FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 568 5 V 35 ' ' V- fV & an limits. FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP . CALCUTTA; 'I20Z. \ V t >J. A, ■ CONTENTS. PAGE Psalms, .. Doxologies, .4° Hymns for Christmas Day, .43 -- —for New Tear's Day, .49 ■ .—- /or Good Friday, . 53 -— for Easter-Day, ......... 60 ►——— for Ascension-Day, .65 -/or Whit-Sunday, .67 -- /?;• Trinity-Sunday, .71 Additional Hymns, .77 Anthems, &c. &c .249 ■ . ■ PSALM IV. 1. LORD, who art my righteous judge, ^ v - > ' To my complaint give ear ; Thou (till redeem’d me from diftrefs. Have mercy, Lord, and hear. 2. While worldly minds impatient grow More profperous times to fee; Still let the glories of thy face Shine brightly, Lord, on me. 3. Then down in peace I’ll lay my head, And take my neeaful red ; No other guard, O Lord, I crave, Of thy defence poffefs’d. PSALM VIII. 1, THOU, to whom all creatures bow ^ Within this earthly frame ; Thro’ all the world how great art thou! plow glorious is thy name! 2 . When heaven, thy beauteous work on high, . Employs my wond’ring fight. The moon that nightly rules the Iky, With ftars of feebler light; 7, What’s man, fay I, that. Lord, thou Iov d To keep him in thy mind? Or what his offspring, that thou prov’fl To tbenrfa wond’rous kind? B [ * ] 4. O thou,, to whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame, Th ro’ all the world how great art thou ! How glorious is thv name ! O J Doxology lit. PSALM IX. 1. HpO celebrate thy praife, O Lord, I will my heart prepare ; To all the lifi’ning world thy works. Thy wond’rous works declare. 2. The Lorn for ever lives, who has His righteous throne prepar’d ; Impartial jultice to difpenfe. To punifli or reward. 3. All thofe who have his goodnefs prov'd Will in his truth confide ; Whofe mercy ne’er forfook the man,. That on his help rely’d. PSALM XVIII. To 1\TO change of times fliall ever (hock My firm affection, Lord, to thee r For thou haft always been a rock, A fortrefs and defence to me. 2. Thou my deliv’rer art, my God, My trufi is in thy mighty pow’r ; Thou art my ihield from foes abroad, At home my fafeguard and my tow’r» k [ 3 ] 3. All God’s defigrrs (hall dill fucceed; His word will bear the utmod ted-; He’s a drong Ihield to all that need. And on his fure protection red. 4 . Who then deferves to be ador’d But God, on whom my hopes depend ? Or who, except the mighty Lord, Can with refidlefs pow’r defend? Doxology PSALM XIX. g. (f ~^ OO’s perfeCt law converts the foul, Reclaims from falfe dedres ; With facred w'fdom his fure word The ignorant infpires. 2. The datutes of the Lord are jud. And bring dneere delight ; His pure commands in fearch of truth A did the feebled dght. 3. Of more edeem than golden mines. Or gold refin’d with drill ; M ore fweet than honey, or the drops That from the comb didil, PSALM XXIII. r. nr HE Lord himfelf, the mighty Lord, A Vouchiafes to be my guide ; The Ihepherd, by whofe condant care, My wants are all fupply’d. B 2 [ 4 3 . 2. He does my wand’ring foul reclaim. And, to his endlefs praife, Inftrudls with humble zeal to walk In his molt righteous ways. 3. I pafs the gloomy vale of death From fear and danger free ; For there his aiding rod and (tafF Defend and comfort me. 4. Since God doth thus his wond’rous love Through all my life extend, That life to him I will devote, And in his temple fpend. DoxAogy 1 st. PSALM XXV. ift Part. j. r |PHY mercies and thy love, O Lord, recal to mind ; And gracioufly continue (till. As thou wert ever kind. 2. His mercy and his truth, The righteous Lord difplays. In bringing wand’ring Tinners home, And teaching them his ways. 3. Thro’ all the ways of God Both truth and mercy fliine. To fuch as with religious hearts To his b'efi will incline. r. [ 5 ] PSALM XXV. zi Part. CINCE mercy is the grace ^ l'hat molt exalts thy fame. Forgive my heinous fin, O Lord, And To advance tbv name. 2. The for rows of my heart To mighty Aims incieafe; O! from this dark and difmal Hate My troubled foul reieafe. 3. Do thou with tender eyes My fad affiidlion fee ; Acquit me. Lord, and from my guilt Imirely fet me free. 4. ”7 hy mercies and thy love, O Lord, recal to mind ; And gracioufiy continue ftill. As thou wert ever kind. Doxology id. PSALM XXXI. E. HPO thee, the God of truth, My life and all that's mine, (For thou preferv’dft me from my youth,) I willingly relign. 2. Thofe mercies thou hah fhown I’ll cheerfully exprefs ; For thou haft feen my ftraits, and known My foul in deep diftrefs. [ 6 ] 3. Ye that on God rely, Courageonfty proceed ; For he will (till your hearts fupply With ftrength in time of need. PSALM XXXII. r. TJTE’sbleft whofe fins have pardon gain’d, jl - No more in judgement to appear j Whofe guilt rerlfc’ffion has obtain’d. And whofe repentance is lincere. 3 . While I conceal’d the fretting fore. My bones confum’d without relief ; All day did I with angtiifh roar, But no complaints aifuag’d my grief. 3. No fooner I my wound difclos’d. The guilt that tortur’d me within ; But thy lorgivenefs interpos’d, And mercy’s healing balm pour’d in. 4. Thv favor, Lord, in all diftrefs, My fow’r of refuge I mult own ; Thou (hale my haughty foes fupprels. And me with fongsof triumph crown. Doxolagy 3 d. PSALM XXXIII. ift Part. I. "|f E !' all the juft to God with joy, Their cheerful voices raife ; For well the righteous it becomes, To ling glad longs of ptaife. r 7 ] 2. For faithful is the word of God* His works with truth abound ; He juftice love?, and all the earth Is with his goodnefs crown’d. 3. Bv his almighty word at fir ft. The heav’nly arch w'as rear’d ; And all the beauteous hofts cf light At his command appear’d. PSALM XXXIII. 2d Part. 1 A/ t HATL’ER the mightv Lord decrees, ^ * Shall hand for ever fure ; The fettled purpofe of his heart, To ages ftiall endure. 2. ’Pis God, who thofe that truft in Itim Beholds with gracious eves ; He frees their foul from death, their want In time of dearth fupplies. 3. Our foul on God v/ith patience waits, Our help and fhield is he ; Then, Lord, let ftill our hearts rejoice, Becaufe we truft in thee. 4. The riches of thv metcy, Lord, Do th ou to us extend ; Since we, for all we want or wifll. On thee alone depend. Doxohgy ist. [ 8 ] PSALM XXXIV. irt Part. 1. r jpHRO’ all the changing fcenes of life, X In trouble and in joy, The praifes of my God [hall flill My heart and tongue employ. 2. Of his delivVance I will bo ad. Till all that are diftrefl. From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to reft. 3. O 5 magnify the Lord with me. With me exalt his name ; When in diffrefs to him I call’d, He to my refcue came. PSALM XXXIV. 2d Parr. 1. HP HE hods of God encamp around -*• The dwellings of the juft ; he affords to all Who on his fuccour truff. 2. O l make bnt trial of his love, Experience will decide. How bled they are, and only they. Who on his truth confide. g. Fear him, ye faints, and you will then Have nothing elfe to fear \ Make you his fervice your delight, Your wants Ihall be his care. [ 9 ] 4. While hungry lions lack their prey, The Lord will food provide Lor fuch as put their trufl in him, And fee their needs fupply’d. Doxoiogy i st. PSALM XXXIV. 3 d Part. r. A PPROACH ye pionfly difpos’d, And my inftru&ion hear; I’ll teach you the true difcipline Of his religious tear. 2. The Lord from heav’n beholds the jufl With favorable eyes ; And, when diftrefs’d, his gracious ear Is open to their cries. 3. Deliv’rance to his faints he gives When Ins relief they crave : He’s nigh to heal the broken heart, And contrite fpirit fave. PSALM XXXVI. I. {T\ LORD, thy mercy, my fure hope, Above the heav’nly orb afcends; Tliy f.icred truth’s unmeafui’d fcope Beyond the fpreading fey extends. 2 . Thy juftice like the hills remains ; Unfathom'd depths thy judgments are | Thy providence the world fulfains ; The whole creation is thy care. c [ io 3 3. Since of thy goodnefs all partake, With what aflurance fliould the juft Thv fhelt’ring wings their refuge make, And faints to thy protection trull ! 4. Such guefls (hall to thy courts be led. To banquet on thy love’s repafl; And drink, as from a fountain’s head. Of joys that (hall for ever laft. Doxohgy 3 cl. PSALM XXXVIir. 1. HPHY chafl’ning wrath, O Lord, retrain, Tho’ I deferve it all; Nor let at once on me the dorm Of thy difpieafure fall. 2. My fins, that to a deluge fwell. My finking head o’erfiow ; And for my feeble flrength to bear Too vail a burden grow. Forfake me not, O Lord, my God, Nor far from me depart ; Make hade to my relief, O thou. Who my falvation art. PSALM XXXIX. £. TV yf Y heart did glow with working thought^ IviL A n d no re p 0 f e could take, Till flrong refledlion fann’d the hre, And thus at length 1 fpake : n O* f II ] 2. Lord, let me know my term of days, How foon my life will end ; The num’rous train of ills difclofe, Which this frail Rate attend. 3 Man like a fhadow vainly walks, With fruitlefs care opprefs’d ; He heaps up wealth, but cannot tell By whom ’twill be pollefs’d. 4. Why then fhould I on worthlefs toys, With anxious care attend ? On thee alone my ftedfalt hope Sfiall ever, Lord, depend. Doxology 1 st. PSALM XL. 1. ¥ WAITED meekly for the Lord, Till he vouchfaf’d a kind reply ; Who did his gracious ear afford, And heard from heav’n my humble cry. 2. The wonders he for me has wrought Shall fill my mouth with fongs of praifs ; And others, to his worfhip brought, To hopes of like deliv’rance taife. 3. Who can the wond’rous works recount Which thou, O God, for us had: wrought? The treafores of thy love furmount The pow’r of numbers, fpeech and thought. C 2 [ I* ] PSALM XLIt. t AS pants the hart for cooling dreams, When heated in the chafe, So longs my foul, O God, for thee, And thy ref editing grace. £. For thee, my God, the living God, My thirdy foul doth pine ; C! when Ilia!' I behold thy iuce, T. hou Majefty divine. g. Mv heart is pierc’d, as with a fvvord, While thus my f' es u r b;a:d, “ Vaitt header, w! ere is now thy God ? “ And vsht;e his prom s’d a;d r” 4. Why redlefs, why cad down, my foul? Hope dill, and rhou lhalt ftr.g. The praife of him who is thy God, Thy health's eternal fpring. Doxology 1st. PSALM XLIV. t. LORD, our fathers oft’ have told In our attentive ears, Thy w'onders in their days perform’d, And elder times than their’s. 2 . Awake, arife, let feeming deep No longer thee detain ; Nor let us, Lord, who fue lo thee. For ever fue in vain. r 13 j 3. Arife, O Lord, and timely hafte To our deliv’rance make ; Redeem us, Lord, if not for our’s, Yet for thy mercy’s fake. PSALM LI. 1 ft Part. 1. T_JAVE mercy, Lord, on me. As thou art ever kind ; Let me opprefs’d with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. 2 . In guilt each part was form’d Of all this finful frame ; In guilt I was c inceiv’d and born Tiie heir of fin and lhame. 3. Yet thou, whofe fearching eye Doth inward truth require, In fecret didft with wifdam’s laws. My tender foul infpire. Blot out my crying fins, Nor me in anger view ; Cteate in me a heart that’s clean. An upright.mind renew. Daxohgy 2 d. PSALM LI. Part 2d. f. WITHDRAW not, Lord, thy help, ^ * Nor call me from thy fight} Nor let thy holy Spirit take Its everlalting flight. r 14 ] #. The joy thy favor gives, Lev me again obtain ; And thy free Spirit’s firm fnpport, My fainting foul fuflain. 3. A broken fpirit is By God mn(l highly priz’d ; By him a broken contrite hear: Shall never be defpis’d. PSALM LVII. I. GOD, my heart is fix’d, ’tis bent Its thankful tribute to prefent ; And with my heart mv voice I’ll raife To thee, my God, in fongs of p raife. Awake, my glory ; harp and lute, No longer let your firings be mute * And I, my tuneful part to take, Will with the early dawn awake. 3. Thy praifes, Lord, I will refound To all the lift’ning nations round ; Thy mercy higheft heav’n tranfcends ? Thy truth beyond the clouds extends. 4. Be thou, O God, exalted high ; And, as thy glory fills the fky, So let it be on earth difplay’d, Till thou art here as there obey’d. •DoXCtlooy i [ >5 3 PSALM LIX. j. (TA\N thee I wait, ’tis on thy rtrength . For fuccour I depend ; ’Tis thou, O C ?«d, art my defence, Who only canft defend. 2. Whilft early I thy mercy fing. Thy wond’rous pow’r confefs ; For thou halt been my fare defence. My refuge indirtrefs. 3. To thee with never-ceafing praife, O God, my ftrength, I’ll ling ; Thou art my God, the rock from whence My health and fafety fpring. PSALM LXVII. 1. HTO blefs thy chofen race In mercy, Lord, incline; And caufe the brightnefs of thy face On all thy faints to fhine : 2 . That fo thy wond’rous way May thro’ the world be known ; Whilft diftant lands their tribute pay ; And thy falvation own, 3. Let diff’ring nations join To celebrate thy fame ; Let all the world, O Lord, combine To praife thy glorious name. [ 16 ] 4. O let them (hout and ling, With joy and pious mirth ; For thou, the righteous Judge and King, Shalt govern all the earth. D oxo logy 2 d. PSALM LXVIII. f. JTTOR benefit each day bedow’d, Be daily his great name ador’d ; Wbo is our Saviour, and our God, Of life and death the fov’reLn Lord. 2. How dreadful are the facred courts, Where God has fix’d his awful throne! His (Length his feeble faints fnpports ; To God give praife and him alone. 3. E’en rebels (hall partake thy grace, And humble profelytes repair To vvorfhip at thy dwelling place, And all the world pay homage there. PSALM LXXI. 1. TN thee I put my dedfad trud, Defend me. Lord, from lbame ; Incline thine ear and fave my foul, For righteous is thy name. 2. Thy righteous a&s and faving heallhj My mouth (hall ltill declare ; Unable yet to count them all, Tho’ fumm’d with utmudeare. I [ i7 1 While God vouchfafes me his fupport. I’ll in his ffrength go on ; All other righteoufnefs difclaim, And mention his alone. 4. Then joy {hall fill my mouth, and fongs Empty my cheerful voice; My grateful foul, by* thee redeem'd, Shall in thy ftrengh rejoice. Doxology 1st. i PSALM LXXXIV. t. (O) LORD of hoffs, the mighty Lord, How lovely is the place Where thou, inthron’d in glory, fhew’ft The brightnefs of thy face. 2. For in thy courts one fingle day, ’Tis better to attend, Thdn, Lord, in any place befides A thoufand days to fpend. g. Thou God, whom heav’nly hoffs obey, How highly blefs’d is he Whofe hope and truft, fecurely plac’d, Is {fill repos’d on thee! PSALM LXXXV. I. r || ^HY gracious favor, Lord, difplay. Which we have long implor’d ; And, for thy wond’rous mercy’s fake. Thy wonted aid afford, D C is 1 2 . For mercy now with truth is join’d, And righteoufnefs with peace, Like kind companions abfent long. With friendly arms embrace. 3. Truth from the earth fhall fpring, whilft heav Shall dreams of juftice pour ; And God, from whom all goodnefs flows, Shall endlefs plenty fhow’r. 4. Before him righteoufnefs fhall march, And his jufl paths prepare, WhiUt we his holy Heps purfue. With conflant zeal and care. Doxshgy 1st. PSALM LXXXVI. 1. HpO my complaint, O Lord my God, -L Thy gracious ear incline ; Hear me, diflrefs’d, and deftitute Of all relief but thine. 2. To me, who daily thee invoke, Thy mercy, Lord, extend ; Refrefh thy fervant’s foul, whofe hopes On thee alone depend. 3. Thou, Lord, art good ; not only good, But prompt to pardon too ; Of plenteous mercy to all thofe YVho for thy mercy fue. [ 19 ] PSALM XC. 1. /Oj LORD, the Saviour and defence Of us thy chofen race ; From age to age thou dill haft been Our fure abiding-place. 2. Before thou brought’^ the mountains forth, Or th’ earth and world did’ft frame, Thou always wert the mighty God, And ever art the fame. 3. Thou turned man, O Lord, to duff, Of which he fir lb was made; And when thou fpeak’d the w 7 ord, return, ’Tis inltantly obey’d. 4. So teach us, Lord, th’ uncertain fum Of our fhort days to mind. That to true wifdom all our hearts May ever be inclin’d, Doxology isf^ PSALM XCIL I. OOW good and pleafant mud it be To thank the Lord molt high; And with repeated hymns of praile His name to magnify. 2, With ev’ry morning’s early dawn His goodnefs to relate ; And of his conlfant truth, each night, The glad effe£ts repeat! P 2 [ 20 ] 3. For thro’ thy wond’rous works, O Lord, Thou male’!! my heart rejoice ; The thoughts of them (hall make me glad, And fhout with cheerful voice. PSALM XCIII. 1. T ]{T ITH glory dad, with ftrength array’d, * ^ The Lord, that o’er all nature reigns, The world’s foundation flrongly laid. And the valt fabric ftill fultains. 2. How furely 'ftablifh’d is thy throne 1 Which lhall no change or period fee ; For thou, O Lord, and thou alone, Art God from all eternity. 3. The floods, O Lord, lift up their voice, And tofs the troubled waves on high ? But God above can ftill their noife, And make the angry fea comply. * 4. Thy promife. Lord, is ever fure; And they that in thy houfe would dwell. That happy ftation to fecure, JVluft ftill in holinefs excel. Doxology 3 d. PSALM XCV. I. (T~\ COME, loud anthems let us fing; Loud thanks to our Almighty King, For we our voices high fhould raife, When our falvation’s rock we praife. [ 21 ] 2, Into his prefence let us hafle To thank him for his favors pad ; To him addrefs, in joyful fengs, The praife that to his name belongs# 3. O let us to his courts repair. And bow with adoration there ; Down on our knees devoutly all Before the Lord our maker fall. PSALM C. 1. TT^TITH one confent let all the earth I o God their cheerful voices raife ) Glad homage pay with awful mirth. And ling before him fongs of praife. 2 . Convinc’d that he is God alone. From whom both we and all proceed $ We, whom he chufes for his own, The flock that he vouchfafes to feed. 3. O enter then his temple gate. Thence to his courts devoutly prefs $ And (till your grateful hymns repeat. And ft ill his name with praifes blefs. 4* For he’s the Lord, fupremely good, Flis mercy is for ever fure ; His truth, which always firmly flood, T o endlefs ages fhall endure. l^oxolcgy 3d. [ 22 ] PSALM Cl I. i ft Part. To thy eternal throne of grace Let my fad cry afcend. 2. My days, jufl had’ning to their end. Are like an ev’ning ihade ; My beauty does, like wither’d grafs. With waning ludre fade. g. Bat thy eternal date, O Lord, No length of time lhall wade ; The mem’ry of thy wond'rous works. Prom age to age fhall lad. PSALM Cl I. 2d Part. 5. r TP , HE ftrong foundations of the earth _L Of old by thee were laid ; Tiiy hands, the beauteous arch of heav’n With wond’rous fkill have made. 2. Whilft thou forever (halt endure. They foon lhall pafs away, And, like a garment often worn Shall tarnifh and decay. 3. Like that, when thou ordain’d their change, To thy command they bend : But thou continu’d dill the fame, Nor have thy years an end. L 2 3 ] 4. Thou to the children of thy faints Shall lading quiet give ; "Whole happy race, fecurely fix’d, Shall in thy prefence live. Doxohgy 1 it. PSALM CIII. id Part. I, T\/[Y foul infpir’d with facred love, ^ ^ God’s holy name for ever blefs ; Of all his favors mindful prove, And dill thy grateful thanks exprefs. C. Tis he that all thy fins forgives. And after licknefs makes thee found : From danger he thy lde letrieves, By him with grace and mercy crown’d. 3. The Lord abounds with tender love. And unexampled acts of grace ; His waken’d wrath doth llowly move. His willing mercy flies apace. PSALM CIII. 2d Part. 1. GOD will not always hardily chide. But with his anger quickly part; And loves his punilhments to guide More by his love than ourtiefert. 2. For God, who all our frame furveys, Conliders that we are but clay ; How frelh foe’er we feem, our days Likegrafs or flow’rs mult lade away. 3. The Lord, the oniverfal King, In heav’n lias fix’d his lofty throne: To him, ye angels, paifesfing, In whole great ftrength his pow’r is fhow 4. Let ev’ry creature jointly blefs The mighty Lord : and thou, my heart. With grateful joy thy thanks exprefs, And in this concert bear thy part. Doxohgy 3 d. PSALM CIV. 1. "DLESS God my foul; thou Lord, alone PofiTefTefl: empire without bounds ; With honor thou art crown’d, thy throne Eternal majefiy furrounds. 2 . With light thou doft thyfelf enrobe. And glory fora garment take ; Heav’n’s curtains firetch beyond the globe, 1 hy canopy of date to make. 3. How various, Lord, thy works are found ; For which thy wifdom we adore ! The earth is with thy treafure crown’d, I ill nature’s hand can grafp no more. PSALM CV. f. (Tj) RENDER thanks and blefs the Lord, Invoke his facred name ; Acquaint the nations with his deeds, His matchlefs deeds proclaim. L 2 5 ] 2 . Sing to his praife ; in lofty hymns His wond’rous works rehearfe ; Make them the theme of your difcourfe* And lubjedt of your verfe. 3 . Rejoice in his Almighty name. Alone to be ador’d ; And let their hearts o’erflow with joy That humbly feek the Lord. 4. Seek ye the Lord ; his faving (Length Devoutly Rill implore ; And where he’s ever prefent, feek His face for evermore. Doxology ui. PSALM CVI. !• RENDER thanks to God above 3 The fountain of eternal love ; Whofe mercy firm, thro’ ages paR Has Rood, and (hall for ever laft. 2. Who can his mighty deeds exprefs, Not only vaR, but numberlefs ; What moital eloquence can raife His tribute of immortal praife ? 3. Happy are they, and only they, Who irotn thy judgements never Rrayj Who know what’s right; not only fo. But always pra£tif@ what they know* E [ 26 ] PSALM CVIII. X. (f~\ GOD, my heart is fully bent - . To magnify thy name ; My tongue, with cheerful fongs of praife. Shall celebrate thy fame. 2. To all the lift’ning tribes, O Lord, Thy wonders I will tell ; And to thofe nations fing thy praife That round about us dwell : 3. Becaufe thy mercy’s boundlefs height The higlieft heav’n tranfcends ; And far beyond th’ afpiring clouds Thy faithful truth extends. 4. Be thou, O God, exalted high Above the Harry frame ; And let the world, with one confenf, Confefs thy glorious name. Doxology 6 fb. PSALM CXI. 1. "ORAISE ye the Lord ; our God to praife My foul her utmoft pow’r lhall raife ; With private friends, and in the throng Of faints, his praife fhall be rny fong. 2 . His works are all of matchlefs fame And univerfal glory claim ; H is truth, confirm’d thro’ ages paft. Shall to eternal ages laft* [ 2 7 3 3- Who wifdom’s facred prize would win, MuO with the fear of God begin ; Immortal praife and heav’nly {kill Have they, who know and do his will. PSALM CXIIL f. TTE faints and fervants of the Lord, '1 he triumphs of his name record; His facred name for ever blefs: Where-e’er the circling fun difplays, His rifing beams or fetting rays, Due praife to his great name addrefs. 2 . God thro’ the world extends his fway ^ The regions of eternal day But fhadows of his glory are: With him whofe rr.ajefly excels, Who made the heav’n in whidr he dwells, Let no created pow’r compare. o. Tho’ ’tis beneath his date to view * In highed heav’n what angels do. Yet he to earth vouchfafes his care 4 He takes the needy from his cell Advancing him in courts to dwell. Companion to the greateft there. Doxology 4th. E % r *s ] PSALM CXVIII. 1. PRAISE the Lord, for he is good, His mercies ne’er decay : Thath is kind favors ever laft, Let thankful Ifrael fay. 2. Far better ’tis to truft in God, And have the Lord our friend. Than op the grea'elt human pow’r, For fafety to depend. 3. O then with me give thanks to God, Who dill does gracious prove ; And let the tribute of our praife Be endlefs as his love. PSALM CXIX. 1 ft Part. £. ¥ TOW blefs’d are they who always keep jLJL The pure and perfect way! Who never from the facred paths Of God’s commandments (tray ! 2. Thou ftri&ly haft injoin’d us, Lord, ToJcarn thy facred will, And all our diligence employ Thy ftatutes to fulfil. 3. O then that thy moft holy will Might o’er my ways prefide. And I the cout fe of all my life By thy dire&ion guide! t [ 2 9 3 4. Then with fhonld I walk. From all coufufion free ; Convinc’d, with joy, that all my ways With thy commands agree. Doxohgy at, PSALM CXIX. 2d Part. 1. BE gracious to thy fervant, Lord ; Do thou my life defend, That I according to thv word, My future time mav fpend. 2. Enlighten both my eyes and mind. That fo I may difcern The wond’rous things which they behold. Who thy juft precepts ieurn. o. Do thou, to thy moft juft commands. Incline my willing heart ; Let no defire of worldly wealth. From thee my thoughts divert. PSALM CXIX. 3d Part. r. Q LORD, my God, my portion thou And fare poileftion art ; Thy words, I ftedfaftly refolve, To treafure in my heart. 2. With all the ft •ength of warm defire, I did thy grace implore : Difclofe, according to thy word, I hy mercy’s boundlefs ftore. [ 3° ] 3. With due reflexion and ftridl care. On al! my ways I thought ; And fo reclaim’d to thy juft paths, My wand’ring fteps I brought. 4. O’er all the earth thy mercy, Lord, Abundantly i; fhed ; C make me then exactly learn, Thy facred paths to tread. ' Dsxology I st. PSALM CXIX. 4th Part, i-T 7 WITH me, thy fervant, thou haft dealt * * Moft gracioufly, O Lord j Repeated benefits beftow’d, According to thy word. 2. Before affli&ion flopp'd my courfe My footfteps went aftray ; But l have fmce been difciplin'd Thy precepts to obey. 3. Thou art, O Lord, fupremely good, And all thou doit is fo ; On me, thy ftatutes to difcern. Thy faving Ikill beftow. PSALM CXIX» 5th Part. I. 5 npIS good for me, that I have felt -**■ Aftli&ion’s chaft’ning rod ; That I might duly learn and keep The ftatutes of my God, [ 3 1 1 2. That right thy judgments are, I noW By fune experience lee; And, that in faithfulnefs, O Lord, Thou haft aftli&ed me. 3. To me thy fervant in diftref?, Thy wonted grace difplay ; And difcipline my willing heart Thy ftatutes to obey. 4. Directed by thy heav’nly word Let all my footfteps be ; Nor wickednefs, of any kind. Dominion have o’er me. Doxology 1st. PSALM CXIX. 6th Part. 1. npO my requeft, and earneft cry JL Attend, O gracious Lord : Infpire my heart with heav’nly (kill, According to thy word. 2. Let my repeated pray’r at laft Before thy throne appear ; According to thy plighted word. For my relief draw near. 3. Then (hall my grateful lips return The tribute of their praife, When thou, thy counfels haft reveal’d. And taught me thy juft ways. r 3 z i PSALM CXXX. j. 7 \/l Y foul with patience waits p* or thee, the living Lord : My hopes are on thy promife built. Thy never failing word. 2. My longing eyes look out For thy eniiv’ning ray, More duly than the morning watch To fpy the dawning day. 3. Let Ifrael truft in God, No bounds his mercy knows ; . The plenteous four e and Ipring, from whence internal fuccour flows. 4. Whofe friendly dreams to us Supplies in want convey ; A healing fpring, a fpring to cleanfe And wafh cur guilt away. D ox 0 logy 2d. PSALM CXXXVI. J. r ]PO God, the mighty Lord, Your joyful thanks repeat ; To him due praife afford, As good as he is great : For God does prove Our conftant friend. His buundlefs love Shall never end. [ 33 ] 2 . To him vvhofe wond’rous pow’tf All other Gods obey. Whom earthly kings adore. This grateful homage pay ; For God does prove Our conllant friend H is boundlefs love Shall never end. 3. He does the food fupply On which all creatures live £ To God, who reigns on high, Eternal praifes give : For God will prove Our conftant friend. His boundlefs love Shall never end, PSALM CXXXVIII. t. \KT I T H my whole heart, my God and King, Thy praife 1 will proclaim ; Before the Gods with joy I’ll fing, And blefs thy holy name. 2 . I’ll worlhip at thy facred feat And, with thy love infpir’d, The praifes of thy truth repeat, O’er all thy works admir’d. £ r 34 j 3. Thou grncioufly inclin’d^ thine car. When J to thee did cry ; And, when my foul was prcfsM with fear, Didft inward flrength fupply. 4, The Lord, whofe mercies ever laff, Shall fix my happy {fate; And, mindful of lus favors pad, Shall iiis own work complete, Doxohgy \st. PSALM CXXXIX. 1. HP H O U, Lord, by Ilritlell fearch had known My riling up and lying down ; My lecret thoughts are known to thee. Known long before conceiv’d by me. 2. Search, try, O God, my thoughts and hearty If mifehief lurks in any part ; Correct me, where I go affray, And guide me, in thy perfect way. 3. Let me acknowledge too, O God, 1 hat, lince this maze of life I trod. Thy thoughts of love to rue, furmounf The pow’r of numbers to recount. PSALM CXLIII. I. T ORD, hear my pray’r ; and to my cry dL-t Thy wonted audience lend ; In thy accuflom’d faith and truth, A gracious anfvvcr fen I. 2 . Nor at thy ftriT tribunal bring Thy fervant to be tryM ; For, in thy light, no living man Can e’er be juftif'y’d. 3. I call to mind the days of old, And wonders thou haft wrought; My former dangers, and escapes Employ my mufijig thought. 4. Thou art my God ; thy righteous will Inltrudt me to obey : Let thy good fpirit lead, and keep My foul in thy right way. Doxohgy ■ 1 it. PSALM CXLV. lit Part. " ' id King, Thy emllcfs praife proclaim ; This tribute daily I will bring, And ever blefs thy name. 2 . Thou, Lord, beyond compare art great. And highly to be prais’d ; Thy majefty with boundlefs height Above our knowledge 1 ‘ng himfelf comes near, And feafts his faints to day, Here we may fit, and fee him here, And love, and praife and pray. 3. One day amidd the place, Where my dear God hath been, Is Tweeter than ten thoufand days. Of pleafurable lin. 4. My willing foul wmuld day. In fuch a frame as this ; And fit, and ling herl’elf away. To everlading blifs. C 61 J HYMN XXII. I. Iv/ES the Redeemer rofe ; -a- The Saviour left the dead ; And o’er his hellifh foes, High rais’d his conqu’ring head; In wild difmay, The guards around. Fall to the ground. And fink away. 2. Lo ! the angelic bands. In full aifembly meet, To wait his high commands, And.vvorfhip at his feet; Joyful they come ; And wing their way From realms of day. To Jefus’ tomb. 3. Then back to heav’n they fly. The joyful news to bear: Hark! as they foar on high. What mufic fills the air i Their anthems fay, “ Jefus who bled “ Hath left the dead j et He rofe to-day.” [ 62 1 4. Yc mortals, catch the found. Redeem'd by him from hell ; .And fend the echo round The globe on which you dwell; Transported cry, “ jefos who bled t£ Hath left the dead <£ No more to die.” 5. All hail, triumphant Lord, Who fav'lt us with thy blood! Wide be thy name ador’d, Thou riling, reigning God! With thee we rife, With thee we reign, And Empires gain Beyond the Ikies. HYMN xxiir. 1. /OHRIST, the Lord, is ris’n to day 3 Sons of men and angels fay ; Raife your joys and triumphs high. Sing ye heav'ns, and earth reply. 2. Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won; Lo ! the fun's cciipfe is o'er, Lo! he fets in blood no m >re. t 6 3 ] 4. Vain the ftone, the watch, the Tea], Chrifl hath burlt the gates of hell, Death in vain forbids his life, Chritf hath open’d Paradife. 4. Lives again onr glorious King “ Where, O death, is now thy fling r” Once he dy’d otir fouls to fave, “ Where’s thy vidPry, boafling grave 5. What tho* once we peri fil’d all, Partners of our parents’ fall ; Second life let us receive. In our heav’nly Adam live. 6 . Hail the Lord of earth and heav’n! Praife to thee by both be giv’n ! Thee vve greet triumphant now. Hail the refurredlicn thou. HYMN XXIV. 1. A WAKE, our drowfy fouls, ^Shake off each flothful band. The wonders of this day Our nobleft fougs demand. Aufpicious morn! thy blifsful rays. Bright feraphs hail in fongs of praife. 2. At thy approaching dawn, Reluclant death refign’d *1 he glorious Piince of Life, Its dark domains confin’d : Th’ angelic hoft around him bends. And ’midft their Ihouts the Gcd afcends. C 64 ] 3. All hail triumphant Lord, Heav’n with hofannas rings 5 While earth in humbler drains. Thy praife refponfive lings: Worthy art thou, who once wad flain^ Thro’ endlefs years to live and reign. 4. Gird on, great God, thy fword, Afcend thy conqu’ring car While judice, truth, and love Maintain the glorious war: Victorious thou, thy foes flialt tread^ And fin and death in triumph lead. 5. Make bare thy potent arm, And wing th’ unerring dart 4 Vv r ith falutary pangs, To each rebellious heart: Then dying fouls for life fhall fue, Num’ drops of morning dew, HYMN XXV. 4. /TVUR Lord is rifen from the dead, Our Jefus is gone up on high: The pow’rs of hell are captive led, Dragg’d to the portals of the fkv. • There his triumphal chariot waits. And angels chant the folemn lay ; Lift up your heads, ye heav’nly gates, Ye everlafting doors, give way.” [ 65 ] g. Loofe all your bars of mafly light. And wide unfold th’ ethereal fcene 5 He claims thefe manfions as his right, Receive the King of Glory in ! 4. « Who is the King of Glory, who ?” The Lord, that all his foes o’ercame ; The world, fin, death and hell oenhrew. And JefuS is the Conqu’ror’s name. 5. Lo! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the folemn lay, « Lift up your heads, ye heav’nly gates, “ Ye everlafting doors give way.” 6. “ Who is the King of Glory, who r” The Lord of glorious pow’r pofleft, The King of faints and angels too, God over all, for ever bleft l FOR ASCENSION DAY. HYMN XXVI. 1. TIOSANNA to the Prince of Light, JTI That cloth’d himfelf in clay} Enter’d the iron gates of death, And tore the bars away. 2. Death is no more the king of dread, Since our Immanuel rofe ; He took the tyrant’s fling away. And fpoil’d our hellilh foes. K [ 66 ] 3- Sec how the Conqu’ror mounts aloi% And to his Father flies, Wrh wounds, of glory in his flefh. And triumph in his eyes. 4.. Raife your devotion, mortal tongues, To reach his bled abode; Sweet be the accents of our fongs To our incarnate God. 5. Bright angels flrike your loudeft firing?,,' Your fweetefi voices raife ; Let heav’n, and alJ created things,. Sound our Immanuel’s praife. HYMN XXVIL t. FOR a fhout of facred joy, To God the Sov’reign King! Let ev’ry land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph Ting. 2. Jefus our God, afcends on high ! His heav’nly guads around. Attend him riling thro’ the fl . How bright the triumph none can tell, When the rebellious pow’rs of hell, r l hat thoufand fouls had captive made, Were all in chains like captives led. A.. Rais’d by his Father to the throne, He lent the promis’d Spirit down, With sifts and grace for rebel men, That God might dwell on earth again. FOR WHIT SUNDAY. \ HYMN XXIX. ?. Holy Spirit, heav’nly Dove, ^ With all thy quick’ning pow’rs, fondle a flame of facred love, In thefe cold hearts of our’s. K 2 [ 6S ] Look how we grovel here below, Forul of thefe trifling toys ; Our fouls can neither fly nor go, To reach eternal joys. 3. Great God ! and (hall we ever be, At this poor dying rate ? Cur love fo faint, fo cold to thee, And thine to us fo great ? 4. Come, Holy Spirit, heav’nly Dove, With all thy quick’ning pow’rs. Come died abroad a Saviour’s love, And that lhali kindle our’s. HYMN XXX. X. (OR.EATOR Spirit, by whofe aid. The world’s foundations firft were laid Come vifit ev’ry pious mind, Come pour thy joys on human kind: From fin and forrow fet us free, And make thy temples worthy Thee. 2. Thrice holy fount! thrice holy fire ! Our hearts with heav’nly love infpire ; Come, and thy facred undtion bring, To fandlify us while we fing: And left our feet fhould ftep aftray, Protedl and guide us all the way. [ 6 9 ] 3. Illumine our dull darken’d fight, Thou fource of uncreated light; M ake us eternal truths receive, And pra&ife all that we believe: . Give us thyfelf, that we may fee The Father and the Son, by Thee. 4. Immortal honor, endlefs fame, Attend th’ Almighty Father’s name ; The Saviour Son be glorify’d. Who for loll man’s redemption dy’d: And equal adoration be. Eternal Spirit, paid to Thee. HYMN XXXI. 1. /POME, bleffed Lord, defcend and dwell, By faith and love in ev’ry bread ; Then fhall we know, and fade and feel. The joys that cannot be exprefs’d. 2. Come fill our hearts with inward ftrength. Make our enlarged fouls poiTefs, And learn the height, and breadth, and length, Of thine unmeafurable grace. 3. Now to the God whofe pow’r can do More than our thoughts or wilhes knovr. Be everlading honors done, By all the church, through Chrift his Son. [ 7 ° ] HYMN XXXir. e. INTERNAL Spirit! we confefs, And fing tlie wonders of thy grace £ Thy pow’r conveys our blellings down From God the Father and the Son. 9 . Enlighten’d by thine heav’nly ray, Our (hades and darknefs turn to day ; Thine inward teachings make us know Our danger, and our refuge too. £ Thy pow’r and glory work within, And break the chains of reigning fin j Do our imperious lulls fubdue, And form our wretched hearts anew. The troubled confcience knows thy voice Thy cheering words awake our joys j Thy words allay the ftormy wind, And calm the furges of the mind. HYMN XXXIII. Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who doll thy fevenfold gift impart: Thy hlelTed unction from above Is comfort, life, and fire of love. [ 7 1 ] 2. Enable with perpetual light. The dullness of our blinded fight ; Anoint and cheer us all our days, With the abundance of thy g;ace ; Our foes convert, give peace at home 5 Where thou art guide, no ill can come, 3. Teach ns to know the Fa'her, Son, And Thee ; a Trinity in One: That thro’ the ages all along This, this may be our endlels fong ; All praife to thy eternal love ; Great bather, Sun, and myltic Dove! FOR TRINITY SUNDAY, HYMN XXXIV., 1, RATHER of Glory, to thy name, Immortal praife we give, Who doth an act' of grace proclaim, And bid us rebels live. 2 . Immortal honor to the Son, Who makes thine anger ceafe ; Our 1 ives he ranfom’d with his own, And dy’d to make our peace. 3° To thy almighty Spirit be Immortal glory giv’n, Whofe influence brings us near to Thee, And trains us up for heav’n. [ 7 * ] 4* Let men, with their united voice, Adore th’ eternal God, And fpread h : s honors and their joys, Through nations far abroad. 5. Let faith, and love, and duty join, One gen’ral fong to raife ; Let faints in earth and heav'n combine. In harmony and praife. HYMN XXXV. X. "P LEST be the Father and his love, -p' To whofe celeftial fource we owe ^■ lv ers of endlefs joys above, And rills of comfort here below. 2 . Glory to thee, great Son of God ! Forth from whofe wounded body rolls A precious ftream of vital blood. Pardon and life for dying fouls. #. We give the facred Spirit praife. Who in our hearts of fin and wo' Makes living ftreams of grace arifc, And into boundlefs glory flow. 4. Thus God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit w r e adore ; That fea of life, and love unknown. Without a bottom or a fhorc. [ 73 J HYMN XXXVI. 1. (f^OME, thou Almighty King, ^ Help us thy name to ftng, Help us to praife ! Father all glorious, O’er all victorious; Come and reign over us, Ancient of clays. 2. Come thou Incarnate Word, Gird on thy mighty fword— Our pray’r atiend ! Come ! and thy people blefs, And give thy word fuccefs, Spirit of holinefs, On us defcend ! 3. Come, Holy Comforter, Thy facred witnefs bear, J n this glad hour ! Thou who Almighty art, Now rule in ev’ry heart, And ne’er frcm us depart, Spirit of Pow’r! jf 4. To the great One in Three, Eternal praifes be, Hence—evermore I His Sovereign Majefty, May we in glory fee. And to eternity I^ove and adore ! L [ 74 ] HYMN XXXVII. 1. f\ FATHER of heav’n ! be ever ador’u, 1 by mercy we find, in fending our Lord To ranforn and blefs us; thy goodriels we praife, For fending, in Jefus, falvation by grace. 2 . O Son of his love ! who deigned!! to die, Our curfe to remove, our pardon to buy, Accept our thankfgiving, Almighty to hive, Who opened heaven to all that believe. 3. O Spirit of love, of health, and of pow’r ! Thy working we prove, thy grace we adore ; Whofe inward revealing applies our Lord’s blood, Atteding and fealing us children of God. HYMN XXXVIII. If. T ET God the Father live -L-* For ever on our tongues ; Sinners from his free love derive The ground of all their fongs. 2. Ye faints, employ your breath In honor to the Son, Who bought your fouls from hell and deatlv. By off’ring up his own. [ 75 J 3. Give to the Spirit praife Of an immortal fhain, Whofe light and pow’r and grace conveys Salvation down to men. 4. While God the Comforter, Reveals our pardon’d fin, O may the blood and water bear The fame record within. 5. To the great One in Three, That feal this grace in heav’n, The Father, Son, and Spirit, be Eternal glory giv’n. HYMN XXXIX. 5. ¥ GIVE immortal praife, To God the Father’s love. For all my comforts here. And better hopes above : He fent his own eternal Son, To die for fins that man had done. 2 . To God the Son belongs. Immortal glory too, Who bought us by his blood. From everlalting woe : And now he lives, and now he reigns. And fees the fruit of all his pains. L 2 C 76 ] 3. To God the Spirit’s name, Immortal worlhip give, Whofe new-creating pow’r Makes the dead fmner live : H is work completes the great ddign. And fills the foul with joy divine. 4. Almighty God ! to Thee Be endlefs honors done, The undivided Three, And the mylterious One: Where reafon fails with all her pow’rs^ There faith prevails, and loye adores.. HYMN XL. 2, /O LORY to God, the Father’s name, To Jefus, who for Tinners dy’d ; The holy Spirit claims the fame, By whom our fouls are fandtify’d. 2. Thy praife wa’ all thy temple (hine ; My God, repeat that heav’nly hour, That vifion fo divine ! 3. Not life itfelf, with all her joy?, ' Can my belt paflions move. Or raife fo high my cheerful voice, As thy forgiving love. 4. Thus, till my laft expiring day, I’ll blefs my God and ; Thus will I lift my hands to pray. And tune niy lips to ling. HYMN XLVII. ♦ 1. Y fpirit looks to God alone ; My rock and refuge is his throne In all my fears, in all my (traits, My foul on his falvation waits. 2. Truft him, ye faints, in all your ways* Pour out your hearts before his face : When helpers fail, and foes invade, God is our all-fufficient aid. 3. Once has his awful voice declar’d. Once and again my ears have heard, “ All pow’r is his eternal due ; “ He muft be fear’d and trulted. too. ‘ M [ ] 4, For fov’.reign povv'r feigns not alone,- Grace is a partner cf the throne ; Thy grace and judice, mighty Lord ! Shall well divide our lad reward. HYM^T XLVI 11 . 1. THAT the Lord would guide my ways To keep his flatutes (till ! O that my God would grant me grace. To know and do his will ! 2. O fend thy Spirit down to write, Thy law upon my heart ! Nor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor adt the liar’s part. 3. From vanity turn off my eyes y Let no corrupt defign, Nor covetous defires arife Within this foul of mine. 4. Order my footdeps by thy word. Arid make my heart fmcere, Let fin have no dominion, Lord, But keep my confcience clear. HYMN XLIX. 1. "OTAR me, O God, nor hide thy face,. JLJL g U ( anfwer, led i die ; Haft thou not built a throne of grace To hear when ftnners cry : [ 8 , ] 2. My days are wafted, like the fnoke, DilTblvLng in the air; My ftrengtb is dry’d, my heart is broke. And linking in defpair. 3. My fpirits flag, like with’ring grafs, Burnt with excellive heat ; In fecret groans my minutes pals, And I forget to eat. 4. As on fbme lonely building’s top. The fparrow tells her moan, Far from the tents of joy and hope- I lit and grieve alone. HYMN L. 1. (f~\ ! BLESSED fouls are they Whofe fins are cover’d o’er ! Divinely blefs’d, to whom the Lord Imputes their guilt no more. 2. They mourn their follies paft. And keep their hearts with care; Their lips and lives without deceit Shall prove their faith lincere. 3. While I conceal’d my guilt, I felt the feft’ring wound. Till I confefs’d my fins to Thee 5 And ready pardon found. M 2 [ 84 ] 4- Let Tinners learn to pray, Let faints keep near the throne j Our help in times of deep diftrefs Is found in God alone. HYMN LI. 1. QONGS of immortal praife belong To my Almighty God: He has my heart, and he my tongue. To fpread his name abroad. 2. How great the works his hand has wrought i How glorious in our Tight ! And men in ev’ry age have fought His wonders with delight. 3- H ow mod exa£l is nature’s frame ! Hew wife th’ eternal mind ! H is counfels never change the feheme That his Hrlt thoughts defign’d. 4. When he redeem’d his chofen Tons, He fix’d his cov’nant lure : The orders that his lips pronounce. To endlefs years endure. 5. Nature and time, and earth and fkies, Thy heav’nly fkill proclaim : What fhall we do to make us wife, But learn to read thy name ? [ 35 1 6. To fear thy pow’r, to truft thy grace^ Is our divineft (kill ; And lie’s the wifeft of our race That beft obeys thy will. HYMN LII. 1. "OEHOLD the lofty fky Declares its Maker God, And all his Harry works on high Proclaim his pow’r abroad. 2. In ev’ry diff’rent land Their gen’ral voice is known ; They lhew the wonders of his hand And orders of his throne. 3. His ftatutes and commands Are fet before our eyes ; He puts his gofpel in our hands Where our falvation lies. 4. His laws are juft and pure, H is truth without deceit. His promifes for ever fure. And his rewards are great*. y Not honey to the tafte Affords fo much delight. Nor gold that has the furnace paft So much allures the fight. t 8 * ] 6. While of thy works I fing Thy glory to proclaim ; Accept ihe praife, my God, my King, In my Redeemer’s Name, HYMN LIII. To (how thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night, 2. Sweet is the day of facred reft, No mortal cares fhall feize my bread ; O may my heart in tune be found, Like David’s harp, of folemn found ; 3. My heart fhall triumph in my Lord, And blefs his works, and blefs his word ; Thy works of grace how bright they fhine! How deep thy counfels ! how divine! 4. Yes ! I fhall fhare a glorious parr, When grace hath well refin’d my heart, And frefh fupplies of joy are fhed, Like holy oil, to cheer my head, 5. Sin (my word enemy before) Shall vex my eyes and ears no more 5 My inward foes fhall all be Haiti, Nor Satan brea^ my peace again. Q WEET is the work, my God, my King, Tn nraifp thy name, give thanks, and To praife fine [ «7 1 6, Then fhall I fee, and hear, and know, All I defired, or wilh’d below ; And ev’ry pow’r find fweet employ ]n that eternal world of joy. HYMN LIV. X. TTirHAT finners value I refigh ; * ^ l.ord, his enough that thou art mine I (hall behold thy blifsful face, And (land complete in righteoufnefs. 2. Th is life’s a dream, an empty fhow 5 But the bright world to which I go Hath joys fubftantial and fincere ; When fhall i wake and find me there J 3. O glorious hour! O blelYd abode, I fhall be near and like my Cod'! And flefh and fin no more control The facred pieafures of the foul. 4. My flefh fhall flumber in the ground. Till the lafl trumpet’s joyful found; Then buill the chains with fweet furprife,- And in my Saviour’s image rife. HYMN LV. x. TN all my vaft concerns with Thee, In vain my foul would try To fhun thy prefence. Lord, or flee. The notice of thine eye. [ 83 ] 2. Thy all furrounding fight furveys My rifing and my lelt, My public walks, my private ways. And fecrets of my breaft. 3. My thoughts lie open to the Lord, Before they’re form’d within ; And e’er my lips pronounce the word. He knows the fenfe I mean. 4. O wond’rous knowledge, deep and high Where can a creature hide ! Within thy circling arms I lie, Belet on ev’ry fide. 5. So let thy grace furround me (till. And like a bulwark prove. To guard my foul from ev’ry ill, Secur’d by fov’reign love. HYMN LVI. r. T ORD, I am vile, conceiv’d in fin; And born unholy and unclean : Sprung from the man, whofe guilty fall Corrupts his race, and taints us all. 2. Soon as we draw our infant breath. The feeds of lin grow up for death : 1 hy law demands a perfect heart; But we're defil’d in ev’ry part. [ s? J 3. Great God, create my heart anew’. And form my fpirit pure and true; O make me wife betimes, to fpy My danger and my remedy. 4. Behold, I fall before thy face ; My only refuge is thy grace ; No outward forms can make me clean 5 The leprofy lies deep within. 5. No bleeding bird, nor bleeding bead. Nor hyffop branch, nor fprinkling pried Nor running brook, nor flood, nor fea, Can waih the difmal flain away. 6 . Jefus, my God! thy blood alone, Hath pow’r fufficient to atone ; Thy blood can make me white as fnow No Jewifli types could cleanfe me fo. HYMN LVIL 1. QHEW pity, Lord ; O Lord, forgive 3 Let a repenting rebel live: Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not a finner trufl in thee ? 2. My crimes are great, but not furpafs The pow’r and glory of thy grace : Great God ! thy nature hath no bound. So let thy pard’ning love be found. N [ 9° 3 3» O wafli my foul from ev’ry fin. And make my guilty confcience clean $ Here on my heart the burden lies. And paft offences pain my eyes. 4. My lips with fhame my fins confefs. Again!! thy law, again!! thy grace : Lord, fhould thy judgments grow fevere, I am condemn’d, but thou art clear. Should fudden veng’ance feize my breath, I muft pronounce thee juft in death : And if my foul were fent to hell, Thy righteous law approves it well. 6. Ye fave a trembling finner, Lord, Whofe hope, ftill hov’ring round thy word. Would light on fome fweet promife there. Some fure fupport again!! defpair. HYMN LVIIL I. TXyflNE eyes and my defire J.VJL y\ re ever to t k e L or d • I love to plead his promifes. And reft upon his word. 3. Turn, turn thee to my foul. Bring thy falvation near ; When will thy hand releafe my feet^ Out of the deadly fnare ? [ 91 J 3. When (hall the fov’reign grace Of my forgiving God, Reftore me from thofe dang'rous ways My wand’ring feet have trod. 4. The tumult of my thoughts Doth but enlarge my woe ; My Spirit languishes, my heart Is defolate and low. 5. With ev’ry morning light My forrows new begin ; Look on my anguifh and my pain, And pardon all my fin. HYMN LIX. 1. QOON as I heard my Father fay, ^ “ Ye children, feek my grace?” My heart reply’d without delay, “ I'll feek my Father’s face.” 2. Let not thv face be hid from me. Nor frown my foul away ; God of my life, I fly to thee In a diltrefling day. 3. Should friends and kindred near and dear Leave me to want or die; Afy God would make my life his care® And all my need fupply, N 2 C 9 2 ] 4. My fainting fiefh had died with grief, Had not my foul believ’d, To fee thy grace provide relief ^ Nor was my hope deceiv’d. 5. Wait on the Lord, ye trembling faints. And keep your courage up ; He’ll raife your fpirit when it faints. And far exceed your hope. HYMN LX. 1. If’LL praife my Maker with my breath 5 And when my voice is loft in death, Praife fhall employ my nobler pow’rs ; My days of praife fhall ne’er be paft, While life, and thought, and being laft, Or immortality endures. 2. Happy the man whofe hopes rely. On Ifrael’s God : he made the fky. And earth, and feas with all their train ; His truth for ever ftands fecure : He faves th’ opprefs’d, he feeds the poor, And none fhall find his promife vain. 3. The Lord hath eyes to give the blind ; The Lord l'upports the finking mind ; He fends the lab’ring confcience peace; He helps the ftranger in diftrefs. The widow and the fatherlels, And grants the prif ’ner fweet releafe. C 93 ] 4* He loves his faints, he knows them well, But turns the wicked down to hell; Thy God, O Zion! ever reigns; Let ev’ry tongue, let ev’ry age, In this exalted work engage ; Praife him in everlafting (trains. HYMN LXI. I* ITH all my pow’rs of heart and tongue, v v I’ll praife my Maker in my fong ; Angels (hall hear the notes I raife. Approve the fong and join the praife. 2. I’ll fing thy truth and mercy, Lord, I’ll hug the wonders of thy word ; Not all thy works and names below. So much thy pow’r and glory (how. 3. Amid’ft a thoufand fnares I (land, Upheld and guarded by thy hand ; Thy words my fainting foul revive. And keep my dying faith alive. 4. Grace will complete what grace begins, 1 o lave from forrows or from fins ; J he work that wifdom undertakes, Eternal mercy ne’er forfakes. E 94 J HYMN LXII. u, QWEET is the mem’ry of thy grace, ^ My God, my heav’nly King j Let age to age thy righteoufnefs, In founds of glory fing. 2 . God reigns on high, but not confines His goodnefs to the fkies ; Thro’ the whole earth his bounty lhines, And ev’ry want fupplies. g. With longing eyes thy creatures wait On thee for daily food, Thy lib’ral hand provides their meat. And fills their mouth with good. 4. H ow kind are thy compalfions, Lord, How flow thine anger moves ! But foon he fends his pard’ning word To cheer the fouls he loves. 5. Creatures, with all their endlefs race, Thy pow’r and praife proclaim ; But faints, that talle thy richer grace, Delight to blefs thy name. HYMN LXIII. E. "D LESS, O my foul, the living God, Call home thy thoughts that rove abroad, Let all the pow’rs within me join In work and worlhip fo divine. C 95 3 2. Blefr, O my foul, the God of grace, His favors claim thy higheft praife : Why fhould the wonders he hath wrought Be loft in filence, and forgot ? 3. ’Tis he, my foul, that fent his Son To die for crimes which thou haft done j He owns the ranfom, and forgives. The hourly follies of our lives. 4. Our youth decay’d, his pow’r repairs ; His mercy crowns our growing years : He fatisfies our mouth with good, And fills our hopes with heav’nly food 0 5. His pow’r he fhow’d by Mofes’ hands,* And gave to Ifrael his commands ; But fent his truth and mercy down To all the nations by his Son. 6 . Let the whole earth his pow’r confefs, Let the whole earth adore his grace; The Gentile with the Jew ftiall join In work and worfhip fo divine. HYMN LXIV. S. "D EjOICE, ye Alining worlds on high. Behold the King of Glory nigh ! Who can this King of Glory be ? The mighty Lord, the Saviour’s He. 2 . [ 9 6 3 Ye heav’nly gates, your leaves difplay, To make the Lord, the Saviour, way : Laden with fpoils from earth and hell, The Conqu’ror comes with God to dwell. 3. Rais’d from the dead, he goes before, He opens heav’n’s eternal door, To give his faints a biefs’d abode Near their Redeemer and their God. HYMN LXV. 1. /jO IVE to our God immortal praife ! '^ r Mercy and truth are all his ways : Wonders of grace to God belong. Repeat his mercies in your fong. 2. He fills the fun with morning light. He bids the moon direft the night: His mercies ever fhall endure. When fun, and moon, fhall fhine no more. 3. He fent his Son with pow’r to fave From guilt, and darknefs, and the grave : Wonders of grace to God belong. Repeat his mercies in your fong. 4. Thro’ this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heav’nly feat: His mercies ever fhall endure, When this vain world fhall be no more. r 97 : HYMN LXVI. t . T ET ev’ry mortal ear attend, And evVv heart rejoice. The trumpet of the gofpel founds, With an inviting voice. 3 . Ho! all ye hungry darving fouls, That feed upon the wind, And vainly drive with earthly toys To fill an empty mind. 3. Ho! ye that pant for living dreams, And pine away and die ; Here ye may quench your raging third With fprings that never dry. 4 Rivers ©f love and mercy here In a rich ocean join ; Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. 5. Great God ! the treafures of thy love Are everlading mines, Deep as our helplefs mis’ries are. And boundlefs as our fins. 6 . The happy gates of gofpel-grace Stand open night and day : Lord, we are come to feek fupplieSj, And drive our wants away. Q [ ?s J HYMN LXVil. * t. |pOME let us join our cheerful fongs, ' With angels round the throne ; Ten thoufand thoufand are their tongues. But all their joys are one. 2. Worthy the Lamb that dy’d, they cry. To be exalted thus : Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply. For he was (lain for us r 3. Jefus is worthy to receive Honor and pow’r divine; And bleflings more than we can give. Be, Lord, for ever thine. 4. Let all that dwell above the fky, And air, and earth, and feas, Confpire to lift thy glories high. And fpeak thine endlefs praife. 5. The whole creation join in one. To blefs the facred name Of him that fits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. HYMN LXVIII; j. TIT HO can defcribe the joys that rife * * Through all the courts of paradife* To fee a prodigal return. To fee an heir of glory born? [ 99 ] 2. With joy the Father cloth approve The fruit of his eternal love ; The Son with joy looks down and fees The purchafe of his agonies. 3. The Spirit takes delight to view The holy foul he form’d anew ! And faints and angels join to ling The growing empiie of their King, HYMN LXIX. J. QHALL Wifdom cry aloud, ^ And not her fpeech be heard ? The voice oi God’s eternal Word, Deferves it no regard J 2. “ 1 was his chief deligh% “ His everlafting Son, “ Before the firlt of all his works, “ Creation was begun. 3. “ When he pour’d out the fea, “ And fpread the flowing deep, “ I gave the flood a firm decree “ In its own bounds to keep, 4. “ Upon the empty air “ 1 he earth was balanc’d well ; “ With joy I favv the manfion where “ The fons of men fliould dwell. O 2 [ IOO ] 5. “ My bufy thoughts at firft “ On their falvation ran, “ E’er fin was born, or Adam’s du{| “ W as falhion’d to a man. 6. “ Then come, receive my grace, “ Ye children, and be wife ; “ Happy the man that keeps my ways, The man that fhuns them dies. HYMN LXX. 1. ¥ ORD, we confefs our num’rous faults,, How great our guilt has been ; Foolifh and vain were all our thoughts. And all our lives were fin. 2. But, O my foul, for ever praife, For ever love his name, Who turns thy feet from dang’rous ways. Of folly, fin, and lhame. 3. ’Tis not by works of righteoufnefs, Which our own hands have done ; But we are fav’d by fov’reign grace, Abounding through his Son. 4. ’Tis from the mercy of our God That all our hopes begin ; 'Tis by the water and the blood Our fouls are wafli’d from fin. [ IO > ] 5. ’Tis through the purchafe of his death, Who hung upon the tree, The Spirit is (ent down to breathe. On fuch dry bones as we. 6. Rais’d from the dead we live anew ; And jidtify’d by grace, We thail appear in glory too. And fee our Father’s face. HYMN LXXL 1. ILTOW oft have fin and fatan ftrove To rend my foul from thee my God? But everlafiing is thy love, And Jefus feals it with his blood. 2 . 1 he oath and promife of the Lord Join to confirm the wond’rous grace; Eternal pow’r performs the word, And fills all heav’n with endlefs praife. 3- Amidfl temptations fharp and long, My foul to this blefs’d refuge fifes; Hope is my anchor, firm and (Long, While tempefts blow, and billows rife. 4. The gofpel bears my fpirit up ; A faithful and unchanging God Lavs the foundation for my hope, in oaths, and promifes, and blood. [ 102 ] HYMN LXXII. f. ICHRM as the earth thy gofpel ftands, My Lord, my hope, my truft ; If I am found in Jefus’ hands. My foul can ne’er be loft. 2. His honor is engag’d to fave. The meaneft of his (heep ; All that his heav’nly Father gave, H is hands fecurdy keep. 3. Nor death, nor hell fliall e’er reniQV* His fav’rites from his breaft ; In the blefs’d bofom of his love They mult for ever reft. HYMN LXXIII. 2. Ij’OIN all the glorious names «i Of wifdom, love, and pow’r, That ever mortals knew. That ever angels bore : All are too mean to fpeak his worth, Too mean to fet our Saviour forth. 2. Great Prophet of our God, Our tongues would blefs thy name ; By Thee the joyful news, Of our falvation came: The joyful news of fins forgiv’n, Of hell iubdu'd, and peace with heav’n*. C io 3 .1 3. Jefus, oirr great high Pried, Offer’d his blood and dy’d ; Our guilty eonfcience feeks No facrifice befide: His pow’rful bl cod did once atone ; And now it pleads before the throne. 4. Then let our fouls arife. And tread the tempter down ; Our Captain leads us forth To conqueft and a crown. A feeble faint (hall win the day. Though death and hell obllruct the way. PSALM LXXIV. 1. TE^AR f" rom my thoughts, vain world be* ^ gone, Let my religious hours alone ; Fain would my eyes my Saviour fee, 1 wait a vifit, Lord, from Thee. 2. When I can fay, my God is mine, When I can feel thy glories fhine^ I tread the world beneath my feet. And all the earth calls good or great. 3. Send comforts down from thy right hand, While we pafs through this barren land ; And in thy temple let us fee A glimpfe of heav’n? a giimpfe oi Thee* t io 4 ] 4 Hail, great Immanuel, all divine! In l hee thy Father’s glories fhine ; Thou brighfeft, fweetelt, fairelt one. That eyes have feen, or angels known. HYMN LXXV. t. /pOME, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known ; Join in a fong with fweet accord. And thus furround the throne. 2. Let thofe refufe to fing That never knew our God ; But fav’rites of the heav’nly King May fpeak their joys abroad. 3. The God that rules on high. And thunders when he pleafe; That rides upon the ftormy fky, And manages the feas ; 4. Th is awful God is ours, Our Father and our love ; He fhall fend down his heav’nly pow’rs. To carry us above. 5. There fhall we fee his face. And never, never fin : There, from the rivers of his grace, Drink endlefs pleafures in. [ I0 5 ] 6. Then let our fongs abound. And ev’ry tear be dry ; We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground To fairer worlds on high. HYMN LXXVI. 2 . f^S WHAT mod gentle terms. What condefcending ways Doth our Redeemer ufe. To teach his heav’nly grace! Mine eyes with joy and wonder fee What forms of love he beats for me. 2. Array’d in mortal defh, He like an Angel (lands, .And holds the promifes And pardons in his hands : Commi(Bon’d from his Father’s throng To make his grace to mortals known. 3. Be thou my Counfellor, My pattern, and mv guide ; And thro’ this defert land Still keep me near thy fide. O let my feet ne’er run adray, Nor rove, nor feek the crooked way! 4. My great Almighty Lord, My Conqu’ror, and my King, Thy fceptre, and thy fword, 7 hy reigning grace I fing. Thine is the pow’r ; behold I fit In willing bonds beneath thy feet, P r 106 j HYMN LXXVir. I TTAPPY the heart where graces reign, Where love infpires the brealt: Love is the bighteft of the train, And (Lengthens all the reft. 2. Knowledge, alas! *tis all in vain. And all in vain our fear ; Our flubborn fins will fight and reign. If love be abfent there. 3. * I is love that makes our cheerful feet In fwift obedience move ; The devils know, and tremble too. But fatan cannot love. 4. This is the grace that lives and fings. When faith and hope (hall ceafe ; ’Tis this fhall ftrike our joyful firings In the fweet realms of blifs. HYMN LXXVIII. 1. TYTOW for a tune of lofty praife To great Jehovah’s equal Son ? Awake, my voice, in heav’nly lays Tell the loud wonders he hath done, 2 . Sing, how he left the worlds of light. And the bright robes he wore above. How fwift and joyful was his flight, On wings of everlafting love. C I0 7 3 3. Hell and its lions roar’d around, His precious blood the monfters fpilt ; While weighty forrows prefs’d him down^, Large as the loads of all our guilt. 4. Deep in the (hades of gloomy death Th ! Almighty Captive pris’ner lay ; Th’ Almighty Captive left the earth. And rofe to everlaliing day. 5. Amongft a thoufand harps and fongs Jefus the God exalted reigns, His facred name (ills all their tongues, And echoes thro’ the heav’nly plains? HYMN LXXIX. ?. "O RIGHT King of Glory, dreadful God! Our fpirits bow before thy feat ; To thee we lift an humble thought. And wor(hip at thine awful feet. %. Mercy and truth unite in one, And fmiling fit at thy right-hand 5 Eternal juftice guards thy throne And vengeance waits thy dread command. 3. A thoufand feraphs ftrong and bright Stand round the glorious Deity ; But who amongft the fongs of light Pretends companion with Thee. P 2 C 108 ] 4. Yet there is one of human frame, Jefus, array’d in flefh and blood, Thinks it no robbery to claim A full equality with God. Their glory fhines with equal beams; Their eltence is for ever one, Tho’ they are known by diff’rent names, T he Father God, and G>;d the Son. 6. Then let the name of Chrift our King With equal honors be ador’d ; His praife let ev’ry angel fing. And all the nations own the Lord, HYMN LXXX. f. fV 4 TY God, the fpringof all my joys, ii J. The life of my delights, The glory of my brighteft days, And comfort of my nights. 2. In darkeft (hades if he appear, My dawning is begun ! He is my foul’s fweet morning ftar, And he my rifing fun. 3. The op’ning heav’ns around me fhine With beams of facred blifs, While Jefus (hews his heart is mine* And whifpers, I am his. t J°9 ] 4. Draw me, O God, with fov’reign grace* And lift my thoughts on high. That I may end this mortal race, And fee lalvation nigh. HYMN LXXXI. 2. HPHEE we adore, Eternal Name, And humbly own to Thee, How feeble is our mortal frame. What dying worms are we ! 2. Our wafting lives grow fhorter ftill. As months and days increafe ; And ev’ry beanng pulfe we tell. Leaves but the number lefs. 3. Dangers ftand thick thro’ all the ground. To pufh us to the tomb ; And fierce difeales wait around, To hurry mortals home. 4. Great God! on what a {lender thread Hang everlafting things ! Th’ eternal ftates of all the dead Upon life’s feeble firings, 5. Infinitejoy or endlefs woe Attends on ev’ry breath j And yet how unconcern’d we go Upon the brink of death ! [ *1.0 ] 6. Waken, O Lord, our drowfy fenfe* To walk this dang’rous road ; And when our fouls are called hence* May they be found with God, HYMN LXXXIJ, K. "ORAISE, everlalting praife, be paid To him that earth’s foundation laid Praife to the God vvhofe iirong decrees Sway the creation as he pleafe. 2 Praife to the goodnefs of the Lord, Who rules his people by his word. And there as ftrong as his decrees^ He fets his kindeft promifes. 2- Firm are the words his prophets give, Sweet words, on which his children live j Each of them is the voice of God Who fpoke, and fpread the Ikies abroad, 4.. Each of them pow’rful as that found That bid the new-made world go round ; And (Longer than the folid poles On which the wheel of nature rolls. 5. Whence ihen fhould doubts and fears arife ? Why trickling forrows drown our eyes ? Slowly, alas, our mind receives The comforts that our Maker gives. [ III ] 6 . Oh, for a Arcing, a lading faith. To credit what th’ Almighty faith ! T* embrace the meftage of his Son, And call the joys of heav’n our own. HYMN LXXXIII. 1. CALVATION! O the joyful found 5 What pleaftire to our ears! A fov’reign balm for ev’ry wound, A eordial for our fears. 2 . Salvation ! let the echo fly The fpacious earth around. While all the armies of the fky Confpire to raife the found. 3. Salvation ! O thou bleeding Lamb, To Thee the praife belongs ; Salvation (hall infoire our hearts. And dwell upon our tongues. HYMN LXXXIV. 1. HOW fad our flate by nature is! -L-“- Our (in how deep it ftains ! And fatan binds our captive minds Faft in his fiavifti chains. 2. But there’s a voice of fov’reign grace Sounds from the facred word i Ho ! ye defpairtng finners come. And truft upon the Lord. [ ”2 3 3* Mv foul obeys th’ Almighty call, And runs to this relief; 1 woo’d believe thy promife. Lord; O ! help my unbelief. 4. To the blefs’d fountain of thy blood. Incarnate God, I fly ; Here let me wafh my fpotted foul From crimes of deepefl dye. HYMN LXXXV. I, 1 /[Y God, my life, my love, IvJL y 0 t hee, to thee I call; I cannot live if thou remove. For thou art all in all. 2. Thy (hitting grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell ; *Tis paradife when thou art here ; If thou depart, ’tis hell. 3. Nor earth, nor all the flcy, Can one delight afford ; No, not a drop of real joy, Without thy prefence, Lord. 4. To thee my fpirits fly With infinite defire; And yet, how far from thee I lie! Blefs’d Jefus raife me higher. C 1 ! 3 3 Hymn lxxxvi. 1. POD i* the refuge of his faints, When dorms of (harp diftrefs invade $ E’er we can offer our complaints. Behold him prefent with his aid. 2. Let mountains from their feats be hurl'd Down to the deep, and buried there ; Convulfions (hake the folid world. Our faith (ball never yield to fear. g. Loud may the troubled ocean roar. In facred peace our fouls abide ; While ev’ry nation, ev’iy lhore, Trembles, and dreads the fwelling tide, 4. There is a dream, whofe gentle flow Supp ies the city of our God : Life, love, and joy, (till gliding through* And wat’ring our divine abode. 5. That facred flream, thine holy word. That all our raging fear controuls: Sweet peace thy promifes afford, And give new drength to fainting fouls. 6 . Sion enjovs her Sov’reign’s love, Secure againd a threat’ning hour ; Nor can her firm foundations move, Built on his truth, and arm’d with pow’r [ i4 ] HYMN LXXXVil. 1. /f"^OP 4 E, happy fouls, approach vcur God With new melodious fongs; Come, tender to Almighty grace The tribute of your to; goes. 2. So Orange, fo bonndlefs was the love That pity’d dying men, The Father fent his equal Son To give them life again. 3. Thy hands, blefs’d Jefus, were not arm’d With a revenging rod ; No hard commiffion to perform. The vengeance of a God. 4. But all was mercy, all was mild. And wrath forfook the throne, When Chritf on the land errand came, And brought falvaiion down, 5. Here, Onr.ers, you may heal your wounds. And wipe your borrows dry ; Trull in the mighty Saviour’s name, And you lhall never die. HYMN LXXXVIII. I. 1 WT Y God, permit me not to be A Oranger to mylelf and thee; AmidO a thoufand thoughts I rove, Forgetful of my higheil Jove. [ !'S ) 2. Why fhould- my pa (Hons mix with earth* And thus debafe my heav’nly birth ? Why fhould I cleave to things below, And let my God, my Saviour, go ? 3. Call me away from fie fh and fenfe, One fov’reign word can draw me thence^ I would obey the voice divine. And all inferior joys relign. 4. Be earth, with all her feenes withdrawn jj, Let noife and vanity be gone : In fecret (iltnce of the mind, My heav’n, aud there my God, I find. HYMN LXXXIX, 5. TYTOT all the blood of beads ^ On Jewifh altars (lain. Could give the guilty confcience peace, Or vvalh away the dain. 2. But Chrid, the heav’nly Lamb, Takes all our fins away ; A facrifice of nobler name, And richer blood than they. 3. My foul looks back to fee The burdens thou didlt bear. When hanging on the curfed tree. And hopes her guiit was there. <0 C II« ] 4. Believing, we rejoice To fee the curfe remove ; We blefs the Lamb with cheerful voice. And ling his bleeding love. HYMN XC. 1. T^EAREST of all the names above. My Jefus, and my God, Who can relift thv heav’nly love, Or trifle with thy blood ? 2. ’Tis by the merits of thv death The Father fmi'es again ; *Tis by thine interceding breath The fpirit dwells with men. 3. Til! God in human fiefti I fee. My thoughts no comfort find ; The holy, juft, and facred Three, Are terrors to my mind. 4. But if Immanuel’s face appear. My hope, my joy begins : His name forbids my flavifh fear. His grace removes my fins. HYMN XCI. I. the delights, the heav’nly joys, The glories of the place, Where Jefus (heds the- brighteft beams Of his o’erflowing gra*e 1 [ r, 7 ] 3. Sweet majefty, and awful love. Sit fmilmg on his brow, And all the glorious ranks above, At humble dillance bow. 3. Princes to his imperial name Bend their bright fceptres down ; Dominion', thrones, and pow’rs rejoice To fee him wear the crown. 4. This is the Man, th’ exalted Man, Whom we, unfeen, adore ; But when our eyes behold his face, Gur hearts fhall love him more. KYMNXCII. *• npHE dear delights we here enjoy, A And fondly call our own, Are but fhnrt favors borrow d now. To be repaid anon. 2. Tis God that lifts our comforts high. Or finks them in the grave ; He gives, and (bleffed be his name!) He takes but what he gave. 3. Peace, all our angry paflions then ; Let each rebellious figh Be filent at his fov’reign will, And ev’ry murmur die. [ 118 ] 4-. If fmiling mercy crown our lives. Its praifes fhal! be fpread ; And we’ll adore the jufticc too That ftrikes our comforts dead, HYMN XCIII. £. JESUS fhall reign where’er the fun D Does his fucceffive journies run : His kingdom ftretch from thore to fhore, 1 ill moons lhall wax and wane no more. 2. Where he clifplays his healing pow’r, Death and the curfe are known no more j In him the tribes of Adam boaft More biddings than their father loll, 3. The faints (hall flourifh in his days, Drcli in the robes of joy and praife Peace, like a river, from his throne, Shall flow to nations yet unknown. 4 Let ev’ry creature rife and bring Pecu'iar honors to our King ; Angels d feend with f»nes again. And earth repeat the loud Amen. HYMN XCIV. I. HPHE heav’ns declare thy glory, Lordj In ev’ry ftar thy wifdom fhines; But when our eyes behold thy word, We read thy name in fairer lines. t !I 9 ] 2. The rolling fun, the changing light, And nights and days thy oovv’r confefs 5 But the bid! volume thou halt writ, Reveals thy juftice and thy grace. 3. Sun, moon and liars convey thy praife Round the whole earth, and never (land; So when thy truth began its race. It touch’d and glanc’d on ev’ry land. 4. Nor flrall thy fpreading gofpel reft, 1 ill thro’ the world thy truth has run J Till Chrift has all the nations bleft That fee the light or feel the fun. 5. Great Sun of Righteoufnefs arife, JBlefs the dark world with heav’nly light ; Thy gofpel makes the fur.pie wife, M hy laws are pure, thy judgments right. 6. Thy nobleft wonders here we view. In fouls renew’d and (ins forgiv’n : Lord, cleanfe my fins, my foul renew. And make thy word my guide to heav’n. HYMN XCV. 1. 'OLESS’D be the everlafting God, Thq Father of our Lord ; Be his abounding mercy prais’d, Hi's majefty ador’d. C 120 3 2. When from the dead he rais’d his Son, And call’d him to the fky. He gave our fouls a lively hope That they fliould never die. g. What tho’ our inbred fins require Our Hefh to fee the duff, Yet as the Lord our Saviour rofe, So all his followers mull. 4. There’s an inheritance divine, Referv’d againft that day ; , Tis uncorrupted, undefil’d, And cannot wafte away. 5. Saints by the pow’r of God are kept, Till the falvation come. We walk by faith, as ftrangers here Till Chrift /hall call us home. HYMN XCVI. x TV/T Y foul for fakes her vain delight, J.'yiL And bids the world farewell j Bafe as the dirt beneath my feet, And mifehievous as hell. 2. No longer will I afk your love, Nor feek your friendfhip more: The happinefs that I approve Is not within your pow’r. [ 121 ] 3> There’s nothing round this fpacious earth, That fuits iny large defire ; To boundlefs joy and folid mirth My nobler thoughts afpire. 4, Where pleafure rolls its living flood, From fin and drofs refin’d. Still fpringing from the throne of God, And fit to cheer the mind. HYMN XCVII. 1. CO let our lips and lives exprefs •A* The holy gofpel we profefs ; So let our works and virtues fliine, To prove the doctrine all divine. 2. Thus fhall we beft proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God ; When the falvation reigns within, And grace fubdues the pow r ol fin. 3. Our flefh and fenfe muft be deny d Paflion and envy, 1 uft and pride ; WhiUt juftice, temp’rance, truth, and love, Our inward piety approve. % 4. Religion bears our fpirits up, While we expe£t that blelTed hope, The bright appearance of the Lord, And faith (lands leaning on his word. R C 122 ] HYMN XCVIII. 1. /O RACE, like an unccrrupted feed, Abides and reigns within ; Immortal principles forbid The Tuns of God to fin. 2. Not by the terrors of a Have Do they perform his will, But with the noblefl: pow’rs they have His fvveet commands fulfil. 3. They find accefs at cv’ry hour To God within the vail, Hence they derive a quick’ning pow’r. And joys that never fail. 4. Lord, I addrefs thy heav’nly throne; Call me a child of thine, Send down the Spirit of thy Son To form my heart divine. HYMN XCIX. I. "D LESS’D are the fouls that hear and know The gofpel’s joyful found ; Peace fhall attend the paths they go. And light their fieps furround. 2. Their joy fhall bear their fpirits up. Through their Redeemer’s name: His righteoufnefs exalts their hope. Nor fatan dares condemn. [ ,2 3 ] 3: The Lord, our glory and defence, Strength and falvation gives ; Ifr’el thy King for ever reigns. Thy God for ever lives, IIYMN C. £, if \NCE more, my foul, the riling day Salutes thy waking eyes; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay. To him that rolls the Ikies. 2. ’Tis he fupports my mortal frame, ?vfy tongue (hall fpeak his praife ; My fins would rouze his wrath to flame, And yet his wrath delays. Thoufands of precious fouls are fled Since the lafc fetting fun, And yet thou length’neft out my thread. And yet my moments run. 4. Great God, let all my hours be thine, Whilft I enjoy the light; Then fhall my fun in fmiles decline, And bring a pleafant night. HYMN CL I. THREAD Sovereign, let my ev’ning fong Like holy incenfe rife ; A flirt the offerings of my tongue. To reach the lofty fkics- R 2 [ 12 4 J 2 * Through all the dangers of the day i hy hand was hill my guard ; And hill to drive my wants away. Thy mercy hood prepar’d. 3. What have I done for him that dy’d 'I o fave my wretched foul ? How are my lollies muhiply’d, Fah as my minutes roll! 4. Lord, with this guilty heart of mine Unto thy crofs 1 flee; And to thy grace my foul refign, To be renew’d by Thee. HYMN CII. E. r jPHUS far the Lord has led me on, -*• 1 hus far his pow’r prolongs my days, And ev’rv ev’ning fhall make known Some Irelh memorial of his grace. 2. Much of my time has run to wahe. And I perhaps am near my home; But he forgives my follies pah. Fie gives me hrength for days to come. 3. I lay my body down to fleep. Peace is the pillow for my head ; While weH'appointed angels keep Their watchful hations round my bed. t '-5 3 4-. Faith in his name forbids my fear : O ma v thv prefence ne’er depart ; And in the morning make me hear The love and kindnels of thy heart. HYMN CUT. E. ITS this the kind return. And thefe the thanks we owe, 1 hus to abufe eternal love, Whence all cur bleflings flow ! 2. To what a ffubborn frame Has fin reduc’d our mind ! What ffrange rebellious Tinners we. And God as Itrangely kind! 3. Turn, turn us, Mighty God! And mould our fouls afrefh ; Break, S w’reign Grace, thefe hearts of (lone, And give us hearts of tlelh. 4 - Let old ingratitude Provoke our weeping eyes; And hourly, as new mercies fall, Let hourly thanks arife. HYMN CIV. 1. TT LIFT my foul to God, My trult is in his name : Let not my foes that feek my blood Still triumph in my flume. [ l * 6 ] • ¥ g. Sin and the pow’rs of hell Perfuade me to defpair ; Lord, make me know thy cov’nant well; H hat I may ’fcape the fnare. 3. From the hrft dawning light, Till the dark ev’ning rife. For thy falvation, Lord, 1 wait With ever-longing eyes. 4. Remember all thy grace, And lead me in thy truth ; Forgive the lins of riper days. And follies of my youth. 5. The Lord is juft and kind ; The meek iliall learn his ways j And ev’ry humble finner find The methods of his grace. 6. For his own goodnefs fake, He faves my foul from lhame : He pardons (tho’ my guilt be great) I hro’ my Redeemer’s name. HYMN CV. i.HfLIY m ercies fill the earth, O Lord, d*- How good thy works appear! Open my eyes to read thy word, And fee thy wonders there. r i2 7 ] 2. My heart was fafhion’d by thy hand. My fervice is thy due ; O make thy fervant underftand li he dunes he mu ft do. 3. Since I’m a ftranger here below. Let not my path be hid ; But mark the road my feet ihould go, And be my conftant guide. 4. When I confefb’d my wand’ring ways, 1 hou heard’st my foul complain j Grant me the teachings ot thy grace. Or I iliall Itray again. HYMN CVI. 1. Ty/jTY helper God! I blefs his name : W Ji f ame his pow’r, his grace the fame The tokens of his friendly care Open, and crown, and clufe the year. 2 . I ’midft ten thoufand dangers ftand. Supported by liis guardian hand. And fee, when 1 furvey my ways. Ten thoufand monuments of pratfe. 3. T'hus far his arm has led me on ; Thus far 1 make his mercy known j And, while l tread this defert land, New mercies lhall new fangs demand. [ 123 ] 4* My grateful foul, on Jordan’s fhore. Shall raife one facred pillar more : 1 hen bear, in his bright courts above, Infcriptions of immortal love. HYMN CVII. 1. "JEHOVAH, ’tis a glorious name, Still pregnant with delight; It fcatters round a cheerful beam. To gild the darkell night. 2. What tho’ our mortal comforts fade, And drop like with’ring flow’rs ? Nor time nor death can break that band, Which makes Jehovah our’s. 3. My cares, I give you to the wind, And (hake you off like dud; Well may I truft my all with him, With whom my foul 1 trud. HYMN CVIII. I. "\7 E mourning faints, whofe dreaming tears T Flow o’er your children dead, Say not in tranfports of defpair, That all your hopes are fled. 2*. While cleaving to that darling dud. In fond didrtfs ye lie. Rife, and with joy and rev’rence view An heav’nly Parent nigh. [ =*9 .j ' Tho’ your, youtn; ■' ,chas torn away, Like wit her a u;.. M s ye ftand, With fairer yi: .mrebbaJl. ye bloom. Touch’d by th’ Almighty’s hand. 4 “ I d give the mourners,” faith the Lord, “ In mine own hqufe a place, “ No names of and of funs, “ Could yield lo high a grace. 5. “ Tranfient and vain is ev’ry hope, “ A riling race.can. give ; “In endlefs honor and delight “ My children all fhall live.” 6. We welcome, Lord, thofe ridng tears, Thro’ which thy face we fee. And blefs thofe wounds, which thro’ our hearts Prepare a way for thee. HYMN CIX. •• r '' r “ 1. A ND will the Majefty of heav’n Accept us for his lhecp r And with a Ihepherd’s tender care Such worthlefs creatures keep ? 2. And will he fpread his guardian arms Round our defencelels head ? And capfe us.gently to lie down In his refrdhing fhade ? 3 C *3° 3 3. And will he lead our weary fouls To that delightful fcene. Where rivers of falvation flow Thro’ paftures ever green ? 4 . What thanks can mortal men repay For favors great as thine ? Or how can tongues ot feeble clay Proclaim fuch love divine ? 5. Eternal God, how mean are we! How richly gracious thou ! Our fouls, o’erwhelm’d with humble joy? In filent tranfports bow. HYMN CX. And not a Angle foul efcape His all-difcerning eyes? % How will my heart endure The terrors of that day. When earth and heav’n before his face Aftonilh’d fhrink away } 3. But e’er that trumpet (hakes The manflons of the dead. Hark, from the gofpel’s gentle voice JVhat joyful tidings fpread J r 131 3 4. Ye finners, feek his grace, Whofe wrath ye cannot bear J Fly to the fhelter of his crofs. And find falvation there. 5. So (hall that curfe remove. By which the Saviour bled. And the laft awful day fhall pout His bleflings on your head. HYMN CXI* E. TXTHY will ye Iavifh out your years * * Amidft a thoufand trifling cares $ While in this various range of thought The one thing needful is forgot ? 2. Why will ye chafe the fleeting wind. And famifh an immortal mind ? While angels with regret look down To fee you fpurn a heav’nly crown & 3. Th’ Eternal God calls from above. And Jefus pleads his bleeding love ; Awaken’d confcience gives you pain ; And fhall they join their pleas in vain $ 4. Almighty God, thy pow’r impart To fix convidfions on the heart ; Thy pow’r unveils the blinded eyes. And makes the haughtieft Tinner wife*’ i % ' [ J 3 2 ] HYMN CXI I. c * ?»' j l .« JN raptures let our hearts afcend ^ Our heav’nly feats to view, -And grateful trace that fhining path. Our rifing Saviour drew. . i) ■ ■ : 1 2. “ Up to mjr Father, and mv God, J go »” (die Conqifror cries) “ Up to your Father, and your God, My brethren, lift your eyes.” 3. And doth the Lord of Glory call Such worms his brethren dear ? And doth he point to heav’n's high throne. Arid fhevv our Father there ? • *. 1 \ \ . * f J * : < • : ■ • • 4. And doth he teach my finful lips That tuneful found, my Gf)d ? And breathe his fpirit on my heart To lhed his grace abroad ? l-'- 5. O world, produce a good like this. And thou /halt have my love; Till then, my Father claims it all. And ChriS, who dwejls above. HYMN cxi;;. ; E. “ip^ESCEND, immortal Dove; Spread thy kind wing? abroad, And, wrapt in flames of holy love. Bear all my foul to God. 1 In charms of grace dic'ne. And be thyfelf the (acred ilal, That Pearl of price is mine. 3, Behold my heart expands To catch the lire ; It longs to feel the gentle bands. And pants with (trong deiire. 4. Thy love, my God, appeal>, And brings falvation down, JVIy cordial thro* this vale of tears, In paradife my crown. HYMN CXIV. comfort and of love. Thy dreams, how free they flow ! Whilft wathing all the vvoiiu above, They vifit us below ! 2, From Chrift, the head, what grace defcends To cheriih ev’ry part ! He (hares his joys with all his friends, For all have (har’d his heart. 3. What tho* the forrows here they feci Are manifold and great ? He brings new confolations frill. As various, a«d as fweet. [ >34 ] 4* He ftiews our num’rous fins forgiv’n^ And ihews our cov’nant God ; Ke witneffeth our right to heav’n, The purchafe ot his blood. HYMN CXV. S. /f " 1 RACE ! ’tis a charming found. Harmonious to my ear ! Heav’n with the echo (hall refound And all the earth lhall hear. 2 . Grace firlb contriv’d a way To fave rebellious man, And all the Heps that grace difplay, Which drew the wond’rous plan. 3. Grace taught my wand’ring feet To tread the heav’nly road, And new (tipplies each hour I meet, While prelfing on to God. 4. Grace all the work fliall crown Thro’ ever lading days ; It lays in heav’n the topmod done. And well deferves the praife. HYMN CXVI. 5. A WAKE, my foul, dretch ev’ry nerve # ^ And prefs with vigour on : A heav’nly race demands thy zeal* And an immortal crown. [ »35 1 2 . A cloud of witnefles around Hold thee in full furvey : Forget the fteps already trod. And onward urge thy way. 3-Tis God’s all animating voice. That calls thee from on high ; ’Tis his own hand prefents the prize To thine afpiring eye. 4. B'ed Saviour, introduc’d by thee Have I my race begun ; And, crown’d with vi&’ry, at thy feet I’ll lay mine honors down. HYMN CXVir. X* T\/rY God, how cheerful is the found. How pleafant to repeat ? Well may that heart with pleafure bound. Where God hath fix’d his feat. 2. What want (hall not our God fupply From his abounding (lores ? What dreams of mercy from on high An arm Almighty pours ? 3. From Chrift, the ever living fpring, Thefe ample bledings flow : Prepare, my lips, his name to fing, Whofe heart hath lov’d us fo. [ *S6 J 4. Now to our Father and our God Be endlefs glory giv’n, Thro’all the realms of man’s abode. And thro’ the higheff heav’n. HYMN CXVIII. 1. XP TERN A L fotirce of life and thought. Be all beneath thyfelf forgot; Whilft thee, great Parent-mind, we own In proftra*te homage round thy throne. 2. Whilft: in them Fives nur fouls furvcy Of thee fome faint reflected ray, l hey wond’ring to their Father rife ; His pow'r how vaft ! his thoughts how wife! 3. Behold u. ns thine offspring, Lord, And do not caff: us off'ai^Jhorr’d ; Nor let thy hand, fo long our joy. Be rais’d in vengeance to deffroy. 4. O may we live before thy face. The willing fubjedls of thy grace. And thro’ each path of duty move With filial awe, and filial love. HYMN CXIX, 1. TTESUS, I love thy charming name j •J ’ i i s midic to mine ear; Lain would I found it out fo loud. That earth and heav’n fhould hear. t '37 J 2. Yes, thou art precious to my foul. My tranfport, and my truft : Jewels to thee are gaudy toys. And gold is fordid dud. 3. All my capacious pow’rs can wifh In thee doth richly meet : Nor to mine eyes is light fo dear, Nor friend fh ip half fo fweet. 4. Thy grace dill dwells upon my heart, And fheds its fragrance there ; The nobleft balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 5. I’ll fpeak the honors of thy name With my laft lab’ring breath ; Then fpeechlefs, clafp thee in mine arms, The antidote of death. HYMN CXX. I. "ORAISE to the Lord of boundlefs might. With uncreated glories bright! His prefence gilds the worlds above ; Th’ unchanging fource of light and love, 9 . Our riling earth his eye beheld, When in fubllantial darknefs veil’d ; The fhapelefs chaos, nature’s womb. Lay buried in eternal gloom. T [ 138 ] 3* Let there be light, Jehovah faid. And light o’er all its face was fpread 5 Nature, array’d in charms unknown. Gay with its new born lultre fhone. 4. He fees the mind, when loft it lies In fhades of ignorance and vice ; And darts from heav’n a vivid ray, And changes midnight into day. 5. Shine, mighty God, with vigor fhine. On th is benighted heart of mine ; And let thy glories (land reveal’d, As in the Saviour’s face beheld. HYMN CXXI. 2. I tor a clofer walk with God, A calm and heav’nly frame ; A light to Aline upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ! g. Where is the bleftednefs I knew When firft I faw the Lord ? Where is the foul-refreshing view Of Jefus, and his word ? 3. What peaceful hours I once enjoy’d! How fweet their mem’ry Itill! But they have left an aching void, The world can never fill. [ 139 ] 4* Return, O holy Dove, return, Sweet rnrilenger of reft ; I hate the fins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from iny bread. 5. Thedeareft idol I have known, Whate’er that idol be ; Help me to tear it from thy throne. And worfhip only Thee. 6. So fhall my walk be clofe with God, Calm and ferene my frame; So purer light fhall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. HYMN CXXil, T WILL praife thee ev’ry day, *“■ Now thine anger’s turn’d away ! Comfortable thoughts arife From the bleeding facrince. 2. Here, in the fair gofpel field, Wells of free falvation yield Streams of life, a plenteous ftore. And my foul fhall thirft no more. 3. Jefus is become at length My falvation and my ftrength; And his praifesfhail prolong. While I live, my pleafant fong. 'i' 2 [ *40 ] 4. Praife ye, then, his glorious name, Publifh his exalted fame ! Still his worth your praife exceeds. Excellent are all his deeds. 5. Raife again the joyful found Let the nations roll it round ! Zion fhout, for this is He, God the Saviour dwells in thee, HYMN CXX 1 II. j. HTHE Lord will happinefs divine On contrite hearts hehow : Then tell me, gracious God, is mine A contrite heart, or no ? 2.1 hear, but feem to hear in vain, Infenftble as fleel ; If ought is felt, ’tis only pain. To find I cannot feel. 3. I fometimes think myfelf inclin’d To love thee, if I could ; But often feel another mind, Averfe to all that’s good. 4. Mv bed defires are faint and few, I fain would drive for more ; But when I cry, “ My drength renew,” Seem weaker than before. [ 141 J 5. Thy faints are comforted I know. And love thy houfe of pray’r; I therefore go where others go. But find no comfort there. 6. O make this heart rejoice, or ache; Decide this doubt for me ; And if it be not broken, break, And heal it, if it be. HYMN CXXIV. Z. HP HERE is a fountain fill’d with blood Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins; And Tinners, plung’d beneath that flood, Lof'e all their guilty Rains. 2 . The dying thief rejoic’d to fee hat fountain in his day ; And there have I, as vile as he. Waffl’d all my fins away. 3. Blefs’d dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lofe its pow’r. Till all the ranfom’d church of God Be fav’d, to fin no more. 4 - E’er fince, by faith, I faw the ftream Thy flowing wounds fupply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And fhall be till I die. [ 14 * ] Then in a nobler, fvveeter fong I’ll fing thy pnw’r to fave ; When this poor lifping ftamm’ring tongUQ Lies filent in the grave. 6. Lord, I believe thou had prepar’d (Unworthy tho’ I be) For me a blood-bought free reward, A golden harp for me ! 7. ’Tis ftrung, and tun’d, for endlefs years. And form’d by pow’r divine, '1 o found in God the Father’s ears No other name but thifie. HYMN CXXV. 1. T^IERCE paflions difcompofe the min A- As tempelis vex the fea ; But calm content and peace we find, When, Lord, we turn to thee. 2. In vain by reafon and by rule, We tty to bend the will ; For none, but in the Saviour’s fchool, Can learn the heav’nly feill. 3. Since at his feet my foul has fat, His gracious words to hear; Contented wiih my prefent date, I caft on him my care. rx. [ H3 1 4- u Art tbou a firmer, foul ?” he faidy “ Then how canfi thou complain ? “ How light thy troubles here, it weigh'd “ Wuh everiafimg pain ! 5. “ If thou of murin’ring vvould’ft be cur’d, “ Compare thy griefs with mine ; “ Think what my love for thee endur’d, “ And thou wilt not repine. 6. “ In life my grace (hall ftrength fupply, “ Proportion’d to thy day ; “ At death thou (till (halt find tne nigh, “ To wipe thy tears away.” HYMN CXXVI. 1. ^pHE Spirit breathes upon the word. And brings the truth to fight $ Precepts and promifes afford A fandtifying light. 2. A glory gilds the (acred page, Majeffic like the fun ; It gives a light to ev’ry age, It gives, but borrows none. 3. The hand that gave it, (till fuppfies The gracious light and heat ; His truths upon the nations rife, They rife, but never fet. L <44 1 4. Let everlaftirsg thanks be thine! For fnch a bright difplay, As makes a world of darknefs (hind With beams of heav’nly day. 5. My foul rejoices to purfue The Heps of him I love ; Till glory breaks upon my view In brighter worlds above. HYMN CXXVII. 1. OD moves in a myftericus way, v ^ r His wonders to perform ; He plants his footfteps in the fea, And rides upon the ftorm. 2. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never failing (kill, He treafures up hts bright defigns. And works his fov’reign will. 3. Ye fearful faints, frefh courage take, The clouds ye fo much dread Are big with mercy, and fhall break In blellings on your head. 4. Judge not the Lord by feeble ferfe. But truft him for his grace ; Behind a frowning providence. He hides a finding face. [ 145 3 $. His purpofes will ripen faff. Unfolding ev’ry hour ; The bud may have a bitter taffe. But fweet will be the flow’r, / 6. Blind unbelief is fure to err. And fcan his work in vain ; God is, his own interpreter. And he will make it plain. HYMN CXXVIIL f. LORD, my beft defire fulfil. And help me to refign Life, health, and comfort to thy will. And make thy pleafure mine. 2. Why fhould I (brink at thy command, Whofe love forbids my fears ? Or tremble at the gracious hand That wipes away my tears r 3. No, let me rather freely yield What mod I prize to thee ; Who never haft a good withheld. Or wilt withhold from me. 4. 1 hy favor, all mv journey thro’, Thou art engag’d to grant ; What elfe I want, or think I do, ’Tis better (till to want. U [ i 4 6 ] 5. Wifclom and mercy guide my way, Shall I refill them both? A poor blind creature of a day. And crufli’d before the moth ! 6 . But ah! my inward fpirit cries. Still bind me to thy fway ; Fife the next cloud that veils my fkies* Diives all thefe thoughts away. HYMN CXXIX. 1. ITOW bled thy creature is, O God* When, with a {ingle eye, He views the lullre of thy word, The day-fpring from on high! 2 . Thro’ all the dorms that veil the Ikies* And frown on earthly things ; The Sun of Righteoufnefs he eyes. With healing on his wings. 3. Struck by that light, the human heart, A barren foil no more, Sends the fweet fmell of grace abroad. Where ferpents lurk’d before. 4. The foul, a dreary province once, Of Satan’s dark domain, Feels a new'empire form’d within, And owns a heav’nly reign. [ >47 J HYMN CXXX. 2. nro tell the Saviour all my wants, How pleafing is the talk ! Nor lefs to praife him when he grants, Beyond what I can alk. 2 . Mv lab’ring fpirit vainly feeks To tell but half the joy ; With how much tendernefs he fpeaks, And helps me to reply. 3. Nor were it wife, nor fhould I choofe Such fecrets to declare ; Like precious wines, their tafte they lofe, Expos’d to open air. 4. But this with boldnefs I proclaim, Nor care if thoufands hear, Sweet is the ointment of his name. Not life is half fo dear. 5. And can you frown, my former friends Who knew what once I was ; And blame the fong that thus commends The Man who bore the crofs ? 6. Truft me, I draw the likenefs true. And not as fancy paints ; Such honor may he give to you, Eor fuch have all his faints. U 2 I 148 ] HYMN CXXXI. 1. [fY\F all the gifts thine hand bellows, 4 nou Giver ot all good ! Not heav’n itfelf a richer knows, Than my Redeemer’s blood. 2 . Faith too, the blood-receiving grace, From the fame hand we gain ; Eife, fweetly as it funs our cafe, That gift had been in vain. 3. Till thou thy teaching pow’r apply. Our hearts refufe to fee \ And weak, as a diltemper’d eye, Shut out the view of thee. 4. Blind to the merits of thy Son, What mis’ry we endure ! Yet tty that hand, trom which alone, We could expect a cure. 5. We praife Thee, and would praife Thee more, To T hee our all we owe ; The precious Saviour, and the pow’r That makes him precious too. HYMN CXXXII. 1. A LMIGHTYKing! whofewound’roushand Supports the weight of fea and land ; Whofe grace is fuch a boundlefs (lore, No heart lhall break that fighs for more. [ 149 ] 2. Thy providence fupplies my food, And *tis thy blefling makes it good ; My foul is nourifh’d by thy word, Let foul and body praife the Lord. 3. My ftreams of outward comfort came From him, who built this earthly frame ; Whate’er I want his bounty gives, By whom my foul for ever lives. 4. Either his hand preferves from pain. Or, if I feel it, heals again ; From Satan’s malice lhields my bread. Or over-rules it for the bed. 5. Forgive the fong that falls fo low Beneath the gratitude 1 owe ! It means thy praife, however poor, An angel’s fong can do no more. HYMN CXXXIII. I. TC'AR from the world, O Lord, I flee. From ftrife and tumult far ; From fcenes, where Satan wages ft ill, His moll fuccefsful war. 2 . The calm retreat, the filent (hade. With pray’r and praife agree j And feem, by thy fweet bounty made. For thofe who follow thee. I *5° ] There, if thy Spirit touch the foul, And grace her mean abode, Oh, with what peace, and joy, and love. She communes with her God ! 4. There, like the nightingale, fhe pours Her folitary lavs; Nor afks a witnefs of her fong, Nor thirfts for human praife. 5. Author and Guardian of my life. Sweet fource of light divine ; And (all harmonious names in one) My Saviour, thou art mine! 6 . What thanks I owe thee, and what love, A boundlefs, endlefs (tore, Shall echo thro’ the realms above, When time Hull be no more. HYMN CXXXIV. 1. HOW I love thy holy word, ^^ Thy gracious covenant, O Lord ! Jt guides me in the peaceful way, 1 think upon it all the day. 2. What are the mines of fhining wealth, The ftrength of youth, the bloom of health ! What are all joys compar’d with thofe Thine everlaitmg word beltows ! C ^ ] 3. Long unafflidled, undifmay’d, In pleafure’s path fecure I ftray’d ; Thou mad’ft me feel thy chaft’ning rod. And ftrait I turn’d unto my God. 4. What tho’ it pierc’d my fainting heart, { blefs thine hand that caus’d the fmart ; ft taught my tears awhile to flow. But fav’d me from eternal woe. 5. Oh ! hadfl: thou left me unchaftis’d. Thy precept I had flill defpis’d ; And {till the fnare in fecret laid. Had my unwary feet betray’d. 6. I love thee therefore, O my God, And figh for thy belov’d abode ; Where in thy prefence fully bled. Thy chofen faints for ever reft. HYMN CXXXV. 1. "O LESS’D Lord ! accept a finful heart. Which of itfelf complains. And mourns, with much and frequent fmart* The evil it contains. 2 . There fiery feeds of evil lurk, Which often hurt my frame; And wait but for the tempter’s work* To fan them to a flame. C iji ] 3. Hnw eager are my Noughts to rdarrt In queft of what they love ! Em,ah! when duty calls them home, How heavily they move ! 4. Oh, cleanfe me in a Saviour’s blood, Transform me by thy pow’r. And make me thy belov’d abode, And let me fin no more. t HYMN CXXXVI. T\ rj Y fong (hall blefs the Lord of all, ^/jy p ra if e fhall climb to his abode '1 hee. Saviour, by that name I call. The great Supreme, the mighty God. 2 . Without beginning, or decline, Objedl of faith, and not of fenfe ; Eternal ages faw him fhine. He fhines eternal ages hence. 3. A cheerful confidence I feel. My well-plac’d hopes with joy I fee ; My bofom glows with heav’nly zeal. To worfhip him who dy’d for me. 4. As man, he pities my complaint, His pow’r and truth are all divine ; He will not fail, he cannot faint. Salvation’s fine, and mull be mine. r xj3 1 HYMN CXXXV 1 I. I Ty REATHE from the gentle fouth, 0 Lord, ^ And cheer me from the north ; Blow on the treafures of thy word, And call the fpices forth ! 2. I wi(h, thou know’ft, to be refign’J, And wait with patient hope; But hope delay’d fatigues the mind, And drinks the 1 'pirits up. 3. Help me to reach the dlfiant goal. Confirm my feeble knee ; Pity the ficknefs of a foul That faints for love of thee. 4. Cold as I feel this heart of mine. Yet fince I feel it fo, It yields fume h >pe of life divine Within, however low. c. I feem forfaken and alone, I hear the lion roar ; And ev’ry door is (hut but one. And that is mercy’s door. 6. There, till the dear Deliv’rer come, I’ll wait with humble pray’r ; An 1 when he calls his exile home. The Lord lliall find me there. V* [ > 5 + ] HYMN CXXXV 1 II. 1. r j! 'HE Lord proclaims his grace abroad ! Behold, I change your hearts of (tone Each fhall renounce his idol-god, And ferve, henceforth, the Lord alone. 2. My grace, a flowing dream, proceeds To walh your fllthinefs away ; Ye fhall abhor your former deeds, And learn my flatutes to obey. 3. My truth the great deflgn infures, I give myfelf away to you ; You (hall be mine, I will be yours, Your G^d unalterably true. 4. Yet not unfought, or unimplor’d, The plenteous grace (hall I confer ; No—your whole hearts fhall feek the Lord, I’ll put a praying fpirit there. 5. From the fird breath of life divine. Down to the laft expiring hour. The gracious work fhall all be mine. Begun and ended in my pow’r. HYMN CXXXIX. 1. TVTO ftreiigth of nature can fuffice To ferve the Lord aright; And what lhe has, fhe mifapplies, For want of clearer light. [ T 55 J 2. How long beneath the law I lay In bondage and diflrefs! I toil’d the precept to obey, But toil’d without fuccefs. 3. Then abflain from outward fn\ Was more than I could do ; Now, if I feel its pow’r within, I feel I hate it too. 4. Then all my fervile works were done, A righteoufnefs to raife ; Now, freely chofen in the Son, I freely choofe his ways. 5. What fir all I do was then the word* That I may worthier grow ? What (hall I render to the Lord J Is my enquiry now. 6. To fee the law by Chrift fulfill’d. And hear his pard’ning voice ; Changes a (lave into a child, And duty into choice. HYMN CXL. x . pOD of my life to thee I call. Afflicted at thy feet I fall; When the great water floods prevail. Leave n^t my trembling heart to fail t >5 6 3 2. Friend of the friendlefs^ and the faint! Where lhould I lodge my deep complaint ? Where but with thee, whofe open door, Invites the helplefs and the poor ! 3. Did ever mourner plead with thee, And thou refufe that mourner’s plea? Does not the word (till fix’d remain. That none fhall feek thy face in vain. 4. Poor tho’ I am, defpis’d, forgot. Yet, God, my God, forgets me not j And he is fafe and muff fucceed, for whom the Lord youchfates to plead, HYMN CXLI, 1. TSRAEL, in ancient days. Not only had a view Of Sinai in a blaze, But learn’d the gofpel too ; The types and figures were a glafs Jn which they favv the Saviour’s face* 2. The pafchal facrifice. And blood-befprinkled door. Seen with enlight’ned eyes. And once apply’d with pow’r, Would teach the need of other bloody To reconcile ail angry God, [ *57 1 3 - The Lamh, the Dove, fet forth His perfeil innocence, Whofe blood and matchlefs worth. Should be the fold’s defence ; For he who can for (In atone, Muft have no failings of his own. 4. The fcape-goat on his head The people’s trefpafs bore* And to the defert led, Was to be feen no more: In him our Surety feem’d to fay, “ Behold, 1 bear your fins away.’’ g. Dipt in his fellow’s blood, l he living bird went free; The type, well nnderflood, Exprefs’d the Pinner’s plea; Defcrib’d a guilty foul enlarg’d, And by a Saviour’s death difcharg’d, 6 . Jefus, I love to trace 1 hroughout the facred page, The footdeps of thy grace, The fame in ev’ry age! O grant that I may faithful be To clearer light, vouchfaf’d to me. HYMN CXLII. "OEHOLD the throne of grace 2 The promife calls me near ; There Jefus fhews a fmiling face. And waits to anfwer pray’r. [ Ij8 3 2 . That rich atoning blood. Which fprinkled round I fee, Provides tor thofe who come to God, An all-prevailing plea. 3. My foul, afk what thou wilt. Thou cardl not be too bold ; Since his own blood for thee he fpiit. What elfe can he with-hold ? 4. Beyond thy utmoft wants His love and pow’r can blefs ; To praying fouls he always grants. More than they can expsefs. 5. Thine image, Lord, beftow. Thy prefence and thy love; I afk to ferve thee here below, And reign with thee above. 6 . Teach me to live by faith, Conform my will to thine ; Let me victorious be in death, And then in glory fhine. HYMN CXLIII. t. Y 70 R mercies, countlefs as the fands, -Ik 1 Which daily I receive From J&ftis m\y Redeemer’s hands, My foul, what canft thou give ? [ i £9 ] 2. Alas ! from fuch a heart as mine. What can I bring him forth? My bed is ftain’d and dy’d with fin, My all is nothing worth. 3. Yet this acknowledgment I’ll make, For all he has bellow’d. Salvation’s facred cup I’ll take, And call upon my God. 4. The bed return for one like me. So wretched and fo poor. Is from his gifts to draw a plea. And alk him dill for more. 5. I cannot ferve him as I ought; No works have I to boalt ; Yet would I glory in the thought That I dial! owe him mod. HYMN CXLIV. 1. TC'ROM pole to pole let others roam, -A And learch in vain for blifs; My foul is fatisfy’d at home. The Lord my portion is. 2. Jefus, who on his glorious throne. Rules heav’n, and earth, and fea. Is pleas’d to claim me for his own, And give himfelf to me. [ 160 ] 3. His perfon fixes all my love, His blood removes my fear ; And while he pleads for me above. His arm prefcrves ms here. 4. His Word of promife is my food, His Spirit is my guide ; Thus daily is my firength renew’d. And ail my wants fupply’d. 5. For him I count as gain each lofs ; Difgrace, for him renow n ; Well may I glory in his crofs, While he prepares my crown. HYMN CXLV. 1, AS the ferpent rais’d by Mofes Heal’d the burning ferpent’s bite; Jefus thus himfelf difclofes To the wounded linner’s fight : H ear his gracious invitation, “ 1 have life and peace to give, I have wrought out full falvation, “ Sinner, look to me and live. 2. “ Well may fhame, and joy, and Wonder, “ All your inward paflions move ; “ I could crufit thee with my thunder, “ But i fpeak to thee in love : f< See ! your lins are all forgiven “ f have paid the countlefs fum 1 N ow my death has open’d heaven, “ Thither you lhall Ihortly come.” c 161 y 3. tBlefTed Saviour, we adore thee For thy precious life and death ; IVlelt each dubborn heart before thee, Give us all the eye of faith. From the law’s condemning fentence, To thy mercy we appeal ; Thou alone canft give repentance, Thou alone our fouls can heal. HYMN CXLVI. 1. T ~j[E who ori earth as man was known, -**- And bore our fins and pains ; Now, feated on th* etherial throne, The God of glory reigns. 2. His hands the wheels of nature guide With an unerring (kill ; And countlefs worlds, extended wide. Obey his fov’reign will. 3. His righteoufnefs, to faith reveal’d. Wrought out for guilty wotms, Affords a hiding-place and fhield From enemies and dorms. 4 This land, thro’ which his pilgrims go, Is defolate and dry ; But dreams of grace from him o’erflow, Their third to fatisfy. Y C 162 3 5. When troubles, like a burning fun* Beat heavy on their head, To this almighty Rock they run, And find a pleafing (hade. 6. How glorious He! how happy they In fuch a glorious friend ! Whofe love fecures them all the way* And crowns them at the end. HYMN CXLVIT; 1. '''ZION, the city of our God, How glorious is the place! The Saviour there has his abode. And linners fee his face! 2. Firm, againft ev’ry adverfe fhock, Its mighty bulwarks prove; ’Tis built upon the living Rock, And wali’d around with love. 3. There all the fruits of glory grow, And joys that never die ; And dreams of grace and knowledge flow. The foul to faiisfy. 4. Come, fet your faces Zion-vrard, The facred road inquire ; And let a union to the Lord, Be henceforth your defire. t i6 3 1 5. The gofpel Alines to give you light; No longer, then, delay ; The Spirit waits to guide you right, And Jefus is the way, 6. O Lord, regard thy people’s pray’r, Thy promife now fulfil; And young and old by grace prepare. To dwell on Zion’s hill. HYMN CXLVIII. X. T ET hearts and tongues unite. And loud thankfgiving raife ; ’Tis duty, mingled with delight, To fing the Saviour’s praife. 2. To him we owe our breath. He took us from the womb. Which elfe had fhut us up in death. And prov’d an early tomb. 3. When on the bread we hung Our help was in the Lord ; 'Twas he hr A taught our infant tongue To form the lifjping word. 4. When in our blood we lay, He would not let us die, Becaufe his love had fi\’d a day 'I o bring falvation nigh. Y Z [ i6 4 2 And fince his name we knew. How gracious has he been ! What dangers has he led us thro". What mercies have we feen ! 6. Now, Lord, we wifh to cad Our cares upon thy bread ! Help us to praife Thee for the pad a And trull Thee for the red. HYMN CXLIX. 1. > T IS grace alone, which lifts the mind, • From meaner views, the Lord to pieafej And prompts the foul in him to find All that the foul can tads of eafe. 2. How bled fuch hours ferenely glide, ’Midd wrecks and horrors all around l Hor fhall death’s rough or rudting tide That placid fenfe of life confound. 2* Plea'-’d with his Father’s fov’reign will. Who bed can choofe, and bed decree. His word he truds him to fulfil. With patient eye and waiting knee. 4.. He fails o’er time’s tumultuous main. Dependent on eternal care ; And cannot doubt the port to gain. For God hath fworn to bring him there, u [ i6s ] HYMN CL. y, IV/ffY heart no more deprefi, lVA Shall triumph o’er each fear ; God is my hope, his heav’n my reft, H is will my care : Amidft the {forms below, In him I find a calm ; For ev’ry pang that fenle can know, He gives a balm. 2. Satan, the world, and fin. With their tremendous roar ; Or foes without, or foes within, Shall tule no more : Almighty (trength (hall quell, And gracioufiy control, The force of earth, and force of hell Againft my foul. Cleans’d by redeeming blood, In righteoufnefs array’d, J fafely pafs o’er furrows flood, Nor pafs afraid : Bleft by the God of love. Cheerful I pafs my days ; And, longing for my crown abov*, The giver praife. f [ 166 1 4. Death with his icy hand, Shall only lead me nigh My perfeS reft, and fafely land s Beyond the Iky : For this I lift my voice, For this my God adore ; Rejoice, my foul, again rejoice. For evermore. HYMN CLI S* TESUS, commiflion’d from above. JJ Defcends to men below. And (hews from whence the fprings of lova in endlefs currents flow. 2 . He, whom the boundlefs heav’n adores. Whom angels long to fee, Quitted with joy ihofe blifsful ftiores, Ambaffador to me: 3. To me, a worm, a flnful clod, A rebel all-forlorn, A foe, a traitor, to my God, And of a traitor born : 4. To me, who never fought his grace, Who mock’d his holy word, Who never knew, or lov’d his face, But all his will abhorr’d ; [ i6 7 1 To fne, who could not even praife. When his kind heart I knew ; But fought a then find devious ways. Rather than find the true. 6. Yet this Redeeming Angel came So vile a worm to blets : He took, with gladnefs, all my blame* And gave his righteoufnefs. j. O that my languid heart might glow With aidor all divine ; And, for more love than feraphs know* In praiie like feraphs fhine. HYMN CLII. 1. /POME, gracious Spirit, heav’nly Dove, With light and comfort 1 rum above 5 Be thou our guardian, thou our guide. O’er ev’ry thought and flop prefide. 2. Conduct us fafe, conduft us far From ev’ry fin and hurtful fnare ; Lead to thy word that rules mull give. And teach us lefions how to live. 3. The light of truth to usdifplay. And make us know and choofe thy way 5 Plant holy fear in ev’ry heart, That we from God may ne’er depart. That we mull take to dwell with God 5 Lead us to Chrift, the living way. Nor let us from his padures dray. 5. Lead us to God, our final red, In his enjoyment to be blefs’d ; Lead us to heav’n the feat of bli fs, Where pleafure in perfe&ion is. HYMN CL 1 II. PAR’D with Chrid, in all befide ^ No comelinefs I fee ; The one thing needful, bleded Lord, Is to be one with thee, £. The fenfe of thy expiring love Into my foul convey : Thyfelf bedow ; for thee alone, My all in all I pray. 3. Lefs than Thyfelf will not fuffice, My comfort to reltore : More than Thyfelf I cannot crave 5 And thou catid give no more. 4. Lov’d of my God, for him again With love intenfe I’ll burn : Choi’en of Thee e’er time began. I’ll chide Thee in return. [ i69 ] 5. Whate’er confifls not with thy love.* O teach me to refign : I’m rich to all th’ intents of blifs, If thou, O God, art mine. HYMN CLIV* t. TJOW vafl the benefits divine. Which we in Chrilt poffefs. Sav’d from the guilt of iin we are. And call’d to holinefs. 2 . But not for works which we have done, Or fhall hereafter do ; Hath God decreed on finful worms. Salvation to beltovv. 3. The glory, Lord, from firft tolaft, Is due to thee alone ; Aught to ourfelves we dare not tak§ Or rob thee of thy crown. 4. Our glorious Surety undertook To fatisfy for man, And grace was given us in him, Before the world began. 5. Not one of all the chofen race, But (hall to heav’n attain ; Partake on earth the purpos'd grace, And then with Jefus reign. z [ > 7 ° 3 6. Of Father, Son, and Spirit, we Extol Ihe three-fold care, Wh ofe love, whofe merit, and whole pow'r Unite to lift us there. » HYMN CLV. I. XT AT HER, I want a thankful heart, A- I want to fade how good thou art, To plunge me in thy mercy's fea, And comprehend thy love to me ; The length and depth, and breadth and height. Of love divinely infinite. 2. Jeftis, my great high Pried above. My friend before the throne of love ; If now for me prevails thy pray’r, If now I find Thee pleading there, Hear, and my weak petitions join, Almighty Advocate, to thine. 3. O Sov’reign love, to Thee I cry, Give me thvfelf, or elfe I die ; Save me from death, from hell fet free. Death, hell, are but the want of Thee; My life, my crown, my heav’n thou art, O may I find Thee in my heart! [ I 7 I .1 HYMN CLVL %. prOW are thy fervants blefs’d, O Lord -L -L How lure is their defence! Eternal Wifdom is their guide, '1 heir help Omnipotence. 9 2 , In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care, Thro’ b urning climes they pafs unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. 3. When by the dreadful temped borne High on the broken wave, They know thou art not (low to hear, Nor impotent to fave. 4. The dorm is laid, the winds retire, Obedient to thy will : The fea, that roars at thv command, At thy command is dill. 5. In ’rnidd of dangers, fears, and deaths, Thy gondnefs we’ll adore, We'll prasfe thee for thy mercies pad, And humbly hope lor moie. 6. Our life, while thou preferv’d that life, Thy facrihce (hall be } And death, when death (hall be our lot. Shall join our fouls to thee. Z 2 [ r 7 2 ] IIYMN CLVH. His prefence {hall my wants lupply. And guard me with a watchful eye : My noon-day walks he dial) attend. And all my midnight hours defend. 2. When in the fnltry glebe I faint. Or on the thirfly mountain pant. To fertile vales and dewy meads. My weary wand’ring heps he leads ; Where peaceful rivers foft and How, Amid the verdant landfcape flow. 3. Though in the paths ofdeath I treadj With gloomy horrors overfpread, My ftcdfafl heart {hall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord, art with me flill; Thy friendly crook fliall give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful lhade. 4. Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious lonely wikis I flray, Thy bounty {hall my pains beguile j The barren wiklernefs {hall fmile, With bidden greens and herbage crown’d, And dreams {hall murmur all around. HYMN CLVIII. 1, ]CV\THER, how wide thy glory Ihines How high thy wonders rife! Known thro’ the earth by thoufand ftgns By thoufands thro’ the ikies. 2. Thofe mighty orbs proclaim thy pow’r. Their motions fpeak thy fkill; And on the wings of ev’ry hour. We read thy patience (till. But when we view thy great defign. To have rebellious worms, Where vengeance and compaffion join, in their divined forms ; 4. Here the whole Deity is known. Nor dares a creature guefs Which of the glories brigned fhine. The judice, or the grace. 5 -N ow the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heav’nly plains ; Bright feraphs learn Immanuel’s name# And try their choiced drains. 6 . O may I bear fome humble part, In that immortal fong ; Wonder and joy fnall tune my heart, And love command my tongue. - r '74 j HYMN CL 1 X. X. TV/f Y God. my portion, and my love, IViL fa/[y everlafting all ; I’ve none but ihee in heav’n above. Or on this eartliiy ball. 2 . What empty things are all the ikies, And this inferior clod : There’s nothing here deftrves my joys, There’s nothing like my God. 3. To thee we owe our weahh and friends, And health and fafe abode ; Tharps to thy name for meaner things, But they are not my God. 4. How vain a toy is glittVtng wealth, If once compar’d to thee ; Or what’s my fafety, or my health, Or all my friends, to me r 5. Were I poffetTor of the earth, And call’d the itars nay own ; Without thy graces, and thy fell, I were a wretch undone. 6. Let others ftretch their arms like feas, And grafp in ail the fhore; Grant me the vilits of thy face. And I dthre no more. [ *75 I HYMN CLX. r. TX/HEN I can read my (hie clear, " To manfions in the Ikies ; I bid fareweli to ev’ry fear. And wipe my weeping eyes. 2. Should earth againft my foul engage. And heiliih darts be hurl’d; Then I can fmile at Satan’s rage. And face a frowning world. 3. Let cares like a wild deluge come. And dorms of furrow faii; May 1 but fafely reach my home. My God, my heav’n, my all. 4. There fhall I bathe my weary foul. In Teas of heav’nly reft; And not a wave of trouble roll Acrofs my peacclul breaft. HYMN CLXI. 1. C HALL Atheifts dare infult the crc!s ^ Of our incarnate God? Shall Infidels revile ids truth. And trample on his blood ? 2. What if lie choofe royflerious ways 1 o cleanfe us from our faults? May not the works of fov’reign grace Tranfcend our feeble thoughts? r 1 76 ] 3. What if his gofpel bids us drive With fielii, and felf, and fin? The prize is mod divinely bright, That we are call’d to win. 4. What if the men, defpis’d on earth. Still of his grace partake r This but confirms the truth the more, Lor fo the prophet fpake. 5. Do fome that own the facred truth. Indulge their fouls in lin? None fhould reproach the Saviour’s name, His laws are pure and clean. 6. Then let our fat 1 h be firm and llrong. Our lips profefs his word $ Nor ever fhun thofe holy men. Who fear and love the Loid. HYMN CLXII. 1. "p EFORE Jehovah’s awful throne, -O) Ye nations bow with facred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone; H e can create, and he deftroy. 2. His fov’reign povv’r without our aid, Made us of clay, and form’d us men ; And w hen like wand’ring fheep we ftray’d. He brought us to his foie! again. C 177 ] We’ll crowd thy gates with thankful fongs. High as the heav’ns our voices raife ; And earth with her ten thoufand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with founding praife. 4. Wide as the world is thy command, Vaft as eternity thy love ; Firm as a rock thy truth mud (land, When rolling years ihailceaie to move. HYMN CLXIIt. HY way, O God, is in the fea, Thy paths I cannot trace; Nor compiehend the myltery, Of thy unbounded grace. £. Here the dark veils of flefh and fenfej My captive foul furround ; Myderious deeps of providence, My wand’ring thoughts confound. -7. When I behold thy awful hand My earthly hopes dedroy ; In deep aftondhment 1 (land, And afk the reafon, why ? 4. As thro’ a glafs l dimly fee The wonders of thy love. How little do I know of thee. Or of the joys above ! a a t *73 } 'Tisbut in part I know thy will, I blefs thee for the fight ; When will thy love the reft reveal In glory’s clearer light ? 6. With rapture fliall I then Purvey Thy providence and grace ; And fpend an everlafting day In wonder, love and praife. HYMN CLXIV. 1. TPAITH!—*tis a precious grace, Where’er it is beftow’d! It boafls of a celeftial birth, And is the gift of God ! 2. Jefus it owns as King, An all-atoning Prieft ; It claifns no merit of its own, But looks for all in Chrift, 3. To him it leads the foul. When fill’d with deep diftrefs. Flies to the fountain of his blood. And trufts his righteoufnefs. 4. Since ’tis thy work alone, And that divintly free ; Lord, fend the Spirit of thy Set? To work this faith in me. t 1 79 3- HYMN CLXV. 1. HP HERE > s no p af h to h eav ’ n ty blTs* -1 Or folid joy or lading peace, But Chrift th’ appointed road ; o may vve tread the facred way, By faith rejoice, and praife, and pray. Till vve fit down with God! 2. The types and fhadows of the word Unite in Chrift, the Man, the Lord* The Saviour, juft and true; O may we all his word believe, And all his promifes receive. And all his precepts do. 3. As he above for ever lives. And life to dying finners gives. Eternal and divine ; O may his Spirit in me dwell, Then fav’d from fin, and death, and hell. Eternal life is mine. HYMN CLXVI. X. RATHER of mercies, in thy word, I? What endlefs glory fhines 1 For ever be thy name ador’d For ihefe celeftial lines. 2. Here* may the wretched fons of want, Exhauftlefs. riches find 4 Riches, above what earth can grant, And lafting as the mind, A 3> 2> CO [ 180 ] 3. Here, the Redeemer’s welcome voice Spreads heav’nly peace around j And life, and everlalting joys Attend the blifsful found. 4. O may thefe heav’nly pages be, My ever dear delight ; And dill new beauties may I fee. And dill increafmg light! 5. Divine JnfirittShor, gracious Lord, Ee thou for ever near; Teach me to love thy facred word. And view my Saviour there. HYMN CLXVII. 1. T 7 \THAT wifdom, majedy and grace, * * Thro’ ail the gofpel lhine ! *Tis God that fpeaks, and we confefs 1 he dodlrine moll divine. 2. Down from.his flarry tlirone on high, Th’ Almighty Saviour comes : Lays his bright robes of glory by. And feeble heih alfumes. . The mighty debt that Tinners ow’d Upon the crofs he pays : Then thro’ the clouds afeends to God, ’Micit'l Ihouts of loftieft praife. [ IS, ] 4. There he our great high Pried appears^ Before his Father’s throne ; Mingles his merits with our tears. And pours falvation down. 5. Great God, with rev’rence we adore s Thy juftice and thy grace : And on rhy faithfulnefs and pow’r. Our hrm dependence place. HYMN CLXVIIL 1. IVTOW begin the heav’nly theme. Sing aloud in jefu’s name; Ye, who his faivation prove. Triumph in redeeming love. / 2. Ye, who fee the Father’s grace, Bearni ig in the Saviour’s face. As to Canaan on ye move, Praife and blefs redeeming love. 3. Ye, alas! who long have been Willing haves of death and fin. Now from bltfs no longer rove. Stop and tafte redeeming love. 4. Welcome all, by fin opprefl, Welcome to his lacred reft ; Nothing brought him from above--* Nothingbut redeeming love. [ IS* ) 5. TTe fpbdu’d th’ infernal pow’rs 9 Thofe tremendous foes of ours. From their curfed empire drove$ Mighty in redeeming love. 6. Hither, then, your mufic bring, Strike aloud each cheerful firing, Mortals join the holis above ; Join to praife redeeming love. HYMN CLXIX, s> LORD, I would delight in Thee, And on thy care depend, To Thee in ev’ry trouble flee, My bell, my only friend. 2 . When all created ffreams are dry’d Thy fulne-fs is the fame. May 1 with this be fati fy’d, Andglcry in thy name ! g. Why fhonld rhe foul a drop bemoan Who lias a fountain near, A fountain which will ever rim With waters fweet and clear. 4. No good in creatures can be found, But may be found in thee ; I mull have all things and abound, While God is God to me. O that I had a Wronger faith, To look within the vail. To credit what my Saviour faith, Whofe word can never fail. 6 . O Lord, I call my care on Thee, I triumph and adore ; Henceforth my great concern fhall be To love and pleafe thee more. HYMN CLXX. 1. A ND can my heart afpire fo high. To fay, “ My Father, God!" Lord, at thy feet I fain would lie, And learn to kifs the rod, 2. I would ftibmil to all thy will, For thou art good and wife ; Let ev’ry anxious thought be ftill, Nor one lain: murmur rife. 3. Thy love can cheer the darkfome gloom, And bid me wait ferene. Till hopes and joys immortal bloom. And brighten all the fcene. 4. “ My Father”—O permit my heart To plead her humble claim, And aflc the blifs thofe words impart, In my Redeemer’s name. [ > 8 4 ] HYMN CLXXI. t. QOV'REIGN of life, I own thy hand ^ In ev’ry chaining flroke ; And, while 1 fmart beneath thy rod. Thy prefence I invoke. 2. To thee in my dirtrefs I cried, And thou hart bow’d thine ear ; Thy pow’rful word my life prolong'd* And brought falvation near. 3. Unfold, ye gates, of righteoufnefs, That with the pious throng, I may record my folemn vows. And tune my grateful fong. 4. Praife to the Lord, whofe gentle hand Renews our lab’ring bieath : Praife to the Lord, who makes his faints. Triumphant e’en in death. 5. My God, in thine appointed hour Thofe hcav’nly gates difplay. Where pain and iin, and fear and death For ever flee away C. There, while the nations of the blcfs’d With raptures bow around, My anthems to deliv’ring grace, In fweeter drains Ihall found. [ * 8 ; 3 HYMN CLXXII. %, T £T us, the fheep by jefus nam’d. Our Shepherd’s mercy blefs; Let us whom Jefus hath redeem’d. Shew forth our thankfulnefs. *?. Not unto us, to Thee alone, Be praife and glory giv’n : Here lhall thy praifes be begun, And carry’d on in heav’n. 3. The hofts of fpirits now with Thee, Eternal anthems fing \ To imitate them here, lo! we Our hallelujahs bring. 4. Had we our tongues like them infpir’d, Like their’s our fangs fhould rife j Like them, we never (hould be tir’d, But love the facrifice. HYMN CLXXm. x.' A WAKE, my foul, and with the fun •*- Thy daily ftage of duty run ; Shake off dull (loth, and joyful rife To pay thy morning facrifice'. 2 . Thy precious time mifpent, redeem; Each prefent day thy laft efleem ; Improve thy talent with due care 5 For the great day thyfelf prepare. v b I >86 ] 3. In converfation be fincere, Keep confcience as the noon-tide clear ; Think how th’ all-feeing God thy ways. And all thy fecret thoughts furveys. 4. All praife to Thee, who fafehaft kept. And halt refrefh’d me, whillt I flept: Grant, Lord, when I from death fhall wake? I may of endlefs life partake. Dire£t, controul, fuggefl this day, All I defign, or do, or fay; That all my pow’rs, with all their might. In thy foie glory may unite. 6. Praife God, from whom all bleflings flow;. Praife him, all creatures here below; Praife him above, ye heav’nly holt; Praife Father, Son, and Holy Gholt. HYMN CLXXIV. 1, (f~^ LORY to thee, my God, this night. For all the blellings of the light: Keep me, O keep me, King of Kings, Peneath thine own Almighty wings. 2. Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That with the world, myfelf, and Thee, I*,e’er I deep, at peace may be. [ J 3 .Teich me to live, that I may dread Th? grave as little as my bed ; Teich me to die, that fo I may. With joy behold the judgment day. 4. O may my foul on thee repofe, And may fweet fleep mine eyelids clofe ; Sleep that may me more vig’rous make, To ferve my God when I awake. 5. O when fhall I, in endlefs day. For ever chafe dark fleep away ; And hymns divine with angels ling. Glory to Thee, eternal King ? 6. Praife God, from whom all blefllngsflow Praile him, all creatures here below £ Praife him above, ye heav’nly holf 5 Praife Father, Son, and Holy Ghoil. HYMN CLXXV. s. THOU God of my falvation, My Redeemer from all fin ; Mov’d to this by great compaflion. Yearning bowels from within ; I will praife thee ; Where fhall 1 thy praife begin ? B b 2 [ >83 ] 2. While the angel choirs are crying, Glory to the great I AM ; I with them would be afcribing, Glory, glory to the Lamb! Oh ! how precious Is the found of Jefu’s name ! 3. Now I fee, with joy and wonder, Whence the healing ftreams arofe Angels minds are loft to ponder Dying love without a caufe: Yet a blefting Down to Tinners now it flows, 4. May this fet our fouls on fire, Caufe to glow the flame of love; Higher, let us mount ftill higher. Waiting for our blefi remove ; Then we‘ll praife thee In thy brighter realms above. HYMN CLXXVI, 1. TTESUS, Saviour of my foul. Let me to thy bofom fly. While the raging billows roll. While the tempeft ftill is high \ Hide me, O my Saviour, hide. Till the ftorm of life is paft 1 Safe into the haven guide ; O receive my foul at laft. [ jS 9 ] 2. Other refuge have I none, Bangs my helplefs foul on Thee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone. Still fupport and comfort me : All my trull on Thee is flay’d All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defencelefs head With the fhadow of thy wing. 3. Thou, O Chrifl, art all I want ; All in all in thee 1 find : Raife the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the lick, and lead the blind : Juft and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteoufnefs, Vile and full of fin I am, T hou art full of truth and grace. 4. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to pardon all my fin ; Let the healing ftreams abound ; Make and keep me pure within : Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring thou up heart. Rife to all eternity. HYMN CLXXVIL I. COME, thou blefted Lamb of God 1 Come wafh us in thy cleanfing blood Give us to know thy love, then pain Is fweet, and life or death is gain. [ 1 9 o ] 2. How can it be, thou heav’nly King, That thou fhould’ft man to glory bring ; Make {laves the partners of thy throne I Deck’d with a never fading crown. 3. O Lord, enlarge our fcanty thought, To know the wonders thou haft wrought ? Unloofe our ftamm’ring tongue to tell. Thy love immenfe, unfearchable! 4. Firft born of many brethren thou, To Thee both earth and heav’n muft bow? Help us to Thee our all to give, Thine may we die, thine may we live* HYMN CLXXVIIL 1. ]TESUS, my all, to heav’n is gone, D He whom I fix my hopes upon 5 His track 1 fee, and I'll purlue The narrow way, till him 1 view. 2. The way the holy prophets went, The road that leads from banilhmentj, The King’s highway of holinefs I’ll go, for all his paths ate peace, 3. This is the way I long have fought. And mourn’d becaufe I found it not; My grief a burden long has been, Becaufe I could not ceafe from fin. L t 9 I ] 4. The more I drove againft its pov/'r^ I finn’d and {tumbled but the more. Till late I heard my Saviour fay, u Come hither, foul, I am the Way.” 5. Lo! glad I come, and thou, bleft Lamb, Shalt take me to Thee as I am ; Nothing but fin I Thee can give ; Nothing but love fhall I receive. 6. Then (hall I tell to fi nners round. What a dear Saviour i have found ; I’ll point to thy redeeming blood. And fay, “ Behold the way to God.’* HYMN CLXXIX. r. "JJESU, thy blood and righteoufnefs My beauty are, my glorious drefs * Midft flaming worlds in thefe array’d. With joy {hall I lift up my head. 2. When from the dufl: of death I rife, To claim my manlion in the {kies, E’en then {hall this be all my plea, “ Jefus hath liv’d, and dy’d for me.” 3, Bold {hall I {land at that great day; For who aught to my charge {hall lay ? Fully thro’ Thee abfolv’d I am, ' From fin and fear, from guilt and fhamev [ I 9 Z ] 4. Thus Abraham, the friend of God, Thus all the armies bought with blood. Saviour of tinners thee proclaim, Sinners, of whom the chief I am. 5. This fpotlefs robe the fame appears. When ruin’d nature links in years ; No age can change its glorious hue. The grace of Chriit is ever new. 6. O let the dead now hear thy voice, Now bid thy banifh’d ones rejoice, Their beauty this, their glorious drefs, Jefus, the Lord, our righteoufnefs. HYMN CLXXX. J. TT7TIAT flaall we render unto thee, * * Thou glorious Lord of life and pow’r Teach us to bow the humble knee. Teach us with thankfulnefs t’adore; To praife thee as thy faints above ; To praife thee for thy wond’rous love. 2, When like loft fheep we wander’d wide, And left the watchful Shepherd’s eye j When borne along th’ impetuous tide Of this world’s fin and vanity ; Our Jefus from the heav’ns came down. To fave us by his grace alone, L >93 ] 3. He bore our fins upon the tree, (To feek and fuve the loft he came,) There was he bound to fet us free From death and everlafting fhame. The captive flock from hell was freed. And ranfom’d when their Shepherd bled. 4. Before the Father’s awful throne, Our merciful High-Prieft he Hands; And interceding for his own. The purchas’d remnant now demands: Ilis people’s everlafting friend. Who loving—loves them to the end. HYMN CLXXXf. 1. T ORD, thy pervading knowledge ftrikes Thro’ nature’s inmoft gloom : And in thy circling arms I lay A flumb’rer in the womb. 2. Thee will I honor, for I Hand A volume of thy fkill; Stupendous are thy works, and they My contemplations fill. 3. How precious are the ftreaming joys That from thy love delcend! Would I rehearle their numbers o’er. Where would their numbers end £ c c [ ‘94 ] 4. Not ocean’s countlefs fands exceed The bleflings of the (kies; With night’s defcending (hade they fall; With morning fplendors rife. 5. Thy awful glories round me fhine, My flefh proclaims thy praife : Lord, to thy works of nature join Thy miracles of grace. HYMN CLXXXII. %. A LMIGHTY Father, gracious Lord, Kind guardian of my days, Thy mercies let my heart record In fongs of grateful praife. 2. In life’s firft dawn, my tender frame Was thy indulgent care. Long e’er I could pronounce thy name, Or breathe the infant pray’r. 3. Each rolling year new favors brought From thy exhaufllefs (tore; But ah! in vain my lab’ring thought Would count thy mercies o’er. 4. While fweet reflection, thro’ my days, Thy bounteous hand would trace ; Still dearer bleflings claim thy praife, The bleflings of thy grace. E *95 1 5. Yes, I adore Thee, gracious Lord, For favors more divine ; That I have known thy facred word, Where all thy glories fhine. 6. Lord, when this mortal frame decays. And ev’ry weaknefs dies, Complete the wonders of thy grace, And raife me to the fkies. HYMN CLXXXIIL 1. TJ[OW precious is the book divine By infpiration giv’n ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines fhine To guide our fouls toheav’n, 2 . It fweetly cheers our drooping hearts. In this dark vale of tears ; Life, light, and joy, it (till imparts, And quells our rifing fears. 2- This lamp thro’ all the tedious night Of life lhall guide our way. Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. c c 2 C J 9 6 ] HYMN CLXXXIV. 1. HP HE God of Abr’ham praife, Who reigns enthron’d above, Ancient of everlalting days. And God of Love ! Jehovah, great 1 AM ! By earth and heav’n confeft ; I bow and blefs the facred name, For ever blefs’d. 2 . The God of Abr’ham praife, At whofe fupreme command From earth 1 rife, and feek the joys At his right hand : I all on earth forfake. Its wifdom, fame and pow’r ; And him my only portion make. My Ihield and tow’r. 3. The God of Abr’ham praife, Whofe all fufficient grace Shall guide me all my happy days, In all my ways: He calls a worm his friend ! He calls himfelf my God ! And he Ihall fave me to the end, Thro’ Jelu’s blood. L *97 ] 4. He by himfelf hath fworn, 1 on his oath depend, I (hall on eagle’s wings up-borne. To heav’n afcend : I fhall behold his face, I lhall his pow’r adore. And fing the wonders of his grace For evermore. HYMN CLXXXV. I. Hr "HOUGH nature’s ftrength decay, And earth and hell withfland, To Canaan’s bounds I urge my way, At God’s command : The wat’ry deep I pafs, With Jefus in my view ; And through this howling wildernefs, My way purfue. 2. The goodly land I fee, With peace and plenty blefs’d j A land oi facred liberty, And endlefs reft : There milk and honey flow, And oil and wine abound. And trees of life for ever grow. With mercy crown’d. [ l 9 S } There dwells the Lord our King,.. The Lord our righteoufnefs. Triumphant o'er the world and fin. The Prince of Peace : On Zion’s facred height. His kingdom ftill maintains ; And glorious with his faints in light, For ever reigns. 4. He keeps his own fecure. He guards them by his fide, Arrays, in garments white and pure, His fpotlefs bride : With ftreamsof facred blifs. With wines of living joys. And all the fruits of Paradife, He (fill fupplies. HYMN CLXXXVI. X. "DEFORE the great Three-One, The Saints exulting hand. And tell the wonders He hath done, Through all their land : The lift’ning fpheres attend. And fwell the growing fame, And fing in fongs which never end. The wond’rous name. [ ’99 ] 2. The God who reigns on high. The great archangels /ing ; And holy, holy, holy, cry, Almighty King ! Who was, and is the fame, And evermore {hall be, Jehovah, Father, great I AM ! We worlhip Thee. 3. Before the Saviour’s face, The ranfom’d nations bow, O’erwhelm’d at his Almighty grace, For ever new: He {hews his prints of love. They kindle to a flame, And found, through all the worlds above, The fiauehter’d Lamb. O 4. The whole triumphant hofl: Give thanks to God on high ; Id ail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl, They ever cry : Hail, Abr’ham’s God, and mine, I join the heav’nly lays ; All might and majefty are thine, And endlefs praife. [ ] HYMN CLXXXVII. i. /jOREAT God of wonders! all thy ways Vy Are matchlefs, Godlike and divine ; I 3 iit the fair glories of thy grace More Godlike and unrivall’d fliine: Who is a par’dning God like thee ? Or who has grace fo rich and free ? 2» Angels and men, relign your claim To pity, mercy, love and grace ; Thefe glories crown Jehovah’s name With an incomparable blaze : Who is a pard’ning God like thee? Or who has grace fo rich and free ? 3. In wonder loft, with trembling joy, We take the pardon of our God, Pardon for crimes of deepelt dye, A pardon feal’d with Jefu’s blood. Who is a pard’ning God like thee ? Or who has grace lb rich and free ? 4. O may this flrange, this matchlefs grace This Godlike miracle of love, Fill the wide earth with grateful praife, And all th’ angelic choirs above ; W T ho is a pard’ning God like thee ? Or who has grace lb rich and free ? HYMN CLXXXVIII, 1. A ND will th* eternal King So mean a gift reward ? That oiF’ring, Lord, with joy we bring* Which thy own hand prepar’d. 2. We own thy various claim. And to thine altar move : The willing vidfims of thy grace, And bound with cords of love. 3. Defcend, celeflial fire, The facrifice inflame; So (hall a grateful odor rife, Thro’ our Redeemer’s name. HYMN CLXXXIX. 1. /POME, ye finners, poor and wretched* Weak and wounded, fick and fore* Jefus ready ftands to fave you, Full of pity, join’d with pow’r: He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. 2. Ho! ye needy, come and welcome* God’s free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, Ev’ry grace that brings you nigh. Without money, Come to jefus Chrift, and buy. [ 202 ] g. Let not conference make yon linger, Nor of fitnefs fondly dream ; All the fitnefs he requireth, Is to feel your need of him : This he gives you, ? Tis the Spirit’s riling beam. 4» Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruis’d and mangled by the fall; If you tarry ’till v©u’re better. You will never come at all: Not the righteous, Sinners Jefus yame to call, 5. Agonizing in the garden, Lo ! your Maker proflrate lies ; On the bloody tree beholJ him ; ' Hear him cry before he dies, “ It is finifhed Sinner, will not this fuffiee? 6. Lo ! th’ incarnate God afeended, Pleads the merit of his blood : Venture on him, venture wholly. Let np other trull intrude ; None but Jefus, Can do helplefs finners good. [ 2 °3 ] *]■ Saints and angel?, join’d in concert, Sing the prafes of the Lamb ; Wl\i!e the blifsful feats of heaven Sweetly echo with his name : Hallelujah ! Sinners here may fing the fame, HYMN CXC. e. ALMIGHTY Maker, God ! How wond’rous is thy name! Thy glories how diffus’d abroad Thro’ the creation’s frame. 2. Nature in ev’ry diets Her humble homage pays, And finds a thoufand ways t’ exprefs Thine undiffembled praife. 3. My foul would rife and fing 1 o her Creator too ; Fain would my tongue adore my King, And pay the worfhip due. 4. Create my foul anew, Fife all my worfhip’s Vain ; This wretched heart will ne’er be true. Until ’tis form’d again. 5. Let joy and worfhip fpend The remnant of my days. And to my God, my foul afcend In fweet perfumes of praife, P d z C 20 4 3 HYMN CXCI. 2, r jPHOU blefs’d Redeemer, dying Lamb* L We love to hear of Thee ; No mufic’s like thy charming name. Nor half fo fweet can be. 2. O let us ever hear thy voice, in mercy to us fpeak ; And in our Pried we will rejoice* Thou great Melchifedec. 3. Our Jefus (hall be dill our theme* While in this world we day ; We’ll fing our Jefu’s lovely name. When all things elfe decay : 4. When we appear in yonder cloud, With all thy favor’d throng, Then will we fing more fweet, more loud, And Jefus be our fong. HYMN CXCII. j . r j] ''HE fountain of Chrid, Lord, help us to fing, The Blood of our Pried, our crucify \\ King; The fountain that cleanfes from fin and from filth, And richly difpenfes falvation and health, [ Z °S ] 2. This fountain from guilt not only makes pure. And gives foon as felt, infallible cure ; But if guilt removed, return and remain. Its povv’r may be proved again and again. 3. This fountain unfeal’d hands open for all M ho long to be heal’d, the great and the fmall: Here’s (Length for the weakly that hither are led ; Here’s health for the fickly, and life for the dead. 4. This fountain in vain has never been try’cl; Jt takes out all (tain whenever apply’d ; I he fountain flows fweetly with virtue divine, To cleanfe fouls completely, tho’ lep’rous as mine. HYMN cxcnr. A LL hail, incarnate God ! The wond’rous things foretold Of Fhee in facred writ With joy our eyes behold : Still does thine arm new trophies wear. And monuments of glory rear. 2. To Thee the hoary head Its (ilver honors pays, To thee the blooming youth Devotes his brigliteft days : And ev’ry age their tribute bring. And bow to thee ; all-coutju’ring FCirtg, [ 20 6 ] 3- O hafte, victorious Prince, T hat, happy glorious day, When ft uls, like drops of dew. Shall own thy gentle fvvay : O may ir blefs our longing eyes, And bear our fhouts beyond the ilcies. 4 - All hail, triumphant Lord, Eternal be thy reign ; Behold the nations (lie To wear thy gentle chain ; When earth and time are known no more, Thy throne (hall Hand forever fure. HYMN CXCIV. I. IN vain the giddy world inquires* Forgetful of their God, “ Who will fupply our vail defires, “ Or fhew us any good r” 2.Thro* the wide circuit of the earth Their eager wifhes rove, In chace of honor, wealth and mirth, The phantoms of their love. 3. But oft thefe fhadowy joys elude Their tnoft intenfe purfuit: Or if they feize the fancied good, There’s poifon in the fruit. % [ 20 7 ] 4 - Lord, from this world call off my love, Set my affections right: Bid me afpire to joys above. And walk no more by fight, g. O let the glories of thy face Upon my bofom fhine : AlTur’d of thy forgiving grace. My joys will be divine. HYMN CXCV. f. A Debtor to mercy alone, ^ Of covenant mercy I ting • Nor fear with thy righteoufnefs on My perfon and offerings to bring : The terrors of lav/, and of God, With me can have nothing to do ; My Saviour’s obedience and blood Hide all my tranfgrellions from view. 2 . The work which his goodnefs began, \ he arm of his flrength will complete ; His promife is Yea and Amen, And pever was forfeited yet: Thi ngs future, nor things that are now. Not all things below nor above Can make him (iis purpofe fore r o. Or fever my foul from his love. [ 2c8 J My name from the palms of his hands Eternity will not erafe ; Imprefs’d on his heart it remains, In marks of indelible grace : Yes, 1 to the end ihall endure. As fure as the earned is giv’n ; More h appy, but not more fecure. The glorify’d fpiriis in heav’n. HYMN CXCVI. S. HTO cur Redeemer’s glorious name Awake a facred long ! O may his love (immortal (lame !) Tune ev’iy heart and tongue. 2 . His love, what mortal thought can reach? What mortal tongue difplay ? Imagination’s utmolt ilretch In wonder dies away. He left his radiant throne on high, Left the bright realms of blifs. And came to earth to bleed and die ! Was ever love like this ? 4. Blefs’d Lord, while we adoring pay Our humble thanks to thee ; May ev’ry heart wi'.h rapture fay, 6 ‘ The Saviour dy’d for me.” [ 20 9 ] 5. O may the fweet, the blifsful theme Fill ev’ry heart and tongue; Till Grangers love the charming name, And join the facred fong. HYMN CXCVII. 2 . TJTOW various and how new, Are thy companions, Lord! Each morning (hall thy mercy (hew, Each night thy truth record. 2. Thy goodnefs, like the fun, Dawn’d on our early days. E’er infant reafon had begun To form our lips to praife. 3. Each objeft we beheld Gave pleafure to our eyes: And nature all our fenfes held In bands of fweet furprife. 4. But pleafures more refin’d Awaited that blefs’d day When light arofe upon our mind, And chas’d our fins away. 5. How new thy mercies then! How fov’reign and how free ! Our fouls that had been dead in fin, Were made alive to thee. e e [ 210 ] HYMN CXCVIII. 1. pOML thou fount of ev’rv blefhng, ^ Tune my heart to ling* thy grace ; Streams of mercy never ceafing, Call for fongs of loudeft pratfe : Teach tne fume melodious fonnet, Sung by flamibg tongues above : Praife the mount—O fix me on it, Mount of God’s unchanging love. 2. Here I raife my Ebenezer, Hither by thy help I’m come ; And I hope by thy good pleafure, Safely to arrive at home : Jefus fought me when a Granger Wand’ring from the fold of God ; He to fave my foul from danger Interpos’d his precious blood. 3- O ! to Grace how great a debtor, Daily I’m conllrain’d to be! Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter. Bind my wand’ring heart to Thee! Prone to wander. Lord, I feel it ; Prone to leave the God I love— Here’s my heart, Lord, take and feal if, Seal it from thy courts above. [ 211 ] HYMN CXCIX. Ever gracious, ever wife! ’REIGN Ruler of the fkies* All my times are in thy hand. All events at thy command. 2. He that form’d me in the womb. He fhall guide me to the tomb : All my times fhall ever be Order’d by his wife decree : 3 Times of ficknefs, times of health * Times of penury and wealth ; Times of trial and of grief ; Times of triumph and relief. 4. O thou gracious, wife an d juft,. In thy hands my life I truft: Have I fumewhat dearer ftill ? I refign it to thy will. 5, May I always own thy hand— Still to the furrender ftand ; Know that thou art God alone, I and mine are all thy own. 6. Thee at all times will I blefs ; Having thee, l all poffefs : How can I bereaved be, Since I cannot part with Thee ? E e z [ ar* ] HYMN CC. 1. XT^rHEN blooming youth is fnatch’d away ^ * Bv death’s reliftlefs hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay, Which pity mud demand. 2. While pity prompts the riling flgh, O may this truth, imprefl With awful pow’r,— / too mitji die , Sink deep in ev’ry bread. 3. Let this vain world engage no more ; Behold the gaping tomb! It bids us feize the prefent hour, To-morrow death may come. 4. The voice of this alarming fcene . May ev’ry heart obey ; Nor be the heav'nly warning vain, Which calls to watch and pray. 5. O let us fly, to Jefus fly, Whofe pow’rful arm can fave ; Then (ball our hopes afcend on high. And triumph o’er the grave. 6. Great God, thy fov’reign grace impart, With cleanling, healing pow’r ; This only can prepare the heart Lor death's lurpriflng hour. [ 213 ] HYMN CCI. 1. ITT is the Lord—enthron’d in light, Whofe claims are all divine ; Who has an undifputed right To govern me and mine. 2. It is the Lord — fhould I diftruft. Or contradict his will ? Who cannot do but what is juft. And mu ft be righteous ftill. 3. Ii is the Lord—who gives me all My wealth, my friends, my eafe ; And of his bounties may recall Whatever part he pleafe. 4 It is the Lord—who can fuftain Beneath theheavieft load, From whom afliftance I obtain, To tread the thorny road. 5 It is the Lord—whofe matchles fkill Can from afflictions raife Matter, eternity to fiil With ever-growing praife. 6. It is the Lord—my cov’nant God, Thrice bieded be his name ! Wh ofe gracious promife feal’d with blood, Mult ever be the fame. I' ] HYMN CCII. 1. jj’ESUS, full of all compaflion, Hear thy humble fuppliant’s cry 5 Let me know thy great falvation, See I languish, faint, and die. 2. Without thee, the world poflefting, I fhould be a wretch undone ; Search thro 5 heav’n, the land of bleffing, Seeking good and finding none. 3. Hear then, bleffed Saviour, hear me, ]Vly foul cleaveth to the dull ; Send the Comforter to cheer me, Lo ! in J hee I put my trull. 4. On the word thy blood hath fealed, Hangs my everlafting all ; Let thine arm be now revealed. Stay, O Itay me, left 1 fall! 5 In the world of endlefs ruin. Let it never, Lord, be fa id, “ Here’s a foul that perifh’d filing “ f or the boalted Saviour's aid !” 6. Sav’d—the deed lhall fpread new glory Thro’ the filming realms above, Angels fing the pleafmg ftory, All enraptur’d with thy love ! [ 2I 5 ] HYMN CCIII. I. XDREPARE me, gracious God, To Hand before thy face ; Thy Spirit mutt the work perform, Ecr it is all of grace. 2. In ChrifPs obedience clothe. And wafh me in his blood : So (hall I lift my head with joy, Among the fons of God. 3. Do thou my fins fubdue, Thy fov’reign love make known;, The fpirit of my mind renew, And fave me in thy Son. 4. Let me attefl thy pow’r, Let me thy goodnefs prove. Till my full foul can hold no more Of everlafting love. HYMN CCIV. 1. r yHOU God of glorious majefty! To Thee, againlt myfelf, to Thee A finful worm, I cry : An half awaken’d child of man, An heir of endlefs blifs or pain, A linner born to die. [ 2l6 j 2. O God, my inmoft foul convert, And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things imprefs; Give me to feel their folemn weighty And fave me e’er it be too late. Wake me to righteoufnefs. 3. Be this my one great bus’nefs here, With holy trembling, holy fear, To make my calling fore! Thine utmoft counfel to fulfil, And fuffer all thy righteous will. And to the end endure I 4. Then, Saviour, then my foul receive, Tranfported from this vale to live And reign with thee above ; Where faith is fweetly loll: in fight. And hope, in full fupreuae delight And everlafting love. HYMN CCV. 1. "ip^AY of Judgment, day of wonders! -LV Hark the trumpet’s awful found. Louder than a thoufand thunders, Shakes the valt creation round! How the fummons Will the finners heart confound! [ 2‘7 J 2. See the Judge our nature wearing, Cloth’d in majefty divine ! \ ou who long for his appearing, Then fnail fay, “ This God is mine!” Gracious Saviour, Own me in that day for thine! 3. At his call, the dead awaken, Rife to life from earth and fea; All the pow’rs of nature, fhaken By his looks, prepare to flee : Carelefs (inner, What will then become of thee ? 4. Horrors pad imagination, Will furprife your trembling heart, When you hear your condemnation, “ Hence, accurfed wretch, depart! “ Thou with Satan “ And his angels, have thy part !’* 5. But to thofe who have confefTed, Lov’d and ferv’d the Lord below. He will fay, “ Come near, ye blefled, “ See the kingdom I bellow ; “ You for ever Vv7 nat (hall I do my Saviour to praife ? So -^ithful and true, To plenteous in grace ; .. So ftrong to deliver, fo good to redeem, i he weakell boncver that hangs upon him 1 2. How happy the man, whofe heart is fet free • The people that can be joyful in thee ! Their joy is to walk in the light of thy face : And dill they are talking of Jefus’s grace. 3. Their daily delight fhall be in thy name ; They (hall, as their right, thy righteoufnefs claim : Thy righteoufnefs wearing, and cleans’d bv thy blood, J Bold they fhall appear in the prefence ofGod. 4. For thou art their boaft, their glory and pow’r: And I alfo trnft to fee the glad hour ; My foul’s new creation, my life from the dead, The day of falvation that lifts up my head. 5* For Jefus my Lord is now mv defence ; I truft in his word, none plucks me from thence: Since I have found favor, he all things will do; 0 My King and my Saviour will make me anew. [ 22 9 1 6 . Yes, Lord, I {hall fee the blifs of thine own, 1 hy fee ret to me (hall foon be made known : For f >rrow and fadnefs I joy (hall receive ; And {hare in the giaduefs of all that believe. HYMN CCXVIII. I* Tyif Y times of f rrow and of joy, Great G< d, are in thine hand ; My choieeft comforts came irorn thee. And goat thy command. 2 . If thou ftiouJd’ft take them all away, Yet would I not repine ; Before they were pofTefs’d by me. They were entirely thine. 3 * Nor would I drop a murtn'ring word, Tho’ the whole world were gone ; But feek enduring happinefs In i hee, and Thee alone. if. What is the world, or all things here ? ’Tis but a b if ter fweet ; When 1 attempt a tofe to pluck, A pricking thorn I meet. 5 * Here perfect blifs can ne’er be found, T he honey’s mixt with gall • Mulft changing feenes and dying friends, Be thou my ail in all. [ 2 3 ° ] HYMN CCXIX. 1. '\ 7 ’E wretched, hungry, ftarv/ng poor* Behold a royal feaft ! Where mercy fpreads her bounteous dors Por ev’ry welcome gued. 2. See, Jeftis; (lands with open arms ; He calls, he bids you come : Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms ; But fee, there yet is room ! 3. Room in the Saviour’s bleeding hearty There love and pity meet ; Nor will he bid the foul depart. That trembles at his feet, 4. In him the Father reconcil’d. Invites the fouls to come ; The rebel (hall be call’d a child. And kindly welcom’d home. 5. O come, and with his children fade The bledings of his love ; While hope attends the fweet repad: Ol nobler joys above. HYMN CCXX. E. TJFARK ! the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary! See ! it rends the rocks afunder. Shakes the earth, and veils the fky 1 “ It is finifh’d !” Hear the dying Saviour cry! C 2 3t 3 2. It is finish’d ! O what pleafure Do thefe charming words afford! Heav’nly bleflings, without meafure. Flow to us from Chrift the Lord. It is finifh’d! Saints, the dying words record. 3. Finifh’d, all the types and fhadows Of the ceremonial law ! Finilh’d, all that God had promis’d ; Death and hell no more ihall awe. It is finifh’d ! Saints, from hence your comfort draw. 4. Tune your harps anew, ye feraphs, join to fing the plea ft ng theme ; All in earth, and all in heaven. Join to praife Immanuel’s name. Hallelujah ! Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! HYMN CCXXL 1. A LL hail the pow’r of Jefu’s name ! Let angels proffrate fall : Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2, Ye chofen feed of Adam’s race, Redeem’d from Satan’s thrall ; Hail him who faves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. r 232 j 3. Let ev’ry kindred, ev’rv tribe. On this terreftrial ball. To him ad majefly afcribe, And crown him Lord of all. 4* O that, with yonder facred thronr, We at his feet may fall ; We’ll join the everlafting fong. And crown him Loid of all. HYMN CCXX1I. 1. p> LESSED are the Sons of God, j he y are b^tight with Jefu’s blood, i hey are ran fum’d from the grave, Life eternal they lhall have;"' With them number’ll may we be, Now and thro’ eternity ! * 2. They are juflify d by grace, Lhey enjoy a folid peace ^ Ad their lins arc vvalh’d away, ^ind in God’s great day: With them, & c . 3. They produce the fruits of grace in the works of righteoufnefs! Born of God, they hate all (in, God’s pure feed remains within: With them, &c. [ *33 ] 4 - They alone are truly blcft, Heirs of God, joint heirs with Chrift ; They with love and peace are till’d. They are by his Spirit feal’d : With them number’d may we be. Now and thro’ eternity ! HYMN CCXXIII. 1. CEE, Lord, thy willing fubje&s bow, ^ Adoring low before thy throne: Accept our humble, cheerful vow, Thou art our Sov’reign, thou alone, 2. Beneath thy foul-reviving ray, E’en cold affliction’s wintry gloom Shall brighten into vernal day, And hopes and joys immortal bloom. 3. Smile on our fouls, and bid us ling, In concert with the choir above, The glories of our Saviour King, The condefcenftons of his love. 4 Amazing love that hoop’d fo low. To view with pity’s melting ey# Vile men, deferving endlefs woe! Amazing love !—did Jefus die i 5. He died, to raife to life and joy The vile, the guilty, the undone; O let his praife each hour employ, Till hours no more their circles run ! H h [ =34 ] 6. He died !— ye Peraphs, nine your Pongs, kefound, refound the Saviour’s name Tor nought below immortal tongues Can ever reach the wond’rous theme. HYMN CCXXIV. T| ESUS, immutably the fame. The true and living Vine, Around thy all-fupporting ftem, My feeble arms I twine. 2.Quicken’d by Thee, and kept alive, 1 flourilh and bear fruit ; My life I from thy fap derive. My vigour from thy root. 3. 1 can do nothing without Thee ; My flrength is wholly thine: Wither’d and barren fhould I be. It fever’d from the vine. 4. Upon my leaf, when parch’d with heat, Refreflung dew fhali drop ; The plant which thy right-hand hath fet. Shall neer be rooted up. 5. Each moment water’d by thy care. And fenc’d with pow’r divine, * Fruit to eternal life lhall bear 1 he feeblelt branch of thine. [ 2 35 1 HYMN CCXXV. 3 , ]D OCK of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide inyfelf in Thee ! Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded fide which flow’d, Be of fin the double cure, Cleanfe me from its guilt and pow’r. 2. Not the labor of my hands Can fulfil thy law’s demands ; Could my zeal no refpite know. Could my tears forever flow. All for fin could not atone, Thou muff fave, and thou alone, 3 Nothing in my hand I bring,. Simply to thy crofs I cling ; Naked come to Thee for drefs, Helplefs look to Thee for grace ; Black, I to the fountain fly, Wafh me, Saviour, or I die! While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eye firings break in death,. When I foar to worlds unknown. See Thee on thy judgment throne 5 Rock of ages cleft for me, Let me hide myfelf in Thee, II h Z [ *3 6 ] HYMN CCXXVI. thou long expected Jefus, born to fet thy people free, rrom our fears and fins releafe us, Ter us find our reft: in Thee: I fra el ’s ftrength and confolation, Hope of ail the faints thou art ; ■Hear defire of ev’ry nation, Joy of ev’ry longing heart. .2. Born thy people to deliver ; Born a Child and yet a King ; Born to reign in us for ever, Now thy gracious kingdom bri By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone • By thine all-fufficient merit, Raife us to thy glorious throne. n S hymn ccxxvii. * B LO t Y >’ s the fr ^mpet, blow T u i g!ad! ^ *° ,elnn found I ■Let all tlie nations know To earth’s remoteff bound The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ranfom’d finners, home. 2. Exalt the Lamb of God, The iin-atoning Lamb, Redemption by his blood : i bro all the lands proclaim : f he year of Jubilee is come, Return, ye ranfom’d finners, home. C 2 37 ] 3* The g°fpel trumpet hear, Tiie news of pard’ning graces Ye happy fouls, draw near, Behold your Saviour’s face : The year of Jubilee is come, Return, ye ranlom’d finners, home, 4. Jefos our great high Pried Has full atonement made : Ye weary fpirits, red ; Ye mournful fouls, be glad ! The year of J ubilee is come : Return, ye ranfom’d finners, home. HYMN CCXXVIII. 1. (pUIDE me, O thou great Jehovah Pilgrim thro’ this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty. Hold me with thy pow’rful hand ; Bread of heaven, Feed me now and ever more, 2, Open thou the crydal fountain, Whence the healing dreams do flow Let the fiery cloudy pi liar Lead me all my journey thro’: Strong Deliv’rer, Be thou dill my drength and fliicld. L 2 3§ J 3. When I tread the verge of Jordan* Bid my anxious fears fnbfide ; Death of deaths, and hell’s deflru&ion Land me fafe on Canaan’s fide ; Songs of praifes, I will ever give to Thee, HYMN CCXXIX. I- T/^T’HY do we mourn departing friends? 4 * Or (hake at death’s alarms ! *T is but the voice that Jefus fends To call them to his arms. 2. Are we not tending upward too As fait as time can move ? Nor fhould we wifli the hours more flow, To keep us from our love. 3. Why fhould we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? There the dear flefh of Jefus lay. And left a long perfume. 4. The graves of all his faints he blefs’d. And foften’d ev’ry bed: Where fhould the dying members reft. But with their dying head? 5. Thence he arofe, afcending high. And fhew’d our feet the way : Up to the Lord our flefh fhall fly, At the great rifing-day. t *39 ] 6 . 1 lien let the laff lotid trumpet f\ un i. And bid our kindred rife : Awake, ye nations under ground ; Ye iaints, afcend the Ikies. HYMN CCXXX. Father, whofe eternal fway The bright angelic holls obey, O! lend a pitying ear : When on thy awful name we call, And at thy feet fubmiftive fall, O ! condefcend to hear. 2. Far may thy glorious reign extend. May rebels to thy fceptre bend. And yield to fov’reign love: May we take pleafure to fulfil 1 he facred dictates of thy will. As angels do above. 3. From thy kind hand each temporal good. Our raiment and our daily food, In rich abundance come : Lord, give us Hill a frefh fupply. If tliou with-hold thy hand, we die. And fill the filent tomb. [ 240 ] 4- Pardon nnr fins, O God ! that rife, And call for vengeance from the fkits ; And while we are forgiv’n, Grant that revenge may never reft, Nor malice harbor in that breaft i hat leeis the love of heav’n. 5* Protect us in the dangerous hour. And from the wily tempter’s povv’r, G! fet our fpirits free: And if temptation fhould afiail, May mighty grace o’er all prevail, And lead our hearts to 1 hee. 6 . Thine is the pow’r, to Thee belongs i he conftant tribute of our fongs. All glory to thy name : Let ev’ry creature join our lays. In one rebounding a6t of praife, "I hy wonders to proclaim. HYMN CCXXXI. I. OWEET the moments, rich in blefllng, _ Which before the crofs f fpend ; Life, and health, and peace polTefllng, From the finner’s dying friend: Here I’ll fit for ever viewing, Mercy’s {beams in Itreams of blood ; Precious drops my foul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God. [ 241 ] 5. Truly blefTed is this ftation, Low before his crofs to lie ; While I fee divine companion, Floating in his languid eye : 'Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the Lamb I gaze ; Love I much, I’ve much forgiven. I’m a miracle of grace. 3. Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears his feet I’ll bathe j. Conftant ftill in faith abiding, Life deriving from his death : May I ftill enjoy this feeling, In all need to Jefus go ! Prove his wounds each day more healing, And himfelf more deeply know# HYMN CCXXXII. 1. HPHOU very Pafchal Lamb, Whofe blood for us was fhed, Thro’ whom we out of Egypt came j Thy ranfom’d people lead. 2. Angel of gofpel-grace ! Fulfil thy charadter j To guard and feed thy chofen race, In Ifrael’s camp appear. I 1 I 2 42 ] 3. Throughout the defert-way Condudl us by thy light ; Be thou a cooling cloud by day* A cheering fire by night. 4. Our fainting fouls fuftain With blelfings from above, And ever on thy people rain The manna of thy love. HYMN CCXXXIII. 1. T5 AISE your triumphant fongs . To an immortal tune ; Let the wide earth refound the deeds* Celeftial grace hath done. 2. Sing how eternal love Its chief beloved chofe, And bid him rgife our wretched race From their abyfs of woes. 3 His hand no thunder bears. No terror clothes his brow ; No bolts to drive our guilty fouls To fiercer flames below. 4. ’Twas mercy fill’d the throne* And wrath flood filent by* £ *43 ] When Chrifl was fent with pardons down To rebels doom’d to die. 5. Now, finners, dry your tears, Let hopelefs forrows ceafe ; Bow to the fceptre of his love. And take the offer’d peace, 6. May we obey the call* And lay an humble claim To the falvation he harh brought. And love, and praife his name. HYMN CCXXXIV. 1. /POME, defcend, O heav’nly Spirit, Ban each (park into a flame; Bleflings let us now inherit, Bleflings that we cannot name: Whilft Hofannas we are Tinging, May our hearts with rapture move ; Feel frelh grace in them (till fpringing, Breathe the air of purefl love. 2 . Let us fail in grace’s ocean. Float on that unbounded fea ; Guided into pure devotion, Kept from paths of error free : 1 i 2 [ *44 J On thy heav’nly manna feeding, Screen d from ev’ry envious foe ^ Lord of Life, for finners bleeding AH for tliee I would forego. ° 3- Keep us, Lord, Hill in communion. Daily nearer drawn to Thee ; Sinking in the fweeteh union Of that heart-felt myflery : Keep us fafe from each delufion. Well proteaed from all harms ; Free from fin and all confufion. Circle us within thine arms. HYMN CCXXXV. *' f ° r a g.l ance of heav’nly day To take this hubborn hone away j /tnd thaw' with beams of love divine 1 his heart, this frozen heart of mine. I roc k s can rend, the earth can quake, The feas can roar, the mountains fhake • Of reeling, all things fhew fome fan. But this unfeeling heart of mine. ° 3. To hear the forrows thou hah felt, Great God, an adamant would melt ; But I can read each moving line, ^et nothing melt this heaxfof mine. [ 245 1 4 . Thy judgments too unmov’d T hear, (Amazing thought!) which devils fear j Goodnefs and wrath in vain combine To ftir this ftupid heart of mine. 5. A Pow’r divine can do the deed, And that blefs’d power much 1 need ; Oh ! may thy Spirit now refine From drofs, and melt this heart of mine. HYMN CCXXXVI. 1. LORD, turn not thy face away From him that lies proflrate, Lamenting fore his finful life Before thy mercy-gate : 2 . A gate which opens wide to thofc That do lament their fin : O fhut it not againft me, Lord, But let me enter in. 3. Now come I to the throne of grace* Where mercy doth abound, Defiring mercy for my lin, To heal my deadly wound. 4. M-rey, good Lord, mercy I afk, This is the total fum ; [ 246 ] JMercy thro’ Chrift is all my fuitj* O let thy mercy come. HYMN CCXXXVIL I. A WAY my unbelieving fear, YX jr ear fhall no more in me have plac«> My Saviour doth not yet appear. He hides the brightnefs of his face : But fhall I therefore let him go, And bafely to the tempter yield ? No, in the ftrength of Jefus, no, I never will give up my fhield. 1 . Ahho’ the vine its fruit deny, Altho’ the olive yield no oil ; The whirring fig-tree droop and die, The field illude the tiller’s tcil: The empty (tall no herd afford, And perifh all the bleating race ; Yet will I triumph in the Lord, The God of my falvation praife, 3. Barren altho’ my foul remain, And no one bud of grace appear ; No fruit of all my toil and pain, But fin, and only fin is here : Altho’ my gifts and comforts loff, My blooming hopes cut off I fee ; [ 2 47 ] Yet will I in my Saviour trull, And glory that he dy’d for me. In hope, believing againfl hope, Jefus, my Lord and God, I claim, Jefus, my (Length, (hall lift me up, Salvation is in Jefu’s name : To me he foon (hall bring it nigh, My foul (hall then outftrip the wind, On wings of love mount up on high. And leave the world and (in behind. HYMN CCXXXVIII. 1. J ORD, am I thine, entirely thine ; JLj Purchas’d and fav’d by blood divine I With full confent thine I would be ; And own thy fov’reign right in me. 9. Thee, my new Matter, now I call. And confecrate to Thee my all : Lord, let me live and die to T. hee. Be thine thro’ all eternity. HYMN CCXXXIX. j.IS Jefus fills our hearts below *“■ With holy faith and fervent love: From Jefus all our joy (hall flow, In the bleft realms of light above. I [ 2 4 ^ 1 9 - Jefus, his love, his grace, his name, Pour gladnefs round the hcav’nly throng £ Thefe all their golden harps proclaim ; 1 hefe fvvell the notes of ev’ry fong. HYMN CCXL. HTHIS God is the God we adore ; Our faithful unchangeable friend I Whole love is as great as his Pow’r, And knows neither meafure, nor end. 2 . ’Tis Jefus, the firft and the laft, Whofe Spirit (hall guide us fafe home! We’ll praife him, for all that is part ; And trull him, t or all that's to come, ANTHEMS, 8cc. No. I. T> EHOLD the Lord is my Salvation : In him will I trull, for the Lord is my drengrh and my fong, and he is become my falvation. Cry aloud and ling unto the Lord ; for great is the Holy One of Ifrael. Hallelujah. IJai. xii, 2, 6. No. II. O Be joyful in God, all ye lands : fing praifes unto the honor of his name, make his praife to be glorious. P/a. Ixvi, 1. No. Ilf. O How amiable are thy dwellings, thou Lord of hods ! My foul hath a delire and longing to enter into the courts of the Lord : my heart and my flelh rejoice in the living God. Bief- fed are they that dwell in thy houfe: they will be always praifing thee. Hallelujah. P/a . lxxxiv, 1, 2, 4, No. IV. Sing unto the Lord, and praife his name: Be telling of his falvation from day to day. Declare his honor unto the heathen ; and his wonders unto all people. For the Lord is great, and cannot worthily be praifed : he is more to be feared than all gods. Hallelujah. P/a. xcvi, 2, 3, 4. k k [ 2 5 ° 3 No. V. Praife the Lord, ye fervants: O praife the name of the Lord. BlefTed be the name of the Lord from this time forth for evermore. Pfa. cxiii, i, 2. Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hofts, all things declare thy majefty ; angels and men (till cry aloud, Glory to thee O Lord moll high. No. VI. Praife ye the Lord for he is good : For his mercy endureth for ever ! Give praife unto the God of gods : For his mercy endureth for ever. Give praife unto the Lord of lords : for his mercy endureth for ever. Who only doth great won- d'rous works : For his mercy endureth for ever. Pfa. cxxxvi, i, 2, 3, 4. No. VII. Let your light fo fhine before men, that they may fee your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Hallelujah. St. Matt, v, 16. No. VIII. Glory to God on high, peace on earth, good will towards mankind. St. Luke, ii, 14. No. IX. I heard a voice from heav’n faying unto me. Write, from henceforth, Blefled are the dead which die in the Lord! Even fo faith the i * 5 * } Spirit; for they reft from their labours. R(v> Xiv, 12 . No. X. SANCTUS. Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hofts, heavea and earth are full of thy glory : Glory be to thee, O Lord moft high. Amen. lfai. vi, 3. No. XL MESSIAH. Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, faith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerufalem, and cry unto her, that her,warfare is accotnpiifhed, that her iniquity is pardon’d. The voice of him that crieth in the wildernefs, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make ftraight in the defert a high way for our God. IJai. xi, i, 2, 3. No. XII. Ev’ry valley fhall be exalted, and ev’ry mountaia and hill made low, the crooked ftraight, and the rough places plain, lfai. xl, 4. No. XIII. And the glory of the Lord fhall be revealed, and all flelh fhall fee it together : for the muuih. 53 - I0 7 6 j 69 =43 167 7 ° 67 114 98 7 8 78 210 2 3 6 104 201 168 68 216 11 6 Hi 123 So 70 >36 1 78 1 °3 *49 1 73 Tune r iii ] 78 Father, I want a thankful Iieart 45 Father of Glory to thy name 1 Father of mercies, in thy word 13 Father to Thee my foul I lift 35 Fierce paflions difcompofe the mind 42 Firm as the earth thy gofpel hands 25 For benefits each day beftow’d 53 For mercies countlefs as the fands 3 Fountain of comfort and of love 67 From all that dwell below the Ikies 48 From pole to pole let others roam G 71 Give to our God immortal praife 10 Glory to God, the Father’s name 81 Glory to Thee, my God, this night 25 God is the refuge of his faints 28 God moves in a myfierions way 65 God of my life, to 1 hee I call 5 God’s perfedt Jaw converts the foul 37 God will not always harfhly chide 21 Grace like an uncorrupted fec-d S Grace 1 ’tis a charming found S'i Great God we fing that mighty hand 84 Great God of wonders! all thy ways 82 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah 1 // 36 Happy the Iieart where graces reign 11 Hark, the glad found 1 the Saviour comes 54 Hark, the herald angels fing 89 Hark ! the voice of love and mercy 21 Have mercy Lord, on me 17 Hear me, O God, nor hide thy face 61 He dies ! the friend of finners, dies jo He’s bleft, wliofe fins have pardon gain’d 40 He who on earth as man was known 53 High let us fwellour tuneful notes 14 Hofannah to the Prince of light Tage 1 7° 7 * i?9 2 19 142 102 16 15S J33 77 159 9 s 76 186 113 144 *55 3 23 I 2Z 134 54 2 CO 237 i oG 43 45 230 •3 82 59 6 161 44 Tune [ iv ] 40 How are thy fervants blefs’d O Lord 3 »° W H'™ are the y who always keep 3 How bleft thy creature is, O God 31 How good and pleafant muli it be 16 How oft have fin and Satan firove 1 How precious is the book divine 38 How fad our fiate by nature is 28 How vaft the benefits divine 72 How various and how new / 5 2 I f J e f" s our’s we have a true friend 47 I give immortal praife ... 68 I lift my foul to God 41 I’ll praife my Maker with my breath 36 Immoveable thy promife ftands, 31 In all my vafl concerns with Thee 50 In raptures let our hearts afcend 36 In Thee I put my ftedfafl truft, 35 In vain the giddy world inquires 57 Ifrael in ancient days at Is this the kind return 74 It is the Lord —enthorn’d in light 39 I waited meekly for the Lord 75 I will praife Thee ev’ry day J 41 Jehovah, ’tis a glorious name 35 Jefus, commiflion’d from above 76 Jefus, full of all companion 31 Jefus, I love thy charming name • 3 Jefus, immutably the fame 23 Jefus, my all, to heav’n is gone 9 Jefus, my truth, my way 67 Jefus fhall reign where’er the fun 23 Jefus, Saviour of my foul 23 Jefu, thy blood and righteoufnefs T Jefus thou art my righteoufnefs 47 Join all the glorious names Page 17T eg 146 >9 lot *95 11 1 75 12 5 9 * 227 87 > 3 * 16 206 156 12 5 1 13 11 1 39 12 ? 166 214 1 36 334 190 2 I 9 I 18 J 88 1 9 1 224 102 / [ v ] Tune L 11 Let all the juft to God, with joy ji Let every mortal ear attend 9 Let God, the Father live 24 Let hearts and tongues unite So Let 11s the fheep by Jefus nam’d 4 Life is the time to ferve the Lord 17 Lord, hear my pray’r and to ir.y cry 10 Lord I am thine, entirely thine 69 Lord, I am vile, conceiv’d in fin 3 Lord, thy pervading knowledge ftrikes 5 Lord, we confefs our num’rous faults 22 Lord, when thou didft afcend on high 88 Love divine, all love excelling M 2i Mine eyes and my defire, S5 Mortals awake, with angels join 15 My God, how cheerful is the found 34 My God, my King, thy various praife 44 My God, my portion and my love 46 My God, my life, my love 65 My God, permit me not to be 26 My God, the fpring of all my joys 18 My heart did glow with working thoughts 77 My heart no more depreff jo My helper God, I blefs his name 7 My Saviour thou didft Ihed 32 My long fhall blefs the Lord of all 40 My foul forfakes her vaiu delight 4 My foul infpir’d with facred love 46 My foul with patience waits 37 My fpirit looks to God alone *7 My times of forrow and of joy . 4 No change of times fhall ever (hock J7 No ftrength of nature can fuffice 72 Not all the blood of beads Now begin the heav’nly theme Page 6 97 74 163 »»5 53 34 347 88 193 100 67 211 90 46 1 35 52 ’74 ) ! 2 I 14 2Cg IO 165 127 5 * 1 5 * 1 20 *3 3 * S r 33 J *54 *'5 lit Tune L '' ] JO Now fora tune of lofty praife O 21 O ! bleffed fouls are they 33 O come, loud anthems let us fim>- 3 7 O come, thou bleffed Lamb of God 32 O batliei of heav’n ! be ever adoi’d 39 O for a fhout of facred joy • 43 Of ah the gifts thine hand bellows 23 O God, my heart is fix’d, ’tis bent 40 O God, my heart is fully bent 30 O God, our help in ages pad 74 011 for a clofer walk with God 69 Oh! for a glance of heav’nly day 58 O how I love thy holy word 55 Oh, the delights, the heav’nly joys jS O Lord, I would delight in Thee 44 O Lord my God, my portion thou 45 O Lord my bed defires fulfil 27 O Lord of hods, the mighty Lord 1 O Lord our fathers oft have told 30 O Lord, the Saviour and defence *6 O Lord, thy mercy my hire hope 73 O Lord, turn rot thy face away 1 O Lord, who art my righteous judoe 60 O Love divine, what had thou done lS Once more, my foul, the rifing day 3 On Fliee I wait, ’tis on thy drength 28 O praife the Lord, and thou my foul 42 O praife the Lord, for he is good 23 0 praife the Lord in that blefs’d place 52 O praife ye the Lord ! prepare your glad voice 39 O render thanks and hlefs tiie Lord, 35 O render thanks to God above 44 O that the Lord would guide my ways 8s O thou God of my Salvation a O thou to whom all creatures bow So Our Father, whofe eternal Iway ♦3 Our Lord is rijen from the dead Page- 1 cS 8 3 20 1 39 74 65 148 2 4 26 5i j 3 8. 244 I'JO 116 1 .8,2 39 145 >7 12 29 9 245 z 223 »5 3 6 28 38 3 S 24 25 8 2 287 1 239 64 [ ™ ] jur.s 37 O what mod gentle terms 51 O what lhall 1 do my Saviour to praife P 28 Plung’d in a gulph of dark defpair, 19 Praife, everlafling praife, be paid 70 Praife to the Lord of boundlefs might 19 Praife ye the Lord ; our God to praife 9 Prepare me, gracious God R 24 Raife your triumphant fongs „ 47 Rejoice, the Lord is King 25 Rejoice, ye fhining words on higli 90 Rock of ages, cleft for me 5 31 Salvation! O the joyful found 23 See, Lord, thy willing fubjefts bow 26 Shall atheiffs dare infult the crofs 32 Shall wifdom cry aloud, 65 Shew pity, Lord ; O Lord, forgive, 8 Since mercy is the grace 4 So let our lipsand lives exprefs 6 Songs of immortal praife belong >5 Soon as I heard my Father fay , 39 Sov’reign of life, I own thy hand 83 Sov’reign ruler of the fkies 36 Sweeter founds than mufic knows 38 Sweet is thy work, my God, my King 26 Sweet is the mem’ry of thy grace ° 88 Sweet the moments, rich in bleffing T .70 The dear delights we here enjoy l hee I will blefs, my God and King I hee we adore, eternal name ° • The fountain of Chrift, Lord, help us to fins 1 he God of Abr ham praife _ 15 P-age 105 225 J 7 i 10 137 26 ■=•5 242 2 *3 95 E 3S 1 r t 23 ? >75 99 S 9 5 11 1 84 9 1 184 21 ( 48 86 94 240 Ji? 35 109 2P4 Tune C vi ‘» ] 44 The heav’ns declare thy glory. Lord 14. rlie hurts of God encamp around 10 'The King of glory fends his Son t S 1 Unds that long in darknefs lay 50 The lord does them fupporr, that fall 9 Tf.e Lord himfelf, the mighty Lord 6 j. i iie Lord my parture fhall prepare 5 1 Hie Lord of earth and fky 3? The Lord proclaims his grace abroad I o Hie Lord fupplies his people’s need 3 ° l Lord will happinefs divine 26 There is a fountain fill’d with blood 2a f here is no path to heav’nly blifs 31 The Saviour, O what endlefs charms *3 1 he Spirit breathes upon the word 36 1 he rtrong foundations of the earth Si The wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought" 9 z x Ood is the God we adore ^ 50 1 hou blefs’J Redeemer, dying Lamb 77 Thougn nature’s ffrengrh decay 2o Thou God of glorious Majerty 4 ? If 10 "’ Lord > b V ^ricfert fearch hath known 40 1 hou very Pafchal Lamb 1 i Thro’ all ti,e changing fcenes of life 37 Lhus far the Lord lias led nte on 17 Thy chart’ning wrath, O Lord, reftrain, 33 I hy gracious favor, Lord difplay 7 1 hy mercies and thy love 1 Thy mercies fill the earth, O Lord 30 Thy way, O God, is in the fea 37 ’ Tis good for me that I have felt 35 ’Tis grace alone, which lifts the mind 67 I is Jefus fills our hearts below 24 To blefts thy chofen race 3 To celebrate thy praife, O Lord" 47 To God, the Mighty Lord 29 To my complaint, o Lord my God 29 Io my requeli and earned civ if lo our Redeemers glorious name Page 11 3 8 47 4S 36 3 17s 49 15 + 77 140 I4t 1 79 22 1 J 43 2 2 79 204 197 34 24c S 124 1 o J 7 4 126 i /7 30 164 2 -f 7 13 a 3 * 1 2 31 203 [ ix ] Tune U To tell the Saviour all my wants 9 To Thee, the God of truth W *7 Welcome, fvveet day of reft 12 Whate’er the mighty Lord decrees 7 8 What (hall we render unto 1 hee j6 What tinners value I rehgn 37 What wil'doni, majefty and grace ->0 When all thy mercies, O my God 20 When blooming youth is fnatch d away co When I can read my title clear 1 c When I pour out my foul m pray 17 When I furvey the vvond rous crofs Who can defcribe the joys that rife 10 Why do we mourn departing friends iq Why will ye lavifh out your years, " ’ With ,11 my poWrs of heart and tongue ,2 Withdraw not, Lord, thy help - 3 i With glory clad, with (Length array 45 With me, thy fervant, thou haft dealt A With my whole heart, my God and King 14. With one confent let all the earth J r n Ye boundlefs realms of joy * “ 28 Ye mourning faints, whofe rea g a i Ye faints and fervants of the Lord - * x Ye fervants of God, your Mailer proclaim a Yes. the Redeemer role # - Ac Ye wretched, hungry, ftarving poor - 2 Page >47 5 60 7 192 *7 180 5° i 1 a I7S 22 55 98 238 131 93 >3 20 3° 33 21 37 128 *7 220 61 2 30 jo Zion, the city of our God 362 A LIST OF TUNES, ADAPTED TO THE Psalms and Hymns in this Selection. -»=^»©->?-6 Handel’s 36th m L M. J 7 Handel’s 38th m C. M. ) 8 Stroud, m C. M. 19 Banbury, • L. M. 20 Dr. Arnold’s 109th • C. M. D 31 All Saints, • S. M. 22 Wirkfworthj S. Mi A LIST OF TUNES, &C No. 23 Callcott’s 114th ps. - L. M. D 24 Falcon Street, - S. M. 25 Derby, - L. M. 26 London, new - C. M. 27 Callcott’s 84th - C. M. 28 Medial), C. M. 29 Crowle, - C. M. 30 Bangor, - C. M. 31 Aftiley, - C. M. 32 Callcott’s 93d - L. M. 33 Callcott’s 70th — - L. M. 34 Luther’s, - L. M. 35 Windfor, - C. M. 36 New Irifh. - C. M. 37 Manning, - L M. 38 Callcott’s 104th - L. M. 39 St. Matthews, - . C. M. O 40 Great Milton, - C. M. L> 41 St. Andrew’s, - P. M. 42 Callcotl’s 1 23th - C. M. 43 New Church, . C. M. 44 Cambridge, - C. M. 45 Bedford, - C. M . 46 Smith’s, S. M. 47 New Portfmouth, - P. M. 48 Fountain, - C. M. 49 Pergolefi’s, L. M* 50 Bath Chapel, - - C. M. 51 Handel’s 148th - P. M . 52 Hanover, - - P. M. 53 Callcott’s 81 ft - C. M. 54 Dr. Arnold’s Xmas. Hymn, P. M. 55 Callcott’s 98th - C. M. 56 Georgia, • P. M. 57 Proper 136th - P. M. 58 Dr. Arnold’s 40th • • L. M. p 59 Linley’s, - C. M. 60 Hardy’s, • P. M. 61 Yarmouth, L. M. 61 Saiifbury, » m P. M. A LIST OF TUNES, &C Vli No. 63 Chefhutff, new. - L. Sf. 64 Handel’s 76th ps. - P. M. 65 Dr. Arnold’s 65th • L. M. D. 66 New Million, m m P. M. 67 Denbigh, - L. M. P. 68 Vermont, - S. M. D. 69 Babylon Streams, new, - L. M. 70 Well’s Row, i L. M. 71 Southampton, - L. M. D, 72 Tucker’s, S. M. 73 St. Mary’s, - C. M. 74 Condelcenfion, - C. M. 75 Hart’s, - P. M. 76 Jewin Street, - P. M. 77 Leoni, - P. M. 7S Deptford, m P. Wtr» 79 Denmark, — L. M. So Chatham, - P. M. Si Callcott’s Morning Hymn, L. tut. S2 Jordan, - P. M. S3 Hotham, - P. N*. S4 New Haven, - P. M. S5 Helmfiey, - P. M. 86 Uxbridge, m P. M. 87 Mile’s Lane, - C. M. S8 Welch, - P. M. 89 Trevecca, - P. M . 90 Firth’s, - P. M. 91 Jubilee, new, P. M-. 92 Lime field, m r. m. • . • « < ■ » . 2 3f