iitiiiH: !!!i!! ii iiiUHlil ill i fll i !l!i!i »»i I il iJB i li-H i l!!|l!!i!i'''i|!r .^.. OF ?^mr^^^ APR ^3 1924 Division ■aS\95 Sectloii THE EMPHASISED BIBLE. APn ^.;. 1924 a IRew ITransIation ^^siokl llStS^"^ DESIGNED TO SET FORTH THE EXACT MEANING, THE PROPER TERMINOLOGY, AND THE GRAPHIC STYLE OF THE SACRED ORIGINALS; AEBAIfOED TO SHOW AT A GLANCE NARRATIVE, SPEECH, PARALLELISM, AND LOGICAL ANALYSIS, ALSO TO ENABLE THE STUDENT READILY TO DISTINGUISH THE SEVERAL DIVINE NAMES; AND EMP3A8I8ED THROUGHOUT AFTER THE IDIOMS OF THE HEBREW AND GREEK TONGUES. WITH EXPOSITORY INTRODUCTION, SELECT REFERENCES, & APPENDICES OF NOTES. THIS VERSION HAS BEEN ADJUSTED, IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, TO THE NEWLY REVISED " MASSORETICO CRITICAL " TEXT (OR ASSURED EMENDATIONS) OF DR. OINSBURG; AND, IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, TO THE CRITICAL TEXT ("FORMED EXCLUSIVELY ON DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE ") OF DR8. WESTCOTT AND HORT. BY JOSEPH BRYANT ROTHERHAM, TRANSLATOR OF '' THE NEW TESTAMENT CRITICALLY EMPHASISED." VOLXJMlIi: IV. lytATTHETV— rtEVELA.TIO]V. CINCINNATI THE STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY Copyright, 1897, by Joseph Bryant Rotherham Reprinted in the United States by The Standard Publishing Company, 1916 PREFACE. This work is a Tliird Edition of "The New Testament Newly Translated and Critically Emphasised," published first in 187',.' and then in 1878. The leading characteristics of the former editions are here preserved : — the rendering is based on a revised Greek text, is more literal than the Authorized Version or the Revised, and pays only a measured regard to the theological and ecclesiastical terms in common use. At the same time the book has been so thoroughly remoulded as to be practically a new work. The Greek text translated is no longer that of Dr. S. P, Tregelles, which had in part been issued when the Sinai Codex was brought to light, but the more recent text of Drs. Westcott and Hort; the idiom of the translation has been a little softened to make it more suitable for social reading; the notation of Emphasis has been made more comprehensive in grasp, lighter in touch, and more agreeable to the eye ; quotations from the Old Testament, including adapted language as well as formal citation, have been rendered conspicuous by the use of italics ; the references, especially in the Revelation, have been augmented ; the larger notes have been reconsidered, added to, and gathered into an appendix ; and, lastly, the text of the translation has been set forth upon the page in a form designed to assist the eye, and to suggest to the mind peculiarities of structure in the formation of sentences and paragraphs which, while unnoticed, obscure the sense, but, when observed, give force and beauty to the composition. "The Em[)hasised New Testament" appears as part of a larger design — that of "The Emphasised Bible." It is owing to this circumstance that certain interesting questions of interpretation, formerly dealt with in a preliminary essay, are now reserved for discussion in the general Expository Introduction which it is intended to prefix to the whole work. In the meaiitiuie, however, it is hoped that enough will be found in this Preface, in the Explanations which immediately follow it, and in the Appendix of Notes placed at the en<] of the volume, to enable the sympathetic student at once to use The Emphasised New Testament with pleasure and profit. That both the pleasure and the profit will be materially increased by the completion of his whole design, is the firm persuasion of the translator ; and it is this hope which encourages him to persevere until, by the Divine blessing, purpose shall be turned into achievement. J. B. R> 156 Waller Road, London, S.E. October Ut. 1897. SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED IN THIS WORK. Belatiuff to the GREEK TEXT. I ]: enclose words with respect to which ancieiit authorities are not unanimous. [[ ]]: enclose words regarded by the Greek Editors as interpolations, but which for some rciison they preferred nut to remove I'roni the Text. Or (WH) : [Westcott and Hort] a Various Reading in tiie Greek, not necessarily much inferior lo tliat given in the Text. For the translation of these readings the present translator is, of course, alone respon.sible. Add (WH): a similar addition, for wliich there is only partial support in the documentary evidence. Belating to the TRANSLATION, le : that is. Lit : literally. Ap : Appendix of Notes. Ar : an alternative rendering (in English) of same Greek word. Com : commonly rendered by the word that follows. Cp : compare, prefixed to a reference which may be only indirectly helpful. Eg : for example. Em : emphasis. f : after reference, means next verse; ff: next verses. Gr: Greek. Heb : Hebrew. Relating to the I I single upright lines enclose words on which a moderate amount of stress should be laid. II II Double lines indicate more decided stress. < > tliese angular marks ask for more or less force in utterance ; are always in- troductory; and therefore never used at the (!]ose of a sentence. In long prefixed clauses, their form will readily catch the anticipating eye of the reader ; and due; attention to them will, it is believed, prove especially helpful towards an immediate percep- Mf : more freely. Ml : more literally. NB : mark well., Perh : perhaps. Prob : probably. Sep : Septuagint — ancient Greek Version of O.T. [ ] thin brackets, to distinguish words supplied by the translator. = equals, is equivalent to. EMPHASIS. tion of the structure of long sentences. They are occasionally borrowed to meet an emergency, when several shades of emphasis can be dis- tinguished to advantage. m': an acute accent denotes the least possible increase of stress. Its nearly uniform application to prefixed adjectives may interest the Greek student. This sign also helps in an emergency. %* A half comma fj simply relieves the comma, which is a [it to be overmuch used or annoyingly omitted. JV^f>/''.— Whon, in tho E[)istlos, tho indpntatinns of tho type have boon carried as far from the margin as was convenient, and yet tin* tlmnt^lit of tile Writer invited a still furtlier subordiuutinf^ of clauses, a few /of/tca/ ra/ntrtts have ooojisionally IxH'ii thrown in, suKpostinR where new linos iniKht be com- menood in writing out a [>assa^C(! upon an onlarRed scale as an aid to exposition. In any case, as Lofijical Analysis is necessarily subjective, and api>eals to the reader's comprehension and insiRht, the student is counselled, pencil in han basis here [irovided, nothing could be easier, while the profit would be c^rtninly grejit. As Dr. Uichard Moulton well observes in his a |Jechoniah| begat Shealtiel, And jShealtiel| begat Zerubbabel ; 1* And |Zorubbabel| begat Abiud, And |Abiud| begat Eliakim, And |Eliakim| begat Azor; 1* And |Azor| begat Sadoc, And |Sadoe| begat Achim, And I Achim I begat Eliud ; 16 And |Eliud| begat Eleazar^ And |Eleazar| begat Matthan, And |Matthan| begat Jacob; — 16 And |Jacob| begat Joseph ,the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, — who is called Christ. " So then are Jfourteenj generations, Ap: "Christ." E.N.T. And |fourteen| generations; And I fourteen I generations. § 2. The Birth. 18 Now the birth I 'of [Jesus] Christ|| was |thus| : His mother Mary having been |betrothed| to |Joseph|, — [before they came together] she was found with child by [the] Holy Spirit. i» Moreover | [Joseph her husband ,1 being [righte- ous [, and yet unwilling to expose her, — intended |privately[ to divorce her. ^o But lo 1 [[a messenger a of the Lord|[ |by dream | appeared to him, saying,— Joseph, son of David ! do not fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for is of [the] JHolyl Spirit. 21 Moreover she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus,*)— for |he| = will save his pjeople from their sins. « But [[all this|| hath come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord, through the prophet, saying : 23 Lol [[ad VirginW shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, — and they shall call his name Emmanuel ^ ; which is, being translated, God with us. 2* And Joseph, [awakingi from his sleep, did as the messenger of the Lord directed him, — and took unto him his wife; 25 and knew her not, until she had brought forth a son,' — and he called his name Jesus. § 3. The Visit of the Wise Men. 2 Now lo ! [wise men from eastern parts[ came into Jeru- salem : 2 saying — Where is he that hath been born king of the Jews? for we saw his star in the east, and have come to bow down to him. 3 But he was troubled, and all' Jerusalem with him; he was enquiring of them — Where is [the Christ[ to be born? » A p: "Messenger." lowinfir for Heb. Idiom) i* Ap: " Jesus." better "a." <: He is the one ! ' Is. vii. \J ■i Ml : " the " ; but prob. (al- ' Lu. 11. 7, 21. MATTHEW II. 5—23; HI. 1—13. » And jtheyl said to him. In Bethlehem of Judaea, — for Isoj is it written* through the prophet: • And \\thou^ Bethlehem ^ land of Judah\\ \By %o means least\ art thou^ among the governors of JvAah, — For \out of thee\ shall one come forth to govern. Who shall shepherd ^ my people Israel. 1 IIThen Herod|| |privately| calling the wise men, ascertained from them the time of the appearing' Star; 8and sending them to Bethlehem, said — Go search out accurately concerning the child, — and |as soon as ye find it| bring re- port unto me, that |I also] may come and bow myself down to it. » Now |they, hearing the king| went, and lo 1 |the star which they had seen in the east| was going before them, until it went and stood over where the child was; lOand, seeing the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy ; " and, coming Luto the house, they saw the child, with Mary its mother, — and, falling down, prostrated themselves unto it, and, opening their treasures, offered unto it gifts — gold and frankincense and myrrh ; 12 and |by another way| retired they unto their own country. § 4. The Flight into Egypt, the Return, and the Settlement in Nazareth. "Now lo! [[a mes- senger of the LordU appeareth by dream unto Joseph, saying. Arise, take unto thee the child and its mother, and flee into Egypt, and be there, until I tell thee, — for Herod is about to seek the child, to destroy it. " And |he| arising, took unto him the child and its mother, by night, and retired into Egypt ; 15 and was there, until the death of Herod, — that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,= I Out of Egypt] called I my -on. M |Then Herod | < seeing that he had been mocked by the wise men> was exceedingly enraged, — and sent and slew all' the male children that were in Bethlehem, and in all its bounis, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had asceitalned from the wise men. " |Then was fulfilled! that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying** : U 11^ voice\\ \in Ramah\ was heard. Weeping and great mourning, — Rachel weeping for her children^ And wntdd not be comforted, — because they are not. •» But lo! |a mes- senger of the Lord] appeareth by dream unto Joseph in Egypt; 20 saying — Arise ! and take unto thee the child and its mother, and be journeying into the land of • Ml. V. 2. » Ap: '• bhepberd." « Ho. x^. 1. <> Jer. xxxL U. Israel, — for they are dead, who were seek- ing the life" of the child." " And |he| arising, took unto him the child and its mother, and entered into the land of Israel. 2* he was afraid jthitheri to go, — and so, being instructed by dream, he retired into the parts of Galilee ; ^ and came and fixed his dwelling in a city called Nazareth, — that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets — {A Nazarenel shall he be called. § 5. The Forerunner. Mk. i. '2-8 ; Luke iii. 3-17. 3 Now |in those days] came John the Immer8er,<= proclaiming in the wilderness of Judaea ; ^saying. Repent ye, — for the kingdom of the heavens hath drawn near.<* » For |this| is he who was spoken of through Isaiah the prophet, saying,^ A voice ^ of one crying aloud ! \In the wilderness\ prepare ye the way of the Lord, \Straight\ be making his paths. * But John |himself I had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins, — while |his food| was locusts and wild honey. 5 |Then| were going forth unto him — Jerusalem, and air Judaea, and all' the country round about the Jordan: ^and were being immersed in the Jordan river, by him, openly confessing their sins. 'But < seeing I many of the Pharisees and Sadducees| coming unto his immersion> he said to them, — Broods of vipers ! who suggested to you.f to be fleeing from the coming wrath? 8 Bring forth, therefore, fruit worthy of repent- ance; 9 and think not to be saying within yourselves, — |As our father| we have || Abra- ham || ; For, I say unto you, that God is able |out of these stones | to raise up children unto Abra- ham. 10 1 1 Already also|| the axe |unto the root of the trees| is being laid, — | every 'tree, therefore, not bringing forth good fruit| is to be hewn down, and |iuto fire| to be cast. 11 |I| indeed, am immersing you |in water, unto repentancel, — but ||he| | will immerse you ]|in Holy Spirit and fire|| : '•'Whose fan is in his hand, and he will clear out his thresh iug-fioor, — and will gather his wheat into the granary, but |the chaflf] will he burn up with fire unquenchable. § 6. The Immersion. Mk. i. 9-11 ; Lu. iii. 21, 22 ; Jn. i. 33. 13 |Then| cometh Jesus, from Galilee to the • Ap: •' Sowl." 43; Ac. 1 6; 111. 21. b Cp. Exo. Iv 19. « U. Xl 3. = Ap: "Immerse." 'Or: "who gave yon tha "1 What hafl druwti near hint?" ina.v receUe: cp. chap.xxl. MATTHEW III. 14—17; IV. 1—25; V. 1- Jordan^ unto John, — to bo immersed by him. 1* But |lio| would have hiudored him_ sayiu^:; — |I| have |ueed| ||by theo|| to bo immcrsad, — and dost |thou| come unto me? 16 But Josus answering^ said unto him, Suffer [me] even now, — for |thus| it becometh us^ to fulfil [all righteousness I ; |Then| he suffered him. is And Jesus straightwayi wont up from the water, — and lo ! the heavens were opened » and he saw the Spirit of God^ descending like a dove coming upon him ; *'' and lo 1 a voice out of the heavens, — saying, |This| is my Son^ the Beloved, in whom I delight. § 7. The Temptation. Mk. i. 12, 13 ; Lu. Iv. 1-13. 4 |Then| Jesus was led up into the wilderness, by the Spirit, to be tempted by the adversary; » and, fasting forty days and forty nights, — |afterwards| he hungered. • And, coming near, the tempter said to him, — speak ! that ||these stonesll may become |loaves|. * But |he| answering, said, It is written, — ^ \Not on bread alone\ shall man live, But on every declaration coming forth through the m.outh of God. • |Then| the adversary taketh him with him, unto the holy city, — and he set him upon the pinnacle of the temple ; 6 and saith to him — cast thyself down, — for it is writteu,« \To his m.essengers\ will he give charge con- cerning thee ; And \on hands\ will they hear thee up, Lest once thou strike ^against a stone Jhy foot. T Jesus said to him, |Again| it is written, — <* Thou shalt not put to the test \the Lord thy 6od\. * IAgain| the adversary taketh him with him, into an exceeding high mountain, — and pointeth out to him air the kingdoms of the world, and their glory; ^and said to him, I [All these things] | will I give thee, — if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10 Then saith Jesus unto him. Withdraw, Satan ! for it is written, — « \The Lord thy God\ shalt thou worship. And \to him alone\ render divine service. 11 [Thenl the adversary leaveth him, — and lol |messengers| came near, and began ministering unto him. § 8. Jesiui begins his Ministry in Galilee. Mk. i. 14^20 ; Lu. iv, 15, 16. n And , he retired into Galilee; '^and^ forsaking Nazareth, he came and fixed his dwelling in Capernaum, which was by the lake, — within the bounds of Zebulun and Naphtali : i< that it = Or (WH) : " opened unto him." Deu. vlll. a « '^'s. xci n f. " Dfii vi. ifi; X. 20. • Deu. vi. 13. mijht be fulfilled, which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying: 15 <,Land of Zebulun^ and land of Naphtali, The lake-way across the Jordan, — Galilee of the nations^ 1* 1 1 The people that was sitting in darkne.ss\ | 1^1 great light\ beheld, — And \\on them who were sitting in land and shade of death\ \ \Light\ rose on them.'' 1'' IFrom that time| began Jesus to be making pro- clamation, and saying, — Kepent ye, for the kingdom of the heavens hath drawn near.'' 18 And he saw two' brethren — Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, — casting ^ large flshing-net into the sea, for they were fishers; 19 and he saith unto them. Come after me, — And I will make you fishers |of men|. 20 And lltheyll [straightwayi leaving the nets, fol- lowed him. 21 And he saw other' two' brethren — James the son of Zebedee,and John his brother — in the boat with Zebedee their father, putting in order their nets, — and he called them. 22 And lltheyll |straightway| leaving the boat and their father, followed him. 23 And Jesus was going round throughout all' Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and pro- claiming the glad-message <= of the kingdom, — and curing every' disease, and every' infirmity, among the people. 24 Aji^ forth went the report of him into all Syria ; and they brought unto him airwhoweresick,|withdivers'diseasea and tortures] distressed, demonized and lunatic and paralyzed, — and he cured them. 25 And there followed him large multitudes — from Gali- lee, and Dccapolis, and Jerusalem, and Judaea, and across the Jordan. § 9. The Sermon on the Mount. Lu. vi. 20-23. 5 But [seeing the multitudes] he went up into a mountain, — and, when he had taken a seat, his disciples came unto him Or (WH) simply: " HU t Or Pimply (WHl: "say- disciples came near." ing,— The kingdom of « Is 1x1. 1 £C. thf heavens hath drawn f Or : " land" : Pa. xxxvli neiir." H. e Ap : " Glad-message." • Ps. xxlv. 4. B 2 MATTHEW V. 9—41. » 1 1 Happy I] the peacemakers; For I they I » shall bo | called sons of God| : 10 llHappylf they who have been persecut^^d for righteousness' sake; For jtheirsl is the kingdom of the heavens. 11 ||Happy|| are ye, whensoever they may re- proach you and persecute you^ and say every' evil thing against you | falsely^ for my sake]: 12 Rejoice and exult, because lyour reward] is great in the heavens; for |sol persecuted they the prophets who were before you. 13 IYe| are the salf) of the earth; but wherewith shall it be salted? it is good |for not: ing| any more,<: save, being cast out, to be trampled on by men. I* |Ye| are the light of the world : it is im- possible for a city to be hid |on the top of a mountaini lying, i^ Neither light they a lamp, and place it under the measure ; but upon the lampstand, and it giveth light to air that are in the house. i6||Iii like manner! I let your light shine before men, — that they may see your good works,*— and glorify your Father who is in the heavens. ti Do not think, that I came to pull down the law, or the prophets, — I came not to pull down, but to fulfil, is For |verily| I say unto you, |one least letter, or one point I d may in nowise pass away from the law, till all be accomplished. i^ shall be called |least| in the kingdom of the heavens; but |the same| shall be called |great| in the kingdom of the heavens. 20 For I say unto you, that |in nowise| may ye enter into the kingdom of the heavens. 21 Ye have heard, that it was said, to them of olden time, — TIlou shall not commit murder,'' and shall be |Uable| to judf^ment. M But |I| say unto you, that shall bo |liable| to judgment, — and shall be |liable| to the high council ; and shall be |liable| unto the fiery gehenna.' '' »4 leave, there, thy gift before the altar, and withdraw, — |first| be reconciled unto thy brother, and |then| coming, be offering thy • Em. doubtful. owlTiR to vr » Mk. Ix. 50; Lu. xU-. 34, :«. • Ml.: " for nothing hath It atrenglh any more." |> Ap. • Exo. XX. 13; Dpu. v. 17. ' Ap: "Gehenna." gift. 25 Be making agreement with thine adversary, quickly, while thou art with him, in the way, — lest once thine adversary deliver thee up unto the judge, and the judge, unto the officer, and |into prison! thou bo cast. ^e |Verily| I say unto thee, |In nowise] mayest thou come out from thence, until thou pay the last halfpenny. 27 Ye have heard, that it was said, Thou shalt not commit adultery-: 28 But !I| say unto you, that !already! hath committed adultery with her, in his heart. 29 And pluck it out, and cast it from thee, — for it proflteth thoo, that !ouo of thy members] should perish, and not ]thy whole body] be cast into gchenna. so And cut iv off, and cast it from thee, — for it proflteth thee, that !one of thy members] should perish, and not ||thy whole body]] |into gehenna| depart. 31 It was said, moreover,"! < miosoerer shall divorce his wife^ let him give her a writing of divorcement ; S2 But ]!]« say unto you, that causeth her to be made an adul- teress, — [and Iwhosoever shall marry a divorced woman] committeth adultery]. 33 ]Again| ye have heard that it was .said, to them of olden time,K Thou shalt not swear falsely, — •" But shalt render unto the Lord^ thine oath^. 34 But |I| tell you — rot to swear |at all;- : Neither by heaven, because it is the \throne of God,\—^ 35 Nor by the earth .because it is his (footstool] ; Nor by Jerusalem, because it is the ]city\ of the Great King ' ; 36 Nor ]]by thine own head]! mayest thou swear, because thou art not able to make ]one' hair] white or black. 37 But let your word be. Yea, yea, — Nay, nay; And I i what goeth beyond these]) is ]of evil]. 38 Ye have heard, that it was said, — Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'^ 39 But ]I| tell you, not to resist evil, — n Nay turn to him !the other' also] ; *o And let him have Jthy mantle also]. And go with him two' : • Exo. XX. 14 ; Dpu. v. 18. i" Nu. xxx. 2; (Deu. xxllL bChap. xvlil. 9; Mk. Ix. 47. 21). c Chap, xvlll. 8 ; Mk Ix. 43. 1 .la. v. 12. give ; And do uot thou turu away. *3 Ye have heard, that it was said, Ttiou shall love thy neighbourj^ and aate thine enemy. ** But |I| say unto you. Be loving your enemies,'' And praying for them who are persecuting you: ** That ye may become sons of your Father who is in the heavens ; Because jhis sun] he maketh arise on evil aud goiid, And seudeth rain, on just and unjust. *6 For what reward have ye ? are not | leveu the tax- coUectorslI |the same thing| doing? « And ^if ye salute your brethren only> what I more than common] are ye doing? are not j|even the nations|| |thesame thing! doing? *8 ||l^e|| therefore, \shall hecome] \\perfect\\'' : As iyour heavenly Father] is — perfect. 6 [But] take heed, that ye do not |your righte- ousness] before men, to be gazed at by them, — l]otherwiseat leastjl |reward] have ye none, with your Father who is in the heavens. ' do not sound a trumpet before tbee, justas ]the hypocrites] do, in the synagogues and in the streets — that they may be glorified by men, — jVerily) I say unto you, they are getting back their reward. ^ jjut let not ]thy left hand] know' what thy right hand is doing ; * that thine alms may be in secret, — and ]thy Father, who seeth in secret] will give it back to thee. 5 And ye shall not be as the hypocrites, because they love to take their stand and pray, that they may shine before men ; jVerily] I say unto you, they are getting back their reward. 6 But enter into thy closet, and^ fastening thy dooi\ pray^ unto thy Father who is in secret, — and ]thy Father who seeth in secret] will reward thee. 'And ]being at prayer] use not vain repetitions, just like the nations, — for they think, that jin their much speaking] they shall be heard ; 8 do not, therefore, make yourselves like them, for [God] your Father knoweth of what things ye have |need], before ye ask him. 9 ]Thus| therefore pray lye] ^ : Our Father, who art in the heavens, — Hallowed be thy name, 10 Come may thy kingdom, — • Lev. xix. 1 . bLu. vi. aj. Deu. xviU. 13. 1 Is. xxvl.20; 2K. iv. 33. < Lu. xl. 2-4. Accomplished* be thy will, |as in heaven] also on earth: " |Our needful bread] give us, this day; " And forgive us our debts, as jwe al&o| have forgiven our debtors ; 13 And bring us not into temptation. But rescue us from the evil one.!" 1* For IIYoi"- Father who is in the heavensj] will forgive ]even you] ; 15 But Neitherwill yourFatherf orgive |yourfaults|. 16 And become not ye, as the hypocrites, of sullen countenance, — for they darken their looks, that they may appear ]untomen] to be fasting: |Verily| I say unto you, they are getting back their reward. "But anoint thy head, and |thyface| wash,— 18 that thou do not appear ]unto men] to be fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret, — and |thy Father who seeth in secret] will reward thee. i» Be not laying up for yourselves treasuresupon the earth, where |moth and rust] do tar- nish, and where ]thieves] dig through and steal; ^o^ut be laying up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where ]neither moth nor rust] doth tarnish, and where |thieves| dig not through nor steal: 21 for |there| will be jthy heart [also]]. * I The lampo of the body] is the eye : ]]Thy whole body]] shall be |light«d up| ; ■^ But I |Thy whole body]! shall be ]in the dark| ; — ||The darkness]] jhow great] ! * |]Noone]] ]untotwo'masters| canbeinservice; For either ]the one| he will hate, and jthe other] love. Or |one| he will hold to, and |the other| despise : Ye cannot be in service junto Godj and |unto Riches|.d ^ |For this cause] I say unto you : Bo not anxious e for your life,' Wbat ye shall eat [or what ye shall drink], — Or for your body. What ye shall put on : Is not ]the life] more than |th6 food|? And ]the body] than |the raiment)? I Observeintently ]]thebirdsof theheaven||, — That they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, And yet ]your heavenly Father) feedeth |them] : Are not ||ye|| much better than |they|? « More than " done "— • Lu. xl. 34-36. "Hccepteil," "obeyed," <> A i>: " Mammon.' "brought to pass " "ful- « Lu. xll 81. filled " Cp. chap. xxvl. 42. ' Ap: "Soul." b Ap: "Evil one." 6 MATTHEW VI. 27—34; VII. 1—27. 21 But who irom amoDg you^ being anxious^ can aCLa to his stature one cubit ? as And |about clothing| why are ye anxious ? Consider well the lihes of the field, how they grow, — They toil not neither do they spin ; » And yet, I say unto you, IJNot even Solo- mon, in all his glory] | was arrayed like I one of these 1 1 80 Now Not much rather |you| little of faith? a Do not then be anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be arrayed? w For ||air these things] | ]the nations] seek after, — For your heavenly Father jknoweth] that ye are needing ]all' these things]. «s But be seeking first, the kingdom and its righteousness, — And ]all these things] shall be added unto you. 34 Do not, then, be anxious for the morrow ; IFor the morrow] will be anxious ]for itself] : ]Suflacient for the day] is the evil thereof. 7 Judge not, that ye be not judged ; — a For shall ye be judged, — And shall it be measured unto you. » Why, moreover, beholdest thou the mote, in the eye of thy brother, — While ]the beam' in thine own' eye] thou dost not consider? i Or how wilt thou say unto thy brother. Let me cast the mote out of thine eye, — When lo! ]la beam)] is in thine own' eye? 6 Hypocrite ! cast first ]out of thine own eye] ]]the beam]], — And ]then] shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote, out of the eye of thy brother. 6 Do not give what is holy unto dogs. Neither cast ye your pearls before swine, — Lest once they trample ]them] down with their fe«t. And, turning, tear l]you]]. 7 Be asking, and it shall be given you, Be seeking, and ye shall find, — Be knocking, and it shall be opened unto you. 8 For ] whosoever askethi receiveth. And ]he that seeketh] flndeth, — And Ito him that knocketh) shall it be opened. 9 Or what man jfrom among yourselves], Whom his son shall ask for a loaf, — ]A stone] will give him? 10 Or I a fish also] shall ask, — ]A serpent] will give him? 11 ||How much more]] will ]your Father who is in the heavens] give good things to them that ask ]him]? 12 < Whatsoever things, therefore, ye would, that men be doing unto you> ]]So]] be ]]yealso]] doing ]untothem], — For ]this] is the law and the prophets. 13 Enters ye in at ]the narrow' gate] ; Because broad and roomy is the way*) that leadeth unto destruction, — And ]many] are they who enter thereby : 1* Because ]narrow] isthegate,and ]confined| the way, that leadeth unto life, — And ]few] are they who find ]it]. 15 Beware of false prophets, Who come unto you in clothing of sheep, — While ] within] they are ravening wolves. 16 ]By their fruitsl<^ shall ye find ]them] out, — Unless perhaps men gather — grapes I Or figs 1 " So ]]everj' good tree]] ]flne fruit] produeeth, — Whereas ]]the worthless' tree]] ] evil fruit] pro- dueeth : 18 Itis ]impossible] fora ]]goodtree]] tobebear- ing ]evil fruit]. Neither doth ]]a worthless tree]] produce ]fln6 fruit]. 19 ]]Every' tree that beareth not fine fruit] ]'i Is hewn down, and ]into fire] is cast. 20 After all then ]by their fruits] shall ye find ]them] out. - 21 ]]Not every one that saith unto me. Lord I Lord !]] shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, — But he that doeth the will of my Father who is in the heavens. 22 IMany] will say unto me, in ]that] day, Lord ! Lord ! « did we not \in thy name\ prophesy,^ And ]in thy name] cast ]demons| out, — And ]in thy name] ]]many works of power]] perform ? 23 And ]then] will I confess unto them, ]Never] have I acknowledged « you, — Depart from me^ye loorkers of lawlessness.' ^ 24 ' Shall be likened to a prudent man, who built his house upon the rock ; 25 And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, and it fell not ; For it had been founded upon the rock. 26 Shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand ; 27 And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and dashed « Lu. xlll. 24. ' Jer. xxvll. 15; xlv. 14. i> Or (VVH): "wlrtp l9 the < Or : "approved." Ap: (.'.-iteanil roomy theway." " Know.' c I,u. vi. Vi. 44. i" Ps vl. 8. "Chip. 111. 10. iLu. TL47, 49. • Lu. vL 46. 47. MATTHEW VII. 28, 29 ; VIII. 1—30. against that house, aud it fell; and |the fall thereof I was |greiit|. ■> And it came to pass with astouishmeut were the multitudes being struck at his teaching ; '■'« for he was teach- ing them as one having jauthontyi, and not as their Scribes. § 10. A Leper cleansed. Mk. i. 40 ; Lu. v. 12-14. 8 And there followed him large multitudes. * Aud lo ! |a leper] coming near^ began to bow down to him_ saying, — Lord ! I if thou be willing| thou canst cleanse me. s And, stretching forth the hand, he touched him, saying,— I am willing, be cleansed ! And I straightway I cleansed was his leprosy. * And Jesus saith unto him, Mind ! tell |no one], — but withdraw, |thyself| shew to the priest ^^ and offer the gift which Moses directed |for a witness unto them|.j § 11. A Centurion^s Servant healed. Lu. vii. 1-10. 6 And there came near unto him a centurion, beseechi.Tig him, Sand saying. Lord! |my servant] is laid prostrate in the house, a paralytic [fearfully tortured|. "< He saith unto him, |I| will come and cure him. 8 But the centurion, answering^ said, Lord ! I am of no consideration, that junder my roof| thou shouldest enter, — but |only say with a word! a-nd healed shall be my servant. 9 For |I also| am a man [set] under authority, having under myself, soldiers, — and I say to this one. Go ! and he goeth, and to another, Come ! and he Cometh, and |to my servanti Do this 1 and he doeth it. !<* Now Jesus, hearing, marvelled, and said to them that followed, — |Verily| I say unto you, [With no one in Israeli ||such faith as this|| have I found. ^1 But I say unto you, |Many from east and west] •> will have come,« And shall recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, in the kingdom of the heavens ; " Whereas |the sons of the kingdom!'' shall be cast forth into the darkness outside, — [Therej will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. u And Jesus said unto the centurion, Withdraw ! and jas thou hast believed} be it done for thee. And healed was the servant in that hour. § 12. Peter's Mother-in-law cured, and many others. Mk. i. 29-36 ; Lu. iv. 38-40. " And Jesus, coming into the house of Peter • Lev. xllL 49 ; xlv 2-2a ' MaL 1. 11 : Is. lix. 19. « Lu. xliL 28, 29. <« As if sprunK from It : Ezo. xii. 5, 6 ; cp. Ac. lii. 25. saw his mother-in-law laid prostrate and in a fever, i^and he touched her hand, and the fever left her, — and she arose, and began ministering unto him. is^jut, when |evening| came, they brought unto him many demonized, — and he cast out the spirits with a word, and !all' who were sickj he cured : i' that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, — \\Himself\\ \onrweaknesses\ took, and \diseases\ bare.^ § 13. A Scribe and a Disciple put to the test. 18 Now Jesus gave orders to depart unto the other side. 19 And a certain scribe, coming near, said unto him, — Teacher; I will follow thee, whithersoever Thou goest. ™ And Jesus saith unto him : !!The foxes|| have !dens|, And |the birds of the heavensj nests, — But |!the Son of Man|| hath not where |his head he may recline!. 21 And janother of thedisciples| saith unto him, — Lord 1 suffer me jfirst! to depart, and bury my father. ^ But |Jesus| saith unto him, — Be following me, And leave !the deadj to bury !their own' dead!. § 14. A Storm rebuked. Mk. iv. 35-41 ; Lu. viii. 22-25. *3 And his disciples followed him. '^* And lo 1 \a, great squall! arose in the sea, so that !the boat| was being covered ^ !by the waves], — but |hej was sleeping. 25 And, coming near, thoy aroused him, saying, Master ! save, we perish ! *6 And he saith unto them, [Why! are ye !fearful|, little of faith ? ]Then, aroused] he rebuked the winds and the sea, — and it became a great calm. 27 But !the men] marvelled, saying, Whence is this one, — ^that [[both the winds and the sea]] unto him, give ear ? § 15. Two Demonaics delivered. Mk. v. 1-20 ; Lu. viii. 26-39. ^ And there met him, two' men demonized, lout of the tombsj coming forth, — fierce exceedingly, so that no one could pass that way ; 2*and lo ! they cried aloud, sayi ng. What have we in common with thee,« O Son of God? Hast thou come hither, |before the right time) to torment us? *> Now there was, far from them, a herd of many « Is. liil. 4. '' Graphic ! wave after wave swept over it i Ml : " What to ns and to thee?" 8 MATTHEW VIII. 31—34; IX. 1—27. swine, feeding; 3i and |the demons| began to beseech him, saying^ Send us away, into the herd of swine. S2 And he said unto them^ Withdraw 1 So |they| going out, departed into the swine, — and lo ! all' the herd rushed down the cliff, into the sea, and died in the waters, ss^q^j |they who were feeding them| fled — and, departing into the city, reported all things, and what con- cerned them who had been demonized. 34 And lo I |all' the cityl came out to meet Jesus, — and, seeing him, they besought that he would pass on from their bounds. § 16. A Paralytic forgiven and healed. Mk. ii. 3-12 ; Lu. v. 18-26. 9 And, entering into a boat, he crossed over, and came into his own city. ^And lo ! they were bringing unto him a paralytic, |on a couch| laid prostrate; and Jesus, |seeing| their faith, said to the paralytic, — Take courage 1 child, forgiven are thy sins. 3 And lo I [certain of the scribes] said within themselves, — |Thi3 man| speaketh profanely! * And Jesus |knowing| their inward thoughts, said, — To what end are ye cherishing evil thoughts within your hearts ? 6 For which is easier — To say. Forgiven are thy sins, — Or to say, Eiso and be walking 1 6 But |Then| saith he to the paralytic, — ilise I take up thy couch. And withdraw unto thy house. ' And, rising, he departed unto his house. • Now the multitudes jseeing] were struck with fear, and glorified the God who had given authority jsuch as this] ||unto men||. § 17. .Matthew called. Mk. ii. 13-17 ; Lu. v. 27-32. 9 And Jesus saw a man presiding over the tax-office, called [Matthew I and saith unto him, — Be following me. And arising, he followed him. i" And it came to pass < as he wr«s reclining in the house> thatlo ! |many' tax-collectors and sinners! came, and were reclining together with Jesus and his disciples, n And Ithe Pharisees| | [observing it|| began to say unto his disciples, — Wherefore [with tax-collectors and sinners| doth your Teacher eat ? 1* And |hei hearing it, said, — No need have the strong, of a physician, but they who are sick. 1* But go ye, and learn what this meaneth,— " ||3/erc2/|| I desire, and not \sacrifice\^; For I came not, to call the righteous, but sinners, § 18. Then will they fast. Mk. ii. 18-22 ; Lu. v. 33-38. 1* Then come near unto him the disciples of John, saying,— Wherefore do |we, and the Pharisees| fast,* whereas |thy diseiples| ||fast not|| ? '5 And Jesus said unto them, — Can |the sonst> of the bridechamber| mourn, so long as |the bridegroom] is |with them| ? But days will come, when the bridegroom |shall be taken from them], and |then| will they fast. 16 Howbeit |no one| layeth on a patch of un- shrunk cloth, upon an old garment, — for the shrinking of it teareth away from the gar- ment, and |a worse rent] is made. 1' Neither pour they new wine into old skins: otherwise at least, the skins are burst, and |the wine| runneth out, and |the skins[ are spoiled, — but they pour new^ wine into unused d skins, and |both| are together pre- served. § 19. The Daughter of Jairus raised; and the Woman with a Flow of Blood cured. Mk. v. 22-43; Lu. viii. 41-56. 18 < While |these things] he was speaking unto them> lo ! ]a [certain] ruler] came, and began bowing down to him, saying, — ]My daughter] just now died ! But come, and lay thy hand upon jherj, and she shall live, w And Jesus, arising, was following him, also his disciples. 20 And lo ! ]]a woman, having a flow of blood twelve years] I [coming near behind] touched the fringe of his mantle, ^i por she kept saying within herself, — I shall be made well! 22 And ]] Jesus]] ]turning and seeing her] said, — Take courage ! daughter, I Thy faith] hath made thee well. And the woman was made well, from that hour. 23 And was saying: 2* Give place ! for the maiden died not, but is sleeping. And they began to deride him. 25 But he went in, and grasped her hand, — and the maiden arose. 26 And forth went this report, into the whole of that land. § 20. Tii'o Blind men, a J>emnninc, and Many Ofhei-ficitred: the Kingdom proclaimed ; and the Mnltitndes pitied. 27 And Kainoa = fresh. MATTHEW IX. 28—38; X. 1—23. 9 thence|> there followed him^ two' blind meu,=> crying aloud and saying, — Have mercy on us, O Son of David 1 *8 And the blind men came unto him, — and Josussaithuntothem, Believe ye^ that I can |do this|? They say unto him^ Yea, Lord 1 29 Then touched he their eyes, saying^ I According to your faith| be it done unto you. 80 And their eyes were opened. And Jesus |stornly charged them( saying, Mind ! let no one know 1 31 |They| however^ going forth^ made him known throughout the whole of that laud. '2 And lo ! there was brought to him^ a dumb man, demonized.'' S3 And the dumb man spake; and the multitudes marvelled, saying,— |Never| was it seen thus^ in Israel. 84 [But ]the Pharisees| began to say, |In the ruler of the demons| is he casting out the demons.] 85 And Jesus was going round all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues^ and proclaiming^the glad-message of the kingdom, — and curing every' disease^ and every' infirmity. 86 But [seeing the multitudes] he was moved with compassion concern'ng them, be- cause they were torn and thrown down^ like sheep having no shepherd. <' 87 |Then| saith he unto his disciples, — |The harvest|d indeed^ is great, But |the Iabourers| few; 88 Beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, — That he would thrust forth labourers^ into his harvest. § 21. The Twelve first sent forth. Mk. vi. 7 f ; Lu. ix. 1 f: cp. §77. lO And he gave them authority over impure spirits, — so as to be easting them out, and curing every'disease^ and every' infirmity. 2 Now |the twelve' apostles' names|e are these : — First Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew, his brother, — And James, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother ; 8 Philip, and Bartholomew, — Thomas, and Matthew, the tax-collector ; James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thadseus ; * Simon, the zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who also delivered him up. 6 [These twelve| Jesus sent forth, charging them, saying :— [Into any way to the nations] do not depart, — And I into any city of Samaritans] do not enter ; 6 But be going, rather^ unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." » Chap. XX. 29 f. d L„ X. 2. t Chap. xii. 22; Lu. xt 14. Search out who in it is | worthy |, And |thero| abide, till ye go forth. 12 And salute it; 18 And Let your peace come upon it, But Let your peace, unto you, return. " And |As ye go forth, outside that house or city| Shake off the dust of your feet : 15 |Verily| I say unto you, — |More tolerablel will it bo, ||for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judg- ment! | Than for |that| cityli 16 Lo ! 1 |I| |seudyouforth,assheepamidstwolves ; Become ye therefore — Prudent, as serpents, and simple,«'as doves. 1'' But beware of men ; — For they will deliver you up into high- councils, And I in their synagogues] will they scourge you, — 18 And I before both governors and kingsl snail ye be brought |for my sake] — IJFor a witness to them and the nations||. 19 And Be not anxious,howorwhat ye shall speak, For it shall be given you, in that' hour, what ye shall speak ; 20 For it is not |ye| who are speaking. But |the Spirit of your Father] that is speaking in you. 21 And Ibrother] will deliver up ]brother| unto death, And llfatherjl l|ehild||,— And ]childien| willriseup I against parents], ]]And will put them to death] |. 22 And ye will be hated by all, because of my name, — But ]Jhe that endureth throughout]] ]the same] shall be s;.,^ ed.*" 28 And flee into another, — For jverilyl I say unto you, ]In nowise shall ye finish thecitiesof Israeli Till Ijthe Son of Man]] come. • Lii. X. 9. 1 Chap. xl. 24 ; Lu. x 12. >> Signs of the promised « Or ; " pure " — without IfiiiKdoni : He. vi. 5. foreiRn admixture. <= Lu. X. 4-U. f Chap. xxlv. 4-14. 10 MATTHEW X. 24—42; XL 1—11. ** A Idiscipl©!* is not above |the teacher], Nor |a servanti above |his lord] : « |Suflacient for the disciple| that he become |as his teacher|. And |the servant| as |hi8 lord). How much more^ the men of his house I >• Then do not fear them, — For |nothing hath been covered]'' which shall not be juncovered], And [hidden] which shall not be jmade known]. n < What I am saying to you in the darkness> TeU ye in the light, — And Proclaim ye on the housetops. » And be not in fear, by reason of them that are killing the body, — And I the soulj" are not able to kill. But fear, rather, him who is able ]both soul and body! to destroy in gehennald » Are not | |two' sparrows] | jfor a farthing] sold ? And ]one from among them] shall not fall upon the ground, without your Father ; M But have all been numbered. 81 Then be not in fear — ]Than many' sparrows] better are ]]ye]] I ■> ] ]I alsoll will confess ]him] before my Father who is in the heavens ; w But ]]I alsoll will deuy^ ]him| before my Father who is in the heavens. M Do not think, that I came to thrust peace upon the earth, — I came not to thrust [peace] but ]a sword]'; ■* Fpr I came to set at variance — ]A man] against \hisfather\, And ia daughter] against \her -mother]. And ]ahride] agai'ost ]her mother-in-law] ; M And I a Tuan's foes] are \]they of his own hoiise]}ii w Is not |worthy| of me, — And Is n©t jworthyl of me ; » And Is not jworthyl of me. w ]Hft that hath found his life]' shall lose it,— And shall find it. *> ]Unto me] giveth welcome. •Lu. vl. 40; Jn xlll. 16. OLn. vUl 17; xii. 2-9; Mk. Iv. 22. • Ap: •'Soul." • Ap : " Gehenna," • 2 Tim. ii. 12. fLn.xU. 51-53. B Mi. vil. fi ii rhap XV] 24-26; Mk. vlll. ■M. 35 ; Lu. tx. 23, 24. ' Com : "Soul." And Giveth welcome — ]]unto him that sent m.e forth] I. » ]The reward of a prophet] shall receive; And <, he that giveth welcome unto a righteooB man, in the name of a righteous man> ]The reward of a righteous man] shall re- ceive ; — And •> ]Y3rily| I say unto you, ]Iu nowise] shall lose his reward 1 § 22. John in prison sends Q^estions to Jestia. Lu. vii. 18-35. 1 1 And itcame to pass he passed on from thence, to be teaching and pro- claiming in their cities. * Now 1 1 John I ] Jsending through his disciplesj ' said unto him. Art ]]thou]| the coming one ? Or ]]a different*: one]] are we to expect ? * And ]answering] Jesus said unto them — Gro report unto John, what ye do hear and see: — 6 The \blind] recover sighi^ And \the lame] walk, jLepers] are cleansed. And ]the deaf] hear, — <* And |the dead] are raised. And \the destitute] are told the joyful tidings"; 6 And I happy] is he, whosoever shall not find cause of stumbling ||in me||. "> But Jesus began to say unto the multitudes, concerning John, — What went ye forth into the wilderness to gaze at ? A reed_ by a wind, shaken ? 6 But what went ye forth to see ? A man, in soft clothing, arrayed ? Lo ! |they who soft clothing do wear] are in the houses of kings. » But why went ye forth ? |A prophet] to see ? Yea, I say unto you. And much more than a prophet. '0 ]This] is he, concerning whom it is written, — Lo! 1 7] send w.y messenger before thyfa^e. Who shall make ready thy way before t?ieeJ 11 ]Verily| I say unto you — There hath not arisen ]among such as are born of women] ]]a greater than John the Immerserj], — • Mk. Ix. 87 ; Lu. ix. 48 ; Jn. xiil. 20. (■Mk. I. 41. <: " Different" In kind, not merely "another" Indi- vidual: a "different one" might have kept John out of prison. But cp. xvU. II, 12 The kingdom of the heavens |is being in- vaded], And ]invaders| are |]seizing upon it]]. w For ]]air the prophets and the lawjj juntil John] did prophesy; 14 And ]He| is Elijah — the one destined to come.*> w |]He that hath ears] ] let him hear 1 w But luuto vrhatj shall I liken this genera- tion ? It Is |like] unto children, sitting in the market-places, Who ] calling unto the others] i' say^ We played the flute to you. And ye danced not, — We sang a lament, And ye beat not the breast. u For ]John| came ] j neither eating nor drink- And they say — ]A demon] he hath 1 w |The Son of Man] came | [eating and drink- ingll- And they say, Lo I a gluttonous man and a wine- drinker 1 A friend ]of tax-collectors j and sinners I And yet wisdom hath been justified by her works. 8 23. Favoured Oities upbraided. Lu. x. 13-15. so |Then| began he to upbraid the cities, in which had been done his noblest mighty works ; because they repented not : — « Alas for thee, Chorazin I Alas for thee, Bethsaida ! Because 1 1 Of old]] ]in sackcloth and ashes | had tliey repented. *» Moreover, I say unto you, |]For Tyre and Zidon]| more tolerable| will it be, in the day of judgment, |than for youj. *8 And Jthou] ]] Capernaum] 1 1 I Unto h eaven\ shalt thou he uplifted ? I Unto hades\ thou shalt be brought down"', Because It would, in that case, have remained until this day. »* Moreover, I say unto you — 1 1 For the land of Sodom || (more toler- able] will it be in a day of judgment, than |]for thee]]. ^ Remarkable words 1 they " willing"? >> MaL It. 5. c la. xlv. 13, 15. <> Chap. z. IS. § 24. Praise for Babes — Welcome for the Burdened. Lu. X. 21, 22. *5 [In that' season] answered Jesus, and said — I openly give praise unto thee. Father, Lord of heaven and earth, — In that thou hast hid these things from the wise and discerning. And hast revealed them unto babes ; «> Yea, O Father! that ]so| it hath become |a delight] before thee. ^ 1 1 All things I ] ] unto me] have been delivered up by my Father ; And ]no one] fully knoweth the Son Usave the Father]], Neither doth any one f uUy know | ]the Father] | save ]the Son], And he to whomsoever the Son, may be minded |to reveal] him. *8 Come unto mel all' ye that toil and are burdened, And jl] will give you rest: *9 Take my yoke upon you, and lealTi of me, — Because ]meek] am I and lowly [in heart|. And ye shall find rest unto your souls » ; 80 For ]my yoke] is easy. And I my burden] light. § 25. Disciples pluck Ears of Com on Sabbath. Mk. ii. 23-28 ; Lu. vi. 1-5. 12 went Jesus, on the sabbath, through the cornfields,— and ]hi8 disciples] hungered, and began to pluck ears of com, and to eat. 2 But ]the Pharisees] ob- serving it, said unto him, — Lol jthy disciples] are doing what is not allowed to do ]on sabbathj. * And he said unto them^ Have ye never reaa wnat ]David| did, [when be hungered and they who were with him|? how * he entered into the house of God and [the presence-bread] did eatjb which it was not jallowablej for him to eat, nor for them who were with him, — save for the priests [alone]? 6 Or have ye not read, in the law, that ]]on the sabbaths]] the priests, in the temple, jthe sabbath] profane, and are ] blameless]? 8 But I say unto you, — [Something greater thaji the temple] is here I 7 ^ Ye would not have condemned the blameless ; 8 For ] [the Son of Man] [ is [Lord of the Sabbath]. § 26. Withered Hand healed on Sabbath. Mk. iiL 1-6 ; Lu. vi. 6-11. 9 And, passing on from thence, he came into their synagogue; '"and lol a man having [a withered hand | , and they qu estioned him,saying. Is it allowable [on the sabbath[ to heal ? [that they might accuse him|. " And he said unto them. • Jer. vl. 16 (Heb.X »> 1 S. xxL 6. • Ml: 'Mb.' « Bo. vL 6. 13 MATTHEW XII. 12—42. What man |from among yourselves| [shall there be], — Who shall have one sheep, And Will not lay hold of it^ and raise it ? 12 How much better^ then^ |a man| than [a sheep I ? So that it is allowable |on the sabbath| ||nobly|| to act. 13 Then saith he unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand 1 And he stretched it forth, — and it was restored |whole^ as the other]. § 27. The Pharisees plotting, Jesus retires, quietly healing many. 1* And the Pharisees |going forth] took ]coun- sel] against him, to the end that ]him^ they might destroy]. ^^ But ]Jesus] taking note, retired from thence, — and many followed him, and he cured them all ; '^ and straitly charged them, leot they should make him ] manifest] : IT that it might be fulfilled^ which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying : — 18 Lo ! my servant^ whom, I have chosen, My beloved^ in whom \m.y soul\ delighteth, — I will put my Spirit upon him, And \\justice\\ \u7ito the nations\ will he report : 19 He will not Ftrive^ nor will he cry out. Nor shall any hear^ in the broadways^ his voice : 20 \A bruised cane\ will he not break, And \a smoking wick\ will he not quench, — Until he urge on \Justice\ to victory, 21 And \in his name\ shall nations hope.^ §28. Demoniac cured. [In Beelzebul ?] Blas- pheming the Spirit. Mk. iii. 20-30 ; Lu. xi. 14-23. 22 Then they brought unto him^ one demonized, blind and dumb, — and he cured him, so that the dumb did speak and see. 23 And all the multi- tudes were beside themselves^ and were saying. Can ]this one] be ]|the Son of David]]? 2* But ]the Pharisees] hearing it, said, ]Thisone] doth not cast out the demons, ]save in Beelzebul b ruler of the demons].'' 25 And ]knowing their inward thoughts] he said unto them, I jEvery' kingdom divided against itself] ] is laid waste, — And ] ]no' city or house divided against itself] ] will stand ; 26 And |against himself] hath he become divided, — How then shall ]]his kingdom]] istand] ? 2T And In whom are |your sons] casting thoni out ? Wherefore ]]thoy]] shall bo ]judgos of you]. 28 But •Is. xlii. 1-4: xH. 9. '>Ap; "lieelzebul." Chap, ix.34. Then doubtless hath come upon you unawares ]]the kingdom of Godj] 1 29 Or how can one enter the house of the mighty and |seize his goods]. Unless jflrst] he bind the mighty one ? And ]then| ]]his house]] he will plunder. 30 )]He that is not with mej| is ]against me], — And ]he that gathereth not with me| |]scat- tereth]]. 31 |Wherefore] I say unto you, ]]A11' sin and profane speaking] | shall be for- given unto men, — But ]the speaking profanely of the Spirit] I ] shall not be forgiven]] ; 32 And it shall be forgiven him, — But< whosoever sha 11 speak against the Holy Spirit> ]it shall not be forgiven him] I ] Either in this' age,'' or the coming']]. 33 Either make the tree good^and its fruit good, Or make the tree worthless^and its fruit worth- less; For ]from the fruit] the tree is known.b 3* Broods of vipers 1 How can' ye speak |good things] ]]being|| jevilj ? For ]out of the abundance of the heart) the mouth speaketh. 35 ]] The good' man]] | out of the good' treasure] putteth forth ]good things] ; And ] ] the evil ' man ] ] ] out of the evil' treasu re| putteth forth ]evil things]. 36 But I say unto you, That < every' useless expression that men shall utter> They shall render^ concerning it^an account, in a day of judgment ; 37 For ]]by thy words]] shalt thou be ]justifledj. And ]]by thy words] | shalt thou be con- demned]. § 29. The Sign of Jonah, the Wisdom of Solomon, and the lieturn of the Demon. Lu. xi. 29-32. 38 ]Then] answered him^ certain of the Scribes and Pharisees, saying^ Teacher 1 we desire of thee ]a sign^ to behold], 39 But ]he| answering^ said unto them, ]] A wicked andadulterous generation]] ]asign]'> doth seek, And ]a sign] will not be ]given] it I ] Save the sign of Jonah the prophet]]. *o For it passeth through waterless' places^ seeking rest.-^nd flndeth it not. «|Then| it saith, |Into my house| will I return^ [whence I came out|, — and, coming^ flndeth it empty [and] swept and adorned. *^ [Then] it goeth, and taketh along vvith itself, seven' diverse' spirits, [more wicked than itself], — and, en- tering, abideth there; and |the last state of that man| becometh || worse than the flrst||. I So I shall it be, with this |wicked| generation. § 30. " Who is my Mother ? " Mk. iii. 31-35 ; Lu. viii. 4-8. 48 <'While yet he was speaking unto the multi- tude3> lo 1 |his mother and brethren | were standing without, seeking to speak with him. « [And one said to him, Lol l|thy mother and thy brethren] I | without] are standing, seeking ]to speak] with thee.] *8 But ]he| answering^ said rnto him that was telling him, Who is my mother ? and who are my brethren ? *9 And, stretching forth his hand towards his dis- ciples, he said, Lo 1 my mother and my brethren 1 60 For ]he] is my |brother, and sister, and mother]. § 31. The Parable of the Sower. Mk. iv. 1-9 ; Lu. viii. 4r-8. 13 ]0n that day] Jesus, going out of the house, was sitting near the sea: 2 and there were gathered unto him, large multitudes, so that |]he|| ]into a boat] entered, and was sitting, and jail the multitude] on the beach was standing. ' And he spake unto them manj- things, in parables, saying : Lo I the sower went forth to sow, — * and |Some| indeed, fell by the pathway, and ]the birds] came, and devoured it; * And ]some] fell on the rocky places, where it had not much earth, — and ]straightwayl it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth ; 6 ■ and ]tho sun arising] it was scorched, and, because it had no root, it withered away^; ' And ]somel fell upon the thorns, and the thorns came up, and choked it ; 8 But ]some] fell upon the good ground, and did yield fruit, — ]this| indeed a hundred fold, and ]that] sixty, and ]the other] thirty. ' |He that hath ears| let him hear. •Ml: 'was withered." § 32. Wherefore in Parables ? The Sower explained. Mk. iv. 10-20 ; Lu. viii. 9-15. 10 And the disciples [coming near] said to him. Wherefore ]in parables] art thou speaking to them ? 11 And ]he| answering, said,* Because ]unto you] hath it been given, to get to know the sacred secrets •> of the kingdom of the heavens, — whereas ]unto themj hath it not been given. 12 For ]whosoever hathj it shall be given l]to him]], and ho shall be made to abound, — But ]whoever hath not] |]even what he hath|| shall be taken from him.<= 13 ||For this reason]! ] in parables, unto them] do I speak, — because ]seeing] they see not, and jhearing] they hear not, — neither do they understand. 1* And ]again is being fulfilled in them] the prophecy of Isaiah, which saith, — They shall \surely hear\ and yet will not understand. And \surely see\ and yet not perceive; 15 For the heart ofthispeople hath become dense^ And \with their earsj heavily have they heard. And \their eyes\ have they closed, — Lest, once they should seewith their eyes^ And \with their ears\ should hear, And^ with their hearts^ should understand, and return ; When I would certainly heal them.^ 16 But happy are Ijyour]] eyes, that they see, And your ears, that they hear ; 17 For ]verilyl I say unto you — ]Many prophets and righteous men] Have coveted to see what ye see, and have not seen, And to hear what ye hear, and have not heard. « 18 Hear ]ye| then, the parable of him that sowed : — 19 the wicked one cometh, and catcheth up that which hath been sown in his heart, — |]this]] is he ]by the pathway] sown. 20 And l|he on the rocky places sown|| ]the same] is he that ]heareth the word] and ]straightway, with joy| receiveth it; "yet hath he no root in himself, but is ]only for a season!,— and ]straight- wayl he flndeth cause of stumbling. 22 And llhe among the thorns sown]] ]the same] is he that ]heareth the word!,— and ]the anxiety of the age f and the deceit of riches] choke up the word, and [unfruitful] it becometh. 23 But ]|he on the good ground sown]] Jthe same] is he who doth hear and understand « Or fWTI) ; " said unto Lu. vlH. 18. >• An : •• Mvstery." " L" x. 2.3, 24 c Chap. XXV. 29 ; Mk Iv. 25 ; ' Ap : " Age." 14 MATTHEW XIII. 24—51. the word, who, indeed, beareth fruit and produoeth, — |thi8| a hundred, and |that| sixty, and |the other| tiiirty. § 33. The Wheat and the Darnel. *4 lAnother' parable] put he before them, saying — The kingdom of the heavens hath bect)mc like a man sowing good' seed in his field ; 25 an^- |while men were sleeping] his enemy came, and sowed over darnel, in among the wheat, — and away he went. *« And |then| appeared ||the darnel also] I . « And the servants of the householder,* coming near, said to him, — Sir! was it not |good'seed| thou didst sow in thy field ? Whence then hath it |darnel| ? S8 And he said unto them — ||An enemy 1 1 hath idone thi8|. And they say |unto iim| — Wilt thou, then, that we go and collect it ? » And I he I saith — Nay ! lest, at any time | while collecting the darnelj ye uproot, along with it_ |the wheat I : 30 Suffer both to grow together until the har- vest, and at [harvest time| I will say unto the reapers, — Collect ye first, the darnel, and bind it into bundles, with a view to the burn- ing it up ; but |the wheat| be gathering it into ray barn. § 34 The Grain of Mustard Seed. Mk. iv. 30-32 ; Lu. xiii. 18, 19. »i |Another' parable] put he before them, saying — The kingdom of the heavens is like unto |a grain of mustard seed|, which a man took and sowed in his field ; 22 which, indeed, is |less| than all' seeds, but |when grown] is Igreater than garden-plants], and becometh a tree, — so that the birds of heaven come, and lodye among its branches.^ § 35. The Leaven. Lu. xiii. 20, 21. •s jAnother' parable] [spake he unto them] : — The kingdom of the heavens is like |unto leaven], which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour until ]the whole] was laaveued.'^ § 36. Without a Parable^nothing. Mk. iv. 33, 34. ** |A11 these things] spake Jesus in parables, unto the multitudes, and ]]withouta parable]] was he speaking ]nothiug] unto them : '^that it might be fulfilled^ wh'ch was spoken through the prophet, saying — I will open \inparahles\ my mouth, I will bring up things hidden from the founda^ »Or: "occupier." » Dau. Iv. n, 21 (Chald.X « 1 Co. V. 6. <> Ps. IxxvUL 2. § 37. Private Explanation of The Darnel. M ]Then] he went into the house, and his disciples came near to him, saying — Make quite plain to us the parable of the darnel of the field. 'T And ]he] answering, said — ]]He that soweth the good seed]] is the Son of Man; 58 And ]the field] is the world. And ]|the good' seed]] [these are the sons of the kingdom, — And ]tho darnel seeds] are the sons of the evil one; '9 And ]the enemy that sowed them] is the adversary, And ]] the harvest]] is ] the conclusion of an age|,» And ] I the reapers]] are ]messengers]. ** Just, therefore, as collected is the darnel, and ]\/ith fire is burned ]> ]8o| will it be in the conclusion of the age : — » *i The Son of Man will send forth his messen- gers, and they will collect, out of his king- dom, air the causes of stumbling,^ and the doers of lawlessness, <^ *2and will cast them into the furnace of fire: jthere] will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. *3 \1hen^ the righteous] will shine forth ^ aa the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. |He that hath ears] let him hear 1 § 38. The Hid Treasure. ** The kingdom of the heavens is like unto |a treasure hid in the field], which a man, finding, hid, — and jby reason of his joy| withdraweth and selleth whatsoever he hath, and buyeth that field. § 39. One Very Precious Pearl. *5 ||Again]] the kingdom of the heavens is ]like| unto ]a merchant, seeking beautiful' pearls], — •">and departing, he at once sold all things, whatsoever he had, and bought it. § 40. The Drag-net. *T ]]Again]] the kingdom of the heavens is like unto ]a large drag-net, cast into the sea and gathering of every kind], — ts •which ]when it was filled] they dragged up on the beach, and, sitting down, collected the good into vessels, but ]the worthless] forth they cast. « jSo] will it be in the conclusion of the age: The messengers will come forth, and separate the wicked from among the right- eous ; aoand will cast them into the furnace of fire: ]there] will be waiUng an(? gnashing of teeth. § 41. The Well-taught Scribe— Things New and Old. " Have ye understood all these things ? They say unto him. Yea ! • Ap: "Age." >■ Zeph. 1. 3 (Heb.). « Chap. vH. 23. <> Dan. xli. 3. MATTHEW XIII. 53—58 ; XIV. 1-30. 15 •• And |he| said unto them — ||Wherefore|| (every' scribe, discipled unto the kingdom of the heavens] is like unto a householder, who putteth forth out of his treasure, things new and old. § 42. Offence at the Carpenter's Son. Mk. vii. 2-6 : cp. Jn. vi. 42. M And it came to pass he removed from thence ; i*and began teaching them in their synagogue, so that with astonish- ment were they being struck, and were saying — 1 1 Whence! I hath |this one| this wisdom, and the mighty works ? S5 Is not |this one| the carpenter's ||son||? Is not I his mother! called Mary, and are not his brethren — James and Joseph, and Simon, and Juaas ? as and | |his sisters] | are they not all with us V liWhencell then hath ithis (juv\ all these things ? 67 And they began to find cause of stumbUng in hlm.» But |Jesus| said unto them — A prophet *> is not without honour, save in his <= city, and in his house. M And he did not, there, many mighty works, because of their unbelief. g 43. John the Immerser Beheaded. Mk. vi. 14-29 ; Lu. ix. 7-9. •*4: I In that' season] heard Herod the tetrarch, the fame of Jesus: ^and he said unto his servants — ' |This] is John the Immerser, — ]He) hath arisen from the dead, |For this cause] are the powers working mightily within him. 'For |Herod] seizing John, had bound him, and |in prison]'* put him away, — because of Hero- dias, the wife of Philip his brother; *for John had been saying to him. It is not allowed thee, to have her. 6 And desiring ]to kill] him, he feared the mul- titude, because ]as a prophet] they held him.« 6 But the daughter of Herodias danced in the midst, and pleased Herod; 'wherefore ]with an oath] he promised to give her, whatsoever she should ask for herself; *'and ]she] being led on by her mother, — Give me (saith stie) here, dpon a charger, the head of John the Immerser. • And the king ] though grieved] yet ordered it to be given ; * and sent and beheaded John in the prison. 11 And his head was brought upon a charger, and given unto the maiden, and she brought it to her mother. 12 And his dis- ciples ]going near] bare away the corpse, and buried him, and came and brought tidings unto Jesus. • Ch:ip. xi. B. I" Jn. n. 44; Lu. iv 24. 'Oi'WH): "his own." he blessed ; and, breaking, gave ]the disciples] the loaves, and the disciples unto the multitude. 20 And they did all eat, and were filled, — and they took up the remainder of the broken pieces, twelve' baskets ]full]. ^1 And ]they who did eat] were about five thousand |men|, besides women and children. § 45. Jestut walks upon the Lake. Mk. vi. 45-56 ; Jn. vi. 16-21. 22 And [straightway] constrained he the disciples to enter into a « boat, and be going before him unto the other side, while he dismissed the mul- titudes. 23 And, dismissing the multitudes, he went up into the ^ mountain, apart, to pray, — and when ]evening] came, ]alone] was he ]there]. ^-t Now ]!the boat]] ]still many furlongs from the land] was holding off,'- being distressed by the waves, — for Ithe wind] was ]contrary]. 25 And ]in the fourth' watch of the night] he came unto them, walking upon the sea. 26 And ]the disciples] seeing him ||upon the lake walk- ing]] were troubled, — saying — It is ]a ghostj ;<■ and ]by reason of their fear] they cried ojit. 27 And ]straightwayl Jesus « spake unto them, saying — Take courage ! it is ill, — ^e not afraid. 28 And ] making answer] Peter said unto him, — Lord ! if it is llthou]] bid me !ome unto thee, upon the waters. 29 And ]hej said- Come ! And, descending from the boat, Peter walked upon the waters, and came •> unto Jesus. ^ But •Chap. ix. 36. t> Or add (WH) : " there- fore." c Or(WH): "f e." ■i Ace. to Heb. idiom, perh. = "a." « Or ( VVH): " the boat was still in the midst of the spa." f Gr. phantasma, " phan- rniii,"' "apparition." eOr(WHi: -he." fcOrCWH): "t ■ come." 16 MATTHEW XIV. 31-36; XV. 1—30. Iseeing the vvind| he was affrighted, and |be- ginning to sink, cried out, sayiug — Lord 1 save mo ! M And |straight\vay| Jesus^ stretching forth his hand^ laid hold upon him and saith unto him — d little-of-faith ! why didst thou doubt ? 8« And^wheu they came up into the boat |the wind abated]. 33 And |thi-y in the boat] bowed down to him, saying — ||TruIy|| [God's' Son| thou art ! M And^ going across^ they came up the land_ into Gennesaret. 35 And ||recognizinghim|| |tho men of that place| sent out into all' that region, and they brought unto him all' who were siclc ; 36 and were beseeching [him]^ that they might |only| touch the border of his mantle, and |as many as touched| were made quite well. § 46. Eating with Uninashed Hands. Mk. vii. 1-23. 15 |Then| there come unto Jesus^ from Jerusa- lem^ Pharisees and Scribes, saying — * Wherefore do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders ? for they wash not their hands |when they eai; bread] I ' But |he| answering^ said unto them^ Wherefore do |yo also] transgress the com- mandment of God, for the sake of your tradition ? < For |God| said — Honour thy father and iiiy rnother,'^ and — KHe that revileth father or mother^ let him \surely die\ I "^ * But I ye I say - « |in nowise] shall honour his father or his mother, — and so ye have cancelled ]the word = of God] for the sake of your ]]traditionj]. * Hypocrites ! well prophesied concerning you, Isaiah, saying — 8 \\TJiis people\\ \wilh the lips] do \honour\ we, While \\their heart\\ faroff<^ holdethfrom me; 8 But \in vain] do they pay devotions unto me, Teaching^ for teachings^ \\the com.m,and- ments of men\\A w And, calling near the multitude, ho said to them — Hear and understand I u |Not that which entereth into the mouthj deflleth the man, But |]that which procoedeth out of the mouth]] ]the same] doflloth the man, M Then, coming near, his disciiiles say unto him — Knowestthou, that the Pharlseos ]hearing the wordl I |were caused to stumble]) ? •Exo. XX. 12; Deu. v. 16. * Exo. XX . IT. t Or (WIT): "law.' <" la. xxix. 13. 13 And ]he] answering, said — will be uprooted : " Let them alone! they are ]blind' leaders] ;» and both ]into a ditch] will fall.b 15 And Peter ]answering| said unto him^ Declare to us the parable. 16 And ]he| said, I |To this moment] I are ]ye also] without dis- cernment ? 17 Perceive ye not that ]]every' thing which entereth into the mouth]] ]into the stomach] flndeth way, and ]into the draught] <= is passed; is while ]the things which proceed out of the mouth] ]]out of the heart]] come forth, and ][theyj] defile the man. 19 For ]]out of the heart]] come forth wicked designs, — murders,adulteries, fornications, thefts,false testimonies, profane speakings : 20 ]these] are the things M'hich defile the man, but ]the eating with unwashed' hands] doth not defile the man. § 47. A Canaanite Woman's Daughter healed. Mk. vii. 24-30. 21 And, going forth from thence, Jesus retired into the parts of Tyre and Zidon. 22 And lo 1 ]]a Canaanite woman]] ]from those bounds] coming forth, began crying out, saying. Have mercy on me. Lord, Son of David 1 ]My daughter] is miserably demonized. 23 But ]he] answered her not a word. And his disciples, coming forward began requesting him, saying — Dismiss her.becauseshoiscryingoutafterus. 2* But ]he] answering, said, I was not sent forth, save unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. ^Rhe took tl'c seven' loaves, and the fishes, and [giving tbanks] brake, — and began givinj? to his disciples, and ]the disciples] to the multitudes. ''And they all did eat and were tiLed, — and ]thi^ remainder of the broken pieces] took they up, seven' ham- pers |full|. 38And |ihey who did eatj were four thousand men, besides womenand children. '9 And, dismissing the muitiiudes he went up into the boat, — and camb into tue bounds of Magadan. § 49. A Sign refused. Mk . viii 11-13 : cp. chap. xii. 38-40 ; Lu. xii. .')4^56. 16 And jthe Pharisees and fcUdducees coming near I ]] putting him to the testj] requested him |a sign out of the heaven | to tshew unto them. * But ]he| answering said unto them — [[When evening cometh ye say. Fair ! for fiery is the heaven ; * And at morn, ] To-day I a storm 1 for fiery, and yet sad, is the heaven. ||The face of the heaven, indeed,! y^ learn to distinguish, — But ]the signs of the times| ye c&Jinot.]] * |A wicked and adulterous generation] | |a sign| | doth seek after. And |a sign] will not be given it,— ]]Save the sign of Jonah] |. And, leaving them behind, he depart-ed. § 50. Beware of the Leaven. Mk. viii. 14-21 : cp. Lu. xii. 1. 6 And the disciples, coming to the other side, had forgotten to take loaves. ^And ] Jesus] said unto them — Mind 1 and beware, of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. * And [they] began to deliberate among them- selves, saying — Because ]loaves] we took not. 8 And ]observing it] Jesus said — Why are ye deliberating among yourselves, ye Uttle-of-faith 1 because |loaves| ye have not? 9 I Not yet| perceive ye, neither remember, — The five' loaves of the five thousand, And how many baskets ye received ? 10 Nor the seven' loaves of the four thousand. And how many hampers ye received ? " How is it ye perceive not, that ]Not concerning loaves] spake I unto you, — But beware of the leaven ||of the Pharisees and Sadducees]? 12 |Then| understood they that he did not bid them beware of [the] leaven [of loaves] but of I the teachin"] of the Pharisees and Sadducees. § 51. Feter Confessing and Confessed. Mk. viii. 27-30 ; Lu. ix. 18-21. 13 And began questioning his disciples, saying— Who are men saying that |the Son of Man] is? 1* And ]they| said — |Some| indeed, John the Immerser, And |others| |lElijah||,— But |others| |] Jeremiah, or one of the pro- phets]]. 15 He saith unto them — But who say ||ye|| that I am ? 16 And ]Simon Peter, answering] said — |Thou| art the Christ, ||the Son of the Living God]|.a 1' And Jesus ]answering| said to him — ]|Happy|| art thou, Simon Bar-yona, — Because |fiesh and blood| revealed it not unto thee, But my Father who is in the heavens. 18 And IJI also] I unto thee, say — I Thou] art Peter,— b And |upon this' rock| will I build my assembly," And |the gates of hades| shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give thee, the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, — And ] whatsoever thou shaltbind upon the earth] ]] shall be bound in tlje heavens] ], And ] whatsoever thou shalt loose upon the earth] ]]shall be loosed intheheavens]]. Let him deny himself, and take up his cross," and be following me ; *5 For Shall lose it, — But Shall find it. *« For what shall a man be profited. Though jthe whole world] he gain. And |his life| he.forfeit? Or what shall a man give | |in exchange for his lifell? *T For the Son of Man is destined to be coming, III the glory of his Father, With his messengers, — And |then| will hp give back unto each one \according to his practicel." 28 |Verily| I say unto you — There are some of those |here standing! Who, indeed, shall in nowise taste of death. Until they see the Son of Man |coming in his kingdom]. § 53. The Transformation : Elijah : Sufferings. Mk. ix. 2-13 ; Lu. ix. 28-36 ; cp. 2 P. i. 16-18. 17 And [after six days] Jesus taketh with him, Peter and James and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain |apart| ; * and was transformed '^ before them, — and his face shone as the sun, and |his garments] became white as the light. * And lo ! there appeared to them, Moses and Elijah, conversing with him. *And Peter ]ausweriug] said unto Jesus — Lord ! it is ]delightful] for us ]to be here], — ]If thou wilt] I will make here three' tents, ]For thee] one, and ]for Moses] one, and ]for Elijah] one. 6 lo ! ]a brightly shining cloud] overshadowed them, and lo 1 ]a voice] out of the cloud, saying — ]This] is ]]my Son, the Beloved, in whom I delight]],—'- Be hearkening to him. « And ]hearing it] the disciples fell upon their face, and were caused to fear exceedingly. ^ And Jesus came near, and, touching them, said — Arise 1 and be not afraid. * And, Ufting up their eyes, ]no one] saw they, save Jesus ]himself]f ]]alone]]. •Chap. X. 38. flfrured." Cp Ro. xfl. 2. ••Com: "Soul." « 2 P. i. 17; cp. cliap. ill. 17; « Ps. Ixii. 12; Pr. xxlv. 12. Mk. 1. 11 ; Lu. ill. 22. 'Changed from within: f Or (\VH) omit: " hlm- more than " trans- self." 9 And Jesus commanded them, saying — ]Uuto no one] may ye tell the vision. Until the Son of Man ]from among the dead' shall arise]. 10 And the disciples questioned him, saying — Why then do ]the Scribes] say. That ]Elijah] must needs come ]]flrst]]? 11 And ]he] answering, said — ]Elijah] indeed, cometh, and will restore'' aU things ; 12 But, I say unto you — That ]]EliJHh]| just now ]came], — And they recognised him not, But did with him ] whatsoever they pleased] : ]]Thus]] ]thc Son of Man also] is destined to suffer by them. 13 ]Then] perceived the disciples, that ]concerning John the Immerser] he sfiake to them. § 54. Jesios cures one whom the Disciples could not. Mk. ix. 14-29 ; Lu. ix. 37-42. 1* And there approached him a man, falling on his knees to him, 15 and saying — Lord ! have mercy upon my son, — because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition ; For ]many times] falleth he into the fire, and ]many times] into the water. 16 And I brought him unto thy disciples, and they could not cure ]himj. 1' And Jesus ]auswering] said — O faithless and perverted generation ! How long shall I be with you ? How long shall I bear with you ? Bring him to me ]here!. 18 And Jesus rebuked it, and the demon came out of hi m, —and cu red was the boy, from that hour. 19 ]Then] the disciples ]coming near] to Jesus, ] privately] said — Wherefore could ]]we]] not cast it out ? 20 And ]he] saith unto them — Because of your little faith. For ]verily] I say unto you — Ye shall say to this mountain. Remove hence yonder; and it shall be removed, And ]nothing] shall be impossible to you. [2i]i> § 55. Third Announcement of Suff'erings. Mk. ix. 30-32 ; Lu. ix. 43-45. '2 And Jesus said unto them — The Son of Man is about to bo delivered up into the hands of men ; 23 And they will slay him, And ]on the third' day] will he ]]arise]]. And they were grieved exceedingly. § 56. A Fish furnishes Tribute-money. 2* And they • Mai. iv. 5 f . " Omitted by WH. MATTHEW XVII. 25—27; XVIII. 1—23. 19 who |the half shekel I were receiving, cajne near unto Peter, and said, ] I Your teacher 1 1 doth he not pay the half shekel ? * >* He saith — Yea. And Jesus anticipated him, saying, How |to thoe| doth it seem, Simon ? ||The lyings of the earth|| of whom receive they dues or tax ? from their sons, or from the aliens ? *6 And Jesus said unto him, Well then |free| are |the sons| ! 2' But go unto the sea, and cast in a hook, and |the first flsh that cometh up| take, and, opening its mouth, thou shalt find a shekel, — lthat| take, and give to them for me and thee. § 57. Little Ones to be Copied, not Ensnared, Despised or Lost. 18 |In that' hour I came the disciples unto Jesus, Baying— Who then is |greatest| in the kingdom of the heavens ? • And leaning near a child] he set it in the midst of them, 3 and said — 1 1 Verily 1 1 I say unto you, }In nowise I shall ye enter into the kingdom of the heavens. • [The same| is the greatest, in the kingdom of the heavens ; 8 And |Unto me| giveth welcome. • And |It proflteth him I that there I e hung a large mill-stone about his neck, a^d he be sunk in the wide main of the sea. ' Alas for the world ! by reason of the causes of stumbling; For it is |necessary| that the causes of stum- bling come, — INevertheless] alas for the man through whom the cause of stumbling cometh ! 8 But Cut it off, and cast it from thee : It is |seemly for thee| to enter into life, maimed or lame, Rather than |having two' hands or two' feet| to be cast into the age-abiding fire. • And Pluck It out, and cast it from thee : It is |seemly| for thee ||one-eyed|| | into life | to enter, Bather than |having two' eyes| to be cast into the fiery gehenna.b w Beware ! do not despise one of these little ones ; For I say unto you — • Exo. XXX. 11-16. » Chap. V. 29. 30. That |their messengers in the heavensi do I continually I behold the face of my Father in the heavens, [n]* " How I to you I doth it seem ? Will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains. And goings seek the straying one ? IS And IVerilyi I say unto you — He rejoiceth over it, more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray. " |Thus| there is no desire, in the presence of myb Father who is in the heavens. That |oneof these Uttle ones I should be lost. § 58. How to Gain and how often to Forgive an Offending Brother. Parable of the Forgiven yet Unforgiving Servant. 15 But Withdraw, convince him, betwixt thee and him |alone|, — '^ Thou hast gained thy brother ; 1* But Take with thee, yet one or two, That Tell it to the assembly, — « And Let him be unto thee, just as the man of the nations and the tax-collector. 18 |Verily| I say unto you — Shall be bound in heaven ; And < whatsoever things ye shall loose on the earth > Shall be loosed in heaven. 19 I Again I [verily] I say unto you — It shall be brought) to pass for them, from my Father wno is in the heavens ; 20 For |There| am I, ||in their midst||. 21 Then looming near| Peter said [tn him] — Lord ! I how many times] shall my brother sin against me |and I forgive him| ? Until ||seven|| times? 22 Jesus saith to him — I say not unto thee. Unto |seven| times, But llunto seventv times seTenfl, 23 |For this cause| hath the kingdom of the B OmIttPil bv WH. (■OrfWH): "vour." » Cp. Lu. xvil. 3, 4. "i Dpu. xix. 15; cp. 2 Co. jiiil. 1. • Ap: "Assembly." c2 20 MATTHEW XVIII. 24—85; XIX. 1—17. heavens become like unto a man^ a king, who wished to settle au account with his servants ; M And there was brought unto him a loertainj debtor jof a thousand talents| ; ^^ and <^he |not havii.g| wherewith to pay> the master ordered him to be sold, and the wife, and the children, and whatsoever he had, — and payment to be made. 26 The servant therefore jfalling .down| began to do homage unto him, saying- Have patience with me, And I all I will I pay thee. " And I moved with compassion| '^he master of that a servant released him, and |the loan| he |forgave| him. 28 But that servant Igoing out| found one of his fellow-servants, who owed him |a hundred donaries|, and, laying hold of him, he began seizing him by the throat, saying. Pay ! if anything thou owest. 29 His fellow servant, therefore, jfalling do wn| began beseeching him, saying. Have patience with me ! And I will pay thee, 30 |He| however, would not, but went away and cast him into prison, — until he should pay what was owing. ^i jjis fellow- servants, therefore, |seeing| tha things that were done, were grieved exceedingly, — and went and made quite plain to uheir master all' the things which had been done. *2 [Then, calling him near| his master saith unto him — O wicked servant' I All that debt] forgave I thee, because thou didst beseech me. ss Was it not binding |upon thee also] to have mercy upon thy fellow-servant, as ||I alsojl Ion thee| had mercy ? 3* And [provoked to angerj his master de- livered him up to the torturers, until he should pay all that was owing. '5 ||Thus|| j my heavenly Father also| will do unto you, if ye forgive not each one his brother |from your hearts|. § 59. Concerning Divorce. Mk. x. 1-12. 19 And it came to pass he removed fromGalilee and came into the bounds of Judfea beyond the Jordan. 2 And there followed him large multitudes, and he cured them there. ' And there came unto him Pharisees, testing him, and saying, — Whether is it allowed a man to divorce his wife, for every' cause ? * And |he| answering, said — Did ye never read — ||He who created at the beginning] | \Ma2e and fem,ale\ made them, — •> • Or (Wm : " the." '' Gen. 1. 27. * and said — [Fur this cause] will a m,an leave his father and his tuother. And he united to his wife, — And \the two\ will become \oneflesh\; 6 So that \no longer] are they \two\ but \one flesh\,^ Let not |a man| ||put asunder] (. ' They say unto him — Why then did jMoses] command, to give a writing of repudiation and to dicorce ?'> 8 He saith i-nto thorn — l|Moses|l I in view of your hardness of heart) permitted you to divorce your wives ; ]From the beginning] however, hath it not been done ]|thus||. 9 And I say unto you — committeth adultery." 1" The disciples say unto him — it is not expedient to marry. 11 But I he I said unto them — ]Not alll And room for the word, save they to whom it hath been given ; 12 For there |ar._| eunuchs, who ]from their mother's womb] were born so. And there jare] eunuchs, who were made eunuchs |by men], — And there ]are| eunuchs, who have made ]themsolves] eunuchs ]for the sake of the kingdom of the heavens] : ]He that is able to find room] let him find room. § 60. Children brought to .Testis. Mk. x. 13-16 ; Lu. xviii. 15-17. 13 [Then] were brought unto him, children, — that he might lay his hands upon them, and pray. And ]the disciples] rebuked them. 1* But ] Jesus I said — Suffer the children — and do not hinder them — to come unto me, — For |of such] is the kingdom of the heavens. 15 And, laying his hands upon them, he went his way from thence. § 61. A Rich Bnler—"We left aU"—Ttcelve Thrones — The Day Labourers. Lu. xviii. 18-30. 16 And lo ! one coming near unto him, said. Teacher 1 what good thing shall I do, that I may have life age-abiding ? 1' And |he| said unto him — Why dost thou question me concerning that which is good ? There is ]One| that is good I But Be keeping the commandments. • Opn. II. 24. I" Dpu. xxiv. 1. « Or (WH): "without a rea.son of unfaithfulness (lit. harlotry) causes her to bp made an adulteress, and he that marrieth the dlvnrced woman com- mitteth adultery." Cp Mt. V. 32; Lk-xvL W. MATTHEW XIX. 18—30 ; XX. 1—19. 21 w He saith unto him Which ? |Jesus| said — These ;" Thou shall not commit murder^ Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not steal, — Thou shall not bear false witness; w Honour thy father and thy mother, — *> and — Thou shall love thy neighbour as {thyselfl." *> The young man saitn unto him — I These all| have I kept, — What |further| do I lack ? *i Jesus said unto him — Withdraw 1 sell thy substance^ and give to the destitute, — <* And thou shalt have treasure in the heavens ; And come ! be following me. ** And the young man |hearing| thise word, went away sorrowing, — for he was holding large pos- sessions. 3' And |Jesus| said unto his disciples — |Verily| I say unto you, ||A rich man|| [with diffleultyl shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens. ** Again I say unto you — ||Easier|| is it for ||acamel|| [through the eye of a needle| to enter, Thau a rich man — into the kingdom of God. *5 And [hearing it| the disciples were being struck with the greatest astonishment, saying — Who then can be saved ? M And [looking intently[ Jesus said unto them — jlWith men[[ this is |impossible[. But {with God] \\all things are possible\\ J 27 Then j making answer[ Peter said unto him — Lo ! |we[ have left aU, and followed thee, — What then shall there be [for us|? «8 And |Jesus[ said unto them — [Verilyl I say unto you, [When the Sou of Man shall take his seat on his throne of glory| I Ye also! shall be seated upon twelve' thrones. Judging the twelve' tribes of Israel. *• And [Manifold I shall receive. And life [age-abiding [ shall inherit. *• But many shall be — First-last, and Last-flrst.s 20 For the kingdom of the heavens jis like| a man, a householder, — Who went forth with the morning, to hire labourersintohis vineyard ; ^and he sent them into his vineyard. » Or; "the [following]." hBxo. XX. 12-16; Deu. 17-20. • Lev. xix. 18. « Who have nothing. « OrfWH): "the." ' Gen. xviii. U; Job xUl. 2; Zeeh. viil. 6 (Sep.;; cp. Lu. i. 37 « Chap. XX. 16 8 And he saw others, standing in the market- place, unemployed; *aud |to them| he said — |Yo also[ go your way into the vineyard, and [whatsoever may be right [ I wUl give you ; 5 and |*'hey[ departed. And <[agaiu| going forth about the sixth' and ninth' hour> he did likewise. 6 And < [about the eleventh! g'^iiig forth> he found others, standing, and saith unto them — Why [here[ stand ye, all' the day, [unemployed! ? 7 They say unto him — Because [|nooue|[ hath hired |u3|. He saith unto them — [Ye also] go your way into the vineyard. 8 And [wheu evening came| the master of the vineyard saith unto his steward — Call the labourers, and pay the hire, — beginning from the last^ unto the first. 9 And they of the eleventh' hour |coming| received severally a denary. 10 And they .supposed that [r^orel they should receive, — and lithey alsol[ received severally a denary. 11 And [having received it[ they began to murmur against the householder, i^ say- ing— [[These last|[ [one' hour[ wrought, and thou hast made them [equal unto U3| who have borne the burden of the day,^ and the .scorching heat. 13 And !he| answering, [unto one of them] said, — Friend 1 I wrong thee not: Was it not [for a denary [ thou didst agree with me ? 1* Take thine own, and go thy way ; But I please [unto this' last[ to give, as also to thee : 15 Is it not allowed me to do [what I pleasej with my own ? Oris [[thine eye|| [evill because I am good ? 16 jThusj shall be— The last first, and the first last.» § 62. Private Announcem.ent of Sufferings. Mk. X. 32-34; Lu. xviii.' 31-33. IT And took unto him the twelve [disciples] [apait!, and [in the way| he said unto them — 18 Lo ! we are going up unto Jerusalem ; And [the Son of Manj will be delivered up unto the chief priests and Scribes, And they will condemn him [to death], 19 And deliver him up unto the nations, to mock and to scourge and to crucify, — And [on the third day[ he will |larise||. ■ Chap. xlx. sa 22 Matthew xx. 20—34; xxi. 1— 16. § 63. Request for Zebedee's iSons. Mk. x, 35-45. 20 Then came unto him the mother of the sons of Zebedee^ with hor sons, bowing down, and asking something from him. ^i^j^i n^e) said to her — What desirest thou ? She saith unto him — iiiJ^ that these' my two' sons may sit, one on thy right hand, and one on thy left, in thy kingdom. ^ But Jesus |answeriug| said — Ye know not what ye are asking : Are ye able to drink the cup, which |I| am about to drink ; They say unto him — We are able. 28 He saith unto them — I My cup, indeed I ye shall drink ; But is nut mine to give, — except unto those for whom it hath been prepared by my Father. 2< And tiie ten |hearing| were sorely displeased, conceroiug the two' brethren. 25 But |Jesus| calling them near, said — Ye know that |the rulers of the nations| lord it over them, And I the great ones| wield authority over them : » 26 ||Notso|| is it I among you I, — But shall be |your minister] ; 2T And shall be |your servant] : — 28 1 1 Just as 1 1 I the Son of Man| came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his Ufe •> a ransom instead of many. § 64. Two Mind Men recover Sight. Mk. x. 46-52 ; Lu. xviii. 35-43. 29 And there followed him a great multitude ; ^o and lo 1 |two' blind men, sitting beside the road| cried aloud saying — Lord I have mercy on us ! Son of David ! *i But the multitude rebuked them, that they might hold their peace. But ||they|| |the more| cried aloud, saying — Lord, have mercy on us I Son of David 1 82 And Islanding still| Jesus called them, and said — What desire ye I should do for you? 8s They say unto him — Lord ! that |our eyesl may open. 8* And I moved with compassion| Jesus touched their eyes, — and Istraightway] they recovered sight, and followed him. § 65. The Triumphal Entrxj. Mk. xi. 1-10 ; Lu. xix. 29-38 ; Jn. xii. 12-15. 21 And |then| Jesus sent forth two' disciples; * saying unto them — > Lu. xxiL 25-27. ''Com : "bo'U." Be going into the village that is over against you, and |straightway| ye shall find an ass, bound, and a colt with her, — loose them and lead them unto me. 8 And ye shall say — IITheir Lord|| hath |need|,— » and I straightway! lie will send them. * But |this| hath come to pass, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through the prophet, saying : 6 Tell xje the daughter of Zion, Lo! \thy King\ is coming unto thee. Meek and mounted upon an ass^ And upon a colt the foal of a toiling ass.^ 8 And the disciples |went| r.nd did as Jesus di- rected them ; ^ and led the ass and the colt, and laid upon them their garments, and he took his seat upon them. sAnd |thc chief multitude| spread their own mantles in the way, and |others| were cutting off young branches from the trees, and spreading them in the way ; ^and the multitudes were crying aloud, saying — Hosanna ! ^ to the Son of David, \Blessed\ is he that is coming in the nam,e of the Lord,^ Hosanna ° in the highest. 10 And all' the city was startled, saying — Who is this ? 11 And |the multitudes] were saying — |This| is the prophet Jesus, — He from Nazareth of Galilee. § 66. The Temple cleansed. Mk. xi. 15-17 ; Lu. xix. 45, 46 ; cp. Jn. ii. 13-17. 12 And Jesus entered into the temple, and cast out all who were selling and buying in the temple, — and |the tables of the money-changersi he overthrew, and the seats of them who were selling doves ; i^ and sait^ unto them — It is written, \\My house\\ \a house of prayer] shall be called <= ; but |ye| are making it, A den of robbers.^ 1* And there came unto him blind and lime, in the temple, and he cured them. 15 But the Chief-priests and theScribes<|seeingl the marvels that he wrought, and the boys who were crying aloud in the temple, and saying, Hosanna " to the Son of David !> were greatly displeased ; i^and said unto him — Hearest thou what these are saying ? And IJesus] saith unto them — Yea: Have ye never read, I Chit of the mouth of babes and sxtcklings] Tiasl thou prepared praise ? s • Or: "The Lord |of theml ""Ps. otvUI. 28. hnth npi'd." ' Is Ivl. 7. b ZpcIi. ix. 9: cp. Is. IxlL 11. ' .ler. vil.ll. « Ps. cxviil. 25. K Ps. vili. 3. MATTHEW XXI. 17—41. 23 w And^ leaving them behind^ he went forth out- side the city into Bethauy, and spout the night there. § 67. The Bai-ren Fig-tree Withered. Mk. xi. 12-14, 20-24. 18 And <|early| returning into the city> he hungered; is* and he came up to it, |aud nothing| found he thereon^save leaves only, — and he saith unto it — ||No moro|| |from thoo| let fruit spring forth^ unto times age-abiding, — and the fig-tree | instantly withered away|. 20 And the disciples [seeing it| marvelled, say- ing— |How instantlyl did the fig-tree wither away I 21 And Jesus |answeriug| said unto them — |Verily| I say unto you^ Not only |this of the fig-tree | shall ye do, — But it shall be done. 2» And |all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing| ye shall receive. § 68. By what Authority ? Two Sons. Mk. xi. 27-33; Lu. xx. 1-8, 23 And the Chief-priests and the Elders of the people |eame unto him as he was teaching! ^a-yii^g. ||By what' authority|| |these things] art thou doing ? And |who| to thee |gave| this authority ? 2* And [making answer] Jesus said unto them — 1 1 also I will ask |you| one thing, — Which if ye tell me, ||I alsoll will tell |you| 1 1 By what authority|| [these things | lam doing: — 28 [[The immersion by John|| whence was it ? Of heaven, or of men ? But |they[ began to deliberate among them- selves, saying — He will say unto us, Wherefore then did ye not believe him ? 28 But We fear the multitude. For ||all|[ [as a prophet[ .are holding John. 2' And, making answer to Jesus^ they said — • We know not. |He also| said unto them — Neither do |I[ tell lyouj, iJBy what' authority] [ [these thtngs| lam doing. 28 But how [to you[ doth it seem ? I A man | had two sons : < Coming unto the first> he said. Son ! go thy way, |To-day| be working in the vineyard. *• And |he| answering, said, [I| sir! and went not ; *" And he spake |in like manuer|, — And [he| answering, said, I will not: [ [afterwards [[ smitten with regret^ [he went|. 31 [Which of the two[ did the will of the father ? They say, The latter. Jesus saith unto them — [Verilyj I say unto you, I [The tax-collectors and the harlots[[ are going before you, into the kingdom of God; 32 For John came unto you, in a way of righteousness, And ye believed him not, — But [the tax-collectors and the harlot8[ believed him ; And ||ye|| [seeing it| were not even smitten with regret [afterwards[ so as to beUeve him. § 69. The Fruits of the Vineyard Demanded. Mk. xii. 1-12 ; Lu. xx. 9-19. 83 [Another' parable | hear ye : — A man there was, a householder, Who planted a vineyard^ And \a wall around it\ placed. And digged in it a wine-vat^ And built a to-wer,'^ And let it out to husbandmen, — And left home. 3* And He sent forth his servants unto the hus- bandmen to receive his fruits. 85 And the husbandmen [taking his servants|, I One I indeed, they beat, And |another[ slew, — • And [another[ stoned. *8 jAgainj sent he forth other' servants, more than the first, And they did unto them [likewise[. " I [Afterwards 1 1 however, he sent forth unto them his son, saying, — They will pay deference rnto my son 1 88 But [the husbandmen| seeing the son, said among themselves, — [This[ is [the heir| : Come on ! Let us blay him. And have his inheritance. 89 And, taking him, they cast him forth out- side the vineyard, — and slew him. *" What will he do unto those husbandmen ? *i They say unto him — Miserable men I |MiserabIy| will he destroy them ; And will let out [the vineyard[ to other hus- bandmen. Who will render unto him the fruits in their seasons. • Is. V. I f . 24 MATTHEW XXI. 42—46 ; XXII. 1—29. *2 Jesus saith unto them — Have ye |iiever| read in the Scriptures^ <.A stone which the builders rejected^ \Thesame\hathbecome\\headofthecorner\\ : \]^om the Lord\ hath this come to pass. And is marvellous in our eyes.^ <3 Wherefore I say unto you^ The kingdom of God |wiU be taken away from you I, And given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof : ** [And I he that falleth on this stone] •> Will be sorely bruised ; But |on whomsoever it may fall| It will utterly destroy c him.] *5 And the Chief-priests and the Pharisees |hear- ing his parables] took note^ that jconeerning them] he was speaking. « And^ seeking to secure him^ they feared the multitudes; since ]for a prophet] were they holding him. § 70. Marriage Feast and Wedding Garment. Lu. xiv. 16-24. 22 And ]answering] Jesus ]again] spake in parables unto them, saying: — * The kingdom of the heavens hath become J ike a man^ a king, — Who made a marriage-feast f r his son ; 8 And sent his servants^ to call the invited into the marriage-feast, — And they would not come. * I Again] sent he other' servants, saying — Say to the invited^ Lo ! ]my dinner] have I prepared, [Mine oxen and my fatlings] are slain, — And ]all things] are ]ready] : Come ye into the marriage-feast. ' And ]they] slighting it^ went off, ]One] indeed^ into his own fleld^ And ]another] unto his merchandise, — * And ]the rest] securing his servants^ ill- treated and slew them. ' And ]the king] was provoked to anger, — And, sending his armies, Destroyed those murderers, And ]their city] set on fire. 8 [Then] saith he unto his servants — ]The marriage] indeed^ is ready, — But ]the invited] were not ] worthy] ; 9 Be goings therefore, into the crossways of the roads. And ]as many as ye shall find] call ye into the marriage-feast. M And those servants ]going forth] into the roads. Gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good, — And filled was the bride-chamber with guests. u But. the king Saw there a man^ who had not put on a wedding-garment, — « Ps. dvlll. 22, 23. "Is.TlU. 15. ' Ml : " winnow " , cd. Dan 11 34. ^ 1* And saith unto him — Friend 1 how cam est thou in here, not having a wedding-garment ? And ]he| was put to silence. 13 ]Then] the king said unto the ministers — • Cast him forth into the darkness joutside] : ]There] shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 1* For ]]many|] ]are called], but ]few] ]]chosen, . § 71. Caesar and God. Mk. xii. 13-17 ; Lu. xx. 20-26. 15 jThen] went the Pharisees and took ]counsel], that they might ensnare him ]in discourse]. 16 And they sent forth to him their disciples^ with the Herodians, saying. Teacher 1 we know that ]true] thou art. And ]]the way of God]] |in truth] dost teach. And it concerneth thee not about anyone, — For thou lookest not unto the face of men: 1? Tell us then, how ]to thee] it seemeth ? Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not ? 18 But Jesus said — Why are ye tempting me, hypocrites ? 19 Shew me the coin appointed for the tax. And ]they] brought unto him a denary. 20 And he saith unto them — ] Whose] is this image and the inscription ? 21 They say — Ceesar's. ]Thenl saith he unto them — Bender, therefore, ]the things of Caesar, unto Caesar], — And ]the things of God, unto God|. 22 And, hearing, they marvelled, — and, leaving him, departed. § 72. Mai-riage and the Besurrecdon. Mk. xii. ia-27; Lu. xx. 27-39. 23 ]0n that' day] there came untn him Sadduceea who say, there is ]no resurrection], — and thej questioned him^ 24 saying — Teacher! ]Mosesl said, t God |of the dead| but ||of the livingli. ss And |the multitudes) hearing, were being strucli with astonishment at his teaching. § 73. I7te Greatest Commandment. Mlc. xii. 28-31 ; Lu. X. 25-27. s< Now |the Pharisees] were brought together with one 'iccord ; -'sand one fron among them, a lawyer jproposed a questiouj putting him to the test : S6 Teacher! | which commandmeut| is greatest in the law ? SI And |he| said unto him — Thou shall love the Lord thy God — with all' thy hearty and with all' thy soul, and with all' thy mind : *>- S8 |This| is the great and first commandment. 39 ||The secondjike itil is |this| ; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.'^ *o ||In these two' commandmentsll |all'tholaw| is contained, |and the prophets). § 74. David's Son and Lord. Mk. xii. 35-37; Lu. XX. 41-44. <' Now Jesus questioned them, saying — *2 How |to you! doth it seem, leoncerniug the Christ) ? I Whose son I is he ? They say unto him — David's. ♦3 He saith unto them — How then doth IDavid, in spirit] call him ]Lordl, saying — « \The Lord\ hath said unto \my Lord\, — Sit thou on my right hand. Until I make thy foes thy footstool ?^ *5 jHowi is he |his .'^onj? *6 And ;no one] was able to answer him a word, neither durst anyone |jfrom that' day]] question him ]auy more]. § 75. Alas for the Scribes and Pharisees. 23 |Then, Jesus spake unto the multitudes and unto his disciples, 2 saying — |Upoii Moses' seat] have sat down, the Scribes and the Pharisees : * <|A11 things] therefore, whatsoever they tell you> do and observe, — But jaecording to their works] do ye not, For they ]sayl, and do not |perform|. * But they bind together he;ivy burdens,^ And lay upon men's shoulders, •Exo. lii. 6 d Ps. ex. 1. '' Dt-u. vl. 5. e Oi(WH): " fiurdens heavy "= Lev. xix. 18. and hard to be borne." Whereas ||they|) |with their flngerj are not willing to move tliem.^ * But ]all their worKS] they do, |to be gazed at by men], — For they make broad their amulets. And make largo their fringes, 6 And dearly love the first couch in the chief meals. And the first seats in the synagogues, ' And the salutations in the martot-places. And to be called by men. Rabbi. 8 But ]ye]— do not be called liabbi, — For |one| is your Teacher, And lall' yej are brotnren ; 9 And ] father) be none of you called ]upon the earth]. For ]one) is your Father |tho Heavenly] ; 10 Neither be called leaders, For lyour leader] is one |the Christ] ; 11 And ]the greatest of you] shall be to you ]a minister] ; 12 And ]] whoever shall exalt himself] | shall be ]abased]. And I whoever shall abase himself] shall be ]]exalted]]»' [isj" 1* But alas for you. Scribes and Pharisees, ]] hypocrites] I ; Because ye are locking up the kingdom of the heavens before men,^ For ]ye] are not entering, Neither ]them who are entering] suffer ye to enter. 15 Alas for you. Scribes and Pharisees, jjhypo- crites]] : Because ye compass sea and dry laud, to make one' convert, — And Iwhen it is done] ye make him a son of gehenna Ijtwofold more than ye]]. 16 Alas for you, blind guides ! that say — it is ]nothine'l. But is bound : 1' Foolish and blind ! for which is ]greater], The gold, or the Temple that hath hal- lowed the gold ? 18 And it is inothLng], But < whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it> is bound : 19 Blind ! '^ for which is greater The gift, or the altar that halloweth the gift? ~ 20 Sweareth by it, and by all that is upon it; 21 And Sweareth by it, and by him who dwelleth « therein ; 22 And Sweareth by the throne of God, and by him who sitteth thereupon. » Lu. xi. 4fi. Lu. xiv. 11 ; xviil. 14. <: Omitted by WH. Or (WH): "foolish blirul." «Or(WH): '• dwelt." 26 MATTHEW XXIII. 23—39; XXIV. 1—10. 88 Alas for you. Scribes and Pharisees, ||hypo- critesjl; Because ye tithe the mint and the anise and the cummin, — And have dismissed the weightier matters of the law — the justice, the mercy, and the faith ; Whereas |these| it was binding ||to do||, And |those| not to j|dismisa||.a »* Blind guides 1 Straining out the gnat. But |the camel| swallowing. 25 Alas for you. Scribes and Pharisees, || hypo- crites || ; Because ye cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, — While I within] they are full of plunder and intemperance. 28 Blind Pharisee 1 cleanse |flrst| (|the inside|| of the cup [and of the dish], That I the outside thereof) may become ||clean||.'> *f Alas for you. Scribes and Pharisees, || hypo- crites || ; Because ye make yourselves like sepulchres whitewashed, Which II outside || indeed,appear |beautif ul | , But |within| are full | jof dead men's bones and air uncleanness||, — 28 Thus llyealsojl joutsidej indeed, appear to men |righteous|, But I within] are full |]of hypocrisy and lawlessness]]. 29 Alas for you. Scribes and Pharisees, | [hypo- crites || ; Because ye build the sepulchres of the prophets. And adorn the monuments of the righteous, 80 and say — We would not have been their partners in the blood of the prophets : 81 So that ye bear witness against yourselves. That ye are |sons] of them who murdered the prophets. 82 And ]]ye|| fill ye up<= the measure of your fathers 1 88 Serpents ! broods of vipers ! how should ye flee from the judgment of gehenna ? 84 IJFor this cause]] lol |I| send unto you, pro- phets and wise men and scribes, — jSome from among them| ye will slay and crucify, And |some from among them] ye will — Scourge in your synagogues. And pursue from city to city : 88 That there may come upon you — All' righteous blood poured out upon the earthy From the blood of Abel the righteous, Unto the blood of Zachariah, son of Baraehiah, whom ye murdered between the Temple and the altar. • Lu. xl. 42. >> Lu. xl. 39-44. I Or (WH) : " will flU up." 86 |Yerily| I say unto you — I All these things] will have come ||upon this generation] ].» 87 Jerusalem I Jerusalem 1 That slayeth the prophets. And stoueth them that have been sent unto her, — )How often] would I have gathered thy chil- dren, Like as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, — And ye would not 1 38 Lo I your house is left to you ;•> 39 For I say unto you — |In no wise] may ye see mre |henceforth|, Until ye say, \Blessed\ is he that cometh \\in the name of the LordW." § 76. The Prophecy on Mount Olivet. Mk. xiil, Lu.xxi. 24 And< Jesus coming forth> |from the temple] was taking his departure, when his disciples came forward to point out Lo him the buildings of the temple. ^But ihe] answering, said unto them — Are ye not beholding all these things ? |Verily| I say unto you — ]In no wise] shall there be left here (stone upon stone]. Which shall not be thrown down. 8 And the disciples came unto him, privately, saying- Tell us, when these things shall be, — And what the sign of thy presence,'^ and the conclusion of the age.^ * And ]answering| Jesus said unto them — Be taking heed, lest anyone |deceive| you; 5 For|many| will come upon my name, saying — ]I| am the Christ, — And will [deceive manyj. 6 Moreover ye will be sure to be hoaring of wars, and rumours of wars : Mind 1 be not alarmed, for it must needs happen, — ' But ]not yet| is |the end] ; ■J For there will arise — Nation against nation. And kingdom against kingdom,, — 8 And there will be famines and earthquakes I in places I . 8 But |air these things] are a beginning of birth-pangs. 9 |Then| will they deliver you up into tribula- tion, and will slay you, — And yo will be men hated by all' the nations [because of my name]*"; 10 And ]then| will many be caused to stumble^ And [on- another] will deliver up, And will hate one another ; • Lu. xl. 47-51. •■Or (WHl : "left to you desolate." Jer. xxll. 5; xli. 7. <: Ps. cxvlil. 26. >> Ap : " Presence." • Ap: "Age " f Dan II. 28. s Is. xix. 2. tChap. X. 22: Mk. xllLlS; Lu. xxl. 17. > Dan. xi. 41 (Sep.X MATTHEW XXIV. 11—43. 27 11 And |many' false prophets| will arise^ Aud deceive |majay| ; 1* And < because of lawlessness being brought to the full> |The love ol the many] will grow cold^ n But <,he that hath eudured throughout> |The same, shall be saved.'* 1* And this glad message of the kingdom will be jiroclaimed lu all' the inhabited earth, For a witness uuto all' the nations, — And |then| will have come^ the end. 16 16 ||Thou|| |thoy who are in Judseal Let them llee into the mountains ; IT Aud |he that is on the house-topl Let him not come down, to tiike away the things out of his house ;>^ 18 And [he that is in the fleld| Let him not turn back, to take away his mantle. 19 But alas I for the women with child. And for them that are giving suck |in those daysi ; *<» But be praying that your flight, may not happen iu winter, uor on sabbath; *i For there will be then. Great tribulation. Such as hath not happened^ from the begin- ning of the worlds until the present time,'^ Neither in any wise shall happen, w And « |uo flesh had been saved | ; But ifor the sake of thechosen| ythosedays shall be shortened]]. « JThenl Do not believe it; M For there will arise, false Christs, and false prophet.'', — And they will show great signs and wonders,^ So that, if possible ]eveu the chosen] should be deceived : — 25 Lo ! I have foretold you. 26 Do not go forth ; Do not believe it.? ^^ For |So| shall be the presence •> of the Son of Man. 28 |There' shall be gathered ]the vultures] ' 29 But « Chap X. 2i. '>Dau. ix 27: xl 31; xli. 11, cp. Mk xiii. 14. e Lu. xvti. 3i. d Dan. xii. 1. eOr; 'docked," "cur tailed " ' Deu. xili. 1 s Lu xvii. 23, 24. i" A p : " Presence." 1 Lu. xvii. 37. [TJce sun\ will be darkened^ And \the 7itOon\ will not give her brightness. And \the stars\ will fall from heaven., — And \the power's of the heaven^i will be shaken;^ 50 And ]then| will be displayed — The sign of the Sou of Man in heaven, And I then I will smite their breasts — AW the tribes of the earth ; *> And they will see the Son of Man — Co'tidng upon the clouds of heaven,'' with great power aud glory. 31 And he will send forth his messengers, with a great trumpet,'^ And they will gather- together his chosen — Out of the four' winds,^ From lieavens' bounds^ unto their' bounds J 82 Now |]from the ttg-tree|i learn ye I the par- able; : — Ye observe, that |nearj is jthe summer] : 83 jjThus]] ]yealsol < when ye shall see all these things> Observe ye, that ]near] he is ]at the doors]. 8* ]Verily, I say unto you — Jin nowise) shall- this« generation ]pas3 awayi Until all these things ]shall happen] : 85 jThe heaven and the earth] shall pass away, But ]my words] shall |]in nowise]] pass away. 36 But ]No one] knoweth. Neither the messengers of the heavens. Nor the Son, — ]]Save the Father only]].!- 87 For ]So] will be the presence's of the Son of Man; 88 For |Sol will be ]]the presence's of the Son of Man];. *6 ]Then] shal! there be i,wo men in the field, — jOne] is taken near, and ]onel is left behind : *i Two women grinding at the mill, — ]Ouel is taken near, and ]onel is left behind. ♦2 Be watching, therefore. For ye know not ]on what manner' of day] your Lord is coming. *3 But there is jone thing ye know — That » l8. xlil. 10; xxxiv. 4. Or: "laiiil." Zech. xii. 12. <: Dan. vii. 13. "lOrCWH). "the sound of a g t." Cp. Is. xxvii. 13. • Zech. ii. 6. I t Deu. XXX. 4. eCp. Lu. xvii 34, "this niRht." hMk. xiil 32 ■ Lu. xvii. 26. 27 ^ Ap "Presence." I Or(WH.. "the." "" Gen. vii. 7. 28 MATTHEW XXIV. 44—51 ; XXV. 1—26. He would have been on the alert^ And not hava suffered his house to be dug through. ** IWhereforej !|yealso|j be getting ready, Because ||The Sou of Man doth come||. *5 Who then is the faithful' and prudent servant^ Whom the master hath appointed over his household, To give them food » in season ? *6 Happy ! that servant, whom his master | when he comethj shall And so doing! *< |Verily| I say unto you — |Over all' his substaucel will he appoint him. *8 But 60 The master of that servant |will have come| On a day when he is not expecting, And in an hour when he is not observing, — 61 And will cut him asunder ; And [his part| ||with the hypocrites|| will appoint : |There| shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth I b 35 IThenj will the kingdom of the heavens become like unto |ten virgins], Who^ taking their torches^" went forth to meet the bridegroom. a Now I five of them| were foolish, And |five| prudent. « For lithe foolish; I— Though they took Itheir torchesj. Took not with them |ioil||; 4 But lithe prudentll took oil in their ves- sels, with their torches. 6 Now They allbeeamedrowsy, and were sleeping. 6 And ||at midnightjj an outcry hath been made — Lo 1 the bridegroom 1 Be going forth to meet him I 1 [Then I arose all' those virgins, and trimmed their torches. 8 And Ijthefoolishll junto the prudent] said — Give us of your oil. Because ]our torches] ]]are going out||, • But the prudent |answered| saying — Be going rather unto them that sell, I And buy for yourselves]. w But |The bridegroom came] ; And Ithey who were readyl went in with him, into the marriage-feast, And Ithe door was locked i. 11 But ]]afterwards|| came the other' virgins also, saying — Lord ! Lord 1 open unto us I • Or: "their food." b Lu. xlL 39-46. Cp. Trench. Syn. N. T. 161-2; Ap: "Torch." And ]he| answering, said — ]|Verilyll I say unto you^ I know » you not. Be watching, therefore, Because ye know, neither the day nor the hour. For it is Ujust as a man|| who |going from home] Called his own servants. And delivered up to them his substance ; And |toone| indeed, gave he five' talents^ And jto another] two. And jto another] one, — To each according to his particular' ability. And went from home. ]] Straightway]] he who ]th3 five' talents] had received, went and traded with them, and gained other' five : |]Likewise]] ]he of the two] gained other' two : But ]he who the one' had received] went away, and digged up ground, and hid the silver of his lord. And llafter along'time]] cometh the lord of those servants, and reckoneth with them. And he who the five' talents had received |Coming forward] brought other' five' talents, say.^g — Lord! |]flve' talents]] jto me| thou didst deliver up: See ! ]other' five' talents] I gained. His lord said unto him — Well-done ! good and faithful servant, — ]Over a few things] wast thou faithful, jOver many things] will I appoint thee: Enter into the joy of thy lord. He also of the two' talents Jcoming for- ward] said — Lord! |]two' talents]] |to me| didst thou deliver up: See ! ]other' two' talents] I gained. His lord said unto him — Well-done ! good and faithful servant, — ] O ver a few things ] wast thou faithful, |Over many things] will I appoint thee : Enter into the joy of thy lord. But he also who ]the one' talent] had re- ceived ]Coming forward] said — Lord I knew thee. That thou art a jhard] man, Reaping, where thou hast not sown, — - And gathering, whence thou hast not winnowed ; And jovercome with fear] I wont away, and hid thy talent in the ground : See ! thou hast what is thine I And his lord ]answering] said anto him — O wicked servant, and cowardly, ' Or : " acknowledge." MATTHEW XXV. 27-46 ; XXVI. 1—13. 29 Knewest thou That I reap, where I have not sown, And gather, whence I have not win- nowed ? « |It was binding on thee, therefore] to cast my silver into the money-changers, — And |I| when I |came; miglit have ob- tained what was mine, |with interest]. M Therefore taice away |from him| the talent. And give unto him that hath the ten' talents ; « For |to every one that hath] shall be given, 1 1 And he shall be made to abound Ij ; But |Eveu what he hath] shall be taken away from him " : «o And ]]the unprofitable' servant]] Cast ye forth into the darkness 'outsidel : |Therei shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. *> *i But ° jThen] will he sit on his throne of glory; 32 And there will be gathered before him, all the nations, - And he will separate them one from another. Just as ]the shepherd: separateth the sheep from the goats, — *3 And he will set ]the sheep] indeed, on his right hand. But ]the goats] on the left. '* |Thenl will the king say to those on his right hand : Come ye, the blessed of my Father ! Inherit the kingdom prepared fo you from the foundation of the world ; 35 For I hungered, and ye gave me to eat, I thirsted, and ye gave me drink, ]A stranger; was I, and ye took me home, 36 Naked, and ye clothed me, Sick, and ye visited me, ]In prison! was I, and ye came unto me. 37 ]Then] will the righteous answer him, saying: Lord ! I when! saw we thee — Hungry, and fed thee. Or thirsty, and gave thee drink ? 38 And ]whenl saw we thee — A stranger, and took thee home. Or naked, and clothed thee ? 39 And I when I saw we thee — Sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? *" And janswering! the king will say unto them : |Verilyl I say unto you — lUnto me] ye did it. " ]Then] will he say unto those also ]on his left hand] : Depart ye from me, accursed ones ! Into the age-abiding fire, which hath been >Chap. xiil. 12; Mk Iv. 25; Lu. vlU. 18. " Cp. Lii. xix. n-27. = Zech. xiv. 5. prepared for the adversary and his mes- sengers ; " For I hungered, and ye gave me not to eat, [And] I was thirsty, and ye gave me not to drink, <3 ]A stranger] was I, and ye took me not home. Naked, and ye clothed me not. Sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. ** jTheni will ]they also] answer, saying: Lord ! when saw we thee — Hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, And ministered not unto thee? <5 |Then| will he answer them, saying: |Verilyj I say unto you — ]Neither unto me] did ye it. ■*6 And \ihese\ shall go away, into \age-abiding\ correction, But \the righteous] into ^age-aMding\ life.^ § 77. TTie Conspiracy to Betray, and the Anointing in Bethany. Mk. xiv. 1-11 ; Lu. xxii. 1-6 ; Jn. xii. 1-8. 26 And it came to pass he said unto his disciples : 2 Ye know that jiafter two' days]] ]the passover] taketh place, — And |the Son of Man! is to be delivered up, to be crucified. 3 ]Then] were gathered together,'' the High- priests and the Elders of the people, into the court of the High-priest who was calledCaiaphas ; ♦and they took couns'^l together, in order thiit jjesus, by guilei th.^y might secure, and slay. 5 They were saying Lowever: Not during the feast. Lest ]an uproar, ar^se among the people. 6 But jjesusi < happening to be in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper> '' there came unto him a woman, holding an alabaster-jar of costly perfume, and she j'oured it down upon his head, as he was reclinim;. 8 And the disciples |seeing it] were greatly displeased, saying — ]To what end' this loss ? 9 For this con id have been sold for much, and given to the destitute. 10 But Jesus ]taking note] said unto them — Why vex ye the woman ? For ]a seemly <= work! hath she wrought for me; 11 For lalways, the destitute' have ye with you, — But ]me, not always; have ye; 12 For ishel pouring this perfume upon my body, I so as to prepare me for burial; did it. 13 ]Verily I say unto you — < Wheresoever this glad-message "i shall be proclaimed in all' the world> Also what she did, will be told, as a memo- rial of her. • Dan. xli. 2. " Jn. xi. 47. •Or: "noble." "beautiful "1 Ap : " Glad-message." 30 MATTHEW XXVI. 14—42. 1* IThenl went one of the twelve^ the one called Judas Iseariot^ uuto the High-priests, i^ and said — What are ye willing to give unto me ? And ||I|| |unto you| will deliver him up. And they appointed hiin thirty pizces of silver.^ 16 And jfrom that time| was he seeking a favour- able opportunity that he might [deliver him up|. § 78. The Passover : the Old Feast and the New. Mk. xiv. 12-26; Lu. xxii. 7-23. w And the diseiples came unto Jesus, saying — Where wilt thou^that we make ready for thee to eat the passovor ? 18 And I he I said — Go your way into the city^ unto such-a-one, and say to him, |The teacher| saitL, ||Myseason|| is |near|, jwith thee| will I keep the passover^ with my disciples. 19 And the disciples did, as Jesus directed them, and made ready the passover. 20 ^.nd he was reclining with the twelve [disciples] ; 21 and^ as they were eating, he said — |Verily| I say unto you, |One from among you| will deliver me up. 22 And |being oxc(iedingly grieved| they began to be saying to him, each one — Can it be |I| Lord? 23 And |he| answering, said — |the same| will deliver me up. 24 |The Son of Mau| indeed, goeth his way, according as it is written concerning him, — But alas ! for that man, through whom the Son of Man |is being delivered upj : |Well| had it been for him, if ||that man|| had not been born ! 25 And Judas, who was delivering him up, |answering| said — Can it be |I| Rabbi ? He saith unto him — |Thou| hast said. 26 And |as they were eating] Jesus [taking a loaf and blessingi brake, — and [giving to his disciples I said — Take, eat! |this| is |lmybody||. 2' And he gave unto thorn, saying — Drink of it, all of you ; 28 For |this| ia my blood of the covenant ^^ -which |for manyl is to be poured out, for remis- sion of sins. 29 Moreover, I say unto you — |In nowise] will I drink, henceforth, of this' produce of the vino, until that day, when- soever I shall drink it with you ]new]" Ilin the kingdom of my Father]].'' a zpch. xi. 12. now-made, b Exo. xxii-. 8; Zech. ix. U. ''1 Co. xi. 23- J5. o New in Icind ; not merely so And, having sung praise, they went forth unto the Mount of Olives. § 79. Peter's Denial foretold. Mk. xiv. 27-31 ; Lu. xxii. 31-34 ; Jn. xiii. 3G-38. 31 IThen] Jesus saith unto them — |]A11' ye]] will find cause of stumbUng in me, during this night; For it is written, / will smite the shepherd. And \the sheep oftheflock\ will be scattered abroad ^ ; 32 But ]after my arising] I will go before you into Galilee." 33 Now Peter janswering] said unto him — ]|I]] shall never find cause of stumbUng. 34 Jesus saith uuto him : [Verily] I say unto thee — ]Thrice] wilt thou deny me. 35 Peter saith unto him: [In nowise| will I deny thee. I [Likewise] [ [all the disciples also| said. § 80. The Agony. Mk. xiv. 32^2 ; Lu. xxii. 40-48. 36 Then Jesus cometh with them, into a place called Gethsemaue, — and he saith unto his dis- ciples. Sit ye here, while I go yonder and pray. 37 And he began to be grieved and to be in great distress. 38 [Then] saith he unto them: \Encompassed'^ with grief \ is my soulj^ \\unto death\ \ : Abide ye here, and b» watching with me. 39 And ]going forward a little] he fell upon his face, ofTering prayer, and saying — My Father ! ]If it is possible] let this cwp pass from me, — [Nevertheless] not as ]I] will, but as [thouj wilt. «> And he cometh unto his disciples, and flndeth them sleeping, and said unto Peter — [Thus] powerless are ye ]one'hour| to watch with me ? « Be watching and praying, that ye may not enter into temptation: [The spirit[ indeed, is [eager|, but [the flesh| [[weak[|. « [[Again, a second time|[ departing he prayed, saying: My Father 1 |Accomplishod['= be |[thywill[[. « Z^ch. xlii. 7. ti Chap, xxvili. 7. •' .AteverN point and pore, as It were, of lii>: Mi.scep- tlbility, sorrow was press- i g in."— Morlson. 1 Cp. Ps. xlll. 5. « NB : Tlie very word used ill cliap. vi 10. MATTHEW XXVI. 43—75. 81 « And coming., he |again| found them sleeping, for their eyos had become heavy. ** Aud^ leaving thom^ he |iigam| departed, and prayed a third time, |tho same word| saying ||agaiu||. <» I Then I cometh he unto the disciples, and saith unto them, — Ye are sleeping what time remaineth, and taking your lost: Lo 1 tbb hour hath drawn near, and |the Son of Mcini is boiug delivered up into the hands of sinners. « Arise ! let us be going, — Lol |he that delivoreth me up| hath drawn near. § 81. The Betrayal and Ai~rest. Mk. xiv. 43-54 ; Lu. xxu. 47- -54. " And lo ! |Judas, one of the twelve| came, and, with him |a large multitude| ||with swords and clubs, from the High-priests and Elders of the people] |. *8And |he who was delivering him up| gave them a sign, saying — |he| it is, — secure him^ *9 And < I straightway! coming unto Jesus> he said — Joy to thee ! Rabbi, and eagerly kissed him. soBut |Jesus] said unto him — Friend ! <^ wherefore art thou here ? Then, coming forward, they thrust their hands Mpon Jesus, and secured him. ^i And lo ! |one of those with Jesiis] stretching forth his hand, grasped his sword, and smiting the servant of the High-priest, cut off his ear. 5^ |Then| Jesus saith unto him — Put back thy sword into its place, For |byasword| llshall perishl].'' 63 Or thinkest thou that I cannot call upon my Father, And he will set near me, even now, ||more than twelve' legions of messengersi]? M How then should the Scriptures be fulfilled. That |thus| it must needs come to pass ? »5 |In that' hour] said Jesus unto the multitudes : I As against a robber | came ye forth |with swords and clubs] to arrest me ? |Daily in the temple] used I to sit teaching, and ye secured me not ; 56 But ]this| hath ]wholly] come to pass, that [the Scriptures of the ijrophetsj may be ful- filled. IThen] the disciples, all forsaking him, fled. 57 And |they who secured Jesus] led him away unto Caiaphas the High-priest, where the Scribes aDd the Elders gathered themselves together. 58 Now ]Peterl was following him afar off, unto the court of the High-priest, — and, entering within, was sitting with the attendants, to see the end. Or "Comrade." 'Rev. xlll.,10. § 82. Jesus before the High-priest. Mic. xiv. 55-65. 59 Now I the High-priests and ail the High-council| were Seeking luise-wicness against Jesus, that they might |put hiin to death] ; t^" and found not any, though many came forward as false- witnesses. I At length] however, there came forwai'd two, ^i and said : |This] man said — I am able to pull down the shrine of God, And ]in three' days] to ||build]| it. 6^ And the High-priest ]arising| said unto him — ]NothiDg] ansv/erest thou V What are these, against thee bearing witness ? 63 But ]Jesus] was silent. And ]the High-priest] .said unto him : I put thee on oath, by the Living God, that ]to us, thou say! — Whether ]thou] art the Christ, the Son ot God. 6* Jesus saith unto him : jThou] hast said*; jMoreover] I say unto you — jHereafter] ye will see the Son of Man^ Sitting on the right hand ofpo^cer, And coming upon the clouds of heaven.^ 65 jThen] the High-priest rent asunder his gar- ments, saying — He hath spoken profanely! What further' need have we, of witnesses ? Lo 1 ]now| ye have heard the profanity! 66 How ]to you] doth it seem ? And ]theyl answering, said : ]Guilty'^ of death] he is. 67 |Then| spat they into his face, and buffeted him ; and ] others] struck him smartly, 68 saying — Prophesy unto us, Christ! Who is he that struck thee ? § 83. Peter's Denial. Mk. xiv. 66-72; Lu. xxii. 55-62 ; Jn. xviii. 10-18, 25-27. 69 Now ]Peter] was sitting without, in the court; and there came unto him a certain female ser- vant, saying — iThou also] wast with Jesus, the Galilaean. '0 But ]he] denied before all, saying — I know not what thou sayest. 71 And another female saw him, and said unto them wno were there — ]This| one was with Jesus the Nazarene. 72 And ]again] he denied ]with an oath; — I know not the man. 73 And ]lafter a little]] the by-standers jcoming forward] said unto Peter: |]Truly]] Ithou also] art ]from among them|. For ]]thy very speech] I makeththee ]manifest|. 7* jThen] began he to be cursing and swearing — I know not the man ! And ] straightway] a cock crowed. 75 And »Or (WH): "Hast I said?" " Dan. vil. 13 ; Ps. ex. 1. Or : " liable to," " worthy of." 33 MATTHEW XXVII. 1—33. Peter was put in mind of the declaration of Jesus, of his having said — ||Beforea cooiicrow|| | thrice | wilt thou utterly deny me ; and, going forth outside, he wept bitterly. § 84. Jesus taken before the Roman Governor. Mk. XV. 1 ; Lu. xxiii. 1 ; Jn. xviii. 28. 27 Now |when morning came| all' the High- priests and Elders of the people took |counsel| against Jesus, so as to put him to death : 2 and [binding hirai they led him away, and delivered him up unto Pilate the governor. § 85. The Remorse and End of Judas. Ac. i. 15-20. 3 |Then| Judas who had delivered him up Iseeing that he was condemned] being smitten with remorse^ returned the thirty' pieces of silver unto the High-priests and Elders, * saying — I have sinned, in delivering up righteous » blood. But I they I said — What is that to us ? ithou| shalt see to it for thyself. * And he withdrew, and, going away, hanged himself. 6 But | ] the High-priests || jtaking the pieces of silver] said — It is not allowed, to cast them into the trea- sury; since ]a price of blood| they are. T And [taking counsel| they bought with them, the field of the potter, as a burial-place for | strangers. 8 |Wherefore| that field hath been called Field of Blood, until this day. 9 |Then| was fulfilled, that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, sayirg : And they took the thirty' pieces of silver^ As the value of him whom they had valued, Whom they had valued \of Israel's sons\, — 10 And gave them for the field of the potter, As \the Lord | directed me.^ § 86. Jesus before Pilate. Mk. xv. 1-15 ; Lu. xxiii. 1-7, 13-25; Jn. xviii. 29^0; xix. 1-16. 11 Now I Jesus i stood before the governor ; and the governor questioned him, saying — I Thou i art the king of the Jews ? And IJesusI said — |Thou| sayest." 1* And |he answered nothing|. 13 |Theu| Pilate saith unto him — Hearest thou not how many things against thee they are bearing witness ? 1* And he answered him Ino not so much as a single wordi, so that the governor was mar- velling exceedingly. 15 But feast by feast' | the governor had been wont to release one unto the multitude, a prisoner whom they were desiring. 16 Now they had at that time a distinguished prisoner, I Or (WH, : '• innocpnt. " I Gp. Zecn. xi. 12. 13. Or (WHl; "Dost |lhou| say [it] ? " A question of punctuation. called |Barabbas|. " They therefore having come together ]Pilate| said to them — Whom will ye I should release unto you ? Barabbas ? Or Jesus, who is called Christ ? 18 For he knew that |for envy| they had delivered him up. 1* And his wife sent unto him, saying: Have thou nothing to do with that righteous man, for |many things] have I suffered this day, by dream, because of him. 20 But Ithe High-priests and the elders] per- suaded the multitudes, that they should claim Barabbas, but ] Jesus] should ]|destroy]|. 21 Now the governor ]answeriug] said unto them — Which of the two desire ye I should release unto you ? And they said — Barabbas I » 22 Pilate saith unto them — What then shall I do unto Jesus, |who is called Christ] ? They all say — Let him be crucified ! M But l]he]] said— Indeed ! what evil hath he done ? But ]they, vehemently] were crying aloud, saying- Let him he crucified ! 2* And Pilate <] seeing] that ]nothing| it availed., but rather ]a tumult] was arising> taking water, washed his hands of it before the multi- tude, saying — ] Innocent] am I, of the blood of this man, — i" |Ye| shall see to it for yourselves. 25 And all' the people, answering, said — His blood be upon us and upon our children I 26 Then released he unto them Barabbas, but, scourging ] Jesus], delivered him up, that he might be crucified. § 87. Jesus mocked by the Rom,an Soldiers. Mk. XV. 16-20 ; Jn. xix. 2 fif. 27 ]Then' the soldiers of the governor] taking Jesus aside into the judgment-hall, gathered unto him all the band; 28 and, unclothing him, ]a scarlet scarf] put they about him, — -9 and 'plaiting a crown out of thorns] they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, — and ]kneeling before him] began to mock him, saying — Joy to thee. King of the Jews ! 30 And [spitting upon himj they took the reed, and began striking upon his head. 3i And, when they had mocked him_ they put off him the scarf, and put on him his garments, and led him away unto the crucifying. 32 A.nd they found a man of Cyrene, Iby name] Simon, — ]the same] they impressed to bear his cross. § 88. The Crucifixion. Mk. xv. 22-41 ; Lu. xxiii. 26-49; Jn. xix. 17-37. 33 Ajid > Or(WH) : " this righteous their rulers. man." MATTHEW XXVII. 34-66; XXVIII. 1—4. 33 that is to say^ Sk:ull-ijlace> »* they gave him to drink^ wine |with gall\ mingled,^ aud |tasting| he would not drink, ^a And they parted among themselves his garments, casting a lot^; ^b and^ being seated, were watch- ing him there S7 And they [.ut up, over his head, his accusation, written — |This| is Jesus, the King of the Jews. »8 |Then| are crucified with him, |two rob- bers|,'^ — one on the right hand, and one on the left. S9 And |they who were passing by| were reviling aim, shaking their heads^^ *" and saying— Save |thyself| 1 come down from the cross. *i |Likewise| the High-priests [also], mocking, |with the Scribes aud Elders| were saying: |Others| he saved, — |HimseIf I he cannot save : « [Israel's KingI he is 1 Let him come down, now, from the cross, — And we will believe on him 1 « Let him rescue hiin^ now^ if he desireth him," ; For he said, lam |God's'Son|. "And 1 1 the same thing|| |the robbers also, who were crucified with him| were casting ' in his teeth. ** Now |]from thesixth'hourjl |darkness| came upon all' the land — until the ninth' hour. <« And jabout the ninth' hour| Jesus uttered a cry, with a loud voice, saying — Eloi! Eloi! lenM sabachthaneil that is. My God! m,y God.' to what end hast thou for- saken me 1 s f Now certain of them who were there standing, when tbey heard, began to say — I This man] calleth l]Elijah||. *8 And |straight\vayi one from among them was giving him to drink ; *» but |the rest| said — Stay ! let us see whether Elijah is coming, |and will save him]. [[But |another| taking a spear, pierced his side, and there came forth water and blood.]] M And |Jesus| disriiissed the spirit. M And lol |the veil of the Templej was rent, from top to bottom, into two; aud [the earth| was shaken, and |the rocks| were rent; *2 and |the tombs] were opened and ]mauy' bodies of the holy ones who had fallen asleep] arostv, — 5* and Ps. xxii 18. ■' Ro ber," distinguished from " thief ': j'li. x. 1 <• Ps. xxil. ? i cix. is. • Ps. xxii. 8. E.N.T. 'Or: "beRan to cast"; frequpiiiiy the sense of the Gk. imperfect. Cp. ver. 47. e >■•>. xxii. 1. h P.S. Ixix. 21. after his arising> entered into |the holy' city|, and plainly appeared unto many. 5* Now |the centurion, and those with him watching Jesus| were violently affrighted, saying — ]]Truly|| I God's Sou I was |he| 1 55 Now there were there, many women, |from afar| beholding, who indeed had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him ; 56 among whom was Mary the Magdalene, also Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee. § 89. The Burial. Mk. xv. 42-47 ; Lu. 50-56 ; Jn. xix. 38^2. 57 And there came a rich man from Arimath^ea, whose name was Joseph, who also [himself ] had been discipled unto Jesus. 58 ||The same)] [going unto Pilate| claimed the body of Jesus. |Thenj Pilate commanded it to be given up. 59 And Joseph, taking the body, wrapped it up in a clean Indian-cloth, ^ and laid it in his new' tomb, which he had hewn in the rock, and < rolling near a large stone unto the door of the tomb> departed. 6i Now there were there^ Mary the Magdalene, aud the other' Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre. § 90. The Sepulchre sealed and guarded. 62 And the High-priests and the Pharisees were gathered together unto Pilate, 63 saying — isir ! we have been put in mind that |that' deceiver] said, while yet living, — [After three' days] will I [[arise[[. 6* Command, therefore, that the sepulchre be made secure until the third' day, — lest once the disciples "■ should come and steal him^ and say unto the people. He hath arisen from the dead 1 and [the last' deception [ shall be [j worse than the first]]. 65 Pilate saith unto them — Ye have a guard : Go vour way, secure it for yourselves, as ye know how. 66 And [they[ went and secured for themselves the sepulchre, sealing the stone, with the guard. § 91. The Resurrection. Mk. xvi. 1-14 ; Lu. xxiv. 1-43 ; Jn. xx. xxi. ; Ac. i. 3 ; 1 Co. xv. 1-8. 28 And i> came Mary the Magdalene, and the other' Mary, to view the sepulchre. ^ And lo ! [a great' commotion occurred, — for [a messenger <= of the Lord[ had rolled away the stone, and was sitting upon it. ^ Now [his appearance[ was [as light- nlng|, and Ibis clothing) [white as snow] ; *and [for fear of himj they who were keeping watch » Or (WH) : " his disciples." >> Ap: "Sabbath." • .Ap : " Messenger." D 84 MATTHEW XXVIIl. 5—20. MAKE I. 1—10. were thrown into a commotion, and became as dead men. ^ But the messenger^ lansweringl said unto the women — Be not |ye| afraid ! For I know that |Jesus the crucifledi ye are seeking : • He is not here, for he hath arisen^ as he said. Come ! see the place where he lay ; 1 And |((uiGkly goiug| tell his disciples — He hath arisen from the dead, And lo ! he is going before you into Galilee ; — |There| shall ye yourselves see him: Lo 1 I have told you. 8 And " they ran to bring tidings unto his disciples. ^ And lo 1 |Jesus| met them, saying — • Joy to you ! And itheyl going forward^ held his feet, and worshipped him. i" |Then| Jesus saith unto them — Be not afraid I Go your way^ bear tidings unto my brethren, that they may depart into Galilee ; And |there| shall they themselves see me. § 92. The Story of the Soldiers. 11 Now as they were |goiug| lo ! |certain of the guard| went into the city and reported unto the High-priests all the things that had come to pass ; 12 and sufllcient » pieces of silverl gave they unto the soldiers, — i^ saying — Say ye^ ||His disciples] | coming |by night| stole him || while we were sleeping] | ; 1* And 1 1 well willpersuadehim, and will make |you| ||free from care||. 15 And I they I taking the pieces of silver^ did as they were instructed. And this account was spread abroad among the Jews , . , until this [very] day. § 93. The Great Commission. Mk. xvi. 15-20 ; Lu. xxiv. 44-49 ; Jn. xx. 21-23. 16 And |the eleven' disciplesi went into Galilee, unto the mountain which |Jesus| had appointed them ; i' and^ seeing him^ they worshipped, i" but |some| ||doubted||. is And Jesus |coming near I spake unto them, saying — All' authority^ in heaven and on earth, hath been given unto me ; 19 Go ye, therefore, and disciple all' the nations. Immersing" them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, — 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatso- ever I myself have commanded you, And lo! |Ij am |with you|, all the days, until the conclusion of the age.* «Or: "a good many," "sufBcient" — i.e., to se- cure their purpose. •> Or : " bowed themselves down." <: Ap : " Immerse." <" Ap: "Age." THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK. § 1. The Forerunner. Mt. iii. 1-12 ; Lu. iii. 3-17. 1 Beginningoftheglad-messageof JesusChrist.a » A voice of one crying aloud — [In the wilderness] prepare ye the way of the Lord, \Straight\ be m,aking /)!> pa>: * John the Immerser came, |in the wildernes3| proclaiming an immersion of repentance, for"* remission of sins; s and there were going out unto him all' the Judrea' country, and all' they of Jerusalem, and were being immersed by him, in »Or add (WH): "Son of vll. 27. God." <= Is. xl. 3. b Mai. tit. 1; Mt. il. 10; Lu. << Or : " into the Jordan' river, openly confessing their sins ; 6 and John was clothed with camel's-hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins, and was eating locusts and wilu honey; ' and he proclaimed, saying- He that is mightier than I cometh after [me]. Of whom I am not worthy to stoop and un- loose the strap of his sandals : 8 ||I|| have immersed you | with water |, — ||Hei| will immerse you | with the Holy Spiritj. §2. The Immersion. Mt. iii. 13-17; Lu. iii. 21,22. 9 And it came to pass, in those' days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was im- mersed into the Jordan by John ; "> And < I straightway I as ho was coming up out of the water> he saw the heavens rending asunder, and |the Spirit, as a dove| descending MARK I. 11—45. 35 unto » him ; " and a voice [came] out of the heavens — |Thoul art my Sun^ the Beloved, — |Ia thee| I delight. § 3. The Temptation. Mt. iv. 1-11 ; Lu. iv. 1-13. 12 And ||straiyht\vay|| |the SpiritI urjjeth him forth iuto the \»'ilderuess ; '•* aud he was in the ■wilderness forty' days_ tempted by 8atau, and was with the wild beasts, — and |the messengers] were ministering unto him. § 4. Beginning in Galilee. Call of Simon and Andrew, James and John. Mt. iv. 12-22 ; Lu. iv. 14, 15. 1* Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the glad-message of God, i3 [and saying] — The season is fulfilled. And the kingdom of God hath drawn near, — Eepent ye, and have faith in the glad- message. 16 And he saw Simon, and Andrew the brother of Simon, casting a net in the sea, — for they were fishers ; 1' and Jesus said unto them — Come after me. And I will make you become fishers of men ; 18 and < I straightway! leaving the nets> they followed him. '9 And Igoing forward a littlej he saw James the sou of Zebedee, and John his brother, and them who were in the boat putting in order the nets; ■"•and jstraight- way| he called them, — and they came away after him. § 5. In Capernaum, Jesus teaches, and expels an Impure Spirit. Lu. iv. 31-37. 21 And they journey into Capernaum. And <|straightway, on the Sabbath| entering into the synagogue> he began teaching t" ; ^^ and they were being struck with astonishment at his teaching, — for he was teaching them as one having |authorityi, and |not as the Scribes|. 23 And |straightway| there was in their syna- gogue, a man in = an impure spirit, — and he cried out aloud, '^* saying — What have we in common with thee,* Jesus of Nazareth ? Hast thou come to destroy us ? I "^ know thee, who thou art, ||The Holy One of God||. 2» And Jesus rebuked him, [saying] — Be silenced, and come forth out of him ! 26 And the impure spirit came forth out of him ; '" and they were amazed, one and all, so that they began to discuss among themselves, saying — What is this? New teaching I [[With authority^ • Or: "Into." i>Or (WH) : "Ann straight- way on the Sabbath he began te ching in the synagogue." • As It were, " Invested with "; and so, "In the power of." J Ml : " VPhat to us and to thee?" 'Or (WH). "We." to the impure spirits alsoj | he giveth orders, and they obey him ! 28 And forth went the report of him, straightway on every hand, into' the surrounding country of Galilee. § 6. Uealeth Simon's Mother-in-law and Diany others. VUiits all Galilee. Alt. viii. 14-16; Lu. iv. 38-44. 29 And he wont unto the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 5*^ Now |the mother-in-law of Simon | was lying in a fever, and Istraightway; tney speak to him concerning her: s' and, coming near, he raised her up, grasping her hand, — and the fever left her, and she began ministering unto them. 32 And they were bearing unto him all' who were sick, and them who were demonized ; ^'^ and all' the city was gathered unto the door; ^4 and he cured many'that were sick with divers'diseases, and |mauy demons] he cast out, and suffered not the demons to be talking, — because they knew him [to be Christ]. 35 And ]very early by night arising] he went out [and departed] into a desert' place, and |there| was praying; ^^and Simon, and they who were with him, went in quest of him, 3' and found him, and say unto him — ]A11| are seeking thee ; 38 and he saith unto them — • Let us be going elsewhere, into the neighbour- ing'couutry-towns, in order that ]therealso| I may be making proclamation, — for ]to this end] came I forth ; 39 and he came, making proclamation, into their synagogues, throughout the whole of Galilee, — and ]wa3 casting the demons out]. § 7. Cleanses a Leper. Mt. viii. 1-4; Lu. v. 12-14. *" And there cometh unto him, a leper, beseeching him [and kneeling], — saying unto him — ]If thou be willing] thou canst cleanse me; *i and ]movedwithcompassion!''he stretched forth the hand,and touched him, and .saith unto him — I am willing, Be cleansed I *2 and ]straightway) the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed; ** and ]]strictly charging him]] ] straightway] he urged him forth ; « and saith unto him — Mind ! ]]unto no one]] say ]aught], — but with- draw, ]]thyselfi] Ml : "concerning " (WH): "moved to « Lev. xUl. 49; xlv. 211. anger." D 2 86 MARK II. 1—28; III. 1—3. § 8. Forgives and Heals a Paralytic. Mt, ix. 2-8 ; Lu. V, 18-26. 2 And it was heard say — He is |in a housej »; * and many were gathered together, so that |no longer| was there room ||eveu in the approaches to the door| I, — and he began speaking unto them the word ; ^ and they come^ bearing unto him a paralytic, [upborne by four|, — ■•and they uncovered the roof where he was, and |having broken it up| they began letting down the couch whereon the paralytic was lying; 6 and |Jesus^ seeing their faithj saith unto the paralytic — Child 1 forgiven are thy sins ! 8 Now there were certain of the Scribes there^ sitting and deliberating in their hearts, — 1 Why doth ||this|| man |thus| talk? he is speaking profanely 1 Who can forgive sins |save one|^ l|God|| ? 8 And Jesus <|straightway| taking note in his spirit^ that [thus] they are deliberating within themselves> saith [unto them] — Why |these things| are ye deliberating in your hearts ? • Which is easier — To say unto the paralytic^ Forgiven are thy sins. Or to say. Rise, [and] take up thy couch, and be walking ? 10 But *' he saith to the paralytic : 11 |To thee| I say. Rise, take up thy couch, and be going thy way unto thy house. i»And he arose, and | straightway taking up the couch| went forth before all, — so that all were beside themselves, and were glorifying God, [saying]— l|Thus|| we |never| sawitl § 9. GaUs Levi. Mt. ix. 9-13 ; Lu. v. 27-32. i» And he went forth again by the sea, — and |all' the multitude! was coming unto him, and he began teaching them. " And, passing by, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting over the tax-of&ce, — and saith unto him — Be following me 1 and, arising, he followed him. i* And it cometh to pass, that he is reclining in his house, and |many' tax-collectors and sinnersi were reclining with Jesus and his disciples ; for there were many, and they began following" him. 16 And |the Scribes and Phariseesj began saying unto his disciples — |With the tax-collectors and sinners| is he eating '^ ? •Or: "at home." • Or: "had begun to follow." » Or CWH): " authority on ''Or add (WH) : "and the earth to be," &c. drinking." IT And jhearing it| Jesus saith unto them — iJNo need 1 1 have |the strongj of a physician, but they who are |sick|, — I came not to call the righteous [but sinners]. § 10. Then will they fast. Mt. ix. 14-17 ; Lu. V. 33-38. 18 And the disciples of John and the Pharisees were fasting ; and they come and say unto him — ||Forwhat cause|| do jthe disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees! fast, whereas |thy disciples| ||fastnot||? 1' And Jesus said unto them— Is it possible for the sons of the bridechamber |while the bridegroom is with' themj to be fasting ? it is impossible |to fast|. 20 But there will |come| days'! and |then| they will fast |in that' day|.a 21 ||No one|| seweth |a patch of unshrunk cloth| upon |an old' mantlej, — ||otherwise, at least] I the shrinking teareth away from it^- the new from the old — and |a worse' rent is made]. " And||noone|| poureth |new wine| into |old skins|,— ||otherwise, at least|| the wine will burst the skins, and jthe wine| is lost, and ||the skins||. [But |new wine| is for luuused skins].] § 11. Disciples pluck Ears of Corn on Sabbath. Mt. xii. 1-8 ; Lu. vi. 1-5. 2« And it came to pass, that he ]ou the Sabbath] was passing through the cornfields, and his dis- ciples began to be going forward, pluckinf» the ears of corn. 24 And ]the Pharisees] were say- ing- See 1 why are they doing, on the Sabbath, what is not allowed ? *5 And he saith unto them — Have ye never read, what ]David[ did, when he had ]need] and hungered,— ] he, and they who were with him] : 26 [how] he entered into the house of God, while ]Abiathar] was High-priest, and \thepresence-bread\^ did eat,— which it is not allowed to eat, save unto the priests, — and gave ] unto them also who were with him] ? 2T And he was saying unto them — ]]The Sabbath]] ] for man] was made, and not ]man] for ]]the Sabbath]] : 28 So that the Son of Man is ]]Lord]] |evenof the Sabbath]. § 12. Withered Rand healed on Sabbath. Mt. xii. 9-13; Lu. vi. 6-11. 3 And he entered again into a synagogue, and there-was there, a man having ]his hand] ]] withered]] ; 2 and they were narrowly watching him, whether ]on the Sabbath] he would cure him, ]that they might accuse him]. » And he • NB :' day " = " days." •> 1 S. xxl. 6. MARK III. 4—35; IV. 1—4. 37 saith unto the man who hath |his hand withered] Arise into the midst 1 * and saith unto them — Is it allowed |on the Sabbath| Ijto do good^ or to do evilll ? To ||save|| |lifej, or ||to slay|| ? but they remained silent. 5 And he saith unto the man — Stretch forth thy hand 1 and he stretched it forth, and his hand ]wa3 restored]. 6 And were giving counsel against him, that they should ]destroyi him. § 13. A great Throng besiege him. ' And ]Jesus^ with his disciples] retired unto the sea; and ]a great' throng from Galilee] followed, |also from Judaea, sand from Jerusalem, and from Idumsea, and beyond the Jordan, and around Tyre and Zidou] ]]a groat' throng] | came unto him. " And he spake unto his disciples, that ]a little boat] might attend him, because of the multitude, — that they might not be pressing upon him. '"For he cured ]many], so that they were besieging him, that they might touch him — ]as many as had plagues]; 11 and ]the impure spirits, as soon as they beheld bimj were falling down to him, and crying aloud, |while he was speaking] ]Thoul art the Son of God 1 12 and sternly' was he rebuking them, lest they should make him ]manifest]. § 14. Twelve appointed. Lu. vi. 12-16. (Mt. X. 1^.) 1* And he goeth up into the mountain and calleth near whom |he] pleased, — and they went away unto him; "and he appointed » twelve, whom also he named ]Apostles;, — that they might be with him, and that he might be sending them forth to make proclamation, '^and to have authority to cast out the demons; '6 and he appointed the twelve (and imposed a name on Simon — ) Peter, i' and James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James (and imposed on them a name — Boanerges, that is, sons of thunder) ; is and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphgeus, and Thaddteus, and Simon the zealot ; i9 aud Judas Iseariot, who also delivered him up. § 15. Charged with casting out Demons in Beelzebul. Mt. xii. 22-37 ; Lu. xi. 14-23. And he cometh into a house ; 20 and the'' mul- titude come together again, so that they could not so much as eat Ibread]. 21 And they who • Ml ; " made." "OrCWH): "a." were near to him |hearing of it| went out to secure him, — for they were saying — He is beside himself 1 22 And I the Scribes who from Jerusalem' had come down] were saying — He hath |Beelzebul| ; and — jln the ruler of the demons, casteth he out the demons. 23 And, calling them near, |in parables] began he to say unto them — How can ]Satan] cast jSatan] out? 2* And that kingdom cannot be made to stand ; 25 And the house shall be unable to stand; 26 And he cannot stand, but hath ]an end'. 27 But unless ]first' the mighty one] he bind, aud |then' his house] will he plunder 1 28 [Verily] I say unto you — ]A11 things] shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, — The sins and the profanities wherewithal they shall profane ; 29 But Hath no forgiveness, unto times age- abiding, — But is guilty of ]an age-abiding' sinj : so because they were saying — ■ jAn impure spirit; he hath ! § 16. Wlio are ray Mother and my Brethren ? Mt. xii. 46-50 ; Lu. viii. 19-21. 31 And there come, his mother and his brethren, and, standing ioutsidei they sent unto him, calling him. ^2 And there was sitting around him a multitude, and they say unto him — Lo ! ]]thy mother aud thy brethren] 1 ]out- sidei are seeking thee 1 33 And, answering them, he saith — Who are my mother and my brethren ? 3* And he saith — See ! my mother and my brethren I 35 ]]Whosoever shall do the will of God]] ]the same I is my brother aud sister aud mother." § 17. Parable of the Sower. Mt. xiii. 1-9 ; Lu. viii. 4-8. 4 And ]againl began he to be teaching by the sea ; and there come together unto him a very great multitude, so that ]he, into a boat enter- ing, was sitting upoub the sea, — and |air the multitude' were ]near the sea upon the laudl. 2 Aud he began to teach them, in parables, many tnings,.and was saying unto them^ in his teach- ing— 3 Hearken ! Lo I the sower went forth to sow ; * Aud it came to pass » No article: = "a brother >> Lit : "In." of mine," &c. 88 MARK IV. 5—35. |Some| indeed, fell by the pathway, and the birds came, and devoured it ; 6 And |some| fell on the rocky places, [even] where it had not much earth, — and |straight- way| it sprang forth, by reason of its not having depth of earth; ^and | when the sun arosol it was scorched, — and it was dried up ; 1 And Isoraej fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and |fruitl it yielded not ; 8 And jother[ fell into the good ground, and wa;s jielding fruit, coming up and growing, — and was bearing, thirtyfold and sixty- fold and a hundredfold, » And he was saying — |H6 that hath ears to hear| let him hear 1 § 18. Wherefore in Parables 1 TJie Sower explained. Mt. xiii. 10-23; Lu. viii. 9-15. K- And |when he was alone| they who were about him with the twelve, questioned him, as to the parables ; n and he was saying unto them— ||To you 1 1 the sacred secret hath been given, of the kingdom of God, whereas ||to them who are outside|| |in parables] are aU things coming to pass, — that u They may \surely look\ and yet not .see. And \surely hear\ and yet not understand, Lest once they should return^ and it he forgiven them.^ IS And he saith unto them — Know ye not |this| parable ? How then will ye get to know |air the parables! ? 1* ||The sower|| soweth [the word | ; 15 And |these| are they beside the pathway, where the word is sown, — and |as soon as they hear, straightway| cometh Satan, and suatcheth away the word which hath been sown intob them ; w And |these| are likewise they |upon the rocky places] sown, — who ]as soon as they hear the word, straightway, with joy] receive it, i'' and have no root in themselves, but ]only for a season] are, — [afterwards] ] straightway] they find cause of stumbling; « And jothersj are they who ]among thorns| are sown, — ]these] are they ]who hear the wordi, 19 and |lthe anxieties of the age," and the deceit of wealth, and the eovet- ings about the remaining' things]] ]en- tering in] choke up the word, and jun- fruitful] it becometh ; JO And ]those yonder] are they who ]on the good ground) are sown, — who, indeed, hear the word, and accept it, and bear fruit — thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold. § 19. The Lamp and the Measure, Hear. Lk. viii. 16-18. How to • Is. tI. 9 f . * Or: "among.' 1 Ap : " Age.' 21 And he was saying unto them — Doththelamp'' come, that ]underthe measure] it should be put, or under the couch ? Is it not that ]upon the lampstand] it may be put? 2^ For it is not hidden,'' save that it may be made visible; neither did it get hidden away, but that it might come into a place where it could be seeu.<= 2' let him hear. 2* And he was saying unto them — Be taking heed, whafi ye are hearing: — it shall be measured unto you, and added unto you« ; 25 For jhethat hath] it shall be given ]]unto himj]. And I he that hath not] ]]even what he hath|| shall be taken from him.' § 20. First the Blade. 26 And he was saying — ]]Thus]] is the kingdom of God: As ]a man' may east seed upon the earth, •''and b© sleeping and rising, night and day, — and ]the seed] be sprouting, and lengthening itself,— ]how] ]|hel] knoweth not: ■■!8]iOf it- self]] the earth beareth fruit,— jfirst] a blade, |afterwards| an ear, lafter that] full' corn in the ear; '^^but |]as soon as the fruit yieldeth itself up] ] jstraightwayj he sendeth forth the sickle, hecau.se standing by is the harvest.^ § 21. The Grain of Mustard Seed. Mt. xili. 31, 32; Lu. xiii. 18, 19. *" And he was saying — How shall we liken the kingdom of God, or |in what' parable] shall we put lit] ? 31 As a grain of mustard seed, — which i whenso- ever it may be sown upon the earth] is less than all the seeds that are upon the earth; »2 and ]as soon as it is sowni springeth up, and becometh greater than all' garden plants, and produeeth large branches, so that \under the shade thereof \ the birds of heaven can find shelter.^ 33 And was he speaking unto them the word, — according as they were able to hear; s^but Iwithout a parable] was he not speaking unto them,— ]privately| however, junto his own' disciples] was he explaining all things. § 22. A Storm rebuked. Mt. viii. 23-27 ; Lu. viii. 22-25. 35 And he saith unto them Let us cross over unto the other side; • Mt. V. 15: Lu. vlil. 16; xl. ' Mt. vil 2; Lu. vi. 38. as t Mt XXV. 29 ; Lu. xlx. 26. '>Or(WH): 'For nothing s Joel Hi. 13. is hidden." "Dun. Iv. 12, 21 (Chald.); c Mt. X. 26; Lu. zll.2. Eze. xvll. 23. <> Or: "how." MARK IV. 36-41; V. 1—35. 89 M and Idismissing the inultitude| they take him with them^ as he was^ in the boat, and |other' boats] were with him. s'And there ariseth a great tempest of wind, — and |the waves] were dashing over into the boat, so that |already being filled j was the boat. 3* And \he\ was in the stern ]on the cushion] sleeping. And they arouse him^ and say unto him, Teacher ! carest thou not that we perish ? »9 And 1 roused up] he rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea — Hush ! be still ! and the wind lulled, and it became a great calm. *o Ajid he said unto them — ]Whyl are ye ifearfulj ? ]Not yet] have ye faith ? " And they were caused to fear a great fear, and were sayiug one to another — Who then is jthis], that ]both the wind and the sea] give ear unto him ? § 23. A Demoniac delivered. Mt. viii. 28-34 ; Lu. viii. 26-39. 5 And they came unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes. 2 And < when he went forth out of the boat> [straightway] there met him- ]from amongst the tombsj a man^ in a an impure spirit: =* who had ]his dwelling] among the tombs, and ]not even with a chain^ any longer] was anyone able to bind him, — * because of his having been | many times, with fetters and chaius] bound, and the chains having been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters smashed, and no one was mighty enough to tame him ; ^ and was he ci'ying aloud, and cutting himself in pieces with stones. 6 And he ran and bowed down to him ; ^ and ]crying out with a loud voice] saith — What have I in common Avith thee,'' Jesus, Son of God Most High ? I adjure thee by God, — Do not torment me 1 8 For he was saying to him— Go forth thou impure spirit, out of the man; 9 and he svas questioning him — Wbat is thy name ? and he saith to him — ILegiouj is my name, because we are |many] ; 10 and he was beseeching him much, that he would not send them forth outside the country. 11 Now there was there, near the mountain, a large herd of swine, feeding; i'^ and they besought him, saying — Send us into the swine, that ]into them] we may enter; 18 and he suffered them. And the impure spirits Igoingout] entered into the swine, and the herd rushed down the cliff into the sea, about two thousand, and were choked in the sea. '* And ithey who had been feeding them] fled, and bare tidings into the city and into the fields,— and they came to see what it was that had happened. 15 And they come unto Jesus, and view the de- « Cp. chap. 1. 23, n. " Ml : " What to nie and to thee ? " monized man, clothed and of sound mind, |him who had had the legion], — and they were struck with fear. •' And the beholders narrated to them, how it happened to the demonized man^ and concerning the swine, i' And they began to beseech him, to dei>art from their bounds. 18 And he who had been demonized was beseeching him, that I with him I he might be. i9 And he suffered him not, but saith unto him — Withdraw into thy house, unto thine own, and bear tidings unto them, how many things the Lord for thee hath done, and hath had mercy on thee. 20 And he departed, and began proclaiming, in the Decapolis,how many things Jesus had done for him, — and ]all| were marvelling. § 24. Daughter of Jairus raised, and Woman with Flow of Blood cured. Mt. ix. 18-26; Lu. viii. 41-56. 21 And there was gathered a large multitude unto him, and he was by the lake. 22 And there cometh one of the synagogue-rulers^ by name Jairus, and, seeing him, falleth at his feet, 23 and beseecheth him much, saying — My little daughter is at her last ! — that, coming, thou wouldest lay thy hands upon her, that she may be made well, and live ; 2* and he departed with him. And there was following him a large multitude, and they were pressing upon him. 25 And |]a woman]] 27| hearing the things about Jesus] came in the crowd from behind, and touched his mantle ; 28 for she was saying — I shall be made well ; 29 and ]straightway] the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she knew, in her body, that she was healed from the plague. 3o ^^^^ [straightway] Jesus |turning round in the crowd] was saying — Who hath touched my garments ? 31 and his disciples were saying to him — Thou seestthe crowd pressing upon thee, — and saye'^t thou— Who hath touched me ? 32 and he was looking round to see her who |this' thing had done]. 33 And ]|the woman|| came, and fell down before him, and told him all' the truth. 34 And ]he| said to her — Daughter! ]thy faith] hath made thee well; Withdraw into peace. And be whole from thy plague. 35 they come from the synagogue-ruler's, saying — ]Thy daughter] is dead ! Why Ifurther] annoy the teacher ? 40 MARK V. 36—43; VI. 1—25. w But ||Je8us|| |overheariug the word being 8pokeu| saith unto the syuagogue-ruler — Do uot fear, only have faith ! MAnd he suffered no one to follow |with him|, save Peter and James and John the brother of James. ^s And they come into the houSeof the synagogue-ruler, and he observeth a tumult^ and persons weeping and wailing greatly; " and^ eatering^ he saith unto them — Why are ye making a tumult, and weeping? |The child| is ||notdead||, but ||issleeping|| ; *> and they were deriding him. But |he| thrust- ing all forth^ taketh with him the father of the child^ and the mother, and them who were with him, — and eutereth where the child was ; ^i and he saith unto her — Talitha, koum 1 which is^ when translated — O damsel 1 |to thee| I say. Arise 1 ** And 1 1 straight way 1 1 the damsel arose, and was walking about; for she was twelve years of age. And they were beside themselves^ straightway^ with a great transport ; *'^ and he commanded them, again and again, that |no one| should get to know this thing, — and bade that food should be given her to eat. § 25. Cause of Stumbling found in the Carpenter's Son. Mt. xiii. 53-58 ; cp. Jn. vi. 42. 6 And he went forth from thence, and cometh into his own city, — and his disciples follow him. * And I when it was Sabbath | he began to be teaching in the synagogue, and ||the greater partjl |as they heard | were being struck with astonishment, saying — Whence hath this man these things ? — and — What the wisdom which hath been given to this man ?— and — ||Such mighty works as these|| |through his haudsj are coming to pass 1 • Is not |this| the carpenter ? the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon ? And are not his sisters here with us ? — and they were finding cause of stumbling in him. * And Jesus was saying uuto them — A prophet is not without honour, |save in his own city, and among his kinsfolk, and in his house| a; • and he could not |there| do, so much as a single' mighty work, — save jou a few' sick| he laid his hands, and cured them. « And he marvelled,*' because of their unbelief. § 26. The Tioelve -ent forth. Mt. x. ; Lu. ix. i-6, 10, 11. And he was going round the villages, in a circuit, teaching. ' And he calleth near the twelve, and began to be sending them' forth, two and two, — and was giving them authority over the impure spirits : » and charged them that they should take |nothing| for a journey, • Lu. Iv. 24 ; Jn. Iv. 44. »Or (WH): veiling." 'he was mar- save a staff only, — no bread, no satchel, no copper I for the belt| ; * but having bound on light sandals, and not to put on jtwo' tunics| ; 10 and he was sayiug unto them — |there| abide, until ye go forth from thence; 11 And |wheii ye are going forth from thencej shake off the dust that is under your feet |for a witness against them|. 12 And they went forth, and made proclamation, in order that men should repent; i* and [many demousi were they casting out, — and were anointing with oil |many' sick], and were curing them. § 27. John the Immerser beheaded. Mt. xiv. 1-12; Lu. ix. 7-9. 1* And King Herod heard, — for |famo\iS|- had become his name; and he was saying — John the Immerser] hath arisen from among the dead, and |for this cause| ate the powers working mightily in him; 15 But |others| were sayiug — It is |Elijah|, and I others I were saying— A prophet, like one of the prophets 1 16 But |when Herod heardj he was saying — lIKe whom I' beheaded — John|| |the same| hath been raised. 1^ For I Herod himself '| had sent and secured John,and bound him in prison, "^ for the sake of •> Horodias the wife of Philip his brother, — for |her| <= had he married, is Yot John had been saying to Herod — |It is not allowed thee| to have ||the wife of thy brother||. 19 And |Herodias| was cherishing [a grudge] against him, and wishing |to slay' him|, — and could not; ^o for |Herod| stood in fear of John, knowing him to be a man righteous and holy, — and was keeping him .safe ; and |when he heard him I he paid earnest heed, and |with pleasure] used to listen to him. 21 And 22 ]when the daughter of this very' Herodias came in and danced] she pleased Herod and those reclining together, and |the king] said unto the damsel — and I will give it thee; 2S and he took an oath to her — I will give thee ]unto half my kingdom]. 2* And jgoing out] she said unto her mother — What shall I ask ? and she said — i]The head of John the Immerser] | ; 25 And she asked, saying — I desire, that |forthwith| thou give me. • Lu. 111. 19, 20. i> Or : " because of.' " Her ! " — hia brother's wife 1 Note the empbaslfl. MARK VI. 26—56; VII. 1—6. 41 upon a charger, ||tho head of John the Immerser||. -6 And yet he would not refuse her. 27 And the king <|straightway| sending off a guard > gave orders to bring his head. 28 And_ departing^ he beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head upon a charger^ and gave it unto the damsel, — and |the damsel| gave it unto her mother. 29 And^ ||hearing of it|| |his disciples| went^ and took away his corpse, and laid it in a tomb. §28. Five Thousand fed. Mt. xiv. 13-21 ; Lu. ix. 10-17 ; Jn. vi. 1-13: cp. ch. viii. 1 ff. '0 And the apostles gather themselves together unto Jesus, and reported nnto him all things^ as many as they had done^ and as many as they had taught. 3i And he saitli unto them — Come |ye yourselves| apart^ into a desert place, and rest yourselves a little. For they who were coming and they who were going |were many|, and Inot even to eat| were they finding fitting oppc.tunity. 32 And they departed^ in the boat^ into a desert place |apart|. ss And many saw them going away^ and took note of it, and |afoot^ from all the cities] ran they together thither, — and outwent them. 34 And, coming forth, he saw |a great' multitudel and was moved with compassion towards them, because they were like sheep having no shepherd,"- and he began to be teaching them many things. 35 his disciples came unto him and were saying |A deserti is the place, and it is |already| a late hour: s" dismiss them, that [departing into the surrounding' hamlets and villages| they may buy themselves something to eat. '7 But |he| answering said to them — ||Ye|| Igivethem] to eat. And they say unto him — Shall we depart, and buy two' hundred' denaries' worth of loaves, and give them to eat? 38 And |he| saith unto them — I How many loaves | have ye ? Go, see 1 And, getting to know, they say — Five, and |two' fishes] . 39 And he gave them orders, that all should be made recline |in parties], upon |the green' grass]. ^oAnd they fell back jin companies], by hundreds and by fifties. *' And jlooking up into heaven] he blessed, and brake up the loaves, and began giving unto the disciples, that they might set before them, and | the two' fishes] divided he |unto allj. ■'2 And they did all eat, and were filled. *3 And they took up broken pieces, twelve' baskets ifuU measure], and from the fishes. ■*'' And they who did eat the loaves were |flve thousand' mem. • Nu. xxvil. 17; Eze. xsxlv. 5. § 29. Jesus walketh upon the Lake. Mt. xiv. 22-36 ; Jn. vi. 16-21. *5 And ]straightway| constrained he his disciples^ to enter into the boat, and bo going forward to theother side, unto Bothsaida,— while ]he] was dismissing the multitude. ^s And, bidding them farewell, he departed into the mountain to {)ray. « And the boat was in the midst of the sea, and ]he, alone| on the land. ■'8 And ]about the fourth' watch of the night] he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea,— and was wishing to pass by them. *^ But ]they] supposed that it was ]au apparition], a and cried out aloud ; so for |all| saw him, and were troubled. But |he straightway] talked with them, and saith unto them — Take courage ! it is ]I], — be not afraid ! *i And he went up unto them, into the boat, — and the wind lulled. And ]exceedingly, within themselves] were they astonished; 52 for they understood not by the loaves, — but their ]heart| had been ] hardened]. § 30. Jesus in Gennesaret. S3 And crossing over unto the land |they came unto Gennesaret, and cast anchor near. »* And [straightway] recognizing him, ^5 the people ran round the whole' of that country, and began to be carrying round [upon couches, them who were sick| ]]v. herever they heard that he was||. 56 And ]in the market- places] laid they the sick, and were beseeching him, that ]only the fringe of his mantle] they might touch, and ]as many soever as touched it] were being made well. § 31. Eating with Unwashed Hands. Mt. xv. 1-20. 7 And the Pharisees and certain of the Scribes who have come from Jerusalem gather them- selves together unto him ; 2 and 3 tor [the Pharisees, and all' the Jews| |]unless with care they wash their hands] [ eat not, hold- ing fast the tradition of the elders ; *and coming from market, [unless they sprinkle themselves *> they eat not, — and |many other things] there are, which they have accepted to hold fast, — immersions of cups and measures and copper vessels ^ and so the Pharisees and the Scribes [question! him — For what cause do thy disciples not walk ac- cording to the tradition of the elders, but [with defiled' hands] eat bread ? 6 But |he| said unto them — ' Qr : phantasma. Or (WH) : themselves.' 42 MARK VII. 7—37; VIII. 1—3. [Weill prophesied Isaiah concerning you^ ye hypocrites, as it is written — \\This' people\\ [witlt tlie lips\ do \honour\ me, While \\their heart\\ \far off\ holdelh from me, — ' But \in vain\ do they pay devotions unto me. Teaching \for teachings\ \\the command- ments of me7i\\ :•' 8 ye jholJ fast| the tradition |of raen|. 9 And he was saying to them — |Well| do ye set aside the commandment of God, that lyour own tradition | ye may observe ; w I'or I Moses I said — Honour thy father and thy mother,^ and — \\He that revileth father or mother\\ let him \surely die\, — '^ u But |ye| say— u |no louger| do ye suffer him to do |aught| for his father or his mother, — '3 cancelling the word of God^ by your tradition which ye have delivered. And ||many such similar things|| are ye doing ! " And [again calling near the multitude| he was saying unto them— Hearken to me, all 1 and understand : « |Nothiug| is there, |from without the manj entering into him, which can defile him ; But are the things that defile the man. ['^J'^ w And his disciples began to question him as to the parable; is And he saith unto them — ||Thusl| are |ye also| without discernment ? Perceive ye not, that can defile' him ; '^ because it entereth not into his |heart|, but into his |stomach|, and |into the draught! f is passed— 1| purifying all' foodsll? *> And he was saying — |lthat|| defileth the man ; M For |the base designs] come forth, — fornica- tions, thefts, '■^'^ murders, adulteries, covet- ousnosses, knaveries, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, profane speaking, foolishness, — «3||all' those' wicked things] ] from within] come forth, and defile ]]the man]]. • I9. xxix. 13. He. V. 1. » Exo. XX. 12: Deu. v. 16. • WH omit ver. 16. • Exo. xxl. 17. ' Or : ' Sewer." "> Lev. 1. 2 ; Eze. xl. 43 ; cp. § 32. Canaanite Woman's Daughter healed. Mt. XV. 21-28. 2* And ]from thence arising] he departed into the bounds of Tyre [and Zidon]. And jentering into a house] he was wishing ]no one] to know it, and yet could not escape notice, — ^s but ]straightway| she came and fell down at his feet. ^6 Now |thewoman| was a Grecian, a Byrophoenician by race, — and she was requesting him that ]the demon] he would cast forth out of her daughter. ^^ And he was saying to her — Suffer ]]the children]] ]first] to be fed; for it is not seemly to take the bread of the chil- dren, and ]unto the little dogs] to cast it; -8 but she answered and saith to him — Yea, Lord ! and yet ]the little dogs, under the table] do eat of the crumbs of the children ; 29 and he said to her — [Because of this' word] go thy way, ]] the de- mon hath gone forth out uf thy daughter]] ; so and, departing unto her house, she found the child laid prostrate on the couch, and the demon gone forth. § 33. A Deaf Stammerer healed. *i And he came unto the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the bounds of Decapolis. ^^ And they bring to him one deaf and stammering, and beseech him that he would lay upon him his hand. ^s And he thrust his fingers into his ears, and, spitting, touched his tongue; s*and ]looking up into the heaven] sighed deeply, and saith unto him — Ephphatha 1 that is. Be opened ! 85 and his ears opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, — and he was speaking correctly. 36 And he charged them that they should be tell- ing ]no one], — but ||they]| ]exceeding more abun- dantly] were making proclamation. ^7 Aud |superabundantly] were they being struck with astonishment, saying — |]Welll] hath he |all things] done,— Both [the deaf] he causeth to hear, and jthe dumb] to speak. § 34. Four Thousand fed. Mt. xv. 29-38: cp. ch. vi. 32, etc. 8 leaning near the disciples] he saith unto them — 2 I am moved with compassion towards the multitude, because [already' three days] abide they with me, and they have nothing to eat; "^and they will be exhausted in the way, — and [certain of them[ are [from afar|. MARK Vlll. 4—35. 43 * And his disciples answered him — Whence shall anyone be able |here| to fill j|these|| with bread |in a desert] ? S And he was questioning them — ■ |How| many |loaves| have ye ? and I they I said — Seven. 1 And he seudoth word to the multitude^ to fall back upon the ground. And ho brake, and was giving unto his disciples^ that they might be setting before them ; and thoy sot before the multitude. ' And thoy had a few small fishes; and (blessing them| he bade them set |thuse alsoj before them. 8 And they did eat, and were filled, and took up remainders of broken pieces |seven' hami3ers|. » Now they were about four thousand ; and he dismissed them. § 35. A Sign refused. Mt. xvi. 1-4 : cp. Mt. xii. 38-40 ; Lu. xii. 54-56. 10 And < I straightway I entering into the boat with his disciples> he came into the parts of Dalmanutha; " and forth came the Pharisees, and began discussing with him, seeking of him |a sign from the heaven| testing him. i'^ And jdeeply sighing in his spiritj he saith— |Why| doth this generation seek |a sign) ? |Verily| I say — There snail ||not be given] | »■ to this generation |a sign I . § 36. Beware of the Leaven. Mt. xvi. 5-12. IS And <]eaving them^ lagain] embarking> he departed unto the other side. '* And they forgot to take loaves, and |save one' loaf | they had nothing with them in the boat. 1= And he began charging them, saying — Mind ! beware of the leaven of the Pharisees,*' and of the leaven of Herod ! M And they began deliberating one with another, because they had ng (loaves! . i7 And |takiiig note| he saith unto them — Why do ye deliberate, because ye have no (loaves!? (Not yet( perceive ye, neither understand, — Keep ye your hearts ((hardened(( ? 18 \Eyes\ having, see ye not? And \ears\ having, hear ye not?" And remember ye not i9 how many baskets, full (of broken pi6ces( ye took up ? They say unto him — Twelve, — *<• how many hampers (fullmeasure( of broken pieces, ye took up ? And they say unto him — Seven. And he was saying unto them — " (Not yet( do ye understand ? •Ml: "If there shall he givf n "'—a well known Helx form of assevera- tion. » Lu. xii. 1. • Jer. V. 21 ; Eze. xlL 2, § 37. Blind Man by Degrees recovers Sight. 22 And they come into Bethsaida. And they bring unto him one blind, and beseech him that him, he would touch. 23 And he brought him forth outside the village, and ho was asking him — Anything, seest thou ? 2* and (looking up( he was saying — I see men, because ((like trees (] I behold them walking 1 25 (Then again( put ho his hands upon his eyes, and he saw clearly, and was restored, and was seeing distinctly (in broad sple.ndour( ((all things together ((.a 26 And he sent him away unto his house, saying — (Not even into the village( mayest thou enter. § 38. Peter confesses Jesus to he the Christ. Mt. xvi. 13-20 ; Lu. ix. 18-21. 27 And forth went Jesus and his disciples, into the villages of Cassarea of Philip. And I in the way( he was questioning his disciples, saying unto them — ((Who(( are men saying that I am ? 28 And they answered him, saying — John the Immerser, and |others( Elijah,— and (others( One of the prophets. 29 And (he( went on to question them — But (who( say ((ye[( that I am ? Peter (answering( saith unto him — (Thou( art (Ithe Christj'. 30 And he straitly charged them, that (no one| they should tell, concerning him. § 39. The Needs Be of the Cross. Mt. xvi. 21-28 ; Lu. ix. 22-27 : cp. Lu. xxiv. 6. 31 And he began to be teaching them — The Son of Man (must needs suffer many things(, and be rejected by the Elders and the High-priests and the Scribes, — and be slain; and (after three' days ( ((arise|(. 32 And (opeuly( was he speaking the word. And Peter (taking him aside( began to rebuke him. 33 But |he( rebuked Peter, and saith — Withdraw behind me, Satan ! because thou art not regarding the things (of (jod( but the things ((ofmen((. 3* And he said unto them — let him deny himself,and take up his cross, and be following me. 35 For to save> shall lose it, But shaU save it;o • Wonderfully graphic de- scription ! ' Com : " soul." Ln. zvU. S3: 44 MARK VIII. 36—38 ; IX. 1—30. S6 For |what doth it profit a man| ||to gain ttie whole worlds and be made to forfeit his lif e| | ? w For what can a man |give| || in exchange for hisUfell? 88 For | the Sou of Man also | will be ashamed i|of him||, whensoever he shall come^ in the glory of his Father, with the holy messengers.'' O And he was saying to them : |Verily| I say unto you — There |are| certain |of those here standing|, who shall in nowise taste of death, until they see the kingdom of God^ |aLready come in power|. § 40. The Transforination : Elijah : Sufferings. Mt. xvii. 1-13 ; Lu. ix. 28-36 ; cp. 2 P. i. 16-18. 2 And |after six days] Jesus taketh with him Peter and James and John, and bringeth them up into a high mountain ||apart^ alone] |, — and he was transformed before them; 3 and |hi3 garments! became brilliant^ |exceediDg white| llsuchas |nofuller on the earth] is able jso] to whiten] j.b * And there appeared unto them, Elijah, with Jtfoses, — and they were conversing with Jesus. * And Peter |answering| saith unto Jesus — Eabbi 1 it is ]delightful| for us to be ]here|, — let us therefore make three' tents, ]forthee| one^and ]for Moses] one, and jfor Elijah] one; 6 for he knew not what he should answer, for I greatly affrighted] had they become. 'And there came<= a cloud, overshadowing them, and there came <= a voice, out of the cloud, — [This] is ]]my Son, the Beloved II, d Be hearkening unto him. 8 And |suddenly' looking round], ||nolonger|| saw they lanyone] with them, save | Jesus only]. 8 And he ch.irged them, that ]]untonoone|| they should narrate |what they had seen], save whenever the Sou of Man ]from among the dead should arise], w And |the word] they held fast unto themselves,discussing what was ]the rising from among the dead]. " And they began to question him, saying — The Scribes ]say| that ]Elijah| must needs come ]flrst] ? 12 And |he| said unto them — \\Elijah\\ indeed, |coming first] \\restoreth all things\\ f And yet, how is it written, regarding b the Son of Man, that |many things] he must suffer, and bo set at nought ? IS But I say unto you — |Elijah also] hath come, And they have done with him |whatso- ever they pleased], — 1 1 According as it is written regarding e him j ] . • Op. Mt. X 33; Lu. xli. 9. •> Note the full and graphic style. « Ml . "eame to be." d 2 P. 1. 17; Mt. iii. 17; Lu. ill. 2?. «Or(WH>: "from." ' Mai. iv. 5 f. B Or : " for"— nsif prescrib- liiK Ills course. § 41. Jesvs cures One whoTti the Disciples could not cure. Mt. xvii. 14^21 ; Lu. ix. 37-42. 1* And looming unto the disciples] they saw a large multitude around them, and Scribes dis- cussing with them. i^ And | straightway' all' the multitude, seeing him| were greatly amazed, and |ruuuiugnear] began saluting him. 16 And he questioned them — What are ye discussing with them ? IT And one out of the multitude answered him — Teacher ! I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit; '** and itteareth him, and he foameth, and griudeth his teeth, and weareth himself out ; — and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast it out, and they could not. 1" But ]he| answering, saith— faithless generation ! how long ]shall I be with you] ? how long | shall I bear with you] ? Bring him unto me I 20 And they brought him unto him. And ||seeinghim|| |thespirit| straightway'tarehim, — and ]falling upon the ground] he wallowed, foaming. 21 And he questioned his father — jHow long a time] is it, that |this| hath befallen him ? and he said — From childhood ; 22 and |many times] hath it cast him |both into fire] and into waters, that it might destroy him ; But help us, ]having compassion upon us]. 23 And ] Jesus] said unto him — As for this, |A11 things] are possible jto him who hath faith]. 2* ]Straightway crying out] the father of the child was saying— 1 have faith 1 help my |want] of faith. 25 And Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it — Thou dumb' and deaf spirit! ]]I|]'' give orders unto thee : Come forth out of him, and do not ]any more] enter into him. 26 And it came forth ; and he became as if dead, so that |the more part] were saying — He is dead I 27 But ]] Jesus]] ]grasping his hand] raised him, and he stood up. 28 And ]|when he had gone into a house]] ]his disciples, privately] were questioning him — IWhyl wore ] |we] | not able to cast it out ? 29 And he said unto them — ]This' kind] ]]by nothing]] can come out, save ]by prayer]. b § 42. Jesv£ iv.'iiructs hit Disciples as to his Sufferings. Mt. xvii. 22, 23; Lu. ix. 43-45. 30 And ]from thence] going forth, they were journeying through Galilee,— and he was not • Note the emphasis. >> As 8 notable rejected rpading WH add: "and fasting." MARK IX. 31—50; X. 1—14. 45 wishing that any should get to know it ; si for he was teaching his disciples and saying [unto them] ||The Son of Man|| is to bo delivered up |into the hands of mon|, and they will slay him,^ and |being slain| |after three' days^ will he arise|. 32 But they were not understanding the declara- tion, and feared |to question! him. § 43. How to he Great. Mt. xviii. 1-5 ; Lu. ix. 46-48. 83 And they came into Capernaum. And he was questioning them — ||What|| |in the way| were ye discussing ? ** And they were silent; for |with one another | they had discussed in the way, || who should he greatest||. S5 And |ttikiug a seat| he addressed the twelve, and saith unto them — He shall be |least of all|. And ] minister of all |.^ 8« And Itaking a childl he set it in the midst of them, — and [folding it in his arms| said unto them— 8T Whosoever junto [one of] these' children] shall give welcome^ [upon my name|> |unto me| giveth welcome ; And not |unto me| giveth welcome, but |unto him that sent mel." § 44. Forbid him not : Value of Small Services : Mt. X. 42. Cause none to stumble: Mt. xviii. 6; Lu. xvii. 2. Be not caused to stumble : Mt. V. 30 ; xviii. 8. "8 John said unto him — Teacher 1 we saw someone |in thy name| ||casting out demons] |, — and we forbade him, because he was not following with us. •9 But [Jesus I said — Do not forbid him ! For I no one| is there^ who shall do a work of power in my name, and have power |soon| llto revile me|| ; ** For is |for| us; *i For Yerily 1 I say unto you — |Iu nowise| shall lose his reward. ** And It is |seemly| for him, rather, if there is hung a large millstone about his neck, and he is cast into the sea. ** And cut it off, — It is |seemly| for thee, |maimed| to enter into life. Rather than having |the two' hands] to de- part into the gehenna, jinto the fire that is not quer>ched| ; [**] c • Chap X. 43. "> Mt. X. 4U ; Jn. xlil. 20. WH omit. *5 And Cut it off,— It [is |seemly| for thee to enter into life* lllamell, Rather than having |the two' feetj to be cast into the gehenna ; (''o] b *7 And Thrust it out, — It is |seemly| for thee, ||oue-eyed|| toenter into the kingdom of God,"* Rather than having |two' eyes] to be cast into gehenna, — *8 Where \their worm\ dieth not, And \t]ie Jire\ is not quenched,'^ <9 For ||everyone|| |with flre| shall be salted. 60 Salt is |good|; but wherewith will ye |preparu| it?d Have Iwithiu yourselves| ||salt||, and be at peace |one with another]. § 45. Concerning Divorce. Mt. xix. 1-12. lO And [from thence] arising, he eometh into the bounds of Judaea and beyond the Jordan, — • and there come together again, multitudes unto him, and ]]as he had been wont]] jagain] was he teaching them. '■^ And Pharisees coming near were" questioning him — Whether it is allowed a husband jto divorce a wife], testing him. » But |he| answering, said unto them — What unto you' did jMoses] command ? * And Ithey] said — Moses permitted, to write \a roll of dismissa2\, and to divorce.^ 5 But ]Jesus| said unto them — |In view of your hardness of heart] wrote he for you this commandment; 6 But \Male and female] made he [themr\ ;g ' \For this cav,se\ shall a man leave behind his father and mother, ^and \the tu)o\ shall become \one flesh\ ; ^ so that jno longer] are they two, but ]one' flesh]. 9 let ]a man] not put asunder. 1" And <[coming] into the house again> the ]dis- ciples, concerning this] were questioning him; 11 and he saith unto them — committeth adultery against her; 12 And she committeth adultery.' § 46. Children brought to Jes^is. Mt. xix. 13-15 ; Lu. xviii. -E-17. 13 And they were bringing unto him children, that he might ]touch] them, — ]the disciples] however^ were rebuking them. i* But Jesus ]seeingit| was greatly displeased, and said unto them — Suffer the children to come unto me, — do not hinder them ; For ]of such] is the kingdom of God. "NB: "Life" and "the kinRdiim" synonymous, entrance future. » Omitted by WH. Is. Ixvi. 24. d Mt. V. 13 ; Lu. xiv. 34. « Or simply (WH): " they were." ' Deu. xxiv. 1. e Gen. i. 27. •> Gen. ii. 24. ' Mt. V. 32 ; Lu. xvl. 18. And 46 MARK X. 15—43. 16 |Verily| I say unto you — < Whosoever shall not welcome the king- dom of God |as a child|> in nowise shall enter thereinto. 18 And [folding them in his arms| he was blessing them, having laid his hands upon them. § 47. A Rich Ruler. " WE have left all." Mt. xix. 16-22 ; Lu. xviii. 18-30. w And jone^ running, and kneeling before him] was question- ing him — Good Teacher 1 what shall I do that |lif6 age- abiding, I may inherit]? 18 And !Jesus| said unto him — Why callest thou me |good|? |None| is good |save one|— ||God||. » |The commandments| thou knowest, — Do not commit murder^ Bo not com,m.it adultery. Do not steal ; Do not bear false witness^ Do not defraud, Honour thy father and mother."' «> And |he| said unto him— Teacher ! ||all these things] | have I kept |from my youth] . n An d ]]Jesus]] [looking at him] loved him, and said unto him — []One thing]] unto thee ] is wanting] ;— Withdraw! ] whatsoever thou hast] sell, and give unto [the] destitute, — And thou shalt have treasure in heaven ; And come ! be following me. «* And l]he]] ]becoming gloomy because of the word] departed sorrowing, for he was holding |many possessions]. ^^ ^.m! [looking around] Jesus saith unto his disciples — [[With what difficulty]] shall [they who have money [ enter [into the kingdom of God[ 1 M And [the disciples[ were in amazement, because of the words. But [Jesus[ | [again' answer- ing| ] saith unto them — Children 1 ]how difficult] it is, to enter [into the kingdom of God[ ! «B It is [easier[ for a camel [through the eye of a needle] to pass, than for ]]a rich man[[ [into the kingdom of God] to enter. M And ]they] were being exceedingly struck with astonishment, saying unto him — [[Who[[ then, can [be saved [? " IJLookingatthem]] Jesus saith — ]With men] impossible, but not ]with God]; for \\allthings\i ar, possible \vnth God\.^ *8 Peter began to be saying unto him — Lol ]]we]] have left all, and followed thee I » Jesus said — [Verily] I say unto you — There is ]no one] [for the sake of me and [for the sake of] the glad-message] M ] [ who shall not receive a hundredf old,now. • Exo. XI. 12-16; Deu. v. 16-20. "Gen xvill. 14; Job xlll. 2; Zech. TU1.6(Sep.). in this season[[ and ]in theage thatiscomingi ][lifeage-abiding[l. SI But [many] shall be — First-last, and [the] Last-first. § 48. Jesus foretells his Sufferings. Mt. xx. 17-19; Lu. xviii. 31-34. 32 Now they were in the way, going up unto Jerusalem, and Jesus was going on before them, — and they were in amazement ; and [they who followed [ wore in fear. And he began to be saying unto them, [as to the things about to befall him]— »3 Lo ! we are going up unto Jerusalem ; And ]th6 Son of Man] will be delivered up^ unto the Chief-priests and the Scribes, — And they will condemn him to death, And deliver him up unto the nations; ^ And they will mock him, and spit upon him, and scourge him, and ]slay] ; — And ]after three' days] will he ]arise]. § 49. Request of Zebedee's Sons. Mt. xx. 20-28. *5 And there come near unto him, James and John, the [two'] sons of Zebedee, — saying unto him — Teacher 1 we desire. That ] whatsoever we shall ask thee] thou wilt do for us. S6 But ]he] said unto them — What desire ye, I should do for you ? s' And [they] said unto him — Grant us, that we may sit, in thy glory. *8 But ]Jesus] said unto them — Ye know not what ye are asking : Are ye able to drink the cup that ]I] am to drink ? Or to be immersed ]with the immersion wherewith ]|I|] am to be immersed]? 39 And ]they] said unto him — We are able. And ] Jesus] said unto them — ye shall drink, And shall ye be immersed ; *" But is not mine to give, Hexcept unto them for whom it hath been prepared]]. « And the ten ] hearing] began to be sorely dis- pleased, concerning James and John. *'^ And Jesus ]calling them near] saith unto them — Ye know that [they who think to rule the nations] lord it over them, And [their great ones] wield authority over them ; « But ]not so] it is ]]among you]]. But shall be [your minister], • Or (WH) : " mother." MARK X. 44—52; XI. 1—23. 47 ** And shall be |servaiit of all"; *5 For ||eveu tlie Sou of Mau|| came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, — and to give his life ]a ransom instead of many|. § 50. Blind Bar-'KniOua 7-ecovers Sight. Mt. XX. 29-34 ; Lu. xviii. 35-43. *•> And they come into Jericho. And |the son of Timaeus^ blind Bar-Timaeus, a beggar], was sitting beside the road. "And he bogau to be crying aloud^ and saying— Son of David ! Jesus ! have mercy on me. *8 And many were rebuking him^ that he might hold his peace; but |he| ||so much the more|| was crying aloud— O Sou of David ! have mercy on me. *9 And |coming to a standi Jesus said — Call him 1 And they call the blind man, saying unto him — Take courage ! rise ! he calleth thee 1 50 And |he| _ came unto Jesus. si And [answering him| Jesus said — What desirest thou, I should do for thee ? And ]the blind raan| said unto him — Rabboui ! that I may recover sight. 62 And |Jesus] said unto him — • Go thy way ! |thy faith | hath saved thee. And |straightway| he recovered sight, and was following him in the road. § 51. The Ti'iumphal Entry. Mt. xxi. 1-11 ; Lu. xix. 29-38 ; Jn. xii. 12-15. 11 And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, — 2 (^jjfj saith unto them — Go your way into the village that is ove against you, and [straightway, as ye are entering iti ye shall find a colt tied, upon which ||no|| man |yet| hath sat: Loose him, and bring him. * And say — 1 1 The Lord] I of him hath |need| ; and |straightway| he sendeth him off again here. * And they departed, and found a colt, tied unto a door outside, on the street, — and they are loosing him. ^ And |certain of them that were there standing] were saying unto them— What are ye doings loosing the colt ? 6 and |they| said unto them, as |Jesus| said, — and they let them go. 'And they bring the colt unto Jesus, and throw upon him their mantles, — and he took his seat upon him. ^ And ||many|| spread out |their mantles] along the way, and [othersl young branches, — [cutting •Lu. xxlL 25-27. them out of the fields|. 9 And |they who were going before, and they who were following after] were crying aloud — Ilosanna ! ^ \\Bletssed\\ is h.e that is coming in the name of the Lord ! '' 10 |]Blessed|| is tlie coming' kingdom of our father David ! Hosanna in the highest 1 11 And he entered into Jerusalem, into the temple, and < looking round on all things, late' already' being the hour> he went out into Bethany, with the twelve. § 52. The Barren Fig-tree cursed. Mt. xxi. 18, 19. (See § 54.) i'^ And he hungered; i-^and '^ he came... if, therefore, he should find aught in it, and ]coming up to it] ]|nothiug]| found he, save ]leaves] ; for it was not ]the season] of figs. 1^ And ]answering| he said unto it — ]No more] ]] unto times age-abiding|| let any- one of thee ]eat fruit]. And his disciples were listening. § 53. The Temple Cleansed. Mt. xxi. 12-17 ; Lu. xix. 45, 46 : cp. Jn. ii. 13-17. 15 And they come into Jerusalem. And |entering into the temple] he began to be casting out them who were selling and them who were buying in the temple, and he overthrew, — i^ and was not suffering that anyone should carry a vessel through the temple ; i' and was teaching, and saying— 'J Is it not written, IMyhoiu^el \\a house of pray er\\ shallbe called \for all the nation.^] ?« but ]]ye]| have made it, A denofrnbhers.* 18 And the High-priests and the Scribes |heard| it, and began seeking how they might jdestroyl him, — for they were fearing him: for jail' the multitude] were being struck with astonish- ment at his teaching. 19 And iassoon as it became late'] they were « going forth outside the city. § 54. The Cursed Fig-tree Withered. Mt. xxi. 19-22. ' (See §52.) 20 And I passing by earlyi they saw the fig-tree Iwithered from its roots] : 21 and iput in mind) Peter saith unto him — Rabbi! see! I the fig-tree which thou didst curse] is withered. 22 And [answering] Jesus saith unto them — Have faith in God. • Ps. cxviii. 35. 1) Ps cxviii. 26. c And therefnre professing to have flgs. 4 Or add (WH) : " unto thom." e Is. Ivi 7. f Jpr. vii. 11. e Or (WH) : " he waa." 48 MARK XI. 23—33; XII. 1—18. «• I Verily I I say unto you — it shall be his. s* |For this cause | I say unto you — believe that ye have received, and they shall be yours. S6 And I when ye stand praying|a forgive, if aught ye have against any, — that |your Father also^ who is in the heavens | may forgive you your offences, ps] *> § 55. Bij ivhat Authority ? Mt. xxi. 23-32 ; Lu. XX. 1-8. 2^ And they come again into Jerusalem. And the High- priests and the Scribes and the Elders come unto him, ^Sand were saying unto him — IJBy what' authority] | |these things] art thou doing ? And who to thee hath given this authority that ]these things] thou shouldst be doing ? *9 But ] Jesus] said unto them — I will question you, as to one' matter, and answer me, — And I will tell you ]]by what' authority] | ]these things] I am doing: so ]The immersion by John] ]0f heaven] was it, or ]of men] ? Answer me ! 81 And they were deliberating among themselves, saying — He will say. Wherefore [then] did ye not believe him ? '2 But they were in fear of the multitude, for ]oneand all] were holding John ]]in very deed]] that he was ]a prophet]. s^ A.Q(i jmaking answer unto Jesus] they say — We know not; and Jesus saith unto them^ Neither do ]]I]] tell" you, ]]By what' autho- rity]] ]those things] I am doing. § 56. The Vineyard's Fruits Demanded. Mt. xxi. 33-46 ; Lu. xx. 9-19. 12 And he began to be speaking unto them ]in parables] — A man planted \a rnmyurd], And put round it a viall^ And digged a vnne-vat^ And built a tower. — d And let it out to husbandmen ; And left Ijome. * And be seat forth, unto the husbandmen, in the season, a servant, that jfrom the hus- bandmen] he might receive of the fruits of • Mt. vl. 14. Om'.tteil oy WH. • Jesus does not say ; know not." <* Is. V. 1 (. the vineyard ; ^ and, taking him, they beat him, and sent him away ]empty]. ♦ And ]again] sent he forth unto them, another' servant; and ]him] they smote on the head, and dishonoured. 5 And another sent he forth ; and |him| they slew. And many' others; ]some| indeed beating, and ] others] slaying. 6 llYet one]] had he, ]a son beloved] : he sent him forth last uuto them, saying — They will pay deference unto my son I f But ]] those' husbandmen]] ]unto themselves] said — |This] is the heir: Come 1 let us slay him, And ]ours] shall be ]| the inheritance]]. 8 And, taking, they slow him, and cast him forth outside the vineyard. 9 What will the lord of the vineyard do ? He will come, and destroy the husbandmen, and let the vineyard unto others. 1* Have ye not ]this scripture] read — \\A stone which the builders rejected]] \Thesame] haihbecomeheadofthe corner] 11 \From, the Lord] hath this come to pass, And is marvellous in our eyes 1 * 12 And they were seeking ]to secure] him, — and were in fear of the multitude; for they per- ceived that ]agaiast them] the parable ho had spoken. And, leaving him, they departed. § 57. CcBsar and God. Mt. xxii. 15-22; Lu. XX. 20-26. 13 And they send forth unto him, certain of the Pharisees and of theHerodians, that they might ]catch] him ]|in discourse]]. i*And, coming, they say uuto him — Teacher ! we know that ]true) thou art. And it concerueth thee not about anyone, — For thou lookest not unto the face of men ; But |]in truth]] ]the way of God] dost teach : — Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not ? Should wo give, or should wo not give? 15 But ]he] ]]knowing their hypocrisyj] said unto them — Why are ye ]tempting] me ? Bring me a denary, that T may see it. 16 And ]they] brought one. And ho saith unto them — ]Whose] is this image, and the inscription ? And ]they] said unto him — Caesar's. 17 And ] Jesus] said — ]]Tho things of Caesar]] render ]unto CaBsar|, Aud lithe things of God]] luiito God]. And they were marvelling at him. § 58. Marriage and the Resurreclion. Mt. xxii. 23-33 ; Lu. xx. 27-39. 18 And there come Sadducees unto him, — ]]whoU indeed say — ]Resurrection] there is nonel and they were questioning him, saying — » Ps. cxviU. 22 1. MARK XII. 19—44', XIII. 1. 49 •9 Teacher I |Moses| wrote for us, that — <.If one's brother die, and leave behind a wife, and leave no child^ That /lis brothet' should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.'^ »o [Seven' brethren| there were; And |the first| took a wife, and, dying, left no seed, — »i And Ithe second] took her, and died^ not leaving behind seed, — And Ithe third| ||likewise||,— M And lithe seven! I left no seed ; ||Last of all|| |the woman also| died: — *s I |In the resurrection 1 1 — Of |which| of thera shall she be |wife|? For |the seven] had her to wife. M Jesus said unto them — Are ye not |for this cause] deceiving your- selves. Knowing neither the Scriptures, nor the power of God ? 25 Por They neither marry, nor are given in marriage. But are like messengers •> in the heavens. ** But ]]as touching the dead]] that they ]do rise], — Have ye not read in the book of Moses, at the Bush, How God spake unto him, saying — |7] [am] the God of Abraham^ and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob <= : — ^1 He is not a began to question him — Which is the chief commandment of all ? 29 Jesus answered — The chief is : Hear ! Israel, — \\The Lord nur God\\ is \one Lnrd\ «; so Therefore shall thou love the Lord thy God^ vnth all' thy heart, and with all' thy soul, — and tnith all' thy mind; and with all' thy strengihJ 51 ]]The second] I is ]this|— Thou sh.alt love \thy neighbour] \\as thyself\\.e [[Greater than these]] ]other' commandment] is there none. 52 The Scribe said unto him — l]W(^lll| Teacher! ]in truth] hast thou said— He is \On,e\,'^ and there is none other \than he\ i; » Deu. XXV. 5 ; Gen. xxxviii. 8. *Or (WH): "thp m. who are." Ap r " Messenger." e Exo. Hi 6. *Or(WH): "the." E.N.T. « Or (WH) : " The Lord Is our God, The Lord Is one." f Deu. vi. 4, 5. e Lev. xlx. IS. >> Or ; " There Is One." » Deu. Iv. 35. S3 And said unto him — ]Not far] [art thou] from the kingdom of God 1 And |]no one[[ [any longer] was daring to [ques- tion] himA § 60. David's Son and Lord. Mt. xxii. 41-46; Lk. XX. 41-44. 55 And Jesus ]answering[ was saying [as he taught in the temple] — How say the Scribes that ]]the Christ] [ is |Son of David [ ? 56 [David himself'[ hath said [by the Holy Spirit] — {Tlie Lord\ hath said unto \my Lord\^ Sit thou on my right hand, Until I put thy foes beneath thy feet.'' 57 [[David himself']] calleth him ]Lord] : whence, then, is he ]hisownson|? And [the great' multitude] was hearing him gladly. § 61. Judgment denounced against the Scribes. Cp. Mt. xxiii. 6 ; Lu. xi. 43 ; xx. 46, 47. 58 And [in his teaching] he was saying — Beware of the Scribes, Who desire [in robes| to be walking about, And salutations in the markets, 59 And first seats in the synagogues, And first couches in the chief meals, — *o Who devour widows' houses. And [for a pretence] are long in prayer: [These] shall receive a more surpassing' judg- ment. § 62. The Widow's Mites. Lu. xxi. 1-4. *i And [taking his seat over against the treasuryl he was observing how ]the multitude] was cast- ing in copper into the treasury, and jmany' richj were casting in ]much]. *'' And there came |one' destitutei widow, and cast in two mites^ which are ]a farthingl. *^ And [call- ing near his disciples] he said to them — ] Verily] I say unto you, ] I This destitute widow]] ]more than they all| hath cast in ]of those casting into the treasury] ; ** For Ithey all] [jout of their surplus] | cast in. But ]she[ ]]out of her deficiency]] ] all, as much as she had] cast in, — ]]the whole' of her living]!. § 63. The Prophecy on Mount Olivet. Mt. xxiv. ; Lu. xxi. 13 And [as he was going forth out of the temple| one of his disciples saith unto him — Teacher ! see what manner of stones, and what manner of buildings I « Deu. vi. 4, 5. •> Lev. xix. 18. •IS. XV. 22. ■iMt. xxii. 46; Lu. ix. 40. • Ps. ex. 1. 50 MARK XIII. 2—32. ' And |Jesus| said unto him — Art thou beholding these' great' buildings ? |In nowisel shall there bo left here [stone upon stone| which shall |in any wise| not be thrown down. 8 And Peter and James and John and Andrew were questioning him Iprivatelyl — * Tell us, |When| these things |shall be|, and, I What the sign] when all' these things shall be about to be concluded. B And |Jesus| began to be saying unto them — Beware, lest anyone |deceive| you ; • For |many| will come on my name, saying, |I| am he! and |will deceive| many. T And Be not alarmed — it must needs come to pass,^ But |not yet] is ||the end||. 8 For there toul arise — \Nation against nation\^ And \kingdom against kingdom,]^, — There will be earthquakes in places, There will be famines : — » jA beginning of birth-pangs| are these things. But be ||ye|| taking heed |unto yourselves | : They will deliver you up into high-councils, And I in synagogues I shall ye be beaten,— And [before governors and kings | shall ye be set. For my sake, |for a witness unto them|. 10 And I |unto air the nations, first] I mustneeds be proclaimed |the glad-message |. 11 And Be not beforehand anxious, what ye shall speak ; But i I whatsoever shall be given you in that' hour 1 1 |The same| speak, — For l]ye|| are not the speakers, but the Holy Spirit. w And |brother| will deliver up |brother| unto death, and lfather| |child|, And \children\ will rise tip \against parents] j' ||and put them to death || ; IS And ye will be men hated by all, because of my name ; But ||he that hath endured throughout|| |the same] shall be saved. 1*. But Then' |they who are in Judaea] Let them flee into the mountains ; 15 JHe that is on the house-top| Let him not come down, neither let him enter, to take away anything out of his house ; « • Dan. II. 28. • Is. xix. 2. • Mi. vli. 6. dDnn. ix. 27; lil. 11. « Lu. xvil. 31. '6 And |he that hath gone into the field] Let him not turn back unto the things be- hind, |to take away his mantle]. 17 But alas for the women with child, and for them who are giving suck, — i|inthose'days||. 18 But be praying, that it may not happen in winter. 19 For in those days shall be a tribulation — |5mc/'i] that there hathnot happened \the like] Wfrow, the beginning of creationwhich God created, until the present time\\ » ||And shall in nowise happen||. 20 And No' flesh should be saved ; But He hath shortened the days. '■'I And |lthen|| Do not believe it ; 22 For there will arise, false Christs, and false prophets ; And they will show signs and 7Conders,^ So as to deceive, if possible, ]the cho3en|. 23 But ||ye|| beware: I have foretold you [all things]. 2* But \TJie sun\ shall be darkened^ And \the inoon\ will not give her brightness, 25 And \ihe stars] will {out of the heavens\ be falling, — And \the powers which are in the heavens] will be shaken <= ; 26 And |then] will they see Ye observe that ]near] is ]|the summer]]: 29 |Thus| Ijye alsoj] Observe ye, that ]near| he is, ] |at the door8||. 30 ]Verily] I say unto you — I In nowise] shall this^ generation passaway^ Until all these things [shall happen] : 31 I The heaven and the earth | shall pass away. But jmy words] ]|shall not pass away||. 32 But ]No one] knoweth. Neither the messengers ' in heaven. • nnti.xll. 1. bDou xlil 1. <; Ts. xiii. 10; xxxlv. 1 Dan. vli. 13 • Or (WH) : " the." ' Zech. IL 6. » Dpu. XXI. 4. t Cp : '• this night," Ln. xvll. 34. I Or (WH) : "a ger." MARK XIII. 33—37; XIV. 1—25. 61 Nor the Son, — ||Save the Father||. *s Be taking heed^ be watching, For ye Itnow not |when| the season [is] : — M As a man from home — Having left his house^ And given his servants the authority, |To each one| his work, — And |unto the porter| hath given com- mand^ that he should watch : — •* Be watching^ therefore, For ye know not |when| the master of the house |is comingj, — Whether at even^ or at midnight, or at cock-crowing, — or at early morn ; — '« Lest looming suddenly] hef^ndyou | |sleeping(|. w But | unto all | I say:— Be watching. S 64. The Anointing in Bethany, and the Con- spiracy to Betray. Mt. xxvi. 1-16 ; Lu. xxii. 1-6 ; Jn. xii. 1-8 : cp. Lu. vii. 36 ff. 14 Now it was the Passover and the Unleavened [cakes], after two' days. And the High- priests and Scribes were seeking^ how |with guile] they might secure, and "lay him; ^ for they were saying — Not in the feast, lest there be an uproar of the people. » » And there came a woman, holding an alabaster-jar of per- fume, pure spikenard, very costly'; and break- ing the jar she was pouring down [the perfume] upon |his head]. *But there were some much displeased among themselves — |To what end I hath this waste of the perfume happened ? » For this' perfume could have been sold for above three hundred denaries^ and given unto the destitute I and they were indignant with her. « But |Jesus| said — Let her alone I Why are ye reproaching |her| ? •> |A seemly' work] hath she wrought |in me| ; ' For [always] have ye |the destitute] ]]with you]], And ]whensoever ye please] ye can, unto them, [at any time] do well 1 But |]me|] not ]always] have ye. 8 I What she had] she used, — She took it beforehand to anoint my body for the burial ; » And [verily] I say unto you — [Also what she' did' [will be told for a memorial of her. M And 1 1 Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve]] ■Tet Bee how it is brought •bout In the feast, after 'Or: "Why lunto hpr| are ye offeiini^ insults (reproaches) ? " went away unto the High-priests, that^ him, |he might deliver up unto them], n Now ]when they heard] they rejoiced, and promised to give him ]silver] ; and he was seeking how ]at a favourable opportuuityi he might iJdeUver him up|]. § 66. The Passover : The Old Feast, and the New. Mt. xxvi. 17-30; Lu. xxii. 7-23; 1 Co. xi. 23-25. 12 And his disciples say unto him — Where wilt thou, we depart and make ready, that thou mayest eat the passover ? 13 And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them — Go your way into the city, and there will meet you a man ]a jar of water] bearing, — follow him; i*and ] wheresoever he shall enter] say ye unto the householder — ]The teacher] saith. Where is my lodging, where ]the passover, with my disciples] I may eat ? 15 And ]]he]] |unto you] will shew ]la large upper-room, spread ready]], and ]there] make ye ready for us. 16 And the disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found, according as he had said unto them, — and they made ready the passover, 1^ And iwhen evening' arrived] he cometh, with the twelve. is And Jesus said — ]Verily] I say unto you — ]One from among you] will deliver me up, ]]he that is eating with me]].* 19 They began to be grieved, and to be saying unto him, ]one by one], — Can it be ]I] ? 20 And ]he] said unto them — One of the twelve, ]|he that is dipping with me into the [one] bowl]] : 21 Because |the Son of Man] indeed, goeth his way,— According as it is written concerning him; But alas ! for that man, through whom the Son of Man is being delivered up, — ]Well for him] l]if that' man]] had not been born ! 22 And ]as they were eating] ]]taking a loaf]| he blessed and brake, and gave unto them^ and said — Take! ]this] is |]mybody]|; 23 And ]]takingacup]] he offered thanks, and gave unto them ; and they ]all] drank of it. 24 And he said unto them — ]This] is \\my blood of the covenant} that is to be poured out in behalf of many]]. 25 • ]Verily] I say unto you — ]]No more]] will I in anywise drink of the fruit of the vine, ]]until that day when I shall be drinking it new^<= in the kingdom of God] I. » Ps. xli. 9. >> Exo. xxlv. 8 ; Zech. Ix. 11. • Cp. Mt. nvt 29, n. B 2 62 MARK XIV. 26—61. 26 And I having sung praise] they went forth unto the Mount of Olives. § 66. Peter's Denial foretold. Mt. xxvi. 31-35 ; Lu. xxii. 31-34; Jn. xiii. 36-38. 27 And Jesus saith unto them — Ye |all| will find causq of stumbling. Because it is written, — 1 will smite the shepherd. And \the sheep\ will be scattered abroad^; 28 But |after my ansiug| I will go before you into Galilee. 29 And |Peter| said unto him — Certainly not |I|. 80 And Jesus saith unto him — |Verily| I say unto thee, ||Thou|| |this day| |Thrice| will deny me. 81 But he |most vehemently| was saying — |In nowise] will I |deny| thee. ||Likewise|| indeed, were |all besides] saying. § 67. The Agony in the Garden. Mt. xxvi. 36-46 ; Lu. xxii. 40-46. 82 And they come into an estate the name of which is Gethsemane, and he saith unto his disciples — Sit ye here, while I pray. 83 And he taketh Peter and James and John with him, and began to be exceedingly amazed, and in great distress ; s*and he saith unto them — \Encompassed with grief is my soul'" |unto death] : Abide ye here, and be watching. 85 And ]going forward a little] he fell upon the ground, and was praying that I if it were pos- sible'] the hour might pass from him;36 and was saying — Abba ! O Father ! |A11 things] are possible to thee : Bear aside this cup from me ; But not what ilj will. But what ]]thou]] [wilt]. 8' And he coraeth and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter- Simon ! art thou sleeping ? Hadstthou not strength ]one'hour| to watch? 88 Be watching and praying. That ye enter not into temptation: The ]jspirit)| indeed, is willing, But ]the flesh] ||weak|]. 89 And ]again] departing, he prayed []the same' thing] saying]. ♦"And ]again] com- ing, he found them slee[)ing, for their eyes were being ] weighed down], — and they knew not what to answer him. *• And he cometh the third time, and saith unto them — Ye are sleeping the remaining time and taking your rest : — It is enough I the hour hath come 1 Lo 1 the Son of Man is being delivered up Into the hands of sinners. *2 Be rousing yourselves, let us be leading on 1 » Zee. xlU. 7. " Pfl. ilU. 5. Lo 1 |he that is deUvering me up| | |hath drawn nearlj. § 68. The Betrayal and Arrest. Mt. xxvi. 47-o8 • Lu. xxii. 47-54 ; Jn. xviii. 1-12. « And Judas Iscanot, one of the twelve, cometh near, and I with him| a multitude, with swords and clubs, from the High-priests and the Scribes and the Elders. « He that is delivering him up hath given an agreed sign unto them, saying — ^Whomsoever I shall kiss> |he] itisl Secure him, and be leading away |safely|. ^5 And he saith — Rabbi ! and openly kissed him. ■•6 And ]they] thrust their hands on him, and secured him. ^' ]] [A certain] one of the by-standers]] |draw- ing a sword] smote the servant of the High- priest, and took off his jear|. *» And Jesus ]answering] said unto them — ]As against a robber] came ye forth ]with swords and clubs] to arrest me ? *9 ]Daily] was I with you, in the temple, teach- ing ; and ye secured me not. But . . . 50 And they ]]all]] jforsook] him, and fled. 51 And ]a certain young man] was following with him, having cast about himself a fine Indian cloth ]over his naked body], — and they are securing him; 52 but ]he| leaving behind the cloth ]fled naked]. § 69. JesiLS before the High-priest. Mt. xxvi. 59-68 ; Lu. xxii. 63-71 ; Jn. xviii. 12-24. 53 And they led away Jesus unto the High-priest; and all' the High-priests and the Elders and the Scribes gather together.^ 54 And ]]Peter|| ]afar off] followed him, as far as within, into the court of the High-priest; and was sitting with the attendants, and warming himself by the light. 55 Now ]the High-priest, and all' the High-council] were seeking, against Jesus ]testimony], with the intent to put him to death, — and were not finding any; 56 for ]many| were bearing false-witness against him, and the testimonies were not ]|agreed]]. 57 And some, standing up, were bearing false-witness against him, saying — 58 ]]We]| heard him saying, ]]I1] will pull down this shrine, ]the one made by hand], and ]in three' days] ]|another, not made by hand 1 1 will I raise. 59 And ]|not even so|| was the testimony ]agreed!. 60 And jthe High-priest rising up into the midst] questioned Jesus, saying — Answerest thou ]nothing] ? What are these, against thee, witnessing ? 61 But ]he] was silent, and answered ]nothing]. ]Again] the High-priest was questioning him, and saith unto him — Art|thou] ]]the Christ the Son of the Blessed]]?* " unto ' Or add (WH) : him." Or: "I Thou I art the Christ." &c. ? MARK XIV. 6:i— -ia; XV. 1—25. 53 62 And Jesua said — ||I|| am; and ye shall see the Son of Man — Hitting \on the right hand\ of Power, And coming with the clouds of heaven.^ 63 And ||the High-priest|| jhaviugrentasunderhis inner-garments I saith — What |further| need have we |of witnessesl ? 6^ Hoard ye the profanity ? What I to you I doth it appear ? And they |iill| condemned him to be |worthy| of |death|. ss And some began to be spitting at him, and |covering up his face| and to be buffeting him, and saying to him — Pronhesy 1 And |theattendants| ||with smart blows] | took him. § 70. Peter's Denial. Mt. xxvi. 69-75 ; Lu. xxii. 55-62; Jn. xviii. 16-18, 25-27 : cp. ver. 54, ante. «6 And there cometh one of the maid-servants of the High- priest; 6' and |seeing Peter warming himself | ||having looked at tiirajl saith — And ||thou|| wast Iwiththe Nazarenej — ||with Jesus||. 68 But |he| denied, saying — I neither know [him], nor do I well understand what I thou I sayest; and went out into the porch. 69 And |the maid-servant| ||seeinghim|| began |again| to be saying unto tne by-stiinders— ||This one|| |is| from among them. '0 But ||he|| |again| was denying. And ||after a little again|| |the by-stauders| were saying unto Peter — ||Truly||. thou |art| from among them; for thou art |a Galil£eau| also, fi And I he I began to be cursing and swearing — I know not this man^ of whom ye are speak- ing! w And 1 1 straightway^ a second time|| |a cock| crowed ; and Peter was reminded of the decla- ration, how Jesus had said to him — ||thrice|| wilt thou deny me. And I when he thought thereon| he began to weep. § 71. Jesus before Pilate. Mt. xxvii. 1, 2, 11-26 ; Lu. xxiii. 1-7 ; Ju. xviii. 28-40 ; xix. 1-16. 1 5 And the High-priest, with the Elders, and Scribes, and all the High-council jbinding Jesus| led him away, and delivered him up unto Pilate. ^ And Pilate questioned him — Art ||thou|| the king of the Jews ? •> And ihe| answering him, saith — |Thou| sayest.c ' And the High-priests began to accuse him |of many things]. *And |iPilate|| |again| was questioning him, [saying] — Answerest thou |nothing| ? See ! I of how many things] they are accusing theel • Dan. vlt. 13; Ps. ex. 1. oOr: |Thou| art the King of the Jpws ?" •Or: "(ThouJ sayest 7" 6 But |Jesus| I |no further] I answered janything], so that Pilate began to marvel. <> Now ]at feast time] he was wont to release unto them one' prisoner, whom they were claiming. 'And there was the so-called' Barabbas, jwith the rebels] bound, even with them who ]in the re- bellion] had committed |niurder|. s And ]going up] the multitude began to be claiming — according as he was wont to do for them. 9 But |Pilate] answered them, sayings Will ye, I release unto you ]the King of the Jews] ? 10 For he was getting to know that ]for envy] had [the High-priests] » delivered him up. " But |the High-priestsj stirred up the multitude^ that ]] rather ' Barabbas I ] he should release unto them. 12 fjut ]]Pilate]] |agaiu answer- ing] was saying unto them — What then shall I do with him whom ye call ]the King of the Jews] ? 13 And Ijtheyll jagain] cried out — Crucify him 1 1* But jPilate] was saying unto them — Why 1 what ]evil] ^ hath he done ? And ]|they]] ]vehemently] cried out — Crucify him ! 15 And Pilatel released unto them Barabbas, and delivei-ed up Jesus^ having ' scourged him, that he should be crucified. § 72. Mocked by Roman Soldiers. Mt. xxvii. 27-32 ; Ju. xix. 2 ff. 16 And Ithe soldiers] led him away, inside the court, which is a judgment-hall, — and called to- gether the whole' band ; " and they array him in purple, and set upon him^ when they have plaited it, |a crown of thorns'], — i* and began to be saluting him — Joy to thee ! King of the Jews ! 19 and were striking him on the head with a reed, and were spitting at him, — and, bowing their knees, were doing him homage. 20 And jwhen they had mocked him] they put off him |the purple], and put on him ]his own gar- ments]. And they lead him forth, that they may crucify him. 2' And they impress a certain passer-by, Simon a Cyrenian, coming from a field, = the father of Alexander and Rufus, — that he may carry his cross. § 73. The Crucifixion. Mt. xxvii. 33-56 ; Lu. xxiii. 26-49; Jn. xix. 17-37. 22 And they bring him unto the Golgotha' place, which is, being translated. Skull-place. 23 And they would have given him ]myrrhed wine],-— who, however, received it not. 24 And they crucify him, and part asunder his garments^ casting a lot upon them<^ — who should have any- thing. 2* And it was the third hour. »Or(WH): " they.* >" Or : " baseness," thing." Or : " hamlet," or "coun- try-place " 1 Ps. xxil. 18. 54 MARK XV. 26—47; ZVI. 1—14. and they crucified him. ^s And the inscription of his accusation |had been inscribed| — The King of The Jews. 27 And |with him| they crucify |two' robbers], one on his right hand^ and one on his left. p8] a 29 A^nd |the passers-by| were reviling him, shaking their heads J^ and saying — Aha ! thou who wast pulling down the shrine, and building one in three' days 1 so Save thyself, — [coming down from the cross|. *i ||Likewise|| |the High-priests also] mockingone to another^ |with the Scribes] were saying — l|Others|| he saved, ||Himself 1 1 -he cannot save I 8a I |The Christ, the King of Israeli |— Let him come down now from the cross. That we may see and believa. And |they who had been crucified with him| were casting it in his teeth. ss And (|when it was the sixth hour|| |darkness| came on all' the land — ^until the ninth hour; ^4 and |at the ninth' hour| Jesus juttered a cry^with a loud voice] — Uloi ! Eloi ! lama sahachthanei ? which is, being translated — My God! [My God .'2 \to what end\ didst thou forsake ° me ^ ? 86 And ||some of the by-standers|| | having heard | were saying — See! llElijahll hecallethl 86 And one |running| filled a sponge with vinegar, and, putting it about a reed, was giving him, to drink,^ saying — Stay 1 let us see whether Elijah is coming, to take him down I 87 But ]|Jesus|| [sending outa loud voice| ceased to breathe. ^8 And |the veil of the Templej was rent into two |from top to bottom 1 . 39 Now the centurion, who was standing near, out over against him, |seeing| that ||thus|| he ceased to breathe, said — ||Truly|| jthis' man| was' God's son! *« And there were || women also|| |from afar| look- ing on, — among whom were both Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the Little and .loses, and Salome ; ■*! who |when he was in Galilee| used to follow him, and minister unto him, — and many other women^ who had come up with him unto Jerusalem. § 74. The Burial. Mt. xxvii. 57-61 ; Lu. xxiii. 50-56 ; Jn. xix. 38-42. « And evening |already| having begrun, «8 Joseph of Arimathaea, a noble counsellor, who |also, himself | was awaiting the kingdom of God, came; and |venturing| went in unto Pilate, and claimed the body of Jesus, ** But |Pilate| wondered whether |already| he was dead ;and |oallingnearthecenturion| questioned a Omlttfd by WH. <• Ps. xxii. 7; dx. 25. • Or : " hast thou for- snkpn." " Ps. xxil. 1. • Ps. lilz. 2L him — whether he had |already| died. ** And [getting to know from the centurion| he pre- sented the corpse unto Joseph. *^ And [buying a fine Indian cloth] he took him down^ and wrapped him about with the cloth, and laid him in a tomb, which had been hewn out of a rock, — and rolled near a stone upon the door of the tomb. *7 Now [Mary the Magdalene^ and Mary the mother of Joses[ were viewing how he had been laid. § 75. The Resurrection. Mt. xxviii. 1-10 ; Lu. xxiv. 1-43 ; Jn. xx. xxi. : cp. Ac. i. 3 ; 1 Co. XV. 1-8. 16 And [[the Sabbath having passed'[[ [Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome] bought spices, that, coming, they might anoint him. 2 And [very' early, on the first of the week| they are coming towards the tomb — when [the sun] arose. 3 And they were saying one to another — [Who[ shall roll away for us the stone^ out of the door of the tomb ? * And [looking up| they observe that the stone hath been rolled up, — for it was exceeding great. & And [entering into the tomb[ they saw a young man, sitting on the right, clothed with a white robe, — and they were greatly alarmed. * But [he] saith unto them — Be not alarmed 1 |Jesus] ye are seeking [[the Nazarene, the crucified] [ : He hath arisen 1 he is not here, — See 1 the place where they laid him 1 ' But go your way, tell his disciples [and Peter]— He is going before you into Galilee : |There[ shall ye yourselves see him, — According as he said unto you. 8 And, going out, they fied from the tomb, for |trembling and transport] were holding them; and [unto no one[ said they [anything] for they were afraid ****** a 9 [[And he was manifested, first, unto Mary the Magda- lene, from whom he had cast [seven' demons[. 10 []She|] going her way, bare tidings unto them who had come to be with' him, [as they were mourning and weeping]. "And ]]they]] [disbelieved]. 12 But [after these things| [[unto two from among them, as they were walking] [ was he manifested, ]in a different' form| as they were going unto a countr-y place; i^ and ]|they|] departing, bare tidings unto the rest, — but ]]even them]] they believed not. i* But [afterwards] |]uiito the eleven themselves', as they reelined(| was he maiiifo.stod, and he upbraided their ;in nowise] shall it jhurt] them : l]Upon sick persons]] shall they lay ]hands]^ and ]well] shall they remain. ijTheLord [Jesus]]] therefore^ontheonehand^ • Or (WH) : " With new tongues." ]after talking with them] was taken up into heaven," and sat down on the right hand of God : b • ||They]] on the other hand, going forth, pro- claimed on every side, ]the Lord] co-working, and confirming ]the wordj through ]the closely following signs].";]] d. OTHERWISE. [[|]A11 the things given in charge unto the com- panions of Peter]] they concisely reported. But ]after these things] |]Jesus also, himself]] sent forth ]through them] I [the sacred' and incorruptible' proclamation of the age-abiding' salvation] |.]] • Op. 2 K. 11. n. " !'.'«. ex. 1. ' Or (WH) add : " Amen." d WH thus shew their con- clusion that neltuer this nor the next account can be regarded as part of the original second Gos- pel. See Ap ; " Mark." THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE. § 1. The Prologue. 1 ^ it seemed good ]even to me] to write unto thee |in order], most excellent Theophilus : * that thou mightast obtain full knowledge ||of the certainty]] § 2. Zachariah and Elizabeth. 6 It came to pass ]in the days of Herod, king of Judaea) that there was a certain priest, by name Zachariah, of the daily course of Abia ; and that he had a wife of the daughters of Aaron, and |her name] was Elizabeth. « Now they were both righteous before God, walking in all' the commandments and righteous appointments of the Lord, blameless ; ' and they had no child, inasmuch as Elizabeth was barren, and ]]both]] had become ]advanced in their days]. 8 But it came to pass it fell to his lot to offer incense, entering into the Temple of the Lord ; 10 and ]air the throng of the people] was praying outside, at the hour of the incense offering. n And there appeared unto him a messenger* of the Lord, standing on the right hand of the altar of in- cense ; ''■' and Zachariah was troubled when he beheld, and (fear] fell upon him. is But the messenger said unto him — Do not fear, Zachariah ! Inasmuch as thy supplicatioQ hath been hearkened to, — And ]thy wife Elizabeth] shall bring forth a son to thee, And thou shalt call his name ]John] ; And there shall be joy to thee and exulting. And ]many| over his birth |shall rejoice] ; For he shall be great before the Lord, And \ioine and strong drink\ in nowise may he drinky And ]with Holy Spirit] shall he be filled, ]already| from his mother's womb] ; And ]many of the Sons of Israel] shall he turn towards the Lord their God ; And ]]he|| shall go before him ]in the spirit and power of Elijah], — = To turn the hearts of fathers unto children^ And the unyielding, into the prudence of the righteous, » Ap • " Messenger." *• Nu. vl. 3 ; 1 S. 1. U (Sep.). • Mai. Iv. S f. 56 LUKE I. lii—.>2. And to prei)are^ for the Lord^ ||a people made ready ||. 18 And Zachariah said unto the messenger — |Whereby| shall I know this' for ||I|| am |aged|, and |my wife| advanced in her days. 19 And the messenger^ answering^ said unto him — ||I|| am Gabriel,^— he that staudeth near before God ; and have been sent forth to speak unto thee, and to deliver the joyful message unto thee, as touehi ng these things. »" And lo ! thou shalt be silent, and not able to speak until the day when these things shall come to pass ; because thou didstnot believe in my words, — the which shall be fulfilled for their season. 21 And the people were expecting Zachariah, and began to marvel that he should tarry in the Temple; 22 and when he came forth he was not able to speak unto them, and they perceived that |a vision] he had seen in the Temple, — and ||he|| continued making signs unto them, and re- mained dumb. 23 And it came to pass |when the days of his public ministration were fulfilled] that he de- parted unto his house. 24 And |after these' days] Elizabeth his wife conceived, and she disguised herself five months, saying — 25 llThusli for me, hath the Lord wrought, — In the days in which he looked upon me, to take away my reproach among men. § 3. The Message of Gabriel to Mary. 26 Now |in the sixth month] was the messenger Gabriel sent forth from God, into a city of Galilee, the name of which was Nazareth,^ « unto a virgin, betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David ; and |the name of the virgin] was ||Maryl| ; 28 and enter- ing in unto her, he said — Joy to thee, favoured one I jTho Lord] be with thee ! >> » And ]she. at the word] was greatly troubled, and began to deliberate, ]]of what kind]] ]this' salutation] might be. 3o And the messenger said unto brr — Do not fear, Mary, For thou hast found favour with God, — SI And lo ! thou shalt conceive in thy womb," And bring forth a son. And shalt call his name ]Jesus| : 82 ]The same] shall be great. And ]Sou of the Most High] shall be called, And the Lord God ]will give unto him] \\the throne of David his father]], — 83 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob ]unto the ages], And ]of his kingdom] there shall be ]]no endl].-! 8* But Mary said unto the messenger — |lHow]| shall this' thing be. Seeing that |a man] I know not? • • Dan. vlil. 16 ; ix. 21. art thou among women." b Remarkable rejected « Is. vli. 14. reiwilng (WH) : " blessed " Is. ix. 7 ; ML It. 7. 33 And, answering, the messenger said unco her — ]The Holy Spirit]^ shall come upon thee. And ]the power of the Most High] shall over- shadow thee ; Wherefore ]|even that which is to be born|] ]Holy] shall be called,'' ]|Sou of God]]. 36 And lo 1 ]]Elizabeth thy kinswoman, even shell hath conceived a son ]in her old-age] ; — And Ijthis month]] is |the sixth] to her, ]]the so-called' barren one|j ; 37 Because no declaration from God \shall be void ofpoioer\.''- 38 And Mary said — Lo ! the handmaid of the Lord 1 Might it come to pass unto me, according to thy declaration. And the messenger departed from her. § 4. Mary visits Elizabeth. Mary's Song of Triumph. 39 And Mary, arising, in these days, journeyed into thehill country with haste, into acity of Judah, — The babe in my womb ]leapt in exultation]. <5 And jhappy] is she who hath believed, that there shall be a perfecting of the things which have been spoken to her from the Lord! *6 And Mary said — My sold (loth magnify the Lord, <' And my spirit hatli exulted upon God my saviour ■' ; *8 Because he hath looked upon the humbling of his handmaid'^ ; For lo! jfrom the present time] jlall the generations!] will i)rouounce me happy. *^ Because he that is -mighty hath done for me great things, And !/io/;/| ij< his name': 50 And his mercy is unto generations and genera- tions^ To them mho revere him,!^; 51 He hath wrought strength trith his arm. He hath .scattered men arrogant in the inten- tion of their hearth ; 52 He hath deposed potentates from thrones, And uplifted the lowly ' ; • Or: "Holv Spirit." '■ Cp Ex<>. xiii. 12. c Gi'ii. xviii. 14. I 1 S. ii. 1. • 1 S. 1. 11. ' Ps. xoi. 9. 8 Ps. ciii. 17. 1" Ps. Ixxxix. 10. I Job xil. 19; V. 11; 1 U.7f. LUKE I. 53—80; II. 1—13. 57 63 \The hungryl hath he filled with good things, And \lheu)ealthy\ hath he sent empty a^nay^; M He hath laid hold of Israel his servant_}> To be mindful of mercies = : 65 According as he spake unto our fathers, — To Abraham^ and to his seed, — |]Unto times age-abiding||. lu the house of David his servant: ™ According as lie hath spoken by mouth of his holy' ancient' prophets,— Ti Of sabmtinnfrnm among our foes ^ and out of the hand of all them that hate its': W To perform merry with our fathers. And to be miwlfal of his holy covenant, — w The oath which he sware unto Abraham our father,^ To grant us, t* ] without fear, from the hand of enemies' rescued] • PR. evii. 9; xxxiv. 10 ' Ps. xH. 13; Ixxil. 18; (Sep ); 1 S. ii. 5. rvi. 48. •>!.'!. xli. 8f B »s. cxi 9 « P.s. cxviii. 3. tp.s. cxxxil. 17; 1 S. li. 10. d Cp. Mi. vii. 20. 1 Ps. cvi. 10. • Or : "all whodweltround * ps. cv. 8f; cvl. 45; ML about them." vii. 'JO. To be rendering divine service unto him, '5 in loviugkindness and righteousness Before him, all our days. '6 And ]|oven thou, child]] ]prophet of the Most High] Shalt be called, — For thou Shalt march on before the Lord^ to prepare his ways,^ "n Giving a knowledge of salvation unto his people. By a remission of their sins. '8 Because of the yearning compassion of the mercy of our God, Wherein shall visit us a day-dawn from on high.b- '9 To shine on them who \in the darkness and shade of death] are sitting,'' To guide our feet into a way of peace. 80 And jtho child] went on growing, and being strengthened in spirit, and was in the deserts, until the day he was pointed out unto Israel. § 6. The Birth of Jesus. 2 Now it came to pass jin those days] that there went forth a decree from Caesar Augustus, for air the inhabited earth to be enrolled : 2 |this' enrolment] first' was made,'^ while Cyrenius was governor of Syria: ^and all were journey- ing to be enrolled, each one unto his own' city. * And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of a city Nazareth, into Judsea, into the city of David which is called Bethle- hem ; because he was of the house and family of David : ^ to enrol himself, with Mary who was betrothed to him, jshe being with child]. 6 And it came to pass ]while they were there] that the days were fulfilled for her to give birth ; '' and she gave birth to her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 8 And there were ]shepherds] in the same country, dwelling in the fields, and keeping the watches of the night over their flock. ^And ja messenger of the Lord] stood over them, and |a glory of the Lord] shone round about them ; and they feared ]a great fear]. 10 And the messenger said unto them — Be not afraid I For lo 1 I bring you good tidings of a great .I'oy, The which shall be for all' the people : 11 That there hath been born unto you, this day, ]a saviourl, — Who is Christ the Lord — « ]llu the city of David]] ! 12 And ]this| to you' is ||asign]]: Ye shall find a babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. 16 And (suddenly] there came to be, with the messenger, the throng of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying — •Mai. lil. 1 <" Or : "Whpre'n a day- dawn from on high shall look upon (inspect) us " « Is Ix. 2. then was his name called I Jesus I, — which it was called by the messenger^ jbefore ha was conceived in the womb|. M And they took him up into Jerusalem, to present [him] unto the Lord, — 2;i according as it is written in the law of the Lord — \\Every' male that is a fii'stborn\\ \Holy rmto the Lord\ shall he called,-' ** and to give a sacrifice, according to that which is said in the law of the Lord — A pair of turtle-doves^ or two young pigeons.^ 25 And lol there was |a man| in Jerusalem, |whosename| was Symeon; and |this man| was righteous and devout, awaiting the consola- tion of Israel, and Holy Spirit was upon him ; ««»and it had been intimated to him by the Holy Spirit, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Christ of the Lord. 2' And he came, in the Spirit, into the temple ; and < when the parents brought in the child Jesus, that they might do according to that which was customary by the law coricerning it> 28||even he|| welcomed it into his arms, and blessed God, and said — 29 INow| dost thou dismiss thy servant, Sovereign, According to thy declaration — in peace ; 30 Because mine eyes have seen thy salvation « SI Which thou hast prepared in face of all' the peoples : 32 A light for the unveiling ofndtlions,' And the glory of .thy people Israel.e 'OrfWH): "among men • Is. xl 5;Ilf. 10. k'ooil will.' ' Is. XXV. 7 (Heb.); xlll. 6; " Lev. xii. ti. xlix. 6. ' Ex. xiii. 2, 12. 15. « Ifi. xlvL 13. ••Lev. xli. 8; v. 11. 33 And his father and mother were marvelling over the things which were being spoken con- corning him. ^^ And Symeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother — Lo I |this one] is being set for the falling and rising of many in Israel, And for a sign to be spoken against ; 35 And ||thou!|| (through thy very' soul] shall pass a sword, That I reasonings I may be revealed, out of many hearts. 36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Ahher; — |the same| advanced in many days ; having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity, 37 and |she| had been a widow for as long as eighty-- four years, — who left not the temple, |with fastings and supplications! rendering divine service night and day; — 38 and |in that very' hour] coming near, she began to give thanks unto God, and to speak concerning him unto air who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem. 39 And they returned into GaUlee, into their own city, Nazareth. *o Ahd |the child| went on growing, and waxing strong, becoming filled with wisdom; and |the favour of God| was upon it. § 8. Jesus, at twelve years of age, found in the Temple. *' And his parents used to journey yearly into Jerusalem, at the feast of the passover. ^^^.nd the boy Jesus remained behind in Jeru.salem, — and his parents noticed it not; <*but jsuppos- ing him to be in the company] went a day's journey, and then began to seek for him among their kinsfolk and acquaintances, *5 and (not finding him] returned unto Jerusalem, seeking him. *6 And it came to pass, that |after three days| they found him in the temple, sit- ting amidst the teachers, — both hearkening unto them, and questioning them. *'' Now all' who heard him were beside themselves, because of his understanding and his answers. ♦^ And !when they beheld hiro| they were astounded, and his mother said unto him — Child ! jwhyj hast thou dealt with us |thu9| ? Lo! ||thy father and I|| |in anguishj were seeking thee. <9 And he said unto them — Why was it that ye were seeking me ? Perceived ye not, that |in the courts of my Father! I must needs be ? 50 And ||they|| understood not the thing which he spake to them. 5i And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was submit- ting himself unto them. And |his raother| was closely observing all' these things in her heart. 52 And | Jesus! went on ad- LUKE III. 1- 69 vancing in wisdom^and in stature, and in favour with God and men.'^ § 9. The Ministry of John the Immerser, and the Immersion of Jesus. Mt. iii. ; Mk. i. 2-11 ; Jn. i. 27-33. 3 Now came a word of God *> unto John the son |of Zachariah] in the desert ; ^ and he came into all' the country about the Jordan, proclaiming an im- mersion of repentance into remission of sins: * as it is written in the book of the discourses of Isaiah the prophet : — A voice of one crying aloud ! \In the desert] prepare ye the way of the Lord, \Straight\ be making his paths; 6 \Every' chasm\ shall he filled up. And \every' mountain and hill\ be made low ; And the \crooked\ places shall become \straight\. And the \rugged\ places^ smooth ways ; — * And all' flesh shall see the salvation of God." ' He was saying^ therefore, unto the multitudes who were going forth to bo immersed by him— Broods of vipers ! who suggested to you, to flee from the coming' wrath ? * Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repen- tance, and do not begin to be saying within yourselves — I As our father I we have 1 1 Abraham 1 1 ; For, I say unto you — God is able |out of these stones| to raise up children unto Abraham. » And ||already|| | even the axe| unto the root of the trees' is being laid; exact ye. 1* Then were questioning him [soldiers « also| saying— What shall ||even we]] do ? And he said unto them — Molest ye |no one|, neither accuse falsely; and be content with your supplies. • 1 S. ii. 26. >! Or mf : " ;i divine word." cIs. xl. 3ff. * Or : " against the root of tlie trees Is lying." ' Or : " Men on military duty." 15 Now i*>John answered, saying unto all— ||I|| indeed, |in water| am immersing youj but he that is mightier than I |cometh|, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to unloose, — ||he|| will immerse you in Holy Spirit and fire : " whose fan is in his hand, to clear out his threshing-floor, and to gather the wheat into his granary; but ||the chaff 1 1 will he burn up with fire un- quenchable. 18 So then indeed and continued telling his glad- message unto the people. is But ||Herod the tetrarchj |a ^ added this also unto all, — |he locked up John in prison I . 21 Now it came to pass |Jesus also| heaven was opened ; ^^ and the Holy Spirit descended^ in bodily' appearance, as a dove, upon him, — and |a voice out of heaven] came — ||Thou|| art my Son, the Beloved, |in thee| I delight. § 10. The Genealogy of Jesus. i. 1 ff; ii. 1 ff; iii. 1 Gen. V. 3 ff; xi. 10 ff. Mt. i. 1-17 ; 1 Ch. f; Ku. iv. 18-22; ' And |Jesus himself'| about thirty years of ag( supposed — of Joseph, of HeU: of Matthat, of Levi, of Melchi, — of Jannai, of Joseph : of Mattathiaa^ of Amos, of Nahum, — of EsU, of Naggai : of Maath, of Mattathias, of Semein, — of Josech, of Joda : of Joanan, of Khesa, of Zerubbabel, — of Salathiel, of Neri : of Melchi^ of Addi, was, when he began, ), being the son, as was Cosam, — Elmadam, Er: Jesus, Eliezer, Jorim, — Matthat, Levi: Symeon, Judas, Joseph, — Jonam, Eliakim : Melea, Menna, Mattatha, — Natham, David : Jesse, Obed," Boaz, — Salmon,'^ Nashon : Amminadab • • Mt xlv. 3 ; Mk. vl. 17. •> Remarkable rejected reatliuK (WH) : " IMy Son I art II thou II, I I H [this day) have begotten thee." c Gr: " Yoheel." "iGr: "Siila." Gr : " Admein." m LUKE 111. 34—38; IV. 1—29. of Arni, of Hezron, — of Perez, of Judah : of Jacob, of Isaac, of Abraham, — of Terah, of Nahor : of Serug,» of Reu,b of Peleg, — of Eber, of Shelah : of Cainan^c of Arphaxad, of Shein, — of Noah, of Lamech : of Methuselah^ of Enoch, of Jared,— of Mahalaleel, of Caiuan « : of Euos, of Seth,— of Adam ; of God. § 11. The Temptation. Mt. iv. 1-11 ; Mk. i. 12, 13. 4 And |Jesus, full of Holy Spirit| returned from the Jordan, and was led in the Spirit in the desert, '^ forty days, — being <* tempted by the adversary; and he did eat nothing in those days, — and |when they were concluded| he hungered. *And the adversary said to him — speak unto this stone, that it become bread. * And Jesus made answer unto him — It is written : Not \\on bread alone\\ shall \man\ live.^ 6 And, leading him up, he shewed him all' the kingdoms of the inhabited earth, in a moment of time. * And the adversary said to him — ||Unto thee|| will I give this authority, all together, and their glory; because |unto me I hath it been delivered up, and |to whomsoever I please| I give it: 1 ||Thou|| therefore, it shall all |be thiue|. 8 And, answering, Jesus said to him — It is written : \\The Lord thy 6od\\ shall thou worship. And \unto him alone\ render divine service.^ • And he led him into Jerusalem, and set him upon the pinnacle of the temple, — and said [to him] — cast thyself, from hence, |down| ; i" for it is written — I Unto his m,essengers\ will he give command concerning thee. To keep vigilant watch over thee, — U And \On}iands\ will they take thee up. Lest once thou strike^ against a stone^ \thy foot\.^ 1* And Jesus, answering, said to him — It is s.iid : Thou shall not put to the test the Lord thy God.' M And [having concluded every' temi)tation| the adversary departed from him until a fitting season. " And Jesus returned, in the power of the • Gr: "Seroiix" • Gr; " Hairan " • Gr: "Kniniini." • Or : "about being.' • Deo. vlii. 3. ' Or: "bow down.' K D u. vi. 13. " Pa. xci. llf. > Deu. vl. 16. Spirit, into Galilee ; " and |a report| went out along the whole' of the region, concerning him ; i» and ||he|| began teaching in their synagogues, |being glorified by all|. § 12. Jesus in Nazareth — rqected. 16 And he came into Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and entered, according to his custom, on the sabbath day,'^ into the syna- gogue, — and stood up to read, i' And there was handed to him a scroll of the prophet Isaiah; and unfolding the scroll, he found the place where it was written : 18 I The Spirit of the Lord\ is upon me. Because he hath anointed me — To tell glad tidings unto the destitute ; He hath sent nie forth — To proclaim^ to captives^ a release, And^ to the hlind^ a recovering of sight, — To send away the crushed^ with a release', 19 To proclaim, the welcome year of the Lord." 20 And Ifolding up the scroll| he handed it to the attendant, and sat down ; and |the eyes of all^ in the syuagogue| were intently fixed upon him; 21 and he began to be saying to them — ||This dayll is fulfilled this scripture |in your ears I . 22 And |all| were bearing witness to him, and marvelling at the words of favour which were proceeding out of his mouth; and they were saying- Is not ||this|| the Ison of JosephI ? 23 And he said unto them — 1 1 By all means 1 1 ye will speak to me this simili- tude: Physician ! heal |thyself|, — do here also, |in thine own country]. 2* And he said — IVeri'yl I say unto you, ||No prophetll is |welcome| in his own country.'! 25 And |of a truth| I say unto you — IIMany' widows] 1 were in the days of Elijah lia Israel], When the heaven was shut up three years and six months. When there came a great famine upon ail' the land ; 26 And lunto none of theml was Elijah sent^ ]Save unto Sarepta of Sidoniaj^ unto a woman that was a widow] . 27 And ]]many' lepers]] were in Israel, in the time of Elisha the p'^ophet, And ]not one of then.l was cleansed, ]Save Naaman the Syrian]. f 28 And all were filled with wrath^ in the synagogue, as they heard these things. 29 And ] rising up| they thrust him forth outside the city, and led • Mt. Iv. 12, 13 ; Mk. 1. 14. 15. >> Ml : "the day of rest Ings." Ap : "Sal)liath." « Is. 1x1 1 f. Cp. Is. Ivlil. 6. OMt. ilU. 57; Mk. vL '; Jn. Iv H ' Thiit l8. Zarephath In the land of Zidon : 1 E. xvlL 9 '2K. V. 14. LUKE IV. 30—44; V. 1-16. 61 him as far as a brow of the hill on which their city was built, — so that they might throw him down headlong, so But ||hej| passing through the midst of them, jwent his way|. § 13. In Capernaum he healeth a Demoniac. *i And he came down into Capernaum, a city of Galilee. And he was teaching them on the sabbath » ; ^'^ and they were being struck with astonishment at his teaching, because [with authorityj was his word. ''•* And |in the synagogue] was a man having a spirit of an impure demon ; and he cried out with a loud voice — M Let be 1 What have we in common with thee,'' Jesus, Nazarene 1 Hast thou come to destroy us ? I know thee, who thou art, — |The Holy'Oneof God|. 85 And Jesus rebuked it, saying — Hold thy peace ! and go forth from him. And the demon, throwing him into the midst, went forth from him, doiug him no hurt. 86 And amazement came upon all, — and they began to converse one with another, saying — What is this word, that |with authority and power] he giveth orders unto the impure' spirits, and they go forth ? 8T And a noise concerning him began to go out into every' place of the country around. § 14. Cures the Mother-in-law of Simon and m.any others. Proclaims the Kingdoin throughout Galilee. Mt. viii. 14-16 ; Mk. i. 29-39. '8 And ||risingup||, |from the synagogue] he went into the house of Simon. Now |the mother-in- law of Simon I was in distress with a great fever ; and they made request to him concerning her. 39 And [standing over her| he rebuked the fever, and it left her; and | instantly' arising] she began to minister unto them. « But las the sun was going in| "^ they one and all_ as many as had any sick with divers diseases, brought them unto him ; and ||he]] was curing them. *' And demons also were going forth from many ; crying aloud, and saying — I [Thou]] art the Son of God. And ]rebuking them] he suffered them not be talking; because they knew him to be ]The Christ]. « And [when it was day| going forth, he jour- neyed into a desert' place ; and ]the multitudes] were seeking after him, and they came unto him, and would have detained him, that he might not depart from them. « But j]he|| said unto them — |]To the other' cities also:] I must needs tell the good-news of the kingdom of God, because jhereuntol was I sent forth. ** And he was proclaiming in the cities of Judaea.'* • Or : " sabbaths " : Ap • "Sabbath." » Ml : " What to us and to thee ? " • The Sabbath being now past— as If they had waited for this. * Notable rejected reading (WH) : " Galilee." § 15. The First miraculous Draught of Fishes. Cp. Jn. xxi. 6. 5 And it came to pass that ]he] was standing near the lake of Gennesaret ; '■' and he saw two boats placed near the lake, and ]|the fishers]] having gone away |from them], were washing their nets. ^ And he requested him ]to put off from the land, a little] ; and, taking a seat, ]out of the boat] began he teaching the multi- tudes. * And ]when he ceased speaking] he said unto Simon — Put off into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. & And Simon, answering, said — Master! we took | nothing] ; howbeit ]at thy bidding] I will let down the nets. 6 And ]when this' they had done] tbey enclosed a very large number of fishes, and their nets began to break. ' And they made signs to their partners in the other' boat, to come and help them ; and they came, and filled both' the boats, — so that they began to sink. 8 And Simon ]beholding] fell down at the knees of Jesus, saying — Depart from me ! Because ]a sinful man| am I, O Lord! 9 For ]amazementi overcame him, and all' them who were with him, on account of the draught of the fishes which they had taken ; "> ]likewise also] both James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon — Do not fear! ]henceforth] shalt thou be taking ]]men]] that they may ]live]. 11 And, bringing the boats down on to the land^ they left all, and followed him. § 16. A Lepei- cleansed. Mt. viii. 1-4; Mk. i. 40-45. i2 And it came to pass jwhile he was in one of the cities] that lo ! there was a man full of leprosy; and ]seeing Jesus] he fell on his face, and entreated him, saying — Lord 1 ]if thou be willing] thou canst cleanse me. 1* And ]strot.ohing forth the hand] he touched him, saying — I am willing : Be cleansed ! And ]straightway] the leprosy departed from him. 1* And |lhe]| charged him to tell ]no one], — but ] depart! ngj — Show thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing, according as Moses enjoined^ for a witness unto them.* 15 But the report concerning him the more went abroad, and many multitudes were coming together, to hear, and be getting cured from their infirmities; is howbeit ]|he]] was retiring in the deserts, and engaging in prayer. • Lev. xUL 49 ; xl». 2 ff. 63 LUKE V. 17—39 . VI. 1— S § 17. ^ Paralytic let down through the Roof, forgiven and healed. Mt. ix. 2-8 ; Mk. ii. 1-12. 1' And it came to pass^ on one of the days^ that |he| was teaching, and there were sitting Pharisees and Teachers of the law, who had come out of every' village of Galilee and Judaea and Jerusalem; and jthe power of the Lord| was there, that he might heal. is And lo I men bearing, upon a couch, one who was para- lyzed, and they were seeking to bring him in, and lay him before him. i^ And llgoing upon thehouse-top|| [through the tilingl let they him down, with the little-couch, into the midst before Jesus. 20 And Ibeholding their faith] he said— O man ! thy sins are forgiven thee. " And the Scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying — Who is this that speaketh profanities ? Who can forgive |sins|,save IJGod alone|| ? M And Jesus, taking note of their reasonings, answering, said unto them — Why are ye reasoning in your hearts ? M Which is easier, To say— Thy sins are for- given thee; or to say — Arise and be walking ? »* But — he said to the paralyzed man — |To thee| I say. Arise, and, taking up thy couch,a be going thy way unto thy house. » And [instantly' arising before theml he took up that whereon he had been lying, and departed unto his house, glorifying God. '^^ And jastonishment] seized one and all, and they began glorifying God, and were filled with fear, saying— We have seen unaccountable things, to-day 1 § 18. Levi called. Mt. ix. 9-13 ; Mk. ii. 13-17. "And jafter these things] he went. forth, and looked upon a tax-collector, by name Levi, — presiding over the tax-office ; and he said to him — Be following me ! «8 And, forsaking all, he arose, and was following him. 29 And Levi made a great reception for him, in his house, and there was a great multi- tude of tax-collectors, and others,— who were with them reclining. 30 And the Pharisees aud their Scribes began murmuring unto his dis- ciples, saying — Wherefore |wilh the tax-collectors and sin- ners] are ye eating and drinking ? »' And, answering. Jesus said unto them — |No need| have ||the wholejl of a physician, but ||thoy who are 8ick|l. 82 I have not come to call lrighteous| men, but l]sinnerB||, unto repentance. ■ Ml • " little couch," as In ver. 19 § 19. " Then will they fast." Mt. ix. 14^17 ; Mk. ii. 18-22. *' But |they| said unto him — ||The disciples of John]] do fast much, and |supplications| do make, — likewise also the disciples of the Pharisees; but |thine| do eat and drink 1 s* I Jesus I however, said unto them — |Can] ye make ]the sons of the bridechamberi fast ] while the bridegroom is with' them]? 85 But there will come days, ]even when the bridegroom shall be taken from them|, llthen]] will they fast |]in those' days]]. 86 Moreover, he went on to speak [a parable also| unto them — I [No one|] rending a patch from a new mantle, patcheth it upon an old' mantle ; otherwise, at least, both ]the new] he will rend, and I ] with the old II |the patch which is from the new] will not agree. 87 And lino one]] poureth new wine into old skins ; otherwise, at least, the new wine I will burst the skins] and will ||itself|] be poured out, and the skins be destroyed. 38 But ||new wine|| |into unused skins| must be poured. 89 [||Noonel| ]having drunk old] desireth new; for he saith, ||The old|| is jmellow].] § 20. The Disciple.^ pluck Ears of Corn on Sahhath. Mt. xii. 1-8 ; Mk. ii. 23-28. 6 And it came to pass ]an a^ Sabbath] that he was passing along through cornfields, and his disciples were plucking and eating the ears of corn, rubbing them with their hands. 2 But [certain of the Pharisees| said — Why are ye doing what is not allowed on the Sabbath *> ? 8 And making answer unto them, Jesus said — Have ye never read [even this], what David did when he hungered, |he] and they who were with him — ■'How he entered into the house of God, and \the presence-bread]'^ receiving, did eat, and gave to them who were with him, which it is not allowable to eat, I [save alone, to the priests;]? 5 And he was saying to them — The Son of Man is [Lord of the Sabbath]. § 21. ^ Withei-ed Hand healed on Sabbath. Mt. xii. 9-13 : Mk. iii. 1-6. 6 And it came to pass jon another' Sabbath] that he entered into the synagogu e, and was teaching, aud there was' a man there, and ]his right handj was withered. 'Now the Scribes and the Pharisees were narrowly* watching him, whether |on the Sabbath] he healeth,— that they might find whereof to accuse him. . sBut [jheil knew their reasonings, and said to the man who had the [withered] hand — Arise, and stand forward in the midst I Rpmnrkable rending (WH)r first. rejected " second- '' See Ap : " Sabbath." « 1 S. xxl. 6. ■•Or : "secretly." LUKE VI. 9—41. 63 And^ arising^ he stood forward. 9 And Jesus said uuto them — I ask you, whether it is allowed |on the Sab- bath| ||to do good or to do harm||, — |life| ||to save|| or 1 1 to destroy] |. 10 And llookiug round upon them all'| he said unto him — Stretch forth thy hand I and ]he| did so, and his hand was restored. 11 But ||they|| were filled with folly, and began conversing one with another^ as to |what they might do with Jesus]. § 22. Twelve Apostles chosen. Mk. iii. 13-19 : cp. Mt. X. 2-4. n And it came to pass |in these days] that he went forth into the mountain to pray, and was spend- ing the night in the prayer-house " of God. '^And (when it became day| he called his disciples, and chose from them ||twelve||^ whom also he named |j.'\.postlesl|, — '-^Simon^ whom also he named Peter^ and Andrew his brother; and James and John ; and Philip and Bartholomew; 15 and Matthew and Thomas ; and James^ son of Alphfeus, an(i Simon^ who was called Zealot; and Ju^a Is freely : be offering [the other also] ; And [thy tunic also| do not forbid >> : *<> give. And ask them not back.'^ '1 And be ye doing unto them [in like manner]. what sort' of thanks are there for you' ? for I [even sinners]] love [such as love them]. 3* [For] what sort' of thanks are there for you' ? ] ]Even sinners| ] [the same[ are doing.« s* And what sort' of thanks are there for you'? [[Even sin- ners|[ [unto sinners[ do lend, that they may receive back [as much]. ^5 But love your enemies, and do good and lend, hoping for [nothingi back; and your reward shall be [great], and ye shall be sons of the Most High, — for |]he]] is [gra- cious [ unto the ungrateful and wicked.' 36 Become ye compassionate, according as [[your Father[[ is |compassionate| ; " And do not judge, and in nowise shall ye be judged?; And do not condemn, and in nowise shall ye be condemned ; Release, and ye shall be released ; 38 Give, and it shall be "^iven unto you : will they give into your lap; for shall it be measured back unto you'.h 89 He spake, moreover, [a parable also[ unto them : Can jthe blind [ guide [the blind] ? will not [[both![ fall into |a ditch! ?' ** A disciple is not above the teacher''; but [[when trained|| every' one shall be as his teacher. *i But why beholdest thou the mote that is in the eye of thy brother, while [the beam that is in thine own' eye| thou dost not con- " Mt. V. 44-47. >> Mt. V. 39, 40. " Mt. V. 42. 1 Mt. vli. 12. • Mt. V. 46-4a t Mt. V. 45. r Mt. vli. 1, 2. l> Mk Iv. 24. t Mt. XV. 14. k Ht. X. 24 ; cp. Jn. xill. lb. 64 LUKE VI. 42—49; VII. 1—22. sider ? « How canst thou say to thy brother — Brother I let me cast out the mote that is in thine eye, — ||thyself|| |the beam' in thino own eye| not beholding ? Hypocrite ! cast out |flrst| the beam out of thine own eye, and |then| Shalt thou see clearly^ to cast out |the mote that is in the eye of thy brother |.a For a good' tree doth not produce worthless' fruit, neither again doth |a worthless tree| produce good fruit. ♦■•For ||every' tree|| |by its own' fruit| becometh known. For not |of thorns] do they gather figs', neither ||of a bramble-bush| | do they gather |a bunch of grapes]. b *3 ||Thegood' man|| |outof the good' treasure of the heart] bringeth forth that which is good ; and ]]the wicked man] I ]out of the wicked heart] bringeth forth that which is wicked ; for ] ]out of an overflowing of heart] I speaketh |his mouth]." «6 And why call ye me Lord! Lord I and not do the things that I say ? ^ *"> I will suggest to you, whom he is like: ^^pjeis like unto a man building a house, who digged, and deepened, and laid a founda- tion upon the rock, — and ]a flood] coming, the stream burst against that house, and was not strong enough to shake it, because it had been ]wellj built. *• But is like unto a man having built a house upon the earth, without a foundation, — against which the stream burst, and ]straightway| it fell in ; and it came to pass, that ]the crash of that house] was ]great].e § 24. A Centurion's Servant healed. Mt. viii. 5-13. 7 he entered into Caperaaum. * And ]]a certain centurion's' servant)] being sick', was on the point of dying, — who was, by him, ]highly prized]. ^But Ihoaring about Jesus] he sent forth unto him elders of the Jews, re- questing him that he would come and bring his servant safely through.' *And ]]they]] ]coming near unto Jesus] began beseeching him oarnostly, saying — jWorthyl is he for whom thou mayest do this, 6 for he loveth our nation, and ]the syna- gogue] ]]he]] built for us. 5 And ]Jesus] was journeying with them. But thecenturion sent friends, saying unto him — Lord ! do not trouble thyself, for I am of no consideration, that ]undor my roofi thou shouldst enter. 'Wherefore neither deemed - Mt. vll. 5. b Mt. vil. 16-20. e Mt. xii M, 35. i Ht. vii. 21. • Mt. vil. 24-27. t Siime Gk. word a" In Ac. xxviL 44 and 1 P. lU. 20. I ] myself] worthy to come unto thee, — but speak with a word, and let my servant be healed. 8 For ]]Itoo]] am a man ranked ]underautho- rity], having luuder myself] soldiers; and I say to this one — Go 1 and he goeth, — and to another — Come 1 and he Cometh, — and to my servant — Do this 1 and he doeth it. 9 And jhearing these things] Jesus marvelled at him ; and iturning to the multitude following' him] said — I tell you, ]]Not even in Israel]] ]such faith as this'j have I found ! 1* And they who were sent, returning unto the house, found the servant ]well]. § 25. The Son of the Widow of Nain is raised from the dead. " And it came to pass thereafter, that he journeyed unto a city called Nain, and there were journey- ing with him, his disciples and a great multi- tude. 12 Now ]as he drew near unto the gate of the city] then lo ! there was being brought forth, one dead, the only-begotten' son of his mother,— and |she| was a widow; and ]a considerable multitude of the city] was with her. •3 And ]]beholding her]] ]the Lord] was moved with compassion over her, and said to her — Be not weeping! 1* And ]going forward] he touched the coflSn, and the bearers stood still ; and he said — Young man ! |to thee] I say. Arise 1 15 And the dead man sat up, and began to speak; and he gave him to his mother." isAnd fear seized them ]all], and they began to glorify God, saying — ]A great prophet] hath been raised up amongst us 1 and — God hath visited his people I " And this report went forth throughout the whole' of Judzea, and aU' the surrounding country. § 26. John sends Disciples to queMion Jesus. Mt. xi. 1-19. 18 And John's disciples carried tidings unto him concerning all' these things. '9 And ]calling unto him certain two of hisdi.sciples] John sent unto the Lord, saying — Art jlthoul] the Coming One, or ]a different one! are we to expect ? M And coming iioar unto him] the men said — ]]John the Immcrserj] hath sent us unto thee, saying. Art ]lthou|| theComingOne, or lanotherl* are we to expect ? *i ]Tnthatvory'hour] he cured many from diseases^ and plagues, and wicked spirits ; and junto many blind! gave he the favour to see. M And, answering, he said unto them — • Setting a crown of (Trace ""Or (WH): "a, different on his work of mercy. one "— cp. Mt. xl. 3 n. LUKE VII. 23—50 ; VIII. 1. 65 \io and bear tidings unto Joliu^ as to what ye have seen and heard : \The bUnd\ are receiving sight^ [The laine\ walk, ILepers] are cleansed^ and \tlie deaJY hear, — |The doad| are raised, \The destitute] are told the glad-message'^ ; M And |happy| is he^ whosoever shall not find oeeasiou of stumbling in me 1 2* And |the messengers of John having de- parted | he began to say unto the multitudes^ concerning John — What went ye forth into the desert to gaze at ? A reed, by a wind, shaken ? »5 But what went ye forth to see ? A man |in soft' garments| arrayed ? Lo 1 |they who in splendid apparel' and luxury' are found| are |in the kingly courts I . '6 But what went ye forth to see ? A prophet ? Yea 1 I say unto you, — And abundantly more than a prophet. " |This| is he concerning whom it is written — Lo ! I am sending forth my messenger before thy faQe, Who shall prepare thy inay before thee.'' '8 I say unto you — ||A greater II ||than John|| is there none; but |he that is least in the kingdom of God| is greater' than he. '• And |all the people, when they heard, and the tax-collectors I justified God, having been im- mersed with the immersion of John ; so but | jthe Pharisees and the lawyers] I had set aside |the counsel of God against theraseives| not being immersed by him."! SI |Unto whatj then, shall I liken the men of this generation ? And unto what are they like ? M They are like unto the children sitting |in a market-place', and calling one to another, who say — We played the flute for you, and ye danced not. We wailed, and ye wept not. 83 For John the Immerser hath come, [neither eating bread nor drinking wine|. And ye say — |A demon | he hath: ** The Son of Man hath come, | eating and drinkingi. And ye say — Lo 1 a man, gluttonous and a wine- drinker, A friend of tax-collectors and sinners. «> And yet wisdom hath been justified by all' her children. § 27. A Sinful Woman washes Jesiis' feet. ** And a certain one of the Pharisees was request- ing him, that he would eat with him ; and ' Is. XXXV. 5, 6. >> Is. 1x1. 1. • Mai. ill. 1. "• Hence they had resented the rebuke of Mt. ill. 7. jeutering into the house of the Pharisee| he reclined. "And lo I |a woman, who indeed was in the city' a sinner| ; and jlproviding an alabaster-jar of per- fume, :^»and standing behind, near his feet, weepinglj |with the tears | began she to be wetting his feet, and jwith the hair of her head| was wiping off (the tears], and was tenderly kissing his feet, and anointing them with the perfume. 39 But the Pharisee who had invited him |seeing it| spake within him- self, saying — ||Thisone|| jif he were the^ prophet| would have been taking note, |who and of what sort| is the woman, who is even touching him, that she is |a sinner]. « And, making answer, Jesus said unto him — Simon! I have junto theej something to say. I He I then- Teacher, speak ! — saith he. ^1 |Two' debtors] there were, to a certain cre- ditor,- |the one] owed five hundred dena- ries, and |the other] fifty. « he forgave |both|. Which of them, therefore, will love him |]more]]? *3 Making answer, Simon said — I suppose, that he to whom |the more, he for- gave]. And |he| said unto him — ]Rightlyj hast thou judged. ** And |]turningtowardsthewomanl| [untoSimonl he said — Seest thou this' woman ? I entered into thy' house : |water to me, on my feet] thou didst not give, — but |]she|| ]with her tears] hath wetted my feet, and jwith her hair] wiped off [the tears]. *& |A kiss, to me| thou didst not give, — but ]]she|l |from the time I came in] hath not ceased tenderly kissing my feet. ** |With oil, my head] thou didst not anoint, — but ||she]| jwith perfume] hath anointed |my feet]. *' ]For which cause] I say unto thee — ]Her many sins] have been forgiven,'' because she hath loved |much| : but ||he to whom little is forgiven]] |little| loveth. *8 And he said unto her — Thy sins have been forgiven. « And they who were reclining together, began to be saying within" themselves — Who is ]this], that |even forgiveth sin8|? so But he said unto the woman — I Thy faith] hath saved thee,— Go thy way into peace. § 28. Carrying the Joyful Message from, place to place, Wom.en minister unto him. 8 And it came to pass |in due course] that ho was passing through, city by city and village by village, proclaiming, and delivering the glad- message of the kingdom of God, — and |the « Or (WH) : "a." ancelsa publlcconflrma- '' proof of previous forgive- tlon. ness — of which this assur- «Or: "among." W 66 LUKE VIII. 2—28. twelve] were with him; 2 and certain women^ who had been cured from evil spirits and infirmi- ties, — Mary^ the one called Magdalene^ from whom seven demons had gone forth,^ and Joaua^ wife of Chuza steward of Herod, and Susanna, and many others, — who indeed were ministering unto them out of their possessions. § 29. The Parable of the Sower. Mt. xiii. 1-9 ; Mk. iv. 1-9. * And he spake through means of a parable : — » The sower went forth to sow his seed, — and llSome] I indeed^ fell beside the pathway, and was trodden down; and |the birds of heaven] devoured it. « And ||other|| fell down upon the rock ; and^ growing^ was withered, because it had not moisture. 1 And I |other| I fell amidst thorns; and, grow- ing together, |tha thorns|| choked it. 8 And |lother|l fell into good ground; and, growing, brought forth fruit |a hundred- fold]. |These things] saying, he went on to cry aloud — JHe that hath ears to hear] let him hear. § 30. The Sower Explained. Mt. xiii. 10-23 ; Mk. iv. 10-20. » But his disciples began to question him — What might ]this very] parable be ? WAnd ]he] said— I ] Unto you]] hath it been given, to get to know the sacred secrets of the kingdom of God; but ]]unto the rest]] in parables, — in order that, seeing^ they may not see, and^ hearing^ they may not understand.^ u Now the parable ]is this]— ]The seed] is |the word of God]. 12 And ]those beside the pathway] are they who have heard ; ]afterwards] cometh the adversary, and catcheth away the word from their heart, lest ]believing] they should ]]be saved]]. i3 And ]those upon the rock] are they who ]] as soon as they hear]] ]with joy] welcome the word; and ]]thesei] not having ]root] are they who jfor a season] believe, — and ]in a season of testing] draw back.b "And jthat which in among the thorns' fell] ]]these]| are they who have heard; and ]by anxieties and wealth and pleasures of life being borne alongl are choked up, and bear not to perfection. 15 But [thatinthegood'ground] ]|thesell are they who indeed ]in a noble and good heart having heard the word] hold fast, and bear fruit with endurance. M And |no one having lit a lamp'] covereth it up with a vessel, or ]boneath a couch] puttethit; but j upon a lamp-stand] putteth it, that ]they who come in] may see the •Ib.vL9. >> Or: "stand aloof." light." "For thare is no secret, which shall not be made ] manifest] ; neither a hidden thing, which shall in anywise not be made known, or not come Jwhere it can be seen].'' 18 Be taking heed therefore how ye hear ; for ]whosoever shall have] it shall be given unto him'; and ]whosoever shall not have] |]even what he seemeth to have]] shall be taken from him.o § 31. " My Mother and My Brethren." Mt. xii. 46-50 ; Mk. iii. 31-35. 19 And his mother and brethren came near unto him, and were unable to reach him, because of the multitude, '^o And it was reported to him — ]Thy mother and thy brethren] are standing outside, desiring ]to see] thee. 21 But Ihe] answering, said unto them — ]]My mother and my brethren]] are"* Ithese] — they who ]the word of God] are hearing and doing. §32. A Storm rehuked. Mt. viii. 23-27 ; Mk. iv. 35-41. 22 And it came to pass, on one of the days, that ]he] entered into a boat, and his disciples; and he said unto them — Let us pass over unto the other side of the lake. And they set sail. 23 Now ]as they were sailing] he fell asleep. And there came down a hurricane of wind upon the lake, and they began to be filled land to be in peril]. 24 And ]coming near] they roused him up, saying — Master! Master! we perish «! And ]he, roused up] rebuked the wind, and the surging of the water; and they ceased, and it became a calm. 25 And he said unto them — Where was your faith ? But ] struck with fear] they marvelled, saying one to another — Who then is ]this] — that ]even unto the winds] he giveth orders |and unto the water], and they hearken unto him. § 33. A Gerasene Demoniac delivered. Mt. viii. 28-34; Mk. v. 1-20. 26 And they sailed down into the country of the Gerasenes, the which is over against Galilee. 27 And [when he went forth upon the land! there met him a certain man, out of the city, having demons ; and jfor a considerable time] he had put on no garment,f and ]in a house]* would not abide, but among the tombs. 28 But ]seeing Jesus] he cried out aloud, and fell down before him, and |with a loud voice] said — What have I in common with thee, Jesus^ Son of [God] the Most High ? I beg of thee — Do not torment me I — «Mt. V. 15; Mk. Iv. 21; Ciap. xi. 33. i>Mt. X. 26- Mk. Iv. 22: chap. xii. 2. « Chap. xix. 26 : Mi- xxv. 29. d Ml : "A mother of mine and brothers of mine. are," &c. •Note the present tense: here = " are on the point of perishinp." f Or ; " mantle." K Or : " Indoors." LUKE Vili. 29— 5tt; IX. 1—7. 67 " for he was about to charge the impure spirit to come out from the man. For |many times] had it snatched him away; aud he used to be bound with chains and fetters [for a safe-guard|, and was wont to break in pieces the bonds^ and to be driven by the demon into the deserts. so And Jesus questioned himr— What name hast thou ? And |h6| said — Legion 1 because many demons had entered into him. " And they were beseeching him that he would not order them |into the abyss| to depart. *2 Now there was there^ a herd of a good many swine, feeding in the mountain ; and they besought him^ that he would suffer them |into those| to enter; and he suffered them. 33 ^.ud the demons^ going forth from the man' entered into the swine' ; and tlie herd rushed down the cliffy into the lake, and were choked. M And they who had been feeding them | seeing what had happened] fled, and carried tidings into the city, and into the country-places. 3= Aud they went forth to see what had happened ; and came unto Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons' had gone forth | sitting] , clothed, and of sound mind, near the feet of Jesus, — and they were struck with fear. seAnd they who had seen it ] reported unto themj how the demonized man was saved. st And one and all of the throng of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes ]request.ed him, to depart from them] ; because ]with a great fearj were they oppressed. And ]he| entering into a boat | returned]. '^And the man from whom the demons had gone forth ]begau to beg of himj that he might be with him ; but he dis- missed him, saying — •8 Be returning unto thy house, and telling forth what great things |God|^ for thee, hath done. And he departed, [through all' the city] pro- claiming what great things | Jesus] had done for him. % 84. The Daughter of Jairus raised, and the Woman with Flow of Blood cured. Mt. ix. 18-26 ; Mk. v. 21-43. *o Now |when Jesus returned] the multitude welcomed him back, for they were all expecting him. *i And lo 1 there came a man, whose name was Jairus, and ]]thesame]] was ]a ruler of the synagogue], — and ]falling down near the feet of Jesus] he began beseeching him to enter into his house; ^^ because he had |an only- begotten daughter], about twelve years old, and |]she|| was dying. Now |]as he withdrew]] ]the multitudes] were hemming him in. *3And ]a woman] ** ]coming near behind] touched the fringe of his mantle; and ]instantly] was stayed the flow of her blood. *5 And Jesus said — [Who I is it that touched me ? And ]when all were denying] Peter said — Master 1 |th6 multitudes] are hemming thee in, and pressing along. ** But ]Jesus] said — Some one touched' me, for ||I|| took note of power, gone out from me. ■*' And trembling, came, and [falling down before him] reported before all' the people ]]for what cause she had touched him |] and how she was healed instantly! *8Aiid ]he| said to her — Daughter! ]thy faith] hath saved thee: Go thy way into peace. *9 there cometh one from the synagogue ruler's, saying — Thy daughter ]is dead] : jNo further] be troubling the teacher. 50 But ] Jesus] hearing, answered him — Do not fear ! ]Only believe] and she shall be saved. 51 And ]when he came into the house] he suffered no one to enter with him, save Peter and John and James, and the father of the girl, aud the mother. 52 And they were all weeping, and beating themselves, for her. And he said — Be not weeping ; for she died not, but is sleeping. 5* And they were deriding him, knowing that she died. 5* But |]he]| ]grasping her handj called aloud, saying — girl ! arise 1 53 And her spirit returned, and she rose up in- stantly, and he ordered that something should be given her to eat. 56 And her parents were beside themselves. But ]he| charged them to tell |no one] what had happened. § 35. The Twelve sent forth. Mt. x. 1-14 ff ; Mk. vi. 7-13. 9 And I calling together the twelve] he gave them power and authority over all' the demons, and to be curing jdiseases] ; '■* and sent them forth, to be proclaiming the kingdom of God, and to be healing; ^and said unto them — ]Nothing] take ye for the journey, — Neither staff, nor satchel, nor bread, nor silver, Nor to have |two' tunics]. * And ]Therel abide, and ]thence| be going forth. 5 And ]]In going forth from that city] | ]the dust of your feet] shake ye off ]for a witness against them]. 6 And they went forth, and were passing through^ along thevillages,— delivering the glad-message, and effecting cures in every direction. § 36. Herod at a loss about Jesus. Mt. xiv. 1-12 ; Mk. vi. 14-29. 7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all the things which were coming to pass, and was utterly at a 68 LUKE IX. 8—36. loss, because of its being said |by some|, that II John] I had been raised from the dead ; » and |by some|, that ||Elijah|| had appeared; and |by othersj that jsome prophet of the ancients] had arisen. ^ But Herod said — ||John|| |I myself| beheaded; but jwho is this], concerning whom I am hearing such things as these ? And he was seeking to see him. § 37. The Miracle of the Five Loaves. Mt. xiv. 13-21 ; Mk. vi. 30-44 ; Jn. vi. 1-13. 10 And the Apostles |returning| related to him what great things they had done. And [taking them asidej he retired privately, into a city called Bethsaida. "But ||the multitudes|| jget- ting to know| followed him ; and |giving them welcome] he began speaking unto them concern- ing the kingdom of God, — and jthem that had need' of cure| he healed. i^Aud |the day| began to decline ; and the twelve |coming near| said to him — Dismiss the multitude, that they may lodge, and Hud provisions; because |here, in a desert' jjlace] are we, 13 But he said unto them — Give ||ye|| them to eat. |They| however, said — We have not more than five loaves, and two fishes, — unless perhaps ||we|| should go, and buy food |for all' this people j. 1* For there were about five thousand men. And he said unto his disciples — Make them recline, in companies of about fifty each. 15 And they did so, — and made jone and allj recline. is And jlooking up into heaven| he blessed them, and brake [them] up, and went on giving to the disciples, to set before the multitude ; i' and they did all' eat and were filled. And that which remained over to them |was taken upj, — |of broken pieces] twelve baskets. § 38. Peter's Good Confession. Mt. xvi. 13-20 ; Mk. viii. 27-30. 18 And jthe disciples| were with him. And he questioned them, saying — Who do the multitudes say that I am ? 19 And they, answering, said John the Immerser ; But some, Elijah, And others. That |some prophet of the ancients] hath arisen. 20 And he said to them — But who say ]|ye]] that I am ? And jPeter] answering, said — The Christ of God 1 *i ]He] however, sternly admonishing them, gave charge that ]unto no one] should they be telling this ; 22 saying — The Bon of Man must needs' suffer |many things] and be rejected by the Elders and High priests and Scribes, and be slain, — and ]on the third' day| l|arise]]. § 39. Taking up the Cross. Mt. xvi. 24-28 ; Mk. viii. 34-38. 23 And he was saying ]untoall] — Let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, — and be following me.* 2* For Shall lose it ; But |The same] shall save it.« 25 For what doth a man profit. Who hath gained the whole world. But hath lost, or been made to forfeit,^ Ihimself] ? 26 For ]]of him|] ]the Son of Man] will be ashamed, whensoever he shall come in his glory, and that of the Father, and of the holy' messengers. 27 But I tell you of a truth- There ]are] some of those ]here| standing, who shall in nowise taste of death, ]until they see the kingdom of God] . §40. The Transformation of Jesus. Mt. xvii. 1-8 ; Mk. ix. 2-13 : cp. 2 P. i. 16-18. 28 And it came to pass ] after these words,* about eight days] he went up into the mountain to pray. 29 A.nd it came to pass ]] while he was praying]] that ]the appearance of his face] was changed, and ]his clothing] became white, ]eiTalgent|. ^oAnd lo 1 ]two men] were conversing with him, who, indeed, were Moses and Elijah, — ^i ^-jjo [appearing in glory] were speakingas to his departure,which he was about to fulfil in Jerusalem. 32 Now j Peter, and they who were with' him] had become heavy with sleep ; but |waking up| they saw his glory, and the two' men who were standing with him. 33 And it came to pass |when they were being parted from him] Peter said unto Jesus — Master! it is [delightful] for us to be ]here] : Let us, therefore, make three tents, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah :— not knowing what he said. si^ow Jwhile he was saying these things] there came'' a cloud, and it began to overshadow them, — and they were overcome with fear as they entered into the cloud. 3oAnd ]a voice] came out of the cloud, saying — ]This| Is my Son ]theChosen One] ': [Unto him] be hearkening. 36 And ]]when the voice camel] there was found ]Jesus alone]. And they held their peace, and ]untonoone] reported they, in those' days, any of the things which they had seen. » Mt. X.38. "Or; "things " ^ Com : " soul." " Ml : " came to Yie." e Chap. xvll. 33; Mt. X. 39; '2 P. L 17; Mt. lii. 17; Mk. Jn. xlt 25. L 11 : chap, lit 22. LUKE IX. 37—62 ; X. 1—6. § 41. Jesus cures a Demoniac whom the Disciples could not cure. Mt. xvii. 14^21 ; Mk. ix. 14^29. *'' And it came to pass that thoi'e met him a great multitude, 's And lo! |a man from the multitude| uttered a cry, saying — Teacher I I beg of thoe^ to look upon my son, because |my only begotten] ho is. ^^ And lo 1 |a spirit] taketh him, and |suddenly| he crioth out, — and it convulseth him — with foaming^ and with difficulty departeth from him, sorely bruising him. **• And I begged of thy disciples^ that they would cast it out, and they could not. *i And, making answer, Jesus said — faithless and perverted generation I how long shall I be with you, and bear with you? Bring |hither| thy son. *2 And I while yet' he was coming| the demon tare him,and mangled him. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. ^^ And they were all being struck with astonishment, |at the majesty of God|. § 42. Jesus warns of His Rejection. And < while all' were marvelling at all' things which he was doing> he said unto his disciples : ** Lay lyej up in your ears, these words ; for |the Sou of Man| is about to be delivered up |into the hands of meu|. ** But |they| understood not this saying, and it had become veiled from them, that they might not grasp it, — and they were afraid to question him |concerniug this saying|. § 43. True Greatness. Mt. xviii. 1-5 ; Mk. ix. 33-37. ^6 But there entered a reasoning among them, as to who of them should be greatest. *7 And |Jesus| [taking a ehild| placed it near himself, — *8 and said unto them— |unto me| giveth welcome ; And giveth welcome unto him that sent me forth.a For 1 1 he who is least among you all 1 1 |thesame| is |great|. *9 But John |auswering| said — Mas! .r 1 we saw some one |in thy name] cast- ing out demons, — and we forbade him, be- cause he folio woth not with us. 60 And Jesus said unto him — Do not forbid ; for |whosoever is not against you I is l|for you||. § 44. The Face of Jesus set towards Jerusalem. 61 And it came to pass, ||even he himselfll set |his face| tobejourney- » Mt. s_ 40 i Mk. Ix. 37 ; Jn. illi. 20. ing unto Jerusalem » ; 52 and he sent messengers before his face, — and, taking their journey, they entered into a village of Samaritans, |so as to prepare for him|. ^ And they welcomed him not, because |his face] was for journeying unto Jerusalem. 5* And the disciples James and John |seeing it| said — Lord 1 wilt thou, that we bid Jire come down from heaven^ and destroy ^ them ? ^^ But |turning| he rebuked them." 56 And they journeyed into a different' village. § 45. Three Would-be Followers put to the Test. Mt. viii. 18-22. 57 And |as they were journeying on the road| one said unto him — I will follow thee, whithersoever thou shalt depart. 58 And Jesus said unto him — ||Tho foxesll have idensj, and ||the birds of heaven|| | nests | ; but ||the Son of Man|| hath not where |his head| he may recline. 59 And he said unto another — Be following me 1 But |he| said — Suffer me, |flrst| to depart,and bury my father. 60 And he said unto him — Leave |the dead| to bury their own' dead ; But ||thou|| departing, be declaring the king- dom of God. 61 And lyet another| said — ■ I will follow thee. Lord ; But |flrst| suffer me to bid adieu to them that are in my house. 62 But Jesus said [unto him] — I I No one, laying the hand on a plough and looking unto the things behind|| is |flt| for the kingdom of God. § 46. Tlie Mission of the Seventy [Two.] lO And |after these things] the Lord appointed seventy [two] others, and sent them forth, two and two before his face, into every' city and place whither |he himself | was about to come. 2 And he was saying unto them — ||The harvost|| indeed, is |great|, But 1 1 the labourers] I |few| ; Beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, That he would thrust forth |labourers| into his harvest. d 9 Withdraw ! Lo 1 I send you forth as lambs amid wolves. * Be not carrying purse, or satchel, or sandals. And |no one along the road| salute ye; 5 And I First I e say Peace to this house 1 6 And I Your peace] shall rest upon it; But ]|otherwise, at least]] ]untoyou] shall it return. ' The recurrence of Luke's iKirrative to the Lord's progress towards Jerusa- lem is mo^t impressive; cp. ver. 53. 57 ; chap. x. 1.38; xiii. 22, 33; xiv. 25 ; xvul.31; xix. 11,28. ''2K. i. 10-12. " Cp. Ml:, ix. 38-40. 1 Mt. ix. 37. 38 'Or: "entei" first> sa.r" —a question of puuctiia- tlou. 70 LUKE X. 7—34. T And |in the self-same' house| abide ye, Eating and drinking such things as they have ; For |worthy| is the labourer |of his hire| : lie not removing from house to house. 8 And Be eating such things as are set before you ; 9 And be curing the sick that are |therein|, And be saying unto them — The kingdom of God hath drawn nigh upon you. w But [Going forth into the broadways thereof| say ye : u do we wipe off against you ; Nevertheless |of this| be taking notice — The kingdom of God hath drawn near. " I tell you, ||For them of Sodom, in that dayll jmore tolerable) will it be, |than for that city|.a 19 Alas for thee, Chorazin 1 Alas for thee, Bethsaida I Because |0f old, in sackcloth' and ashes' sitting! they would have repented. 1* Moreover ||for Tyre and Zidon|| |more tolerable] will it be, in the judgment, than [for you|. 16 And 1 1 thou, Capernaum] | — I Unto heaven\ shalt thou be uplifted ?... I Unto hades] thou shalt be brought doum^ 1 16 junto me| doth hearken, And doth set |me| asi.de; And doth set aside |]him that sent me]].": 1' And the seventy [-two] returned, with joy, saying- Lord 1 ]|even the demons]) submit themselves unto us, in thy name I 18 And he said unto them — I was beholding Satan, when [like lightning, out of heaven] he fell I 19 Lo 1 I have given you the authority — To be treading upon serpents'^ and scorpions, lAnd over all' the power of the enemy], — And llnothing, unto you]] shall in anywise do harm; *o Notwithstanding ]in this] be not rejoicing — That Ithe spirits] unto you' submit them- selves ; But be rejoicing — That ]your names] are inscribed in the heavens I ' Mr. X. 7-16. ' Is. xlv. 13, 15. 21-24. Cp. Mt. XI. Mt. X. 40; Mk. Ix 37; Chap. Ix. 48; Jn. xili. 20. he said — j Happy] the eyes, that see what ye see I 2* For I tell you— ] Many 'prophets and kings] have desired to see what ]|ye]] see, and they saw not, And to hear what ye hear, and they heard not.o § 4:7. A Lawyer answered : The Good Samaritan. 25 And lol ]a certain lawyer] arose, putting him to the test, saying — Teacher 1 ]by doing what] shaU I inherit jlife age-abiding] ? 26 And ]he] said unto him — ]]Inthe!aw]] what is written ? how dost thou read ? 27 And ]hej answering, said — Thou shalt love the Lord thy Ood^ out of aU thy heart, and with alt thy soul, and with aU thy might, and with all thine intention^] And thy neighbour^ as thyself.^ 28 And he said unto him — jKightly] hast thou answered : )77ii.s] do, and thou shalt live.' 29 But ]he] wishing to justify himself, said unto Jesus — And ]who is] my ]neighbour] ? so And taking up [the question], Jesus said — ]A certain man] was going down from Jeru- salem unto Jericho, and jwith robbers] fell in^ — who, stripping him, and inflicting jwounds] upon him, departed, leaving him jhalf dead]. 81 And ]]by chance]] ]a certain priest] was com- ing down by tbat road, and, seeing him, passed by ]on the opposite side]. 82 And ]]in like manner]] jaLevitealsol coming down to the jilace, and seeing him, passed by |on the opposite side]. 33 But I la certain Samaritan]] going on his jour- ney, came down to him, and, seeing him, was moved with compassion ; 3« and, coming near, bound up his bruises, pouring thereon oil and wine,— and, setting him on his own beast brought him into an inn, and took • IVTt. xi. 25-27. >> Or : " he t rivately aald." • Mt. xlU. 16. 17. |jl|| when on my way back^a will duly pay thee. 86 I Which of these' three | seemeth unto thee to have become ||ueighbour|| unto him who fell among the robbers ? f And |he| said- He who dealt mercifully with him. And Jesus said unto him — Be taking thy journey, and ||thou|| be doing |in like manuer|. § 48. Martha and Mary : The Oood Part. 88 And ||as they were journeyingll |he| entered into a certain village; and |a certain woman^ named Martha| welcomed him into her house. 89 And |she| had a sister^ called Mary, who also was hearing his word. *" But |Martha| was distracted about much' minister- ing, and, coming near, said — Lord I carest thou not that |my sister] hath left me to be ministering ||alone||? Speak to her, then, that she help me. *i But the Lord, answering, said to her — Martha 1 Martha ! thou art anxious and troubled about many' things : ^ |0f few things! is there need, ur ||of onellb; I Mary I in fact, hath chosen |the good' part|, — one which shall not be taken away from her. § 49. " Lord! teach us to pray." Cp. Mt. vi. 9-13. 11 And it came to pass one of his disciples said unto him — Lord ! teach us to pray. As |.John also| taught his disciples. ' And he said unto them — <\Vhensoever ye are praying> say — Father 1 Hallowed be thy name. Come may thy kingdom, * |Our needful bread| be giving us^ day by day ; * And forgive us our sins. For I even we ourselves | forgive every' one indebted to us ; And bring us not into temptation. 5 And he said unto them — |Who from among you| shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him — Friend 1 supply me with three' loaves, * forasmuch as |a friend of mine| hath come off a journey unto me, and I have not what I can set before him ; '' and ||he|| |from within| shall answer, and say— *Or: " going up again"— i.e.. to Jerusalem, a much higher locality. i" A beautiful and sugges- tive Gr emendation, made by WH. Be not disturbing me, — |already( the door hath been fastened, and || my children^ with me|| are |in bed] : I cannot rise and give thee ? 8 I. say unto you — Ibecause, at least, of his impor- tunityl he will rouse himself, and give him as many as he needeth. 9 |1I|| therefore, | unto you | say — Be asking, and it shall be given to you. Be seeking, and ye shall And, — Be knocking,and it shall be opened unto you. 10 For (whosoever asketh| receiveth. And |he that seeketh| flndeth, — And |to him that knocketh| shall it be opened. a 11 But which' is the father |from among your- selves|. Whom the son will ask for^ |a fish|, Who [instead of a flsh| will give him l|a ser- pent] I ? 12 Or shall also ask ]an eggi. Who will give him |]a scorpion] j? 1'^ |]How much rather]] will ]the heavenly Father] give Holy Spirit unto them that ask him I § 50. Jesus accused of casting out Demons in Beel- zebul. Mt. xii. 22-37 ; Mk. iii. 20-bO. 1* And he was casting out a demon that was dumb ; and it came to pass ]when the demon' went out] the dumb began speaking. And the multi- tudes marvelled ; i^ but |some from among them I said — ||In how shall his kingdom stand' ? Because ye are saying that ]in Beelzebul] am I casting out the demons. 19 But In whom are |]your sons]| casting them out? Wherefore ntheyt] shall be ]your' judges]. 20 But Then doubtless u nawares hath come upon you 'the kingdom of God]. 21 Or (WH) : " for a loaf will give him a stone ; or [also] for a flsh," &c. « Ever more and more ; a constant supply. "1 Cp. Mk. i. 23, n. e Ap : " Bf elzebul." 'Or (VTH): "I" tunem- phatlc). 72 LUKE XI. 22—48. be guarding his own' dwelling> » |in peace| are his goods ; ** But |His panoply] he taketh away [wherein he was trustingi, And |his spoils] he distributeth. *» ||He that is not with me|| is |against mo| ; And ||he that gathereth not with me|| scattereth. ** it passeth through water- less' places^ seeking rest ; and ] not finding it] L]then]] it saith — I will return unto my house ]whence I came out] ; — *8 and looming] flndeth it [emptyj swept, and adorned. ^e ]Then| goeth it^ and taketh along with itself, other' ^ spirits^ more wicked than itself— ]seven], and^ entering in, flxeth its dwelling there; and jthe last state of that man] becometh II worse than the first]]. " Now it came to pass |while he was saying these things] that a certain woman out of the multi- tude ]lifting up her voice] said unto him — Happy the womb that bare thee ! And the breasts which thou didst suck 1 MBut ]]he]] said- Yea rather 1 — Happy they who hear the word of God, and observe it 1 § 51. The Sign of Jonah arid The Wisdom of Solomon. Mt. xii. 38-42. *9 And |as the multitudes were thronging to- gether] he began to be saying — ]]This generation] I is ]a wicked generation] : |A sign] it is seeking, And ]a sign] shall not be given it, — |]Save the sign of Jonah]]. w For '= |So| shall be ]the Son of Man also] ]]unto this generation]]. »i |The queen of the south] will rise up, in the judgment, with the men of this genera- tion, and will condemn them ; Because she came out of the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, — And lo 1 Isomething more than Solomon] llhere]]. 82 |Men of Nineveh] will rise up, in the judg- ment, with this generation, and will con- demn it; Because they repented into the proclama- tion of Jonah, — And lot ]something more than Jonahl |]here||. § 52. The Lighted Lamp. Cp. chap. viii. 16 ; Mt. V. 15; Mk. iv. 21. 8» ||No onell having lighted la lamp] ]]into a covered place]]" putteth it, nor ]uuder the measure] ; but upon the lampstand, that they who enter may see (the light]. 3* ]]The lamp of thy bodyl] is thine eye: < Whensoever ]jthineeye]] may be |single]> |]Even the whole' of thy bodyl] is |lighted up] ; But ]Even thy body] is darkened. "5 Be looking to it, therefore, lest ] ]the light that is in thee]] be ]darkness]. ^s The whole ]shall be lighted up] as whenso- ever ]the lamp, with its radiance] may be giving thee light.b § 53. " Alas for you, Pharisees and Lawyers ! " Cp. Mt. xxiii. 37 And ]when he had spoken] a Pharisee was re- questing him that he would dine<' with him; and, entering, he reclined. 38 And ]the Pharisee] beholding, marvelled that he was not |flrst| immersed, before the dinner.<= 39 ^.nd the Lord said unto him : Now ]]ye, the Pharisees]] ]the outside of the cup and of the tray| do make pure; But ]your inward part] is full of plunder and wickedness. *o Simple ones 1 Did not ]]he who made the outside]] ]the inside also] make ? ^1 Notwithstanding ]as to the things withinj give alms. Audio! ] I everything]] is ]pure unto you]. ^'^ But alas for you, the Pharisees I Because ye tithe the mint, and the rue, and every' garden herb, And pass by justice, and the love of God. But ]these things] it was binding to do. And ]those] not to pass by. <3 Alas for you, the Pharisees 1 Because ye love the first seats in the syna- • Or: "court." t" Or : " different," verse." ' Note how the word "sign" rings through this passage. And the salutations in the market-places 1 ** Alas for you 1 Because ye are as the secret tombs : ]Even the men that are walking above them] know it not. ^5 And jmaking answer] one of the Lawyers saith uuto him — Teacher! ]these things] saying, lus also) dost thou insult ! *6 And ]he] said — And |]for you, the lawyers]] alas 1 Because ye lade men with burdens hard to be borne, And |]yourselves|i |with one' of your fingers; touch not the burdens. ♦7 Alas for you ! Because ye build the tombs of the prophets. And your fathers slew them ! »8 Hence |wituesses| are ye, and find consent- » Or : "vault." '"crypt." » Mt. vl. 22, 23. ' Or: "breakfast." LUKE XI. 49-54 ; XII. 1—22. 73 ing pleasure in the works of your fathers : Because ||they|| indeed, slew them, And ||ye|| are building [their tombs). *8 |For this cause| the Wisdom of God hath said — I will send forth, unto them, prophets and apostles, — And |some from among them| will they slay, And [some] persecute: 50 That the blood of all' the prophets which hath been shed from the foundation of the world, |may be sought out| from this generation, — 61 From the blood of Abel, unto the blood of Zachariah who was destroyed betwixt the altar and the house ; Yea ! I say unto you — ||It shall be sought out from this genera- tion! |. M Alas for you, the lawyers 1 Because ye took away the key of knowledge : |Yourselves| entered not, And |them who were entering] ye hindered. 63 And the Scribes and the Pharisees began, with vehe- mence, to be hemming him in, and trying to make him speak off-hand concerning many things, — 34 lying in wait for him, to catch some- thing out of his mouth. § 54. Various Instructions for Disciples and for the Multitude. 12 he began to be saying |unto his disciples] ||first|| — Be keeping yourselves free from the leaven of the Pharisees, =1 the which is |hypocrisy|. 2 But ||nothing|| hath been |eovered up| Which shall not be uncovered, Ajid hidden Which shall not be made known. * Because jln the light] shall be heard ; And Shall be proclaimed on the housetops." * And I say unto you |my friends] — Do not be put in fear of them who kill the body. And ]after these things] have nothing more uncommon which they can do. 5 But I will suggest to you, whom ye should fear — Fear him who ]after killing] |]hath autho- rity to oast into gehenna]], — Yea, I say unto you — |Him| fear ye.<= 6- Are not |flve' sparrows] sold for two farthings? And ]not one from among them] hath been forgotten before God.* ' But ]even the hairs of your head] have all' been numbered : Be not afraid : |Many' sparrows] ye excel. 8 And I say unto you — ]Even the Son of Man] will confess him^ before the messengers of God ; " But Shall be denied before the messengers of God. 1" And < whosoever shall say a word against the Son of Man> It shall be forgiven him ; But It shall not be forgiven.'' 11 But Do not be anxious how [or what] ye shall answer, or what ye shall say ; 12 For ]the Holy' Spirit] shall teach you, in that very' hour, what ye ought to say.<= 13 And one from amongst the multitude said unto him — Teacher 1 bid my brother divide with me the inheritance. 1* But Ihe] said unto him — Man I who hath appointed me a judge or divider over you ? Why |concerning the rest| are ye anxious ? " Consider well the lilies^ how they grow : They toil not^ neither do they spin, And yet I say unto you — iJNot even Solomon^ in all' his glorj'|| was arrayed like one of these. *8 But ||How much rather youi| little-of-faith ? M ||Ye|| therefore, be not seeking what ye shall eat and what ye shall drink. And be not held in suspense ; "> For Ijafter all these things] | do ]the nations of the world] seek, — But ]]your' Father]] knoweth that ye need these things. "1 |Notwithstanding| be seeking his kingdom, — And ] these things] shall be added unto you.o »* Be not afraid, the dear' Httle flock ! For your Father delighteth to give you |the kingdom]. •* Sell your possessions, and give alms, Make for yourselves pursesthat wax not old, — Treasure unfailing, in the heavens, Where ]thief] doth not draw near, and ]moth] doth not spoil. '* For ]Therei will your heart' be also. •* Let your loins be girded. And your lamps burning, '8 And ]]ye yourselves]] like unto men awaiting their own lord, once he may break up out of the marriage-feast, — That ]when he cometh and knocketh] |]straightway!] they may open unto him. M Happy those servants, whom the lord, when he cometh, shall find watching! I] Verily I] I say unto you — He will gird himself, and make them recline, and, coming near, will minister unto them. »8 And ]Happyj are Ijtheyi] I •• But |of this] be taking note — •Com : "soul." «>Or(WH): "the." ' Mt. yL 25-34. He would have watched, and not suffered his house ]to be digged through]. *<> ]]Ye]] therefore, be getting ready, Because jin what hour ye are not thinking] The Son of Man cometh 1 « But Peter said- Lord 1 |]untous]] ]this parable] speakest thou? Or ]even unto all] ? *2 And the Lord said — Who then is the faithful' steward, the prudent one, Whom the lord will appoint over his body of attendants. To be giving, in due season, the » mea- sured allowance of wheat ? *8 ]Happy] that servant, whom the lord, when he cometh shall find doing ]thus] ! ^ ]10fatruthl] I say unto you — ]Over all' his possessions] will he appoint him. ^5 But *6 The lord of that servant ]will have come| — On a day when he is not expecting, And in an hour when he is not taking note, — And will cut him asunder. And |his part] ]]with the unfaithful]] will appoint. ^7 And Shall be beaten with many' stripes ; *8 Whereas Shall be beaten with few' stripes. And |Much] shall be sought from him ; And |For more than common] will they ask him, *9 l]Fire]) came I to cast upon the earth, — "> And what can I wish, if ]already| it hath been ]]kindledl| ? so But |au immersion] have I, to be immersed with, And how am I distressed, until it be ended I " Suppose ye, that ]]peace|] I am come to give in the earth ? Nay, I tell you, but rather division. 62 For there shall be ]henceforth] five' in one' hou^^e |divided|, — Three against two^ and two against three: 53 There shall be divided — Father against son, and son against father. Mother against daughter, and daughter against the mother, — " Mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and daughter-in-law against the mother- in-law. • Or(WH): "a." <> Cp. Mt. X. 34. >ML vll.6. LUKE XII. 54—59 ; XIII. 1-25. 75 M And he went on to say |even unto the multi- tudes! — |Straightway| yo are saying — |A thunder- storm| is coming 1 And it happenoth' thus. 68 And Ye say — |A scorching heat| will there be I And it cometh to pass'. *• Hypocrites ! |the face of the earth and of the heaven| ye know how to scan ; But I Ithis season] I how know ye not to scan ?» 67 Why^ moreover^ |eveu from yourselves | judge ye not what is just ? f* For |0n the way| take pains to got a release from him ; Lest once he drag thee along unto the judge, And |the judge| deliver thee up to the punisher, — And I the punisher | cast thee into prison: » I tell thee— In nowise shalt thou come out from thence, Until |even the last fraction| thou payl'> §55. All must repent : The Bai-ren Fig-tree. 13 Now there were present some |in that very' season! bringing tidings to him^ concerning the Galilaeans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 And^ answering^ he said unto them — Suppose ye, that !!these Galilaeans|! had be- come !sinners beyond all' the Galilaeaus|, because |these things | they have suffered ? ' Nay! I tell you, but ||except ye repent|| ye |all, in hke manner| shall perish. * Or suppose ye that !!they|| had become |debtors| beyoud all' the men who were dwelling in Jeru- salem ? 6 Nay! I tell you, but ! except ye repent! ye !all, in the same way| shall perish. « And he went on to speak this parable : — A certain man had ||a fig-tree] I, planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit therein, and found none. 'And he said unto the vine-dresser — Lo 1 ]|three' yearsj! I come, seeking fruit in this flg-tree, and find none. Cut it down 1 Why doth it make !even the ground useless ? 8 And !he! answering, saith unto him — Sir ! let it alone this' year also', until such time as I dig about it, and throw in manure, — » and if it may bear fruit for the future ; ...but |otherwise, certainly! thou shalt cut it down. § 56. The Woman howed together, healed on Sabbath. 10 And he was teaching in one of the synagogues, on the Sabbath.o "And lol ||a woman! • Mt. xvi. 2, 3. <» Mt. V. 25, 26. I Gr. plural. Ap: "Sab- bath." having a spirit of weakness eighteen years, — and was bowed together, and unable to lift herself up |at all|. i^And, seeing her, Jesus called her and said to her — Woman ! thou art loosed from thy weak- ness, — 13 and laid on her his hands: and [instantly! she was made straight again, and began glorifying God. 1* But the synagogue-ruler, answering, began saying unto the multi- tude — !lSix' days] I there are, in which men ought to get their work done ; !!Onthem]! therefore, come and be healed, and I not on the day of rest]. 15 The Lord answered him, and said — Hypocrites! Doth not [jeach one of you!! I'^^ the Sabbath] loose his ox or ass from the manger, and, leading it away, give it drink?* 16 But ]jthis woman]] was there not a needs-be •> that she should be loosed from this bond !on the day of rest] ? 17 And all' who had been setting themselves against him were being put to shame; and ]all' the multitude! were rej oicing over all' the glo riou s things which were being brought to pass by him. § 57. The Mustard Seed and the Leaven. Mt. xiii. 31-33; Mk. iv. 30-32. 18 He went on to say, therefore — !]Whereunto|| is the kingdom of God ,like!? And ]whereunto] shall I liken it ? 19 It is ]like] unto a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and cast into his own garden ; and it grew, and became a tree, and \the birds of heaven] lodged amongst its branches." 20 And ]again] he said — |Whereunto| shall I liken the kingdom of God? 21 It is ! like leaven!, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until ]the whole! was leavened. § 58. The Narrow Boor: " Lord.' open to us." 22 And he was journeying on, city by city and village by village, and making ! progress] unto Jerusalem. d 23 ^nd one said unto him — Lord 1 are they ]fewi who are being saved ? And ]he] said unto them — 2* Be striving to enter through the narrow' doore; for !many] I say unto you, will seek to enter, and will not be able, — 25 when once the householder shall rouse himself^ and lock the door, and ye begin to stand |outside!, and to knock at the door, say- ing- Lord I open to us ; •Chap. xlv. 5; Mt. xil. 11. >> The " nieds be " of love, t Dan. Iv. 12, 21 (Chald.). d Chap. ix. 51, n. ' Clpsrly different from the narrow gate of Ht, vil. 13. 76 LUKE XIII. 26—35; XIV. 1—19. and he shall answer and say unto you — I know you not, whence ye are. S8 |Then| will ye begin to say — We did eat and drink in thy presence, And I in our broadways | thou didst ||teach|| ; 2T And he will speak, saying unto you — I know not whence ye are ; Departfrom, me^ all workers ofunrighteous- ness.^ M |There| will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, as soon as ye see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all' the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and |yourselves| being thrust forth outside. 29 And they shall have come from east and west^ ^ and from north and south, and be made recline in the kingdom of God. 80 And lo ! there are |last|, who shall be | first |, And there are |flrst|, who shall be |last|.'= § 59. Jesus fears not Herod: Laments over Jerusalem. 81 |In that very' hour| came near certain Phari- sees, saying unto him — Go forth, and be journeying hence, because I Herod I desireth to slay thee. 82 And he said unto them — Go and tell this fox, Lo I I am casting out demons, and |cures| am I finishing, to-day, and to-morrow,— 88 and I on the third | I am to be made perfect. Nevertheless, I must needs ]to-day, and to- morrow, and the following] be journeying on, because it is impossible that a prophet perish |outside Jerusalem|. 84 Jerusalem ! Jerusalem ! she that slayeth the prophets, and stoneth them that are sent unto her! iHow often] have I desired to gather together thy children, like as a hen, her own' brood, under her wings, — and ye did not desire 1 ^s Lq 1 your house is left to youA [And] I say unto you — In nowise shall ye see me, until ye say, — \Blessed, is he that cometh in the name of the Lord 1 " § 60. At a Pharisee's on Sabbath Jesus heals one of Dropsy. " Come higher \" The Great Supper. 14 And it came to pass that ]ithey|i were narrowly watching him. 2 And lo! there •was |a certain man] who had the dropsy, before him. 3 And Jesus_ answering, spake unto the Lawyers and Pharisees, saying — Is it allowed, on the Sabbath, to cure, or not ? But |thoy] held their peace. "And taking hold [of him] he hea!ed and dismissed him, — 6 and |unto them| said — » Ps. vl. 8 ; cp. Mt. vil. 23. bMal. 1. II : Is. lix. 19. • Mt. xU. 30 ; XX. 16. ■".Ter. xxll. 5; xll. 7. ePs. cxvlii. 26. Cp. xxili. 37-39. ] Which' of you] shall have a son or an ox that ]into a pit] shall fall, and will not straightway pull him up |on the day of rest] ? a 6 And they could not return an answer unto these things. ' And he went on to speak, unto the invited, a parable, — observing how |the first couches| they were choosing; saying unto them — 8 do not recline on the first couch ; lest once ]a more honour- able than thou] have been invited by him, 9 and he that invited both thee' and him' should come, and say unto thee — Give ]unto this one] place! and ]then| thou shouldst begin, with shame^ ]the last i)lace| to occupy. 10 But pass on and fall back into the last' place, that |whensoever he that hath invited thee shall come] he may say unto thee — Friend ! come close up |higher|. JThenl shalt thou have honour before all' who are reclining together with thee.'' 11 Because ] everyone' who exalteth himself] shall be abased ; And |he that abaseth himself] shall be exalted.o 12 Moreover he went on to say |unto him also who had invited him] — do not call thy friends^ or thy brothers, or thy kinsfolk, or rich neighbours, — lest once ]]they also|| invito thee in return, and it become a recompense unto thee. 18 But invite the destitute, the tried, the lame, the blind; "and Ihappy] shali thou be, that they have not wherewith to recompense thee, for it shall be recompensed unto thee |in the resurrec- tion of the righteous]. 16 And one of those reclining together |hearing these things] said unto him — |Happy] whoever shall eat bread in the king- dom of God ! 16 But |he| said unto him — |A certain man] was making a great supper, and invited many "J; I'and he sent out his servant, at the hour of the supper, to say unto the invited — Be coming! because ||even now|| is It Iready]. 18 And they all began, one after another to excuse themselves. |The first, said unto him— I A field; have I bought, and have need to go out and see it: I request thee, hold me excused. 19 And ]another| said — » Chap. xUi. 15. Ap : "Rest." "Sabbath." » Pr. XXV. 6, 7. 1 Mt. xxIU. 12 ; chap, xvllt 14. d Cp. Mt. xxll. 1-14. LUKE XIV. 20—35; XV. 1—18. 77 |Five' yoke of oxon| have I bought^ and am going my way to prove them ; I request theo^ hold me excused. M And |another| said — |A wife| have I married, and |for this cause| I cannot come I ■*! And^ going near^ the servant reported unto his lord those things. ||Then|| Ipro- voked to anger| the master of the house said unto his servant — Go out quickly^ into the broadways and streets of the city, — and |the destitute, and tried, and blind^ and lame| bring thou in here. *2 And the servant said — • Lord I what thou didst order^ hath been done; and ||yet|| there is |room|. »8 And the lord said unto the servant — Go out among the highways and fences, and compel a them to come in ; that my house may be filled. >* For, I say unto you — |Not one of those men who had been invited| shall taste of my supper. § 61. The Costs of Biscipleship. 25 And there were journeying together with him many multitudes; and lturning| he said unto them — *6 he cannot be my disciple. *T cannot be my disciple." ^ For |who from among you, wishing to build a tower'l doth not first' sit down and count the cost, — whether he hath sufficient for com- pletion ; 29 lest once, |air who are looking on| should begin to mock at him', "* saying — |This' man| began to build, and was not able to finish I '1 Or |what king] will not sit down first and take counsel, whether he is able' I with ten' thousand] to meet him who |with twenty' thousand I is coming against him. 32 And | if not, by any means | he sendeth |an embassy], and requesteth the conditions of peace. 8' ]Thus| therefore cannot be my disciple. ** |Good| therefore is the salt; but wherewith shall it be seasoned ? 35|| Neither for land nor for manure|| la it |flt| : ]outside] they cast itlo |He that hath ears to hear] let him hear. »Or: "constrain." <> Mt. X. 37, 38. > Mt. V. 13 ; Mk. li. 50. § 62. The Lost Sheep, Lost Silver, and Lost Son. 15 But all' the tax-collectors and the sinners were ]unto him] drawing near, to be hearkening unto him; ^and both the Pharisees and the Scribes were murmuring, saying — ]]This man]! ]uuto sinners] giveth welcome, and eateth with them. 8 And he spake unto them this parable, saying — * I] What man from among you]] < having a hundred' sheep,'' and losing, from among them, ]one] >doth not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go his way after the lost one, until he find it? & And ]flnding it] he layeth it upon his shoulders, ] rejoic- ing] ; 6 and ]comiug unto his house] calleth together the friends and the neighbours, saying unto them — Kejoice with me ! because I have found my sheep that was lost I ■f I say unto you — ]Thus] ]]joy in heaven]] will there be, over one' sinner repenting, rather than over ninety-nine' righteous persons, who in- deed have ]no need] of repentance. 8 Or ] I what woman] ( doth not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek carefully, until she find it ? * And ]having found it] she calleth together her female friends and neighbours, saying — Rejoice with me ! because I have found the piece of silver which I had lost. 10 ]Thu3| I say unto you there ariseth joy in presence of the messengers of God, over one' sinner repenting. 11 And he said — ]]Acertain man]] had two' sons. i^And the younger of them said unto the father — Father 1 give me the share that falleth'to me ]of what there isj. And ]he| divided unto them the living.o 13 And ]after not many' days] the younger' son^ gathering all together, left home for a country far away, and ]there] squandered his substance with riotous Uving. i* And ] when he had spent all] there arose a mighty famine throughout that country, — and l|he]| began to be in want, i^ And he went his way, and joined himself unto one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to be feeding swine. 18 And he used to long to be filled with the pods which the swine were eating; and |no man] was giving unto him. IT But coming ]|to himself]] he said — How many hired servants of my father, have bread enough and to spare, Whereas ]]I]] |with famine, here] am perishing 1 18 I will arise, and go unto my father, oad will say unto him — • Mt. xvlll. 12-14. '' Gr. drcuihmas. • Cp .ver. 31 j Den. xxL 17, 78 LUKE XV. 19—32; XVI. 1— 3. Father I I have sinned against heaven^ and before thee : 19 |No longerl am I worthy to be called a son of thine, — Make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose^ and came unto his own father. * Now his father saw him, and was moved with com- passion^ and I running! fell upon his neck, and tenderly kissed him. ^ And the son said unto him — Father 1 I have sinned against heaven^ and before thee : |No longer] am I worthy to be called a son of thine, — [Make me as one of thy hired servants.] *» But the father said unto his servants — Quick ! bring forth a robe — the best I and put on him. And get out a ring for his hand^ and sandals for his feet, — «* And be bringing the fatted calf, saeriflee I and let us eat and make merry : ** Because ||this' my son|| Was I deadly and hath come to life again, Was lost^ and is found. And they began to be making merry. «6 But his elder son was in a field ; and he heard music and dancing, — '■'''and^ calling near one of the youths^ he inquired what these things |could bel. 27 And |he| aaid unto him — |Thy brother] hath come. And thy father hath sacrificed the fatted calf^ because |safe and sound] hath he received him back. *8 But he was provoked to anger, and would not go in. And I ]his father]] ]coming out] began to entreat him. 29 gyt ]he| answering said unto his father— Lol jjso many years as these]] do I serve thee. And ]]atno time]] |a commandment of thine] have I transgressed, — And ]]unto me, at no time]] hast thou given a kid, that ]with my friends] I might make merry ; •0 But thou didst sacrifice Ifor him| jjthe fatted' calf]]. 81 But ]he] said unto him — Child! |]thi)u]] ]always| art | with me |, And ]]all that is mine]] is ]thine]a; 8* But ]to make merry and rejoice] there was need, Because ]lthis thy brother]] — Was ]deadl and hath come to life again, And was lost, and is found. • See ver. 11, n. § 63. The Prudent Steward. 16 And he went on to say junto his disciples alsol — There was fa certain rich man], who had a steward, and jthe same] was accused to him as squandering his goods. '' And, accosting him, he said unto him — What is this I hear of thee ? Render the account of thy stewardship, for thou canst no longer be steward. s And the steward said within himself— What shall I do, because my lord taketh away the stewardship from me ? ]Dig I cannot: j to beg] I am ashamed. * I know what I will do, that they may welcome me into their own houses. 5 And he was saying unto the first- How much owest thou my lord ? 6 And ]he] said — A hundred baths of oil. And ]ho] said unto him — Kindly take thine accounts, and, sitting down, make haste and write — Fifty 1 ' |After that, unto another] he said — And how much owest jjthou]]? And ]he] said— A hundred homers of wheat. He saith unto him — Kindly take thine, accounts, and write — Eighty 1 8 And the lord praised the unrighteous steward, in that with forethought he acted : — Because ] ]the sons of this age] 1 have more fore- thought than the sons of light ] respecting their own generation]. 9 And ]]1]] junto you I say— ]]For yourselves]! make ye friends, with the unjust Riches,* in order that |as soon as it shall fail] they may welcome you into the age-abiding' tents. 10 |The faithful in least] ]]in much also|j is ]faithful], And Ihe that in least' is unrighteous] l[in much also]] is ]unrighteouS]. " |]The true]] who junto you] will entrust? 12 And IJYour own]] who will give unto you ? 13 |No' domestic] can junto two' masters] be in service; For either jthe one] he will hate„ and jthe other] love, Or junto the one] he will hold, and jthe other] despise: Ye cannot j junto God|| be In service, and unto Riches.* • Ap : " Mammon." LUKE XVI. 14—31 ; XVII. 1—10. 79 § 64. The Lofty brought low : The Rich Mom and Lazarus. " Now the Pharisees, who were | lovers of money | were hearing all these things, and were openly sneering at him. i^ And he said unto them — ||Yel| are they who justify themselves before men, But 1 1 God 1 1 knoweth your hearts ; Because |that which amongst men' is lofty| Is an abomination before God. " jThe law and the prophets | were until John, — » ||From that time|| |the good news of the kingdom of God| is being proclaimed, And ||everyone|| |thereinto| is forcing his way. 1' But it is |easier| for heaven and earth to pass away. Than that ||of the law|| |one little point| should fail. w jEvery' one divorcing his wife and marrying another| committeth adultery ; And |he that marrieth a woman divorced' from a husband'l committeth adultery. •> " Now |a certain man| was rich.o and he used to clothe himself with purple and fine linen, making merry day by day |brilliantly|. *® And |a certain beggar, by name Lazarus| used to be cast near his gate, full of sores, *i and to long to be fed from the crumbs that fell from the table of the rich man : nay 1 even |the dogs| used to come and lick his sores. 22 A^Qd it came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried away by the messengers, into the bosom of Abra- ham. And |the rich man also| died, and was buried. '^'^ And he seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. •* And ||he|| calling out, said — Father Abraham 1 have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue, — because I am in anguish in this flame. ** But Abraham said — Child I remember — That thou didst duly receive * thy good things in thy life, And [Lazarus, in like manner | the evil things ; But |now, here| he is comforted. And |thou| art in anguish. • And ||Betwixt us and you|| |a great chasm] hath been fixed, — So that [they who might wish to cross over from hence unto you| should not be able. • Mt xl. 12. 13. «>Mt. V. . they would repent. 81 But he said unto him — Neither would they be persuaded. § 65. Care, Fidelity, Forgiveness, Faith and Humility enjoined. 17 And he said unto his disciples : — It is |impossible| that occasions of stumbling should not come, Notwithstanding, alas I for him through whom they do come " : 2 It pi'oflteth him, if |a mill-stone| is hung about his neck, and he is cast into the sea, Than that he cause | |one| | |of these little ones) to stumble. ' Be taking heed to yourselves, — rebuke him. And forgive him ; * thou shalt forgive him. 6 And the apostles said unto the Lord — Bestow on us faith 1 6 And the Lord said — Ye should be saying unto [this] mulberry- tree — Be uprooted ! and be planted in the sea, — And it should obey you. T But II who from among you|| having |a ser- vant] plowing or keeping sheep, |when he hath come in out of the field] will say to him — I Straightway] come, and recline ; — 8 on the contrary, will not say to him — Make somewhat ready, that I may dine, — and ]girding thyself] be ministering unto me, until I have eaten and drunk ; and jafter these things] ]]thouj] shalt eat and drink ? ' Doth he offer thanks unto the servant, be- cause he hath done the things enjoined ? 1" ]Thus| ]|yealso|] < when ye have done all' the things enjoined upon you> say — " Mt. xvill. 7 80 LUKE XVII. 11—37; XVIII. 1—7. lUnprofltable servants| are we, — (What we were bound to do| we have done 1 § 66. Ten Lepers cleansed. " And it came to pass that |he| was going through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. i^ And there met him ten' leprous' men, who stood stilly afar off; 13 and^ |thoy| lifted up a voice, saying — Jesus ! Master ! have mercy on us I 1* And |beholding| he said unto them — Go your way^ and show yourselves unto the priests.^ And it came to pass |as they withdrew] they were cleansed. i^ jjut |one from among them| returned, |with a loud voice] glorifying God, — J6 and fell prostrate at his feet^ giving him thanks ; and |he| was a Samaritan. i' And Jesus^ answering, said — Were not |the ten| cleansed ? [But] ]where| are ||thenine||? 18 Have none been found returning to give glory to God^ |save this one of another race] ? 19 And he said unto him — Arise and go thy way: thy faith] hath saved thee. § 67. When and How the Kingdom of God comes. 20 And he answered them and said — The kingdom of God cometh not with narrow watching ; 21 Neither shall they say — Lo, here! or There. For lol jjthe kingdom of God]] is ]among you]. 22 But he said unto the disciples — >> There will come days — When ye will long to see ]one of the days of the Son of Man], And shall not see. w And they will say unto you Lo there 1 or Lo here I Do not [depart^ and do not] pursue." 2* For ]]So]] shall be, the Son of Man.^ 25 But j first] he must needs suffer jmany things]. And be rejected by this generation. 26 And ]]So|] will it be, even in the days of the Son of Man: 27 They were eating, they were drinking. They were marrying, they wore being given in marriage, — • Lev. xill. 49; xiv. 2 ff. •"NB; the chanRe in the persons ad dressed. om. ixiv. 23-27 ; Mk. xllL ■lOr add (WH) : "In his day." Until the day that Noah entered into the ark^^ And the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 ]|In like manner]] They were eating, they were drinking. They were buying, they were selling. They were planting, they were building, — 29 But It rained fire and brimstone from heavenj' and destroyed them all : — 30 I j According to the same things]] will it be on the day the Son of Man is revealed." 81 ] ]In that' day ] ] Let him not go down, to take them away I And jiu like manner] let him not turn unto the things behind,'^ ^2 Bear in mind the wife of Lot ! shall lose it, 83 But < whosoever shall lose it> shall give it a living birth. 3* I say unto you — ] |0n the selfsame' night j ]f there shall be two' men on [one] bed, — ]The one] shall be taken near, and ]the other] left behind ; 35 There shall be two' women grinding to- gether', — ]The one] shall be taken near, and ]th6 other] left behind. [36] g 37 And, answering, they say unto him — ] Where], Lord? And ]he] said unto them — ]]there]] ]the vultures also] will be gathered together.'^ 18 And he was speaking a parable unto them, as to its being needful for them always' to pray, and not be faint-hearted ; 2 saying — (A certain judge] there was in a certain city,— Having ]for God] no reverence, and ]for man] no respect. 3 And ]a widow] there was, in that city ; And she kept coming unto him, saying — Vindicate me from mine adve.rsary 1 * And he was unwilling for a time; But ]after these thing.s] he said within himself — < Although ]neither God] I reverence, ]nor man] I respect> 6 Yet I if only because this widow annoyeth me] I will vindicate her, — Lest ] persistently coming] she wholly wear me out. 6 And the Lord said — Hear ye what ]the unrighteous judge saith ; — 7 And shall ]]God]] in any wise not execute the vindication of his chosen ones, who are cry- • Gen. vil. 7. >• Gen xix. 24, 2.';. c Or : " Is being revealed. <• Gen. xlx. 26. « Com : "soui." ' Lit : "On this night.' g wn omit. "Ml. xxlv. 28. LUKE XVIII. 8—37. 81 ing out to him day and nighty although he beareth long with regard to them ? » *> I tell you— He will execute their vindication^ quickly 1 Nevertheless Will he, after all, find the ^ faith on the earth ? § 68. The Pharisee and the Tax-collector. • And he spake this parable : — 10 |T\vo men| went up into the temple to pray, |One| a Pharisee, and |the other| a tax- collector. 11 ||The Pharisee] I |taking his standi these' things unto himself' was praying: O God 1 I thank thee, that I am not like the rest of men, — Extortioners, unjust, adulterers, Or |even as this' tax-collector] ; u I fast twice in the week, I give a tenth of whatsoever' things I gain! 1' But I |the tax-collector] I ]afar off] standing, — Would not so much as lift up ]his eyesj unto heaven, But kept smiting his own breast, saying — God 1 be propitiated unto me, the sin- ner! 1* I tell you— This one went down justified, unto his house, ]rather than that one] ; Because | every' one who exalteth himself] shall be abased. But ]he that abaseth himself] shall be exalted." § 69. Babes brought to Jesus. Mt. xix. 13-15 ; Mk. X. 13-16. 15 And they were bringing uuto him ]even the babes], that he might touch ]them| ; but the disciples, seeing it, began to rebuke them. 16 But ]Jesus] called them near, saying — Suffer |the children] to be coming unto me, and do not hinder them ; For |of such] is the kingdom of God. " Yerily I say unto you — IWhosoever shall not welcome the kingdom of God, as a child] in nowise shall enter thereinto. § 70. The Rich Ruler : One thing Lacking. Mt. xix. 16-26 ; Mk. x. 17-27. 18 And a certain |ruler| questioned him, saying — Good Teacher! 'by doing what] shall I inherit life age-abiding ? 19 But Jesus said to him — ]Why] callest thou me ]good] ? ]Nonel is good ] save one] — ]|Godl]. *" [The commandments] thou knowest: — Do not commit adultery^ Do not commit murder, Do not steal ' Slow to smite his foes, he seems also slow to save his friends. hOr: "this." « Ciiap. xiv. 11 ; Mt. zzlll. Do not bear false witness, — Honour thy father and mother,'^ 21 And ]he| said — ]A11 these things] have I kept from my youth. 22 And Jesus, hearing, said unto him — ]]yet one thingj] unto thee, is lacking: ]Whatsoever' thou hast] sell, and distribute unto the destitute, — And thou shalt have treasure in [the] heavens ; And come 1 be following me. 23 But |he| hearing these things, became ]encom- passed with grief] ; for he was rich exceed- ingly. 24^11(1 jesus^ beholding him, said — ] I With what diflflculty]] shall ]they who have money], enter ]into the kingdom of God]. 25 For it is leasier] for a camel, to enter ]through the eye of a needle]. Than for ]]a rich man]] to enter |into the kingdom of God]. 26 And they who heard said — ]Who, then] can be saved ? 27 And ]he] said— |]The things impossible with men[] are |po8- sible with God]. 28 And Peter said— Lo! ]]we]] have left our own possessions, and followed thee 1 •> 29 And ]he] said unto them — [Verily I I say unto you — jNo one] is there, who hath left — house, or wife, or brethren, or parents, or children, — ]for the sake of the kingdom of God] ; 30 who shall in anywise not receive mani- fold in this season, and |in the age" that is coming] ]]life age-abiding]]. § 71. Jesus, foretelling his Sufferings, is not under- stood. Mt. XX. 17-19 ; Mk. x. 32-34. 31 And ] taking aside the twelve] he said unto them — Lo ! we are going up unto Jerusalem, * and all the things will be finished, which have been written through means of the pro- phets, respecting the Son of Man ; 32 For he will be delivered up unto the nations, and be mocked, and insulted, and spit upon, — 33 and ]having scourged him] they will slay him, and ]on the third day] will he ]]arise]|. 34 And ]|they|] ]not one of these things] understood, and this saying was hidden from them, and they could not comprehend the things spoken. § 72. Blind Man in Jericho recovers sight. Mt. XX. 29-34 ; Mk. x. 46-52. 3s And it came to pass ]a certain blind man] was sitting beside the road, begging. 36 And he enquired, what this ]might be]. 37 And they told him— I Jesus of Nazareth] is passing by! = Exo. XX. 12-16 ; Deu. v. 28, 30. 16-20. <= Ap : " Age." » Mt. xix. 27-29 ; Mk. x. <" Chap. Ix. 81, &. 82 LUKE XVIII. 38—43; XiX. 1—28. ssAnd he cried aloud, saying — Jesus^ son of David ! iiave mercy upon me I 39 And Ithiey that were going before | began to rebuke him^ that he might hold his peace. But ||he|| |by so much the more| was crying out — O Son of David I have mercy upon me I *o And [standing still| Jesus commanded him to be led unto him ; and, when he had drawn near^ he questioned him — *i What desirest thou, I should do unto thee ? And I he I said — Lord 1 ...that I may recover sight I « And |Je8us| said unto him— Recover sight 1 |Thy faith] hath saved thee. « And I instantly! he recovered sight, and began to follow him, glorifying God. And |air the peoplel beholding, gave praise unto God. § 73. Zacchceus, the Rich Tax-collector. 19 And Ihaving entered I he was passing through Jericho; ^and lo 1 a man, by name called Zacchseus, and |he| was a chief tax-collector, and [|he|] was rich. ' And he was seeking to see Jesus, what sort of man he was, and could not ■for the multitude, because ||in stature] | he was |small|. *And |runniug forward unto the front! he got up a sycamore-tree,'' that he might see him ; for I by that way| was he about to pass 5 And |looking up! Jesus said unto him — Zacchaeus ! make haste, and come down ; For !!to-day|! !in thy house! I must needs abide. 6 And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully. ' And all, when they beheld, began to murmur, saying — 1 1 With a sinful' man ! ! hath he gone in to lodge 1 8 But ! taking his stand] Zacchaeus said unto the Lord — Lo 1 ]]the half of my possessions] j, Lord, ]unto the destitute] I give ; And I give back fourfold. 9 And Jesus said unto him — I ]This day, salvation!] |unto this house] hath come, — •> For that ]!he too]] is ]a son of Abraham] ; 1" For the Son of Man came, to seek and to save what was losty § 74. The Nobleman's Journey to a Distant Land, and his Return. 11 And ]!because they were hearing these things]] he added and spake a parable, because of his being near Jerusalem,> ]£! : " hath come Into !!A certain man, of noble birth!] went into a country far away, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.^ 1* And jcalling ton' servants of his own] he gave unto them ten' minas, and said unto them — Do business, till I come. 1* But ||his citizens!] hated him, and sent off an embassy after him, saying— We desire not jthis] man, to be made king over us 1 15 And it came to pass that he bade be called unto him these servants, to whom he had given the silver, that he might take note, what business they had done. 16 And the first came near, saying — Lord ! !!thy mina!! hath made !ten'minas|. 1' And he said to him — Well done ! good' servant. Have thou authority over |ten' cities]. 18 And the second came, saying — !!Thy mina!!, lord, hath made five' minas, 19 And he said !to him also! — And I! thou! I *" b® o"^®"" ^'^®' cities. 20 And !!the other!!" came, saying — Lord, lo ! thy mina, which I kept lying by in a napkin ; 21 For I was afraid of thee, because !a harsh man! thou art, — Thou takest up, what thou layedst not down, And roapest, what thou sowedst not ! 22 He saith to him— JOut of thy mouth] do I judge thee, wicked' servant ! 23 Wherefore, then, didst thou not place my silver upon a [money-changer's] table, And ]!!]] ]whenlcame] with interest' might have exacted it ? 2* And !unto the by-standers! he said — Take, from him, the mina, And give unto him that hath ]the ten' minas] ; — 25 And they said to him. Lord ! he hath ten' minas ; — 26 I tell you— ]Unto everyone' that hath] shall be given, Whereas !!from him that hath not!! jeven what he hath! shall be taken away.'i 27 But bring ye here, and slay them outright before me.^ 28 And !having said these things! he was moving on in front, going up into Jerusalem.' ■ Cp. Mt. XXV. 14-30; Mk. xiii. :i4 >> Or : " llThoull therefore " Ml : " the different one." Chap. viiL 18; Mt. xlll. 12 ; Mlc. Iv. 25. Still leaving cities sub- ject to rule, ver. l7-ia. f Chap. ix. 51, n. LUKE XIX. 29—48; XX. 1—13. 88 § 75. Tlie Triumphal Entry. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. Mt. xxi. 1-9 ; Mk. xi, 1-10 ; Jn. xii. 12 £f. *> And it came to pass he sent off two of his disciples, s" saying — Go your way unto the opposite' village, in which^ as ye are entering^ ye shall flud a colt^ bound, whereon |uo man| hath |ever| sat, — and^ having loosed him^ bring him. H And |thu3| shall ye say — 1 1 His Lord 1 1 hath |need|.a ** And they who were sent^ departing, found as he had said to them. ^3 ^.ud |as they were loosing the colt| his lords said uuto them — Why are ye loosing the colt ? 8* And |they| said — ||His Lord|| hath |need|.a 85 And they brought him unto Jesus ; and, throw- ing their mantles over the colt, they seated Jesus thereon. ^^ And^ as he moved along^ they were spreading their own mantles in the way. ^' And one-and-all' the throng of the disciples began joyfully' to be praising God with a loud voice^ concerning all' the mighty works which they had seen ; ^^ saying — Blessed is he that cometh... The king 1 In the name of the Lord 1 1! In heaven] peace 1 And glory in the highest! «» And I certain of the Pharisees from the multi- tude! s^id unto him — Teacher 1 rebuke thy disciples. *o And he answered and said — I tell you — |The stones] will cry out. " And, when he drew near, ]beholding the city] he wept over it, saying — " ... But ]now] are they hid from thine eyes : ** Because days will have come upon thee. That thine enemies will throw around a rampart against thee, And enclose thee, And hem thee in from every side, — ** And will level thee y)ith the ground, And thy children within thee ; <^ And will not leave ]stone on stone] within thee : Because thou didst not get to know the season of thy visitation. § 76. Clearwes the Temple. Mt. xxi. 12, 13 ; Mk. xi. 15-17 : cp. Jn. ii. 13-17. ** And |entering into the temple] he began to be • Or : " The Lord hath need of him." " Ps. cxvlli. 2fi. « Cp. Jf s. cxxxvil. 7- casting out them who were selling ; ^ saying unto them — It is written And \my hou£e\ shall be \a house of prayer\ ;» But ]|ye]] have made lit] a den of rohbers.^ ■" And he was teaching day by day in the temple; but jthe High-priests and the Scribes] ||al8othe chiefs of the people] | were seeking to destroy him, — ^« and could not find what they might do, for ] ] the people, on e and all ] ] were hanging upon him, as they hearkened. § 77. " By what Authority?" Mt. xxi. 23-27; Mk. xi. 27-33. liO And it came to gass, on one of the days, « that the High- priests and the Scribes, with the Elders, came upon him, — ^ aj^j spake, saying, unto him — Tell us |]by what' authority]] jthese things] thou art doing. And ]who] is it, that gave thee this autho- rity. 3 And, answering, he said unto them — Ijltoo]] will question lyou| as to a matter, — and tell me l* * [Of heaven] was it, ]or of men] ? 5 And they deliberated together by themselves, saying— {the peo- ple, one and all] will stone us, for jpersuaded] they are, that ]]John]] was ]a prophet]. ' And they answered, that they knew not whence. ^ jJ^jkJ |Jesus] said uuto them — Neitherdo ]]I]] tell ]you| ]]by what'authority|] (these things] I am doing. § 78. The Vineyard and the Husbandmen. Mt. xxi. 33-46; Mk. xii. 1-12. 9 And he began ]|unto the people]] to be speaking this parable : — ]A man] planted a vineyardj^ And let it out to husbandmen. And went from home for a long time. '0 And |in due season] he sent unto the husband- men ]a servant]. That ]of the fruit of the vineyard] they might give him ; But ]the husbandmen] having beaten him, sent him away empty. 11 And he |further| sent another' servant ; But Ithey] sent him away ]empty|. 12 And he ]further] sent ]a third] ; But Ithey] bruising Ithis one also] thrust him out. • Is. tvi. 7. " Jer. vii. U. c NB : Even now~ln spite of all that has happened —the joyful message Is not withdrawn. I Thesame\ hath become^ head of the corner ? a- 18 Will be sorely bruised, But It will utterly destroy him. 19 And the Scribes and the High-priests sought to thrust on him their hands, |in that very' hour] ; and feared the people ; for they perceived that |against them| spake he this parable. § 79. Of T)-lbute to Gmsar. Mt. xxii. 16-22 ; Mk. xii. 13-17. w And Iwatchiug narrowly! they sent forth sub- orned men,feigningthemselvestobe |righteous|, that they might lay hold of a word of his, so as to deliver him up unto the rule and the authority of the governor. 21 And they questioned him, saying — Teacher ! we know that | rightly | thou speak- est and teachest, and respectest no person, but ||iu truth 1 1 |the way of God] dost teach : M Is it allowable for us to give |unto Caesar] tribute, or not ? 23 But lobserving their' villainy] he said unto them — M Shew me a denary. ]0f whoni| hath it an image and inscription ? And ]they| said — Of CsBsar. 26 And ]he| said unto them — Well then 1 render the things of Caesar ]unto Caesar], And the things of God junto God]. 2« And they could not lay hold of the saying, before the people ; and ImarvoUiug at his answer] they held their peace. § 80. Whose Wife, in the Resurrection ? Mt. xxii. 23-33; Mk. xii. 18-27. " But there came near certain of the Sadducees, they who say jResurrection] there is none! and questioned him, 28 saying — Teacher 1 jMoses] wrote for us, • Ps. civUl. 22. That his brother shall take the wife, And raise up seed unto his brother.^ 29 ]Seveu' brethren] therefore, there were, — And ]the first] taking a wife, died childless, *o And jthe second, ^land the third] took her, — Yea ]likewise] ]]even the seven] j ; They left no children, and died : 32 ]]Later on]] ]the woman also] died. 33 ]0f which of them] doth she become wife? For ]the seven] had her to wife. 3* And Jesus said unto them — Marry, and are given in marriage, — 35 But Neither marry, nor are given in marriage ; 36 For they cannot ]even die any more], — For |equal unto messengers] are they, And are ]sons of God], ]]0f the resurrection]] being jsonsj. 37 But '' I Even Moses] disclosed at the bush. When he calleth the Lord — The God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob '^ : 38 Now ]God] he is not, ]of the dead], but |]of the living]], — For ]]all]] ]unto him] do live.* 3'-* And certain of the Scribes ]answering| said — Teacher! ]well] hast thou spoken. *o For ]no longer] were they daring to ask him any' questions. ^ § 81. David's Son and David's Lord. Mt. xxii. 41^5 ;. Mk. xii. 35-37. *i And he said unto them — How say they, that 'the Christ] is jDavid'a Son]? « For jjDavid himself]] saith, in [the] book of Psalms : Said the Lord^ unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right /land, *3 Until I make thy foes thy footstoofj " ]]David]] therefore, calleth ]him Lord] : How, then, ]his son] is he ? § 82. The Scribes denounced. Mt. xxiii. 6, 7 ; Mk. xii. 38-4:0 ; chap. xi. 43. 45 And ]]air the people hearing]] he said unto the disciples : *6 Be taking heed of the Scribes — Who desire to walk about in long robes. And are fond of salutations in the markets. And first seats in the synagogues. And first couches in the chief meals, — t' Who devour the houses of widows, And ]tor a show] are a long time at prayer. jTheso] shall receive ]a heavier' sentence]. » Deii. XXV. 5 ; Gen. xxxviii. << Or : " are to live." 8. « Mt. xxii. 46j Mk. xll.34. >> Or: "are to rise." ' Ps. ex. 1. « Kxo. Ui. 6. LUKE XXI. 1—31. 85 § 83. The Widow's Mites. Mk. xii. 41-44. 21 And jlooking up| he saw the |rich| who were casting their gifts into the treasury,— 2 and he saw a certain poor widow^ casting in thither two mites''; ^ and he said — .|0f a truth] I say unto you — ijThis destitute widow|| |more than they all I hath cast in; 4 For ||air these! I |out of their superfluity! have cast in among the gifts, But ||she|| |out of her deflciency! !!all' the living that she had|! hath cast in. § 84. The Prophecy of the Overthrow of Jerusalem, and of the Coming of the Son of Man. Mt. xsiv. ; Mk. xiii. 5 And he said — • There will come days, in which there will not be left here !stone upon stone! which will not be taken down. 1 And they questioned him, saying — Teacher 1 |when! therefore, will these things be? And !what the sign| when these things shall be about to come to pass ? 8 And |he| said — Be taking heed ye be not deceived ; For |manyl will come upon my name, saying — |I! am he,-- and — [The season I hath drawn near I Do not go after them. » But Be not terrified, — For these things [must needs\ come to pass flrst.b But [pot immediately! is the end. w |Thoni said he unto them — There will rise up. Nation against nation, And kingdom, against kingdom ; « U will there be, will there be. 12 And before !all these things! They will thrust upon you their hands, and persecute you, Delivering you up into the synagogues and prisons, — When ye have been led away before kings and governors, for the sake of my name ; But it shall turn out to you for a witness. Settle, then, in your hearts, not to be studying beforehand, how to make defence ; 15 For ||I|| will give you a mouth and wisdom. ' Morlern lip service, with '' Dan. U. 28. its "Widow's mite." for- » Is. xli. 2. gets there were " two." which one-and-all' who are setting them- selves against you, shall be unable to with- stand or gainsay. 16 But ye will be delivered up !even by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolk, and friends|, And they will put to death some from among you; 1' And ye will be hated by all, because of my name: 18 And |a hair of your head| in nowise shall perish, — 19 |By your endurance! shall ye gain your lives for a possession.* 20 |Then| know, that her desolation hath drawn near. 21 Let them flee into the mountains, Let them go forth, — Let them not enter into her ; 22 For \\days of avenging\\^ are |these| for all' the things written to be fulfilled. 23 Alas ! for the women with child. And for them who are giving suck, |in those' days! ; For there will be great distress upon the land,<= And anger against this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword. And be carried away captive into all the nations. And {Jerusalem] shall be trodden down hy the nationsj^ Until the seasons of the nations shall be fulfilled [and shall be]. 25 And there will be signs in sun, and moon, and stars, And jon the earth] anguish of nations in embarrassment^ Sea and surge resounding, — « 26 |Men fainting, f from fear and expectation ot the things overtaking the inhabited earth. For \the powers of the heavens\ will he shaken.^ 27 And !then! will they see i/ie /Son 0/ Jl/an— Coming in a cloudy with great power and glory. 28 And Unbend and lift up your heads. Because that |your redemption! is drawing near. 29 And he spake a parable unto them : See the fig-tree, and all' the trees, — so !Seeing it! ! jof yourselvesj ! ye observe that lalready near| is |the summer! : 31 |Thus| |!ye also!l oCp. Mt. X.21, 22. >> Ho. ix. 7. Or; " earth." <" Zech. xii. 3 (Sepi ; Is. IxilL 18 ; Ps. Ixxix. 1 ; Dan. viil. 10. « Ps. Ixv. 7. ' Or : "dying." B Is. xxxiv. 4. >>Dan. vU. 18. 86 LUKE XXI. 32—38; XXIl. 1—29. Observe ye^ that Inear] is the kingdom of Godl M (Verilyl I say unto you — In nowise shall this » generation pass away^ Until |all things] shall happen: M |Heaven and earth | will pass away, But I my word] in nowise will pass away. »* But be taking heed unto yourselves^ Lest once your hearts be made heavy — With debauch and drunkenness and anxieties about livelihood, And that day come upon you suddenly «6 \\as a snare\\, — For it will come in by surprise^ upon all' them that are dwelling on the face of all' the earth.^ M But be watching in every' season, Making supplication^ that ye may gain full vigour To escape all these things that are about to be coming to pass^ And to stand before the Son of Man.<= " And he was |by day| in the temple^ teaching ; but |by night| going forth^ he was lodging in the mount which is called the Mount of Olives. 38 And |air the people| were coming at day-break unto him^ in the temple, to be hearkening unto him. § 85. Judas bargains to Betray his Master. Mt. xxvi. 1, 2, 14-16 ; Mk. xiv. 1, 2, 10, 11. 22 And the feast of the unleavened breaded which is called' a Passover^ was drawing near. * And the High-priests and the Scribes were seek- ing^ how they might got rid of him ; for they feared the people. ^ But Satan en- tered into Judas^ him called Iscariot, being of the number of. the twelve; ♦and^ departing^ he conversed with the High-priests and Captains, as to how |unto them| he might deliver him up. 6 And they rejoiced^ and bargained with him to give him | silver] ; sand he freely consented, and began seeking a good opportunity for delivering him up |in the absence of a multitude| unto them. § 86. The Last Supper. Mt. xxvi. 17-30 ; Mk. xiv. 12-25 : cp. 1 Co. xi. 23 ff. T Now the day of the unleavened bread "^ came, — on which it was needful to bo sacrificing the passover. » And he sent forth Peter and John, saying- Go, and make ready, for us, the passover, that we may eat. » And |they| said unto him — Where wiliest thou, wo should make ready? 10 And I he I said unto them — Lo 1 there will meet you a man, bearing |an earthen-jar of water] : follow him into the house into which he is entering. • Cp. chap. ivll. 34, n. b Is. xxlv. 17. • Cp. Ifl. iivL 20 ; CoL 111. 4; Rov. HI. 10. 25 And ]he| said unto them — ]The kings of the nations] lord it over them. And jthey who wield authority over themj ]] benefactors]] are called. 26 But ]]ye]j not sol On the contrary — Let him become as ]the younger]. And As ]he that ministerethj, 27 For which is greater — He that reelineth ? or He that ministereth ? Is not he that reelineth ? But ]]I]] am ]in your midst] as tie that ministereth," 28 ]]Yo]] however, are they who have remained throughout with me in my temptations'*; 29 And ]]I|] covenant unto you — • Exo xxlv. 8; Zech. Ix. 11. <= Mt xx. 25: Mk. x. 42. ■i Or : " greatest," chap. li. ■• Or : " trials." 46. LUKE XXII. 30—59. 87 A3 my Father bath covenanted unto me — | |a kingdom 1 1, w That ye may eat and drink^ at my table^ in my kingdom, And sit upon thrones^ judging |the twelve' tribes of Israelj.* § 87. Simon and, the rest Forewarned. Mt. xxvi. 33-35 ; Mk. xiv. 29-31 ; Jn. xiii. 36-38. 81 Simon 1 Simon I lol ||Satan|| hath claimed you,*" to sift as wheat ; 8* But ||Ii| have entreated for thee ^t' that thy faith may not fail. And 1 1 thou 1 1 |once thou hast turned | strengthen thy brethren. '' But |he| said unto him — Lord I ||with thee|| ami |ready| to be going. ^ And I he I said : I tell thee, Peter— A cock will not crow this day, Until I thrice] thou deny that thou knowest me. 35 And he said unto them — |0f anything! came ye short ? And [theyl said — Of nothing I 36 And he said unto them — But ||now|| |he that hath a purse| let him take it, |In like manner also] a satchel; And |he that hath nothing! ^^^ him sell his mantle, and buy a sword 1 87 For I say unto you — ||This' that is written!! must needs be com- pleted in me, — And \with lawless ones] was he reckoned'^ ; For IJeven that which concerneth me!! bath |completion|. S8 And !they| said- Lord, lo! Itwo' swords| here! And !he! said unto them— 'Tis jenoughj I* § 88. The Agony in the Garden. Mt. xxvi. 30, 36-46 ; Mk. xiv. 26, 32-42 ; Jn. xviii. 1. 39 And going out, he went, according to his cus- tom, unto the Mount of Olives ; and the dis- ciples [also] followed him. ■*<> And jcoming up to the placej he said unto them— Be praying, lest ye enter into temptation. *i And |he| was torr from them about a stone's throw ; and, bending his knees, he began to pray, *2 saying — Father! j if thou please| bear aside this' cup from me. ||Nevertheless|| |not my will, but thine| be accomplished. « *' [[And there appeared unto him a messenger f • Mt. xlx. 28. >> Note the change from " you " to " thee." • Is. im. 12. ^ Some have seen here a stroke of gentle Irony. « Mt. vl. 10, n. / Ap : " Messenger." from heaven, strengthening him, — «and ||com- ing to be in an agony!! |more intensely] was he praying; and his perspiration became, as if great drops "■ of blood, falling upon the ground.]] *5 And ]arising from prayer] he came unto his disciples, and found them falling asleep by reason of their grief ; ♦« and he said unto them — Why are ye slumbering ? Arise 1 and be praying, lest ye enter into temptation. § 89. The Betrayal. Mt. xxvi. 47-56 ; Mk. xiv. 43-52 ; Jn. xviii. 1-12. " ]While yet' he was speaking] lol a multitude; and ]he that was called Judas, one of the twelve! was leading them on, — and he drew near unto Jesus, to kiss him. « But ]Jesus! said to him — Judas ! ]]with a kiss]! !the Son of Man! > And !touching the ear] he healed him. 52 And Jesus said unto the High-priests, and Captains of the temple, and Elders, ]who had come against him — !]As against a robber]] have ye come out !with swords and clubs] ? 53 ]Daily] was I with you, in the temple, and yet ye stretched not forth your hands against me !... But ]!this]] is your' hour, and the authority of darkness. § 90. Peter denies his Lord. Mt. xxvi. 57, 58, 69-75; Mk. xiv. 53, 54, 66-72; Jn. xviii. 15-18, 25-27. 5* And ]having arrested him| they led him away, and took him into the house of the High- priest; and I Peter] was following afar off. 55 And Peter was for sitting among them. 56 But said — !]This one also]] was ]with him]. 57 But !he! denied, saying — I know him not, woman I 58 And ]|after a little]! ]another] beholding him,, said — !! Thou also]] art ]from among them]. But !Peter] said — Man ! I am not. 59 And llabout one hour having passed]! )a certain other] began stoutly to insist, saying — »M1 : "clots." •> Probably suiting the ac- tion to the word. ' Or : " license " — cp. Rev. ix. 3. 88 LUKE XXII. 60—71 ; XXIII. 1—26. l|Ofatruth|| |this one also] was with' him ; for indeed he is |a Galila3an|. 60 But Peter said — Man ! I Ifnow not what thou art saying I And |instantly' while yet' he was speaking] a cock crew. *• And the Lord turned^ and looked at Peter ; and Peter was put in mind of the declaration of the Lord, how he had said to him — Thou wilt deny me thrice 1 62 [And Igoing forth outside| he wept bitterly.] § 91. Jesus is mocked and taken before the Jewish Council. Mt. xxvi. 57-68; Mk. xiv. 53-65; Jn. xviii. 24. <8 And |the men who held him bound| kept mock- ing him ^ with blows; e^and |blindfolding him| questioned him, saying — Prophesy ! which is he that smote thee ? 65 and |many other things^ with profane speech| were they saying unto him. 66 And |when it became day| the Eldership of the people was gathered together— both High- priests and Scribes, — and they led him away into their high-council, saying — tell us I 67 But he said unto them — in nowise would ye believe, 68 And in nowise would ye answer; 69 But IhenceforthI shall the Son of Man be seated on the right hand of the power of God.^ fo And they all said — |Thou| then^ art the Son of God ? And |he| unto them' said — |Ye| say [it], — because |I| am.*" " And |they| said — What |further| need have we |of witness]? ]We ourselves] have heard it from his mouth. § 92. Jesus before Pilate and Herod. Mt. xxvii. 2, 11-26; Mk. xv. 1-15; Ju. xviii. 28-33, 38-40. 23 And one and all' the throng of them ]arising| led him unto Pilate. ^^mj^ they began to accuse him, saying — ]Thi8 oue| found we, perverting our nation, and forbidding to give ]tribute unto Caesar], — and afflrming himself to be |an anointed kiugj. * And iPilatei questioned him, saying — Art llthou]| the king of the Jews ? And ]he| answering him, said — ]Thoul sayost.'^ * And ]Pilate] said unto the High-priests and the multitudes, ]Nothing] find I, worthy of blame, in this man. * But ]they] began to be urgent, saying- He is stirring up the people, teaching along air Judaea, even beginning from Galilee unto this place. •Dan. vll. 13; Ps. ex. 1 ff. «'Or(WH): "Say lyey that oOr (WH) say it ? " ' Dost Ithoull 6 questioned whether the man was ja Galilaean]. ' And he sent him back unto Herod, ]he also] being in Jerusalem in these' days. 8 And ]Herodj seeing Jesus, rejoiced exceed- ingly ; for he had been ]a considerable number of times] wishing to see him, — because he had heard concerning him, and was hoping jjsome sigu|| to behold Jby him] brought to pass. 9 And he went on to question him in a good many words; but ]]he]] answered him ]nothing]. 1" And the High-priests and the Scribes stood vehemently' accusing him. u And Herod with his soldiery threw about him a gorgeous robe, and sent him back unto Pilate. 12 And they became friends — both Herod and Pilate — on the self-same' day, one with another ; for they had previously been at enmity between themselves. 13 And llPilateJI i^ said unto them— Ye brought unto me this man, as one turning away the people, — and lo 1 |]I]] ]in your presence] examining him, found ]nothing] in this man worthy of blame, in respect of the things whereof ye were making accusa- tion against him. is Nay ! nor Herod ; for he hath sent him back unto you, — and lol ]nothing worthy of death] hath been done by him. i^ So, thou, ]chastising him] I will release hiin. [i"J » 18 But they cried aloud, with the whole throng, saying— Away with this man 1 and release unto us Barabbas : — 19 who indeed had been thrown into prison. 20 1] Again]] however, ]Pilate] called out unto them, wishing to release Jesus. 21 jjut ] they I called out in return, saying — Crucify 1 crucify him 1 22 But ]he, the third time] said unto them — Why ! what base thing hath this man done ? ]|Nothing worthy of death]] found I in him. ]Chastising him, then] I will re- lease him ! 23 But they became urgent with loud voices, claiming to have him crucified ; and their voices began to prevail. 2* And ]Pilate| consented, that their request should be granted ; 25and released him who ]for revolt and murderi had been cast into prison, whom they claimed, — whereas ]] Jesus]] deliv- ered he up unto their will. § 93. The Crucifixion. Mt. xxvii. 27-56 ; Mk. xv. 16-41 ; Jn. xix. 16-37. 26 And ]as they led him awayl they laid hold of a certain Simon, a Cyreniau, coming from the country, — they laid on him the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus. • WH omit this verse. LUKE XXIII. 27—56. XXIV. 1—9. 89 '1 And there was following him a great' throng of the people, and of women, who were smiting themselves and lamenting him. ■'8 But, turning towards them, Jesus said — Daughters of Jerusalem ! Do not weep for me ; But I for yourselves] be weeping, and for your children. *9 For lo 1 days are coming, in which they will say- Happy the barren ! Even the wombs that never bare, And the breasts that never gave suck. *• |Then| will they begin to say — Unto the 7nouutai7is^ Fall upon us 1 And unto the hills, Coven' us ! =» " Because if |iin moist wood|| |these things| they are doing, — In I the dry] what shall happen ? S2 And there were being led, two other' evil-doers also, b to be lifted up. ^s^nd |there] they crucified him; and the evil-doers, one indeed on the right hand, and the other on the left. '•'■* [[But | Jesus] was saying — '^ Father ! forgive them ; For they know not what they do.]] And \when they loei'e parting his garments] they cast lotsA 3^ And the people were standing, looking on. But the rulers loere sneering^ say- ing— « |Others| he saved, let him save himself, — If |this| is ||the Christ of God, the Chosen||. »6 Moreover the soldiers also mocked him, — com- ing near, offering \vinegar\ t unto him, •*' and Baying— save thyself. 58 Now there was an inscription also, over him— |Thb King of the Jews| this I 59 And |one of the suspended' evil-doersj began to defame him — Art not ||thou|| the Christ? Save thyself and us ! *" But the other,e answering, rebuked him, and said — Neither fearest ||thou|| |God|, in that thou art |in the same' judgmenti ? *i And ||we|| indeed, justly, — for |things worthy of what we have done| are we duly receiving. But ||this' mau|i |nothing amissj hath done. *2 And he went on to say — Jesus 1 remember me, whensoever thou shalt come intoii thy kingdom. *3 And he said unto him — |Verilyi I say unto thee this day ' : |With me| shalt thou be in Paradise. *^And it was already about the sixth hour, and Idarknessj came upon the whole' laud, until the ninth hour, — ** the sun failing ; and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. *6 And Icalling out with a loud voice] Jesus said — Father! \\into thy hands \\ I commend my spirit.'^ And ]this| saying, he ceased to breathe. *' And the centurion, beholding that which came to pass, began to glorify God, saying — |]In very deed]] ]this man] was ]righteous|. <8 And ]]air the multitudes who had been drawn together unto this sj)ectaclo]] |smiting their breastsj began to return. ^But all' they who were acquainted with him, were standing afar off,'" women also who had followed with him from Galilee, — beholding these things. § 94. The Burial. Mt. xxvii. 57-61 ; Mk. xv. 42-47 ; Jn. xix. 38, 42. 50 And lo 1 52 |the same] going unto Pilate, claimed the body of Jesus. 53 And, taking it down, he wrapped it in a fine Indian cloth, and laid him in a tomb hewn in stone, — where no one as yet was lying. 5* And it was a day of preparation, and ja Sabbath] was about to dawn. s^And the women, they who had come out of Galilee with him, IfoUow- ing after] observed the tomb, and how his body was laid. 56 And, retiirning, they made ready spices and perfumes. §95. The Besurrection. Mt. xxviii. 1-10 ; Mk. xvi. 1-14; Jn. xx., xxi. » Hos. X. ''. " Cp. Is. lill. 12. <:Or; " kept saying." « Ps. xxii. 18. « Ps. xxii. 7. « Ps. liix. 21. e Ml : "the different one." He iliftered greatly. >> Or (WH)! •• in." > Or: "JThis day|| Iwith mel Shalt," &c. And ]|ou the Sabbath ,"= indeed]] they were quiet, according to the commandment'!; 24 but |]on the first day of the week,<= at early dawn] I ]unto the tomb] came they, bringing the spices which they had prepared'. ^And they found the stone, rolled away from the tomb; ^but I when they entered] they found not the body [[of the Lord' Jesus]]. * And it came to pass that lo 1 ]two men] stood near them, in dazzling ^ raiment. 5 And they said unto them — Why seek ye the Living One with the dead ? 6 [[ He is not here, but hath arisen :]] Remember how he spake unto you while yet he was in Galilee : 7 Saying jas to the Son of ManI That he must needs be delivered up into the hands of sinful men, And be crucified, — And Ion the third' day] ]|ari.se|].' 8 And they remembered his sayings ; ^ and, returning [from the tomb], reported all these ' Ps. xxxi 5. ' Ps. Ixxxviii. 8 ; 11. ' Ap : " Sabbath." "• Exo. XX. 10 ; Lev. xxill. 7. "Or: "flashing," "efful- gent." ' Chap, ivlil. 31-3a 90 LUKE XXIV. 10—46. things unto the eleven^ and unto all' the rest. 10 Now they were the Magdalene' Mary^ and Joana, and Mary the mother of James ; and |the other women with them| were telling |unto the apostles] these things, n And these say- ings appeared before them^ as if idle talk, and they were minded to disbelieve them. ''^ [[But |Peterl arising^ ran unto the tomb, — and, bending near, beholdeth the linen bandages |alone| ; and departed, |unto himself] mar- velling at the thing that had happened.]] 1' And lo 1 ] ]two from among them I ] Ion the self- same' day] were journeying unto a village, distant sixty furlongs from Jerusalem, jthe name of which] was Emmaus; i< and ]|they]] were conversing one with another, about all' these things which had occurred'. is And it came to pass las they were conversing and reasoning together] that ]] Jesus himself]] ]draw- ing near] was journeying with them ; '6 but |their eyes] were held, so as not to know him. 1' And he said unto them — What are these things which ye are debating one with another, as ye walk along ? And they came to a stand, sad in countenance. 18 But one, by name Cleopas, answering, said unto him — Art ]]thou]] lodging ]]alone]] in Jerusalem, and knowest not the things which have come to pass therein in these days ? 19 And he said unto them — What things ? » And jthey] said unto him — The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who became a prophet, mighty in work and word, before God and all' the people : »o In what way also our High-priests and Eulers delivered him up unto a sentence of death, and crucified him. *i ||We]] however, were hoping that ]he| was the one destined to^ redeem Israel 1 But indeed ]eveu with all' these things] this brings on ]]the third]: day, since these things happened : — '* Nay 1 ] ]certain women also, from amongst us] ] have made us beside ourselves, in that they went early unto the tomb ; '^^ and jnot find- ing his body] came, saying — that ]a vision of messengers] they had seen, who were affirming him to be alive. ** And certain of them who were with us de- parted unto the tomb, — and found so', ac- cording as ]the women] had said; but Ijhim]] they saw not. '3 And ]]hel| said unto them — thoughtless ones 1 and slow In heart to rest your faith upon all things which the prophets have spoken : — *6 Was it not needful for the Christ Hthese very things]] to suffer, and to enter into his glory ? " And > Or : "about to.' prophets> he thoroughly explained to them, in all' the Scriptures, the things concerning him- self. 28 And they drew near unto the village, whither they were journeying; and ]]he|] made for journeying ]furtherl. 29 And they con- strained him, saying — Abide with us ; because it is ]towards even- ing], and the day hath already declined. And he went in to abide with them. 30 And it came to pass, when he reclined with them, ]taking the loaf] he blessed, and, breaking it, went on to give unto them. *' And ]]their|] eyes were opened, and they knewhim; and ]]he]] vanished from them. 'SAnd they said one to another — Was not ]our heart] burning,* as he vraa speaking to us in the way, as he was open- ing to us the Scriptures ? '3 And they returned unto Jerusalem, — and found ]gathered together] the elevBQ, and them who were with them, '* saying — *• ]]In truth]] the Lord hath arisen, and hath appeared unto Simon ! 35 And ]]they]] went on to relate the things [that had passed] on the journey, and how he was made known unto them in the breaking of the loaf. 36 Now ]]he himself]] stood in their midst [[and saith unto them — Peace to you 1]] 37 But they began to imagine, that jupon a spirit] they were looking. 38 And he said unto them — Why are ye troubled ? and for what cause do reasonings arise in your hearts ? 39 See my hands, and my feet, — that it is ||I myselfll : "Handle me, and seel because |]a spiritjj hath not | flesh and bones] as ye perceive !|I1] have. *o [[And ]this' sayingi he pointed out to them his hands and his feet.]] *' Now he said unto them — Have ye anything to eat, here ? ♦2 And they gave unto him a piece of boiled fish ; *3 and, taking it before them, he did eat. § 96. The Commvinion. Cp. Mt. xxviii. 16-20 ; Mk. xvi. 15-18; Jn. xx. 21-23. " And he said unto them — ]]Theso]] are my words, which I spake unto you yet being with you : That air the things that are written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and Psalms, concerning me, must needs be fulfilled". « ]Then] opened he their' mind, to understand the Serii)tures ; <•> and said unto them — ]]Thus]| it is written • Or (WH) add: "within •> le : the eleven were say U8." ing, as the Qk. shews. LUKE XXIV. 47—53. JOHN I. 1—15. 91 That the Christ [should suffer], And arise from among the dead on the third' day; And that repentance for » remission of sins should be proclaimed upon his name unto iiir the nations, — Begiimiug from Jerusalem. •> ||Ye|| are witnesses of these things. And lol ||I|| am sending forth the promise of my Father upon you ; •Or: "unto." Or (^VH) ; " anil." hOr (\VH): "nations: be- giuuing from Jerusalem ye are witnesses," &c. A question of punctua- tion. But tarry | |ye| | in the city^ until ye be clothed, from on high^ with power. § 97. The Ascension. Ac. i. 9-12. 50 And he led them forth as far as unto Bethany ; and luplifting his hands] he blessed them. 51 And it came to pass he parted from them [[and was borne up into heaven.]] 52A^ii(i ||they|| [[having bowed down unto^ him]] returned unto Jeru- salem^ with great joy; ^and were continually in the temple^ blessing God. »Or: "worshipped." THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN. § 1. The Prologue. 1 (|Originally|| was" |the Word,*) And ||theWord|| was IwithGod;" And |theWord| was ||God||.d 2 ||The same] I was originally I with God|. * ||A11 things|| through him' |came into existence] And II without him|] came into existence ]not even one thing] : *|]in himjl was llife],« And ]|the lifejl was jthe light of men]. — 6 And ||thelight|| jin the darkness] shineth; And Ijthe darkness]] thereof |laid not hold].f 6 There arose a man^ sent from God, whose name was |Jobu; : 1 |]The same]] came jfor a witness]^ That he might bear witness ]concerningthe light, That Halll] might believe' ]through him]. 8 |]He|| was not' the light, — But^ that he might bear witness concerning the light], » It ]wasi— The real light that enlighteneth every 'man — jComing into the world ].8 •1 Jn. 1. 1,2. !> Bev. xix. 13. « Pr. viii. 30. iRo. ix. 5; 1 Jn. v. 20; He. i. 8; and ver. 18, below. • Or(\VH): "not even one thlner which hath come Into existence : In him was," &c. ' So as to stay Its progress ; cp. ch.Tp. xii 35 KOr: "every man coming into the world." The arrangement in the text = "It (namely, the real light that enlltihten.th every man) was coming into the world " ; and seems more correct as leading up to a climax : He was coming .... he came ! (ver. 11). Ver. 10, in that view, becomes parenthetic : " He was coming " (ver. 9) ; " nay, in some defp sense, lie was already in the world" (ver. ID); never- theless, in the simple, 10 |In the world] he was^ And |]the world]] through him' j came into existence]. And ]]the world]] knew him' not, 11 ]Into his own possessions] he came. And 1 1 his own people]] received him not home.a 13 But he gave |unto them] authority, ]children of God] ^ to become, — unto them who were beUev- ing on his name : IS Who — not of bloods, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but — ]]OfGod|] were born. i< And ||theWord|] became iflesh]," And pitched his tent among us, And we gazed upon his glory, — ]|Aglory|| as an Only-begotten from his Father. Full of favour and truth. 15 (John beareth witness concerning him,'i and hath cried aloud, saying — ]the same] was he that said — ]Before me] hath advanced ; Because |my Chief] was he.) historical sense, " into his own possessions, he openly came " (ver 11). " The word parnlambano- mai. to receive to one's house, perfectl.v ex- presses the nature of the welenme which the Mes slab had a right toexpect. It should have been a na tional, solemn, and offi- cial Mcknowl dgment on the part of the entiie na- tion, halllnfi its Messiah, and rendering homage to its God. If the abode prepared had opened in this wny. It would imme- diately have become the starting point for the conquest of the world (Ps. ex. 2, 3). Instead, an unheard-of eventtooli pijiee."— Godet. " 1 Jn ill. 1, 8. <: He. il. 14 ■i Vers. 27, 30; chap. ill. 31; Mt. lii. 11; Mk. j. 7 : Lu. m.16. 93 JOHN I. 16—46. 16 Because ||we all|| received, Even favour over against favour. " Because ||the law|; |througli Moses| was given', llFavour and truth|| 'through Jesus Christ! came into existence'. 18 |No one| hath seen i|God|| atauytime:* An Only Begotten' God, The One existing within the bosom of the Father> IIHelJ," hath interpreted [him]. § 2. The Witness of John the Forerunner. 19 And ||this|| is the witness of John, when the Jews sent forth unto him^ out of Jerusalem, priests and Levites, — that they might question him — Who art 'lthou|| ? M and he confessed, and did not deny, — and he confessed - ||Iil am not |the Christl ; *i and they questioned him — What then? Art ilthou|| = Elijah ? and he saith — I am not; ||The prophet|| art ithou| ? and he answered — No I 22 So they said unto him — |WhO| art thou ? that |an answer] we may give, unto them who sent us, — What sayest thou Iconcerniug thyself | ? 23 He said — ||Ii| am a Voice^ of one crying aloud; — \In the desert\ make ye straight^ the way of the Lord : ^ according as said Isaiah the prophet. ** And they had been sent forth from among the Pharisees ; 25 and they questioned him, and said unto him — Why, then, dost thou immerse, — if 'ithoul] art not Ithe Ghrist|, nor jElijah|, nor |the Prophet! ? 26 John answered them, saying — |ill! immerse !in water!. Iln the midst of you| standeth one, whom l!ye|| know not; — 2T |3,fter mei coming: — Of whom |!Iii « am not worthy that I should unloose the thong of the sandal. '8 ||These things] | |in Bethany! came to pass, beyond the Jordan, where John was, immersing. 2« |0n the morrowj he beholdoth Jesus, coming unto him, and saith — See ! the Lamb of God,'' who taketh away the sin of the world. M |This| is he, of whom ||I!| said — « |After me! cometh a man. Who !bofore mel hath advanced. Because jmy Chief! was he. • Chap. vl. 46; 1 Jn. Iv. 12. enit'hatlc). <> Ml : " that one (yonder)." <> Is xl. S " Strongly emphatic and « Or (WH): "I" (unem- Sointing heaven ward."— ph.-itio). leyer. ' Ver. 36. • Or CVVH; : " thou " (un- « Vers. 15, 27. *i And !!I!! knew him not, But |therefore! came !|I|! jin water] immersing. ^'^ And John bare witness, saying — I have gazed upon the Spirit, descending like a dove, out of heaven, — and it abode upon him.^ S3 And !ll|| knew him not,^ But llhei! |uuto me| said — !the same! is he that immerseth in Holy Spirit. 3* ||I|| therefore, have seen, and borne witness — That |this| ~is ||the ||Son of God|!. § 3. T?i.e First Disciples of Jesus, 35 On the morrow, again! was John standing, and |from among his disciples! '!two|! ; s^and, look- ing at Jesus walking, he saith — See 1 the Lamb of God li> 3' and the two' disciples hearkened unto him speaking, and they followed Jesus. *8 But Jesus, turning, and looking at them following, saith unto them — What seek ye ? And |theyl said unto him— Rabbi I which meaneth, when translated. Teacher Where abidest thou ? 39 He saith unto them — Be coming, and ye shall see. They came, therefore, and saw where he abode, and 'with him| they a.bode that day. It was about the tenth' ;hour|. ■*» One of the two that heard from John and followed him Iwas Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter!. *' The samefind- eth, first, his own brother Simon, and saith unt have we found. — Jesus, son of Joseph, him from Nazareth I *6 And Nathanael said unto him — 1 1 Out of Nazareth!! can any good thing come 7 Philip saith unto him — Come, and see I »Mt. til. 16; Mk. L 10; Lu. iii. 22. Ver. 20. « Gr. Christor. i That Ifl : " Man of rock," JOHN I. 47—51; II. 1—25; III. 1,2. 93 *'' Jesus saw Nathanael coming unto him, and saith concerning him — See! |truiy| an Israelite, in whom is no |guile|. *8 Nathanael saith unto him — ||Whencel| dost thou |know| me? Jesus answered, and said unto him — I saw thee. ♦9 Nathanael answered him — Kabbi 1 !|thou|| art |the Son of God| : ||Thou|| art |Kiag| of Israel. 50 Jesus answered, and said unto him — believest thou ? |A greater thing than these] shalt thou seel 61 And he saith unto him — 1 1 Verily, verily] | I say unto you : Ye shall see heaven — when set open, And \the messengers^ of God\ ascending and descending •> unto <= the Son of Man. § 4. The Marriage in Cana— First Sign. 2 And ||on the third day|| |a marriage] took place, in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was'there','1 — ^and Jesus also was invited, with his disciples, unto the marriage. 3 And |wine falling short], the mother of Jesus saith unto him — IWine] have they none I * And Jesus saith unto her— What part can I take with thee, woman ?e ]]Not yet]] hath come ]mine hour]. 5 His mother saith unto them who are minister- ing— < Whatsoever he may say to yc-a> do ! * Now there were there, six stone' water-vessels, placed ]according to the purification of the Jews] ; holding each, two or three measures. 1 Jesus saith unto them — Fill the vessels with water. And they filled them up to the brim. sAnd he saith unto them — Draw out now, and be bearing unto the master of the feast. And they bare. 9 And the master accosteth the bridegroom, Wand saith unto him — IJEvery' man]| ]first' the good' wine] setteth out; And ]]the inferior]] : — = Ap : " Mfssenser." *> Gpii. xxviii. 12. cCp. Mr xxvii. 27; Mk v. 21 ; Lu. xii 11 ; chap. vi. 6; 2 Th ii. 1. And so, often, epi with accusa- tive. " Upiiii " is, to .s; ]all of them] thrust he forth out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen ; and |the money-changers' small coins] poured he forth, and ]the tables] he overturned ; '« and unto them who were sell- ing ]the doves] he said — Take these things hence 1 Be not making 'the house of my Father] ]|a house of merchandise]'.* 1' His disciples remembered that it was written — \The zeal of thy /lowse] e.ateth me up.^ 18 The Jews therefore answered, and said unto him 'What sign] dost thou point out to us, in that ]these things] thou doest ? 19 Jesus answered, and said unto them — Take down this shrine, >= And in three' days] will I raise it.* 20 The Jews, therefore, said— ]]Iu forty' and six' years]] was this shrine" built. And |]thou|| ]in three' days] wilt raise it! 21 But ']he]] was speaking concerning the shrine "= of his body. 22 his disciples remembered, that 'this] he had been saying; and they believed in the Scrii>ture, and in the word which Jesus had spoken. 23 Now 'many] believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing. 2* ]] Jesus himself! howeverwas not trusting him- self unto them, by reason of his understanding them all, 25 and because he had no need] that anyone should bear witness concerning man; for |]he!j understood what was in man. § 6. Nicoderntis. 3 There was' however, a man from among the Pharisees, iNicodemusl his name, — ruler of the Jews. 2 ]The same] came unto him, by night.e and said unto him — Rabbi ! we know that |from God] thou hast come, 'a teacheri ; For ]no one] can be doing 'these' signs] which Jthou] artdoing, except IGod] bewith'him. » Zech. xiv. 21. >> Ps Ixix. 9 « Gr. Aaos. Ap : "Temple." "iMt. xxvl. 61 ; xxvii. 40; Mk. xiv. 5S ; xv. 29. « Chap. vil. 50; xix. 39. 94 JOHN III. 3—33. 8 Jesus answered^ and said unto him — 1 1 Verily, verily || I say unto thee: » He cannot see the kingdom of God. • Nicodemus saith unto him — |How| can a man be born, when he is |old| ? Can he enter, and be born ? 8 Jesus answered — 1 1 Verily, verily|| I say unto thee: < Except one be born of water and spirit> He cannot enter into the kiagdom of God. • ||That which hath been born of the flesh|| is' |flesh| ; And 1 1 that which hath been born of the spirit|! is' |spirit|. 1 Do not marvel, that I said unto thee : Ye must needs be born from above. 8 ||The spirit] I | where it pleaseth| doth breathe, And I the sound thereof | thou hearest; But knowest not, whence it cometh and whither it goeth : |Thus| is every' one who hath been born of the spirit. • Nicodemus answered, and said unto him — |How[ can these things [come about| ? 10 Jesus answered, and said unto him — Art |ithou|| the teacher of Israel, and [these things] knowest not? u II Verily, verily] I I say unto thee: |What we knowl we speak. And |of what we have seen] we bear wit- ness. And ]our vvitnessi ye receive not. u How will ye believe ? u And ]no one] hath ascended into heaven, Save he that [out of heaven] descended, — •» IJTheSon of Man]]. M And l|8o]] must ]the Son of Man] be lifted up, — u That ] whosoever' believeth in him|<: May have life age-abiding.^ M For God ]so' loved] the world. That ]hise Only Begotten Son] he gave, — That ]whosoever' believeth on him| Might not perish. But have life age-abiding. M For God ]sent noti his Son into the world. That he might judge the world, But that the world might be saved' through him.f >* |He that believeth on him| is not to be judged : ||He that believeth not|| [already] hath been judged, — UBecause hehath not believed onthe name of the Only' Begotten' Son of God|[. • Cp. Ter. 31 •> Pr. XXX. 4 ; Eph Iv. 9. • Or : " That | whosoever belie veth) may |in hlm| have," &c. « Ap : " Ageabldlng." « Or: "the." f Chap. 111. 47. 19 And [this] is the judgment: That I the light] hath come into the world, — And men loved, rather' the darkness than the light. For ]wicked] were their ]works[. 20 For [whosoever' doth practise corrupt' things] Hateth the light. And Cometh not unto the light. Lest his works should be reproved; 21 But [he that doeth the truth] Cometh unto the light. That his works may be [made manifest]^ That [in God[ have they been wrought. § 7. Further Testimony of the Forerunner, as the lirideyrooni's Friend. 22 [After these things] came Jesus, and his dis- ciples, into the Judaean' land; and [there] was he tarrying with them, and immersing. 23 And John also was immersing in jEnon, near to Salim, because [many waters] were there; and they were coming, and being immersed ; — 24 for [not yet[ had John been cast into prison. 25 There arose, therefore, a questioning, from among the disciples of John, with a Jew, — concerning purifleation. 26 And they came unto John, and said unto him — Rabbi 1 seel ]th6 same] is immersing; and ]all[ are coming unto him. 27 John answered, and said — A man can receive [nothing], except it have been given him out of heaven. 28 |[Ye yourselvesjl [unto me[ bear witness, that []I]]a said"— ||I[[ am not the Christ; but— I am sent before [[That One] I." 29 [[He that hath the bride]] is ]bridegroom| ; But [greatly] rejoiceth, by reason of the voice of the bridegroom. [This', my' joy] therefore, is fulfilled. 30 []ThatOne[[ it behoveth to increase, — But []me]] to decrease. SI [Over all[ is': * [Of the earth I is', And [of the earth! doth speak': * [Over all] is', M ' Of [the same[ he beareth witness, — b And ]]his witness]] ]no one] receiveth: — 3» •Or (WH) : "I" (unem- phatic). •> Chap. i. 20. c Cp. chap t. 18, n. |The sayings a of God| doth speak ; For |uot by measure| ^giveth he the Spirit. »s ||The Fatherll loveth the Son, And I |ali things| | hath given into his hand. •• Hath life age-abiding : Whereas Shall not see life, — But ||the anger of God|| awaiteth him. § 8. The Woman of Samaria, and the Sarnay-ita^is. 4 She left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee. * Now he must needs pass through Samaria. ^Hecometh, there- fore, unto a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the parcel of ground which Jacob gave unto Joseph his son. ^ Now Jacob's fountain was there. (|Jesus||, therefore, was sitting thus, upon the fountain. It was about the sixth hour. ' There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus saith unto her — Give me to drink I 8 for |his disciples] had gone away into the city, that ]food] they might buy. » The Samari- tan woman, therefore, saith unto him — How dost |]thou]],being ]|a Jew]], ask to drink ]]of me]] who am ]a Samaritan woman] ? [for ]Jews] have no dealings with Samari- tans].] 10 Jesus answered, and said unto her — |]thou]] wouldst have asked him', and he would have given thee living' water. " She saith unto him — Sir 1 ]not even a bucket] hast thou, — and ]the well] is ]deep] : — ]Whence] then, hast thou the living' water ? w Art l]thou]] greater' than ]our father Jacob], who gave us the well,— and ]|himself]i out of it drank, and his sons^ and his flocks ? 1' Jesus answered, and said unto her — "Will thirst ]again] ; " But < whosoever shall drink of the water which ]!l|] will give him> In nowise shall thirst, unto times age-abid- ing, — But Shall become, within him, ]a fountain of water], l]Springing up unto life age-abiding] j. • Or: "things." * Ml : " out or a measure." ' Or : " bounty." 15 The woman saith unto him — Sir! give me this' water, that I thirst not, neither be coming hither to draw. '6 He saith unto her — Go, call thy husband, and come hither 1 1' The woman answered, and said [unto him] — I have no husband. Jesus saith unto her — jWell] saidst thou, ]A husband] I have not; 18 for ] five' husbands] thou hast had, — and ]now| he whom thou hast, is not thy ]husband] : ]This' true thing] hast thou spoken. 19 The woman saith unto him — Sir i I perceive that ]a prophet] art ]]thou]] : — 20 ]lOur fathers]] ]in this mountain] wor- shipped ; And ]]ye]] say, that \m Jerusalem] is the place, where ]to worship] it behoveth. 21 Jesus saith unto her — Believe me, woman 1 There cometh an hour, when shall ye worship the Father. 22 llYe]] worship, that which ye know not; ]]We]] worship^ that which we know; Because ]|salvation]] is ]of the Jews]. 23 But there cometh an hour, and |now] is',— When ]the real' worshippers] shall wor- ship the Father in spirit and truth ; For ]]even the Father]] is seeking ]such as these] as his worshippers. 2* God is jspirit] ; And ]they that worship him] ]]In spirit and truth]] must needs worship. 25 The woman saith unto him — I know that JMessiah] cometh, who is called Christ,— < Whensoever ]]he]] shall come> he will tell us ]everythingf. 26 Jesus saith unto her — ]]I, that speak unto thee]] am he. 27 And ]hereupon] came his disciples, and they began to marvel, that ]with a woman] he was talking. ]No one] however, said — What seekest thou ? or — Why talkest thou with her ? 28 The woman, therefore, left her water-vessel, and went away into the city, and saith unto the men — 29 Come ! see a man, that told me all things that ever I did : Can ]this| be ]the Christ] ? 80 They came forth out of the city, and were coming unto him. 31 ]In the meantime' the disciples were requesting him, saying — Rabbi 1 eat. 32 But ]he] said unto them — ]]I|] have ]food] to eat, of which ]]ye]] know not. 33 The disciples, therefore, began to say, one to another — Hath anyone brought him, to eat ? 96 JOHN IV. 84—5-4; V. 1-17. s* Jesus saith uato them — • ||My' food|| is^ that I should do the will of him that sent me, and complete |hi3 workj. S5 Are ||ye|| not saying— and |the harvest] cometh ? Lo I I say unto you — Lift up your oyes^ and gaze at the fields, — That |white| are they unto |harvest|. l|Already|| as |ho that reapeth] receiveth |a reward], And gathoroth fruit unto life age-abiding ; That |he that soweth] together' may re- joice |with him that reapeth|. 8T For ||herein| doth the saying |holdgood|, — |One| is the sower, And lanother] is the reaper. » 38 ||I|| sent you forth^ to be reaping that whereon l|ye|| have not toiled : I Others I have toiled, And ||ye|| |into their toil] have entered. 39 And l|out of that city 1 1 [many I believed on him— of the Samaritans,— by reason of the word of the woman in bearing witness — Ho told me all things that ever I did. *» tliey went on to request him to abide with them ; and he abode there two' days. <' And ||many' more|| believed by reason of his dis- course; <2and |unto the woman] began to say — do we believe ; For 1 1 we ourselves] | have heard, and know that |]This One]] is^ in truth, IJthe Saviour of the world]]. § 9. ^ Courtier's Son restored — Second Sign. « But |]after the two' days|| he went forth from thence, into Galilee. **For ]Jesus himself] bare witness, that ]la prophet]] ]in his own' fatherland] hath not ihonourl.o 45 go |when he came into Galilee] the Galilaeans welcomed him, having seen ]all things] whatsoever he had done in Jerusalem during the feast; for Ijthey also]] went unto the feast. ^^So he came again into Cana of Galilee, where he had made the water ]wine]. And there was a certain courtier, whose son was sick, in Capernaum. « |Tho same] came away unto him, and began requesting him, that he would come down and heal his son ; for he was on the point of dying. « Jesus therefore said unto him — in nowise will ye believe.* *9 The courtier saith unto him — Sir 1 come down, ere my child die I 50 Jesus saith unto him — Be going thy way : ]thy son] liveth I And the man believed in the word which Jesus spake to him, and at once went his way. =' And " Op. Mi. vl. 15. i> Or : " speakine." • lit. xliJL 57 ; Mk. vL 4 ; U\ iv 24. dOrCWH): "will ye ". . .? |hi3 servants] met him, saying, that |his boy] was living. 52 go he enquired the hour, from them, when he began |to amend]. They said, there- fore, unto him — ] I Yesterday, at the seventh hour]] the fever left him. 53 So the father took note that it was ]in that' hour] wherein Jesus said unto him — |Thy son] liveth 1 and he believed, ]he] and all' his house. 5* Now ]|this again]] as ]a second sign] Jesus did, after coming out of Judsea into Galilee. § 10. Cure at the Pool of Bethzatha. Jesus claims to be the Son of God. 5 ]] After these things]] was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up unto Jerusalem. ^ Now there is in Jerusalem, at the Sheep-gate, a pool, which is called in Hebrew Bethzatha," — having ]five' porches]. ^]llu these]] was lying a throng of them who were sick, — blind, lame, withered. ]••] >> ^ And there was a certain man there, who |for thirty-eight' years] had con- tinued in his sickness. « Jesus saith unto him — Desirest thou to be made jwell]? ' The sick man answered him — Sir! I have ]no man] that might thrust me into the pool; but ] [another]] ]before me] goeth down. 8 Jesus saith unto him — Rise ! take up thy couch, and be walking. 9 And [straightway] the man was made well and took up his couch, and began to walk. Now it was Sabbath, on that' day. !« The Jews, therefore, were saying, unto him who had been cured — It is [Sabbath] ; and it is not allowable for thee to take up thy couch : — 11 [who] however, answered them — ]]he][ [unto me| said — Take up thy couch, and be walking. 1^ They questioned him — Who is the man that said unto thee. Take up Jthy couch], and be walking? 13 But [the healed one] knew not [who] it was; forijesus] had turned aside, [amultitude| being in the i)lace. ^* [| After these things]] Jesus flndoth him, in the temple, and said unto him — See! thou hast become ]well] : — [No moro[ be committing sin, lest [some worse thing] do thee' befall. 15 The man went away, and told the Jews, that it was ] [Jesus] I who had made him well. '6 And lion this account|| were the Jews persecu- ting Jesus, because ]these things] he had been doing [on Sabbath]. "But [he] answered them — ■ Or (WH) : " Bethsalda." » Ver. 4 omitted by WH. JOHN V. 18—43. 97 |My Father] ||until even iiow|l» is working; And ||I|| am working.'> 18 ||0n this account] I therefore |the rather] were the Jews seeking to slay him, — because but was calling God |]his own Father |j, making |himself] ]]equal|i with |lGod||. "19 Jesus^ therefore, answered, and went on to say unto them — l]Verily^ verilyj] I say unto you : The Son cannot be doing, of himself, [a, single thing], — Save anything he may see |the Father] doing; For < whatsoever ]]he]l may be doing> ]]These things]] ]the Son also, in like mannerj doeth. 20 For lithe Father]] dearly loveth the Son, And ]all things] pointeth out to him, which Ihimself) is doing; And llgreater works than these]] will he point out to him. That ]ye] may marvel. »i For ]In like manner] ]]the Son also]] ]whom he pleaseth] doth quicken.^ w For neither doth ]the Father] judge any- one, — But ]all the judging] That ]all] may honour the Sou, Just as they honour the Father: Doth not, in fact, honour the Father who sent him.« ** IJYerily, verily]]'' I say unto you : Hath life age-abiding, And ]into judgment] cometh not. But hath passed over, out of death into life. »6 1 1 Verily, verily]]? I say unto you : There cometh an hour, and now is, When ]the dead] shall hearken unto the voice of the Son of God, And |they who have hearkened] shall live. »6 For |]In like manner]] ]unto the Son also] hath he given, ]lifel to have, ]in himselfl ; M And l]authority]| hath he given him, to be executing jjudgment], — Because ]Son of Man] is he I S8 Do not be marvelling at this : Because there cometh an hour, in which |all • Whose sabbath began so long ago: Gen. ii. 3; He. Iv. 3. •> Or : " Therefore am Oil working." • NB : The general action of the Father, aud the E.M.T. special action of the Son. "iCp Ac. xvii. 31. el Jn. ii. 2?. ' NB : "Veriiy, verily"— No. 2. e NB : "Verily, Terilv " — No. 3. they in the tombs] shall hearken unto his voice, ^9 and shall come forth, — Unto a resurrection |of life] ; But Unto a resurrection ]of judgment]. ]|I]] cannot be doing, of myself, )a single thing],— ]Just as I hear] I judge ; And ]]my' judging!] is ]just],— Because I seek not my own' will, But the will of him that sent me. ]My witness]] is not jtrue]. ]] Another]] it is, who beareth witness con- cerning me, — And I know that ]true] is the witness which he witnesseth concerning me. ]]Ye]] have sent forth unto John, — » And he hath borne witness to the truth : — ]]I]] however, ]|not from man]] ] my witness | receive ; But ]these things] I say, that ]]ye]] may be saved : — ]]He]] was the burning and shining lamp, And ]jye]] were willing to exult, for an hour^ ]in his light]. But ]]!]] have, as my witness, something greater than John's ; For bear witness concerning me. That ]the Father] hath sent me. And so ]the Father who sent me] ]]he]] hath borne witness concerning me. Neither ]]a sound of him]] ]at any time] have ye heard. Nor ]a form of himj have ye seen ; And ]]his word]] ye have not, within you abiding — Because ]jln him]] l]ye]] believe not. Ye search •> the Scriptures, Because ]]ye]] think ] by them] to have (life age-abiding] ; And ]]those [Scriptures]]! are they which bear witness concerning me: And yet ye choose not to come unto me, that ]life| ye may have. am I not receiving ; — But I have taken knowledge of you,<= That ]!the love of God|] ye have not ]in yourselves] : — ]]!]' have come, in the name of my Father, — And ye are not receiving me: !]Him]] ye will receive 1 ' Chap. i. 19. Or: "Search"; but the argument .'-eems to de- mand the rendering in the text. ■ NB : = " I nnderstand you." 98 JOHN V. 44—47 ; VI. 1—30. ** How can' ||ye|| believe, — [Glory from one anothcr| receiving; And |the glory which is from the only' God|» are not seeking •> ? *s Do not think that ||I|| will accuse you unto the Father : There |is| who accuseth you^ even ||Moses||, — On whom ||ye|] have set your hope. *« For Ye would^ in that case, have been believing |in me| ; For llconoerning me|| |he| wrote. « But How |in my' sayings| will ye believe ? §11. Five Thousand Fed. Mt. xiv. 13-21 ; Mk. vi. 32-44; Lu. ix. 10-17. 6 I [After these things] I Jesus went away across the sea of Galilee, that is, of Tiberias ; ^ and there was following him a great multitude, because they had been viewing the signs which he did upon such as were sick. ^ But Jesus had gone up into the mountain, and |there| was sitting with his disciples. * Now the passover was near, the feast of the Jews. ^ So then Jesus, saith unto Philip — Whence are we to buy loaves, that these may eat? 6 But I this I he was saying, to test him ; for |he himself] knew, what he was about to do. ' Philip answered him — ||Two hundred denaries-worth of loaves]] are not sufficient for them, that |]eachone|] may take ]a little]. 8 One from among his discii)les, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, saith unto him — 9 There is a little lad here, that hath five' barley loaves, and two' small fishes, — But ]|these||— what are they ]for such num- bers,? 1" Jesus said — Make the people recline. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men reclined, to the number of about five thousand. i' Jesus therefore took the loaves, and jgiving thanks] went on distributing unto them that reclined ; ]in like manner] of the email fishes also : as much as they were wish- ing. 12 And ]when they were well-fllled] he saith unto his disciples — Gather up the broken pieces left' over', that nothing be lost. 1* So they gathered them up, and filled twelve' baskets, with broken pieces out of the five' barley loaves, — which were left over by them who had eaten. i* ]]The people]] there- fore, [seeing what signs = he wroughti began to say— [[This]] is, of a truth, the prophet who was to come into the world. 'Or (WH): Only One." <= Chap 3fll. 43. » Or (WH): "sign. § 12. Jesus walks on the Lake. Mt. xiv. 22-36 ; Mk. vi. 45-56. 15 ] [Jesus]] therefore was rising high. i* they observe Jesus, walking upon the sea, and [near the boatl coming; and they were affrighted. 20 But [he[ saith unto them — It is |]I]] : be not affrighted 1 21 They were willing, therefore, to receive him into the boat; and ]straightway| the boat was at land, whither they had been slowly going. § 13. Discourse in the Synagogue at Capernaum. 22 [[Onthemorrow[[ [the multitude that was stand- ing on the other side of the sea| saw that there was not [another small-boat] there, save one, — and that Jesus entered not ]along with his dis ciples] unto the boat, but that [alone] his disciples departed : — 23 howbeit there came' boats out of Tiberias, near the place where they did eat the bread, after the Lord had giver thanks : — 24 [they themselves[ got into the small boats, and came unto Capernaum, seeking Jesus; 25 and they said unto him — Rabbi! [when] camest thou ]hither[? 26 Jesus answered them, and said — [[Verily, verily] [ I say unto you: Ye seek me. Not because ye saw signs, But because ye did eat of the loaves and were filled, 27 Be working. Not for the food that perisheth. But for the food that endureth unto life age-abiding, — Which [the Son of Man] unto you, will give ; For upon [the same' hath the Father [[even God[[ set his seal. 28 They said, therefore, unto him — What are we to do, that we may be working the works of God ? 29 Jesus answered, and said unto them — I [This]] is the work of God : That ye believe on him whom [he] hath sent forth, so They said, therefore, unto him — What, then, art [[thou]] doing [by way of sign I, That we may see, and believe in thee : What art thou working ? ' Or : " obBervlng." •> Or : " make a king." JOHN VI. 31—63. 99 »i ||Our fathers] I did eat |the maiina| in the desert, — Just as it is written : \\Breadotd ofheaven\\ he gave them to eat.^ S2 Jesus said unto them — ||Verily^ verily|| I say unto you : ||Not Moses|| gave you the bread out of heaven ; But limy Father! I giveth you the real' bread out of Heaven. w For I the bread of God| is That which is coming down out of heaven, And giving |life| unto the world. '* They said^ therefore^ unto him — Sir! |evermore| give us this bread. *s Jesus said unto them — ||I|| am the bread of life: |He that cometh unto me| in nowise shall hunger. And I he that believeth on mej in nowise shall thirst |any morej. «« But I told you— Ye have even seen [mel^ And yet do not believe. w jUnto meJ will have come, And |him that cometh unto me| In nowise will I cast out, — ^ *8 Because I have come down from heaven, — Not that I should be doing my own' will. But the will of him that sent me. *» And |this| is the will of him that sent me^ That I should lose nothing, But should raise it up at the last' day. *o For |this| is the will of my Father, That Should have life age-abiding. And ||I|1 should >; raise him up, at the last' day. *i The Jews, therefore, began to murmur con- cerning him, because he said — ||I|| am the bread that came down out of heaven ; *2 and were saying — Is not Ijthisll Jesus, the son of Joseph, — Of whom 1 1 well know the father and the mother ! How is it then, that he |now| saith: |Out of heaveni have I come down ? ** Jesus answered, and said unto them — Be not murmuring, one with another: ** ||No one|| can' come unto me, except jthe Father who sent me| draw him, — And ||I|| will raise him up, in the last' day. *^ It is written in the prophets, — And they shall 6e, aH, the instructed of God-.i Cometh unto me. *« Not that any one hath seen' || the Father ||, « Exo. xvi. Ixxviii. 24, >> Cp. chap. ix. SI. 4, 15 ; Ps. e Or : " win." d Is. llv. 13. Save he who is from God, — |This one| hath seen the Father. *' 1 1 Verily, verily 1 1 I say unto you : 1 1 He that believeth|| hath life age-abiding. « I |Ii I am the bread of life:— <9 I Your fathers! did eat, in the desert, the manna, — II And died||: 50 ||This|| is the bread which |out of heaven] cometh down,* That one | thereof] may eat, — 1 1 And not die||. 51 ||I|| am the living bread, which |out of heaven] came down : He shall live unto times age-abiding; And Is I my flesh] — for the world's' life. 5^ The Jews, therefore, began to strive one with another, saying — How can this one |unto us] give his flesh to eat? 53 Jesus, therefore, said unto them — ]] Verily, verily]] I say unto you — Ye have not life within yourselves. 5* He that feedeth upon my fleshy And drinketh my blood> Hath life age-abiding. And ]]I|] will raise him up at the last' day; 55 por ]]my flesh]] is |]true!] food, And ]]my blood]] is ]]true]] drink: 56 ]In me| abideth, And ]|I]| in him'. 57 I He also that feedeth upon me] 1 1 Even he]] shall live by reason of me'. 58 |This] is the bread, which |out of heaven] came down : — Not just asyour fathers did eat — and diedl Shall live unto times age-abiding. 59 ]These things] said he, as ]in a synagogue] he was teaching, in Capernaum. «*' |]Many]| of his disciples, therefore, ]when they heard] said^ |Hard] is this discourse, — Who can ]thereunto] hearken ? 61 But Jesus said unto them — Doth ]]this!] cause |you| to stumble? 62 [What] then . . . 63 ]]The spirit]] it is, that giveth life,— ]]The flesh]] proflteth Inothing] : Are ]8pirit and Are ]life]. • Or : "Is coming down " ; "Is to come down." h2 100 JOHN VI. 64—71 ; VII. 1—28. M But there are some' from among' you^ who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning^ who they were that did not believe, and who it was would deliver him up ; — 6^ and he went on to say— |For this cause] have I said unto you : |No one] can' come unto me, except it have been given him |of the Father|. * ||Because of this|| |many from among his dis- ciples| went away back, and |uo longer^ with him| were walking. «' Jesus^ therefore^ said unto the twelve — Are ||yealso|| wishing to withdraw ? 68 Simon Peter answered him — Lord 1 |unto whom| shall we go ? |Declarations of life age-abiding| thou hast; 69 And 1 1 we| | have believed^ and come to know, — That ||thou!| art the Holy One of God. '0 Jesus answered them — Didnot||I|| make choice |of you^the twelve[? And yet ||from among you|| |one| is |an adversary]. '1 Now he was speaking of Judas^ son of Simon Iscariot; for jthe same] was about to deliver him up, — ||one of the twelve] |. § 14. The Feast of Tents, Jerusalem. 7 And I [after these things] | Jesus was walking in Galilee ; for he was not wishing ]in Judaea] to be walking, because the Jews were seeking to slay him. ^ But the feast of the Jews was near, that of the pitching of tents. ^ Hjg brethren^ therefore^ said unto him — Remove hence^ and withdraw into Judaea, that ]thy disciples also] may view thy* works which thou art doing. * For ]]no one]] ]anything in secret] doeth, and yet is seeking ]himself] to be well-known.^ manifest thyself unto the world. 6 For ]not even his brethren] were believing on him. 6 Jesus^ therefore^ saith unto them — |]My' season]] ]not yet] is here; But I ]your' season]] ]at any time] is ready: ' The world cannot' hate you' ; But I me] it hateth, Because |]I]] bear witness concerning it^ That ]]the works thereof]] are ] wicked]. 8 |]Ye|] go up unto the feast: ]]I]] ] not yet] am coming up unto this feast, Because jlmy' season]] ]not yet] hath fully come. * And <]these things] having said unto them> he was still abiding in Galilee. 'o But jthen] ]]he also]] went up, — not openly, but as it were in secret. " ]The Jews] therefore, were seeking him in the feast, and were saying — Where is that one ? 1' and there was great l]murmuring]| about him • Or(WH): "the." oOr (WH): "that It be well-known." among the multitudes: ]|Some|| indeed, 'we saying— jGood] is he I [but] ]]others]] were saying — Not so ! but he is leading the multitude astray. 13 ]]No one]] nevertheless, was speaking ]openly] about him, because of their fear of the Jews. 1* |]Presently]] however, Jesus went up unto the temple and was teaching. is The Jews, therefore, began to marvel, saying — ]How] doth this one know ||letters|], not hav- ing learned ? 16 Jesus, therefore, answered them, and said — ]|My' teaching]] is not mine', but his who sent me. 1' He shallget to know concerning the teaching — Whether it is ]of God], Or ]]I]] ]from myself] am speaking. 18 ]His own glory] is seeking: ]]The same]! i^ |ti'ue|. And ]]injustice]| ]in himj is there none. 19 Did not ]] Moses]] give you the law ? And yet ]]not one of you]] doeth the law I — ]Why| seek ye ]to slay] me ? 20 The multitude answered— ]A demon] thou hast*: ]Who] is seeking ]to slay] thee ? 21 Jesus answered, and said unto them — ]One' work] I did, and ye ]all| are marvelling: 22 ]|For this causell ]Moses| hath given you ]]circumcision]], — Not that ]of Moses] it is, but of the fathers ; — And I on Sabbath] ye circumcise a man. 23 ]With me] are ye bitter as gall. Because ]]a whole' man]] I made ]well] on Sabbath ? 2* Be not judging according to appearance, But ]just' judgment] be judging. 25 Sothen,someof them of Jerusalem were saying- Is not ]this] he whom they are seeking to kill? 26 And yet, see! ]with freedom of speechi he is talking. And |]nothing]l ]unto him] do they say: — Have the rulers perhaps come to know ]of a truth]. That ]this] is |]the Christ]] ? 27 But ] ]as for this one] ] we know whence he is ; |no one] getteth to know whence he is. 28 Jesus, therefore, cried aloud in the temple, teaching, and saying — ]Both me| ye know, and ye know whence 1 am', — • Chap. vlU. 48 ; X. 20. Ap: "Demon." JOHN VII. 29—52; VIII. 12—19. 101 And yet jof myself, have I not come, But he is real^* who sent me, whom l|ye|| know not, 29 ||I|| know him, Because |from him| I am. And I he] sent me forth. 30 They were seeking therefore to seize him ; and yet no one laid on him his hand, because |not yet| had come his hour.^ 3i But ||from amongst the multitude] | |many| believed on him, and were saying — ||Greater' signs] 1 will he do, than those which |this one| did ? 82 The Pharisees hearkened unto the multitude murmuring concerning him these things; and the High-priests and the Pharisees sent forth officers^ that they might seize him. S3 Jesus, therefore, said — ||Yet a little time|| I am |with you|,o And withdraw unto him that sent me: ** Ye shall seek me, and not find me, And ||ye|| cannot come. 8* The Jews, therefore, said unto themselves — 1 1 Whither 1 1 is |this one| about to go. That we shall not find him ? ||Unto the dispersion of the Greeks|| is he about to go. And teach the Greeks ? 86 |Whatl is this which he said : Ye shall seek me and not find me. And ||yel| cannot come ? 87 Now ||on the last' — the great'— day of the feast|| Let him come unto me and drink : 88 — ^just as said the Scripture, — « ||Rivers|| |from within him| shall flow, |of living water I . 89 Now |thisj spake he concerning the Spirit which they who believed on him were about to receive ; for |not yet| was there Spirit,' because ||Jesus|l I not yet] was glorified 1 *9 I [Some from amongst the multitude] | there- fore, having hearkened unto these words, were saying— )]This|| is, in truth, ]the prophet]. *i ]Others| were saying — ]]This;| is ]the Christj. But ] others! were saying — ]]Out of Galilean is ]the Christ] to come? *2 Hath not the Scripture said : <0f the seed of Bavid,s And from Bethlehem^ the village where David vvas> Cometh the Christ ? *8 |]A division]! therefore, arose in the multitude, because of him. ** jlCertain]] indeed from n M ii-e tli.in " true.' t> Ch.ip viii. 2U. c Cliap. xii. 35. "1 Cp. Lev xxiil. 34- Cp. Is. Iviii. IL ' That Is, as an Imparted gift, e Ps. Ixxxix. 3£. i> Mt V. 2. among them, were wishing to seize htm ; but ]]no one]] thrust upon him his hands. *5 So then the officers came unto the High-priests and Pharisees, and ]]they|] » said unto them — ]For what causei have ye not brought him ? *6 The officers answered — 1 1 Never] I man spake thus I *' The Pharisees, therefore, answered them — Surely ||ye also]] have not been led astray 7 <8 Surely |none of the rulers] hath believed in him, |Nor of the Pharisees] ? *9 But ]]this multitude, that take no note of the law] I are ] laid under a curse j. 60 Nicodemus saith unto them — he that came unto him formerly, being ]one] from among them — 51 Surely ||our law|| doth not judge the man, unless it hear first from him, and get to know what he is doing ? 52 They answered and said unto him — Surely |]thou also|| art not ]of Galilee] ? Search and see ! that ]|out of Galilee]] a pro- phet is not to arise. [See the section concerning the Adulteress at the end of this Gospel.] § 15. The Light and the Darkness in Conflict, 8 12]] Again]] therefore, ]unto them] spake Jesus, saying— 1 ]I| ] am the light of the world : »> |]He that followeth me]] shall in nowise walk in darkness. But shall have the light of life." 13 The Pharisees, therefore, said unto him — |]Thou]l ]concerning thyself] bearest witness : |Thy witness] is not true. 1* Jesus answered, and said unto them — |True] is my witness. Because I know whence I came, and whither I go; But ]|ye]| know not whence I come, and whither I go. 15 ||Ye]] ]according to the flesh] do judge: |]I]] am judging no one. 16 And I ]My' judging]] is ]genuinel,— ii Because ]alone] am I not. But |]I]1 and the Father who sent me;« " And jin your own law] it is written,' That ]]two' men's witness]] is ]true| : 18 ]]Ii] am the one bearing witness of myself. And the Father who sent me is bearing wit- ness concerning me. 19 They were saying unto him, therefore — I Where] is thy father ? Jesus answered — Neither |]me|| do ye know, nor yet my Father : j my Father also) had ye known. a Or : " those men." *> Chap. xii. 46. « Or : " the life " ; cp. chap. i.4. iJ Is what it professes to be. « Or (WH): "and he that sent me." ' Cp. Deu. xvU. 6. 103 JOHN VIII. 20—49. 20 ||These' sayiDgs|| spake he in the treasury, teaching in the temple, and yet |no onej seized him, because |not yet| had come his hour." 21 He said unto them again, there- fore — |I| go, and ye shall seek me, — and yet |in your sin| shall ye die : ||ye|| cannot come. 22 The Jews, therefore, were saying — Can it be that he will kill himself, that he saith, |ye| cannot come ? 23 And he was saying unto them — ||Ye|| are |of the realms below|, ]|I|| am |of the realms above| : i|Ye|l are |of this' world|. ||I|| am not of this world. a* Therefore said I unto you. Ye shall die in your sins ; For ye shall die in your sins. 25 They were saying unto him, therefore — Who art ||thou|| ? Jesus said unto them — '> Even what I speak unto you." 26 iJMany things] | have I |concerning you| to speak, and to judge ; But l|he who sent me|| is |true|, And ||I|| |the same] speak I unto the world. 2' They noted not that ||as touching the Father] | |unto them] he was speaking. 28 Jesus, therefore, said — ||Then|| shall ye know, that ||I|| am he. And ||of myself] I am doing ]uothing] ; But ]]the same things]] am I speaking. M And ]]he that sent me]] is |with mej : He hath not left me ]alone]. Because ]lli] |the things that please him| ever do. 80 |many| believed on him. si Jesus was saying, therefore, unto the Jews who had believed' on him — ||Ofatruth|] ]my disciples] ye are; S2 And ye shall know Is |a slave] fof sin] : 35 Now ]]the slave]] doth not abide in the house levermore]. • Chap. vll. 30. >> Or : " at the outset " ; or • 'undamen tally." • P^b : " What I speak. that I am : my speech revealeih iti\ p'Tson." = "get to know." ||TheSon]| abideth |evermore|. 36 |Really' free] shall ye be. 3' I know that ye are ]seed of Abraham| ; But ye are seeking to kill me. Because |my'word| flndeth no place in you. 38 <\Vhat things ]|I]] have seen with the Father> I am speaking; ||Ye]] also, then, are doing.* 39 They answered and said unto him — l]Our father]] is |Abraham|. Jesus saith unto them — ]]The works of Abraham] are ye doing. *o But ]]now]] ye are seeking ]to kill me], — ]]A man who |the truth, unto you] hath spoken, Wbich I have heard from God]] : |]This]] ]Abraham! did not. ye had been loving me', For ]]I]] ]from God| came forth, and am here ; For ]not even of myself] have I come, But l|he|] sent me forth. *3 IWherefore] is it, that ]my' speech] ye do not understand ?'' Because ye cannot hear my' word. " ||Ye]] are |of your father— the adversaryl.o And lithe covetings of your father] | ye choose to be doing. ||He|| was ]a murderer] from the beginning, And |in the truth] he stood not; Because truth is not in him: < Whensoever he speaketh falsehood> |0f his own] he speaketh; Because ]false| he is, and |the father of it|. *5 But ye do not believe me. <6 Which of you convicteth me of sin ? |whereforel do ||ye|| not believe me ? *^ |]Hethat is of God',] heareth ]the sayings of God]d; |]Therefore|| do ]ye| not hear, because |of God] ye are not. *8 The Jews answered, and said unto him — Do ||we]] not ]]welljl say: ]|Thou|] art ]a Samaritan], and hast a demon] '■ ? *9 Jesus answered — |]I]| have not ]a demon]. But honour my Father; And |]ye]] dishonour me. • Or; "Be llyell then (lolng « 1 Jn. III. 8. |the thIiiKS which ye have "< Chap, xvlli. 37. heard from the Katherl." • Chap. vii. 20; i. 20. Ap >> Or : " are not getting to " Demon." know." JOHN VIII. 50—59 ; IX. 1—22. 103 M But ||I|| seek not my glory : There is' one who seeketh and judgeth. " (IVerily^ verilylj I say unto you : ||Death|| shall he not see^unto times age- abiding. M The Jews said unto him — ||Now|| we know that |a demon] thou hast: — |Abraham| died, and |the prophets], And yet ||thou|| sayest: In nowise shall he taste of death^ unto times age-abiding. 53 Surely ||thou|| art not |greater| than our father Abraham — who^ indeed^ died ? And |the prophets] died: — [Whom I makest thou thyself ? ^ Jesus answered— [jmy glory|| is |nothing| : It is |my Father] that glorifieth me, — Of whom ||ye|| say — He is |your God| ! *5 And yet ye have not come to know him ; But ||I|| do know him: I shall be like you — |false| ; But I know him, and |his word| am I keep- ing. B« ||Abrahani, your father] | exulted that* he should see my' day ; And he saw^ and rejoiced. 57 The Jews^ therefore, said unto him — |]Fifty' years old]] not yet art thou, And lAbraham] hast thou seen ? 58 Jesus said unto them — |]Verily, verily]] I say unto you : ]|I. am]|. 59 They took up stones, therefore, that they might cast at him ; but ]Jesus] was hidden, and went forth out of the temple. § 16. Jesus heals a Blind Man; and avows himself The Good Shepherd. 9 And ]passing along] he saw a man, blind from birth. 2 And his disciples questioned him, saying- Rabbi ! who sinned, this man or his parents^ That ] blind] he should be born ? » Jesus answered — Neither ]this man] sinned nor his parents; But.. .that the works of God should be made manifest in him. * We must needs be working the works of him that sent me, while it is ]day] : There cometh a night, when ]no one] can work. 8 I am jthe light] of the world.'' 6 jThese things] having said, he spat on the ground^ and made clay with the spittle, and laid the clay upon his eyes ; ' and said unto him — a One out of the many ex- that." amples in John in which » Chap. vlll. 12; xll. 35, 36. hhia scarcely = " in order Withdraw I wash in the pool of Siloam, — which is to be translated. Sent. He went away^ therefore^ and washed, and came ]seeing]. 8 were saying — Is not |this] he that used to sit and beg ? 9 ]Others] were saying — 'Tis ]the same]. jOthersj were saying — Nay ! but he is ]like him|. ]]He]] was saying — III]] am he. 1" So they were saying unto him-^ How [then] were thine eyes opened ? 11 |]He]] answered — iJThe man that is called Jesus]] made ]clay|^ and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me : Withdraw unto the pool of Siloam, and wash. I received sight. 12 And they said unto him — Where is ||he||? He saith — I know not. 13 They bring him unto the Pharisees — ]him at one' time blind]. i* Now it was Sabbath, on the day when Jesus made |]the clay]], and opened his eyes. i5 ] Again] therefore, the Phari- sees also questioned him, as to how he received sight. And ]he] said unto them — ]]Clay]] laid he upon mine eyes, and I washed, — and do see. 16 Certain' from among the Pharisees, therefore, were saying — This' man is not ]from Godj, because ||the Sabbath]] he keepeth not. jOthersj [however] were saying — How can a sinful man ]such signs as these'l be doing ? And there was ja division] among them, n So they were saying unto the blind man, again — What dost ] jthou ] ] say concerning him, in that he opened thine eyes ? And ]he] said — ]A prophet] is he. 18 The Jews, therefore, did not believe, concerning him, that he was blind, and received sight, — until they called the parents of him that had received sight, '9 and questioned them, saying — Is ]this| your sou, of whom |]ye|| say, that ]blind] he was ]bornj? How, then, seeth he ]even now|?» 20 His parents, therefore, answered, and said — We know that ]this] is our son, and that jblindj he was born ; 21 But ]]how he now seeth]] we know not, Or |who opened his eyes] ]]we]] know not, — Question ]him], he is lof age], ]]He]| jconceruing himself] shall speak. 22 jThese things] said his parents, because they were in fear of the Jews,— for ]alreadyj had the Jews agreed together, that an |excommunicant from the synagogue| should he be made. 23 [For this cause| his parents said- He is |of age|, — question |him|. ** So they called the man a second time — [him] who had been blind, and said unto him — • Give glory unto God ! ||We|| know that |this' man| is |a sinner]. 25 ||He|| therefore^ answered — |Whether he is a sinner'l I know not: jOne thingi I know, — That |now| I seel 26 They said^ therefore, unto him — What did he unto thee ? How opened he thine eyes ? 27 He answered them — I told you just now, and ye did not hear : Why |again| do ye wish to hear ? Are I lye also|| wishing to become |his disciplesi ? 28 And they reviled him, and said — ||Thou|| art |the disciple] of that man*; But |]we]] are ]]Moses']] disciples: — 29 IJWe]] know^ that ] junto Moses]] hath God spoken ; But ]]as for this man]] we know not whence he is. 30 The man answered, and said unto them— Whyl I herein] is ] the marvel] : That ]]ye]] know not whence he is, IjAnd yet he opened mine eyes]]. 31 We know that l]God]] ]unto sinners] doth not hearken ; But [Unto this one] he hearkeneth. 32 ]]Out of age-past time]] hath it never been heard, that anyone opened the eyes of one who Iblind] had been born. 33 he could have done nothing. 3* They answered and said iinto him— [Jin sins]] wast ]]thou]] born ]altogether] ; And art ]]thou]] teaching ]us]? And they cast him out.b 35 Josus heard that they had cast him out: and ] finding him] said — Dost ]]thou|] believe on the Son of Man ? 36 He answered [and said] — And ]who] is he. Sir, that I may believe on him ? 37 Jesus said unto him — Thou hast both seen him and ]he that is speaking with thee] is ]]he]]. 38 And ]he] said— I believe. Sir!" and worshipped him. 39 And Jesus said — |]I|] ]unto this world] came: That ]they who were not seeing] might' see, And ]thoy who wore seeing' might become ]blind]. » Spoken with disdain. t> Cp. chap. vL 37. ' Or : " Lord " ; but same word as in ver. 36. ♦"They of the Pharisees who were with' him ]heard] these things, and said unto him — Are ]] wo also]] ] blind]? *' Jesus said unto them — ye had not had sin; But <]now] ye say. We see> jyour sin) ]]abideth]|.» lO j] Verily verily]] I say unto you : — l]Thatman]] is ] a thief] and j a robber]. 2 But is ]shepherd] of the sheep: 3 ]]To him'] the porter openeth, And ]]the sheep]] ]unto his voice] hearken; And ]]hi& own' sheep]] he calleth by name^ and leadeth them forth. * ]Before them] he moveth on. And ] |the sheep] ] follow him', because they know his voice ; 5 But ]]a stranger]] will they in nowise follow, but will flee from him. Because they know not the voice ]of strangers]. 6 ] ]This' similitude] ] spake Jesus unto them ; but ]]those men]] understood notb what the things were which he was speaking unto them. 7 Jesus, therefore, said ]again] — ]] Verily, verily]] I say unto you : — ]]I]] am the door of the sheep: 8 ]]A11, as many as came before me]] are ]thieves] and ]robbers] ; But the sheep hearkened not unto them. 9 j]Ij] am the door: <]Through me] if anyone enter> He shall be saved. And shall come in and go out, and ]pasture] shall find. 10 ]]The thief]] cometh not. Save that he may thieve and slay and destroy : ]]I]] came. That ]life] they might have, And ]above measure] might have. 11 j]I]] am the good shepherd : ]]The good shepherd]] ]his life] >= layeth down ]for the sheep]. 12 ]]The hireling]] Vieweth the wolf coming, and leaveththe sheep, and fleeth, — And ]the wolf] seizeth them and seattereth, — 13 Because ] I lay down fur the sheep. IS And |other' sheepi have I^ which are not of this fold : ||Those also|| I must needs bring, And |unto my voice] will" they hearken, And there shall come to be ijOne' flock. One' shephprd\\.^ " |Therefore| doth the Father |love| me, Because |1I|| lay down my life,'' That |agaiu| I may receive it: — w |Ko onej forced ^' it from me, But ||I|| lay it down |of myself j, — |Authorityi have I, to lay it down, And |authority| have I, |again| to receive it: ||This'commandmeut|| received 1 |from my Father|. 19 ||A divisionll [again] took place among the Jews, because of these words, ^o But many from among them were saying — ||A demonll he hath/ and is raving, — Why |unto him| do ye hearken ? " [Others j said — I [These' sayings || are not those of one demonized, — Can [[a demon jj open the eyes of [the blind | ? § 17. The Feast of Dedication— Conflict renewed. 22 The feast of dedication took place at that time, in Jerusalem: it was [winterj, 23 and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the porch of Solomon. 3* The Jews, therefore, surrounded him, and were saying unto him — [[How long|[ boldest thou [our lives| b in suspense ? tell us [plainly|. 25 Jesus answered them — I told you, and ye believe not: I [The samel I bear witness concerning m3. 26 But ||yel[ believe not, because ye are not of my' sheep. 27 |[My' sheepll [unto my voice] hearken, — And Ijljl know [themj. And they follow me, — 28 And lilll give unto them life age-abiding,'> And in nowise shall they perish, unto times age-abiding ^ ; And no one shall ca.rry them off out of my hand. 29 [What ||my Father] | hath given me] is [some- thing greater than air[,> • Mt. xi. 27. >> Or : " Soul "— Ap. c Or- "shall •' 1 Eze. xxxiv. 2?; xxxvil. 24. e Or (\VH): " forceth." 'Chap. vH. H); viil. 48. Ap: "Demon." B Or : " souls "— Ap. l" Ap: " AKP-abi 36 <0f him whom ]the Father] hallowed and sent forth into the world> are |[ye][ saying — Thou speakest profanely. Because I said [Son of God| I am ? 3' do not believe in me ; 38 But []Iu the works]] believe, — That ye may get to know and go on to know, That the Father is |]in me[[ And 1|I|1 am ]in the Father]. 39 They were [therefore] again seeking to take him ; and he went forth out of their hand. 40 And he went away again, beyond the Jordan, unto the place where John was at the first, immersing; and he abode there. *i And 1 1 many] I came unto him, and were saying — [|John[[ indeed, did not so much as )one' sign[ ; But Hall things, whatsoever John said con- cerning this one] [ were [true[. <2 And [[many][ believed on him there. § 18. The Raising of Lazarus. 11 Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, of the village of Mary and Martha her sister. 2 And Mary was she who anointed the Lord with perfume, NB : the term " law " here includes the I'salms. « Ps IxxxU. 6. d Chap. xlL 3. 106 JOHN XI. 7—43. was sick> ||theii|| indeed, he abode in the place where he was, two' days. ' ||Then^ after this || he saith unto the disciples — Let us be leadiuj? on into Judasa |again|. 8 The disciples say unto him — Kabbi ! Ijust now] were the Jews seeking to stone thee, — » And |again| goest thou thither ? 9 Jesus answered — Are there not | [twelve' hours|| in the day ? he doth not stumble, Because |the light of this world] he seeth ; 10 But he stumbleth. Because |the light] is not in him. 11 |These things] he said, and jafter this] he saith unto them — ILazarus, our dear friend] hath fallen asleep ; But I am goings that I may awake him. 12 The disciples, therefore, said unto him — Lord 1 ]if he have fallen asleep] he will recover. 13 But Jesus had spoken concerning his death ; whereas |]they]| supposed that ]concerning the taking of rest in sleep] he had been speaking. 1* Jesus, therefore |then] said unto them Iplainly]— ILazarus] died; i^and I rejoice, for your sake, — that ye may believe, — that I was not there ; But let us be going unto him. 16 Thomas, therefore, the one called Didymus, said unto his fellow-disciples — Let |us also| be going, that we may die with him. 17 Jesus, therefore, coming, found that ]four' days already'] had he been in the tomb. is Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs ofT; is and ]jmany from among the Jews]] had come unto Martha and Mary, that they might console them concerning their brother. 2" ]] Martha]] therefore, jwhen she heard that Jesus' was coming] went to meet him; but ]]Mary|| jin the house] remained sitting. 21 Martha, therefore, said unto Jesus — Lord ! |if thou hadst been here] my brother had not died ; « And Inow] I know, that || whatsoever thou Shalt ask of God]] ]God] will give unto thee. 23 Jesus saith unto her — Thy brother shall rise. 2< Martha saith unto him — I know that he shall rise, in the resurrection, in the last' day. 25 Jesus said unto her^ |{I|| am the resurrection |and the life] : ]Even though he die] shall live again 1 2B And ' Chap. X. 31. I Cp. Lii XV. 32 ; Ro. xlv. 9; Rpv. 1. 18; il. 8; xx. 4. " Shall live again " (ver. 25;, because Jesus Is " the Resurrection." " No one . . . shall in any- wise die." l>ecause Jesus is " the Life." Shall in anywise die |unto times age- abidingj.a Believest thou this ? 27 She saith unto him — Yea, Lord 1 |]I]| have believed. That I ] thou]] art the Christ, the Son of God,— ||He who |into the world' should come]]. 28 And this' saying, she went away, and called Mary her sister, | secretly] saying— |The teacher] is present, and calleth thee. 29 And ]]she|| ]when she heard] was roused up quickly, and was coming ^ unto him. so |Not yet] however, had Jesus come into the village, but was still in the place where ]Martha| met him. 3i||The Jews, therefore, who were with her in the house and consoling her|| <9ee- ing Mary that quickly' she arose and went out> followed her, supposing that she was withdraw- ing unto the tomb, that she might weep« there. 32 jiMaryli therefore, ]seeing him] fell at his feet, saying unto him — Lord ! [if thou hadst been here] my brother had not died. 33 I] Jesus; I therefore, was indignant in the spirit, and troubled himself, 3* and said — Where have ye laid him ? They say unto him — Lord ! come and see. 35 Jesus wept. 36 The Jews, therefore.^ were saying — See ! how tenderly he loved him ! 37 But ]some from among them] said — Could not this man, who opened the eyes of the blind,^ have caused that ]this one also| should not have died ? 38 ||Jesus|], therefore, <]againl being indignant within himself > cometh unto the tomb. Now it was a cave, and [a stone] was lying thereon. 39 Jesus saith — Take ye away the stone I Martha, the sister of the deceased, saith unto him — Lord ! ]by this time] he stinketh, for it is I four days]. *° Jesus saith unto her — Said I not unto thee That thou shouldst see the glory of God? *i So they took away the stone. And |Je9us) lifted up his eyes on high, and said — Father! I thank thee, thou didst hear me: « |]I]i indeed, knew that |]always]] ]unto me| thou dost hearken ; But ]for the sake of the multitude standing around' I spake, — That they might believe that ||thou|i didst send me forth. ♦3 And ]these things] having said, |with a loud voice] he cried out — Lazarus I come forth I • Ap ; " Age abiding." t> Or (Imperfect); "started to come. « Or : "wall." ii Or : '■ walling." • Or : " blind man." JOHN XI. 44—57; XII. 1—22. 107 ^ He that was dead came forth, bouod feet and hands with bandages, and ||his face|| |vvith a napkin| was bound about. Jesus saith unto them — Loose nim^ and let him go. .<5 believed on him; *•> but ||certain from among them|| went away unto the Pharisees^ and told them what Jesus had done. *' The High-priests and Pharisees^ therefore, brought together a high-council, and were saying— What are we to do, in that |this' man| doeth I many' signs |? *8 |all| will believe on him, and the Romans will come^ and take away |both our place and nation|. ** But I |a certain one from among them, Caiaphas| | said unto them — ||Ye|| know |nothing at all| ; so nor do ye take into account, that it is profitable for you that (|one' man|| should die for the people, ^^ and not lithe whole' nation]] perish. 61 ||This|] however, ]from himself] he spake not, but he prophesied, that Jesus was about to die for the nation; s^^and ]not for the nation only] but that ] ||the scattered children of God alsol] he might ' gather together into one. ^suprom that' day]] therefore, they took counsel, that they might put him to death. ** I ] Jesus]] therefore, ]no longer openly] was walking among the Jews, but departed thence^ into the country near the desert, unto a city called |Ephraim| ; and ]there| abode, with his disciples. ^ Now the passover of the Jews was at hand, and many went up unto Jerusalem, out of the country, before the passover, that they might purify themselves. ^ They were there- fore seeking Jesus, and were saying one to another, |in the temple] standing — How seemeth it unto you ? that he will in nowise come unto the feast ? M Now the High-priests and the Pharisees had given commands, that he should inform [them], so that they might seize him. § 19. The Anointing at Bethany. Mt. xxvi. 6-12 ; Mk. xiv. 3-8. 12 |]Jesus]] therefore, ] six' days before' the pass- over] came unto Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from among the dead. * So they made for him a supper,*' there ; and (Martha] was ministering, but |Lazarus| was one of them who were reclining with him. * ]]Mary]] therofore, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped, with her hair, his feet; and jthe house] was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. * [But] Judas Iscariot, one of his •Chap. xvUi 14. Or : " dinuer," the prla- clpal meal of the day. • Chap. zl.2. disciples, he that was about to deliver him up, saith — 5 Why was ]this' perfume] not sold for three hundred' denaries, and given unto the destitute ? 6 Howbeit he said this, but because ]a thief] he was, and holding |the bag] used to carry away | what was cast therein]. 7 jesus, therefore, said — Let her alone, that I for the day of my burial] she may observe it ; 8 For ]]the destitute]] ]always| have ye with you, whereas |]me|] ] not always] have ye. 9 The great multitude of the Jews, therefore, got to know that he was ]there], and came ]not on account of Jesus only'] but that ]|Lazarusalso)| they might see, whom he had raised from among the dead. ^° But the High-priests took counsel |]that Lazarus also]] they might put to death; 11 because jmany' of the Jews] Ijby reason of him|| were withdrawing, and believing on Jesus. § 20. The Triumphal Entry. Mt. xxi. 1-11 ; Mk. xi. 1-10 ; Lu. xix. 29-38. 12 ]]0n the morrow]] ]the great multitude that had come unto the feast] i3 took the branches of the palm trees, and went out to meet him, and began crying aloud — Hosanna ! Blessed is he that is coming in the name of the Lot d, — '^ ||Even the King of Israel] 1 1 1* And Jesus, finding a young ass, took his seat thereon, .just as it is written — 15 Bo not fear, daughter of Zion ! Lo\ \thy king\ cometh, Sitting upon the colt of an ass i !> 1* ] [These things]! his disciples noticed not, at the flr.st; but ]|then|j remembered they that |]these things]] had Ifor him]= been written, — and that ]these thing3| they had done unto him. i''The multitude, therefore, that was with him when he called |Lazarus| out of the tomb, and raised him from among the dead, was bearing witness, is |0n this accounti the multitude met him also, be- cause they heard that he had done ]|this' sign]]. 19 ] I The Pharisees] I therefore, said among them- selves — Ye observe '^ that ye are profiting nothing : See! ]]the world]] ]after him] hath gone away. §21. The Hour is Come. Final Appeals to the Jews. 20 Now there were certain Greeks, from among them who were coming up that they might wor- ship in the feast.e 2i]]These|| therefore, came unto Philip, him who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, — and were requesting him, saying — Sir! we desire to see ]Jesus]. »2 Philip cometh, and telleth Andrew : Andrew • Ps. cxvfll. 26. » Zech. ix 9 ° As If laid out for him to fulfil. "1 Or : " do ye observe. .. 7 • Cp. Acts vijl. 27. 108 JOHN XII. 23—50; XIII. 1. and Philip come^ and tellJesus. ^3 But || Jesus] | answereth them_ saying — The hour hath come, that the Son of Man should be glorified 1 2* 1 1 Verily^ verily || I say unto you : ||It|| |alone| abideth; But [Much' fruit| it beareth. 25 i" Loseth it ; But ||Unto life" age-abiding|| shall guard HA M |With rae| let him be following; And ||There|| |my' minister also| shall be. iThe Father! will honour him. 27 ||Now|| is my soul troubled, — « And what can I say ? Father 1 save me from f this hour ? But |on this account| came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name 1 *8 There came, therefore, a voice out of heaven — I both have glorified it, and will glorify it again. 29 [So] 1 1 the multitude that was standing by, and hearditll were saying- It hath |thundered|. [Othersl were saying— ||A messenger 1 1 |unto him| hath spoken. so Jesus answered, and said — I [Not for my sake|| hath this voice come, but |for your sake|. »i ||Now|| is there |a judging] of this world, — ||Now|] ]the ruler of this world] shall be cast out; 82 And ]|I|| will draw |all| s unto myself. S8 But |this] he was saying, signifying ]by what manner' of death] he was about to die. s< The multitude, therefore, answered him — |lWe]] have heard, out of the law, that ]]the Christ]] abideth evermore h ; How then dost ]]thou|] say,— It behoveth the Son of Man to be lifted up? Who is this' Son of Man ? 85 Jesus, therefore, said unto them — |]Yet' a little' while]' ]the light] is lamongit you]: , Lest ]]darkness|] Jon you] should lay hold 1 ; And ]]hethatwalketh in darkness]] knoweth not whither he drifteth. 8« » Or : " Is fond of." •> Or : "his soul "— Ap. « Here zoe ; not syche, as above. they were not believing on him: — ^sthat lithe word of Isaiah the prophet]] might be fulfilled, which said — Lordl \who believed] what we have heard ? And \\the arm of the Lord\\ \to whom\ was it revealed ? » 39 ]|0n this account]] they could not believe, be- cause jagain] said Isaiah — *" He hath blinded their eyes^ and hardened their heart ; Lest they should see with their eyes^ and should understand with their heart, and should turn, — And I should heal them.^ *i iJThese things|| said Isaiah, because he saw his glory. <: and spake concerning him. ♦'^||Never- theless, however]] ]even from among the rulers] many' believed on him; but ] [because of the Pharisees]] they were not confessing him, lest ]excommunicants from the synagogue] they should be made ; *^ for they loved the glory of men, more than the glory of God. "And ]Jesus] cried aloud, and said — ]lBeiieveth not on me, but on him that sent me||; *5 And ]Vieweth him that sent me]. *6 ]|I|| |a light] into the world' have come. That ]|uo' one who believeth on me]] ]in darkness] should abide. *'' And 1]I|| am not judging him; For I came not that I might judge the world, But that I might save the world. 48 Hath that which is to judge him : |l.:hat|] will judge him, in the last' day. 49 Because ||I|| jout of my.selfj spake not. But I ]the Father who sent' me] I hath hhimself]] given me commandment, What I should say, and what I should speak. 59 And I know that Ijhis commandment]] is ]life age-abidingi'' ; |Just as the Father hath told me] ]]So]| I speak. §22. The Last Supper. Jesus washes his Disciples' Feet, and Comforts their Troubled Hearts. 13 Now ]]beforethefeastofthepassover]| Jesus ]having loved his own that were in the world] • Is. lilt. 1. I8. vl. 9, 10. Is. vl. 1. ' Ap : "Age-abiding." JOHN XIII. 2—35. 109 llunto the end|| loved them. 2 And <|supper| being in progress, [the adversaryl having already thrust into the heart of Judas son of Simon , Iscariot^ that he should deliver him up, — ' [Jesus] knowing that [all things] the Father nad given unto him, into his hands, and that |from God| he had come, and |unto God| he was going »> * rouseth himself out of the supper, and layeth aside his garments, and, taking a linen cloth, girded himself. ^ |Next| he poureth water into the wash-basin, and began to be washing the feet of the disciples, and to be wiping them with the linen cloth wherewith he was girded. ^So he Cometh unto Simon Peter. He saith unto him — Lord, dost |]thou|| wash my' feet? •f Jesus answered, and said unto him — |thou| kuowest not |as yet| ; Howbeit, thou shalt get to know |hereafter|. « Peter saith unto him — In nowise shalt thou |ever| wash my' feet. Jesus answered him — thou hast no part with me'. 9 Simon Peter saith unto him — Lord 1 not my feet only, but my hands also, and my head. io Jesus saith unto him — iJHe that hath bathed himself || hath no need [save as to the feet J to get washed ; but is pure |as a whole|. And |lye|| are | pure], but not ye |all|. 11 For he knew the man that was delivering him up; |therefore| said he — Not ye all, are pure. 12 |again| said he unto them — Are ye taking note, what I have done unto you? i» 1 1 Ye i I call me The Teacher and The Lord, — and |well| say, for I am. 1* ||Ye also|| ought to wash [one another's| feet ; ^6 For II an exam pie 1 1 have I given you, — That 1 1 Ye also|| should be doing. 16 IJVerily, verilyll I say unto you — A servant is not greater than his lord. Neither one sent forth greater than he that sent him.*) IT (Happy] are ye, if ye be doing them. 18 Not iconcerning you all'] am I speaking, — For ]|I]] know of whom I made choice; But. .that I the Scripture] might be fulfilled : Receiveth |me|; And Receiveth him that sent me.» 21 <]These things| having said> |Jesus| was troubled in spirit, and bare witness, and said — 1 1 Verily, verily]] I say unto you — I ]One from among you|| will deliver me up.^ 22 The disciples began to look one at another, being at a loss concerning whom he was speaking. 23 One of Jesus' disciples was reclining in his bosom, one whom Jesus loved ": 24 so Simon Peter beckoneth unto the same, and saith unto him — Say Who is it ? concerning whom he speaketh. 25 <]]He]] falling back thus, upon the breast of Jesus> saith unto him— Lord I who is it ? 26 Jesus, therefore, answereth — |]Thatone]] itis,forwhom |]I]| shall dip the morsel, and give unto him. So he taketh and giveth it unto Judas, son of Simon Iscariot. 27 And jafter the morsel] ]]then]] entered |Satan| into that man. Jesus, therefore, saith unto him — 1 1 What thou art doing] | do quickly 1 28 But ]]astothis]| none' of them who were reclin- ing with him knew' respecting what, he said it to him. 29 For |]some]| were thinking Isince Judas held the bag'j that Jesus was saying to him — Buy the things of which we have |need] for the feast ; or that ]unto the destitute ] he should give' some- thing, ^ogo ]]he]] taking the morsel, went out straightway ; — and it was night. 3i < When, therefore, he had gone out> Jesus saith — |Just now] was ]the Son of Man] glorified, And ]God| was glorified in him ; 32 And ]God] will glorify him ]in himself], — And ]straightway| glorify him, 83 Dear children ! jlYetalittlejl ami jwith you|. Ye shall seek me, and []Unto you also|| I say it [even now]. 3* [[A new commandment]]' give I unto you, — That ye be loving one another : . That l]yealso|] be loving one another :8 35 I [By this]! shall all men take knowledge, that Imy' disciples] ye are, — If ye have [love[ one to another. » Or : "withdrawing." "Chap. IV. 2U; M». x. 24; Lu Ti. 40 ; xxll. 27. Ps. xll. 9. » Mt. X. 40; Lu. Ix. 48. >> Mt. xxvi. 21 ; Mk. xiv. 18: Lu. xxii. 21. A reluctant fi sclosure ; cp. vers. 10, n. 18. » Ml : " was loving," or " used to love." ■i rhap. vil. .'M; viil. 21. « Or : " withdr.MW " ' le : a piinimandiiient of a new kind, e Chap. XV. 17. no JOHN XIII. 36—38 ; XIV. 1—26. •• Simon Peter saith unto him — Lord 1 whither dost thou withdraw ? Jesus answered — II Whither I withdraw! | thou canst not |now| follow me. But thou Shalt follow |hereafter|. *' Peter saith uuto him — Lord 1 jwhyl cannot I follow thee |even now|? llMy lifell* lin thy behalf | will I lay down. 88 Jesus auswereth — IIThylifejja |in my behalf | wilt thou lay down ? 1 1 Verily^ verilyjj I say unto thee — In nowise shall a cock crow Till thou hast denied me |thrice|.'> 14 Let not your heart be troubled : Believe on God, And |on me| believe." ' Ijln the house of my Father|| are jmany dwellings I ; Or else I would have told you^ I go to prepare a place for you. » And I Again I am I coming^ and will take you home unto myself, That ||yealso|| maybe. * And ye know |the way|. 6 Thomas saith unto him — Lord 1 we know not whither thou goest : How know we jthe way|? « Jesus saith unto him — ||I|| am the way jand the truthand the life| : ||No one|| cometh unto the Father^ |but through me|. T 1 1 My Father also 1 1 had ye known: ||From henceforth II are ye getting to know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him — Lord 1 show us the Father, and it sufflceth us. » Jesus saith unto him-r ||So long a time as this|| have I been |with you|,— And thou hast not come to know me^ Philip? I |He that hath seen me'| | hath seen the Father'. How art ||thou|| saying^ Show us the Father ? w Believest thou not, that | |I1 1 am in the Father^ and ||the Father, I is |in me| ? ||From myself 1 1 I speak not; But I |the Father^ within me abiding||, doeth his works. 11 Believe me. That ||I|| am in the Father', And I the Father I in me'; — Or else ||on accountof the works themselves || believe ye. " ||Verily, verily|| I say unto you — jThe works which ||I|| am doing| ||he also 1 1 shall do; • Or : " soul " — Ap. » Mt. ixvi. m ; mL xiv. SO; Lu. xxll. 34. I Or punctuate thus : " Be- lieve,— Ion God and on mej believe." And Igreater than these| shall he do. Because ||I|| |unto the Father| am going,— !• And because [the same| will I do,» That |the Father] may be glorified jin the Son I : 1* [the same| will I do. 15 ||If ye be loving me|| |my' commandments] ye will keep; 16 And ||I|| will request the Father, And 1 1 Another' Advocate] I •> will he give unto you. That he may be with you age-abid- ingly,— " The Spirit of truth,— Which ||the worldll cannot receive. Because it beholdeth it not, nor getteth to know it. But 1 1 ye 1 1 are getting to know it; Because |with you| it abideth, And I in you| it is." 18 I will not leave you bereft, — I am coming unto you. 19 ||Yet' a littlell and |the world] no longer' beholdeth me ; 1 1 Ye also] I shall live. 20 I ]In that' day 1 1 shall ye get to know. That ||I|| am in my Father', And ]|ye|] in me'. And ]]I]] in you'. 21 ]]He]| it is that loveth me ; And II he that loveth me]] Shall be loved by my Father, And I] I]] will love him, and will manifest ]]myself|| unto him. 22 Judas, not the Iscariot, saith onto him — Lord 1 what hath happened. That ]]unto us|| thou art about to manifest thyself, and ]not unto the world] ? 23 Jesus answered, and said unto him — ]My word] he will keep, And ]]myFather|] will love him, — And ]]unto him]] will we come. And ]]an abode with him]] will we make. 2* Doth not keep ]]my word]] ; — And 1 1 the word which ye hear]] is not mine', But |the Father's' who sent me]. 25 ]These things] have I spoken unto you, ]]With' you abiding]] ; 26 But |]He|| will teach you all things. • Chap. XV. 7. •> Or • " Helper." Cp. ver. 2b ; chap. xv. 26; xvl. 7. • Or (WH) : " shall be." '' Cp. chap xvl 16. •Or: "Helper." Cp. ver. 16 ; chap. xv. 26 ; ztL 7. JOHN XIV. 27—31 ; XV. 1—24. Ill And will put you in mind |of all things which III II told you|. y ||Peace|| I leave with you, ||My own peace|| give I unto you, — give ||I|| unto you' :— Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. M Ye heard that ||I|| said unto you — I go my way^ and I come unto you, — ||Had ye loved me|| ye would have rejoiced^ that I am going unto the Father, For ||the Fatherl is |greater than I|. »» But |now| have I told you^ | before it cometh to pass I, That jwhensoever it shall come to pass| ye may believe. »o |[No longer|| |many things] will I speak with you; For |the world's' rulerj is coming. And Ilin me|| hath |nothing|, — »i But ||So|| I do. Be rousing yourselves 1 let us be leading on from hence. 15 ||I|| am the real vine. And ||myFather|| is |the husbandman] »: ' Every' branch in me that beareth not fruit> He taketh it away ; And He pruneth it, that |more fruit] it may bear, • ||Already^ ye]] are Ipure]!" because of the word which I have spoken unto you : • Abide in me', And ]|I]| in you'. ||So]] neither ]|ye|] except ]in me| ye abide. 6 ||I]] am the vine: ]]Ye]] are the branches. ]]The same]] beareth much fruit; Because |]apartfrorame|] ye can bring forth ]nothing]. • He is cast out as the branchy and withered, And they gather them, — And |into fire] they cast them^ And they are burned. 1 II Whatsoever ye may be desiring]] ask I And it shall be brought to pass for you." • ijHerein]] was my Father glorified. That ]rauch fruit] ye should bear^ And become my' disciples. * • Or : " vinedresser." i> Chap. xUL 10. Chap. xlv. 13. |]I also]] loved you': Abide ye in my' love. 1" Ye shall abide iu my love, — Just as ||I|| |the Father's' commandments) have kept, And abide in his' love. 11 |]These things]] have I ?poken unto you^ That ||my own' joy|] |in you] maybe. And ]your joy] may be made full. 12 ]]This]| is my own' commandment^ That ye be loving one another, Just as I loved you. 13 I IGreater' love than this']] hath jno one|, That ]]hislife||a one should lay down in behalf of his friends. •> 1* llYe]] are Ifriends of mine|. If ye be doing that which ]|I]| am com- manding you. 15 ]]No longer]! do I call you ]servants]. For ]|the servant]] knoweth not what |hi8 lord] is doing. But ]]you|| I have called ]friendsl, Because made I known unto you. 16 Not ]]ye]] chose ]me], But ||I|| chose you^ and placed you. That ye should go your way and bear |fruit|,— And ]your fruit] should abide: That he might give unto you. 1' ]]These things]] I command you^ That ye be loving one another." 18 Ye are getting to know that ]|me^ before you]] it hath hated. 19 ] I The world]] ] of its own] had been fond; But ||Therefore]] ]the world] doth hate you. «<) Remember the word which ]]I]] spake unto you: A servant is not greater than his lord.* ]you too] will they persecute, — ]your own also] will they keep. 21 But ]|all these things]] will they do unto you, on account of my name. Because they know not him that sent me. 22 |Sin| had they none; But ]]now|] have they no ]excusel for their sin.e 23 IIHethathateth me']] hateth ] my Father also] . 2* jSin] had they none ; » Or : " soul "— Ap. " Chap. X. n, 15. e Chap. xlU. 34. Mt. X. 24 ; chap. xlll. 16. • Chap. li. 41. 112 JOHN XV. 25—27; XVI. 1—22. But ||now|| have they, [both seen and hated both me and my Father]. 25 But.. .that the word which [in their law| is written, might be fulfilled'— They hated me itnthout cause.'^ K c |lHe|| will bear witness concerning me; 21 And do ||ye also|| bear witness, ^ Because ||from the beginningH ye are |with 16 I [These things] | have I spoken unto you, That ye may not be caused to stumble: 2 ||Excommunicants from the synagogue]] will they make you ; Nay ! there cometh an hour. That [everyone' whokiileth you| shall think to be rendering jdivine service] unto God 1 ' And ]] these things]] will they do, Because they got to know, neither the I'ather nor me. * But ]]these things]] have I told you, — That Ye may remember, that [thereof] I told you.« I [These things j] however, I told you not, from the beginning. Because I was [with you| ; 6 But |[now|[ I go my way unto him that sent me. And [not one from among you[ questioneth me — Whither goest thou ? 8 But ||Sorrow][ hath filled your' heart. I But |]I[[ [the truth] am telling you — [It is profitable for you I that 1]I|[ depart; For j[The Advocate!]** would in nowise come unto you, — But I will send him unto you. 8 And |[He[] will reprove the world — Concerning sin. And concerning righteousness. And concerning judgment: 9 Because they are not believing on me ; " But Because [unto the Father] I go my way, and |no longer] do ye behold me; II And > Or : "Helper." Ap:"A<1- vncnte " Chap. xiv. 16, 26; xvi. 7. • Or : •■ proceedeth." ''Or: " AitI lye ■ Isol] are tn hear witness." • Or: "Ye ni.c.v remember them, how that I tolii y He will guide you into all truth »; For he will not speak from himself. But [[whatsoever he heareth]]'' he will speak. And ]|the coming things] I will he announce unto you. 1* [[He]] shall glorify me'; For I [of mine[[ shall he receive, and announce uuto you. 15 are [my own] = ; i[Therefore[[ said I — ||0f mine]] shall he receive, and announce unto you. 16 and ]no longer] ye behold me ; And and ye shall see me.'i 1' Some of his disciples, therefore, said one to another — What is this which he is saying to us : — and ye behold me not, And ■ and ye shall see me ; And— Because I go my way unto the Father ? 18 They were saying, therefore — What is this which he saith : — A little while ? We know not [what he is saying]. 19 Jesus took note, that they were wishing to question him, and said unto them — [Concerning this]] are ye enquiring one with another, — Because I said : — and ye behold me not. And <]again] a little while> and ye shall see me ? 20 1 [Verily, verily]] I say unto you — ]lYe|] shall weep and lament, But ]]the world]] shall rejoice: |[Ye[| shall be grieved. But [[your grief] [ [into joy] shall be turned. 21 []A woman]] Hath [grief, because her hour hath come'; But I [No longer! i remembereth she the anguish^ By reason of the joy, that a human being* Into the world hath been born. 22 And |[ye[[ therefore, [now] indeed have [grief I : »Or(WH):"in (or by) all (the) truth." i> Or (WH) : " shall hear." c Chap. xvll. 10. ■1 Cp. chap. xiv. 19. • Gr ; anthropos, Lat. homo. JOHN XVI. 23—33; XVII. 1—13. 118 But |again| will I see you, And your' heart shall rejoice, — » And 1 1 your joy|| |iio oue| shall force'' from you. *' And ||in that' day|| shall ye request" me |nothing| : — II Verily^ verily II I say unto you — He will give you jin my name|. '* llUntil even now|| ye have asked nothing in my name : Be asking^ and ye shall receive, — That lyour joyi may be made full. *5 |These things | jjin similitudes || have I spoken unto you : There cometh an hour^ When Ijno longer in similitudes|| will I speak unto you, But ||openly^ concerning the Father|| will I tell you. '« II In my name|| shall ye ask : — And I say not that ||I|| will request the Father for you ; " For I |the Father himself || dearly loveth you, Because ||ye|| have dearly loved me'^ And believed that i|I|| | from the Father] came forth : — '8 I came forth out of the Father, And have come into the world, — I Again I I leave the world. And go I unto the Father |. *9 His disciples say — See! ||now|| |openly| art thou speaking, And |not a single similitude| art thou using : "o ||Now|| we know, that thou knowest all things. And hast |no need| that one be questioning thee'. ||Hereby|| do we believe, ||That I from God I thou camest forth||. 81 Jesus answered them — |As yet| ye believe : '* Lo 1 there cometh an hour, and hath come. That ye should be scattered, |eaGh| unto his own home; and ||me||, |alone| should leave ; — And yet I am not |alone|. But ||the Fatheril is |with me|. •s ||These thingsjl have I spoken unto you. That ||in rae|| ye may have |peace| : ||In the worldjl ye have |tribulation| ; But be taking courage, — ||I|l have overcome the world. § 23. Jesus prays for His Disciples. 17 |These things] spake Jesus, and |lifting up his eyes unto heaven] said : — ■ Father I The hour is come I Glorify thy Son, That 1 1 the Son 1 1 may glorify Ithee],— • Is. IXTl. 14. fc Or: "forceth.' E.N.T. ' Or : " question mo as to nothing." Even as thou gavest him authority over all' flesh, That He might give unto them |life ag»- abiding|.a And llthisjl is the age-abiding' life, That they get to know thee |the only' real' God], And him whom thou didst send, || Jesus Christ] |.b ||I|| glorified thee on the earth, |The work] finishing, which thou hast given me that I should do. And |]now]] glorify me— ]|thou. Father]], With" thyself, with the glory which I had, before the world's' existence, Ijwitho thee]|. I manifested thy name, unto the men whom thou gavest me out of the world : |Thine| they were. And |to me] thou gavest them. And ]thy word] have they kept: |Now| have they come to know. That ]]all things, as many as thou gavest me]] are Ifrom thee] ; And ]the declarations which thou gavest me| have I given them. And I they] received them, and came to know in truth. That ]from thee] came I forth, — And they believed That Ithou] didst send me forth.* ||I|] ]concerning them] make request: Not I concerning the world] do I make request. But concerning them whom thou hast given me. Because ]thine| they are, — And ]]all my' possessions] I are ]thine[ And ]]thy' possessions]] ]min6|,e And I have been ' glorified in them. And |]no longer]] am I in the world, And ]]they]]K are ] in the world], — And |]I]] ]unto thee] am coming. Holy Father ! Keep them in thy name which thou hast given me. That they may be one, as ]|we||.i' ||I]] kept them in thy name which thou hast given me, — And I kept watch. And ]none from among them| went to destruction, — ' Save the son of destruction. That |the Scripture] might be ful- filled. But ]]now]] junto thee] am I coming; And ] these things | am I speaking in the world. • Ap : " Afte-abldlng.' >> 1 Jn. V. 20. <: Or : " beside." > Ver. 22. 1 Chap. xvUL 9. 114 JOHN XVII. 14—26; XVIII. 1—16. That they may have my own joy ful- filled in themselves. M |)I|| have given them thy word, And |the world| hated them^ Because they are not of the worlds Even as ||I|i am not of the world. u I request not^that thou wouldst take them out of the world. But that thou wouldst keep them out of the evil : M |0f the worldl they are not, Even as ||I|| am not of the world. " Hallow them in the truth : IIThine own wordll is |truth|. M ||I alsoll send them' forth into the world ; » And ||on their behalf] | |I| ^ hallow myself, That I |they alsoll may have become hal- lowed in truth. *> do I make request, But llconceruing them also who believe jthrough their word| on me|| : n That they ||all|| maybe |one|, — Even as ||thou|| Father, in me', And 1|I|| in thee',— That Ijthey alsoll |in usj maybe;— That |the world] may believe that ||thou]| didst send me forth. w And ||I]] have given to them', That they may be one. Even as ]]we]] are ]one], — ^ « ||I|| in them' and ]]thou|] in me' ; That they may have been perfected into one, — <= That the world may get to know. That ||thou]| didst send me forth,!! And didst love them' even as thou didst love |me|. •* Father 1 I desire — That llTheyalso]] maybe | with me]. That they may behold my own glory which thou hast given me, — Because thou lovedst me, before the foundation of the world. «» Bighteous Father 1 And so ||the world]] came not to know thee; But ]]I|| came to know thee. And |]these]] came to know that |]thou|| didst send meforth«: « And I made known unto them thy name, and will make known, — That ||the love wherewith thou lovedst me]| jln them] may be, And lllij in them. • Or (WH) : " I," unem pbatlo. ' Ver. U. • Observe the method ; " pprfeptInK," the means ; "UMltv," the end. 1 Vers. 8,' 25. • Vers. 8, 23. § 24. JesiifS arrested and taken before the High- priest. Peter's Denial. Mt. xxvi. 47-75; Mk. xiv. 43-72 ; Lu. xxii. 47-71. 18 ||Having said these' things]] ] Jesus] went out, with his disciples, across the winter-torrent of the Kedron,* where was a garden, — " into which he entered, ||he]| and his disciples. 2 Now llJudas also|| who was delivering him up, knew' the place ; because joft] had Jesus been gathered there, with his disciples. * || Judas] j therefore cometh thither, with lights and torches and weapons. * \ | Jesus] | there- fore, Iknowing all' the things coming upon him| went forth, and saith unto them — |Whom| seek ye ? 5 They answered him — Jesus, the Nazarene. He saith unto them — i]I|] am he. Now Judas also, who was delivering him up, was standing with them. 6 they went backwards, and fell to the ground. ' )Again| therefore, he questioned them — ]Whom| seek ye ? And |they| said — Jesus, the Nazarene. 8 Jesus answered — I told you I ]I] I am he ]]If, then, ye seek me']] let these go their way: — 9 that the word might be fulfilled' which he had said — I lost from among them, jnot so much as one]." 10 ]]Simon Peter, therefore, having a sword]] drew it, and smote the High-priest's' servant, and cut off his right ear. Now the name of the servant was Malchus. " Jesus, therefore, said unto Peter — Thrust the sword into its sheath : — shall I in anywise not drink it ? 12 |]The band, therefore, and the captain, and the officers of the Jews]] apprehended Jesus,e and bound him, i^ and led him unto Annas, first; for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was the High-priest of that year. " Now Caiaphas was he that gave counsel f unto the Jews, that It was profitable for ]]one' man]] to die in behalf of the people.« i* And Simon Peter ^ was following with Jesus, also another' disciple. But |]that disciple]] was known unto the High-priest, and entered in., with Jesus, into the court of the High-priest; 16 whereas ||Peter|| remained standing at the door outside. The other disciple, therefore, that was known of the High-priest Jwent out[ and spake • le : " thp Cpdars." 53 ; Lu. xxll. 54. » Mt. xxvl. 3fi; Mk. xlv. 82; 'Or: "Joined In giving lAi. xxll. 39. counsel." « Chap. xvll. 12. « Chap. xi. 50. |one of the officers who was standing by| gave a smart blow to Jesus, saying — ||Thus|| answerest thou |the High-priest| ? M Jesus answered him — bear witness of the abuse ; But |why| smitest thou me'? " Annas therefore sent him forth, bound, unto Caiaphas the High-priest. '5 Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself." They said, therefore, unto him — Art II thou also 1 1 from among his disciples ? II He 1 1 denied, and said — I am not ! 26 Saith one from among the servants of the High-priest, being |kinsman| of him whose ear Peter cut off, — Didnot ||I|| see thee |in the garden with nim| 7 '■f 1 1 Again 1 1 therefore, Peter denied. And |straightway| a cock crew. § 25. Jesus before Pilate. Mt. xxvii. 1 ; Mk. XV. 1 ; Lu. xxiii. 1. 28 So they lead Jesus from Caiaphas unto the .judg- ment-hall. Now it was early; and i|they themselves|| entered not into the judgment- hall, that they might not be defiled, but might eat the passover. 29 piiate, therefore, went forth outside unto them, and saith — What accusation bring ye against this man ? •0 They answered and said unto him — ||unto theejl had we not delivered him up. •1 Pilate, therefore, said unto them — ||Ye|l take him, and |according to your law| judge ye him. The Jews said unto him — ||Untous|] it is not allowed, to kill anyone I — Mthat ||the word of Jesus|| might be fulfilled, • Mt. xxvl. 71-75 ; Mk. xlv. 70-72 ; Lu: xxll. 58-62. which he spake, signifying |by what manner' of death| he was about to die.* »« Pilate, therefore, entered again into the judgment-hall; and addressed Jesus, and said unto him — Art ||thou|| the king of the Jews ? '* Jesus answered — ijOf thyself|| art |thou( this' thing saying; or did I others I tell thee concerning me ? 35 Pilate answered — Am ||I|| |a Jew| ? ||Thine own' nation, and the High-priests || delivered thee up |unto me| ! |What| hast thou done ? 36 Jesus answered — 1 1 My' kingdom] I is not of this world : limine own offlcers|| would have been striving, that I should not be delivered up unto the Jews : But i|now|| I my' kingdom I is not from hence. »' Pilate, therefore, said unto him — And yet |thou| art ||not a king|| ? Jesus answered — 1 1 Thou 1 1 sayest, that |a king| lam: — *> ||I|| jfor this| have been born, and | for this] have come into the world, — that I may bear witness unto the truth: ||Every' one who is of the truth|| hearkeneth unto my' voice. 38 Pilate saith unto him — |What| is truth ? And ||this sayingjj |again| went he out to the Jews, and saith unto them — ||I|| find in him || not a single' fault||. 39 Howbeit ye have |a custom|,<: that ||some one| I should release unto you, |during the passoverl : — Are ye minded, then, that I release unto you the king of the Jews ? *<• So they cried aloud again, saying — Not this' man, but Barabbas I Now |Barabbas| was |a robber|. 19 Then Pilate, therefore, took Jesus, and scourged him. 2 And ||the soldiers||, plaiting a crown out of thorns, placed it upon his head,'^ and ||a purple robe|| cast they about him; 3 and kept coming unto him, and saying — Joy to thee ! O King of the Jews ! — and were giving unto him smart blows. * And Pilate went forth again outside, and saitb unto them — Seel I lead him unto you outside, that ya may take knowledge, that |no single' faulty do I find in him. 5 Jesus, therefore, came forth outside, wearing the thorn' crown, and the purple' mantle. Anrf he saith unto them— Lo 1 the Man ! 6 they cried aloud, saying — Crucify I Crucify l^ ' Chap. xli. 33. 'Or (WH): "Dost Jthoull Bay that I am a klDK ? " of (tr) : " Thou sayest It, because I am a king." = Mt. xxvll. 15; Mk. iv. 6; [Lu. xxlil. 17]. d Mt. xxvii. 29 ; Mk. xv. 17- « Mt. xxvU. 23. I2 116 JOHN XIX. 7—37. Pilate saith unto them — ||Ye|| take' him, aud crucify; for ||I|| find not in him |a fault|. ■f The Jews answered him — 1 1 We 1 1 have |a law|, and || according to the law! I he ought to die, because |jSonof God|| |hims3lf| Le made. 8 he was the more afraid ; ^ and entered into the judgment-hall again, and saith unto Jesus — I Whence] art |jthou|| ? But |Jesus| gave him no [answer]. lo Pilate^ therefore^ saith unto him — ||Uuto me|| a dost thou not speak ? Knowest thou not^ that |authority| have I to release thee, aud |authority| have I to crucify thee ? 11 Jesus answered him — Thou couldst have had no authority against me |at all|, if it had not been given unto thee from above. ||Therefore|| |he that delivered me unto thee| hath Igreater' sin|. 12 ||For this cause] | ]Pilate| began seeking to release him; but ]]theJews]| cried aloud say- ing— thou art not a friend of Caesar, for ]]every one who maketh himself king']] speaketh against Caesar. 13 |]Pilate|| therefore^ led Jesus outside, and sat down upon a raised seat, in a place called Pavement, but ]in nebrew| Gabbatha. i^ Now it was the preparation of the passover, — it was about the sixth hour. And he saith unto the Jews — See ! your King ! 15 ||They|] therefore, cried aloud — Away ! away 1 Crucify him 1 Pilate saith unto them — ] I Your king]] shall I crucify ? The High-priests answered — We have no king but Caesar I 16 ]|Then]| therefore, he delivered him up unto them, that he might be crucified. § 26. The Orucifixion. Mt. xxvii. 32 ff. ; Mk. XV. 21 flf. ; Lu. xxiii. 26 ff. They took possession, therefore, of Jesus. I'And he went forth unto the so-called Skull-place, which is named, in Hebrew, Golgotha; is where ]him] they crucified; and ]with him] other two, on this side and on that, and ]in the midst] ||Jesus|]. 19 And Pilate wrote a title also, and placed on the cross ; and there was written — Jesus, the Nazaeene, the King or the Jews. 20 ||This' title]] therefore, read many' of the Jews, because ]near| was the place to the city where Jesus was crucified ; and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin, in Greek. 21 The High-priests of the Jews, therefore, were saying uu^'o Pilate — > Emphaels of official dignity. Do not be writing The King of the Jews ; but that 1 1 he 1 1 said ] King of the Jews | I am. 22 Pilate answered — 1 1 What I have written]] I have written 1 23 ]]The soldiers]] therefore, when they had cruci- fied Jesus, took his garments » and made four' parts, |unto each' soldier] a part; ]also the tunicj. Howbeit, the tunic was without seam, I from above] woven throughout. 2* They said, therefore, one to another — Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, ]who3e| it shall be ; — that ]the Scripture] might be fulfilled — They parted ray garments amongst them. And \for my vestment\ they cast lots : — •> ]]yea verily]] ]the soldiers] these' things did. '5 And there were standing by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother's sister. Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary the Magdalene. 28 I ] Jesus] I therefore, saith unto his mother— woman, see 1 thy son I 2' [Afterwards] he saith unto the disciple — See 1 thy mother I And |]from that' hour]] the disciple took her unto his own home. 28 ]] After this]! Jesus saith — / thirst <^ 1 29 |]A vessel]] was standing, full ]of vinegar]. brought they unto his mouth. Jesus said — It is finished I and, bowing his head, delivered up his spirit. 31 ]]The Jews|[ therefore, < since it was [a prepara- tion [,tliat the bodies might not remain upon the cross during the Sabbath, — for that' Sabbath day« was [great! > requested Pilate that their legs might be broken, and they be taken away. 32 The soldiers, therefore, came ; and [of the first, indeed] brake the legs, and of the other who was crucified with him, — 33 but coming [ [unto Jesus] | they brake not his legs; — 3* but [[one of the soldiers[| [with a spear[ pierced |his' side[, and there came out, straightway, [blood and water], 35 And I [he that hath seen|| hath borne witness; and [ [genuine] [ is his' testimony, and ][he[[ knoweth that he saith [what is true], that ]|ye also]] may believe. 36 for these things came to pass, that ]the Scripture] might be fulfilled— \A bone thereof] shall not be crushed f; 3'',and |]agaiD]l a jdifferent' Scripture] saith — They shall look unto e him whom they pierced.^ • Mt. xxvll. 35 ; Mk. XV. 24 ; Lu. xxlii. 34. <> Ps. xxii 18 i: Ps. Ixix 21. i Mt. xxvii 48; Mk. xv. 86 j Lu. xxill. 36. • Ap : " Sabbath " t Exo xll. 46; Nu. Ix. 12; Ps. xxxlv. 20. 8 As their hope : Ps. xxxlv. 5. " Zeeh. xU. 10. JOHN XIX. 38—42 ; XX. 1—26. 117 § 27. The Burial. Mt. xxvii. 57-61 ; Mk. XV. 42-47 ; Lu. xxiii. 50-56. »8 But ||after these thiugs|j Joseph from Arima- thsea requested Pilate^ that he might take away the body of Jesus ; and Pilate gave permission. He came, therefore^ and took away his body. 39 There came^ moreover^ Nieodemus also, — he that came unto him by night at the first, — bearing a roll a of myrrh and aloes^ about a hundred pounds' weight. *" So they received the body of Jesus^ and bound it in linen-bandages with the spices, — ^just as it is |a custom | with the Jews to prepare for burial. *i Now there was^ in the place where he was crucified^ |a garden] ; and |in the garden] an unused tomb^ wherein |as yet| no one had been laid. *2So 1 1 there 1 1 laid they Jesus. § 28. The Resurrection. Jesus appears to his Dis- ciples. Mt. xxviii. 1-10 ; Mk. xvi. 1-11 ; Lu. xxiv. 1-12. 20 But ||on the first day of the week 1 1 [Mary the Magdalene] cometh early, while it is yet | |darkj |, unto the tomb, — and beholdeth the stoue^ al- ready taken away out of the tomb. '■' She run- neth^ therefore^ and cometh unto Simon Peter^ and unto the other' disciple whom Jesus dearly loved, and saith uuto them — They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we know not where they have laid him. * Peter^ therefore^ went out, and the other' dis- ciple, — and they were going unto the tomb; * and the two were running together, and ijthe other' disciple!! outran •> Peter^ and came first unto the tomb ; ^and^ stooping aside^ beholdeth^ lying^ the linen-bandages, |nevertheless] he entered not. « So Simon Peter also cometh^ following him, and entered into the tomb^ and vieweth the linen-bandages lying, — " and the napkin, which was upon his head, not |with the linen-bandagesl lying, but apart, folded up into one' place. » ]Then| entered, therefore, the other' disciple also, who had come first unto the tomb, and he saw and believed. ^For |not yetj knew they the Scripture, that he must needs |from among the dead ( !)arise||. "• The disciples, therefore, departed again, by themselves. 11 Hovvbeit liMary'' remained standing against the tomb, outside, weejiing. So then las she wept| she stooped aside into the tomb, '^and beholdeth two' messengers, lin white garments; sitting, one at the head, and the other at the feet, where had been lying the body of Jesus. "And 'jithevi! say unto her — Woman ! why weepest thou ? She saith unto them — They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him. i< |These things saying| she turned round, and seeth Jesus standing, and knew not that it was |Jesus|. 15 Jesus saith unto her — Woman 1 why weepest thou ? Whom seekest thou? ||She|| saith unto him — Sir I tell me where thou hast laid him; and {|I|| wiU take him away. 16 Jesus saith unto her — Mary I ||She|| turning' saith unto him, in Hebrew — Rabboni I which meaneth |Teacher|. 1' Jesus saith unto her — Be not detaining me," for |not yet| have I ascended unto the Father ; But be going unto my disciples, and say unto them — I am ascending unto my Father and your Father, and my God and your God. 18 Mary the Magdalene cometh, bringing tidings unto the disciples — I have seen the Lord 1 and that these things he had said unto her. 19 Jesus came, and stood in" the midst, and saith unto them — Peace be unto you ! 20 and |this| saying he pointed out both his hands and his side unto them. The disciples^ therefore, rejoiced, seeing the Lord. 21 Jesus,"! therefore, said unto them |again| — Peace be unto you ! 1 1 1, also II send you'. 22 And |this| saying, he breathed strongly, and saith unto them — Receive ye Holy Spirit : — 23 They are remitted unto them, They are retained. ^ 2* But j [Thomas, one of the twelve, the one called Didymusjl was not with them when Jesus came. "^^ The other' disciples, therefore, were saying unto him — We have seen the Lord 1 But |he| said unto them — in nowise will I believe. 26 And lieight days after]] his disciples again' were within, and Thomas with them. Jesus cometh — the doors having been made fast — and stood in f the midst, and said — Peace be unto you 1 •Or(WH>: "mixture.' '' Or (ml) : " ran forward more quickly than." ' Or (ml) : " Be not clinging to me " ; " Do not con- tinue tooling " (Donald- son, Gr. Gram., 3rd ed., P- 414) ; removing what many have felt to be a difficulty. » Lu. xxlv. 36-40. ' Lit : " into." Or(WHl: "He." « Mt. xviii. 18. ' Lit: "into." 118 JOHN XX. 27—31; XXI. 1—22. " 1 1 Then 1 1 saith he unto Thomas — Beach thy finger hither^ and see my hands, and reach thy hand^ and press into my side, — and become not disbelieving^ but believing. *8 Thomas answered^ and said unto him — My Lord^ and my God 1 M Jesus saith unto him — hast thou believed ? ||Happy|| they who have not seen, and yet have believed 1 no l|Many' other' signs^ doubtless|| did Jesus^ in presence of the disciples^ which are not written in this book; si but ||these|| are written^ that ye may believe that |Jesus| is || the Christy the Son of God||; and that |believing| ||y6 may have life' in his namell. § 29. Manifestation at the Lake of Tiberias. 21 I [After these things] | Jesus manifested him- self again^ unto the disciples, by the sea of Tiberias; and manifested himself |thus| : — » There were together^ Simon Peter, and Thomas^ who was called Didymus, and Nathan- ael, who was from Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and |two other| of his disciples. 8 Simon Peter saith unto them — I go a fishing 1 They say unto him — ||We also|| go with thee I They went out^ and got up into the boat, and |during that' night] they caught nothing. * But Jesus stood upon the beach; | nevertheless] the disciples knew not that it was ] Jesus j. * Jesus^ therefore^ saith unto them — Children 1 perhaps ye have nothing to eat ? They answered him — No. * And |he| said unto them — Cast the net ]on the right' side of the boat], — and ye shall find. They cast^ therefore ; and ]no longer] were they able ]to draw] it, for the multitude of the fishes. ' That disciple, therefore^ whom Jesus loved, saith unto Peter — It is I the Lord] 1 ||Simon Peter] | therefore, [hearing that it was the Lord'] girded about him ]his upper gar- ment], — for he was naked;* and cast himself into the sea; ^but |]the other' disciples]] came |by the little boat], — for they were not farther from the land than about two hundred cubits off, — dragging tbe net of fishes. ^So I when they got out upon the land] they behold a coalb fire lying, arid fish lying over, and bread. •<> Jesus saith unto them — Bring of the fish which ye caught just now. 11 Simon Peter, therefore, went on board, and drew the net on to the land, — full of large fishes, a hundred and fifty-three; and Jthough they were so' many] the net was not rent, i* Jesus saith unto them — Come I break your fast. |]Not one]] of the disciples was venturing to ask him. Who art |]thou|l ? knowing that it was ]the Lord). i^ Jesus cometh, and taketh the bread, and giveth unto them ; and the fish ]in like manner]. 1* ]]This, already]] is the third' time Jesus was manifested unto the disciples, after he was raised from among the dead. § 30. Peter restored to his Apostleship. Conclusion. 15 Jesus saith unto Simon Peter — Simon, son of John 1 lovest » thou me more than these ? He saith unto him — Yea, Lord 1 ]]thou]] knowest that I am fond'' of thee. He saith unto him — Be feeding my lambs." 16 He saith unto him ]again, the second time| — Simon, son of John 1 lovest thou me ? He saith unto him — Yea, Lord 1 ]]thou]] knowest that I am fond of thee. He saith unto him — Be shepherding my sheep. thou usedstto gird thyself, and to walk whither thou didst choose ; But thou shalt stretch out thy hands, and ]another| shall gird thee, and bear thee ]whither thou dost not choose]. 19 Now ]this] he said, signifying [by what' manner' of death] he should glorify God.« And ]having said this'] he saith unto him — Be following me. 20 Peter, turning about, beholdeth the disciple whom Jesus loved ,f following, — who also re- clined during the supper upon his breast, and said — Lord, who is it that is delivering thee up ? 21 Peter, therefore, seeing ]]this one]| saith unto Jesus — Lord! and ]]thi8 one|] what? 22 Jesus saith unto him — ' That Is : " stripped." » Or: "charcoal." » Gr : agapdn. '' Or : philein. « Ml : ■' lanibllngs " = " dear lambs." what is that to thee ? ||Thou|| be following me'. " This' word_ therefore^ went forth unto the brethren^ that |that diseiple| should not die. Howbeit, Jesus did not tell him^ he should not die ; but what is that to thee ? »* ||This|| is the disciple who beareth witness concerning these things^ and who hath written these things; and we linow that ||true|| is |his witnes9|. *5 Now there are many other things also, which Jesus did, which, indeed, not even the world ||itself||, I suppose, would contain |the books which must be writtenl. A Section concerning AN ADULTERESS. 63 [[And they went, each unto his own house ; 8 but ||Jesus|| went unto the Mount of Olives. s And 1 1 early in the morning] | |again| came he into the temple, [and all the people were coming unto him ; and, sitting down, he began to teach them]. 3 And the Scribes and the Pharisees bring a woman, caught [in adultery] ; and (setting her in the midst] * they say unto him — Teacher 1 |]thi9' woman|| hath been caught in the very' act' of committing adultery I 6 Now ]]in the law]] jMToses]] [unto us] gave command to stone Isuch as these]. What then, dost ]]thou]| say?* 6 []|This]] however, they were saying, by way of testing him, — that they might have whereof to accuse him]. But ]]Jesus]] stooping down' ]with his flugerj wrote in the ground. ' he lifted himself up and said [unto them] — he was taken up ; ^ unto whom he also presented himself alive,'' after he had suffered, by many sure tokens, ]throughout forty days] making himself visible unto them, and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God." *And |being in company with them] he charged them, |from Jerusalem! - To abide around the promise of the Father which ye have heard of me, 6 Because ||John| indeed, immersed with water ; • Lu. 1. 1. bMt. xxvlll. 17; Mk. xvl. 12, 14; Lu. xxiv. 31, 36; J11.XZ. 19, 26; xzi. 4. ' Ver. 6 ; chap. tIU. 12 ; xlv. 22 ; xlx. 8 : XX. 25 ; xxvlll. 23,31. Ap: "Kingdom." i" Lu. xxlv. 49. But |)ye|| |in Holy Spirit] shall be im- mersed, — » After not' many' of these days. 6 |They] therefore, ]having come together] began to question him, saying — Lord ! art thou |at this time] duly establish- ing the kingdom unto Israel ? ' He said unto them — It is ]not yours] to get to know times or seasons which ]the Father] hath put in his own' authority; 8 But ye shall receivs power, when the Holy Spirit eometh upon you, and ye shall be my witnesses, both in Jerusalem and [in] all Judaea and Samaria, and as far as the utter- most part of the land.'' 9 And having said ] these things] ||as they were beholding] ] he was lifted up, and a cloud caught him away from their eyes." i" And then lo I |two men] had 'Mt. lU. 11 t; Jn. i. 33; chap. xL 16 ; 1 Co. xU. 18. I" Or : "earth." « Mk. xvl. 19 ; Lu. xxlv. 61. 120 ACTS I. 11—26 ; II. 1—17. taken their stand beside them^ in white gar- ments, — !• who also said — Men of Galilee! why stand ye looking into heaven ? ||This' Jesus, who hath been taken up from you into heaven|| shall |so| come ||in like manner as ye yourselves have gazed upon him going into heaven||. § 2. The Disciples return to Jeriisalem. u |Then| returned they into Jerusalem, from a mountain called Olivet, which is nigh unto Jerusalem, a [Sabbath day's] journey.* 18 And 1 1 when they had entered||, jinto the upper-storyl went they up, where remained behind — both Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son *> of Alphaeus and Simon the zealot, and Judas the son ^ of James. 1* [These all| were giving constant attention, with one accord, unto the prayer, with [certain] women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. § 3. Speech of Peter, and Choice of Matthias. 15 And ||ia these days|| Peter, standing up in the midst of the brethren, said, — and there was a multitude of names, of one accord, about a hundred and twenty, — w Brethren I It was lneedful| for the Scripture |tobefulfilled| which the Holy Spirit spake beforehand, through the mouth of David, concerning Judas, — who became guide unto them who apprehended Jesus ; i' for that he had come to be reckoned among us, and obtained the lot of this ministry. — 18 |This man| therefore had possessed himself of a field out of the reward of unrighteousness, — and |falling headlong] burst asunder in the midst, and forth gushed all his bowels; '^aud it became |known| unto all' them who were dwelling in Jerusalem, so that that Held was called, in their language, Akeldama, that is. Field of Blood.— »o For it is written in the° Book of Psalms : Let his encampment become desolate, And let there be none to dwell therein ! "i And— WHis overseershipW let a diffei-ent man take ! « '1 It is Ineedful] then that that ||a witness of his resurrection, along with us|| should |one' of these] become, 's And they appointed two, — Joseph, called Bar- sabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Mat- thias. M And, praying, they said — Thou Lord ! observer of the hearts of all men I Shew forth whom thou hast chosen, — lOf these' two| ||one|i; — • Ap: "Sabnath.' b Or : " brother." • Or : " a." they were all together with one intent; — ^when there came, suddenly, out of heaven, a sound, just as of a mighty rushing' wind, — and it filled all' the house where they were sitting; 3 and there appeared unto them — parting asunder — tongues, like as of fire, and it'^ sat upon each one of them; *and they were all filled with Holy Spirit, and began to be speaking with other kinds' of tongues, just as |the Spirit] was giving unto them to be sounding forth. 5 Now there were in Jerusa- lem, sojourning'Jews, reverent men, from every' nation, who were under heaven; 6 and jthis sound occurring] the throng came together, and was thrown into confusion, because each one severally heard in his own' language, them who were speaking ; ' yea they were beside them- selves, and did marvel, saying — Lo! are not ]air these] who are speaking, ]]Galila5ans|l ? 8 How then do ]]we|] hear, each one in our own' language in which we were born ? 9 we do hear them speaking, in our own' tongues,^ the magnificent things of God. " But they were all beside themselves, and were utterly at a loss, saying |one to anotheri — What doth this please to be ? 13 while I 'others] I ]in moekeryi were saying — ]]With sweet winel] are they drunken I i< But ] [taking his standi] ]Peter, with the elevenl lifted up his voice, and sounded out unto them — Ye men of Judasa, and all ye who are so- journing in Jerusalem 1 Let ]]this|| unto you' be ]known|. And give ear unto my declarations ; — 15 For not, as |]ye]i suppose, are these men drunken, for it is the third hour of the day: — 16 But ithis'i is that which hath been spoken through the prophet Joel— " And it shall be, in the last days, saith God, / will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh ; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. And \' your young m,en\\ \visions\ shall see ^ And Wyour elders\\ \in dreams\ shall dream, — • Lev. xxill. l."i-21 ; Deu. xvi. 9-12. >> Or : "one " ' Joel 11. 28-32. ACTS II. 18—47; III. 1—3. 121 1* And will I pour out of my ■ , Spirit, * And they shall prophesy; • W And I will set forth wonders in the heaven above, And signs upon the earth beneath, — Bloody andfire^ and vapour of smoke: *' ||77ie sun\\ shall be turned into darkness^ And \\the moon\\ into blood, — Before the camming of the day of the Lord, the great and manifest [day] ; *^ And it shall be — II Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord\\ shall be saved.'' ** Ye men of Israel I hear these words : — »8 1 1 The same II |through the hands of lawless men| suspending ||ye slew|| ^* Whom |God| raised up, loosing the pangs of death, inas- much as it was |not possible| for him to continue held fast by it. 25 por ||David|| saith concerning him — I foresaw the Lord^beforeme^continually, Because he is \on my right hand\^ that I may not be shaken ; »* \\For thisreason\\ was my heart madeglad^ and my tongue exulted, — I I Yea further] \ \ even myfiesh\ shall encamp on hope : " Because thou wilt not abandon my soid unto hades. Neither wilt thou give thy m,an of loving- kindness to see corruption ; *8 Thou m,adest known unto me paths of life. Thou wilt m,ake m,e full of gladness with thy countenance.^ *» Brethren ! it is |allowable| to say with free- dom of speech unto you, concerning the patriarch David, — That he both died, and was buried, and jhis tomb| is among us until this day. »» He hath poured out this which Ijyourselvesll do see and hear. • Ro. X. la. k Ps. xvl. 8-11. • Ps. cxxxH. 11. ^ Ps. xvL 10. " For |David| hath not ascended* into the heavens; but he saith || himself || — Said the Lord unto my Lord^ Sit thou at my right hand, 85 ■ Until I make thy foes thy footstool.'^ 36 1 1 Assuredly 1 1 then, let all' the house of Israel know : That 1 1 both Lord and Christ|| hath God made him. Even the same' Jesus whom ||yei| cruci- fied! 37 And |when they heard this| they were pricked to the heart, and said unto Peter and the rest' of the apostles — What are we to do, brethren ? 38 And Peter [said] unto them — Eepent ye, And let each one of you be immersed, in the name of Jesus Christ, into the remission of your sins, — And ye shall receive the free-gift of the Holy' Spirit; 39 For ||untoyou|| is the promise. And unto your children, — And unto all' them who are afar off: \\As many soever as the Lord our God shall call unto himW." *" And |with many different' words| bare he full witness, and went on exhorting them saying — Be saved from this perverse generation 1 *i ||They,therefore, who welcomed hisword|| were immersed ; and there were added, on that day, about three thousand souls. *^ And they went on to give constant attention — Unto the teaching of the apostles^ And unto the fellowship. Unto the breaking of bread^ And unto the prayers. <3 And there came, on every' soul, ||fear||,d and 1 1 many' wonders and signs||, [through means of the apostles| were coming to pass. « And ||all' who believed|| |with one accord| began to hold all things common ; « and | their posses- sions and goods| were they selling, and distri- buting them unto all ||in so far as anyone had need'll. *6 And they were partaking of food with exultation and singleness of heart ; *' praising God, and having favour with all' the people. And ||the Lord 1 1 was adding them who were being saved |daily| ||together||. § 5. The Lame Man Healed. 3 Now iJPeter and John| | were going up into the temple, for the hour of prayer — the ninth; 2 and ||a certain man|| who had been |lame from his mother's wombj was being carried, — whom they used to lay daily at the door of the temple — the [dooi"] called Beautiful, that he might ask alms of them who were entering into the temple: 3 who < seeing Peter and John about to enter into ° Or ; " ascended not." cls.'lvii. 'l9; Joel II. 32: cp. Eph. li. 17. " Or : " reverence.' 122 ACTS III. 4—26; IV. 1- the temple> was requesting to receive |an almsl. * But Peter looking steadfastly at him — with John — said : Look on us I 5 And |he| gave heed unto them, expecting to receive |something from them|. * But Peter said — ySilver and gold|| have I none, But 1 1 what I have|| |the same| unto thee' do I give : — Walkl T And [laying hold of him by the right' hand] he raised him up; and ||instantly|| were his feet and ankles strengthened; — 8 and Heaping for- ward] he stood^ and walked, and entered with them into the temple 1 1 walking^ and leaping^ and praising God|| ^And all' the people saw hira, walking and praising God ; lOand they began to recognise him, that |the same] was he who |for the alms] used to sit at the Beautiful' Gate of the temple; — and they were filled with amazement and transport at what had happened unto him. n And all' the people ran together unto them, in the portico which is called Solomon's, — greatly amazed. ^^ And Peter |seeing it| made answer unto the people : — Ye men of Israel 1 Why marvel ye at this man ? Or ||uponus|| why are ye intently looking, as though |by our own' power or godliness] we had made him walk ? 15 <^The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, — The God of our fathers^'' Hath glorified his servant ^ Jesus : — Whom ]]ye]] indeed^ delivered up and denied to Pilate's face, ]]Wh6n he had adjudged to release him]] ; 1* But ]]ye]| denied jthe Holy and Righteous One], And claimed a man that was a murderer^ to be granted you ; 16 But ]|the Princely Leader of Life]] ye slew : — Whom ]God] raised from among the dead, whereof ]]we|| are ] witnesses |. w And I ]by the faith of his name]] ]Unto this man whom ye see and know] hath his name given strength, — Yea ]]the faith which is through him]] hath given unto him this perfect soundness^ over against you all' 1 11 And ]nowl brethren, I know that ]by way of ignorance] ye acted, — I ] Just as even your rulers]]. 18 Howbeit |lGod|]— —did ]thu9] fulfill 1* Repent ye^ therefore, and turn, — unto the blotting out of your sins ; To the end that in that case^ there may come • Exo. IIL & " Ib. lU, 13, 15. seasons of refreshing from the face of the Lord, 20 And he may send forth him who had been fore-appointed for you — ]]Christ Jesus]] : 21 Unto whom^ indeed^ heaven must needs give welcome, until the times of the due estab- lishment of all things^ of which God hath spoken through the mouth of his holy' age'-past prophets. 22 ]]Moses|] indeed^ said — \\A prophet\\ \unto you\ shall the Lord Ood raise up ^ from among your brethren^ \\like unto me I] : I] Unto him\\ shall ye hearken^ respecting all things^ whatsoever he shall speak unto you 23 And it shall be — Have even announced these days. 25 ]lYe]] are the sons of the prophets^ and of the covenant which God covenanted unto your'> fathers, saying unto Abraham — And \\in thy seed\\ shall be blessed^ AW thefa'milies of the ground\\.o 26 ]]Untoyou^ first]] God- Having raised up his Servant — Hath sent him forth^ ready to bless you, ]]When ye are turning away, each one, from your wickednesses]]. § 6. The Arrest of Peter and John. 4: But ]]as they were speaking' unto the people] | the High-priests d and the Captain of the temple and the Sadducees, came upon them, 2 being tired out because of their teaching the people, and announcing |in Jesus] the resurrection from among the dead ; ^ and they thrust on them their hands, and put them in custody for the morrow, for it was evening ]already]. * How- beit ]]many of them that heard the word]] believed ; and the number of the men became about five thousand. 6 And it came to pass, upon the morrow, that there were gathered together of them, the rulers and the elders and the scribes, in Jerusalem; 6 also Annas, the high-priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of high-priestly descent; — 'and ] sotting them in the midst] they began to enquire — ]]In what manner' of power, or in what man- ner' of name]] did ]]ye]| do this ? 8 ]]Then Peter, filled with Holy Spirit]] said unto them — Ye rulers of the people, and elders I 9 • Deu. xvlll. 15, 18, 19 ; cp. Lev. xxiU. 29. "> Or (WH) : " our." " Gen. xll. 3: ixil. la ■i Or (WH) : '' the priests." ACTS IV. 10—37; V. 1—3. 123 Beit I known I unto you all'^and unto all' the people of Israel : That ||In him|| doth |this| man stand by^ in your presence^ ||whole||. u 1 1 This 1 1 is the stone, set at nought by you the builders. Which became the head of the corner »■ ; 12 And there is | in no one else | ||salvation||, For 1 1 neither is there any other name II under heaven^ Which hath been set forth among men^ In which we must needs be saved. 13 And they began to marvel, recognising them also^ that they had been |with Jesus| ; i* they had |nothing| wherewith to contradict. i^Howbeit they began to confer one with another, i^ saying — What are we to do with these men ? For^ indeed^ ||unto all' who are dwelling in Jerusalem|| is manifest, and we cannot deny [it] 1 w Nevertheless let us charge them with threats^ to be |no more| speaking upon this name ||to any soul of man||.'' 18 And [calling them| they gave them the sweep- ing charge, — Not to be sounding aloud |nor even to be teaehing| ||upon the name of Jesus||. 19 But llPeter and Johnjj |answering| said unto them — < Whether it be |right| in presence of God II Unto you II to be hearkening | rather than unto God| judge 1 ^0 For 1 1 well cannot' but be speaking [the things which we have seen and heard 1 1 21 |They| however^ [further charging them with threats! let them go, finding |nothiug| as to how they might chastise them^ on account of the people; because ||all|| were glorifying God for that which had come to pass ; — 22 for | |more than forty years' old|| was the man^ upon whom had taken place | [this healing sign||. § 7. Tlie Apostles Triumphant. ** But [when they had been let go| they came unto their own [friends]^ and told as many things as ||unto them|| |the High-priests and Elders| had said. 24A.nd [they^ having heard| ||with one accord|| uplifted a voice unto God, and said — Sovereign 1 ||Thoul| art he that m.ade the heaven^ and the • Pa cxviH. 22. ^ Ml : " to any one of men." I Or: "master." earthy and the sea, and all things that are therein : » 2» Who < by our father, through means of the Holy Spirit, even by the mouth of David thy servant> said — Unto what end did nations rage. And {peoples] busy themselves with empty things ? 26 The kings of the earth stationed \theTnselves\^ And \ihe rulers] were gathered together^ with one intent^ ]]Against the Lord, And against his Christ]].'^ 27 For they were gathered together, of a truth, in this city, against thy holy' servant Jesus, whom thou hadst anointed, — ||both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with them of the nations, and peoples of Israeli | ; — 28 to do whatsoever |thy hand and thy counsel| marked out beforehand to come to pass. 29 1 1 As to the present things||, then, Lord, — Look upon their threats, and grant unto thy servants |with all freedom of utterance | to be speaking thy word, 3o by stretching forth thy hand' for healing, and by the coming to pass [of both signs and wonders I || through the name of thy holy servant Jesus||. 31 And [when they had made supplication| the place was shaken in which they were gathered together, and they were filled, one and all, with the Holy' Spirit, and began speaking the word of God with freedom of utterance. 32 And I the throng of them that believed | had one heart and soul, and not so much as one was saying that [aught of his goods| was |his own|, but they had all things common. 33 ^.nd |with great power| were the apostles giving forth their witness of the resurrection |of the Lord Jesus I ; great favour also was upon them all'. 3* For there was not so much as anyone |lacking| among them ; for | |as many as were possessors of lands or houses 1 1 [selling them| were bring- ing the prices of the things that were being sold, 35 and laying them at the feet of the Apostles, while on the other hand they were distributing unto each one, in so far as any one had I need 1 . 36 And < Joseph, who had been surnamed Barnabas, by the Apostles, which is to be translated Son of Exhortation, — a Levite, a Cyprian by nation> 37 |having a field I sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the feet of the Apostles. § 8. Ananias and Sapphira. 5 But sold a possession, 2 and kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy' to it; and ||bringing a certain part|| [at the feet of the Apostles I he laid it. *But Peter said — Ananias I wherefore did Satan fill thy heart, that thou shouldst deal falsely with the ' Exo. xx. 11 ; Pb. cxlvl. 6. ''Or: "Anointed One.' Pfl. 11. 1. 2. 124 ACTS V. 4—37. Holy Spirit^ and keep back part of the price cf the field? * 1 1 While it remained! I was it not |as thine own| it remained? and ||when sold]| was it not |in thine own' authority] that it still continued ? Why was it that thou didst contrive in thy heart this deed ? Thou hast not dealt falsely [with menj but ||withGod||. 6 And ||as Ananias heard these words]! he fell, and expired. And there came great fear upon all' that heard; sbut the young men (rising up| wrapped him about, and, bearing him forth, buried him. ^ that his wife |not knowing what had happened] came in. s And Peter began to say unto her — Tell me I was it jfor so much] ye gave up [the field] ? And ]she] said — Yea I for so much. 9 And jPeter] [said] unto her — Why was it agreed by you to put to the proof the Spirit of the Lord ? Lol ]]the feet of them that have buried thy husband]] are at the door, and they shall bear thee forth. M And she fell instantly at his feet, and expired. And the young men ]coming in] found her dead ; and, bearing her forth, thoy buried her with her husband. i' And thore came great fear upon the whole' assembly, and upon all' them that heard these things. § 9. Further Triumphs. M And ]]through the hands of the Apostles]] were coming to pass many signs and wonders, among the people ; and they were all with one accord in the portico of Solomon; — i^ how belt |] of the rest]] ]no one] durst join himself unto them, — nevertheless the people continued to magnify them; "and Jthe more] were being added I when they believed in the Lord] throngs both of men and women; — i^so that ]even into the broad-ways] were they bringing forth the sick, and laying them on small couches and beds, in order that ]]if Peter were coming along]] ]even perchance his shadow] might overshadow some one of them, is Moreover even the throng of the cities all round Jerusalem was coming together, bearing sick folk, and such as were harassed by impure spirits, — ]who] indeed, were being cured jone and all). § 10. The Authorities, foiled, are advised hy Gamaliel. " But the High-priest ]arising], and all' who were with him, — being the sect of the Saddu- cees, — were filled with jealousy, is and thrust their hands upon the Apostles, and put them in a public ward. i^ But ] |a messenger of the Lord]] jby night] opened the doors of the prison ; and [leading them out] said — 20 Be going your way, and ]taking your standj be speaking, in the temple, unto the people^ all' the declarations of this Life. 21 Now ] when thoy heard this] they entered, under the dawn, into the temple, and began teaching. And the High-priest and they who were with him ^arriving] called together the high-council^ and air the senate of the sons of Israel ; and sent off unto the prison, to have them brought. 22 And ]the officers who came to the place] found them not in the prison ; and, returning, brought tidings, 23 saying — ]]The prison]] found we locked with all' safe- ty, and the keepers standing at the doors ; but ]when we had opened the prison] ]|in- side]] found we ]no one]. 2« Now [when both the captain of the temple and the High-priests heard these words] they were utterly at a loss concerning them — what per- haps this might come to. 25 But some one ]entering] brought tidings unto them — Lo ! ]]the men whom ye put in the prison || are in the temple, standing, and teaching the people 1 26]]Then]] the captain with the ofiftcers ]departing| brought them — not with violence, — for they were afraid of the people, lest they should be stoned ; 2' but, leading them in, set them in the high- council. And the High-priest questioned them, 28 saying — ]Strictly] did we charge you not to be teach- ing upon this name ; and lo 1 ye have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and are minded to bring down upon us' ]]the blood of this man]]. 29 But Peter and the Apostles ]answering] said — It is needful ]to be yielding obedience] unto God' ] rather than unto men] : — 30 ]]The God of our fathers]] hath raised up Jesus,— whom i]ye]] got into your hands, [suspending him upon a tree\ : — 31 1 1 Him, as Princely- leader and Saviour]] hath God exalted unto his right hand,— to give repentance unto Israel, and remission of sins. 32 And II we] I are witnesses of these things, — also the Holy Spirit, which God hath given unto them who are yielding obedience unto him. 33 And jthey, when they heard] this, were cut to the heart, and were making up their minds to slay them. ^4 But a certain man, rising up in the high-council, by name Gamaliel, a law- teacher honoured by all' the people, gave orders to put the men |]outside, for a little li,—^^ and said unto them — Men of Israel I Be taking heed unto yourselves, what ye are about to infiict ]upou those men]. 36 For I [before these' days]] there rose up one Theudas, affirming ] himself] to be some- body, — unto whom was inclined a number of men, about four hundred; who was slain, and [all as many as had been trusting in him[ were disbanded, and came to nothing. sf [[After him]] rose up Judas the Galiliean, in the days of the enrolling, and drew a people ACTS V. 38—42; VI. 1—15; VII. 1—10. 125 into revolt after him; and ||he|| perished, and |all^ as many as had trusted in him| were scattered. 88 l|Now, therefore|| I say unto you — Stand aloof from these men, and let them alone ; because it will be overthrown, — 39 but ye will not be able to overthrow them : lest once |even fighters against God| ye be found. ♦0 And they were persuaded by him ; and [calling unto them the Apostles| they |with beatiug| charged them^ not be speaking upon the name of Jesus ; and let them go. *' |They|^ therefore, went rejoicing from the presence of the high-council ; in that they had been accounted worthy |in behalf of The Name| to suffer dishonour. ■'^ And they ceased not to be teaching, and telling the good news as to the Anointed' Jesus. § 11. Murmuring among the Disciples : Seven chosen to minister. 6 But ||in these days|| there arose a murmuring of the Grecian Jews against the Hebrews, in that |their widows] were being overlooked in the daily ministry. 2 And the Twelve, calling near the- throng of the disciples, said — It doth not seem ||right[| that |we|, forsaking the word of God, should be ministering unto tables. * But look out for yourselves, brethren, seven men from among you, who can be well- attested, full of Spirit and wisdom, — whom we will appoint over this need ; * But I |we| I will give constant attention. 6 And the word |was pleasing| in the sight of all' the throng ; and they selected Stephen, a man full of faith and Holy Spirit, and Philip and ProchorusandNicanorandTimonandParmenas and Nicholaus, a proselyte of Antioch; Swhom they set before the Apostles, and | praying] they laid upon them their hands. 'And ]]the word of Godj] went on growing, and the number of the disciples in Jerusalem continued to multiply |exceedingly| : ]]a great' multitude of the priests also|| were becoming obedient unto the faith. § 12. Stephen stirs up Opposition. 8 Now |]Stephen]] ]full of favour and power] began to do great wonders and signs among the people. 9 But there rose uncertain of those out of the synagogue which is called ]th6' synagoguel of them of Libertium and Cvrene and Alexandria, and certain of them from Cilicia and Asia, — disputing with Stephen ; if" and they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking. " |]Then]| they set on men who were saying — We have heard him speaking profane " things against Moses and God. 12 And they stirred up ■' the people and the elders and the scribes; and |coming upon him] they caught him away, and led him into the high- council. 13 And they set up false witnesses, who said — ]|This man]] ceaseth not speaking things against this <= holy place and the law ; •* for we have heard him saying — ] ]This Jesus the Nazarene] ] will overthrow this place, and will change the customs which ]Mosos| delivered unto us. 1^ And ]]looking steadfastly at him]] ]all' they who were sitting in the high-council] saw his face^ as if the face of a messenger.** § 13. Stephen's Defence and Martyrdom. 7 And the High-priest said — Are these things ]so| ? 2 And [he] said — Brethren and fathers, hearken! \\The Godof GloryW' appeared unto our father Abraham, while he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, — ' and said unto him — Get thee forth out of thy land^ and from, among thy kindred, and come unto the land ivhichf \unto thee\ I will point out.s * ]]Then|| ]coming forth out of the land of the Chaldeans] he dwelt in Haran; and he removed him into this land, in which ]|ye]| now dwell ; ^ and gave him no inheritance therein, \not ex'ena place to set his foot on\^ ; and yet promised to give it unto him in pos- session^ and unto Ms seed after him,^ ]when as yet he had not a child]. « But God ]spake thusi — His seed shall he a sojourner in a foreign land, and they irill bring it into bondage^ and ill-treat it four-hundred years; ' and \\the nation unto which they shall be in hondage\\ will \\I\\ judge '^ — said God ; and \\after these things]] shall they come forth and render divine service unto me i?i this place.' 8 And he gave unto him a covenant of circum- cision"'; and Ithris] he begat Isaac, and circumcised him on the eighth day," and Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob, the twelve' patri- archs. 9 And ]]the patriarchs]] 'being jealous of Joseph\° gave him up into Egypt f : and ] God\ was \with him],^ '"and rescued him out of all' his tribulations and gave him favour a,nd wis- dom before Pharaoh king of Egypt ; and he ' Or ■ " hlpsplT^mons " '' Or : " ppt in conimotlon i: Or (WF): "the " d Ai' ■ " Messenger." e s. xxix 3 ' Ml* " whichsoever . . . shall." 8 Gen. xli. 1 ; xlvUl. 1 h Deu. a 5. i Gen. xil. 7;xvll 8; xlvili. i , DGfn. xvil. 9f. " Gen. xxl. 4. Gen. xxxvil. 11. V Gen. xlv. 4. 1 Qen. TTTlT 2 f , 31. 126 ACTS VII. 11—42. appointed him governor over Egypt and all' his house.^ 11 And there came a famine upon all Egypt •> and Canaan^ and great tri- bulation, and |our fathors| could not find pasture. ^^ But Jacob^ \hearing there was corn in Egypt\ ^ sent off our fathers |flrst| ; and |the second time| Joseph was made known unto his brethren,^' and |the race of Joseph was made |manife3t| unto Pharaoh. And Joseph^ sending forth^ called for Jacob his father^ and all' the kindred, con- sisting of seventy -five souls f; is and Jacob went down \_into Egypt]. And he died, \he\ and our fathers « ; !•> and were brought over into Shechem^ and laid in the tomb which Abraham had purchased^ for a price of silver^ of the sons of Hamor in Shechem. ^ Now the people grew^ and were multiplied^ in Egypt, — ^^ until there arose another sort of king over Egypt^ who had not known Joseph. i!'||The same|| \dealing craftily with onr race\ ill-treated our fathers^^ 80 as to cause their babes to be exposed, to the end they might not be suffered to live. 1 1 In which season 1 1 | Moses | was born, and was exceeding goodly, — ' who was nourished up three months ™ in the house of his father; 21 but |when he was exposed] the daughter of Pharaoh rescued him^ and nourished him /or herself \as a son|.° ^2 ^.nd 80 Moses was trained in all' the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in his words and works. ^^^nd |when there was being fulfilled unto him a period of forty' years] it came up on his heart^o to look after his brethrefi the sons of Israelv and |seeing one being wronged] he defended him^ and avenged him that was getting worn out, \smiting the Egyptian].'^ ^sjjut he supposed his brethren ]would understand] that ]]God]] ]through his hand] would give them deliverance ; whereas they understood not. 26]] On the following day also]] he appeared unto them, as they were contend- ing, and would have reconciled them in peace, saying — Men I ye are ]brothers| 1 Wherefore wrong ye one another ? But ] I he that was wronging his neighbour] \ thrust him away, saying — W ho hath appointed \thee\ to be ruler and judge over us 1 Art \\thou\\ wishing \to kill me\ in the same way thou didst kill^ yesterday^ \the Egyptian] ■■ ? And Moses \fled\ at this saying, and became • Gen. xll. 40 f, 43, 46 ; Ps. ov. 21. i> Gen. xll. 54 f. • Gen. xHt. 5. 4 Gen. xlli. 2. • Gen. xlv. 1. ' Deu. X. 22. t Exo. 1. fi. k Jos. rxlr. 32; Qen. L 18. 1 Exo. 1. 7f. k Exo. 1 9 ff, 18. ' Ml : " Goodly unto God." m Exo. 11 2. ■> Exo. 11. 5, 10. Cp. 1 Co. 11. 9. P Exo. 11 11. 1 Exo. II. 12. ' Exo. 11. 13 t a sojourner in the land of Midianj^ where he begat two sons. 30A.nd there appeared unto him \in the desert of Mount Sinai] \\a messenger, in a flame of fire^in a bush\\.^ ^lAnd ||Moses|| |seeing it] marvelled at the sight; and jas he was going near to observe] there came a voice of the Lord — ** ]]/]] am the God of thy fathers^ The God of Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob.'' And Moses becoming |terrifled| durst not observe. '3 j^^d n^g Lord said unto him — • Loose the sandals of thy feet ; For \\the place whereon thou art stand- ing\\ is \hallowed ground].^ ** I have [indeed seen] the ill-treatment of m/y people that is in Egypt, And \unto their groaning\ have I hearkened^ And have come down to rescue them. \Now \ therefore^ come ! I will send thee into Egypt.^ 35 l]both as ruler and redeemer]] did God send ]by the hand of the messenger who had appeared unto him in the bush] : 86 jjThe samfe]] led them forth, ]doing wonders and signs in Egypt^s and in the Bed Sea, and in the desert^ forty years\^: *' ]]The same]] is the Moses that said unto the sons of Israel — \\A prophet^ unto you\\ will God raise up^ from, among yourbrethren^ \\like unto me\ ]' : 38 ]]The same]] is he that came to be in the assembly in the desert, with the messenger who was speaking with him in Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, ]]he who welcomed living utterances, to give unto us]] : 39 ]]Unto whom]] ]our fathers] would not be- come obedient, but thrust him away, and turned ^ in their hearts unto Egypt, *" saying unto Aaron — Make us gods who shall go before u,s ; For We know not rohat hath befallen him^ I *i And so they fell to calf-making ™ in those days, And offered sacrifice ° unto the idol. And rejoiced in the works of their hands. ** But God ]turned] and delivered them up to be doing divine service unto the host of heaven, — Just as it is written in a book of the pro- phets — Victim,s and sacrifices did ye offer unto me', • Exo. II. 15, 22. " Exo. til. 1 t. « Exo. 111. 6. i Exo. 111. 5. • Exo. Hi. 3-10. ' Exo. ii. 14. « Exo. vU. 3. f Nu. xlv. 33. • Deu. xvili. 15, 18. k Nu. xiv. 3 f. 1 Exo. xxxll. 1, 23. ■= Exo. xxxli. 4. » Exo. xxxll. 6. o Jer. vli. 18 (Sep.) ; xli. 13. ACTS VII. 43—60; VIII. 1—17. 127 forty years in the desert, house of Israel ? *s Nay ! but ye took with you the tent of Moloch, And the star of the god Rephan, — 27ie forms lohich ye made to bow down unto thein : Therefore will I carry you away beyond Babyloa.* .** ||The tentof witnessll was with our fathers in the desert, according as he who was speaking unto Moses |gave iastructions] to make it \according to the model which he had seen\.^ *6 Which our fathers succeeding to |also brought in| with Joshua, when taking pos- session'^ of the nations^ | which God put out from before our fathers until the days of David I ; *• Who found favour before God, and asited to find a habitation for the God of Jacob A *' But \\Solomon\\ built him a house.^ « IIAlthough indeedll |the Most High| ||not in hand-made places 1 1 dwellethf ; just as |the prophet] saith — *• \Heaiien\ is m,y throne, And \the earthl is my footstool: 1 1 What manner' of house\ \ will ye build me, saith the Lord, — Oi- what shall be the place of my resting ? M Hath not \\m,y hand\\ made all these things s ? w < Ye stiff-necked >> and uncircumcised in hearts and in ears^ ' ||Ye|| |alway3| \\against the Holy Spirit\\ do strive^ 1 |As your fathers! ||yealso||: 63 1 1 Which of the prophets! I did not your fathers persecute? Yea they slew them who declared beforehand concerning the coming of the Righteous One— Of whom |now| ||ye!! have become ! betrayers and murderers! I M |Who| indeed, received the law through raniis of messengers, — ' And guarded it not. M And I while they were hearing these things] they were being pierced in their hearts, and began gnashing their teeth against him. ^5 jjut he |!b6ing already full of Holy Spirit|! !lookiug steadfastly into heaven! ^'^w the ■" glory of God. and Jesus standing on the right hand of God ; M and said — Lo ! I see the heavens opened. And the Sou of Man, standing |on the right hand of God|. 57 And Icrying out with a loud voice] they held their ears, and rushed withoueaccord upon him ; 58 and ]thrusting him forth outside the city] pro- ceeded to stone him. And ]the witnesses] laid their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. ^9 And they stoned Stephen, as he was invoking and saying — • Am. V. 25 ff. •> Exo. XXV. 1. 40. e Gen. xvii. 8; xlvili. 4; Ueu x.KXii, 49. • Ps. cxxxii. 5. • 1 K. vi. 1, 2. t Chap. xvii. 24. e Is. Ixvi. 1 f. •> Exo. xxxiii. 3, 5. ' Jcr. ix. 26 : vi. 10 ' Nu. xxvii 14; Is. Ixiii. 10. ' Ap: "Messengers." "Or: "a." Lord Jesus 1 give welcome unto my spirit. 6" And jkneeliug down] he cried out with a loud voice- Lord ! do not charge against them ]this' 8in].» And !having said this] he fell asleep. § 14. New Persecution, headed by Saul of Tarsus. 8 And ]]8aul]! was taking pleasure with them in his death. Moreover there arose, in that' day, a great persecution against the assembly which was in Jerusalem; [tind] ]!alli] were scattered abroad throughout the countries of Judajaand Samaria, except the apostles. ^ Howbeit reverent men assisted at the burial of Stephen, and made great lamentation over him. * But I ! Saul I ! went on to lay waste the assembly, |aloug the houses] going in, and ]dragging off both men and women| was delivering them up into prison. § 15. Philip preaches in Samaria. *]]They, indeed, therefore, who were scattered abroad]] passed through, telling the good-news of the word; » and |!Philip]] ]going down unto the city of Samaria] proclaimed unto them the Christ. 6 And the multitudes began to give heed unto the things that were being spoken by Philip, with one accord, when they heard him, and saw the signs which he was working. ' For ]shouting with a loud voice] they were going out, and ]!many that were paralysed and lame]] were cured. » And there came to be great' joy in that city. 9 But ! !acertain man named Simon! ] wasalready in the city, practising magicalarts, and astonish- ing the nation of Samaria,— saying that himself was someone great: lo unto whom all were giving heed, from small even to great, saying — ]]Thisi! is the Power of God, which is called Great. 11 And they were giving heed to him, because that |]for a considerable' time]] ]with his magical arts] hehadastouishedthem. i2But they proceeded to be immersed^ both men and women. i^And !|Simon himself also]] believed; and ]having been immersed] was in constant attendance on Philip,— and was astonished. 1^ And the Apostles who were in Jerusalem' sent out unto them Peter and John; 1* who indeed, going down, prayed for them, that they might receive Holy Spirit ;—i« for l!not yet|| had it ]upon any one of them] fallen, but ]only, to begin with! they had been immersed intothenameof the Lord Jesus. i' ]]Then]| proceeded they to lay their hands upon them, and they were receiving Holy Spirit. »Lu. ixUl.84. 128 ACTS VIII. 18-40 ; IX. 1—11. i» But Simon <8eeing that |through means of the laying on of the hands of the Apostles| the Spirit was being given> offered unto them money, 13 saying- Give I unto me also] this authority, — In order that he may receive Holy Spirit. 20 And |Peter| said unto him — ||Thy silver^ with thee|| go to destruction ! Because ||the free-gift of God|| thou didst suppose could | with money] be obtained I «i Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter ; For ||thy hea7-t\\ is not upright before God.^ *' Repent^ therefore, from this thy baseness, And entreat of the Lord — Whether |afterall| the purpose of thy heart shall be forgiven thee ; »» For I see that thou servest as A gall-root of bitterness. And a bond of unrighteousness.^ '* And Simon |answering| said — Entreat ye, in my behalf, unto the Lord ; That |nothing| may come upon me. Of the things whereof ye have spoken I '5 ||They, therefore,] | having fully borne witness, and spoken the word of the Lord> began their return unto Jerusalem, and ||unto many' vil- lages of the Samaritans|| were they telling the glad tidings. § 16. The Conversion of an Ethiopian Eunuch. 26 And ||a messenger = of the Lord] | spake unto Philip, saying — Arise, and be journeying along southward, unto the way that goeth down from Jerusa- lem unto Gaza, — |the same| is desert. " And, arising, he journeyed. And lo 1 [who] had come to worship in Jerusalem; '^8 and was returning, and jsitting in his chariot| and was reading the prophet Isaiah. '■'^ And the Spirit said unto Philip — Go near, and join thyself unto this chariot 1 so And Irunning near| Philip heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said — Dost thou, then, understand what thou art reading ? 81 And |he| said — How indeed should I be able— unless some- one shall guide me ? And he called upon Philip, to come up and sit with him. sa^ow ||the passage of Scripture which he was reading! I was |this| : — \\As a sheepW \unto slaughter\ was he led. And \\So\\ he openeth not his mouth. •* \\In his humiliation\ | his judgment was taken away, — WHis generationW who shall describe ? Because [his life\ is taken away from the earth.^ • Pb. IxxvUl. 37. » Is. iTiu. e. • Ap : " Messenger." dis. UU. 7f. ** And the eunuch [making answer] unto Philip, said — I pray thee I ||0f whom|| is the prophet say- ing this ? ||0f himself|| or ||of some different per- son || ? '5 And Philip told him the glad tidings of Jesus. ■'« And they came unto a cer- tain water, — and the eunuch saith — Lo 1 water 1 What doth hinder my being immersed ? ['''] • 38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still; and they went down, both, into the water, |both Philip and the eunuch|, — and he immersed him. 39 But |the Spirit of the Lord] caught away Philip, and |the eunuch| saw him no more; for"" he was going on his way rejoic- ing. Igoing unto the High-priest| ^ asked from him letters for Damascus, unto the synagogues ; to the end that he might bringthem ||bound|| unto Jerusalem. sfiut ||as he was journeyiugil it came to pass that he was drawing near unto Damascus, and |sud- denlyl there flashed around him a light out of heaven ; *and |falling unto the earth| he heard a voice saying unto him — Saul! Saul! why [mei art thou persecuting ? 5 And he said — Who art thou, Lord ? And |he| [saidj — ||1|| am Jesus, whom ||thou|| art persecuting 1 6 But rise up, and enter into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. 7 But ||the men who were accompanying hlm|| stood speechless, — hearing, indeed, the voice,* but beholding |no| one. 8 And Saul arose from the earth, and |his eyes being opened] he could see inothiugl ; and |taking him by the hand] they led him into Damascus, — ^and he was three days without seeing, and did neither eat nor drink. 'o Now there was a certain disciple in Damascus, by name Ananias ; and |the Lord] said unto him in a vision — Ananias 1 and |he| said — Lol ||I|| [am here]. Lord I 11 And |the Lord [said] unto him — Rise 1 go into the street which is called Straight, and seek |in the house of JudasJ one Saul, by name, of Tarsus. • WH omit. •"Or: "in fact." Donald son, Ur. Qraiii., Srd ed., p. 605. « Or . " Inspiring." "> Or ; " sound." ACTS IX. 12—43; X. 1—8. 129 For lo 1 he is praying, — i* and hath seen a man [in a vision]^ Ananias by name^ coming in and laying on him his hands, to the intent he should see. " And Ananias [answered | — Lord 1 I have heard from many, concerning this man, — |how many evil things, unto thy saints] he hath done, in Jerusalem ; 1* And |here| he hath authority from the High- priests, to bind air them that call upon thy name. 14 But the Lord said unto him — Be going thy way; for ||a choice vessel unto me|| is this man, to bear my name before both [the] nations and kings, and the sons of Israel; '« for ||I|| will let him understand how many things he must needs |for my name] ||sufCer||. " And Ananias departed, and entered into the house; and Haying upon him his hands| said — Saul, brother 1 llTheLordil hath sent me, — Jesus, who appeared unto thee in the way by which thou wast coming, — That thou mayest recover sight, and be filled with Holy Spirit. 18 And 1 1 straight way 1 1 there fell from him — from his eyes, — as it were scales ; he recovered sight also, and, arising, was immersed ; '^ and, re- ceiving food, gained strength. And he came to be with the disciples who were |in Damascus|, certain days; ^»and [straightway, in the syna- gogues| he began proclaiming Jesus, that ||This|| is the Son of God. '1 And all' who were hearing were astonished, and began to say — Is not ||this|| he who destroyed, in Jerusalem, them that invoke this name ; and ||here, for this purpose] I had come, in order that he might lead them || bound || unto the High- priests ? " But ||Saul|| was the more gaining power; and was confounding the Jews who dwelt in Damas- cus, shewing, by comparison,* that — ||This|| is the Christ. *' Now the Jews took counsel together to kill him ; '^* but their plot was made known unto Saul, — and they were even narrowly watching the gates, both day and night, that they might kill him ; 25 but the disciples, taking him by night, [through the wall| let him down, lowering him in a basket." 2» And |when he had arrived in Jerusalem] he made attempts to join himself unto the disciples ; and |all| were afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple. "But |iBarnabas|| taking him, brought him unto the apostles, and related unto them, — how |in the way| he had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken unto him ; and how |in Damascu3| he had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus. 28 And he was with them, coming in and going out in Jerusalem, speaking » Ml : " bringing together " —prophecies and history. * Or ; " hamper." boldly in the name of the Lord ; 29 and was both speaking and discussing with the Grecian Jews, — but |they| were setting to work to kill him. 30 And the brethren [discovering it| brought him down into Gaesarea, and sent him away unto Tarsus. 51 So tben | [the assembly, throughout the whole' of Judaea and Galilee and Samaria[| had peace, building itself up, and going on its way in the fear of the Lord; and jby the advocacy of the Holy' Spiritj was being multiplied, § 18. ^neas healed at Lydda. 52 And it came to pass that |[Peter[| going through all [quarters] went down unto the saints also dwelling in Lydda. 33 And he found there a certain man, by name ^neas, who [for eight years [ bad been lying prostrate upon a bed, for he was paralysed, s* And Peter said unto him — ^neas 1 Josus Christ healeth thee I Arise, and smooth thy bed for thyself. And [straightway I he arose. 85 And all' who dwelt in Lydda and Saron |saw him|, — and ||they|| turned unto the Lord. § 19. Dorcas raised at Joppa. 86 Now Ijin Joppa[| there was a certain female dis- ciple, by name Tabitha, which, being translated means Dorcas [aGazelleJ. ||The same|| was full of good works and alms which she was doing." ST And it came to pass, in those days, that she, sickening, died ; and, bathing her, they laid her in an upper room. »8 Now [the disciples | hear- ing that Peter was therein, sent off two' men unto him, beseeching him — Do not delay to come through unto us I *9 And Peter, arising, went with them, — whom [when he arrived] they brought up into the upper room ; and there stood by him all' the widows, weeping, and showing the tunics and mantles — whatsoever things |Dorca8| was mak- ing while she was with them, ♦"But Peter [putting them all outside] knelt down and prayed ; and [turning towards the body| said— Tabitha, arise 1 And jshe] sat up. *i And ]giviug her his hand] he raised her up ; and, calling the saints and the widows, presented her |living|, *2 And it became [known] throughout the whole of Joppa, and many believed upon the Lord, «3 And it came to pass that [for a considerable number of days] he abode in Joppa, with one Simon, a tanner. § 20. Conversion of Cornelius of Ccesarea. 10 But ^ saw, in a vision, manifestly, as if about the ninth hour of the day, a messenger of God, coming in unto him, and saying unto him — Cornelius I ■ NB : not full of what she had done. 130 ACTS X. 4—40. * And |he| said — What is it, Lord ? » And he said unto him — ||Thy prayers and thine alms|| have gone up . for a memorial before God. 6 jNow| therefore, send men unto Joppa,h and fetch one Simon who is suruamed Peter, — 6 |the same| is a guest with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea. ' And 1 1 when the messenger who had been speak- ing \>rith him had departed 1 1 he sent them off unto Joppa. * Now Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour ; '"but he became hungry, and wished to eat, — and | while they were making readyl there came upon him a trance ; !• and he beholdeth heaven opened, and |coming down| a kind of vessel, like a large linen cloth, |by its four eorners| being let down upon the earth, ''^ in which were all' the quadru- peds and creeping things of earth and birds of heaven. '^ And there came a voice unto him — Else, Peter 1 slay and eat. 1* But I Peter I said— ||Bynoraeans|| Lord! because ||atnotime|| have I eaten anything' common or unclean. 15 And a voice [came] again, a second time, unto him — be not 1 1 thou 1 1 making common. 16 Now |this| took place thrice; and |straightway| was the vessel taken up into heaven. 17 And lo I ||the men who had been sent Dy Cornelius|| |having sought out the house of Simon] stood at the gate, i* and, calling, enquired whether [Simon who was suruamed Peter| was there' being entertained. i9 And the Spirit said — Lo 1 two men, seeking thee. 20 But rise, go down, and be journeying with them, |nothing| doubting; because ||I|| have sent them. *i And Peter, going down' unto the men, said — Lo 1 ||I|| am he whom ye are seeking: ||What is the cause|| for which ye are come ? M And I they I said— ||Cornelius|| hath been divinely instructed by a holy messenger, to send for thee unto his house, and to hear words from thee. M [Inviting them in| therefore, he entertained them; but ||on the morrow|| he rose up and went forth with them, and certain of the brethren who were from Joppa went with him ; 2* and |on the morrow| he entered into Caesarea. • Or : " Sir." o Ver. 32 ; chap. xl. 13. And llCorneliusJl was expecting them, having called together his kinsfolk and intimate' friends. 25 And Cornelius met him, and [falling at his feet[ did homage, ^ej^ut | [Peter] | raised him up, saying — Arise! !]I also myself |] am ]a manj. 27 And ]conversing with him| he went in, and findeth many come together ; ^s and said unto them — |]Ye][ well know, how [unlawful[» it is, for [a Jow[ to be joining himself, or coming in^ unto one of another race. And yet [[unto me]] hatn God pointed out that I should be calling [no[ man [[common or unclean] |. 29 Wherefore [[even without gainsaying|| came I when sent for. I ask, therefore, [for what reason] ye sent for me. 30 And [Cornelius] said — I was keeping ]the ninth hour] as one of prayer, in my house. And lo! ]a man] stood before me, in bright clothing, 31 and saith — Cornelius ! Thy prayer ]hath been heard]. And |]thiuo alms]] have been remem- bered before God. 32 Send, therefore, unto Joppa, and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter. |The same] is being entertained in the house of one Simon a tanner, by the sea. 33 [[Immediately[[ therefore, I sent unto thee: l[Thou|| also, hast |[well[[ done |in coming]. |Now| therefore, l]air we|] ]before God| are present, to hear all' things that have been enjoined upon thee by the Lord. 3* And Peter, opening his mouth, said — |]0f a truth]] I find, that \Gnd\ is nn respecter of persons;^ 35 but l]in every nation] I |]he that feareth him and worketh righteous- ness[] [is acceptable unto him). 36 <.As touching the irord he hath sent unto the sons of Israel,'' announcing the glad tidings of peace'i through Jesus Christ — [the same[ is Lord jof all|> 37]]ye yourselves|| know what hath come to pass throughout the whole' of Juda?a, beginning from Galilee^ after the immersion which ]Johnl pro- claimed, ]]respecting Jesus who was of Nazareth I] :^ 38 How God \anointed\ him inith Holy Spirit^ and with power. Who went, about, doing good and healing all' that were oppressed by the adversary, because ||God|| was with him. 39 1 1 We alsojl are witnesses of all' things which he did, both in the country of the Jews and Jerusalem ; Whom they even slew by suspending upon a tree; — '*" |]The 8ame|| • Or : "Improper," "out of "Is. 111. 7; Na. 1. 15. pi icp," "disorderly." « I<<. 1x1. 1. >> Den. X. 17. ' Deu. xxl. 22 f. « ts. CTii. 20 ; cilvU. 18. ACTS X. 41—48; XI. 1—26. 131 God raised up on the third' day, and gave him to become |mauifest|, *' not unto all' the people^" but uuto witnesses who had been fore-appointed byGod, ||uutous||^who^ indeed^ did oat and drink with him after his rising from among the dead. *^ And he charged us to proclaim unto the people^ and bear full witness, that — l|This|j is he that hath been marked out by God to be judge of living and dead. « ||Unto the same|| do all' the prophets bear witness^ That ||remission of sinsij is to be received through his name. ]|by every' one that bolieveth on him||. ** the Holy Spirit fell upon all' who were hearing the word. ♦s And the faithful |of the circumcisioni who had come with Peter, were amazed, — in that ||upou the nations also|| |the free-gift of the Holy Spirit] had been poured out ; ♦'' for they hoard them speaking with tongues, and magnifying God. Then answered Peter — w Surely then 1 1 the water] | can no man forbid, that these should not be immersed, — seeing that Ijthe Holy Spirit] | they have received |]as weU as we]]. *8 And he commanded them jin the name of Jesus Christ] to be immersed. ]]Theu]| requested they him. to abide still some days. § 21. Peter's defence to Them of the Circumcision. 11 Now the Apostles and the brethren who were throughout Judaea |heard| that 'Jlthe nations also]] had welcomed the word of God. ^ And they of the circumcision ] began to find fault with him|, * saying — He went in unto men |uncircumcised|, and did eat with them. * But Peter ] making a beginning] went on to set forth the matter unto them in order, saying — » ' ||I|] was in the city of Joppa. praying, and saw. in a trance. ]iavision|] : — ]comingdown| a sort of vessel, like a large sheet, ]by four' corners| being let down out of heaven, and it came even unto me : * into which stead- fastly looking I began to observe, and saw the quadrupeds of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the creeping things, and the lAirds of heaven. * Moreover I heard a voice also, saying unto me — Rise. Peter I slay and eat. 8 But I said— I ] By no means]] Lord, because Jja common or unclean thing]] hath |at no time] entered into my mouth. » And a voice answered, a second time, out of heaven — ''be not ]]thou]] making common. 10 And |]thi3|| took place |thrice], — and the •Mt. xxlil. 39. * Cp. chap. X. le : " declared or pro- nounced clean." whole was drawn up again into heaven; 11 and lol ]jimmediately]] jthroe' men] halted at the house wherein we wore, sent from Caesarea unto me. i'^ And the Spirit bade me go with them, ]nothing] doubting. And there went with me. these six' brethren also ; and we entered into the house of the man, '^ and he related to us how he had seen the messenger in his house, standing, and saying — Send away unto Joppa, and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter; '* who shall speak words unto thee, whereby thou shalt be saved, |]thou]| and jail' thy house]. 15 And ||as 1 began to be speaking]] the Holy Spirit fell upon them, ]just as upon us also, at the beginning]. 16 And I was put in mind of the word of the Lord, how he used to say — ]]John]] indeed, immersed | with water] ; But ]|ye]] shall be immersed in Holy S;iirit.^ I'' who was ]ll|] that I could withstand God? 18 And ] having heard these things] they held their peace, and glorified God, saying — ]Hence[ ]]even unto the nations]] God hath granted ] repentance unto life]. § 22. 27te Dispersion (chap. viii. 1) : the Faith spreads as far as Antioch in Syria, whither Barnahas is sent, Saul is brought, and Agabus comes with tidings of a Famine. 19 ]]They.therefore.whohad been scattered abroad by reason of the tribulation that took place on account of Stephen]] passed through as far as Phoeuicfeaud Cyprus and Antioch, ]untonoone| speaking the word, save alone unto Jews. 20 And there were some from among them. Cyprians and Cyrenians, who. indeed. ]coming unto Antioch] began speaking ]even unto the Grecian Jews], announcing the glad-tidings as to the Lord Jesus ; '■'' and the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number — they who believed — turned unto the Lord. 22 ^.^(j ^j^q matter was reported in the hearing*^ of the assembly that was in Jerusalem, concerning them ; and they sent forth Barnabas, as far as Antioch ; 23 ^yj^o rejoiced, and went on to beseech all jwith the purpose of their heart] to abide Tin] the Lord ; 24 because he was a good man. and full of Holy Spirit and faith; and a considerable multitude were added unto the Lord. 25 He went away, however, unto Tarsus, to seek up Saul ; 26 and. finding him. he brought him unto Antioch. And so it was with them, that ]for a whole yearl they were brought together in the assembly, and taught a considerable multitude; also that the disciples ]flrst in Antioch] were called ]]Christians]]. » Chap. 1. 5. •> Ml : " into the ears." e2 132 ACTS XI. 27—30; XII. 1—25; XIII. 1—4. *' Kow I [in these' days] I there came down from Jerusalem^ prophets, unto Antioch. ^8 And one from among them^ by name Agabus |risiug up| gave a sign^ through means of the Spirit^ that ||a great famine|| was coming over all' the in- habited earth ; which^ indeed^ came to pass under Claudius. 29 And they each one of them set apart [something] for ministering^ to send unto the brethren |who dwelt in Jerusalem! ; — ^o which thing they also did, sending it unto the Elders^ through the hand of Barnabas and Saul. § 23. Herod slays James, and imprisons Peter. Peter delivered : Herod smitten. 12 Now |in the course of that' 8eason| Herod the king thrust forth his hands to harm some of them of the assembly, — 2 and slew James the brother of John with a sword ; * and he went on to apprehend Peter also (now they were the days of unleavened bread), — * |whom also having seized | he put into prison, delivering him up unto four' quaternions of soldiers^ to be guarding him, — intending ]after the passover| to bring him up * unto the people. ^ |Peter|^ therefore^ was kept in the prison ; but || prayer || was |earnestly| being made by the assembly^ unto God^ concerning him. 6 And Ijon that night| I was Peter sleeping between two' soldiers^ bound with two chains, | [guards] | also^ |before the door| were keeping the prison. ' And lo 1 |a messenger of the Lord] stood over him, and {a light! shone in the cell ; and [smiting the side of Peter] he roused him up, saying — Kise up quickly 1 And his' chains fell off out of his hands. 8 And the messenger said unto him — Gird thyself^ and bind on thy sandals. Ajid he did so. And he saith unto him — Throw around thee thy mantle, and be follow- ing me. 9 And^ coming out^ be began following, and knew not that it was [true] which was coming about through means of the messenger ; but supposed that ]a vision] he was beholding. 10 And they came unto the iron gate that leadeth into the city, the which ]of its own ac- cord] opened unto them ; and^ coming out^ they went on through one street, and [straight- way] the messenger was parted from him. 11 And ]]Peter[| coming [to himself! said — [Now[ know I, of a truth^ that the Lord hath sent forth his messenger, and taken me out of the hand of Herod, and all' the expecta- tion of the people of the Jews. " And, considering the matter, he came unto the house of Mary, the mother of John who was surnamed Mark, where a considerable number were gathered together and praying. "And • Or . " back." there came unto it a maiden to hearken, bynameKhoda; "and [recognizing the voice of Peterl ]|by reason of her joy[[ she opened not the porch, — but [running in[ bare tidings, that Peter was standing before the porch. But [|they][ [unto herj said — Thou art raving ! 15 [[She]] however, kept on strongly declaring that ]so[ it was. But [they| were saying — It is his [messenger[. 16 And [ [Peter] [ continued knocking; and, open- ing, they saw him, and were amazed. 1' But he related to them how [[the Lord]] had brought Jhim] forth out of the pri- son ; and he said — Carry tidings unto James and the brethren^ as to these things. And, going out, he went his way unto some other' place. is And [when it became day] there was no small commotion among the soldiers, as to What, then, Peter had become I 19 And [[Herod]] [having examined the guards] ordered them to be led av/ay [to death] ; and [going down from Judasa unto Caesarea[ stayed there. 20 Now he was bitterly hostile to them of Tyre and Zidon; but [with one accord[ they came unto him, and they were suing for peace ; because their country was fed by the king's. '■'■And ]]on an appointed' day]] [Herod[ proceeded to deliver an oration unto them. s^And ||the populace]] began to shout — [[A god's[] voice, and not ]a man's] 1 23 And [ [instantly] [ there smote him, a messenger of the Lord, because he gave not the glory unto God; and [becomirg worm-eaten] he expired. 24 And ]]the word of the Lord[| went on grow- ing and multiplying. 25 And ]]Barnabas and Saul]] returned unto* Jerusalem, fulfilling the ministering, taking with them John who was surnamed Mark. § 24. Barnabas and Saul sent forth from Antioch, visit Cyprus, Pamphylia, Pisidia and Lyca- onia ; and return by Attalia unto Antioch, 13 Now there were in Antioch, distributed through the existing' assembly, — prophets and teachers : both Barnabas and Symeon who was called Niger, and Lucius the Cyrenian, Manaen also, Herod the tetrarch's foster-brother, and Saul. 2 And the Holy Spirit said — Separate forthwith unto me, Barnabas and Saul, unto the work whereunto I have called them. » ]]Then]] they sent them away. * I [They]], therefore, ]being sent forth by the • Op (WH) : " out of "—primitive error suspected. ACTS XIII. 5—87. 133 Holy' Spirit] went down unto Seleucia, and |from thencel sailed away unto Cyprus ; ^and^ coming to be in Salamis^ they declared the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews ; — and they had |John also| as an attendant. « And they found a certain mau^a magician, a false-prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar- jesus ; ' who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulas, an intelligent man. ||Thesame|| |calling for Barnabas and Saul| sought to hear the word of God. 8 But Elymas the magician, — for so, when translated, is his name, — withstood them ; seeking to turn aside the proconsul from the faith. 9 But Saul jwho is also Paul] 10 said— full of air guile, and all' recklessness! Son of an adversary 1 Enemy of all' righteousness 1 — Wilt thou not cease to pervert the straight ways of the Lord ? » " |Now| therefore, lo 1 |the hand of the Lord| is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun, until a fitting time. And ||instantly|| there fell upon him a mist and darkness ; and |going about] he was seeking such as might lead him by the hand. " ||Then|| the proconsul <]seeiug| what had happened> believed, being amazed at the teach- ing of the Lord. 1* And ||settiug sail from Paphos|| [Paul's com- panyl came into Perga of Pamphylia ; but ||John|| [withdrawing from, them| returned unto Jerusalem. i*| |They| | however, Ipassiugthrough from Perga| arrived at Antioch of Pisidia; and [going into the synagogue on the sabbath- day | •> sat down. i^And the synagogue- rulers sent unto them, saying — Brethren ! say on. 18 And Paul <[standing up| and making a sign with his hand> said — Ye men of Israel 1 and such as revere God 1 hearken : — " I [The God of this people Israelii chose our fathers, and [[the peoplelj he exalted, by their sojourn in the land of Egypt, — and \with a high aj-m] brought he them out o/ ti <: ; w and [for the time of about forty years [ bare with their manners in the desert '^ ; i* and Lit : " on the day of the "" Deu. 1. 31. restlnes." Ap : " Sab- • Deu. vll. L bath.''^ ' Jos. xlv. 1. raised up [David[ unto them for king, — Of whom he also said |bearing witness] — I have found David j^ the son of Jesse, — lA m-anj according to my heart,^ Who will do all' my will." 2» jjFrom this' man's seed]] hath God ]according to promise] brought unto Israel, a saviour — ]]Jesus]] : ** John ]beforehand proclaiming] before the face of his coming in, an immersion of re- pentance, unto all' the people of Israel. ^* And he was saying — Whom are ye supposing that [I| am ? ][I[[ am not he I But lo 1 there cometh, after me. One of whom I am not worthy [the sandals of his feet[ to loosen. 26 Brethren 1 sons of the race of Abraham, and those who among you revere God, — [[unto you[[ hath this word oi salvation been sent forthA 27 For [not recognising him] have, by judging him, IfulflUed] ]lthe very voices of the prophets which every' sabbath are being read]] ; '^^and yet claimed they of Pilate that he should be slain. 29 And ]taking him down from the tree] they put him in a tomb. so But ]]God[] raised him from among the dead: 31 Who appeared, during many days, unto them who had come up with him from Galilee unto Jerusalem ; who, indeed, [now] are his witnesses unto the people. 32 |]We]] therefore, ]unto you] bring the good news, as to the promise which ]unto our fathers] was made,— ^3 That God hath fulfilled lithe same]] for our children, ]lby raising up Jesus|] : As also ]in the second psalm] it is written — \\My son\\ art \\thou\\ : ]]/]] \this day\ have begotten thee.^ 3* And fell asleep," and was added unto his fathers^' and saw corruption ; 37 But ] ]he whom God' hath raised]] did not see corruption. • Ps. ixxxix. 20. • Ps. li. 7. b 1 S. xlil. 14. ' Ps. xvl. 10. • Or : " my decisions," "de- « Is. Iv. 3. sires." i> 1 K. U. 10. Jdg. U. 10. 184 ACTS XIII. 38—52 ; XIV. 1—20. M Beit |known| unto you, therefore, brethren, — That llthrough this man|| |unto you| re- mission of sins IS declared ; ^s and ||by this man|| |everyone' that believeth| l|is justifled||. *> Be taking heed, therefore, lest that |come upon you I which hath been spoken in the prophets — *i See, ye despisers, and marvel^ and dis- appear : In that \\a workW am \\I\\ working in your days, — II A work II which m nowise will ye believe^ Though one relate it in full unto you.^ *2 And they kept on beseeching that |on the ensuing' *> sabbath| might be spoken unto them these things. *3 And ||when the congregation was broken up|| there followed many of the Jews, and of the devout proselytes, with Paul and Barnabas ; who, indeed, |in speaking unto them| went on persuading them to abide in the favour of God. ** And |on the coming' sabbath| ||almost all' the cityll was gathered together, to hear the word of God.o ^^But were filled with jealousy, — and began speaking against the things which |by Paul| were being spoken, ||defamiug them||. « And Paul and Barnabas | speaking boldlyl said — 1 1 Unto you 1 1 was it necessary, that the word of God Ishould first' be spoken] : lo ! we turn unto the nations ; *'' for |so| hath the Lord com- manded us — / have set thee for a light of nations. That thou may est he for salvation unto the end of the earthA *8 And they of the nations |hearing [this]] began to rejoice, and to be glorifying God, and they believed — ||aamanyas had become disposed for lifeago-abidiug||. « And the word of the Lord went on to be carried through the whole country. 5o But ||the Jews|| urged on the devout women of the higher class, and the chief men of the city, and roused up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, — and thrust them out from their bounds. ^i But jtheyl came into Iconium. *' And I jthe disciples] I were filled with joy, and with Holy Spirit. 14 And it came to pass in Iconium, that they together entered into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake, that there believed, both of Jews and Greeks, a great' throng. 2 But ||the un- persuaded' Jewsjj roused up and provoked the souls of them of thenations against thebrethren. > Hab. 1. 5. *Or; "Intervening." « Or (WH) : " the Lord." Is. xllx. 6. ' ||A good while, therefore, tarried they|| using boldness of speech [in dependence] upon the Lord, who was bearing witness unto his word of favour, granting |8igns and wonders| to be coming to pass through their hands. ■* And the throng of the city was divided; and |some| indeed were with the Jews, while |some| were with the apostles. ^ But « they became aware of it, and fled unto the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe, and the surrounding country; 'and |there| were they announcing the glad tidings. 8 And ||a certain man in Lystra. impotent in his feet] I was sitting, — lame from his mother's womb, who never' had walked. 9||This man|| hearkened unto Paul, as he was speaking, — who lOsaid, with a loud voice — Stand up on thy feet, erect! And he sprang up, and began to walk about. 11 And I |the multitudes! I [seeing what Paul had done] lifted up their voice, in the speech of Lycaonia — ||The gods, made like unto men|| have come down unto us 1 ^'^ And they went on to call Barnabas, Jupiter, and Paul. Mercury, seeing that ||he|| was the leader of discourse. i^aIso j|the priest of the Jupiter that was before the city|| |with the multitudes] would have offered sacrifice. i*But the apostles Barnabas and Paul, |hearing| of it^ rending asunder their own ^ mantles, sprang forward amidst the multitude, crying aloud, 15 and saying — Men! why |these things] are ye doing ? ||We alsojl |of like nature with you| are ||men||, bringing you the good news, that |from these' vain things] | ye shcfuld be turning unto a li /ing God : — Who made heaven and the earth and the sea and all' things therein '' ; 16 Who |in the bygone' generations] suffered air the nations to be going on in their own ways, — 1' Although |not without witness] he left him- self, |]doing good||, ||From heaven|| |upon you| giving |rain) and fruitful seasons. Filling I with food and gladness] your hearts. 18 ]]Even these things]] saying, |scarcely| re- strained they the multitudes from offering sacrifice unto them. 19 But there came thither, from Antioch and Iconium, iJews], and they dragged him outside the city, supposing him to be dead. 20 Howbeit. Ithe disciples surrounding' him] he rose up, and entered into the city. And ]on the morrow] he went forth, with Barnabas, unto Derbe. •Or(WH): "their I » Exo. XI. 11 ; Ps. cilvt «w ACTS XIV. 21—38; XV. 1—28. 135 21 they returned unto Lystra, and unto Iconium, and unto Antioch, — ^^ confirming the souls of the disciples, beseeching them to abide in the faith, and [declaring] that ||Through many' tribulations] | must we enter into the kingdom of God. 23 Moreover they commended them unto the Lord on whom they had believed. 24 And [passing through Pisidia] they came into Pamphylia; ** and |speaking in Perga' the word] they came down unto Attalia; 26 and |from thence| they set sail for Antioch, whence they had been given up unto the favour of God for the work which tney had fulfilled. 27 And they besan rfteO'JIiting how many things God had done with them, and that he had opened |unto the nations| ||a door of faith||. 28 And they spent no little time with the disciples, § 25. Must Gentiles he Circumcised ? The Question settled in Jerusalem. 15 And ||certaiu persons! | looming down from Judseaj began to teach the brethren — ye cannot be saved. 2 And it was arranged, that Paul and Barnabas and certain others from among them should go up unto the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem, concerning this question. ' ||They||, there- fore, |being set forward by the Assembly! began passing through Phoenicia and Samaria, fully relating the conversion of them of the nations, and were causing great joy unto all' the brethren. * And Ihaving arrived in Jeru- salem] they were welcomed by the Assembly and the Apostles and the Elders ; and they recounted all things God had done with them. 6 But there [had] stood forth some of those who |from the sect of Pharisees] had believed, saying- It is needful to be circumcising them, also to charge them to be keeping the law of Moses. • And the Apostles and Elders ] were gathered j together to see about this matter. ' And [when rauch'discussion had arisen] Peter stand- ing up, said unto them — Brethren! ]|Ye yourselves]] well know that ]]in days long past]] jamongst you] God chose that ]]throughmymouth]| the nations should hear the word of the glad tidings, and believe. » And ||the heart-observing' God|] bare witness,—] |unto them]] givingthe Holy Spirit, just as [even unto us] ; » and made no' distinction at all' betwixt us and them, |by ttieiif faith] purifying their hearts. M> ||Now]( therefore, why are ye proving God, that ye should put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, wh ich ] ] neither our fathers, nor we]] have been able to bear. " But ]]through the favour of the Lord Jesus]] we believe we shall be saved, in like manner as jeven they]. 12 And air the throng held their peace, and began to hearken unto Barnabas and Paul relating how many signs and wonders God had done among the nations ]through them]. 13 And [after they held their peace] James answered, saying — Brethren ! hearken unto me. 1* ]|Symeon]] hath fully told how God ]flrst| visited, to take out of the nations, a people for his name. 1* And ]]with this]] agree the words of the prophets, according as it is written — 16 \\ After these things]] ''J}iV. 1 7 ^turn ^ And toill rfl]iy_d thg t^f of Bavid that hath fallen, And \\the ruins thereof \\ will I rebuild^ And will set it up again : IT That the residues of men may seek out the Lord, And all ' the nations upon whom my nam,e hath been called,^ Saith the Lord that doeth these things^ 13 \\Knoionfrom age-past Hmes]].<= 19 Wherefore !]I|] judge, not to be troubling them who ]from the nations] are turning unto God ; 20 but to write unto them. To abstain from the pollutions of idols, And from fornication, And from what is strangled. And from blood. 21 For]]Moses]] ]outof ancient generations] hath ]]in every city]] ]thera who proclaim him]; seeing ]]that in the synagoguesj] [every' sabbath] he is read. 22 ]]Then]] seemed it good, unto the Apostles and the Elders with the whole' Assembly, to send ]chosen' men from among them] unto Antioch^ with Paul and Barnabas, — even Judas who is called Barsabbas, and Silas, men taking a lead among the brethren : 23 writing through their hand — I ] The Apostles and the Elder ' Brethren ] ] wish joy 1 2* 25 it seemed gooH unto us ]coming to be 0! OUG acoord], that we should choose men and send them untQ you, with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, — 26 |]men who have given up their lives in behalf of the namt of our Lord Jesus Christ] ]. 27 We have sent, therefore, Judas and Silas, who also ]]themselves]] ] by word of mouth] can tell you the same things. *8 For it hath seemed good ]unto the Holy Spirit^ and unto us I ]|no' greater' burden!) to • Jer. xlL 15. "> Or : •' invoked." • Am. li. 11 f ; Ib. xlv. 21. 136 ACTS XV. 29-^0 ; XVI. x— 20. be laying upon you, than these' necessary things : — 2» To be abstaining from idol sacriflces, And from blood, And from what is strangled, And from fornication, — From which ||if yo keep yourselves] | ye shall prosper. i are ye well. Ko l|They||, therefore, |bcing let go| came down unto Antiooh; and [having gathered together the througl delivered the letter, 3' and |when they read it| || they rejoiced for theconsolation||. 82 And llboth Judas and Silas|| |being them- selves' also prophets! ||with much discourse] | consoled and confirmed the brethren. 33 And I when they had spent a time]] they were let go, lu poaoe,from the brethren, unto them who had sent them. [3*] » § 26. PauZ and Barnabas, differing about Mark, separate: Barnabas, xoith Mark, sails for Cyprus; Paul, with Silas, journeys from Antioch round about to D-oas. 35 But ]]Paul and Barnabas]] tarried in Antioch, teaching and telling the joyful tidings,— along with many others also, — of the word of the Lord. S6 And ]after certain days] UPaul]] said unto Barnabas — Let us now return, and visit tiie brethren in every city in which we have declared the word of the Lord, and see how they are. 37 And ]]Barnabas]] was minded to take with them John also, called Mark ; 38 but Paul deemed it right not to be taking with them ]]thisl] man. 39 And there arose an angry feeling, so that they separated one from the other: and I [Barnabas]] [taking Mark] sailed away unto Cyprus, — ♦"whereas ]]Paul]] ]choos- Ing Silas] went forth, committed unto the favour of the Lord by the brethren, and pro- ceeded to pass through Syria and Cilicia, con- firming the assemblies. 10 And he came even unto Derbe, and unto Lystra; and lo I ]]a certain disciple] | was there, by name Timothy, son of a believing Jewish woman, but ]whose father was a Greek], — ^-y^ho was well-attested by the brethren |in Lystra and Icouium]. « jjThe same]] would Paul have go forth jwith him], and took and circumcised him, on account of the Jews who were in those places ; for they one and all knew that ]his father] was ||a Greek] ]. * And |]as they passed through the cities]] they were delivering unto them, for observance, the decrees which had been decided upon by the Apostles and Elders who were in Jerusalem. 6 |]Thb assemblies]] therefore, were being confirmed in the faith, and increasing in number ]]every day]|. • And they passed through the Phrygian' and Galatian' country, being forbidden ^ by the Holy * Omitted by WH. *> Or: "hindered." Spirit to speak the word in Asia; 'but ]coming along Mysia] they .vcre attempting to journey ]into Bithynia],— and ]the Spirit of Jesus] suffered them not; s but ]passing by Mysiaj they came down unto Troas. § 27. Paul and his Companions come from Troas unto Philippi: Lydia—the Jailer — and others believe. 9 And |]a vision, bynight]] [untoPaul] appeared:— ]]A man of Macedonia]] there was, standing and beseeching him, and saying — Come over into Macedonia, and bring us succour 1 10 Now] straight- way] we sought to go forth unto Macedonia, concluding that God ]had summoned us] to tell the glad tidings [unto them]. " ]]Setting sail, thoroforo, from Troas] j we ran straight into Samothracia, and ]on the morrow] unto New City, I'faud ]]from thence]] unto Philippi, — which, indeed, is the first city of the part of Macedonia — ]a colony]. And we were, in this' city, spending certain days; i3and ]on the day of rest] " we went forth outside the gate, beside a river, where we supposed there was ]a place of prayer], b — and ]sitting down] we went on to speak unto the women [who had come together]. i*And ]]a certain woman, by name Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, devout towards God]] was hearkening, whose heart ]the Lord] fully opened, to be giving heed unto the things being spoken by Paul. i*And she besought [usj, saying — come into my house, and abide [there]. And she constrained us. ""And it came to pass ]]a certain damsel, having a spiritof Python]] met us, —who, indeed, ]]much gain]] was presenting unto her masters ]by divining]. " ||The same]] Ifollowing after Paul and us], kept crying aloud, saying — ]|These' men]] are servants of the Most High God,— Who, indeed, are declaring unto you a way of salvation, 18 And |]thls]| she continued to do for many' days. But Paul <]woru out] and turning unto the epirit> said — I charge thee, in the name of Jesus Chi'ist, to come out from her. And it came out the same' hour, i^ And ]laying hold on Paul and Silas] dragged them into the market-place, unto the rulers; 20 and [leading them forward unto the magistrates] said — )]Those' men] I are exceedingly troubling our' city, they |beingJews], ' Ml : "of restinKs" = Rest (all round;. Ap: "Sab- batli." ' Or : " that prayer woulU be." ACTS XVI. 21—40; XVII. 1—15. 137 " And are doclariug customs^ which it is not allowable for us either to accept or to observe, ] [being Romans||. " And the multitude rose up together against them, and ||the magistrates|| |rendiug off them their mantlesj were giving orders to beat them with rods; 23 and [laying upon them many' stripes| they thrust them into prison, charging the prison-keeper [sifelyj to be keeping them: »* who, <|a charge like this| recoiving> thrust them into the inner' prison, and ||their feet|| made he fast in the stocks. 25 And ||at midnight[[ [Paul and Sil'as| [[being at prayer|| began singing praise unto God ; and [the prisoners[ unto them, did hearken. '^ And ||8uddenly[[ [a great earthquake| took place, — so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and all the doors were [instantly] set open, and the bonds of all' were unfastened. " And [drawing his sword| was about to kill [himself I, supposing [theprisoners| to have fled. »8 But Paul called out with a loud' voice, saying — ||By no means[| do thyself harm, for we are Ijone and all[[ |here[. *9 And [asking for a light[ he sprang in, and becoming |agitated| fell down unto Paul and Silas, 30 and [loading them forth outside| said — Sirs I what must I be doing, that I may be saved ? »i And [theyl said — Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, [jthou, and thy house||. »' And they spake unto him the word of God," |with all' who were in his house[. 33 And he bathed them from their stripes, and was immersed |[he, and his, one and all, on the Bpot| I ; 34 and he set near a table, — and exulted, having [with all his house| believed in God. M And [the magistrates! sent off [the constables! saying — Let those men go ! M And the prison-keeper reported the words unto Paul— The magistrates have sent, that ye be let go. ||Now|[ therefore, going forth, be taking your journey in peace. »T But ||Paul[| said unto them — they thrust us into prison ; — And [now, by stealth| are they thrusting us forth ? Nay, verily! but let them come [|themselves|| and lead us' outl 88 And [the constables| reported junto the magis- trates! these words; and they were struck with fear, when they heard that they were [Romans! > »' and came, and besought them, and [leading them out! went on to request them to depart from the » Or (WH)! "the Lord." i> Or s "home." city. ^ And so [coming forth from the prison! they went unto Lydia, and [seeing the brethren) they comforted » them, and went forth. § 28. Paul proceeds by Thessalonica and Berosa to Athens. 17 And [travelling through Amphipolis and Apollonia[ they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews ; 2 and [according to Paul's custom! he went in unto them, and [for three sabbaths! reasoned with them from the Scriptures,— 3 opening up, and setting forth, that it was needful for [[the Christ[[ to suffer^ and to arise from among the dead ; and [saying] [|This|! is the Christ, — [ [Jesus! ! whom !!I[[ am declaring unto you. * And ,1 some from among them [[ were persuaded^ and cast in thoir lot with Paul and Silas ; also [[of the devout' b Greeks[[ a great throng, and [[of the chief women[| not a few. » But the Jews were setting the city in an uproar ; and [besieging the house of Jason! were seeking to lead them forth unto the populace, — Sand !not finding thom[ they began dragging Jason and certain brethren unto the city-rulers, shouting — [[the same!! [hitheralso! are come, — ' unto whom Jason hath given wel- come; and !!these all!| !contrary to the decrees of Caesar! are acting, — saying that there is another |king[,o [|Jesus[[. 8 And they troubled the multitude and the city- rulers, when they heard these things ; » and [taking security from Jason and the rest[ they let them go. 10 But [[the brethren!! ! straightway, during tho night! sent away both Paul and Silas unto Beroea, !!who, indeed, arriving!! !unto the synagogueof the Jews! went off; "and [|these|| were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they welcomed the word with all' readiness of mind, !daily| searching the Scriptures,— whether these things could be' so. 12 [[Many, therefore, from among them[[ believed, and [of the Grecian' women of the higher class, and of men| !!notafew|!. i3 But theycame!thitheralso[,stirringupand troubling the multitudes. 1* Howbeit [then! !!iniQiedi- ately[[ the brethren sent away [[Paul[[ to be journeying as far as unto the sea; and both Silas and Timothy stayed behind [there!. '^But |!they who were conducting Paul!| brought him as far as Athens, and they departed. » Or; "exhorted." •> Or : " worshipping." Or : "a Uns at oDother kind." 138 ACTS XVII. 16—33; XVIII. 1—13. § 29. Paul in Athens. 16 But his spirit within him |was being urged on I, seeing how the city was given to idols. "•So then, he began reasoning in the synagogue with the Jews^ and with them who worshipped ; and |in the market-place, every' dayl with them who happened to be at hand, is But | [certain both of the Epicurean' and of the Stoic phi- losophers[| were encountering him ; and some ..were saying — What might this picker-up-of-scraps wish to be saying ? And |others| — ||0t foreign' demon3|| he seemeth to be a declarer: because |jof Jesus and the Besurrection|| he was announcing the .joyful tidings. i^* And BO llaying hold of him| they brought him up |to the Hill of Mars|, saying- Can we get to know what |this new teaching] is^ which [by thee| is being spoken ? 20 For I 'certain foreign things! I art thou bring- ing into our hearing: We are minded to get to know^ therefore^ what these things please to be 1 " Now ||all Athenians and the sojourning' foreigners]! junto nothing elsej were devoting their leisure, than to be telling or hearing Ijsomething newer!). ^^ And Paul jtaking his stand] in the midst of the Hill of Mars, said — Ye men of Athens 1 I perceive. »> For I found an altar also^ in which was inscribed — Unto an Unknown' God. ]the same] do ]]Ii] declare unto you. 2* we ought not to be supposing that |ltheDiviae|| is llike]. *o ]God! ]]as things now are]] is charging all' men everywhere' to repent, ^i inasmuch as he hath appointed a day, in which he is about to be judging the habitable earth in righteounneaa;'^ by a man whom he hath pointed out, — ]]offering faith' unto all, by raising him from among the dead]]. 82 Now jsome] indeed, began to mock, while |others| said — We will hear thee, concerning this, ]even again]. 33 ||Thus|] Paul came forth out of their midst. But believed ; among whom were even DionysiustheMars-hill judge, and a woman by name Damaris, and others with them. § 30. Paul in Corinth. 18 I ] After these thingSJi iwitudrawing from Athens'i he came unto Corinth; 2 and he came unto them, ^and ]|becauso he was of the same' craft]] he abode with them, and wrought, for they were tent- makers by their trade. * And he began reason- ing in the synagogue every' saVjbath, and was persuading •> both Jews and Greeks. 5 Paul began to be urged on in the word,<= bearing full witness unto the Jews that ]Jesus] was ]]the Christ]]. 6 But |]as they began opposing and defaming]] (shaking out his garments] he said unto them — jYour blood] be upon your own head ! ]Purel am ]|I]]: ]]Henceforth!l ]unto the nations] will I go. 'And ]removing from thence] he came into the house of a certain man by name Titius Justus, who worshipped God, Iwhose house] was ad- joining unto the synagogue. sBut IJCrispus,* the ruler of the synagogue]] believed intheLord, with air his house. And ]]many of the Corinthians]] ]hearing| were believing, and being immersed. « And the Lord said by night, through means of a vision, unto Paul — Be not afraid I but be speaking,— and do not hold thy peace ; 10 Inas77uich as \\I\\ amwith thee, ^ and ]]noone|| shall set upon thee to harm thee; Inasmuch as I have ]much people] in this city. 11 And he remained f a year and six months, teach- ing among them the word of God. " But ]iwhen ]Gallio] was proconsul of Achaia]| the Jews, with one accord, set upon Paul, and led him unto the judgment-seat, assaying — ]]Contraryto the law]] is this one seducing men to be worshipping God. • Ps. Ix. 8 ; xcvl. IS ; xcvlll. 9. ii Or : " tried to persuade." " Oti " by the word." 1 1 Co. 1. 14. • Is. suit. 5; Jer. LB. »M1: "sat." ACTS XVIU. 14—28; XIX. 1 — 20. 139 1* But Gallio said unto the Jews — |with reason^ iu that caso| should I have beeu bearing with you. 15 ye shall see to it ||yoursolvesli ; ||I|| am not disposed to be. 16 And he drove them from the judgment-seat. IT But they all, laying hold of Sosthenes the ruler of the synagogue, began to strike him before the judgment-seat; and ||for none of these things] | did Gallio care. § 31. Paul visits Ephesixs, Jerusalem, Antioch, Galatia and Phrygia. 18 ||Paull| however, |bidding them adieul set sail for Syria; and |with him| Priscilla and Aquila; having shorn his head |in Cenchreaej, for he had a vow. i^ And they came down to Ephesus; and ||as for them|| he left them there, — but <|himself| entering into the synagogue> he reasoned with the Jews. 20 And he consented not; '■'i but he sailed away from Ephesus ; '^'^ and went down unto Antioch; 23 and |spending some time| he went forth, passing through, in order^ the country of Galatia' and Phrygia, confirming all' the disciples. § 82. ApoUos at Ephesxis : he goes into Achaia. 2* But came down to Ephesus, being 1 mighty | in the Scrip- tures. 25||Xhe sameil had been orally taught the way of the Lord, and fbeing fervent in his spirit! began speaking and teaching accurately, the things concerning Jesus, — properly knowing, only' the immersion of John. 26||The same|| also began speaking boldly in the synagogue ; and Priscilla and Acjuila (hearing him| took him unto them, and |more accurately! ex- pounded unto him the way of God. 27 And the bretLrrn urgently wrote unto the disciples, to welcome him, — who |arriving| was very useful unto them who had believed |with his gift!; ^8 for ||with great forceil began he con- futing the Jews, publicly, shewing by the Scriptures that |Jesus| was !!the Christ||. § 33. Paul labours in Ephexus. Bemetriu-i and the Artisans. 19 And it came to pass, ||while Apollos was in Corinthll !Paul| passing through the upper parts, came to Ephesus, and found certain disciples ; 2 and he said unto them — llHoly Spiriti | received ye, when ye believed ? " And |they| [said] unto him — Nay ! |not even whether there is Holy Spirit) did we hear. ^ And he said — I Into what! then, were ye immersed ? And itheyl said — Into John's immersion. < Then said Paul— |!John|| imranrsed with an immersion of repentance,^ |unto the people] saying. That ||ou him who was coming after him|| they should believe, — that is, |on Jesusl. 5 And !wh.'n they heard [this]| they were im- mersed into the name of the Lord' Jesus ; 6 and the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they began speak- ing with tongues and prophesying. ■■ And air the men were about' twelve. 8 And lentering into the synagogue! be was speaking boldly for three mouths, reasoning and persuading concerning the kingdom of God. 9 But | withdrawing from them I he separated the disciples; | day by day | reasoning in the school of Tyrannus. 10 And I |this| ! took place for two years, so that ! !air who dwelt in Asia!| heard the word of the Lord, |both Jews and Greeks]. i' ]] Mighty works, also, not the ordinary]] God was working through the hands of Paul; 12 so that ]even unto the sick] were being carried from his body,'' hand- kerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases were departing from them, and ]the wicked spirits] were going out. i^ But cerbiin also of the wandering' Jews, exorcists, took in hand to be naming, over thorn that had the wicked spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus, saying — I adjure you, by Jesus whom jPaul] pro- claimeth ! I'* And there were seven' sons lof one Sceva, a Jew, a High-priest] who ]this thing] were doing. 15 But the wicked spirit, answering, said unto them — ]!Jesusj| [indeed! I am getting to know, and ]!Paull! I well-know, — but who are |lye]] ? 16 And the man in whom was the wicked spirit, prevailed against them, so that ]naked and wounded! fled theyoiit of that house. ''And ]!this!] became known to all— both Jews and Greeks — who were dwelling iu Ephesus; and fear fell upon them all', and the name of the Lord' Jesus was being magnified. I8 ]|Mauy also of them who had believedl] were coming, Imaking open confession, and renouncing their practices]. 19 And i!agood many of them who had practised the curious arts|| ! bringing to- gether the books! were burning them before all ; and they reckoned up the prices of them, and found them fifty thousand pieces of silver. 20 ]]Thus, with might]] the Lord's' word] was growing and prevailing. • Mt. ill. 11 ; Mk. I. 4, 8 ; Lu. HI. 16; Jn. 1. 26; chap. 1. 5 ; xl. 16. b Ml : "skin." 140 ACTS XIX. 31—41 ; XX. 1—16. 2> Now 1 1 when these things were fulfilled || Paul purposed iu his spirit^ Igoiug through Macedonia^ and Achaia| to be jourueyiug unto Jerusalem," saying— |After I have been there] ||Romealso|| musti seel " And ||he himself 1 1 held on awhile in Asia. 23 And there arose [during that sea 3on| no small disturbance concerning the Way. 24 for used to bring unto the craftsmen no little business ; '^^ [gathering whom together, and them who in such' things wrought] he said — jlen 1 ye well know that |by this' business] we have |our prosperity] ; 26 and ye perceive and hear that ithis Paul] hath persuaded and turned away a considerable' multitude, saying that they are ]]no gods]| which ]with hands] are made. 27 And but even that the temple ]]of the great Goddess Diana]] |for nothing] may be counted ; also that jeven on the point of being pulled down] may be Her Majesty, whom ]all' Asia and the habitable world] do worship. 28 Now they began crying aloud, saying — ]]Great]| is Diana of the Ephesians 1 29 And the city was filled with the confusion ; they rushed also with one accord into the theatre, carrying off with them. Gains and Aristarchus, Macedonians, fellow-travellers of Paul, so j^ut <|Paul] being minded to enter in among the populace> ]the disciples] would not suffer him. 31 Moreover]] certain of the Asiarchs also]] [being his friends] sending unto him, were beseeching him not to adventure himself into the theatre. '2 ]]Others]] indeed, were crying out ]something else] ; for the assembly had become confused, and ]]the greater part]] knewnot for what cause they had come together, ^sjjowbeit ]]outof the multitude!! they bare aloft one Alexander, the Jews thrusting him forward ; j] Alexander]] how- ever ] waving his hand] was wishing to n.ake his defence unto the populace. 34 gut |recog- nising that he was a Jew! one' voice arose from air for about two hours, as they < ried aloud — IGreat! is Diana of the Ephesians! 85 Howbeit the town-clerk jhaving calmed the multitude] saith— Ephesians! why, who is there of mankind, that doth not acknowledge |the city of Ephesians! to be temple-keeper of the Great' Diana, and of the [image] that fell from Jupiter ? 86 it is needful that ye be calmed at once, and inothing rash] be doing. • 1 Co. xvt 8. " For ye have brought these men, neither as temple-robbers, nor as defaming our god- dess. 38 ]courts] are being held, and there are ]pro- consulsl : let them accuse one another! 39 But ]in the regular' assembly) shall it be settled. ^0 For we are ]]even in danger of being accused of riot|] concerning this day, [no cause at all] existing, by reference to which we shall be able to give a reason for this concourse. ^' And ]these things] having said, he dismissed the assembly. § 34. Paul, leaving Ephesus, journeys through Macedonia and Greece back again by Philippi, thence to Troas and to Miletus. 20 But ]after the tumult had ceased] Paul, sending for the disciples and exhorting them, took leave, and went forth to be journeying unto Macedonia. 2 he came into Greece; 3 and ]s{)euding three months] he determined to turn back through Macedonia. * Now there were accompanying him, Sopater, son of Pyrrhus, a Beroean : and ]of the Thessa- lonians] Aristarchus and Secundus; and Gaius of Derbe and Timothy ; and |of Asia] Tyehicus and Trophimus. = A,nd ||these]] came and were waiting for us at Troas. 6 And |lwe]] sailed forth, after the days of unleavened bread, from Philippi, and came unto them in Troas in five days, where we tarried seven days. 7 And ]Paul! went on to discourse with them, being about to depart on the morrow ; and he prolonged his discourse until midnight. 8 Now there were a good many torches in the upper room, where we were gathered together. 9 And there sat, a certain young man by name Eutyehus, in the window, who was getting overpowered by a deep sleep; and ]]while Paul was discoursing yet further]), ]being over])o\vered by his sleep] he fell, from the third story, down, and was taken up dead. 10 Going down, however, Paul fell upon him, and, embracing him, said — Be not making confusion; for ]]his soul]] is !iu him). 11 And ]thusl he departed. '2 And they brought the boy alive, and were comforted beyond measure. 13 And llwe]; !going forward unto the ship] set sail for Assos, from thence being about to take up Paul; for |so! had he arranged, being about ]]bimself|) to go on foot. '♦ And we took him on board, and came into Mitylene ; i^ and )from thence' sailing ACTS XX. 16—38; XXI. 1—12. 141 away on the morrow| we came over agaiust Chios, aud |on the next dayl we thrust aside ioto Saraos, and |ou the succeeding day] we came into Miletus, it* For Paul had determined to sail past Ephesus, lest he should happen to lose time in Asia; for he hastened, if it were |possible| for him, |agaiost the day of Pentecost] to arrive ||iu Jerusti.lem||. § 35. Paul's Farewell Address to the Elders of Ephesus. " But |from Miletus| he sent unto Ephesus, and called for the elders of the assembly. '^ And |when they were come to him| he said unto them — ||Ye yourselves|| well know, ||from the first day when I set foot in Asia|| in what manner I came to be |with you all' the time|, ''doing service unto the Lord, with all' humility and tears, aud temptations which befel me through the plots of the Jews : ^0 in what manner I in nowise shrank from announcing unto you anything that was profitable and teaching you publicly and in your homes ; 21 bearing full witness, both to Jews and to Greeks, as to the repentance due unto God', and as to belief on our Lord Jesus. 22 And l|now|| lo 1 ||I|| |bound in my spirit] am journeying unto Jerusalem; |the things whichtherein shall befallmej uotknowing, — 23 save that j|the Holy Spirit || |from city to eityl doth bear me full witness, saying tnat |bouds aud tribulations| await me. 24 ^u^ lifor no cause whatever] | am I making my life ^ dear to myself, so that I may finish my course, and the ministry which I have re- ceived from the Lord Jesus, to bear full wit- ness as to the good news of the favour of God. 25 And jjnowil lo! |llj| know that |no more] shall ye see my face, — ]]yeall]] among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom. 26 Wherefore I take you to witness^ on this very' day, that ]pure| am I from tho blood of all; 2' for I have not shrunk from announcing all' the counsel of God unto you. 28 Be taking heed unto yourselves^ and unto air the little flock in which the Holy Spirit hath set llyoujl as ]overseers|, — to be shop- herding t" the assembly of God which he hath acquired'^ through means of the blood of his own.d 29 1]I|| know, that there will enter, after my departure, grievous wolves into your midst, not sparing the little flock; so and ]from among your own selves] « will arise men speaking distorted things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. tt Wherefore, be on the watch, remembering that ]for three years, night and day] I gave myself no rest, ]with tears] admonish- ing each one. «Or : " soul "— Ap. » 1 P. V 2 cCp. IN. Ixxiv 2. "> One editor of WH's text suspects a primitive er- ror for: " his own Son." ' Or (WH) : "from among you." 32 ]|Now]] therefore, I commend you unto the Lord,» and unto his word of favour, — *> which « is able to build up and give the inheritance among all the hallowed onesA 33 did I covet: 34||yourselves]] acknowledge that ]for my necessities, aud for those who were with me] hard wrought these hands! 35||in all things]] I gave you to understand, that ]thus' toiling] it behoves to be helping the weak, also to be keepiug in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, that ihe himself] said — Happy is it^ rather to give than to receive 1 36 And ]]these thiugs saying]] ]kneeling down with them all] he prayed. 37 And they all wept much, and ]falliug upon Paul's neck] they were ten- derly kissing him ; 38 being most distressed for the word which he had said, — That ]]no more]] should they ]his face! behold. And they accompanied him unto the ship. § 36. Paul sails to Tyre, Ptolemais, and Ccesarea: thence is escorted to Jerusalem. 21 And it came to pass ]running a straight course] we came unto Cos, and ]on the next day] unto Ehodes, — aud from thence unto Patara; 2 and jgoing on board] we set sail. 3 And we held on our voyage to Syria, and landed at Tyre; for ]there] the ship was to discharge her cargo. * And ]flnding up the disciples] we remained there seven days, and they lunto Paul] began to say, through the Spirit, that he would gain no footing in Jerusalem. 5 And we went forth, and continued our journey, all of them accompanying us, with wives aud children, as far as outside the city ; and « we tare ourselves from each other, and we went on board the ship^ while ]]they]] returned unto their homes. 'And ]]we]] reached Ptolemais, and ]saluting the brethren] abode one day with them; 8 and ]on the morrow departing] we came to Cassarea, and we abode with him. 9Now— ]]this man]] had four virgin daughters, who used to prophesy.- i^And th«re came down a certain man from Judaea, a prophet, by name Agabus; 11 and he bound his own' feet and hands, and said — |]Thus]] saith the Holy Spirit, ijThe man whose this girdle is]] shall the Jews ]thus' bind in Jerusalem], and deliver up into the hands of Gentiles. 12 And ]when we heard these things) both |lwe|| and they of the place began beseeching him, not ■ Or (WH) : " unto God." « Or : " who." » Or : " his gracious word." * Co. Deu. xxxlll. 3 £. 142 ACTS XXI. 13—40; XXII. 1-3. to go up unto Jerusalem. is ||Theu|| answered Paul— What are ye doings weeping and breaking my heart ? For ||I|| I not only to be bound^ but to die in Jerusalem| am ready', in behalf of the name of the Lord' Jesus. 1* And |as he was not to be persuaded| we ceased, saying — ||The Lord's]! will be done! 15 And Ijafter those days|| | making ready what we had] we started to go up unto Jerusalem ; •« and there went certain also of the disciples from Caesarea, along with us, who were to introduce us unto one with whom we might be entertained, one Mnason of Cyprus, an early' disciple. § 37. Paul, in Jerusalem, is rescued from, the Multitude by the Captain. 1' Now |wheu we came to Jerusalem| i|the breth- ren! | gladly' welcomed us. 'S And |on the next day! Paul went in with us unto James, and !all' the elders! were present. i9And Isaluting them! he went on to narrate, one by one, each of the things which God had wrought among the nations through his ministry. ''*> And litieyll having heard, began glorifying God; and they said to him — Thou observest, brother, jhow many myriads] there are, among the Jews, who have believed, and ||all|! are !zealous for* the lawj. *i Now they have heard it rumoured concerning thee, that ||an apostacyl! art thou teaching |from Moses! unto all' the Jews !who are among the nations!, telling them, not to be circumcising their children, nor jby the customs! to be walking. M What, then, is it? |!atall events!! they will hear that thou hast come. S3 !This, then! do, which lunto thee! we say: — We have four men, who have ja vow! upon themselves. 24 be purified with them, and spend something upon them, that they may shave their head''; and all will get to know !|that the things which they have heard rumoured concerning thee!| are !nothing|,— on the contrary ||thou thyself! | dost keep the ranks, guarding the law. 25 But !!we ourselves!] sent, de- ciding that they should be guarding them- selves, both as to idol sacrifice, and blood, and what is strangled, and fornication." 26 !!Then Paul|l !on the next' day, with them! being purified, began entering into the temple to declare the filling up of the days of the purification^ — until ||the offering! I had been presented for each one of them. ■■" Chap. XV. 20, 29. ^ Nu. vL 5. began to urge-on all' the multitude, and thrust upon them their hands, '"* crying out — Israelites! be giving help I !|This!! is the man who is teaching |all men every- where! ; furthermore ||eveu Greeks]! hath he brought into the temple, and hath pro- faned this holy' place. 29 For they had before seen Trophimus, the Ephesiau, in the city along with him, whom they were supposing IPaul] had brought ]]iuto the temple]], ^o And the whole city was set in motion, and there took place a ruuning together of the people, and ]layiiig hold of Paul] they proceeded to drag hira outside the temple, and |straightway| the doors were made fast. 31 there was carried up information, unto the captain of the baud, that all' Jerusalem was in confusion: — 32 ||who|| ran down upon them; and ]]they]] !seeiug the captain and the soldiers] left off striking Paul. ss ||Then!| the captain |dra wing near] laid hold of him, and ordered him to be bound with two chains, — and began to eutiuire, who he might be, and what he had done; 34 but ||others|! were calling out !soraething else], in the multitude ; and so he ordered him to be brought into the castle. 35 And ] ] when he came unto the stairs! ] so it was that he was borne along by the soldiers, because of the force of the multitude; 36 for the throng of the people was following, cry- ing out — Away with him ! 37 But Paul saith unto the captain — Is it allowed me, to say somewhat unto thee ? And ihe] said — I With Greek] art thou acquainted ? 38 Not, then, art Hthou]] the Egyptian, who !before these' days] stirred up to sedition, and led out into the wilderness the four- thousand' men of the Assassins ? 39 And Paul said— |]I!] indeed, am a Jew, of Tarsus in Cilicia, — ]]a citizen]! of no obscure' city; but I beseech thee, give me leave to speak unto the people 1 § 38. Paul addresses the People : escapes Scourg- ing : is set before the High-council. ** And !|Paul!| !standing upon the stairs! waved with his hand unto the people; and he addressed them in the Hebrew' language, saying — 23 Brethren and fathers! Hear ye |thedefencel which I now make unto you : — « And they kept the more' quiet'. And he saith — 3 !!l!! am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but nurtured in this city, at the feet of ACTS XXII. 4—30 ; XXIII. 1, 2. 143 Gamaliel, — trained after the strictness of our ancestral' law ; being Ijealous for God| just as ||all'ye|| are this day; * and ||this' wayll I persecuted unto the death, binding^ and delivering up into prisons^ both men and women: — a^as ||eventhe High-priest|| beareth me witness, |and all' the Elder- shipl, — *> |unto Damascus] was I journoyiug, to bring them who were there', bound unto Jerusalem, that they might be punished. 6 But it befel me that there flashed a great light all around me ; ' I fell also to the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me — Saul! Saul 1 Why |me| art thou perse- cuting ? 8 And ||I|| answered — Who art thou, Lord ? And he said unto me — ||I|| am Jesus the Nazarene, whom ||thou|| art persecuting 1 » Now I [they who were with me|| beheld, indeed, |the light| but heard not |the voice| = of him that was speaking with me. 10 And I said— What shall I do, Lord ? And I the Lord| said unto me — Arise, and be going thy way into Damas- cus, and |ithere|| shall it be told thee, of all things which are appointed for thee to do. " But | being led by the hand of them who were with me| I came into Damascus. ^ And '^ |coming unto me^ and standing over me| said — Saul, brother ! look up.'i And ||I|| |in that very' hour| looked up on him. 1* And |he| said — ||The God of our fathers! | hath chosen thee, to get to know his will, and to see the Righteous One, — and to hear a voice out of his mouth. i» Because thou shalt be a witness to him, unto all' men, of the things which thou hast seen and heard. w And |now| what art thou going to do ?» Arise, and get thyself immersed,' and have thy sins bathed away, calling upon his name. w And it came to pass that I came to be in a trance, 18 and saw him, saying unto me — Haste thee, and go forth speedily out of ' Cbap. vUl. 8; xxvf. 9. i Chap. Ix. 1 It; xxvl. 9 ff. ' In its completeness (accu sative : genitive In Ix. 7). <• Or : " recover sight." c Oi- : " why dost ihi>u de- lay ?" ' Middle voice, not passive. Jerusalem, inasmuch as they will not accept thy witness » concerning me. 19 And ||I|| said- Lord 1 ||they themselvesll well know, that I was imprisoning and beating in every synagogue, them who were believing on thee. 20 And ||even I my- self] | was standing by, and approving, and guarding the mantles of them who were slaying him. 21 And he said uut ''* the captain ordered him tc be brought into the castle, saying, that |with scourging] he should be put to the test,— that he might find out, for what cause they were ]thus] clamouring against him. 25 But |]wheu they had stretched him out with straps]] ]Paul| said unto the by-standing centurion — ]]A Roman, and uncondemned]] is it allowed you to be scourging ? 26 And ]when the centurion heard' [that]] he went unto the captain, and reported, saying — What art thou going to do ? For ]]thi3man|| is ]a Roman] ? 2' And the captain, coming up, said to him — Tell me I Art ]|thou|| a |Eoman| ? And ]hel said — Yeal 28 And the captain answered — |]I]] ]foralargesum] thiscitizenship'acquiredl And ]Paul] said — But ]|I]] am even iffree-] born] I 29 jjStraightway]] therefore, they who were about to put him to the test, withdrew from him ; and ]|even the captain]] was struck with fear, when he found out he was ]a Roman], and because ]hira] he had bound. 30 But ]|on the morrowl] he released him, and ordered the High-priests and all' the High- council to come togetner; and 1 bringing down Paul] set him before them. § 39. Paul rpbukes the High-prieat ; divides the Council ; and is brought hack to the Castle. 23 And Paul jlooking steadfastly] at the High- council, said — Brethren 1 ]|I]] ]in all' good conscience] have used my citizenship for God, until this' day. 2 And ]]the High-priest, Ananias]] ordered them that stood by him, to be smiting him on the ■ Or : " win accept of thee no witness." lU ACTS XXIII. 3—35. mouth. 3 ||Then|| Paul |unto him| said — God is about |to bo sinitiag thee|, thou whited wall! Dost ||thou|| then sit to judge me aceordiug to the law,^ and ||unla\vl'uily|| ordorest me to be smitten ? *Aiid jthjy who stood by| said — 1 1 The High-priest of God|| dost thou revile ? » Aud Paul said — I was uot awaro^ brethren^ that he was high- priest; because it is written — \\0f a ruler of thy people\\ shall thou not speak irtjarioualyfi 6 began to cry aloud in the council — Brethren ! |:I|i am |a Pharisee], son of Phari- sees : — jiCoucerning a hope, even of a rising again of the dead]] <= am I to be judged. ' And ||as this' he was saying|j there arose a dis- sension of the Pharisees and Sadducees; and rent asunder was the throng ! 8 For ||Sad- duceesjl say, there is no rising again, nor messenger, nor spirit, whereas |Pharisees| con- fess them both. » And there arose a great outcry, aud certain of the Scribes of the party of the Pharisees, standing up, began to strive, saying — ||Nothing bad|| find we in this man ; — but ... 10 And llgreat' dissension arising!] the captain ordered the troop to go down, and take him by force out of their midst, to bring him into the castle. § 40. Paul's life being conspired against, he is sent to Ccesarea unto the Governor Felix,. 11 But |on the following' night] the Lord, stand- ing over him, said — Be of good courage 1 for jso] must thou i|in Piome also]] bear witness. 12 And ]when it became day] the Jews ] forming a conspiracy] bound themselves under a curse, saying. That they would neither eat nor drink till they had slain Paul. i^And they were |more than forty] who jthis' sworn-confede- racy] had formed, n And they went unto the High-priests and Elders, and said — jWith a curse] ^ have we bound ourselves, to taste jnothing] until we have slain Paul. 15 |]Now|| therefore, do ||ye, with the High- council]] make it appear unto the captain, that he should bring him down unto you, as though about to ascertain more exactly the things that concern him; and ||we|| are ireadvi to kill him. 16 But Paul's sister's son ]hearing| of the lying-in- wait, happening to be near, and coming into the castle, — reported it unto Paul, i' And Paul, calling unto him one of the centurions, said — " TjPV. 3cIx. 15. " Exo. ixli. 28. « Chap. XTlv. 21. * Gr : anathema. ||This young man|| lead thou away unto the captain, for ho hath somewhat to report unto him. 18 iHei therefore, taking him with him, brought him uuto the captain, and saith — ]|The prisoner' Paulij calling me unto him, requested me to bring |this' young man] unto thee, as having somewhat to tell thee. 19 And the captain, ] taking him by the hand, and going asidel began Iprivatelyi to ask— What is it which thou hast to report unto me ? 20 Aud he said — llThe Jews]] have agreed to request thee, that ito-morrovv] thou wouldst bring |Paul| down into the High-council, as though about to ascertain something |more exact] concerning him. 21 ]|Thou|| therefore, do not be persuaded by them, for there are lying in wait for him, from among them, jraore than forty meni, — who, indeed, have bound themselves under a curse, neither to eat nor drink, till they have killed him ; and i]now]] are they ready^ awaiting the promise |from thee]. 22 1 1 The captain!] therefore, dismissed the young man, charging him — I] Unto no one]] divulge thou, that Ithese things] thou hast shewed unto me. 23 Aud leaning certain two of the centurions] he said — Make ye ready two hundred soldiers, that they may journey as far as Caesarea,— and seventy horsemen, and two hundred spear- men, by the third hour of the night; 2* ]beasts also] provide, in order that ]seating Paul thereoni they may bring him safely through unto Felix the governor. 25 And he wrote a letter, after thi» form : — 26 Claudius Lysias, unto the most excellent governor Felix, Joy I 27 I went down with the troop, and rescued ; having learned that he was ]a Eomanj, 28 And [I took him down into their High-council! 29 whom I found to be accused concerning questions of their law, but iof nothing worthy of death or bonds] to be charged. 30 But liforthwithij I sent him unto thee, charging his accusers also] to be speaking against him before thee. 81 ]|So the soldiers]] jaccording to their orders, taking up Paul] brought him by night unto Antipatris; 32 and ilon the morrowH jleaving the horsemen to go on with him] returned to the castle, — ssand the others set |Paul also| before him. 8< And • Or : eparchy. ACTS XXIII. 35; XXIV. 1—27; XXV. 1-6. 145 * I myself will hear thee in full, said he, whensoever |thine accusers also| are come; and gave orders that |in the palace of Herod] he should be kept under guard. 41. Felix hears Paul's case : Converses often with him; but leaves him bound, 24 And llafter five' days|| came down the High- priest Ananias^ with certain Elders and a certain orator Tertullus, and they informed the go- vernor against Paul. * And 1 1 when he was called || Tertullus began to make accusation, saying — ^ |both in all ways and in all places! are we accepting it, most excellent' Felix, with all' thankfulness. * But I beseech thee to hear us concisely in thy' consider- ateness. * For ['] *> ^ from whom thou shalt be able ||thyself|| |by making examination concerning all these things] to ascertain the things of which ||we|| are accusing him. » Moreover, the Jews also were joining in the attack, saying that |ithese things] | were ]so]. 10 And Paul answered, when the governor had motioned him to be speaking, — ]]cheerfully]| ]as to the things concerning myself] do I make defence ; ^ seeing thou art able to ascertain, that there are ]not more] than twelve days, since I went up to worship in Jerusalem, — I'^and neither ]in the temple] found they me ]with any one] disputing, or causing |a halt] of the multitude, either in the synagogues or throughout the city, — w neither can they make good the things con- cerning which they are jnow] accusing me. M But I confess )|thisl] unto thee, —That ]]ac- cording to the Wayc which they call a Sect]] ]so] am I rendering divine service unto my fathers" God, believing in all' the things which jthroughout the law] and those which |in the prophets] are written: 1* Having jhope]"! towards God, whiofa ]]even these themselves|l do entertain, — that ]a resurrection! there shall certainly be, both of righteous and of unrighteous : i6]]herein]] even I | myself] am studj'ing to have ]an unoffending' conscience], towards God and men, continually. W Now ]lafter many years]] I arrived, — also • Chap xxl 28. «> Omitted by WH. • Ap': " way." * Chap, xxili. 6. [to present] offerings » ; among which they found me, purified in the temple, not with a multitude, nor with tumult; i^but cer- tain Jews from Asia' [caused it], — i^who ought ] before thee] to have presented them- selves, and to have been laying accusation, if ]anything] they might have had against me: — ^^Or, let |]these themselves]) say what wrong they found, when I stood before the High-council, — 2' unless concerning this' one' voice, wherewith I cried aloud among them, as I stood — »> am ]]I1| to be judged, this day, by you. *2 And Felix deferred them, having more exact' knowledge concerning the Way, — saying — I will give judgment as to your affairs, — 23 giving orders unto the centurion, that he should be kept, and have a measure of liberty, and to be hindering )]none)] of his own from waiting upon him. »* And ]] after certain days)) he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith ]respecting Christ Jesus). 25 And Felix ]becoming greatly afraid') answered — )|For the present)) be going thy way, and Jwhen I find an opportunity') I wiU send for thee, — 26 )at the same time) also hoping that |money| would be given him by Paul ; ]wherefore also) he used to converse with him. ^ |Felix| was succeeded ]by Porcius Festusj, and Felix ] wishing to gain favour with the Jews) left Paul bound. § 42. Festus wishing him to go to Jerusalem, Paul appeals unto Caesar . 25 ]]Festus|i therefore, ) having come nx)on the province], ■= ]]after three' days)) went up unto Jerusalem from Caesarea ; * and the ELigh-priesta and chiefs of the Jews laid information before him against Paul, and began to beseech him^ 3 asking for themselves as a favour against him, that he would send for him unto Jerusalem, — making ]an ambush] to kill him on the way. * ]]Festus]l therefore, answered, that Paul should be kept in Caesarea, and that )he himself) was about ] shortly] to be going out [thither]. 5 let them go down with me ; and let them accuse him. ■ And he went down unto CaBsarea ; and ]]on the morrow]) jtaking his place upon • Chap. xxi. 26. •i Chap. xxilL 6. • M • " the eparchy.' 146 ACTS XXV. 7- -27; XXVI. 1-7. the judgineiit-8eat| ordered Paul to be brought. 'And |when he presented him- Helf| the Jews who |from Jerusaleai| had come down^ stood round about him, ||mauy' and grievous' charge8|| bringing against [him], which they were not able to prove, — » Paul saying in defence — have I in anything sinned. •But j|Festu3|| answered Paul, and said — Art thou willing |uuto Jeru3alem| to go up, and ||therel| |concerning these things| be judged before me ? w But Paul said — am I, where |I| ought to be judged. have I done no wrong, as ||eventhou|| | right well I art discovering. U I excuse not myself from dying; but, on the other hand, j|no man|| hath power to give |me| unto them as a favour : — ijUnto Caesar 1 1 I appeal 1 u ||Then Festusj] |having conversed with the oouncil| answered — I |Unto Caesarl ] hast thou appealed ? ] | Unto Caesar 1 1 shalt thou go. § 43. King Agrippa, informed by Festus of Paul, wishes to hear him. M And |l3ome days having gone by|| |Agrippa the king and Bernicfe| came down to Caesarea, to salute Festus. " And IFestus] repeated |unto the kingj, the things relating to Paul, saying— ||A certain manl| hath been left behind by Felix, las a prisonerl ; 's concerning whom |when I happened to be in Jerusalem] the High-priests and the Elders of the Jews laid information, claiming against him a con- demnation: 16 unto whom I made answer- That it is not a custom with Romans, to grant as a favour any man, before t>ie accused |face to face] should have his accusers, and |opportunitv of defence] should receive, concernint; *-he charge. M |no delay whatever] making, ]|on the next day|| I ordered the man to be brought: 18 Concerning whom, taking their stfl,nd, his accusers] l|no accusation at all|] were bringing, of the evil things which \\iy had been suspecting; "but ]|certaln nuestions concerning their own' demon-worship] had they against him, and concerning one Jesus, who had died, whom Paul was aflflrmlng to be alive. « And ||I|| was asking — Whether he might be minded to go unto Jerusalem, and I there] be judged concerning these things. 21 But UPaulj] I ordered him to be kept, until I could send him up unto Caesar. 22 And ]|Agrippa|] [said] unto Festus — I could wish l]myselfalso]| ]to hear] the man. IJTo-morrow]] (saith he) thou shalt hear him. § 44. Paul before King Agrippa. ■■'s ]]0n the morrow, therefore] | Paul was brought. 24 ^j^d Festus saith — King Agrippa 1 and all' ye men [here present with us] : Ye observe this person, concerning whom ]]one and all' the throng of the Jewsjl have interceded with me, both in Jerusa- lem and here, crying aloud that he ought not to be living any longer. «5 But ]]I|] gathered, that | nothing' worthy of death] had he committed ; and <]|this man himself']] having appealed unto the Em- peror> I decided to send him : — 26 Concerning whom |]anything certain' to write unto my lord]] I have not; wherefore, I have brought him forth before you, — and especially' before thee. King Agrippa! in order that latter examination had] I might have something I could write ; 2T For ]|unreasonable, unto me|] it seemeth, ]whon sending a prisoner| not also jthe accusations against' him] to signify. 26 And ]]Agrippal] ]unto Paul] said- It is permitted thee ]on thine own behalf] to be speaking. ]Then Paul]] ] stretching forth his hand] went on to make his defence. 2 I have been counting myself happy, that ]|before thee|| am I about, this day. to be making my defence; 3 |]especially]] as thou art ]well- vorsed] in all' the Jewish customs and questi know all' Jews, s inasmuch as they were aforetime observing me, from the outset,— if they please to bear witness,— that I lived |a Pharisee]. « And ]now] am I standing to be judged,— ^ unto which ]hopel ]]our twelve-tribed' nation|| is hoping to attain: — | con- cerning which hope] I am being accused by Jews, O King 1 8 Whatl |iDcredibIe| is it judged with you^ that ||God the dead' doth raise] | ? • ||I|| therefore, imagined to myself, that |agaiust the name of Jesus the Na^arene| it was needful |mauy' hostile things] to bring about, — '0 which also I did in Jerusalem, yea and ||many'of the saiuts|| ||I myself|| |in prisons] shutup, — ]]theauthority]] jfromthe High-priests] having received ; and I brought against them my vote ; "aud <]]throughout all' the synagogues]] ofttimes' punishing them> I would fain have compelled them to defame; and I went on to pursue them as far as even the outlying' cities. "■ j] Among which things]! i^ ] ]at mid- day^ on the road]| I saw, O King, ]]from heaven, above the splendour of the sun, shining around me]] a light, and [around] them who ]with me] were journeying; 1* and I heard a voice, saying unto me, in the Hebrew' language — Saul! Saul! why ][ue] art thou perse- cuting ? It is hard for thee ]against goads] to be kicking! w And ]|I]| said— Who art thou. Lord ? And ]the Lord] said — jjl]] am Jesus, whom ]]thou]] art perse- cuting ! w But rise and stand upon thy feet ^ ; for jto this end] have I appeared unto thee, — To appoint thee« an attendant and a witness, Both of the things as to which thou hast seen me. And of those as to which I will ap- pear unto thee : H Rescuing thee from among the people, and /rom among the nations ^^ Unto whom \\I\\ am sending thee — U To open their eyes <-' ; That they turn from darkness unto light^ And the authority of Satan unto God, That they may receive remission of sins, Aud an inheritance among them who have been made holy by the faith respecting me. *• Wherefore, King Agrippa, — I became not disobedient f unto the hea- venly' vision ; • Chap. Ix. 3 ff ; xxil. 6 ft. •> Eze. IL 1, 2. • Or : " prepare thee to be." • Cp. 1 Ch. XTl. 35 ' Is. xlll. 7, 16. ' He deliberately yielded after three days and three nights. 20 But— I carried tidings — That they should repent, and turn unto God, And ] works worthy of their repentance] should practise. 21 ]]Because of these things]] Jews seized me in the temple, and were attempting to slay me with their own hands. 2* So then |until this day] do I stand, witnessing to both small and great, ] nothing else] saying, than those things which both ]the prophets] ]land Moses]] did say should certainly come to pass :^ "^ If jto suffer] the Christ was destined. If » he is about to carry tidings ]]of light]] both unto the people, and unto the nations. 2* Now ]]Festus]] ]with a loud' voice] saith — Thou art raving, Paul ! ]]Thy great learning]] is turning thee round unto ]raving madness]. 25 But Paul— I am not raving (saith he), most noble' Festus, — but lithe declarations of truth' and soberness']] am I sounding forth : ^6 For well-knoweth ]the king] concerning these things, unto whom ]with boldness of utterance] am I speaking ; for ]]that these things are not hidden from him]| I am well persuaded, — for ]not in a corner] hath this thing been done. 27 Believest thou. King Agrippa, in the prophets ? I know that thou believest! 28 And ]] Agrippa]] [said] unto Paul — ]]Almost]] art thou persuading Ime] to become a ]Christian] ! 29 And ]Paulj [answered] — I could pray unto God that might be- come such,— as even ]]I]] am, excepting these bonds]]. 80 And the king rose up, and the governor, Bernicfe also, and they who had been sitting with them ; 81 and I retiring] they began conversing one with another, saying — ] [Nothing worthy of death' or of bonds'] ] doth this man practise. 82 And ]]Agrippa!| junto Festus] said— This man might have been released |if he had not appealed unto Caesar]. § 45. Paul's Voyage and Shiproreck. 27 Now they proceeded to deliver Paul^ and certain other' prisoners^ unto a centurion by > Plural : others boondap with him : Ro. 1. 4 ; 1 Co. zv. 20. 1.2 148 ACTS XXVII. 2—40. name Julius, of an Augustan band. * And we put to sea, there beiug with us^ Aristarchus^ a Macedonian of Thessalonica ; 3 aud |ou the next day| we put into Zidon, — and Julius^ treating Paul HkindlyH^" gave him leave to go |unto his friends| and refresh himself; * and |f rom thence' putting out to sea| we sailed under the lee of Cyprus^ because the winds were con- trary; 5 and we came down to Myra, a city of Lycia. *> And the ceuturion <|there| finding a ship of Alexandria sailing for Italy> put us therein. ' And we sailed under the lee of Crete, over against Salmoue; ^and we came to a certain place called Fair Havens, near to which was the city of Lasea. 9 And Paul began to advise, i" saying to them — Sirs! I perceive that shall the voyage certainly be attended. 11 But 1 1 the centurion 1 1 |by the master, and by the shipowuer| was more persuaded, than by the things which |by Paul] were spoken. 12 And ||the more part|| advised to put to sea from thence, if by any means they might be able to reach Phoenix, to winter, [which was) a harbour of Crete, looking north-east and south-east. 13 And |a south wind blowing softly | | [supposing they had secured their purpose] | weighing anchor, they began to sail close in shore along Crete. '♦ But |atter no long time| there beat down from it a tempestuous wind, called Euraquilo, — is and we let her go, and were borne along. 16 And we were able, with difficulty, to make ourselves masters of the boat, — 1' which, hoisting up, they began to use |helps], under-girding the ship; and they should run aground ilowering the gear] ||so]] were they borne along. i^But ]] we being exceedingly' tempest-tossedll ]on the next day] they began to throw [cargo] overboard; i9 and ]]on the third day, with their own hands]] ]tho tackling of the ship] they oast away. 20 And in the end ]all hope that we should be saved] began to be taken from ua. *i But ]then| Paul^ standing in the midst of them, said — ° Ml : " with philanthropy." Ye ought, indeed. Sirs 1 ]]yielding to me]] not to have sailed away from Crete, to get this damage and loss. . . . 22 And ]lnow]] I recommend you to be of good courage; for || loss of life]] shall there be ]noae at all] from among you, — only of the ship. 23 For there stood by me this' night ]]a messengorj], 2* saying- Be not afraid, Paul ! for |] before Caesar]] must thou needs stand. And lo ! God hath granted to thee as a favour, all' them who are sailing with thee. 25 Wherefore, be of good courage. Sirs ; for I believe in God — that |so| it shall be, accord- ing as it hath been told me. 26 ]|Upon a certain islandj] however, must we needs be wrecked. 2' And ]|about midnight]] the sailors sus- pected that some country was |nearing| them; 28 and [sounding] they found twenty fathoms, — and Igoing a little' further, and again' sounding] they found fifteen fathoms. 29 And ]out of sterni cast they four anchors, — and began praying that day might dawn. 30 But si Paul said unto the centurion, and unto the soldiers — ]]ye yourselves]] cannot be saved 1 32 ]Thenl the soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off. 33 And ]until day was about to dawn] Paul continued to beseech one and all to take some food, say- ing— This day is ]|the fourteenth day]] that ]in suspense, fasting] ye are completing, — having helped yourselves ]to nothing]. 3* "Wherefore, I beseech you to take some food, — for I ] this]] lays a foundation for your' safety; for |]of no one of youj] shall a hair of the head perish. 35 And he gave thanks unto God before all, and ]breaking it] began to eat. 36 And ]they also] helped them- selves to food. 37 Now we were, in the ship, in all', about seventy-six" souls. 38 And ]when they were satisfied with food] they began lightening the ship, casting out the wheat into the sea. 39 And jwhen day came] they could not recognise jthe land] ; but per- ceived ]a certain bay] having a beach, — upon which they were minded, if t hoy could, safely to bring the ship. they let them <2;o into the sea, — ]at the same « Or (WH) : " in all two hundred and seventy six." ACTS XXVII. 41—44; XXVIII. 1—27. 149 time| looseuiogthe lashings of the rudders, and I hoisting up the foresail to the \vind| they made for the beaoh. *' But they ran the ship aground ; and |the foreship sticking fast| remained im- moveable, while jthe stern| began to break up, from the violence [of the waves]. *'^ Now |the soldiers' counsel] turned out to be, that they should kill |the prisoners], lest anyone should swim out and escape; <3 but ||the centuriou|| hindered them of their purpose, and ordered such as were able to swim, to east themselves overboard and Iget first' to the land|, — ''♦and ||the rest|| <|sorae| on planks, and |some| on other things from the ship>... and ||so[| it came to pass, that |all| were brought safely through, on to the land. § 46. Paul in Melita. Thence to Rome. 28 And 1 1 when we were safely through'] ]then] we knew that the island was called ]|Melita]]. 2 And ]]theuatives|] began to shew us no common' philanthropy; for ]kindling a fire] they re- ceived us all,' because of the rain that had set in, and because of the cold. ^But ] ]a viper] ] |by reason of the heat] coming forth, fastened on his hand. * And they began to say ]one to another] — ||Doubtless]i this man is ]a murderer], whom ]] Justice] j hath not suffered |to live]. 6 ||He]l however, suffereii no harm; « whereas ]]they]] were expeeting,that he was about to become inflamed, or to fall down suddenly dead ; — but < when they had been long' expecting, and had observed [nothing unusual] happening unto him> they changed their minds, and began to say he was a god. T Now ]in the neighbourhood of that place] were lauds, belonging to the chief man of the island, by name Publius, — who ]making us wel- come] ]]for three days]] hospitably entertained us. "And it so happened that ||the father of Publiusj ] |with feverish heats and dysentery dis- tressed! was lying prostrate: unto whom Paul entering in and praying, laid his hands on him, and healed him. ^And ]|when this' hap- pened] i ]the rest also, even they in the island who were sick] were coming in and getting cured; '"who also ]with many' honours] honoured us, and Iwhen we were about to sail] put ou board such things as we might need. 11 And jiafter three' mouths]] we sailed in a ship which had wintered in the island, [a ship] of Alexandria, whose ensign was — The Twin Bro- thers; I'^and ]touching at Syracuse] we tarried threedays; i* whence ]going round] wereached Bhegium ; and ]after one' day] ]|a south wind springing up]| ]on the second day] we came to Puteoli; i* where | finding brethren] we were entreated to tarry |with them] » seven days; — and |thus, towards Rome] we came. i^And they came to meet us^ as far as The Market of Appius and the Three Taverns, — ]seeing whom] Paul thanked God, and took courage. § 47. Paul in Rome. 16 And ] I when we entered into Rome]] Paul was suffered to abide by himself, with the soldier that guarded' him. 1' And it came to pass, after three days, that he called together those who were the chief of the Jews ; and ] when they came together] he began to say unto them — ]]I]] brethren, i]as a prisoner]] ]out of Jerusa- lem] was delivered into the hands of the Romans; — is who, indeed, ]when they had examined me] were minded to set me at liberty, because there was ]nothing worthy of death] in me. 19 But ]]a3 the Jews spake against itj] I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar, — not as though jagainst my nation] I had anything to bring by way of accusation. 20 |]For this' cause] ] therefore, have I called for you, to see and to speak with you ; for ]]od account of the hope of Israel]] ]this chain] have I about me 1 21 And |]they]] said ]unto him] — ]]Wel] have neither received ] letters concern ing thee] from the Jews, nor hath anyone o/ the brethren ]who hath arrived] reported or spoken concerning thee, anything ill. s''' But we deem it well, that ]from thee] W9 should hear what are thine opinions ; for, indeed, ]]concerningthis sect]] it is ]knowD to us] that ]everywherel is it spoken against. 23 And ] having arranged with him a day] there came unto him, to the lodging, a larger number ; unto whom he proceeded to expound, bearing full witness as to the kingdom of God, and per- suading them concerning Jesus, both from the law -jf Mosos, and from the prophets,— from morning till vening. 2*And ]]some]] in- deed, were persuaded by the things that were spoken, whereas ]]others]] disbelieved; ^sand they began to leave, — Paul having said one thing — ]]Well]] did ]the Holy Spirit] speak through Isaiah the prophet, unto your fathers, 26 saying — Oo thy way unto th is people, and say — Ye shall \surely hear\ and yet will in nowise understand. And \surely see\ and yet will in nowise perceive; 2' For the heart of this people \hath become dense], ■ Or : " were entreated by them." 150 ACTS XXVIII. 28—31. ROMANS I. 1—17. And {with their ears^ heavily \ have they heard. And \their eyes\ have they closed, — Lest once they should see with their eyes. And [with their ears\ should hear, And \with their hearts] should understand^ and return, — When I would certainly heal them.^ • Is. vl. 9 f ; cp. Mt. xill. 14 ; Jn. xll. 40. Be it I known unto you| therefore, That 1 junto the nations]] hath been sent forth this' sal- vation of God^: ||they!| will also hear. [^^]*> And he abode two whole years in his own' hired house, and made welcome all' who were coming in unto him, — ^i proclaiming the kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, with all' freedom of speech llwithout hindrancell. « Pa. Ixvli. 2. " Omitted by WH. THE EPISTLE OF PAUL THE APOSTLE TO THE ROMANS. 1 Paul, a servant of Jesua Christ,* A called' b apostle, Separated unto the glad-message of God — > Which he promised beforehand^ through his prophets^ in holy scriptures — • Concerning his Son, — Who came to be of the seed of David, according to flesh, • Who was distinguished <= as the Son of God- By power. According to a Holy' Spirit, Through means of "i a resurrection of the dead, — <= Jesus Christ our Lord ; 6 Through whom we have received favour and apostleship, For obedience of faith among all' the nations, in behalf of his name, * Among whom are ||ye alsojl called f of Jesus Christ: ' Favour unto you, and peace. From God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. • ||Fir8t|| indeed, I give thanks unto my God, through Jesus Christ, concerning you all',8 Because!" your faith is being announced throughout the whole' world. •For God is ||my witness] | — ' — • Or (WH) : " Christ Jesus." i> Or: "bidden." • Ml : " marked oft." *M1: "out of." • PluraL Ml : " of dead ones " ; cp. Ac. xxvL 23. ' Or: "Invited." K 1 Co. 1. 4 ; 1 Th. L 2. h Or : " that" I Ph. L 8. ||How incessantlyll I am making |mention of you I lOat all times in my prayers, — Making supplication — If |by some means, even now, at any time| I may have a way opened, in the will of God, to come unto you »; 11 For I am longing to see you, That I may impart some spiritual gift unto you, To the end ye may be established, — 1* That is to say — There may be a mutual encouragement among you. Each by the other's faith, |Both yours and miue|. 13 1 do not wish, however that ye should be ignorant, brethren. That ||many times] | have I purposed to come unto you. But have been hindered, until the pre- sent, — In order that ||some' fruit] | I might have among you also, even as among the other' nations 1* ]a debtor] I am: 1* ]]Thus]] the eagerness on my' part — I ] Unto you also who are in Rome]] To announce the joyful message. 16 For I am not ashamed of the joyful message; For it is jGod's power] *• unto salvation, to every' one that believeth. Both to Jew tfirst] and to Greek ; " For j|a righteousness of Godj] is therein revealed, — ]jBy faith untofaith||: Even as it is written — > Chap. XV. 23, 32. »10o.Ll& ROMANS I. 18-33. II. 1—11. 151 BtU \\hethatis rigMeous\\ \byfaith\ shall Zwe.» " For there is being revealed an anger of God from heaven — Against all' ungodliness and unrighteousness of men Who ||the truth^ in unrighteousness|l do hold down ; — M Inasmuch as ||what may be known of God|i is |manifest| among them, For ||God|| |unto them| hath made it manifest, — * For ||the unseen things of him|| |from a world's creation | <|By the things made| being perceived> Are clearly seen, ||Evenhiseternalpowerand divinity! I, — To the end they should be without excuse ; M Inasmuch as Not llasGodll did they glorify him^ or give him thanks. But were made fruitless in their rea- sonings^ And darkened was their undiseernlng' heart, «* '' they were made foolish^ * And exchanged the glory of the incor- ruptible' God, for the likeness « of an image of a corruptible' man, and of birds and fourfooted beasts and reptiles : "* Wherefore God |gave them up] in the covet- ings of their hearts, unto impurity, so as to be dishonouring their bodies among them, — >* ||Who|i, indeed, exchanged away the truth of God for the falsehood. And rendered worship and service unto the creature rather than unto the Creator, — Who is blessed unto the ages. Amen 1 ** ||For this cause|| God gave them up unto dishonourable' passions ^ ; For II even their females 1 1 exchanged away the natural' use into that which is against e nature, — ** |In like manner also| ||even the males! |, Flamed out in their eager desire one for another, {{Males with males] | |the indecency j effecting, — And [within themselvesj duly receiving ; — » And God Igave them up| unto a disapproved' mind • Hab. U. 4 ; cp. QaL Ul. 11 ; He.x.38. k Jer. I. 14 ; 1 Co. L aa • Ps. cvL 20. * Ml : " passions of dis honour." ' Ml : " aside from," " be- yond." ' To be doing the things that are not be- coming, — » Filled with all' unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, baseness. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil disposition, so Whisperers, detractors, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, vain boasters, in- ventors of vices, |unto parents] un- yielding, 31 Without discernment, regardless of covenants, without natural affection^ unmerciful : — '* ||Who||, indeed, Not only ]|tha same things]] are doing. But are even delighting together with them who are practising [them]. 2 Wherefore ]]inexcu3able]] thou art, O man |whoever' judgestj ; For ]]thyself]| thou dost condemn, — For ]]the very things]] thou' dost practise I who art judging] : i We know, however ,» that ||the sentence of God] I is according to truth, against them who ]such things as these] do practise. ' And reckonest thou this, O man — That ] ]thou ] I shalt escape the sentence of God ? * Or dost thou despise, — Not knowing that ||the kindness of God|| junto repentance] is leading thee ? s But Art treasuring up for thyself anger, in a day of anger and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, — « Who will render unto each one according to his works^: — I I |life age-abiding] I," 8 ||anger and wrath, 9 tribulation and anguish — against every' soul of man who worketh out what is base. Both of Jew first and of Greekjl,— w But glory and honour and peace — Unto every' one who worketh what is good. Both unto Jew first and unto Greek : II For there is no respect of persons with God;— 'Or (WH): "For we fact" know " ; or, as occasion- •> Pa. IxU. 12 ; Pr. xxtv. IX ally rendered (Ac. vlil. • Ap : " Age-abidlng." 39, n.): "We know, in 152 ROMANS II. 12—29; III. 1—17. " For 1 1 Without law|j also shall perish, And ||Through law|| shall be judged ; u For ||not the hearers of law||» are righteous with God, But 1 1 the doers of law|| shall be de- clared righteous ; — 1* For ||the same] I not having law'] ||uuto them- selves] | are a law, — 16 ||Who|| indeed, shew the work of the law written in their hearts. Their conscience (therewith bearing wit- ness|. And Ijbetween one another|| their reasonings accusing — or |even excusingi them : — w In the day on which God judgeth^ the secrets of men |according to my glad- message, through Christ Jesus]. <= w — 1 [Thou, therefore, that art teaching someone else] iJThyself]] art thou not teaching ? |Thou that proclaimest — Do not steal 1] Art thou |]stealing]| ? >» |That sayest — Do not commit adultery !| Art thou ]]committing adultery]] ? |That abhorrest sacrilege] Art thou ]]robbing temples]] ? *> |That in law' dost boast] I [Through the transgression of the law, art thou dishonouring God']] ? ** For \the name of God\ \\becaiise of you ] ] is defamed among the nations, — II Even as it is written ]].f ** For ||circumcision|| indeed, proflteth — if ||law|| thou be practising; But ||thy circumcision]] bath become |uncir- cumcision]. 2« Shall not ]|hi.s uncircumcision]] jas cir- cumcision] be reckoned ? — " And the uncircumcision by nature' jcom- pleting the law'| Shall judge ]|thee]] who ]notwithstand- • Ja.1. 22. willed." » Or (WH) : "shall ludire." • Mt. xv. 14. • Or(WH): "Jesus Christ." ' Is. Hi. 5. *Or: "of that which la ing letter and circumcision] art a transgressor of law I 28 For |]uot he who is one in appearance]] is ]a Jew], Nor is ]]that which is such in appearance, in flesh]] ]circumcision| ; 29 But Ijhe who is one in secret]] is a Jew, — And [that is] ]|circumeision]] which is of the heart, ]in spirit, not in letter], — Whose ]]praise]]» is not of men, ]butof God]. 3 What, then, is the preeminence of the Jew ? Or what, the profit of his circumcision ? " Much, every' way : — |]First]] indeed, tbat they were entrusted with the oracles of God. 3 For what ? shall their distrust make ]]the trust of Godl| void ? * Far be itl But let ]God] prove to be ]true], albeit \every' m.an\ iefalse\^ Even as it is written — That tlioumightest be declared righteous in thy words. And overcome when thou art in judg- ment.'^ 5 But what shall we say ? Surely |]not unrighteous]] is God whovisiteth with his anger ? ] I After the manner of men ] j I am speak- ing,— 6 Far be itl Else how shall God judge the world ? f But Why |any longer] am |]eveul|| ]as a sinner] to be judged ? 8 And why not Let us do the bad things, that the good ones may come'? ]] whose sentence' is |just| ||. 9 What then ? do we screen ourselves ? Not at all I For we have before accused both Jews and Greeks of being ]all under sin] ; 10 Even as it is written — There is none righteous^ \not even one], 11 There is none that dixcerneth^ There is none that seeketh out ^ God : 12 ll^^'ll have turned aside^ \\Togetlier\\ have become useless, There is none that doeth kindness^ Not so much as one'' : IS \\A sepulchre^ opened\\ is their throat, \\ With their tongues\ \ have they u^^ed deceit, \\The poison o/a.sp.s|| is under their lips,' 1* \\WhosemoiU]i\\ \of cursing andbitterness\ isfidl, ''s. cxvi 11. » Ps. 11. 4. ""OrCWH): simply "seek- esh." • Ps. xlv. 1 It. ' Ps. V. 9; cil. S. B 1 S. X. 7. l> Vt. i. 16. 1 Is. lix. 7f; cp. chap. xl. 32 ; Oal. 111. 22. ROMANS III. 18—31 ; IV. 1—16. 153 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.^ 19 Now we know. That ||To them who are within the law|| it speaketh, In ordei that ||every' mouth || may be stopped^ And all the world come || under penal seutence|| unto God. M Inasmuch as ||by works of lawH^ shall no' flesh be declared righteous \before him\, — o ||Through law|| in fact, is discovery of sin. 21 But |now| |lapartfrom laW|| |a righteousness of Godi hath been manifested, Borne witness to by the law and the prophets, — 32 A righteousness of God, through faith in [Jesusj Christ, unto all' that have faith ; For there is no distinction, — »s For ||all|| have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God ; 2* Being declared righteous freely by his' favour, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus : — 26 Whom God hath set forth as a propitiatory covering,'! through faith >= in his' blood. For a showing forth of his righteousness^ By reason of the i:>assing-by of the pre- viously' committed sins, 26 jin the forbearance of God|, — With a view to a showing forth of his righteousness in the present' season. That he might be' righteous even when declaring' righteous him that hath faith in Jesus. 2T Where, then, the boasting ! It is excluded. Through what kind' of law ? ||0f works] | ? Nay ! but through a law of faith : 28 Forf we reckon that a man lis to be de- clared righteous by faithj ||apart from works of law||.s 29 Or [is God) the God ||of Jews only||, and not of the nations'! also ? Yea 1 of the nations •> also : — 8" If, at all events, God is |one|, Who will declare righteous — The circumcision, by faith. And the uncircumcision, through their faith. 81 Do we then make ||law|| void, through means of our faith ? Far be it! On the contrary |llaw|! we do establish 1 4 What, then, shall we say — ||as touching Abra- ham our forefather|| ■ ? 2 For he hath whereof to boast ; — Nevertheless, not towards God, — 8 For what doth |the Scripture] say ? • Ps. xxxvl i. b Gal. ii. 16 Ps. cxiiii 2. Or . " such as are of the nations." lOr(WH)- "affirm Abra ham our father to have found." And Abraham believed in God, And it was reckoned unto him as righ teousness.'^ * Now |the reward) is not reckoned by way of favour, but by way of obligation, 5 Whereas his faith is reckoned' as righteousness, 8 Just as |David| also affirmeth the happi- ness of the man, unto whom |God| reckoneth righteousness, apart from works : — ' \\Happy^\ they whose lawlessnesses have been forgiven^ And whose sins have been covered, 8 \\Happy\\ the man [whose sin\ the Lord will in nowise reckon.^ 9 ||This happiness! I then, [is itj for the circum- cision, or for the uncircumcision ? For we say — His faith was reckoned' unto Abraham as righteousness = : 10 How, then, was it reckoned ? When he was |in cireumcision|, or in uncircum- cision ? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision ; 1' And ||a sign\\ he received [namely] of circumcision,^ A seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while yet uncircumcised ; To the end he might be father of all' that believe during uncircumcision. To the end [the same] righteousness |might be reckoned unto them], — 12 And father of circumcision — Unto them who are not of circumcision only. But who also walk in the steps of the faith Iwhile yet uncircumcised| of our father Abraham. 18 For I [not through means of law|| doth the promise belong unto Abraham or unto his seed, — That he should be heir of the^ world ; But Ithrough a righteousness by faith). 1* For Made void is faith. And of no effect is the promise.? 15 For Ijthe lawji worketh out )anger). But neither la there transgression. 18 ))For this cause) | it is by faith, in order that it may be by way of favour, So that the promise is jflrm) unto all' the seed, — Not unto that by the law only. But unto that also [which is suchj by the faith of Abraham ; Who is father of us all', — •> •Gen. XV. 6; Gal. 111.6; Ja, li 23 " Ps. xxxil. 1 f. « Gen. XV. 6. "1 Gen. xviL U. • Or: "a." f Or : " such by law.' e I p. Gal 111. 17, 18. » Cp. Gal. 111. 9. 164 ROMANS IV. 17—25; V. 1—18. It Even as it is written — \\Father of many' nations\\ have I appointed thee » : Before tiim whom he believed — ||God||^ Who causeth the dead to live^ And calleth the things that are not as things that are : — M Who llpasthopell |upon hope| believed, So that he became father of' many' nations, — According to what had been said — So shall be thy seed ; — *> i» And ho attentively considered his own' body^ already deadened — He being a hundred years old, The deadening also of Sarah's womb : ^o he was not led to hesitate by unbelief, But received power by his faith. Giving glory unto God, ^' And being fully persuaded (that) — I Able I is he also to perform : n Wherefore [also], it was reckoned unto him as righteoxLsness.<^ M Now it was not written for his sake alone^ that it was reckoned unto him,," M But for our sakes also — unto whom it is to be reckoned, — Even unto them that believe upon him who raised Jesus our Lord from among the dead : »S Who was delivered up on account of our offences^^ And was raised on account of the declar- ing us righteous. 5 Let us have ||peace|| towards God, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, — » Through whom also we have had Hour introduction! I [by our faith] into this favour wherein we stand "^ ; And let us boast in hope of the glory of God. » And llnot only so|| But let us boast' also in our tribulations ; Knowing that ||our tribulation] | worketh out |endurance|. * And Ijour enduraneell a testing, And ||our testingll hope, & And Hour hope\\ putteth not to sham,e.^ Because ||the love of God|| hath been poured out in our hearts. Through the Holy Spirit that hath been given unto us : « Seeing that IIGhristll (Seasonably, in behalf of such as were ungodlyl died. t For I Iscarcely in behalf of a righteous man] | will one die, — II In behalf of the good man, indeed || |per- adventurel one even dareth to die; 8 But God |commendeth his own' love unto us| In that — ||Christ|| |iu our behalf I died. 9 I [Much morel I then, < having now been declared righteous by his blood> Shall we be saved I through himj from the anger.a 1" For ||Much more|| Shall we be saved by his life. 11 And I [not only]| so, But are even boasting in God, Through our Lord Jesus [Christ], — Through whom ||now|| |the reconciliation! we have received. 12 ||For this cause|| — of the Coming One|l<:; — 15 But ||Sol| [also] the decree of favour. For ||Much more] I ||the favour of God, and the free-gift in favour, by the one' man Jesus Christjl |untothemany| superabounded"*; 16 And Is that which is freely given, — For I |the sentence of judgment 1 1 indeed, was — |Out of one [fa»ilt]| into condemnation. Whereas ||the decree of favour|| is — |Out of many' faults] into a recovery of righteousness. IT For ||Muchmore|| ||In life|| shall reign through the one, ||Jesu3 Christ.e Hence, then ||So|| also, > 1 Co. rv. 45. o Or : " the Destined One "' —who all along was to come. [the decree of favour] is unto all men for* righteous acquittal unto life; !• For ||So|| also ||through the obedience of the one|l ||righteous|| the manyshall' be con- stituted : — *o ||Law|| however^ gained admission^'' in order that the fault might abound'. But the favour greatly superabounded'": — *i In order that — ||So|| also ||favour|| might reign^ through righteousness unto life age-abidi'ng.'i ||Through Jesus Christ our Lord||. 6 What^ tben^ shall we say ? Are we still to continue in sin^ that |favour| may abound ? > Far be it 1 how |any longer| shall we live therein ? 8 Or know ye not, that ||we, as many as were immersed* into Christ [Je8us]||f |into his death| were immersed ? * We were, therefore, buried together with him^B through our immersion into his death. In order that — ||So|| 1 1 we also|] |in newness of life] should walk. 6 For the likeness of his death> Certainly ||in'> that of his resurrection also 1 1 shall we be. * |0f this I taking note — That ||our old' man|l' was crucified to- gether with him. In order that the sinful' body* might be made powerless, That we should i|no longer] | be in servitude to sin ; ' For 1 1 he that hath died|| hath become righteously acquitted from his sin. * Now we believe that we shall also live together with him ; » Knowing that <|Christ| having been raised from among the dead > |no more] dieth, — ||Death|| ||overhim|| | no more] hath lordship, — M For ||unto sin|| died he |once for all|. But he liveth unto God. • Or : " unto." t> Gal. lU. 19. • Or : " obtained pro-eml- nence." 'Ap: " Age-abl-'lng." • Ap : " Immersion." t GaL ilL 27. f CoL U. 12. •■Or- 'by." i Eph. Iv. 22. k Ml : " the body of the Bin." 11 So I lye also| | be reckoning yourselves to be— |Dead indeed unto sini. But ||alive unto God, in Christ Jesus||. 12 Let not sin, therefore^ reign' in your death'- doomed body. That ye should be obedient to its covetings ; 13 Neither be presenting your members, as weapons of unrighteousness, unto sin. But IpresentyourselvesI unto God, as though alive |from among the dead|, And your members, as weapons of righteous- ness unto God ; 1* For 1 1 sin 1 1 1 over you | shall not have lordship^ For ye are not under law, but under favour.* 15 What then ? Shall we sin, because we are not under law, but under favour? Far be it ! 16 Know ye not that IServantsj ye are unto [him unto] whom ye are obedient, Whether of sin unto death. Or of obedience unto righteousness ? 17 But thanks be unto God, that — Te became obedient out of the heart unto the mould of teaching |into which ye were delivered I *>; 18 And ye were made servants unto righteousness ; — 19 |In human fashion] am I speaking, because of the weakness of your flesh ;— For . • ||So, now]] present ye your members as servants unto righteousness, for sancti- fication. 2* For ye were Ifree] as to righteousness; — *i What' fruit, therefore, had ye jthen] — in things for which ye Jnow] are taking shame to yourselves ? For Ijthe end of those things]] is death." *2 Whereas ]]now]] Ye have your fruit for sanctiflcation. And ]]the endj] ]life age-abiding]. *' For ||the wages of sin|| is death ; But ]]God's gift of favour)] is life age- abiding,* ||Iu Christ Jesus our Lord]]. 7 Or are ye ignorant, brethren, — That |]the law]| hath lordship over a man jas long as he liveth | ? * For ||the married' woman]! ]unto her living* husband] is bound by lawf ; » Gal. T. 18. i> As If = " to be fashioned thereby." She hath received a full release from the law of her husband. * Hence then ||An adult.iress|( sh.ill sho be called — |If she become another man'sj, But she is [free from the law ; So that she is not an adulteress^ though she become another man's. * So^ then_ my brethren ||yealso|t were made dead unto the law through the body of the Christ, To the end ye might become* another's — llHis who ifrom among the dead| was raised] i, In order that we might bring forth frui': unto God. * For ijthe susceptibilities'" of sins which were through the law|i used to be energized in our members^ unto the bringing forth of fruit unto death; « But i|now|| we have received full release from the law, by dying [in that] wherein we used to be held fast, So that we should be doing service — In newness of spirit. And not in obsoleteness of letter. t What, then, shall we say ? Is the law sin ? Far be it 1 |)0n the contrary! I I had not discovered llsinii save through law. For even j|of coveting] i I had not been aware, if i|the law|| had not kept on say- ing— Thou shall not covet <= ; 8 Howbeit sin, taking noccasionlj — |)Through the commandment] i wrought out in me all' manner of coveting; For liapart from lawji sin is dead ; — ' And ||I|| was alive^ apart from law, |at one time|, But |Sin| sprang up to life, i" whereas ||I|| died, — And the commandment which was unto life I was found by me| to be ||itselfll unto death ; u For psinjl — taking joccasion| — llThroughthe commandment] i complete- ly deceived me, And I] through it]| slew me: u So that ]lthelawl| indeed, is holy, and 'the commandmenti ||holy, and righteous and good]]. M Did, then, ||that which is good|| |unto me; become death ? Far be it 1 But [it was] sin Ithrough that which was good; unto me" working out death, oOr: "with the result of your becomln*?." * Or : " feelings." Exo. ix 14. 17. Deu. v. 18,21. In order that ]|exceeding sinfullj might sin become [through the command- ment]. I* For we know, that l|the law]] is ]spiritual|, — ]|I]I however, am ]a creature of flesh|, Sold under sin ; 1* For 1 do not approve. — For not [the samel I practise, » But |the same| I do: 16 Now I consent unto the law, that [it is] right. 1' ]|Nowl| however, |no longerj am ||I|| working it out. But the ijsinjl i^hat dwelleth in me| : '8 I know, in Lict, th.it thjre dwelleth not in me '' anything |good] ; For j]the wishing] ] liech near me. But Ijthe working out of what is right|| notl 19 For not I do, But |the same] I practise. 20 Now ]No lougt!r| am \\1\\ working it out. But the ijsinj] ||that dwelleth in me|. 21 Hence, I find tha law <..To me who wish' to be doing the right> That l|unto me|| jthe wroagi lieth near: 22 I have, in fact, a sympathetic pleasure in the law of God ; iaeeordiug to the inner' man|. 2' But I behold a diverse' law in my members, Warring against the law of my mind. And taking me captive in<= the law of sin which existeth in my members : — 2* jiWretched]] man am lUn I Who shall rescue me out of this body [doomed to death I ? 25 [But] thanks bv' unto God 1—|| Through Jesus Christ our Lord||. Hence, .then, — |]I myselfii l]with the mind, indeed|| am in servitude unto a law of God ; But llwith the fleshi; unto a law of sin. 8 Hence, there is now ilno!i condemnation, unto them who are in Christ Jesus ; 2 For lithe law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus] I hath set thee" free from the law of sin and of death ; — s For ||God|| Condemned sin in the flesh, * In order that Hthe righteous requirement of the law]] might be fulfilled in ' Or : " pursup"— " prasxlin, he whi) prp«8fs on. ngit, pursues the \!(1-a\ of MN HCtlvltv • poirv, he who dues, /aotf. le ilses ;is ,v fHci." (Meyer on Jn. UL 20, 21.) »Gen. v1. .5- vlU. 2L « Or: "bv." 'Or (WH). "I give thanks." •Or(VVH) ■ "me." "T xt proliahly a primitive In- terpolation." RUxMANS VIII. 5—30. 157 us — Who |not according to fl.esh| do walk^ But accordiug to spirit; 6 For ||they wtio accordiug to flesh' have their being] | |The things of the flesh | do prefer, But ||they according to the spirit|| |The things of the spirit] ; • For 1 1 what is preferred by the flesh] | [is] death, Whereas |]what is preferred by the spirit]] [is] life and peace; — I Inasmuch as ]|what is preferred by the flesh]! [is] hostile towards God, For I ] unto the law of God]] it doth not submit itself, neither in fact can it, — 8 ||They, moreover, who in flesh' have their being]] cannot please |]God]|. 9 But ||ye|] have not your being in flesh, but in spirit,— If at least |]God's Spirit]] dwelleth in you»; And |]Thesame]j is not his; — 10 But IJThe body]! indeed, is dead by reason of sin. Whereas ]]the spirit] | is life by reason of righteousness ; II ||He that raised, from among the dead, Christ Jesus]] Shall make alive [even] your death'- doomed bodies. Through means *> of his indwelling' Spirit within you. 12 Hence, then, brethren — ]] debtors]] we are. Not unto the flesh, that ]]according to fleshj] we should live, — IS For ye are about to die. Whereas ye shall attain unto life ; 1* For ||the same]] are |God's sons], — tt For ye have not received a spirit of servitude, leading back into fear, But ye have received a spirit of son- ship," Whereby we are exclaiming — Abba ! Oh Father ! i« ||The Spirit itself']] beareth witness to- gether with our spirit, that we are children of God ; i» And ]!heirs also]] — Heirs, indeed, of God, But co-heirs with Christ, — If, at least, we are suffering together. In order that we may also be glorifled together. » 1 Co. HI. 16. * Or (WH) : " By reason." 18 For I reckon, that |unworthy| are the sufferings of the present' season. To be compared with the glory about' to be revealed towards " us ; 19 For |]the eager outlook of creation|| ardently awaiteth ]the revealing of the sons of God],— 20 For ] junto vanity] | hath creation been made subject — Inhope^i that |lcreation itself also] | shall be freed — From the bondage of the decay. Into the freedom of the glory, of the sons of God ; '2 For we know, that ]lair creation]] is sighing together, and travailing-in-birth-throes together, ]uutil the present], — 23 And But ]]we ourselves]] also, who have jthe flrst-fruit of the Spirit] — ]][We] even ourselveslj ]within our own selves] do sigh,—*' llSonshipl] ardently awaiting — ]The re- deeming of our body] ; — 2* For 1 |by our hope] ] have we been saved, — But I ]hope beheld]] is not' hope. For ]] what one behold eth] I why doth he hope for ? 25 ] I With endurance]] are we ardently awaiting [it] ; — 26 |In the selfsame way] moreover, ]|even the Spirit] ] helpeth together in ourweakness, — For we know not. But I |the Spirit itself']] maketh intercession^ with sighings unutterable, 27 And ijhe that searcheth the bearts|| know- eth what is preferred by the Spirit; — Thatc ]|accordiug to God]] he maketh intercession in behalf of saints ; 28 We know, further, that God causeth ]all things] to work together,* for good, — |Unto theml who llaccording to purpose]] are |such as he hath called] ; 29 For » He also fore-appointed, to be conformed unto the image of his Son, That he might be firstborn among many' brethren, — so And ]]The same]] he also called, And ]lThe samel] he also declared righteous. And ||The same] I he also made glorious:—— • Or: "unto." «i2Co. -v. 2. e Or : " Because.' " Or (WW) : " all things work together." • Ap : " know." 158 ROMANS VIII. 31—39; IX. 1—21. »i Wliat^ then, shall we say to » these things ? who [shall be] against' us? M How shall he not also ||with him|| [all things! upon us' in favour bestow ? 83 Who shall bring an accusation against the chosen ones of God ? ||God, who declareth righteoiLs\\ ? ** Who is he that condemneth ? i" llChrist [Jesus] who died ? — Nay ! rather' was raised [from among the dead], — Who is on the right hand<^ of God, Who also is making intercession in our behalf II? *5 Who shall separate us from the love of the Christ ? >J Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword ? — *« According as it is written — ||i^or thy sake\\ are we being put to death all ' the day long. We have been reckoned as sheep \for slaughter\. — « '^ Nay 1 1 in all these thiiigS|| we are more than conquering, ||Throughf him that hath loved us||. *8 For I am persuaded that — II Shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord II . 9 ||Truth|| say I, in Christ, I utter no false- hood, — — * That I have |great grief| and incessant' travail in my heart ; 'For I could have wished to be |accursed|8 1 1 even I myself || from the Christ, In behalf of my brethren my kinsmen accord- ing to the flesh ; — * ||Who|| indeed, are Israelites, jWhosel are thesonship, and the glory, and the covenants, and the legislation, and the divine service, and the promises, 6 |Whose| are the fathers. And |of whom I is the Christ — according to the flesh, — He who is over all, God^ blessed unto the ages.>> Amen. • Or : " In view of." >> Is. 1. 8 t. • Ps. CI. 1. "•Or (WH): "the love of God." « Pb. xllv, 22. 'More fully: "Through means of." t Or : anathema ^ Ap : " Age." 6 It is not, however, as though the word of God |had failed! ; For ||not all' they who are of Israel^ |the same I are Israel, ' Neither 1 1 because they are seed of Abraham || are |all| children, — But ||/n Isaac\\ shall there be called unto thee a seed.^ 8 That is— ||Not the children of the fleshll |the same| are children of God ; But ||the children of the promise|| are reckoned as a seed. 9 For ||of promise! I is this word — \\ According to this season\\ will I come. And Sarah shall have a son.^ 10 And But 1' It was said unto her — ^ \\The elder\ \ shall serve the younger « ; 13 Even as it is written — ||./aco5|| have I loved^but ||£'saM|| have I hatedA 1* What, then, shall we say ? Is there injus- tice with God ? Far be it 1 15 For ||uuto Mosesjl he saith — / will have mercy upon whomsoever I can have^ mercy. And I will have compassion upon whomso- ever I can have<^ compassionJ 16 Hence, then, it is not of him that wisheth, nor of him that runneth, But of the mercy'-shewing God. 1' For the Scripture saith unto Pharaoh — II Unto this end II have I raised thee up. That I may thus shew in thee my power ^ And that I may declare my name in all' the earth.s 18 Hence, then, — ||0n whom hepleaseth|| he hath mercy. And ||whom he pleaseth|| he doth harden.^ 19 Thou wilt say to me, then — Why longer' flndeth he fault ? For ||his purposeli who hath withstood ? 20 O man ! Who, nevertheless, art ||thou|| that art answering again unto God ? Shall \the thing formed\ say \unto him that formed it I — ' Why didst thou make me thus ? 21 Or hath not \the potter \ a right \over tJie clay\ — ^ • Gen. xxl. 12. » Gen. xvlil. 10. c GeM. XXV. 23. [What then V] »6 As also [in Hosea| he saith — I will call the Not-my-people \\My people\\^ And the Not-helooed \\Beloved\\,'^ S8 And it shall be — Have laid hold of righteousness, — A righteousness, however, which is by faith ; o Whereas ||Israel|| ||Unto a law] I have not attained. M Wherefore ? Because [have they sought it]: Theyhave stumbled at the stone of stumbling, e 8* Even as it is written — Lo ! I lay in Zion, A stone to strike against^ And a rock to stumble over. And ]\he that re^teth faith thereupon]] shall not be put to shame.*^ lO Brethren! lithe delight of my own' heart, and my supplication God-ward, in their behalf 1 1 are for salvation; * For I bear them witness, that they have ||a zeal for God||, — but not according to correct knowledge ; ' For ||Jnto the righteousness of Godl| have they not submitted ; * For Christ is |an end of law] ||forrighteou8- nessll, unto every' one that beUeveth. 6 For 1 1 Moses I; writeth that — l|77ie m,an that hath done' [it]]\ shall live thereby » ; 6 Whereas ||tho righteousness by faith'|| jthu8| speaketh — Do not say in thy heart, Wlio shall ascend into heaven ?•> That is. To bring ||Christ|| down, 1 Or, Who shall descend into the abyss ?« That is. To bring up ||Christ, from among the dead|| ; 8 But what saith it ? \]Near thee]] is ]the declaration], \\In thy mouthy and in thy heart]], — ^ That is. The declaration of the faith, which we proclaim : — » That Thou shalt be saved || ; — 10 For ||in heart] |"i it is to be believed unto righteousness. And ||by mouth|i <* it is to be coafessed unto salvation. " For the scripture saith — ]]No' one that resteth faith thereupon]] shall be put to sham,e ; ^ 12 For there is no distinction — of Jew or Greek, — For 1 1 the same [Lord]|i is Lord of all. Being rich unto all' who call upon him; 13 For ]\W?iosoever' shall call upon the name of the Lord]] shall be saved^: — 1* How, then, shall men call upon one in whom they have not believed ? And how shall they believe in one of whom they have not heard ? And how shall they hear, without one to proclaim ? 15 And how shall they proclaim, except they be sent ? Even as it is written — How beautiful the feet of them that bring glad tidings of good things e 1 16 But 1 1 not all 1 1 have become obedient unto the glad tidings ; — • Jer. 1. 25; Is. 3 (Heb ): liv. 16. b Ho ii. 23. e Ho. i. 10. a Or : " in behalf of." • Is. X. 22 f. f Is. i 9. •6 Is. viii. 14. »> Is. xxviii. 16. » l.ev. xvill. 5. I" Deu. XXX. 12 ft. "= Ap : " Abvss." d NB : " heart " and " mouth," here contrast- ed ; not " heart " and " head " — a distinction of which the Bible knows nothitig. e Is. xxviii. 16. ' Joel ii. 3i. B Is. lii. 7 (Heb.) ; Na. 1. 15. 160 ROMANS X. 17—21 ; XI. 1—24. For 1 1 Isaiah 1 1 saith — Lord .' who believed what we have heard » ? IT Hence ||ourfaith|| cometh by something heard, And ||that which is heard|l through a declaration of Christ. 18 But I say : Have they not' heard ? IIYea indeed 1 1 — \\Into air the earth\\ hath gone forth their sound. And \\unto the ends of the inhabited world\\ their declarations.^ i» But I say : Hath || Israel || not come to know ? First ||Moses|| saith — 11/ li will provoke you to jealoiusy on account of a no-nation, 1 1 On account of an undiscerning nation\\ will J make you very angry." »o ||Isaiah|| however^ waxeth daring,and saith — I have been found by them who after me were not seeking, \Manife.'it\ have I become ^unto them, who for me were not enquiring ; »i Whereas ||regardiug Israel] | he saith — \\All' day long\\ have I stretched forth my ha7ids unto a people unyielding and contradicting.^ Ill say^ then — Hath God cast off' his people ? « Far be it 1 For ||Ialso|| am |an Israelite|, — Of the seed of Abraham, Of the tribe of Benjamin: » God hath not' cast off his people^« whom he foroapproved.'' Or know ye not_ in [the account of J Elijah^ what the scripture saith^ when he intercedeth with God against Israel ? * Lordl \\Thy prophets\\ have they slain ^ ||r/une altarsW have they overthrown. And \\I\\ am left alone^ And they are seeking my life ! 8 * But what saith unto him the response ? i have left for myself seven' thousand' men, \\who\\^ indeed^ have not bowed a knee unto Baal.*^ s ||Thus|| then II A remnant^ by way of an election of favour|| hath come into being. 6 |no lougerj of works ; else ||favour|| |no longer| proveth to be |favour| 1 ' What then ? jjthe same 1 1 it hath not obtained : — ||The election||^ however^ have obtained it, and Ijthe rest|| have been hardened; — 8 Even as it is written — God hath given' unto them' a spirit of stupor, — eyes^ not to see, and ears^ not to hear, — U7itil this very' dayi; • Is. 1111. \ : cp. Jn. 111. 38. b Ps. xix. 4. <: Deu. xxxil. 21. " 1 K. xix. 18. 'Is. xxix. 10; Deu. xxlx. 4 : cp. la. vi. 9. 9 And 1 1 David 1 1 sai th- ief their table be turned into a snare^ and into a gin^ and into a trap^ and into a recompense unto them, 10 Darkened be their eyes^ not to see. And \\their back\\ do thou \continually\ bow doum.^ 11 I say then— Did they stumble in order that they might fall ? Far be it I But ||by their' fall|| |salvation| [hath come] unto the nations, to the end of provoking ^ them to jealousy. 13 |How much rather| their fulness ? 18 IJUntoyoull however^ am I speaking, — |you of the uations| ; ||my ministry|| I glorify, 1* If by any means I may provoke to jealou.sy my own' flesh. And save some from among them ; — 15 For What shall ||the taking of them in additionjl be, but |life from among the dead 1 1 ? 16 |the lumpj [shall bej also ; And |the branches] [shall be] also. 1' 18 Be not boasting over the branches 1 Howbeit It is not ||thou|| that bearest jthe root|. But |the root] lltheejl! 19 Thou wilt say, then — Branches were broken out, in order that ||Ii| might be grafted in. 20 ||Well|| : ||By their want of faith|| they have been broken out, — And ||thou|| ||by thy faith|| dost stand 1 — Regard not |lofty| things. But be afraid; 21 For Neither ||thee|| will he spare! 22 See, then, the kindness and the severity of God : ||Uponthem who have fallen || severity, — But jlupon theejl the kindness of God, If thou abide still in the kindness, — Otherwise jjthou also|| shalt be cut out; 23 Whereas ||they also|| Shall be grafted in. For God is ||ablel| again' to engraft them 1 2* For ||How much rather|| shall |these, the natural [branches] I be engrafted into their own' olive tree ? 35 For I wish not_ ye should be ignorant^ brethren, of this sacred secret,* That ||a hardening in part|| hath befallen |Israel|, Until ||the full measure of the nations|| shall come in ; 26 And ||so|| |air Israeli shall be saved : Even as it is written — There sh.all have come out of Zion the Deliverer, — He xoill turn away ungodliness from Jacob ''; 2' And \\tIds^for them\\ is the covenant \from me'l. As soon as I take aivay their sins.'' S8 they are enemies for your sake, But beloved for their fathers' sake ; 29 For ||uot to be regretted || are the gifts and the calling of God :^ so For SI ||So|| ||these also|| have |now| refused to yield, by your own' mercy. In order that ||themselvesalso|| should now become objects of mercy; M For God hath shut up all together, in a refusal to yield. In order that ||upon all]| he may bestow mercy. *' Oh 1 the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God ! |How unsearchable] his judgments I And |untraceable| his ways I •* For who hath come to know the mind of the Lord ? Or who hath become \his counseHor\ ? *5 Or who hath first given unto /lim, and it shall be recompensed to him again ?<* '6 Because !|of' him, and through' him, and unto' him|| are all things : — 1 1 Unto him] I be the glory, unto the ages.e Amenl 12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, through the compassions of God, To present your bodies a living, holy sacrifice, ]unto God] acceptable,'' — Your rational' divine service; 2 And be not 8 configuring yourselves unto this age. ' Ap: "Mystery." ' Is. llx. •») t. ■ Is. xxvii. 9 ; cp. Jer. xxxl. 33 1 Is.xl. 13 f ; cp. 1 Co. U. 16. B.N.T. « Ap : " Age." 'Or (WH): "acceptable unto Gild." KOr (WH): "and not to be." But be » transforming yourselves by the re- newing of your mind. To the end ye may be proving •> what is the thing willed by God — the good and ac- ceptable and perfect. 3 For I say Unto every' one who is among you, — Not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think. But so to think as to think soberly — As ]]unto each one]| ]God] hath dealt a measure of faith. * For 5 ]]So]] ]]we, the many]] are ]one'body] in Christ, Yet ]]severally]] members ]oue of another]. 6 Now [let us use it] ac- cording to the proportion of our faith, 7 <0r miuistering> [use it] in our ministering, <0r he that teacheth> [let him use his gift] in his teaching, * <0r he that exhorteth> in his exhorting, [let it be] with liberality, with diligence, with cheerfulness. 9 ]]Yourlove]] [be] without hypocrisy, — Loathing that which is wicked, Cleaving to that which is good ; 10 ]]unto one an- other]] being tenderly affectioned, ]]unto one another]] giving preference ; 11 not slothful, fervent, doing service, 12 enduring, persevering, 13 having fellowship, — ]]Hos|)itality]] pursuing. 1* Bless them that persecute,* Bless, and do not curse. 15 Eejoice with them that rejoice. Weep with them that weep: 16 ]]The same thing]] ]one to another] regard- ing,— Not ]the lofty things] regarding. But ]]by the lowly]] being led along. Be not getting presumptuous in your ovm opinion « : 1'' ]] Unto no one]] ] evil for evil] rendering: Providing honourable f things before slW mens: 13 ]with all' men] being at peace: 19 Not avenging ]]yourselves]], beloved but give place unto their anger; > Or (WH) : " But to be." P. iii. 9. b Eph. V. 10, 17. « Pr. iii. 7. = 1 Co. xil. 12. t 2 Co. viii. 21 1 Mt. V. 44 ; 1 Co. Iv. 12 ; 1 e Pr. lit. 4 (Sep.) 162 ROMANS XII. 20, 21 ; XIII. 1—14^ XIV. 1—8. For it is written — ||^ine|| is avenging, \\I\\ will recompense ; — saith the Lord*; «o But>— <. If thine enemy hungery^ be feeding him, " Be not overcome by evil, But overcome evil' Iwitli good|. 13 Let ||every' soulll |unto protecting authori- ties! be in subjection <=; For there is no authority^ save by God, And lltheythat are in being|| have |by God| been arranged, — « So that ||he who rangeth himself against the authority 1 1 [Against the arrangement of God'| op- poseth himself, And ||they who oppose|| shall |unto themselvesi |a sentence of judgment| receive. * For i I they who bear rule|| are not a terror unto the good' work^ but unto the evil. Wouldst thou not be afraid of the authority ? ||That which is good|| be thou doings and thou shalt have praise of the same ; * For ||God's' minister] | is he unto thee^ for that which is good. But be afraid I For ||notinvain|| | the sword | hebeareth; For ||God's ministerll he is, — an aven- ger^ unto anger^ to him who prac- tiseth I what is evil|. ' Wherefore it is |neces3ary| to be in subjec- tion, — Not only' because of the anger, But also' because of the conscience ; * For I [because of this|| are ye paying |tribute| also, — For I [God's ministers of statei, they are^ [[Unto this verything[[ giving constant attendance. f Bender unto all their dues, — tribute^ tax, fear^ honour. 8 [[Nothing^ to any[[ be owing — save to be loving [one another[ ; For [[he that loveth his neighbour[[d hath given to [[law[| its fulfilment. » For • Deu xxxlL 35 (Heb.) ; op. He. X. ao. ' Pr. XXV. 21 f. • 1 P. 11. 13. * Ml : " the diverse one." •Exo. XX. 13 ft, 17; Deu. V. 17 ff, 2L [[In this wordjl is summed up, [namely] — Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.^ 10 [[Lovejl junto one's neighbour [ worketh not [Law's fulness] therefore^ is [[Love[|. 11 And — Knowing the season — That it is an hour already for you *> [out of sloep[ to be wakened ; For [|now|[ is our' salvation [nearer]^ than when we believed : i» [[The night|[ is far spent. And [[the day|| hath drawn near; Lot us, then, cast off the works of dark- ness, [And] let us put on the armour of light, - 13 I [As in daytime|[ [becomingly [ let us walk: Not in revellings, and in drunken bouts.o Not in chamberings, and in wanton deeds, d Not in strife, and envye; — 1* But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,' And [[for the flesh] I take not forethought^ to fulfil its CO votings. 14 [|Him that is weak in his faith|[ receive ye, — Not for disputing opinions : — 3 [[One]] indeed, hath faith to eat all things. Whereas [] he that is weak] [ eateth lherbs[ : 5 Let not ]]him that eateth[[ despise [him that eateth not], And let not j|him that eateth not|[ judge [him that eateth [ ; For ][God[] hath received him. * Who art ]]thou][, that judgest another's' domestic 8 ? [[To his own master[[ he standeth, or falleth; He shall, however, be made to stand, — For his Master is able' to make him stand. 5 [For] [[one]] indeed, esteemeth one day be- yond iinother. Whereas ]]another[[ esteemeth every' day : — Let [[each one[[ [in his own' mind[ be fully persuaded. 6 [[Unto the Lord[| regardeth it, — And [ j Unto the Lord [[ doth eat. For he giveth thanks unto God ; And [[Unto the Lord|| doth not eac, and give God thanks. T For [[none Oi us]] [unto himself[ liveth, And [[nonoi [unto aimself| dioth; 8 For both l|Unto the Lord [[ we live. And |[Unto the Lord]] we die; • Lev. xlx. 18 ; cp. Mt. xlx. 18 t : Gal. v. 14 ; Ja. 11. 8. »Or(WH) : "us." <: Ml : "drunkeiinesnes." "■ Ml : " wantonnesses." we are ; « Or (WH) ' strifes and envylngs." t Or (WHl : " the L. C. J.» « Ja. Iv. 12. ROMANS XIV. 9—23 ; XV. 1—13. 163 » For |Chr II Unto me|| shall bow every' knee. And \\every' tongue\\ shall openly confess unto God.<^ 1* Hence, [then], ||each one of us|| |of himselfj shall give |account| unto God. 15 I |No longer II then, || upon one another j] lot us be sitting in judgment, But ||this|| judge ye, rather — Not to be putting a cause of stumbling before your brother, or an occasion to fall. 1* I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus — That ||uothing|j is profane |of itselt|, — Save to him who reckoneth anything to be |profane|, llUnto that manl| [it is] profane. <> 13 « IJNo longer, by the rule of love|| art thou walking: — Do not ||by thy food|| ||that man|| be de- stroying, on whose behalf Christ died I 16 Therefore, suffer not to be defamed, your own' good thing ; " For |the kingdom of God| is not |eating and drinkingi. But righteousness and peace and joy in Holy Spirit ; 18 For 1 1 he that |in this| doeth service unto theChristll Is acceptable unto God, And approved unto men. 19 Hence, then, ||the things pertaining to peace || let us pursue. And the things which belong to the upbuild- ing one of another : 20 Do not ll for the sake of food 1 1 be throwing down f the work of God ! ||A11 things] I indeed, are pure s ; But ||ill|| is it for the man who | with occasion of stumbling] doth eat, — '1 ||Well|| is it, not to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor [to do aught] whereby |thy brother] is caused to stumble. M I |The faith which thou' hastj | have ]to thyself] before God : ||Happy|] he that bringeth not judgment upon himself by that which he approveth ; M But ||he that is in doubt|| ]]if he eat) | hath condemned himself, — Because [it was] not of faith, » Or : " lived again " ; cp. Lu. XV. 32 ; Rev. 11. 8 ; xx. 4. b Cp. 2 Co. V. 10. , Is. xlv. 23 ; xllx. 18. Ver. 20 ; Tt 1. 15. < I Co. viii. 11. ' Or : " undoing." « Ver. 14 ; Tt. i. 15. And 1 1 everything' which is not of faith|| is |sin|. 15 We are bound, however, ||we, who are strong] I |The weakness of them who are not strong] to be bearing. And not ||unto ourselves]] to give pleasure. 2 Let ||each one of us|] |untohis neighbour] give pleasure — For what is good, unto upbuilding; 3 For 1 1 even the Christ] I | not unto himself] gave pleasure, But, even as it is written — 1 1 The reproaches of them that were reproach- ing thee\\ fell upon me : — " * |]Whatsoever things, in fact, were written aforetime]] I [All] for our own' instruction] were written, — In order that we might have their lhope].b 6 Now may ]]theGod of the endurance, and of the eu cou ragem ent] ] Give you I] the same thing]] to be regarding amongst one another, |according to Christ Jesus] <:; 6 In order that ]] with one accord, with one' mouth] ] ye may be glorifying the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Wherefore receive ye one another. Even as ]|Christ also]] hath received us^ ]uato the glory of Godj : — 8 For I affirm ]Christ] to have become « |a minister of circumcision]. In behalf of the truth of God, — To confirm the promises of the fathers, 9 And that ]]the nations]] ]for mercy| should glorify God : — Even as it is written — \\For this caM.sfi]] will I openly confess unto thee among nations, And \\unto thy name\\ will I strike the strings ' ; 10 And ]again| he saith — Be glad^ ye nations^ with his people e ; 11 And again — Be giving praise^ all' ye nations^ unto the Lord, And let all' the peoples repeat his praise •> ; 12 And llagain, Isaiah]] saith — There shall be the root of Jesse, And he that ariseth to rule nations, — Upon \\him\\ shall \nations\ hope.^ 13 Now IJtheGod of thehope]] fill you with all' joy and peace ]in believing], So that ye may surpass ^ in the hope^ In the power of Holy Spirit. a PS. IxiX. 9. >> Or (WH) : " their hope of encouracement." <: Or ( WH) : •' Jesus Christ." ■1 Or (WH): "you." • Or (WH) : " that |Chrlst| became." t Ps. xvill. 49. B Deu. xxxll. 43. k Ps. cxvii. 1. i Is. xi. 1,10. * Or : " be pre-eminent" m2 164 ROMANS XV. 14—33; XVI. 1—11. I* But I am persuaded, my brethren, — Even ||I myself|| concerning you : That ||ye yourselvesll also, are Full of goodness, Filled with all' knowledge. Able also ||unto one another|| to be minis- tering admonition : 15 Howbeit | [the more boldly 1 1 have I written unto you,— In some measure, as bringing it back to your minds, — By reason of the favour given unto me from God,— i« That I should be a public minister of Christ Jesus unto the nations, Doing priestly service with the glad- message of God, In order that the offering up of the nations might prove to be acceptable, Being hallowed in Holy Spirit: " I have, therefore, [my] boasting in Christ Jesus, in the things pertaining to God, — 18 For I will * not dare to speak anything Save of the things which Christ |hath wrought out for himself| through me, for the obedience of nations, — By word and deed, i» By the power of signs and wonders. By the power of [Holy] Spirit; So that I have fulfilled the glad-message of the Christ, — M Although |jthus|| — as ambitious to be an- nouncing the glad-message, — Not where Christ had been named, Lest IJupon another's' foundation|| I should be building; " But, even as it is written — They' shall see, unlo whom had been announced no tidings concerning him,^ And \\t}ieyw]io hadnolheard\\ shallunder- stand.'^ M Wherefore, also, I have been hindered^ these many times, from coming unto you ; 2' But l|now|| |no longer| having |place| in these regions. And having had ||a longingjl to come unto you, a good many years> — <* '* I am hoping, in fact, [when journeying through] to get sight of you. And |by you| to be set forward thither, — If |with your companyl I have first' in some' measure been satisfied. *6 But ||now|| lam journeying unto Jerusalem,^ ministering unto the saints ; »« For Macedonia and Achaia have been well- pleased to make |a certain fellowship] for the destitute of the saints who are in Jerusalem, — ' ' Or CWH): "do." c is. m. 15. >Or(\VH): "IIThey unto "i Ac. xix. 21. whnm no tldinp.s had • Ac. xx. 16; xxl. 17. beenannounceilconcern- '1 Co. ivL 1; 2 Co. Till. Ing him) shall see." 10-19. 27 They have been well-pleased, indeed, — And ]|their debtors]] they are ; For They are bound also Jwith their own carnal things] to minister publicly unto them. 28 <]]This]] then, having completed, and sealed unto them this fruit> I will come back, by you, unto Spain : — 29 And I know that ] ]In the fulness of the blessing of Christ] | I shall come. '" I beseech you, moreover, [brethren], To strive together with me, in your prayers on my behalf unto God, — 31 In order that I may be delivered from them who do not yield in Judaea, And ]]my ministry which is unto Jeru- salem]] may prove to be ]aceeptable unto the saints] ; *2 In order that ]with joy' coming unto you through God's will] I may together with you find rest. "Now ]]the God of peace]] » be with you all. Amen. 16 And I commend to you Phoebe, our sister, — Being a minister [also] of the assembly which is in Cenchrcae ; 2 In order that ye may give her welcome, in the Lord, in a manner worthy of the saints. And stand by her in any matter wherein she may have need ]of you] ; For ]] she also]] hath proved to be |a defender of many], and |of my own self]. * Salute yePriscaand Aquila, my fellow-workers in Christ Jesus, — * |]Who]| indeed, ]]for my life]] ]their own neck| laid down, — •> Unto whom — not ]]I only]] giva thanks, but also air the assemblies of the nations ; * [Salute] also the assembly at their house. Salute ye Epaenetus, my beloved, Who is a first-fruit of Asia unto Christ. 6 Salute Mary — ]]Who]] indeed, hath toiled jmuch] for you. ' Salute Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and my fellow-captives, ]]Who]] indeod,are of note among the Apostles, Who also ]before me| had come to be in Christ. 8 Salute Ampliatus, my beloved in the Lord. 9 Salute Urbanus, our fellow-worker in Christ; And Stachys, my beloved. 1" Salute Afielles, the approved in Christ. Salute them of [the household of] Aristobulus. 11 Salute Herodion, my kinsman. Salute them of [the household of] Narcissus who are in the Lord. •Ph. Iv. 9; He. xllL 20. •> Ml : " under." ROMANS XVI. 12—27. 1 CORINTHIANS I. 1—7. 105 12 Salute Tryphfeua auJ Tryphosa^ [sisters] who have toiled in the Lord. Salute Persis^ the bekivod | sister], ||\Vho|| indeed^ hath toiled much in the Lord. 13 Salute Ruf us^ The chosen in the Lord; Also his and my mother. 1* Salute Asyncritus^ Phlegon^ Hermes^ Patrobas^ Hermas, And the brethren that are with' them'. ^* Salute Philologus and Julia^ Nereus and his sister^ and Olympas, And all the saints that are (with them|. 16 Salute ye one another^ with a holy- kiss. All the assemblies of the Christ |salute you|. 17 But I beseech you^ brethren^ To keep an eye upon them who are causing |divisions and occasions of stumbling, aside from the teaching which ||yel| have learned I, — And be turning away from them ; 18 For Ijthey who are such|| |uuto our Lord Christ| are not doing service, but unto their own' belly, — ^ And ||through their smooth and flattering speech 1 1 deceive the hearts of the innocent. 19 For llyour' obedience] | |unto all| hath reached, — liOver you|| therefore, I rejoice I But I wish you — To be |wise|, [indeedl,as to that which is good. Yet pure,<= as to that which is evil. « Or : " sacred." •> Ph. lU. 19. Mt. X. 16. 20 Howbeit ||the God of peace] | will crush Satan under your feet |shortly|.a IJThe favour of our Lord Jesus||b be with you. 21 There salute you — Timothy, my fellow-worker, And Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, my kinsmen. 22 ||I|| Tertius, who have written the epistle, salute you in the Lord. 23 There saluteth you— Gains, my host and [the host] of the whole' assembly. There salute you — Erastus, the steward of the city, and Quartus the= brother. (2^] 27 Unto a God, wise' aloue', Through Jesus Christ, [Unto whom] be the glory, unto the ages.s Amen. > Or : " with spppd." >>Or(\VH): "L. J. e hrist." cOr: "lii-." d WH omit. = Cp. Eph. iil. 20 ; 1 Tim. i. 17; He. xiil. 15, ^ude 21 f I A|i: " Mystery." e Ap : " Age." THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAUL THE APOSTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. Paul, a called' apostle of Jesus Christ, through God's will, — And Sosthenes the brother,— Unto the assembly of God which is in Corinth, Sanctified in Christ Jesus, Called' saints, — With all' who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ]in every' place],— ]|their Lord and ours]] : Favour unto you, and peace. From God our Father, and Lord Jesus Christ. * I give thanks unto my God,* at all times, con- cerning you, By reason of the favour of God given unto you in Christ -lesus, — 5 That I in everytning] ye have been enriched in him— In air discourse and in all' knowledge ; 6 Even as ]lthe witness of the Christjl h&tb been confirmed \n^ you, 7 So that ye come short in no' gift of favour,— • Ro. 1. 8 ; 1 Th. I. 2. ■> Or : "among." 166 1 CORINTHIANS I. 8—30; 11. 1—3. Ardently awaiting the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ: 8 Who will also confirm » you unto the end, Unaccusable in the day of our Lord Jesus [Christ] : • IIFaithfulll is God, through whom ye have been called into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 1" But I beseech you, brethren, Through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,— That lithe same thingi I ye |all| be saying, And that there be not, among you^ |divi- siousl ; But that ye be fitly joined together — In the same' mind. And in the same' judgment. 11 For it hath been signified unto me, concerning you, my brethren, — By them who are of [the household of] Chloe,— That there are |strifes among youj. 12 Now I mean this, — That |each one of youj is saying — ||I|| indeed, am of Paul, But I HI I of\pollos, But ||I|| of Cephas, But lim of Christb; w The Christ |is dividedj!" Was ||Paul|| crucified for you ? Or ||into Chap, ill 4. oOr(VVH): "Is the Christ divirted ?" Is. xlx. U f ; xxxill. 18. Hath not God made foolish' the wisdom of the world ? " For God was well-pleased — to save them that believe. 22 Seeing that Both 1 1 Jews! I Ifor signs! do ask. And ||Greeks|l jfor wisdom! do seek, 23 Whereas |]wel! proclaim a Christ who hath been crucified, — ]Unto Jews] indeed, an occasion of stumbling. And |unto Gentiles] foolishness; 2* But llChrist]! ]God's! power,and IGod'sl wisdom. 25 Because ||God's foolish thiugij Is Iwiserthan men I, And ||God's weak thing]! ]mightier than men|. 26 For be looking at the calling of you, brethren, — That [there were] Not many' wise, according to flesh. Not many' powerful. Not many' high-born; 27 On the contrary — ]]The foolish things of the world]] hath God chosen. That he might put to shame them who are wise. And ]]the weak things of the world]] hath God chosen. That he might put to .shame the things that are mighty, 28 And hath God chosen, — 1 1 [And] the things that are not]], — That ]the things that are] he might bring to nought ; 29 So that no' flesh should boast before God. 30 But ]]of'him]] are ]]ye|| jin Christ Jesus|,— Who hath been made wisdom unto us, |from God!,— Both righteousness, and sanctiflcation,and redemption : In order that ]evcn as it is written] — \\He that hoastethW \\Tn the Lord\\ let him hoast.'^ 2 |]I]] therefore, brethren, |when I came unto you I, Came ]nQt with excellency of discourse or wisdom] Declaring unto you the mystery •> of God; 2 For I had not determined « to know anything among you. Save Jesus Christ, and |hlm| as one who had been crucified I 3]]I]] therefore, |in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling] Came to be with you, • Jpr. Ix, 34. b Or(WH) : I Or : " Intended.' 1 CORINTHIANS II. 4—16; III. 1—15. 167 * And 1 1 my discourse, and what I proclaimed || Were not in suasive' words lof wisdom|, But in demonstration of Spirit and power*: 5 In order tliat ||your faith|| might not be In meu's wisdom. But in God's power. 6 I [Wisdom 1 1 however, we do speak |among the full-grownl, — |Wisdom| indeed. Not of this age, Nor of the rulers of this age, who are to come to nought; T But we speak |God's| wisdom, in a sacred secret,'' That hidden [wisdom]. Which God marked out beforehand, before the ages, for our glory, — 8 Which II none of the rulers of this age had come to know||. For II had they known] |, not, in that case, Ijthe Lord of the glory || would they have crucified 1 • But |even as it is written] — '' Are ye not ] fleshly], and ]after the manner of men] walking? * For Are ye not ]]men]] ? 5 What then is Apollos ? and. What is Paul ? Ministers through whom ye believed, and ]]each]] as the Lord ]gavel to him. 6 ]]!]] planted, I ] Apollos]] watered, — But ]God] caused to ]]grow]|. ' So that, [neither is ]h6 that planteth] any- thing. Nor, he that watereth, — But ]God] who causeth to ]]grow]|. 8 Moreover ]]he that planteth and he that watereth]] are ]one] : — Howbeit, ]]each one]] ]his own' reward] shall receive, — according to his own' labour. 9 For we are ]]God's]] fellow- workmen : Ye are |]God's' farm, God's' building]]. 10 ]]As a wise' master-builder]] I laid ]a founda- tion]. Whereas ]another] is building thereon ; But ]]let each one]] see, how he buildeth thereon ; 11 For ]]other foundation] |<= can' jno one] lay^ than that which is lying, Which is ]]Jesus Christ]]. 1* But 13 ]] Each' one's work]] shall be made |manifeat|; For ]]theday]] will make it plain. Because ]by fire] is it to be revealed, — And ]]each' one's work]] ]of what sort it isj the fire itself will prove : — 1* ]A reward] shall he receive, — 16 • Is. xl. 13. » Gal. V. 20 ; 2 Co. xU. 80. ' Is. xxviiL 16 ; Eph. 11. 20t 168 1 CORINTHIANS III. 16—23 ; IV. 1—21 ; V. 1. He shall suffer loss^ But shall !|hiniself|| be saved — Though Ithus'i ||as through flre||. 18 Know ye not That ye are |a shrine » of God|, And that ||the Spirit of Godl| | within you| doth dwell? " ||God|| |will mar him| ; For ||the shrine of God|| |is holy|,— And |such| are ||ye||. "Let ||noone|| be deceiving |himself| :— Let him become |foolish|, that he may become |wise| ; w For ||the wisdom of this world|| is |foolish- ness with God| ; For it is written — He that taketh the wise in their knavery, — " *o And I again I — 1 1 The Lord\ \ taketh note of the speculations of the wise, \that they are vain\.° " So then, let ||no one|| be boasting in men; For ||all things|| are |yours|,— M |All| are ||yours||, 25 And |ye| are |lChrist's|l,— And |Christ| is ||God's||. 4 Let a man ||so|| be reckoning |of us|, As officers of Christ, And stewards of sacred secrets