Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/directionsofgeneOOchur DIRECTIONS OF THE G E N E R A L L ASSEMBLY Concerning Secret and Private VV o r s.h ip, and mutual! edification, for cheriujing Piety , for maintaining Uni ty , and avoiding Schiime and Divifion. w IT H An JB/or obferving thefe D ireclions , and for cenjuring fucb as uje to negleB Fam ily VVor ship. AND An dff dgainjl fuch as withdraw tbemfehes from the 'Tublike Worfbip in their own Congregations. EDIN BURG H, Printed by By an Tyler \ Printer to the Kings moil Excellent M'ajeftie. 1 64.8. u; *— - r $££ V fy^ ; :g Edinb. 24. Aug, 1 6*4. 7* SeC 15?. d^fBfor obferving the following "D Uions y and for cenfuring fuch asufe to negUB Family JVorJJnp. IJe Generall Affembly 3 af- ter mature deliberation, doth approve the follow- ing Rules and Directions, for cherifhing Piety and preventing Divifion and ijj Schifme, and doth appoint |l Minifters and Ruling El- " ders in each .Congregation, to take fpeckil care that thefeDire&ionsbe obferved and followed 5 As like- wife that Presbyteries and Provincial! Synods enquire and make trial], whether the iaids Directions be duely obferved in their bounds , and to reprove or cenfure ( according to the Quality of the offence ) fuch" as fhall A De be found to be reprovable or cenfurable therein. And tothe end that theie Dire&ions may not be rendered ineffe&ualland unprofitable among forae through the iiiuall negleft of the very fubftance of the duty of Fa- mily Worfhip , The Affembly doth further require and appoint Minifters and Ruling Elders, to make dili- gent fearch and enquiry in theCongregations commit- ted to their charge refpe&ively , whether there be a- mong them any Family or Families which ufe to ncg- left this neceflary duty-, And if any fuch Family be f ound,the head ot that Family is to be firft admonifhed privately to amend this fault ^ And in cafe of his con- tinuing therein , he is to be gravely and fadly reproved bytheSeflion. After which reproof, if he be found ftill to negled Family Worfhip , Let him be for his obftinacy, in fuch an offence, fufpended and debarred from the L o r d s Supper, as being juftly efteemed un- worthy to communicate therein till he amend. A Ken CO mm mm DIRECTIONS OF THE Generall AfTembly, concerning Secret and Private JVor/hip and mutuall edification,for the cherifbing Piety } for maintaining Unity , and avoiding Schifme and Divifion. |Efidesthe publike Worfhipin Con* gregations, mercifullyefhablifhedin this Land, in great purity 5 It is ex- pedient and neceffar* that Secret Worfhip of each perfon alone , and Private worfhip of Families be pref- fed and fet up : That with Nationall Reformation, the profeflion and power of Godlinefle both Perfo* nail and Domeftick be advanced. I. Andfirftfor Secret Worfhip $ Itismoft necef- far 3 that every one apart and by themfelves be given to prayer and Medication, The unfpeakahle benefit whereof is beft known to them who are rnoft exerci- fed therein: This being the mean whereby in a fpe- eiall way communion with God is entertained 3 and right preparation for all other duties obtained: And therefore itbecometh not onely Paftours, within their feverall Charges > to prefle Perfons of all forts to per- A 3 form C6J forme this duty Morning and Evening, and atothei occafions , but alfo it i$ incumbe nt to the head of eve- ry Familie, to have a care that both themfelves and all within their charge be daily diligent herein. II. The ordinary duties comprehended under the exercife of Piety , which fliould be in Families when they are conveened to that efFe<5t , are thefe :' Firft, Prayer and Praifes performed,witha fpechll reference as well to the publike condition of the Kirk of G O D and this Kingdom , as to the prefent cafe of the Fa- milie 3 and every member thereof. Next , Rea- ding of Scriptures with Chatechizinginaplain way, that the underftandings of the fimpler may be the bet- ter enabled to profit under the publike Ordinances, and they made more capable to underftand the Scrip- tures when they are read - 7 Together with godly con- ferences, tending to the edification of all the members inthemoftholy Faith: As alio, admonition and re- buke upon juft reafons from thefe who have Autho- rity in the Familie. III. As the Charge and Office of interpreting the holy Scriptures , is a part of the Minifteriall Calling, which none ( howfoeverotherwife qualified ) fhould take upon him in any place , but he that is duely called thereunto by God and his Kirk : So in every Familie where there is any that can read , The holy Scriptures fliould be read ordinarily to the Family^ And it is com- mendable that thereafter they confer , and by way of conference make fome good ufe of what hath been read and heard i As for example, if any fin be repro^' ved (7) ved in the Word read, ufe may be made thereof to make all the Familie circumfped and watehfull againft the fame ; Or, if any judgement be threatned or men- tioned to have been infli&ed in chat portion of Scrip- ture which is read , ufe may be made to make all the Family fear, left the fame or a worfe judgement befall them, unleffe they beware of the fin that procured it. And finally, if any duty be required, or comfort held forth in a promife, ufe may be made to ftirre up them- felves to imploy Chrift for ftrengch to enable them fordoing the commanded duty, and to apply the of- fered comfort : In all which the M after of the Family is to have the chief hand •, And any member of the Family may propone ane queftion or doubt for refo- lution. 1 1 1 1. The head of the Family is to take care that none of the Family withdraw himfelf from any part of Familie- Worfhip : And feeing the ordinary perfor- mance of all the parts of Family- Worfhip belongeth properly to the Head of the Famfly 5 TheMinifteris to ftirre .up fuch as are lafie r and train up fuchasare weakjto a fitneffe for thefe exercifes. It being alwayes free to perlonsof Qualitie to entertain one approuen by the Presbyterie for performing Family exercife$ And in other families where the head of the Family is unfit, that another conftantly refiding in she Family, appro- ver] by the Minifter andSeffion, may be imployed in that fervice *, Wherein the Minifter andSeffion are to be countable to the Presbyterie. And if a Minifter by Divine pro\ idence be^brought to any Familie, it is re- quifite, that at no time he conveen apart of the Fami- lie C8) lie for Wcrfliip feduding the reft $ Except in fingular cafes , fpecially concerning thefe parties , which ( in Chriftian prudence J need not, or ought not to be im- parted to others, V. Let no Idler who hath no particular calling, or vagrant perfon under pretence of- a calling , be differed to perform Worfhipin Families to or for the fame: Seeing perfons tainted with errours or aiming atdivi- fipn , may be ready ( after that manner ; to creep into houfes and lead captive filly and unliable fouls. V Ik At Family worfliip a fpeciall care is to be had, that each Family keep by themfelves* Neither re- quiring , inviting, nor admitting perfons from divers Families $ Unlefle it be thefe who are lodged with them or at meal, or other wife with them uponfome lawfull occafion. VII. Whatfoever hath been the effe&s, and fruits of meetings of perfons of divers Families in the times of corruption or trouble ( in which cafes many things are commendable, which otherwife are not tollerable ) Yet when God hath blefled us with Peace and the pu- rity of the Gofpel , fuch meetings of perfons of divers, fam ilies (except in the cafes mentioned in thefe directi- ons } are to be difaproved,as tending to the hinderance oi t\\Q Religious exercife of each Family by it felf , to the prejudice of the publike Miniftery , to the renting, of the Families of particular Congregations , and(in£ progreffe of time) of the whole Kirk: befides ma«d ny offences which may come thereby, to the hard ning (9X iiing of the harts of carnal! men y and grief of the godly* VII I. On the Lords day, after every one of the Family apart, and the whole Family together have fought the Lord fin vvhofe hands the preparation of mens hearts are ) to fit them for the publike worfliip, and to blefle to them the publike Ordinances v The Mafterof the Family ought to take care that all within his charge repair to the publike Worfhip, that he and they may joyn with the reft of the Congregation 5 And,the publike Worfliip being finiihed, after prayer, he fliould take an account what they have heard v And thereafter to fpend the reft of the time which they may fpare, in Cacechifing and .in fpimuaU confereiices upon the Word of God 5 Or el fe (going apart ) they ought to apply themfelves. to reading, meditation, and fecret Prayer, that they may confirm and increafe their Communion with Gad ., That fo the profit which they found in tin publike. Ordinances may { be cherifned and promoved, and they more edified unto eternal! life, JX. So .many as can conceivePrayer,aughe to make life of that gift of God : Albeit- thefe who are rude and weaker may begin at.afet form of Prayer •/ But fo, as they be not (luggifli in {lining up in them f elves (ac- :ording to their daily necelFities ) the fpirit of Prayer, vhich is given to all the children of God in fome mea- ore. To which effeft, they ought to be the more ervent and frequent/in fecret Prayer to God ? for en- abling of their hearts to conceive, and theirtoogues to expreffe convenient defires to God for their Familie." And in the meantime,for their greater encouragement, ietthfcfe materials of Prayer be meditated upon, and made ufeof, as followeth : Let them confeffe to God how unworthy they are to come in hisprefence, and how unfit to wor- ihip his Majefty •, And therefore earneftly ask of God the fpirit of Prayer. They are to confeile their fins>and the fins of the Family, accufing, judging, and condemning them- felves for them, till they bring their ioules to fome nieafure of true humiliation. They are to poure out their fouls to God, in the Name ©f Chrift, by the Spirit, for forgivenefle of fins, for Grace to repent, to beteeve,and to live fo- berly, righteoufly, and godly 5 and that they may ferve God with joy and delight , walking before him. They are to give thanks to God for his many mercies to his People, and to themfelves, and el'pe- cially for his love in Chrift, and for the light of the Gofpel. They are to pray for fuch particular benefits, Spirituall and Temporal!, as they ftand in need of for the time , ( whether it be Morning or Evening) as health or ficknefle, profperity or adverfity. They ought to pray for the Kirk of Chrift in generall, for all the Reformed Kirks, and for this Kirk in particular, and for all that fufFerforthe Name of Chrift * for all our Superiours , The; Kings Majefty, the Queen, and their Childrei for the Magiftrates, Minifters, and whole body ti 00 the Congregation whereof they are members, as well for their Neighbours abfent in their lawful! affairs, as for thofe that are at home. The Prayer may be clofed with an earned defire, that God may be glorified in the commingofthe Kingdome of his Son, and in the doing of his wilh 5 And with affurance that themfelves are accepted, and what they have asked according to his will ihall be done, X. Thefe Exercifes ought to be performed in great fincerity, without delay, laying alide. all exercifes of worldly bufineffe or hinderances, Notwithftanding themockings of Atheifts, and profane men •, In re- fped of the great mercies of God to this Land, and of hisfevere Corredions wherewith lately he hath ex- ercifed us. And to this effe&, perfons of eminencie (and all Elders of the Kirk) not only ought to ftir up themfelves and their Families to diligence herein-, Buc alf o to concurre effe&ually , that in all other Families, where they have Powerand Charge,the faid Exercifes be confcionably performed. X I. Befides the ordinary duties in Families which are abovemencioned, extraordinary duties both of hu- miliation and thankfgiving are to be carefully perfor- med in Families, when the Lord by extraordinary oc- cafions (private or publike) calleth for them. X 1 1. Seeing the Word of God requtreth, That ve fhould confider one another to provoke unto love md good works *, Therefore,at all times, and fpecially B s in m in this time wherein profanity abounds, and mockers, walking after their own lufts, think it ftrange that/o- £hers*run not wish them to the fame excefle : of riot, Bvery member of thisKirk ought to fthr up thenirel ves and one another to the duties of mutual! Edification, by infttu&km, admonition, reb*vke 3 exhorting one -an- other to irrariifeft-the Grace of God, in denying un- godlinefle and worldly lufts, and in living godly, fo- berly, and righteoufly in this prefent world, by com- forting the feeble minded, and praying with, or, for one another : Whi^h duties t-efpe^tivelyaYe'to be per- formed upon Fpsciail ecea'fiotis offered by divine pro- vidence ^ As natnely,when under any calamity ,crofle, orgre&t difficnhie, c&unfellor comfott is fought, Or wben^n ofFenler-is'go be reclaimed by private admo- nition, and if that be>not effe&uall, by:joyning one or two more kr the admonition, according^ the rule of Chi-ift 5 that in the mouth of two or three wicnefles every word aiay be ; eftabliilied. * XI I T. r And becaufe it is HOI given to every one to fpeak a word jnfeafonto^a wearied or rfiftrefFed con- ference, It is expedient, that a perfon (in that cafe) finding no eafe after the ufe of all ordinary means pri- vate and publike, have their addrefle to their own Pa- ftour, or fome experienced Chriftian : But, if the per- fon troubled in confeience, be of that condition, or of that fex , thatdifcretion, modefty,or fear of fcandal, requireth a godly grave and fecret friend to be prefenc with them in their faid addrefle, It is expedient that; fuch a friend be prefent. XIV. When XIV. When perfons of divers Families are brought together by divine providence, being abroad upon their -particular Vocations, oratiyneceSkryoc- cafions. As they would have the Lord their GO D with them whitherfoever they go, they ought to walk with GOD, and not negled: the duties of Prayer and Thanksgivings buttake eare that the fame be.peribrm- ed by fuch as the company (hall judge fitted: And that they likewife take heed that no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouth, but that which is good, to the ufe of edifying , that.it may minifter grace to the. hearers. The drift & fcope of all thefe Diredionsis no other but that upon the one part, the power and practice, of godlinefTe among air the Minifters : & Members of this Kirk, according to their feverall places and vocations^ may be cherifhed and advanced 3 and all impiety and mocking of Religious exercifes flipprefled -And upon the other par^ that under the. name and pretext of .Re- ligious Exercifes, no£uch : meetingsorpra <•&* **» *5*^»A I £*i £*♦ X^li^* £^ *$* l£** *** JB again jlfuch as withdraw themfehes •from tbepiblike worjlrip in their own Congregation. \i\ct it hath pleated G O D of his infinite goodnefle to blefle his Kirk within this Nation, with the riches of the Gofpel, in giving to us his Ordinances in great purity, liberty , and withall, a comely and weil-eftabliflbed order : The Affembly, in the zeal of God, for pre- ferving Order,Unitie and Peace in the Kirk, for main- taining that refpsd which is due to the Ordinances and Minifters of Jefus Chrift, for preventing Schif me> noifomeErrours, and all unlawfull practices, which may follow on the Peoples with-drawing themfelves from their own Congregations, Doth charge every Minifter to be diligent in fulfilling his Miniftery, to be holy and grave in his converfation,to be faithfull in Preaching, declaring the whole counfel of GOD, and as he hath occafion from the Text of Scripture, to re- prove the finnes & errours, and prefte the duties of the time •, & in all tho(e,to obferve the rules prefcribed by the Ado not amend, in that cafe the Paftour fhall dilate the fore- faid perfons to the SeiTion , who fhall cite and cenfure them as contemners of the comely order of the Kirk 5 And if the matter be not taken order with there, It is to be brought to the Presbyterie: For the better ob- ferving whereof , the Presbyteries at the Vifitation of their feverall Kirks and Provincial AffemblieSjin their cenfure of the feverall Presbyteries, fhall inquire here- anent : Which inquiry and report fhall be regiftrate in the Provincial Books, that their diligence may be feen in the Generall Affembly. Cxf . Ker. I I N I $. . V SSspB Ki9 ^^m