were able to keepe no lenger. And
| whenasfome of chem were focraftie that thepdeuoured golde
| Pitmightnot be takẽ frometbem,the Romane fouldiers thought
that they had all ſo tone, whereupon they flewe about two thou:
| Sand, and bauing ript their bellies fought for golde. Chere wag
| Inch a llaughter ¢manquelling made, chat it feemed a miſerable
| thing euentothe Gentiles, wherefoxe Cefar commaunded that
| thep ſhould nor be fo flaine, butted captine and fold. Che Jewes
| were then ſould lo cheape , that thirty were bought for a penny,
thep were then diſperſed through the whole world, and were cou:
| ted che moſt abtect people ofall other,ag alſo atthis dap thep are
| the moft contemptible nation in theearth. Foꝛ they live ſpred
here anv there, without cities an cuntries of their owne,neither
can they be againe gathered togitherinto-one place, fo chat thep
fhallneuer be able any more toerert their Prieſthood and “gies
bom, asthep hope thep tall.
Thus God reuenged the veath of ch it, tall the prophets;
| thus werethey recompenfen for tharthep knewe not the time of =
their vilitation Auberfore tet bs be here admoniſhed, for it belon· 1. che
| geth not onelp vnto vs, but even vnto all Germanie. It is no te- a ought
fing matter op fort, neicher is there any caufe why we Mould ro admonifh
| perſwade our felues thatit will fall ont otherwile wich vs. The and move o-
| Hewes would not beleeue that euill Houlo come bponthem,vntit * —
| thep bad fuflicientlp tried it, And we at this Dap are bilited bp the „heirvißcan
4* on.
benefite of Gon: be hath opened vnto be a treaſure, his facred any
bolp Golpell,wherebp we know bis will , and {ee how much we
were {ubiect tothe power of Satan: but no man wilreceiue this
Golpell,pea we contemne it, and that which is moze miferable,
we perlecute and blafpheme it, God is patient; it pleafechbimta
trie vs a while; ik we be not watchkull,lo that the wort be againe —
taken frombs , the ſame wrath and indignation which wag pour —
red forth bpon the Tewes, thal allo be poured foreh upon vs. For —
there is the fame Aoꝛd, the fame God , the fame Chrik ac this
bay,that there was at chat time , whereupon vndoutedly the pus
nifhment thal be the fame,o2 at the leaſt ag grieuous both in foule
and body,
. We make almolt a ſport ¢ trifling matter ofthe Goſpel. Foꝛ
no man embꝛaceth te from bis bart, no man frameth bis maners
according vnto it.CAhich is a manifest argument of blinones, D
thing (urelp moſt miferable. I feare lett che matter will ſhoꝛtly
come to that palle „ that all Germanic will fall togither bpon an
heape, which (alas) in part of the communalciehach already hay
alametable beginning, we haue lof a great multitude of people,
almoſt an hundꝛed thoufand men haue bene Haine onely betwene
the feats of Eafter and Ahitſontide. He is a hard worke of Gov,
and I feare me the warte begon tg not pet at an ende, thig is ones
Ip afogewarning and thzeatning wherby God would terrifieng,
that we might diligently take heede co our ſelues:it was nothing
but the Fores taple, tf he come againe with bis whippe,he will
fcourge bs moze grieuouflp . But we will behaue aur felueg as
the Hewes behaued them felueg, vntill there hall be place for na
fuctour no2 helpe, ow we might preuent it, now were the time
to knowe what ſhoulde be beit for vs, and to receiue the Gofpell
with peace,fop at this dap grace ts offered bnto bs, whereby we
map liue peaceably, but we fuffer bap to pafle after Dap, peare af:
ter peare.applping our felues leſſe tothe Golpel chenbefore, No
man Doth now pray nto God for p increale of bis mord,no man
receiuech it in bis hart. Ff fo be that che time thall paſſe, no pꝛay⸗
ers thal anp moze helpe. Ae wep not this matter in our bart,we
thinke our felues fafe, we do not thꝛoughly percetue the great mic
(erie already come to pafle,neither doe we conſider in our minds,
how miferabip Gad punitheth vs wich falle prophets and fects,
which be on euerp five ſendeth onto bs, which preach fe fecurely,
| *
| ag ifthepbad wholy receined into their bꝛeaſt the ſpirit the coms
' fogter, Chole which we counted beit of all doc goe awap,t bring
| men into fuch a perplerity, that they almott know not either what
is to be done or not to be done. But this is onelp the beginning,
albeit ufficient hoꝛrible and cruell. For there cannot be greater
_ affliction and nuferie,tien tf the Loꝛd fend among ft bs fects and
| falfe prophets, which are fo rath and bold, that it is greatly to be
| lamented.
NNuotwithlſtanding the time of grace ig nowe prefene: Chritt
| hath bene fent downe into the wold, bath bene boyne man, bath
ſerued bs, died for bs. is rifen againe from the dead, bath {ent puto
| be the (pirit the comforter, hath giuen vnto bs his wor, hath o⸗
| pened beauenfo wide, that al good things map be obrainen of ba,
| mozeouer hath given vnto vs rich promifes, wherebp he promis
| feth that he wil preferue bs both tn this ſhoꝛt and fraile time, and
in the eternal times, in this life,aun in the life to come, moſt plen-
| tifully pouring foꝛth bis grace vpon vs. therefore che time of |
| graces nom before cur doꝛes, but we deſpiſe # neglect ic, which God will not
| God neither willsneither can pardon, For when as we contemne —— F
"bis woꝛd be threatneth puniſhmẽt, and will at che latt punich 0s, fis orace and
| altbough be ſhould deferre iteuen an hundzed peares, but he will word to
| not deferrettfe long. And the moze purelp thatthe word is prea: be vnpuni-
ched, ſo much greater thal the punithment be, But T feare great: het
| Ip lett this puniſhment require che fubuerfion of all Germanie.
God graunt that inthis thing J be afalfe prophet, but J feare
erceedingly chat tt wil come co pafle. Gon cannot leane this wic-
keones oureuenged, neither will be deferre long, for the Goſpell
is fo aboundantip preached, that tt wag not ſo manifeit euenin
| the Apoſtles time as itis akthis day, thankes be to Chꝛiſt theres
| fore diiherefore Ifeare much lef that all Germanie be fpoplen,
| pea and quite deſtroyed, vnleſſe we otherwiſe apply our felues to
| this matter, Ce which haue long beard the Golpell, oughe to
map God fromehe hart, that he would giue vs longer peace,
The Pꝛinces goe about tobzing all chinges to palle bp p ſwoꝛd.
whereby thep goetoorathlp and rigouroufly toworke, Chere:
fore it is exceeding needefull, chat we fhould prap onto God,that
bis Golpell may fpred farther abroad through Germanic , even
vnto them which haue net pet heard it. For if punifhment come.
lodainly bpon vs, our cale (halbe nsenpbie, um many foules
thall be im daunger to be lott before the worde thall ¢
them. Jwoulde with therefore, that we woulde not fo
ſpiſe the Gofpell,chat prectous trealure, not onely fo;
fake, but allo for their fakes which areas per to bes
fcourge is a litle begon:God graunt that tt map fo ſtay,
ther the Pzinces nor the communaltie be ſtirred bp tog
rageandturie. For tf chat ciuill warre ſhoulde begin
were to be keared that it would haue none ende.
We doe like as the Jewes did, who had agreater cate
belly then of God, hauing moze regard how to fill the belly,
that thep might be faued, wherefore they loft both, and chart
thelp. For, forafinuch as thep would not receiue life, Goo’
vnto them death, fo thep loft both body and foule, They prete
the fame caufe that we do. CNe would willingly in deede embpace.
the Golpell, tf there were no vaunger of body and goods, wife se
childꝛen. If we halt beleeue him, {apd the Jewes, the Romaneg
wil come,and take away both our place and the nation,wbich ne-
uertbeleg came vnto them, for that which 9 wicked man feateth,
fallech vpon him. Chis was alerte and hinderance to the Mewes
that thep would not beleeue the woꝛdes of Gad, neither haue tes
ward co the rich and large promifes that be had mabe vntoch
So allo doe we, we regard not the mighty and comfoztablepros
miles which Chr tt hach mane onto vs , as where be fapth: He
Math.1g.29 shallreceiue an hundreth fold more,and shal inherit euerlaftin
life. eaue thy wife and childꝛen, Jwill preferue chem, wilt ree
ffore them, fo as thou goeſt to work boldly in mp name, Chinkes
thou that I cannot build chee other boufes ? counteſt thou me fe
fimple,who will giue onto thee heauen? wilt chou not put th fe
indaunger for mp (ake? if chp goods be caken from thee, it is wel
with thee,beauen and earth are mine, 3) will recompence thee a
boundantiy. Thefe and fuch like ſavings we pafleouer , peaamt
alfo contemne, hauing diligent conliveration onlp what web; 2
layd bp in our chelt, and that our purſe map be full, neither doe
we fee,that euen that which we hane God hath giuen ontobs,
will ag pet giue vs moze, if we belceue and teu in him, netthe
poe we marke ff that we loſe God, we ſhall loſe che belly alſo.
The faithful ‘Dowbeit they thar beleeuein Gov, doe not ausive perilfif
refule notto come for bis fake, but commit all things to bts diuine pow
fader peril he map order them according to hig will, anv dus thep
‚Che Lord hath giuenme both a houfe and the furniture thereof, and trouble
wife,children,&c.3 baue not obtained chem of my felf,fogafnuch m
then asthep are Gongs, J will commit them vnto him, he thal beit
preferue them. For even otherwife I muft leaue them, wherfoꝛe
T will refufe to {uffer no perill, and toleaue Whatloeuer Jhaue
for bis fake, ifthe cafe forequire. Tf he will haue me fo to doe, he
can giue me other thinges,for be hath pꝛomiſed that he will giue
fufficient to them that beleeue,both here and in che time to come.
If he will not haue me to live bere, TD owe death vnto him, when
be thall require me, will be reavp for his woꝛdes fake. De that
fhall not doe thus,denieth God, and is notwithſtanding compel:
led to loſe both this fratle life,and eternal life. Che Linking bel:
Ip which we make our gov, is the caufe, that we doe not cleaue to Immoderare
the word of God: for F mill fir be icertatue howe J map feede care for the
my felfe,and where imp goods be. Che Golpellfapth, ruft in delly the
God, but F prouide for mp bellp,and if J hauc one noble in gold, he Re
Tehinke J have fufficiene to (ufkaine ¢ nouridh me for ten dates, a,
truffing vnto that which A haue lapd bp, Ftruff not in God, that Gods care &
as be hath bitherto fedde me, fo he will nouriſh me fill. Is not prouidence.
this adetettable thinge, that 7 truſt to one peece of copne onelp,
whereby FJ looke to haue mp foode and fuffenance to morrow ?
Fp, whata curled thing is {uch care for the bellp ? Shall a vile
peece of copne be moze efteemedof me, then God himfelfe, in
Anbofe power are heauen.an earth, who ineth onto bs aper and
water, maketh graineto growe unto bs, and fendeth all thinges
neceflarp + It is moꝛe deteſtable thenthatitcan beerpreffed bp
the voice of man, that God ig not efteemed of vg fo much as alt-
tle money. Ahy dooft thou not thinke : God who bath made me,
will well nourifh me,if be will have me live. If he will not, welll,
then hall J baue no neede. But,lapch che bellp, A finde no go in
mp chef, Chou foolifh ale; who can aflure thee that thou (halt
liue till tomozrow ? It is bncertäine whether thou halt keepe
thp bellp till tomorow, and deſireſt thou to know where foove
and fulfenance is? Tif this Did pearfe our hart,we ſhould fee how
deuiliſh a thing incredulitie is, Is it not a hoꝛrible ching chat J
doe not make ſo greate account of God, who keedeth ſo many
mouthes, as to truſt in him that be will nouriſh me;peathat I vo
‚make move account of one noble in golde thenof God him felfe,
Who poureth forch bis good things fo —— Che world
By it,
is full of sheblettings and workes of God, he is on euery fide.
with bis good thinges, notwithtanding we Doe not pet commit
‚our felues to him,o2 receiue his viſitatis.O curfed woꝛld, which
can not truſt to God euen one dap, and yet truſteth toa peece of
gold. Chus we ſee, as Ithinke, of what {ort the world is, how it
deſpiſeth God fo, the bellies fake, which notwithſtanding it ts
compelled tolofe, D how great contemners of faluation ave we?
tae ought rather to dete the worle,but we are too deepely dꝛow⸗ i
nedinoloe Adam. Che woꝛldis as it were a figure of hell, peaa
bery Deuilifh kingdom, ¢ an entrance to bell, Tiberefore Chriſt
with weeping epes exhorteth vs to knowe our-faluation, andto
recetue bis viſitation,leſt that a plague ¢ (course follow, which —
vndoutedly hhali come vponthem, which thinking them felues in
ſaſetie, doe nocbeleeue and truſt in God, God giuebs his grace, |
whereby we ara knowe fin, Te followerh mozeouer in che
He went alſo into the temple, and beganne to caſt out them
that foulde therein,andthemtharbought,faying ynto them, it
is written, Mine anda is the houfe of prayer , but ye haue inne
it a denne oftheeues: Chis is the lerond part of chis cert; where:
in is declared bow the Lod going intorhe cemple, beginneth to
driue out the byers ann fellers therein, Che former part was nos
thing elfe but an erhoztation and inuiting to faith, but here the
Loꝛde infinuaterh what che templeof God is, and bꝛingeth a
place outof the Scripture hereunto appertaining 5 hamelp out
of Eſai where hefapth : Myne houfe shall be called an houfe of
prayer forall people. Chis is a ftrange faping, whereas che Pꝛo⸗
pet fapth,for all people againt the Jewes , wha trufting unto
that temple at Jeruſalẽ, thought that this boule made with han,
ſhould continue for euer, ſuppoſing it to be unpoflible, that Gov
would either deſtroy this temple, op leaue the citiedelolate 5 be:
caufe the word of God can not Ipe. Therelfore they toned Ste:
ven, for thathefpake againſt chat holy citie, anvaffirmen that
Telus woulve deſtroy tt, and chaunge-the ceremonies giuen of
Wales, For thepfapd : Che Pꝛophets haue greatty prayſed thie
houſe: anddoe pou Apoſtles pꝛeache chat it (hall be deftroped?
Howbeit thts faping is thus to be vnderſtood, that the citie Je:
ruſalem,the Temple; and the WWeople ſhould continue oucill che
ttine of Chꝛiſt, whereunto all che Prophets tend, which referred
| | all
CONTEMPT: OF. GODS vyarp, 389
allthinges onto Chriktschataghe thould poe, foit ſhould be, anv
ſo it ſhould continue, CCihevefore the place of Efai extendech no
farther then to che comming of Chit, which all the PProphets
allo witnes, affirming that there ſhould come a kingdom, which
Mould extend farre and wide ouer the whole worlde , as it is in
Malachie: From the rifing of the funne vnto the going doyne Mal. 1.46.
ofthe fame, my name is greatamong the Gentiles,and ineuery
_ placeincenfe shall be offered to my name, and a pure offering:
for my name is great among the very Heathen, fayththe Lorde
- ofhoftes. Here the Prophet ſpeaketh of the {piricuall kingdom
— of Chri, who mould builde vnto him felfe an houſe of praper in
the whole world. Seis true that God him lelfe viv confirme and
fanctifie the temple at Jeruſalem, notbecaulettwasfurnithen -
with pꝛecious fones and, goodlp buildings, orbalomenof the
| Prutetes, which maner of wifles andpotages we ole at this dap,
but becaule be had. confecrated and balowen it with bis woꝛde,
when he layd: Chis houle iz mp houle: for bis word was prea: The rrue⸗
ched in it.CAhereſoeuer the woꝛde of God is preached, there is houfe of
his true boule: where the worde of Gov hath his courſe and pꝛo⸗ God.
- weeding there vndoutedly God dwelleth with his grace: where
/ bis Gofpellig, thereische holy houfe of prayer, there prayers
both map and ought to be made buto God. Gon alfo will heare
|. bea Chꝛiſt fapth Joh. 16: VVhatfoeueryeshallaskerhe Fa-
_ therin my,name,he wiil giue it you: hitherto haue ye asked no-
thing inmyname): aske,& ye shal receiue. Contrariwife, where
the wor is mot, there is Satan wholp, ow, whereas we imita-
ting. the Jewes haue builded fo many temples,it were tolerable,
ifwe ban therefore fo done, that the word. of God might be prea:
| ched in them,for where Gods word is preached, there ts be pre-
ſent, and poureth forth bis graces |
|», Chik layth mopeouer chat che Jewes bane made the cemple
| at Jerulalem;a denne of theeues. Bus chep were refivent in
| the temple which ſould open and theepe, that they which came
' migks buy ta offce ann worfhin Gov: Tuhptherefoze doth he rall
| it adẽne of theeucs?Sourelp be giueth vnto it a foule name, which Why Chrift
| came to pafle Spon this occaſion: for thattt wag, nog anp moze calleth the
| counted of them for the houlgat Gov, but for a houle of marchan: temple at Ie-
| dize, that is, the Pꝛieſtes had no care How the word of God was Frei
| preached there,and dit negligently and ale finge,bable,and a ccues,
| Ad $ tit,
ER 4
reade Males andthe prophets. But God doth nothing effeeme
that mumbling bp of manp words which is onely vaine and chil:
vith. They behaued them ſelues like ag our facrificing Jprieftes
and Munkes voe,who of temples € Monaſteries making denus
of cheeues,preach popfonfull voctrine , and therefore onelp they
celebꝛate Maſſe, that they map thereby get onto them felues mo⸗
nepyand fill the belly killing @ deftroping filly heepe with their
travitions, Ahich ts the penne, wheretn foules are flapne,wbich
title is tobe giuen to altemples,wherein the word of Gon is not
preached, for there thep mocke God, killfoules, erpell the true
9020, and fet bp theeuerie. D how fowly haue we bene deceiued
inthis. point ? But God at this dap ts highly to be praplen, that —
bie woz renueth equickneth vs, drꝛiueth away theeues 5’ € teas
cheth vs to pꝛay aright. Fora fincere. Chriffian muſt pꝛay not in
mouth ohelp,but in bart alfo. Chus we haue p fecond part of our
tert, how Chart cafteth out che (ellers,chatis them p ſerued che
belly,and maketh place for his woꝛde. It were verp good if Was
naſteries were ſcoured after this ſort, j either Chrikian fcholeg,
oꝛ places wherein the word of Gov might bepreächen, might be
made of them: which tf it come not to pafle,thep'are, and doe re?
maine dennes of theeues, If Chrtt callech his boule adenne of
thecues,bow much moze ſhall our temples, which Good hath not
confecrated,be proucd to be vennes of theeues ?
Ihaue often times deſired pou’, that pe would deuoutly pray
vnto God, chat he turning away his indignation, would bꝛidle
the deuill, who now rageth inthe worid. Foꝛ pe haue heard of a
great calamitie,howmanp thouſand haue bene flapne, tt ts to be
feared that they are all damned. Godrequireth obedience ofvs,
ehe hath pronounce the ſentence, that he that taketh the ſword,
Hall perifh with che (word. Chep were befiegev of Satan, who
knoweth whether the fame Hall come bnta bg? Let vs prap Gon
therefore that his kingdom map come vnto bs, that Chpittians
map be multiplied , and that be will fend wife and meeke Pꝛea⸗
thers, whom the people map receiue and obey Let him that
knoweth the giftof Gov, pray for others which haue
* het pet heard the woꝛd of Gov, For itis bie
Neu eme ldtodee⸗ sein, 99
1 J ‘ote
: : | P| - N.
. >
_ ference berwene them.
"Luke Io,
N Dihe türned to his Difciples ~
D)and fayd{écretly, Bleffed are the
Reyes which feethat ye fee.
3 For I tel youthat many Prophets
ran Ringes haute defired'to fee thofe thinges,
‘which ye fee,and haue not feene them: and to
‘heare thofe — which a hearejand haue
Lier Heatd them. -
2 J Then behold, acertaine Lawydh ftoode vp &
— Ewyre⸗ him ‚faying,Maifter,what fhallI doe
“29901 >igo inherit eternall life 2
2 * Andke ſayd vnto him: — is en inthe
“ " law? how readeft thow? ’
* And he aunſwered and RR Thou (hale loue
wu s sythy Lord God with all thine hart,and with all
hens foule,& with all thy ftrength, and wich all
mind A neighbour: as thy felfe,
sa ig he fa d vntohim :Thouhaft aunfive-
‘red right: this doe,and thou fhalclive. -
"29%... Buche willing to iuftiie him felfe , fayd vnto
won. Tefus Who is then myneighbour ?
30,1 ») 1) And Iefusaunfwered & fayd: A certaine man
u mwentdownefrom Hietufalem rolerico,s fell »
a BB üiij
| Ferfery, RR
fo fo Toe
“© afnög'cheeues,& they robbed hi of his raimẽt,
"> &woridedhi,& departed leauing hihalf dead.
3f — Nowe foirfell out; thar thére came downea
„A certainePrieftthat fame way,and when he faw
him,he paffed by on the other fide, si
32. © ' And likewife alfo a Leuitewhen he was come |
neare to the place,went andlooked on him, &
paffed by on the other fide °° 2 <> |
33 The a certain Samaritan, as he iornied, came
neare vnto him, and when he faw him, he had
compaſſion on him. | |
34. |: ‘And wehtro'himjand boundyp his woundes, _
». 91, bandpouredinoyleandwine, andputhim on
his owne-beaftjand byoughechimro an Inne, & _
⸗made prouifion'forhim. “-- == be?
35%. 1111 And onithemorrowe-whenhe departed, he
03 on a.tooke out rwopence,& gauethem ro the hoft, |
Sood basand faid ynto himsTake care of him,and what- _
foeuer thou fpendeft,more,whé|L.comeagain, —
A ov o> willrecomnpencethees)o¢50 4.17 5
36, 1\\:.!VWhiehnowiof thefe three,thinkeftthou, was _
neighbour vnto,him that felamög;the theues?
37.01 oo Andhefäid,Hetharfhewed mercyon hi, The
fayd lefus vate-him;Go,and do thou likewife.
<4 Dope tell that ye doe nowe rightly vnderſtande
Athis Golpell, foꝛaſmuch as it is preached of euerp
peare: notwithſtanding becaule occalion ts now a>
Pt Pr
ep Satie offered, we mast agame entreat and preach
SAYS robe eet BECHENBEISEGARED that bait tooke
bis Dilciples alive, and ſayd vnto thein lecretly after this fort:
dieffed are the eyes which {ee that ye fee, For retl you thar ma-
ny Prophetsand Kinges hatredefired to fee thofethinges which
ye fee, and haue not feene'thdat;and to hearechöfe things which
ye heare, arid hate not heatebthem, To ſee aud heare ig tobe
vdnderſtoode Sere ſimply of he outward ſeeing and hearing , to
ai wit,
Spits that thep fame Chri come in the fleſh, heard bis fers
mons; and were prefent at chofe miracles which be did among
the Jewes, Che Fewes awe thefame according to the fleſh, yea
and telt them alſo: peenin they not truely acknowledge him for
Chꝛiſt, asthe Apotties did, and efpectallp Peter in the name of
all the reſt did confes him, faping : Thowart Chrift the Sonne of
_ theliuing God. Ge graunt indeede, that there were fome as
mong the Jewes, whieh acknowlengcd him asthe Apotties
dinybutthenumber of them was berp ſmall,wherefore he taketh
big Apoftles here ſeuerally vuto himielfe, Many Prophets and
Kings have ſeene Chrit; howbeit inche fpirit,as the Lon him:
| felfefapthtoithe Jewes of Abꝛaham, Joh.8: Your father Abra-
ham reioycedite fee my daye, and he faw it, and wasglad. The before his
Jewes thoughe then that be bad ſpoken ofthe bodely fleeing, but incarnation.
he ſpake of the {ptrituallfecing, whereby all Chriſtian heartes
did behold him/before he was boꝛne. Foꝛ if Abꝛaham ſaw him
vndoutedly many other ofthe Prꝛophets in whom holy Ghoſt
was, fae him alla, And although this leeing laued che holy Fa⸗
chers and Drophets,perdid.chep alwayes with moſt inward and
beatticaffectiondefire to ſee Chriſt inthe fleſh alfo, as is come
ow y faith.
ful fawChiift
monip thewed inthe Prophets: Aherelone the Loyd fapth here... <6 5.
vnto hisdifcipless: which fawe him both in the fleth,, andin che
{pirits Bleffed are:the eyes which fee thofe thingesthat ye fee.
As.if he fain: Now is the acceptable peare and time of graces
The matter which is now in hand is fo weightieand precious,
thacpepes are worthely ſaid to be bleſſed, which feeit, Fornow _
was the Golpell preached openty.and manifettly bath by Chpitt
himſelle, and allo by his Apotties, whereupon he bere calleth
them all bleſſed, which fee and heare fuch race: Of which grace
I haue preached much ¢ along time vnto you, I] would co God
podid keepe that which Jhaue ſpoken thereof, freſh in memorie.
ii CGGthenthe Lord ipake thele thinges,a cettaine Lawyer ſtart
bp. theming himlelfe as though he bap bin fome thing, who tempe
ting the Lord fapth sMaitter ; whatshall] doto inherit eternall
| Sife ? Chis lawer was endued with wiferome,and not vnfkilfull
of the Scriptures, which euen bis aunfwere Doth declare, yet in
| his place be is ppouema foole; pea beis bꝛought vnto ſhame and
ignominte. Foy Chriſt taketh awaye all his gloꝛwving euen in one |
— He was ofthis mynde; beanie thembateedoo ion
awe, and that he was a certaine chiefe one in reſpect of other,
as vndoutedly he was, and thought bimfelfe fufficient worthy bp
reafonof bis godlines and learning to be conuerſaunt with the -
Lod, But what doth the Login chis cafe? che tert folowing
— peclareth. . ian Bes SK 7
And he faid vntohim , what iswrittenin the Lawe ? how
readeltthou ? And he aunfwered and faid : Thou shalt loue th
Lord God with all thine heart, and with all'thy foule, and wi
all thy ſtrength, and with all chy mynde, ‘andthyneighbouras _
thy felfe, Then he faid vnto him, Thou haft aunfweredright:do
this, & thou shaltliue, Me thinkes that the Lord gaue this good
maa hard leſſon: he dealech verie ſtraitly with him, tt map ſeeme
to fome that be ſhould haue {paren bim a litle, heputteth him to
ſhame opẽly before all:he prouech that be hav done nochina, who
notwithſtanding thought that he had done all chinges. He afked
whathe ſhould do: bue Ithinke he had enough and ouermuch to
no, if he bad bin able to do moze then he was, If hav time, ma⸗
nie things might be fpoken of hele two commaundentents. For
they are the chiefe and greatelf commaundementg tn Moſes, on
wbkhich the whole Lawe, and all the JOrophers do hang, as Chk
Matth.22,40. bimfelfe fapthin Matthew: Notwithſtanding we will entreat
ſomewhat ofthem, Ifwe confiver all the contmaundements of
Poles they hauerefpect altogether onto loue, For this coms
maundement : Thou shall haue none other gods in my fight , we
ran no otherwiſe declare o2 interpret, then, Chou ſhalt loue God
— alone, ſo Moſes expoundeth tt in Deuteronomie, wherehefapth
thus : Heare Orlfraell ;theLord our God is Lord onely: And
thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with allthine heart, ‘with all
thy foule,and with all thy might:front whence the Lawer tooke
bis aunfwere, But the Jewes vnderſtand this commaundement
fo , thatthep thinkeicto ertend no further, then that chey ſhould
not let bp, nor worhiptocis. And if they can fap and witnes in
mouth, that they haue one Godonelp, and do worfhip none but
hint, they thinke hep haue obferued this commaundement. After
the fame fort did this Lawer vnderſtand it, but that wag an euell
and a wong vnderſtand thereof, !
Howthefird otwbeit we mutt otherwile confiver ¢ vnderſtãd this precept:
cömaunde- Thoushaltthauenoneothergods in my fight Chow, tt fapth,
ment is tobe With all that thou art; but ‘efpeciallp it requireth — J
foule and ſtrength. Te ſpeaketh not ofthe toung, notof the hand, ‚nderflood
hot of che knees,but of the whole man, what ideuer thou art and 24 obler-
hat, Thacno other God map be worſhipped of me ; tt fhalbe ne:
ceflary that I haue the true and only God inmpneheart,that is,
FJ muk loue him frö mpne heart, ſa chat I doalwapes depend on
on him, truſt in him, repofe mp hope inhim, haue mp pleafure,
loue andiopin him, and daily remember him, Euen as other:
wife , tf we take pleaſure of anp thinge, welap ; ic doth me good
inwardly at the heart, Audit any (peaketh or laugheth, and doth
tt not in good carne neither from his heart, we are wont to fap;
Thou laugheſt in deede, but it camech nor from chine heart, The
loue of the heart in the Scriptures fiqnifieth a bebement ¢ ſpe⸗
ciall loue , which we ought to beare toward Goo. They which
ſerue Gov with mouth, hands, and knees onelp,are hypocrites,
neither hath God any care of them. For Gov will not haue pare,
but the whole, Che Jewes did outwardly abitaine from toola:
triejanv ferued God alone in mouth but their heart was farre re-
moued fromhim, being full of diffinence and onbeleefe , Dut-
ward thep ſeemed to be verie earneſt in feruing God, but within
thep were full oftvolatric, TMhereupon the Lord faid unto them
NMatth. 23.2 VVoebe to you Scribes and Pharifees, hypocrites,
for yeare like vnto painted fepulchers, which appeare beauti-
full outward, but are within full of dead mens bones, and of all
filthines. So are ye alfo : For outward ye appeare righteous vn-
to men,but within ye are full ofhypocrifie and iniquitie.
CThele are thoſe wicked ones; which glorie of the outward
thinge, which go about to tuftifie and make themfetues good bp
their owne workeg, afterthe maner of this Lawer, Confiner
how great the pride of this alle was. he commeth forth as though
he could not be blamed oprebuked of the Lord he thought, pea it
feemed onto him, that the Lord would here commend and praife
his life before the people, He thought not to tearne anp ching of
the Loꝛd but be fought onelp bis owne commendation,be would
willingly haue han Chrift to (er forth bis pratle , toward whom
the epes of all were bent, and who was an admiration to all, So
‘all bppoctites vo , outwardly thep pretend excellent, great and The qualitie
weightieworkes 3 thep fap thatthey haue refpere neither of glo· ve) *
riend pꝛaile, but within in their heart they are full of ambition, —
and with that their holines were knowen tothe whole werte,
chewing a goodly ſigne oftheir religion, by the byting of their
lippe, i they heare any ſpeake thereof, But our Sauiour Chrit
How God
muſt be lo-
ued of vs.
ſheweth here no kyndnes or gẽtlenes to this Lawyer, inaſmuch
as he putteth himto ſhame: that great holy man notwithſtãding
continueth ſtill in che ſame mynde; and {uppoleth that be thall
receiue great honour, € fingular praile becaufe of big precious —
Life, thinking that he bad fulfilled the commaundement, wheres
upon alla belooketh for a iopfull aunfwere,thacche Lord ſhould
fay: Goodutulter, pour matkerhip bath done all hinges, But
Chit aunfwerech him: Dothis. Chich tn deeveigas much to
fay as: Thou are altogether anaughtie felowe, thou haſt neuer
in all thy life fulfillenfo much as one letter chereof, fo hewing
vnto him bow euell and naughtie be was. cei fhe
Like vnto this Lawyer are allthep which vo moſt grienouflp
offend againt che fir commaundement, and thinke that Gov ig
to be loued no moze then the woꝛdes found foz ‚and that thereby
itis fulfillen : the commaundement therefore remaineth in their
mouth, and doch as it were Hote aboue the heart anv pearfech ic
not: but I mut’ go much farther then fo; F mut loue God fo,
that J canbe content to foꝛſake all creatures for bis fakesand tf it
fhallleeme good vnto him, my body and life, I mut loue him a⸗
boue all things, for be is ieloug,and can nor {uffer chat anp thing
be loved aboue him, but under him he permitteth vs to loue anp
‘thinge. Cuenas the hulband can fuffer , that his wife loue her
maydes, the houle, houſhold thinges, cattel,and ſuch like s bows
heithe fufferech ber not to loue any with that loue wherewith the
is bound onto him, but himfelfe , peahe will haue her leauge all
fuch thinges for his fake, Againe the wife requirech the fame of
her huſband. After che fame fort Goo can ſuffer that we loue big
creatures, pea therefoze thep are created, ¢ are goed. Che funne
is a goodly creature , gold and filuer , and whatſaeuer by nature
is faire , pꝛocureth vs to loue it, which maketh it deare vnto vs
neither is Gop ofſended thereat. But that Iſhould cleaue vnto
EEE es are ae
the creature, and loue itequallp with him »thatnetther mill be,
neither can heluffer: peahe will baue me both to venp and foz⸗
fake all thefe thinges, when be requireth teof me, and will baue
me content, although J neuer {ee the ſunne, money, rithes Ec:
The loue of creatures mutt be farre inferiour co theloue which —
we mutt beare toward him, Ashe isthe foueraigne gaen |
“ wi |
—_— -.
will he alſo be chiefly loucn beloꝛe allother good thinges, Ik he
will not ſulker char Jſhal ldue any ching equally with him, much
lelſe will he fuffer that Jſhall loue any ching aboue him.
Thou (eek now as Ithinke, what iris to loue God with all ud
| the heart, with all chefoule, with all the mpnde. To loue Gov —— to
© withallthe heart, is to loue God aboue all creatures, that is, wich ache
| althonah creatures be verie amiable and deare vnto me, AND | hear.
take great delight inthem, pet mutt Ifo touethom, chat J] do
crontemne and korſake them, when my Goo any op requiveth
thatofme, Wr ERSTEN ENTE
To loue Gor with all the ſoule, is to be fow our whole life wroarit isto
body at hig pleafure, as tithe loue of treatures 02 any tentation loue God
alfaterhee, op mould ouercome thee thou mayſt (aps I will ra: wich all che
ther part froth ali thete then J will foxfake mp Ber, whether be lorle.
caſt meof ettherkill me, either dpowne me, 02 whatloeuer
_ through bis permiffion hall come vnto me, I badrather leaue
ali thinges thet him, I will vepend on that my Lopd.rather then
vpon all creatures, oꝛ vpon anp other thing whatloeuer it be.
TAhatſoeuer Ihaue and ani, J witlbeftow, but him will F not
forfake, She (oulein the Scriptures ſignifieth the life of the bo:
By, ewhatloeuer is Done by the fiue fenles, ag to cate, to dpinke,
to fleepe, to wake, to fee, to heare, to {mell, to tafte, and whatſo⸗
euer the foule worketh by the bodye. Co loue God with all the er —
Brengeh;, ts for Gods cauſe to renounce all the members and p-ccoth,
limmes ofthe body, fo that one will offer ta perill whatſoeuer he
is able in bis fleth and boop ,before he will commit that which ig
again God. Co loue God with all the minde, ig to enterppife ToloueGod
nothing but that which manp pleafe Gov, whereby he vnderſtã⸗ with all the
peth thethoughe, which is inman, that that alfa be referren co 7/4
God, and to all chinges that be acceptable unto him, Chou per:
ceiueſt now what this commaundement of Gov containeth inte,
Thou hhaltloue God, Thou, Chow ſayth he, and that wholp,
euen euerie part of thee, not thy hanves, not chp month , not thp
knees alone: They which. do theſe thinges, ag it is faid,d0 truelp
fulfliits but noman liueth inthe earth which doth fo, pea we do
all oth erwife. Therefore the law doth bere make vs all finners,
fo that not ſo much ag the teaft tore 02 point thereof ts fulfilled of
them that are moſt holy of all in the world, For no man doth fo
cleaue with all bis heart vnto Goo , that he canteaue all thinges
\ b 4
398 CC
Wine. -
The Inne
lifies fo the ſweete and gentle preaching of the Gofpell maketh
my heart foft and tender toward God and mp neighbour, fo that
9 dare beſtow my boop andlife, for Chrift and his Gofpell, tf
Gov and neede fo require. Sharpe wine ſignifieth rhe holp crofle
oꝛ affliction, which forwith kolloweth. JReicher is there any caule
thata Chꝛiſtian ſhould looke farre about and fecke the croſſe, for
ic ſooner bangeth over his head then he is aware of,as Paul wits
neffeth 2. Tim, 3 : Allthat will liue godly in Chrift Iefus, shall
ſuffer petſecutiõ. Chis ts the cognifance and badge of this king.
De chatig afhamed of this cognifance , pertainech not unto him.
Woreouer chat Samaritane putteth this wounded man vpon
big owne beat : thists our Lod Telus Chri, who beareth vs,
we lp upon his fhoulders, bpd bis necke ¢ boop. Chere is ſcarce
amore amiable ¢ comforcable hiſtorie inthe whole Golpell.chen
where Chri comparech himſelfe to afhepebeard which carieth
againe the lott theepe bpon his ſhoulders vnto the flocke,
The Inne ts che ate of Chꝛiſtianitie inthis world , wherein
whereunto 7 We multabive for alitle time, Che hott is the minifers a preas
woundedma chers of the woꝛde of God, andof the Gofpell , whole chargers
is brought,& eg haue care of bs, Chis thereforeig che ummer Che kingdome
the hoft to
whom he 1s
of Chit is a kingdome of merep and.grace , where is nothing
els but alwapes to be borne and to beare, Chri beareth our des
fects and infirmitie , be taketh our ſynnes bpon himfelfe, and
beareth our fall wtilingly, we daily lie bpon bis necke ;neither-
is he wearied with chat bearing ofus. Ft ts the dutie of the preas
chers of this kingbome ‚to comfort con(ciences, to bandle thent
gently, to feede them with the Gofpell, to beare the wrake , to
heale the ficke: Mozeouer they ought fitly co applie the worde
according to the neede of cuerie one, Chis indeede ts che dutie
of a true Biſhop and preacher, notto proceese bp vtolence and
iniurie, agit is the cuſtome of our bifhops at this pape, which
ber „torment „and erie out : goeto, goets, be that will not wil:
lingly, halve compelled.to doc te againſt bis will, CAe mulſt in
nowile noe le, But a Biſhop o2 preacher ought to behaue bine
ſelle aga healer of the ficke , who dealetl berie tenverlp with ©
them, betereth verte louing words vnto them,talketh verp gent:
Ipwith them, and beſtoweth all his erdeuour about them, The
fane muta Biſhop, oꝛ miniſter of any phrticular parity da, and
thinke no ocherwiſe; but that his biſhopzike oz pariſh ĩs as an
bofpitall,wbherein are fuch as are combed with Diuerfe and fun«
dꝛie kyndes of diſeaſes. IE Chriff be thus preached, then faich
and loue come togither, which fulfill che commaundemöt of love,
Now forafinuch as the knowledge of the Lawe and the Golpel,
and of the Difference betweene chem ig verie necefMarie,T will tne
treat of them ſomwhat moze at large.
Of the Lawe and the Gofpell.
I haue verie oftẽ admoniſhed pour bꝛocherly charitie, thatthe the wlole
whole Scripture deuideth it felfe into two parts: into the Lawe, Scripture di-
and the Gofpel. Che Law is that which teacherh what we muff uided into §
do, what the will of God requireth ofvs, The Golpell teacher Lawe &che
there that is to be receiued, which the Lawe cömaunderh.eEuen 8oſpell
as if Iſeeke to take phificke, it is one are to tell what the diſeaſe
is, t an other to minifer that which is goon and wholefom tore:
medie it. So ſtandeth the cafe here: Che Lawe reuealeth che
dilealſe the Golpell miniftrech the medecine. Ahich is mantic
euẽ bp the cert whereof ine haue already intreated: Che Lawyer
commeth and being verie vefirous of eternall life , afkech what
hemulſt oo, The Lawe declarerh tt onto him, ſaying: Chou thalt The office
loue the Loyd thp Goo with all thine heart, with all thp foule, of the Lawe.
with allthp Lrengeh,and with all thy minde, and chp neighbour
| asthpfelfe. De thatreadeth theſe workeg after a bare and [clen-
„berfort onely, as this Lawyer pid, vnderſtandeth themnot, Ce
| muff pearce into the Lawe, and euerte one beholo bis face and
beart therein, Gov mutt bz loued of me fram che bottom of mp
heart: Againe, Jmuſt loue him with all mp foule, that ts, from
| the depth of mp foule,fo that Ithꝛoughly feele in mp felfe that J
loue him. For toloue with the foule fiqnifieth in the Scripture
| fuch loue as a pong man beareth toward a mapd, which he feeleth
thꝛoughly in bis minde Moreouer, with all my frength that ie,
| with allmp members. Allo wich all mp mynde, thatis,, all mp
| fenfeg,cogitationg € thoughts mutt be directed ynte God: Row
| Hände in mp felfethat Jdo none of hele, Foꝛ tf J mutt loueGou
with all mp heart, foule, frengeh and minve, it is requifite , that
mpne epes thew no angrie twinckling 02 motid,) mp toũg {peak
HO angric word,that mp keete, handes cares, ec, (hewno figne of
inrath , that my whole boop euen from the crowne of the head to
the {oles of the feete, ¢ all things belonging thereunto,do walke
| 4 CE ij
incharitie, be ag tt were rauiſhed wich Toue and pleafure
God,t alwates ſerue ¢ woꝛſhip him, CAbherfore whois
bp the plealure loue of vertue is chatt a righteous ?t
be one fuch foũd in p earth. For we alwapes finde our felu
Dier to wath barren enuie, woꝛldly pleafure ecsthenton
nes ¢ other vertues. I finde in me not onely afparke , bi
fierie foinace of wicked Tuft:for there ig no loue in myne
uot in all mp members. Ciberefore here inthe Lawe as
in a certaine glaſſe T {ec whatfocuer isinme,to be damnable ant
curled, Foꝛ not one tote of the Law mutt perifh , but all motto be
Matth.5.18. fulfillenas Chꝛiſt faith : Truly l fay vnto you, till heauẽ & eatt
pa ffe, one iote or title ofthe Lawe shall not {cape, tıllall befill
filled. Row thou fpndeé not this in chee, that thou doeſt
all chp foule and heart, with cheerefulnes and pleafure , whatlor
euer the Law eracterh and reguirerh of thee, Dereuponthou art
Damned and buder the Dominion of Satan.
The Lawe therefore ſerueth bs thus farre, to teach bs, thon
Wwe are condemned: for bp it we fpnde all wicked deſyres bm
and petnot fo much ag a [parke ofthem oughreobeinns, Da
beit our Scholemen not marking this , baue caught „char
bo according to his abilitie , Gov poeth tue bis grace vnto him.
They are blpnde guides: They graunt themfelues , that a man
ig caried with no pleaſure oꝛ cheerefulnes to that which ts ge 0
and petdo chep alfotcach , fone wogketh, although it be with
grieke, difficultie, and flouthfulnes , that it is well with him bes
fore God. But Chrift hath taugbe otherwile in this place, that
we ſhould worke that which is good with pleafire and loue,reas
pines and facilitie, TAbom therefore Hall we rather beleeues
Chꝛiſt o2 the Socholemen: but J leaue that to pour iudgement.
Of fuch coꝛrupt and euell vnderſtanding of the Lawe, Mona:
fferieg afterwardes came , whereby entred in chig opinion, that
it wag thought to be {uffictent to laluation ‚to Hue in a Monaſte
tie , and to follow the anders thereof, although that were dant
We muß euen with ariefe of mpnde. So theytaught: Bur Chꝛiſt will
worke with haue bs to worke with plealure and cheerefulnes, fo that if anp
Aon thinge be Dane with burden or griefe of confeience, itis fpnnes
cee wy crud, temaue top telfe therefore quick!p from fuch a mogks, here
ging or = fone thug tt might be laid vntothem: Behold D man, thoumi
grefe, {erable creature oughteſt to be caried with a certatue delight to
> ae
—** *
thedoingeof thelawe of Gon, but thou comme with no pleas
fure oꝛ cheerefulnes hereunto, “how fee that thou thew thy pleas
fure and lone herein, otherwife thou thalt be the enemte nf Goo,
andthe friend of Satan : thus men leauing cheir owne rathnes,
might come to the knowledge of themſelnes, and might then
fap: Therefore ,D God, am J condemned, and that not vniuſt⸗
Ip, Dereupon tt tollowech ‚thattwe are all pnder Satan, as tong
as we feele tnvs'this vifficultie and hardnes to doe that which ig
good, Therefore tf J ould (peake-the trueth, A fhould fap
thus, Ifpnde in deede fomethinge that ig good in the lawe of
God, but it is my death, and if te coulo be , J would with chat it
were ot 2p are all men affected in theicheart, as S. Paule
plainly teacheth Rom, 7; Ilwe ſhould remaine in fuch condem⸗
nation, we muſt needes periſh for euer,
Chere is therefore an ether part, thatts, the Golpell , which The office of
ſheweth comfort and ſaluation, declaring where that ig to be had, the Golpell.
wherebp the Lawe is fulfilled. Ahen therekore I know by the
Lawe char Jam a condemned man ‚then Ip J halfe dead among
thee n hath ſpoiled mp faule, and hath mor eouer in A⸗
dam taken away allfaich,all rixhteoufneg, and Hath left nothing
but bo op life , which is alfo qulckly extinguiſhed. Chen come
Leuites and Prieltes , which teach this and that, but can helpe
nothing, and ſo paſſe by, But when the Samaritane commeth,
he helpech; that is, when Chꝛilſt commeth, be fhewech bis mercy
pnto vs, laping after this fort: Behold chou oughteſt in deede to
loue God with all chine heart, but thou doeſt it not, now beleeue
onelp in me,¢ thou halt eniop mp obedience ag thine one : this
onelp belpech me: Chen he puttech me on his owne beat, that
is, onhimfelfe, and carieth me into che Rune, thatis , into the
Church of the faithful; then be byandby pourerh bis grace into
me , thatis; oyle that map feelemy felfe to be lapd vpon his
fhoulver,that atthe laſt makech me to be ofa good cheere, € qui:
et ¢ well affected in confcience, Afterward he poureth in wine al-
ſo which with bis harpnes may. abate « tame che farce of old A⸗
Dani Ano pecan J tot fo wholy teſtoꝛed unto health, health ts in
Deede poured ins begon, but not pet wholy finifhep : ‘then Chait
hath care of me,¢ bp bis grace pouredinto me; doth purifie me,
that fri nap to vay J map become more chal,mecke, getle,faithe
il „ec: vntill J wholp op, for then FI iain a mane
| Uy
perfect, So when we hall come to God the father and be asked
of him, whether we beleeued in God, whether weloued bim,re:
the Samaritane Chik our Lord, who hath laped vs on hig
owne beat, will come fogth and {apes Loe Father,although thep
baue not wholp fulfilled thy Lawe, pet haue Z| fulfilledic, ſuffer
thou that toturne to che commoditie of them that beleeue th me,
So is ttneedefull that all the Saincts albeit verie holy, be layed
vpon the backe of Chriſt. IE fo be that the holieſt of all. asthe
Pꝛieſtes and Leuiteg could not fatilfie the Lawes how hall we
go about wich our fained workeg „ag with ſhauing, babitec,to
fulfill the fame?D wꝛetched € milerable calamitie, Thefe things
ſhall now ſuffize to haue bin ſpoken concerning this tert: — *
prap vnto Gon,that be will glue bs grace,
Iohn 4.
® Here was a certeine ruler, whofe
RN fonne was ficke at Capernaum. |
SKS When he heard that Iefus was
Verfe 46.82
47. 2
ic ¥ come out of Iudea into Galile, he
wet vnto him, & befought him, that he. wore
go downe , & heale his ſonne: forhe was euen
ready to die.
48,» Then faid Iefus vnto him,Except ye feel ignes
and wonders; yewillnotbeleeuc,
49. The
49. Therulerfaidvntohim, Syr , goe downe be-
fore my fonne die.
50 _ Tefus {aid vnto him , Goe thy wate, thy fonne
liueth: and the man beleeued the word that
Iefus had fpoken vnto him, and went his
51. Andashe-was now going downe, hisferuaüts
met him, faying, Thy fonne liveth. |
52. Thenenquiredhe of them the houre when he
begannetoamend. And they faid vnto him,
yefterdaye the feuenth houre the feuer lefte
53. Themthe father knew:thae’it was the fame
houre in the which Iefus had {aid vnto him,
Thy fonne liueth, and he beleeued, and all his
| houfehold.
54... This fecond miracle did leſus againe, after he...
. was comeout of Iudea into Galile.. sid
3 JD excellent example of faith is fet forth inthis
\fe9)tert, of what fort itis,of what nature and quali- _
\asy fie, namelp, that itis nota reſting o2 tole chinge, j
2 ! but liuely and voyd of idlenes, which goeth not A true fayth
en backe, but proceedeth on, and ſtill moze and moze : not idle,
fnereafech.@Ahich ifit be not done, te is no faith but onelp a dead —
opinion of God inthe heart. For a true and ſyncere faith, which and more.
the holy Gholt poureth into the heart, cannot be tole: which I
Tapforthiscaufe, ‘thattioman be therefore fecure, albeiche bach -
obtained fatth 5 neicher that heftapthere, It is nothing to bee
Rinne, vnlelle we increafe bp continual going forward,and come
- tO greater knowledge of Gov. For onthe contrarte five it is the
nature and qualitie of our aduerfarie Satan, not tobe tole, as
| &, Peter fapıhit Satan ſleepeth not, but goeth about as a ro⸗
ting Lion, lecking whom he map deuoure. If (o be that the De:
| Gell is neither tole neitherfleepe commeth vpon hit , neither
hall if be meete for a Chꝛiſtian to be tole or * his handes in
wa itij
bis bofom , forafinuch as be hath the Deuell his enemie, whoig
ſtronger then himſelke: for be ts called the prince of the world,
a3 it is mentioned in the Cpiftie appointed to be read in the
Ephef.6.12. Church onthis vay: VVe wreltle nor againft flesh and blood,
| but againſt principalities, againftpowers, & againft the world- |
ly gouernours, the princes of the darkenes of this world, againſt
{piritua!l wickedneffes , which are in hie places. its prince -
coucrnet) the wozld , furioußp and fiercely rageth, and cannot —
luffer the profperous fucces ofa Chꝛiſtian. Neither is it foꝛ his
profi: to be (uffered of him, for an entrie being made hereby, his
kingdome is burt into, and big net torne in peeces, out of which
ag much az he ig able, he fuffereth no Chꝛiſtian to efcape, Moꝛe⸗
puer when the fire of faich is kindled, and the flame foftered, and
Satan trieth and marketh that, byandby he practisech deceit a-
gaint it, for he knoweth how: much hinderaunce bis kingdame
fhalitake thereby, wherefore as earneſtly as be can, euen with —
all bis power, be defendeth big kingdome, ¢ laboureth to keepe
allin obedience to him. |
True Chri- ., CUberefoze itis mot certaine, thar when a Chriltian hath
ftians are not Hegonto belerue, byandby tentation and perfecucton will affatle
ol him, WMhich ificeome tio to pakfe, it is a ligne chat his faith is
deuel badech Wot pec (ound „and that he hath not as pet trulp receinedthe Gol
his force cf- pell. For wicked Satan hath averte ſharpe fight, be byandby
pecially a- ſpieth out wherets a true Chꝛiſtian, wheretore be appliech
gainft ıhem. himſelle wholp.unto this, thathe mapenforce humto fall, anv
map kefiege Dim , aud allaile him ancurrie five: for be cannot —
{utter that anp ſhould reuolt from his kingpome „ It is perilous —
therefore for a man tobeleeue, for the Deuill ig ready that he |
map fet bpon him, and ouerthꝛowe him, which fometime chauns
The Sains Seth euen to verte bola men, wbich vnderltand che word,of Gon —
of God doe WEI, when they and opzight , and chinke chemfelues ſale, that
fometimes pꝛiuie wicked fende commeth ppon them. bp litle and ticle; anv
falleué grie- wꝛaſltleth with chem lo lange, till he ouerthꝛom them, and.catt
uoufly, them to the earth. Set before thine eyes Moſes and Aaron,
who were guides of the Jewes, they had an excellent fapıh,
when thep brought the people qc al Bann eanalh chee ple
infapth palled through, the ende fea, death» the, wide wilder;
neg, and manp other merueldus chinges whereby chey ſhewed
cheir fayıh , but at the dag chey fall grieuouſty nee |
they hall peri) with hunger, Ts it not a thinge moſt mileras
ble, that bp fo great fignes thep thew their faith, thep goe into
~ ‘Death and through death 5 wattle with it, and ouercome it, and
pet while thep thinke them (clues lureft, thep fal,and fuffer them:
{elues to be ouercome of the belly , murmure again& Gov,
. andare fo gricuouflp tempted, that thep fall all togither.Cdibere:
- fore itig noc certaine and (ure, if one begin to beleuc, and dach not
alwapes moze and moze increafe in faith. Wea that godiy man
Mofes;who kad fo great and fo trong a faiths did fallallo, when
ag he thould bring water out of he rocke witha Caffe, he outed,
anvtalkedthus tothe people: Tomelet vs {ce whether weran
bying water out of the rocke. Chat good Poles, which had them:
ed ſo many and fo great fignes,failerh intoreafon and carnal on:
derſtanding, fearing lett the incredulitie of che people would bins
per fo great a miracle ¢ ſigne. Butit hav behoued him to cleaue
fat to the word of God, and to thinke it higher, qreater.frenger,
andmightier, then.the onbelecte of the people: that great man
wag tempted,he fumbled, and was ouerthꝛoe wne.
le haue like examples in thenewe Teſtament: Peter was Let him thar
hardie, and firme in kaith, when he beheld Chriſt vpon the Wären; thinkerh he
be fapd onto him with a ſtrong faith :3Lopd fuffer me to come mi: — take
to ther,committing him (elfe to che water euen as to the ip he eſn
thought aſſuredly thatthe water. would beare him. Chenwas
there an excellent faith in Peter, and great courage, whith durſt
commit: bin felte iyholp uuto peathin the miavettofeheleasirer
poling bis hope freee bololy inChp ets Bnswhen de chought
bim rf mot (afe,aftorme and tempeũ arileth. he lorgetting the
word,luffererh his faith ta laile and he himſeiſe allo allethe ſuß
fering Satan to plucke faich ont of his hart Faich trutly is a
ıbtill and Deligaceshing · a ſno ichins maker de to unbig and
‚Satan Raupe Sense KUN AO cs nenne aupaoth bpat |
by obtaine bis purpolesifmevocnotailigenely watch Wahreand
neftly did the common people folloiwe Chak? chep hought that |
be waga propher,anp din ſo cleoue vnto vim and fo delend kim, |
that che jpzincesntshe people were mane aſtonieu neithet durft
plowmuchaslapbauban kin But when chey enprelen him
againg him, ſaſten him toche etoile; the people forſake > '
that at they may, andcome no morẽ achun· 2 Ponhet is u
I * no man any moze aſſiſtech him, bue they rather erie
out againſt him, crucilie him, crucifie him: and that which ig molt
detettable of all, his owne Diſciples reuolt from him. What ig
become now both of their faith and bolines? +
Do is it atthis dap tnour time: atthe fir whenthe Golpell
began to thine , the preaching thereof was acceptable and plea:
fant,then many feemed willing to emb2ace it,but when Munkes
facrificing Pꝛieſts, Nunnes, ¢c.began to be (poken again and
the Malle tobe confuted, all (a meruelous thinge tobe fpoken)
fell away as leaues of trees. Againe, when Princes alfo were
touched,the Golpel (uffered greater perlecution, and did by litle —
and litle daily vecreale. Moreouer Satan is not tole, whereupon —
be ſtirreth bp berefies and (chifmes, for how many (ects haue we
hitherto ſuſſered? hefleepech not, be will ffirre bp greater miſ⸗
chiefes alfo,he neuer retteth,but looketh about, anv erietheuerp
wap,that be map bringe the matter to that pafle , anv pꝛeuaile lb
farre,that no found doctrine map remaine in che church, butthat
if all Germanic be diligently biewed, a fermon map nowhere
be found, wherein the word of God is truelp preached, agit was
before, De goeth about to extinguiſh and aboltth allche doctrine⸗
of Chit now increafing,for he cannot abive ft. It is not an ea
fie thingto auoin fo great an enemie, be lyeth in wait, and view⸗
eth all places, and fo diligently beſtirreth him {elfe, that euen the
learned fall,and the elect fumble,as Doles, S. peter, with he
reſt ofthe Apoſtles Wie thinke our felues ſafe, and liue fecutelp,
noman'contivereth, no mah hath a cave of the wozde, we ſh 3
pray e beſeech Gov,thathe would vouchlate to ——
fpell, and make his holy name ta be ſpred and publichedn oje as
bꝛoad. But no man is couched with care hereof, noman prapeth
that tt map haue good ſucceſſe Aherekoꝛe tt ts to be fearet
atthe lait will come to paſſe that Gov will heer Satan
to runne iagither ints one then Mal we be in a detperate ca
he willealilpth zow vs to the ground when te are come
great milerie by durowne flothfulhes and belaufht
Satan moꝛeouer can lo lette koſth che matter bp leditious fp
We mutt not tite, that men (hall thinke tt to be tuft, Ae the Arrians we
truſt to our ſwaded chat their opinion was ſound. But oe ta
owne ftrégth Himfelfestakerh noching rathip vpon him felfe, but wich an
burro che plebart fapth thus Bita Govt Wolke gracious Gov; albeit |
fice of knowe that the caule which ·I fauour is not vniult yet without
Ja t
thy belpe I am not able to maintaine it,thoutherfoze help me,o-
thetwilt I lhall be caſt and onerchrotone. Deis in deede certaine
ofbis caufe,euen ag &, Peter was on the water, who could not
befurer, whenthe water didbeare him. Foꝛ he knewe no let or
hinderance,but when the winde wag great, and the water trou:
bled, be perceiued what was wanting in bimmTCibich isthaough- 9 »
Ip to be receined into our minde, and confivered of bs. JFoz albeit
the certaintie of our cauſe be conſirmed, ſtrengthened, andrattfi-
ed with plaine fencences ofthe Scripture,pet is it by che might,
connlell,and power of Gor,that we ate defendedjand Satanour
chiefe aduerlarp and enemie reprefled. Tüihich is therefore done,
that God map ſtirre vs vp towatchjand keeper vs in awe, that we
map alwapes be watchfull,andrrie vnto him: Love helpe bs,¢
inoreafe our faith 5 for without thee we ave able ta doe nothing. -
Dur hart mus be alwayes fo difpnfen,as though we beqanne to
Dap to beleeue,and alwaies fo affected, that we defire and labour
to goe moze and more forward. Fo? that is the nature,force, and
qualitie of faith, that it alwayes Increaferh and wareth ftronger.
Satan, as itisia litle before menttoned. neither is inle,nor re-
fieth if bebe onceouerthrowne be riſeth againe, if be cannot ens
tevin bythe dore beiendeuourerh to ſteale inionthebacke ide , €
ifthiabe aot permitted him, he bꝛeaketh in though the reofe, o2
enterech in chꝛough a hollow place digged vnder che threſhold,
for he doth ſo long earneſtly follow bis woꝛrke, vntill he comein,
be vſeth manp deceits and practises, if he preuatleth not by one,
be taketh in band an other,and doth that fo long vntill he bath obs
tained bis purpofe, Dan ig a weake anda miferable thing, as S.
Paute fapth 2,.€07.4: VVehauc this tteafure in earthea veſſels.
Sam mone fratle then a pot compared to the potter, anda pot ts
a very meake thinge,inafmuch ag tt ts eafilp broken, and what-
ſoeuer is in it, is ſpilt.
Now Datan when he marketh how great a treaſure faith is,
Kept in a fraile pot(that I’ map lo ſpeake) be is in a great rage ¢
furie, and ſayth thus vnto bs: Twill touch thee, I will bꝛeake
thy potte,thou haſt a great treaſure which Jwill pill, So Gon Teen we
fetteth the filly pot inthe middeſt of enemies, which fhould vtter⸗ ate Hoa"
Ip periſh euen in a momét,tfhe did noraefend it foꝛ it may quick ¢ ile and
Ip be (haken and baoken in peeces , peatf tt be but bitten af abi: weake,yce
per, it periſheth. And it ig nor hard from Satan euen tn one ma: God ferserh
middelt o
moft ftronge,
thatirmay the mot mightyrulet of this world. Mow it would grieue me f
appeare that Jbeing fronge and valtant, anp man Mould fet vponme witha
we ftand not-reone, furely I being moued with anger wonlobyeakethereene
by our owne ,
by che ng. ſword, and armed onall partes. It grieued tour Goliath ch
lar helpe & Dauid durſt come vnto him vnarmed onely with attaflel Sie
a of greatly grieueth che deuill, char Gov will ſupprelſe him bytlech
ment to Watte and deftrop a whole cuntry. Wülherfore that bexeth
him ‚that God dealeth wtth him fo fimply ‚Teteing a filly potte ds
gaint him when as he norwich tanving i¢ fo greata Pꝛince a d
in peeces: fo2 Thad leuer that he would ſet vpon me wa pe: re
&¢ blood, tffome faut ſpirit ſhould reſiſt him, it would nor J
him ſo much; for that troubleth him aboue meaſure thata ftp
worme,afraile pot ſhould come to deſpiſe him, anearthen befell —
againlt a mot mighty Prince, Gov hath layd op thisereatuve, —
fapth YDaul;in a miſerable and weake befell: for manisiateake —
xcreature byandby moued to wꝛach, to couetoufneg, topive,ec, ;
fothat Satan map ealilp hake and. breake the veſſell: for itGor ;
woulde permit him; be woulde forthwith breake it ——
Now all this ts Done, fapth Paulthat we may know,tha
our own power, burbpthe power of Gor weare prefanty
‘all euills, and eſpecially from the force and furieof paca; —
goeth about like a roring lyon, deſiring tobrufernnnsrenkeiche
weake veſſells and fraile pots: and that we map hereby alſo be
ſtirred vp to be watchfull and to lift op our eyes toward heauen,
and prap vnto God that he will vouchſafe to encreafeanavefend —
our kaith and preſerue che veſſell byhis ſtrength Chushake we
an entrance vnto our tert, it remaineth that we doe now conſider
thefame in order: Che Euangelitt faych thugs © 1 sea © ¢
There was a certaine ruler, whofe fonne was a Fi
naum. It fallech out wich many other men alfo, that they haue
their chilmen ficke: but that which be ſayth alterward is tebe
marked : VVhen he heard that Ieſus was come out of ludegin-
to Galile;he went vnto him, and befought him that hewoulde {
goe dökkue; andhealehis fonne: for —* was euen ready to’
Mere kaith beginneth and truſteth in Chott. ——e
faith the Goſpell veclareth : foꝛ he beard of Chaiſt how he healed
the ficke,thereupombig bare was fet upon him, and be reforterh
vnto bim,thinking thus: Ifbe helperh all men, he will alfo helpe
me, and will heale my fonne. He counteth Chriftforfuchaman
ag ig able to helpe men,and hopeth and promiferh to him elfe all
goodnes from him: and thatin Deede ig atrue Chriftian hart,
webich cleaucth fat onto Goo, Ffehatthis ruler had ſtoode in a
place 02 wap hauing two pathes,douting with him felfe, be bad
not gone vnto Chri: but his hart would haue bene thus affected:
De helpeth others indeede,but who can tell, whether he will help
me alfa ? Howbeit he doth not thus dout of Chit, but riferh anv
maketh hat vnto him. Chis ts the beginning of fatthnow pe thal
~ fee how Chit meeterh him on the other five, and aunfwererh o⸗
ctherwile thenbe thought for, that bis faith mightbe tried, and
thus he ſayth vnto him:
Except ye fee Ggnes and wonders ye will not beleeuc. Chꝛiſt
fapd alfo to. jeter Watth.14;V Vhy dooft thou dout,O thou
of litle faith ? {eter Bndoutedlp had fateh, ¢ Did beleue in Chrift,
— Whereupon he committed him felfe to che warer, but when be faw
the winde,be was afraide,and beganne to be Drowned; fo in this
place,that good man heareth a good report of Chott that he bel:
peth euerp man, twbich he beleeuech ann therefore refortech vnto
him. But when he heareth that Chr denteth co come, he ſtum⸗
blech, and his faich failech , fearing that Chat would not come
butabim, Chis is. ag it were an aflault ¢ fore blowe, here his new
begun faith beginneth tobe tempted, St was a hard laping: ex-
cept yc fee fignes and wonders, yc willnot beleeue: which fap:
ing voth fo tempt him, and bring him into out, that be almoft fal:
leth. Satan Eanding at his backe,fapth onto him: get thee home
and looke to thy hufines,for be will not belpe thee. Notwithſtan⸗
ding the ruler did not bp and byleaue of, but prayed che Loꝛde
mozeouer: Lorde come downe before my fonne dye. Derehig
faith began to be in daunger ¢ to fatle, but God doth not forfake
him, but lifteth him bp againe,and ſayth onto him:
- Goethy way,thy fonne liveth. Jf the ruler had not han faith,
he wouldve not haue requeſted Chritte come to his fonne. TMhat
therefore doth he want ’euen this: be beleeued if Chꝛiſt came to
bis houſe, he coulde then helpe his ſonne, if be div not come, he
couldnot helpe him. Neither viv big faith extende fo farre, as to
beleeue that Chait euen being abfent could beale the ficke: but tt
behoued that he ſhould haue a higher faith. herfore Chꝛiſt lif⸗
teth him bp and ſetteth him in a higher ſtate, and ſayth vnts him:
Goethy wayschy ſonne liucth. ere he ſirſt alcendeth from hia
True faich
leaueth all
and trufteth
to the onely
word of
former faith, whereby he beleeucd that Chꝛiſt coulo heale being
prefent,and commeth to a bigher faich , ſo that now he beleeuech
the word, For if he had not beleeued the woꝛd, he would not haue
left Chpift, neither would have departed frombim, vntill be bad
come with him to his boule. But hauing layd holde onthe word,
be cleaueth vnto it bp faith, for bis fonnets at home, and Chꝛiſt
is with his father. Therefore the Father recetueth this word in
bis hart,and thinketh with him felfe after this fort: My fonne ig
ficke,but I (hall find him whole: which faith wag contrarp both
to reafon € experience, Reafon would haue thought thus: ben
TI came from my fonne he was ficke,as Jdid leaue him, fo hall J
find him. Gut faith fapth orherwile,it reſteth onelp inthe worꝛd &
truteth wholy vnto it, neither douteth ic, that anp ching will fall
out otherwile chen the word ſpeaketh: Goe thy way, thy fonne
liuech. Chis is aright and a ſtronge faith, when as man leaueth
fenfe, wifedome,reafon, and truffeth wholp to the woꝛde of Gov,
Chott ſayth, chy fonne lueth : And be fapth with him felfe, with:
out dout tt fs true, Jſhall fo find tt, So faith remaineth not inte,
nor refteth, but increafech and goeth forward... id R
Thus Chri dealeth with vs alfo, hefuffererh vs to be temps
ted, that we map increafe tn faith: tf intheendeof our life when
we muffope,we fhall haue but afparke of fuch faith , we thall be
ina good cale,as Chit ſayth unto his Dilciples Matth. 17: If
ye haue faith as much as is a graine of mufterd feede,ye shal fay
vnto this mountaine : Remouc hence to yonder place, & it shall
be remoued : and nothing shal be vnpoflible vnto you. graing
of mufterd ſeede is but a fmallthing but be that hath faith agrees
able to the ſmalnes of this graine, ſhall be ſaued. Meither muk
we fo much cöliver this,that our fatth is litle. but we mutt looke
bnto this,we muff haue regard onto this, that the graine of mus
ſterd (eede vo remaine,and be not eaten bp of the birdes, that Dae
tan plucke not faith out of our hartes. ie mutt not looke bow liz
tlethe fatthis, butwe mut regarde and take heede that faith be
not taken away.Peter had faith vpon the (ea, and therefore wag
be caried of the water, that he ſhould not be downed, ifhe bad la
perfeuercd in faith, be might well baue walked an hundred miles
vpon the fea, but when be tapled in fatth,be began to be Downed,
So Woles hana ttronge faith, buthe fell from it. It confittech
notin che ſtrength o2 flendernes of faith that we dog ſtand, but -
perfeuering and remaining kaithfull. It may be that be ſhall pers
feuer in faith , which bath but a flender faith, and be chat hath a
ftrong faith thall fall and dout.Moſes and Peter had an excellent
faith,fo that Moles bp faith did leade p people though the mid⸗
deſt ofthe fea and Death, and [eter without douting went Downe
out ofthe hip into the fea,but they fall from their faith, hotwubeic
Gon raifech them vp quicklp again, But the Theefe onthe crofle
hauing once lapd hold of faith, continued conftant , Mowe God
therefore fuffereth it to be thus, that he map bring down rafh ar-
rogancie,that we doe not gloriouflp ertol our felues,but alwates
remaine infeare tawe. For whententation commeth vpon vs.
we doe korthwith fal into errour,if God do not aſſiſt ¢ Mreng then
bs, of which thinge we map fee a very goodly fimilitude ina tree,
which inthe {pring time buddeth andopeneth it ſelfe, fo thatic
doth asit were become white bp reafon of the bloffoms. 4 how:
er falling vpon it,manp of rhe bloſſoms are thaken of, ¢ the froft
alfodoth much more confume them, Afterward when the frute
beginnerh to ſpring forth fome great winde blowing, much of ie
being newly come forth Faller) downe,and when it wareth ripe,
the caterpiller commeth , which with other mormeg gnaweth €
ſpoyleth it fo much,that fcarce the twentieth part, pea ſcarce the
hunvdzeth part many times remaineth, The fame commech to
palſe with the bearers of the Galpell,in the beginning thereof es
uery one couetethtobea true Chꝛiſtian, euery one likerh of tt ve-
rp well,and che firft frutes thereofare verp pleafant, But when
winde,a fhower, or tentation commerh , all fall awap from it bp
companies : afterwards (ects and {editions artle, which ike vnto
mormeg and kankers gnaw and infect che frutes of the Golpell,
and fo many falle opinions (pring bp, that verp few doe perfeuer
inthe true profeflion of the Gofpell, |
We haue heresthankesbe giuento Almighty Gov.the worde
of Gor plentifullp taught, me are deliuered out of deepest great
-barkenes, but we forgetting the word are made weake , we line
hauing no care of the word,for it is not ſauoꝛy vnto vs. But when
ag hereafter falle prophets hall bꝛeake in with their coprupt o⸗
pꝓinione, and Satan alfo hall violently aſſaile bs, finding bs tole,
and the boufe ſwept and garnilhed, he will brꝛing wich him ſeuen
| other fpirits woꝛſe then him (elf, and the ende thall be woꝛſe ther
poe beginning, Which thinges ifchep fo fall out let bs not heres
A proper &
apt fimili-
fore be quite Difcouraged, but let os rather inſtruct one an other,
that we map learne to cleaue vnto God, and pray onto him, and
fay: Bercitull Gos, thou haſt giuen vnto me to become a Chris
ftian,giue onto ine alfo that I map perfeuer, and become vallp
richer in fatth, Albeit the whole world did reift , and euerp one
confpired to deſtroy the Golpell, pet wil J be nothing moued, but
bp thy diuine helpe will depend on the Golpell,
Burtorerurne againetothe Ruler, pehauebeard that hig
__ faith was berp notable and ercellent, be heareth the worde,, thy
rhe which fonne liveth, be beleeueth it, and goeth away giving honour ta
affuredly ob- Ood3be teceiueth ehe ontp word,beteuftech whaly wnto it. eres
taine al good UPS God dealeth fo graciouflp with him, that he reſtoreth healch
thinges thac puto his ſonne, raiſeth him bp,and ſtrengthneth him tn faith, neis
they pray ther {uffereth him to fticke tndout op infirmitie , but eftablifhech
‚nto God him, and maketh him ſtronge, anv cauleth him to goe forward
; increafe. Meicher doth Goddelap vntill he commeth home, but
declareth bute him being pet inbis ioynep the helch of his ſonne,
fending bis {eruaunts to meetehim, that they mighebringe him
good newes,and ſay: thy ſonne liueth. For God cannot differre
ordelay , where thereisafincere bare, which truttech in him a-
lone,all other thinges being left, looking onelp vnto the word of
God, there God can not hive him (elfe,but reucalech him lelfe, &
commeth onto {uch abart,¢ maketh bis abode there,as the Loꝛd
ſapth Joh.14. Now what can be moze iopful, thẽ for a ma to giue
credit tathe word of God, ¢€ tobe plucked from it by no afflicti«.
ono? tentation, but to ſhut his eyes againſt euerp allault of Sas
tan,to lap alive humane fenfe,unverffanding, reafon, Ewiledom,
and to fap daily in bis bart: God hath ſpoken it,he cannot lye. J
fay nothing is moze toyfull then {uch a faith, For whatloeuer we
alke of Gov with {uch a faith, we receiue it more aboundantly of
bin,then euer we defired it, and God is fooner prefent with bs,
then we ban thought. Dereuponthe Euangelift vſeth fo manp
wordes euen vnprꝛoſitable,as tt appearcth vnto bs,as thefe: The
man beleeued the word that lefus had fpoken vnto him , and
went his vvay. And ashe vvas novv going dovvne,his feruaunts
met him, faying, Thy fonne liueth. Then inquired he of them the
houre vvhen he began to amend : and they faydvnto him: Ye-
fterday the feuenth houre the feuer left him. Then the father
knewv, that it vvas the fame hourein the yvhich Iefusfayd se
him :Thy fenne liveth. All which tende vnto this ende , that we
fhould know.that if we beleeuein the ond he will giue vs abun«
dantly, whatſoeuer we thall pray vnto him foꝛ
Taoe concluſion the Euangelilt maketh as followeth: Andhe
belecued, and allhis houshold. He fo increaſed in faith, that he
Did not onely aſcend from a low ftate to abigher „but he bꝛought
others alſo vnto Faith. He had ſutely aneffectuall faith, which vie
not reſt idle and ſlothfullin the hart, but din bꝛeake forth , ſo that
wholoeuer were in his houſe were bꝛought vnto faith. For this is Thenacure
plainely the nature of fatth, this ts the qualitie of tt, to dꝛawe o⸗ and qualitie
thers bntoit,to:burtt fogeh,and apply it ſelf euen vnto the worke of true faich.
ot loue as SNaule wiſtneſſeth Galars: Chat fatth which woꝛ⸗
keth by lone; is elſectuall. Foꝛ it cannot keepeſilence oz bei:
dle as Dauid ſayth Pſal. 116.which place Paule applieth to the
laithfull 2 902.4: Thelecued/& therefore hate pokert F aith
can doe no, her, koz itis enforced to fpeake, neither can it keepe
ſilence, inaſmuch as be thatis endued wich it, endeuoureth to pro=
| fit bis neighbour. Chis rulét hav fatth for him felfe , Gut it doth
not remaineinbimatone, but breaketh forths for without all
dout he declaren tohis familic,bowhe came onto Chrttt, and re:
| ceiued comfopt of him, wuhich they alſo beleued.So we alle, when
| we beleeue mutt oper our mouth, and confelle the grace , which
. God hath ſhewed onto vs.CUbich ts the chiefe and moſt excellent The moft ex
| woke of faith, that one inftruct an other in the woꝛde. For Paule Cellent work
| fapth Rem.19: VVath the hart man beleeueth_ynto righteouf ° ane
| nes, atid with che mouth man confeffeth co fafiation . If toe be
| amameb ofthis Word, tt is a certattte argument of a very light €
| vncertaine faith.· aMe ſee cherfogerhäfthere ig ho difference with
Chꝛiſt hetwene the trong andthe weake tn faith for a litle faich
| is faith alfo. De therefore came into che world that he might re:
| me,3 wil none of thee, becaule thou be eff no
is a thing greatly to be commended, when one can handle p weake
genily, and doth not deale rigorouſſp with chem. and repell chem
| by impatiencie op although thep be weake today, the houre
| Mapcome, whentbep ſhall recetue the word more aboundantly
| then we. Thus we ought to inſtruct and teach onean other , that
| Aue map Depend on,p woꝛd of Goo, Foꝛ tf we — in ſticking
Ba. a u, tte
coche word, we thall be ftronge enough for the deuill : for we gla-
rp of the woꝛd, albeit we be but weake, Tinto Satan, who is able
euen in one houre co ouerthꝛow be all, all men ſhould be euen ag
afether, which he would be able toremoue awap how and when —
be will,peaeuen with bis breath, but if we beleeue, chat kether ts
mabe moze heaup onto him then the hill Dipmpus. Fora Chꝛi⸗
ftian beareth Chꝛiſt inhimfelfe, and Chritt is heauier eben hea:
wen and earth. Thus much map luffize concerning this tert,
hart, andternbleiudgement tothe ine |
Nhs a a i durare and obftinate, \ Toile
’ Matth, 13.
yeyae Elis fayd vnto Peter & to thereft
1 BE of the Dilciples » The kingdom of
42 heaven is, likened vnto: acertaine
Sun King,which wouldtake an accoũt
000 ofhisfegraunts. |
24, 1. Andwhenhehad begon torecken , one was
' brought vito hitn,which owed him ten thou-
Farid talent NON) ar
as And becaufe he had nothing to pay, his Lord,
commaunded kim to be folde,and his wife,&
his children,and all:that he had, and the dette
tobe payed, > TH,
26, The feruaunt therefore fell downe ‚and wor-
fhipped him faying: Lorde refraine thine an-
ger coward me,and I will pay thee all.
27. Then that feruaunts Lord had compaffion, &
toofed him,and forgaue him the dette.
28. But the fame feruant went out,& found one of
his fellow feruaunts,which owed him an hun-
dred pence, and he layedhandes on him, and
_ thratled him,faying: Pay me that thou oweft.
29. Then his fellow feruaunt feldown at his feete,
and befought him,faying : Refraine thine an-
ger towards me,and I will paythee all.
| 30, Yet he would not, but went and caft him into
prifon,till he fhould pay the dette.
31. And when his other fellow feruants faw what
was done,they were very fory, andcame, and
declared vnto their Lord all thatwas done.
32. Then his Lord called him vnto him, and fayd
to him:O euill feruaunt,] forgaue thee all that
dette, becaufe thou prayedft me.
33. Oughteft not thou alfoto haue had pittie on
thy fellow feruant,euen as I had pittie on thee?
34. So his Lord was wrath, and deliuered him to
the tormentors, till he fhould pay all that was
due to him.
35. So likewife fhallmyne heauenly Father doe
vnto you,except ye forgiue from your hartes,
eche one to his brother their trefpaffes.
(were which be had made co Saince Peter, vnto
Y/ BIRD whom he hav beloꝛe committed the keies of bin-
y Ay ding and tooling. For when ©. Peter af ken
: Zoe bim, bowe oft he Hould forgiue bis brother big
ASTRO offence whether tt were enough to forgiue him
feuen times,¢ be aunlwered,not feuen — ſeuentie times
Lye Hrit brought forth his parable onto that aun-
"ao a) Asse
Ciuill go-
3 ud
feuen times he then added chis ſimilitude, by which be inferreth,
that bis heauenly father will do likewiſe vnto vs.if we do nat for:
giue our neighbong,euen ag the King Din here vnto the eruaunt,
which would not forgiue his fellow, feruaunt a {mal det, when as
his Loꝛd had koꝛgiuẽ him fo ninch, Ce haue often times taught
that the kingdonr ok Gov wherein he retancth by che Goſpell, ig
nothing els, but ſuch a fate 02 gouernment, wherin ts meere for⸗
giuenes of finnest-(o that where fuch a gouernment is not, wher-
in finne ig pardoned neither is there the Golpell nor kingdome.
Therefore thole two kingdoms are to be (eparated:one.wherin
finnes are puntthed,¢ an other wherin thep are koꝛgiuẽ, op wher-
in the law ig exacted, x wherein that which ts due bp the lawe,is
remitted, In the kingdom of God, where he reiqneth by the Ga-
fpeli,there ts no exacting of the lawe, nether any dealing by the
law, but onelp remiffion and forgiueneg,neither wrath nor punt:
Hing but bꝛotherly ſeruite and well doing one to an other. Not⸗
withfanding che ciuttl law oꝛ Magiſtrate ts not taken awap, for
this parable ſpeaketh not any ching of woꝛldly gouernment, but
of the kingdomof God only. MAherefoze be thatis pet gouerned
onelp by the regiment of the world, is pet farre of from the king⸗
dom of heauen, for woꝛldly Kouernment pectainerh wholy to in⸗
feriour thinges. As tf a Prince gouerne his people ſo, that he ful:
fer tniurte co be done to none, puniſhing offenders,be doth wel,¢
is therfore cömended, For inthat gouernment this fentence flou⸗
ritheths Pay that thou owelk: which ikthou voe not, thou thalt be
cat inte prifs.Such gouernmẽt we mutt haue,bowbett we come
not cobeauen bp it, neither ig the wold therefore ſaued, but this
gouernment is therefore neceflarp, that the World bo not become
worle, For tt ig only a defence & fortification againſt wickednes,
which {fit were not,one would deuoure an other,neither could a:
np mankeepe tn fafctte bts owne life, wife, yooos , children, tc.
Chat therfore all things ſhould notfal,come toruine,and perifh,
God hath appointed che fword of the Wagittrate, whereby wic⸗
kednes map be partly reprelled, peace and quietnes among men
maintained, ¢€ onemap not doe an other iniuries wherefore thig ig’
in anp wile tobe kept. But, as FJ fayd, tt is not oꝛdained for them
that are tn the kingdom of qrace,but therefore onclp,that men be
not moze deepelp plungedin wickedues, and become worle,
Wiherefore no man that is onelp onder the regiment of —
| yo Re ee
woꝛld, ought to qlogpsthat be doch therefore well befoze God, ber
fore whom allig petbnrighteous, For thou mutt come fo farre,
that thou do refigne that which is tut befoze the wopld,¢ peelo of
thine owne right, Chis che Golpell orl here require, Which on Asche Lord
either five fertech forth vnto bs onelp forgiuenes. Firſt the Loj0 f forgiueth vs,
forgiueth the feruaunt all the dette : then he requireth of him, chat fo muft we
be forgiue his fellow feruaunt bis,and remit bis offence, Thefe © * —
thinges God requireth, and ſo mutt his kingdom be orderedschat b ia s
noman be fo wicked, neither (ufler him felfe fo to be moued,that
he cannot forgive bis neighbour, And as itis alittle before this
tert taught in the Gofpel,ifhe ſhould prouoke thee to anger cuen
feuentp times feuen times,that is as oft? as be can offend againt
thee.thou mug peeld of thine owne right,and cheerefullp for giue
him all thinges. Ahy forbecaule Chꝛiſt did che fame. For be fet
bp ¢ erected {uch a kingdome, as wherein ig onelp grace, which
muff at no time ceaſſe, ſo that tf thou repent all things map who⸗
Ip be forgiuenthee,ag often as thou fhalt offend, foralmuch ashe
hath opdained the Goſpell, that te might preach no puniſhment
but onelp grace € forgiuenes of finnes, Chis kingdom fanding,
thou map ft alwates rife again, how deepelp foeuer chou falle,
fo often ag thou falleſt, ſo as thourepent, For albeit thou fallett,
pet this Golpell ¢ mercte ſeate alwaies continuerh, As foone ag
therfore thou bat rifenagaine ¢returned, thou batt grace reftas
red, Dowbelt be requireth this of thee,chat thou alfo for gine chp
neighbour all things, which be hath committed again thee, other⸗
wife thou Malt not be in this king dd of grace,neither halt becde
partaker of p which p Golpell preachech,that thp ſinnes map be
ſoꝛgiuen thee. Chis brielly ts the fumme ¢ meaning of this tert.
| Moreover, we muff not here omit ‚todeclare who they be that
receine the Golpell,and vnto whom it is acceptable, For furelp
that kingdom and gouernment,wherin God retaneth and rulerh
by the Golpeil, is moſt ercellent and gentle , foralmuch aginie
meere forgiuenes of finnes ts preachen, howebeit it pearlech not
into the bart ofeuerp one , neicher is it confidered oꝛ effeemed of
all. For thou mayſt finde many light and vnconſtant men, who a: Abufe of the
vbule the Gofpel,and leade their life viffoluteip and looſely, doing Golpell.
what they litt, who thinke that they ſhould be rebuked of none,
ſeeing that the Golpel teacheth nothing but forgiuenes of ſinnes.
| nr Goſpell ig noe sO to thele, who do ſo bilely eſteeme of
| DD iit,
the Gofpel
is preached.
The prea-
ching of the
re Se ee > . E a ‘se Vo
a precious treafure,and deale lightlp with it. CAherefore neither
boe thep pertaine to this kingdom butto worlolp gouernment,
that thep may be ftopped elec from doing whatſoeuer thep like
and lift. To whom chen is tt preached? tothem which throughly
feele fuch miferie,ag this feruaunt did bere, KUlherefore confiver
what happeneth vnto him: The Lord taketh pitie of his miferie,
forgiueth him moze then be durſt defire. Gut before this ig done,
the tert fapth the Lord firſt tooke account of bis feruaunts, and
when be began torecken,one was brought unto him, which ow⸗
ed himten thouland talents; andbecaulehe bad nothing topap,
bis Loꝛd commaunden him to be (old, and his wife,and childzen,
and all that be had,and the dette co be paped, CAbich trueip were
no pleafant wordeg , but euen.erceeding feueritie and moft terrt:
ble iudgement, thenis he brought into fo great perpleritie and
dilctreſſe, that be falleth Downe on the ground,and al keth mercie,
and promiferh moze then be hath,or ig able to pap,laping: Lord
refratne thpne anger toward me,and I will pap thee all,
Here ts (et forth onto be, who they be,unto whom the Gofpell
is acceptable. Foꝛ fo commeth itto pale betwene Gop and vs.
üben God will take an account of vg, be fendeth fogeh che prea:
ching sfhis law, whereby we learne to know what we ought to
boe: ag when God lapth to che conlcience: Chou ſhalt worthip
no other God, but halt acknowledge me alone for Gov, halt loue
me with all thine hart,and repofe thp trust and hope in me onelp,
Chis ts the boake of accounts, wherein is wꝛitten what we owe,
which be taking into fis hands, readeth before vs, and fapth, Lo,
this chou oughteſt tobaue done, thou oughteſt to feare,loue, and
woꝛſhip me alone, thou oughteſt to truſt inme alone, and from
metopromife to chpfelfe all good thinges. Howbeit thou dooſt
otherwiſe, thou art mine aduerfarie,thou beleeueſt not inme, but
repoleſt thp truſt m orher things: and in a fumme,thou feet here,
that chou dooſt not obferue fo much as the leaſt point of che lawe,
When the confctence hath heard thefe chinges and the law hath
touches one well,be feeth then what he ought ta voe,and what be
hath not vone, and findeth that be hath not kept fo much aga let:
ter of thelaw,and ig compelled toconfeile , that he bath not pers.
foꝛmed that obedience and dutie which God iuſtly requireth of
him Chat doch the Lord now? When p con(cience ts thus tou:
shed,and feelech sc ſelle condenmed, and ig diſtreſſed with ercees
we yo tite
| Bing great miferie,be fapch: Sell him, and whatfocuer be hath,
and let him pap che det, Chis ts the iudgement, which forchwith
| followeth, when che law bath reucaled inne, and ſayd: Chis chou
muff doe, that thou oughteſt to haue Done, and thou haft done no:
thing thereof: for to inne ts required punifhment,that man map
be compelled to pap. For God hath nor fo made his lawe,that he
Both not punith chem that tranſgreſſe it. Te isnot (weete ¢ plea:
fant, but bringech bitter and boprible paine wich it, it deliuereth
bs to Satan,it caſteth bs Downe to hell, andleaueth bs wrapped
in tentation,vntill we haue paped the vtmoſt farthing. This,
Paule hath notablp well declared Ront.4, where be ſayth: The
| law worketh nothing but wrath. That is,when it reucaleth vnto
vs, that we baue done vniultly, ir ſetteth nothing before bs , but
| Wrath t indignation. For when the confcience leech thatit bath
committed eutll,it feeleth chat tt hath velerued eternall death af
| ter which followerh punithment, whereupon te ts compelled ta
ECThis is that that the Loꝛde commaundeth this ſeruaunt togi⸗
cher with all bis ſubſtance to be ſolde, koꝛaſmuch as be is not able
to pay. But what doth the ſeruaunt fap ? the kooliſh fellow thin⸗
keth yet, chat be thall pap the dette, he falleth downe and prapeth
thathe wil haue patience with him. Chis ts the wound and croffe
ofall confciences,that when finne biterh them ſo, that they feele
in how eutll cafe chep are before God, there is no reſt inchem,but
thep runne bither and thither, fecking about,that thep map be de:
liuered from ſinnes, t raſhly take vpon them as pet to bo fo great
thinges,as wherewith thep Hall pap God, as we hitherto haue Superftitious
bene inffructed, whereupon came fo manp pilgrimages, collegt: meanesın-
ate houſes, Monaſteries, Dalles, ¢ other trifles. Te ppned our na
felues with fatting , we fcourged our felues with whippeg , we geliuered
were made Monkes and Nunnes, therefore onelp , for that we from finne,
went about toleave fuch a life,and to do {uch and fo many works, and co pur-
ag whereunto Gov might haue refpect, andtherebp be pacifier, ioe Gods
thinking foto appeafe and make quiet our confciences , fo we “"°"™
committed che fame thinges that this fooliſh fellow div, Such a
hart as is touched with the lawe, ¢ throughlp feeleth it owne mi:
ferie and calamitie, is humbled truelp and tn deede. Ahereupon
it fatleth downe before the Lord and craueth mercy, Dombeit tt.
| is petnefilen with this vice, that it ſtriueth to aa
| tilt,
The prea-
ching ofthe
Gofpell. .
[3 of ”
thinge can not be taken awap from nature, Then asthe conſci⸗
ence feelech fach milerie, it dareth prelume to promife more then
all che Angellg in heauen are able to. performe, Chen ts it an ea-
fie matter to perluade it to apply it ſelle to doe, whatloeuer can
be required of it. For it findeth ic ſelfe alwayes infuch a cafe,chat
it hopeth that it ts able bp workes to fatiofie for finnes, Conſider
thofe thinges which haue bene hitherto of longe time done inthe —
world, then (halt thou find theſe thinges ta be fo: For thus wag
it preached : Giue fomewhatto the building ofa Church: Berta
be admitted intoan holy Monalſterie, inſtitute Wales, and thy
finnes thall be forgiuenthee, And when confciences were vrged
in confeffion, thep would not ficketo fap: TUhatſoeuer was en:
ioined bs, we haue omitted nothing of tt,pea we haue giuen more
then we were commaunded, Dilerable men retopced that bp this
meanes they might proutve for chem {clues , andtherefore thep
ppned and afflicted themielues , that thep might be vnburdened
of their ſinnes, pee did it pzeuaile them nothing. For the confcts
ence remained in dout as before, that it knewe not how it Toone
before God. Buc tf it were fecure and quiet, tt fell into chat which
ig worle,tathinke that Goo hath refpect unto wozkes , neither
can reafon doe any other butdependof works. Che Loo thets
fore ig touched ik affection of mercy toward that mifery,wherett
* ſeruaunt fo entangled € ſnared w ſinnes, is holden, x taking pi:
tie vpon him, doth korgiue and dimiſſe him. Here is now ſet forth
vnto bs, what ls p ſpecial office € qualitie of > qofpel,e how Gov
dealeth with vs. Mhen thou are fo Doowned in finnes,z wearteff.
thy ſelf, that chou map deliuer thy felte framchem , the Gofpell
commech to thee, ¢ ſayth: Doe not ſo deare bpother.it preuaileth
nothing although thou afflict and toꝛment thp felfe euen cil thou
be mad,thp works do not profit,but che mercy of God hail deli:
ver thee, who is touched with chp miferie : for be ſeeth thee wrap:
ped in calamicie,t wearying chp ſelf, that thou mayſt deliver thy
felfe out of the mpre,e pet art not able he, Iſay, hath regard uns
to this,that thou art not able to pap, wherupon be forgiueth thee
all, and that of his imeere mercie, For be doth not forgiue thee
the dette epther for thy workes op merits, but for that he taketh
pittie bppon thy crie,complainte and mourning, and thy falling
downe before his knees: thatis, Godbath refpect toanhumblen ı
hart, ag the Prophet ſayth Pſal.51: The facrifice of Godisa
troubled fpirit:a broken & contrite hart,O God, shalt thou not
deſpiſe Such a hart be faich, as is broken and humbled, which ig
not ableto belpe it felfe, but craueth thebelpe of God, anv res
ioyteth init, ſuch a heart isan acceptable {acrifice to God , and
he that hath it isin the right wap toheauen, Now God hauing
ſhewed this mercp vnto hün, and taken pitie on bis miſerie, ceaſ⸗
feth to followe bis right, and abrogaterh it, and fapth no moze:
Dell whatloeuer thoubak anv pap the verte salthough he might
go forward and fay: Chou mutt pape, for this mp lawe requi:
reth „which I mill not haue abꝛogated for thy fake: pet will be
not deale with him bpthe lawe, but chaungeth the lawe into
grace ann favour , taketh pittieon him , and dimiſſeth him with
bis wife, childꝛen, andall his ſubſtance, and doth alla forgive
him the dette, |
- This isthatwhich God fuffereth to he preached bp the Gol:
pell- onto bim that beleeueth ts remitted not onelp the fault,but
alla the puntthment, and that of meere mercp,not for any works
fake. For be that preacheth that bp workes the fault and the pus
niſhment map be put awate, hath euenthen denied the Gofpell, yy... and
forafinuch as chefe two cannot agree togither, that Gow hath merit cz nos
mercy on thee, and petthat thou doeſt merit fomethinge, Fo} acres rogi-
ifitbe grace it is not merit: bucificbe merit, then ſhallit not ther.
be grace , but dette: for if thou pap thy dette, be ſhewech thee na
mercy: but ik he ſheweth thee mercp, thou doef not makepap-
ment. TÜberefore we mutt needes acknowledge his mercie to:
Ward vs, we mult receiue nf him, and belecue in him, which che
Golpel here requireth. After therefore char this feruaunt is thus
humbled with the knowledge of his ſynne, the word is exceeding
comfortable onto bim, whereinthe Lord pronounceth him free,
and korgiueth him both the faule and the puniſhment. TAhereby
is allo declared⸗ that it toucheth not flugaity hearts, that feeleno Whom the
{pnne, neither thole that ave caried with rathnes ; but onely fuch Frcs oF
affliered, confcienera zasareiprelled with che heauie burden of crated:
their fpnnes , which do greatly deſire to be delivered from them,
of ther God hath mercy, and korgiueth chem all. Wherefoꝛe it
behoued this {ernaunt to receiue the word, for vnles he ban res
celiued it, foꝛ giuenes had profited nothing, nap there ban bene no
ſorgiuenes at all, It is not therefore enough, that God ſufferet
zemiſſion of ſynnes and a goldenpearefullof grace to beppea cao 4
t .
chev onto be, hut it is neceſſarie that we receine and beleeue it in
heart, Jüchou belecue, thou artfige from ſynnes. This is the
firit part ofa Chpittian life, which both this place and diners
orherinthe Golpels do teach bs, which conſiſteth properly in
fatth, which alone bath todo before Gov: whereby alfots thew:
ed thatthe Golpell can not be recetued but ofa troubled and mic
ferable confcience, |
Deruponnow map be inferred that they are plaine velufiong,
whatloeuer thinges are any otherwiſe taught concerning our
workes ‚and free will,to wit, that they put awap finnes, and ob⸗
taine grace, For the Diuine maieſtie alone , beholoing our miles
rie, hath pittie vpon vs, for the tert ſheweth manikeſtly, that
God pardoneth and forgiueth chem, chat haue nothing, and con:
cluveth that we haue nothing left, wherewith we map pap Gov,
Dowfoeuer therefore thou hat free will tncempozall matters,
pet thou heareſt here that itis nothing befoꝛe God, Tibherefoze
tf chou defive to be velinered from thy ſynnes, thou mutt ceaffe ta
truffin any of thy workes,and muff plainly defpeire concerning
them, and fie vnto Chik , pray onto Gon for grace, finally res
ceiue the Gofpell by faith.
Rom follawerh the other part, wherein che felow feruaunt al-
fois dele with. Chis ſeruaunt now bath enough , be (aucth his
hoppy, goods, wife, chilozen, ec, and hath his Loꝛd fauourable
buco him, Ti berfore he ſhould furelp be very fooliſh, ikhe ſhould
now depart, and do what be ts able for the reconciliation of his
i020, for his Loꝛd might worthelp fap chat he is mocked of him,
De hath neeve therefore of no wopke , but that he receiue (uch
grace ¢ fauour ag isoffered him , fomap he be of a good cheere,
giuing thankes to his Lord , anvdealing fo with others ag bis
Lord hath delt with him ; After che fame fore ts it with vs, for
when we belecue, we haue God fauourable ¢ mercifull puto bs,
Wemulten. Melther do we necde anp thing moze, but now tt were time that
deuourby We fhoulo forth wich die: Notwithſtanding if we muthas pecliue
our workes Millincheearth, out life ought tobe oꝛdered fo, chat we ſeeke
to profit our not to obtaine the fauour of God bp workes. Foꝛ he that Doch
ee chis doth mocke ¢ dithonotit Hod, as it hath binhitherts tauqhe,
east. tat Godts tobe ſollicited fo fong by good workes, prayers, fa⸗
Gods favour tings, ¢ {uch like, vntill we obtaine bis grace and fatiour. Te
bythem. aye obtained atace, not bp workeg,but bp merep , now if seg
a. =... on
mæuull liue, thou mult baue what to doe, and wherewith to occu⸗
| pie thp felfe , and ir ig meete that all chis be referred co chp
netabbour. ; |
- The feruaunt went outsas Chꝛiſt lapth, and found bis fellow
- feruaunt, whome be taketh by che throte and eealeth rige2ouflp
with him and will be wholp payd of him, ſhewing him no mercy
oꝛ fauour at all. I haue faid elfwhere,that Chottians muſt burt
forth bp workeg;, & by their deedes before men witnes that thep
haue aſyncere faith, God needeth no workeg „but faith ſufſizeth
| him, bowbeit be therefore requireth them to be Bone of thee, that
bp them thou mapft thew thp faith , both before thpTelfe and alfo
before che whole world, for be knowerh thy fateh verie well, but
thou thp felfe and men do not pet thꝛoughly tee it. Chou therefore
mutt direct fuch wogkes fo, thatthep map profi thp neighbour.
Row whereas this feruaunt ſhould thus baue done, what doth
be ? cuen thefame that we doe, who ſeeme bnte our ſelues to be:
leeue, and partly haue faith, and are glad chat we haue beard the
Golpell whereof we can diſpute and talke many thinges, but no Bufic talkers
manmoechabous:to.erpzefleitinhiglife, THe haue brought the & low wale
matter fo favre ; that the Doctrine and trifles of Satan are fome ““*
| ‘wbhatabated and layde alpde, that we Do now fee and know, what
is iult, and what vniuſt: chat we mutt haue to do with God bp
onely faith, and bpworkes with our neighbour, But we can not
bring ittothis pafle, that loue may beginne, and doe thattoan
other which God bach done onto vs, as we our ſelues complaine,.
that many of vs are become worfe then thep were before. Ag.
therefoze this feruaunt refuled co remit bis neta bbour the dette,
| and delt extremely with bint, fo alfo doe we, faping : It ts not
meete chat I thouto giue that thac ig mpne to an other, neglec⸗
| ting myne owne right. Ilthis man hath prouokev me to anger,
| itishisdutieto pacifieme, ¢tolabour by intreatieto put away
myne anger. Crulp thus the wold teachety and doth , for it af-
| fivmeth ic tobe tut and right, either will anp Pꝛince or magi
| ftrate enforce thee to giue that which is thine to an sther,but wil
| fuffer thee to vo what plealeth thee with thine owne goods. Che
| magiftrate in deede reftrapneth thee from doinge what thou lit
| with the good ofan other, but be conffraineth thee notto give
\ thine owne fubffaunceto another , forthatig again the Lawe
| ofnations, which euen reafon pronouncing tt, giueth to euerie
one that which is bis owne : wherefore he doth not vnequa
gniuftly , which vſeth bis owne thinges at his will, era al
away wrongfullp the goods of an other,
But what doeth the Golpell faye? If Gov alfo bab" bei
owneright, and ſayd: Ido wellin chat I puntth offenders
take that which ig mpne owne , who hall lecme? what?
We mußt be pou ſhould become of all bg? Te ſhould be thꝛuſt down
mercifull to tan, Ti berefore, whereas he hath left bis right coward tl
our brethren will haue thee Da the fame toward other: andtherefore th
as God 5 rogating thyne owne right ,cbinke thus wichehpfeltes TER
F hath korgiuen me tenne thoufand talents, why ſhould not Jſor⸗
giue mp neighbour an hundzed pence? "Gov might baue exa⸗
cted his owne right , neuertheleſſe he dothe not foe, but
becommeth a fauourable Loꝛde bnto thee, taketh pittie bpon
thee „and koꝛgiueth thee: why therefore ſhouldeſt not thou doe
liketoile to thy netabbour ? TÜhereforeif thou mile haue to doe
in bis kingdome, thou muff oe as he doeth: but if thou haddeſt
rather remaine in the kingdome of the world, thou ſhalt neuer en⸗
ter into his kingdome, Hereunto pertaineth that ſentence; which
Matth.25. Chailſt in the laſt daye ſhall pronounce vpon the vnbeleeuers: J
was an hungred, and ye gaue me no meate: I thitſted, andye —
gaue meno drinke, &c. But it thou contend hereagaintt Mate
withſtãding pe (ap chat God willnochauerefpectunto workes, —
neither will ſaue any becaule of them. Iſaye he willhaue them
bone frankely and freely not that we map merit anp thing thetee
by, but chat we map doe chem to the profice of our neighbours,
and witnes our ſyncere fapth bp chem, Foꝛ what hatkchouthat
chou map giuebim, and whereby chou mayſt deferue that be
fhould pardon whatloener chou bak committed again him? Dp
what doth he get cherebp ? nothing truelp, but that thougiuelt
vnts him praife and thanks, Ano this ts the other part of a That
ftian life,the name whereof is loue.
Shep therefore that thew not their fatth bp the works —
are ſuch ſeruaunts, ag will haue themſelues foꝛgiuen, when as
thep notwithſtanding doe net forgiue their neighbour, neither
——— peeld of their owne right, with whom it hall likewile fall out as
mercy all {did with this leruaumt. For when the other leruaunts ( that ic
chemfelues the minifters and preachers of the Golpell) thall {ee ic, that Gon
findenone. ath kaꝛgiuen chem all, andpetthep will not lozgiue anp, er
atetroubien , thatthey are contpelled to fee (uch thinges , anv
it grieuech them berie fore, that men doc fo vndiſcreetly apply
chemlelues to the Gofpell, and uot rightly receine it, That doe
thep then ? Cheprandonoother , but cometotheir Lo, and
- complaine onto him of fuch thinges , and fap: Loyd, thus itis:
thou forgiuett them both the faule and the punidhinent > pea par:
doneſt them all chinges , and pet we cannot bring them fo farre,
ag to deale fo wich orbers as thou batt velt with chem, This ig
ehe complaint : the Lo therefore will canfe them to come bee
fore him in the laft iudgement, and will lay theſe thinges againſt
them faping : when thou walt alllicted with hunger, thirſt, miſe⸗
rie,tcs Idid helpe thee : when thon divit Ip dzowned in ſynnes,
Ihauing mercy vpon chee, oto korgiue thee, Matt thou pone the
| fame to thy neighbour? Chen be fhall pronounce this fentence
onbim: Chou wicked one, J was touched with merep toward.
thee , pea J peelved of mpne olune tight, but chou wouldeit not
take pittie on others, nor foꝛgiue chen their offence , wherefore
thou thaltnow pap thy dette, Dereis no grace and mercy, but
moſt grieuous wath and eternall condemnation , then no pray⸗
ersdahelpe, wherefore beis compelled to holde big peace , and
ig thꝛowne bevlong into paine , vntill he pay the vttermoft far
thinge. Thisis that which Sainct eter hath ſpoken ofthem,
which afterschep bane heard the Golpell, norwithftanding roe
backe,that tt had bin better for them, tf thep had neuer acknow⸗
ledged toe wape of tighteoufnes ; then after they haue acknow:
ledged it, to turne from the holy commaundement giuen unta
them. Wbp had it bin better ? Becaule white thep moe backe,ic
becömeth woꝛſe wich chem then it was before chp heard the Gol⸗
pelt; as Chrilt ſayth of the vncleane ſpirit Watth; 1 2, which tae
ker) vnto himſelle ſeuen ocher ſpirits worle them himlelle, with
which he commech, and dwelleth in that man, out of tuoi be bes -
fore hat one, and fo the end ol chat man is worſe then the bein:
ning.Akterehe fame maner comimeth it to paffe with vs, and thal:
hereafter alfo be vfuall; ſo alſo hath it fallen out with Rome, In
the time of the Martyrs he mas in het beit lower,but afterward
fhe fell, and abbomination was there erected, that Antichritt
might reigne there,peathe became fitch a one, that worle the can
not be, Che grace of Gov, which ts reucaled and preached bp
the Golpel, mag hiddẽ, that men might not attaine vnto teswheres
koꝛe it could not be buta great and grievous (courge and plague —
ſhould follow, | “14975 — J
So we allo thall trie that great vengeance will come bya bg,
for chat we do nat beleeue nop obey the Gofpell, which we baue,
and know. For a3 often as God would fend an hoprible ſcourge
and plague, be bath firtt ſet vp a great light: As when be mouly
God vieth fen the Jewes out of their owne countric into captiuitie in Bas
ee; bplon, be Gri raiſed vp the godlp King Hoſta, who (hould again —
feueritie , & relkare thelaw,that che people might amend their life,but when,
fir warnech thep did againe reuolt, God puniſhed them according to their bes
before he fert, So when bempnved to deſtroy the Egyptians, he made a
harmeth. fight co be let bp, and preached vnto them bp Moles anv Aarons
Moreouer when he would dpotwne all che worid bp the flood, he —
fent the Patriarch oe, but when men did not amende, but hee
came worfe and woꝛſe, {uch afoze and grievous plague did fol⸗
low, Likewile the five cities Sodome and Gomopra togither
with che reft were deftroped ‚for chat they would not beare Lor, —
who feared God, Cibherefore as tharpe vengeance hall light,
ppon chem alfo , which heare the Gofpell, but do not recetue tts.
euen asthe {eruaunt here inthe Goſpell, ts delinered to che tor⸗
mentours till be Mould pap all the dette: whichis ag much in ef:
feccag, that be ig compelled to fuffer puniſhment for his faule,
and is neuer ſaued. For vnto ſynne ig required Death, and. when,
be dieth, be vieth alwapes , neither is there anp belpe or deliue⸗
rancerematning. TUÜberefore let vs recetue thele thinges for our
olune admonition : as for them that will not heare , being harde⸗
ned and indurate, let them beware of the euell that hangeh ,
ouer them. m }
This is a verie comfoptable tert , and ſweete te. troubled con⸗
fciences, inalmuch ag it containeth in it meere ——
ſinnes:Againe it ſetteth foꝛth terrible iungement to the vnmerci⸗
full € bard hearted, eſpecially ſeeing that chis ſeruaunt is not an
Heathen, but had heard the Goſpell, in that be had kaith; inate
much as the Loꝛd tooke pittie on him, and forgaue him bis .of-
fences, without doute be was a Chꝛiſtian. Mhereſoze chis is not
the puniſhment of Gentiles ,. nog of the common fore thatheare
not the Gofpell,but of chem that with their eares hearethe Bode, -
pell , and with their coung calke of it, but will noc exprefte ie in.
their life, Cte baue therefore the ſumme of this tert,. eae
en —
che Scholemen difpute here , whether fpnne commeth againe,
which was before remitted , Alec it pale , for thep are ignorant
~ what remiffion of {pines is s thep thinke it is a thing that cleas
- ueth tothe bart, and lyeth quietly, when ag notwithſtanding it ig
lainly the kingdome of Chriſt, which endureth for euer with
dut ceafling. For ag thefunne neuertheles ſhineth, although A
~ fhut mpne eyes: ſo chis mercy feat 02 forgiuenes of ſynne ans
deth alwayes, albeit Gall. And ag F againe behold che funne
wyhen I open mpne epes:fo Jagaine haue forgiuenes of ſynnes,
if Iryſe againe, and returne nto Chpift. Therefore let no man
- Iningforgiueneg into [uch a Rraite,ag thele made me dꝛeame of.
to Chrift, and looke to obtaine all good
thinges through him.
Math. 9.
— Hile leſus fpake vnto thepeople,
N YA behold there ‘came a certaine-ru-
DV § ler, and worfhipped him, faying:
Gx My daughter is now deceafed,bur
come and lay thine hand on her and fhe fhall
liue, pe
| x9. And lIeſus aroſe and folowed him with his dif-
| ciples. . |
| 26, © And behold,awomä which was difeafed-with
an iſſue of blood twelue yeares,came behinde
- . him,and touched the hemme of his garment.
432 > Earely beloued, pe know that the Golpell is no⸗
“FE thing els, but a creatileof the onely perfon; whole
h x i) name is Chaitt« Ano albeit there be extant many
BIOS) bookes # lundpie treatifes cõcerning diuers men,
WW ag well ofthe Gentites.as Chꝛiſtians, pea and of
the mother of God, S. peter, the Angels , anv of manp other
Saincts beſyde: pet be thep noc Goſpels, but chat onelp is the
fpncere Golpell, which fettech forth Chit onto vs, and what
good we mult hope for fro him. Sometime inthe Goſpell there
is mention made of John the Baptist, Marie, and the Apotties,
howbeitchigignor properly the Golpell,buc cherefore ts tt writs
tenofthem, that it might be moze perfectly veclared, fro whẽce
Chris ſhouid come, and what is his office. So Luke delcribech
the hiftorte of John the Baptift cuen from the beginning, what
wag done both in his conception and in bis natiuicie , he wpiteth
alfo of the birgine Marie, All which thinges werecommitted to
writing not becaufe oftheir perfon, but becaufe of Chꝛiſtes per:
fononelp. Inthe Epiltles of S, Paule there is nothing come
mitted to memoꝛie of che Saincts, but allıhinges found plain:
Ip of Chzitt. For God bath fo opdained , that all men mutt des
Part vend
pendon that one man Chrift, mutt hope in hint, mutt repofe Allchacwil
cheir truſt tn bim, if thep vefire to be ſaued, for he alone ig fet be faued
foꝛth of God te be areconciliation fog vs , as Paule ſapth Rom, ™* depend
3. Ditherto one hath cleaued to this faince , an other to that, one at Ks
choſe to bimfclfe S. Warie, an other S. Barbarie, and di: * and
uers fectes and fortes of religion did flourifh, But Chait wag truft in him.
inno price „for bis name onelp remained. Tle had manp inter ·
ceffours, all which being neglected we ought to haue cleaued
snelpto Chit, Dereupon S·Paule fapıh , that che Goſpell
was promiled of Gov by the Pꝛophetes concerning his fonne.
He reduceth and bringeth it ince fuch a freight, that inthe Got:
pell nothing ts of anp importaunce which concerneth not Jeſus
Chr. De chat knowerh this, let him giue chankes to Goo, that
be knoweth where be map fecke for confolation and helpe,and in
whom be map repofe bis truſt.
Cit in this dayes Golpelll ts fer forth onto vs, chat he is
conuerfaunt in the myddeſt of the people, and Dyamerh all the
woꝛld unto himfelfe with his gentlenes and fweete Doctrine,that
thep mape cleaue bnto him intheirheart, that thep mape com:
mit chemfelues to his qoodnes , and hope that they all obtaine
of him both {pirituall and coꝛpoꝛall good thingess Neither
bothe be recetue any thinge ef them, vpon whombe beſtowech
benefites , nap be obtainech nothing of them but ignominie anv
fcorning , ag ig declared in this tert. A benefice proceedeth from
him, for which be recetueth a mocke andreproch. Nowe the Why ¥ Gof-
Golpell ig preached and offered: to: the whole wold, that we Fc! is prea-
map learne to know this man well „and how we mußt be mane ©”
Chiang , andnot bow we muff be made good. Other treae
tiles befpde the Gofpell teach of thofe thinges , whereby men
map be made good, asthe waitinges of the Philoſophers anv
the rules of the ciuill lawe. Cheliueg allo of the Daincts haue
elpeciall refpecte vnto this, that men may imitate them. It be⸗
longeth not tothe Golpell to make good men, but te make Chris
ftianinen. Fopitisfarre more excellent to be a Chriftian, then
an Hone and good man. AChriftian can fap nothing of bis
pwhe goodnes or righteoulnes , for be fpndechin bimfelfenos
thinge either goon oꝛ righteous, but he mutt flie tothe rightes
oulnes which ts anothers , and which commech onto him from
an other, Pereupon Chik is ſette forch unto * — a conti⸗
nuall fountaine , which alwapeg ouerfloweth wich meere goons
neg and grace, for which he rereiueth nothinge of vs, but that
the goblp do acknowledge fo great goodneg and grace , Doe giue
him thankes for the fame, doe prapfe and loue him, others in
the meane feafon inocking him , fuch a reward be recetueth
of them. |
AChrifian CUherefoze one tg not therefore called a Chnittian, for that he
whereof fo woꝛketh much, for there is an other thinge, which is caufe heres
called, of, namely fo2 that be receiuech and dꝛaweth from Chritt, Ifone
receiueth nothing anp moze of Chai, neither ts be any moꝛe a
Chꝛiſtian, fo that the name of a Chꝛiſtian commeth onelp bp res |
ceiuing, and not by giuing or Doing. Tf thou thinke that becaufe
ofthp workes and deedes thou art a Chꝛiſtian, thou batt cuen
thenloft the name of Chat. Good morkes ın deede are to be
pone, counfell thereunto ts to be giuen and recetued, butno man
is therefore called a Chꝛiſtian, neither is anp therefore a Chꝛi⸗
ſtian Tüberefore tf any will moze inwardly wepe this name,
in this refpece onely a Chꝛiſtian is to be acknowledged, inal
much as be receiueth of Chrift alone. Cuen as one ig called
white of the whitenes that is in him, blacke of the blacknes,
great of bisttature : fo a Chꝛiſtian ts called of Chit, whom
be hath in himſelfe and of whom he recetuech that which ts goon.
jRow tf one be named a Chrittian of Chritt , be taketh not that
name of bts owne workes , whereupon it plainly alfo folowerh,
thatno man is mabe a Chrifktan bp workes. Ahich tf it be
trite; ag it is true and cerkaine, tt hall folow that Divers and
Secs poe nothinge pertaine to ‘the name of Chrift, neither doe
make a Chiftian, Tüherefore thep which preach or teach inthe
Church,and oꝛdaine preceptes, workeg, and Decrerg, are decei⸗
vers; who albeit they precenda Chꝛiſtian name, per profite thep
nothinge , for vnder the colour of that name thep endeuour to.
burden and oppres bs with commaundements and workes. OF
wmorkes; giving thy ſelſe to fatting and prapers , thou mapeft
be calles abſtinent anv tempera, but bp no meanes a Chꝛiſtian.
F 02 although thou dideſt laye all chp workestogither , pea and
ioynedſt che works of alt ocher to thine, peeneither fo batt thon
Chik, neither art chou therefore called a Chꝛiſtian Chaiſt ts
acertainesther more excellent thinge/ then either thelawe'o2
mang trabition , Ihe ig * ſonne of God; who is readyto gine
3 onelp,
| onelp, not to receiue: when ag Namluch a anethat Ido receiue
ot him, Jhaue him alle, whom if x baue, Jam bp oon right
called a Chꝛiſtian.
Moreouer,the Golpel preacheth Shit alfa tobe the greateft
and molt highly exalted perfon in the world, not that he doth ter:
rilie men, but that be pouretl forth all earthlp anv heauenly
good hinges, fo that allinen mutt truſt in him, mutt haue their
— boperepofedin him , and alwapeg receiue onely of him, Tf anp
ſynne terrifie mein mp conlcience,and the preachers of che lawe
endenour to belpe me with their workes „thep Mall preuaile nos
thinge with me. Forthen Chr alone can belpe and none be-
{pve bim, pea others make the cafe woꝛſe, whether it be Pe⸗
ter , 02 Paule, op the bleſſed virgine Marie her {elfe the mother
of Gon, For Chik onelpperfourmerh alithinges, who in bis
word, declareth that if J beleeuc, mp ſynne ts forgiuen me free:
Ip, without all both worke and merit , by pure grace through
fapthin Chri. Mhich word when F hall recetue , J receive
alfo comfozt,chat mp ſynnes be forgiuenme as well before Gov
ag before men; andTi therefore giue thankegto Gov through
Chrikk which giuech the holp Shot and his grace vnto me, that
finne may not hurt me neither bere, nop in the lat tupgement,
IN feare death , and would not die willingly 5 inthis Ch rit I]
-thall finde comfort andremedie.,-that J ſhall not greatly paſſe
for Death. Tf becauleofthe wrath of God I ve afraid, be is my
Mediator. Andtobe briefe, he that hath noe this Chꝛilt, che
wrath of Gov alwaies remainetb autt him, and in that fate be
‘franneth, X
Wiherefore he that deſireth co’ ine a glad cont cience , which A glad con-
de notatrainiof finne,vearh,heil anvithe wrath of Geo, mutteake fcience how
heede that herepofe his truſt in this Mediatoꝛ Chriſt. For he ts it is obtai-
a fountatiie abounding with atace, which giueth both cempozalt "*
and eternalllife. Endeuour thou to thinke and feele him euenin
thy hart co be ſuch a one theu thalt thou obtaine allichinges , for
he aboundeth anvoterfloweth , neither canbe but giue, flowe,
‘andabound 5 tf chatthou cantt beleeue. Chen alfo fhalt thou be
aright Diittiaw, howbeit bp recetuing onelp of Chpittsand not
bp giuing. It is a verie rich and precious wozd., which Paule
“praplethfoareatlys heicher can be euer praple te (utfiticntlp,
nr pia a (omertip offereth his fonne , * un poure
forthe: bis grace bpon all, which vee not refule to recetue it.
Dereupon wt mozeouer foloweth : If foe be chat.a Chaiftian
doeth goon workes , wherebp be theweth loue to bis neigh:
hour, be te not therefore madea Chꝛiſtian oꝛ righteous, but
be. mult needes be a Chriſtian andrighteous before, We doeth
good workeg in deede, but thep doe not make him a Chgiftian.
Che tree iningeth forch and giueth fruite, and not che fruite
the tree, Soe none is made a Chziftian by wozkes, but dp
CHUNK Fo andarıan seid na anti eat} un
Hereof now pe map onderftand , what kynde of people Chri-
ftians.be., namelp , that thep be acompany which cleave vnto
Chriftians Chott, and ave of one {pirit and gifte with him. Dereuponit is
whar they ehat all Chpittians are alike, netther hath one moze of Chik
nr then an other, &, Peter is not better then the Cheeferon the
crofle : Barie the mother of God doth not excell Marie Magda⸗
len the {pnnefull woman, Chere isin deede a differencein cute
ward thinges and doinges, fo the workoof the holy virgin Wa:
rie was greater, then the worke of Marte Magdalen: Peter
bad a greater morke chen the Cheefe, ikthon conſider the monks,
‘but we are not therefoge Cinittians, The holyvirgine Marie te
nota Chaiftian becaule of her great worke,for chatthe div beare
Chri ſo vnſpeakeable atreafure inher wombe , as Chritt him:
felfe {atv to the woman, which criedouto bim from among the
people, Luke 11: Biefled is the wombe thar bate thee, and
the pappes which thou haft fuckeds) yea rather, ſayth he, blef-
fed are they: that:heare the, worde,of God andckeepe it. In
which place thou ſeeſt, that be preferrech the faithfull euenas
boue his mother. For Chritians vo therefore beare their name,
cov ot becaule thep beleeue in Chat. Dotrgine anda mother aresun
notable names, howbeit thep ate nothinge being comparep to
”*" ithe true name of abe faithfulls TAherefore we are all-alike in
Chꝛiſt through fateh; albeit ©; JPeterhaue attronger faith chen
J, peempneis as welt fapth in Chrittas bis.) For the fame
Chet is offered of Gov the fathervaco all companies andpeo:
‚ple, whom be thathath obtained , hath him whole whecher he
ibe trang ox weake, for chat ſkilleth not, / The woman mentio:
nedein our tert, which was troubled ſo manyveares with her diſ⸗
eaſe, dothe receiue and apprehend Chrilt as well as the virgine
Marie his mother. Htberefore thete is one Chritian ſpirite,
x d ie |
436 "
| PIE WON YORI Wee pe? 3 vaio Ä —
EB noch dsid jun ¥D,296NFi atlvir9s)
GU) ,2 | isigt en OCs Seige ge eH ith
bh 4 NILE 3
446 nie
. — “ *
Verfer4. ale
Chrifthath wrough for vs, wherin is cons
tained a moft fweete confolation a-
gainft the Law, Sinne, Death,’
andSatan. - |
Ich. 20.
9 Homas one of the twelue, called
fx Didimus,was not with them whé
ro Tefüscame, es Bog enaersede ie
29 The other Difciples therfore fayd
we haue feenethe Lord; but hie faid
vnto them : Except I fee in his hands the print
_ ofthenayles,and put my finger into the print
“ofthe nayles,and put mine hand into hisifide,
I'willnorbeleeueit! 99).
‘And eyght dayes after agayne his Difeiples
were within,& Thomas with them. Thétame
Iefüs when the dores.were fhut, and ftoode in
the middes,and fayd: Peace be vntoyou.
After fayd he to Thomas, Put thy finger here,
and fee myne handes,& put forth thyne hand,
and put it into myſide, and be not faithles, but
faithfull. vy
Then Thomas aunfwered and fayd vnto him:
- Thou artmy Lordandmy God.
29 lefus
29. Iefus fayd vnto him: Thomas becaufe thou
haft feene me,thou beleeueft,bleffed are they,
that haue not feene and haue Bir:
The fumme of this Gofpell.
7 Homas doth not beleeue that Christ is rifen fromthe
dead,but when he [eeth and feeleth hım.
2 The Difeiples beleue not without manifeft fignes.But
bleffed are they that haue not feene, but doe beleene
the word onely.
3 Itisagreat matter to know Chrift God and man. He which
attaineth to this knowledg of Chriſt ‚feareth neither [inne nor death,
neither the demillnor hell: briefly he is quiet from all anguifh & ten.
tation. For he hath a greater and mightier then he which ws inthe
world,as Iohn fayth in his firft Epsftle chap.4.
The expofition of this Gofpell.
Know nothing moze certaine concerning S. Chas
I SSP) mas , thenchat which this Gofpell mentionech of
Sa him. Deber things which are wpitten of him in the
+ & ) booke of Legends, are moft impudentipes, And
STAR albeit thep were partly true, pet haue thep no au=
usa te make va any thing the better, TUherfore we wilt
leaue them bntouched.& ſpeake fomething of this Golpel, which
fhal be moe profitable neceſſary for vs then all thole Legends.
CThe former part of this Gofpeil fell out about the euentpoe of
the Paſſeouer‚; when two had returned from Emmaus; ¢ ſhewed
vnto the other Dilciples.thatthe Loꝛde wasrifen againe, Che
latter part fellout the eight day alter the Palleouer . Deis mer:
uelous bom comfortable this Golpell ig, thewing vnto pou, the
frutes of faith, namely peace,andiope, as Paule fapth Rom, 5:
being iufttfien therefore bp faith , wehaue peace toward Gov,
through our Lord Felis Chꝛiſt. But now we willentreat in few
woes what this is that the Lord ſheweth to his Difciples his
handes and bis feete, whereby ig declared vnto bs,what comma:
ditie we haue by Chꝛiſt, whereunto he profitech os, and what we
mutt loke for of him, Te is engrafley inthe harts of all men as ie
were bp naturesto haue acerten wil to be honeſt € godly, ¢ euerp
one thinketh how be map come to faluation,wherby tt hath come
to paffe that one bath inuented this thing,an other that, being be-
rilp perſuaded, that thereby he ſhould make Gon faucurable unto
him, and obtaine beauen, but none (uch at anp time bath ſtoode in
P right wap,foralmuch as all auc had this drilt, that they might
procure Gods fauour bp deedes and good workes. Notable Do-
ctoꝛs allo and holy fathers baue Written # taught manp things,
how we might attaine vnto godlines. About this thep haue mtfe-
rablp troubles them felues but ag we ſee, and ca our notable loſſe
haue felt.thep baue done litle. Therefore ic is exceeding necel:
farp,that (ome found knowledge be bad. bereot, wherbp we mutt
endeuour to true godlines, foꝛaſmuch as it is a thing of no {mall
impoztance, Foꝛ he that is deceived here, losech the ſumme and
chiefe point of all Chrilkianitie : hereof therefore we muſt nome
fpeake ſomewhat. | | |
Truerichte., True € found righteoufnes conſiſteth not in our omme works,
oufnes sob UU inthe works of an other, Take an erample hereof: Dne buil⸗
tained, nor Deth temples, an other for religions fake goech to ©, James,te
by our owne Qquifgrane,to Rome,to the holp fepulcher, the third pineth him
workes,but felfe mich kaſtings, prapech, meareth acowle, goeth bare foote,
by the works
which Chrift 02 Worketh fome other (uch worke whatloeuer it be, the ſe are our
hath owne workes.God hath not commaunded them, but men and bys
wrought for poctites,tuttifiers of chem felues haueinuented them, and haue
vs thought that they are precious good workes , and greatlp eſtee⸗
med of God fweetelp perfuaving them ſelues, charthep arebp
them neliuered from finnes , and that God is pacified towards:
them. But theſe workes cholen of their owne proper will, are no⸗
thing worth at all,neicher can Fand, fozalmuch as thep proceene
not of faith, yea they are ſinnes,as Saince Paule ſaith Rom.14.
VVhatſoeuer isnot of faith,is finne. Theſe our woꝛks therefore
are defiled and oncleane inthe fight of God, pea he doch abhorre
ann loathe them. Aherefore tf we will haue to Doe with Gov, we
muf not alcend trufting to our owne workes, but to the woꝛkes
of an other. But which are thoſe workes of an other, chat are ale
lowed of Gov? Truely the workes of our Lope Telus Chꝛiſt
whom God the father fent downe frombeauen, that bp his death
and paflion he might ſatisſie for our finnes, Chis fatisfaction fel
out vpon this occaſion: Ällewerefubieerto great naunger.gries The mife-
uous tprannes had power ouer bss which day and night wichout abe cafe
ceafing div vere vs. The law which Goo gaucunomandidurge,., before
bg,and required manp thinges ofbs, which we were not able to ne was deli-
performe,ano therefore iticondermnedins. Sinne alla did lye vpon uered by
bs as a heauy burden which chelawe Did oftcimes make greater Chrilt.
¢ greater. Death went abouttodeuonr bs, inaſmuch as it is the
wages offinne, Satan alfa endeuouted to throw vs Downe heade
long to hell, tnafmuch ag be would puuiſh vs foꝛour finneg come
mitted : all chinges were full oftrembling and anguiſhh.
God taking pitie bpon this ſo great calamity, fenthis only be:
gotten fonne, and that of bis mete grace eqoobnes, without our
delertythat he might deliver vs out of fo great tprannte; which he
mightelp did after this forte »Ipefarisfien chelaw,and fulfilled it Chriſt hack
perfectly. Foꝛhe doued Gon with alkbis heart, and with all his fullicd the ;
Toule,¢ mith all bis ſtrengch: he loued his neighbour alſo ag bit ·pi
felfe, tn thefe thewhole law and the PProphetes do conſiſt. Howe,‘ ern.
whatſoeuer Chritt did it confiftedinchele two, He loued God, in ome death
afinuchias he obeyed bis will, be tooke vpon him the nature of and. vanqui-.
man, and performed inal obedience thofe chinges that wereien: Med Satan.
iopned himofichesfather,as Paul faith Phil. 2: He became obe-
dientto thefacher vntothe:death; reuen the death of the crofle,
Secondly he louen his neighbour:foꝛ all p workes which be did
inthe earth;tended vnto this end, that be might therby profit his
neighbeur and therefore he ſo loued his neighbour, that he euen
pied faz him as he ſaith himſelfe to his diſcinles Joh. 15:SGreater
loue then this hathnoman,when any man beftowerhhisihfe for:
his frends:S. {Patil doth moꝛe fetforth thiss laping,for bis ene⸗
mies.whenbe writech thus Ram.5:Bur Godferterh out his loue:
towards vs,feeing that while we were yet finnersChriftdied for. © °°"
vs Foꝛaſmuch then as Chaiſt hath ſa fulfillenplam,utcoulonoe ,-
accule Himsneither was ſinne of any force mich bimi beferbpom _.. -...,
tt, and did pꝛeuaile oncritjandfwallomenitbp, temasenfogced, os n..
tobe extinguiſhed of him , no otherwiſe then afparke of ſire in ~
the moſt wide fea, sop in him was nothing but mere righteouſ⸗
nes. Death alfo came, and went about to deuour him, It deuou⸗
red him in deede, but ic couln not digeſt bint, it was enforced;
to peclobimbp.agnine; pea and WEHREN
commoditie to Death); for: the cafe being quite altered, Ch UT des
=o \ poured Death it ſelfe Foꝛ it hav fer upon him, again whom ip
Gad no right,fogafmuch as hot awhit ot ſinne did appeare in him.
TUhere linne is not, chere death hath nothing to doe as Sainct
aan Paule ſayth 1. Coꝛ.r5: The.ftinge of death is finne, with this ie:
vy cokullecbjotherwife it houlobedutt; and haue no ſtrength Satan
alſo made a triallof his ſtrength in him, but in vaine, and to bis!
owne griefe, for he layde handescon him, with whome he had no⸗
thing todoe, Che wꝛeich was cuercome in this conflict and went
awap wich ſhame as Chpitt{aprby Joh. 14: The Prince of this:
world commeth and hath noughrin me. Hell alfo oid open bis:
mouth and would.baue deuoured Chꝛiſt but concrartwife tt was
devoured of him. And ſo in this conflict che Law, Sinne, Death,
Satan ano hellwere vanquiſhed; auer all which be schmripdenge
aed! fiw! ‚glorien wich great pompe as Paule fapch Cols, : 1° ©
Thebelee- > Allthele. thinges were not onelp done for ouir-commonitir, but
ucts'by faith alſo ikwe beleeue inthis Lowe Chu; they ate giuen vnto vs.
enioythe For whatloeuer he hath tt ſeruecth for bs, peabe him ſelfe is
pee 2 ours, as Paule fapth Rom,8, God {pared not his ownefonne,
— — albthinges alfor · So that Imap boldly glorient all victopie;!
which be obtained ouer the law, fimie, death, the deuill, and map!
chalenge to my {elie all hig workegy cuenasif chep were mpne —
owne, and Jemy felfe had done them’, fo that J belecue in:
Ehik. Diherwife his workes: Hall profitte me nochinge at’
all, tfchep were not given onto me. Theſe are the woꝛkes of:
an other which doe commende vs Before God, andfaue vs Dur’
owne thorkes fhall vee nothing y weave weaker, then that we!
can reſiſt euen the leat ſinne, fo farre ts it of thative are able to
How aChri- encounter with death, Satan, and hell. Therefore when the
wre may no ¥ awe thall come; andaccufe thee, that thou dooſt not obſerue
forchin (ig tt» ſende it vnto Chpiths and (aps There is that man which hath
againftıhe fuldilfed che lawe , o him I cleaue, he hath fulũlled it for me,”
law,finne, and hath giuen bis fellGlling: bnto mes wher it heareth thele:
death,Satan. thinges, ic will be quiec. Sif fine come, and woulve bane thee’
by the theote , ſende tt vnto Chpitt ; and ſaye: Asmuch as thou
mapft doc agaynſt him , ſo much right ſhalt thou haue agapntt
me: for amin ban, and he is mune . Af death creepevppow
thee, and — oe
but gaue him for vs all co death, how shallhenoe wieehian giue
A Zi u u: A ar Sa ln EEE
Death ‚doof thou knowe this man? come and byte out his tooth,
haft thou forgotten howe litle ebp byting preuayled with! hin
once ? goe too if ic be a pleaſure vnto thee, encounter with bin
agapne. Thou hadſt perſuaded chp ſelfe that thou ſhouldeſt haue
preuapled fomewhat agaynit him , when be div hange berwene
two theeues; ¢ dyed an ignominious death, which was counted
curfed both before God and the woplve, But what didſt chou
gapnetberebp? Chou dive byte in deede, but it turned worſt to
othp (elfe. Ipertaine to chis man, I am his, and be is myne,
and where be abydeth, there alla will J abpoe . Thou couldeſt
burte him nochinge ; wherefore alfo let mecatone . After the
ſame forte tf che Deuill , tf bell comeviolentlp ppponthee,and
-trouble thee fende them unta Chul, and chou thalt eafilpmake
them to ceaſe. ii Ries ten Hogan na ed
And thus pe fee what Chet is vnto vs, mamelp fuch aman The ineki-
as is giuen bnto bs of Gon thathe might extinguiſh ſinnes, mable com-
banquith death , deſtroy hell, ouercome the Deuitit, and all thele cleats
for our commoditie. Jf be had not done this) nor given ontadbg cit Gall ene
thefe thinges,we bad bene for euer vnder the curſe of the law, vn⸗ joy chrough
- Der Gime,onder death onder the deutll,and underhell, God hath Chrik.
Deliuered os fromebele bp that Chri. Aherefore S.Paul fateh
out of the Pꝛophet Dfee 1.Cor.ı5 : Deathis fwalowedyvp into!
victorie.O death where is thy ftinge ? O hell where is thy vidto-
one ? The ttinge of death is finne, and theftrength of finne is the
law. Burthankes be vnto God , whichhath giuen vs victorie ish
~ through ourLorde lefus Chrift. Dereof me map eafily under: W« HEN
“ftand; what kindeofworkesthofebe,, whichdoemakebs entire ©
and righteous before Gov. Durelp thep are the workes of an o⸗ PP
Have {pronge famanp orders, tharthep can not almo€. be num:
bred, of which one ftriucd tobe holier chen an orher 5 according
as thep exerciſed barber ‚greater , and weightier workes ; But
this their miferable labour; anguiſh, prapers, faftinges,chafkt:
fing of the body, and ſuch like,were vaine workes, and of uo va
lue at all, neither had they ſa much power — were able
A lad : u,
— Ana za a A u eur ur se Cle ee FH ec a re er An Hr A ac He a a ee
‚to take awapıfo much as euen the leaſt ſinne/ which thep call ne:
niall. Gbhep were altogither unnnihpfull of this ſaving Eſay 29,
whith the Lord repetech Barth. 15: This people dravveihnere
vnrohne vvith cheicmouth;}& honoureth me vith theirlippes, '
„but their heart is farre of from me? But in vaine they vvorshippe |
ome; teaching füch doctrines, as are nothing els but the precepts
of men.aDereuponinow thou maitt gather with chp felfe, that all
holy men, although theybe exceeding holp, pet do obtaine Talua-
. tion; not bp thetr.owne holiness merites 02 workes: And not fo
‘muchas Wary her feife the mother of Godjwas made righteous ©
t holy in re(pectof ber virginitic, 02 inthat the was the mother
of God, but faluation hath come vnto all bp Jeſus Chꝛiſt, ag bp
the wopkes ofan other, Mherloꝛe chis is diligently ro be noted,
that our felicitie doch not confit in our owne workes; but in the
woꝛkes of another, namely of Chritt Jeſus out Sauieur nwbieb
we obtaine thꝛough only faith in him. a4 BS
This alfo the hiltoꝛie of chis Gofpellfeemerh to Gignifie.zuber
as the Lode fheweth to his difciples, but {peciallp co Thomas,
: bis handes# feete. By which deede he declareth, that it was ne⸗
teſſary that thofe handes and feete ſhould do thelethings,¢ that
no other orks, that is their otne,t not the workes of another,
andes and: Do pertaine vnto faluation, For in the Scriptures bp handes and
feete what fegge workes € conuerfation are fignified. Chele hands and feere
— ,. Chꝛiſt doch as pet eftſoones thew to bs ¢ (ap : Behold. Jam chat
fe inthe onely man, whofe workes ¢conuerfationare of force with God,
“Scripture. thou ſhalt labour in vaine mith chine owne morkes , thine owne
nti , righteoufnes maketh nothing hereunto, it hath another env. Hf
thou berighteus, itis profitable to thee among mẽ.here inearth
thou batt the glorp ¢ praife thereof, ag Paulfapch Romi4. But
before God this chp righteouſnes ts of no eftimation, thou muff
fet in-place thereof an other, namely mine, this Gov mp father
doch allots. For I haue deliuered thee from ſinnes, veath,the de⸗
uell, heil,k from all euell, thou fhouloett neuer haue efcaped out
oftheſe bp thine owne power, but hadſt lyen as pee mot deepely
downed in them. Ihaue appealed che wrath of God, and ofan
angrie iudge, haue made him, a gentle, mercifull anv gracious
‘father, beleeue this and it goeth well with thee, thou art then
fafe, entire ,.and righteous, “Beware thatthou prefume notte
dealebetoye Gov “tt thine owne works, but if chou wilt —
cthing with bim,creepe into me,put on me,and thou (halt obtaine
ofmp Father, whatfoeucr thou defirett and alkelt, ashe him
felfe ſayth unto bis Difciples Joh.16: Verely,verely I fay vnto
you, whatfoeuer ye shall aske the Fatherin my name, hewill
giue it you.lülherefore ag from the beginning finne which was
anothers , bath bene deriued bntobs from Adam,for neither I,
nor thou haue eate of the apple : fo alla bp the righteoufnes of an
‘other we mutt be reſtored onto righteoufneg and integrity. Chis
other is Chik Jeſus, by whole righteouſnes ano works we are
all ſaued, as Jhaue nowe fuffictentlp declared. This ©. Paule
hath very pithilp comprehended euen inone fentence, where r.
Co?.1 be fapth thus : Chrift lefus ismade vnto vs of God, wife-
dom,and tighteoufnes,and fanétification, & redemption,that,
according asitis written, he that reioyceth, lethim reioyce in
the Lord. And Rom,4.he ſayth: lefus Chrift was deliuered to
death for our finnes, and is rifen againe for ouriuftification. Jn
thele two litle fentences are bꝛiefly compꝛiſed, and iopned togt:
ther, whatſoeuer thinges we mutt looke for from Chꝛiſt.
| Howbeit all thele hinges are entoped by faith, for he that ig
| without faith, to him thep are vnpollible tobe compzehenved ,
rea chey are counted foolithnes toreafon € to the worid, as Paui °° Pret
| fapth 1.002 1:Chrift vnto the lewesis euen a {tumbling block, Chris cog
and vnto the Grecians,foolishnes,thatis, when Chri is prea: ced foolith-
ched, thathets ourrighteoulnes , that faluation commeth onto nes of che
ps bp him, and that bp him we are made the chiloren of euerla: Ynbelceuers,
utof the
| esto bi. |
| fing life, without our owne workes and righteoufnes,thenthole pie che
holy men,and tuftifiers of chem felues are offended,no otherwile „owerand
then the Sewes. Poꝛeouer tothe prudent and wile men of this wifedom of
woꝛld, it ſeemeth foolifhneg and a certaine ridiculous thing, that God.
amanbeing faftned to the crofle and put to death, doth performe
thefe thinges. Ahatſoeuer therefore is counted righteous, holy,
| wife and pꝛudent in the epes of the world,it is offended and ſtum⸗
| bleth at this Chꝛiſt. Bue, faith paul mozeouer, Vnto thé which
| are called, both of the ewes & Grecians, we preach Chrift,the
| power of God, and the wifedom of God, He fapth alfo Rom.1.
- The Gofpell of Chrift isthe power of Ged vnto faluation to e-
| uery one that beleeueth,to the Jew firft and alfoto the Grecian;
| Forbyitthe righteoufnes of God is reuealed from faith to faith;
| as itis written Haba.2 : The iuft shall line by faith. Gi herefore
| Fü,
the Lord fapth verp weil tothe Dilciples of John: Bleffed is he
that shall not be offended in me.So thou feeft now plainly, that
this faith which we baue in Chit, commech by the preaching of
the Gofpell,ag Paule aflirmeth Rom.1o: Faich is by hearing,
and hearing by the word of God . Dere,here I {ap doth all the
force confit, bp the word of God, nor bp the worde of man, The
wo2d of Gad doth chele thinges, not when we publith indulgen⸗
228,02 preach of workes, as hitherto (alas) tt bath bene done, to
our exceeding lofle,ag well inthe good thinges of the body ag of
p ſoule.SAe made no account of goods which we beſtowed plen-
tifullp , vnles we had afflicted our body with fattings, chattife-
ment, pilgrimages, and ſuch like trifles , In deede thefe thinges
had bene to be graunted and boone, ifthey had not witha falle
confidence infuchvoing , fo miferablp and tamentably led bs a:
wap t ſeduced vs froma true faith € confidence in God through
Chik. But pratle be vnto God, that we haue for the moſt parte
perceiued {uch delufions, For che world was fo full of chis mifes
rie and preaching, that it Did almoſt overflow, which (urelp came
bp the vengeance and wrath of Gov, for that we contemned his
word,and followed mens fables, pea our owne wittes and opini«
ons, Then we were in fo great blindnes, that we did almoſt withe
out Bifference beleeue euerp man, what kind of worke foeuer he _
bꝛought and gloztouflp (et forth, Fromthefe decettfull follieg
our confcienceg are nowe delivered and (et free bueno man doth
fo much ag once giue thanks to Gov therefore, Tf we thal be cons
tempteouflp negligent,a moze grieuous miferie hall light vpon
bs then this was, Meither (houldthat come vnto hs vndeſerued⸗
Ip,forafmuch ag we doe greatly procure thele euills againft our
felues by our unthankefulnes. CAhen ag before we gaue with fa
greataboundance and plentpe, chat bp ourliberalitie thepwere —
made almoft 1 o2des of the world,nowe hardly fir 02 feuen poore
men are maintatned in a citie, pea nowe the Minifter of a Pariſh
Church hath not fuffieiene wherewith toliue, howbeit voe not
impute this peruerfe kind ofliuing to the Gofpell, ag our aduers
faries nowe tmpuventlp voc, Fit is not meete, that thou fuffer thy
pooze neighbour bp thee toneede: Dea rather the whole Gofpel
doth (pecially breve this, tharthoubaue a care of thy neighbour,
and that thou be feruiceable toward himythat thou help him both
with chy counfell, anv ſubſtance, euen as God hath holpen anv
inftructed thee.
Such a one without dout he that ig endued th true faith (heiw- The faichful
eth him felfe : for be burfteth forth, and behaueth him felfe fo to. man exerci-
ward others,as he hath tried Gon towardes him felfe, and ag he aa ni,
pefiteth to be Done to him felfe, if he were pꝛeſſed with pouertie, neighbour.
anguiſh, and neceflitie. God needeth not our good workes , our
prapers,fattings,and buildings of remples, founding of Maſſes,
poe difpleafe him , he requirech not our (actifices, but rather ag
Elay layth, bateth and abhorrech them. He is content with this
ene thing ‚that we acknowledge him fo) our God,truff in him, €
giue bim thankes,aa be ſayth Plal.50: Heare,O my people, &
Iwill {peake, I my felfe willteftifie againft thee O Ifraeil : forI
am God euenthy God . I will not reproue thee, becaufe of thy
facrifices, or forthy burnt offerings : au they were notal-
vvay before me,1vvill take no bullocke out of thy houfe ‚norhe
goates out of thy foldes.For all the beaſts of the foreft are mine,
and fo are the cattels vpon a thoufand hils. knovy ali the foules
vpon the mountaines,and the wvild beafts of the field are in my
fight. If I be hungrie, | vvill not tell thee : for the vvhole vvorlde
ismyne.and all that is therein. Thinkett thou that I vvill eate
bulles flesh, and drinke the blood ofgoates ? Offer vito God
thankes giuing,and pay thy vovvesvnto the moft higheft.And
call ypon mein the time of trouble , fo wvill I deliver thee, and
thou shalt prayfe ne. But Gon fendeth bs douneward with our
works to our neighbours,to the miferable, afflicted,¢ them that
bevopdeof comfort. It is our partes to belpe them, to comfoge
them,to teach and inſtruct them. And mharfoeuer benefic we ſhall
beftow vpon them, that we fall beſtow vpon God e his Chik,
as be thall fap in the laf vap : V Vhatfoeuerye haue done vnro Matth.25.40
oneof the leaft of thefe my brethren, he haue done it vnto me.
Thus ye now haue heard, that we are iuſtified and made righte-
ous bp he woꝛkes of an orher,namelp,bp the woꝛkes of Chi,
which we eniop onelp by faith : che fame faith charftie doth natu:
ralip accompanp,whercbp we doe fo to our neighbour, ag
me acknowledge chat Gov hath done vnto bs.Deres
of pebaue elſewhere hearde moze: bere we
will now make an ende,and call
fo the grace of Gon,
Matth. 11.
NOS T that time Iefus aunfwered and
J fe faid:I ginethee thankes O Father,
. & Lord of heauen & earth , becaufe
OE thou haft hid thefe thinges from
* andmenof vnderftanding,and haft o-
penedthem vnto children.
26. It isfo ,O Father, becaufe ehy good pleafüre
was un
27. . Allthinges are giuen vnto me of my Father:&
no man knoweththe Sonne but the Father:
neither knoweth any manthe Father butthe
Sonne,and heto whom the Sonne wilreueale
28. Comevntomeallye thatare wearie & laden,
& I willrefreth you.
29. Take my yoke on youandlearne of me: forI
am meeke and lowlie in hart : and ye fhall find
reft vnto your foules.
30. Formyyokeis eafie,and my burdenis light.
The fumme of this Gofpell.
1 E — not capable of the Goſpell. For as Paul 1.Cor.
R 2./ayth: The natural man perceiueth not the things
of # Spirit of God: for they are foolishnes vnto
him : neither can he know them, becaufe they are fpiritually dif-
cerned. Wherefore whenreafon fecketh [alnatıon in worldly wife-
dome and foolifhnes, it fyndeth it nor.
2 Chrift calleth them children here , which truft not to their
owne wifedome and righteou(nes, but do beleene onel),.
3 Aschildren onely do obtaine ſaluation, ſo the Father al/o can
not be knowen,unles he be reuealed by (rift : that is, our wifedome
doth not know God the father . But when as through fayth we are
| taught andinftrutted in bearing the croſſe, then the power of God
becommeth known uno vs. Therefore alfo he afterward comfor-
teththem, vpon whom the croffe is layâ, faying : My yokeis cafie,
and my burden light. |
The expofition of the text.
A _D iis tert toucheth as it were, the berie pith anv
KR | ae jomnatrow of the Golpel. Deber places of Scripture
= Far whereinthe miracles and boinges of Chriff are re:
in > 7 FH hearled , baue not fo much cõfoꝛt as thole,in which
eave hole fermong of Chait to the people are contei«
ned, wherein he doth fo louingly teach vs, and allure vs to him⸗
felfe. J am not fo certaine of the fauour , which J {ee thewedto
othersin working miracles, astf Jhaue the plaine wordeg bee
fore myne eyes. Fe is afarre greater comfort alfo bnto me, to
heare {uch loutng admonitions and allurements , then the prea:
ching of miracles : Albeit thep alfo confirme mp fapth , and are
examples, that,as be bath holpen them, ſo alfo be will helpe me,
Woꝛeouer this Golpell entreateth of the knowledge of Gon the
father, and of Chꝛiſt his fonne, hewing alla whereof fuch knows
lenge doth conſiſt. Now that the meaning thereof map be well
knowne, itis requilite to buderftad aright thefe two words, wifes
men,and children or babes . But lett when we heare it, we fap:
thig pertaineth nothing to vs, it is (poke to others, as the Jewes
{aid to the Prophets,wbich referred all chinges to che Gentiles,
the wordes going before do fufficientlyp Hew , vnto whom , o2 of
whom thele woꝛdes of Chꝛiſt are ſpoken. Foꝛ before he (peaketh
of thent that contemne the Gofpell, not vouchfafeing to embrace
it, whole dutie notwichftanding elpecially wag to embꝛace it,
inalmuch ag thep would ſeeme alone tobe chem, that were occu⸗
True wife-
dome what
Humane or
— wie which bꝛingeth pleafure, honour, and profice „but thoſe chinges
pied tathe word of God, and were to be counted for the people of
God, Df fuch be fayeth thus: VWhereunto shall I liken this p Ce
neration ? itislike vnto litle children which fic in the markets,
and call vnto their fellowes,and fay: we haue piped vnto you, -
and ye haue not daunced : we haue mourned yntoyou, and ye
haue notlamented. @llhich the Lord appliech to himſelfe, And
vnto John the Baptilt: as if he would fap : we haue preachen
puto pouthe Golpell: ohn with a certaine ſeueritie and auſte⸗
ritie , but J wich verie great clemencie and gentlenes, But pe
cõtemne our preaching and willnotreceiue it, pefhallat the lat
feele without bout to pour great euell, what it tg to deſpiſe the
word of God. This ig verie true, howfoeuer thou preacheff to
the people, whether thou be fayre fpoken 02 feuere,gentleor un:
gentle, thep will alwayes ſeeme to baue fome caule 02 other to 4
complaine of chee, 3
helfe the Lord calleth here wife, and men of unverfkanding, E
to thele che Golpell is bpd. De meaneth not here hole wife men, —
which are trulp wile indiuine matters. Foritig a great com=
mendation, tf one be worthp to be called wile and prudent, a 4
wiſedom is nothing els but the knowledge of God,to wit, E
a3 I know what we muff thinke of God, anddo vnderſtand hig —
will, But prudence fignifiech abilitte and knowledge to iudge of
worldly chinges,what is right 0 wong, which Paule often tope
nech togicher,efpeciallp in bis Epiſtle co che Epheſians chap.r. 4
and in bis Epiſtle to the Coloflians chap. 1. Df fuch wiledome —
Chꝛiſt (peakech not here, but of wozlolp wiſedome, which pufteth —
bp men, and excludeth the true wilesomeof God, CHeareall
of this bifpofition by nature , eftfoones to rife againt tbe wee :
dome of God. J
That is called good, by the inttinct of humane —ñ— 5
that are contrarie to thefe,ag affliction,pifhonourToffe,chofearg
called euill, For mans nature can feeke nothing els at all, bug
thoſe things that are big owne.that which plealeth and profiterh —
him, that he voth efpectally like: But that whieh difpleateth —
bin, he counteth the wort of all hinges , although it be the beſt.
TAherelore ag I haue Laide, che Lor ſpeaketh here of hole wile —
and prudent men, which with their owne wilepom ſtriue again —
the wiledome of Gov, Wioplolp wiſedome feemeth to it li e
be fo great that ig itnot content to rule onelp thefe worlolp and
tempozall thinges , but takerh alſo vpon te felie to haue che ouer⸗
fight of heauenly things ‚it alwapes fercheth out and imaginerh
fome new ching, euen in ſpirituall and Diuine matters.So mang
owne wifepome bath inuented ſhauen crownes and cowles,¢ al:
mo all that, whereinthe papacie confiffeth, euerie one hath
chofen bis proper worke to bimfelfe, this man bath tnuented
this,an other hath inuẽted chat,and if this be abolifhen, and doth
not greatlp pleafe , byandby they fynve out fome other thing , as
(alas) we haue feene, and do ag pet fee, neither ig there anp mea-
fure inthefe trifles, whereupon it commeth, that we can hardly
awap with the word of God andthe truth, but are alwapes de⸗
lighted to inuent fome new thing, For trulp this ts certaine, ag
often as we ordaine a new woꝛſhip of God contrarie co the word
of God, we are byandby blynded, and fall from errour to errour,
then which calamitienone greater cancome vnto vs. AUhere⸗
fore Paule 2. Thefs. 2, fapth : Therefore God shall fend them
{trong delufi6,that they should beleeue lies,that all they might
be damned which beleeued not the truth , but had pleafure in
vnrighteoufnes. Wea and at the laft thep become fo blynde, that
thep vnderſtand nothing atallof God, agitig in the 14, Plal.
The foole hath fayd in his heart, there isno God. Jf 02 tt can not
be that he naturall man,which confitteth of fleſh ¢ blood , and ig
not inffructed bp the (pirtt of Gov, fhould tudge and vnderſtand
thole thinges which are of Gov, ag Paule 1.€07.2. witneflerh:
The naturall man perceiueth not the thinges of the Spirite of
God: for they are foolishnes vntohim: neither can he know
them, becaufe they are fpiritually decerned. De which wil reade
more hereof, let him perule che firfi chapter of the Epiſtle of
Paule to the Romanes ‚there hall he plainip enough perceive,
what blyndenes is,and what puniſhment doth enfue , if the word
of Gov beinge neglected, we folowe our one. inuentiong and
All which we fee in our {pirituall monkes, nunnes, and ſacri⸗
ficing prittes, and do too truly trie it, God graunt that they map
at the laf repent, and giue vnto God his glozie. ©, Paule ſayth
there of the Gentiles, that thep turned che glozie of the incor
ruptible Gon to the fimilitude of the image, not-onelp of a cor⸗
tuptibleman, but alfo of birdeg, anv foure footed beattes, and of
creeping hinges, So do our Papiſts alfo, pea and much moze —
foolifhlp and madly thenthe Gentiles: for thep makebnto thems °
felues a good which is delighted with a thauen crowne, with —
cowels, with eating of flefh and fith , ec. TÜherefore Gov hath
giuen chem vp ty20ugh their hearts luſts vnto vncleannes, as he
bin the Gentiles, and that (o filchilp, that tt ig better to conceale 4
it,then to rehearſe it. For tf fuch filthte and wicked thingeg were :
committed among the Gentiles, which had manp wines and
manp concubines, what would not thele (pirituall men come
Briefly which haue koꝛbidden the vſe of women and matrimonte? —
mit, fo is it wont to come topafle, where Satan bearech the —
{wate , and the word of God is wꝛeſted tolerue mens affections,
which euerie man map afluredlp perſwade himlelfe tobe fo, pea
thefe thinges are fo knowen and vndoutedly true , that chilozen
in the ſtretes fpeake and fing of chem. Now this ig noe tobe
vnderſtood of (piricuall men onelp , but euenthe bulgar fort anv
common multitude do liue fo, when the word of God is not ad-
mitted, Ag me {ee citizens to vtter counterfet wares, marchants
to deceiue in felling marchandice, and fo manp craftie practises,
ſo many deceits in ſubtill Dealing , fomuch regard of bfurie and -
priuate profit, that it can not be rebearlen. As pet thep endeuour
againe to bring inthe Malle,to {ec vp their tapers Fc:being per⸗
fwadedthat God is pacified wich (uch trifles, veuoluing this
onelp in their myndes, thatthetr fame map remaine vntouched
and bnbure in the world, hoiwloeuer thep agree with God. OF
fuch wife and prudent men Chik ſpeaketh bere inthe Golpell, ,
which beare the Golpell indeede, and {ee miracles, butit profi _
teth chem nothing, koꝛaſmuch as cheir heart ig nottouched,jQow —
Chri ſayth thus:
Verſe 25. I giue thee thankes O Father,Lord of heauen
and earth, becauſe thou haſt hid theſe thinges
from the wife and men of vnderſtanding, and
haft opened them vnto children: |
Verſe 26. It is fo ,O Father, becaufe thy good pleafure
was fuch, |
Chritfpeaketh not here of verie chilozen :chere map be ſome
notable doctor, whom be calleth a chile in thig a |
| wile _
—— a. I a Zu eV — . ca a A ur rt A =
wife there map beatutticall felow, whom he calleth bere wife
and prudent, Sn che eta ht Plſal. Dauid allo callech chefe infants
any chilnyen y whenbe ſayth: Out of the mouth of babes ‘and
fucklings haft thou ordained ftrength becaufe of thine enemies.
Theplurelp bp whom God opdaincd ſtrengtch againft his ene:
mies ‚which ſhould ercoll his gloꝛie through the whole world,
were not babes or childjen in verie deede. Thole therefore the
Loꝛd callech chilozen here , which compt their owne workes for. m che
nothing , attribuce nothing to their one wifedome , makeno y ord calleth
thing of themfelues , but thinke Gov onely to be wife and of vn⸗ here childié
derſtanding. Therefore they are humble and lowlp, and how or babes.
‘great ſoeuer hep are , do fubmitthemfelues to God, of whom
onely thep {utter themſelues tobe caught, Now other be ouer
wile, anv will learne nothing of Gov, peathep' prelumptuouflp
itaketothemfelues iudgement and cenfure over the Doctrine and
workes of Gov’, whereofthou mayſte read in the fir ano fecond
chapter of the Cpittle to the Corinthians, Mherefoꝛe Chri
fapth Luke 16 ; The children of this world are in’ their genera- ⸗
tionwiler then the children of light. But the looliſh chũdꝛen of
light are of greater eftimation before God, then the wile chil:
dren ofthis world, Of thele chiloren the 102d {peaketh : Thou
hafthidthem from the wife'and men of vnderftariding and haft
‘seuealed them to babes. For the wife and prudent know not
theſe thinges, but the childꝛen and fooles know them. Dow com:
meth it to paſſe that the wile know them not ? becaufe thou hat
hidden them from them. How vo the children know them ? be:
tauſe thou haſt reut aled them. What he meaneth hereby, we
‚map gather ofthofethinges that were ſpoken befoze, te wit that
Hehad preachen the Golpell of the kinguome of Goo in many ci:
ties of Judea, agin Chorazin,Bethfaida, and in his owne ciste
Capernaum which cities their owne wiſedome being a hinde⸗
ranee and lette vnto chem/ did not recetue the foolith preaching
ofthe Goſpell. Che Golpel ts a good andiopfullmeflage, which HIER
‚teacherh me to know the glorie of Gov by which knowlenge FPS ;
obtaine pardonafmp fpnnes , and life erernall: As Chait ſayth foe,
to bis father inthe Goſpell of John chap. i 7:This is life eternal,
that they know thee to be'the onely very God, and Tefus Chrift
whom thou haftfent. De fapthe alfo ti this Goſpell: No ‘mah
knoweth theSonne but the Father, meitherknoweth any man
What ftate
they come
into, whom
God forfa-
— abpode, peathep are priuen onto furie, ſenſleſnes, and madnes,
go before them into the kingdome of beauen, thep themftlues —
Anith their bolines,¢ goodly and plaufible woꝛkes to the twopid, —
‚being ercluded : whom would not this dꝛiue bite manned 2 who
the Father but the Sonne, andheto whom theSonne will ree ©
reueale him. Here he ſpeaketh of the knowlenge both ofthe Fas ,
ther and of the Sonue. To whom this isreuealen, be knoweth, ©
and obtaineth eternal life, Buc che Father hath hinehelethinges —
fromthe wife and prudent , that they map not know neither the
Father nor the SHonne,and bath reuealed them co childꝛen, thep 4
baue the knowleage both of the Father and the Sonne, and ſo de
obtaine euerlaſting life. —
Moꝛeouer, iftheſe thinges be thugs, as they be in deede w ay
Hall become of free will? Seeing chou (eek ſuch batnoug and
wicked thinges to be commicted in the bodies, as it is wꝛitten |
Rom, go chy wayes now, and glopte of free will: But thisis —
a goodly free will,co line in {uch a filthie life which is altogether ;
vnwoꝛthy of a man, which is vnknowen euen among beaſtes that
are without reaſon. Howbeit it is wont ſo to come to pafle;wben —
Goo forlakerh os. As ſoone as we are foꝛſaken of @op,byanvbp
Satan commeth, , and erecteth bis kingbomeinng ‚wbereinnge —
thing els but (uch wickednefles are committed, which notwith ⸗
ſtanding are ſo craftelp coloured, and comméved with fuchappes
tence of honeſtie, that it ſeemech tobe a moſt holp, peaand an an⸗
gelike life. CAhat A prap pou can mans ſtrength do beretmberes —
bp fome go about to bꝛing to paile many thinges, ſweetelp per⸗·
ſwading themfelues that thep hall afcend bp into heauen chere⸗
bp. Buc thou heared here that Chr aflirmeth/ thatthe Fächer —
Boch reueale theſe chinges : allo that itis che good pleafure okebe
Father chat it ſhould be ſo. Ciberebptrulpbhe taketh amapall —
the merits of man, bere nofatiffactions profic, here is no reſpect
of woꝛkes, it ig pone bp the wil and good pleafure ofthe father. —
For herrefpectech not the perfon,as it appeareth hefopep mops,
De doth not contemne and reiect che fpnner,albeitberomeladen —
with finnes, After che fame (opt Chrit laith to his diſciples ube
12: Feare notlitle flocke, for it is the Fathers: pleaſure to
youthe kingdome, Chis the hypocrites ann iuſtitiaries can uct
when thep fee fimple recetuers of cuffome and bertepublicangto
woulp not take it gricuoully „that be bimlelfe — 5 ;
ſhould be iti [uch a cafe,and nothing at all counted of ? But what
Hoidveft cheu do, dr what ſhouldeſt thousmurmur ? The good
pleafure of Gon ts {ncb, to whom he vauchfaucth co open, to him
they fhalbe opened: and ftom whom he biveth,frombim they are
bivden, which compt as bndoutedly true; And marke well that
ChHpklapth here, It is ſo, D Father, becauſe thy good plea:
fure was fuch,thp good pleafure I (ap, before § world was made,
a9. Paule fapth Epheſ. 1 : Godhath chofen vs in Chrift be-
forewho foundations ofthe world were layd, that westiould be
hodyiaid without blame before him in loue , who hathpredefti-
nate vs, to be adopted through Iefus Chrift in himfelfe , accor-
ding tothe good pleafure of his will , to the prayfe ofthe glorie
ofhis grace , wherewith he hath made vsfreely accepted imhis
beloucd. Deve allmerit igerclusen, wherefore lee it not come
tntothy mynde, thacchou Halt obtaine anp thing bere by thy bes
ſerts neither letthy woꝛkes wiſedome, anv merits puffe thee bp,
Dereällteiopeingistäkenawap , that he that retopceth , map
teiopce in the Loꝛd, a8 Paule ſayth 1. 02,1, It followeth moze:
ouer in the Golpell: | FOP wes |
Ver. 27. Al things are giuẽ vnto me of my Father:8 no
BNET AA —— the Sonne but the Father: nei-
ther lnoꝛveth any mã the Father but the Sone,
and heto whom the Sonne willreueale him.
0) Mere thou feet che ſaletie, which is in the kingdome of
Chrikt ; bp whom wehane knowledge anvlight, Arherefore
Chꝛiſt holdech all cthinges in his hand and hath power over all
thinges as the Father bath „noman can plucke anp thing out of J
bis handes, which he himlelle alfo witneſſeth in John: I giue toh, 10, 28,
eternall liferomysheepe, aridthey shall neuer perish, neither
shall any plucke them outoftny hand’: my Father which gave
them me, is greater then all, and none is able to rakethem but
of my Fathershand.] andmyFatherare one. ilherefore euery Chriftians
Chꝛiſtian, when be hath receinedthe Gofpell, map worthelp re- haue caufe ro
iopee , that be is now vñnder the tuition of Chait, and is not anp reioyce al-
thing troublenbecaule of bts fpnnes, If he hath embpacen che Fhoush they
Gofpelt, Chyift unver whom be’ Hirkretb will guide the matter °° SY
wayes aflai-
ercellentip well, Satan in deede willtempe him with this and red of Satan,
for that they
be vader the
tuition of
will defend
and preleruc
thatbice,a3, with adulterie, whoꝛedome, theft, ſlaughter, enuie,
hatred, wzath, and other like ſynnes. But let him not therefoꝛe
be diſcouraged, be bath aking, that is ſtrong € mightie enough;
of whom he ſhalbe eaſily defended, NMtwithſtanding it wilbe
verie hard to ſtand ſtrongly, and nothing to yeelde, wherefore |
paper in this caſe is verie needefull, others alla map bp. their
pꝛayers intreat for chee,that a ſtout coꝛage and manly heart map
be giuen vnto thee, to withand Satan, But itis certaine; chat
thou ſhalt not be deſtitute, Chrift will eafilp prelerue theesbenot
difquieted in mprive, lec it onelp be thy care, that chou falleſt not
frombiskingoome. Mozeouer inthis Goſpell chou leek; that
Chritts bach God € man; Wan, inaſmuch ag he pꝛayſeth Gav,
and giveth him chankes: God, inalmuch ag all thinges are giuen
vnto him ofthe Father. TAhich ought tobe great comfort vnto
vs in all things that do trouble and afflict vs. Mhereas he faiths
Nomanknoweth the Sonne but the Father: neither knoweth
any manthe Father but the Sonne, and he to whhom the Sonne
will reueale him: be in chefe woꝛdes ouerthꝛowech free will;
which will know God and Chri, when and how it plealech te:
Here thouhaf plainly, from whence the knowlenge of Gov and
of Chrit ig the Father, (ith be, knoweth the Sonhe, anv the
Sonne the Father; but how do we know, bythis oythat prea
cher? notrulp, thele are onelp certaine midle inſtruͤments, but
be onelp knoweth , to whom the Sonne will reugale A litle be:
fore be ſaide that the Father Doth reueale or open, bere he attri«
butech che fame tothe Sonne. Surely both che Father arb the
Sonne do reueale; and as the Father reuealeth ſo alſo pach the
Sonne sand Chꝛiſt alfo fapch in John chapi's 4: The holp Short
fhalltcach pou all thinges . Hiberefope asthe Father teacheth
fo teacheth the Sonne, likewile alfa teacbeth che bolp Ghoti
And where Goo the Father,and the Sonne,and the halp Ghost
do not teach , there all chinges remaine boide of knowledge. It
followeth mozeouer inthe Gofpell, | 319 24,90 eriodt
hind Verfe 28. Come vnto me all ye ‘that are wearie and la⸗
| den, and I willrefreth you. vr
Perfe 29. Take my yoke on you, and learne of me: forI
am meeke and lowly in heart:and ye (hall finde
creſt vnto your foules, —A
es | ET - zu. Zu A, ur
— KR vu en
Verfe 30. For my yoke is eafie, and my burden is
Hitherto we haue heard how the Loꝛd vealech with the wile
and prudent , namely that he blpndeth them , and hideth the Go⸗
fpell from chem, Likewile bow be is delighted in childgen and
fimple ones, to wit, thathe endueth them with right knowledge
of bimfelfe, and openeth the Goſpell unco them. But ſome man
map bere fap and complaine : Ifthe matter be lo, ſurely mp cons
feience fhalbe in great daunger, before I beare and know that
the Goſpell dothe pertaine vntome, Fam a wretched Ipnner,
and perbaps the Gofpell pertaineth not untome , what if I] be
Bnwozthie ? Chrift , that he map comfoze chefe weake,vifmapend,
and troubled confciences , fapth: Come vnto meallyeıhat are
wearie and laden, and Iwill refresh you. Pere are we called what ſoeuer
pnto comfort. Were forget all chp meric and worthineg, for that burden we
be plainlp ſayth: ye that are wearie and laden , to wit, wich the are laden w,
burden of the lawe, the anguithe and affliction of (pnne, and “my finde
wherewithal faeuer the confcience mape be troubled, Chere: cn
fore he dothe not expꝛeſſe it bp name: for he fapthe not,pe that if we fie co
are troubled with this 02 that calamitie, but fimplie, pe that him for fuc-
ate wearte and laden, Meither will be haue anp bere erclu- cour
bed, fozalimuch ag he fapthe, All, which is a fingular and ſpeciall
comfort „if anp thinge trouble vg , what kpnde of tentation ſo⸗
euer ic be,
TAho ſoeuer therefore is ftriken with the feelinge of his
fpnne, and knowerh his one weakenes to fulfill the lawe of Goo,
let him come hither wich acheerefull and bold coꝛage, and he
fhall certainly receiue comfot.F will refreth pou , ſayth Chri,
as thofe that are pꝛeſſed and burdened with fore labour and
grieke. Let this onelp be thy care,that thou beleeue (uch a louing
binding and promile, After this forte Chritt crped in the temple
at hieruſalem at a certaine feat: If any man thirſt, ler him Ioh.7.37, 38.
come vntome, and drinke, He thar belecucth in me,as fayth 39-
the Scripture , out of his bellie shall flow riuers of water of life.
This fpake he of the Spirit , which they that belecued in him,
should receiue. Thich fo commeth to palic: De rauferh the
Golpel to be preached bnto bs, which he that beleeueth, is endu⸗
ed wich che bolp Ghott, and obtainesh pardon a ſynnes.
This is truly to refreſh him, whole confcience ts troubled, to
wit, when be feelech chat his ſynnes be koꝛgiuen, and that he ig
become heire of the kingbome of God. Neither doth he refreh
bs onely inthe anguiſh and tentation of ſynne, but he will alfa
be prefent wich bs in other calamities and miferies, in famine, —
warre , vearch of victuals, and whatfoeuer [uch like cancome, —
in all thefe he will not leaue bs deftitute of his helpe, as he cared
for the Patriarke Joſeph, euen in a ftraunge countrie, with ”
whom he was continually prelent, ag wellin profperitieas in
aduerfitie. Nowe {pune is a grieuoug burden, whereofno man —
ig eafed, but be whom Chrit the fonne of God velinererh, and
that by thebolp Gholt, whom he hath merited for vs of the F As od
ther, which maketh our hearts cheerefull „and readie to id alt
thinges which Godrequireth ofbs.
But what ig chis chat be lapth ? Takemyyoke on you. Is
this to refreth , tf Itake one burden from one ‚and lay upon him
Theyoke of another ? Chis is that, whercofwe baue oftentimes {poken ‚the
Chrift why
fo called.
Chrift hum -
ble &mecke.
Golpell doth fir make afonied and difcourage,and ig grievous
tothe ficth , fo te tellech vs chat all our owne thinges are nos -
thing , that our owne holines and righteoulnes are of no impop-
taunce, that all thinges which are in vs are Damned, that we are
the childzen of wath and indignation, This is verie hard, ans
an tntolerable burden to the flefhe, and therefore he calleth tt a
burden o2 poke. But lee he ſhould terrifie or make afrapde anp,
for that be is of great authozitie, high , and mightie „and theres
foze can not fuffer fpnneful and wꝛetched men, oꝛ for that be map
feeme to be tprannicall and ungentle „he befere cutting of this
füfpicion , ſayth: Learne ofme: for! am meeke and lowly in
heart. Chit will here louingly allure vs to bis doctrine, for
be bad ſpoken before of the Knowledge ofthe Father, as tf be
would fape ; flethe and a fearfulfnature compteth me for an au:
ftere, ſeuere, and rigoꝛous man, but Jamnot of (uch a nature,
pea I ain humble and meckein heart. 3 do noe terrifie menag
Woles dothe, Idoe not preach: doe this or that, but preach
forniuenes of (puneg,neicher doe I preach that chep ſhould giue
anp thinge , butrather that thep map receiue. Chere is not in
me ambition and loktines, as is inthe Phariſes, which vefire
to be magnifier ‚but Jam altogither gentle and lowly in beart,
ready to receive ſynners. If fo be that chep fall againe into
ſpnnes, |
—— CC =
ſynnes, notwithtanding J doe not pet caſt them from me, tf
thep flte vnto me for fuccour, and doe with a (ure confidence
looke for comfort and belpe ofme. J doe not curfe men as the
Phariſes doe, which curfe chem euen for their owne orvinaun:
ces, and for mens deuiſes, and will fooner fuffer all che com:
maundements of God ta beneglected, thenone of their decrees
and oꝛdinaunces not tobe obferued, As we lee tn the Wapacie,
where it is counted a greater offence to eate fleſh on the frpdape,
02 for a facrificing Pꝛieſt to marte, them to commit twentie as
Bulterics or ten Homicides, But here thou (eek that Gov doth
abzogate euen bis owne lawwe , that be map fo much the fooner
Chr in a ſingular ſigniſication ſayth here, thathe is meeke,
as it be latoe: J knowe how (pnners are tobe handled, Jhaue
tryed what a fearefull and an akllicted conlcience is , as the Epi⸗
fle to the Debzeues chapter 5. witneſſeth, that be was in all
thinges temptedin like fort, except{pnne. Tlberefore let no
man be aftapd of me ‚I will handle all eaſily and gently, F will
fape nothinge with a ſowꝛe contenaunce , 3] make no man a:
frapde, foag thep come boldly unto me, thep thall fynde reff to
their foules with me. Go their foules be fapth , ag if he would They thar
faye : outwardly in the bovie there mape be affliction anv tram: belceue in
bie, and calamities map ouerwhelme pou, but pe ought to beare ee —
all theſe thinges lightely, as he alſo ſayth to his diſciples inthe putes,
Goſpell of John: Inme ye shall haue peace, but in the world though in
ye shall haue affliction. Wbherefore although outwardly all cheir bodies
thinges fall out again vs , as though they would ſuppꝛeſſe and —“
deuour bs, pet are thep nothinge to be eſteemed of: Fr we
baue the feelinge of peace inwardly fa our confeience. And this
ig the firft frute of fapth, as Waule fapthe Rom. 5 : Therefore
being iuftified by fayth we haue peace toward God through our
Lorde lefus Chriſt. Nowe when our confcience ig quieted, and
toe hate peace with Gov, nothinge ig able to moue vs, no no:
thing hall hurt vs, albcitit be euell and againſt bs,
Let no man chinke thug, and {ape : this ig not to amend ones
ftate 02 cafe, if J take one burden from his necke, andlape on
another , agit ts before fapb, For Chaiſt fapth s My yoke is ea-
fie, and my burden islight , ag tf he woul faye: the poke of
the law , under which pe lined before, was ee why be bozne,
but mp burden tg not fogrieuoug , it is light, andtolerable, pe
map cafilp beare tt. Dur wiſemen faye now, that the poke of
Chri is moze grieuoug , then the poke of the Lawe was, and
thep alleage the fift chapter of Matthewe. Bue Chritt dothe
there interprete the Lawe, how tt ougheto be vnderſtood, be
Doth not make lawes, but ſayth, that murders and adulterieg
proceede from an cuell and vncleane heart. And fo he doth onelp
erpounde the Lawe of Woles, and preleribeth not anplaweg —
Why f§ yoke there, But thapoke of Chꝛiſt is therefoze ealie , and his burden —
of Chrift is light , becatife be taketh awape , net onelp ceremoniall any
ae tobe manglawes , but euen the wholetawe ‚the curle, ſynne, death,
€a 1€.
and what focuer mape come bnto vs from the Lawe, all thie
Crit taketh awape from me, and enducth me with his (pi: —
rit, by the motion and inſtinct whereof, 3 doe gladly, willing:
Ip and with vleafure perfopme all the duties ofthe Lawe, It is
therefore alfo called eaſie, ſweete, and light, for that be him:
feife helpeth vs , and taketh part of the burden, ik we be not of
ſtrength fuflicient, It appearethin deede grievous and
intolerable to the world, hut tt ts otherwile wher
there is one readpto eafethe burdens It is a
common faping:it ig good to ling with a fit
compaind,pou two will ealilp beare the -'
burden, although one alone were
not of ſtrẽgh (uffictét to bearg
tt. Chus much Hall luffize
for the erpofition of
this Goſpell.
3 oh 3%
rn a kat il ——— ae Gi
| NEN ONG oe
Verfe 1. BSR:
| PM Eden
EX Efus = vnto his difeiples: Let
1 DE not your heart be troubled: ye be-
NE — leeuein God,belecue alfo in me.
In m ae houfe are manie
| dhekliing ‚places:i if it were not fo,] would haue
tould you: I goto prepare a place for you.
And if I goto prepare a place foryou, I will
| ‚come againe „and receiue'you vnto my f{elfe,
that where Iam,there may ye bealfo.
And whitherI go, ye know , and the waye ye
Thoinas faid vnto him „Lord, we know not
whither thou goeft, how can werhen knowe
the waye?
_ _ Tefus faid vnto him,I am the Waie,the Truth,
and the Life. No man commeth ynto the Fa-
ther but by me. ... Ä
Ifyehad knowne me, esye fhould haue knowne
my Father alfo: and ftom hence forth ye know
him, and haue feene him.
Philippe faid vnto him, Lord, fhew vs thy Fa-
ther, and it fuffifeth vs.
Tefus faid vnto him : Haue I bin fo long time
“ with you, and haft thou not knowne me >Phi-
GG ij
“lip „ he that hath feene me , hath feene my Fa-
ther: how then fayeftthou, Shewe vs thy Fa-
ther? |
10, Beleeueft thou not that I am inthe Father,and
the Father is in me? The wordes that I fpeake
vntoyou, | fpeake not of my felfe , but the Fa-
ther that dwelleth in me,he doth the workes.
Eis Beleeue me that I am in the Father, and the
Father is in me: atthe leaft beleeue me for the
verie workes fake. '
12. Verely,verely I fay vntoyou, hethat belecueth
in me,.the workes that 1 do , he fhall do alfo,
and greater then thefefhalhe do : for I go vnto
my Father. |
13.00: And whatfoewerye aske in my Name, that
will Ido, that the Father may be glorified in
the Sonne.
14.) ‚If yefhallaske any thing in ımy name „I wilt |
doe it. |
— 2046 a Lag fo bs if =
The fumme of this Gofpell..
“WN ths Goſpell is contained A comfort again} offence that
1» us through the croffe andperfecution,
2 Without the merst of Chrift no man commeth-to glorie.
Therefore he fayıh : In my Fathers houfe are many dwelling
places, For many are elect fro ewerlafting of God the Father,which
notwirhflanding can not come unto glorie witbont Chrift.
"3 EheDifciples beleewedin Chraff, yer did they not vnderfläd,
that he fhould come vnto glorie by death, Whereinwemuft marke,
that fayth being unperfect inthe Apoftles and Difciples of Chrift, is
a comfort unto us, if we reſt vpon the foundation Chrifi
+ InPhilipwe fee averie groffefayth „for he will fee andknow —
by experience. Wherefare Chrift fayth: If yewill not beleene my
wordes, at the laft beleeue the workes, that the Father is in me, and
J inthe Father. bla eh cht ins 9 sae Le)
x Thee
= —7—
5 Tiefe wordes : 1 fay vnto you, he that beletueth in me,
the workes that I do, he shalldoalfo, &c. few that Clarif fall
reigne in vs, when hei Glorified with the Father.
6 Andthuswe feethatin all this Gofpell , Chriſt requir eth ns-
| thing els of them that be his, but fayth.
The expofition of this Gofpell.
EI I2 the beginning of this Golpell Chri veclareth
Q wherefore he came, and what office he erecuteth,
SC which ts properly the preaching of the Gofpell:
to wit, that he is he which preparech dwelling
POUR places with the Father, and wil when he commeth
axaine, receiue bs vnto bimlelfe. Moꝛeouer he fapth, that he ts
the wap,the truth, and che life, which be afterward moze plainly
expꝛeſſeth when he fapth: No man commeth vnto the Father
but by me. Alſo when he fapth:If ye had knowne me, ye should
haue Knowne my Father alfo , Dereunto mozeouer pertainerh
that which be ſayth vnto Philip ; He that hath feene me, hath
‘feene my Father. This is the chiefe and the greateſt thing in
this Golpell,unto which allare tobe referred. Dereof we ought
toleatne, that we are not tuftified bp our owne ftrength , neither
faued bp our owne merits, but are fanctifien bp $ ſpirit of Chait,
and faued bp grace, ¢ that Chritk ts the wap leading to faluation.
He will vifcuile and eramine this Golpell thooughout, ag
God thall giue vs grace. Chele worves the Lord ſpake bnto bis
-Dilciples after bis Supper , when he was now about tadepart
from them. Foꝛaſmuch as be had laid manp thinges vnto them
of bis departure and pallion, thep were after a ſort troubled and
terrificd wherefore the Lord beginnerh louingly to comfort thé,
faping : Let not yourheart betroubled. As tf he mould fap: I
‚perceine that mp departure dothe grieue pou, and that pe are
therefore troubled: But feeing it can not be otherwile, be not
Difcomforted;chere is no caufe why pe ſhould therefore be trou:
bled, Twill come againe nto pou. JNotwith Fanding pe hall fee
many chinges inme before whereat pe wilbe offended,thep thal
crucifie me and pnworthelp handle me. Gut be not pe troubled
becaufe of thefe thinges , be notafrapde, it wilbe better ſhortly
alter; the will of the Father is ſuch. spies? fleſh can not vo
— es
otherwilſe but be offended, ifit ſeeth Chri to be crucified, tt by⸗
andbp reuolteth from bim,tt beleeuech him not. meicher counteth
bimfora Sautour. Thich allo it doth, when it ſeeth holp men
{uffer perſecution, to be afflieced and toxmented , for chen it thine
keth that Gov bath nocareofthem, Sgqaink this offence Chik
aforehand confirmeth his Difciples ‚and fapth: Ye belceue in
God,beleeue alfoin me. Chat ig,pe beleeue that God loueth you
and will glozifie pou, beleeue that be will do it after that fort,
that ve {ee me qlozifiev and beleeue that this mp death is life, te
the glezifping both of me, and ofmp whole bonp , that is, of all
Chꝛiſtians, and that this death fatilfiech for the fpnnes of the
"world , ag the Apoftics afterward witne fled of him in their mot
nighna2, tinges. Chus John ſayth: Chrift is the reconciliation for our
fynnes: and not for ours onely, but alfo for the fynnes of che
whole worlde, CUberetore chou {eet that Chri bere will yaue
| heartes confirmed bp faith, and by no other outward thinge. De
| fapth mozeouerz ;
Ia my Fathers houfe are many dwelling places. Thefe dwel⸗
liug places haue bin prepared from euerlatting, neither is there
any neede that thep Houtd be prepared of him. CUbp therefore
doth be fap: 1 goto preparea place for you? Chis ts nothinge
els but that he goeth and ts made Loydof all, wherebp bemap
prepare bs bnto fuch dwelling places, Foraslong ag we are not
prepared , neither are the Dwelling places prepared for. bs, al-
though they be ready bpthemfclues, TÜherefore Chri mea-
neth. thug much: Chere aredwelling places „but not pet prepa:
red rightly and as thep mu beadDowbett then that thep be righte
ly prepared and.appointed, wh? as Jhaue taken away the king:
pone of death bp mp death, and am now gone toreigne,andthat
bythe holy Ghoſt:which bp fapch ball paepare and wholy make
readp pou alla vnto fuch dwelling places. So that this isthe
fimple and plaine meaning of thele wordes: Chere are dwelling
places, to wit „where the Father glorilieth, butthole dwelling
places are not pet prepared y for thatthe kingdome of death ts
not pet taken away. Chis Chrift ſignifieth when be fapth:
If ic were not fo] would hauetold you: 1 goto prepare a place
foryou. AndifIgoto prepare a place foryow, ĩ willcome a⸗
gaine,andreceiue you vnro my felfe,thatwhere Lam,cheremay
yebe alſo. In thele woꝛdes the Loꝛd declareth how theſe dwei⸗
A a i a ie ——wr
ing places be prepared, namelp,bp the each of Chꝛiſt agie
ig ſayde, bp which he came vnto gloyie, and rulech ouer all
thinges, which are in heauen and earth . By Which death be
hath obtapned the holy Ghoſt foꝛ vs, which as is before fapoe ,
may prepare ds buto thele dwelling places. For through his a
peration and working tn vg, be maketh vs beleeuc the Go-
{pell, bp which beleeuing orfaıch we are prepared, Uhich
could not be done if Chrift (hould not depart and dpe, and fo pol
ſeſſe a kingdome ouer all, Chis therefore is the ſumme of this
tert: They arefopefeene, whome the Father will gloztfie, hut
they cannot be glorified but bp Thrill , who vnles be take awap
death and finne, all thall be in vaine, bere thou (eek that all tend
butothis,chat Chk is he which preparech tle vwelling plas
ces, and that we cannot be glorified but bp Chꝛiſt, fothat che
whole dzift of this tert is, that we are not iuftifiedby mang
ftrength , nor by our owne merits, but bp Chit, which the
whole Epiftleto the Romanes effectuallp veclareth, ag alla
that which ts wꝛitten to the Galachians,¢ almof all that Paule
both in bis Epiltles, tendech to the ſame — followech more»
‘And whither J goe ye knows ; and the way yé knowe, fr
pe beleeneinime, and haue hewen fiqnesinmp name’, wheres
bp peought nowe to be certaine mo I am, and what] doe, and
‘wherefore J am comes De haue alfoleene and heard the teſtimo⸗
nie of the Father of me. KUherefore pe may nowe knowe that
‘the Father will qlozifie me, and belecue that J andthe Father
‚are one, it ſhoulde be therefore ſuperfluous to ſpeake more of
theſe thinges. Butthe Dilciples albeit they were well inſtru⸗
cted of the Lorde him felfe, and had (eene big miracles, pea
and thep them felues allo had preached the Gofpell and wꝛought
‘mivacles, were notwithſtanding as pet ſomewhat groſſe in
vnderſtanding/ neither div they perceiue whereofheherefpake,
and what was that way, and whither the Loꝛde div prepare to
depart. therefore Thamas burfteth forth into open woes
and confellech freelp 5 that he is ignoꝛant hereof, and ſayth thus
vnto the Lord : Lord we knowe notwhither thou goeſt: hovve
can we then knovwve the vvay ? Here pe heare and ee, that albe⸗
itthere was faith inthe Difciptes , norwichftanning | thep were
not ag pet perfuaded that Obpit houlve be crncifies | ann
by bis death ſhoulde enter into big kingdome, and that the fame
kingdom fouls be fpirituall, which thep did not vnderſtand euen
48.16. . after the refurrecttonof the Lord: Lorde,fap thep, wilcthou at
. this time reftore the kingdom to Ifraell ? Chole good men were
ag petperfuaved, that tt ſhould be a carnall © worlolp kingdom,
Such große things map here and there be foundin the Golpels,
by meaneg whereof the Difciples piv fometime notably tumble
Comfort for and erre, Ail which were committed to wꝛiting for our comfort t
themthae confirmation,that we (hould not be byandby vifcouragen , when
beweakein we haue ſometime fumbled in faith , and cannot at the firſt ap-
va and ply our felues to the woꝛkes and word of the Lode, Afthishap-
thrush ja. pened to thefe great mẽ which afterward thoulve become pillerg
Baas fall. of Chattttanitie,there ig no caule truely chat anp Hould meruell,
j if we allo fomerime faint in faich,pea, and let no man be afrayd,
although it falleth out that fometime through infirmitie be ſo
Doe, It ts the worke and matter ofthe Lorde he will amen’ theſe
thinges when it ſeemeth good vnto him.
NNow of the worꝛdes we mind to entreate ſomewhat at large.
Not much before, when Chriſt would confirme bis Difcipleg in
faith. be promifea them that thep ſhould be glorifien, Here he av-
deth and declareth how and bp what meanes thep mut be glori⸗
fied, affirming chat that mutt be by hig Departure, that is, by bis
death, ¢ that by that meane be muff sbtaine bis kingdome. Chis
he had oftenrepeated vnto them, fo that now it Did become chem
to know and vnderſtand it. Therefore he fapth: VVhither! goe
ye know,and the way yeknowe, but thep did not pet thꝛoughly
vnderſtand it,as. the wordes of Thomas doe declare. Now, itis
certaine that there was faith inthe Difciples, which the woꝛdes
of Peter prouc,who aunhwered Chꝛiſt in fteeve of the rett, when
he aſked them, whether thep allo would goe away: Peter ſayd:
10h.6.68. Maifter towhom shallwe goe? Thou halt the wordes of eters
nalllife : and we beleeueand knowe that choware: Chrift'che
‚Sonne of the liuing God: This appeareth alfo bp the wordes of
the Lozd, which be bad fapd to them a litle before at his (upper:
Yeare cleane, which be would not baue fapo,if thep bad not bele«
ned; thep knetwe Chit therefore that be te the wap tothe fas
ther. So thepknewthe Father alfo, for that they bad ſeene the
miracles, whereby be gaue teftimonic of che Sonne, and bad
beard the vopce of the Father from heauen: This is my beloued
EE ———=————<——“—
‘ Sonne,ın whom | am well pleafed heare him. All theſe thinges
pid greatly increafe faith in the Dilciples hearts , notwithtan:
ding they did not pet vnderſtand, what they ſhould doe,anvd what
ende concerning the matters of Chait was to be hoped for.
Set before pou anerample hereof in Atyaham , Although in
faith a fonne was concetued onto bim,neuertheles he was pet ig:
norant, that he mutt be offered: Meither div faith mantfettlp
thew it {elfe, when a [onne was giuen vnto him. So twas ic alfa
with the Diſciples: although they had faith, notwithſtanding
they wanted as pet triall of chetr faith: ow nothing trieth faith
better then the croſſe and perfecution. If Abꝛaham bad not bene
commaunded to offer his fonne, be bad had notriall of his faith.
Wiben as the Apoftles did fuffer perfecution 5 thep then hau
a taſt and triall of cheirfaich, As longe ag we map line without
tentation, we thinke that we are endued wich a ſtrong faith, but if
anp aduerſitie commeth to vs on any fide, we byandby trie what
faith we reſted vpon. @Tiherfore S.Ppaul ſayth Rom.5: V Ve re-
ioyceintribulations, knowingthateribulation bringeth forth
patichce,& patience experience, & experience hope, and hope
maketh norashamed.@fter the fame fore Satamon allo fapth in
the Pꝛouerbs?: As ſiluer isfined,and golde'tryedin'the fornace, Pre.17.3-
fo doththe Lord trie the harts, Such a tviallts mave by p croſſe
and perfecution , when we are ag it were crucified accoꝛding to
| otirols Adam, by which crucifping our fatth ts tried, and acces
| bing tothis trial of faith our flefl) moꝛtified, the ſpirit encreaſing
inthe knowledge of Chriſt· And chenig our fleſh truely mortifi⸗
ed, when wefufter the will of God to beareirule in vs, which ts
thendone when we ſubmit our ſelues to his will howloeuer be
dealeth wich vs, renouncing our owne This SPaule willhaue
vs to doc, when he ſayth thus Rom.12: J befeech you brethren
by themercies of God, that ye giue vp your bodiesa living ſa⸗
| qevifice, holy; acceptable vnto Gout , which is yourreafonable
| ferning of God: And fashié not your felues like vntö this world,
but be ye chaunged by the renuing of your minde, that'ye may
ptouewhatthat pood;and acceptable, and perfecbwviliof God
| = When Thomas thus confellech chat heis ignoꝛant whither
| the Lord goeth. neither knoweth the way, the Loꝛd doth not re⸗
|‘ buke bim witha ferne countenance, neither bp anv bp caſteth
Chrift the
the life.
him of,noz driuech him frd him, he callech him noceither a grotte
alle 02 ore,ag me are Wont to handle the weake, but aunfwering
him verp gently,fapth : 1am che vvay, the truth,and the life. I,
- fapth the Loyd, am the way, by which che father is gone unto, ale
beit Abe flapne: I carp them that beleeue and are mp ſheepe, on
mp ſhoulders tothe Father: no other wap belive this leaveth
puto beauen. De that walkech not this wap, goeth out of the wap
from the Father, A allo am the truth. For Tam the light which
lightneth the worlde, and I] teach true doctrine, andınake true
Chꝛiſtians. Woreouer, I alfo am the life, for tis Ithat quic⸗
ken, be that belecueth inme (hall not bye. Chis,as I app before,
is tateach the Golpell rightly, that ts, to ſhew the true and right
wap, which leadeth onto erernall life.CUben the Diftiples knew
not the way that leadeth vnto glorp,the Loꝛde making no delap,
affirmeth unto chem that he is that way. Asif be ſhould ſay: TE
pe delire co know the wap to glory, feeke not the frength, light,
and righteoulnes of creatures 5-butlooke Pato me s fax Tham the
way,the truth, and thelife, although Jmuſt be put to death, al:
though I am vile and of no reputation according to the outward.
appearance:neicher lec this offend pou, thatthep which be mine,
arelubiece toperfecutions, Cheright way tothe father is foun
in me, let none remoue pou from this perſwaſion. Cherefore
be ſayth mozeougrs;.: } Be 30 sth nodes. onoBUAINGG Uae
No man commeth vnto the Father but by me.Agifhe ſhould
fap: Momancancometo the Father by his owne Arength oꝛ
merits : Che lawe tervifiech the conlcience that tt can not goe te’
the Father: the word. of Chritt, which infifiech vs bythe righ
teoufnes of Chꝛiſt, bꝛingeth vs to the Father, Wihereuponfols
foweth that which be afterward fapths. ua es uw disiegd
« Ifyehadknovyne me,ye should haueknovvne my Father al+!
fo. For ag no mancommeth tothe Father,but bp the Sonne, ſo
no man knoweth the Father but by Chriſt the Sonne, Firk the
Fathers will is not knowne,to wit that he wil ſaue bs, vnles we
fee it in Chriſt. He which is in the bofom of the Father, hath rec
uealed.it vnto vs Secondly the Father is notbeleeued, Foꝛ reac
fon by it {elfe doth noc bnderftand , that it recetueth anp thing of
God. WMtherefope itis needefull that Chrift declare chat bounti⸗
fulnes and goodnes byto bs. 4 troubled conicience flierh che Far
ther,neither can it abive co commit it felfunta him, Buc chep that
are iuſtified by the word of Chꝛiſt, do not anp moze contemne the
Father, neither flic him, as the Iſraelites div, but ttanvde before
him as Woleg,andare enlightened with diuine light, thatthep
map know the power of God and mercie ofthe Father. Hereup⸗
‚on commeth truft and confidence in him: berebp we knowe that
wereceiue all hinges at his handes,and looke for all ag well {pi
ritual ag coꝛpoꝛal things of him. All chefe we mult acknowlenge
to be recetued bp faith , reafon can not attaine bnto them. For it
endeuoureth toobtaine God by her owne ftrength and merits,
but that endeuourig inbatne. CÜherefore when it ts not able ta
come to the knowledge of God by her owne ſtrength, , it vtterly
denieth God, and fapth chat thereisno God. After when te feech
bucleannes in ber workes,it delpeireth , and is in moſt great dic °
fires. But when we are tultified bp foolith preaching, we come to
the knowlengeof Godthe Father, ag looneas we beteeue the
woꝛd of Chꝛiſt, and fo we trie che power of the Father in alllicti⸗
ong and aduerlitieg, although thep be euen great, Chis was tha:
dowed forth inthat, thatthe people of Iſraell could not abive ta
Geare the voice of Gov, but defired that Woles might fpeake vn⸗
co them. TMhere Chritt alfo was figured, that he Hould make in-
terceflion fo2 vs to the Father, and be our mercy fear, Foꝛ nature
is moze weake Efraile, then that tt can abive to tatke with Gov,
Tüherefore he hath giuen vnto bs thishis Sonne a Wediatour,
in whom and bp whom we mutt haue to doe with him, Then ag
the Lord folouinglp and gently dealeth with Thomas,and ſhew⸗
eth bnto him , howe he muſt come tothe Father, to wit, bythe
Sonne, and that the Father isknotone in the Sonne, there doth
vet happen a groſſer thing in Philip, who burſteth forth and will
not be content wich fatty, but will knowe the hinge aſſuredly bp
feeling and ſeeing. AMherelore be ſayth vnto the Lord: |
" Eord,shew vsthy Father, and itdüfficethvs. As though be
would fay if chou wilt alfo ſhew vnto vs a ſigne, then will we be⸗
leeue. Philip counteth it not ſuſſicient co beleeue the worde, but
goeth about to come to the knowledge of the Father bp an other
meanes thei bp the word, Foꝛ (cing that reaſon can tot beleete,
be requeſteth tobe certified bp an orber meanes and way, Bp the
interrogation therfore of Chritt chat lollowech te ts Themed) chat
the con{cience ts made certaine and quietby noother thing, then
bp faith, for chat we mutt cleaue to the bare wore, and looke for
Ee eS CE Zu
Joh. 1.18,
x *
no other figne , Buc Philip thought bere that he ſhould be |
moze certified, if he vin fee the Father, thenif hebeleeuenthe |
finaple and bare wor, Chis incredulicie Chart repronech —
what ſharpely, and ſayth: a
Haue I bene fu long cime with you, & halt thou nor knowne -
ine? A¢ though be houlo fap: Ji teach and preach , and pet thot .
knowelt menat. Dook thounotknowe chat the Father willbe s
knowne bp me, that inp Word ts the worde and power ofthe Far
ther, by which alone he will be knowne,and bp nothing els? Foz °
thou haft heard the voice of the Sather from heauen after thig —
fort: This is my beloued Sonne, in whome I am well pleafed, ~
hearehim. Doof thou not pet vnderſtande howe the Fatherts ~
knovone ? Che Father ts not feene with carnall epes, ag Jobnin
bis firft chapter ſayth: Noman hath feene God at any time:the ~
onely begotten Sonne,which isin the bofom ofthe Father, he
hath declared him. therefore the Lord fapth to Philip: Philip,
he that hath feene me,hath feene the Father. This faping ig ie —
vnto that former when be ſayth: Ifye had knowne me,yeshould °
haue knowne my Father alfo. Chatis,forafmuch ag the Fi i
will be knowne bp me,feeke no otber way to knowe him, but bee 4
leue mp worp,thar J am he, which theweth onto youche Father,
and will make pouto know him in me. Beleeue that by mechou —
batt accefle to the Father , by this meanes thou halt knowethe
Father, by faith thou Halt vnderſtande che power andmercie ak —
the Father, and halt feele him to be comforcable anv gracious, —
The Father will haue mp word to be belecued,andthemehatber
leeue it, to be ſaued and obtaine eternall life, Seeing cherefoge —
that chele thinges be thus, chat we can not know the Fatherbue
inthe Sonne,and when we know the Sonne, we know alfo the
Father: the Loꝛd ſayth moꝛeouer bnto Philip: 9, Fy 7
; How then fayeftrhou: Shewe vsthy Father ? ie a
not that Laminthe Father, and the Fatherisinme # As if
would fap; Forafmuch as there ig no other wap to knowthe fi
ther,but chat whieh I haue ſhewed, why II prapthee, nook
not belecue mp wopdes, feeing that I baue taught that J
map,the cruth,and the life? Daof thou not beleeue that Sam
the Father,and the, Father in me? Beleeuek thounot Pr
diuinitie and the diuinitie of the Father ts one ? andebat the Fa⸗
ther will be knowne bp me? Gut whpisthe Father knowne
Me Pr
the knowledge of the Sonne? even cherefore,for that the Sonne
isin the Father,and the Farher inehe Donne. For the word bp
which the Sonne is knowne , ts the power of the Sonne and of
the Father. Aherelore feing the Sonne is knowne bp bis word,
it neceſſarily followerh,that che father allo is knowne thereby,
Belecue me,that Iaminrhe Father, and the Fatherisin me:
at the leaft beleeue me for the very works fake. ere he doth ag
it were appeale to workes , that ibep map giue teftimonie of the
word. 4s if be ſhould ſay· Seeing that pe cannot be content to
belecue the word, at che leak belecue the ſignes which beare wit:
nes ofthe word, and wherebp the Father hath giuen teffimonie
of me, $02 the works and fignes are teſtimonies of the word, By
thele words Chrift meaneth nothing els but to confirme the con:
fciences of his Dilciples, and of all bs againtt the offence of the
role. For confciences wil know and not belecue the bare wordg
of God, but doe alwapeg dout and ſay: Ahat if God careth not
for cheerand baue luch like cogitations. Dolp ¢ godly men feeme
for the moſt part co be neglected,ag abiects and moft contemptis
ble men,tnafmuch ag che wopld accopding to the will ¢ luſt there⸗
of, rageth and practiseth tprannie again them, and doth almoft
what it liſt. Hereupon thep are in angquith ¢ in daunger of faich,«
deſire to know the will of God toward them. Theſe Chait com:
fozteth , that thep map feeke no other comfort but in him and in
bis death, aud beleue that he ts life,that be beareth rule, and ma:
keth aliue them that be dead, And that thep ſhould nothing dont
bereof, be maketh them pet moze certaine,and fapth : /
Verely,verely Ifay vnto you, hethat beleeuethin me, the
vvorkes that I doe,he shall doe alfo,and greater then thefe shall
he doe.As tf he thoul fap: Dout not anp thing but that pe ſhall
know the Father by me,and chat mp word is the power of Gov,
$ that bp mp word pe thal be ſuſtained, although J be euen cru⸗
cilied. De hall haue triall bereof in pour (clues , for if pe beleeue
in me, ye hall not onelp worke fuch workes and thew fuch ſignes
ag J boe,but euen greater. Ahich came to pafle after the aſcen⸗
tion of Chꝛiſt, when the Apoftles wrought greater miracles ag
well among the Tewes as Gentiles, then Chri him felfe, But
what ts the caule hereof? Che Loꝛd him felfe addeth it faping:
For! goe vntomy Father. @hat is, F will begin a kingdom,
where I will util all chinges. Here the Loꝛd annexeth the con:
clufion of all the queftions and confolations going before, Fora
litle before Chait had taught,that the Father is known bp bi “es
and that is becaufe be ts inthe Father, be thereforetsthewmenbp —
that woꝛde, by which the Fatheris Hewed , But chat he migh
confirme this,to wit,thathls worde is the power of che Father,
be added aud ſayd: He that beleeueth in me,the works. that doy |
he shall doe allo. That is, bp faich inme pe allo hall noe thofe
works, and know that mp Word ig the bertue and power of G = iR
But why doth be lap :1goeto che Father? J] aunfweres Becaufe
Chik isin che Father.thercfore doth he the mopkes of the F
ther, but we doe them not alfo therefore , but for that Chait who
is inthe Father, is now in bs. Foꝛ to goe to the Fatheristofule —
fill all chinges,¢ as Paule according co che ſaying of the Plalme
declareth.to gine giftes vnto men,to lighten and tofanctifie, Fox
thists the kingdom of Chit, wherebphereignech in earth in
the bates of the beleeuers,and fitteth sponkehe * of his Fa: ·
ther Dauid. The Lor alſo ſpeaketh theſe wordes: I goeto the 2
Father, to comfort bis Dilciples. For as he Did before eginneto if
confirme them,that thep ſhould not be troubled and offended, ale —
though be thould dye, but courageoufip cleaue to him and beleue
in him: So here he promilech them chat they thall be glopifien, 4
for he goeth cothe Father, who ſhall deliuer all thinges into his
handes, that he may mightelp obtaine a kingdom ouer allebings
that are inheauen and earth. (aberefore they ought nothing: at 2
allto feare,De pet comforterh them more and fapeh : MR
And whatioeueryeaske in my name,that will I doe. Asithe =
ſhould fap : As foone as J come to the Father, thereisno caufe aa
why pe ſhould be carefull , For chofe thinges that ye haue neede
ofand af ke,pe (hall obtaine, Jwil doe this for you,becaule J oh⸗ A
taine a kingdom, And be peculiarly adveth,in my Name,mhere: ·
bp he ercluderh all our merits. For bp Chaiſt we are heard, as al·
fo in Chattt we are loued,bp whom alfo we ave Pꝛieſtes, spe ⸗·
ter fapth,to offer vp fpirituall facrifices, and acceptable to God.
Ail theſe thinges lapıh Chꝛiſt, J will doe for this cauſe:
That the Father may be giorifiedi inthe Sonne. The Faber -
is then qlozified, when glozie is giuen and afcribed vnto bim, not
pnto bs, Chat is,whẽ we acknowlenge p we are ſaued not bp our
owne merits not bp our owne wiſedom and righteoulnes, but do
put our truſt in his mercie, Foz be hath giuen bis Sonne fx out
> finneg,
4 eee ee AM ll le a er Eee a lm rn a
' 5. — Tames. 481
v finnes, and whatfocuer we purpofe Wwe mult afke it bp
this Sonne, and we thall obtaine it, Aherfore he repeateth theſe
weonꝛdes, and ſayth: pP
i Ifye shall afke any thing inmy Name, I will*docic. Chefe
woꝛdes tend to this ende,that be map make bs certainelp beleue
his wordes,andicleaue vnto him. Chis therefore is the ſumme of
this conclufion: Ihe bivverh his Diſciples and vs therefore bes
leeue,for that he goeth to reigne. Before be affirmeth , that be
wil thew forth a ſigne and teſtimonie of bis kingdom, ¢ fo reigne,
|. that be will veclare anotable token of bis gouernment, that we
map keele and perceiue it: to wit, that he willdoe fo great works
| by bs,as he him felfehach done, pea and greater allo, Alfo, that
| he will beare vs when we prap,and whatloeuer we pray for unto
|. the Father inhis name. Bp thele promileg the hart muff be con-
" firmed ¢ made courageous againt the gates of hell, For Chritt
reigneth bp bis word, wherefore it ts needefull chat we eracılp
libs know the vertue of the word : for the kingdom of Chꝛiſt ig
(3 the power ¢ vertue of God. Thefe things Thought
| + good to entreatof concerning this Golpeil : Lee
bs call vpon Gon for the ayde of his grace,
that we map be able to vnderſtand
them, ¢ bp them to ſtrengthen
our weake faith,
| of of of
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