SABBft' PVRIT7 * NEW ENGLAND *S 'n X ^•7 J SjxA \\ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND V ■A ^ of PR'% MAR 31 1932 <2m THE SABBATffiillc!!^ IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND BY ALICE MORSE EARLE NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1891 Copyright, 1891, By Charles Scribner's Sons. SEntijcrsitp Press: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge. Ea tf)e fUemorg of mo fHotfjer. CONTENTS. Page I. The New England Meeting-house ... 1 II. The Church Militant 19 III. By Drum and Horn and Shell 26 IV. The Old-fashioned Pews 33 V. Seating the Meeting 45 VI. The Tithingman and the Sleepers . . , 66 VII. The Length of the Service 77 VIII. The Icy Temperature of the Meeting- house 85 IX. The Xoon-iiouse 102 X. The Deacon's Office 113 XI. The Psalm-book of the Pilgrims .... 125 XII. The Bay Psalm-book 144 XIII. Steknhold and Hopkins' Version of the Psalms 172 XIV. Other Old Psalm-books 188 XV. The Church Music 202 vin CONTENTS. Page XVI. The Interruptions of the Services . . . 230 XVII. The Observance of the Day 245 XVIII. The Authority of the Church and the Ministers 259 XIX. The Ordination of the Minister .... 269 XX. The Ministers 281 XXI. The Ministers' Pay 292 XXII. The Plain-speaking Puritan Pulpit . . . 311 XXIII. The Early Congregations 321 INDEX 329 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. When the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth they at once assigned a Lord's Day meeting-place for the Separatist church, — "a timber fort both strong and comely, with flat roof and battlements ; " and to this fort, every Sunday, the men and women walked rever- ently, three in a row, and in it they worshipped until they built for themselves a meeting-house in 1648. As soon as each successive outlying settlement was located and established, the new community built a house for the purpose of assembling therein for the public worship of God; this house was called a meet- in u-house. Cotton Mather said distinctly that he " found no just ground in Scripture to apply such a trope as church to a house for public assembly." The church, in the Puritan's way of thinking, worshipped in the meeting-house, and he was as bitterly opposed to calling this edifice a church as he was to calling the Sabbath Sunday. His favorite term for that day was the Lord's Day. l 2 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. The settlers were eager and glad to build their meeting-houses ; for these houses of God were to them the visible sign of the establishment of that theocracy which they had left their fair homes and had come to New England to create and perpetuate. But lest some future settlements should be slow or indifferent about doing their duty promptly, it was enacted in 1675 that a meeting-house should be erected in every town in the colony ; and if the people failed to do so at once, the magistrates were empowered to build it, and to charge the cost of its erection to the town. The number of members necessary to estab- lish a separate church was very distinctly given in the Platform of Church Discipline : " A church ought not to be of greater number than can ordinarilie meet convenientlie in one place, nor ordinarilie fewer than may convenientlie carry on church- work." Eacli church was quite independent in its work and gov- ernment, and had absolute power to admit, expel, control, and censure its members. These first meeting-houses were simple buildings enough, — square log-houses with clay-filled chinks, surmounted by steep roofs thatched with long straw or grass, and often with only the beaten earth for a floor. It was considered a great advance and a matter of proper pride when the* settlers had the meeting- house " lathed on the inside, and so daubed and whit- ened over workmanlike." The dimensions of many of these first essays at church architecture are known to us, and lowly little structures they were. One, THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. 3 indeed, is preserved for us under cover at Salem. The first meeting-house in Dedham was thirty-six feet long, twenty feet wide, and twelve feet high " in the stud ; " the one in Medford was smaller still ; and the Haverhill edifice was only twenty-six feet long and twenty wide, yet " none other than the house of God." As the colonists grew in wealth and numbers, they desired and built better sanctuaries, " good roomthy meeting-houses " they were called by Judge Sewall, the most valued and most interesting journal-keeper of the times. The rude early buildings were then converted into granaries or storehouses, or, as was the Pentucket meeting-house, into a " house of shel- ter or a house to sett horses in." As these meeting- houses had not been consecrated, and as they were town-halls, forts, or court-houses as well as meeting- houses, the humbler uses to which they were finally put were not regarded as profanations of holy places. The second form or type of American church archi- tecture was a square wooden building, usually un- painted, crowned with a truncated pyramidal roof, which was surmounted (if the church could afford such luxury) with a belfry or turret containing a bell. The old church at Hingham, the "Old Ship" which was built in 1681, is still standing, a well-preserved example of this second style of architecture. These square meeting-houses, so much alike, soon abounded in New England: for a new church, in its contract for building, would often specify that the structure 4 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. should be " like in every detaile to the Lynn meeting- house," or like the Hadley, Milford, Boston, Danvers, or New Haven meeting-house. This form of edifice was the prototype of the fine great First Church of Boston, a large square brick building, with three rows of windows and two galleries, which stood from the year 1713 to 1808, and of which many pictures exist. The third form of the Puritan meeting-house, of which the Old South Church of Boston is a typical model, has too many representatives throughout New England to need any description, as have also the succeeding forms of New England church architecture. The first meeting-houses were often built in the valleys, in the meadow lands ; for the dwelling-houses must be clustered around them, since the colonists were ordered by law to build their new homes within half a mile of the meeting-house. Soon, however, the houses became too closely crowded for the most con- venient uses of a farming community ; pasturage for the cattle had to be obtained at too great a distance from the farmhouse ; firewood had to be brought from too distant woods ; nearness to water also had to be considered. Thus the law became a dead letter, and each new-coming settler built on outlying and remote land, since the Indians were no longer so deeply to be dreaded. Then the meeting-houses, having usually to accommodate a whole township of scattered farms, were placed on remote and often highly elevated loca- tions ; sometimes at the very top of a long, steep hill, — so long and so steep in some cases, especially in THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. 5 one Connecticut parish, that church attendants could not ride down on horseback from the pinnacled meet- ing-house, but were forced to scramble down, Leading their horses, and mount from a horse-block at the foot of the hill. The second Roxbury church was set on a high hill, and the story is fairly pathetic of the aged and feeble John Eliot, the glory of Xew England Puritanism, that once, as he toiled patiently up the long ascent to his dearly loved meeting, he said to the person on whose supporting arm he leaned (in the Puritan fashion of teaching a lesson from any event and surrounding) : " This is very like the way to heaven; 'tis uphill. The Lord by His grace fetch us up." , The location on a hilltop was chosen and favored for various reasons. The meeting-house was at first a watch-house, from which to keep vigilant lookout for any possible approach of hostile or sneaking In- dians ; it was also a landmark, whose high bell-turret, or steeple, though pointing to heaven, was likewise a guide on earth, for, thus stationed on a high eleva- tion, it could be seen for miles around by travellers journeying through the woods, or in the narrow, tree- obscured bridle-paths which were then almost the only roads. In seaside towns it could be a mark for sailors at sea ; such was the Truro meeting- house. Then, too, our Puritan ancestors dearly loved a "sightly location," and were willing to climb uphill cheerfully, even through bleak Xew England winters, for the sake of having a meeting-house 6 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. which showed off well, and was a proper source of envy to the neighboring villages and the country around. The studiously remote and painfully inac- cessible locations chosen for the site of many fine, roomy churches must astonish any observing trav- eller on the byroads of New England. Too often, alas ! these churches are deserted, falling down, un- opened from year to year, destitute alike of minister and congregation. Sometimes, too, on high hilltops, or on lonesome roads leading through a tall second growth of woods, deserted and neglected old grave- yards — the most lonely and forlorn of all sad places — by their broken and fallen headstones, which sur- round a half-filled-in and uncovered cellar, show that once a meeting-house for New England Christians had stood there. Tall grass, and a tangle of black- berry brambles cover the forgotten graves, and perhaps a spire of orange tiger-lilies, a shrub of southernwood or of winter-killed and dying box, may struggle feebly for life under the shadow of the "plumed ranks of tall wild cherry," and prove that once these lonely graves were cared for and loved for the sake of those who lie buried in this now waste spot. No traces remain of the old meet- ing-house save the cellar and the narrow stone steps, sadly leading nowhere, which once were pressed by the feet of the children of the Pilgrims, but now are trodden only by the curious and infrequent passer-by, or the epitaph-seeking antiquary. 8t is difficult often to understand the details in THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. < the descriptions of these early meeting-houses, the colonial spelling is so widely varied, and so cleverly ingenious. Uniformity of spelling is a strictly mod- ern accomplishment, a hampering innovation. " A square roofe without Dormans, with two Lucoms on each side,' 1 means, I think, without dormer windows, and with luthern windows. Another church paid a hill for the meeting-house roof and the " Sttppolidge." They had " turritts " and " turetts" and "turits" and "turyts" and "feriats" and "tyrryts" and "toryttes" and " turiotts " and " chyrits," which were one and the same thing; and one church had orders for ••juyces and rayles and navies and bymes and tymber and gaybels and a pulpy t, and three payr of stayrs," in its meeting-house, — a liberal supply of the now fashionable y's. We read of u pinakles" and k *pyks" and u shuthers" and "scamUs" and "bimes" and u lynters " and " bathyns " and " chymbers " and u bellfers ; " and often in one entry the same word will be spelt in three or four different ways. Here is a portion of a contract in the records of the Rox- bury church : " Sayd John is to fence in the Buring Plas with a Fesv ston wall, sefighiattly don for Strenk and workmanship as also to mark a Doball gatt 6 or 8 fote wid and to hing it." Sefighiattly is "sufficiently;" but who can translate " Fesy " ? can it mean " facy M or faced smoothly ? The church-raising was always a great event in the town. Each citizen was forced by law to take part in or contribute to " raring the Meeting hows." Li 8 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. early days nails were scarce, — so scarce that un- principled persons set fire to any buildings which chanced to be temporarily empty, for the sake of obtaining the nails from the ruins ; so each male inhabitant supplied to the new church a certain " amount of nayles." Not only were logs, and lum- ber, and the use of horses' and men's labor given, but a contribution was also levied for the inevitable bar- rel of rum and its uniutoxicating accompaniments. " Rhum and Cacks " are frequent entries in the ac- count books of early churches. No wonder that ac- cidents were frequent, and that men fell from the scaffolding and were killed, as at the raising of the Dunstable meeting-house. When the Medford peo- ple built their second meeting-house, they provided for the workmen and bystanders, five barrels of rum, one barrel of good brown sugar, a box of fine lemons, and two loaves of sugar. As a natural consequence, two thirds of the frame fell, and many were injured. In Northampton, in 1738, ten gallons of rum were bought for £8 "to raise the meeting-house" — and the village doctor got " £3 for setting his bone Jonathan Strong, and £3 10s. for setting Ebenezer Burt's thy " which had somehow through the rum or the raising, both gotten broken. Sometimes, as in Pittsfield in 1671, the sum of four shillings was raised on every acre of land in the town, and three shillings a day were paid to every man who came early to work, while one shilling a day was appor- tioned to each worker for his rum and sugar. At THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. 9 last no liquor was allowed to the work men until after the day's work was over, and thus fatal acci- dents were prevented. The earliest meeting-houses had oiled paper in the windows to admit the light. A Pilgrim colonist wrote to an English friend about to emigrate, " Bring oiled paper for your windows." Higginson, however, writ- ing in 1629, asks for " glasse for windowes." When glass was used it was not set in the windows as now. We find frequent entries of " glasse and nayles for it," and in Newbury, in 1665, the church ordered that the " Glasse in the windows be . . . look't to if any should happen to be loosed with winde to be nailed close again." The glass was in lozenge-shaped panes, set in lead in the form of two long narrow sashes opening in the middle from top to bottom, and it was many years before oblong or square panes came into common use. These early churches were destitute of shade, for the trees in the immediate vicinity were always cut down on account of dread of the fierce fires which swept often through the forests and overwhelmed and destroyed the towns. The heat and blazing light in summer were as hard to bear in these unscreened meeting-houses as was the cold in winter. - Old house of Puritanic wood, Through whose unpainted windows streamed, On seats as primitive and rude As Jacob's pillow when he dreamed, The white and undiluted day." 10 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. We have all heard the theory advanced that it is impossible there should be any true religious feeling, any sense of sanctity, in a garish and bright light, — " the white and undiluted day," — but I think no one can doubt that to the Puritans these seething, glaring, pine-smelling hothouses were truly God's dwelling- place, though there was no "dim, religious light" within. Curtains and window-blinds were unknown, and the sunlight streamed in with unobstructed and unbroken rays. Heavy shutters for protection were often used, but to close thorn at time of service would have been to plunge the church into utter darkness. Permission was sometimes given, as in Haverhill, to " sett up a shed outside of the window to keep out the heat of the sun there," — a very roundabout way to accom- plish a very simple end. As years passed on, trees sprang up and grew apace, and too often the churches became overhung and heavily shadowed by dense, sombre spruce, cedar, and fir trees. A New England parson was preaching in a neighboring church which was thus gloomily surrounded. He gave out as his text, " Why do the wicked live ? " and as he peered in the dim light at his manuscript, he exclaimed ab- ruptly, " I hope they will live long enough to cut down this great hemlock-tree back of the pulpit window." Another minister, Dr. Storrs, having struggled to read his sermon in an ill-lighted, gloomy church, said he would never speak in that building again while it was so overshadowed with trees. A few years later he THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. 11 was invited to preach to the same congregation; but when he approached the church, and saw the great umbrageous tree still standing, he rode away, and left the people sermonless in their darkness. The chill of these sunless, unheated buildings in winter can well be imagined. Strange and grotesque decorations did the outside of the earliest meeting-houses bear, — grinning wolves' heads nailed under the windows and by the side of the door, while splashes of blood, which had dripped from the severed neck, reddened the logs beneath. The wolf, for his destructiveness, was much more dreaded by the settlers than the bear, which did not so frequently attack the flocks. Bears were plentiful enough. The history of Roxbury states that in 1725, in one week in September, twenty bears were killed within two miles of Boston. This bear story requires unlimited faith in Puritan probity, and confidence in Puritan records to credit it, but believe it, ye who can, as T do ! In Salem and in Ipswich, in 1640, any man who brought a living wolf to the meeting-house was paid fifteen shillings by the town ; if the wolf were dead, ten shillings. In 1664, if the wolf-killer wished to obtain the reward, he was ordered to bring the wolf's head and " nayle it to the meeting-house and give notis thereof." In Hampton, the inhabitants were ordered to " nayle the same to a little red oake tree at northeast end of the meeting-house." One man in Xcwburv, in 1665, killed seven wolves, and was paid the reward for so doing. This was a great 12 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. number, for the wary wolf was not easily destroyed either by musket or wolf-hook. In 1723 wolves were so abundant in Ipswich that parents would not suffer their children to go to and from church and school without the attendance of some grown person. As late as 1746 wolves made sad havoc in Woodbury, Connect- icut ; and a reward of five dollars for each wolf's head was offered by law in that township in 1853. In 1718 the last public reward was paid in Salem for a wolfs head, but so late as the year 1779 the howls of wolves were heard every night in Newbury, though trophies of shrivelled wolves' heads no longer graced the walls of the meeting-house. All kinds of notices and orders and regulations and " bills " were posted on the meeting-house, often on the door, where they would greet the eye of all who entered : prohibitions from selling guns and pow- der to the Indians, notices of town meetings, inten- tions of marriage, copies of the laws against Sabbath- breaking, messages from the Quakers, warnings of " vandoos " and sales, lists of the town officers, and sometimes scandalous and insulting libels, and libels in verse, which is worse, for our forefathers dearly loved to rhyme on all occasions. On the meeting- house green stood those Puritanical instruments of punishment, the stocks, whipping-post, pillory, and cage ; and on lecture days the stocks and pillory were often occupied by wicked or careless colonists, or those everlasting pillory-replenishers, the Quakers. It is one of the unintentionally comic features of THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. 13 absurd colonial laws and punishments in which the early legal records so delightfully abound, that the first man who was sentenced to and occupied the stocks in Boston was the carpenter who made them. He was thus fitly punished for his extortionate charge to the town for the lumber he used in their manufacture. This was rather better than " making the punishment fit the crime," since the Boston magistrates managed to force the criminal to furnish his own punishment. In Shrewsbury, also, the unhappy man who first tested the wearisome capacity and endured the public morti- cation of the town's stocks was the man who made them. He " builded better than he knew." Pillories were used as a means of punishment until a compara- tively recent date, — in Salem until the year 1801, and in Boston till 1803. Great horse-blocks, rows of stepping-stones, or hewn logs further graced the meeting-house green ; and occasionally one fine horse-block, such as the Con- cord women proudly erected, and paid for by a con- tribution of a pound of butter from each house-wife. The meeting-house not only was employed for the worship of God and for town meetings, but it was a storehouse as well. Until after the Revolutionary War it was universally used as a powder magazine ; and indeed, as no fire in stove or fireplace was ever allowed within, it was a safe enough place for the explosive material. In Hanover, the powder room was in the steeple, while in Quincy the " powder- closite n was in the beams of the roof. Whenever 14 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. there chanced to be a thunderstorm during the time of public worship, the people of Beverly ran out under the trees, and in other towns they left the meeting- house if the storm seemed severe or near ; still they built no powder houses. Grain, too, was stored in the loft of the meeting-house for safety ; hatches were built, and often the corn paid to the minister was placed there. " Leantos," or " linters," were sometimes built by the side of the building for use for storage. In Springfield, Mr. Pyncheon was al- lowed to place his corn in the roof chamber of the meeting-house; but as the people were afraid that the great weight might burst the floor, he was for- bidden to store more than four hundred bushels at a time, unless he " underpropped the floor." In one church in the Connecticut valley, in a town- ship where it was forbidden that tobacco be smoked upon the public streets, the church loft was used to dry and store the freshly cut tobacco-leaves which the inhabitants sold to the " ungodly Dutch." Thus did greed for gain lead even blue Connecticut Christians to profane the house of God. The early meeting-houses in country parishes were seldom painted, such outward show being thought vain and extravagant. In the middle of the eigh- teenth century paint became cheaper and more plen- tiful, and a gay rivalry in church-decoration sprang up. One meeting-house had to be as fine as its neighbor. Votes were taken, " rates were levied," gifts were asked in every town to buy "colour" for the THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. 15 meeting-house. For instance, the new meeting-house in Pom fret, Connecticut, was painted bright yellow ; it proved a veritable golden apple of discord through- out the county. Windham town quickly voted that its meeting-house be " coloured something like the Pomfrct meeting-house. " Killingly soon ordered that the " cullering of the body of our meeting-house should be like the Pomfret meeting-house, and the Roff shal be cullered Read.' 1 Brooklyn church then, in 1762, ordered that the outside of its meeting-house be " cul- ered " in the approved fashion. The body of the house was painted a bright orange ; the doors and " bottom boards " a warm chocolate color ; the " win- dow-jets," corner-boards, and weather-boards white. What a bright nosegay of color ! As a crowning glory Brooklyn people put up an " Eleclarick Rod " on the gorgeous edifice, and proudly boasted that Brooklyn meeting-house was the " newest biggest and yallowest" in the county. One old writer, how- ever, spoke scornfully of the spirit of envious emula- tion, extravagance, and bad taste that spread and prevailed from the example of the foolish and useless " colouring " of the Pomfret meeting-house. Within the meeting-house all was simple enough : raftered walls, sanded floors, rows of benches, a few pews, and the pulpit, or the "scaffold," as John Cot- ton called it. The bare rafters were often profusely hung with dusty spiders' webs, and were the home also ol countless swallows, that flew in and out of (he open bell-turret. Sometimes, too, mischievous squirrels, 16 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. attracted by the corn in the meeting-house loft, made their homes in the sanctuary; and they were so pro- lific and so omnivorous that the Bible and the pulpit cushions were not safe from their nibbling attacks. On every Sunday afternoon the Word of God and its sustaining cushion had to be removed to the safe shelter of a neighboring farmhouse or tavern, to pre- vent total annihilation by these Puritanical, Bible- loving squirrels. The pulpits were often pretentious, even in the plain and undecorated meeting-houses, and were usu- ally high desks, to which a narrow flight of stairs led. In the churches of the third stage of architecture, these stairs were often inclosed in a towering hex- agonal mahogany structure, which was ornamented with pillars and panels. Into this the minister walked, closed the door behind him, and invisibly ascended the stairs ; while the children counted the seconds from the time he closed the door until his head ap- peared through the trap-door at the top of the pulpit. The form known as a tub-pulpit was very popular in the larger churches. The pulpit of one old,unpainted church retained until the middle of this century, as its sole decoration, an enormous, carefully painted, staring eye, a terrible and suggestive illustration to youthful Avrong-doers of the great, all-seeing eye of God. As the ceiling and rafters were so open and rever- berating, it was generally thought imperative to hang above the pulpit a great sounding-board, which threat- ened the minister like a giant extinguisher, and was THE NEW ENGLAND MEETING-HOUSE. 17 really as devoid of utility as it was curious in orna- mentation, " reflecting most part an empty ineffec- tual sound." This great sound-killer was decorated with carved and painted rosettes, as in the Shrews- bury meeting-house ; with carved ivy leaves, as in Farmington ; with a carved bunch of grapes or pome- granates, as in the Leicester church ; with letters in- dicating a date, as, " M. R. H." for March, in the Hadley church ; with appropriate mottoes and texts, such as the words, " Holiness is the Lords," in the Windham church ; with cords and tassels, with hanging fringes, with panels and balls ; and thus formed a great orna- ment to the church, and a source of honest pride to the church members. The clumsy sounding-board was usually hung by a slight iron rod, which looked smaller still as it stretched up to the high, raftered roof, and always appeared to be entirely insufficient to sustain the great weight of the heavy machine. In Danvers, one of these useless though ornamental struc- tures hung within eighteen inches of the preacher's nose, on a slender bar thirty feet in length; and every Sunday the children gazed with fascinated anticipation at the slight rod and the great hexagonal extinguisher, thinking and hoping that on this day the sounding- board would surely drop, and " put out" the minister. In fact, it was regarded by many a child, though this idea was hardly formulated in the little brain, as a visible moans of possible punishment for any false doctrine that might issue from the mouth of the preacher. 18 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Another pastime and source of interest to the chil- dren in many old churches was the study of the knots and veins in the unpainted wood of which the pews and galleries were made. Age had developed and darkened and rendered visible all the natural irregu- larities in the wood, just as it had brought out and strengthened the dry-woody, close, unaired, penetrat- ing scent which permeated the meeting-house and gave it the distinctive " church smell." The children, and perhaps a few of the grown people, found in these clusters of knots queer similitudes of faces, strange figures and constellations, which, though conned Sun- day after Sunday until known by heart, still seemed ever to show in their irregular groupings a puzzling possibility of the discovery of new configurations and monstrosities. The dangling, dusty spiders' webs afforded, too, an interesting sight and diversion for the sermon-hear- ing, but not sermon-listening, young Puritans, who watched the cobwebs swaying, trembling, forming strange maps of imaginary rivers with their many tributaries, or outlines of intersecting roads and lanes. And if little Yet-Once, Hate-Evil, or Shearjashub chanced, by good fortune, to be seated near a window where a crafty spider and a foolish buzzing fly could be watched through the dreary exposition and at- tempted reconciliation of predestination and free will, that indeed were a happy way of passing the weary hours. II. THE CHURCH MILITANT. For many years after the settlement of New Eng- land the Puritans, even in outwardly tranquil times, went armed to meeting ; and to sanctify the Sunday gun-loading they were expressly forbidden to fire off their charges at any object on that day save an In- dian or a wolf, their two " greatest inconveniencies." Trumbull, in his " Mac Fingal," writes thus in jest of this custom of Sunday arm-bearing : — •• So once, for fear of Indian beating, Our grandsires bore their guns to meeting, — Each man equipped on Sunday morn With psalm-book, shot, and powder-horn, And looked in form, as all must grant, Like the ancient true church militant." In 1640 it was ordered in Massachusetts that in every township the attendants at church should carry a "competent number of peeces, fixed and compleat with powder and shot and swords every Lords-day to the meeting-house ; " one armed man from each household was then thought advisable and necessary for public safety. In 1642 six men with muskets and powder and shot were thought sufficient for protec- 20 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. tion for each church. In Connecticut similar mandates were issued, and as the orders were neglected "by divers persones," a law was passed in 1643 that each offender should forfeit twelve pence for each offence. In 1644 a fourth part of the " trayned band " was obliged to come armed each Sabbath, and the senti- nels were ordered to keep their matches constantly lighted for use in their match-locks-. They were also commanded to wear armor, which consisted of " coats basted with cotton-wool, and thus made de- fensive against Indian arrows." In 1650 so much dread and fear were felt of Sunday attacks from the red men that the Sabbath-Day guard was doubled in number. In 1692, the Connecticut Legislature or- dered one fifth of the soldiers in each town to come armed to each meeting, and that nowhere should be present as a guard at time of public worship fewer than eight soldiers and a sergeant. In Hadley the guard was allowed annually from the public treasury a pound of lead and a pound of powder to each soldier. No details that could add to safety on the Sabbath were forgotten or overlooked by the New Haven church ; bullets were made common currency at the value of a farthing, in order that they might be plen- tiful and in every one's possession ; the colonists were enjoined to determine in advance what to do with the women and children in case of attack, " that they do not hang about them and hinder them ; " the men were ordered to bring at least six charges of THE CHURCH MILITANT. 21 powder and shot to meeting; the farmers were for- bidden to u leave more arms at home than men to use them ; " the half-pikes were to be headed and the whole ones mended, and the swords " and all pierc- ing weapons furbished up and dressed ;" wood was to be placed in the watch-house ; it was ordered that the M door of the meeting-house next the soldiers' seat be kept clear from women and children sitting there, that if there be occasion for the soldiers to go sud- denly forth, they may have free passage." The soldiers sat on either side of the main door, a senti- nel was stationed in the meeting-house turret, and armed watchers paced the streets ; three cannon were mounted by the side of this " church militant," which must strongly have resembled a garrison. Military duty and military discipline and regard for the Sabbath, and for the House of God as well, did not always make the well-equipped occupants of these soldiers' seats in New Haven behave with the dignity and decorum befitting such guardians of the peace and protectors in war. Serious disorders and disturb- ances among the guard were reported at the General Court on June 16, 1662. One belligerent son of Mars, as he sat in the meeting-house, threw lumps of lime — perhaps from the plastered chinks in the log wall — at a fellow-warrior, who in turn, very natu- rally, kicked his tormentor with much agility and force. There must have ensued quite a free fight all around in the meeting-house, for " Mrs. Good- year's boy had his head broke that day in meeting, 22 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. on account of which a woman said she doubted not the wrath of God was upon us." And well might she think so, for divers other unseemly incidents which occurred in the meeting-house at the same time were narrated in Court, examined into, and punished. In spite of these events in the New Haven church (which were certainly exceptional), the seemingly in- congruous union of church and army was suitable enough in a community that always began and ended the military exercises on "training day" with solemn prayer and psalm-singing; and that used the army and encouraged a true soldier-like spirit not chiefly as aids in war, but to help to conquer and destroy the adversaries of truth, and to " achieve greater mat- ters by this little handful of men than the world is aware of." The Salem sentinels wore doubtless some of the good English armor owned by the town, — corselets to cover the body ; gorgets to guard the throat ; tasses to protect the thighs ; all varnished black, and cost- ing each suit " twenty-four shillings a peece." The sentry also wore a bandileer, a large " neat's leather " belt thrown over the right shoulder, and hanging down under the left arm. This bandileer sustained twelve boxes of cartridges, and a well-filled bullet-bag. Each man bore either a " bastard musket with a snap- hance," a " long fowling-piece with musket bore," a " full musket," a " barrell with a match-cock," or perhaps (for they were purchased by the town) a THE CHURCH MILITANT. 23 leather gun (though these leather guns may have been cannon). Other weapons there were to choose from, mysterious in name, " sakers, minions, ffaulcons, rabinets, murthers (or murderers, as they were some- times appropriately called) chambers, barque-busses, carbins," — all these and many other death-dealing machines did our forefathers bring and import from their war-loving fatherland to assist them in estab- lishing God's Word, and exterminating the Indians, but not always, alas ! to aid them in converting those poor heathen. The armed Salem watcher, besides his firearms and ammunition, had attached to his wrist by a cord a gun-rest, or gun-fork, which he placed upon the ground when he wished to fire his musket, and upon which that constitutional kicker rested when touched off. He also carried a sword and sometimes a pike, and thus heavily burdened with multitudinous arms and cumbersome armor, could never have run after or from an Indian with much agility or celerity ; though he could stand at the church-door with his leather gun. — an awe-inspiring figure, — and he could shoot with his " harquebuss," or " carbin," as wo well know. These armed " sentinells " are always regarded as a most picturesque accompaniment of Puritan reli- gious worship, and the Salem and Plymouth armed men were imposing, though clumsy. But the New Haven soldiers, with their bulky garments wadded and stuffed out with thick layers of cotton wool, must have been more safety-assuring and comforting than 24 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. they were romantic or heroic ; but perhaps they too wore painted tin armor, " corselets and gorgets and tasses." In Concord, New Hampshire, the men, who all came armed to meeting, stacked their muskets around a post in the middle of the church, while the honored pastor, who was a good shot and owned the best gun in the settlement, preached with his treasured weapon in the pulpit by his side, ready from his post of van- tage to blaze away at any red man whom he saw sneaking without, or to lead, if necessary, his con- gregation to battle. The church in York, Maine, until the year 174G, felt it necessary to retain the custom of carrying arms to the meeting-house, so plentiful and so aggressive were Maine Indians. Not only in the time of Indian wars were armed men seen in the meeting-house, but on June 17, 1775, the Provincial Congress recommended that the men " within twenty miles of the sea-coast carry their arms and ammunition with them to meeting on the Sabbath and other days when they meet for public worship." And on many a Sabbath and Lecture Day, during the years of war that followed, were proved the wisdom and foresight of that suggestion. The men in those old days of the seventeenth century, when in constant dread of attacks by Indians, always rose when the services were ended and left the house before the women and children, thus mak- ing sure the safe exit of the latter. This custom pre- vailed from habit until a late date in many churches THE CHURCH MILITANT. 25 in New England, all the men, after the benedict ion and the exit of the parson, walking out in advance of the women. So also the custom of the men always sitting at the " head " or door of the pew arose from the early necessity of their always being ready to seize their arms and rush unobstructed to fight. In some Xew England village churches to this day, the man who would move down from his end of the pew and let a woman sit at the door, even if it were a more desirable seat from which to see the clergyman, would be thought a poor sort of a creature. III. BY DRUM AND HORN AND SHELL. At about nine o'clock on the Sabbath morning the Puritan colonists assembled for the first public ser- vice of the holy day ; they were gathered together by various warning sounds. The Haverhill settlers lis- tened for the ringing toot of Abraham Tyler's horn. The Montague and South Hadley people were notified that the hour of assembling had arrived by the loud blowing of a conch-shell. John Lane, a resident of the latter town, was engaged in 1750 to " blow the Cunk " on the Sabbath as " a sign for meeting.'' In Stockbridge a strong-lunged " praying" Indian blew the enormous shell, which was safely preserved until modern times, and which, when relieved from Sunday use, was for many years sounded as a week-day signal in the hay-field. Even a conch-shell was enough of an expense to the poor colonial churches. The Montague people in 1759 paid £1 10s. for their " conk," and also on the purchase year gave Joseph Root 20 shillings for blowing the new shell. In 1785 the Whately church voted that " we will not improve anybody to blow the conch," and so the church-attend- ants straggled to Whately meeting each at his own time and pleasure. BY DRUM AND HORN AND SHELL. 27 In East Hartley the inhabitant who "blew the kimk " (as phonetic East Hadleyites spelt it) and swept out the meeting-house was paid annually the munificent sum of three dollars for his services. Conch-blowing was not so difficult and consequently not so highly-paid an accomplishment as drum-beat- ing. A verse of a simple old-fashioned hymn tells thus of the gathering of the Puritan saints : — " New England's Sabbath day Is heaven-like still and pure, When Israel walks the way Up to the temple's door. The time we tell When there to come By beat of drum Or sounding shell." The drum, as highly suitable for such a military people, was often used as a signal for gathering for public worship, and was plainly the favorite means of notification. In 1678 Robert Stuard, of Norwalk, " ingages yt his son James shall beate the Drumb, on the Sabbath and other ocations," and in Norwalk the "drumb," the " drumne," the " drumme," and at last the drum was beaten until 1704, when the Church got a bell. And the "Prumber" was paid, and well paid too for his " Cervices," fourteen shillings a year of the town's money, and he was furnished a " new strong drumme;" and the town supplied to him also the flax for the drum-cords which he wore out in the service of God. Johnson, in his " Wonder Working 28 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Providence," tells of the Cambridge Church : " Hear- ing the sound of a drum he was directed toward it by a broade beaten way ; following this rode he demands of the next man he met what the signall of the drum ment ; the reply was made they had as yet no Bell to call men to meeting and therefore made use of the drum." In 1638 a platform was made upon the top of the Windsor meeting-house " from the Lanthorne to the ridge to walk conveniently to sound a trumpet or a drum to give warning to meeting." Sometimes three guns were fired as a signal for " church-time." The signal for religious gathering, and the signal for battle were always markedly differ- ent, in order to avoid unnecessary fright. In 1647 Robert Basset was appointed in New Haven to drum " twice upon Lordes Dayes and Lecture Dayes upon the meeting house that soe those who live farr off may heare the more distinkly." Robert may have been a good drummer, but he proved to be a most reprehensible and disreputable citizen ; in the local Court Records of August 1, 1648, we find a full re- port of an astounding occurrence in which he played an important part. Ten men, who were nearly all sea-faring men, — gay, rollicking sailors, — went to Bassett's house and asked for strong drink. The magistrates had endeavored zealously, and in the main successfully, to prevent all intoxication in the community, and had forbidden the sale of liquor save in very small quantities. The church-drummer, how- ever, wickedly unmindful of his honored calling, fur- BY DRUM AM) HORN AND SHELL. 29 nished to the sailors six quarts of strong liquor, with which they all, host and visitors, got prodigiously drunk and correspondingly noisy. The Court Record says : " The miscarriage continued till betwixt tenn and eleven of the clock, to the great provocation of God, disturbance of the peace, and to such a height of disorder that strangers wondered at it." In the midst of the carousal the master of the pinnace called the boatswain " Brother Loggerheads." This must have been a particularly insulting epithet, which no respectable boatswain could have been expected qui- etly to endure, for "at once the two men fell fast to wrestling, then to blowes and theirin grew to that feircnes that the master of the pinnace thought the boatswain would have puled out his eies ; and they toumbled on the ground down the hill into the creeke and mire shamefully wallowing theirin." In his pain and terror the master called out, " Hoe, the Watch ! Hoe, the Watch ! " " The Watch made hast and for the present stopped the disorder, but in his rage and distemper the boatswaine fell a-swearinge Wounds and Hart as if he were not only angry with men but would provoke the high and blessed God." The master of the pinnace, being freed from his fellow- combatant, returned to Basset's house — perhaps to tell his tale of woe, perhaps to get more liquor — and was assailed by the drummer with amazing words of " anger and distemper used by drunken companions ; " in short, he was u verey offensive, his noyes and oatlies being hearde to the other side of the creeke." For 30 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. aiding and abetting this noisy and disgraceful spree, and also for partaking in it, Drummer Basset was fined £5, which must have been more than his yearly salary, and in disgrace, and possibly in disgust, quitted drumming the New Haven good people to meeting and moved his residence to Stamford, doubtless to the relief and delight of both magistrates and people of the former town. Another means of notification of the hour for religious service was by the use of a flag, often in addition to the sound of the drum or bell. Thus in Plymouth, in 1697, the selectmen were ordered to " procure a flagg to be put out at the ringing of the first bell, and taken in when the last bell was rung." In Sutherland also a flag was used as a means of announcement of " meeting-time," and an old goody was paid ten shillings a year for " tending the flagg." Mr. Gosse, in his " Early Bells of Massachusetts," gives a full and interesting account of the church- bells of the first colonial towns in that State. Lech- ford, in his " Plaine Dealing," wrote in 1641 that they came together in Boston on the Lord's Day by " the wringing of a bell," and it is thought that that bell was a hand-bell. The first bells, for the lack of bell- towers, were sometimes hung on trees by the side of the meeting-houses, to the great amazement and dis- tress of the Indians, who regarded them with super- stitious dread, thinking — to paraphrase Herbert's beautiful line — " when the bell did chime 't was devils' music ; " but more frequently the bells were BY DRUM AND HORN AND SHELL. 31 hung in a belfry or bell-turret or " bellcony," and from this belfry depended a long bell-rope quite to the floor ; and thus in the very centre of the church the sexton stood when he rung the summons for fire or for meeting. This rope was of course directly in front of the pulpit; and Jonathan Edwards, who was devoid of gestures and looked always straight be- fore him when preaching, was jokingly said to have " lookcd-off " the bell-rope, when it fell with a crash in the middle of his church. At the first sound of the drum or horn or bell the town inhabitants issued from their houses in " desent order," man and wife walking first, and the children in quiet procession after them. Often a man-servant and a maid walked on either side of the heads of the family. In some communities the congregation waited outside the church door until the minister and his wife arrived and passed into the house ; then the church- attendants followed, the loitering boys always contriv- ing to scuffle noisily in from the horse-sheds at the last moment, making much scraping and clatter with their heavy boots on the sanded floor, and tumbling clumsily up the uucarpeted, creaking stairs. In other churches the members of the congregation seated themselves in their pews upon their arrival, but rose reverently when the parson, dressed in black skull-cap and Geneva cloak, entered the door ; and they stood, in token of respect, until after he entered the pulpit and was seated. It was also the honor-giving and deferential custom 32 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. in many New England churches, in the eighteenth century, for the entire congregation to remain respect- fully standing within the pews at the end of the ser- vice until the minister had descended from his lofty pulpit, opened the door of his wife's pew, and led her with stately dignity to the church-porch, where, were he and she genial and neighborly minded souls, they in turn stood and greeted with carefully adjusted degrees of warmth, interest, respect, or patronage, the different members of the congregation as they slowly passed out. IV. THE OLD-FASHIONED PEWS. In the early New England meeting-houses the seats were long, narrow, uncomfortable benches, which were made of simple, rough, hand-riven planks placed on legs like milking-stools. They were without any support or rest for the back ; and perhaps the stiff- backed Pilgrims and Puritans required or wished no support. Quickly, as the colonies grew in wealth and the colonists in ambition and importance, " Spots for Pues " were sold (or " pitts " as they were sometimes called), at first to some few rich or influential men who wished to sit in a group together, and finally each family of dignity or wealth sat in its own family-pew. Often it was stipulated in the permis- sion to build a pew that a separate entrance-door should be cut into it through the outside wall of the meeting-house, thus detracting grievously from the external symmetry of the edifice, but obviating the necessity of a space-occupying entrance aisle within the church, where there was little enough sitting- room for the quickly increasing and universally church-going population. As these pews were either oblong or square, were both large and small, painted 3 34 THE SABBATH IN PUEITAN NEW ENGLAND. and unpainted, and as each pewholder could exercise his own " tast or discresing" in the kind of wood he used in the formation of his pew, as well as in the style of finish, much diversity and incongruity of course resulted. A man who had a wainscoted pew was naturally and properly much respected and en- vied hy the entire community. These pews, erected by individual members, were individual and not communal property. A widow in Cape Cod had her house destroyed by fire. She was given from the old meeting-house, which was being razed, the old building materials to use in the construction of her new home. She was not allowed, however, to remove the wood which formed the pews, as they were adjudged to be the property of the members who had built them, and those owners only could sell or remove the materials of which they were built. Many of the pews in the old meeting-houses had towering partition walls, which extended up so high that only the tops of the tallest heads could be seen when the occupants were seated. Permissions to build were often given with modifying restrictions to the aspiring pew-builders, as for instance is recorded of the Haverhill church, " provided they would not build so high as to damnify and hinder the light of them windows," or of the Waterbury church, " if the pues will not progodish the hous." Often the floor of the pews was several inches and occasionally a foot higher than the floor of the " alleys," thus forming at THE OLD-FASHIONED PEWS. 35 the entranec-door of the pew one or two steps, which were great stumbling-blocks to clumsy and to childish feet, that tripped again when within the pew over the "crickets" and foot-benches which were, if the family were large, the accepted and lowly church-seats of the little children. Occasionally one long, low foot-rest stretched quite across one side of the pew-floor. I have seen these long benches with a tier of three shelves ; the lower and broader shelf was used as a foot-rest, the second one was to hold the hats of the men, and the third and narrower shelf was for the hymn-books and Bibles. Such comfortable and luxu- rious pew-furnishings could never have been found in many churches. An old Xew Englander relates a funny story of his youth, in which one of these triple-tiered foot-benches played an important part. When he was a boy a' travelling show visited his native town, and though he was not permitted to go within the mystic and alluring tent, he stood longingly at the gate, and was prodi- giously diverted and astonished by an exhibition of tight-rope walking, which was given outside the tent- door as a bait to lure pleasure-loving and frivolous townspeople within, and also as a tantalization to the children of the saints who were not allowed to enter the tent of the wicked. Fired by that bewildering and amazing performance, he daily, after the wonder- ful sight, practised walking on rails, on fences, on fallen trees, and on every narrow foothold which he could find, as a careful preparation for a final feat 36 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. and triumph of skill on his mother's clothes-line. In an evil hour, as he sat one Sunday in the corner of his father's pew, his eyes rested on the narrow ledge which formed the top of the long foot-bench. Satan can find mischief for idle boys within church as well as without, and the desire grew stronger to try to walk on that narrow foothold. He looked at his father and mother, they were peacefully sleeping ; so also were the grown-up occupants of the neighboring pews ; the pew walls were high, the minister seldom glanced to right or left ; a thousand good reasons were whispered in his ear by the mischief-finder, and at last he willingly yielded, pulled off his heavy shoes, and softly mounted the foot-bench. He walked for- ward and back with great success twice, thrice, but when turning for a fourth tour he suddenly lost his balance, and over he went with a resounding crash — hats, psalm-books, heavy bench, and all. He crushed into hopeless shapclessness his father's gray beaver meeting-hat, a long-treasured and much-loved antique; he nearly smashed his mother's kid-slippered foot to jelly, and the fall elicited from her, in the surprise of the sudden awakening and intense pain, an ear-pierc- ing shriek, which, with the noisy crash, electrified the entire meeting. All the grown people stood up to in- vestigate, the children climbed on the seats to look at the guilty offender and his deeply mortified parents ; while the minister paused in his sermon and said with cutting severity, " I have always regretted that the office of tithingman has been abolished in this com- THE OLD-FASHIONED PEWS. 37 munity, as his presence and his watchful care are sadly needed by both the grown persons and the children in this congregation." The wretched boy who had caused all the commotion and disgrace was of course uninjured by his fall, but a final settlement at home between father and son on account of this sacrilegious piece of church disturbance made the unhappy would- be tight-rope walker wish that he had at least broken his arm instead of his father's hat and his mother's pride and the peace of the congregation. The seats were sometimes on four sides of these pews, but oftener on three sides only, thus at least two thirds of the pew occupants did not face the min- ister. The pew-seats were as narrow and uncomfort- able as the plebeian benches, though more exclusive, and, with the high partition walls, quite justified the comment of a little girl when she first attended a service in one of these old-fashioned, square* pewed churches. She exclaimed in dismay, " What ! must 1 be shut up in a closet and sit on a shelf?" Often elderly people petitioned to build separate small pens of pews with a single wider seat as " through the seats being so very narrow" they could not sit in comfort. The seats were, until well into this century, almost universally hung on hinges, and could be turned up against the walls of the pew, thus enabling the stand- ing congregation to lean for support against the sides of the pews during the psalm-singing and the long, long prayers. 38 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. " And when at last the loud Amen Fell from aloft, how quickly then The seats came down with heavy rattle, Like musketry in fiercest battle." This noise of slamming pew-seats could easily be heard over half a mile away from the meeting-house in the summer time, for the perverse boys contrived always in their salute of welcome to the Amen to give vent in a most tremendous bang to a little of their pent up and ill-repressed energies. In old church- orders such entries as this (of the Haverhill church) are frequently seen : " The people are to Let their Seats down without Such Nois." " The boyes are not to wickedly noise down there pew-seats." A gentle- man attending the old church in Leicester heard at the beginning of the prayer, for the first time in his life, the noise of slamming pew-seats, as the seats were thrust up against the pew -walls. He jumped into the aisle at the first clatter, thinking instinctively that the gallery was cracking and falling. Another stranger, a Southerner, entering rather late at a morn- ing service in an old church in New England, was greeted with the rattle of falling seats, and exclaimed in amazement, " Do you Northern people applaud in church ? " In many meeting-houses the tops of the pews and of the high gallery railings were ornamented with little balustrades of turned wood, which were often worn quite bare of paint by childish fingers that had tried them all " to find which ones would turn," and THE OLD-FASHIONED PEWS. 39 which, alas ! would also squeak. This fascinating occupation wbiled away many a tedious hour in the dreary church, and in spite of weekly forbidding- frowns and whispered reproofs for the shrill, ear-pierc- ing squeaks elicited by turning the spindle-shaped balusters, was entirely too alluring a time-killer to be abandoned, and consequently descended, an heredi- tary church pastime, from generation to generation of the children of the Puritans ; and indeed it remained so strong an instinct that many a grown person, visit- ing in after life a church whose pews bore balustrades like the ones of his childhood, could scarce keep his itching fingers from trying them each in succession " to see which ones would turn." These open balustrades also afforded fine peep-holes through which, by standing or kneeling upon " the shelf," a child might gaze at his neighbor ; and also through which sly missiles — little balls of twisted paper — could be snapped, to the annoyance of some meek girl or retaliating boy, until the young marks- man was ignominiously pulled down by his mother from his post of attack. And through these balus- trades the same boy a few years later could thrust sly missives, also of twisted paper, to the girl whom he had once assailed and bombarded with his annoying paper bullets. Through the pillared top-rail a restless child in olden days often received, on a hot summer Sabbath from a farmer's wife or daughter in an adjoining pew, friendly and quieting gifts of sprigs of dill, or 40 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND fennel, or caraway, famous anti-soporifics ; and on this herbivorous food he would contentedly browse as long as it lasted. An uneasy, sermon-tired little girl was once given through the pew-rail several stalks of caraway, and with them a large bunch of aromatic southernwood, or "lad's-love" which had been brought to meeting by the matron in the next pew, with a crudely and unconsciously aesthetic sense that where eye and ear found so little to delight them, there the pungent and spicy fragrance of the south- ernwood would be doubly grateful to the nostrils. Little Missy sat down delightedly to nibble the cara- way-seed, and her mother seeing her so quietly and absorbingly occupied, at once fell contentedly and placidly asleep in her corner of the pew. But five heads of caraway, though each contain many score of seeds, and the whole number be slowly nibbled and eaten one seed at a time, will not last through the child's eternity of a long doctrinal sermon ; and when the umbels were all devoured, the young ex- perimentalist began upon the stalks and stems, and they, too, slowly disappeared. She then attacked the sprays of southernwood, and in spite of its bitter, wormwoody flavor, having nothing else to do, she finished it, all tut the tough stems, just as the long sermon was brought to a close. Her waking mother, discovering no signs of green verdure in the pew, quickly drew forth a whispered confession of the time-killing Nebuchadnezzar-like feast, and fright- ened and horrified, at once bore the leaf-gorged child THE OLD-FASHIONED PEWS. 41 from the church, signalling in her retreat to the vil- lage doctor, who quickly followed and administered to the omnivorous young New Englander a bolus which made her loathe to her dying day, through a sympathetic association and memory, the taste of caraway, and the scent of southernwood. An old gentleman, lamenting the razing of the church of his childhood, told the story of his youthful Sabbaths in rhyme, and thus refers with affection- ate enthusiasm to the old custom of bringing bunches of esculent " sallet " herbs to meeting: — "And when I tired and restless grew, Our next pew neighbor, Mrs. True, Reached her kind hand the top rail through To hand me dill, and fennel too, And sprigs of caraway. " And as I munched the spicy seeds, I dimly felt that kindly deeds That thus supply our present needs, Though only gifts of pungent weeds, Show true religion. " And often now through sermon trite And operatic singer's ilight, I long for that old friendly sight, The hand with herbs of value light, To help to pass the time." Were the dill and " sweetest fennel " chosen Sab- bath favorites for their old-time virtues and powers ? "Vervain and dill Hinder witches of their ill." 42 THE SABABTII IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. And of the charmed fennel Longfellow wrote : — " The fennel with its yellow flowers That, in an earlier age than ours, Was gifted with the wondrous powers, Lost vision to restore." And traditions of mysterious powers, dream-influenc- ing, spirit-exorcising, virtue-awakening, health-giving properties, hung vaguely around the southernwood and made it specially fit to be a Sabbath-day posy. These traditions are softened by the influence of years into simply idealizing, in the mind of every country-bred New Englander, the peculiar refreshing scent of the southernwood as a typical Sabbath-day fragrance. Half a century ago, the pretty feathery pale-green shrub grew in every country door-yard, humble or great, throughout Xew England; and every church-going woman picked a branch or spray of it when she left her home on Sabbath morn. To this day, on hot summer Sundays, many a staid old daughter of the Puritans may be seen entering the village meeting-house, clad in a lilac-sprigged lawn or a green-striped barege, — a scanty-skirted, surplice- waisted relic of past summers, — with a lace-bordered silk cape or a delicate, time-yellowed, purple and white cashmere scarf on her bent shoulders, wearing on her gray head a shirred-silk or leghorn bonnet, and carrying in her lace-mitted hand a fresh handker- chief, her spectacle-case and well-worn Bible, and a great sprig of the sweet, old-fashioned " lad's-love." THE OLD-FASHIONED PEWS. 43 A rose, a bunch of mignonette would be to her too gay a posy for the Lord's House and the Lord's Day. And balmier breath than was ever borne by blossom is the pure fragrance of green growing things, — southernwood, mint, sweet fern, bay berry, sweetbrier. Xo rose is half so fresh, so countrified, so memory- sweet. The benches and the pew-scats in the old churches were never cushioned. Occasionally very old or feeble women brought cushions to meeting to sit upon. It is a matter of recent tradition that Colonel Greenleaf caused a nine days' talk in Newbury town at the beginning of this century when he cushioned his pew. The widow of Sir William Pepperell, who lived in imposing style, had her pew cushioned and lined and curtained with worsted stuff, and carpeted with a heavy bear-skin. This worn, faded, and moth- eaten furniture remained in the Kittery church until the year 1840, just as when Lady Pepperell furnished and occupied the pew. Nor were even the seats of the pulpit cushioned. The " cooshoons " of velvet or leather, which were given by will to the church, and which were kept in the pulpit, and were nibbled by the squirrels, were for the Bible, not the minister, to rest upon. In many churches — in Durham, Concord and Sand- wich — the pews had swing-shelves, "leaning shelves.'' upon which a church attendant could rest his paper and his arm when taking notes from the sermon, as was at one time the universal custom, and in which 44 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. even school-boys of a century ago had to take part, Funny stories are told of the ostentatious notes taken by pompous parishioners who could neither write nor read, but who could scribble, and thus cut a learned figure. The doors of the pews were usually cut down some- what lower than the pew-walls, and frequently had no top-rails. They sometimes bore the name of the pew-owner painted in large white letters. They were secured when closed by clumsy wooden buttons. In many country congregations the elderly men — stiff old farmers — had a fashion of standing up in the middle of the sermon to stretch their cramped limbs, and they would lean against and hang over the pew door and stare up and down the aisle. In Andover, Vermont, old Deacon Puffer never let a summer Sunday pass without thus resting and diverting him self. One day, having ill-secured the wooden button at the door of his pew, the leaning-place gave way under his weight, and out he sprawled on all-fours, with a loud clatter, into the middle of the aisle, to the amusement of the children, and the mortification of his wife. Thus it may be seen, as an old autobiography phrases it, " diversions was frequent in meeting, and the more duller the sermon, the more likely it was that some accident or mischief would be done to help to pass the time." SEATING THE MEETING. Perhaps no duty was more important and more difficult of satisfactory performance in the church work in early New England than " seating the meet- ing-house." Our Puritan forefathers, though bitterly denouncing all forms and ceremonies, were great respecters of persons ; and in nothing was the regard for wealth and position more fully shown than in designating the seat in which each person should sit during public worship. A committee of dignified and influential men was appointed to assign irrevocably to each person his or her place, according to rank and importance. Whittier wrote of this custom : — u In the goodly house of worship, where in order due and fit, As by public vote directed, classed and ranked the people sit; Mistress first and goodwife after, clerkly squire before the clown, From the brave coat, lace embroidered, to the gray frock shading down." In many cases the members of the committee were changed each year or at each fresh seating, in order to obviate any of the effects of partiality through kinship, friendship, personal esteem, or debt. A sec- 46 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. ond committee was also appointed to seat the mem- bers of committee number one, in order that, as Haverhill people phrased it, " there may be no Grum- bling at them for picking and placing tllemselves.' , This seating committee sent to the church the list of all the attendants and the seats assigned to them, and when the list had been twice or thrice read to the congregation, and nailed on the meeting-house door, it became a law. Then some such order as this of the church at Watertown, Connecticut, was passed : " It is ordered that the next Sabbath Day every person shall take his or her seat appointed to them, and not go to any other seat where others are placed : And if any one of the inhabitants shall act contrary, he shall for the first offence be reproved by the deacons, and for a second pay a fine of two shillings, and a like fine for each offence ever after." Or this of the Stratham church : " When the comety have Seatid the meeting-house every person that is Seatid shall set in those Seats or pay Five Shillings Pir Day for every day they set out of There seats in a Disorderly Manner to advance themselves Higher in the meeting- house." These two church-laws were very lenient. In many towns the punishments and fines were much more severe. Two men of Newbury were in 1669 fined £21 is. each for "disorderly going and setting in seats belonging to others." They were dissatisfied with the seats assigned to them by the seating committee, and openly and defiantly rebelled. Other and more peaceable citizens " entred their Decents " to the SEATING THE MEETING. 47 first decision of the committee and asked for re- consideration of their special cases and for promo- tion to a higher pew before the final orders were "Jsued." In all the Puritan meetings, as then and now in Quaker meetings, the men sat on one side of the meeting-house and t lie women on the other; and they entered by separate doors. It was a great and much- contested change when men and women were ordered to sit together " promiscuoslie." In front, on either side of the pulpit (or very rarely in the foremost row in the gallery), was a seat of highest dignity, known as the " fo reseat," in which only the persons of great- est importance in the community sat. Sometimes a row of square pews was built on three sides of the ground floor, and each pew occu- pied by separate families, while the pulpit was on the fourth side. If any man wished such a private pew l*«>r himself and family, he obtained permission from the church and town, and built it at his own expense. Immediately in front of the pulpit was either a long seal or a square inclosed pew lor the deacons, who sat facing the congregation. This was usually a foot or two above the level of the other pews, and was reached by two or three steep, narrow steps. On a still higher, plane was a pew for the ruling elders, when ruling elders there were. The magistrates also had a pew for their special use. What we now derm the besl >eals, those in the middle of the church, were in olden times the Ire*.' seats. 48 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Usually, on one side of the pulpit was a square pew for the minister's family. When there were twenty- six children in the fa mil) , as at least one New Eng- land parson could hoast, and when ministers' families of twelve or fourteen children were far from unusual, it is no wonder that we find frequent votes to " inlarge the ministers wives pew the breadth of the alley," or to " take in the next pue to the ministers wives pue into her pue." The seats in the gallery were univer- sally regarded in the early churches as the most ex- alted, in every sense, in the house, with the exception, of course, of the dignity-bearing foreseat and the few private pews. It is easy to comprehend what a source of disap- pointed anticipation, heart-burning jealousy, offended dignity, unseemly pride, and bitter quarrelling this method of assigning seats, and ranking thereby, must have been in those little communities. How the goodwives must have hated the seating committee ! Though it was expressly ordered, when the committee rendered their decision, that " the inhabitants are to rest silent and sett down satysfyed," who can still the tongue of an envious woman or an insulted man ? Though they were Puritans, they were first of all men and women, and complaints and revolts were frequent. Judge Sewall records that one indignant dame " treated Captain Osgood very roughly on ac- count of seating the meeting-house." To her the difference between a seat in the first and one in the second row was immeasurably great. It was not SEATING THE MEETING. 49 alone the Scribes and Pharisees who desired the high- est seats in the synagogue. It was found necessary at a very early date to u dignify the meeting," which was to make certain seats, though in different localities, equal in dignity ; thus could peace and contented pride be partially re- stored. For instance, the seating committee in the Sutton church used their " best discresing," and voted that " the third seat below be equal in dignity with the foreseat in the front gallery, and the fourth seat below be equal in dignity with the foreseat in the side gallery," etc., thus making many seats of equal honor. Of course wives had to have seats of equal importance with those of their husbands, and each widow retained the dignity apportioned to her in her husband's lifetime. We can well believe that much ^discresing" was necessary in dignifying as well as in seating. Often, after building a new meeting- house with all the painstaking and thoughtful judg- ment that could be shown, the dissensions over the seating lasted for years. The conciliatory fashion of ''dignifying the seats "clung long in the Congrega- tional churches of New England. In East Hartford and Windsor it was not abandoned until 1824. Many men were unwilling to serve on these seating committees, and refused to " medle with the seating," protesting against it on account of the odium that was incurred, but they were seldom " let off." Even so influential and upright a man as Judge Sewall felt a dread of the responsibility and of the personal 4 50 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. spleen be might arouse. He also feared in one case lest his seat-decisions might, if disliked, work against the ministerial peace of his son, who had been re- cently ordained as pastor of the church. Sometimes the difficulty was settled in this way : the entire church (or rather the male members) voted who should occupy the foreseat, or the highest pew. and the votcd-in occupants of this seat of honor formed a committee, who in turn seated the others of the congregation. In the town of Rowley, " age, office, and the amount paid toward building the meeting-house were considered when assigning seats." Other towns had very amusing and minute rules for seating. Each year of the age counted one degree. Military service counted eight degrees. The magistrate's office counted ten degrees. Every forty shillings paid in on the church rate counted one degree. We can imagine the ambitious Puritan adding up his degrees, and pay- ing in forty shillings more in order to sit one scat above his neighbor who was a year or two older. In Pittsfield, as early as the year 1765, the pews were sold by " vandoo " to the highest bidder, in order to stop the unceasing quarrels over the seating. In Windham, Connecticut, in 1762, the adoption of this pacificatory measure only increased the dissension when it was discovered that some miserable " bach- elors who never paid for more than one head and a horse " had bid in several of the best pews in the meeting-house. In New London, two women, sisters- SEATING THE MEETING. 51 in-law, were seated side by side. Eacb claimed the upper or more dignified seat, and they quarrelled so fiercely over the occupation of it that they had to be brought before the town meeting. En no way could honor and respect be shown more satisfactorily in^thc community than by the seat assigned in meeting. When Judge Sewall married his second wife, he writes with much pride : " Mr. Oliver in the names of the Overseers invites my Wife to sit in the foreseat. I thought to have brought her into my pue. I thankt him and the Overseers." His wife died in a few months, and he reproached himself for his pride in this honor, and left the seat which he had in the men's foreseat. " God in his holy Sover- eignty put my wife out of the Fore Seat. I appre- hended I had Cause to be ashamed of my Sin and loath myself for it, and retired into my Pue," which was of course less dignified than the foreseat. Often, in thriving communities, the " pues " and benches did not afford seating room enough for the Large number who wished to attend public worship, and complaints were frequent that many were "obliged to sit squeased on the stairs." Persons were allowed to bring chairs and stools into the meeting-house, and place them in the " alleys." These extra scats be- came often such encumbering nuisances that in many towns laws were passed abolishing and excluding them, or, as in Hadley, ordering them "back of the women's seats." In 1759 it was ordered in that town to u clear the Alleys of the meeting-house of chairs 52 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. and other Incumbrances." Where the chairless peo- ple went is not told ; perhaps they sat in the doorway, or, in the summer time, listened outside the windows. One forward citizen of Hardwicke had gradually moved his chair down the church alley, step by step r Sunday after Sunday, from one position of dignity to another still higher, until at last he boldly invaded the deacons' scat. When, in the year 1700, this honored position was forbidden him, in his chagrin and mortification he committed suicide by hanging. The young men sat together in rows, and the young women in corresponding seats on the other side oi the house. In 1677 the selectmen of Newbury gave per- mission to a few young women to build a pew in the gallery. It is impossible to understand why this should have roused the indignation of the bachelors of the town, but they were excited and angered to such a pitch that they broke a window, invaded the meeting-house, and " broke the pue in pessis." For this sacrilegious act they were fined £10 each, and sentenced to be whipped or pilloried. In considera- tion, however, of the fact that many of them had been brave soldiers, the punishment was omitted when they confessed and asked forgiveness. This episode is very comical ; it exhibits the Puritan youth in such an ungallant and absurd light. When, ten years later, liberty was given to ten young men, who had sat in the " foure backer seats in the gallery," to build a pew in " the hindermost seat in the gallery behind the pulpit," it is not recorded that the Salem SEATING THE MEETING. 53 young women made any objection. In the Woburn church, the four daughters of one of the most re- spected families in the place received permission to build a pew in which to sit. Here also such indig- nant and violent protests were made by the young men that the selectmen were obliged to revoke the permission. It would be interesting to know the bachelors' discourteous objections to young women being allowed to own a pew, but no record of their reasons is given. Bachelors were so restricted and governed in the colonies that perhaps they resented the thought of any independence being allowed to single women. Single men could not live alone, but were forced to reside with some family to whom the court assigned them, and to do in all respects just what the court ordered. Thus, in olden times, a man had to marry to obtain his freedom. The only clue to a knowledge of the cause of the fierce and resent- ful objection of New England young men to permit- ting the young women of the various congregations to build and own a "maids pue " is contained in the record of the church of the town of Scotland, Connecticut. "An Ilurlburt, Pashants and Mary Lazelle, Younes Bingham, prudenc Ilurlburt and Jerusha meachem " were empowered to build a pew " provided they build within a year and raise ye pue no higher than the seat is on the Mens side." •• Never ye Less," saith the chronicle, "ye above said have built said pue much higher than ye order, and if they do not lower the same within one month 54 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND from this time the society comitte shall take said pue away." Do you wonder that the bachelors re- sented this towering " maids pue ?" that they would not be scornfully looked down upon every Sabbath by women-folk, especially by a girl named " meachem"? Pashants and Younes and prudenc had to quickly come down from their unlawfully high church-perch and take a more humble seat, as befitted them; thus did their " vaulting ambition o'erleap itself and fall on the other side." Perhaps the Salem maids also built too high and imposing a pew. In Haverhill, in 1708, young women were permitted to build pews, provided they did not "damnify the Stairway." This somewhat profane-sounding restriction they heeded, and the Haverhill maids occupied their undanmify- ing "pue" unmolested. Medford young women, how- ever, in 1701, when allowed only one side gallery for seats, while the young men were assigned one side and all the front gallery, made such an uproar that the town had to call a meeting, and restore to them their " woman's rights" in half the front gallery. Infants were brought to church in their mothers' arms, and on summer days the young mothers often sat at the meeting-house door or in the porch, — if porch there were, — where, listening to the word of God, they could attend also to the wants of their babes. I have heard, too, of a little cage, or frame, which was to be seen in the early meeting-houses, for the purpose of holding children who were too young to sit alone, — poor Puritan babies! Little girls sat SEATING THE MEETING. 55 with their mothers or elder sisters on "crickets" within the pews ; or if the family were over-numer- ous, the children and crickets exundated into "the alley without the pues." Often a row of little daugh- ters of Zion sat on three-legged stools and low seats the entire length of the aisle, — weary, sleepy, young sentinels " without the gates." The boys, the Puritan boys, those wild animals who were regarded with such suspicion, such intense disfavor, by all elderly Puritan eyes, and who were publicly stigmatized by the Duxbury elders as " ye wretched boys on ye Lords Day," were herded by themselves. The) usually sat on the pulpit and gal- lery stairs, and constables or tithingmen were ap- pointed to watch over them and control them. In Salem, in 167G, it was ordered that " all ye boyes of ye towne are and shall be appointed to sitt upon ye three pair of stairs in ye meeting-house on ye Lords Day, and Win. Lord is appointed to look after ye boyes yt sitte upon ye pulpit stairs. Reuben Guppy is to look and order soe many of ye boyes as may bo convenient, and if any are unruly, to present their names, as the law directs." Nowadays we should hardly seat boys in a group if we wished them to be orderly and decorous, and I fear the man "by the name of Guppy" found it no easy task to preserve order and due gravity among the Puritan boys in Salem meeting. In fact, the rampant boys behaved thus badly for the very reason that they were seated ther instead of with their respective families; and 56 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. not until the fashion was universal of each family sit- ting in a pew or group by itself did the boys in meet- ing behave like human beings rather than like mis- chievous and unruly monkeys. In Stratford, in 1668, a tithingman was " appointed to watch over the youths of disorderly carriage, and see that they behave themselves comelie, and use such raps and blows as in his discretion meet." I like to think of those rows of sober-faced Puritan boys seated on the narrow, steep pulpit stairs, clad in knee-breeches and homespun flapped coats, and with round, cropped heads, miniature likenesses in dress and countenance (if not in deportment) of their grave, stern, God-fearing fathers. Though they were of the sedate Puritan blood, they were boys, and they wriggled and twisted, and scraped their feet nois- ily on the sanded floor ; and 1 know full well that the square-toed shoes of one in whom " original sin " waxed powerful, thrust many a sly dig in the ribs and back of the luckless wight who chanced to sit in front of and below him on the pulpit stairs. Many a dried kernel of Indian corn was surreptitiously snapped at the head of an unwary neighbor, and many a sly word was whispered and many a furtive but audible "snick- er" elicited when the dread tithingman was " having an eye-out" and administering "discreet raps and blows " elsewhere. One of these wicked youths in Andover was brought before the magistrate, and it was charged that he " Sported and played and by Indecent Gestures and SKATING THE MEETING. 57 Wry Faces caused laughter and misbehavior in the Beholders." The girls were not one whit better be- haved. One of "ye tything men chosen of ye town of Norwich " reported that " Tabatha Morgus of s'd Nor- wich Did on ye 24th day February it being Sabbath on ye Lordes Day, prophane ye Lordes Day in ye meeting house of ye west society in ye time of ye forenoone service on s'd Day by her rude and Indecent Behaviour in Laughing and Playing in ye time of ye s\l Service which Doinges of ye s'd Tabatha is against ye peace of our Sovereign Lord ye King, his Crown and Dignity." Wanton Tabatha had to pay three shilings sixpence for her ill-timed mid-winter frolic. Perhaps she laughed to try to keep warm. Those who laughed at the misdemeanors of others were fined as well. Deborah Bangs, a young girl, in 1755 paid a fine of live shillings for " Larfing in the Ware- ham Meeting House in time of Public Worship," and a boy at the same time, for the same offence, paid a fine of ten shillings. He may have laughed louder and longer. In a law-book in which Jonathan Trum- bull recorded the minor cases which he tried as justice of the peace, was found this entry : " His Majesties Tithing man entered complaint against Jona. and Susan Smith, that on the Lords Day dur- ing Divine Service, they did smile." They were found guilty, and each was fined five shillings and costs,— poor smiling Susan and Jonathan. Those wretched Puritan boys, those " sons of Be- lial," whittled, too, and cut the woodwork and benches 58 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. of the meeting-house in those early days, just as their descendants have ever since hacked and cut the benches and desks in country schoolhouscs, — though how they ever eluded the vigilant eye and ear of the ubiquitous tithingman long enough to whittle will ever remain an unsolved mystery of the past. This early forerunning evidence of what has become a characteristic Yankee trait and habit was so annoy- ingly and extensively exhibited in Medford, in 1729, that an order was passed to prosecute and punish " all who cut the seats in the meeting-house." Few towns were content to have one tithingman and one staff, but ordered that there should be a guardian set over the boys in every corner of the meeting-house. In Hanover it was ordered " That there be some sticks set up in various places in the meeting-house, and fit persons by them and to use them." I doubt not that the sticks were well used, and Hanover boys were well rapped in meeting. The Norwalk people come down through history shining with a halo of gentle lenity, for their tithingman was ordered to bear a short, small stick only, and he was " Desired to use it with clemency." However, if any boy proved " incoridgable," he could be " presented " before the elders ; and perhaps he would rather have been treated as were Hartford boys by cruel Hartford church folk, who ordered that if " any boye shall be taken playing or misbehaving him- self in the time of publick worship whether in the meeting-house or about the walls he shall be ex- SEATING THE MEETING. 59 amined and punished at the present publickly be- fore the assembly depart." Parson Chauncey, of Durham, when a boy misbehaved in meeting, and was " punched up " by the tithingman, often stopped in his sermon, called the godless young offender by name, and asked him to come to the parsonage the next day. Some very tender and beautiful lessons were taught to these Durham boys at these Monday morning interviews, and have descended to us in tradition ; and the good Mr. Chauncey stands out a shining light of Christian patience and forbearance at a time when every other New England minister, from John Cotton down, preached and practised the stern repression and sharp correction of all children, and chanted together in solemn choru§, " Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child." One vicious tithingman invented, and was allowed to exercise on the boys, a punishment which was the refinement of cruelty. He walked up to the laughing, sporting, or whittling boy, took him by the collar or the arm, led him ostentatiously across the meeting- house, and seated him by his shamefaced mother on the women's side. It was as if one grandly proud in kneebreeches should be forced to walk abroad in petti- coats. Far rather would the disgraced boy have been whacked soundly with the heavy knob of the tithing- man's staff; for bodily pain is soon forgotten, while mortifying abasement lingers long. The tithingman could also take any older youth who misbehaved or " acted unsivill " in meeting from 60 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. his manly seat with the grown men, and force him to sit again with the boys ; " if any over sixteen are dis- orderly, they shall be ordered to said seats." Not only could these men of authority keep the boys in order during meeting, but they also had full control during the nooning, and repressed and restrained and vigorously corrected the luckless boys during the midday hours. When seats in the galleries grew to be regarded as inferior to seats and pews on the ground floor, the boys, who of course must have the worst place in the house, were relegated from the pul- pit stairs to pews in the gallery, and these square, shut-off pews grew to be what Dr. Porter called " the Devil's play-houses," and turbulent outbursts were frequent enough. The little boys still sat downstairs under their par- ents' watchful eyes. "No child under 10 alowed to go up Gailary." In the Sutherland church, if the big boys (who ought to have known better) " behaved unseemly," one of the tithing-men who " took turns to set in the Galary " was ordered " to bring Such Bois out of the Galary & set them before the Deacon's Seat" with the small boys. In Plainfield, Connecti- cut, the " pestigeous " boys managed to invent a new form of annoyance, — they " damnified the glass ; " and a church regulation had to be passed to prevent, or rather to try to prevent them from " opening the windows or in any way damnifying the glass." It was doubtless hot work scuffling and wrestling in the close, shut-in pews high up under the roof, and they SEATING THE MEETING. 61 naturally wished to cool down by opening or breaking the windows. Grown persons could not inconsider- ately open the church windows either. " The Con- stables are desired to take notic of the persons that open the windows in the tynae of publick worship." No rheumatic-y draughts, no bronchitis-y damps, no pure air was allowed to enter the Xew England meet- ing-house. The church doubtless took a vote before it allowed a single window to be opened. In Westfield, Massachusetts, the boys became so abominably rampant that the church formally de- cided " that if there is not a Reformation Respecting the Disorders in the Pews built on the Great Beam in the time of Publick Worship the comite can pul it down." The fashion of seating the boys in pews by them- selves was slow of abolishment in many of the churches. In Windsor, Connecticut, " boys' pews " were a feature of the church until 1845. As years rolled on, the tithingmen became restricted in their authority : they could no longer administer " raps and blows ; " they were forced to content themselves with loud rappings on the floor, and pointing with a staff or with a con- demning finger at the misdemeanant. At last the deacons usurped these functions, and if rapping and pointing did not answer the purpose of establishing order (if the boy " psisted" ), led the stubborn of- fender out of meeting ; and they had full authority soundly to thrash the "wretched boy" on the horse- block. Rev. Dr. Dakin tells the story that, hearing a 62 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. terrible noise and disturbance while he was praying in a church in Quincy, he felt constrained to open his eyes to ascertain the cause thereof ; and he beheld a red-haired boy firmly clutching the railing on the front edge of the gallery, while a venerable deacon as firmly clutched the boy. The young rebel held fast, and the correcting deacon held fast also, until at last the balustrade gave way, and boy, deacon, and railing fell together with a resounding crash. Then, rising from the wooden debris, the thoroughly subdued boy and the triumphant deacon left the meeting-house to finish their little affair ; and unmistakable swishing sounds, accompanied by loud wails and whining pro- testations, were soon heard from the region of the horse-sheds. Parents never resented such chastis- ings ; it was expected, and even desired, that boys should be whipped freely by every school-master and person of authority who chose so to do. In some old church-orders for seating, boys were classed with negroes, and seated with them ; but in nearly all towns the negroes had seats by themselves. The black women were all seated on a long bench or in an inclosed pew labelled " B. W.," and the negro men in one labelled " B. M." One William Mills, a jesting soul, being asked by a pompous stranger where he could sit in meeting, told the visitor that he was welcome to sit in Bill Mills's pew, and that it was marked " B. M." The man, who chanced to be ignorant of the local custom of marking the negro seats, accepted the kind invitation, and seated himself SEATING THE MEETING. 63 in the black men's pew, to the delight of Bill Mills, the amusement of the boys, the scandal of the ciders, and his own disgust. Sometimes a little pew or short gallery was built high up among the beams and joists over the staircase which led to the first gallery, and was called the 4 * swallows' nest," or the " roof pue," or the " second gallery.' 1 It was reached by a steep, ladder-like staircase, and was often assigned to the negroes and Indians of the congregation. Often " ye seat between ye Deacons seat and ye pulpit is for persons hard of hearing to sett in." In nearly every meeting a bench or pew full of aged men might be seen near the pulpit, and this seat was called, with Puritan plainness of speech, the " Deaf Pew." Some very deaf church members (when the boys were herded elsewhere) sat on the pulpit stairs, and even in the pulpit, alongside the preacher, where they disconcertingly upturned their great tin ear- trumpets directly in his face. The persistent joining in the psalm-singing by these deaf old soldiers and farmers was one of the bitter trials which the leader of the choir had to endure. The singers' seats were usually in the galleries ; sometimes upon the ground floor, in the " hind-row on either side." Occasionally the choir sat in two rows of scats that extended quite across the floor of the house, in front of the deacons' seat and the pulpit. The men singers then sat facing the congregation, while the women singers faced the pulpit. Between 64 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. them ran a long rack for the psalm-books. When they sang they stood up, and bawled and fugued in each other's faces. Often a square pew was built for the singers, and in the centre of this enclosure was a table, on which were laid, when at rest, the psalm- books. When they sang, the choir thus formed a hollow square, as does any determined band, for strength. One other seat in the old Puritan meeting-house, a seat of gloom, still throws its darksome shadow down through the years, — the stool of repentance. " Barbarous and cruel punishments " were forbidden by the statutes of the new colony, but on this terrible soul-rack the shrinking, sullen, or defiant form of some painfully humiliated man or woman sat, crushed, stunned, stupefied by overwhelming disgrace, through the long Christian sermon ; cowering before the hard, pitiless gaze of the assembled and godly congregation, and the cold rebuke of the pious minister's averted face ; bearing on the poor sinful head a deep-branding paper inscribed in " Capitall Letters " with the name of some dark or mysterious crime, or wearing on the sleeve some strange and dread symbol, or on the breast a scarlet letter. Let us thank God that these soul-blasting and hope-killing exposures — so degrading to the criminal, so demoralizing to the community, — these foul, in- human blots on our fair and dearly loved Puritan Lord's Day, were never frequent, nor did the form of punishment obtain for a long time. In 1681 two SEATING THE MEETING. 65 women were sentenced to sit during service on a high stool in the middle alley of the Salem meeting-house, having on their heads a paper bearing the name of their crime ; and a woman in Agamcnticus at about the same date was ordered " to stand in a white sheet publicly two several Sabbath-Days with the mark of her offence on her forehead." These are the latest records of this punishment that I have chanced to see. Tims, from old church and town records, we plainly discover that each laic, deacon, elder, criminal, singer, and even the ungodly boy had his alloted place as absolutely assigned to him in the old meeting-house as was the pulpit to the parson. Much has been said in semi-ridicule of this old custom of "seating" and " dignifying," yet it did not in reality differ much from our modern way of selling the best pews to who- ever will pay the most. Perhaps the old way was the better, since, in the early churches, age, educa- tion, dignity, and reputation were considered as well ns wealth. VI. THE TITHINGMAN AND THE SLEEPERS. The most grotesque, the most extraordinary, the most highly colored figure in the dull New England church life was the tithingman. This fairly bur- lesque creature impresses me always with a sense of unreality, of incongruity, of strange happening, like a jesting clown in a procession of monks, like a strain of low comedy in the sober religious drama of early New England Puritan life ; so out of place, so unreal is this fussy, pompous, restless tithingman, with his fantastic wand of office fringed with dangling fox- tails, — creaking, bustling, strutting, peering around the quiet meeting-house, prodding and rapping the restless boys, waking the drowsy sleepers ; for they slept in country churches in the seventeenth century, notwithstanding dread of fierce correction, just as they nod and doze and softly puff, unawakened and unrebuked, in village churches throughout New Eng- land in the nineteenth century. This absurd and distorted type of the English church beadle, this colonial sleep banisher, was equipped with a long staff, heavily knobbed at one end, with which he severely and pitilessly rapped the heads of the too THE TITHINGMAN AND THE SLEEPERS. 67 sleepy men, and the too wide-awake boys. From the other end of this wand of office depended a long fox- tail, or a hare's-foot, which he softly thrust in the faces of the Bleeping Priscillas, Charitys, and Hope- stills, and which gently brushed and tickled them into reverent but startled wakefulness. One zealous but too impetuous tithingman in his pious ardor of office inadvertently applied the wrong end, the end with the heavy knob, the masculine end, to a drowsy matron's head ; and for this severely ungallant mistake he was cautioned by the ruling elders to thereafter use " more discresing and less haist." Another over-watchful Newbury "awakener " rapped on the head a nodding man who protested indignantly that he was wide-awake, and was only bowing in solemn assent and approval of the minister's argu- ments. Roger Scott, of Lynn, in 1643 struck the tithingman who thus roughly and suddenly wakened him ; and poor sleepy and bewildered Roger, who is branded through all time as " a common sleeper at the publick exercise," was, for this most naturally resentful act, but also most shockingly grave offence, soundly whipped, as a warning both to keep awake and not to strike back in meeting. Obadiah Turner, of Lynn, gives in his Journal a sad, sad disclosure of total depravity which was ex- posed by one of these sudden church-awakenings, and the story is best told in the journalist's own vivid words : — 68 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. " June 3, 1646. — Allen Bridges hath bin chose to wake ye sleepers in meeting. And being much proude of his place, must needs have a fox taile fixed to ye ende of a long staff wherewith he may brush ye faces of them yt will have napps in time of discourse, likewise a sharpe thorne whereby he may pricke such as be most sound. On ye last Lord his day, as hee strutted about ye meeting- house, he did spy Mr. Tomlins sleeping with much com- fort, hys head kept steadie by being in ye corner, aud his hand grasping ye rail. And soe spying, Allen did quickly thrust his staff behind Dame Ballard and give him a grievous prick upon ye hand. Whereupon Mr. Tomlins did spring vpp mch above ye floore, and with terrible force strike hys hand against ye wall ; and also, to ye great wonder of all, prophanlie exclaim in a loud voice, curse ye wood-chuck, he dreaming so it seemed yt a wood- chuck had seized and bit his hand. But on coming to know where he was, and ye greate scandall he had com- mitted, he seemed much abashed, but did not speak. And I think he will not soon again goe to sleepe in meeting." How clear the picture ! Can you not see it ? — the warm June sunlight streaming in through the narrow, dusty windows of the old meeting-house ; the armed watcher at the door ; the Puritan men and women in their sad-colored mantles seated sternly upright on the hard narrow benches ; the black-gowned minister, the droning murmur of whose sleepy voice mingles with the out-door sounds of the rustle of leafy branches, the song of summer birds, the hum of buzz- ing insects, and the muffled stamping of horses' feet; THE TITHINGMAN AND THE SLEEPERS 69 the restless boys on the pulpit-stairs ; the tired, sleep- ing Puritan with his head thrown back in the corner of the pew ; the vain, strutting, tithingman with his fantastic and thorned staff of office; and then — the sudden, electric wakening, and the consternation of the whole staid and pious congregation at such terri- ble profanity in the house of God. Ah ! — it was not two hundred and forty years ago ; when I read the quaint words my Puritan blood stirs my drowsy brain, and I remember it all well, just as I saw it last summer in June. Another catastrophe from too fierce zeal on the part of the tithingman is recorded. An old farmer, worn out with a hard Saturday's work at sheep-washing, fell asleep ere the hour-glass had once been turned. Though he was a man of dignity, for he sat in his own pew, he could not escape the rod of the pragmatical tithingman. Being rudely disturbed, but not wholly wakened, the bewildered sheep-farmer sprung to his feet, seized his astonished and mortified wife by the shoulders and shook her violently, shouting at the top of his voice, "Haw back! haw back! Stand still, will ye ? " Poor goodman and goodw T ife ! many years elapsed ere they recovered from that keen disgrace. The ministers encouraged and urged the tithing- men to faithfully perform their allotted wx>rk. One early minister " did not love sleepers in ye meeting- house, and would stop short in ye exercise and call pleasantlie to wake ye sleepers, and once of a warm Summer afternoon he did take hys hat off from ye 70 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. pegg in ye beam, and put it on, saying he would go home and feed his fowles and come back again, and maybe their sleepe would be ended, and they readie to hear ye remainder of hys discourse." Another time he suggested that they might like better the Church of England service of sitting down and stand- ing up, and we can be sure that this " was competent to keepe their eyes open for a twelvemonth." All this was in the church of Mr. Whiting, of Lynn, a somewhat jocose Puritan, — if jocularity in a Puri- tan is not too anomalous an attribute to have ever existed. We can be sure that there was neither sleeping nor jesting allusion to such an irreverence in Mr. Mather's, Mr. Welde's, or Mr. Cotton's meet- ings. In many rigidly severe towns, as in Ports- mouth in 1662 and in Boston in 1667, it was ordered by the selectmen as a proper means of punishment that a " cage be made or some other means invented for such as sleepe on the Lord's Daie." Perhaps they woke the offender up and rudely and sum- marily dragged him out and caged him at once and kept him thus prisoned throughout the nooning, — a veritable jail-bird. A rather unconventional and eccentric preacher in Newbury awoke one sleeper in a most novel manner. The first name of the sleeping man was Mark, and the preacher in his sermon made use of these Bib- lical words : " I say unto you, mark the perfect man and behold the upright." But in the midst of his low, monotonous sermon-voice he roared out the word THE TITHIXGMAN AXD THE SLEEPERS. 71 fc - mark M in a loud shout that brought the dozing Mark to his feet, bewildered but wide awake. Mr. Moody, of York, Maine, employed a similar device to awaken and mortify the sleepers in meeting- He shouted " Fire, fire, fire ! " and when the startled and blinking men jumped up, calling out " Where ?" he roared back in turn, " In hell, for sleeping sin- ners." Rev. Mr. Phillips, of Andover, in 1755, openly rebuked his congregation for " sleeping away a great part of the sermon ; " and on the Sunday following an earthquake shock which was felt throughout Xew England, he said he hoped the " Glorious Lord of the Sabbath had given them such a shaking as would keep them awake through one sermon-time." Other and more autocratic parsons did not hesitate to call out their sleeping parishioners plainly by name, sternly telling them also to " Wake up ! " A minis- ter in Brunswick, Maine, thus pointedly wakened one of his sweet-sleeping church-attendants, a man of some dignity and standing in the community, and received the shocking and tautological answer, " Mind your own business, and go on with your sermon." The women would sometimes nap a little without being discovered. " Ye women may sometimes sleepe and none know by reason of their enormous bonnets. Mr. Whiting doth pleasantlie say from ye pulpit hee doth seeme to be preaching to stacks of straw with men among them." From this seventeenth-century comment upon the size of the women's bonnets, it may be seen that 72 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. objections to women's overwhelming and obscuring headgear in public assemblies are not entirely com- plaining protests of modern growth. Other records refer to the annoyance from the exaggerated size of bonnets. In 1769 the church in Andover openly " put to vote whether the parish Disapprove of the Female sex sitting with their Hats on in the Meeting- house in time of Divine Service as being Indecent," The parish did Disapprove, with a capital D, for the vote passed in the affirmative. There is no record, however, to tell whether the Indecent fashion was abandoned, but I warrant no tithingman was pow- erful enough to make Andover women take off their proudly worn Sunday bonnets if they did not want to. Another town voted that it was the " Town's Mind " that the women should take off their bonnets and " hang them on the peggs," as did the men their headgear. But the Town's Mind was not a Woman's Mind ; and the big-bonnet wearers, vain though they were Puritans, did as they pleased with their own bonnets. And indeed, in spite of votes and in spite of expostulations, the female descendants of the Puri- tans, through constantly recurring waves of fashion, have ever since been indecently wearing great obscur- ing hats and bonnets in public assemblies, even up to the present day. The tithingman had other duties than awakening the sleepers and looking after " the boyes that playes and rapping those boyes," — in short, seeing that every one was attentive in meeting except himself, — and THE TITIIIXUMAX AND THE SLEEPERS 73 the duties and powers of the office varied in different communities. Several of these officers were appointed in each parish. In Newbury, in 1688, there were twenty tithingmen, and in Salem twenty-five. They were men of authority, not only on Sunday, but throughout the entire week. Each had several neigh- boring families (usually ten, as the word "tithing" would signify) under his charge to watch during the week, to enforce the learning of the catechism at home, especially by the children, and sometimes he heard them " Say their Chataehize." These families he also watched specially on the Sabbath, and re- ported whether all the members thereof attended public worship. Not content with mounting guard over the boys on Sundays, he also watched on week- days to keep boys and " all persons from swimming in the water.'' Do you think his duties were light in July and August, when school was out, to watch the boys of ten families ? One man watching one family cannot prevent such " violations of the peace " in country towns now-a-days. He sometimes inspected the "ordinaries" and made complaint of any dis- orders which he there discovered, and gave in the names of '-idle tiplers and gainers," and he could warn the tavern-keeper to sell no more liquor to any toper whom he knew or fancied was drinking too heavily. Jo.sselyn complained bitterly that during his visit to New England in 1663 at " houses of en- tertainment called ordinaries into which a stranger went, lie was presently followed by one appointed to 74 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. that office who would thrust himself into his com- pany uninvited, and if he called for more drink than the officer thought in his judgment he could soberly bear away, he would presently countermand it, and appoint the proportion beyond which he could not get one drop." The tithingman had a " spetial eye- out" on all bachelors, who were also carefully spied upon by the constables, deacons, elders, and heads of families in general. He might, perhaps, help to col- lect the ministerial rate, though his principal duty was by no means the collecting of tithes. He "worned peple out of ye towne." This warning W as not at all because the new-comers were objectionable or un- desired, but was simply a legal form of precaution, so that the parish would never be liable for the keep- ing of the " worned " ones in case they thereafter became paupers. He administered the " oath of fidelity " to new inhabitants. The tithingman also watched to see that " no young people walked abroad on the eve of the Sabbath," — that is, on a Saturday night. He also marked and reported all those " who lye at home," and others who " prophanely behaved, lingered without dores at meeting time on the Lordes Daie," all the " sons of Belial strutting about, setting on fences, and otherwise desecrating the day." These last two classes of offenders were first admonished by the tithingman, then " Sett in stocks," and then cited before the Court. They were also confined in the cage on the meeting-house green, with the Lord's Day sleepers. The tithingman could arrest any who THE TITIIIXGMAN AND THE SLEEPERS. 75 walked or rode at too fast a paec to and from meet- ing, and he could arrest any who " walked or rode unnecessarily on the Sabath." Great and small alike were under his control, as this notice from the " Columbian Ceutiuel " of December, 1789, abundantly proves. It is entitled "The President and the Tything man:" — " The President, on his return to New York from his late tour through Connecticut, having missed his way on Saturday, was obliged to ride a few miles on Sunday morning in order to gain the town at which he had pre- viously proposed to have attended divine service. Before he arrived however he was met by a Tything man, who commanding him to stop, demanded the occasion of his riding ; and it was not until the President had informed him of every circumstance and promised to go no further than the town intended that the Tything man would permit him to proceed on his journey." Various were the subterfuges to outwit the ti thing- man and elude his vigilance on the Sabbath. We all remember the amusing incident in " Oldtown Folks." A similar one really happened. Two gay young sparks driving through the town on the Sab- bath were stopped by the tithingman ; one offender said mournfully in excuse of his Sabbath travel, '• My grandmother is lying dead in the next town." Being allowed to drive on, he stood up in his wagon when at a sale distance and impudently shouted back, " And she \s been lying dead in the graveyard there for thirty years." 76 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Thus it may be seen that the ancient tithingman was pre-eminently a general snook, to use an old and expressive word, — an informer, both in and out of meeting, — a very necessary, but somewhat odious, and certainly at times very absurd officer. He was in a degree a constable, a selectman, a teacher, a tax- collector, an inspector, a sexton, a home-watcher, and above all, a Puritan Bumble, whose motto was Hie et ubique. He was, in fact, a general law-enforcer and order-keeper, whose various duties, wherever still ne- cessary and still performed, are now apportioned to several individuals. The ecclesiastical functions and authority of the tithingman lingered long after the civil powers had been removed or had gradually passed away from his office. Persons are now liv- ing who in their early and unruly youth were rapped at and pointed at by a New England tithingman when they laughed or were noisy in meeting. VII. THE LENGTH OF THE SERVICE. Watches were unknown in the early colonial days of New England, and for a long time after their in- troduction both watches and clocks were costly and rare. John Davenport of New Haven, who died in 167,0, left a clock to his heirs ; and E. Needham, who died in 1677, left a " Striking clock, a watch, and a Lamm that dus not Strike," worth <£5 ; these are perhaps the first records of the ownership of clocks and watches in New England. The time of the day was indicated to our forefathers in their homes by ; * noon marks " on the floor or window-seats, and by picturesque sundials ; and in the civil and religious meetings the passage of time was marked by a strong brass-bound hour-glass, which stood on a desk below or beside the pulpit, or which was raised on a slender iron rod and standard, so that all the members of the cuimregation could easily watch " the sands that ran i' the clock's behalf.'' By the side of the desk sat, on the Sabbath, a sexton, clerk, or tithingman, whose duty it was to turn the hour-glass as often as the sands ran out. This was a very ostentatious way of reminding the clergyman how long he had preached ; 78 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. but if it were a hint to bring the discourse to an end, it was never heeded ; for contemporary historical reg- isters tell of most painfully long sermons, reaching up through long sub-divisions and heads to " twenty- seventhly " and " twenty-eighthly." At the planting of the first church in Woburn, Massachusetts, the Rev. Mr. Symmes showed his godliness and endurance (and proved that of his parishioners also) by preaching between four and live hours. Sermons which occupied two or three hours were customary enough. One old Scotch clergyman in Vermont, in the early years of this century, bitterly and fiercely resented the " popish innovation and Sabbath profanation" of a Sunday- school for the children, which some daring and pro- gressive parishioners proposed to hold at the " noon- ing." This canny Parson Whiteinch very craftily and somewhat maliciously prolonged his morning sermons until they each occupied three hours ; thus he shortened the time between the two services to about half an hour, and victoriously crowded out the Sunday-school innovators, who had barely time to eat their cold lunch and care for their waiting horses, ere it was time for the afternoon service to begin. But one man cannot stop the tide, though he may keep it for a short time from one guarded and sheltered spot ; and the rebellious Vermont congregation, after two or three years of tedious three-hour sermons, arose in a body and crowded out the purposely prolix preacher, and established the wished-for Sunday- THE LENGTH OF THE SERVICE. 79 school. The vanquished parson thereafter sullenly spent the noonings in the horse-shed, to which he ostentatiously carried the big church-Bible in order that it might not be at the service of the profaning teachers. An irreverent caricature of the colonial days repre- sents a phenomenally long-preaching clergyman as turning the hour-glass by the side of his pulpit and addressing his congregation thus, " Come ! you are all good fellows, we '11 take another glass together ! " It is recorded of Rev. Urian Oakes that often the hour-glass was turned four times during one of his sermons. The warning legend, " Be Short," which Cotton Mather inscribed over his study door was not written over his pulpit; for he wrote in his diary that at his own ordination he prayed for an hour and a quarter, and preached for an hour and three quarters. Added to the other ordination exercises these long Mather addresses must have been tiresome enough. Nathaniel Ward deplored at that time, " Wee have a strong weakness in Xew England that when wee are speaking, wee know not how to conclude : wee make many ends before wee make an end." Dr. Lord of Norwich always made a prayer which was one hour long; and an early Dutch traveller who visited New England asserted that he had heard there on East Day a prayer which was two hours long. These long prayers were universal and most highly med, — a "poor gift in prayer" being a most deplored and even despised clerical short-coming. 80 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Had not the Puritans left the Church of England to escape " stinted prayers " ? Whitefield prayed openly for Parson Barrett of Hopkinton, who could pray neither freely, nor well, that " God would open this dumb dog's mouth ; " and everywhere in the Puri- tan Church, precatory eloquence as evinced in long prayers was felt to be the greatest glory of the minister, and the highest tribute to God. In nearly all the churches the assembled people stood during prayer-time (since kneeling and bowing the head savored of Romish idolatry) and in the middle of his petition the minister usually made a long pause in order that any who were infirm or ill might let clown their slamming pew-seats and sit down ; those who were merely weary stood patiently to the long and painfully deferred end. This custom of standing during prayer-time prevailed in the Congregational churches in New England until quite a recent date, and is not yet obsolete in isolated communities and in solitary cases. I have seen within a few years, in a country church, a feeble, white-haired old deacon rise tremblingly at the preacher's solemn words " Let us unite in prayer," and stand with bowed head throughout the long prayer; thus pathetically cling- ing to the reverent custom of the olden time, he rendered tender tribute to vanished youth, gave equal tribute to eternal hope and faith, and formed a beau- tiful emblem of patient readiness for the last solemn summons. Sometimes tedious expounding of the Scriptures THE LENGTH OF THE SERVICE, 81 and long " prophesying " lengthened out the already too long service. Judge Sewall recorded that once when he addressed or expounded at the Plymouth Church, " being afraid to look at the glass, ignorantly and unwittingly I stood two hours and a half," which was doing pretty well for a layman. The members of the early churches did not dislike these long preachings and prophesy ings ; they would have regarded a short sermon as irreligious, and lack- ing in reverence, and besides, would have felt that they had not received in it their full due, their full money's worth. They often fell asleep and were fiercely awakened by the tithingman, and often they could not have understood the verbose and grandiose language of the preacher. They were in an icy-cold atmosphere in winter, and in glaring, unshaded heat in summer, and upon most uncomfortable, narrow, un- cushioned seats at all seasons ; but in every record and journal which I have read, throughout which mth- isters and laymen recorded all the annoyances and opposition which the preachers encountered, I have never seen one entry of any complaint or ill-criticism of too long praying or preaching. Indeed, when Rev. Samuel Torrey, of Weymouth, Massachusetts, prayed two hours without stopping, upon a public Fast Day in 1G96, it is recorded that his audience only wished that the prayer had been much longer. When we consider the training and exercise in prayer that the New England parsons had in their pulpits on Sundays, in their own homes on Saturday 82 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. nights, on Lecture Days and Fast Days and Training Days, and indeed upon all times and occasions, can we wonder at Parson Boardman's prowess in New Mil- ford in 1735 ? He visited a " praying" Indian's home wherein lay a sick papoose over whom a " pow-wow " was being held by a medicine-man at the request of the squaw-mother, who was still a heathen. The Christian warrior determined to fight the Indian witch-doctor on his own grounds, and while the med- icine-man was screaming and yelling and dancing in order to cast the devil out of the child, the parson began to pray with equal vigor and power of lungs to cast out the devil of a medicine-man. As the prayer and pow-wow proceeded the neighboring Indians gath- ered around, and soon became seriously alarmed for the success of their prophet. The battle raged for three hours, when the pow-wow ended, and the dis- gusted and exhausted Indian ran out of the wigwam and jumped into the Housatonic River to cool his heated blood, leaving the Puritan minister triumphant in the belief, and indeed with positive proof, that he could pray down any man or devil. The colonists could not leave the meeting-house before the long services were ended, even had they wished, for the tithingman allowed no deserters. In Salem, in 1676, it was " ordered by ye Selectmen yt the three Constables doe attend att ye three greate doores of ye meeting-house every Lordes Day att ye end of ye sermon, both forenoone and afternoone, and to keep ye doores fast and suffer none to goe out THE LENGTH OF THE SERVICE. 83 before ye whole exercises bee ended." Thus Salem people had to listen to no end of praying and pro- phesying from their ministers and elders for they -couldn't get out." As the years passed on, the church attendants lie- came less reverential and much more impatient and fearless, and soon after the Revolutionary War one man in Medford made a bargain with his minister — Rev. Dr. Osgood — that he would attend regularly the church services every Sunday morning, provided he could always leave at twelve o'clock. On each Sabbath thereafter, as the obstinate preacher would not end his sermon 'one minute sooner than his habitual time, which was long after twelve, the equally stubborn limited-time worshipper arose at noon, as he had stipulated, and stalked noisily out of meeting. A minister about to preach in a neighboring parish was told of a custom which prevailed there of per- sons who lived at a distance rising and leaving the house ere the sermon was ended. He determined to teach them a lesson, and announced that lie would [ (reach the first part of his sermon to the sinners, and the latter part to the saints, and that the sinners would of course all leave as soon as their portion had been delivered. Every soul remained until the end of the service. At last, when other means of entertainment and recreation than church-going became common, and other forms of public addresses than sermons were 8-1 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. frequently given, New England church-goers became so restless and rebellious under the regime of hour- long prayers and indefinitely protracted sermons that the long services were gradually condensed and cur- tailed, to the relief of both preacher and hearers. VIII. THE ICY TEMPERATURE OF THE MEETING- HOUSE. In colonial days in New England the long and tedious services must have been hard to endure in the unheated churches in bitter winter weather, so bitter that, as Judge Sewall pathetically recorded, " The communion bread was frozen pretty hard and rattled sadly into the plates." Sadly down through the cen- turies is ringing in our ears the gloomy rattle of that frozen sacramental bread on the Church plate, telling to us the solemn story of the austere and comfortless church-life of our ancestors. Would that the sound could bring to our chilled hearts the same steadfast and pure Christian faith that made their gloomy, freezing services warm with God's loving presence ! Again Judge Sewall wrote : " Extraordinary Cold Storm of Wind and Snow. Blows much more as coming home at Noon, and so holds on. Bread was frozen at Lord's Table. Though 't was so cold John Tuckerman was baptized. At six o'clock my ink freezes, so that I can hardly write by a good fire in my Wives chamber. Yet was very Comfortable at Meeting." In the penultimate sentence of this quota- tion may be found the clue and explanation of the 86 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. seemingly incredible assertion in the last sentence. The reason why he was comfortable in church was that he was accustomed to sit in cold rooms; even with the great open-mouthed and open-chimneyed fireplaces full of blazing logs, so little heat entered the rooms of colonial dwelling-houses that one could not be warm unless fairly within the chimney-place ; and thus, even while sitting by the fire, his ink froze. Another entry of Judge SewalPs tells of an exceeding- cold day when there was " Great Coughing " in meet- ing, and yet a new-born baby was brought into the icy church to be baptized. Children were always carried to the meeting-house for baptism the first Sunday after birth, even in the most bitter weather. There are no entries in Judge SewalPs diary which exhibit him in so lovable and gentle a light as the records of the baptism of his fourteen children, — his pride when the child did not cry out or shrink from the water in the freezing winter weather, thus early showing true Puritan fortitude ; and also his noble resolves and hopes for their future. On this especially cold day when a baby was baptized, the minister prayed for a mitigation of the weather, and on the same day in another town " Rev. Mr. Wigglesworth preached on the text, Who can stand before His Cold ? Then by his own and people's sickness three Sabbaths passed without public Worship." February 20 lie preached from these words : " He sends forth his word and thaws them." And the very next day a thaw set in which was regarded as a direct answer to his prayer THE ICY MEETING-HOUSE. 87 and sermon. Sceptics now-a-days would suggest that he chose well the time to pray for milder weather. Many persons now living can remember the univer- sal and noisy turning up of great-coat collars, the swinging of arms, and knocking together of the heavy- booted feet of the listeners towards the end of a long winter sermon. Dr. Hopkins used to say, when the noisy tin tamarre began, "My hearers, have a little patience, and I will soon close." Another clergyman was irritated beyond endurance by the stamping, clattering feet, a supploslo pedis that he regarded as an irreverent protest and complaint against the severity of the weather, rather than as a hint to him to conclude his long sermon. He sud- denly and noisily closed his sermon-book, leaned for- ward out of his high pulpit, and thundered out these Biblical words of rebuke at his freezing congrega- tion, whose startled faces stared up at him through dense clouds of vapor. " Out of whose womb came the ice ? And the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it ? The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen. Knowest thou the ordinance of heaven ? Canst thou set the do- minion thereof on the earth ? Great things doth God which we cannot comprehend. He saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth. By the breath of God frost is given. He causeth it to come, whether for correction, or for his land, or for mercy. Hearken unto this. Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God." We can believe that he roared out 88 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. the words " stand still," and that there was no more noise in that meeting-house on cold Sundays during the remainder of that winter. The ministers might well argue that no one suffered more from the freezing atmosphere than they did. In many records I find that they were forced to preach and pray with their hands cased in woollen or fur mittens or heavy knit gloves ; and they wore long- camlet cloaks in the pulpit and covered their heads with skull caps — as did Judge Scwall — and possi- bly wore, as he did also, a hood. Many a wig-hating minister must, in the Arctic meeting-house, have Longed secretly for the grateful warmth to his head and neck of one of those " horrid Bushes of Vanity," a full-bottomed flowing wig. On bitter winter days Dr. Stevens of Kittery used to send a servant to the meeting-house to find out how many of his flock had braved the piercing blasts. If only seven persons were present, the servant asked them to return with him to the parsonage to listen to the sermon ; but if there were eight members in the meeting-house he so reported to the Doctor, who then donned his long worsted cloak, tied it around his waist w T ith a great handkerchief, and attired thus, with a fur cap pulled down over his ears, and with heavy mittens on his hands, ploughed through the deep snow to the church, and in the same dress preached his long, knotty sermon in his pulpit, while fierce wintry blasts rattled the windows and shook the turret, and the eight godly, shivering souls wished THE ICY MEKTINCJ-IIOUSE. 89 profoundly that one of their number had "lain at home in a slothfull, lazey, prophane way," and thus permitted the seven others and the minister to have the sermon in comfort in the parsonage kitchen before the great blazing logs in the open fireplace. Ah, it makes one shiver even to think of those gloomy churches, growing colder and more congealed through weeks of heavy frost and fierce northwesters until they bore the chill of death itself. One can but wonder whether that fell scourge of New England, that hereditary curse — consumption — did not have its first germs evolved and nourished in our Puritan ances- tors by the Spartan custom of sitting through the long winter services in the icy, death-like meeting-houses. Of the insufficient clothing of the church attendants of olden times it is unnecessary to speak with much detail. The good men with their heavy top-boots or jack-boots, their milled or frieze stockings, their warm periwigs surmounted by fur caps or beaver hats or hoods ; and with their many-caped great-coats or full round cloaks were dressed with a sufficient degree of comfort, though they did not possess the warm woollen and silken underclothing which now make a man's winter attire so comfortable. They carried muffs too, as the advertisements of the times show. The "Boston Xews Letter" of 1716 offers a reward for a man's muff lost on the Sabbath day in the street. In 1725 Dr. Prince lost his black bearskin muff, and in 1740 a '• sableskin man's muff " was advertised as having been lost. 90 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. But the Puritan goodwives and maidens were dressed in a meagre and scanty fashion that when now considered seems fairly appalling. As soon as the colonies grew in wealth and fashion, thin silk or cotton hose were frequently worn in midwinter by the wives and daughters of well-to-do colonists ; and cor- respondingly thin cloth or kid or silk slippers, high- channelled pumps, or low shoes with paper soles and " cross-cut " or wooden heels were the holiday and Sabbath-day covering for the feet. In wet weather clogs and pattens formed an extra and much needed protection when the fair colonists walked. Linen underclothing formed the first superstructure of the feminine costume and threw its penetrating chill to the very marrow of the bones. Often in mid-winter the scant-skirted French calico gowns were made with short elbow sleeves and round, low necks, and the throat and shoulders were lightly covered with thin lawn neckerchiefs or dimity tuckers. The flaunting hooped-petticoat of another decade was worn with a silk or brocade sacque. A thin cloth cape or mantle or spencer, lined with sarcenet silk, was frequently the only covering for the shoulders. In examining the treasured contents of old wardrobes, trunks, and high- chests, and in reading the descriptions of women's winter attire worn throughout the eighteenth and half through the nineteenth century, I am convinced that the only portions of Puritan female anatomy that were clothed with anything approaching respectable regard for health in the inclement New England cli- THE ICY MEETING-HOUSE. 91 mate were the head and the hands. The hands of "New English dames" were carefully protected with embroidered kid or leather gloves (for the early New Englanders were great glove wearers) or with warm knit woollen mittens, though mittens for women's wear were always fingerless. The well-gloved hands were moreover warmly ensconced in enormous stuffed muffs of bearskin which were almost as large as a flour barrel, or in smaller muffs of rabbit-skin or mink or beaver. The goodwives' heads bore, besides the close caps so universally worn, mufflers and veils and hoods, — hoods of all kinds and descriptions, from the hoods of serge and camlet and gauze and black silk that Mistress Estabrook, wife of the Windham parson, proudly owned and wore, from the prohibited '•silk and tiffany hoods" of the earliest planters down through the centuries' inflorescence of " hoods of crimson colored persian," "wild bore and hum- hum long hoods," " pointed velvet capuchins," " scar- let gipsys," " pinnered and tasselled hoods," " shirred lustring hoods," " hoods of rich pptuna," " muskmelon hoods," to the warm quilted " punkin hoods " worn within this century in country churches. These l - punkin-hoods" were quilted with great rolls of woollen wadding and drawn tight between the rolls with strong cords. They formed a deafening and heating head-covering which always had to be loos- ened and thrust back when the wearer was within doors. It was only equalled in shapeless clumsiness and unique ugliness by its Bummer-sister of the same 92 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. date, the green silk calash, — that funniest and quaint- est of all New England feminine headgear, — a great sunshade that could not be called a bonnet, always made of bright green silk shirred on strong lengths of rattan or whalebone, and extendible after the fashion of a chaise top. It could be drawn out over the face by a little green ribbon or " bridle " that was fastened to the extreme front at the top ; or it could be pushed in a close-gathered mass on the back of the head. These calashes were frequently a foot and a half in diameter, and thus stood well up from the head and did not disarrange the hair nor crush the head- dress or cap. They formed a perfect and easily- adjusted shade from the sun. Masks, too, the fair Puritans wore to further protect their heads and faces, — masks of green silk or black velvet, with silver mouthpieces to place within the lips and thus enable the wearer to keep the mask firmly in place. Sometimes two little strings with a silver bead at one end were fastened to the mask, and served as mouth- pieces. With a string and bead at either corner of the mouth the mask-wearer could talk quite freely while still retaining her face-covering in its protecting position. These masks were never worn within doors. In the list of goods ordered by George Washington from Europe for his fair bride Martha were several of these riding-masks, and the kind step-father even ordered a supply of small masks for " Miss Custis," his little step-daughter. In bitter winter weather women carried to meeting THE ICY MEETING-HOUSE. 93 little foot-stoves, — metal boxes which stood on legs and were filled with hot coals at home, and a second time during the morning from the hearthstone of a neighboring farm-house or a noon-house. These foot- warmers helped to make endurable to the goodwives the icy chill of the meeting-house ; and round their mother's foot-stove the shivering little children sat on their low crickets, warming their half-frozen fingers. Some of these foot-stoves were really pretentious church-furnishings. I have seen one " brassen foot- stove " which had the owner's cipher cut out of the sheet metal, and from the side was hung a wrought brass chain. By this chain, a century ago, the shin- ing polished brass stove was carried into church in the hands of a liveried black man, who held it osten- tatiously at arms' length, that neither ash nor scorch might touch his scarlet velvet breeches. And after he had tucked it under my lady's tiny feet as she sat in her pew, he retired to his freezing loft high up among the beams, — the "Nigger Pew," — where, I am sorry to record, he more than once solaced and warmed himself with a bottle of " kill-devil " which he had smuggled into church, until he fell ignomin- iously asleep and his drunken snores so disturbed the minister and the congregation, that two tithingmen were forced to climb the ladder-like staircase and pull him down and out of the church and to the neighbor- ing tavern to sleep off the effects of the liquor. For being "a man and a brother " and, above all, in spite of his petty idiosyncrasies, a very good and cher- 94 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. islied servant, he could not be thrust out into the snow to freeze to death. But with the extreme Puritan contempt of comfort even foot-stoves were not always allowed. The First Church of Roxbury, after having one church edifice destroyed by fire in 1747, prohibited the use of foot- stoves in meeting, and the Roxbury matrons sat with frozen toes in their fine new meeting-house. The Old South Church of Boston was not so rigid, though it felt the same dread of fire ; for we find this entry on the records of the church under the date of January 16, 1771 : " Whereas, danger is apprehended from the [foot] stoves that are frequently left in the meet- ing-house after the publick worship is over; Voted, that the Saxton make diligent search on the Lord's Day evening and in the evening after a lecture, to see if any stoves are left in the house, and that if he find any there he take them to his own house ; and itt is expected that the owners of such stoves make reason- able satisfaction to the Saxton for his trouble before they take them away." In Hardwicke, in 1792, it was ordered that " no stows be carried into our new meeting-house with fire in them." The Hardwicke women may have found comfort in a contrivance which is thus described in rhyme by an " old inhabitant : " — " There to warm their feet Was seen an article now obsolete, A sort of basket tub of braided straw Or husks, in which is placed a heated stone, Which does half-frozen limbs superbly thaw. And warms the marrow of the oldest bone." THE KT MEETING-HOUSE. 95 In some of the early, poorly built log meeting-houses, fur bags made of coarse skins, such as wolf-skin, were nailed or tied to the edges of the benches, and into these bags the worshippers thrust their feet for warmth. In some communities it was the custom for each fam- ily to bring on cold days its "dogg" to meeting; where, lying at or on his master's feet, he proved a source of grateful warmth. These animal stoves be- came such an abounding nuisance, however, that dog- whippers had to be appointed to serve on Sundays to drive out the dogs. All through the records of the early churches we find such entries as this : " What- soever doggs come into the meeting-house in time of public worship, their owners shall each pay sixpence." Sixpence seems little, but the thrifty and poor Puri- tans would rather freeze their toes than pay sixpence for their calorific dogs. The church members made many rules and regu- lations to keep the cold out of the meeting-house during service- time, or perhaps we should say to keep the wind out. Thus in Woodstock, Connecticut, in 1725 it was ordered that the " several doors of the meeting-house be taken care of and kept shut in very cold and windy seasons according to the lying of the wind from time to time; and that people in such windy weather come in at the leeward doors only, and take care that they are easily shut both to pre- vent the breaking of the doors and the making of a noise." In other churches it was ordered that " no doors be opened to the windward and only one door to the leeward" during winter weather. 96 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. The first church of Salem built a " cattied chimney twelve feet long " in its meeting-house in 1662, but five years later it was removed, perhaps through the colonists' dread lest the building be destroyed by a conflagration caused by the combustible nature of the materials of which the chimney was composed. Felt, in his "Annals of Salem," asserts that the First Church of Boston was the first New England congregation to have a stove for heating the meeting-house at the time of public worship ; this was in 1773. This statement is incorrect. Mr. Judd says the Hadley church had an iron stove in their meeting-house as early as 1734 — the Hadley people were such sybar- ites and novelty-lovers in those early days ! The Old South Church of Boston followed in the luxurious fashion in 1783, and the " Evening Post " of January 25, 1783, contained a poem of which these four lines show the criticising and deprecating spirit : — "Extinct the sacred fire of love, Our zeal grown cold and dead, In the house of God we fix a stove To warm us in their stead." Other New England congregations piously froze during service-time well into this century. The Longmeadow church, early in the field, had a stove in 1810 ; the Salem people in 1815 ; and the Medford meeting in 1820. The church in Brimfield in 1819 refused to pay for a stove, but ordered as some sac- rifice to the desire for comfort, two extra doors placed on the gallery-stairs to keep out draughts ; but when in that town, a few years later, a subscription was THE ICY MEETING-HOUSE. 97 made to buy a church stove, one old member refused to contribute, saying "good preaching kept him hot enough without stoves." As all the church edifices were built without any thought of the possibility of such comfortable furni- ture, they had to be adapted as best they might to the ungainly and unsightly great stoves which were usually placed in the central aisle of the building. From these cast-iron monsters, there extended to the near- est windows and projected through them, hideous stove-pipes that too often spread, from every leaky and ill-fastened joint, smoke and sooty vapors, and sometimes pyroligneous drippings on the congrega- tion. Often tin pails to catch the drippings were hung under the stove-pipes, forming a further chaste and elegant church-decoration. Many serious objec- tions were made to the stoves besides the aesthetic ones. It was alleged that they would be the means of starting many destructive conflagrations ; that they caused severe headaches in the church attendants ; and worst of all, that the heat warped the ladies' tortoise- she // hack-combs. The church reformers contended, on the other hand, that no one could properly receive spiritual comfort while enduring such decided bodily discomfort. They hoped that with increased physical warmth, fervor in religion would be equally augmented, — that, as Cow per wrote, — " The churches warmed, they would no longer hoM Such frozen figures, stiff as they are cold." 7 98 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW-ENGLAND. Many were the quarrels and discussions that arose in New England communities over the purchase and use of stoves, and many were the meetings held and votes taken upon the important subject. " Peter Parley " — Mr. Samuel Goodrich — gave, in his " Recollections," a very amusing account of the sufferings endured by the wife of an anti-stove deacon. She came to church with a look of perfect resignation on the Sabbath of the stove's introduction, and swept past the unwelcome intruder with averted head, and into her pew. She sat there through the service, grow- ing paler with the unaccustomed heat, until the min- ister's words about "heaping coals of fire" brought too keen a sense of the overwhelming and unhealth- ful stove-heat to her mind, and she fainted. She was carried out of church, and upon recovering said lan- guidly that it " was the heat from the stove." A most complete and sudden resuscitation was effected, however, when she was informed of the fact that no fire had as yet been lighted in the new church- furnishing. Similar chronicles exist about other New England churches, and bear a striking resemblance to each other. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher in an address de- livered in New York on December 20, 1853, the anniversary of the Landing of the Pilgrims, referred to the opposition made to the introduction of stoves into the old meeting-house in Litchfield, Connecticut, during the ministry of his father, and gave an amus- ing account of the results of the introgression. This THE ICY MEETING-HOUSE. 99 allusion called up many reminiscences of anti-stove wars, and a writer in the "New York Enquirer'' told the same story of the fainting woman in Litch- field meeting, who began to fan herself and at length swooned, saving when she recovered " that the heat of the horrid stove had caused her to faint." A cor- respondent of the " Cleveland Herald" confirmed the fact that the fainting episode occurred in the Litch- field meeting-house. The editor of the " Hartford Daily Courant" thus added his testimony : — "Violent opposition had been made to the introduc- tion of a stove in the old meeting-house, and an attempt made in vain to induce the society to purchase one. The writer was one of seven young men who finally purchased a stove and requested permission to put it up in the meeting-house on trial. After much difficulty the com- mittee consented. It was all arranged on Saturday after- noon, and on Sunday we took our seats in the Bass, rather earlier than usual, to see the fun. It was a warm November Sunday, in which the sun shone cheerfully and warmly on the old south steps and into the naked win- dows. The stove stood in the middle aisle, rather in front of the Tenor Gallery. People came in and stared. Good old Deacon Trowbridge, one of the most simple- hearted and worthy men of that generation, had, as Mr. Beecher says, been induced to give up his opposition. He shook his head, however, as he felt the heat reflected from it, and gathered up the skirts of his great coat as he passed up the broad aisle to the deacon's seat. Old Uncle Noah Stone, a wealthy farmer of the West Knd, who sat near, scowled and muttered at the effects of tiie 100 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. heat, but waited until noon to utter bis maledictions over his nut-cakes and cheese at the intermission. There had in fact been no Jive in the stove, the day being too warm. We were too much upon the broad grin to be very de- votional, and smiled rather loudly at the funny things we saw. But when the editor of the village paper, Mr. Bunce, came in (who was a believer in stoves in churches) and with a most satisfactory air warmed his hands by the stove, keeping the skirts of his great-coat carefully between his knees, we could stand it no longer but dropped invisible behind the breastwork. But the climax of the whole was (as the Cleveland man says) when Mrs. Peck went out in the middle of the service. It was, however, the means of reconciling the whole society ; for after that first day we heard no more oppo- sition to the warm stove in the meeting-house. With all this corroborative evidence I think it is fully proved that the event really happened in Litch- field, and that the honor was stolen for other towns by imveracious chroniclers ; otherwise we must be- lieve in an amazing unanimity of church-joking and sham-fainting all over New England. The very nature, the stern, pleasure-hating and trial-glorying Puritan nature, which made our fore- fathers leave their English homes to come, for the love of God and the freedom of conscience, to these wild, barren, and unwelcoming shores, made them also endure with fortitude and almost with satisfaction all personal discomforts, and caused them to cling with persistent firmness to such outward symbols of austere THE ICY MEETING>-HOXJ»SE. 101 contempt of luxury, and such narrow-minded signs of love of simplicity as the lack of comfortable warmth during the time of public worship. The religion which they had endured such bitter hardships to es- tablish, did not, in their minds, need any shielding and coddling to keep it alive, but thrived far better on Spartan severity and simplicity ; hence, it took two centuries of gradual and most tardy softening and modifying of character to prepare the Puritan mind for so advanced a reform and luxury as proper warmth in the meeting-houses in winter. IX. THE NOON-HOUSE. There might have been seen a hundred years ago, by the side of many an old meeting-house in New England, a long, low, mean, stable-like building, with a rough stone chimney at one end. This was the " noon-house," or " Sabba-day house," or " horse- hows," as it was variously called. It was a place of refuge in the winter time, at the noon interval between the two services, for the half-frozen members of the pious congregation, who found there the grateful warmth which the house of God denied. They built in the rude stone fireplace a great fire of logs, and in front of the blazing wood ate their noon-day meal of cold pie, of doughnuts, of pork and peas, or of brown bread with cheese, which they had brought safely packed in their capacious saddlebags. The dining-place smelt to heaven of horses, for often at the further end of the noon-house were stabled the patient steeds that, doubly burdened, had borne the Puritans and their wives to meeting ; but this stable- odor did not hinder appetite, nor did the warm equine breaths that helped to temper the atmosphere of the noon-house offend the senses of the sturdy Puritans. From the blazing fire in this " life-saving station " the THE NOON-HOUSE. 103 women replenished their little foot-stoves with fresh, hot coals, and thus helped to make endurable the icy rigor of the long afternoon service. If the winter Sabbath Day were specially severe, a "hired-man," or one of the grown sons of the family, was sent at an early hour to the noon-house in advance of the other church-attendants, and he started in the rough fireplace a fire for their welcome after their long, cold, morning ride ; and before its cheerful blaze they thoroughly warmed themselves before en- tering the icy meeting-house. The embers were care- fully covered over and left to start a second blaze at the nooning, covered again during the afternoon ser- vice, and kindled up still a third time to warm the chilled worshippers ere they started for their cold ride home in the winter twilight. And when the horses were saddled, or were harnessed and hitched into the great box-sleighs or " pungs," and when the good Puritans were well wrapped up, the dying coals were raked out for safety and the noon-house was left as quiet and as cold as the deserted meeting-house until the following Sabbath or Lecture day. If the meeting-house chanced to stand in the middle of the town (as was the universal custom in the earliest colonial days) of course a noon-house would be rarely built, for it would plainly not be needed. Nor was a " Sabba-day house " always seen in more lonely situations, if the sanctuary were placed near the substantial farm-house of a hospitable farmer ; for to that friendly shelter the whole congregation 104 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. would at noon-time repair and absorb to the fullest degree the welcome cider and warmth. In Lexington for many years after the Revolu- tionary War, the winter church-goers who came from any distance spent the nooning at the Dudley Tavern, where a roaring fire was built in the inn-parlor, and there the women and children ate their midday lunch. The men gathered in the bar-room and drank flip, and ate the tavern gingerbread and cheese, and talked over the horrors and glories of the war. In Haverhill, Derby, and many other towns, the school- house, which was built on the village green beside the church, was used for a noon-house by the church members, though not by their horses. The house of learning was never chimneyless and fireless, as was the house of God. As churches and towns multiplied, a meeting-house was often built to accommodate two little settlements or villages (and thus was convenient for neither), and was frequently placed in an isolated or inconvenient place, the top of a high hill being perhaps the most inconvenient and the most favored site. Thus a noon-house became an absolute necessity to Puritan health and existence, and often two or three were built near one meeting-house ; while in some towns, as in Bristol, a whole row of disfiguring little " Sabba- day houses " stood on the meeting-house green, and in them the farmers (as they quaintly expressed in their petitions for permission to erect the buildings) " kept their duds and horses." THE NOON-HOUSE. 105 In Derby, after several petitions had been granted to build noon-houses, it was found necessary, in 1764, to place some restrictions as to the location of the buildings, which had hitherto evidently been placed with the characteristically Puritanical indifference to general convenience or appearance. While the town still permitted the little log-huts to be erected, and though they could be placed on either side of the highway, it was ordered that the builders must not so locate them as to " incommode any highways." As early as 1690 the thoughtful Stonington people built a house " 14 foot square and seven foot posts " with a chimney at one side, for the express purpose of having a place where their minister, Rev. Mr. Noyes, could thaw out between services. The Xew Canaan Church built on the green beside their meeting-house a fine " Society House," twenty-one feet long and six- teen feet wide, with a big chimney and fireplace. The horses were plainly " not in society " in Xew Canaan, for they were excluded from the occupancy and privi- leges of the Society House. "James June & all that lives at Larences" were allowed to build a "Sabbath-House" on the green near the Xew Britain meeting-house " as a Commodate for their convenience of comeing to meeting on the Sabbath ;" at the same time James Slason of the same village was given permission to " set yp a house for ye advantage ox his having a place to go to" on t lie Sab- bath. Frequently the petitions "to build a Sabbath Day House" or a •• J i ousel for Shelter for Iforss" 106 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. were made in company by several farmers for their joint use and comfort, as shown by entries in the town and church records of Nor walk, New Milford, Durham, and Hartford. Noon-houses were much more frequent in Connec- ticut than in Massachusetts, and in several small towns in • the former State they were used weekly between Sunday services until within the memory of persons now living; and some of the buildings still exist, though changed into granaries or stables. There was one also in use for many years and until recent years in Topsfield, in Massachusetts. We chanced upon one still standing on a lonely Narra- gansett road. A little enclosed burial-place, with moss-grown and weather-smoothed head-stones and neglected graves, was by the side of a filled-in cellar, upon which a church evidently had once stood. At a short distance from the church-site was a long, low, gray, weather-beaten wooden building, with a coarse stone-and-mortar chimney at one end, and a great door at the other. Two small windows, destitute of glass, permitted us to peer into the interior of this dilapidated old structure, and we saw within, a floor of beaten earth, a rough stone fireplace, and a few rude horse-stalls. We felt sure that this tumble-down building had been neither a dwelling-house nor a stable, but a noon-house ; and the occupants of a neighboring farm-house confirmed our decision. Too worthless to destroy, too out of the way to be of any use to any person, that old noon-house, through THE XOOX-IIOUSE. 107 neglect and isolation, has remained standing until to-day. It was not until the use of chaises and wagons became universal, and the new means of conveyance crowded out the old-fashioned saddle and pillion, and the trotting horse superseded the once fashionable but quickly despised pacer, that the great stretches of horse-sheds were built which now surround and dis- figure all our country churches. These sheds protect, of course, both horse and carriage from wind and rain. Few churches had horse-sheds until after the War of the Revolution, and some not until after the War of 1812. In 1796 the Longmeadow Church had " liberty to erect a Horse House in the Meeting House Lane." This horse house was a horse-shed. The " wretched boys " were not permitted even in these noon-houses to talk, much less to " sporte and playe." In some parishes it was ordered by the min- ister and the deacons that the Bible should be read and expounded to them, or a sermon be read to keep them quiet during the nooning. Occasionally some old patriarch would explain to them the notes that he had taken (luring the morning sermon. More unbear- able still, the boys were sometimes ordered to explain the notes which they had taken themselves. 1 would I had heard some of those explanations ! Thus they literally, as was written in 1774, throve on the " Good Fare of Brown Bread and the Gospell." In Andover, Judge Phillips left in his will a silver flagon to the church as an expression of interest and 108 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. hope that the " laudable practice of reading between services may be continued so long as even a small number shall be disposed to attend the exercise." Mr. Abbott left another silver flagon to the And- over Church to encourage reading between services ; though how this piece of plate encouraged personally, since neither the deacons nor the boys got it as a prize, cannot be precisely understood. The noon- house in Andover was a large building with a great chimney and open fireplace at either end. It has always seemed to me a piece of gratuitous posthumous cruelty in Judge Phillips and Mr. Abbott to try to cheat those Andover boys of their noon-time rest and relaxation, and to expect them, wriggling and twisting with repressed vitality, to listen to a long extra ser- mon, read perhaps by some unskilled reader, or ex- plained by some incapable expounder. The Sabbath- school did not then exist, and was not in general favor until the noon-houses had begun to disappear. The Reverend Jedediah Morse, father of the inventor of the electric telegraph, was almost the first New England clergyman who approved of Sabbath-schools and established them in his parish. In Salem they were opened in 1808, and the scholars came at half- past six on Sunday mornings. Fancy the chill and gloom of the unheated, ill-lighted churches at that hour on winter mornings 1 The " Salem Gazette " openly characterized Sunday-schools, when first sug- gested, as profanations of the Sabbath, and for years they were not allowed in many Congregational THE NOON-HOUSE. 109 churches. When the Sabbath-schools were univer- sally established, and thus the attention and interest of the children was gained during the noon interval (the time the schools were usually held in country churches), and when each family sat in its own pew, and thus the boys were separated, and each under his parents' guardianship, the " wretched boys " of the Puritan Sabbath disappeared, and well-behaved, quiet, orderly boys were seen instead in the New England churches. This fashion of sermon-reading at the nooning hap- pily did not obtain in all parts of New England. In many villages the meetings in the society noon-houses were to the townspeople what a Sunday newspaper is to Sunday readers now-a-days, an advertisement and exposition of all the news of the past week, and also a suggestion of events to come. At noon they discussed and wondered at the announcements and publishing* which were tacked on the door of the meeting-house or the notices that had been read from the pulpit. The men talked in loud voices of the points of the sermon, of the doctrines of predestina- tion, pedobaptism and antipedobaptism, of original sin, and that most fascinating mystery, the unpardon- able sin, and in lower voices of wolf and bear killing, of the town-meeting, the taxes, the crops and cattle ; and they examined with keen interest one another's horses, and many a sly bargain in horse-flesh or ex- change of cows and pigs was suggested, bargained over, and clinched in the " Sabba'-day house." Many 110 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. a piece of village electioneering was also discussed and " worked " between the services. The shivering wo- men crowded around the blazing and welcome fire, and seated themselves on rude benches and log seats while they ate and exchanged doughnuts, slices of rusk, or pieces of " pumpkin and Indian mixt " pie, and also gave to each other receipts therefor ; and they discoursed in low voices of their spinning and weaving, of their candle-dipping or candle-running, of their success or failure in that yearly trial of patience and skill — their soap-making, of their patterns in quilt-piecing, and sometimes they slyly exchanged quilt-patterns. A sentence in an old letter reads thus : " Anne Bradford gave to me last Sabbath in the Noon House a peecing of the Blazing Star; tis much Finer than the Irish Chain or the Twin Sisters. I want yelloe peeces for the first joins, small peeces will do. I will send some of my lilac flowered print for some peeces of Cicelys yelloe India bed valiants, new peeces not washed peeces." They gave one another medical advice and prescriptions of " roots and yarbs" for their "rheumatiz," "neuralgy," and "tissick;" and some took snuff together, while an ancient dame smoked a quiet pipe. And perhaps (since they were women as well as Puritans) they glanced with envy, admiration, or disapproval, or at any rate with close scrutiny, at one another's gowns and bonnets and cloaks, which the high-walled pews within the meeting-house had carefully concealed from any inquisitive, neighborly view. THE NOOX-HOUSE. Ill The wood for these beneficent noon-house fires was given by the farmers of the congregation, a load by each well-to-do land-owner, if it were a " society-house," and occasionally an apple-growing farmer gave a barrel of ••cyder'' to supply internal instead of external warmth. Cider sold in 1782 for six shillings " Old Tenor" a barrel, so, it was worth about the same as the wood both in money value and calorific qualities. A hundred years previously — in 1679 — cider was worth ten shillings a barrel. In 1650, when first made in America, it was a costly luxury, selling for £± 4-?. a barrel. That this thawed-out Sunday barrel of cider would prove invariably a source of much refreshment, inspiration, solace, tongue-loosing, and blood-warming to the chilled and shivering deacons, elders, and farmers who gathered in the noon-house, any one who has imbibed that all-potent and intoxi- cating beverage, oft-frozen " hard " cider, can fer- vently testify. Sometimes a very opulent farmer having built a noon-house for his own and his family's exclusive use, would keep in it as part of his "duds" a few simple cooking utensils in which his wife or daughters would re-heat or partially cook his noon-day Sabbath meal, and mix for him a hot toddy or punch, or a mug of that u most insinuating drink " — flip. Flip was made of home-brewed beer, sugar, and a liberal dash of Jamaica rum, and was mixed with a t; logger-head" — a great iron "stirring-stick" which was heated in the fire until red hot and then thrust into the liquid. 112 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. This seething iron made the flip boil and bubble and imparted to it a burnt, bitter taste which was its most attractive attribute. I doubt not that many a " log- gerhead " was kept in New England noon-houses and left heating and gathering insinuating goodness in the glowing coals, while the pious owner sat freezing in the meeting-house, also gathering goodness, but inter- nally keeping warm at the thought of the bitter nectar he should speedily brew and gladly imbibe at the close of the long service. The comfort of a hot midday dinner on the Sabbath was not regarded with much favor, though perhaps with secret envy, by the neighbors of the luxury -loving farmer, who saw in it too close an approach to " pro- fanation of the Sabbath." The heating and boiling of the flip with the red hot "loggerhead" hardly came under the head of " unnecessary Sabbath cooking " even in the minds of the most straight-laced descend- ants of the Puritans. When stoves were placed and used in the New England meeting-houses, the noon-day lunches were eaten within the pews inside the sanctuary, and the noon-houses, no longer being needed, followed the law of cause and effect, and like many other institutions of the olden times quickly disappeared. X. THE DEACON'S OFFICE. The deacons in the early New England churches had. besides their regular duties on the Lord's Day, and their special duties on communion Sabbaths, the charge of prudential concerns, and of providing for the poor of the church. They also " dispensed the word" on Sabbaths to the congregation during the absence of the ordained minister. Judge Sewall thus describes in his diary under the date of Novem- ber, 1(385, the method at that time of appointing or ordaining a deacon : — ••In afternoon Mr. Willard ordained our Brother The- ophilus Frary to the office of a Deacon. Declared his acceptance January 11th first and now again. Pro- pounded him to the congregation at Noon. Then in even propounded him if any of the church or other had to ob- ject they might speak. Then took the Church's Vote, then call'd him up to the Pulpit, laid his Hand on 's head, and said I ordain Thee, etc., etc., gave him his charge, then Prayed & sung 2nd Part of 84th Psalm." The deacons always sat near the pulpit in a pew, which was generally raised a foot or two above the level of the meeting-house floor, and which contained, 114 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. usually, several high-backed chairs and a table or a broad swinging-shelf for use at the communion ser- vice. These venerable men were a group of awe- inspiring figures, who, next to the parson, received the respect of the community. In Bristol, Connecti- cut, the deacons wore starched white linen caps in the meeting-house to indicate their office, — a singular local custom. One of their duties in many commu- nities was naturally to furnish the sacramental wines, and the money for the payment thereof was allowed to them from the church-rates, or was raised by special taxation. In Farmington, Connecticut, in 1669, each male inhabitant was ordered to pay a peck of wheat or one shilling to the deacons of the church to defray the expenses of the sacrament. In Groton church, in 1759, "4 Coppers for every Sacrament for 1 year" was demanded from each communicant. In Spring- field the " deacon's rate " was paid in " wampam,"' — sixpence in " wampam " or a peck of Indian corn from each family in the town. This special tax was some- what modified in case a man had no wife, or if he were not a church-member, but in the latter case he still had to pay some dues, though of course he could not take part in the communion service. In 1734 the Milton church ordered the deacons to procure "good Canary Wine for the Communion Table." Abuses sometimes arose, — abominably poor wines were furnished, though full rates were paid for the purchase of wine of good quality ; and in Newbury the man who was appointed to furnish the sacra- THE DEACON'S OFFICE. 115 mental wines, sold, under that religions cover, wine and liquors at retail. The deacons also had charge of the vessels used in the communion service. These vessels were fre- quently stored, when not in use, under the pulpit in a little closet which opened into " the Ministers wives pue," and which was fabled to be at the disposal of the tithingmen and deacons for the darksome incar- ceration of unruly and Sabbath-breaking boys. The communion vessels were not always of valuable metal ; John Cotton's first church had wooden chalices ; the wealthier churches owned pieces of silver which had been given to them, one piece at a time, by members or friends of the church ; but communion services of pewter were often seen. The church in Hanover, Massachusetts, bought a pewter service in 1728, and the record of the purchase still exists. It runs thus : — " 3 Pewter Tankards marked C. T. 10 shillings. 5 " Beakers " C. B. 6 sh. 6d. each. 2 " Platters « C. P. 5 sh. each. 1 " Basin for Baptisms." This pewter service is still owned by the Hanover church, a highly prized relic. Until 1753 the church in Andover used a pewter communion service, but when a silver service was given to it, the Andover church sent the vessels of baser metal to a sister church in Methuen. In Haverhill the will of n church-member named White gave to the church 116 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. absolutely the pewter dishes which were used at the sacrament, and which had been his personal prop- erty. The "ffirst church" of Hartford had "one Puter fflagon, ffower pewter dishes, and a bason" left to it by the bequest of one of its members. When the Danvers church was burned in 1805, the pewter com- munion vessels were saved while the silver ones were either burnt or stolen. As pewter was, in the early days of New England, far from being a despised metal, and as pewter dishes and plates were seen on the tables of the wealthiest families, were left by will as precious possessions, were engraved with initials and stamped with coats of arms, and polished with as much care as were silver vessels, a communion ser- vice of pewter was doubtless felt to be a thoroughly satisfactory acquisition and appointment to a Puritan church. The deacons of course took charge of the church contributions. Lechford, in his " Plaine Dealing,'' thus describes the manner of giving in the Boston church in 1641 : — " Baptism being ended, follows the contribution, one of the deacons saying, ' Brethren of the Congregation, now there is time left for contribution, whereof as God has prospered you so freely offer.' The Magistrates and chief gentlemen first, and then the Elders and all the Congre- gation of them, and most of them that are not of the church, all single persons, widows and women in absence of their husbands, came up one after another one way, and bring their offering to the deacon at his seat, and put THE DEACON'S OFFICE. 117 it into a box of wood for the purpose, if it be money or papers. If it be any other Chattel they set or lay it down before the deacons ; and so pass on another way to their 3 again ; which money and goods the Deacons dis- pose towards the maintenance of the Minister, and the poor of the Church, and the Churches occasions without making account ordinarily." Lechford also said he saw a " faire gilt cup " given at the public contribution ; and other gifts of value to the church and minister were often made. Libel- lous verses too were thrown into the contribution boxes, and warning and gloomy messages from the Quakers ; and John Rogers, in derision of a pompous Xew London minister, threw in the insulting contri- bution of an old periwig. One Puritan goodwife, sternly unforgiving, never saw a contribution taken for proselyting the Indians without depositing in the contribution-box a number of leaden bullets, the only tokens she wished to see ever dispersed among the red men. Even our pious forefathers were not always quite honest in their church contributions, and had to be publicly warned, as the records show, that they must deposit " wampum without break or deforming spots," or "passable peage without breaches." The Xew Ha- ven church was particularly tormented by canny Pu- ritans who thus managed to dispose of their broken and worthless currency with a] (parent Christian gen- erosity. In 1650 the New Haven *' deacons informed the Court that the wampum which is putt into the 118 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Church Treasury is generally so bad that the Elders to whom they pay it cannot pay it away.'' In 1651, as the bad wampum was still paid in by the pious New Haven Puritans, it was ordered that " no money save silver or bills " be accepted by the deacons. After this order the deacons and elders found tremendous difficulty in getting any contribu- tions at all, and many are the records of the actions and decisions of the church in regard to the perplex- ing matter. It should be said, in justice to the New Haven colonists, though they were the most opulent of the New England planters, save the wealthy set- tlers of Narragansett, that money of all kinds was scarce, and that the Indian money, wampum-peag, being made of a comparatively frail sea-shell, was more easilv disfigured and broken than was metal coin ; and that there was little transferable wealth in the community anyway, even in " Country Pay." The broken-wampum-giver of the seventeenth century, who contributed with intent to defraud and deceive the infant struggling church was the direct and lineal ancestor of the sanctimonious button-giver of nine- teenth-century country churches. In Revolutionary times, after the divine service, spe- cial contributions were taken for the benefit of the Continental Army. In New England large quantities of valuable articles were thus collected. Not only money, but finger-rings, earrings, watches, and other jewelry, all kinds of male attire, — stockings, hats, coats, breeches, shoes, — produce and groceries of all THE DEACON'S OFFICE. 119 kinds, were brought to the meeting-house to give to the soldiers. Even the leaden weights were taken out of the window-sashes, made into bullets, and brought to meeting. On one occasion Madam Faith Trum- bull rose up in Lebanon meeting-house in Connecti- cut, when a collection was being made for the army, took from her shoulders a magnificent scarlet cloak, which had been a present to her from Count Rocham- beau, the commander-in-chief of the French allied army, and advancing to the altar, gave it as her offer- ing to the gallant men, who were fighting not only the British army, but terrible want and suffering. The fine cloak was cut into narrow strips and used as red trimmings for the uniforms of the soldiers. The romantic impressiveness of Madam Trumbull's patri- otic act kindled warm enthusiasm in the congrega- tion, and an enormous collection was taken, packed carefully, and sent to the army. One early duty of the deacons which was religiously and severely performed was to watch that no one but an accepted communicant should partake of the holy sacrament. One stern old Puritan, having been offi- cially expelled from church-membership for some temporal rather than spiritual offence, though ignored by the all-powerful deacon, still refused to consider himself excommunicated, and calmly and doggedly attended the communion service bearing his own wine and bread, and in the solitude of his own pew com- muned with God, if not with 'his fellow-men. For nearly twenty years did this austere man rigidly go 120 THE SABBATH IX PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. through this lonely and sad ceremonial, until he conquered by sheer obstinacy and determination, and was again admitted to church-fellowship. A very extraordinary custom prevailed in several New England churches. Through it the deacons were assigned a strange and serious duty which appeared to make them all-important and possibly self-impor- tant, and which must have weighed heavily upon them, were they truly godly, and conscientious in the performance of it. In the rocky little town of Pelham in the heart of Massachusetts, toward the close of the eighteenth century and during the pastorate of the notorious thief, counterfeiter, and forger, Rev. Stephen Burroughs, that remarkable rogue organized and in- troduced to his parishioners the custom of giving during the month a metal check to each worthy and truly virtuous church-member, on presentation of wlii eh the check-bearer was entitled to partake of the communion, and without which he was tempo- rarily excommunicated. The duty of the deacon in this matter was to walk up and down the aisles of the church at the close of each service and deliver to the proper persons (proper in the deacon's halting human judgment) the significant checks. The deacon had also to see that this religionistic ticket was presented on the communion Sabbath. Great must have been the disgrace of one who found himself checkless at the end of the month, and greater even than the heart- burnings over seating the meeting must have been the jealousies and church quarrels that arose over the THE DEACON'S OFFICE. 121 communion-checks. And yet uo records of the pro- tests or complaints of indignant or grieving parish- ioners can be found, and the existence of the too worldly, too business-like custom is known to us only through tradition. Many of the little chips called " Presbyterian checks" are, however, still in existence. They are oblong discs of pewter, about an inch and a half long, bearing the initials "P. P.," which stand, it is said, for " Pelhara Presbyterian." I could not but reflect, as I looked at the simple little stamped slips of metal, that in a community so successful in the difficult work of counterfeiting coin, it would have been very easy to form a mould and cast from it spurious checks with which to circumvent the deacons and preserve due dignity in the meeting. The Presbyterian checks have never been attributed in Massachusetts to other than the Pelham church, and are usually found in towns in the vicinity of Pelham ; and there the story of their purpose and use is universally and implicitly believed. A clergyman of the Pelham church gave to many of his friends these Presbyterian checks, which he had found among the disused and valueless church-properties, and the little relics of the old-time deacons and services have been carefully preserved. In New Hampshire, however, a similar custom prevailed in the churches of Londonderry and the neighboring towns. The Londonderry settlers were Scotch-Irish Presbyterians (and the Pelham planters 122 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. were an off-shoot of the Londonderry settlement), and they followed the custom of the Scotch Presbyterians in convening the churches twice a year to partake of the Lord's Supper. This assembly was always held in Londonderry, and ministers and congrega- tions gathered from all the towns around. Prepara- tory services were held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Long tables were placed in the aisles of the church on the Sabbath ; and after a protracted and solemn address upon the deep meaning of the celebration and the duties of the church-members, the oldest members of the congregation were seated at the table and partook of the sacrament. Thin cakes of unleavened bread were specially prepared for this sacred service. Again and again were the tables refilled with communicants, for often seven hundred church-members were present. Thus the services were prolonged from early morning until nightfall. When so many were to partake of the Lord's Supper, it seemed necessary to take means to prevent any unworthy or improper person from presenting himself. Hence the tables were fenced off, and each communicant was obliged to present a " to- ken." These tokens were similar to the " Presby- terian checks ; " they were little strips of lead or pew- ter stamped with the initials " L. D.," which may have stood for " Londonderry " or " Lord's Day." They were presented during the year by the deacons and elders to worthy and pious church-members. This bi-annual celebration of the Lord's Supper — this gathering of THE DEACON'S OFFICE. 123 old friends and neighbors from the rocky wilds of New Hampshire to join in holy communion — was followed on Monday by cheerful thanksgiving and social intercourse, in which, as in every feast, our old friend, New England rum, played no unimportant part. The three days previous to the communion Sab- bath were, however, solemnly devoted to the worship of God ; a Londonderry man was reproved and prose- cuted for spreading grain upon a Thursday preceding a communion Sunday, just as he would have been for doing similar work upon the Sabbath. The use of these " tokens " in the Londonderry church con- tinued until the year 1830. In the coin collection of the American Antiqua- rian Society are little pewter communion-checks, or tokens, stamped with a heart. These were used in the Presbyterian church in Philadelphia, and were delivered to pious church-members at the Friday evening prayer-meeting preceding the communion Sabbath. Long tables were set in the aisles, as at Londonderry. In practice, belief, and origin, the New Hampshire and Pennsylvania churches were sisters. The deacons had many minor duties to perform in the different parishes. Some of these duties they shared with the tithingman. They visited the homes of the church-members to hear the children say the catechism, they visited and prayed with the sick, and they also reported petty offences, though they were not accorded quite so powerful legal authority as the tithingmen and constables. 124 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. It was much desired by several of the first-settled ministers that there should be deaconesses in the New England Puritan church, and many good reasons were given for making such appointments. It was believed that for the special duty of visiting the sick and afflicted in the community deaconesses would be more useful than deacons. There had been an aged deaconess in the Puritan church in Holland, who with a " little birchen rod " had kept the children in awe and order in meeting, and who had also exercised " her guifts " in speaking ; but when she died no New England successor was appointed to fill her place. XL THE PSALM-BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. We read in "The Courtship of Miles Standish," of the fair Priscilla, when John Alden came to woo her for his friend, the warlike little captain, that "Open wide on her lap lay the well-worn psalm-book of Ains worth, Printed in Amsterdam, the words and the music together; Rough-hewn, angular notes, like stones in the wall of a churchyard, Darkened and overhung by the running vine of the verses. Such was the book from whose pages she sang the old Puritan anthem." One of these " well-worn psalm-books of Ains- worth" lies now before me, perhaps the very one from which the lonely Priscilla sang as she sat a- Bpinning. There is something especially dear to the lover and dreamer of the olden time, to the book-lover and antiquary as well, in an old, worn psalm or hymn book. It speaks quite as eloquently as does an old ]>ible of loving daily use, and adds the charm of in- 31 in the quaint verse to reverence for the sacred word. A world of tender fancies springs into life as 126 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. I turn over the pages of any old psalm-book " reading between the lines," and as I decipher the faded script on the titlepage. But this " psalm-book of Ainsworth," this book loved and used by the Pilgrims, brought over in one of those early ships, perhaps in the " Mayflower " itself, this book so symbolic of those early struggling days in New England, has a romance, a charm, an interest which thrills every drop of Puritan blood in my veins. It is pleasing, too, this " Ainsworth' s Version," aside from any thought of its historic associations ; its square pages of diversified type are well printed, and have a quaint unfamiliar look which is intensely attractive, and to which the odd, irregular notes of music, the curiously ornamented head and tail pieces, and the occasional Hebrew or Greek letters add their undefinable charm. It is a square quarto of three hundred and forty- eight closely printed pages, bound in time-stained but well-preserved parchment, and even the parchment itself is interesting, and lovely to the touch. The titlepage is missing, but I know that this is the edi- tion printed, as was Priscilla's, in Amsterdam in 1612 (not " in England in 1600 " as a note written in the last blank page states). The full title was "The Book of Psalms. Englished both in Prose and Metre. With annotations opening the words and sentences by conference with other Scriptures. Eph. v : 18, 19. Bee yee filled with the Spirit speak- ing to yourselves in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual- THE PSALM-BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. 127 Songs singing and making melodic in your hearts to the Lord." The book contains besides the Psalms and Annotations, on its first pages, a " Preface de- claring the reason and use of the Book ; " and at the last pages a " Table directing to some principal things observed in the Annotations of the Psalms," a list of " Hebrew phrases observed which are somewhat hard and figurative," and also some " General Observations touching the Psalms." I can well imagine what a pious delight this book was to our Pilgrim Fathers ; and what a still greater delight it was to our Pilgrim Mothers, in that day and country of few books. They possessed in it, not only a wonderful new metrical version of the Psalms for singing, but a prose version for comparison as well ; and the deeply learned and profoundly worded annota- tions placed at the end of each Psalm were doubtless of special interest to such " scripturists with all their hearts " as they were. There were also, " for the use and edification of the saints," printed above each psalm the airs of appro- priate tunes. The " rough-hewn, angular notes " are irregularly lozenge-shaped, like the notes or " pricks" in Queen Elizabeth's " Virginal-Book," and are placed on the staff without bars. Ainsworth, in his preface, says, " Tunes for the Psalms I find none set of God : so that ech people is to use the most grave decent and comfortable manner that they know how, according to the general rule. The singing notes I have most taken from our Englished psalms when they will lit 128 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. the mesure of the verse : and for the other long verses T have also taken (for the most part) the gravest and easiest tunes of the French and Dutch psalmes." Easy the tunes certainly are, to the utmost degree of simplicity. Great diversity too of type did the Pilgrims find in their Psalm-book : Roman type, Italics, black-letter, all were used ; the verse was printed in Italics, the prose in Roman type, and the annotation in black- letter and small Roman text with close-spaced lines. This variety though picturesque makes the text rather difficult to read ; for while one can decipher black- letter readily enough when reading whole pages of it, when it is interspersed with other type it makes the print somewhat confusing to the unaccustomed eye. One curious characteristic of the typography is the frequent use of the hyphen, compound words or rather compound phrases being formed apparently without English rule or reason. Such combinations as these are given as instances : " highly-him-preferre," " re- nowned-name," " repose-me-quietlie," " in-mind-up- lay," " turn-to-ashes," " my-alonely-soul," " beat-them- final," " pouring-out-them-hard," " inveyers-mak- streight," and " condemn-thou-them-as-guilty," — which certainly would make fit verses to be sung to the accompaniment of Master Mace's " excel lent- large-plump-lusty-fullspeaking-organ." Ainsworth's Version when read proves to be a scholarly book, exhibiting far better grammar and punctuation and more uniformity of spelling than THE PSALM-BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. 129 " The New England Psalm-book," which at a later date displaced Ainsworth in the affections and relig- ious services of the New England Puritans and Pil- grims. Both versions are somewhat confused in sense, and of uncouth and grotesque versification; though the metre of Ainsworth is better than the rhyme. It is all written in " common metre," nearly all in lines of eight and six syllables alternately. The name of the author of this version was Henry Ainsworth ; he was the greatest of all the Holland Separatists, a typical Elizabethan Puritan, who left the church in which he was educated and attached himself to the Separatists, or Brownists, as they were called. He went into exile in Amsterdam in 1593, and worked for some time as a porter in a book- seller's shop, living (as Roger Williams wrote) " upon ninepence in the weeke with roots boyled." He established, with the Reverend Mr. Johnson, the new church in Holland ; and when it was divided by dis- sension, he became the pastor of the " Ainsworthian Brownists" and so remained for twelve years. He was a most accomplished scholar, and was called the " rabbi of his age." Governor Bradford, in his " Dia- logue," written in 1648, says of Ainsworth, "He had not his better for the Hebrew tongue in the Univer- sity nor scarce in Europe" Hence, naturally, he was constantly engaged upon some work of translating or commentating, and still so highly prized is some of his work that it has been reprinted during this cen- tury. He also, being a skilful disputant, wrote 9 130 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. innumerable controversial pamphlets and books,, many of which still exist. It is said that he once had a long and spirited controversy with a brother divine as to whether the ephod of Aaron were blue or green. I fear we of to-day have lost much that the final, decisive judgment from so learned scholars and students as to the correct color has not descended to us, and now, if we wish to know, we shall have to fight it all over again. In spite of his power of argument (or perhaps on account of it) the most prominent part which A ins- worth seemed to take in Amsterdam for many years was that of peacemaker, as many of his contempora- ries testify : for they quarrelled fiercely among them- selves in the exiled church, though they had such sore need of unity and good fellowship ; and they had many church arguments and judgments and lawsuits. They quarrelled over the exercise of power in the church ; over the true meaning of the text Mat- thew xviii. 17 ; whether the members of the congre- gation should be allowed to look on their Bibles during the preaching or on their Psalm-books during the singing ; whether they should sing at all in their meetings ; over the power of the office of ruling elder (a fruitful source of dissension and disruption in the New England congregations likewise) and above all, they quarrelled long and bitterly over the unseemly and gay dress of the parson's wife, Madam Johnson. These were the terrible accusations that were brought against that bedizened Puritan : that she wore " her THE PSALM-BOOK OF THE riLGRIMS 131 bodies tied to the petticote with points as men do their doublets and hose ; contrary to 1 Thess. v : 22, conferred with Deut. xx : 11;" that she also wore " lawn coives," and " busks," and " whalebones in the petticote bodies," and a " veluet hoode," and a " long white brest ; " and that she " stood gazing bracing and vaunting in the shop dores ; " and that " men called her a bounceing girl" (as if she could help that !). And one of her worst and most bitterly condemned offences was that she wore " a topish hat." This her husband vehemently denied ; and long discussions and explanations followed on the hat's topishness, — " Mr. Ainsworth dilating much upon a greeke worde" (as of course so learned a man would). For the benefit of unlearned modern children of the Puritans let me give the old Puritan's precise explanation and classification of topishness. " Though veluet in its nature were not topish, yet if common mariners should weare such it would be a sign of pride and topishness in them. Also a gilded raper and a feather are not topish in their nature, neither in a captain to weare them, and yet if a minister should weare them they would be signs of great vanity topish- ness and lightness." I wonder that topish hat had not undone the whole Puritan church in Holland. In settling all these and many other disputes, in translating, commentating, and versifying, did Henry Ainsworth pass his days; until, worn out by hard labor, and succumbing to long continued weakness, he died in 1623. This romantic story of his death is 132 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. told by Neal. " It was sudden and not without sus- picion of violence ; for it is reported that, having found a diamond of very great value in the streets of Amsterdam, he advertised it in print ; and when the owner, who was a Jew, came to demand it, he offered him any acknowledgment he would desire, but Ains- worth though poor would accept of nothing but con- ference with some of his rabbis upon the prophecies of the Old Testament relating to the Messiah, which the other promised, but not having interest enough to obtain it he was poisoned." This rather ambiguous sentence means that Ainsworth was poisoned, not the Jew. Brooks's account of the story is that the confer- ence took place, the Jews were vanquished, and in revenge poisoned the champion of Christianity after- wards. Dexter most unromantically throws cold water on this poisoning story, and adduces much cir- cumstantial testimony to prove its improbability ; but it could hardly have been invented in cold blood by the Puritan historians, and must have had some foundation in truth. And since he is dead, and the thought cannot harm him, I may acknowledge that 1 firmly believe and I like to believe that he died in so romantic a way. The Puritans were psalm-singers ever ; and in Holland the Brownist division of the church came under strong influences from Geneva and Witten- berg, the birth-places of psalm-singing, that made them doubly fond of " worship in song." Hence the Pilgrim Fathers, Brewster, Bradford, Carver, and THE PSALM-BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. 133 Standish, for love of music as well as in affectionate testimony to their old pastor and friend, brought to the New World copies of his version of the Psalms and sang from it with delight and profit to them- selves, if not with ease and elegance. Dexter says very mildly of Ainsworth's literary work that " there are diversities of gifts, and it is no offence to his memory to conclude that he shone more as an exegete than as a poet." Poesy is a gift of the gods and "cometh not from deep Hebrew study nor from vast learning, and we must accept Ainsworth's pious enthusiasm in the place of poetic fervor. Of the quality of his work, however, it is best to judge for one's self. Here is his rendition of the Nineteenth Psalm, so well known to us in verse by Addison's glorious " The spacious firmament on high." The prose version is printed in one column and the verse by its side. 1. To the Mayster of the Musik : A Psalm of David 2. The heavens, doo tel the glory of God : and the out-spred firmament sheweth; the work of his hand. 3. Day unto day uttereth speech : and night unto night manifesteth knowledge : 4. Xo speech, and no words : not heard is their voice 5. Through all the earth, gone-forth is their line: and unto the utmost-end of the world their speakings: he hath put a tent in them for the sun. 6. And he; as a bridegroom, going- forth out of his privy- chamber: joyes as a mighty-man to run a race 7. From the utmost end of the heavens is his egress; and his compassing-regiess is unto the utmost-ends of them: and none is hidd, from his heat. 134 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. 2. The heav'ne, doo tel the glory of God and his firmament dooth preach 3. work of his hands. Day unto day dooth largely-utter speach and night unto night dooth knowledge shew 4. No speach, and words are none. 5. thier voice it-is not heard. Thier line through all the earth is gone : and to the worlds end, thier speakings : in them he did dispose, 6. tent for the Sun. Who-bride-groom-like out of his chamber goes : ioyes strong-man-like, to run a race 7. From heav'ns end, his egress: and his regress to the end of them hidd from his heat, none is : In order to show the proportion of annotation in the book, and to indicate the mental traits of the author, let me state that this psalm, in both prose and metrical versions, occupies about one page ; while the closely printed annotations fill over three pages ; which is hardly " explaining with brevitie," as Ainsworth says in his preface. With this psalm the notes commence thus : — " 2. (the out-spred-firmament) the whole cope of heaven, with the aier which though it be soft and liquid and spred over the Earth, yet it is fast and firm and therefore called of us according to the common Greek version a firmament : the holy Ghost expresseth it by another term Mid-heaven. This out-spred-firmament of expansion God made amidds the waters for a sepa- ration and named it Heaven, which of David is said to THE PSALM-BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. 135 be stretched out as courtayn and elsewhere is said to be as firm as moulteu glass. So under this name firmament be commised the orbs of the heav'ns and the aier and the whole spacious country above the earth." These annotations must have formed to the Pil- grims not only a dictionary but a perfect encyclo- pedia of useful knowledge. Things spiritual and things temporal were explained therein. Scientific, historic, and religious information were dispensed im- partially. Much and varied instruction was given in Natural History, though viewed of course from a strictly religious point of view. The little Pilgrims learned from their Psalm-Book that the u Leviathan is the great whalefish or seadragon, so called of the fast joyning together of his scales as he is described Job 40 : 20, 41 and is used to resemble great tyrants." They also learned that " Lions of sundry-kinds have sundry-names. Tear-in-pieces like a lion. That he ravin not, make-a-prey ; called a plueker Renter or Tearer, and elsewhere Laby that is, Harty and coura- gious ; Kphir, this lurking, Couchant. The reason of thier names is shewed, as The renting-lion as greedy to tear, and the lurking-Lion as biding in covert places. Other names are also given to this kind as Shacbal, of ramping, of fierce nature ; and Lajith of subduing his prey. Psalm LVI Lions called here Lebain, harty, stowt couragious, Lions. Lions are mentioned in the Scriptures fur the stowtness of thier hart, boldnes, and grimnes of thier countenance." 136 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Here are other annotations taken at hap-hazard. The lines, " Al they that doo upon me look a scoff at me doe make they with the lip do make-a-mow the head they scornful-shake," Ainsworth thus explains : " Make-a-mow, making- an-opening with the lip which may be taken both for mowing and thrusting out of the lip and for licentious opening thereof to speak reproach." The expression " Keep thou me as the black of the apple of the eye " is thus annotated : " The black, that is, the sight in the midds of the eye wherein appeareth the resem- blance of a little man, and thereupon seemeth to be called in Hebrew Ishon which is a man. And as that part is blackish so this word is also used for other black things as the blackness of night. The apple so we call that which the Hebrew here calleth bath and babath that is the babie or little image appearing in the eye." Anger receives this definition : " ire, outward in the face, grauue, grimnes or fiercenes of countenance. The original Aph signifieth both the nose by which one breatheth, and Anger which ap- peareth in the snuffing or breathing of the nose." Before the Holland exiles had this version of Ains- worth' s to sing from, they used the book known as " Stemhold and Hopkins' Psalms." They gave it up gladly to show honor to the work of their loved pastor, and perhaps also with a sense of pleasure in not having to sing any verses which had been used THE PSALM-BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. 137 and authorized by the Church of England. In doing this they had to abandon, however, such spirited lines as Sternhold's — 11 The earth did shake, for feare did quake the hills their bases shook. Removed they were, in place most fayre at God's right fearfull looks. " He rode on hye, and did soe flye Upon the cherubins He came in sight and made his flight Upon the winges of windes." They sung instead, — " And th' earth did shake and quake and styrred bee grounds of the mount : & shook for wroth was hee Smoke mounted, in his wrath, fyre did eat out of his mouth : from it burned-with heat." Alas, poor Priscilla ! how could she sing with ease or reverence such confused verses ? The tune, too, set in the psalm-book seems absolutely unfitted to the metre. I fear when she sang from the pages M the old Puritan anthem " that she was forced to turn it into a chant, else the irregular lines could never have been brought within the compass of the melody ; and yet, the metre is certainly better than the sense. It may be thought that these selections of the Psalms have been chosen for their crudencss and gro- tesqueness. I have tried in vain to find othersome 138 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. ■ that would show more elegant finish or more of the spirit of poetry; the most poetical lines I can dis- cover are these, which are beautiful for the reason that the noble thoughts of the Psalmist cannot be hidden, even by the wording of the learned Puri- tan minister : — 1 . Jehovah feedeth me : I shall not lack 2. In grassy fields, he downe dooth make me lye : he gently-leads mee, quiet-Waters by. 3. He dooth return my soul : for his name-sake in paths of justice leads-me-quietly. 4. Yea, though I walk in dale of deadly-shade ile fear none yll, for with me thou wilt be thy rod, thy staff eke, they shall comfort mee. But few of these psalm-books of Ainsworth are now in existence ; but few indeed came to New England. Elder Brewster owned one, as is shown by the in- ventory of the books in his library. Not every member of the congregation, not every family pos- sessed one ; many were too poor, many " lacked skill to read," and in some communities only one psalm- book was owned in the entire church. Hence arose the odious custom of " deaconing " or " lining " the psalm, by which each line was read separately by the deacon or elder and then sung by the congre- gation. There is no doubt, however, that this Ains- worth' s Version was used in many of the early New England meetings. Reverend Thomas Symmes, in his " Joco-Serious Dialogue," printed in 1723, wrote: " Furthermore the Church of Plymouth made use of THE rSALM-BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. 139 Ainswortha Version of the Psalms until the year 1692. For altho' our New England version of the Psalms was compiled by sundry hands and com- pleted by President Dunster about the year 1640 ; yet that church did not use it, it seems, 'till two and fifty years after but stuck to Ainsworth ; and until about 1682 their excellent custom was to sing without reading the lines." John Cotton's account of the Salem church written in 1760, says, " On June 19, 1692, the pastor pro- pounded to the church that seeing many of the psalms in Mr. Ainsworth's translation which had hitherto been sung in the congregation had such difficult tunes that none in the church could set, they would con- sider of some expedient that they might sing all the psalms. After some time of consideration on Au- gust 7 following, the church voted that when the tunes were difficult in the translation then used, they would make use of the New England psalm-book, long before received in the churches of the Massachusetts colony, not one brother opposing the conclusion. But finding it inconvenient to use two psalm-books, they at length, in June 1696 agreed wholly to lay aside Ainsworth and with general consent introduced the other which is used to this day, 1760. And here it will be proper to observe that it was their practice until the beginning of October. 1681 to sing the psalms without reading the lines ; but then, at the motion of a brother who otherwise could not join in the ordinance [I suppose because lie could not read] 140 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. they altered the custom, and reading was introduced, the elder performing that service after the pastor had first expounded the psalm, which were usually sung in course." On the blank leaf of the copy of A ins worth now lying before me are written these words, " This was used in Salem half-a-century from the first settle- ment." In a record of the Salem church is this entry of a church meeting : " 4 of 5th month, 1667. The pastor having formerly propounded and given reason for the use of the Bay Psalm Book in regard to the difficulty of the tunes and that we could not sing them so well as formerly and that there ivas a singularity in our using Ainsworths tunes : but espe- cially because we had not the liberty of singing all the scripture Psalms according to Col. iii. 16. He did not again propound the same, and after several breth- ren had spoken, there was at last a unanimous con- sent with respect to the last reason mentioned, that the Bay Psalm Book should be used together with Ainsworth to supply the defects of it." It is significant enough of the " low state of the musik in the meetings " when we find that the sim- ple tunes written in Ainsworth's Version were too difficult for the colonists to sing. To such a condi- tion had church-music been reduced by " lining the psalm " and by the lack of musical instruments to guide and control the singers. It was not much bet- ter in old England ; for we find in the preface of Rous' Psalms (which were published in 1643 and au- THE PSALM-BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. 141 thorizcd to be used in the English Church) references to the " difficulty of Ainsworth's tunes." Hood says, " There is almost a certainty that no other version than Ainsworth was ever used in the colonies until the New England Version was pub- lished. But if any one was used in one or two of the churches it was Sternhold and Hopkins." I cannot feel convinced of this, but believe that both Ravenscroft's and Sternhold and Hopkins' Versions were used at first in many of the Bay settlements. Salem church had a peculiar connection in its origin with the church of Plymouth, which would account, doubtless, for its protracted use of the version so loved by the Pilgrims ; but the Puritans of the Bay, coming directly from England, must have brought with them the version which they had used in England, that of Sternhold and Hopkins ; and they would hardly have wished, nor would it have been possible for them to acquire speedily in the new land the Ainsworth's Version used by the Pilgrims from Holland. The second edition of Ainsworth's Version was printed in 1617, a third in 1618 ; the fourth, in Lon- don in 1639, was a folio; and the sixth, in Amsterdam in 1644, was an octavo. A little 24mo copy is in the Essex Institute in Salem, and an octavo is in the Prince Library, now in the custody of the Public Library of the City of Boston. The latter copy has a note in it written by the Rev. Thomas Prince : " Plymouth, May 1, 1732. I have seen an edition of 142 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. this version of 1618 ; and this version was sung in Plymouth Colony and 1 suppose in the rest of New England 'till the New England Version was printed." There is a copy of the first edition of Ainsworth in the Bodleian Library and one in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. The American Antiquarian Society and the Lenox Library are the only public libraries in America that possess copies, so far as I know. The one in the library of the American Antiqnarian Soci- ety was presented to it in 1815 by the Rev. William Bentley of Salem, Massachusetts, to whom also be- longed the copy of the Bay Psalm Book now in the library at Worcester. He was a divine and a biblio- phile and an antiquary, but there also ran in his veins blood of warmer flow. During the war of 1812, when the report came, in meeting-time, that the frigate " Con- stitution " was being chased into Marblehead harbor, the loyal parson Bentley locked up his church, and tucked up his gown, and sallied forth with his whole flock of parishioners to march to Marblehead with the soldiers, ready to "fight unto death" if necessary. Being short and fat, and the mercury standing at eighty-five degrees, the doctor's physical strength gave out, and he had to be hoisted up astride a cannon to ride to the scene of conflict, — martial in spirit though weak in the legs. But this association with the old book is compara- tively of our own day ; and the most pleasing fancy which the " psalm-book of Ainsworth " brings to my mind, the most sacred and reverenced thought, is of a THE PSALM BOOK OF THE PILGRIMS. 143 far more remote, a more peaceful and quiet scene ; though men of warlike blood and fighting stock were t he re present and took part therein. It is with that Sabbath Day before the Landing at Plymouth which was spent by the Pilgrims, as Mather says, "in the devout and pious exercises of a sacred rest." And though Matthew Arnold thought that the Mayflower voyagers would have been intolerable company for Shakespeare and Virgil, yet in that quiet day of de- vout prayer and praise they show a calm religious peace and trust that is, perhaps, the highest spiritual type of " sweetness and light." And from this quaint old book their lips found words and music to express in song their pure and holy faith. XII. THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. It seems most proper that the first book printed in New England should be now its rarest one, and such is the case. It was also meet that the first book published by the Puritan theocracy should be a psalm- book. This New England psalm-book, being printed by the colony at Massachusetts Bay, is familiarly known as "The Bay Psalm-Book," and was published two hundred and fifty years ago with this wording on the titlepage : " The Whole Book of Psalmes Faith- fully Translated into English Metre. Whereunto is prefixed a discourse declaring not only the lawfullnes, but also the necessity of the Heavenly Ordinance of Singing Psalmes in the Churches of God. " Coll. III. Let the word of God dwell plenteously in you in all wisdome, teaching, and exhorting one another in Psalmes, Himnes, and spirituall Songs, singing to the Lord with grace in your hearts. " James V. If any be afflicted, let him pray ; and if any be merry let him sing psalmes. Imprinted 1640." The words " For the Use, Edification, and Comfort of the Saints in Publick and Private especially in THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 145 New England," though given in Thomas's " History of Printing," Lowndes's "Bibliographers Manual," Hood's " History of Music in New England," and many reliable books of reference, as part of the cor- rect title, were in fact not printed upon the titlepage of this first edition, but appeared on subsequent ones. Mr. Thomas, at the time he wrote his history, knew of but one copy of the first edition ; " an entire copy except the title-page is now in the possession of rev. inr. Bentley of Salem." The titlepage being missing, he probably fell into the error of copying the title of a later edition, and other cataloguers and manualists have blindly followed him. There were in 1638 thirty ministers in New Eng- land, all men of intelligence and education ; and to three of them, Richard Mather, Thomas Welde, and John Eliot was entrusted the literary part of the pious work. They managed to produce one of the greatest literary curiosities in existence. The book was printed in the house of President Dunster of Harvard College upon a " printery," or printing- press, which had cost £50, and was the gift of friends in Holland to the new community in 1638, the name- year of Harvard College. Governor Winthrop in his journal tells us that the first sheet printed on this press was the Freeman's Oath, certainly a charac- teristic production ; the second an almanac for New England, and the third, "The Bay Psalm-Book." Some, who doom an almanac a book, call this psalm- book the second book printed in British America. 10 146 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. A printer named Steeven Daye was brought over from England to do the printing on this new press. Now Steeven must have been given entire charge of the matter, and could not have been a very literate fellow (as we know positively he was a most repre- hensible one), or the three reverend versifiers must have been most uncommonly careless proof-readers, for certainly a worse piece of printer's work than " The Bay Psalm Book " could hardly have been struck off. Diversity and grotesqueness of spelling were of course to be expected, and paper might have been coarse with- out reproof, in that new and poor country ; but the type was good and clear, the paper strong and firm, and with ordinary care a very presentable book might have been issued. The punctuation was horrible. A few commas and periods and a larger number of colons were " pepered and salted " a la Timothy Dexter, apparently quite by chance, among the words. Periods were placed in the middle of sentences ; words of one syllable were divided by hyphens ; capitals and italics were used after the fashion of the time, appar- ently quite at random ; and inverted letters were common enough. The pages were unnumbered, and on every left-hand page the word " Psalm " in the title was spelled correctly, while on the right-hand page it is uniformly spelled " Psalme." But after all, these typographical blemishes might be forgiven if the substance, the psalms themselves, were worthy ; but the versification was certainly the most villainous of all the many defects, though the sense was so con- THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 147 fused that many portions were unintelligible save with the friendly aid of the prose version of the Bible ; and the grammatical construction, especially in the use of pronouns, was also far from correct. Such amazing verses as these may be found : — " And sa3'rt He would not them waste : had not Moses stood (whom He chose) 'fore him i' th 'breach ; to turne his wrath lest that he should waste those." Cotton Mather, in his " Magnalia," gives thus the full story of the production of "The Bay Psalm- book":— "About the year 1639, the New-English reformers, considering that their churches enjoyed the other ordi- nances of Heaven in their scriptural purity were willing that the ' The singing of Psalms ' should be restored among them unto a share of that purity. Though they blessed God for the religious endeavours of them who translated the Psalms into the meetre usually annexed at the end of the Bible, yet they beheld in the translation so many detractions from, additions to, and variations of, not only the text, but the very sense of the psalmist, that it was an offense unto them. Resolving then upon a new trans- lation^ the chief divines in the country took each of theni a portion to be translated ; among whom were Mr. Welds and INIr. Eliot of Roxbury, and Mr. Mather of Dorches- ter. These like the rest were so very different a genius for their poetry that Mr. Shephard, of Cambridge, on the occasion addressed them to this purpose : 148 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. You Roxb'ry poets keep clear of the crime Of missing to give us very good rhime. And you of Dorchester, your verses lengthen And with the text's own words, you will them strengthen. The Psalms thus turned into meetre were printed at Cambridge, in the year 1640. But afterwards it was thought that a little more of art was to be employed upon them ; and for that cause they were committed unto Mr. Dunster, who revised and refined this translation ; and (with some assistance from Mr. Richard Lyon who being sent over by Sir Henry Mildmay as an attendant unto his son, then a student at Harvard College, now resided in Mr. Dunster's house :) he brought it into the condition wherein our churches have since used it. Now though I heartily join with those gentlemen who wish that the poetry thereof were mended, yet I must confess, that the Psalms have never yet seen a translation that I know of nearer to the Hebrew original; and I am willing to re- ceive the excuse which our translators themselves do offer us when they say : ' If the verses are not always so ele- gant as some desire or expect, let them consider that God's altar needs not our pollishings ; we have respected rather a plain translation, than to smooth our verses with the sweetness of any paraphrase. We have attended conscience rather than elegance, fidelity rather than in- genuity, that so we may sing in Zion the Lord's songs of praise, according unto his own will, until he bid us enter into our Master's joy to sing eternal hallelujahs.' " I have never liked Cotton Mather so well as after reading this calm and kindly account of the produc- tion of " The Bay-Psalm-Book." He was a scholarly THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 149 man, and doubtless felt keenly and groaned inwardly at the inelegance, the appalling and unscholarly errors in the New England version; and yet all he mildly said was that " it was thought that a little more of art was to be employed upon them," and that he " wishes the poetry hereof was mended." Such jus- tice, such self-repression, such fairness make me al- most forgive him for riding around the scaffold on which his fellow-clergyman was being executed for witchcraft, and urging the crowd not to listen to the poor martyr's dying words. I can even almost overlook the mysterious fables, the outrageous yarns which he imposed upon us under the guise of history. The three reverend versifiers who turned out such questionable poetry are known to have been writers of clear, scholarly, and vigorous prose. They were all graduated at Emanuel College, Cambridge, the nursery of Puritans. Mr. Welde soon returned to England and published there two intelligent tracts vindicating the purity of the New England worship. Richard Mather was the general prose-scribe for the community ; he drafted the " Cambridge Platform " and other important papers, and was clear and scholarly enough in all his work except the " Bay Psalm-Book." From his pen came the tedious, pro- lix preface to the work ; and the first draft of it in his own handwriting is preserved in the Prince Li- brary. The other co-worker was John Eliot, that glory of New England Puritanism, the apostle to 150 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. the Indians. His name heads my list of the saints of the Puritan calendar ; but I confess that when I consider his work in " The Bay Psalm-Book," I have sad misgivings lest the hymns which he wrote and published in the Indian language may not have proved to the poor Massachusetts Indians all that our loving and venerating fancy has painted them. It is said also that Francis Quarles, the Puritan author of " Di- vine Emblems," sent across the Atlantic some of his metrical versions of the psalms as a pious contribu- tion to the new version of the new church in the new land. The " little more of art " which was bestowed by the improving President Dunster left the psalms still improvable, as may be seen by opening at random at any page of the revised editions. Mr. Lyon con- ferred also upon the New England church the inesti- mable boon of a number of hymns or " Scripture- Songs placed in order as in the Bible." They were printed in that order from the third until at least the sixteenth edition, but in subsequent editions the hymns were all placed at the end of the book after the psalms. I doubt not that the Puritan youth, de- barred of merry catches and roundelays, found keen delight in these rather astonishing renditions of the songs of Solomon, portions of Isaiah, etc. Those Scripture-Songs should be read quite through to be fully appreciated, as no modern Christian could be full enough of grace to sing them. Here is a portion of the song of Deborah and Barak : — TIE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 151 24. Jael the Ivenite Hebers wife 'bove women blest shall be : Above the women in the tent a blessed one is she. 25. He water ask'd : she gave him milk him butter forth she fetch'd 26. In lordly dish : then to the nail she forth her left hand stretched. Her right the workman's hammer held and Sisera struck dead : She pierced and struck his temple through and then smote off his head. 27. He at her feet bow'd, fell, lay down he at her feet bow'd, where He fell : ev'n where he bowed down he fell destroyed there. 28. Out of a window Sisera his mother looked and said The lattess through in coming w 7 hy so long his chariot staid V His chariot wheels why tarry they ? 29. her wise dames, answered Yea she turned answer to herself 30. and what have they not sped ? 31. The prey by poll ; a maid or twain what parted have not they 1 Have they not parted, Sisera, a party-col our'd prey A party-colour'd neildwork prey of neildwork on each side That *s party-colour'd meet for necks of them that spoils divide ? 152 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Our Pilgrim Fathers accepted these absurd, tauto- logical verses gladly, and sang them gratefully ; but we know the spirit of poesy could never have existed in them, else they would have fought hard against abandoning such majestic psalms as Sternhold's — " The Lord descended from above and bow'd the heavens hye And underneath his feete he cast the darkness of the skye. " On cherubs and on cherubines full royally he road And on the winges of all the windes came flying all abroad." They gave up these lines of simple grandeur, to which they were accustomed, for such wretched verses as these of the New England version : — 9. Likewise the heavens he downe- bow'd and he descended, & there was under his feet a gloomy cloud 10. And he on cherub rode and flew ; yea, he flew on the wings of winde. 1 1 . His secret place hee darkness made his covert that him round confinde. I cannot understand why they did not sing the psalms of David just as they were printed in the English Bible ; it would certainly be quite as practi- cable as to sing this latter selection. President Dunster's improving hand and brain evolved this rendition : — THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 153 " Likewise the heavens he down-bow'd and he descended : also there Was at his feet a gloomy cloud and he on cherubs rode apace. Yea on the wings of wind he flew he darkness made his secret place His covert round about him drew." Though the grotesque wording and droll errors of these old psalm-books can, after the lapse of centuries, be pointed out and must be smiled at, there is after all something so pathetic in the thought of those good, scholarly old Xew England saints, hampered by poverty, in dread of attack of Indians, burdened with hard work, harassed by " eighty-two pestilent here- sies," still laboring faithfully and diligently in their strange new home at their unsuited work, — something so pathetic, so grand, so truly Christian, that when I point out any of the absurdities or failures in their work, I dread lest the shades of Cotton, of Sewall, of Mather, of Eliot, brand me as of old, " in capitall letters," as « AX OPEX AXD OBSTINATE CON- TEMNER OF GOD'S HOLY ORD1XAXCES," or worse still, with that mysterious, that dread name, -A WANTON GOSPELLER." The second edition of the " Xew England Psalm- Book " was published in 1647 ; the one copy known to exist has sold for four hundred and thirty-five dollars. The third edition was the one revised by President Dunster and Mr. Lyon, and was printed in 1650. In 1691 the- unfortunate book was again " pollished " by a committee of ministers, who thus 154 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. altered the last two stanzas of the Song of Deborah and Barak : — 28. Out of a window Sisera His mother look'd and said The lattess through in coming why So long 's chariot staid ? His chariot- wheels why tarry they ? Her ladies wise reply'd 29. Yea to herself the answer made, 30. Have they not speed ? she cry'd. 31. The prey to each a maid or twain Divided have not they 1 To Sisera have they not shar'd A divers-colour'd prey 1 Of divers-colour'd needle-work Wrought curious on each side Of various colours meet for necks Of those who spoils divide ? Rev. Elias Nason wittily says of " The Bay Psalm- Book," " Welde, Eliot, and Mather mounted the res- tive steed Pegasus, Hebrew psalter in hand, and trotted in warm haste over the rough roads of She- mitic roots and metrical psalmody. Other divines rode behind, and after cutting and slashing, mend- ing and patching, twisting and turning, finally pro- duced what must ever remain the most unique specimen of poetical tinkering in our literature." Other editions quickly followed these " pollishings " until, in 1709, sixteen had been printed. Mr. Hood stated that at least seventy editions in all were brought out. Some of these were printed in Eng- THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 155 land and Scotland, in exceedingly fine and illegible print, and were intended to be bound up with the Bible ; and occasionally duodecimo Bibles were sent from Scotland to New England with "The Bay Psalm- Book " bound at the back part of the book. Strange as it may seem, the poor, halting New England ver- sion was used in some of the English dissenting congregations and Scotch kirks, instead of the smoother verses composed in England for the Eng- lish churches. The Reverend Thomas Prince, after two years of careful work thereon, published in 1758 a revised edition of the much-published book, and it was adopted by his church, the Old South, of Boston, the week previous to his death. It was used by his con- gregation until 1786. He clung closely to the form of the old editions, changing only an occasional word. In his preface Dr. Prince says that " The Bay Psalm- Book " " had the honor of being the first book printed in North America, and as far as I can find, in this New World." We have fuller means of information now-a-days than had the reverend reviser, and we know that as early as 1535 a book called " The Book of .St. John Climacus or The Spiritual Ladder" had been printed in the Spanish tongue, in Mexico ; and no less than one hundred and sixteen other Spanish works in the sixteenth century, as the " Bibliografia Mexicans" testifies. If the printing of all these various editions was poor, and the diction worse, the binding certainly 156 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. was good and could be copied in modern times to much advantage. No flimsy cloth or pasteboard cov- ers, no weak paper backs, no ill-pasted leaves, no sham-work of any kind was given ; securely sewed, firmly glued, with covers of good strong leather, parchment, kid, or calfskin, these psalm-books en- dured constant daily (not weekly) use for years, for decades, for a century, and are still whole and firm. They were carried about in pockets, in saddle-bags, and were opened, and handled, and conned, as often as were the Puritan Bibles, and they bore the usage well. They were distinctively characteristic of the unornamental, sternly pious, eminently honest, and sturdily useful race that produced them. Judge Sewall makes frequent mention in his famous diary of " the New Psalm Book." He bought one " bound neatly in Kids Leather " for " 8 shillings & sixpence " and gave it to a widow whom he was woo- ing. Rather a serious lover's gift, but characteristic of the giver, and not so gloomy as "Dr. Mathers Vials of Wrath," "Dr. Sibbs Bowels," " Dr. Preston's Church Carriage," and "Dr. Williard's Fountains opened," all of which he likewise presented to her. The Judge frequently gave a copy as a bridal gift, after singing from it " Myrrh aloes," to the gloomy tune of Windsor, at the wedding. 8. Myrrh Aloes and Cassias smell all of thy garments had Out of the yvory pallaces whereby they made thee glad : THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 157 9. Amongst thine honourable maids kings daughters present were The Queen is set at thy right hand in fine gold of Ophir. But his most frequent mention of the " new psalm- book " is in his " Humbell acknowledgement " .made to God of the " great comfort and merciful kindness received through singing of His Psalmes ; " and the pages of the diary bear ample testimony that what- ever the book may appear to us now, it was to the early colonists the very Word of God. As years passed on, however, and singing-schools multiplied, it became much desired, and even impera- tive that there should be a better style and manner of singing, and open dissatisfaction arose with " The Bay Psalm-Book;" the younger members of the con- gregations wished to adopt the new and smoother versions of Tate and Brady, and of Watts. Peti- tions were frequently made in the churches to abolish the century-used book. Here is an opening sentence of one church-letter which is still in existence; it was • ■nted to the ministers and elders of the Roxbury church September 11th, 1737, and was signed by many of the church members: — " The New England Version of Psalms however useful it may formerly have been, has now become through the natural variableness of Language, not only very uncouth but iu many Places unintelligible ; whereby the mind ad of being Raised and spirited in Singing The Praises of Almighty God and thereby being prepared to 158 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Attend to other Parts of Divine Service is Damped and made Spiritless in the Performance of the Duty at least such is the Tendency of the use of that Version," etc., etc. Great controversy arose over the abolition of the accustomed book, and church-quarrels were rife ; but the end of the century saw the dearly loved old ver- sion consigned to desuetude, never again to be opened, alas ! but by critical or inquisitive readers. There is owned by the American Antiquarian So- ciety, and kept carefully locked in the iron safe in the building of that Society in Worcester, a copy of the first edition of "The Bay Psalm Book." It is a quarto (not octavo, as Thomas described it in his "History of Printing") and is in very good con- dition, save that the titlepage is missing. It is in the original light-colored, time-stained parchment binding, and contains the autograph of Stephen Sewall. It also bears on the inside of the front cover the book-plate of Isaiah Thomas, and at the back, in the veteran printer's clear and beautiful handwriting, this statement : " After advertising for another copy of this book and making enquiry in many places in New England &c. I was not able to obtain or even hear of another. This copy is there- fore invaluable and must be preserved with the greatest care. Isaiah Thomas, Sep. 20. 1820." His "History of Printing," was published in 1810, and the Society had acquired through the gift of "the THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 159 rev. mr. Bentley " the copy which Thomas mentioned in his book. It is strange that Thomas should have been igno- rant of the existence of other copies of the first edition of -The Bay Psalm-Book," for there were at that time six copies belonging to the Prince Library in the possession of the Old South Church of Boston. One would fancy that the Prince Library would have been one of his first objective points of search, save that a dense cloud of indifference had overshadowed that* collection for so long a time. Five of those copies remained in the custody of the deacons and pastor of the Old South Church until 1860, and they were at one time all deposited in the Public Library of the City of Boston. Two still remain in that suitable place of deposit ; they are almost complete in pag- ing, but are in modern bindings. The other three copies were surrendered by Lieut-Go v. Samuel Arm- strong (who, as one of the deacons of the Old South Church, had joint custody of the Prince Library), severally, to Mr. Edward Crowninshield of Boston, Dr. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff of Boston, and Mr. George Livermore of Cambridge. Governor Armstrong surrendered these three books in con- sideration of certain modern books being given to the Prince Library, and of the modern bindings be- stowed on the two other copies ; which seems to us hardly a brilliant or judicious exchange. In Dr. Shurtleff "The Bay Psalm-Book" found a congenial and loving owner : and under his careful 160 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. superintendence an exact reprint was published in 1862 in the Riverside Press at Cambridge. He wrote for it a preface. It was published by subscription; one copy on India paper, fifteen on thick paper, and fifty on common paper. Copies on the last named paper have sold readily for thirty dollars each. All the typographical errors of the original were carefully reproduced in this reprint. At Dr. Shurtleff's death, his "Bay Psalm-Book" was catalogued with the rest of his library, which was to be sold on Dec. 2, 1875; but an injunc- tion was obtained by the deacons of the Old South Church, to prevent the sale of the old psalm-book. They were rather late in the day however, to try to obtain again the too easily parted with book, and the ownership of it was adjudged to the estate. The book was sold Oct. 12, 1876, at the Library salesroom, Beacon Street, Boston, for one thousand and fifty dollars. It is now in the library of Mrs. John Carter Brown, of Providence, Rhode Island. Special in- terest attaches to this copy, because it was " Richard Mather, His Book " as several autographs in it testify ; and the author's own copy is always of ex- tra value. Cotton Mather, a grandson of Richard, was the close friend of the Reverend Thomas Prince, who founded the Prince Library, and who left it by will to the Old South Church in 1758. Mr. Prince's book-plate is on the reverse of the titlepage of this copy of " The Bay Psalm-Book," and is in itself a rarity. It reads thus: — THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 161 " This Book belongs to The New England Library Begun to be collected by Thomas Prince upon his ent'ring Harvard-College July 6 1703, and was given by said Prince, to remain therein forever." There was a sixth copy of " The Bay Psalm-Book " in the Prince Library in 1830 when Dr. Wisner wrote his four sermons on the Old South Church of Boston, — a copy annotated by Dr. Prince and used by him while he was engaged on his revision. It has dis- appeared, together with many other important books and manuscripts belonging to the same library. The vicissitudes through which this most valuable collec- tion has passed — lying neglected for years on shelves, in boxes, and in barrels in the steeple-room of the Old South Church, depleted to use for lighting fires, in- jured by British soldiery, but injured still more by the neglect and indifference of its custodians — are too painful to contemplate or relate. They contribute to the scholarly standing and honor of neither pas- tors nor congregations during those years. It is enough to state, however, that it is to the noble and ill-requited forethought of Dr. Prince that we owe all but three of the copies of the Bay Psalm-Book which ar<.- now known to be in existence. There is also a perfect copy of the first edition of the old book in the Lenox Library in New York, and the manner in which it was acquired (and also some further accounts of two of our old friends of the 11 162 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. Prince Library, the acquisitions of Messrs. Crownin- shield and Livermore) is told so entertainingly by Henry Stevens, of Vermont, in his charming book, " Recollections of Mr. James Lenox " that it is best to quote his account in full : — "For nearly ten years Mr. Lenox had entertained a longing desire to possess a perfect copy of 'The Bay Psalm Book.' He gave me to understand that if an op portunity occurred of securing a copy for him I might go as far as one hundred guineas. Accordingly from 1847 till his death, six years later, my good friend Wil- liam Pickering and I put our heads and book-hunting forces together to run down this rarity. The only copy we knew of on this side the Atlantic was a spotless one in the Bodleian Library, which had lain there unrecognized for ages, and even in the printed catalogue of 1843 its title was recorded without distinction among the common herd of Psalms in verse. I had handled it several times with great reverence, and noted its many peculiar points, but, as agreed with Mr. Pickering, without making any sign or imparting any information to our good and oblig- ing friend Dr. Bandinel, Bodley's Librarian. We thought that when we had secured a copy for ourselves, it would be time enough to acquaint the learned Doctor that he was entertaining unawares this angel of the New World. " Under these circumstances, therefore, only an expe- rienced collector can judge of my surprise and inward satisfaction, when on the 12 January, 1855, at Sotheby's, at one of the sales of Pickering's stock, after untying parcel after parcel to see what I might chance to see, and keeping ahead of the auctioneer, Mr. Wilkinson, on THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 163 resolving to prospect in one parcel more before he over- took me, my eye rested for an instant only on the long- lost Benjamin, clean and unspotted. I instantly closed the parcel (which was described in the Catalogue as Lot ' 531 Psalmes, other editions, 1630 to 1675 black letter, a parcel ' ) and tightened the string just as Alfred came to lay it on the table. A cool-blooded coolness seized me, and advancing to the table behind Mr. Lilly I quietly bid, in a perfectly natural tone, 4 Sixpence,' and so the bids went on increasing by sixpence until half a crown was reached, and Mr. Lilly had loosened the string. Taking up this very volume he turned to me and remarked that ' This looks a rare edition, Mr. Stevens, don't you think so ? I do not remember having seen it before,' and raised the bid to five shillings. I replied that I had little doubt of its rarity though comparatively a late edition of the Psalms, and at the same time gave Mr. Wilkinson a six- penny nod. Thenceforth a ' spirited competition ' arose between Mr. Lilly and myself, until finally the lot was knocked down to ' Stevens ' for nineteen shillings. I then called out with perhaps more energy than discretion, ' De- livered ! ' On pocketing this volume, leaving the other seven to take the usual course, Mr. Lilly and others in- quired with some curiosity, ' What rarity have you got now ? ' ' Oh, nothing, ' said I, « but the first English book printed in America.' There was a pause in the sale, while all had a good look at the little stranger. Some said jocularly, 'There has evidently been a mistake; put up the lot again.' Mr. Stevens, with the book again safely in his pocket, said, ' Nay, if Mr. Pickering, whose cost mark of [3s] did Dot recognize the prize lie had won, certainly the cataloguer might be excused for throwing it 164 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. away into the hands of the right person to rescue, appre- ciate, and preserve it. I am now fully rewarded for my long and silent hunt of seven years.' "On reaching Morley's I eagerly collated the volume, and at first found it right with all the usual signatures correct. The leaves were not paged or folioed. But on further collation I missed sundry of the Psalms, enough to fill four leaves. The puzzle was finally solved when it was discovered that the inexperienced printer had marked the sheet with the signature w after v, which is very unusual. "This was a very disheartening disappointment, but I held my tongue, and knowing that my old friend and correspondent, George Livermore, of Cambridge, N. E., possessed an imperfect copy, which he and Mr. Crownin- shield, after the noble example of the * Lincoln Nosegay,' had won from the Committee of the ' Old South ' together with another and perfect copy, I proposed an advanta- geous exchange and obtained the four missing leaves. Mr. Crowninshield strongly advised Mr. Livermore against parting with his four leaves, because, as he said, ' They would enable Stevens to complete his copy and to place it in the library of Mr. Lenox, who would then crow over us because he also had a perfect copy of " The Bay-Psalm Book.'" " Having thus completed my copy and had it bound by Francis Bedford in his best style, I sent it to Mr. Lenox for £80. Five years later I bought the Crowninshield Library in Boston for $10,000, mainly to obtain his per- fect copy of ' The Bay Psalm Book,' and brought the whole library to London. This second copy, after being held several months, was at the suggestion of Mr. Thomas THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 165 Watts, offered to the British Museum for £150. The Keeper of the Printed Books, however, never had the courage to send it before the Trustees for approval and payment ; so after waiting five or six years longer the vol- ume was withdrawn, bound by Bedford, taken to America in 1868, and sold to Mr. George Brinley for 150 guineas. At the Brinley sale, in March, 1878, it was bought by Mr. Cornelius Yanderbilt for $1200, or more than three times the cost of my first copy to Mr. Lenox." We hear the expression of a book being " worth its weight in gold." " The Bay Psalm-Book," in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society, weighs nine ounces, hence Mr. Yanderbilt paid at least seven times its weight in gold for his precious book. Lowndes's " Bibliographers' Manual " says, " This vol- ume, which is extremely rare and would at an auc- tion in America produce from four to six thousand dollars, is familiarly termed " The Bay Psalm Book." This must have been intended to be printed four to six hundred dollars, and is about as correct as the remainder of the description in that manual. The copy which is spoken of by Mr. Stevens as being in the Bodleian Library at Oxford was once the property of Bishop Tanner, the famous antiquary. Thus it is seen that there are seven copies at least of the first edition of " The Bay Psalm-Book " now in existence in America, instead of " five or at the most six," as a recent writer iii " The Magazine of Amer- ican History" states. And of all the manifold later editions of the New 166 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. England Psalm-Book comparatively few copies now remain. Occasionally one is discovered in an old church library or seen in the collection of an anti- quary. It is usually found to bear on its titlepage the name of its early owner, and often, also, in a different handwriting, the simple record and date of his death. Tender little memorial postils are fre- quently written on the margins of the pages : " Sung this the day Betty was baptized " — " This Psalm was sung at Mothers Funeral" — " Gods Grace help me to heed this word." Sometimes we see on the blank pages, in a fine, cramped handwriting, the record of the births and deaths of an entire family. More frequently still we find the familiar and hackneyed verses of ancient titlepage lore, such as are usually seen on the blank leaves of old Bibles. This script was written in a " Bay Psalm-Book " of the sixteenth edition, and with the characteristic indifference of our New England forefathers for tiresome repetition, or possibly with their disdain of novelty, was seen on each and every blank page of the book : — " Israel Balch, His Book, God give him Grace theirin to look And when the Bell for him doth toal May God have mearcy on his Sole." What the diction lacked in variety is quite made up, however, in the spelling, which was painstakingly different on each page. Another Psalm-Book bore, inscribed in an elegant, THE BAY PSALM-BOOK 107 minute handwriting, these lines, which were probably intended for verse, since the first word of each line commenced with a capital letter : — " Abednego Prime His Book When, he withein these pages looks May he find Grace to sing therein Seventeen hundred and forty-seven." This is certainly pretty bad poetry, — bad enough to be worthy a place in " The Bay Psalm Book,*' — but is also a most noble, laudable, and necessary aspira- tion; for power of Grace was plainly needed to enable Abednego or any one else to sing from those pages ; and our pious New England forefathers must have been under special covenant of grace when they persevered against such obstacles and under such overwhelming disadvantages in having singing in their meetings. Another copy of the old New England Psalm-Book was thus inscribed : — " Elam Noyes His Book You children of the name of Noyes Make Jesus Christ your only choyse." The early members of the Noyes family all seemed to be exceedingly and properly proud of this rhyming couplet ; it formed a sort of patent of nobility. They wrote the pious injunction to their descendants in their Psalin-Books and their Bibles, in their wills, their letters ; and they, with the greatest unanimity 168 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. of feeling, had it cut upon their several tombstones. It was their own family motto, — their totem, so to speak. In a New England Psalm-Book in the possession of the American Antiquarian Society there is written in the distinct handwriting of Isaiah Thomas these explanatory words : — " This was the Pocket Psalm-book of John Symmons who died at Salem at 100 years. He was born at North Salem went a-fishing in his youth was a prisoner with the Indians in Nova Scotia afterwards followed his labours in a Shipyard and till great old age laboured upon his lands and died without pain Aet 100. 31 October, 1791. He was a worthy conscientious and well-informed man and agreeable until the last hour of his life." I can think of no pleasanter tribute to be given to the character of any one than the simple words, " He was agreeable until the last hour of his life." What share in the production and maintenance of that amiable and enviable condition of disposition may be attributed to the ever-present influence of the Pocket Psalm-Book cannot be known ; but the constant study of the holy though clumsy verses may have largely caused that sweet agreeability which so characterized John Symmons. There lies now before me a copy of one of the early editions of " The Bay Psalm-Book." As I open the little dingy octavo volume, with its worn and torn edges, I am conscious of that distinctive, penetrating, THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 169 old~booky smell, — that ancient, that fairly obsolete odor that never is exhaled save from some old, infrequently opened, leather-bound volume, which has once in years far past been much used and handled. A book which has never been familiarly used and loved cannot have quite the same antique perfume. The mouldering, rusty, flaky leather comes off in a yellow-brown pow- der on my fingers as I take up the book ; and the cover nearly breaks off as I open it, though with ten- der, book-loving usage. The leather, though strong and honest, has rotted or disintegrated until it has almost fallen into dust. Across the yellow, ill-printed pages there runs, zig-zagging sideways and backwards crab-fashion on his crooked brown legs, one of those pigmy book-spiders, — those ugly little bibliophiles that seem flatter even than the close-pressed pages that form their home. Fair Puritan hands once held this dingy little book, honest Puritan eyes studied its ill-expressed words, and sweet Puritan lips sang haltingly but lovingly from its pages. This was " Cicely Morse Her Book " in the year 1710, and bears on many a page her name and the simple little couplet : — " In youth I praise And walk thy way And pretty it were to see Cicely in her praiseful and godly-walking youth, as she stood primly clad in her sad-colored gown and long apron, with a quoif or ciffer covering her smooth hair, and a red whittle 170 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. on her slender shoulders, a-singing in the old New- England meeting-house through the long, tedious psalms, which were made longer and more tedious still by the drawling singing and the deacons' " lin- ing." Truly that were a pretty sight for our eyes, and for other eyes than ours, without doubt. Staid Puritan youth may have glanced soberly across the old meeting-house at the fair girl as she sung the Song of Solomon, with its ardent wording, without any very deep thought of its symbolic meaning : — " Let him with kisses of his mouth be pleased me to kiss, Because much better than the wine thy loving-kindness is. To troops of horse in Pharoahs coach, my love, I thee compare, Thy neck with chains, with jewels new, thy cheeks full comely are. Borders of gold with silver studs for thee make up we will, Whilst that the king at 's table sits my spikenard yields her smell. Like as of myrrh a bundle is my well-belov'd to be, Through all the night betwixt my breasts his lodging-place shall be ; My love as in Engedis vines like camphire-bunch to me, So fair, my love, thou fair thou art thine eyes as doves eyes be." Love and music were ever close companions ; and the singing-school — that safety-valve of young New THE BAY PSALM-BOOK. 171 England life — had not then been established or even thought of, and I doubt not many a warm and far from Puritanical love-glance was cast from the " doves- eyes " across the " alley " of the old meeting-house at Cicely as she sung. But Cicely was not young when she last used the old psalm-book. She may have been stately and prosperous and seated in the dignified " foreseat ; " she may have been feeble and infirm in her place in the " Deaf Pue ; " and she may have been care- worn and sad, tired of fighting against poverty, worn with dread of fierce Indians, weary of the howls of the wolves in the dense forests so near, and home-sick and longing for the yonderland, her " faire Englishe home ; " but were she sad or careworn or heartsick, in her treasured psalm-book she found comfort, — comfort in the halting verses as well as in the no- ble thoughts of the Psalmist. And the glamour of eternal, sweet-voiced youth hangs around the gentle Cicely, through the power of the inscription in the old psalm-book, — " In youth I praise And walk thy ways," — the romance of the time when Cicely, the Puritan commonwealth, the whole New World was young. XIII. STERNHOLD AND HOPKINS' VERSION OF THE PSALMS. The metrical translation of the Psalms known as Sternhold and Hopkins' Version was doubtless used in the public worship of God in many of the early New England settlements, especially those of the Connec- ticut River Valley, though the old register of the town of Ipswich is the only local record that gives positive proof of its use in the Puritan church. In 1693 an edition of Sternhold and Hopkins was printed in Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. It was not a day nor a land where a whole edition of such a book would be printed for reference or comparison only ; and to thus publish the work of the English psalmists in the very teeth of the popularity of " The Bay Psalm Book " is to me a proof that Sternhold and Hopkins' Version was em- ployed far more extensively in the colonial churches and homes than we now have records of, and than many of our church historians now fancy. Certainly the familiar English psalm-books must have been brought across the ocean and used temporarily until the newly landed colonists could acquire the version of Ainsworth or of the New England divines. STERNHOLD AND HOPKINS' VERSION. 173 An everlasting interest attaches to this metrical ar- rangement of the Psalms, to Americans as well as to Englishmen, because it was the earliest to be adopted in public worship in England. According to Strype, in his Memorial, the singing of psalms was allowed in England as early as 1548, but it was not until 1562 that the versified psalms of Sternhold and Hopkins were appended to the Book of Common Prayer. Stern- hold and Hopkins' Version was also the first to give all the psalms of David in English verse to the Eng- lish public. Very little is known of the authors of this version. Sternhold was educated at Oxford ; was Groom of the Robes to Henry VIII. and Edward VI., was a " bold and busy Calvinist," and died in 1549. The little of interest told of John Hopkins is that he was a minister and schoolmaster, and that he assisted the work of Sternhold. The full reason for Sternhold's pious work is thus given by an old English author, Wood : " Being a most zealous reformer and a very strict liver he be- came so scandalyzed at the loose amorous songs used in the court that he forsooth turned into English metre fifty-one of Davids Psalms, and caused musical notes to be set to them, thinking thereby that the courtiers would sing them instead of their sonnets ; but they did not, only some few excepted." The pref- ace printed in the book stated Sternhold's wish and intention that the verses should be sung by English- men, not only in church, but " moreover in private 174 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND, houses for their godly solace and comfort; laying apart all ungodly Songs & Ballads which tend only to the nourishment of vice & corrupting of youth." The first edition contained nineteen psalms only, which were all versified by Sternhold. It was pub- lished in 1548 or 1549, under this title, " Certayn Psalmes chosen out of the Psalter of David and drawen into English Metre by Thomas Sternhold Groom of ye Kynges Maiesties Roobes.' , I believe no copy of this edition is now known to exist. The praise which Sternhold received for his pious rhymes had the same effect upon him as did simi- lar encomiums upon his predecessor, the French psalm- writer Marot, — it encouraged him to write more psalm-verses. The second edition was printed in 1549, and con- tained thirty-seven psalms by Sternhold and seven by Hopkins. It bore this title, " Al such Psalmes of David as Thomas Sternehold late grome of his maies- ties robes did in his lyfe tyme drawe into English metre." It was a well-printed book and copies are still preserved in the British Museum and the Public Library of Cambridge, England. This second and en- larged edition was dedicated, in a four-page preface, to King Edward VI., and a pretty story is told of the young king's interest in the verses. The delicate and gentle boy of twelve heard Sternhold when " singing them to his organ " as Strype says, and wandered in to hear the music and listen to the words. So great was his awakened interest in the sacred songs that STERNHOLD AND HOPKINS' VERSION. 175 Sternhold resolved to write in verse for him still further of the psalms. The dedication reads : " See- ing that your tender and godly zeale dooth more de- light in the holye songs of veritie than in any fayned rymes of vanytie, I am encouraged to travayle further in the said booke of Psalmes." This young king re- stored to the English people the free reading of the Bible, which his wicked father, Henry VIII. , had for- bidden them, and he was of a sincerely religious na- ture. He also was a music-lover, and encouraged the art as much as his short life and troubled reign permitted. Hopkins also wrote a preface for his share of the work, in which he spoke with much modesty of him- self and much praise of Sternhold. He said his own verses were not " in any parte to bee compared with his [Sternhold's] most exquisite dooynges." He thinks, however, that his owne are " fruitfull though they bee not fyne." The third edition, in 1556, contained fifty-one psalms ; the fourth, in 1560, had sixty-seven psalms ; the fifth, in 1561, increased the number to eighty- seven ; and in 1562 or 1563 the whole book of psalms appeared. Other authors had some share in this work : Norton, Whyttyngham (a Puritan divine who married Calvin's sister), Kethe, who wrote the 100th Psalm, " All people that on earth do dwell," which is still Been in some of our hymn-books. Of all these men, sly old Thomas Fuller truthfully and quaintly said, u They were men whose piety was better than 176 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. their poetry, and they had drunk more of Jordan than of Helicon." For over one hundred } T ears from the first publica- tion there was a steady outpour of editions of these Psalms. Before the year 1600 there were seventy-four editions, — a most astonishing number for the times; and from 1600 to 1700 two hundred and thirty-five editions. In 1868 six hundred and one editions were known, including twenty-one in this nineteenth cen- tury ,• and doubtless there were still others uncata- logued and forgotten. Among other editions this version had in the time of Charles II. two in short- hand, one printed by " Thos. Cockerill at the Three Legs and Bible in the Poultry." Two copies of these editions are in the British Museum. They are tiny little 64mos, of which half a dozen could be laid side by side on the palm of the hand. Sternhold and Hop- kins' Version had also in 1694 the honor of having arranged for it a Concordance. Upon no production of the religious Muse in the English tongue has greater diversity of criticism been displayed or more extraordinary or varied judgment been rendered than upon Sternhold and Hopkins' Psalms. A world of testimony could be adduced to fortify any view which one chose to take of them. At the time of their early publication they induced a swarm of stinging lampoons and sneering comments, that often evince most plainly that a difference in religious belief or scorn for an opposing sect brought them forth. The poetry of that and the succeed- STERNHOLD AND HOPKINS' VERSION. 177 ing century abounds in allusions to them. Phillips wrote : — " Singing with woful noise Like a crack'd saints bell jarring in the steeple, Tom Sternhold's wretched prick-song for the people." Another poet, a courtier, wrote : — " Sternhold and Hopkins had great qualms When they translated David's psalms." But I see no signs of qualmishness ; they show to me rather a healthy sturdiness as one of their strong- est characteristics. Pope at a later day wrote : — •• Not but there are who merit other palms Hopkins and Sternhold glad the heart with psalms. The boys and girls whom charity maintains Implore your help in these pathetic strains. How could devotion touch the country pews Unless the gods bestowed a proper muse." Wesley sneered at this version, saying, " When it is seasonable to sing praises to God we do it, not in the scandalous doggrel of Hopkins and Sternhold, but in psalms and hymns which arc both sense and poetry, such as would provoke a critic to turn Christian rather than a Christian to turn critic." The edition of 1562 was printed with the notes of melodies that were then called Church -Tunes. They formed the basis of* all future collections of psalm- music for over a century. They soon were published in harmony in four parts, u which may be sung to all 12 178 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. musical instrumentes set forth for the encrease of vertue and abolyshing of other vayne and try fling ballads." In 1592 a very important collection of psalm-tunes was published to use with Sternhold and Hopkins' words. It is called " The Whole Booke of Psalmes : with their wonted tunes as they are sung in Churches composed into four parts." This book is noteworthy because in it the tunes are for the first time named after places, as is still the custom. The music contained square or oblong notes and also lozenge-shaped notes. The square note was a " semy- brave," the lozenge-shaped note was a " prycke " or a " mynymme," and " when there is a prycke by the square note, that prycke is half as much as the note that goeth before." Music at that time was said to be pricked, not printed, — the word being derived from the prick or dot which formed the head of the note. Any song which was printed in various parts was called a prick - song, to distinguish it from one sung extemporaneously or by ear. The word prick-song occurs not only in all the musical books, but in the literature of the time, and in Shakespeare. " Tom Sternhold's " songs were entitled to be called prick-songs because they had notes of music printed with them. Many of the tunes in this collection were taken from the Genevan Psalter and Luther's Psalm-Book, or from Marot and Beza's French Book of Psalms. Hence they were irrever- ently called " Genevan Jiggs," and " Beza's Ballets." There is much difference shown in the wording of STERNHOLD AND HOPKINS' VERSION. 179 these various editions of Sternhold and Hopkins' Psalms. The earlier ones were printed as Sternhold wrote them : but with the Genevan editions began great and astonishing alterations. Warton, who was no lover of Sternhold and Hopkins' verses, calling them " the disgrace of sacred poetry," said of these attempted improvements, with vehemence, that " many stanzas already too naked and weak like a plain old Gothic edifice stripped of its signatures of antiquity, have lost that little and almost only strength and sup- port which they derived from ancient phrases." Other old critics thought that Sternhold, could he return to life, would hardly know his own verses. This is Sternhold' s rendering of the Psalm in the edition of 1549 : — 1. The heavens & the fyrmamente do woridersly declare The glory of God omnipotent his workes and what they are. 2. Ech daye declareth by his course an other daye to come And by the night we know lykwise a nightly course to run. 3. There is no laguage tong or speche where theyr sound is not heard, In al the earth and coastes thereof theyr knowledge is amferd. 4. In them the lord made royally .i -t-t tic for the Bonne Where lyke a Gyant joyfully he myght his iourney runne. 180 THE SABBATH IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND. 5. And all the skye from ende to ende he compast round about No man can hyde hym from his heate but he wll fynd hym out. In order to show the liberties taken with the text we can compare with it the Genevan edition printed in 1556. The second verse of that presumptuous ren- dering reads, — " The wonderous works of God appeare by every days success The nyghts which likewise their race runne the selfe same thinges expresse." The fourth, — " In them the lorde made for the sunne a place of great renoune Who like a bridegrome rady-trimed doth from his chamber come." The expression " rady-trimed," meaning close- shaven, is often instanced as one of the inelegancies of Sternhold, but he surely ought not to be held responsible for the " improvements " of the Genevan edition published after his death. The Genevan editors also invented and inserted an extra verse : — " And as a valiant champion who for to get a prize With joye doth hast to take in hande some noble enterprise." The fifth verse is thus altered : — STERNHOLD AND HOPKINS' VERSION. 181 " And al the skye from ende to ende he compasseth about, Nothing can hyde it from his heate but he wil finde it out." I cannot express the indignation with which I read these belittling and weakening alterations and inter- polations ; they are so unjust and so degrading to the reputation of Sternhold. It seems worse than forgery — worse than piracy ; for instead of stealing from the defenceless dead poet, it foists upon him a spurious and degrading progeny ; there is no word to express this tinkering libellous literary crime. Cromwell had a prime favorite among these psalms ; it was the one hundred and ninth and is known as the " cursing psalm." Here are a few lines from it : — As he did cursing love, it shall betide unto him so, And as he did not blessing love it shall be farre him fro, As he with cursing clad himselfe so it like water shall Into his bowels and like oyl Into his bones befall. As garments let it he to him to cover him for aye And as a girdle wherewith he may girded be alway." Another authority gives the " cursing psalm " as the nineteenth of King James's version ; but there is noth- ing in " The heavens declare the glory of God,"