I • BS2827 V59 ' r i ^:^ ^ 5^0 1^ .£^ i:^. ^:2' OF THE AT PRINCETON, N. J. x> o :v -:^ Ti o ::v o b^ SAMUEL AGNE^V, OF PHILAPELPHIA, PA. '€ez. qTo. I Booh, ^eiAyCy^y9 S<^^'9 e<^^>9 ^ ; Division Section No 1; LITTLE BOOK OPEN: CONTAINING THE CRY OF A LOUD VOICE AS WHEN A LION ROARETH; LAYING OPEN THE REVELATIONS, AND ALSO THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS. FROM THE HAND OF JOHN WHITEHEAD. " Like as the lion, and the young lion roaring on his prey, when a MULTITUDE OF SHEPHERDS is called forth against him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them, so shall the LORD OF HOSTS come down to fight for Mount Zion, and for the hill thereof" Is. xxxi. 4. " Take it, and eat it up ; and it shall make thy liclly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey." Rev. x. 9. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR JOHN WHITEHEAD, HAMPTON, Va. 1836. Entered, according to the act of congress, in the year 1836, by John Whitehead, in the clerk's office of the district court for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. « A. WALDIE, PR. ERRATA. 29, for " and he their God," read a.7\d be their God. Page 31, for " Rev. 2," read Rev. xi. Page 47, line 3, for "we, having nothing to do, do not do it, and are sinners," read — we, having something to do, do not do it, and are sinners. Page 52, last line, for " the word of God w;is written," read has written. Page 6], line 18, for "he thirstcth," read thirsted. Page 63, line 28, alter "to have something to" insert do. Page 69, line 16, for " tiiat there was no power," read that there is no power. Page 71, line 33, for " If he be utterly vain," read If it be utterly vain. Page 72, line 4, for " Judah (and the Protestant churches,)" read Jadah (i. e. the Protestant churches). Page 78, line 7, for " teachers of his lies," read teachers of lies. Page 90, line 9, for "his own religious work," read his own righteous work. Page 92, line 6, for " bondman," read bondwoman, and correct the same in other places. Page 119, line 2, for " to make this beast more," read to make this beast move. " " line 7, for " is very wicked," read is very wickedness. Page 126, 12lh line from the bottom, for " is now cast out," read is not now cast out. Page 131, for " (Matth. 2. 4,)" read {Matth. 24. 22.) Page 139, Ch. 14th, omit the letter "V" before the numerical summary of events which are afterwards revealed. Page 140, omit the heading "Ch. XV.," for the 14th chapter now only begins after the preceding remarks and summary. PREFACE. The contents of this book are indeed extraordinary, and the doctrine it unfolds wonderful. " To the word and to the testi- mony^^ let every man go and search, and he will see that he who will believe the plain and simple word and testimony of God cannot be deceived, and cannot be mistaken. It was no doubt necessary that such a book as this should be confirmed in an extraordinary manner — that the evident and manifest authority of God should be given to his own truth and doctrine, at a time and in a day when that truth is lost and unknown in the con- fusion of religious sects, and in the unintelligible confusion of religious books and doctrines : and accordingly it is so. Many things will concur to deceive men, and lead them away from giving any heed to the contents of this book. If there were no deceivers, no deceptions, no deceitful lusts, enticing and blinding men, none would be deceived and none would perish — for all would believe ; but God hath in his wisdom suffered the devil to have great power, and suffered his delu- sions to be strong, that they whom it is not the good pleasure of his will to save, may not be saved against their will. There- fore the truth of God has always appeared an absurdity to the men of this world, and especially to the wise and prudent among them, but who are not wise enough to receive the truth. God will deliver those on whom he will have mercy, (to whom he will give repentance and make willing, and draw unto him- self,) from " all the pozver of the enemy." But Satan has got ready beforehand delusions expressly prepared by him against this Little Book, that the manifest truth of its contents may be suspected, and that it may be classed with, and, if possible, be buried in and swept away by the flood of falsehood which he has poured out against the truth — the covenant of God's ever- lasting love — which covenant is called a woman. Those, there- fore, who hate the truth in their hearts, (though "with their mouths they show much love^") will not be in want of abundant VI prp:pace. strong reasons, and satisfactory proofs to their minds, to reject the counsel of God. When they saw that the truth would cut down all the pride, and all the covetous projects, and all the hopes and delights (or lusts) of the earthly man, they would be very sorry indeed if this truth was so plain that they could not possibly deny it, but must submit to it, finding no hole to creep out of; therefore they have the secret wish of their hearts fully gratified ; Satan provides abundant delusions for them, so numerous and strong that {for a short time) they will not merely escape the truth, but triumph over it altogether, and be positively and fully convinced tliat they are right and the truth of God is wrong. Before Christ came, Satan, who knew he was shortly to appear, raised up just before the time many false christs ; so that when the true Messiah came — when God was manifested in the flesh and named Jesus — those who wished not to receive him, and to be saved from their sins, were able to say, " This is merely another false christ ; he will turn out like all the others ; it will all end in smoke. ''^ Before this little book has appeared, one man has already come, preaching that — all the religious sects and denominations are wrong ; and that, since the days of the apostles, the apos- tolic form has not been followed — (as if the truth of God con- sisted in a form.) And thus, by exposing the glaring errors of the religious world, Satan has attempted to bring in " damnable heresies and doctrines of devils,^' and to gain to his old lies the name of the ^^ Reformation f^ so that he may get men still to remain worshippers of the beast— still to have confidence in man, and his piety, and his doings — and for a Reformation, to adopt a form and decry some palpable errors ! Another delusion, which Satan has prepared beforehand against the true doctrine of Christ contained in this little book, has been a sect called Mornionites, who have put forth a book which they say they found ready written, and to which they attribute divine authority; thus many will be able to satisfy themselves that they need pay no attention whatever to this little book, by saying that it is merely another delusion of the same description. But (and let it be pondered well) this book does not pretend to inspiration more than the books, and sermons, and preachers, of all the religious sects : they all say they speak by the spirit PREFACE. Vll of God — and that is to be inspired. Now, if they speak the truth, then they do speak by the spirit of God — then they are inspired. They are obliged to say they speak by the spirit of God, (else they must acknowledge they are liars,) and yet they will make a great outcry against one's saying the same thing. To the Word and to the testimony^ and no mistake can be made who speaks by the spirit of God and who does not. But that no one may be frightened by the cry which will doubtless be made against "inspiration," as if it necessarily and inevitably involved arrogance and presumption, let every man know that, if he is a child of God and believes, he must bear this charge and accusation upon himself also ; for the Holy Ghost has written, that if a man is not inspired he is none of Christ's — he does not belong to him (Romans, viii. 9). It is also written, that a man cannot even say that Jesus is the Lord, unless he is inspired. (1 Cor. xii. 3.) If men were conscious that they spoke the truth, and nothing but the truth, then they would not be afraid to acknowledge that it was God's truth, and not their own ; but when they are convicted by their own conscience of picking up what they profess to know from books, and men's wisdom and teaching, they wish that others should do the same, and make a great outcry against being taught of God, and speaking by the spirit of God ; for, conscious that they themselves are not taught by God, they must persuade themselves and others that no one else is : hence arise charges and accusations of " arrogance," " presumption," " inspiration," (fcc. It is indeed arrogance and presumption when man claims any thing to himself, or as of himself: the glory which God puts upon all his saints is not personal, nor is it bodily ; it is Christ's, not theirs ; it is in Christ, not in them ; " they are complete in HimJ' Also, this book contains nothing new, but, on the contrary, that which is old and ancient, the faith of our fathers — of Abra- ham, Isaac, and Jacob — the faith of God's people in all ages. The doctrines of this Time are new, the doctrines of strange children, who " are come into thine inheritance, thy holy temple have they defied." It contains nothing but that great truth which is revealed and testified throughout the Scriptures, open- ing, explaining, inculcating, and reiterating the same over and over again in various ways. All the efforts of the enemy will not succeed with those Vlll PREFACE. who " seek after wisdom as for hidden treasure,^^ to whom God hath given the mind and the wish to know the truth : they who would not diligently seek and enquire, who would not go every length and make every sacrifice to obtain truth, will surely not find it, but will give heed to the first lie which turns away from it, (because, in truth, at the bottom of their hearts they do not care a straw about it,) whereas they would go thou- sands of miles and not be turned away by any persuasion from the pursuit of a sum of money. It is against God's elect that Satan raises up all these delu- sions and false lights, that he may lead them astray, but he cannot succeed with them ; God will fight for his Church, for Mount Zion, and " iio weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper^ " Behold, I come quickly ; blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this Book.'''' " He which testificth these things saith, Surely I come quickly : Amen. Even so, come^ Lord Jesus." Philadelphia, September 1, 1836. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. The law of God must be fulfilled, it cannot be broken ; it is the very principle of right and wrong, and it is utterly impossible that it can be broken in one jot or tittle. No wrong of any kind can be done and go unpunished, else it were no law at all, and evil were no evil at all. The law of God is written in the hearts of all men, by which they all know that evil is evil, and good is good. But as men pervert this law and put it from them, and persuade themselves that evil is not evil, God gave this law in writing to a chosen people, by Moses and by the prophets, that truth might be known on the earth for the sakes of all those whom he will teach knowledge. This law of God is the very substance of right and wrong ; but for it being written in their hearts, men would never have had any idea or any perception whatever of right or wrong. This law, that good must be done, and evil must not be done, God has established for ever, and it cannot be broken. Evil is therefore sure to follow evil, and the judgment of the world for wickedness is sure and inevitable. This law is perfect, and therefore admits of no evil or wrong what- ever, nothing short of perfect good is an obedience to this law ; if it admitted less than perfect good it would be both a vain and an unrighteous law, for the least evil being permitted, it would sanction all evil. An imperfect obedience is a violation of it ; herein is the condemnation of men. that they do not perfectly obey the law of God. All men will be judged according to this law, whether they have obeyed it, or whether they have not, whether they have done good or evil ; they all know and confess its truth and justice, for by it they accuse and condemn one another, and take vengeance one upon the other, for it is written in their hearts, they know it naturally. When they say " if a man is virtuous he will he happy, if he is honest he will prosper, vice will bring misery, ^^ and the like, they utter their knowledge of the law of God, which they have by nature. When they say " if you do good, you will go to heaven; if not you will go to hell," they express their knowledge of the law of God which they have naturally ; for this is the law, that good will be rewarded and evil also will be justly rewarded. Now if the good be amplified by being called piety, religion, faith, &c., and if the reward be amplified by being called heaven, yet it is still only the law of God ; and if the evil be expressed by the name of irreligion, impiety, unbelief, &c., and the punishment more forcibly represented by the words hell and de- struction, &c., yet it is nothing but the law of God which men know naturally. And also if the good be inculcated and recommended by 1 2 INTRODUCTION. speaking of Christ and love and the goodness of God, and if the evil be exhibited as the suffering of everlasting punishment, yet none of these additions or appendages change the fact ; it is still the law of God which men know by nature, which law is true, and makes known the fact, that good is surely followed by good as its reward, and evil is inevitably allied with evil as its own punishment. All these truths, however variously expressed, and though mixed up with whatever other sentiments, or united with the most pathetic descrip- tions of the death of Christ, and eulogies of the goodness of God ; — though enforced by the most terrific descriptions of punishment to come, are nothing but the law of God which all men know by nature. Those who profess to serve God and obey the Gospel, call this natural knowledge of the law of God by the names of divinity, gospel, piety, or religion : they are spoken of by the Spirit of God as the Earth. Those who wickedly reject the authority of God, and revile his word, call their '"^tural knowledge of the law of God by the names of virtue, morality, honour, &c. ; these are described by the Spirit as the Sea, which signifies the world in general, as the Earth standing out of the waters signifies the body of religious professors. But at this time the Sea and the Earth are confounded together, there is no difference in their doctrine, it is what they know natu- rally of the law of God. They both know the law and fulfil it not ; they both preach that they ought to do good and practise virtue, and they do evil. To testify against one is to testify against them both, and to declare God's truth is to set the feet upon (that is, to testify against) the sea and the earth, for they are now confounded together. Wherefore the Apostle speaking before of this day, has called the men of the Earth, not only wandering stars, having wandered far from the truth of the kingdom of heaven, but also " raging waves of the Sea,'''' for they are also men of the world, natural men, (calling their natural knowledge and fleshly wisdom the Gospel of God) '■\foaming out their oion shame ;" this they do when they talk loudly of their convictions for sin and what hell-deserving sinners they are ; which, true as it is, is a shame and disgrace to every man. God has expressly declared in the psalms that " no man doeth good, no, not one.^' All men know that they ought to do good, and not to do evil, this is the law of God written in their hearts ; but Righteousness, that is, doing good, does not come by knowing this ; Righteousness does not come by the law. So certain this is, that the Apostle declares that if having the law, knowing that we ought to do good and not to do evil, would lead men to do good, then the death of Christ would be unnecessary ; saying to the Galatians " if righteousness come by the laxo, then Christ is dead in vain." Not- withstanding the express word of God to the contrary, the Earth, that is, the professors of religion, who profess to know and to be obe- dient to the word of God, imagine that they do good, and call upon men to do good, and highly esteem what they call piety, and pious actions and feelings which they imagine to be good. They tliink that they do good, that they obey God's law, (for there is no other good and no other Righteousness than a perfect and continual obe- IIVTEODUCTION. 3 dience to the law of God :) thus making God a liar, for God declares that no man doeth good ! They cover this wickedness by deceit, pretending to ascribe the good which they believe they do, to God, saying they do good by the Grace of God assisting them ! God doth not assist evil man who doeth not good, to do good : the sons of Adam do no good, neither with nor without assistance, they do no good at all ! God hath said this ! Christ Jesus, a new man the Son of God, alone doeth good (therefore he is called the Holy One) : he doeth good, that is perfect Righteousness for them that receive him, and the evil man hath no share nor part in doing the good, the righteousness, which he alone doeth ; this his own doing, his own Righteousness, he gives to and puts upon them that believe, and by this only they are righteous, and perfect fulfillers of the law, even by his doing, and his only. Therefore, no Righteousness comes by the law, and all Righteousness comes by Christ, and by him only, who is the righteous One, who is the Righteousness of God. If God had never spoken and declared that no man doeth good, men bear witness of themselves and declare of themselves that they do not do good, that though they know the law, and talk of virtue and piety, yet they do not do good : their own records of themselves, their histories for nearly 6000 years are records of crimes, and tes- timonies of disorder, confusion and evil. Vain is all confidence in the flesh, vain is the expectation that evil man will be good ; vain is it to cry " do good''' " do good''' to this sinful and malicious beast, who hath eyes but he seeth not, and ears but he heareth not. The law of God requires men to do good continually, and to do no evil or wrong whatever, and its curse is upon all those who do wrong, who do not continually do good. This curse of the law is certain and inevitable ; if it could be escaped, the law would be no law at all, it would be a lie, and there would be no such thing as right and wrong. Since no man doeth good, no man ca,n be saved under this law, for it condemns all who are under it ; being under this law a man is a transgressor and wicked ; this it is which renders him wicked, viz. being a transgressor of this law, and not obeying it in all things and continually. Since therefore there is no Righte- ousness by the law, by knowing it and following it and by trying to obey it, for let him do what he will, no man doeth good, therefore there is no Salvation by the law, for there camiot be Salvation with- out Righteousness. If the Gospel of God was sent to command men to do good, there could be no Righteousness, and consequently no salvation by the Gospel any more than by the law ; for since God declares that no man doeth good, no man would obey the Gospel any more than the law, and no one could be saved by such a gospel. If the Gospel were a new means of doing good, with stronger inducements and better promises than the law, whereby to induce, and assist, and help men to do good by the grace of God, then the Gospel would be altogether vain and useless, for God expressly declares that no man doeth good at all, and therefore it is manifest that no man doeth good by any inducement or assistance, or grace, or help, or entice- ment ; and thei-efore if this were the Gospel, no man would be saved INTRODUCTION. under it. Besides, if such were the case, if the Gospel were a pro- mulgation of good and excellent precepts to men, to guide and teach them to do good, if it were an inducement and persuasive to them to do good, such a Gospel would be most vain and unnecessary, for the Law of God is all this ! The law is a perfect and comprehensive code of all that is good and true; it is perfect, and wants no addition or help ; it ofiers every possible inducement and promise and stimu- lus to men to do good, and not to do evil ; and if the Gospel was such as this, commanding or persuading men to do good, it would be nothing but the law itself; for the law of God commands and per- suades men to do good '; it is perfect, and omits nothing : there is no good that ought to be done, there is nothing wise and excellent that men ought to pursue, but the Law of God contains and commands it all. Whatever precepts or commands to do good can be given, they are already contained in the Law of God. All persuasions to do good, by whatever name they may be called, whether called virtue, or morality, or religion, or gospel, or philosophy, or piety, are the law of God ; whatsoever says to men " do good''' is the law and truth of God, though it may be covered and disguised with many mixtures and vain additions. Therefore the Gospel of God is not the law of God ; the law of God commands to do good, tlie Gospel brings no such command, it is not wanted, for the law commands all good perfectly and abun- dantly, and requires no assistance or addition, for it is perfection itself; if the Gospel were a law commanding to do good, it would be vain and unnecessary, since there is a law doing all this, and doing it perfectly. Neither does the Gospel, or the Grace of God, give any help or assistance to men to obey the law, that is, to do good. All who are under the law, are transgressors and wicked ; they have got to do good, and they do not do it, and therefore they are under condemna- tion, and are wicked. And God gives no grace to the wicked, he is angry with them every day, as the prophet David declares. Also Isaiah says, speaking the words of God, that it would be of no use whatever to show them grace, that is favour ; saying, " let favour he showed to the tvicked, yet will he not learn righteousness, in the land of uprightness jvill he deal unjustly, and will not behold the Majesty of the Lord.^^ God cannot show favour to those who do not per- fectly obey the holy law, it would bo to violate his own law, which cannot be violated ; they are under a curse, and cannot also at the same time be under a blessing. Christ is of no effect to them who are under the law, says the Apostle. Besides, if Christ assisted men by his Grace to do good, then they would do good, and God would be made a liar, for God declares they do not do good. If God assisted men by his Grace through Jesus Christ to do good, they would be perfect, and never do evil, for to do good is per- fectly to obey the law, else a man is a transgressor whatever he may seem to do. If men did good, being assisted or induced by the Grace and mediation of Christ, they might boast before God : the glory woidd INTRODUCTION. t> be due to them, (for they would fulfil the law, else it is no good at all,) and some thanks only would be due to God for helping them. Man would be above God ; man would be the doer, and God a help ; man would be the principal, and God an instrument and servant to him. The wicked teachers of this abomination profess that it is so, when they allege, with feigned condescension and humility, that all the good they do is only by the instrumentality of God, making Him an instrument to them ! This method of salvation, which proceeds from the father of lies and is a lie, which is the false and lying Gos- pel of this evil time, by which man is exalted above God, he, that wicked one, doing all, by the Grace of God, is most highly pleasing to man, but is an abomination before God. To preach to man, the sinful man, (that is, the man of sin,) saying to him " do good,^^ is to set at nought the Lord Christ, and to make his death a vanity; it is to put him out of the way, which is to cru- citV him afresh ; for the Holy Ghost has expressly declared that if good, that is Righteousness, come by the law of doing good, by our following it, or our exertions to obey it, then Christ is dead in vain. To preach to man to do good, all good, the good which God's righteous law requires, and nothing more nor less than it, real good- doing to one another, and to all men in all things and continually, and no wrong, no evil whatever, — to do this in deed and in truth, is to preach God's holy, moral, just, and perfect law. But even this is not to preach Christ or his gospel, there is no good news in this, here are no glad tidings, for inasmuch as men do not obey this holy law, they are condemned by it, and cannot hope for salvation under it. But to preach to men a partial and not a perfect fulfilling of God's law, to preach substitutes of religious invention (ideas, doc- trines, feelings, convictions, joining societies, and churches, &;c. &c.,) instead of the real and perfect good-doing, the righteousness of God's eternal law of right and wrong, — to call these things good, to dare to say that the Grace of God helps men in this wickedness, to dare to say that having good to do, a man can be saved if he does short of real good, and complete and continual obedience, — this is not only not to preach Christ or his Gospel, but it is not even to preach the law ! If even in preaching God's true and perfect law, there is no gospel and no salvation, what salvation is there in the preaching of the law mutilated, set aside, and overthrown ; in preaching vain things which are not the perfect law of God 1 By the law of God, the inviolable and perfect law of right and good, real good, that is. Righteousness, must be done, and no wrong no evil whatever must be done ; but to preach to men that, if they do something or any thing whatever less than perfect obedience in all things and con- tinually, that then they will be saved by the Grace of God, through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, — this is turning the Grace of God into lasciviousness ; it is making the law a lie, since it need not be perfectly and wholly obeyed ; it is permitting imperfect obe- dience, which is transgression ; and it is making Christ and his grace the minister of this sin, the means and plea for admitting evil and overthrowing the law ! This is overthrowing, destroying, or killing God's law, taking 6 INTRODUCTION. away all its force, and life, and power, saying it does not require complete obedience ; and also it is destroying and killing the Gospel, for there can be no salvation ; it cannot save, if it leaves man under the law, bound to fulril it, and cursed and condemned as transgressors of it. This is now done in this day, by the Earth, those who profess to have the knowledge of God, and to be servants and children of the most high God, the professors of religion, whp trample under foot the Son of God, and set him at nought, looking to do good, that is looking for Righteousness, to their own efforts and obedience of the law, thus crucifying and despising the Son of God, the only Righteous One ; and also while they look for life from the law of doing good, yet at the same time trampling under foot that very law, and setting up imaginary good of their own invention instead of it ! Thus the two witnesses of God, the law by which God testifies to man of righteousness and judgment to come, and the Gospel by which God witnesses to men of Grace and of the Righteousness of God, both these two witnesses which have long prophesied in sackcloth, in weakness and obscurity (viz. for 42 months, i. e. 1260 years) are now at length killed : the bodies of these witnesses are the books which contain the testimony of the law and of the Gospel, called the Bible; these are now dead, a dead letter, but (which would be far better) they are not buried, the law and the Gospel are slain, but their bodies, their mere carcasses, the bible, is set up almost as a god, and is sent about and seen of all the sects, and names, and par- ties (kindreds and tongues and nations) of the earth (apostate cor- rupt Christendom). The earthly men, professors of human piety and human Righteous- ness, were always tormented when the truth of the law and of the Gospel was preached, even though in sackcloth ; but now they arc merry and triumphant, and send about the presents of their tracts and '■'■good books;" now they are no longer tormented with hearing the voice of truth, and in their triumph they proudly talk of bringing about the Millennium with a little more exertion of human power and righteousness! But their time is at hand, and they dream not of it. They are a city, spoken of by the Spirit of God, by the name of Sodom and Egypt and Babylon, and this city and its proud battle- ments must be destroyed, for it is a city of falsehood and violence, and hatred and strife, and confusion and hypocrisy. Wickedness to such an extent, and triumphing with so much con- fidence under the deceitful appearance of wonderful holiness and piety and humility, has never before been witnessed in the world since its foundation ; in no other time the law of God, that just and true and holy law of doing right and not doing wrong, has been so completely slain and thrust aside, and such vain and idle substitutes set up in the place of it : and in no other time since Christ appeared, has his holy name and doctrine been so despised and trampled under foot. And this is now done, not by enemies, with shame and fear ; not by the declared ungodly, but the law is thrown down and Christ is crucified afresh and put to shame, triumphantly, boastingly, and confidently, by those who call themselves servants and children of God ! and they commit this wickedness under the very name and INTRODUCTION. . 7 pretence and with the profession of serving God faithfully and zeal- ously, and doing wonderful things for him ! Accordingly even Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of this religious genera- tion. This generation which crucifies afresh the Lord of Glory, setting him at nought, holding him up to scorn and derision, as per- forming a useless work and dying in vain, setting up above him the righteousness and piety of filthy and wicked man, this is the same with that generation which also crucified him before, preferring their own Righteousness before the Righteousness of God. But when they crucified him they did not practise deceit, they did not kiss him and pretend to obey him, nor call him " the dear Redeemer," while they set him at nought ; they did not talk in feigned raptures of his grace and power when they, as these do, openly exhibited him slain by them. They also set aside the law of God by their traditions, but they did not altogether kill it by nothing but vain substitutions of their own piety in its place ; for they were strict and devout according to the law, and some of them as to the righteousness of the law were blameless. CHAPTER II. The doctrine is most true, that all who do good shall be saved ; all without exception, without any favour, or election : this is true, for it is the law of God ; whosoever he be who doeth good and who doeth no evil, he shall save his soul alive ; this is the law of God, and it is true ; here is no favour, here is no election ; such a person must be saved, it is due to him, it is a debt. If God left all men under this law, viz. that if they did good they should live, it would be right and good ; and no man then would be saved (for no man doeth good) and this also would be right and good. Since this law cannot be broken, no man who is under it can be saved unless he perfectly fulfils it in all things and at all times : and since no man does this, no man can be saved who is under this law. If a man is under this law, it requires of him all good and no evil ; nothing short of perfect obedience will be admitted by it, for it is against all evil ; and also it is inexorable, it cannot forego its de- mands or admit of the least violation of its commands, else it were no law at all ; and therefore no man can be saved who is under it, for no man obeys it. It is a monstrous deception of Satan, by which a man imagines that God will sufter the law to be violated by taking a part obe- dience instead of a perfect obedience, or by relaxing in its demands : this is impossible ; God does not set up a law and then cast it down ; all who are under this law must perfectly obey it, or they are lost. All men are born under this law, and under it they must remain unless God removes them from under it, for they cannot set it aside nor escape from it. All men cannot be taken from under it, all can- not be saved, for if so, there would be no law, that is, no right and wrong, and the Law having been given declaring the wrath of God against all wrong-doing, would be a lie, and there would be no wrath a . IXTRODUCTION. against unrighteousness and ungodliness, if all who have done un- righteousness escajjed from the penalty of the law. God will save some, because he will have mercy, he will save them only and en- tirely for his own name's sake ; therefore before the world began, long before man was made. He, seeing and knowing every one of the human race, chose a portion out of the whole lump, each one of whom he knew and saw, whom for his own name's sake he appointed unto everlasting life ; whom he gave to Christ ; whom he loved in Christ ; giving favour and grace to them in him, as members of Christ, not as children of Adam, not as members of that corrupt tree. In the fullness of time Christ came to redeem these from under the law, that they might receive the adoption of sons, and become sons of God through faith in his name, and be no longer children of bondage. It is the will of God to punish the ungodly, for their ungodliness and for their wicked works, and only for them and in proportion to them, this is the law of God : and also it is the will of God to save the ungodly for his own glory, for his own holy name's sake, and only because he will have mercy. This is the Grace of God. This which is his will now, was his will ever- lastingly. All the sins of men are done voluntarily, wilfully, maliciously, and spontaneously ; God has not appointed them to sin, nor predestinated them to sin, God forbid : there is no necessity over them obliging them to sin, they sin premeditatedly, deliberately and voluntarily, God has let them alone to do as they will for a season, but he knows their thoughts afar off, and all that they will do in the time in which he has given power to wickedness to do its will. He has foretold and written down ages before they are done the very deeds that they will wickedly do. But notwithstanding, they cannot do all they would ; far from it ! they cann6t move the little finger till God lets them loose ; they cannot bring all their wicked devices to pass ; God has appointed and determined before, and knows well what he will let them do, and what they will do ; and what he will prevent them from doing ; and also he has appointed, that, whatever their malice and wickedness shall do, shall tend to accomplish his will and plea- sure : and thus, as the Psalmist says, the wicked are the hand of God. God might have prevented all this wickedness from existing, by not suffering the wicked to exist ; but it has been his will to per- mit for a short time the exhibition on this earth of what a frightful thing power is apart from (xod, and what a wretched and wicked creature a creature is out of God. And yet all the events of this wicked world will work in the end a glorious purpose, and God will be justly glorified in all things. The law of (4od makes known that evil is exceedingly evil, and that only what is good must be done ; if a man does any evil what- ever he is a transgressor of the law, and is condemned ; as long as he is alive under this law which commands to do good and no evil, he is in condemnation if he ever does any evil whatever. Therefore there cannot be any salvation to them who are under the law, for it says " do good ;'''' they do not do good, {no miin doeth good, no not one) and therefore this law condemns them. This is all the damnation that INTRODUCTION. there is or will be, viz. the condemnation of the law ; and it is most awful condemnation, because to do evil is most awful. A person who is under the law which infallibly condemns all who are under it, if he talks of Grace, and redemption, and Christ, talks in vain, for the law cannot be broken, Christ will not take away one jot or tittle of it. He establishes it, he does not destroy it ; wherever it is, it is impos- sible it can fail ; whoever is under it, is under a curse ; it is invio- lable, it cannot be set aside. Christ saves his people, not by saving them while they remain under this law, for while a man is under it he cannot be free from condemnation ; but by redeeming them from under it, taking it away from over them, he delivers them from con- demnation : and this he does, not by violating the law, for that can never be, but by putting himself under it instead of them, taking it oft' them upon himself, and perfectly fulfilling it for them and in their places. He fulfilling it all for them, they have not got it to fulfil ; thus they are not under it, it is fulfilled ; it has no demand upon them, for whatever demand it has (and that demand is perfect Righteousness) he satisfies it for them, and they are not under the law, they do not live under it, they " are dead to the law by the body of Christ.^' If he left them under the law, and having to do good, he would not then save them, for they would not do good, and they must be cursed for not doing it ; they must, for the law cannot be broken ; it is impossible for a man to be saved who is under the law, for he has got to do good, and he does not do it. Therefore Christ came to redeem his people from under the law, to do all it requires in their stead, even all good, that is perfect Righteousness, for this is all that the law requires, and he has done all this for them, and thus they have not got it to do, they have not got Righteousness to do, they are not under the law, he does it all for us, because we cannot do any thing of it at all ; he takes it all upon himself, and thus he is as the Prophet Jeremiah spoke, " The Lord our Righteousness." Blessed are they who receive him, who thirst after this Righteous- ness which is God's Righteousness, and not man's, for man has none ; this is to believe in his name, to receive Him for Righteousness, and to have no hope in any other works or righteousness except his only. Herein is his Salvation, viz. a perfect fulfilling of the law, for there can be no Salvation without perfectly fulfilling it : He does this, and the law, which cannot be broken, is not broken. God has chosen his people, to redeem them from under the law, that they might be saved in Christ, and be in him, and become dead to the law by him, and alive to God in him; having on his Righteous- ness, and fulfilling the law in him, that is, being perfectly righteous in him. All are by nature under the law, children of wrath, and none can remove themselves from under this righteous obligation to do good and to do no evil. But God removes whom he will from under this obligation or law, by giving them to Christ who takes it from off" them by completely fulfilling it for them, undertaking the whole for them, and for ever doing all it requires for them, so that they are no longer under it. God takes whom he will from under this law, and giving ihem to Christ, saves them, and he foreknew 2 10 INTKODUCTIOIV. them all, and foreknowing them, he predestinated them to be con- formed to the image of his Son. This is God's election of Grace, having mercy on whom he will, and choosing them before, from everlasting. That God is righteous in leaving some under the law, to be saved if they will do good, they themselves bear witness who wickedly revile the Ever-living God because of this truth of his mercy and grace. They do not wish to be redeemed from under the law, for they wish only to be saved under the condition of the law, viz. if they do good ; how then will they presume to revile the Majesty of God because he leaves them under the condition which they love, viz. that, if they do good, that is fulfil the law, they shall save their souls alive l God is pleased to leave them under this righteous law and just condition, and they will be judged by it, and if they have done good, they cannot lose the reward, and if they have done evil they cannot escape the condemnation for the evil they have done. They love death, even the condemnation of the law, and are deter- mined not to be saved except by doing some good ; they vainly imagine that some good will do, instead of perfectly fulfilling the whole law. They vainly imagine the Grace of God will help them to do some good, and that thus they will be saved. The rejection of Christ and the enmity against God and his Righteousness, consists in not being willing nor desirous to be taken from under this law, and to have perfect Righteousness by Jesus Christ without it ; and how then can such persons find fault with God for his election of Grace, which is the taking some, yea many, more in number than the stars of heaven, from under this law 1 None are left under this condemn- ing law, except those who do not wish or who would not wish to be redeemed from under it, they are left under the law, under the con- dition which they love, viz. that if they do good they shall live ; this is certain condemnation, and the condemnation of the law has been ordained from everlasting for all who do evil, and all evil doers are appointed from everlasting to this condemnation, which is for what they have done or shall do, and only according to what they do. To be made willing to be redeemed from under this law, and to put on the righteousness of God, even perfect Righteousness (which is what the law requires) is to believe in Christ who is the Righteousness of God, it is to be elect of God and redeemed from under the law. When any one believes in the name of the Son of God, then he has the Righteousness of God, Jesus Christ is in him, and all the power and beauty and glory and righteousness of God is upon him, and if it be not so, he is a reprobate (2 Corinths. Ch. xiii. v. 5,) that is, he does not please God, he is not approved of God. This is Reproba- tion and there is no other kind of reprobation, and consequently many of God's elect, on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will make willing and obedient, are reprobates, and will be reprobates and enemies to God till it shall please him to call them by his Grace and give them repentance unto life. THE GOSPEL OF GOD. CHAPTER I. The Faith once delivered to the Saints. The Law says " Do, and thou, (thou thyself) shalt save thy soul alive." God, in the glad tidings of the Gospel, says, " Believe and thou shalt be saved.'''' These words contain in sum and substance all the Gospel of God. Believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt not save thyself, but thou shalt be saved. Now his name is " The Lord our Righteousness," and to believe in his Name, is to look to him for Righteousness, and only to him ; it is to receive him as our Righteousness, to do nothing, but only believe in him. Therefore, for a sinner to be saved, to live and to have Righteous- ness, he has nothing whatever to do, but only to believe, and God will do all for him, God will be his Righteousness, God will save him ! Righteousness is doing good ; there is no other Righteousness : he who tries to do good tries to obtain Righteousness by the works of the Law ; but he who does nothing, but believes in Jesus Christ, he receives in Him the gift of Righteousness without his doing any thing at all ; he is made perfectly righteous, for the Righteousness of God in Jesus Christ is unto him and upon him, and he is made perfectly righteous without doing any thing. He who tries to do good, that is to obey the law, he does not do good nor obey the law; he a sinner cannot, it is impossible to a sinner : if he could do good he is no sinner, and if he could get Righteousness by trying to do good Christ is dead in vain. (Gal. ii. v. 21). Therefore he who tries and works hard to get Righteousness cannot get it, but he who does not try nor work at all, but only believes in the name of the Son of God, he obtains the perfect Righteousness of God, which is (in favour and mercy alone) given and imputed unto him. Therefore he who believeth in Christ, who receives him for his Righteousness, has nothing whatever to do, all is done for him, and all Righteousness is given to him in Christ. Jesus Christ is the only man who doeth good, and he is not a man after the flesh, he is not a son of Adam, he is the Son of God ; he is the only individual who doeth good, and therefore he is called the Holy One, the Just One, the Righteous Man, or the Man of Righte- ousness. And man who only doeth evil, is called the wicked one, the man of sin, or sinful man, the beast, the flesh. 12 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. There is and can be no Righteousness but in Christ., and they who gladly receive him, who look to him and trust to his Righteousness, (that is, who believe in his name) they receive his Righteousness and want none other at all, they are perfect in him, and abiding in him, (that is, continuing to believe and only to look to him) they have no good to do, no Righteousness to do, they have nothing whatever to do, they are saved everlastingly and for ever without doing any thing. They are saved ; it is the work of God ; they do not save them- selves ; they have nothing to do. There is no blessing and no peace but in Righteousness, in doing good, and only doing good; and all Righteousness is comprehended in fulfilling perfectly all the law of God ; so that unless a man does really fulfil this righteous law, he is inevitably cursed and wretched. Now herein is the Grace and Salvation of God, here are glad tidings, viz. that Jesus Christ has entirely taken away from them that be- lieve, or look to him, and throw themselves upon him for Righteous- ness, all the obligation and necessity of obtaining blessing and hap- piness and peace by doing good (a thing they will not and cannot do) and he gives them all Righteousness and fulfils all the Righteous- ness of the law instead of them, so that they have nothing to do, no, nothing whatever : he requires nothing of them, he is their perfect Saviour, and leaves nothing of this salvation in their hands, that is to say. He is the Christ in very deed and truth ; for this is what the Christ means, viz. the King, the Deliverer, the Saviour, the Strength, the Righteousness of his people ! All their part in this Salvation is, not to do any thing but to believe ; simply to take it ! (Rev. xxii. 17) only to receive it ! and have it ! to stand still, to do nothing, to be- hold the Salvation of God, how he, He himself will save them ; and this is believing. All good (that is Righteousness) that was to be done, that is to be done, and that ought for the future to be done, they have not got to do it who only believe ; Christ Jesus hath done it, and does it, and will do it, for them who receive him to do it, that is to be their Righteousness ! who only believe, and cease from all their own works, doing nothing : for he does all for them, he works all good and Righteousness for them, they have nothing whatever to do ! This is good news for the poor and needy, who are heavy laden with their own iniquities, and thirst after the true Righteous- ness ; these are glad tidings indeed for the poor and for the ungodly, and thus the Gospel truly deserves its name '■'■good news ;''^ and so most certainly and assuredly every word of God shall be found to be not in vain, but to mean really what it says, and even to surpass and be over and above the good which it says. This is the faith once delivered to the saints, viz. " Believe," not " do," leave that to Christ, he came on purpose to "<^o." " Lo ! I come, to do thy will, O God /" and to do all for them that trust to him. Yea verily this is the truth of the living God. And surely as the Lord (Jod liveth who made heaven and all that therein is, and the Earth and all that is therein, and the Sea and all that is therein, so surely will (iod speedily put an end to the wicked religion of this wicked generation, to the abomination of lies and human works THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 13 which ungodly men preach and dare to affirm that such Ues are the Gospel of God. This Time of falsehood and abomination which has its fixed and limited period shall very soon be no longer, but (and it is now close at hand) when the voice of the seventh angel shall begin to sound, the mystery of God will be finished, as God hath plainly revealed and declared to his servants the prophets. CHAPTER II. There never has been any other Faith, than this Faith once delivered to the Saints, arid it has been the same in all ages. He who desires to be saved from unrighteousness and death, has not to do, but only to believe ; he himself has nothing to do, he must do nothing; his strength is to sit still (Is. ch. xxx. v. 7); he must believe only ; he must stand still and wait upon God, and look not to himself or his own exertions to do good, but to Christ only for his Righteousness only, and to him only as the only doer of Good : for if he himself could do good, Christ is dead in vain. This is the faith once delivered to the saints, and there never has been any other kind of faith, and never will be ; this was the faith of the saints of old. When Pharaoh and his host pursued Israel to the Red Sea, how did the people escape from and vanquish this powerful and formidable host 1 Not by doing something, but by doing nothing, and trusting in God to deliver, and leaving it to God to do all this work and sal- vation for them. Therefore Moses preached unto them to believe, only to believe, and not to work, but to trust to God for that ; saying unto them " stand still, and behold the salvation of God.^'' The faith of God's elect is also shown for our instruction in the example of Daniel, when he was cast in the den of lions ; he did nothing ; he sat still and trusted in God, and God himself shut the mouths of the lions ; but if he had begun to do, if he had tried to hold their mouths and stop them, it would have been evident that he did not entirely trust in God, (that is, believe,) and then certainly he would have experienced no salvation, God would have left him to his own power, and left them to devour him. So he who believeth in God must sit still and do nothing, but let God be his Saviour, and trust to him to deliver, and then verily he will deliver ! But if he himself works and thinks that he can do good, and conquer Satan and his lusts, and tries to do so, he does not believe in God, he trusts to an arm of flesh ; he takes upon himself the very work of Christ for which he was expressly manifested (1 John, ch. iii. v. S) and in so doing he does not believe in Christ, nor look to him alone for Righteousness and good-doing ; he does not put confidence in God, but likens himself to God and trusts in himself, and God will leave him to himself to save himself and to perish in his own destruc- tions. To do nothing, but to believe in the Name of the Son of God, to trust solely to him to do all good and all Righteousness for us, this only is honouring God, this only is worshipping God ! looking and 14 THE GOSPEL OP fiOI). trusting to him only as our Righteousness, is an acknowledgment that God he is God, and a confession in very deed that we are nothing: it is believing that he is indeed the Christ, the Saviour, that he can do all, having all power, and that he will do all for us, being good and gracious ; otherwise wo neither believe that he has Power, nor that he is good. The sacrifice of the wicked, says Solo- mon, is an abomination to God, and they are wicked who look to themselves to do good. Our working, our doing, our piety (what- ever we may think of it) is a great abomination to God, for we are very evil. To offer up to God the sacrifice, that is the doing and performances of sinful man who is wicked flesh, an evil body, is an abomination; it is THE ABOMINATION. This abomination of human righteousness and the deeds of the human beast, whose sins are as scarlet, has been offered up during 1260 years of the Abomination which has made desolate ; during all which Time the daily Sacrifice has been taken away. The sacrifice of Christ (this is the daily sacrifice by faith) is that of a lamb without spot or blemish ; in him and only in him God is well pleased : to believe in him is to offer up spiritual sacrifices holy and acceptable to God ; but, to look to man for any good, to think to please God by our deeds and piety and obedience, is to offer up the abomination ; it is the sacrifice of swine's flesh as the prophet Isaiah shows, and not of the Lamb. And such is all the religion and piety, such is all the Christianity of this day; it is all a wicked a beastly abomination which God abhors ; a sacrifice of swine's flesh, the worship of a beast, and not of God ; it is faith and confidence and trust in the power and virtue of a beast, not faith in God! This faith in man, this looking to man to do good, never was and never will be the faith of God's people : they did nothing, they stood still and trusted to God. This was the faith of our fathers, even of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob : so David testifies, " Oi/r Fathers trusted in Thee r What did they do? They trusted, only trusted, they stood still and believed ; " and Thou didst deUrer them,'''' that is what God did, that was his work. They did nothing, but they looked to God, and God did every thing for them, he it was who delivered them ! Let no one dare to pervert God's word : they did not partly trust and partly work, and God do the remaining part of the work : they trusted, they only trusted, they altogether trusted to God (this is faith) and God did deliver, wholly and altogether, by himself and unassisted (and this is salvation !) Thus only God is believed and honoured : when we believe that he indeed is quite able, and wants no help from man, then only we believe he is the Mighty (iod and has all power ; and when we believe that he is really and of a truth willing to undertake so much (groat and wonderful as it is, but not too wonderful for him) then and tiion only we believe that what he says is true, that he is good indeed ! that he loves us! and that it is indeed a reality, that he is not only God, and almighty, but our God, and merciful, and gracious. This was the faith of King Jehoshaphat, and the prophets of (iod THK GOSPEL OF GOD. 15 who thus declared it : " Tims saith the Lord unto you. Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude ; for the battle is not yours, but God's /" " Ye shall not need to fight in this battle : set yourselves; stand ye still; and see the Salvation of the Lord with you. O Judah and Jerusalem.'''' (2 Chr. xx. v. 15, 17). This was the faith of Joshua and the people with him : they did not batter against the walls of Jericho : they did not touch them ; they left the work to God, and God made them to fall down when nobody touched them ; God did the work for them, they did nothing of it, they only trusted to God. God shows unto us by these things, that when his people believe in him, he worketh all for them, even in small things, such as bat- tles ; much more in greater and more difficult things, such as the salvation of the soul ; they have nothing to do, the battle is not theirs but God's. The Jews of old (that is the real Jews, for they were not all Jews who were so outwardly) were not guilty of the great abomination of drawing nigh to God in Righteousness of their own doing, until that wicked and self-righteous generation arose, which now is, and is not yet passed away. (Matt. 24, ult.) The Jews looked to the blood of the sin offering for sanctification, and not to their own righteous or good doings. They entered into the sanctuary with sacrifice, and received the blessing from the High Priest (the Anointed One) after the sacrifice ; they were sanctified by the spi'inkling of the blood, and by laying their hands upon, that is by laying hold of the sacri- fice, thus receiving Christ ; and so they were sanctified by doing nothing but receiving the sprinkling of the blood. They never drew nigh unto God or entered his temple but with sin offerings ; they had not an idea of acceptance with him but by blood ; until that evil generation arose which taught that God could be approached with the works of man ; that if a mnn did good, that is, in reality, if he made himself righteous, by deeds and observances of the law, then he was accepted of God, then they pleased God ! This they thought to be a great and commendable zeal for the law of God and highly pleasing to him; they knew not that it was abomination to God. (Luke xvi. v. 15). Thus they set aside the work and oflbring and bloodshedding of the High Priest, (that is the Christ,) and exalted and set up the righteousness, the duties, the observances, the services, the prayers of evil and wicked man, as an offering to God, in place of the Righteousness and oflering of the lamb, the Christ : they offered their own fleshly works, that is swine's flesh, instead of the work of Christ, that is the Lamb ; they would do something, and would not be righteous only and completely in the blood and Righteousness of the Lamb of God. Before this generation arose, the hope of Israel was in the Messiah, the Strength and Rock of Israel, the Righteousness of God, who was to come ; who did come ; and who will shortly again come in power and great glory ! Thus in former days, the saints of God did not obtain Righteous- ness, that is did not do good by doing, but by believing, and that is doing nothing : there was no Righteousness to man, and no accept- 16 THE GOSPEL OF OOD. ance with God, and no sanctification by doing any thing, but by be- lieving only, by only receiving Christ the Righteousness of God, who was hoped in ; who was waited for ; who was longed for ; who was seen afar oft"; and who was set before them by the continual and daily sacrifice and shedding of blood. They all of them had not one jot or tittle of Righteousness before God, except the Rigiiteous- ness of God, which is Christ, the Just One, who alone doeth the will of God. David says " / will make mention of thy Righteousness, even of thine only!'''' and he says that he would go in no strength but in that of the Lord God. And all the good which the saints of old ever did, it was not they who did it; they did nothing but only believed in God, and then (they only believing) it was the Spirit of Christ which was in them, which did the works; they believed, and God himself '■'•did all things for them,^'' (Psalms ;) they had nothing to do. This is the faith of God's elect, the faith once delivered to the Saints. For 4U months, that is 1260 years, false and harlot churches have prevailed, and this faith has not been known among them, they have sacrificed the abo- mination, the offering of the works and piety of the fledh ; but in all this period, God's people though they have all been overcome by the beast and joined with these false churches, have only been saved by this faith, only by Christ and his works and his deeds, for all other deeds but his, be they ever so highly esteemed among men, are ABOMINATION before God. CHAPTER III. The Christianity of this day is no more Christianity than the worship of Juggernaut. It appears shocking to wicked flesh, to earthy men, the men of the Earth, to preach Christ, that is, to preach the ))ower of God only, and not of evil man ; to preach " believe,^'' that is, do nothing. It is an offence and a stumbling block. For fleshly man vainly and wickedly imagines that if God is to do all, and man nothing, then assuredly nothing will be done ! and they preach so, and tliink it great piety ! Such a good opinion evil men have of themselves, and such a bad opinion of God ! They think it strange that it should be absolutely necessary for sinful man to cease from all his doings, and they dream that man will really do some good himself, and that God will not do any without him! nay that it cannot be done without him ! thus they believe that God is not God unless man exerts himself a little ! that God has neither goodness nor Grace nor Power unless man first exerts himself a little ! Yea ! only a little ! grant but a little ! let him have only a little to do, that God may not be God ! This is precisely what Satan wishes, that he may drag men in to partake of his own condemnation ; and to this point he has now at last brought the " Earth" and taught them to call it " Piety /" Thus they believe that no good can be done with- out the power of man : they will not believe in God, they will not THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 17 believe in the Power of God, that is in Christ. They believe in the power of man ; this is their God, this wicked one, man of sin, Ini- quity, a beast, whose sins are as scarlet, twice dyed. They do not believe in Christ, that all power in heaven and in earth is given to him ; that he has only to speak the word, and Satan sin and death and every enemy vanish ! that he, as man, hath gotten the victory by himself alone and no one with him, for us men, even all of us who rejoice to receive his work, and has already overcome all, and gives his victory to his people who believe in his name : they will not believe in him, but they believe that the filthy sinner himself can conquer ; they urge him to try, to labour, to exert himself, to con- quer, to subdue, to be Christ and God ! They will not believe that the Son of God, with his own right hand and his holy arm hath got- ten himself (yea, he himself and he alone) the victory ! In a word, they do not believe in God ; to them, God is not God ! They preach that man even sinful man is enabled to do good " hy the Grace of God through Jesus Christ.'''' This their doctrine is a lie, and cometh from the father of lies ; it is one of the strong delu- sions (2 Thess. chap. ii. v. 11). Man will not do good with any help or grace whatever ; even the grace of God that is, his favour will never lead him to do good. " Let favour (that is Grace) be showed to the wicked yet will he not learn righteousness ; in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord'''' (Is. xxvi. v. 10). To say that evil man does good with help or grace is to make God a liar ; for if it be so, the Scripture is not true, which positively says a corrupt tree cannot bring forth any good fruit at all, and which also declares that man does not do any good at all (Psalms). God does not help Wickedness to do good : man that is born of Adam who is also called the flesh, is Iniquity, and Christ hath no part or lot with this old man, he hath put this beast to death in his own body on the tree, and they who believe are put to death with him. They who teach this doctrine of the devil, make Christ the minis- ter, that is the servant of sin, even of sinful man. They make him a servant and satellite to move and drag along this man of sin, to help him to stir himself and do good, and when they imagine they succeed in making the beast move, then the servant, the minister, the cord of vanity, is forgotten in the shouts of triumph they raise when they see their God move ! If Righteousness come by the law, Christ is dead in vain (Galatians) ; his death, his work is a vanity ; and they make Christ a vanity, a helping instrument or cord, a mere cart rope, to drag along the cart of Iniquity, to make this filthy and obscene beast to move or " do good !" When they make him move and publish triumphantly in their records of piety the little histories of his pious movements, of his benevolent enter- prises, of his solemn seriousness, and pious feelings, they even forget to mention the despised rope with which they think they move him ; and yet they dare to talk of the Grace of God ! ! They profess to believe that the beast only moves, that is only does good, by the Grace of God ; they are so very orthodox they would not ha,ve it 3 18 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. thought that they believed he moved vv'ithout the rope, and thus they imagine that no one can say that they do not trust entirely, oh yes, entirely, in the Grace of God, and hope to be saved " through Jesvs Christ, our Lord,'''' nay, they are sometimes earnest in declaring that they are so evil, they can do nothing without the grace of God ; meaning however, that though the beast cannot move at all without the rope, yet it moves extremely well with such a rope, with such a minister and satellite to drag it ! and thus they save their own good opinion, and count themselves believers, holding fast to lies and yet anxious to be thought valiant for the truth ! Ages ago God pointed out their wickedness and hypocrisy, saying, " Woe unto them that draw Iniquity, that is sinful man, w'lth cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart-rope.'''' (Isaiah, ch. v. IB). This vile and filthy beast, this wicked one, is the God which the Earth (the religious world) now worships, and has in this day exalted above Him whom yet they deceitfully call God ! (2 Thess. ch. ii.) This beast they set up in the chariot of their pride, and exert them- selves to the utmost to make him move. This Beast is sinful man, or the man of sin, the wicked one ; he is now revealed, triumphing for a season, and he hath overcome and slain the two witnesses of God, by which God testified to the world of Righteousness and Judgment, (viz. the Law and the Gospel) (Rev. xi.) both these wit- nesses are now slain by the beast, the exalted beast, and their dead bodies (the dead letter of them, that is, the Bible) are paraded about not buried (which were far better), but made use of for a brag and a vain glory. The exaltation of the beast and the dragging him along " by the Grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord," as they blasphemously say, is spiritual Wickedness; it is the same scene of wickedness acted spiritually and deceitfully, which is acted corporeally and openly among other deluded victims of Satan, proving the unity of Satan's kingdom in spite of the divisions and disputes among his servants ! showing that the world is only one same scene of the same wickedness in different shapes and disguises. The Christianity of this last day is the vilest kind of Idolatry. To be an idolater, is to put trust not in God, but in that which is no God and cannot save. They put trust in their feelings, in their prayings, in belonging to a confederacy, and they are idolaters, for there is no trust in God in all this ; this is not God ! They do evil, their thoughts are unclean, and polluted, their imaginations are vile and earthly, and yet they think that this beast, which they know is so vile and serves such vile purposes, will yet do good and save ! for to do good is real salvation. They themselves do that which is wicked in thoughts and deeds, and the residue of themselves they make a God and cry out to it " do good," that is save us ! be pious, be righteous, save us! But it is a God which cannot save! This idolatry is far worse than the idolatry of graven images ; for though the wood of a graven image may have been used for roasting roast, and kindling a fire (Isaiah) yet it hath not committed sin, fiUhy sin! But their God is a beast, and doetli all manner of evil ! And this is the worship of this day, " they ivorsh'ip devils and not God ;" it is THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 19 idolatry, it is calling upon the man of sin to " do good" and save himself. Therefore if the worship of Juggernaut is bad, this wor- ship is worse ; and so it is that the Christianity of this last day is no more Christianity than the worship of Juggernaut. Such is the worship of all names and sects without any exception whatsoever; for though they have questions among themselves about doctrines, and quarrel and devour one another, they all agree in this one thing, viz. denying Christ, saying to filthy man " do good" " be pious," " be religious" " be godly," that is, setting up the man of sin as a God able to do good, and a Saviour able to save. They all agree in performing the part of Judas the son of perdition, for they sell Christ to the wicked, saying, " if you do a little good, if you pray, if you only pay the money of your piety and prayers, then you shall be saved, that is you shall have Christ !" Thus the man of sin (sinful man) the son of perdition, is revealed (selling Christ and salvation for paltry considerations :) who saith that he is God, and exalts him- self above all that is called God, for notwithstanding such wicked- ness they yet call the Lord, God ! The Spirit spoke expressly that thus it would be in the last days (2 Thess. ch. ii.) But now the time is come when this time of the beast shall be no longer, and as the Lord liveth who made heaven and all that is therein (yea the angels of heaven are only what they are by his choice and pleasure) and the earth and all that is therein (yea, it is a lie that proud and wicked man can make himself a child of God and be saved if he pleases) and the sea and all that therein is (yea, they are all the work of God only : none are Creators but He) this TIME shall be no longer, but when the seventh angel sounds, the Mystery of God will be finished, the power of the wicked shall be ended, and God will take to himself his great power ! CHAPTER IV. Justification by faith ; that is, being made righteous by believing only. The Scripture says, " a man is justified by faith, without the deeds of the law,^'' (Rms. iii. v. 28.) That is, he obtains Righteousness, he is made perfectly righteous, by believing only, without doing any good whatever, without doing any thing at all. The same is said in the words " being justified freely, that is gratuitously, by his Grace.''"' Now to be justified freely, gratuitously, or for nothing, is to be jus- tified without doing any thing and without having any thing to do, or else it is not gratuitous. A man cannot be righteous or justified by any thing he does ; let him appear to do all good he is not righteous before God ; the law requires him to do all good actions, he must do them, it is a debt due to the law ; but, even if he does them all, the Scripture declares " By the deeds of the law shall nofiesh be justified i?i his sight.'''' Therefore if a man fulfilled all the law perfectly, and did all good and no evil, yet he would not be righteous before God, he would not be justified in the sight of God, whatever he might be 20 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. in the sight of men. The Word of God, which declares that a man cannot be justified, that is obtain Righteousness and be righteous, if he does ever so much, also declares that a man is justified, that is, obtains Righteousness and is righteous, if he does nothing at all ; and only believes in Jesus Christ ; saying, " a man is jvstijied by faith without the deeds of the law," and also saying " by the deeds of the law shall nofesh be justified.'''' To believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is to look to him as The Christ, that is as the anointed High Priest, to stand in our stead before God and to perform all things for us. To receive him to do all for us, and to offer up spiritual sacrifices for us, to submit to him to do all this, and not presumptuously to attempt to do it ourselves, this only is to believe in him. Christ is the Righteousness of all them that believe in him, they want no other Righteousness, the Righteousness of God is imputed to them, is put upon them, and they are perfectly righteous by this imputation of God's Righteousness, without their doing any thing whatever. This is being justified by faith ; it is receiving Righteousness as a gift by the great favour and kindness of God, and not getting it by doing any thing ourselves. Righteousness is doing good ; he who looks to Christ to be his Righteousness, looks to him to do good for him ; this is what Christ does, this is what he came to do, viz. " to do the will of God," and accordino^ly they who believe and receive him, have nothing to do, but to stand still, and he comes to them and is in them, and he does all Righteousness for them. He alone does it, they do it not ; and what he does he imputes to them. Thus then, they who believe in Christ have nothing to do, God is in them doing all things for them, and giving and imputing to them all his own Righteousness, which it is God alone who doeth. They continuing to believe, God continues to do all things for them, and continually imputes his own works to them. As they trust to him and look to him, so in propor- tion he does the more for them. Thus God is in his people, and the whole body or collection of them that believe is therefore called a city, where God is, as the prophet Ezekiel says, " the name of the city shall be, The Lord is there." Hence it is manifest that he who believeth in Christ has nothing to do, for when God does all things for him, there is nothing left for him to do. They who believe are made righteous (that is, are justified) by Grace, for it is extraordinary favour and wonderful grace indeed that God should condescend to dwell with man and do such great things for him. It is by the Promise of God, (which promise he made to Abraham and confirmed it by an oath) ; it is by his mere mercy, his everlasting mercy ; by his mere gift, his unspeakable gift, that it is so ! In his rich grace and wonderful love to us, he becomes OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, he puts all his own Righteousness upon us, he imputes it unto and upon us, he clothes us and covers us completely in the robe of Righteousness ! No being or creature could be more righteous, more perfect, more holy, more pure, and more complete than he is, be he the filthiest wretch who craAvls upon this earth, ^vho does nothing, but only believes in the name of Jesus of Naza- THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 21 reth, the Holy One of God ; who only receives him as his Anointed or High Priest, who looks to him, and trusts wholly to him. He is God manifest in the flesh, his name is Wonderful, and he is wonder- ful, his power is wonderful, his grace is wonderful, and his gift and work is wonderful to them that believe, and they, standing still and beholding the glory of God, and his Salvation, and his work, will exclaim with wonder joy and astonishment " What hath God wrought /" Thus then, to be justified by faith, is to be made righteous; and we are made righteous by the imputation of Christ, the Righteous- ness of God, without doing, but only believing. It is not merely being made righteous by one single imputation of God's Righteous- ness, made once for all, and then after that being left to do good, which would be being left to be justified or get righteousness by the law, far from it. God hath said " He that is justified by the law^'' (that is, who tries to do good, or to get Righteousness by his own exertions) " is fallen from Grace.'''' Righteousness is doing good, or else it is no Righteousness at all, and God's Righteousness is God's doing good. Therefore when this Righteousness is unto him that believes, then he has God to do good for him ; this is to have God's Righteousness. This effectual Righteousness in Jesus Christ is unto them that believe ; Righteousness is done for them by Christ him- self, and it is imputed to them as if it was their doing, though it is done by him only. It is done for them when they believe ; and, as they continue in believing, it is continually done for them ; and, as it is continually done for them, so it is continually imputed to them and put upon them. God's Righteousness, which is his doing good, is an everlasting Righteousness ; he continually performeth all for them that look to him, and his gift and grace and goodness is not moment- ary nor for once only, but everlasting, and therefore, as he constantly and unceasingly works Righteousness for his people, so he never ceases giving it to them and imputing it to them ! They believe and look to him, and he worketh Righteousness for them, and imputes it to them ; they continue to believe, abiding in faith, standing still and looking and trusting only to him, and he continues to work for them, and, as is written in the Psalms, to " do all things for them,'''' and graciously to impute his own glorious work of Righteousness to them. Thus they have nothing to do, he doeth all for them. This, and nothing less than this, is to be justified by faith ! it is not to have one Righteousness imputed to us for once, but continual Righteousness, the continual good-doing of God himself, continually imputed to us, daily, hourly, unceasingly and for ever! Christ has not only once done all for us, but he ever liveth, and does all, and will do all and every thing for us, when we wish, when we desire, when we want it, that is, when we believe ! By the infi- nite, the rich and stupendous grace of God, Righteousness is given unto us, and is upon us, when we believe, and it is in proportion as we desire it and hunger after it, " according to thy faith be it unto thee,'''' that is, he who throws himself most entirely upon God, and trusts most to him, and longeth most after his true Righteousness 22 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. (which alone is real Righteousness) will know the most of his good- ness and power ; but he who tries be it ever so little at his own power, can know nothing whatever of God. When we believe this, namely this doctrine, which is the doctrine of God, then only we believe the faithful and sure word, " Thy Righteousness is an everlasting Righteousness.'''' Yea verily it is not a momentary Righteousness, it is not for once, and there an end of it, but it is for once, and it is continual, and it is for ever ! It is only through faith we receive this Promised gift, and not by doing any thing, far from it, but standing entirely still, trusting entirely to God, and beholding that God is God indeed, for the Scripture says, " Be still, and know that I am God!''^ When we cease to believe or halt in believing then we cease to acknowledge God, and we cease to behold the power which we do not acknowledge. Believing is not for once nor for a moment, it is enduring to the end, and the Righte- ousness of God, that is God's actual doing and performing Righteous- ness, is enduring, lasting, and continually and at every moment unto and upon them that continue in the faith. God even Jesus Christ continually doeth Righteousness for them ; he does it, it is his work ; he imputes it to them, and they are righteous. This is to be justi- fied by faith ! to have God at all times to do all for us, and to have nothing to do ourselves ! we only trusting to him, that is only believing ! Thus, the Righteousness of God is God's working, God's doing good : it is Christ himself, who is the Power of God, the manifested Righteousness of God, and who alone doeth good ! So that this Righteousness is an active, living, never-ending, everlasting Righte- ousness ! David says " Lo! he that keepcth Israel, doth neither slum- ber nor sleep." It is God himself in Christ who keepeth Israel in righteousness and true holiness; he is Righteousness, he only doeth Righteousness, he only is holy, he is the Holy One ! How, during the 42 months in which the Enemy has trodden down the sanctuary, in which the saints of God have been overcome by the beast, and have been joined to one or other of the nations and kindreds of the earth (the sects of the religious professors) so as not to be known as a separate people, as the holy nation, — yea, God's Israel after the spirit, has been scattered over all the face of the earth (i. e. among all the sects and churches of earthly sensual pro- fessors) they have fallen by the edge of the sword (that is the law) they have been led away captive into all nations (i. e. sects of the earth) and Jerusalem, the holy city or body of God's elect, has been trodden down of the Gentiles, (and was so to be for 1260 years (Rev. xi.) : not earthly bodily Jerusalem ; but the holy spiritual city, the collection of God's people : (for if earthly Jerusalem which is merely bricks and stones, had been signified, then the time would have expired near about the year 1260, because earthly Jerusalem began to be subjected to the gentiles when the Christian era began, and therefore 1260 years of that era would have fulfilled the time,) yea the saints of God the holy city, haye been overcome by the beast all this Time of Abomination, in which Zion has been desolate and a THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 23 widow, but the Time is now nearly fulfilled, for when the seventh angel sounds, it shall be no longer, how during all this Time in which the abomination of human righteousness, the swine- flesh offering has been set up, the Gospel of the living God has been prophesying in sackcloth (Rev. xi. v. 3.) " Lo ! He that keepeth Israel slumbereth not /" and yet in this TIME they who have even mightily preached the truth and the Righteousness of Christ, have preached that the Lord Our Righteousness was a slumbering and sleeping Righteousness ! that it was merely his obedience which he once gave to the law in the days of his deep humiliation, which obe- dience being then ended, was once for all imputed, at one putting on, to them who believed, and after that they had to do good as well as they could b)^ the grace of God ! and so there was an end of God's Righteousness which is an Everlasting Righteousness ! without end, eternal and for ever ! This has been indeed a covering of sackcloth and ashes to the gold of Zion ! Blessed be God, we have not got to do good at all, no, not by the grace of God ! and blessed be our God, that by his Grace, his unspeakable grace and gift, all is done for us, by Christ Jesus our Lord, the Messiah of God, and we have nothing whatever to do ! The saints of God have been overcome by the beast, during all the Time of the Abomination, (which Time began in the midst of the first seven hundred years or week of centuries) for power has been given to the Beast over them. The Time of the Abomination began in the midst of the first seven hundi'ed years after the death of Christ ; it began with the Romish Church, and has continued till now. The first seven hundred years is called in Daniel a week, for it is a week of centuries : during this week God confirmed his Cove- nant in Christ with many, even thousands and thousands of his beloved people, but in the midst of this week the abomination of % human works and piety was set up, and the pure oblation and sacri- fice which Christ alone offers up to God was" made to cease, and that desolation (which now has come to its full) then began. " And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week : and in the midst of the iDeek he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations, he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall he. poured upon the desolate.''^ (Daniel, ch. ix. v. 27.) During all this Time, God's elect, the holy city, has been trodden under foot, the people of God have been overcome by the Beast, which has reigned and ruled all this Time. Being thus overcome they have not seen Christ to be actu- ally and truly the whole and sole doer of Righteousness for them that receive him ; our whole and sole Righteousness, both active and passive, and of all kinds ; yea, if there be ten million different kinds of Righteousness, then he is all of them to us, for he is " Our Righte- ousness'''' which includes of all kinds ! Not knowing this, not know- ing the power of God, (though exceedingly elated and swelled up with what we did know,) especially we, the last of them (Laodicea) who have said we knew all, and were rich and increased in goods and had need of nothing, and knew not our real situation (Rev. iii. 17), 24 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. we have greatly erred, and have been overcome by the beast, as it is written, " and it was given unto him to make tear with the saints and to overcome them : and power was given him over all kindreds and tongnes and nations,^' (Rev. xiii. v. 7.) He who will believe God's word, and not be disobedient, must submit and confess that all without any exception have been overcome. Thus then the imputation of the Righteousness of Christ is not merely one imputation, but it is a perpetual and unceasing imputa- tion : his work of Righteousness is not one work, done and ended when he was on the earth, but he is " with us always even to the end of the world,'''' and all his beauty, his glory, his perfection, his grace, his work, his power, is with us too, that is when we believe, and then according to our faith. This is a perfect, a continued and unceasing work, he does all for the believer and he imputes all that he does, and that is all Righteousness, to the believer. This and only this is justification by faith, being made righteous by Christ without our doing any thing : doing all and perfect Righteousness, yea walking and living in Righteousness with God, without doing any thing, and without any the least thing whatever to do! having Rest, having nothing to do ! believing in God only to do all, trusting the work entirely to Christ the Power of God, The Anointed High Priest : yea, not fearing to cast all the burden and all the care upon him ! This is justification by faith, and short of this, or part of this, is not justification by faith ! All that is here said is fully comprehended in the words " Christ is our life^'' there is no life except in Righteousness, that is doing good, and Christ, a new man, is the only man who doeth Righteous- ness; he is Righteousness, even the Righteousness of God! To do evil or wrong is unrighteousness, that is death and a curse. From this death in trespasses and sins God maketh his people alive, or, as it is written, he quickeneth them : it is a great grace and favour for him to do so : and he doeth this by the word, giving unto them to hear his word by his holy Spirit, which is understanding : and then, understanding the word, they hear and believe. This is to receive life, this is to be raised from the dead, this is to enter into the king- dom of heaven, this is to be born of the word (which is called water) and of the Spirit (that is understanding). It is simply to believe. They who have understanding (which is the Spirit of God) they hear and believe : without this understanding, " man is like the beasts that perish.'''' Yes I to be justified by faith is to receive Righteousness or life, only and simply in looking to God, and trusting to him in Jesus Christ. This all will do who are wise and understand trusting him the Christ, without working or doing at all, leaving that entirely to Him ! This is to believe, and he who believes is justified by faith, that is, he receives Christ to do Righteousness for him, and to make him a doer of Righteousness, not for once only, but daily, hourly, continually, yea every moment of our existence I By his death he took away all our sins in his own body on the tree ; he suflered for our transgressions, and thus God doth not impute sin unto us ; all THE GOSPEL OF GOU. 25 our sins are hereby removed trom us as far as the East is from the West, and we are made righteous or justified by his death : thus all Israel was justified when they laid their hands on the sacrifice which was slain. He shed his blood for us, and cleansed us from all sin, so that we are made righteous, or, justified by his blood ; and thus all the saints of old were justified being sprinkled by the blood, and thus the saints of God in the Time of this abomination have been justi- fied, who have had no hope in their doing good, but only in his blood ! But this is not all, though this is all that David and the prophets knew, and this is all that the elect of God have known dur- ing the Time of abomination, since the first week of seven hundred years. We are also justified by his life, " he rose again for our jus- tification.'''' That is, he not only suffered death to destroy the body of sin and death, and so he justified us ; he not only shed his blood and sprinkled us therewith and made us clean from all our sins, and so he justified us ; but what is more glorious still is the glory which was to follow his sufiering and bloodshedding. (1 Peter, ch. i. 11, 12). He rose again to live in his people, to bless them with the power and presence of his Righteousness, to be their life, to do all things for them, to work all their works in them, that they might live and have life more abundantly. Thus we are justified, made righteous, made (by imputation) doers of Righteousness, by his life, by his living in us, and being in us, and dwelling in us, " performing all things for us /" This is what the Holy Ghost signifies when it is said, " he rose again for our justification.'''' So that he not only justifies his saints by his death and by his blood, by suffering for and taking away all our sins, but by his life also, by living in them, and He himself working all Righteousness for them ! This is " the power of his resurrection" the glory which should follow his death and sufferings. This is a great glory, as far above the being only cleansed from all sin, as to do Righteousness is far above being merely not unrighteous. As to have no sin imputed to us is blessed indeed, and this was the case with David, so to have no sin imputed to us, and also moreover to have actual Righteousness imputed to us and so to be doers of Righteousness, is far more glorious and blessed ! and this was what David and the prophets searched to know (1 Peter, i. 10.) God is glorified hereby, for indeed it is not a glory to us, but to God ! " Herein is my Father glorified that ye bring forth much fruit /" If we did the works it would be a glory to us, but Christ alone doeth them and God is glorified by Christ. The saints of old searched to know of this (Peter). After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his people enjoyed this life and glory for one week of seven hundred years, and in the midst of this week the abomination of the piety of a beast, a counterfeit Christianity began, which was to last for 42 months, that is 1260 years, and which has since made altogether desolate. (Dan. ix. 27.) For 700 years, or a week, the Everlasting Covenant of the Promise in Christ Jesus the seed of Abraham was confirmed with many, yea with multitudes, of God's beloved who believed in his Name. Since then until now, (when the Times of the Gentiles are fulfilled) the glory of the Gospel has been 4 26 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. hidden, and this witness of God's Righteousness has testified in sackcloth, (Rev. xi. 3). The word of God is express which de- clared beforehand that it should be for 1260 years. (Dan. viii. 14 ; Dan. xii. 7 ; Rev. xi. 2 ; Rev. xi. 3; Rev. xii. 6, 14). During all the Time in which the riches of the glory of this Mys- tery have been hidden from a proud and wicked and learned Earth (for God would not cast his pearls before those who would trample them under their feet, not one of the chosen seed has been lost, though the glory has been dimmed. God has nourished his Church though it was in the wilderness (Rev. xii. 6) and foolish faithless and provoking as those who were 40 years in the wilderness (1 Cor. x. 11) nor, in all this Time would one, no not a single one of the wicked and self-sanctifiers have believed in Christ alone for Righteousness, no, not even if nothing had been hid, if their eyes had not been blinded, and Christ had told them all! "if I tell you., ye will not helieve^ The enemies of God under the guise of zealous believers, denying his words, setting up their own doctrines and yet pretending to be his servants, were to be, and to have power for a Time to show themselves, to be let alone to do their will and build their buildings (though even this only just so far as God had willed) and while this has been, Christ has been waiting till the Time should be no more, till his enemies should be made his footstool : the heavens have re- ceived him till this Time is accomplished (Acts, iii. 21), and now, the Time shall be no longer, and he will shortly appear, in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, and all his holy angels with him! (Acts, i. 11) and the Mystery of God will be finished. This great and glorious Truth and Mystery of godliness, even of Jesus Christ coming in the flesh, and doing all for his people., work- ing all his works in them, they having nothing to do, they only be- lieving, no one in heaven or in earth could ever find out ! There have been during the 42 months wise and learned men, yea, there have been saints and prophets of God who have truly testified of Christ, (though in sackcloth,) and yet, what God hath not been pleased to make known, no man hath known. The very length of time it has been hid, is as if it were to humble the pride of all men, and to let them know that the things of God knoweth no man ! (1 Cor. ii. 11) no ! no man ! but only the Spirit of God ! Boasting is altogether excluded from the reach of filthy flesh, that is from us the children of Adam. CHAPTER V. What Antichrist is, and that he now reigns in the Earth {the religious world). It has been seen that the Righteousness of God (and that, not a momentary, but a perpetual ; not a passive but an active Righteous- ness) is unto all and upon all them that believe ; that Christ Jesus himself does all for them, and they have nothing to do. It is so ! It may be said, if this be the case, then Jesus Christ is again on THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 27 the earth, and is not only come once in the flesh in his own body, but is come again in the flesh in them that believe. Since He who was manifested at the appointed time, being born of the virgin Mary, comes and dwells in them that believe, and is in them, then Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. It is so : this is the doctrine of God laid open in this little book, namely, that he who believeth only in Him hath nothing to do, for Jesus Christ cometh and dwelleth in him, in the flesh, and doeth all and every thing for him, even all the will of God, which as it is written in the Psalms he came on purpose to do. He comes in the flesh to him who believes, having cleansed him and washed him and made him a holy vessel of God ! Whosoever he be who does not confess this truth, he is Antichrist ; whosoever he be who saith that the sinner has got any thing to do, and does not openly declare and confess that it is Jesus Christ who doeth all Righteousness or good, who alone doeth it, and is it, he, even he is Antichrist ! No one can now any longer be deceived, unless he is determined to be deceived and to perish ! for this doc- trine is given of God as a sure and positive test to try whether preachers or prophets are deceivers and false prophets, speaking lies in hypocrisy, speaking by the Spirit of falsehood, or whether they are of God. God hath had great mercy upon us in this latter day by giving us this sure test, that we may not be deceived by the son of perdition, even Antichrist and the beast, though he be transformed into an angel of light and speak like a lamb, prating about the " dear Redeemer" in all hypocrisy and all deceivableness of unrighteous- ness. Whosoever does not teach that Christ doeth all and the sinner hath nothing to do ; that is, that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh and is the only worker of Righteousness ; who preaches " do good,^^ saying that the sinner who believes has got to do good, — he is not of God, he is a false prophet ! he is a worshipper of the beast or of the image of the beast, (that is either of himself or what he calls his regenerated self, a mere fiction, an image of himself.) " Hereby know ye the Spirit of God : every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in thefiesh is of God ; and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God. And this is that Spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come ; and even now already is it in the worlds 1 John, iv. 2, 3. Yea, they who believe have nothing to do, Christ doeth all, him- self, for them, he is in them, he is come in the flesh ! It is only thus that Jesus Christ can come in the flesh, even coming and being in them that believe and receive him ! for, when he came into the world in the due time, it was not Jesus Christ who then came in the flesh, but God who came and was manifest in the flesh, and the Word being made flesh, was then first called Jesus ; this is the Christ! This is that Jesus Christ who to them that believe in his Name, comes in the flesh, and all his Work and Beauty and Righte- ousness comes with him! Not to receive and confess this holy truth is to deny and refuse Jesus Christ ! And to teach any other doc- trine, saying to evil man " do good''' is not to confess it, is Anti- 28 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. christ, yea, this is Antichrist which should come, and which should reign and overcome for 42 months, that is 1260 years. All the religious doctrine of this present day is Antichrist, the whole reli- gion of this present Time is Antichrist. Not only they do not con- fess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, to him that believes, and that He alone bringeth forth in him Righteousness and all its fruits (Phil. i. 11), but they know nothing whatever about it in their sen- sual doctrine, and therefore cannot confess it ; the whole doctrine of God is a strange thing to their natural understandings ; the very first rudiments of the doctrine of Christ are strange and unknown to them : they are in confusion, and stare one at another, and grope in the dark ; their faces are as flames : while they wonder how it is that with all their fleshly labours and pious pride they do not make a better show in the flesh (seeing but not opening their eyes to the vanity of their doings), and in their confusion they vainly call upon God and his holy Spirit to join with them in " doing good" and to help them ! to become a servant and a helpmate to them and the satellite of their religious lusts, to di-ag along with them the chariot of the beast, the filthy sinful and lascivious beast, which they toil and labour to move and drag along. But it does not move, and the city of confusion laments and cries aloud and urges on the beast in vain ! Christ was before all worlds; the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world, in whom alone, since the world began, all who have been saved, have been saved. When in the fulness of time he came into the world, and was born of a woman, he was then first, having become man, named Jesus: and was then first the man Christ Jesus. This man in whom God is manifested, even this Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory, is come in the flesh, to dwell in the body of all those who believe in him : (2 Cor. vi. 16. Coloss. i. 27. Rs. viii. 10. 1 John, iv. 4. Isaiah, xii. 6 ; xxvi. 12. Ezkl. xlviiii. 35) : he comes in them to do all righteousness for them and instead of them, and they have nothing to do, and must do nothing, but stand still. He that knoweth not this knoweth not the truth to this day, and he that will not receive and confess this is Antichrist. Hereby we know that this is the last Time, (the Time which shall be no longer,) be- cause this truth is bitterly opposed, and the lie that man doeth good (not Christ only) is the doctrine taught and which reigns in the earth (that is the religious world) in this day. This is the truth declared by John, the last disciple, and for our sakes, that we might be certain and know assuredly, with full assur- ance of understanding, the only true doctrine of Christ, and who and whit Antichrist is, who opposcth Christ and cxalteth himself above Christ and God, whom yet they call God ! It is the religion and profession of this last day, viz. professing that man doeth good, and not confessing that only Jesus Christ doeth good, being come in the flesh to them that believe, doing it fi)r them. This is the Mystery of Godliness and it is a very great mystery indeed, which Antichrist with all his piety and hopeful seriousness does not know nor confess. The godliness or piety which Antichrist THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 29 preaches (which is not godliness, but is an abomination) is no mys- tery, it is a work which any fleshly man can perform and assume, whereas, to them who only believe, God himself is the worker : He, the Almighty God, performeth all for them, and this is a great Mys- tery ! It is one of the wonders of the wonderful God ! (Isaiah.) It is truly wonderful, it is stupendous, it is beyond understanding, that God himself, the Mighty God, even the glorified Jesus Christ, should stoop so low, and come in the flesh, yea " even to the rebellions also" and the ungodly, and dwell in his people who receive him, and he in them and walk in them, and he their God ! And doth Jesus Christ come in the flesh and do nothing ? or only do part good ? part Righteousness ? does he leave the needy helpless sinner who receives him to do good ? to do any thing at all 1 Nay verily ! when he comes. Life and Power and Righteousness and Holi- ness, all the work and all the fiuits of Righteousness come with him and are by him, and remain, even more than would suffice to purify and sanctify millions of worlds ! What then has he who believes to do? He has to do nothing; he must stand still, believe, trust to, receive and acknowledge God ! in a word, he has only to submit to God ! He who does not confess this Truth, he is a deceiver and an Antichrist. What astonishing mercy and goodness, what exceeding great love ! that God himself should provide Righteousness for and give it freely, to the ungodly, to a sinful and rebellious people ! a people lost in sins, devoted to unrighteousness, and obstinately, perversely, invin- cibly, and irreclaimably corrupted, and addicted to deceitful lusts ! And to provide Righteousness for them by means of one of them, which would have been impossible but that he provided a new man like unto them in every thing except in sin, a righteous man, a Holy One ! And what not to be uttered Love, to provide this Holy One, this man the conqueror of sin and doer of Righteousness, by his own self entering into a body of man, and becoming man ! And the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father having stooped down to dwell in a fleshly temple, then to suffer patiently all degradation and misery and contumely and insult, from his own creatures ! to be an afflicted man, a cursed man, cursed for the sake of others, and to suffer death as a man, and to take on himself the curse and condem- nation of the law, and all this for the sake of those who were sinful, and guilty, yea those who reviled and pierced him ! But, O mons- trous iniquity ! after God has done all this, and provided Righteous- ness for the sinful — that men loudly professing heartily and zealously to believe what he has done, should rise up, saying, that what he had done was good for nothing ! saying that they, evil beings, must per- form that which is far from them, viz. Righteousness ! Thus saying to God who has done so much, that he need not have taken so much pains to provide Righteousness, but (since it must be provided) they will provide it themselves ! This is trampling under foot, utterly insulting the Son of God and crucifying him afresh ! Because verily, as the Lord God liveth, if there could exist any such thing as Righte- ousness from evil men and women who onlv do evil and that con- 30 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. tinually, then Christ need not have suffered at all, then all that he suffered was vain and useless ! Therefore highly excellent as human piety and Righteousness appears to us blind and wicked flesh, to preach to sinful man " do good" " be pious" " be godly," or do any thing at all of this work which is God's gracious work, which ex- pressly belongs to Him, is to trample under foot the Son of God and to do despite to the Spirit of Grace. Shocking spectacle ! to see a number of poor sinful worms clothed for a short moment in a little respectability and honour, fat with pride and filthy with sins, — to see them strutting about and putting on pious looks, calling themselves reverend men and yet calling themselves hell-deserving sinners, and dreaming how nice and pretty they are before God, because of their nice feelings and pious little doings and attractions ! And all the while that they are so busy and making such haste to do their wicked good, the Son of God has stooped to suffer, (and they pretend to know it and teach it) to do real good and all good, and to provide all Righteousness, even the Righteousness of God for and instead of the ungodly ! If there could be such a creature as a good man, a doer of good among the children of Adam, then the express word of God, even the law of God would be a lie, which declares " there is none that doeth good, no not one.'''' He therefore who believeth not in Christ the Righteousness of God, but worketh for himself to do righteous- ness, he maketh God a liar. (1 John, v. 10). But since we men are too deplorably and maliciously wicked ever to be good or to do Righteousness, blessed for ever blessed be our God, for the good news, for the glad tidings, — we have not got any to do ! And blessed be God for his unspeakable gift, we are not desti- tute of Righteousness, (if we were we should perish) but the Lord is Our Righteousness, even the Lord who gave himself for us, and we are perfectly righteous in "OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." Herein is blessedness, here is liberality and grace, here is the un- speakable gift, here is good news, here is the talent of pure gold (which the churlish usurer who preaches " pay something,'''' " fay something,^'' hides and buries and wraps up in the filthy napkin of human Righteousness, and being an austere man says that he knows God is snch an one as himself and wants pay, and he is afraid of the exceeding rich liberality, and hides the truth and preaches usury, Luke, xix. 20, 21) yes! herein is blessedness and bounty, and rich grace and glory and salvation, namely, that the needy wretched sin- ner has nothing to do, that is, nothing to give, nothing to pay, no. Nothing, Nothing ! Blessed be God ! God the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Righteous One, the Holy One of Israel, doeth Righteousness and is Righteousness for him ! he is redeemed from under the heavy obligation of " do good" and from the horrible curse, which inevitably rests upon and adheres to every creature which doeth evil. The curse is removed with the obliga- tion which produced it. He is redeemed from under it ! He has no longer got one jot or tittle of it to do, it is all done for him ! There is no longer any wall of partition between him and his God ; there is THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 31 no longer any veil between, it is rent in twain, it is taken out of the way : now he has peace with God, now, only believing, he has access to God ; there is no sin upon him, " God beholdeth no iniquity in Jacob,'''' he is cleansed from all sin by the blood of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, he is cleansed by the word (the water of life) even Christ, by which Word the living water, he is begotten again born into a new life (this is to be born of water) God is with him and dwelleth in him, he shall never perish, God is faithful ! This is the faith of God's elect, this is the faith of Christ, the faith once delivered to the saints: that Christ only doeth good, he undertakes to do it all and does it all for his people who receive him, who are all without exception who will, that is, who wish and desire to take of the water of life freely, that is, gratuitously, not giving any thing, doing nothing! (Rev. xxii. 17.) He comes to all such who only be- lieve, and he is with them, and he is in them, and he, and he alone and no one with him doeth good, that is all Righteousness for them and instead of them ! This is the doctrine of God ! not to confess this, not to preach this, to teach any other doctrine than this, to say to men " do good" is Antichrist ! and a deceiver ! (2 John, i. 7). " Many deceivers are entered into the icorld who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the fesh ; this is a deceiver and an Anti- christ.^^ And now Antichrist who was to come in the last days, is revealed in all his power and glory : This Time is the time in which the beast, the man of sin, the wicked one, is exalted above all that is called God (2 Thess. ii. 3, 4) ; the harlot seated and built upon the founda- tion of this beast (not built upon Christ the only foundation) has overspread the earth (the religious world) with the abomination of her fornications and self-decorations of her own piety, and now this beast has slain the two witnesses, the law and the gospel, utterly despising them both, and yet has not buried them, but hawks about and parades up and down their dead bodies, (viz. the dead and de- spised letter, the bible,) and sends them about with their books and tracts by ship loads and cart loads as presents to one another and as marks of the triumph of the piety and goodness of impious and wicked man ! (Rev. xi. 10). In all the Time of 1260 years, the glory of Zion has been dimmed, and the beast has prevailed and prospered, but, the complete extinction of all truth, the complete triumph of the beast and its fleshly piety, the gross darkness covering the earth (the professors of earthly religion), was reserved for this very day ! (Rev. ii. 7.) But, as the Lord liveth, the time shall be no longer ! CHAPTER VL Why has the sinner and the ungodly who believe nothing to do ? Is it because nothing need be done ? They who believe in Christ as their Righteousness have God in them to do all things for them ; the Spirit of God dwelleth in them, the Spirit of Christ is in them, Christ is in them (Rom. viii. 9, 10), 32 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. and having Him to do all things for them, they have nothing to do, or in other words, they are not under the law. But if a man does not by faith receive Jesus Christ as the fulfiller of the whole law for him, as his Righteousness, (and that, not a pas- sive inert Righteousness, not a dream or imagination, but an active powerful Righteousness who worketh mightily,) then he is under the law for he does not believe, and then he has every thing to do, and he cannot possibly escape from it, he must fulfil it in every jot and tittle, or he is cursed : for the law is in full force, the Gospel does not set it aside, God forbid ! the Gospel confirms it. It is only he who believeth in Christ Jesus to do all Righteousness for him, who really desires and looks to him to do it, — it is only such a one who is delivered from the law and from the curse, and has nothing whatever to do, because it is all done for him ; he re- ceives the Holy One to do all for him and bless him. If this is not the case with a man, if he does not receive this Holy One of God, the whole burden and obligation of the law is upon him, he is bound to the law, he is married to it, and woe unto him if he putteth away his wife, that is, if he cast off the law of God and think that he dare treat its solemn demands in all thino^s with lightness. God is not mocked, the law is true and cannot be evaded nor partially obeyed, nor violated in the least degree, by any one, whosoever he be. It is most certain and true that he who believes is not under the law which commands to do good ; it is most certain and true that he has not got to do good, he has not got any thing to do ! No ! blessed be our God, he has not got any thing to do, he is free ! Christ has made him free ! " He is dead to the laio by the body of Christ ; he ia married to another, even to Him xoho is risen from the dead." But what is the reason why he has nothing to do ? Is it because nothino; needs to be done ? Is it because no Risrhteousness is to be done ? God forbid. So far from there being no Righteousness to be done, Christ came for the very purpose that he might do it, that so he might save us who would not do it. " Lo ! I come to do thy will, O God." This was why he became man, that man might fulfil the law, and so man might be saved. For no one can possibly be saved if the whole Righteousness of the law is not fulfilled, either really by him, or imputedly by him, that is by Christ, for him. Not part by him and part by Christ ; if he fulfils only part, the whole is broken (James, ii. 10), and if Christ fulfils only part, then also all is not ful- filled and the whole is broken: therefore this wicked doctrine of believing and having something to do at the same time, is a double transgression of the law, and is an utter abomination ; it is adultery, a being joined to two, viz. the Law and Christ, and being false to both : and this religious generation (the earth) is an adulterous generation ! If a man does not entirely receive Christ to do all for him, and he himself to do nothing, the whole law is not fulfilled, and he cannot be saved : he totally rejects and denies Christ by only partially receiving him, and is an infidel : he totally violates the law by only partially obeying it, and is a transgressor and is cursed ! THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 33 (such is the earth,) and it brings forth thorns and is nigh unto burn- ing, for these are they who sin wilfully (Hebrews, x. 26, 27.) Wherefore, and be it again and again repeated, a man cannot be saved, except the law is perfectly and completely fultilled : sin and malice are no jest, and the law which taketh just and sure vengeance, is no jest neither ! Woe to them who trifle with these ! Jesus Christ the Son of God came for the express purpose, and was delivered unto death that he, even he (not we) might destroy the works of the devil ! (1 John, iii. 8.) But if nothing need be done, then Christ need not have died ; and if we could do what yet must be done, then he need not have died : but he died that He might fulfil all Righteousness, even the whole law for the ungodly, because it was impossible for them through their wickedness and weakness to do it ; and yet if it was not done, it was impossible for them to be saved : for it is utterly impossible for any one to be saved, if all the law is not fulfilled perfectly. Therefore Righteousness is to be done, it must be done, there is no peace or salvation without it : he that doeth unrighteousness is of the devil, he is not of God ; and he that does not hunger and thirst after Righteousness, even real Righteousness in deed, not in word, does not desire to be delivered from the works of the devil, he does not want or care for Christ. So then he who does not truly desire to be delivered from all his own evil ways in every respect and in all things, he does not wish to be saved, he does not look to be saved, that is, he does not believe, and he cannot possibly be saved ! God himself could not save him, for he changes not, and he could not break the law! if he would, that cup should have passed from Christ! and therefore if a man does not wish and desire to have Christ alone, really to fulfil all the law for him and save him completely and in very deed from all and every one of his sins, God himself cannot save that man ! he does not believe, that is, he does not wish to be saved ! He who has any one sin however small in his own eyes, which he does not long to be delivered from, which he does not wish to forsake, he loveth unrighteousness and not Righteousness, he does not desire Christ, that is true Righteousness, he does not wish to be saved, he does not want deliverance, he loveth wickedness, he does not look to Christ to deliver him : in a word, he does not believe, and he cannot possibly be saved ! But " if any man will do," (that is, wishes to do) the will of God, (that is, Righteousness) and not to do the will of the flesh "Ae shall knoio the doctrine of God,'''' (John, vii. 17) he shall know the Salvation of God, that Christ Jesus saveth his people that look to him, doing all things for them, even all the will of God, delivering them from sin, and they have nothing of this his work to do ! For this, even this, is the glorious proclama- tion of the Gospel of the living God, namely, whosoever really wishes to be saved, he shall infallibly be saved ! If a man wishes to take the waters of life, freely (that is, gratuitously) let him take ! and he shall be saved. Let no one therefore blindly imagine that Christ and the works of darkness, or any work of darkness, can possibly have any union 5 34 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. together. The pooi* and needy sinner will not so deceive himself. Vile and unconquerable as are his lusts, overwhelming as his sins are, over and over again that he has fallen under them, and then still more over and over again that he has fallen under them, and so always be has gone on, continually falling under them, yet he longs to be delivered from them : though he is not worthy of the least of all God's mercies (Gen. xxxii. 10), though his sins are '■^ more in number than the hairs of his head,'''' though they are as scarlet, and he " is a beast before God,^'' yet he desires to be delivered from them, he abhors himself. His misery and despair, his shame and infamy is, that it is utterly impossible for him to overcome them and to do good, that he is in prison and cannot escape ; he knows this to be the case, to his shame and sorrow, he knows that he has no Righteousness, none at all ! Such an one is poor, truly poor, and if he knows it, God says the Psalmist has taught him this out of his law, and he is blessed ! also he is needy, because he is in need, he would fain have Righteousness, he wants it, he longeth for it, this wisdom also cometh from God ! it is not to be found in the proud heart of man. Why then has such a sinner, if he believes, nothing to do 1 Why is he saved, doing nothing, but only looking to Christ? Not because he may continue in sin, that is, not be saved at all, (for sin is death and a curse) no, God forbid ! but, he has nothing to do, and must do nothing, because Christ himself has undertaken to do all, and will do all for him ! It is the Promise, the Covenant of God ! He will do it himself, personally and alone and unassisted, this is his Covenant ! He will take off all the task and toil from the captive sinner, he will set him free and ease him of all his hard work, he, the Christ, will give him rest, this is his salvation ! This is why the sinner has nothing to do, even because there is nothing to be done by him, when Christ does all ! Yea, he himself will do all and every thing, he alone, and unassisted, the sinner doing nothing at all, only desiring him to do it, only trusting to him ; " the battle is not yours but God's /" O ! the unspeakable riches of Christ I Christ will do all this because of his Promise, confirmed by an oath, and because of his rich grace and unspeakable mercy. It is the mere mercy of God — it is out of his mere mercy that he hath promised, and that he doeth all for us. He will do it, (he is faithful and hath spoken) for every poor captive laden with the utmost load of iniquity and uncleanness, who only looks to him to do it, who truly desires him to do it, that is, who believes. " Come unto me, he says, and I will give you Rest /" and he says, " Whosoever cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.''"' So that the sinner has nothing to do, because it is unnecessary and superfluous that he should do any thing whatever, since all is done for him, since such a " Mighty God and WonderfuV is with him, graciously condescending to do for him all that should bo done, even all the perfect Righteousness which the law declares. If the wicked sinner was good and not bad, and then could do good, there would be nothing whatever for him to do when a better than he did all and THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 35 every thing, lacking nothing : how much less therefore is there any thing to do when he is bad, and being so bad, can and does only bring forth that which is exceedingly bad 1 Therefore, " Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall BE SAVED," thou shalt not have any thing to do, that is to save thy- self. And thou shalt be saved in very deed, sin shall not have dominion over you : you shall be saved from your sins by the grace of Christ ; it is a favour and mercy when a man is delivered from the power of sin; a favour from God towards him, not, as the earth (the religious professors) wickedly imagine a favour from him towards God : God forbid ! It does no good to God, it is no benefit to him when we do not commit sin, but to us it is a great benefit, a very great favour from God, it is life and peace, and this Grace is what God gives to them that believe. He gives it to all of them, more or less as it pleaseth him, for he giveth to every one of us who believe severally as he will. CHAPTER VII. The Son of Perdition, and his doctrine ; a cry against the Earth. By his death and sufferings Christ has purchased eternal life for all them who (being ordained to eternal life,) shall believe in his name. This is not an imperfect nor a doubtful purchase ; he not only paid enough, he ^^ paid double for all our sins;^'' and, also he knew those whom he purchased : " / knoto them.'''' The purchase is complete, and nothing is lacking, nothing is to be done by him who believes to further the finished work of Christ. But they who labour, who do something for the purchase of life, when Christ himself has finished the work, are either totally ignorant of the existence of such a Saviour as this, or if they have heard of him, they totally deny his power to save : for it is impossible to believe that he is The Christ and Saviour, if a man says there is something still that ought to be done for this salvation. Christ having taken all that the sinner ought to do, upon himself, and since the law cannot be broken, he himself having fulfilled it for them, and since Righteousness must positively be done, he himself having done it, and ever doing it for them who receive him, then after all this, to say that any Righte- ousness whatever remains to be done, and to be done by the sinner, is effectually to say that Jesus Christ is no Saviour at all, and that the sinner must save himself. This is a much more complete and outrageous denial and rejection of Christ the Lord of glory, than they were guilty of who spat in his face and nailed him to the Cross. If Christ had yet left any thing to be done by" the sinner that be- lieves, there could be no salvation ; for if it were ever so small a thing, there could not be salvation if it were not done ; and it is cer- tain the sinner would never do it, (for the law of God declares that there is none that doeth good, no, not one,) and therefore it is certain that if he had any good to do, he would never do it, (for to do good is ijot in a sinner,) and so there would be no Salvation. But if the 36 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. law of God were false, and if it were true that the sinner really did good, even a little good, then it would not be Christ's salvation, it would be the sinner's own, and the glory of it would be his. But again, if the sinner did good, how would he be a sinner? It is an absurd contradiction ; the Scripture makes no mention of good sin- ners, that is, of good bad men ; man is not half good and half a sinner; he is a sinner ! Therefore, and for ever blessed and praised be our God, for the good news, the rich grace ; — therefore the unhappy sinner that thirsteth after Righteousness, has not got to do any good whatever ! no, not the least jot or tittle. " OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is per- fect ; Jesus is the Christ, that is, the perfect Saviour ; he has done all, he doeth all, and he leaves nothing to be done by man, wicked man, to assist or promote, or finish his perfect salvation. The wicked being full of deceit and deception, pretend to say that they do believe that Christ has done all and that his salvation is a finished and perfect salvation ! Oh yes ! they fully believe and preach all this! but, they say, the sinner must do something in order to obtain it ; he must pray, read his Bible, search the Scriptures, ask, seek, knock, use means, &c., and then the sinner will get it ! This is their main doctrine, this is their strong tower ! God foreknew them ! God foresaw their wicked shifts and evasions to overthrow his Grace, and cast Christ down from his excellency ; by which they would pretend to believe, while they crucified afresh the Lord of Glory. He foreknew it all, that they would sell Christ for the vile money, the base consideration of the abomination of human prayers, and duties, and something to be done by the beast ! knowing them of old, he called them and their whole doctrine collectively, ages before they were born, " the Son (f Perdition /" (2 Thess. ii. 3) because like Judas the Son of perdition, pretending greatly to love the Saviour, to believe in him and to follow him, yet, while they kiss him, they sell him ! They willingly are ignorant, that though he who thirsts after Righteousness, asks, and begs, and knocks, yet it is God who freely, i. e. gratuitously gives him eternal life, and not for praying for it, no; but for nothing I freely! Who gives it him only because it is his good will and pleasure ; even because he is very very gracious and merciful; who gives it him because he has always and before the world began, intended and proposed to give it him ! because he has chosen him to give it him ! because he has loved him with an everlastitng love ! and this elect soul prays, because it is the Spirit of God which makes intercession for him with groaning that cannot be uttered ; it is not he a beast that prays, but the holy Spirit of God which is given to him and is in him ! Wicked man is so fond of his own ways, and thinks his own works of so much value, that they are shocked indeed when these works Site pronounced to be altogether vile and worthless : yet they do not ficruple to believe that Christ's work and Righteousness is incom- plete and insuflicient, requiring man's help, and of no avail, unless jnan lends a hand and does something also. This is to think highly THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 37 of man, and lightly of God ! this is to exalt the man of sin above the Lord God Almighty. " Wliatr'' say they, " «re we to sit still and do nothing 1 are we not to do good 1 are we not to pray ? Does not God say, seek and ye shall Jind ? knock, pray, and that he will be en- quired after ? This (say they) shows that we have something to do, nothing can he plainer I Thcnfore we must use means, it is our duty, it is the command of God, and therefore, after all, we have something to do r Thus our vile and proud hearts would fain turn the complete gra- tuitousness, the rich grace and glorious freeness of Christ's salvation, into terms and conditions; "_yoM must hunger, you must seek, it is your duty, that is the condition, that is the money to he paid : you must ask and pray, and then, if you do this, if you do this (see, you must do something) then, you shall be saved ! This is the doctrine of the Son of Perdition ! satisfied with their fleshly reasoning, they sit down pleased with the necessary conclusion, that after all, salvation does depend, in spite of every thing to the contrary, upon our doing some- thing ! What is the meaning of all this 1 why, nothing more than that we are too wicked, too proud and scornful, to receive Christ ! no ! we will not receive him freely ! we will buy him, we will pay some- thing, at all events, for his salvation ! something however paltry we will give, that it may not be entirely his salvation ; the very act of begging, the very acknowledgment that we want this salvation, shall be turned into a consideration, a money, for which, when we give it, we are to receive this Salvation ! And since God says that it shall be wanted by those who receive it, therefore we will make our very want and need of it, a condition, a cause, a money which produces it, so that it shall not be God's gratuitous gift ! This, all this, is what the heart says and feels, though the lips may not utter it, but may talk deceitfully of Free Grace and humility ! This is the doc- trine of the Son of Perdition who sells Christ for something, be it ever so little ; thus the Son of Perdition preaches and calls upon the proud and sensual, the haters of God and enemies of Christ, to pay down this their vile money ! " Their right hand is full of bribes,'''' they go to God with a bribe in their hand. This idea of doing something, only a little, yet however a some- thing ; and something for God, something for bis Grace, something for his mercy, only proceeds from the most desperate and diabolical wickedness, from the most brutish ignorance, veiled under the appear- ance of the most virtuous intention. God, who hath made known his will, the law of all right to man, and hath shown that they should love one another, and give and lend to all who ask, without even expecting, much more without taking any thing in return — God ! who in his righteous law strictly forbids usury, the taking any thing in return, — does He expect, or will he take any return for the Grace of the Gospel ! ! Will He take re- ward 1 Will He be recompensed ? Does he require man to do any thing, any the least thing, any thing whatsoever for his Grace and goodness? No indeed! Nothing! Nothing! nothing whatever ! God will take no recompense ! (Joel, iii. 4). Woe unto them that recom- 38 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. pense God ! God will not receive any prayers in the shape of bribe or payment or purchase, for his rich Grace and boundless, boundless mercy ! He gives ! he gives liberally and upbraideth not ! He gives not like man ! he gives freely, gratuitously, for nothing ! ! merely of his own will and pleasure ,• only because he is good and gracious, only because He will ; and when he will ; and where he will ; and to whom he will ; and as he will ! He is God over all. They to whom he will give, shall want, shall hunger, shall long after, and greatly desire and greatly value and beg for the Unspeakable Gift, which he has promised without exception to all the poor and needy, the hungry and the thirsty. But it is by the Holy Ghost which God gives, that they shall want and pray. It is great wisdom, it is having understanding to desire and cry out for this blessed salvation, and this very wisdom comes only from him, and is his gift, the prayer of the needy is the work of the Holy Spirit of God, which is good understanding and is in all them that really pray, whether they know it or not. No indeed ! God will not be recompensed ! he will give ; and he can receive nothing from man. The austere usurers of this day, who know not God, how good he is, how good and liberal beyond what even they who are round his throne can think or imagine, — they, wicked men, say they know he is just like themselves, an aus- tere man; yea! like them, reaping where he has not sown, and gathering where he has not strewed ; that is, expecting an evil help- less lost sinner to do some good : yea, like them, not giving but sell- ing ; like them, taking payment, and pretending that what they are paid for is a mighty liberality : like them ! Churls, harsh, unforgiv- ing, unkind, bigoted, selfish, greedy, covetous, haughty, proud, " tliou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself" and they preach that God is a usurer like themselves! and therefore they are afiaid of the rich free liberal grace and bountifulness of the Gospel to sinners : they are afraid, they think there will be danger to " Piety" if God's Righteousness is known; they are afraid, and they wrap up the talent of the Gospel, the one talent, even the little they know of it, they are afraid of it, and hide it, and gain no cities ; not a single city of God, no tabernacle which he inhabits is among them; and while they preach usury they do not pay it; but they ought surely themselves to pay God a little usury when they preach so much to their miserable hearers ! God in this parable (Matt. xxv. 24 to 27) prophesied of and described the teachers and preachers of every age of the Christian era, and in the last of them he has de- scribed the doctrine of this last and wicked day ; and all, before ever there was yet a single man called a Christian on the earth ; before ever the Christian era had begun ! How they have blasphemed God, and how his Name is blasphemed among men through them, as it is written. No blasphemy could be so bad as that of representing God to be like unto corruptible man, usurious ! a violater of his own holy law ; exacting, wanting pay, harsh, unkind ! Yea, in all their furious exhortations to " do good" they blaspheme God ! They are an adul- terous generation (being married and bound to the law, and death THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 3^ and conviction for sin, and pretending to be married to Christ, while the first husband is yet ahvc, to whom also they deal falsely) they are a generation of vipers, abominable, fearful; afraid of God's truth and goodness ! they are called dogs, (Philipps. iii. 2) for they neither eat themselves, nor will they suffer others to eat of the rich banquet of the Gospel : they snarl over the gift and will suffer none to ap- proach it ; they fawn and flatter and look kind and endearing in order to get, but they will not give : they bite and devour and fight with one another, and horrible madness is in their bite when they have arrived as they now have to the pitch of their delusions, going day and night busy and bustling and ; " doing good" about the streets of the city, that great city, the city of confusion, perplexity and darkness, and contradiction and controversies, Babylon ; which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt ; Sodom, because of its gross and abominable perversion of the plain truth ; Egypt, because of its glory and wealth, and refinement and learning, and darkness and Beast worship : a city in which our Lord has been crucified afresh, and put to an open shame ! (Rev. xi.) God knew them, the Son of Perdition, the bargainers and sellers and condition-makers, even them and all their thoughts before the foundation of the world : and he ordained them to the just condemnation of their deeds which he has let them alone to do, and given them power to do, for a Time ; but this Time of the Beast, the reign of man and his doctrine, the man of sin, is about to end, it shall be no longer, saith the Lord, who liveth for ever and ever !* * The whole Time of the Abomination, or the Falling^ away (2 Thess. ii. 3) or Antichrist (1 John) or of the perilous times (Tim.) is 1260 years: as is expressly declared over and over again in the Scriptures, (Dan. viii. 14 ; Dan. xii. 11 ; Rev. xi. 2,3; Rev. xii. 6,14.) It began in the midst of the first 700 years afler the Roman Prince destroyed the city and the Sanctuary : this 700 years is called a week, during which week the Covenant of the Promise even the Gospel of God was confirmed of God with many, even with multitudes of Saints. (Dan. ix. 27.) In the midst of this week, the Abomination of the swine flesh oflTering of the sacrifice of human Righteous- ness, (which is not Righteousness) instead of the pure and spotless offering of the Lamb of God, was set up, and the latter, (the only true oblation strongly figured forth in the oblation under the first dispensation) was taken away; God himself took it away from the Earth, because they trampled the pearl under foot, (Malt, vii. 6.) Daring all this Time of Abomination, the glory of the Gospel has been dimmed, (the Sun has been darkened) but yet it has shone at some periods with some degree of light until this day, when the two witnesses are slain, having finished their tes- timony : (Rev. xi. 7.) Now the Beast, the man of Sin, the Son of Perdition has triumphed, and neither the Gospel nor the Law of God are preached, but lies and human works, and the Doctrine of the Son of Perdition instead of the Gospel, and foolish deeds of silly screaming piety and trifling observances and abstinences, in- stead of the law ; all is darkness, gross darkness over the Earth, (that is, the reli- gious world) and the Sea and the waves roar (that is, the irreligious world and its chiefs are insolent and audacious in their blasphemy): gross darkness covereth the people, and in the spiritual land of Egypt there is a darkness which can be felt. And now God in Christ will appear, and the Time shall be no longer. 40 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. CHAPTER VIII. To believe only in Jesus Christ, and then afterwards to worlr, is fall- ing- from Grace ; it is after being washed to return to icallowing in the mire. It is only when a sinner believes, from and after he believes, that Christ doeth all for him, and he hath nothing to do : before he believes he has every thing to do, all Righteousness to do, and is cursed if he does not do it. God hath turned the earth (the religious world) upside down: it reels to and fro like a drunkard ; for they preach the very reverse (the upside down) of God's truth, saying that after a man believes then he has something to do ! then he has got to do good ! this is to frustrate the Grace of God : this is saying that before any one be- lieves there is Grace, (when there is not ; there is nothing but con- demnation to them that do not yet believe) but that when he believes then there is no grace, then he has got to do good, that is, to work Righteousness ! whereas then only there is Grace, then only there is no condemnation, because then only he has nothing whatever to do, and cannot have condemnation having nothing to be condemned for, then he is under Grace, and God will do all Righteousness in him and for him. The sinner believing, hath nothing now to do ; but he who does not yet believe has every thing to do ; and woe unto them who de- spise God's law, who do not obey it, who diminish aught from it, or add any thing to it, or put one jot or tittle of any thing instead of it ! If, when a man has received the word, it may be with joy ; if he begins " to do," if he turn back to the law, and tries to do good, that is to obtain Righteousness ; then he has fallen from Grace, Christ will profit him nothing, he is under sin! This is the falling away which has taken place ; they have fallen from Grace ; and for now nearly 1260 years have been seeking to " do good" that is to get Righteousness by following the law which is seeking Righteousness, and that is seeking to be justified by the law. (Gal. v. 4.) This is not the faith of God's elect, of those who endure to the end, this is the sinning wilfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth and despising Christ, even turning back from him to the law, and not deeming Christ able alone to save. " If any man turn back saith the Lord, my sovl shall have no pleasure in him." Having believed, the sinner is still to believe, and not go back to the mud and mire of his working and doing; after he believes, he must believe (1 John, v. 13) yea, and stand fast in the faith, that is in believing and doing no- thing, only trusting to Christ, and continue in doing nothing only believing. Having ceased from all his works and doing nothing, but looking only to God to do all for him, he is to continue to ceose from all his works, yea, to stand fast and be strong in doing nolhing and not to fall away. This only is walking after the Spirit: to have some- thing to do is being after the flesh, and is death : to have God to do THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 41 all for us is life and peace, because He alone truly does ; they that are after the flesh say and do not. Therefore before a man believes, he has all the law to fulfil, all good to do ; but after he believes in the name of the Son of God, con- tinuing only to believe, he has no good to do ! Blessed for ever blessed be God for his unspeakable gift of Righteousness by Jesus Christ! Believe, and let Christ be all your Righteousness, and still believe, and let him only be your Righteousness, and then still only believe, and let God alone work Righteousness for you. And what then? Why then, go on to cease doing and working, to be altogether purged from all your works, and to rest, (not turning back again to the mire and mud of human righteousness,) and only believe. (1 John, V. 13.) That is, in other words, receive his vast blessing and good- ness, and then still receive; and what then? why then go on still to receive, thanking him and praising Him for such unutterable good- ness ! There is always more to receive than we can have any idea of, the love, the Grace of Christ passeth knowledge, and the more a man ceaseth from himself and trusteth to Christ, the more still he will continue to know of the grace and power and righteousness of God, and of that peace which passeth all understanding. This is to grow in Grace, and to become stronger and stronger in " tlie Grace that is in Christ Jcsiis,^^ it is becoming weaker and weaker in our- selves ! for, says the Apostle to this effect, when we are most weak then we are most strong ! " Let the weak say I am strong,'" saith the Prophet. The sinner who believes and casts all upon Christ, has nothing to fear : he need not be anxious, he need not use any effort or exertion, he must cease from all this, and forsake all hope in it, let him only turn his eyes to Christ, and the serpent's bite shall be cured, and the serpent shall bite him no more. He has found his enemies too strong for him while he tried to overcome them, but when he tries no longer and casts the burden entirely upon Christ, then (but never till then) he will find that Christ is the Power of God, and greater is Jesus Christ who is in him (1 John, 44) than he who is in the world. He will find that Christ is the Power of the Mighty God, who created heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is. He who beUeves, will, standing still, beliold this salvation from sin and the devil ; a little, if he has a little faith, and much if he has greater faith. But he who works and tries to do good, following the law as the rule of life (and indeed it is a rule of life, and woe to those who being bound by this holy rule, do not fidly obey it in all things !) — he is under the law and under condemnation and under guilty-con- viction for sin ; he has no faith at all, no not the least, he knows (till now) nothing of it, all his talk and feelings and ecstacies of love and joy and glory, are fleshly puffings up and swellings of Satan, like the swelling produced by the bite of a serpent ; they are dreams filthy dreams, he is in bondage and death. And also, he who con- tinues the servant of unrighteousness, and is not translated from the power of Satan to the Kingdom of God, but loveth the world and the things that are in it, serving divers lusts, and wishing after houses or 6 42 THE GOSPKL OF GOl). money, or honour and respectability, he has not heheved, for he is not saved, and it is impossible to look to Christ and not to be savod. Christ came on purpose to save his people from — their sins, which are death and curse and present torment and everlasting destruction. He who does not wish to be saved from every sin, does not believe, for to believe in Christ is to wish to be saved from sin and to be filled with Righteousness, and to trust to him alone for all this. As in the wilderness those among the dying people who did not recover and live were only those who would not turn their eyes upon the brazen serpent which Moses lifted up, so they who look not to him who has taken upon himself the form of sinful man, they are not saved. But as then, whosoever merely looked at it, were healed, without their stirring a step, or so much as moving the little finger, so now, whosoever lying in the death of sin, only looks to him, he is and shall ever be completely saved from that horrible death. There- fore, if a man says he believes in Christ, and continues to serve divers lusts, or any one lust, he is a liar ; he hath not looked to Him, nor believed in him. A servant of sin is under the law, though he may profess to be free from it ; its curse and condemnation is upon him. When we are led by the Spirit (that is, submit to God and have Him to work and do all for us) then only we are not under the law; not when we say we are not under it. (Gal. v. IH.) The Gospel of Christ is not in word, but in power : not in saying, but in doing : not in what man says, but in what God does. None who are in Christ are in the kingdom of Satan, they are under grace, in the kingdom of heaven, from whence Christ has cast out Satan. There- fore, let every one that nameth the name of Christ, depart from all iniquity. Now, he who believes, will do this, not by doing any thing whatever himself, God forbid ! but by standing still, believing and trusting in Christ ; He is faithful, and such an one, whatever he be, shall behold the salvation of God ! When it is said that the Lord Jesus Christ takes all the doing upon himself, and the sinner hath to stand still believing only ; it is true ; for he verily is Tlie Christ ; he is the King of Israel, and fights all their battles for his people, and goeth in and out before them and leadeth them : he came for this very purpose, — to save ! entirely, completely and perfectly, himself, to save us ! and if he who believes in this glorious King and Saviour has still got this work or any of this work to do, then it is evident he hath come in vain, for that part which the sinner had to do, if he had any thing to do, would never be done ! But let it not be supposed that He is like unto fleshly man and has any difficulty or hard work to perform : far from it! He is Righteousness himself, all is done in him! That which we have found painful, difficult, irksome and impossible, is not a difficulty to Him. He is Lord over all ! all obey him ; he is the Power of God, and that is Almighty : not a word, not a thought, not a man nor a devil can stir or move or exist, but at his pleasure ! He seeth, thousands of years before men are born, the thoughts they will think, those which, out of thcur much evil, he will give them liberty to think and imagine : he hath revealed the very thoughts of THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 43 this evil generation ages before. He is the Mighty God, by him all things subsist, by him all things were made which are made ! Ail that is required therefore to have and to know this glorious salvation, is faith only to believe, that is, only to want it and take it ! " Who- soever wishes (or will) let him take of the ivaters of life freely /" " Let him that is athirst come." How different is this Gospel of God from that false gospel which the serpent preaches, viz. " if YOU do this thing, and if YOU do that thing, you will go to heaven ; or rather you may possibly go there, you may even " trust" that you will get there ! and after all, it is very doubtful, unless you (tvho are evil) fail not to do a great deal of goody Woe unto them ! Woe ! Woe unto them ! for whereas they will not enter into the kingdom of heaven themselves, neither will they suffer those that are entering in to go there ! And yet, preaching such abomination as this they dare to talk of " free Grace" and the " dear Redeemer !" Well hath God called them the Son of Perdition ! CHAPTER IX. Christ is the Sabbath. Christ is spoken of in the Scriptures as the day, the day of the Lord ; because he is the Light, out of him all is night and darkness. He is the Day of Rest, the Sabbath of God, because he is the Rest. The law testifies of him and preaches what this book contains, viz. only believe, rest and do nothing, saying " Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day," that is, profane it not by doing any of thy works. " The seventh day is the Sabbath, (the Rest) of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt do no manner of work." Because this day, a figure and shadow of Christ, was God's rest, in this day was his joy and he hallowed it, and would not have it to be profaned by any manner of work of evil man. That is, in Christ is his delight, in him he is well pleased, in Him they who believe do rest from all their works, and are blessed ; they are blessed in him the seed of Abraham. David speaking by the Spirit of Christ, says " This is the Day which the Lord hath made, we will be glad and rejoice in it." The Prophet Isaiah speaking of the Sabbath expressly shows that it is not a day of the week, but it is Him, viz. Christ, of whom the Sabbath is a shadow, a pattern given to Moses of things then in heaven. (Is. Iviii. 13.) Believing in Christ the day of Rest, we enter into rest, and have no works to do, we only keep the Sabbath, we only believe in Christ by doing nothing. Nothing can be plainer than this Truth, we who believe have Rest, we have nothing to do, and must do nothing ! Christ himself says of himself, " Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and" — not I will tell you to do something, but " / will give you Rest," that is, I will do all things for you, 3'ou shall have nothing to do. Since man is only evil, and that con- tinually, what a blessed and glorious and gracious gospel this is for 44 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. such a miserable creature, viz. that he has not got any good to do ! His sin and his curse is, that he does not do good, the good news is, that he has not got it to do, Jesus Christ does it all for liim. By the law a man has to do good, and he who does good, that is Righteous- ness, really, truly, and at all times, he shall save his soul alive, he himself is a Saviour : but, by the Gospel of Grace, he who receives this Gospel has nothing to do, for Christ in his love and pity does all, he saves, and he is the Saviour. The law tells what good is, and what must be done, but that is all, it leaves you to do it, and you must do it or suffer all its penalty, else it is no law at all, it is a lie. But Christ himself does all the work for them that believe, he leaves them nothing to do, he does it, or else it would be no Grace at all, it would be a law, if there was any work at all to do. (Rs. xi. 6.) Thus all that the law says the Gospel does, and thus (iod honours and establishes the law by Jesus Christ. They who follow the law, say and do not ; they who believe only and do nothhig they do every thing and fulfil the law, that is by Christ, who does all for them, and imputes it all to them. Since under the law it is man who has to do, and he does not do it, it is called the weakness of man ; but since under Grace, it is God who does all, the Gospel is called what it truly is, " the Power of God.'''' Not only he who believes has nothing to do, but he must do no- thing. It is not left to the sinner, that if he chooses he has got nothing to do, it is imperative, it is the fixed declaration of God, they who will do their own works, who pollute his holy Sabbath, who de- spise his Christ by mixing up their works with his works, their filthy Righteousness with his glorious Righteousness, they cannot be saved. Here is faith, not doing any thing, not seeking to do the least thing whatsoever, but forsaking it all and trusting entirely to God : then, that God does all for us, leaving us nothing to do, this is His Grace and love ! The Sabbath is a shadow of Christ, and God would not have the shadow despised, how much less therefore will he sutler the very substance to be despised ? It is to despise Christ and his Grace not to cease entirely from our work ; to look to him for Righteousness, while wc are trying to do Righteousness ourselves, is to declare by facts that we do not hope in his Righteousness alone, nor think it quite sufficient. Therefore he who says " do good" and professes to follow Christ at the same time is an infidel, a despiser of Christ in whom he does not believe, and a despiser of the law which he does not obey fully. If therefore a man preach all the doctrines of the Gospel and afterwards add " noio you must do good,'''' he preaches not Christ, he preaches not the Gospel, he despises, mocks and dishonours Christ and God, he is an infidel and not a believer. A little leaven leavoneth the whole lump, and it is better for those who know nothing of the truth, and never heard of Christ, than for those who have heard and known and been washed, and then despised him, and returned to wallow in the mire and filth of their own righte- ousness, which is not righteousness, but is an abomination. He that despised Moses' law perished without mercy ; much less is there mercy for those who despise Christ and honour their own Righteous- THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 45 ness or pietv. If a man but picked up a few sticks on the Sabbath, he was to be stoned, for he profaned and polluted and despised the Sabbath, the shadow of Clnist, the Rest of God. So also, if a man do but add one jot or tittle of his work to Christ's work, he despises, he dishonours Christ, and therefore " of how much sorer punishment shall he be thought worthj/ /"' Nay let his works appear to man to be most excellent and pure and pious, they are an abomination, an utter abomination before God, they are an offering of swine's flesh, and he, though ever so much like a lamb, is an enemy, a despiser of Christ, though as the Son of Perdition also did, he may pretend to love him, and kiss him ! God is not mocked ! " Behold, ye despisersy and wonder and perish ; I brintr neur ]\b/ Righteous ness /" It will not do to give some honour to Christ : partly to trust, partly to be- lieve, is not to trust nor believe at all : partly to keep the Sabbath, and partly to be busy at work, is not to honour this glorious Rest of God ! A little leaven, be it ever so little, leaveneth the whole lump ! What shall we say then of those religious despisers of Christ and admirers of the piety of man, sinful man, who preach a little grace and a great deal of doing ; who tell the sinner that he must try and use means and do some of their little pious actions, and then, yes then, if they do it with great humility and devotedness, then God will assist them with his Grace ! then, on paying very carefully this vile money, they will have the assistance of the Holy Ghost ! " Thy money perish with thee, xcho has' thought that the gift of God could he piirchased /" Thus they blasphemously teach that God is not good except dependently, that is, only if man first shows himself good ! but if this beast does not first put forth his goodness, then God is not good, then there is no grace ! So that God's goodness and Power and Grace and Salvation depend entirely upon vile and filthy and impotent man ! Yea ! it is a bargain and sale ; they go forth on the black horse of fleshly pride and strength, with the pair of balances in their hands, and preach if man will give something then God will give something ! and they pretend to hide their wick- edness and to appear to honour God by saying what a great deal he will give, and how good it is of him to sell so much for so little ! They (the generation of the religious of this day) are called the Son of Perdition ! (2 Thess. ii. 3.) And how justly and appropriately ! this one name is itself a full and complete description! they bargain for and sell Christ ! they follow him and pretend to love him ! they call him the Dear Redeemer and kiss him ! while they sell him ! they are also like him a covetous generation and greedy money-gatherers ! Do they imagine that God is like unto them 1 that he knoweth not, and regardeth not? Yea! He knew them and their thoughts long before, and has by his holy apostles and prophets declared and writ- ten down all their works and their triumph, and their glory which they should exhibit in these last days ! 46 THE GOSPEL OP GOD. CHAPTER X. The Everlasting Covenant, and The Blessing, in the seed of Abraham. God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham, and established it for ever by an oath. In this covenant he promised that in the seed of Abraham, in One who should spring from his loins, nations and people of all the earth should be blessed. Therefore he called Abraham a father of many nations, even of all that should be blessed in Christ the seed of Abraham. Here was a covenant in which God undertook to do himself every thing that was in the covenant, and that was, to bless ! It was a Promise which God made, that he would bless Abraham and many others, and he confirmed it by an oath for an everlasting covenant which should never be broken. After this everlasting covenant, another was made at Horeb, when Moses gave the fiery law, and in this second covenant, which was neither confirmed by oath, nor called Everlasting, it was man who had to perform every thing. God's covenant was a Promise, " I will be your God, I will bless you." The covenant which Moses made with the people was, " We will obey and be thy people." This covenant was broken the moment it was made, and a broken covenant is not an everlasting covenant. God's covenant cannot be broken, because in it, God alone and by himself has undertaken to perform, and has promised that he will. No blessing has ever been found from the covenant of Mount Sinai, for all have violated that law and broken that covenant. God would show by this, that having violated the covenant in which we are per- formers, we must look for a Blessing only from the covenant in which he alone is the performer : we must expect every thing from Him, and nothing from ourselves ; we must hope all from his Ever- lasting covenant and Promise, and hope nothing in our broken cove- nant and in our doings and duties. It was fit that God having undertaken and promised to bless all the children of Abraham (and they arc of all people and nations, for he was named the father of many nations) and having promised to bless all these children of faithful Abraham not in the law, nor on account of any thing they should do, (for in this His covenant there is nothing which they have to do) but in Christ who should be of the seed of Abraham, it was fit that God having alone undertaken to do all that was to be done in this Everlasting covenant, should teach us by another covenant that there is no hope at all but in his per- formance, that so our hope and trust might he in God altogether and not in man ! It was fit that, in order to know God's Power and love we should learn and know our own impotency and our exceeding sin- fulness : and this we could only learn and know by facts ! by being tried under the covenant of the law. Therefore God gave the law, not to supersede or set aside the Everlasting covenant, but to confirm and establish it, and to lead us to it, and bring us into it, by showing our need of it, and that we are lost, without it, by making us to know that the covenant in which man has got something to do, THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 47 brings a curse, and it is only the Everlasting covenant in which God himself performs all things for us, which brings a blessing ! to show that we having nothing to perform, do not do it, and are sinners ; and to show that God alone is good, God alone performs, God alone blesses, and we must look to him for every thing and turn away from our own works which bring death and a curse ! Such knowledge and understanding God teaches his people out of his law, and then when they have understanding, they will believe in God. This is not man's gross and proud understanding, it is the very Spirit of God himself; " the Lord gweth roisdom, ovt of his mouth Cometh knowledge and understanding.^^ Therefore the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the lamb slain before the foundation of the world, that in Him alone we have Righteousness and strength, in Him we live to God and walk with God and are filled with blessing, and rest in Him, and have no works to do, but he, Jesus Christ, fills us and clothes us with Righteousness, this Gos- pel of the Grace of God, that he who only trusteth to God, doing nothing whatsoever, shall be saved, — this Gospel which this little Book opens, and preaches, this, yea This, is the Everlasting covenant itself which God made with Abraham. The Blessing which God promised to Abraham, and to many nations and people of whom he is called the father, was a Blessing only to be had in the seed of Abraham, that is, in Jesus Christ, who was born of the stock of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah. And it is in Christ, in Him the Holy One of God, and only in him, that we are blessed. And what is this Blessing which God promised to Abraham and his spiritual children, in Him Jesus Christ, the seed of Abraham 1 It is Righteousness, and that includes every blessing. It is perfect Righteousness, even the Righteousness of God, which we are made to be, in Him. Perfect Righteousness is given to us in him, by the infinite grace and mercy of God towards us ; given to us freely, according to the multitude of his tender mercies towai'ds us, for he knew us and loved us who believe and all who shall be- lieve, before the world began. It is Righteousness so perfect and complete that nothing can be added to it, and it is the utmost wick- edness to think to add to or to help, or to increase the Righteousness of God ! There is no want of any other Righteousness, there is nothing whatever for us to do, to add to this Righteousness, we are delivered from every necessity of this kind, we have nothing to do, who believe, we are filled with Righteousness who hunger after it. Nor is it a momentary Righteousness imputed once only, it is an Everlasting Righteousness which shall not be abolished (Is. li. 5), imputed unto us who believe, continually, unceasingly, and for ever : it is an acting Righteousness, it is the life and Power of God, it is Christ the Righteousness of God, in whom we are and he in us, by whom we are redeemed from under the law, and have nothing to do I No blessing so great could ever have been imagined by man, as this, which they who believe, do have and possess in Jesus Christ the seed of Abraham, the Son of David. It is of all Blessings that can possibly be conceived of, the only one which really and truly is 48 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. a blessing. For, let one be ever so blessed, yea, let him be in heaven itself as the angels were who fell, or let him be in Paradise, as Adam was who fell, let him have all and every other possible blessing, yet, if he is under the law and has got any thing to do, he will fall also, he will certainly come under a curse by not doing what he lias got to do, if he has any thing whatever to do ; because certainly he will not and cannot do it, for there is no good, no Righteousness, no Holi- ness, no Power, no Wisdom, in Heaven nor in Earth, nor in the , Heaven of Heavens, except in and from God only ! What a vast and large Blessing then is this which we have in Jesus the Christ, this gift of Righteousness in him ! What a Bless- ing to have Him for '' OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS," him to do all, we to have nothing to do ! and to know that because He lives we live, and shall never perish ! Such a Blessing given freely that is gratuitously to us in Christ Jesus by the Everlasting Mercy and Love of the living God, by his great grace and good will and good pleasure, is so large, so great, so rich, so vast, so extensive, so mag- nificent and liberal that none but God only, kind and good beyond understanding, none but Love immense and immeasurable could de- vise and accomplish it ! It is precisely that Blessing which only really is a blessing, nothing short of this would be an equal blessing to the sinner. It is perfect deliverance, perfect salvation, perfect security, perfect pardon, perfect Righteousness, everlasting Rest, — and all in Christ ! all done by him ! all received in him the seed of Abraham! How true and how faithful God's Word is proved to be ! When he made promise to Abraham that in One of his seed those who believe should be blessed, no one could have conceived or imagined how completely and most abundantly he would perform the Word which he had spoken ! There are none but the very poor and needy who will hunger after and gladly receive, who will take this Blessing this Water of life freely : God has foreknown them, and loved them, and chosen them, and ordained them to eternal life : they, whoever they are, have been taught by the Spirit of (lod out of the law, how very vain, yea how beastly all their best looking and most pious works are, and that there is no hope but in God alone, to whom only we must look for Rightcsousness and the works of Righteousness which cannot be by us, hut are only by Christ Jesus ! Such is the Everlasting covenant, and such is the Blessing of whicii it is a sure Promise ! This covenant God made with Abra- ham ; he remembers it at all times for us and therefore we are not consumed. In remembrance of this covenant he blessed his people Israel at all times, because he beheld them in Christ, and " was well ■pleased for his rli^hteousness^ sitkc^' As the law which was given by Moses did not set aside this coviuiant, but by its dreadful teaching went to establish and confirm it, and as there is no blessing, but a curse in the violated covenant of Sinai, tlierefore when God delivered the law to Moses, he did not leave his people under the law to have hope in their own obedience and Righteousness, for then none of the saints of old could possibly THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 49 have been saved ; because the curse of the law is upon all who do not perfectly fulfil it, else it would be no law at all, if any who had it to obey could escape the punishment of disobedience. While they had the law to make known the perfection of Righteousness and the exceeding sinfulness of sin, God showed them plainly that Righte- ousness was not obtained by man's doing, but by faith only, and was not performed by any man, but only by the Spirit of God. They never sought to be accepted for obeying the law and doing good, and therefore they never appeared before God in the Righteousness of the law, but only in the blood of the sacrifice ; they came unto God by the High Priest, the anointed, that is, the Christ, and not by the law ; they offered unto God sacrifices which he had prepared for them, and not good deeds or Righteousness which they had done. When they touched the sin offering they were sanctified, not when they tried to obey the law, or to do good : when they were sprinkled with blood they were clean, not when they were sirict observers of the law. God showed plainly by all this, that it is only in the sacri- fice of the anointed, that is of Jesus Christ, that he accepts any man. He showed that in him alone he is well pleased, that by him alone the law is fulfilled (for how could God be pleased except the law was fulfilled) and not by the obedience of man. Therefore, while they had the Law by which is the knowledge of sin, it was plainly shown by the sin offerings and shedding of blood, that salva- tion from sin and acceptance with God is only in Christ : thus they were not saved by doing any good at all, but only by Grace. If they could have done good and work Righteousness and please God by trying to obey the law, then all the shedding of blood, the sacrifices, and the office of the High Priest were vain and useless ; so also if Righteousness (that is, doing good, and by consequence, pleasing God) can come by the Law, then Christ's death is vain and useless. Gal. ii. 21.) The sacrifice of the sin offering showed the sacrifice of Christ, which he should offer in the appointed time ; their sins being laid upon it, showed that it is Christ who taketh away our sins ; its death showed the death of Christ, and its destruction and burning showed the entire destruction of the body of sin and death, which should be triumphantly accomplished by the Holy One. Therefore Christ must needs suffer, to take away the sins of his people : and he must needs be man, that he might suffer for man and as man, and that the law might be obeyed by man. He must needs come in obscurity and humiliation', for how could ho have suffered death, if he had come in the splendour and brightness of his glory and power ? or how then would the wicked have had free course and unrestrained opportunity and liberty to reject and despise him, if they would ; or to receive and acknowledge him, if they would ? He must needs be put to death by wicked men, for what good men would hurt or put any man to death ? Therefore he came on the earth, a man, and placed himself in the situation of the lowliest and humblest of that lost and wretched race ! and he came at a time when there had arisen a generation exceedingly wicked, proud and self-conceited : who thought themselves exceedingly holy ; men who regarded not the sin 7 50 THE GOSl'EL OF GOD. offering and its signification, but who were satisfied that they were righteous in their austere and pious observance of" the law ; men who thought that they did good ; even the same generation which is now on the earth and is not yet passed away. (Mat. 24, ult.) To this generation God delivered up his beloved his only begotten son, that they might do unto him as they listed, and as he had fore- determined to leave them alone to do. And this righteous, holy and spotless One, submitted himself to their bloody hands and offered himself up as a sacrifice, the lamb of God, for a people, an ungodly and wicked people, whom God in his great mercy had chosen and before ordained to bless in him, out of every kindred and nation and people. Their transgressions he bore, knowing and seeing every one of them ; and he suffered all the curse and death and agony of the terrible law which by right belonged to this people ; " he died for the ungodly,'''' he was cursed instead of them, and the law was proved (when even such a Holy One could not escape) to be no lie, but a truth, as assuredly it must and will be fully proved to be to all that do wrong, and do not turn with repentance and enti'eaties to Him who freely forgiveth. Thus God (letting them alone to do as they pleased, and as he knew before the foundation of the world they would do when he should let them alone) made use of Satan and his children to accomplish, by their very wickedness, the destruction of wickedness, and the entire removal of sin from them whom he has chosen to be tabernacles in whom he will dwell ; and so He will be glorified by the very existence of evil creatures, yea, and by their vilest deeds. CHAPTER XI. Be ye steadfast, immoveable, in believing and doing nothing : always abounding in the work of God, always ceasing from your oicn work. The whole Gospel of God is plainly, emphatically and unequivo- cally revealed in these words, " Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved^ It says nothing about doing, and instead of implying it, it altogether excludes it, it is a true word, a faithful saying. The Scripture could not be [jlaincr, when in answer to the ques- tion " what shall I do ?" it says " Believe,^'' and it is plain that to believe is not to do. If there were the least atom to be done by the sinner, he could not possibly be saved, for it never would be done. All that is written herein, is not because the word of God is at all doubtful, or not plain enough, or wanted proof, it wants no such thing : this is written for the elect's sake, that they may be saved. Jesus Christ does all for them that believe only, ho does all Right- eousness for and instead of them, so that they cannot possibly have the least thing to do ; and this, which is his Righteousness and his doing entirely, he iminites graciously unto them. It is indeed won- derful that God should do so much, and leave us nothing whatever to THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 51 do, thus saving us ! But it is not so great nor so wonderful by far, as that God should deliver up his own righteous and sinless son and not spare him, for our sakes, for the ungodly ! He who did this great thing, how much more shall he not do a less thing, that is, " icith him, also freely give us all things V And yet they who scoft* (Peter) and will not believe the lesser grace, pretend to believe and teach the greater ! ! God so loved the world, the elect world (not that of which he says " / 'pray not for,"" and which he says cannot receive the spirit) ; God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son ! This, this is the great thing which God has done for his Israel, which surpasses every thing, which is greater than all, and which includes and brings with it every thing. He gave his re- deemed people to Christ, before the world began, and he gave Christ to his people ; they are one. The Father loveth you (saith Christ) as he loveth me, and he loved me before the foundation of the world. This is why any one is saved, even because, and only because the Lord God will save him ! It is only the Will and good pleasure of God (Eph.), for there does not exist in any human being one snigle reason why God should have mercy upon him ! whereas there exist in all, thousands of crying reasons why they should perish and be consumed. But he will certainly save his people whom he hath chosen, even all those, whoever they be, who seek him, who hope in his mercy : he hath sworn and will not repent, therefore all the poor and needy, however sinful and miserable, may be fully assured, and have strong consolation, even all may, who flee for refuge to Jesus Christ, (Heb.) God hath foreknown all such, they are elect of God, He hath given them to Christ, He will save them by his Gospel, giving to them to hear and believe, and then they that are dead shall live ! This is salvation, to hear and believe the Gospel. He that doth not believe in Jesus Christ cannot possibly be saved; there is no Righteousness, no life without him, and without him no man can have peace with God. " All that the Father hath given unto me, shall come unto me," and the Lord adds, " whosoever cometh unto me," — yea, who- soever he be, he need not stop to enquire if he is elect or not, he cannot but know if he indeed hungers after the Righteousness of God and that alone and none other — " whosoever cometh unto me," let him be ever so ungodly, ever so unlikely — " I will in no wise (IN NO WISE) cast out." Here is consolation for the poor and ungodly, (but none for the rich, the righteous and the pious, unless they for- sake their righteousness and piety and hope only in God !) Herein is mercy ! it is in mere mercy and favour and loving kindness, not now only, but from everlasting, that he receives and saves us, and not for our being pious and religious ! far from it. This is the mercy of God in Christ, this is all the hope of him who writes this ; and this was all the hope of David and the prophets, they never dreamed of being saved by religion or piety ; thus David says, ^^ I will hope in the mercy of God for ever and ever." And this hope in the great goodness and grace and mercy of God in Christ Jesus, (without any hope or trust whatever in the beast, the 52 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. flesh), this hope, though heaven and earth pass away, shall never be disappointed, and shall never pass away! Herein is the salvation of God, viz. that he will have mercy ! He is ever merciful and gracious, and none that hope in his mercy shall perish ; he delighteth in them that hope in his mercy ; and all on whom he has mercy now, he had mercy on them yesterday, and has for ever, he hath not changed ; and when they look to him and hope in his mercy, then they shall know that his goodness to them now is his everlasting goodness, and that in his everlasting mercy he hath given them understanding and led them to hope in Him ! No one who is disobedient to his law and word, who loveth unrighteousness and doth not look to Christ for Righteousness and deliverance from death and sin can know this, for the wicked (that is, they who do something and look not to Christ to do all for them) have no peace with God. (Ish.) They cannot know God, nor his mercy, nor his love, nor have access to him ; only the cleansed, the justified, the righteous, they who, believing, are in Christ, can know God and approach unto him ; the condemned (all who are under the law and don't fulfil all its Righteousness) cannot know God ! but they who believe will know him, because to them there is no condemnation, they are righteous, perfectly righteous in Christ, being made righteous by the mercy of God through faith. God has mercy ! this is the origin and beginning, and he hath chosen them on whom he will have mercy, and loved them from ever- lasting : and Christ is the way, he is the means, and the only way, and the only possible means by which the great work and purpose of present and everlasting mercy is made effectual and is accomplished ! He himself it is who accomplishes in all things, from first to last, this purpose of love and mercy and pity, bringing salvation, having done and doing all things for us, plucking his people out of the very fire, and making them righteous, and after all this, constantly keeping them by his power ! (Peter.) Even after they are made righteous, that is, after they believe and are justified, they arc scarcely saved ! that is, they are saved with great pains and ditficulty ; the presence and power and might of God alone, can alone keep and secure them! Such is the rage and such the tremendous power of Satan, which he has got for a season, a short season (Rev. 12), and such also is the deceitfulness of sin, such is the power of this world, such is the weak- ness of the flesh, such the corruption of the body of sin and death, that they, the redeemed, the justified, the righteous, the holy nation, the chosen generation, are indeed scarcely saved ! But for ever blessed be God, he hath undertaken and he hath promised, and con- firmed his Promise by an oath, that none shall be able to pluck them out of his hand, though they go through much tribulation, and are chastened sore (for it needs be so) as the children of God ! They are only safe when they believe and do nothing, trusting only to God : their strength is to sit still, " this is the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith," even leaving all the work to the Lord Christ and of course then doing nothing ourselves. The word of God was written for our instruction, a notable figure THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 53 of a child of God, living by faith, doing nothing. It is Daniel in the den of lions. The lions are figures of this present evil world, and of the raging and powerful lusts of the flesh, and threatening trials and temptations of all kinds. We can no more overcome these, than Daniel could master the lions. The power and glory and mercy of God in overcoming them all, for them that trust in him, and only be- lieve (for only believing, doing nothing, that alone is really believing) the power and glory of God is manifest in Daniel, and he who be- lieves is, like Daniel, preserved by the power and favour of God, from all their rage and destructions ! It is not Daniel who has silenced the lions ; no, it is God ! It is not Daniel who has shut their mouths — it is God ! and they are lions still, though they are quiet, they are not converted into lambs, nor regenerated, nor progressing towards personal holiness and sanctification : they are ravenous and dangerous beasts, and continue so. Again, Daniel does nothing to them, they are stronger than him, (Ps.) he has not conquered them, he has not subdued them, he has been sitting still and has not tried to subdue them ! Why then are they not tearing him to pieces ? why do they not devour him ? How is he so safe 1 — It is because Daniel sits still and trusts to God ; to him he looks, to his power and grace ! he believes in Him, and God, even God himself and alone has overcome them ! he believes, he only believes, and God performs all the work for Daniel ! Mark then, sinner, elect, saved soul, it is God who per- forms all things for Daniel, and for you also, if you believe in him whom God hath raised from the dead even in Jesus Christ ! that is, if you only trust to him, sitting still like Daniel and doing nothing ! The Holy Ghost here shows forth the glory of that salvation which is in Christ Jesus, how it is He who saves his people from their sins, and that the child of God has not got any thing to do, Christ does all for him. Like Daniel he cannot overcome the raging lions which his soul is among, he cannot overcome one single lust, nor subdue a single iniquity : how can Iniquity overcome iniquity 1 if he sets to work and tries to do the work of Christ, even to do something, it is plain he does not look to Christ to be saved, he does not believe. But when he believes and ceases from his own works, his proud and wicked works, when he does nothing and trusts entirely to Jesus Christ, then Christ stops the mouths of the lions, and then he per- forms all things for him f Here is the power of Christ, here is his Grace, here is the glory of the Gospel, the Power of God ! if it were otherwise the Gospel would not be the power of God ! Here it is seen how God alone is glorified, for God alone performs the whole work, the sinner absolutely does nothing ! he has absolutely nothing to do, he only believes and trusts entirely to God, giving him credit both for power and grace, thereby confessing that he is God indeed ! If there is any thing shocking to man, revolting, hateful and detestable to him, it is this holy, eternal and sure Word of Truth, namely, that God he is God alone ! He, manifest in Christ Jesus, truly and verily is the only Saviour, the Christ ! He saves, and he only, and the believer has nothing, nothing, nothing whatever to do ! let him only irust to God ! Therefore sweet as this little book will be to them 54 THE GOSPEL OP GOD. who receive it and eat it up, they will find it bitter indeed, yea, very bitter to the flesh, the belly ; for the world will not endure the Truth, nor them who believe the Truth ! Let him who believeth in Jesus, the Author and Finisher of faith, remember that he lives only by faith, looking only unto Jesus, and if he looks away, if he looks elsewhere, if he begin to imagine that his wonderful deliverance is partly because he himself does some- thing, or thinks or feels something, if he forget whose mercy it is that delivers him and overcomes the lions, that it is merely in his Grace and love that he does so great a favour for him, then he will quickly find out, and it is time he should, that the lions are there, and are violent and raging and ungovernable and unaltered, and that destruction and misery reign when they prevail ! Therefore let him take heed, let him beware ! All the cautions and instructions and reproofs and counsels of the Scripture are necessary for him, and are given for this very purpose, that the man of God (that is, he who is in Christ,) may be wise unto salvation ; lest he should be wise in his own conceit and lay aside his confidence in the Lord, and begin to take confidence in the flesh ; lest he should forget the dangers and snares which surround him, and that Satan goeth about like a roar- ing lion, lest he should fall from the steadfastness of the faith, from the simplicity that is in Christ, and instead of sitting still and doing nothing, and only looking to Christ, he should be seduced to trust in his own strength, and begin to dream of other righteousness and other power and other work than that of Christ ! lest he should dis- honour God by not believing, and honour himself by his imaginary working : therefore, be ye steadfast and immoveable in believing, in only believing ; in doing nothing, but in trusting entirely to God, in standing still to behold the salvation of God, and then, yea, then you shall always abound in the work of God, for he will work abundantly for you, performing all things for you ! CHAPTER XIL Little Children, fee from Idolatrr/. 1 John. God, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses and sins, doth make us alive, giving to us to be- lieve in his Name ; for that is to be quickened and to live, even to believe ; that is being born of God, the being made to hear and be- lieve by the Mighty Voice or Word of God. " Faith comcth by hearing, and hearing hy the Word of God,''' even by that same Word by which all things were made that are made ! he that only and simply believes, is born ; and he is born of the Word. " Who- soever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God." (1 John v. i.) " Being born again by the Word of God (not by a dead letter) irhich liveth and ahideth for ever." (1 Peter i. 23.) Thus because to believe is to enter into life, even into Christ, it is most fitly signified in the Scriptures by the expression " being born." God calls us by his THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 55 Mighty Voice, and the dead hear and live ! It is only his Power, it is only his work, " the voice of the Lord is mighty.'''' As by his word he cre- ated all things, and it was his doing and not any doing in the things which were created when he spake to them, so also by his word he raises the dead, and they hear and believe ; this also is alone his doing and not any doing in them, even in us who by his word do hear and believe. To believe, which is to live, is the Gift of God. He only is the Creator, (Rev. x. 6,) and every thing which accompanies this eternal life is his gift : he gives us repentance ; he gives us to wish, that is to will to take the water of life ; he gives us to desire, to long after, to hunger and thirst after that true Righteousness with which we shall be filled, and to forsake and abhor that counterfeit Righteousness or Piety which is deceitfulness and very wickedness. But let not Satan deceive the new-born child of God : there is no Righteousness in believing, in repenting, in seeking God, in praising and thanking him, in praying, in hungering or thirsting, or longing after and desiring God ! These things accompany life, but they are not our good nor our Righteousness : like the gold, they are in the temple of God, but they are in themselves nothing, though the earthy worshippers (the Earth) despise Him who sanctifieth the Temple, while they worship the gold which is in the Temple. (Matt, xxiii. 16, 17.) God does not save us because of these things, God forbid ! they do not help to save us at all, nor in the least degree whatever \ Therefore that preaching is a lie which says " if you do all these things, if you pray, repent, go to church, (Sj'c. (Sfc. you loill he saved." He saves us because he loves us everlastingly, because he will, yea. He will have mercy upon us ! because it is " his good pleasure to give us the kingdom .'" It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, (God forbid,) but of God that showeth mercy ! He who dares to deny this, denies the Word, even Christ ! " See (says the Apostle) that ye despise not him that speaketh.''^ It is one of the most extraordinary and strong delusions of the religious and pious generation of this day, earthly men (the Earth) that though they boldly deny and evade the word of the living God, even Christ, they confidently profess and absolutely do really imagine that they are followers of Christ. God gives us all these things which accompany salvation that He may save us, that we may come, and enter into Righteousness and be blessed, and have rest unto our souls. We are not righteous and we are not saved because we believe, because we come to Christ, or wish to come, nor because we hunger and thirst at'ter Him who is Righteousness, nor because we repent and abhor ourselves ; all this only shows how very good and gracious God is unto us, in thus lead- ing us himself to his truth, and not how good we are ! We have no Righteousness, and we do none, and we will not do any, and there is none can be had and none can be done but by Christ. If it were not so, these things which God giveth to us would be our righteousness, and it would not be true that He is THE LORD OUR RIGHTE- OUSNESS. Therefore, not to believe only, to have any trust in these and such like thines is to make God a liar. 56 THE GOSPEL OF OOD. As the trumpets which were sounded seven days before the walls of Jericho, were not the causes why the walls fell down, so our re- penting and praying is not the reason why God is gracious to us. The people of Israel did not put their trust in those trumpets nor worship them, and they who believe will have no confidence in, nor derive joy from these things. If they had attributed any efficacy or power whatsoever to the blowing of the trumpets, that would have been to bow down to them and worship them. And so it is now, in this time, men that are of the earth, earthy, sensual men, having not the spirit, attribute, power and efficacy to their praying and crying and seeking, and all the other deeds of their own, which they call the means of grace and ordinances ; and they think that on account of these their tleshly acts, God will hear and deliver them ; they jus- tify their confidence in these their works, because they see in the letter of the word that the redeemed of the Lord do pray and seek after God, therefore they worship these things which God creates in the hearts of his people, and in them they place confidence : these are their Gods, the gold and silver and brass and wood and stone of the temple ! which have no power, which neither can see nor hear nor walk : these things, with their feelings and sensations, they call experience, and to them they look for comfort, and from them they derive their joy and their confidence : it is a refuge of lies. But let him who believing is born of God and is a child of God, let him know that as neither his seeking nor desiring this eternal life is the reason why he obtains it, but only the evei'lasting love and good will of God, so also the enjoyment and earnest of it is not a credit to him, but is only a proof of God's love, and a reason why we should be more abased, and thank and exalt him only. To enjoy all his blessing, to be filled with all his fulness, to have this joy inexpressible and full of glory, does not make him who believes better than others, nor better than he was before ; he is not better before God on this ac- count than the damned in hell : he is only good before God in the person of Jesus Christ, God respectetli tlie person of no other man than the man Christ Jesus, in whom alone he is well pleased : he is only righteous in the personal, individual goodness of Christ the Holy One, the new and righteous man, the Adam of a new world, the Son of God ! Let no one therefore glory or rejoice in anv thing what- soever, nor in any person, whosoever he be, but only in tiie Lord. Our want and destitution, our complete unrighteousness, the know- ledge of which will make us cry out in earnest unto God, is no merit, is no recommendation, it is not any righteousness, it is not com- mendable to feel it, all would feel it if they were not dead hardened and blinded; the feeling and knowledge of it is very death.' This, our total destitution of all righteousness, this deplorable fact, that we are sinners, is a great disgrace and shame to us, it is a reason, and an ample reason, why we should be damned, instead of being a reason why we should be saved. It is only and solely because of this that the wicked will perish everlastingly ; when Christ shall appear they will perish and be destroyed from his presence, for this very rea- son, because they are evil and are found naked, that is destitute of THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 57 Righteousness. The experience and knowledge of our shame (which the earth calls getting religion) is death, and even this death, though they labour hard to feel it, they cannot find, they know nothing of it. " They seek death, (it is a glory and a merit to them to feel what hell-deserving sinners they are,) they seek death, but (saith the Lord) they shall not find it ; they desire to die, and death is far from themy No ! they who rejoice in calling themselves sinners, they do not know what they talk so much about, they do not know that they are sinners. Therefore let the needy sinner not glory in his shame ; let him know that his guilt and iniquity, his nakedness, his want and neces- sity, and his cry for mercy, and his prayer for deliverance, is no recommendation whatever. God indeed will surely hear the cry of the really needy, not because there is good in the cry, (for there is none,) but because He is good ! because he is very gracieus and he delighteth in mercy, and because he has given a promise that he will hear, and has pronounced a blessing upon the miserable, guilty and sinful wi'etch that wanting, really seeks Him ! who is truly ashamed of, and glories not in his shame and infamy. He will gra- ciously and freely give the gift of Righteousness by Jesus Christ to the ungodly, when in their need they cry, but it is only because he will have mercy, because he is gracious and merciful, long suffering and plenteous in goodness and truth and will abundantly pardon ! This is why God hears and saves ! If seeking and praying and asking and knocking, and reading "good books" and keeping Sunday, and all the other false gods and saviours, the helps and means, and conditions and causes which the Son of Perdition hath set up, on the performance of which they place their hopes, which they take as certain proofs that they are in the right way, their zeal for worshipping which they audaciously imagine pleases God ; if the most earnest and sincere and loudest cries and knocks and entreaties could possibly save, or help to save, they would save in that great and terrible day of the Lord, when they who now trust in them will cry very loud, and knock and pray very earnestly, and God will not hear them ! (Prov. i- ult.) If they can help to save now, they will certainly help to save then ; if they are good now, they will be good then, for whatever is really good is eternally good. Let the sinner know that God hath saved him before he knew his need of salvation, he hath heard him before he cried, God hath com- passion upon him before he had any idea of his own ruin and misery, and because he hath loved him he hath drawn him with his love and given him the Spirit and a good understanding to hear his voice and to seek his Righteousness. They who now confide in these their doings, which they call means of Grace, will discover, in that day, that having rejected Christ there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin : then let the gods, the means and the helps in which they have trusted, save them if they are able. They say they do not reject him, they only join these helps with him. But God will not be thus dishonoured nor be helped ! He will not have any other help or god 8 58 THE GOSPEL OF OOD. with him ! he will not falsely share the glory of that work which he hath truly alone performed and no one with him, with things or works or imaginations which have no part and right in the doing and glory of it ! Here are many words to show what God in his Word has fully shown in two or three words, saying " / am thy salvation,^'' that is, I am ! I alone : and none of thy Righteousness, none of thy doings, none of thy feelings, none of thy prayings, none of thy ecstacies, but " / alone am thy salvation.'''' " I am God, and besides me there is no Saviour." But this is the very thing which man will not acknow- ledge, namely, that God is God alone ! they will readily pretend to acknowledge him if they can join other gods with him according to their own way and wisdom ; like Tiberius who was willing to enrol Christ among the gods of Rome. But, that God is God alone, ap- pears to the wisdom of man monstrous, absurd and wicked ! What ? say they, God alone saves ! and nothing to help and assist him ! What ? no other God ! and all our " means of Grace," our nice feel- ings, our sweet seasons, our prayers, our pious enterprises, our Sabbath keeping, our dipping into water, our going to church, our reading and singing, our abstinence from balls and theatres, our Sunday Schools, our Missionary and Bible and Temperance Confed- eracies, our pious and benevolent exertions, our crying and asking, our groanings, our experiences, and all our many helps or gods — will not they assist 1 will not they save 1 Is God indeed God alone ? will not these things help, even at all? are they no saviours? are these good things bad and abominable ? has not God commanded us to pray ? does not therefore our praying help to save ? is it not there- fore a God and a saviour along with God ? Thus Christ is to them a stumbling block and a rock of offence. God is a jealous God, and righteously and graciously so for the sake of his people, for certainly and most truly there is no help what- ever but in Him only, and no Righteousness but in Him, and since all our help and all our Righteousness will come only from him, all our trust must be in Him only and in his Righteousness, jiis Christ only, and if it is not we are without God and without hope ! It is therefore a blessed thing to know that the Lord He is God alone, besides him and with him there is no Saviour. He was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, and whosoever addeth and joins his own or any helps to Christ and his work, is an idolater, and an unbeliever. CHAPTER XIII. He that wishes to he saved, shall he saved ; he that does not wish to he saved shall he condemned, that is., damned. How Satan has deceived and blinded men, and led them to look for happiness in destruction and to regard good as evil. To worship God ! what can sound more painful to the gross, fleshly understand- THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 59 ings of men, calling up to their imaginations the ideas of constraint and penance and mortifications and misery ! And what is this, to worship God ? To worship God is to be willing to receive from him blessings and joy and peace and life and eternal happiness : for it is to believe in him ; and to believe in him and to receive at the same time the gift of eternal life, is one and the same, for they are inseparable. To believe in God (which is to receive life and peace, and to be made a son or daughter of the Lord Almighty) is an acknowledgment that God, he is God ; this is honouring him, this is in a word the true worship and the only true worship of God : for to look elsewhere, to trust for or expect good from any where else, is to know and to worship other Gods. He that looketh to himself a sintul man to do good, he worships man, that is, a beast; he that looks for good to his regenerated self, (which is a mere fancy, fiction, a talking image of the self-same beast,) worships the image of the beast. In a word, he who looketh for good, for any good, to any thing or any creature, trusts in and wor- ships that creature and not God ! his trust is there and not in God : if he says he only expects it to do him a little good, to be of a little service or help he is a liar, his trust is there and not with God. God is a jealous God and there is no one with him to partake the least atom in his work. Therefore it is evident that the Religion of this time is idolatry and a worship of strange Gods, for they look for good almost any where and in any thing except in God only ! if they really worshipped God they would know and teach the doctrine of this little book, and nothing else, for the whole doctrine is, " Look only to God, trust only to God ; for good, for Righteousness, for good works, for every thing ; trust no cohere else in the least degree what- ever, cease from your own toorks, look only, to God only" This is the sum total, the sum and substance of this little Book, all it says is, " Him only shalt thou serve.'''' It is merely the first command- ment which the wisdom and piety of the earth has set altogether aside, viz. it is this, " I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have none other Gods before me." (Ex. xx. 1.) And it is manifestly evident that the law of God, the true worship of God, and of God only, and of no other God, is only established through faith, that is, by the Gospel. God forbid that we should make void the law through faith, yea we establish the law. (Rs. iii. 31.) Therefore to believe, to trust only to God, to look only to him for Righteousness and for every thing, this only is really to worship and serve God ! And as to believe and to be blessed are inseparable, to worship God is to receive blessing immeasurable, and inconceivable and everlasting ! It is therefore entirely to our benefit and advantage, and no good or advantage to God whatever ! for He is only a giver in this case, and we are only receivers. Therefore, so far from the worship of God being desirable to escape from and get rid of, it is that of all things which is most de- sirable ; and which so far from being any good in us or any merit or recommendation, or even at all commendable, when we do worship him, is a great favour indeed, yea, the highest, the utmost of favours 60 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. to be permitted to worship him ! God does not want us to worship him, God forbid ! but it is we who are in the utmost need and neces- sity of worshipping him, because it alone is the only good thing for us, and if we do not worship him we are in horrible misery. There- fore it is our great benefit to worship him, and when the Scripture says " Woi'ship God,''' it only says to man, be blessed, be saved, be happy, do yourselves good, not God ! And since to be willing to receive the Righteousness of God, to look to God only for it, to thirst for it, in a word, to wish to have it, to desire it, is to believe, therefore when the Scripture says " he that believeth shall be saved,"" it only says, he that wishes to be saved shall be saved ! This indeed and in truth is the great and godlike proclamation of the Gospel ! Such bountifulness, such graciousness, such liberality, how churlish men have perverted this and have been called liberal ! (Is. xxxii. 5.) And again, when the Scripture says " he that beUeveth not shall be damned,'^ it only says " he that wishes to be damned, he does not desire life, he shall be damned, he shall not have life ; he shall have his own will and wish !" Much therefore as the men of the sea, rag- ing and proud waves, have reviled the Scriptures, and spoken hard speeches against God, they will hereafter only have to curse them- selves, for they will not be damned without having chosen and pre- ferred it ! To hunger and thirst after Righteousness is really and earnestly to wish for it, and this is believing and receiving it, for the willing- ness to receive and the receiving are inseparable, and this Christ says " Whosoever will, that is, whosoever inshes,let him fake freely, ^^ that is, for nothing! doing nothing for it, either before, or after, or ever ! Such is the unspeakable Gift ! such is the great Good News ! and it is really and truly a Gift ! He who sayeth otherwise, and who will do something, and not take it freely, he maketh God a liar ! Woe to the " abominable and fearful /" (Rev. xxi. 8.) the abomina- ble, who love unrighteousness and their own ways and righteousness : the fearful, who are afaidof the truth and hide it in earthy doctrines, and think it dangerous to believe that God is true ! (Matt. xxv. 25.) Let it be well observed this is not an idle, assumed wish, it pro- ceeds from a good a right understanding, which is the Spirit of God, and is given by God, whoever he may be that has got it, as the breath in our nostrils is given, whoever has got it. No one can possibly wish or hunger for the Righteousness of God, who does not truly want it ; and he does not want it or stand in need of it, or wish for it, who thinks he can do good, that is, can get Righteousness by his doing any thing, by his following or attempted following of the rule of Righteousness which is the law ; who thinks he can get Righteousness by any other way than by Christ ; who looks for good (that is, Righteousness) from any other quarter. Therefore, they who arc trying to be good and pious, and thus to establish another Righteousness (which is a deception, a show, a counterfeit and not a real Righteousness) they are liars and deceive their own selves, if they say or think that they look to Christ or wish to be saved or THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 61 thirst after Righteousness ! And also those who love iniquity and do evil, the inhabitants of the sea, who desire no Righteousness at all, but follow their own ways and are satisfied with the ships of their own building, these do not desire to enter into Christ the ark of God, they think to be safe in their own vessels when the deluge comes ; ' they do not wish for Righteousness, that is, true Righteousness, they do not want and do not wish to be saved. David truly hungered and thirsted after Righteousness, when he said " Teach vie to do thy tdll, O God,'" that is, save me from my own wicked will, from fulfilling the desires of my flesh and of my mind, (Eph. ii. 3.); save me from my vain saying and teach me Christ who is thy Righteousness, thy " doing." He did not ask to know his will, but to do it ; he knew it already, for he had the form of all truth and knowledge in the law, but he found that was not suflicient, he, a sinful man, had not the Power to do the good he knew; but he wanted, he wished for, he thirsted after Righteousness, and he cried out after it, after " doing," not saying or knowing, but doing, in spirit and in truth, that is, in reality. Thus he thirsteth after Christ, after Him who came to do in very deed and reality what Moses made known: for by Moses we know all the will and Righteousness of God, but by Christ we do his will and fulfil all Righteousness ! that is, it is Christ himself who does the will of God, " Lo ! I come to DO thj u'ill, O God /" and then imputes it to us, even to all of us, who by him do believe ! Thus it is, (and this is what man and his fleshly wisdom cannot understand,) we do the will of God by doing nothing, only believing, looking to Christ, who ^'' perforins all things for us!'''' we standing still, and beholding the salvation of God ! sitting still (this is our strength) and doing nothing. (Ish. xxx. 7.) Herein is seen how true it is that God's thoughts are not our thoughts, nor his ways our ways ! for this is exactly the opposite of, and directly contrary to the thoughts and religion of earthly men, the religion of this last day ; while also the religion of this day is directly the opposite of, and contrary and opposed to the Truth of God ! Astonishing strength of the delusions of Satan, astonishing all-deceivableness of unrighteous- ness ! to make the utmost wickedness and atheism and rebellion appear to men as if it was the highest pitch of faithfulness and obe- dience to God ! to make bondage appear liberty, churlishness appear bountifulness, darkness to appear light, bitter to appear sweet, and the very reign of the devil and the beast, in all their wickedness and malice and beastliness to appear as if it was the Millennium begun on the earth ! for so the false and deceitful prophets have actually re- presented it ! Wherefore, to wish for, to hunger after Righteousness, and to look to and hope in God only for it, that is to believe : and to believe, (only to trust in God,) that, even that, is to worship God. And so it is, that to worship God thus truly, and to receive him gladly to do all for us, is the summit of blessedness for man. What indeed can be a greater blessing than to receive and have Almighty Power to be on our side, to crown us with glory and honour, to clothe us with ()2 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. perfect Righteousness, to do us all good, and to do all good for us ? Nothing can equal this except it be the knowledge of Him who is thus good and gracious. Therefore the enquiry of a man should be, — not, shall I worship God, or shall I not ? — but, as all the worship is merely for my own supreme joy and blessedness, and all the good the benefit and the advantage, is entirely on my side, will God let me worship him ? that is the main point ! Will he condescend to permit, to suffer me to draw nigh and approach unto him, and receive from him that which eye hath not seen nor ear heard, nor hath entered into the heart of man to conceive ! Will he take me, and choose me, and permit me to worship him 1 Oh ! the unspeakable pride ! the insolence ! the audacity of human man ! to imagine, to dream, that God wants him to worship Him ! and O unspeakable blindness not to see nor understand that it is we who want, we who are in need, it is our blessing, it is life to us, it is great salvation to us, to worship Him ! for it is only to receive all good and every imaginable good from Him ! What frightful, yea, hor- rible and most abominable insolence of our vain and evil hearts, when we imagine that in muttering prayers, or reading the bible, or sing- ing psalms, or keeping one day above another, or not dancing, or not drinking, or not going to a theatre, that we are doing good ! serving God ! yea, doing him a favour and performing a service to Him ! The Earth is turned upside down, (Is. xxiv.) for the truth of God is, that God does a favour to man, and God does a service for man ; and they turn things upside down and preach that man does a favour to God, man does a service to (iod ! O abominable abomina- tion ? O wickedness not to be conceived ! The Gospel is the news of the Grace, that is, the favour of God to man, and the Religion of this Time is just the reverse, viz. a profession of the grace, that is, the favour of man to God ! Instead of our worship being any service or favour to God, it is a most wonderful and astonishing condescension and humiliation on God's part to let us worship him ! To permit us to worship him, to give, to grant to us to believe in him, this is to make us, — us wretches, — equal to the angels of heaven : it is to fill us with all good. Well therefore is it said that this faith whereby we approach unto God, is the gift and calling of God ! It cannot be otherwise, and all those who believe, who wish for the Righteousness of God, are chosen of God : if they hunger after Righteousness, then and not unless, it is certain they are blessed and chosen of God ! God hath loved them and chosen them, to cause them to approach unto Him ! Thus the Prophet says, " Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, O Lord, and causest to approach unto Thee /" and therefore because he hath before chosen them and always intended to save them, they, by his Word and his Spirit, hear and understand his Truth, and believe, and thus approach unto Him ! It is therefore a blessed thing, if any one hungers and thirsts after Righteousness ; for whoever he be that does, he owes that blessed- ness entirely to God ! God hath loved him with an everlasting love, and chosen him, and ordained him to eternal life; lie who now gives THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 63 him grace and favour in Christ, gave him Grace in Christ before the foundation of the world! (2 Tim. i. 9.) " / have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore ivith loving kindness have I drawn thee'''' saith God by the Prophet Jeremiah. CHAPTER XIV. The inviolability of the law of God. It is an abominable thing to teach that Christ does only a part and not all ; and that he who believes has something to do, that Christ does not do all for him. If Christ does any thing at all, he does all wholly and entirely : if the sinner has any thing at all to do, then he has all and every thing to do, and then there is no salvation. The law which says " do" means really and truly, do all and every thing, not in part, but wholly and perfectly ; and the Gospel which says " believe,"" means really and truly what it says, do no- thing at all, but leave it all to Christ, trusting in him. He who has something to do, has all to do, for he is under the law, and the law admits not of part being done and part being undone ; it admits no imperfect obedience. Tliey who are under it, who are not dead to it by the body of Christ, they must fulfil it entirely, or suffer all its penalty : and they who believe in Him, do fulfil it entirely (by Him) ; thus in any case by Jew or by Gentile, by Heathen or Christian, by believer or infidel, it must be fulfilled, it cannot be broken, it is surer than heaven and earth. Christ fulfils it for them that receive him, without their moving the little finger of the arm of man ; but they who will not receive him for all Righteousness, but will have some- thing to do, they are not by their own pride removed from under its obligation, they have got it all to fulfil and they may move heaven and earth, they cannot fulfil it, they are too far gone in wickedness, as all men are, for that. They who say, or think that to believe is yet to have something to are blind and wicked, and do not believe God's word of the gospel, " Believe and thou shalt be saved." They very sincerely believe, (sincerely, because we are sincerely and earnestly wicked,) that what they do, or think they ought to do, is very good, and com- manded of God, and will please God. Yes, so it is commanded of him, if it be all good, for his law commands all good : and so it will please him if they do really all good, for he is good and loveth good. But they vainly think that their praying and going to their Church, and keeping their Sabbath, is very gool, and the sinner who takes to these things will please God, and they add, through Jesus Christ. They mean to say that Christ will make all these things coming from sinful man who does not do real good, that is all the law of good, acceptable and pleasing to God ! So that when a man is a law breaker, yet God will accept him through Jesus Christ : and this violation of the law by God, or tliis his supposed admission of its violation, they call Grace ! Abominable wickedness of Satan's de- 64 TIIK (JOSPEL OF G01>. lusions ! Nothing but the perfect fulfilling of the law, — and this is only by Christ, and is his work — can be pleasing to God. Christ did not come, far, far from it, to make our filthy works good, to help to glorify us and puff" us up with admiration of ourselves, but utterly to destroy them altogether, and he himself to work the work of God for us, fulfilling the whole law perfectly for the ungodly who receive him to do it ; perfectly, not imperfectly, else it were no salvation. If when a man has done wrong, that is, in other words, is a sinner, then if going to Church, and praying, or keeping one day in seven, or doing or not doing any thing whatsoever, if such things will make it all right again, and dispose God to forgive him, then to do wrong is a very trifling thing indeed, yea, the law of God is a jest, if thus it can be done away by such trifling things ! But " God is not mocked /" They preach that these things are made acceptable and etfectual only by the Grace of God ! through Jesus Christ our Lord ! If the Grace of God did assist to give effect to such half-obediences of the law, to such defective and sinful doings, then would Christ be made to assist the condemned and the transgressors in violating and despising the law of God ; for he who does not fully obey this law of good in all things, is a transgressor and condemned. But God's holy and righteous law, his moral, yea, and far more than moral law, cannot possibly be broken, and most assuredly Christ does never assist to break it ; nor does the Grace of God consist in helping him who breaks it to patch it up again and obey it a little, that is, to do a little good, nor any at all. No wrong of any kind can be done with impunity by Heathen or Christian or any one whosoever he be. No assistance, no Grace will be given to the wrong-doer to palliate the imperfection of his obedience : imperfect obedience is no obe- dience at all, it is total disobedience, it is crime, (James) ; herein is the sin the crime of mankind that they do not perfectly do what is right, they are the offerers of an imperfect obedience. If the law that wrong must not be done, and which pronounces a curse upon all wrong doing (that is, sin) — if this law could have been broken, then God could have broken it, and Christ might have saved his people without any suffering. But it was not possible that that cup should pass from him, if we were to be saved : no, it was not possible ; the law could not be broken ; and he drank it up to the dregs instead of us, even the full cup of the wrath of God revealed by the law against all unrighteousness, that is, against all wrong-doing. Therefore no wrong whatsoever, not the least wrongcan possibly be done and go unpunished. The death of Christ is a terrible guarantee of the inviolability of the law. How then shall sinful man, full of all secret evil, drenched in floods of hidden filthiness, dare to imagine and absolutely even to preach, that a little muttering of his prayers, a little paltry piety and devotion, a going to church, and keeping Sunday, the not drinking spirits and not going to balls, in one word, a doing something, shall help him to escape ? and that he will escape by the Grace of God, through Jesus Christ ! Astonishing wickedness and delusion to dare to think and to preach that the Grace of God is intended to give impunity to wickedness and safety to crime ! This is the turning the THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 65 Grace of our God into lasciviousness, which is now done as it was foretold it would be ! (Peter.) The only reason why men dare thus to contemn God, is because they do not really believe that God will punish, (Ps. x.) they do not believe the law, they think their offences are light and venial, that it is a trifling thing to do wrong ; that the law is a jest, a mere nothing, that therefore the Grace of God rnay be depended upon to render the enactments of the law of no effect, to weaken, to violate, to set aside the law ! Monstrous as this perversion of the Grace of God is, great as is the enormity of this crime, yet how all-deceivable such unrighteous- ness and wickedness is, (2 Thess.) is proved by the fact, the aston- ishing fact, that this very wickedness and guilt, passes both with those who are guilty of it, and before the eyes of all others also, under the character and appearance of uncommon sanctity and piety, and reverence for God, and zeal for the law ! No indeed, it is a terrible thing to do wrong : it is not a trifling thing ! No part of God's law being obeyed, though they may say by the Grace of God, can make up for what is not obeyed. So terrible is the law of the Almighty God, to those who do not fully and perfectly obey it, that if any man believes the truth of the law, he certainly will believe the Gospel, and gladly receive Jesus Christ for all his Righteousness. But they who despise the law of God and tremble not at it, they will despise the Gospel, they cannot believe. (Luke xvi. 31.) Whether we are under the law or whether we are under the Gos- pel, the Law cannot and will not be broken. It is fully and perfectly obeyed, and fulfilled by Christ for them that believe, and thus it is not broken : and its curse will be fulfilled and established to all trans- gressors in the day when God will judge the world, and thus it will not be broken. CHAPTER XV. To he under the law and at the same time to believe is impossible. A cry against the Earth. They who cleave to the law, seeking to do good, (for to try to do good is to try to fulfil the law and to cleave to it,) they dishonour thereby that very law of good-doing which they vainly imagine they love so much ! They dishonour it, for they violate it, they break it, they do not fulfil it. If they think they keep it, or that they do good, then they do not even believe that it is true, for it itself posi- tively declares to them that they do not keep it at all ! (Rs. iii. 19.) The law declares this. He who cleaveth to the law, who has got to do good, or some- thing to do, can have no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God ! it is utterly impossible, for he is a ti-ansgressor, he is con- demned, he abideth in coiidenmation and death. He is a transgressor, for he has got to do good, he has got a law to fulfil, and as God is 9 66 TEIE GOSPEL OF GOD. true, he does not do it : he is therefore in condemnation, and that is death itself. Since he does not do all that which he is bound to do, he is unrighteous and condemned, and most certain it is, no unright- eous man, no condemned man has or can have any access to God, nor know him, nor love him, nor have peace with him. Such a man, whatever he may say, however he may labour to deceive himself with vain words, and talk of Grace and peace and love, does not be- lieve in Christ at all nor in the least degree whatever, for no one can be condemned by the law and free from condemnation in Christ at one and the same time ! There is no condemnation to them that believe, they are no longer transgressors, they are justified, that is, made righteous, and are without spot, and have peace with God. (Rs. V. 1.) And no one can be justified and be righteous, and be con- demned and cursed at one and the same time ! But he who follows the law is a transgressor, and is unrighteous and condemned and cursed, for he has got to do good and he does not do it. So that it is utterly impossible to follow Christ and believe in him, if a man is under the law, and follows it, and is labouring to do good, as the Earth (the religious professors) now are doing : they do not believe, and it is impossible for them to be saved, if they continue in unbelief, having something to do, and not having God to do all for them, ac- cording to his Everlasting Covenant. The Everlasting Covenant which God made with Abraham, since by it it only the law of God is honoured and perfectly obeyed, since by it he that believes is blessed, wonderfully blessed in Jesus Christ, blessed with perfect Righteousness and perfect peace, and is by and in him a fulfiller of the whole law. This, this only is the Covenant which God regards, which he keeps and remembers for ever, which can never be broken, for man hath no hand in it, and which he hath confirmed by an oath ! In this covenant only, and in none other than this, in all times and in all ages, has any one ever been blessed who is blessed ! All God's favours and mercies shown to his people Israel, at all times from the foundation of the world, were shown to them not because of the covenant of the law, nor for any of their observance of its excellent ordinances, however strict and exact, but whoelly, solely, and entirely in Christ Jesus who was to come, yea, solely on account of the Righteousness of Christ by faith. It was, (as is said in the book of Psalms, after a long enumeration of all his mercies and goodness to the house of Israel,) it was all done and only done " because he remembered his Holy Promise and Abraham his servant.'''' (Ps. cv. 42.) It was not because they did any good, or tried to do any, or because they obeyed him, or because they were pious or religious or devout, or kept a day of the week, — far, far from it ! it was not because of any conditions they had fulfilled or were willing to fulfil, but only and merely because of Christ Jesus the Righteousness of God, the end and fulfiller of the law, whom they saw afar off" in the daily blood-shedding, and waited for him, and hoped in him, and walked in his strength, (Ps.) and in whom God beheld them and loved them ! For ever blessed be God for his Everlasting Covenant, his Mercy, his Work, his Promise ! THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 67 Since such was the case with Israel, what are the vain confidences worth of those who preach a mutilated, dishonoured and partial law, nay, a new invented law of their own which is no law ; who say " do good" (and that even not real good) to the wicked one, the man of sin ? What is their proud confidence worth, that they serve God and please him, when even Israel, which followed after the holy law, and tried to do good, by strictly following it, and did not invent instead of it, a false law, a false standard of good, and vain substitutes instead of the law, when they, yea, even they could not please him, and did not please him, but were utterly, utterly cast off and abhorred, as it is to this day, because they would not receive the only Righte- ousness of God, even the Lord Jesus Christ ? Wicked as they were who rejected Christ, though yet they did not entirely set aside the law, how much more wicked are those who both reject Christ, and also at the same time totally set aside the law ? And yet more ! how much more abominable and guilty they are who, while they totally reject the Righteousness of God, yet pretend, with all deceiv- able appearances of sanctity and piety, to love him and assist him and kiss him, talking of the " dear Redeemer, Free Grace," &c. &c. And also, while they tolally set aside the law both in theory and practice, (setting up confederacies and substitutes for its real good- doing, and being devoted to covetous and wicked practices of hatred and malice,) — yet all the while wickedly pretend to obey the holy law of God, and to follow this law which they have slain, as their rule and guide ? Never was there a generation on the earth so wicked and impious, so blasphemous and proud, so confident, insolent and bold, so appa- rently iamb-like and saintly, so truly deceitful and abominable ! They do not hesitate, they are not afraid, to deny point blank and most audaciously, the plain and positive word of God, being confident that their own ways are perfectly right, and Satan persuading them that what God says means nothing or very little, and that they will easily find some other text or passage to overthrow or pervert or blunt whatever appears to be against them ! Let them know how- ever, and they shall know shortly, for the time is at hand, that the whole word of God is against them, against their practices, and against their doctrines ! The Scripture is full of prophecies^ against them ; Anti-Christ is there as plainly made known as Christ, that we, seeing what is not the doctrine of Christ, may be assured and certain what is. All the prophecies are concentrated upon this generation. They scoif (Peter), they think lightly of God, they think lightly of their delusions and follies, they think their zeal, their fleshly zeal, which indeed is great for their own glory, will atone for their being wrong in some things, for they sometimes confess they may be wrong in some things. Proud and deluded men, not to under- stand that the Holy Spirit of God is wrong in nothing ; that he who has drank of this spirit is taught aright of God and cannot be wrong. (John.) They think lightly of their own delusions, of their perver- sions of the Grace of God ! Every thing is light with them, pro- vided they have a hot and fleshly zeal to do good ! Evil men ! to 68 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. dream of good from such filthy and abominable fountains ! But let them know, and they shall know, that great and glorious and vast and stupendous as is the Truth, the Eternal Truth of the living God, wonderful as is his exceeding rich Grace, unutterably large and libe- ral and god-like as is his unspeakable Gift and Truth cf his Grace, in just such proportion are their lies and false doctrines abominable. In such proportion as his wonderful Gospel is all that is lovely and good, just so is even the very least perversion of it all that is hateful and wicked ! wicked beyond conception, when wicked men assuming the authority and very words of God for this vile purpose, dare to counterfeit and pervert his Gospel by their own wisdom, and teach their own theories and imaginations in place of, and casting on one side, the Eternal Word of Truth ! This generation is called, collectively, the Son of Perdition. (2 Thess.) Judas is a figure and representative of them, as John also is a representative of the last disciples, who shall eat up, yea, devour this little book, who are to be the last and to tarry till he come : for now first the words of Christ are understood which he said of John, that he should tarry till he came, for he spake of us, knowing us and seeing us, even of us who shall believe by Him, and remain on the earth till his glorious coming ! Like Judas they appear to follow him ; like Judas they make a bargain and sale of him, (for according as they preach any body may have him for a little money, of piety and per- formances,) like Judas also they kiss him while they betray and sell him, calling him " dear Jesus," " the dear Redeemer," like Judas they sit at table with him, and like him their consciences are so seared and their hearts so hardened, that not suspecting their own wickedness, they say with astonishment " Lord is it I ?" like Judas they are transformed into Apostles, like him they cast out devils, and do many wonderful works ; like him they are not found out till the very last, and it is to John, the last, the beloved disciple, as he leans on Jesus' bosom and trusts to him that Christ reveals them as he now does openly in this little book, to them, even his beloved, that shall believe in his Name ! CHAPTER XVL Why the Law was given. Man is evil and doeth evil, and for this wicked one, this scarlet beast, being so altogether evil, to pretend that he does good, to as- sume airs of counterfeit holiness, and put on filthy robes of human righteousness, thinking them a fine clothing, is the very summit of self-deception, of pride, of denial of God's truth, and of rebellion against God and his word. It is the pride and rebellion of Satan ! When God gave his righteous law to sinful flesh, it was not in order to set up this filthy and malignant worm as having the power and arm of God, and able to do what God alone does in the very angels who are around his throne ! No ! it was for the very con- THE GOSPEL OF OOD. 69 trary purpose, to put him down, and show him by woful experience, his utter brutishness without God. (Ps.) None is good save one, that is God : and they who acknowledge and love him, because of his first love to them which they believe, who trust to him, they receive goodness from him as a gift and a Grace ; they receive his own goodness ; and this is the only way that any one is good in heaven or earth ! " Thou only art holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God.'''' (Rev.) So that it is all by faith, receiving, not working, all by the work of God and his Grace, yea, even in the very angels. God gave his holy law, because of transgression, (Rs.) to make known to sinners the evil of their evil ; to make known the certainty of the punishment of all unrighteousness and ungodliness of men : he gave it for the wicked who do evil, and love evil, and for his people also as long as being in unbelief they do evil, that they might know the misery of their owza destructions ; that they might learn and know by it their own errors and impotency, and know that there was no power nor Righteousness but of God ; by it is known the exceed- ing sinfulness of sin, of which otherwise we should never have anv knowledge, no, nor even suspicion. Blessed are they who hear and are taught by this law. If the people whom God will save had no knowledge of the fact of their own sinfulness, how could they look to God for Righteous- ness ? how could they believe 1 No one looketh for that which he does not know that he wants. And they could not know that thei-e was any Righteousness at all, if they had not known that their own works were evil, and all their Righteousness as filthy rags. If they had remained in ignorance of their utter sinfulness, and never dis- covered that not to be in God is to be evil, that to be trying to do good by our own power, and not to have the Spirit of God in us to do it for us, is to be like the beasts ; if they had not known this, then they would have remained like the beasts that perish, and never have known God, and have been always dreaming of righteousness from themselves and imagining their evil to be good : they would never have known Him, that he only is God, he only is good, he is Right- eousness itself, and all that are good are only so by being filled with him ! How, without this teaching, could they look to God only for Righteousness ? Therefore the law is as it were a school-master, pointing to Christ the Righteousness of God. Therefore David says, " Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, O Lord, and teachest him out of thy Law." And again he says why he is blessed, and why God teaches him by his law, that it is noi; to set him to work, to do something, no, far from it, but to give him Rest, even perfect rest from all his own works and vain doings ! and this Rest, this Sabbath from his own doings, this is Christ ! Yes, it is to give him Rest, and not to make him, Iniquity, good, that is God ! Christ has de- stroyed in his own body on the tree the beast, the flesh, the old man of sin, born of Adam, even Iniquity, which never can be good, (John iii. 6,) which is not subject to God's law, and cannot be, (Rs.) and all they who believe are dead with him, that this man of sin may be 70 THE GOSPEL OF OOD. destroyed, (not ameliorated nor made good,) that henceforth they should not serve this body, nor do its works, but live in Jesus Christ, clothed in the Righteousness of God ! They therefore know nothing of God, they do not believe in God, who dream, and they are called filthy dreamers, (Jude) — who dream that they, filthy men and women, can follow this holy law, this perfect rule of perfect righteousness ! who dream that they, being evil, can work the Righteousness of God ! for the Righteousness of the law, all true Righteousness is the Righteousness of God ! He who imagines that good can come from his utmost efforts to follow this law of good, does not believe that God alone is only good, the only fountain and source of good, and the only doer of good : he believes in himself and not in God ; he sets up himself for God and Saviour ; himself a man of sin, a beast before God, or his regener- ated self, a fiction, an imagination, an image of himself, a speaking image of the beast. (Revs, xiii.) But if he says in the all-deceiva- bleness of unrighteousness, that he believes in God and only partly seeks to do good by following partly the law as a rule of life, that is, as a guide for him to do good, then he expects good from himself, and not from God only ! But God cannot be believed in partly, nor by halves ; he saves wholly and altogether by himself, there is no God with him, no Saviour besides him, no arm to help him ; He is God alone, and his glory he will not give unto another. He who thinks therefore that any, the least good or Righteousness can come by his trying to do good, he entirely rejects the good, the Righteous- ness of God, for he does not want it, it is not quite good enough for him, he must put some of his own filthiness to it ! It will be more tolerable in the day of judgment for those wicked persons, the inhabitants of the Sea, who have openly and altogether denied Christ, than for those deceitful, double-minded men who have pretended to believe in him and honour him, while they followed after their own righteousness and believed in themselves : who had rather he should make their wickedness good and acceptable, (which is impossible,) than receive him at once to be all their Righteous- ness and do all good for them, (which is easy to him and is his very work and Grace) : who have said in their hearts we will join Christ with Belial, we will do good and he shall make even that to be good, and make up all deficiencies besides ! thus we will save ourselves, and to show our humility we will say we are great sinners and call him the Saviour ! To preach " do good," (if it be indeed and really good,) is to preach the law of God, and with it the curse and death, because the very law which commands to do good, at the same time declares, " there is none that, doeth good, no, not OHe." Therefore, there is no gospel whatever, no good news, no |>eace, nothing but the tidings of destruction and death in such preaching ; it signifies not whatever deceitful appearances of gospel may be mixed with it ; if the law is there, the inevitable curse is there too, and no blessing can be min- gled and joined with cursing. To preach therefore to men to do good is utterly vain ; it is practicidly to tell men there is no Christ, THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 71 no Messiah, no Righteousness of God, and no salvation. It is utterly vain, even if it be done with all faithfulness and truth, if even the whole law of God be ri'ally taught, and all its goodness and excellence, and all its virtue and good actions be inculcated in all fulness and truth : it is altogether vain as concerns salvation ; it is good only for condemnation, for a bridle and whip for the fools' back, for a terror to wicked transgressors. But the deceitful Anti-Christ, this religious generation, the Earth, the earthly men, they do not preach the Law of God at all, nor its real and perfect commands, in all their vain preaching and teaching. The " do good" which they preach, is a false law of their own invention, it is not the perfect, righteous, holy, moral and excellent law of God, which commands men to do all good to one another, not to covet houses, money and lands., nor lend out their money upon usury, nor to take a pledge from the needy ; the " do gooiV which they preach is all to be fulfilled by subscribing to their confederacies, attending their meetings, assuming their looks, adopting their lan- guage, making an outside show, pretending to be a sinner, and to have felt convictions, subscribing money for the " cause," becoming one of them, being puffed up with vain conceit, trusting they will go to heaven, and swelling with fleshly dreams and good feelings, and talking idly and audaciously of Grace and love and glory, and their inward experiences ! " speaking great swelling words of vanity, not knowing tvhat they say, nor lohereof they a^rm f" Herein is their salvation ; and to those who join them, they confidently proclaim peace, when there is no peace : so anxious is each whorish church to get and increase the number of her lovers, (Ezk.) that " they alhire through much wantonness of the fesh,''^ and use all sorts of attractions, hold- ing out the lure of fleshly advantage, of worldly benefit, profit and gain, to attract lovers, saying that men will save money by leaving the tippling house and joining them, and that they will be more re- spectable and get on better in the world ! If he be utterly vain as it is, even to preach perfect and real good-doing, and all the truth and righteousness of God's law, — if even all this, without even the least drawback, is vain and unprofita- ble through the weakness of the flesh, and only kills instead of giving life, (Rs. vii.) then how vain, how monstrous, how wicked, how horribly abominable, is all this their preaching of all this their good, which is not good ! which is abomination ! How utterly vain is their austere inculcation of their pious practices, their fleshly Sab- bath keeping, their society-joining, their church-joining, their tract distributing, their abstinence from drinks and balls and theatres and ribbons, their mournful looks, their howling and groaning, their money gatherings, their missionary and benevolent exertions ! If the preaching of God's holy and good law, in fulness and with- out diminution or drawback, be a vanity, and be the preaching neither of Gospel nor of blessing, what a vanity, what more than vanity are all these inventions, these idle, foolish and wicked substitutes, these proud-swelling and earthly ostentations ! Never, no never, in any age of the world, or by any people, was iniquity so completely 72 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. masked and disguised and carried to such an exalted, such a tremen- dous pitch ! Samaria's open idolatry (the Greek and Roman Catholic Churches) is abominable, but it is gross : but the deceitful hypocrisy of Judah (and the Protestant Churches) is most abominable, it is a refinement of deception and wickedness, a counterfeit, to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect ! The wisdom and knowledge of earthly man hath brought to pass these perversions, (Is.) because the wisdom of God, " Believe," and nothing more, was too foolish for them ! They laugh and scoff (Peter) at the very idea of sitting still, of standing still, doing nothing, and having the strength of the Al- mighty God ! (Is.) They have chosen their own way, and despised God's way, and he hath loft them to their own delusions. This is the strange, the wonderful work which God hath done. (Is.) God who searcheth the hearts and trieth the reins, hath tried them, it has been " the hovi' of temptation to try them that dwell on the earth,'''' (that is, the earthy men, the professors of religion and piety ; the self-creators, the wise men, the self-electors !) They professed to be wise, to be able to know God as they pleased, and to be ready and obedient to obey his word, and God has tried them if they would do so, and they have denied that God is God, that power is only his, that he only has understanding and giveth understanding, and doeth whatsoever he will and saveth whom he will. And deny- ing God and his Might, they have received Satan and all his delu- sions, they have greedily swallowed up the flood of lies and follies and blasphemies and abominations, which he has cast out of his mouth : (Rev. xii.) for there is no folly and wickedness of false doctrine which in these last days the inhabiters of the earth have not greedily swallowed. Never will the truth of God " pride goeth before a fall," which has already been proved true, be so fully proved as when their day Cometh, when all their works and confidences, and troops and con- federacies will melt away in an instant, like wax before the presence of the Lord, and they will have nothing to lay hold of, nothing to hope in, and no where to look, when all their proud buildings which now appear to them so solid and excellent, will fall with a great fall, and the sandiness of the foundation be plainly revealed. They are those who say, and with all their saying they do not ; they worship a speaking image, they are great speakers, but they are not doers of the word : nor can they be, not having Christ, nor desiring him to do all for them ! at being thus real doers they scoff, saying " what ? are we to sit still and do nothing?" that is to say, " what ? are we to believe V This great wisdom of God is foolishness to them. (1 Cor.) But if any one should say, how can a man be guilty if he is not elect? What? because there are holy, elect angels in heaven, is therefore the wickedness which is done on the eai'th no wickedness at all ? Is there therefore no law and no justice against deliberate, malicious and desperate wickedness? God forbid! And because God is willing to show mercy, and from everlasting was so deter- mined, and therefore has an elect people, a remnant who will lx;lieve THE UOSl'EL OK GOO. 73 and whom he will save, does that make wickedness to be no wicked- ness ? Does God's mercy on whom he will have mercy clear the guilty ? (Exodus.) Whether there were elect angels or not, whether there were elect vessels or not, wickedness is wickedness, and those who hate God, who hate his Righteousness, and wantonly and ma- liciously despise his word, and do unrighteousness, are wicked, maliciously and willingly wicked, and God will show his power by them, and he hardens their hearts because of their pride and wisdom, and they cannot escape the justice of the law by which every one will be judged according to the deeds which he has done ! What has the existence of a righteous generation (made righteous by great grace and mercy) to do with the guilt of the wicked ? It interferes with their criminality no more than the existence of a race of fishes in the sea, or of birds in the air ! They say and know they ought to do good, they say they can, and yet they do that which is evil, and they fight against and wrest deceitfully God's words, and despise and set at naught his Mercy and his Christ. Let them really do good and they have nothing, no nothing whatever to fear, they, even they themselves shall save their souls alive. God's Grace in Christ Jesus to them that believe in his Name, « THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS," does not set aside the law, the very principle of right and wrong : they who do wrong shall suflfer for the wrong they do, and he will save those who lay hold of Jesus Christ, who shall be found sprinkled with his blood and cleansed from all their wrong. But the existence of a saved and redeemed people, will not overthrow God's law, nor bestow impunity to wickedness. Therefore let a man beware how he dream of rioting in evil with impunity, pretending that because God will have mercy on whom he will have mercy, he need not therefore care what he does ! God is righteous and will judge the world in equity : every one will receive according to his deeds, and will only be condemned for the wrong which he has done ; whether there be a Gospel or not, that does not alter the case. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The law of God says to all flesh, " beware lest ye perish," and they will not hear. But the love of God says to his people (and it is the Word the power of God) " Come unto me," and they hear the voice of this love by the Word of God and they come, and they shall come, and shall never perish. " My sheep hear my voice" — " he that is of God heareth God's words" but sinful flesh heareth them not, and will never hear, but will do wickedly and will not understand, (Daniel xii. 10,) and shall be judged and perish as if there never had been any Gospel given, as also they must, for their wickedness, if there never had been any. 10 74 THE GOSPEL OF G01>. CHAPTER XVII. Of the Sea and the Earth ; that they both agree in the same wicked doctrine. The Sea, in the prophetic language of the Scripture, describes the world in general ; the Earth, standing out of the Sea, describes the religious or professing world, who are apparently separated and come out from the world. The Sea describes man as he really is. As the Sea is sometimes calm and smooth as glass, so man appears innocent and harmless ; but the calm is deceitful, they are only waiting to do evil. As the sea, when the four winds blow upon it, rages dreadfully and is ungovernable, so are men, when they are moved by the winds of those lusts which proceed out of their hearts, or when Satan enters into them and foments the evil ; when roused by the love of gain, or the fear of loss, then they are like the raging sea, unutterably and diabolically violent and wicked. Thus the Sea, with fidelity of description, describes, by one word, the world at large and those of it whom the men of earthly religion call infidels. As the Sea is far more extensive than the Earth, and spreads over a much larger surface, so are those far the most numerous who do not believe what is called Christianity. The infidels of the world, like the waves of the Sea, are violently opposed to the religious world, the earth ; they foam and dash against it, like waves of the Sea, and make in some parts great inroads upon it : they are also high and lifted up, and proud, boisterous and blasphemous : like raging waves of the Sea, they defy all restraint and acknowledge no master ; they say, '■'■our tongues are our own, roho is lord over us?" Wherefore the " Sea" is employed to signify the infidel world. The Earth describes the religious world, which is comparatively a small portion of professors standing out of the Sea. No word like this could so aptly describe the religious professors. They are men of the earth, earthy and sensual : all their doctrines are of the earth, their wisdom is earthly, (James iii. 14, 15,) their knowledge and un- derstanding is earthly, natural, and taught of men ; their practices are earthly ; their hopes, views and ambitions are earthly ; they mind earthly things ; their foundation is built upon the earth ; their fruits are of the earth ; their conversation is upon the earth, (not in heaven ;) their thoughts are upon the earth, and they bring forth briars and thorns, (having fallen away from the truth of which they have had, and profess still to have the light and the knowledge,) and are nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned. (Heb. vi. 8.) Thus no word could possibly have been selected so true and exact to describe them. These two, the sea and the earth, (that is, both infidels and the professors of religion and piety,) do now agree in doctrine, and in believing the same lie, and in denying the same Truth ; the Sea is bold and undisguised, the Earth indirect and disguised in its error and wickedness. The lie they believe is one, and it includes all lies, namely, that THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 75 God is NOT the Creator, that is, He is not God ! And the truth which they agree in denying, and which they will not receive and acknowledge, is one, and it includes*all truth, namely, that God is God alone. The philosophical and wise infidels, raging waves of the Sea, say that the worlds are self-existent, self-created, that God did not create them, they were not created at all, or they created them- selves. The Earthly professors also, in their wisdom and knowledge say the same, of the new and far more glorious, creation of God ; namely, that it is self-existent and self-created, that God does not himself alone, by his power alone, create his own redeemed people, they create themselves if they please. This is to deny God, it is to say there is no God, and all the train of confusion and lies follows with this ; and yet the depths of Satan are such, that with this lie as their fundamental doctrine, they make themselves appear to be, and persuade themselves that they are the servants of God, even of him whose word and doctrine they hate and deny. The leading, the essential doctrine of the Earth is, that to believe (which is to be created and made alive from the dead) is the work of man ; that it is in the power of man, even of man, if he pleases ! This is a total denial of God the Creator, and it is idolatry, for it is making corruptible man, even the man of sin, the wicked one, a Creator and a god, exalting him above Him whom they yet pretend to call God, as it is foretold should be in the last day before the coming of Christ. (2 Thess. ii. 3.) This lie, which to them is a pious, a benevolent and rational doc- trine, namely, that a man may and can believe if he pleases, or that it is in the power of man to believe, they insist upon and preach as the means of inducing wicked men to turn to God ! without it they have no hope whatever that a man can be saved ! Thus they have no hope whatever, but in the Power of Man ! all their Gospel is the Power of Man ! and after such a compliment paid to human supre- macy and power, they trust the wicked beast can hardly refuse, yea, he may perchance be persuaded and induced, even by the grace of God, (which they make an auxiliary to their own omnipotence,) to put forth his Power and ascend into heaven ! and then, having thus exalted himself, and sitting in the temple of God, this Wicked One lyingly pretends to ascribe all the glory to the grace of God, by which hypocrisy they also proclaim their doctrine and faith to be nothing but a lie, and thus they are involved in lies and confusion, and are truly a City of Confusion, that is, Babylon ! This their doctrine is entirely their own invention, and is the fruit of their own wisdom and knowledge, for there is not one word nor syllable nor letter in the whole Scripture of God, from beginning to end, containing such an abominable doctrine and wicked lie ! How then do they persuade themselves that they find this their doctrine in the Scriptures? They obtain it by inference, by their own gross and earthly argumentation and reasoning, by forming their own fleshly deductions and inferences from the spiritual Word of life ! They argue and infer that because the Word says " Believe" — 76 THE GOSPEL OF GOD. " Repent and believe the Gospel,^'' that therefore it is as a matter of course in the power of man to repent and believe the Gospel ! And so their whole faith and religion and all their hopes and vain confi- dences are built and founded upon a vain and fleshly inference of the human understanding, and thus are they built upon the foundation of man, a scarlet beast ! on this are they seated, as well as their Mother, the Mother of harlots, (Rev. xvii. 3,) upon whose more gross corpo- real idolatry and harlotry they have more spiritually and hypocriti- cally refined. " By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth !" " He spake, and it teas done .'" By the same Word of the Lord, which is Christ, and by the same breath of his mouth, which is the Spirit of God, we are begotten again to a lively hope ; that is, by the same Word and Mighty Power of God our Creator, we believe ! and live ! We are his workmanship, and He is our Creator ! (Eph. ii. 10.) As a man cannot even enter into this earthly life, in which as soon as we be born we go astray, speaking lies, so much more a man cannot believe, that is, enter or be born into that eternal life in which we live in Christ the Righteousness of God ! Of both lives God is the Creator; yea, the Lord, He is God, and besides him there is no other God, and especially the wicked one is not as God, able to create himself! As it is wicked and rebellious (Is.) to complain that this earthly life is the gift and creation of God, so it is much more wicked to rebel against the fact that faith, the entering into heavenly life, is His gift, and that they to whom it is given are his creation ! Where- fore it is not in the power of man to believe, as it is not in his power to create : he is not God ! What use? what good then is it, (says the proud and ignorant mind of fleshly man,) to preach the Gospel .' if it is not at all in the power of man to believe ? and if faith is (as it surely is) altogether and only the work, word and power of God ? Thou fool ! (Psalm.) What use 1 what good then was it that God should speak the word and call the worlds into existence, if it was not at all in the power of the worlds to exist themselves 1 But if God had not spoken the word they would never have been created ; and so also if Christ did not make the word of his gospel, namely, " Believe," to be heard, no one would or could be saved! Therefore the preaching of the Gospel is to them that are saved, the Power of God, but to them that perish, abiding in unrighteousness) it is foolishness. When the dead, (and to do unrighteousness is to be dead,) when the dead hear the voice of Christ, they live: therefore it is that the Gospel is preached, (for it is the voice of Christ,) that they who are dead and whom he pleases to make alive, yea, only whom he pleases, may hear and live ! " The Son quickeneth whom he will .'" Therefore the Gospel of God is the word of God, it is the very Voice and Power of God ! by which the worlds were made, by which the dead are made alive, that is, believe ; and it is " according to the good pleasure of his THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 77 will." It is the same word and Power of God by which all things were made, without any power to make themselves ; when he merely " spake, it was done ! he commanded and they stood fast !" It is therefore the most abominable and most audacious Atheism, to say that it is man, that wicked one, who if he only pleases, has power to believe ! that is, has power though he is dead and exists not spiritually, to create himself and enter into life, if he pleases ! This is that exaltation of sinful man (or the man of sin) above all that is called God, (merely called by courtesy, God,) which is spoken of by the Apostle ! (2 Thess. ii. 4.) This is his Time, in which he is now fully revealed ! But as the Lord God liveth, who verily is the Creator, the Time shall be no longer ! The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live ! Therefore blessed be God, yea, for ever blessed be our God, for preaching his Gospel, for it is the voice of the Son of God, which raiseth the dead and maketh them alive ; which word, if it were not spoken and they did not hear, they never would live, there would be no salvation ! He speaks the word, and they hear, and believe, and live ! But why do not all hear ? because they are wickedly and maliciously rebellious, haters of God, and disobe- dient, that is, dead. And why do some of the rebellious and disobe- dient hear? because God will have mercy and give them ears to hear ; it is everlasting mercy ! " yea, upon the rebellious also, that the Lord God may dwell amon^, that is, in them /" When they believe, they enter into life ; they are born, and verily they are born " not of the will of the jlesh, nor of the will of man, hut of God," for it is only God who is merciful, who hath good will towards man and will save many ! So he who believes is born of God and is a child of God, and he can joyfully praise God and give glory to him, saying, Blessed art thou O God, my God, for to Thee I owe my existence in Christ, thou hast created me and not I myself, thanks, thanks be to Thee, O my Father and my Creator, Glory be only to Thee, O My God, by thy great favour I am what I am ! Yea, let God's children who believe in his name, his Power, his Grace, his Righteousness, even in Him, for all this is Him, let them know and love the Truth, (and God will give them understand- ing and the Spirit of a sound mind,) lest they be wise in their own conceits, lest they fall into the error of the wicked, and not acknow- ledge God to be the Creator of all things in heaven and in earth. For the time now is when men will not endure sound doctrine, (2 Tim. iv. 3,) but it is the foundation and comer-stone of their religion to deny that God is the Creator, that He is God alone ! Man of sin says that he is as God, that he is creator, and creates himself into the kingdom of heaven (that is, he believes and can believe) if he only pleases, according to the pleasure of his will ! Such are the strong delusions which God in his just indignation has sent upon the earth, (even upon the religious world, because they received not the truth in the love of it,) that Satan has both seduced men to overthrow God's holy law of right and wrong, and set up in its stead all sorts of vain and foolish laws, and fanciful criterions of 78 THE GOSPEL OP GOD. good which they have invented, and has also led them utterly and altogether, and withal boldly daringly and confidently to deny God the Creator, and set up sinful man as God ! and all this is done under the very name and pretence of being very zealous for God and serving him ! This time has been foretold, its limits are marked out, and the day is close at hand that it shall be no longer : yea, let not the man of sin, let not the false prophets and teachers of his lies think to go on much longer, for God hath confirmed by an oath the cer- tainty of the approaching end of all these abominations. He causeth his servant to swear that as the Lord liveth this Time shall be no longer ! Let the elect and beloved child of God, to whom it is given to believe in his Name, know that God is the Creator, that he has a family in heaven, and will add to them from out of the earth, (Jude, v. 22,) and also from out of the sea, out of which, as the Prophet Isaiah has said, he will save a multitude ; and they are all elect : they are his workmanship, it is according to the good pleasure of his will, according to his Grace, and his everlasting purpose of love ! Thus it is, He who made heaven and all that is therein, and the Earth and all that is therein, and the Sea and all that therein is ! The only reason why Michael is his archangel, is because God has made him such ; the only reason why his holy angels are holy and in heaven, is because God has made them such and placed them there ; and let him know also, that the only reason why a sinner is or will be saved out of the Earth, and out of the Sea, why he will hear and believe, is only because it is the gra- cious will and pleasure of God the Creator to have everlasting mercy upon him ! because He giveth him life, giving him to believe, having chosen him before the foundation of the world, to dwell in him ! All is merely according to his pleasure ! '■'■for thy pleasure they are and were created /" (Rev. iv. 11.) God is God alone ! This first and most glorious Name of God in Christ, cannot be given to another, nor be arrogated by creatures of any kind, much less by exceedingly sinful creatures ! it is this, "God who created !" But they who daringly affirm and imagine that man of sin can give himself life if he pleases, can raise himself from the dead, can create himself into life, can hear and believe, if he an evil and disobedient creature pleases, they affirm and imagine that he being exceedingly evil is as God ! And thus the doctrine of the Sea and of the Earth, (of the philosophical world and of the religious world,) astonishing as it is, is truly one and the same ; showing that without knowing it, (for they are blind,) they belong to and serve one same master, Satan. To such an end his own wisdom and knowledge has led the earthly wise man. (Is. xlvii. 10.) The Sea believes that the worlds created themselves and are self-existent, and the Eartii (the religious professors) believe the same of a creation far more exceedingly glorious and eternal ! Against the wicked doctrine of both (which is the doctrine of devils) God testifies : the doctrine of both, is one and the same, altiiough they so bitterly hate each other, and fight and are divided, yet Satan's kingdom is not divided, it is one ; his THE GOSPEL OF GOD. 79 divinity and morality is one, the doctrines of the Sea and the Earth are one, and the whole of it is, the exalting of the power and wisdom and goodness and virtue of a wicked and malicious beast, and denying and rejecting the Power and Goodness and Mercy and Salvation of God ! Therefore, in preaching and testifying against them both, he who writes these words preaches and testifies, that is, sets his feet upon both of them, placing one foot upon the sea and the other upon the earth, and cries against them with a loud voice, and thus the Scriptures are fulfilled, which cannot be broken ! Their doctrine is one, and the source is one, it is the pride and rebellion of Satan ! To deny God's election of Grace, to dare to deny his sole Power and Will in creating by the voice of his word the living and believing man, is Atheism. The Sea denies that he is the Creator of the worlds, that is its Atheism ; the Earth denies that he is the Creator of heaven, and that is its Atheism ! And this denial of the Power of God they call religion and piety ! Most astonishing depths of Satan ! wonderful all-deceivableness of un- righteousness ! that Atheism and Idolatry of the worst and foulest description should pass off" before men for truth and faith and love and zeal and obedience to God ! It is the highest possible pitch to which wickedness could attain, and the highest possible pitch of deceit and pride and hypocrisy ! END OF PART I. A LITTLE BOOK OPEN. PART THE SECOND. CONTAINING THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST TO HIS SERVANTS. " Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein ; for the time is at hand." FROM THE HAND OF JOHN WHITEHEAD. 11 A LITTLE BOOK OPEN. PART THE SECOND. INTRODUCTION. The revelation of Jesus Christ does not refer to the events of this world, nor to the revolutions and convulsions of men ; these things which are of great dignity in the eyes of men, are of no more real importance than the fightings of dogs over a bone. They relate only to the humble events which concern the truth and doctrine of Christ, and his elect, a people unknown to the world : these are things which, though little in the eyes of men, God careth for. If this book of revelation had contained a prophecy of human events, then it would have required a study of human history to understand it, all which history is written by the spirit of falsehood and vain glory. God does not send his people to such falsehood, in order that they may understand his truth. When Christ Jesus was in humiliation on the earth, greatly suf- fering in the body which had been prepared for him, for the ungodly, though he was and is the Power of God, and upheld all things ; though it was he who had given Augustus his empire, and gave him whatever wisdom he had to rule, yet he took no part in, and be- stowed no notice whatever upon the things of the world. So also the Scriptures of the new testament which are the word of his mouth, bestow no notice whatever upon the events of the world. So also 84 INTRODUCTION. this book of revelation and prophecy bestows not the least notice upon the things and glories of this world, nor stops to record the roaring and fluctuations of the sea, that is, the world. It is of very little importance to those who look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, to know who were the great men, and what were the great events of that which perisheth for ever. Of these things the people of God, (not many of whom are wise men after the flesh,) generally know very little ; but with what relates to the preaching of the Gospel, with the many pretences to the truth of God in which they are sought to be ensnared, with those who give themselves out to be possessors of the truth, these poor people are often better acquainted than the wise and learned of this world. These are things which come home to the humble and igno- rant after this world : these are things God's people know well ; these are things which make them stagger and be at their wits' end ; these are things in which they want light and instruction ; and these are the very things in which God in his mercy and compassion to- wards them, has graciously given them light and instruction, even by this sure word of prophecy. Herein the wisdom and goodness of God is to be seen. Here is wisdom. If any should enquire why the greater part of Christendom is passed over with but slight notice, and that the professors in England and America have more notice bestowed upon them, let him reflect, that when the account of the falling away and the first beast is given, then all the religious history of all the people settled down under the gross and external abominations of the beast, is given once for all, even if their time was to be prolonged for ages and ages. The worship of the first beast is open, external, and not to be mistaken ; no child of God could be deceived by it, or for a moment suppose such Christians to be servants of the most high God. But in Pro- testant countries the abomination of the beast is veiled and covered under deeper disguise and more spiritual refinements : in England and America, the worship of the beast and its image is spiritual wickedness, so deceitful and so all deceivablc, that if it were possible they would deceive the very elect. All their false doctrine is wrapped up in Scripture language, and pretended to be derived with great reverence from the word of God : in these countries Satan is trans- formed into an angel of light, and they pretend to hate and abjure the beast, while all their churches are harlots, painted up in their own works and admiring their own garments, and all seated upon the same foundation, viz. man and his piety and his good-doing. They answer to Judah ; while the more gross idolaters of the Roman and Greek churches answer to Israel or Samaria. Now, though Judah had a great zeal against external idolatry, while Israel openly set up a false worship, yet it was by Judah, with all its apparent purity, that our Lord was crucified. Therefore God, the only wise God has given, once for all, the history of the more gross and not to be mistaken abominations, INTRODUCTION. 85 under the revelation of the first beast, which arose first an undis- guised beast ; and he has more fully opened and exposed the deeper, darker, more spiritual and more deceivable refinements of that beast which kept rising after the first, in a new form, disguised and looking " like a lambJ''' This is the beast which ascendeth out of the bot- tomless pit of the earth, out of the depths of the profound whoredoms of earthly religious men ; this is the beast which is exalted as the doer of good, in the place of the Holy One ; this is the son of perdition ; the whole body and collection of whose worshippers is called spiritually a city, even Sodom and Egypt, and this beast is the Protestant earth and body of earthly worshippers, who call them- selves the pious the godly and the evangelical. Here are two nations of the world, the Catholics and the Protest- ants, whom God has taken and chosen out of all the people of the world, to whom alone of all the nations he has given his word of truth, and both of them have utterly perverted, despised, set at naught and trampled upon his truth ! The first and by far the largest number have done this at an early period, openly and boldly ; but the last, the Protestant professors, have done the same gradually, deceitfully, and with hypocritical falsehood, pretending to love Him and to be obedient to all his word ! Both of them have surpassed all other nations in evil doing, in hatred and covetousness, so that the name in which they glory, viz. Christian, has come to signify a de- ceiver and a wicked man among the other nations. The first and largest of these two great divisions answers to Israel or Samaria, the smallest who have had the temple of God, even his elect among them, answers to Judah and Benjamin. The same course which those vineyards of God in former times pursued, has been acted over again in these last times, by those to whom alone above all other nations God hath given the knowledge of his truth ; showing plainly, even by facts, that the wickedness of man is the same in all ages ; that there is no hope at all in man, — no, not even when he is greatly blessed above all other men, not even when he has all truth and knowledge delivered to him ; showing plainly, that with every promise and inducement and teaching, men will not depart from evil and learn to do good ; showing that if the world went on for endless ages yet it would only be the same scene of villany and hypocrisy, acted over and over again : also showing by woful and long expe- rience, that since there is no hope in man, if God himself had not, of his own mercy and pleasure, reserved a remnant, no flesh should be saved ! Let not these two nations of men expect to escape because God has suffered their wickedness so long ; for they see before their eyes at this very day, a former people who also like them possessed the knowledge of his truth and yet loved unrighteousness, who, like them, neither did righteousness themselves, and would not receive the righteousness of God, — they see them now, monuments of his right- eous vengennce, scattered over the face of the earth and proclaiming eo INTRODUCTION. to all men, that they who, being taught of God, do refuse instruction and turn not to Him, but do unrighteousness, they shall not by any means go unpunished. He who has scattered Israel will gather them again, for they will repent and turn to God, God will turn them and give them repentance ; and the Gentiles, who have done worse than Israel, will be cast off and punished more terribly than they have been. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. The Book of the Revelations contains a clear history of the false- hood and abomination which should prevail in the Christian world, and which should pass under the name of the " Christian Religion," while it was all the time opposed to the truth of Christ and to his doctrine. The history of the Church of Christ is revealed, from the day of Pentecost down to the end of all things ; and it is revealed how, after the first 700 years of the Christian era, falsehood and abomination should prevail over the truth, and the church of Christ, the elect of God, should be trampled under foot, and not be recognised nor known in the world, until the time allotted for the prevalence of false churches (which time is 1260 years) should be no more. In all this time the history of God's church is distinctly given and pre- served, in the midst of the falsehood and abomination by which the truth should be overcome and trampled to the ground : and that falsehood and abomination is most clearly revealed, and also the various names and shapes it should assume. The kingdom of Christ is not of this world, and the history of God's church and people is not to be found or traced in any ecclesi- astical history, or records of the various sects. No church or sect or religious corporation that has ever existed in all this time, has been a church of God ; his people have been scattered among all the tribes and kindreds of the earth, that is, among all the sects of the religious world. Thus the heavenly Jerusalem, the holy city of God's elect, has been trodden under foot by the Gentiles, and the truth of God, when preached, has only been preached as it were in sackcloth, during all this time of 1260 years. Mournful and desolate as the condition of Zion has been all this time, (for the abomination of false doctrine and human righteousness, that swine's flesh offering, has made altogether desolate,) yet God, the only wise God has, by this very means, (by this long remaining of the heavenly Jerusalem in the wilderness, that is, in desolation,) preserved the world from being destroyed, and at the same time has preserved his truth in the world, by which many (a multitude that no man can number) have been saved. For, so soon as the elect of God shall be manifest in the world, and the power and glory and beauty of Christ shall be manifest in them, they will be hated by all men ; brother and sister and children and parents will rise up against 88 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. them and deliver some of them to death ; there will be a general confederacy and alliance against them, in order utterly to destroy them from the face of the earth ; and then will Christ appear in the clouds of heaven, to deliver them and destroy his enemies. This malicious warfare and this great destruction and terrible vengeance, would have taken place before the appointed time, and before all God's people had been gathered in, if God had not hidden his truth in the wilderness, and if the church of Christ had been manifest before the time which was appointed to be fulfilled. CHAPTER I. V. 4. " John to the seven churches which are in Asia^ Asia Minor signifies the whole Christian earth, or Christendom ; the elect of God have been cities in the midst of this earth ; the rivers of Asia Minor signify Christian nations. Asia here spoken of, is a very small part of the whole globe, and so also Christendom, or the Christian part of the earth, has been and is but a very small portion of the whole population of the world. This chapter is introductory to a general history or view of the elect people of God which is revealed in the two following chapters. The seven churches in Asia, are the elect people of God in the midst of the Christian or profess- ing world, (called Asia, or the earth,) from the first preaching of the Gospel down to the present day.* THE GENERAL HISTORY. CHAPTERS H. HI. The second and third chapters contain a brief summary of the general history of God's people, at seven different periods at which they lived. This general summary is first given, previous to a more full and more particular revelation of events happening to each, which are afterwards revealed in succeeding chapters. V. 1st to 7th. The first believers are called the Church at Ephe- sus; even at this early period the church of God had enemies and false adherents in and around them, so that the tares choked the wheat. John lived in this church when he wrote this Revelation. V. 8th. The second church is Smyrna : at this period of the Christian era, the ten distinct persecutions, events well known, took place : they are here called " tribulation, ten days ;" but in the midst of poverty and persecution, God's people were faithful unto death. V. 12th. The third church is Pergamos : this being a city more in the heart of Asia than either Ephesus or Smyrna, (which are only on the edge,) shows that the profession of Christianity had advanced more in the world and spread to a greater extent ; the two first churches having been only on the outskirts, as it were, of the population of the world ; (for these two cities are on the seaboard, * That enrlhly men, earthly minded professors of earthly relig-ion arc called the " Earth," need surprise no one ; for even men themselves call those who are worldly and worldly minded the " World." THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 89 or margin of Asia, that is, Christendom.) An increased corruption is shown to have arisen around the church of God : now at this period there are preachers who make a living and get money by preaching, and who preach for hire and honour ; this is the doctrine of Balaam. V. 18. The fourth Church is Thyatyra : in this age the esta- blishment of an earthly hierarchy begins, and that whoredom begins which consists in thinking to please God by human deeds, by doing something : this is that Religion which is called the Harlot or the Whore. But it is begun gradually and seducingly, Jezebel the whore of Rome now first shows herself, seducing to commit forni- cation ; that is, to think to obtain a union with Christ by giving something : this is fornication ; and to think to entice or attract God's favour by the robe of human works is whoredom.* This way of Jezebel had been prepared by the false preachers of the church preceding, who had begun to teach fornication, that is, to teach that a union with Christ was to be obtained by purchase, by the money of praying, &;c. The Falling away now takes place : (that is, falling from Grace, which is heaven, all the people of God became earthly, they fell from heaven : which falling away consists in being justified by the law, getting righteousness by our doing good. Gal. v. 4.) The church of the Beast rises up in this age, which rise of the Beast is afterwards particularly described in a separate chapter. Thyatyra, lying almost in the centre of Asia Minor, shows that Christianity * When men preach, saying', that if you do something, if you pray, read the Bible, go to Church, &c. &c. then you shall be saved, you will be a Christian and have the salvation of Christ, they are fornicators; these conditions are a money which men think to pay to be united with Christ, for that union is our salvation J for this is fornication and it is most abominable. Christ takes his people, whom he will, into union with himself " without money and without price," for nothing. The purchase is on his side ; he has purchased them for himself, as his bride. When men preach that if you are very pious and religious, if you do many good works, if you labour to be righteous and not commit sin, then you will please God, then he will love you, they are whoremongers, this is whoreixim : for it is imagin- ing to obtain God's love and favour by putting on decorations and garments by which to please him. God is only pleased in Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God ; his offering, his work, his daily sacrifice is alone acceptable and well pleasing to God, All other works and Righteousness but his, are abomination and abominable. When men preach that you are under the law, and united with Christ at the same time, bound to do good by the law, and yet being perfectly good and right- eous in Christ, this is Adultery : for it is being married to Christ while the first husband is yet living, in full authority over you. It is abominable adultery to think of bringing forth fruit to God by the law, and of bringing forth fruit by Jesus Christ at the same time 1 This is Adultery. In the early ages of Christianity Satan did not think of seducing men out of the right way by adultery, because the truth was too well established that Christ alone was the Saviour, and that the Law was not a helpmate in this salvation : accord- ingly he began his seductions by teaching fornication, pretending tliat God was so very good and gracious tiiat men had only to offer him a little bribe, and then if they would only give even but a little trifle, they would be saved by Jesus Christ. The guilt and abomination of Adultery was reserved for this last and adulterous generation. And inasmuch as an adulteress is worse than a harlot, so the protest- ant churches are worse than the harlot of Rome. 12 90 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. had spread into the midst of the earth which it should occupy : and it being a city famous for the manufacture of purple dye, it is with the more force and justice applied to represent the age when the purple diadem of Rome was first set up. This period brings us down to the first seven hundred years of the Christian era, to the week of centuries spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, in the midst of which week the abomination of false doctrine was set up, and the daily, constant work and sacrifice of Christ, his pure and unceasing offering and oblation of his own religious work, ceased to be offered, and instead thereof the sacrifice of the Mass, the offering of human deeds and human righteousness, was set up. This falling from Grace, which is a falling from heaven, which now began, has continued in Christendom, or the earth, ever since, for it should continue 1260 years, as was revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ and his prophets and Apostles before ever it began. During this whole week God confirmed his Everlasting Covenant of the Gospel with many, even with multitudes who were his people, his hidden ones ; and therefore, notwithstanding the gradually rising and constantly increasing power and glory of the false church around them, yet the people of God enjoyed, for 700 years, the full light and glory of the Gospel Cove- nant, and were full of might by the Power of the Holy Ghost, though not recognised in the world, nor to be heard of in the religious annals and ecclesiastical chronicles of those or any days. Such a glory and power and blessing and full assurance of understanding, and out-pouring of God's spirit, never, since this 700 years, till now, have the elect of God enjoyed, or even suspected it was to be en- joyed.* Chap. 3, V. 1. The next age of Christianity described by the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Church of Sardis. This consists of God's elect people scattered up and down in the Church of Rome, and overcome by the Beast ; it carries us as far as the period of what is called the Reformation, when they " had a name that they lived,'^ which name and renown they have to this day. V. 7. The next period is the Church in Philadelphia : this com- prehends that time which succeeded some time after the schism or separation from the Church of Rome, when the truth of God was * The Prophet Daniel has brought down liis prophecy, from his own day exactly to this very period, in the four last verses of iiis ninth chapter. In the 25lh verse tlie Prophet foretells the time which would elapse from the second buildingf of the Temple to the coming of Christ, viz. 483 years, or 6!) weeks, a day designating a year. In the 26th verse, he foretells the death and suffering of Christ for his people, and the destruction of the Temple and the ruin of the Jewish nation by the Roman- Prince Titus, which followed shortly after the death of Christ, when there was in- deed a flood of horror and desolation to the end of the war. In the 27th verse he foretells the events of the first 700 years (or week of centu- ries) of the Ciiristian era ; viz. that God would confirm his covenant in Christ for this period, but that in the midst of this 700 years the Abomination and corruption of falsehood should be set up, and that this would make desolate (as it has done) : but a consummation, an end of this long time of desolation is determined, which now is nigh at hand. Thus Daniel in these verses brings down the prophecy to the church of Thyatyra, when the Abomination was set up. THE REVELAflON OF JESUS CHRIST. 91 known and possessed by God's people, especially in England, to an extent which the first reformers had not known. But greatly as the people of God at this period were blessed, yet even they also were overcome by the Beast, lor his time was not yet ended : though they were out of the Church of Rome, yet another Beast, different from the Romish Church, and more like a lamb than it, with a very numerous name, had now begun to arise out of the Earth, as is particularly described in a subsequent chapter. The people of God were overcome and mixed up with the Beast which arose out of the Earth, or persecuted and slain when they attempted to escape from its bonds ; for " it. exercised all the power of the first beast.'''' In the reign of Queen Elizabeth it was given to the harlot, or church of England, to overcome the saints of God, so that many were sin- cerely joined to it, and many were slain or imprisoned who attempted to escape from it. But at this period, notwithstanding the power of the Beast, God's two witnesses, the Law and the Gospel, had not finished their testi- mony, they still prophesied, though in sackcloth ; the Beast which now was rising had not yet overcome and slain them as it should do, and has now done in this day ; the elect of God, this Church at Philadelphia, held fast to the truth, they had " a little strength,''^ (v. 8.) This is the brightest period that occurs since the falling away in the week of seven hundred years. The people of God did not deny the name of Christ, " The Lord our Righteousness," for that is his name ! They held fast to this glorious name and kept his word. Therefore it is promised to this Church (v. 10) that they should be kept from the hour of temptation which is about to come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the Earth ; thus showing that a time of trial or temptation was coming upon the Earth (that is, the professors of religion) to try them. Which accordingly did come after this period, as is fully and particularly related in succeeding chapters of this wonderful Revelation. To this church Christ first says, what he said to none of the former churches, " Behold I come quickly,'''' showing that the next and last period is close to the time of his glorious coming. V. 14. This next and last period in the histor}'^ of the churches, is the Church in Laodicea : It consists of all the elect of God in this day, and since the hour of temptation which has tried the Earth. Notwithstanding the abominable heresies and falsehoods which have overspread the Earth, (the religious wor'd and all the various sects,) notwithstanding the gross delusions and lies which the Earth has swallowed up greedily, and which Satan has poured out of his mouth like a flood, they have not swallowed them, nor have they belonged to the Confederacies and good-doing Societies of the Earth ; they have believed in the name of the Son of God, " The Lord oitr Righteousness," and in his Righteousness and his only ; they have trusted in God's Everlasting Love, and joyed solely in his Election of Grace ; this has been their constant theme and constant joy, and the Earth has been tormented with their doctrine, despising them and callinor iheni Antinomians and licentious in their doctrine. 92 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CURIST. Though there have been wicked men who have taken up these doc- trines, and the covetous and idolaters have been joined with them, yet among them have been the Elect of God ; these outcast people are the Church of Laodicea. Their doctrine has been an utter horror and abomination to the religious world, the children of the bondman.* But though despised and reviled by the Earth, and abhorred by the pious and evangelical adulterers, that is, who being married to the Law, pretended to be united to Christ, yet they have not despised nor thought lightly of themselves. Seeing more clearly the truth of their own doctrine, from the manifest falsehood and fleshliness of the Religion of the earthly men, they have been puffed up and have triumphed vaingloriousl5^ To perceive and to cry out against falsehood and lying doctrines, has been to them instead of all truth ; they have been puffed up with knowledge, and said they were rich and increased in goods, (v. 17.) Boasting and vain glory has been their characteristic, joined also with such a life as has made the enemy triumph. They have had no strength, but been overcome by the devil, and been given over to do unrighteousness ; thus have they been spued out of his mouth by the Lord whom they have so greatly dishonoured by their pride and self-conceit and folly. Laodicea is the most remote and most inland city of the seven cities of Asia, showing that this city of the living God (for verily they only have been the people of God in these last days) is the last and most remote of the seven churches or cities of God's elect people, which have been successively in the midst of the earth of professors, in the different ages of the Christian era. None of these seven cities or churches of God's people have been visible and separate, and been cities set upon a hill, glorifying God and unmixed with human religion, except the three first, Ephesus, Smyrna and Perga- mos. To the churches which come after these three, " what they have," or, " the things which remain,'''' are spoken of; showing that what now they possessed and knew, was only as it were a remnant or a part : " things which remain," are not spoken of to the three first churches, for they had an unction from the Holy One, and knew all things. False and harlot churches have, since the first three, passed among men for Christian churches, and falsehood and lies for the " Christian Religion," and heathen, wicked people have passed for Christians before the world, while the elect of God, the city of God, his Jerusalem, has been trodden under foot, and been cast out and hated and persecuted in the sight of the harlot churches of the Earth ,- for a fixed time, (namely, 1260 years,) power has been given to the Beast, and this imposition of the devil, of his servants for servants of God, of his doctrines for doctrines of God, and of his churches for churches of God, has been suffered and permitted, and power has been given to them to overcome the saints. But this time shall now be no longer, saith the Lord who liveth for ever ! * All the other churches are spoken of as a city, but this as a people, " the La- odiceans," showing their miserable situation, like a city or collection of people without walls; it is a vineyard, the wails or hedges of which are broken down and burnt up. THE KEVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 93 CHAPTERS IV., V. Aftei- this general summary of the churches and their condition, John has a view of heaven opened, and the book of the revelation ot events which should come to pass in the world can only be opened by Christ Jesus the Lamb of God ; none other is able to make this wonderful Revelation, but God in Christ, and none can open it but him : therefore this book is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It differs in an extraordinary manner from all former prophesy, be- cause (as will be seen by all those to whom God shall give under- standing) it contains a continued, uninterrupted and connected history of all the great and principal events which relate to God's people, from the very first preaching of the Gospel, on the day of Pentecost, to the end of all things. It is not a prophesy of one event only, but it is a complete Book of Revelation, a relation of future events given ages before the time, and relating them in the very order in which they came to pass. When the Lamb took the book, the whole company in heaven fell down and worshipped him, ascribing to Him glory and honour and power, (ch. v. 8.) That which excited admiration in heaven itself, is well worthy our praise and admiration and worship, here on earth. Let us therefore ascribe all glory to Jesus the Christ, the Lamb ot God, as we read and understand. A peculiar blessing is pronounced upon those who hear and keep the words of this prophecy ; for many will not hear, but will reject them to their own everlasting confu- sion. CHAPTER VI. V. 1, 2. And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying. Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse; and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto Iiim : and he went forth conquering and to conquer. Here is shown the first beginning of the Gospel, which began to be published on the day of Pentecost. As warriors went to battle on horses, so also a horse is used in Scripture to signify the energy and going forth of the spiritual soldier. Here it is a white horse, signifying it was the pure unsullied Gospel which now was sent forth ; it was to conquer, as also it did. The first age of Christianity is here described, and the progress and success of the simple Gospel, in the time of the Church in Ephesus. V. 3, 4. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red ; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another : and there was given unto him a great sword. This is the second age of the Christian era, corresponding with the Church of Smyrna. Under the figure of a red horse is repre- sented the bloody persecutions which the followers of the Gospel now suffered at various times and from different princes ; they are called the ten persecutions ; it is the tribulation of ten days, revealed to the Church of Smyrna in the second chapter. 94 THE REVELATION OP JESUS CHRIST. V. 5, 6. And when he had opened the third seal, I Iieard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo, a black horse ; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny ; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. This is the third period, corresponding with the Church in Perga- mos. Here is represented under the figure of a black horse, the first successful beginning of the preaching of darkness and false doctrine. The pair of balances, show what that false doctrine consisted in, viz. selling, weighing out as it were by scales in the balance the Gift of God, which gift is eternal life in Jesus Christ. Now first began to prevail that false, lying and abominable preaching which says, (though with much plausible disguise and stoutly denying that it means what it says,) " you must first do this or that, (pray, seek, read the Bible, go to church, &;c.) and then, if you do this you shall be saved !" Thus saying, if a man gives something then God will give something : this is selling and buying. Thus they make the blessed Gospel of God a matter of bargain and purchase. These are " the balances of deceit,'"' spoken of in other places of the Scripture. This is the doctrine of Balaam, which in the former chapter the Church of Pergamos was said to be infected with. Such preachers put this stumbling block of fornication before the children of God as Balaam did to the people when they were just on the threshold of the pro- mised country, and thereby destroy they many souls who are seduced and destroyed and never enter in. It is appropriately called fornication, for fornication is obtaining that by money and purchase which ought only to be got by lawful marriage ; this is fornication ; union by purchase and giving gifts, and not by marriage. So they teach that we must first give something (however little it be) in order to enter into union with Christ ! " A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures cf barley for a pe7iny." By wheat and barley are signified the blessings of the Gospel, both great and small, which constitute that blessed spi- ritual bread which feeds the hungry. By a penny is signified the paltry little doings of man, which it was preached must be paid or done in order to get (that is, to buy) the bread and life of the Gospel. It was now, in this age, that gospel life was preached as being conditional, though to disguise the atrocious wickedness of such a fornicating bargain, the condition, the purchase, was made very little and trifling, viz. only a penny / As if God, who would not sell his exceeding rich Grace and goodness for a great deal, — as if he would sell it for a very little ! But, though the mystery of iniquity was already working, God hindered (or let) and the truth of Christ was yet manifest in the world, there was yet oil and wine, that is, the elect of God still possessed the full atjointing of the Spirit of God, and the pure wine of the Gospel unmixed with water ; these were not to be hurt by the false teachers of earthly doctrines, for lie, even Christ, hindered, until power was given to the Beast, and he that is Christ was taken out of the way to wait at God's right hand until the time should come THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 95 when he would again take to himself his great power. (2 Thess. ii. 7.) V. 7, 8. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death, and hell followed with him : and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Here now arrive in this next period, (which corresponds with the Church in Thyatira,) the fatal and dreadful effects of the falsehood begun to be preached in the preceding period. Now instead of the Gospel, which is life, there is Death. Instead of the preaching of the complete remission of sins, and deliverance from the law and from condemnation, there is the preaching of death. Hell, that is, condemnation and torment and suffering and fear, follows this preach- ing. The preaching of death is the preaching of the Law, for the Law slays us and we die. (Rs. vii. 9.) The horse is said to be pale from the paleness of countenance and woe and misery of those who are sincerely labouring under the law. The horse signifies the preaching which now went forth ; and him that it carries signifies what was preached, and his name was Death ; that is, it was no longer the name of the Son of God, (The Lord our Righteousness,) which was preached, but it was Death ; man's righteousness, man's obedience to the Law. Hell followed with ; that is, condemnation and darkness and torment and sin accompany such a ministration, which is also called by the Apostle the " ministration of deaths It was now that the Beast arose from the sea, (as is related afterwards in a separate chapter.) Now the hierarchy of earthly religion began, and the harlot church, Jezebel, spread forth her seductions: justly and appropriately called a harlot, which every church and every preaching or religion is where the Righteousness of God alone is not alone taught and set forth. Because to imagine to please God by any other Righteousness than that alone of Jesus Christ, and to put on other robes than those of his righteousness, is to do as a harlot does, viz. to paint the face and put on ornaments and dress whereby to please and excite attention and give satisfaction. This, viz. the dressing of human righteousness, is the Abomination, which though highly pleasing to man is pronounced to be Abomination to God. (Luke xvi. 15.) But He in whom alone God is well pleased was not yet taken out of the way, (2 Thesp. ii. 7,) he was still on the earth, in the flesh, to them that received him, he, and he alone working righteousness ; God hath not yet caused this sacrifice and oblation to cease. (Dan. ix. 27.) The Beast, viz. the Church of Rome, had not yet acquired complete dominion : the power it was afterwards to have was not yet fully given it : power was now only given it over the fourth part of the Earth, (that is, over a great proportion of the professing community, but not over the saints of God,) to kill those earthly professors vith sword (that is, the dreadful terror of the law) and itith hunger (that is, a famine of the bread of life, the word of God) and with death (that is, the despair and agony of the consciousness of guilt and con- 96 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. viction for sin) mid with the beasts of the earth, (that is, with false and earthly doctrines of men by which souls are destroyed.) God's holy city of Thyatyra, that is, his chosen people in whom he dwelt, who had not the doctrine of Jezebel and had not known the depths of Satan, still enjoyed the full blessings of heaven, even the Grace of God, and were not yet fallen to earthly doctrines, were not yet over- come by the beast. V. 9, 10, 11. And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slaui for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held : And they cried with a loud voice, saying. How long, O Lord, holy and true, doSt thou not judge and avenge our blood on Iheni that dwell on the earth ? The prophetic history of this period is still continued : the saints of God have been persecuted and slain by the Beast ; here are the prayers of God's elect, " they cried loith a loud voice." And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto Him 1 He will avenge them speedily, as now will shortly be seen ! In verse 11, it is shown that as there have been bloody persecutions, there are to be others yet. They were to rest for a season or Time, (which Time is now nearly fulfilled, and shall be no longer.) In the next verse we shall see the astonishing effects of the prayers of God's elect. As Elijah prayed there should not be rain on the earth, and it rained not for three years and a half, so now we shall see the next terrible event which happens, is also in like manner in reply to the prayers of the saints, whom God will avenge. Now it will be seen that because of the wickedness of men in putting to cruel deaths the saints of God, and because of their despising and rejecting the free, unconditional Gospel of the rich Gift of God, now God will reward them according to their works, and as they would not have life, he will give them up to death, to total spiritual death : and as they have despised and perverted the Gospel, they shall not have it any longer to despise, but it shall be taken away from the earth, and they shall have their own earthly doctrines and delusions instead. The same terrible judgment and awful sentence will now be inflicted and pronounced upon the Gentiles for their despising Christ, which for the very same wickedness was inflicted upon the Jews, viz. "Lei them not come into Thy Righteousness/" They have loved their own righteousness and rejected the Righteousness of God, which is by the faith of Christ, and they shall have their own righteousness, and the Gospel of God shall be taken from them I V. 12. And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake ; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the rnoon became as blood. Now this terrible judgment is accomplished. Here is the event of that falling away foretold by the prophets of old, and by the Apostles of Jesus Christ. It takes place as foretold by Daniel, in the midst of the first cen- tennial week after the Messiah was cut oft' for the sins of his people. It is total : and it will also be seen that there never has been a com- plete restoration of the Gospel since this falling away down to the THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST- 97 present day. God's elect, in the very best church since that of Thya- tyra, (viz. the Church in Philadelphia,) are declared to have had only " a little strength,^'' (ch. iii. 8.) And it must be so ; much as the pride of those who think they know every thing will rebel against it, for the sure word of prophecy has declared that this falling away and the power of false churches, should continue during the space of 1260 years. The precise time when it began is not known, though it was in the midst of the first 700 years ; and God has wisely ordered this, by which the precise day and hour when it will be no longer cannot be known, for this, says the Lord Christ, " knoweth no mariy hut only my Father which is in heaven.''^ As God has shown that to enter into his Righteousness, yea, into etern9,l life, is by His Grace, by his free gift, by his especial favour, according to the good pleasure of his will, and not of him that will- eth ; and as God has made known that this immense Gift is given to whom he pleases only, and them he has chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, — as He has shown that it is entirely his Gift by giving it, so now he will also show that it is entirely his Gift and just as He pleases, by not giving it ! (Wo to those wicked priests of Baal, who deceitfully say, " yes, it is his Gift,'^ and say, afterwards, that something must be paid for it !) " Lo ! there was a great earthquake ;" that is, a great shaking or change and revolution took place in the religious world, which is called the Earth. " The Sun became black as sackcloth of hair ;" that is, the Gospel of light and joy (which is compared to the Sun and is called the Sun of Righteousness) was now darkened, and made a source of mourn- ing and wo : Christians were now to be known by sackcloth and ashes, and not by the oil of gladness and everlasting joys upon their head. The genius of the religion of this period is fully described by the word sackcloth, which became the covering of all who aimed at eminent sanctity of the flesh. " The Moon became as blood." As the Sun which rules by day signifies the bright, glorious and gladsome Gospel, so the Moon (which rules by night) signifies the holy Law of God which is given for transgressors and the ungodly, to rule over darkness, to punish disobedience, and avenge all unrighteousness and ungodliness. (1 Tim. i. 9.) Blood signifies life, (as is said in Deuteronomy): and now it was, that religious people (the Earth) sought life from the Law of God, and not by Jesus Christ, and thus the Moon (the Law) was turned into blood, that is, was represented as if it was the Gospel, as if it gave life, it was now preached as the source of life and salva- tion. The works and deeds and piety of men, their obediences to the Law, were now preached as if they were life and atonement, (that is, as blood) : Thus while the Gospel (the Sun) was darkened, hidden and totally obscured by the sackcloth covering of austere works of human righteousness, at the same time also the Law (the Moon) became " as blood," as if it were the means of life and of atonement. 13 98 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. V. 13. And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig-tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. " The stars of heaven fell vnto the earth, ," these are the elect of God: the prophet says, " all flesh is grass ;^^ "green" sig- nifies those that had life, meaning God's people, who were now burnt up by the law, that is, brought under its consuming influence and suffered the distress and fear and destruction of their hopes which the law produces ; they were burnt up as well as earthly professors also, who were convicted in their own consciences as transgressors. This ministration of hail and fire mingled with blood, or of the law of God mingled up with a view of Christ and his atonement, burnt up God's people, they were without strength, " Christ profited them nothing,^'' they were not delivered from the dominion and torment of sin, for they were under the law which is " the strength of sin," and they suffered by the law distress and misery and constant con- viction of their guiltiness, which is being burnt up ; this slate of distress and burning up, which is death, has ever since passed with the earth for an eminent condition of Gospel life : this is what they have called " experience." The church of Christ at this period is called the church in Sardis, they thought this burning up was life, but it was death ; to them Christ says, " thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead," the name and renown of this church continues to this day, and men speak of this period as the " great and glorious Reformation." It was now that the protestant Beast arose out of the earth, out of the pit of the earth, out of the wisdom and knowledge of earthly men, as is related at full in a subsequent chapter ; this Beast signifies the earthly doctrines and harlot churches of the Protestant name, which churches now arose from religious people (the earth), not as the first Beast, the Church of Rome, which sprung forth from secular power and worldly men, (that is, the sea.) V. 8, 9. And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burn- ing with fire was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood. And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died ; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. Here is described an improved era in the Church of Christ, some time after that Reformation which has been described in the former verses. God had bestowed more faith and more of the knowledge of himself upon his people ; they now saw plainer than had been seen at first by those who had a greater name and renown. They now had " a little strength^ This is the period of the Church in Phila- delphia, (ch. iii. 8.) They had a little strength, that is, faith ; they had faith " as a grain of mustard seed" and therefore a great mountain was cast by them into the sea ; that is, they were delivered from the law, it was cast into the world, they were filled with the Spirit of the Lord, and the world was struck and smitten by the Law. The mouths of the wicked and ungodly were stopped, they beheld their good works and were afraid and glorified God, and be- came blood, that is, now even the sea, the men of the world were constrained to become Christians in profession. Infidelity (as the proud raging of the Sea is called) dare not open its mouth when the people of God walk as becomes children of God : the reality of THE REVELATION OP JESUS CHRIST. 103 God's truth is then before their eyes, and they fear the law of God ; this law, which is " as it were a mountain burning with fire" (like to mount Sinai which burned with fire,) is cast upon them, (into the sea); and in their fear they become professors of religion. This effect was by no means produced upon all, but upon a third part of the sea, a great number ; a third part of those that had life died, they were convinced of the law as transgressors, having been before, alive without the law, not fearing nor believing that sin was evil, and that there was a sure reward for evil doers ; their ships were de- stroyed, their confidence and hope in their virtue, honour and morality, (which are the ships of the sea,) now died away ; the men of the world trust in these their ships and think they are safe, though a little wind of temptation blows them to pieces. But now a third part of these false confidences were destroyed, for the manifestation of the power of God in his people will put to silence the boasting of foolish men about their virtue and philosophy, and such like ships of human building. This period is the brightest time of God's elect during all the time of the falling away ; now the Sun shone the brightest and was less darkened than at any other period of the 42 months. Sound doctrine prevailed ,• that eternal truth, that God is God, that is to say, he hath mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth, (which now it shocks this adulterous generation even to hear of, and which in their wisdom and knowledge they have exploded as an ab- surdity,) it would then have shocked the most earthly professors to have heard called in question. God's people of this period are called the Church in Philadelphia. God will make the enemies of his truth to know that he loved them, as also all his people with an everlasting love. Though a church of Christ, yet the Truth was in the wilderness ; there was a mixed mul- titude with them : they were in the midst of a generation which received not the truth in the love of it, though they all appeared to do so and were professors. But the " hour of temptation" is approach- ing to try the earth, the earthly professors, or " them that dwell upon the earth," whose conversation was not in heaven, who pretended to be servants of God, and yet in their hearts stuck to the earth and minded earthly things ; God will try them. God however restrained it yet for a while, in the time of this church, as he had promised that he would keep them from that dreadful hour which was coming, (ch. iii. 10.) V. 10. And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters. When the third angel sounded, that hour of temptation was opened. A great star falling from heaven, signifies a professor of eminence and renown who fell from heaven ; that is, who fell from the profes- sion and acknowledgment of the truth of the kingdom of heaven : as in the former chapter, they who received the heavenly truth, when they fell from it were spoken of as stars falling from heaven. This 104 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. man therefore is one who falls from the true doctrine of heaven which now prevailed among the Protestants. " Burning as it were a lamp ;" that is, appearing to the world a» if he were really a burning and a shining light ; giving a great light '■^ as it were''' (but not really) "a lamp." The word of God is a lamp, and the burning of this famous man, seems to be, it is as it were the word of God, that is, a lamp. This star, this great profes- sor who departed from the true doctrine of God, and so fell from heaven, is the celebrated Arminius whose celebrated work at this period made its appearance and came burning like a lamp upon the Protestant churches. Before the appearance of this man's writings, the doctrine of God's absolute election, which is in other words the doctrine that God is God, had been the universal and unquestioned doctrine of the Protestant earth, and the elect of God who received the truth in the love of it, had been blessed and preserved. But now the doctrine that a corrupt tree can, if it will, bring forth good fruit, and that when it does begin then God will have mercy, but never till then, this wicked doctrine now for the first time was publicly sent forth, or (as The Lord Jesus Christ revealed ages before) it now fell from heaven. The doctrine is called from the name of this great star the " Arminian doctrine" to this day. It fell upon " the third part of the rivers ;" that is, this man's doctrine was immediately received by a great portion of the people or nations of the Protestant earth : it fell upon " the fountains of waters." The Bible, the word of God, is the fountain of living waters, and these fountains were now perverted by the " new light" like a lamp ; which fell upon them. V. 11. And the name of the star is called Wormwood : and the third part of the waters became wormwood ; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. The name of the star is called Wormwood ; and so it is ; the name Arminius, divested of the Latin termination, is made up of the Hebrew root wliich signifies bitterness, that is, Wormwood. And not only his name is literally wormwood, but also his doctrine is lite- rally bitterness or wormwood, it is a " root of bitterness" of which the Apostle Paul gave warning. The honey-comb of truth has been made bitter to many by this deceiving and lying doctrine, and many souls have been destroyed thereby, and many have died from the bitterness of the waters ; the strong drink of the Gospel has been made bitter to them that drink it. (Ish. 24.) The fear that there was really something of this man's bitterness in some parts of the Bible, has filled them with doubt and fear, and made bitter even what they did drink.* * The Church of the Laodiceans have imagined they had "need of nothing," they have imagined tiiat from the moment they obtained a knowledge of the Gospel, they had need of nothing more, and that nothing more was to be obtained. They have imagined that they were not to be chastened and reproved, that they had nothing more to learn; of all these things Christ warns and notifies them, (ch. 3.) The word of God, the fountain of living waters, has been made bitter to them, so that they cannot read any of the exhortations of Christ to his saints without bitter- THE REVKLATION OF JKSUS CHRIST. 105 V. 12. And the fourth angel sounded, and tlie third part of tlie sun was smitten, and the tiiird part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the tliird part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a liiird part of it, and the nigiit likewise. After the great and famous event revealed in the last verse, which event gradually effected an entire revolution in the earth or Christian world, which turned the earth upside down and made it reel to and fro like a drunkard, (Is. 24) : while this " as it icere a lamp''' was silently and gradually extending its bitter leaven, there came on perceptibly a darkness and obscurity both of the Law and of the Gospel (that is, of the Sun and of the Moon) and of the children of God, (that is, the stars of heaven.) There is no fact better known than this, viz. that what is called a great declension of religion (which is here revealed) followed at the period which succeeded the days of Arminius. The light cf the church which preceded that period, (which is the Church in Philadelphia,) and the subsequent declension and deadness in the churches, is a matter of common noto- riety. That which thus took place was here revealed ages before the time. This darkness with which the day was smitten, (that is, the preaching and effects of the Gospel,) and the night likewise, (that is, the ministration and instruction of God's law,) — this dark- ness with which, not all yet a third part of God's people, and of the ministration of the Gospel and of the Law was smitten, — this dark- ness and torper and apathy of the religious world is now about to be succeeded by what has been imagined by the earthly men to be a wonderful " revival," according to their own expression. V. 13. And I beheld, and heard an angel flying tlirough the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice. Woe, woe, woe to the inliabiters of the earth, by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound ! The coming events, the great revival succeeding the darkness with which the Gospel and the Law and the followers of the truth were in great part smitten, is of such dreadful and awful importance as to be ushered in by the cry of " Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth." For whereas they have eagerly received falsehood and lies, and hated the truth, God will plague them as he did the people in the wilderness, and will send serpents which will bite them. They ness and fainting and being weary in their minds, not knowing that the exhorta- tion speaketh unto them " as unto children" that the Lord their God desires them to know what is His Will, and that they have nothing to do, but Christ will work and fulfil all the good pleasure of his will for them that only believe, who attempt not this work themselves, but, knowing what is his good wil! and that it is only for our own good, do seek to him and desire him to work and perform it. There is not a member of the Church of Laodicea who has not felt how exceedingly bitter the fountains of water liave been made to him, and that vi'henevcr he has met with the exhortations of God, such as " mortify the deeds of the body," " walk not after the flesh," " cease to do evil," &c. his soul has fainted and died within him, as if he had something to do, (not discerning Ciirist,) for he knew too well that if he had any good to do, he must perish. From this bitterness of tlie waters God will now deliver his people, and that which has heretofore smitten them with death, which they have fled from and shunned as being legal and savouring of bondage, (and which is indeed bitter bondage to the children of the bondwoman,) will be their joy and delight. 14 106 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. would not receive the Gospel which heals and gives life, but they will receive lies and delusions which fill them with torment and death ; and they will be proud of these delusions and call them a revival of religion. Now the hour of temptation is fully come; now come " serpents and scorpions and all the poiver of the enemy.'''' The solemnity of the announcement shows what a curse, what a dreadful thing falsehood is, especially such falsehood as relates to the truth of God. It is indeed no light thing to depart from the truth of God and follow the doctrines and teaching of men. CHAPTER IX. V. 1, 2. And tlic fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth : and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit: and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. " A star falling from heaven" signifies, as before, a man of some eminence forsaking the right way and denying the truth. A deep or bottomless pit is (as Solomon says) a harlot or whore, that is, a false church, springing out of the deep pit of the inventions of the human heart. The harlot Church here spoken of, the deep pit which is now opened (having been quiet and shut up before), is the Church of England ; it is a pit of the earth, that is, of earthly reli- gious men. The smoke which now rose out of the pit, is vain and false doctrine which now emanates from the Church of England. This smoke darkened yet more the Sun and the air, that is, the brightness and life of the glorious Gospel of God, as it yet shone upon the earth. V. 3. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth ; and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the cartii have power. These locusts are the swarms of Methodist preachers which the smoke, the vain religious glory and false doctrine which arose from the pit aforementioned, now engendered. They now came upon the earth, that is made their appearance in the religious world ; they are as locusts because of their multitude, and because, spreading over the religious world, like locusts they destroy, as much as was per- mitted them to do, whatever was green and flourishing on it. Power was given unto them, as scorpions : that is, they were permitted to sting men as scorpions sting, first producing pain, writhing and convulsion ; and next a swelling or puffing up. First they sting with the stings of conscience, and then they filled men with vain and ini- ao^inary swellings of peace and glory. V. 4. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men wliich have not the seal of God in their foreheads. That is, no power was given them over God's elect, to hurt them ; for according to the words of Christ he gives them power " to tread on serpents and scorpions and all the poioer of the enemy, ''^ therefore they could not be hurt by these ; God's elect are the grass of the earth and the green thing and the trees of God's planting ; but they THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 107 had power over those who had not the seal of God in their foreheads. Accordingly they made their converts from the sea more than from the earth ; that is, from among people who hitherto made no pro- fession of religion rather than from the religious world, which is the earth : the success of the Methodists this way, sometimes over whole districts of irreligious persons, was very great. V. 5. And to them it was given that they should not liill them, but that they should be tormented five months : and their torment was as the torment of a scor- pion, when he slriketh a man. They should not kill them, that is, they should not lead any man to a real conviction and suffering for sin, which is the real death the Law of God inflicts upon men whose consciences aie brought under its power : they were to torment them and sting them with terrors and fears and alarms, and this power is to be possessed by them five months, that is, the doctrine and power of the Methodists is to prevail for 150 years from its first rise, and no longer. Their torment was to be like that of a scorpion, that is, to make men writhe and be convulsed with pain and then to be swelled up bodily, that is, in their fleshly minds. Accordingly this sect has always pretended to enjoy more happiness and to feel more lively feelings than others, because while others were slain by the sword of the law, they were not killed by it. Joel also prophesies of them, calling them grasshoppers, and saying they would fall upon the sword (of the law) and it should not kill them. V. fi. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee fi'om them. In those days, men, (and therefore though this thing is peculiar to the Methodist sect, it does not distinguish them alone, it has been a fashion among all the sects,) " men shall seek death ;" that is, they will labour and try, with all their might and main, to get conviction for sin, or religion, or a religious experience, as they call it. They will try to persuade themselves and to feel that they are dead sinners, hell-deserving sinners (death they consider the very essence of vital religion) : they will seek to have experiences ; and try to force them- selves to feel that distress and sorrow for sin which is a truly painful and terrible state of death ; but, they will try in vain, they shall not find it, said the Holy Spirit of Christ by the Apostle John, in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, ages before this thing came to pass. This death, this knowledge of sin which is by the Law, is not a forced work, and at the command of men when they please : it is God only " xoho teacheth man knowledge,^'' who bringeth his people whom he chooses to the gates of death, that he may lift them up again and give them to live for ever. All this forced labour and straining efforts of men to squeeze themselves as it were to feel what sinners they are, this seeking of death, shall be in vain ! they will not know nor find in reality that which they talk and glory so much about ! lliey shall desire to die ; they shall wish hard and desire very much indeed and very sincerely to get conviction and an experience. Such is literallv the case with the inhabiters of the earth, and has 108 THE REVELATION" OF JESUS CHUIST. been the case with men ever since the days of the Methodists " in those days." It has been a universal rage, a mania, a religious fashion of the first importance and necessity to seek death. Herein we may behold the wonderful, the just and righteous retri- bution of God ! for the Methodist doctrine teaches that Life is in a man's own power; God hereby determines that not even Death is in their own power ! " Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit snith the Lord.'''' That which God gives only, and gives freely and for notiiing from us, is not to be gotten by might or efiort ; it is only to be passively received. To think to get it by effort or trying is effectually denying that it is a gift ; and how should God give any good thing to them who deny that He gives ? V. 7. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle : and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. A horse prepared unto battle, represents a fleshly preacher, going forth with inward confidence in his own strength and prowess, going to do great exploits as he vainly and pompously imagines. A liorse aptly represents animal strength and beauty, it is admirable in its going and is an object of pride and admiration among men ; so also are such preachers spiritually. These locusts are preachers ; they have on their heads " crowns, as it were, like gold." The saints of God have crowns of pure gold on their heads ; but these have imita- tions, counterfeits, they are, as it were, like gold, but not real and genuine gold. The glory of Christ is the crown of glory to the saints of God ; these also appear to have a crown of glory, and often exclaim '■'■glory, glory" but it is only a poor resemblance to the real glory, to the genuine gold, though it is as it were, and, like. By these appearances of glory and holiness they who have not the seal of God in their foreheads are deceived and judging after the outward appearance, think that surely these are the people of God, these are the saints ! V. 8. And they liad hair as tlic liair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. This is truly and literally the case : this is the way in which the preachers of the Methodists, and especially when they first appeared, were all of them in the habit of wearing their hair, having it smoothed down and flattened in front, and some even wearing it long behind, exactly like the hair of women, giving to their faces (which were the faces of men) the meek and gentle appearance of women. But with all these gentle and woman-like appearances, they had teeth like lions, they destroyed souls and devoured men. (Joel.) No de- scription could be more exact than this description which the Lord Jesus Christ has made of them many ages before they or their fathers were born. " i/e knowetk our thoughts afar off!'''' V. 9. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron ; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. A breastplate signifies Righteousness ; being as it were of iron, represents with great exactness the nattn-e and description of the THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 109 righteousness inculcated and (as a breastplate) buckled on by this religious sect. It is not the Righteousness of Christ, which being imputed they reject and deny (and thereby reject Christ, for Christ himself is the righteousness which is imputed to them that believe): but it is a harsh, a severe, a strict, a cold, austere righteousness ; in a word, it is an iron righteousness which they put on like a breast- plate. The sound of their wings: here is represented the noise and bustle they make when they assemble : the confusion, bustling, prancing and shouting with which they go to battle, and gather together at their camp meetings, &;c.: for their noise is verj' great. V. 10. And they liad tails like unto scorpions ; and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. They had tails ; " the prophets ichich speak lies they are the tail" saith the prophet Isaiah. They are not described as having heads, " the ancient and honourable they are the head,'''' says the same prophet ; these have not the head, because the Methodists have been from their beginning an ignoble people, not generally composed, like some sects, of the high and honourable classes, but on the contrary of the lower classes. These tails sting and torment like scorpions, and it is here again repeated, their power is limited to five months, that is, 150 years : more than a hundred years of this time is already expired, for they first appeared about the year 1725. V. 11, 12. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. One woe is past: and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. This king or prince over them, whom they obeyed implicitly, and whose word they study and follow to this day, is John Wesley ; he was an angel^ that is, a messenger of that deep pit or harlot, the Church of England, having been sent forth from her and commis- sioned or ordained by her, and ever zealously devoted to her, always believing that her harlot trimmings and dresses were more pleasing to God than the forms and trimmings of any other harlot whatever. This name which God has given him is Abaddon and Apollyon, which signifies the Destroyer. For he destroyed many, many souls! This name is given to him in Greek and in Hebrew, showing that he was an eminent Greek and Hebrew scholar, and therefore he has a name in both those languages ; also because he was both a Greek and a Hebrew, for he united in himself the two distinct principles of opposition which, in the beginning of the Gospel, were made by the Greeks and by the Hebrews separately. The Greeks sought after wisdom, and thought to know God thereby, (1 Cor. i. 22,) and the Hebrews, being ignorant of God's Righteousness, went about to establish their own righteousness. (Romans x. 3.) John Wesley was both Greek and Hebrew, he sought after wisdom, and he went about to establish his own righteousness. His name is therefore in both these languages, signifying a destroyer. But how wonderful, how astonishing are God's ways ! how he renders to every man according to his works ! This destroyer, this 110 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. great king of this great multitude, has in his writings called God, the living God, the merciful God and Saviour, " a Destroyer of men,''' because he is pleased to save ; because of his merciful election of Grace, which is the act of his salvation, and but for which all would meet the merited fate of Sodom and Gomorrah ! (Isah. i. 9.) V. 12. One woe is past ; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. The rise and origin of this sect having been described, and the time it should continue made known, there are now two other woes or cries of prophetic warning to be fulfilled, for three were uttered, in the last verse of the chapter preceding. V. 13, 14. And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixlli angel which had the trumpet, loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. When the sixth angel sounds, four angels are loosed in the river Euphrates. These angels are also messengers as the angel in the former chapter ; hitherto they have been restrained, but now they are loosed to do their will. The great river Euphrates, signifies a people : the river Euphrates is the utmost and western river of Asia Minor, by which all Chris- tendom is signified, and this great river Euphrates signifies the people of North America, they are the great western river, or people of Asia, that is, of the Christian world. The religious activity of Satan could not come on till God let them loose : and this has been later than it began in England. V. 15, 16. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand : and I heard tiie number of them. The time is fixed and limited which is given to the American messengers to slay men by doctrines and preaching which is of death and not of life. They are also numbered, every one of them is known, and it is a very great number of fleshly preachers, which (as it has been seen before) are signified by the word " horsemen.'''' Whoever they are who go forth to preach damnation instead of salva- tion, and death instead of life, let them learn that they are numbered, " / heard the number of them,''^ they are all numbered, all that have been and that are and that shall be. It is an exceeding great number. America has exceeded England in the number, variety and zeal of fleshly horsemen and angels (that is, messengers) of Satan, preaching death and killing men. V. 17. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on tiiem, hav- ing breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone : and the heads of the iiorses were as tiie heads of lions: and out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone. The breastplates represent the kind of righteousness which these spiritual horsemen teach and inclucate : " of fire, ^^ that is burning, zealous and fierce : " of brimstone,^' that is, threatening, terrific and fearful, derived from the fear of hell, as that of fire signifies it is derived from fear of the law ; of jacinth, that is, more polished, THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Ill gentle, and more beautiful in appearance ; but none of them are the breastplates of the Righteousness of God. Now whereas only three kinds of righteousness are described, and yet there are four classes of horsemen, including all the sects and preachers of every descrip- tion, it shows that the Methodist name is one of the four in America as well as in England, the breastplate of whose righteousness has already been described, as being of ii-on. Their heads are as the heads of lions, that is, Christ, the Lamb of God is not their head. The fire, smoke and brimstone which issue out of their mouths, describes the nature of their preaching; "^re," that is, they preach the terror and condemnation of the law : " smoke,'''' that is, all sorts of fuming vanity, and false vainglorious doctrine and boasting : " brimstone,^'' that is, threats of hell fire and damnation. V. 18. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. By these three the third part of the men of the earth are killed, that is, by the preaching of these spiritual horsemen. Only three are mentioned who kill men, because the locusts described before do not kill men, but on the contrary puff them up with a vain persuasion of life and glory, after having stung them a little at first. The others, however, three out of the four grand divisions, kill men, that is, they inflict upon men's minds that conviction, horror and fear, that inward dread and anguish which belongs to the guilty con- science, and which is death. V. 19. For their power is in their mouths, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with tliem they do hurt. Their tails were like unto serpents ; as God plagues them that hate him, so they who hate his truth and doctrine are plagued with serpents which torment and kill, that is, false prophets who preach death and not life, driving men to desperation, insanity and death, filling them with inward torments and banishing all peace from them, and then calling such torture and misery the Gospel ! The tails are false prophets, teachers of lies, and beads are ancient and honourable persons. (Isaiah.) The Methodists were described as having tails, but no mention was made of heads, because in England they are an ignoble people, composed of the meaner sort. But in America all the various sects have the honourable, wealthy and great in union and connection with them, that is, they have heads. It is well known that this is the case in the United States, where at any great meet- ing whatever, of the great religious confederacies, the ancient and honourable, that is, the head, are to be seen at the right hand of the false prophets, (that is, the tail.) Members of Congress and persons in honour are joined with the false prophets, making speeches and assisting to give credit and eclat to the cause and proceedings of that great city Sodom and Egypt. V. 20, 21. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues, yet repented not of the works of their bands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood : which neither can see, 112 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. nor hear, nor walk : Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. The utter impotency and total inefficiency of the mighty efforts and zeal of the religious horsemen is manifest enough. Notwithstanding the plagues with which they kill some men, notwithstanding their preaching of fire and brimstone, they do not lead men to repentance. Some indeed are killed and some are driven to madness by their preaching, but as to all the rest of their numerous followers and congregations, no repentance or shame for doing evil is produced upon them. Men only become more sinful and hardened by such a ministration of death. The effects of such preaching are here de- scribed : " yet they repented not of the loorks of their hands,'''' that they should not worship devils ; for though they appear and profess to sacrifice to God, the Apostle declares '' they sacrifice to devils and not to God.'''' The gold and silver and brass and stone and wood of the temple are their idols, in these they trust, in praying and reading and singing and going to Church, even all the things which are found in the temple of God, but which are not God and cannot save ; in these and all such things and works of their own they have confi- dence and trust, (that is, they worship them,) and dream of going to heaven by their influence, while murder, sorcery, fornication and covetousness is in their hearts, and they repent not of it. Murder, that is, hatred and strife (1 John); sorceries, that is, trusting to the imaginary power and charms of men and things which have no power ; fornication, that is, thinking to be partakers of the grace of Christ by purchase and bribe ; theft, that is, covetousness, greediness after money, cheating, roguery and tricks, all which is become com- mon and almost reputable in the way of business. Of all these things, whether literal or spiritual, men do not now-a-days repent, but excuse them, laugh at them, or glory in them, in spite of the fire and brimstone which they sit under. Here the bitter fruits of the wicked religion and doctrines of devils of this last day are summarily and strongly described, and that dreadful state of society, that general demoralization and accumula- tion of crime which falsehood would produce, Eind has produced in this day, is made known by the Revelation of Jesus Christ. He hath told all these things long before they came to pass, that now that they are come to pass ye may believe. CHAPTER X. The former chapter brought the revelation down to the present day, describing in the two concluding verses the present desolation, the impenitent, hardened and dreadful condition of the earth, the result of the Abomination which has made desolate. Now is arrived the announcement of the approaching end of the Time of Abomina- tion, which is without doubt revealed with so much minuteness, that they who are ordained unto eternal life, according to the everlasting mercy and pitiful compassions of the Lord Almighty, may believe. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Il3 V. 1. And I saw another mig^hty angel come down from heaven, clotlied with a cloud ; and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. An angel is simply a messenger ; this is merely a messenger whom God sends : here again, as before, this messenger is a man. He is called " mighty'''' or strong, because he is weak, according to the words of the prophet, " let, the tceak say I am strong ;" that is, hav- ing a little faith, he is " strong in the Lord and in the power of his might :" it is not his strength, but the strength of Christ. " Come doim from heaven,''^ signifies that he is not sent by man, that he comes from no sect or denomination of the earth, (that is, the religious world,) but that he comes declaring the truth of the Gospel of the Grace of God, by the Spirit of God. " Clothed with a clottd,^' signifies clothed with the Spirit of God, like a cloud, being full of rain ready to water the earth : it also signifies that he is encompassed with infirmities and involved in ob- scurity and contempt according to this world. " A rainbotv upon his head,''^ signifies the covenant of God's mercy, showing that God in the midst of wrath will remember mercy ; that when he shall bring the flood of his indignation and wrath upon the despisers of God, upon them who walk after their own pleasure and lust, that he will not forget his Covenant, but will save all those who hope in his mercy, even a people prepared for his glory. Being on the head of this man, is to show that God's Covenant, mercy and everlasting Love towards his elect, (which the earth, the religious people abhor and revile,) is his crown of glory and rejoicing, that God hath covered him therewith, and in remem- brance of his mercy will certainly overshadow and preserve him in the day of trouble. " His face was as it were the sun," signifies that he comes in a greater glory than the glory of the Law, when Moses' face did even shine with that glory : this man's face shines with the bright- ness of the glory of the Sun of Righteousness, it is the glory of Christ and his Righteousness which shines as the sun, and makes the faces of all his chosen and beloved to shine. (2 Cor. iii. 7.) ^^ His feet as pillars of fire," signifies the message which he brings, his preaching of the Gospel and the Truth of God : for he brings a message of great glad tidings to God's prisoners and disconsolate people, who are in bondage, and a message of fear and terror to the enemies of God which shall burn them up like fire : they are called feet, for he comes not in chariot or on horses, in the strength and parade of fleshly glory, but as a plain and simple messenger of another, that is, of God, not as a warrior doing great things, but doing nothing, believing and trusting all to God : they are called " pillars" for the message is sure and certain and firm and esta- blished like a pillar : ^^ of fire," for it will burn up the chaflf and stubble of wicked lies and abominations. V. 2. And he had in his hand a little book open ; and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth. This book is the little book ; it is little, for it comes devoid of 15 114 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHKIST. earthly honour, applause and recommendation, because it is little and despised in the eyes of men: it is called open, for it is not sealed; it is plain and open, it lays open the faith once delivered to the saints, and it lays open the word and prophecies of God, which have been sealed hitherto. The sea is the world, and the earth is the religious world, the professors of religion, who while they pretend to be children of the most High God, to be believers in Christ and consequently in heaven, " sealed together icith him in heavenly places.,^'' (Eph. ii. 6.) yet do mind earthly things and are devoted to the earth; on one side he preaches and testifies against the world, that is, the sea, against its wisdom, its pride, and its blasphemy ; and on the other side, he testi- fies against the religious world, (that is, the earth,) against its lying doctrines, its falsehood and deceitful abominations ; this testimony against them both, is setting his feet upon them. V. 3. And cried witli a loud voice, as when a lion roareth : and wlien he had' cried, seven thunders uttered tlieir voices. To cry with a loud voice, signifies the testimony he has borne and uttered against the religious wickedness of this Time : it is called loud, because it is not a muttering, doubtful voice, like that of the false prophets, (Is.) but open and loud : as trhen a lion roareth, because it will fill with terror like the terrible roaring of a lion, because it is not he that speaks, but the Spirit of Christ, the lion of the tribe of Judah which speaketh in him, (Mark xiii. 11,) roaring like a lion against the whole multitude of shepherds. (Isaiah.) " When he had cried:'''' this first took place after he understood this Revelation at Norris Town, Penn. in the court house of that town, before a large multitude, on the the 9th March, 1834. V. 4. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write : and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write lliem not. It is a great mercy that these things which are to happen are con- cealed, so that the people of God, who shall believe in his name, are not given to know before the things which will happen to them ; but let them know that they are uttered. V. 5, 6, 7. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that tlierein are, and the sea, and tlie tilings which are therein, that there should be lime no longer : but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. This took place several times in Philadelphia, when this messenger had not any idea that it was fulfilling the prophecy and word of God. On the Common opposite the Globe Mill he repeatedly declared in these words, " as the Lord God liveth who made heaven and earth, and the sea and all that therein is, so surely will He destroy the wicked religion of this day, shortly." In other and similar words, he repeatedly swore by the living God, to the effect that the Religion of this time would soon be ended or destroyed. Only meaning, as THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHKIST. 115 lie imagined at the time, to express iiis certain conviction (of which he had no doubt whatever) that the religious world was gone a whoring from God, and that God would soon prove it, and prove the truth of the doctrines he taught. Little did he imagine, when he thus spoke, that it was not him but the Spirit of God speaking in him ; that " the religion of this day," " the wicked abominations of the religious teachers," terms which he then made use of, signified this Time, and that one of the most wonderful of the prophecies of God was then actually fulfilled. There must be many people in Phila- delphia who heard him thus speak, and that often. The religion, the abominations, the lies and blasphemies and false doctrines called by the name of " Piety and Religion," which he sware by the living God should be no longer, these are the " Time," the Abomination, which now draws near to an end. The words, " who created heaven and the earth and. the sea and the things therein,^''^ are not like the words of men, rhetorical flourishes or vain expletives, but, as all the word of God, are full of significancy ; for now, at this time, both the sea and the earth unite in the same spii-it of Atheism, to deny that it is God loho created : teaching that they create them- selves, and calling upon fleshly men to create themselves in Christ Jesus, telling them they can if they please, and upbraiding them for their sluggishness. V. 8. And the voice which I heard from Iicaven spake unto me acfain, and said> Go and take the httle book wliich is open in tlie hand of the angel whicii slandeth upon the sea and upon the earth. This voice from heaven is the Spirit of God, by which the people of God will be directed and led to take this little book, for no one can take or receive it, unless directed by the Spirit, and no one can receive the truth but the Spirit of God. (1 Cor. ii. 11.) " / heard •" it is John, the beloved disciple who speaks, and who is directed by the Spirit to receive this book : the due time is now come when Christ makes it first to be understood why John was called the beloved disciple, " that disciple whom Jesus loved,'''' and what was signified when he said to him '■'■if I will that he tai'ry till I come.'''' Christ was pleased to behold and to represent by John, the beloved of his soul to whom he will give to believe in Him in this last day ; John was a representative of them when he lay in Jesus' bosom ; as their representative he speaks in this verse, he represents them receiving the book, and eating it up, they are those who shall tarry till the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ, " till he come,'''' and they are doubtless the lost sheep of the house of Israel, to whom God will give repentance and an inheritance through the faith of Jesus Christ, among them that are sanctified through faith. They will believe, for the Spirit of God will lead them and guide them, and say " Go and take," and be in them, giving them understand- ing. V. 9. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book' And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up ; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. 11(> THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. To eat up the little book, is to receive with the appetite of want and gladness the truth of God which it contains, the same manner of expression is common among men ; he who delights in what he reads is said to devour it. " It shall make thy belly hitter ;" belly signifies the earthly man, the flesh; thus David says, "?/?// belly cleaveth to the dust.'''' They who receive the truth, the doctrine of Christ, will find it bitter indeed to the flesh ; they will sufler hatred and scorn and contempt, they will be hated of all the world : Jesus Christ, in the days of his bitter humiliation, had not where to lay his head, and his people will be partakers of his sufferings ; honour, fortune, fame, respectability, reputation, and the praise of men, are not to be expected or sought after by them. But, bitter as the doctrine of Christ will be to the flesh, great suflering that it will expose them to who believe, it will be sweeter than honey to the mouth, to the spiritual man ; yea, for ever sweet, enduring and increasing for ever, rendering all the suffer- ings of the ffesh as nothing, knowing that we are suffering with Christ, and that the life from which it pains us so much to part is very death, and that our profit and joy is to die daily, waiting for the redemption from this vile body. V. 10. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up : and it was in my mouth sweet as honey ; and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. The beloved disciple, he whom Jesus loved, took the book, and eat it up. It is certain that he whom Jesus loves in these last days, will take and devour with joy and gladness the truth of the Gospel of the Grace of God, made open in this little book. And it is certain that so soon as they shall receive the truth of Christ and submit them- selves to God, altogether, (which is eating up his doctrine,) so soon they will find his doctrine bitter to the belly, to the earthly man. V. 11. And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. The saints and people of God must prophecy again. " This Gos- pel must be preached in all the world, then cometh theend.^'' (Mat. 24.) They have long been silenced and silent, or only prophesied in sack- cloth in all the time of the Beast ; but now again (that is, once more, after so long an interval) the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, will be preached in all the world by the saints and servants of God, upon whom he will pour out abundantly of his holy Spirit, before many people and nations, and tongues and kings. CHAPTER XI. A more particular revelation of the state to which the earth (the professing world) would at last come, (which is now its actual condi- tion,) is given in this chapter ; also, how it will end is revealed ; the whole is preceded by a brief recapitulation of the state of things in all the time of the falling away, until the present time. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 117 V. 1, 2. And there was given rae a reed like unto a rod ; and the an^el stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple, leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles : and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two montiis. Here it is shown that God has an inner temple of spiritual wor- shippers, and that there is also an outer, an exterior fleshly temple of earthly, sensual and fleshly worshippers; these latter (the earth) are not counted when God counts up his jewels, they are not mea- sured when he takes the account of them that serve him. It is also here shown that for the space of 1260 years the Gentiles have been earthly, outside worshippers, and power has been given them over the holy city, and during all the time of 1260 years they have trod- den it under foot : that is, God's chosen and elect people are collec- tively, in a body, the holy city, or Jerusalem, while also the collected body of false and earthly worshippers is called a city, viz. Babylon, or Sodom and Egypt. The holy city here spoken of, signifies the people of God collectively, and this is manifest, because if the mate- rial city of Jerusalem had been signified, then the 1260 years would have been completed nearly six hundred years ago, for Jerusalem after the flesh, the material city of bricks and stone, began to be subjugated to the Gentiles shortly after the death of Christ. This holy city is therefore the collection of God's spiritual people, and for the space of 1260 years the false worshippers of the beast have overcome and trodden them under foot, and have prospered against them, as Daniel prophesied. V. 3 to 6. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall pro- phesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurl them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies; and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy : and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. In these verses it is shown what has been the spiritual light granted to the people of God in this long time of darkness, previous to the present triumph of the beast. The two witnesses are the Law and the Gospel of God, by the former of which God has testified to men of righteousness and judgment, declaring his wrath against every kind of wickedness and wrong-doing : by the latter mercy and truth and life and salvation are testified of. During the 1260 years these two witnesses of God to man, have prophesied in sackcloth, as it is here again repeated, for 1260 years : that is, neither the Law nor the Gospel have been preached in the fulness of their power and glory in the earth during all this time ; and also when they have been preached, they have been together, the Law has been joined to and mixed up with the Gospel, thus taking away from the excellence and power of both of them ; for no righteousness comes by the law, it is intended for those who are disobedient and rebellious, who do wrong ; to teach, warn and reprove, and to punish, curb and restrain them ; while the Gospel is for them only who believe, who are no 118 THE RFA'ELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. longer disobedient, to edify and strengthen them in Him, in whom alone they have life and righteousness without the law. Nevertheless, in all this period, no attacks of the sea, no power of wicked men, has been able to hurt them until now ; fire has proceed- ed out of their mouths and destroyed their enemies ; that is, the judgments of God have fallen like fire from heaven upon those who have attacked and denied these witnesses of God. Numerous in- stances of this are upon record, where men who have blasphemously denied and reviled the truth of God, have perished miserably by the manifest judgment of God.* Also, during all the time of the falling away heaven has been shut and there has been no rain upon the earth (the religious world) : that is, the Spirit of God (which alone, like rain on the material earth, makes them who believe to be fruitful in good works) has not been poured out upon God's people who were on the earth, as it was before the falling away, during the week of 700 years when God confirmed his Covenant with many : the waters of life have been converted to blood, that is, have only been received and understood in a fleshly way, and men have been plagued and smitten with plagues of serpents and scorpions biting and tormenting them, and this has been by the judgment of God's Law and Gospel, his two holy witnesses which have been united together in one, and brought judgments upon men because of their evil and because of the abomi- nation. V. 7. And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascend- eth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. This is now in this day fulfilled : they have finished their testi- mony ; the beast that ascendeth out of the deep or bottomless pit, out of the earth, has made war against them, has overcome them and killed them. The beast is the flesh, fleshly man and his doctrine; it is called a scarlet beast, because his sins are as scarlet: he is called sinful man, or the man of sin, the wicked one, the son of perdition ; he is now exalted, " sittin!>- in the temple of God, showing that he is God.'''' (2 Thess. ii. 4.) There he sits, exalted ; he is the abomination, his offering is the swine-flesh oflfering, he is now "stand- ing where it ought not, (^let him that readeth understand.y (Mark xiii. 14.) He is exalted above Him whom nevertheless in all the deceivableness of unrighteousness they call God, though they exalt themselves above Him. This beast is worshipped, for they say he can save, and they call upon him to save, that is, to do good, to work righteousness, which he who doeth is a saviour, for he cannot but save himself if he does it. The religion of this day, this Time, (which shall be no longer,) is the exaltation and worship of sinful man : he is exalted high in the chariot of his pride, in his own fleshly * Such a case occurred lately in the city of New York ; one Cohen, on the same day on which he had published a manifesto of Atheism in a publication called the Free Enquirer, was blown to pieces and his body scattered abroad in fragments by a combustible preparation of his own workmanship. This was the fire of God's law falling down from heaven upon him. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 119 excellence and works : all the toil and labour and zeal of the priests of this god, is to make this beast more ; they cry aloud and shout and weary themselves in calling upon him to be up and to be doing, to show his power, his goodness, his piety and his humility, to do good, to be good. This man of sin, this son of perdition, stained and dyed in sins, as scarlet is dyed, is iniquity itself; " his inward part is very wicked,''^ saith the prophet David ; " the invard part,^' for externally he appeareth like a iamb, as an angel of light ; this is the Iniquity which they are engaged this day in " drawing with cords of vanity,^'' with means and helps which are vain. (Isaiah.) They labour to make it move with main force, and when it moves in its wicked self-righteous career, which they deem to be righteousness^ then they raise shouts of triumph and talk of and spread abroad the anecdotes of the pious doings of the idol. The beast has killed both the Law and the Gospel of God, (which till this day did prophesy, though in sackcloth,) by setting up its own precepts and ordinances and experiences, and all sorts of religious inventions, instead of the plain and simple Law and Truth of God. Instead of the law of God, to do good, not to God, but to one another and to all men, to show kindness to the stranger, the fatherless and widow, to draw out their bread to the hungry and to do mercy and love justice, not to lend out their money upon usury, nor speak deceitfully, instead of the kindness and good actions ol" man to man which the law of God teaches, they teach to belong to a church and confederacy, to subscribe money to their societies, to have certain abstinences, to keep a particular day in the Aveek ; thus they have set aside the law, and every violation of it is righteous and of no consequence in their eyes, provided their own inventions are zeal- ously attended to. They have killed this witness, they regard it no longer, it is a dead letter to them, they only regard their own flexi- ble and undefined code of piety. They have also overcome and slain the other witness of God, the Gospel, by preaching their own works, (which they call means and grace,) and instead of the Power of God, preaching the power of man, thus exalting him above Christ. In- stead of confessing that God only is the Creator, they preach that man is ; that he, if he only pleases, makes himself to be a child of God. Thus they, that is, collectively, the beast, and it is only the Protestant beast which is here spoken of, have killed the two wit- nesses, the Law and the Gospel, and preach and regard and believe not, neither the one nor the other. All they care for, all they re- gard, is the idol, the beast which they have exalted ; its piety, its goodness, its excellence, is what they wish to see prosper and pre- vail, and they labour hard to this end, and dream that thus they please God ! This man of sin dictates what he pleases, both for law and gospel, selecting what suits him in the Scriptures and adapting it to his own pleasure and doctrines, and rejecting what suits him not.* * A late prophet of God, (Dr. Hawker,) whose testimony greatly tormented them that dwelt upon the earth, spake by the Spirit of God when he called this genera- tion " a Christ-despising generation.'" 120 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. What the beast is and whence he has sprung, who has thus killed these two witnesses of God, is particularly revealed. It is not the beast which arose out of the sea, but the beast which was seen rising out of the earth, the beast which has been set up and exalted by religious men, professors, men of earthly religion ; it is the beast whom the churches of earthly men have set up and exalted ; harlot churches (a deep or bottomless pit into which men fall inextricably) ; it is the beast which their wicked doctrines have raised to this wicked exaltation. This beast which has sprung from such a deep pit, the offspring of religious wickedness, is the beast which has triumphed and slain the witnesses. " The beast that ascendcth out of the bot- tomless j)it shall make war against tltem and overcome them.^'' There are only two beasts ; the first, which is the Roman Catholic Church, which beast ascendeth out of the sea ; the second, which are the Protestant churches ; which is the beast which ascendeth out of the pit of the earth, out of the religious whoredoms of the earth, that is, men of the earth. It is only the last of these two beasts which makes war against the true doctrines of God, his two witnesses ; resisting, opposing, setting them aside, and making them of no effect, that is, killing them by their own doctrines and tradi- tions ; the first beast does not meddle with the two witnesses, it has buried them both long ago, and will not sutler their bodies to be brought out and to be seen, that is, to be read by the people. V. 8. And their dead bodies sliall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also oar Lord was crucified. A city is a collection of souls ; as the city of Jerusalem is the whole collection of God's people, so the city called Sodom and Egypt, is collectively the multitude of religious professors among the Pro- testants who assume to be the city of God, whereas they are a city of their own building, built on the foundation of man. The Romish Church is called Babylon, it is one and compact ; these are called Sodom and Egypt. Their dead bodies are Bibles : the bible contains the letter of the truth of God, viz. the law and the gospel, which are the only two witnesses by which God has ever testified to mankind. Without the Spirit of God, the Scripture is a dead letter without life ; it is a dead body, a mere body in which there is no spirit of life. Both these witnesses are now killed, because the Earth has made the word of God to be a dead letter ; it has no real authority with them, they wrest and pervert its words. Now, though they have effectually killed the two witnesses, yet they have got their dead bodies in the street of their city ; they lie in the street, they are made a common thing. In all the different ramifications and sects of this great spiritual Sodom, they have the dead bodies, that is, bibles, there they lie. This city is the very same in spirit and in deeds and in professions as that city of the wicked, (the Scribes and the Pharisees,) where also, as well as here, our Lord was crucified : for now, in this day and by this generation he is crucified afresh. It is the same genera- THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 121 tion, in spirit and conduct, which was not to pass away till all be fulfilled, (Matt. 24, last v.) but now the time is at hand. V. 9, 10. And they of the people, and kindreds, and tonjfues, and nations, shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send g^ifts one to another ; because these two prophets tormented them tliat dwelt on the earth. Three days and a half signifies the precise time which shall be permitted to this generation to triumph in their deeds of religious whoredom, while in this time the two witnesses are dead and silent. The former triumph lasted three days ; but then the body of our Lord was put in a grave ; it is not so now, however ; for they do not put the dead bodies of the two witnesses away and out of sight, far from it, they would not sutler this on any account, for they pretend that instead of having killed them, they honour and obey them, therefore they parade the dead bodies (the bible) all about, and make a great show of them. Much better for them would it be if they had not these dead bodies, if they were put in graves, (as the Roman Catholics have done,) buried far out of sight, than that they should add deceit to wickedness and pretend to love the word of God while they kill it and trample it under foot. But now they triumph in their deeds, and talk of the Millennium, as if they had already made a beginning of it ! They are not now as formerly tormented in their triumph by even the sound of a whisper of God's truth in the land. Before the two witnesses had finished their conjoined testimony, before truth was perished out of the earth, every now and then there arose some solitary prophet who preached the Righteousness of God, his work and election of Grace, and the utter beastliness and filthiness of the rags of human piety and righteousness ; this vexed and greatly tormented " them that dwelt upon the earth,^"" the earthly followers and professors of earthly wisdom and righteousness : but now they rejoice and make merry and triumph, and send gifts to one another ; they have societies or confederacies organised for the very purpose of sending gifts to one another, gifts of money and tracts and " good books" and dead bodies. V. 11. And after three days and a half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon tlieir feet ; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. At the expiration of the time appointed to their triumph, the truth of God, in his Law and in his Gospel will be heard, declared in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is what is signified when it is said the two witnesses will stand upon their feet ; that is, the truth of God, witnessed by these two, will be preached : the Spirit of God will raise up whom he pleases to speak the truth of God, this is what is signified by the spirit of life from God entering into them. Great fear will fall upon them who see this ; for whereas, even before, the truth of God tormented them and they never could endure it ; now in the midst of their triumph, when they think such doctrines are crushed for ever, to see them suddenly revive with power, even with 16 122 THK KEVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. the power of the Spirit of God, will cause great fear to fall upon them, such a fear as fell upon Belshazzar when the hand writing appeared upon the wall ; for they are the same Belshazzar, they arc making merry and rejoicing in their hearts, and they use the holy things out of God's temple, they make use of the very words of God in their abominations and when they offer swine's flesh upon his altar. Yea, they will fear, for the time is at hand. V. 12. And they heard a great voice from heaven, saying unto them, Come up hither. And tliey ascended up to heaven in a cloud ; and their enemies beheld them. They heard a great voice from heaven ; they heard, that is, he who preaclied or proclaimed them, heard the voice, for, when it was before said they prophesied in sackcloth for 1260 years, it signified that the truth of the Law and of the Gospel was preached by men ; so here it is revealed that some one of God's children by whom the Gospel shall be preached in the power of the Spirit, shall be trans- lated and taken up to heaven in the sight of the deceitful and false worshippers, as Enoch was, and as Elijah was. The great voice is the voice of Jesus Christ, the son of God, which voice is the Power of God, which created all things when it spoke, and which will raise the dead, for as David testifies, " the voice of the Lord is mighty^ The enemies of God's truth, the opposers of his doctrine will be- hold it.* V. 13. And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand : and the remnant were atTrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. * There is a wonderful resemblance between the present day, and the day of that Elijah wh» lived in the days of Ahab. Then all Israel had departed from Ood, and was abandoned to the worship of beasts. So it is now. Then no doubt as now, they were positive that they worshipped God, and pleased him : no doubt they were firmly convinced tliat a noisy, bustling, showy religion, and the per- formance of services and duties of man's invention, would make depraved creatures pleasing to God, and would please him much more than simply obeying and taking heed to his holy law, which sim[)ly teaches men to do good to one another, (not to God,) thereby showing indeed that they loved God. They thought no doubt that evil deeds and covetousness signified very little and would be passed over, provided they were very religions, not knowing tliat tiiere is no other real religion or wor- shipping but the showing kindness and doing mercy to all men. ((ial. v. 14: James i. 27.) Then, as also now, there were many zealous devoted priests, but Elijah was the only one who preached the truth of (iod. Then, it rained not on the earth for the space of three years and six months, and this was because of the prayer of Elijah : and now also, at the prayer of the saints (on the opening of the tifth seal, oh. 6) it has not rained upon the earth for 12G0 years; that is, the Holy Ghost has not been poured out upon believers, they have been scaled. And furthermore, that we may not doubt the truth as to this time, but that we may understand by the instruction of that time, there are exactly 42 months, that is, 12G0 days in the three years and six months, when then it rained not, showing indubitably that those things " happened for our ensample upon whom the ends of the world are come." Also then, as now, God's i)ower and truth was manifested, and the dcceivings of the false prophets utterly exposed, and then, as now it will be, the false teachers were destroyed; then, as now, .lezebel, the painted scducting harlot (a figure of the har- lotry of human righteousness and piety) was predominant : and also then as it w ill again be in this day, the Elijah of that day was taken up into heaven. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. 123 Whoever this be, he will know that it is not for his own sake, or for his holiness that God doeth this ; far, far from it, but for the elect's sake, for his people's sake, that they may understand and believe : for, immediately upon the happening of this thing, '■Hn the same hour" there will take place a great shaking, commotion or alteration in the religious world, this is revealed by the words " there ivas a great earthquake,'''' and a great part, a tenth, of the spiritual city of Sodom and Egypt will fall, they will come out from among the earthly worshippers, and hear and believe : others, to the amount of seven thousand, though they will not believe, will be slain, that is, all their former confidence will perish, their consciences will be awaked and smitten, and thus they will be slain ; and the rest will be affrighted and give glory to the God of heaven, though they will neither believe nor be slain. V. 14. The second wo is past, and, behold, the third wo cometh quickly. The third wo cometh quickly ; there will yet be an interval of some time before the kingdom of Christ will begin upon the earth, before that will take place for which God's people have. been taught to pray, viz. " thy kingdom come.'''' The rule and dominion of the beast, of the doctrine that man can please God and ascend into heaven by his own piety and exertions, will still continue, and men will still be seduced by the all-deceivableness of unrighteousness to trust in the arm of flesh and not to trust in God only. V. 15, adfinem. And the seventh angel sounded : and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. The Time of the beast is now finished. Now begins the reign of Righteousness, even of Christ, of truth and blessedness upon the earth. God will now take to himself his great power, now the Temple of God is opened in heaven. In these verses the events which will happen when the seventh Angel sounds are summarily revealed ; they do not however come to pass all at once and together ; but here a brief summary of them is given, and afterwards the particulars are revealed more fully and the order in which all these things will be fulfilled. In the meanwhile, a short pause and interruption is made, to reveal yet more fully and in a separate chapter the things relating to the two beasts and their time, and to give again a general summary of the whole, from the period when Christ was glorified to the present day. CHAPTER XII. The things which will come to pass while the seventh angel sounds, are resumed in the 14th chapter ; in the mean time a most minute revelation is made in the l'3th chapter of the rise, and also of the character of that false and abominable System of Antichrist, of that Christianity or that counterfeit Christianity, which in various guise was to have power to continue for 1260 years, that is, 42 months. These religious earthly systems of earthly men, always bitter 124 THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST* opposers of the offensive doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ, are now fully described under the name and figure of a beast. The whole is preceded in this 12th chapter by a summary of what has been before revealed ; and this being given in another form, yet perfectly agrees with and establishes the whole, confirming it by constant repetition. V. 1, 2. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven ; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under lier feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child, cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. The two Covenants are spoken of in the Scriptures under the similitude of women, the one, the covenant of Mount Sinai, is called a bondman, the other is called a free woman. The Apostle speaking of the Everlasting Covenant, which was four hundred and thirty years before the Law, says " Jervsalem above vs is free, who is the mother of us ally This is the woman here seen. They who believe are the children of the free woman, or the children of promise, and they are the whole body of Christ ; each individual being only a member of that one body ; this whole body is the n)an-child which will reign on the earth. But they who are under the law are the children of the bond woman. Until the suffering of Christ and the glory which followed, the free woman had been barren, but the other had had many children ; but when Christ was glorified, then were fulfilled the words of the prophet, " Rejoice thou barren that bearesf not, break forth and cry thou that travaileth not, for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath a husband.''^ This is the wonder which now appeared ; it appeared immediately after the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and this wonder was seen for a week of seven hundred years ; for, during that time God confirmed the covenant with many, as the prophet Daniel has written. Then first, after Christ was glorified, the church was beheld in heaven, having access into the presence of God by Him, then were they clothed with the Sun, clothed in the bright and glorious righteousness of the Sun of Righteousness, even Jesus Christ ; then were they delivered from fear and all condemnation, for the Law (that is, the Moon, the light which rules by night) was under their feet. Now were children born to the free woman, " she being icith child cried." V. 3,4. And there appeared another wonder in heaven ; and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth : and the dragon stood before the woman wliich was ready to be delivered, for to de- vour her child as soon as it was born. Here again is repeated that which has before been revealed in the preceding chapters ; namely, the rise of the beast " having seven heads and ten horns," for now in the time of the church of Perga- mos, Satan, the dragon, appeared with the abominations of false and lying doctrines, in heaven, that is, in the midst of the church of God, seducing by his preaching, (that is, his tail drew,) them who had the truth of the kingdom of heaven, who are called the stars of heaven. " His tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast THE REVELATION OF JESITS CHRIST. 125 thevi to the earth." Here again is repeated the falling away revealed before at the opening of the sixth seal in the 6th chapter ; they fell to the earth like untimely figs from the fig tree, they departed from the truth as it is in Christ ; they became earthly ; seeking right- eousness from the man of the earth, and looking to him for piety and good works, instead of looking to Christ only. Satan stood ready to devour the children of the Covenant, the heirs of promise as soon as they were born ; that is, the moment any one believed in Christ, he was prepared with the abominations of earthly religion to seduce him from the simplicity which is in Christ. V. 5. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron : and her child was caug'ht up unto God, and to his throne. Believers are the body of Christ : the man child signifies the chil- dren of the covenant, they are " to reign on the earth.'''' Those who now were born to the free woman were caught up unto God and his throne, they disappeared entirely from the earth, none were left who were true children of the Covenant, the falling away was total, the heavens departed as a scroll, the grace of the kingdom was now no longer known or preached, " there icas silence in heaven,'''' V. 6. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and ihrcescore days. Here again is repeated what was before revealed ; that the dura- tion of this falling away, and the reign of the Abomination would be for the space of 1260 years. During all this time the Covenant of God's Grace, his Everlasting Covenant in Christ has been fled from the earth, has been in the wilderness in desolation, and has not been known among the earthly worshippers, the followers of the Abomi- nation, even the abomination of man's piety and works, that swine flesh offering. V. 7, 8. And there was war in heaven : Michael and his angels fought against the dragon ; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not ; neither was their place found any more in heaven. It is after the falling away, and after the free woman is fled into the wilderness, that what is now revealed takes place. " There was war in heaven." Though at the falling away when the 1260 years began, there were none left Avho kept the truth, all the children of the heavenly Jerusalem being taken from the earth, yet afterwards there were those who were " in heaven," that is who believed, and had access by faith into Grace, which is heaven: these were the Church in Philadelphia, as it has been revealed in the pre- ceding chapters. But this very word, " there was war in heaven" shows what a state of conflict they were in ; nevertheless Satan pre- vailed not, he could not deprive them of their peace and Rest by the accusations of the law, for " Michael and his angels fought ;" as David says, "