£5 5r CL .^» .5 *? 1c 3 * ; i : \ ^.^ IE 1 —^ •-» Q_ # w *£k> fc o JZ 5 h CD *o c o o bfl • !*T &H o "q3 3 to E ,<0 <-» (H < j ■s ^f Ph CO ■& P4 2E C* ^ &l -a *§ '-* a) c 3 v* a> e> t CO 2f i 4b Iiaptijm Anatomised: Being Propounded in Five Queries, V 1 7^ I. What Water-Baptifm is I II. What is the "End for which it was Infiituted ? III. What giveih Right to it ? IV. Who arc the true Admin'iftrators of it ? V. Whether it be lawful for a Man to Baptize himfelf ? 'wherein The Right that the Infants of Believers have to Water- Baptifm is vindicated : The Duty of Believing Parents in that Matter, afferted : And that by the contrary Tenet^and Pradtife Y they ought themfelves to beex- . ttecM from- the- Lords-Supper, is plainly and fully- proved. ■"S . , And when&nvalfo is proved; That the Covenant which God made with Abraham, Gc?i.ij. and with Ifrae I Exod. ch. 19. and Deut.z^. are the Covenant of Grace in Chrift, and not part of the Covenant of Works made with Adam before his Fall. Rom. 3. 29/ Is he the God of the Jews only ? Is henotalfo of the Gentiles ? Rom. 1 5. 8, 9. Now I fey, that Jefus Chrift to (is a Minijler of the Circumcifion for the Truth of God, to confirm the Promifes made unto the Fathers : jind that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his Mercy, ^.c. Acts 2/39. For the Promt fe is unto you, arid unto your Children, Sec. By THOMASWALL. London, Printed by G. Croom, for William Miller at the Gilded Acorn in St.Paul's Church-yard ,where Gentlemen and others may be furnifhed with A£ts of Parliament, Speeches, and other forts of Difconrfes, and State-Matters ; as alfo Books of Divinity, Church-Government, Humanity, Sermons on molt Occafions, &c. M DC XC I. Iicenfed and Entered accor- ding to Order. T.H %£ P R E F A*C E. Chrijhan Reader, FOrafmuch as many worthy Servants of the Lord Jefus, have fo fully vindicated this Glorious Truth, concerning the Right the Infants of Believers have, by the Free Gift of God in the Covenant of Grace, to the Remiflion or Pardon of the Sin charged on them by the Fall of Adam, j^am. 5. 1 2. and fo thereby a Right to have the Sign thereof Warer- Baptifm Adminiftred on them. Yet becaufc there is fo general a Challenge by the Solemn Caltot'(Mr.Cary, and others,) to any that will meet the Ana- baptifts in open Field in this Spiritual War : I having fome years ago appeared publickly in Print (yet unanfwered by any of them) in the proving the Right the Infants of Be- lievers have to this Bleffed Ordinance Water- Baptifm, I have for the reafon aforefaid, thought it my duty to add this Mite to my former Teitimony : Forafmuch as the Oppofers of the Right, the Infants of Believers have to Water-Baptifm, have devifed more new matter than heretofore, there is need of a further reply. The way I have taken for the difcovering the Root and Foundation of this Error of Anabaptiftry (is not the ufual way that any heretofore. have fo generally proceeded in) is' by opening and explaining the Do&rine of Baptifm in Five Queries. I. What it is> with its manner of Admmiflration. 2. The end. 3. What gives Right. 4. Who }$ its true A % Admi* The Preface. Adminifrator. 5. As dlfi when this new way of Dipping in Baptising began among the Englijh Anabaptijls. And becaufe we are certainly f Allen into the lait and pe- rilous times, 2 Tim. 3, 1,2, 3, 4, 5. wherein Sawn is io full ofWratli, becaufe, faitji the Scripture, he knoweth he hath but a fhort time, J^v. 12. 12. therefore his Ministers are transformed, 2 Cor. 11. 15. as if they were Min'iiters of Righteoufnefs, with fair words, to deceive The Jjmple (as So!cmon faith, Prov. 1 4. 1 5 . Uprri. 1 6. 1 8.) who believe every word, but the prudent Man looketh Weil to his going. The way to look well to our going, is to take Counfel of Gods word infuchaday, when, as was foretold, The time will come when they will not endure found Doctrine, but after their own Lufts /halt they heap to themfehes Teacher /, having itching ears : And they /hall turn away their Ears from the truth, and (hall be turned into Fables, '% Tim.^,\. Therefore we are not to, believe every Spirit (John 4. 1. or Dodlrine) but to try the Spirits, whether they are of God or not ; becaufe many Falfe Prophets for Teachers) are gone out into the World. Now the way to try the Spirits, foe Doctrines of Men, is written and bid before us, in the Ex- ample of the Bereans, who were commended not only for receiving what the Apoflles taught for Gofpel, with, all readinefs of mind, but alfo for fearching the Scriptures, Atls 17. 11. (to wit, of the Prophets, out of whofe labour the Apoftles reaped the Gofpel , -fohn 4.38 ) daily, whether thofe things (taught them) were fo. If this way were taken by all that profefs themfelves Chri- ftians, they could not fo eafily be deceived ; nor, as the Apoltle teachecb, like Children, be to/fed to and fro, and carried about with every wind ofDotlrine, by thefleight of Men, and canning Craft inefs, whereby they lye in wait to deceive, Eph. 4. 14. Yea, faith Chrift, If it were pojfible they Jhould deceive the very elett,Matt. 24. 24. for the Spiri- tual Harlot by the flattering of her Lips, caft down many wounded, many ftrong Men hath been fiun by her, Prov.-j. Now The Preface. Now then, as aforefaid, every true Chriftians Faith mud be built (when their Faith is found) upon the Foundation, or Doctrine, of the Apoltles and Prophets, Eph.2.1%10. Jefus Chrift himfelf 'being the chief. Comer-ftone. If the Anabaptifts Doctrine be but tried by this Touch-itone, then all that which Chrift and his Apoltles have taught, if it be underftood otherwife by them or any other, than as it can be proved to be Gofpel by the Scriptures of the Prophets, it is not to be believed to be the Gofpel of Chrift, but another Gofpel, Gal. i. 8,9. for all'that Chrilt taught, he fent them that heard him to fearch the Scriptures^o/m 5.39- to wit, the Prophets, and for the prroof thereof Tor in them, faith he, ye thinly to have eternal life, and they arc they that teftifie of me. And to this agreeth the words of Paui % sifts 16. 11. faying, Having obtained help of God, I con- tinue unto this day ', witneffing both to \mall and great, fay- ing none other things than thofe which the Prophets and Mofes did fay fhould come. So that it is evident:, as the Apoftle faith in another place, that the Gofpel which they taught, was made manifefi by the Scriptures of the Prophets^ according to the commandment of the everlafting God % made Jwcwn to all Nations for the Obedience of Fait h,Kom. 16.16. By which it is clear, that there is no other Doctrine to be believed for Gofpel, but what is proved to be Gofpel by the Scriptures of the Prophets ; fo that hence it is, as Curiil (aid to the Jews, John 5. 43. J am come in my Fathers Namc^ and ye receive me not ; if another come in his own Na?ne, him ye will-receive. Now his Fathers Name, istheGolpel written in the Prophets ; as Chriit hath expounded from If a. 41 The Iflesjh all wait for his Law, Matt. 1 1. 2 1 . That is, In his name fhall the Gentiles truft. Therefore what is Gofpel, but the glad Tidings of Salvation (to fallen Mankind, by the Death of the Lamb of God, J efus Chrilt) merited for them, whether Actual Believers only, or Believers and their Infants, is a great part of this Controverfie to be handled in thisTrea- tife, tor Chrift came to five that which by the Fall was loft, Mitt. 'i 8. 11. I{om. 5. 12. A 3 Now The Preface. Now then, feeing Water Baptifm is ordained for a Sign of Remiflion of Sins y Acts 2.38.2s is proved in the fecond Query all that can be proved by the Do&rine of the Apoftles and Prophet s.agreeing in one,whether adult Perfons, or Infants,or both.thnt have their Sin or Sins pardoned by Chrift (mark that) are the Perfons that have right to have Chrift, by the vifible Sign Water Baptifm., Jr,hn 1 . 3 1 . made manifeft to them. I fhali therefore refer the Reader/or a full proof hereof, to read and confider the Anfwer to the third Query ,w herein is proved that the A&ual Believers, as likewife their Infants, are equal in the Redemption by the Death of Chrift. Likewife, as there muft be a true Adminiftrator of the Sealing Ordinances of the New Teftament ; as well as of the Figurative Ordinances of the Old. For this I refer the Reader to the Anfwer to the fourrh Query for Satisfaction : And withall, to obferve in the fifth Query, the Defcript'on of that f rft Adminiitrator of the En- gliih Anabapeifts, who Baptized himfelf,becaufe.he could not find any in the way of Dipping : When denying his Baptifm in Infancy, he prefumptuouily Baptized himfelf, without any warrant from God. Moreover, as the firft Sin that generally reigned in the old World, was the opposing of the Doctrine of Free Grace, ( which wwfirft feen in Cain) the main oppofite Dodrine to the Gofpel, and now reigning, by the pleading a Right cf Acceptance with God to Gofpel Ordinances by the external Ad: of Man: And that this is the Ground of Anabaptiftry, which they have laid , to deprive the Infants of Belie vers from the Benefit of the Free Grace of God, in the Covenant of the Gcfpel, of the pardon of their Sin : And fo from the Right which they have to Water- Baptifm. And this is fully proved again!! them in the third Query. Therefore I defre the Reader to obferve their Arguments, and the Anfwer to them 5 for when the Apoll le Jute faw the Doctrine otCam fpreading it Celt' among the Chriitians, he exhorteth them that were Faithful, To contend earmfily for the Faith ov.ee g;ven to the Samts, Jude v. 3. Namely, firft to Adam, by which Faith Abel offered n more excellent Sacrifice tha n The Preface. than Cain . ; therefore, faith he,- concerning them that oppofed the Doctrine of Free Grace, For they have %one in the way of Cain, v. 1 1. turning the Grace of God into Lafcivioufnefs, denying the only Lord God, and our Lordjefus Chrift: And again, concerning fuch as oppofed theDodrine of Faith, he faith, v. i o. Thejefpeal^evil of thofe things which they hpow wt 7 but what they know naturally as brute Beafts, in thofe things they corrupt themfelves. And from this Root meerly, by the Argument arifing from Nature, do the Anabaptiits continually urge, namely, that Profeflion of Faith only giveth Right to Water-Bapthm, to deprive the Infants of Believers, becaufe they cannot Actually profefs Faith and repent, of a right to the Remimon of their Sin, and fo of a Right to the Sign thereof Water-Baptifm ; as in this TVeatife is fully dis- covered. Moreover, And to maintain this their Dodtrine, grounded on Nature, they quarrel with our Englifh Tranflation, as though the ori- ginal word for Baptize was not truly explained, becaufe it is Englifhed Wafli, and not Dip : Therefore we have proved, in fpeaking to the firlt Query, that the greateft Scholiar, who fpake with more Tongues (i Car. 14. 1 8.) than the relt of the Apoitles, hath, by the Holy Ghoft, which leadeth into all Truth (John 1 6. 1 3.) -opened and expounded the true natural and proper meaning of the Senfe of the word Baptize, to be a pouring of Water on the Perfons Baptized ; as he faith, All our Fathers were Baptized in the Cloud and in the Sea, 1 Cor. 10. 1,2. Pfatojj. 1 $, to 20. being under the Cloud, the Clouds pouring out Water on them,when they palled through the Sea ; fo called Sea, where the Water had been, for they went through the Sea on dry foot ; this could not be on dry foot had they been dip'd. Now our Tranilators durft not prefume to have more skill in the Senfe of the original word for Baptize, ttan theApoftle Paul had, and theretore durit not confine the word to one ftridl Senfe, as the Anabaptifts would have it, to maintain their diforderly way of Rebaptifing. As is fully pro ved,to be againit Modefty, in anfwer to the firft Query : But they A 4 have The Preface. have left the word Baptize, in its general term to Wafh ; as it is written, Ads vz. 1 6. Be baptised, and wafh away thy (Ins. So that in vain hath Ben. K^each, in his Book Gold J^efin'd, brought a multitude of Authors to confirm the word Baptize tobeDip'd, being all difproved by the Apoitle Paul, i Cor. i 0.-1,2. and when they cm overthrow his expounding the Senfe of the word Baptize, by pouring Water on the Perfons Baptized, then they may have fomewhat to plead, that Dip- ping is the way ; and till then they oppofe and withitand the Apoftles Do&riae flike Alexander i Tzm.4. 1 4,1 5.) for as we mayobferve in another word, that the Translators durit not confine it to one .itriifl fenfe, namely, the wordin the original for Church or Congregation, out left it in the general term, Church or Congregation, becaufe the plural number more or k(s, is in Scripture called a Church- The rirft Church was in Adam's Family, and after in Nr>j*h*3 Family, and after that In Abrahams Family, or Houfe ; as the Apoltle accordingly wrfteth to the Church in a Mans Houfe, i\om. 1 6. 5 . 1 Cor. 16.19 all but few in number : Whereas inthe Wildernefs, Adsj. 38. the word for Church or Congregation, were in number above fix hundred thoufand Souls ; and in the Ads above three thou- fand. Now to limit the word for Church, to a drift num- ber, is Sin ; .fo to limit the word to fuch a mult of Water, is Sin; becaufe it is an abuiing of the word, contrary to the harmonious Agreement of the Scriptures, and fo-' contrary to the Analogy of Faith ; as is fhewed at large in the firit Query. Therefore, ■■ ■. ' .. . As in the Lords Supper, iris not the quantity of Bread and Wine, moreorlefs,but the right apprehenfion of, and sincere Afle&ion to, the thing iignified, that Chrift intendeth there- by; and thefameinBaptitm, being both Signs and Seals to one and the ftme Covenant of the Gofpel. So that when any ihall plead skill in the Tongues, concerning the fignification of words, without regard had to the My'iteries of Faith; which cannot be underitood,. but by the help of the Spirit of God, they abufe the ufe of Learning ; for there are two forts of Learning, the one to ttanflate- the literal words of the ori- ginal The Preface, jginal Scriptures into any Language, or Speech, or Tongue, a fpecial natural Gift of God ; and this may be attained unto by meer natural Men, that want the Spirit of Grace : The other is the Learning in the Myfteries of Faith. And it was, and itill is, the pleafure of God, to make choice of feme Men, unskilled in School-learning, to p'ubliih his Gofpel ; as for ex- ample Peter and John, Ads 4. 1 3. when the Jews faw their Boldnefs, and perceived that they were unlearned and Igno- rant Men (in School-learning) they marvelled, and they took knowledge of them, that chey had Been with Jelns, who had given theni the Tongue of the Learned in the Spirit, in that he opened their Underitandings, 1^7/^24.45. that they might uuderiiand the Scriptures. And therefore they that have not fo learned of Chrift, by the Gift of God, are Ignorant of true Learning, faith Chriit, Matt. 1 3. I 1 . 2 Pet .3. 1 7. Fer it is given to you (to wit tohischofenj to fyicw the myfteries of the Kingdom ; and unto all others, though never fo learned in the Tongues,they know not the true fenfe of Scripture,according to the Analogy of Faith ; and fuch, faith the Apoftle Peter , are unlearned, although they have skill in all natural Learn- ing, and unftable, wavering, wandering minded Men, wreft, as they do alfo the other Scriptures,as the Pharifees did, Matt. 5. 17,1048. & 23. 1 3. to 14. unto their own Deftru&ion, fuch were the learned Rabirres of theJews,for who were more learned Men than thejews,in the original Hebrew, and Greek, and other Languages ; yet when the Scriptures were read every Sabbath day, ABs 1 3. 27. it is (aid, they knew not the Voices of the Prophets (Tpiritually) concerning Chrift in the Promife, no more than did the Eunuch, A'cts 8. 30,3 1 ,34,3 5. So that if the Anabaptifts have no better Schollarfhip to have their Faith rely on, than humane Learning, to teach them the Myfteries of ChriitV Kingdom, whereof the Dodlrin of Baptifm is one ; they may fee how they deceive themfelves, by a natural Faith, and all others that are led by them, about the fignification of the word Baptifm. And therefore let all remember what is written concerning fuch as make it a Fundamental Article of their Faith, to contend, by Carnal Reafon, The Preface. Reafon, about words in Scripture, as did the Jews y in cp- pofmg the Dodhin which the Apoftles taught them con- cerning the Kingdom of God : Acts 1 3. 14, 15, 1 6. Info- much that the Heathen Governour Galio, was aihamed of them, by the very light of Nature, and that contention a- bout words, doth generally arife from pride of Heart, as it is Written, he is Proud, knowing nothing, but doting a- bout Qneitions, and ftrife of Words, whereof cometh En- vy, Strife, Raylings, Evil Surmifmgs, perverfe Difputing of Men, of corrupt minds, deftitute of Truth: Thefe content not, 1 Tim. 6 .4, 3. faith the Apoftle , to the wholefome words ofour Lord JefasChri.'t, and to the Do&rin which is according to Godlinefs. For thefe and the like tilings, ( as appeareth in the fifth Query by John Smithy who began firit to quarrel with Transition of Scripture ; ) fuch Diitraclion and Divifion is a- mong the Churches in this day, as was among the Primi- tive Chriftians; for which God threatned them withjudg- ' ments, and they being not warned, by the Apoftles teacn- ing, and Writings fent unto them, God brought his fevere : judgments on them j as are threatned now on Chrritians, for their Apoitacy in this day of like Sins, I{ev. 8,9,and 16. Chapters, as by the opening of the Seales, and founding of the Trumpets, and fhedding of the Vials is declared. Therefore we may fee , if we read what's Written, God will do nothing contrary to that he hath Revealed to his Prophets; Amos 3.7. and in the Prophers Writings, out of which, the Book of the Prophecy of the Revelations is taken ; concerning the State of theCnurch of God,and of her Enemies, in all Ages iince Chrilts Afcen(ion,and as one well faid, ( to wit, Ami worth concerning the Church of i^owe p. 54.) to begin at I^eveldt^m II Chapter, it is the Key to open that Book. So that, as God delivered his People of old, %ach.i.%A6.and 2.1.2. out of Old Babylon and a fe- cond Temple was Built, and God's holy Ordinances reftor- ed y then for the Sins of them again, after they Apoftatiz- cd from their Faith, and Holy Order in Worfhip. The Lord The Preface. Lord raifed up againft them that terrible Enemy, under that • name Gog and Magog, Eqsk. 38.39. to their fore Affliction and Mifery : Even fo God who hath called his people out of the Spiritual Babylon, and a fecond Spiritual Temple is Build- ed, (I(ev. 1 1.1. with Eqek- 4°- 2»3>5- compar'd with fych. 6.iz. Chrift the Branch (hould Build the Temple, 1 Pet. 2. 5. ) as hath appeared by the many Famous Churches of Chrift, in this, and in molt parts of the neigh- bouring Nations, and other fome more remote, fince thefirft Apoitacy after the Apoitles days ; wherein the true Doctrin of Faith, f to wit, of free Grace flourifhed, J and Gods holy Order in Worfhip, in many Churches abounded, which now for fome years have been Apoftatiiing , both from the Doctrin of free Grace, to maintain the Dodtrin of Merit or Free-will, by the work done ; which is proved in this Trea- tife, to be the fir It Foundation of Anabapliflry. Not here to (peak of feveral other People, called by other Names, profefling Chriltianity, who are likewife guilty of the fame ■ Docftrin, that Came and the Unbelieving Jews were ; pleading a right to Gods Ordinance by their own Act. What then remaineth, but the expectation of God's fear ful Judgment, on this, as on other Nations, for Sin of all forts, which is begun already, even by that Enemy under the name of Gog and Magcg y Rev. 20. 8. Wbofe Number is as the Sand on the Sea-Jhoar ; Enemies of all forts, covered and uncovered, open wicked and fecret hipocritical Enemies to the Truth of the Gofpel, comparing about the Camp of the Saints , and the beloved City, ver. 9. until Fire come down from Heaven fo? as in the days of iS/W^,when the true Faith was almolt loft, none left a Preacher of Righteoufhefs, 2 Pet. 2. 5. that is of free Grace in Chrift, by Chrifts Me- rit, only for the juftiticationofallinthe light of God j that (hall be faved from wrath to come, but Noah to his Family, altothers were poflefled with the Docftrin of Cainc^ who like IJhmael mocked at the Dodtrin of Faith, Gen. 21. 9. with. 2 P^^3-3.which brought the Flood upon the World, expecting acceptance by the work done,and how is this Doctrin fpread 1 , in The Preface. in this our day, almoft over all, fo that the day of Chrift 8 . coming is likened to the days of Noah, which will be with refped to the State of things, Luke 17. 26. to the End, as aJfo at unawares, as in the days of Noah, for as it is written, W hen the Son of Man cometh Jhall he find Faith on the Earth, Luke 18. 8. "and he will come in an hour, which the wicked (hall not b'c aware of, Matth. 24- 44.. hut the Godly- are exhorted to be ready at all times, Mat.2 5. 1 o. . Therefore feeing the approaching of thefe Judgments is al- ready beginning,for Apoltacy increafes the diltrefs of Nations, lCJx 0. 1 <;.2.6.with Seas and Waves Roaring,Mens Hearts,faith Chriit, failing them for fear, and for looking after thofe things, which are coming on the Earth, Luke 21.25,26. for the Powers of Heaven ( to wit, of Godlinefs in the Church] fhallhefo fliaken, that the power of true Godlinefs will be hardly found, zTim. 3. 5. only a Luke-v^arm, chilled formal: ProfeiTion remaining in Churches,* which is sthe effedsof the laft Vial of Gods Wrath, powred .jgto the Air, Rev.. 16. ij. Efhl 2. 2. and 4. 14. of falfe Dodrines of Men, namely among others ; that of meritorious Works, feek- ing juftification, by the external ad of their 6wn Righ- teoufnefs, Luke 18. 9. wherein is fhewed by the Plague of the hail of a Tallent weight, the coldnefs of Love to God, and one to another abounding ; fo that the Root of Love de- caying, Eph. 1*1 j. all Iniquity will abound, Matth, 24, 1 2. that, by it faith Chriit to John , the Grapes of Sin will half en to be fully Ripe, for the Harveit of the latter Day; $ev. 14. 18. Dcut. 32.32. Now then, thefe things feriqufly. coniidered , would move any Chriftian heart to fpeak , when the found of that word is heard and regarded, as it is written , Prov. 24. 1©, n, 12. If thou faint in the day of Adverjity, thy Strength is Jrnatl, if thou; for hear to deliver them that are drawn unto Death, and thofe that are ready to be flain ; if thou fayeft, behold we know it not, doth not he that pondereth the Heart con- fidcr it, and he that keefeth thy Sod , doth not he know it^ and jh all not he render to every Man accordsr.g to his Works, • *" And The Preface. And Laftlft leafr thefe People called Ambaptifts fliould be oftenHed, becaufe I call them naFBaptifts, as they call themfelves , but Anabaptifts ; my reafon is this , becaufe, iirit the Word Bnptift, Matth.'i.i. Luke 7. io.wasaName only belonging to Gods immediate Meffenger ; John , who was by extraordinary Commiflion (but -to Baptife, therefore was he Surnamed the "Baptift, fo that neither the Apoftles, nor any of the primitive Chriftians, did prefume to call them- felves by that Name Baptift, and as touching the word if- ?iabaptift y \t is no more than one Anabapti^ed or t^bapti^ed^ and therefore all that are Baptized in Infancy, and are Bap- tized again, properly bear that Name Anabaptift, fo that it is no Nick-Name, to thofe people who dehre to be called Baptifts. „.*■ Thus having difcharged my Duty, leaving what is here difculledin this Treatife, to the Impartial Reader to Judge thereof, according to the Written word of God ^ Ifa. 8. 20. To the Law, and to the Testimony, if thcfjpeaJ^not accord- ing to this word, it is becauje tforeis no light in them. Now for the Benefit and Comfort that through Gods Blefftng any fhallreap, for their Souls good, by what is here laid- down, let them give to Qod only the Glory, which is the Father of Lights, and the Author of every good and perfect Gift ; to whom be afcribed, Dominion, Power and Glory , in and through our Lord Jefus Chrift, now and for ever. Amen. Remaining Thine in the Lord Tbo. WdL A Breviat of the Contents in this Book, In Query Firfl. THe Sence of the Word Baptise, opened in three kinds of Baptifm, proving the manner of Adminift ration , not by Dipping, but by cafting or powring Water on that part which reprefenteth the Perfon, from page 2. to 9. The meaning of the word Buried in Baptifm opened, pag. 9. w n. That part of the perfon Baptised, is, .not to be covered with any Garment, proved pag. j 1. to 14. Why it is faid John Baptised in Enon, becaufe Here was much Water, explained, pag.i 5. to 17. That the Apoftles Baptised the 3000 in one day, not by Dipping proved, and that many of them were Children, pag. 18.^021. Query Second, Pag. 12. The end why Water-Baptifm was Ordairfd, for a Go/pel Ordinance, for afign of Remiffion of Sins. Query Third, Pag. Mow Infants became Sinners , and how made Righteous by Chrift., pag. 24.^29. That as Sin entered into the World by Families, evenfo the Redemption of Mankind was by Families, and by Cove- nant added to the Church daily with their Parents, pag . 30. to 37. That prof effi 'on of Faith, giveth no Soul right to hav: Water Baptifm Adminiftred on them, pag. 3$. to 44, and why profeffion is required and of whom. What The Contents. What manner of Per Jons every Nation confifteth of, that Chrift commanded to Preach the Gofpel to, and Baptise them, explained, pag. 45.46. That the Apoftles taught no other Go/pel, than what they found written in the Writings of the Prophets, pag. 47 to 50. The manner how the Gofpel was Taught and applied, pag. 52/ to 55. That the Houfe or Houfejhold the Apoflle Baptised, we^c Children and not Servants, pag. 56.ro 61. Obje&ion,fhew a Child by Name Baptised, A?i{wer , djpzg.6'j. That Infants have the Spirit of Faith proved- pag. 6^.66. Why Chrift was not Baptised, till he was 30 years aid ex- plained, pag. 67. Objection concerning the order of Words Teach and Baf~ ti$e, Anfwered, pag. 69. That Repentance was only required of Adult perjons, and not of Infants before Baptised, and why, pag.70 to 72. That as Infants were Church-Members cf old, fo ncw,prov*ct > Bm.KeachderiJfion of Faith to be m Infants Anfwered % pag, TJ.to 79, and Refuted. J^fletiions on the honour of Chrift, (by the Anabaptifts) charged on fitch as plead for Infants Baptifm^ Anjwered pag. 80. 81. I^ea/ons to prove Infants Bapiifm, granted by the Equality of the ^afbnsthe Anabaptifts/w^e tnefirft day to be kept for Gofpel Worjhip, pag. 82. to 84. That Water Baptifm k to be Adminiftred onlp on the Lords- day , or fir si day of the Week, confeffedby the Anabaptifts contrary to their practice, pag. 85 to 88. Query Fourth, Page 90. W'm an the Perfons that have right to Adminifter Water Baptifm [hewed , pag. 90:0 100. The The Contents, The Order how every Ordinance in Worjliip is. to be per* formftl, and by whom, on the Lords day ', proved ', p. ic2> to 105. Qu< try Fifth. Page 106. Whether it be lawful for a Man to Baptise himfelf, and ' from fitch an Adminiftrator the Engliflo AnabaptLjls're- ceived their Baptifm. p. 107, to 1 1 2. proved. Afalfe report concerning the State of Infants, by the Ana- baptifls, againfl Dr. Aities, Mr. Ainfworth and £)r.Owen Anfwered. p. 1 1 3, to 1 1 7. B. KeacfrV grant that it is Will-worfhip for a Man to Bap- tise l.)imfe If ] p. 118. Baptijm received in Apoftacy not to be reiterated, p. 119, to III! Mow the People in this I/land, in the Apofiles days ^re- ceived the Chriftian Faith and Baptifm ; and not from Rome, p. 123, 124. That JVater-Baptifin came in place of Circumcifion^proved^ p. 125. That ds no Perfon might eat of the Paffover before Qircum- cifid, evenfonounbapti^edmayeat of 'the Lords-Supp&r ; and that the Baptised and Vnbapti^ed ought not tojoyn together in the Lords-Supper , p. 126, 127. The Anabaptifls Obje&ion^ That Water-Bapiifm wai loft, anfwered, p. 128. The Anabaptifls DoHrine concerning the State of the Jewifo Church anfwered, p. 133. Gen. 17. 7. Exod. 19.5,6. Deut. 29. ic, 11, 12, 13, 14. " proved to be no part of the Covenant of Works , p. 133, to 1 6 r . &. Reach'/ Ajferticn, That Gtd hath quite pulled down the State of the Jewijh Church, and turned all Infants out of ■ doore, refuted, p. 162, to 170. Baptifm (I ) Baptifm Anatomi®^ . ¥ • ° R ^*& . \ ui Seafonable Difcourfe concerning the Kight, the Infants of Believers have to Water- Baptifm^ Opend and Explain d in Five Queries. Query i.~W ^ THAT Water-Bap tifm is, ac- % /\ I cording to the true Senfe and V v Meaning of the Word., one Scripture opening another., together with the Manner how it was Adminiftred by the Apo- ftles on the Primitive Chriiiians ? Query 2. To what end Water-Baptifm was or- dained by the Lord Jefus in thele la ft «days of the Gofpel ? Query %. What is that by Scripture evidence., that giveth any Soul, Young or Old, Right to have Water-Baptifm adminirtreci on them f Query 4. Who are they that the Lord Jefiis hath ordained in his Gofpel, to the Worlds end., to be the Adminiilrators of Water-Baptifm ? Query 5. Whether it be Lawful for any Man to Baptize himfelf? Wherein, is alio -mewed, that from fiich an Adminiflrator., the Anaba prills fucceffively received their new way of Re- baptizing of Adult Perfbns only, and the Rea- lons difproved, as they have exerted it. B NovV- 2 Baptifm Anatomized. Now Publifhed as an anfwer to the feveral Pamphlets lent to fcveral Perfons by the Ana- baptiitsin Penny Pod Letters, and other Books as Gold refined ; and alio a Solemn Call., or Challenge by Phillip Gary, to any Perfbn that will appear to vindicate the Right* of Infants Baptiim. Therefore, There is a time to keep Silence, and a time to Speak, faith Solomon. The Summ of thefe Queries were delivered to one Benjamin Reach , by one that the Ana- baptifts preffed with Arguments to be Re- baptized,and not to have her Children Baptized. In anfwer to thefe Queries, a Book Intituled, Gold Re find , was offered by Benjamin Reach, wirh this Meffage, . That it was an Anfwer to the aforefaid Queries : But being examined,and foun . .not by Humane Authority y But by the Teftimony of God in his Word 2 that as John came Baptizing with Water, even fo BAftifm Anatomized. 5 fo by the fame term of words, in the Baptifni of the -Spirit, it is written , 7 hey flail be Baptized 'with the Spirit^ (Abls 1.5.) Thhs we fee the ier or meaning of the word Baptize with Wciter, or with the Spirit; as it. is written, (Ifoiab 32. 15.) Until' the Sprit be poured on tfs from on high, not the Perlbn dip'd in the Spirit : And agajn, faith the Lord, (Jcel%.?^.) I will pour out my Spirit on all Fle(}j y fir John truly Baptized with Water, but ye jh all be Baptized with the Holy Ghofi, by pouiing out on Perions., agreeing in one fenie. By all which it appeared!., that at Ifrael were Baptized with Water (when tiiey flood in the Sea, fb called, becaitfe it was the place where the Sea or Water had been) on dry- ground, when the Water out of the Clouds was poured forth on them, and the Water of the Sea was a Wall on each fide : Thus they were Baptized with Water^ as the Apoftles were Baptized with the Holy Ghoir, or Spirit., when pqured out on them. Therefore John 3 . when he Baptized , Baptized with Water, that was, by carting or pouring Water on the Perfbns : So then as we are commanded not to lean to our own under- ftanding, {Vrcv. 5.5..) but to believe Gods Word in its explaining its own meaning, wherein one and the fame Senie, in the manner of the Ad- miniftration of Water-Baptifiri and Spiritual Baptifm, muft, when rightly underftood, agree in one, as afore proved. B % Again, 6 Baptifm Anatomized. Again, asm the quantity of Water, in pour- ing it on the Perfon in Baptifm, God hath not limited, but left free, keeping to the manner, by pouring; and no otherwife is Gods way in the Spiritual Baptifm limited, for fome have a greater meafure of the Spirit than others poured on them. For although the whole Church is Baptized by one Spirit., (i Cor. 12. 15.) yet There are differences of ' Adminfi Wations^ I Cor. 1 2 . 5 . ) fome more and fome left, as it pleafeth the Administrator thereof, the Lord Jefus. Agreeable hereunto are we to underftand the word Baptifm by Suffering. (CoLt.ii. HekvptK. 34. Ifaiah 51. 14. Rev, i. 9.) one fuffereth Re- proaches and loft of Goods, .others the two for- mer and Impriibnment , others all the three former and-Banifhment, others all the former, and loft of Life alfb : Now he that fuffereth but Reproaches for the Name of Chrift> or loft of Goods, or Irnprifbnment, or Banimmenr, who dare fay^ he partakcth not of the Baptimi of Suffering, becauie he fuffereth not loft of Life alio. Now than the Error to be reproved,, is limiting and confining the word Baptiim to one ftrid: Senfe, to Dip ; and in truth, con- trary to the Senfe in the manner of the Admi- nifrration in the three Baptifms determined by Gods word, when as 'tis clear, the word Bap- tifm fignifiech a pouring of the Spirit, and 16 in Water-Baptifm, a pouring of Water on the Perfon j and not a dipping the whole Body in Baptifm Anatomized. j in Water, which as aforefaid is particularly by the Anabaptifrs affirmed and aliened, if not lb done, to be no Baptifm at all : Their Reaion is, they fay, The word in the Original ilgni- fieth fb, as though the Scripture were not right- ly tranflated. Now as. we in the things of God are forbidden to lean to our own under- ftanding,7&re is a way {'faith Solomon firov. 16.25.) that feweth right unto a man^ but the end thereof is death. Therefore the way of Baptifm by clipping feemeth right unto Man, by leaning Philip Dipped the Eunuch, is, becaufe it is written (Matt. 3. 15, 16.) John Baptized in Jordan, and Chrift came out of the Water, and went down into the Water, (JBs$.%% 9 29.) Nay, let the Scripture defide the matter, we read that Ifrael pafs'd through the Sea, when as they walked on dry Lund (Exod. 14. 29.) where the Sea had flowed. The Vriefts that bare the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord (Jofhua 2.17.) are fa id to ftand firm on dry ground in the midfi of Jordan, and all the Ifraelitcs pajjed over on dry ground, where the Waters had been , as 'tis written, when ye are come to die brink of the Water of Jordan, ye (hall itand ftill in Jordan, ih then to ftand at the brink of the Water, they are faid to ftand in. Jordan , where the Water had fometimes rifen, firm on dry ground \ B 4 ' (Jofliua 8 B/tptifm Anatomized. (Jofhua 3.17.) And thus John Baptized in Jor- dan /landing at the brink of the River (where the Water had iometimes flowed^ for fometimcs Jordan overflowed all his Baraks ^ Jofliw 5.' 1,5.) and that John did caft Water on the Perfbn, like as we fee before., the manner was, in both the Water and Spiritual Baptifm adminiftred by the Lord himfelf, which manner we are ex- horted not to be Ignorant of(iCor. 10.1,2. After the manner of Rain 3 Pfalm 77. 1 7 , 1 8, 20.) So we are to underftand Philip and the Eunuch went into the Water,, as the Priefts did in Jordan, at the brink of the Water., where the Water had Iometimes rifen, but not one word that any by John or Philip were Dipped ("but by Imagination onlyj becaufe 'tis laid they both went into the Water as Israel did into the Sea and Jordan, which was but where the Water had been ; it being affirmed, they flood in Jordan (Jojhm $.i$,i7J when they itood on dry Ground, and ib in the Sea,,* when they flood on dry Ground (Exod. 14. z$.) So,, it is laid, that Chrift fate in the Sea and J taught, (Mark 4. 1.) when he fate in the Ship, and that Chriit went up into a Mountain, (Matt. 5. j.) when he flood but on the out-fide on the rifmg of it. So Men are faid to go down into the Sea in Ships, yet they are not to be accounted Dipped in their Bodies in Water. Again, another great Argument the Ana- - baptilts bring to prove Baptifm to be meer dipping Baptifw Anatomized. 9 dipping the whole Body under Water, is becaufe it is written (Col. 2. 12.) Buried with Chrift in Baptifm: To follow their natural Fancy in this thing, if every Perfon muft be Baptized according to the word Buried, as a Man Buried that is Dead., and put in the Grave, (then., as none can deny in the Ad of Baptifm^ but the Perfon to be Baptized, as the Anabaptifts fay ., Buried by Dipping the whole Body under Water, as a Man buried and covered with Earth) muff be Paffive, and therefore the Per- ion muft have no hand in the ad of his being Baptized, for Chrift when buried was wholly Pallive., he put neither Foot., nor Leg, nor Knee, nor any other part into the Grave: Then by this Scripture^ if it intend Water-Baptifm, as by Romans 6. it doth not, but if it did, then to ad: according to what they plead for., in the manner of Water-Baptifm, Buried in Baptifm, the Adminiftrator muft take the Party to be Baptized, up in his Arms,, and lay his whole Body firft bore up above the Water, and lay him into the Water, (As a Man in the Grave u covered with Earth, that is, by casing Earth upon him 3 then and not before lw is buried \ [0 to bury a Man, is to cafi Earth upon him ; fo in Water-Baptifm, to cafi Water upon, is to bury) as a Man is laid in the Grave., and f b cover him with Water, and there retain him the time the words ,,in the Com- miffion of Chrift are exprefs'd,! Baptise theeinths Name of the lather, and of the Son ^ and of the Holy Ghoft. So I o Baptifm Anatomized. So then if this be the main Scripture they will ftand by, to juftifie Baptizing by Burying as they call Dipping, why do the}' not ip pra&ice, but Hypocritically plead for that they practice not j for by their Practice, there is not a Soul of them Buried in Baptifm, nor yet the whole Perlbn ever Baptized, as they call it Dipped., for they Baptize but a part for the whole; for id far as the Perlbn to be Baptized, purteth himielf into the Water, either the Feet, or Legs, or Thighs, or to the Middle,, fo far the Parties Baptized, as they call it, Dipped them- feh.es, and then the Adminiftrator putteth but the upper part of the Man or Woman that was out of the Water, into the Water : So by their Practice, they grant a part is taken for the whole, and what do we plead for more, but that Water may, by the Adminiftrator, be call: on the upper part, to wk, the Nobler part of the Party to be Baptized, which reprefenteth the whole Mac, even the Forehead and Face : But if it be lb, is Benjamin Reach lakh, Page 38. of his Book, That it is no Baptifm at all^ if the whole Body be not plungd into the Water, then neither he, nor yet any of them, are vet by his Own grant Baptized, when they Baptize but the part from the Wafte upward, becaule the Party to be Baptized puts the lower part into the Water himielf, who muft be wholly Paffive, as a Man Dead to be put into the Grave, as they plead for that manner of Baptifm, in the ad Baptifm Anatomized. H a£ of his being Baptized; lb that what an out- cry do they make, againrt them that in Water- Baptif m, Baptize a part of the Perfon for the whole, when they themfelves do no other, only a little lower on the Body ; now then for ever hereafter let them for flume open their Mouths no more, about Water-Baptifm, till they Pra- ctice what they Teach ; and then to bring bet- ter Grounds,, than to fay, the word Baptifrn fignifieth to Dip the whole Body in Water ; contrary to the nfe of the word Baptifin 3 as- by the Holy Scripture hath been (hewed, to be a pouring out both of the Spirit, and alio of Water, on the Peribn ; and that on that part of -Man ^ Water-Baptiim is to be adminiitred upon, that is Naked, and vifibly bare, that is, the Face and Forehead, that reprcienteth the whole Perfon. As for exam pie ,, When Hagar fled from her Miftrefi Sarah, (he is laid to flee from the Face of her Miftrefs, (Gen. 1 6. 8.) fb the Face is taken for the Perfon. So Jacob is faid to flee from the Face of Efatt % {Gen. 56. 6 .) that is, from his Perfon : So like- wife Gfirift fent his Difciples before his Face* (Luke 9.51. & 1 0.1.) that is, before his Perfon^ where he was to come. Therefore to caft Water upon the Forehead,, or Face,the- whole Perfon being figni fled thereby 3 the Perfon is faid to be Baptized ; for when the Fore-skin was cat ofF,the whole Mo.n(Ex. 12.48.) or Childj was faid to be Circumcized. Again, 12 isaptijm Anatomized. Again, where fhould the Sign^ Seal or Token of Remiffion of Sins be adminiftred,, but on that part, where the Name of God, his Law, to wit of Faith, by the open Profeffion thereof was held forth, as 'tis written, (Rov. 12. 4.,} And his name ft aU be in their Foreheads, andloa Lamb fiiod on Mount Sio'n, and with him a hun- dred forty and four thoufand, having his Fathers Name written in their Foreheads, (Rev. 14. 1.) as being not (Romans \. 16.) afhamed of the Golpel of Chrift; for if by the (Jer. 3. 3.) Forehead is let forth the bold imperious Whore- doms of Judah in her Apoftacy from her Hus- band, the Lord ; how much more by the Fore- head of Chrifts Chaft Virgin, is repreiented her open Profeffion of the Commands of her Lord and Husband., ( Mark 8. j8. ) as not being afhamed of his Golpel, (x Tim.x. 8.) the Power of God to Salvation. Moreover, as all Gods Ordinances are to be performed under the Form and Manner of a good report (Phil. 4. 8.) with .Shamefacednels and Sobriety , becaufe 'tis moft certain that part of Man, Woman and Child t that is to. be Baptized, muff be naked and bare, for the Flefh mull: be wafh'd in Baptifm, and not the Covering : As for example in thole Figurative Walkings under the Law ; as the Jews were not Strangers to Water-Baptiim ; as Mr. Ainfworth on Gen. 17. hath mewed out of the Hebrew Writers, that every Profelite that was joyned to Baptifm Anatomized, I 3 to the Lord , by the Covenant of Grace in thrift, was Circumcifed, Baptized, and brought a Sacrifice : Now as the Circumcifed partmuft be bare when Circumcifed y even lb the part. that is to be Baptized muii not be covered, as in all Legal Waitings,, which fignified San&ifi- catioil, and Cleanfing from Sin by the Blood of Chrift : Therefore when Mofes and Aaron, and his Sons warned their Hands and Feet at the Laver, they (Exod. 40. ji, ;i.) wafhed them not with their Stockins or Gloves on,, for that had been to warn the Covering, and not the Flefh $ and do we believe,, th&tMa?y(Luke.j.%%.) wafhed thrift's Feet with Tears with his Shoes on., no fure, for fhe • is faid to have wiped his Feet with the Hair of her Head,, and not his •Shoes: So when the Saints Feet wQTQ(John 1 5.5.) wafhed by Chrifi, as aifb the Deaconift warning the Saints Feet, furely they wafhed the bare. Feet ; fo now as Baptifm is called a Warning, (Acts r 2. 1 6. fb Paul when Baptized is faid to be Wafhed part for the wholej fo that parr Wa/hed, or Baptized, muft be naked and bare : As is (hewed by the Lord D alluding to the Laver of Regeneration, (Titus 5. 5.) (he poured Water into a Bafbn and wafhed the Difcipies Feet) from and by the Blood of Chrift : As faith the Lord,, (Ez,ek. 16. 9.) Then wafted I thee with water, not the Covering but the Flefh, with water,' yea, I throughly wafted away thy Bleed, in the Blood of the Covenant of Grace in Chrift 14 Baptijm Anatomize L Chrift by the Water of the word Water- Baptilhu being a Sign thereof to us,according to his words Efb. 5.26. Heb. 8. \l. Now then if a part in Baptifm with Water ferveth not for the whole, as the Anabaptifts affirm,, and yet by their Practice deny, then the whole Body., as they plead for, Warned or Baptized^ mnft be naked, or elfe they Baptize the Covering and not the Flefh ; and what an unfeemly thing it were,, for a Man to Baptize the Female Sex naked, taking the Perlbn up in the Arms of the Adminiftrator^ and lay her in open view of others ('for Water-Baptifrn was no fecret Ordinance) into the Water, *as they teach, muft be buried., (as afore (hewed., when one is buried, is not till the Earth is caft upon the Perfon ; fb Water muft be caft upon the Perlbn Baptized) according to the literal words in common Burials., or elfe, fay they, the Perlbn is notBaptized at all. Now let them (hew any word of God, that among all we read of, were either fb Baptized by, or after the literal word Buried., as common Burials are daily, of the Bodies of Dead Perfbns, when Dead, Strip d., their Apparel taken off, and others put on ; we read not any luch Pra- ctice in Baptifm^ for although (ABs 16. 15.) Lulia was converted at a Rivers fide where the word was taught, as John at Jordan, and Fbiiip the Eunuch near a Water, yet no mention in the leaft of putting off, or putting on any Apparel, but Baptized. Nor Baptijm Anatomized. 1 5 Nor Ifrael in the Cloud and in the Sea, the Face and Forehead together being open and bare, which reprefented the whole Peribn Wa {hed, is a fufficient warrant for us in Water- Baptifm ; and not to walk by Imagination by a natural Belief or Conceit., that either Perfons changed t^eir Apparel, or went into the Water to the middle, and that the Adminiflrator put the one half of the Body into the Water, is to walk by a mcer implicit Faith, becaufe fome Learned in the Tongues, fay the word figniheth to Dip or Plunge, or Overwhelm, but pre- fuppofe the word for Baptifin may have a large Signification, and that 'tis Lawful to life more or lefs Water in Waffling, and therefore the Tranflators durft not confine the word Baptifin to one Itrid Senle, what quantity was ufed on the Perfon, or what was the manner in the Adminiftration which ]ohn did life, in the aft of Water-Baptifm, it is not in words prefcribed, but that Water was ufed to the Perfon, none will deny \ and feeing the word in Water- Baptifm is laid to be with Water, and the Baptifm with the Spirit is exprefs'd by the lame word, meaning in both , with , which is by pouring or carting, or putting Water on, or to the Perfon, and not the Perfon in it, for it hath been proved by plain words, that when they Mood in Jordan, is but to ftand where the Water had been ; io to be in the Sea, was but to be where the Sea had been 5 fo as all going to 1 6 Baptifm Anatomized. to Ponds or Rivers is by defcending; fo going do wo, in 3 or on any part, where the Water had or ufually did Swell or Flow, is laid to go in the Walter, as Ifrael went into Jordan, or in the Red Sea, when as they flood where the Waters had flowed on dry. ground, both in. the Sea and in Jordan, as at low Water with us ; • how Far may one go where the Water had flowed, yet but to the brink of the Water > fb one may be laid to be in the Thames, as they in Jordan. .Another Scripture is urged by the Ana- baptiifo, to prove that John Baptized at Enon, becaufe there was much Water. Anfw. The word Enon> being the Name of a Town., which took its name from Springs that did arife thdre, as the word fignifieth an Eye, or Holes from which Water fpringeth up ; fb that although there may be laid to be much Water by its continual Springing up , yet as Sandys , and the Travels of ' the Patriarchs , Hiftorians fay, There is' not fb much depth of Water itanding, as will dip half the Body in_, much lefs will it dip the whole Body in ; but as moft commonly a Spring rifeth on upper Ground, fb it runneth away, as may be feen daily in this Land ; fo there may be laid to be much Water by its commual Springing,, yet no depth of ftanding Water. Moreover another realbn, ' why there was laid to be much Water at Enon, with refpe& to the part of the Country, being forty two Miles North- Bjptifm Anatomized. i j Northward from Jerufakm $ ' fo differing from the South part., where arifeth few Springs., as it is written ., from the Scarcity of Waters, Tfalm 126.4. ,Turn. our Captivity \ as Streams in the SWihj and hereupon When Calebs Daughter came to ask a Bleffing of her Father,, ftie faid unto him, Thou hafi given me a South-land 3 give r*eaJfo Springs of Water, Jofhua I 5. i8 3 19. fo lie gave her the upper and the nether Springs. And for another reaibn we may conceive John diU A hot Baptize at \Enon, becaufe he wanted much depth of Water to Baptize vvithall; but becaufe there was 'Spring Wafer., more denrous than; other wate'r^to/caft upoii th.e Face., as hataY been proved, is the proper place that water in Baptism,, or 'Warning, % to Be admi- iiiftr'ed by cafting upon, becaufe that part re- preiepteth die whole Body;, as afore mewed. Moreover, "and .why" ihculd' the Anabapcifts be fo Def pifing o f the ' word Spi inkling , 61 cafting of Water in v J3 T i pdfn, on that part thai: repreienteth the wlioje P^rlbn _; ' we know fioH unlefs it be to' maintain their new wav of Dipping, rleelng snrmkfihg i's Co frequently cAhd iaScnpfuVe, % nfniriS m^anclihcat^ori, and CJeanfing from S.ir^ by the Bipod of the Lord Jelus, called the Blood of Sprinkling, which io well agreeth with' the like Sign exprcfs'cl by water in Baptifm, by Pouring oiy Warning, nor by Dipping, but "by Sprinkling ; as 'tis written/ Then will 1 [brinkte clean ivaier upon you, and you C :■ ' pall i 8 %Aptifm Ah atomized. f jail be clean from all your Fikbhiefi,. Ezefc 36. 2f< 1 Pet. i.i. Heb. 12. 24. alluding to the Sign fh Water-Baptiirh, of Remiffion or Cleanfing from the Filth of Sin,, ^by the Blood ofjefus., by Sprinkling., -as it is written, So frail he ffir inkle many Nations, by warning in Baptilm., as afore &ewed ,* when Paul was Baptized, it is written, not DipM_, but be Baptized and warn away thy Sins: And herein the Baptiim of the Spirit agreeth with Water-Baptifnv by '( Ij at ab ' 'i'z, i',y.) pouring out of the Spirit 'after the manner of Rain; therefore ought the manner in Water- BaptiCii to be acjminilhed^ not by Dipping, but by Pouring or Sprinkling water on the Face, for the Reaibns afoi elaid. But as the Lord, who^ chargeth fome to .have let up an Idol in their Hearts, (Ez,ek. 14. 4.) fo Men may make an Idol of Gods own Ordi- nance^ as ibme did of the Brazen Serpent, and as the Jews made little lefs than an Idol of Circumcifioh ; as now it is to-be feared the Anaba prills do of Watcr-Baptifrri, putting that Strefs upon it, as the Jews did upon Circum- cWion, that they could not be Saved , if not Ciicumciied. J Moreover,,,, that JBen. Keacb gvmtzth, that the ;ooo were not Baptized by Dipping, is evident, if iris words in Page 21 oi his Book be but ob- served, his words are- theie.. The Multitude U be Baptised were fo great , that it required others, be- Mes the /Ipoftks] to do it. Nor is it to be believed, that Baptifm Anatomized. i ^ that Teter himfelf, with the Eleven., did Baptize c»ll the Three thoiriand in one day,, without the help of the Hundred and twenty. ; Aufw. All Chrifrians are to know, that as the Apoflles taught the Churches, not only to -keep- Faith {Col, 2. J.).- but Order alio., in the Adminifrration of Gods Ordinances, themfeives being Example^ to the Flock, to follow them indue order in the Churches. | Then Note., as •that work, to wit, of Adminiftring the Sealing Ordinances, didriri ail Ages belong to Men in Office to do/ as ihali be fully proved in. the Fourth Query, acne being in Office then, when the ' Three thoufand were Baptized , but the Apoftles^ who only had received the Command :fe>m Chrift, to go Teach and Baptize Nations., -^fer. 28.19, 2,0. So that the Hundred and jtwenty, the Apofiles excepted, were but com- -iaoii'Diibjples,, and feme, if not many of them Wonipn , A&s 1. 14, 1 5. Some particularly named ; therefore it is not rationally to be be- ,&r did Baptize the three thoufand in one day, which could not be done by Dipping the Anabaptifts gram; and there- f&tv i; was done by calling- water on the Fore- head Baptifm Anatomized. 2 1 head and Face, as befqre (hewed ; for Baptized they 'all were, and becfaufe that pare of Man- kind reprefenceth the whole Perfon, either in Old or "Young, therefore they were Baptized by water caft on that part, to wit., the Face -> as by grounded Reafon from Scripture is to be believed. Befides, 'tis evident to be believed, that many of thefe three thoufand which. the Apoftles Baptized were Children ; feeing the Promife of the Pardon of Sin, was,, 'by the Apoftle Peter, (Acls 2. 39.J applied to the Children then pre- fenr, as well as to their Parents, of the Pardon of their Sins, Water-Baptifm being ordained by Chriftfor a Sign of Remiffion of Sins: Now to all to whom the Promife is applied, the Sign of Remiffion, to wit, Water-Baptifm, belongeth to them; but the promife of Remiffion of Sins was applied to them and their Children, (but more of that anon in the Third Query) for as it was the ufual manner of the Jews., when by Thoufands they followed Chriil, to hear him Teach, and fee the Miracles which he did, to take their Children with them; as doth appear in that Miracle which Chrift did, whom he Fed, with Five Loaves and two Fifties, Five Thoufand Men,, befides Women and Children,- Matt. 14. 21. for fo it was foretold by the Pro- phet., fpeaking of the day of Chtiit, as it is written, Thus faith the Lord, behold I will lift up my hand to the Gentiles, and jet up my Standard to C 1 the 22 Bapttjm Anatomized. the People ("to wit, the Jews) and they frail bring their Sons in their arms, (or Boibms) and thyt Daughters fhall be carried on their J1wulders i I{sL.4/}. 11. Even fo the Jews that refbrted to hear Chrift, and afterwards his Apoftles, Teach, and to lee the Miracles which they did, they carried their Children with them, unto whom the Apoftle, Teter joyntly applying the Promifes of Life and Salvation by Ghrift, in the remiffion of their Sins in the Blood of Jeftis, faying » 7 he Vromife is to you and unto your Children". And this maketh way to the Second Query, which is, Query 1. To what end IVater-Baptifm, by the Lordjefus, was Ordained in thefi lajb daySj 'for a Gojpel-Ordinance. Anfw. ]ohn, Surnamed theBaprift 5 (Mattel.) with refte& of his immediate Call to the work of Baptizing, hath fhcwed the end in the Sign, why WaterrBaptifm was ordained, namely but thatChrift fhouid be made manifeft to Ifraeh Therefore, faith John, am I come Baptizing with Water, John i. 2 to The Apoftle Peter like wife agreeth thereunto, faying, Be Baptized for the Remiffion of Stns> AcAs i. 38. Again Ananias conrlrmeth the fame faying* Be Baptized and waft] away thy fits, A&s 22. 6. So then, in fine, the end why Water-Baptifm was ordained, to make manifeft by that outward Sign, that Chrifl, the Lamb of God, is now come, ac- cording Bfiptijm Anatomized. 23 cording to the Gofpel-Promhe preached to Adam, . That the Seed of the Woman (§*»,& 1 $/) /hall bruife the Serpents Head, that is, deftroy the works of the Devil ( 1 John j, ' %.) and de- liver them, who by Sin he naei captivated into his Bondage, (Hek.'.i. iy). As aiio according to the fame Goipel preacftcd to Abraham, Tfyat in his Seed Chrift, all the famines of the Earth /hall beBIeffed (Gen, 12, 5. ^.^3. 25,26.) with the Pardon ofSm. And accordingly John, the Fore-runner of Chrift, fenc, as, an Herald be- fore^ the Prince of Life, (ABs 3. 1 5 .). to prepare the way of the Salvation of Fallen Mankind, faith, Behold the Lamb of God, that bearmh away the Jin of the World,]o\\n 1. 29. Arid this maketh way to the Third Query to be conlidered , which is, Query 3. What is it by Scripture Evidence, that giveth any Soul, Young or Old, Right to have Water-Baft ifm Adminiftred on them ? Anfw. We have (hewed in the Second Query,, that Water-Baptifhi is the vifible Sign of the Pardon of Sin^ called the Sin of the World. Therefore the next thing is to be obfcrved , .what this Sin of the World is ? And fecondiy , who are the Peribns that ftand charged with this Sin? And thirdly, how Chrift, the Lamb of God, beareth away this fin- of the World from theie Perfbns. ' C k The 24 Baptifm Anatomized. The Apoftle Taul hath not only (he wed 3 what this Sin of the World is, but alio the World this Sin rirft entered into,, and ftand charged with the fame ; and alfo how Chriit, the Lamb of God, taketh away this Sin from marry who are guilty y as being under Condemnation : as it is written, Wherefore as by one man fin entered into the 'Worjd^ and Death by Sin., and fo death pafled up m" aft wen, for that, or in whom, all have finned , Warn. 5. .12. Now becaufe Adam was the Root of all "Mankind^ when he broke Gods Law by eating the Forbidden Fruit, all his Posterity in his Loynes finned in him; for as Levi is laid to pay Tithes in Abraham's Toynes, before he was born, when Abraham did (Heb. 7. 9.) ctenfo we all in Adam'sLoyncs^ before we were born., brake Gods Law when Adam did ; and this was the Sin that firft en- tered into the World, andthefeare the Perfbns Sin entered into, namely., the a&ual Sinner and his Seed 9 XS '' and for thefc , the Lamb of God is come^ to, bear a way s the Condemnation due to them, even Eternal Death, the Wages of this Sin 3 Rom. 6. i£l Thus we fee 3 ' in the Fall of Mankind, there were two fort' of Sinners, the one A&ual, as Adam and Iffoe, the ' other their Seed, or Chil- dren in his -LovneSj Sinners by Original Cor- ruption, derived from Fathers to Children, who have not finned after the Similitude of Adam'* Tranfgreffion j (Rom. 5. 14.) as by their own at&, but Baptifm Anatomized. 25 but are Sinners by Derivation, or Original Cor- ruption from them, and from thefe two forts of Sinners, Chrift, the Lamb of God, is come in Perfon, who was the fame Saviour for thefe two forts of Sins, (Heb. 1 5. 8.) yefterday, from the day he was preached to Adam > unto that day John (kid, Behold the Lamb of God, and unto the end of the World, which beareth away from thefe two forts of Sinners, the Sin of the World. The way and the manner how this is done, is one and the fame in all Ages, for as there are two forts of Sinners, the one who willingly Tranigrefled ; Thefe God called, as he did Adam and E-ve, to the Bar of Juflice, (Gra.3.10, 11^11,13.^ to anfwer for their Evil they had done, before the Judge of all the Earth, asap- peareth in Mofes Narration ; but Adam, when called, had loft all Freedom of Will to Good ; his Power being gone, he, with his Seed, were Satans Captives, holden by the Cords of Sin, (Vrov. 5. 22.) fb that inftead of (hewing any Remorie of Conference for his Sin, x as the Law required ; as it is written, He that covereth his Sins Jhall not projper ; but he that confeffetb and f or- faketh them, frail find Mercy , Prov. 28. 12. but inftead of Con fef lion heiought to cover his Sin, C job Ji . 33.) by laying the fault on the Woman, as likewife did the Woman on the Serpent. Then God of his Free Grace, laid no more upon them, but a. Fatherly Chaftifement in this 26 vapttjm Anatomized. this Life (Heb. 1 2. 5, 6, 7, 8.) as he doth on all bis Children, and freely forgave them and their Pofterky in them their Sin, in the glad Tidings of that Redeemer he had prepared (Eft). 1, 4, Titus 1. 2.) before the World was, for then:, by the word of his Grace preached to them, that the Seed of the Woman Chrift fhould bruife the Serpents Head {Gen. 3. 15. ) that is, ex- pounded the Son of God, faith, John was made manifcft, that he might deftroy the works of the Devil, John 3. 8. Thus Chrift., in tb« promife, took away the Sin of the World from theie two forts of 1 Sinners, which the Apoftle proveth thus : Therefore as by the Offence of one (namely theflrft Adam) judgment came upon aH Men (that is, on all Mankind ; to wit, on all Adams Pofterky in his Loynes) to Condemna- tion : (for a Child is called a Man., Gen. 4. 1 . John 16. 21.) even fo by the Right eoufnef of one (to wit, Chrift thefecond Adam in the Promife, the Seed of the Woman fhall bruife the Serpents jtfeadj as aforefaid) the Free Gift came upon all Men (namely on the A&ual Sinners and their Seed in them) unto purification of Life jRom. 5.1 3. Again faith the Apoftle \ For if by one Mans Difobedience (namely the Difobedience of the firft Adam) many were made Sinners (even his Seed in him by original Corruption derived from him) fo by the Obedience of one (namely the •Obedience of Chrift the fecond Adam) fiatt many fa made Righteous , Rom- 5.19. and who, namely BapttjTK Anatomized. zj namely the Believers and their Infants ; for as the Infants of Unbelievers are charged 3 by original Corruption derived from Father to Child,, with the Unbelief and Diibbedience of the firft Adam, Rem. 5. 12. even lb the Chil- dren of Believing Parents are difcharged from the Condemnation diie for that Sin, by the Obedience and JRighteoufheis of Chrift the lecond Adam>, by the Free Grace of God im- puted to them, according to the Promife in the Everlafting Gofpel-Covenant ; as the Apo- ftle Teter applied to fcch as Actually believed, and unto their Children, Acts z. 59. faying, The Promife is unto you and to your Children :■ And again, , I will be merciful unto their unrighteoufnefs y and their Sins and Iniquities ivill I (faith the Lord) remember no more, Heb. 8. 1 z. And thus as was the glad Tidings of the Gofpel firft preached to Adam, as after the fame, by John the Baptift, was preached to Ifrael ; that Chriit, the Lamb of God, was now come to take away the Sin of the World ; meaning the Seed of the Woman, Chrift now manifeft in the Flefh, was to de- ftroy the works of the Devil , and deliver all fuch, both Father and Children, who by Sin Satan had captivated into his Bondage, Heb. z. 1 5. And therefore as Water-Baptifm was or- dained for a Sign of Remiffion of Sins, not only the A&ual Sins of Parents, but when the pa- rents Aflually believed,, it alfo was a Sign of 2 8 Baptifm Anatomized. of Remiffion of the Sin to their Infants> as to them, who by original Corruption, Sin is derived in nature from Fathers to Children, and therefore by the Doctrine of the GofpeI,5WA are to be Baptized (faith the Apoftle) every one of you in the Name of the Lord ]efm for the Re- mifjlon of Sins : Becaufe the Lamb of God being come y hath taken away the Sin of the Worlds which the Fathers and their Children were guilty of $ and why be Baptized every one of you ? for this reaibn faith Peter ; For the Vrom'tfe {of the Far don of Sins) is to you and unto your Children $' and this is Gods way in all Ages., of the Redemption of Fallen Mankind, that as Sin entered into the World by Families, fo Chiift came to Redeem Fallen Mankind by Families. And hence it is, that the Children born to Gods Covenanted People,, are faid by God to be born to the Lord, whom although they be Man and Wo- mans Children, by Nature called their Sons and Daughters ; yetby vertue of the Free Grace of God in Chriit, in the Covenant of Grace, into which they are accepted in all Ages with their Believing Parents ; the Lord calleth fuch Children (Ez,ek 16. 8, %o 3 n.) his Children and of his Kingdom, born unto him, his Heri- tage^ the Fruit of the Womb, his Reward; for when Adam and Eve was Fallen, they, together with their Seed in them, were the World Sin entered into (Rom. 5. n.) of whom Satan was Prince, as he is called (John 14. $o.) The Tr wee of Baftifm An Atomized,. so of this World, Prince of the Tower of the Air, the Spirit that now (from the days of Adams Fall) worketh in the Children of Difabedtence y and hence it is the Apoitlc lakh (Eph. 2. 2, 3.) by nature we are all Children of fVrath ; k}Ut when the Gofpel vyas preached to Adam, and io ever fince to ail who have Actually finned fas they did) God of his Free Grace' mixing Faith with the word of Grace preached to them ; \ by which power of his word Ghrift difpoffeffeth the ftrong Man armed (Luke 1 1. 20,, 21, 22.) namely the Prince of the Fallen World (firft in Adam's Hou'fe or Children in his Loynes) taking from him all his Armour, wherein he trufted and divided his Spoil ; for iaith Chrift when come in Perfbn to perform that work he the promifed Seed to Adam was to do., in bruifing the Serpents Flead (Gen. 2. 1 5 J namely as it is written (Luke 1 1. 20.) But if 1 (faith Chrift) with the Finger of God cafe out Devils, no doubt the Kingdom of God is. come upon you: And hereupon when by the Preaching of the fame Everlafting Goipel afore preached to Adam and to Abraham, to the Dead in Sin (Rev. 14. 6.) in th^ Spiritual Babylon, which caufed fjich an Earth- quake (Rev.i 1.1 5 J that the Tenth part of that Rqmifb City or Church fell from her Traditions or Idol-worlnip, to imbraee Chrift in his Government^ in his Church or Kingdom; for their King, Prieft or Prophet, they being TranQated out of that Kingdom pf Darknefs, as in the beginning of this, work, when jo Baptifm Anatomized. when Adam and Eve, with his Seed in him, were Translated out of Satans Kingdom of Darknefs* into the Kingdom of the Dear Son of God; then as but one Family became Chrifts King- dom ; here many Families or little Kingdoms of this World overt become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Chrife (Rev. 1 1. 15.) that ib he might Reign among them by his Laws ; as in Adams Family appeared, by the Offerings (Gen. 4. 3, 4.) his Children brought and offered up to God in his Service. Next in Noah's Family, a)nd fo in Abraham's Family as was the everlafting Gove- nant-Promife (Jer.qi. t. Gal. 6. 16,) 7 wiU be the God'tf all the Families of Ifrael ; for as the Fat herv with the Children., wei'e together- (by the Fall) Satans Subject Children of Wrath"; even ib the Children with the Parents, when thfeir Fathers and Mothers, who had A&ually tinned, believed, then their Children, who were Sinners by original Corruption derived from them 3 Pfal 51. 5. were reftored with them, to be the Subje&s of Chrifts I Kingdom ; as it is vjvirtm' (Ifaiah 65.24. Acts 1. 39.) They are the Seed of the Bit fed of the Lard, and their Offering (or buds) with them. And thus Ghrift bearetft away the Sin of the World in all Ages; firfr Chrift m the Promife to Adam and Abraham^ and when come in Poribn, bore away their Sin; on his Body once offered for many (H*b. 9. 18 ; namely the Believing Fathers and Mothers and their Children in Infamy with them; as the Apoftk Baptifm Anatomized. 3 1 Apoftle- proves by Rom. 5. 19. For as by cne Mam Difobedtence many were 'made Sinner* ;" fo by the Obedience of one \bdl many be made Right eons. Thus ic is ckarly proved, that the In rants or Children., together with their Believing Parent?, are redeemed. Now., if the Children were not Redeemed with their Believing Parents, then Chrift did not bare away the Sin of Hie World; Contrary to John*s Do&rine John 1. 19. If Infants were not a part of the World Sin entered into ; Then Children are not by Na- ture Children of Wrath; contrary to Vanfe Do- ctrine. Efh. 2. 5. IfChildrenarenotofChrifts Kingdom, then they are of Sarans. If Children are not to be brought up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord^'then the Promife in the .Gofpel belongeth not to Children in- Infancy^ contrary to Dent. 29, 29. Atts-L.^. How many like Abfurdities may be brought upon the 'Doctrine of Anabaptiftry ., if they well confider how they are led by a natural Fattcy,- in .denying Infants to be Redeemed by the Blood of Chrift; in the warning away of the* Sin of the World, which they by natural Cor- ruption are guilty of \ bur the Sin of the Infariti Chrift hath bore away,, with the Sins of their Believing Parents; and Water-Baptimi is or- dained by the Lord, to be Adminiftre J on all that have their Sin or Sins pardoned by the Lord Chrift ; who by that Sign Water-Baptiim Adminiftced on them , Chrift is to. be made manifeft j 2 Baptijm Anatomized. manifeft to them, that he hath warned away their Sin in his Blood ; which is the only thing that gives any Soul Right to have Water- Bap timi Adminiftred on Young ofO\&.Rev.i .5. And thus the Lord Jefus, as liis Kingdom was fir ft in ^bne Family, fb it ftiil continuerh in Families: And therefore when Adam^ and his. Wife, and Seed in him, was reftoied, there was only the Kingdom of Chrift on Earth in Adams Houfe " y and then for a time no Kingdom, of Satan was on Earth, he being. caft out, as aforefeidj arid Chrift taking Polleflion. But be- caufe, as the Anaba'ptifts grant in their Narra- tive, there is Ele&ion of Perfons , pag. 3. there- fore procefs of time proveth (1 ]ob?i% f i 9,) that all in the vifible Covenant of Qi -ace, vifible Mem- bers for a time in .the Church of God., are not all of it ; as appeared in the Perfbn of Cain, fb in the Perfbn of Cham, or Ham the Son of JStoab ; therefore Man is to have his Judgment relt with the Lord (Ifaiak^*). 4./, concerning the Infants of the Lords Covenanted People, com- manded to be Trained up in the way (Trov.zz.6* Efh. 6. fo) they " fliall go in; and ii^ they con- tinue in that Faith (iTim. 2. i$J of Gods Elect, that was in their parents, as Timothy did in the lame Faith his Grand-mother and Mother had^ ( 1 Tim. 1 . 5 . jthey folong are to be accounted aHoly Seed (Ezra 9.2. 1 C^j.14.) Children of the. Pro- n»ife,born to the Lord-and fb of.hisKingdom, His Heritage, the Fruit of the Womb, his Reward, GaLi.i&Ezek^iOjii.Tfel.li". Now v Baptifm Apatommtd. 3 j Now then, as that Wife King faith,, That even a Child is known by his doings, Prov. 20* u. (Tpeaking of the Children inCovenant,^^ 5.25.) whether his works, be pure, or' -whether it be right : So vyhenC>/^> by his evil work, proved hi mfelf not co be of th$ ; Election., (wanting the Faith of Gods Elect: which, Abel hadjj. known by his Aiftion J when wanting ..the work of Faith in Chriit, his Offering was not-, accepted , for which he was filled with Wj-ath; but he being reproved^ repeated not, fegfctffM&g Sin to Sin ; as it is written.-. {Prop. 29. 1.) He that being oftei reproved hardeneth ^bts neck 3 :/?; all juddenty be de* firoyed, and that witkwt. remedy. \ ijd was he de- stroyed, asbei«g c>aft out oi ..the Communion of Saints : As he confeiTed, .. fiying (nt£ ; .Uiri); 'in^m^, .Covenant, of Grace have, ; !>*cau|e by th&grje s&ove of. God, Infants are aeee^tejCjLjn . ■ Gpy$vtnt with the Lord, with theu-jvai^nps, if tipey, as they grow v^^joiitmueyrd/gd'nh, qvd $$ye% and Hojcpefc) with Sobriety y 3 tf»|:y ihali b 2 iaved : As. -the Appftk in his re r >* -qvinp, the-: Cbuvch. ofcGpd ac Efhejus, in iuf%ir»g.\Vomen t tp .piurp Authority over the Man,, by .Teaching as Men did., ..Qua- ker-women like* 'in the • Aifenbly, againft the Vgrv Order of Nature* and Command of God $ ' D his J 4 Baftifm Anatomized. hisreafbn in reproving the Female Sex was, for that Adam was firft formed ) and iecondly for \6d#m was not deceived, but the Woman being deceived was in the Tranigreffion , notwith- itanding/lie (hall be faved in Child-bearing ; that is, if (he, her Husband and Children, by the Word of Grace in the Prbmiie, believe in the promifed Seed God, Chriit, manifeft in the Flefh, the Seed of Ada m and Abraham ; if they continue in that- Faith : and Love to God ? iri keeping his Commandments and Flolinefs of Life., as becometh iiich as arc in Communion with, the Lord, -and S-obrtety j the Women Adorning themfelves in Modeft Apparel, as be- cometh Women profeffing-feedlinefs, they Jliali be laved, iTim.2.^i^ y ^^'i^. By all which we fee the lame Do&rine of Faith, Holinefs and Love j ' taught in Adam's Family, is the fame to us inChriftl, according to the fame Covcnarit of Grace that was made With Adam and his- Children; 'whom he taught the way of the Lord ; but-when grown up, if as Cain, they abide-iiot in fef aslie fo muft they beocaft out ; and this could not have been, had he not been a Member of -the Church in his itafancy, born to the Lord in Covenant ; but when he not proving to be of the 1 Ele&ion, which the Apoftle lakh 3 obtaineth it or cbttti- niieth it in abiding Faithful to the end; Handing" ftift in the Faith,which Cain did not,but departed %i om the vifible Profeffion tfeer-eofpiw^ 8. i $. fo fell away. Now Baftifm Anatomized. $ 5 - Now thenofCaitf's Seed the World of un- godly -began to take Root in the, Earth again ; io that there wasjsow on Earth the Kingdom ofChrrftin Adams --fcloufe or Family; and the Jsungdom of S^tan in Cams, Houfe or Family, called the World of Ungodly, who both Fa- thers and\Children were deftroy-ed by the Flood o£Npab: And then again there* was only re- maining the ChiU'olvpf God^ or his Kingdom in Ndafrs Family/, the Fathers with their Wives and Children^ ,a Holy Nation., a chofen Gene* ration to theLord^ zslfrael were by Families. But in procefs of time Satan had his Seed in the Church in the Perfbn of '-Cham or Ham (Gen. 9. 25.) who for his Sin was caft out of the Church, and of his Seed f prang another World of Ungodly. As likevviie in procefs of time- almoft all the Posterity of Bleffed Shem 9 became Apoftatized from the Faith : So char then it plea fed God to call Abraham from his Idolatry out from his Fathers Hoafcf Jcjhua 24 2; Gen. 12. 1 .) and with him and his b^ed, as be- fore with- Adam and Abraham and their Seed, God made an everlairing Covenantor preached to him the everiailing Covenant of the Gofpel, namely that in his Seed Chiiit, the Wonun^ Seed \ in the fame Gofpcl aio^e preached to Adam ; All Nations > of the Earth jhall be Bkffed, Gen. ii. 3. And when a^ain the lame Cove- nant was more particularly, applied 10 belong to the Seed of his Body, of whom Chrjfr mult D 2 be $6 Baptifm Anatomized. be exfpe&ed ; -as-k is written, 1 -will make ?ny Covenant between me and thee, and will mulnply ihee exceedingly ; : befides the Promile before made to him of His being a Father of ma?ty Nations-* and I will eflablijli my Covenant between me and thee :) and thy Seed after thee in their Generations y for an everlafling Covenant, to be a God unto ikee-, und to thy Seed after thee. Gen. 7. 2, 5, 7. Now this Promile to be a God to the Believer ancfr his S^ed, is the Subftance of the Gofpel- Pro- mife ; as it is written, And they fball be 'his People, and God himfelf w^ll be with- them and be their Gcd, Rev. 21. 3. even the God of all the Families Oilfrael, Jer. 21. 1. So then if "the very Letter of the Gofpel be lb plain, that in Ghrift the Families of the Earth lhall be BleiTed \ and this Family is the Scod or Infants;, or Children of Believers; and this Bleffing is the Remiffion or Pardon of their S'ms; as it is 'written, -God having railed up his Son Jeftts, fent him to ' bkfi you y in turning away every one of you from your Iniquities, Acts 3. '2 6*. water-Baptifm being the vifible Sign thereof, therefore, laith Peter to Parents and Children, be Baptized every one of you $ namely, that have their Sin or Sins pardoned, the Sin of the World, for the Promile in the Gofpel-Cove- narit is to you and unto your Children ; is alio confirmed by John the Baptift, that this is the Way of Salvation he prepared before the JlproJ, raying, Behold the Lamb of God (preached re Baptifm Anatomised. 37 to Adam) is now come •, that beareth away the Sin of the World ; of whom is afore proved^Children in Adam were a part thereof. 1 Now until the Anabapciffs -can prove, that the Infants were no pa >t of the World Sin en- tered into, and fo Children to be no Sinners ; it remaineth proYed/hat Children are Sinners in Adam\ -and the. Sin of the Infants of Believing Parents, is taken away by Chrilt the iecond Adam, as well as the Sin of their Parents who had Actually committed : As we have the Teftirnony of the Spirit of God for to prove it in theft words, buc not as the Offence ; io alio is the. Free Gift (Rom. 5. 18., 19.) for if through the Offence of one many be Dead, .much more the Grace "of God, and the Gift by Grace, which is by one Man JeiusChrift,harh abounded unto many ; and not as it was by one that finned^ fo is the Gift, for the Judgment was by one to Condemnation ; but the Free Gift, is of many Offences unto Juftiflcation. So then all is of Free Grace, both to the Acliual Sinner, and his Seed in Infancy, who are Sinners by original Derivation: iSiow al- " though God doth require of iuch as have Actually finned., Actually to repent, and to make Confeffion of their Faith before they may have the Sign of Remiffion of Sins .(if they were not before Baptized into the Name of ChrirtJ to. befet on them : So. that grearis the DirTb- rerice between what- it ~h that giv&h, any Soul, D 3 Young 3 8 Btyttfm Anatomized. Young or Old, Right to have Water-Baptifrn Adminiftred on them ; and what God requireth of Acliual Sinners .before thsy be Baptized : Therefore the very Letter of the Law, a School- rnafter leading to Chrift, might teach the Ana- baptifts., that of whom did God require a Sacri- fice of Confeffion brought to the Altar figuring Chrift, but from fuch only that had A&ually finned ; yet the Infants of fuch, by vertue of- Gods Free Grace in the Covenant of the Gofpel, were Bleffed with their Believing Parents, and the Males lealed with the Seal 6f the Righte- oufhcfs of Faith ; therefore called with their Parents., The Bleffed of the Lord$ as (hall be more fpoken to anon. But now to infer t here the general Argument grounded on Carnal Reafon^ the Anabaptifts bring as their main Pillar to deny the Right Infants have to Water- Ba palm ; publiftied by B. Reach in his Book Gold Rtfined, P. 141. That nothing lefs than Profejjion of ■ Faith and Repentance, can give any Soul , Young or Old) Right to have Water- Baptifm adminifired on I hem. Avfw. It there were no Sinner pardoned, or their Sin or Sins rcmiffed, there would not have been this Ordinance, of Baptiim ordained^feeing it is ordained for (a Sign of the *> Remiffion of S ; ns, that fiich as have Right thereto, may have Chrift made manifeft to them , that he hath warned away their Sin- or Sins in his Blood. But becaufe Chrift, the Lamb of God, is come, ' ! who Btptifm Amtotoized, jy who taketh away, not only the Sin of fuch Actual Sinners, whom his Father giveth Faith to Believe in his Son., but alio the Sin of the World Infants ftand charged with, by natu- ral Corruption derived from their Parents. Now then, who is it, Man., even Sinful Man, that Meriteth a Right to have his Sins pardoned? or is it not Chriit that hath done it for him ? Surely if Remiffion. of Sins be the greater work, for which the Sign Water-Baptifm is to be let on, than all that Chrift hath wafhed away their Sin or Sins; the Right intheSeffer, the Sign is alio merited tor them, by him that merited the greater for them ; namely, the Remiffion of Sin or Sins; io that for any to lay, nothing but Profeffion of Faith can give any Soul, Young or Old, Right to have Water-Baptifm adminiftfed on them, is to rob Chrift of his Honor, and Sin- ful Man to take the Glory to himfelf : That Man by his External Acl:, meriteth a Right to partake of one of the iniealing Goipel-Ordinances; furely this Man's Faith is not built upon the Foundation or Do&rine of the Apoftles or Pro- phets ; for fince Mans Fall v all Right Man forfeited from under a Bleffing, to any Mercy, or Sign of Gods Mercy either Temporal or Spiri- tual, for even the very plowing of the wicked is Sin. So that in fine, when Man hath done all, with relped of Meriting by the beft Ad he can do, to obtain any Mercy from God, he is repulfed with this, That he is but an un- D 4 profitable 4P Baptifm Anatomized. profitable Sex van t,Luke. 1 7.10. therefore by Grace is onr Sins. pardoned, and by the lame Free Grace inChrift have we a Right to the Sign; of Remiffion of Sins; for was it. not of Free Grace, that by the Sprinkling, of the Blood on the Door.pofts oixhz Ifraehtes in Egypt, that by that outward Sign., the Dcfti oying Angel palled over them ; and was not this Right merited tor them by Chrift their Pafl'over ; and not for any external A& they did or could do ; even £b wt, to wit^ all Believers and their Infants, as then they and their' Infants, by the Blood of Sprinkling of Jefus, our PalTover the Deftroying Angel palfeth over us; for Chrift our Pailover is Sacrificed for us ;and our Children , as of old for the Ifraelitesa.nd their Qiidren : For lo it is written, as by the outward Sign in Baptifm, So fliall be Sprinkle njany^attovn ; and I will Sprinkle clean Water upon you y > and y.e fijall be clean from all your fkhmefi, Ifa. 52. if- Ezek. 36. 25. As it is in the Sign Waxer-Baptiim, Be Baptised and wafi aw ay tfay Sins (br Fiithinefs.) By which it is clear i that the Right to Water- Jteptifm is merited by Chrift only, for all fuch whole-Sinor Sins Ch; iff. taketh away, and by the Doctrine of the GofpeL, it is. manifefted_, that Chrift taketh away the Sin of the World, which Infants by. original Corruption, derived from their Parents, were guilty of. And un- lels the Anabaptjfts can prove, that Infants were no part of the World that Sin entered into, BAptijm Anatomized, 41 into, and fo no part of the World from whom Chrift hath taken "away their Sin : But the firft the Apoftle hath proved,, that Infants by the Fall, Sin entered into them by original Cor- ruption derived from their Parents ; Adam being the Root, therefore his Off-fpring, his Branches could not be clean ; as faith *the Scri- pture,#^w can bring a clean thing^out of an unclean} nomot one, Job 14. 4. And iikcwife the latter the fame Apoitle te^cheth, as forelaid ; that is, By one Mans Difobedknce many ivere made Sinners ; to wit, Children, fo by the Obedience of one, to wit, Chrill the lecond Adam, many were made Righteous, the Believers and their Infants. But by the Anabaptifts natural Faith, they cannot fee this Myftery of the Gofpel ; and therefore leaning to their own Underftanding, which is forbidden Manfb to do in the Myfleries of Faith in the Gofpel, they run aground,- faying, according to the afbrefaid Argument, That Pro- fejjion of Faith * and Repentance , giveth right to Water-Baptifm $ from that Scripture, He that •believetb and is Baptised frail be faved. From this and the like Scriptures, they plead againft the Right the Infants of Believers have to be Baptized, without regard to the Free Grace of God to Sinners by the Dottrine of the Goipel j for that Scripture is not underftood a right, that an Abfiirdity can be brought on the Inference they make ; as for example, ir as they fay, None ought to be Baptised, but fuch as actually Believe ? Then 42 Bdptifm:Jnatami^A Then by that Scripture, none can be Saved but only ftch as Actually Believe ; (Tor that Scripture faith, He that Be lie vet h not jhall be Damned : ) which the Anabaptifts affirm. i . Now the true meaning of Mark 16. 16. He that hath Aftually.Sinnedjif he doth not A&ually Believe in Chrifl to be his Saviour and repent, and Jo forfake his Sins, he, according to the Revealed Will of God, hath no Promiie of Sal- vation ; but Infants, who are Sinners not by their own A#, but by original Corruption de* rived from their Father Adam, and fo by nature naturally from their Father that begot them, they are Children of Wrath , .until their Fa- ther or Mother Believe; and then, ( until they like Cam y Ifimael and EJau 9 by their own Actual Sins prove Wicked : ) If they abide Faithful , with Abel and Ifaac , they are to be efteemed a Holy Seed , Gods Children , as aforefaid from the Birth ; fo that the Promife of Rermffion of Sins in the Covenant of Grace belongeth to them, and therefore have Right to the Sign of Remiffion of Sins, Water- Bapti/m to be Adminiftred on them by Free Grace : So that if the Argument were rightly ftated, there is nothing lefs than the Pardon of- Sins by the Merits of Chrift, can give any Soul Young or Old, right to have Water-Baptifm Adminiftred en them . But if, as B. Reach iaith, Nothing lefs than Frofejfion of Faith and Repentance, am give any &W, Young or Qld> right to have Water- Eaftifm Anatomized. 4j Water-Baptifm Adminifired on them. Then how near a kin is the Faith of the Anabaptifts., in this thing about Water-Baptifm, to the Romiih Clergy ; for whereas the- one fay, Vrbfejfion of Faith giveth right ; The other., 7 he Father* have Decreed in the Council of Trent^ That' whofoever fliall fay, Grace is not conferred by the vjork done y Let him be Accurfed. Surely that which giveth any Soul Right to have the Sign of Remiflion of their Sin or Sins Adminifhed on them, is a Grace, a fpecial Grace r But it hath been proved., that Remiilion of Sins,, or warning away of Sins^ in the Blood of Chrift, is the only thing which giveth any Soul Right to have Water-Baptifm Adminiftred on them ; and therefore the Right is by Grace and not by Merit, for the Ail done by any Mortal Man. Simon Magus made an external Profeffion of Faith and Repentance > for it is laid he Believed^ AcJs 8. 13. If that had been that which only gave him Right to be Baptized,, he would not have been told he had no Right nor part in that matter; and why, becaufe he was told he was in the Bond of Iniquity ; therefore Profeffion gave him no Right, but was only required of him., becaufe he bad been an Actual Sinner $ but it is the Remiffion of Sins giveth Right, as afbrefaid, be Baptized, not for Pro- feffion., but for Remiffion of Sins': So the Right is merited by Chrift for ail, that the Scripture teftifieth he hath bore away their Sin or Sins ; but 44 B/tpt'ifm Anatomized. but Chrift is come, who beareth away the Sin of -the World, that Infants are guilty of, and we have proved., the Infants of Believers have their \ Sins partloned. And this is the only thing which giveth any, young or Old, right to Water- Baptifm. So that this Dodrine, that fin-., ful Mans external Ad of Profeflion, or the Godlieft Mans external Ad of Profeflion giveth Right to Water-Baptifm, is a new Doctrine no where found written in the Book of- God: Now if this be the Anabaptifts" Gofpel ,, That God gave his Son to lave Adual Sinners only, and tliefe by their own Ad Merit a Right to theSignofRemiflionofSins,; and that becaufe Infants cannot Adually profefs Faith and Re- pent^ that they have no Right to the Sign of Remi ffion of their Sins ; or is it their Judgment, becaufe their Sin in Infancy is not pardoned ; therefore they have no Right to the Sign. And whether doth this Dodrine lead thefe People, but to conclude either Infants are faved without Chfift , or elfe have no Sin y and fb ChrjiVdied not for them. If on the other -hand they fay., that Infants are Sinners, then they cannot be Saved without a Redeemer ; if Redeemed^ then they have Right to the Sign of the Remiflion of their Sins, for no other Reafbn, but becaufe God, for Chrift's fake, hath pardoned the Sin of the World charged onvlrifints: As John faith in preparing the way of the Lord in the Salvation of Sinners, Behold Baptifm Anatomized. 4 5 Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh (:or beareth) away the Sin $f the World. ' Again B. Reach having afferted the : afore- (aid Argument to deprive the Infants of Be- ievers., from the Right they have to Water- Baptifm, merited by Chrift for them,' hath formed another Argument , lead his former, when try ed by the Golden Reed., Gods Word, Rev. 11. 1. with Rev. 21. 15. ' mould (as it hath been proved) be inefficient to deprive the Infants of Believers of the Right to have Water- Baptifm to be Adminiftred on them: His words are theie in his aforefaid Book, Page 64. There is no better way to know who or what manner of Perfons our Lord Jefm hath commanded to he Baptized, than to go to the great Commijfion of mr- Lord Jefus, Go teach all Nations^ Baptizing them. Anfw. That there is no better way, is granted, when the Commiffion of the Lord Jefus is rightly underftood in his Will and Mind con- tained therein, which when rightly underitood, will agree with the Doctrine contained i» the Prophets and Apoftles^ on which our Faith is to be builded on, Chi ift Jems being the chief Corner-ftone, Eph. 2. 20. •Therefore I defire the Reader to obferve rhefc two things: Firfi, In the Com million of the Lord Jefus it is laid, Matt. 28. 19. Go je therefore and teach all Nations 3 Baptizing them. It is alfo faid, Go ye into all the PFcrld \ and preach the 46 Baptifm Anatomized,* the -GoffceL'to every Creature, Mark 1 6. if. By every Creature is ail Mankind that is called the World/ which by the Fall Sin entered into Actual Sinners and their Seed or Infantsj as afore ' proved : To theie the Apoiile preached the Gofpel, as it is written, The Gojpel which ye have heard y and -which was f reached to every Crea- ture, which is under Heaven^ whereof ' I l : > aui am made a Mini ft er, Col. I. %p Secondly, What this Goipel is, or from whence it was the Apoftles were fent, to gather or reap the lame they were to teach, feeing, when they were fent, no Gofpel was to be found written, but in Scriptures of the Prophets; therefore to this we fiiallfiriHpeak, namely, what the Gofpel was,, the Apoflles were com- manded to teach all Nations ; it v/as no other than they found in theScriptures of thePraphets^ as it: is written frem the words of the, Lord Jems to his Apoftles : I fent you to reap that whereon ye be [towed no labour* other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labour: And herein is that faying, true > One fowtth , and another reafeth , john.4, 57, 38. ■ Now concerning this Goipel. the Apoftles were commanded to teach, the A^ollie Veier writeth , t iaying to the Primitive: Chriitians : The Prophets have enquired, and fe arched diligently, who froyhefied of the Grace that fhould come unto you : Searching ivhat, or what manner of time, the Sprit ofChnftytbat w#s in them, did jignifie, when iti it Baprifm Anntdm zed. 47 it teftified beforehand the Sufferings of Chrm, and the Glory thai ^ould follow '/tjnto whom ftWrfPfi- vented, : that not unto themfelves, hut unto us (mark that) bvic .uiico lis, they did Mwijhr (or ierve unto) the things' which are now reported unto you, by them that have peached the Gojfiel unto you , with the Holy Ghoftfent down fi-om Heaven ; which things the Angels defire to look inio^ i Pet. r . r"a 1 r % r 2. Like wife -the Apoftle Paul, m his Defence before King I Agrifpa, . to cleat himfelf of the Charge the Jews laid againft him, That he taught other Doctrine for Golpel, than what he found written in the Prophets : His anfwer was, Itaving therefore obtained help of God. I con- tinue unto this day , witneffmg both to [mall and greats faying no other things then thofe which ih& Prophets and Moles did fay fiould come : That Ckrjft fooitld fuffer , and that ije Jljould be the fir ft t hat jhould rife. from the Dead 3 and jhould faew light unto the'feople, and to the Gentiles. Then PWfaid to King Jgr/ppa, Believe f thou the Pro- phets! , I know 'that thou believe ft.' Then KgiTp^X faid. unto Paul, Almoft thoU firfoadeft m Wm athriftian, Acui^. 22, 23,27, 28. " And again, When many j*ews at Rdme, had appointed' a day to tome to ffl&$ Lodging, to be informed of cerningjefus, both out (xf the' Law of Mole out of the Prcfhets , firm morning till evening, Acts .48 Baptipp. Anatomized. Ads 28. a;. The Lord Je% v himfeif likewife proved what he taught concerning himfeif, in coming into the World according to the Pro- mile to Adam j proving himfeif to be the Wo-- mans Seed, Qod manifefled in the Flefh by tfre Prophets, Beginning at Mofes, and all the Pro- f&etoy he expounded unto, them m. all the Scriptures, the things concerning himfeif, Luke 24. 27. . So that hence it is, that the Gofpel or. glad Tidings of Chrift our Saviour, the Apoftles were lent to reap their Doifhine they preached from the Scriptures of the Prophets,, as the Apoftle Paul iaith, the Gofpel they taught, . is made mamfcfi by the Scriptures of, the Prophet s, according to the Commandment of the ever lofting God, made known to all Nations for the obedience of Faith ? Rom.l6.z6. As in the CommiiTion, laying, Go ye therefore and teach all Nations , Baptizing them, Matt.28.1 % So then Chrift lent his Dilciples and Apoftles, and the Jews, to fearch the Scriptures,, to m of the .Prophets.,.' to be informed o^ the glad Tidings promHed them concerning the Meliiah they looked for; as it is written, Search the Scri* pturesy for in them, ye think to hzfue eternal Life, and they are they which tefiifie of me, John 5.. Jy, For Chrift in the Promiie was the good Ti4mgs of great Joy, preached by the Angel, Luke 2.10, fit, 12, 13, 14. according to' t£e Scriptures or" the Prophets, Ifaiah 9, 6. Micah 5. *. Seeing it hath, been proved what the Gofpel is, and from whence the Apoftles reaped it j namely, Bdptifm Anatomized. 49 namely, out of the Scriptures of the Prophets ; and that the Angel., upon the Birth of Chrift, preached glad Tidings of a Saviour , out of the Scripture of the Prophets, Luke 1. 1 0,11,12. alio Chrift hirnfelf, and his Apoftles,taught us no other glad Tidings than is written in the Pro- phets aiorefaid. It h therefore defired, and re- quired, of the Anabaptiiis, to fhew us out of any part of the Scriptures of . the Propliets , where they prove that Gofpel to be written, that prcacheth glad Tidings to A&ual Sinners, and not a like glad Tidings to their Infants in Infancy , who as we have proved, are Sinners by original Corruption, derived from Father to Children; and if dying in Infancy cannot be laved, if there be no Promile or glad Tidings bf Salvation for them in the Gofpel in Infancy., commanded to be preached to all Nations, that is, to every Creature of Mankind j unlefs they will at once affirm and prove, that Infants are no part of Mankind that the Gofpel is to be preached unto, with their Parents, under the name of every Creature, Col. i*&%. To the (econd thing to be considered in the Commiilion of our Lord Jelus, who came to lave Sinners, yea Sinners of two forts as afore proved, the Fathers with their Infants j and that thefe are the Peribns every Nation con - iliteth of," is thus proved: If that the Scripture may be allowed to expound its own Senie i:i every Article of Faith , as in teller matters, E then*;- ^o Bsptifm Anatomized. therefore we read, that after the Flood were only left alive Noah and his Family _, among which Noah had three Sons, Shem> Ham and Japheth, and unto thefe were born Sons after the Flood : And by thefe were the IJles of the Gentiles divided hi their Lands ; every one after his tongue, after their Families , in their Nations, Gen. io. 1,5. Thefe are the Families of the Sons of Noah, after their- Generations , in their Nations ; Jnd by y thefe were the Nations divided after the Flood, ver. 32. By which it appeareth that every Nation con- filteth of Families after their Generations, that is, the Father and Mother with their Children., the two fort of Sinners Sin entered into by the Fall of Adam as aforefaid : Andlikewife as afore- faid Chrift was proclaimed when come ac- cording to the Gofpel preached to Adam and to Abraham, that in Chrift all the Families of the Earth JhaU be Bleffed, Gen, ix. g. namely with the Pardon of Sins; io Chrift came to take away the Sins of the World by Families, becaufe he came to lave that which was \o&>Lftke 18.1 1. but Mankind was loft by Families,, Rom. 5. rz. as afore i he wed. Now whereas Mofes writeth, concerning the Gofpel preached to Abraham, faying, that in his Seed Chrift, all the Families of the Earth foall be Bleffed, Gen. 12. 3. The Apoftls Feter preaching that.Gofpel-Prdmife to . the Nation of the Jews , in his firil Sermon applied the Promife in the Blefling to the Fa* her and Mother with their Children, faying,. | The Bapfifm Anatomized. 51 The Vtomife is to you and unto your Children , Kdcs 2. 39. And in his iecond Sermon, ex- poundeth the word all Families , written by Mofis, to be Kindreds of the Earth jl) all be BleJJed, Acts 3 25. The Apoftle Pa ul expqundeth th§ word Families by Mofes, Kindreds by Petsr, to mean Nations, even Men, Women and their Infants; and theie are thePeifons, which, by Chrjfts Commiffion , are to be Taught and Baptized., Gen. 12. 2. Gal.2.%. Now, as to the manner the A&ual Sinners muft be taught, and they muft actually confefs and forlake their Sins, becaufe they had a&ually finned, before they may be Baptized; and when the Parent believed, then teter applied the GofpelPromhe to the Believers and their •Infants or Children as aforefaid, Acts 1. 29. So then a Man's Family under the Prontife, are his Children in Non-age ("other of their Chil- dren, if they have any that have actually finned, . as have their Parents,, mult aclu ally repent and believe before Baptized) hue the -'Infants in Non-age muft, be Baptized when their Parents are Baptized, becaufe their Sin charged on them, is by original Corruption derived to them, pardonqd with them, a:, Adams Chij- dren and Abrahams, and all Believing Jews ami Gentiles Children in all Ages were, elie Children dying in Infancy, coujd not be iaved by the re- vealed Will of God, becauie they are by ll Children of Wrath y Eph. 2. 2. E 2 Now B/tptijm Anatomized. Now this is Gods way in- his word,, that as Families, Kindreds, Nations,, are one and the lame, and as a Mans Children are his Family tfi^der the Promiie in the' Gofpel, and a Mans neareft Kindred inider the Promiie are his Children, and that every Family is a little Nation, as we fee before of NoaFs three Sons, the Ifles of the Gentiles were divided., every one after their Families in their Nations ; fo when a Believer and his Children are joyned to the' Lord, called a Family or Kindred., a little Nation is joyned to the Lord ; as Judah when they came up out of Babylon^ by Families^ we e joyned to the Lord, Jer. 50. 5. as before all Ifraej were joyned to the Lord by Families in the Wiklernels, Deui. 29. io,, n., 12, 15, The Fa the:- and Mother with their Infants, a Holy Nation ; tor faith the. Prophet, meaning many r amines., little Nations were joyned to the Lcrcl .in that day; as it is written, many Nations Jhall He joyned to the Lord in that day, and the j (hall be my People, Zach. 2, 1 1. as Ifrael were Gods People by Families, and ibanany Families in Covenant with the Lord, make one Holy Nation both of old and now, as by Exod. 19. 6. with I Peter 2. .9. is proved., how God call- etlj his People by Families , fome out of eve: .. n, as it is written 3 Thou haft redeemed w io God by thy bloody out of every Kindred, opte aid Nation, Rev. 5. 9. But Nauons. as the whole People in England, ftmce, Baftifm Anatomized, 5j France, Spain, Holland, or other Nations, never was yet heard of to be all Converts in one day ; or fnch a Nation to be foyned to the Lord, every individual Per/on, iri 0113 day';; but Jjrael % , as many Families 'J was joyn to the Lord iri one day; being accn ai Iicvers and their Seed; io were they Nation in a Holy Covenant, Dan. la\ £8, ;o. a Nation in the midft of a Nation or Notions! about them ; to whom, faith 'the' Laid, in re- iped of their Fakh, Worflhp and Marriages, they Jhall not be reckoned among the Nations , Numb, i j-. 9, So now as every Goipel Church confiding of Families, as the Chin oi God in all Ages did, are as diftincr BcJios", Holy Nations , yet confidered as under one chief Sheepherd thrift, they are but one Fold, one Nation or Brotherhood, 1 Yet. a. 17. in all World, called, The Family of Heaven and Earth, Efh. 5. 15. over whom Chrift is King, Kin,; of Saints, Rev. 1 5. 3. as in civil Scales, earthly Kings are called' Kings , or Kmg *f Nations, Gen. 14. 1. unto whom both Beiiev*. is as weh as others, are to obey them in Chii. things in the Lord, as CnrTft hind elf paid them Tribute ; by which example, as hi other Duties, all Chriftians are commanded by the Apoules to obey, Rom, 1 3. Now to Nations confi II lug of Families of Unbelievers, the Apoftles wei e lent by Chrift to preach the glad Tidings to E 5 Families 54 Baptifm Anatomized. Families and Kindreds, Rev. 14. 6. Therefore whofoever (hall preach any other Gofpel than is found in the Prophets, lent to be preached to Families, preachedr not the Goipel of Chrift, but another not found in the Prophets. And therefore how dare any Man preach fiich a Doctrine ibr Goipel, that is not written in the Prophets, that Adult Perfons only have the Promife of the Pardon of their Sins, and are laved by Chrift, and not their Infants with them j when as the Angel, lent to Cornelim, dm ft not deliver any fuch Meffage as the Ana- baptift Do&dne is^ that he mould fend for Peter, to tell him words whereby he (that had been an Actual Sinner ) mould be laved only, and not his Houle., his Child or Children in Non-age with him, who were Sinners, Children of Wrath by original Sin derived from Fathers to Children; but the Meflage from God by the Angela was, according to the Gofpel con- tained in the Prophets, in Chrift, Families or Kindreds lhall be BielTed^as aforelaid. Therefore fend for Peter, and be [Jiall tell thee words whereby thou (hah be fwed, and thy Houfe ; as anon (hall by Scripture evidence be proved, that a Mans Houle are his Children, his near Kindred, who are not Sinners in Infancy by their own acl:, butSinners 3 as aforelaid, by original Corruption, derived from Father to Child, by the Fall in the ♦ firft Adam y and are therefore by Grace laved from Wrath to come by Chrift the fecond Adam, Bapttjm Anatomized. 5 5 Adam, the Sheepherd of his Sheep, who hath in his Fold, bought with his pretious Blood,Lambs as well as Sheep, Infants as well as their Parents. As was foretold by the Prophet when he fhould come;* his fore-amner John fhould proclaim that Chrift, who was born a Lamb., a Sacrifice, a Saviour, fhould like himfelf be a Sheepherd, molt compa ifion ate to all his Redeemed;, as it h Wtiffcei*, He frail feed his Flock like a Sheepherd, he frail gather the Lambs with his Arm^ and carry them in his Bcfom, Ifaiah 40. n. This did Chrift when he was on Earth, took Infants, Lambs of his Fold, of his Kingdom, in his Arms, or in hisBofbm, and Bleffed chem, Mark 10. 13,14,15,16. for by the word Bofbm, is iignifled one near him Beloved ; as John by that Sign leaning on Ch rifts Breaft or Bofbm, John 13. z 5. wasfaid to be the Difciple whom Jefas loved : And whether was poor La&arm carried by the Angels , but into Abrahams Bofbm, as one dearly Beloved of his Father ; fb Chrift was by that word Bofbm , mani- fefted as one molt dearly Beloved of his Father, John \. 18. . But now die Anabaptifts by their new-found Gofpel , would perlwade , that -in Chris's Fold !, he hath no Lambs, but all Sheep : Adult Perfons , fuch a Fold was never heard of in Holy Scripture to be the Fold of Chrift; nor from the borrowed Metaphor of Sheepherds with their Folds on Earth, bo that this Doetd^fe -E 4 or $6 T$dptifm Anatomized. ot the Aja&baptilfe is againft the very order in things Natural, and Co in things Sphitual ; that a Sheepherds Flock ftioujtl have no Lambs among them ; but we (halj 5 by Gods help, prove Chrifts Fold, his Chin eh on Earth, in all Ages, had Lambs in that Fold., as well as Sheep, callpd a MansHouie, Children, or Lambs of the Sheep, Men and Women : Gods lioly Flock arc Men, Lzek. 54. 5. inch as Fell in Adam, and were Reftoredin Chrifr^ fym. 5. 18, And that a Mans Child or Children are his Fictile, laved with him, according to the Gofp'el preached Unto Abraham,, that in Chriil hisSeed, all the Families of the Earth jhall be BlejJ'ed; and that every Nation to whom the Gofpel is . lent to be preached, coniiiicth of Families or Km- JreJs, Rev. 14.6. Acls 3. 25. as ftrft concerning the Nation of the Jews^ in the Scriptures of the Prophets, Children are there called a Mans Hon fa, and jo in the New Teframent,- we therefore are moft certainly right in under- ftanding of Scripture Terms or Phraies, in the true meaning thereof,according as the Scriptures expound themfelves; 'as for example, that a Mans Child is called a Mans Houfe ; when any Man Married in Ifiael, and died without Iffue, his next a Kin was to take his Brothers Widow to Wife, and the firft born Son was to bear np the Name of the Deceafcd ., but if he refufed to take his Brothers Widow to Wife, Then fiall his Brothers Wife, in the pre fence of the Ehhrs D loofe- his Baptijm Anatomized. 57 his Shoe from off his foot., and /pit in his face, and frail anjwer and fay, So fljali it be done unto the man, that will not build up his Brothers Houfe, Deut.zoaz> took her to Wife, the Eiders Prayer was, The Lord make this Wcrnu^ like A ache! and Leah , which two did'buiul the Houfe ofl 1 - ael , R u ii .'.11,11. that is, by bearing Children unto Jacob, here we fee a Child or Children a. e a M. Houfe, by Sctiptui e Explanation : LikewX*- the Widow pf Sarephthd$ Son is called her Ho'uje, fee , 1 Kings 17. 9. to 15. and when God promded ro make the Barren Woman Fruitful, k it a* ritfcjfcj He maketh a barren Woman to dwell in an Houfe ; that is, to be a joyful Mother of Children 3 Pialm 115. 9. To- this mien that a' Mans Child or Children are his Houie, the Doctrine of the Apoftle jagreeth with .the Doctrine of die Prophets, for when the Apoille Paul, in fhewing the Quali- fications of one to be called into the Oriice of a Bifhpp or Pattqr of a Congregation in the Church of God, it is written, 1 Tim. 3. 4.5. He wttft be one that ndeth his Houfe well, (the Houfe being explained in the next words) having his Children in fubjeci ion 5 the reafon is given, For if a man know not how to rule his own Houfe ("his [Children) how (hall he take care of the Church ^or Houie) of Gods Children Young or Old. Xo confirm this Truth, that Children area Mans ^8 Bdptifm Anatomized. Mans Houfe under the Promife of Remiflion of Sins., and fo of Salvation by Chrift, according to the Gofpel preached to Abraham in. Chrift, ail Families of the Earth (ball be Bleffed ; Chrift faid to Zachem (when he- confefled his Faith and repented) This day is Salvation come to this Houfe (Luke 1 9. 9.) or Children, For this rcafbn, although he was in all likeli- hood a Gentile, yet becaufe he had the Faith of Abraham, therefore he was his Son, believing as Abraham did, that God was a God not only to him when he ailually believed as Abraham did, but a God unto his Seed/ in that Salvation was come to his Houfe., his Children with him ; therefore to whom the Gofpel is by the com- mand of Chrift to be preached unto, and the Promifes applied' to them, go teach all Nations y theft are they by B. Reach's own grant, that our Lord Jefus'harfi commanded to be Baptized; as it is written in the great Commiflion, Go teach all Nations •■{Families or Kindreds of the Earth) Baptizing them, &C. Again, feeing Lydia and Stefhanus were Baptized, and* their Houfholds (Acls 16. 15. 1 Cor. 1. 16.) if the Scriptures of the Prophets do expound to us. That a Man and Womans Koufhoid were their little ones,, their Sons and Daughters ; then we hope none can deny, but that the Believers and their Children were , Baptized ; for the proof whereof, we read how : David and his Men dwelt with Achifh at Gath 3 every'} Baptifm An Atomized. 59 every Man and his Houfljold, 1 Sam. 27. 3. but in procefs of time, while David and his Men Were abfent from their Families, their Wives and Children were taken Prifbners ; Co that as it is written, Every Man lamented for their Sons and Daughters , 1 Sam. ;o. 6. Thus what before were called their Houfholds in 1 Sam. 27. 3. are explained to be their Sons and Daughters, Again it is written, Jacob went down into Egypt, Every Man and his Houfliold, Exocl. 1 . 1 . the Father and Mother., with their Children, concerning whom, Jcfeyh Ha.\d unto his Father and Brethren, Iwillnourifh yen and your Houjljolds, Gen. 45. 11. which is expounded, I will nourifh you, and your little ones, called their little ones in Gen. 46. 5. ahxT'jo. 21. Now if Men will not believe the Spirt t-ef God, his own expounding his own word, to be fufficierit ground of Faith to believe, that the Houfliold is the Children or little ones of his People ; there is no credit to be given to fuch Teachers, or People in Mat- ters of Faith; but the Spirit of God hath ex- pounded the Houfholds to be Children ; there- fore all that will take Gods word for their war- rant, may anfwer thcmfeiv'es, That the Apoftles Baptized Children, or little ones of Believers, when they Baptized Believers arid their Houfe- holds. If the ■ Anabaprifts will n©t believe this, let them (hew better, or more clear proof for any ! thing, as an Article of their Faith, which they believe* 60 Baptifm Anatomized. believe, making the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apoflles, agree in one Jiarfrrony together. But if any fhall objec\,that Servants are included in the word Houfholdy on purpofe to cavi the Right Infants of Believers have to Water- Baptiim. The Anfwer is to them, inch need to be taught/ather than to be accounted Teachers that can no better diftinguifh between a Son, a Child, and a Servant ; the very light of Na- ture might convince them , that great is the difference between a Son and a Servant ; a Mans Son is his very next a Kin (Gen. 12. 1. with Gen. 43. 7. Gen. 15. 4. and 21. 10.. Gal 4. n.) Heir to his Father , beareth his Fathers name, a Mafter to his Fathers Ser- vants : As for example, when Abraham lent his Servant to take a Wife for his Son Ifaac^.m their return., Rebecca feeing a Man coming in the Field to meet them, fhe asked the Servant, who tru: Man was ; he laid, it was his Mafter, to wit, Ifaac, Gew.24.65. Again, the Prodigal Son^ .when returning to humble hiinfelf to his Father, laid, Father, not Mafter, but Father : ? I have finned againfi Heaven, and before thee; I am no more worthy to be called thy Sen, make me as one of thy hired Servant s, Luke 15. 18. Now by ail this we fee a Ser- vant is inferior to a Son ; therefore when the Angel laid to Cornell m> Send for Feter : he called two of his Hired or Houfhold Servants(y4#j. 1 0. 7 .) thele were not the Houfc, bbt Servants to the Houftv Baptifm Anatomized. 6 1 Houfe, but a Son abideth in the Houfe, becaufe he beareth the Name of the Houfe for ever, or for Life : So then, if a Servant were equal with a Son, an Heir, or to bear up the Mans Name, doubtlefs Abfalom, who had[ no Son to bear up his Name , therefore he ere&ec^ a Pillar , (2 Sam. 1 8. 18.) which he needed not to have done, if a Servant had been ecua] with a Son, to have borne up his Name, as a Son doth his Fathers Name. And who were the) 7 that were called the Houfe of Ifrael, the Houfe of Aaron, but their Children, and not their Servants. Thus we fee none are properly a Mans Houfe, or Houlnold, but a Mans Children : So Leah and Rachel, as afbre&id, are laid to build the Houfe of Jacob or Ifrael, by bearing Children in the Covenant, Heirs with Ifaac in Infancy of the Fromifes in Chrift, until they., with Ijlmael y for Sin be disherited., and become Servants with | the Bond-woaicins Son. Obj. Another pretended Plea is, fay the Ana- baptiits , Shew its a Child by name that was Baptized, Anfw. It was the way of Chrift to feme, to anfwer a Qiieilion by*a Queftion ; we fey to themj uiew us a Woman by name> that received the lords Supper. They will anfwer , it is evident that Dheiples did break Bread at the Lords Supper, and Women are called in Scri- pture Diiciples; therefore here is fiifficlent ground to bejieve, that Wom^n did partake of the 62 Baft if m Anatomized. the Lords Supper. It is granted, a Scripture Confequence is good' Proof, that it is to be be- lieved, even in an Article of Faith. Now then, we read that Infants at eight days old, with their Parents, are called Difciples in Scripture, as it is written, A£is 1$, 10. when circumcifed, Why therefore tempt ye God, to fut a Toke up:.- the Difciples neck, which neither our Fathers nor we were Me to hear. This anfwer was made by the Apoftle, when the Jews that Believed, taught, that unlefs the Gentiles and their Children were Circumcifed, they could not he (aved ; here In- fants, with their Parents, are called Difciples, So then we read, that Difciples were Baptized, Infants being by the Spirit of God called Difciples : We have grounded reaibn to believe, that Infants were Baptized, by the Anabaptifts own grant, proportionably to their own Plea a foresaid in the Obje&ion. And that Infants of Believers have right to Water-Baptifm, is inoft certain, hecaufe Chrift hath taken away their Sin $ as John faith, Behold the Lamb of 'God ', which taketh away the Sin of the World : So is Salvation come to them as to their Parent, when he*he father a&ually Be- lieveth ; as Chrift foul' Ko Zachew (Luke 1 9. 9.) when he believed, This day is Salvation come to this Houfe 3 for as much as he is a Son of Abraham, haying the ,Fajt}> of Abraham, believing at> Abra- ham did, that God was a God to him, and unto his Family or Seed, his Children ; and they that have Baptifm An Atomized. 6j have not this Faith, have not the Faith of 'Abra- ham, io iire not Abraham's Seed $ and if not "Children of Abraham y they are not of Chrift; for it is Written, Gal. J. 29. If ye be Chrifis, thm are ye Abraham'* Seed y and Heirs acc$rdi??g to fromife. So the Children of the Promiie are accounted for the Seed,* hut the Believer, and his Child or Children, are Children of the Pro- mi fe ,* for (o is the Do&ine of the Prophets, taught by the Apoftles to the Believers and their Seed, Afts 2. 39. For the fromife is to you, and unto your Children \ from that word written, Ye are the Blejjed of the Lord 3 and your Off -firing (or Buds,) withy™, Children of the Covenant God made with their fathers, Ifaiah 65.15. A<5ts 5.25. Moreover the truth of this is confirmed by the, Babes of Chnfts Kingdom, who together with their Parents, wellcomedthe Lord Qiriijt* their Saviour into his Kingdom , . acknowledging Chrift to be their Saviour $ lb that the Children, Crying in the Temple, Hofanna t I will pour my Spirit upon thy Seed, and my Bleffing upon thine Offspring, Iiaiah 44, 2. Which was here made manifeft, to the Amazement of na- tural Profeflors. Thus we lee that the Fruit of Faith in Children appeareth in time, in due iealbn, when God required! Fruit of them, as Plants in his Vineyard come forth, faying, But thou ha ft took me out of the Womb, thou didft make me hope when 1 was upon my Mothers Br e aft, 1 was caft upon thee from the Womb ; Thou *art my God from my Mothers BcRy, Pfalm 22. 9, 10. Thus the Lord San&ifieth his from the Wombjfr.i .5. and as it is written , The Babe leaped in the Womb ftr joy, Luke I. 41, 42, 44. when the Mother was affe$ed with Spiritual Joy ; of fiich the* Lofd faith. Hear, O Jacob, and all the Remnant of the Houfe of Ilrael, which are born by mefnm the Belly, which are earned from the Womb even to your old Age., Iiaiah 46.' 3. thcie by vertue of the Promiie to the Father and Child fay, my Baptifm Anatomized. 65 my Fathers God, and I mill exalt him, Exod.15.2. So chat the Subjects of his 'Kingdom are Xoung Men and Maids , and Old Men and Bab?s 3 Pftlm 148. 12/1 3. -a-rc all called upon id Praife the Lord'm due feaibn ; as Chrift aforefaid, cut of 'the month of Babes thou hafi f erf tied thy praife'. Now 'then, as Infants were a part of the Subjects of the Kingdom: of David, arid that the Infants were a part, of the Honour of hi's Kingdom, as Solomon faid^ In the multitude' "of People is the Kings Honour, Prov. 14. 2>S. Then for the .Honour of the Lord Jefiisy whom D.ivid figured in. his Kingdom 1 as it is written,- They jhall hang on him "(to AvitVori Chrifl) all the glory of his Fathers hjoufe j the Off'-'jpr'Mg, and the Jffue, allVtffds of [mail quantity.; from tit V'ejfeU ff Caps, even to all the V.ejfeh' of ^Plarons', Tfaia-h 2>. 24'. which •Vefiels great and ini-x! 1 , are Saints Young and Qld^ Believers ' arjvi their little-ones, A chofn Generation, a Holy hhmen, Exod.l 9.5A I Pet.2.9. Cvety Veffd great and \\\\<\X\ ? -Sa-ntti fie d and made meet for the Majiers fe/r, -1 Tim. ?.. 2 1 . as wejee fcfyv.the. .Children in the Temple, for our of their Mouth thz Lord perfected his Pr tie, cning ihlannah to Chi ill their bavioiK. • , Tbeiee things throughly I 1, what a wicktrd Principle are thele •, tint deny Infants the Sign of the K&nSd&h of Sins", Wacer-Baptiim ., . and utterly reject them from being vifible Members of the Church of Goit 3 or Subjects of Chriits Kingdom 5 and fo depi \$& I- ' the 66 Baptifm Anatomized. the Lord Jefus of at leaft a third put of the Subjeds of his Kingdom ; robbing him of his Honor, asaforefaid, the multitude of People, is the Kings Honor ; which Honor they will not allow Ghrift, but exempting them out of the Covenant of Grace in Infancy, to be ranked among the Infants of the vikft of Men, Turks and Pagans: For what faith the Scripture con- cerning fuch as are without, that is, without .Gads Covenant,, Rev. iz~ 14, 15. they are reckoned among Dogs , Sorcerers and Whore- mongers ; and Idolaters, and whofcever loveth and rnakzth a Lye. And this is the State the Ana- baptifts reckon their own Children in:; and if dying in Infancy, they in their own judgment, as afoi efeidj muff, periih to all Eternity 5 O horrible Principle ! for there is no middle way of Purgatory., either the Children of Believers are in the Covenant of the Gofpcl or out,, i if within, as hath been proved,, they are Bleffed 2.nd Happy, dying in Infancy, For Bleffed are the Bead that dye in the Lord, Rev. 14. 1 3. that is^ in his Covenant. If, as the Anabaptifts iay, without the Covenant, then under the Curie, Curfed Children, without God in the World, So chat it is a Spiritual Cheat., asaforefaidj to fay, to blind the Eyes of the People thatthear them,, than the State of Infants is fecret ; tht contrary hath been evidently proved, by thefe .aid like Scripture^ Rom. 5. 12. Epb. 1. 3. Dent: 1 29. 2,9. Again, Raft if m Anatomized. 6 j Again, that which blindeth chefe People that they cannot fee the Kingdom of God, and ib do not know the Subjects of the lame., is be- caufe they i eafon carnally againft Infants thus,., that becaufe many of the Children of Believers fail away, and become Profane ; therefore fay they, they have no right in Infancy to Water- Baptifm. If thefe Men would look back in and among themfelves, and fee how many of them whom they re- baptize by Dipping, do fall away to deny that to be any Baptifin at all; as how many of them turn Quakers^ who deny Water- Baptifm as well as the Lords- Supper , not now to be externally Adminiftred, and fb no Gofpel Ordinances : They might for fhame be filent from fuch vain Objections againft the Baptizing of Infants, until they coukl enter into the Secret Council of God, to know who among them, mould renounce their way, zn& turn to another, and who would not. Again, another Objection they make to de- prive the Infants of Believers from their Right to Water-Baptiim, That Chrift ivat Baptised at Thirty Tears of Age. therefore none but Men and Women of Tears qre to-be Bavtiz-ed. Anfo. This is as Carnal a Plea as the former, for herein they fl'iii bewjay their Ignorance, knowing not the reafon why Ghrift was not Baptized until he was Thirty years of Age, for as God is a God of order, fo Chriff, as iVl an, kept crder in all things he did : So that as he F % c:.m* 68 Baptism Anatomized. c ame to fulfil all Righteoufnels for Believers and JieTr Infants; waited for one foretold of by the Prophet IJaiah, to begin that work' which vPifc to continue for a Gofpel-Ordinance; "ask is 'written j The Voice of him that crhth in the Wilder - nefi. Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make fir aight in the Defer t a High-way for our God, Iiaiah 40. *f. Matt, j.i %. Tsiow although Chrift was' God, yet was he alfb Man, and fo waited for a Mini- fterial Officer to begin ib great an Ordinance, a Gofpel-Ordinance, to -remain as a Sign of Juftification by Chrifts Righteoufnefs in the Remiflion of the Sins of the Believers and their Infants, whole Sin or Sins he had bore away in Promiie , and was now come in A& to bare away in Perfbn their Sms,, as a Lamb (lain in the determinated Council of God before the World was. Therefore John being the Son of a Prieft, might not be'^iii his Mini fte rial Orftce according *p the Law (not then abolifhed,) until he was Thirty years' of Age, Numb. 4. f. The Lord Jefiis (as Man' being but Six Months youngerj {oon 'dsjohn began his Miniitry; and this was the- reafon why Chrift was not Baptized unti I he was aboitt Thirty years old. So that this P:ea from Chrifts being notBiptized until he -yfki a Man growiiy is Inefficient to -rove that Infants are not td be Baptized : thus we ice what Windings and - Turnings, by n V Colour or vain Deceit, thefe People lye in Baptifm Anatomized. 69 wait to deceive by, who turn away their Ears from the Truth, and he. turned unto Fables., 2 Tim. 4. 4. . Another Pretence is, they plead the order of words , go Teach and Baptize ; 10 that from hence by. carnal Reafbn, without refped to the Analogy of Faith, accordmg to the Do&rine of BaptifixL, they infer, That no one is to be Baptized until he is capable to underftand Do&rine. If the order of words would iatisfie thefe People, we read, John 2id baptize in the Wlldernef^ and preached the Baptifm of Repentance for the Re?mfion of fins, Mark I. 4, Here by this Scriptu r e we lee the order of words runneth, John Baptized and Taught ,* as ellewhere it is written., Go Teach and Baptize. To contend about words we are forbidden., but commanded to contend for the Faith once given to the Saints. Then for a, ready way to underftand the order of words in this matter, we muft begin at the Root , the Figure, or Forerunner of Water- Baptilm, namely, Circumcilion ; the one coming in room of the other, as they both fignified one and the fame Benefit to Believers^ and their Seed in Ghrift, who was Baptized and Circumciied for us ; in the one, to fulfil a'l Righteouineis , imputing his Righteoufnefs to Believers and their -Infants, as by that Sitwf 3.12^1 ;.£/>&. 6.4. And thus we fee the order of words are re- conciled, that John is faid tp Baptize in the Wildernefs., and preach the Saptifm of Repen- tance ; and the Apoftles preached Repentance and after Baptized : So that there is no warrant to keep Infants from Water- Baptifm until they repent. Thus the Anabaptifls Doctrine is not of God, but a Point of their natural Faith: Seeing then it is clear , that as Infants were firft accepted into the Covenant of Grace in Chrift, with their Believing Parents,, and then Circumcifed, as by Deut. 29. is proved., that firit the Parents with their Little ones., entered Covenant with the Lord, even the lame Cove- nant made with Abraham^ Ifaac and Jacob \ wt'$. and afterwards were Circumciied at Gltgall (Jofima 5. 3 .) by Jojbua^ who was a Circum- cifed Perfonof them thatcdme otizofEgyft; and then the Children were taught what God had done for them., and what he did require of them as they grew up, Gen. 18. 19. Deut. 6. 7. and 11. 19. Vrov. 22. 6. So that the Infants then born, when God accepted them with their Parents into the Covenant of Grace with himfelfj as alfo the Infants after bom, their' F 4 Parenc? 7 2 Baptifm Anatomized^ Parents were to pring with them ; 'in the Tea ft of Tabernacles, a, |n o written, Gatherthe Feople, together, Afcn end Women, and Children, and thy r-igcrs that is ' within , thy Gat ex (joy nod with If- ad in Covenant vyith'thVLard, Dmt, 29. 10, II, 12, "15J that they may ■ 'hear > and that they may learn., and' fear the Lord your.- God ; and that their Children wfcich have ipt, known any thing, fnay hear and ham to ferve th$ Lord ywr God y Petit ;r. n, 12, 1 ;. Even fo are Parents now to bring tbfai; Chil- dren with them to the Congregation, to hear Law of God opened and explained, though as yet they may not have known any thing,, as , it is written, Ye Fathers bring up your Children m the Nurture and Admomtitn of the Lord, Eph. 6. 4. For whatfoever things were written afore-time _, were written for pur .'('the whole Church of Gods,) Learning, That they, through Vjztieiue and Corn- 's of the Scriptures , ?raght have hope , for rhem and their Children, Ror/i.iy^.. as faith . Prophet, Who Jljould anfe and declare them to their "Chil hit. they might Jet their hope in Gody and nut forget the" works* of God y but ieep his Conm and waits y P'falm 78. 6, 7. that Ifrad were, with their Children, hi the* Covenant .of Grace , is evident; tor ■ Gentiles and dieir Infants, were, •; the fame Ojive-Tree,- from which - relieving je-w^ wkh their Infants, were broken Baptifm Anatomized. 7J broken off; arid that when the Unbelieving Jews y .as the Apcftle teacheth; fhall, by Gr.ice, be. Grafted in again to (what) bat their o ~~n\ Olive-tree,, Rom. u. 24. that is, into Chrift, by the Covenant of Grace 3 from whence they were broken off!, by not believing Chrift in chePromife, when come to be their Sa- viour, as Chrift laid to the Jews,, If ye believe not that I am he (to wit, the Seed of the Wo- man promifed). ye fhall die m your fms , John 8. 24. but Peter in his hrft and lecond Ser- mons to theie Jews broken off from the visi- ble Covenant of Grace in Chrift, know, if they were of the Election , they (houid yet obtain Mercy ; fb fhall they .with their Infants, be received of God in Chriif.See Row. 11.7. for faith the Apoftle to the Jews (upon their being pricked in their Hearts, and their imbracing of Chrift for their Saviour) The Promije is unto you and unto your Children, Acts 2. -59, Te are the Children of the Prophets^ and of the Covenant God made with our Fathers, faying unto Abraham^ and in thy Seed fliali all the Kindreds of the Earth be Blefjed, unto you fir ft 3 God having raifed up his Suit Jejtts, fent him to ble/d you, in turning away every .ne of you from. his Iniquities v Acts 2.. 25 ? 20. Here we fee God hath not calf away the In- fants of his People, but as by Urrbeliei iome of the Jews. -were broken 1 off, and their Infants with them ; io when fuch Actual Sinners be- lieved., they and their Infants were grafted into the 74 Baptifm Anatomized. the True Olive Chrift, by the Covenant of: Grace-again; and hereupon was that Gofpel-i Promife fulfilled, as it is written, I will multiply them, and they (hall not be few ; I will alfo glorifie them , and they foall not be (mall : Their Children aljo jhall be as afore-time, and their Congregation fliall be eftdb lifted before me, and 1 will punijh all that opprefi them j]qi\.%o. 19*10. Tims God ever had great efteem of the Lambs of his Fold, as appeal eth in a day of Sore Cala- mity, when the Lord called for a Fait, who but the Infants rnuft be AiTembled with their Pa- rents ; as it is written, Blow the Trumpets in Sion, fdnBif.e a Fafi y call a Solemn Ajjkmbly, gather the People , Sanclifle the Congregation , AJ]'emble the Elders, gather the Children and thofe that fuck the Breajt. Then faith the Lord, Let the Priefifay y § re thy People, O Lord) and give not thy Heritage to rtfroae&L v 'Here we fee Gods People are Men, Women and their Sucklings and Little ones, the Heritage of the Lord their God,) Joel 2. 1 5, 16, 17. Will not thefe Anabaptifts lay, what Senfe had Sucking Infants in that work to feek the Lord . ; As much Senfe as God required of them; but becauie they were his Redeemed ones, with their Parents unto whom the Pro- mifes did belong, therefore they were compre- hended within the Benefit of the Promife., in the Church of God, being a part of' the Lords People, O Spare thy People, O Lord ; and God was their God, not by any other way but by the Baptifm Anatomized. 7- for -if iome Brutiih f Perfbn (hould plead thfejft[ a Man is a Living c Creature that hath a reai&nab-'c Soul ; and the c proper Affections of a Mdn.- c.s he is a Man, c are the Faculties of Underftanding, of Rea- soning, .of judging and dilce.ning True and f Falfe, Good and Evil j of Approving or c Improving j of Willing or Niliing ; i of Speak- Z ing, Numbering, &c Now let them that 4 affirm Infants are born Mfcri, as Chrift doth, c John 16. it. prove that Iniancs do underftaud, * do think, remember, judge., diicern Good c and Evil, approve, will ipeak, )&c. or elic c they fay nothing : Were not flick a Di'f buter c to be hilled at, who requirfeth the Actiuf-Uic f and Manifeftation of Humane Ai'fedions and c Faculties in Infants, which are in them but f potentially, and in the Seed and Beginning. And y 6 Baptijm Anatomized, S And becaufe- they cannot declare rfieie things ' by their Work% therefore he denieth them to c be of die Generation of Mankind, or born ' Men into the World ; or that they have the \ Faculties of Men at all in them any manner c of way. Even fo they reafbn againft the - Grace of Chrift in Infants, his work of Rege- f neration in them, (as Chrift faith of theGhil- c dren of his Kingdom, that they are converted, c h.umbje and believe in him) becaufe they can- c not actually mamfeft the Effects of Regene- c ration and Fruits of Faith (as di&Timotby when c grown up) as in Elder Perfons, who by reafbn c of Age, have the life of their Senfes exercifed ' to difcem both Good | and Evil. And here I 5 deftrc to know, faith Mr. Ainfworth, of the c Anahaptifts y Fiift , When they think that c Children (who infcheK opinion are born with- c out any Sin) begin to be Sinners?, Whether c at; cvc\ three, nVe or' icy en Years? And when c chey can juitly reprove a Child for Sin? If it c ihewin Word,.- Deed, or Geirare, any thing c contrary to the Law, ot God; as if it Swear, c Curie, Lye, Difob^y Parents, take another's * Goods, be ;:y or the like. Yea, f let any of them. tell (,'ifhe can) when he him- 1 l'eif fell from his Innocency, and became a Sin- : ncr, being none before (as they account) by c what Aet of Traj-jgreifion •> of what Com- '• m andment ? for it is Strange, that an Inno- cent Man. fhould rail from his Innocency, and c know Bdptifm Anatomized. 79 * know not when nor -how. Secondly, Wh'e- * ther any Child, fo loon as it beginneth to be a c Sinner fan Aclual Sinner) hath not a Remedy f for the Sin by Chrift ; and fo whether it is * not capable of Repentance,, Faith, Regenera- c tion,&c. and" consequently of Baptif m/the Sign c of Remiffion of Sin 5) Co fbon as k is a Sinner ; f and at what Age any of them have Baptized f their ^Children unto RemiHioh of Sins~$ for c Parents are commanded to bring "up their 'Children in the Nurture and Admonition of 'the Lord, Eph. 6.4. This they ' cannot 'do * aright, unleft they know when fir ft they : begin f to Sin, and consequently when they begin to 'Believe; for if 'they blame a Child for Sin, c while it is an Innocent, they commit Iniquity. < If they keep a Child fromChrifl^and Cliii&ian c 'Baptifm, when it is a Repentant and Believing c Sinner (which may be io focm as it is a Sinner) ' they wrong mod: Sinfully; to condemn 'that c which Chrift juftifietlv Thefe things ou^ht to be confidered by all that Fear God. And therefore before we conclude this -Query,* I cannot but obferve the Folly o{ the A bapufts; and in particular B.Keach, how he deipiietli thofethat prove by Grounded "Rca,- fe-ns from Gods -Word, the Rfeht the InfWs of Believers have to Water- B^tifin, beeaufe' they ihew not a plain Text in the New Tcfta- mentj in ib many lireral words. Baptise vour Children ; a&ofold^ GrcurfftSK your Chi Id ten. -bo Baptijm Anatomized. And therefore, he chargeth them (Gold R P. 69.) to reflect: upon the Honour, Care" an< •1'akhfulnefsofthe Lord Jefus.; as if they ren cired him lefs Faithful than Mofes. For., 4itl he,. Can any th'mg reflect mere upon the Care Honour end Faithfukefs of Chnfl, ,&c. than tlm If he mould neglect -to {peak out his Mind ant. Will to us, to be 10 Carelefs, that Sorry Man is forced to cry his Wits to fupply that which is waiving, or defective in his woid ; and when he hath done all, he leaves it as doubtful as he found it, in the judgment of Indifferent: M&i. pvl'Mcjes deal thus with the -Children of Ifi-'^l i No, no; how careful was he to deliver ev§cy La w v .Statute and Ordinance exadiy 3 an4in rtic.ular the Pa fib ver. So B>,fcach iaich. -Anfa.^ Methinks this Man,, together wich the reft, of his Brethren, ; in their ]a,e ; Narra tive., a P^ 10, 17,-jhayjpy.their own Ground, wnerew-ich thev charge .others. to reried upon' the Care, Hoi-x^ur jmd Fairimiin^sof $he Lord Jefus, be moved, to; Ip^ pat]>e. , in that, they are lores-. want of 10 manv plain woi,^in> Qirifts 1 q ment^RemeiTf 3 fi r ft ±\ the-^eek, ibi . : ,f .Religious Wor/hjp ; as th,- pffim&tefi&mA her to Keep Holy ti. I lay, they may :ee how, while they in. their^ own Senfe charge ochers. roTehe&on the Care,* Honour and Faithiulnefs of Chnij:, they them- felves Baptifm Anatomized. 81 felves are forced to try their Wits, by Reafons drawn from Chi ill's 7 eftament, to prove that which they grant is defective and wanting, by a plain Law as aforefaid , to keep Holy the firft day for Religious Worfhip. Therefore to turn that on themlelves., which they take to be the way of Faith., to keep the firft' day Holy for Religious Worfhip,, (hall be as fafficient a Rule of Faith by their own Grant, for us to prove by grounded Reafons from Chrifts T efta- ment., the Command for Baptizing of Infants, as there is for keeping the firft day Holy for Religious Worfhip 3 . without fo many literal, words : As for Example, Their firft Queftion or Reafonis, for the keeping the firft day : Whether it be not the Duty of ail Chriftkns and Churches of Chrift, to obferve the Lords-day* or the firft Day of the Week, in the Worfhip and Service of God., both in Publick and Private ? They anfwer to their own queftion ; it is concluded in the Affir- mative ; (their reaibn is) becaufe we find that day was fet apart for the Solemn Worfhip of God, by our Lord Jefus, and his Holy Apoiilcs, through the Infallible Infpiration of the Holy Spirit. Welikev»ife anfwer,It is concluded ifr the Affir- mative, That that which was once commanded by God to be obferved, and never., by the lame Law-giver, yet abrogated, is ftiil to be kept and obferved., Dent. iz+ 32. But the Command to G let 8-2 Baptifm Anatomized. fet the Sign and Seal (Gen. 17. 12, i^J.or Token of Gods Mercy in Chrift, on the Believers and their Infants, was nevei yet repealed, but only the Sign and Seal, or Token changed , from Circumcifion to Water-Baptifm ; even as die Seventh day time is changed from the Seventh day to the Firft day of the Week, by the Lord Jefiis and his Holy Apoftles, through the In- fallible Infpiration of the Holy Spirit- Again they fay, another reafbn is for keeping the firft day,* becaufe the Son of God was made manifeft in the Flefh, had Authority to make a Change of the Solemn day of Worfhip, being Lord of the Sabbath, Matt. 12. 10. Mark 1. 28. 'Luke 6. 5. By like reafbn we fey, Chrift was manifefted in the Flefh, (Heb. 3. 6.) the Son of God. and (Thil 2. 1 1 .) Lord of his own Houfe, had power to change the Seal of the Covenant ; who al-. terednor, but (Rom. 15. 8.) confirmed the Pro- mi fes In the Covenant (by his being Circum- ciied) to the Believers and their Infants. Now,to be fealed with the Sign Water-Baptifm, by the fameAuthority which we believeChrift changed the Seventh day to the Fir it day, to be kept Holy for Religious Worfhip. Again, whereas they fay, it is manifeft our B'eifed Lord and Saviour rofe on that day, as having com pleated and confirmed the Work of our Redemption, M#tt. 28. 1. Mark 16. 2. Luke 24. 1. John 20. I. whereby is "kid Baptifm Anatomized. 8 J laid a Foundation of the Obfervation of that day. By like reafon we fay, that fou all whom GBrifl", by his Refurredion, 'hath compleated and confirmed the work of their Redemption ; he hath laid a Foundation thereby-, for Sealing the fame unto them , by that vifible Si^n of Pardon, or Remiffion of their Sins, , Water- Baptifm ; but that Chrift hath confirmed and compleated Redemption, for the Believers and their Seed in Infancy, before is .largely proved in this third Query/ Therefore theie are to be Baptized, Baptifm by Water being caff, upon them y as is at large proved to be Gods way in the nrft Query ; and by like grounded reafon brought from Scripture, as they now do, to keep the nrftcjay of the Week Holy for Religious Woifhip to God. Again they fay, our Lord on that day ap- peared to his Difciples, teaching and inf trusting them, and Bleffing them, giving them their Commiffion,breathing on them the Holy Ghoft, Luke 24. John to. Anjw. If the Bl effing of Chrift to hi-> Difci- ples, with his Spiritual Bleffing ot the Pardon of their Sins, who cited for them, and on that day rofe again for their jiirHtication, be a rea- fon, why we mould keep the rirft day Holy; it is a like reafon why Infants of Believers arc to be Baptized , feeing the vifible Sign of the Remiffion of their Sins, in or by ::..- * G '1 B.eilui- 84 Baptifm Anatomized. Brefling of Chrift beftowed on the Infants of his Kingdom, Water-Baptifm is to be Admi- niftred on them, becaufe Chrift died for their Sin j and rofe on the firft day for their Justifi- cation, becaufe they are of the Kingdom of God, Luke 1 8. 16. in which time of the Forty days, Chrift fpoke to them of all things per- taining to his Kingdom,. ABs i. Again, if it be a reafon, .as they fay, why we mould keep the firft day Holy, becaufe our Lord JeiiiS remained with his Difciples Forty days after his Refurrc&ion, and fpake to them of the rhings pertaining to the Kingdom of God ' y and if they queftion not but he then gave them command, about the Obfervation of the Lords day, Acts r. 5. A.nfw. Seeing' the Lord Jefus in the Forty days he was with his Difciples, after his Refiir- recYion, fpake to them of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God ; and that the time for Worfhip is one thing pertaining to the King- dom, becaufe there is a Time and Seaibn for eveiy work 5 and that therefore there is no qiieftion but he gave command about keeping the firft day Holy. Even fo there is Hkewiie no queftion but he gave Command concerning all things elfe pertaining to his Kingdom, as aforefmi; and the Infants of his People Chrift •himielf hath laid are of his Kingdom : There is no doubt, feeing he B'elTed them with the Par- don of their Sifr, as well as he Bleffcd their Parenfs, Baptifm An at omized, $ ed every one of you , for the rc?nif]ion of fins, for the pro wife, to wit, of the Pardon of Sins, in the Blefling of Chrilt, m to ycu &nd unto your ChMren,' So that by the Anabaprifts own grant, feeing Chrift was Faithful in his Hoafo, as a, Son, he did not omit* the commanding of the vifible Sign of Remiffion of Sins, Water-/ Baptifm^ to all the Keiied in his Kingdom, no more than he omitted a command for. the keep- ing the firft day Holy for Religious Golpffta worfliip ; becauie he was Faithful in his Ho jfs as a Son, as Mofes was as a Servant, Hdx.i£ Moreover, whereas they grant that the day of Pentecoft was the firit day of the Week, ASsi.i. and feeing the Apofties Baptized- 3000 on that day,, there is no qiieiiipn but that Chrift gave command that they :'iiculd captizer on that day ; as in their Sixth Reafon in their. Narrative they lay and grant the firft day was* folemnly obferved by the Churches, as appears in Atis 20. 7. wjthj the Solemn Duties then formed • and that we have no Example of the Churches then Aifemb'ing together, to celebrate -all the Ordinances, of &< Lord Jeilis peculiar to them, but on the nrrf day of the Week, mark that therefore. G r If 86 Baptifm Anatomized. If the Practice of the Primitive Churches in the Pureft of Times, be the Rule for Goipel Churches ever fince to follow their Examples (i Thejf. 2. 14.) as it is, and that all the Oidi- nances are to be celebrated on the Lords day,, which Practice of the Churches is by the Ana- baptifts granted in their Narrative, to be an evident plain Demonflration of its being a Day fee apart for Religious Worfhip, by the Will and Command of the Lord' Jefus, as if it had been exprefs'd in the plaineft words : Mow is ic then (feeing Water-Baptifrn is a part of Spirit tual Worfhip, as they grant, and an Ordinance when iirft performed after Chrift's Rcfurreclion, on the Lords day, in the Church Affembly., where was no River nor Pond,) that the Ana- baptifrs Baptize after their way of Dipping on any Working- ddy., out of the Church Eftate when Affembled, when as by the Example of a Church~Pra6tice at Jemfalem, m the- Pureft of Times, whofe Example all Churches are to follow^ that then, when the Church was Aflem- bled to perform odier parts of the Worfhip , then Water-Baptifm was performed in the Con- gregation : Which is a plain Demonflration, that they were not Baptized by Dipping, but by caiting Water on the noble part of Man- kind, which reprefenteth the whole Perlbn ; as before in the fii ft Query is proved. There- Baptifm Anatomized. 87 Therefore tho theApoftles and Eyangetift^ by an extraordinary call, Baptized in any place Where any were Converted J yet that any ordi- nary Officer, as Paftor or Teacher, chofen and ordained by a particular Congregation,Baptized any other where, but in the Congregation, ac the fame time when all other Ordinances are to be performed in Worfhip, as they grant, therefore it is not lawful by the Anabapp'fts own grant, for any to Baptize orr any other day but the Lords day, and then to be done in the Affembly with other parts of Worfhip ^foraP much as they fay, the firft day was folemnly observed . by the Churches , as appears by Aft$ 20. 7. with the Solemn Duties then per- formed, and that we have ("fay they) no ex- ample of the Churches then AfFembVd toge- ther, to celebrate all the Ordinances of our Lord Jefus peculiar to them, but on the firft day of the Week. Now let the Pleader judge, whether the Charge given by theie Men, againft fiich as by Scriptures grounded Reaibns, prove it lawful to Baptize the Infants of Believers without fb many literal words in Chrifts Teftament, Baptiz-e your Children : Seeing they by the lime way, allow and endeavour by grounded Reafons from Scripture, to prove the firft day of the Week, to be the only day to keep Holy for Gofpel- worlhip ; when as in the Teftament of Chrift, there wants fb many literal wordsj Remember G 4 to ?3 Baptifm Anatomized. to keep Holy the firft day; as of old > Remember to keep Holy the Seventh day. "Who is it now I I fay, they or we that refled .upon the Care and Honour and Faichfulnefs of. our Lord an,d Bleffed Saviour. Becaufe, lay they, did Mojes deal thus with the Ctiildren oflfrael. No^ no^ hew careful was he to deliver every Law., Sta- tute and Ordinance exactly and particularly,*. in or about the Ordinance of the Paffover ; (pat now they are, forced to' try their Wits to fitgply that which is wanting, in their Senie, to prove the ririi day to be kept Holy in the Wor- ship of God. Therefore feeing that they allow it lawful in themfelves to do that, wlvich in things of like nature they condemn in others. Let thefe Men hear what the. Lord Jefus faith to fuch like Spirits/ {Mat. 5. 2, 5,4,5.) With what judgment' ye judge , ye^jhall be judged, and with what meafure ye meet, it jhall be meajured to you again : And why beholdeft thou the Mote in thy Brothers eye, but ccnfiderefi not the Beam that is m thine- own eye, thou Hypocrite, firfi cafi out the Beam out of thine own eye, and then jh alt thou fee clearly to cafi out the Mote cut of thy Brothers And again, as we do believe the next imme- diate time after the Work of the Creation of the World, was the time God in M:he Fourth Command ement commanded to be kept Holy until a new Creation was made,, wherein God in Chrift his word, created new. Heavens and a new Bdptifm Anatomized. 89 new Earth, Ifaiah6$.l m j. Rev. 21. 1. Ifaiah 51.16. namely, new Heavenly Ordinances 5 the old as Figures of Chrift to come > now by ChrifLs Death aboliftied (Heb. 9. 23.) which were for a time commanded to be kept,, by the Second Commandement ; as now the Lord JeiTis, we hear by a Voice from the Throne of God, iajth, Behold I create all things new ; to wit, new Ordi- nances, a new Miniiny, & new Maintenance, and a new Time to be kept Holy, an 1 a new People, called a uqw Earth, the Gentiles called to the Faith, Fellow-heirs, arid of the* lame Body with the Believing jews, Partakcisoi his Promife in Chrift by the Gofpel : And therefore it is written s\{6.(Eph. 3. 6. Rom. 15. 9, 10. Rom. 1 1. 24. with Jer. 1 1 . 1 6.) Re Joyce ye Gentiles with Jpis People, who were wild by nature , are now by anew Creation in Chrift Jeius, Grafted .contrary to nature, into the good Olive-Tree, with the Be- lieving Jews, and their Children $ lo that if' the Root bejloiy, fo arc the Branches 5 the Root being Gods Love in Chrift, in the Covenant of Grace to us and our Children, as of old to Abra- ham and his Seed, the Believing jews and*their Children ; lb now to the Believing Gentiles and to. our Children, who are Holy by virtue of the Holy Covenant which God made with Abra- ham and his Seed in their Generations, ifib as they grew up they continued with Ifaac in the Faith. So that the next immediate time., after Chrift by his Death had coniirmed the Holy. Cove- 90 Baptifm Anatomized. Covenant with many,Z>*«.9.27. to wit, with Be- lievers and their Seed in Infancy, was the time to be kept Holy, even the firft day of the Week : So that although the Figurative Ordinances be aholithed, together with the old time next after the firft Creation , by the Death and Refur- ve&ion of the Lord of the Sabbath : Yet as by the Moral Equity of the Second Commanded ment, the new Ordinances for Gofpel-worfhip are to be kept without adding to, or diminiih- ing from, by any Mortal Man ; even ib by the Morar Equity of the Fourth Commandement, the firft day, the next immediate time after the new Creation, is to be kept Holy for Gofpel- worfhip, to be believed by all Chriftians by grounded Reaibns from Scripture 5 as by like equality by grounded Reafbns from Scripture, is to be believed the Right the Infants of Be- lievers have to Water-Bap tifm. And therefore let them be afhamed ever hereafter., to fpeak againft, or deny, that Reaibns from Scripture are not n^fEcient to prove the Right the Infants of Believers have to be Baptized. And -this leaderh to the Fourth Query. Query 4. Who are they that the Lord Chrift hath ordained in his Gojfcel to the Wtrlds end, to be the Admmifirators of Water Baptifm, and the Lords Suffer ? To this Query Ben. Reach faith, in Page io,xi. of his Book : 7 hat the Adminifiraiion^ or AB of Water- Baptifm Anatomized. 9 1 Water- Baptifm > was not tjed up to the Apoftles, or to the more ordinary Minifters • but that any Faith- ful- gifted Difciple might Adminifter it as -well as they • nor doth the Efficacy of Baptifm depend in the leafi upon the Quality of the Perfon Adminiftering of it, whether it be Paul, Apollo or Cephas, or any other Difciple much inferior to them in Capacity or Office^ it is no matter ; for Ananias, a private Difciple, Baptized • and Pliilip, who was no other than a Deacon, or Overfeer of the Poor, Baptized many in Samaria, A&s8. So that we find in the Primitive times, the Simple AB of Baptifm was a Work Inferior, Servile and Subfervicnt to that of Preachmgthe Geffel. Anfw. The Lord Jefus in the Commiffion, Go ye and teach all Nations, Baptizing them, was after Ghrifts Refiirre&ion given to Men in Office only. Unlefs the Anabaptifts think/hat the Apoftles were no Officers., bat Common Difciples,' as anon it will be proved is their Judgment, and that they look upon the Apoftles in the work of Baptizing^ -but only to be Gifted Difciples. So that when theie Men Err in any one of the Fundamentals in Chrifts Building (with re- fped to the Mini (try) it being overthrown,, the whole work muft needs be a Babel of Confufion, as will appear ; for no Man can maintain an Erroneous Principle, but he muft violate either Faith or Order. As firii, in this particular, for Ben. Reach to affirm, That the Simple Aci of Baptifm was a work Inferior, Servile and Suh~ fervent gz Baptifm Anatomized. fervient to that of . Preaching of the Gojpel. This Man feemeth not only to crofs the .very Order in Nature, and much' more in Grace. For in earthly Covenants it matters not what hand writeth the Conditions./, if he be judged capable thereof: Yet heed is to be taken in a fpecial manner, that the Sign or Seal to it, be'fixed by the Per fon that hath Authority to do it ; as the very Nature' of Sealing to Covenants Civil or Spiritual, the Holy Scripture iheweth, John ;. 33. Eph. 1. 15. 8c 4. 30. Jer. ;i. 10. 2 Tim. 2. 9. therefore what care is to be taken., what Hand Adminiftreth the Setting to of the Hand in the Signing and Sealing of our Ever- lafting Covenant ? of which Water-Baptifm h one, wherein is contained all the Prorrvrfe'of Gods Love in Chrift, to us and, unto our Chil- dren, to confirm the revealed things, that, the Scripture laith, belongeth to us and unto our Children (Deut. 29. 2:5 .) of the Remiflion of our Sins here, and of our Eternal Inheritance, in Heaven 'hereafter. ( Now then, to the Law and to the TefHmony ., they that fpeak. not according to it , there is no light in them , Jfaiah 8. 20. Therefore , though it was lawful for any Gifted Brother (Acls 15. 15. 1 Cor. 14.19,.; 1. Heb. 5. 12. I Peter 4. II.) or Man in Ifrael, as. new it is in the Churches, under the Goipel,; to expound the Scripture: Yet, as of old, the Seaifng Ordinances were commanded of God, to Baptifm Anatomized. 93 to be done by Men in Office ; which the Apo- ftle Paul confirmed! in thefe words, For no Man taketh on him the Office of Prieilhood, (Heb. 1 ).^.) but he that is called ofGod 5 as was Aaron. So that for breach of order, as well as in other matters, whatfbever was written afore-time, is written for our Learning (Rom.i^.^.Pfal.ioi.i %.) to warn all, that none prefume, without Office, to do the work belonging peculiarly to an Officer ; leaft Gods Judgment in Soul,and Blind- nefs of Mind and Body, fall on them, as it did on Corah, Dathan and Abiram (Numb. i6.l6.) who (ought to overthrow Gods Order apper- taining to Offices (as the Anabaptifts do, as aforefaid) like they of old to Gods Minifters, that they take too much upon them. For fo they of old charged Mofes and Aaron, as the Anabaptifts now do the Apofiles, upon the fame Grounds with like pretence, feeing all the Congregation are Holy, and ib many gifted Brethren, Famous in the Congregation : Why may not they Adminifter the Sealing Ordi- nances, as well as you, the Minifters of the Lord. Surely, if the right Eye of thefe Men were- not blinded (Zach.ii>i*j.) they might ice that John for his Office was Surnamed the Baptift, fore- told of by the Prophet in Holy Sciipturej and not for his Preaching only, but in fpecial by name, called John Baptift {Mattel. Luke 7.20. Jch?i 1. 51.) ibr Baptizing, bo that we lee at the fifft Infthution of W:uer-Baptifm,efhbiiihcd ■ < ' foi 94 Baptifm Anatomized. for a Gofpel- Ordinance,, after Chrift's Death and Refiirreclion (Afis 2. 58, 59.) as a Sign and Seal of the Benefit of the New Teftament, for the Remiflion of Sins, was commended by the Lord, and given to his peculiar MeiTengers, the Apoftles called Ambaffadors (zCor. 5.20.) and fiich as were endued with Gifts to work Miracles : Thefe Mafter-builders having given order for the Ordaining of Officers by theCaurches,for to Ad- minifter the infealing Ordinances,namely,Water- Baptifm and the Lords-Supper by Paftors and Teachers, Tttm 1. 5. ABs 14.*;. Thus we fee why the Anabaptifts would be called Baptifts, becaufe all would be Baptizers, and John a. Baptift: Yea, and do hereupon hold it lawful, for an unbaptized Perfbn to Baptize himielf; and herein they pretend to a higher Commiffion than John Baptift. There- fore, And now at random, without due Confe- deration, hath Ben. Reach faid, as aforefaid,?^ the Efficacy of Baptifm depends not, in the leaft y upon the Quality of the B erf on Adminiftering of it, Ben. Keach Gold Refine d y P. 20, 21. As if John was an ordinary Perfbn ; whom the Scripture faith, Among thofe that were born of Women, there • was not a greater Prophet than John the Baptift, Matt. 11. II. Moreover, the jews well knew that Water- Baptifin was a great Ordinance, that was ad- joyned to Circumcifion, as Mr. Henry Ainfworth^ in Baptifm Anatomized. 95 in his Annotations on Gen. 17. fheweth out of the Jews Records ; How that every Profely te that joyned himfelf to God, and his Church, by the Covenant of Grace in Chrifr, (for by no other Covenant was ever any Soul reconciled to God.) So that the Hebrews write., c That c every Profelyte that joyned himfelf, was c Baptized, Circumcifed, and brought a Sacri- c rice. So that Circumcifion and Baptifm then was not done by any ordinary Perfbn, lefs than Gods Minifter by Office. Therefore the Jews made no queftion of the Ordinance of Water-Baptifm in it felf. But the queftion they put to John was (John I. ly) Why Baptiz,efe thou, if thou be not the Chrifl, n$r Elias, nor that Prophet ? By which it appeareth, that they held it unlawful for any ordinary Teacher in Ifrae! to Baptize., but a Prophet of God., or ac lean: a Minifterial Officer. And fo we have reaibrr ■ to believe now, in the Adminiftration of Gods Sealing Ordinances , Water-Baptifm and the Lprds- Supper, that no Man, but a Minifter by Olfice_, as Pallor or Teacher, can or may Ad- mihiiier it without Sin (fince extraordinary Officers areceaied, as A po files and Evan gel ids) wnlefs we hold the Baptifm of Water, after Chrifts Refurresftion, inferior to the Baptifm of John. For njoft clear i: is., that the Sacraments of the Old Teftament were Adminiftred by pecu- liar Men., called of God thereunto: As the Ark 96 Baptifm Anatomized. Ark in the Water , being a Figure of Bap- tifm, built by Noah (1 Peter 3. io, 21.) a Prieft and Preacher of Righteoufnefs. Cir- cumcifion Adminiftrecl by Abraham, a Prophet (Gen. 17. 1 j.) Patriarch andPrieft, the private PafTover,, by the Elders and Fathers of Families, the publick PafTover, at the place the Lord had chofen ; Adminiftred by the Priefts and Le- vi tes ; and to this day, the • Priefts among the Jews Circtimcife all their Male Children in Germany and other places. So when ChrinSthe Mailer (Matt. 26. 26.) did eat the PafTover with his Difciples, He it was that took the Bread, BlefTed and brake it, and gave it to his Difciples. Thefe things the Apoftle Taul urged to be minded in the Church of God at Corinth, and fb to ail Churches, that order be kept in the Performance of all Gods Ordinances; for God is not the Author of Confufion, but of Peace as in all Churches of the Saints ; and therefore hath commanded, that all things be -done de- cently and in order, 1 Cor. 14. 22, 40. Again «, For to what purpoie are Officers choien, as in the Old and New Teftament ? But that fbine fpecial work belongeth to them, which Men out of Office may not (no., not 111; der never fb good intent) prefume to do , (2 Chron.1%. U.) as did Uz&a 3 which coft him his Life, but he that is called of God. So that whereas it is afore objected by Ben. Reach, that Vbilif Baptized , being but a Deacon, which is Bapiifm Anatomized. 97 is a grofi Miftake (ABs 21. 8. ) for a Teacher to publifh in Print ; wherein he hath fhewn his grols Ignorance in 10 plain a cafe, if not a will- » ixil Miftake, fiippofing his word was a Law to the Anabaptiiis ; for we read 5 when Philip Baptized, he was more than a Deacon, namely, a Minifter of the Word, and named exprefly ari Evangelift {ABs 21. 8 J which was one of thofe extraordinary Offices given to the Churches for a time, as were the Apoftles. Betides Philip was {ABs 8. 26.) Authorized exprefly to Baptize, and furnifhed with Gifts, and working Miracles. Therefore no ordinary Perfbn, as B. Reach de- graded! him, in laying, He was no other than a Deacon , or an Ouerfeer of the Poor, when Philip Baptized. This Error he had need to eorrecl in his next. Again, as concerning' Ananias , he was no private Peribn, as B. Reach faith, for we read, he was by the Lord immediately called, and in- abled to work Miracles {ABs 22. 12,1 3 J to wit, on Paul } before he Baptized him : And as touching the Se&s in Corinth, ic giveth light in this matter., for lame followed Paul, feme Cephas, fbme Apollo, taking occafion, as ic ieemeth, by the Perfons that Baptized them, unto whom they leaned, more than unto others. Now if it were (6, that iome p$rf)efe were pri- vate Men, though as it hath been proved they were not, yet the Adion of a private Man, in a work done by exprefs command from God H (any 98 Baptifm Anatomized. Cany more than Gideon (Judges 16. 25, 26.) in offeiing Sacrifice, which belonged only to the Tribe of Levi, might be followed by any other of his Brethren, of the Tribe of ManaJJeh.) Again, that any Man of Cymu or Cyren Admi- nifried Baptifm, or the Lords Supper, cannot be, nor yet is, by the Anabaptift,s, proved by any one Scripture ; and as for Apollo, he was no private Man, whom Paul joyned with him- felf ; nor Cephas, who either was Peter, or Ibme eminent Officer, a Planter and Minifter, whom the Corinthians accounted as one of their chief Teachers; therefore more than common DiP ciplcs, as B. Reach faineth,out of his own Heart, which deceiveth him, and others that take his bare word for proof, or rule to pra&ife,of what he hath written about Baptifm, either in the manner, or in the Ad miniftrator of it. - And what is to this end publifhed lately, in a Narrative (Page 1 8.) of the Anabaptifts i but that they allow the high Breactv of Gods order : Namely, That other than Paftors or Teachers may. Adminifter the Lords Supper. If fb, then what nctd is there of Men to be chofen into Office y pi] what need any care be taken for Minifters Maintenance, who are chofen to wait upon their Miniftry , and have charge given them by the Holy Ghoit, as Overfeers of the Flock, Atis 20. But we fee how little care thefc Men take, that all things among them be done decently and in order, but have publifiied, a< Eaptifm Anatomized. 99 as aforefaid, rather that order is not to be re- garded ' whereas, they may remember, when. for breach of order., for pre (timing to do that work which God had enjoyned to be done by Office, as aforefaid r how Corah and his Com- pany were iwallowed up in the Earth, Numb. 16. And for breach of order,, how King Uzzhh was (zChron. 26. 16.) ftruck wi'h Leprcfie to the day of his death. , pre filming to do the Prieft's work. Like wife God <.' .:.! ijzs&a a Levite, as aforefaid, who ^ otic of a good In- tent, touched the Ark (~\ Chron. it,, ic.j to keep it from railing, which work only belonged to the Prieft's Office {Numb. 4.) to touch the Ark, Thefe things bjing written for our Admonition., upon whom the end of the World is coins, I Cor. 10. 11. . How then dare the Anabaptiits refblve in the Affirmative., in their Narrative*.^ ag& 18. without any word dro.p'd from thrill:., or grounded Reafohfo.m Scripture, that an Elder of one Church, may Administer the Ordinance of the Lords Supper. to another of the fame Faith, be- ing called io to do by rite did Church, though no .Paitor, bur as a Miniftdr, d*at is neither Parlor nor Teacher by Ojice, Nxeiliey being only Qonfidered in the caio, and produced no Scripture to prove it, when as Neceiiicy did not warrant Uzza in touching the Ark, as aioreiaid. Narrative, page 18. Now although & Reach hath let his Hand to the afore laid Narrative, H 2 I 60 B dpi fin Anatomized. as Lawful, without Command or Example, or true grounded Reafon from Scripture for it ; Vet in his Anfwer to an Argument brought tor Infants' Baptifm, nothing he will allow but a literal Command in fuch Term of words he thinks fir : The Argument for Infants Baptifm is this : There is nothing in all the New Teftament againfi Intents Baptifm, iaith Mr. Smythies, If in- deed our Saviour had declared, that Infants fliould net be Baptized ; or if :ve had read of the Afo files refusal of them, And there is no hint from any ex~ frefi word 'from Chrifi, faith Mr. Sidenham, or his Apofiles, nor any Fhrafe which doth forbid fuch an Act. B. Reach faith. We will anfwer with Tertullian, for there is a certain Rule, Iaith he, If it be J aid k is lawful, becaufe the Scripture doth not forbid it . it may be equally retorted, it is therefore not lawful, becaufe the Scripture doth not command it. To which he farther addeth, to back Tertullian, laying, That which is done in the Worfhip and Service of God, without an exp>refi word drof dfiom Chrifi or his Apofiles, or any Vhrafe which doth jignifie it is his Will and Mind it foottld be done > is unlawful, and no better than Willworfiip, Gold Refin'd, Fage 146, 147. Now will not the Reader mark how this Man is Yea and Nay ; for what word is drop'd from Chriit , that other befides Pallor or Teacher lhall Adminiftcr the Ordinance of Water- Baptifm. and the Lords-Supper, fince B&ptifm Anatomized. i o i extraordinary Offices are ceafed, as Apoftlcs Evangelifts and the like (as he with others affirm eth ) that a Teaching Difciple may Baptize, and no word drop'd from Chrift tor it: Yet he granteth Water-Baptilhi to be a part of Gofpel-Worfhip ; and that whatfcever is done in Woithip, without an exprefs Command from Chrift or his Apoftles, he granteth is no better than Will worfhip ; therefore Geiog there is no word drop'd from Chrift, that any other, befides Paftor or Teacher, may A&mfe nifter the Lords-Supper,- nor yet no other may Adminifter Water Ba ptifm : II is therefore Will-worJliip by his own grant, for any, being but a Teaching Difciple, to Baptize. As like- wife, when any among them, and not a Pallor or Teacher, Adminiiters the Lords-Supper, is Hkewife Will worfhip_, and Co a high Breach of Gods Order. So that Church which alloweth thefe things, hath, as the Lord complained, tranfgrelTed the Laws, and broken the Ever- laiiing Covenant ; which Church or City is therefore called the City of Conrufion J/*. 14.10. the very Name of Babylon, out of which Affem- blies all Gods Eied are called out from among them, Rev. 18. 4. Although they Boaft and lay, Lo here is Chrift , and Lo there is Chriit, Chrift laith, Go not after them, Matt. 14. 13. for where Order is not regarded nor kept, in either State Spiritual or Civil,, there is Confu- fion and every evil work. H ; There 102 Baptijm An Atomized. Therefore let us take a view in Holy Scri- pture in Chrifts hft Will, namely, of the orderly Performance of all Gods Holy Ordinances in Worfhip, according to the Rules p-efcdbed in the Tcftamcnt of the Lor^/Jefiis. as it is written., Let all things be done Decently and in Order, i Cor. 14. 40. Now becaufe Order is joyned to Eaith,- therefore Ciith the Apoftle, For though I be abferd inthe Flejh, yet am I with you in the 5 fir it joy'.ng., and beholding your Order and St ed- faftnefi'efyour Faith in Chr/jl, Col; 2. 5. Therefore as the Ordinances are leveral , every one having dependance on each other ; rherdbre Prayer being a Sanclifying Ordinance, (Numb. 10. 35. Col. 1 4. 4. 1 Tim 4. 4. Adls 2.41. 6 6.4. Matt. 26.-26, 27. Numb. 6.23,27.^ the Pallor or Teacher., when the Church is ga- thered together in ibme one place fi Cor. 11.29J Sanclirieth the Congregation by Prayer ; and as Praifes are next unto Prayer^ tfre whole Church Prahing the Lord by Singing a Vfalm of Holy Scripture, even the words of the Prophets of old, 1 Chron. 1 6. 7, 8, 9, 29. Matt. 26. 26. Col. 5. 16. Ffh.' 5. i£. zChrojt. 29. 29, 30- $& 15. 2, 2. This being ended, the Pallor or Teacher giveth Attendance to Reading fEx- iiorration and Dccliinej having read fbme part of HoIyScripture.giving the Senfe andMeaning thereoi ; as likewiie taking iomc Scripture, and teach or raifeDoSrine from the fame,i Tim.4,.1 2. 2\ekm, 8. 8. Fbil. 4. 16, I Cor. 2. 1 5. £#£e 4.18, 21,22. Baptifm Anatomized. ioj z\> 22. Cant. 4. 16. This being done, then the Prophets or Gifted Brethren fpake by Memberal Right ; as it is written, Quench not the Spirit. dejpife not Vrophecying, 1 TheJJ'. 5. 19,20. Keep- ing order by one, two or three at moft (1 Or. 14. 24,, 29.) as time will permit. This being done^, the Church treely contributing to the Main* tenanceof the Officers and Poor, the Deacons attending thereto by Office,, to gather the fame, and as need requiretb, to difLibute the fame., Acls 6. z, 2, 5. 1 Cor. 16. 1 ., 2. zCor.S. 12.- Trov. 27. 22. & 3. 18. This being ended, the Ruling Eider, in the time of Chrifts Regal Go- vernment in the Churchy ChrifVs Kingdom, to- gether with the other Elders s Paftor and Teacher, fee that order be kept., being the time when any Perfons defire to be joyned to Chriir. by Covenant (Jer. 50.5. Acts 1. 47.) to judge of the work of Grace in them, by their Pro- feffion, being approved by the whole Church ; and then are they to receive them into theCove* nam, with their Children in Nonage {Dent. 29. 11 > 12.) becauie the Promife is to them and unto their Children, Dent. 29. 29, Acts 2. 39. in which time of Government., likewiie if there be any Complaint againilany Members, for their Difbrderly walking, or for Errors in Faith, it is written, If they will not hear, to wit, private Admonition; and fb, if they will not be reclaimed ft the firft and fccond Admoni- tion, to tell it to the Church ; and if they de- ll 4 ipils 1 04 Bdptijm Anatomised. fpife the Churches Admonition, to call them out in the Name of the Lord Jeius from the Communion of ChriiT: in the Church, and fb from all the Benefit of the Promifes in the Cove- nant, Rev. 4. 2. Ifa.9.7. Matt.i%. 15,16,17,18. 1 Cor. 5. 'Prov. 29. 1. This Ordinance being ended, if any were received into Covenant in the time of Government, and had never been Baptized into the Name of Jeius, then the Seal mull be ; let on the Peifons received into Cove- . nant, as a Sign of the Pardon of their Sins^ being warned away in the Blood of Chrift, the Lamb, the Blood of the Everlafting Covenant, called the Church Covenant, Zach. 9. 10. So that by Water-Baptifm Chrift may be made manifeft both to Parents and their Infants, that he hath bore away their Sin or S\ns,John 1 .29,5 1 . Heh. 8. 1 2. This Ordinance being ended, per- formed by the Paftor or Teacher, then follows the Adminiftratiori of the Lords-Supper ; as it is written, The Cup of Blejfmg which we Blefs> is it not the Communion of the Blood of Chrift ? The Bread which we brake js it not the Communion -of the Body of Chrift? For wt being manyjire one Bread and one Bodj t for we are all partakers of that one Bread y 1 Cor. 10. 16, j j. The rinifhing of this O-dinance is by Zinging &Ffa!w; the whole Adtion of the day in Worfhip, hnifhed by Prayer. ^ Thus as all grant every Ordinance in the Church- Affernbjy is to be performed on the Lords day, as the Anaba drifts alfo grant in their Nar- Baftifm Anatomized. 105 Narrative Tage 1 7. in thele words, We have no Example of the Churches then Ajjembling together^ to celebrate all the Ordinances of our Lord Jefm peculiar to them, but on the firfi day of the week. As afore fhewed in their Realbns about keeping 'the firft day for Gofpel-worftnp. Thus when Gods Holy Order is kept in the Pra&ice, all Gods Ordinances in his Church, his Kingdom, the Beholders thereof will lay, God is in them for a truth, 1 Qor. 14. 25/ and with this Admi- ration who is this (Cant&i 5.) that thus followeth the Captain of their Salvation (Heb. 2. 10, in the Heavenly Warfare of his Gofpel, Rev. 19. n. 2 Tim. 2. 3, 4. J whether tbever he goeth before them in his Commands {Rev. 17. 14. Rev. 14. 4, 1 Cor. 11. 1. then will the Spoule of Chrift appear Crowned with Twelve Stars walking in the Apofties and Prophets Docftrine, Chrift be- ing the chief Corner- ftone, whole Righteoufnels is put on by Faith {Rom. 1 3. 14J looking forth as the Morning (fhe is) Fair as the Moon, Clear as the Sun, Terrible (to ail her Enemies) as an Army with Banners, Cant. 6.10. .Rev. 3.7,8 ,9,, 10. And this is that Vertuous Woman (her P;ice is above Rubies) that looketh well to the ways of her Houfhold, and Eateth not the Bread of Idlenefs; her Children arife and call her BleiTed, her Husband alio, and he praifeth her, Vrov. ;i» 10,27,28. Now then where Gods Holy Order is not keptj there is Confufion and every evil work ; and 1 06 Bdpt/Jm Anatomized. and what doth Babel mean but Confiifion ? fo is every City or Church, that tranfgrefTeth the Laws, or changed the Ordinances., or breaketh the Everfafting Covenant, called the City of Connifion. And this maketh way to take in confideration the Fifth Query ; which is^ ■ Query 5. Whether it be Lawful for any Man to Baptize himfelf ? In fpeaking to this Query, is (hewed y that from inch an Admini fixator, the Englifh Ana- baptifts have fucceffively received their way of Re-baptizing of Adult Perfbns only, and ex- cluding the Infants of Believers from the fame, or the Right to have Water-Baptifm Admini- ftred on them. Therefore it may be expedient to give fome Deicription of this hrfl Baptizer of himfelf by Name John Smith, who by Profeffion was a Minifter of the Church of England; difliking thereof, went over into Holland, and joyned himfelf to an Englifh Church at Amfierdam ; at which time Mr. Henry Ainfworth was Teacher to the laid Church ; now as it appeareth by Calvin, in his Inftitutions, there were fbme in his time,, called Anabaptifts in Judgment, deny- ing Infants Baptifm, from this Principle . they then maintained., in denying original Sin; fo that they affirmed Infants were not born Sinners, and from hence they pleaded,, there need no Sign Baftifm Anatomized. 107 Sign of Remiffion of Sins be Adminiftrcd on them. Now this Error is confuted in a word, If Infants were not born Sinners, then they could not dye until they had A&nally finned, for the Wages of Sin is Death ; but fome In- fants dye fo ibon as bora, therefore finful by Nature, as in the third Query proved. But iince the Anabaptifts have devifed another Erroneous Do&rine, as afore (hewed, to deprive Infants of Water- -Baprifm, that is^ becaule they cannot proiefs Faith and Repent, therefore they have, lay they, no Right to be Baptized : This like- wife hath been diiproved, and alio proved, that Infants being born Siiinors, the only thing which giveth them Right to have Water-Baptiim Ad- miniftrcd on them, is Remiffion of their Sins in the third Query. A third Deviie theie People have found to deprive Infants of their Right to Water-Baptifm, perfwading People of years they were not Baptized at all, if not Dipd or Plung'd in Water. This Error hath like wife been refuted in the ftrft Query. And lairly,When the Anabaptifts had framed fb many Devices to deny all Infants Baptiiro, they were confounded in themfelves, what to do to begin Baptizing in their way of Baptizing Adult Perlbns only, as Men and Women, there being no fuch Adminrilrator to be found for an unbaptized Perfon, (without an immediate call from Heaven , as John Baptiif. had,) to Baptize. But one John Smith, as aforeiaid 3 being io8 B&ptifin Jlnatomized. being more defperately wicked than others > when being caft out for Error out of a True Churchy he Baptized hirnfelf, and then he Baptized others, and from this Man the Engliih Anabaptiftshavefucceffively received their new Adminiftration of Baptifm on Men and Women only. NH "-*jLnd. now let us take a fmall Defcription of this Man, as aforefaid, When he was joyned a Member to an Engliih Church at Amfterdam y whofe Wolvifh Nature was hid for a time j as it is written, For I know this (faith Paul co the Church of God at Epbejus) that after my de- farting^ Jhall grievous Wolves enter in among you, not fyaring the Flock alfo of your own Je lues : Shall men arife Jpeaking prverfe things _, to draw away Difciples after them. Acts 20. 19, 50. Such a Wolf was John Smith, for before he pleaded for Anabaptiftry, he was fb great an Inftrument of Satan, that he fought to deprive the Church of God he had joyned himfelf unto, of the ufe of the Bible; not only as not to be ufed before the Eye, as not to be looked into in time of Worfhip, contrary to the Pra&ice of Chrift and the Apoftles, Luke 4. 16, 17 1 Tim. 4. 13. Efb. 5. 4. 2 Cor. 1. 1 5. but alfo that it was not lawful to make ufe of the Bible in any other Tongue than that it was firft written in. Mr. Henry Ainfworth being Teacher in the aforefaid Church, and fb well acquainted not only with the Original Togues (that firft the Scriptures Baptifrp Anatomized. 109 Scriptures were given in) but alfb with tha mind of Chrift in the fame ; anfwered his Rea- fons againft the life of Tranflations, his main or principle Reaibn was this, as Mr. Ainfworth faith, That no Apocrypha Writings but only the Canonical Scriptures, are to be ufed in the Church in time of Workup ; every written Tranjlation is an Apocrypha Writing, and is not Canonical Scripture ; therefore every written Tranjlation is unlawful in the Church in time ofWorfhip. Ainfworth's Defence of Scripture, Page 1, i. Now faith Mr. Ainfworth, Some time after he had published this Error, Godjtruck him with Blind- nefs, that he could no longer find the door of the Church, out of which he was gone by Schijm, and which he had affaulted with Errors, namely, our entering in by the Covenant made with Abraham and his Seed (as now to the Faithful and their Seed) which hath been as a Brazen Wall, againft which he hath run himfelfto his utter Ruine, If God in Mercy raife him not up, and now as a Man be- num'd in mind 3 he cryeth out againft ^ as contrary to his former Faith and VnfeJJion^ faying, Lo, we pro- t-ejt againft them to be a Falje Church, falfly Cra- ft ituted in the Baptizing of Infants, and their own unbaptized Efiate, Deience of Scripture, Tage 3, 1 Thus Wine jheweth it [elf in Mr. Smith, to be a Mocker, and Strong Drink to be raging, while he hath drunk the Wine efVhlepce, Pro v. 4. 17. pro- claiming open War againjt Gods everlafiin or Bond, in order to the confiant exercife of the Communion of Saints among themfelves. And I farther H4 Bajttifm Anatomized. further lakh, Children of Believers, 'who are in the Church- Fellow flnp, are to be reckoned Members of the Church, I Cor. 7. 1 4. your Children are Holy, for they are partakers of the fame Profejjlon with their Parents ; yet Children are not fo perfect Mem- bers of the Churchy fo as that they can expect atls of Communion , or may be admitted to partake of all the Triviledges of the Church, unlefs a growing Faith appear in them, but are not to be excluded from thofi Triviledges which appertain to the beginning of Faith, and entrance into the Church Doctrines. In Medul. Theol. Lib. i.ch. 32. §.6. §.12. §. 13. Mr. Henry Amfwerth faith, Children of Believers, when they are born of their Parents, and all are horn Infants, are all in the Covenant with their Pa- rent s, and were of old to be Circumcifed, are now to be Baptized ', if the Children be of years when their Parents enter into Covenant ; either they affent, and enter into Covenant with them, or they difj'ent and enter not ^ fo Ifhmael, Abraham' s Child, being taught of his Father to keep the way of the Lord, Gen. 18. 19. and not difobeying j he was with his Father Circumcifed at thirteen years of Age, Gen. 17.25. likewife all Children now, affentingmto, and walking in the Faith with their Parents, are to he Baptized at what Age foever$ but when Ifhmael fell fram his Obedience, then was he cafr out of Abra- ham's Houfe, and was no longer counted for Abra- ham'* Seed, but in Ifaac was his Seed called : Ilhmael was pill Abraham'* Seed, and Child in Nature j according to the Flefb, but he continued not pa Baptijm Anatomized* 115 [till a Child of the Covenant, Q&\) 4. 19, 50. nor Abraham'/ Seed according to the Frnmife ; even fo if Children of -Feliev&rs rtmv, being of under- standing, do refitfe the Faith of Clmfti and fall from it, they are to be kept out of the Church, or cafi out front it ; and fo the Seal of Grace and Salvation belongeth not to them, Ezek. 18.24. 2 Chraii.i 5.2. Matt. ;. 7, 9, 1 o. As it belongeth to all the Infants of the Faithful, and to all their Children of what Age foever, if they receive the Faith of Chrift and abide in it 'with them. And the fe Men (meaning the Anabaptifis • if they think we hold Children are to be Baptized, becauje they are our Children by Nature (for fo they are Children of lVrath,'E\)h.z.^.) hut they are Holy, and fo have the t Seal of Salva- tion, becaufe God hath gracioujly accepted them tnto his Covenant with our [elves, and keepeth them m zf , until they fall from* Faith and Obedience of Chrift? tven as we Cur felves continue in the Covenant y 'while we continue in the Chrift tan Faith, and no longer, 2 Tim. 2. 12. As we are the Children cf the fir ft Adam, and fo are Snmers, . Difobed;enf, Unrighteom , and under Condemnation ; but as ?re are the Children of the frcond Adam Cbriff we are all Holy, made Obedient, Ri^hteorts, and Heirs of Salvation , according to the Apollles Dotlrwe j Rom. 5. 12; 21. See Mr. Henry Ainfworttis Cenfure upon a Dialogue of Intams jbapiifm, ? 'age 67,68. Dr. Owen faith/ Children, do belong unto, and have an Inter eft in the Farents Covenant, not 'only I 2 in Ho B apt 7 fm Anatomized. in the Tromife of it, which gives them Right um° Baptifm, but in the Vrofejfwn of the Church-Cove- nant, which gives them a Right unto all the.Frivr ledges of the Church, whereof they are capable, until they voluntarily relinquijh their claim unto them. Dr. Owen, The true Nature of a Gojftel Church, Chap. 1. 14, 16. Now will not Mr. Kiffin, Mr. Harris, Mr. Adams, Mr. Steed, Mr. Reach, call back their words which they have fet their Hands to, in the Preface to Philip Carys Book., of their. evil here^ and imbrace the Truth thele Men have teftified. In the mean time, let the Prudent Reader judge, whether the forenamed Perlbns have any Grounds to publifh to the World, thatthefe Men, Dr. Ames, Mr. Ainfworth., Dr. Owen, jhouli ■ Learnedly , and with much clearnefi and .firength of Argument , make it appear, that a true vifible Church is to confift only of fetch as are Saints by Trofeffion. The contrary by their own writing doth clearly appear, That Infants are in Cove- nant, and io vifible Members of the Church 5 ic that 'as a bad caufe, when the Anabaptifts neccffiraeed to bely fuch worthy Men tp maintain their Errors. And furely it is a bad c/wiie, when as the. Scripture {aith, how Ibrae Men may confeis that they make Lyes their Rduge, Tfmab a8. 1 5. in making the World i. ■■■.*! leve a ralie Report, when the Men are not alive to fpeak for themfelves ; yet that their, Works, Baptifm Anatomized. 117 Works, like others, ibake for them, how little they favoured the way of Anabaptiftry^ when nothing left, as farther appeareth in the laft words of Mr. Ainfworttis Book, called, A Cen- fuH upon a > Dialog** ■ of the Anabaptifis (never yet by them aniwefrtl) faith, That it was Chrifi's la ft Farewel to his Difciples, when he BlejJ'ed them, Luke 24. 50. being the Summ of the Gofyel , Gal. 3.8. that in Abraham'/ Seed, that isChnfi, all Nations {hall be Blejfed ; this Grace Abraham'/ Infants had, this Grace Chrifi gave to little Children, Luke 18. 16. and fo the fame he hath vouchfafed to continue unto us, and to our Children, throughout their Generations, preserving us and them fro?n the Curfe of ' Anabaptifiry ; whereby jo. many Errors are difeersd, Scriptures wre(led, and Souls perverted unto Defiruclion. i , i Moieover, how apparently true it is, that in the Anabaptiib denying Infant-Baptifm, many Scriptures arc. perverted, and Souls deftroyed by fuch as preis that Bapti I'm in the World, which they Have received from their Atfmirriftrpror, John Smith, Baptizing of himfelf, and yet is condemned by Ben. Reach in his Book Page 147. in theie words, as aioreiaid , Water-Baptifm , faith he, is a part of Inftitttted Worjlnp and Service to God ,* fo that whatfoevcr is dene in Worjhip and Service to God % without an exprefs word dropd from Chrift or his Apo files is Will worship. Now until he can ; prove it lawful for a Man to Baptize himfelf, by fome word drop'd from Chriit or I 2 his 1 1 8 Baft if m Anatomized* his Apoftlesj it.is Wil]-wor(hip, and lb not from Heaven or from Gcd ; therefore Ben. KeacJis jBaptifm, which he and the reft have received from their Adminiftrator John Smith, who Baptized himicl.f, is Wilhworfhip, and Co. not of God, and to be Abhorre< ; ,of all Qiriftians, becaufe he gra'nteth it is Wilj-worihip forbidden of God, Col. 1.21, ziy 23. Ifaiah i. 12. Moreover, feeing then the Anabaptifts Bap- tifin is not of -fiod, and the Baptifm received in Infancy they deny, then is there no true Water- Baptiim remaining among them ; and thus at once all Gofpel Ordinances by their Docfrine muft ceafe, and the whole Building of Chrift muft fall to the Ground. Now whi- ther muft we go for Couniel in this Diftrefs ; Surely, but as the Prophet laithj To the Law and to the Tefiimony^ fo we fhould go for Couniel to none but to God, his Gracious Spirit blowing upon the Sails of our Faith, whereby we (hall iafely pais through all thefe Difficulties, jntp an Orderly Practice of the Gofpel, in the Injoy- ment of all Chrifts Ordinances. For after the deep Apoftacy, after the Apo- ftles Deceafe, we hear a Voice layings Arife, meafure the -Temple, the Altar and the Wor- fhippers, Rev. i r. i. therefore He that hath afcended up on High, hath not left his Church! deftitute of Couniel at any time ; for although the Lord, for the Judgment of the World* and) Trial of bis Servants, and Manifestation of hi<| Power,) Baptijm Anatomized. no, Power, did fiiffer his Church or People, to wit, Judah, to be captivated by the Babylonians of ©Id, and now fince his Churches or People, captivated by the Spiritual Babylonians ; yet, as of old, a right way was found, for the rcitorlng the due and orderly Pra&ice of all Gods Ordi- nances, without the help of Mans Inventions ; fo that the Lords Building was finiihed, without a Stone o^ Babel for a Corner, or for a Foun- dation ; fo that although the Spiritual Babylo- nians laid like their Anceftors., Rafe it even to the Foundation. Yet we have a perfect Rule to the Practical Performance of all Gods Ordi- nances, if we take Gods Counfel ior direction, as aforeiaid, To the Law and to the Tejlimony • they that fpeak not according to it, have no light in them, Ifaiab 8. 20. Now then as Water-Baptifin came in place of Circumcifion, as hath been afore proved, we then after a deep Apoftacy, mult take our Directions from the one to the other; let us then fee, whether we can find in Scripture, any Prefident for retaining Gods Ordinance done in Apoftacy, not to be repeated, when as no- thing but the Ordinance is retained, only the Evil or Diforder purged away by Repentance as it was concerning Circumcifion. Therefore we read in the days of Hezjkiah^ that the Church of God was fallen into deep Apoftacy, as the Divine Hiftory doth fhew, 2 Chron. 50. chap the like we read in Jofialis time,, and after in I 4 Ez,r& 1 20 . ' Baptifm Anatomized. Ez,ra and Nebemiab's time , in which State of Apoftacy they ftili Circumciled their Children, ib that when they returned to God , to walk with him by Faith, in keeping his Commands in his Worftip, they did not repeat their Cir- cumcifion, but the Evil, through Gods Mercy, was Purged by Repentance, and ib they were admitted to the Paffover, for no uncircumciied JPerfbn might eat of the Paffover, Exod. 12. 48. io now no unbaptized Perfon muft eat of the Lords-Supper. This being a Prefident for all Chriliians, when returning out of deep Apor ftacy,, the Baptifm then received in Apoftacy, ought not to be repeated any more than Cir- cumcifion. Seeing it hath been proved, that both Circumcifion and Watm-Baptifm are Signs and Seals to one and the fame Covenant or Grace in Chrifr, to wit, {Rom. 4. 11.) of the Righteoufhefs of Faith in the Remiilion of Sins by the Blood of Chrift, Col. 2. 1 1, 12. For al- though Water-Baptifm and Circumcifion were no Seals of Gods Favour and Mercies, but ra- ther judgments to them of old, as now, lb long as they remained in Sinful Idolatry, for it will be granted by all, that Gods Covenant in the Bleflings thereof, continued! with any Church or People, no longer than they remain in his true Faith and Obedience, in walking with God according to his written word, .Rev. 2.6c 3. cbap. z Cfyron. 1 5. 2^ 2. So then, as of old, upon a return of Gods Elected ones, even they aad their Baptifm Anatomized. 121 their Children out of Apoftacy,, they did enter into the Covenant of Grace in Ghrifi, as it is written,, They frail ask the way to Zion., 'with their faces thitherward, faying. Come, let us joyn our [elves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant, that fljall not be forgotten, Jer. 50. 5. This was ful- filled in Ezra and Nehemiah's days^ when they came out of Babylon by Families ; yet they were not again Circumciied, but having fepa- rated themfelves from the Fiithinefs of the Heathen of the Land b fEzia 6. iV 3 22.) and were joyned to the Lord by renewing their Covenant, did keep theFeaft of the Lord, and fo were admitted to the PalTovei\, which no uncircumcifed Peribn might eat of, Exod. 12. 48. 6bj. If any lay, Circumcifion once done, could not be repeated, the Foreskin being once cut ofF 3 could not be cut again, Anfw. The Apoitle Paul a-nfwereth this Ob- jection in thefe words ; Is any Man called being circumcifed ? let him not become uncircumcifed : Is any called in Uncircumcifion ? let him not become circumcifed, 1 Cor. 7. 18. By which it appeared! that the Foreskin might be gathered again by the Art of Chirurgery ., as Hiftorians fhew., Jofeph. Atrtiq. Lib. 12. ch. 6. So then the way of God is clear by fropor- tion jj from Circumcifion to -Water- Baptifm , both received in Apoftacy : That as Judah, when in Babylon^ they Circumcifed, as in the Spiritual Babylon Water-Baptifna was, and ftlll is 1 2 2 Baptifm Anatomized. is, pra&ifed; that as God accepted of his Peo- ple of old 3 only renewing their Covenant with the Lord, even ib ail whom God calleth out of the Spiritual Babylon, God only requireth that the Lords Covenant be renewed, he made with their Anceftors that were once in the Lords Covenant ; and Ib that People once Bap- tized into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, is not to be done again. And this Ben. Reach granteth from his Authors words Ekcn on Col. i. u. Page 291. who faith, That Baptifm is the Sacrament of In- cifion , or ingrafting into Chrift, Sealing up our fetting into Chrift^ which is only once done, never after to be done again, Gold RofinQPage 178. So then there is a difference to be made,, when an Ordinance of God is done, and not done at all, or done and not rightly done ,* for if in Judafrs Apoftacy, as afonefaid, jthey Cir- cumcifed, as the Chriftians in Apoftacy Bap- tized, the Error in the one being repented, if lb in the other. Now becaufe the Anabaptifts have not in this matter, taken Counfei of Gods Word., but followed their own Spirits^ they have run them- felves into Confufion, feme in Baptizing them- felveS; others receiving their Baptiim fromtbem, and others of them,, all crying out againft Romes Baptifm,, becaufe fq many Additions is joyned therewith; and therefore they fay it is no Baptifm ., when as it may be eafily proved., that we Baptijm Anatomized. 12} we Englifh People received not our Baptifm from Roma, but from the Britains or JVelfi, the fiift Inhabitants of this Nation,, who, as Hifto- rians fay, received the Gofpel Ten years before the Gofpel was preached at Rome, as IvtK Jones in his Book Entituied, Rome no Mother Church to En glands Setl.^. Page 122. Befides the General Agreement of Hiftories 3 for in the year of Tiberius the Emperor, Gildas affirmeth, That Britain received the Gofpel: Further he faith., That Jofeph of Arimathea was fent by Philip the Apoftle from, France to Britain, about the Tear of our Lord 6 g . and remained in Britain all his days', who,- with his Fellows, laid the fir (I Foundation of the Chnfiian Faith among fb the British People : A&s and Monum. Book 2. p, 95. Gildas Mb. de vi• whicji ar- gueth they received the Faith,but not from Rome. Alio it appeared! by a Letter of Elutherim Bifhop of Rome , written to Lucius King of Britain, Anno 169. that Lucim had received the Faith in this Land, before he lent to Elutherws for the Roman Laws ; for id the words of the Letter purport, which are thefe, Te have re- ceived of late, through 'Gods Mercy, in the Realm of Britain, both the parts of the Holy Scripture, out of themyby Gods Grace, ttike ye a Law, and by that Law, ' through Gods Sufferance, Rule your Kingdom^ of Great Britain^ Anno 169. By thcfe and LikeTeftimonies \it appeareth, that the Baptifm received firft in this Land, was in a true Church, and this Scripture' was fulfilled , The IJles pall wait for thy Law ; as Chrift hath expounded it, The Gentiles fh all truft in thy Name, Ila". 42. 4/ with Matt. ll,*l. [ And JtSapiJm Anatomized* 125 And again, one while the Anabaptifts will not have Water-Baptifm to fucceed Circum- cifion, as vifible Seals to one and the fame Cove- nant, for then they fuppofe they ihall grants that if Infants had Right of old to be Circum- cifed, by vertue of the Covenant of Grace,, they mufi confefs (if they would Ipeak truth) that Infants have Right to be Baptized,by vertue of the fame Covenant : But when it will ferve their turn, then .they will grant Water-Baptifm came in place of . Circumcifion in this thing ; for, lay they, Circumcifion initiated Members into the Jewifh Church,and now Water-Baptifm initiateth Members into the Gofpel- Church : And thus they are Yea and Nay, but to let them know that no Perfon had- Right to be Circumcifed, until he was fir ft in Covenant with the . Lord , as Abraham was a Believer in Covenant before Circumcifed : And further it is proved, that all Ifrael, the Males, except Caleb and Jojhua, were uncircumcifed Perfbns, when they, by the Covenant of Grace in Chriit, were eftablifhed to be the Lords People, Dent. 29. and after Circumcifed by Jofiua, Jofh, 5. Chap. So now flrft Members are joyned to the Lord, with their little ones, and by vertue of Gods Free Grace in Chriit, their Sin or Sins are par- doned • and then the Sign,Seal of the Covenant,, or Token of Remiffion of Sins, is to be let on the Believers and their Seed, Affs 2, *§ s 39. largely proved in the third Query.. More- 126 Baptifm Anatomized. Moreover, as no uncircumcifed Perfon might eat of the Paffover, even fo no unbaptized Per- fon might or may eat of the Lords-Supper. Now this the Anabaptifts will grants that the Lords-Supper came in room of the Paffover ; yea, and lb did Water-Baptifin come in room of Circumcifion ; for if I Cor. 5. Chap, proveth the one, then Coll z. 11,1 1. proveth the other ; And as no Man might eat of the Paffover, until all his Males were Circumcifed, even fb no Man may eat of the. Lords-Supper, until all his Chil- dren in Nonage are Baptized, but for want of the due informing of the Congregations in thefe and fuch-like things. Note what a Confufion fbme Congregations allow among them who are mix'd, fome are for Baptizing their Infants, and fome are not; fbme are for having themfelves re-baptized by the Anabaptifts, fbme are not : Yea, and fbme in Congregational Churches are re-baptized, and fome are not ; and theie ail joyn together in the Ordinance of the Lords Supper, which is a high breach of Gods Order, and fb a great Sin. See here what Confufion is this, lowing divers Seeds in the Lords Vineyard or Garden, his Church; when as no Per ions might eat of the Paffover, until all their Male-Infants were Circumciled; even fb by equality, no Perfon ought to partake of the Lords-Supper, until their Infants are Baptized. Again, Baptifm Anatomized. 127 Again, no unbaptized Perfon may eat of the Lords-Supper_,as no uncircumciiedPerlbns might eat of the Paliover , or iiich as were not ac- counted fb ; but the Females were accounted Gircumcifed ; for no uncircumcifed Perfon might go into the Temple, but Women did, and lb were accounted Circumcifed, wanting that part of the Body. Now then, he that denieth his Baptifm, received in Infancy, to be lufficient Baptifm, in his Belief or Judgment, when he is re-baptized, he faith, all his Bre- thren are all unbaptized Perlbns (In his Judg- ment) and they that do Hand firm to their Baptifm received in Infancy, do fay, he that is re-baptized, and by a falfe Administration de- nieth his Baptifm received in Infancy, muff, acknowledge he is no Baptized Perfon fit tor partake with in the Lords-Supper , feeing he denieth alfb Water-Baptifm to be Adminihred on his Children : Yet thefe fb differing in their Faiths, and fb contrary to the Order of God^ do both in Confufion together partake of the Lords-Supper : Theie Confufions call for judg- ment to come on Churches. Many other [things might be here inferred of Difbrders in Churches, but it will not be proper at this time, [to this Subjeci. • Therefore ought all Churches of Chrift^when any Man and Woman come to joyn them- selves, there to Chrift, the Head of die Body the Church, by entering into an everlafring Cove- 126 Baptijm Anatomised. Covenant, never to be forgotten, that they bring their Children with them, as Chrift laid, Suffer little Children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of fuch are the Kingdom of God, Luke 18. 1 6. Now concerning what hath been laid, B. Reach propofeth by way of Objection ; That as if one of themfelves fliould fzy^Smce the Vr act ice of Bapifm in Water was loft in the Apqfiacy, How could it be reflored again without a new Miff 071 \ He make th this anfwer, The Children $fjurie\ had, for many pars, loft the Ordinance of the Feaft of Tabernacles ; yet by reading in the Booh, of the Law, there was fuch a thing required; They imme- diately revived it, and did as they found it written^ without any new Miffion, or extraordinary Prophet, to Authorise them fo to do ; even fo ought we to aft Gods word, being a Warrant fuffcient to jufiifie its in fo doing. Gold refin'd, page 2;. To which I reply, That Water-Baptifm was not loft, by Baptizing with Water • but God had his true Churchy who lived and reigned, with Chrift, in the Practice of his Holy Ordi- nances, under Sufferings (all the time of the Beafts Reign) in the Spiritual Babylon : As we read Rev. 20. 4. So that only in the Spiritual, Babylon, Water-Baptifm was loft, by Baptizing with Water; for they Baptized in Water, as. in Rome this day is (hewed, by dipping every one three times in Water. Bdlarm de Bapt. 1. 1. c. 25* toe. 27* i. As Bkptifm Anatomized, 129 a. As Water-Baptifm is herein clearly proved to fiicceed Circumcifien^ and as Water-Baptifrn was nor loft, nor negle&ed by the Suffering Chriftians , under the Afrli&ion they went through, by the Spiritual Babylonians ,* even fb Circumcifion likewife was not loft, under all the Sufferings Judah underwent by the Tem- poral Babylonians. %. As -to the Feaft of Tabernacles., which Ben. Kedch laitbj was loft from Ifraels keeping the lame in Babylon : He might know that was becauie they were bound to keep the Feaft of- Tabernacles no where but at Jemfalem ; fb that it was not loft, but omitted, becaufe they could not go to Jemfalem to keep it. And whereas he faith. By reading in the Book of the Law, there was fuch a thing required, they immediately revived it (when they came to jemfalem) and did as they found it written, without any new Mifion, or extraordinary Prophet, to authorize them fo to do ; even fo ought we 3 faith he, to acl Gods word, being a warrant juffician to j aft i fie us in fo doing. Now Water- Baptifm atore flu wed, was not loft, by Baptizing with Water, no more than Circumcifion was of old ; but had it been loft, as Ben. Reach fuppofeth, then the reviving of it again, without a new Million; as his Parallel is, from the Feaft of Tabernacles, or without An extraordinary Prophet to authorize them ib to do. But to the iirft, had Ifiael, thinks he, no extraordinary Prophet to direct them to' keep K the 130 Baptifm Anatomized. the Feaft of Tabernacles, according to the Law written ; Ezra was Gods Prieft, who expounded the Senfe and true Meaning of the Law : Befides there were Prophets in Babylon, as Daniel, Ezekiel, Haggai and Zachariah ; and what thinketh ; he, were not thefe extraordinary Prophets, Pen- men of parts of the Holy Scriptures, moved by the Holy Ghoft. But feeing whatfoever of Gods Holy Ordinances by juft hinderance may ceafe inPra&ice ; yet whenrevived,2to2.Xtftfc&granteth they mult be revived;, both of old and now, as it js found written ; and then it will be/a fuffi- cient warrant to juftifie any fo to do, I grant. Now let me ask B. Keacb this queffion. Whereas he faith, Baptiim in Water was loft, Then, by his own grant, according to the word written, it rauft be revived. And where is it there written, in Chrifts Teftamenr, that a Man muft dip himfelf in Water ? As John Smith did, the firft Beginner, or Reviver, of the En- glifh Anabaptifts. Let him fhew fiich a word in Scripture, and it will be a fufficient warrant to juftifie fo doing ; and until then, their re- viving of Baptifm, by a Mans dipping himfelf, hath no warrant in Gods word in either Tefta- ment; and I am Hire John Smith was no extra- ordinary Prophet of God, nor ordinary, as herein is mewed, but one that dif-feparated himfelf from a true Church, fenfnal, having no: the Spirit, and after caft out. And how little of the Spirit hath that Man, even fuch a one Baptifm Anatomized. I J i one zsBen. Keuh y who maketh - a Mock or Be- ] ifion of Gods Ordinance of Baptifm , Adnii- niftred on our Fathers, faith the Apoftle, when. tho Clouds poured out Water on them, as faith die Prophet. - Concerning which Baptimi Be?}. Keach faith, If that -was Baptifm, viz. the Clouds raining upon them , the People may fave their Mony> and never go to a^ Mini (termor e to Chrtjien their , Children • for 'tkbiit to xarry them abroad when it Rains, and they will be fo Baptized $ and it will be as true Baptifm no doubt ^ Gold Reft nil ^£e 6l, Surely -this Man, thus makirig $ Mock at Gods Ordinance,may -foe. reckoned among the Mockers of the Apoftles Bo&rine, Jitde i\ 17,18,19^10. as it 'is written 5 Beloved, remember ye the words which were ffioken before of the Apofiks of cur Lord Jefus Chrift; how that the-y told y<>ii there fiwuld be Mockers in the lap time. ; avd tbefe becaufe they bai'5 not the Spirit, fveah e-vil of t isofi things which they knew not y but what they kn-^v naturally as brute, Beafls, in thofe things thy corrupt thew<-el~vzs, if this Man was not one of them, he would not have dared to be ft bold, a , Flocks md Heards, Exod. jar Jj&. that Went through the Sea (when our Fathers we;e, faith the Apoiik, Baptized, 1 Cor. io. i, 2 .) were doubtlefi. Bap- tized as well as Childien^ under die Cloud and in the Sea ; and now to fay again^ to carry Children out when it raineth,, is as true Baptifm as Ifrael had under the Cloud. Yet not with- Handing he hath fb contemptuouily fpokeh of K z the 132 Baptifm Anatomized. the Baptifm in the Cloud and in the Sea ; yet he faith., that Baptifm was a Type or Figure of Gofpel- dipping ; but how will this Mans words hang together, one while he faith Beafts and Unbelievers were Baptized as well as Chil- dren ; whatfoever was a Type or Figure hath "its Subftance ; If the Beafts were Baptized in the Sea, what did it typifte fuch Beaftly Men, furely., that withftoodP^/'sDoflrine at Ef he/as, as it is faid, He fought with Beafts at Ephefus after the manner of Men : as fuch Beafts of Men as Jude fpeaks o£ That fpeak evil of the way of Faith which they know not of, and would exclude Infants out of Chrifts Kingdom^ as they do Infants from being our Fathers then, as the Apoftles calleth them^ Rom.y.y \ Again, whereas he faith,, The Baptifm in the Cloud, and in the Sea., was a Figure of Gofpel- {lipping, if Co, then Men, Women and Chil- dren' muft be Baptized ftanding on dry ground, for fo it is laid, They flood in the Sea, or place where the Water had been., on dry ground j -but the truth is, it was a Figure of Gofpel- ■Baptifin , by cafting, pouring or fprinkling Water on the Head and Face, the noble part, thai reprefenteth the whole Perfon ; and where- as Infants were Baptized in the Figure,it ti pined the Right they have now, as afore proved in the third Query, Now Bapttfm Anatomized, i j j Now having proved by theTeftimony ofHoly Scripture, What Baptifm is ; The end where- fore it was ordained ; What it is that giveth any Soul Right to it ; Who is a true Admini- ftrator of it ; And what a High Breach of Gods Order it is for any Perfon to Baptize himfelf. The next thing is; farther to prove by Holy Scripture, that the Covenant the Church of Ifrael was eftablifhed in, to be the People of God, and the Lord to be their God • was the Covenant of Grace in Chrifi ; and that it was not as the Anabaptifts fay,, a Carnal Covenant: And alio in particular, to prove that the Cove- nant which God made with Abraham and his Seed, Gen. 17. 7. and with Ifrael when they came out of Egyft, Exod. 19. 5,6. and again renewed with ail Ifrael Men and Women and their little ones, Deut. 29. 10, 11. that they were no parts of the Covenant of works, as Mr. Cory affirmeth , but the everlafting Covenant of Grace in Chri/t now confirmed to all Believers and their Infants, Rom.4. 11. Col.i.n. as fhall be further proved. I mall firfi lay down the Do&rine of the Anabaptifts, being the Ground and Foundation their whole Fabrick is built upon : To begin with the Father of the Englifh Anabaptifts, Mr. Smith, who faith in his Book called, The Cha- racter of the Beafty P. 16. That the Church of Ifrael was a Carnal People, had a. Carnal Covenant, or promife of Carnal things. K 1 z. Mr. 1 54 J&aptifm Anatomized. 2. Mr. Danvers,\us apt Schollar, affirmetheut. 30. r. 12,12,14. Rom. 10. 5,6, 8. Gen. iy 6. Pfalm 22. i, 2. with Rom.4. 6.&c. 1, Cor. 10. I, l, 5, 4. Keb, Chap. 11, -mly in the manner of Adtrimifi ration of the Law and Goffel , there be Differences mamfefied : Ainfworttis Defence of Scripture, Rage 1 1 9. la Baptifm Anatomized. i J7 In which Anfwer of Mr. Ainfworth\ is proved thele things: I. That the Church of Ifrael had' the very fame ufe of the Law we now have, to (hew them and us our Sins, that we, as well as they j might be lead to Chrift. 2. They had the fame Gofpel to mew them, as us^ our Righteoufheis in Chrift, without the works of the Law. 3. They had Ordinances for Worfhip which figur'd Chrift to come ; which they in believing and looking for his coming, offered in Faith, Heb. chap. II. Co worshipped they the Father in Spirit and in Truth ; as Chrift faid to the Wo- man of Samaria, Ye worfhip ye know not what, we know what we worfhip, for Salvation is of the yews $ but the hour comet h and now is, when the true worfluppers fnall worfhip the Father in Spirit and in truth ; for the Father feeketh fuch to worfiip him ; God is a Spirit, and they that wor(hip him, mufi worfhip him in Spirit and in Truth, John 4. 22, 23, 24. and fuch Worfhippers were the Church of the Jews ('though not all ) as in the Gofpel-Church many were reproved for feeking to be juftified by the works of the Law^ Gal. 3. Therefore as well they of the Circiimciiion, as others, the Apoftle, teftifieth worfhipped God in the Spirit, though not all, as it is written, For we are of the Circumcifion which worfhip God in the Spirit j and rejoyce in Chrifi Jefus, and have no con- fidence in the Flejh, Phil. 3. 3. And thus in the Church of Ifrael^ many were Righteous., walk- ing i j8 Baptifm Anatomized. ing in all the Ordinances of the Lotd blamelefs, waiting by Faith (for Chrift) in the Promifeto come, the Confolation of Ifraei, ask is written, of old Simeon , when Chrift was born and brought into the Temple, He then took him up in his arms and bleffed God, and (aid, Lord now letteft thou thy Servant depart in peace according to thy word y for mine eyes have feen thy Salvation, ' wfcich thcu haft prepared before the face of all People ; a light to lighten the Gentiles , and the Glory of thy Teople Ifraei. So like wife Anna, (he coming into the Temple at the lame Inftant, gave Thanks likewifeto the Lord, and fpake of him fto wit, of Chi ill) To all them -who looked for Redemption in Ifraei, Luke z. i $, 28, to 29. Rev.^. Thefe things being duly obferved, let the im- partial Reader judge, whether the Church of Ifraei were a Carnal People, or had a Carnal Covenant, and Promife of Carnal things., as Mr. Smith feigneth ; or whether the Church of Ifraei were not fiich, that worfhipped the Father in Spirit and in Truth under the Covenant of Grace by Faith, ferving God, although under Figurative Ordinances., for the hope of the Pro- mife made of God to the Father, Acts^iG. 6, 7. yea, believing that it was not the Blood of Bulls and Goats that could take away Sin, Vfalm 40.6. & 5L 16. Heb. 10.4.. but it was the Blood of Chrift the Lamb of God,, the true Sin-offering, a Cor. 5. ii. that on him was -laid the Iniquity of us al-y Ifmih 52. that (hall be faved: As John hath Baftifm Anatomized. ijcj bath proclaimed,, Behold the Lamb of God that taketh awaj the Jin of the world. Therefore what an Erroneous Do&rine is if, that John Smith and Mr. Dangers have laid, to build the way of Anabaptiitry upon, to depiive the Infants of Believers from the Right they have now to the Sign of the Remiffion of their Sin Water-Bapdfm. And not only fo, but by their Do&iine they Damn the Infants of all Gods People of old, f the Covenant the Church of Ij'rael were ac-. cepted into., with their Children., was no other than a Carnal Covenant ; for a Carnal State is bppofite to a- Spiritual State; as the Apoifie proveth Rem. 8. 6, 7. for to be carnally minded is Death, but to be Spiritually minded is Life and Peace ; becaufe the Carnal Mind is Enmity againft God, for it is not fubjed: to the Law of God_, neither indeed can be, ib then they tha# are in the Rem cannot pleafe God. Mow if the Church oilfrael was in no better State, and lad but a Carnal Covenant, their State was Death and Damnation, for as much as there is no Eternal Life but in the Covenant of Grace in ChriJrL, John 17. 3. ib the Church is not the World which Chrift pray'd for, *vzt* 9. But that the Church of God, from the day the Gofpel was Preached to Adam, and he and his Wife believed in Chrift to come,, they had the Covenant of Grace, whereby God was the God of the Faithful and their Seed ; fo that the fciofpel firil Preached to Adam, that the Seed 9 . of 140 Baptifm Anatomized, of the Woman fhoulcl bruife the Serpents Head, is the fame Gofpel the Apoftles taught,as it is writ- ten.,-^;/ the God of Peace Jhall bruife. Satan under your feet ftortly, Rom. 1 6. 20. And this glad Tidings is iiimmed'upin thefe words of the Everlafting Gofpel-Govenant made with Abraham and his Seed $ as it is written^G^.i 7.7. And I will eft ablifh my Covenant between me and thee 3 and thy Seed after thee, in theit Generations , for an everlafting Cove- nanty to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee ; which Covenant, together with that in Exod. 19. 5,6.that in D«tf. 29. Mv.Cary affirmeth to be but three leveral Additions to the Cove- nant of Works made with Adam before the Fall ; fo no part of the Covenant of Grace in Chrift. Now for as much as Mr. Cary and others, when they leek to pervert the Scripture from fcs true Senfe or Meanings as afore hath been fhewed, concerning the Senfe of the word Baptize ; fb here concerning the word Ever- lafting Covenant. Mr. Cary iaith, in P. 126, 12 7. of his Book Solemn Call: It is true f faith he) the Covenant ofCircumcifion is called alfo an Everlafting Covenant ; but that can be underftood in no other Senfe (Mark that bold Affirmation, in no other Senfe) than that wherein the Trie ft hood of Aaron and bis Sons under the Law, which was called an Everlafting Prifthood, Exod. 40. I 5. which we know to be now abolished ; as likowife the Covenant with Phineus was called the Covenant of Everlafting Vrie(tbood 3 Numb.25- 1 J. which yet is now alfo done away. I Baptifm Anatomized. 141 I Ihall in the firft place, feeing Mr. Ainfworth hath given Annotations on the word Ever- lafting, give the Reader his Expoiition on Gen. 1 7. 7. Everlaft'tng Covenant of Eternity. Al- though the outward Signs and manner of dijpenftng this Covenant were Temporary and changeable, as Circumcifcn into Water- Baptifm, Co). 2. 11, 12. yet the Covenant it. felf remaineth one in Subfiance for ever, being eft obliged by the Blood of Chrift the great V aft or : As it is written, Now tlot God of Peace, that brought again from the Dead our Lord Jeftts, the great Sheefherd of the Sheep, through the Blood of the Everlafting Covenant, Heb. I 2. 20. In oppofition to this Truth, Mr. Gary iaith, Mr. Pool telleth us, the word Olam rendered for ever, doth not always fignifie Eternity, but a long continuance ,as is evident (iaith he) from Gen. 1 7.1 3. ^w^Exod.40. 16. Anfw. That the word Everlafting in G^.17.7. the following words prove it, that the word Everlafting there fignifieth Eternity, without End; for as much as the word Everlafting Covenant was to be a God unto thee, and to thy Seed after thee ; which is die Sum of the Gofpel ; and that this was not for a time, as was the word Everlafting , with reference to Priefthood, that which pointed to Chrift: to i Fulfil or Abolifh \ but to be a God was the Co- venant of Eternity, without end, namely, the I Everlafting Covenant, fealed by the Blood of Chrifl: 3 firft: ftied, when he was Cieciuncifed, and 14 2 Baft if m Anatomized, and after at his Death, called the Blood of the Church-Covenant, Zach. 9. 1 1. as it is written, By the Blood of thy Covenant, I have fent forth thy "Prisoner $ out of the Pit, wherein is no -water. Thus the Covenant of Eternity was to be a God; the firii glad Tidings the Lord Chriit, after he had iiniihed the work of our Redemption, lent by Mary to Chriffc DifcipleSj Go to my Brer thren, and fay unto them, I afcend unto my Father \ and your Father 3 and to my God, and unto your God, John 20. 17. And again, to all the Churches is this Meffage lent, They Jhall he my People, and God himfelf fiall he with them and be their God, Rev. 21. 3. So then to call this EveriaiKng Covenant to be a God to the Faithful, and their Seed, Temporary., is to call Light Darknefi., and to deny the Faith of the Gofpel by . making it Temporary : So they abufe the word Everlafting., as they have done the Senie of the word Baptize, proved in t^e fh ft Query. To which we may add Mr. Ainfivorttis Notes on the word contained in this Everlafting Co- venant, the Covenant of Eternity, Gen. 17. 7 namely,, To be a God, or for a God unto thee, that iSj thy God, as the Greek tranflateth it. c Herein < coniifteth the Power and Life of the Ever c lafting Covenant, whereby God himfelf, his c Power, Wifdomi Goodnefs) Mercy, &c. f applied unto Man for Bleffing and Salvation, 'and w r e are by Adoption made the Children c oi God. For ye are tht Temple of the living God: :; Baptifm Anatomized. 14? God\ as God hath [aid, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they frail he my People. And 1 will be a Father unto you , knd ye foall be my Sons and Daughters, faith the Lord Almighty , 2 Cor. 6. 16 , 18. For Blejjed is the People, whofe God Jehovah is, Pfalm 144.1 5. And they fhall be delivered out of Miferies , Rev.zi. 3,4 And railed up from the Dead, Matt. 22. 3 r. For I am the God ^Abraham, and the God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob , ver. 32. Wherefore God is not aframed to be called their God, for he hath prepared for them a City, Heb. 1 1 . 16. Now for Mv.Cary to call that Covenant* wherein God is by Chrifis Blood reconciled to be the God of his People, a part of the Cove- nant of Works^ is no lels Error, than to deitroy the Gofpel, and io make void the Comfort of Mankind : By which it is evident that the Do- drine on which Anabaptiftry is built, is a S011I- deftroying Do&rine, until he can pi ove this is not Gofpel, I will be a God to thee, and unto thy Seed, Gen. 17.7. And' ye frail be^ty People, and I will be your- God, Jer. 50. 21. But to help this Man, and others deceived by him, that they may fee, if it be the Will of God, how they are deceived, in that they con- fider not the end why Chrift was Circumcifcd, for it was not a Covenant of Works, but a Cove- nant of Grace, which Circumcifion" feakd to the Believers and their Children, both Jews and Profelited Gentiles y even as the Apoftte * teache-b, 144 B apt ifm Anatomized. teacheth, it was to confirm the Promifes in the Covenant of Grace in Chrift, to the Believing Jews and Gentiles and their Children j as it is written, Rom. if. 8. Now 1 fay that J ejus Chrift was a Minijter of the Circumcifion for the Truth of God (namely the Gofpel, the Truth of the Gofpel) to confirm the Promijes made to the Fathers. And what greater Promife in the Gofpel,.- than to be a God to them and their Children ; as it is written, Jer. 50. 22, 24. And ye fljall be my People, and I will be your God: In the latter days ye jhall confider it. And in Chap. ji. 1. At that time, jaith the Lord, will I be the God of all the Families of Ilrael , and they foall be my People. This is the Mercy in the Everlafting Covenant^ which Circumcifion Sealed, both to the Be- lieving Jews and Gentiles, before and fince Chrift came in the Flefh : And therefore by the Apoftle, both Believing Jews and Gentiles are called upon to Glorifie God for his Mercy to them, in the Benefit of Chrifts being Circu in- cited. Now I fay that. Jefus Chrift was a Mini- fter of the Circumcifion for the Truth of God, to confirm the Promifes made to the Fathers. And that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his Mercy, as it is written, lor this caufe I will con- fefi to thee among the Gentiles , and jing unto thy ?iame. And agam } Rejoyce ye Gentiks with his People, Rom. 15. 9, 10. So Baptifm Anatomized. 145 So then, as aforefaid., faith Mr. Amfwortb\ Although the Signs ' of this Covenant Gen. 1 7. 7. were changeable^ namely-, Circumcifion into Water- Baptifm , yet the Covenant is the fame in the Life, and Fower, and Blefiing in it. As the Apoitle teacheth the Gofpel Churc!ics,faying,Co/.2.i r,ti, Inwhom alfo ye are circumcifed, with the Circum- cifion made without hands y in jutting off the Body of the Sins of the Fkfli 3 by the Circumcifion ofChrifi. (Mark that, how great the Gofpel Churches Mercy is, in jutting off the Body of the Sins of the Flejh (for them) by the Circumcifion of Chrifi'.) This Benefit Spiritual could not be, ifCircum- cifion had been but a Seal or Sign to the Cove- nant of Works ; for then Redemption had not been by Free Grace, but by Works ; but here we lee Circumcifion was a Seal of the Righte- oufhefs of Faith and Holineis, both which are confirmed to all Believers and their Infants by Chrift, being Circumcifed ; which flieweth that the Covenant fealed to the Faithful and their Seed, of old, was the Covenant of Grace in Chrift;for the Law, John 1. 1 7. was given by Mofes y to make manifeit Sin and Sinners, but the Grace of Remiffion of Sin was by Chrift in the Covenant ; that God will pais by , for Chriils fake, the Sins of his People, and be their God, and they ihall be his People, is the Ever- lafting Covenant of the Gofpel. to Abraham and to his Seed in their Generations, as now to the • believers and their Seed. Gen. 1 7. 1 . Gal 4. 28. L Again, 1 \G Baptifm Anatomized. Again, another Shift Mr. Cary ufeth., to prove that Covenant to be no part of the Gofpel- Covenant., becaufe Mr. Cary faith, in Page 106. of his Solemn Call, The Covenant of Grace hath no Conditions of Obedience required. Anfw. Then there was never yet any Gofpel- Covenant given to Mankind; for is not the Work of Faith, and Labour of Love, Obedience commanded that all Chriftians fhall do now as of old, as theie Scriptures fhew,, i Thefjl i. 4. James chap. 2. and doth not Chrift fay to his, Te are my Friends if ye do whatfoever I command you, John 15. And again, If a man hue me Joe will keep my words, and my Father will love him ; and we wiH come unto him, and make our aboad with him, John 14. 22. 1 And again, Bleffedare they that do his Commandments, that they may have right te the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the Gates into the City, Rev. 22. 14. for, faith Chrift, Not every one that faith, Lord, Lord, [haU enter into the King- dom ef Heaven ; but he that doth the will of my Fa- ther which is in Heaven, Matt. 7. 21. This Obe- dience is not to merit but to manifeft our Love by our % Obedience ; if otherwife, for any to obey the Commands of God, either of old or now, feeking thereby Juftification in the fight of God by the Work done, makes either the Law or Goipel to themfelves a Covenant of Works : And this is clear, by the Lords driving Man out of the Garden, after he was reftored by Faith in Chrift, in the Prornife from Death to Life : The Baftifm Anatomized. 147 The Lord placed at the Eart of the Garden q\ Eden, Chcrubins and a Flaming Sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tic j of Life, that Man mould no more have Hope- to live for ever by his own A& : 5 for our Life is hid with Chrift in God, for his Obedience, by keeping the Law for us ; but our Obedience is only, that by it we know.22^ love the Children of God, when we love God and keep his Commandments, 1 John 5. 2. For if there be no Conditions of Obedience in the Goipel Covenant to this end, then there muf i be no Ordinances kept and per- formed ; why then do the Anabaptiih plead for the A& of Froferiion of Faith ? or why do they Baptize, as they call Dipping, or break Bread, caft out Offenders, or lay a part to the Mainte- nance of the Poor or Teachers, or any other Duty, each is a Work of Obedience they iup- pole to the Command of Chrift ; as like wile to fufTer for Ills Name lake ; relieve thole lhat are Imprifoned for Chrifts lake, for the Saints are to do all works of xMercy, and all works of Love, or elleit is their Sin, as James and John teach - eth us, what are the works of Faith, and Love, James 2. 14, to 26. I John 2, 17, 18. as afore- laid, And by This we know that we love the Children of God, when we love God and keep his Commandments, 1 John 5. 2. Yet in all this work of Faith, there is nothing cxibeded of Merit by the Children of God, by the work done ; as by Matt. 25. 34, to 40. appeareth: Then jhall the L 2 Kin& 148 B.tftifm Anatomized. Kh:g fay unto them on the right hand, Come ye blejfed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for jcu from the Foundation of the World - y for I was an hungred and ye gave me meat, I was thirfky and ye gave me drink, I was a fir anger and ye took me in ; naked and ye cloathed me , / was feck and ye vijtted me- I was in prifon and ye came unto me. Thenjhall the Righteous anfwer htm, faying, Lord, when fa7v we thee ail hungred, and fed thee ? or thirfiy, and gave thee drink? or when f aw we thee a ft anger, and took thee in ? or naked, and cloathed thee ? or when faw we thtefeck) or in prifon, and came unto thee. And the King fjjall anfwtr and fay unto them, Verily I fay unto yen., in as much as ye have done it unto one of the leaf} ofthefe my Brethren, ye have done it unto me* Thus although the work of Faith to Brethren m'uir not be negle&ed,, no more than any other Duty in Gods Service^ yet the Saints account that no .work of Merit, as by their anfwer to Chrift is manifefl ; yet faith the Apoftle, God is not unrighteous to forget ycur work, and labour of love, which ye have Jhewed towards his name, in that ye have m'miftred to the Saints and do minifter. Theie things truly weighed, we may fee how groflyMiVGwy hath iought by many Devifcs, to prove the Everlafting Covenant which God rri.tde with the Faithful and their Seed, Gen. 17.7, to be no Covenant of the Gofpel, to the great di (honour of God, and grief of all that fear God, N-wXt as concerning Exod. 19. 5, 6. That it is no pare of the Covenant of works,as Mr.Cary would have Baptifm Anatomized. 149 have it, the contrary is proved by die ver r words it Hf in the Covenant, the Apoftle Pete being the Interpreter ; for had that been a par c of the Covenant of works, the Apoille Peter could not, as he hath applied the Grace of God contained therein to the Gofpel-Church., unlefs Mr. Gary can prove, that by the Covenant of works, the Children oflfrael were made a King- dom of Priefts, a holy Nation, a peculiar Treasure to the Lord- } as Peter applieth it to the Goipel- Church ; but if he hath no other reafbn to prove it a part of the Covenant of works, than becauie Obedience is required, he is before anfwered. But it will be a hard matter for him to prove, that Mankind fince the Fall, was by the Cove- nant of works made unto God a Kingdom of Priefts ; or as Peter hath it, a Royai or Kingly Priefthood; the contrary is evident, that the People of God are made/not by a Covenant of works a Kingdom of Priefts, but of Grace, as the Song of the Redeemed conhrmeth, Rev. 5. 9, id. And they Jung a new Song, faying, Thm art worthy to take the Book, and to open the Seals thereof, for thou waft flain, and haft redeemed us to God r by thy Blood, out of every Kindred, and Tongue, 'Wind People, and Nation $ and haft made us unto cut God, Kings and Priefts, and we (hall reign en Earth. Firft, over our Sins and Corruptions, that they have no Dominion overus,Rv. 12. 11. So (liall we tread Satan under our Fedt, fhortly, and judge the World and" Angels, 1 Cor. 6. 2, 5. As' Noah condemned the World by Faith, in preparing an Ark to the 'faving of his Floufe the Church of God, and Preaching Chi iff. our Righteouf- bv Fait If in t he Promife, and fo became Heir to.reh;n with Chrift in Glory, in iv en For evermore, Htb. n. 7. Rom.S.ij. Thus as Chrift is King and Prieft on his Throne., in the Kingdom. of his. Mediator/hip in his Church, Zach. 6. 15. Rev. 4. 3. &; 15. 3. from, whom this Grace corrieth to his Saints^ by applying unto us his Sufferings, Death,Burial, Righteoufnefif Refurredion, and Glorious Vi- ctory Baptifm Anatomized. 151 (Story over Sin, Death and Hell, to be ours' Jfaiah 53. 4., 5- R° m - 4- ^5* ^ bT f° ^ e bath made us Kings and Priefis unto God even his Father, Rev. 1. 6. So that as the Covenant of Grace was one to the Church oflfrael of old, as now to us Gentiles, as if is written, I the Lord have called thee in Right eoufnefi., and will hold thine hand, arid will keep thee, and give thee for a Covenant of the People, for a light of the Gem ties, Ha. 42. 6. So have we the lame Faith the Chm ch of Ifi-ael had, 2 Cor. 4. 12. Pfalm 116. 10. only their Redemption was under the Performance of Figurative Ordinances, as the Epiftle to the Hebrews fheweth ; yet both the Churches now, and of old, all under the lame Benefits of Grace ; as they were a Kingdom of Prieits, fo are we a Royal or Kingly Priefthood ,- as they were a Holy Nation, fb are we ; as they were a peculiar Treaiiire to the Lord above all Peo- ple, fo are the Churches now a peculiar People, Exod. 19. 5, 6. I Peter i. 9. As they were called out of Egypt, the Figure of our Captivity by Sin, fo are we called out of the Spiritual Egypt, Exod. 4. 22, 2 5. Rev. 1 1 . 8. As the very Names of the Five Books of Moles have their Titles to note the things contained in them, as Mr. Ainf worth in his Epiftle to the Five Books of Mofes iaith : < Gene/Is, that is, Generation, which end- c eth with the going down of I/rael into Egypt, c in which we have the Image of the Natural € Man, fallen from God into the Bondage of L 4 'Sin. 152 B Aft if m Anatomzz, eL c Sin. ily. In Exodus, or Departure, is the Type c of our Regeneration and State revived by c Chriftj fo was the Covenant of Grace, Gen, 1 7. ■ revived Exod. 19. 5, 6. j/y. As in Leviticus, the Sacrifices in the Service of God, the fhadow < of our Mortification, fheweth; whilft we are c made Sacrifices unto God, Rom. 12. 4/y. Num- c hers, the Sign cf our Spiritual Warfare, where- c unto we are muftrered and armed to Fight c the Good Fight of Faith, yfy. Deuteronomy, or r the Repetition of the Do&rinc of San&ifica- ( tion and Preparation, to enter into our Hea- c venly Canaan, after Mofes Death,, by the Con- c duel: of Jefus the Son of God. By all which it appear eth , although God lead his People under Tipes and Shadows, pointing to Chrift, yet the proper end of the Law taught Ifrael the Worfhip of God in Spirit and in Truth, Deut. 5. 7, 8. & 6. 4,, 5,6. as the truly Gddly in Ifrael well knew and confefled,fee and read tfal 5 2. 1 ,2. Pfalm 40. 6. & 51. 6, 16. compared with Rom. 10.8,9. Again, what the Nature of the Covenant Exod. 19, 5^ 6. was, the Prophet Jeremiah fhew- eth, fpeaking to. Judah in reproving the Church for Breach thereof when as by that Covenant Exod. 19. 5, 6, they were planted a noble Vine, wholly a right Seed, but by Apoftacy they were turned into a ftrange Vine, (Jer. 2 .) the Vine is Chrift, unto whom they were eipoufed to him their Head, and they were Branches by this Baptifm Anatomized. i 5 j this Covenant (John 1 5.) made in the Wilder- ne Rev. 5. 9, 10. to be no parrs of the Covenant of Works, or of the Law; lb that it is a grols Miftake in Mr. Cary, to parallel die word. Ever* lafiing Covenant concerning Aarons Priefthood, Exod. 40. 1 5, with the Everlaftihg Covenant to be i 56 Baptifm Anatomized. be a God unto the Believers and their Seed, the moft glorious Gofpel-promife in the word of God, for how 'dreadful is the contrary to the Apoftate Ifraelites > and now to all Apoftate Chriftians, For ye are not my Teofle s and I will not be your God, lee and read Hofea 1. 9. and then iee the change {Hofea 1. 10.) by the Covenant of Grace in Chrift, compared with iFet.i. 10. I John 5.1. Deut. 14. 1. for what was the happy Eftate that moved the Patriarch Noab to lay, Blejjed be the God of Shem, Gen. 9. 26. this proveth that the Faithful in the Church, hy virtue of the Covenant of Grace in Chrift, had God to be their God_, which farther appeareth by the contrary, t6 luch that were not vifibly under the Covenant of Grace, they are faid to be Strangers from the Covenants of Promife with- out hope, and to be without God in the World ; but when accepted into Covenant with God m Chrift, they are no more Strangers and Fo- reigners, but Fellow-Citizens with the Saints^and of the Houihold of God. Efhe. 1. 1 1. 13. 19. This Grace and moft fpecial Bleffing of the Church of God, was not by a Covenant of Works, as was given to Adam before his Fall, for Man was never more to be credited upon his own word ; therefore God drove Man out of the Garden, and placed at the Eaft of the Gar- den olEden .Cherubims, and a Flaming Sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life, that Man (hpujd not attempt entrance Baptifm Anatomized. 1 57 entrance by his own Works, becaufe fuch is the Spirituality and ufeof the Law and the Do&rine thereof which terrifieth the Conlcience, and by the Works thereof no Flefh can be juftifled, Rom. 5. 20. and therefore the Law ferved to drive Men unto Chrift, that they might be made Righteous by Faith, Gal. 3.24. See Ainfworth on Gen. 3. 24. And therefore Chrift was not a Surety to his Father, for Man to keep a Covenant of Works, or of the Law, of which Aaron s Priefthood was ; but Chrift was Surety to his Father of a better Covenant for his Redeemed ones, as the Apoftle teacheth, Heb. 7. even of that Covenant that was confirmed by Oath 5 fuch was the Golpel- Covenant God made with Abraham, and after with his Seed in Deut. 29. 10,11, 12, 13. whereby thelLord was a God to them and their little ones. Now let me ask Mr. Cary, and his Brethren that have let their hands to their Narrative afore- laid, what Covenant that was the Church of Ifrael had (that they fay,under this prelent Suffer- ing, they may lay in the words of the Church of old} though All this is come upon m, yet we have not forgotten thee, neither have we dealt faljly in thy Covenant, Plalm 44. 17, 1$. Will they lay this was a Covenant of Works, then the Anabaptifts fuffered not for Chrijts. lake, but for to Merit by the Work done ; but if we will believe the Apo- llle, concerning the Covenant the Church of Ifrael fuffered under, it was the Covenant of Grace, I 55 Baptifm Anatomized, Grace, even the fame Covenant the Primitive Chriftians differed, for as it is by the Apoftle gathered from Tfalm 44. (to Comfort the Gofpel Churches under their Sufferings,) As it is written, For thy fake (that is, for Chrifts lake} are we "killed all the day long, we are accounted as Jheepfor the fiaugktcr , Rom. 8. 56. Now let thefe Men.fhew what was the Cove- nant of Grace the Church oSlfrael had, into which their Infants were accepted , with their Parents; but even the lame Covenant of Salva- tion the Churches now are in under the Gofpel^ the Promife therein was to them and their In- fants, as now to us and our Infants; as thefe Scriptures (hew, Gen: 12.3. in which the Families are Bleffed in Chriil called in Gen. 17. 7. (fene- rations, in Exod. 1 9. 6. a Holy Nation ; and by Peter, a Holy Nation, a chofen Generation,, t Feter 2. 9. _ So that the State of the Church of the Jews was laid on a fure Foundation, Chrift in the Gofpel-Promife firft to AdamjhQti to Abraham, and fb to his Seed the Church of Ifrael-y and now on the fame Foundation are all Gofpel-Churches built. So then how errone- ously hath Ben. Keach affirmed, as aforefaid, in Tage 1 i 3. of his Book Gold Refind, That God hath quite pulled doivn that Houfe of his (I mean faith he) the National Church-State, the Jewifo Church, mid broke up Houfe-keeping, and turned the Bond- woman, and htr Son, theflefidy Seed, Servants and hifair.s all out of doors. To Baptifm Anatomized. 1 59 To which I anfwer,, with the words of Chrift concerning the State of the Jewiih Church, For Salvation is of the Jews, John 4. 22. Now if Salvation be of the Jews, then the State of the Church of the Jews was founded on Chrift, for there was never but one Foundation laid., on which the Church of God was and is builded ; in all Ages, and this is Chrift, as it is written, For other Foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which \$,Jefus Chrift, 1 Cor. 3. 1 1. If then Chrift be the Foundation of Faith laid in the Got pel-Promife preached to AdamjaxA that the Jews had the lame Covenant of the Goipei as we have ; as it is written,H thoie.trrat have rh* ey§o£Fakh;rftay fee* ,a,$ k rr is written, Andl locked-, and lo a Lamb ft 'ood m Mount Sion* find with him an hunted forty and fpux^ thoufand,. hav'mg his gathers nam? written m their Foreheads ; Even all Gods Sealed number* who. by Faith in the Covenant i; of Grace in, Chrift , Gads I/W, H both 162 Baf'tifm Anatomized. both Jews and Gentiles ; who came out of great Tribhhtion, wafhed their Robes, and mad* them •white in the Blood of the Lamb, Rev. 14. r. & f. 4,' 9,, 14. Now if, as is proved m this Trea- dle-that we Gentiles have no other Foundation for our Salvation than Chrift in the Gofjyei- Promife to AdaW and Abraham^ ancf that the Church of Ifrael had (the fame} to build their Faith upon , and that the Gentiles Churches ftand by Faith,, oh the fame State of Grace Mount Sim the Church of Ifrael did ; and that in the lame Houfe or Church of God,, Mofes was Faithful' as a Servant, Chrift is over the lame Houfe of his as a Son ; therefore how near to Blafphemy is it, for any to fay., God^ath quite pulled doWn that Horde of his, that National Church-State of the Jews, when as Veter faith, (from the Covenant of Grace,, Exod. 1$. fj&y the Church under the Gofpel Were a -Holy Natron, upon the fame Grounds as IfraelwS&& Holy Nation, as was Gods'way in his Fre^ Grace in all Ages, that in Chrift all Families- fhaH beBlelTed,as aforefheWedih the ithiftiQietW The Believer*, the Bleffed of the Lord; and their Off lpring (or BudsJ witfr them. NoW the)' that mall dtd. i6j pulled down that Houfe of his by Families,whcn as by Families, written by Mofes, Gen. 12.5. Peter expourideth Kindreds, 'Atts 5. 15. and who be the neareft Kiridreds but Children,, and thefe the Apoftle calleth Nations, Gal. 3.8. as afore proved in the third Query,to whom the Blefling in the Gofpel belangeth, Zech. 2. 1 1. Mztt.28.19. In the next place, to examine the Scriptures Be*>. Reach bringeth, to prove God hath pulled down the Church-State of the Church of old., and turned- Infants out of doors ; his firft is 1 PeK 2. 5. from wh#ftce faith he, God hath now built him a new,- -a glorious y and more Spiritual Hhufk) into which he admitteth none, m hisHouflwld Servants, to dwell in his Spiritual Family, but Be- tfootfvmly, or fitch as \pvfefs [0 to be. Anfw, As to [ the rJPerlons whom God ad- mitteth -into this jHoufe 3 Peter laith, They are a. Holy Nation^ ChofenGeneration ; the lame,namely_, that the Church of Ifrael were - y Believers, and their 1 Seed in Infancy , let the Reader compare word for. word., Exod. 19. 5, 6. \*ith 1 Pet. 2.9. and then/ judge who .we. are bound to believe, he that-fpeaketh as Peter 4id by the Holy Ghofrj or B.Keacb, who without refpeft to Mofes or Peter % words, prefumptioully faith,, None are admitted into the Church now., but Actual Believers. His words are contrary, jto Matt. 1 8.6. 2. The other Scripture that i^brought to prove that God hath pulled quite down the State gf the- Church of the Jews, and turned M * the 164 Bafttifm Amtomizzd. t he Infants "on* of doors/k £fc£. 7. 11. Fh the- Trie ft hood being* changed, there' ^ 'made of ntcejftty a change of the Law. Whhh^ fakir he., muft, needs include Cir cuync 1 fwn\ with all 'Ihehfypurtenanee* sand Vrt-viledgcs lejohging to #-; and therefore^ as bt** fants Church mewberjhip carticin with the-. Lawca£areiaidy Mount tfkn Eif(&t$tfc or die Covenant of Grace, i \\ ; ,nS Kjn?;do&> which'kannot/faith theApo- it? ■:, be rtfeV^dy and therefore Dy- him let in oppf-^tiofr^ri cLa-v, Ek^tb. given on'Moant x to terruie ; Sinners p. -for Uhd Ghurcb.of {frail haM nor only the Law-t©.. ftiew thero thek Sins,, Baptifm-Anatomized, ! 165 Smsy but alio God gav$ them, his good Spirit to inftrud them, -Neb- <9> *°< with the, GofpeI ; to walft^wkh Cod. by Faithrin Ghnff, H*£. 1 1. tfap Co that the difference between .-the -Jewilli Chiirch and now 3 - they had Figurative Ordi- nances: to teach them, Chrift to come,, we have Gofpel-Ordinances to teach us he is come $ io that although God hath given more of his Spirit in thefe latter days, yet it is but the fame Spirit the Church of old had; fo that without ground it is, for B. Keach to lay, God hath quite nulled down the Church State of the Jews, and built him a more Spiritual : Surely a double meaiure of the Spirit did not make the Prophet Elifha not Eliflja, 2 Kings 2. 9, no more than a double meafure of the Spirit make the State of the Goi : pel-Church not the lame State the Church of Ifrael had; fo that the Kingdom, or Spiritual State by the Covenant ofGrace,the Jewim Church had, was never yet pulled down, although many of them re je&ed Chri(f, the chief Corner-llone : And Therefore from fuch y the Kingdom (faith Chrift) J?;.-*// be taken away (not pulled down,) and given to a. Nation(co wit, the Gentiles) bringing forth the Fruits thereof Matt. 21. 42. And therefore the Lords Vineyard, his Church., was not deftroyedor pulled down, but let out to other Husband- men which (hould render to the Lord- the Fruits in their Seafon, Matt. '21.41. And therefore flti til the Author to the Hebrews y llob.\xM. concept ing the Kingdom; of Chrift > that cannon &r* \ \ M 2. jr-' ' n 1 66 Baftifm Anatomized. fliaken; we having received 'a Kingdom" that cannot be moved, even Mount Sion, on Which Chrift, from the day the Covenant offhe-Gofpel was preached to Adam and imbrac'd., the King- dom of Chrift was eftabliihed in Adams Family 5 then Chrift firft fat King on the Holy Hill Stin, Tfal.i. 6. for all Were redeemed in ^WsLoynes, as they fell in him j and .Row. 5. 12. iCor. 15.22. after the Flood,ChriftsKingdom,as afore (hewed, remained in Noah's Family ,, although ibme Apoftatized ; then God chofe the Poftcrity of Eleffed Shem, of whom Abraham came; and God was plealed that of the Seed of Abrahams - Body Chriit fhould be born ; yet a Promife was made,, that God would periwade Japheth to dwell in the Tents of Shem , as was fulfilled., when the Gentiles were grafted into the Olive Tree, the State of the Jewiih Church,the Cove- nant of Grace in Chriit/rom which fbme Jews, for their unbelief, were broken off^ Rom. 11. ch. So then here was no new Covenant, no new Olive Tree, no new Kingdom, or new Church- State; nc, nor were the Infants of Chriffs Kingdom ever yet (hut out, Luke 1%. 16. as Mr. Reach dreameth to deceive his Reader. 2ly_,he hath alfb dreamed that InfantsChurch- memberfhip came in with the Law of Circum- cifion y if People are not willing to be deceived by him, they may fee Gods word for the con- trary, for no Perfon was ever joyned to the * *>jci by Circumciiion , but by Covenant , Bafiifm Amtomizfii. i6j Jer. 50. 5. as it is written, Let us joyn our felves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant thatfoall not be for- gotten. And fb Abraham was in Covenant with the Lord {bine years before Circumcifion was infti- tuted,Gfw.i 2.3. and when Children were born to Abraham js after to the Believing Jews/hey were born to the Lord,, becaufe they were joyned to the Lord by Covenanted the Lord was their God, and God called them his Children, fo that all Infants born in Covenant, mufl be eight days old before they were Circumcifed, Gen. 17. 12. As in the Wildernefs by Dent. 29. before their Infants were Circumcifed, both Parents and their Infants were joyned to the Lord; and eftablifhed by Covenant to be the Lords People ; fb that as Infants Church-mem- berfhip came not in with Circumcifion, fb In- fants Church-memberfhip went not out when Circumcifion was abolifhed; but as the Cove- nant afore proved, was the fame, Circumcifion and now Water-Baptifm Sealeth ., the Covenant remaineth, together with the Subjects, Believers and their little pnes : the Covenantee ver yet by any word of God aboliflied., nor yet the Infants born in Covenant, (hut out of doors, that is, out of Gods Covenant, fb long as the Parents abode in the Faith,and the Children continued therein. Therefore at Random B. Reach falfly affirmed^ through his grofs miftake., to fay, that Infants Church-memberfhip came in not till Circum- cifion was inftituted, and that by the A& of M 4 Cir- 1 68 \ Baptifm Anatomized. Circumcifion they- were joyned Members, this were to put the Seal to, before the Covenant is entered into ; to the divertment of all order in dealing Covenants. So then when he can prove Infants were joyned Members by Circumcifion, then he may have feme colour to fay., that In- fants were no longer Members than Circum- cifion remained; but Circumcifion was a Seal of the Righteoufnefs of Faith, Rom. 4. n. the Covenant for which the Seal was ordained^ was the Covenant of Grace., the word of Faith, wherein is contained the Promifes of the Pardon of Sins and eternal Life, now confirmed by the Circumcifion of Chrh%as afore proved,andnow Water-Baptifm fet in place thereof, by the Au- thority of Chrift the only Law-giver in Wor- ship, Ifaiah 3;. it. James 4. 12. Neither will his third proof by fimilitude taken from A6t of Parliament help him in his Affer- tion aforelaid ; For, faith he, (hew us a pofitive Law for Infants Church-memberfhip. Now the word of God is plain., that Infants were Church- members from the day AdamrHsh reftored, fb ibon as Infants were bora, as afore proved in the third Query. For if all Infants finned in Adams Loynes, when Adam was reftored they were reftored in his Loynes; and when born, they were born in the Gofpel-Covenant 5 by which the Church of God was eftablifhed in Adams Houfe 9 (b that the Children born in Covenant, were born to the Lord, whom the Lord - Baptifm Anatomized. i6g Lord called his Children ; for none out of the Covenant of Grace" are vifibty - the Lords Chil- dren: Therefore how carnally doth he reafon againft Children > in thefe words ; For evident it is ; ' that what Trintiledgts foever are given to any Perfons by an AB of Parliament, which [aid Law was' to continue in force forfo long time and no longer ; when that time is expired, and' another Parliament makes a new ■ Law ^ wherein -many things are con- tained that were in the firft j but thofe certain Pri- 'viledges given to thofe Perfons in the former Law, are left nit in the latter AB ; it would not be a Folly for any of them to plead thofe Priviledges, by virtue of a Law that is gone, and not now in force. -This Being a^carnal Argument, like his carnal Faith. In anfwer hereunto his Comparifon is < Odious , a Parliament is an Earthly Kings Great Council, who maketh- Laws and he figneth them : But, faith the Scripture, who hath been the Lords Counfellor to dired him , Rom. ii. 54. to give Laws to his Church, or to order all things in that State. So then, as hath been proved, as touching the State of the In- fants of Believers, fince the day they were re- ftored in Adams Loynes, and when born, born to the : Lord, Ez*eL 18. 20, 21. , Bleffed with their Parents^ with Remiffion of Sinjfaiah 65.25. ABs 5. 25, 26. there hath been no word of God to difpriviledge them (fb long as they continue in the: Covenant of Grace,) of whatfbever Pri- viledges they ever had - y no, nor yet have thefe Men 1 70 Baptifm A n*£ omizfd. Men by any word of God {hewed, when or wherein they have been turned out from the Promifes in the Covenant of the Gofpel, which they call out of doors ; for the things which only have been removed or abolifhed, given from the beginning, concerning what God had given to his Church to keep and obferve, were only thofe things which were fhadows of good things to come by Chrift ; but Infants in Gods Cove- nant were no Shadow or Figure to be abolifhedj no, nor the Baptizing of infants any of Babylon s Rubbifli, as Mr. Reach > with others, affirm in the firft Epiftle to Mr. Carfs Book : No^nor yet is In- fants Baptifm a Corner-ftone that fiipports the An- Antichriftian Fabrick,by unfavory words, as Mr. Cary affirmeth in his Epiftle to his Solemn Call;bm it is one of the Glorious Tokens of Gods Love to his People and to their Seed,, that as Chrift hath taken away the Sin of fuch Infants,Chrift'sName ftiould bg let on them in Water-Baptilm, that they are his, bought or redeemed, becaufe Chrift warned away their Sin, with his precious Blood, the Imall Veflels in his Houfe, who welcomed their Lord into his Kingdom, that as they were included of old in the precious Stones in Aaron's Breaft-plate^with their Parents,EW.i8. 1 5 .to 1 1 . ib are they now,, by Chrift our High Prieft, prelented before the Lord with their Parents, a Holy Seed j a Holy Nation, a chofen Genera- tion, 1 Pet. 2. 9, ihining among the Precious Stones which the Foundations of the Walls of the Baftijm Anatomize d. 171 : he City 3 the Church of God, is garnifhed withall, Rev. 11. 18, 1% i°- '& tne Church of 7/rWwas ; that as by Tribes Jfrael went up to Jerufalem, even by Families to be prefented be* fore the Lord, both Fathers, and Mothers, and Children,De/tf.2i.io,i 1,11,1 j.P/i/i» 121.1,1,3,4. to praife the Lord,?[alm 148.11,1 $.Exodi 1.16,27. for now as Veffels great and fmall, the Glory of Chrifts Kingdom, Ifaiab 11. 14. doth likewifs fhine among the lively tretious Stones in Chrifts Spiritual Building .crying Ho fannah to Chrift their Lord, while the Anabaptifts, not only in Errors in their Faith are polluted, but alfo garnifhed with the Shame to Nature; as Ben. Reach for one, when he beholdeth himfelf in a Glafs, how he weareth Womans covering, the Shame to Man, Nature,which at this time Ifhould not have men- tioned,but for this reafon, becaufe he, with other Teachers in their Narrative,araong other things propofed, debated and refolvedin the Affirma- tive, That it is ajhamefor a Man to -wear long Hair and Perriwigs,and ejfiecially Mmifiers, 1 Cor. I!. 14. Narrative , Page 14. Now what kind of Teacher is this Man, that (hall condemn in words that he alloweth in himfelf by Pradice, Rom. 14.15. he is one of thofe Teachers the Apoftle reproveth, as it is written, Thou that teacheft another, teacheft thou not thy [elf. Rom. l. H. Thou that makeft thy hoafi of the Law (even the Law of Nature) through breaking the Law difhonorefi thou God, ver.i;. Hear what 172 Baptpfm 'Anatomized. what the Lord faith to fuch Teachers; What, haft thou to do to declare my Statutes, or that thou fhotildeji take my Covenant in thy mouth; feeing thou hateft inftruttion, and cafteft my wofds behind thee ? TJalm 50. 16/17. offiichthe Lord complained, concerning his People their Leaders have caujed them to err , and they that are led by them are dt~ ftroyed, Ifaiah 9. 1 6. Now are not thefe like the Teachers "the Lord complained of, of old, that would feem to reprove Sin, but faith the Lord, They healed the hurt of the Daughters of my People flightly, Jer. 8. 11. So have thele Men in their Nai- rative reproved this Sin, -the Jhame to Nature flightly. And therefore for the help of all that defire to be informed in this Particular, there is to be had where this Book is fold, a Treatifton that Subje6t under thefe particular Heads. God y s Holy Order in Nature, which Man and Woman were Created in, truly Stated and Explained. Proving, Fir/?/~THHat Man is Head of the Woman, and X bow Woman is made in Subje&iau to Man her Husband. Secondly, That God • gave unto Woman a Sign in Nature., differing from Man_, to teach her Iier (he is the Glory of, Man her husband, and this Signis,callcd~ Glory to Woman, and Shame to Mans Nature. Thirdly, That Man is Commanded 'fey the Law of Nature, and Written Law of God, not to wear Woinans Glory, becauie he is theiinage* and Glory of God. Fourthly., Therefore, that Man that weareth Womans Glory., by fo doing lays he is not the Glory of God,,- nor Woman the Glory of Man her Husband. Fifthly, Therefore, that :Chriftian Men durft not Live in the breach of , Gjods Order in Na- ture, for the (pace of 1609. Years, is proved both by Scripture and Hiftory. Sixthly, And that the Kings and Queens of England, together with , all Magiftrates under th&rii? as alio Fathers aBd Mailers of Families, and- Hkewife.che Minilters or Teachers of the P or the Stedfcft and Un- wavering Qiriftian, Ward Ward of Wit, Wifdom and Folly. Brougtts Sacred Principles in $4$-- Beverley s Great Soul of Man. Vines on the Sacrament. \ Gfltfr^w'sTyrociniuia^ i Dent on the Revelations. Continuation of Sidney's Arcadia^ Fpur General Hea^s^r^riftiatikellgion, Surveyed' and. Explained . * titer ofis Dignity of Pleaching,, i- Theft f. 20. 3 Chetiwnis Hiltorical Collections. Crajbaw'sMcat tor .iim^ or* Service ontheSa-; crament. ^ Sharps Midwifery. Merry Drollery Compleat. Rofs Virgilius Evangelizans. Ttxtcrx Epi|oJa> fe $n£>- Tullude Omens,..,.. , . ^L **n*w*£ of the French. ]?ifeafe , Kwwks Rudimaus.pfthe EngUffc grammar. Nafmitbh Divine Poems. ^rfo^ ^y^ofPovW &